Y Roll_38_Sewer Part 1Julien Ave. (University Ave.) Lots 46-748 and 2 of Morehiser's Sub. Stewart St. Auburn St. Delhi St. t/ 44 n Al ' _______Contractor. C, Kean---- -" - pense 16.' e$6147 Per cenl., $77:88; extra expeg --'- --- Sub., $2u..: intereet ,t jer ant, ..$. 1I i I Chue. Sr o.i M11118nndf0 lin. 1 r 4( nnnnholee and $ 33, total , -_. ..... ..- 6.6814 per cent, v 1t. file Pipo ut $.952541, I A. P;rg:eV, Sub. 12 of 61• 30 76 total t at B Per cent, $ 61, 39.35 ! $47.62; extra e.xpenae nt. L. 172, Lot 2; manholes and Burdens, E. Bush, • Sub 1 4 4, 5,66147 Per cent, $2.66; I2. 4 39,2 fin. ft the Pipe at 1 of Min Lot 172, Unit. e ,'ji 14 at fi pre• cent ; 4'l1 60 a0 $.952641, $31.34; extra ex- of Lo 2t; manholes and 115.5 „ _ pense et 6.56147 Pi cent, lin ft. tole PIPs at $,962641, • -. total ._. _. _.... __......- Sub., . ' Thos. O'Brien, Milliga " $2.08; Interest at 6 per cent, $11'0.02; extra ecPense at Lot 3; manholes and 50 lin. $,33; total - _......_ 39.75 5.56147 per cent, $6.12; ft. the pipe at $•962541, E. A Engler, Sub. 12 of M. terest at 6 per cent, $.96; $47.62; extra expense at L. 172, Lot 1; manholes and total 1.17,10 T 6.66147 Per rent, $2.65: In' 39.2 lin. ft. tile pipe at Virginia E. B. Robinson, Suit. tert at at. 6 pc•,r c1,-nt. $.4:.; $.952541, $37.34; extra ex- 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 172, Unit. 60.69 pense at 5.56147 per cent, 'A Lot 2; manholes and 115.6• los. Thos. O'Brien. MIIIIRlnit talSub., $2,08; interest at 6 per cent, lin ft. file Fife x ense$.962641, I.at 2; manholes and 60 lin, $,33; total ..................................... 39.75 $110.02; extra expense al. i1 a at $.962641, Mary J. Gregory, Mourheiser's 5.56147 per cent, $6.12; In - $47,62; extra expense at Sub.. Lot 19; manholes and tereet at 6 per cent, $.96; 5.56147 Per cent, 1,2.6b; to- 44.16 lin. ft. We pipe at. total .............................. __..__....... L17.10 it tereet at per costO , $ 50.69 $•`•52541, $42.05; extra ex- Frank Gregory, Tachirgl & total .. ..._............_........ prose at 5.56147 Per cent, Schwind's ?'ub., Lot 6; man - it llsstatter, Mil ltgen'o $2.33; interest at 6 per cent, holes and 6' III ft. tale pipe ' Lot 1; am"holes ani $.36; total _._.._............._..._ ......... 44.74 at $.952541,7$167,16; extra ex - Sub., I 160 11n, ft. the pipe at $959641 Mary :cockle, Mo•heluer's pense at 5.56147 per cent, $47.62 extra expense at Sub., Lot 18; manholes and $3.18; interest at 6 per cent, 5.1113147 Per cent, $2.65; In- 44.16 lin. ft. the pipe at $.50; total,. ..._....... ....... - ..... .... 60.83 terrst at 6 per cent, $•421 60 69 $•962541, $42.05; extra ex- Anna Smith st al, Tachirgl & toad .... -..--. - .pense at 5.56147 Per cont, Schwind's ub., Lot 6; matt- ' Mary Roussell, Mater Sub., $2 33 interest at 6 yer •lent. holes and ,42.50 lin. ft. tile Lot 2; mmnbole;, and 50.5 ;,3G; total ....... ... _.._.__.... ....... - 44.74 pipe at $.932541, $47.62; ex- 1 lin. ft. the pipe at $.952541, D. Antesberry & D. f.ofdcof- tra expem a ht 5.56147 per • 18e It ltl ex ' 6, cent n V t1,¢ I leer' Sub. Lot . Interest at 6 e1, • ex ser, Morhe s , $ 9 P 6 0.8 $ 1 A In- I 6.8147 per cent, $283; I, . 17; manholes and 44.18 tin. cent, $:42' total 10.69 terest at 6 per cent, $•46' ft. tile pipe at $.952541, B. J. Savagt Est., Tachirgl & total 54.2, $42.05; extra expense at Schwlnd's'Sub., Lot 4; man- vvm, Holfs, Dloter Sub., Lot 5.56147 por cent. $2.33; in- holes and1t,42.50 lin. ft. the 3; manholes and 60 Ion. ft. I torest at 6 per cent, $'38; Pipe at $Sp2541, $47.62; ex- Ille pipe at $95.2541, $47.62; total ........_ ......_..__.. 44.74 tra expeneP at 5,56147 ler extra expense at 5.66147 per I P. F McCaffery, Mo•helsar's cent, $2,1,5: Interest at 6 per cent $2.85; Interest at 6 per 50.1,0 Sub.. Lot 16; manholes and cent, $A2; total .._..._.............__._ 60.89 cool. $•42; total. -. 44.16 lin it. the pipe at Morris Hill. Tschlrgi & L. J. LnBriga, Loetseher & $.952541. $42.051: extra ex- Schwind's Sub., Lot 3; man- Truebs Sub., Lot 14; matt- penes at 6.56147 Per cont, holes and 42.50 lin. Yt. file holes and 49.8 lin It. rile $2,33; Interest at. 6 per cot, pipe at '$.952541, $47.62; ex- i ' Sty council of pipe at $.952541, $47.44; 9x- $,36; total ......... __.... 44.74 Ira expense at 5.56147 per x, to Pay ern expense at 6.5614 per .Albert GePfert, 9foliciser's cent, $2.65: interest at 8 Per {tat•p [ewer lu cent, $2.84; Interest at 6 per 50149 77th•, Lct 15; manholes and cent, $.42; total . 5di69 ct at follows: $.411 total ......_. _. i 1 44.16 111 ft. tile Pipe a. Wm. M. Berolet•, Tachlrgi m AVSM Street L. J. LaBrign, Loetschar & $,952541, $42.05; exiru ex Schwind's Sub., Lot 2; man- S{iopr. Street Trueb's Sub., Lot 13: man. IJ pense at 5.56147 Per cent, holes and 42.60 Ito. ft. lila to %m Street, polos and 50.2 ft, till pipe i' $2 33; interest at 6 per cent, Pipe at $ 952541, $47.62; ex - )III Ja91n Avert• et. $;15.2541. $47.82; extra ex• $.36: total ...............................__ tra expense at 5 56147 ,urteeuh Street, pense at 5.56147 Per cent, _ 44.74 P . per it Alrnu Street $2,66; interest at 6 per cent. I Eugene Anderson. Idylawilde cent, $2.1,$; interest at 6 Per 1 upon Street $,42; total ..... b,l9p Heights. Lot 16; manholes coal, $.4.; total ......._ ....... 50.69 tlejl ! t° Wast Eng, & Herbert Adame. Lot- still 66.35 lin. ft. tile pipe at Geo. 1?n,rw lod, Sub. 1 Tschlr- CCOs A I:ean, aeher & Trueba Sub. Lot t2; $962541, $63.20; extra ex- 1gi & Shhwind's Sub., Lot 1 . tf asindlolnhng manholes and 50.211n ft. til° pense at 5.56147 per emit, 5; nivribibles and 40 lin. ft. t 'rare and is pipe at 5.9521641, $47,82; ex- $3.51;t'ntcrest at G per cent, file Pipe at $952541, $3810; 1 I xtra ex w sacral Lots, 1.•a expense at 5.56147 per $ LII .._...........__..._.._...,..... 67.26 ); pense at 5.56147 •per . t and Itrcels of cent. $2.88; interest at 6 per I Virginia E. 13. Robinson, Idyls •oat, $'2.12; interest ¢t 6 per fieramed, sit- cunt, $.42: total......_.._........_ 5090 wilds Helghta, Und. % Of ':eat, $.33; total ......._...._-__._ 40.56 ro, .o several Guy E. Pollock, Leetacber & 1I ( Lot 1; manholes and 81.2;: I•'nnk Schmitt, Sub. 1, Techir- , Lot or Truebs Sub, Lot 11; man.$-q52541.tri & Schwind's Sub., Lot iS lin. ft file Pipe ¢t 4; manholes and 60 lin. ft. i Rowe: h)les and 53.1 lin. ft ole $77.38; extra expense at f •c Amount pipe at $.952641, $50.58; ex- r 1 5.56147 per cent, $4.30; {n file Pipe et eat 541, 47.16; tra expense at 5.56147 per tereet at 6 pa• cent, $.67 event,xtra expense et st at 7 per t b., cent. $2.81; Interest at 6 per total .... 82 35 cent• $ .60; interest at 8 per 1,d 6 I:n. I .........._............ ...... cent. $.60; total ........ gal, cent. $.45; total _................__.,..... 153.84 Burdena E. Bush, Id lewllde John 1V. S '".._. BO 33 E. A. Engler, Sub. 12 cf M, ill, y Schwind, pub. 1 To I p n at Heights, Und. 1,4 of Lot bgi & Schwind's Sub., Lot $ F1hn. L. 172, Lot 3: manholes; and 1; manholes and S1.2°+ 3; manhole -,i and 50 111. ft. 392 lin. ft the pipe at lin, ft the Pipe at $.952541, ties i , $, .... _....$ 6069 $.962541• 137.34; extra ex-; Pe 952541, $47.82; /.1hta 1 Price Pet- Squas,p Foot to I.buttirig Property, I extra expense at 5.61 147 Per . t at 8 Per ;, 4I 1 o%afr 1 '- cent, $2 85; a at 5.6 at 6 per total .t ._ _ ._..:. _ 4(•- 41! bol..' i 1 R : 43q man- at $.95250"Y4. , cent, $.42; total .... __ 50 69 Wtlhel 1,, iia 3myct.l r+l ether + 4nd 26 Ion. ! lite ptFa 1 ` John W. Sch'rind, Sub. 1 &Trilabe Sub., Lot 6 • 40.3 1, a $ 'x`41, $22.57 extra ex- Dense ;a 6.66147 p _c E2.86; ;nterea•-at 8 perk Tachirgl & Schwind's Sub., lin. Yt.'tile pipe at 4.95162411 t $1 3i 661 ,. ter ce t, $.42; total 1 , ..,i a ..ler cent, _. ;...5 Lot 3; manholes and 60 lin. $38,39; extra eapmtse at ;. 1• u1, _ ... 26.34 Jacob Traut, 11ech;.:1. 2 , Pt. file pipe at Ense $.952541, $2.16; .tereet. at 8 par ••ant, Carl F lit,'x, Tc...1ir f & Sell Lot 17; $47.6.; extra. exptnee at $.33; t°thl ....__......_____.,-_. 40.87 9chwIt- N ,,6 Lot -3; man- WasMid 60 lin ft, tib pipe 5..,6:_47 per cent, $2.66• in- Rudolph '3erner, Lootscher & holes a. 261 o ft. tile f e -t $.952541, $47.62; [extra ex - serest at 6 Per cent, $.42; Truebs Sub., Lot 6; et :$.9524e D P Pense 11.5.513147 1, E2 .81 extra ex- Per cent, total ...... ........................ :,0.69 manholet and 40 ltn. ft. fila pease 4'. i 6e . $2.65; interest at 6 p ..... .... cant. Mary J. Schwind. Loetecher & pipe at ;,962541, $33.10; ex- $ 32; inimr. 47 per cent, $.42; total '_ Trueba Sub., Lot 15; man- tra expense at 5.56147 per ' at fi Per cent, Jacob Trout, Tachlri 60,ov holes and 40 lin. ft. tile Pipe cent, $2.12; interest at 6 per $•21; tr>, gt D Carl F. - ----- 26.34 Schwln ro [Lot 18; Mau. at $.952541, $38.10; extra ex- cent, $.33; total ...__ _ 40.55 `-' "'4 Tachie I &. holes and SO 11n ft. t1I0 Pipe Schwind's \ 1, 44; than- at 9 D pense at 6.66144 per cen;., John W. & Loulsa Hillery Loot- holes and t' $,• 62541, $47.62; extra ex- $2.12; interest. at 6 per cen„ Scher & Troche Sub., Lot 7; at $.962641; I17 a ft. lite PIPs Pease at 5.56147 S)33: total ....... _ 40.55 manholes and 40 11n. ft. Lila 2; extra ex. $2,65; interest at tipper cent, 1 $ 65; onaru, ! t BPeDsit at 5.: 17 Per cent, per cent, Jacab total Traut,._...Tachirgi. Maly Schwind, Loetecher n pipe at $.963541, $88tQ- D t rt 1 1 ,. 6.,69 Schwind's Lot 19; man 50. Trueba Lot 18; man- tri expense, a ' 6741 / IrAes and 40 lin, ft. tale PIPo cent, $2.12; WIA- • e at $.952541, $38.10; extra ex- cent, S.33; t f1, hfr,;, & holes and n0 lin ft. file pipe ,fns a 6.6fif47 per cent. Will W. Drig,y 4+:attyaL•t• hale•[ r. !,n . °j rata- at.S.91A2541, $47,62; extra ex. P e t P n ,n ft. the pi a penstl at 5.661 b' 1 .7 e1, Pent & Trueba 9 b . Lot P , $.•12; Interest at 6 per cont, manholes and 40 lin. ft. Gla at $.o at 6 $ ,7 extra N. $2 66; total st !it 6 per cent. $.33; total .......... ..........._....._..__......... 40.66 pane,+ at 5..,614 _ Mary Schwind, Loetacher & pipe at $.9526141, $38.10; es• $2.66;, 11MAreat I per "of n J total ..._..... ...................._... 50,89 Ti neb's, Lot 17; man- tra expense it 5.56147 Per $,42; tufa{ °@Pt ' Ilan J. Schwind, Tachirgl & °les and 40 lin. ft. file PIPs cent, $2.12; it crest at 6 per Voelker Ilealt Ci 60.69' 9,leg an's Lit 24; man t. $.952541, $38.10; extra ex• cent, $.33; totpl ._.__... 40.55 i y fy,4'sahirg; ,nleaand 60111. ft. the pipe & Schv'ind's I 7; mon. at $.952541, $4762; extra ex - Ernest E Johne ,n. Loetecher' l ense at 6.68147 per cent, Tr bs Sub. Lo 9' q holes soil 50 lin t' Re pilo pense at 16.56147 Per cent, 1 12; Interest at 6 per cent, & ue t at $9621',11, $47.62 ^ . i,a e,. , vw2 65; Interest at 6 e1, p cent n and 90 lin. ft. tit,' . manholes 40.65 pense e'' _ 71,..111 .... p .68] 41 ten, .42 tot. %.4 Schwind, Loetecher & pipe at $.95..541 $38.10; eV 1 $2.65• Inim•est at 6 u• cent. Frank v•al t ........... ............. `""•'' 60.Bf ' nil a N. Tachirgl & try expense at 16.56147 pet' I i $.42; total ............. I. C_ -Al 69 Schwind s N. >,¢ Lot 23; ma ' hot ebs Lot ft. man- cent, $2 12; interest at 6 Per Voelker Rt nity co., "ri hir t * 'holes and 160 lin ft. file pi 1 holes and 40 lin. ft. file pipe b g cont, $.33; total ....... ... _..__.__j 40.65 & Schwt•.,•s Lot 4u;` at $.952541, $38.10; r c ex- C. H. Reynolds. Loeteohe pian- \,t $.962641, $47.62; axU'a e pel,ae at 6.513147 Per cent, y ! holes and 9111. ft. tile 1 tease at 16.56147 per cot, . 2 :i2; interest at 6 Per cent, &' TI tcbs Sub.. Lot 1 ,1 at $,96254. $47.62; mt ,px- - $2.65; interest at d pe: cent, manholes and 40 lou. ft. tflt 11f pense at 6147 _-,t, • 42; total t .8::; total .... .... 40.06 neR ..... ..... .... 50 6 Gt 5, floxleiter Hat., ,Motor Sub., Pape at $ 952541, 13310; ex- $2,65; Inte +•1 at m pet• et ,+ `tank Schmitt, Tsthlrgi &' tra expense at 5156147 Per $.42; total 50.6; 311VInd N. lt. Lot 22: moll of 1; 7.8 lin. ft. tila Pipe epnt, $2.12; interett at 6 per Voelker Real. p Tschllt'' Ott $,952541. $7.43; extra ex- cont, $.33; total 40.55 9ch,.nd'. T and 60 lin. ft. tile plD• tense at 5.56147 per cent, " chug 11 1• Lot 85 • ..se at 1, °47.82; extra t a- n Techlr I & v John W. Sewi d. B ' manitolea a9 ':1'. lin. ' t 'e F°nae at 5.56147 tt per cent, $ 11; interest at 8 Per cent, Schwtnd's Sub., I,ot 9; man• pipe at $.951.41;9 $J0.7G;' _%_ $L!{F•.ntyrest at 6 per cent, ,.07; total _ ............. _._...... ..--- _..___ 7.91 holes and 50111, ft. file Piptl try expenseaIt 6.56147 ,`, $.•2; !•tta` .............. .. ..... .............. 60.6 Get). Roxletter Est, Sub. 5 it.: $,962541, $47.62; ^xh'a ex' cent, $.60; 1114rest ;it 6 per Jell¢ W. )Schwind, Tachirgl & Jingoes Sub., Lot 1; man- p-mse at 5.56147 ptr cent,' cent,$.10; tom .'...__\..,_ 111.46 Sc•hwir{I. Lot 7; manholes holes and 16.5 lin. ft. the $1'.65; interest at 6 li,r cent, r Voelker Realty f,5., 7 nchlr 1 and 50 ''n, ft. file Pipe Pape at $.952641, $116.72: ex• E 42; total ...._......._......___........._, & Schwind's of 52J mar - at $.95254L', $47.62; extra ex- t,a expense at 5.56147 Per Christina :Handen. Slb, 11 holes and 50 it., ft. th, pips Pease at 8.56147 per cent, c` it, $.87; interest at 6 Per F-ughes $tub., Lot 2'/', mar 1; at $.952541, $47152; extra ex` ) $2.6b• intere=st at 6 per a 1.t, c t, $.14; total ._.....___....__.._ 16.73 holes and`50 lin. ft. It pipe pense at 5.5614' per ,cent, $•42; ,)ilei _........... ] ' ......_.._...... n~- 60.8. Jeesd Fern, Hughes Sub.. N. I at $.352691. $47.62; ea:ra ex• $2.G5; Interest t fi per cent, ` John :. Iw'i11r• • Taehtr & g t VVI 1 Lot 4• manholes and pense at. 5.66147 pert cent,' $.42; total ....._...... __......._.__ Schwind, P _ ' { 8, ma .ores 50 lin. Pt lite pipe - at I 88.65; interest at G per cent, Geo W Wte a1,, fechfrgi d, tt g and 160 lin e1, +,J'e I pipe $:64541, $47.62; extra ex- ; 42; total _.........._......._._... 1..... _ 30.69 Schwind's Lot 25; man- at $.952641, ' •f• holes and 50 lin pense at 5.6 " 9er et, poiree -.it 6.56147 per cent, Voelker Realty Co., Tachirgl •tile pipe P , per ;ant, $2.fi5: interest at 8 per teat, 6. Schwind's Sub. S. 30 ft. at $.962641, $47.62,, estrp. u1,- ` \ $2.65: interest, 6 [per cent, $.41; total ....... ..... ............._... ...._.... 50.69 Lot 53; manholes and 86 lit 1 pense at 5.56147 ter .'en ti ; $.42; total •......,..._....._.... 50.61 Gen. )' & Frarrea Sloan, Lnet- t ole pipe at $.960.641. $2.65; Interest at 6'ler cen, J John Schwind. orplrgi & act r & Truebs Sub., Lot 3; 176.20; extra expense al. I $.42; total ...__....._...__,.. __....... _ `1 Schwind, Lot 9111 ;lanholes P 1,0.7 1" tt and ma bolas and 50 lin. 1t. ole 5.56147 Per cent, 84.24; :in. , Leo. W. Wioger, Taiih•BI k 60 lin, ft''le pipe a .$ t .9621, Sch o4 w 1 9 tail' 7.82•. Pro, x1, L . E a x- nt of ex- tra 1• a 8 e1, cent, 26• .9 '1641 $47.82• ex- Invest t 1 PIP. at $ 6 P $ " man - `expense at 5,56147 per otill._.........._._.............._.........__...;yyi 81.10 holey and 50 lin ft. tits pipe pense at 5.56147 r cent, cent. $2.35; Interest at 6 per B. J. Triller, Tachirgl 4 at $.962641, $47.G2; ex're ex. I, $2.85; Interest at 6 7 'cent, cents $.42; total ............................ 50.60 Schwind's Sub. Lot 42; tntn- Pease at 5.56147 per, 41911t, $.42; total ... ..._._.._.___.._:......_._ 50.61 Aiken C. Kruse, Loetacher & holes and 50 ft. tile pipe at 1 $2.Gb; interest at 6 pee cent. J° n Schwind, Tschi gl, & True 19 Sub.. Lot 4; 40.6 lir. $ 952541, $47.82; extra t;x• $•42; total .. .. ____ 160.69 `chwlnd, Lot 12; miuthoes ft. I'Is Pipe at $952541, pet.se at 6.56147 per cent, Crawford T. Brown, Ts pir i at•d 50 111.. ft. - .tial pipe e & Schwind's Lot 62; g at $.952541. $47.62; extrit ex - 5.561;,, extra expense at ,2.25; intereet 11..8 per cont. 5069 teen• \•Pe,•se at 5.56147 per Ent, 6.581•,' Per cent, $2.16; in- $.42; total ...._......_.........__..._..__. % i 1 I Certify That the Above is CorrtlCt. r • Wood St. Julien Ave. (University Ave) Stewart St. Delhi St. Julien Ave. (University Ave.) Stewart St. Delhi St. Julien Ave. Custer St. Atlantic St. Audubon St. W14th St. Algona St. Custer St. Atlantic St. Auburn St. Delhi St. Julien Ave. Auburn St. Custer St. Glen Oak St. W. 10 of 17 W 16th Catherine St. Cornell St. Henion St. SEVER. RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. IoW. Iris`' St• Alt., c� Ceene6l to d rn u rn d L i n e Iv s rl-----------Contractor. �Vr Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Edward Mentz, Morgan's Sub., Lot 19; manholes and 62.2 Ito. ft. at $1.76084, $91.92; extra expense at 8.90273 per cent, $8.17; interest at 6 per cent, $.79; total _..__..._....-.._ 100.88 Total _.._ ........... 1066.3 lin. ft. 6 -inch file at $1.83 per tin at fte$1,831.20 6 manholes$53.00 per manhole ...._._.__...... __...._..___ 318.00 Interest at 6 per cent 19.49 Extra expense at 8.90273 per cent..... ............ .._._._...-_...._.._ 200.24 Total. ......... _ _...$2,408.93 All of which Is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Oct. 30, 1923. Adopted Oct. 30, 1923. ' JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad. option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays -None. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, ,'ctror 19 Engineer. ft. tile pipe at $1.76084, cent, $8.94; interest at 6 per $91.68; extra expense at cent, $.87; total ..........._.. 110.18 9.90273 per cent, $8.16; in• John Henze], Morgan's Sub., terest at 6 par cent, $.80; W 25 ft. of W. 53 ft. Lot total _.._..................................._.__...... 100.51 20; manholes and 25 lin. ft. ' Sidonla 4cmeece, Yates' Sub., tile pipe at $1.7084, $44.02; Lot 27; manholes and 62 lin. extra expense at 8.90273 Per ft. the pipe at $1.76084, cent, $3.92; interest at 6 Per $91.56; extra expense at cent, $•38; total ...._............. __... ... ... 48.32 8.90273 per cent, $8.15; in. John Hensel, Morgan's Sub., terest at 6 per cent, $•80; E. 28 ft. of W. 53 ft. Lot Lot total ....._ .......................................____. 100.51 20; manholes and 28 lin. ft. Ida B. Stutz, Yates' 8ub., the pipe at $1.76084, $49.30; Lot 28; manholes and 52 tin. extra expense at 8.90273 per ft. the pipe at $1.76084, cent, $4.39; interest at 6 per $91.56; extra expense at cent, $.43; total 54.12 8.90273 per cent, $8.15; In- James Lavin, Morgan's Sub., terest at 6 per cent, $.80; Lot 10; manholes and 52 lin. total....._.._ ....................._....__._..._._ 100.51 ft. tale pipe at $1.76084, Chna. Clemens, Yates' Sub., $91.56- extra expense at Lot 29; manholes aro 62 lin. the at i 8,90273 per cent, $8.15- in ft. pipe ..76084, $91.68: expense at terest at 8 Per cent, $.80; total _.............._..__.._._..__...._.._. 1o0.p1 pereXLea 8.90273 per rent, In- .............. Pauline Danser, Morgan's Sub., cent, tet set at 8 Per cent, $.80; Lot 11; manholes and 49.05 total _......._... ... ...... ........................ ... ..- 100.51 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.76084, ¢0•setved by the City Council of Columbia College, Yates' Sub., $88.37; extra expense at the Clly of Dubuque: That to pay Lot 36; manholes and 47.75 8.90273 per cent, $7.69; Ili - for constructing a sanitary sewer In lin. ft. tile Pipe at $1.76084, terest at 8 per cent, $.76; West 18th street from Cornell street $84.09; extra expense at total 94.81 to Catherine street, and in Catherine 8.90273 per cent, $7.49; in. ............._......................._....__._..._.. Wm. G. Danser, Morgan's Sub., street to West 17th street by Edmund terest at 6 per cent, $.73; - and Lot 1 manholes and 48.06 4984, Linehan, contractor, In front of and .. ............_._.._ 92.31 total ... .._................_. Ito. t. tale pipe at adjulning the same, a Special Tax Columbia College, Yates' Sub., $88.37; extra expense at be and Is hereby levied on the sev- Lot 35; manholes and 48.5 per cent, in- eral Lots, end Parts of Lots, and lin. ft. the pipe at $1.76084, cent$7.6, terest per cent, $.75; terest at Parcein of Real Estate hereinafter $85.40; extra expense at total 94.81 anmon, situated and owned, and for 8.90273 per cent, $7.60; In- ................_................_................... b..._ . Eva Stocks, Morgan's Sub., the several amounts set opposite each terest at 6 per cent, $.73 _ Lot 13; manholes and 49.05 Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, its fol- total ................. .. 93.73 ""'���tes'�...����.'� Lot lin. ft. the pipe at $1.76084, Ownlows: Description Amount Helen Rowan, Yates' Sub., Lot manholes and 48.6 lin. $86.37; extra expense at John John W. Yates, Yates' Sub? '`$8 lite pipe at ft. $1.se 8,90273 per cent, $7.69; in - terest at 6 per cent, $.75; Rol manholes and 73.47 a $86.60; extra expense at e total 94.81 ft. lin. fl. file pipe al t $A4.09; t per cent, 1n - .....__....._.__..._..__...._...._....._._..... , Lydia Slattery, Morgan's Sub., expe$1.76nse extra expense at at 8.90273 per cent, $7.49; in. cent$7.6. terest at 8 Per cent, $.73; terest total ..__...._ ..... 93.73 Lot 14; manholes and 5011n. terest at 6 per cent, $.73; _...... ....... ...... _..-........... Helen Rowan, Yates' Sub., Lot ft. the pipe at $1.76084. ,etal._ $ 92.31 .. u 33; manholes and 48.5 lin. $88.04; extra expense at TI,ot2 fates, Yates' Sub., ft. ilia pipe at $1.se 8.90273 per cent, $7.84; in- l,ol nWin, es and 62 $86.60; a 'expense at terest at 6 Per cent, $.76; til M. tt. ills pipe ;n 81.7608+, c 8.90273 Per cent, $7.80; in- per total ........... ... ........ ...__........._...................... 98 64 $91,66; extra expense at terest at 6 per cent, $.73; Adolph G. Stutz, Morgan's Sub., 9.90273 per cent, $8.15; in• total ... ... ...... _..._.................__..._..._ 93.73 Lot 16; manhotes and 50 lin. terest at 6 per cent, $•80; Jae. Alexander, Yates' Sub., ft. tile pipe at $1.76084. to.I _:_..-. .....-.................__...__ 100.51 Lot 32; manholes and $88.04; extra expense at ,loha E. Smith, Yates' Sub., 57 tin. ft. the Pipe at 8.90271 per cent, $7.84; in- f,o 4; manholes and 52 lin. $1.76084, $100.37; extra ex- terest at 6 per cent, $.76; •«' •Wd- •r p at $1.76084. pence at 8.90273 per cent, total ... ......... .......... _........................ _...._...... 96.64 891.60: extra expense at $894; Interest at 6 per cent, Mary H. Schuster, Morgan's 8.90273 per cent, $8.16; In. $.87; total ._...._..........._........... ....._ 110.18 Sub., E. 47 It. Lot 20; man - West at 6 per cent, $.80; Dubuque National Bank, Yates' holes and 47 tin ft. the pipe total . _..... _. ............-...... .... 100.51 _tiargara Sub•, Lot 31; manholes and at $1.78084, $82.76; extra ex- Wall, Yates' Sub., 57 lin. ft. the pipe at pence at 8.90273 per cent. Lot 26; manholes and 52 tin. $1.76084, $100.37; extra ex. $7.37; interest at 6 per cent, tile e pipe nt $1.76084, pease at 8.90273 per cent, $,70; total ............................................ 90.83 extra expense at $$ lutereat at 6 per cent, Edward Mentz, Morgan's Sub., 1 per cent, SR.16; in• terest 189 $.87t totalI. 110.18 _ ...................b., Lot 18; manholes and 50 lin. total nt 6 per cent, $.80: ........ John Honzel Yates,Sub., Lot ft. tile pipe at $1.76084, 100.51 ;Catherine Boiling. Yotee' manholes and nd ft. $88.04; extra expense at Sub., Lot 2f1; manholes and 5: In;. til , 00.in. tale pipe ¢t $1.76084, $100.37; 8.90278 per cent, $7.84; in. terest 6 extra expense at 8.90273 per at per cent, $.76; total..... __....................... _.............. _.... __96 64 �Vr Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Edward Mentz, Morgan's Sub., Lot 19; manholes and 62.2 Ito. ft. at $1.76084, $91.92; extra expense at 8.90273 per cent, $8.17; interest at 6 per cent, $.79; total _..__..._....-.._ 100.88 Total _.._ ........... 1066.3 lin. ft. 6 -inch file at $1.83 per tin at fte$1,831.20 6 manholes$53.00 per manhole ...._._.__...... __...._..___ 318.00 Interest at 6 per cent 19.49 Extra expense at 8.90273 per cent..... ............ .._._._...-_...._.._ 200.24 Total. ......... _ _...$2,408.93 All of which Is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Oct. 30, 1923. Adopted Oct. 30, 1923. ' JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad. option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays -None. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, ,'ctror 19 Engineer. W16th St. Catherine St. W17th St. Langworthy St. Booth St. Edith St. (Roland) I t, SEWER I'wirnate of 77ost to Abutters and City for Constructing ill ALLEY FROM LANGINORTHY , _r0, Contractor. Resolved by it y Cnanctl of tbo CIfY n[ Uubuqu,.; TbnfPay o forconstructlng sanitary v serve Roland street, sewer m be built Lom ang.olrthywstreei, }tot thet lstt alley Parallel with Langworth-v street. orsec 'hist alleyeandt Solandlnatreet tion bY Etl- 0. mund A. Linehan, contralto a by of and ad}otntng i ,! some, acnvcr10 anti Is Il P':r[slr tt,Lots, and }•nrcels of Beal I?elete hereinafter tin mrd, ainteted and owned, and for the -v the amounts set opposite on,- 1, Lot or Parcel of Real Fstatc, as toll:.: Owner Uoscripllon Amount W. J. Schwind, O'Neill'a 9nb I tr 2, Lot 21; 50 lin. fl. 6 t oh file M$1.98. $84.00; ex- trn expense at 19.4018 per cent, $13.78; Interest at 6 9851 per cent, $.13; total _— $ W. J. Schwind, O'Neill's Sit]). No. 2, Lot 22; So lin. tt. 6 inch file at $1.68, $84 00: ex, traexpense at 16.4018 per cent, $13.78; Interest at 6 per cent, $.73; total - . 98.51 F. Weber, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, Lot 15; 100 Ito. ft. 6 inch the at $1.68, $168.00; extra expense at 16.4018 per cent, $27.55; Interest. at 6 Per cent, $1.45: hand _................. 197.00 Total ... .................$394.02 287.8 Iia. fl. ri le, -1, (it,, at 82c per Ila. ft. _ _ .._...$236 00 2 manholes at $50,00 ......._.............. 100.00 Extra expense at 16.4018 P cent .... __ __..............._.........\. 55.11 Interest at 6 Per cent _.._..r..__ 3A1 Total ._... . __......_.._...._..__......._$394.02 All of which 1A assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Nov. 22nd, 1923. Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. RECORD Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Engineer. Mertz St. Althauser St. SEVER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. Inch ImAlthaobee 5t. _bt -n, Merl. '$. to 554' north. -IJ.41 ric 4t 'a i e ' o • --------Contractor. Dubuque, Iowa, eso ter y the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for I constructing a souitary sewer in Althauser streetfrom Merz street 350 feet north, by 1'hlrleb-Paley Co.. contractors, in front of still adjoin - fill, the same, a special tax be and Is hereby levied. on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of ,,al cstatc herelnafter nnmcd, sib imh• and owned, still for the several amounts sctopposite each lot or purcol of real estate, Its follows: owner. Description. Amount. lull' pendant School District, Altlmuser Sub., Lot 8 fill Iia. ft 6 -inch the at $0.558616, $27.94: extra expense at 4.09so1 per rent, $1.15; 1ti- terest at 6 per cent, 25c; total.. .... ......_..._........... ........$ 29.34 Indepcmirnt School District, Althauser Sub., Lot 7; 50 lin. ft 6 -inch the at $0.558616, $27.93; extra ex- pense at 904$04 per cent, "-15; Interest at 6 per cent, 25r; total ......._._._...__...........__._...29.33 Independent School District, Althauser Sub., Lot 6; 50 til Ihu. ft. 6 -inch the at $0.558616, $27.93: extra ex- pense at 4.09804 per cent, $1.15; interest at 6 per cent, 341.6 lin. ft. 61n<h rile at $321.10 '15c; total _........._._.. _.._-.......... 29.33 94c ... _...... _ One manhole at $42.00-.--- 92.00 District, Independent School District, Extra expense at 4.09804 per 14.88 Althauser Sub., Lot 60 cent ...._ .........................._.......... ..... ...... .. 3.15 lin. ft. 6 -Inch the atInterest at 6 Per cent....._.- $0,558616, $27.93; extra ex- pence at 4.09804 per cent, !1.15; Interest at 6 per cent, Total ....._....._,..._....-......_._. ......,.,8381.13 All of which is assessed in pro - 24c; total ... ..... _._...... __...... _.._ 28 32 portion to the special benefits Independent School District, Althauser Sub., Lot 4; 60 conferred. coConned. Brede moved the Ila. tit. 8 -inch file at $0.568616, $27.93; extra ex- adoption of the resolution. Second - ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried ' pause at 4.09804 per cent, $1.16; interest at 6 per cent, by the following vote: - Mayor Alderson, council - 24c; total _.... _ ................ ........_..... 2fl.32 Yeas men Brede, Gabriel, $chrempf. Independent School District, Nays -None. Althauser Sub., Lot 3; 50 Absent -Councilman Melchior. ]in. ft. 6 -Inch tile at Approved November 22nd, 1923. . $0.658616, $27.93; extra ex- Adopted November 22nd, 1923. pense at 4.09804 per cent, JAMES ALDERSON, $1.15; interest at 6 per cent,i„ H• HREDE, 24c; total ........................._........... ... ...... 29.32 THEO. GABRIEI., Independent School District, ED. SCHRF.MPF, Althauser Sub., Lot 25; 50 Councilmen. Be. ft. 6 -inch the at Attest: JOHN $TUBER. $0.558616, $27.93; extra ex- City Clerk. pense at 4.09804 per cent, Notice of publication certified to $1.14; Interest at 6 per cent, by the publisher of the City Council's 24c; total ....._..._...._ ........... ......... _.... 29.31 intention to levy a special assess - ssess•Althauser Independent School District, ment as provided by law to pay for Al thautlerSub., Lot 26; 50 anitary sewer 1111. ft. 6 -Inch the at Ine7onesretrset froms Water stet %0.668616. $27.93; extra ex- to the 1. C. R. R. tracks. nesse at 4.09804 per cent, There being no remonstrance, $1.14; interest at 6 per cent, 29.31 Councilman Bre de moved that the 24c; total ._........... ........... .._..._......... _ d. Second* ibe received and fileS notice Independent School District, ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried Althauser Sub., Lot 27; 50 by the following vote: Va. ft. ii -Inch tile at Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- $0.568616, %27.93; extra ex- men Brede. Gabriel, a nd Schrempf. names at 4.09804 per cent, Nays -None. $1.14; interest at 6 per cent, Absent Melchior. incil .................... 24c; total ...........-.--- 29.31 the City of hintt J. Wilky. Althaueer Sub., solvedCbyncilman Lot 28; 50 lin. ft. 6 -inch the at $0.558616, $27.93; ex- tra expense at 4.09804 per cent, $1.14; interest at 6 per cent, 24e: total ....... ............_._. 29,31 Oen. F. Schwinn, Althauser , Sub., Lot 29; 50 Ila. ft. 6 - Inch tile at $0.558616. $27.93; extra expense at 4.09804 per cent. $1.14; in terest at 6 per cent, 24c; total.....:._......._..._.......... .................... 29.31 Nick Funk. Althauser Sufi., Lot 30: 50 lin. ft. 6 -Inch the at $0.558616. $27.93; extra expense at 4.09804 per cent, $1.14; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ..........__._......._..... 29.31 Jae. J. Welter, Sr.. Althauser Sub., Lot 31; 50 lin. ft. G. inch tile at $0.558616, $27.93: extra expense at 4.09804 per cent, $1.14; In - treat at 6 per cent, 24c; ottnl......... . _.._ ............... ....... _........... 29.31 Total. . ..............................................$381.13 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Sewer Engineer. 0 Windsor Ave Henepin St. Stafford Ave. I SEWER r to Abutters tied City for Construct;ll;,r - G AV h'e- n epi 1�- sr- .S �w.� f 0 rC� TO T AVE -----------Contractor. _ ¢ _- RONOlved by the City ouncil of at 4.2744 per cent, $2.71; Interest at 6 per cent, 66.60 the City of Dubuque: That to pay pease $1.36; interest at 6 per cent,$ $,66; total Sr., Klein & for constructing sanitary sewer to serve Hennepin arrest [ram Wind- $.27; total ...__. .............. __._... ._. .. 23.29 Geo. Ragatz, Klingeoberg's Sub., Lot 10; Nor avenue up Brecht's Inns to Hen- John Waldbrlelig, Klein & Klingenberg's Sub., N. bat 40 ]in. ft. 6•Inch the at 40 $63.34; extra ex - nepin street and In Ilennepin street from Rrocht's Ian, to Stafford street Lot 4; 33 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile a 343. at 4.2744 per cent, by Ilhlrleh-Paley Co., contractor, in at 1.58343, $52.25; extra ex- *� at 4.2744 per cent, pease $2.717 interest at 6 per cent, 66.60 front of and nrlJolnlnR the some, n Special Tax be and IN hereby levied Dense $2.23; interest at 6 per cent, 54.93 $ 55; total Oeo. Ragatz, Sr., Klei n on the Neveral Lots, and Parte of $.45; total ._.__...__........_........_..._._ Bernard Oeteyloff, Klein & Klingenberg's Sub., il; 6 the at Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, afloat III and Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 3; 40 lin. ft. -inch 1.58343, $63.34; extra ex• owned, and for the several amounts 33 lin. ft. 6 -Inch rile pence at 4.2744 per cent, ' set opposite each Lot or Parcel of at 1.58343, $52.25; extra ex- 4.2744 per cent, $2.71; interest at 6 per cent, 66.60 Real F,smte, as follows: 1 pence at $2.23; interest at 8 per cent, $,66; total .------ ..._.___......._...__._. Geo. Ragatz, Sr., Klein & Owner Description Amount $•46; total ....._.._.._...._..__... ... _._ 54.93 Klingenberg's Sub. Lot 12; John Waldbrlelig. Klein & Nathan Brooke, Klein & 38 lin. ft. 6 -Inch the at Klingenber�s Snb.. No. bat. Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 2; $1.68343, $80.17; extra ex - Lat f; 20 lin. ft 6 -Inch file 33 lin. ft. 8 -tach tile pease at 4.2744 per cent, , at 158343, $31.67; extra ex• at 1.58343, $52.25; extra ex- $2,57; interest at 6 per cent, pence at 4.2744 per cent, $,62; total ....._- 63.26 $2.23; Interest at 6 per cent, David Spielman, Min. Lot 472, $.46; total......._1........._................. .._ 54.93 Lot 60 Ila. ft. inch tele Laura Trevarrow, Sub. 1 Klein at $1.58343, $79.17;; extra ex - .5 & Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 2; pense at 4.2744 per cent, 30 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile at $3.38; interest at 6 per cent, 1.68393, _ $97.50; extra ex- $.69; total ........__..._..........__........... 83.24 pense at 4.2744 per cent, Bernard Schweltering, Klein $2.03; interest at 6 per cent, 49.94 & Klingenberg S. 36 ft. Lot �. $.41; total ......................__.........._...._.. Sub. 1 of 36 lie. ft. 8 -inch rile at Alb. Lueblerhand, 1 Klein & Klingenberg's $1.68343, $67.00; extra ex - $ Sub.. Lot 2; 40 tin. ft. 6 -Inch pense at 4.2744 per cent, $2.44; interest at 6 per cent, tele at 1.58343. $63.34; ex- $.50; total ...........__.__.._.._...-.._..._._ 59.94 tra expense at 4.2744 per cent, $2.71; interest at 6 per cent, $.55; total ._..._...._......_.._... 88.80 Total _..__ .............. __ Joseph , Sub. 1 of 1 684.6 lin. ft. 6 -Inch ,tile at ft $0.98 ................_............ .. .$ 870.81 Klein & Klingenberg's Sub., 6 manholes at $60.00 ....__.... 360.00 98 tin. ft. 6 -g's Lot 1; 98 lin. ft. file Extra expense at 4.2744 per...... ;inch at 3, 7; extra cent ---- .... 44.08 cent pease at 9.274 Per cent, se at .2741 $6.63; interest at 6 per cent, ........... ._..:......_..._... Interest at 6 per cent _..__.... 8.94 $1.35; total ... _.....___....... .__..•... 163.15 Total .._.._......_............. .:_._--_._..._..$1,083.81 Christ Elleman Est., Klein & All of which Is assessed in pro- Klingenberg's Cub., Lot 6; portion to too special benefits con - 40 lin. ft. 6 -Inch tile at ferred. 1.58343, $63.34; extra ex- Approved Nov. 22nd, 1928. pence at 4.2744 per cent, Adopted Nov. 22nd,, -1923. $2.71; interest at 6 per cent, JAMES AtbERSON, $.55; total ... _ ............... _..... ........_..... 66.60 L. H. HREDE, Art Koehler, Klein & Kling- THEO. GABRIEL, enberg's Sub., Lot 7; ED, SCHREMPF, 40 tin.. ft. 6 -inch tele at Councilmen. 1.58343, $63.34; extra ex- Attest: JOHN STUDER, pense at 4.2744 per cent, City Clerk. $2.71; interest at 6 per cent, Councilman Gabriel moved the ad - $.55; total . .............._....... _._...._.. 66.60 option of the resolution. Seconded Theo. Grebe Est., Klein & by Councilman Schrempf. Carried Klingeuberg's Sub., Lot 8; by the following vote: 40 tin. ft. 6 -inch the at Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council - 1.58343, $63.34; extra ax- men Bride, Gabriel, and Schrempf. pease at 4.2744 per cent, Nays -None. $2.71; Interest at 6 per cent, Absent -Councilman Melchior. $.65; total ......_.. ......... _....... _..-._.. 66.601 Theo. Grebe Est., Klein & Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 9; 40 lin. ft. 6 -Inch the at 1.58343, $63.34; extra ex- pence at. 4.2744 Per cent, Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,._ 1 Certify That the Above is Correct. RECORD Inch Dubuque, ttrihu, 4elver . _.._- . ...19..... _ Engineer. 1.: Stafford Ave. Pleasant St. Columbia St. Viola St. hb- 14L . SEWER RECORD of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing InchSewer -Z-A. brom 510. sor-1 St. to Viola\ Contractor. Dubuque, Iowa.. 19 Mce Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. MiLl rim Merz St. Stafford St. Pleasant St. E VV' SER RECORD inch 14 Sewer ' Dubuque, Iowa,-.- 19. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. +' I Certify That the Above is Correct. • Engineer. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. If/ 5tC15-S0ea 54• 5rom Mc_-rl to Tlegsbn+ ..S' .. Cook -t-` ►►'► ----------- Contractor. - Resol vod by the City Council of - Ed. Walz, O'Taylor's Sub., Lot f 009.4 lin. ft. 6 -inch file at • the City of Dubuque, that to pay for $1,613001, $82.33; extra ex- pt q 60 lin. it. 8 -inch tile at $2.40 __-,......... ._......... .... .._..... 196.00 at 6 Per 2.8066 per cent, Ex ra expense at 2.9066 per 69.08 Stafford street from Merz street to Pleasant street and In Pleasant $E.39; interest cent, 71c; total--•-•--- --- 86.48 sane at $220; interest at 8 per 78.61 cent -._---------""""-"-""- 6 cent......__..._. 20.81 street from Stafford to Viola street, & Kenn, contractors, in R. H: Fessler, Sub. 3 of Gei- Add., Lot 13; 38.40 cent, 66c; total._...__..... _..._._.. Haunt, O" J;llylor's Sub., Interest at per $2887,26 by Cook Iron t of and adJolning the same, a ie hereby levied ger's lin. ft. &inch tile at $58.10; extra ex• Franc Lot 5; 75 lin. 1136-1 extr4 $ Total -"""-".""""'". in All of which fs speciald benefits special tax be and an the several lots, and parte of $1.513001, pense at 2.9066 per cent, at $1.513001, expense at 2.9056 per cent, portion to the Iota end parcels of real estate here- $1.69; interest at 6 per cent, 80.28 3.30; interest at 6 per cent, 117.76 conferred. Gabriel moved the Innfter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- 49c; total _____......__._....._.__...-_., R. J. Fessler, Sub. 3 of Ge 98c; total _ .... Andrew Andrew Ring, O'Taylor's Sub , Councilman adoption of the resolution. Second, Brede. Carried poslte each lot or parcel of real so. , Lot 12; 38.40 ger's Sub*'6 4 the at Lot 6; 78.60 lin. ft. 6 -inch ed by Councilman following vote: tate, as follows: lin. 8 -inch ex- the at $1.513001, $118.77; by the Council - Mayor Alderson, Description. Amount. $1.613001, $68.10; extra extra expense at 2.9066 per 6 Yeas - Gabriel, Schrerilpf. ' Augusta Schneider, Sub. 4 of Augusta pense at 2.9056 per cent, cent, $3.44; interest at men Brede, I of Geiger's Sub., Lot 1; $1.69; interest at 6 per 6028 per cent, $1.03; total _....-.-_ 123.24 Naya-None. Melchior. • 40.70 ]in. it. 6 -inch tile at cent, 49c; total _.......... .......... ..._. _ Karsch, Sub. 3 of Gei• Jos. Fenwtch, Taylor & Coon. Lot 40; 60 Ito. ft. Absent-Councilman192. Approved November 22nd, • $1.513001, $61.63; extra ex. pense at 2.9066 per cent, I $1.79: Interest at 6 per Fred ger's Sub, Lot 11; 38.40 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile at eys Sub., tile at $1.513001, $90.78; ex- tra expense at 2.9056 per Adopted November 22nd 19233 JAMES AWERSON.E , cent, 53: total ..................................$ 63.90 $1.613001, $58.10; extra ex- 'cent, $2.64; interest at 8 per 26; O Augusta Schneider, Sub. 1 of pense at 2.9055 per cent, 6 cent, total ....._._.......6Per 94.20 THFO. ED. SCHREMPF. Geiger's Sub., Lot 3; 12.40 $1.69; interest at per 60.28 Independent School District, Councilmen. lin. ft. 8 -Inch tits at $1.513001, $18.76; extra ex. cent, 49c; total ­­_ _ R. W. Wfllmers, A. Stines Taylor & Cooneft. Sub., Lot 41; 60 lin, ft. 8•inch Attest: JOHN STUBEA, City Clerk. ,pense at 2.9055 per cent, Sub., Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. 6 -inch the at $1.513001, $90.78; - 55c; interest at 6 per cent, the at $1.513001, $76.65; ex- extra expense at 2.9066 per - 16c; total ..........._... . ................ _..._..... 19.47 Augt. Pautz, Sub. 1 of Geiger's tra expense at 2.9055 Per cent, $2.20; interest at 6 cent, $2.84; fntereet at 6 78c; total _ ....................._....6 94.20 Sub., Lot 2; 27.33 lin. ft. per cent, B6c; total __._......._._ 78.61 cent, Independent School District, r t tie at 1,513001, $41.20; ex. A. M. J. Hemmelder, A. Stines Taylor li Sub., Lot trh expense at 2.9066 per Sub., Lot 2; 60 lin. it. 6- . ft. 6-'s 80 lin. ft, the a- cent, $1.20; interest at 6 per inch the at $1.513001, 1.5 8; a $2.9055 eats ex- con98c; total .__.... ._................ 42.76 $76.86; extra expense at $2.20; to- Pease01, Pease at 2.9066 per cent, B Augt. Pautz, Sub. 2 of Geiger's 2.9055 per cent, 66c; $2.64; interest at 8 per cent, • Sub., E. % of Lot 4; 27.23 tereet at 6 per cent, 78.51 78c; total ....._...._...._.-_........._... 94.20 Iln. ft. 6 -Inch tile at total _.._..__.__ ............._..._-....._....... Helena Engler Est., O'Taylor's $1.613001, $41.20; extra ex- Tillie G. Hohenadel, A. Stines Lot 18; 100 lin. ft. pinch penes at 2.9055 per cent, Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. 6- tilt at 01, ; $1.20; Interest at 6 per cent, inch the at $1.513001, 055$16 P extra expense at 2.9066 per expense 78c; total ... .... .... _. ...._....b............_.. 42.76 $76.66; extra expense at cent, $4.3$ interest at 6 C. Sub. 2 of per cent, In- per cent, $1.32; total . --- 167.01 • Geiger's Sub., t ei is Sub., E of Lot terest2.9051; cent, tereet at 8 per cent, 66c; 78.61 Frank Militia, O'Taylor'e Sub., t. -i 3; 27.23 lin. ft. 6 -Inch tale total ....__.. ---.._._....._.--..-- Lot 18; 100 Ito. ft. 6 -inch at $1.61.3001, $41.20; extra Anton Lannert, Gmehlee Sub., , file at $1.ee expense at 2.9065 per cent, Lot 1; 48 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile at 055$15 p0; extra expenge at 2.9066 per R1.20: interest at 6 per cent, at 1.613001, $74.13; extra cent, $4.38; interest at 8 ape; total _ .........................._._........ 42.78 expense at 2.9055 per cent, per cent, $1.32; total ..........._..... 167.01 Joseph Schmitz, et at, Sub. $2.15; interest at 6 per 76.92 Frank R. Lacy, O'Taylor's 2 of Geiger's Sub„ E. % of cent, 64c; total ........_......._._...._..._ Sub., Lot 7; 100 lin. it. 6 - lot 2; 34.43 lin. ft. 6 -inch Isidore Ehrlich, O'Taylor's inch tile at 1.513001, It theat $1.513001 per cent, Sub., Lot 2; 50 lin. it. 6• $161.30; extra expense at f $52.17; extra expense at 2.9066 per cent, $1.52; In- inch tile at $1.513001, $75.65; extra expense at 2.9056 per cent, $4.39; in at 6 cent, $1.32; tereat at 6 per cent. 45c; 2.9055 per cent, $2.20; in• tereet per total 157.01 ' --.....__....._.._._.._._........_...r total .....-..--.-.............._.........-..._.._ 64.14 tereat at 8 per cent, 66c; & Frank R. Lacy, Taylor & Mogdnlena Ehrlick, Sub. 1 of total ...._......_ . .................... _....... _............. 78.61 Cooley's Sub., Lot 25; 100 ' 2 of Geiger's Sub., Lot 1; Isidore Ehrlich. O'Taylor's lin. ft. the at $1,613001, 54.45 Ile. ft. 6 -Inch the at Sub., Lot 1; 100 lin, ft. 6- $151.30; extra expense at • Inch tile at $1.513001, 2.9066 per cent, $4.39; tn- $151.30; extra expense at tereat at 6per cent, $1.32; 2.9055 per cent, $4.38; in- total ._._....... .._...... _...._.._........ ..._.... .......167.01 tereet at 6 per cent, $1.32; Independent School District, t total __ ....... ..... _.._..... ..... _--------- ... _.. 157.01 Taylor & Cooley's Sub., Lot Susan R. Waldbillig, O'Tay- 31; 50 lin. ft. 6 -inch the at ' lor's Sub., Lot 3; 50 lin, ft. $1.513001, $75.65; extra ex- 64nch tile pipe at $1.513001, pense at 2.9055 per cent. ' $75.65; extra expense at $2.20; interest at 6 per cent, 2.9066 per cent, $2.20; In. 66c; total .................... _...... _...... _._.... _ 78.51 tereat at 6 per cent, 66c; total......... ------ .... ....... _..... 78.51 Total ..._................__._. _..........................$2487.26 inch 14 Sewer ' Dubuque, Iowa,-.- 19. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. +' I Certify That the Above is Correct. • Engineer. Jones St. Warren St. SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and .City for Constructing ht 4ion s St• row► YJarrer St, 30 .0 •R •R• Tr4eks ........... Contractor. -_= the -City of Dubuque: That to pay ' for constructing sanitary Bawer in $4.44; Interest at 6 per cent, Jones street from Water street to $,38; total ___...__-_.-__- 47.67 III. Cent. R. R. tracks by Edmund A. A, A. Cooper Inc., Dubuque Linehan, contractor, in front of and Special Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 4, Lot adjoining the same, a Tax be slid Is hereby levied on the sev- 5;2b lin. ft. laterals at 900. $18.00; 53.36 sq. yds. 8 inch 4, eruI Lots, and Parte of Lots, and Par- the at $0.918137, $49.00; ex - eels of Real Estate hereinafter tra expense at 10.3719 per nam M, situated sad owned, and for cent, $6.95; Interest at 6 per the several amounts set opposite each cent $.69; total ... _._...... _......... _ 74.54 Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as fol- A. A. Cooper Inc., Dubuque lows; Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 3 E. 186 i Owner Description Amount ft.; 20 lin. ft, laterals at A. A. Cooper Inc., Dubuque 90c, $18.00; 186.00 sq. yds. Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 4, Lot tile at $0.918137, $170.82; ex - 3; 18-rlln. ft, laterals at 90c, tra expense at 10.3719 per ' $16.20; 4666 sq. yds. 8 Inch / cent, $19.58; Interest at 6 tile, at $0.918137, $42.86; ex- per cent, $1.63; total -_...... _- 210.03 tra expense at 10.3719 per A. A. Cooper Inc., Dubuque cent, $6.12; interest at 6 per Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 8 N. 300 cent, $.52; total ........._...._.__..........$ 65.69 ft.; 42 lin. ft. laterals at 90c, A. A. Cooper Inc., Dubuque $31.80; 201.00 sq. yde. 8 inch Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 4, Lot the at $0.918137, $184.59; ex - 4; 46.66 sq. Yds. 8 inch tile tra expense at 10,3719 per at $0.918137, $42.85; extra cent, $23.08; Interest at 6 expense at 10.3719 per cent, per cent, $1.92; total _ 247.39 Georgia H. Cooper, Dubuque Harbor Co. ABd. Bl. 9, Lot 2; 20 lin. ft. laterals at 90c, $18.00; 150.00- sq. yds. 8 inch the at $0.9118137, $138.31; extra expense at 10.3719 per cent, $16.21; interest at 6 per cent, $1.36; total ........ _.......... . 173.88 I11. Cent. R. R. Co., Dubuque Harbor Co Add. Bl. 3 W. 100 ft.; 20 lin. ft. laterals at 90c, $18.00; 50.00 Bq. yde. 8 inch tile at $0.918137, $45.92; ex- tra expense at 10.3719 per cent, 6.63; interes' at 6 per cent, $.54; total ............ _.._...........- 71.09 111. Cent. R. R. Co., Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. Bl. 9, Lot 1; 20 lin. ft. laterals at 90c, $18.00; 50.00 sq. yds. 8 inch tile at $0.918137, $45.92; ex- tra expense at 10.3719 per cent, 6.63; interest at 6 per cent, $.54; total ...... _.......... _....... _ 71.09 Total.......... ...._....... _...... _................ ._.......$961.38 MA lin. ft. 8 inch tile at $1.15 per lin ft. ..... .._..... _.._........... $612.26 160 lin. ft. 6 Inch tile laterals at90c .._._..._.__ ........... .._........ _........... 144.00 2 manholes at $54.00 __..._.......... _ 108.00 Extra expense at 10.3719 per cent.....:..._... .......... .__-..._........_.....__ 89.64 Interest at 6 per cent .................. 7.48 Total.... _....... __._......... _...... ._.........._......$961.38 All of which is assessed in pro. portion to the special benefits con. ferred. Approved Nov. 22nd, 1923. Adopted Nov. 22nd, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEIy ED. SCHREMPF, Councilmen Inch 1 Sewer Dubuque, Iowa, _. q ks Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. • Engineer. Seminary St. Estimate of (,o.st to Abutters and City for Constructing. InS¢Ynlrar} h solnvl b} the ri .• .i1 tiw City of Dubuque: for constructing.southwestIsfer in sendnary c .ot IhN end of the existing sewer for approximately 1,600 reef, by Oliver I;. Kringle, contraclor, in front of ;dai adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the veveral Iota, and Parts of i.ots, and I'llmils of RNal Estdte hereimdter named, situated and owned, and for the u,,plal amounts act opposite Niel, 1,01 or Parcel of Rea 'a[, E It-, s. follows: owner ,t numgt TN•scriptinn 1:- F. Ka pnNl, South view Heights, 1.01 13; ntanholNs and 50 lin. Il. file Pipe at $0.784412, $39.21; extra ex- pense at 4.041:5: or Nene, fl.fin; interest at 6 per cent.$ 4113 $.31: total ............. -T, E. S. Knippol, Sub. 12 South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 sq. yde. laterals, $18.00; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pip. at $0.784212, $39.21; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31; Interest at 6 per cent, $.50; total. , . . J. J. Nagle, Sub 11 South View Heights. Lot 1; 24 sq. vds. laterals, $18.00; itd;R}Bles and 50 110. ft. tilt pipe at $0.784212, $39,21; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31: interest at 6 per cent, $.50; total.... J. J. Nagle. Sub. 10 South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 sq, yds. laterals, $18.00; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.784212, $39.21; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent., $2.31: interest. at 6 per cent, $.50; total.. , . J. J. Nagle, Sub. 9, South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 sq. yds. laterals, $16.00; u nitholes and 50 1111. ft. tile pipe at $0.784212, $39.21: extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31; interest at 6 per cent, 8.50; total.... J. J. Nagle. Sub. S. South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 sq. yds. laterals, $18.00; mnnholes and 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $39.21: extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31; interest at 6 per cent, $.50; total.... J. J. Nnale, Sub. 7, South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 SQ. yds. laterals, $18.00; manholes and 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $39.21; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31; interest at 6 per cent., $.50; total..., G. A Loetsc or. Sub. 6. South View Heights, Lot 1; manholes and 50 ft. till Pipe at $0.784212, $39 21; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $1.60; Interest at 6 per cent, $.34; total ........... ........ .... .................. _ G. A Loetseher, Sub. 5, South View Heights, Lot 1; 24 sq. yds. laterals, $18.00; 50 lin, ft. the ,Erpipe a $"784212, $39.21; exa ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.31; Interest at 6 per cent, $90; total ....-.... ....... ......................_. F- A. Crimea. South View heights, Lot 4; 24 sq. yde. laterals, $18 00; 501in. ft. til pipe at $0.784212, $39.21; ex- tra expense at 4.04435 po rent, $2.31; interest at 6 pe cent, $.50: total ....._._._....... ._ F. A. Grimes. South View ''eights, Lot 3; 50 lin. ft pile pipe at $0.784212, $39.21 ID 60.62 60.02 60.02 60.02 60.02 60.02 41.15 t 60.62 e r r 60.02 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, WF lb SEWER RECORD _____ _-Contractor. extraexpense at 4.04435 per Cent, $1.60: interest at 6 per cent, $•34; total ...... ............ __.... _ 41.15 Leo. J. Flynn, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 191, Lot 1; 78 sq. yda. laterals, $58.50; 200 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.784212, 4.04435 per extra cent expense $8.72 In- terest at 6 per cent, $1.87_ 226.98 total..... .......... _... ..._.............._.._._. Sisters et Charity, B. V. M., Sub. Min. Lot 191, Lot 1; 275 lin, ft. tile Pipe at $0.784212, $215.67; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $8.72; interest at 6 per cent, $1.87; total ....... ._.......... __...._ 226.26 Sisters of Charity. B. V. Sub. Min. Lot 198, Lot 2; 105 lin. ft. tile Pipe at $0.784212, $82.35; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 Per cent, $3.33; interest at 6 per cent, $.71; total .. ...._...... ..................... .... 86.39 Sisters of Charity, B. V. 3I., Sub Min. Lot 191, Lot 3: 208 lin. ft. tile Pipe at $.784212. $163.13; extra ex- pense at. 4.04435 per cent. $6.60; interest at 6 per cent. 171.15 $142; total ._....._.. ........... Sisters of Charity, B. V\L. Min. Lot, Lot 199; 41 lin ft. the Pipe at $0.784212. $32.16; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $1.30; interest at 6 per cent, $ 28: total - ..... 33.74 Cath. W. Bradley, Sub. Min Lot 198, Lot 2; 28 sq. Yds. laterals, $21..00;, 451 Ilaft. tile pipe at $0.784212, $353.68: extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $15.15: In- terest at 6 per cent, $3.24; total....... _... _.... ...... ........ ... ... 393.07 Cath. W. Bradley, Snb, 2 of Min. Lot 191, Lot 3; 56 sq. yds. laterals, $4200; 394.4 lin. ft. the Pipe at $0.784212, $309.29; extra expense at 404435 per cent, $14.21; In- terest at 6 per cent, $3.05; total.... .............. _.......... ... _.......................... 368.55 Lillian Kinnier. South View - Heights, Lot 23; 14 sq. yds. laterals, $10.50; 60 Its. ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $39.21; extra expense at 4.04436 per cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per cent, $.43; total ......................._...... 52.15 Lillian Kinnier, South View Heights, Lot 22; 14 sq. yds. laterals, $10.50; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $3921; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.01; interest at 8 per cent, $.43; total ................................ 52.15 Lillian Kinnier, South View Heights, Lot 21; 68 sq. Yds. laterals, $51.00; 267.7 Iia. ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per cent, $209.93; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $10.66; Interest at 6 per cent, $2.26; total....... .............. ._........ _...................... . 273.74 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights, Lot 30; 48 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212 per cent, $37.64; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per cent, $.32; total..-_.........__... ........... ... ... ....... ... ___ 39.48 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights, Lot 19; 48 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212 per cent, $37.64; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per cent, $.32; total....................................................... 39.48 Fred C. Ris, South View Heights, Lot 18; 48 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212 per cent. $37.64; extra expense at 4.04435 per cen4,' Kfi2; Interest at 6 per cent, $.32; total.............._.._....... ........... __............... _._ 89.48 Fred C. Rio, South View Heights, Lot 17; 4S lin. ft. the pipe at $0.784212 per cent, $37.64; extra expense at 4,04435 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per cent, $.32; total....................._......_...._.____ .............. 39.48 Voelker Realty Co., Smith View Heights, Lot 16; 48 Ila. ft. the pipe at $0.734212 per cent. $37.64; extra expense at 4.04435 per cent. $1.52; Interest at 6 per cent, $.32; total __ _.._.___........_....._._._. _... 39.48 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights. Lot 15; 18 sq. yde. laterals, $13.50; 48 I!n ft. tile pipe at $0.73,121"- $37.64: extra expense at 4.04435 per cent, $2.07; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.45; total ...._.._ _..... _....................._....... .. 53.66 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights, W. % Lot 14; 18 so. yds. laterals, $13.51); 24 lin. ft. the pipe at $0734212. $18.82; extra ey- pense at 4.04435 per coM, $1.31; interest at 6 Per cent, $.28; total ._..._... ....... ._... .............. ....... 33.91 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights, E. % Und. 1-3 Lot 14; 8 Ila ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $6.27; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $.25; Interest at 6 Per cent, $,05; total ...... _..... _..... ......__............... 6.57 Voelker Realty Co., South View Heights, E. % Und. 1.3 Lot 14; 8 lin ft. the pipe at $0.784212, $6.27; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $.25; interest at 6 per cent, $.05; total ............. 6.57 Fred C. Rio, South View Heights, E % Und. 1.3 Lot 14; 8 lin, ft. tile pipe at $0.784212, $6,27; extra ex- pense at 4.04435 per cent, $.25; Interest at 6 per Cont, $.05; total ... ... _.......... ___ _... 6.67 Total _..._..._.____......... _....... _._$2,791.42 1621 Bra. ft. 8 -inch the at $1.25 per lin. ft. ....____$2,026.25 486 lin. ft. 4 -inch the at 75C per lin. ft. __........ ..... __..__. 364.50 6 manholes at $45.00 per manhole -..._........... _.__....... _...___ 270.00 Interest at 6 per cent ...._...._ 23.06 Extra expense at 4.04435 per cent.._ ................._....._......._____._ 107,61 Total ......................... .......... ........ _.$2,791.42 All of which is assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Dec. 27th, 1923. Adopted Dec. 2714, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchlbr. Carried by title following vote: Yens -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and ScltremPf. Nays -None. inch Dubuque, Iowa, st•tPt 1- 19 I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Seminary St. Burden St. Buena Vista St. Lawther St. Windsor Ave. Estimate of Cosi' Abuftvrs and City for- Constructing. S T Ck-yi CL A16 11 L` SCJ r '9 V E d sa r uv,° . ro . B u r d e n --r ------Contractor. fn. ft. the pipe at $77.71; extra ex - at 2.18643 per cent, Interest at 6 per cent, ..... _......_...___....._._.__ 80.08 W. F. Woodrich, Bur- Lowther's Add„ Lot . lin. ft• the pipe at $77.71; extra ex - at 2.18643 per cent, interest at 6 per cent, ............ ...._ 80.08 W. F. Woodrich, Bur- Lawther's Add., Lot lin. ft. tile pipe at $77.71; extra ex - at 2.18843 per cent t at 8 per cent, Interest , 1 P W. F. Woodrich, Bur- Lowther's Add., Lot lin, ft. the pipe at $77.71; extra ex - at 2.18643 -per cent, Interest at 6 per cent, In)3Qe.M0_ 1 ISTCx ALLEY Fro VYftr .---- e CItS' of DubnO°e; That to pay 71; 611 r canetmelinR sanitary sewer In $1.664 27, 1, :: •,rl District: 8 -inch sanitary of pease e, n the first alley south E ".rest from Burden street $1.70; $,67; total :Id.,nr avenue mill in Windsor F. W. & t,.unu from above alley to Lawther den & trees; in Lawther street from Wind-, 70; 50 e• avenue to the first alh'y west, $1.664 27, d in said alley from Lawther street I pence IMvis street; also a 6 -inch sewer $170; Deana Vista street from above • $.67; total....._...._....__..._ rationed sewer north to Lawther F. W. & reel; also a,§_j11ch sewer in alley den & riweon Davis and Euclid streets,, 69; 60 •st to Sheridan street; also a 6- sewer In alley between $1.564 27, uh sanitary :rt Inn and Euclid streets west to pease 1.70; heridan street; also n 6 -inch son. 87• between Her- • ewer Y :v, s In aIle total_.....__ ...................._..:._.._._...___.._ n mall Goethe streets, west to Sher - & .1 Ian street; also a 6 -111th sanitary, in alley between Goethe and 68; 60 e,err awther streets, west to Sheridan $1.564 27, pease 'h,•rt by Cook & Kean, contractors, $1.70; u h•out of and adjoining the same, $.67 ; I Special Tax be and is hereby lev- F. W. & .•d on the several Lots, and Parte den & r tuts, and Parcels of Real Estate 87; 6 67*1 5 Ina named, situated and ther Add., Lot 59; 50 o,vned, and for the several amounts opposite each Lot or Parcel of pen.e Ilei 'Il+.•al Estate, as follows: $1.70; $,67; I Iwner Description Amount lyre. G. I mwood Cemetery Ass'n., 1 Lawth I,and8 Inside City Sub. Lots lin, ft. 11-12.13 of N. E. 14 of Sec. 13 T 89 N -R 2 E, Lot $77.71 12.1864 ; 163 lin. ft. tile pipe (terest at $1.55427, $253.35; extra otal ... expense at 2.16643 per cent, enc $554; Interest at 6 per cent, ,nwth total .......... $.61.08 In, ft. $2.19; F. W. & W. F. Woodrich, Bur- 77.71 den & Lawtber's Add., Lot •1864 ......................................_._. 80.08 W. F. Woodrich, Bur - Lawther's Add., Lot 0 Ila. ft. tile pipe at 27, $77.71; extra ex - at 2.18643 per cent, ,interest at 6 per cent, total ..... ....... .........._.... .._._....._ 80.05 A. Heyne, Burden & er's Add., Lot 66; 50 ale Pipe at $1.55427, extra expense at 3 per cent, $1.70; in - at 6 per cent, $.67; e L, Hemml. Burden & or's Add.. Lot 151; 50 the pipe at $1.65427, extra expense at 3 per cent, $1.70; In - at 6 per cent, $.67; 80.08 ace L. Hemmi, Burden & ther'e Add., Lot 160; 50 ft. til. pipe at $1.65427, .71; extra expense at 643 per cent, $1.70; in- t at 6 per cent, $.67; 17 1 .... ............................................ _........_.... _ 80.08 ice L. Bement, Burden & ther's Add., Lot 149; 50 ft. tile pipe at $1.56427, 1; extra expense at 43 per cent, $1.70; in - et at 6 per cent, $.67; 07 1 .......................................................__._ 80.08 & W. F. Woodrich, Bur- & Lowther's Add., Lot 50 lin. ft. the pipe at 5427, $77.71; extra ex - se at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, $.67; total _ ... _........_..... _............... _ 80.08 G. A. Heyne, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total_ .... .......... _....... ..... ... __._ 50.08 G. A. Heyne, Burden & Law- ther'sAdd., Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. the pipe air $1.55427, 2.17.71; extra 8643 pbr cent, x$1.70 Inpense - terest at 6 per cent, $•67; 80.08 total_____ _._.___._.__. G. A. Heyne, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 3; 50 Ilia. ft. tile pipe.at $1.55427, 2.1 8643 percent expense1 70 In- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total...__._...._..___..__'.....__.__.._ 80.08 G. A. Heyne, Burden & Law- ther's is Add. Let a 60 i pipe Ito. ft. tile p p 31.55427 $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total...... ..... .:__.................. __._...._........ _._ 80.08 G. A. Heyne, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 6; ' 50 Ilia. ft. the pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total........ _......................____.......____ 80.05 Geo. A. Bdrden, Burden & Lowther's Add., Lot 6; 50 Ito. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2,18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total.. .................. ._............... _....................... 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Ltt 7; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; - total.... _.................. _._._............. _..... _._ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 8; 50 11n. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total....................... _.... .............. ..............--- 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 9; 50 I in. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at' 6 per cent, $.67; total....._ ............. ._.__......... ....... ___ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 10; 50 Ito. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77 71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total.._.._...:......_......-................... --_......... 80.08 Prosper A. Engler, Burden & Lawther'ii Add., Lot 64; 50 1111,ft, the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total..................... .... ......................... _....... .... 80.08 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER RECORD Prosper A. Engler, Burden & Lawther's Add., Lot 63; 50 Hn. ft. the pipe at $1,66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- 80.08 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total..... ..... _........ _... __........... __..... _-._ 80.08 Prosper A. Engler, Burden & lawther's Add., Lot 62; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- 80.08 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total ______.__._. 80.08 Geo. A. Burden, Burden & Lawther's Add., Lot 61; 50 lin. ft. tale pipe at $1.55427, 77.71• r $ exta expense at P 2.18643 per cent, 1.70• In- 80.08 terest at 8 per cent, $,67; total_.....__ ...................._..:._.._._...___.._ 80.08 Gen. A. Burden, Burden & Lowther's 4%dd., Lot 60; 50 Hn. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 percent $1.70; in.. 80.08 tereet at 6 per cent, $,67; total...._.... ....... .... .... ..........._................. .... _ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Biirden & Law- ther Add., Lot 59; 50 lin. ft., the Pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- 80.08 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total..... ................ .._._...... ._._................. _ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 58; 50 fin. ft. tile pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in. 80.08 terest at 6 per cent, $,67; total....... _....... _............ _.... _........ ____ 80.08 J. V. Weber, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 57; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense 'at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- Slim terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total....... .... ........ __...__._....... _._......... _ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 38; 50 lin. ft. file pipe at $1.55427, $77.71;extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- 64.07 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; 'total ..._._........... _....... __......... _.._..__......... So.08 . Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 37; 50 Hn. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- 64.07 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total..... .___- .......... __...._.._..._..._.._ 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 36; 50 lin. M. the pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- 64.07 terest at 6 per cent, $.67; 4 total ..... .... _....... _ ..... __.... .......... ......_._, 80.09 Wm, Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 35; 50 I Certify That the Above is Correct. lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total_...-__ ................... __.......... _... ....... 80.08 Who, Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 34; 50 Hn. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total... _................. __...... _._..._._.._._.. 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 33; 50 NO. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 r e cent .67• P $ , total ........................................... ..... 80.08 Fred & Anna Fasseltus, Burden & Lowther's Add., Lot 32; 50 Hn. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total......_......_........ ......... ........ ._._........ ..__... 80.08 Fred & Anna Fassellus, Burden & Lawthei's Add., Lot 31; 50 lin.ft. the Pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70;in- terest at 5 per cent, $.67; total__ .........................._................_....... 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 30; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.67; total. ................... .... .... _........ ..................... _.. 80.08 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 11; 43 lin. ft. the pipe at $1,55427, $66.83; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.56; total...... __......... ................... _........................ _ Slim Wm, Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 12; 40 Un. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.64; total......_____...____.. _.......__..__........._ 64.07 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 13; 40 hn. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent,- $1.35; in- terest at 6 per cent, $:64; total...... ..... ....... _... ....... __.._....._............_.. 64.07 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 14; 40 Un. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.64; total ....._._........................ __._._, 64.07 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 15; 40 lin, ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $62.18; extra expense at Inch Dubuque, Iowa, _ . 2,18643 per cent, $1,36; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.54; total......__.._. ..................... ...................... 64.07 Wm. lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 16; 40 Ito. ft. tile pipe at $1.56427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.54; total...... _.... _._....... _............ __................._... 64.07 Frank M. Blake, Burden & Lowther's Add., Lot 17; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.54; total............. __......... _................. ....... ._.......... 64.07 k M. Blake Burden & Fran 0 18. 40 er' Add. Lot Lawther's lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.54; total......__...._._....._..._...._.__ ..................... 64.07 Frank M. Blake, Burden & Lawther's Add., Lot 19; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, $62.18; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.35; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.54; total_._.._ ..... _... ............... _..............._.. 64.07 Frank M. Blake, Burden & Lawther's Add., Lot 146; 12.5 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.66427, $19.43; extra ex- pense at 2.18643 per cent, 42c; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; total _....... ... ............. ..... _. 20.02 Wm, Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 20; 50 IIn. ft. tile Pipe at $1.55427, $77.71 ; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total....... .... _-__............._.._.__._...... 80.09 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 21; 60 ]in. ft. the Pipe at $1.55427. $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total...... _....._._........................... .._.......... 80.09 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 22; 50 He. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427. $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total....._.......__ ....... __........._....................... .,80.09 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 23; 50 Hn. ln. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total.............. _... ...... .... _............. ............. .... 80.09 Geo. Kersch, Burden & Law- ther's Add., Lot 24; 50 He. ft. the pipe at $1.55427. $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total.............. _...... ...... _.......___.__.__.._ 80.0 Sewer 19 John V. Weber et al, Burden &- Lawther's Add., Lot 25; 50 Ito. ft. the pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $A8; total_...._.. ...................__........_....___._.__ 80.09 Joseph A. & Mary Welt, Bur- den & Lawther's Add., Lot 26; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra ex- pense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 Per cent, $.68; total ......... . ........................... _ _ 80.09 Joseph A. & Mary Welu, Bur- den & Lawther's Add., Lot 27; 50 lin ft. tile pipe at extra ex - 427$77.71; 1.65 43 per cent at 2.186 epee P P per cent $1.70; interest at 6 p $.68; total ..._._.._..........._ .................._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 19; 60 lin, ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total..... _...................._...._..............._._._.__ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 18; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total......... _................... __......... _...... ........ _ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 17; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427. $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; 80.09 total...__.._..... ..... ........._____.....__...___ Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- ' terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total........... _........_............_..............__...._..._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 15; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.65427. $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total... -... _............................... _...._..__.._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 14; 60 11n. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total................................_.._.__.......---._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add.. Lot 13; 50 Ito. ft. the pipe mt $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total_ ..............................--- ... ........ _.... --- 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add.. Lot 12; 8 43.76 lin- ft. the pipe at Engineer. Lawther St. Gothe St. Harlan St. SEVER RECORD t:stirnate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing tit Lc4.vvtha'r Sr Tb 24416 sr iii Thi Alleys' Fors. BL-OUk6 . -_Contractor. $1.66427, $68.01; extra ex- pense et 2.18843 per cent, .. ;1.49; Interest at 8 per cent, ;.69; total ......_.._._.........._..._........._ 70.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 11; 43.75 fin. It. the pipe at $1.55427, $68.01; extra ex• pense at 2.18843 per cent, $1.49; interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total ............. _.____ .... _...___ Clem Sheridan (Trustee), 70.09 Sheridan's Add„ Lot 10; 44 ]In, ft. the pipe at $1.65427, $68.40; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.50; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.59; total..........._....._....._..._................... .... 