2002 Index Council ProceedingsCITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 2002
COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ................................................... ANN E. MICHALSKI
COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE .......................................... DANIEL E. NICHOLSON
COUNCIL MEMBER FIRST WARD ............................................ JOHN H. MARKHAM
COUNCIL MEMBER SECOND WARD .................................................. ROY D. BUOL
COUNCIL MEMBER THIRD WARD .......................................... JOYCE E. CONNORS
COUNCIL MEMBER FOURTH WARD ......................................... PATRICIA A. CLINE
CITY MANAGER .............................................................. MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN
CITY CLERK ......................................................................... JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER
CORPORATION COUNSEL ......................................................... BARRY A. LINDAHL
ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ....................................... CYNTHIA M. STEINHAUSER
AIRPORT MANAGER, ACTING .....................................................................................
............................................... ROBERT BOLEYN AND GORDON VETCH TILl/7/02
AIRPORT MANAGER ............................................ ANDREW D. PERRY FROMI/7/02
BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER ......................................... RICHARD R. RUSSELL
CITY ASSESSOR,. ............................................................... RICHARD A. ENGELKEN
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR .................................... WILLIAM J. BAUM
FINANCE DIRECTOR .............................................................. KENNETHJ. TEKIPPE
FIRE CHIEF ................................................................................... E. DANIEL BROWN
HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR ........................................................ KELLY R. LARSON
LEISURE SERVICES MANAGER ....................................................... GILD. SPENCE
LIBRARY DIRECTOR, ACTING .....................................................................................
......................................... JEAN GULLIKSON AND DEBORAH FLIEGELTIL2/27/02
LIBRARY DIRECTOR ..................................... SUSAN A. HENRICKS FROM 2127102
PERSONNEL MANAGER ............................................................. RANDALL K. PECK
PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER ......................................... LAURA B. CARSTENS
POLICE CHIEF ................................................................................. KlM B. WADDING
PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST ........................................... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN
WATER DEPARTMENT MANAGER ........................................... ROBERT M. GREEN
Regular Meetings of the City Council were held on the
First and Third Mondays of each month at 6:30 P.M.
Reminder: in 2002 when I do the 2001 Council Proceedings make note:
Also titles changed in 2001 re: Community Economic Director?? -
New person? plus also the title changed for David Harris??
Changed Mary Rose from Health Dept. Mgr. to Public Health Specialist
For 1999 - Changes decided on by Karen C. & Jeanne S. on 3-22-00;
Deleted the "Legal Staff" - put in Council Appointees and Department
Manager Headings; Made all Titles Capital Letters & changed margins
a bit. Added middle initials to all. Capitalized everything. Took off EEO
Director (had been Human Rights). Changed Randy to "Personnel Director"
And Paul to Water Pollution Control Manager;
Past notes:
1. For 1997 list note that Elizabeth Creger became Human Rights Dir. on 3-10-
97 (had been Acting since 10-1-96 after Charles Azebeokai last day on 9-30-
96). For 1998 Elizabeth Creger was H.R. Dir. til 4-98 when she died in IA City;
then Bill Blum was given additional duties & pay, but never given the title
"Acting Human Rights Dir."
2. Also Ann Straley has been Acting Library Director til sometime in the
spring of 1997....new man was on board when??? Check with Darlene.
Think it is Thomas Moran starting on 7/14/97 as new Library Dir.
3. Any other changes?? Check with Mary & Personnel when I do the 97 list.
4. In 1998 Mary told me that Building Safety Manager is not correct, it should
be Building Services Manager, so I changed it.
A & B Tap, Mul, Inc. 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (1/7)(5/20)...........................................3,205
A & E Electric, contract, Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Pro.; then rejected. (3/18)
A & T, LLC, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per. ; Cig. Per. (4/15)(5/20).........................160,206
Abandoned – Vacant Buildings Status Report. (8/5)........................................................................316
Abuse Policy – Drug, Alcohol, and Substance. (1/7)...........................................................................2
Academic Resource Center, Cox St. & Alta Vista, sidewalk easement, Loras College. (8/5)...317
Access Agreement – Giese Properties new manufacturing Co. in Dbq. Industrial Center West.
Access Road for Ed Tschiggfrie’s Tower Investment limited since Jaeger Heights Final plat.
Access to riverfront, swimming & wading prohibited; Cline stating people do want contact with
the river. (11/4).................................................................................................................................454
Accessibility audits of multi-family housing, contract of Human Rights Dept. & Disability
Management Consulting Group, HUD Initiative. (8/19).................................................................334
Accessory Buildings – text amendment removed that prohibited more than one floor level, one
story. (9/3)...........................................................................................................................................358
Accinelli, Steven R., applicant for Airport Commission; appointed. (9/3)(9/16)...................353,378
Accounting - Governmental Accounting Standards Bd Pronouncement 34 Planning &
Implementation Assistance, approval of Virchow, Krause & Co. (3/4)......................................86
Action items & Public Hearing items on the Council Agenda, clarification. (11/4)......................454
ADA standards for handicapped parking – Conference & Education Center. (3/4)......................79
Adair St., between 1590 & 1600, request to purchase by Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole
Hartman-Kubler. (10/7)(12/16)..........................................................................................399,498,499
Adams Co., Claim against City & Council. (5/20).............................................................................199
Adams Co., preapplication to Economic Develop. Administration for acquisition. (3/18).........113
Adams Co., EDA Application grant , acquisition & relocation of this company. (9/3)(12/16)
Adams Co., J. Hendry, re: Port of Dbq. Master Plan Amendment; comments re: rezoning of Port
of Dubuque area. (3/4)(4/15)......................................................................................................87,164
Addendum to 1999 SW Arterial Environmental Assessment completion. (5/6)...........................187
Administrative Services Agreement for Benefit Consulting Services – Gallagher Byerly, Inc. –
for city’s self-funded health plans. (11/4)........................................................................................440
Aerostar Drive restricted to emergency access only re: Alpine Park Development. (8/19).......337
Affordable Housing Committee Report – Owner-Occupied,; information given and direction
requested; special report to Council by D. Harris. (6/3)(6/17)..............................................253,260
Affordable Housing on Main & West Eleventh (11) Streets – Resolution of Local Contributing
Effort. (11/4).........................................................................................................................................450
Affordable Housing Program funds to assist income-qualifying families to purchase a home –
Federal Home Loan Bank. (9/3)........................................................................................................362
Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application for Gronen Properties on Main and West Eleventh
(11) Streets. (11/4).....................................................................................................................449,450
Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application from Area Residential Care – ARC for Housing
project at Kennedy Circle. (11/4)......................................................................................................449
Agenda - Meeting procedure of City Council, Agenda change in order of business. (9/16)389,390
Agenda of City Council, clarification requested by Connors as to difference of Action Items &
Public Hearing items. (11/4)..............................................................................................................454
Aging – Homes for the, Proclamation. (5/6).......................................................................................179
Agreement - Alcohol – Special Events Policy, Application & Agreement & Insurance. (5/6)....196
Agreement - Amalgamated Transit Union Local 329, Collective Bargaining Agreement. (3/18)110
Agreement – Bunker Hill Golf Course Management – G.M.S. – George Stephenson. (2/18).......49
Agreement - Cable Franchise, Lease extension to MCCIowa LLC.
Agreement – CEBA Loan for $345,000 with Quebecor World. (7/15).............................................301
Agreement - Cottingham and Butler Insurance Services Inc. Enterprise Zone Agreement with
IDED , City re: Town Clock Bldg, 835 Main rehabilitation. (3/18)..............................................113
Agreement - Development Agreement with Giese Mfg. Co. for property in Dubuque Industrial
Center West; change in facility size. (2/18)(3/4)(5/20).......................................................70,88,205
Agreement – Development, Interstate Power & Light Co., substitution of Lot 6 for Lot 5 in sale of
property in Dubuque Industrial Center West. (5/6).....................................................................190
Agreement – Dubuque Area Labor Management Purchase of Services. (5/6).............................185
Agreement - GIS Data Use sharing with City and County. (8/19)...................................................334
Agreement – IDOT Unified Certification Program – DBE Certification. (2/18)................................50
Agreement – Lead Paint Training Instruction with Tucker Enterprises LLC. (/3)........................350
Agreement – Lease Disposal of Fourth St. Property to ConAgra, a Peavey Co. (9/16)...............391
Agreement – Lease with Dbq. girls’ Independent League, amendment. (1/21)................................9
Agreement - Market Square, Cypress St., Wall St., Washington St. -City offer to buy property on
Fourth Street Peninsula, Robert & Lynn Miller – Dubuque Hardwoods.. (10/l21)(12/16)438,496
Agreement – Preconstruction with IDOT for NW Arterial from JFK to U.S. 20. (5/20).................201
Agreement – Project Concern Drivers Agree. with Keyline. (2/18)...................................................50
Agreement – Purchase of Services – Dubuque Main St. Ltd. (5/6)................................................186
Agreement – Purchase of Services, Project Concern, Inc. Foster Grandparent Program. 5/6)186
Agreement – Purchase of Services, Dubuque Area Lifetime Center. (5/6)...................................186
Agreement – Purchase of Services, Dubuque Humane Society, animal shelter services. (5/6)186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with Greater Dubuque Development Corp. – GDDC.(5/6).186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with Helping Services of NE Iowa for FY 2003. (5/6)..........186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with Operation: New View. (5/6)............................................186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with Project Concern – Information & Referral & Child Care
Referral. (5/6)....................................................................................................................................186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with St. Stephens Food Bank. (5/6)......................................186
Agreement – Purchase of Services with Substance Abuse Services Center. (5/6).....................186
Agreement – Riprow Valley Trailhead Project Grant with IDOT for acquisition of property in
Riprow Valley. (5/6)..........................................................................................................................185
Agreement - Trail – Recreational - Interstate Power & Light Co., Easement Agreement. (5/20)204
Agreement - U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River, ROW Agreement with IDOT. (9/16)............375
Agreement Amendments to Lease etc. between Dubuque Twine Co., Dodds River Terminal,
Dubuque Yacht Basin. (1/21)......................................................................................................12,13
Agreement for STP Funding, Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro. (2/4)..........................................................28
Agreement Mutual Aid, City Fire Department, East Dubuque, & Dbq County Emergency Medical
Service Assn.(7/15).........................................................................................................................301
Agreement of City, County & IDOT for Addendum to 1999 SW Arterial Environmental
Assessment. (5/6)............................................................................................................................187
Agreement with Delta Dental for Employee’s dental insurance. (1/7)(1/21).................................2,15
Agreement with Dubuque Hockey, Inc. for use of Five Flags Civic Center. (9/3)........................351
Agreement with Four Mounds Foundation for Summer Day Camp Program. (5/6).....................185
Agreement with Hillcrest Family Services, use of Murphy Park, Holiday Light Display. (7/1).277
Agreement with IDOT – U.S. 20 – Dodge Street intersections improvements – intelligent traffic
control system. (12/16)............................................................................................................492,493
Agreement with IDOT for funds for Bell & Fifth Street Construction. (6/17).................................264
Agreement with Iowa National Guard to allow Guard to conduct water purification drills at Miller
Riverview Park & on Hawthorne Peninsula. (5/6)................................................................186,187
Agreement with Police to allow four ten hour days work week. (10/7)..........................................401
Agreement, 28E, Police & Iowa Alcoholic Bev. Div. for Cops in Shops Program. (6/17)............263
Agreement, 28E, with Dubuque County for Loan Funds for Fiber Optic Cable Relocation – Eighth
Street. (3/4)..........................................................................................................................................84
Agreement, Funding, City & County, for John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Project from NW
Arterial to Barony Road. (8/5)........................................................................................................317
Agreement, Lease, in Ice Harbor, County Historical Society & Peninsula Gaming Co.
Agreement, Marine Fuel Tax Grant for Riverfront Boat Pier at Port of Dubuque. (2/4).................31
Agreement, Mutual Aid, City, County & Jo Daviess County, IL. (2/4)..............................................30
Agreement, Sign, for Grand Opera House – new community sign on 8 St. (8/5).......................316
Agreement, Supplementary, IDOT for Woodward Museum – Freight House Restoration Pro.
Agreements, MultiJurisdictional Drug & Law Enforcement with City, County & Jo Daviess
County, IL. (2/4)..................................................................................................................................30
Agreements, Rehab Loan – Guy Gard & Ellen Willis, Main St. temporary shoring of stores;
another amendment. (3/4)(11/4)................................................................................................85,441
Air Service Strategy, part of City’s Goals. (8/29)...............................................................................348
Airconditioning, Ventilating, Heating Code, adoption of 2000 Uniform Mechanical Code. (6/3)252
Airport - preboard Screening now taken over by Federal government. (10/21)..........................420
Airport – Taxiway Alpha Lighting NW at the Airport, change order. (11/18).................................469
Airport Commission applicants: Steve Accinelli, Evan Fleisher; appointment of Accinelli.
Airport Commission appointment of Council Member John Markham. (1/7)...................................5
Airport Commission, question to Council @ Airport Restaurant problems. (5/20).....................199
Airport Department budget public hearing. (2/25)..............................................................................76
Airport Entrance Road, Dubuque Regional, Project. (4/1)...............................................................140
Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, 574 E. 16 St., Liquor Lic. (7/1)................................................................281
Airport Manager Andrew Perry introduced. (1/7)..................................................................................1
Alan Jackson Tuckpointing Inc. awarded contract for the Woodward Museum, 2000,
Renovations Project, Contract No. 1 – Masonry Tuckpointing. (8/5)............................................324
Alcohol – Special Events Policy, Application & Agreement & Insurance. (5/6)...........................196
Alcoholic & Drug Recovery Month Proclamation. (9/16).................................................................372
Alcoholic Beverage Div. – Iowa - Tobacco Compliance – Cops in Shops, 28E Agreement
between Police & Iowa Alcoholic Beverage Division. (6/17)...........................................................263
Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibition of underage persons remaining after 9 p.m. where liquor etc.
is sold. (3/18).......................................................................................................................................132
Alcoholic Beverages on public right of way, outdoor service, criteria re: long term use of City
property. (8/5)...................................................................................................................................326
Alexander Co., The, authorization to invite them and the Platinum Hospitality team to respond
to a RFO for development of the former Dbq Star Brewery Building. (9/3)................................361
Algona Street Reconstruction, final. (4/15)(6/3)..........................................................157,158,220-225
All that Jazz Festival, closure of Main St. comments by A. Simon. (9/3).......................................349
Allen & Urban Associates, contract for City owned building at Third & Main Sts. (2/18).............52
Allenbough, Rev. Woody, of Third Presbyterian Church, Gave Invocation. (11/4)......................439
Alley between Iowa St. & Central Ave. from 13 St. to 14 St. for DB & T – Heartland remodeling
etc. (9/3)(9/16)....................................................................................................................366,382,383
Alley near Bryant St., 330, 340 Bryant St. and 1280 Mt. Loretta, nearby alley, request to vacate
for Dbq Community Schools. (12/16)............................................................................................493
Alley parking requested between Main and Iowa for tenants of 140 Loras. (1/21)..........................8
Alliance of Local Organizations Against Pre-Emption re: fund contribution to support. (5/6)..187
Alliant Energy- Interstate Power Loan Extension, addendum to Urban Renewal Tax Increment
Revenue Promissory Note & execution of mortgage extension with Alliant Energy. (1/7)......2
Alliant Energy – Interstate Power Co., rate increase – City cost sharing legal expenses to Iowa
Utilities Board. (8/5).........................................................................................................................317
Alliant Energy Amphitheater (in front of Brewery) named in honor of W. Stoppelmoor. (9/16)389
Alliant Energy, Interstate Power, letter from City @ electricity rates. (6/17).................................265
Allied Insurance for Marty Maas – claim referred to Ins. (3/18).......................................................107
Alpha Lighting – Taxiway at Airport, change order. (11/18)............................................................469
Alpine Park Planned Unit Development, south of Tanzanite Dr. amendment of PUD to allow sign
and sidewalk. (8/19)....................................................................................................................336,337
Alternate Side Street Parking Ordinance to facilitate street sweeping & snow removal.
Alternative Services Concepts granted limited authorization to sign checks for worker’s comp.
Always Remember 9 11 Day Proclamation. (9/3)..............................................................................349
Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk Awareness Day Proclamation. (9/3)...............................349
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 329, Collective Bargaining Agreement. (3/18)......................110
Amendment to Budget. (3/5) (5/6)(10/7)..................................................................................98,192,410
Amendment to Proposed Land Use Map for thirty acres at Sycamore and Sixteenth Streets.
Amendments to Dubuque Yacht Basin Leases. (1/21).................................................................12,13
America’s River – EDI Special Purpose Grant application to HUD for Museum on behalf of the
County Historical Society etc. (2/4)(3/4)(7/1)......................................................................31,80,280
America’s River Museum, application to HUD for funding. (2/4)(3/4)(7/1)...........................31,80,280
America’s Treasures Program – Show Tower Grant Application. (4/1).........................................139
American Architectural Grant Funding for Downtown Master Plan – Public Outreach Grant
Application. (10/21).............................................................................................................................421
American Character Week Proclam. (7/1)..........................................................................................277
American Family Insurance rep. Rich Wallace requesting free parking downtown weekends.
American Legion Post 6, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/17)...................................................................266
American Planning Association - Award, 2002 Smart Growth Award for Dubuque Port of
Dubuque Master Plan, for City’s Planning Services Department. (11/18).................................458
American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle, funds toward purchase; appreciation for
funds. (7/1)(8/54).......................................................................................................................291,316
American Trust & Savings Bank, Claim; referred to Ins. (10/21)....................................................419
American Trust & Savings Bank, Consent & Subordination to Second Mortgage Agreement –
Platinum Holdings. (10/21).............................................................................................................423
American Trust & Savings Bank, named depository of City funds. (5/6)......................................188
American Trust Bank – Alternative Services Concepts granted limited authorization to sign
checks for Workers’ Comp. (9/16)..................................................................................................373
American Trust River’s Edge Plaza – official name change for River’s Edge Plaza. (12/16).....503
AMOCO Foodshop, Asbury, Mulgrew Oil, 3300 Asbury Rd., Cig. Per. (5/20)...............................205
AMOCO Foodshop, Loras, Mulgrew Oil Co., 1450 Loras Blvd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.
AMOCO, Plaza 20, A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (5/20)............................................................206
Amphitheater named – Alliant Energy Amphitheater in honor of W. Stoppelmoor. (9/16).........389
Angie’s Bar, Angela Mangeno, 1401 Elm, Liquor Lic. (9/16)...........................................................378
Animal impoundment fee increased for dogs & cats. (3/5)......................................................104,105
Animal Shelter Services – Purchase of Services Agreement with Dubuque Humane Society. (5/6)
Annex, City Hall, Roof Replacement Project; Bids rejected & readvertised.
Annexation - Asbury Voluntary Annexation – IDED communication stating approval. (5/6).....187
Annexation – Stewart, Wayne & Lynn, property on Old Highway Road. (7/1)..............................294
Annexation request for property SW of John Wesley Drive & North of Asbury Plaza from County
A1 to CS – concurrent with rezoning, for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church.
(8/19) (9/16)(10/21)(12/2).....................................................................................332,392,430,431,483
Annexation request of Jack Borchers, for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church off of
John F. Kennedy Road. (8/19)(9/16)...........................................................................................332,392
Annexation requested - Zoning for Callahan Construction, property on Seippel Rd.
Annual Action Plan, Amendment 3, FY 02 – CDBG; amendment 4. (4/1)(5/6)......................140,180
Annual Action Plan, FY 03, funding for Washington Neighborhood Tool Library. (6/17)...........263
Annual Action Plan, FY 2003. – CDBG; consideration of amended & restated; amendment #2.
Annual Action planning process etc. – Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Grant
Application. (7/15)..................................................................................................................................301
Annual Plan, FY 2003, Program Year 2002 – CDBG. (3/5).................................................................99
Annual Rental Survey. (2/4)....................................................................................................................29
Ansel, Dennis & Lori, rezoning request for 2001 Rockdale Rd. (1/21)(2/4)(3/18)...............25,34,123
Apartments Ltd, Dubuque Mining Co., 555 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (2/4).............................................32
Appeal of denial of claim of Christine Kuhle. (5/6)...........................................................................194
Appeal of FCC’s Pasadena Franchise Fee Decision, coalition of cities funding. (12/2).............483
Apple Corps LP, Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill, 1395 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (7/1)..........281
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill, 1395 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (7/1)........................................281
Apples for Students Months Proclamation – St. Mark Community Ctr. (6/3)................................218
Appliance Furniture Rental & State of Iowa, DB & T claim/suit etc. (6/17)....................................261
Application – 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant to Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Application – Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Grant for outside facilitation services
for committee meetings. (7/15)..........................................................................................................301
Application for EPA – Brownfield Clean up grant application for Petroleum Contaminated
Property in the Port of Dubuque. (12/16)......................................................................................497
Application for EPA Brownfield Grant for environmental assessments in Port of Dubuque area.
Application for Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers. (7/15)..................................297
Application support to the Community Attraction & Tourism Program through Vision Iowa for
the Grand Opera House. (11/4).......................................................................................................454
Application to Economic Development Administration for relocation of The Adams Co. (9/3)351
Application to HUD for funds to renew Family Self-Sufficiency Program coordinator position.
Application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for affordable Housing Program
Funds. (9/3)........................................................................................................................................363
April 2002 Financial Reports. (5/20)....................................................................................................199
April 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (8/5)................................................................315
Aquarium, National Scenic Byways Grant with Scharff-Weisberg to supply audio-visual systems
at National Miss. River Museum & Aquarium for Historical Society. (11/18)...........................460
Aquatics and Therapeutic Recreation position certified by Civil Service Comm. (2/18)..............46
Aquila Gas Co., rate increase. (6/17)..................................................................................................265
Aquila, Inc. – name change for People’s Natural Gas – Energy One. (4/1)...................................141
Aragon Tap, M. Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(11/18)............................205,470
Aramark Education Serv. Field House of Loras College, Liquor Lic. (10/7).................................404
Aramark Education Services, Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic. (4/15)........................161
Arbor Day Proclamation. (4/15)...........................................................................................................155
Arbor Estates – final plat, submitted by Kivlahan Farms. (3/18)....................................................128
Arbor Glen Apartments – Raven Oaks Drive, request of David T. Steele, Resolution of support.
Arbor Glen Ltd. Partnership, Joseph Weis, vacation of extension of Raven Oak s Dr. & disposal
of City interest in Lot A of Oak Brook to them. (8/19)(9/3)...................................342,343,353,354
Arbor Glen, Ltd., sale of Lot A of Oak Brook Development (Raven Oaks) to them. (9/3)...........354
Arboretum & Marshall Park, Plat of survey. (4/1).......................................................................139,140
Arboretum Drive, final plat of Arbor Estates. (3/18)..........................................................................128
Arby’s – Phillips 66, Liberty Station, 10 S. Main, Cigarette & Beer Per. (9/16)..............................377
Arby’s Q Mart, Arcon Inc., 10 Main St., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Refund on Beer & Liquor Lic. &
Cigarette Per. (3/18)(6/3)(10/7)(11/18)......................................................................122,227,404,470
ARC – Area Residential Care – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application. (11/4)....................449
ARC - Area Residential Care – Kennedy Point Partnership for Federal Assistance for new Rental
Housing on Kennedy Circle. (12/16).............................................................................................504
ARC - Area Residential Care Foundation – Health Services Credit Union – rezoning end of JF
Kennedy Cr.. (2/18)............................................................................................................................54
Architectural & design services - Transit Boarding Facility Architectural Services, contract for
design. (12/16)....................................................................................................................................495
Architectural & engineering design services for Third Street overpass improvements. (11/4)454
Architectural & Historical Survey Grant Agreement, Phase II, final report. (2/18)........................49
Architectural & Historical Survey Grant Agreement, Phase III – CLG Grant Agree. (1/21).............9
Architectural & Historical Survey Grant Agreement, Phase III awarded to History Pays! – Jim
Jacobsen. (5/6).................................................................................................................................185
Architectural Guidelines for Historic Structures, presentation to Council; approval; revisions.
Arcon, Inc. Arby’s Q Mart, 10 Main St., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; refund on Beer & Liquor Lic. &
Cigarette Per. (3/18)(6/3)(10/7)(11/18)......................................................................122,227,404,470
Area Residential Care – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application. (11/4)................................449
Area Residential Care – Kennedy Point Partnership for Federal Assistance for new Rental
Housing on Kennedy Circle. (12/16).............................................................................................504
Area Residential Care Foundation – Health Services Credit Union – rezoning end of JF Kennedy
Cr.. (2/18).............................................................................................................................................54
Area Residential Care Urban Revitalization of area at the end of John F. Kennedy Cr.
Arensdorf, Diane, 3935 Creston St., supporting stop signs - Embassy West & Camelot Dr.
Arensdorf, Jeff, disposal of Lot 3 block 9 Birch Acres & Lot 4 Block 9 Birch Acres.
Arensdorf, Pamela & City, suit by James Van Vors. (9/3)................................................................349
Arensdorf, Pamela, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(12/2)..............227,488
Army Corps of Engineers submitting Floodwall Inspection Report. (1/7)........................................2
Army Corps of Engineers, Dredged Material Placement Permit for dredge along shoreline of
Miller Riverview Park. (8/5)............................................................................................................318
Arrowhead Lane, final plat of Arbor Estates. (3/18)..........................................................................128
Art Museum, requesting funding for non profit organizations at budget public hearing. (2/25).76
Arthur, Steve, of the Adams Co., objecting to rezoning of Port of Dubuque area. (4/15)...........164
ArTS Dubuque, asking inclusion of arts and cultural organizations in the 2003-2004 top ten
priorities of City; asking City funding by B. Woodward etc. (8/5)(12/2)..................................323,481
Arts Policy & Funding Task Force to study City’s priorities. (11/18).............................................477
ArTS Policy, part of City’s goals. (8/29(..............................................................................................348
Arts, supportive letter by Kelly Sullivan Soley. (9/3)........................................................................349
Asbell, Mary, Claim; Denial. (11/18)(12/2)....................................................................................458,481
Asbury & Dubuque, between, Callahan Construction requesting annexation. (5/6)(5/20)..180,207
Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 3300 Asbury Rd. Cig. Per, (5/20).................................205
Asbury Plaza Shopping Center Planned Unit Development District sign regulations – Mark
Vondrak – Rubloff Development Group. (11/18).........................................................................474
Asbury Plaza, property north of & SW of John Wesley Drive, rezoning & annexation of property
for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church. (8/19) (9/16)(10/21)(12/2)332,392,430,431,483
Asbury Road & Holliday Dr., PUD zoning at SW Corner – A. J. Spiegel & Dr. Quagliano. (1/21).19
Asbury Voluntary Annexation – IDED communication stating approval. (5/6)............................187
Asbury Voluntary Annexation – IDED communication stating approval. (5/6)............................187
Aseno, Evalyn, Claim; referred to Ins. (11/4).....................................................................................439
Asphalt Paving Project, 2001, acceptance. (11/18)...................................................................459,460
Assistive Devices for the elderly, Cp2 funds. (5/20).........................................................................211
A-T Awareness Day Proclamation. (9/3).............................................................................................349
Athenian Grill, 1091 University, Wine Per. (5/6).................................................................................189
Atkinson, Bob, 1542 Central opposed to amended Ord. for pawnbrokers & secondhand dealers.
Atrium of Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic. (10/7).........................................................404
Attitudes Pub & Grill, refund on Liquor Lic. (7/1)..............................................................................280
Attorney for City - Legal Counsel – Corporation Counsel re: conflict of interest representation for
City. (6/17).........................................................................................................................................265
Audubon Ark Project – Environmental Notice & Notice of Release of Funds. (12/2)...........483,484
Audubon Society Bulletin Board at park area, E. 15 near wildlife observation shelter. (6/3).225
August 31, 2002, financial reports. (9/16)..........................................................................................372
August 2002 Claims & Revenues, Proof of publication. (10/21).....................................................419
August 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (10/21)........................................................419
Avenarius, Milton & Janet, rezoning end of Raven Oaks, MWF Properties, Felderman. 5/20) 212
Aviation, letter to legislators re: state budget proposal.(3/18).......................................................108
Avoca Street from Green to Cherry St., request for Residential Parking Permit Dis.; tabled;
Award, 2002 Smart Growth Award for Dubuque Port of Dubuque Master Plan, for City’s
Planning Services Department. (11/18).............................................................................................458
Awareness Day for A-T Proclamation. (9/3).......................................................................................349
Awn Stop Mart, Inc. 1998 Jackson, Cigarette Per.; Class C Beer Lic.; Cig. Per. (1/7)(6/3)......2,227
B’Z Dart Inn, B. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/17).......................................265,266
Baal, Mary Lou, of Cottingham & Butler – Security Partners, easement under portion of Main St.
to connect their buildings; requesting City move Town Clock back onto their Town Clock
Building.. (2/4)(3/5)........................................................................................................................34,98
Ball Field Demolition and Grading Project, Rip Row Valley Project. (2/4)..................................39,40
Ball Field Development Project – Rip Row Valley, acceptance. (10/7)...................................400,401
Ballfield Site - Rip Row Valley Demolition & Grading Project. (2/4)(3/4)................................40,89,90
Ballfield, DGIL, Fencing Project. (9/3).................................................................................................369
Banks & Credit Unions authorized for City funds – depository institutions. (1/21)(5/6)........13,188
Banks & Credit Unions, authorizing certain city employees to obtain information & transfer
money; Alternative Services Concepts authorized to sign checks of Workers Compensation.
Bankson, Glenn & Georgia, purchase of property near Napier St. (6/17)(7/1)........275,276,282,283
Banner Investments, opposition to Main Street Reconstruction street assessment. (1/7)............3
Bar X – Michaels, 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/16)........................................................................498
Barge (Dubuque) and Fleeting Services – as Newt Marine etc., Claim – Suit. (6/3).....................218
Barge Tour by Iowa Corn Growers, Michalski mentioned. (8/19)...................................................342
Barnes, Jessica, letter @ Muddy Waters Coffee Shop musical performances. (12/2)................481
Barrington Lakes Assn. representation Tom Hinz, re: South Fork Sanitary Sewer Phase III
Connection Fees. (6/17)..................................................................................................................268
Baseball – Rising Stars Independent League Days. (6/3)................................................................218
Baseball Dreamers, Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Per. (5/6).................................................................188
Baseball Dreams LLC, McAleece Park & Rec Complex Concession Agreement. (4/15)............158
Basket Expressions, M. Dolter, 474 Bluff, Class B Wine Per. (7/15)..............................................303
Basten, Michael W., requesting portion of property at 2804 Van Buren & corner of Isborn
(formerly Lenox Avenue). (5/6)(7/1)(7/15)..............................................................179,291,292,304
Bauer, Bernice, B’Z Dart Inn, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/17)........................................................265,266
Becker, Jean, comments, rezoning end of Raven Oaks. (4/15).....................................................162
Becker, Laura, comments, rezoning end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)....................................................162
Bee “Branch Corridor Study citizen input group – C. Winterwood as Chair. (3/4)........................86
Bee Branch Consultant Selection – MSA Professional Services, considered for second study.
Bee Branch Creek Restoration from 24 to RR tracks in FY 2005 removed from FY 05 budget.
Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project - issue RFP to do preliminary design and to conduct an
alignment study… from 24 St. to the 16 St. Detention Basin. (12/16)..................................504
Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project from 24 & Elm St to RR trails etc.(11/4).......................449
Bee Branch Drainage Master Plan RFP – for Watershed Basin and also Dr. Charles Winterwood
be appointed Chair of Citizens Advisory Commission. (8/5)....................................................326
Bee Branch Storm Sewer, extending to Morrison property etc., John Osterhaus comments re:
Stormwater drainage water. (3/4)....................................................................................................90
Beecher Beverage, 1691 Asbury Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)........188,189,205
Bell & Fifth St. Construction, Agreement with IDOT. (6/17).............................................264, 273,274
Bell & Fifth St. Construction, rescinding of Resolution, rescheduling etc. (7/1)(7/15).291,305,306
Bell & Fifth Streets, design of monument there. (4/15)....................................................................175
Bell (John) Block Building, State & National Register of Historic Places. (9/16)(10/7)........376,401
Bell Block & Ziepprecht Building, 13 & Central, of one story building for DB & T – Heartland.
Bell Block & Ziepprecht Buildings – demolition permit of nearby building to provide parking etc.
(6/3)(6/17)..........................................................................................................................230,270, 271
Bell St. - Traffic signage changed – stop signs for southbound traffic on Bell St. & westbound
traffic on East Fifth St. & a Yield Sign for Eastbound Traffic on East Fifth St. (11/4)...............451
Bell St. & Third St. - Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. – Peninsula
Gaming, for sidewalk & sprinkler system. (10/7)........................................................................403
Bell Street Construction Project. (10/7)..............................................................................................403
Bell Street Extension, relocation of Transmission Pole. (6/17)......................................................271
Bemis, Reverent Terry, Gave Invocation. (4/1)..................................................................................139
Benefit Consultant - Gallagher Bylery Inc. - Health Insurance plans for City employees,
Administrative Services Agreement for Benefit Consulting Services. (11/4).........................440
Benzer, Myra, for RSVP – Purchase of Services Budget. (2/25).......................................................76
Berger, Tom, of Firefighters’ Assn. – County, appreciation for city funds for truck. (3/4)............80
Bergfeld Recreation Area Jetty & Access Trail Project, acceptance. (6/3)...................................225
Best Western Dubuque Inn, 3434 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (2/4)...............................................................32
Beyer, Paul, Claim; denial. (10/21)......................................................................................................419
Bickel, Rev. Ken, concerns @ Stormwater Utility. (12/16)...............................................................491
Bicycles - Skates - Prohibition of roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, etc in Parking
Lots & Garages. (8/19).....................................................................................................................339
Bicycles, motorcycles etc. prohibition of skateboards etc. in parks. (4/15)................................174
Bid bond form unclear – re: Woodward Museum Renovations Proj. (6/17).................................270
Bid submitted for Iowa League of Cities conference in 2005 & 2006. (1/21)..................................15
Bids rejected for City Hall Annex Roof Replacement Project. (11/18)...........................................476
Biechler Electric awarded contract for the Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project. (4/1)
Biedermann, Rick, Claim; denial. (4/15)(5/6)..............................................................................155,179
Bierstube – Europa Haus Restaurant, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/4)...................................442
Bierstube, Ltd, Europa Haus Restaurant, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (10/7)............................404
Bies Subd., No. 2, C.J., vacate & dispose of utility easement. (2/18)...............................................70
Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co. 2100 JF Kennedy, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/4)(6/3)..............................32,227
Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 1875 JF Kennedy Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)(11/4)..................227,442
Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 9 & Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)(12/16)...............................227,498
Bill in legislature re: tax rate at Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino. (2/18)..................................47
Billboards - Lamar Billboards, violation for billboards on John F. Kennedy Rd. – Calcars Hyundai
and First Street – U.S. Cellular. (10/7)...........................................................................................415
Birch Acres, sale of City property to Jeff Arensdorf. (8/5)(8/19)..............................................328,336
Bird, Eugene Jr., zoning, correction of vote for GDDC & Kirchoff Family Realty – Signage
Chavenelle Rd. (4/15)......................................................................................................................156
Bittersweet Lane, final plat of Arbor Estates, W. 32 St. area. (3/18)............................................128
Bixler, Andrea, applicant to Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm.; appointed.
Bjornstad, Rev. Greg, Chaplain of Luther Manor, Invocation. (11/18)...........................................458
Black, Wm. M. – Amend. to Lease Agree. between City & Historical Society. (6/10)(6/17)..257,270
Blaine, Tom & Alice, requesting Bonson Rd. not be upgraded and extended. (7/15).................298
Block Grant Funds - Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds, 2002 Local.
(6/17) (7/15)(8/5)..................................................................................................................264,310,323
Blocker, Robert J. applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.; reappointed. (6/17)(7/1)..........266,282
Blocklinger, Tom, applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.; reappointed. (6/17)(7/1)..........266,282
Blong, Shirley, claim; referred to Insurance. (2/18)............................................................................46
Bluff & Second Streets, landscaping project, FY 2002 Annual Action Plan, Amend. 4 CDBG
funds. (5/6)........................................................................................................................................180
Bluff St. & Twelfth St., stop sign changed to Twelfth Street rather than Bluff St. (11/4).............453
Bluff St. Neighborhood, President Ken Kringle, - creation of Ken Kringle Historic Preservation
Award after his death. (8/5)............................................................................................................324
Bluff St., west, vacation of a portion of Twelfth St., & disposal to Greg & Peggy Stover.
(7/15)(8/5)..........................................................................................................................308, 309,320
Bluff Street Neighborhood – Ken Kringle, install lighting at 1, 2, and Bluff Streets. (6/17)...261
Bluff Street, 1 St., 2 St., installation request to install ornamental lighting. (6/17).................261
Board of Couler Valley Urban Drainage District, request for meeting by County Super. (7/15)308
Board of Supervisors, County, requesting meeting of Board of Couler Valley Urban Drainage
District. (7/15)...................................................................................................................................308
Boat Pier, Marine Fuel Tax Grant for construction of Riverfront Boat Pier (2/4)............................31
Bodine’s, J. Demmer, 1445 Central, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1)....................................205,281
Bond Sale to support Water Projects. (10/7)(10/21)(11/4)(11/18)........404,405,433,434,447,448,460
Bond Sale, $1,000,000 G.O. Bonds to support Main Street Reconstruction Project.
Bond, Thomas G., Dbq. TV Ltd Partnership, objection to Main St. street assessment. (1/7).........3
Bonson Road, request by Tom Blaine’s and Thomas Marty’s to not upgrade or extend. (7/15)298
Book Club in City, One Book One Dubuque, by Judy Giesen, Book “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Borchers, Jack, Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, requesting annexation for nearby
church property near JF Kennedy Rd. (8/19)(11/18)....................................................332,469,470
Boss Lift, Nicholson asked to go to Norfolk. (6/17)..........................................................................271
Bow hunting – Deer Management Plan. (4/15)..................................................................................156
Bowling (Dubuque) Lanes, J. Ferring, 1029 ½ Main, Liquor Lic. (6/3)...........................................228
Bowling and Beyond Dubuque, 1860 Hawthorne, Liquor Lic. (12/16)...........................................498
Boy Scouts in attendance at Council Meeting – commended. (11/18)..........................................477
Bradford, Pamela, resignation from Historic Pres. Comm. (4/15)..................................................155
Bradley, Jody, Claim with SISCO, referred to Insurance. (1/7)(1/21)...............................................1,8
Brannon, Vincent P., requesting to purchase portion of 3200 Block of Central Ave. (7/15)......298
Brass Ring, Dubuque Inn Corp., 3434 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/4)(5/20)............32,205
Breaktime Bar & Grill – Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per., Liquor Lic. (5/20)................................206
Bredeweg, Tom, Iowa League of Cities, Ann Michalski appointed to Human Development Policy
Committee. (2/4).................................................................................................................................37
Breezer’s Pub Co., 600 Central, Liquor Lic. (1/7)..................................................................................3
Brekke, Mike, Water Distribution Super., proposed design of Public Works facility. (10/21)....418
Brennan Co., J.F., of LaCrosse, WI, awarded contract for 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project –
Ice Harbor Flood Control Gate Structure. (7/15).........................................................................306
Brewery – Star - Property, Request for Qualification to solicit Developers. (6/17).....................264
Brewery (Star) Building – demolition request for metal addition & a wood shed. (12/2)............482
Brewery Amphitheater named “Alliant Energy Amphitheater” – in honor of Wayne Stoppelmoor.
Brewery Building, Star, Invite The Alexander Co. Team & Platinum Hospitality Team to respond
to RFO & authorizing Dbq Star Brewing Co. to respond to RFP’s. (9/3)...............................3619
Brick pavers – historic granite, Historical Society to use for Depot Restoration. (11/4)............441
Brick Pavers request by IA DNR to use salvaged pavers at E.B. Lyons Center and RipRow Valley.
Bricktown Brewery Complex, Scott Neuwoehner, change in parking signs requested. (7/15).298
Bricktown, Cooper Acquisition, Sign Agreement in parking lot and an electronic reader board.
Bricktown, Cooper Management, 299 Main St., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/20)(10/21)....206,423
Bricktown, The Cooper Co., install 3'Wall, 3’ decorative, at The Cooper Co., Bricktown, Third &
Locust Sts. (9/3)...............................................................................................................................352
Bridge - Fengler Street Reconstruction Project. (3/4)(4/1).........................................................94,148
Bridge – Flat Iron Park Pedestrian, request to name in memory of St. Mary Martensen. (11/4)448
Bridge – U.S. 20, Julien Dubuque, IDOT notification of Bridge deck repair. (3/4)..........................81
Bridge Restaurant, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (10/21)............................................424
Bridge, U.S. 20, FONSI Statement & capacity improvement report. (9/3)......................................351
Bridge, U.S. 20, IDOT Right of Way acquisition for construction of new bridge across the
Mississippi River. (9/16).................................................................................................................375
Brittain, Bill, comments, rezoning end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)........................................................162
Broessel, Patricia, Corner Tap, 2093 Washington, Liquor Lic. (5/6)..............................................189
Brownfield Redevelopment Fund, request to legislators for appropriation. (3/18).....................108
Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Program, EPA Grant, Cooperative Agreement.
Brownfields Assessment Pilot cooperative agreement, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
City selected by EPA etc. (6/3)(7/1)........................................................................................226,279
Brownfields Clean up Grant - EPA – Brownfield Clean up grant application for Petroleum
Contaminated Property in the Port of Dubuque. (12/16)............................................................497
Brumwell, Crenna, as Intern in Legal Dept., expressed appreciation. (9/3)..................................349
Bryant and Hill Street area, IDOT Transportation Enhancement Program Project – Phase II –
landscaping Project etc. (7/15).....................................................................................................300
Bryant St., 330, 340 Bryant St. and 1280 Mt. Loretta, nearby alley, request to vacate for Dbq
Community Schools. (12/16)..........................................................................................................493
Buchanan, Assistant Pastor Bob, of Bible Baptist Church, Gave Invocation. (5/6)....................179
Buchholz, Wayne, Park Ranger for IA DNR, Lyons Center, E.B., request to use salvaged brick
pavers by IA DNR. (12/16)...............................................................................................................506
Budget – Operating & Capitol Improvement, FY 2003. (1/21)............................................................23
Budget Policy Guidelines presentation by City Mgr. (11/18)..........................................................477
Budget – setting date for Five Year Capitol Improvement Budget. (2/18).......................................71
Budget – state proposals, letter from Manager to legislators. (3/18).............................................108
Budget Amendment, FY 2002. (4/15)(5/6)(9/16)..................................................................177,192,392
Budget Amendment, FY 2003 – Human Rights Dept. HUD amounts. (8/19).................................333
Budget Amendment, FY 2003. (10/7)..................................................................................................410
Budget Hearings for various departments. (2/6)(2/14)(2/20)(2/21)(2/25).....................44,45,73,74,76
Budget Public Hearing and adoption, as amended – FY 2003. (3/5)................................................98
Building Code Board of Appeals etc. – adoption of International Residential Code. (6/3).........245
Building Code, International, 2000, adopted. (6/3).....................................................................248-251
Building Permit Moratorium - U.S. Highway 20 from Bluff St. E to city limits – Miss. River
Crossing Study. (3/18)....................................................................................................................131
Building Permit Moratorium extension – SW Arterial area; exception for Kim Sanford to build a
garage on Cousins Road. (3/18)(12/16).........................................................................130,131,503
Building Permit Moratorium, 32 Street detention basin. (4/15)....................................................174
Building Permit, zoning text amendment to eliminate the stipulation that an applicant has six
months to obtain a building permit or to begin construction or an occupancy permit.
(9/16) ..................................................................................................................................................380
Building Permits – Ordinances for issuances of permits & fees. (6/3)..........................................245
Building Safety Week Proclamation. (4/1)..........................................................................................139
Building Services Department budget discussion. (2/14).................................................................45
Building Services Manager R. Russell re: Mechanical Board vacancies. (2/18)...........................46
Buildings – text amendment removed that would prohibit only one floor level for accessory
buildings. (9/3).................................................................................................................................358
Bulk Regulations – Zoning for R1 re: reducing for lot frontage & are requirements. (2/18)........65
Bulletin Board – Audubon Society on W side of E. 15 St. Detention Basin near wildlife
observation shelter. (6/3)................................................................................................................225
Bullock, Father Scott, Director of Seminarians, Gave Invocation.(2/18).........................................46
Bullock, Rev. Jeffrey F., Pres. of the University of Dubuque, Gave Invocation. (12/16).............492
Bullock, Rev. Jeffrey F., Pres. University of Dubuque, - rezoning of University property N of
Highway 20 to allow construction of soccer field and parking lot; rezoning of University of
Dubuque; rezoning of property N of Dodge – Hwy 20 & East of Devon Drive for University of
Dubuque student housing. (6/17)(8/5)(10/21)..........................................266,267,268,321,322,430
Bunker Hill Golf Course Management Agreement – G.M.S. – George Stephenson. (2/18)..........49
Bunker Hill Golf, City of Dubuque, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/18).................................123
Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Project; acceptance. (6/3)(7/1)(11/4)............254,255,283,284,440
Buol, Council Member, appointed to Dubuque Racing Assn.; appointed to Long Range Planning
Commission; sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem.; alternate voting delegate to National League of
Cities. (1/7)(7/15)(9/3)(9/3)............................................................................................5,308,349,363
Bureau of Justice Assistance, application for 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
application. (6/17)............................................................................................................................264
Burke (Thurston) Brenda Lee, objecting to White St. assessment. (1/21)(2/18).......................17,53
Burlington and Stoltz Street, John & Tina Perry requesting vacation of portion. (1/21).................8
Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project; bids awarded & some rejected.
Burns & Burns Architects, Elena Welsh, re: Urban Revitalization Area for Area Residential Care
at end of Kennedy Circle. (10/21)(11/4)..........................................................................427,428,443
Burr, Alan, 256 S. Grandview, re: University of Dubuque rezoning. (6/17)...................................266
Buses – Transit Dispatcher – Scheduler, certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/15)......................302
Buses - URS/BRW - contract for Downtown Dubuque Transit Alternative Analysis for Port of
Dubuque. (8/19)................................................................................................................................342
Business Enterprise Certification Program – Statewide Disadvantaged, approval. (2/18).....49,50
Busted Lift, The, 180 Main, Liquor Lic.; comments from Greenfield and Canvas Products;
objection to expansion by R. Byrne & C. Nelms-Byrne; John Finn, owner, in support of
expansion; request for one day event for extension of outdoor Service Liquor License;
transfer of Liquor License to Murphy Park for 10/12/03; Liquor Lic.
BVM Sisters, request to vacate portion of Carmel Dr. (1/21)...............................................................8
Byrne, Robert, objecting to J. Finn’s – The Busted Lift expansion. (5/20)...................................199
Byways – Nat’l Scenic, Program – exhibits at Woodward Riverboat Museum. (6/17)(7/15)265,301
CITY CONFERENCE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/18)..........................................................107
(8/27) (8/29)(10/21)(11/7)(11/18)(11/25)(12/9)(12/16)
C.J. Bies Subd. Vacate Utility Easement for Tom Oster. (2/18)(3/4)............................................70,90
Cable – Mediacom, letter by Albert Giegerich. (7/1).........................................................................277
Cable Franchise, Lease extension to MCCIowa LLC. (6/10)(6/17)(9/3)(9/16)(12/2)(12/16)
Cable Modem Decision – Mediacom no longer collect franchise fees on cable modem revenues
etc. (5/6).............................................................................................................................................187
Cable Rate Increase – Mediacom giving notification. (1/7)(2/18)(3/4)......................................2,47,80
Cable Rate increase, comment by John Schreiber. (3/4)..................................................................80
Cable Relocation – 28E Agreement with Dbq County for fiber optic cable relocation. (3/4)........84
Cable TV - Coalition of Cities contribution for court appeals of FCC’s Pasadena Cable
Franchise Fee. (12/2)..........................................................................................................................483
Cable TV – Mediacom notification re: franchise fees. (1/7)(2/18)(3/4).....................................2,47,80
Cable TV – Mediacom, letter of Amy Pascual. (8/5)..........................................................................316
Cable TV – notification of channel lineup change. (6/3)(10/21)...............................................226,420
Cable TV Division departmental budget review. (2/20)......................................................................73
Cable TV Regulatory applicant Kevin Nekvinda; appointed. (9/3)(9/16)................................353,378
Cable TV Regulatory Commission applicants Danita Galdick, Ronald Tigges, Walter Webster;
reappointments of Tigges and Webster. (7/1)(7/15)..............................................................281,304
Cable TV Teleprogramming applicant Carol Hoverman, osf; appointment of C. Hoverman, osf.
Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission applicant: Daniel Wilant; appointed. (7/1)(7/15)281,304
Cable TV Teleprogramming Commissioner Dave Wanamaker resigning. (8/19).........................332
Cable TV, Municipal – Telecommunications Feasibility Study RFP. (12/2)...................................489
Caboose, Main St., 253 Main St., Liquor Lic. (9/16)..........................................................................378
CAFER – Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – Fiscal Year 2001; Certificate of Excellence.
CAFR – Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ended 6/30/01 – Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. (5/20).....................................................205
CAFR – Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ended 6/30/01 – Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. (5/20)......................................................205
CalCars Hyundai – billboard violation on John F. Kennedy Rd. – Lamar Billboards.(10/7).......415
Callahan Construction requesting annexation of property between City & Asbury – Seippel
Road. (5/6)(5/20)................................................................................................................179,180,207
Calvert, Daniel, applicant for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed.
Camelot Drive – SW Corner of Sunny Slope Drive, rezoning at 2193/2195 & 2197/2199 Sunny
Slope Dr., rezoning from R4 to R3 for Ken Moore. (9/3)..............................................................356
Camelot Drive, Stop Sign on Embassy West Dr. at northerly intersection.(8/19).................340,341
Camp Dresser & McKee – CDM, with WHKS, Stormwater RFP Consultant; presentation.
Campaign for FLYDBQ, City funding for Airport Comm. (9/3).......................................................363
Campsite Rewiring Project – Miller Riverview Park. (3/4)(4/1)(7/15).....................91,92,147,299,300
Canada – Trois Rivieries, Quebec, Welcome Proclamation. (11/18)..............................................458
Canam Steel Corporation of Woodridge, IL awarded contract for the Education and Conference
Center. (7/1)........................................................................................................................................283
Canvas Products, letter @ nearby The Busted Lift. (5/6).................................................................179
CAPER – Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. (9/16)........................................................372
Capital Improvement Program FY 2003-2007, reviewed by Long Range Planning Advisory
Comm. (3/4)........................................................................................................................................84
Capital Improvement Program, Five Year; Budget Hearing. (3/5)...................................................98
Capital Improvement Project re: Bee Branch Creek Restoration from 24 to RR tracks removed
from Budget. (3/5)............................................................................................................................105
Capitol Improvement & Operating Budget, FY 2003. (1/21)(2/18)(3/5).............................23,71,98,99
Capitol Improvement Schedule, amend the DRA 2002. (6/3)..........................................................218
Capitol Improvement Scheduled, FY 2003, Dubuque Racing Assn.(12/2)....................................488
Carlos O’Kelley’s Mexican Rest. 1355 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (11/4).....................................442
Carlos O’Kelly’s Inc., Miller Riverview Park, Dragonboat Festival, Beer Per.; (8/19).................334
Carmel Drive vacation request by BVM Sisters and Attorney Quann.
Carmel Heights, Lot 5A, vacated for BVM Sisters. (3/18)(4/1)..................................................134,142
Carnegie Stout Public Library Annual Report. (4/15).......................................................................173
Carpentry – Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations Project, awarded to Klauer Construction Co.
Carrette, Laurie, of HDR Engineering, presentation about stormwater management plan.
Carroll’s Wine Co., 123 Main St., Wine Lic. (5/6)...............................................................................189
Cars prohibited etc. in parks. (4/15)....................................................................................................174
Carter Road project for stormwater drainage. (11/4)........................................................................449
Carter Valley West, deed of real estate in County accepted from Iowa-Northwestern Devel. Co.
Cartmill, Robert J., purchase lots near Napier Street – portion of Mechanic’s Addn.
. (6/17)(7/1)...................................................................................................................................275,282
Cascading stairways – Mississippi River National Education and Conference Center, signage
etc. (8/5)...............................................................................................................................................326
Casey’s General Store #2420, 2699 Rockdale Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (5/6)(5/20).....,189,205
Casey’s General Store #2421, 4003 Peru Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (5/6)(5/20)..............189,205
Cat(s) impoundment fee raised at Budget. (3/5)........................................................................104,105
Cate, Mason, objecting to proposed rezoning of Wayne & Lynn Stewart, Old Highway Road.
Catfish Creek, Hazard Mitigation Grant application to purchase 6 properties there. (9/16).......377
Catfish Creek, University of Iowa Hygienic Lab personnel access to north branch. (8/5).........318
Catfish Festival, Special Events, Hawthorne St., Beer Per. (5/20)..................................................206
Cathedral, Old Main & Langworthy Historic Districts as Urban Revitalization Districts.
Catherine & Hodgdon Streets & West Locust Street Steps, TEA-21 Grant Application. (10/7).401
CD’s, DVD’s, electronic mediums, new rules for record keeping for Pawn Shops & Secondhand
Stores. (2/18)......................................................................................................................................68
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant, Annual Action Plan, FY 2003; adoption;
amendment 3; amendment No. 4; amendment 1; amendment #2.
2/4)(2/21)(3/5)(4/1)(5/6)(6/17)(12/2)...........................................................39,75, 99,140,180,263,486
CDBG - Curb Ramp Installation, 2000, finalization. (3/4)....................................................................82
CDBG Project- Curb Ramp Installation, 2002. (6/17).......................................................................271
CDBG Annual Plan, public Hearing. (2/21)..........................................................................................75
CDBG Block Grant Agreement – HUDS approval for year beginning 7/1/02. (7/1)...............279,280
CDBG Contingency fund to Historic Pres. Homeowner Grant Program, W. Pregler expressing
concern at Budget hearing. (2/21)...................................................................................................75
CDBG funds for FY 2003, 2004, 2005, allocation of $60,000 for Lead Based Paint Hazard
Reduction Program. (5/20).............................................................................................................204
CDBG No. 2 – Curb Ramp Installation 2001, final accept. (2/4)...................................................28,29
CDBG Program FY 2003 approved & environmental notice. (5/20)...............................................203
CDBG Program Year 2001, HUD report end of year review is satisfactory. (11/4).......................439
CDBG Program, City approved for special project grant for FY 02. (5/20)....................................200
CDBG Program, HUD on-site review. (5/20).......................................................................................200
CDBG Project – 2001 Curb Ramp Installation. (1/21).........................................................................11
CDM – Camp Dresser & McKee, with WHKS, Stormwater RFP Consultant; presentation.
CEBA Application & Memorandum of Understanding – Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc.
Cechota, Cynthia, applicant for Human Rights Commission. (12/16)...........................................500
Cedar Cross AMOCO, LB Metcalf, Inc. 1200 Cedar Cross Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
Cedar Cross Road – west side from Starlite to Center Grove, 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program;
deletion from program etc. (9/16)(12/16)...............................................................................396,501
Cedar Cross Road, 940 to 990, request to rezoning for Ron Malone – Keith Wolff. (4/15).........163
Cedars Grill & Steakhouse, David Kirkpatrick, 2155 Southpark. (8/19).........................................334
Ceiling, First Floor, City Hall Remodeling Project. (4/1)(5/6)....................................................151,193
Ceilings and Walls, Painting, Five Flags Arena; acceptance. (4/1)(5/6)(10/7)...............149,193,400
Cellular, U.S., - billboard violation on John F. Kennedy Rd. – Lamar Billboards.(10/7)..............415
Center Grove Storm Sewer Reconstruction Project. (3/18).............................................................111
Central Ave. & Iowa St., alley between at 13 to 14, vacate & dispose of to DB & T Bank.
Central Ave. 13 St., one story addition to Ziepprecht & Bell Building, demolished. (12/2)......482
Central Ave. at Eighteenth St., Muddy Waters Coffee Shop, response to Jessica Barnes letter.
Central Ave., 1300, DB & T – Enterprise Zone Agreement with IDED, for development of former
Walsh Store. (8/19)..........................................................................................................................341
Central Ave., 1301-1307 John Bell Block Building, nominated to National Register of Historic
Places. (10/7)(11/4)...................................................................................................................401,439
Central Ave., 1347, Ziepprecht Block Building, nominated to National Register of Historic
Central Ave., 3200, Vincent Brannon to purchase city property. (7/15)........................................298
Central Tap, Inc., 1046 Central Ave., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (4/15)(6/3)....................................161,227
Certificate of Appreciation from County Firefighters for funds for truck. (3/4)..............................80
Certificate of Completion – Harbor View Place, 300 Main St. (6/17)...............................................264
Certificate of Completion – McGraw Hill project, complete minimum improvement – Development
Agreement. (5/20)............................................................................................................................205
Certified lifeguard pay upgrade, Budget. (3/5)....................................................................................98
Certified Local Government - CLG Annual Report. (2/4)..................................................................28
Certified Local Government – CLG Grant Agreement for Phase III of Dubuque’s Architectural –
Historical Survey Evaluation. (1/21)(5/6)...................................................................................9,185
Certified Local Government Grant, contract for design review training for historic districts
awarded to The Durrant Group. (2/18)............................................................................................49
Certified Local Government, application to conduct an Architectural /Historic Survey /
Evaluation, Phase IV. (12/2)............................................................................................................485
Certified Municipal Clerk Status for City Clerk Jeanne Schneider. (2/4).........................................37
Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Qtrly Report. (2/18)(5/6)(8/5).....46,179,315
Chamber of Commerce Purchase of Services Agreement – Convention & Visitors Bureau for
FY 03. (5/20).......................................................................................................................................210
Channel – open, concept re: drainage problems with North End flooding etc. (11/4)................449
Channel (Peosta) Trail, Dbq. Jaycees, Project. (1/21)(2/18).........................................................20,69
Channel Inn Restaurant, Carolyn Fonck, 2010 ½ Kerper, Liquor Lic. (11/4).................................442
Channel lineup on cable TV changed – Mediacom. (6/3)(10/21)..............................................226,420
Chapin-Tilton, Chris, requesting support for Grand Opera Housing application to Community
Attraction & Tourism Program through Vision Iowa. (11/4).........................................................454
Chapman, Joe, Claim; settlement. (1/7)(1/21).....................................................................................1,8
Chapman, Kristina, Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, Cig. Per. (6/3)...............................................227
Character Week – American, Proclamation. (7/1).............................................................................277
Chatfield, David, re: 1001 Davis rezoning. (4/15)..............................................................................161
Chavenelle Drive E of Seippel Rd., & N of county Farm Dbq. Center West, rezoning from AG to
PUD with PI for Dbq Industrial Center West. (2/18)..................................................................54-63
Chavenelle Drive Extension, deed to property from Vincent & Louella McFadden. (2/4).............31
Chavenelle Rd & Seippel Rd., entrance sign for Dubuque Industrial Center West. (5/6)...........196
Chavenelle Rd. – Lot F, final plat of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (2/18)................................67
Chavenelle Road – Lot 1 final plat of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (4/15)............................159
Chavenelle Road – Lot 2-5 of Dubuque Industrial Center West, acceptance of Gazebo property
from R/W Dubuque – developers of McGraw Hill facility). (8/5)...............................................318
Chavenelle Road Extension Project. (3/4)(4/1)......................................................................95,148,149
Chavenelle Road Watermain Extension Project. (1/21).....................................................................21
Chavenelle Road West of Seippel Rd. in Dubuque Industrial Park West, Agreement for RISE
funding. (2/4)......................................................................................................................................30
Checks for Worker’s Compensation Accounts, Alternative Services Concepts granted
authorization to sign checks. (9/16)................................................................................................373
Chemical substances (other than liquor), new code section prohibiting. (3/18).........................132
Chi Chi’s Mexican Rest., 800 Wacker Dr., Liquor Lic.; Refund. (2/18)(5/20)............................53,205
Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad Subordination Agreement re: Roadway easement along
westerly side of Ice Harbor for roadway & sidewalk. (7/1).........................................................278
Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (3/4)(4/1)(5/6).........................92,93,146,182-184
Chicago, Central & Pacific Railroad Co., utility easement for 16” water main along the Northwest
Arterial under the railroad tracks. (11/4)......................................................................................441
Child Care Referral, Purchase of Services, Budget review; Purch. of Services funding.
Child Protection – Council Member Michalski on committee for National League of Cities on
Community Child Protection. (7/1)................................................................................................291
Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding, contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for funding &
renewed agreement with VNA. (9/3)..............................................................................................350
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevent Week Proclamation. (10/l21).................................................419
Chili Cook Off, Dubuque Jaycees, Tent A Cable Car Square, Beer Per. (9/16)............................377
Choo Choo Charlie’s Pizza, 1895 JF Kennedy Rd., Beer-Wine License. (8/5)..............................319
Choudry, Waseem, Awn Stop Mart, Inc. 1998 Jackson, Cigarette Per. (6/3).................................227
Christ, Martha, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/17)(7/1).................266,282
Christensen, Joshua, claim; referred to Insurance. (7/1)................................................................277
Christmas – Holiday Refuse – Garbage collection, free sticker. (12/16).......................................507
Churches - Text amendment – Zoning, allow off street parking lots for churches & schools as a
conditional use. (3/18)........................................................................................................................124
Cigarette Sales – Underage, penalties to tobacco permit holders. (2/4)(2/18)(6/3).....29,66,67,220
CIP – DRA, amend 2002. (6/3)..............................................................................................................218
CIP Schedule, FY 2003, Dubuque Racing Assn. (12/2)....................................................................488
Citizen Advisory Committee for Stormwater Utility, discussion. (12/16).......................................491
Citizens Advisory Commission appointment of Dr. Charles Winterwood as Chair and - Bee
Branch Drainage Master Plan RFP – for Watershed Basin. (8/5)............................................326
Citizens Committed to Our Communities – A. Honkamp requesting passage of a resolution
telling of benefits of gambling facilities & requesting citizens to vote Yes-Yes on 11/5.
City & County sued by Myra & Stanley Woodman. (9/16)................................................................372
City Bank Accounts, Employees authorized to obtain information. (6/3).....................................226
City Book Club , One Book One Dubuque Initiative by Judy Giesen. (9/16).................................386
City Clerk Jeanne Schneider notification of Certified Municipal Clerk. (2/4)..................................37
City Clerk’s office departmental budget review. (2/6)........................................................................44
City Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 54; Supplement No. 55; Supplement No. 56.
City Council departmental budget review. (2/6)..................................................................................44
City Council letter to Mediacom. (6/10)...............................................................................................257
City Hall Annex Roof Replacement Project; Bids rejected & readvertised.
City Hall Remodeling Project – First Floor Ceiling. (4/1)(5/6)(6/3)...................................151,193,229
City Island cleanup, appreciation by Council for teenagers who did that. (10/7)........................417
City Manager M. Van Milligen appointed to Enterprise Zone Commission; evaluation as City
Manager; Employment Agreement amend.; designated as City representative to FEMA;
authorized to execute Hazard Mitigation Grant.
