2 16 10 City Council Proceedings Official_Special CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on February 16, 2010 in the Historic Federal Building. Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Voetberg, City Manager Van Milligen Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the purpose of discussing various City departmental budgets. Fiscal Year 2011 Departmental Budgets were presented by staff from the following City departments: Housing and Community Development Department and public hearing for the Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan, Planning Services Department, Economic Development Department, Parking Division, and the Transit Division. City Council had discussion with staff following each presentation. PUBLIC HEARING Upon motion, the rules were suspended allowing anyone present to address the City Council. 2011 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan: Community Development Specialist Aggie Tauke introduced members of the Community Development Advisory Commission and presented the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Action Plan and budget. There were no public comments. Upon motion the rules were reinstated limiting discussion to the City Council. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REVIEW Housing and Community Development Department: Housing and Community Development Department Director David Harris presented the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for this department. Responding to questions from City Council, Harris stated that the number of Family Self- Sufficiency (FSS) program vouchers is workable. He stated that changes in the Section 8 program are already producing results and that the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re- Housing program is being outsourced to Project Concern. Harris added that if the number of Section 8 program vouchers is reduced, it is unlikely the number can be increased in future years. Van Milligen stated that he has frozen the issuance of new Section 8 program vouchers and is recommending resources needed to make the system work more efficiently and other options will be considered if the 900 cap on vouchers is not manageable. Community Development Advisory Commission Member Ann Michalski, 1520 Altura Street, expressed her concern over rescinding vouchers for the handicapped. Jenny Manders, 1990 Ellis Street, expressed her concern over leaving unused funding “on the table” and the needs of the elderly. Van Milligen stated that vouchers are not rescinded but processed on a preference point system. More research is being done to define “disabled” to more readily serve applicants adding that there are other programs available in addition to Section 8. Jerry Maro, 10366 Timothy Street, speaking on behalf of the Dubuque Landlords Association, stated that landlords can benefit from renters receiving Section 8 if they are genuinely in need of the program and added that the Association voted to support the City Manager’s recommendation to place a freeze on issuing new vouchers and capping the number at 900. Planning Services Department: Planning Services Manager Laura Carstens presented the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for this department. Responding to questions from City Council, Carstens stated that the City had received a water trail grant and defined the purpose of the Certified Local Government contract, Section 106 Reviews and Phase VI Surveys as related to the request for funding of the department’s one improvement package request. Economic Development: Economic Development Director Dave Heiar presented the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for this department. Connors, Jones, Braig, and Lynch agreed that the requested improvement package providing $25,000 to the Convention and Visitors Bureau to assist with expenses associated with the 2010 RAGBRAI should be reconsidered if funds are available at the end of the current fiscal year. CVB Director Keith Rahe stated that RAGBRAI has a positive economic impact on the community and explained that these funds are needed for assistance with police, fire, trolleys, parking, fencing, security, etc. as actual event expenses approach $85,000. Parking Division: Parking Division Supervisor Tim Horsfield presented the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for this department. Responding to questions from City Council, Horsfield stated that expanding the Locust Street ramp maintenance shop will result in the loss of only two parking stalls. Lighting in the same ramp will be replaced with new, efficient lighting as part of a scheduled lighting upgrade. Horsfield will consider naming opportunities and signage for the City’s parking facilities if so directed. Transit Division: Transit Manager Jon Rodocker presented the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for this department. City Council discussed funding related to the RTA/Northeast Iowa Community College shuttle bus and combining 2 part-time dispatcher positions into one full-time position. Cindy O’Bryon, 784 Carriage Hill Drive, spoke in support of continued funding of the shuttle for NICC on behalf of its students. RTA Director Mark Munson, 7600 Commerce Drive, stated that the route has found a core ridership and a Green Jobs grant through ECIA may possibly help fund their portion of the service in addition to rider fares and other RTA support. If NICC is unable to contribute their portion, the service may be discontinued. City Council discussed the benefits of the shuttle versus the City’s budget responsibility. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 10:28 p.m. /s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC City Clerk 1t 2/22