70.49 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 9; 44 Ile. ft. the pipe at $1.56427, $68.40; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.50; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.69; total._...._................................................ 70.49 llem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 8; 44 Iln. ft. the pipe at $1.55427. $68.40; extra expense at 2.18943 per cent, $1.60; in. terest at 6 per cent, $.69; total..................._......... .... ..... ........ .... . 70.49 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 7; 44 lin, ft. the pipe at $1,55427, $68.40; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.50; In. terest aj, 8 per cent, $.69; total......................................... ..........-........... 70,49 tem Sheridan (Trustee), ' ,Sheridan's Add., Lot 6; 44 I ]in. It. the pipe at $1.66427, ,$68.40; extra expense at 2.18645 per cent, $1.60; in• tercet at 8 per cent, $.59; total......................._._...._......__.........._....... 70.49 m Sheridan (Trustee), herldan's Add., Lot 28; 50 ') In. ft. the pipe at $1.65427, 77.71; extra expense at .18643 per cent, $1.70; In. erest at 6 per cent, $.68; otal_._........ ..... _..... ............. .... ......... _._- 80.09 at Sheridan (Trustee). t) heridatis Add., Lot 27; 50 In. It. the pipe at $1.66427, 77.71; extra expense at .18843 per cent, $1.70; m- erest at 6 per cent, $.68; otal-........ ._......... __................ _.... _.. 80.09 M Sheridan (Trustee), heridan's Add., Lot 26; 60 In. It. the pipe et $1.65427, 77.71; extra expense at .18643 per cent, $1.70; In' erect at 6 per ..............-...__.._._......._. $0.09 Sheridan (Trust..), herldan's Add., Lot 25; 50 jfti u,ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, 77.71; extra expense at 18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total _..__.__.__..__._ .......... __._._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 24; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total ................. _._......_._...__--_...._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 23; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at, $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cert, $1.70; in. terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total ............... ...._._......... _.................... _._._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 22; 50 ]in. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, - $71.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; 1n• terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total_ ............ ............... ........... ................. _.._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 21; 50 ]In. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- -erest at 6 per cent, $.68; total........................................ ................. _.._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 37; 62 Ile. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $96.36; extra expense at 2.18643 par cent, $2.11; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.83; total..................... ........ _.......... _........ ............. 99.30 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 36; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total_ .... .......... ........ _.._........ ...... ._.... _._ S0.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan'a Add., Lot 35; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In. terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total.... .......... .... ........ .......... ...................... _.... 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 34; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.56427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total..... ........ _... .... __ ... .... _...._..........._.._.._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 33; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- tereat at 6 per cent, $.68; total.. .................. _.._... ---.._........... 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 32; 60 Ila. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total ___ .... ... .._.._..... _ 80.09 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. OF Clem anerman urrustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 31; 60 ]fn. ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total _.._ .......... _........ 60.06 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 30; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expenseat 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.68; total...__._.._..__...._._._._..____.._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 29; 60 Ile. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; in- terest at 6 per cent, $•68; total........... .................... _.... ........_.__.._._ 80.09 Clem 9heridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 5; 44.8 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1,66427, $69.63; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.52; In- terest at 6 per cent, $.60; total.... ............ _...... ........._...._......- 71.75 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 4; 44.8 lin. It. tile pipe at $1.65427, $69.63; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $152; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.60; total .........................._ ... 71.75 Clem Sheridan (Trustee), Sheridan's Add., Lot 3; 44.8 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $69.83; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.52; in- terest at 6 per cent, $.60; total.._ .. ................................ _.._._..__..__.__ 71.75 Stella Sheridan, Sheridan'_ Add., Lot 2; 44.8 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $69.63; ex- tra expense at 2,18643 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per cent, $-60; total _.._................. 71.75 Stella Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 1; 44.8 lin. fl, tile pipe at $1.66427, $69.63; ex- tra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per coat, $.60; total 71.75 Clem Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 46; 51. 78 Ila. ft tile pipe at $1,55427, $80.49; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, 1.76; Interest at 0 per cent, $.69; total_ .............__.._..._.. 82.94 Clem Sheridan, Sheridan'_ Add., Lot 45; 51.78 lin. ft. tile pipe at $156427, $80.49; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, 1.76; interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total ..... _ 82.94 Clom Sheridan, Sheridan'_ Add., Lot 44; 61.78 Itp. fL the pipe at $1.65427, $80.49; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, 1.76; Interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total 82.94 Clem Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 43; 61.78 lin, ft. the pipe at $155427, $80.49; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, 1.76; interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total 82.94 Clem Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 42; 61.78 lin. ft. tile pipe at $155427, $80.49; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, 1.76; interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total ........... ...... _._ 82.94 ClemSheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 41; 50 lin, ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; ex- tra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total...................._...._._ 80.09 Clem Sheridan, Sheridnn'e Add., Lot 40; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; ex- tra expense at '1.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total ......................... _._.. 80.09 Clem Sheridan, Sheridan'8 Add., Lot 39; 60 1(a. ft. tile pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; ex- traexpense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total........._....._.._....._ 80.09' Clem Sheridan. Sheridan...'s Add., Lot 38; 50 ]In. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; ex- tra expense at 2.18643 per I cent, $1.70; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total _......................__... 80.09 Helen M. Sauer, O'Neill's River View Add., Lot 5; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, $•68; total . ....... 80.09 Dan Sauer Estate O'Neill's Riv- er View Add., Lot 4; 5011n. ft. tile pipe at $1.65427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, $.68; total ... ..-__............... _ 80.09 E. J. Sauer, O'Neill's River View Add., Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.66427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, $.68; total ... .................... __._ 80.09 Helen M. Sauer, O'Neill's River View Add., Lot 2; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $77.71; extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.70; Interest at 6 per cent, $•68; total ....... _.... __....... _...... 80.09 Stella Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 51; 51.78 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.55427, $80.49 extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.76; Interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total ......... _.... __.......... _ 82.94 Stella Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 50; 61.78 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.65427, $80.49 extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.76; Interest at 6 per cent,;.69; total .............__...._.._ 82.94 I Certify That the Above is Correct. 19 Inch Sewer E Dubuque, Iowa,. 19. Stella "If Sheridan's Add., Lddlt 49; 51.78 If.. ft. the pipe at $1.56427, $80.49 extra expense at 2.18643 per - cent, ;1.76; Interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total...........I.. ella Sheridan, Sherldan'a Add., Lot 48; 61.78 ]in, ft. tie pipe at $1.66427, $80,49 extra expense at 2.18643per cent, $1.76; interest at 6 per cent, $-69; total _...___.._.__......._ 82.94 Stella Sheridan, Sheridan's Add., Lot 47; 51.78 lin. ft. tile Pipe at $1.56427, $80.49 extra expense at 2.18643 per cent, $1.76; Interest at 6 per cent, $.69; total .._....._......._._.___ 82.94 Total ...._._..._...... 2,329 lin, ft. _in........ch..._......._.._......$8.723.05 8 iiia at $1.65 per lin. ft. __..._....__.._$3,842.85 2,017.8 Ila. ft. 6 Inch tile at $1,55 per Ila. ft. .... .------ 3,127.59 5 manholes at $60.00 .. - 250.00 30 manholes at $80.00 ..... ........ ... 800.00 5 manholes at $90.00 ........_..._... 450.00 Interest at 6 per cent .................. 73.41 Extra expense at 2.18643 per cent..........._......... ...._...... ..... _........... 185.20 Total _..___.._...___......._....._.....__._$8,729.06 All of which is assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Jan. 16th, 1924. Adopted Jan. 16th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, Counc Attest: JOHN STUBERilmen City Clerk. Engineer. Harlan St. Euclid St. Davis St. Rush St. Holly St. Cleveland Ave. 4 Estim47tr of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing ht Ho " STS RaN1 /rtr'USH 5T Resolved by the City CauncIt of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing sanitary sewer in Holly 1[100 ",rest from Rush , for a dls- tanre of upproxitnately 216 flet, by James Saul, contractor, In front of and adjoining the es me, a Special Tax he and hereby levied on the several Lots, and Part" of Lots, and Panels of heal Flslnte hereinafter named, slnmdd and owned, and for the several amounts set Opposite mu'h lot or parcel Of real estate. as follows: Owner Dole]p,Ion Amount St. COlumbkill Church, Union Add., Lot 138; 24 Hit. ft, lat- erals at 75c. $18.00; 100 In. ft. the pipe et $.88894, $88.88; extra expense at 3.568 per cent, $3.80; Interest at 6 per cent, $•92; total ....__..$111.60 F.II?. Ryrns, Union Add., Lot N2; ]6.60 lin, [t. Internis at 75c, $10.50; 22 Ila. ft. later- als at $ 88894, $44.45; extra expanse at 3,666 per cent, $2,17; interest at 6 per cent, $.53; total _.__._.-. ...__......_____. 63.65 John P. Ludowlsy, Union Add., S. balance Lot 187; 24 lin. ft. laterals at 75c, $18.00; 50 lin. fl. the pipe at $.88894, $44.45; extra expense at 3.556 per cent, $2.21; Interest at 6 per cent, $.64; total...._.___ 86.20 L. J. Piamondon, Union Add., N. 50 ft. Lot 137; 22 lin. ft. laterals at 75c, $16.50; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.88894, $44.45; extra expense at 3.566 per cent, $2.17; inter- est at 6 per cent, $.53; total 63.65 Jonathan Faust, Union Add., Lot 83; 22 I. ft. laterals at 75c, $16.50; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.88894, $44.45; ex- tra expense at 3.666 per cent, $2.17; interest at 6 per cent, $.68; total --- 63.65 98c Tottn. ft. 6 In. fileal 216 I _. _. ...... at ........ ......_$38T.76 per fin. ft. _.__.......__.........._$211.88 114 lin. ft. 4 In. file at 76c per fin. ft. 85.50 1 manhole at $55.00 per num- hNe._..... _.. _.._........................ 55.00 hucrest at 6 per cent __ - 3.05 Extra expense at 3.1,51; p,•r cent ._............ ...—... - 12.52 Total._..._......,...._......._...___..—_ .....$367.75 All of which Is assessed In pro- portlou to the special benefits con. ferred. Adopted Jan. 15th, 1924. Approved Jan. 15th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H, UREDE, THEO. GAURIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUDER, City Clerk. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEVER RECORD Inch Contractor. I Certify That the Above is Correct. - Sewer Dubuque, Iowa, .. 19...... . Engineer. r Filmore St. Decorah St. Alta Place Delaware St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. In ALTA -P L-A C E SEWER RECORD .__------ .Contractor. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa,. • Sewer - -.. ..19... Engineer. tj -- Ind. School District, Wood- Eugene & Eltz. Saud Wood. lawn Park. Lot 286; 50 lin. 2 lawn Park, Lot 259; 50 [in. Owner Description Amount c ft. tile pipe at $0.682917, ft. tits pipe at $0.682917, Phlllipine FDe Est., Wood• $34.15; extra expense at $34.14; extra expense tit hi lawn Park, Lot 278; 60 Ila. t 6; 50917, 5.05797 per cent, $1,73; In- 5.05797 per cent, $1.73; in - ilio nine ft. ti; terest at 6 per cent, 30c; terest at 6 per cent, 29c; $34.157 ex extra expense at pens; total ........... ...._.....__........._.........._... .._ 36.18 total .._............... ..._......... ._ __. 36.16 cent. In- Ind. School District, Wood- C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park terest nt 6 per cent, 30; lawn Park, Lot 287; 50 lin. Lot 260; 60 lin. ft. the pipe total $ 38.17 ....._ .............._......_...................._.. ft. elle Pipe at $0.882917, at $0.682917, $34.14; extra Ph1111Fine Fetter Est., Wood. $34.15; extra expense at expense at 6.06797 per cent, lawn Park, Lot 277; 50 lin. 5.05787 per cent, $1.73; In- $1.73; Interest at 6 per cent, ft. the pipe at $0.682917, $34.16; terest at 6 per cent, 30c; 29c; total _ _ .. 36.16 extra expense at 6.05797 per cent, $1.72; in- ......-._..............._........_..._._. total-.. Fred Wilke, Woodlawn Park, 36.18 Eva Heil, Woodlawn Park, Lot 60 Iia ft- the pipe terest at 6 per cent, 30; Lot 260; 60 Ila. 1t. the 0.68 12 $34.14; exert. $nse total . .... 36.17 _......._....................st......._.._.o extra at $0.682917, $34.16; axial a expense at 6.05797 per cent, a Phlllipine Feller Est., Wood. I expense at 5.05797 Per cent, $1.73; interest at fi per cent, lawn Park, Lot 60 lin. $1.73; interest at 8 per cent. 29c; total .... .. _.. ..._ 38.16 ft.' file Pita at $0.882917, $ SOr.; total ..___ 36.18 $3 $34.16; extra expense at 5.05797 per cent, $1.72; In- _.._.... Fred Wilke, Woodlawn Park. Total ._ _.. _....$868.05 terest at 6 per cent, 30; Lot 251; 50 lin. R. the Pipe at $0.682917. $34.15; extra 729.5 lin. ft. 6 inch tit,- at $1.00 per lin. ft. $729.50 total._._._.... .. 36.17, . ..........................call..._ .. B. H. Histram. Woodlawn expense at 6.06797 Per cent, 2 manholes at $45.On Per mt.u- Park, Lot 279; 50 lin. ft. the $1.72; Interest at 6 per cent, 30c; total . .............. ...... . 36.17 hole ....__._.._.... .. .. 90.00 Interest at 6 per cent __...... ... 7.10 pipe at $0,682917, $34.15; Fred Wilke, Woodlawn Park. Extra expense at 5.05797 per extra expense at 6.06797 per cent, $1.72; interest at 6 per Lot 252; 60 lin. ft. elle pipe cont ............ ... _call _call-.....__._ 41.46 30c; total."""""_""'_""18 at $0.682917, $34.1expense at 5.05797 cent, Total - Voelker Realty Co., Wood. per $1.72; Interest at 6 per cent, All of which 18 assessed in pro - lawn Park, Lot 280; 50 lin. 30C; total .. _ - _. ___.. - 36.16 portion to the special benefits con - ft. tele pipe at $0.682917. $34.15; t Gilbert & Bessie INetrich. •ferred. extra expense at p in- per cent, $1.7cent. Woodlawn Park, Lot 253; Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second - terest? at 6 per cent. 29c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.68ease 917, extra ex. ed by Councilman Melchior. Car. total total .....__....__..._....... .... .... ..... 36.16. penes at .0579; per cent, Ned by the following vote: Voelker Realty oWood• Co., od. rest a7 $1.73; Interest at fi per cent, yeas .Mayor pro -tem Hrede, Coun- lawn Park, Lot 281; 50 lie. 29c; total -. _ __.. 36.16 ciimen Gabriel and Melchior. ft. elle pipe at $0.682917, .. Nuys -None. $34.15; extra expense at C. B. Trewln Inc., Woodlawn Absent- Mayor Alderson, Council - 5.05797 per cent, $1.73; in- Park, Lot 254; 50 Iln. It. man Schrempf• terest at 6 per cent, 30c; tile pipe at $0.682917, $34 14; Approved May 19th. 1924. total .....__....... 3618 - _ "-.'..act, extra expense at 6.06797 per Adopted May 19th, 1924. Ind. School District. Wood- cent, 1.72; Interest at 6 per { cent. 29c; total 36.16 L. H. II ABRI lawn Park, Lot 282; 60 lin. ._ _._ THEO. CABRI F.L. ft. Bile pipe at $0.682917, James Lavin. Woodlawn Park. H. G.'NfELCHIOR. 834.15; extra expense at Lot 255; 50 lin. ft. the pipe Councilmen. ' 5.05797 per cent, $1.73; In- at $O.R82917, $34.14; extra attest: JOHN STUBER, terest at 6 per cent, 30c; expense tit 5.05797 per cent, City Clerk. total •....... -..._.._.._...._ 38.1R $1.73; Interest at 6 per cent. Ind. School District, Wood- 29c; total - 36.16 lawn Park. Lot 283; 50 lin. A. A. McIntosh. Woodlawn ft. the pipe at $0.682917, Park, Lot 256; 50 lin. ft. the ' $34.15; extra expense at pipe at $0.682917, $34.14; 6.06797 per cent, $1.73; in- extra expense at 5.05797 per terest at 6 Per cent, 30c; cent, $1.73; Interest at 6 Per Resolved by total ... ....... ..... ............. __ 36.18 Ind. cent, 29c; total .. .. Lfzzle Bowen, Woodlawn Park, 36.16 the City Councl of the City of Dubuque: That to pay School District, Wood- lawn Park, Lot 284; 50 lin Lot 257; 50 Ila. fl, the pipe for construpting a sanitary sewer In It. tele pipe at $0.682917, at $0.682917, $34.14; extra Alt¢ place from Delaware street to $34.16; extra expense at expense at 5.05797 per cent, a point 100 ft. south of Fillmore 5.05797 per cent, $1.73; 'in. $1.73; Interest at 6 per cent, street, by Oliver Kringle, contractor, terest at 6 per cent, 30c; 29c; total ........ _ 36.16 to front of and adjoining the same, total __ ........ ......____........... ... 36.18 Eugene & Eltz. Sand Wood - a Special Tax he and Is hereby lev. led an the __..... Ind. School District, Wood. lawn Park, Lot 258; 50 lin several Lots, and Parte of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate lawn Park. Lot 286; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $0.682917. hereinafter named, situated and ft, tile pipe at $0.682917, $34.15; extra expense at $34.14; extra expense at 5.05797 Per cent, $1.73; In. owned, and for the several amounts set aEstale, each Let Parcel 5.05797 Per cent, $1.73; in- terest at 6 per cent, 29c; of sal Estate, as follows: : terest it f, per cent, 30c; total .... 36.16 total -.._........ 36.18 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa,. • Sewer - -.. ..19... Engineer. tj Alta Place Delaware St. SEWER RECORD stimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing Inch A LTi- - P~'~ a E- _ Contractor. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I I Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 Grandview Ave. State St. Curtis St. Estimate of (,).5t to Abutters and City for Constructiillr 1115 -r-AT E S T SEWER RECORD _-_._--Contractor. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, 1 Certify That the Above is Correct. i _. en Breue, u -i-, auu . .:•.•_ , Nays -None. Absent -Councilman Melchior. - Approved April let, 1924. - Adopted April let, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L, H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, Councilmen, Attest: JOHN STUDER, City Clerk. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, - Sewer 19 Engineer. 24 cent. $.176; interest at 8 per D o _.__......._.. i _.._ cent. E. A sand 50 tin. ft. lile cent, 38c; total ......_.._..._......a.._ Grand 48.76 Ave. Add., Lot 41; 88.2 tin. ?_ pipeew at $.850021, $42.60; ex. A. A. Cooper (Incl ft. the pipe at $.860021, - tra expense at 3.92706 per View Ave. Add., Lot 31; and 50 tin, ft. the $73.27; extra expense at cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per manholes pipe at $.860021, $42.60; ex. 3.92706 per cent„ $2.88; 1n• cent, 37c; total .............................. 44.54 expense at per toreet at 6 per cent, 630;A. 76,78 A. Grand View est at cent, $1.67; interest at 8 Per cent, cent, 37c; total __....__.------ ...... 94.64 total .__..... --.....-_-__._._- ....... ..........".'. E. Lavery, Grand View Ave, Ave.Cooper, veAdd., Lot 24; man - holes and 60 lin, ft. tile A. A. Cooper (Inc), Grand I Add., Lot 13; 60.84 lin. ft. the at $.850021, $61.62; pipe at $.860021, $42.50; ex - View Ave. Add., Lot 32; manholee and 50 lin. ft. the pipe extra expense at 3.92706 per tra expense at 3.92706 Per cent, $1.67; Interest at 6 per pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per 64.19 cent, 37c; total 44.64 ""''""`"""""'"" expense at per cent, 44c; total -- _""'__ A. A. Cooper (Inc.),)Grand A. A.CooperGrand Vlew ,d Interest cent, $1.87; Interest at 8 per ,!c cent, 37c; total ...... ........... 44.54 View Ave. Add., Lot 14; 50 Ave. til 25; in the .......... Clark Van Wie, Grand lin. ft. tile pipe at $.860021. and 60 View Ave. Add., Lot 33; $42.50; extra expense at 3.92706 per cent, $1.67; 1n- pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex - tra expense at 3.92706 per manholes and 50 lin. ft. the ipe at $ 860021, $42.50; ex- tereat at 6 per cent, 37c; cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per tra expense at 3.92706 per total _...._... .......... _... _ ....... ... _.................... 44.54 cent, 37c; total ....... _........ _.......... 44.54 cent, $1,67; Interest at 6 per A. A. Cooper Clue), GGmand A. A. Cooper, Grand View cent, 37c; total ........._.... _....... 44.64 View Ave., Add., Lot 15; Ave. Add„ Lot 26; man - Belle Savage, Grand View manholes and 50 lin, ft. tile holes and 50 lin, ft. tile Ave. Add., Lot 34; man- pipe at $.850021, $42.60; ex- pipe at $.860021, $42.50; ex• holes and 50 lin. ft. file tra expense at 3.92706 per its expense at 3.92706 per pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, 37c; total ..........._................ 44.54 .............................. cent, 37c; total44.54 cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per cent, 37c; total ...._........... _......... 44.59 A. A. Cooper (Inc), Grand View Ave. Add., Lot l6; C. B. Trewin (Inc), Grand $ayme Bier Is, Grand View manholes and 50 tin. ft. the at $.850021, $42.50; ex- View Ave. Add., Lot 27; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile Ave. Add., Lot 35; man• holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe tra expense at 3.92706 per pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex - pipe at $ 850021. 842.60; ex- cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per 37c; total 44.54 tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per .Cent, ..._........................ A. A. Cooper (Inc). 'Grand cent, 37c; total __.__........._...... 44.54 cent, 37c; total .........._................. 44.54 View Ave. Add., Lot 17; A. A. Cooper (Inc). Grand John Savage, Grand View manholes and 50 tin. ft. the View Ave. Add.. Lot 28; man - Ave. Add, Lot 36; man- pipe at $.850021, $42.60; ex- holes and 60.6 lin ft. the holes and 50 tin. ft. the tra expense at 3.92706 per pipe at $.850021, $51.52; ex - pipe at $.860021. $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; Interest at 6 per tra expense at 3.92708 Per tra expense at 3.92706 per cent. 37c; total ............................ 44.64 cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per A. A. Cooper (Inc). Grand cent, 44c; total _...___....._...._. .._ 53.97 cent, 37c; total ............. _........... nlary K. Ryder, Grand View 44.54 View Ave. Add., Lot 18; manholes and 50 lin. ft. the Peter Eisbach, Sub. 6 of Mtn. Resolved by the City Council of Ave. Add.. Lot 37; man- pipe at $.860021, $42.60; ex- Lot 2, Lot 1; manholes and the city of Dubuque: That to Pay ityofconstructing in newer in sewer holes and 60 tin. ft. tile tra expense at 3.2706 Per 69 lin. ft. the pipe at for sanitary for from Carte street pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; Interest at 6 per $.850021, Will; extra ex - 3.82'06 street for distance of approximately 1,050 tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, 376; total ................... ..... __ 44.54 parse at per cent, lnterest,at 6 a feel by Olivernto G. Kringle, contract- cent, $1.87; interest at 8 per A. L. Rhomberg, Grand View $1.96; per cent, 42c; 52.54 or, trent and adjoining the cent, 37c; total ............................. 44.54 Ave. Add„ Lot 19; man- total ............._......._.... -""""" same, a Special Tex be and is hereby e, al Thos. &Enda Callaghan, Grand holes and 60 lin. ft. file Total levied on the severalLots, and Parts View Ave. Add., Lot 38; pipe at $.850021. $42.50; ex. .................... ..............................$1353.20 of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate manholes and 50 lin. ft. the tra expense at 3.92706 per 1111.3 lin. ft. 6 Inch the at hereinafter named, situated and Pipe at $.850021. $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per $1.00 per lin. ft. ....................$1111.30 owned, and for the several amounts tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, 37c; total ......... .___ ......... 44.54 4 manholes at $45.00 per man - set opposite LM or Parcel of cent, $:.67; interest at 6 per .44 W. Grand hole ....__t _ ...__ ........_... 180.00 as Real Estate. xs [allows: cent, 37c; total -- ----- ----- 64 Ave.McClain, eAdd, Lot 20; man- man- t...._........ interest at8 per cent .............. 11.19 Owners Description Amount Anna Ireland, Grand View holes and 50 lin, ft.' the Extra expense at 3,92706 per Peter Eisbach, Sub. 2 Ronson Ave. Add., Lot 39; man• pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- cent. _- " 60.71 """"""" & Stewart's Sub., Lot 1; holes and 50 lin. ft. the tra expense at 3.92706 per manholes Rod 50 lin,ft. the yipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; Interest at 6 per pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- tra expense at .3.92706 per I cent. 37c; total ............................ 44.54 Total ....... ..... ...... .... _ ... ...._.....__........$1353.20 tra expense at 3.92706 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per Geo. Stegworth, Grand View All of which is assessed In pro - cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per cent, 37c; total ..._..._.._.... 44.54 Ave. Add., Lot 22; man- portion to the special benefits con- cert, 37c; total ......... _......... .......$ 44.54 Anna E. Dolan, Grand View holes and 50 lin. ft. tile ferred. A. A. Cooper (Inc),Gr Ave. Add., Lot -40; man- pipe at $.850021, $42.50; ex- Councilman Brede moved the adop- man-holes Vlew Ave. Add., Lot 29 an- holes and 50 lin. ft. the I tra expense at 3.92706 per tion of the resolution. Seconded by holes and 52,5 lin. ft, the pipe at $.950021. $42.50; ex- cent, $1.67; Interest at 6 per Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the pipe at $,850031, $44.63; ex- tra expense at 8.92706 per cent, 37c; total .___.._. _.._... 44.54 following vote: Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, 1 Certify That the Above is Correct. i _. en Breue, u -i-, auu . .:•.•_ , Nays -None. Absent -Councilman Melchior. - Approved April let, 1924. - Adopted April let, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L, H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, Councilmen, Attest: JOHN STUDER, City Clerk. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, - Sewer 19 Engineer. 24 Decorah St. Ashton Place W" 0 Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing.. In /7/ o h. -p10.ee- SEWER RECORD Inch _--__-_.Contractor. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, . I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 Engineer. Owner Description Amount All of which is assessed In pro. Orwaal Wimher, Woodlawn portion to the special benefits con - Park Add.. Lot 307; 60 lin. (erred. ft. the pipe at $.865, $43.25; Approved Jan. 29th, 1924. extra expense at 2.6659 per Adopted Jan. 29th, 1924. r' cent, $1.16; Interest at 6 per Approved: cent, $.88; total _..... ....... _........... $ 44.78 JAMES ALDERSON, Home Builder's Co., Woodlawn L. H. BREDE, Park Add., Lot 308; 50 lin. THEO' GABRIEL, ft. the pipe at $.866, $43.25; H. G. MELCHIOR, extra expense at 2,6669 per Councilmen. cent, $1.16; interest at 6 per Attest: JOHN STUBER, cent, $.38; total. ......._.. .. 44.78 City Clerk. Mary R. Lee.. Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 309; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.865, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6669 Pur cent, $1.15; interest at 6 per cent, $.38; total ............................. 44.78 Home Builder's Co., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 310; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.865, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.16; Interest at 6 per cent. $.38; total ............__.._. _.... 44.78 Voelker Realty Co., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 291; 50 lin. ft. tale pipe at $.865, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.16; Interest at 6 per cent, $•38; total .... ........ ....... .._... 44.78 Voelker Realty Co., Woodlawn. t Park Add., Lot 292; 50 lin. , ft. the pipe at $.866, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.15; interest at 6 per cent, $.38; total ......._..._.._........ 44.78 Grover C. Glass, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 293; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $.866, $43.26; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.15; interest at 6 per - cent. $.37; total _........... ..... .... ._ 44.77 Fred C. Potterveld, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 294; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $.866, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.16; interest at 6 per cent. $.37; total ... .... ................. .. 44.78 Phillipine Fetter, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 295; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.865, $43.25; extra expense at 2.6659 per cent, $1.16; interest at 6 per cent, $.37; total ....................... _..... 44.78 Phitlipine Feller, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 296; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $.866, $43.25; Resolved by the City Council of extra expense at 2.6669 per the City of Dubuque: That to pay cent, $1.16; Interest at 6 per for constructing sanitary sewer In cent, $.37; total ...._....... 44.78 Ashton street from Delaware street to a.point 100 feet south of Decorah Total .......... ......... _...... .................. _........ $447.79 street by Cook & Kean, contractor, 375 lin. ft. 6 -Inch the at 98c In front of and adjoining the same, per lin. ft. ...... _.... _... ......... __...$367.60 a Special Tax be and is hereby lev- 1 manhole at $65.00 per man - led on the several Lots. and Parte of hole ............... 65.00 Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate Interest at 6 per cent .... _..... __._ 3.76 hereinafter named, situate and Extra expense at 2.6659 per owned, and for the several amounts cent _ ...... ... _.... ........... 11.63 not opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Total _............ ....... _...... _...... ___._._$447.79 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, . I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 Engineer. Charles St. Gay St. Muscatine St. Broadway St. Itv J 6 SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. Irl Q. S7 ..--.......Contractor. on Citbu y of Duque: That to pay for constructing sanitary sewer in I Day atroe t from Broadway extension to Aluscutine street by Oliver O. Krincic, con trotter' In frnnt of and adjoining the s:une, a Special Tax Its and is hereby levied on the sev- eral tate, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lat or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Owner Description Amount Ed. V,vverberg, Wm. Rehman Sub., Lot 2; 50 fin. ft, the pipe at $1.13929, $56.96; ex. traexpense at 3.82195 per cent, $2.18; Interest at 6 per cent $.50; total ....._...___._ $ 59.64 Albert. Ney, Wm. Rebman Sub.. Lot 3; 50 11n. ft. the Pipe at $1.13929, $58.96; ex- traexpense at 3.82195 per cent. $2.18; at at 6 per cent, $.49; total_ .................._..._ 59.63 Albert Ney, Wm. Rebman - Sub., Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.13929. $56.96; ex- traexpense at 3.82195 per - cent ,'$2.18; Intereat at 6 per cent, $.49; total -_ ..............._........ 69.63 Leo. A. Jungk, Wm.Rebman Sub., Lot 5; 50 Itn. ft. tile pipe at $1.13929. $56.97; ex. tra expense at 3.82195 per t cent, $2.17; interest at 6 per cent, $.60; total ... .............. .... _....... 59.64 Leo. A. Jungk, Wm. Rebman Sub., Lot 6; 50 lin. fl. the pipe at $1.13929, $56.97; ox- tra at at 3.82195 per , cent, $2.17; Interest it 6 per cent. $.50; total ..... ..... ............._. 59.64 Leo. A. Jungk, Wm. Rebman Sub., Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. the PIPs lot $1.13929,$56.97; ex- tra exponse at 3.82195 per cent, $2.18; interest at 6 per cent, $.50; total ..... ......... ....... .. 59.64 Jos, Straub, Sr., South Park' Hill Add., Lot 13; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.13929, $68.90; extra expense at 3.821.95 per cent, $2.18; Interest at 6 per cent, $•49; total ..............__..... ........ 59.63 Total , ... _............. ...... ....... _... ... ... ......$417.45 ' 325 Ihtlin ft. 6 In. filo at 9 5 c per . (t . ... ..................................$303.76 2 numholes nt $45.00 .._......_... 90.00 Internal at 6 per cent .. 3.48 Extra nxp„nwr at 3.82196 per cent 111. 15.24 Total -... .............-$417.45 All of which k assessed In pro- pnrtten to th,• apeclal benefits con. ferred. Approved .inn. 16th, 1924. Adopted Jan. 15th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE. THEO. OABRIFL, ED. SCHREMPF. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUDER, City Clerk. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,., I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa,.-, . _ . .► _..,. _.:._ -.,. ,•ae..-.;rte-_'- ' sa+rutc¢,: .,,,,;w: ..sr' ` — — _ Gib' Kirkwood St. Alta Vista St. Estin-W of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. In hrrhW0&D ST Kirkwood street from the north line Councilman Gabriel moved the ad. of Alta Vista street to end of street, option of the resolution. Seconded by Thos. Welsh, contractor, In front by Councilman Schrempf. Carried of and adjoining the same, a Special by the following vote: Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER Contractor. l I t:ertify That the Above is Correct. RECORD Inch selver Dubuque, Iowa, 19 Engineer. PM __7 Tax be and le hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parcels of Lots and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate as follows: Owner Description Amount John G. Kuehnle, Sub. Lots 8 and 9 Wood's Add., Lot 2; 46 lin. ft. the pipe at $2.23147 $102.65; extra expense at 3.5365 per cent, $3.63; inter- est at 6 per cent, $.90; total $107.13 Eliz. Keller, Wood's Add., Lot 10; 76.65 lin. ft. the pipe at $2.23147, $171.04; extra ex- pense at 3.5365 per cent, $6.05; interest at 6 per cent, $1.49; total .................. ....... __............ 178.58 Eliz. Keller, Wood's Add., Lot 11; 7 6. 65 lin, ft. tile pipe at $2.23f47, $171.04; extra ex. penseat 3.5365 per cent, $6.05; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.49; total ........._............ .........___ 178.58 John G. Kuehnle, Wood's Add.. Lot 12; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $2,23147, $111.57; extra ex- pense at 3.5365 per cent, $3 95; interest at 6 per cent, .................._................. 116.48 $.96; total .. ... John G. Knehnle, Wood's Add.. Lot 13: 58.55 lin. ft. the pipe at $2.23147, $130.66; extra ex- pense at 3.5365 per cent, $4.61; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.13; total......N........ 136.40 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Wood's i Add., Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. the - pipe at $2.23147- $111.57; ex- tra expense at 3.5365 per cent, $3.95; interest at 6 per • cent, $.96; total ___________ ___._... 116.49 Total .. _.......$833.70 372.5 lin. ft. 6 inch til, at $2.49 ..._...___.._............_.... _ $678.53 2 manholes at $60.00 per man- hoie._.............. ............._..... .120.00 Interest at 6 per cent ........_......... 6.93 Extra expense at $.5365 per cent_........_....__.... . ......... ....... .._...... __.__ 2824 Total ..............._............................. .... .... ..$833.70 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con. ferred. Approved Feb. 26th, 1924. Adopted Feb. 26th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL. ED. SCHREMPF H. G. MELCHIOR, Resolved by the City Council of Councilmen. the City of Dubuque: That to pay Attest: JOHN STUDER, for constructing sanitary sewer in City Clerk. Kirkwood street from the north line Councilman Gabriel moved the ad. of Alta Vista street to end of street, option of the resolution. Seconded by Thos. Welsh, contractor, In front by Councilman Schrempf. Carried of and adjoining the same, a Special by the following vote: Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER Contractor. l I t:ertify That the Above is Correct. RECORD Inch selver Dubuque, Iowa, 19 Engineer. PM Holly St. Rush St. Bryant St. MT. Loretta. St. a SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constr:ft'lifIg Inch In k- S-- _- __-___-Contractor. Resolved by the City Council of James Connolly, Union Add., the City of Dubuque: That to pay Lot 157; 60 lin. ft, file pipe for sanitary sewer I.Rush street, and manhole at $1.06071, from the east line of Holly street $63.64; 22 tin. ft. 4 in. later - west for a distance of approximately ale at 65c, $14.30; extra ex - 241 feet by Oliver G. Kringle sub let pen Be at 6.50115 per cent, from Uhlrich Paley Co., contractor, $5.07; interest at 6 per cent, In trot, of and ndjoinong the same, 68c; total ....__............_._.._._.....__.._ 83.69 a "eclal Tax be and Is hereby lev- Ellen Connolly, Union Add., led on the several Lots, and Parte Of Lot,, and Parcels of Real Estate Lot 141; 60 tin. ft. tile pipe and manhole at $1.06071, hereinafter named, situated and $63.64; 20 tin. ft. 4 In. later - owned, and for the several amounts als at 65c, $13.00; extra ex• set opposite each Lot or Parcel of pense at 6.60115 per cent, Rctd Estate, as follows: $4.98; Interest at 6 per cent, Owner Description Amount 67c; total . . ................. .__...._...._._.. 82.29 Slsiere of Presentation, IIs• Matt Schmit, Union Add., Ion Add., Lot 161; 60 lin. ft. I Lot 140; 60 lin, ft. the pipe ti"pill eand manholp at and manhole at $1.06071, $1.06071, $6364; extra ex- $63.64; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. later• pen's at 6.50115 per cent, als at 65c, $13.00; extra ex - $4.14; interest at 6 per cent, penes at 6.60115 per cent, 55c; total -.._. ...... ....._....... .....$ 68.33 $4.98; interest at 6 per cent, St. Columbkills Church, Un- 67c; total ---- - .......... __..____........ 82.29 ' ion Add., Lot 160; 60 tin. St. Columbkills Church. Un- it. the pipe and manhole ion Add., Lot 139; 60 lin. at $106071, 63.64; 22 lin. ft. ft. tile pipe and manhole at 6 in. laterals at $1.40, $30.80; $1.06071, $63.64; 20 lin. ft. 4 extra expense at G.50115 per In. laterals at 65c, $13.00; cent. $6.14; interest at 6 per extra expense at 6.50115 per cent. 81c; total ...__.___.._....__.- 101.39 cent, $4.98; Interest at 6 per St. CollinI kills ChurchUn- cent, 67c; total .............. . 82.29 ion Add., Lot 159; 60 lin, ft St. Columbkills Church, Un - tile pipe and manhole at ion Add., Lot 138; 45.6 tin. $1.06071, $63.64; extra ex- ft. tile pipe and manhole at penee at 6.50115 per cent, $1.06071, $48.27; 20 lin. ft. $4.14; interest at 6 per cent, 4 In. laterals at 65c; $13.00; 55c; total ................ .............................. 68.33 extra expense at 6.50115 per St. Columhklils Church. Un- cent, $3.98; Interest at 6 per ton Add., E 50 ft. Lot 158; cent, 52c; total .__...._.__......_....... 65.77 50 liu. ft. tile pipe and man- Total$702.73 hole at $1.06071, $53.04; extra expense at 6.50115 per cent, _...___....._ ..................................... 246 Ila ft. 8 inch the at $t.65 $3.45; interest nt 6 per cent, per lin. fl..._.__..........._..._....... ..._$405.90 46c; total .......................... . ..._. 56.95 24.5 lin ft. 6 Inch tile at $1.40 James Connolly, Union Add., per lin. ft.....___......._... _... ..._....._..._. 34.30 102 tin ft. 4 1 01 tile at 66c W. 10 ft. Lot 158; 10 lis. ft. Bar Ion. ft. ..............._........_.._......__.n- 66.30 tile pipe and manhole at 2 manholes at $740.. Ber man- $1,06071, $10.61; extra ex- hole.............................................................. 148.00 pense at 6.50115 per cent, Interest at 6 per cent......_. ... 6.68 69c; interest at 6 per cent. Extra expense at 6.50115 per __....__........__....._.__.._ 11.40 10c; total i cent ............._-...._ ... ... _..... ...... 42.55 Total ........ ........ _..... .... ..... _ ..................$702.73 All of which 18 assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Adopted June 9th, 1924. - Approved June 9th, 1924. H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, Citv clerk Price Per .Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, . Sewer 19 Engineer. H!1 Jackson St. 19th St. Washington St. Elm St. Pine St. Garfield Ave. Rhomburg Ave. Johnson St. Sycamore St. Cedar St. Kneist St. Rhomburg Ave. E20th St. Esfinlate of Cos[ to Abutters and City for Constructing.. /f Cza rr ei d Q ✓E SEWER RECORD y ------------ Contractor. ti('ou.vlrllr(tng PIliltflry sewer and er in alley between Garfield avenue Marshall Voelker Realty uo., ; urea Add., 8, 8 [Q Lot 20; area ruts In the "Eagle PGint Alain and Rhomberg avenue from yr rex Biatrial" as [ollowe: A street to Hamilton street, thence an bneis 816 eq. ft. at .00269862,, twelve Inch sanitary main sewer in eight Inch sanitary lateral sewer $2.20; Interest of 6 per 19th ,,,el from alley between from Hamilton street to Whittier cent, 12c; 8 lin. ft. the pipe "tishington anti Jackson streets to street and thence a six inch sani. Whittler at $1.63763, $12.31; extra at 1.981 cent, Elm el rest, In Elm street from 19th tary lateral sewer from to 2001 street; In Garfield avenue street to Farragut street, and a six expense per 29c: total ............._......... ............. _.... 14.92 from Elm street to Johnson street, inch sanitary lateral sewer in Ham- Ed. Monts, E. Dub. Add., Lot thence sorlh easterly along the C Ilton street from the alley first east 19; area basis 5100 sq. It. \I. and St. P. Railroad Right of Way of Lincoln avenue to the alley first at .00269862c, $18.78; Inter. tram 7ohnson street to Roosevelt east of Rhomberg avenue, and an eat at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 shat and over and across certain eight inch sanitary lateral sewer fin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, tats, wlands as shown upon the from said alley to main sewer in $76.88; extra expense at aad and an eight Inch sanitary main C. M and St. P. Railroad Company 1 981 per cent, $1.80; totl 83.22 h, Mr along the C. M. St. P. Ruff- right of way, and a. six inch sanitary Jacob Rothe Est., E. Dub. Add, road Company right of way front lateral sewer In Whittier street from W. 25 ft. Lot 18; area basis Shiras avenue to ]leach street and the alley first east of Lincoln ay. 2550 sq. ft. at .00269862, $6.89; to Rhomberg avenue from Beach suite to the alley first east of Rhein- interest at 6 per cent, 40c; street to Lincoln avenue, and a six berg avenue, and an eight inch son- 25 Ila. ft. the pipe at Inch sanitary lateral sewer in -alley nary lateral sewer In Roosevelt $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex. between Lincoln avenue an-] Rhom- street from the alley first east of pense at 1.981 per cent, berg avenue from Marshall street Lincoln avenue to the main sewer in 90c; total ......._. ... -......................... _ 46.63 m Hemllton alrnet and from Whit. the C. At. and St. P. Railroad Com- George Gantenbett, E. Dub. tier street to Roosevelt street, and pany right of way, and a six Inch Add., S. 32 ft. of S. 63 ft. 6 Rhomberg avenue from Marshall sanitary lateral sewer in the alley Inches of Lot 16 and E. 11 street to Hamilton street and from between Lincoln avenue and Rhona- ft. of Lot 17; area basis Wilttler street to Roosevelt street, berg avenue from a point 450 feet 1952 sq. ft, at .00269862,, and thence an night inch sanitary north to Hawthorne street and in $5.27; interest at 6 per cent, lateral sewer from Roosevelt street Hawthorne street from said alley 47; 32 Ito. ft. tile pipe at to Stanton street, and thence a six to the main sewer In C. AI. and St. $1.53763, $49.21; extra ex. Inch sanitary lateral sewer from P. Railroad Company right of way, pense at 1.981 per cent, Stanton str,'el. northerly 175 feet, and an eight Inch sanitary lateral $1.08; total __.........___..._.........._. 56,03 mad a six Inch sanitary lateral sew- sewer in Stanton street from Lin- John P. Buechele, E. Dub. coln avenue to the alley first east Add N. 31 ft. 6 Inches of S. of Lincoln avenue, and a six inch \ 63 fi. 6 in. of Lot 16 and E. sanitary lateral sewer in Lincoln av- 11 ft. of Lot 17; area basis enue front Roosevelt street to Stan- 1921 sq. ft. at .00269862,. ton street,and an eight Inch soul. $5.18; Interest at 6 per cent, tory lateral sewer in Lincoln avenue 46c; 31.5 lin. [t. the pipe at from Stanton street to Shiras av- $1.53763, $48,45; extra ex. enue. Uhlrich-Paley Company, Con- pense at 1.981 per cent, tractors. $1.06; total _ ..................... . 65.15 - Owner Description Amount Emma A. Buechele, E. Dub. Anna Meyer, et a], E. Dub. Add. S. 1 ft. of N- 38 ft. 6 In of Lot 16 and F. 11 ft. Add., S. 29 ft. of W 28 ft. o[ Lot 17; area basis 1891 of S. 69 ft. Lot 21; area sq. ft. at .00269862,, $5.10; basis 812 sq. ft. at .00269862,. Interest at 6 per cent, 45; $2.19; Interest at 6 per 31 lin. ft. the pipe at cent, 40c; 28 Us. ft. tale pipe $1.53713, $47.68; extra ex. at $1.53763, $43.06; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, pense at 1.981 pe reent,. $1,05; total .._...___. ........ ................ 54.28 90c; total . ......................_....... ....$ 46.55 Victor and Anthony Buechele, Voelker Realty Co., E. Dub. E. Dub Add. N. 7 ft. 6 in. Add., E. 17 ft. of S. 69 ft of N. 38 ft. 6 In. of Lot 16 Lot 21; area basis 1173 sq. and E. 11 ft. of Lot 17; area ft. at .00269862,, $3.17; in. basis 457 sq. ft. at tereat at 6 per cent, 26c; 17 .00269862,, $1.23; Interest at tin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, 6 per cent, l0c; 7.6 lin. ft $26,13; extra expenseat tile pipe at $1.53763, $11.54; 1,981 percent, 58c; total..... 30.14 extra expense at 1.981 per • Voelker Realty Co., E. Dub. cent, 25c; total .... ................ ... 13,12 Add., E. 42 ft. Lot 20; area C. G. W. R. R. & C AI & 9t. basis 428eq. at P. R. R., East Dub. Add., .00269882,, $11.66; Interest $ est at , 10; area basis 2550 sq. Lnft 6 per cent, 66e: 42 lin. ft at .00269862,, $6.89; In. tile pipe at $1,53763, $64.59; tereat at 6 per cent, 72c; extra expense at 1.,41 per 50 lin. It. file pip, at $1.3783, cent, $1.61; total _-.....__._.__ 78.32 $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.66; total...... 86.15 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Philomena Drexel, Sub. Pt. M. 3 L. 315, Lot 1; area basis 2064 sq. ft. at 0026986: c, $5.57; Interest at 6 per cent, 57; 39.8 Its. ft. ttle pipe at $1.53763, $61.21; extra ex- pense at 1,981 ..per ._cent, $1,32; total ............__.....___..__-._ 68.67 Kisser Mfg. Co., Smedley's Sub., Lot 22; area basis 23.625 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $63.75; interest at 6 per cent, $3.35; 210 lin. ft. tile pipe at $153763, $322.91; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $7.66; total ............._..... ., 397.67 Marie Umbrelt, Sub. 1 of 2 of 2 of M. L. 106, Lot 2; area basis 5150 sq At. at .00269862,, $13.90; interest at 6 per cent, 53c; 81.2 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $47.98; extra expense at 1981 per cent, $1.23; total 63.64 ..starts Umbrett, Sub. 2 of M. L. 106, Lot 1; area ba31s 100 sq. ft. at .00269862,, 27c; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; 19.44 lin. ft ala pipe at $1.63763, $29.90; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 60c; total ..........- ............... . 31.03 Uhlrich-Paley Co., Sub. 1 of 2 of M. L. 106, Lot 1; area basis 5100 eq, ft. at .00269862,, $13.76; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50.64 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763. $77.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.25 Uhlrich-Paley Co,, Sub, 2 of 2 of 2 of M. L. 106, Lot 4; area basis 1566 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $4.23; Interest at 6 per cent, 29c; 20 lin. ft tile pipe at $1.53763, $30.75; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 69c; total .........._...... ..._ 35 96 Galena Glove & Mitten Co., Sub. 2 of 2 of 2 of NT. L. 106, Lot 1; arca basis 13,517 sq, ft. at .00269862,, $36.48; interest at 6 per cent, $1.85; 115 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $176.84; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $4.23; total ..._.... ..... ................. .. _ 219.40 Galena Glove & Milton Co., Sub. 2 o[ 2 of 2 of M. L. 106, Lot 2; area basis 5140 eq, ft, at .00269862,, $13 87; Interest at 6 per cent, 80c; 51.4 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $79.04; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per ceur, $1.84; total ... ............ _........ ....._._..._... 95.55 J J. Nagle, Sub. M. L. 466 Und. % Lot 2; area basis 34,980 sq, ft. at .00269862,. $94.40; interest at 6 per cent, $3.75; 220 Bit. ft. the I Certify That the Above is Correct. pipe at $1,53763, $338.30; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $8.57; total ...... _..... _........ .... 445.02 J. K. Deming, Sub. M. L. 466 Und. ;§ Lot 2; area basis 34,980 sq. ft. at .00289862,, $94.40; interest at 6 per cent, $3.76; 220 lin ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $338.30; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $8.57; total ._._.............__ 445.02 A. J. & J. J. Duertscher, Sub. 4 M. L. 303 Lot 1; area bas- t. 9075 sq. ft. at ,00269862,, $24.49; interest at 6 per cent, 88c; 50.08 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $77.01; ex- tra expense at 1.981 per cent, $2.01; total ......._........ .__._...... ...104.39 A. J. & J. J. Duertscher. Sub. 4 M. L. 303, Lot 2 area has. Is 9075 sq. ft. at ,00269862,, $24,49; interest at 6 per cent, 88c; 50.08 lin. ft. file pipe at $1.53763, $77.01; ex• tra expense at 1.991 per cent, $201; total .. .. 104.39 .sfargt. Millen, Sub. M. L. 303, Lot 5; area basis 20,610 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $55.62; in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.82; 10017 lin. ft tile pipe at $1.53763, $154.03; extra ex• pense at 1.981 per cent, $4.15: total ............................ ......... 215.62 Ada Drown, Sub. M. L. 303 N. E 5 ft. Lot 6; area basis 600s q. ft. at .00269862c. $1.62; interest at 6 per cent Re; 5 Its. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763. $7.69; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 18c; total . 9.57 Charles Hughes, Sub M. L. 303 S. W. 35 [t. Lot 6; area basis 4200 sq. ft. at .00269862,,$11,33; Interest at 6 per cent. 57c.: 35 Its. ft. the pipe at $1.5371,3, $53.83; exita expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.29; total ..................... 67.02 Ada Brown, Sub. M. L. 303 I.ot 2; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $16.20; In- tereat at 6 per cent, 54c; 30 fin. ft. tile pipe at $1,53763, $46.14; extra ox- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.23; total .................... ....... ._...... 64.11 J. V. White, Sub. M. L. 303 N. W. 170 ft. Lot 1; area bas- is 5100 sq, ft. at .00269862,. $13.76; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; 30 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $46.14; extra ex• pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.19; total .. . ...................................... 61.61 H. & A. Hostert, McCraney's 2nd Add S % Lot 41; area basis 4008 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $10.82; Interest at 6 per cent, 54c; 33.4 Rn. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, . ft. the pipe at $1.53763, q $51.37; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1,23; total 6396 Anna Baumgartner, McCran• ey's 2nd Add. N. t,¢ Lot 41; area basis 4008 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $10.82; Interest at 6 per cent, 54c; 33.4 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $51.37; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1,23; total 6396 Voelker Realty Co., McCran- ey's 2nd Add. Lot 40; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $16.19; interest tit 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total._ 95.72 T. E. Rhomberg, McCraney's 2nd Add., Lot 39; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $16.19; interest at 6 per cent, Sic; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $1.84; total_ 95.72 Fischer Inv. Corp., McCraney's 2nd Add.. Lot 38; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $16.19; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 Be. ft. the pipe at $f.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total_ 95.72 Fischer Inv. Corp., McCraney's 2nd Add., Lot 37; area ;sets 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $16.19; interest at 6 per cent, life; 60 Be. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total... 95.72 Fischer Inv. Corp., McCraney's 2nd Add. S. W. 1F Lot 36; area basis 3000 sq. ft at .00269862,, $8,10; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 ]fit. ft. tile pip" at $1.53763. $8.40; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 92c; total..... 47.86 NV. J. Theisen, McCraney'a 2nd Add, N. E. % Lot 36; area basis 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $8,10; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763. $8,40; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. 92c; total...... 47.86 Paul Johnson, McCraney's 2nd Add, S. W, % Lot 35; area baste 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $8,10; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, ,4840 ; 840; ettta expense at 1.981 per cent, 92c; total...... 47.86 Fischer Inv. Corp„ McCraney's 2nd Add. N. E. is Lot 36; area basis 3000 sq, ft. at .00269862,, $8,10; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 Hn' ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $8 40; extra expense at, 1.981 per cent, 92c; total..... 47.86 Fischer Inv. Corp., McCraney's find Add. 9 W. % Lot 34; area basis 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $8.10; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $8.40; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 92c; total...... 47.86 Catherine Habel, McCraney's 2nd Add. N. E. ltd Lot 34; area basic 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $8 10; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $8.40; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 92c; total..... 47.86 F. S. Habel, Sub. 33 McCran- ey's 2nd Add., Lot 2; area basis 2179 sq. ft. at .00269862,, $5 88; Interest at 6 per cent, 97c; 69.2 11n. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $106.41; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $2.24; total.. 115.50 Voelker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub. Lot 5; area basis 6000 sq, ft. at .00269862,, $1620; Interest at 6 per cent. 81c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 1.53763, $76.88; extra ex• pense at 1.981 per cent. $1.84; total ............... _.......... .... __.... 95.73 Voelker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 6; area basis 6000 sq fl. at .00269862,, $16.20; Interest at 6 per cent. Ste; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total .............._............ .___. 955.73 Realty Inv. Corp., Jaeger's Sub., N. 23.5 ft., of W. 100 ft. Lot 9: area basis 5650 sq. ft. at .00269862x., $15.25; Interest at 6 per cent, 45c; 23.6 But. ft. the pipe at at $1.58763, $36.14; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $102; total .................. .... ........... _... _... 52 86 Voelker Realty Co.. Jaeger's Sub., S. 23 ft, of W. 100 ft. Lot 9; area basis 5650 sq. ft. at .00269862x., $15.25; Interest at 6 per cent, 43c; 23 lin. ft the pipe at $1.53763, $35.37; extra ex. nense at 1.981 per cent, $1.00; total . .............. ...._._........... ..._ 52.05 Realty Inv. Corp., Jaeger's Sub.., S. 16.5 ft. of W. 100 ft. Lot 10; area basis 3733 sq, ft. at 00269862,, $10.07; interest at 6 per cent, Ste: 16.5 lin. ft. the pipe at 153763, $25.38; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per ceent, 70c; total ................................' _ 36.46 Sewer 19. 6 Engineer. t7 ' a Sycamore St. Johnson St. Garfield Ave. Windsor Ave. Stafford St. Humboldt St. Schiller St. Estimate of Co.et to Abutters and City for Constructing In 617 LA- rf1e)d AVE Voelker Realty Co., -Jaeger's Sob,, N. 30 ft. of W 100 ft. Lot 10; area basis 1667 eq: R, at .00269862c, $20.42; In - tares[ at 6 per cent, 67c; 30 lin ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $46.13; extra expense lit 1.981 per cont, $1,32; total ... _ _ 68.44 Really Inv. Corp., Jaeger's Sub., No. 36 ft. of W. 100 ft. Let 11; area be 'is 8840 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $23.86; in- terest at 6 per cent, 69c; 36 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $56.35; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.57; total 81.47 Vereker Realty Co., Jaeger'6 Sub., S. 10.5 ft. of W. 100 ft. i.ot 11; area basis 2460 ".it. ft. al .00269862, $6.64; in. terest at 6 per cset, 19c; 10.5 lin ft. life pipe at $1.53763, $16.16; extra ex- pense al 1.981 per cent, 45c; total .-.._ .... .......... .... ...... __..... 23.44 Voelker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub.. N. 43 ft. of W. 100 ft. Lot 12; area basis 9641 sq. ft at .00269862c, $26.02; In- terest at 6 per cent, 80q; 43 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763. $66.12; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $1.83; total 94.77 Realty Inv. Corp., Jaeger's Sub. S. 3 ft. 6n o i f W. 100 ft. Lot 12• area basis 786 sq. ft. a 0026A t 882c 2.12• q $ interest 6 per cent Bc• 3.5 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $5.39; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 14c; total ...._.........._. 7.71 Voelker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub.. Lot 13; area basis 9750 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $26.31; interest at 6 per cent, life; 46.2 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $71.05; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.93; total .................................... 100.14 Voelker Reality Co.. Jaeger's Sub., Lot 14; area baste 10.375 sq. [t. at .00269862c, $28.00; interest at 6 per cent, Due; 60 Ifn. ft. tile pipe tit $1.63763, $76..88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $2.07; total ............... ._.. _:.... 107.85 Voelker Reality Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 16; area basis 10.375 sq. ft, at .002698620, $28.00; Interest at 6 per cent. 90c; 50 fill. ft the pipe at $1.63763, $76„8g; extra expense at 1.981 percent, $2.07; total _.._............_..__........_ 107.86 Voelker Reality Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot Ili; area baeie 10.126 sq, ft. at .00269862c, $27.32; Interest at 6 per cent, Doe; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expenae at 1.981 per cent, $2.06; total ............._............................_ 107.15 Voelker Reality Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 17; area basis 9625 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $25.97; interest at 6 per cent, 89c; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $2.03; total ......._..._._ ............. . 105.77 Voelker Reality Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 18; area basis 9375 sq. ft, at .00269862c, $25.30; interest at 6 per cent, 89c; 50 Ila ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $2.02; total ......-....._.-...__ .... I .............. 105.09 Frank Messerknecht, McCran- ey's let Add., W. 100 ft. Lots 16 &17; area basis 10,000 sq. it. at .00269862c, $26.99; Interest at 6 Per cent, $1.58; 100 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $153.76; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $3.58; total ....__...__..___.__........ 185.91 ]/ George Kress, McCraney's tat Add. W. 100 ft. Lot 15; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763. 76.88 • extra Ira ex en P se at 1.981 ger cent 1 P 79 • totSi... 2 • $ 9 .94 George S chwae ler g McCran- ey's let Add., W. 100 ft. Lot 14; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at. 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Iia. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cant, $1.79; total... 92.94 James & Ida O'Brien, Sub. 13 McCraney's let Add., Lot 1; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. It. tile Pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total_ 92.94 James & Ida O'Brien, Sub. 12 McCraney's let Add., Lot 1; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763 $76.88; extra expense ai 1.981 Per cent, $1,79; total... 92.94 Leonard R. Kruse, Sub. 12, McCraney's let Add., Lot 1; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $179; total... 92.94 SEWER RECORD . ----------- Contractor. George Hansen, Sub. 10, Me- Craney's let. Add., Lot 1; area basis 5000 sq. It. of .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tits pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $1,79; Lata I_ 92.94 John Locht Estate, Sub. 9, McCraney's let Add., Lot 1; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total... 92.94 Frank Boutin, Pt. McCraney's let Add., Lot 5; area basis 7250 sq. ft. at .00269862ce. $19.57; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tilo pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ... ..... ............. - .... ......... .... $ 99.19 Frank Boutin, Pt. McCraney's let Add., Lot 4; area basis 7250 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $19.57; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ............ ....._..... ......... ....... 99.19 Frank Beetle, Pt. McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 3; area basis 7260 sq. ft. at .00269862c, 19.57• interest at 6 per $ centX83c• 60 Lin. ft. Lite i pe $ at $1.53763, P76.88' extra 7 . $ expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ._ ....... ................... ............_ 99.19 Frank Bootle, Pt. McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 2; area basis 7250 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $19.57; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1,53762, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ..... ...... .......... .......... ..._ 99.10 Frank Beutin, Sub. 1, McCra- ney'a let Add., Lot 1; area basis 6050 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.33; interest at G Per cent, 72c; 44 He. ft. Life pipe at $1.53763, $67.66; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.66; total ._.-.......... ..... 86.37 Frank Beutin, Hams Add., Lot 117; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent. 79c; 50 lin. ft. tae pine at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at $1.981 Per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 Frank Dentin, Ham's Add., Lot 118; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, 876.88; extra expense at $1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 Frank Beetle, Ham's Add., Lot 119; area basis 5576 sq, ft. at .00269862c, $16.04; in. terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.931 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 Frank Beetle, Ham's Add., Lot 120; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin.fttile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 Frank Beutin, Ham's Add., Lot 121; area basis 5575 sq, ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 Frank Benda, Home Add., Lot 122; area basis 5575. sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile, pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 F. A. Burns Est., Ham's Add., Lot 123; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Ila. ft. tile. pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 F. A'Burns Est., Ham's Add., Lot 124; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862c 15.04• in- teres at 8 per cent 90• 50 t ,7 . P Un. ft. tile PP fl pipe t $1.53763: S 76.88• extra expense $ Pens at 1.9R1 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 F. A. Burns Est., Ham's Add., Lot 125; area basis 5575 sq. It. at .00269862c, $15.04; In. terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. Pt. tile pipe at $1.53763 $76.88; extra expense nil 1.981 per cent, $1.82 ;total 94.53 F. A. Burns Est., Ham's Add., Lot 126; area basis 5575 sq: ft. at .00269862c, $15.04; in- terest at 6 per cent. 79c; 50 Un. ft. till, pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 F. A. Burns Est.. Ham's Add.. T,at 127: area basis 6675 sq. ft, at .00269862 Per cent, In. terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. it. the Pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 F. A. Burns Est., Ham's Add., Lot 128; nrea basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862 per cent, $15.04: interest at 6 per cent, 79e: 50 lin. ft. the nine at $1.53763 per rent, %MRS; extra expense at 1.981 Per rant, $1.82; total 94.53 J. W. Norton. Hem's Add. Lot 129: area basis 5575 aq., ft. at 00.2099624 $15.40; In. terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 60 n 1„yre n ;i.ao,00, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 9,751 J. M. Kenety, Ham's Add., Lot 130; area basis 6675 sq. ft. at .00269862 per cent, $16.04;interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. Lila pipe at $1.53763; $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent; $1.82; total ...... _........ _.... _.--- _.__._._ 94.53 Anna Downey, McCraneys let Add., Lot 35; area basis 1950 sq. ft. at 00269862c, $5.26; Interest at 6 per cent, 31c; 20 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $30.75; extra ex- pense at 1.981 Per cent, 71c; total.._ ........... ..._.... ....... __................. 3703 Mary Eggenberger, Hama Add., Lot 255; area basis 4655 sq. Pt. at .00269862 per cent, $12.56; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; 30 lin. ft. tile pipe at 1.981 per cent, $1.16; total................. ......... ........................-_. 60.37 I`rank and Ella Frommelt, Ham's Add., Lot 254; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $17.95; Interest at 6 Per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at. 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total_ 97.54 Charlotta A. Coy, Ham's Add., Lot 253• area basis 6660 sq. q Pt. nt .00269862P er cent, 17.95: interest at 6n er cent 83c• 50 lin. Pt. filenin o at $1.63763. $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent. $1.88; total ............................ 97.54 Charl etta A. Coy, Ham's Add., Lot 252; area basis 6650 sq. Pt. at .00269862c, $17.95; in- terest at 6 Per cent. Rao; 50 Ito. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763. $76.RR; extr aexpense. at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total 97.54 J A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 251; area basis 61650 sq. ft. at .00269962, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent. 83c; 50 lin. ft. Lilo pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88: total ..._.....-.. ....... .._...........- 97.54 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., I.ot 250; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95: interest at 6 per cent. 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88: total ............................................ 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 249; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent. 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763. $76.88: extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total .......................... __ ........ 97.54 Inch Dubuque, Iowa,...._ _. . r Q - Add., Lot 248; area baste 8860 sq. Tt. at .00269862, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total _. .... .... .............. 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Hams Add., Lot 247; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88: total ....... ........... ........ .........._..... 97.54 Cath, Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 246; area basis 6660 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ._..-_.._. ..__............... 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Eat., Ham's Add., Lot 245; area basis 6660 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88: total .......... ................ 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Eat., Ham's Add., Lot 244; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent 83c• 50 Ila. ft. thePiP e at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, , $1.88; total ..____....__............_.......... 97.54 John M. Kenety, Ham's Add., Lot 243; area basis 6650 sq. ft, at .00269862c, $17.96; in- terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 Ila. Pt. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense .at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ,97.54 J. W. Norton, Ham's Add., Lot 242; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .002693624 $17.95; In- terest at 6 Per cent, 83c; 50 Un. ft. the Pipe at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ............................. 97.54 Clly of Dubuque, McCraney's 18t Add., Lot 36; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862. $17.95; Interest at 6 Per cent. 83c; 50 pn. ft. tile pipe nt $1.63768; $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88: total ..._....-....._........ .._._ ...... 97-54 Frank Beutin, McCraney's Ist Add., Pt. Lot 8; area basis 7250 sq. ft, at .00269862c, $19.57: Interest at 6 per cent, 83c: 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; ex- tra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ........................$ $99.1' Frank Battle, McCraney's let Add., Pt. Lot 7; area basis 7250 sq. ft. at .00269862c. $19.57; interest at 6 per Cent, 83c; 50 Ila. ft. the g Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; ex- tra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ..... _....... _...... __ 99.19 Frank Boutin, McCraney's 1st Add., Pt. Lot 6; area basis 7250 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $19.57; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; ex. tra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.91; total ...__..._....... ...._ 99.19 F. J. Pfohl, Hams Add., Lot 256; area baste 3325 eq, ft. at .00269862c, $8.97; interest at 6 per cent, 55c; 36 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $56.35; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.27; total .............................. 66.14 F. J. Pfohl, Hams Add., Lot 257; area basis 6650 sq, ft. at .00269862 c, $17.95; inter- est at 6 per cent 83c; 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total 97.64 F. J. Pfohl, Hama Add., Lot 258; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $17.95; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 83c.; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total... 97.54 Roy Levan, Ham's Add., S. W. % of Lot 259; area basis . 3325 eq ft at .00269862c •interest at 6 per cent s.s7 • 26 lin. Pt. tale pipe at 41c P P $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 94c ; total.. ............... .... ......._............. _.. ._..... 48.76 Frank and Mathllda Petach, Ham's Add., N. E. 1/e, of Lot 259; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at .00259862c, $8.97; interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25 lin, ft• tile pipe at $1.53763, $88.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total ................................. 48.76 Adam Lange, Ham's Add., S. W. % of Lot 260; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at 002698624 $8.97; Interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total.....-.................................................. 