(2/4)(6/12)(6/17)(7/15)(9/16).................................................................................. 31,259,265,302,377
City Manager’s Office Budget departmental review. (2/6).................................................................44
City of Dubuque, Bunker Hill Golf, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/18).................................123
City of Dubuque, Five Flags Civic Center, 405 Main St., Liquor Lic. (7/15)...................................303
City Precinct and Ward Plan approved by State. (1/21).......................................................................9
City property – Outdoor Service of Alcoholic Beverages in the public right-of-way. (8/5).........326
Civic Center, Five Flags Theater, Roof Replacement, Paint Exterior Façade and Replace Front
Doors. (8/19)......................................................................................................................343,344,345
Civic Center, Five Flags, agreement with Dubuque Hockey – Thunderbirds. (9/3).....................351
Civic Center, Five Flags, City of Dubuque, 405 Main, Liquor Lic. (7/15).......................................303
Civic Center, Five Flags, departmental budget review. (2/20)..........................................................74
Civic Center, Five Flags, purchase of scheduling software – computer. (12/2)...........................484
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Engineering Assistant I. (3/18)...................................113,114
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Medical Officer. (6/17)..................................................261,262
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Police Corporal. (9/16).................................................373,374
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Police Officer. (6/17).....................................................261,262
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Sanitation Driver. (12/16)....................................................494
Civil Service Comm. certifying list for Transit Dispatcher – Scheduler. (7/15).............................302
Civil Service Comm. certifying the list for Aquatics & Therapeutic Recreation position. (2/18).46
Civil Service Comm. certifying the list for Public Safety Dispatcher. (1/7).......................................1
Civil Service Comm. certifying the list for Sanitation Driver position. (2/18)..................................47
Civil Service Comm. certifying the list for Stock Clerk and Equipment Operator. (1/21).............8,9
Civil Service Commission applicant Loras Kluesner; reappointment of Loras Kluesner for four
year term. (5/20)(6/3)................................................................................................................207,228
Claim of Christine Kuhle - appealed by her. (5/6).............................................................................194
Claims and Revenues, Proofs. (2/18)(3/18)(4/1)(5/20)(6/17)(7/1)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)
Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. Clark #354, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (3/4)(6/17).....86,265
Clark’s Subd., plat of survey of Fitz Place. (10/21)...........................................................................420
Clarke College Atrium, Outdoor Sale of Liquor License, 1550 Clarke Dr. (10/7)..........................404
Clarke College,1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic. (8/19)............................................................................334
Cleanup activities in the Port of Dubuque, Brownfield Grant Application to U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. (12/16).................................................................................................................497
Clemens-Conlon, Attorney Jennifer, for Canvas Products, letter @ The Busted Lift. (5/6).......179
Clement, Robert, Claim; denial. (6/17)(7/1).................................................................................261,277
Clerks – Municipal certification of Jeanne Schneider as Certified Municipal Clerk. (2/4)............37
CLG - Certified Local Government Grant Agreement for Phase III of Dubuque’s Architectural –
Historical Survey Evaluation. (1/21)(5/6)...................................................................................9,185
CLG – Certified Local Government, Annual Report. (2/4)..................................................................28
CLG - Certified Local Government, application to conduct an Architectural /Historic Survey /
Evaluation, Phase IV. (12/2)............................................................................................................485
CLG Certified Local Government Grant, contract for design review training for historic districts
awarded to The Durrant Group. (2/18)............................................................................................49
Clifford Enterprises LLC, Dempsey’s - Molly’s Pub & Grub, 395 W. 5 St., Liquor Lic. ; Cig. Per.
Cline, Patricia, Council Member, on Operation: New View Board; representative for Public Safety
& Crime Prevention Policy Committee of Iowa League of Cities; reappointed to GDDC;
designated for the Education & Conference Ctr Naming Focus group.
Clinton, Roland, final plat of Lots 1 & 2 of C & Z Addn – S. Grandview Area. (1/21)..................9,10
Close, Ellen, Claim. (1/21).........................................................................................................................8
Clubhouse, M. Spiegelhalter, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/18)(5/20)......53,205
Coalition of Cities contribution for court appeals of FCC’s Pasadena Cable Franchise Fee.
Coalition of Local Governments appealing the FCC’s Declaratory Ruling re: Cable Modem
Service. (5/6)........................................................................................................................................187
Code amendment to prohibit skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles in Parks etc. (4/15).......173,174
Code of Ordinances Meeting Procedures for Agenda & Council Meetings. (9/16)..............389,390
Code of Ordinances Review – updating City’s Code, process. (9/3).............................................363
Code of Ordinances, deletion of reference “Town Clock Plaza” as Main Street is now opened.
Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 54; Supplement No. 55; Supplement No. 56. (3/4)(8/5)(12/2)
Code Offenses & Miscellaneous Provisions, addition – intoxication from glue sniffing & others &
protections to public. (3/18)...........................................................................................................132
Coe, George, property in Tiffany Ridge to him. (9/16)(10/7)......................................390,391,408,409
Coffee Shop – Muddy Waters, 18 & Central, letter from Jessica Barnes; response to letter.
Collectibles, CD’s and computers etc. included in items for record keeping for Pawnbrokers &
secondhand dealers. (2/18)..............................................................................................................68
Collection of Delinquent Garbage and Refuse Accounts, submitted to County Treasurer.
Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts submitted to Dbq County Treasurer. (12/2)......486,487
Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & Police Protective Assn. (10/7).......................401
Collective Bargaining Agreement with Transit Union. (3/18)..........................................................110
College-Grandview District designated rather than the Grandview District for Wayfinding
Signage. (12/16)...............................................................................................................................504
Colleges District – Way finding signage designating Grandview District instead. (1/21)...........23
Collins St & Devon Dr., Ordinance affecting University of Dubuque – UD to allow construction
of a new soccer field &parking lot. (6/17).......................................................................266,267,268
Colson, Karen, Claim and settlement. (11/4).....................................................................................439
Colts Community Center, 1101 Central, Liquor License. (9/16)......................................................378
Colts Drum & Bugle Corps transfer of liquor license to Eagle Point Park. (5/20)........................205
Comiskey Building Construction Project. (12/2)........................................................................482,483
Comiskey Park pavilion rental policy, comments by Stephanie & Keith Wieland. (5/6).............180
Commerce Court, final plat of Harvest Business Center; name changed to Meinen Court.
Committee – Task Force for Arts Policy & Funding. (11/18)...........................................................477
Committee membership, Downtown Planning, two new members from Dbq Initiatives &
Dubuque Cultural Alliance. (12/16)..................................................................................................494
Communications Steering Committee, Dan Nicholson. (1/21).........................................................23
Community (and Housing) Development Director David Harris gave an Owner Occupied
Affordable Housing Committee Report. (6/17)............................................................................260
Community Attraction and Tourism Program through Vision Iowa, application re: Grand Opera
House. (11/4)....................................................................................................................................454
Community Cultural Grant Program (Iowa), in support of Grand Opera’s House’s application.
Community Development – application to IDED for Downtown Master Plan. (4/1).....................139
Community Development Advisory Commission interview of applicants: Dan Shireman and
Walter Pregler; reappointments of Shireman and Pregler. (3/4)(3/18)...............................86,123
Community Development and Housing Department, approval of FY 2003 Budget for Assisted
Housing Programs. (3/5)...................................................................................................................97
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Program, City approved for special project grant
for FY 02. (5/20)................................................................................................................................200
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Annual Action Plan, FY 2003; adoption;
amendment 3. (2/4)(3/5)(4/1).................................................................................................39,99,140
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Program FY 2003 approved & environmental
notice. (5/20).....................................................................................................................................203
Community Development Block Grant – CDBG Program, FY 2003 Annual Plan. (10/21)...........438
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Program, HUD on-site review. (5/20).................200
Community Development Block Grant -Agreement – HUDS approval for year beginning 7/1/02.
Community Development Block Grant, Annual Action Plan, FY 2003; adoption; amendment 3;
amendment No. 4; amendment 1; amendment #2.
(2/4)(2/21)(3/5)(4/1)(5/6)(6/17)(12/2).........................................................39,75, 99,140,180,263,486
Community Development Commission resignation of Dan Shireman. (12/2)..............................481
Community Development Fund Grant, $25,000 for the Dubuque Vision Downtown Project;
comment of appreciation. (12/2)............................................................................................486,489
Community Development Week Proclamation. (4/1)........................................................................139
Community Development, Chapter 15, changed via Ord. re: Housing Authority Governing
Board for administration of City’s federal Section 8 rental assistance program. (1/21).........22
Community Environmental Health Resource Center, application for funds re: Lead Paint Project
funding. (5/6)....................................................................................................................................180
Community Partnership Program – Cp2 – FY 2003 Funds Distribution. (5/20)............................210
Community Partnership Program – Cp2 – Hillcrest Family Services HOPES Project. (6/3)219,220
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – CAFER Fiscal Year 2001; Certificate of Excellence.
Comprehensive Housing Rehab Project - Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for the Five
Point Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Project.(7/15)...................................................300
Comprehensive Land Use Development Plan - County’s Proposed Land Development Plan –
tabled & back to County; discussion @ Urban Sprawl; County adopting their Comprehensive
Land Use Development Plan and Future. Land Use Development Map. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)
Comprehensive Plan, 1995, adoption of proposed Land Use Map to complete update. (9/3)...367
Comprehensive Plan, Riverfront plan part of City’s, also amended to include Port of Dubuque
Master Plan. (3/4)...............................................................................................................................87
Comprehensive Plan,, Long Range Planning review of FY 2003-2007 CIP, consistent. (3/4)......84
Computer Scheduling Software for Five Flags Civic Center, same as Conference & Education
Ctr. (12/2)...........................................................................................................................................484
Computer software – Parking Enforcement, RFP’s. (11/4)..............................................................441
Computer Software for Housing Section 8 Program. (12/2)............................................................486
Computer system of City, fiber optics by DLEC, loan from County to City . (2/14)........................45
Computers, CD’s, DVD’s, electronic mediums, new rules for record keeping for Pawn Shops &
Secondhand Stores. (2/18)...............................................................................................................68
ConAgra Foods, Inc., amendment to purchase agreement & acceptance of deed to property
from ConAgra Foods, Inc. (12/2)...................................................................................................485
ConAgra, Inc. – Peavey Co., Lease & Real Estate Purchase Agreement on Twelfth St.
Extension. (9/16)(10/7).......................................................................................................391,409,410
Concession Agreement – McAleece Park & Recreation Complex with Baseball Dreams LLC.
Conciliation Service Grant Application for outside facilitation services for committee meetings
etc., Federal Mediation. (7/15)..........................................................................................................301
Concrete Repairs on Kerper Blvd. & North Grandview Ave. Project. (10/7)(11/4)................406,447
Concrete to be 8” yet in White St. Reconstruction. (4/15)...............................................................174
Condemnation of property for Chavenelle Road Watermain Extension Project. (1/21)................21
Conditional Use permit, text amendment – Zoning, elimination of stipulation that an application
has six months to obtain a Building Permit & begin construction etc. (9/16).................380,381
Conditional Uses - Churches - Text amendment – Zoning, allow off street parking lots for
churches & schools as a conditional use. (3/18)..............................................................................124
Condominium complex at former Tollbridge on Rhomberg, rezoning comments. (12/2)...484,485
Conference – Iowa League of Cities bid for 2005 & 2006; Council liaison Dan Nicholson
designated; notification of not being selected. (1/21)(2/4)(3/4)......................................15,36,81
Conference – National League Information, Technology & Communications Steering Committee
meeting – praise by Council Member Nicholson. (5/6)..............................................................196
Conference – National League of Cities, excellent conference by Michalski. (5/6).....................196
Conference & Education Center software, same as purchase for Civic Center. (12/2)..............484
Conference and Education Center in Port of Dubuque, HOK Venue presentation. (6/10).........258
Conference Center - and Education, discussion of name, height, details etc.; special Council
meeting update; Package No. 1 project; Bid Package #2 Project.; naming process options;
Bid Package #3 Project; awarded to J. P. Cullen & Sons; Cline & Markham appointed as part
of Naming Focus Group of Education & Conference Ctr.; naming it the Grand River Center.
Conference Center – Hotel, Parking Lots & Fifth Street Construction Project. (7/15)(9/3)..310,359
Conflict of Interest legal representation, letter from Corporation Counsel Barry Lindahl.
Conklin, Eugene, Claim; settlement. (5/6)(7/15).........................................................................179,298
Conlon Construction, finalization of Fourth St. Parking Ramp Project. (10/21)....................422,423
Conlon, Tim, 480 Wartburg, sidewalks re: Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project. (8/5).........322
Connection Fees for Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (4/1).............................146
Connection Fees for Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (4/1)....................................146
Connector, Locust Street, Agreement with IDOT for reconstruction. (2/4).....................................29
Connolly Construction – finalization of Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension. (4/15)................156
Connolly Construction awarded contract for the West Locust Storm Sewer Improvements Pro.
Connors, Joyce, sworn in as Third Ward Council Member; appointed to Operation: New View
Board; also to REAP Bd.; appointed to Convention & Visitors Board; Council representative
to REAP Committee; requesting info @ Courtesy Parking Ticket Program; request
clarification for Council audience as to difference between Public Hearing and Actions items
on the Agenda. (1/7)(6/17)(7/1)(8/19)(11/4).......................................................1,5,271,290,333,454
Conservation Fund – Land & Water for Harvest View Estates Park. (3/18)..................................110
Consolidated End of Year Review for CDBG Program Year 2001, satisfactory. (11/4)...............439
Construction Management Bill – Senate File 2292, letter to legislators not in support. (3/18)..108
Consultant - Gallagher Bylery Inc. - Health Insurance plans for City employees, Administrative
Services Agreement for Benefit Consulting Services. (11/4)....................................................440
Consultant for Downtown Master Plan – Leland Consultant Group. (8/19)..................................341
Consultant for Stormwater RFP – Camp Dresser & McKee, working with WHKS & Co. (5/20)..208
Consultant Selection of MSA Professional Services as Engineering Consulting Firm to conduct
2 study of Bee Branch Drainage Basin. (10/21)(11/4).......................................................437,448
Contamination of property in Port of Dubuque, cleanup activities, Brownfield Grant Application
to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (12/16).......................................................................497
Continental Realty - Felderman Business Partnership – MWF Properties, rezoning for housing
at end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)(5/6).............................................................................................162,194
Continuum of Care Project – Hillcrest Family Services, funds released & environmental notice.
Contract – Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency Delivery Contract. (11/4)...............439,440
Contract for Architectural Services to design a Transit Boarding Facility. (12/16).....................495
Contract for design review training for historic districts awarded to The Durrant Group. (2/18)49
Contract with EDA for $2 Million Grant for Acquisition of The Adams Co. (12/16)......................497
Contributing effort – local for development of Affordable Housing on Main and West 11 –
Eleventh Streets. (11/4)......................................................................................................................450
Convention & Visitors Bureau Chamber of Commerce Purchase of Services Agreement. (5/20)
Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Report; request for monies at budget
Convention & Visitors Bureau report by Sue Czeshinski for first quarter of FY 2003. (10/21)..437
Convention & Visitors Bureau, appointment of Council Member Joyce Connors to their Board.
Convention Center – Education and Conference Center, name. (7/15)........................................303
Conzett, Michael of HDR Engineering, presentation about stormwater management plan.
Cook, Drew, awarded contract for High Bluff Sanitary Sewer Pro.; awarded contract for Old
Highway 20 Watermain Extension Phase II; awarded contract for the Concrete Repairs on
Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview. (9/3)(10/21)(11/4)..............................................................351,436,447
Cooper Acquisition – Bricktown, Sign Agreement for parking lot including electronic signs.
(12/2) 483
Cooper Management — Bricktown, install decorative Wall at Third & Locust. (9/3) 352
Cooper Management — Underground, Bricktown, Stonewall, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette
Permit. (5/20)(10/21) 206,423
Cooperative Agreement for EPA Grant for Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot
Program to complete Phase I & Phase II environmental assessments in the Port of Dubuque.
(10/21) 422
Cooperative Agreement with IDOT for Realignment of University Ave. & JFK from Ethel St to US
Highway 20. (2/4) 36
Cooperative Agreement with IDOT for reconstruction of Locust St. Connector. (2/4) 29
Cooperative Easement Agreement with Chicago, Central & Pacific RR for easement of pipeline
under railroad tracks. (11/4) 441
Coordinator position — application for funds to HUD re: Family Self -Sufficiency Program.
(5/6) 180
Cops in Shops - Tobacco Compliance — Cops in Shops, 28E Agreement between Police & Iowa
Alcoholic Beverage Division. (6/17) 263
Corner Tap, P. Broessel, 2093 Washington, Liquor Lic.(5/6) 189
Corporal, Police, individuals certified by Civil Service Commission. (9/16) 373,374
Corporation Counsel Barry Lindahl letter re: Conflict of Interest representation. (6/17) 265
Corps of Engineers Construction Permit — Peavey Co. construct river terminal dock facility in
Peosta Channel. (3/18) 111
Corps of Engineers Floodwall Inspection Report. (1/7) 2
Corps of Engineers permits in Ice Harbor area. — FEMA. (4/1) 141
Corps of Engineers, Permit Application to them re: Historical Society Wetlands Project. (1/21)15
Corps of Engineers, placement of dredge material along Miller -Riverview Park. (8/5) 318
Corridor Moratorium — SW Arterial; Environmental assessment. (4/15) 169,170,172,175
Corridor Signage Overlay District — Freeway 61/151. (4/15) 169
Corridor, Highway 151, Mayor of Cascade, Rich Knepper, renaming of Highway. (8/19) 342
Cottingham and Butler application for tax rebates for historic properties — Tax Increment
Financing. (11/4)(11/18) 442,443,475,476
Cottingham and Butler Easement for Tunnel under Main Street between 8th & 9th. (2/4) 34
Cottingham and Butler Insurance Services Inc. Enterprise Zone Agreement with IDED , City re:
Town Clock Bldg, 835 Main rehabilitation. (3/18) 113
Cottingham and Butler, Irrevocable License for underground tunnel on Main St. (1/21) 25,26
Cottingham and Butler, Claim for Jean Heinzelman; referred to insurance. (6/17) 261
Cottingham and Butler, Claim settlement. (8/5) 315
Cottingham and Butler, Historic Property Rehab Tax Exemption for Town Clock Bldg„ County
supports. (2/4) 31
Cottingham and Butler, request Town Clock be relocated to the Town Clock Building. (3/5) 98
Couler Valley Urban Drainage District, request for meeting by County Supervisors. (7/15) 308
Council Meetings & Agenda, amendment to procedure & change in order of business. (9/16)389
Council Minutes — Proofs of publication.
(1 /7)(2/4)(3/18)(4/1)(4/15)(5/6)(5/20)(6/17)(7/1)(8/5)(8/19)(10/7)(10/21)(11 /4)(12/2)(12/16)
Council Proceeding approved as printed: Nov. 01. (1/21) 8
Council Proceedings, approved as printed: December 01; January 02; February 02; March 02
and April 02;. May 02; June 02. (2/18)(5/20)(7/1)(8/5)(8/19)(10/21) 46,80,277,315,332,419
Country Club, fireworks display request. (4/1) 139
County & City Agreement for sharing of GIS – Geographical Information System data. (8/19).334
County & City Funding Agreement, John F. Kennedy Reconstruction. (8/5)...............................317
County Emergency Medical Service Association, mutual aid response agreements with Fire
Department, City of East Dubuque and County. (7/15)..............................................................301
County Farm, N of, - Chavenelle Drive E of Seippel Rd., Dbq. Center West, rezoning from AG to
PUD with PI. (2/18)............................................................................................................................54
County Firefighters Assn. gave Certificate of Appreciation for truck fund contribution. (3/4)....80
County Historical Society – filing of Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project
Application for America’s River Museum; EDI $1,000,000 Grant Agreement with HUD &
subgrantee contract with County Historical Society. (3/4)(7/1)...........................................81,280
County Historical Society & Peninsula Gaming Co. – Lease Agreement, Ice Harbor. (5/20).....205
County Historical Society Lease Agreement for Old United Rentals Bldg. at 301 Iowa Street.
County Historical Society Lease Agreement First Amendment – property for Wm. Black in Ice
Harbor. (6/10)(6/17)...................................................................................................................257,270
County Historical Society Liquor License at Ryan House transferred to Third St. Overpass
parking lot.; new liquor license for Ryan House, 1375 Locust. (7/15)(12/16)..................303,498
County Historical Society request to use City’s historic granite pavers (bricks) for the Railroad
Depot Restoration Project. (11/4)..................................................................................................441
County Historical Society Wetlands Project, Permit Application to Corps of Engineers. (1/21).15
County Historical Society’s National Scenic Byways grant application, agreement with IDOT;
Subgrantees Agreement with County for design & construction of exhibits for the Great River
Road Interpretive Center; amendment to contract with Scharff-Weisburg.
(6/17) (7/15)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)......................................................................265,301,421,460,493
County loan for fiber optics, computer, loop completion, DLEC Expansion project. (2/14).......45
County of Dbq - Cable Relocation – 28E Agreement for fiber optic cable relocation. (3/4)........84
County of Dubuque, City of Dbq. & Jo Daviess County, Multi-jurisdictional Drug and
Enforcement Agreement. (2/4)........................................................................................................30,31
County of Dubuque, City of Dbq. & Jo Daviess County, mutual aid agreements for law
enforcement – Police - sheriff services. (2/4)................................................................................30
County Supervisor candidate Darren White spoke to Council. (10/7)...........................................417
County Supervisors & City supportive of Cottingham and Butler application for Town Clock
Building Historic Property Rehabilitation Tax Exemption. (2/4).................................................31
County Supervisors meeting with City Council, School Board & Holy Family Board and
Legislators re: priorities. (11/7).....................................................................................................456
County Supervisors request Board of the Couler Valley Urban Drainage District meeting.
County Supervisors, environmental assessments for SW Arterial Corridor; Agreement.
County Treasurer, delinquent sewer and garbage and refuse collection accounts to him to
collect. (12/2).....................................................................................................................486,487,488
County’s Proposed Land Development Plan – tabled & back to County; discussion @ Urban
Sprawl; County adopting their Comprehensive Land Use Development Plan and Future. Land
Use Development Map. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)(10/21)..............................................362,386,387,403,420
Courtesy Parking program explained. (8/19).....................................................................................333
Cousins Road Bridge Weight Limit Posting, added weight limits. (11/4)......................................452
Cousins Road, 103, Kim Sanford, permission to build garage in spite of building permit
moratorium – SW Arterial area. (12/16).............................................................................................503
Covenants – Dubuque Industrial Center West, amended to include industrial park platted W of
Seippel Rd. (4/15).............................................................................................................................160
Cox Street and Alta Vista, Loras College Sidewalk Easement near Academic Resource Center.
Coyle, Attorney Mike, representing Hyundai, Zoning Off-Premise Signs. (8/5)...........................322
Cp2 – Community Partnership Program, FY 2003 Funds Distribution. (5/20)..............................210
Cp2, Community Partnership Program – Hillcrest Family Services HOPES Project. (6/3).219,220
CR Boats, represented by Atty Brian Kane, final plat & sale of property along Kimball St. to Clint
Johnson, John Duccini, and Michael Schmalz. (9/16).....................................................................381
Crandall, Dr. Alan, University of Dubuque, Gave Invocation. (3/18)..............................................107
Creative Development Services,, Grand River Center RFPs. (12/16).............................................493
Credit Unions, banks, depositories named for City monies; city employees D. Gray and C.
Steckel authorized to make transfers & obtain information @ city funds. (1/21)(6/3)......13,226
Crescent Heights vacate utility easement for Larry McDermott’s. (2/4)(2/18)......................37,65,66
Crescent Ridge, North – new name for former Menard Court. (7/15).............................................308
Creslanes Bowling, 255 S. Main, Liquor Lic. (7/1)............................................................................281
Crop Walk Day in Dubuque Proclamation.(9/16)...............................................................................372
Crushed Rock walkway for two years for Embassy West Drive Sidewalk of John Herrig’s.
Cub Scouts commended for attending Council Meeting. (12/2).....................................................489
Cuemaster Billiards, Liquor Lic. (2/18)............................................................................................52,53
Cullen, Chris E., Claim; referred to Ins. (12/16).................................................................................492
Cullen, J. P. & Sons, Inc. of Janesville, WI awarded contract for the Education & Conference
Center Bid Package #3. (9/3)..............................................................................................................360
Culpepper, Sharon, letter objecting to northend drainage ditch proposal. (9/3).........................349
Cultural Alliance (Dbq.), added a member to Downtown Planning Comm. (12/16).....................494
Culver, Chet, Sec. of State, approved City Precinct & Ward Plan. (1/21)..........................................9
Curb Ramp Installation – 2001 CDBG Project. (1/21).........................................................................11
Curb Ramp Installation 2001, CDBG No. 2 Project, final accept. (2/4).......................................28,29
Curb Ramp Installation, 2000, finalization. (3/4)..................................................................................82
Curb Ramp Installation, 2002, CDBG Project #1. (7/15)..................................................................307
Curb Ramp Installation, 2002, CDBG Project. (6/17)........................................................................271
Custodian Agreement with American Trust and Savings and First Community Trust…
investment advisors. (9/16)................................................................................................................389
Custom Riders for Hospice of Dubuque - Hospice Proclamation – Tour de Dubuque Day. (8/19)
Cypress St. Wall St., etc. deed from Dubuque Hardwoods, Inc. (12/16)........................................496
Cypress, Wall & Washington Sts. & alleys, plat of survey. (3/4).......................................................81
Czarnecki, David B., resignation from Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. (9/3)..............349
Czenshinski, Sue, for Convention & Visitors Bureau, spoke at Budget Hearing; support of Ice
Harbor Urban Renewal District amendment of Master Plan. (2/25)(3/4)...............................76,87
Czeshinski, Sue, gave report of Convention & Visitors Bureau. (10/21).......................................437
MINUTES: (4/1)(6/3)(7/1)(8/5)(9/3)(10/7)(11/4)..................................129,218,277,315,349,399,439
D R B E Properties & other companies, claim – suit against City. (6/3)........................................218
Dakota Minnesota & Eastern RR and the I & M Rail Link, merger, City to write STF.
DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W. 4, Liquor Lic. (10/7)...........................................................404
Daniel, James A., Claim.; referred to Ins. (7/15)(8/5)..................................................................298,315
Data transmission system, upgrade for police patrol unit computers. (4/1)................................141
Data Use Agreement, GIS – Geographic Information System, City & County sharing. (8/19)....334
Daughetee, Lyle, 715 Garfield, objecting to proposed rezoning on Garfield Ave. & Stafford St.
Daughters, Ken, President of Emmaus Bible College, Gave Invocation. (1/21)..............................8
Davey Robertson Public Bar In, Busted Lift, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (9/16)....................................378
Davis Place II, 511-515 Garfield, final plat.; urban revitalization area for SRO Housing for Scott
Potter’s. (3/18)(4/1)..........................................................................................................................109,152
Davis St., 1001, rezoning by Sisters of St. Francis, from R1 to OR Office.
Davis, Randy, 840 Roosevelt, rezoning from R1 to CS; Denied. (4/15)(6/17).........................163,268
Days Inn, Dbq Lodging Inc. 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/4)................................................................86
DB & T - Dubuque Bank & Trust Enterprise Zone Agreement for redevelopment of Walsh
Stores. (8/19).......................................................................................................................................341
DB & T – Heartland Financial USA Project, Memorandum of Understanding for expansion.(1/7)5
DB & T Bank – Heartland - Demolition of one story rear addition to the Bell Block & Ziepprecht
Buildings at 13 & Central. (12/2)..................................................................................................482
DB & T Bank, Claim – suit vs Richard White & City. (6/17)..............................................................261
DB & T Bank, demolish structures on Iowa St. etc. for parking etc. (6/3)(6/17)............230,270,271
DB & T, sale of property to them – City Lot 449A – Alley between Iowa St & Central Ave. from 13
St. to 14 St. (9/3)(9/16).............................................................................................366,367,382,383
DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Program. (2/18)................................49,50
DBQ Inc., Shot Tower, 390 Locust, Liquor Lic. (5/6).........................................................................189
Deadline for early completion of Old Highway 20 Water Main Extension Proj. (5/20)................205
December 2001 Financial Reports submitted. (1/21)..........................................................................8
December 2001 proof of claims and revenues. (2/18)........................................................................46
Deck Joint Repair by IDOT on U.S. 20 Bridge – Julien Dubuque Bridge. (3/4)...............................81
Decorah Street, east of Adair, request to vacate & purchase by Douglas & Jean Kapp & William
& Carole Kubler. (12/16)..............................................................................................................498,499
Dedication of Lot B, Harvest Business Center Final Plat. (7/1)......................................................278
Dedication off Flat Iron Park Pedestrian Bridge, request that it be named in memory of St. Mary
Martensen. (11/4).............................................................................................................................448
Deed acceptance from Karen D. Maury, 895 W. 32 St. for Detention Basin. (6/17)...................262
Deed acceptance to property in Dbq County from Iowa – Northwestern Development Co. (3/4)85
Deed from ConAgra Foods, Inc., amendment to purchase agreement. (12/2).............................485
Deed from R/W Dubuque, LLC. – property on Chavenelle Road – Gazebo Plat. (8/5)................318
Deeds - Dubuque Hardwoods, property on Fourth St. Peninsula, City offer to Buy Real Estate;
deeds from Dbq Hardwoods, Robert & Lynn Miller & Midwest Hardwoods.
Deer Management program report; approval of Plan by Resolution. (3/18)(4/15)................114,156
Deer meat processing from Urban Deer Mgmt Program – Purchase of Services Agree. with St.
Stephens Food Bank.(5/6).................................................................................................................186
Defense Dept., Iowa, County Status compliance with IA Code Section 29C.9(8). (2/18)...............47
Defense Dept., Iowa, public assistance projects eligibility. (2/4).....................................................31
Deiter, Paula, Claim referred to Hamel Parking Lot Service. (8/5)..................................................315
Delaney, Michael, Claim; settlement. (10/7).......................................................................................399
Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts to County Treasurer. (12/2).................487,488
Delinquent Sewer Charges to the County Treasurer. (12/2).....................................................486,487
Delta Dental Plan Agreement with City. (1/7)(1/21)..........................................................................2,15
Demmer, Jeff, Bodine’s, 1445 Central, Cig. Per. ; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1)...............................205,281
Demolition & Grading Project, Rip Row Valley Ball Field. (2/4)(3/4).......................................39,40,89
Demolition District Ordinance, amendments to expand downtown district & establish 3 new
demolition districts. (9/16)..............................................................................................................389
Demolition of 1300- 1322 Iowa St. - - True Value, for parking for DB & T Bank.
Demolition of a structure – 45 W. 13 St., by Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., for parking.
Demolition of one story rear addition to the Bell Block & Ziepprecht Buildings at 13 & Central
for DB & T. (12/2)..............................................................................................................................482
Demolition project at 330-336 Main St. (1/21)......................................................................................10
Demolition request for metal addition to Star Brewery & wood shed. (12/2)................................482
Dempsey’s – Molly’s Pub & Grub, Clifford Enterprises, 395 W. 5 St., Cig. Per.; Cig. Per. ; claim –
suit against City. (5/20)(6/3)(7/1)..........................................................................................206,227,277
Denny’s Lux Club, B. Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/6)(5/20)..............189,205
Dental Plan for City Employees – Delta Dental. (1/7)(1/21).............................................................2,15
Department of Public Defense, County Status compliance with IA Code Section 29C.9(8). (2/18)
Department of Public Defense, public assistance projects eligibility. (2/4)...................................31
Department of Transportation, DOT, IA, traffic signals on NW Arterial Extension, David Leifker
communication. (2/18)......................................................................................................................52
Department of Transportation, IA, IDOT, Cooperative Agreement for Reconstruction of Locust St.
Department of Transportation, IA. financial assistance for construction, landscaping etc. of Bell
Street & Fifth St. (6/17)....................................................................................................................264
Department of Transportation, IDOT, RISE Funding Agreement for Development of Chavenelle
Rd. West of Seippel Rd. in Dubuque Industrial Center West. (2/4)............................................30
Department of Transportation, IDOT, Cooperative Agreement for realignment of University Ave.,
JFK & Hwy 20 intersection. (2/4).....................................................................................................36
Department of Transportation, Iowa, Agreement for Jackson St. & West Locust Street
Resurfacing. (6/17)..........................................................................................................................264
Depository Institutions updated for City monies. (1/21)(5/6)......................................................13,188
Depot Restoration, Burlington Northern Railroad; bids awarded & some rejected; request by
Historical Society to use City’s historic granite pavers there. (2/4)(3/18)(11/4)..41,126,127,441
Dept. of Natural Resources, inspection report on City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. (7/1)...279
Dept. of Natural Resources, storm sewer permit requirements. (1/7)...............................................2
Dept. of the Interior, application for Save America’s Treasure – Shot Tower was not selected for
funding. (10/21)................................................................................................................................420
Des Moines Register editorial, positive. (12/2)..................................................................................489
Design Center, Inc., claim; referred to Ins. (7/15)(8/5)...............................................................298,315
Design Center, Inc., Julien Inn, 200 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/16).........................................................498
Design Guidelines – amendments to Historic Preservation Ord. for design review process and to
add approval of site plans in historic districts and at landmark sites to the design review
process. (9/16)..................................................................................................................................387
Design Guidelines – Streetscape & Landscape, approve for historic districts. (3/18)...............130
Design of Conference and Education Center. (6/10)........................................................................258
Design of monument at Bell & Fifth Sts. (4/15).................................................................................175
Design of new Public Works facility discussed. (10/21)..................................................................418
Design of new Transit Boarding Facility Architectural Services, contract for design. (12/16)..495
Design of Riverwalk modified to improve accessibility to disabled & elderly. (8/19)..................342
Design services – architectural & engineering, for Third St. Overpass, Request for Proposals.
Design Standards of the Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District Master Plan, Atty Brian Kane in
support of. (3/4)..................................................................................................................................87
Design Standards Port of Dubuque presented. (2/4).........................................................................27
Detention Basin Cell, W. 32 St., purchase of property from Karen Maury for stormwater
detention. (5/20)(6/17)..............................................................................................................208,262
Detention Basin, W. 32, 18month moratorium on building permits. (4/15)................................174
Deutmeyer, Darrell, purchase portion of adjacent Tiffany Ridge. (9/16)(10/7)...............390,391,409
Deutmeyer, Kelley, ECIA, rep to Enterprise Zone Commission. (5/6)............................................196
Development Agreement - Dubuque Industrial Center West, substitute Lot 6 for Lot 5, Interstate
Power & Light Co. (4/15)(5/6)..................................................................................................176,190
Development Agreement - McGraw Hill – Certificate of completion. (5/20)..................................205
Development Agreement with Giese Mfg. Co. for property in Dubuque Industrial Center West;
change in facility size. (2/18)(3/4)(5/20)...............................................................................70,88,205
Development Agreement, amendment, with Interstate Power & Light Co. (4/15)........................176
DeVenuta, Deborah S., Claim; denial; appeal of denial; concurrence with previous denial.
Devon Dr & Collins St. - Dodge St. – Hwy 20, between Devon Dr. & Collins, rezoning of University
of Dubuque property to allow soccer field & parking etc. (6/17)..............................................266
Devon Dr., East of, North of U.S. Highway 20, rezoning for University of Dubuque to allow
student housing. (10/21)..........................................................................................................428,429
DGIL - Dubuque Girls Independent League Ballfield Fencing Project. (9/3)(10/7)........369,407,408
Diamond Jo Casino in support of gambling – gaming referendum. (10/7)(10/21)................416,437
Diamond Jo Casino, Peninsula Gaming Co., 400 E. 3,, Cigarette Per. (5/20).............................205
Dickinson, Rick of GDDC, Quarterly report; in support of amended Ice Harbor Urban Renewal
Plan; in support of Giese Mfg. expansion in Dbq Ind. Center West; in support of amended
Urban Renewal District Downtown; relocation of businesses in Port of Dubuque area;
appointments to GDDC Board - same: Mayor Duggan, Council Members Nicholson & Cline.
Dirks, David, from Evenson Dodge, reviewed Bond Sale of G.O. Bonds Series 2002. (11/4)....447
Disability – Human Rights Ordinance amendment. (6/3)(7/1)..........................................253,284-289
Disability Management Consulting Group, LLC, accessibility audits of multi family housing –
HUD. (8/19)..........................................................................................................................................334
Disabled and elderly, consideration for them in design change of Riverwalk. (8/19).................342
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise - DBE Certification Program. (2/18)................................49,50
Disaster – Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application for purchase of 6 properties in Catfish
Creek floodplain area…. Michael Van Milligen designated to execute. (9/16)...........................377
Discovery Center - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands Site Package I, Supplement
Agreement, Interior Walkways Project. (12/16)....................................................................495,496
Discovery Center – Mississippi River, Utility Relocation Project. (5/6)..................................180,181
Discrimination – Discriminatory Practices, re: amending Human Rights Ordinance.
Dispatch – Emergency Communications center, department budget hearing. (2/27)..................77
Dispatch phone numbers, difficulty getting through, comment by R. Kieffer. (1/21)....................26
Dispatcher, Public Safety, position, certified by Civil Service Commission. (1/7)...........................1
Disposal of adjacent Tiffany Ridge property to M. Langkamp, Jeffrey & Jayne Duve, Mary Geisler,
Keith Jeschke, Ray Herzog, Darrell Deutmeyer. (9/16)(10/7)...............................390,391,408,409
Disposal of City interest in Lot 5A of Carmel Heights to Sisters of Charity BVM.
Disposal of City Interest in Lot 6A of Shipton’s Add. – Southern Ave. area, to David S. Hartig Jr.
Disposal of City Interest in Lot 760A & Lot 776B of McDaniel’s Subdivision, 12 Street west of
Bluff St., to Gregory & Peggy Stover. (7/15)..............................................................................309
Disposal of City interest in Lot A of Oak Brook Development, Dubuque to Arbor Glen, Ltd
Partnership. (8/19)...........................................................................................................................343
Disposal of City interest in Lots 138 and 139 of Mechanic’s Addition – Napier St. to Robert
Cartmill & Glenn Bankson. (7/1).............................................................................................282,283
Disposal of interest of 20’ utility easement on Crescent Heights for Larry McDermott’s. (2/4)...37
Disposal of Lot A of Oak Brook Development to Arbor Glen, Ltd. – Raven Oaks. (9/3)...........354
Disposal of Lot A of Old Mill Place in Dubuque to David S. Hartig. (9/3)(9/16)..............365,366,382
Disposal of portion of city lots near Napier St. to Robert J. Cartmill & Glenn & Georgia Bankson.
Disposal of portion of Helena St. & Henion St. – Hodgdon’s Subd. to Loras College.
Disposal of Property – amendment to Development Agreement between City & Interstate Power
for Lot 6 instead of Lot 5 in sale of property in Dubuque Industrial Center West.
Disposal of property – Decorah Street, east of Adair, Lot 10A & Lot 11A of Woodlawn Park to
Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole Kubler. (12/16).......................................................499,500
Disposal of property - Dubuque Industrial Center West, Agreement with Giese Properties for access
for new manufacturing facility; disposal of property to Giese. (2/18)(3/4)......................50,70,88
Disposal of Property along Rhomberg Ave. to Clint Johnson, John Duccini and Michael
Schmalz. (9/3)(9/16)..................................................................................................................364,381
Disposal of property in Birch Acres to Jeff Arensdorf. (8/5)...........................................................328
Disposal of property in Lenox Addition to Eric & Bonita Timmerman. (8/5).................................327
Disposal of property near 2616 Stafford & Linwood to Joseph G. Feltes. (8/19).........................335
Disposal of property to DB & T, City Lot 449A – Alley between Iowa St & Central Ave. from 13
St. to 14 St. (9/16)....................................................................................................................382,383
Disposal of Utility Easement in C.J. Bies Subd. for Tom Oster. (2/18)............................................70
Districts, Designation of Urban Revitalization Districts – Old Main, Cathedral, & Langworthy
Historic Districts. (9/16)......................................................................................................................397
Dixon, James, applicant for Electrical Code Board; reappointed. (6/3)(6/17)........................228,266
DLEC – Dubuque Law Enforcement Center, loan from County to complete fiber optics loop,
construction of addition to Law Enforcement Center. (2/14)......................................................45
DMATS in support of SW Arterial corridor environmental assessment. (4/15)............................175
DMSWA - Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency rates for landfill. (1/7).................................2
DMSWA - Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, designation of Council Member Nicholson
for Board. (1/7)....................................................................................................................................5
DNR, IA Dept. of Natural Resources, storm sewer permit requirements. (1/7).................................2
DNR, IA, inspection report on City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. (7/1).......................................279
DNR, IA, re: Deer Management Plan in City. (4/15)...........................................................................156
DNR, IA, request salvaged brick pavers to be used at E.B. Lyons Center & Riprow Valley.
Dock facility – River Terminal Dock facility in Peosta, Channel, Corps of Engrs. Permit.
Dodds River Terminal Lease Amendment for rail access. (1/21).....................................................13
Dodds River Terminal lease, objection to rezoning of Port of Dubuque. (4/15)...........................164
Dodds River Terminal, claim at City & Council. (5/20)(6/3).......................................................199,218
Dodge St. – Hwy 20, Transportation Enhancement Program Project Agreement with IDOT for
Phase II – Hill and Bryant St. area of the Highway 20 landscaping project. (7/15).................300
Dodge St. – Hwy 20, between Devon Dr. & Collins, rezoning of University of Dubuque property to
allow soccer field & parking etc. (6/17)........................................................................................266
Dodge St. – Hwy 20, between Devon Dr. & new Menards Store, intelligent traffic control system &
turn lanes at many intersections. (12/16)..............................................................................492,493
Dodge St. – Hwy 20, Landscaping Project, Agreement with IDOT. (2/4).........................................28
Dodge St., 3925, rezoning at request of Tom Luksetich – Luksetich & Smith. (9/3)...................355
Dodge St., North of Hwy 20, East of Devon Dr. rezoning for University of Dubuque to allow
construction of new student apartments.(10/21).................................................................428,429
Dog Gone, Inc., Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (10/7)...........................................404
Dog House Lounge, Dog Gone, Inc. 1646 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (10/7)............................................404
Dogs and Cats, impoundment fee increased. (3/5)...................................................................104,105
Doors Replacement Project – Five Flags Theater. (8/19)(9/16)...............................343,344,384,385
DOT, IA, building development moratorium in SW Arterial Corridor. (4/15)................169,170, 171
DOT, IA, Cooperative Agreement for realignment of University Ave., JFK & Hwy 20 intersection.
DOT, IA, Cooperative Agreement for Reconstruction of Locust St. Connector.(2/4)....................29
DOT, IA, RISE Funding Agreement for Development of Chavenelle Rd. West of Seippel Rd. in
Dubuque Industrial Center West. (2/4)...........................................................................................30
DOT, IA, traffic signals on NW Arterial Extension, David Leifker communication. (2/18).............52
Downtown Dubuque Transit Alternative Analysis for Port of Dubuque, contract with URS/BRW.
Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal District,, Long Range Planning Advisory Commissions
Public Hearing. (3/18)......................................................................................................................133
Downtown Master Plan, American Architectural Foundation for Public Outreach Grant
Application. (10/21)..........................................................................................................................421
Downtown Master Plan, American Architectural Foundation for Public Outreach Grant
Downtown Master Plan, Consultant Selection of Leland Consulting Group. (8/19)....................341
Downtown Master Plan, Dan LoBianco, stated appreciation. (2/21)................................................75
Downtown Master Plan, grant application to IDED; approval of Grant Agreement for $25,000.
Downtown Master Plan, IDED preapplication. (4/1)..........................................................................139
Downtown Master Plan, priority for Council. (8/29)..........................................................................348
Downtown Master Plan, Steve Horman of Chamber speaking in support. (2/21)..........................74
Downtown Neighborhood District, expansion re: Demolition District. (9/16)..............................389
Downtown Planning Committee Membership, Long Range Planning approval of membership;
addition of new members from Dbq Initiative & Dbq Cultural Alliance. (8/5)(12/16).......326,494
Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Agreement for Guy Gard – 356 Main & Ellen Willis – 372 Main;
Second Amendment. (3/4)(11/4)..............................................................................................85,441
Downtown Urban Renewal Amendment. (1/21).............................................................................24,25
Downtown Urban Renewal District, amended & restated to support reinvestment efforts in the
Upper Main area and TIV.(4/1).................................................................................................142,143
Downtown Urban Renewal District, Historic Property Tax Rebate Program. (5/6)......................196
DRA - Dubuque Racing Assn. appointments – Duggan, Buol & Markham. (1/7)............................5
DRA – amend CIP schedule of 2002. (6/3).........................................................................................218
DRA - Dubuque Racing Assn., Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park, Liquor
Lic.; Cigarette Per. (3/18)(6/3)..................................................................................................123,227
DRA – Dubuque Racing Assn., FY 2003 CIP Schedule. (12/2)........................................................488
DRA, support letter for application of Historic Bluffs Neighbor. Assn’s for streetscape
improvements at Loras Blvd. (2/18)................................................................................................50
Dragon Boat Festival Days Proclamation. (9/3)................................................................................349
Drainage Basin Master Plan, Bee Branch, Request for Proposals and appointment of Dr. Charles
Winterwood as Chair of Citizen Advisory Comm. (8/5).............................................................326,327
Drainage Basin Master Plan, Storm Water Management Plan that includes Bee Branch Creek
Restoration Project from 24 & Elm to the Railroad Tracks etc. (11/4).......................................449
Drake, Attorney Flint, for Wayne Stewarts, rezoning Old Highway Road near Seippel Rd.
Draper, David, Claim; settlement. (1/21)(2/4)...................................................................................8,28
DRC Enterprises, Mama Cassetti’s, 4031 Pennsylvania, Liquor Lic. (6/3)....................................228
Dredged Material Placement Permit with US Army Corps of Engineers to place dredge material
along Miller Riverview Park. (8/5)..................................................................................................318
Dredging Project – 2002 Maintenance – Ice Harbor Flood Control Gate Structure; acceptance. .
Dredging Project, - 2002 Maintenance – Ice Harbor Flood Control Gates. (7/15)........................306
Drew Cook Construction, final of High Bluff – Stafford to Fengler – Sanitary Sewer
Reconstruction Pro. ; award contract for the Old Highway 20 WaterMain Extension Phase II;
awarded contract for Concrete Repairs for Kerper Blvd. & North Grandview Ave.
Driver Services Agreement – Project Concern Services Agree. with Keyline. (2/18)....................50
Drivers Agreement with Keyline, Project Concern Services. (2/18).................................................50
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery Month Proclamation. (9/16)..................................................372
Drug Abuse Policy – Substance Abuse Policy for City. (1/7)..............................................................2
Drug Enforcement Agreement with County & Jo Daviess County, IL. (2/4)(4/15)...................30,160
Drug Plan etc. – Health Care Committee amendment. (7/15)..........................................................303
Dubuque – Jackson Counties Habitat for Humanity , storm water runoff on Nevada St. & YMYW
Drive. (8/5).........................................................................................................................................316
Dubuque – Jackson Counties Habitat for Humanity, problems with stormwater runoff at 10
Nevada St. & 1431 YMYW Drive. (10/21)..........................................................................................419
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Report.
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau, Purchase of Services
Agreement. (5/20)............................................................................................................................210
Dubuque Area Labor Management Council Purchase of Services Agree. (5/6)...................185,186
Dubuque Area Labor Management, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permits. (8/5).................................319
Dubuque Area Lifetime Center Purchase of Services Agree. (5/6)................................................185
Dubuque Bank & Trust Enterprise Zone Agreement for redevelopment of Walsh Stores.
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. DB & T Bank, Claim – suit vs Richard White & City. (6/17).............261
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., authorized depository for city funds. (5/6).......................................188
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., demolish structures on Iowa St. for parking etc. (6/3)....................230
Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service, Inc. dba Newt Marine & Dubuque Terminals, Inc. – claim –
suit. (6/3)...........................................................................................................................................218
Dubuque City Council communication to Mediacom. (6/10)...........................................................257
Dubuque Community Schools Request to purchase property – alley near Bryant and Mt. Loretta.
Dubuque County Historical Society & Peninsula Gaming Co. – Lease Agreement, Ice Harbor.
Dubuque County Historical Society for the America’s River Museum, EDI Special Project Grant
with HUD. (7/1)..................................................................................................................................280
Dubuque County Historical Society request to use City’s historic granite pavers for Depot
Restoration project. (11/4)..............................................................................................................441
Dubuque County Historical Society, Ryan House, 1375 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (12/16).............498
Dubuque County Historical Society’s National Scenic Byways Grant application; amendment.
Dubuque County’s Proposed Land Development Plan and Map. (9/3)........................................362
Dubuque Cultural Alliance member to Downtown Planning Committee. (12/16)........................494
Dubuque Discount Gas, 2175 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/21)(5/20)..........................15,206
Dubuque Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge St., Beer Per. (2/4)...................................................................32
Dubuque Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge St., Cigarette Per. (5/20).......................................................205
Dubuque Girls Independent League Ballfield Fencing Project. (9/3)(10/7)....................369,407,408
Dubuque Girls Independent League Lease for portion of Rip Row Valley property. (1/21)...........9
Dubuque Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall Pl., Liquor Lic. (5/20)...............................................206
Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, DRA, 1855 Greyhound Park, Liquor Lic. (3/18)................123
Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, Tax Rate – Legislative Communication to State Rep. G.
Eichhorn in support of this. (3/4).....................................................................................................80
Dubuque Greyhound Park, resolution in support of Gaming in Dubuque County. (10/21)........437
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.’s Addn, deed to real estate from ConAgra Foods. (12/2)..485
Dubuque Hardwoods, property on Fourth St. Peninsula, City offer to Buy Real Estate; deeds
from Dbq Hardwoods, Robert & Lynn Miller & Midwest Hardwoods. (10/21)(12/16).........438,496
Dubuque Hockey, Inc. – Thunderbirds, Rental Agreement for Five Flags Civic Center. (9/3).351
Dubuque Humane Society, Purchase of Services Agreement. (5/6).............................................186
Dubuque Industrial Center West Covenants – include industrial park property W of Seippel Rd.
Dubuque Industrial Center West Entrance Sign at Chavenelle Dr. & Seippel Rd. (5/6)..............196
Dubuque Industrial Center West Final Plat of Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot F & Lot G to allow for sale of Lot 6
for construction of a new industrial building. (2/18)....................................................................67
Dubuque Industrial Center West, Agree. for RISE Funding with IDOT for development of
Chavenelle Rd. West of Seippel Rd. (2/4).......................................................................................30
Dubuque Industrial Center West, Agreement with Giese Properties for access for new
manufacturing facility; disposal of property to Giese. (2/18)(3/4)....................................50,70,88
Dubuque Industrial Center West, final plat of Lots H, I & J; final plat corrected to read Lots H, I &
J of Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addn. (4/15)(5/20)..........................................159,200
Dubuque Industrial Center West, Gazebo property accepted from McGraw-Hill facility at John G.
Bergfeld Recreation Area. (8/5).....................................................................................................318
Dubuque Industrial Center West, rezoning of property at Chavenelle Dr. E of Seippel Rd., & N of
County Farm, from AG to PUD & PI. (2/18)................................................................................54-64
Dubuque Industrial Center West, substitute Lot 6 for Lot 5, Interstate Power & Light Co.
Dubuque Industrial Center, rezoning re: on-premise Primary Signage. (3/18).............................124
Dubuque Initiatives member to Downtown Planning Comm. (12/16)............................................494
Dubuque Initiatives, Sale of Port of Dubuque property to. (10/21)(11/25)......................425,479,480
Dubuque Inn, Best Western, 3434 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/4)(5/20)...........................32,205
Dubuque Internal Medicine, claim; referred to Ins. (11/4)(11/18)............................................439,458
Dubuque Jackson County Habitat for Humanity Drainage problem on YMCA Drive response by
City Mgr. (12/16)...............................................................................................................................495
Dubuque Jaycees / Peosta Channel Trail Project. (1/21)(2/18)....................................................20,69
Dubuque Jaycees, Chili Cook Off, Tent A Cable Car Square. (9/16)..............................................377
Dubuque Jaycees, Main ST Cul du Sac, Beer Per.(5/6)...................................................................188
Dubuque Jaycees, Town Clock, Beer Permits. (8/5)(8/19)........................................................319,334
Dubuque Jaycees, Washington Park, Beer Permits – 4. (7/1)........................................................281
Dubuque Jewelry & Loan, M. Koch, owner, re: new Pawnbroker’s Ord. (2/18)..............................68
Dubuque Jewelry & Pawn, objecting to new secondhand & pawnbroker ordinance. (2/18).......68
Dubuque Law Enforcement Center, DLEC, loan from County to complete fiber optics loop,
construction of addition to Law Enforcement Center. (2/14)......................................................45
Dubuque Lodge #355, Order of Moose, Liquor Lic. (4/1).................................................................142
Dubuque Lodging Inc., Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/4)......................................................86
Dubuque Lumber Co. – Tom Tully, re: rezoning of property at end of Raven Oaks Dr. – MWF
Felderman. (5/20)......................................................................................................................211,212
Dubuque Main St. - Vision Downtown Project, IDED $25,000 CDBG Grant to Dubuque Main St.
Dubuque Main St. Ltd, Purchase of Services Agree.; amended to include for the purpose of
establishing an event insurance grant program. (5/6)........................................................186,196
Dubuque Main St., D. LoBianco, appreciation for Downtown Master Plan. (2/21).........................75
Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency rates for landfill. (1/7)...................................................2
Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency Waste Delivery Contract. (11/4)..............................439
Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, designation of Council Member Nicholson for
Board. (1/7)..........................................................................................................................................5
Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments Ltd., Cindy Oliver, 555 JFK Rd. Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per.
Dubuque Museum of Art, as part of ArTS Dubuque, requesting City funding. (8/5)...................323
Dubuque Post 6, American Legion, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/17).................................................266
Dubuque Racing Assn – Greyhound Park & Diamond Jo. support of referendum. (10/21)437,438
Dubuque Racing Assn. – DRA appointments of Mayor Duggan and Council Members Buol &
Markham. (1/7)......................................................................................................................................5
Dubuque Racing Assn. - DRA – amend CIP schedule of 2002. (6/3).............................................218
Dubuque Racing Assn. DRA, support letter for application of Historic Bluffs Neighbor. Assn’s for
streetscape improvements at Loras Blvd. (2/18)..........................................................................50
Dubuque Racing Assn. FY 2003 CIP Schedule. (12/2).....................................................................488
Dubuque Racing Assn., Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park, Liquor Lic.;
Cigarette Per. (3/18)(6/3)..........................................................................................................123,227
Dubuque Racing Assn., DRA, appointments – Duggan, Buol & Markham. (1/7).............................5
Dubuque Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction Project acceptance. (4/1)...............140
Dubuque Religious Center, Inc. 923 Main, Wine Per. (1/7...................................................................3
Dubuque School Board, Council, Supervisors etc. discuss priorities. (11/7)..............................456
Dubuque Star Brewery Building in Port of Dubuque, Request for Qualification to solicit qualified
developers; The Alexander Co. Team & Platinum Hospitality team & Dubuque Star Brewing
Co. for RQP. (6/17)(9/3)............................................................................................................264,362
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, part of ArTS Dubuque, requesting City funding. (8/5).............323
Dubuque TV Limited Partnership opposition to Main St. Opening assessment. (1/7)....................3
Dubuque Twine Co., Lease & Agree. Amendment etc. (1/21)..........................................................13
Dubuque Yacht Basin – Firstar Assignment of real estate & lease agreements. (1/21).........13,14
DubuqueFest, 260 W. 6, Beer Permit. (4/1)......................................................................................141
Duccini, John, Eagle Point No. 2 final plat tabled; property along Rhomberg Ave. to him.
Duehr, Jason, Claim; referred to Insurance. (6/17)..........................................................................261,
Duggan, Mayor Terrance, appointed to Dubuque Racing Assn. Board; alternate liaison to the
Long Range Planning Comm. (1/7)(7/15)..................................................................................5,308
Duggan, Mayor Terrance, swore in Mayor Pro-Tem Ann E. Michalski for next 8 mos. (1/7)..........1
Duggan, Tim, 1057 Bonnie Ct., objecting to 3001 N. Cascade rezoning. (12/16).........................502
Dump Trucks at end of Oak Street, residents’ comments. (3/4).......................................................80
Dupaco Community Credit Union as part of City suit from DB & T. (6/17)....................................261
Dupaco Community Credit Union, depository for city funds. (5/6)................................................188
Durrant Group, The, awarded contract for design review training program for historic districts.
Duve, Jayne & Jeffrey, purchase portion of adjacent Tiffany Ridge property. (9/16)(10/7).390,409
DVD’s etc., change in electronic record keeping for Pawn Shops, secondhand dealers etc. (2/18)
DVD’s included in recorded keeping for secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. (2/18).............68
ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/1)(6/3)..................................139,218
E. 15 St. Stormwater Detention Basin – bulletin board put up near there by Audubon. (6/3)..225
E. B. Lyons Center, , request to use salvaged brick pavers by IA DNR. (12/16)..........................506
E. Twentieth Streets, 349 & 369, rezoning for Gronen Properties. (4/15)...............................162,163
Eagle Food Center #018, 330 S. Locust, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (5/20)(10/7)..206,404
Eagle Food Center #130, 1800 Elm St., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (5/20)(10/7)....206,404
Eagle Food Center #320, 2050 JF Kennedy rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per.
Eagle Point No. 2 Subdivision at end of Rhomberg Ave. – Final Plat - matter tabled.
Eagle Point No. 2, Lot 1, rezoning from R1 to CS and CR - 2701, 2705 & 2711 Rhomberg;
disposal to Clint Johnson, John Duccini, and Michael Schmalz. (9/3)(9/16)..........357,381,382
Eagle Point Park, transfer of Liquor License of Colts Drum & Bugle Corps. (5/20)....................205
Eagle Window & Door Loan Agreement $692,000 PIAP funds – State. (9/16)..............................376
Eagles Club #568, 1175 Century Dr., Liquor Lic.(3/18).....................................................................123
Easement - vacate utility easement in C.J. Bies Subd for Tom Oster. (2/18)(3/4)....................70,90
Easement – plat for Storm & Sanitary Sewers across portion of Mechanic’s Addn – Napier St.
Easement Agreement for Recreational Trail – Interstate Power & Light Co. (5/20).....................204
Easement for Cottingham & Butler, disposing of City interest in portion of Main St. to allow them
to construct tunnel underneath. (2/4).............................................................................................34
Easement for utility – water main under railroad tracks near NW Arterial. (11/4)........................441
Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. – Peninsula Gaming, for sidewalk &
sprinkler system. (10/7)..................................................................................................................403
Easement vacated - Roadway easement vacated parallel to John F. Kennedy Rd., Grandview
Ave. United Methodist Church. (11/18)..........................................................................................470
Easement vacation in Crescent Heights for Larry & Sharon McDermott. (2/4)....................37,65,66
East Dubuque – Mutual Law Enforcement & Drug Enforcement Agreement with City & County of
Dubuque. (4/15)................................................................................................................................160
East Dubuque Intergovernmental Agreement – minibus services. (2/18)......................................50
East Dubuque Savings Bank, East Dubuque, IL, depository of city funds. (5/6).........................188
East Fifth St. - Traffic signage changed – stop signs for southbound traffic on Bell St. &
westbound traffic on East Fifth St. & a Yield Sign for Eastbound Traffic on East Fifth St.
(11/4) ......................................................................................................................................................451
Ebertz, Roger P., Claim and referred to Ins. (7/1)..............................................................................277
ECIA requesting City adopt Hazard Mitigation Plan. (2/18)...............................................................47
Eckstein, Judy, - J. Turner, Claim; Referred to Insurance. (5/6)(5/20)....................................179,199
Econofoods, Nash Finch Co., 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Per. ; Cig. Per.(2/18)(6/3)..50,53,227
Economic Development Administration Grant Application for $2 M grant to acquire Adams Co.
Economic Development District – Quebecor. (9/16)................................................................375,376
Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Grant Application to US Dept. of HUD for
America’s River Museum for County Historical Society. (3/4)(7/1)................................80,81,280
EDA Application for grant for relocation of Adams Co. (3/8)(9/3)(12/16)................113,351,497,498
Editorial in Des Moines Register, positive. (12/2).............................................................................489
Education and Conference Center Bid Package #1 Project. (4/15)................................................175
Education and Conference Center Bid Package #2 Project. (6/3)(7/1)...................................254,283
Education and Conference Center, Mississippi River, Bid Package #3, Project.
Education and Conference Center, Mississippi River, Cascading Stairs signage. (8/5)............326
Education and Conference Center, name, height, landscaping, discussion; naming process for
convention facility, etc.; named Grand River Center. (2/4)(7/15)(11/18)..............27,302,303,477
Education and Conference Center, naming focus group, addition of Council Members Cline &
Markham. (9/16)................................................................................................................................389
Education and Conference Center, update by HOK Venue, S. Ulstad and J. Kolf; update by HOK
Venue. (3/4)(6/10)........................................................................................................................79,258
Edwards, Janet, for Lee Manor Investments, acceptance of Ordinances rezoning of 1875 – 1895
University. (9/16)..............................................................................................................................380
Ehlinger, Penny, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/16).........................................................500
Ehrlich, Frank & Marilyn, Vista Heights 2 Addition final plat. (6/17)............................................263
Eichhorn, George, State Rep., letter in support of HF 2290 – tax rate at Dbq Greyhound Park.
Eichman, Bob, letter @ rezoning at end of Rhomberg for condominiums at former Toll Bridge Inn
site. (12/2)..........................................................................................................................................484
Eighteenth & Central Ave., Noise problem with music at Muddy Waters Coffee Shop, 18 &
Central. (12/2)(12/16)................................................................................................................481,497
Eighth St. and Main Street – Stop Signs placed at eastbound & westbound traffic. (7/1)..........290
Eighth St. Parking Meter district to include both sides from Main to Locust etc.
Eighth St., meter district to include both Sides from Iowa St. to Locust St. (2/4)(6/3)....36,253,254
Eighth Street , Sign Agreement for Grand Opera House. (8/5).......................................................316
Eipperle, Kevin, of The Durrant Group, draft Guidelines – Streetscape Design in Historic
Preservation Dis. (1/21).......................................................................................................................7
Elderly – Assistive Devices, Cp2 funds. (5/20)..................................................................................211
Elderly & disabled, modification to Riverwalk design to help them. (8/19)...................................342
Electric Co. – Interstate Power Co. Alliant Energy Co., rate increase, letter of City Mgr. to Iowa
Utilities Bd. (6/17).............................................................................................................................265
Electric Co. - Interstate Power & Light Co. Rate Case., hiring of legal counsel. (5/20)...............209
Electrical Code Board applicants: James Dixon, Dan Hammel, Kevin Pfohl, David A. Pregler,
Elaine Reiss; reappointments of these individuals. (6/3)(6/17).........................................228,266
Electrical Code, 2002 National, adopted. (6/3)...........................................................................251,252
Electrical Contract for Woodward Museum, 2000 Renovations Project Contract awarded to Giese
Sheet Metal Co. of Dubuque. (8/5).................................................................................................326
Electrical Rewiring - Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project.
Electronic connection – telephone, with absent Council Members for meeting. (12/2).............481
Electronic record keeping allowed – Ord. amendment for Secondhand Dealers, Junk Dealers
and Pawnbrokers. (2/18)...................................................................................................................68
Eleventh Street & Main Street, support & local Contributing Effort for development of Affordable
Housing, John Gronen – Gronen Properties. (11/4)(11/18)(12/16)...........................450,459,494
Elimination of twelve month time limitation – parking fines etc. (3/18).........................................133
Elliott, Mike of Dbq County Firefighters Assn thanking city for truck fund contribution. (3/4)....80
Ellis, Charlie, Chair of Cable Regulatory Comm., spoke re: extension of cable franchise lease.
Elm Street – discussion re: stormwater runoff open water channel etc. (11/4)...........................449
Elm Street, 2027 & 2035, & E. 20 St., etc. rezoning for John Gronen – Gronen Properties. (4/15)
Embassy West & Camelot Drive, request for Yield or Stop Signs by Mark Sullivan; appreciation
for installation of stop signs. (7/1)(9/16)................................................................................277,372
Embassy West designated as a through street, stops signs at all intersecting side streets and
stop sign on Embassy West Dr. at N intersection of Camelot Dr. (8/19).................................340
Embassy West Drive & Pennsylvania, NE Corner, 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program – request
by John Herrig to delay til developed; agreed to install crushed rock walkway.
Emerald Acres – amendment to PUD with a PR to match legal description of Emerald Acres No.