48.71 Adam Lange, Hams Add., N. E. 1,6 of Lot 260; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $8.97; Interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25 lin, ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex - Pease at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total__. ........ _.............................................. 48.71 Henry Steffen, Ham's Add., Lot 261; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $17.95; in. terest at 6 per cent. 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total...._ 97.5 Sewer C. L.& M. Rose, Hama Add., ft. of Lot 262; reran basis 3325 sq. ft, at 00269862c, $8.97; Interest at if per cent, 41c; 25 lin. ft. rile pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total _....._... .................. ._ 48.76 B. F. Stedman, Hama Add., N. E. 25 ft. of Lot 262; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at 00269862c, $8.97; Interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25 11n. ft. tale pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total ..... ........... ... ..__ ... 48.76 Anna Duccini, Ham's Add., S. W. 1/2 of Lot 263; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at .002698624 $8.97; interest at 6 Per cent. 41c; 26 lin. ft. tie pipe at $1.53763, $38.44 extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 94c; total......................................................... 48.76 B. A. Ruegnitz, Ham's Add., N. E. eta of Lot 263; area basis 3325 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $8.97; interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25 Ifn. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 1.981 per cent, 94c; 94c: total ...... _...._...-..._......_ -............ 48.76 Realty Inc. Corp., Ham's Add., N. E 37.5 ft. of Lot 264; area basis 4988 sq. ft. at .00269862c 13.46• interest at 6P er cent 82c• 37.5 lin. ft. file Alpe at $1.53763, $57.66; extra expense at 1.981, $1.41; total __ .......... 73.15 B. A. Ruegnitz, Ham's Add., S. W. 12.6 ft, of Lot 264; area basis 1662 sq. ft. at 00269862c, $4.49; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; 12.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53783, $19.22; extra expense at 1.981 Per cent, 47c; total ... . ....................___ 24.38 A. M. Rigler, Ham's Add., Lot 265; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $17.95: Inter- est at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile Pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total..... 97.54 Clara Connors, Ham's Add., S. 25 ft. 3 In. of Lot 266; area basis 3358 sq. ft. at 00269862c. $9.06: interest at 6 per cent, 41c; 25.26 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $38.83; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 95c; total .._.._ ......................._.. 49.25 Henry W. Lippe, Ham's Add., N. 24 ft. 9 in. of Lot 266; area basis 3292 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $8.88; Interest at 6 per cent. 41c; 24.75 lin, ft. at $1.53763• $38.05; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 93c; ktotal _............ .................. .............. ........... 48.2 JI 4i Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, . R . I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Schiller St. Garfield Ave. Fengler St. Ann St. Dock St. Marshall St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing fit cE L ;IQ -)d ..QV y Sour Jr., Ham's Add., lt at. 6 per cent, 83c; nterea 60 Ila. ft. pile t at t 267; teen basis 6650 sq. - $1.63783, $78,88; exxtrraa exx- at .00269862., $17.96; In - pense at 1.981 per cent, real at 6 per rent, 83c; 60 $1.88; total _.............. ........ .._......_........ 97.64 Albert A. Cyan, Ham's Add., . Pt. tit pipe ¢t $1.63763, Lot 276; area basis 6650 6.88; exn•a expense at eq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; 981 per cent, $1.88; total. !17.54 I 'a",ls, Hume Add.. tile pipe at . 411 ft. of Lot 268; area, $1.53763, $78,88; extra ex - at 1.981 per cent, bt-is 5320 sq• el. at pense $1.88; total ....__........ ............... .... 97.54 )0269862., $14.36; interest A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., It 6 per cent 66c; 40 Ifn. ft. Lot 277; area basis 6650 ft. $17.95; $1.5,3763, $61.61; extra ex - sq. at .00269862., Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; nee at1981 per cent, 50 lin. ft. the pipe at ,60; total _. .........._............... 78.03 I:emlor, Ham's Add., N. pense at 1.981 per cent, 97.54 ft of Lot 269; area basis $1.88; total ............._ ......._................. Holy Trinity Church, Ham's 30 sq. It. tat .002(1flai , Add., Lot 434; area basis I,,; Interest nt 6 per cent, 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., ' IU Ifn. ft. the pipe at $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe cent, 78c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe I 19.51 F,veL r. Ilan. i Add., expense at 1.981 per cent, 92.94 26;1; urea basis 6650 sq. $1.79; total ........- ................ ...._......_ at .00269962., $17.95; In- Holy Trinity Church, Ham's st at 6 per-"nt, 83c; 50 Add., Lot 427; area basis ft the pipe at $1.63763, 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., .88; extra expense at $13.49; Interest at 6 per 1 per cont, $1.88; total... 97.54 McCormick, McCraney's at $1.53763, $76.88; extra Add., Lot 70; area basis expense at 1.981 per cent, 92.94 0 sq. fl. at .00269862., $1.79; total ......... ....... _...._........_...... 08; lntereat at 6 per Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's t, 83x; 50 lin. ft. tile Add., Lot 139; area basis at 1.53763, $76.89; extra 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., ense nt 1.981 per cent, $15.04; interest at 6 per A8: total .... ...................._._._..... 97.67 ak .I. Feller, Sub. 71, Me. at $1.53763, $76.88; extra rui,y's 1st Add., scot 1; expense at 1.981 per cent, r:. basis 3991 sq. ft. at $1.82; total ...... _........__...................... 94.53 %16a961c, $10.77; interest Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's 6 por cent. 60x•; 30.75 lin. Add,, Lot 140; area basis nl $1.53763, $47.29; extra 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., .pease at 1.981 Per- cent, $15.04; interest at 6 per .1.%: total ...... ...................... ._.. 59.71 Ike, Realty ('o., Sub. 447. at $1.53763, $76.88; extra em's Add., (Lot 3; area expense at 1.981 per cent, 94.53 Isis 3806 sq. ft. .at $1.82; total _............_ ......................... )269862., $10.27; Interebt Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's 6 per cent, 50c; 30.75 Ila. Add., Lot 141; area basis til, pipe at $1.53763, 6576 eq. ft. at .00269862c. 7.:!9: extra expense at $15.04; Interest at 6 per 181 per cent, $1.14; total 59.20 lk .I. Feller, Sub. 2 of 447 at $1.53763, $76.88; extra sm's Add., and Lot 2 be expense at 1.981 per cent, , M( Craney's tat Add.. Lb't nn•a basis 1300sq. ft. at $1.82; total ...._... .. 94.53 121,!1862,, $3.51; interest at Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's Per cent, 23c; 15 lin. ft. Add., Lot 142; area basis B pipe at $1.53763, $23.06; 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., t:+ expense at 1.981 per $15.04; interest at 6 per nt. 5,3c; total ...._...................... 27.33 kir Ite¢Itr Co., sub. a of at $1.53763, $76.88; extra 7 liam's Add. and Lot 2P expense at 1.981 per cent, 71 McCraney's 1st Add., $1.82; total .......... ......_.... ...... ...... ........ _. 94.53 It I; area basis 2382 sq. ft. Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's 0e269862c, $6.43; interest Add., Lot 143; area basis 6 per cent 26c; 15.75 lin.' Jill' Pipe pt $1,63763. 1. J3; exti expense at 81 per cent, 6c; total._..... 31.53 Jolta H. Kleler, Ham'e Add., Lot 446; area basis 6000 eq. ft. at.00269862., $16.20; In. terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76,88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 percent, $1.84; total ...... ...... ....... _.__....... ..... 95.73 John Montes, Ham's Add., Lot 445; area basis 5700 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15.38; inter- est at 6 per cent, 80c; 60 No. f1. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.83; total.- 94.89 Paul F. Braun, Ham's Add., Lot 444; area basis 6400 sq. ft. at .00269862., $14.57; In- terest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763 $76.88; extra expense ai 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total_. 94,05 Christina Kirch, Ham's Add., S. W. % of Lot 443; area basis at 00269862., $6.88; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, 90c; total_ ......... ......... ..._........... ............... ...... 46.62 Christina Kireb, Ham's Add., N. E. % Lot 443; area basis 2650 sq. ft. at .00269862C. $6.88; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 90c; total_..._........... _... ..... ........... .... _............... 46.62 Albert Klavitter, Ham's Add S. W. % Lot 442; area basis 2500 sq. ft, at .00269862., $6.75; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763. $38.44; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, 90c; total.........................._.._.._ ... ...... _........... 46.49 John H. Ames, Ham's Add., N. E. % Lot 442; area basis 2500 sq. ft. at .00269862., $6.75; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin.-ft. the pipe at 1.53763, $38,44; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, 90c; total......................._.......... .... ._-............. 46.49 . John V. Ames, Ham's Add., S. W. y, Lot 441; area basis 1250 sq. ft, at .00269862., $3,37; Interest at 6 per cent, 19c; 12.5 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $19.22; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 45c; total ...._.___._._...._...... 23.23 Realty Inv. Corp., Ham's Add., N. E. 7.5 ft Lot 441; area basis 3750 sq. ft. at .00269862., $10.12; interest at 6 per cent, 59c; 37.5 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $67.66; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.34; total... 69.71 Price Per Square -'Jot to Abutting Property, SEWER RECORD _. _______Contractor. RusselJ. Johnson, Ham's Add., Lot 440; area basis ) I) 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 lin. [t. pile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79: total ._._..........._ .......... H.. .......m..... 92.94 Lev F. Kohlman, a's Add., Lot 439; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $1.79; total ...._..._......_..._ ................. 92.94 Frank J. Schleuter, Ham's Add., Lot 438; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tele pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total...._..................................1. 92.94 Susanna Streuff, Ham's Add., Lot 437; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; in- terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981per cent, $1.79; total ..... ._.... ...._..__. _......._.__ 92 34 Valentine Widerholt, Ham's Add., Lot 436; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ................................._.._... 92.94 Anton Fransen Est., Ham's Add., Lot 435; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 len. ft. tele pipe at $1.63768, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79: total ........._ ......................_..... 92.94 Cath.Rhomberg Est.. Ham's Add., Lot 131; area basis 5575 eq. ft. at .00269862., $15.04; interest at 6 per cent. 79c; 50 lin. ft. Ile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total _............._ .............._..._._ 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est.. Ham's Add., Lot 132; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15,04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88: extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ... ............................ _........... 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 183; area basis 6675 eq• ft. at .00269862., $16,04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 len. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ._........ ... __..... -........ 94.53 Cath.Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 134; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862.. $15.04; interest at 6 per cent, 790; 50 lin. ft, Ile pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ............... _.... _...... ....__..- 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 135; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15,04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tete pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ........._... _._- ....... _.... .._ 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add , Lot 136; area basis 5675 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15.04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c: 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ..... . .... ....... ............. _... ....... 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 137; area basis 6575 sq. ft. at .00289862., $16,04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 len. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ............... - 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add, Lot 138; area basis 6675 sq. ft. at .00269862.. $16 04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total .............._.......... ..... _...._... 94.53 Catb. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 234; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00289862.. $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total ...... . .......... 97.514 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 235; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest. at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 Ila. ft the pipe at $1.53763, $7688; extra $1.88; total ......-...... ..... ..... ....._.._...... ... 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 236; area basis 6660 sq. ft. at .002698620, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 tin. ft the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total .._.......... .............. _............ 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Halite Add., Let 237; area baste 6950 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c: 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total ... ........ __....... _......_......_ 97.54 Inch A Dubuque, Iowa Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham'- lt at. 6 per cent, 83c; nterea 60 Ila. ft. pile t at Add., Lot 238; area basis I[. - $1.63783, $78,88; exxtrraa exx- 6660 sq. at .00289862., $17.95; interest at 6 per pense at 1.981 per cent, cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe $1.88; total _.............. ........ .._......_........ 97.64 Albert A. Cyan, Ham's Add., at $1.63783, $78.88; extra 97.54 Lot 276; area basis 6650 $1.88; total ........................... ................ Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's eq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; Add, Lot 239; area basis cent, 83c;. iin te 1ent at er 6660 eq. ft. at .00269862., tile pipe at $17.96; interest at 6 per $1.53763, $78,88; extra ex - at 1.981 per cent, cent, 83c; 50 Ile. ft, tits pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra pense $1.88; total ....__........ ............... .... 97.54 $1.88; total ....._......_.._ ........................ 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Lot 277; area basis 6650 ft. $17.95; Add., Yot 240; area basis 6650 eq. ft. at .00269882.. sq. at .00269862., Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; $17.95; Interest at 6 per 50 lin. ft. the pipe at cent, 83c; 50 11n. ft, tile pipe $1.53793, $76.88; extra ex - at $1.53763, $76.88 extra pense at 1.981 per cent, 97.54 ................._.. . $1.88; total _.. .........: 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's $1.88; total ............._ ......._................. Holy Trinity Church, Ham's Add., Lot 241; area basis Add., Lot 434; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862.. 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe cent, 78c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total ......... ......................... ..._... 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, 92.94 Theresa Bade, Ham's Add.. $1.79; total ........- ................ ...._......_ Lot 270; area basis 6650 Holy Trinity Church, Ham's sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; Add., Lot 427; area basis Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862., 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $13.49; Interest at 6 per $1.53763. $76,88; extra ex- cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe pense at 1.981 per cent, at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.83; total .._..........__.._........._... 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, 92.94 Thei esa Bade, Hama Add., $1.79; total ......... ....... _...._........_...... Lot 271; area basis 6650 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's sq. ft. at .00269862x„ $17.95; Add., Lot 139; area basis interest at 6 per cent. 83c; 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., 50 lin. ft. tele pipe at $15.04; interest at 6 per $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- cent. 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe Penes at 1.981 per cent, at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total ___ ............. ........__........ 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add.. $1.82; total ...... _........__...................... 94.53 Lot 272; area basis 6650 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.9"s; Add,, Lot 140; area basis Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $15.04; interest at 6 per $1.53763, $76,88; extra ex- cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe pense at 1.981 per cent, at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total __._......._....._......... .._ 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, 94.53 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., $1.82; total _............_ ......................... Lot 273; area bases 6660 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's sq, ft. at .00269862., $17.95; Add., Lot 141; area basis interest at 8 per cent, 83c; 6576 eq. ft. at .00269862c. 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $15.04; Interest at 6 per $1.53763, $76,88; extra ex- cent, 79c; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe pense at 1.981 per cent, at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total _ ...... ......... ....._.......... -...... 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., $1.82; total ...._... .. 94.53 Lot 274; area basis 6650 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's sq, ft. at .00269862., $17.96; Add., Lot 142; area basis Interest at 6 percent, 83c; 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $15.04; interest at 6 per $1.53763, $76,88; extra ex- cent, 79c; 60 liq, ft. tile pipe pense at 1.981 per cent, at $1.53763, $76.88; extra $1.88; total ....__......... _..................... _. 97.54 expense at 1.981 per cent, A. L. Rhomberg. Ham's Add., $1.82; total .......... ......_.... ...... ...... ........ _. 94.53 Lot 275; area basis 6650 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.96; Add., Lot 143; area basis 5575 sq, ft. at .00269882., $16.04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 60 lin. ft. Lila pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; tct.al..................... ............_...._ 94.63 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's Add., Lot 144; area basis 6676 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15.04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ......._..-......._..................... 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 145; area basis 5675 sq. ft. at .00289862., $15.04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total ......................................... 94.53 Cath. Rhomberg Est,, Ham's Add., Lot 146; area basis 5575 sq. ft. at .00269862., $15.04; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total _.. . ........... ..... .... ........_...... 94.53 Andrew B. Clarke Est., Ham's Add., Lot 233; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at 00269862., $17.95 interest *at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ..... ... ......._............. ....._..... 97.54 Cath, Rhomberg, Est., Ham's Add., Lot 232; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ........................................... 97.54 Cath. Rhomberg, Est., Ham's Add., Lot 231; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 Hit. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ...... _..... _.......................... 97.6 Cath. Rhomberg, Est., Ham's Add., Lot 230; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862.. $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 11n. ft, tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ............ .......... ........ ......_..... 97.6 Catb. Rhomberg, Est., Ham's Add., Lot 229; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.96; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 len. ft. tale pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ­pense at 1.981 per cent, ` total _..-_.......__ ..............._... ...... 97.5 Sewer `19 Cath. Rhomberg, Est., Hama Add., Lot 228; area beet. 8860 eq. ft. at .00289888., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.68: total ....... . ....... 'J'1.64 Cath. Rhomberg Est.. Ham's Add., Lot 227; area basis 8860 eq. ft. at .00269862., $17.96; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63783, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ......................-............._.._. 97.54 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 226; area basis 8860 sq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 93c; 50 Ifn. ft. tele pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 278; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .002898620, $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 len. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total .............. __....... _........... ..... 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, H a m' s Add., Lot 279; area basis 6650 eq. ft. at .00269862., $17.95; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 len. ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $78.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ......._........................._..... 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 280; area bases 6650 eq. ft. at .00269862.. $17.95; Interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.991 per cent, $1.88; total .............. _....................._..... 97.54 A. L. Rhomborg, Ham' a Add., Lot 281; area basis 6650 sq. ft. at .00269882., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra 4 expense at 1.981 per cent, total.......................................... 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, H a M's Add., Lot 292; area basis 6650 sq, ft. at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 4 $1.88; total -___._ ....................._...... 07.54 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 283: area basis 6660 sq. ft, at .00269862., $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 4 $1.88; total _._ ......... .............. .......... ..... 97.54 I Certify That the Above is Correct. .Engineer. j .A Decator St. Marshall St. Garfield Ave. Hamilton St. Rhomberg Ave. Whittier St. Emerson St. rstirnate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing.. InH,(4rn,IT0-iL S7' A. L. Rhmrdee,rg, Ham's Add., Lot 284; area 8850 sq. V. al .00289 8823, 8 eat In er at Par wits -. 3 le nt. the pipe f[. 0 Iin. G Ac a c at $1.63783, $78.88; extra expense al 1.681 Per cent, 97.54 e _ $1.88; total H n m's A. L. Ilh.mbergiare¢ basis Add.. Len 286; 6650 eqft at .002698623, $17er -95- In50rlinl ft at pipe vont. A3c; . extra ul $1.63768, $78.88; expenso at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total - _.......... 97.64 Henry Ad, NL F6 Jansen, 23 ft. Lot 426; nrea baste 1667 sq. ft. at .002698623, $4.50: Inter- est at 6 per cent, 283; 16.67 lin. It the pipe at $1.53763, $26.64; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 60c; total__ 31.00 Peter Fabs, Iinm's Add., S. W. 33 1.3 R. Lot 426; area beets 3333 sq. IL at .002698623, $e99; Interest at 6 per cent, 52c; 33.33 lin. fl. 111,, PIPe at 1.53763. $51.26; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.19; total . 6196 Henry H. Jansen, Ham's Add, 9. W. 16 2.3 fl. Lot 425; area basis 1667 eq. fl. at .002698623, $4.50; Interest at 6 Qbr cent, 263; 16.67 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $25.64; extra expense At 1.981 per cent, 603; total.._ 31.00 John W. Spahn. _Ham's Add., N. E. 33 1.3 ft. Lot 425. are. basis 3333 sq. ft. at .002698623, $8.99; Interest. nit 6 per cent, 62c; 33.33 lin. ft.tllo pipe at $1.53763, $51.26; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.19; total_ 61.96 \I. J. Nimer, Ham's Add., Lot 424; nrea basis 6000 sq. ft. at .002698823, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 Ile. ft. file pipe at $153763, $78.88; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total _ 92.94 Nicholas J. Pauly, Hem's Add., 1 Lot 423; area basis 5000 .• aq, ft. at .002699623, $1349; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total .._.....__...... _..._._.. 92.94 J. A, Rhomberg Est., Hain's Add., Lot 422; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002898623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Its. ft. the pipe at $1.53783, $78.88; extra expense at 1.981 Per cent, • Ham s Josephine Wagne'.r Lott area basis $A. total._............st...._._......m's 92.9• Add., tt, at .002698623. I J. A. Rhomberg Eat.. Ham's 421; area bit $17 96Bq Interest at 6 per the Add., Lot 00 a q [t. at 0028 988'Jc 3c 6p lin• ft. c ant 8 , ex - 83 $ .88 , S 1. 637 , at 8 ei 13 .49 • fore rest P $1 $ 60 lin. ft. file pipe to at p p 1. 81 e r ae at 1.9 P expense 97 .64 cent, .537 at 81.63763, $76.88; extra cent, $1.88; total .... .._......_.........._ cent dd. Lot • A Dl Ham's ' per cont, Eva 92.94 223; area baste 8860 sq. ft. area $1.79; total ................... ...._......._.__ $1.79;expense al .. George Umnacht, Ham's Add., at .002698623, $17.95; Inter - Lot 420; area basis 6000 1363763, lin ft Biles per sq. ft, at .002698623, $13.49; 6 cent, 78c; $76.88; extra WE at 97.64 interest at per 50 lin. ft. tele Pipe at perRhocent, Eet8 Hams $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- J.1A81 Add Lot 224; area basis Penne at 1.981 per cent, 92.94 6850 eq. ft. at .0026986 $1.79; total ......... ............................ J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's per $17.95; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe Add.,Lot 419; area basis ft. at at 1.53763, $76.88; extra ex - cent; F000 sq. , .002698623, 5000 ; Interest at 6 per ; siert peripe pence at 1.981 per total ................_ 97.64 0 Un. ft. the cent, ; $1.88; ......._..._.._ BVI H'22 at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ;area basis 6650 sq. expense at 1.981 per cent, ft. at .002698623, $17.95: in - $1.79; total .............._._..._..._.._. ._ 92 94 terest at 6 Per cent, 83c; 50 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Iin• ft. tile Pipe at 1.53763, Add., Lot 147; area basis ft. $7688. extra expense at $1.88; total.. 97.64 5575 sq. at .002698623, $15.04; interest at 6 per 1.981 per cent, A. 1.. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., cent, 79c; 50 tin. ft. tile pipe Lot 286; area basis 6650 sq. at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- ft. at .00269862r'$17.95; to- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.82; total 94.53 terest at 6 per cent. Ric; 50 ft. tile Pipe at 1.53763, ....._ .............._........__.._._ Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's lfn. $78.88; extra expense at 97.54 Add., Lot 164; area hosts 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total... 5575 sq. ft. at 002698623, A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., $15.04; interest at 6 per Lot 287; area basis 6860 sq. cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe ft. at .002698623. $17.85; in - at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 60 pense at 1.981 per cent, lin ft. tile pipe at 1.53763• $1.82; total _................ ..... _..... _.... __ J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., 94.53 $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 cent, $1.88; total... 97.54 Lot 218; area basis 6650 sq. Per A L. Rhomberg. Ham's Add., ft. at .002698623, $17.95; in- Lot 288; area baste 6650 sq. terest at 6 per cent, 83c; ft. at .00269862., $17.95; in - 50 Its. ft. the pipe at terest at 6 Per cent, 83c: 50 $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, pense at 1.981 per cant, $1.88; total _..... _......... expense a E76.R8: extra expense at J7.64 $76.8 total 97.64 ._ ........... .......... Eva Rieger, Item's Add., Lot Per cent. A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., 219; area basis 6660 sq. Lot 289; area basis 6650 s . ft. at ,002698823, $1786; 1st- 0 ft. at $17.96; i - terest 8 per cent, 833; .002698623, terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 til; t 60 lin. ft. tele PIPe at lin. ft. tile pipe at 81.63763; $1.63783, extra ex 876.88: extra expense at pense at 1.981 per cent, 1.981 p cent, $1.88; total.. 97.54 $1.. total ..........__..__...___..dd.., 97.54 A. L. Rbomberg. Ham's Add., J. A. Bloomberg. Add., Lot 290; area basis 6650 sq. 220:ar alis 6 eq. Lot 220; area basis ft. at $17.95; In- .950 823, $17.96; in- ¢t .at 6 833; 60 8 .002698623, tersest at per cent, 3; 50 terest ¢t per cent, terest p Iin. it. tale pipe at $1.53763, 1. , lin. ft. file PIPe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at jpy88; extra cent, $1.88; expense rotate 97.6 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total... Ed, Imhoff, Ham's Add., Lot 97.54 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., 221; area basis 6660 sq, it. ],at 291; area basis 6650 sq. at $17.95; Inter- ft. at .002698623, $17.95; in - .002698623, eat at 6 per cent, 83c; 6.0 Its. ft. at $1.53763, $76.88; terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total ........................... $76.89; extra expense at 97.54 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total._ 97.6, Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. SEVER RECORD Contractor. A, L xaomue.a. •. ... ....., Lot 292; area baste 6860 eq. It, at .002698623, $17.95; in- terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1..53763, $76.88; extra expense at 4 tat... 97.6 cent, A8• to tr ce $l. , l.sa1 P ' Add. Klein, Ham's e E. Albeit Lot 293; area basis 6860 eq. ft. at .002698623, $17.9 in - 6. , terest at 6 per cent, 83c; 60 Its. ft• tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.88; total... 97.64 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 411; area basis 600(t sq. ft. at .002898823, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 783; 60 lin. et. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex. pence at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total - ........ ------ 92.94 J A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 412; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 783; 50 lin. ft. ttle pipe at $1.53763, $76.88: extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ................. _...................... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 413; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Ito. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ..... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 414; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c: 50 lin. tt. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79: total ............. _......_........_...... 92.9 J. A. Rbomberg Est., Ha.u's Add., Lot 415; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin, it. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per tent, $1.79: total ........... 92.9 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 416; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ..._.. _............................. 92. J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 417: area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 783; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.68; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79: total .............._........._.......__...... 92. J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's d Lot 418 area basis Add,, c 5000 s . et. at .00269862c, I n $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 Ila. ft. tile pipe ) S at. $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ........ ...... ............... ....... ....... 92.94 T E. Rhomberg, Sub. 2 of 537 Ham's Add., Lot 1; area 00 e . 4t. at basis BO q 2898623 18.19 • Interest t a, $ Iin. lc• 60 1 nt 6 per cent, 8 ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total.. 95.72 J. H. Rhomberg, Sub. 2 of 537 1 Ham's Add., Lot 2; areabasis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698823, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extraex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79: total ........................................ 92.94 Aug. Schnee, Bob. 2 of 537, Ham's Add., Lot 3; area basis 6000 sq. ft at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 783; 50 Ifo. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 Per cent, $1.79; total... 92.54 Aug. Sthnoe, Lincoln Add., Lot 1; area basis 2915 sq. ft. at .002698623, $7.87; interest at 6 Per cent, 45c; 29.15 11n. ft. the pipe at $1,53763, $44.83; extra expense at 1.991 Per cent, $1.04; total.. 64.19 J. H. Rhomberg. Sub. 2 of Lincoln Add., Lot 1; area basis 2955 sq. ft. at .002698623, $7.97; interestat 6 per cent. 46c; 29.55 list. ft. tile Pipe at $1.63763, $45.45; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.06; total ........ .........._. _. 54.94 4 J. H. Rhomberg, Sub. 2 of 2, Lincoln Add., Lot 1; area basis 2915 sq. ft. at 002698623, $7.87: Interest at 6 per cent, 45c; 29.15 Ila. it. tile pipe at $1.53763, $44.83; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.04: 64.19 total... .............. .... ........_.. 4 J. H. Rhomberg, Sub. 2 of 2 of 2 Lincoln Add., Lot 1; arca basis 2920 sq. ft. at .002698623, $7.88; interest at 6 per cent, 46c; 29.2 He. ft. at $1.53763, $44.91; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.05; total ............_ ........................... 54.30 94 J. H, Rhomberg, Sub. 2 of 2 of 2 Lincoln Add., Lot 2; area basis 3295 sq. ft. at .002698823, $8.89; interest at 6 per cent, 62c; 32.95 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $50.67: extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.18; total ............................. 61.26 94 Christ Braun, Sub. 2 of 2 of 2,Christ Braun Sub., Lot 1; nrea basis 39030 sq. ft. at .002698623, $105.33; Interest at 6 per cent, $6.12; 390.3 I Certify That the Above is Correct. /nch Dubuque, Iowa,.-.._. . ,in. ft. the pipe at $1.53783, $600.16; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $13.98; total 726.58 Otto Braun, Sub. 2 of 2 of Christ Braun Sub., Lot 1; 1 200 e sate a q b . Pt. at area 002e98623, $ 32. 92• to , teres[ p 221fs. ant 1 per $1.82• at 8 Ct. the pipe at $1.63763. $187.69; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $4.37; total... 226.80 Caroline Schwietering, Sub. 2 of Christ Braun Sub., Lot 1; area basis 4000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $10.79; interest at 6 per cent, 62c; 40 Ito. ft. tile Pipe at $1.53763, $61.51; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.43; total...... 74.35 Paul Braun, Christ Braune ,lob.. Lot 1; area basis 5825 Bq. ft. at .002698623, $15.72; interest at 6 per cent, 64c; 37.6 lin. Pt. the pipe at $1.53763, $57.66; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.45; total ..... ...... ._...._.--- ........_... .... 75.47 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 485; area basis 4750 sq. ft. at .002698623. $12.82; interest at 6 per Pont, 59c; 36 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $66.35; ex- tra expense at 1981.per cent, $1.35; total ......_.............. .__. 70.11 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 486; area baste 5000 eq. ft. at .002698623. $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 783; 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; ... total ............ 92.94 ........_............. J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 487; area basis 5000 ; interest sq. ft. at .002698623, $13,4960 tin. ft. ttile pip6 per e 783at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent. $1.79: total _.._...._...._..._.... ............... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est.. Ham's Add., Lot 488; area basis 5000 eq• t. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent. 783; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent. $1.79; total .... ..... ........ _....................... 92.94 J. A Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 489; area basis 5000 sq• ft. at .002698623. $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ._..._..._ ..................__....._ 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 490; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 78c; 50 lin. It. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- Penne at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total .......... .... ........ .- .... ................ 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add.. Lot 491; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623 • Interest at 8 per can 13.49 1 C t. E P lin. [t. the pipe at 783; 60 P P 81.63763 76.88• extra ex- pense pence at 1.981 Per cent, $1.79; total . .............................._. 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 492; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent. 78c; 50 Its. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ...._ ...................- ...... _.... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 493; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per sent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent. $1.79; total ......._......._ ..................... 92.94 J. A, Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 494; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 Per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ....._ .................._............... 92.94 Caroline R. Hafner, Ham's Add., Lot 495; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698823, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total .......................... - 92.94 Christ Braun, Ham's Adel., Lot 496; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 497; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Its. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total -...._ .............____ _......_, 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 498; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Ila t. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ............................................. 92.94 Henry Groppe, Jr., Ham's Add., Lot 398; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 60 Iin. ft. the pipe at Sewer .................. 7 9........... $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total .......................................... 92.94 Martin J. Corbett, Ham's Add., Lot 399; area basis 6000 e ft. at .002698623 9 arae[ at 8 per cent 13.49• interest P n. ft. file pipe at 78c• 60 11 n p $1.63768, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ......... ........... ............._....... . 92.94 Martin N. Lange, Ham's Add., Lot 400; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63768, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ................. .............. .... .... _ 92.84 Mary Weber, Ham's Add., Lot 401; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total... 92.94 Edward W. Giese, Ham's Add.. Lot 402; area basis 5000sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ......._- .... _......... ......... _._ 92.94 William Giese, Ham's Add., Lot 403; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total... 92.94 Chas. J. Foot, Ham's Add., I.ot 404; area basis 5000 sq. f'.. at .002898623, $13.49; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total_. 92.94 Ernest Maker, Ham's Add., Lot 405; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.78; total_. 92.94 Ernest Maker, Ham's Add., Lot 406; area basis 5000 sq ft. at .002698823, $13.49; in- terest al 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total... 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 407; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .002698623, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total _ ............... .................... _... 92.94 Engineer. W 32 Emerson St. Rhomberg Ave. Lincoln Ave. Shiras St. Roosevelt St. Shiras St. ----- SEVER RECORD D I E.4'timate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. A. Rhomberg Eel., Ham's Add., Lot 408; arca basis 5000 sq. fl. at .0026986 in 783;4950 11a eft. elle at 6 ppipeer sat $1.63763, $76.88; extra ea- pense at 1981.per cent.9294 $1.79; total - ---- M. & V. Schulte, Ham's Add., Lot 409; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at 00269862.., $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 780; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra ex- 1)"ase at 1.981 per cent, $1.79; total ...... ...._................._ 92.94 M. & V. Schulte, Ham's 'Add., Lot 410; area baste 6760 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $18.22; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.23; 80 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $123.01; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $2.80; total .... _....__..:... 115.26 Innle A. 7.ogg, Ham's Add., Lot 294; area basis 3175 eq. ft. at .00269862.., $8.57; Ia- Icrest sill per cent, 21c; 10 ltt. ft. tile pipe at 1.53763, $15.38; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 47c; total.._. 24.63 Innle A. Zogg, Ham's Add., Lot 296; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at 00269862.. $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 Mu. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, 176.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total 96.69 race Pnpin, Ham's Add., i,et 296; area basis 6350 sq. ' ft. of .00269862... $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent. 81c; 50 lin. ft. Tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra` expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total_. 9,6.69 a11na E. Quads, Ham's Add., Lot 297; area basls'6350 sq. ft. at .OP269862c. $17.14; -in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin: ft. the pipe at $1.53763, 376.88; extra expense at, 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total.. 96.69 eo. Ganlenbeln, Ham's Add.. Nut 298; area basis 8350 sq. It. at .00269862x., $17.14; in- terest at 6 pe cent, Sle; 60 Un. ft. the 9f e at $1.53763, $76.88; exITexpense at 1.981 per cent, $1,86; total.. 96.69 1enry Fetschele. Ham's Add., Lot 29p; area basis 6350 sq. - ft -u .00269862.., $17.14; In- lorest at 6 per cent, file; 50 lit. fl. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense 'It 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total.. 96.69 mg. P. Rocher, Ham's Add., Lot 300; area basis 6350 sq. It. at .002698620. $17.14; In. West at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 ilii. it. tile pipe at $1.53765, J $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total_. 96.69 Mary & Carl Witter, Ham's Add., Lot302; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, 810; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total ....__...__....__..............._ 96,69 Aug. F. Rocher, Ham's Add., Lot 303; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra.ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total ............. ___-..`--- ....-_ 96-.69 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 208; area basis 75,076 sq. ft. at .00269862..„$202.60; Interest at 6 per cent, $5.41; 274 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $421.31; extra ex- pense at 1..81 per cent, $12.36; total ..........._ ............ ............ ._ 641.68 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add., N. E. 38 ft. Lot 209; area basis 4826 sq. ft. at 00269862.., $13.02; Interest at 6 per cent. 62c; 38 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53703, $58.43; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $1.42; total ......._._-....... ..... 73.49 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add., S. W. 12 ft. Lot 209; area basis 1624, sq. ft. at f10269862c, $4.11; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; 12 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $18.45; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 45c; total ..__............. ._.___ 23.21 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add., Lot 210; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.. $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lim, ft. the Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total._ 96.69 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add„ Lot. 211; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, 810; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53783, $76.8$; extra expense at, 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total._ 96.69 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add., Lot 212; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; In. terest at 6 per cent, 810; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.83; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total'. 96.69 Theresa Witt", Ham's Add., Lot 213; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.. $17.14; in- teryt at 6 per cent, Ale; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total... 96.69 ----------- Contractor. Theresa Lot 214; area basis 6350 eq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; 1n• terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76,88; extra expense at 1.981 per ,.at, $1.86; total... 96.69 Theresa Witter, Ham's Add., Lot 215; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, Ble; 60 Un. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total_ 98.69 Aug. F. Rusher, Ham's Add., Lot 216; area basis 6360 sq. It. at .00269862.., $17.14; In- terest at 6 per cent, file; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extraexpense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total._ 96.69 Aug. F. Becher, Ham's Add., Lot 217; area basis 4700 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $12.68; in terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 linft. the pipe at $1.63763, . $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.77; total._ 92.11 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Harq's Add., Lot 166; area basis 4568 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $12.33; interest at 6 per cent, 50c; 30 lin. ft. the . pipe at $1.53763, $46.13; ex- tra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.16; total .................. ......_.... 69.12 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 156; area basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $1451; Interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Ini. ft. the pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total _.... .............. ....... ..... .... 93.99 Cath. Rbomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 167; area basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269864. $1451; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Int. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total ............... ......................._.. 93.99 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 168; area basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $14.51; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Int. ft. the pipe at, $1.63763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total ......... ...... _......... ..._............. 93.99 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 159; area basis 6375sq. ft. at .00269862... $14 51; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Ini. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81: total ....................... _.......... __...... 93.9E Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 160; area basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $14.51; interest at 6 per cent, 790; 60 Ini. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total ......._ ............._..__. ........ ... 93.99 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 161; are abasia 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862... $14.51; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 Ini. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.81; total ........ ................. ....._.._..... 93.99 Joe. Lehner, Ham's Add., E. % Lot 162; area basis 2687 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $7.25; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 26 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 91c; total - . ............__.._............. 47.00 Ida Ferring Est., Ham'sAdd., W. % Lot 162; area basis 2688 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $7.25; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 91c; total _. .................__......_....__.... 47.00 Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 163; area basis 5375 sq, ft. at .00269862.., $14.51; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile PIPs at $1.53763, $76.88, extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $1.81 total .............._....._.._.__...._..... ..93.99. Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 164; are-- basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862.., 60 $14.interest at 6 pet 9d' 50 lin. ft. tile pipe a 31,6376$, $76.88; extra expense at 1,981 per cent. $1.81 total ....__........-.._ ........................ • 93.99 Cath. Rhomberg Est.. Ham's Add., Lot 165; area basis 5375 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $14.51; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763. $76.88; extra expense at 1,981 per cent, $1.81 total ....... _.... .._....._.................._... 93.99 Chas. Fiebelkorn, Ham's Add., Lot 166; area basis 4500 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $12.14; in- terest at 6 per cent 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.76; total._ 91.56 Walter Dutton, Ham's Add., Lot 167; area basis 4000 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $10.79; in. terest at 6 per cent, 76c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.74; total... 90.17 John Kremer, Ham's Add., pt. Lot 168; area basis 3500 sq, it. at .00269862.., $9.45; Interest at 6 per cent, 76c; 50 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.71; total .......... .... _............ ........ ...... 88.79 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., pt. Lot 169; area basis 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $8.10; interest at 6 Per cent, 74c; 50 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.68; total _........ .... .............. ......... 87.40 Cath. Voltz, Ham's Add., Lot 304; area basis 6350sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at -$1.63763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total... 96.69 Cath. Voltz, Ham's Add., Lot 305; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; Interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total... 96.69 Cath. Hattermosr, Ham's Add., Lot 306; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; Interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total .......... . ................. 96.69 Carl Voltz, Ham's Add.. Lot 307; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; Interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. It. tile pipe at $1.637631' $76.88; extra ex,pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total.- 96.69 Frank J. Duehr, Ham's Add., N. E. r& Lot 308; area basis 3675 sq. ft. at 00269862..; $9.92; interest at 6 per cent, 42c; 25 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $38.44; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 96c; total 49.74 Theresa Becker et al, Ham's Add., S. W. % Lot 308; area basis 3675 sq. ft. at .00269862..; $9.92; interest at 6 per cent, 42c; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $3$04; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 96c; total ... .._................. ...... 49.74 William Roth, Ham's Add., Lot 309; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; in. terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1981 per cent, $1.86; total.. 96.69 David Bischoff, Ham's Add., Lot 310; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269962.., $17.14; In- terest at 6 per cent, file; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe tit $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total_ 96.69 irl e/1 Dubuque, Iowa, ..- . John Arthofer, Ham's Add., C Lot 311; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1,63763. $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total... 96.69 K. M. & V. Schulte, Ham's Add., Lot 312; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, file; 50 lin, ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total . ........ ......................_........... 96.69 K. M. & V. Schulte, Ham's Add., Lot 313; area basis 6360 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; Interest at 6 per cent, 810; 50 lin ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total .._..._.... ..... ......._....._..._ 96.69 Louis & Eliz. Arthofer, Ham's Add., Lot 314; area basis 6350 sq. it. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, file; 50 tin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total ....._. - ........................ 96.69 Louie & Eltz. Arthoter, Ham's Add., Lot 315; area baste 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $1214; interest at 6 per j cent, file; 50 lin ft. file Pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total __ ..................... 96.69 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 316; area basis 6350 sq, ft. at .00269882.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent. 81c; 60 lie. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total ............... ..... ......... ...... ....- 96.69 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 317; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $1.86; total ..._... ................ ._...._.... 96.69 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 318; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269812.., $17.14; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total ............................................ 96.69 Herman Pautz, Ham's Add., Lot 319; area basis 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862c; $17.14; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c, 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.86; total... 96.69 Sewer _ ......19.. ath. Rhomberg Est„ Ham's tt. at .00at at269862.., $13.49; in. - per Add., Lot 188; area basis jin ft.Lite pipe att$153763, 6360 sq*it. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per extra s $179;total .. 92.94 cent, 81c; 50 Ito. ft. the pipe $1.53763, $76.88; extra 179fi18per cent, nna Har Ham's ALot 5000 sq. at expense at 1.981 per cent, 96,69 521; area basis 160 $1.86; total r Eat., Ham's Ahomhe g terest at269P r2 Cent, 78c; $1.63783, Cath. Add., Lot 200; area basis Ito. ft. the pipe at $76.8extra 92.94 $17. sq• tat .at2888 per ; interest,50li $179;stotalt. cent, cent, file; 60 lin. it. file epipe xt a $78.88, Chas. Add ,E Leto 622ar E area cis at $1.63763, expense at 1.981 per cent, 98.69 5000 sq .ft. at .00269862.., '79; interest at 8 Per $1.86. total ...._.._-.__ ....................... Cath. Rhomb Est.,Ham" fe cent . ft. tile pipe $163763 per cent, $7888; pg Add., Lot 2 , at extra expense at 1.981 per 929 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; interest at 6 per _ _ Act,. RhonbergtaHam's Add., cent, 81c; 50 lin. ft. the Pipe $1.53763, $76.88 • extra in - 4t. at2 at expense at 1.981 p r cent, 96.69 00269862c,s$1349; terest at fl per cent, 50 ................_............... $1.86; total ....... Cath. Rhomberg Est., Ham's 1.63 , 11n. ft. file pipe at $1.53763, Add., Lot 202; area basis 1 9818perecent, $1.79; total... 92.94 Add., 6350 sq• ft. at .00269862.., 8 A L. Rhomberg, Ham's $17.14; interest at per 60 tin ft. t11e pipe Lot 624; area basis 5000 sq. $13 49; lu- cent, Sic; $1.63783, $76.88; extra ft. at .00269862.., 6 cent, 78e5 50 st terest at per expense at 1.981 per cent,$1.63 83, 98.69 lin. ft. lite pipe at $1.86; total ...._..__.........._ ..................... Cath. Rhomberg Eat., H am 8 ; extra expense cent. $1.79; total.. 92.94 Add., Lot 203; area basis 1.981 per F. & Caroline Kamm, Ham's 6350 sq. ft. at .00269862.., F. Add Lot 525; area basis $17.14; interest at 6 per the 5000 sq .ft. at .00269862.., cent, file; 50 lin. ft. $1.63763, $76.887 pipes $13 49; interest at 6 Per 60 liD. ft. lila pipe at cent, 7fic; expense at 1.981 per cent, 96.69 $1.53763 Per cent, $76.88; $1.86; total ......._........._.._................... Mary Steckline. Ham's Add., a $1.79; expense total .-1 Dtil -per 92'94 Lot 204; area basis 6350 sq. cent, Frank & Mary Furry, Ham's It. at .269862.., $17.14; In- 00 50 Add., Lot 626 area beats terest at 6 per cent, 81c; $1.53763. 5000 sq .ft. at .00269862... lin. ft. the pipe at at $ 13.49; interest at 6 per $76.88; extra expense $1.86; total... 96.69 78c; 50 lincentt $788ile 8 $1 1981.per cent, P. Merech, Ham's Addt c 53763 at 1.981 per John Lot 206; area beefs 8350 sq. extra expense cent, $1.79; total ..............._..._...... 92.94 ft. at .00269862.., $17.14; in- A terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 60 83, Lot 527; ares basis 600d 9 in - lin. ft. file Pipe at at ft. at .00269862.., $13.49; cnile$1.53 $78.88; extra expense per $1.86; total... 98.69 tine Pt ateat 1.53761. 1.981 per cent, Cath. Huttonmoser, Ham's $4613; extra expense at . 61.32 Add., Lot 206; area basis 1.981 per cent, $1.18; total... 6360 sq. ft. at .002698620, J' & C.Ham's $17.14; interest at 6 per ft. tile pipe Add N E. 42 ft. Lot371; tt. at cent, Slc; 50 11n. at $1.63783, $78.88; extra area baste 4200 sq• $11.33; interest at expense at 1.981 per cent, •002698620, 96.69 6 per cent, 880; 42 lin. ft. $1.86- total ......................................._._ the pipe at $1.53763, $64.58; Anna Hoar, Ham's Add., extra expense at 1.981 per 78.07 Lot 519; are abasia 5000 sq. cent, $1.60; total -- .- --........... It. at .00269862.., $1349; in- 78c; 50 Dora Richter, Ham's Add., terest at 6 per cent, $1.53763, S qr g ft. Lot 371; area it. at lin. ft. tile pipe at expense at2c baste 800 eq. at $76.88; extra $1.79; total . 92.94 $2.1; interest tin. ft the 1.981 Der cent. Anna Hoar, Ham's A , nt, 12c 6 per9ce88 pipe at $1.63783, $12.30; ex, Lot 520; area baste 5000 sq. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Ir t I Certify That the Above is Correct. .Engineer. „ e Lincoln Ave. Shiras St. Garfield Ave. Mawthorne St. Summer St. Beach St. Summer St. Rhomberg Ave. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In %'i h# tWk e_r • /4.V ra expense at 1.981 Per 14 87 cent, 29c; total _. .toe Rlchlea ham's -Add•, Lot 872; area basis 6000 aq. it. at .00269862c, $13.49; In- terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per coat. $179; total_ 92.94 J. A. Rhoniborg, Ham's Add., Lot 373; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; In- terest at 6 per Cent, 78c; 50 lin. fl. tile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 Per cent, $1.79, total- 92.94 J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 374; area basis 5000 eq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; In- tereat at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $1.79; total_. 92.94 ,1. A. Rhomberg, ham's Add., l.ot 375; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; In- terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 I in. ft. Ile pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent. $1.79; total._ 92.94 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Let 369; area basis 750 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $2.02; In. terest at 6 per cent, 69c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.56; total' 81.16 .I. A. Rhomberg Est., Hllm's Add., Lot 376; area basis 000 sq, ft. tit .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 78c; 50 ]in. ft. file pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1.081 per /cent; $1.79; total ... ..... ....... .....- 92.94 .I. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 377; area basis 5060 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra expense at 1..981 per cent, $1.79; total _...................... ....._.. 92.94 t'has. Glass, Ham's Add., Pt. Lot 320; area basis 4500 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $12.15; in. terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 50 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.63763, $76.88; extra ex- Penee at 1.981 per cent, $1.76; total _. _......................... 91.56 Varlin Gager, Ham's Add., Pt. Lot 321; area basis 3750 sq. ft, at .00269862c, $10.12; in- terest at 6 per cent, 76c; 50 lin. It. the pipe at $1.5763, $76.88; extra ex. pe so at 1.981 per cent, $1.72; total ............................. ...... 89.48 .I. A. Rhomberg Est., Hants Add.. Pt. Lot 322; area baste 3000sq. ft. at 00269862c, $8.10; Interest at 6 per cent, 74c; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763; $76.88; extra ex. pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.68; total _ ...............-._.................... 87.40 Anton Fisher Eat., Sub. 366, Ham's Add., Lot 1; area basis 2990 sq. it. at $8.07; Interest at 6 per cent, 69c; 46 11n. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $70.74; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.68; total ..... .......... ......................... 81.06 Anton Fisher Est., Sub. 365, Ham's Add., Lot 1; area basis 4600 sq, it. at $12.41; Interest at 6 per cent, 72c; 46 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $70.74; extra ex• pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.65; total ............................................. 85.52 Christ Capritz, Ham's Add., Lot 364; area basis 5520 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $14.90; In- terest at 6 per cent, 75c; 46 1!n. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $70.74; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.70; total... 88.09 Christ Capritz, Ham's Add., Lot 363; area basis 3960 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $10.69; in. terest at 6 per cent, 48c; 29 Ila. ft. tile pipe at $1.53763, $44.60! extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.10; total... 56.87 Christ Capritz, McCraney's Engle Point Add., Lot .,:; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.19; Interest ut 6 per cent, 81c; 50 tin. ft. the pipe at $1.63763, $76.28; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, $1.84; total ............................. 95.72 Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., McCraney'a Engle Point Add., Pt. Lot 21; area basis 3000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $8.10; interest at 6 per cent, 74c; 50 11n. ft. the pipe at $1.53763, $76.88; extra ex- pense at 1.981 per cent, $1.68; total ..... ........... r......... .... ........ ... 87.40 Voelker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 7; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.19; Interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 32c; total 16.66 Walker Realty Co., Jaeger's Sub., Lot 8; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.19; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 32c; total ...... __........_........ ... 16.65 Holy Trinity Church, Ham's 'Add., Lot 428; area basis 5000 sq, ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 27c; total .................................................. 13.88 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. SEWER __..------- Contractor. 1.981 per cent, 27c; total_...... Holy ar J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's J Add., Lot3977; Rhomberg Earea basis Add., Lot 384; area bast. Add., Lot 429 area basis ft. at _ - - 5000sq, ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per 5000 sq. .002G9862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at $13.49; Interest at 6 per 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... cent, 12c; extra expense at J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham'. cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 cent, 27c; total........ 13.38 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ Trinity Church, Hems 13.88 per City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., $13.49; Intereat at 6 per Holy Add.. Lot 430; area basis cent, 12c; extra expense at Lot 603; area basis 5692 sq. 1.981 per cent, 27c; total_....... 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's ft. at .00269862c, $16.35; in: Add., Lot 388; area basis $13.419; Interest at 6 per 5000 sq. ft, at .00269862c, terest at 6 per cent, 14c; ex - $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at cent, 12c; extra expense at tra expense at 1.981 per 15.79 1.981 per cent, 27c; total....... Ham's 13.88 cent, 30c; total ................................ City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Add., Lot 337; area basis Holy Trinity Church, Add., Lot 431;area basin 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, Lot 504; area basis 5692 sq. $13.49; interest at 6 per 5000 sq• ft, at .00269862c, cent, 12c; extra expense at ft. at .00269862c, $15.35; in - 1.981 per cent, 27c; total..._._ $13.44; interest at 6 per J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's terest at 6 per cent, 14c; 1.981 Add., Lot 388; area basis cent, 12C; extra expense at 13.88 extra expense at per cent, 31c; total ..................._........... I6.R0 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... Holy Trinity Church, Ham's cent, 12c; extra expense at City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., 1.981 per cent, 27c; total..._.... Add., Lot 432; area basis J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Lot 506; area basis 5692 aq. Add., Lot 389; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, ft. at .00269862c, $15.35; in - $13.49; interest at 6 per $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at terest at 6 per cent, 14c; 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... cent, 12c; extra expense at J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's extra expense at 1.981 per 15.80 1.981.per cent, 27c.; total......._ Holy Trinity Church, Ham's 13.88 cent, 31c; total .... __............_...... City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., $13.49; Interest at 6 per Add., Lot 433; area basis cent, 12c; extra expense at Lot 606; area basis 5692 sq. 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's ft. tit .00269862c, $15.36; 1n- Add., Lot 391; ^rea basix $13.49; Interest at 6 per 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, terest at 6 per cent, 14d; 1.981 $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at 13.88 extra expense at per 30c; total 15.80 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's e.ent, ................ .... ....... City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Add., Lot 392; area baste Add., Lot 499; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, Lot 507; area basis 5692 sq. $15.36; in - $13.49; interest at 6 per 5000 eq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49: interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at ft. at .00269862c, terest at 6 per cent, 14c; 1.981 per cent, 27c; tots,_... cent, 12c; extra expense at 13.88 extra expense at 1.981 Per 30c; total 15.80 1.981 Per cent, 27c; total..... J. A. Rhomberg Eat., Ham's 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, per cent, _..._..__....._. City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., $13.49; interest at 6 per Add., Lot 500; area basis ft. cent. 12c; extra expense at Lot508; area basis 5692 sq. ft. at $15.36; in - 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ 5000 sq. at .00269862c, $13.49: Interest at 6 per August Past Est., Ham'e Add., ,00269862c, treat at 6 per cent, 14c; Lot 528; area basis 18,300 sq. cent, 12c; extra expense at ft. at .00269862c, $49.38; in- extra expense at 1.981 per 15.80 1.981 per cent. 27c; total..._. 13.88 cent, 30c; total ......_.................._.... cent, 98c; total .................. ....... __ J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Anna Hug, McCraney's Eagle City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Point Add., Lot 31; area Add., Lot 501; Rrea basis basis 6000 sq. ft. at Lot 509; area basis 5692 sq. 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, ft. at .00269862c, $15.36; In - $13.49; Interest at 6 per terest at 6 per cent. 14c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total....... 13.83 "cent, 30c; total ... ....................... 15.80 City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., J. A. Rhomberg Est., Hama Lot 610; area basis 6692 eq. Add., Lot 502; area basis ft. at $15.36; in - fi00o sq. ft, at .00269862c. .002698s2c. terest at 6 per cent 13c; ex- $13.49; interest at 6 per tra 8xpense at 1 981 per cent12C, extra expense at imi cent, 27c; total........ 13.88 cent, 31c; total ....... _._.._....... 15.80 per City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Clara F.Ichman, Ham's Add., Lot 511; area basis 5692 sq. Lot 394: area basis 6000 eq. tot. at 2c, in- ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; in. .0t 6 per t 136; tercet 6 per cent 13c; terest at 6 per cent, 12c; per expense al 1.981 per p extra expense at 1.981 per 13.88 cent, 31c; total .__.......... cent, 16.80 cent, 27c ;total ....._........ ............ J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's City of Dubuque, Ham's Add.. Add., Lot 395; area basis Lot 512; area basic 5693 sq. 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, ft. at .00269862c, $15.36; In - $13.49; Interest at 6 per terest at 6 per cent 13c; ex - rent, 12c; extra expense at tra expense at 1.981 per 31c; total 15.80 1.931 per cent, 27c; total......._ 13.88 cent, ._....................... J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Add., Lot 396; area basis Lot 513; area has Is 5693 sq. 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862, ft. at .00269862c, $15.36; In. $13.49; Interest at 6 per terest at 6 per cent 13c; ex. cent, 12c; extra expense at tra expense at 1.981 per • ............ 1.931 per cent, 27, total 13.881 cent. 31c t ...... .. , 15.80 I Certify That the Above is Correct. RECORD -City of Dubuque., Hum's Add., Lot 614; area basis 6693 sq. It. at .00269862c, $15.36; in • -terest at 6 per cent 13c; ex- tra expense at 1.981 per cent, 31c; total 15.80 City of Dubuque, Ham's Add., Lot 615; area basis 5693 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $15.36; in- terest at 6 per cent 13c; ex" tra expense at 1.981 per cent, 31c; total 16.80 Levi Kress, Ham's Add., Lot 516; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; in- terest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total ....._................_ 'a' 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham'e Add., Lot 517; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 Mrs. Anna Doerrer, Ham's Add., Lot 518; area basis 5000sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total ...... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 378; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at 1.981 Per cent. 27c; total .. 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 379; area basis 5000 sq. tt. at .00269862c. .$13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total...._... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 379; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total..._.. 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 380; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c. $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 381 ;area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 382; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 383; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per Inch. Dubuque, Iowa, curt, 12c; extra expense at 30 lin, ft. 8dnch cast trop 1.981 per cent, 27c; total_...... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's 75.00 Add., Lot 384; area bast. S tin. ft. 1, nch cast iron 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, 32c; total ._._... _....._................... 16.65 $13.49; interest at 6 per 12.00 cent, 12c; extra expense at Interest at 6 per cent.........__... 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham'. THEO. GABRIEL, Add., Lot 385; area basis can ..._..__..................................._.__._ 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, .00269862c, $16.19; interest $13.49; Intereat at 6 per Councilmen. cent, 12c; extra expense at Attest: JOHN STUBER, 1.981 per cent, 27c; total_....... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's adoption of the resolution as amend. Add., Lot 388; area basis ed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. 