2 final plat – Ed Tschiggfrie – T Corp. (11/18)......................................................................472,473
Emergency Communications Center budget hearing. (2/27)............................................................77
Emergency Management Division, State Dept. of Defense, response to Ellen Gordon @ eligibility
for public assistance projects. (2/4)(2/18).................................................................................31,47
Emergency Management Office budget hearing. (2/27)....................................................................77
Emergency Medical Service Assn., Dbq. County – Mutual Aid Agreements with Fire Dept., City of
East Dubuque etc. (7/15)................................................................................................................301
Emergency Response Vehicle, Red Cross, $5000 toward; appreciation. (7/1)(8/5).............291,316
Eminent Domain Proceedings for Mississippi Valley Truck Center property in the Port of
Dubuque. (10/7).........................................................................................................................413,414
Eminent Domain proceedings requested by Ed Tschiggfrie – T Corp to acquire Tower Hills Drive
as a public street. (12/16)...............................................................................................................503
Employees of City allowed to obtain information from banks and credit unions. (6/3)..............226
Employment Evaluation of City Manager M. Van Milligen; Employment Agreement.
Employment Practices re: Human Relations Ordinance amendments. (6/3)...............................253
Enderson, George O., applicant to Transit Board of Trustees; reappointed. (7/15)(8/5).....303,320
Energy One – Peoples Natural Gas, name change of company to Aquila. (4/1)..........................141
Engineering Assistant I position certified by Civil Service Comm. (3/18).....................................113
Engineering Division departmental budget hearing. (2/14)..............................................................45
Engstrom, Dave of Mutual Wheel Co. requesting postponement of Riverfront Port of Dubuque
Conceptual Development Plan. (4/15)..........................................................................................164
Enterprise Zone Agreement – Cottingham & Butler Insurance Services Inc. – IDED . – rehab of
Town Clock Building, 835 Main. (3/18).........................................................................................113
Enterprise Zone Agreement – Quebecor World for expansion on Kerper Blvd. (5/20)..............204
Enterprise Zone Commission appointment of City Manager M. Van Milligen. (2/4)......................31
Enterprise Zone Commission appointments of Kelley Deutmeyer and Daniel White. (5/6).......196
Enterprise Zoning Agreement – IDED & Dubuque Bank & Trust for development of the former
Walsh Store. (8/19)..........................................................................................................................341
Entrance Road to Airport – Reconstruction Project. (4/1)...............................................................140
Entrance Sign for the Dubuque Industrial Center West – Chavenelle Dr. & Seippel Rd. (5/6)...196
Environmental Assessment for SW Arterial corridor. (4/15)(5/6)............................................175.187
Environmental Assessment Study re: U.S. 20 – Seippel Rd. interchange re: Building Moratorium
extension – SW Arterial area. (3/18).......................................................................................130,131
Environmental Health Resource Center – funds to enhance current Lead Paint Hazard Reduction
Program. (5/6)...................................................................................................................................180
Environmental Notice & Notice of Release of Funds re: Heartland Financial USA Project .
Environmental Notice & Notice to Release Funds – FY 2003 CDBG Program. (5/20)..........203,204
Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for Hillcrest Family Services HOPES Project. (6/3)219
Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for the Audubon Ark Project. (12/2)..................483,484
Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for the Five Point Comprehensive Housing
Rehabilitation Project. (7/15)..........................................................................................................300
Environmental Notice & Release of Funds re: Hillcrest Family Services Continuum of Care
Project. (3/18.....................................................................................................................................108
Environmental Notice re: U.S. 20 Bridge Across the Mississippi River. (9/3)..............................351
Environmental Protection Agency Grant, - Cooperative Agreement for Brownfields Assessment
Demonstration Pilot Program to complete Phase I & Phase II in Port of Dubuque area. (10/21)
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. – City selected as a pilot with whom EPA to award
Brownfields Assessment Pilot. (6/3)(7/1)..............................................................................226,279
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm, in support of Appendix F – Radon Control
Methods re: International Residential Code. (6/3)......................................................................245
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. applicant Andrea Bixler; appointment of Andrea
Bixler. (8/5)(8/19)...............................................................................................................320,334,335
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. resignation of Leslee Ditzig Spraggins. (7/15)..301
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. youth applicant Michael Hirsch; appointed. (6/3)
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission applicant William L. Niemann; appointed..
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission applicants Daniel Calvert & Mark Henning;
appointments of D. Calvert & M. Henning. (11/18)(12/2).....................................................472,489
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission resignation of Arthur W. Sunleaf. (9/16)...372
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission resignation of David B. Czarnecki. (9/3)...349
Enzler, Jerry of the Mississippi River Museum, in support of amendment of Riverfront Plan to
include Port of Dubuque Master Plan; for renovation of Burlington Northern Depot
Restoration. (3/4)(3/18)...............................................................................................................87,126
EPA – Brownfield Clean up grant application for Petroleum Contaminated Property in the Port of
Dubuque. (12/16)..............................................................................................................................497
EPA – Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Program to complete Phase I & Phase II
environmental assessments in the Port of Dubuque. (10/21)...................................................422
EPA - Brownfields Assessment Pilot cooperative agreement, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, City selected by EPA etc. (6/3)(7/1).........................................................................226,279
Equipment Operator II position certified by Civil Service Commission. (1/21)................................9
Erickson, David, Lucky 13 Tap, 385 E. 13, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(8/19).......................227,334
Erickson, Shawn, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/15).................................................................................298
Ernst, Carol, Claim; referred to Insurance. (1/21)(2/4).....................................................................8,28
Erosion Policy – Council priority item. (8/29)....................................................................................348
Europa Haus Restaurant – Bierstube, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/4)...................................442
Europa Haus Restaurant, Bierstube Ltd., 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (10/7).............................404
Events – Special, Grant Program, for events held on public ROW that require insurance etc. (9/3)
Events Coordinator position at Five Flags Civic Center, individuals for position certified by Civil
Service Comm. (9/16)......................................................................................................................374
Exhibits - Interpretive Center – Great River Road, Subgrantee Agreement with Dbq County
Historical Society for National Scenic Byways Grant for design & construction of exhibits.
Expansion of Quebecor Co. – CEBA Application to IDED. (3/4)(5/20).................................90,91,204
Express Depot Inc. , Liquor Depot of Dubuque, 1620 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Per. ; Cigarette
Per. (1/21)(5/20)...........................................................................................................................15,206
Extension of Chavenelle Rd. (3/4).........................................................................................................95
Extension of Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer. (5/6)....................................................................182,183
Extension of Heritage Trail Project. (6/17)(7/15).................................................................272,273,305
Extension of Mediacom Cable Franchise Lease to MCCIowa LLC.
Extension of Sanitary Sewer for Oak Street. (5/6).............................................................................181
Façade of Five Flags Theater, painting project. (8/19)(9/16)....................................................344,384
Faces and Voices Month Proclamation. (11/4)..................................................................................439
Faces and Voices, cultural celebration, One Book One Dubuque Initiative – To Kill a
Mockingbird, discussion at the Library. (9/16)................................................................................386
Fair Housing Proclamation. (4/1).........................................................................................................139
Fair Market Value of property owned by Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. (5/20)................210
Fair Week Proclamation. (7/15)............................................................................................................298
Family Mart, Inc., 3201 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per.
Family Self-Sufficiency and Homeownership Program Coordinator. (5/6)..................................180
Famolo of Iowa, Inc., Los Aztecas Mexican Rest., 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/5)........................319
Fannie Stout House, Claim. (3/18).......................................................................................................107
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance, Claim of Earl Hinzman; referred to Ins. (1/21)(2/4)...................8,28
Fassbinder, Rick & Jean, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/15)....................................................................155
Fat Tuesday’s, Richard Hirsch III, 1121 University, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/17)(9/16)..........265,378
FCC Cable Modem Decision – Mediacom recalculation of franchise fees contribution. (5/6)...187
FCC’s Pasadena Franchise Fee Decision – Cable TV, funding for coalition of cities for court
appeal. (12/2).......................................................................................................................................483
FDL Property proposed for new Wal-Mart Store, support of G. Reid. (10/21)...............................419
Feasibility Study – Municipal Cable & Telecommunications RFP’s. (12/2)...................................489
Feasibility Study, Rail, funded by Keyline funds. (1/21).....................................................................23
February 2002 billing of Cable – Mediacom, rate increase. (1/7)........................................................2
February 2002 Council Proceedings approved. (7/1).......................................................................277
February 2002 Financial reports submitted. (3/18)...........................................................................107
Fedderson, Marla, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/1)..................................................................................277
Federal Communications Commission’s Declaratory Ruling re: cable Modem System. (5/6)..187
Federal Government take over screening services at Dubuque Regional Airport. (10/21)........420
Federal Home Loan Bank, application for Affordable Housing funds to assist individuals to buy
a home. (9/3)................................................................................................................................362,363
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Grant Application for outside facilitation services
for committee meetings, an annual action planning process and grant program
administration. (7/15)............................................................................................................................301
Federal Recreational Trail Grant Application for construction of Iowa 32 – NW Arterial Bike/Hike
Path. (10/7)..........................................................................................................................................402
Fee for Stormwater Utility. (11/4).........................................................................................................449
Fees for fire sprinkler services increased. (3/5)...............................................................................100
Fees for new Fourth St. Parking Ramp Operation. (3/4)(5/20)...................................................91,210
Felderman Business Partnership – MWF Properties, rezoning for housing at end of Raven
Oaks. (4/15)(5/6)(5/20)................................................................................................162,194,211,212
Felderman, Pat, Management Agreement for Miller Riverview Park. (5/6)....................................185
Felderman, William J., applicant for Zoning Board of Adjustment; appointed. (6/17)(7/1)..266,282
Feldman, Brian, denied request from Ed Tschiggfrie for public street at end of Tower Drive.
Feltes, Joseph G., requesting portion of property on Stafford Ave.; purchase of City property
between 2616 Stafford & Linwood Cemetery. (5/6)(8/5)(8/19)....................................179,327,335
FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency, permits from Corps of Engineers for work in
Ice Harbor area. (4/1).......................................................................................................................141
FEMA – Local Match Resolution for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (9/16)............................377
FEMA – Stormwater management discussion. (7/15)......................................................................307
FEMA Assistance, designation of City representative – City Manager Michael Van Milligen.
Fencing Project for Dubuque Girls Independent League at Rip Row Valley.
Fengler Street Bridge Reconstruction Project; request for update on progress by Council
Member Markham. (3/4)(4/1)(6/17)........................................................................................94,148,271
Fengler Street Bridge removing weight limit. (11/4).........................................................................452
Ferring, James, Dubuque Bowling Lane, 1029 ½ Main, Liquor Lic. (6/3)......................................228
Ferring, Steven M., Claim; settlement. (12/2).....................................................................................481
Fiber Optic Cable Relocation, 28E Agreement. (3/4)..........................................................................84
Fiber optics loop, Dbq. Law Enforcement Center Expansion, loan from County. (2/14)..............45
Fifth & Bell Street Construction Project. (6/17)(7/1)(7/15)..................................273,274,291,305,306
Fifth & Bell Streets Monument design in Port of Dubuque.(4/15)..................................................175
Fifth and Bell Streets – IDOT Agreement re: construction, landscaping & amenities; . (6/17)..264
Fifth St. – Landscaping Gateways Grant Application. (10/7)..........................................................402
Fifth St. to Ninth St. – Main Street reopening. (12/16)......................................................................505
Fifth St., East, addition of Yield Sign on East Fifth St. & Bell St. (11/4).........................................452
Fifth St., westbound traffic… Stop sign & Yield sign for Eastbound Traffic. (11/4)..............451,452
Fifth Street Construction and Parking Lots for Hotel & Conference Center. (7/15)(9/3)......310,359
Fifth Street, East, portion of East Sixth Street renamed. (11/4)......................................................451
Final Assessments for Main Street Reconstruction Project, Fifth to Ninth. (11/16)....................505
Final Plat - first phase of Arbor Estates near W. 32 St.. (3/18)....................................................128
Final Plat - Garfield, 515, rezoning requested by Scott Potter for Davis Place II, final plat.
Final Plat – Lots 1 & 2 of C & Z Addn. (1/21)..........................................................................................9
Final plat Dubuque Industrial Center West, Lots H, I & J; final plat corrected to read Lots H, I & J
of Dubuque Industrial Center West Third Addn. (4/15)(5/20).............................................159,200
Final Plat of Eagle Point No. 2. (9/16)..................................................................................................381
Final Plat of Emerald Acres No. 2, amendment to PUD District with a PR –Ed Tschiggfrie, T-Corp.
Final Plat of Great Western Subdivision No. 4 – Peru Road. (7/15)...............................................299
Final plat of Harvest Business Center, Lot B. (7/1)....................................................................278,279
Final Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Higley Place, N of Hwy 20, west of Swiss Valley Road intersection.
Final plat of Lot 6 & 7, Lot 4 & G of Dubuque Industrial Center West to allow for sale of Lot 6 for
construction of new industrial building. (2/18).............................................................................67
Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 8, Block 4 of Tiffany Ridge. (9/16).............................................................374
Final plat of Lots 1-24, of Blk 1 & Lot A-E of Southern Hills Subd. II – NE of Lake Eleanor Rd. &
Kane Rd. intersection. (2/18)............................................................................................................67
Final Plat of Lots 1-25, inclusive, of Block 1 and Lot A of Southern Hills Subd. III in Dbq. County.
Final Plat of Pinto Ridge Subdivision. (4/15).....................................................................................158
Final Plat of Vista Heights 2 Addn in Dubuque County. (6/17)....................................................263
Final plat of Wild Wood Estates, new residential development off of North Cascade Rd in
Dubuque County. (10/7)..................................................................................................................415
Final Plat, Harvest Business Center, E of Resurrection Church; renaming of Commerce Ct. to
Meinen Court. (3/18)(5/20)........................................................................................................129,201
Final Plat, Johnson, Rita & Clint, re: Eagle Point No. 2 Subdivision at end of Rhomberg Ave. –
Final Plat - matter tabled. (2/18)(3/18)..............................................................................47,127,128
Final Plat, Harvest View Estates Second Addition. (5/6).................................................................194
Finance Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Policy Committee, appointment of
Council Member John Markham. (2/4)................................................................................................37
Finance Director & Treasurer, authorized signers from Alternative Services Concepts granted
limited authorization to sign checks for workers’ compensation payments. ((/16)...................373
Finance Officers Assn. – Government, Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Reporting.
Finance Report, FY 2002 Street. (9/16)........................................................................................374,375
Financial Institutions authorized for depositories of City funds. (1/21)..........................................13
Financial report – Comprehensive Annual submitted. (1/21)...........................................................23
Financial reports submitted: December 2001; January 2002; February 2002; March 2002; April
2002; May 2002; June 2002; July 2002; August 2002; September 2002; October 2002;
November, 2002. (1/21)(2/18)(3/18)(4/15)(5/20)(6/17)(8/5)(8/19)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)
Financial transactions – transfers & information, city employees C. Steckel & D. Gray
authorized. (6/3)...............................................................................................................................226
Fink St. - - west of , final plat of portion of Sullivan’s Addn. on W. 32 St. (2/18).........................47
Finn, John, The Busted Lift, requesting outdoor patio at his business; extension of outdoor
service License; transfer license to Murphy Park. (5/20)(7/23)(9/16)........................199,313,377
Fire - National Fire Protection Assn. – recommending adoption of the 2002 National Electrical
Code. (6/3).........................................................................................................................................252
Fire & Police – First Responders, letter to President Bush requesting Homeland Security
funding be passed down to them. (12/16)......................................................................................507
Fire and Police Retirement System, letter to legislators. (3/18)......................................................108
Fire Department & City of East Dubuque, & County, Mutual Aid Agreement for Emergency
Medical Services. (7/15)..................................................................................................................301
Fire Department budget hearing. (2/27)...............................................................................................77
Fire Sprinkler Service rates increased. (3/5).....................................................................................100
Fire Truck, County Firefighters expressing appreciation. (3/4)........................................................80
Firefighters Assn. Mike Gabriel, re: amendment to City’s Health care committee. (7/15)..........303
Firefighters, County, giving Cert. of Appreciation to City for funds for truck. (3/4).......................80
Fireworks – new Special Events Policy. (5/6)....................................................................................196
Fireworks request by Dubuque Golf & Country Club. (4/1).............................................................139
Fireworks request by Jaycees, KDTH, KATF & KGRR Radio, on Volunteer Rd. (7/15)...............303
Fireworks request for Homecoming by Hempstead High School. (10/7)......................................404
First Community Trust, additional investment advisor, added for City. ((/16)..............................389
First Floor Ceiling Project, City Hall. (4/1)(5/6)(6/3).....................................................151,152,193,229
First Responders – Police & Fire, request that Homeland Security Funding be passed down to
them. (12/16).....................................................................................................................................507
First St. U.S. Cellular billboard – zoning violation for Lamar Advertising. (10/7)........................415
First St. & Main Street Lighting Project. (9/3)(10/7)............................................................369,370,412
First St., Second St. and Bluff Streets, request for ornamental historic lighting by K. Kringle –
Bluff St. Neighborhood. (6/17).........................................................................................................261
Firstar Assignment – Dbq Yacht Basin’s real estate and lease agreements. (1/21).................13,14
Firstar Bank to U.S. Bank, name change, authorized for city funds. (5/6)....................................188
Fischer Excavating, Inc. of Freeport, IL, awarded Port of Dbq. Utility Relocation project. (1/21)20
Fischer Lanes, Plastic Center, Inc., 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/17)................................................266
Fischer, Wayne, Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation Project bid letting clarification. (1/21).......20
Fitz Place, Plat of Survey – 3232 Sheridan Road. (10/21)................................................................420
Fitzgibbons, John, Workers Compensation settlement. (12/16)....................................................493
Five Flags – Holiday Inn, Kinseth Hotel, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/16)..........................................498
Five Flags Arena – Paint Ceiling & Walls Project; acceptance. (4/1)(5/6)(10/7)............149,193,400
Five Flags Civic Center – Events Coordinator position certified by Civil Service Comm.
Five Flags Civic Center Computer Software – Scheduling software purchase. (12/2)...............484
Five Flags Civic Center Departmental Budget review. (2/20)............................................................73
Five Flags Civic Center Projects – Roof Replacement, Paint Exterior Façade and Replace Front
Doors. (8/19).........................................................................................................................343,344,345
Five Flags Civic Center Rental Agreement with Dubuque Hockey – Thunderbirds. (9/3)..........351
Five Flags Civic Center, City of Dubuque, 405 Main, Liquor Lic. (7/15)........................................303
Five Flags Feasibility Study, selection of CSL International. (3/4)...................................................84
Five Flags Theater Projects – Roof Replacement, Paint Exterior Façade and Replace Doors.
Five Point Mart, 405 Rhomberg Ave., Cigarette Per. (5/20).............................................................205
Five Point Mart, Inc., 405 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (9/3)........................................................................352
Five Points Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Project – Environmental Notice & Notice for
release of funds. (7/15)...................................................................................................................300
Five Points Intersection rehab of nearby properties – HOME Program application – IDED. (1/7).5
Flat Iron Park Pedestrian Bridge named in dedication to Sr. Mary Martensen. (11/4).................448
Fleckenstein, Joe, objecting to rezoning on Old Highway Road – Stewart’s. (8/5).....................321
Fleisher, Evan W., applicant for Airport Comm. (9/3)(9/16)......................................................353,378
Flood Control Gate Structure, Ice Harbor, 2002 Maintenance Dredging Pro.
Flood damaged properties on Old Mill Road, purchase of 1620, Old Mill, 1695 Old Mill and 1699
Old Mill. (12/16).................................................................................................................................505
Flooding & severe storms - FEMA Assistance, designation of City representative – City
Manager Michael Van Milligen. (7/15)............................................................................................302
Floodplain area, submission of Hazard Mitigation Grant for Catfish Creek area. (9/16).............377
Floodwall Inspection report by US Army Corps of Engineers. (1/7)..................................................2
Flora Park Rest Room Project. (9/3)(10/7)...........................................................................368,369,412
Flora Pool & Sutton Pool Water Playground Project. (12/2)............................................................482
Flora Pool Painting Project. (8/5)(9/3)..................................................................................328,329,358
FLYDBQ Campaign – Airport get add’l funding. (9/3)..........................................................................3
Flynn Co. awarded contract for the Tanzanite Drive Paving Proj. (4/15).......................................172
Foley, David & Robin, Claim, referred to Ins. (4/15)..........................................................................155
Foley, Geraldine A., Claim; Referred to Insurance. (10/7)................................................................399
Fonck, Carolyn K., Channel Inn Restaurant, 2010 ½ Kerper, Liquor Lic. (11/4)...........................442
Fondell Excavating awarded contract for Napier St. Storm & Sanitary Sewer. (3/18).................125
FONSI – Finding of No Significant Impact – U.S. 20 bridge across Mississippi River. (9/3)......351
Food Mart – MNA, 3200 Central, Cigarette & Beer Per. (4/1)...........................................................141
Food Mart, MNA, Sumbal Corp., Cigarette Per. (8/5)........................................................................319
Foster Grandparent Program, funding request at budget hearing; Purchase of Services
Agreement.. (2/25)(5/6).................................................................................................................76,186
Four Mounds Estate Historic District, listed in National Register of Historic Places; appreciation
by Council for effort to get on National Historic Register. (2/18)(10/7)...............................47,417
Four Mounds Foundation for Summer Day Camp Program – Uptown Rec Program. (5/6)........185
Four Mounds Foundation, grant application to State Historical Society for repairs exterior of
Grey House – Conference Center/Inn. (1/21).................................................................................14
Four Mounds, Council meeting there to conduct goal setting session. (8/27)(8/29)...........347,348
Four Seasons Buffet, 3305 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (6/3).......................................................................228
Fourth Street Parking Ramp Operation, operational protocol, equipment and fees.
Fourth Street Parking Ramp Project, acceptance. (10/21).......................................................422,423
Fourth Street Peninsula named Port of Dubuque. (12/16)...............................................................506
Fourth Street Peninsula, property, Lease & Real Estate Purchase Agreement with ConAgra –
Peavey. (9/16)......................................................................................................................................391
Fourth Zone Water Tower Project. (9/16)(10/21)........................................................................393,435
Franchise fee decision - FCC’s Pasadena Franchise Fee Decision – Cable TV, funding for
coalition of cities for court appeal. (12/2).......................................................................................483
Franchise fees for Cable, Mediacom, letter from Manager. (2/18)....................................................47
Franchise of Cable TV, Extension to MCCIowa, LLC – Mediacom etc.
Fred Jackson Tuckpointing awarded contract for the Flora Pool Painting Project; Awarded
contract for Five Flags Theater Paint Façade Project. (9/3)(9/16).............................358,384,385
Fred W. Woodward Riverboat Museum, grant application to Nat’l Scenic Byways Program for
exhibits. (6/17).................................................................................................................................265
Free Parking requested on weekends by R. Wallace of American Family Insurance. (8/19).....333
Free sticker given for garbage – refuse pickup. (12/16)..................................................................507
Freeway 61/151 Corridor Signage Overlay District, amendment. (4/15)........................................169
Freight House of Woodward Museum, Supplement Agree. with IDOT. (5/20)..............................201
French Council Members, slain, moment of silence. (4/1)..............................................................139
Friedl, Msgr. Francis, Gave Invocation. (1/7).........................................................................................1
Friedman, Pat, in support of Kennedy Circle rezoning for ARC. (2/18)...........................................54
Friedman, Patricia, Radford Road Development, rezoning. (9/16)(10/21)......................379,380,431
Friedman, Patricia, Zoning, rezoning of 1875 – 1895 University, from C2 to C2 for Patricia
Friedman – Lee Manor Investments. (9/16)..................................................................................380
Frommelt, Cindy, Claim; forward claim to Portzen Construction. (3/18)(6/17).....................107,261
Front Door Replacement, Five Flags Civic Center Theater. (8/19)(9/3)..................................345,384
Fuhrman, Mary McAleece, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/15)(8/5)...........................................298,315,315
Fuhrman, Russell J., Claim. (12/2)......................................................................................................481
Fuller, Lynn, Memorandum of Understanding between City & Heartland Financial USA for DB &
T’s – Heartland Expansion. (1/7)......................................................................................................5
Funds – application Lead Paint Education Program funding. (5/6)..............................................180
Funds – Downtown Master Plan – American Architectural Foundation for Public Outreach Grant
Application. (10/21)..........................................................................................................................421
Funds for temporary shoring of buildings on Main St. (11/4).........................................................441
Funds of City – authorized depository institutions. (1/21)................................................................13
Funds of City to Airport for FLYDBQ Campaign. (9/3).....................................................................363
Funds Release & Environmental Notice for Audubon Ark Project. (12/2)....................................484
Funds Release & Environmental Notice, Five Points Comp. Housing Rehab Project. (7/15)....300
Funds Release Notice & Environmental Notice – FY 2003 CDBG Program. (5/20)..............203,204
Funds requested for ArTS Dubuque by Bob Woodward. (12/2).....................................................481
FY 02 Amendment – Project Concern. (5/20)....................................................................................204
FY 02 Annual Action Plan Amendment #3. (4/1)........................................................................140,141
FY 02 Annual Action Plan Amendment 4 – CDBG. (5/6)..................................................................180
FY 02 Budget Amendment, second. (4/15)........................................................................................177
FY 02 Budget Amendment. (4/15)(5/6)(9/16).......................................................................177,192,392
FY 02 Save America’s Treasures Historic Preservation Fund Grant – Shot Tower, denied.
FY 02 Street Finance Report. (9/16).............................................................................................374,375
FY 03 Annual Action Plan for CDBG Projects; amendment. (6/17)(10/21)(12/2)...........263,438,486
FY 03 Budget Hearing set. (2/18)...........................................................................................................71
FY 03 CDBG Program – List of Projects. (5/20).................................................................................203
FY 03 Purchase of Services Agreements for various programs. (5/6)..........................................186
FY 2003 – 2007 Capitol Improvement Program, Long Range Planning review. (3/4)....................84
FY 2003 Budget Amendment. (8/19)(10/7)...................................................................................333,410
FY 2003 DRA CIP Schedule. (12/2)......................................................................................................488
FY 2003 Operating Budget and CIP Program. (1/21)..........................................................................23
FY 2004 Budget Policy Guidelines. (11/18)........................................................................................477
G.M.S., Inc., G. Stephenson, Agreement – Bunker Hill Golf Course Management. (2/18)............49
G.O. Bonds to support Water Projects. (10/7)(10/21)(11/4)(11/18)......404,405,433,434,447,448,460
G.O. Bonds, $1,000,000, Series 2002, - Main Street Reconstruction support. (1/21)(2/4)(2/20)(3/18)
G.O. Bonds, 1994, authorizing redemption. (11/4)............................................................................448
Gabriel, Mike, Firefighter’s Assn., re: amendment to City’s Health Care Committee structure.
Galaxies Inc., Dennis Murray, 3202 Jackson St., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per.; refund on Cigarette
Permit; refund on Liquor Lic. (3/4)(7/1)(9/3)(10/7)..................................................86,280,352,404
Galdick, Danita, (later name- Grant) applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.; applicant for
Housing Commission and applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; appointed to unexpired
3 year term on the Housing Commission which will expire 8 17 03. (6/17)(7/1)(7/15)
Gallagher Bylery Inc. - Health Insurance plans for City employees, Administrative Services
Agreement for Benefit Consulting Services. (11/4)....................................................................440
Galle, Darryl, denial of claim. (10/21)..................................................................................................419
Gambling – Gaming Week, Responsible, Proclamation. (8/5).......................................................315
Gaming - Gambling Referendum – Citizens Committed to Our Communities resolution in
support of the referendum. (10/7)(10/21)...............................................................................416,437
Gaming Referendum, Council High Priority Action Item; Resolution of Support.
Gaming Week, Responsible, Proclamation. (8/5).............................................................................315
Gannon Center, Cp2 funds – FY 03. (5/20)..................................................................................210,211
Garage – new facility for Operations & Maintenance - Street Dept. - design for new facility,
Robert M. Kueny Architect. (4/15)....................................................................................................160
Garage building permit for Kim Sanford, 103 Cousins Rd., - in SW Arterial Building Permit
Moratorium area. (12/16).................................................................................................................503
Garbage – charges for solid waste containers, extra charge for large & bulky rubbish etc.
Garbage – refuse pickup, PAYT, letter by Karl Stieglitz. (9/16).......................................................372
Garbage & refuse accounts, delinquent, to the County Treasurer for collection. (12/2).....487,488
Gard, Guy, 356 Main St., Downtown Rehab Loan Agreement Amend.; amendment to Loan etc.
Garfield Ave and Pine to 24 & Elm, considered for stormwater open waterway – channel.
Garfield Ave., 513, amended and restated Urban Revitalization Area Plan. (4/1)(5/6)..........152,191
Garfield Ave., Scott & Dawn Potter, application to IDED for housing funds for SRO Housing. (3/4)
Garfield Avenue & Stafford Street rezoning request from 2A to R4 for Jay Winger – Winger
Construction; Denied. (10/21)(12/16).....................................................................................428,502
Garfield St. – 24 St., Michelle Harry discussing stormwater drainage in that area etc. (7/15).307
Garfield, 515, rezoning requested by Scott Potter for Davis Place II, final plat. (1/21)(3/18)..18,109
Gas Company name – Peoples Natural Gas, Energy One, now changed to Aquila. (4/1)..........141
Gas rate increase by Aquila. (6/17).....................................................................................................265
GASB, approval of Virchow, Krause & Co. (3/4).................................................................................86
Gate - Flood Control Gate Structure, Ice Harbor, 2002 Maintenance Dredging Pro.
Gates – Ice Harbor Flood, 2002 Maintenance Dredging Pro. (7/15)...............................................306
Gateways Grant Application – Landscaping – for Dodge & Locust, Port of Dubuque at Fifth St. &
Ninth and Eleventh Sts. adjacent to Highway 61/151. (10/7).....................................................402
GDDC – appointments to Board – Mayor Duggan, Council Members Nicholson & Cline, City
Manager Van Milligen & Economic Devel. Dir. Wm. Baum. (6/3)..............................................254
GDDC – Purchase of Services Agreement. (5/6)...............................................................................186
GDDC – quarterly report by Rick Dickinson; request for funding at budget hearing.
GDDC – relocation of businesses & Port of Dubuque Riverfront District. (4/15).........................164
GDDC & Kirchoff - Zoning – allowance of primary signs, - GDDC & Kirchoff Realty; correction of
vote at Zoning Adv. Comm. (3/18)(4/15)................................................................................123,156
Geisler Brothers Co., awarded contract for Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Project.
Geisler, Mary Jane, requesting sidewalks on Radford Road with rezoning request of Patricia
Friedman & Radford Road Development. (10/21).......................................................................431
Geisler, Mary, portion of Tiffany Ridge property to her. (9/16)(10/7)........................390,391,408,409
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data – Agreement with County. (8/19)...........................334
George, Dave for Dbq Area Labor Management Council, at Purchase of Services budget hearing.
Gerhard, , Curtis, Knickers, 2186 Central, Cig. Per. ; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(6/17)........................206,266
Gerhard, Karen, 1294 Middle Rd., objecting to rezoning etc. for Callahan Construction on
Seippel Rd. (5/20).............................................................................................................................207
GFOA - Government Finance Officer Assn. – Financial Report for year – Cert. of Achievement for
Excellence. (5/20).............................................................................................................................205
Giegerich, Albert, letter @ Mediacom cable. (7/1).............................................................................277
Giese Company, access agreement for new manufacturing co. in Dbq. Industrial Center West.
Giese Mfg. Co., at Dubuque Industrial Center West, disposal of property to them & approval of
development agreement; change in facility size. (2/18)(3/4)(5/20).................................70,88,205
Giese Sheet Metal Co. awarded contract for the Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations Project
Contract 4 HVAC; also Contract 6 - Electrical; awarded contract for City Hall Annex Roof &
Gutter Replacement Pro. (8/5)(12/16).............................................................................325,326,502
Giese, Tom W., applicant for Mechanical Code Bd.; appointed. (4/15)(5/6)...........................161,189
Giesen, Judy, inviting all residents to read one book “To Kill a Mockingbird” for One Book, One
Dubuque Initiative. (9/16)................................................................................................................386
Giesler, Mary Janice, requesting sidewalks be put in along Radford with rezoning. (9/16).......380
Ginter, Donna, West Dubuque Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (4/1)...............................................142
Girls’ Independent League lease agreement for Rip Row Valley property. (1/21)...........................9
GIS – Geographic Information Systems data – Agreement with County. (8/19)...........................334
Glen Oak Street and Vernon St., installation of stop sign. (10/7)...................................................414
Glennon, Joel & Mary, objecting to rezoning of 1001 Davis. (4/15)(5/6).................................161,189
Glue Sniffing & other chemical substances, new code section prohibiting. (3/18).....................132
GMRI Inc., Olive Garden, 3350 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (4/15)................................................................160
Goal setting session of the City, Historic Preservation Priorities. (8/19)......................................332
Goals and priorities of Council – special meeting. (8/27)................................................................347
Go-carts prohibited in City Parks. (4/15)............................................................................................174
Godfather’s Pizza, KT Restaurant, 1575 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (1/7).......................................................2
Goetzinger, James W., Goetz’s, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (1/21)...................................................15
Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall Pl., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)....................................206
Golf and Country Club requesting to display fireworks. (4/1).........................................................139
Golf Cart Lease Agreement with Yamaha Leasing, increase to 50 carts. (7/15)..........................300
Golf Center, Tri-State, 1095 Cedar Cross, Beer Per. (8/19)..............................................................334
Golf Course Management Agree. – Bunker Hill – G.M.S. Inc., G. Stephenson.(2/18)....................49
Golf Starter position with City, pay upgrade. (3/5)..............................................................................98
Gonner, Stanley, applicant for Plumbing Bd.; reappointed. (11/4)(11/18)..............................443,472
Gonzalez, Joe, in support of rezoning at end of JFK Circle for ARC. (2/18)...................................54
Goodin, Rick, Airport Commissioner, introduced new Airport Manager A. Perry. (1/7).................1
Goodman, Nick, supportive of Raven Oaks - Oak Brook Development. (9/3).............................353
Goodmann, Dominic, III, in support of rezoning of end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)(5/6).............162,194
Gordon, Ellen, Dept. of Public Defense, Emergency Management Division, response from City,
eligibility for public assistance projects. (2/4)(2/18)................................................................31,47
Governing Board, Housing Authority, administration of City’s federal Section 8 rental assistant
program; minutes of Board; Section 8 representation changed to John Plein; meeting by
Council – Housing Agency. (1/21)(4/1)(5/6)(7/15)....................................................22,139,196,297
Government Finance Officer Assn. – Financial Report for year – Cert. of Achievement for
Excellence. (5/20).............................................................................................................................205
Governmental Accounting Standards Bd Pronouncement 34 Planning & Implementation
Assistance, approval of Virchow, Krause & Co. (3/4)..................................................................86
Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Grant application. (5/20)............................................................200
GPRA Annual Products Report – Government Performance & Results Act Annual Products
Report – National Parks Service, programs. (1/7)...........................................................................1
Grading and Demolition - Rip Row Valley, Project. (2/4)(3/4)..................................................40,89,90
Graff, Jerry & Lisa, rezoning for North Cascade Road, 3001. (12/16).....................................502,503
Grand Harbor Resort/Hotel, Platinum Holdings, Liquor Lic. (12/2)................................................488
Grand Opera House Foundation, requesting city support grant application to Community
Attraction and Tourism Program. (11/4)......................................................................................454
Grand Opera House, Bob Woodward, requesting funding at budget public hearing.
Grand Opera House, considered by State for nomination to National Historic Register; on Nat’l
Register. (5/20)(6/3)(7/1)(10/7)................................................................................200,218,279,404
Grand Opera House, grant application – Iowa Community Cultural Grant Program. (4/1).........141
Grand River Center, naming of Education and Conference Center. (11/18).................................477
Grand River Center, Request for Proposals for Creative Services. (12/16)..................................493
Grand Tap, James – Janet Kohl, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/16)....................................................378
Grandview Ave. North and Kerper Blvd., Concrete Repair Project. (10/7)(11/4)..................406,447
Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church requesting annexation of property on John F.
Kennedy Rd. (8/19)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/2)...........................................332,392,430,469,470,483
Grandview District designated rather than College District in Way-Finding Signage; change to
College-Grandview District for Wayfinding Signage. (1/21)(12/16).....................................23,504
Granite Pavers (historic) used for Historical Society for Depot Restoration Project. (11/4)......441
Grant – National Scenic Byways, agreement with Scharff-Weisberg, for Museum & Aquarium.
Grant - Property in Catfish Creek floodplain area, submission of Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program application. (9/16)..............................................................................................................377
Grant agreement – EPA – Brownfields Assessments Demonstration Pilot Program in amount of
$200,000 to complete Phase I & Phase II environmental assessments in Port of Dubuque
area. (10/21)(12/16)...................................................................................................................422,497
Grant Agreement – Phase III Historical/Architectural Survey, Phase III. (1/21).................................9
Grant agreement from State Historical Society to send staff to National Alliance of Preservation
Commissions. (7/1)..........................................................................................................................280
Grant Agreement with IDOT for property in Riprow Valley – Trail extension. (5/6)......................185
Grant application - Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for Harvest View Estates
Park. (3/18)........................................................................................................................................110
Grant application at Save America’s Treasures Program – Shot Tower. (4/1).............................139
Grant application for Federal Recreational Trail Funding to IDO for Dbq Heritage Trail Extension
– Iowa 32 – NW Arterial Bike/Hike Trail Project. (10/7)...............................................................402
Grant application to City’s Health Care Committee to the Federal Mediation & Conciliation
Service for facilitation services for committee meetings, an annual action planning process,
and grant program administration. (7/15)....................................................................................301
Grant application to HUD for Healthy Homes Initiative Demonstration. (6/3)...............................219
Grant application to IDED for Downtown Master Plan; approval; $25,000 grant.
Grant application to IDOT– Historic Bluffs Trail Project, restoration of Hodgdon St & Catherine
west Locust Street Steps. (10/7)....................................................................................................401
Grant application to Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau. (5/20)..............................................200
Grant application, 2002 Local Law Enforcement to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Grant of Easement for Public Sidewalk & Sprinkler System – abutting Bell St. in front of parking
lot – Peninsula Gaming Co. (10/7).................................................................................................403
Grant Program – Special Events. (9/3)...............................................................................................350
Grant Program, Iowa Community Cultural – in support of Grand Opera Houses’ for a cultural
grant. (4/1).........................................................................................................................................141
Grant, IDED from HOME to assist in rehab of 15 rental homes in north end. (4/15)....................158
Grant, IDED, Vision Downtown Project, $25,000 CDBG Grant to Dubuque Main St. (12/2)........486
Grant, special project, for FY 2002 – HUD. (5/20)..............................................................................200
Grants to neighborhood associations & neighborhood groups for streetscape improvements in
historic districts.(9/3)......................................................................................................................362
Gray, Dorothy, Cashier at City, authorized to obtain bank account information and transfer
funds. (6/3)........................................................................................................................................226
Great Western Subdivision No. 4, final plat approval. (7/15)..........................................................299
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. - GDDC – relocation of businesses & Port of Dubuque
Riverfront District. (4/15).................................................................................................................164
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. - GDDC – appointments to Board – Mayor Duggan, Council
Members Nicholson & Cline, City Manager Van Milligen & Economic Devel. Dir. Wm. Baum.
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. quarterly report by Rick Dickinson; request for funds at
budget hearing. (1/21)(2/25)(7/15)........................................................................................22,76,307
Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Purchase of Services Agree. (5/6)...................................186
Green Street from Asbury to Algona St., request for residential parking permit district; denied –
tabled. (6/3)(9/3).......................................................................................................................218,361
Green, Bob, Water Plant Mgr., proposed design of Operations & Maintenance facility. (10/21)418
Green, Linda, in support of rezoning for John Gronen. (4/15)........................................................162
Greenfield, Duaine & Jane, re: The Busted Lift. (5/6).......................................................................179
Grey house at Four Mounds – Conference Center/Inn- grant application for repairs. (1/21).......14
Greyhound Park & Casino, tax rate, Manager letter to legislatures. (2/18)....................................47
Greyhound Park, Dbq., Cig. Per. (6/3).................................................................................................227
Grice, David, update on Education & Conference Center. (3/4).......................................................79
Griebel, Rebecca L. Claim. (10/7)........................................................................................................399
Griesinger, Ruth, Claim. (7/15).............................................................................................................298
Gronen Properties at Main St. & Eleventh St. – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application.
Gronen Properties LLC requesting rezoning of portion of Elm St. E. 20 St., and Washington St.
Gronen, John, Gronen Properties at Main St. & Eleventh St. – Affordable Housing Tax Credit
Application. (11/4)............................................................................................................................449
Gronen, John, in support of rezoning of portions of Elm, E. 20 & Washington Sts. (4/15)......162
Gross, Christine M.; Claim referred to Ins. (3/4).................................................................................80
Gross, Terry, Claim & referred to Ins. (12/2)......................................................................................481
Grothe, David W., applicant for Mechanical Code Board; appointed. (4/15)(5/6)..................161,189
Ground Round, 50 J F. Kennedy Rd., Liquor Lic. (11/4)..................................................................442
Gudenkauf, Dave, Cascade Council Member, speaking @ naming Hwy 151 Corridor. (8/19)...342
Gudenkauf, Floyd S., acceptance of Patricia Ann Acres.(5/20)......................................................200
Gudenkauf, Lloyd S., final acceptance of Jaeger Heights Subd. #2 – Phase III and installation of
Stop Signs.(7/15).............................................................................................................................299
Gudenkauf, Lloyd, final acceptance of Jaeger Heights No. 2- Phase 2. (10/21)..........................422
Guidelines – Design Review Training Program – CLG Grant, to Durrant Group. (2/18)...............49
Guidelines – Streetscape & Landscape Design for Historic Districts; grants to neighborhood
associations etc. (3/18)(9/3)....................................................................................................130,362
Guidelines, Architectural Design Guidelines for Historic Structures, presentation to Council;
approval. (4/15)(5/20)(9/3)........................................................................................154,204,349,350
Gutters - City Hall Annex Roof Replacement Project; Bids rejected & readvertised.
HOUSING AGENCY (MUNICIPAL) GOVERNING BOARD MEETING: (3/5)(7/15))..............97,297,315
PROOFS: (8/5)(8/19).............................................................................................................,315,332
HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:(1/7)(3/18)(5/20)(7/15).....................1,107,199,298
HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/4)(2/18)(3/18)(4/15)(5/20)(7/15)
Habitat for Humanity, problem with storm water runoff at 10 Nevada St. & 1431 YM/YW Drive;
response by City Mgr. (10/21)(12/16).....................................................................................419,495
Haferhill, Karen, objection to PUD for Port of Dubuque. (4/15)......................................................164
Hamel Parking Lot Service, claim of Paula Deiter be referred to them. (8/5)................................315
Hamilton Street Storm Sewer Project. (5/6).......................................................................................184
Hamilton Street, retaining wall on north side, letter by K. Kelley. (9/3).........................................349
Hammel, Dan, applicant to Electrical Code Board; appointed. (6/3)(6/17).............................228,266
Hammerheads Bar/Billiards, 2095 Kerper Blvd.; Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/18)(6/17)...............53,265,
Handicapped parking at Conference & Education, new standards stressed at update. (3/4).....79
Handicapped parking, issue raised at Parking Division budget public hearing. (2/21)................75
Hannan, Tom, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed. (2/4)(2/18)...................32,53
Happy Joe’s, J & P O’Hara Inc., 855 Century Dr.; Beer Per. (11/4).................................................442
Happy’s Place, PMST, Inc., 2323 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (9/16).................................................378
Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project, 2002. (6/3)....................................................................225,226
Harbor View Estates Second Addition, final plat. (5/6)....................................................................194
Harbor View Place – Certificate of Completion, 300 Main St. (6/17)...............................................264
Hardwoods - Dubuque Hardwoods, property on Fourth St. Peninsula, City offer to Buy Real
Estate; deeds from Dbq Hardwoods, Robert & Lynn Miller & Midwest Hardwoods.
Hargraves, Walter, of Interstate Power & Light, re: amendment to Development Agree for
property in Dbq Industrial Center West. (5/6).......................................................................190,191
Harmon-Balm, Beth, from HOK Venue, update on Conference & Education Center. (3/4)..........79
Harris, David, Housing Services Mgr. gave presentation & clarification of Affordable Housing
Committee Report. (6/17)..............................................................................................................2600
Harris, Maureen, objecting to proposed housing development on Seippel Rd. (5/20)...............209
Harry, Michelle, address Council @ open storm drain – water run off in 24 St. to Garfield Ave.
area; submitting petitions & requesting no delays for open waterway for stormwater
drainage. (7/15)(10/7)................................................................................................................307,413
Hartig Drug #2, Richard Hartig, 157 Locust, Cig. Per. (6/3).............................................................227
Hartig Drug #3, 2255 JFK Rd., Cig. Per. (6/3).....................................................................................227
Hartig Drug #4, 2255 Central, Cig. Per. (6/3)......................................................................................227
Hartig Drug Co. claim for property damage. (10/21).........................................................................419
Hartig, Bob, re: Stormwater Utility comments. (12/16).....................................................................491
Hartig, David S. Jr. vacation & purchase of portion of Old Mill Road. (9/3)(9/16).........365,366,382
Hartig, David, Jr. to purchase portion of Southern Ave., Stewart St. (7/1)(7/15) ..........292,293,304
Hartig, Richard J. Claim; referred to Ins. (1/7)(1/21).........................................................................1,8
Hartig, Richard J., claim denied. (10/21).............................................................................................419
Hartman- Kubler, William & Carole, & Douglas & Jean Kapp, purchase property east of Adair St.
Harvest Business Center final plat, dedication of Lot B as a public street. (7/1)..................278,279
Harvest Business Center final plat; name change of Commerce Court to Meinen Court.
Harvest View Estates Park, Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application. (3/18)..........110
Harvest View Estates Second Addn, final plat. (5/6).................................................................194,195
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program app. for purchase of 6 properties in Catfish Creek. (9/16)...377
Hazard Mitigation Plan Task Force. (1/21)(2/4)...............................................................................25,34
Hazard Mitigation Plan, ECIA requesting Council formally adopt Resolution. (2/18)....................47
Hazard Reduction Program – Lead Paint, application for funds. (5/6)..........................................180
HDR Engineering gave comprehensive presentation about stormwater utility. (12/9)...............490
HDR Engineering, Wayne Klosterman, North End Neighbor., @ stormwater drainage. (12/2)..486
Health - Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement with the VNA. (9/3).........................350
Health Care Committee, amendment to structure re: Drug Co-pay etc. (7/15).............................303
Health Care Committee, amendment to structure re: drug plan etc. (7/15)..................................303
Health Department - Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm., in support of Appendix F – Radon
Control Methods to be adopted with the International Residential Code. (6/3)..............245-251
Health Insurance plans for City employees, Administrative Services Agreement for Benefit
Consulting Services with Gallagher Byerly, Inc.. (11/4).............................................................440
Health plans of City – Administrative Service Agreement for Benefit Consulting Services with
Gallagher Byerling, Inc. (11/4)........................................................................................................440
Health Resource Center – Community Environmental, application for funds re: Lead Paint
Hazard Reduction Program. (5/6).................................................................................................180
Health Services Credit Union – ARC, rezoning end of J. F. Kennedy Cr. from C3 to R4. (2/18)..54
Health Services department budget hearing. (2/27)...........................................................................77
Healthcare Quality Week Proclamation. (10/7)..................................................................................399
Healthy Homes Grant application to HUD, to reduce lead paint poisoning. (6/3)........................219
Healy, Joe, in support of rezoning of Gronen Properties on Elm, E. 20 etc. (4/15)...................162
Healy, Pat, re: funding for Transit Dept. drivers at public hearing of budget. (2/21).....................75
Heartland Financial USA – DB & T Expansion into Walsh Stores, Memorandum of Understanding
etc.; Environmental Notice & Release of Funds etc.; Disposing of city interest in property –
alley between Iowa & Central – 13 & 14. (1/7)(1/21)(9/16)............................................5.14,383
Heartland Financial USA Prject– Environmental review & release of funds. (1/21)......................14
Heating Ventilating and Airconditioning, new Ordinance, 2000 Uniform Mechanical C. (6/3)...252
Heating, Venting and Airconditioning, Giese Sheet Metal Co. awarded contract for the Woodward
Museum 2000 Renovations Project Contract 4 HVAC. (8/5).....................................................325
Heiderscheit, John and Carole, rezoning of 3001 North Cascade Rd. (12/16)......................502,503
Heiderscheit, Sister Dorothy, Pres. of Sisters of St. Francis, Gave Invocation. (10/21)..............419
Height of buildings – zoning text amendment, removing of provision that states no accessory
building shall exceed one floor level. (9/3)..................................................................................358
Heinz, Catherine, Claim; referred to Ins. (8/5)....................................................................................315
Heinzelman, Jeanne, claim by Cottingham & Butler. (6/17)............................................................261
Helena St. & Henion St., vacate portions for Loras College. (5/20)(6/3).................................213,228
Helling, William D., applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed. (10/7)(10/21).........................407,428
Helping Services of NE Iowa need funding; funds - Purchase of Services Agree. 2/25)(5/6)76,186
Hempstead High School request fireworks display on 10/18/02 for Homecoming. (10/7).........404
Hendry, John, of Adams Co., comments @ giving attention to existing businesses re:
amendment to Riverfront Plan to include Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (3/4)........................87
Hendry, John, of Adams Co., Port of Dubuque rezoning & adoption of Conceptual Development
Plan. (4/15)........................................................................................................................................164
Henion Street & Helena St., vacate portion for Loras College. (5/20)(6/3).............................213,228
Henion Street to 16 St., Loras College amending ID Zoning to construct student apartments.
Henkels, Fran, Attorney for Dbq Star Brewing Co., requesting they be allowed to respond to
RFP’s for Brewery. (9/3)..................................................................................................................361
Henning, John L., resigning from Housing Comm. (9/16)...............................................................372
Henning, Mark, applicant for Environmental Stewardship C.; appointed. (11/18)(12/2)......472,489
Henricks, Susan, Library Director – annual report. (4/15)...............................................................173
Henry Stout Apartments, 125 W. Ninth, former YMCA Building, National Register of Historic
Places. (3/4)........................................................................................................................................81
Henry, Attorney Doug, re: Sunset Ridge Street to be a public street etc. (1/21)(10/7)..........23,415
Henry, Attorney Doug, rep. 6 business, objecting, re: PUD for Port of Dubuque. (4/15)...........164
Herbst, Tammi, Claim; settlement of claim. (11/18)..........................................................................458
Heri, Monica, Claim; referred to Ins. (8/5)...........................................................................................315
Heritage Trail – Historic Bluffs Trail Project Grant application for construction of Trail project –
restoration of Hodgon St. & Catherine – West Locust Street Steps. (10/7)............................401
Heritage Trail Extension – Iowa 32 – NW Arterial – Bike/Hike Path Grant Application. (10/7)...402
Heritage Trail Extension Project, update & bidding by IDOT; contract.
Heritage Trail Extension through Riprow Valley. (5/6).....................................................................185
Herrig, John, objecting to housing project at end of Raven Oaks. (4/15).....................................162
Herrig, John, requesting he be allowed to delay putting in sidewalks on Embassy West Dr.
Herzog, Ray, requesting to purchase city property – Tiffany Ridge. (9/16)(10/7)..........390,408,409
Hess, Jan, of Dbq. Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, landfill rates increase. (1/7)........................2
Hickson, Ron, objecting to housing project at end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)...................................162
High Bluff Sanitary Sewer Project, final. (9/3)....................................................................................351
High School Students commended for attendance at Council Meeting. (12/2)...........................489
Highway 151 Corridor, Cascade Mayor R. Knepper, renaming of highway. (8/19)......................342
Highway 20 - 3295 Dodge St., rezoning for Tom Luksetich & Gomer Smith. (9/3)...............355,356
Highway 20 – Dodge St. from Devon Drive, IDOT installation of traffic signals westerly to new
Menards. (12/16).......................................................................................................................492,493
Highway 20 – Dodge St., north side, University of Dubuque rezoning for soccer field & parking
lots. (6/17)..................................................................................................................................266,267
Highway 20 Landscaping Project, Agreement for STP funding; Hill & Bryant Agreement, IDOT
Agreement for Phase II. Landscaping etc. (2/4) (7/15)..........................................................28,300
Highway 20 – Old – Water Main Extension; Phase II.
Highway 20 Building Permit Moratorium Extension. (3/18).............................................................131
Highway 20, north of, and West of the Swiss Valley Road intersection, final plat of Higley Place.
Highway 20, North, 800’ east of Devon Dr., rezoning for new student apartments. (10/21)......428
Highway 32 – NW Arterial, utility easement with the Chicago, Central & Pacific Railroad Co. for
construction of watermain. (11/4).................................................................................................441
Highway 61/151 – property adjacent, TEA-21 Grant Application for landscaping of gateways to
City located at Dodge & Locust St., the Port of Dubuque at Fifth St. and at Ninth & Eleventh
Sts. (10/7)..........................................................................................................................................402
Highway 61/151, Freeway Corridor Signage Overlay District. (4/15)..............................................169
Higley Place, Lot 1 and Lot 2, - north of Hwy 20, West of Swiss Valley Rd. intersection, final plat,
Hike & Bike Trail Project, Application for Federal Trail Funding to IDOT for Dbq Heritage Trail
Extension- Iowa 32 – NW Arterial Bike/Hike Trail Project.(10/7)...............................................402
Hill & Bryant Street area, IDOT – Transportation Enhancement Program Project – landscaping
etc. 97/15)..........................................................................................................................................300
Hill Street Plaza, Inc., Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill St., Beer Per. (1/21)......................................................15
Hillcrest Family Services Agreement for Murphy Park for holiday light display. (7/1)................277
Hillcrest Family Services Continuum of Care Project, Environmental Notice & release of funds.
Hillcrest Family Services HOPES Project. (6/3).................................................................................219
Hillcrest Family Services, Cp2 Funds awarded. (5/20).....................................................................210
Hinz, Tom, 14277 Green Hill Dr., Barrington Lakes Assn., South Fork Sanitary Sewer. (6/17)..268
Hinzman, Earl, Claim. (1/21).....................................................................................................................8
Hirsch, Michael, youth applicant Environmental Stewardship Comm.; appointed.
Hirsch, Richard III, Fat Tuesday’s, 1121 University, Cig. Per. (6/17)...............................................265
Historic – Architectural Survey, Phase III, approval of Jim Jacobsen of History Pays! as
consultant. (5/6)...............................................................................................................................185
Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn., application DRA for streetscape improvements on Loras,
City letter of support. (2/18)..............................................................................................................50
Historic Bluffs Trail Proj Grant App. Hodgdon St & Catherine- W Locust Street Steps. (10/7)..401
Historic Buildings, Ord. adding new Article V providing alternative building standards for
building or preserving buildings. (6/3)..................................................................................231-245
Historic Districts - Historic Preservation Commission, discussion with Council Streetscape
design Guidelines for Historic Districts; recommending approval of Streetscape &
Landscape Design Guidelines for historic districts; amendments to Historic Preservation
Ord. to incorporate Design Guidelines to historic districts etc. (1/21)(3/18)(9/16).......7,130,387
Historic landmarks, landmark sites, and historic structures, to include site plan – new
Ordinance. (9/16).............................................................................................................................387
Historic Lighting, First, Second & Bluff Sts, request by Ken Kringle, Bluff St. Neigh. (6/17).....261
Historic Preservation Architectural Guidelines, presentation to Council; approval of Historic
District Public Improvement Program guidelines providing matching grants to neighborhood
associates & groups for streetscape improvements in five historic districts; amendments to
Historic Preservation Ord. to incorporate Design Guidelines to historic districts
Historic Preservation Award – Ken Kringle. (8/5).............................................................................324
Historic Preservation Com. app. Christopher Scheopner; appointed -Cathedral Dis.
Historic Preservation Commission applicant John E. Whalen; appointed. (8/5)(8/19)........320,335
Historic Preservation Commission applicants: Terry Mozena, Christopher Wand; reappointment
of both. (7/1)(7/15).....................................................................................................................281,303
Historic Preservation Commission resignation of Pamela Bradford. (4/15).................................155
Historic Preservation Commission, amendment to Demolition District Ordinances to expand the
downtown demolition district and establish 3 new demolition districts. (9/16).....................389
Historic Preservation Commission, discuss Council Streetscape design Guidelines for Historic
Districts; recommending approval of Streetscape & Landscape Design Guidelines for
historic districts; approval of Historic District Public Improvement Program guidelines
providing matching grants to neighborhood groups for streetscape improvements in five
historic districts; amendments to Historic Preservation Ord. to incorporate Design
Guidelines to historic districts etc. (1/21)(3/18)(9/3)(9/16)................................7,130,349,362,387
Historic Preservation priorities for City Council August goal setting session. (8/19)................332
Historic Preservation Week Proclamation. (5/6)...............................................................................179
Historic Property Rehab. Tax Exemption for Town Clock Building – Cottingham & Butler. (2/4)31
Historic Property Tax Rebate Program, provide for rebates in Downtown Urban Renewal District;
for Town Clock Building – Cottingham & Butler. (5/6)(11/4)......................................196,442,443
Historic Society, Dbq County, Subgrantee Agreement for National Scenic Byways Grant for
design & construction of exhibits for the Great River Road Interpretive Center; amendment.
Historic Survey Grant Agree. Phase III, CLG’s Architectural – Historic Survey Evaluation. (1/21)9
Historic/Architectural Survey Grant, Phase IV – CLG Grant agreement for Phase IV. (12/2).....485
Historical / Architectural Survey Grant Agreement, Phase II, final report. (2/18)...........................49
Historical Lighting Project – First Street & Main Street. (9/3)(10/7).................................369,370,412
Historical Society - & National Audubon Society, EDA Grant, Environmental Notice & Release of
Funds Notice. (12/2)........................................................................................................................484
Historical Society of Iowa – CLG grant design review program, city’s historic districts – Durrant
Group. (2/18).......................................................................................................................................49
Historical Society of Iowa, Four Mounds Estate Historic District in National Register of Historic
Places. (2/18)......................................................................................................................................47
Historical Society of Iowa – Grand Opera House considered for State Nat’l Register Nominations
Review Committee; accepted. (5/20)(6/3)(7/1)(10/7).............................................200,218,279,404
Historical Society of Iowa – Town Clock Building – Cottingham & Butler, building listed in
National Register of Historic Places. (2/18)...................................................................................47
Historical Society of Iowa, structure at 45 W. 13 St. – no historical value, requesting demolition
by DB & T; Ziepprecht Block Bldg & John Bell Block Building considered by State for
nomination to National Register of Historic Places; accepted for nomination.
Historical Society of Iowa, Ziepprecht Block Building & John M. Bell Block Building considered
by State for nomination to National Register of Historic Places. (9/16)...........................376,377
Historical Society Wetlands Project, Permit Application to Corps of Engineers. (1/21)...............15
Historical Society, County, & Peninsula Gaming Co., LLC, Lease Agree. Ice Harbor.
(5/20)(6/10)(6/17)...............................................................................................................205,257, 270
Historical Society, County, America’s River, EDI Special Purpose Grant to HUD. (3/4(7/1)).80,280
Historical Society, County, Burlington Northern Depot Restoration Project; request to use City’s
historic granite pavers for this. (3/18)(11/4)..........................................................................126,441
Historical Society, State, grant application, Four Mounds Grey House repairs. (1/21).................14
Historical Society, transfer, Ryan House Liq. Lic. parking lot N of Third St. Overpass. (7/15).303
History Pays! – Jim Jacobsen as consultant for Historic Architectural Survey Phase III. (5/6).185
Hockey, Dubuque, Rental Agree. Thunderbirds for use of the Five Flags Civic Center. (9/3)...351
Hodgdon St & Catherine- West Locust Street Steps – Historic Bluffs Trail Project Grant
Application. (10/7)............................................................................................................................401
Hodgdon’s Subdivision, vacation of portion of Henion St. & Helena St. for Loras College.
Hoffman, David, White House Tavern, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(12/16)....227,498
HOK Venue, J. Swords, D. Grice etc. update on Conference & Education Center; HOK Venue
gave presentation on Education & Conference Ctr. (3/4)(6/10)...........................................79,258
Holiday Inn Five Flags, Kinseth Hotel, 450 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/16).......................................498
Holiday light display – Hillcrest Agreement for use of Murphy Park. (7/1)...................................277
Holiday refuse collection, free sticker to citizens. (12/16).............................................................507
Holliday Drive, request to amend PUD at SW corner of Asbury & Holliday Dr. as requested by
A.J. Spiegel & Dr. Timothy Quagliano. (1/21)................................................................................19
Holy Family Catholic School System, meeting with Council etc. to discuss issues for upcoming
legislative sessions. (11/7).............................................................................................................456
HOME Investment Partnership Program, IDED grant to assist in rehab of 15 rental homes.
Home Loan Bank (Federal) Loans to help low income families purchase homes. (9/3)......362,363
HOME Program Application to IDED, rehab of properties near Five Points Intersection. (1/7).....5
Home purchases by low income families – application to Federal Home Loan Bank for funds.
Homebuilders rep. Ron Smith, opposing Radon Control Methods adopted with International
Residential Code. (6/3)....................................................................................................................245
Homecoming at Hempstead High School, request fireworks display. (10/7)...............................404
Homeland Security Funding, letter requested for funding to be passed down to First
Responders. (12/16)........................................................................................................................507
Homelessness & Hunger Awareness Week Proclamation. (11/4)..................................................439
Homeowner Grant Program, Historic Preservation, reallocation of monies from CDBG
Contingency Fund to this. (2/21).....................................................................................................75
Homeownership Assistance Funds, application for $250,000 to Federal Home Loan Bank for
Affordable Housing program funds for low income families to purchase homes. (9/3)362,363
Homeownership Program Coordinator – Family Self-Sufficiency – application to HUD for funds
to promote homeownership for Sec. 8 Program families. (5/6)................................................180
Homes for the Aging Week Proclamation. (5/6)................................................................................179
Honeysucklet Lane, final plat of portion of Arbor Estates. (3/18)..................................................128
Honkamp, Arnold N., Citizens Committed to our Communities, requesting Council pass
resolution as to the benefits of Dubuque’s 2 gambling facilities. (10/7).................................416
HOPES Project – Hillcrest Family Services. (6/3)..............................................................................219
Hopkins, Joseph, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (1/7) (1/21)(12/16)............................3,15,500
Horman, Steve of Chamber of Commerce, proceeding with Downtown Master Plan. (2/21).......74
Horsfield Construction awarded contract for the Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Project;
awarded contract for the Rip Row Valley Demolition and Grading Project; acceptance of
Center Grove Storm Sewer Reconstruction Project; acceptance of NW Arterial Basin
Modifications Project – Phase 1; Claim of John Noel forwarded to them.
Horstmann, Dave of Wartburg Seminary, in support of Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project,
but objecting to sidewalks. (8/5)...................................................................................................322
Hospice Proclamation – Tour de Dubuque Day. (8/19)....................................................................332
Hospice Proclamation. (11/4)...............................................................................................................439
Hospital Week Proclamation. (5/6)......................................................................................................179
Hotel & Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth Street Construction Proj. (7/15)(9/3)310,359,360
Hotel & Water Park, Consent & Subordination to Second Mortgage Agreement for Platinum
Holdings, in favor of American Trust Savings Bank. (10/21)....................................................423
House of China, 170 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (7/15)............................................................................303
Housing – Fair, Month, Proclamation. (4/1).......................................................................................139
Housing – Sec. 8 families, application to HUD for homeownership opportunities. (5/6)............180
Housing – Section 8 Computer system expenditure. (12/2)............................................................486
Housing – Single Room Occupancy, Scott Potter’s on Garfield Ave., application to IDED.(2/3)91
Housing & Community Development Department approving FY 2003 Operating Budget for
Assisted Housing Programs. (3/5)..................................................................................................97
Housing Agency Governing Board, appointment of John Plein as Section 8 rep – replacing
Danise Miller. (5/6)...........................................................................................................................196
Housing Agency Governing, application for Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers.
Housing and Community Development Department public hearing. (2/21)...................................75
Housing Assistance Program Funds amended per IDED. (4/15)...................................................158
Housing Assistance Program Funds, application to IDED, to assist Scott Potter’s for 19 room
SRO on Garfield. (2/3).......................................................................................................................91
Housing at end of Raven Oaks – MWF Properties, Felderman, rezoning objections. (4/15).....162
Housing Authority Governing Board for administration of City’s federal Section 8 rental
assistance program changed – Ch. 15, via Ord. (1/21)................................................................22
Housing Code Appeals Board interviews of Tom Hannan and Robert L. Sampson; reappointed.