5000 sq. ft, at .00269862c, Carried by the following vote: $13.49; Interest at 6 per Yeas -Mayor Alderson. Council. men Brede, Gabriel, Schrempt, cent, 12c; extra expense at Melchlor. 1.981 Per cent, 27c; total_....... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 337; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total..._._ 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 388; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest rt 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total..._.... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 389; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Aed., Lot 390; area balls 5000 sq. ft, at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 391; ^rea basix 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total......... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., Lot 392; area baste 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; tots,_... 13.88 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add.. Lot 393; area basis 5000 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $13.49; interest at 6 per cent. 12c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 27c; total........ 13.88 August Past Est., Ham'e Add., Lot 528; area basis 18,300 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $49.38; in- terest at 6 per cent 43c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 98c; total .................. ....... __ 50.79 Anna Hug, McCraney's Eagle -- Point Add., Lot 31; area basis 6000 sq. ft. at . Sewer 19.. .00269$82c ,$16.19; interest Anton 30 lin, ft. 8dnch cast trop expense at 1.981 per cent, at 8 per cent, 14c: antra pipe at $2.50 per lin. ft.._ 75.00 expense at 1.981 per cent, S tin. ft. 1, nch cast iron ey's Eagle Point Add., Lot 32c; total ._._... _....._................... 16.65 Pi Pe at $1.60 per lin. ft....... 12.00 Hug Eat., McCraney's Interest at 6 per cent.........__... 427.99 Eagle Point Add., Lot 32; Extra expense at 1.981 per THEO. GABRIEL, area basis 6000 sq. ft. at can ..._..__..................................._.__._ 978.23 .00269862c, $16.19; interest ey's Eagle Point Add., Lot Councilmen. at 6 Per cent, 14c; extra Total .... ..........._............................$50,786.90 expense at 1.981 per cent, All of which is assessed in pro - 32c! total ...........___......._...._..........._ 18.65 portion to the special -benefits William D. Gilbert, McCran conferred. ey's Eagle Point Add., Lot Approved April 7th, 1924. 33; area basis 600 sq. it. Adopted April 7th, 1924_ at .00269862c, $16.19; inter. JAMES ALDERSON, est at 6 per cent, 14c; extra L. H, BREDE, expense at 1.981 per cent, THEO. GABRIEL, 32c; total ..__..__.__....._._......__... _ 16.65 ED. SCHREMPF, William D. Gilbert, McCran H. G. MELCHIOR, ey's Eagle Point Add., Lot Councilmen. 34; area basis 6000 sq. ft. Attest: JOHN STUBER, at .00269862% $16.19; inter- City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the est at 6 per cent, 14c; extra adoption of the resolution as amend. expense at 1.981 per cent, 32c; total... ...... 16.65 ed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. ----`-'`-""" Eliz. Clarke, Clarke's Sub.. Carried by the following vote: Lot 2; area basis 12,000 sq. Yeas -Mayor Alderson. Council. men Brede, Gabriel, Schrempt, ft. at .00269862c, $32.38; In- Melchlor. terest at 6 per cent, 28c; ex- Nays -None. tra expense at 1.981 per cent, 64c; total ......_........................ 33.30 William Keels, Clarke's Sub., Lot 1; area basis 9000 sq. ft at .00269862c, $24.29; inter- est at 6 per cent, 21c; ex. tra expense at 1.981 per cent, 48c; total .._.......... ... __._..... 24.98 Realty Inv. Corp., Sub. 33 McCraney's 2nd Add., Lot 1; area basis 6124 sq. ft. at .00269862c, $16.53; interest at 6 per cent, 15c; extra expense at 1.981 per cent, 33c; total _ ... _... _....__............_..... 17.01 City of Dubuque, 33 1.3 of to. _ tal cost assumed by action of City Council, area basis 16,460.23 sq. ft.; interest at 6 per cent, $152.66; extra expense at 1.981 per court, $326.08; total ... ... _._.._ ..............16,92$.97 Total ..... _...... _._......... __........... _.$50,786.90 7546 lin. ft. 12 -inch tih• at $3.05 per lin. ft. -..$23,015.30 6214.1 lin. ft. 8 -inch tilt, at $1.65 per lin. ft. ___ 8,603.26 / G392.1 Ila. ft. 6 -inch tile, at $1.20 per lin. ft ....................... 7,670.52 2885.7 lin. ft. concrete cra- dle for 12 -Inch tile at $1,00 per ft ..................__ .............................. 2,895.70 1998.9 lin. ft. concrete cra- dle for 8 -inch the at $1.00 perft............ _....................... ......... _.... 1,998.90 Two inverted syphons at YP $500.00 per syphon ........._....... 1,000.00 62 manholes at $65.00 per manhole ..................... ........... ... ..... - 4,030.00 .8 Ian. ft. 12 -inch cast iron pipe at $P•00 per Ian, ft.._ 90.00 Engineer. 34 Lowell St. Harold St. Seminory St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for ConstructIfIg ,In Harold -S-r SEVER RECORD -_-Contractor. Re'a.1-d by the City Council of the City of Dubaq no, that to pay for Philip Hele9, J. P. 9chroe- constructing sanitary sewer In Hary der'sAdd., Lot 29; man - : old street from Lowell street to the holes and 23 Ila. the firs alley north of Seminary street, pipe at $1.110929, $40.37; ex by Cook & Kean, contractors, in tra expense at 7.2069 per front of anti adjoining the same, n _cent, $2.91; interest at 6 special tax be and Is hereby levied Per cent, 35c; total ........... .P 4'3.01 on the several lots, and parte of late, Voelker Realty Co., J. P. and parcels of real estate herein- Schroeder's Add., Lot 22; after named, situate and owned, and manholes and 22 Rn. ft. the for the several amounts set opposite Pipe at $1.00929, $50.46; ex. each lot or parcel of real estate, as Ira expense at 7.2069 per follows: cent, $3.64; Interest at 6 Owner. Description. Amount. per cent, 43c; total ...............- 54.53 John Duscher Estate, J. P. Mary Vitzthum, Mechanics Schroeder's Add., Lot 21; Add., R. 40 ft. of Lot 97; manholes!and 60 Be. ft. the pipe at $1.00929, $40.37; ex. pipe at $1.00929, $60.46; ex. manholes and 40 lin. ft. the tra tra expense at 7.2069 per expense at 7.2069 Per cent, $3.64; Interest at 6 cent. $2.91; Interest at 6 per cent. 43c; total __..._ 54.53 per cent, 35c; total _. .._._$ 43.63 _ George Eigenberger. J. P. Augusta Beyer Estate, I. P. Schroeder's Add., Lot 31; Schroeder's Add., Lot 30; manholes and 50 Be. ft. the manholes and 56 lin. ft, the pipe at $1.00929, $50.46; ex - Pipe at $1.00929, $56.53; ex• tra expense at 7.2069 per tra expense at 7.2069 per cent, $3.64; interest at 6 rent. $4.07; Interes at 6 Per cent, 54c; total,_... 54.53 Per cent, 50c; total ................... 61.10 —. Augusta Beyer Estate. J. P. Total ................._ _..._....___......$470.13 Schroeder's Add., N. 5 ft. 335 lin, ft. 6 -Inch the at $1.00 of Lot 33; manholes and 5 Per lin. ft . . ...........................$335.00 Ila. ft. the Pipe at $1.00929 Two manholes at $50.00 ............... 100.00 $5.05; extra expense at interest at 6 per cent ............. .. 3.73 7.2069 per cent, 36c; inter. Extra expense at 7.2069 per est at 6 per cent, bc; total 5.46 cent ...... ........ ............ ...... __ ...._........._ 31.35 N. F. Steffen, J. P. Schroe- — der's Add., S. 60 ft. of Lot Total'... ....... ._._...$470.13 3R; manholes end 60 Ila. ft. All of which Ie assessed In pro. the PIPs at $1.00929, $60.56; Porton to the special benefits extra expense at 7.2069 per conferred. cent, $4.36; interest- at 6 Councilman Gabriel moved the Per cent, 54c; total ............._..... 65,46 adoption of the resolution. Second - Fra nkN. Reinfrled, J. p. ed by Councilman Brede. Carried Schroeders Add., N, 'b_ of by the following vote: Let 25; Manholos and 25 Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council. Iln. ft. Ills pipe at $1.00929, men Dr de, Gabriel, Melchior, $40.37; extra expense at 7.2069 Schremp[. NaYs—None. per cent, $2.91; in- terest at 6 per cent, 36c; Approved August 25th, 1924. total .. ...... Adopted August 25th, 1924. .--.-..._........._..... 43.63 Philip Hetes, f. P. Schroe- JAMES ALDERSON, ' tier's Add., Lot 24; man L. H. BREDE, • holes and 24 lin, it. tale THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, Pipe at $1.00929, $40.3 ex- tra expense H. G. MF,LCH, at 7.2069 Bent, $2.91; interest apes Attest: JOHN 9TUBER, ' per cent, 35c; total ................... 43.63 City Clerk. Price 1•er Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa,. . ..... Sewer 19 Engineer. E13th St. Maple St. E19th St. E15th St. SEWER Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In Maple S -r RECORD Pricy , ,' Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa. Sewer 19 Engineer. 36 2 ----------- Contractor. Resolved by the City 7ounell of 4he City of Dubuque, cent, 37c; Interest at 6 per c Bonita Melesner, East Du- extra expeuse at 2.521 per that to pay for constructing a sanitary In cent, 77c; Interest at 6 Per cent, 14c; teal ... .... _._.... . Du- 15.68 buque Add., Lot 328; man - sewer Ma. ple street from 13th street to 15th cent, 26c; total ...$ City of Dubuque, East Du- 31.38 Benita Meissner, East buque Add., Lot 320; man- holes and 51.2 Iin, ft. tile - mreep by IIhiric Co., co n• 1 tractors. buque Add., Lot 279; man• holes and 51.2 lin, ft• file pipe at $0.69279, $30.36; ex- tra expense at 2.521 or any In front or and adjoining the same, a special tax be and s holes and 51.2 lin, ft. the pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex- tra expense at 2.521 per - per cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per . hereby lewd on the several lots, rand parte Of lets, and parcels extra expense at 2.521'`"-"' p per cent, 77c; at 8 per 31.38 cent, 26c; total .._.... 31.38 J. H. Jacobson, East Du- Du - of real into hereinafter named, situate cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total p 31.38 cent, 26c; total ................. total ...... u'- Fred Schubert, East Du- buque Add., Lot 329; man- am owned, and for the several amounts eel appoelte . J. J. Nagle, East Dubuque bA.uque buque Add., N. of Lot holes and 51.2 lin, ft. the pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex. each or parcel parcel of real cation, as follows: Add•, Lot 280; manholes d% 321; manholes and Iin, tra expense at 2.521 Per s: Owner. Description. and 61.2 lin. Pt. file pipe at Pt. of tale pipe at $0.69279, 0.5 $15.18; . cent, 77c; interest ut 6 per Amount. $0.59279, $30.35; extra ex- extra expense at cent, 26c; total 31.38 City of Dubuque, East Du. buque Add., Lot 278; man. tra expense at 2.521 per cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per 2.621 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; total............ 15.69 Total$611.88 holes and 61.2 Iin. ft. file cent, 26c; total ...... ... _.................... 31.38 Joe Matoue, East Dubuque ......_.... 618.2 lin. Pt. fi inch til„ at f,5c. Pipe : t $0.59279, $30.36; J. J. Nagle, East Dubuque Add., S. % of Lot 321; per lin. ft........ Add., Lot 251; manholes manholes and 25.6 lin. ft. ._..$"".01.83 23 lin. ft, cast iron pipe at and 51.2 lin. ft. tole pipe at the pipe at $0.59279, $16.18; $4.50 per Ile. ft. 126.00 $0.59279, $30.35; extra ex• extra expense at 2.621 per _!..__....... _..... __.. Two manholes at $32.00 Per tra expense at 2.521 per cent, 37c; Interest at 6 per manhole per cent, 26c; total 31.38 ...........__................. Joe. Hammell, East Dubuque 16.69 ..cent, Interest at 8 per cent....._.....__._r 6.13 ...... ..........- Amelia Hoffmann, East Du- Add., Lot 322; manholes Extra expense at 2.621 per cent 14.92 buque Add., Lot man- and 51.2 Iin, ft. tole pipe nt .._........_...__ . ............ --"'"'" _ holes and 61.2 ]in. ft. file n. $0.59279, $30.35; extra ex- tri expense at 2.621 Total ................ _...- ... ........... .. ... __$611.88 pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex- per cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per All of which is nsaessed in pro- tra expense at 2.621 P per cent, 62c; total ... .................. 31.38 portion to the special benedts cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per Mary F. Matoue, East Du• Eas323; conferred. cent, 26c; total .......................... ... ._ 31.38 buque Add., Lot man- Councilman Bristle moved the adop. Donald Huntoon, East Du. holes and 61.2 tn, ft. the tion the Seconded buque Add., Lot 283; man• pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex- hby ci Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the Gabriel. e holes and 61.2 lin. ft. the tra expense at 2.521 per following vote: Pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex. cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per Yens -Mayor Alderson, Council- tra expense at 2.521 per cent, 26c; total ----.--qu 31,35 men Brede, Gabriel. Schrempf. cent, 57c; interest at 6 per * David Sleeken, East Dubuque Nays -None. cent, 26c; total ...._ ..............._.......e 31.38 Add., Lot aft. manholes 4; Absent -Councilman Melchior. Anna Stumpf, East Dubuque and tin. ft. file pipe at Adopted September 15th. 1924. Add., Lot 2ft. manholes 279, $30.36; extra ex- Approved September 16th. 1924. and 61,2 li¢, ft. file pipe at tra e79, ora expense at 2.621 per JAMES ALDERSON. $0.59279, $30.35; extra ex- cent, 77c; interest at 6 per Mayor. tra expense at 2.521 per cent, 26c; total ................ _ .... ...... 31.38 L. BRE H. L. HBREDF., ' , cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per ... Jos. Studier, East Dubuque M cent, 26c; total ................................. 31.38 Add., N. % of Lot 325; Councilmen. Attest: JOHN $TUBER, Voelker Realty Co., East Du- manholes and 25.6 Iin, ft. Luque Add., S. % of Lot the Pipe at $0.59279, $16.18; City Clerk. - .• 285; manholes and 25.6 Ito. extra expense at 2.521 per ft. tole pipe at $0.59279, cent, 37c; interest at 6 per $15.17; extra expense at cent, 14c; total ._.............._....._.... 15.69 2.521 per cent, 37c; interest Ernest and Emma Hintz, East at 6 per cent, 14c; total..._.... 15.68 Dubuque Add., S. % of Lot Voeiker Realty Co., East Du- 325; manholes and 25.6 lin. buque Add., N. % of Lot Pt. the pipe at $0.59279. 285; manholes and 25.6 lin. $15.18; extra expense at ft. tole pipe at $0.59279, 2.521 Per cent, 37c; interest $15.17; extra expense at 2.521 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; total... ... 15.69 at 6 per cent, 14c; total......... 15.68 Barbara Sanner, East Du- buque Add,, Lot 326; man - Karl Fatka, East Dubuque holes and 61.2 lin. ft, tile Add., Lot 286; manholes Pipe at $0.59279, $30.35; ex. and 61.2 1111. ft. tile pipe at tra expense at 2.521 per $0.59279, $30.36; extra ex- cent, 77c; interest at 6 per pense at 2.521 per cent, 77c; interest at 8""" cent, 26c; total ....................... 31.38 26c; total ........... ............. 31.38 buque Add., Jesse Jellison, East Dubuquee Add., S. % of Lot Lot man - holes and 51.2 lin. ft. file 287; manholes and 25.6 lin, ft. pipe at $0.59279, $30.36; ex. tole Pipe at $0.59279, $15.17; tra expense at 2.621 per extra expense at 2.621 per cent, 77c; Interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total ._ .............................. 32.39 Pricy , ,' Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch Dubuque, Iowa. Sewer 19 Engineer. 36 2 Abbott St. Lowell St. Woodworth St. SEVER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructint In LOWELL ST Price 1-.'r Square Foot to Abutting Property,.. Incl: I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer Engineer. Contractor. Callnellman Brede moved that the rules he suspenrlml for the purpose ctumcr. Description. Amount. hotel and 50 ❑u. Pt. file 0 all'I tIC anyone Present an oppor- Chas. C. Wild, Busemen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 7; piP. nt .68918; $29.41; ex - it, Itv to aridress the Counril. Sec- manholes and g0 lin. Pt. file 40815, pipe at . tra expenee at 4.0843 per ended by Councilman Gabriel. Car, by $23,53; extra e pertcent, 20; interest at rfed the following vote: pense at 4.0843 pvr rent. totalx. ... 30,37 Freda Hagin, V, .4 - Mayor Alderson, Council• men Bro Is, Oabriel, 96c; interest at i; p, •r rout. Buseman's Sub. 1, No. 1, Lot 26; manholes es Melchior, S(hrempr. 20c; total .. $ 24.69 Chas. and lin. P2t. file pipe at and 5, No -None. C. Wild, Buscm¢n's Sub. No. 1, Lot 6; m¢nhalea $29.41; extra ex. Nobml y present had anything to and 40 lin. it. file Pipe at .59818, Pease at 4.0843 .per cent, $1.210; interest at 6 per say. Resolved by $23.53; extra expense at 4,0843 per cent, 96c; later. cent, 26c; total .._.._.................. 30.87 'Michael the Cft4 Cmmc(1 of the city of Dubuque, that to Pay for est at 6 per cent, 20c; total 29.69 Wild, Baseman's Sub. No. 1, Lot 27; manholes reustrartng a saaftary sewer in Frank Lochner, Buseman's Sub. No. and 60 Iia. Pt. the pipe at Lowell Street fmm Abbott street to 1, Lot 5; man. holes .58318, $29.41; extra ox- 11'omlworth street. hY Cook & Kean, rcutractors. in front and 40 ]in. ft. file Pipe at .58815, $23.53; extra pense at 4.0843 per cent, of and adjoin- Ing the same, a special tax be and expense at 4.0843 per rent, 96c; $1.20; interest at 6 per cent, 260; total 30.37 is hereby levied on the several Tots. and Iota, interest at 6 Per cent, 20c; total """`e a .... R. A. Dietrich, Baseman's. parte of and parcels of real rstnte herring fter . _...................... __..._ _ .. 24.69 Frank Lochner, Buseman's Sub. No. 1, Lot 23; man- named. situate and mined, and for the Sub' No. 1, Lot 4; man• holes and 40.25 lin. ft. file several nnmunts set opposite each lot or hates and 90 lin. Pt, file pipe pipe at .58818, $23.6G; ex- tra expense at 4.0843 Parcel of real estate, as follows: at .58313, $23.53; extra ex- per cent, 98c; interest at 6 per pense at 4.0843 per cent, 96c; interest at 6 per cent, cent, 20c; total ... ................. _.... 29.84 20c; total ........... ..._... .............. ... ...... - 24.69 Michael Wild, Buseman's Sub. ...ft......."._._............................._...._. Total $382.89 " No, 1, Lot 3; manholes and 333.7 lin. ft. 8 -inch file at 72c 40 Ila. ft. file pipe at .0 li $ft. t Per lin. ft. ...._......._._._...._...___._$274.82 Two manholes at $45.00 per Pence at 4,53; extra ex- 96c; interest at 6 Per cent, per cent, manhole ..................... _ ............ _.... 90.00 interest at 6 per cent ......... ..._..._.... 3.17 20c; total Extra expense at 4.0843 per ......... _.........-....... ..... ......... 24.69 Michael Wild, Buseman's Sub cent ...................................__............... 14.90 . No, 1, Lot 2; manholes and •• Total 40 Bn. ft. the pipe at .58818, $23.65; extra at ............ ........_...... _..... ..__.....$332.89 All of which is assessed to pro. ' pense at 4.0843 per cent, portion to the special beno0ta 96c; Interest at 6 per cent, conferred. 20c; total "'""-"" `-"-- ----- 24.69 MichNciael W11d, Buseman's Councilman Breda moved the adoption of the resolution. Second. Sub. No. 1, Lot 1; manholes and ed by Councilman Melchior. Car - 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at rfed by the following vote: .58818, $23.53; extra ex- Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council - Pense at 4.0843 per cent, then Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Sebrempf. 96c; interest at 6 per cent, Nays 21c; total -Buse ---...... 24.69 -None. Ich- Gustave Deltrich, Baseman's Approved October 20th, Sub. No. 1, Lot 22; man- 91924. Adopted October 20th, 1924. 24. holes and 0 lin. ft. tile Approved: JAMES Pipe at. 881S, $29.41; ex. ALDERSON, penesat 4.0843 Per cent, $1.20; interest at 6 May r. L. H. BREDE, per cent, 26c; total30 THEO. GABRIEL. ......... .............._.... _.....-. 87 Gustve Dietrich, Buseman's ED. SCHREMPF. H. G. MELCHIOR, Sub. No, 1, Lpt 23; man- hales and 60 lin. Councilmen. ft. the pipe at .58818, $29.41; ex- Attest: JOHN STUCoun Pease at 4.0843 per cent, City Clerk. $1.20; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total ... ...... ...................._.......__ 30.87 - Gustave Deltrich, Baseman's Sub. No. 1, Lot 24; mau• holes and 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at .58818, $29.41; ex- - tra expense at 4.0843 per cent, $1.20; interest at 6 per cent, 46c; total ................... 30.87 Gustave Deltrich, Buseman's Sub. No. 1, Lot 26; man- ' Price 1-.'r Square Foot to Abutting Property,.. Incl: I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer Engineer. O'Neill St. Brunswick St. Burden St. SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructin' Inch In O'Ne l _ ----------- Contractor. Dubuque, Iowa, Joseph J. Frommelt, O'Neill's River View Add., Lot 24; Minnie Moritz, O'Neill's Riv. Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., manhole. and 60 Rn. Pt. file er View Add., Lot 36; manholes and 50 lin. ft. the Lot 111; manhole. and 50 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., 1 PIP e at .844764., $42.24; ex- tra expense at 3.91836 per Pipe at .844764c, $41.24; ex- tra expense at 3.91836 per lin. ft, file Pipe at .844754., $42.24; extra expense at 3.91836 Lot 94; manholes and 50 lin. ft. the Pipe at .844754c, cent, $1.86; interest at 6 cent, $1.66; interest at 6 per per cent, $1.68; in- terest $92.24; extra expense at ' per cent, 37c; total .................... 44.28 cent, 37c; total .......ill'..... sass.... 44.27 at 6 ppr cent, 36c; total 3.91838 Per cent, $1.68; In. er Lawther, O'Neill'. Riv- er View Add., Lot 25; Gus Schrock, O'Neill's Riv- 49,26 .._"...."" "-""' dd Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., terest at 6 per cent, 3"x; total .__... man. holes and 41.4 Ila. ft. the er View Add., Lot 35; Lot 110; manholes and 50 _.............. 44.20 pipe at .844754., $34.96; ex- manholes and 50 Ila. ft. the pipe at .844754c, $41.24; ex- lin. ft. the pipe at ,844754c, $42.24; _ Total ..............._.............. -$1667.30 Resolved by the City Council of tra expense at 3.91838 Per cant, $1.36; Interest tra expenae at 3.91836 per extra expense at 3.91836 Per cont, $1.88; In- 1117 lin. tt. file ate' lin ft $1.16 ter the City of Dubuque: That to pay at 6 per can 31c; total 36.G3 cent, $1.66; Interest at 8 per P terest at 6 per cent, 36c; .............$c......... 4 manhole. at .,0.110 each $12D5.72 200.00 for constructing a sanitary sewer in O'Neill street from Burden street to ---- m. Lawther, O'Ne26; Riv- er Vlew Add., _.... cent, 87c; total ___............ 44.27 H. F. W. Kruse, O'Neill's total __..............._.......... ......_._...........- 49.26 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Interest nt 6 Per cent ..._ 12.97 Extra expensr, Brunswick street and in Brunswick Lot 28; man. holes and 41.4 lin. 1t. file River View Add., Lot 34; Lot 109; manholes and 50 nt 3.91 R::fi poi• cent "`---- .treat from Edith street to O'Neill .tree[ by Edmund A. Linehan, con- pipe at .844764., $34.96; ex- manholes and 60 lin. ft. file pipe at .844754x, $41.24; ex. $RD.42 ft. file pipe at 4 $42.24; 68.81 _ rnctor, in front o[ and adjoining the tra expense .t 3.fl1S36 per cent, $1.36; interest at 8 tra a expense at 3.91836 per extra expenae ¢t expense t 3.91836 Per cent, $1.66; in- sass._. __ ._sass _. Total ...........__. ....$1687.30 All of which le assessed In same, n Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, Per cent, 31c; total ............... 36.63 cent, $1.66; Interest at 6 per cent, 36c; total 44,20 terest at 6 Per cent, 36c; total pro - Portion to the special benefit con. and Part. of Lot., and Parcels of Wm. Lawther, O'Neill'. Rlv- er Vtew Add., Lot 27; man• sass _........ _.. H. F. W. (Cruse, O'Neill's ...__..........._...._. _......... 44.LPi Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., ferred. Approved Oct. 30th, 1924. Real Estate hereinafter named, sit- holes and 40 lin. Pt. file River View Add., Lot 33; Lot 108; manholes and 50 Adopted October 30th, 1924. unto and owned, and for the several Pipe at .844764c, $33.78; ex- manholes and 60 lin. ft. file lin. ft. file pipe at .844754., JAMES ALDERSON, amounts opposite each Lot or Par. cel of Real Estate, as follows: tra expenae ¢t 3.91836 per Pipe .t .844754c, $41.24; ex. tra expense at 3.91836 $42.24; extra expense P ase at Mayor. Owner Description Amount cent, $1.31; Interest at 6 Par cent, 29c; total 35.38 per cent, $1.66; interest at 6 per 3.91838 per cent, $I.86; in- terest at 6 Per cent, 36c; L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, Joseph J. Welty. O'Neill', River View Add., Lot 18; ..................... Peter le Kies, Belmont Add., cent, 36c; total ............................... 44.26 H. F. W. I{ruse, O'Neill's total 44.26 ....... .. .' EP.' 9CHREMPF, manholes and 50 lin. ft. Lila Lot 88; manholes and 60 River View Add., Lot 32; Charlotte & Chas. Finzel, Be]. IL G. MELCHIOR, plPo at .844754., $92.29; ex- tra expense at 3.91836 ]ta. [t. the pipe at .844754., $42.24; extra expense at P manholes and 60 ]in. ft. file at mont Add.. Lot 107' man- holes FMd 50 Ila, ft, the pipe P P Councilmen. Attest: JOHN TUBER, per rent. $1.65, Interest at 6 3.91886 per cent, $1.66; In. Pipe .844754c, $41.24; ex- tra expense at 3.91836 per at .844764.. $42.24; extra ex- City Clerk. per cent, 37c; total .....sass$ 44.26 terest at 6 per cent 37c; total 4437 cent, $1.66; interest at 6 per Pense at 3.91836 per cent, $1.66; interest at 6 Joseph J. W.ItY, O'Neill',h," N River Vlew Add., Iwt[ 19; ......... Peter H Kersch, Belmont cent, 36e; total .....__...-.,.R .. 44.26 Fred E. Kruse, O'Neill', Riv- per cent, 38c; total sass, 44.26 - manholes and 50 lin. ft, ills Add., Lot. 89; manholes and er View Add., Lot 31; Etta Rlcheson, Belmont Add., PIPe at .844764c, $4'1.24; ex. 60 lin. ft, the pipe at manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile Lot 118; manholes and 50 tra expense at 3.91836 per •844754c, $42.24; extra ex. pipe at .844754c, $42.24; ex- lin. ft. We pipe at .844754c, cont, $165; Interest at 6 Pense at 3.91836 per cent, $1'66; Interest tra expense at 3.91836 per $42.24; extra expense at per cent, 37c; total ._............... 44.26 Joseph at 6 per cent, 37c; total ................................___ 44.27 cent, $1.66; Interest at 6 per cent, 36c; 3.91836 per cent, $1.66; In. r terest at 6 cent, J. WeItY. O'Nelll's River View Add., Lot 20; Joseph Weiner, Belmont Add.. Lot 90; manholes total ..._.._..............._..... 44.26 Fred E. Kruse, O'Neill's Riv. er View per -860; total ..................... ..._................ 44.26 Thos. manholes and 50 Tin. ft. tine Pipe at .844754., $42.24; ex• and 50 lin• ft. the pipe at .844754c, Add., Lot 30; manholes and 41.4 Ila. ft. Reilly, Beldrant Add., Lot 117; manholes and 50 tra expense at 3.91836 per $42.24; extra expense at tile Pipe at .844754c, $42.24; lin. it. the pipe at .844754c, cent, $1.6r,; Interest at 6 3,91836 per cent, $1.66; in- extra expense at 3.91836 per $42.24; extra expense at per cent, 37e; total ._....._.... 41,26 terest at 6 per cent, 37c; cent, $1.36; interest at 6 per 3.91836 Per cent, $1.66; In. F• W. (Goethe, O'Neill'e total .... ._.._......_................................... 44.27. cent, 31c; total .._............. ...._ 36.63 terest at 6 per cent, 36c; River View Add., Lot 21; Katy Weiner Belmont Add., -al• Fluckiger & F. O. Jacob .......... .. ... _ total _ 44 2G mm holee and 50 lln, ft. the Lot 92; manholes and 50 son, O'Neill's River View Alfred Meyer, Belmont Add., PIPe at .844754e, $42,24; ex. lln• ft. tile pipe at .844751., Add., Lot 29; manholes and Lot 135; manholes and 50 tra expense at 3.915311 per $42,24; extra expense at 41.4 lin. ft. tile Pipe at lln, it. We Pipe at cent, $1.66; interest at 6 .Per eu• cent, 37c; total 3.91836 Per cent, $1.66; In- terest at 6 Per cent, 37c; •844754c, $34.96; extra ex. Pense at 3.91536 Per cent, .844754c, $42.24; extra expense at 3.91836 44.26 Jo,eph J. Frommeit O'Neill's total -... _ - - "" " 44.27 $1.36; interest at 6 per cent, per cent, $1.66; In - terest at 6 Per cent, 3Gc; z. River View Add., Lot 22; Mrs. M. liuntz. O'Neill's- 22; 31c; total -------- 36.63 total _.. _.. _.............. 44.26 manholes and 5a lin ft River Vicw Add., Lot 38; H. G. Russel, O'Neill's River Geo. F. Jansen, Belmont Add„ Pipe at .844754,, $42.24; ex- n'a expense at 3.91836 manholes and 50 lin. ft. tie Pipe .t •844754c, $41.24; View Add., Lot . t1 man- holes and 90 lin. ft. file Lot 138; manholes and 60 lin. ft. .per cent, $1.65; Interest at G ex- tra expense at 3.91836 per Pipe at .844754c, $33.78; extra ex. tile pipe at .844764c, $42.24; extra expense Dar rent, 37c; total .. ...._....-_.. 44.26 Jo.oph J. Fromm cent, $1.66; interest at 6 per cent, 37c; total 44 sasst.. Pease at 3.91836 Per Dent, $1.31; interest at 6 per cent, at 3.91836 per cent, $1.66; In- terest 6 ' 0j.,, O'Neill'. 27 _..........eill. River View Add., Lot 23; Peter Est. O'Neill's 29c; total ...... ---• - - 35.:;5 at per cent, 36c; total ................................_ 44.26 U and 50 lln, file PIPe at .894754,, $42.24; r View River es a Add., Lot 37; manholes and ft. Geo. A. Hurden, Belmont Add., Lot 112; manholes and 60 sass _ sass... Kate Weiner, Belmont Add., Lot 41 ex- tra expenae at 3.91838 Por file c, 41 $41.24; e pipe at •nse lin. ft, the pipe at .844754c, $42.24; 91; manholes and 26 lin, file pipe at 4 cent, $1,65; ;merst at 6 per cent, 37x, a., tra expense at 3.91838 per r cent, $1,66; interest extra expense at 3.91836 Per cent, $1,66; In- 2 $21.12; extra expenae at expense t tote ._.. v 44.26 at 6 per cent, 37c; total Per cent, 36c; 3.91886 per cent, 82c; In. sass ...................... 44.27 terest ,_nt,,,,g_.. . ........ ........ _.... .............. 44.26 terest at 8 total ......_..........Per cent, 19c; _ ............. - 22.13 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. I Certify That the Above is Correct. 1;vlvel- 19 Engineer. 38 Brunswick St. Balke St. Groveland Burden St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In Grov e l o-v►d _ 5t. SEWER RECORD Inch _-____Contractor. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, K Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer .19. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. 94 11r. $1,17; interest at 6 pm cent, terest at 6 per cent, 66c; 65c; total...J........................................ 66.19 total ..__.._....... .......... ............ ............... . 66.19 - Schueller & Herber, Sub. lot 1 Joseph Weiner, Belmont Add., of 145 Burden & Lowther Lot 86; manholes and Wile. c Add., Lot 1; manholes and ft. tale pipe at $1.28924, .I- 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at 64.46; extra expense at $1.28924, $64.47; extra ex- 1.81268 per cent, $1.17; in. pense at 1.81468 per cent, terest at 6 per cent, fisc; $1.17; interest at 6 per cent, total ._ ........................................... 66.19 66c; total ................................... ..... 66.19 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Prank Schueller, Sub. lot 1 - Lot 84; manholes and 50 11n. of 145 Burden & Lowther ft. the pipe at $1.28924, Add., Lt 2; manholes and 64.46, extra exp.^nse at 60 fin. ft. tile pipe at 1.81268 per cent, $1.17; in - $1.28924, $64.47; extra ex- terest at 6 per cent, 66c; Pens. at 1.81268 per cent, total -_.._.......-.......... _..... ....................... 66.19 $1.17; interest at 6 per cent, Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., 56c; total _....._ _..__............... - 66.19 Lot 33; manholes and 50 lin. Frank Schueller, Sub. lot 1 ft. tile pipe at $1.28924. of 145 Burden & Luwther 64.46: extra axpcnse at Add., Lot 3; manholes and 1.81268 per cent, $1.17; In - 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at terest at 6 per cent, 56c; $1.28924, $6447; extra ex- total _ ........... .......... ..........._._._..... 66.19 pense at 1.81268 per cent, J. P. Diver, Belmont Add , $1.17; interest at 6 per cent. Lot 32; manholes and 50 lin. 66c; total .......-........_........ ... . . _ ._ . 66.19 It. the pipe at $1.28924. Christopher Jacobi. Sub. lot 1 6,4.46; extra expruse of of 145 Burden & Lawther 1.81268 per cent, $1.17; In - Add., Lot 4; manholes and terest at 6 per cent, 56c; 50 lin. ft. the pipe at total __-_ .............._- .................... ......_... 66.19 $1.28924, $64.47; extra ex- Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add.. pause at 1.51268 per cent,, Lot 83; manholes and 50 lin. $1.17; Interest at 6 per cent, ft. tile pipe at $1.28921. 56c; total .......... .......................... 66.19 64.46; extra expense at A. & E. Gadient, Sub. lot 1 1.81268 per cent. $1.17; in - of 145 Burden & Lowther terest ;u 6 per cent, 66c; Add., Lot 5; manholes and total _..... _._._ _..... 66.19 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.28924, $64.47; extra ex- Total .$1023.02 pense at 1.81268 per cent, 666.4 It,,. ft. 6 inch silo at $1.17; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.30 per lin. ft. _$866.32 56c; total ....... .... ............ ........._... 66.19 2 manholes at $65.1'u per anul- A. & E. Gadient, Sub. lot 1 hole ......_........_......... ....... .............. . 130.00 Resolved by the City Council of of 145 Burden & Lowther Interest at 6 per cent 8.63 the City of Dubuque: That to pay Add.. Lot 6; manholes and Extra expense at 1.81268 par for constructing sanitary sewer in 50 lin. ft. the pipe at cent .._....... ................ - ...... ....._.__.__... 18.07 Groveland street from Burdon street $1.23924, $64.47; extra ex - to Brunswick street, by Cook & pense at 1.81268 per cent, Total .. ..................... .............$1023.02 Kenn, contractor, in front of and ad- $1.17; interest at 6 per cent, All of which is assessed in pro - Joining the same, a Special Tax be 56c; total ..._... ........ .................... 66.19 portion to the special benefits con - and is heroby levied on the several Geo. A. Burden, Sub. lot 1 ferred. Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of 145 Burden & Lowther Approved October 30th, 1924. of heal Estate hereinafter named, Add.. Lot 7; manholes and Adopted October 30th, 1924. actuate and owned. [Intl fo; the sev- eral amounts set opposite each Lot 50 lin. ft, file pipe at $1.28924, $64.47; extra ex - JAMES ALDERSON, or Parcel of Real Estate, as fol- pause at 1.81268 Per cent, Mayor. lows: interest a1. 6 per cent, L. IJ. BREDE, Owner Description Amount 56c; 68c; total ......_....Sol,_ ................. . 86.19 THEO. GABRIEL, John Brander, Geo. A. Burden, Sublot 1 F.D. SCHREMPF, Burden & Law. of 145 Burden Luwther H. G. MELCHIOR, then Add., Lot 119; man- Add., Lot man manholes and Councilmen. holes and 60 tin. ft. file pipe 29,8 lin. 4t. We pipe at ft Attest: JOHN STUBER, at $1,28924, $64.47; extra ex- $1.28924, $29.40; extra ex- Clty Clrrk Pense at 1.81268 per cent, $1,17; interest pense at 1.81268 per cent, _ at 6 per cent, 55c; total file; Interest at 6 per cent, _._..1..........$ 66.19 26c; total .......... 30.17 Geo. A. Burden, Burden & Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Luwther Add.. Lot 120; man- Lot 85; manholes and 50 lin. holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe ft, tile pipe at. $1.28924. at $1,28924, $64,47; extra ex- 64.46; extra expense at pense at 1.81268 per cent, 1.81268 per cent, $1.17; In - Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, K Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer .19. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. 94 11r. Balke St. Goethe St. Burden St. Lawther St. SEWER RECORD 40 Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. In Bnike St. Contractor. Inch. Dubuque, Iowa,. Sewer 19 constructing a sanitary se4r in Lawther street from Burden street to Balks street, and In Baike street from Lawther street to Groveland street, by Uhlrich-Paley Co., contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. Otto Ulrich, Belmont Add., Lot 18; manholes and 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.29109, $64.56; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, 56c; total _..._........._........__...._.___$ 67.66 Geo, A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 19; manholes and 50 Ila. it. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; In- terest at 6 per cent, 58c; tocol........................ __.__........__.. 67.56 Temple Security Co., Bel- mont Add, Lot 20; man- holes and 50 lin. ft. Ole pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; interest at 6 per cent, 56e; total . 67.56 Arthur Lippstock, Belmont Add., Lot 21; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; Interest at 6 per cent, 56c: total ....___.. .__._.._..... 67.66 Geo. A. Barden. Belmont Add., Lot 22; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1,29100, 864.05; extra expense at 3.78854, $2.44; Interest at 6 per rent. 57e; total ..................... 67.56 Geo. C. Goebel. Belmont Add., Lot 23; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile plpe at $1.29109, $84.55: extra expense at 3.70854 ner cent, 52.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total._..........__ ......... ........................ 67.56 Floyd Moore. Belmont Add.. Lot 24; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.20109. 864.55: extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; total..... _.............._.._..._............_ _.... 67.56 Peter Bartonik, Belmont Add., Lot 25; manholes and 60 Iia. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.65! extra expense at 3.78804 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per oent, 57c; total .. 67.66 Peter Bartonik, Belmont Add., Lot 26; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra expense at 8.78864 per cent, $2.44; In- terest at 6 per cetn, 57c; total_......___._.__....._......_.........._... Thos. S. Smith, Belmont Add., Lot 27; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109. $64.55; extra , expense at 3.78864 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total_ ................................_ Thos. Straub, Belmont Add., Lot 28; manholes and 50 lin. ft, tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra expense at 3.78854, $2.44; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ................... Clarence Thorp, BelmontlAdd., Lot 29; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total . Joseph Sitterly, Belmont Add., Lot 30; manholes and 50 lin. ft. Ole pipe at $1.29109, $64.55; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total__ ............................... _......._.....__.. Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 31, manholes and 50 lin. ft. file pipe at $1.29109, $84.50; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; In- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total----..__...-_._..._......._..........._ Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 34; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, 064.55; extra expense at 3.78854 per rent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; total..._.......................... ......................_.... Louisa Scharff, Belmont Add., Lot 35; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $84.55; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 57c; total_ _.........__........... Geo. A. Burden. Belmont Add., Lot 36; manholes and 60 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.29109. 3.78854 per cent, $2.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; $64.55; extra expense at totel . ................................ ...._ Joseph Weiner, Belmont Add., Lot 37: manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.56: extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, 02.45; In- terest at 6 per cent, 55c; total.................... _............. _....................... Theo. Becke, Belmont Add., T.nt 98: manholes and 50 Ila. ft.. the nine at $1.29109. $64.56; extra expense at 3.78854 per cant, $2.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, 55r; total .........._.......... _... Geo. J. Holmes, Belmont Add., Lot 39; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, 67.56 $64.66; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; in- terest .at 6 per cent, 55c; total.................................... ........_........... Joseph Feaster, Belmont Add., Lot 40; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, 67.56 $64.56; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, 55c; total.........._.................................................. Wm. H. Beeves, Belmont Md., Lot 41; manholes and 67.66 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.29109, 864.56; extra ex- pense at 3.78864 per cent, 82.45; interest at 6 per cent, 66; total ..._............_......__..._. Arthur M. Riehl, Belmont Add., Lot 42; manholes and 67.56 50 lin. ft. the pipe at $1.29109, $64.56; extra . ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; interest at 6 per cent, 67.56 67.56 67.66 67.56 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont .Add., Lot 43; manhole sand 50 lin. 67.56 ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.56; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.46; In- terest at 6 per cent, 65c; total..........._....._.._ ...................._ _ _... _...... 67.66 Geo. Schmid, Jr., Belmont Add., Lot 44; manholes and 67.56 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.66; extra ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; interest at 6 per cent, 55c; total ._......._......_..............._..._ 67.56 Julius A. Abitz, Belmont Add„ Lot 45; manholes and 50 67.56 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.66; extra expense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, 55c; total. ..................__._........... _...... 67.56 Welker Realty Co., Delmont Add., Lot 46; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.56; extra ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; interest at 6 per cent, 55c; total .. 67.56 .Anton Beitzei, Belmont Add., Lot 47; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe pt $1.29109, $64.56; extra expense at 3.78854, $2.46; interest at 6 per cent, 55c; total ______ ......... 67.66 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 48; manholes and 50 67.56 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.29109, $64.56; extra expense at 3.78864 per cent, $2.45; in- terest at 6 per cent, 55c; total . Frank Robinson, Belmont Add., Lot 49; manholes and 67.56 50 lin. ft. the pipe at 67.56 67.56 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. 67.66 $1.29109, $64.56; extra ex- pense at 3.78854 per cent, $2.45; Interest at 6 per cent, 56c; total ............_._...._..... _......... _.... 67.56 Total ....................._.._.................._..._..$2,026.80 777 lin, ft. 6 -inch tile at $1.66 .....__--_ -..._._...._...._.$1,282.05 275.6 Inn. ft, 8 -inch tile at $1,66 _._...-'-_-.____.__...._....._.._ 464.58 Four manholes at $50.00.._.. 200.00 Interest at 6 per cent..._..._........ 16.80 Extra expense at 3.78854 per cent_ ..............._.._........................_..._.__ 73.37 Total .............................._...__...........$2,026.80 All of which is assessed In pro- portion to the apecial benefits conferred. Adopted November 17th, 1924. Approved November 17th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRJEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Prescott St. Lincoln Ave. Hamilton St. Decator St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In" re9cd to.v.J Il alrot t'6. Iteselved by the City Council „r nye city of Dubuque: Thal to pay for constructing sanitary sewer in Decatur street from Lincoln aven- ue to Prescott street and in Pre.s- eolt street front Hamilton street to n point about 250 feet south of Decatur street by Uhirich-Paley Co., contractor, In front nf nt,! adjoin- ing the same. a Spreinl Tax he and is hereby lewd on the several Lots, rind Ports of Lots. and Par - eels of Real Estate hereinafter mailed, situate and owned, and for :lie several amounts set opposite 'itch Let of Parcel of Real Estate, et follows: 'lamer Description .Amount 'hos. Rank Jr., Ham's Add., Lot 505; manholes and 50 lin. ft, the pipe at .927236c. / $46.36; extra expense at 1.68324 per rant, 73c; In- forest mforest at 6 per cent, 40e: total 47.49 -Jacob Hefty, Ham's Add., Lot 584; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $69.34; extra expense at 1.68324 per 'rent, 94c; In- terest et 6 per rent, 62c; total................. _..... Fred E. Sanders, Hari s Add., Lot 583; manholes and 60 11n. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $46.36; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 73c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 40c; total...... ___................................_........ Phoebe Smith, Ham's Add., Lot 582; manholes and 50 lit. ft. tile pipe at .9272360, 846.36; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 73c; in- terest at 6 per cent. 40c; total.. _........ ........................._. Albert Groff, Hem's Add.. Lot 531; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $46.36; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 73c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 40c; total........................................................ Voelker Realty Co., Ham's Add., Lot 580; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .9272360, $46.36; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 73c; interest at 6 per cent, 400; total .........._ ......................._ . Ed. E. Gau, Ham's Add., N. t/s Lot 579; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $23.18; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 37c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 20c; total... Edwin E. Fengler Est., Ham's Add., S. Lot 579; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $23.18; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 200; total .._.. ....................................... Henry Winders, Ham's Add., Lot 578; manholes and 50 lin. ft. the pipe at .9272360, $46.36; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 73c; in- terest at 6 per cent. 40c; total. _......................................... . Lela M. Bauer, Ham's Add., N. E. 48 ft. Lot 577; man- holes and 48 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $44.51; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 70e; interest at 6 per cent, 38c; total .- ........................._....._. Frank Ulrich Sanders, Ham's Add., S. W. 2 ft. Lot 577; manholes and 2 ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $1.85; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 3c; interest at 6 per cent, 2c; total 60.80 47.49 47.49 47.49 47.49 23.75 23.75 47.49 45.59 1.90 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER RECORD 41 Contractor. Frank Ulrich Sanders, Hants Add., N. E. 48 ft. Lot 576; manholes and 48 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $44.51; ex- tra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 70c; interest at 6 per Geo. F. Scherrer, Ham's Add., S. E. 2 ft. Lot 576; manholes and 2 ft. tile pipe at .9272360, $1.85; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 3c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 2c; total. Geo. F. Scherrer, Sub. lot 575 Hams Add., Lot 6; man- holes and 32 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $29.68; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 47c; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total _.. F. L. Schubert, Sub. lou ('.- Ham's Add., Lot 4; man- holes and 76.25 lin. ft. 1110 pipe at .9272360, $70.71; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, $1.13; interest at 6 per cent, 610; total_ .............. Cath. McLean, Sub. lot 3 of lot 575 Ham's Add., Lot 1; man- holes and 75 lin. ft. tile pipe at .9272360, 369.54; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, $1.10; interest at 6 per cent, 61c; total ....... 71.25 Julia Sinholdt, Sub. lot 3 of lot 575 Ham's Add., Lot 2; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $23.18; ex- tra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total . _.... _.. ..... 23.75 Clarence Curtis, Sub. N. E. lly of lot 2 of lot 375 Ham's Add., Lot 2; manholes and 25 lin. ft. the pipe at .9272360, $23.18; ,extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 40c; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total . ..... 23.75 Tillie Trentz, Sub. lot 575 Ham's Add., S. W. 130 ft. of S. W..l Lot 2; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236e, $23.18; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total .__ 23.75 Herman Gan. Sul. lot. 571 Ham's Add.. 5. 16. 125 ft. Lot 2; 'manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .927236c, $23.18; extra expense at 1.68324 per cent, 37c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ........... _.. _._ 23.75 Geo. Lasser, Sub. lot 1 L. Co- ta's Place, Lot 2; manholes and 32 lin. tt. tile pipe at .927236c, $29.68; extra ex- pense at 1.68324 per cent, Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and he 10 hereby instructed to Bell said bonds in the manner provided for in Section 846 of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds 45.59 of said sale to be kept in a special Lund to be known as Sewer Fund. Be itfurther resolved that the in- terest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the nae-siulile sig- nature of the Mayor and counter - 1.90 signed with the fac-simile signature of the City Clerk. Adopted October 27th, 1924. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, 30.41 THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STIJBER, City Clerk. ' Councilman Bredo moved the ad - 72.45 option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19.... I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Curlis York St. Dodge St. South Booth Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing.. In Curt; e* y o v 1C SEWER RECORD Contractor. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in York street from Dodge street to Curtis street and in Curtis street from 8. Booth street to Cora street (formerly Exchange street), by Uhl - rich -Paley Co., contractors, In front of and adjoining the same, a special tux be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of nreal named, situate and owned, estate rand ffor the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as • follows: Owner. Description. Amount. -Jahn Bernsden, Sub. Lot 2 of 5 pt. M. L. 149, Lot 2; man. boles and 80 lin. ft. the Wye at 51.31211, 5104.97; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $3.24; Interest at 6 per 0501, 90c; total . ....5109.11 Mary II. and Anna C. Farrell, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 12; manholes and 200 lin. ft. the pipe at 51.31211, 5262.43; extra expense at 8.08172 per cent, 58.09; in- terest at 6 per cent, $2.27; total . 272.79 Louise M. Harran, Sub. Min. Lot 149, N. 150 ft. of Lot 4; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.31211, $15.61; ex, tra expense at 3.08172 pe cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ._....._.......... (8.20 Nellie McConnell, Sub. Min. Lot 149, S. 60 ft, of Lot 4; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.31211, 565.81; ex- tra expense at 3:08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ........_........_ 68.20 Thos. Downes, Sub. Lot 2 of 13 M. L. 149, Lot 2; man- holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 1.31211 per cent, $65.61; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 570; total ...... 68.20 Jos. Downes, Sub. Lot 2 of 13 M. L. 149, Lot 1; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.31211, $65.61; extra ex- tra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total _....._........._ (8.20 Thos, Downes, Sub. Lot 1 of 13 M. L. 149, Lot 2; man- holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.31211, 565.61; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total .... ..............................._....... 68.20 Margt. Hamel, Sub. Lot 1 of 13 M. L. 149, Lot 1; man- holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.31211, $65.61; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent. $2.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total .. .. ...................... 68.20 Patrick Scanlon, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 14; manholes and 100 lin. ft. tile• pipe at , 51.31211, $131.20; extra ex- pense at 3.08172 per cent, $4.04; interest at 6 per cent, $1.14; total ._.._..._ ..................._...._... 136.38 Patrick Scanlon, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 15; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.31211, 565.61; extra ex- tra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total .._...._._...._...._....... 68.20 Wm. J. Weber and M. Mlles, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 22; manholes and 162.917 11n. ft. tile pipe at $1.31211, $213.76; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $6.60; interest at 6 per cent, $1.85; total .............................. 222.21 Sarah R. McCarron Est., Sub., Min Lot 149, Lot 23; man- holes and 108.583 lin. ft. the pipe at 51.31211, 5142.46; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $4.40; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.23; total.......................... 148.09 Rodger McPoland, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 24; manholes and 100 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.31211, $131.20; extra ex- pense at 3.08172 por cent, $4.04; interest at 6 per cont, 51.14; total ........................................... 136.38 John Murphy, Sub. MIs. Lot 149, S. IA Lot 9; manholes and 100 lin. ft. the pipe at 51.31211, $131.20; extra ex- pense at 3.08172 per cent, $4.04; interest at 6 per cent, 51.14; total .............._.........__.............. 136.38 John Murphy, Sub. Min. Lot 149, Lot 10; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.31211, $65.61; extra ex- pense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ...................... .........._..... 68.20 Mary J. & Anna C. Parra Sub. Min. Lot 149. Lot 11; manholes and 100 linft. the pipe at $1.31211, 5131.20; extra expense at 3.08172 per cent, $4.40; interest at 6 per cent, $1.14; total ..._._.._..._.._._ 136.38 I Chas. W. Broullette, Sub. Min. Lot 147, Lot 17; manhole9 and 50 lin. ft. tile pipo at $1.31211, $65.61; extra ex- pense at 3.08172 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total . 68.20 ............................_..........$1911152 1133.8 lin. ft. 6 in. tile at $1.24 per fi( manholes at $40.00 each 200.00 281.91 5 200.00 Previous cost of extending sewer in xork St. from Dodge St. .................. ................ 357'.00 Interest at 6 per cent .................. 15.94 Extra expense at 3 08172 per .............._..............._51911.52 All of which 1s assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Nov. 10th,924. Adopted Nov. 10th, Z,924. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. O. MELCHIOR, CounciAttest: JOHN STUBER meO, City Clerk. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Johnston St. Eagle Point Windsor Ave. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing InTr'ovidehee S t. SEWER RECORD Inch Contractor. Dubuque, Iowa, .. Ilennlved by the CIO, Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in Providence street from Johnson street north about 275 feet, by Uhl. rich -Paley Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a. special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and narcels of tate hreinter amed, real situateand owned, andlffor the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description, Gen. Pohl, Cook's Add., Lot mount. 32; manholes and 57.29 lin, ft. tile pipe at $1.23437, $70.71; extra expense at 2.69944 per cent, $1.90; in- terest at 6 per cent. 92c: 73.23 Louise Sanders and Wm. Dud - din, Cook's Add., Lot 81; manholes and 52.43 lin ft. tile pipe at $1,23437, $64.72; extra expense at 2.69944 per cent, $1.75; interest at 6 per rent, 56c; total ._..._.._.................. 67.03 John Leicht, Cook's Add., Lot 80; manholes and 52.43 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.23437, $64.72; extra expense at 2.60944 per cent, $1.75; In- terest at 6 per cent, 560; total .... _.......,... _... _..... 6 7.03 Eliz. Flecic, Cook's Arid., N. W. 5<. of Lot 79; 52.43 110. ft. tile pipe at $1.23437. 564.72; extra expense at 2.69944 per cent, $1.75; in- terest at 6 per cent, 56c; Total ..... _.......... _.. .. $274.32 299.8 lin. ft. 6 -Inch tile at 65c per lin. ft .............. ....... .........$194.87 Two manholes at $35.00 each 70.00 Interest at 6 per cent.. 2.30 Extra expense at 2.69944 per rent.............._......_..._...... ..... .... 7.15 Total ............... ._....._.._ ....$274.32 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits conferred. Approved October 27011, 1924. Adopted October 27th. 1924. JAMES ALDERSON. Mayor. L. H. BRUME, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF. H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STURER, Sewer 19_ Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. E29th St. E30th St. Pinnard St. E28th St. Elm St. r Estifnate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In 14nnara St-. Attest: JOHN STUBEIR, City Clerk, Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Breda. Carrled by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Bretle, Gabriel, Melchior, Srhrempt, Nays -None. Notice of publication, certified to by the publisher, of the City Coen - ell's Intention to levy a special as- sessment as provided by law to pay for the construction of a sanitary sewer In East 20th street from the alley first east of Elm street to Pln- nard street and In East 28th street from Elm street to Plnnard street and In Plnnard street from 24111 street to 30th street. presented. There being no remonstrance, Councilman Brede moved that the notice be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Srhrempf. Nays --None. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay! for constructing sanitary sewer in , East Twenty-sixth street from alley first east of Elm street to Plnnard street and in East Twenty-eighth street from EIm to Plnnard streets, from Twenty-sixth to Thirtieth streets, by Uhlrich-Paley Co., con- tractor, In front of and adjoining the saltie, a Special Tax be and is here- by levied on tie several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Owner Description Amount W. G. Tuegel, Sub. lot 2 of Sub. lots 52.53 & N. 22 Pt. of Lot 54, E. Langworthy Add., Lot 1; manholes and 49 lin. ft. the pipe at.565225e. 527.70; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total .$ 28.58 Geo. Sproasman, Sub. Lot 2 of Sub. lots 52.53 & N. 22 ft. of Lot 54, E. Langworthy Add., Lot 2; manholes and 56,5 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 531.94; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 74c; interest at 6 per cent, 27c; tbtal .. .................. .......... 32.95 Dub. Baseball & Amuse. Co., Glendale Add., Lot 282; man- holes and 46.7 lin. ft, tile pipe at •565225c, $26.40; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 61c; interest at 6 per Louie Vogt, E. Langwortby'e Add., Lot 87; manholes and 123.68 lin. ft. the pipe at 15662250,, $69.90; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 51.61; interest at 6 per cent, 60c; total ......................... ... Mrs. J. R. Flick Est., Glendale 72,1 Md., Lot 283; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, 528.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total - ........................... 29.11 John Schwaegler Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 284; manholes and 50 Ito. Pt. tile pipe at .565225c, 528.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total . ............................. 29.15 Realty Inv. Corp., Glendale Add., Lot 285; manholes and 50 11n. ft, tile pipe at .566225c, '528.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent, • 24c; total ................._....... .............. 29.15 Owen S. Brewer, Glendale Add., Lot 286; znanholes at and 60 Inn. ft. tale pipe at .665225c, 528.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ......_........_ ............................. 29.15 Caroline Krische, Glendale Add„ Lot 287; manholes and 50 lin. Pt. the pipe at .565225c, $28.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3064 per cent, 690; interest at 6 per cent, 24e; total .............._........ ............ 29.15 John & Kate Glaser, Glendale Add., Lot 288; manholes and 60 lin, ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 528.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent. 24c; total ................_................ 29.15 Elsa Eigenberger, Glendale Add., Lot 289; manholes and 50 inn. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3064 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cont. 240,; total ......__....._........ .. .......__.._ 29.15 Charles Kopp, Glendale Add.. Lot 290; manholes and 60 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c, $28.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ...............__..... ... .._.. Wm. J. Hennings, Glendale Add., Lot 291; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 64c; interest at 6 per cent, 19111111111117 SEWER RECORD Contractor. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Wm. J. Hennings, Glendale R. Add., Lot 292; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at .6652250,, $28.27; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; total .. ... 29.15 Edward & Anna Lonergan, Glendale Add., Lot 293; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.27; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 23c; total ... ........... ... 29.15 Frank Scherrer, Glendale Add., Lot 294; manhhotes and 51.5 lin. ft. 111e pipe at .565225c, $29.11; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 67c; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total 30.04 Frank E. Dodd, Glendale Add., Lot 210; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 528.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cont, 24c; total 29.15 Carl Busch, Glendale Add-, 'Lot 211; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe 0,t .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 650; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 Herman Kaufmann, Glendale Add., Lot 212; manholes lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent,'24c; total 29.15 A. F. Schultz, Glendale Add., Lot 213; manholes and 50 lin. 5'. tile pipe 01 .565225c, $28,26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 66c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 A. F. Schultz, Glendale Add., Lot 214; manholes and 50 tin. ft. the pipe at .5652250, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3,159 per cent, G5c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 Frank J. Frick, Glendale .Add., Lot 215; manholes and 50 Ito. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 John Meyers, Glendale Add., Lot 216; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at .566226c, 29.15 528.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at (I par cent, 24c; total 29.15 John Meyers, Glendale Add., Lot 217; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe. at .565225c, 528.26; extra expense at 29.16 2.3064 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Wm, Kollenberger Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 219; man- holes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 528.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total .._ ......................._....... E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. 3y Lot 219; man- holes and 26 lin. Pt. tile pipe at ,585225c, $14,13; extra ex- pense at 2.3064 " per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total .. Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. ala' Lot 219; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. 34 Lot 220; man- holes and 26 lin. ft. tile pipe at -566225c. $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total E. Langworthy Es B Y t.. Glendale Add., Und. ;y Lot 220; man- holes and 25 Inn. Pt. tile PiPe at .565225c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. 1/4 Lot 221; man- holes and 25 lin. Pt. the pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3059 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. t4 Lot 221; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total L. C. Koltenbach, Glendale Add., Lot 134; manhole)) and 50 110. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total L. C. Kaltenbach, Glendale Add„ Lot 135; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 528,28; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total John Elsenegger, Sub. 10t 1 of lot 146, Glendale Add., Lot 2; manhales and 50 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 650; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total - John P. Mueller, Sub. lot 1 of lot 146; Glendale Add., Lot 1; manholes and 60 lin. tt. tile pipe at .565225c, 529.26; extra expense at 2.3064 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ............................. 29.15 Fred & Rosa Licht, Sub. lot 1 of lot 147; Glendale Add., Lot 3; manholes and 50 lin. It. tile pipe at ,565225c, 28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 24c; 14.59 total ......... ........ • Fred & Rosa Licht, Sub. lot 1 of lot 147, Glendale Add„ Lot 2; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, 28.20; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; 41.- 14.59 tereet at 6 per cent, 24c; total......_............_._......._.__.......... Chris Fanslow, Sub- lot 1 of lot 197, Glendale Add., Lot 1; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 er cent, 65c; interest at 6 er cent, 24c; total ................. ....... Fred & Rosa Licht, . 9ub. N. of lot 148, Glendale Add., Lot 1; manholes and 50 lin. Pt. tile pipe at .565225c, 28.26; extra expense at 14.59 2.3054 per cent, 65c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 24c; total.._.._....._...__.. Chas. Fanslow, Sub, M. ya of lot 148, Glendale Add., Lot 1; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $28.26; 14.59 extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per Wm. & Chas Ellerman, Sub. S. % lot 148, Glendale Add„ Lot 1; manholes and 50 lin, Pt. tile pipe at .565225c, 14.59 28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 66c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ............... . ._. ...lot..1....of lot Anton Zapf, Sub. lot 1 of lot 149; Glendale Add., Lot 3; manholes acd 50 lin. 1t. 29,15 tile pipe, at .565225e, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per Anton Zaph. Sub. lot 1 of lot 149;, Mondale Add., Lot 2: manholes and 50 lin. ft. 29.15 the pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3064 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per 14.59 Anna Scher, Sub. lot 1 of lot 149, Glendale Add., Lot 1; manholes and 60 Ila ft. 2:116 the pipe at .565225c, $28.26; 3 extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ............................ Henry & Clara Grobstick, West View Sub., Lot 24; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile 29.15 pipe at .565225c, $14.13; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total ......................_.. Henry & Clara Grohstick, West View Sub., Lot 23; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile 20 16 pipe at .565225c, 514.13; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per cent, 130,; total .................. ........ Jos. J. Nicks, West View Sub., Lot 22; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; inter - 29.15 eat at 6 per cent, 13c; total 14.59 Jos. J. Nicks, West View Sub., Lot 21; manholes and 25 lin, ft. tile pipe at .665225c, 814.13; extra expense at 2.3054 Per cent 33c; inter- est nt, 13c; 29.15 Jos. J. Nicks, per est View Sub., 14.59 Lot 20; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 13c; total 14.59 Jos. J. Nicks, West View Sub., Lot 19; manholes and 25 lin. 29.15 ft. the pipe at .565225e, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cont, 33c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 13c; total John C. Kleeman, West View Sub., Lot 18; manholes and 26 lin. ft. tile pipe at 29.15 .565226c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total . ............................. John C. Kleeman, West View Sub., Lot 17; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, $14.13; extra ex - 29.15 pence at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 29.15 14.59 14.59 John C. Kleeman, West View Sub., Lot 16; manholes anfl 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, $14.13; extra ex - 29.15 pease at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 130,; 10501 ..............................._............. John C. Kleeman, West View Sub., Lot 15; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, $14.13;-0xt1_a ex - 29.15 penes at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total .............. Aloysius Fangman, West View Sub„ Lot 14; manholes and 14.59 14.59 25 lin, ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total Aloysius Fangman, West View Sub., Lot 13; manholes and 2.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at ,565235c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total Aloysius Fangman, West View Sub., Lot 12; manholes and 25 11n. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total . Aloysius Fangman, West View Sub., Lot 11; manholes and 25 110. ft. tile pipe at .565225e. $14.13; extra ex- pellee at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total . Chas. Fanslow, West View Sub., Lot 10; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, $19.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total .. Chas, Fanslow, West View Sub., Lot 9; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per cent, Mathilda Stoltz, West View Sub., Lot 8; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565235c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total Mathilda Stoltz, West View Sub., Lot 7; manholes and 25 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent. 33c; interest at 6 per cent, Mathilda Stoltz, West View Stab., Lot 6; manholes and 14.59 25 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c. 914.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per cent, 13c; 50101 __..... .... ......_........ ._...... Mathilda Stoltz, West View Sub.. Lot 5; manholes and 26 110. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total ......._ .................................... John Hartman, West View Sub., W. 75 ft. Lot 4; man - 14.59 holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe 14.59 14.59 19 7. 14.59 14.59 14.59 14.51 14.59 14.59 14.59 14.59 Sewer 9 at .566225c, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total ..................................... John Hartman, West View Sub., W. 75 ft. Lot 3; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c, 514.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 pc- cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13c; total ............................... John Hartman, West View Sub., W. 76 ft. Lot 2; man- holes and 27.25 inn. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $15.40; ex- tra expcn.:e at 2.3054 per cent, 36c; interest at 6 per 44 14.59 14.59 15.91 John Hartman, West View Sub., W. 75 ft. Lot 1; man- holes and 27.25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $15.40; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 36c; interest at 6 per cent, 15c; total .............................. 15.91 Martin F. Jungk, Glendale Add., Lot 136; manholes and 50 lin, ft. tile pipe at .565225c, , 528.26; extra ex- pense P at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ...._ ................._..........._... 29.16 Peter Kaiser Est , Glendale Add., Lot 137 manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 29.15 Elsa Eigenberger Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 138; man- holes and 50 lin. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 240; total ... _... ...._.............. 2 W. H. Musser, Glendale Add., 0.16 Lot 139; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 W, H. Mueser, Glendale Add., Lot 140; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2,3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 W. H. Mneser, Glendale Add., Lot 141; manholes and 50 110. ft. tile pipe at .565225c. $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 Nick & A. Meier, Glendale Add., Lot 142; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at . .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pepse at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 29.15 I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Pinnard St. E28th St. Elm St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing.. Inrinha.rd S't'. SEWER RECORD Contractor. Nick & A. haler, Glendale Add., Let. 143; ma nholes and 50 lin. fl. the pipe at .565225e, $98.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total .... ... ___. 29.15 Peter Noloor Est., Glendale Add., Lot 144; manholes tend 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565235x, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 por cent, Ulrich Willy, Glendale Add., Lot 145; manholes and 50 lin. ft. rile pipe at .565225c, 928.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 11. Scheller, Glendale Add., Lot 61; manholes and 50 Inn. ft. the pipe at .565225e, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 11. Scheller, Glendale Add., Lot 62; manholes and 50 Inn. ft. the plpe at .565225c, $28.26; extra expl.nee al 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 klaria C. Hasa, Glendale Add., Lot 63; manholes and 60 lin. ft. 111e pipe at .565225c, 828.