Housing Commission applicant Floyd Schneider. (8/19)(9/3)..................................................334,353
Housing Commission applicant Harry Neustadt; appointed. (8/5)(8/19)..............................320,335
Housing Commission applicant Thomas P. Swift, II; reappointed. (9/3)(9/16).....................353,378
Housing Commission applicant William D. Helling; appointed. (10/7)(10/21).......................407,428
Housing Commission applicant Danita L. Galdick - Grant appointment. (7/1)(7/15)...........281,304
Housing Commission resignation of Danise Miller. (5/6)................................................................180
Housing Commission resignation of John L. Henning. (9/16)........................................................372
Housing Development requested by Callahan Construction on Seippel Rd. (5/20)....................207
Housing Program Supervisor repealed. (1/21)...................................................................................22
Housing Project – Affordable, Main and West Eleventh Streets – John Gronen, in support & local
contributing effort etc.(11/4)(11/18)(12/16).............................................................450,459,494,495
Housing Project at Kennedy Circle for Area Residential Care - ARC. (11/4)................................449
Housing Rehab for properties near Five Points intersection, HOME Program application;
Environmental Notice & Release of Funds. (1/7)(7/15)..........................................................5,300
Housing Services Dept., claim by DB & T etc. (6/17)........................................................................261
Housing Task Force, Affordable, Manager giving add’l information and scheduling work
session; Work Session & D. Harris giving presentation. (6/3)(6/17).................................253,260
Housing Tax Credit Application (Affordable) from Area Residential Care’s’ project at Kennedy
Circle; City support for Kennedy Point Ltd Partnership Pro. (11/4)(12/16)......................449,504
Housing Tax Credit Program – MWF Properties requesting support. (1/7)......................................5
Housing Tax Credit Program for Gronen Properties – Upper Main – Main and Eleventh.
Housing, Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area Plan, 513 Garfield. (4/1)(5/6).........152,191,192
Hoverman, Carol, osf, applicant to TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm.; reappointed.
HUD – application for funds for Family Self-Sufficiency Program position & homeownership for
Sec. 8 families. (5/6)........................................................................................................................180
HUD - Healthy Homes Grant application to HUD, to reduce lead paint poisoning. (6/3).............219
HUD – SHP grant for Hillcrest Family Services Continuum of Care. (3/18)...................................108
HUD Partnership Initiative, contract with Human Rights Dept. & Disability Management
Consulting Group - accessibility audits of multi-family dwellings. (8/19)..............................334
HUD, application for funding for America’s River Museum; EDI Special purpose grant etc..
HUD, approval of CDBG Agreement for $1,487,000 for program beginning 7/1/02. (7/1)...........279
HUD, approval of special project grant for FY 02 and also on-site review of CDBG Program. (5/20)
HUD, Consolidated End of Year Review for CDBG Program Year 2001 was okay. (11/4)..........439
HUD, continuation of Lead Based Paint Hazard Prevention Program, grant application. (6/3).218
Hughes Ct., 3197, rezoning from AG to LI, Schneider Land Surveying & Kevin Kirpes. (9/3)...354
Hulsizer, Rev. John, of Church of the Nazarene, Gave Invocation. (7/1).......................................277
Human Development Policy Committee appointment of Council Member Ann Michalski. (2/4).37
Human Relations Ordinances, amendment to Ch. 27, clarifying language etc. (6/3)..................253
Human Rights Annual Report for 2002. (12/16).................................................................................492
Human Rights Commission applicants: Cynthia Cechota, Penny Ehlinger, Joseph A. Hopkins,
Marty O’Shea, Charles f. Ryan, Vincent J. Vanden Heuvel, Kimberly Walsh. (12/16)............500
Human Rights Commission applicants: Sr. Corine Murray, PBVM, Lou Oswald, Bill Ross,
Joseph Hopkins; appointments of Sr. Corine Murray PBVM, Lou Oswald & Bill Ross.
Human Rights Department & Disability Management Consulting Group, accessibility audits of
multi-family housing – HUD partnership initiative. (8/19)..........................................................334
Human Rights Dept. department budget hearing; amendment to reflect HUD contract amounts.
Human Rights Ordinance, changes in language, meaning, clarification of many practices etc.
Humane Society, Dubuque, Purchase of Services Agreement & funds. (5/6).............................186
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Proclamation. (11/4)..............................................439
Hunting Deer in City, Deer management Plan. (4/15).......................................................................156
Huseman, Mary M., claim. (6/3)............................................................................................................218
HVAC - Giese Sheet Metal Co. awarded contract for the Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations
Project Contract 4 HVAC. (8/5)......................................................................................................325
HVAC – Heating Ventilating and Airconditioning – new Ordinance – 2000 Uniform Mechanical
Code. (6/3).........................................................................................................................................252
Hyundai – Attorney Mike Coyle, re: Off Premise Signs Text Amendment. (8/5)(10/7)..........322,415
Hy-Vee #2, 4800 Asbury Rd., Beer Per., Wine Per.; Beer Per. (1/7)(12/16)..............................2,3,498
Hy-Vee Food Store, 4800 Asbury, Cigarette Per. (5/20)...................................................................206
Hy-Vee Store #1, 3500 Dodge, Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cig. Per. (6/3)(6/17).....................227,228,265
Hy-Vee Store area, 4800 Asbury, objection to water runoff by P. Riniker; response by City Mgr..
I & M Rail Link, acquired by Iowa, Chicago & Eastern Railroad. (7/1)............................................278
I & M Rail Link, merger with Dakota Minnesota & Easter RR. (4/15)(5/20)..............................175,200
IA 32 IDOT – NW Arterial, Agreement – Preconstruction JF Kennedy Rd. to US 52. (5/20).......201
IA 32 - IDOT – SW Arterial – Letter from County Supervisors. (3/18).............................................108
IA 32 - IDOT – SW Arterial Environmental Assessment, completion of Addendum etc. (5/6)....187
IA 32 – SW Arterial at US 20, Seippel Rd interchange, Building Permit Moratorium. (3/18)130,131
IA 32 – SW Arterial Corridor Moratorium. (4/15)................................................................................169
IA 32 SW Arterial Corridor Moratorium – Subdivision Plats. (4/15)................................................171
IA 32, SW Arterial, Mayor letter to M. Wandro of IDOT; response. (3/4)(3/18)..........................85,107
IA DNR - Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources – IA DNR, storm sewer permit requirements. (1/7)......2
IA DNR - Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources – wastewater inspection report. (7/1)........................279
IA DNR - National Pollutant Discharge Emissions Systems – NPDES , Permit Application to IDNR.
IA DNR re: Deer Management Program. (4/15)..................................................................................156
Ibrico, Inc. Fat Tuesday, 1121 University, Liquor Lic. (9/16)............................................................378
Ice Harbor - Flood Control Gate Structure, 2002 Maintenance Dredging Pro.; acceptance.
Ice Harbor – Lease Agree. between County Historical Society & Peninsula Gaming. (5/20)205
Ice Harbor – Lease Agreement between County Historical Society re: William M. Black mooring
site etc. (6/10)(6/17)..................................................................................................................257,270
Ice Harbor area, re: Federal Emergency Management Agency, permits in that area. (4/1)........141
Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement Project. (9/16)(10/21)..................................395,436
Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District: Master Plan & Design Standards, amended plan. (3/4).....87
Ice Harbor West Road / Walk – Trail Project Construction Proj. (8/5)(9/16)(12/2).........330,384,483
Ice Harbor, W side, Chicago, Central & P. RR Co. Subord. Agreement, road & sidewalk. (7/1)278
Ice Rinks & Murphy Tennis Courts Lighting Project final. (7/1)...............................................277,278
IDED – annexation petition approved, Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church, property on
John F. Kennedy Rd. (12/2)...........................................................................................................,483
IDED – Enterprise Zone Agreement, Cottingham & Butler Insurance, rehab of 835 Main S5. –
Town Clock Building. (3/18)...........................................................................................................113
IDED – Enterprise Zone Agreement, Dubuque Bank & Trust for redevelopment of former Walsh
Store. (8/19)......................................................................................................................................341
IDED – HOME Program Application for funds for rehab of properties near Five Points intersection.
IDED – Memo of Understand. City & Quebecor; CEBA application approved; Enterprise Zone
Agreement – IDED, expansion on Kerper Blvd.; CEBA Loan Agreement of $345,000.
IDED – preapplication for Downtown Master Plan; approval of grant application; $25,000 grant
for IDED. (4/1)(8/19)(12/16)..............................................................................................139,333,495
IDED – Vol. annexation by City of Asbury in urbandized City of Dubuque approved. (5/6).....2002
IDED application for Local Housing Assistance to help Potter’s with Garfield Ave. SRO. (3/4)..91
IDED notification: City for Dubuque Main St. Ltd, awarded a $25,000 CDBG Grant for Vision
Downtown project; appreciation. (12/2)................................................................................486,489
IDED notification that Local Housing Assistance Program funds have been amended. (4/15)158
IDED reps. Enterprise Zone Comm. K. Deutmeyer ECIA & Daniel White of NICC. (5/6)..............196
IDOT – 2002 Public Input Meetings notification. (3/4)........................................................................81
IDOT – Grant Agreement for land in Riprow Valley for Trailhead Proj.(5/6)..................................185
IDOT - Heritage Trail Extension Project, update & bidding by IDOT. (3/18)..................................130
IDOT - National Scenic Byways Program, grant application to improve exhibits at Woodward
Museum; with IDOT. (6/17)(7/15).............................................................................................265,301
IDOT – no environmental concurrence so rescinding resolutions for Woodward Museum 2002
Renovations Project. (2/18)..............................................................................................................49
IDOT – NW Arterial, Agreement – Preconstruction from JF Kennedy Rd. to US 52. (5/20)........201
IDOT - RISE Project Agreement – Chavenelle Rd. with IDOT. (2/4).................................................30
IDOT Supple. Agreement, Freight House Restoration Project – Woodward Museum. (5/20)...201
IDOT - SW Arterial – IA 32, Mayor letter to M. Wandro of IDOT; response. (3/4)(3/18)...........85,107
IDOT – SW Arterial – Letter from County Supervisors. (3/18).........................................................108
IDOT – SW Arterial Environmental Assessment, completion of Addendum etc. (5/6)................187
IDOT - Transportation Enhancement Program Project with IDOT for Phase II – Hill & Bryant St.
area of Hwy 20 landscaping project. (7/15)...................................................................................300
IDOT – U.S. 20 bridge deck joint repair project on Julien Dubuque Bridge. (3/4)..........................81
IDOT - U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River, ROW Agreement with IDOT. (9/16).......................375
IDOT – U.S. Highway 20 Signal Improvements – STP Agreement – IDOT, realignment of
University Ave. from Ethel St. to U.S. Highway 20 at JFK Rd. (2/4)............................................36
IDOT Agreement for improvements for U.S. 20 – Dodge St. improvements – intelligent travel
control system & turn lanes. (12/16).............................................................................................492
IDOT Agreement for Phase II of Hwy 20 landscaping project. (2/4).................................................28
IDOT Cooperative Agreement for reconstruction of Locust St. & connector intersection. (2/4)29
IDOT Mark Wandro re: Dakota Minnesota & Eastern RR and the I & M Rail Link, merger, City to
write STF. (4/15)(5/20)..................................................................................................................175,200
Impoundment fee for dogs and cats increased. (3/5)...............................................................104,105
Impoundment fee for Vehicles, modify to provide authority to impound from private lots with the
property owner’s consent & elimination of 12 mo. fine collection limitation.(3/18)..............133
Independent Girls League – lease for portion of Rip Row Valley property. (1/21)...........................9
Industrial Center West, Final plat of Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot F & Lot G to allow for sale of Lot 6 for
construction of new industrial building. (2/18).............................................................................67
Information & Referral &Child Care, Project Concern, Purch of Services Agree. funds.(5/6)....186
Information & Technology 2002 and Communications Steering Committee, Dan Nicholson
appointed to National League of Cities Comm. (1/21).................................................................23
Information and Referral funding request at budget hearing. (2/25)...............................................76
Information Services Department budget hearing. (2/2)....................................................................73
Instant Replay, Pamela Arensdorf, 1602 Central, Cig. Per. ; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(12/2).............227,488
Insurance etc. for special Events – new Policy. (5/6)(8/5)(9/3).........................................196,326,350
Intake Replacement Project – Westside, completion. (1/21)........................................................10,11
Intelligent travel control system and turn lanes for Hwy 20 – Dodge St., Devon Dr. to new
Menards Store. (12/16)....................................................................................................................492
Intergovernmental Agreement with East Dubuque for minibus service. (2/18).............................50
Interior Walkways Project, Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands Site Package I,
Supplement Agreement, Interior Walkways Project. (12/16)..............................................495,496
Internal Medicine, Dbq., Claim. (11/4).................................................................................................439
International Building Code, 2000, adopted. (6/3)......................................................................248-251
International Residential Code, adoption of 2000 , six amendments recommending by Building
Code of Appeals. (6/3)..............................................................................................................245-248
International Total Services, Inc., cease pre-board screening at Airport, now federal government
doing it. (10/21)................................................................................................................................420
Internet service from Mediacom discontinued. (3/4)..........................................................................81
Interpretive Center – Great River Road, Subgrantee Agreement with Dbq County Historical
Society for National Scenic Byways Grant for design & construction of exhibits. (10/21)..421
Intersection Change – U.S. Highway 20 & University Ave. from Ethel St. (2/4)..............................36
Intersection for Locust & Locust St. Connector - cooperative agreement with IDOT. (2/4).........29
Intersection of Camelot & Embassy West, request for yield or stop signs. (7/1).........................277
Intersection of Keyway & Pennsylvania, letter by Mary Sack outlining traffic problems. (6/17)261
Intersection of Twelfth & Bluff Streets – stop sign changed to Twelfth St. (11/4).......................453
Intersections along U.S. Highway 20 – Dodge St. from Devon Dr. to new Menards, Agreement with
IDOT for improvements. (12/16).....................................................................................................492
Interstate Power & Light - Alliant Energy, City letter - rate increase for electricity. (6/17)..........265
Interstate Power & Light Co. Rate Case., hiring of legal counsel. (5/20).......................................209
Interstate Power & Light Co., Easement Agreement for Recreational Trail. (5/20)......................204
Interstate Power and Light Co. Development Agreement – Real Estate Contract, substitute Lot 6
for Lot 5 in sale of Dbq. Industrial Center West. (4/15)(5/6)................................................176,190
Interstate Power Loan Extension, addendum to Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue
Promissory Note & execution of mortgage extension with Alliant Energy. (1/7).......................2
Intoxication from glue sniffing or other chemicals prohibited. (3/18)............................................132
Investment Advisor for City, additional: First Community Trust added. (9/16)...........................389
Investment Oversight Commission applicant Charles Spielman; reappointed. (5/20)(6/3).207,228
Investment Oversight Commission, 35 Quarterly report. (2/4)(5/6)(5/20)........................28,187,199
Investment Reports, Quarterly.(1/21)(5/6)(5/20)(11/4)...........................................................14,187,441
IOCO – McCann’s, 690 W. Locust, Cig. Per. (5/20)............................................................................206
IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 3200 Central, Iowa Oil Co., Beer Per. (1/21)............................................15
IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co. 2335 University Ave., Cig. Per. (5/20)...................................206
IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 2150 Twin Valley, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(12/16)...206,498
IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge St., Cig. Per. ; Beer Per.(5/20)(11/18).....206,470
Iowa – Northwestern Development Co., accept deed to property – Carter Valley West. (3/4).....85
Iowa Chapter of the American Planning Assn. – awarding City Planning Services the Smart
Growth Award for Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (11/18)..........................................................458
Iowa Community Cultural Grant Prog. Grand Opera’s House app. Iowa Community Cultural
Grant. (4/1)........................................................................................................................................141
Iowa Corn Growers barge tour, mentioned by Michalski. (8/19).....................................................342
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development , IDED, Enterprise Zone Agreement, Cottingham & Butler
Insurance, rehab of 835 Main S5. – Town Clock Building. (3/18).............................................113
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED – preapplication for Downtown Master Plan;
approval of grant application; $25,000 grant. (4/1)(8/19)(12/16)...............................139,333,495
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED – HOME Program Application for funds for rehab of
properties near Five Points intersection. (1/7)................................................................................5
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development – IDED – Memorandum of Understanding between City &
Quebecor; CEBA Application approved. (3/4)(4/15).........................................................90,91,158
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED – voluntary annexation by City of Asbury within
urbandized area of City of Dubuque been approved. (5/6)......................................................2002
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED application for Local Housing Assistance to help
Potter’s with Garfield Ave. SRO. (3/4).............................................................................................91
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED notification that City for Dubuque Main St. Ltd,
awarded a $25,000 CDBG Grant for Vision Downtown project. (12/2).....................................486
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED notification that Local Housing Assistance
Program funds have been amended. (4/15).................................................................................158
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED representatives to Enterprise Zone Commission –
K. Deutmeyer – ECIA and Daniel White of NICC. (5/6)................................................................196
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources – IA DNR, storm sewer permit requirements. (1/7).....................2
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources - National Pollutant Discharge Emissions Systems – NPDES ,
Permit Application to IDNR. (12/16)........................................................................................504,505
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources – wastewater inspection report. (7/1).......................................279
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources, Deer Management Program. (4/15)..........................................156
Iowa Dept. of Public Defense, eligibility for public assistance projects. (2/4)................................31
Iowa Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement with the Visiting
Nurse Assn. – VNA. (9/3)................................................................................................................350
Iowa Emergency Management Division, financial assistance grant for purchase of 6 properties in
Catfish Creek area. (9/16)...............................................................................................................377
Iowa Finance Authority application - tax credits for family apt. complex, Raven Hill Apts. (1/7)..5
Iowa Finance Authority, housing tax credits, construction, Area Residential Care.
Iowa Finance Authority for housing tax credits for Gronen properties at Main and Eleventh
Streets. (11/4)(11/18).................................................................................................................449,459
Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau rant application. (5/20)......................................................200
Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference, Council Member Nicholson appointed liaison. (2/4)36
Iowa League of Cities, Council Member Cline to serve on Public Safety & Crime Prevention
Policy Committee. (1/21)...................................................................................................................23
Iowa League of Cities Conf bid, Dubuque - 2005 & 2006; notification not selected.
Iowa League of Cities Council Member Ann Michalski appointed to Human Develop. Policy
Committee. (2/4).................................................................................................................................37
Iowa League of Cities Council Member Cline to serve as rep. on Public safety & Crime
Prevention Policy Committee. (1/21)...............................................................................................23
Iowa League of Cities Council Member John Markham appointed to the Finance Administration
& Intergovernmental Relations Committee. (2/4)..........................................................................37
Iowa League of Cities - City Manager Michael Van Milligen serve on Policy Committee. (11/4)442
Iowa Oil Co. IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 3200 Central, Beer Per. (1/21).............................................15
Iowa Oil Co., Claim. (6/3).......................................................................................................................218
Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, 2150 Twin Valley, Cig. Per. ; Beer Per. (5/20)(12/16)..206,498
Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, 2335 University, Cig. Per. (5/20)...........................................206
Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(11/18)............206,470
Iowa Potato Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/3)................................................................227
Iowa Secretary of State Culver approving new Ward & Precinct Plan. (1/21)...................................9
Iowa St. & Central Ave., alley between from 13 to 14 St. vacate & dispose of to DB & T Bank for
renovation. (9/3)(9/16)......................................................................................................366,382,383
Iowa St., 301, Lease of old United Rental Building, Dbq. County Historical Society. (10/21).....423
Iowa State Historical Society, Grand Opera House listed in National Register of Historic Places.
Iowa Street True Value, 1300 – 1322 Iowa St., demolish structure for DB & T Bank. (6/3).........230
Iowa Utilities Board, City Mgr. letter, electrical rate increase request of Interstate Power – Alliant
Energy. (6/17)...................................................................................................................................265
Iowa, Chicago, and Eastern Railroad Corp, acquire I & M Rail Link, notice from Surface
Transportation Board. (7/1)............................................................................................................278
Irrevocable License, 2900 Jackson for Carole Swift for exterior stairway. (8/19).......................333
Irrigation system - Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. – Peninsula
Gaming, for sidewalk & sprinkler system. (10/7)........................................................................403
Isenhart, Rhodes (Bud), spoke re: Tax Increment Financing.
J. P. Cullen & Sons,. Inc. Janesville, WI, awarded contract for Education & Conference
Center – Bid Package #3.(9/3)...........................................................................................................360
J.F. Kennedy Rd. Reconstruction Project at NW Arterial. (4/1)(4/15)(5/6).....................150,161,190
J.F. Kennedy Rd., 2531, rezoning from R1 to C2 for Kathy Spear. (9/16)...............................378,379
J.F. Kennedy Rd., Key City Investment Co., tax assessment appeal, Stip. of Settlement. (3/4)..81
J.F. Kennedy Road – removal of “No Parking” Restriction. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)................361,386,416
Jackson & W. Locust Streets – IDOT Agreement for financial help for resurfacing. (6/17).......264
Jackson and West Locust Street Resurfacing Project. (6/17)(7/15)(9/3)........................274,305,350
Jackson St Relief Storm Sewer Construction Project, final. (3/18)................................................112
Jackson St., 2900, Irrevocable License for Carole Swift for exterior stairway. (8/19)................333
Jackson, Alan, Tuckpointing, Inc., awarded contract for the Woodward Museum, 2000
Renovations Project Contract No. 1 Masonry Tuckpointing. (8/5).............................................324
Jackson, Fred, Tuckpointing, awarded contract for the Flora Pool Painting Project; awarded
contract for the Five Flags Theater Paint Exterior Façade Project. (9/3)(9/16).................358,385
Jackson, Jeff of Alan Jackson Tuckpointing, object to bid process Woodward Museum
Renovations Pro. (6/17)...................................................................................................................270
Jacobs, Steve, for Project Concern, requesting funding at budget public hearing. (2/25)..........76
Jacobsen, Jim, History Pays!, contract Ph III Architectural Historical Survey Evaluation. (5/6)185
Jaeger Heights No. 2 Phase Two, accept public improvements, Lloyd Gudenkauf. (10/21).....422
Jaeger Heights Subd. #2 Phase Three, Lloyd Gudenkauf requesting final acceptance & stop
signs. (7/15).......................................................................................................................................299
Jaeger Heights Subd. final plat, only one access road, appeal by Ed Tschiggfrie for Tower
Investment Subd. (9/16)(11/4).................................................................................................386,440
Jail – new building, Fiber Optic Cable Relocation, 28E Agreement. (3/4).......................................84
Jake’s, Jason Reimer, 1689 Elm St., Liquor Lic. (6/3)......................................................................227
January 2002 Council Proceedings approved. (5/20)......................................................................199
January 2002, Financial Reports. (2/18)...............................................................................................46
January claims and revenues proof. (3/18).......................................................................................107
Jaycees – Peosta Channel Trail Project. (1/21)(2/18)....................................................................20,69
Jaycees and KDTH etc., requesting fireworks display. (7/15)........................................................303
Jaycees, Beer Permit, Main Street – Town Clock. (7/15)(8/19).................................................303,334
Jaycees, Dubuque, Chili Cook Off, Cable Car Square, Beer Per. (9/16)........................................377
Jaycees, Dubuque, Main St. Cul du Sac, Beer Per. (5/6)`................................................................188
Jaycees, Dubuque, Washington Park, 3 Beer Permits. (6/17)(7/1)..........................................265,281
Jazz Fests – All That Jazz Festival, Angela Simon letter @ Main St. (9/3)....................................349
Jeschke, Keith, disposal of portion of Tiffany Ridge property. (9/16)(10/7)...................390,408,409
Jeske, Pastor Tim, of The Dubuque Bible Church, Gave Invocation. (3/4).....................................80
Jetty & Access Trail Project – Bergfeld Recreation. (6/3)................................................................225
Jo Daviess County, IL, Chapter 28E Multi-jurisdictional Drug & Law Enforcement Agree. (2/4).30
Jo Daviess County, IL, Mutual Aid Agreement with Dubuque City & County. (2/4).......................30
John Bell Block Building – considered by State for nomination to National Register of Historic
Places. (9/16)(10/7)(11/4)............................................................................................376,377,401,439
John Wesley Drive - Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church requesting annexation and
rezoning of property near John F. Kennedy Rd. (8/19)(9/16)(10/21)........................332,392,430
Johnson, Rita & Clint, re: Eagle Point No. 2 Subdivision at end of Rhomberg Ave. – Final Plat -
matter tabled; sale of this property to them. (2/18)(3/18)(9/3)(9/16)...............47,127,128,364,381
Jones, James H., claim; settlement. (8/5)..........................................................................................315
Jorja’s Restaurant & Lounge, Claim; denial; Liquor Lic. (2/18)(3/18)(11/18)...................46,107,470
Julien Dubuque Bridge Plan and Design, Council Management Agenda. (8/29).........................348
Julien Dubuque Bridge, IDOT notification of deck joint repair project. (3/4)..................................81
Julien Inn, Design Center Inc., 200 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/16)..........................................................498
July 2002 Financial Report. (8/19).......................................................................................................332
July 2002 Opening of Main Street, expansion of Parking Meter District. (7/1).............................289
July 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (9/16)...............................................................372
July 2003 Fireworks display, request by Jaycees, KDTH etc. (7/15)..............................................303
Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, 2600 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (7/1)(12/2).................281,488
June 2002 Financial Reports. (8/5)......................................................................................................315
June 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (9/16)..............................................................372
June 2002, Proof of claims and revenues. (9/3)................................................................................349
Jungers, Sr. Margaret, Director of Shalom Retreat Center, rezoning of 1001 Davis. (4/15)........161
Junk Dealers, Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Ordinances, allow electronic record
keeping plus add’l items added. (2/18).................................................................................................68
Junk, Dan, Claim. (8/19)........................................................................................................................332
Justice – Bureau of, Application – 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. (6/17).........264,265
Jym’s Bar, Jymie Lyons, 1700 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (6/3)(6/17)................................228,265
Kafar, Steve, Claim; Denied. (11/18)(12/2)...................................................................................458,481
Kafer, Steve, Claim; Denied. (11/18)(12/2)...................................................................................458,481
Kaiser, John C., awarded contract for Five Flags Arena – Paint Ceiling & Walls.(5/6)...............193
Kalb, Sr. Marie Therese, re: rezoning of 1001 Davis from R1 to OR. (4/15)...................................161
Kalina, Nancy M. & Lynn J., claim. (10/21).........................................................................................419
Kalmes Breaktime Bar & Grill, Michael & Theresa Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per. Liquor Lic.
Kamp, Mary Lou, Noonan’s Tap, 1618 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/15)..................................................160
Kane Rd. & Lake Eleanor Rd. NE – Southern Hills Subd., final plat of portion .(2/18)................67
Kane Street Parking issue in vicinity of Pine Knolls; prohibiting parking on the south side of
Kane St within 140 feet East and West of Katrina Circle. (8/19)(12/16))...................338,503,504
Kane, Attorney Brian, in support but concerned @ existing businesses re: Amendment of
Riverfront Plan to include Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (3/4)...................................................87
Kane, Attorney Brian, appreciative of efforts to control storm water, Admiral St. area. (6/17).261
Kane, Attorney Brian, re: Johnson, Rita & Clint, re: Eagle Point No. 2 Subdivision at end of
Rhomberg Ave. – Final Plat - matter tabled. (2/18)(3/18)...............................................47,127,128
Kane, Attorney Brian, representing CR Boats, in favor of final plat, Eagle Point No. 2. (9/16).381
Kapp, Douglas & Jean & Wm. & Carole Hartman-Kubler, purchase portion of Adair St.
(10/7)(12/16)......................................................................................................................399,498, 499
Katrina Circle, parking prohibited 140 feet E and W of Katrina Circle on Kane St. (12/16).503,504
K-Cap Foods, Inc. Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, Beer Per. (7/1)................................................281
KDTH, KATF, & KGRR & Dbq Jaycees, request for fireworks display. (7/15)...............................303
Kelley, Katherine, letter @ maintenance of retaining wall on N side of Hamilton St. (9/3).........349
Kelley, Neil, Claim; referred to Insurance. (6/17)...............................................................................261
Kelly, Daniel K., Claim; denial. (7/1)(7/15)...................................................................................277,298
Kelly, Michael P., applicant for Mechanical Code Board; appointed. (4/15)(5/6).................161,189
Kennedy Circle - Area Residential Care – Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application. (11/4)..449
Kennedy Circle, end Area Residential Care Foundation – Health Services Credit Union –
rezoning end of JF Kennedy Cr.. (2/18)..........................................................................................54
Kennedy Circle, end of, Area Residential Care Urban Revitalization of area.
Kennedy Circle, in support of Affordable Housing Project by ARC – Area Residential Care. (11/4)
Kennedy Point Partnership – Kennedy Circle Rental Housing, application from Area Residential
Care for Federal Assistance. (12/16).............................................................................................504
Kennedy Rd. – US Highway 20 Signal Improvements – STP Agreements funding for realignment
of University Ave. from Ethel St. to U.S. Highway 20. (2/4)..........................................................36
Kennedy Rd. Reconstruction Project at NW Arterial. (4/1)(4/15)(5/6)..............................150,161,190
Kennedy Rd., NW Arterial – IDOT Preconstruction Agreement for IA 32 from JF Kennedy Rd. to
US 52. (5/20)......................................................................................................................................201
Kennedy Road – billboard violation – Calcars Hyundai – Lamar Billboards. (10/7)....................415
Kennedy Road – dedication of various lanes & roads re: final plat of first phase of Arbor Estates.
Kennedy Road - Kopp’s JFK Addition No. 2, 1679 JFK, Plat of survey, removed from Agenda.
Kennedy Road – NW Arterial Watermain Extension Project. (10/21).............................................434
Kennedy Road – removal of No Parking from 230 Feet North of spring Valley Rd. to South of the
NW Arterial. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)............................................................................................361,386,416
Kennedy Road – vacation of portion of old roadway parallel, Grandview Ave. United Methodist
Church. (11/18)..........................................................................................................................469,470
Kennedy Road, 1800 block, for Key City Investment, plat of survey for portion of Westview
Shopping Center Place No. 2 & No. 3. (2/18)............................................................................48,49
Kennedy Road, 2531, rezoning from R1 to C2 with conditions for Kathy Spear. (9/16).......378,379
Kennedy Road, nearby property of Grandview Ave. United Methodist church, annexation
request. (8/19)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/2).................................................332,392,430,469,470,483
Kennedy Rd, water tower & NW Arterial Water Main Ext Engineering Services contract. (7/1).290
Kennedy, Christopher & Jennifer, requesting to purchase property behind 2345 Roosevelt &
2349 Roosevelt. (10/21)...................................................................................................................420
Kennedy, Denise, Claim, denied. (10/7)..............................................................................................399
Kerper Blvd. – Enterprise Zone Agreement for Quebecor World for expansion; Economic
Development District. (5/20)(9/16)..........................................................................................204,375
Kerper Blvd. replatting request of McGraw-Hill and Key City Plating for 2460 to 2500 Kerper Blvd.
Kerper Blvd., Concrete Repairs there and on North Grandview. (10/7)(11/4)........................406,447
Key City Investment Co. requesting final plat of survey of portion of Westview Shopping Center
Place No. 2 – 1800 block of JFK Rd. (2/18)....................................................................................48
Key City Investment Co., requesting final plat of survey of Westview Shopping Center Place No.
3. – 1800 Block of John F. Kennedy Rd. (2/18)..............................................................................48
Key City Investment Co., Stipulation of Settlement of Tax Appeal. (3/4).........................................81
Key City Plating request replatting of 2460 to 2500 Kerper Blvd. (11/18).....................................458
Keyline – Project Concern Driver Services Agreement. (2/18).........................................................50
Keyline Transit Boarding Facility Architectural Services, contract for design. (12/16)..............495
Keyline Transit Dispatcher – Scheduler, position certified by the Civil Service Comm. (7/15).302
Keyline Transit funds for Rail Feasibility Study. (1/21)......................................................................23
Keyway & Pennsylvania Intersection, traffic problems per Mary Sack; response – no change.
Kieffer, Ed, objecting to rezoning of 1001 Davis. (4/15)...................................................................161
Kieffer, Richard, citing difficulty with non-emergency phone nos. (1/21)(2/18)........................26,53
Kielty, Michael J., Banner Investments, opposing assessments for Main St. opening. (1/7)........3
Kilburg, Vince, Building Mgr. - 140 Loras, requesting alley parking between Main & Iowa. (1/21)8
Kilcoyne, Mike, Claim; settlement. (10/21)(11/4).......................................................................419,439
Kill (To) a Mockingbird, book chosen for all-city Book Club. (9/16)...............................................386
Kimball Street W of Rhomberg Ave., vacate & dispose, Michael Schmalz. (9/3)(9/16)363,364,381
Kindermusik – NE Iowa School of Music, Cp2 Funds. (5/20)..........................................................211
King, Martin Luther, Day – Proclamation. (1/7)......................................................................................1
Kinseth Hotel, Holiday Inn Five Flags, 450 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/16).......................................498
Kipper, Karla, Claim; settlement. (4/1)(4/15)..............................................................................139,155
Kirchoff Family Realty & GDDC - Zoning – allowance of primary signs, 5035 Chavenelle Rd.;
correction of vote taken at ZAC meeting. (3/18)(4/15).................................................123,124,156
Kirkpatrick, David, Cedars Grill & Steakhouse, 2155 South Park. (8/19)......................................334
Kirpes, Robert, 419 Winona, rezoning of 3197 Hughes Court. (9/3)...............................................354
Kivlahan Farms, final plat of first phase of Arbor Estates. (3/18)..................................................128
Kivlahan, John, Claim; denied. (5/20)(6/3)..................................................................................199,218
Klauer Construction Co., awarded bid for the Woodward Museum 200 Renovations Project –
Contract 3, Carpentry; awarded bid for the Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement; awarded
contract for the Five Flags Theater Replace Front Doors Project.(8/5)(9/16)..........325,385,386
Klauer, Roger G. & Christine, re: vacate utility easement in C.J. Bies Subd. (2/18)......................70
Klinger, Mac, in support of annexation of Kennedy Road property – Grandview Ave. United
Methodist Church.(10/21)...............................................................................................................430
Klosterman, John, Street Maint. Supervisor, new Public Works Facility building. (10/21).........418
Klosterman, Wayne, North End Assn., restudy Bee Branch Creek and retain MSA Professional
Services for consultant on stormwater drainage plan; questions to HDR @ Stormwater
management. (11/4)(12/2)(12/9)......................................................................................449,486,490
Kluesner, Loras, applicant for Civil Service Commission; reappointed. (5/20)(6/3).............207,228
K-Mart #4018, K Mart Corp., 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (5/20)...............................................................206
Knepper, Rich, Mayor of Cascade, renaming of new Highway 151 Corridor. (8/19)....................342
Knickers, C. Gerhard, 2186 Central, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(6/17)...................................206,266
Koch, Michael, 1623 Thomas Pl, owner of Dbq. Jewelry & Loan, opposed to amended Ord. for
pawnbrokers & secondhand dealers. (2/18)..................................................................................68
Koch, Mike, Public Works Director, explained traffic at 12 & Bluff St. intersection. (11/4)......453
Koch, Tom, Inc., Paul’s Tavern, 176 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/17)......................................................266
Kohl, James & Janet, Grand Tap, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/16)...................................................378
Kohnen, Shawn, Claim; Referred to Ins. (5/6)...................................................................................179
Kolf, Jim, Project Mgr., update of Conference & Education Center. (3/4).......................................79
Kopp’s JFK Addition No. 2, 1679 JFK, Plat of survey, removed from Agenda. (12/16).............493
Kost, Bob OF URS/BRW, Design Standard Booklet for Port of Dubuque. (2/4).............................27
Kotz, Janelle, Old Hwy Rd., objecting to Stewart’s proposed rezoning, Old Hwy Road. (8/5)...321
Kraemer Brothers, bid awarded for Education & Conference Center, Bid Package #1. (5/20).207
Krieg, Carol B., claim; referred to Ins. (11/4)......................................................................................439
Kringle, Ken, Bluff St. Neighborhood Pres., requesting ornamental lighting between First,
Second & Bluff Sts. (6/17)..............................................................................................................261
Kringle, Ken, Historic Preservation Award. (8/5)..............................................................................324
KT Restaurants, Godfather’s Pizza, 1575 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (1/7).....................................................2
Kubicek, Joe A., Claim; referred to Ins. (1/7)(1/21)...........................................................................1,8
Kubler (Hartman), Wm. & Carole & Douglas & Jean Kapp, purchase portion of Adair St.
Kueny, Robert M., Architect for new Operations and Maintenance Department Facility. (4/15)160
Kuhle, Christine, claim; denied; appeal of denial. (3/4)(3/18)(5/6)......................................80,107,194
Kuhle, Karen & Mark, comments re: White St. Reconstruction. (1/21)(2/18).............................18,53
Kuhle, Karen, remarks @ 8” rainfall on 8/21/02. (9/3).......................................................................349
Kunkel, Floyd, acceptance of rezoning of Radford Road property. (10/21)...........................431-433
Kutsch, Nancy, re: John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Proj. (5/6)....................................................190
Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 1401 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (6/17)(7/1)...................265,281
Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. ; Beer Per.
Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Oil, Co., 2297 University, Beer Per. (11/18).................................470
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 1865 or 1685 JF Kennedy Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (7/1)(11/18)....281,470
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cig. Per. (7/1)...............................................................281
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2360 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (7/1)(9/16).....................................280,377
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (7/1)(11/18)................280,470
Kwik Trip Inc, Tobacco Outlet Plus #504, 806 Wacker Dr., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)..189,206
Kwik Trip, Tobacco Outlet Plus #564, 66 W. 32 St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/20) (11/4).......206,442
LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/4)(4/15)(8/5).................................................80,155,315
L & I Building Co., Claim; forward to Portzen Construction. (2/18)(3/4).....................................46,80
L & L Investment Co., Players Sports Bar, 1902 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/3)....................................352
L & M Wharf Corp., Michael’s Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/16)........................................498
Labor Management Council (Dbq Area), Purchase of Services Agree. (5/6).........................185,186
Labor Management, Dubuque Area, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Per. (8/5).......................................319
LaFoe, Erin, 3142 Arbor Oaks, re: housing for end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15)..............................162
Lake Eleanor Rd. & Kane Rd. – NE – Southern Hills Subd., final plat of portion .(2/18)...............67
Lamar Advertising – off premise Signs Text amendment. (8/5).....................................................322
Lamar Billboards, violation for billboards on John F. Kennedy Rd. – Calcars Hyundai and First
Street – U.S. Cellular. (10/7)............................................................................................................415
Lamb, Laura, in support of University of Dubuque rezoning to allow student housing N of Dodge
St. – Hwy 20 and East of Devon Dr. (10/21)..................................................................................428
Lampe, Lynn E., Claim; referred to Ins. (3/18)...................................................................................107
Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for Harvest View Estates Park. (3/18).....110
Land Development Plan and Map – County’s, City Long Range Planning Comm. comments.
Land Sale of Port of Dubuque Property to Dubuque Initiatives. (10/21)(11/25)......425-417,479,480
Land Use Map Amendment consideration for 30 acres at Sixteenth & Sycamore Streets for
possible Wal-Mart site. (11/4)(11/18)..............................................................................443,476,477
Land Use Map, update of 1995 Comprehensive Plan. (9/3)(9/16)............................................367,383
Landfill rates changed, Dbq. Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency. (1/7)..............................................2
Landmark sites & Historic Structures, amendment to Historic Preservation Ord. (9/16)....387,388
Landmark Structures I, LP of Fort Worth, TX, awarded contract for the Fourth Zone Water Tower.
Landscape Design Guidelines (& Streetscape) for Historic Districts. (3/18)................................130
Landscaping Project – Bluff St. & Second St., add’l funding FY 2002 Annual Action Plan
Amendment 4 – CDBG funds. (5/6)...............................................................................................180
Landscaping Project – Hwy 20, Dodge St. (2/4)..................................................................................28
Landscaping Project - Transportation Enhancement Program Proj. - IDOT for Phase II – Hill &
Bryant St. area of Hwy 20 landscaping project. (7/15)..................................................................300
Landscaping, construction & amenities of Bell St. and Fifth St., Agreement with IDOT.(6/17).264
Lange, Kenneth A., claim; referred to Insurance. (8/5)...................................................................315
Langkamp, Merle, re: housing for end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15)...................................................162
Langkamp, Merlin, disposal of portion of Tiffany Ridge property to him. (9/16)...................390,391
Language of the Human Relations Ordinance changed, clarified etc. (6/3).................................253
Langworthy District, Historic Pres. Comm, Terry Mozena; reappointed. (7/1)(7/15)...281,303,304
Langworthy Historic District as Urban Revitalization District. (9/16)(11/4)....................397,398,444
Larsen, Beverly, Denny’s Lux Club, 3050 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)......189,205
Lau, Dan of CDM, presentation @ Stormwater Utility. (6/3).............................................................217
Law Enforcement Agree. & Drug Enforce. Agree., City, County & Jo Daviess County, IL. (2/4).30
Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds, 2002 Local. (6/17) (7/15)(8/5)..............................264,310,323
LB Metcalf, Inc., Cedar Cross AMOCO, 1200 Cedar Cross, Cigarette Per. (5/20).........................205
Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant – CDBG Funds. (5/20)(6/3).........................204,218,219
Lead Paint Demonstration Project Funding, application to Comm. Environmental Health
Resource Center for funds to help Lead Paint Hazard Reduction Project. (5/6)....................180
Lead Paint Education Program Funding , application to “Lead Safe…for Kid’s Sake.” (5/6)....180
Lead Paint Training Instruction Agreement with Tucker Enterprises. (9/3)..................................350
Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement, Visiting Nurse Assn. IA Dept. of Public Health. (9/3)350
Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog. App. Healthy Homes Initiative Demonstration Grant. (6/3).219
Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (Childhood) Proclamation. (10/21)..........................................419
League – 2005 Powerpoint presentation by Dubuque, impressive. (5/20)...................................213
League of Cities (Iowa) Conference bid for 2005 & 2006; not selected. (1/21)(3/4)..................15,81
League of Cities (Iowa) Council Member Cline to serve as rep. on Public safety & Crime
Prevention Policy Committee. (1/21)...............................................................................................23
League of Cities (National), appointment of Council Member D. Nicholson to 2002 Information
Technology & Communications Steering committee. (1/21)......................................................23
League of Cities, Iowa, City Manager Michael Van Milligen on Policy Committee. (11/4)...........442
League of Cities, Iowa, Council Member Nicholson liaison, Conference for 2005 & 2006. (2/4).36
League of Cities, National, court appeal of FCC’s Pasadena Franchise Fee decision. (12/2)...483
League of Cities, National, Michalski on committee on Community Child Protection. (7/1)......291
League of Cities, National, Nicholson praised staff, Michalski stated great conference.
Lease & Real Estate Purchase Agree. ConAgra, property, Fourth St. Peninsula.
Lease Agreement, National Guard - Water purification drills, Miller-Riverview Park. (5/6)........187
Lease Agreement & Parking Use Agreement with Platinum Holdings, consent & subordination to
Second Mortgage in favor of American Trust. (10/21)...............................................................423
Lease Agreement between City & County Historical Society – First Amendment – Ice Harbor
Property re: Wm. Black. (6/10)(6/17)......................................................................................257,270
Lease Agreement with ConAgra for property on Twelfth St. Extension. (10/7)...........................409
Lease Agreement, Dbq County Historical Society, old United Rentals Bldg, 301 Iowa (10/21).423
Lease Agreement, Golf Cart, with Yamaha Leasing, change from 40 to 50 carts. (7/15)............300
Lease agreements for Dbq. Yacht Basin to Firstar Bank.(1/21).......................................................13
Lease agreements, Ice Harbor, County Historic Society & Peninsula Gaming Co. (5/20)......205
Lease Amendments – Dbq. Yacht Basin – Dodds River Terminals – Dbq Twine Co.; comments.
Lease Extension, Mediacom, Cable Franchise to MCCIowa LLC. for tv cable services.
Lease with Dbq. Girls’ Independent League for Rip Row Valley property. (1/21)............................9
Lee Manor Investments, Friedman, Pat, Zoning, 1875 – 1895 University, C1 to C2. (9/16)........380
Lee’s 76 – West Locust, Lee Potter, Sr., 408 W. Locust, (2/4)...........................................................32
Legal cost sharing with cities: Interstate Power Co. Alliant Electrical Rate increase. (8/5).......317
Legal Counsel – Corporation Counsel re: conflict of interest representation for City. (6/17)....265
Legal Counsel hired - Interstate Power & Light Co. Rate Case. (5/20)..........................................209
Legal Department Intern C. Brumwell expressing appreciation to City. (9/3)...............................349
Legal Departmental budget hearing. (2/6)...........................................................................................44
Legal Services Corporation of Iowa Proclamation. (5/20)...............................................................199
Legion – American, Dubuque Post NO. 6, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/17)......................................266
Legion-Aires Drum Bugle Corp., Colts Community Center, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (9/16)...........378
Legislative Correspondence: support HF 2990 tax rate, Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino. (3/4)80
Legislative Issues – priorities for 2003, submitted by City Mgr. (11/4)..........................................454
Legislative issues discussed with County Supervisors, School Board & Holy Family Catholic
School System. (11/7).....................................................................................................................456
Legislators, correspondence from City Mgr. - Road Use Tax Funds. (4/6)...................................188
Legislators, City Mgr. letters - Tax Increment Financing and Road Use Tax Funds. (4/15).......155
Legislators, correspondence from City Mgr., aviation funding, TIF, Brownfield Redevelopment Fund,
Construction Management Fund, and Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa. (3/18)
Legislatures – Letter of Mgr. re: tax rate at Greyhound Park & Casino. (2/18)...............................47
Leifker, David W., Main Street reopening, 5 to 9; traffic lights - NW Arterial – letter to IDOT.
Leland Consulting – Anne Ricker, Design Standards Booklet for Port of Dubuque. (2/4)...........27
Leland Consulting Group approved as consultant for Downtown Master Plan. (8/190..............341
Lenox Addition, disposal of city owner property to Eric & Bonita Timmerman.
Lenox Avenue, - portion of Van Buren St., request to vacate & purchase by Michael & Sally
Basten. (7/1)(7/15)...........................................................................................................292,292,304
Leuwerke & Assoc. claim of Ellen Close. (1/21)....................................................................................8
Liberty Bank, depository for City funds. (5/6)....................................................................................188
Liberty Station LLC – Phillips 66 – Arby’s, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (9/16)..................................377
Library – Tool, Washington Neighborhood, Purchase of Service Agreement – Operation: New
View. (6/17).......................................................................................................................................263
Library Department budget public hearing. (2/25)..............................................................................76
Library Director hiring update requested. (1/21).................................................................................23
Library Week Proclamation. (4/15)......................................................................................................155
Library, Annual Report. (4/15)..............................................................................................................173
License – Irrevocable for Carole Swift, 2900 Jackson, for stairway enclosure. (8/l19)...............333
License for underground tunnel on Main St., Cottingham and Butler. (1/21)............................25,26
Lien Oriental Food Store – Oriental Food/Gift , 115 W. 11 St., Beer Per. (4/15)..........................160
Lifeguards pay increased at Budget P. Hearing. (3/5).......................................................................98
Lifetime Center, Dubuque Area, Purchase of Services Agreement. (5/6).....................................186
Lightcap, Joel, applicant for Transit Board of Trustees; reappointed. (7/15)(8/5)................303,320
Lighting – Taxiway Alpha NW at Airport. (11/18)..............................................................................469
Lighting display by Hillcrest Family Services, use of Murphy Park. (7/1).....................................277
Lighting Project – Murphy Tennis Courts & Ice Rinks, finalization of project. (7/1).............277,278
Lighting Project for First Street & Main Street. (9/3)(10/7).........................................369,370,412,413
Link, Lois, Claim. (9/3)..........................................................................................................................349
Linwood Cemetery and 2616 Stafford, property to Joseph Feltes. (5/6)(8/5)(8/19)......179,327,335
Lion of Judah, Marc Thomas Millitzer, Cigarette Per. (11/18)..........................................................470
Liquor & beer licensees - Prohibition of underage persons after 9 p.m. (3/18)..................132,133
Liquor Depot of Dubuque, Express Depot, 1620 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cigarette Per. ;
penalty appeals etc.; assessment of penalty. (1/21)(5/20)(6/17)(7/1)...................15,206,270,284
Liquor License outdoor service extension for The Busted Lift. (7/23)..........................................313
Liquor License Refunds: MM & H Corp. (1/7).......................................................................................2
Liquor license transfer of Colts Drum & Bugle Corps to Eagle Point Park. (5/20).......................205
Load limits taken off Fengler St. & Manson Rd. Bridges and added to Cousins Rd. (11/4).......452
Loan - Jail – new building, Fiber Optic Cable Relocation, 28E Agreement. (3/4)...........................84
Loan Agreement – Downtown Rehab – Guy Gard, 356 Main & Ellen Willis, 372 Main; another
amendment to Agreement. (3/4)(11/4).....................................................................................85,441
Loan Agreement for $345,000 with Quebecor World Dubuque, IA – CEBA Loan. (7/15)............301
Loan Agreement, PIAP, with Eagle Window & Door. (9/16).............................................................376
Loan Extension – Interstate Power Co., addendum to Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Rev. Note &
mortgage ext. with Alliant Energy – Interstate Power. (1/7)..........................................................2
Loan from County to complete fiber optics loop that connects all city computers. (2/14)..........45
LoBianco, Dan, of Dbq. Main St., appreciation for Downtown Master Plan; spoke at budget
public hearing for funds; Tax Increment Financing Town Clock Building. (2/21)(11/18)75,475
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Application to Bureau of Justice. (6/17)(7/15)...........264,310
Local Option Tax for Dbq Community School District, Resolution of support. (10/21)..............437
Local Option Tax, School, high priority for Council. (8/29).............................................................348
Locust St – West, Resurfacing & Jackson St., Agreement with City & IDOT. (6/17)....................264
Locust St. – West, & Jackson St. Resurfacing Project. (7/15)(9/3)..........................................305,350
Locust St. Connector, cooperative agreement with IDOT. (2/4).......................................................29
Locust St., installation of Parking Meters, elimination of No Parking Zone on E side of Locust
between 2 & 3. (8/19)..................................................................................................................340
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm, approval of amended & restated Urban Renewal Plan for Ice
Harbor Dis. (3/4).................................................................................................................................87
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. applicants David Rusk & Michael Portzen; reappointments.
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: proposed land use map amendment for 30 acres at 16 &
Sycamore Sts for possible Wal-Mart site. (11/4)........................................................................443
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: Quebecor Urban Renewal District. (11/4)................445,446
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. recommending adding new members to Downtown Planning
Commission from Dbq Initiatives & Dbq Cultural Alliance. (12/16)..........................................494
Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., Dr. M. L. Neumeister, comments. (2/21)................................75
Long Range Planning Adv. Com., appoint C. Winterwood, Chair, Bee Branch Corridor Study.
Long Range Planning Advisory Comm. land use map update of 1995 Comprehensive Plan.
Long Range Planning Advisory Comm. reappointment of Council Member Buol with Mayor
Duggan as alternate. (7/15)............................................................................................................308
Long Range Planning Com. P. Hearing, Urban Renewal Dis. Downtown Dbq.(3/18)(4/1) 133, 142
Long Range Planning Commission comments on County’s Land Development Plan & Map.
Long Range Planning Commission membership of Downtown Planning Committee approved.
Long Range Planning Commission re: Area Residential Care Urban Revitalization District.
Loras AMOCO Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras Blvd., Cig. Per. (5/20)..................................206
Loras Blvd., 140, request for alley parking between Main & Iowa Sts. (1/21)...................................8
Loras College Field House, Liquor License. (10/7)..........................................................................404
Loras College, amend ID District, vacation & request to purchase Helena & Henion, zoning,
Henion St. to 16 St., for student apartments. (1/7)(1/21)(5/20)(6/3)...........2,16,17,213,228,229
Loras College, Aramark Educational Services, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic. (4/15).....................161
Loras College, John McDermott, easement for public sidewalk. (7/15)(8/5).........................298,317
Lot Frontage & Lot area requirements reduced for Single Family Residential Lots. (2/18).........65
Lounge, The, P. Love, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/7).............................................................................3
Love, Phillip, The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/7).....................................................................3
Low Rent Housing, amendment of Code Ch. 15 Community Development. (1/21)`.................22,23
Lucky 13 Tap, David Erickson, 385 E. 13, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(8/19).......................227,334
LuGrain, Lana K., P.J.’s, 500 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (3/4).................................................................86
Luksetich, Tom, 2744 Linda Ct. in favor of rezoning of 3925 Dodge St. (9/3).......................355.356
Lux Club, Denny’s, Beverly Larsen, 3050 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)......189,205
Lyons Center, E.B., request to use salvaged brick pavers by IA DNR. (12/16)............................506
Lyons, Jymie, Jym’s Bar, 1700 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (6/3)(6/17)...............................228,265
MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/18)(3/18)(6/17)(11/4)......46,107,261,439
MUNICIPAL HOUSING AGENCY (Council etc.) SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/18)(8/5).............107,315
M & Z Food, United American Gasoline, 3200 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/3).....226,227,
M M & H Corp., refund of Class C Liquor Lic. (1/7)...............................................................................2
Maas, Marty & Linda, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/18)...........................................................................107
Mad Hatters, 1091 Main St., Liquor Lic. (7/15)...................................................................................303
Maiers, Michelle, student at University of Dubuque, requesting rezoning of property N of Dodge
St.- Hwy 20 and E of Devon Dr. for student apartments. (10/21)..............................................428
Main Gallery, The, objecting to J. Finn’s expansion of The Busted Lift. (5/20)............................199
Main St. Downtown Rehab Loan Agreement amendment, Guy Gard, 356 Main, and Ellen Willis,
372 Main; second amendment to Loan Agreement. (3/4)(11/4)...........................................85,441
Main St. & Iowa St. alley parking requesting for those in 140 Loras Blvd. (1/21).............................8
Main St. & Third St. building, contract with Allen & Urbain Associates for improvements.
Main St. & West Eleventh (11) Streets, Affordable Housing support & local contributing effort –
John Gronen & Gronen Properties. (11/4)(11/18)(12/16)......................................450,459,494,495
Main St. between 8 & 9, License for Underground Tunnel to Cottingham & Butler.
Main St. from Fifth St. to Ninth St. – Parking Meter District – and on Eighth St.
(2/4)(5/6)(5/20)(6/3)(7/1)..................................................................36,196, 212,213,253,254,289,290
Main St., 300, Harbor View Place, Certificate of Completion. (6/17)...............................................264
Main St., 330-336, demolition project completed by Tschiggfrie. (1/21)..........................................10
Main St., Dubuque, $25,000 CDBG for Dubuque – Vision Downtown Project. (12/2)..................486
Main Street & First Street Lighting Project. (9/3)(10/7)...............................................369,370,412,413
Main Street Caboose, 253 Main, Liquor Lic. (9/16)...........................................................................378
Main Street closing for All That Jazz, letter by Angela Simon. (9/3)..............................................349
Main Street from Fifth St. to Ninth St., added to Parking Meter District. (5/6)...............................196
Main Street Grant Application to IDED for a Main Street Iowa Challenge Grant for Upper Main
District residential development – Vi’s Nutrition, Betty Jane Building etc. (8/5)...................318
Main Street Reconstruction Project – Opening of street from 5 to 9; Bond Sale in support of
project; opening 8 weeks ahead of schedule; acceptance of project – final assessments.
Main Street Traffic Signage – stop sign placed on Main St. at Fifth Street for southbound traffic
and placed to stop eastbound & westbound traffic on 8 St. at Main St.(7/1).......................290
Main Street, Ltd. Purchase of Services Agreement funds for FY 03. (5/6)...................................186
Mainstream Program Housing Voucher Application, HUD. (7/15)..................................................297
Maintenance Dredging Project, 2002, Ice Harbor Flood Control Gate Structure.
Make a Will Month Proclamation. (10/7).............................................................................................399
Malm, Greg, presentation of Wayfinding Signage discussion. (11/18)..........................................457
Malone, Ron, & Keith Wolff, 940 to 990 Cedar Cross Rd., rezoning request. (4/15)....................163
Mama Cassetti’s, DRC Enterprises, 4031 Pennsylvania, Liquor Lic. (6/3)....................................228
Mandarin Garden, 55 JF Kennedy Rd., Liquor Lic.(11/18)...............................................................470
Mangeno, Angela, Angie’s Bar, Liquor Lic. (9/16)............................................................................378
Manson Road Bridge removed from weight limit. (11/4).................................................................452
Map – Proposed Land Use Map adoption, update of 1995 Comprehensive Plan. (9/3)(9/16)(11/18)
March 2002 Financial reports. (4/15)...................................................................................................155
March 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (8/5)..............................................................315
Marco’s Italian American Food, 2022 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/1)......................................................142
Marine Fuel Tax Grant Agreement for Riverfront Boat Pier at Port of Dubuque. (2/4)..................31
Mario’s Italian Restaurant, T & M Inc., 1298 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/4)..............................................442
Market Square, Cypress St., Wall St., Washington St. -City offer to buy property on Fourth Street
Peninsula, Robert & Lynn Miller – Dubuque Hardwoods.. (10/l21)(12/16).......................438,496
Marketing Riverfront – City priority. (8/29).........................................................................................348
Markham, John H., Council Member at Large sworn in, reappointed to Dubuque Racing Assn.;
reappointed to Airport Comm.; appointed to Finance Administration & Intergovernmental
Relations Policy Committee; requesting update on Fengler St. Overpass replacement;
designated to be on the Naming Focus Group for Education & Conference Center.
Marshall Park - Arboretum, Plat of Survey. (4/1)...............................................................................139
Martensen, Sister Mary, requesting dedication of Flat Iron Park Pedestrian Bridge in her memory.
Martin Luther King Day Proclamation. (1/7)...........................................................................................1
Martin, Mike, of Hospice, received Proclamation of Tour de Dubuque Day. (8/19).....................332
Marty, Cathy & Thomas, extension of Bonson Rd. concerns. (7/15).............................................298
Mason City, and others cost sharing with Dubuque for legal counsel for increase in electricity –
Interstate & Alliant. (8/5).................................................................................................................317
Masonry Tuckpointing, Woodward Museum, awarded to Alan Jackson Tuckpointing. (8/5)....324
Master Plan, amendment of Riverfront Plan to include Port of Dubuque. (3/4).............................87
Master Plan, Bee Branch Drainage – Watershed Basin, Request for Proposal & Dr. C.
Winterwood appointed Chair of Citizens Advisory Comm. (8/5)..............................................326
Master Plan, downtown, preapplication to IDED; Grant Application to IDED’; $25,000 grant
application. (4/1)(8/19)(12/16)..........................................................................................139,333,495
Master Plan, Port of Dubuque, Planning Services received “Smart Growth Award.” (11/18)....458
Masterpiece on the Mississippi – Dubuque 2012 Vision Statement, A City of History, Beauty,
Opportunities, Excite – Dubuque. (8/29)......................................................................................348
Mathy Construction Co. – River City Paving awarded contract for Jackson St & West Locust
Street Resurfacing Project. (9/3)...................................................................................................350
Matthew John Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates, Second Addn. (5/6)..............................194
Mattoon, Dean, Claim; denial. (11/18)(12/2)...............................................................................458,481
Maury, Karen D., deed for her property at 895 W. Thirty-Second St. for W. 32 Street Storm
Water Detention Basin. (6/17)........................................................................................................262
May 2002 Claims and Revenues Proof. (7/1).....................................................................................277
May 2002 Financial Reports. (6/17).....................................................................................................261
Mayor Duggan turned control of the meeting to the Mayor Pro-Tem.
Mayor Pro Tem took control of the meeting.
Mayor Pro-Tem Buol sworn in. (9/3)...................................................................................................348
Mayor Terrance M. Duggan sworn in by City Clerk. (1/7)....................................................................1
MCCIowa, LLC, Mediacom Cable Services Franchise Extension.
Mechanic’s Addn, portion near Napier St., plat of easement for storm & sanitary sewer, and sale
to Robert J. Cartmill & Glenn & Georgia Bankson. (6/17)(7/1)...........................................275,282
Mechanical Code – Heating, Air Conditioning & Venting, adoption of 2000 Uniform Code.
Mechanical Code Board applicants, Tom Giese, David Grothe, Michael Kelly, Paul Papin, David
Stuart, Harlan Willenborg; appointments of Willenborg, Grothe, Giese, Kelly, Papin & Stuart.
Mechanical Code Board of Examiners: vacancy on Board due to death of Bob Bush. (2/18)...46
Mediacom – Cable Rate Increase; raising franchise fees. (1/7)(2/18)...........................................2,47
Mediacom – change in channel lineup for cable tv, and removal of MoviePlex, objection etc..;
channel lineup change. (6/3)(10/21).......................................................................................226,420
Mediacom cable, letter from Albert Giegerich. (7/1).........................................................................277
Mediacom cable, letter from Donald K. Nelson. (&/15)....................................................................299
Mediacom Communications Corp., letter of Council objecting to removal of Movieplex.(6/10)257
Mediacom re: McCCIowa, LLC., lease extension of tv cable services franchise etc.
Mediacom, - no longer collect franchise fees on cable modem revenues, FCC Cable Modem;
coalition of governments appealing ruling. (5/6)........................................................................187
Mediacom, discontinuation of high speed internet service to subscribers. (3/4).........................81
Mediation, Federal, & Conciliation Service Grant Application for outside facilitation services for
committee meetings , planning process and grant program administration. (7/15).............301
Medical Officer individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/17)..............................................262
Meek, Don, of Technical Specialty Systems, of C. Rapids, objecting to Bid process for
Woodward Museum Renovations Project. (6/17)........................................................................270
Meeting procedure of the City Council and Agenda change in order of business. (9/16)...389,390
Meetings around the State – IDOT notification. (3/4)..........................................................................81
Meinen Court – name changed from Commerce Court in Harvest Business Ctr.; dedication of Lot
B of Harvest Business Center. (5/20)(7/1)..............................................................201,202,278,279
Meisenburg, Marty, denial of claim; denial. (10/21)(11/18)......................................................419,458
Membership, Downtown Planning Committee - Long Range Planning Commissions. (8/5).....326
Memorandum of Understanding and CEBA Application to IDED – Quebecor Co. (3/4)..........90,91
Memorandum of Understanding with Heartland Financial USA – DB & T. (1/7)..............................5
Memory Walk Awareness Day Proclamation. (9/3)...........................................................................349
Menard Court renaming to North Crescent Ridge. (7/15)................................................................308
Mental Health Month Proclamation. (5/6)...........................................................................................179
Mental Health Outpatients Services – Gannon Center – Cp2 Program funds. (5/20)..................211
Merger - Dakota Minnesota & Eastern RR and the I & M Rail Link, merger, City to write STB.
Merger, I & M Rail Link & Iowa, Chicago, & Eastern Railroad Corp. (7/1)......................................278
Merrick, Jerry, Jumpers Sports Bar/Grill, Inc., 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (12/2).......................488
Metcalf, LB, Inc., Cedar Cross AMOCO, 1200 Cedar Cross, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(6/3)205,227
Meter Districts – Parking, include Eighth St. from Iowa to Locust, both sides of Main St. from
Fifth to Ninth St. – (2/4)(5/6)(5/20)(6/3).......................................................36,196, 212,213,253,254
Meters, Parking, on East side of Locust Street between 2 & Third Streets. (8/19)...................340
Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency Delivery Contract. (11/4)...........................................................439
Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, landfill rates changed. (1/7).........................................................2
Meyer, Marla & Kenneth, Claim, referred to Ins. (3/18)....................................................................107
Michael’s Bar X, L & M Wharf Corp., 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/16)........................................498
Michalski, Council Member Ann E., sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem; appointed to IA League of
Cities Human Devel. Policy Committee; on committee for National League of Cities on
Community Child Protection; Gave Invocation; stated National League of Cities sessions
were superior on dynamic issues facing Dubuque.