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cont, 65c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 24c; total 29.15 Hheo. Close, Glendale Add., Lot 64; manholes and 60 1111. ft. tyle pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extraexpense at 2.3054 per cent, 65e; Inter- est at 6 por vent, 24c; total 29.15 Christ Zapf, Glendale Add., S. 15 Lot 65; manholes and 25 Inn. (t. tile plpe at .565225c, 914.13; 'extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33e; Inter- mit at 6 per cent, 13e; total 14.59 A. 1,. Rhomberg, Glendale Add.. N. 1/s Lot 65; manholes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $14.13; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per rent, 13e; total . Andrew J. Nailing, Glendale Add., Lot 66; manholes and 50 Ill. f1. the plpe at .5115225e, 828.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65e; Interest at 6 per cent, 24e; total ........ . A. L Rhomberg, d ...._.......__..... ale Add., Lot 67; mnholesand 50 1ln. (t. tile pipe at .565225e, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2,3054 per cent, 65e; Interest at 6 per cent, 24e; total ........___.............. 19.59 Chas. E. & Blanche Barton, Glendale Add., Lot 68; man - Wee and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .566225c, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent. 65c; Interest at 6 per cent,' 24c; total .............................._.... 29. Robert Uppinghonse, Glendale Add., Lot 69; manholes and 50 ljn. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pellee at 2.3054 per cent, 66c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ......................_...................... 29.1 Robert Uppinghouse, Glendale Add., Lot 70; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ....._.............._...... _....__._... 29.1 'Mclean Polsean, Glendale Add., Lot 71; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226e, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 650; Interest at 6 per cent. 24e; total ... . ......._... 29.15 Tlldean Polsean, Glendale Md., Lot 72; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565226c, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent. 65c; interest at 8 per cent., 24c; total .......__..._........ ___.... 29.15 Oliver G. Kringle, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., N. 2-3 Lot 1; manholes and 150 1311. ft. tile lupe at .5652260, $84.78; ex. tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, $1.95; Interest at 6 per A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., S. 1,4 Lot 1; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 240; total .................... ). . Andrew Nadtng, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., N. 34 Lot 2; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 por cent, 65c; Interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ..... .. ..................... E. Wesselhoft, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., M. 3 Lot 2; manholes and 50 Inn. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 928.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per 29.15 cent, 24c; total ..............._........_... R. Ihde, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., 9. 31, Lot 2; manholes and 50 Inm ft. the pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex. pence at 2.3054 per cent, 65e; interest at 6 per cent, 29,16 L. Rhomberg, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., N. 1/2 Lot 3; manholes and 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at se22 traexpenat 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ... ... .................. dam Wiehl, Sub. lot 73 Glen- dale Add., M. / Let 3; manholes and 50 Inn. ft. tile pip250, $28.26; ex - trap expensat e at 2.3054 per cent, 65e; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; local ._.................._... T. S. Cameron, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., S. 1,4 Lot 3; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; 50501 .........__...._........_... Leo 2000. Sub lot 73 Glendale Add., N. 1h Lot 4; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent. 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 240: total ..........._............ _................ 29.15 Murat. Joss, Sub. pot 73 Glen- dale Add., M. 1/2 Lot 4; manholes and 50 1111. It. the pipe at .565225e. $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per rent,. 650; interest at 6 per cent, 240; total .-...._... . 29.15 W. J. Buelow, Sub. lot 73 Glendale Add., S. 1/2 Lot 4; manholes and 50 11n. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3064 per 97.46 «amt, 65c; interest at 6 per (-lilt, 240; total 29.15 John Eisenegger, Sub. pot 1 of ?lot 146 Glendale add., Lot 3; manholes and 50 lin. ft tile pipe at .5652250, $28.26; extra expense at 2.3054 per 29.15 cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 240; total _____ ...'..... .. 29.15 E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. l& Lot 295; man- holes and 25.75 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $14.55; ex tra expense at 2.3064 per 29.15 rent, 34c; interest at 6 per cent, 130; total ._............_...._...... , 15.02 Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. 3 Lot 295; man- holes and 25.75 lin. ft. 111e pipe at .565225c, $14.55; ex era expense at 2.3054 per 29.15 cent, 34c; Interest at 6 per cent, 13e; total ....._.... _. _............. 15.02 Revere & L. Herrold Est., Glendale Add., Lot 296; manholes and 60 lin. ft. the pipe at .566225c, $28.26; ex- tra expense at 2.3054 per 29.15 cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total ....._. ...................... 29.15 29.15 29.15 29.11 Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. / Lot 297; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, 914.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest nt 6 per cent. 130; total ..._..._...._........_. .................. 14.59 E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. 1/2 Lot 297; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $14.13; extra ex- pellee at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at. 6 per cent, 13e; total .. . _.................. 14.59 E. Langworthy Est.. Glendale Add., Und 1/2 Lot 298; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. the pipe at .565225c. $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33e; interest at 6 per cent, 130; total ._..._ ........................._ .... 14.114 Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und 1,4 Lot 298; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .1565225c. 914.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. 1/2 Lot 299; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33e; interest at 6 per cent, 130; total ..........._......_.._ ............. E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. 1/2 Lot 299; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250. $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33e; interest at 6 per cent, 13e; total . _..__. ._........... _.._. Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. / Lot 300; man- holes am! 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250. $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 Per cent, 13e; total ._.. __._ .... ...__..... 'E. i:aegwerthy Est.. Glendale Add., '.nd. / Lot 300; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225e, $14.13; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent, 13e; total ......._ .............._............._.... Frank J. Helmer, Glendale Add., Lot 301; manholes and 50 11n. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent. 65c, interest at 6 per cent, 240; total .. .....................__............, Frank J. Helmer, Glendale Add., Lot 302; manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at .665225c. $28.26; extra ex - pe ase at 2.3054 per cent, 65e. interest at 6 per cent, 240; total ..._._.................._... _......... rank J. Helmer, Glendale Add., Lot 303; manholes and 50 11n. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $28.26; extra ex- pense at 2.3054 per cent, 65c, interest at 6 per cent, 24c; total .. Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. t.4 Lot 304; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent. 13c; total .. 1. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. i1, Lot 304; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, .$14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per cent, 130; total E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und. 1/2 Lot 305; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; Interest at 6 per cent, 130; total Edith Langworthy, Glendale Add., Und. 4 Lot 305; man- holes and 25 1111. ft. tile pipe at .565225c. 914.13; extra expense at 2.3(154 per cent, 330; interest at 8 per cent. 13c; total . E. Langworthy Est.. Glendale Add., Und. 3 Lot 306; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .565225c, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 per cent, 33c; interest at 6 per cent. 13c; total - Edith Langworthy, Glendale .Add., Und. 1h Lot 306; man- holes and 25 lin. ft. tile pipe at .5652250, $14.13; extra expense at 2.3054 ;Ir cent, 33e; interest at. 6 per cent, 13e; total Louts Vogt, Glendale Add.. Lot 307; manholes and 50 110, 0. tile plpe rt.t .565225c, $28.26; extra expense at 14.50 2.3054 per cent, 650; inter. est at 6 per cent, 240; total 29.15 Total _ 93022.71) 3088 lin. ft. 6 inch 1110 at 77e per lin. ft. $2377.76 48 lin. ft. cast iron pipe at 29.15 $1.50 per Inn. 515..........."72,00 12 manholes at $40.00 each_. 480.00 Interest at 6 per cent ....__ ........ 25.39 Extra expense at 2.3054 per cent ... 67.55 29.15 14.59 14.59 14.59 14.59 14.59 14.59 29.15 All of which is assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 45 Approved October 20th, 1924. Adopted October 20th, 1924. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor, L. H, BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. 91ELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: 2011N STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Bredc. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Bredc, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays -None. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Resolved by the Clty Council of the Clty of Dubuque: That to Pay for andce storm ctinwatera sewer and sanitary a d laterals as follows by Uhlrich-Paley Co., con- tractor, in front of and adjoining v the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and parts of Lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows, Owner Description Amount Mary E. Burns, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, N. 20 it. Lot 22; 20 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $30.82; 32 lin. ft. 4 1n. lat- erals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.01; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total __........._.__..__......._......._....._$ 47.59 Harrison B. Virtue, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, S. 5 ft. Lot 22; 6 lin. it. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $7.71; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 17c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 7c; total 7.96 Harrison B. Virtue, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, Lot 28; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $38.53; 32 lin. ft. 4 Ip. lat- V 51.17; interest at 6 per cent, erals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 47c; total _ ........................_..._................ 66.63 Barbara Wombacker. Grand- view Park Add., Block 16, Lot 21; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51,5411354, $38.53; 16 lin. tt. 4 In. later. ale at 48c, $7.68; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.01; Interest at 8 per cent, 40c; total _._............_..._........_.....__- 47.62 Barbara Wombacker, Grand- view Park Add., Block 15, Lot 22; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51,5411354, 538.53; 16 lin. ft. 4 in. later- als at 48c, $7.68; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.01; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total . ........................_...... 47.62 James F. Daley, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, La 23; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $38.53; 16 lin. ft. 4 in. later- als at 48c, $7.68; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 81.01; interest at 6 per cent, 400; total ___.._.____- , 47.62 .!:ones F. Daley, Grandview - Park Add., Block 15; Lot 24; 26 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51,5411354, $38.53; 16 lin. ft. 4 in. later - ale at 48c, $7.68; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent. $1.01; interest at 6 per cent, 47.62 Plat and Profile of Sewer for Which Assessment is Made on Opposite Page pence at 2.1793 per cent, C. J. Forward, Grandview $1.01; Interest at r, per cent, Heights Add., Lot 2; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $92.47; 32 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 21793 perextra5.36; expense cent, 3.26 in- terest at 8 per cent, 94c; total...__....__.....____....._...._......._...... 111.12 C. J. Forward, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 1; 55 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $84.76; 32 lin. Xt. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.18; in- terest at 6 per cent, 88c; total__......__...........__...._....__..-_-...... 103.18 Theo. Wansdorf, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 61; 70 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 5107.88; 32 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.69; In- terest at 6 per cent, $1.07; total .__..................._ 127.00 Caroline Gonner Grandview Heights Add., Lot 52; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $92.46; 80 lin. tt. 4 in. laterals at 48c; $38.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.85; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.14; .,....t _.___..... ._._ 134.85 Michael Adam, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, N. 20 ft. Lot 26; 20 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $30.82; 16 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $7.68; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 84c; interest at 8 per cent, 84c; total .....__. 39.68 Wm. E. Briggs, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, S. 5 ft. Lot 26; 5 lin. ft. sower p1pe and manholes at $1.5411354, 57.71; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 17c; interest at 6 per cent, 70; total............ 7.95 Wm. E. Briggs, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, Lot 27; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $38.53; 32 lin. ft. 4 1n. lat- erals at 48c, 516.36; extra tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.17; interest at 6 per cent, 47c' ..........._..._...._ ...................._ 55.53 Wm. E. Briggs, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, N. 1 Lot 28; 15 110. ft sewer plpe and manholes at 51.5411354, 523.12; , extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 50c; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 20c; o- Michael Adam, Grandview Park Add., Block 15; Lot 25; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51,5411354, $38.53; 16 lin, ft. 4 in. later- als at 48c, $7.68; extra ex - Jos. W. McNally, Grandview Park Add., Block 16, S. 34 Lot 28; 15 11n. ft sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 523.12; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 500; inter- est at 6 per cent, 200; to- tal.............._...._..._.___..._..__._..._._ 23.82 Jos. W. McNally, Grandview Park Add., Block 15, Lot 29; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $38.53; 32 lin. ft. 4 In. lat- erals at 480, $15.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.17; Interest at 6 per cent, 47c; total _ ....................._.._._ 56.53 Harry May. Sub. Min. Lot 43, Lot 1; 175 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $269.70; 96 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $46.08; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.88; in- terest at 6 per cent, $2.74; total.._...__.._...__.__.._..._...._..........._..._. 325.40 Rudolph Jones, Sub. Min. Lot 43, Lot 2; 97 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.6411354. 5149.49; 32 lin. ft. 6 1n. laterals at 72c, $23.04; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.76; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.50; total....__..__.._.._...._.._......__ ............. 177.79 tereet at 6 per cent, 80c; total__..._ .................._......._.........._.... Richard F. Conlin, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 67; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.4411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total. __._.._._.__ Richard F. Conlin, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 58; 56 11n. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.6411364, $84.76; 32 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c; 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.18; in- terest at 6 per cent, 87c; total......_......_.._-.___.___..._..._.__ Richard F. Conlin, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 59; 56 11n. it. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, $84.76; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.85; interest at 6 per cent, 73c; total ...._............... 87.34 John M. Lee, Sub. Min. Lot 28, Lot 2; 269.38 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.541145, $399.74; 64 lin. ft, 6 in. laterals at 72c, $46.08; 32 11n. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 510.05; Interest at 6 per cent, $4.01; total......_......_...__...._.__....__...._...__._ 475.24 Marg. O'Shea, Sub. Min. Lot 28, Lot 4; 327.36 lin. ft. sew- • er pipe and manholes at 81.6411364, $504.51; 65 lin. ft. 6 In. laterals at 72c, $46.08; 68 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 48c, $32.64; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $12.71; interest at 6 per cent, $5.05; total ..._...............__. 600.99 Fred Falsdorf, Sub. Min. Lot 29, Lot 2; 109.7 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.6411354, $20.00; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $9.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 65c; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total ......_.............__._._ Fred Falsdorf, Sub. Lot 1 of Min. Lot 24, Lot 3; 44 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411359. 517.81; 34 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $16.32; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 74c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 29c; total.............._......._... _.._..._......_.__ F. A. Nester, Robinson's Sub., Lot 1; 130 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 61.6911354, 5200.35; 34 lin. ft. 6 in. laterals at 72c, $24.48; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.90; in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.95; total...._..__.........._._..._._......_.....v.....__ 231.68 Caroline Gonner, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 53; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 61.6411354, $77.06; 32 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 515.32; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; in- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; total_...._......_...._..._._......._._......._ 96.23 Martha Klein, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 64; 50 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 32 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 480, 2.1793515.32pen5e at • per [cent ra x52 01 in- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; Bert F. Geeting, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 55; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $77.06; 32 lin. ft. 4 1n. laterals at 48c, 515.32; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.01; in- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; 95.23 Bertha Bradley, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 66; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577.08; 32 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 480, 21793 per extra15.32; expense cent $201 in - 95.28 79.41 103.17 30.51 35.16 404.4w!kNMu ..m. a'ap'Mimya° iiii ,m awdtemgya?; mer•>-• . aal °-.mmyiI! cC`T°raq°lmmpm' ;esmrte al y 'la lm aAa•y „a-,,°,M_>, w-NmyaiwmO'"amQH yocte«mmilI idA°ima awA, M oa $ ,mmho 0,,-7. p ;qIam.7.1Fae ym» elm.ayim, ate .--. rawm-''' Mawysm+Mym MMq oa M%q -aImisyakmN-tit . a1„74 gaaW «sp;yi'-..e J, m8=t7::aw.tis la,MW1a' wwMn x w.4 01a%A.-.al: wP« dwPrWan••c1W,,'`"I«-.jl4.a-gH"Wdud;My Wddd.v W5.5. -.m wamjr° ' a"IaaedoAMmadeaw9mdoavem..mM" C mF•gamwwMn m_.te'4• c g. Cmgime.. .--0c-73..c., e.'vr_Ha a+rp.4tim 4m°aOM« 43; M.,I•NmMmYMaC a."aya..;y TNaiceme Eq.pliawc;««mwy mmVw terap..A. nvua.mmNwomoaww«a w - w m m Oyi m + ` m gmm.`i.,emm gE3n«e`wy gym; ed" Igmm.",e `O 1i .e,., t° 0 nau +, g ac mg c mg a 10 5 w, d+,y ,e Pmy C..+Mm >m d1r;Mm P aal a«m i> d,riMm yy G'OM O'.414; ow,00w«m`."-.,a °>mM ac'Cw.a°>ie1waP9u MMP1woR`w ww pm ;n.i. 07•a.. a o amen y mea'«y« `ea'.... mv my m y'. 10 1md000 da'mm°~``cda' mea.,Na' oa..)10 ow1a.c U.. m C7.". m Oow. 4,_2,4.4U.. pm Otl 1.7.49.-g" 00" ^ am .. aim d$a "amtid on'°,'0e,mao%d,.' c,'nico _-12. o .awa,i a`rt c ,on'a* ate 6 m ,m,N ,s m,M„"mwda..m lmvwes ,.. t_. m,M,o. J, _m,M.,o m» E7.,' m m . ;+«vbdw y mv'+. , raw««a,Y Lea y^«ay^H. m .'a nwdN qy««O' 22 0 0 a C C 3.5 ... u cy1 ,oa a:... a aa.l awe m c. a. d,.7 'o.w. m c '.^: ,.•7 raw+•y.78w<• m c. a iG '^ iu ti •ya«m a a,n.b0 to ati^ y v 1J F. A. Nesler, Sub. lot 2 Rob- inson's Sub., Lot 1; 130 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $200.36; 34 lin. ft. 6 in. laterals at 72c, extra 2.1793 524.48; per cent, expense .$4. 0;; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.95; total ......_..._,_...___..._._._.....__ 231.68 Margt. Barrett, Sub. lot 1 of Mo. lot 24, Lot 1; 312 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes 01 81.5411364, $480.83; 98 lin. ft. 6 in. laterals at 72c; $70.56; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 512.02; in- terest at 6 per cent, $4.78; total . .............................._ 568.19 Nellie Kavanaugh, Sub. Min. Lot 24, Und. 2-3 Lot 3; 89.87 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, 533.33; 20 lin. ft, 6 In. laterals at 72c, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.04; in- terest at 6 per cent, 41c; Julia Kavanaugh, Sub. Min. Lot 24, Und. 1-3 Lot 8; 44.98 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, $16.67; 10 lin. ft. 6 in. laterals at 72c, $7.20; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 520; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 20c; to- tal..-._...._._......._.___._......_....._... 24.69 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 19; 32.4 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411364, $49.93; 30 lin. ft. laterals at 48c, 514.40; ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.40; interest at 6 per cent,. 55c; total .......... .......... 66.28 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 18; 50 lo. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 30.11n. ft. 4 in. laterals at. 48c, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.99; Interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total 94.24 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 17; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 32 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 480, 515.36; extra expense: at 2.1793 per cent, 52.01; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total......__......... 95.23 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411364, 577.06; 30 lin. ft. 4 In laterals at 48c, 514.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total ... Realty Imp. Co.. Broadview, Lot 15; 50 11n. ft. Sewer pipe and manholes at 514laterals a 1a084 4In80, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.99; interest at 6 per Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 14; 60 lin. ft. sewer 51 5411354, $77.06; manholes and 30 110. ft 4 in. laterals at 48c, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total ............._.........._._ Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 13; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and $1.5manholes 411354, $7 06;;30 lin. ft 4 in. laterals at 48c, 514.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.99; interest at 6 per 94.24 94.24 94.24 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 12; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 10. laterals a08[ 48c, 4 514.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total __________ 94.24 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 11; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 30 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 514.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.99; interest at 6 per cent. 79c; total ......_....._............_ Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 10; 50 lin. 61. sewer pipe and • manholes at 51.5411364, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.69; interest at 6 per cent 67c; total ......__.._..._..._ ..................._ 79.41 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 9; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 30 lin, ft. 4 in. laterals at 480, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total 94.24 Realty Intp. Co., Broadview, Lot 8; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411554, $77.06; 30 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $14.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total 94.24 94.24 Realty Imp. Co., Broadview, Lot 7; 50 lin. ft, sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; 30 lin. tt. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 514.40; 94.24 extra expense at 2.1793 per I cent, 51.99; interest at 6 per cent, 79c; total 94.24 at 51.5411364, 5154.11; 32 lin. ft. 4 In. laterals at 980, $16.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 53.69; 'in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.47; 174.63 total... ..............----... Thos. F. KenneallY, Sub. lot 3 of Min. Lot 31, Lot 1; 286.76 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, lat- eralsn. at 72c,1 $23`04; 64 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, 530.72; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 510.80; in- terest at 6 per cent, 54.30; 610.80 total _._.__....._..______.--._.._.._...__ Marfa Sullivan, Finn's Sub., Lot 4; 68 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, 5101.71; 32 lin. ft. 4 in. lat. erals at 48c, $15.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.55; interest at 6 per cent, $1.02; total _--_..__........-_._. 120.64 Maria Sullivan, Finn's Sub., Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes 01 51.5411354, $77.06; 32 lin. ft. 4 In. lat- erals at 46c, 516.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 800; total ....._____.---- 96.23 Theo. Scharle, Finn's Sub., Lot 2 601 li 11. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411364, $77.06; 32 110. ft. 4 In. lat- erals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.01; interest 01 6 per cent, ate.. •rnrnl 96.23 Marla Sullivan, Finn's Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411344, 577.06;' 32 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 48c, 515.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 80c ;total _.... _...____--._.__ 95.23 Maria Sullivan, Sub. lot 2 of Min. Lot 31, Lot2; 50 lin ft. sewer pipe an dmanholes. 01 51.5411354, 577.56; 32 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 98c, $15.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cont, $201; in- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; total....__.........................._.__.__.__.._ 95.23 Wesley Coates, Sub. lot 1 of 1 of 2 of M. L. 31, Lot 1; 100 lin. 11. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 5154.11; 63 11n. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 480, $30.24; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.02; interest at 6 per cent, 51.60; total -.._..__.....__.._...__ 189.97 Maria Sullivan, Sub. lot 1 of 1 of 2 of M. L. 31, Lot 2; 137.6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and 4 manholes at 51.5411354, 5212. lat- erals at 48c 0 6, $30.72; n 1 ra extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.29; interest at 6 per cent, 260.18 $2.09; total .._.........._..._.._...._.. M. A. and A. P. Delaney, Col - ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411359, $73.97; 32 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c $15.38; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.95; in- terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 92.06 total . M. A. and A. P. Delaney, Col- umbia Add., Lot 14; 49 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.6411354, $75.52; 82 lin. ft. 4 In. laterals at 48c, $15.36; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.98; in- terest at 6 per cent, 78c; 93.64 8lnope 100. Corp, Sub.Min. Lot 24, Lot 6; 38.50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, 559.33; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 562%2;9 2c $1.29;; interest a/ 6 per cent, 61.14 total .. 8lnope Inv. Corp, Kavanaugh & Barry's Subdivision, Lot 6; 51.89 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, lat- erals3 g20 $90ine at 48c, .6; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.95; interest at 6 per cent, 92.16 780; total . Wm. Barrett, Sub. lot 4. Kay- anaugh & Barry's Sub., Lot 1; 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $154.11; 40 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 48c, $19.20; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.78; interest St 6 per cent, 178 UU 51.51; total .. •• Annie Mathis, Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub., Lot 3; 100 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354,. 5164.11; 40 lin. ft. 4 1n. laterals at 480, 519.20; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.78; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.51; total ......_ ............. 178.60 Annie Mathis, Sub. 101 2 Kav- anaugh & Barry's Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354. $77.06; 20 lin. ft. 4 10. lat- erals at 48c, 59.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.89; interest at 6 per cent, 760; total _ 89.30 Arnold Mathis, Sub. lot 2 Kav- anaugh & Barry's Sub., Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and ,d'r'Ym gq ''? ,•, «m ^a ," pe °.. «m id q "144* '"w,❑mmm°m,'~MNNo ?d',oNma mANi'ti.NMaawa. r smmm •«,,, x iro94a: ea0co..a:.•aao°ma,gm" ww2aM."b.iwa °Hm.vmmHN,.ui» Ugy-> "mUda' xm_'d>yN 38aa4m' M,w'.-,9n.m.'y«mqHaMi ' ai w`m`°°' ' HM"^mO'4M'0«- va0 N yqua .pc:pIMe"Mw.mdaadmdamiHaNyn .oaUa ww"l:i ".0!;a0 mwAtiMmmHti.Smamy0S'o'wa`"•o1a▪ m..,'oe^.0M^-a«.dm•.:0 omaO•til.Cx."ead^.a`moam1 w"y•+ n.'d""..ymm°.•. eMmp qV`'- w tem.. «wam° !,..az. 8an „r m ;5`.O"^a.Mma0it=p5ia.m aNdmaNPLNNy«domsywNNu0mm`' m wVm«AV aw¢Nww AVI aOr N m °p NO Qw`m ywa ma „titi m«.+ d d U as gm mm -m m.m.O a..•° m, epmy`c.oa I!ii_p.,a. 24m aa ,rntim0^,dNL*y..oyma00muy0 s. eaao _a owc-.ay.Q'w;4V5 `gm!"ONlO 410.0m.x'10y'gmq".F2=a'dv:oaeNAOtl yw" 40.- 64:14-1:::-..6:8:;;;;i1,; p:4a.1 yO2.wH nim,;;171.4...0PgtU .VU7L ,a2!N a a2 -.!E;xp`"m««m 1 mQ:Mv U 0 _ Oaai• m wloN,,• fsm, N 0t.oa aaU`a N .M -,a `mct "mo _ y Ie I VI -N.41? -9a q .0:4Om a2a Im1P. c P=,ac.o..m 1 o • ead E.e>rmamj` o°,• °estiy pO1 wcamm`o4ocntit U6d aww o-• .9,157,4- ylea.4.' 4 a •; y Bryant St. Ramona St. Loretta Disney St. Ester St. English Lane St. George St. Eugene F. Hickey, Sub, lot 17, Summer Hill Add., E. 52 ft. Lot I; 62 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $80.14; 20 lin. ft. 4 In, laterals at 48c, $9.60; 4,--43ttra expense at 2.1103 per Cent, $1.90; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; total ___ _. 92.48 Eugene F. Hickey, Sub. lot 18, Summer Hill Add., Lot 1; 152 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 5234.25; 20 lin. ft. 6 1n. lat- eral. at 72c, $14.40; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $9.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.63; interest at 6 per cent, $2.23; total _.........._......_..._ 266.11 W. L. Bradley, Cath. W. Brad- ley and J. J. Roshek, Line- heln's Sub., Lot 9; 145.90 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $224.85; 40 lin. ft. 6 In. laterals at 72c, $28.80; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.53; in. terest at 8 per cent, 52.19; total _ 261.37 W. L. Bradley, Cath. W. Brad- ley and J. J. Roshek, Line- heIn's Sub., Lot 10; 195.90 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, $224.85; 20 lin. ft. 6 in. laterals at 72c, $14.40,-20 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $9.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.42; Interest at 8 per cent, $2.15; total __........________ .___. 256.42 W. L. Bradley, Cath. W. Brad- ley and J. J. Roshek, Line- hein's Sub., Lot 11; 151.80 lin. ft. aewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, $233.94; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at ' 48c, 59.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $5.31; in- terest at 6 per cent, $2.11; total __.._._._..__....__....._ ..................... 250.96 James J. Connors, Sub. lot 2 of 12, Linehein's Sub., Lot 1; 6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 59.25; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 20c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 8c; to- tal......_.._............................._...._....._......__ John Brady, Sub. lot 2 of 12, Linehein's Sub., Lot 2; 93.67 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354. $144.36; 20 lin. it. 4 1n. lat- erals at 48c, $9.80; extra ex- pense at 2.1798 per cent, $3.36; Interest at 6 per cent, John Brady, Sub. lot 1 of lot 12, Lineheln's Sub., Lot 1; 6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and V 9.53 manholes at $1.5411354, $9.25; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 20c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 8c; total.. 9.53 Wm, T. Roehl, Sub. lot 2 of 1 of 12, Linehein's Sub„ Lot 2; 52.75 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $81.29; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.77; Interest at 6 per cent, 71c; total ....... ..__... _... ..... 83.77 Wm. T. Roehl, Sub. lot 2 Quln- livan's Sub., W. 200 tt. Lot 2; 218.44 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manhoels at $1.5411354. $336,65; 34 lin. ft. 6. in. lat- erals at 72c, $24.48; 24 lin. ft. 4 In. laterals at 48c, 511.52; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $8.12; in- terest at 6 per cent, $3.22; total _ .............._.....---............... .. .383.99 Geo. W. Beach, Sub, lot 2 Qutnlivan's Sub„ E. 25 ft. Lot 2; 25.56 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $39.39; 8 lin ft. 4 in. laterals at 42c, 53.84; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 94c; interest at 6 per Dent, 38c; total 44 65 Geo. W. Beach, Sub. lot 1 of 2, Quinlivan's Sub., W. 25 ft. Lot 2; 27.3 ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $42.07; 8 lin. ft. 4 in. later- als at 48c, 53.84; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.00; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total .............._............_........_ 47.31 Geo, W. Beach, Cannon's Sub., Lot 2; 173 lin. ft, sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411364, $50.00; 18 lin. ft. 6 In. lat- erals at 72c, 512.96; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.37; interest at 6 per cent, 59c; total ............_. ...................,......._. x4.37 Geo. W. Beach, Sub. lot 1 of 2 Qulnlivan's Sub., Lot 1; 60 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577,06; 24 lin. ft. 4 1n. lat- erals at 48c, 511.52; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.93; interest at 6 per cent, 76c; total ............._................._............ 91.2" Geo. W. Beach, Cannon's Sub., Lot 1; 311 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, , $479.29; 20 lin. ft. 6 in. lat- erals at 72c, 514.40; 24 110. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $11.52; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $11.01; in. terest at 6 per cent, 54.38; total............................................................. 620.80 O. H. Simonds, Pine Knoll, Lot 1; 174 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at m6 lat and Profile of Sewer for Which Assessment $1.5411354, $268.16; 56 lin. C. H. Reynolds, Sub. lot 16, ft, 6 in. laterals at 72c, Summer Hill Add., Lot 2; $40.32; extra expense at 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and 2.1793 per cent, $6,72; in- manholes at $1,6111364. terest at 6 per cent, $2.67; $26,00; 18 lin. ft. 6 in. lat- total ....... ..... 317.87 erals at 72c, $12.96; extra James McCauley, Linehein's expense at 2.1793 Sub., 8. 227.2 ft. E. % Lotper cent, 3; 128.39 Iln. ft. sewer pipe 83c; interest at 0 per cent, 334; total 39.12 and manholes at $1.5411354, C15. $194.78; 20 lin. ft. 6 In. lat- C. Summer Hill Add., Reynolds, Sub.,lot Lot 2; erals at 72c, $14.40; 20 11n. d It. 4 in. laterals at 48c, manholes100 lintt. sewer pipe and 59.60; extra expense at at $1.6in. lat, 2.1793 per cent, $4.77; in- 525.00; 18 Icft.12 6 in, Ina terest at 6 per cent, 51.89; etpexpense 72c,2 $12.98; extra total . 225.44 int at t. at 3 per cent, Thomas M. Flynn, Sub. W. % 83c; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; total 39.1'9 lot 3 Linehein's Sub., Lot 1; 76.39 lin. ft, sewer pipe and C. H. Reynolds, Sub. lot 14, manholes at $1.5411364, Summer Hill Add., Lot 2 $117.73; 11 11n, ft. 6 in lat- 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and erals at 72c, $7.92; extra manholes at $1.6411354 expense at 2.1793 per cent, $16.00; 18 lin. ft. 6 in. lar- $2.74; Interest at 6 per cent, erals at 72c, $12.98; extra $1.09; total .129.98 expense at 2.1793 per cent, Thomas M. Flynn, Sub. W. %61c; interest at 6 per cent, lot 3 Linehein's Sub., Lot 2; 24c; total ............................................ 28.81 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and Frank Thompson, Sub. lot 12, manholes at $1.6411354, Summer Hill Add., Lot 2; 577.06; 11 lin ft. 6 in. lat- 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and erals at 72c, $7.92; extra ex- manholes at 51.5411354, pence at 2.1783 per cent, $77.06; 16 lin. ft. 4 In. lat. $1.85; interest at 6 per cent, erals at 18c, $7.68; extra ex - 74c; total ............ ..... 87.57 pense at 2.1793 per cent, Wm, Holmberg, Lineheln's $1.05; interest at 6 per cent, Sub., Lot 2; 509 56 lin. ft. 73c; total . 87.32 sewer pipe and manholes at Bart Cain, Summer Hill Add., 51.5411354, 5779.14; 40 lin. Lot 4; 91.4 lin. ft. sewer pipe ft. 4 in. laterals at 48e, and manholes at 51.5411354, 628.80; extra expense at 5140.86; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- 2.1793 per cent, $17.61; in- orals at 48c, $9.60; extra ex- terest at 6 per cent, $7.00; ponce at 2.1793 per cent, total _ ..- 832.10 $3.28; interest at 6 per cent, Margt. Maher, Sub. lot 18, $1.30; total .. ...... .. ............ 156.04 Summer Hill Add., Lot 2; Nellie O'Rourke, Summer Hill 152 lin. It. sewer pipe and Add., Lot 5; 97 lin. ft. sewer - manholes at $1.5411354, pipe and manholes -,at $37.60; 18 lin, ft. 6 In, lat. $1.6411354, $149.49; 30 lin. erals at 72c, $12.96; extra ft. 4 in, laterals at 48c, $9.60; expense at 2.1793 per tett, extra expense at 2.1793 per 61.10; interest at 6 per cent, cent, $3.47; interest at 6 per 43c; total .. Margt, Maher, Sub. lot 17, Summer Hill .Add., Lot 2; Joseph N. Streuser, Summer 95.5 lin. It, sewer pipe and Hill Add., Lot 6; 98.8 lin. ft. manholes at $1.5411354, sewer pipe and manholes at $37.50; 18 lin. ft. 6 in. lat- 51.5411.354, $149.18; 22 lin. orals at 72c, 512.96; extra Pt. 4 in. laterals at 48c, expense at 2.1793 per cent, 510.56; extra expense at $1.10; interest at 6 per rent, 43e; total 51.99 C. H. Reynolds, Sub. lot 17, Summer Hill Add., Lot 3; Julia A. Carter, Summer Hill 56.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and Add., Lot 7; 97.4 lin. ft. sew - manholes at $1.5411354, er pipe and manholes at $25.00; 19 11n. ft. 4 in. lat- ft, 4 in. laterals at 48c, $8.64; orals at 48c, $8.64; extra ex- 51,5411354, $150.11; 18 lin. pease at 2.1793 per cent, extra expense at 2.1793 per 73c; interest at 6 per cent, cent, $3.46; interest at 6 per 29c; total .... ........ 34.66 cent, $1.39; total ___ ....._...._....._ 163.60 2.1793 per cent, $3.48; in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.39; '1;411 14L, V , a Y .Lim and °.. '1°110! qq Wdd ._ty ,O-, atp Ipy ONda 4mw p'w ONQ01r, IG pep a W C tl . y q N,rag2 m•'Oq Aptly Od'nC NO UMddt. vti ..mow _ 4•aM zC< rn-acsm^'a •-c o n per. >. ' A e a o o N q f° "" Q,y - x , g q °i o e, W« A q .o •' .. •p c r F g g ,n Q N o p.-;Gw P,wm >•P C;a vwm dG mw . a°, "'.. ,=sib q,-, '". y,oem^' a a d„p alN iV Co 0 0 G 00 N N GO Oi T q'nf W O, G 0 x b 0.141 A .p cj M gap G°?8 - •b .. yam 00. en G "• : "ted C s.vixw '4x 14 Ili James J. Connors, Summer Hill Add., Lot 8; 80 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $123.29; 16 lin. ft. 4 1n, laterals at 48c, $7.68; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.86; In- terest at 6 per cent, $1.14; total......................._...._.__...._........._........... 134.96 James J. Connors, Sub. Min. Lot 20, Lot 5; 22 •lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $33.90; extra ex- pense at 2,1793 per cent, 74c; Interest at 8 per cent, 29c; total .................._......_...................._ 34.93 Rose McMahon Est., Sub. lot 2 of 5 of M. L. 21, Lot 2; 402.50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $630.31; 26 lin. ft. 4 In. lat- erals at 48c, $12.48; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $13.79; interest at 6 'per cent, 55.48; total ._.__..._..._.,, 662,06 John Corcoran, Sub. lot 2 of 5 of M. L. 21, Lot 1; 49.17 lin. ft. newer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, $76.78; VVV 20 lin. ft, 4 1n. laterals at 48c, 59.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.86; in- terest at 6 Per cent, 74c; total.._ .................._......__..__._........._..._ 87.98 John Corcoran, Sub. lot 6 of Min. Lot 21, Lot 1; 49.17 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1,5411364, 575.79; 20 lin. ft- 4 in. laterals at 48c, $9.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.96; in- terest at 8 per cent, 74c; total..............._...................__..........._...._ 87.98 Joseph Chalders, Sub. Min. Lot 21, Lot 4; 123.33 lin it. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 5190.07; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.14; interest at 6 per cent, 61.66; total . __....._....... 195.86 Julia Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh Barry's Sub., Und. 1-3 Lot 7; 156.99 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $13.33; extra expense at 2,1793 per cent, 29c; inter- est at 6 per cent, ids; total._ 13.74 Nellie, Kavanaugh Barry's Sub., Und. 2-3 Lot 7; 317.98 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 81.5411354, $26.67; extra expense at 2.1793 per ' cent, 580; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; total ..............................._ Nellie Kavanaugh, Sub. Min. Lot 24, Und. 2.3 Lot 4; $27.87; lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $6.67; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 15c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 5c; total...._ 6.87 27.48 ani G 3 q Uo A a M " c tea.::' ., s 151 zVl aw`M ' 4 m«.Aw.o ti is Made on Nellie Kavanaugh, Sub. Kav- anaugh Barry's Sub., Und. 2-3 Lot 9A; 254.39 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411364, $10.00; extra ex- pense at 2,1793 per cent, 22c; interest at 6 per cent, 9c; total .. Julia Kavanaugh, Sub. Mtn. Lot 24 Und. 1.5 Lot 4; 13.93 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, $3.33; extra expense at $2.1793 per cent, 7c; interest at 6 per cent, 3c; total ................................._ 3.43 Julia Kavanaugh, Sub Kav- anaugh &. Barry's Sub., Und. 1-3 Lot 9A; 127.19 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $5.00; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 11c; Interest at 6 per cent, 5c; total _ ........................................ _...._ 5.16 Presentation Nuns, Union Add., Lot 162; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $92.46; extra ex- pensp at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 30c: tete! ...................__................... 95.26 Presentation Nuns, Union Add., Lot 163; 60 lin. It, sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.02; Interest at 6 per cent, Wm. O'Brien, Union Add., Lot 164; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 62.02; Interest at 6 per cent, Presentation Nuns, Union Add., Lot 165; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2,1793 per cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per cent, Presentation Nuns, Union Add., Lot 166; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, SOc; total . Temple Securities Co., Union Add., Lot 167; 41.42 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $68.83; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1,39; interest at 6 per cent, 55c; total . Temple Securities Co, Union Add., Lot 168, 60 lin, ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5311354, $92.46; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 0 w aw U waM w 4w 7° B W y h q 1 y o `L U rya b IoyO v A iS'L' ' gBHM m ;t1-!. G 95.28 95.28 95.28 65.77 0 Opposite Page John Kane, Union Add., Lot '207; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manlolesiN at 5411354, $92.48;.tra ex- -Tense at 2.17`93 per dent, $2.02; Interest at 8 per cent, 80c; total ......................................_..._ Regina. F. Cosgrove, Union Add., Lot 206; 80 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, Regina F. Cosgrove, Union Add., Lot 306; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total ....._ ........................................ Eliz. Carroll, Union Add., Lot 204; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; In. terest at 6 per cent,. 67c; total.__...._....____._....._........._ ............._. Allie Kilby, Union Add., Lot 203; 50 lin- ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51,5411354, 577.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; Allle Kilby, Union Add„ Lot 202; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe 0114 manholes at $1.5411354; $92.46; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; in. tercet at 6 per cent, 80c; total ....... _....._ Patrick Treanor, Union Add., W. 50 ft. Lot 197; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes, at 51,5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1,68; Interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total _.._..._ ................................. A. S. Heocock Det., Union Add., Lot 196; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total ..............._....._.__...._........._- Regina Cosgrove, Union Add., S. 166 ft. Lot 195; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes, at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51,68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total ...............................................-_ Thos. H. Powers, Union Add., S. 165 ft. Lot 194; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46 extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total ........ _ ,n 4.1 95.28 95.28 95.28 t1 79.41 79.41 95.28 79.41 79.41 James E. Clark, Union Add., S. 165 ft. Lot 193; 60 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 592.46 extra expense at 2.1798 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total ....._ ........................._.........._ James Mulligan, Union Add., S. 165 ft. Lot 192; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $92.46 extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total . ........... .................._......... Nicholas Hoff, Union Add., S. 165 ft, Lot 191; 60 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.46 extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 88c; total ......................._...._..._...._..._ Mina Moeller, Sub. lot 190, Union Add., S. 165 ft. Lot 1; 46 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $70.89; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51,54; 1n- terest at 8 per cent, 61c; total..... ........................_..............._.__..._ Ells. Boat, Sub. lot 2 of 190, Union Add., S. 166 ft. Lot 1; 26,33 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1,5411354, $40.68; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 88c; inter- est at 8 per cent, 35c; to - Richard Butler, Sub. lot 2 of 189, Union Add., Lot 1; 143 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1,6411354, $220.38; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.80; interest at 6 per Mary L. McCaffery, Sub. lot 186, Union Add., Lot 2; 8.8 110. ft. sewer plpe and man• holes at 51.5411354, $13.56; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 30c; interest at 6 per Patrick and James Milligan, Sub. lot 186, Union Add., Lot 1; 116.7 lin. 0. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $179.85; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3,92; Interest at 6 per cent, John Klecker, Union Add., Lot 116; 60 lin. ft. sewer 79.41 pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2,02; interest at 6 per cent, SOc; total ............................._.__._...... Anton G. Scboffert, Union Add. Lot 117; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 95.28 51.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- q !f%j ^1 tlNM -ti, 1 p,,1ryMgpU n H `V .v m «m ^ p I pini ap NU .0 q a' N 00 a ir,wortro a j .Gni d. i q GA i °B W - DDO p O •''On 9 Hw p' d ya1-42 - Mq tin- W10.gpM. _-a.:A• ^ M gt 41 2.7 , q1o1P: aIp y g O O tl L i W tl Y., 4.. O e,., am ipc q 3 . M tlNn q9q.-, y n q ? 13 a. 96.28 95.28 95.28 73.04 41.81 337.08 13.98 185.33 95.29 Holly St. Plum St. Apple St. Pear St. Quince St. Quinn St. Union St. Merchants Lane Villa St. • ik C. B. Trewin (Inc), Union Add. Lot 134; 60 lin ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2,61; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total . ......................_ Mary Kelly Est., Union Add., Lot 135; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.6411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total _____________ John P. Ludowisy, Union Add., south balance Lot 136; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411364, $92.47 extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total 95.28 Rath & Beybl, Sub. lot 5 of M. L. 45, Lot 1; 34.6 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $12.50; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 27c; interest at 6 per cent, lOe; total _ .................__.._................._ Presentations Nuns, Sub. lot 5 of M. L. 45. Lot 2; 245.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.6411354, $378.35; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $8.25; interest at 6 per cent, $3.28; total 2.....2.....22.- 389.88 Mary Rath and Eliz. Beyhl, Sub. Min. Lot 42, Lot 3; 64.6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $99.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.17; in- terest at 6 per cent, 86c; total .. ............._........ 102.43 Mary Rath and Eliz. Beyhl, Sub. Min Lot 42, Lot 2; 66 lin. tt. sewer pipe and man holes at $1.6411354, $100.17; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.18; interest at 6 per cent, 87c; total ......2......2....2.._ 103.22 Mary Ann Hines, Sub Kavan- augh & Barry's Sub., E. 34 Lot 1; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and -manholes at $1.5411364, $77.06; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 48c, $9.60; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.89; interest at 6 per cent, 75c; total ......_ ..........................._........3¢89.30 Mary • Rath and Eliz. Beyhl, Sub. Min. Lot 42, Lot 4; 91 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, $140.24; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.06; interest at 6 per cent, $1.22; total ..... 144.52 Chas. F. Griffith, Sub. lot 16, Summer Hill Add., E. 34 Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, Plat and Profile of Sewer for Which Assessment is Made $77.06; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. lat- erals at 48c, 92,60; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.89; interest at 6 per Cent, 75c; total ... _......... ..._...._.....89.30 Frank B. Hickey, Sub. lot 17, 95.28 Summer Hill Add., W. 100 ft. Lot 1; 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 91.5411864, $154.11; 20 lin. ft. 4 in. laterals at 48c, $9.60; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.57; in - 95.28 terest at 6 per cent, $1.42; total........22..........2........2 ..... ..........._.._...... 168.70 Frank Thill, Sub. lot 6, Oak Grove Add., Lot 2; 60 lin. ft. sewer -pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 8 per cent, 67c; total ...._........._....__ ...................... 79.41 Joseph M. Dillon, Sub. lot 1 of 5, O'Connor Sub., Und. 1 % Lot 1; 29.50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $45.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 12.87 99c; Interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total __ .................. 46.85 Lillian Kinnier, Sub. Min Lot 42, Lot 5; 91 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $140.24; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.98; interest at 6 per cent, '$1.22; total _.._........_........._...._....... 144.52 Caroline Wise, Sub. Min. lot 42, Lot 6; 91 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $140.24; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.08; interest at 6 per cent, $1.22; total ................................._...... 144.62 Zeno and Mary Fleege, Sub. Min. lot 42, Lot 7; 91 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.541.1364, $140.24; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.06; interest at 6 per cent, $1.22; total .......................__............... 144.6'2 Mary Boyd, Oak Grove Add., Lot 4; 120 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $184.94; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.03; in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.61; h,at _______.___......._..._...... 190.58 Wm. Thill, Oak Grove Add., Lot 5; 90 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $138.70; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $8.02; in- terest at 6 per cent, $1.20; total - 142.82 Wm. Thill, Sub. lot 6 Oak Grove Add., Lot 1; 40 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, 561.65; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent. oto o ti Id9roq i W rodNN I aOpNN iOGU}q0N IW m WYNgGN AyromF oI.."N I5i7 .t.M °`I NAVVV °" q GV IO Ay IO.,ro••mm w ro row +' i, 4;,11« I . q.. Ma;;aa i«,:;6o as IRt cm,.a I ° r°nroeo Iti"8: I'TrjMm Is:- . °n°im .9 om,aal 0° no 8 ante mN ooM, .. m F' ' a«ta .m °ict Mea :npcM m aaA"'v a °N Ia QY.Ca yaw;°-'I'.o]ytincox!° n .'oy am.. ro.. oow,'"n wian°"`°u", aro ° p, ., 00 t tlotl my°q«aa tti Wo« ow«.° w0 1dwau gU1 ww ae"'n; OwmmwM 0 $1.34; interest at 6 per cent, 53c; total ___ ..._..... 88.52 Harry E. Williamson, Oak Grove Add., Lot 7; 66 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $86.30; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.88; interest at 6 per cent, Harry E. Williamson, Oak Grove Add., Lot 8; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per cent, SOc; total..................__....._._.._.._. ._ Jennie Dougherty Oak Grove Add., Lot 9; 60 lin. R. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, SOc; total ..............._.............._.............. Mrs. Mary Bakey, Oak Grove Add., Lot 10; 60 lin. It. sew- er pipe and manholea at $1.6411364, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per cent, Ellen Powers, Oak Grove Add., Lot 11; 60 lin, ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per cent, Ellen Powers, Oak Grove Add., Lot 12; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, SOc; total ....__..........._........__....__...... Wm. Corcoran, Ryder's Sub•, Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; total............................ _............................ _. Wm. Corcoran, Ryder's Sub.. Lct 2; 50 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; Wm. Corcoran, Ryder's Sub., Let 3; 60 lin. ft. etwer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in- terest at 6 per cent, 67c; total__._......._._....2.....22..2........_....__... Wm. Corcoran, Ryder's Sub., Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in - W di ro t m b ° mdwao.m adwa o z ¢ ti !gr., p.t« Ii«rod« m q 0m y 5Naq, `• =1.12°$: `. a t e Is:Ms: x 7a B o am amt,m01 'nI'v6 ay awMamaqro0 imi m•9_ r- -Jig m C Owd Y P.Saa`6A ,u.Lm a„N_ w Im,oMmoMLoa, mav;°WcINItn.....t ,t174 -d1E;11;11xan.0«wq-° .-aM,op;mpm.,«W .,, t..amt_t a Je?1 «... .wwaw.6wwawcb,twc,4.nm••"w=4.:Mmroe wi. ..43'40 • 1 G C U 95.28 95,280 79.41 79.41 79.41 yl terest at 6 per cent, 67c; total...__........._.....__....._.,._...___.._..._ 79.41 Henry and Irma Martin, Ry- der's Sub., Lot 6; 48.6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man-, holes at $1.6411354, 574.90; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.63; interest at 6 per cent 65c; total .._._...._.....__._.___ 77.18 Henry and Irma Martin, Ry- der's Sub., Lot 6; 48.6 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man-, holes at $1.5411364, 574.90; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.63; interest at 6 per cent 66c; total ...__._...._.....___.._ 77.18 Peter Apel Est., Sub. lot 1 of M. L. 39, Lot 2; 74.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $114.81; extra ex - fpenes at 2.1793 per cent, $2.60; interest at 6 per cent, 99c; total ............._......._................. 118.30 Peter Apel Est., Sub. Min. lot 39, W. 30 ft. Lot 2; 30 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man. holes at 51.5411354, $48.23; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.01; interest at 6 per Louis Hoffman, Sub. Min. Lot 39, H. 30 ft. Lot 2; 30 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $46.23; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.01; interest at 6 per cent, Louie Hoffman, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 3; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 92,47; extra ex- pense at 2.1794 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, Frank Riese, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1794 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, Fannie Kemp, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 5; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, 592.47; extra ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; Interest at 6 per James Mulligan, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- tra expense at 2.1793 Der cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per John Theos, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 7; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92,47; extra ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per '0 'Maki 'wMm (. o7,4 .%M..9. 1 •°°d°PN y S WM °i'ro wqe ' e« roE.“2 I. ..mNwc;9 ooroM w._ oa eNau., :stmt o a o U l a U v ro ro y ti ro z m, a m._. _:aN; ,vtlooq=U seam y,6wm aow'O'vmr- ;'Ildawti M.ta,waw,w-.C'g•q°memivadti°mw, .i ti ti F =W t V du C~'y ONiC«q C .romp C.B 0 = matte O w 9e._w Q 2o, i o"N'.'a vee 204;. m a roK ro m ,° n o av,'po ud-, da? na "ro o .a sQo'k .D1.yn kmwm ,C ,_ &qws„ roawm o awwo.w,6 °ww m.. k1 B F ate• B'9 q.N »ma.tmwa 47.64 47.64 95.28 95.28 95.28 95.28 cent, $2.0:,,,1nterest at 6 per cent, 80e; total . John Hackett, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 8; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes' at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 800; total ______ Eugene Singer, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 9; 60 lin. ft. sewer ',pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per cent, 800; total ..................._......._.. Arthur W. Ott, Randall's Sub., Lot 3, 1064.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 91.6411354, $1625.13; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $35.42; interest at 6 per cent, $14.09; total ...1674.64 J. Peter Faber, Sub. lot 19 Oak Grove Add., Lot 2; 55 lin. ft. sewer pipe and mare holes at $1.5411354, 584.16; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.85; interest at 6 per cent, 73c; total ______ 87.34 Magd. Faber, Sub. lot 19 Oak Gm) e Add.. Lot 2; 55 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $84.76; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.85; Interest at 6 per cent, 95.28 95.28 95.28 1 Richard Boughton, Oak Grove Add;, Lot 18; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.541.1354, $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2,01; interest at 6 per cent, 80e; total .. Francis L. Duggan, Oak Grove Add., Lot 17; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5413354. $92.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1753 per cent, $2,01; interest at 6 per cent, Francis L. Duggan, Oak Grove Add., Lot 16; 60 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 592.47; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 52,01; Interest at 6 per cent, Wm. F. Kennedy, Sub. lots 14 and 16 Oak Grove Add., S. 310 ft. Lot 1; 170 lin. ft. sewer pip's and manholes at 91.5411354, $261.99; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.71; interest at 6 per cent, Temple Securities Co., Oak Grove Add., Lot 57; 120 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 5184.94; extra a ti 87.34 96.28 95.28 95.28 269.97 on Opposite Page expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.03; interest at 6 per cent, $1.61; total ....... ....................._........_ 190.68 John Kelson. 001 grove Add., Lot 68; 6' ,1, sewer pipe and mr . at $1.5411354, $92.47- expense at 2,17 J 3. mt, $2.01; in- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; John Kelson, Oak Grove Add., Lot 59; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $92.47; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.01; 1n- terest at 6 per cent, 80c; total __. 96.28 John Kelson, Oak Grove Add., Lot 60; 41 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.541.1354, $63.19; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.38; in- terest at 6 per cent, 65c; total .. _...........__ 65.12 Jelin Q. Kuehnle, Sub. lot 1 of 2 of M. L. 48, Lot 2; 43.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $67.04; extra expense et 2.1793 per cent, $1,46; interest at 6 per cent, 59c; total _......... .......................,....._ 69.09 John Kelson, Sub .lot 1 of 2 of 11. L. 48, Lot 1; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense_at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total _ .....22......2.....2 79.41 John K. Kuehnle, Sub. lot 2 of M. L. 48, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total .............__..........._"..._............. Bernadine Junterman, Sub. Min. lot 48, 1,01 1; 837 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $1289.93; ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $28.11; interest at 6 per cent, $11,18; total......_....._...1329.22 Presentation Nuns, Sub, Min. lot 45, Lot 4; 300 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $462.34; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $10.08; interest at 6 per cent, $4.01; total .... 476.43 Arthur Duggan, South Avenue Add., Lot 13; 49.83 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $76.79; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.67; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total _..__._...._._ ........................ 79.13 Arthur Duggan, South Avenue Add., Lot 12; 49.83 Tin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, $76.79; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, ti w L13!!!11;19 «N Nqq I r m aN',q M .:i^ W U U 11 p W ` U ° G o A N qac 1.q ,1,59:2, aid , id m Iyala,rsN aiNad ,r'cgw9. 0 tomo a» m,m:, v'o iw i,m:,u'S, ov want ov aw6 0 5 zmw 0 95.28 79.41 u7 w «ro d el i m o v terest at 6 per cent, 76e; total.._..._........_..........2.22....2 ..............._ 91.31 Jalnes W. Mills, Sub. 6 Break- ey's Add., Lot 1; 14 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $116411354, $21.58; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 47c; interest at 6 per cent, 190; total __...._.....2...2.2 .................2... 22.24 Emilie Hfntraeger, Sub. 6 Breakey's Add., Lot 2; 43 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at .51.5411354, $88.27; extra expense at 2,1793 per cent, $1.44; Interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total _..............._ 68.28 Michael Cain Est., Breakey's Add., Lot 5; 60.5 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354. $93.24; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per Cent, 81c; total ._........._...__._.....__......._.... Charles J. Boyer, Breakey's Add., Lot 2; 60.5 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at / $1.5411864, $93.24; extra ex- / pence at 2.1793 per cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per cent, 810; total ...___...___ ..............._...._.._ 96.08 Charles J. Boyer, Breakey's Add., Lot 3; 60.5 lin, ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $93.24; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per cent, 96.08 J. J. Wickham Est, Breakey's Add., Lot 2; 60.5 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $93.24; extra ex- penee at 2.1793 per cent, $2.03; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; total .............222...........2..__...... 96.08 Jacob Entringer, Breakey's Add., E. 30 ft. Lot 1; 30 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $46.23; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $101; interest at 6 per cent, Henry Poole, Breakey's Add., W. 55 ft. Lot 1; 56 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 586.30; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.88; interest at 6 per cent, Mathilda Cooper, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 29; 83 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $127.91; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.79; interest at 6 per cent, $1.11; total ........._..._....___.___......_ Mary Entringer, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 30; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, t✓ $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, , 41 870; total __ Margt. J. Kelly, Sub, Min. Lot 39, Lot 31; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total .. 79.41 ....2...2.22......_........_....... _. Pat O'Toole Est., Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 32; 60 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total _ ............._........ 79.41 Louis J. Beck, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 33; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 91.68; interest at 6 per cent, 670; total Dennis and Kate Moriarity, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 34; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, 577.08; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total .........................^. Dennie and Kate Moriarlty, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 36; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, 577.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 07c; total ----- Thos. J. Shea, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 36; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total ..._..._....2 ...............2..2......2 79.41 J. J. Nagle, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 37; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06;. extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total 79.41 Jesse Siegworth, Sub. Mtn. Lot 39, Lot 38; 50 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.88; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total ....................................._...__ 79.41 Jesse Siegworth, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 39; 50 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total . ............._...............__........ 78.41 John Sparks, Sub. lot 1 Ran- dall's Sub., N. 33 ft. Lot 7; 33 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 550.86; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.11; in - 79.41 79.41 79.41 ti w«Nkmd q,«Hm N"y M,n m m maw I^ t.o 'awroto,a i mti -,o1;M« I ro,y7:f roman Ley ^tl.tl No+ro '.C; °Ma" ' N El,,, '•N 7• rot H•O°tiro ti« Io«W ai.aM d N aMNi I aoMr Na O .ti x'".9 oa`•''ati is w,o--•Inti a.Mmi ° •'+ a w ^Ono « 7-,;::;::!F12:7:: , - " q,• O Na gp!:-14:i;r4!:;;;37 'e..F',.; a,^ywic` 4wm .. MUU,Zwo a^r%GCLa "`« ° F»Uav,»«u5o°= 6mm. 1^1^Jmalcm+5 .oma 'at ro^^oy°v aq, j wia doa in ie .« t.,.b , -t+N,. Ib F°V (v,natV° ro mm ^ro m=u .qu atm+, ro'q^,V I Cu-. O,jrogU aBw M I1'n 4, INMtgtl.,m p• °iro.° •OgOu° ro m 115-'2„,..,'; q a«.'Qypq, i• wAmaa z am R. , ;W C..m Mvit m a Oa O•12 -, °taaNq,meJ ;;N is q•' m ,,,,m 2:I ro, am I ro am IQN"'wawv QN""w 'O • c 1°q, ::::''° Ia«.00-Mro I7 a? m isizm w _ o,, Npim' b -p ; c R «ro p .1 R 1.0 1 g N,1p N 4 V; m a F tl a : V O% w v a a n N ° V ,'ao w•.•O CL k^O ..tl QO yM N^Op miaO ta IgWw tp,k P, woo, t`.,° E.]'a w am M 'mw Bm°,:°-''t.B1°c •• tl _.r .ti o .p5oc5 N .0 U aeAm 'm'v«oawm=aet ^=tle`tlan °n.70°i Fi o ,.. a» ; " °4re aw zm a -M w moon•,. w v47.1n9i12m,„ Grandview Ave. Rowan St. Southern Ave. English Lane Sullivan St. extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.68; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.46 ;total ............_............. 173.89 Mary Massey, Sub. lot 4 pt. M.L. 37, Lot 1; 30 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $46.23; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1 01; interest at 6 per cent, Michael Kelly, Sub. lot 1 of 2 of 4 pt. M.L. 37, Lot 1; 62.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411354, $96.32; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.10; interest at 6 per cent, 83c; total _ -. 99.25 Charles Boyer, Sub. lot 1 of 1 O'Connor's Sub., Lot 1; 50 11n. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at 51.5411364, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67e; total ............................... 79.41 Charles Boyer, Sub. lot 1 of 2 O'Connor's Sub., Lot 1; 50 hal ft. sewer pipe e and man- boles at 51.5411354, $77.08; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total .__................ ..... 79.41 Charles Boyer, Sub. lot 1 of 1 of 3 O'Connor's Sub., Lot 1; 63.5 lin. ft. sewer ripe and manholes at 51.5411354, $97.86; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 02.13; in- terest at 6 per cent, 850; total..............................._........__. _........... City of Dubuque, Sub. lot 2 of 4 O'Connor's Sub., Lot 1; 11 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 516.95; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 37c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 14c; total_. Rose Boyer, Sub. lot 1 of 1 of 4 O'Connor's Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 577.06; extra expense at terest at 6 per cent. 67c; 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; in• - Chas. Dillon, Sub. lot 1 of 5 O'Connor's Sub., Und. 34 Lot 1; 29.60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 545.46; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 996; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total ._....._...._......_...._..... _.... Mildred D. Sheehan Est., Sub. lot 1 of 6 O'Connor's Sub., Und. ifs Lot 1; 74 lin. tt. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 5114.04; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 52.49; interest at 6 per cent, Plat and Profile of Sewer for Which Assessment Eliz. Duggan, Newman's Sub., N. 93 It. of E. 40 ft. Lot 1; 40 lin. ft. sewer plpe and manholes at $1.5411354, 2.1793ra expense at per [cent, 51.34; in- terest at 6 per cent, 53c; total___........._.._.__..._......_ ................_ 63.62 A. W. Bandy, Newman's Sub., W. 10 ft. Lot 1; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 515.41; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per, cent, 34c; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; total __... . 16.89 A. W. Bandy, Newman's Sub., E. 40 ft. Lot 2; 40 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 561.66; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.34; Interest at 6 pqr cent, Eliz. Duggan, Newman's Sub., N. 102 ft. of W. 10 ft. Lot 2; 10 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 515.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 14c; total_. 16.89 Eliz. Duggan, Newman's Sub., N. 104 ft: of E. 1 Lot 3; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $38.53; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 84c; lnter- eat at 6 per cent, 33c; total._ 39.70 C. H. Reynolds, Newman's Sub., N. 106 ft. of W. 1 Lot 3; 25 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $38.53; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 840; Inter- est at 6 per cent, 33c; total... 39.70 C. H. Reynolds, Newman's Sub., N. 108 ft. of E. 1/2 Lot 4; 26 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411364, $38.53; extra expense at 2.1793 per cen'l, 584; inter- est at 6 per cent, 33c; total.. 39.70 Mary Crowley, Newman's Sub., N. 110 ft. of W. t/a Lot 4; 25 lin .ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $38.53; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $84; inter- est at 6 per cent, 33c; total._ 39.70 Mary Crowley, Sub. lot 5 New - man's Sub., Lot 1; 60 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.68; Interest at 6 per cent, 17.46 79.41 46.85 Mary Crowley, Sub. lot 6 New - man's Sub., Lot 1; 50 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; interest at 6 per cent, a 00 4my0N°wd% m•"q3em?.ti rJ da ?m yU 0.° 'w..0 .yLc ut.avyiaat. Nt..9PVVOi -tUF'b'Na°y , ow«•s-tiNNa: ayyo`wa No Mom`°-''7°yatl''t"Gamo i.GN='O° O-cdWoq.aNdi q.e..„ew g^bl« G°..✓,•, i QmLCOv ,PtiVxa77'v gco' w, Sgwv° 4n74:',76-% U74w -omA7o15.1,.- g:2:„ AW:,U1 ua Ctat=aqapo^°R: 4bdooN°`EQpqom1Ky5Wvnwa7e- °a'gNqImn;1E7j B -w ueudqpnva A. A. Cooper (Inc), Sub. lot 2 of M. L. 38A, Lot 1; 1116.8 11n. ft. sewer pipe and man - boles at $1.5411354, 5178.46; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 53.89; interest at 6 per cent, $1.55; total .....__r......_........ 183.90 City of Dubuque, Rowan's Sub., Lot 6; 57.5 Ila. ft. sew er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $88.82; extra ex- pense at 21.793 per cent, 51.93; interest at 6 per cent, 78c; total .. 91.31 Geo. J. Cable, Sub. lot 6 Row- an's Sub., Lot 1; 57.5 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.6411354, 588.62; extra ex- pense at 21.793 per cent, 51.93; interest at 6 per cent, 76c; total _......____ .............................. 91.31 City of Dubuque, Rowan's Sub., Lot 4; 64 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $98.63; extra ex- N penes at 2.1793 per cent, 52.15;1 per at G cent, Sfic; total ._........_....._..._...._._.........101.83 Ross McMahon Eat., Rowan's Sub., Lot 3; 64 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 598.63; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.15; interest at 6 per cent, 85c; total ..............................__...__. 101.63 Irene K. Drake, Rowan's Sub., Lot 2; 64 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 598.83; extra ex- • pence at 2.1793 per cent, 52.15; Interest at 6 per cent, 85e; total ....._........._..._......_. _..... 101.63 Louis Morris, Rowan's Sub., Lot l; 64 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 598.63; extra expense at terest at 6 per c cent, in- terest per cent, er cent, 86c; total..._. .................._.............._..._....._ 101.63 Dennis and Kate Moriarty, South Avenue Add., Lot 15; 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.541135.1, 5154.11; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 53.36; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.34; total.............._..............__........................._ 158.81 Eugene A. Ryle, Sub. Min. Lot 35, Lot 1; 290 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 5446.93; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 59.74; interest at 6 per cent, $3.88; total ._..........._.._............_._... 460.56 Ross McMahon Est., Sub. Min. sewer pipe and manholes at Lot 21, Lot 1; 200 lin. ft. 51.5411354, 5308.23; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.72; interest at 6 per cent, $2.67; total .._._._.__.........._...._....... 317.62 Roes McMahon Est., Sub. Min. Lot 21, Lot 2; 180 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $277.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 66.05; Interest at 6 per cent, $2.40; total ........................_._......._...._ 286.86 Ed. Gree, Sub. Min Lot 22, Lot 1; 105.7 lin. ft. sewer pipe ane manholes at 51.5411364, $162.90; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.65; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.41; .total 167.86 Julia Kavanaugh, Sub. Min. Lot 22, Und. 1-3 Lot 4; 233.33 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $359.59; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 57.84; in- terest at 6 per cent, 53.12; total._..__............................._............._.._... 370.55 Nbllie .N0vanangh, Sub. Min. but 22, Dad. 2.3 Lot 4; 466.67 11n. ft. sewer pipe and man- holS 8 atr$1.5411354, 5719.20; extrh expense at 2.1793 per cent, 515.67; interest at 6 per cent, $6.24; total.......... 741.11 James Connors, Rowan's Sub., Lot 19; 33 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354 $50.86; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.11; in- terest at 6 per cent, 44c; total.........._ ..............._.......__............... ._ 52.41. James Connors, Rowan's Sub., Lot 19; 3 311n. ft. sewer p'pe and manholes at 51.5411364, 560.86; extra expense at 2.1793per cent. 51.11; In- terest at 6 per cult, 44c; total _ ........... 52.41 Julia A. Carter, Rowan's Sub., Lot 17; 33 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 550.86; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.11; in- terest at 6 per cent, 44c; total ._-- 52.11 Eugene and Herbert Adams, Rowan's Sub., Lot 16; 33 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $50.86; extra 2.1793 per cent, $1.11; in- terest at 6 per cent, 44c; total_ ..................._......_......_......._.... 12A] Eugene Corcoran, Rowan's Sub., Und. 2.3 Lot 15; 22 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411364, $33.90; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 74c; interest at 6 per cent, 29c; total .............._..................__.._.._ 34.91 Mary Corcoran, Rowan's Sub., Und. 1-3 Lot 15; 11 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411364, 516.95; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 37c; interest at 6 per cent, 6 _N Aq gwcl U co 0 000 o e w ,n mo »wa°wo° .oII I Na e ami biCNSRp wNt. - w 7.15 e U qct M t -q 0.q .+ jdd °fW I .. ., act oa-,-, .,aloe utl ~ oa •e o yoac-aw mAa mN.yw 0.,-i a A588_41 b yq W t113.d C`°u q N V11.11 q O y 0 n 711 OP!'I x 0.i e yfi0.gliPA u qqa °A.F;Com°a y ° ° ti1:4:1,..!!!q]'°!; yme0oMp0Sw_mNGeNy a C - .m.m ,gpuE 0- 0 UQ d 'n .,y a -fix ..ag , y M y • r 'sw maw.. gQ. S do^ci y ci e,wua=.l dx uww ;G ti Emilie Hintrager, Rowan's Sub., Lot 14; 33 lin. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 550.86; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.11; interest at 6 per cent, 44c; total _._.._............._._..__. ......_ 52,41 Albert C. Seale, Llneheln's Sub., N. 60 ft. of E. '/s Lot 3; 128.39 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $194.78; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $4.24; In- terest at 6 per cent, $1.68; total .. 200.70 H. A. Richardson, Sub. lot 6 Sub. W. 1,4 lot 3, Lineheln's Sub., Lot 2; 26.39 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, $40.67; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 89c; Interest at 6 per cent, 35c; total .. _... 41.91 H. A. Richardson, Sub. lot 3 W. (4 Llaebeln'a Sub: Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.54111354, $77.06; extra expense at j 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; in- terest at 8 per cant, 67c; total...................................._...._........_........ 79.41 H. A. Richardson, 'Sub. lot 3 W. IA Lineheln's Sub. Lot 3; 60 11n. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $77.06; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; in- - tereat at 6 per cent, 87c; total____._ ..................._................._._.._ 79.41 Nora Gentry Carr, Lluehein's Sub., Lot 4; 295.68 1ln. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $465.68; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $9.93; Interest at 6 per cent, 53.95; total ._..................... __............. 469.56 John Schoeberl, Sub. lot 1 Linehein's Sub., Lot 2; 100 lin. ft. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, $154.11; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.38; Interest at 8 per Federal Corp, Sub. pt. Min. Lot 20, Lot 1; 50 lin. ft wer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 577.08; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, $1.C8; Interest at 6 per cent, Margt. M. Maher, Sub. pt. Min. Lot 20, Lot 3; 184 lin. ft. sewer pipe aml manholes at. 51.5411354, 5252.75; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.61; interest at 6 per cent, $2.18; total ........__._ .................._.__.. 260.44 City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. Block F, Lot 1; 174.67 lin. f1. sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, 5269.19; is Made on Opposite Page extra expense at 2,1793 per cent, $5.87; Interest at 6 per cent, $2.33; total ___ .._______ 277.39 City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. Block F, Lot 4; 174.67 lin. ft. sewer plp aend man- holes at $1.5411354, 5269.19; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 55.87; interest at 6 per 277 39 cent, $2.33; total __ Ott Rubber Co., Industrial Sub. Block A; 849.35 11n. ft. sew- er pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 5538.40; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 511.73; interest at 6 per 664 79 cent, $4.66; total _ James M. Burch, Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., 131. 24; 100 lin. ft. sewer $1.5411354, manholes at 5154.11; and extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 53.36; interest at 6 per cent, $1.34; total ............. __. __.__....._. 168.81 Alice E. Scott Est., Dubuque Harbor Add.,Und. tie Dl..24; 100 lin. It. sewer 51.5411354,pipe and at 5154.11; extra extra expense ut 2.1793 per cent, $3.36; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.34; total .. Standard Oil Co., Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., 131. 25, Lot 2; 113 110. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 51.5411354, 5174.15; extra expene at 2.1793 per cent, $3.80; interest at 6 per cent, I. C. R. R. Co., Dubuque Har- bor Co. Add., 131. 25, Lot 3; 113 110-11. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 5174.15; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.80; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.51; total._.._.._......._._._ .................._. _........ 179.46 John R. Waller, Sub. lot 5 Dubuque Herber Co. Add., 131. 27, Lot 1; 52.38 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $40.36; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 88c; interest at 8 per cent, 1. C. R. R. Co., Sub. lot 5 Du- buque Harbor Add., 131. 27, Lot 2; 65 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, at 21793 per extra cen51.09 expense Ent teres[ at 6 per cent, 43c; total.._ ..............._...._...._.................._._...._ I. C. R. R. Co., Stock yards and I. C. R. R. Co. proper- ty; 470 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $724.33; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $15.79; in- tereat at 6 per cent, 56.28; total . ........_......................... 746.40 I. C. R. R. Co., Dubuque Har- bor Co. Add., BI. 28, 200 lin. ft. sewer pipe gad manholes at 51.5411354, 5308.23; ex- tra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.72; interest at 6 per cent, $2.67; total _.._...........__._ 317.82 LaCrosse Dredging Co., Du- buque Harbor Co., Add., BI. 29; 200 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 81.5411354, 5308.23; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.72; in- terest at. 8 per cent, $2.67; total_...............___.__. _._.......__.....__. 317.62 LaCrosse Dredging Co., Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., BI. 30; 208 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 554.1354, 5317.47; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $6.92; in- terest at 6 per cent, $2.76; City of Dubuque, part of aban- doned river bed; 357 lin. f). sewer pipe and manholes at 51.6411354, 5560.19; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 511.99; Interest at 6 per cent, $4.76; total - Harvey L. Pier, Sub. lot 26 Levi's Add., Lot 1; 31 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, $47.68; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.04; interest at 6 per cent, 42c; total ..................................._.._.._ Mary E. Duggan, Levi's Add., Lot 27; 56 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 586.30; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.88; In- terest at 6 per cent, 75c; total....................._.............. _.....__-_._ James Mulligan, Sub. lot 1 of 33 Levi's Add., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411.354, 577.08; extra expanse at 2.1793 per cent, $1.88; interest at 6 per cent, Hugh Kearney et al. Sub. lot 41.59 29 Oak GroVe Add., Lot 1; 50 lin. It. sewer pipe and manholes at 81.5411354, 577.08; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.68; in- terest at 8 per cent, 67c; total.........................................._........_......... Wm. Beecher, Sub. lot 1 Ran - 51.61 dall's Sub., S. 67 ft. Lot 9; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 515.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; inter- est at 8 per cent, 14c; tothL 327.14 566.94 49.24 88.93 79.41 79.41 15.89 E. J. Schilling, Sub. lot 1 Ran. dell's Sub., Lot 10; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411344, $15.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; Interest at 6 per cent, Frank Macglns, Sub. lot 1 Ran- dall's Sub., Lot 11; 10 11n. ft, sewer pipe and manholes at $1.5411354, 515.41; extra ex- Penee at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; interest at 6 per cent, Frank Macgina, Sub. lot 1 Ran- dall's Sub., Lot 12; 10 110. ft. aewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, 515.41; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; interest at 6 per cent, 15.89 15.89 15.89 Frank Macglns, Sub. lot 1 Ran- dall's Sub., Lot 13; I0 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manhples at $1.5411354, 515.41; extra ex- pense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; lnteregt at 8P er cent, 14c; total _ 16.89. Frank Wesley Skellenger, Sub. lot 1 Randall's Sub., Lot 14; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and manholes at 51.5411354, , 515.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 14c; total... 15.89 Frank Wesley Skellenger, Sub. lot 1 Randall's Sub., Lot 16; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and. manholes at 51.5411354, 515.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 14c; total... 15.89 Frank Wesley Skellenger, Sub. lot 1 Randall's Sub., Lot 16; 10 lin. ft. sewer pipe and ' manholes at 51.5411354,' 515.41; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 34c; inter- est at 6 per cent, 14c; total._ 15.89 Fred Faldorf, Pt. Mls. Lot 25, Lot 2; sewer pipe and man- holes at $1.5411354, 5149.08; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $3.25; interest at 6 per cent, 51.30; total __ 153.81 Fred Faldorf, Sub. Min. Lot 28, Lot 8; sewer pipe and manhole cost, $50.00; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, 51.09; interest at 8 per cent, 43c; total _ .................................._..._._. 51.52 Nellie Kavanaugh, Sub. Min. Lot 22, Undi 2-3 Lot 5; sew- er pipe and manhole coat, 5105.17; extra expense at 2.1793 per cent, $2.89; In- terest at 6 per cent, 92c; total_..__.._.. _..__............. _..... _ 108.38 Southern Ave Cannon St. So. Locust St. Dubuque Cascade Road Laurell St. 12 Right of Way Southern Ave. Dubuque Cascade Road Bradley St. Grandview Ave. Southern Ave. Grandview Ave. Dubuque Cascade Road Southern Ave. Grandview Ave. Quinno St. Valley St. South Locust St. Rush St. Railroad St. Salina St. South Locust St. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for constructing Sanitary Sewer in Coop- er Heights, in Cooper Place, from a point 100 ft. east of Gilmore Street to Raymond Place, and in Raymond Place from Cooper Place south a dis- tance of 50 feet, and north in Ray- mond Place and right-of-way to pres- ent sewer in W. 5th Street, and in Maiden Lane from a point 60 feet east of Gilmore street east a dis- tance of about 517 feet to manhole in right-of-way, by Cook & Kean. ontraetors. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax he and Is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 24; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $102.64; 22 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., $22.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $4.12; interest at 6 per cent, $1.00; total .................. _._......__.....$129.84 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 25; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09402, $102.64; 15 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per Un. ft., $15.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.90; interest at 6 per cent, 91.01; total ....._..__......_........ ........ 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 26; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole coat at 2.09482, $102.64; 15 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., 915.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent. $3.90; Interest at 6 per cent. 91.01; total ._............_...__ ................... 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 27; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole coat, at 2.09482, $102.64; 15 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., 915.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 93.90; interest at 6 per cent, 91.01; total .........._...._......__..........._ 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 28; 50.35 110. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost, at 2.09482, 9105.46; 15 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft.. 915.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 93.99; interest at 6 per rent, 91.04; total ....._ .................._.............. 125.49 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 29; 50.69 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost, at 2.09482, 9106.18; 15 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft. $15.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 84.01; interest at 6 per cent, 01.06; total .__.....__ .............._.......... 126.25 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 30; 49 lin. ft. the pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, 9102.64; 16 Iln. ft. 41nclt laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft.. $15.00; extra expense et 3.3083 per cent, 93.89; interest at 6 per cent, total .......... ........_........._._.. .... 122.55 - 9 Plat and Profile of Sewer for Which Assessment is Made on Opposite Page A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 31; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $102.64; 16 lin, ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. It,, 915.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 93.89; interest at 6 per cent, $1.02; total ...._...._.._ ..............._..._..... 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc.. Cooper Heights, Lot 32; 49 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, 9102.64; 15 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., 915.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.89; interest at 6 per cent, $1.02; total .....,. _..........._......_...._.__ 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 33; 48.92 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, 9102.47; 14 lin. ft. 41inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., $16.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.89; interest 0t 6 per cent, 91.02; total......a......................... _. 122.55 A. A. Cooper, Inc.. Cooper Heights, Lot 34; 46.37 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $97.12; 18 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., $18.00; extra ex- tra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.81; Interest at 6 per cent, 91.02; total ............................. 122.38 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 35; 46.371in. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $97.12: 17 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., 917.00; extra ex- tra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.78; Interest at 6 per cent, 99c; total ......................._..... 118.89 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 36; 46.371in. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $97.12; 15 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., $15.00; extra ex- pense at 3.3083 per cent, 83.71: interest at 6 per cent, 97r; total .. ............................. 116.80 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights. Lot 37; 96.37 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $97.12; 6 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., 95.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 83.38; interest at 6 per cent, 89c; total......................_.........._....._....._........... 106.39 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 12; 40.92 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09402, $102.47; 18.5 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., $18.50; extra expense at 3.3083 per rent, 94.00; interest at 6 per cent, $1.04; total . ..............._... 126.01 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 13; 50 lin. tt. tile pipe and manhole coati at 2.09482, 8104.73; 18.5 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., $18.60; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 94.08; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.07; total ......................_....._..... 128.38 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $104.73; 13 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., $13.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.89; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.02; total _ _.... _.... ._........ 122.64 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manhole cost at 2 09482, 9104.73; 13 lin. It. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., $13.00; extra expense at 3.3093 per cent, $3.89; interest at 6 per cent, 91.02: total .. 122.64 .4. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 16; 61.84 lin. ft. J the pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, $108.59; 13 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at 91.00 Der lin. ft., 913.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $4.02; interest at 6 per cent, $1.06; total . _...._............__... 126.67 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights- Lot 17; 61.84 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482, 9108.59; 13 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., $13.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, 94.02; interest at 6 per cent, $1.06; total ...._ ._..._... _................. 126.67 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 10; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole coat at 2.09482, $104.73; 13 lin. ft. 4 -Inch laterals at $1.00 per lin. ft., 913.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per Bent, 53.89; interest at 6 per cent, 91.02; total ......................__........ 122.64 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 19; 50 Iln. ft. tile pipe and manhole coat at 2.09482, $104.73; 18 lin. ft. 4.inch laterals at 91.00 per lin. ft., 913.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $1.02; total ... _..............__......... 122.64 A. A. Cooper, Inc.. Cooper Heights, I,ot 20; 50 118. ft. tile pipe and manhole coat at 2.09482, 9104.73; 13 lin. 'a. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 sr lin. ft., 913.00; extra expense at 3.3083 per cent, $3.99; interest at 6 per cent, 91.02; total .. ....._.................._ 122.64 A. A. Cooper, Inc., Cooper Heights, Lot 21; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole cost at 2.09482. 9104.73; 13 lin. ft. 4 -inch laterals at $1.00 per lin, ft., $13.00; extra expense at 8.3083 per cent, $3.89; interest at 6 per cent, $1.02; total . .. .................... 122.64 Total _....._.......... _ ...............__._......$2,944.85 1067.8 11n. ft. 6 -Inch tile at 91.35 per lin. ft............_.............$1,441.53 344.5 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile at 91.40 per lin. ft. .. 982.30 353 11n. ft. 4 -inch tile at 91.00 perlin. ft..........._......._._......... _... 353.00 11 Manholes at 950.00 per manhole ................._, _._.._.._.......... 550.00 Interest at 6 per cent ....._........... 24.00 Extra expense at 3.3083 per cent................................._.................... 53.52 --- Total. ..... ..................................92,944.85 Approved October 12th, 1925. Adopted October 12th, 1925. 8 Raymond Pl. Cooper St. Maiden Lane W. 5th Str. Plat and Profile of Sewer r • r' Which Assessment is Made on Opposite Page Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing sanitary sewer in Foye street from Lowell street to Napit from e Foye streer street t t to the westliin Napier ne nt Lot 142 Mecanic's Add., and along right of way from Napier etraet to Kaufmann avenue. by Uhlrich-Paley Co., contractor, in frsnt of eolfl and ad - tax be joining the came, and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parte of lots, and parcels estateof real situate andowne owned, hereinafter andfor the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcels of real estate, as followo: Owner Description Amount. Theodore Klein, C. A. Voelk- er'e Add., Lot 19; 10 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $1.85553, $92.78; extro ex- pense at 6.23135 per cent, 94.81; Interest at 6 per cent, Add.. Lot 1; 75.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85653, $140.09; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $7.34; interest at 6 per cent, 148.65 $1.22; total . Michael Rapp. Mechanic's Add., Lot 134; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85553, $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.18; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total _..._ ...................._.......... 98.43 Joseph Birner, Mechanic's Add.. Lot 133; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholea at $1.85553, $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23136 per cent, $4.18; Interest at 6 per cent. Voelker Realty Co., Meehan: 98A3 80c; total . ic's Add., Lot 132; 50 lin. ft. tile plpe and manholes at $1.86653, $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.18; Interest at 6 per cent, 98.43 80c; total ........_.. _. ._.....__ ....... Voelker Realty Co., Mechani- ic'a Add., Lot 131; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85553. $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent. $4.18; Interest at 6 per cent. 80c; total ._..._...__. .....,._.._. ... 98.4;5 John Stierman, Mechanic's Add., Lot 137; 43 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85563, $779.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent. 54.18; interest at 6 per cent, 69e; total - .... 84.85 C. A. Voelker, Mechanic's Add., Lot 138; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $1.85553. $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.85; Interest at 6 per coal, 80c; total .............................._.....- 98.43 C. A. Voelker, Mechanic's Add.,• W. 4 ft. lot 139; 44 11n. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $1.86553. $81.63; extra expense at 6.23135 per cent, $4.28; Interest at 6 per cent, 71c; total... ........... 56.62 Edward Me}Ugney, Mechan- ic's Add.. Lot 140; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85553. $92.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.85; interest at 6 per cent, 98.41 80c; total ......._.__ __ Cordelia Fels, Mechanic's Add., Lot 141; 50 1ln. ft. Theodore Klein, C. A. Voelk- er'a Add., 9. 10 ft. Lot 18; 10 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 51.85553, $18.56; ex- - tra expense at 5.23135 per cent, 7c; interest at 8 Iter , 19 q0 cent, 17c; total ................._... _. William Bauck; C. A. Voelker'e Add., N. 40 ft. Lot 18; 40 lin. ft. the pipe and man- holes at $1.86553, $74.22; ex- tra expense at 5.23135 per cent, $3.88; interest at 6 per cent, 64c; total ......................_.... 78.74 John H. Relsch. C. A. Voelk- ' er's Add., Lot 17; 64 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.86553. $118.75; extra expense at 5.23135 per cent. $6.21; Interest at 6 per cent, ;1.04; total .............. _. _.......__. 126.00 Sarah Wiehl. Soh. lot 10 of Sub. lots 130.140 and 142. L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1; 100 lin. ft. tle pipe and manholes at $1.85553. 9185.55; extra expense at 5.23135 per cent. $9.71; in- terest at 6 per cent. $1.62; total ............... ._........... _... 196.08 Louis A. Elchman, Mechan- ic's Add., N. 50ft. Lot 109; 51 lin. ft. the pipe and man- holes at $1.85553, 594.63; extra expense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.95; interest at 6 per cent, 82c; total ...._. 100.40 Magdalena Haupert. Sub. lots 135-136 Mechanic's Add. and lot 2 of 10 of Sub. lots 138- 140-142. L. H. Langworthy's Add.. S. ?2e Lot 2; 37.75 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.86553, $70.04; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $3.67; interest at 6 per cent. 74 3'2 61c; total .... ...., _ ... .. Michael Rapp, Sub. lots 135- 136 Mechanic's Add. and lot 3 of 1 of Sub. lots 138-140 and 142, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 64. Lot 2; 37.76 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.86553. 870.04; extra ex- pense at 5.2313; per cent. $3.67; interest at 6 per cent. 74 32 file pipe and manholes at Brc: ihul ...... Sub.....l....._...1 - 51.85553, 892.78; extra ex - 136 Mecham . a 135- pense at 5.23135 per cent, 2 0 Mechanic's Sub Add. 138 l40 54.85; interest at 6 per cent, 2 of 10 of Sub. lots worth 80c; total .....__ ...._..... _.__.......... 98.43 and 142 L. H. Langworthy Matt Czizek Sr., Mechanic's Add., Lot 142; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.85553, $02.78; extra ex- pense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.85; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; total _................_.......,.. ._... W. Perkins, Mechanic's Add., Lot 143; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes $1.85553, ;92.78; extra expense at 5.23135 per cent, $4.85; in- terest at 6 per cent, 80e; 98.43 Total.._........._...1........._.. _..... _... $1974.58' 924.2 11n. ft. 6 inch the at 70c per lin. ft. ..............................5646.94 7 manholes at $50.00 per man- 350.00 'hole ._....... _._._. _....... 190.7 cu. yds. enac:,iimi at $4.50 per cu. yd. . 868.15 15 cu. ft. concrete 800 per cu. yd.... interest at 6 pt't hi ot -- 16.13 Extra expense at 6.21135 per 97 38 cent _.-_._..._... Total ... _......'....51974.58 All of which 18 assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved November 21111, 1925. Adopted November 2nd, 1925. Napier Str. Poie Str. Kaufman Ave. Chappel Court Klien St. Rush St. Quince St. Cleveland Ave. Cottage Place Abbott St. Woodworth St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In Coltaere PIa.oe. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for constructing sanitary sewer In Wood- worth Street from Lowell Street to Cottage Place, and 1n Cottage Plac" from Woodworth Street to about 300 feet east, and In Cottage Place from Wnndworlh Street to Abbott Street, and In Abbott Street from Cote Pia, about 200 feet south, by Uhl. rich-Paley Co.. contractor. In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax on the Bev - nand ial lots,, leviedhereby and partsoots, and par - CPIs of rest estate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. Frank Kraeseig, Pleasant View Add., Lot 76; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per cent,! va s Voelker o., Pleasant Vlew Add., Lotty 75; 40 On. ft tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per reT. 25c; total ..............._......_....._..._......... 30.48 Marie Fisher, Pleasant View Add., Lot 74; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, 528.77; extra ex. pause at 4.92628 per cent, 51.41; Interest at 6 per cent. 30.43 25c; total ..__...._........._._ ............... Realty Inv. Corp., Pieasant View Add., Lot 73; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at ......$0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92629 per cent, 26c; total _..._........__....... ............._ 30.43 Realty Inv. Corp.. Pleasant View Add., Lot 72; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914. $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total 30.43 .............................................. Melvin VanValkenberg, Pleas- ant View Add., Lot 71; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at ;0.71914, $28.77; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; Interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total ............................... 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 70; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, 528.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per cent, 30.43 25c; total _.._..........._...._ .................... Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 69; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914. $23.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, '$1.41; Intere9t at 6 per cent, 26c; total ...................................___.... 30.43 Joseph Eroster, Pleasant Vlew Add., Lot 68; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, ;28.77; extra ex- pen9e at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41: interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total ... 30.43 Joseph Erneter, Pleasant Vlew Add., Lot 67; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92628 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total . ..............__........ Anna Erneter, Pleasant View Add., Lot 66; 40 Ila. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; Interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total . ........................................ Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,.. 30.43 30.43 SEWER RECORD Contractor. Anna Erneter, Pleasant View Add., Lot 65; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; Interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total _......_ ...................._........._...... 30.43 Anna Erneter, Pleasant View Add., Lot 64; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; Interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total ...._._.........._...._.........._._.... 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 63; 40 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.77; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.41; interest at 6 per cent, 28e; total ............_.........._ ................._...... 30.43 Fred E. Mets, Pleasant View Add.. Lot 62; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, 535.96; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.78; interest at 6 per cent, 31e.; total ................................_.......... 38.06 John C. Cullen, Cullen's Sub., Lot 3; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $35.96; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.78; in- terest at 6 per cent, 31c; 38.05 total.........._ .............._._..................... . John C. Cullen, Cullen's Sub., Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $35.96; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.78; in- terest at 6 per cent, 31c; total....._..._..._......_ .................................. 38.05 John C. Cullen, Cullen's Sub., Lot 5; 62.2 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at ;0.71914, $44.73; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $2.21; in- terest at 6 per cent. 38c; total_._:......._ ..............._......_.................... 47.32 Home guilders Co., Preasant View Add., Lot 91; 66.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $47.82; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $2.37; interest at 6 per cent, 41c; total ........._ ...................................... 50.60 Wm. Frommelt, Pleasant View Add., Lot 61; 76.1 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $54.73; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $2.70; interest at 6 per cent, 48c; total ....................._._..._.... _.... _.. 65.91 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 60; 90 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.76; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; Interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total _ 30.43 Inch Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 59; 40 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914,.$28.76; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.48; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total.................._ ._......................... Henry and Theresa Lippe, Pleasant View Add., Lot 58; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at ;0.71914, ;28.76; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total ......._._............._..... 30.43 Henry and Theresa Lippe, Pleasant View Add., Lot 57; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $0.71914, $28.76: extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 26c; total ....._...._........._....... 30.13 Realty Inv. Corp., Pleasant View Add., Lot 56; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.71914, $28.76; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total _................_... _..... 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 55; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.71914, $28.76; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total _.._....__.........._.... 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 54; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.71914, $28.75; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total ......_.........._......_. 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 53; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.71914, 528.76; extra expense at 4.92528 per cent. $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total .. 30.43 Realty Inv. Corp., Pleasant View Add., Lot 62; 40 lin. ft: the pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.75; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total _ _...._ 30.43 Realty Inv. Corp., Pleasant View Add., Lot 51; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.71914, $28.76; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, interest at 6 per cent, 25e: total . Dubuque, Iowa,._ ;1.42; Interest at 6 per cent, 30.43 25c; total . -- Chas. Spangler, Pleasant Vlew Add., Lot 48; 40 'lin. ft. the pipe at $0.71914, 528.76; extra expense at 4.92628 per cent, $1.42; interest at 6 per Total ..$1,091.69 286 lin. ft. 8.inch the at 72c per 11n ft $ 206.92 617.5 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile at 666.90 68c per Ifo. ft... Six manholes at $46.00 each 270.00 Interest at 6 per cent_.........._... 8.96 Extra expense at 4.92528 per 60.82 cent Total . .$1,091.59 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits conferred. Approved January 18th, 1926. Adopted January 18th, 1926. 30.43 Realty Inv. Corp., Pleasant View Add., Lot 60; 40 11n. ft. tile pipe at ;0.71914, ;28.76; extra a pence at 4.92528 per cent, $1.42; Interest at 6 per cent, 25c; total 30.43 Voelker Realty Co., Pleasant View Add., Lot 49; 40 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at ;0.71914, $28.76; extra ex- pense at 4.92528 per cent, t. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Sewer 19.. 62. Engineer. Roosevelt St. Adams St. 'red by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing nsanitary sewer Roosevelttret from the end Inf the present manhole In Roosevelt street to 0 point opposite tr o6 iteley end C 01 water main by tlh contractor, In front of and adloin- IInn t hr same. a Sp ecia l T ax be and le herel'Y lovled 00 (80 several lots, and parle Df Iota and P¢rce1sorreal estate hereinafter named, sihmlr and owned, and for several al amounts set opposr each e t parcel of real estate as follows: Owner Description Amount Rome Builders Co., Fifth A00. Sub., i,nt 5; 25 Ila. ft. tile pipe and manholesat $9.469121, $11.72; e Ira expense at 4.36482 per Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In 13005e v e It St. cent, 62c; interest at 6 per cent, 110; total ..._..._..._.._._..._.$ 12.35 Home Builders Co., Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 6; 26 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 511.469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 62c; Interest at 6 per .............. ........_.. 12.3 cent. Ilc total 6 Frank Frey, Fifth Ave Sub.. Lot 7; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, 511.72; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 52e; in. terest at 6 per cent, llc; A. L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 8; 25 lin. fl. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 52c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total .._ 12.35 A. L. Rhomherg. Fifth .Ave. Sub., Lot 18; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121. $11.72; extra ex- v tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 52c; Interest at 6 per cent, 11c; fetal ...._..._.. 12.35 A. L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 17; 25 lin. R. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 52c; interest at 6 per rent, 11c; total _ .. _...._...-.._.. 12.35 A. L. Rhomberg. Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 16; 26 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0,469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 59c; interest at 6 per cent. 11c; total .......__ _. . A. L. Rhomberg. Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 15; 25 tin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 90,489121. $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 52c; Interest at 6 per A, L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 14; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 80.469121, $11.72; extra ex. tre expense at 4.36482 per cent. 52c; interest at 8 per cent, llc; total .. .............. A, L. Rhomherg, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 13; 15 lin. ft. tile nine and manholes at 50.489121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36492 per cent, 52c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total ......._..........._........ A. L. Rhomberg. Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 12; 25 lin. ft. Ile nine end manholes at 00.469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per 12.35 12.35 SEWER RECORD Contractor. cent, 62c; Interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total ................_.._......... A. L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 1); 25 11n. ft. the pipe and manholes at 60.489121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense at 4,36482 per cent, 52c; Interest al 6 per cent, tic; total . A. L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave, Sub.. Lot 10; 26 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $11,72; extra ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 62c; Interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total ....................... ... A. L. Rhomberg, Fifth Ave, Sub., Lot 9; 25 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $11.72; extra ex- tra expense et 4.36482 per cent, 52c; Interest at 8 per cent, 11c; total ..._. __..._...... ....... County Tubercular Hospital, Fifth Ave. Sub., Lot 19; 63 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $0.469121- $29.54; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 51.29; Interest at 8 per cent, 26; total ........._ ., _ .... Henry Est. and Kate Miller, Johnston's Sub., Lot 10; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- ltolea at 00.469121, 23.46; ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent. 20c; total .. ...... .... _. .... f,enry Est. and Kate Miller, Johnston's Sub. Lot 9; 50 Rn. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $0.469121, 23.46; ex- tra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.09; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ..........._............... Markus Bernhard. Johnston's Sub., Lot 8; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 11.0.469121, 523 46: extra ex- pense at 4.36482 ner cent, 81.02; interest at 6 per cent, Markus Bernhard. .Tohnaton's Soh.. Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 80.469121. 823 46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 ner cent, 81.02; interest at 6 per cent, 12.35 20c; total __._.. Fred and Rosa Licht, John- ston's Sub.. I.ot 6; 50 lin. ft. tile nine and manholes at 90.469121, 823.46; extra expense at 4.86482 per cent, • $1.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20r; total ...................._......_.....__..._ Fred and Rosa Licht, .John- ston's Sub., Lot 5; 50 lin. ft. tile nine and manholes at $9.489121, 523.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 12.35 12.36 12.35 51.02; Interest at 8 per cent, 20c; total ......_ ............._.._..._.....__.._ Helen 0. Litz, Johnston's Sub., Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $23.46; extra expellee at 4.38482 per cent, $1.02; tn. tereat at 6 per cent, 20c; Voetker Realty Co., Johnston's Sub., Lot 3; 50 lin. tt the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, 523.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 12.36 20c; total ..._ ........................................ 24.88 Perry H. Kirch, Johnston's Sub., Lot 2; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $23.48; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 51.02; interest at 6 per cent, 12.35 20c; total ......................................_........ 24.68 Chas. and Anna Thlede, John- ston's Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.489121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent. 31.09 20c; total . .....__.... ......_.... 24.68 Ulrich Eggenberger. Jansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 91.02; interest at 6 per cent, 24.68 20c: total ........_ ..................._..._._... 24.68 Otto 1.. Wunderlich. Jansen's Sub. No, 1, Lot 2; 5f1, lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.489121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 24.68 20c; total ..................._._.____..... 24.68 Geo. H. & B. Gager, Jansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 24.68 $1.02; interest at 6 pet cent. 20c; total _ ..___..........._...._........ .... 24.68 Frank L. Brenke, Jansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.489121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.38482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total .. ..._...... __. _.. 24.08 John Berwanger Jr.. lansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 5; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 90.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total .._..._...___._.......__......._... Nona Kirsch, Jansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 0.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 24.68 24.63 24.68 rice Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, 24.68 $1.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ....._......._._........_._..____ 24.68 Nona Kirsch, Jansen's Bub. No. 1, Lot 7; 60 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 0.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.86482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ............. .. ........_..._......_....._. 24.68 Minnie L. Zogg, Jansen's Sub. No. 1, Lot 8; 80 lin. tt. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $14.07; extra ex- pense at 4.86482 per cent, 62c; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; total ........_ ....................._............ 14.81 Minnie L. Zogg, Jansen's Sub, No. 1, Lot 8A; 20 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $9.38; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 42c; interest at 8 per cent, Minnie L. Zogg, Jansen's Sub. No, 2, Lot 1; 24.9 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $11.88; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 52c; Interest at 6 per cent, llc; total _..... _.... _.. _............. M1nie L. Zogg. Jansen's Sub. No. 2, Lot 2: 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.48; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, August Wohlert, Jansen's Sub. No. 2. Lot 3; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total .._ ......................................... August Wohlert, Jansen's Sub. No. 2, Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 80.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.38482 per rent, 81.02; Interest at 6 per cent. Anna M. Haffner, Jansen's Sub. No. 3, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. 5110 pipe at 80.469121, 523.46; $0.469121, 528.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per rent, 91.02; interest at 6 per rent. 20c: total Ida Wohlert. Jansen's Sub, No. 3, Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.489121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 91.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total __ _.. _.........._.___.. Clara Eichmann, Jansen's Sub. No. 3, Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile nipe and manholes at $0.469121, 523.46; extra ex- pense at 4.38482 per cent, I Certify That the Above is Correct. 9.88 12.31 24.68 24.68 24.08 24.118 Inch Dubuque, Iowa,. Sewer 19 63 81.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ..............__.._._._......__..... Bertha Lange, Jansen's Sub. No. 3, Lot 6; 50 11n. ft, the pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.3 p 8482er cent, ent 1.02 • interest et at 6 per cent, 20c; total _._..._......_...._._._..._.__.... Margt. Oroppe, Jansen's Sub. No. 3, Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. the pips and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total _ ......................._._...._..... Minnie L. Zogg, Jansen'n Sub. No. 3, Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. the Dine and manholes ..t 50.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; Interest at 8 per cent, 20c; total ........_............__........._'__ Minnie L. Zogg, Jansen's Sub. No. 3, Lot 8; 75 Ito. ft. the pipe and manholes at ,_ $0.469121, $35.18; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.54; interest at 6 per cent, 31c; total ........... ,..,. Ida M. Higgins, T. Barry's Sub., Lot 2; 190.2 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.489121, $89.23; extra ex. pence at 4.36482 per cent, $3.89; Interest at 6 per cent, 78c; total ............._........_.................. Ida M. Higgins, T. Barry's Sub., Lot 1; 145.75 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 0,469121, $68.84; extra ex- pense at 4.38482 per cent, $3.00; interest at 6 per cent, 60c; total..............r.....____....._ John Berwanger, Sub..._.lot 2 of 2 of 2 of lot 1 of 5 of M. L. 307A, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.46121, $23.48; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total . Martin Trentz, Sub. lot 7 Peil's Sub., Lot 2; 50 lin. tt. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, 81.02; interest at 6 per cent, Oswald Zogg Petl'a Sub., Lot 6; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 29.68 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total .........._._..... _. . Lottie Pell Hot., Pefl's Sub., Lot 5; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0,469121, $23.46; extra expense at 24.68 24.68 24.88 24.68 37.03 93,90 72.44 24.68 24.65 24.68 4.38482 per cent, $1.02; In- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total Pell Louis Pell Hat., Petl'e Sub Lot 4; '10 liu. ft. tile pipe and malnoles at $0.46:1151, 23.46 $ extra expense xpnae a[ 4.38482 per cent, $1,02; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total.Hertner, Sophia Pelle Lot 3; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; in- terest at 8 per cent, 20c; total.......__'._.....__......_....... _.... _.. . Sophia Hertner, Sub. lot 1 of M. L. 307A, Lot 2; 100 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.489121, $48.91; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $2.05; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total .. Lizzie Schnee, Pell's Sub., Lot 2; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and manhblea at $0.489121, $23.46; extra expense al. 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; in- terest. at 6 per cent, 20c; total........_._.__.........._._..._ .................._ Mary A. Gross, Sub. lot 1 Pelt's Sub., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. the plpa and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; Interest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ........_.......-..._.... ..._................ Mary A. Gross, Sub. lot 1 Peil'a Sub., Lot 2; 26 lin. ft. the pipeandmanholes at $0.489121, $11.72; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, 62c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total ................._...._......._........._. __ Alfred F. Litz Est., Sub. 2 of 24.68 2 of M. L. 307, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and man- holes at 50.4811131, 523.48; extra expense at 4.38482 cent, per C 1.12 interest at 8 per cent, 20c; total _. .4.f 8 A. L. Rhomberg, Johnston's 24.68 Sub., Lot 12; 188 100, 1t. the pipe and manholes at. $0.469121, $77.87; extra ex- pense at 4.36482 per cent, $3.40; Interest at 6 per cent, 87c; total ................_..._.........._............ A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. lot 1 24.68 of M. L. 304, Lot 2; 204.6 lin. ft tile pipe at $0.469121, $95.98; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $4.19; In- terest at 0 per cent, 82c; total __.. 1,00.99 Realty Inv. Corp, Ham's Add., Lot 615; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1,02; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ...__ ..... _ ._..... _ ... 24.68 49.36 24.88 24.68 12.36 Mt. Calvary Cern. Assn., Sub. lot 2 of M. L. 307, Lot 1; 882.44 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $320.15; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $13.97; in- terest at 6 per cent, 2.77; total......._ ................._......_....._............. '336.89 Theresa Witter, Sub. lot 1 of 2 of 2 of M. L. 307, Lot 1; 250 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $117.28; extra. expense at 4.36482 per cent. $5.12;. in- terest at 8 per cent, $1.02; total......__ ..............__.........._............ _.._. 123.42 Theresa Witter, Sub. lot 1 of 2 of 2 of M. L. 307, Lot 2; 221,5 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at. $0.469121, 5108.91; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $4.54 in- terest at 6 per cent, 90e; total Ino se 81.94 Realty Inv. Corp, Ham's Add., Lot 614; 62 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $20.08; extra expense at • 4.36482 per cent, $1.27; in- terest at 6 per cent, 28c; Geo. Gager, Ham's Add., Lot 613; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; 80.61 24.98 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 612; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total _..........__..._ ....................._......_.._.... 24.68 A. L. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., Lot 011; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.469121, $23.46; extra expense at 4.36482 per cent, $1.02; In- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total ........_.._..........._ _ 24.68 Total .................__....._._.,__.. $2261.79 2521. Bn. ft. 8 in. the at 69c 10 manholes at $40.00 per manhole ......._.......__..__...___.......... 400,00 Interest at 6 per cent_..__.....__ 18.56 Extra expense at 4.36482 per cent._....._....__._._....._..._..........._........ 93.40 Total _............. .................._....$2251.79 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits conferred. Approved January 11th, 1926. Adopted January llth, 1926. Engineer. Roosevelt St. Roosevelt St. Jansen St. Berry St. Grandview Ave. 4 Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In Ovtrvlew. Court, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for Constructing a sanitary sewer In Overview Court from Grandview Avenue west to the end of Overview Court and a lateral running South from said sewer In and across the division line between Lots 12 and 13, Jones Sub.; thence a lateral running west from Lot 10, Grandview Heights Add., in and across Lots 10-11-12.13, Grandview Heights Add., by Uhlrich- Paley Co., contractors, In front .of and adjolnlug the same, a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposito each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lote2; 66.6 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 51.31428, $73.08; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.66; interest at 6 per cent, 64c; total ..................................._...........$ 78.38 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER RECORD Contractor. Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 3; 50 fin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, 54.19; Interest at 6 per cent, 57; toll ..................._..._.._........... 76.47 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 4; 50 lin ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31420, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.19; interest at 1 per rent. 87e; total .,...... 7..1 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph .lonea Sub., Lot 5; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, 585.71; extra ex. pease at 6.37825 per cent, $4.19; interest at 6 per cent. 57; total ..._._.........._.__. ;n.{7 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, $65.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, 54.19; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ................................................ 70.47 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.19: interest at 6 per cent, Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 8; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.19; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total .. ...................._. _... Rudolph Jones, Rudolph .Tones **Sub.. Lot 9; 58.4 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 01.31428, $76.76; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.90: interest at 6 per cent, 66c; total _.....__................ Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 10; 36.7 lin. ft. tile pipe and .manholes at 51.31428, $46.93; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $2.99; interest at 6 per cent, 40c; total ............................................... Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 11; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.31428, $52.67; extra ex- pense at 6.97826 per cent, 53.55; interest at 6 per cent, 46c; total ... .............._....._.._......_..... Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 12; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.19! interest at 6 per cent, 67c; total .............................. . Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 13; 50 lin. tt. file pipe and manholes at 51.31428: 566.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.15; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total .................................__........ Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 14; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, $65.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, 57c; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ............_._. ..........._...._..._...._ Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 15; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $1.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37826 per cent, 54.18; Interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total _ ................._........._._...__... Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 16; 50.3 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, $66.12; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, $4.23; Interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ................ ............................. Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 17; 50.3 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, $66.12; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, 70.47 54.23; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ....._ ................................._.. Rudolph Jones. Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 18; 55.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31428, $72.95; extra ex- pense at 6.47825 per cent. 70.47 54.65; interest at 6 per cent. 63p; total ._....,......_ ........................_... Emma Ilg et al., Grandview Heights Add., Lot 9; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, $65.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent. 8232 54.19; interest at 6 per cent. 17c; total . ....___........__._..... Emma 11g et al., Grandview Heights Add., Lot 10; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 51.31428, 565.71; extra ex. Dense at 6.37825 per ,cent. 50.32 $4.19; interest at 6 per cent. 57c: total ......... ............_._. _......_ . Roger B. Buettell, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 11; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, 565.71; extra ex- pense at 6.37825 per cent, 68.39 $4.19; interest at 6 per cent. 57e; total . Roger 13. Buettell, Grandview Heights Add., Lot. 12; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.31423, 565.71; extra ex• penee at 6.37825 per .cent, 1 Certify That the Above is Correct. 70.47 • 70.47 70.47 70.47 70.92 70.92 78.23 70.47 70.47 70.47 • Inch Dubuque, Iowa,. 54.19; interest at 6 per cent, 57e; total ......._ ...................._............ Roger B. Buettell, Grandview Heights Add., E. 30 ft. of Lot 13; 30 Jin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428. $39.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, 52.51; in- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total_....................................................... J. F & Mary Stampfer, Grand- view Heights Add., W. 20 ft. of Lot 13; 20 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 51.31428, 526.29; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, 51.68; In- terest at 6 per cent, 23c; 23c; total ... J h'. & Mary Stampfer, Grand- view Heights Add., Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 51.31428, 565.71; , extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $419; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; total ._........................ 70.47 42.28 28.20 70.47 total .. 41,615.00 818.5 lin. it. (emelt litre at 51.40 per lin. ft. ......$1,145.00 Six manholes at $60to, per manhole ......................... _. 360.00 Interest at 6 per cent .... 13.05 Extra expense at 6.37825 per cent_ ............................._....._.. _......__ 96.05 Total .. ............._....51,615.00 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits conferred. Approved February let. 1926. Adopted February 1st, 1926. division line between lots 12 and 13 Jones Sub. thence a lateral running west from lot 10 Grandview Hgts. Add. in and across lots 10, 11, 12, 13 Grandview Heights Add., by Uhl - rich -Paley Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a ape. clal tax be and 1s hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of_real estate, ab follows: Owner Description Amount Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 2; 55.6 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 523.83; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $1.52; interest at 8 per cent 20c; total . ................_.._.....$ 25.66 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing sanitary sewer in Overview Court from Grandview Avenue west to the end of Overview Court and a lateral running south from said sewer in and across the Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub. Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, 51.37; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total ...._ ........................... 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $1.37; Interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total __........._................. 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 5; 60 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $21.43; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, 51.37; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total ........._._................. 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub. Lot 6; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, $1.37; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total ................................ 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones - Sub., Lot 7; 60 lin ft. tile pipe and manholes, $21.43; I extra expunge at 6.37825 per j cent, $1.37; Interest at 6 per cert, 19c; total ................................. 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 8; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $21.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $1.37; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total ................................ 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 9; 58.4 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $26.03; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent. 51.60; interest at 6 per cent, 22c; total ............................ 26.85 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones ,Sub., Lot 10; 35.7 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 515.30; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, 98c; Interest at 6 per Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub. Lot 11; 40 lin. ft. the ,pipe and manholes, 511.40; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $1.09; interest at 6 per totalcent, 140; Rudolph Jones, Jones 18.37 Sub., Lot 12; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per 6 per cent, 51.37: cent, 190; Wel..............................._ 22.9 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $1.37; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total __............................ 22.1 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, 51.37; Interest at 6 per 22 89 cent, 19c; total ..._...._........... ... . Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., and manholes, 521.43; extra expense at 6 per cent, 51.37; Interest 7at26 per cent, 19c; total ............................_._ 22.99 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 16; 50.3 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $21.56; extra expense at 6.37 6 per cent, 51.38; interest at cent, 190; total ...... 23.13 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 17; 50.3 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 521.56; extra expense at 6.37826 per • cent, $1.38; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total .......... 23.13 Rudolph Jones, Rudolph Jones Sub., Lot 18; 56.6 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes, $23.78; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, $1.52; interest at 6 per 26.60 cent, 20c; total ....._...._.......... - Sewer 19 RoHer 13. eights Add.,LoGt12 Grandview611n. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $146.69; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, $9.34; 1n• terest at 6 per cent, 51.27; 167.20 total............................... ....____....____ Roger Heights Add., E. 30 ft. Lot 13; 30 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes, $87.96; extra ex- pense .at 6.37825 per cent. 56.61;interest at 6 per ceut 94.32 75c; total J Grandview He Mary Add., W. 20 ft. Lot 13; 20 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, 5108.89; extra expense at 6.37826 per cent, 56.94; interest at d per 116.77 cent, 94c; total ..... ._............ - J. F. and MStampfer, Grandview HeightsAdd., Lot 14; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes, $272.24; ex- tra expense at 6.37826 per cent, $17.36; interest at 6 cent, $2.35; total .....__..._........_ 291.94 66 Emma Ilg, et al, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 9; 50 11n. ft. 111e pipe and manholes, $190.57; extra expense at t.3782 per atecent, 6 percent, l nt,51.68; total..........................................._..._........._ Emma 11g, et al, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 10; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes, $190.66; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $12.15; in- terest at 6 per cent, 51.65; 204.30 Roger 13. Buettell, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 11; 50 lin. ft the pipe and manholes, ... $1616.00 Total......._...... _ _........._.................... . 818.6 lin. ft. 6 Inch tile pipe at 51.40 per lin. ft ... -51145.90 6 manholes at $60.00 each...... 360.00 Interest Extra expense at 6.37826 per 13.00 ail M $146.59; extra expense at 6.37825 per cent, $9.34: 17- .............._............41616.00 T1tal _ which.._.......... assessed11 portionfto the special benefits con- ferred. Assessment as re -arranged on pe- tition of the property owners at a City of the Council of Dubuqueheld March let, 1926. Councilman Brede moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, ch Council- men men Brede, Gabriel, Schrempf. Nays -None. terest at 6 per cent, 51 t7 ; 157.10 ; Engineer. l Jackson St. E29th St. Washington St. E28th Street Jackson St. E-29th St. Washington St. South Locust Street Railroad Ave. Camp Street Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. In S o i- h, L0 C1 s /- by by the City Council of of Dubuque: That to pay f,.. uctine sanitary sewer in +cunt Streetfrom the man- hole • Railroad Avenue and South Locust Street t0 0 point 1632 feet north, by C. II. McNamara Conslruc- tlon Co„ contractor, In front of and adjoining the same, 0 special lax be and In hereby levied on the several Lots, andparts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter • named, ' situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner Itescrlption Amodnt James Beach & Sone, Sub. City Lots s7i:A and 579 Lot 6; 100 lin. n. the pipe and en ul $1.56314, extra expense al per cent, 93.96; in - at extra cent 1.36; if etc per; total _........ . _ . 9101.63 J. E. McGill, Sub. City Lots 578A and, 579, l.ul. 5; 05.5 Ila. 91. 111e pipe and man- hole* at 91.56311. ;102.39; extra expense at 2.53427 per gent. 82.59; interest at 6 per nt, Mir; total .........._..... 105.87 hWiz, Sub. City Lots 578 d 579. Lot 3; 56 lin.I fl, a die mid tnauholes Z pipe at $1.5021-1. 987.54; extra ex- pense al 2.5:1427 per cent, 82.29; interest at 0 per cent, 76c; loud 90.52 Thodhee Rafferty, Sub. City 678 and 579, Lot 2; I ft. tile pipe and n at 91.56314,957.05: ense at 2.53427 per p 1.16. interest .It 6 ster cent, 611c; inial 59.01 Magd, Pier 1111110, Sub. City • Lott 678 and 579, Lot 1; 24 ft. tile pipe and man- h fit $1.56;114, $37.62; ex- 0se at 2.63427 per c; Interest at 6 per total ... _. 38.80 er Millin. City Lot 110. ft. tile pipe and e at 91.56314 I 916 ; extra expense at 1. per cent, $4.00 in- te at 0 per rent, 91.37; M.. ....._.. -__... 163.25 John Ronson's • Sub., 5. 94 Lot t 2;.25 lin. f1. the SEWER RECORD Contractor. pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 941.03; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.01; interest ats6 per cent, 36c; total .........._...._ ._.__....... _...... 42.43 Lizzie Clark, et al, Bonson's Sub,, N. b5 Lot 1; 26.25 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.66314, 941.03; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.04; Interest at 6 per cent, Cath. Collins, Bonson's Sub., Lot 2; 52.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314. 902.06; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, $2.08; in • - terest at 6 per cent, 77c; Frank Murphy, Bonson's Sub., Lot 3; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.50314, 993.79; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 92.38; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; total ... ............ ... ....... Nlchelas Kieffer, Sub lot 4 Sub., Lot 1;29.5 Bonson's 9u Iln. ft. tile pipe anti man- holes at $1.56314, 946.11; ex- tra expense at 2.63427 per cent, $1.17; interest at 6 per cent, 400; total ................................ L. A. Miller, Sub. lot 2 of 4 Bonson's Sub., Lot 2; 23 lin. tt. the pipe and manholes at 91.56314, $35.95; extra ex- pense at 2.63427 per cent, 91c; interest at 6 per cent, Wm, and Regina Beyer, Bon - son's Sub., Lot 5; 20 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, $31.26; extra ex- pense at 2.53127 per cent, 79e: interest at 6 per cent, Catherine HafeY , Stout's Du- buque, Lot 1; 47.66 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 974.50; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.39; Interest at 6 per cent, Agnea Scollard Est., Stout's Dubuque, Lot 2; 47.66 lin. Pt. tile pipe and manholes at $1.56314, $71.50; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.69; Interest at 6 per cent, Anna Kieffer, Stout's Dubuque. N. 6 fl. Lot 4; 8 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.56314, 99.38; extra ex- pose at 2.53427 per cent, 24c; interest at 6 per cent, 8c; total ......_ _......._..._......__..... 84.,55 96.98 47.61 '37.17 Anna Kieffer, Stout's Dubuque, Lot 3; 47.66 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.56314, $74.50; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 640; 7703 total .. Nicholas Kieffer, Stout's Du- buque, S. 41 ft. 8 in. Lot 4; 41 Bn. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $1.56314, 985.12; ex- tra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.65; Interest at. 6 per Bridget Mahoney, Stout's Du- ffle pipe and manholes at buque, Lot 6; 47.66 lin. ft. $1.56314, 974.50; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.89; interest at 6 per cent, 77.03 640; total Bridget Mahoney, Stout's Du- buque Add., Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, $78.16; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.98; interest at 6 per cent, 2 fisc• total 80.8 Bridget Mahoney, Stout's Du- buque Add., N. 111 ft. Lot 2; 10 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 915.63: extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 40c; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; total 16.17 Thos. Kennedy, Stout's Du- buque Add., S. 40 ft. Lot 2; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 91.56314. 962.53; extra expense at 2.5[3427 per cent, 91.58; interest at 6 pP1' 64 tis cent. 540; total ................... .... A. L. Rhomberg, Stout's Du- buque Add., Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 978.16; extra ex - 32.32 pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.98: interest cent,at at P 600;total ' - ._..._............... 30.9; .................. .. A. L. Rhomberg, Stout's Du- buque Add., Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.66314, 978.16; extra ex - 77.03 pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.98; Interest at 6 per cent, 80.8 680; total --- Thos. J. Kennedy, Stout's Du- buque Add., Lot 5; 32 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 950.02; extra ex - 77.03 pense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.27; interest at 6 per cent, 43c; total ..._ ..__ _.-....._.... 51.72 Thos. Kennedy, Sub. lot 229 Union Add., Lot 1: 17 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 926.57; extra ex - 9.7o pense at 2.53427 per cent, 67c; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; total .._ .......................................... 27.4 7 C. B. Trewin (Inc), Sub. Lot 229 Union Add., Lot 2; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 91.68314, 978.16; ex- tra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.98; Interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total ........................ %11,82 Thos. .1. Shea, Sub. Lot 229 Union Add., Lot 3; 50 lin. tt. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56341, 978.18; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.98; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; total ..._.._......_....._...._..._....... 80.82 Thos. Ryan Eat., Sub. Lot 229 Union Add., Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at$1.56314, 978.16; ; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.98; interest at 6 per cent, 80.82 680; total _ ..............._.........._..._... Alfred Horsfall, Sub. Lot 229 Union Add., Lot 5: 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 978.16; extra ex- pense at 2.53127 per cent, 91.98; interest at 6 per rent, 68c; total .. Alfred HoraSall, Sub. Lot 229 Union Add., Lot 6; 38.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 960.02; extra ex- pense at 2.63427 per cent, 91.52; interest at 6 per cent 52c; total- ................................... Alfred Horsfall, Levin Add., N. 2 ft. Lot 1; 2 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 93.13; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 8c; Interest at 6 per cent, 3c; total Bertrom Scheller. Levi's Add., S. 25 tt. Lot 1: 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 1.r 939.08; R • extra ex- pense 6314 $ 7 per cent, at 2.5342 99c; Interest at 6 per cent, 34c; total . .....................__ ... Bertrom Scheller, Levi's Add., Lot 2; 27 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $1.56314, 942.20: extra expense at 2.53127 per cent. 91.07: in- terest at 6 per cent, 30c; total _._.... .... Bertrom Scheller Levi's Add., Lot 3; 27 711n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 942.20: extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.07; In- terest at 0 per cent. 36c; total __ ....._. Bertrom Scheller, Levi's Add., Lot 4; 27 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 3.24 $42.20; .extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.07; in- terest at 6 per cent, 36c; total .. ................... Bertrom Scheller, Levi's Add., N. 10 ft. Lot 5; 10 lin, ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91,56314, $16.63; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 40c; interest at 6 per cent, 14C; total ..................................._........ Frank J. Byrne, Levi's Add„ S. 17 ft.- Lot 5; 17 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 926.57; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 67c; interest at fi per cent, 23c; total Frank J. J. Byrne, Levi's Add., W. 8 ft. Lot 6; 8 lin. ft. tile pipe and manhole at 91.50314, 912.61; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 32c; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; total .... Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 69 Wm. Holmberg, Sub. N. 15 ft. of Lot 10 Levi's Add., Lot 2; 10.5 lin, ft. tile pipe and 43.63 .41; manholes exp expense lat62.5342314, 7 per cent, 41c; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; total ..-...-. 16.97 ...................... . Bridget Burke, Sub. N. 15 ft. of Lot 10 Levi's Add., Lot 1; 4.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and 16.17 manholes at $1.66314, 97.03; extra expense at 2.63427 per cent, 180; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total . --.--- t,25 ................... . Wm. Holmberg, Sub. S. 12 ft. of Lot 10 Levi's Add., Lot 2; 12 lin. ft. tile pipe and 27.47 manholes at 91.56314, 918.75; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 48c; in- terest al. 6 Per cent, 16c; • 19.4U total _....... Albert Schiers, Levi's Add., d ., S. 19 ft. Lot. 6; 19 tile pipe and manholes at pense91.56314, $29.70; • ex tra ex- pense at 2.63427 per cent, 75c; interest at 6 per cent, ,;071 26c; total ....__ Albert Schiers,Levi's Add.,N. [ le 17 ft. Lot 7; 17 pipe and manholeseat 91,56314, 926.57; extra pense at 2.53427 per cent, 67c; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; total ........... ......_. 27.47 Cath. Sullivan Meyers, Levi's Add., S. 10 ft. Lot 7; 10 lin. Pt. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, 915.63; ,extra - expense at 2,53127 per cent, 10c; interest at 6 per cent, 18.17 14c; total - Cath. Sullivan Meyers, Lac is Add., Lot %: 27 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes es at. 40.41 $1.66314, 942.20; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.07; interest at 6 per cent, 36c; total- - ......................... Cath. Sullivan Meyers, Sub. Lot 9 Levi's Add., Lot 1; 4.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and man - 43,63 holes at $1.56314, $7.03; ex- tra expense at 2.63427 per cent, 18c; interest at 6 per Bridget Burke, Sub. Lot 9 Levi's Add., Lot 2; 22.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes 43.63 at 91.5631.4, 935.17; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 69c; interest at 6 per cent, 31e; total ... Wm. Holmberg, Levi's Add., Lot 11; 27 lin. ft. the pipe and man31 40; extra expense at 2 2..5363427 per cent, $1.07; In- terest at 6 per cent, 36c; 43.63 City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block F, Lot 1; 70.35 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314; $109.97; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, $2.79; In- terest at 6 per rent, 95c; ..........................._... City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block F, Lot 2: 170.35 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.86314. 9266.38; extra ext at 2.53427 pet' cent, 96.76; In- terest at 6 per cent, 9220; 7., :;:5 total City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block 7;, Lot 1; 200.42 lin. f1. tib• pipe told manholes at $1.56314, 3.28• extra expense at 231 t7 per i^- tercoa 6 to, cent, $2.7_: 3.91 total __.. _.. 1: City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block 1:, Lot 2: 200.42 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes extraat expenseat4. 9313.28; 7,94; 2.63427 per cent, $ 72, 7,28 in- terest at 6 per cent, 92..72; 323.91 total City of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block D, Lot 1; 195.63 lin. ft. tile pipe and 1 manholes at $1.56314, $305.80; extra expense at 38.37 I 2.53427 per cent, 97.75; In - lereat at 6 p„r ee51. $2.65;.. 318.20 total ___..._. 1ty of Dubuque, Industrial Sub. No. 1, Block 1), Lot 2; 206 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at $1.58314, $322.02; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 98,17; in- terest at 6 per cent, $2.70;. 332.U7 total Peter .J Seippel Lumber Co., Sub. Lot 6 of City Lot 551, Lot 3; 60 lin. ft. tine pipe and manholes at $1.56314, 993.79; extra expense at 2.5342227 per cent, 92.38;in- terest terest ul 6 per cent, 96.95 total Peter .3 Seippel Lumber Cu., Sub. Lot 6 of City Lot 651, Lot 2; 50.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.58314, 978.90; extra expense at .. 2.53427 per cent, 92.00; in- terest at. 6 i„ -r cent, (i01.. 61.62 cent, $1.74; interest at 6 per 71.11 cent, 59c; total _......_..........._..... Peter .J Seippel Lumber Co., City Lot S. 84 ft. Lot 552A; 04 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $1.66314, $131.30; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, $3.30; interest at 6 per 136.74 cent, 91.14; total - .... - .9 5,003.88 1633.1 lin. ft. 12 inch tile 5 pipe at m91.64ft. per$2,514.23 manholes at $60.00 manhole 300,00 ................. 460 cu. yds. rock excavation at 94.50 per cu. yd........... 2,021.001 Interest at 6 per cent...._-......... Extra expense at 2.53427 122.64 percent .......................... All oftot th et is assessed in pro - e , Portion special benefits con- ferred. Approved June 10th, 1926. Adopted .lune 10th, 1926. -Peter .J Seippel Lumber Co., Sub. Lot 6 of City Lot 551, Lot 1 • 40 lin. tile Pt.pipe and manholes at $1.56314. 962.53; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.58; in- terest at 6 per cent, 54c; 84 85 total.......... __............... Peter .3 Seippel Lumber Co., Sub. City Lot 551, Lot 5; 28 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 91.56314, $43.77; ex- tra expense at 2.53127 per cent, 91.11; Interest at 6 per -15.^_6 cent, 330; total _..._... _ Chas. E. Byers, Sub. City Lot. 551, Lot 4: 43.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, $68.00; extra ex- pense at 2.53427 per cent, 91.72; interest at 6 per cent, 590: fora[ ..........-....._ ....................... 70.31 u mb er Co. ' +tel L •.J Seippel Peter Sub. City Lot 551, Lot 5; 43.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 91.56314, $68.00; extra expense at 2.53427 per cent, $1.72; intereat at 6 per cent, 59c; total .. 70.21 ........................ . peter .3 Seippel Lumber Co., Sub. City Lot 551, Lot 2; 16 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $1.56314, 925.01; ex- tra expense at 2.53427 per cent, 63c; interest at 6 per 25 tib cent, 22c; total _. __.._. Peter .J Seippel Lumber Co., Sub, City Lot 551, Lot 1; 44 lin. f1. tile pipe and man- holes at 91.56314. $68.78; ex- tra expense at 2.53427 per Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. South Locust Street Charter St. South Locust Street Dodge Street Harrison Street West Seventh Street Prospect Street West Fifth Street Air Hill St. West 8th St. SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In WEST, 8. TN , ST, Contractor-. lo•solved by the City Council of .e City of Dubuque, that to pay for onstrucling Sanitary Sewer in West 11 Street from the end of the eras- , at sewer westerly about 327 feet, by Cook & Kean, contractors, In fecal of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter mned, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each 101 or parcel Of real estate, 8s follows: Owner. Descrilelon. Amount. Emma liornhauser, Sub. Lot 16, Kelly's Sub., Lot 2: 55 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at. $2.34468, $128.96: extra expense at 4.40323 per cent, 55.68; Interest at 6 per cent, 81.11; total .......................8135.75 A. W. Keniler Est., Kelly's Sub., Lot 17; 55 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 52.34468, 8129.96; extra ex- pense at 4.40323 per cent, 85.68; interest at 6 per cent, 81.11; total . 135.75 Joseph Wagner, Sub. Lots 18- 19.20, Kelly's Sub., Lot 4; 55 lin. ft. Iiia pipe and man- holes at $2.34488, $128.98; extra expense at 4.40323 per cent, 46.88; interest at 6 per cent, $1.11; total .. 135.75 Prank Mathis, Kelly's Sub. E. 21. /. of Lot 43; 64.52 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $2.34468, 8151.20; extra ex- pense at 4.40323 per cent, 86.67; interest at 6 per cent, $1.33; total .. 159.28 Chas. T. Jones, Kelly's Sub., W. 11. of E. 14 of Lot 43; 32.26 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 52.34468, $75.63; extra expense at 4.40323 per cent, $3.33; Interest at 6 per cent, 66c; total . 79.62 John J. Bergeron, Kelly's Sub., E. 14 of E. V of Lot 43; 32.26 11n. ft. Ole pipe at $2.34468. $75.63: extra ex- pense at .1.40323 per cent, $3.33: interest :it 6 per rent, 66c; total 79.63 Mrs. J. J. Leonard. G. W. Roger's Sub,. Lot 28; 24.16 lin. fl. 111e pipe and man- holes at $2.34468, 558.65; extra expense at 4.40323 per cent, $2.49; interest at 6 per cent, 49c; total 59.63 1 Anna C. Schaelle, G. W. Rog- er's Sub., Lot 27; 24.16 11n. ft. the plpe at $2.34488, 556.65; extra expense at 4.40323 per cent, 52.49; in- terest at 6 per cent, 49c; total . 59.63 Chas. T. Jones, G. W. Roger's Sub., Lot 26; 24:16 lin. ft. tile pipe at 52.34460. $56.65; extra expense at 1.10323 per cent, $2.49; Inter'=i at 6 per cent, 49c; total 69.63 Total ...., .... ._5904.66 284.4 lin. ft. 0 -foot elle pipe at 51.29 per lin. ft. -..5366.88 Two standard manhole, at 555 per manhole . _. ... 110.00 One drop manhole at $120 per manhole ....................... .... ............. 120.00 50.33 cu. yds. rock excavation at $4.50 per cu. yd........._............ 262.49 Interest at 6 per cent .................... 7.45 Extra expense n( 1.10323 per cent ................. _......_-.. 37.84 Total _..._. .................$904.65 All of 'c high is assessed in pro- • portion to the special benefits conferred. Approved December 6th, 1926. Adopted December 6th. 1926. Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Inch 1)111)1)q,u', Iowa, a _- - - _ ++ . - ter .` .:_.... > - Sewer I '1 Engineer. 74 Seminory St. Schroede St. Lowell St. ,nate of Cost to Abutters and i;. 5e k -r re el-efr S -r- City for Constructing Resolved Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque:. That to pay for constructing sanitary sewer In Schroeder Street from the manhole at Lowell Street to a point about 260 feet south, by Cook & Kean, con- tractor, In front and adjoining the same, a special tax be and 1s hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Owner Description Amount John Digman, J. P. Schroed- der's Add., Lot 15; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes „ at $0.975325 per lin. ft.. 539.10; extra expense at 5,19300 per cent, $2.03; In- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; toad ...._. ............ ._$ 41.30 Magd. Haupert, J. P. Schroed- er's Add., Lot 16: 40 lin. ft. Tile pipe and manholes at 50.976325 per lin. ft., 539.01; extra expense at 5.19308 per cent, 52.03; In - Extra t•spense at. 1.1970,4 per 19.60 cent _ .. Total .....5398.26 Councilman Sehrempf moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yens -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meurer, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Approved: Dec. 12, 1927. Adopted: Dec. 12, 1927. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. Eft. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUDER, City Clerk. terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total.....___.............................__.......... 41.88 Jos. Dirtier, J. P. Schroed- er's Add., Lot 17; 40 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 50.975325 per lin. ft., $39.01; extra expense at 5,19308 per cent, 82.03; in- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total.... _....................._................. 41.38 Rose A. Roland, J. P. Schroed- er's Add., Lot 18; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 50.975325 per lin. ft., $39,01; extra expense at 5.19308 per cent, 52.03; in- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total .... _. 41.38 Realty Investors t'urp.. .l. P. Schroeder's .0,1,1., Lot 1;); 111 lin. ft. the pipe and man- holes at $0.975325 per lin, ft., $39.01; extra expense at 5.19303 per cent, $2.03; in- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total......._..........._ ................._.........: 41.38 Voelker Realty Co., J. P. Schroeder's Add., Lot 5; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at 50.975325 per lin. ft., $39.01; extra, expense at 5.19308 per cent, $2.03; in- terest at 6 per cent, 34c; total_......,...._ _ ......__ _ ._........ 41.38 Voelker Realty Co., J. P. Schroeder's Add., Lot 6; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and man- holes at $0.975325 per lin. ft., $24.38; extra expense at 5.19308 per cent, $1.26; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total- ..................__..........,................._.. 25.84 John Osthott, J. P. Schroed- er's Add., Lot 7; 40 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $0.97535 per lin. ft., 539.02; extra expense at 5.19308 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; total .......................... 41.38 John Osthott, J. P. Schroed- er's Add., Lot 8; 40 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 50.97535 per lin. ft., $39.02; extra expense at 5.19308 per cent, $2.02; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; total . ........ .......... 41.38 John Osthoff, Sub. Lot 1 of 9 J. P. Schroeder's Add., Lot 1; 40 lin. R. tile pipe and manholes at $0.975325 per lin. ft., $39.02; extra ex- pense at 5.1930s per cent, 52.02; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; total ..._ .. .............., 41.38 Total - ..........._. $398.26 228.4 lin. ft. 6 inch tile at $1.25 per lin. 01. __..........5285.50 manholes at 845.00 per man- hole _. _ ..... _......_..................... 90.00 Interest at 6 per cent.........__.. 3.26 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, SEWER RECORD Inch Contractor. Dubuque, Iowa, .. Sewer 19. 75 I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Balke St. Groveland St. Brunswick St. SEWER RECORD Estimate of Co.++ to Abutters and ':ity for Constructing T' 0.1 IY2. aj-uc P-ru nswi e k ST Contractor. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer In the Alley between Balke and Brunswick Streets from Groveland Place to Lawther Street and In Lawther Street from the Alley between Balke and Brunswick Streets to Balke Street, by Uhlrich-Paley Co., contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and: for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 62; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft., 5175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, $1.52; total .5186.59 L. W. Roehl, Belmont Add., Lot 81; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 53.51159 per lin. ft., 5176.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, $1.52; total . 186.59 Alfred Wing, Belmont Add., Lot 80; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 53.51159 per lin. ft., $175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, 59.49; interest at 6 per cent, 51,52; total . 186.59 Jacob Streletzky, Belmont Add., Lot 79; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and , manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft.,'5175.58; 5 extra expense at 6.40496 per cent, 59.49; interest at 6 per cent, $1.52; total . 1.46.59 Frank Daschach, Belmont Add., Lot 78; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 53.51159 per lin. ft., 5175.68; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, 59.49; interest at 6 per cent, $1.62; total ......................._.. 188.59 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 77; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 53.51159 per lin. ft., 5175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent., $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, $1.52; total 146.59 1. & H. Renk, Belmont Add., Lot 76; 50 Iln. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51169 per lin. ft., 5175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 51.52; total .. ... ... 186.69 Sam S. Muir, Belmont Add., Lot 75; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and manholes at 53.51159 Per lin. ft., $175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; Interest at 6 per rent, 51.52; total 186.59 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, Joe Feaster, Belmont Add., Lot 74; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 53.51169 per lin. ft., $175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, 59,99; interest at 6 per cent, 51.52; total . 186.59 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 73; 50 lin. B. tile pipe and manholes at . 53.51159 per lin. ft., 5175.58; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, 51.52; total . ... 186.59 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 72; 60 11n. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per 11n. ft., $175.68; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, 51,52; total ... 186.59 Geo. A. Burden, Belmont Add., Lot 71; 50 lilt. ft. tile pipe and manholes at 53.51159 per 11n. ft., 5178.68; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, 51.62; total .. 186.59 Prank Tarkett, Belmont Add., Lot 70; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft., $176.68; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; Interest at 6 per cent, 51.52; total . 156.59 Chas. P. Mettel, Belmont Add., Lot 69; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft., $175.68; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, , $9.49; interest at 6 per cent, 51.53; total . . 186.60 John McNulty, Belmont Add., Lot 68; 50 lin. ft. tile -pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft., $175.58; extra ` expense at 5.40496 per.cent, $9.49; Interest at 6 per cent, $1.52; total . 186.59 NM J. Thlll, Belmont Add., Lot 67; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and manholes at $3.51159 per lin. ft., $175.57; extra expense at 5.40496 per cent, $9.49; Interest at 8 per cent, 51.53; total 15659 Total ......._.._...$2,935.45 1012,3 lin. ft. 6 inch tile at $2.38 per lin. ft. .$2,409.27 Four manholes at 5100.00 per manhole 400.00 Interest at 6 per cent ................ 24.34 Extra expense at 5.40496 per cent 151,84 'Total ._-$2,985.45 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits - conferred. Councilman Meueer moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser. Nays -None. Absent - Councilmen Schrempf, Yount. Approved December 29th, 1921. Adopted December 29th, 1927. H. O. MELCHIOR, Mayor, JOHN H.! MACLAY. WM. H. MEUSER. Attest: JOHN STUBER Councilmen., City Clerk, Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Green Street Avoca St. Estimate of Co to Abutters and City for Constructing In _ .'rce..) . ST He n No. 20-29 Resolved the City Council of the City o que: That to pay for const an 8 Inch the sani- tary sewer ,' reen Street from a point abou feet east of St. Am- brose St . the end of said street, the ver and across Lote 19, 20, 21 Went Dubuque Add., Lot A of 1 of M. L. 179 lying south of ale Avenue to the present m ie In Rosedale Avenue and In Ay;. Street from the man- hole In G Street eolith about 313 feet ';{ north from manhole In Green I1 -t about 208 feet, by Dan Christ gin, contractor, in front of and ade g the same, a special tax be an 11e hereby levied on the several fob, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 54 Special Session, March 13th, 1929 0 i>'scription Amount Ell and, Finley's Add., 90 lin. ft. tile. pipe er cost at $1.27239, extra expense at 8. per cent, $10.11; to- tal .. .._...- .._..-_ .......$134.79 Wm. J. Lattlmer, Finley's Add., Lo 72: 66 lin. ft. tile pipe Wer cost at $1,27239, extra expense at per rent, $0.05 to- _ ....__.... 90.78 W ttimer, Finley's Add.. ; 86 lin. ft. tile pipe wer cost at 61.27239, $ : extra expense at 8.1060; :,er cent, $6.08 to. tat ..... .. Anua Lrvlers, Finley's Add., Lot - . 66 lin. ft. the pipe and net' coat at $1,27239. $83.11' extra expense at 3.t06' : per cent, $6.00 to. tal ....... Qlenn t_:is, Flnley's Add., Loi 66 lin. ft. tile pipe and - :er coat at $1,27239, $yq88 JA• extra expense at [1{1060 1 per cent 16.09 to- _.__ .............. F k Blocker, Finley's Add., t 176; 144 lin ft. 111e pipe 10sewer cost at 61,27239, 3.33. extra expense at 8604 per cent, 614.85; to - R ty Inv. Corp., Mill's Weat buque. Lot 7; 68.75 1111. , file pipe and sewer cost $1.27239, $87.48; extra ex- ile at 8.10604 per cent„ 409; total - ...._...__...._.......... ly inv. Corp., Mill's West uque, Lot .9; 50 lin. fl. pipe and sewer cost at .277..39, $63.62: extra ex - pens J. 0.111601 per cent, 85.1, :,181 Raw> ,,,,. Corp., Mill's West buque, Lot 9, 50 lin. fl. pipe and sewer cost at 7239, $63.02; extra ex - at 8.10604 per cent, ; total 11 Inc. Corp., Mill's West que, Lot 10: 50 lin. ft. ' litae and sewer coat at 239. $63.62; extra ex - at 8.10604 per cent, 6; total - F in Chalders, Mill's West que, Lot 11; 50 lin. ft. and sewer coat at $1 , $63.62; extra ex. Pe; _ 9.10604 per cent, 16.1J; total McCauley, Mill's West buque, Lot 12; 50 lin. ft. pipe and sewer coat at 7239. $63.62; extra ex. 90.70 90.78 90.78 94.57 68.78 68.78 68.79 68.78 pence at 9.10604 per cent, $5.16; total ............._.._........._._..._..... 68.78 Voelker Realty Co., Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 13; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $63.62;extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, $6.16; total ......_-....-......._...-_........._. 68.78 Voelker Realty Co., Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total -.._ ......................... ..._...... Voelker Realty Co., Mill's Weat Dubuque, Lot 15, 60 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total .............._........................._.. Voelker Realty Co., Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 16; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at 11.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 9.10604 per cent, $5.16; total ...................... ..... .......... Voelker Realty Co., Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 17; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239 663.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total .._..._._ - ......._. James F. Lavin, Mille West Dubuque, Lot 18; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, 663.62; extra ex- pense at 0.10604 per cent, $5.16; total _...._..... _..........._................ James F. Lavin, Mill's Weat Dubuque, Lot 26; 50 lin. ft. the pipe atyd sewer coat at $1.27239, 163.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, $6.16; total . James F. Lavin, Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 25; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, 15.16; total _...._......_.___........... ......... James F. Lavin, Mille Weat Dubuque, Lot 24; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 0.10604 per cent, $5.16; total ........_._._. _ ........ James F. Lavin, Miij'e West Dubuque, Lot 23; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 9.10604 per cent, $5.16; total .. James F. Lavin, Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 22; 50 lin. ft. 111e pipe and sewer cost at 61.27239, $63.62; extra ex. pense at 6.10604 per cent, $5.16; total .............._.. ......... Ranee F. Lavin, Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 6; 100 lin. ft. t11e pipe and sewer cost at $1.27289, 6127.23; extra ex - SEWER RECORD Contractor. Special Session, March 13th, 1929 55 pence at 8.10804 per cent, 610.31; total .... _._.-_...........-_-...... 137.64 James F. Lavin, MIll's West Dubuque, Lot 5; 60 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex- pense at 8.10604 per cent, ................_. W........ James F. Lavin, Mill's est Dubuque, Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.82; extra ex - 68.78 pense at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total ............_ .......................... 68.78 James F. Lavin, Mill's West Dubuque. Lot $; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex - 68.78 pause at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total 68.78 James F. Lavin, Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex - 68.71 pense at 8.10604 per cent, $5.16; total ......_...-... _...... _..._...... 68.78 Frank A. Puffer, Mill's West Dubuque, Lot 1; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.27239r163.62; extra ex - 60,70 pense at 810604 per vent, $5.16; total .. 68.78 1 William F. Bruhm, Finley Add., Lot 167; 50 lin. ft. tile • pipe and sewer cost, at $1.27239, $63.62; extra ex - 68.78 --- pense at 8.10604 per cent, ' $6.16; total ......................................... 88.78 George Hllders, Finley Add., Lot 168; 86.83 11n. ft. tile pipe and newer coat at $1.27239, $109.20; extra ex - 68.78 pense at 8.10604 per cent, 16.85; total ................... _..............._... 118.05 Philomena Blocker, Finley . Add., Lot 169; 66 lin. ft. the and sewer cost at $1.27239, $83.98; extra expense at 68.78 8.10604 per cent, $6.80; to- tal...-.._.................._........................._.......... 90.78 P. J. Schnelder, ,Finley Add., Lot 170; 66 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer coat at $1,27239, 883.98; extra expense at 66.78 8.10604 per cent, 16.80; to- tal....._......_............................................. 90.78 P. J. Schneider, Finley Add., Lot 171; 66 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $83.98; extra expense at 68.78 8.10604 per cent, 16.80; to- tal_.........__...._.._.. .._....._................ 911,78 Cath. Foelf, Finley Add., Lot 12; 98 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.27239, $124.08; extra expense at 68.73 8.106111 per cent. $10.11; Oi- ta! 134.79 Total . ..$2,966.54 2199 lin. ft. x in. Ole pipe at 90c per 110. ft. .61,979.10 68.78 7 standard manholes at $75 per manhole .. 2 drop manholes at $120 per manhole........_ ................................... Extra expense at 8.10804 per 525.00 240.00 222.41 Total _.............__.............. _............$'1,966.D9 All of which 1s assessed In pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved March 13th, 1929. Adopted March 13th, 1929. JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor. H. F. SCHUC8CERT, W. H. MEUSER, ED. McEvoy, EARL YOUNT. Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, pro tem. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Yount, Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Mouser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays -Nana. Resolution No. 21-29 Imp. Form No. 10 Resolution Providing for the Issu- ance of Public Sewer Bonds Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Green Street and Avoca Street, hereinafter deacrlbed, has been completed and said sewer has been accepted by the City Council of said City and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense thereof to be $2,966.54. And whereas, public notice as pto- vlded by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the in- tention of the City Council to Issue bonds to pay the cost of said sewer and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: Now, therefor, be It resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque that to provide for the cost of constructing a sewer In Green Street from a point about 100 feet east of St. Ambrose Street to the end of said street, thence over and across Lote 19, 20 and 21 Mille West Dubuque Addition, Lot A of 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 179 lying south of Rose- dale Avenue to the present manhole in Rosedale Avenue and in Avoca Street from the manhole in Green Street south about 313 feet and north from manhole in Green Street about 208 feet, there be Issued sewer bonds to the amount of $2,966.54. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Sewer 19 Engineer. Rosedale St. Algona Street Dexter Street Rosedale Street Algona Street Dexter St. Auburn St. Dodge St. Burns St. Hancock St. • timate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing cf- \<. Q t -td, vc\-9S T SEWER RECORD Contractor. Special Session, April 131.11, 1929 133 Owner. Description. Amount. Arvin E. & Myrtle Humke, Sub. 2, M. L. 63, and Lot 11, Bush's Sub. and E. part of Lot 69, Union Add., Lot 1; 77.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $153.00; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $10.94; total .........................................$163.98 Thos. P. O'Toole, Bush's Sub., Lot 12; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $118.45; ex- tra cost at 7.1834 per cent, 88.51; total ............................................ 126.96 Mary A. Rooney, Bush's Sub., Lot 13; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $118.45; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.61; total ...................._ 126.96 Mary Richters, Sub. 14 and'15, Bush's Sub., S. 161 ft. of Lot 10; 161 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $317.83; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $22.83; total .................._..._....__.... 340.66 Bridget O'Toole Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., N. 53 feet. of Lot 10; 63 11n. ft. of tile Pipe and sewer cost, $104.63; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.52; total 112.15 John Gregory, Union Add., Lot 10; 87.11 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost, $171.97; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $12.35; total..._.........._..._ 184.32 Wm. H. Bishop, Bush's Sub., Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834. per cent, $7.09; total ............................ 105.80 Wm. H. Bishop, Bush's Sub., Lot 7; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer Bost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.09; total ........................... 105.80 Frank H. Starr, Bush's Sub., Lot 8; 50 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, 898.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, 87.09; total .............................. 105.80 Mary Grime.), Bush's Sub., Lot 9; 60.2 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.84; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.54; total ................._....................... 127.38 Mary Grimes, Bush's Sub., Lot 10; 60.2 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.84; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.54; total ............................. 127.38 J. P. & K. Gonner, Sub. Lots 14 & 15, Bush's Sub., Lot 8; 100 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $197.40; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $14.18; total ... ..........................___ 211.58 J. P. & K Gonner, Sub. Lots 14 & 15, Bush's Sub., W. 50 ft. of Lot 9; 65 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, CITY COUNCIL (Official) special Session, April 15th, 1929. Council met at 5:00 P. M. Meeting called by order of Mayor Andelflnger and Councilman Jansen. Present -City Manager Kratz, Mayor Andelflnger, Councilmen Jan- sen, McEvoy, Mouser, Schuckert. Mayor Andelflnger read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of adopting resolutions levying special assessments for the construction of the sanitary sewer In Burns and Oak Streets, hearing objections to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and street improvements and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of the intention of the City Council to levy special as- sessments for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Oak Street from the manhole in Burns Street about 280 ft. east, thence in Burns Street from the manhole In Burns and Oak Streets 322 feet northerly, thence an s -Inch the sanitary sewer and a 15 - inch storm sewer In Burne Street easterly 262 feet to the manhole in Dodge Stret also the written remon- strance of Voelker Realty Company, by Lyon & Willging, its attorneys, objecting to the special assessment to be levied against Lot 1, Bush's Sub. or Min. Lots 63 and 68, present- ed and rend. Councilman McEvoy moved to receive and file the proof of publication and the written re- monstrance of Voelker Realty Com- pany. Seconded by Councilman Schu- rkert. Carried by the following vote: Teas -Mayor Andelflnger, Council- men Jansen, McEvoy, Mouser, Schuckert. Nays -None. Resolution No. 21329. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an 84nch tile sanitary sewer in Oak Street, from the man- hole In Burns Street, about 286 feet rust, thence In Burns Street from the manhole In Burns and Oak Streets, 322 feet northerly, thence an 84nch Zile sanitary and a 16 -inch storm sewer easterly In Burns Street 262 feet to the manhole In Dodge Street, by 1'hlrlch-Paley Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows w Inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19... 791 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. 4.111111 1 Nowata St. Fillmore St. Decorah St. West 14th St. Deleware St. Dexter St. Decorah St. • SEWER RECORD Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing I,a.Na.we tw 1 + aril PNd.o,0i 4 N .Contractor. Special Session, March 13th, 1929 57 . being months Interest due that da: its sewer bond No.__._.... dated. _ .... .. 19......... Mayor. Counter City Clerk. Be It further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and he 1s hereby Instructed to register said bonds in 0 book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then de- liver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them In a book to be kept by him for that purpose. he it further resolved that the C'IIy Treasurer be and he is hereby 1n,tructed to sell said bonds In the manner provided by law, the pro- ceed, of said sale to be kept in a api•einl fund to be known as Sewer Bund. lie itfurther resolved that the (n- est coupons attached to the bonds signed with the fac-simile sfgna- of the Mayor and countersigned tb the fac-simile signature of the ty Clerk. Be it further resolved that as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and retired In the same or- der as numbered. Adopted this 13th day of March, 1929. Approved: JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor. H. F. SCHUCKERT, W. H. MEUSER, ED. McEvoy, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, pro tem. Councilman Yount moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote; Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meurer, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Resolution No. 22-29 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a,_$–high tile sani- tary sewer In Nowata Street from a point about 130 feet north of Julien Avenue to W. 14th Street. A 6 Inch tile sanitary sewer In West 14th Street from manhole in Adair Street 250 feet easterly. An 8 Inch tile sanitary sewer in Adair Street from West 14th Street to Rosedale Aven- ue, by Uhlrich-Paley Co., contractor, In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and 1s hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Owner Description Amount Voelker Realty Co., Pinehurst, Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent; $4.08; total .$ 78.40 Voelker Realty Co., Pinehurst, Lot 17; 60 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 6.4877 per cent, $4.08; total.. 78.40 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 15; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- - tra expense- at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total .................._..... 39.20 Virg. E. 13. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 15; 25 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent. $2.04; total .__...................... Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 14; 26 11n. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at 81.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total ..._.............._._.. 39.'10 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 14; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 6.4877 per cent, $2.04; total ...................._.... 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 13; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 6.4877 per cent, $2.04; total _.................._..... 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 13; 26 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total ....._................... 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst. Und. t Lot 12; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16: ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total .......................... 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst. Und. % Lot 12; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 11; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at 51.48636, $37.16; ex - 39.20 39.20 V • Inch Dubuque, Iowa, SO Sewer 19 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,. I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. DOCLJMENT- RETAKE OF PREVIOUS Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Construe 1„ 0 a 5.101 Special Session, April 15th, 1929 Owner. DescriPtton. Amount. Arvin E. & Myrtle Humke, Sub. 2, M. L. 63, and Lot 11, Bush's Sub. and E. part of Lot 69, Union Add., Lot 1; 77.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $153.00; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $163.98 $10.9S; total ............................... .. . Thos. P. O'Toole, Bush's Sub., Lot 12; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.45; ex- tra cost at 7.1834 per cent, ... .... 126.96 $8.61; total ................................ .. .. Mary A. Rooney, Bush's Sub., Lot 13; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.45; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.51; total ... 126.96 Mary Richters, Sub. 14 and'15, Bush's Sub., S. 161 ft. of Lot 10; 161 lin. ft. the pipe and sewer cost, $317.83; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, Bridget O' 340.66 Toole Sub. 14 and • 15, Bush's Sub., N. 53 feet. of Lot 10; 53 lin. ft. of tile pipe and sewer cost, 9104.63; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.52; total 112.15 John Gregory, Union Add., Lot 10; 87.11 lin. ft.Ylle pipe and sewer cost, $171.97; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, 912.35; total ..._.................._. 184.32 Wm. H. Bishop, Bush's Sub., Lot 6; 60 lin. ft. tile Pipe and sewer cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834. per 106.80 cent, $7.09; total ....................... ... Wm. H. Bishop, Bush's Sub., Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, 27.09; total ..............._........... 105.80 Frank H. Starr, Bush's Sub., Lot 8; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.09; total .............................. 105.80 133 CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session, April 15th, 1929. Council met at 5:00 P. M. Meeting called by order of Mayor AndelOnger and Councilman Jansen. Present—City Manager Kratz, sMaen,yorMcEvoy, MeAndelIngeuser,r, CounciSchulmckert. en Jan - Mayor AndelOnger read the call and stated that service thereof bad been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of adopting resolutions levying special assessments ction of thesanitary sewer in Burne and Oak Streets, hearing objections to the proposed construction of sanitary sewers and street improvements and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of the intention of the City Council to levy special as- sessments for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Oak Street from the manhole in Burns Street about 286 ft. east, thence in Burns Street from the manhole in Burns and Oak Streets 322 feet northerly, thence an R -inch tile sanitary sewer and a 15- inch storm sewer in Burns Street easterly 262 feet to the manhole in Dodge Stret also the written remon- strance of Voelker Realty Company, by Lyon & Willging, its attorneys, objecting to the special assessment to be levied against Lot 1, Bush's Sub. of Min. Lots 63 and 68, present- ed e moved to receieoandll010nMcEvoy the of publication and the written re- monstrance of Voelker Realty Com- pany. Seconded by Councilman Schu- ckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Andelflnger, Council- men Jansen, McEvoy, Misuser, Schuckert. Nays—None. Resolution No. 213-29. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an 8 -inch tile sanitary sewer in Oak Street, from the man- hole in Burns Street, about 286 feet east, thence in Burns Street from the manhole in Burne and Oak Streets, 322 feet northerly, thence an 8 -inch tile sanitary and a 15 -inch storm sewer easterly in Burne Street 262 feet to the manhole in Dodge Street, by lihlrich-Paley Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tux be and 1s hereby levied on the several lots, and parte of lots, and parcels of real estate herinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mary Grimes, Bush's Sub., Lot 9; 60.2 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, 9118.84; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.54; total .................._........................ 127.38 Mary Grimes, Bush's Sub., Lot 10; 60.2 110. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.84; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per J. P. & K. Gonner, Sub. Lots 14 & 15, Bush's Sub., Lot 8; 100 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat, $197.40; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $14.18; total ._ 211.58 J. P. & K Gonner, Sub. Lots 14 & 15, Bush's Sub., W. 50 ft. of Lot 9; 55 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, 134 Special Session, 1 pri1 150, 1929 $108.58; extra expense at 7.1831 per cent, $7.80; total 116.38 Geo. W. Holmes, Sub. Lots 1.1 & 15, Hush's Sub., W. 80 ft. of Lot 9; 95.8 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $189.12; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $13.59; total .... _.... ....... 02.71 Voelker Realty Co., Bush's Sub., Lot 1; 42.4 lin. ft. of tile pipe and sewer cost, $83.70; extra expense at $6.01; total .. ... _.............. _.89.71 Sarah Kennedy, I1ush's Sub, Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.09; total 105.80 Thos. J. Grace, Bush's Sub, Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sower cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.09; total 105.80 Thos. J. Grace, Bush's Sub., Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $98.71; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $7.09; total 105.80 James Saul, Sub. Lot 5, Bush's Sub., Lot 2; 21 lin. ft. tile and sewer cost, $41.46; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $2.98; total 41.44 James Saul, Union Add., Pt. of Lot 67; 38 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $75.02; ex- tra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $5.39; total 80.41 John W. Kilby, Union Add., Lot 66; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, $118.45; extra expense at 7.1834 per cent, $8.51; total _ 120.96 Total ..$2,816.78 920 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile sani- tar st•wwt•r• at $2.40 per lin. ft. $2,208.00 Three standard manholes at $60.00 each 180.00 Four special manholes at $60.00 each .. 240.00 Extra expense at 7.1834 per cent 188.78 Total $2,816.78 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayos Andeifinger, Council- men Jansen, McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert. Nays —None. 11 Approved April 15th, 1929. Adopted—April 15th, 1929. M. B. ANDELFINGER, Mayor. ED. Mc1 VOY, GEO. O. JENSEt, II. F. SCHUCKE T, W. H. MEUSER, Attest: J. J. SHEACouncilmen. City Clerk, Pro Tern. Resolution No. 214-29 Resolution Providing for the Issu- ance of Public Sewer Bonds Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Oak Street and Burns Street, hereinafter described, has been completed and said sewer has been accepted by the City Council of said City and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense thereof to be $2,816.78. And whereas, public notice as provided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the in- tention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said im- provement and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque that to provide for the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in Oak Street from the manhole in Burns Street about 286 feet east, thence in Burns Street from the manhole in Burns and Oak Streets 322 feet northerly, thence an 8 inch tile sanitary sewer and a 15 inch storm sewer in Burns Street east- erly 262 feet to the manhole in Dodge Street, there be issued sewer bonds to the amount of $2,816.78. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, which bear date as of the 15th day of April, 1929, A. D., shall be in the denominations of $300.00 each, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $116.78; they shall be numbered from 1809 to 1818 inclusive and shall be divided into ten series of which the bond numbered 1809 shall constitute the 1st series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1930; the bond numbered 1810 shall constitute the 2nd series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1931; the bond num- bered 1811 shall constitute the 3rd series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A.D. 1932; the bond numbered 1812 shall constitute the 4th series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1933; 1 RETAKE OF PREVIOUS DOCUMENT 111 r Special Session, March 13th, 1929 57 • in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of Lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Owner Description Amount Voelker Realty Co., Pinehurst, Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent; $4.08; total$ 78.40 Voelker Realty Co., Pinehurst, Lot 17; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total78.40 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, t'nd. % Lot 15; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- - tra expense, at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 15; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 14; 26 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. Sts Lot 14; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 13; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 being months interest due that day nn its sewer bond No.. . .... dated.. , 19 Mayor. Countersigned: City Clerk. Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and 'he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that Purpose, and to then de- liver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the pro- ceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Sewer Fund. Be it further resolved that the in- terest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the fac-simile signa- ture of the Mayor and countersigned with the fac-simile signature of the City Clerk. Be it further resolved that as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and retired in the same or- der as numbered. Adopted this 13th day of March, 1929. Approved: JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor. H. F. SCHUCKERT, W. H. MEUSER, ED. McEvoy, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, pro tem. Councilman Yount moved the ad- option of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Resolution No. 22-29 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a_11 --inch tile sani- tary sewer in Nowata Street from a point about 130 feet north of Julien Avenue to W. 14th Street. A 6 inch tile sanitary sewer in West 14th Street from manhole in Adair Street 250 feet easterly. An 8 inch tile sanitary sewer in Adair Street from West 14th Street to Rosedale Aven- ue, by Uhlrich-Paley Co., contractor, Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 13; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst. Und. % Lot 12; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst. Und. % Lot 12; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. 1 Lot 11; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- 58 Special Session, March 13th, 1929 tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. 13. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. 1,5 Lot 11; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total ......__. 39.20 Virg. E. 13. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und .1 Lot 10; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und .1/2 Lot 10; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. 148 Lot 9; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4\77 per cent, $2.04; total _ 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robtnso, hurst, Und. 1 Lot 9; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. 13. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. 1/s Lot 8; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 8; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total . 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. ct Lot 7; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total .. 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 7; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total 39.20 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. 3 Lot 6; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total .. 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 6; 25 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $37.16; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.04; total .._ .. 39.20 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst, Und. t/s Lot 5; 26 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer • cost at $1.48636, $38.63; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.11; total 40.74 Virg. E. 13. Robinson, Pine- hurst, Und. % Lot 5; 26 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $38.63; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.11; total 40.74 Virg. E. B. Robinson, Pine- hurst Und. 3¢ Lot 1; 238.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $354.48; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $19.44; total 373.92 Birdena E. Bush, Pine- hurst Und. i,4 Lot 1; 238.5 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.4''36, $354.48; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $19.44; total 373.92 City of Dubuque, Pinehurst, Lot 18; 48.12 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $71.50; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $3.92; total 75.42 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Oakland Park Add., W. 36 ft. Lot 19; 36 lin ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $53.50; ex- tra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $2.92; total 56.42 Henry E. Masers, Oakland Park Add., E. 45 ft. Lot 20; 45 lin. ft. tile pipe and sew- er cost at $1.48636, $66.88; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $3.66; total 70.54 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Oakland Park Add., W. 47 ft. 11 in. Lot 20; 47.92 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at 1.48636, $71.22; extra• expense at 5.4877 per cent, $3.90; total 75.12 John G. Chalmers, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 1; 50 lin ft. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 John G. Chalmers, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 2; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 Realty Inv. Corp., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 3; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost, at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 George L. Mettille, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 4; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 Sophia Elseasser, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 5; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost • Special Session, March 13th, 1929 pipe and sewer coat at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Eva Piltz, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 18; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex - 78.40 pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total ... Eva Piltz, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 19; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex - 78.40 pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total John Rheel, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 20; 50 lin. fttile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex - 78.40 pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total John Rheel, Woodlawn 1'arlc Add., Lot 21; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex - 78.40 pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodland Park Add., Lot 22; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex - 78.40 pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodland Park Add., Lot 23; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodland Park Add., Lot 24; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost 78.40 at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodland Park Add., Lot 25; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost 78.40 at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodland Park Add., Lot 26; 46 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost 78.40 at $1.48636, $68.36; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $3.75; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 49; 59 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at 7810 $1.48636, $87.69; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.80; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 48; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at 78.40 $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total at $1.48636. $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total ....._......_ ........................ 78.40 Harvey L. Dean, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 6; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Jacob L. Blum, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 7; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 8; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32: extra ex- pense at 5.•1877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 9; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 Per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 10; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent. $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 11; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 12; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 13; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 14; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 15; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 16; 50 lin. ft. tile Pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Eva Piltz, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 17; 50 lin. ft. tile 78.40 59 78.40 78.10 78.40 78.40 78.40 72.40 72.-101 72.40 72.40 72.11 92.49 78.40 60 Special Session, March 13th, 1929 C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 47; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 46; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 45; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total F. Rokusek Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 40; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total F. Rokusek Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 41; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 42; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $79.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voeiker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 43; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Rosedale Add., Lot 44; 56 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $83.23; extra ex- pense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.56; total John G. Klein, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 27; 46 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $68.36; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $3.75; total John G. Klein, Woodiaw Park Add., Lot 28; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 29; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 30; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 78.411 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 87.79 72.11 78.40 78.40 78.40 C. A. Voelker Est., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 31; 50 lin. It. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est.. \\'oudlagli Park Add., Lot 32; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total C. A. Voelker Est., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 33; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Landon F. Taylor, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 34; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total John Heim, Woudlamu Park Addition, Lot 35; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at 51.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Geo. Haverland, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 36; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Geo. Haverland, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 37; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Martin Herbst, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 38; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total G. A. Voelker Est., Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 39; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total M. J. Knipple, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 40; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Peter Grutz, Woodlawn Park Addition, Lot 41; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Jane G. Graden, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 42; 50 lin. ft, tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total ' 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 78.40 Special Session, '\l arch I Jane G. Graden, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 43; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Jane G. Graden, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 44; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total Jane G. Hames, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 45; 50 lits. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 Nicholas Simon, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 46; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 Nicholas Simon, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 47; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 M. Roediger, Woedla cn 1'ark Addition, Lot 48; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer coat at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 John G. Chalmers, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot. 49; 50 lin. ft. tile pipe and sewer cost at $1.48636, $74.32; extra expense at 5.4877 per cent, $4.08; total 78.40 78.40 78.40 • Total $6,684.12 826 lin. ft. 6 in. tile sanitary sewer at $2.00 per lin. ft. $1,652.00 1814 lin. ft. 8 in. tile sani- tary sewer at $2.10 per lin. ft. 3,809.40 10 standard manhole, at $75 each 750.00 1 drop manhole at $125 125.00 Extra expense at 5.4877 per cent 347.72 Total $6,684.12 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved March 13th, 1929. - Adopted March 13th, 1929. JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor. H. F. SCHUCKERT, W. H. MEUSER, ED. McEvoy, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, pro tem. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Second - 61 ed by Councilma' Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays -None. Imp. Form No. 10 Resolution No. 23-29 Resolution Providing for the Issu- ance of Public Sewer Bonds Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Nowata Street, West 14th Street and Adair Street, hereinafter described, has been completed and said sewer has been accepted by the City Council of said City and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense thereof to be $6,684.12. And whereas, public notice as pro- vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the in- tention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said im- provement and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: Now, therefor, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque that to provide for the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in Nowata Street from a point about 130 feet north of Julien Avenue to West 14th Street and in West 14th Street from the manhole in Adair Street 250 feet easterly and in Adair Street from West 14th Street to Rosedale Avenue, there be issued sewer bonds to the amount of $6,684.12. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, which bear date as of the 13th day of March, A. D. 1929, shall be in the denominations of $500.00 each, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $184.12; they shall be numbered from 1795 to 1808 inclus;ve and shall be divided into ten series of which the bond numbered 1795 shall con- stitute the first series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1930; the bond numbered 1796 shall constitute the second series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1931; the bond num- bered 1797 shall constitute the third series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1932; the bonds numbered 1798 and 1799 shall constitute the fourth series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1933; the bonds numbered 1800 and 1801 shall constitute the fifth series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1934; the bonds numbered 1802 and 1803 shall constitute the sixth series and shall 62 Special Session, March 13th, 1929 be payable on the 1st day of April, A. I). 1935; the bonds numbered 1804 and 1805 shall constitute the seventh series and shall be payable on the lst day of April, A. D. 1936; the bond numbered 1806 shall constitute the eighth series and shall be pay- able on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1937; the bond numbered 1807 shall constitute the ninth series and shall be payable on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1938; the bond numbered 1808 shall constitute the tenth series and shall be payable on the lst day of April, A. D. 1939. Said bonds shall bear Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum which interest shall be payable semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto at- tached; and said bonds shall be pay- able out of the proceeds of the spe- cial assessment levied for said sew- er. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be substantially in She following form: No. Series No. ...... CITY OF DUBUQUE SEWER BOND The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer hereof, on the first day of April, A. D. 19.........; or any time before that date at the option of the City the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable on the presenta- tion and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached, both inter- est and principal are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque pursuant to and by virtue of Chapter 311 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, and in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of said City, duly passed on the 13th day of March, 1929. This bond is one of a series of fourteen bonds, thirteen for $500.00 numbered 1795 to 1807 inclusive, and one for $184.12 numbered 1808, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer in Nowata Street from a point about 130 feet north of Julien Avenue to West 14th Street and in West 14th Street from the manhole in Adair Street 250 feet easterly and in Adair Street Prom West 14th Street to Rosedale Avenue, and described in said reso- lution; which cost is assessable and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abut- ting or adjacent property, and pay- able in ten annual installments, with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of five per cent per an- num, and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the collection of said special tax, anti said money can be used for no other purpose. And It is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts and condition and things required to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened and performed in regular and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the assess- ments, collections and payment here- on of said special tax, the faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In witness whereof the City of Du- buque by its City Council has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City affixed this 13th day of March, 1929, and has au- thorized the use of their fac-simile signature to the interest coupons hereto attached. Mayor. Countersigned (Seal) City Clerk. FORM OF COUPON On the day of A. D. 19......., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bear- er, as provided in the bond, the sum of at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being... months interest due that day 00 its sewer bond No. ,fated 19 Countersigned: Mayor. City Clerk. Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is herby in- structed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the pro- ceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Sewer Fund. 13e it further resolved that the in- terest coupons attached to the bonds Special Session, March 13th, 1929 63 be signed with the fac-simile signa- ture of the Mayor and countersigned with the fac-simile signature of the City Clerk. Be it turther resolved that as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of interest due, these bonds shall be called and retired in the same order as numbered. Adopted this 13th day, of March, 1929. Approved: JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor. H. F. SCHUCKERT, W. H. MEUSER, ED. McEVOY, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Cleric, pro tem. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Petition of Peter Bartonik, re- ferred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, relative to having the 1925 tax suspended on Lots 25 and 26, Belmont Addition, presented and read. Coucilman Schuckert moved to re- fer the petition to the City Solicitor to report back to the Council. Sec- onded by Councilman Yount. Car- ried by the following vote. Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays ---None. Petition of Mrs. E. J. Wurst, re- ferred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, relative to having the 1928 tax cancelled on South 161 feet of Lot 10 of Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved to refer the petition to the City Solic- itor to report back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays --None. Monthly reports of February, 1929, of the City Treasurer, City Auditor and City Water Works presented. Councilman Meuser moved that the reports be received and filed and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Communication of The Boards of 'Trustees of the Muscatine Municipal Water and Light Plants extending an invitation to the City Council to attend the opening of their new Ad- ministration Building on March 14th, 1929, presented and read. Couneilman Meuser moved to re- ceive and file the communication. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Petition of The Campfire Groups requesting permission to use the Armory for their annual campfire on the evening of March 16th, 1929, pre- sented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved to re- fer the petition to the City Manager with power. Seconded by Council- man Schuckert. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Petition of M. G. Hoy et al, re- questing the City Council to order the paving of South Hill Street from the south property line of Curtis Street to the east property line of South Grandview Avenue, presented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and the petition made a mat- ter of record. Seconded by Council- man Schuckert. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Notice of Claim of Myrtle Chris- tiansen, by John D. Knoll, her attor- ney, in the sum of $2,500.00 for in- juries received by falling on the in- tersection of Jackson and 19th Streets presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved to refer the notice to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Petition of the Dubuque Benev- olent and Humane Society, with at- tached report of their work from April lst to March 1st, requesting their annual donation in the 1929 budget, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the petition be made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays—None. Ordinance No. 24-29. AN ORDINANCE regulating the con- struction of storage tanks and in- stallation of oil -burning device and equipment; the storage and use of fuel oil; and prescribing a penalty for violation hereof. frg lie it O. -claimed by the City C.ou eft of the City of L►Ubuqu«,• Paragraph Pearls app) eat WA ft* lieclkin i Before an person. firm or !corporation shall permitted to erect or install in a residence yr other building, or n any premises, any oil burning derf or equipment for heatfnx purposes together with tanks or containerfor *image or fuel oil, such Person firm or eor'puratirm shall first sSeeu►c' a permit therefor from the Plumbing inspector of the City of huh( Il. Mart It }31'), }929 n• ! tions at pointy other than at the t -q, of IRald tank are hereby prohibited. Each storage tank with a reels;-. y capacity than 275 gallons wbs.t; placed on the outside of any rt... ny deuce or building shall be buried un - PO I der ground with the top of the tank not less than fourteen inches. below the surface ,and when such tank is • i installed in ti's basement or cellar , • of any residence or building it shall ! be set on bed of sand Kix inches in depth spread over a fi No permit shall be issued unless and until an application bar been nestle firer. -tor- and a fee of $3.00 has been pairs Such application shall be a, t:on,p:rrried by a pia' or ,if axinr showing the, location of the building 11: .10i premises and the make or type al burner 10 be Installed and shall be ser:ormpanled by a statement as to whether or not such burner has been approved by the National Board of Fire t'ndcrwrlters- 1f such equip- ment has not been thus approved, then a full and complete specInca- flan of arch berme,' and equipment shall accompany the application- The 111a1 or drawing shall also show the location and size of all tanks, boil- ers, pipes, burners, electrical wiring, and roorm or apartment In which the Mune is to he installed, the location nl all doors, windows and other m11vu1s of ventilation. When such application is filed with the Plumbing Inspector he shall in- vestigate IIID fissile and 1f Haug/led t1,;1t ,111•11 10'01/(/' (.(1 Installation is in „1,I,ue.11v cu111 Ihls and all other 1,lulln „1 1h,• city of lttrbuque, h, 1x11 r1:u1 _11,'11 penult, but if he h,• 111,1 11 h,•11 h.. may refuse : ur11 1,,'11 ,1 11 1llnlll it until such tun,• 111,• •,ppu1:1111 shall conform n, ll •11,1,11, :110,11 lu 1110 rriqulrenlenls 111 11,1 .11111 .111 111 11•1' urtllnallees of •1111 1'11 \11 01 1:111:t1 Inn 01111 be uu,l,•1 ll, tell ,I 111111 fit the I'Imtnb• tor. 111 ,, , I,,1 .u1,1 1,, hall 11111,• autll- urll} lu 1111,E ,-I/1111,1I;U11•,• ❑1111 the 1/,11,1 1.„1. 111 I111.. 11111111;1111.1.. I'.I r1,.1.11.11 1011,1 hila. Section 1 i1 • I Ins 111..1 under these regu- 1.11too . ,hull hr ,1 topped or distilled „11 11.,, 1n; a 11:1•Al point or not less 111.111 1,111 i! . Fahre eit, and 11, 11 1.11, •.11111 nut Is. fed liiron' the 1.1116 11, 1h.• .u,•tlnn porno at 11 pro- hl•;u, ictop,•1:11tire higher th:o for - i) 11,• 1,• t••1111,•1111eil briefs 118 11/1811 1.,11111 I ':11.11.1 .1 I11t 'I'0111,s. ti,•t•I fun 3. 1 .1..11 ,Lenge tank for the storage of 111.1 „1I usotl 111 eonnol•t 1011 1111II 1111 1111110ru1111.1 111.01'0 01' equipment t, 1,x1,• 1111' t'tlp11uity of the tank ex- , rids 215 gallons, shall hltve piping ,'011uuvuuns only Irortt the top or the sant tutu openings or piping eonnec-! and shall be walled in with uauation brick wall at least eight inches in thiel:- ; mess and a firm packing of sand placed between the brick wail and outside of the tank at all points, and a covering o1 sand over the top of the tank of at least twelve inches in thickness. Each tank capacity located underneath gallons build- ing ad- ing at a point other than in the basement or cellar shall be buried under ground with the top of the tank not less than two feet below - the floor immediately above and the floor immediately above such tank shall be of reinforced concrete at least nine inches in thickness ex- tending at least one foot beyond the outline of such tank in all directions, and be provided with ample means of support independent of the tank. Where the character of the soil or the condition of the premises is such that an outside tank exceeding 275 gallons capacity cannot be entirely buried underneath the surface of the ground, as here inprovided for, such tank may still be located on the out- side provided the same is entirely covered over with earth to adepth of at least two feet at all points, with a slope on all sides of not less than three to one. All tanks with a capacity exceed- ing 275 gallons wherever located shall be so placed that the top there- of shall be below either the level of the tank, burner one is installed, oauxiliary r theant siphon device on the pipe line lead- ing to burner. Storage tanks with a capacity of 275 gallons or less may be used and piping connections may be made from tank to burner from the bottom of the tank to permit the gravity (low of oil from tank to burner, but In such case the pipe line shall be rliulpped with an approved auto- matic o the flow of oil through the line inthee event the burner fails to ignite or the (lame is extinguished. Such tank may be located inside the building and bItall have no connection with any other tank or source of oil supply. ,In `the "inside of tank buildings and East 22nd St. Althauser St. Stafford Ave. Althauser St. West 24th St. Division St. Central Ave. Quince St. Rush St. Cleveland Ave. Union St. Davis Ave Edith St. Sheridan St. Oneill St. Lois St Reeder St. Solon St. Dodge St. Fairmont St. Saunders St. Stoltz St. Lemon St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing.. in SS a. V 1 l c,4?' g S SEWER RECORD Inch Contractor. Sjlecial Session, September 10th, 1929 407 Countersigned (Seal) City Clerk. FORM OF COUPON. On the day of A. D. 19......, the Clty of Dubuque, Iowa, promisee to pay to the bearer, as provided in Ole bond, the sum at thof e omco of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being months' interest due that day on its improve- ment Bond No dated Mayor. Countersigned: City Clerk. Be It further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they • are hereby Instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds, and that the City Clerk be and he 1s hereby Instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them 1n a book to be kept by Mtn for that purpoee. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and be is hereby In- structed to sell said bonds in the manner provided by law, the pro- ceeds of said Bale to be kept 1n -a special fund to be known as Im- provement Fund. Be it further resolved that the In- lerest coupons attached to the bonds he signed with the fac-simile signa- ture of the Mayor and countersigned with the fac-simile signature of the City Clerk. Be it further resolved that as fast as funds allow, beginning with the second year after the payment of in- terest due, these bonds shall be call- ed and retired in the same order a8 numbered. Adopted this 10th day of Septem- ber. 1929. Approved: WM. H. MEUSE'R, Mayor pro -tem. 0E0. 0. Jansen, ED. McEVOY. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Jansen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor pro -tem Meuse r, Counrilmen Jansen, McEvoy. Nays—None. Absent—Mayor Andelflnger, Coon - Minion Sehuckert. Notice of publication certified to by the publisher of the City Coun- cils intention to levy a special se- sessmeht and authorise the issuance of bonds as provided by law to pro- vide for the payment of the con- strucklon of a sanitary sewer In Saunders Street from the manholes In Lemon Street 720 feet westerly. Presented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that the notice be received and flied. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor pro -tem Meuser, Councilmen Jansen. McEvoy. Nays—None. Absent—Mayor Andelflnger, Coun cilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 522-29. SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS Resolved by the City Council of the Clty of Dubuque: that to pay for the construction of an eight inch (8) Vltrifled Ole or concrete sanitary sewer with concrete manholes and Y branches In Saunders street from the manholes In Lemon street 720 feet westerly, by Cook & Kean Contrac- tor, 1n front of and adjoining the same, a•epecinl tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assess- ment submitted September 10, 1929. Owner. Location. Assessments. Agatha Helm, Lot 2, Hum- boldt Add, $ 76.82 Agatha Helm, Lot 3, Hum- boldt Add- 76.82 Agatha Heim, Lot 4, Hum- boldt Add- 76:82 Agatha Helm, Lot 6, Hum- boldt Add- 33.13 Agatha Helm, Lot 2, Sub Lot 2 of 59, Fairmount Park Add- 43.58 Geo. Wild. Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of 2 of 59, Fairmount Park Add, 78,15 Geo. Wild, Lot 1, Sub Lot 1 of 59, Fairmount Park Add. 388.97 Andrew Wieser Est., Lot 46, Fairmount Park Add. 60.03 Clem Revining, Lot 47, Fair- mount Park Add. 60.03 Clem Revining, Lot 48, Fair- mount Park Add. 60.03 Francis Trumm, Lot 49, Fair- mount Park Add. 60.03 Theo. Trumm. Lot 1, Snh. Lot 50. Fairmount Park Add... 61.83 Adam F. Steger, Lot 2. Soh. Lot 50. Fairmount Park Add. ......_. ._ 12.01 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 Engineer. 408 Special Session, Stptenlber 10th, 1929 Adam F. Steger, Lot 61, Fair- mount Park Add. Herman J. Mueller, Lot 52, Fairmount Park Add. _.. E. L. Curtis Eat., Lot 66, Fairmount Park Add. John L. Heim, Lot 46, Fair- mount Park Add. 73.84 73.84 159.07 60.03 Total $1455.03 697.0 lin. ft eight (8") inch tile at 60 cents per lin. tt$ 348.60 23 Y branches at $1.00 each23.00 6 Man -holes at $96.00 each670.00 269.83 cu. yds. earth excava- tion at 11.00 per cu. yd264.83 69.17 cu. yds. loose rock ex- cavation at $1.60 per cu. yd. 88.75 Extra expense at 12.3606 per cent 159.95 Total $1455.03 All of which 1s assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved September 10th, 1929. Adopted September 1015, 1929. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor pro -tem. GEO. 0. JANSEN, ED. McEVOY, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Janson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor pro -tem Meuse r, Councilmen Jansen, McEvoy. Nays—None. Absent—Mayor Andelflnger, Coun- cilman Schuekert. Resolution Ne. 643--29. A RESOLUTION providing for the Issuance of Public Sewer Bonds. Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the constructing of a sanitary sewer in Saunders street, hereinafter described, has been completed and said Improvement has been accepted by the City Council of the said City and the City Engineer has computed the coat and expense thereof to be $1,455.03. And Whereas, public notice as pro- vided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the intention of the City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said Improvement and a public hearing hes been held Pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Clty Council of the Clty of Du- buque that to provide for the coat of constructing a sanitary sewer in Saunders Street from the manhole in Lemon Street 720 feet westerly, there be issued sewer bonds to the amount of $1,465.03. Said bonds shall be is- sued under the provisions of Chap- ter 311 of the Code of Iowa, I92i, which bear date as of the 10th day of September, 1929; shall be In the denominations of $100.00, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $66.03. They shall be num- bered from 2142 to 2156 inclusive and shall be divided into ten aeries of which the bond numberer 2142 shall constitute the first series and shall be payable the last day of April, A. D., 1930; the bond numbered 2143 shall constitute the second series and shall be payable the let day of April, A. D., 1931; the bond numbered 2144 shall constitute the third aeries and shall be payable the let day of April, A. D., 1932; the bonds numbered 2145 and 2146 eball constitute the fourth aeries and shall be payable the let day of April, A. D., 1933; the bonds numbered 2147 and 2148 shall con- stitute the fltth series and shall be payable the let day of April, A. D., 1934; the bonds numbered 2149 and 2150 shall constitute the sixth series and shall be payable the let day of April, A, D., 1930; the bonds num- bered 2151 and 2162 shall conatltute the seventh series and shall be pay- able the let day of April, A. D., 1936; the bonds numbered 2163 and 2154 shall constitute the eight eerlee and shall be payable the let day of April, A. D., 1937; the bond numbered 2156 eball constitute the ninth aeries and shall be payable the let day of April. A. D., 1938; the bond numbered 2156 shall constitute the tenth aeries and shall lie payable the let day of April, A. D., 1939. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum which interest shall be payable semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto at- tached; and said bonds shall be pay- able out of the proceeds of the spe- cial assessment levied for said im- provement. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the city Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be substantially In the following form: No Series No CITY OF DUBUQUE SEWER BOND The City of Dubuque In the State of Iowa promisee to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer hereof, on the first day o1 April, A. D., 19 ; or any time before that date Estimate of Cost to :1 butters and City for Constructing In 50—V11[te-r,9 C r SEWER RECORD Contractor. Incl) Dubuque, Io Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Pleasant St. Eagle St. Althauser St. Riverview St. Thomas Place High Bluff Burden St. Goethe St. Lawther St. Sheridan St. Hedlet Ct Argyle St. Armore Pl Grove Ter Wilbur St. Groveland Street Sheridan St. Burden St. Argyle St. Pennsylvania St. Delhi St. (University Ave) Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing In SEWER RECORD Contractor. Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 419 ment and authorized the issuance of bonds to pay for the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances In what Is known as the West Du- buque Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 3-30. Also proof of publication certified to by the pub- lisher of a hearing on the proposed issuance of bonds in the sum of $56,636.79 to pay for the construction of the sewer In what is known as the West Dubuque Sewer District, as delimited by Ordinance No. 3-30, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proofs of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy and Schuckert. Nays—None. Remonstrances were filed against the asessments as levied against the properties of the following property owners, by said property owners, for the construction of said sewers. Margaret fluor, owner of lots 58 nod 59 Quigley's Add. assessed $174.81 and $148.69. Jacob Itoesner, owner of lot S. 3 of 200 feet of lot 14 Sister's Add. as- sessed $91.57. Wenzel .Kubae, lot 1 of sub lot 1 of 2 of 11 Westaby's Sub. Mrs. John Bleberman, lots 51-52.53 Quigley's Sub. assessed $113.47. Frank A. Miller, lot 1 of 1 of W. 1 of lot 10 Sister's Add., assessed 8195.00. W. H. Shaw, 9 lots on Dodge and S t e t m o r e Streets assessment 31288.993. J. A. McMahon, Iota 1-2.11-13.14 of sub of lots 6-7-8-9 Qulgley's Sub. Julia E. Kemler, lot 31, O'Netll's Sub. No. 3, lot 4 O'Hare's Sub, West 52 11. 11 In. of E. 97 ft. 11 In. of S. 04 and the N. of ib of lot 4 Ann D'Hare's Sub, Peter and Charles Linden, lots 32- 33 Quigley's Sub, Mtn. Lot 157. Frank Smith, lots W. 100 ft, of 200 ft. of lot 17 Sister's Sub. Bertha H1rd and Emil Pfalsgraf, lots 38;39.40-51-52.53 Finley Waple's and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalsgraf, Tots 80-81-82-83.84- 85 Finley Waple's and Burton's Sub. Mr. and Mrs, L. Baumhover and Mary Fuchs, lot 1 and part of lot 2 Sister's add. Mary Fuchs, lots 3 and 4 Sister's Add. Anna M. Theis and Frank Smith, lots E. 190 ft. of lot 14 and the N. 1 01 200 ft. of lot 14 and lots 15 and 16 and the W. 190 ft, of lot 17 Sister's Add. Anna M. Theis, E. 100 ft. of E. 200 feet of lot 17 Sister's Add. J. F. Kircher, lots 9 and 10 Simp- son's Add and lot 1 of 1 In Babcock's Add. Geo. M. Haas, lots 44-45.46-47 Bab - cock's Sub. and lots 15-16-17 Bab - cock's Sub, Councilman Andelfinger moved that the rules be suspended to allow anyone present who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy and Schuckert. Nays—None, Attorney .1. P. Frantzen addressed the Council relative to the objec- tions against the assessments, and stated that the main contention is that a great deal of this property as- sessed is of very little value and the assessments in most instances Is in excess of 25% of the valuation of the property. Councilman Schuckert moved that all of the petitions and remon- strances be referred to the Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Misuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy and Schuckert. Nays—None. SCIIEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS Resolution No. 382-30 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what la known as the West Dubuque Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 3-30. The improvement shall consist of constructing sanitary sewers in the following locations: An 8 inch sanitary sewer in: Pennsylvania Street from manhole in Delhi Street three hundred fifty- eight (358) feet northwesterly, Two (2) lines In parking space either side of Delhi Street from west- ern city limits to Finley Street. Gilliam Street from West Street to Delhi Street. ,Mineral Street from Gilliam Street to O'Hagen Street. Finley Street from Mineral Street to Pearl Street. Pearl Street from the western city limits to one hundred (100) feet west of McCormick Street. O'Hngen Street from Mineral Street to a point one hundred (100) feet south of Delhi Street. West Street from Gilliam Street td- Finley Street, and Finley Street Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, I Certify That the Above is Correct. Dubuque, Iowa, 420 Special Session, from West Street to McCormic Street. McCormick Street from Bennett Street to a point one hundred fifty (150) feet south of Delhi Street. Grace Street from McCormick Street to a point two hundred twenty (220) feet west of Algona Street and from a point fifty (50) feet east of Alogna Street to a point one hundred fifty (150) feet west of North Grand- view Avenue. Grigg Place from Bennett Street to Grace Street. Algoma Street from St. Joseph Street to Bennett Street. Gondolfo Street from St. Joseph Street to Dodge Street. Dodge Street from Gondolfo Street to the alley first west of Algona Street and from a point eighty (80) feet east of Algona Street to Stet - more Street. Alley first west of Algona Street from Dodge Street to a point one hundred (100) feet south of Hale Street. West Third Street from a point two hundred eighty-two (282) feet west of Algona Street to a point eighty (80) feet west of North Grand- view Avenue. Bennett Street from McCormick Street to a point fifty (50) feet west of Algona Street and from Algona Street to a point one hundred fifty (150) feet west of .North Grandview Avenue. Hale Street from a point eighty (80) feet east of Algona Street to a point seventy (70) feet west of North Grandview Avenue. Auburn Street from Grace Street to the alley first south of Delhi Street. Alley first south of Delhi Street from Auburn Street to a point fifty (50) feet south of Algona Street. St. Joseph Street from a point three hundred (300) feet east of Al- gona Street to a point thirty-five (35) feet west of Fremont Avenue. Fremont Avenue from the intersec- tion of Simpson Street and Wart- burg Place to a point seventy (70) feet west of Grandview Avenue. Simpson Street from a point two hundred sixty (260) feet west of Cross Street to Fremont Avenue. A 10 inch sanitary sewer in: Stetmore Street from Marion Street to Dodge Street and across lots 51, 52 and 33 Quigley's Sub., Lot 5 Quigely's 'Sub., Lot 9 Hodge's Sub. south 192.49 feet of the south 201.5 feet of lot 25 Ann O'Hare's Sub., and the north 9.01 feet of the south 201.5 feet of lot 25 Ann O'Hare's Sub. and across the east 107.94 feet of the December 22nd, 1930 k north 135 feet of lot 25 Ann O'Hare's Sub. St. Joseph Street from Gondolfo Street to a point three hundred (300) feet east of Algona Street. Force Mains An 8 inch force main in: Mineral Street from Gilliam Street to McCormick Street. McCormick Street from Mineral Street to Grace Street. Grace Street from McCormick Street to Algona Street. A 10 Inch force main in: Stetmore Street from Marion Street to Dodge Street and Dodge Street from Stetmore Street to a point six hundred fifty (650) feet easterly and across vacated portion of Dodge Street and Lot 1 of 1 and 2 Sister's Add. across Fremont and North and South Grandview and in Dodge Street from North and South Grandview Avenue to a point one hundred eighty-six (186) feet east of North and South Grandview Ave- nue, by Uhlrich•Paley Co., contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special as- sessmetnt submitted December 22, 1930. Ernest P. Breithaupt, 119, Finley, Waples Burton's Add. Ernest P. Breithaupt, 120, Finley, Waples Burton's Add. James W. Guilford, Lot 113, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Junes W. Guilford, Lot 114, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. James W. Guilford, Lot 115, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. James W. Guilford, Lot 129, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. James W. Guilford, Lot 130, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Ed. Imhoff, Lot 131, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Ed. Imhoff, Lot 132, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Ed. Imhoff, Lot 111, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Geo. Spensley, Lot 133, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Geo. Spensley, Lot 110, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Lot and $ 97.23 Lot and 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 194.4f 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.2 . 9'(.23 97.2:1 Delhi St. (University Ave) Gilliam St. University Ave. Gillian St. Pearl St. Ohagen St. McCormick St. Finley St. Mineral St. Estimate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing. In Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 421 Harvey E. Genthe, Lot 112, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton'e Add. Grace V. W. Jaeger, Lot 134, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. Grace V. W. Jaeger, Lot 136, Finley, Waplee and Bur- ton's Add. Grace V. W. Jaeger, Lot 108, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Grace V. W. Jaeger, Lot 109, Finley, Wapiee and .Bur- ton's Add. Judson W. Ulrich, Lot 20, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. Judean W. Ulrich, Lot 21, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Judson W. Ulrich, Lot 22, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. Alvin Wlrzbach, Lot 23, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add Belle McDonough, Lot 24, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Belle McDonough, Lot 26, F9niey, Waning and Bur- ton's Add. Alien T. Daykin, Lot 26, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. S. 1 Allen T. Daykin, Lot 27, Fin- ley, Waning and Burton's Add. S. 1 Harry J. Simon, Lot 26, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. N. 1 Harry J. Simon, Lot 27, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. N. 1/2 Lizzie Beckett, Lot 9, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. S. 1/2 Herbert and Harry Smith, Lot 8. Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. S. 1/2 Lizzie Beckett, Lot 28, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. N. 49 ft. Lizzie Beckett, Lot 29, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add: N. 49 ft Joseph L. Hird, Lot 28, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. S. 96 ft. Joseph L. Hird, Lot 29, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. S. 96 ft. Joseph L. Hird, Lot 30, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. John P. Hansen, Lot 103, Finley, Walpes and Bur- ton's Add. E. 30 ft. John P. Hansen, Lot 104, Ftatey, Waples and Bur- 97.23ton's Add. 97.23 John P. Hansen, Lot 105, • Finley, Waplea and Bur - 97.23 ton's Add. ley, Waplee and Burton's 97.23 Julius J. Jones, Lot 106, Fin - 97.23 - Add 97.23 Julius J. Jones, Lot 107, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 97.23 Add. N. 40 ft. 61.80 Geo. W. Brown, Lot 107, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 97.23 Add. S. 106 ft. 135.95 Walter Jones, Lot 46, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 97.23 Add 97.23 Vienna Rand, Lot 46, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 97.23 Add 97.23 Vienna Rand, Lot 44, Fin- ley, Wapiee and Burton's 97.23 Add 97.23 Vienna Rand, Lot 43, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 97.23 Add. 95.35 Win. K. Paisley, Lot 42, Finley, Waples. and Bur - 76.30 ton's Add. 88.34 Wm. K. Paisley, Lot 41, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's 86.86 Add. N. 72 ft. 6 In. 93.86 Minnie C. Griggs, Lot 41, Finley, Waples and Bur - 16.67 ton's Add. S. 72 ft. 6 in93.86 Gertrude 1. Palen, Lot 47, Finley, Wapies and Bur- 93.87 ton's Add. 97.23 Gertrude I. Palen, Lot 48, Finley, Waples and Bur - 16.67 ton's Add. 97.23 Evertt Akins, Lot 49, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 60.99 93.87 Evertt Akins, Lot 60, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 75.84 Bertha Hird, Lot 38, Finley, 112.43 •. Waples and Burton's Add. 97.23 re Bertha Hird, Lot 39, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 97.23 115.45 Bertha Hird, Lot 40, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 97.23 Bertha Hird, Lot 61, Finley, 63.44 Wapies and Burton's Add. 97.23 Bertha Hird, Lot 52, Finley, Waples and 9urton'e Add. 97.23 Bertha Hird, Lot 53, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 97.23 Geo. L. Hein, Lot 1, Kamp. man's Sub. 90.57 Geo. L. Hein, Lot 2, Kamp- man's Sub. 88.63 Magdelena Kessler, Lot 3, Kampman's Sub. .87.54 Geo—Kampman et al, Lot 4, Kampman's Sub. 87.54 Geo. Kampman et al, Lot 6, Kampman's Sub. ... 116.57 Geo. Kampman et al, Lot 6, Kampman's Sub. 105.94 11.28 124.31 22.09 97.23 48.62 Price Per Square Foot to Abutting Property,.. SEWER RECORD Contractor. I Certify That the Abbve is Correct. inch Dubuque, Iowa, Sewer 19 93 422 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Anna Oatey, Lot 1, East St. Sub. Anna Oatey, Lot 6, East St. Sub. Rose Louise and Carrie Baler, Lot 2, East St. Sub. Robert McGivern Estate, Lot 31, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Robert McGivern Estate, Lot 32, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Irving and Geo. F. Blume, Lot 7, Herbst Sub. Mary Bedenbender, Lot 8, Herbst Sub. Gladys J. Feller, Lot 9, Herbst Sub. Clara M. Loney, Lot 88, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Chris Conrad, Lot 94, Finley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Chris Conrad, Lot 95, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mamie M. and Wm. Gibson, Lot 96, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mamie M. and Wm. Gibson, Lot 96A, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mamie M. and Wm. Gibson, Lot 97, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Lillian J. Stoltz, Lot 98, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Lillian J. Stoltz, Lot 99, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalzgraf, Lot 80, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalzgraf, Lot 81, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalzgraf, Lot 82, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalzgraf, Lot 83, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Emil Pfaizgraf, Lot 84, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Emil Pfalzgraf, Lot 85, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mary Adelaide Alderson, Lot 86, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. N. W. 60 tt Mary Adelaide Alderson, Lot 87, Finley, Walpes and Burton's Add. N. W. 60 ft. Cath. R. Streletzky, Lot 86, Finley. Waples and Bur- ton's Add. S. E. 85 ft..... Cath. 11. Streletzky, Lot 87, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. S. E. 85 ft. .... 98.33 71.82 73.07 97.23 97.23 79.31 75.53 71.66 97.23 82.04 97.23 97.23 . 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 97.23 13.80 77.84 19.56 110.07 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Lot 100, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Andrew C. Albrecht, Lot 101, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Andrew C. Albrecht, Lot 102, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. W. 40 ft. Ed. C. Young, Lot 102, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. E. 20 ft. Ed. C. Young, Lot 103, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. W. 30 ft. Philip H and Evelyn Sheri- dan, Lot 225, Finley Add. S. 194 ft. Philip H. and Evelyn Sheri- dan, Lot 226, Finley Add. S. 194 ft. Wm. A. and Alice Clark, Lot 227, Finley Add. Philomenia Haun, Lot 228, Finley Add. Margt. Streletzky, Lot 229, Finley Add. Ann E. McDonough, Lot 232, Finley Add. C. H. Darrow, Lot 230, Fin- ley Add. C. H. Darrow, Lot 231, Fin- ley Add. Olivet Schiltz, Lot 209, Fin- ley Add. Chas. Ulrich, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of 1 of Min. Lot 256 A. W. Austin, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 2 of 1 of Min. Lot 256 Ed. A. Stoltz, Lot 136, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Ed. A. Stoltz, Lot 137, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. Mary H. Taylor, Lot 138, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Andrew 0. Miller, Lot 139, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Alfred W. Austin, Lot 140, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Alfred W. Austin, Lot 141, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Alfred W. Austin, Lot 142, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. Alfred W. Austin, Lot 143, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Alfred W. Austin, Lot 144, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. Wm. P. Sweeney, Lot 121, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. 97.23 97.23 64.83 32.43 48.62 96.46 97.66 111.09 112.30 113.63 141.34 120.96 103.85 72.41 110.66 187.99 111.77 86.21 88.93 91.60 94.24 97.00 97.45 96.51 93.79 97.23 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 423 Wm. P. Sweeney, Lot 121A, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. ..... .....123, Wm. P. Sweeney, Lot Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add Finley, Wm. Waples and Bur- ton's Add... 'Lot 125, Elizabeth Mayer, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add . Fred Mayer, Lot 126, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Frank A. Lot 127, Bur - Finley, Waples Bur- ton's Add. Frank A. Stoltz, and B Finley,Flnap Bur- ton's Add. Mary E. Collinson Estate, Lot 116, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mary E. Collinson Estate, Lot 117, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Mary E. Collinson Estate, Lot 118, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Christian Baler, Lot 3, East St. Sub. Christian Baler, Lot 5, East St. Sub. Christian Baler, Lot 8, East St. Sub. Christian Baler, Lot 9, East St. Sub. Albert G. Henneger, Lot 4, East St. Sub. John Baler, Lot 7, East St. Sulk. John Baler, Lot 10, East St. Sub John H. Weber, Lot 72, Fin- ley, Wapies and Burton's Add. John H. Weber, Lot 73, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. John H. Weber, Lot 74, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Lolo M. House, Lot 75, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Lolo M. House, Lot 76, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Anna B. Wilson, Lot 77, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Anna B. Wilson, Lot 78, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Anna 13. Wilson, Lot 79, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. Wm. Hird, Lot 71, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. Ella Thlelen, Lot 67, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add. 146.56 90.88 John Y. Grewe Est., Lot 66, Finley, Waples and Bur- ton's Add. 94.29 97.23 John P. Grewe Est., Lot 65, Finley, Wapies and Bur- ton's Add. 104.64 97.23 Chas. H. Brewer, Lot 64, Fin- ley, Waples and Burton's Add. 114.87 97.23 Nora Clark, Lot 5 Kuehnle Hgts. 77.07 97.23 Nora Clark, Lot 6, Kuehnle Hgts. 82.91 Nora Clark, Lot 7, Kuehnle 97.23 Hgts. 75.10 Nora Clark, Lot 8, Kuehnle Hgts. 79.68 97.23 Nora Clark, Lot 9, Kuehnle Hgts. 97.88 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Lot 1, 97.23 Kuehnle Hgts. 83.41 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Lot 3, Kuehnle Hgts. 72.89 97.23 Mutual Securities Co., Lot 2, Kuehnle Hgts. 83.97 Mutual Securities Co., Lot 4, 97.23 Kuehnle Hgts. 76.41 University of Dubuque, Lot 72.67 1, Cain's Sub. No. 2 86.88 University of Dubuque, Lot 73.26 17, Reche's Sub. No. 2829.58 University of Dubuque, Lot 71.87 8, Reches Sub. No. 2 57.93 University of Dubuque, Lot 77.07 9, Reche's Sub. No. 2 41.15 University of Dubuque, Lot 94.00 10, Reche's Sub. No. 257.25 University of Dubuque, Lot 70.46 11, Reche's Sub. No. 2..... 58.70 University of Dubuque, Lot 69.34 12, Reche's Sub. No. 2.... 60.99 University of Dubuque, Lot 13, Reche's Sub. No. 2,.... 60.99 97.23 University of Dubuque, Lot 14, Reche's Sub. No. 2.... 60.99 University of Dubuque, Lot 97.23 15, Reche's Sub. No. 2.... 60.99 University of Dubuque, Lot 7, Reche's Sub. No. 2.... 60.99 97.23 Mary and Catherine Cun- ningham, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 14 Ann O'Hare's Sub. 306.21 97.23 Geo. A. Kirby, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 14 Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. 1,z 97.23 Frank Oatey, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 14 Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. 1/2 78.92 97.23 Chas. Agard, Lot 13, Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. 1/2 of W. 50 ft. of W. 100 ft78.92 97.17 Fred Hanselmann, Lot 13, Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. 344 of W. 50 ft. of W. 100 ft.:. 78.92 92.41 Henrietta Oatey, Lot 13, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 50 ft. of 152.77 W. 100 ft. 157.84 78.92 424 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Frank W. Parkin, Lot 13, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 37.94 ft. Frank W. Parkin, Lot 12, Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 12 ft. 6 in. Ed. J. Royce Lot 12, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 50 ft. of W. 62 ft. 6 in. Halsey R. Hanger, Lot 12, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 58 ft. of W. 118 ft. Dan Courtney, Lot 12, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 19.8$ ft. Dan Courtney, Lot 11, Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. 1, of W. 30.12 ft. of W. 80.12 ft Wm. J. Watkins, Lot 11, Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. % of E. 50 ft. of W. 80.12 ft. August H. Radloff, Lot 11, Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. ch of E. 57.82 ft. Henry Dodson, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 1 of S. 1k Lot 10 Ann O'Hare's Sub Stephen Bennett, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of S. % Lot 10 Ann O'Hare's Sub. Stephen Bennett, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of 1 of S. 1k Lot 10 Ann O'Hare's Sub. Emma O. Graham, Lot 1, Bennett St. Sub. W. 63 ft. Ben Gardner, Lot 2, Ben- nett St. Sub. Herman Dax, Lot 3, Ben- nett St. Sub. Fred Koehler, Lot 4, Ben- nett St. Sub. Fred Koehler, Lot 5, Ben- nett St. Sub. Elizabeth Scheckel, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 15 Ann O'Hare's Sub. Elizabeth Scheckel, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 15 Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 9 ft. John T. Sutter, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 15 Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 147.3 ft. Louis F. Baler, Lot 17, Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. % Louis F. Baler, Lot 18, Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. % Mary A. Taylor, Lot 6, Ben- . nett St. Sub. Katherine Merz, Lot 7, Ben- nett St. Sub. Wm. and Nettie Smith Lot 8, Bennett St. Sub. Christ Radle, Lot 9, Ben- nett St. Sub. N. 1-3 Christ Radle, Lot 10, Ben- nett St. Sub. N. 1-3 of W. 60 ft. Alvin and Theresa Rottigar, Lot 9, Bennett St. Sub. M. 1-3 119.76 38.06 157.84 176.77 62.74 47.54, 78.92 91.27 63.61 13.34 87.29 83.86 90.18 80.44 79.10 79.10 89.73 14.41 235.94 220.89 220.89 77.46 77.71 79.24 8.42 57.30 8.42 Alvin and Thresa Rottigar, Lot 10, Bennett St. Sub. M. 1-3 of W. 60 ft. Wm. E and Emelia Myers, Lot 9, Bennett St. Sub. S. 1-3 Wm. E. and Amelia Myers, Lot 10, Bennett St. Sub. S. 1-3 of W. 60 ft. Delos McDonald, Lot 7, Michel's Sub. W. 25 ft. Delos McDonald, Lot 8, Michel's Sub. Delos McDonald, Lot 9, Michel's Sub. Henry Kramer, Lot 10, Michel's Sub. Henry Kramer, Lot 11, Michel's Sub. Roy L. and G. Blackburn, Lot 12, Michel's Sub. Mary Koerner, Lot 13, Michel's Sub. Lester and Louise Hoerner, Lot 23, Michel's Sub. N. MI Lester and Louise Hoerner, Lot 24, Michel's Sub. N. 1/2 of W. 25 ft. Wilfred Mathis, Lot 23, Michel's Sub. S. % Wilfred Mathis, Lot 24, 'Michel's Sub. S. 1/4 of W. 25 ft. Henry Victor, Lot 1, Westa- by's Sub. John W. and Gertrude Coates, Lot 2, Westaby's Sub. Mary Vogt, Lot 3, Westaby's Sub. Arthur Hector Estate, Lot 4, Westaby's Sub. Ella L. Phillips, Lot 5, West- aby's Sub. A. F. and Mary Hillebrand, Lot 6, Westaby's Sub. Archie Graham, Lot 7, West- aby's Sub. Ernest Peschong, Lot 8, Westaby's Sub. Ernest Peschong, Lot 9, Westaby's Sub. Carl W. Peterson, Lot 1, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Alice Elliott, Lot 2, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2 August H. Radloff, Lot 3, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 August H. Radloff, Lot 4, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 August H. Radloff, Lot 6, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Sylvia . Garver, Lot 6, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Harry Hennings, Lot 7, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Ed. C: Kuehnle, Lot• 8, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Mutual Securities Co., Lot 9, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 57.30 8.42 57.30 36.44 72.88 72.88 72.88 72.88 72.88 72.88 9.82 59.48 9.83 59.48 74.88 74.25 74.10 74.05 74.08 74.10 73.96 64.47 64.78 72.40 72.41. 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.41 72.41 72.40 Rush Street Union St. Cleveland Ave. McCormick Street Grace Street Bennett Street Algona St. Grace St. Auburn St. Bennett St. West Third St. Algona St. Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 425 Leo F. Bly, Lot 10, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Adam Gartner, Lot 11, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Adam ' Gartner, Lot 12, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Michael Steve, Lot 13, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Mayhew F. Bennett, Lot 14, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Fred D. Bennett, Lot 15, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Louise Moser, Lot 16, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Fred D. Bennett, Lot 17, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Andrew McGrath, Lot 18, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Andrew McGrath, Lot 19, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3. Robert I. Love, Jr., Lot 20, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Robert I. Love, Jr., Lot 21, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Henry Goard, Lot 22, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Henry Goard, Lot 23, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 John Hochberger, Lot 24, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 John .-iocbberger, Lot 25, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Josapa. and Fannie Addy - man Lot 26, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Joseph and Fannie Addy - man, Lot 27, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Joseph and Fannie Addy - man Lot 28, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Joseph and Fannie Addy - man, Lot 29, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 N. % W. H. Shaw, Lot 29, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 S. Ma W. H. Shaw, Lot 30, O'Neill's Sub. Not 3 R. W. Kemler Estate, Lot 31, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 W. H. Shaw, Lot 32, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 W. H. Shaw, Lot 33, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 W. H. Shaw, Lot 34, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 W. H. Shaw, Lot 35, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Minnie Addyman, Lot 36, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Robert J. Love, Jr., Lot 37, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Nellie Mills, Lot 38, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Nellie Mills, Lot 39, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Elizabeth Engel, Lot 40, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Elizabeth Engel, Lot 41 O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 73.55 78.79 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 36.20 36.20 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.41 72.40 72.40 72.41 72.40 ' Elizabeth Engel, Lot 42, O'Neill's Sib. No. 3 Louise M. Moser,. Lot 43, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Louise M. Moser, Lot 44, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Louise M. Moser, Lot 46, O'Neill's Sub. No. 3 Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 32, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 33, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 34, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 35, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 36, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 1, Babcock's Sub. N. E. 250 fit Fred Faldorf, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 21 Reche's Sub. Fred Faldorf, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 21 Reche's Sub. Christina Beyhl, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 22 Reche's Sub. Arthur Bennett, Lot 23, Reche's Sub. • Florence M. Vath, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 24 Reche's Sub. Clara L. Parkin, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 24 Reche's Sub. Stephen Bennett, Lot 25, Reche's Sub. Anna Bennett, Lot 26, Reche's Sub. Stephen Bennett, Lot 27, Reche's Sub. University of Dubuque, Lot 28, Reche's Sub. Margaret Accola, Lot 29, Reche's Sub. Margaret Accola, Lot 30, Reche's Sub. University of Dubuque, Lot 31, Reche's Sub. University of Dubuque, Lot 32, Reche's Sub. University of Dubuque, Lot 33, Reche's Sub. J. F. and Emma Kircher, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of 2 Bab - cock's Sub. 4 Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 37, Babcock's Sub. Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 38, Babcock's Sub. Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 39, Babcock's Sub. .Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 40, Babcock's Sub. ... Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 41, Babcock's Sub. Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 42, Babcock's Sub. Isabelle Van Driel, Lot 43, Babcock's Sub. George M and Anna Haas, 72,41 72.40 72.41 69.92 21.07 16.87 . 21.07 21.07 74.32 257.77 70.90 2.44 50.17 76.63 49.85 31.06 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 81.98 260.65 21.0'i 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 88.80 Lot 44, Babcock's Sub. .. 186.67 426 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 George M and Anna Haas, Lot 45, Babcock's Sub. . George 'M and Anna Haas, Lot 46, Babcock's Sub. George M and Anna Haas, Lot 47, Babcock's Sub. Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 48, Bab - cock's Sub. Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 49, Bab - cock's Sub. Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 50, Bab - cock's Sub. Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 51, Bab - cock's Sub. Jackson and Newburgh, Lot 52, Babcock's Sub. Jackson and Newburgh, Lot 53, Babcock's Sub. Jackson and Newburgh, Lot 54, Babcock's Sub. J. N. Graham, Lot 55, Bab - cock's Sub. Lewis and Ida Oxley, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 56 Babcock's Sub. Lewis and Ida Oxley, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 57 Babcock's Sub. J. N. Graham, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 57 Babcock's Sub J. N. Graham, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 56 Babcock's Sub Wenzel Kubec, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of 11 Westaby's Sub. E. 49 ft of W. 149 ft. Robert A. Moffatt, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of 11 Westaby's Sub. E. 50 ft. of E. 100 tt. Weitzel Kubec, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of 11 Westaby's Sub. W. 50 tt of E. 100 ft. .. Wenzel Kubec, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of 2 of 11 Westaby's Sub}. Wm. Gere, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 11 Westaby's Sub. Wm. fere, Lot 10, Westaby's Sub. Lester and Louise Hoerner, I.ot 22, Michel's Sub. N. 3¢ Wilfred Mathis, Lot 22, Michel's Sub. S. 1 University of Dubuque, Lot 39, Reche's Sub. University of Dubuque, Lot 40, Reche's Sub. Arthur M. Bennett, Lot 41, Reche's Sub. Margaret Davidsaver et al, Lot 6, Hodge's Sub. H. Edgar Scheppele, Lot 8, Hodge's Sub. Peter Kahl, Lot 9, Hodge's Sub. Leo C. Kahl, Lot 10, Hodge's Sub. Ida E. Sullivan, Lot 11, Hodge's Sub. N. 118 ft. 9 fu. Frederick C. Potterveld, Lot 12 Hodge's Sub. S. 118 ft. 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 10.55 14.54 11.60 10.55 71.14 72.60 72.60 217.21 95.58 72.69 9.83 9.82 80.07 59.77 69.38 68.08 68.08 70.47 70.47 69.59 67.65 Catherine Higgins, Lot 13, Hodge's Sub. 68.67 A. W. Komier Estate, Lot 14, Hodge's Sub. 80.99 Chas. Spielman, Lot 15, Hodge's Sub. 68.70 Mabel Johnson, Lot 16, Hodge's Sub. 68.70 Flora Strinsky, Lot 17, Hodge's Sub. 68.70 M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Lot 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. 1 217.60 M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Lot 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 52 ft. 11 in. of E. 97 ft. 11 in. of S. 1,6 83.51 Chas. Spielman, Lot 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 45 ft. of E. 97 ft. 11 in. of S. 1,671.00 Lincoln Farmer, Lot 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 40 ft. of S. % 63.13 Mary and Henrietta Gratz, Lot 1, Grigg's Sub. 81.60 Ora and Lucille Cain et al, Lot 2, Grigg's Sub. 81.60 Frank Baker, Lot 3, Grigg's Sub. 65.28 Minnie G. Griggs, Lot 4, Griggs Sub. 197.20 Maud Anna Hutchings, Lot ' 5, Griggs Sub. 115.61 Minnie G. Griggs, Lot 6, Griggs Sub. 68.61 Maud Anna Hutchings, Lot 7, Griggs Sub. 60.99 E. Hammerand, Lot 7, Hodge's Sub. 68.08 Ora and Lucille Cain et al, Lot 8, Griggs Sub. 76.22 Georgia Elliott et al, Lot 9, Griggs Sub. 76.22 Augusta Kruse, Lot 1, Sub: Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub72.61 Augusta Kruse, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub72.61 Stephen G. Bennett, Lot 3, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. 72.61 Grandview Ave. Methodist Chruch, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 Hodge's Sub. 66.97 John W. Brown, Lot 4, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. 72.61 John W. Brown, -Lot 5, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 27 ft. 42.62 Harry J. Hughes, Lot 5, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 19 ft. 29.99 Harry J. Hughes, Lot 6, Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. 72.61 Anna Hird, Lot 1, Hantle. man's Sub. 88.14 1". E. Winders, Lot 2, Han- tleman's Sub. 86.81 G. R. Fox, Lot 3, Hantle- man's Sub. 88.81 Ella Philips, Lot 4, Hantle- man's Sub. 86.81 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Chas. B. Cain, Lot 5, Hantle- man's Sub. Jacob Liepe, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of S. 1 Lot 10 Ann O'Hare's Sub. Jacob Liepe, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 6 Hantleman's Sub. Jacob Liepe, Lot 7, Hantle- man's Sub. W. 45 tt. . Wm. Datisman Estate, Lot 7, Hantleman's Sub. E. 10 ft. Wm. Datisman Estate, Lot 8, Hantleman's Sub. Wm. Datisman Estate, Lot 9, Hantleman's Sub. Donald and R. Kimball, Lot 1, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Mary Wiedner, Lot 2, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Frank G. Skemp, Lot 3, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 S. Harper Brown Estate, Lot 4, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Marguerite McKenna, Lot 5, Hodge's Sub. No. 2, Sylvester Fritsche, Lot 6, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Sylvester Fritsche, Lot 7, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 E. 19 ft. 8 in. Voeiker Realty Co., Lot 7, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 W. 45 ft. John W. Coates, Lot 8, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Adam P. Zengle, Lot 9, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Adam J. Zengle, Lot 10, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Chas. E. Bradley, Lot . 11, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Emma Buchmann, Lot 12, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Josephine Buchmann, Lot 13, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Elsie Buckman, Lot 14, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Bernice Rooney, Lot 15, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Marie Rooney, Lot 18, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 C. A. Kearney, Lot 2, Sub. I.ot 30 Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 106 ft. Edward Brasher, Lot 18, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Edward Brasher, Lot 19, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Irene P. Buchmann, Lot 20, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Chas. E. Bradley, Lot 21, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Chas. E. Bradley, Lot 22, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Chas. E. Bradley, Lot 23, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 86.81 4.43 69.42 71.03 15.78 86.81 86.81 72.75 72.76 72.75 72.75 72.75 72.75 33.19 75.36 109.11 100.00 100.43 67.19 67.38 67.58 67.76 87.98 68.19 152.44 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 Chas. E. Bradley, Lot 24, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 78.49 ('has. E. Bradley, Lot' 25, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 78.49 Ed. C. Kuehnle, Lot 26, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Ray F. and Ethel Dilworth, Lot 27, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Ernest C. Stoller, Lot 28, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Mutual Securities Co., Lot 29, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Geo. H. Chappell, Lot 30, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Geo. H. Chappell, Lot 31, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Clarence and Anna Warren, Lot 32, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Clarence and Anna Warren, Lot 33, Hodge's Sub. No. 2 Stephen G. Bennett, Lot 5, Quigley's Sub. C. W. Powers, Lot 26, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. 107.94 ft. of N. 135 ft. ..... C. W. Powers, Lot 25, Ann O'Hare's Sub. S. 192.49 ft. of S. 201.5 ft. 248.66 Emilia Hintraeger, Lot 25, Ann O'Hare's Sub. N. 9.01 ft. of S. 201.5 tt. 4.77 Arthur Post, Lot 25, Ann O'Hare's Sub. W. 30 ft. of N. 135 ft. 47.47 Arthur Post, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 24 Ann O'Hare's Sub. 68.04 Alfred C. Mehl, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of 24 Ann O'Hare's Sub. J. N. Blades, Lot 1, Davis Sub. S. % J. N. Blades, Lot 2, Davis Sub. S. 1 Maurice A. Hill, Lot 1, Davis Sub. N. % Maurice A. HI11, Lot 2, Davie Sub. N. % A. H. Radloff, Lot 3, Davis Sub. Elsie M. Griffith, Lot 4, Dav- is Sub. Frank M. and G. Jaeger, Lot 5, Davis Sub. K. Snodgrass and Phoebe Skelton, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 24 Ann O'Hare's Sub John B. Conway, Lot 6, Dav- is Sub. R. C. Briggs, Lot 7, Davis Sub. Milton R. Jaeger, Lot 8, Davis Sub. 'rhos. R. Russell, Lot 9, Dav- is Sub Albert Wharton, Lot 10, Davis Sub. Albert Wharton, Lot 11, Davis Sub. Albert Wharton, Lot 12, Davis Sub. Albert Wharton, Lot 13, Davis Sub. Albert Wharton, Lot 14, Davis Sub. 427 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 78.49 260.29 170.77 328.78 83.05 11.17 83.05 11.18 68.35 68.35 68.35 68.05 88.35 68.35 68.35 68.35 69.61 69.42 69.22 69.04 68.84 428 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Arth•T P. and Gertrude Hub- er, Lot 15, Davis Sub Ed. C. Kuellnle, Lot 16 Dav- is Sub. Floyd C. and Luella Odell, N. 1-3 Sub. Lots 17 and 18 1)avis Sub. Walter Blades, S. 1.3 Sub Lots 17 and 18 Davis Sub Floyd G. and Rose Hunting- ton, M. 1-3 Sub. Lots 17 and 18 Davis Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 27, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 28, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 29, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 30, Babcock's Sub. Orval M. J. Smith, Lot 31, Babcock's Sub. Albert W. Newburgh, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 3 Babcock's Sub. Albert W. Newburgh, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 5 Simpson's Add. Harriet E. Gratiot, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 3 Babcock's Sub. Harriet E. Gratiot, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 5 Simpson's Add. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 1, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 2, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 3, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 4, Con- cord Sub. H. 13. Gratiot, Lot 5, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 6, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 7, Con- cord Sub. H. 13. Gratiot, Lot 8, Con- cord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 9, Con- cord Sub. Hamlet E. Gratiot, Lot 10, Concord Sub. Thos. E. Watters, Lot 11, Concord Sub. H. B. Gratiot, Lot 12, Con- cord Sub. H. 13. Gratiot, Lot 13, Con- cord Sub. 'rhos. Watters, Lot 14, Con- cord Sub. Thos. Watters, Lot 15, Con- cord Sub. Thos. Watters, Lot 16, Con- cord Sub. Thos. Watters, Lot 17, Con- cord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 18, Concord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 19, Concord Sub. Leonard 1). Schneider, Lot 20, Concord Sub. 68.64 68.44 61.78 61.78 61.78 75.27 22.04 22.04 17.64 22.04 298.79 40.74 135.83 114.81 20.62 25.99 19.95 19.95 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 19.55 Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 21, Concord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 22, Concord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 23, Concord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 24, Concord Sub. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 25, Concord Stab. Leonard D. Schneider, Lot 26, Concord Sub. Henrietta C. Kiesel, Lot 42, Simpson's Add. Henrietta C. Kiesel, Lot 43, Simpson's Add. Henrietta C. Klesel, Lot 44, Simpson's Add. Gertrude F. Snyder, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 2 of Lot 45 Simp- son's Add. M. O'Shea Estate, Lot 1, Sub. Min. Lot 145 Patrick O'Shea, Lot 2, Sub Lot 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co., Lot 2, Sub. Lot 4 of Min Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co, Lot 3, Sub. Lot 4 of Min. Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co, Lot 4, Sub. Lot 4 of Min Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co, Lot 5, Sub. Lot 4 of Min Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co, Lot 6, Sub. Lot 4 of Min Lot 144 Federal Bank & Trust Co, Lot 7, Sub. Lot 4 of Min Lot 144 A. Sommerfleld, Lot 1, Sub Lot 4 of 'Min. Lot 144 A. Sommerfleld, Lot 1, Sub Lot 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 Chas. A. Lantzky, Lot 2, Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 and 1 of 42 Sister's Add. D. F. and Ruth Hodges, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 and 1 of 42 Sister's Add. Ella M. Lyons, Lot 1, Sub Lot l of l of Sub. l of 3 of Min. Lot 144 and 1 of 42 Sister's Add. Frank E. Jackson, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 1 of Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. Lot 144 and 1 of 42 Sister's Add. Frank E. Jackson, Lot 5, Freemont Ave. Sub. 19.55 19.55 19.95 19.95 19.96 27.30 137.44 137.44 131.96 64.87 30.67 33.98 17.95 26.46 26.34 25.76 28.19 12.26 7.47 124.59 115.00 57.51 57.51 51.37 9.59 Frank E. Jackson, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 4 Freemont Ave. Sub. 55.59 Kendall Burch Est., Lot 2, Sub. Lot 4 Freemont Ave. Sub. 55.59 Hale St. Algona St. Gandolfo St. Dodge St. Meadow Lane Algona Street Dodge Street Fremont Ave Marion St. Stetmore St. Gandolfo St. Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 429 vid .1. Helsey, Lot 3, Free- men' Ave. Sub. hn E. and Eleanor Jack - on, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 Free- ont Ave. Sub. 11 and Olga Loetscher, t I, Sub. Lot 1 of 1 of 2 eemont Ave. Sub. 11 and Olga Loetscher, ot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 2 Free- ont Ave. Sub. 11 and Olga Loetscher, 01 1, Sub. Lot 2 of 1 Free- ont Ave. Sub. rietta C. Kiesel, Lot 1, ub. Lot 1 of 1 of 1 Free- ont Ave. Sub. old E. Loetscher, Lot 2, ub. Lot 1 of 1 of 1 Free- ont Ave. Sub. old E. Loetscher, Lot 2, ub. Lot 1 of 1 Freemont e. Sub. F. Mehlhop, Lot 1, Sub 1 of Sub. 2 of 64 and of :1 of 64 Simpson's Add. and 2 of Min. Lot 144 Bthel Lacy, Lot 2, Sub. 2 of 64 :it'd 1 of 3 of 64 Simp- son's Add. and 2 of Min Lot 144 J. A. McMahon, Lot 1, Sub Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub J. A. McMahon, Lot 2, Sub Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub Peter Grutz, Lot 3, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub ' Peter Grutz, Lot 4, Sub. Lot 6-7--9 Quigley's Sub. Citizens Inv. Corp., Lot 5, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's 61114. Wm. 1'. Kutsch, Lot 6, Sub. Lot s 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. Wm. P. Kutsch, Lot 7, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. Wm. F. Kutsch, Lot 8, Sub. Lets 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sqb. Isabelle Metcalf, Lot 9, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. Isabelle Metcalf, Lot 9, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. J. A. McMahon, Lot 11, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. David Brunskill, Lot 12, Sub. • Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. J..A. McMahon, Lot 13, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. J. A. McMahon, Lot 14, Sub. Lots 6-7-8-9 Quigley's Sub. . W. Skemp Est., Lot 2, Sub. Lot 29 Ann O'Hare's Sub. y H. Connell, Lot 2, Sub ot 2 of 1 of 29 Ann 'Harrea Sub. --•• & M. M. Brown, Lot , Michels Sub. & M. M. Brown, Lot , Michele Sub. 111.16 62.10 39.86 64.02 16.87 261.03 19.17 115.00 111.78 167.14 72.88 72.88 72.88 71.42 71.42 72.88 72.88 72.88 72.88 71.42 71.42 72.88 72.88 72.88 84.28 72.41 72.88 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 3, Michels Sub. 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 4, Michele Sub. 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 5, Michels Sub. ....• 72.88 G. and M. M. Brown, Lot 6, Michels Sub. 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 6A, Michels Sub E. 25' 26.43 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 25A, Michels Sub E. 25'36.43 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 25, Michels Sub. 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, 26, Michels Sub. 72.88 C. & M. M. Brown, Lot 27, Michels Sub. 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 28, Michels Sub 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 29, Michels Sub. ... • 72.88 G. & M. M. Brown, Lot 30, Michels Sub. Thos. W. Purkin, Lot 1, Sub Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 25 Quigleys Sub: Thos. W. Purkin, Lot 1, Sub Lot 2 of 2 of Lot 24 Quigleys Sub. 36.49 Elsie Link, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 1 of Lot 25 Quigleys Sub. 61.68 Elsie Link, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 of 2 of Lot 24 Quigelys Sub. . 23.51 F. J. Reinker. Lot 2, Sub. Lot 2 *of 2 of Lot 24 Quigley's Sub. 20.01 E. J. Reinker, Lot 1, Sub Lot' 2 of Lot 24 Quigley's Sub. John M. Lee, Lot 26, Quig- ley's Sub. - John M. Lee, Lot 27, Quig- ley's Sub. John M. Lee, Lot 28, Quig- ley's Sub. W. 50' Wm T. Blewett, Lot 28 Quigley's Sub. E. 37' Wm. T. Elewett, Lot 29 Quigley's Sub. W. 63' John M. Lee, Lot 29, Quig- ley's Sub, N. 24' .. John M. Lee, Lot 30, Quig- ley's Sub. Lot 72.88 . i 30.03 John M. Lee, Lot 31, Quig- ley's Sub Peter Linden, Lot 32, QuIg- ley's Sub. Peter Linden, Lot 33, Quig- ley's Sub. John M. Lee, Lot 34, Quig- ley's Spb. James A. Conlan, Lot 35, Quigley's Sub. James A. Conlan, Lot 36 Quigley's Sub. 69.61 176.00 176.00 101.16 74.88 127.45 48.85 176.00 176.00 176.00 176.00 176.00 176.00 176.04 430 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 James A. Conlan, I,ot 37 Quigley's Sub. Henry Jecklin, Lot 6, Sub. Lots 36 & 39 Quigley's Sub. Roy W. Bradley, Lot 7, Sub Lots 38 & 39, Quigley's Sub. Frank M. Benda, Lot 8, Sub. Lots 38 & 39, Quigley's Sub. Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot 45 Quigley's Sub. Emilie Hintraeger, Lot 46, Quigley's Sub.... James A. Conlan, Lot 47. Quigley Sub. James A. Conlan, Lot 48, Quigley's Sub. James A. Conlan, Lot 49, Quigley's Sub. James A. Conlan, Lot 50 Quigley's Sub. John Bieberman, Lot 51, Quigley's Sub. John Bieberman, Lot 52 Quigley's Sub. John Bieberman, Lot 53, Quigley's Sub. (Clara Schaller, Lot 54, Quig- ley's Sub. David Schnepf, Lot 55, Quig- ley's Sub. Ludwig & M. Heyne, Let 56, Quigley's Sub. ....... _......._._........ Al Doty, Lot 57, Quigley's Sub. - .- Margt. Bour, Lot 58, Quig- ley's Sub. _...._..._._...._..... Margt. Bour, Lot 59, Quig- ley's Sub. Louis W. Roehl, Lot 2. Sub. 7 of 1 of Lot 25 Quigley's Sub. B. L. Baumhover, Lot 3, Sister's Add. B. L. Baumhover, Lot 4, Sister's Add. Edward C. Peaslee, Lot 5, Sister's Add Edward C Peaslee, Lot 6, Sister's Add. Edward C. Peaslee, Lot 7, Sister's Add. Clarence Kemler, Lot 8, Sis- ter's Add.. E. 100' of W 250' Clarence Kemler, Lot 9, Sis- ter's Add., W. 100' of E. 240' . John Vormehr, Lot 8, Sis- ter's Add., W. 250' of W 250' John Vormehr, Lot 9, Sis- ter's Add., E. 150' Warren E. Wells, Lot 8, Sis- ter's Add., E. 140' 176.00 93.41 95.41 95.41 127.12 123.13 119.38 115.86 122.77 118.23 113.47 201.57 196.94 192.43 188.06 183.71 179.34 174.81 148.69 95.76 149.49 149.49 149.49 149.49 149.49 38.33. 144.80 57.51 217.21 100.13 Kendall Burch Est., Lot 9, Sister's Sub., E. 140' of E. 240' Ed. Kuehnle, Lot 1, Sub. Lot 1 of E. 1 Lot 10 Sister's Add Ed. Kuehnle, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of E. 1 Loot 10 Sister's Add. Ed. Kuehnle, Lot 2, Sub. Lot E. Lot 10 Sister's Add. Grace Burke Flanagan, Lot 1, Sub. W. 1 Lot 10, Sister's Add. Grace Burke Flanagan, Lot 2, Sub. W. 1 Lot 10 Sis- ter's Add. C. 13 Trewin, Inc., Lot 11, Sister's Add. C. B. Trewin, Inc., Lot 12 Sister's Add. C. B. Trewin, Inc., Lot 13, Sister's Add. Anna Theis & Frank Smith, Lot 14, Sister's Add., E 190' Anna Theis & Frank Smith, Lot 14, Sister's Add. N. 1 of W. 200' Jacob Roesner, Lot 14, Sis- ter's Add., S. % of W. 200' Anna Theis & Frank Smith, Lot 15, Sister's Add. ..... Anna Theis & Frank Smith, Lot 16, Sister's Add. Anna Theis & Frank 3niith, Lot 17, Sister's Add., W. 190' Frank E. Smith, Lot 17, Sis- ter's Add., W. 100' of E 200' Anna M. Theis, Lot 17, Sis- ter's Add., E. 100' of E. 200' .......- ............. Nellie Shaw, Lot 18, Sister's Add. . Nellie Shaw, Lot 19, Sister's Add. • Nellie Shaw, Lot 20, Sister's Add. St. Mary's Orphon Home & Mt. Pleasant Home, Lot 21, Sister's Add. St. Mary's Orphan Home & Mt. Pleasant Home, Lot 22, Sister's Add. Geo. Mootz, Lot 23, Sister's Add. --- Geo. Moots, Lot 24, Sister's Add. - -• Ed. C. Kuehnle, Lot 25, Sis- ter's Add. 13. L. Baumhover, Lot 2, Sub. Lots 1 & 2, Sister's Add. .............. Fred W. E. Buck, Lot 26, Sister's Add Fred W. E. Buck, Lot 27, Sister's Add. 160.13 94.12 94.12 94.12 188.25 94.12 255.96 255.96 255.96 72.83 91.57 91.57 255.96 255.96 98.06 55.40 57.58 447.39 221.46 221.46 221.46 221.46 221.46 221.46 434.42 164.00 434.42 221.48 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Fred W. E. Buck, Lot 28 221.46 Sister's Add. Fred W. E. Buck, Lot 29, Sister's Add. 221.46 Fred W. E. Buck, Lot Sister's Add. 221.46 Jacob Parpan, Lot 31, Sister's Add, 221.46 Jacob Parpan, Lot 32, Sister's Add. 221.46 Jacob Parpan, Lot 33, 419.00Sister's Add. A J. Cmbreit, Lot 4, Bab - cock's Sub, 97.36 A. J. Umbreit, Lot 5, Bab - cock's Sub, 74.32 A. J. Umbreit, Lot 6. Bab - cock's Sub. • 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 7, Bab - cock's Sub. .. • 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 8, Bab - cock's Sub. ••-- 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 9, Bab - cock's Sub. •••• 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 10, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 11, Bab - cock's Sub. • 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 12, Bab - cock's Sub, 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 13, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 Thos. P. Kelly, Lot 14, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 Geo. M. & Anna Haas, Lot 15, Babcock's Sub. 74.32 Geo. M. & Anna Haas, Lot 16, Babcock's Sub . 74.32 Geo. M. & Anna Haas, Lot 17, Babcock's Sub. 177.04 Nort Zengel, Lot 18, Bab - cock's Sub. 112.10 Nort Zengel, Lot 19, Bab - cock's Sub. -• 74.32 Nort Zengel, Lot 20, Bab - cock's Sub. ---• 74.32 Nort Zengel, Lot 21, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 Nort Zengel, Lot 22. Bab - cock's Sub. -- 74.32 Nort Zengel, Lot 23, Bab - cock's Sub 74.32 Susan Andre, Lot 24, Bab - cock's Sub. ...................... 74.32 Susan Andre, Lot 25, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 Susan. Andre, Lot 26, Bab - cock's Sub. 74.32 M. J. Spensley, Lot 1. Sub. Lot 1 of Min. Lot 139 305.62 \t'n-rhnre Seminary, Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of 2 of Min. Lot 139 L. R. Weston Est., Lot 10, Hantleman's Sub. 30, 111.16 88.18 Total $56,636.79 2,966 lin. ft. 10 Inch vitrified clay rile at $1.50 per lin. ft. $1,483.00 431 18,792 lin. ft. 8 inch vitrified clay tile at $.40 per lin. ft. 7,516.80 2,422 lin. ft. 10 inch cast iron pipe at $1.50 per lin. ft. 1,813 lin. ft. 8 inf h cast iron pipe at $1.20 per lin. ft. 2,175.60 66 6 x 10 inch Y's at $2.50 each 165.00 554 6 x 8 inch Y's at $2.00 each 1,108.00 83 O'-10' deep manholes at $52.00 each 4,316.00 16 11'-16' deep manholes at $82.00 each 1,312.00 5 17'-24' deep manholes at $156.00 each 780.00 2 Josam valves at $33.00 each 127 risers at $1.00 each 16,827 co. yds. earth excava- tion at $.93 per cu. yd15,649.11 2 10 inch expansion joints at $50.00 each 150.00 2 8 inch expansion joints at $30.00 each 60.00 55.03 cu. yds. Class A con- crete at $35.00 per cu. yd. 1,926.05 8 cu. yds. Class B concrete at $30.00 ped cu. yd. 240.00, 151 cu. yds. excavation 18-27 feet at $6.00 per cu. yd906.00 261 feet 10 -inch cast iron pipe in tunnel at $6.00 per ft. 1,566.00 32 lin. ft. 8 -inch cast iron pipe in tunnel at $3.00 per 6t. 96.00 2 Fairbanks - Morse lift pumps 9,700.00 1500 hoard feet in place at $30.00 per M. 45.00 17 drops for drop manholes at 7.60 each 127.50 295 lin. ft. of tunnel at $2.50 per ft. 737.50 Extra expense at 4.255685% 2,293.20 Interest at 6% 458.03 3,633.00 66.00 127.00 Total $56,636.79 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Approved December 22, 1930. Adopted December 22, 1930: WM. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—.Mayor Meuser, Cooncilmen 432 Special Session, December 22nd, 1930 Andelflnger, Jansen, McEvoy and Schuckert. • Nays—None. (Resolution Providing for the Issu- ance of Public Sewer Bonds.) CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Resolution No. 383-30 WHEREAS, the contract hereto- fore entered into by the City of Du- buque for the construction of sani- tary sewers in what is known as the West Dubuque Sewer District herein- after described, has been completed and said improvement has been ac- cepted by the City Council of said City and the City Engineer has com- puted the coat and expense thereof to be $56,636.79; AND WHEREAS, public notice as provided by law, has been published by the City Clerk stating the inten- tion of the 'City Council to issue bonds to pay the cost of said im- provement and a public hearing has been held pursuant thereto, and all objections filed thereto have been considered and determined: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the West Dubuque Sewer District as delimited by Ordinance No. 3-30. The improvement consisting • of constructing sewers in the following Locations: An 8 inch sanitary sewer in: Pennsylvania Street from manhole in Delhi Street three hundred fifty- eight (358) feet northwesterly. Two (2) lines in parking space either side of Delhi Street from western city limits to Finley Street. Gilliam Street from West Street to Delhi Street. Mineral Street from Gilliam Street to O'Hagen Street. Finley Street from Mineral Street to Pearl Street. Pearl Street from the western city limits to one hundred (100) feet west of McCormick Street. O'Hagen Street from Mineral Street to a point one hundred (100) feet south of Delhi Street. West Street from Gilliam Street to Finley Street, and Finley Street from West Street to McCormick Street. McCormick Street from Bennett Street to a point one hundred fifty (150) feet south of Delhi Street. . Grace Street from McCormick Street to a point two hundred twenty (220) feet west of Algona Street and from a point fifty (50) feet east of Algona Street to a point one hundred fifty (150) feet west of North Grand- view Avenue. Grigg Place from Bennett Street to Grace Street. Algona Street from St. Joseph Street to Bennett Street. Gondolfo Street from St. Joseph Street to Dodge Street. Dodge Street from Gondolto Street to the alley first west of Algona Street and from a point eighty (80) feet east of Algona Street to Stet - more Street. Alley first west of Algona Street from Dodge Street to a point one hundred (100) feet south of Hale Street. West Third Street from a point two hundred eighty-two (282) feet west of Algona Street to a point eigh- ty .(80) feet west of North Grand- view Avenue. Bennett Street from McCormick Street to a point fifty (50) feet west of Algona Street and from Algona Street to a point one hundred fifty '(150) feet west of North Grandview Avenue. Hale Street from a point eighty (80) feet east df Algona Street to a point seventy (707 feet west of North Grandview Avenue. Auburn Street from Grace Street to the alley first . south of Delhi Street. Alley first south of Delhi Street from Auburn Street to a point fifty (50) feet south of Algona Street. St. Joseph Street from a point three hundred (300) feet east of Al- gona Street to a point thirty-five (35) feet west of Fremont Avenue. Fremont Avenue from the inter- section of Simpson Street and Wart- burg Place to a point seventy (70) feet west of Grandview Avenue. A 10 inch sanitary sewer in: Stetmore Street from Marion Street to Dodge Street and across lots 51, 52 and 33 Quigley Sub., Lot 5 Quigley's Sub., Lot 9 Hodge's Sub., south 192.49 feet of the south 201.5 feet of lots 25, Ann O'Hare's Sub., and the north 9.01 feet of the south 201.5 feet of lot 25 Ann O'Hare's Sub. and across the east 107.94 feet of the north 135 feet of lot 25 Ann O'Hare's Sub. St. Joseph Street from Gondolfu Street to a point three hundred (30C) feet east of Algona Street. Force Mains. An 8 inch force main in: Mineral Street from Gilliam Street to McCormick Street. McCormick Street from Mineral Street to Grace Street. Grace Street from McCormick Street to Algona Street. West Locust St. Quigley Lane Angella St. Catherine St. West 28th St. Davenport St. Stoltz St. National St. Putnam St. Primerose St. Paul St. Lowell St. Kleine St. Chappell St. Lincoln Ave Rhomberg Ave Stanton St. Shiras St. Farragut St. SEWER RECORD 6„ %% e Inch Sit IVITfaRY Sewer ate of Cost to Abutters and City for Constructing Dubuque, Iowa, 1932 FLYNN CON_ CO s 6 Contractor. ice Per Square Foot to Abutting Property, • I Certify That the Above is Correct. Engineer. Burden Ave. Lawther St. Strauss St. Plymouth Str. So. Grandview Ave. Victoria St. Linden St. West 14th St. Walnut St. Rose St. Chesnut St. Cleveland Ave. Pear St. Rush St. Dodge St. St. Joseph St. Fremont St. Kirkwood St. Elizabeth Place Cox St. Whittier St. Prescott St. Hamilton St. Lincoln Ave. Shiras St. Lincoln Ave. Jansen St. Mckinley St. Courtland St. Main St. Salina St. Marion St. Concord St. Southern Ave. Elm Marquette Place 24th St. Plum St. Rush St. Cleveland Ave Bodega St. E. Fourth St. Fremont Ave Marion St. St. Joseph St. U.S. 20 Dodge St. Stetmore St. White St. 15 St. 10 St. Central Ave Iowa St. Main St. Locust St. 17th St. Clark St. Dorgen Pl. Ellis St. Angella St. West Locust St. Central Ave Diamond Str. Jackson Str. Ruby Str. Hillcrest Road Broadlawn St. Avalon St. Asbury Road Valley View Road Chaney Road Morningview Road Hillcrest Road Mullin Road Asbury Road Hillcrest Road Hillcrest Road Asbury Road Hillcrest Road Vernon Street Edina Street Glen Oak Street Alta Vista Street Curtis Street York Street South Hill Street St. Ambrose Street Kirkwood Street Blake St. High Bluff St. Thomas Place E. 18th St. E. 19th St. E. 20th St. E. 20th St. White Street E. 21st E. 21st St. E. 22nd St. Valeria St. N Main St. Kleine St. Cushing Pl. Kane St. Kane St. Kaufman Ave. Kaufman Ave. Kaufman Ave. Kaufman Ave. Kaufman Ave. Kaufman Avenue