Midway Hotel, WCB Hotel, 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/3)....................................................................227
Millard, Darlene, Claim; settlement. (5/6)(5/20)...........................................................................179,199
Miller, Beverly, Sid’s Beverage, 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per. (5/20).........................................................206
Miller, Danise, resignation from Housing Commission. (5/6).........................................................180
Miller, Jim, Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill, Cig. Per. (5/20).............................................................................206
Miller, Larry, plat of survey of Lot 1 & Lot ! of West Ridge Third Addn. (8/19).............................333
Miller, Robert & Lynn & Dbq Hardwoods, City offer to buy property on Fourth Street Peninsula.
Miller, Robert, objecting to housing project at end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15)..............................162
Miller, William & Mary, Mississippi Valley Trucking Center – Miller Logging Co., approval of Offer
to Buy. (12/2)....................................................................................................................................489
Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project. (3/4)(4/1)(7/15)........................91,92,147,299,300
Miller-Riverview Park Management Agreement with Pat Felderman. (5/6)...................................185
Millitizer, Marc Thomas, The Lion of Judah, 200 Main, Cigarette Per. (11/18)..............................470
Mills, Gordy, re: Port of Dubuque Master Plan, amendment to Riverfront Plan to include. (3/4)87
Mineral Lot 472, Disposal of City Interest in Lot 4A to Joseph G. Feltes, property near Stafford St.
& Linwood Cemetery. (8/5)(8/19)............................................................................................327,335
Mineral Lot 90, Easement for sidewalk for Loras College near Academic Resource Center,
between Cox St. & Alta Vista. (8/5)................................................................................................317
Minibus services, City of East Dubuque Intergovernmental Agreement. (2/18)...........................50
Mississippi River – Port of Dubuque Riverfront District – rezoning. (4/15)..................................164
Mississippi River – Riverfront Plan Amendment to include Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (3/4)87
Mississippi River - Swimming prohibited adjacent to the River’s Edge Plaza; swimming & wading
prohibited including pier steps connecting Riverwalk to Mississippi.
Mississippi River Bridge – U.S. 20, ROW Agreement - IDOT for property acquisition. (9/16)....375
Mississippi River Crossing Study - Building Permit Moratorium - U.S. Highway 20 from Bluff St.
E to city limits. (3/18).......................................................................................................................131
Mississippi River Discovery Center Utility Relocation Project. (5/6)......................................180,181
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands Site Package I, Supplement Agreement, Interior
Walkways Project. (12/16).......................................................................................................495,496
Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium National Scenic Byways Grant. (11/18).........................460
Mississippi River National Education and Conference Center – Bid Pkg. #3. (7/15)..................311
Mississippi River National Education and Conference Center – Cascading Stairs, signage etc.
Mississippi Riverfront Access, Council Member Cline stressed availability. (11/4)...................454
Mississippi Riverwalk and Amenities Project. (2/21)(3/14)(4/15).......................................74,106,171
Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. Property, eminent domain proceedings in the Port of
Dubuque. (10/7).........................................................................................................................413,414
Mississippi Valley Truck Center, fair market value of property in the Port of Dubuque. (5/20).210
Mississippi Valley Trucking Center – Miller Logging Co. – Wm & Mary Miller, approval of Offer to
Buy. (12/2).........................................................................................................................................489
MNA Food Mart, Sumbal Corp., 3200 Central, Cigarette & Beer Per. (4/1)(8/5)....................141,319
Mobile Home Park, Alpine, on Peru Road, signage & sidewalk requirements. (8/19).................336
Modem Decision, FCC Cable, Mediacom, will not include those funds in franchise fee
calculation. (5/6)...............................................................................................................................187
Modern Piping Inc. got contract, Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Project. (3/18)...126
Molly’s Pub & Grub, Clifford Enterprises, 395 W. 5, Liquor Lic.; Claim; referred to Ins. (5/20)(7/1)
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart Car Wash, 1875 JF Kennedy Rd., Beer Per. (11/4)...............................442
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK. (2/4)...........................................................................................32
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9 & Central, Beer Per. (12/16)...............................................................498
Molo Oil Co., Puff n Snuff, 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)(10/7)..........................227,404
Molo Oil Co., Puff N Snuff, 2013 Central, Cig. Per. (6/3)...................................................................227
Molo Oil Co.,, Claim. (6/3).....................................................................................................................218
Molo, Mark of Molo Oil Co., objecting to rezoning for Port of Dubuque. (4/15)............................164
Monument design at Bell and Fifth Sts. in Port of Dubuque, approved. (4/15)............................175
Moore, Jorja, Jorja’s Restaurant, 890 Iowa St., Liquor Lic. (11/18)................................................470
Moore, Ken, of Maquoketa, IA, in favor of rezoning SW corner of Sunny Slope Dr. & Camelot Dr.
Moore, Kenneth J., requesting alley parking between Main & Iowa near 140 Loras Blvd. (1/21)..8
Moose Lodge #355, 1166 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/1)...............................................................................142
Moracco, The, 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (12/16).....................................................................498
Moratorium in SW Arterial area, Kim Sanford, 103 Cousins Lane to build a garage. (12/16)....503
Moratorium on Building in SW Arterial area extension; moratorium on subdivision plats in SW
Arterial. (3/18)(4/15)...................................................................................................130,131,169,170
Moratorium on permits for work in the W. 32 Street detention basin area. (4/15).....................174
Morris, Chris, of The Durrant Group, presentation on guidelines of Historic Preservation
Architectural Guidelines. (4/15).....................................................................................................154
Morris, Donna, of St. Mary’s Home, objecting to housing at end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15).......162
Morrison property – J. Osterhaus requesting extension of Bee Branch Storm Sewer to that
property. (3/4).....................................................................................................................................90
Morse Electric Inc awarded contract for Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Project .(3/18)
Mortgage Agreement, Second, for Platinum Holdings, LLC – American Trust & Savings Bank.
Motor scooters etc. prohibited in parks. (4/15).................................................................................174
Motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards, prohibited in parks. (4/15)....................................................174
MoviePlex, Mediacom advising change in their channel lineup; letter objecting to change from
City Council. (6/3)(6/10)............................................................................................................226,257
Mozena, Terry, Chair of Historic Pres. Comm., special meeting re: Streetscape Design Guidelines
in Historic Preservation Districts; spoke in support of City ‘s support of Historical programs;
spoke in support of reallocation of funds; presentation on Historic Preservation
Architectural Guidelines; applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; reappointed to Historic
Pres. Comm. (1/21)(2/21)(4/15)(7/1)(7/15)........................................................7,75,154,281,303,304
MSA Professional Services as Engineering Consulting Firm considered for Bee Branch
Drainage Basin study. (10/21)(11/4)...............................................................................437,448,449
Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (2/4)(2/18)(4/15)......................................37,38,66,156
Mt. Loretta St., 1280 and alley near Bryant St., 330, 340 Bryant St. and 1280 Mt. Loretta, nearby
alley, request to vacate for Dbq Community Schools. (12/16).................................................493
Muddy Waters Coffee Shop, Music – noise problem, 18 & Central, letter from Jessica Barnes;
response to letter. (12/2)(12/16)................................................................................................481,497
MUL, Inc., A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (1/7)(5/20)................................3,205
Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras AMOCO Foodshop, 1450 Loras, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(8/5).206,319
Mulgrew Oil Co., 16 St. Auto Truck Plaza, Beer Per. (5/6).............................................................189
Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, 3300 Asbury Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
Mulgrew Oil Co., Claim. (6/3)................................................................................................................218
Mulgrew, Mary Lou, Claim – Suit vs City & Zoning Bd of Adjustment. (8/5).................................315
Multi-Jurisdictional Drug & Law Enforcement Agreements with City, County & Jo Daviess
County, IL. (2/4)..................................................................................................................................30
Municipal Cable Telecommunications Feasibility Study – Request for Proposals. (12/2).........489
Municipal Clerk Status for City Clerk Jeanne Schneider. (2/4).........................................................37
Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System – letter to legislators. (3/18).....................................108
Municipal Housing Agency Governing Board (City Council) – Special Meeting. (3/5)..................97
Municipal Housing Agency Governing Board, appointment of John Plein as Section 8 representative
as D. Miller resigned. (5/6)..............................................................................................................196
Municipal Housing Agency, Proofs of publication of minutes. (8/19)...........................................332
Municipal Parking Meter District, add both sides of Eighth St. from Main to Locust & both sides
of Main ST. from Fifth to Ninth. (5/6).............................................................................................196
Murph’s South End Tap, P. Murphy, 55 Locust, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1).................206,281
Murphy Park, Hillcrest requesting rental agreement for holiday lighting display. (7/1)..............277
Murphy Park, transfer of John Finn’s liquor License. (9/16)...........................................................377
Murphy Tennis Courts Lighting Project & Ice Rinks. (7/1).......................................................277,278
Murphy, Pamela, Murph’s South End Tap, 55 Locust, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1)......206,281
Murray, Dennis, Galaxies, Inc., 3203 Jackson, Cigarette Per. ; refund on Cig. Lic.
Murray, Sr. Corine, PBVM, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (1/7)(/21).............3,15
Museum – America’s River, development, Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project
Application. (3/4)(7/1).................................................................................................................81,280
Museum – Woodward, Restoration Project. (2/4)...............................................................................42
Museum & Aquarium – Mississippi River, National Scenic Byways Grant Program, grant
application to improve exhibits at Woodward Museum; with IDOT.
Museum of Art, B. Woodward, requesting funds at budget hearing. (2/25)....................................76
Museum Renovations Project 2002 – Woodward. (5/6)(5/20).........................................197,198,201
Museum, Woodward, 2002 Renovations Project – rescinding Resolution as environmental
concurrence not received by IDOT. (2/18).....................................................................................49
Music – noise problem, Coffee Shop – Muddy Waters, 18 & Central, letter from Jessica
Barnes; response to letter. (12/2)(12/16).................................................................................481,497
Music N More, Hawthorne St., Beer Per. (8/5)....................................................................................319
Mutual Aid Agreements – City Fire Dept., City of East Dubuque and Dubuque County Emergency
Medical Service Association. (7/15)..............................................................................................301
Mutual Aid Agreements, City County & Jo Daviess County, IL. (2/4)..............................................30
Mutual Law Enforcement Agreement & Mutual Drug Enforcement Agree. – County, City & East
Dubuque. (4/15)................................................................................................................................160
Mutual Wheel Co. employee D. Engstrom, requesting postponement of PUD for Port of
Dubuque. (4/15)................................................................................................................................164
MWF Properties – Felderman Business Partnership – rezoning at end of Raven Oaks Dr. to allow
construction of multi-family units. (4/15)(5/6)(5/20)..............................................162,194,211,212
MWF Properties, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program Application. (1/7)...............................4,5
M-Z Construction, contract for Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement. (10/21)..........436
McAleece Park & Recreation Complex Concession Agreement, Baseball Dreams LLC. (4/15)158
McBride, Reverend David, of Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ, gave
invocation. (7/15).............................................................................................................................298
McCann, John, 722 Rhomberg, objected to rezoning of Garfield & Stafford Sts. (12/16)...........502
McCann’s IOCO, appeal of penalty for tobacco sales to underage. (6/17)...................................270
McCann’s Service Inc, 690 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)...................................189,206
McCarthy, Sister JoEllen, BVM, President of Sisters of Charity, BVM, gave Invocation. (10/7).399
McCCIowa, LLC., lease extension of tv cable services franchise – Mediacom etc. Lease
extension to MCCIowa LLC. (6/10)(6/17)(9/3)(9/16)(12/2)(12/16)...........257,269,367,383,488,500
McCormick Street, 441, rezoning by University of Dubuque from R1 to ID. (8/5)........................321
McDaniel’s Subdivision, 760A & 776B, 12 St. West of Bluff St., vacate & dispose to Gregory &
Peggy Stover. (7/15)(8/5)..........................................................................................................309,320
McDermott Excavating, agreement for Old U.S. Hwy 20 Water Main Extension. (6/3)................229
McDermott, John, of Loras College, requesting easement – sidewalk.(7/15)..............................298
McDermott, Larry & Sharon, re: vacation & disposal of 20’ Utility Easement in Crescent Heights.
McFadden property, acceptance of property from Vincent & Louella McFadden for extension of
Chavenelle Dr. (2/4)...........................................................................................................................31
McFadden, Walt, questioning the Comprehensive Plan update. (9/16)........................................383
McGhee, Deacon Dave of Nativity Catholic Church, Gave Invocation. (9/3)................................349
McGraw Hill – Certificate of completion re: Development Agreement. (5/20)..............................205
McGraw Hill & Key City Plating, replatting of property 2460 – 2500 Kerper Blvd. (11/18)..........458
McInroy, Terry, Arby’s Q-Mart, refund on beer Per. (11/18).............................................................470
McIntyre, Tom, objecting to proposed Stewart rezoning on Old Hwy 20 Road. (8/5)..................321
McMullen, Kathy of Mediacom, discontinuation of high speed internet service. (3/4).................81
McNamer, Martin J., Harvest Development Group, final plat of Harvest Business Center, E of
Resurrection Church. (3/18)....................................................................................................129,130
N. Cascade Road, 3001, rezoning, Jerry & Lisa Graff & John & Carole Heiderscheit. (12/16)...502
N. Grandview Avenue & Kerper Blvd., Concrete Repair Project. (10/7)(11/4)........................406,447
Name of East Sixth Street changed to East Fifth Street. (11/4)......................................................451
Name of Education and Conference Center, Port of Dubuque – Grand River Center. (11/18)...477
Name of Flat Iron Park Pedestrian Bridge, request for dedication to memory of Sr. Mary
Martensen. (11/4).............................................................................................................................448
Name of Fourth Street Peninsula to be Port of Dubuque. (12/16)..................................................506
Name of River’s Edge Plaza as “American Trust River’s Edge Plaza.” (12/16)............................503
Name of Town Clock Plaza deleted from City Code references, now that Main Street has
reopened. (5/20)........................................................................................................................208,209
Naming Focus Group for Education & Conference Center, Council Members Cline & Markham
designated. (9/16)............................................................................................................................389
Naming of Grandview District rather than the alternate College District for Way-Finding Signage.
Naming of Highway 151 Corridor, request by Cascade Mayor R. Knepper. (8/19)......................342
Naming of Menard Court to North Crescent Ridge. (7/15)...............................................................308
Naming of the Education and Conference Center. (7/15).........................................................302,303
Napier St. sale lots, Robert Cartmill & Glenn Bankson’s, part of Mechanic’s Addn.
Napier Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction. (2/18)(3/18)...............................................71,72,125
Narrow Gauge Railroad - Dubuque to Cascade, letter from Dow & Susan Prouty. (10/7)..........399
Nash Finch Co., Econofoods #471, 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/18)(6/3).................52,227
National Historic Register, consideration by State for nomination: Grand Opera House.
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions, annual conference, scholarship grant to attend
etc. (7/1).............................................................................................................................................280
National Association of Telecommunications Officers, appeal of FCC’s ruling, Cable Modem
revenues. (5/6)..................................................................................................................................187
National Fire Protection Assn. for adoption of the 2002 National Electrical Code. (6/3)............252
National Guard Lease Agreement to allow water purification drills at Miller-Riverview Park. (5/6)
National League of Cities appointment of Dan Nicholson to Information & Technology &
Communications Steering Comm.; appreciative of help at committee meeting.(1/21)(5/6)...23
National League of Cities appointment of Nicholson & alternate Buol as voting delegates for
Business Meeting. (9/3)..................................................................................................................363
National League of Cities on Community Child Protection, Michalski appointed. (7/1).............291
National League of Cities, comment by Michalski that sessions were on dynamic issues facing
Dubuque. (12/16)..............................................................................................................................507
National Parks Service Annual Products Report submitted. (1/7).....................................................1
National Pollutant Discharge Emissions Systems – NPDES , Permit Application to IDNR.
National Register of Historic Places – Ziepprecht Block Building & John Bell Block Building.
National Register of Historic Places, former YMCA Building at 125 W. Ninth St., Henry Stout
Apartments. (3/4)...............................................................................................................................81
National Register of Historic Places: Four Mounds Estate Historic Dis. and Town Clock
Building; appreciation for effort to get Four Mounds on list. (2/18)(10/7)..........................47,417
National Scenic Byways Program, grant application to improve exhibits at Woodward Museum;
with IDOT; amendment. (6/17)(7/15)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16).............................265,301,421,460,493
Neighbor’s Tap, 1899 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/18)....................................................................123
Neighborhood groups - streetscape improvements in historic districts, grants.(9/3)................362
Nekvinda, Kevin, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; appointed. (9/3)(9/16)...........353,378
Nelms-Byrne, Cynthia, objection to J. Finn’s request to expand The Busted Lift. (5/20)...........199
Nelson, Donald K., communication @ Mediacom Cable TV. (7/15)................................................299
Nelson, Neil, Claim; referred to Ins. (6/17)(7/1)...........................................................................261,277
Nesler, Ferd, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm. (6/17)(7/1)...............................................266,282
Neumeister, Dr. Mary Lynn, appreciation for support of Long Range Planning Comm. (2/21)...75
Neustadt, Harry, applicant to Housing Comm.; appointed. (8/5)(8/19)..................................320,335
Neuwoehner, Scott A., of Bricktown, requesting change in parking times. (7/15)......................298
Nevada Street, 10, & 1431 YM/YW Drive, water runoff problem by Dubuque Jackson County
Habitat for Humanity; response by City Mgr. (10/21)(12/16)...............................................419,495
Newt, Carter of Newt Marine, objecting to rezoning of Riverfront area. (4/15).............................164
Newt,. Gary & Karen & Newt Marine, claim. (6/3)..............................................................................218
NICC – Northeast Iowa Community College rep Daniel White to Enterprise Zone Commission.
Nicholson, Council Member Daniel E., sworn in for four years; appointed to Board – Dbq
Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency; appointment to National League of cities Information &
Technology & Communications Steering Comm.; appointed as liaison for Annual Conference
Bid for Iowa League of Cities for 2005, 2006; reappointed to GDDC Board of Directors; voting
delegate for National League of Cities Business Meeting.
Nicks, Joan, Claim; referred to Ins. (5/6)............................................................................................179
Niemann, Bill, member of Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm., in support of Radon Control
Methods with 2000 International Residential Code; applicant for Environmental Stewardship
Comm.; appointed to Environmental S. Comm. (6/3)(9/3)(9/16)................................245,353,378
Nine Eleven Day – Always Remember, Proclamation. (9/3)............................................................349
No Parking area on Seventeenth St. (10/7).................................................................................414,415
No Parking restriction removed – J.F. Kennedy Rd. from N of Spring Valley Rd to 360’ of the NW
Arterial. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)...................................................................................................361,386,416
Noel, John, Claim; forwarded to Horsfield Construction Co. (3/4)(6/3)....................................80,218
Noise problem with music at Muddy Waters Coffee Shop, 18 & Central. (12/2)(12/16).....481,497
Non-emergency phone numbers at the Police Dispatch Centers, difficulty in getting through,
comments by R. Kieffer. (1/21).........................................................................................................26
Noonan’s Tap, Mary Lou Kamp, 1618 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/15)...................................................160
Norby, Attorney Gary, for Ed Tschiggfrie, re: Jaeger Heights No 2. Phase 3 acceptance, objecting
because of deletion of second access road for his subdivision; request that Tower Hills Drive be
declared a public street by eminent domain proceedings. (11/4)(12/16).........................440,503
Norman, Wayne, Attorney for American Trust, approval of Consent & Subordination to Second
Mortgage Agreement for Platinum Holdings. (10/21).................................................................423
North Cascade Road, 3001, rezoning, Jerry & Lisa Graff & John & Carole Heiderscheit.
North Crescent Ridge, new name for Menard Court. (7/15)............................................................308
North end citizen letter @ street repair projects. (6/17)...................................................................261
North End Neighborhood Assn., W. Klosterman, requesting restudying of Bee Branch Creek &
retain MSA for consultant; Stormwater management utility questions to HDR,
North end rental properties –15, IDED HOME Investment partnership grant for rehab. (4/15)..158
Northeast Iowa Community College rep Daniel White to Enterprise Zone Commission. (5/6)..196
Northeast Iowa School of Music, Community Partnership Funds. (5/20).....................................210
Northrange Industrial Park No. 3, located on Pennsylvania Ave., plat of survey. (10/21)...420,421
Northwest Arterial - NW Arterial – David Leifker to IDOT re: traffic lights there. (2/18).................52
Northwest Arterial - NW Arterial Basin Modifications Project – Phase I – final. (3/18)................112
Northwest Arterial Watermain Extension Project. (9/16) (10/21)......................................392,434,435
November 2001, Proof of claims and revenues. (2/4)........................................................................28
November 2002 Financial reports. (12/16).........................................................................................492
November, 2001, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (1/21)......................................................8
NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Emissions Systems, Permit App to IDNR. (12/16).504,505
Nursing Home Week Proclamation. (5/6)...........................................................................................179
NW Arterial - IDOT Agreement – Preconstruction from JF Kennedy Rd. to US 52. (5/20)........201
NW Arterial – David Leifker to IDOT re: traffic lights there. (2/18)....................................................52
NW Arterial - Northwest Arterial Watermain Extension Project. (10/21).................................434,435
NW Arterial & Kennedy Rd. Reconstruction Project at NW Arterial. (4/1)(4/15)....................150,161
NW Arterial Basin Modifications Project – Phase I – final. (3/18)...................................................112
NW Arterial Water Main Extension Engineering Services Contract (& Water Tower); sale of
Bonds for funds. (7/1)(9/16)(10/7)(10/21)(11/18).............................290,392,404,405,433,434,460
NW Arterial, near, water main pipeline utility easement with railroad. (11/4)..............................441
Nye, Jennifer, of Austin, MN, spoke to Council of problems with agencies in City. (6/10).........258
O’Brien, Raymond, 1760 Central, objection to White St. Reconstruction. (1/21)...........................18
O’Hara, J & P, Happy Joe’s, 855 Century Dr., Beer Per. (11/4)........................................................442
O’Kelly’s, Carlos, Miller Riverview Park, 5 Day Beer Permit; Liquor License for 1355 Associates
Drive.. (8/19)(11/4)......................................................................................................................334,442
O’Shea, Anna, County Zoning Adm., clarified County’s land development plan & map. (9/16)387
O’Shea, Marty, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/16)............................................................500
Oak Brook Development, plat approval of proposed Raven Oaks Dr. – disposal to Arbor Glen.
Oak St. Sanitary Sewer Project- finalization. (3/4)..........................................................................93,94
Oak Street residents re: dump trucks disposing of their load at end of Oak St. (3/4)..................80
Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees. (4/1)....................................................................146,147
Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Extension, final assessment schedule etc. (5/6)........................181,182
October 2002 Financial Reports. (11/18)............................................................................................458
October 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (12/16)......................................................492
October 2002, Proof of Publication of Claims & Revenues. (12/16)...............................................492
Oeth, A.H. Subdivision No. 5, Plat of Survey. (3/18).........................................................................109
Offenses & Miscellaneous Provisions – new code sections prohibiting chemical substances
and sniffing glue etc. (3/18)..............................................................................................................132
Offer to buy property on Fourth St. Peninsula owned by Robert & Lynn Miller & Dubuque
Hardwoods, Inc. (10/21).....................................................................................................................438
Offer to Buy Real Estate & Acceptance for Mississippi Valley Trucking Center, Inc. (12/2)......489
Oglesby, Marge, Claim; referred to Ins. (8/5)(8/19)..................................................................315,332
Ohnesorge, Adam J., Civil Service certification for Police Officer. (9/16)....................................374
Oky Doky #1, TFM Co. 250 W. 1 St., Beer Per., Wine Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(6/3).............188,189,227
Oky Doky #14, Kristina Chapman, 1050 University Ave., Cig. Per. (6/3)........................................227
Oky Doky #143, K-Cap Foods, Inc., 1050 University, Beer Permit. (7/1)........................................281
Oky Doky #2, TFM, 51 W. 32 St., Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(6/3).................188,189,227
Oky Doky #21, TFM, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)(8/19)...........................................227,334
Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., 1256 Iowa, Beer Permit; Wine Per. (8/19)..................................................334
Oky Doky #8, Hill Street Plaza Inc., 535 Hill St., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.(1/21)(5/20)...........15,206n
Old Highway 20 – Water Main Extension Project; early completion date incentives offered.
Old Highway Road (Highway 20)– final plat of Pinto Ridge Subdivision. (4/15).........................158
Old Highway Road, (Highway 20) request for annexation by Wayne & Lynn Stewart; annexation
& rezoning request.(7/1)(8/5)..............................................................................................294,320,321
Old House Enthusiasts T. Pfab, requesting continue support for historic preservation efforts at
FY 03 budget public hearing. (2/21)....................................................................................................75
Old Main, Cathedral & Langworthy as Urban Revitalization Districts. (9/16)(11/4)..............397,444
Old Mill Road properties, flood damaged, purchased by City. (12/16)..........................................505
Old Mill Road vacating, plat & disposal for David S. Hartig Jr. (9/3)(9/16)..............364,365,366,382
Old U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Extension Phase II Project. (9/16)(10/21)............394,395,435,436
Olive Garden, GMRI, Inc., 3350 Dodge St., Liquor Lic. (4/15)..........................................................160
Oliver, Cindy, Dubuque Mining Co., 555 JFK Road., Cig. Per. (6/17).............................................265
On Site Review of CDBG Program – HUD. (5/20).............................................................................200
One Flight Up, 44-48 Main St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/1)(9/16)......................................281,378
One Percent Local Option Tax for Schools, Resolution of Support. (10/21)................................437
Open waterway for stormwater drainage discussed. (11/4)............................................................449
Open waterway for stormwater runoff petitioned for by Michelle Harry etc. (10/7).....................413
Opening of Main ST. from 5 to 9 – discussion, award of contract etc. (1/7).............................3,4
Operating and Capital Improvement Budget, FY 2003. (1/21)...........................................................23
Operation New View representatives – Council Members Cline and Connors. (1/7)......................5
Operation: New View Purchase of Services Agreement; operation of Washington Neighborhood
Tool Library. (5/6)(6/17)............................................................................................................186,263
Operations & Maintenance Department – design for new facility, Robert M. Kueny Architect.
Operations and Maintenance Center Roof Repair Project. (3/18)(4/15)..................................135,172
Operations and Maintenance Dept. departmental budget hearing. (2/14)......................................45
Oppedahl, Marvin, of Aquila Gas Co., rate increase filed with Iowa Utilities Bd. (6/17)..............265
Optimists Club Presidents (3) receiving Youth Appreciation Month Proclamation. (11/4).......439
Order of Business of Council Meeting and Agenda changed, City Code. (9/16).................389,390
Oriental Food/Gift Shop, Lien Oriental, 115 W. 11 St., Beer Per. (4/15).......................................160
Ornamental Rail etc. - Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. – Peninsula
Gaming, for sidewalk & sprinkler system. (10/7)........................................................................403
Oster, Tom, vacate utility easement in C.J. Bies Subd. (2/18)(3/4)..............................................70,90
Osterhaus, John, 2530 Elm, re: Stormwater Drainage. (3/4).............................................................90
Oswald, Lou, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (1/7)(1/21)...................................3,15
Outdoor Service of Alcoholic Beverages on public Right of Way, criteria of use of public right of
way for long term on City property. (8/5).........................................................................................326
Overpass – Third St., improvements, RFP’s. (11/4)..........................................................................454
Owen Ct apartments re: comments @ rezoning for end of Raven Oaks. (4/15)...........................162
1-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning, amend. Ord. No. 18-00 & approving an Amended Campus
Development Plan for Loras College ID Institutional Dis. (1/21)...........................................16,17
2-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning, reclassifying 515 Garfield from R-2A to OR. (1/21).....18,19
3-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning, repealing Section 2(C) (2) of Ord. No. 15-99 & enacting new
Section 2 (C) (2) re: access requirements of the PC District for QHQ Properties. (1/21)..19,20
4-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by repealing Section 3-5.5(B) and adopting a new Section
3-5.5(B) pertaining to General Requirements of PUDs. (1/21).....................................................21
5-02 Amending Ch. 15, Community Development of the City Code by repealing Article II, Low-Rent
Housing, Div I, Generally Sect. 15-11, designation of Municipal Housing Agency & adopting a
new Article II Municipal Housing Powers, Division 1, Municipal Housing Agency & Governing
Board; and by Repealing Section 15-12, Housing Program Supervisor. (1/21).......................22
6-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying end of John F. Kennedy Cr.- C3 to R 4 for
Area Residential Care Foundation – Health Services Credit Union. (2/18)...............................54
7-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property E of Seippel Rd. & N of County Farm
from AG to PUD & PI designation & adopt amended Conceptual Develop. Plan for Dbq Industrial
Center West. (2/18).......................................................................................................................55-63
8-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning – amending Section 3-1.1 (F) Bulk Regulations for R-1 Single
Family Residential District to Reduce Lot Frontage and Lot Area Requirements for Single-Family
Residential Lots. (2/18).....................................................................................................................65
9-02 Establishing Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension Project and a Schedule of Fees for the
Connection of Said Sewer. (2/18)....................................................................................................66
10-02 Amending City Code Section 29-02 Permitting Electronic Record Keeping by Pawn Shops and
Secondhand Dealers & Amending Section 29-4 to Require Secondhand Transactions Involving
Collectibles, Computers, Software, Computer Accessories, CDs, DVDs, Tapes, Videos and other
mediums for Transmitting images etc be included in Ordinance. (2/18)..................................68
11-02 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Section 44-201 (a) Fixing
Water Rates for Residential and Industrial Uses. (3/5).........................................................99,100
12-02 Amending the City Code , Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Service. (3/5)..............................100
13-02 Amending City Code Sec. 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Service (Monthly charges etc.) (3/5).....100
14-02 Amending City Code of Ordinances Section 40-18(b) Establishing Solid Waste Containers;
amending Section 40-37 Establishing Charges for special Collection Services for Large & Bulky
Rubbish; and amending Section 40-39 - Fees for Yard Waste Collection. (3/5).............101,102
15-02 Amending City Code Section 40-37 (a) Establishing Charges for the Collection & Disposal of
Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials, monthly fee from $7.50 per dwelling unit - $8.20.(3/5)102
16-02 Amending City Code by repealing Section 40-36 Providing for limitation on the quantity of
Solid Waste Collected from a Class 1 Premises; & by amending Section 40-37 Establishing fees
for the Collection of Solid Waste from Class 1, Class 11, and 111 premises providing for unit
Based Pricing for Class 1, 11, and 111 Premises & establishing charges for the collection of
Large and Bulky Rubbish. (3/5).....................................................................................................103
17-02 Amending City Code establishing a Fee for the redemption of Seized or impounded Dogs and
Cats by increasing the Fee from $25.00 Dollars to $30.00 Dollars and by increasing the Fee for a
subsequent impoundment of same animal in 365 days. (3/5)...........................................104,105
18-02 –Amending Appendix A – Zoning Ord., by repealing Section E(4)(C) (1) and E(4)(C) (2) in lieu
thereof pertaining to on-premise Primary Signage of the PI Planned Industrial District for
Dubuque Industrial Center. (3/18).................................................................................................124
19-02 Amending Appendix A - Zoning Ord. Amending Section 3-1.1(D)(3), 3-1.2(D)(4) and 3-1.3(D)(5)
Conditional uses for the R1 Single Family Residential District, R2 Two Family Residential District
and the R2A Alternate Two Family Residential District to allow Off-Street Parking Lots for
Adjacent Schools and Churches as a conditional use. (3/18)...........................................124,125
20-02 Amending Ch. 11 Buildings & Building Regulations of the City by establishing a Thirteen
Month Moratorium on issuance of Permits for Work in Southwest Arterial. (3/18)...............131
21-02 Amending Ch. 11 - Buildings & Building Regulations by amending Section 11-58.1 of City
Code, establishing a 12 Month Moratorium on Permits for Work in U.S. Highway 20 Corridor.
22-02 Amending the City of Dubuque Code by adding a new Section 33-84 Prohibiting Sniffing
Glue or other Chemical Substances. (3/18).................................................................................132
23-02 Amending City Code Section 5-7.2(a) Underage Persons Prohibited form Premises where
Alcoholic Liquor is sold or dispensed. (3/18).............................................................................133
24-02 Amending the City Code Section 32-411 Removal of Vehicles by permitting the Towing of
Vehicles on Private Property with the property owners consent. (3/18).................................133
25-02 Vacating a portion of Carmel Drive (for BVM Sisters). (3/18)...............................................134
26-02 Amending Ord. No. 30-82 Providing that General Property Taxes Levied & Collected Each Year
on all Property located within the amended and restated Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal
Dist of City, County, State, School, be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest
on loans, monies etc. for Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dubuque
Urban Renewal District. (4/1)..........................................................................................143,144,145
27-02 Establishing a Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees for Connection of Property to the Chicago
Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (4/1)...........................................................................146
28-02 Establishing a Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees for the Connection of Property to the Oak
Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (4/1)...........................................................................146
29-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning at NE Corner of Washington St and 20 Street from R2A
Alternate to C2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District (John Gronen). (4/15)............162,163
30-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property at 950 Cedar Cross Rd. from CS &
Wholesale to C3 – (Ron Malone & Keith Wolff). (4/15)...............................................................162
31-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning rezoning of property located N & S of Ice Harbor & E of
Highway 61/151 from ROD, HI, MHI, CS & Wholesale Dis. & CR to PUD with a PC and a
Conceptual Development Plan - as Port of Dubuque Riverfront District. (4/15)....................164
32-02 Amending Appendix A - Zoning – of the City Code by amending Sections 4-3.12(B) and 4-
3.12(C)(1)(a), 4-3.12(C)(1)(c) and 4-2.12(C)(2)(a) of the Freeway 61/151 Corridor Signage Overlay
District (SOD). (4/15)........................................................................................................................169
33-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by amending Sec. 4-4.2 Re: Site Plans, and by amending
Section 6-1-5.5 re: rezonings, to establish a Moratorium for site Plans and Rezoning Applications
in the SW Arterial Corridor. (4/15)...............................................................................................170
34-02 Amending Ch. 42 (Subdivision Regulations) of the City Code by amending Section 42-16, to
establish a Moratorium for Subdivision Plats in the SW Arterial Corridor. (4/15)..................171
35-02 Amending Section 32-251(a) of City Code prohibiting use of Bicycles, Motorcycles, in park by
adding a prohibition on Use of Skateboards & other non-motorized vehicles. (4/15)..........174
36-02 Amending Ch. 11 – Buildings & Building Regulations by adding a new Section 11-58.4
establishing an Eighteen Month Moratorium on the issuance of Permits for Work in the West 32
Street Detention Basin Area. (4/15)...............................................................................................174
37-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying 1001 Davis, R1 to OR Office. (5/6).....190
38-02 Establishing the Amended & Restated Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area as an Urban
Revitalization Area Pursuant to Ch. 404 of the Code of Iowa. (5/6)...................................191,192
39-02 Repealing Ordinance No. 27-71 re: Town Clock Plaza, deletion of reference in City Code to the
Town Clock Plaza (since Main Street has opened). (5/20)..................................................209,210
40-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by amending the Conceptual Development Plan for property
at the end of Raven Oaks Dr. & currently zoned PUD with a PR. (5/20)...........................211,212
41-02 Vacating Helena Street and a Portion of Henion Street (for Loras College) (5/20)...........213
Amending Section 32-336 of the City Code establishing the Municipal Parking Meter District by
adding both sides of Eighth St. from Main St. to Locust St. and both sides of Main St. from Fifth
St. to Ninth St. (5/6) (5/20)........................................................................................................196,212
Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property at 13000 Seippel Rd. from Dbq County
R2 Rural Residential to City R2 Two family District, R4 & CS, concurrent with annexation. (5/20)
42-02 Amending City Code by repealing Section 37-1 and enacting a new Section 37-1 pertaining to
revising and reenacting a Plumbing Code for the City & providing for the issuance of permits
and collection of fees therefore. (6/3)....................................................................................230,231
43-02 Amending the City Code Chapter 11 by adding a new Article V Historic Building Standards for
Preserving or Restoring Buildings or Structures Designated as Historic Buildings and Providing
for the Administration and Enforcement of said Standards. (6/3).....................................231-245
44-02 Amending the City Code by adding and enacting New Sections 11-5 & 11-6 thereof adopting
the 2000 International Residential Code for the City & Providing for the issuance of Permits and
Collection of Fees Therefor. (6/3)...........................................................................................245-248
45-02 Amending City Code by repealing Section 11-1 and Section 11-2 and enacting new Sections
11-1 and 11-2 in lieu thereof adopting the 2000 International Building Code for the City and
providing for the issuance of permits & collection of fees therefor. (6/3).......................248-251
46-02 Amending the City Code by repealing Section 18-1 and enacting a new Section 18-1 pertaining
to revising and reenacting an Electrical Code for the City & providing for the issuance of permits
& collection of fees therefore. (6/3)...............................................................................................252
47-02 Amending the City Code by repealing Section 24-1 and enacting a new Section 24-1 pertaining
to revising and reenacting a Mechanical Code3 for the City & providing for the issuance of
Permits & Collection of Fees therefore. (6/3).......................................................................252-253
48-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property North of Dodge St between Devon
Dr. & Collins St. from PUD with a PC Designation to ID Institutional Dis. and approving an
amended Conceptual Development Plan for the University of Dubuque. (6/17)............266-268
49-02 Establishing a Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees for the connection of Property to the
South Fork Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase III. (6/17)................................................................269
50-02 Extending the Term of the Existing Cable Franchise Agreement and Hub Site Lease of
MCCIowa, LLC to September 30, 2002. (6/17)..............................................................................269
51-02 Amending the City Code, an amendment to Ch 27 – Human Relations, clarifying various
aspects of Discriminatory Practices, Retirement, Prohibited Practices. (6/3)(7/1)253, 284-289
52-02 Amending Section 32-336 of the City Code establishing the Municipal Parking Meter District
by Adding both sides of Main Street from Fifth Street to Ninth Street. (7/1)..........................290
53-02 Amending the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for
the Addition of Stop Signs on Eighth Street at Main Street. (7/1)............................................290
54-02 Vacating part of Van Buren Street (was Lenox Avenue) for Michael & Sally Basten. (7/1)292
55-02 Vacating a portion of Southern Avenue (formerly platted as Stewart Street). (7/1)..........293
56-02 Renaming the Street Currently Named Menard Court to North Crescent Ridge. (7/15)...308
57-02 Vacating a portion on 12 Street West of Bluff Street (for Stovers). (7/15)........................309
58-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning Ord. by reclassifying 441 McCormick Street from R1 Single
Family Residential District to ID Institutional Dis. (8/5).......................................................321,322
59-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning, Amending Ord. No. 72-98 establishing the PUD Planned Unit
Development District with a PR Planned Residential Designation for Alpine Heights Mobile
Home Park by modifying requirements for Signage and Sidewalks. (8/19).....................336-338
60-02 Amending Section 10-36 Activities Prohibited by Adding a new Paragraph (d) Prohibiting
Swimming or Wading in the Waters Adjacent to the Rivers Edge Plaza and by renumbering
Former Paragraph (d) as Paragraph (e); Amending Section 10-23 Boat Landing Areas; and
Amending Section 10-24 Mooring Permits. (8/19)......................................................................338
61-02 Amending Sec. 32-250 of City Code Prohibiting Certain Non-Motorized Vehicles,
Conveyances & Equipment in Municipal Parking Garages or Lots & In other places by adding
thereto a Provision authorizing the City Manager to designate & post signs in areas where
skateboarding, skating and riding bicycles and scooters is prohibited. (8/19).....................339
62-02 Amending Section 32-262(d) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Prohibiting Parking
on Designated Streets or Portions thereof by deleting a Portion of Locust Street. (8/19)...340
63-02 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding Embassy West Drive to Subsection
(b) of Section 32-213 thereof providing for the Designation of Through Streets. (8/19).......340
64-02 Amending the Code of Ordinances of Dubuque by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214
providing for the adoption of a Stop Sign on Embassy West Drive at the Northerly intersection of
Camelot Drive. (8/19).......................................................................................................................341
65-02 Vacating the portion of Raven Oaks Drive Platted in Oak Brook Subdivision – (Arbor Glen –
end of Raven Oaks etc. ). (9/3).......................................................................................................353
66-02 Amending Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying end of Hughes Ct from AG to LI. (9/3)..354
67-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property at NW Corner of U.S. Highway 20 &
North Crescent Ridge from C3 to PUD with PC Designation and adopting a Conceptual
Development Plan. (9/3)...........................................................................................................355,356
68-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property located at the SW corner of Sunny
Slope Drive & Camelot Drive from R4 to R3. (9/3).......................................................................357
69-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property at the end of Rhomberg Ave. from
R1 to C3 and CR. (9/3).....................................................................................................................357
70-02 Amending Section 4-1.1(C) of the Zoning Ordinance by removing the provision that States no
Accessory Building shall exceed One (1) Floor Level. (9/3).....................................................358
71-02 Amending City Code Section 32-285 Alternative Side Street Parking - Establishing an
Alternate Side Street Parking District and Authorizing the City Manager to Establish Time
Restrictions for Parking in the District. (9/3)...............................................................................361
72-02 Ordinance Vacating a Part of Kimball Street of Rhomberg Avenue. (9/3)..........................364
73-02 Vacating a Portion of Old Mill Road for David S. Hartig, Jr. (9/3).........................................365
74-02 Vacating the Alley Between Iowa St & Central Ave. from 13 Street to 14 Street. (9/3).366
75-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning – of the City of Dubuque by reclassifying property at 2531
John F. Kennedy Road from R1 to C1 - Kathy Spear. (9/16)....................................................379
76-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by reclassifying property at 1875 – 1895 University Ave from
C1 to C2, with conditions. (9/16)....................................................................................................380
77-02 Amending Section 5-3.4(F) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City Code by extending the period
of validity for conditional use permits from Six months to Two Years. (9/16)........................381
78-02 Extending the Term of the Existing Cable Franchise Agreement and Hub Site Lease of
McCIowa, L.L.C. to December 31, 2002. (9/16).....................................................................383,384
79-02 Amending Chapter 25 – Historic Preservation Ordinance by amending Section 25-10
Standards of Review to include Design Guidelines for the Historic Districts; by Amending
Section 25-8 Alteration of Landmarks, Landmark Sites, and Historic Structures in the Historic
Districts to include Site Plan Approval. (9/16)......................................................................387,388
80-02 Amending Section 2-40 Order of Business and Agenda of the City of Dubuque Code of
Ordinances. (9/16)...........................................................................................................................390
81-02 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by modifying Subsection (b)
of Section 32-214 thereof providing for Stop Signs on Vernon Street at Glen Oak. (10/7)..414
82-02 Amending City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by Adding a new Subsection (i) to Section 32-
262 for Establishment of Parking Restrictions from Monday through Saturday from the hours of
5:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (10/7)....................................................................................................414,415
83-02 Amending Section 32-262(d) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Prohibiting Parking
on Designated Streets by deleting portions of John F. Kennedy Road. (10/7)......................416
84-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning providing for amendment of Ord. No. 48-02 which adopted
Regulations for University of Dubuque ID Institutional District& approving an Amended
Conceptual Develop. Plan for University of Dubuque ID Institutional District. (10/21)..428-430
85-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning of the City Code by reclassifying property located Southwest
of John Wesley Drive and North of Asbury Road from Dubuque County A01 Agricultural District
to City of Dubuque CS Commercial Service and Wholesale District, Concurrent with Annexation
– for Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church. (10/21)............................................................430
86-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning of the City Code by reclassifying property located on Radford
Road from C2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District to PUD with a PC – for Patricia Friedman
& Radford Road Development. (10/21)..................................................................................431-433
87-02 Establishing the Langworthy Urban Revitalization Area, Old Main Urban Revitalization Area, &
Cathedral Urban Revit. Area as Urban Revitalization Areas per Ch. 404 of. (11/4).........444-445
88-02 Providing that General Property Taxes Levied and Collected Each Year on All Property
Located within Quebecor Economic Development District, in City and County of Dubuque, State
of Iowa, By & For the Benefit of the State of Iowa, Dubuque City and County , Dubuque
Community School District & Other Taxing Districts be paid to a special fund for payment of
Principal & Interest on Loans, Monies Advanced to and Indebtedness, including bonds issued or
to be issued, incurred by City with said Urban Renewal Redevelop. Project. (11/4)......445-447
89-02 Renaming a Portion of the Street Currently Named East Sixth Street to East Fifth Street &
Designating the Public Right-Of-Way between the Westerly End of the Newly-Named East Fifth
Street and White Street as East Fifth Street. (11/4).....................................................................451
90-02 Amending the City Code by modifying subsection (b) of Sec. 32-214 providing for addition of
Stop Signs at the Intersection of East Fifth Street and Bell Street. (11/4)........................451,452
91-02 Amending the City Code by modifying subsection (b) of Section 32-216 providing for Addition
of Yield Sign on East Fifth St & Bell St. (11/4)............................................................................452
92-02 Amending City Code Section 32-185(a) prohibiting Heavy Vehicles on Certain Bridges by
Removing Weight Limit on Fengler Street & Manson Road Bridges & Adding a Weight Limit on
Cousins Road. (11/4).......................................................................................................................452
93-02 Amending the City Code by deleting a portion of West Twelfth Street from Subsection (b) of
Section 32-213 providing for designation of Through Streets. (11/4)......................................453
94-02 Amending the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for
the Addition of a Stop Sign on West Twelfth Street at Bluff Street. (11/4)..............................453
95-02 Amending Section 10-36(d) Prohibiting Swimming or Wading in the Waters Adjacent to the
Rivers Edge Plaza by Adding thereto the Riverwalk. (11/4)......................................................454
96-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning of City Code providing for Amendment of Ordinance No. 10-
99 - Regulations for Emerald Acres No. 2 PUD District & approving an Amended Ordinances for
Emerald Acres No. 2 Planned Unit Development District. (11/18)....................................472-474
97-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances for property
located North of Asbury Road & West of Northwest Arterial to Amend Ordinance 44-99 -
Established the PUD for Asbury Plaza & Adopting Amended Sign Regulations. (11/18)474,475
98-02 Vacating Decorah Street East of Adair St. for Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole Kubler.
99-02 Extending the Term of the Existing Cable Franchise Agreement & Hub Site Lease of McCIowa
LLC to March 31, 2003. (12/16)......................................................................................................500
100-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning – by reclassifying property located north of 3001 N.
Cascade Road from R1 to C2, with conditions. (12/16).............................................................503
101-02 Amending Section 32-262(d) of City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets by
adding a portion of South Side of Kane Street, Either Side of Katrina Circle. (12/16)..........504
PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/18)(3/4)(4/1)(5/20)(10/21)............46,80,139,199,419
PAC Committee – Citizens Committed to our Communities, resolution in support of two
gambling facilities in Dubuque. (10/7)............................................................................................416
Pacholke, Rev. David, Chaplain of The Finley Hospital, Gave Invocation. (6/3)..........................218
Paint – Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant – CDBG funds. (5/20)....................................204
Paint – Lead, Training Instruction Agreement with Tucker Enterprises. (9/3)..............................350
Paint Ceiling & Walls of Five Flags Arena Project. (4/1)(5/6)....................................................149,193
Paint Exterior Façade of Five Flags Theater Project. (8/19)(9/16)...........................................343,384
Painting of Flora Swimming Pool Project. (8/5).........................................................................328,329
Pape, Garry, claim; denied; letter regarding denial. (10/7)(10/21)(11/4).........................399,419,439
Papin, Paul, applicant to Plumbing Bd.; reappointed; interview for Mechanical Code Board;
appointed to Mechanical Bd. (1/7)(1/21)(4/15)(5/6).....................................................3,15,161,189
Paradiso, Kim, Claim; settlement. (11/4)(11/18)........................................................................439,458
Park – Harvest View, Grant application - Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for
Harvest View Estates Park. (3/18).................................................................................................110
Park and Recreation Commission applicants Robert Blocker, Tom Blocklinger, Danita Galdick,
Tom Schrobilgen; reappointments of Blocklinger and Schrobilgen. (6/17)(7/1).............266,282
Park Campsite Rewiring Project – Miller Riverview. (4/1)................................................................147
Park Division departmental budget review. (2/20)..............................................................................73
Park Management Agreement with P. Felderman for Miller-Riverview Park. (5/6).......................185
Park Ranger Wayne Buchholz of IA DNR re: salvage of brick pavers for usage at E.B. Lyons
Center and RipRow Valley. (12/16)..................................................................................................506
Parking – alternate side street for street sweeping & snow removal, Ordinance. (9/3)..............361
Parking – No, area - South side of 17 Street. (10/7).................................................................414,415
Parking Division budget departmental reviewed. (2/21)....................................................................75
Parking downtown, Rich Wallace, letter requesting free weekend parking. (8/19).....................333
Parking Enforcement Software, Request for Proposals for vendors. (11/4)...............................441
Parking fines – elimination of twelve month time limitation. (3/18)................................................133
Parking garages, prohibiting of skateboarding, skating & riding bicycles & scooters. (8/19)..339
Parking Lot near Bricktown – Cooper Acquisition, sign Agreement. (12/2).................................483
Parking Lots – Hotel & Conference Center & Fifth St. Construction. (7/15)(9/3)...........310,359,360
Parking lots - Text amendment – Zoning, allow off street parking lots for churches & schools as
a conditional use. (3/18)..................................................................................................................124
Parking Lots, prohibiting non-motorized vehicles – skateboards, bicycles & scooters. (8/19)339
Parking Meter District on Eighth St. and Main Street. (5/20)...........................................................212
Parking meter districts expanded both sides of Eighth St. from Iowa to Locust & both sides of
Main St. from 5 to 9. (2/4)(5/6)(6/3)(7/1)....................................................36,196,253,254,289,290
Parking Meters installed on E side of Locust St. between 2 & Third Sts. (8/19).......................340
Parking Permit District petition to include all of Green St. and Avoca. (6/3)................................218
Parking problems on Kane St.. near Pine Knolls; prohibition of parking near Katrina Circle.
Parking Ramp - 4 Street, Operation Protocol, equipment & fees. (3/4)........................................91
Parking Ramp, Fourth Street, acceptance. (10/21)....................................................................422,423
Parking request for alley between Main & Iowa Sts. for 140 Loras Bldg. (1/21)...............................8
Parking restrictions removed on John F. Kennedy Road…to allow parking North of Spring
Valley Road to S of the Northwest Arterial. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)........................................361,386,416
Parking times changed near Bricktown Brewery Complex, request by S Neuwoehner. (7/15).298
Parks - Prohibition of skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles, go carts etc. in Parks. (4/15).........174
Partnership Initiative, HUD, contract between Human Rights Dept. & Disability Management
Consulting Group – accessibility audits of multi-family housing. (8/19)...................................334
Pasadena Franchise Fee – TV Cable, funding to support coalition of cities for Court appeal.
Patio at The Busted Lift requested by owner John Finn. (5/20).....................................................199
Patricia Ann Drive acceptance of improvements. (5/20)..........................................................200,201
Patrol cars computers, Wireless Data Transmission System Upgrade. (4/1)...............................141
Paul’s Tavern, Tom Koch, Inc. 1765 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (6/17).................................................266
Pavers – Granite, historic, used for Depot Restoration. (11/4).......................................................441
Paving Project, 2001 Asphalt. (11/18)..........................................................................................459,460
Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Dealers & Junk Dealers, Ord. change to allow electronic record
keeping. (2/18).................................................................................................................................68, 69
Peavey Co. – ConAgra Foods, dispose of property on Fourth St Peninsula to them. (9/16).....391
Peavey Co. – ConAgra, Lease Agreement for property on Twelfth (12 St. Extension. (10/7).409
Peavey Co., Corps of Engrs. permit to allow them to build river terminal dock facility in the
Peosta Channel. (3/18).......................................................................................................................111
Peckosh, Deacon Paul, gave invocation at City Council Meeting. (2/4)..........................................28
Pedestrian Bridge – Flat Iron Park, request for dedication in memory of Sr. Mary Martenson.
Penalties for Tobacco Permit Holders – underage sales of cigarettes.
Peninsula Gaming Co. - Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. –
Peninsula Gaming, for sidewalk & sprinkler system. (10/7)......................................................403
Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC, lease agreement in Ice Harbor with County Historical Society.
(5/20) ....................................................................................................................................................205
Peninsula Gaming Co., Diamond Jo Casino & Gift Shop, 400 E. 3 St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor
Lic. (5/20)(7/1)................................................................................................................................205,382
Pennsylvania Ave. - Northrange Industrial Park No. 3, located on Pennsylvania Ave., plat of
survey. (10/21)...........................................................................................................................420,421
Pennsylvania Ave. & Keyway Drive intersection - by Mary Sack outlining traffic problems; no
change. (6/17)(11/18)................................................................................................................261,470
Pennsylvania Avenue – NE corner and Embassy West Drive…sidewalk installation deleted from
2000 Sidewalk Program. (11/18).....................................................................................................471
Pennsylvania Water Tank – NW Arterial Watermain Project. (10/21)......................................434,435
People’s Natural Gas, name changed to Aquila. (4/1)......................................................................141
Peosta Channel – Corps of Engrs permit to allow Peavey Co. to build river terminal dock
facility. (3/18).......................................................................................................................................111
Peosta Channel Trail – Dubuque Jaycees Trail Project. (1/21)(2/18)..........................................20,69
Pepper Sprout, Inc., 378 Main ST., Liquor Lic. (12/2).......................................................................488
Permit Application to Corps of Engineers for County Historical Society Wetlands Project. (1/21)
Perry Construction awarded contract for the 2002 Curb Ramp, CDBG #1 Project; 2000 Sidewalk
Installation Program. (7/15)(10/7)..........................................................................................307,411
Perry, Andrew, new Airport Manager introduced. (1/7)........................................................................1
Perry, John & Tina, requesting vacation & sale of portion of Burlington & Stoltz Street near
their property. (1/21)............................................................................................................................8
Person – definition clarified in amended Human Relations Ordinance.(6/3)................................253
Peru Road – access to Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park etc. (8/19)...........................................337
Peru Road – final plat of Great Western Subd. No. 4. (7/15)............................................................299
Petersen, Bernica, Claim by Zurich American Ins. Co.; referred to Ins. (7/15).............................298
Peterson, Sister Joy, President of the Sisters of the Presentation, Gave Invocation. (8/5).......315
Petition from J. F. Kennedy landowners stating sidewalks not warranted. (4/15).......................161
Petition from neighbors of 1001 Davis objecting to proposed rezoning. (4/15)..........................161
Petition submitted by Michelle Harry re: open water way for stormwater drainage problems.
Petitions opposed to rezoning at end of Raven Oaks Drive. (5/20)...................................................2
Petitions with 111 signatures submitted by Wayne Klosterman to restudy the Bee Branch and
explore cost effective alternatives to the Open Channel Concept for stormwater drainage
in the northend. (11/4)..........................................................................................................................449
Petroleum Contaminated property - EPA – Brownfield Clean up grant application for Petroleum
Contaminated Property in the Port of Dubuque. (12/16)............................................................497
Pfab, Tammy, Old House Enthusiasts, requesting continued financial support for historic
preservation. (2/21)..............................................................................................................................75
Pfeiler, George, objecting to sidewalk installation on J.F. Kennedy Rd. (4/15)...........................161
Pfeiler, Merle, objecting to zoning change for 1001 Davis. (4/15)..................................................161
Pfiffner, Tom, objecting to sidewalk installation on JF Kennedy Rd. (4/15).................................161
Pfohl, Kevin, applicant for the Electrical Code Board; appointed. (6/3)(6/17).......................228,266
Phase II Historical/Architectural Survey Grant Agree. (2/18)............................................................49
Phase II of Hwy 20 landscaping Project, Agree for STP Funding. (2/4)...........................................28
Phase III Architectural Historic Survey Evaluation – selection of J. Jacobsen of History Pays! as
consultant. (5/6)...............................................................................................................................185
Phase III Historical/Architectural Survey Grant Agreement - CLG Agreement. (1/21)....................9
Phase IV Historical/Architectural Survey Great Agreement . (12/2)...............................................485
Phillips 66 / Arby’s, Liberty Station LLC, 10 S. Main, Cigarette Per. & Beer Per. (9/16)...............377
Phone dispatch numbers, difficulty getting through, R. Kieffer. (1/21)...........................................26
PIAP - Public Infrastructure Assistance Program Loan Agreement with Eagle Window & Door.
Pier, Boat on Mississippi River, Marine Fuel Tax Grant. (2/4)...........................................................31
Pilots – City of Dubuque as Brownfields Assessment Pilot. (6/3)..................................................226
Pine Knolls area – Kane Street, parking problems near Wahlert High School; prohibition of
parking near Katrina Circle. (8/19)(12/16).......................................................................338,503,504
Pinto Ridge Court, final plat of Pinto Ridge Subd. (4/15).................................................................158
Pinto Ridge Subdivision, final plat – rescinding Res. 450-01 etc. (4/15).......................................158
Pipeline – under railroad utility easement with Chicago, Central & Pacific Railroad for
construction of 16” pipeline along NW Arterial. (11/4)..........................................................441,442
Piper Jaffrey of MN, best bid for sale of G.O. Bonds. (11/4).....................................................447,448
Pizza Hut, 2075 JF Kennedy Rd., Prospect Pizza Ltd., Beer Per. (6/17).........................................265
Pizza Hut, Prospect Pizza Ltd., 320 E. 20 St., Beer Per. (6/17)......................................................265
Planned Unit Development – PUD District – Text Amendment. (1/21).............................................21
Planning Services Department, award from IA Chapter of APA, 2002 Implementing Smart
Growth Award for Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (11/18).............................................................458
Planning Services Dept. Budget, departmental review. (2/21)..........................................................74
Planning services staff, two, to conference of National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.
Plastic Center, Inc., Fischer Lanes, 880 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (6/17)..........................................266
Plat of Easement for Storm & Sanitary Sewers across portion of Mechanic’s Addn. - sale of
City lots on Napier St. to Robert Cartmill and Glenn & Georgia Bankson. (6/17)(7/1)......275,282
Plat of proposed vacated Decorah Street east of Adair Street. (12/16).........................................499
Plat of proposed vacated Helena St. & Portion of Henion Street (for Loras College). (5/20).....213
Plat of proposed vacated part of Kimball Street West of Rhomberg. (9/3)...................................363
Plat of proposed vacated portion of Raven Oaks Drive platted in Oak Brook Development.
Plat of survey – Cypress, Wall and Washington & adjacent streets. (3/4)......................................81
Plat of survey – Marshall Park & Arboretum. (4/1)............................................................................139
Plat of survey A. H. Oeth Subdivision NO. 5. (3/18)..........................................................................109
Plat of Survey of Lot 1-2 & Lot 202 of Shipton’s Second Addn. on Rockdale Rd. (12/16).........493
Plat of survey of Lot H of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (8/5)............................................318,319
Plat of Survey of Lots 1 through 5 of Fitz Place, at 3232 Sheridan Road. (10/21)........................420
Plat of Survey of Northrange Industrial Park No. 3 – on Pennsylvania Ave. for Steve Smith.
Plat of survey of West Ridge Third Addition. (8/19)..................................................................332,333
Plat of Survey removed from Agenda for 1670 John F. Kennedy Rd. – portion of Kopp’s JFK
Addn etc. (12/16)................................................................................................................................493
Plat of Survey Westview Shopping Center Place No. 3. (2/18).........................................................48
Plat of Survey, Westview Shopping Center Place No. 2. (2/18)........................................................48
Plat of vacated alley between Iowa St & Central Avenue from 13 St. to 14 St. (9/3)...............366
Plat of vacated Old Mill Road. (9/3).....................................................................................................365
Plat, final - first phase of Arbor Estates near W. 32 St.. (3/18)....................................................128
Plat, final of Great Western Subd. No. 4, on Peru Road. (7/15).......................................................299
Plat, final of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Higley Place, north of U. S. 20, west of the Swiss Valley Road.
Plat, final of portion of Tiffany Ridge. (9/16)......................................................................................374
Plat, final of Wildwood Estates – off N. Cascade Road in Dubuque County. (10/7)....................415
Plat, final re: Emerald Acres No. 2., amendment to PUD with a PR, for Ed Tschiggfrie. (11/18)472
Plat, final, Dubuque Industrial Center West, allow sale of Lot 6- industrial building. (2/18)....67,66
Plat, final, Dubuque Industrial Center West, Lots H, I & J; corrected to read “Lots H, I & J of Dbq
Industrial Center West Third Addn. (4/15)(5/20).................................................................159,200
Plat, final, Eagle Point No. 2. (2/18)(9/16)......................................................................................47,381
Plat, final, for Davis Place II – 515-517 Garfield Ave. (3/18).............................................................109
Plat, final, Harvest Business Center, E of Resurrection Church; dedication of Lot B.
Plat, final, Harvest View Estates, Second Addn. (5/6)...............................................................194,195
Plat, final, of Vista Heights 2 Addn in Dubuque County. (6/17)...................................................263
Plat, final, Pinto Ridge, & rescinding Res. No. 450-01. (4/15)..........................................................158
Plat, final, Southern Hills Subd. II. – NE of Lake Eleanor Rd & Kane Rd. intersection. (2/18)......67
Plat, final, Southern Hills Subd. III, Lots 1-25 of Block 1 & Lot A. (5/20)........................................208
Plat, final, Sullivan’s Addition. (W. 32 St. w of Fink St.) (2/18)..................................................47,48
Platinum Holdings LLC, Grand Harbor Resort/Water Park., Liquor Lic. (12/2).............................488
Platinum Holdings, LLC, Consent & Subordination Agreement to Second Mortgage Agreement
– American Trust & Savings Bank. (10/21).......................................................................................423
Platinum Hospitality Team – RFP for development of the former Dubuque Star Brewery
Building. (9/3)......................................................................................................................................361
Plats, Subdivision, in the SW Arterial. (4/15)..............................................................................170,171
Platting – Re-Platting of 2460 to 2500 Kerper Blvd. for McGraw-Hill and Key City Plating.
Playground – Water, at Flora Pool & Sutton Pool. (12/2).................................................................482
Playground etc. – Harvest View Estates Park. (3/18).......................................................................110
Plaza – Town Clock, references taken out of City Code since street opened. (5/20)..................209
Plaza 20 Amoco, A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per. ; Cig. Per.(4/15)(5/20)...........................160,206
Plein, John, Section 8 rep for the Municipal Housing Agency Governing Board. (5/6).............196
Plumbing & Mechanical Officials – IAPMO, Mechanical Code adoption. (6/3).............................252
Plumbing Board applicant Paul Papin; reappointed. (1/7)(1/21)...................................................3,15
Plumbing Board applicants: Stanley Gonner & Harlan Willenborg; both reappointed.
Plumbing Code adoption of 2000 Uniform. (6/3)........................................................................230,231
PMST, Inc., Happy’s Place, 2323 Rockdale Rd., Liquor Lic. (9/16).................................................378
Pole relocation (Transmission) in Port of Dubuque. (6/17).............................................................271
Police – Cops in Shops, 28E Agreement between Police Dept. and Iowa Alch9olic Beverages
Division. (6/17)...................................................................................................................................263
Police – Law Enforcement Agreement – mutual aid services with Dubuque County, City & Jo
Daviess County, IL; also Drug Enforcement Agreement. (2/4)................................................30,31
Police - Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds, 2002 Local. (6/17) (7/15)(8/5)................264,310,323
Police – Mutual Law Enforcement Agreement & Mutual Drug Enforcement Agree. – City, County
& East Dubuque, IL. (4/15)................................................................................................................160
Police & Fire Retirement System, letter to legislators. (3/18)..........................................................108
Police Corporal position certified by Civil Service Commission. (9/16).................................373,374
Police Departmental budget review. (2/27)..........................................................................................77
Police Dispatch Center - R. Kieffer objecting to difficult getting through. (1/21).......................26
Police enforcement at Muddy Waters Coffee Shop questioned – response by Mgr. (12/16)....497
Police Officers list certified by Civil Service Commission; amended to add Adam J. Ohnesorge.
Police Patrol cars computers – Wireless Data Transmission System Upgrade. (4/1).................141
Police Protective Assn., Collective Bargaining Agreement to allow four ten hour days work
week. (10/7)...........................................................................................................................................401
Policy Agenda for 2002 – 2004, Council review at goal setting session. (8/29)...........................348
Policy Committee, Michael Van Milligen to service. (11/4)..............................................................442
Policy for renting Comiskey Pavilion questioned by Wielands. (5/6)............................................180
Policy for Special Events – Application and Agreement, insurance requirements, user fees also
an event insurance grant program. (5/6).......................................................................................196
Polk, Darwin, ECIA, Hazard Mitigation Plan. (2/18).............................................................................47
Pool, Flora Swimming Pool Painting Project. (8/5)....................................................................328,329
Port of Dubuque – Cooperative Agreement for EPA Grant for a Brownfields Assess. Demonstration
Pilot Program to complete Phase I & Phase II environmental assessments. (10/21)..................422
Port of Dubuque – Mississippi Valley Truck Center property, Fair Market Value. (5/20)............210
Port of Dubuque Design Standards discussed. (2/4).........................................................................27
Port of Dubuque District named in Wayfinding Signage– was Riverfront District.
Port of Dubuque Land Sale to Dubuque Initiatives. (10/21)(11/25)..........................425,426,479,480
Port of Dubuque Master Plan - Adams Co., preapplication to Economic Develop. Administration
for acquisition. (3/18)......................................................................................................................113
Port of Dubuque Master Plan, amendment to Riverfront Plan to include. (3/4).............................87
Port of Dubuque Master Plan, Smart Growth Award from Iowa Ch. of American Planning Assn.
Port of Dubuque Phase #3 – Utilities Project. (9/3)(10/7)..........................................................370,413
Port of Dubuque Riverfront District rezoning from ROD, HI, MHI, CS and CR. to PUD and a
conceptual development Plan. (4/15)....................................................................................163,164
Port of Dubuque Transmission Pole Relocation – Bell St. Extension & Pine St.. (6/17).............271
Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation and Extension Project. (1/21)(6/3).....................................20,255
Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation, Phase II, Project. (11/18).........................................................459
Port of Dubuque, application for EPA Brownfield Grant for environmental assessments.
Port of Dubuque, Downtown Dubuque Transit Alternative Analysis, contract with URS/BRW,
Inc. (8/19).............................................................................................................................................342
Port of Dubuque, eminent domain proceedings for Mississippi Valley Truck Center property.
Port of Dubuque, in support of Brownfield Cleanup Grant Application to US Environmental
Protection Agency for Cleanup Activities. (12/16)......................................................................497
Porter, Ena Rae-Lienne, re: White Street Reconstruction Project. (1/21)(2/18).........................17,53
Portzen Construction awarded contract for the Main St. Reconstruction Project – 5 to 9
Streets; Portzen Construction – claim of L & I Bldg. forwarded to them; finalization of their
project – Jackson St Storm Sewer Proj.; awarded Chavenelle Drive Extension Project;
awarded contract for Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II & Amenities Project; awarded contract
for Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project.; awarded contract for the Hotel - Conference
Center Parking Lot. (1/7)(3/4)(3/18)(4/1)(4/15)(8/5)(9/3).........4,80,112,148,149,171,322,323,360
Portzen Construction, Claim; Denied. (10/7)(10/21)..................................................................399,419
Portzen, Mike, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; reappointed. (6/17)(7/1)..........266,282
Portzen, Mike, will honor bid proposal for Main Street Reopening Reconstruction; appointed to
lead stormwater utility citizen input group; questioning Stormwater Utility.
Post 6 – American Legion, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/17)................................................................266
Potatoe House – Iowa, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/3)..........................................................................227
Pothoff, Kathy, Mgr. of Sheridan Village, objecting to rezoning for housing at end of Raven
Oaks. (4/15).........................................................................................................................................162
Potter, Lee, Sr., Lee’s 76/West Locust, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per. ; Cig. Per.(2/4)(6/3)............32,227
Potter, Scott, requesting 515 Garfield Ave. rezoning. (1/21)(3/18)............................................18,109
Potters, Scott & Dawn re: Garfield Ave., application to IDED for housing funds for SRO Housing.
Potters, Scott & Dawn, re: Garfield Ave., Urban Revitalization area. (4/1)(5/6)..............152,191,192
Power & Light – Interstate, Property – amendment to development Agreement between
Interstate Power & Light Co. to substitute Lot 6 for Lot 5 in Dubuque Industrial Center
West. (4/15)(5/6)......................................................................................................................176,190,191
Powerpoint presentation of Dubuque impressive at Nat’l League of Cities. (5/20)....................213
Precinct & Ward Map, approved by Secretary of State C. Culver. (1/21)..........................................9
Pre-Construction Agreement of IDOT for construction of IA 32 – Northwest Arterial & John F.
Kennedy Rd. to US 52. (5/20)...........................................................................................................201
Preconstruction Agreement with IDOT for NW Arterial from JFK to U.S. 20. (5/20)....................201
Pre-Construction Agreement, IDOT, intelligent traffic control system on Hwy 20 – Dodge St.
from Devon to new Menards. (12/16)...............................................................................................492
Pregler, David A., applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; appointed. (6/3)(6/17)..........................228,266
Pregler, Walt, budget concern for reallocation of CDBG funds to Historic Pres. Homeowner
Grant Prog.; applicant for Community Devel. Comm.; reappointed to CD Comm.
Premier Bank named depository for city funds. (5/6).......................................................................188
Pride Fencing & Landscaping, awarded project for Dbq Girls’ Independent League Ballfield
Fencing Proj. (10/7)...........................................................................................................................407
Printed Council Proceedings: November 2001; December 2001; January 2002; February 2002;
March and April 2002; for May 2002; June & July 2002; August 2002; September 2002; for
October 2002. (1/21)(2/18)(5/20)(7/1)(8/5)(8/19)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)
Priorities for year 2003 – legislative, submitted by City Mgr. (11/4)...............................................454
Priority Action Items identified at Special goal setting session of City Council. (8/19)..............348
Prism Co., awarded contract - Operations & Maintenance Dept. Roof Repair Proj. (4/15).172,173
Prochaska, John, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/1)...................................................................................139
Program Coordinator – Family Self-Sufficiency & Homeownership, application to HUD for
funds – help homeownership of Section 8 families. (5/6)............................................................180
Program Year 2002 – FY 2003 CDBG Annual Plan. (3/5)...................................................................99
Prohibited practices re: amended Human Relations Ordinance. (6/3)..........................................253
Prohibition of glue sniffing & other intoxication from chemical substances. (3/18)...................132
Prohibition of skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles etc. in Parks. (4/15).......................................174
Prohibition of skateboards, bicycles, scooters, etc in Parking Lots & Garages. (8/19).............339
Prohibition of underage persons remaining after 9 p.m. where liquor etc. is sold. (3/18)...132,133
Project Concern – Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Services funds. (5/6).................186
Project Concern – FY 2002 amendment of Purchase of Service Agree. (5/20)............................204
Project Concern – Information & Referral & Child Care Referral, Purchase of Services funds. (
Project Concern Services Agreement – Keyline. (2/18)....................................................................50
Proofs of publication of claims & revenues for Nov. 2001; For Dec. 2001; for January 2002; for
April, 2002; for May 2002; June 2002; July 2002; for August 2002; September 2002; October
2002. (2/4)(2/18)(3/18)(6/17)(7/1)(9/3)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)........................................................
Proofs of Publication of Council Minutes:
Property – amendment to development Agreement between Interstate Power & Light Co. to
substitute Lot 6 for Lot 5 in Dubuque Industrial Center West. (4/15)(5/6)..................176,190,191
Property - Port of Dubuque – Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Fair Market Value. (5/20).........210
Property disposed of – Decorah St. east of Adair St., Lot 10A & Lot 11A of Woodlawn Park to
Douglas & Jean Kapp and William & Carole Kubler. (12/16)...............................................499,500
Property in Catfish Creek floodplain area, submission of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
application. (9/16)............................................................................................................................377
Property in Port of Dubuque to Dubuque Initiatives. (10/21)(11/25).........................425,426,427,479
Property leased - Quebecor World on Kerper Blvd., Economic Development Area. (9/16)375,376
Property near Napier St. - Plat of Easement for Storm & Sanitary Sewers across portion of
Mechanic’s Addn. - sale of City lots on Napier St. to R. Cartmill & Bankston.
Property on Fourth Street Peninsula, Real Estate Purchase Agreement with ConAgra, Inc.
Property on J. F. Kennedy Rd. - Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church requesting
annexation of property. (8/19)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/2).........................332,392,430,469,470,483
Property on Tiffany Ridge, sale of city owned portion to M. Langkamp, J Duve, G. Coe, M.
Geisler, K. Jaschke, R. Herzog, D. Deutmeyer. (9/16)(10/7)..........................................390,408,409
Property purchase - Purchase of home from Karen Maury - real estate on W. Thirty Second St.
for 32 St. Detention Cell. (5/20)(6/17)...........................................................................208,262,263
Property purchase by City on Fourth St. Peninsula owned by Robert & Lynn Miller & Dubuque
Hardwoods, Inc. (10/21)(12/16)...............................................................................................438,496
Property purchase in Riprow Valley for trail extension. (5/6).........................................................185
Property purchase on Adair St. requested by Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole Hartman-
Kubler. (10/7)......................................................................................................................................399
Property purchase request from Dubuque Community School for alley near 330 Bryant, 340
Bryant and 1280 Mt. Loretta. (12/16).............................................................................................493
Property purchase requested by Christopher & Jennifer Kennedy for property behind 2345 &
2349 Roosevelt Road. (10/21)........................................................................................................420
Property purchase, three flood damaged properties at 1620, 1695, and 1699 Old Mill Rd.
Property Tax Exemption Applications – approving late filed applications. (2/18)....................51,52
Property West of Rhomberg Ave – Kimball St. – vacation and disposal to Clint Johnson, John
Duccini, and Michael Schmalz. (9/3)(9/16).....................................................................364,381,382
Prospect Pizza Ltd, Pizza Hut, 2075 JF Kennedy Rd., Beer Per. (6/17)..........................................265
Prospect Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut, 320 E. 20 St., Beer Per. (6/17)......................................................265
Prouty, Dow & Susan, letter @ narrow gauge rail line from Dubuque to Cascade. (10/7)..........399
Psihoyos, Gus, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/18)...................................................................................107
Psihoyos, Gus, Ass’t Engr., presentation of Storm Water Utility issues. (12/16).........................491
Public accommodations re: amendment in Human Relations Ordinance. (6/3)..........................253
Public Defense, IA Dept., eligibility for public assistance projects. (2/4)........................................31
Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, Claims referred to them.
Public Health – IA – Contract with IA Dept. & Agreement with Visiting Nurse Assn. (9/3).........350
Public Health Week Proclamation. (4/1).............................................................................................139
Public Hearings on Council Agenda, clarification as to difference than Action Items on City
Council Agenda. (11/4)...................................................................................................................454
Public improvements for building at Third & Main, contract with Allen & Urban Assoc. (2/18)..52
Public Infrastructure Assistance Program Loan Agreement with Eagle Window & Door.
Public Safety & Crime Prevention Policy Committee, Iowa League of Cities, Council Member
Patricia Cline appointed as rep. (1/21).................................................................................................23
Public Safety Dispatcher position, certified by Civil Service Comm. (1/7)........................................1
Public street – acceptance of Sunset Ridge. (10/7)...................................................................415,416
Public Works Facility, design discussed at special session. (10/21)............................................418
PUD - Planned Unit Development District – Text Amendment. (1/21).............................................21
Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil Co., 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)(10/7)..........................227,404
Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil Co., 2013 Central, Cig. Per. (6/3)...................................................................227
Pump Improvement Project – Ice Harbor Retention Basin. (9/16)..................................................395
Purchase Agreement with ConAgra for property on Fourth St. Peninsula. (9/16).......................391
Purchase of home from Karen Maury - real estate on W. Thirty Second St. for 32 St.
Detention Cell. (5/20)(6/17)...............................................................................................208,262,263
Purchase of property on Adair St. by Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole Hartman-
Kubler. (10/7).....................................................................................................................................399
Purchase of Service Agreement, Project Concern, Foster Grandparent `Program. 5/6)............186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds– Labor Management Council. (5/6).............................185
Purchase of Services Agreement – Operation: New View for Washington Neighborhood Tool
Library. (6/17)......................................................................................................................................263
Purchase of Services Agreement – Project Concern – amendment FY 2002. (5/20)..................204
Purchase of Services Agreement Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors
Bureau. (5/20)....................................................................................................................................210
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Dubuque Area Lifetime Center. (5/6).........................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Dubuque Humane Society. (5/6)................................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Dubuque Main St. Ltd.; amended to include event
insurance grant program. (5/6).................................................................................................186,196
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Greater Dubuque Development Corp. – GDDC.(5/6)186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Helping Services of NE Iowa. (5/6)............................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Operation: New View. (5/6).........................................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Project Concern – Information & Referral & Child Care
Referral. (5/6)......................................................................................................................................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. (5/6)...............186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – St. Stephens Food Bank. (5/6)...................................186
Purchase of Services Agreement funds – Substance Abuse Services Funds. (5/6)..................186
Purchase of Services Budgets presented to Council. (2/25)............................................................76
Purification of Water at Miller-Riverview Park - National Guard. (5/6)...........................................187
Pusateri’s Enterprises Inc., 2400 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/4)...............................................................32
QHS Properties – Ord. amending Zoning Ord. by repealing Section 2 (C) (2) of Ord. No. 15-99 &
enacting a new one re: access requirements. (1/21)...................................................................19
Quagliano, Dr. Timothy & A.J. Spiegel, amend PUD at SW Corner of Asbury & Holliday Dr.
Quann, Attorney Brendan, for BVM Sisters, requesting vacation of portion of Carmel Dr.(1/21).8
Quarterly reports of Investment Oversight Commission. (2/4)(5/6)(5/20)..........................28,187,199
Quebecor, expansion of facility, Memorandum of Understanding & CEBA Application to IDED;
approved; Enterprise Zone Agreement with IDED for expansion on Kerper of Quebecor
World; CEBA Loan Agreement for $345,000; Creation of Quebecor Economic Development
District; Quebecor Urban Renewal Plan etc.
Racom Parallel Decode System, upgrade the Police Patrol unit computers. (4/1)......................141
Radford Road & Old Highway 20, contract to Drew Cook for Old Highway 20 Watermain
Extension Phase II. (10/21)...............................................................................................................436
Radford Road from C2 to PC for Patricia Friedman – Radford Road Development. (10/21)......431
Radford Road rezoning from C2 to PC for Patricia Friedman. (9/16)......................................379,380
Radon Control Methods, Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm, in support of this –
International Residential Code. (6/3)..................................................................................................245
Rafoth Sheet Metal Inc. awarded contract(s) for Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration, then
rejected; Woodward Museum Renovations Project. (3/18)(6/17)............................126,127,270
Rail – Ornamental, Grant of Easement for Public Sidewalk & Sprinkler System also on Peninsula
Gaming Co. property. (10/7)...........................................................................................................403
Rail Feasibility Study, Keyline Transit funds redirected for this. (1/21)..........................................23
Railroad – Narrow gauge from Dubuque to Cascade, Dow & Susan Prouty communication @
reconstruction. (10/7)......................................................................................................................399
Railroad access – Lease Amendment (Dodds) River Terminal – Dbq Twine Co. (1/21)...............13
Railroad Depot Restoration Project – Burlington Northern. (2/4)(3/18)....................................41,126
Railroad Merger – Dakota Minnesota & Easter RR & I & M Rail Like. (4/15)(5/20).................175,200
Railroad Merger, Iowa, Chicago & Eastern RR to acquire & Operate all the rail lines of I & M Rail
Link, LLC. (7/1).................................................................................................................................278
Railroad Utility Easement with Chicago, Central & Pacific RR for water main along NW Arterial
under railroad tracks. (11/4)...........................................................................................................441
Rain storm of August 21, 8”- letter by Karen Kuhle. (9/3)...............................................................349
Rainbo Oil Co. KWIK Stop Food Mark, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. ; Beer Per.
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 1401 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (6/17)(7/1)............265,281
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per. ; Beer Per. (7/1)(11/18)................280,470
Rainbo Oil, Kwik Stop, 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cig. Per. (7/1)................................................................281
Rainbo Oil, Kwik Stop, 2297 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (7/1)(11/18)...............................281,470
Rainbo Oil, Kwik Stop, 2360 Central, Cig. Per.’ Beer Per. (7/1)(9/16).....................................280,377
Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36W. 4 St., Liquor Lic. (10/7)......................................................404
Rainbow Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 1685 John F. Kennedy Rd. Beer Per. (11/18)................470
Ramp – Fourth Street Parking Ramp, acceptance. (10/21).............................................................422
Ramp – new Fourth Street Parking Ramp, fees, operation. (3/4).....................................................91
Rapp, Marvin J., Cue Master Billiards, 900 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/17)......................................265
Rate Increase – electricity, letter to Iowa Utilities Bd by City Mgr. (6/17)......................................265
Rate increase for Aquila Gas Co. (6/17).............................................................................................265
Rate increase for Sanitary Sewer charges. (3/5)........................................................................100,101
Rate increase for Water usage. (3/5)..............................................................................................99,100
Rate Increase notification by Mediacom Cable. (1/7)...........................................................................2
Rath, Randy, Claim; settlement. (1/21)(3/4)......................................................................................8,80
Raven Hill Apartments, MWF Properties, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program. (1/7)(4/15)(5/6)
Raven Hill Apartments, Support for Development – Arbor Glen Apartments. (4/15)..................173
Raven Oaks – request to vacate, proposed extension of Raven Oaks Dr., for development by
Arbor Glen Ltd. (8/19)(9/3)...............................................................................................342,343,353
Raven Oaks Drive – Arbor Glen Apartments, request of David T. Steele, Resolution of Support.
Raven Oaks Drive, end of , rezoning to allow 6 multi family housing units, request by MWF
Properties, Felderman Business Partnership, first reading etc. (4/15)(5/20)....162,173,211,212
Raven Oaks Drive, end, housing etc.(1/7)(4/15)(5/6)..............................................................5,162,194
Raysan Corp., Bridge Restaurant, 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (10/21)............................................424
REAP - Resource Enhancement and Protection Program – REAP, appointment of Council
Member Connors. (7/1)...................................................................................................................290
REAP Committee, appointment of Council Member Joyce Connors. (1/7).......................................5
Record Keeping for Pawn shops, Secondhand dealers etc., allowing for electronic. (2/18).......68
Recreation Division department budget hearing. (2/20)....................................................................73
Recyclable materials – collection & solid waste, increase in monthly fee. (3/5)..........................102
Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle, funds toward purchase. (7/1)....................................291
Red Ribbon Week Proclamation. (10/21)...........................................................................................419
Redemption of G.O. Bonds dated May 1, 1994. (11/4)......................................................................448
Redmond, Madonna, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/1).............................................................................139
Reds, The, - received the Proclamation: Rising Stars Independent League Days. (6/3)...........218
Referendum re: gaming continuance in Dubuque – Citizens Committed to our Communities,
Resolution of Support. (10/7)(10/21)............................................................................................416,437
Refuse collection accounts, delinquent, to County Treasurer. (12/2)....................................487,488
Refuse Disposal program, letter by Karl Stieglitz. (9/16).................................................................372
Regional Dragon Boat Festival Days Proclamation. (9/3)...............................................................349
Rehab Loan Agreements amendments to Guy Gard & Ellen Willis; another amendment.
Rehabilitation of 15 rental units – IDED, grant from HOME Investment Partnership Program.
Rehabilitation projects, best one awarded Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Award. (8/5)......324
Reid, Gary W., in support of Wal-Mart at old FDL site. (10/21)........................................................419
Reimer, Jason, Jake’s, 1689 Elm, Liquor Lic. (6/3)...........................................................................227
Reinholt, Joan, Claim, referred to Ins. (3/18).....................................................................................107
Reiss, Elaine, applicant for Electrical Code Board; reappointed. (6/3)(6/17).........................228,266
Reject all bids etc. for Woodward Museum Renovations Project. (6/17)......................................270
Religion – clarification of Human Rights Ord. (7/1)...................................................................284-289
Religious Center, Dbq., 923 Main, Wine Per. (1/7)...............................................................................3
Relocation & Extension Project, Utilities – Port of Dubuque. (1/21)(6/3).................................20,255
Relocation of Transmission Pole in Port of Dubuque. (6/17)..........................................................271
Remember 911 Day Proclamation. (9/3)............................................................................................349
Remodeling of City Hall, First Floor Ceiling. (4/1)(5/6)(6/3)........................................151,193,229,230
Renaissance Corp., final of Westside Intake Storm Sewer Project. (1/21)......................................10
Renaissance Restoration Inc of Galena, IL awarded contracts for Burlington Northern RR Depot
Restoration, then rejected; Woodward Museum Renovations Project.
Rent All, Appliance Furniture, Claim. (6/17).......................................................................................261
Rental Agreement with Dubuque Hockey, Inc. – Thunderbirds for use of Five Flags Civic Center.
Rental Assistance – Housing Authority Government Bd., amendment to Code to create board
for administration of City’s federal Section 8. (1/21)....................................................................22
Rental Housing Project – Raven Hill Apartments, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Pro. (1/7)........5
Rental Policy for Comiskey Pavilion questioned by Wielands. (5/6).............................................180
Rental Rehab units, 15, IDED grant. for HOME Investment Partnership Program. (4/15)...........158
Rental Survey, Annual, (2/4)...................................................................................................................29
Report – Annual Library. (4/15)............................................................................................................173
Report – Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report. (9/16)....................................372
Report – Consolidated End of Year Review, CDBG Program Year 2001 is satisfactory. (11/4).439
Report @ city’s Wastewater plant from IDNR. (7/1)..........................................................................279
Report by S. Czeshinski of Convention & Visitors Bureau. (10/21)...............................................437
Report, Annual, 2001 Certified Local Government, required by Historical Society. (2/4).............28
Request for Proposals – Dubuque Star Brewery Building, authorization to invite The Alexander
Co. & the Platinum Hospitality team, also Dubuque Star Brewing Co. (9/3).............................361
Request for Proposals for Creative Development Services for Grand River Center. (12/16).....493
Residential Code – International, 2000, adopted by City & Building Code Board of Appeals.
Residential lots, lot area requirements, new Ord. (2/18)....................................................................65
Residential Parking Permit District Petition – include all Green St. from Asbury to Algona &
Avoca St. from Green to Cherry. (6/3)(9/3)............................................................................218,361
Resolution of Support for continuance of Gaming in Dubuque – Referendum. (10/7)...............416
Resource Enhancement and Protection Program – REAP, appointment of Council Member
Connors. (7/1)...................................................................................................................................290
Responsible Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/5)............................................................315
Ressler, Rev. Wayne from Nativity Catholic Church, Gave Invocation.(5/20)..............................199
Rest Room Project – Flora Park. (9/3)(10/7)................................................................................366,412
Restaurant at Airport, contractor’s financial difficulties. (5/20)......................................................199
Restrooms, Flora Park, Project. (9/3)(10/7).................................................................................368,412
Resurfacing of Jackson St and West Locust Street. (6/17)(9/3)......................................274,350,351
Resurrection Church, east of, Plat, final, Harvest Business Center, E of Resurrection Church.
Retaining Walls – South Sidewalk, contract between City & Allen & Urbain Asso. for Third & Main
St. building area. (2/18).....................................................................................................................52
Retention Basin – Ice Harbor, Pump Improvement Project. (9/16)(10/21)..............................395,436
Retired Senior Volunteer Program, requesting funds at budget hearing; Purchase of Services
Agree. (2/25)(5/6).........................................................................................................................76,186
Retirement of Persons – changes to Human Relations Ordinances – City Code.
Retirement Systems – Municipal Fire & Police, letter to legislators. (3/18)..................................108
Revenues, Proofs for various months. (2/4)(2/18)(3/18)(6/17)(7/1)(9/3)(9/16)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)
Review, On-site, of CDBG Program – HUD. (5/20)............................................................................200
Rewiring Project - Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project. (3/4)(4/1).................91,92,147
RFP – Dubuque Star Brewery Building, authorization to invite The Alexander Co. & the Platinum
Hospitality team, also Dubuque Star Brewing Co. (9/3).............................................................361
RFQ – Dubuque Star Brewery Property. (6/17)..................................................................................264
Rhomberg Ave., 2701, 2705, 2711 rezoning from R1 to CR & CS. (9/3).........................................357
Rhomberg Ave., end, approval final plat of Eagle Point No. 2; tabled. (2/18)(3/18).........47,127,128
Rhomberg Ave., end, former Tollbridge Inn site, considered for condominiums. (12/2)............485
Rhomberg Ave., sale of property to Clint Johnson, John Duccini & Michael Schmalz. (9/3).364
Rhomberg Ave., West of, vacate a part of Kimball street for Mike Schmalz.
Ricker, Anne of Leland Consulting, Design Standard booklet for Port of Dubuque. (2/4)...........27
Right of Way (ROW) Encroachment, Bricktown, Decorative Wall at Third & Locust. (9/3).........352
Riniker, Mrs. Patricia, objection to heavy rain runoff near HyVee strip mall – Asbury Plaza;
response by City Mgr. (11/4)(12/16)........................................................................................454,495
Rip Row Valley Ball Field Development Project; acceptance. (2/4)(10/7)...........................39,40,400
Rip Row Valley Demolition & Grading Project. (2/4)(3/4).........................................................40,89,90
Rip Row Valley property, 11.7 acres, Lease amendment with Dubuque Girls’ Independent
League. (1/21).......................................................................................................................................9
Rip Row Valley Trailhead Project Grant Agreement with IDOT for property acquisition. (5/6)..185
Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Proj.; acceptance. (2/4)(3/4)(10/7)....................40,88,89,399,400
Riprow Valley – Dubuque Girls’ Independent League Ballfield Fencing Project. (9/3)...............369
Riprow Valley – Utility Extension Project. (2/4)(3/4).................................................................40,88,89
Riprow Valley, Demolition & Grading Project. (2/4)(3/4)..........................................................40,89,90
Riprow Valley, request to use salvaged brick pavers there by IA DNR. (12/16)...........................506
RISE Project Agreement – Chavenelle Rd. with IDOT. (2/4).............................................................30
Rising Stars Independent League Days Proclamation.(6/3)...........................................................218
Rita Drive deletion as access road to Ed Tschggfries Subdivision – Jaeger Heights No 2. Phase
3 acceptance. (11/4).......................................................................................................................440
River – America’s, Museum, HUD application for funding. (2/4)......................................................31
River City Paving, A Division of Mathy Construction, awarded contract for the Jackson St. &
West Locust St. Resurfacing Project .(9/3)....................................................................................350
River Front Subdivision #2, portion disposed of by Lease Agreement with ConAgra Foods, Inc.
dba Peavey Co. (9/16).....................................................................................................................391
River Road (Great) Interpretive Center, Subgrantee Agree. with County Historical Society for
National Scenic Byways Grant for design & construction. (10/21)...........................................421
River Terminal Dock Facility in Peosta Channel – Peavey. (3/18)..................................................111
River Terminals (Dodds)– Lease Amendment for rail access. – Dubuque Twine Co. etc. (1/21)13
River Valley Initiative – Council Management Agenda. (8/29).........................................................348
River’s Edge Plaza named as American Trust River’s Edge Plaza. (12/16)..................................503
River’s Edge Plaza, swimming prohibited. (8/19).............................................................................338
Riverfront Access, Council Member Cline stressed availability. (11/4)........................................454
Riverfront Boat Pier, Application for Marine Fuel Tax Grant Agreement. (2/4)..............................31
Riverfront District, Port of Dubuque; name designation with Wayfinding Signage.
Riverfront Marketing - high priority Council action item. (8/29)......................................................348
Riverfront Plan, Port of Dubuque Master Plan, amendment. (3/4)...................................................87
Riverview - Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project. (3/4)(4/1)(7/15)....91,92,147,299,300
Riverview- Miller, management agreement with Pat Felderman. (5/6)...........................................185
Riverwalk and Amenities Project. (2/21)(4/15)..............................................................................74,171
Riverwalk design modifications to improve accessibility for disabled & elderly. (8/19)............342
Riverwalk, Mississippi, adjacent, prohibition of swimming & wading (11/4)...............................454
RKM, Ron’s Discount Smokes, 1701 JFK, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(9/16).................206,377
Road - - Trail, Ice Harbor West Road / Walk Construction Proj. (8/5)(12/2)...........................330,483
Road to Industrial Park – State Grant to Extend, Council Management Agenda. (8/29).............348
Road Use Tax Funds to General Fund – SF 2326, letter to legislators. (4/15)(5/6)...............155,188
Roadway easement vacated parallel to John F. Kennedy Rd., Grandview Ave. United Methodist
Church. (11/18)................................................................................................................................470
Roadway, 24’ & 8’ wide sidewalk in Ice Harbor, Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co.
Subordination Agreement. (7/1)....................................................................................................278
Robertson, Dave, Public Bar, The Busted Lift, 180 Main St., Liquor Lic. (4/1).............................142
Robertson, Todd, Claim; settlement. (11/18).....................................................................................458
Rockdale Rd., - Plat of Survey of portion of Shipton’s Second Addition. (12/16)........................493
Rockdale Rd., 2001, re: Ansel, Dennis & Lori, rezoning request for 2001 Rockdale Rd.
Roeder, Penny, of Dubuque Symphony, requesting City funding. (8/5)................................323,324
Roepsch, Louis S., Claim; forwarded to Ins. (7/1)...........................................................................277
Roepsch, Rebecca, Claim; forwarded to Ins. (10/7).........................................................................399
Roller skating prohibited, Prohibition of skateboards, bicycles, scooters, Parking Lots &
Garages. (8/19)...................................................................................................................................339
Romaine, John of ARC, rezoning of JF Kennedy Circle property; requesting Urban Revitalization
District for this property.. (2/18)(10/21)(11/4)(11/18)...............................................54,427,443,477
Ron’s Discount Smokes, RKM, 1701 JFK, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(9/16).................206,377
Roof - T & K Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. of Ely, IA, awarded contract for the Woodward Museum,
2000 Renovations Project Contract No. 2 Roof & Gutters/Downspouts. (8/5).........................325
Roof Repair Project – Five Flags Theater. (8/19)(9/16)...............................................343,344,384,385
Roof Repair Project - Operations and Maintenance Center. (3/18)(4/15)...............................135,172
Roof Replacement Project, City Hall Annex, 1300 Main. (10/21)(11/18)(12/16).......424,476,501,502
Roosevelt St., 8940, Randy Davis, rezoning request from R1 to CS. (4/15)(6/17).................163,268
Roosevelt, 2345 & 2349, property behind, Christopher Kennedy requesting to purchase.
Ross, Bill, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (1/7)(1/21)........................................3,15
Roth, Attorney Benjamin E., Claim for James A. Daniel. (7/15).....................................................298
ROW Acquisition - U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River, ROW Agreement with IDOT. (9/16).375
ROW Encroachment, Bricktown, Decorative Wall at Third & Locust. (9/3)...................................352
RSVP = Retired Senior Volunteer Program, requesting funds at budget hearing; Purchase of
Services Agree. (2/25)(5/6)........................................................................................................76,186
Rubbish – new Ordinance – solid waste container & large & bulky rubbish etc.; large and bulky
rubbish pickup. (3/5)........................................................................................................101,102,103
Runyon, David, of Helping Services of NE Iowa, requesting funding at budget hearing. (2/25).76
Rusk, Dave, in support of downtown planning process; applicant for Long Range Planning
Comm.; reappointed to Long Range Planning Comm.; in support of IDED grant application
for Downtown Master Plan. (3/5)(6/17)(7/1)(8/19).......................................................98,266,282,333
Russell, Rich, Building Services Mgr., re: new Public Works Facility. (10/21).............................418
Ryan House, transfer of Liquor License to Third St. Overpass parking lot; Liquor License for
1375 Locust St. (7/15)(12/16).....................................................................................................303,498
Ryan, Charles F., applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/16)........................................................500
1-02 Issuance of Cigarette Per. to Awn Stop Mart, Inc. (1/7)...............................................................2
2-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/7).......................................................................................................2
3-02 Issuance of Liquor & Wine Licenses. (1/7)....................................................................................3
4-02 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Main ST. Reconstruction Pro. Fifth to Ninth St. (1/7)................3
5-02 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for Main St. Reconstruction Project – Fifth to
Ninth Sts. (1/7)...................................................................................................................................3,4
6-02 With respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity proposed - Main Street
Reconstruction, 5 to 9 Sts. (1/7)....................................................................................................4
7-02 Awarding contract for Main St. Reconstruction Project to Portzen Construction. (1/7)........4
8-02 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Heartland Financial USA Inc for an
Expansion in Downtown Dubuque. (1/7)..........................................................................................5
9-02 Approving Amendment to ease Agreement - Dubuque Girls’ Independent League. (1/21)..9
10-02 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 of C & Z Addition. (1/21).........................................9,10
11-02 Accepting Improvement - 330-336 Main St. Demolition Project. (1/21)...............................10
12-02 Final Estimate - 330-336 Main St. Demolition Project. (1/21)...........................................10.,11
13-02 Accepting Improvement - Westside Intake Replacement Project. (1/21)........................10,11
14-02 Final Estimate - Westside Intake Replacement Project. (1/21)..............................................11
15-02 Accepting Improvement - 2001 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Proj. (1/21).....................11
16-02 Final Estimate - 2001 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project.(1/21)..................................11
17-02 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule - 2001 Sidewalk Assessment Project.(1/21)....11,12
18-02 Approving First Amendment to Lease & Agreement - Dubuque Twine Co. & City of Dubuque
Dated April 10, 1979. (1/21)...............................................................................................................13
19-02 Naming Depositories – Banks etc. (1/21)..................................................................................13
20-02 Authorizing Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the
Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Heartland Financial USA
Project. (1/21).....................................................................................................................................14
21-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/21).................................................................................................15
22-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (1/21)...........................................................................................15
23-02 Rescinding Resolution No.554-01 & adopting a new Schedule of Preliminary Assessments for
White Street Reconstruction – 21 to 32 Street Project. (1/21)................................................18
24-02 With Respect to Adoption of Resolution of Necessity Proposed - White Street Reconstruction
– 21 to 32 Street. (1/21)................................................................................................................18
25-02 Adopt Plans and Specs. - Dubuque Jaycees – Peosta Channel Trail Pro. (1/21)...............20
26-02 Adopt Plans and Specs., Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Ext. Proj. Phase II. (1/21)20
27-02 Awarding Contract - Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Extension Project- Phase II to
Fischer Excavating, Inc. of Freeport, IL. (1/21)..............................................................................20
28-02 Approving public improve. Project, construct Chavenelle Rd Watermain Ext. to acquire
property - extension of Chavenelle Road and to acquire Agricultural Land - Project. (1/21)21
29-02 Fixing Date for meeting on proposition of issuance of $1,000,000 General Obligation Bonds
(for an essential Corporate Purpose) IA & providing for publication thereof. (1/21)........23, 24
30-02 Resolution of Necessity Finding that the Expansion of the Downtown Dubuque Urban
Renewal District is an area Meeting the Definitions of Blight & Economic Development and that
Development of Area is necessary for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (1/21)................................24
31-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in a portion of Main Street between 8 and 9 Streets
in the City (for Cottingham Butler, Inc.) (1/21)...............................................................................25
32-02 Approval of Agreement for STP Funding with IDOT – Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro. (2/4)......28
33-02 Accepting Improvement - 2001 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG No. 2 Pro. (2/4)..............29
34-02 Final Estimate - 2001 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG No. 2Pro. (2/4).................................29
35-02 Approving Cooperative Agreement between IDOT & City. Reconstruction of Locust St &
Locust St. Connector. (2/4)..............................................................................................................29
36-02 Approving Agreement for R.I.S.E. Funding with IDOT - development of Chavenelle Rd West of
Seippel Rd. in Dubuque Industrial Center West. (2/4)..................................................................30
37-02 Approving a Chapter 28E Multi-jurisdictional Law Enforcement Agreement among Dubuque,
Dubuque County & Jo Daviess County, Il. (2/4)............................................................................30
38-02 Approving a Ch. 28E Multi-jurisdiction Drug Enforcement Agreement with Dubuque County &
Jo Daviess County, IL. (2/4).............................................................................................................30
39-02 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County, IA from Vincent McFadden &
Luella McFadden. (2/4)......................................................................................................................31
40-02 Authorizing Application for Marine Fuel Tax Grant, construct Riverfront Boat Pier. (2/4)31
41-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/4)...................................................................................................32
42-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/4).............................................................................................32
43-02 Instituting Proceedings to take Additional Action - issuance of not to exceed $1,000,000 G. O.
Bonds. (2/4)........................................................................................................................................32
44-02 Directing Advertisement -sale of $1,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2002 B for cost relating to
opening of Main Street. (2/4) ...........................................................................................................33
45-02 Disposing of interest in property by easement to Security Partners, L.P. an Iowa Ltd.
Partnership. (2/4)...............................................................................................................................34
46-02 Amending the Preliminary Schedule of Assessments - White Street Reconstruction – 21 to
32 Street Pro. (2/4)..........................................................................................................................35
47-02 Resolution of Necessity - White St. Reconstruction Project. (2/4).......................................35
48-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for White St. Proj. (2/4)........................35
49-02 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments - White St. Pro. (2/4)...........................36
50-02 Approving Cooperative Agreement between IDOT & City for realignment of University Avenue
from Ethel St. to US. Highway 20. (2/4)...........................................................................................36
51-02 Of Intent to dispose of Interest and Vacate Utility Easement over lots 40, 41 & 42 of Crescent
Heights in Dubuque, (2/4)................................................................................................................37
52-02 Accepting Improvement - Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension. (2/4)...............................37
53-02 Final Estimate - Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension. (2/4)............................................37,38
54-02 Adopt Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments - Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro..
55-02 Providing for Notice of the Date, Time & Place for Public Hearing on Ord. establishing a
Schedule of Connection Fees - Mt. Carmel Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (2/4).............................38
56-02 Setting a public hearing on the Program Year 2002 – FY 2003 Annual Action Plan. (2/4).39
57-02 Preliminary Schedule of Plans & Specs. - Rip Row Valley Ball Field Develop. (2/4).....39,40
58-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Rip Row Valley Ball Field Demolition & Grading
Project. (2/4).......................................................................................................................................40
59-02 Ordering bids - Rip Ro Valley Ball Field Demolition & Grading Project. (2/4).....................40
60-02 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs.- Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Proj. (2/4)....40
61-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs.- Rip Row Valley Utilities Ext. Proj (2/4).......40,41
62-02 Ordering bids - Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Pro. (2/4)................................................41
63-02 Prel. Approval Plans and Specs. - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration
Project. (2/4).......................................................................................................................................41
64-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration
Project. (2/4).......................................................................................................................................41
65-02 Ordering bids - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (2/4).................42
66-02 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. - Woodward Museum Restoration Pro. (2/4).42
67-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Woodward Museum –2002 Renovation Project.
68-02 Ordering bids - Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Pro. (2/4).......................................42
69-02 Approving & Adopting the Dubuque Hazard Mitigation Plan. (2/18).....................................47
70-02 Approving Final Plat Lots 1 thru 6 of Sullivan’s Addition in the City. (2/18)........................48
71-02 Approving Plat of Survey, Lot 1-2A & Lot 2-2A of Westview Shopping Center Pl. No. 2 in
the City. (2/18)....................................................................................................................................48
72-02 Approving the Plat of Survey, Westview Shopping Center Place No. 3 in the City. (2/18).48
73-02 Approving a Contract for Design Review Training – CLG – City’s Historic Districts to The
Durrant Group. (2/18)........................................................................................................................49
74-02 Rescinding Resolution Numbers 66-02, 67-02 and 68-02 Giving Preliminary Approval of Plans
and Specifications, Fixing Date of Public Hearing on Plans and Specs. & Ordering Bids -
Woodward Museum – 2002 Renovations Project. (2/18).............................................................49
75-02 Approving IDOT Unified Certification Program Agreement. (2/18)........................................50
76-02 Approve Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications for Property Owners in Urban
Revitalization Areas & Authorizing the Transmittal of Applications to Tax Assessor. (2/18)50
77-02 Approving Late Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications for Property Owners in
Urban Revitalization Areas and Authorizing them to the City Tax Assessor. (2/18)..............51
78-02 Acceptance of Contract with Allen & Urban Associates - City Owned Improvements-
Building on Third & Main St., management & construction etc.(2/18)......................................52
79-02 Final Estimate for contract with Allen & Urban Associates - City Owned Improvements -
Building on Third & Main St.. (2/8).................................................................................................52
80-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/18).................................................................................................52
81-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/18)...........................................................................................51
82-02 With Respect to Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed - White Street
Reconstruction – 21 to 32 Street Project – Supple. Assess. to Res. No. 23-02. (2/18)......53
83-02 Awarding Contract - White Street Reconstruction – 21 to 32 Street Project to W. C. Stewart
Construction Co. (2/18).....................................................................................................................54
84-02 Disposing of Interest and vacate a 20’ Wide Utility Easement over Lots 40, 41 & 42 of Crescent
Heights in the City. (2/18)............................................................................................................65,66
85-02 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-24, inclusive, of Block 1 and Lot A- E of Southern Hills
Subdivision II in Dubuque County. (2/18).......................................................................................67
86-02 Approving Final Plat Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot “F” & Lot “G” of Dbq Industrial Center West. (2/18)67
87-02 Awarding Contract, Dubuque Jaycees / Peosta Channel Trail Project to Tschiggfrie
Excavating. (2/18)..............................................................................................................................69
88-02 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Vacate Utility Easement Over Lots 4 & 5 of C.J. Bies Subd.
No. 2 in the City (2/18).......................................................................................................................70
89-02 Of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Real Property by Sale to Giese Properties LLC -
Development Agreement with Giese Properties, LLC & Giese Manufacturing Co. (2/18)......70
90-02 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing on the Fiscal Setting the Date of the Public Hearing on
the Fiscal YEAR 2003 Budget - City of Dubuque. (2/18).............................................................71
91-02 Setting the Date of Public Hearing - Five Year Capital Improvement Program. (2/18).......71
92-02 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Napier St Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.2/18)..71
93-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Napier Street & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction
Proj. (2/18)......................................................................................................................................71,72
94-02 Ordering bids - Napier Street Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (2/18)...........72
95-02 Directing Sale- $1,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2002B, Main St. Reconstruct. Pro.(2/20)...73
96-02 Prel. approval of Plans and Specs - Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Project. (2/21)....74
97-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs., Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Pro.(2/21)74
98-02 Ordering bids - Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Proj. (2/21)............................................74
99-02 Authorizing the Filing of Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Project Application -
America’s River Museum on behalf of the Dubuque County Historical Society. (3/4)............81
100-02 Approving Plat of Survey of Portion of Cypress, Wall and Washington Street & Adjacent
Alleys. (3/l4)...................................................................................................................................81,82
101-02 Accepting Improvement - 2000 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project. (3/4)................82
102-02 Final Estimate - 2000 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project. (3/4).................................82
103-02 Accepting Improvement - Salina Street Reconstruction Pro. (3/4).....................................82
104-02 Final Estimate - Salina Street Reconstruction Pro. (3/4).................................................82,83
105-02 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule - Salina Street Reconstruction Project. (3/4)......83
106-02 Approving a 28E Agreement with Dubuque County for Loan Funds for Fiber Optic Cable
Relocation. (2/4).................................................................................................................................84
107-02 Adopting Supplement No. 54 to the City Code. (3/4)............................................................84
108-02 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate - portion of Carter Valley West – from Iowa-
Northwestern Development Co. (3/4)..............................................................................................85
109-02 Approving an Amendment to the Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Agreements for Guy Gard
(356 Main St.) and Ellen Willis (372 Main St.) (3/4)........................................................................85
110-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (3/4).................................................................................................86
111-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/4)...........................................................................................86
112-02 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity proposed - White St. Reconstruction –
21 to 32 Street Proj, Supplemental Assessments to Resolution No. 23-02. (3/4)..........86,87
113-02 Amendment of Riverfront Plan to include port of Dubuque Master Plan. (3/4).................87
114-02 Approving the Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan - Ice Harbor Urban Renewal
Project. (3/4)..................................................................................................................................87,88
115-02 Approving Development Agreement providing - Sale of property in the Dubuque Industrial
Center West in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to Giese Properties, LLC. (3/4)...............................88
116-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Pro. (3/4)......................89
117-02 Award Contract, Rip Row Valley Utilities Ext. Proj. to Horsfield Construction. (3/4).......89
118-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Rip Row Valley Demolition and Grading Pro. (3/4)............89
119-02 Award Contract - Rip Row Valley Demolition & Grading Project to Horsfield Construction Co.
120-02 Disposing of interest and vacate a 10’ Wide Utility Easement over Lots 4 & 5 of C.J. Bies
Subd. No. 2 in the City . (3/4)............................................................................................................90
121-02 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. for an
Expansion in Dubuque. (3/4)...........................................................................................................91
122-02 Authorizing the filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application on
behalf of Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. (3/4)..............................................................................91
123-02 Ordering bids - Miller Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project. (3/4).......................91,92
124-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs., Miller Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Proj. (3/4)
125-02 Ordering bids - Miller Riverview Park Campsite Rewiring Project .(3/4)............................92
126-02 Accepting Improvement - Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (3/4)...................92
127-02 Final Estimate - Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (3/4).....................................93
128-02 Approve Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments - Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer
Extension Project. (3/4).....................................................................................................................93
129-02 Fixing Date of Public Hearing on a Proposed Ordinance Establishing Sewer Connection Fees
- Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (3/4)..........................................................93
130-02 Accepting Improvement - Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (3/4).................93,94
131-02 Final Estimate - Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (3/4)........................................94
132-02 Approve Prel. Schedule of Final Assessments, Oak St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (3/4)..94
133-02 Fixing Date of Public Hearing on a Proposed Ordinance Establishing Sewer Connection fees
- Oak Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (3/4).........................................................................94
134-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. - Fengler Street Bridge Reconstruction Pro. (3/4).......94
135-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Fengler St. Bridge Reconstruction Pro.(3/4).94,95
136-02 Ordering bids - Fengler Street Bridge Reconstruction Pro. (3/4).......................................95
137-02 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. - Chavenelle Drive Extension Pro. (3/4)...................95
138-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Chavenelle Drive Extension Pro. (3/4)....95
139-02 Ordering bids - Chavenelle Drive Extension Project. (3/4)..................................................96
140-02 Approving the Fiscal Year 2003 Operating Budget - Assisted Housing Programs of the
Housing and Community Development Department. (3/5)..........................................................97
141-02 Adopting the Annual Budget, as amended, - FY ending June 30, 2003. (3/5)..................98
142-02 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program. (3/5)............................................98,99
143-02 Adopting the Program Year 2002 (FY 2003) Community Devleopment Block Grant (CDBG)
Annual Plan. (3/5)..............................................................................................................................99
144-02 Ordering bids date change - Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Pro. (3/14)..................106
145-02 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the
Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Hillcrest Family Services
Continuum of Care Pro. (3/18).......................................................................................................108
146-02 Approving Plat of Survey of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of A.H. Oeth Subd. No. 5 in the City. (3/18)..109
147-02 Approving Final Plat of Davis Place II in the City. (3/18).....................................................109
148-02 Land & Water Conservation Fund Project Proposal, Resolution on Acquisition or
Development for Outdoor Recreation. (3/18)...............................................................................110
149-02 Approving the Agreement between the City & the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329 &
Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Agreement. (3/18)................................................................110
150-02 Authorizing Execution of Corps of Engineers Permit for Construction of a River Terminal
Dock Facility in the Peosta Channel. (3/18).................................................................................111
151-02 Accepting Improvement - Center Grove Storm Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (3/18)........111
152-02 Final Estimate - Center Grove Storm Sewer Pro. (3/18).....................................................111
153-02 Accepting Improvement - Jackson Street Relief Storm Sewer Pro. (3/18)......................112
154-02 Final estimate - Jackson Street Storm Sewer Pro. (3/18)...................................................112
155-02 Accepting Improvement - Northwest Arterial Basin Modifications Pro. (3/18)...............112
156-02 Final Estimate - NW Arterial Basin Modification Pro. (3/18).......................................112,113
157-02 A Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Preapplication to Economic Development
Administration. (3/18)......................................................................................................................113
158-02 Approving Enterprise Zone Agreement by & among the IA Department of Economic
Development, the City & Cottingham and Butler Insurance Service, Inc. (3/18)...................113
159-02 Approving Wells Fargo Bank Iowa, National Assn. of Des Moines, IA to serve as Paying
Agent, Bond Registrar, & Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent and Bond Registrar and
Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of the Agreement. (3/18)...........114
160-02 Authorizing and Providing - issuance of $1,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002B
and levying a tax to pay said Bonds. (3/18)..........................................................................114-122
161-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (3/18)............................................................................................122
162-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/18).......................................................................................123
163-02 Adopt Plans & Specs. Napier St. Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(3/18)...125
164-02 Awarding Contract - Napier Street Storm & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction to Fondell
Excavating. (3/18)............................................................................................................................125
165-02 Adopting Plans & Specs. Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Proj.(3/18)126
166-02 Awarding Contracts - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Pro. (3/18)......126
167-02 Rejecting Bids - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Pro. (3/18)...............127
168-02 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-6, inclusive, & Lot A of Block 1, Block 2, Block 3, Lots –1-
13, inclusive, of Block 4, Lots 1-66, inclusive, of Block 5, Lots 11 & 12 of Block 6, Lots 1 & 2 of
Block 7 and Lots A thru G, inclusive, all of Arbor Estates in the City. (3/18).........................128
169-02 Approving the Final Plat of Harvest Business Center, in the City. (3/18).........................129
170-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Carmel Drive. (3/18)..............................134
171-02 Intent to Dispose of Lot 5A of Carmel Heights to Sisters of Charity, BVM. (3/18)...........134
172-02 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs. - Operations & Maintenance Center Roof Repair
Pro. (3/18)..........................................................................................................................................135
173-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Operations and Maintenance Center Roof
Repair Pro. (3/18).............................................................................................................................135
174-02 Ordering bids - Operations and Maintenance Center Roof Repair Project. (3/18).........135
175-02 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. - Tanzanite Drive Paving Pro. (3/18)...........136
176-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Tanzanite Drive Paving Pro. (3/18)........136
177-02 Ordering bids - Tanzanite Drive Paving Pro. (3/18).............................................................136
178-02 Approving the Plat of Survey of SW ¼ SW 1/4 , the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ SW ¼ and the Balance
of Lot 1 of the S ½ of the SE ¼ SW ¼ and the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ SE 1/4 , all in Section 10, T89N,
R2 E of the 5 P.M. in the City. (4/1)..............................................................................................140
179-02 Accepting Improve. Dubuque Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction Pro.
180-02 Final estimate - Dubuque Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction Pro. (4/1).140
181-02 Approving Amend. 3 to FY 2002 (Program Year 2001) Annual Action Plan for Community
Development Block Grant Funds. (4/1).................................................................................140,141
182-02 Setting a Public Hearing on a Proposal to Amend City of Dubuque Ordinance 82-2000
Establishing the Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area as an Urban Revitalization Area
Pursuant to Ch. 404 of the Code of Iowa. (4/1)............................................................................152
183-02 Issuance of Cigarette Permit. (4/1).........................................................................................141
184-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/1)...............................................................................................141
185-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses (4/1)..........................................................................................142
186-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 5A of Carmel Heights to BVM Sisters. (4/1)..................142
187-02 Approving Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dbq. Urban Renewal
District. (4/1).....................................................................................................................................143
188-02 Adopting Plans & Specs. - Miller Riverview Park Campsite Re-Wiring Project. (4/1)....147
189-02 Awarding Contract - Miller Riverview Park Campsite Re-Wiring Project. (4/1)...............147
190-02 Adopting Plans and Specs - Fengler St. Bridge Reconstruction. (4/1)............................148
191-02 Awarding Contract - Fengler St. Bridge Reconstruction. (4/1).........................................148
192-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Chavenelle Drive Extension Project. (4/1)........................148
193-02 Awarding Contract - Chavenelle Drive Extension Project. (4/1)................................148,149
194-02 Prel. Approval Plans and Specs., Five Flags Arena – Paint Ceiling & Walls Pro.(4/1)...149
195-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Five Flags Arena – Paint Ceiling & Walls
Project. (4/1).....................................................................................................................................149
196-02 Ordering bids - Five Flags Arena – Paint Ceiling & Walls Project. (4/1)...................149,150
197-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. - John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Project. (4/1)......150
198-02 Fixing Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs- John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Proj. (4/1)...150
199-02 Of Necessity - John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Project. (4/1).........................................150
200-02 Fixing Date of Hearing - Res. of Necessity, John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Pro.(4/1)151
201-02 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments. (4/1)....................................................151
202-02 Prel. Approval. Plans & Specs, City Hall Remodeling Project, First Floor Ceiling. (4/1)151
203-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - City Hall Remodeling Project – First Floor Ceiling.
204-02 Ordering bids - City Hall Remodeling Project – First Floor Ceiling. (4/1)........................152
205-02 Approving the Deer Management Plan. (4/15)......................................................................156
206-02 Adopt Final Assess. Schedule, Mt Carmel Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj. (4/15)..156,157
207-02 Accepting Improvement - Algona Street Reconstruction .(4/15)......................................157
208-02 Final Estimate - Algona Street Reconstruction Project. (4/15)..........................................158
209-02 Approving Prel. Schedule of Final Assessments for Algona St. Reconstruction Proj.
210-02 Rescinding Resolution No. 450-01 & Reaffirming the Final, Plat of Pinto Ridge Subdivision in
the City. (4/15)..................................................................................................................................158
211-02 Approve Final Plat of Lots H, I & J of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (4/15)........159,160
212-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/15).............................................................................................160
213-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (4/15)................................................................................160,161
214-02 Adopting Plans and Specs - John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Proj. (4/15)...................161
215-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Proj. (4/15)................171
216-02 Award contract, Miss. Riverwalk & Amenities Proj to Portzen Construction. (4/15)......171
217-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Tanzanite Drive Paving Project. (4/15)..............................172
218-02 Awarding Contract - Tanzanite Dr. Paving Project to Flynn Co. (4/15)............................172
219-02 Adopt Plans and Specs., Operations & Maintenance Center’s Garage Roof Repair Pro.
220-02 Award Contract, Operations and Maintenance Center’s Garage Roof Repair Pro.(4/15)172
221-02 Of Support - Development of a Rental Housing Project to be known as Raven Hill
Apartments – (Arbor Glen etc.) (4/15)..........................................................................................173
222-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs, Education and Conference Center, Bid Pkg 1. (4/15)175
223-02 Fixing Date of Hearing - Education & Conference Center – Bid Pkg #1. (4/15)..............175
225-02 Of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Real Property by Amendment to Development
Agreement & Real Estate Contract between the City & Interstate Power & Light Co. (4/15)176
226-02 Directing City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to FY 02 Budget and date of Public
Hearing. (4/15)..................................................................................................................................177
227-02 Approving Amendment 4 to FY 2002 (Program Yr 2001) Annual Action Plan for Community
Development Block Grant Funds. (5/6)........................................................................................180
228-02 Accept Improvement - Mississippi River Discovery Center Utility Relocation Pro. (5/6)181
229-02 Final Estimate for Mississippi River Discovery Center Utility Relocation Pro. (5/6).......181
230-02 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule - Oak St Sanitary Sewer Extension Project (5/6)181,182
231-02 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule, Chicago Street Sanitary Sewer Ext Pro.(5/6)182,183,184
232-02 Accepting Improvement - Hamilton Street Storm Sewer Project. (5/6)............................184
233-02 Final Estimate - Hamilton Street Storm Sewer Project. (5/6).............................................184
234-02 Approving a Contract for Phase III Architectural / Historical Survey /Evaluation. (5/6).185
235-02 Authorizing a Grant Agreement with Iowa Dept. of Transportation for Federal Recreational
Trail Funds for Acquisition of Land in Riprow Valley. (5/6).......................................................185
236-02 Approving the Agreement between the City, Dubuque County, & Iowa Dept. of Transportation
- Completion of the Addendum to 1999 Southwest Arterial Environmental Assessment. (5/6)187
237-02 In Support of the Coalition of Local Governments appealing the Federal Communication
Commission’s Declaratory Ruling Regarding Cable Modem Service and Offering Comments and
Reply Comments in the Related FCC Rulemaking. (5/6)...........................................................187
238-02 Resolution Naming Depositories (Banks & Credit Unions) and changing Firstar Bank to U.S.
Bank. (5/6).........................................................................................................................................188
239-02 issuance of Beer Permits. (5/6)...............................................................................................188
240-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/6)........................................................................................189
241-02 With Respect to Adoption of Resolution of Necessity, John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Pro.
242-02 Approving Amendment to Development Agree. & Amendment to Real Estate Contract with
Interstate Power & Light Co. providing - Sale & Provide Development of Lot 6 of the Dbq.
Industrial Center West 2 Addn. (5/6)..........................................................................................191
243-02 City Budget Amendment & Certification Res. FY 2002 Second Budget Amend. (5/6)...192
244-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Five Flags Arena Ceiling & Walls Project. (5/6)................193
245-02 Award Contract - Five Flags Arena Ceiling & Walls Project to John C. Kaiser Co. (5/6)193
246-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. City Hall Remodeling Project – First Floor Ceiling.
247-02 Ordering bids - City Hall Remodeling Project – First Floor Ceiling. (5/6)........................194
248-02 Approving the Final Plat of Harvest View Estates, Second Addn. in the City. (5/6)........194
249-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Old U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Ext. Proj. (5/6).......196
250-02 Fixing Date for Hearing on Plans and Specs. - construction of 2600 feet of 12 inch water main
with accessories on Old Highway 20 East of Seippel Road. (5/6)............................................197
251-02 Ordering bids - 2600 feet of 12 inch water main with accessories on Old Highway 20 East of
Seippel Road. (5/6)..........................................................................................................................197
252-02 Prel Approval of Plans & Specs. Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project. (5/6)197
253-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. Woodward Museum, 2002 Renovations Proj. (5/6)198
254-02 Ordering bids - Woodward Museum – 2002 Renovations Project. (5/6)..........................198
255-02 Changing name, Final Plat of Lots H, I, & J of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (5/20).200
256-02 Accepting Improvements in Patricia Ann Acres. (5/20)......................................................200
257-02 Authorizing a Supplemental Agreement with the IA Department of Transportation -
Woodward Museum - Freight House Restoration Project. (5/20)............................................201
258-02 Approving Pre-Construction Agreement No. 99-4-095C with IDOT re: Construction of Iowa 32
(Northwest Arterial) & John F. Kennedy Rd. to U.S 52. (5/20)...................................................201
259-02 Rescinding Resolution No. 169-02 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Harvest Business Center
in the City. (5/20)......................................................................................................................201, 202
260-02 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of No Significant Impact on the Environment
and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block
Grant Projects for FY Year 2003 (Program Year 2002). (5/20)...................................................203
261-02 Approve Enterprise Zone Agreement by & Among the Iowa Department of Economic
Development, the City of Dubuque and Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. (5/20)....................204
262-02 Not assigned.
263-02 Issuance of 44 Cigarette Permits. (5/20)................................................................................205
264-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/20).............................................................................................206
265-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/20).......................................................................................206
266-02 Adopting Plans & specs. - Education & Conference Center Bid Pkg 1. (5/20)...............207
267-02 Awarding Contract Education & Conference Center Bids Pkg #1 to Kraemer Brothers
LLC. (5/20).........................................................................................................................................208
268-02 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-25, inclusive, Block 1 & Lot A of Southern Hills
Subdivision III in Dubuque County, Iowa. (5/20).........................................................................208
269-02 Establishing the Fair Market Value - Acquisition of Certain Real Property Owned by
Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. (5/20).................................................................................210
270-02 Authorizing Award Community Partnership Program (cp2) Funds, FY 2003.(5/20)210,211
271-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Helena Street and a Portion of Henion St. (5/20)213
272-02 Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lots 1A & 2A of Hodgdon’s Subd. in City. (5/20)...214
273-02 Accept Public Improvement - South Fork Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase III. (5/20).....214
274-02 Final Cost of the Improvement - South Fork :Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase III. (5/20)214
275-02 Providing for Notice of Date, Time & Place of Public Hearing on Ordinance establishing the
South Fork Sanitary Sewer Project – Phase III & Schedule of Connection Fees. (5/20).......215
276-02 Authorizing Mayor to Execute an Application for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant.
277-02 Authorizing Mayor to execute application for Healthy Homes Initiative Demonstration
Grant. (6/3).........................................................................................................................................219
278-02 Authorizing Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on
Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Hillcrest Family Services Hopes
Project. (6/3)..............................................................................................................................219,220
279-02 Adopt the Final Assessment Schedule - Algona Street Reconstruction Proj.(6/3) 220-225
280-02 Accept Improvement for Bergfeld Recreation Area Jetty & Access Trail Project. (6/3).225
281-02 Final Estimate - Bergfeld Recreation Area Jetty & Access Trail Project. (6/3)...............225
282-02 Accepting Improvement - 2001 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project. (6/3)................225
283-02 Final Estimate - 2001 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Proj. (6/3).......................................226
284-02 Authorizing Certain City of Dubuque Finance Department Employees to obtain Bank account
Information & Make Transfers between City Bank Accounts. 6/3)..........................................226
285-02 Issuance of new Cig. Per. to M & Z Food, United American Gasoline, 3200 Central.
286-02 Issuance of 29 Renewal Cigarette Permits. (6/3)..................................................................227
287-02 Authorizing City of Dubuque Finance Dept. Employees to obtain bank account information &
make transfers between City Bank Accounts. (6/3)...................................................................227
288-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/3).........................................................................................227
289-02 Disposing Lots 1A & 2A of Hodgdon’s Subdivision to Loras College.(6/3)....................228
290-02 Adopting Plans & Specifications for installation of Old Highway 20 Water Main Extension
Project. (6/3).....................................................................................................................................229
291-02 Awarding contract to McDermott Excavating of Dubuque, Iowa - construction of @ 2,600 feet
of 12” ductile iron water main with accessories along the North Side of Old U.S. 20 continuing to
the East Side of the Dubuque County Fairground Entrance. (6/3)...........................................229
292-02 Adopting Plans & Specifications - City Hall First Floor Remodeling Project. (6/30)......229
293-02 Award Contract, City Hall First Floor Remodeling Proj. to Tricon Construction Group.
294-02 Prel. approval of Plans and specs. Education & Conference Center – Bid Pkg #2. (6/3)254
295-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. Education & Conference Center Bid Pkg.#2. (6/3)254
296-02 Ordering bids - Education and Conference Center Bid Pkgs #2. (6/3)............................254
297-02 Prel. Approval of plans and specs - Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Project. (6/3).....255
298-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs.- Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Proj. (6/3).....255
299-02 Ordering bids - Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Proj. (6/3).............................................255
300-02 Of the City’s Intent to Grant a Short-term Extension of an Existing Cable Services Franchise
and an Existing Hub Site Lease to MCCIOWA L.L. C. (6/10).....................................................257
301-02 Of Intent to dispose of an interest in real property by first amendment to Lease with the
Dubuque County Historical Society. (6/20)..................................................................................257
302-02 Accept Deed to certain real estate in Dubuque County from Karen D. Maury. (6/17).....262
303-02 Approving Amendment 1 to the FY 2003 (Program Year 2002) Annual Action Plan for
Community Development Block Grant Funds. (6/17).................................................................263
304-02 Approving the Final Plat of Vista Heights 2 Addition in Dubuque County, Iowa. (6/17)263
305-02 Approving Agreement between the City & Iowa Dept. of Transportation - Bell Street and Fifth
St. Construction. (6/17)...................................................................................................................264
306-02 Approve Agreement, City & IDOT, Jackson St. & W. Locust Street Resurfacing. (6/17)264
307-02 Issuance of 8 renewals for Cigarette Permits. (6/17)...........................................................265
308-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/17).............................................................................................265
309-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/17)................................................................................265,266
310-02 Disposing of interest in Real Property by First Amendment to Lease with Dubuque County
Historical Society – for Wm Black Relocation in Ice Harbor. (6/17).........................................270
311-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. 2002 Curb Ramp Installation CDBG Project 1. (6/17)271
312-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs., 2002 Curb Ramp Installation, CDBG Proj. 1.(6/17)271
313-02 Ordering bids - 2002 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project 1. (6/17)....................271,272
314-02 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project.(6/17).........272
315-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project – Ice
Harbor Flood Control Gate Structure. (6/17)................................................................................272
316-02 Ordering bids - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project. (6/17)..............................................272
317-02 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. - Heritage Trail Extension Project. (6/17)....273
318-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Heritage Trail Extension Project. (6/17)273
319-02 Ordering bids - Heritage Trail Extension Project. (6/17)....................................................273
320-02 Prel. approval of Plans and Specs. Bell Street and Fifth Street Construction Proj.(6/17)273
321-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs - Bell Street & fifth St Construction Proj. (6/17)....274
322-02 Ordering bids - Bell St. & Fifth St. Construction. (6/17)......................................................274
323-02 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. - Jackson St. & West Locust Street Resurfacing Project.
324-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Jackson St & West Locust St Resurfacing Pro.
325-02 Ordering bids - Jackson St & West Locust St Resurfacing Project. (6/17).....................275
326-02 Approving Plat of Easement for Storm and Sanitary Sewers across Lot 138 & Lot 139 of
Mechanic’s Addn in the City. (6/17)..............................................................................................376
327-02 Intent to Dispose of Lots 138 and 139 of Mechanic’s Addn., Dubuque, IA. (6/17)........275
328-02 Accepting Improvement - Ice3 Rinks & Murphy Tennis Courts Lighting Proj. (7/1).278
329-02 Final Estimate - Ice Rinks & Murphy Tennis Courts Lighting Pro. (7/1)...........................278
330-02 Approving Subordination Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Chicago Central &
Pacific Railroad Co. - purpose of construction, Operation, and Maintenance of a Roadway along
the westerly side of the Ice Harbor. (7/1)......................................................................................278
331-02 Accepting the dedication of Lot B of Harvest Business Center, being a part of Meinen Court,
to the City of Dubuque. (7/1)..........................................................................................................279
332-02 Authorizing the filing of a Formal Application - Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot
Program for Environmental Assessments in the Port of Dubuque. (7/1)................................279
333-02 Authorizing Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Agreement with the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. (7/1).............................................................279
334-02 Providing for Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Special Grant Agreement with HUD &
Subgrantee Contract with County Historical Society - America’s River Museum. (7/1)......280
335-02 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits. (7/1).................................................................280
336-02 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits. (7/1).........................................................................281
337-02 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/1)...................................................................281
338-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lots 138 and 139 of Mechanic’s Addn., Dubuque. (7/1)...282
339-02 Adopting Plans and specs. - Education & Conference Ctr Bid Package #2 Project.(7/1)283
340-02 Awarding Contract - Education and Conference Center – Bid Package #2. (7/1)..........283
341-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Project. (7/1)................283
342-02 Award Contract - Bunker Hill Sidewalk Install. Proj. to Winger Construction. (7/1)........284
343-02 Rescinding Resolution 322-02 Ordering bids - Bell Street and Fifth Street Construction
Project. (7/1).....................................................................................................................................291
344-02 Approving Plat of the Proposed Vacated Portion of Van Buren Street (formerly Lenox
Avenue). (7/1)...................................................................................................................................291
345-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 119A of Lenox Addn. in the City. (7/1).........292
346-02 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Southern Avenue (formerly platted as Stewart Street).
347-02 Intent to dispose of Lot 6A of Shipton’s Addn. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (7/1)........293
348-02 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. for Wartburg Place Reconstruction Place. (7/1) ........294
349-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs.- Wartburg Place Reconstruction Proj. (7/1)294
350-02 Resolution of Necessity - Wartburg Place Reconstruction Pro. (7/1)..............................295
351-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity - Wartburg Pl. Reconstruction Proj.
352-02 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments - Wartburg Place Reconstruction
Project. (7/1).....................................................................................................................................295
353-02 Ordering bids - Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project. (7/1)..................................295,296
354-02 Approving Application for Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers. (7/15) 297
355-02 Approving the Final Plat of Great Western Subdivision No. 4 in the City. (7/15)............299
356-02 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Higley Place in Dubuque County. (7/15)....299
357-02 Accepting Improvement - Miller-Riverview Park Campsite Re-Wiring Project. (7/15)...299
358-02 Final Estimate - Miller Riverview Campsite Re-Wiring Proj. (7/15)...................................300
359-02 Authorizing Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the
Environment and Notice of Intent to Request to Release of Home Investment Partnership
Program and Special Purpose Grant (SPG) Funds - Five Points Comprehensive Housing
Rehabilitation Project. (7/15)..........................................................................................................300
360-02 Authorizing Execution of Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement for
Three Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($345,000) with Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc.
361-02 Designating City Manager as Dubuque’s Authorized Representative for Signing & Filing
Documents to obtain Federal / State Finance Assistance Under Disaster Relief Act. (7/15)302
362-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/15).............................................................................................303
363-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/15).......................................................................................303
364-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 19A of Lenox Addn. in the City of Dubuque. (7/15).....304
365-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 6A of Shipton’s Addition in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa. (7/15)..................................................................................................................304,305
366-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Heritage Trail Extension Project. (7/15)..............................305
367-02 Adopt Plans and specs. Jackson Street & West Locust Street Resurfacing Proj. (7/15)305
368-02 Adopting the Amended Plans and Specifications. (7/15)...................................................306
369-02 Ordering bids - Bell Street Construction Project. (7/15).....................................................306
370-02 Adopting Plans and specs. - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project – Ice Harbor Flood Control
Gate Structure. (7/15)......................................................................................................................306
371-02 Awarding Contract - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project – Ice Harbor Flood Control Gate
Structure to J.F. Brennan Co. of Lacrosse, WI. (7/15)................................................................306
372-02 Adopting Plans & Specs. - 2002 Curb Ramp Installation – CDBG Project.(7/15)...........307
373-02 Award Contract, 2002 Curb Ramp Installation, CDBG Proj. to Perry Construct. (7/15)307
374-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of 12 Street West of Bluff. (7/15)...........308
375-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 760A and Lot 776B of McDaniel’s Subdivision,
Dubuque, IA. (7/15)..........................................................................................................................309
376-02 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs., Hotel Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth Street Proj.
377-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Hotel – conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth
Street Construction Proj. (7/15).....................................................................................................310
378-02 Ordering bids - Hotel – Conference Ctr Parking Lots & Fifth Street Construction Project.
379-02 Prel. approval Plans & Specs. Education & Conference Center – Bid Pkg. #3.(7/15)...311
380-02 Fixing Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs. Education & Conference Center – Bid Package #3.
381-02 Ordering bids - Education & Conference Center Bid Package #3. (7/15)........................311
382-02 Supplement No. 55 to the City Code. (8/5)...........................................................................316
383-02 Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Cost Sharing in Legal Expenses. (8/5)317
384-02 Accepting an Easement for Public sidewalk (Part of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot
90) on Loras Blvd. to the City of Dubuque. (8/5).........................................................................317
385-02 Approving the Agreement between the City & County - reconstruction of John F. Kennedy
Rd. from Northwest Arterial to Barony Road. (8/5)..............................................................317,318
386-02 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Chavenelle Rd (Lot 2-5 of Dubuque Industrial Center
West) to the City. (8/5)....................................................................................................................318
387-02 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot H of Dubuque Industrial Center West. (8/5)..................318
388-02 Issuance of 1 New Cigarette Per. (8/5)...................................................................................319
389-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/5)...............................................................................................319
390-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/5)..................................................................................319,320
391-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 760A & Lot 776B of McDaniel’s Subd. Dubuque,(8/5)320
392-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Wartburg Place Reconstruction Proj. (8/5).......................322
393-02 Awarding Contract - Wartburg Place Reconstruction Proj to Portzen Cons. (8/5).........323
394-02 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed - Wartburg
Reconstruction Project. (8/5).........................................................................................................323
395-02 Approving the Creation of the Ken Kringle Historic Preservation Award. (8/5)..............324
396-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Woodward Museum – 2002 Renovations Project. (8/5).324
397-02 Awarding contract – Masonry Tuckpointing - Woodward Museum – 2000 Renovations
Project, Contract No. 1 – Masonry Tuckpointing. (8/5)..............................................................324
398-02 Awarding Contract No. 2 – Roof & Gutters / Downspouts for Woodward Museum 2000
to T & K Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. (8/5)................................................................................324,325
399-02 Awarding Contract No. 3 Carpentry of the Woodward Museum – 2000 Renovations Project, to
Klauer Construction Co. (8/5)........................................................................................................325
400-02 Awarding Contract No. 4 – HVAC - Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations Project, to Giese
Sheet Metal Co. (8/5).......................................................................................................................325
401-02 Awarding Contract NO. 5 – Plumbing & Sprinkler – - Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations
Project to Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler. (8/5)......................................................................325,326
402-02 Awarding Contract No. 6 – Electrical - Woodward Museum – 2000 Renovations Project,
Contract No. 6 – Electrical to the Giese Sheet Metal Co. Inc. (8/5)...........................................326
403-02 Awarding Contract - Heritage Trail Extension – 22 St. to Mines of Spain Project to
Tschiggfrie Excavating Co. (8/5)...................................................................................................327
404-02 Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 4A of Mineral Lot 472, Dubuque IA to Joseph G.
Feltes. (8/5).......................................................................................................................................327
405-02 Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 130 of Lenox Addition, Dubuque, IA. (8/5).327,328
406-02 Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 3 Block 9 Birch Acres & Lot 4 Block 9 Birch Acres,
Dubuque, IA. (8/5)............................................................................................................................328
407-02 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. - Flora Pool Tank Painting Project. (8/5).....................328
408-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Flora Pool Tank Painting Proj. (8/5)......328
409-02 Ordering bids - Flora Pool Tank Painting Project. (8/5).....................................................329
410-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs.- West Locust Street Storm Sewer Improve. Proj(8/5)329
411-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. W. Locust Storm Sewer Improve. Pro. (8/5)329,330
412-02 Ordering bids - West Locust Storm Sewer Improvements Project. (8/5).........................330
413-02 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. - Ice Harbor West Road and Trail Project. (8/5)....330
414-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Project.(8/5)330
415-02 Ordering bids - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Project. (8/5).......................................330,331
416-02 Approving the plat of Survey of Lot 1 and Lot A of West Ridge Third Addn., A Division of
Lot 1-12, inclusive, and Lot 13-A of West Ridge Second Addn. in the City. (8/19)................333
417-02 Authorizing Iowa Department of Economic Development Grant Application for
Downtown Master Plan. (8/19).......................................................................................................333
418-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/19).............................................................................................334
419-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/19).......................................................................................334
420-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 4A of Mineral Lot 472, Dubuque, Iowa. (8/19)..............335
421-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 130 of Lenox Addn. (8/19)...............................................335
422-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 3 Block 9 Birch Acres and Lot 4 Block 9 Birch Acres
Dubuque, Iowa. (8/19).....................................................................................................................336
423-02 Authorizing Contract for Services for preparation of Downtown Master Plan. (8/19)....341
424-02 Approving Enterprise Zone Agreement by & among the Iowa Dept. of Economic
Development, the City and Dubuque Bank & Trust. (8/19)........................................................341
425-02 Approving the Selection of Consultant to Prepare a Transit Alternatives Analysis - Port of
Dubuque and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Said Study. (8/19)..342
426-02 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Raven Oaks Drive Platted in Oak Brook
Development. (8/19).................................................................................................................342,343
427-02 Intent to dispose of Lot A of Oak Brook Development, Dubuque, Iowa. (8/19)..............343
428-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement Project. (8/19)343
429-02 Fixing Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs., Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement Proj.
430-02 Ordering bids - Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement Project. (8/19)............................344
431-02 Preliminary approval of Plans Specs. Five Flags Theater Exterior Façade Painting Proj. (8/19)
432-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Five Flags Theater Exterior Façade Painting
Project. (8/19)...................................................................................................................................344
433-02 Ordering bids - Five Flags Theater Exterior Façade Painting Project. (8/19)...........344,345
434-02 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. - Five Flags Theater Front Door Replacement Proj
435-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs., Five Flags Theater Front Door Replace. Pro.(8/19)345
436-02 Ordering Bids - Five Flags Theater Front Door Replacement Proj. (8/19).......................345
437-02 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign a Contract with the Iowa Department of
Public Health and an Agreement with the Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn. (9/3)....................350
438-02 Awarding Contract - Jackson St & West Locust St Resurfacing Project to River City Paving,
a Division of Mathy Construction Co. (9/3)..................................................................................350
439-02 Accepting Improvement - High Bluff – Stafford to Fengler – Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction
Project. (9/3).....................................................................................................................................351
440-02 Final Estimate - High Bluff – Stafford to Fengler – Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project.
441-02 Authorizing the filing of application to Economic Development Admin. (8/3).................351
442-02 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits. (9/3).........................................................................352
443-02 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/3)...................................................................352
444-02 Ordering bids - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail. (9/3).....................................................352,353
445-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot A of Oak Brook Development to Arbor Glen, Limited
Partnership. (9/3).............................................................................................................................354
446-03 Adopting Plans and specs. - Flora Pool Painting Project. (9/3)........................................358
447-02 Awarding Contract - Flora Pool Painting Project. (9/3)...............................................358,359
448-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - West Locust Storm Sewer Improvements Project. (9/3).359
449-03 Awarding Contract - West Locust Storm Sewer Improvements Project to Connolly
Construction of Peosta, IA. (9/3)...................................................................................................359
450-03 Adopting Plans and specs. - Hotel/Conference Center Parking Lot & Fifth Street
Construction Proj. (8/3)...................................................................................................................359
451-03 Awarding Contract - Hotel/Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth Street Construction
Project. (9/3).....................................................................................................................................360
452-02 Adopting Plans and Specs - Education & Conference Ctr Bid Pkg #3. (9/3)..................360
453-02 Award Contract, Education & Conference Ctr. Bid Pkg #3 to J. P. Cullen & Sons Inc. (9/3)
454-02 Authorizing sponsorship of an Application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for
Affordable Housing Program Funds.(9/3)....................................................................................363
455-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Part of Kimball Street west of Rhomberg Ave.
456-02 Of Intent to Dispose of Lot 31A of Eagle Point, Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Eagle Point No. 2,
Dubuque, Iowa. (9/3)........................................................................................................................364
457-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Old Mill Road. (9/3)..................................................365
458-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot A of Old Mill Place in the City. (9/3)..............365
459-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley Between Iowa Street and Central Avenue from
13 Street to 14 Street. (9/3).........................................................................................................366
460-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in City Lot 449A Dubuque, IA. (9/3)..........................367
461-02 Of the City’s Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of Existing Cable Services Franchise
& an Existing Hub Site Lease to MCCIowa, LLC. (9/3)...............................................................367
462-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & specs. Flora Park Rest Room Construction Proj. (9/3)..........368
463-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & Specs; Flora Park Rest Room Construction Proj. (9/3)....368
464-02 Ordering bids - Flora Park Rest Room Construction Project. (9/3)..................................368
465-02 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. - Dubuque Girls Independent League Ballfield
Fencing Project. (9/3)......................................................................................................................369
466-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on DGIL Ballfield Fencing Project.(9/3).........................................369
467-02 Ordering bids - DGIL Ballfield Fencing Project. (9/3)..........................................................369
468-02 Prel. approval of Plans and Specs - First Street & Main Street Lighting Project. (9/3)...369
469-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - 1 and Main Street Historical Lighting Project.
470-02 Ordering bids - 1 and Main Street Historical Lighting Project. (9/3)...............................370
471-02 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Phase #3 (Utilities) Project. (9/3).....370
472-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation and Extension
Project – Phase III. (9/3)............................................................................................................370,371
473-02 Ordering bids - Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Ext. Project – Phase III. (9/3)......371
474-02 Authorizing the Submission of a Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report
(CAPER) - Period Commencing July 1, 2001 & Concluding June 30, 2002. (9/16)...............373
475-02 Authorizing Certain Designated Agents of City of Dubuque Limited Authorization to Execute
Checks on Behalf of the City of Dubuque. (9/16)........................................................................373
476-02 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 8, Block 4 of Tiffany Ridge in the City. (9/16)..........374
477-02 Approving the City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 2002 Street Finance Report. (9/16).....374,375
478-02 Approving Agreement between the City and Iowa Department of Transportation for Right
of Way Acquisition - Construction of a New US 20 Bridge Crossing the Mississippi River
Between Dubuque, Iowa & East Dubuque, Illinois. (9/16)..........................................................375
479-02 Of Necessity Finding that property leased by Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. Located on
Kerper Boulevard is an Economic Development Area and that the Redevelopment of said
Area is Necessary in the interest of the Residents of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (9/16)......375
480-02 Authorizing the Execution of a Physical Infrastructure Assistance Program (PIAP) Loan
Agreement for Six Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand Dollars ($692,000) with Eagle Window & Door,
Inc. (9/16)...........................................................................................................................................376
481-02 State of Iowa Designation of Applicants Authorized Representative Resolution – Michael
Van Milligen. (9/16)..........................................................................................................................377
482-02 Local Match Resolution - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.(9/16).................................377’
483-02 Authorizing issuance of cigarette permit. (9/16)..................................................................377
484-02 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits. (9/16).......................................................................377
485-02 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses. (9/16).................................................................377
486-02 Approving the Final Plat of Eagle Point No. 2 in the City of Dubuque, IA. (9/16)............381
487-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 31A of Eagle Point, Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Eagle Point
No. 2, Dubuque, Iowa.(9/16)...........................................................................................................381
488-02 Disposing of City Interest in Lot A of Old Mill Place in the City. (9/16).............................382
489-02 Disposing of City Interest in City Lot 449A, Dubuque, Iowa. (9/16)...................................383
489A-02 Adopting City’s Land Use Map. (9/16).................................................................................383
490-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Project. (9/16)....................384
491-02 Awarding Contract - Ice Harbor West Road and Trail Project. (9/16)...............................384
492-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement Project. (9/16).....384
493-02 Award Contract, Five Flags Theater Roof Replacement Project to Klauer Construction Co.
494-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Five Flags Theater Paint Exterior Façade Project. (9/16)385
495-02 Award Contract - Five Flags Theater Paint Exterior Façade Project to Fred Jackson
Tuckpointing. (9/16).......................................................................................................................385
496-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Five Flags Theater Front Doors Project. (9/16).........385,386
497-02 Award Contract. Five Flags Theater Replace Front Doors Project to Klauer Construction Co.
498-02 Authorizing Certain Designated Agents of City of Dubuque Limited Authorization to Execute
Checks for the City, add’l investment advisor, First Community Trust. (9/16).......................389
499-02 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Vacate Storm Sewer Easement over Lot 36 of Shady Oaks
Subdivision in City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. (9/16)..............................................390
500-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7 and Lot 8 of
Block 4 of Tiffany Ridge, Dubuque, Iowa. (9/16)..................................................................390,391
501-02 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Property By Lease Agreement with ConAgra’s Foods,
Inc. dba Peavey Company. (9/16)..................................................................................................391
502-02 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2003 Budget and
Date of Public Hearing. (9/16)........................................................................................................392
503-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs.- NW Arterial Watermain Extension Proj. (9/16)..........392
504-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Northwest Arterial Watermain Extension Project –
along Pennsylvania Ave. (9/16)..............................................................................................392,393
505-02 Ordering bids, installation of the Northwest Arterial Watermain Extension along
Pennsylvania Ave. (9/16)................................................................................................................393
506-02 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. - Fourth Zone Water Tower Project. (9/16)......393
507-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Fourth Zone Water Tower Project. (9/16)......393
508-02 Ordering bids - construction of a water tower on John F. Kennedy Road. (9/16)...393,394
509-02 Prel. Approval Plans & specs. Old U.S. High. 20 Watermain Ext. Ph II Proj. (9/16).......394
510-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Old U.S. Highway 20 Watermain Extension Phase
II Proj. (9/16)......................................................................................................................................394
511-02 Ordering bids - Old U.S. Highway 20 Watermain Extension Phase II Project. (9/16).....394
512-02 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. - Ice Harbor Pump Retention Basin Pump
Improvement Project.(9/16)............................................................................................................395
513-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement
Project. (9/16)...................................................................................................................................395
514-02 Ordering bids - Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement Project. (9/16)............395
515-02 Prel. approval of Plans and Specs. - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (9/16)...395,396
516-02 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Prog (9/16)........396
517-02 Resolution of Necessity - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (9/16).............................396
518-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity - 2000 Sidewalk Install. Proj.(9/16).....396,397
519-02 Rescinding Resolution 437-00 and approving in lieu thereof a new Preliminary Schedule of
Assessments - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program; later rescinded & readopted with Resolution
No. 615-02. (9/16)(11/18)..........................................................................................................397,472
520-02 Ordering bids - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (9/16)..............................................397
521-02 Finding that Designation of Old Main, Cathedral and Langworthy Urban Revitalization
Plans are necessary in the Interest of the Public Health, Safety and Welfare of residents of
the City of Dubuque and Providing for a public hearing thereon. (9/16)................................397
521-02 Accepting Improvement - Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension. (10/7)........................399,400
522-02 Final Estimate - Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Project. (10/7)..................................400
523-02 Accepting Improvement - Five Flags Paint Arena Ceiling & Walls Project. (10/7).........400
524-02 Final Estimate - Five Flags Paint Arena Ceiling & Walls Project. (10/7)..........................400
525-02 Accepting Improvement - Rip Row Valley Ball Field Development Pro. (10/7)........400,401
526-02 Final Estimate - Rip Row Valley Ball Field Development Project. (10/l7)........................401
527-02 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Statewide Transportation Enhancement
Funding to the Iowa Department of Transportation - Historic Bluffs Trails Project. (10/7).401
528-02 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Federal Recreational Trail Funding to the
Iowa Department of Transportation - Dubuque Heritage Trail Extension: Iowa 32 – NW
Arterial Bike & Hike Trail Project. (10/7)......................................................................................402
529-02 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Statewide Transportation Enhancement
Funding to the Iowa Department of Transportation - Dubuque Gateways Project. (10/7)...402
530-02 Grant of Easement for Sidewalk & Sprinkler System for the Construction of Sidewalk,
Ornamental Rail & Irrigation System with Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC. (10/7).......................403
531-02 Ordering bids - Bell Street Construction Project. (10/7).....................................................403
532-02 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits. (10/7).......................................................................404
533-02 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/7).................................................................404
534-02 Fixing Date for Meeting on Proposition of Issuance of Not to exceed $3,300,000 G.O.
Bonds- for acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of waterworks & water
main extensions. (10/7)...................................................................................................................405
535-02 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of Not to Exceed $650,000
G.O. Bonds and providing for publication of notice thereof. (10/7).........................................405
536-02 Prel. approval, Plans & Specs. Concrete Repair Proj. on Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview.
537-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. - Concrete Repair Project on Kerper Blvd.
and North Grandview. (10/7)..........................................................................................................407
538-02 Ordering bids - Concrete Repair Project on Kerper Blvd. & North Grandview. (10/7)...407
539-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Dubuque Girls Independent League Ballfield Fencing
Project. (10/7)...................................................................................................................................407
540-02 Awarding contract - DGIL Ballfield Fencing Project. (10/7)...............................................408
541-02 Disposing of Interest & Vacate a 10’ Wide Storm Sewer Easement over Lot 36 of Shady
Oaks Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. (10/7)..............................408
542-01 Disposing of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot f, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Block 4 of Tiffany
Ridge, Dubuque. (10/7)...................................................................................................................408
543-02 Disposing of an interest in Real Property by Lease Agreement to ConAgra Foods, Inc.
dba Peavey Co. (10/7)..............................................................................................................409,410
544-03 Amendment of FY 2003 Budget. (10/7)..................................................................................410
545-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. - 2000 Sidewalks Installation Project. (10/7)...........................411
546-03 Rescinding Resolution 472-00 and Approving in lieu thereof a new Resolution with
Respect to the Adoption of the 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (10/7)...........................411
547-03 Awarding Contract - 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (10/7)......................................411
548-03 Adopting Plans and Specs - Flora Park Rest Room Project. (10/7).................................412
549-03 Awarding Contract Flora Park Rest Room Project. (10/7)..................................................412
550-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. First Street and Main Street Lighting Project . (10/7).............412
551-03 Award. Contract, First & Main St. Historical Lighting Project to A & G Electric. (10/7)..412
552-03 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Port of Dubuque Utility relocation & Extension Project –
Phase III. (10/7).................................................................................................................................413
553-02 Awarding Contract - Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Extension Project. (10/7)...413
554-02 Authorizing the commencement of Proceedings - Acquisition by Eminent Domain of Real
Property Owned by Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. (10/7)..............................................414
555-02 Approving the Final Plat of Wild Wood Estates in Dubuque County, Iowa. (10/7)..........415
556-02 Acknowledging the Acceptance of Sunset Ridge as a Public Street of the City. (10/7)415
557-02 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 thru 5 of Fitz Place. (10/21)..................................420
558-02 Approving the Plat of Survey Northrange Industrial Park No. 3 in the City. (10/21).......421
559-02 Approving the Submittal of an Application for American Architectural Grant Funding –
Public Outreach - Downtown Master Plan. (10/21)....................................................................421
560-02 Accepting Improvements in Jaeger Heights Subdivision No. 2 – Phase 2. (10/21)........422
561-02 Approve Cooperative Agree. with Environmental Protection Agency - Brownfields
Assess. Demonstration Pilot Prog. for Environ. Assessments in Port of Dubuque. (10/21)422
562-02 Accepting Project - Fourth St Parking Ramp Construction Project. (10/21)............422,423
563-02 Final Estimate - 4 Street Parking Ramp Construction Project. (10/21)..........................422
564-02 Approving Consent & Subordination to Second Mortgage Agreement for Platinum
Holdings, L.L.C. in favor of American Trust and Savings Bank. (10/21).................................423
565-02 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to Bricktown – Stonewall Lounge. (10/21).......................423
566-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses & Wine Permits. (10/21).........................................................424
567-02 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replace. Proj. (10/21)424
568-02 Fix Date of Hearing, Plans & specs. City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replace. Proj.
569-02 Ordering bids - City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replacement Project. (10/21)................424
570-02 (1) Approving Minimum Requirements Competitive Criteria, & offering Procedures for
Disposition of Certain Real Property in the Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District; (2)
Determining that the Offer to Buy Real Estate & Acceptance Submitted by Dubuque
Initiatives Satisfies the Offering Requirements with Respect to the Real Property & Declaring
the Intent of the City Council to Approve the Offer to Buy Real Estate and Acceptance with
Dubuque Initiatives in the Event that no Competing Proposals are submitted and (3)
Soliciting Competing Proposals. (10/21)...............................................................................425-427
571-02 Finding that Designation of ARC Urban Revitalization Plan is Necessary in Interest of
Public Health Safety & Welfare of Residents of City & Providing for Hearing. (10/21)..........427
572-02 Annexing Certain Property – 26.398 acres of Mineral Lot 459, Section 16, T89N, R2E of 5
P.M. in Dubuque County for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church. (10/21)............431
573-02 Instituting Proceedings to take Additional Action - Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,300,000
General Obligation Bonds. (10/21)................................................................................................433
574-02 Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action - Issuance of Not to Exceed $650,000
General Obligation Bonds. (10/21)................................................................................................434
575-02 Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action - Issuance of Not to Exceed $650,000
General Obligation Bonds. (10/21)................................................................................................434
576-02 Adopting Plans & Specs. - Northwest Arterial Watermain Extension Project. (10/21)..434
577-02 Awarding Contract to Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque, Iowa - construction of
approximately 17,140’ of 16 inch ductile iron Watermain with Accessories along the Northwest
Arterial Starting at the intersection of Highway 20 and continuing to the Northeast to John F.
Kennedy Road and - construction of approximately 1,400 feet of 12 inch ductile iron Watermain
with Accessories along Pennsylvania Avenue from the Northwest Arterial West to the
Pennsylvania Water Tank. (10/21)..........................................................................................434,435
578-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Fourth Zone Water Tower Project. (10/21)........................435
579-02 Award Contract to Landmark Structures, I. L.P. of Fort Worth, Texas - construction of
a1.25 Million Gallon Composite Elevated Water Tower on John F. Kennedy Road. (10/21)435
580-02 Adopt Plans & Specs. Old U.S. Highway 20 Watermain Ext. Phase II Proj.(10/21).........435
581-02 Awarding Contract to Drew Cook & Sons - Construction of Approximately 1700 feet of
12” ductile Iron Watermain with Accessories along N Side of Old U.S. Highway 20 Starting at
Intersection of Radford Road & Old Highway 20 continuing to the West. (10/21).................436
582-02 Adopt Plans and Specs. - Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement Project. (10/21)
583-02 Awarding Contract - Ice Harbor Retention Basin Pump Improvement Project. (10/21).436
584-02 Recognizing Importance of adequate School Facilities by Supporting the Dubuque
Community School District Board of Education in its Proposal to County Voters to Authorize
a 1% Local Option Sales & Services Tax for School Infrastructure purposes. (10/21).........437
585-02 Supporting Referendum on Continuation of Gaming in Dubuque County, Iowa.(10/21)437
586-02 Accepting Improvements in Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2 – Phase 3. (11/4).....................440
587-02 Accepting Improvement for Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Project. (11/4).................440
588-02 Final Estimate - Bunker Hill Sidewalk Installation Project. (11/4)..............................440,441
589-02Approving a Second Amendment to the Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Agreements for
guy Gard (356 Main ST.) and Ellen Willis (372 Main St.). (11/4).................................................441
590-02 Approving a Cooperative Easement Agreement between the City of Dubuque & the
Chicago, Central and Pacific Railroad Co. (11/4).................................................................441,442
591-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/4).............................................................................................442
592-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (11/4).......................................................................................442
593-02 Fix Date for Public Hearing on Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue
Obligations & Property Tax Rebate Agreement thereto with Town Clock Building Company /
Cottingham & Butler and Providing for Publication of Notice Thereof. (11/4)................442,443
594-02 Approving the Urban Renewal Plan, Quebecor Economic Development Dis. (11/4).....445
595-02 Adopt Plans & Specs. Concrete Repair Project, Kerper Blvd. & N. Grandview. (11/4)...447
596-02 Awarding Contract - Concrete Repair Project on Kerper Blvd. and North Grandview to
Drew Cook and Sons. (11/4)...........................................................................................................447
597-02 Directing Sale of $3,105,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002C. (11/4)................447
598-02 Authorizing redemption of Outstanding G O Bonds, Series 1994, of City of Dubuque,
Iowa, Dated May 1, 1994 & directing notice of Redemption to be Given. (11/4).....................448
599-02 Resolution of Support Develop. of Affordable Housing Project at Kennedy Circle.
600-02 Resolution of Support - Development of Affordable Housing on Main and West 11
(Eleventh) Streets. (11/4)................................................................................................................450
601-02 Resolution of Local Contributing Effort - Development of Affordable Housing on Main
and West Eleventh (11) Streets. (11/4).......................................................................................450
602-02 Approving the Final Plat of McGraw-Hill, Key City Plating Replat. (11/18)................458,459
603-02 Accepting Improve. Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Extension Ph II Pro. (11/18).459
604-02 Final Estimate - Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation and Extension – Phase II. (11/18).459
605-02 Accepting Improvement - 2001 Asphalt Paving Project - (FY 2002). (11/18)...........459,460
606-02 Final Estimate - 2001 Asphalt Paving Project (FY 2002). (11/18)......................................460
607-02 Appointing Wells Fargo Bank, Iowa, National Association of Des Moines, Iowa, to Serve
Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, & Transfer Agent, approving the Paying Agent & Bond
Registrar & Transfer Agent Agreement & Authorizing Execution of Agreement. (11/18).....460
608-02 Authorizing and Providing - Issuance of $3,105,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series
2002C, and Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds. (11/18)........................................................460-469
609-02 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to The Lion of Judah. (11/18)...............................................470
610-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/18)...........................................................................................470
611-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (11/18).....................................................................................470
612-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation
Program and Deletion of Certain Property Therefrom. (11/18).................................................471
613-02 Resolution of Necessity – Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program and Deletion of
Certain Property Thereform. (11/18).............................................................................................471
614-02 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation
Program for Deletion of Certain Property therefrom. (11/18)....................................................471
615-02 Resolution Rescinding 519-02 and approving in lieu thereof a New Preliminary Schedule
of Assessments - Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (11/18).............................472
616-02 Approve Application for Property Tax Rebates, Renovation of Historic Structures
Approve Tax Rebate Agree. Town Clock Building Co./Cottingham & Butler. (11/18)....475,476
617-02 Rejecting all bids - City Hall Annex Roof and Gutter Replacement Project, Authorizing
the City Clerk to Re-Advertise for Bids, and Setting a Public Hearing for December 16, 2002,
on the Final Approval of Plans and Specs. and the Award of a Contract. (11/18).................476
618-02 Amending Proposed Land Use Map. (11/18)........................................................................477
619-02 Determining that the proposal of Dubuque Initiatives to purchase the Dubuque Hardwoods
Property is in Compliance with the Terms of the Offering - Disposition of the Dubuque
Hardwoods Property in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. (11/25)......................479
620-02 Accepting the Proposal of Dubuque Initiatives - Purchase and Development of the
Dubuque Hardwoods Property in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and approving the Offer to Buy
Real Estate and Acceptance - Property. (11/25)..................................................................479,480
621-02 Adopting Supplement No. 56 to the City Code. (12/2).........................................................481
622-02 Accept Improvement, Flora Pool & Sutton Pool Water Playground Project. (12/2)........482
623-02 Final Estimate - Flora Pool and Sutton Pool Water Playground Project. (12/2)..............482
624-02 Accepting Improvement - Comiskey Building Construction Project. (12/2)...................483
625-02 Final Estimate - Comiskey Building Construction Project. (12/2).....................................483
626-02 Amend Res, No. 491-02 Award Contract - Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Construction
Project. (12/2)...................................................................................................................................483
627-02 Authorizing Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the
Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Audubon Ark Proj.(12/2)484
628-02 Authorizing the Submission of an Application for Certified Local Government (CLG)
Program Funding to conduct an Architectural Historic Survey. (12/2)...................................485
629-02 Accept Deed to Real Estate in Dbq County, Iowa, from ConAgra Foods, Inc. (12/2)......485
630-02 Approving an Amended and Restated Fiscal Year 2003 (Program Year 2002) Annual Plan
for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. (12/2)............................................486
631-02 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts in accordance with Section 44-83
and 44-86 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (12/2)............................486
632-02 Authorizing the City to Collect Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts in
accordance with Section 40-37 and 40-48(d) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa. (12/2).....................................................................................................................487
633-02 Issuance of Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (12/2)................................................................488
634-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/2).......................................................................................488
635-02 Of City’s Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of an Existing Cable Services Franchise
And an Existing Hub Site Lease to MCCIOWA, L.L.C. (12/2).....................................................488
636-02 Approving Agreement between City & Iowa Department of Transportation for
Improvements to US 20. (12/16)..............................................................................................492,493
637-02 Approving the Plat of Survey Lot 1-2 & Lot 2-2 of Shipton’s Second Addn in the City of
Dubuque, IA (12/16).........................................................................................................................493
638-02 Accepting Improvement - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project- Ice Harbor Flood Control
Gate Structure. (12/16)....................................................................................................................494
639-02 Final Estimate - 2002 Maintenance Dredging Project – Ice Harbor Flood Control Gate
Structure. (12/16).............................................................................................................................494
640-02 Authorizing the Council to endorse Gronen Properties’ application for Federal
Assistance for a Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project on Upper Main Street. (12/16)494,495
641-02 Authorizing Iowa Dept. of Economic Development Grant Agreement for Downtown Master
Plan. (12/16)......................................................................................................................................495
642-02 Authorizing a Supplemental Agreement - IDOT - Mississippi River Discovery Center
Wetland Site Package II, Interior Walkways Project. (12/16)..............................................495,496
643-02 Accepting the Deeds to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County, Iowa from Dubuque
Hardwoods, Inc. and Robert & Lynn Miller. (12/16)....................................................................496
644-02 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County, Iowa from Midwest
Hardwoods, Inc. (12/16)...........................................................................................................496,497
645-02 Endorsing the Submission of a Brownfield Cleanup Grant Application to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency for Cleanup Activities in the Port of Dubuque. (12/16)..497
646-02 Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with the Economic Development Administration.
647-02 Issuance of Beer Permits. (12/16)...........................................................................................498
648-02 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/16).....................................................................................498
649-02 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Decorah Street East of Adair Street. (12/16)........499
650-02 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 10A & Lot 11A of Woodlawn Park, City of
Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. (12/16)..........................................................................................499,500
651-02 With Respect to the Adoption of the Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (12/16)
652-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - Amended 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (12/16)..501
653-02 Adopting Plans and Specs. - City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replacement Project. (12/16)
654-02 Awarding Contract - City Hall Annex Roof & Gutter Replacement Project. (12/16).......502
655-02 Authorizing the Council to endorse Application - Area Residential Care – Kennedy Point
Partnership for Federal Assistance for New Rental Housing on Kennedy Circle. (12/16)..504
656-02 Accepting Improvement, Main Street Reconstruction Proj. Fifth to Ninth Sts. (12/16).505
657-02 Final Estimate - Main Street Reconstruction Project – Fifth to Ninth Streets. (12/16)...505
658-02 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule - Main Street Reconstruction Project – Fifth to
Ninth Streets. (12/16)................................................................................................................505,506
659-02 Designating an Area of the City of Dubuque as “The Port of Dubuque.” (12/16)....506,507
S & S Construction awarded contract for the Flora Park Rest Room Project. (10/7)..................412
Sack, Mary, 1700 Key Way, objecting to traffic problems at intersection of Keyway and
Pennsylvania. (6/17)........................................................................................................................261
Safety (Public) and Crime Prevention Policy Committee, Iowa League of Cities, appointment of
Council Member Cline. (1/21)...........................................................................................................23
Salaries for Golf Starter & lifeguards upgraded at Budget Meeting. (3/5).......................................98
Sale of city lots – Napier St. to R. Cartmill & Glenn Bankson. (6/17).............................................275
Sale of G.O. Bonds to support Main Street Reconstruction Project. (1/21)(2/20)................23,24,73
Sale of G.O. Bonds to Support Water Projects. (10/21)............................................................433,434
Sale of G.O. Bonds, $1,000,000, Series 2002B. (2/4)(2/20)............................................................33,73
Sale of G.O. Bonds, $3,105,000. (11/4)...............................................................................................447
Sale of G.O. Bonds, $650,000 to refund $3,100,000. (10/7)(10/21)............................405,406,433,434
Sale of land of Port of Dubuque Property to Dubuque Initiatives. (10/21)(11/25)..425-417,479,480
Sale of property in Dubuque Industrial Center West… Lot 6 rather than 5, Interstate Power &
Light Co. (4/15).................................................................................................................................176
Salina Street Reconstruction – acceptance. (3/4).....................................................................82,83,84
Salwolke, Frank, revoking no objection to event at The Busted Lift. (7/23).................................313
Sampson, Robert L., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd; appointed. (2/4) (2/18)..........32,53
Sand, Michael W., applicant to Transit Board of Trustees; reappointed. (7/15)(8/5)............303,320
Sanders, Raymond, Sugar Rays Barbecue, 951 Main, Beer-Wine Lic. (9/16)...............................378
Sanford, Kim, objected to SW Arterial Building Permit Moratorium; requesting to build a garage
at 103 Cousins Rd. (4/15)(12/16)............................................................................169, 170,171,503
Sanitary & Storm Sewer Reconstruction for Napier Street. (2/18)....................................71, 125, 126
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees Established, Mt. Carmel. (2/18)(4/15)...................................66,156
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees for Chicago Street Sewer Extension. 4)(4/1)(5/6)93,146,182,183
Sanitary Sewer Extension Proj., South Fork Phase III Acceptance & Connection Fees.
Sanitary Sewer Extension, Mt. Carmel, final. (2/4)(2/18).....................................................37,38,66,67
Sanitary Sewer Project – Chicago Street, finalization. (3/4)(4/1)...........................................92,93,146
Sanitary Sewer Project – High Bluff St. (9/3).....................................................................................351
Sanitary Sewer Project- Oak Street, finalization. (3/4)(4/1)(5/6).......................93,94,146,147,181,182
Sanitation Driver position individuals certified by the Civil Service Comm. (2/18)(12/16)....47,494
Save America’s Treasures Program, Shot Tower Restoration; denied. (4/1)(10/21)............139,420
Sawvell, Eric, Claim. (9/16)...................................................................................................................372
Sawvell, Victoria, Claim referred to Ins. (10/7)...................................................................................399
Scandals Inc., 3203 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (10/21)..............................................................................424
Scenic Byways Program, Nat’l, grant application to improve exhibits at Woodward Riverboat
Museum. (6/17)(7/15)(10/21)(11/18)(12/16)................................................265,301,421,422,460,493
Scenic Valley Agency on Aging, Cp2 Prog., Community Partnership Program funds.
Schaefer, Geri, Dubuque Museum of Art, requesting City funds for the ARTS. (8/5)..................323
Scharff-Weisberg, agreement for audio-visual systems at Mississippi River Museum.
Schedule of order of business and Agenda for City Council meetings. (9/16)............................390
Scheduler – Transit Dispatcher for Keyline Bus Dept., certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/15)302
Scheopner, Christopher, applicant , Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed. (8/19)(9/3)334,353
Schiltz, Richard J. applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/17)(7/1)............266,282
Schlichting, Rev. Merlin, of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (6/17).........................261
Schmall, Stephen J., for Loras College, request to purchase portion of streets – Henion & Helena
Streets (1/7)(6/3).....................................................................................................................2,228,229
Schmalz, Michael, vacate part of Kimball Street west of Rhomberg Ave. & dispose to him and C.
Johnson & J. Duccini. (9/3)(9/16)............................................................................363,364,381,382
Schmidt, Eugene F., letter re: replacement of trees in Dubuque. (10/21).....................................419
Schneider Land Surveying – Kevin Kirpes & Zoning Advisory Comm., rezoning of 3197 Hughes
Court. (9/3)........................................................................................................................................354
Schneider, Floyd, applicant for Housing Commission. (8/19)(9/3)..........................................334,353
Schneider, Jeanne F., received CMC – Certified Municipal Clerk status. (2/4)..............................37
Schneider, Jeanne, claim; referred to Ins. (3/18)..............................................................................107
Scholarship Grant for Historic Preservation Commissioners & Staff to conference of National
Alliance of Preservation Commissions. (7/1)..............................................................................280
School Board Members, Supervisors & Council discuss issues for legislative session. (11/7)456
School District & other Taxing Districts re: Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Dis. (4/1).....143
School Local Option Tax, Priority Item for City Council; Council Resolution in support.
School, Dubuque Community, requesting purchase of alley near 330 & 340 Bryant & 1280 Mt.
Loretta. (12/16).................................................................................................................................493
Schools - Text amendment – Zoning, allow off street parking lots for churches & schools as a
conditional use. (3/18).......................................................................................................................124
Schreiber, John, cable rate increase. (3/4)..........................................................................................80
Schrobilgen, Tom, application for Park & Recreation Commission. (6/17)..................................266
Schroeder, Stanley, 2244 White, re: White St. Reconstruction project. (2/18)...............................53
Schromen, Roseann, objecting to proposed rezoning on Seippel Rd. (5/20)..............................207
Schultz, Marissa, Claim; settlement. (6/3)(6/17)........................................................................218,261
Schumacher, Jim, of Lamar Advertising, Off Premise Signs Zoning Text Amendment. (8/5)...322
Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, 574 E. 16, Liquor Lic. (7/1)................................................................281
Scooters - Skates - Prohibition of roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, etc in Parking
Lots & Garages. (8/19).....................................................................................................................339
Scouts in attendance at Council Meeting, commended. (11/18) (12/2)..................................477,489
Screening at Airport taken over by Federal government. (10/21)..................................................420
Second & Bluff Streets, add’l funding for landscaping project, CDBG FY 2002 Annual Action
Plan. (5/6)..........................................................................................................................................180
Secondhand Dealers, Junk Dealers, and Pawnbrokers Ordinance, amendment to Ch. 29,
allowing electronic record keeping & add’l items for record keeping. (2/18)...........................68
Section 8 Housing Computer Software System purchase. (12/2)..................................................486
Section 8 program families, application to HUD for funds to renew Family Self-Sufficiency
Program Coordinator position. (5/6).............................................................................................180
Section 8 Rental Assistance program, Housing Authority Governing Board amend. (1/21).......22
Section 8 representative John Plein to Municipal Housing Agency Governing Bd. (5/6)..........196
Security – Homeland, letter sent to President Bush that funding be passed down to First
Responders – Police & Fire. (12/16)..............................................................................................507
Security Partners, Cottingham & Butler, disposal of property under Main St. for tunnel. (2/4)...34
Sedgewick, Steve of Camp Dresser & McKee – CDM, presentation of Stormwater Management
Utility program. (12/16).....................................................................................................................491
Sedgwick, Steve, & Dan Lau of CDM, gave a presentation on the Stormwater Utility. (6/3)......217
Seippel Rd - Sign – Entrances for Dubuque Industrial Center West –at Chavenelle Dr.& Seippel
Rd. (5/6).............................................................................................................................................196
Seippel Rd. – final plat of Pinto Ridge Subdivision. (4/15)..............................................................158
Seippel Rd. & U.S. 20 interchange - SW Arterial Building Permit Moratorium – IA 32 – extension.
Seippel Road – rezoning request of Callahan Construction from County R2 to City R2, R4 and
CS. (5/20)...........................................................................................................................................207
Seippel Road, - north branch of Catfish Creek, University of Iowa Hygienic Lab have access. (8/5)
Seippel Road, East of – Chavenelle Dr. property Dubuque Industrial Center West, north of
County Farm, rezoning from AG to PUD. (2/18)............................................................................54
Seippel Road, West of, Agreement , RISE Funding with IDOT, develop. of Chavenelle Rd. (2/4)30
Seippel Road, West of, covenants for Dbq Industrial Center West to include property platted
west of Seippel Rd. (4/15)...............................................................................................................160
Senate File 2284, Letter to Legislators to support Tax Study Bill. (3/18)......................................108
Senate File 2292 – Construction Management Bill, Letter to Legislators objecting. (3/18)........108
Senior High School area, Residential Parking Permit District – Green & Avoca Streets. (9/3)..361
Senior High School student attending Council Meeting, recognized by Council. (10/7)............417
Senior High School Students commended for attending Council Meeting. (11/18)....................477
September 2002 Claims and Revenues Proof. (11/18).....................................................................458
September 2002 Financial Reports. (10/21).......................................................................................419
September 2002 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (11/18).................................................458
September 2002 submission of Quarterly Investment Report. (11/4)............................................441
Seventeenth Street, south side – new No Parking district. (10/7)..........................................414,415
Sewer – Sanitary, Mt. Carmel Extension, final. (2/4)......................................................................37,38
Sewer charges – delinquent, to County Treasurer. (12/2)..............................................................486
Sewer Rates schedule amended, establishing minimum service charge. (3/5)...........................100
Sewer, Sanitary & Storm, Napier Street, Reconstruction. (2/18)(3/18).....................71, 125, 126,125
Sewer, Sanitary, Mt. Carmel St. Connection Fees Established. (2/18)(4/15)............................66,156
Sewer, Storm, Permit requirements, IA DNR. (1/7)................................................................................2
Shady Oaks Storm Sewer, request from Ed Tschiggfrie to vacate easement. (9/16)(10/7).390,408
Shalom Retreat Center, rezoning of 1001 Davis from R1 to OR. (4/15)((5/6)..................161,189,190
Shannon’s Bar & Grill, 521 E. 22 St., Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/3)(8/5)...................................227,319
Shed, wood & metal addition at Star Brewery Building, demolition. (12/2)..................................482
Shelsky, Connie, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/15)..................................................................................155
Shelter – Observation on E. 15 St. by Stormwater Detention area., new bulletin board by
Audubon Society. (6/3)...................................................................................................................225
Sheridan Road, 3232, plat of survey of Fitz Place. (10/21)..............................................................420
Shipton’s Addition, former Stewart Street – Southern Ave., vacate to David S. Hartig.
Shipton’s Second Addition, Rockdale Road, plat of Survey for portion. (12/16)........................493
Shireman, Dan, applicant , Community Development Advisory Commission. appointed; resigned
from Commission. (3/4)(3/18)(12/2)...................................................................................86,123,481
Shot Tower Restoration, application to Save America’s Treasures Program; denied.
Shot Tower, DBQ Inc., 290 Locust, Liquor Lic. (5/6).........................................................................189
Sid’s Beverage, Beverly Miller, 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per.’ Beer Per.; Wine Per. (5/20)(8/19).206,334
Sidewalk & Sprinkler System, abutting Bell St. in front of parking lot at Peninsula Gaming Co.
Sidewalk along Loras Boulevard adjacent to the Academic Resource Center between Cox St.
and Alta Vista. (8/5).........................................................................................................................317
Sidewalk along westerly side of Ice Harbor, subordination agreement with Railroad. (7/1)......278
Sidewalk Assessment Project, 2001, final assessments. (1/21)..................................................11,12
Sidewalk installation (2000 Sidewalk Installation Program) on Embassy West, request of J.
Herrig to delay until development. (11/4)(11/18)(12/16)......................................449,470-472,501
Sidewalk installation at 367 Cedar Cross deleted from 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program.
Sidewalk Installation Program, 2000. (9/16)(10/7)..............................................................395,396,411
Sidewalk Installation Project – Bunker Hill; acceptance. (6/3)(7/1)(11/4)................254,255,283,440
Sidewalks - Ice Harbor West Road / Walk Construction Proj. (8/5)...............................................330
Sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Rd. removed as part of Reconstruction Pro.(4/15)(5/6)161,190
Sidewalks installed on Radford Road at time of rezoning, request. (9/16)...................................380
Sidewalks, discussion as to necessity, Wartburg Place Reconstruction Proj. (8/5)...................322
Sign – Entrances for Dubuque Industrial Center West –at Chavenelle Dr.& Seippel Rd. (5/6)..196
Sign Agreement with Cooper Acquisition – Bricktown for their parking lot to include Port of
Dubuque directional sign & electronic reader board. (12/2).....................................................483
Sign Agreement with Grand Opera House – new sign on Eighth St. (8/5)....................................316
Sign Overlay District – Freeway 61/151 – Port of Dubuque Planned District Sign Regulations,
amended. (4/15)........................................................................................................................168,169
Signage – On Premise, Dubuque Industrial Center - Ordinance. (3/18).......................................124
Signage – WayFinding, recommending Grandview District rather than College District. (1/21).23
Signage & sidewalks, Alpine Park community, south of Tanzanite Dr. (8/19)..............................336
Signage changed at Twelfth (12) and Bluff Streets – removing Stop Sign on Bluff and adding
one on Twelfth. (11/4)......................................................................................................................453
Signage for Asbury Plaza Shopping Center, zoning amendment to PUD to allow more & various
signs. (11/18)....................................................................................................................................474
Signage for Truck Route turn at 21 Street - with White St. Reconstruction Project. (4/15).....174
Signage, Wayfinding, presentation by Greg Malm. (11/18).............................................................457
Signage, Wayfinding, renamed Riverfront District to the Port of Dubuque District and naming
College-Grandview District. (12/16)..............................................................................................504
Signal Improvements – STP Agreements, U. S. Highway 20, Agree with IDOT for realignment of
University Ave.. (2/4).........................................................................................................................36
Signs re: Zoning – allowance of primary signs, - GDDC & Kirchoff Realty. (3/18)...............123,124
Simon, Angela C., letter @ Main St. Closure for All That Jazz. (9/3)..............................................349
Simplex Grinnell, Inc., re: Woodward Museum Renovations Project. (6/17)................................270
Single Room Occupancy Housing – Scott & Dawn Potter, Garfield Ave., IDED application; Urban
Revitalization Area. (3/4)(4/1)...................................................................................................91,152
Sinnwell, Sr. Judy, Massage Therapist, for rezoning at 1001 Davis. (4/15)..................................161
SISCO, Claim of Jody Bradley; referred to Ins. (1/7)(1/21)................................................................1,8
Sisler, Donald, Principal of Wahlert High School, parking problems on Kane St. (8/19)............338
Sister of Charity of Blessed Virgin Mary, requesting vacation of portion of Carmel Dr. to them.
Sisters of St. Francis, 1001 Davis, rezoning from R1 Single Family to OR> (4/15)(5/6)161,189,190
Site Access Agreement, University of Iowa, allow Hygienic Lab personnel access to branch of
Catfish Creek near Seippel Rd. (8/5).............................................................................................318
Site preparation re: construction of new mfg. facility for Giese Mfg. Co., Agreement for permit
access. (2/18).....................................................................................................................................50
Sixteenth St. and Sycamore Street, 30 acres, Wal-Mart considering development,- land use
map Amendment. (11/4)(11/18).....................................................................................................443,477
Sixteenth St. Auto / Truck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil Co. 1215 E. 16, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)95/20)
Sixteenth ST. Detention Basin – Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project, RFP’s. (12/16)...........504
Sixteenth Street – Henion St., Loras College rezoning to allow for student apartments. (1/21)..16
Sixth Street, East, renaming it to East Fifth St. (11/4).............................................................450, 451
Skateboards prohibited in City Parks. (4/15)..............................................................................173,174
Skates - Prohibition of roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, etc in Parking Lots &
Garages. (8/19)....................................................................................................................................339
Skelton, Donald, & Frank & Marilyn Ehrlich, final plat of Vista Heights 2 Addn. in Dubuque
County. (6/17)...................................................................................................................................263
Smart Growth Award to Planning Services Dept. for Port of Dubuque Master Plan. (11/18).....458
Smith, Donna - County’s Proposed Land Development Plan – tabled & back to County;
discussion @ Urban Sprawl; County adopting their Comprehensive Land Use Development
Plan and Future. Land Use Development Map. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)(10/21)......362,386,387,403,420
Smith, Donna, County Supervisor, Environmental Assess. in SW Arterial Corridor. (4/15).......175
Smith, Robert, acceptance of rezoning, Radford Road, C2 to PUD with a PC. (10/21).......431-433
Smith, Ron, opposition to Radon Control Methods – in International Residential Code – Building
Code; applicant for Zoning Advisory Commission – reappointed; discussion of Stormwater
Utility comments. (6/3)(6/17)(7/1)(12/16)................................................................245,266,282,491
Smith, Steve & Thomas Luksetich, rezoning of 3925 Dodge St. (9/3)....................................355,356
Smith, Steve, plat of Survey of Northrange Industrial Park No. 3. (10/21)......................420,421,422
Sniffing Glue etc.- Substance Abuse – amendment to city code as to responsibility of those
doing this. (3/18)..............................................................................................................................132
Snow removal – alternate side street parking. (9/3)..................................................................361,362
Soccer complex on John F. Kennedy Road, water tower engineering contract. (7/1).........290,291
Soccer field construction at University of Dubuque – rezoning, N side of Hwy 20. (6/17)..266,267
Software – Parking Enforcement, request for proposals. (11/4)....................................................441
Software purchase for Five Flags Center, computer scheduling software. (12/2)......................484
Software purchase, Section 8 Housing. (12/2)..................................................................................486
Soley, Kelly Sullivan, letter @ outdoor cafes, Town Clock Plaza & support for the Arts. (9/3)..349
Solid Waste Agency Delivery Contract. (11/4)............................................................................439,440
Solid Waste and Recyclable collection, fees increased. (3/5)........................................................102
Solid Waste collection various premises, unit based pricing changes via Ord. (3/5)..102,103,104
Solid Waste containers – new Ordinance etc. establishing charges for special collection
services for large & bulky rubbish & fees for yard waste collection. (3/5).............................101
South End Tap (Murph’s, P. Murphy, 55 Locust, Cig. Per. (5/20)..................................................206
South Fork Phase III Sanitary Sewer Extension Project – acceptance & connection fees.
South Grandview, 605 & 611, final plat for Lots 1 & 2 of C & Z Addn. for R. Clinton & R. Zahina’s.
Southern Avenue vacate portion, was Stewart St. to David S. Hartig. (7/1)(7/15)..292,293,304,305
Southern Hills Subdivision II Final Plat of Lots 1-24, Blk 1, & Lots A-3 of Subd. II – NE of Lake
Eleanor Rd. & Kane Rd. intersection. (2/18)..................................................................................67
Southern Hills Subdivision III Final Plat of Lots 1-25, inclusive of Block 1 & Lot A. (5/20)........208
Southwest Arterial - SW Arterial – Council Management Agenda. (8/29)......................................348
Southwest Arterial Environmental Assessment. (4/15)...................................................................175
Spangler, Kathleen, concerns @ Bonson Rd Extension. (8/5).......................................................316
Spear, Kathy, applicant to rezone 2531 John F. Kennedy Rd. from R1 to C2. (9/16)............378,379
Special Event Insurance Grant, criteria for events held on Public right of way that require
insurance etc. (8/5)..........................................................................................................................326
Special Events Grant Program, criteria for events held on public ROW that require insurance.
Special Events Policy, Application & Agreements - insurance requirements for events with
alcohol, fireworks, user fees etc. (5/6)..........................................................................................196
Special Purpose Grant – America’s River – EDI to HUD for Museum on behalf of America’s River
Museum. (3/4).....................................................................................................................................80
Spiegel, A. J. & Dr. T. Quagliano, amending PUD, Holliday Dr. (1/21).............................................19
Spiegelhalter, Melvin, Clubhouse, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/18)(5/20)......53,205
Spielman, Charles, applicant, Investment Oversight Commm.; reappointed. (5/20)(6/3)....207,228
Sports Bar, Jumpers, Jerry Merrick, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per. (12/2).................................................488
Spraggins, Leslee Ditzig, resigned, Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. (7/15)........301
Spring Valley Road, North of to 360’ S of NW Arterial, removal of No Parking restriction on John
F. Kennedy Rd. (9/3)(9/16).......................................................................................................361,386
Sprinkler – Fire - amending code, re: billing on monthly basis. (3/5)..........................................1 00
Sprinkler System - Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler awarded contract for the Woodward Museum
2000 Renovations Project. (8/5).................................................................................................325,326
St. Claire, Ricky, Claim’ settlement.(11/4)(12/16).......................................................................439,492
St. Mary’s Home, comments - housing project at end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15).........................162
St. Stephen’s Food Bank Purchase of Services Agree. (5/6).........................................................186
Stafford Avenue, Joseph Feltes requesting to buy a portion of this; rezoning request; denial of
rezoning request.. (5/6)(8/5)(8/19)(10/21)(12/16).................................................9,327,335,428,50
Stairs – Cascading, at Mississippi River National Education and Conference Center. (8/5).....326
Stairway enclosure, 2900 Jackson, Irrevocable License for Carole Swift. (8/19)........................333
Standards of Design booklet for Port of Dubuque. (2/4)...................................................................27
Star Brewery Building Metal Addition & Wood Shed, demolition. (12/2).......................................482
Star Brewery Property – Request for Qualifications for developers. (6/17).................................264
Starlite Drive to Center Grove, Cedar Cross Road, 2000 Sidewalk Installation Prog.(9/16)396,397
State Historical Society – grant application for Four Mounds Foundation – repairs to exterior of
Grey House – Conference Center/Inn. (1/21).................................................................................14
State Historical Society of Iowa – Grand Opera House consideration for nomination to National
Register of Historic Places. (5/20)(7/1)(10/7).................................................................200,279,404
State Historical Society of Iowa – Young Men’s Christian Assn. Bldg., 125 W. Ninth, listed in
National Register. (3/4).....................................................................................................................81
State Historical Society of Iowa, nomination of Ziepprecht Block Bldg. & John Bell Block
Building nominated to National Register of Historic Places. (9/16)(11/4)................376,377,439
State Historical Society of Iowa, Scholarship Grant to conference of National Alliance of
Preservation Commissions. (7/1)..................................................................................................280
State Historical Society, Four Mounds Estate & Town Clock Bldg. listed in Nat’l Register of
Historic Places. (2/18).......................................................................................................................47
State Secretary C. Culver, approved City’s Precinct & Ward Plan. (1/21).........................................9
Statewide Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification Program. (2/18)...............49,50
Steckel, Cheryl L., Finance Dept. Account Clerk, authorized to obtain bank account info.(6/3)226
Steele, David T., MWF Properties, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Prog. (1/7)(5/20)......4,5,211,212
Steele, David, re: MWF Properties – Felderman Business Partnership, rezoning for housing
project at end of Raven Oaks Dr. ; request for resolution of support for Arbor Glen
Apartments. (4/15)(5/20)............................................................................................162,173,211,212
Steele, Michael D., vacation of storm sewer easement in Shady Oaks Subd. (9/16)(10/7)..390,408
Steffen, Charles, Tony’s Place, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic. (1/21).......................................................15
Steffen’s Second Place, portion rezoned for student apartments for University of Dubuque –
north of Hwy 20 – Dodge & East of Devon Dr. (10/21).........................................................428-430
Steger, John, letter objecting to zoning interpretation. (12/16)......................................................492
Stepanovich, Bridget, objecting to proposed rezoning on Seippel Rd. (5/20).............................207
Stephenson, George, G.M.S. Inc., Bunker Hill Golf Course Management Agree. (2/18)...............49
Steps – restoration of Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust Street Steps, application for
funding to IDOT for Historic Bluffs Trail Project. (10/7).............................................................401
Steps to Mississippi River, prohibit swimming and wading. (11/4)...............................................454
Stewart Annexation – Lynn & Wayne, property on Old Highway Rd. by Seippel Rd..; rezoning
request also. (7/1)(8/5)............................................................................................................294,320
Stewart St, - Shipton’s Addn., vacate to David S. Hartig. (7/1)(7/15).......................292,293,304,306
Stewart, W. C., claim of Donna Vaske referred to them. (8/5).........................................................315
Stewart, W.C., Construction, contract awarded for Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation. (10/7).413
Stewart, Wayne & Lynn, request for rezoning on property at Old Highway 20, denied. (8/5)....321
Stieglitz, Karl, letter @ new garbage disposal system. (9/16).........................................................372
Stipulation of Settlement – Tax assessment appeal for Key City Investment Co. property at John
F. Kennedy Rd.(3/4)...........................................................................................................................81
Stock Clerk position certified by Civil Service Comm. (1/21)...........................................................8,9
Stoltz Street & Burlington, request by Perry’s to vacate for them. (1/21)..........................................8
Stonewall, Underground, Bricktown, - Cooper Management, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.
Stop Sign on Bluff St. removed and stop sign added on Twelfth (12) Street. (11/4).................453
Stop sign on Embassy West Drive at Northerly intersection of Camelot Dr. (8/19)(9/16)....341,372
Stop signs for southbound traffic on Bell St. & westbound traffic on East Fifth St. & a Yield Sign
for Eastbound Traffic on East Fifth St. (11/4)....................................................................................451
Stop signs on Main St. at Fifth St. for southbound traffic & also on Eighth St. at Main St.
Stop Signs on Vernon St at Glen Oak St. (10/7)................................................................................414
Stop signs reviewed, questioned by Council Member Cline. (11/4)..............................................454
Stoppelmoor, Wayne, naming of Alliant Energy Amphitheater. (9/16)..........................................389
Storm Sewer – Jackson Street Relief Storm Sewer Construction Project – finalization. (3/18).112
Storm Sewer - Westside Intake Replacement Project Acceptance. (1/21).................................10,11
Storm Sewer & Sanitary Sewer – Napier Street Reconstruction Project - final. (3/18)................125
Storm Sewer Easement, 20’ in Shady Oaks Subd., request to vacate by Ed Tschiggfrie.
Storm Sewer extension to Morrison Property & back to bike trail – John Osterhaus request. (3/4)
Storm Sewer for Hamilton Street. (5/6)...............................................................................................184
Storm Sewer Improvements - West Locust Street Project. (8/5)(9/3)......................................329,359
Storm Sewer Permit requirements, IA DNR. (1/7)..................................................................................2
Storm Sewer Reconstruction – Center Grove finalization of project. (3/18).................................111
Storms & floods, FEMA Representation, City Manager Van Milligen. (7/15)................................302
Stormwater - Bee Branch Drainage Master Plan RFP – for Watershed Basin and also Dr. Charles
Winterwood be appointed Chair of Citizens Advisory Commission. (8/5)..............................326
Stormwater Detention – purchase of home on @. 32 Street. (5/20)............................................208
Stormwater Detention Basin on E. 15 St., bulletin board by Audubon Society. (6/3)...............225
Stormwater Drainage from 24 St. to 16 St. Detention Basin – Bee Branch Creek Restoration,
Request for Proposals. (12/16)......................................................................................................504
Stormwater drainage system, John Osterhaus requesting extension of Bee Branch Storm Sewer
to Morrison property etc. (3/4).........................................................................................................90
Stormwater Drainage, letter by Sharon Culpepper. (9/3).................................................................349
Stormwater in Admiral Street area, appreciation by B. Kane for City’s efforts. (6/17)................261
Stormwater Management Community Planning Processes – appointment of C. Winterwood as
Chair, Bee Branch Corridor & M. Portzen lead stormwater utility citizen input group. (3/5)..86
Stormwater management plan – consideration that includes Bee Branch from 24 & Elm to the
railroad tracks and open waterway (channel) from Garfield & Pine to 24 & Elm. (11/4).....449
Stormwater Management Plan, discussion led by HDR Engineering; discussion by CDM and
comments by others. (12/9)(12/16).........................................................................................490,491
Stormwater management, Michelle Harry address Council @ open drain etc., submission of
petitions and request to not delay action any further. (7/15)(10/7)...................................307,413
Stormwater management, reconsideration of MSA Professional Services as Engineering
Consultant Firm to conduct a 2 study of Bee Branch Drainage Basin. (11/4)..............448,449
Stormwater RFP Consultant – Camp Dresser & McKee, with WHKS. (5/20).................................208
Stormwater runoff – Hy-Vee Store area, 4800 Asbury, objection to water runoff by P. Riniker;
response by City Mgr.. (11/4)(12/16)......................................................................................454,495
Stormwater runoff problems at 10 Nevada St. & 1431 YM/YW Drive – Habitat for Humanity
Homes; response by City Mgr. (8/5) (10/21)(12/16)......................................................316,419,495
Stormwater Utility - RFP Consultant – Camp Dresser & McKee, with WHKS. (5/20)...................208
Stormwater Utility, special presentation to Council by DCM. (6/3)................................................217
Stormwater Utility, objection by Ray Taylor. (12/16).........................................................................507
Stover, Greg & Peggy, vacate & buy portion of 12 Street W of Bluff S/t. (7/15)(8/5)...308,309,320
STP Funding, Agreement, Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro. (2/4)...............................................................28
STP Agreement, Signal Improvements, U.S. Hwy 20, Agree. with IDOT for realignment of
University Ave. (2/4)..........................................................................................................................36
Straka Johnson Architects, for disposal of Main St. property to Cottingham & Butler for tunnel.
Straka, Thomas J., for B. Feldman, denied request from E. Tschiggfrie for private drive in Tower
Hills Drive in Key West for public street. (10/21).........................................................................420
Street – private drive at end of Tower Hills Drive, denied by Brian Feldman, request of E.
Tschiggfrie. (10/21)..........................................................................................................................420
Street – Sunset Ridge, residents requesting to be a public street. (1/21)(10/7)...............23,415,416
Street Department – Operations and Maintenance new facility. (10/21)........................................418
Street Dept. - Operations and Maintenance Center Roof Repair Project. (3/18)(4/15).........135,172
Street Dept. - Operations & Maintenance Department – design for new facility, Robert M. Kueny
Architect. (4/15)(10/21)..............................................................................................................160,418
Street Finance Report, FY 2002. (9/16)........................................................................................374,375
Street Program Funding, Council Management Agenda. (8/29).....................................................348
Street renaming in Harvest Business Center – Commerce Ct. changed to Meinen Ct. (5/20)...201
Street repair projects, north end citizen letter. (6/17).......................................................................261
Street sweeping, alternate side street parking. (9/3).................................................................361,362
Streetscape & Landscape Design Guidelines for historic districts. (3/18)(9/3)....................130,362
Streetscape Design Guidelines in Historic Preservation Districts, special Council meeting
discussion. (1/21)................................................................................................................................7
Streetscape Improvements on Loras Blvd., application to DRA, support letter. (2/18)................50
Streetscapes, Contract for Design Review Training – The Durrant Group. (2/18).........................49
Streff, Chad, Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liq. Lic. (4/1)...........................................................142
Strueber, June, parking problems on Kane Street near Pine Knolls. (8/19).................................338
Stuart, Dave, 1470 Locust, appreciation for Planning Services staff; applicant for Mechanical
Code Board; appointed to Mechanical Code Bd.; discussion of Stormwater Utility etc.
Student apartments construction for Loras College, rezoning. (1/21)............................................16
Student apartments construction for University of Dubuque, rezoning of N of Hwy 20 – Dodge &
East of Devon Dr. (10/21)................................................................................................................428
Students commended for attending Council Meeting. (11/18)(12/16)....................................477,507
Study – Rail Feasibility, funds from Keyline Transit redirected. (1/21)............................................23
Study, Five Flags Feasibility, selection of CSL International. (3/4)..................................................84
Subdivision Plats, moratorium in SW Arterial Corridor. (4/15)................................................170,171
Subgrantee Agreement with Dubuque County Historical Society - National Scenic Byways Grant
for design & construction of exhibits for Great River Road Interpretive Center. (10/21)......421
Subordination Agreement with Chicago Central & Pacific RR Co., for roadway & sidewalk on
west side of Ice Harbor. (7/1).........................................................................................................278
Subpoenas re: Human Rights Ordinance clarification. (7/1)...................................................284-289
Substance Abuse – glue sniffing etc., amendment to city code as to responsibility of those
doing this. (3/18)..............................................................................................................................132
Substance Abuse Policy – Drug & Alcohol Testing Regulations. (1/7).............................................2
Substance Abuse Services Center Quarterly Reports. (2/4)(8/19)(11/4)...........................28,332,439
Substance Abuse Services Center, D. Thomas requesting funding. (2/25).................................760
Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agree. (4/15)(5/6).......................155,186
Sugar Rays Barbecue, R. Sanders, Beer-Wine Lic. (9/16)...............................................................378
Sullivan, Kathleen, C.J. Bies Subd., vacation of utility easement. (2/18)........................................70
Sullivan, Mark J., request for yield signs or stops signs in Embassy West – Camelot Dr.;
appreciation for installation of stop signs. (7/1)(9/16)........................................................277,372
Sullivan’s Addition – final plat of Lots 1 - 6, W. 32 St. W of Fink St., requested by James
Sullivan’s. (2/18)............................................................................................................................47,48
Sumbal Corp., MNA Food Mart, 3200 Central, Cig. Permit & Beer Lic.; Cig Per.; Beer Permit;
refund on Beer Per. (4/1)(8/5)(9/3)..................................................................................141,319,352
Summer Day Camp Program – Four Mounds Foundation, Grant agreement. (5/6).....................185
Sun’s Corp., Yen Ching Restaurant, 926 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/4)..................................................442
Sunleaf, Arthur W., resigned from Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. (9/16)...........372
Sunny Slope Drive, rezoning of 2193/2195 & 2197/2199 from R4 to R3. (9/3)...............................356
Sunset Park Circle residents concerned @ Bonson Road Extension. (8/5).................................316
Sunset Ridge Street discussion whether a public street, reconstruction costs etc.
Superior Construction, final, 2001 Curb Ramp Installation Project, CDBG No. 2. (2/4)................29
Supervisors, County, Letter to M. Wandro, IDOT re: SW Arterial – Iowa 32. (3/18)......................108
Supervisors, County, requesting meeting of Couler Valley Urban Drainage District. (7/15)......308
Supervisors, County, School Board, Council, Holy Family Schools etc. discuss legislative
issues. (11/7)....................................................................................................................................456
Supervisors, County, supportive of Cottingham & Butler application for Historic Property Rehab
Tax Exemption for Town Clock Bldg. (2/4)....................................................................................31
Supervisors, County’s Proposed Land Development Plan – tabled & back to County; discussion
@ Urban Sprawl; County adopting their Comprehensive Land Use Development Plan and
Future. Land Use Development Map. (9/3)(9/16)(10/7)(10/21)......................362,386,387,403,420
Supplemental Agreement with IDOT for Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands Site
Package II, Interior Walkways Project. (12/16).............................................................................495
Supplemental Assessments for White St., 21 to 32. (2/18)..........................................................53
Supplementary Agreement with IDOT for Woodward Museum – Freight House Restoration
Project. (5/20)...................................................................................................................................201
Supplements to City Code of Ordinances: Supplement 54; Supplement No. 55; Supplement No.
56. (3/4)(8/5)(12/2)...............................................................................................................84,316,481
Surface Transportation Board – STB of IDOT – re: Railroad Merger. (4/15)(5/20)(7/1)175,200,278
Survey Evaluation – Contract for Phase III Architectural – Historical. (5/6)..................................185
Survey Grant Agreement – Phase III Historical & Architectural. (1/21)..............................................9
Survey Grant Agreement, Phase IV Historical, Agreement – CLG. (12/2).....................................485
Survey of Rents, results. (2/4)...........................................................................................................29,30
Sutton Pool & Flora Pool Water Playground Project. (12/2)............................................................482
SW Arterial – Council Management Agenda. (8/29)..........................................................................348
SW Arterial – IA 32, Mayor letter to M. Wandro of IDOT; response. (3/4)(3/18)........................85,107
SW Arterial Building Permit Moratorium – IA 32 – extension; request of Kim Sanford of 103
Cousins Rd. to build a garage. (3/18)(4/15)(12/16)................................................130,131,169,503
SW Arterial Environmental Assessment. (4/15)(5/6).................................................................175,187
SW Arterial, County Supervisors Letter to M. Wandro, IDOT re: SW Arterial Iowa 32. (3/18)...108
Swank, Garry, claim; referred to Ins. (10/21)......................................................................................419
Swartz, Ellis, 2665 Jackson, comments re: White St. Reconstruction. (1/21)(2/18)..................18,53
Swift, Carole, 2900 Jackson, Irrevocable License for outside stairway. (8/19)............................333
Swift, Thomas P., applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (9/3)(9/16)............................353,378
Swimming prohibited adjacent to the River’s Edge Plaza; swimming & wading prohibited
including pier steps connecting Riverwalk to Mississippi. (8/19)(11/4)...........................338,454
Swiss Valley Road intersection, west of, & North of Hwy 20, final Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Higley
Place. (7/15)......................................................................................................................................299
Swords, Jim from HOK Venue, update on Conference & Education Center. (3/4)........................79
Sycamore and Sixteenth St., 30 acres, Wal-Mart considering development, re: land use map
Amendment. (11/4)(11/18)..........................................................................................................443,477
Symphony Orchestra, Dbq., funding requested for the Arts in Dubuque. (2/25)(12/2)..........76,481
Synchronization of traffic lights on Dodge St. – Hwy 20, between Devon Dr. & new Menards St. ,
IDOT Agreement etc. (12/16)....................................................................................................492,493
TRANSIT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/21)(2/4)(4/1).....................................................8,28,139
T & K Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. of Ely, IA, awarded contract for the Woodward Museum, 2000
Renovations Project Contract No. 2 Roof & Gutters/Downspouts. (8/5)..................................325
T & M Inc., Mario’s Italian Restaurant, 1298 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/4)..............................................442
Taggert, Kevin T., Claim; Referred to Ins. (4/1)................................................................................139
Tanzanite Drive Paving Project. (3/18)(4/15).......................................................................135,136,172
Tanzanite Drive, South of there – Alpine Park Community, signage & sidewalk. (8/19).............336
Task Force – Affordable Housing, information given & direction given. (6/3).............................253
Task Force – Arts Policy & Funding. (11/18).....................................................................................477
Task Force – Hazard Mitigation Plan. (1/21)........................................................................................25
Task Force of Way-Finding Signage, modifications recommended. (1/21)....................................23
Tax – new, one percent local option for schools, resolution of support. (10/21).......................437
Tax appeal settlement – Key City Investment Co. (3/4)......................................................................81
Tax Credit Application – Affordable Housing, John Gronen – Gronen Properties, Main and
Eleventh St. (11/4)(12/16)..........................................................................................449,450,494,495
Tax Credit Program Application – MWF Properties etc. (1/7)..........................................................4,5
Tax funds – Road Use, letter to legislators. (4/15)............................................................................155
Tax Increment (Urban Renewal) Revenue Promissory Note – addendum – Interstate Power – Alliant
Energy. (1/7).........................................................................................................................................2
Tax Increment Financing – TIF, letter to legislators. (4/15).............................................................155
Tax Increment Financing – Town Clock Building Co. – Cottingham & Butler.
Tax Increment Financing boundaries for Downtown Urban Renewal District. (4/1)....142,143,144
Tax Increment Financing re: letter to legislators etc. (3/18)............................................................108
Tax Increment Financing, re: Budget P. Hearing, comments by Bud Isenhart. (3/5)(3/18)....98,108
Tax Rate at Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino, letter to legislatures. (2/18).......................................47
Tax rate at Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, Mgr. letter to legislator. (3/4).............................80
Tax rebate Program, Historic Property, owners in Downtown Urban Renewal District who restore
historic buildings to certain standards. (5/6)..............................................................................196
Taxes re: Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal District. (4/1)..................................................143,144
Taxes re: Quebecor paid to a special fund. (11/4).....................................................................445,446
Taxiway Alpha NW Lighting at Airport, change order. (11/18)........................................................469
Taylor Construction Inc. awarded contract for the Fengler St. Bridge. (4/1)................................148
Taylor, Ray, objecting to Stormwater Utility fee. (12/16)..................................................................507
T-Corp. – Ed Tschiggfrie objecting to loss of access road to subdivision with acceptance of Jaeger
Heights No. 2, Phase 3 Subdivision; request City utilize Eminent Domain proceedings to acquire
Tower Hills Dr. as a public street. (11/4)(12/16)....................................................................440,503
TEA-21 Grant Application for construction of Historic Bluffs Trail Project – Hodgdon St. &
Catherine – West Locust St. Steps. (10/7).....................................................................................401
Technical Specialty Systems of Cedar Rapids, - Don Meek, objecting to bid process for
Woodward Museum Renovations Proj. (6/17)...............................................................................270
TeKippe, Ken, Finance Dir., Financial Reports for January 2002; explanation of proposed bond
sale. (2/18)(11/4)...........................................................................................................................46,447
Telecommunications coalition of local governments appealing FCC ruling re: cable modem
revenues etc. (5/6)..............................................................................................................................187
Telecommunications Feasibility Study – Municipal Cable, RFP’s. (12/2).....................................489
Telecommunications Strategy, Management Agenda. (8/29).........................................................348
Telephone connection with absent Council Members for Council Meeting. (12/2)....................481
Ten Hour Day work week – Police. (10/7)...........................................................................................401
Ten Pin Tap, Dolores Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per. (6/3)...........................................................227
Tennis Courts Light Project, Murphy Park, Ice Rinks, acceptance. (7/1)...............................277,278
Text amendment – Ord. 4-02 Amending Appendix A – Zoning by repealing Section 3-5.5(B) and
adopting a new Section 3-5.5(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to General Requirements of PUDs.
Text amendment – Zoning, allow off street parking lots for churches & schools as a conditional
use. (3/18).........................................................................................................................................124
Text amendment, eliminate the stipulation in a conditional use permit that an applicant has six
months to obtain a building permit & to begin construction or an occupancy permit.
TFM Co., Oky Doky #1, 150 W. 1 St., Beer Per.; Wine Lic. (5/6)(6/3)..............................188,189,227
TFM Co., Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 32 St., Beer Per.; Wine Lic.; Cig. Per.; Wine Per.
TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (6/3)(8/19)......................227,334
TFM Co., Oky Doky, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per. ; Beer Per. (6/3)(8/19)..........................................227,334
The Busted Lift, 180 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/1).......................................................................................142
Theater of Five Flags, Roof Replacement, Paint Exterior Façade, Replace Front Doors, Projects.
Thibeau, Regina, in support of Rip Row Valley projects. (3/4).........................................................89
Third & Bell St. - Easement in front of parking lot at corner of Third & Bell Sts. – Peninsula
Gaming, for sidewalk & sprinkler system. (10/7)........................................................................403
Third & Main Street building, acceptance of contract of City & Allen & Urbain Assoc. for city
owned improvements. (2/18)..............................................................................................................52
Third and Main Street, request by S. Neuwoehner of Bricktown to change parking times.
Third St. Parking Ramp construction – re: downtown rehab loans to Guy Gard, 356 Main and
Ellen Willis 372 Main. (3/4)...................................................................................................................85
Third Street Overpass improvements, RFP’s. (11/4)........................................................................454
Third Street overpass, transfer of liquor license from Ryan House (Historical Soc.). (7/15).....303
Thirteenth & Central, former Walsh Store, redevelopment by D B & T., IDED Enterprise Zone
Agreement; disposal of alley to DB & T. (8/19)(9/16)......................................................341,342,383
Thirty-second St. - W. 32 St. Detention Cell – purchase of property from Karen Maury for
stormwater detention. (5/20)(6/17).......................................................................................208,262
Thirty-second Street Detention Basin, Building Permit Moratorium in that area. (4/15).............174
Thomas, Diane, for Substance Abuse Services Center, requesting funding at budget hearing.
Thumser, Carl, re: John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Proj. (5/6).....................................................190
Thunderbirds – Dubuque Hockey, Inc., Rental Agreement for Five Flags Civic Center. (9/3)...351
TIF - Tax Increment Financing – Town Clock Building Co. – Cottingham & Butler.
TIF - Tax Increment Financing area boundaries for Downtown Urban Renewal District.
TIF - Tax Increment Financing, Budget Public. Hearing, comments by Bud Isenhart.
Tiffany Ridge disposal to neighboring property owners. (9/16)(10/7)............................390,408,409
Tiffany Ridge final plat of Lots 1 thru 8, Block 4. (9/16)...................................................................374
Tigges, Ronald, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed. (7/1)(7/15).........281,304
Till, Carl, Claim; settlement. (8/5)(8/19).......................................................................................315,332
Tilton (Chapin), Chris, re: application of Grand Opera House for funding. (11/4).......................454
Timmerman, Erick & Bonita, sale of property in Lenox Addition. (8/5)(8/19)..........327,328,335,336
Tobacco – Cigarette Permit Holders, Penalties for underage sales; penalty for Liquor Depot.
Tobacco Compliance – Cops in Shops, 28E Agreement between Police & Iowa Alcoholic
Beverage Division. (6/17)...................................................................................................................263
Tobacco Outlet Plus #504, Kwik Trip, 806 Wacker Dr., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5/6)(5/20)........189,206
Tobacco Outlet Plus #564, Kwik Trip Inc. 66 W. 32 St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/20)(11/4)...206,442
Tokheim, Rod, re: comments @ proposed housing at end of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/15)................162
Tollbridge Inn site at end of Rhomberg, letter from B. Eichman @ proposal to build
condominiums. (12/2)..................................................................................................................484,485
Tony’s Place, C. Steffen, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (1/21)(6/3)..................................15,227
Tool Library, Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Annual Action Plan, FY 03, funding; also
operation by Operation: New View. (6/17)....................................................................................263
Tott’s Tap, 3457 Jackson St., Liquor Lic. (5/20)................................................................................206
Tour de Dubuque Day Proclamation – Hospice, received by Mike Martin. (8/19)........................332
Tower – Water & NW Arterial Water Main Extension Engrg. Services Contract. to Veenstra &
Kimm. (7/1)..........................................................................................................................................290
Tower Hills Drive – T. Straka for Brian Feldman, denying Ed Tschiggfrie, street; request for
eminent domain to be declared a public street – E. Tschiggfrie. (10/21)(12/16)................420,503
Tower Investment Subdivision, Ed Tschiggfrie re: access situation there since Jaeger Heights
plat removed one access road. (9/16)...........................................................................................386
Towing of vehicles from private lots. (3/18).......................................................................................133
Town Block Building – Cottingham & Butler, Building listed in National Register of Historic
Places; request that the Town Clock be moved back onto Town Clock Building.
Town Clock Building - Tax Increment Financing – Cottingham & Butler. (11/4)(11/18)442,443,475
Town Clock Building, 835 Main - Cottingham and Butler Insurance Services Inc. Enterprise Zone
Agreement with IDED , City re: Town Clock Bldg, 835 Main rehabilitation. (3/18).................113
Town Clock Inn, 799 Town Clock Plaza, Liquor Lic. (1/21)................................................................15
Town Clock Plaza name deleted from City Code references now that Main St. reopened.
Town Clock Plaza, letter from Kelly Sullivan Soley regarding outdoor cafes etc. (9/3)..............349
Traffic – John F. Kennedy Rd. No Parking removed from 230’ N of Spring Valley Rd to 360’ S of
NW Arterial. (9/3)(9/16)..............................................................................................................361,386
Traffic change with opening of Main Street, expansion of Parking Meter District. (&/1)............289
Traffic control – intelligent system for U.S. 20 & Dodge Street, IDOT Agreement. (12/16).........492
Traffic problems at intersection of Keyway & Pennsylvania - Sack, Mary, 1700 Key Way,
objecting; response from City Mgr. (6/17)(11/18)..................................................................261,470
Traffic safety bureau grant application, Iowa Governor’s. (5/20)...................................................200
Traffic signage – Main Street at Fifth for Southbound Traffic – stop sign and also to stop
eastbound & westbound traffic on Eighth Street at Main St. (7/1)..............................................290
Traffic signage changed – stop signs for southbound traffic on Bell St. & westbound traffic on
East Fifth St. & a Yield Sign for Eastbound Traffic on East Fifth St. (11/4)...............................451
Traffic signage changed at Twelfth & Bluff – Stop Sign now on Twelfth Street. (11/4)..............453
Traffic signals on NW Arterial – letter to IDOT by David Leifker.(2/18)............................................52
Traffic, request for stop or yield signs on Camelot Dr.- Embassy West; appreciation for stop
signs there by M. Sullivan.. (7/1)(8/19)(9/16)...........................................................277,340,341,372
Trail - Extension of Heritage Trail Project. (6/17)......................................................................272,273
Trail – Dbq. Jaycees / Peosta Trail Project. (1/21)(2/18)................................................................20,69
Trail – Recreational - Interstate Power & Light Co., Easement Agreement. (5/20).......................204
Trail - Road, Ice Harbor West Road / Walk Construction Proj. (8/5)(12/2)..............................330,483
Trailhead Project – Riprow Valley, Grant Agreement with IDOT. (5/6)...........................................185
Train Depot – Burlington Northern Railroad Depot. (2/4)..................................................................41
Training instruction agreement with Tucker Enterprises for lead hazard reduction program.
Transfer of City funds in banks & credit unions, city employees authorized. (6/3).....................226
Transit - Amalgamated Transit Union Local 329, Collective Bargaining Agreement. (3/18)......110
Transit Alternative Analysis, Downtown Dubuque, for the Port of Dubuque, contract with
URS/BRW. (8/19).................................................................................................................................342
Transit Board of Trustees applicants George Enderson, Joel Lightcap, Michael W. Sand;
reappointment of Enderson, Lightcap and Sand. (7/15)(8/5)..............................................303,320
Transit Boarding Facility Architectural Services, contract for design. (12/16)............................495
Transit department budget, comments, public hearing. (2/21).........................................................75
Transit Dispatcher – Scheduler, position certified by Civil Service Commission. (7/15)...........302
Transit funds for Rail Feasibility Study, trolley vehicles. (1/21).......................................................23
Transmission Pole relocation in Port of Dubuque to allow construction of Bell St. Extension &
reconstruction of Pine St. (6/17)....................................................................................................271
Transportation Board, Surface, Railroad merger – Iowa Chicago, & Eastern & I & M Rail Link..
Transportation Enhancement Program Project with IDOT for Phase II – Hill & Bryant St. area of
Hwy 20 landscaping project. (7/15)................................................................................................300
Tricon Construction awarded contract for City Hall First Floor Remodeling Project. (6/3)........229
Tricon Construction awarded demolition of Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration, then
rejected. (3/18)..............................................................................................................................126,127
Triolo, Peter & Pamela, re: utility easements in C. J. Bies Subd. (2/18)..........................................70
Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler awarded contract, Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations Project.
Tri-State Golf Center, Inc., 1095 Cedar Cross, Beer Per. (8/19).......................................................334
Trolley vehicles local funding match for Rail Feasibility Study. (1/21)............................................23
Truck Route Signage for Truck Route turn at 21 Street - with White St. Reconstruction Project.
True Value - Iowa Street True Value, 1300 – 1322 Iowa St., demolish structure for DB & T Bank.
Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded bid for Dubuque Jaycees – Peosta Channel Trail Project;
awarded contract for the Heritage Trail Extension – 22 St. to Mines of Spain project;
awarded contract for the Ice Harbor West Road & Trail Project; awarded contract for the
NW Arterial Watermain Extension Project. (2/18)(8/5)(9/16)(10/21)...................69,327,384,434,435
Tschiggfrie, Ed, Zoning by Amending Ord. No. 72-98 establishing the PUD Planned Unit
Development District with a PR Planned Residential Designation for Alpine Heights Mobile
Home Park by modifying requirements for Signage and Installation of Sidewalks; access
situation at Tower Investment Subdivision – Jaeger Heights final plat limited access; vacate
20’ storm sewer easement in Shady Oaks; Shady Oaks Storm Sewer vacate easement; re: Tower
Hills Drive – St. objecting to loss of access road to Jaeger Heights Subd; amend PUD for
Emerald Acres; City to utilize Eminent Domain proceedings to make Tower Dr a
public street.
Tschiggfrie, Rod, concerns re: bid letting for Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation Proj. (1/21)....20
Tschirgi & Schwind’s Subdivision, 1875-1895 University from C1 to C2 rezoning for Patricia
Friedman. (9/16)...................................................................................................................................380
Tucker Enterprises LLC to perform training re: lead hazard reduction program. (9/3)..............350
Tugboat Willys, 1630 E. 16 St. Liquor Lic. (4/1)...............................................................................142
Tully, Tom, Dbq Lumber Co., re: zoning change at end of Raven Oaks Drive – MWF –
Felderman. (5/20)........................................................................................................................211,212
Tunnel, Underground, for Cottingham and Butler, Irrevocable License. (1/21)(2/4).................25,34
Turn Lanes etc. - Agreement with IDOT – U.S. 20 – Dodge Street intersections improvements –
intelligent traffic control system. (12/16)......................................................................................492
Turner, Jerry, claim for J. Eckstein; referred to Ins. (5/6)(5/20)................................................179,199
TV Cable Franchise, Lease extension to MCCIowa LLC.
TV Cable Regulatory Commission applicant Kevin Nekvinda; appointed. (9/3)(9/16)........353,378
TV Cable Regulatory Commission, applicants: Danita Galdick, Ronald Tigges, Walter Webster.;
reappointments of Ronald Tigges & Walter Webster. (7/1)(7/15)........................................281,304
TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Carol Hoverman; reappointed. (9/3)(9/16)..353,378
TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Daniel B. Wilant; appointment. (7/1)(7/15)..281,304
TV Cable Teleprogramming Commission resignation of David Wanamaker. (8/19)...................332
Twelfth St. Extension Commercial District, Peavey, construction of River Terminal Dock
Facility. (3/18)....................................................................................................................................111
Twelfth St. Extension, Lease Agreement with ConAgra – Peavey Co. (10/7)........................409,410
Twelfth Street & Bluff Street Intersection Signage changed to put Stop Sign on Bluff St.
Twelfth Street, by Bluff St., vacating portion for Greg & Peg Stover. (7/15)(8/5)..........308, 309,320
Twenty Eight E Agreement - Tobacco Compliance – Cops in Shops, 28E Agreement between
Police & Iowa Alcoholic Beverage Division. (6/17)........................................................................263
Twenty Fourth Street to the 16 St. Detention Basin Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project -
RFP’s for preliminary design. (12/16).............................................................................................504
Twenty-First Street - Signage for Truck Route turn at 21 Street - with White St. Reconstruction
Project. (4/15)...................................................................................................................................174
Twenty-Fourth Street to Garfield, Michelle Harry discussing open storm drain for stormwater
runoff; more discussions etc. (7/15)(11/4).............................................................................307,449
Twenty-Second Street to Mines of Spain, Heritage Trail Extension Project. (8/5).......................327
Twine Co. – Dubuque, First Amend. to Lease – Dodds River Terminals – Yacht Basin. (1/21)...13
U.S. 20 – Seippel Rd. interchange, Building Moratorium extension, SW Arterial area.
(3/18) ............................................................................................................................................130,131
U.S. 20 Bridge deck repair project. (3/4)...............................................................................................81
U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River – FONSI Statement & capacity report. (9/3).....................351
U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River, ROW Agreement with IDOT. (9/16)...................................375
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Floodwall Inspection Report. (1/7)....................................................2
U.S. Bank, Minneapolis, used for city funds. (5/6)............................................................................188
U.S. Cellular on First St. - Lamar Billboards, violation for billboards on John F. Kennedy Rd. –
Calcars Hyundai and First Street – U.S. Cellular. (10/7).............................................................415
U.S. Dept. of HUD, application for America’s River Museum for funding. (2/4).............................31
U.S. Dept. of HUD, Consolidated End of Year Review for CDBG Program Year 2001 was
satisfactory. (11/4)...........................................................................................................................439
U.S. Dept. of Interior notification that Dbq Shot Tower was not selected for funding by FY 2002
Save America’s Treasures Historic Preservation Fund Grant. (10/21)....................................420
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, City has been selected as a pilot for with whom EPA to
award a Brownfields Assessment Pilot cooperative agreement. (6/3)....................................226
U.S. Highway 20 – Dodge St., intelligent traffic control system for intersections from Devon Dr. to
new Menards Store, IDOT Agreement. (12/16).....................................................................492,493
U.S. Highway 20 Signal Improvements – STP Agreement – IA Dept. of Transportation –
realignment of University Ave. from Ethel St. to Hwy 20. (2/4)...................................................36
U.S. Highway 20 Watermain Extension Phase II Project. (9/16)......................................................394
UD - University of Dubuque rezoning of 441 McCormick St. from R1 to ID. (8/5)..................321,322
UD - University of Dubuque rezoning property North of Hwy 20 – Dodge ST. & E of Devon Dr. for
student apartments. (10/21)...........................................................................................................428
UD - University of Dubuque’s request to rezone N. of Hwy 20 – Dodge St. & E of Collins St. for a
soccer field & parking lot. (6/17)..............................................................................................266,267
Ulstad, Steve, Architect of Raven Oaks Housing Project, comments. (4/15)..............................162
Ulstad, Steve, Architect, update on Conference & Education Center. (3/4)...................................79
Underage individuals - Prohibition of underage persons remaining after 9 p.m. where liquor
is sold. (3/18)...............................................................................................................................132,133
Underage sales of cigarettes – Penalties for Tobacco Permit Holders.
Underground - Bricktown, Cooper Management, 299 Main St., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.
Underground Tunnel Irrevocable License for Cottingham & Butler. (1/21)....................................25
Ungs, Joe, Claim; settlement. (4/15)(5/6)....................................................................................155,179
Uniform Mechanical Code adoption. (6/3)..................................................................................252,253
Union – Collective Bargaining Agreement - Dubuque Police Protective Assn. to
accommodate four ten hour days work week. (10/7)....................................................................401
Union - Collective Bargaining Agreement with Transit Union. (3/18)............................................110
Unit Based Pricing (PAYT) for garbage, rubbish, large items etc. (3/5)................................102,103
United American Gasoline, Inc., M & Z Food, 3200 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/3)226,227
United Rentals Building at 301 Iowa, Lease with Dbq County Historical Society.(10/21)...........423
United Way Campaign Time Proclamation. (8/5)..............................................................................315
University Avenue from Ethel St. to U.S. Highway 20 at JFK, realignment, IDOT STP Agree. (2/4)
University of Dubuque rezoning of 441 McCormick St. from R1 to ID. (8/5)..........................321,322
University of Dubuque rezoning property North of Hwy 20 – Dodge ST. & E of Devon Dr. for
student apartments. (10/21)...........................................................................................................428
University of Dubuque’s request to rezone N. of Hwy 20 – Dodge St. & E of Collins St. for a
soccer field & parking lot. (6/17)............................................................................................266,267
Unsen, Dave, comments re: John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Project. (4/15)............................161
Upper Main St. - Gronen Properties at Main St. & Eleventh St. – Affordable Housing Tax Credit
Application. (11/4)(11/18)(12/16)..............................................................................449,459,494,495
Uptown Recreation Program, Agreement with Four Mounds Foundation for Summer Day Camp
Program. (5/6).........................................................................................................................................185
Urban Deer Management Program, media release’ St. Stephen’s Food Bank Purchase of
Services to process deer meat for low income person. (3/18)(5/6)...................................114,186
Urban Renewal District – Downtown Dubuque, - Public Hearing by Long Range Planning Comm.
Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal District, amended. (4/1).............143
Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note & execution of Mortgage extension
with Alliant Energy – Interstate Power. (1/7)....................................................................................2
Urban Renewal, Downtown, expansion. (1/21)..............................................................................24,25
Urban Revitalization area – Garfield Place. (4/1)(5/6)................................................................152,191
Urban Revitalization areas – late filed applications approved. (2/18)..............................................51
Urban Revitalization areas– Tax Exemption applications approved. (2/18)...................................50
Urban Revitalization Districts – Old Main, Cathedral, & Langworthy Historic Districts.
Urban Revitalization Plan approval for Quebecor Economic Development District. (11/4).......445
Urban Revitalization Plan for Area Residential Care – ARC, at end of Kennedy Circle.
Urban Sprawl, County Zoning Adm. A. O’Shea, clarified - County’s Land Development Map.
URS/BRW, Bob Kost, design standards for Port of Dubuque. (2/4)................................................27
URS/BRW - contract Downtown Dubuque Transit Alternative Analysis for Port of Dubuque.
US Bancorp Piper Jaffrey of MN, best bid for sale of G.O. Bonds. (11/4)..............................447,448
Utilities – Phase #3 – Port of Dubuque, Project. (9/3)...............................................................370,371
Utilities Board – Iowa, letter @ electricity rate increase. (6/17).......................................................265
Utilities Extension Project – Rip Row Valley; acceptance. (2/4)(3/4)(10/7).......40,41,88,89,399,400
Utilities Project, Phase 3, Port of Dubuque. (10/7)............................................................................413
Utility Easement under Railroad Tracks near NW Arterial for water main. (11/4)........................441
Utility Easement vacation & disposal, C.J. Bies Subd. – for Triolo, Klauers & Sullivans. (2/18).70
Utility Easement vacation, 20’, for Larry & Sharon McDermott in Crescent Heights. (2/18).........65
Utility Easement, vacate C.J. Bies Subd. for Tom Oster. (2/18)(3/4)...........................................70,90
Utility fee for stormwater drainage discussed etc. (11/4)................................................................449
Utility Relocation at Port of Dubuque, discussion @ bidding & awarding to Fischer Excavating;
deletion from 6/3/02 Agenda. (1/21)(6/3)..................................................................................20,255
Utility Relocation – Mississippi River Discovery Center, final. (5/6).......................................180,181
Utility Relocation & Extension Project Phase III – Port of Dubuque. (9/3)..............................370,371
Utility Relocation Phase II, Port of Dubuque. (11/18)........................................................................459
Vacant Building Status Report. (8/5) 316
Vacate for Cottingham and Butler, Easement for Tunnel under Main Street between 8th & 9th
(1/2)(2/4) 25.34
Vacate & dispose of portion of Old Mill Road to David S. Hartig, Jr. (9/3) 363,364,365
Vacate alley between Iowa St & Central Ave. from 13th St. to 14th St. (9/3)(9/16) 366,382,383
Vacate Decorah St. east of Adair St. for disposal to Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole
Kubler. (12/16) 499
Vacate part of Kimball St west of Rhomberg Ave. for Michael Schmalz. (9/3) 363
Vacate portion of Burlington & Stoltz St. request by John & Tina Perry. (1/21) 8
Vacate portion of Carmel Dr. for BVM Sisters. (1/21)(3/18)(4/1) 8,134,142
Vacate portion of Helena St. & Henion St. for Loras College. (5/20)(6/3) 213,228,229
Vacate portion of old roadway easement parallel to John F. Kennedy Rd. — Grandview Ave.
United Methodist Church. (11/18) 469,470
Vacate portion of Raven Oaks Drive in Oak Brook Development. (9/3) 353,354
Vacate portion of Southern Ave — formerly Stewart Street, for David S. Hartig, Jr.. (7/1)292,293
Vacate portion of Stafford Ave. for Joseph G. Feltes. (5/6) 179
Vacate portion of Twelfth Street, by Bluff St., for Greg & Peg Stover. (7/15)(8/5) 308,309,320
Vacate portion of Van Buren — Lenox Ave., for Michael Basten. (5/6)(7/1)(7/15) ...179,291,292,304
Vacate Utility Easement for Larry & Sharon McDermott in Crescent Heights. (2/4) 37
Vacate Utility Easement in C.J. Bies Subd. for Triolo's, Klauers, and Sullivans. (2/18) 70
Vacation & disposal, 20' Utility Easement in Crescent Heights, Larry & Sharon McDermott.
(2/4)(2/18) 37,65,66
Van Buren Ave, was Lenox Ave., M. Basten requesting to buy (5/6)(7/1)(7/15)....179,291,292,304
Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr., appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm; Closed Session with
Council to evaluate his professional competency etc.; letter to Iowa Utilities Board @ electric
rate increase; designated as City representative to FEMA; report on opening Main Street 8
weeks early; designated to execute for City the Hazard Mitigation Project and filed it with
IEMD for financial assistance; to serve on Iowa League of Cities Policy Committee.
(2/4)(6/12)(6/17)(7/15)(9/16)(11/4) 31,259,265,302,308,377,442
Van Vors, James vs P. Arensdorf & City of Dubuque — claim/suit. (9/3) 349
Van Vors, James, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/4)(3/18) 80,107
Vanden Heuvel, Vincent J., applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/16) 500
VanderMeulen, John, re: comments @ Transit Dept. budget. (2/21) 75
Vann, Jerre!! M., Claim; Referred to Ins. (9/16) 372
Vaske, Donna, Claim; referred to W. C. Stewart Construction Co. (8/5) 315
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc., contract , Engineering Services for Water Tower & NW Arterial Water
Main Extension Engineering Services Contract. (7/1) 290
Vehicle Impoundment Ordinances, authority to impound from private lots. (3/18) 133
Vehicle, Emergency, for Red Cross, $5000 toward purchase; appreciation. (7/1)(8/5) 291,316
Vehicles, non motorized, scooters, skateboards prohibited in parking lots & garages. (8/19).339
Vernon St. at Glen Oak St., stop sign. (10/7) 414
Viertel, Merle A., claim; Referred to insurance. (1/7) 1
Virchow, Krause & Co. for Governmental Accounting Standards Bd Pronouncement 34 Planning
& Implementation Assistance, approval of Virchow, Krause & Co. (3/4) 86
Vision Downtown Project, IDED $25,000 CDBG Grant to Dubuque Main St. (12/2) 486
Vision Iowa — Community Attraction & Tourism Program, City support Grand Opera House
application. (11/4) 454
Vision Iowa funds considered by R. Tschiggfrie in bid letting - Port of Dbq Utility Relocation etc.
(1/21) 20
Vision Statement, 2012, - City of History, Beauty, Opportunities, Excitement – Dubuque: A
Masterpiece on the Mississippi. (8/29).........................................................................................348
Visiting Nurse Association, Agreement with IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning
Funding. (9/3)...................................................................................................................................350
Vista Heights Second Addn., final plat in Dubuque County, for Frank & Marilyn Ehrlich & Donald
Skelton. (6/17)..................................................................................................................................263
VNA - Visiting Nurse Association, Agreement with IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead
Poisoning Funding. (9/3)................................................................................................................350
Vogel, Gary & Doris, re: Bonson Road Street Extension. (8/5)......................................................316’
Vogt, Don, Operations & Maintenance Mgr., presentation of proposed new Public Works facility.
Volunteer Recognition Week Proclamation. (4/15)...........................................................................155
W. 11 (Eleventh) Street and Main Street, support affordable housing for Gronen Properties
etc. (11/4)(11/18)(12/16)................................................................................................450,459,494,495
W. 13, 45, Walsh Stores and Iowa Street True Value, 1300 – 1322 Iowa St., demolish
structure(s) for DB & T Bank. (6/3)(6/17)...............................................................................230,270
W. 32 St. area – final plat of Arbor Estates. (3/18)..........................................................................128
W. 32 St. Detention Cell – purchase of property for stormwater detention. (5/20)....................208
W. Locust & Jackson St. Resurfacing Project. (6/17)......................................................................274
Wadding, Reverend Judy, Gave Invocation. (4/15)...........................................................................155
Wading and swimming prohibited on steps and waterfront adjacent to Riverwalk. (11/4)........454
Wagner, Sister Lynn, PBVM, Director of The Food Pantry, gave Invocation. (12/2)....................481
Wagner, Tracy, of University of Dubuque, speaking @ their requested rezoning N of Dodge St.
(Hwy 20) and E of Collins St.; rezoning of 441 McCormick St.; requesting rezoning of
property N of Hwy 20 – Dodge & East of Devon for new student apartments.
Wahlert High School, re: parking problem issue on Kane St.(8/19)..............................................338
Walgreens, #06154, 2260 JF Kennedy Rd. (5/20)..............................................................................206
Walgreens, #00377, 555 JFK Rd., Cig. Per. (5/20).............................................................................206
Walk Day – Crop, Proclamation. (9/16)...............................................................................................372
Walker, Dan, 965 Oak, objecting to connection fees of Oak St. Sanitary Sewer Extension.
Walkway of crushed rock with a lime surface for Embassy West – John Herrig property.
Wall – Retaining on North Side of Hamilton Street, maintenance questioned by Katherine Kelley.
Wall St and Washington St., plat of survey. (3/4)................................................................................81
Wall St. & Washington St., Cypress St. & Market Square, --City offer to buy property on Fourth
Street Peninsula, Robert & Lynn Miller – Dubuque Hardwoods.. (10/l21)(12/16)............438,496
Wall, 3’ decorative, at The Cooper Co., Bricktown, Third & Locust Sts. (9/3)..............................352
Wallace, Rich, Mgr. of American Family Ins., requesting free weekend parking downtown.
Wallenkamp, John, of Kueny Architects LLC, presentation on proposed Public Works Facility.
Wal-Mart #2024, 4200 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (5/20)(10/7).............................206,404
Wal-Mart Store on former FDL property on Sycamore & 16 St., letter from Gary Reid in support
of this. (10/21)...................................................................................................................................419
Wal-Mart Store, Sixteenth & Sycamore Streets, Land Use Map amendment consideration.
Walnut Tap, C. Weiner, 709 University, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1)................................206,281
Walsh Stores – 45 W. 13 St. and Iowa Street True Value, 1300 – 1322 Iowa St., demolish
structure(s) for DB & T Bank. (6/3)(6/17)......................................................................230, 270,271
Walsh Store, former, IDED Agreement with DB & T for redevelopment of building. (8/19)........341
Walsh, Kimberly, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/16)........................................................500
Walsh, Tammy, 2043 Washington, in support of rezoning of various Washington St. rezoning of
properties for John Gronen. (4/15)................................................................................................162
Wanamaker, Dave, resigning from Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm. (8/19)............332
Wand, Christopher, applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; reappointed. (7/1)(7/15)..281,303
Wandro, Mark re: Dakota Minnesota & Eastern RR and the I & M Rail Link, merger, City to write
STF. (4/15)............................................................................................................................................175
Wandro, Mark, IDOT - SW Arterial – IA 32, Mayor letter to M. Wandro of IDOT; response;
Supervisors letter to him. (3/4)(3/18)................................................................................85,107, 108
Ward & Precinct Plan for City, Secretary of State approving. (1/21)..................................................9
Wartburg Place Reconstruction Project. (7/1)(8/5)....................................................294,295,322,323
Washington and Wall Streets & alleys, plat of survey. (3/4)..............................................................81
Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Annual Action Plan, FY 03, funding; also operation of it
by Operation: New View. (6/17)......................................................................................................263
Washington Street, 2006, 2010, 2024, 2032, 2036, 2042 & 2046, rezoning for John Gronen.
Washington, D.C., Nicholson spoke well of various activities there. (8/19).................................342
Wastewater inspection report - IA DNR - Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources. (7/1)........................279
Water department budget hearing. (2/25)............................................................................................76
Water Drainage - Nevada Street, 10, & 1431 YM/YW Drive, water runoff problem by Dubuque
Jackson County Habitat for Humanity; response by City Mgr. (10/21)(12/16).................419,495
Water Drainage – Stormwater Utility, discussions etc.
(3/5)(5/20) (6/3) (7/15) (10/7) (11/4).....................................................86, 90, 208, 217, 307, 413, 449
Water Main along NW Arterial - Wells Fargo Bank Iowa as Paying Agent etc. for G.O. Bonds to
support new water tower & water main along Northwest Arterial etc. (11/18).......................460
Water Main Extension Project – Old U.S. Highway 20; early completion date incentive.
Water Main Extension Project, Old U.S. Highway 20, Phase II Project. (9/16)(10/21)...394,435,436
Water Park - Hotel & Water Park, Consent & Subordination to Second Mortgage Agreement for
Platinum Holdings, in favor of American Trust Savings Bank. (10/21)...................................423
Water Playground Project for Flora & Sutton Pools. (12/2).............................................................482
Water Pollution Control Plant departmental budget hearing. (2/14)................................................45
Water Projects – sale of G.O. Bonds etc. (10/7)(10/21)..............................................404,405,433,434
Water purification drills by National Guard at Miller-Riverview Park. (5/6)...................................187
Water rates increased for residential & industrial uses. (3/5)...........................................................99
Water runoff concerns in development, Harvest View Estates Second Addn. (5/6)...................194
Water runoff near HyVee strip mall, objection by P. Riniker. (11/4)...............................................454
Water Tower - Wells Fargo Bank Iowa as Paying Agent etc. for G.O. Bonds to support new water
tower & water main along Northwest Arterial etc. (11/18).........................................................460
Water Tower & Northwest Arterial Water Main Extension Engineering Services Contract to
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc., water tower to be near Soccer complex on JF Kennedy Rd.
Water Tower, Fourth Zone, Project. (9/16)(10/21)......................................................................393,435
Water way, open, Michelle Harry submitting petition concerning action, rather than delays in
alleviating flooding. (10/7)..............................................................................................................413
Waterfront access, Council Member Cline stressed availability. (11/4)........................................454
Watermain Extension, Chavenelle Road, Construction. (1/21).........................................................21
Watermain Extension, NW Arterial. (916)(10/21)................................................................392,434,435
Waugh, Dennis, of IIW, for UD’s request to rezone N of Hwy 20 – Dodge St. & E of Collins St.
Way-Finding Signage Task Force Recommendation for Grandview District rather than College
District. (1/21).....................................................................................................................................23
Wayfinding Signage, discussion at special Council meeting. (11/18)...........................................457
Wayfinding signage districts discussed – College–Grandview District designated and Riverfront
District to be Port of Dubuque. (12/16).........................................................................................504
WCB Hotel, Midway Hotel, 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/3)....................................................................227
Weber, Bernard, Claim; settlement. (3/4)(4/15).............................................................................80,155
Weber, Delores, Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per. (6/3)..........................................................227
Weber, Sam, comments as to Fengler St. Bridge replacement project. (4/1)...............................148
Webster, Walter, applicant for the TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed. (7/1)(7/15)..281,304
Weekend parking downtown, request for free parking by R. Wallace. (8/19)...............................333
Weidemann, Terrance J. & Linda M., Claim. (6/3).............................................................................218
Weight Limit Postings removed on Fengler St. & Manson Road Bridges and added to Cousins
Road. (11/4).......................................................................................................................................452
Weiner, Craig, Walnut Tap, 709 University, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (5/20)(7/1).........................206,281
Weis, Joseph C., Arbor Glen Limited Partnership, vacation of Raven Oaks Drive for development
there. (8/19)(9/3)........................................................................................................................343,353
Weland, Kris, claim. (10/7)....................................................................................................................399
Weland, Peggy, Claim referred to Ins.. (10/7).....................................................................................399
Wells Fargo Bank Iowa – paying agent for G.O. Bonds. (11/4).......................................................448
Wells Fargo Bank Iowa as Paying Agent etc. for G.O. Bonds to support new water tower & water
main along Northwest Arterial etc. (11/18)...................................................................................460
Wells Fargo Bank Iowa, appointed as Paying Agent etc. for $1,000,000 G.O. Bonds for Main
Street construction Project. (3/18)................................................................................................114
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Claim. (8/19)........................................................................................332
Welsh, Elena, Burns & Burns Architects, re: Urban Revitalization Area for Area Residential Care.
Welsh, Sandi, objection to Stewart’s proposed rezoning & annexation on Old Highway Road –
Hwy 20. (8/5).....................................................................................................................................321
Welu Printing Co. by Atty David Wright, Claim; referred to Ins. (12/16)........................................492
Wessels, Al, of Dbq. County Firefighters, appreciation for city funds for fire truck. (3/4)............80
West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, 1701 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (4/1).................................................142
West Eleventh Street and Main Street, support affordable housing for Gronen Properties etc.
West Locust & Jackson St. Resurfacing Project. (6/17)(7/15)(9/3)...........................274,305,350,351
West Locust Mart, Lee’s 76, L. Potter, Sr. 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.
West Locust Street Steps & Catherine St. – Historic Bluffs Trail Project Grant Application.
West Locust Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project. (8/5)(9/3)........................................329,359
West Ridge Third Addition plat of Survey. (8/19).......................................................................332,333
West Thirteenth, 45, Walsh Stores and Iowa Street True Value, 1300 – 1322 Iowa St., demolish
structure(s) for DB & T Bank. (6/3)(6/17)...............................................................................230,270
West Thirty-Second St., 895, property from Karen Maury for detention basin property.
West Thirty-second Street Detention Basin, 18 month moratorium on issuance of permits.
West Twelfth St. – stop sign added, removed from Bluff St. side of the intersection. (11/4).....453
Westside Intake Replacement Project – Storm Sewer Acceptance. (1/21)................................10,11
Westview Shopping Center Place No. 2, plat of Survey and Westview Shopping Center Place
No. 3 – 1800 Block of John F. Kennedy Rd. for Key City Investment Co. (2/18).................48,49
Wetlands - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands Site Package I, Supplement Agreement,
Interior Walkways Project. (12/16)..........................................................................................495,496
Wetlands Project – Permit Application to Corps of Engineers for Dubuque County Historical
Society. (1/21).....................................................................................................................................15
Whalen, Dr. John E., applicant to Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed. (8/5)(8/19).....320,335
Wheatland Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates, Second Addn. (5/6).............................194,195
Wheelchairs and walkers - Elderly & disabled, modification to Riverwalk design to help them.
Whiskey River, C. Streff, 1064 University, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per. (4/1)(5/20)...........................142,206
White House Tavern, David Hoffman, 450 W. Locust St., Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic.
White Street – narrow it to 37’ in the 22 to 24 Street blocks. (4/15)..........................................174
White Street Reconstruction Project. (1/21)(2/4)(2/18)(3/4)(4/15)..............17,18,35,53,86,87,174,175
White, Daniel, NICC – Northeast Iowa Community College rep Daniel White to Enterprise Zone
Commission. (5/6)............................................................................................................................196
White, Darren, candidate for County Supervisor. (10/7)..................................................................417
White, Frederick D., Claim. (2/4)............................................................................................................28
White, Richard, re: suit again him & City etc. by Dubuque Bank & Trust etc. (6/17)...................261
WHKS & Co., Stormwater FP Consultant selection of Camp dresser & McKee. (5/20)...............208
Wieland, Stephanie & Keith, 2910 Jackson, rental policy of Comiskey Building. (5/6)...............180
Wilant, Daniel B., applicant for TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.; appointed.
Wild Wood Estates, final plat, new residential development off of North Cascade Road in
Dubuque County. (10/7)..................................................................................................................415
Wild, Robert, claim denied. (1/7)..............................................................................................................1
Wildlife Observation Shelter on E. 15, Audubon Society Bulletin Board installed. (6/3)..........225
Wilgenbusch, Father Lyle, of St. Joseph the Worker Church, Gave Invocation. (8/19)..............332
Willenborg, Harlan, reappointed to Mechanical Code Bd.; applicant for Plumbing Bd.;
Reappointed to Plumbing Bd. (4/15)(5/6)(11/4)(11/18)..........................................161,189,443,472
Williams, Dennis, objecting to sidewalks with John F. Kennedy Rd. Reconstruction. (4/15)
Willis, Ellen, 372 Main, Downtown Rehab Loan Agreement Amend.; Second Amendment to Loan
Agree. (3/4)(11/4).........................................................................................................................85,441
Winders, Gene, re: John F. Kennedy Reconstruction Proj. (5/6)...................................................190
Windmills of America, LLC Windmills, 2155 South Park Ct., Liquor Lic. (3/18)..........................128
Winger Construction – Jay Winger requesting rezoning for corner of Garfield Ave. & Stafford St.;
denied. (10/21)(12/16)...............................................................................................................428,502
Winger Construction awarded contract, Bunker Hill Sidewalk Install. Proj. (7/1)(11/4)283,284,440
Winterwood, Charles, appointed as Chair of Bee Branch Corridor Study citizen input group;
appointed Chair of Citizens Advisory Comm.- Bee Branch Watershed Basin. (3/4)(8/5).86,326
Wolff, Keith, & Ron Malone, rezoning of 940 to 990 Cedar Cross Rd. (4/15)................................163
Wood Shed by Star Brewery Building, demolition. (12/2)................................................................482
Woodlawn, Lot 10A & Lot 11A, vacated – Decorah St., east of Adair for Douglas & Jean Kapp &
Wm. & Carole Kubler. (12/16).........................................................................................................499
Woodman, Myra & Stanley, Claim; referred to Ins.; claim – suit. (7/15)(9/16).......................298,372
Woodman, Myra, Central Tap, 1046 Central, Cig. Per. (6/3).............................................................227
Woodward Museum Restoration Project; then rescinded. (2/4)(2/18)........................................42,49
Woodward Museum – IDOT, Supplementary Agreement for Freight House Restoration Project.
Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project. (5/6)(6/17)(8/5)...............................197,198,270,324
Woodward Museum, Grant application for exhibits. (6/17).............................................................265
Woodward Museum, 2000 Renovations Project – Roof, Downspouts, Tuckpointing, Carpentry,
contracts awarded. (8/5)..........................................................................................................324,325
Woodward, Bob, for Arts, spoke at budget hearing for funding by City. (2/25)(12/2).............76,481
Worker’s Compensation Account at American Trust Bank, Alternative Services Concept granted
authorization to sign checks. (9/16)..............................................................................................373
Worker’s Compensation settlement for John Fitzgibbons. (12/16)................................................493
Wright, Attorney David, claim for Welu Printing Co.; referred to Ins. (12/16)...............................492
Wubben, Lois, Claim; settlement. (3/4)(3/18)................................................................................80,107
Yacht Basin – Firstar Assignment of real estate & lease agreements. (1/21)............................13,14
Yacht Basin Lease Amendments corrected – Dodds River Terminals & Dbq. Twine Co. etc.
Yamaha Leasing, Golf Cart Lease Agreement changed as to number of carts. (7/15)...............300
Yard Waste collection, new Ord. re: garbage, rubbish and yard waste collection. (3/5)............101
Yardarm Restaurant, 1201 Shiras Ext., Liquor Lic. (3/4)....................................................................86
Yen Ching Restaurant, Sun’s Corp., 926 Main, Liquor Lic. (11/4)..................................................442
Yes-Yes vote on 11/5/02 for continuation of gaming – gambling in referendum. (10/7).............416
Yield Sign for Eastbound Traffic on East Fifth St. (11/4).................................................................451
Yield signs on Camelot Drive at intersection with Embassy West. (7/1).......................................277
YM/YW Drive & 10 Nevada St., water run off problems for Habitat for Humanity homes; response
by City Mgr. (10/21)(12/16).......................................................................................................419,495
YMCA Building – former, 125 W. Ninth St., listed in National Register of Historic Places. (3/4)..81
Youth Appreciation Week received by 3 Optimists Clubs Presidents. (11/4)...............................439
Youth Week Proclamation. (5/6)..........................................................................................................179
YWCA Appreciation Month Proclamation. (10/7)`.............................................................................399
Zaber, Carrie, of Diamond Jo Casino, supportive: gaming – gambling referendum. (10/7).......416
Zahina, Richard & Patricia, final plat of lots at 605 & 611 S. Grandview. (1/21)..............................9
Ziegler, Jennifer, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/4)(3/18)....................................................................80,107
Ziepprecht Building – demolition of nearby building for D B & T. (6/3)(6/17)................230,270,271
Ziepprecht Block Building considered for National Register of Historic Places.
Ziepprecht Building & Bell Building, demolition of one story addition for DB & T – Heartland.
Zoning – allowance of primary signs, - GDDC & Kirchoff Realty; correction of vote of the Zoning
Advisory Comm. (3/18)(4/15)...................................................................................................123,156
Zoning – Amending Code by amending Bulk Regulations for Single Family Residential District
to Reduce Lot Frontage & Lot Area Requirements - Single Family Residential Lots. (2/18).65
Zoning – Area Residential Care, ARC – Health Services Credit Union at end of JF Kennedy
Circle. (2/18)........................................................................................................................................54
Zoning – Area Residential Care - Area Residential Care Urban Revitalization of area at the end of
John F. Kennedy Cr. (10/21)(11/4)(11/18).............................................................427,428,443,477
Zoning - Asbury Plaza Shopping Center Planned Unit Development District sign regulations –
Mark Vondrak – Rubloff Development Group. (11/18)...............................................................474
Zoning change for Keith Wolff & Ron Malone, rezoning of 940 to 990 Cedar Cross Rd. (4/15)163
Zoning – Dbq. Industrial Center West, rezoning of property: Chavenelle Dr. east of Seippel Rd. –
Dbq. Industrial Center West from AG to PUD for City. (2/18).................................................54-63
Zoning - Amending Ord. No. 72-98 establishing the PUD Planned Unit Development District with a
PR Planned Residential Designation for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park by modifying
requirements for Signage and Installation of Sidewalks. (8/19).......................................336-338
Zoning – final plat for Davis Place II – 511 – 515 Garfield for Scott Potter’s. (3/18).....................109
Zoning – final plat of Harvest View Estates, Second Addition. (5/6)..............................................194
Zoning – final plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Higley Place in Dubuque County. (7/15)...........................299
Zoning – final plat of Lots 1-24, of Blk 1 & Lot A-# of Southern Hills Subd. II in Dbq. County, Iowa.
Zoning – final plat of Pinto Ridge Subd., corner of Old Highway Rd., Seippel Rd. etc. (4/15)...158
Zoning – final plat of Sullivan’s Addition, - W. 32 St. west of Fink St., for James & Anita
Sullivan. (2/18)...............................................................................................................................47,48
Zoning – Plat of survey of Fitz Place at 3232 Sheridan Road. (10/21)...........................................420
Zoning – Plat of survey of portion of Westview Shopping Center Po. NO. 2 – 1800 block of John
F. Kennedy Rd. for Key City Investment Co. (2/18).......................................................................48
Zoning – re: Eagle Point No. 2 Subdivision at end of Rhomberg Ave. – Final Plat - matter tabled;
rezoning of 2701, 2705 & 2711 Rhomberg from R1 to CR & CS. (2/18)(9/3).......................47,357
Zoning - Text amendment, allow off street parking lots for churches & schools as a conditional
use. (3/18)...........................................................................................................................................124
Zoning & request for annexation for Callahan Construction, property on Seippel Rd. (5/20)...207
Zoning Administrator for County, Anna O’Shea, clarified County’s Land Use Development Map.
Zoning Advisory Commission applicants: Martha Christ, Ferd Nesler, Richard Schiltz, Ron
Smith; reappointment of Martha E. Christ, Richard J. Schiltz, & Ron Smith.
Zoning amendment for Emerald Acres No. 2 PUD – E. Tschiggfrie and T. Corp. (11/18)...........472
Zoning amendments – SW Arterial Corridor Moratorium. (4/15)...................................................169
Zoning Board of Adjustment & City, sued by Mary Lou Mulgrew. (8/5).......................................315
Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant William J. Felderman; appointment of Felderman.
Zoning change for 515 Garfield from R-2A to OR. (1/21)...................................................................18
Zoning change for 8000 Old Highway Road – Wayne & Lynn Stewart, denied. (8/5)...........320,321
Zoning change for ID Institutional Dis. of Loras College, Henion St. to 16 St., student apartment
construction. (1/21)...........................................................................................................................16
Zoning change request of Dennis & Lori Ansel, Rockdale Rd., (tabled 10/16/00).
Zoning change requested for 840 Roosevelt Dr., R1 to CS by Randy Davis. (4/15)(6/17).163,268
Zoning change requested for MWF Properties – Felderman Business Partnership, for end of
Raven Oaks Drive to allow 64 multi-family housing units. (4/15)(5/6)(5/20)......162,194,211,212
Zoning for Port of Dubuque area from ROOOOW, HI, MHI, CS & Wholesale Dis. & CR to PUD and
adopting a Conceptual Development Plan to be known as the Port of Dubuque Riverfront
District, for the City. (4/15).......................................................................................................164,165
Zoning from R1 to C2 - 2531 J. F. Kennedy for Kathy Spear. (9/16)........................................378,379
Zoning interpretation questioned by John Steger. (12/16)..............................................................492
Zoning of North Cascade Road, 3001, rezoning for Jerry & Lisa Graff and John & Carole
Heiderscheit. (12/16)................................................................................................................502,503
Zoning of properties at 2027 & 2035 Elm, 349 & 369 E. 20 St., 2006, 2010, 2024, 2032, 2036,
2042, & 2046 Washington Sts from R2A to C2 for John Gronen. (4/15)..................................162
Zoning Ordinance update, Management Agenda. (8/29).................................................................348
Zoning plat of Survey – Rockdale Rd., portion of Shipton’s Second Addn. (12/16)....................493
Zoning possibility at end of Rhomberg, former Tollbridge Inn site for condominiums.
Zoning change for 2193/2195 & 2197/2199 Sunny Slope Drive - Ken Moore. (9/3)..............356,357
Zoning change for property at NW Corner - U.S. Highway 20 & North Crescent Ridge, C3 to PUD
with PC and a Conceptual Development Plan – Luksetich & Smith. (9/3)......................355,356
Zoning request & annexation request for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church for
property located SW of John Wesley Drive & N of Asbury Plaza. (10/21)........................430,431
Zoning request for corner of Stafford & Garfield by Jay Winger – Winger Cons. (10/21)...........428
Zoning request of University of Dubuque at 441 McCormick from R1 to ID. (8/5)................321,322
Zoning request of University of Dubuque to allow construction of soccer field & parking lot –
North of Hwy 20 – Dodge St. and east of Collins St. (6/17)................................................266,267
Zoning request of University of Dubuque to allow construction of student apartments for
property N of Hwy 20 – Dodge St. and E of Devon Dr. (10/21)..................................................428
Zoning Text amendment Freeway 61/151 Sign Overlay District – SOD to replace with the Port of
Dubuque Planned District Sign Regulations. (4/15).....................................................................169
Zoning Text Amendment requested – Lamar Advertising – Off Premise Signs, denied. (8/5)..322
Zoning Text Amendment, eliminate conditional use permit stipulation that applicant has six
months to obtain a building permit & begin building or an occupancy permit. (9/16)...380,381
Zoning Text Amendment, removing provision that states no accessory building shall exceed
one floor level. (9/3).........................................................................................................................358
Zoning, 1001 Davis, Sisters of St. Francis, from R1 to OR. (4/15)(5/6)...........................161,189,190
Zoning, 1875 – 1895 University, C1 to C2 for Pat Friedman, Lee Manor Investments. (9/16).....380
Zoning, Radford Rd. from C2 to PUD with a PC – Patricia Friedman & Radford Road
Development. (9/16)(10/21)......................................................................................................380,431
Zurich American Insurance Co. for Bernice Petersen, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7/15).................298