Tunnel Under Main Street / Resolution No. 140-90 Blue Moon Development Redevelopment Agreement~E OF L;am FOR FRIVA1£ "El.aEVELOPNEUT OI Sf'05 lT IOU f"AACEL UO. ~-e C lNTRQ{lUCTJOU • HJiT I AUD f'AAT l 1 1 ltiCLUOlt.O ElHl£,ITS ... h, C, o, [ .vm F TO r-•• rn u l HC C 1T Y Of" t1lJf'lJOUE.. l 0\J,1 .t'l\' (.LUE N00'1 [lf. \'f LGFMUH COl"U'f~U ¥ ( l OL.JA) , 31290 ... • • if lHTROiJU:.:T lCH AOfiEENEtlT FOR SALE OF LNm FOR PRIVATE F<£0EVELOP11EtH THIS AGf<EEl1EtU FOR S:..&..E Of' LANO FOf< ... klVitTE "E0£VEL0ftt£tn, consist LOQ of th&• Pi&rt I t1nd ,...,., 11 c,nnv••d hwretlo .-,tJ ••d• • p•r t her-•of t..n ach f'•rt I .ind p.,, t 11 .. ,., t~.,u~-,, handn.& f tar c• l 1 ed •AQr•••ent • > , i• a.ade on or •• al t htt d,.y of -------• 1')90. bv •nd betwt16tn the CITY OF OUOUCUE, lOWA. • -aunic1pal&ty 1 heretn•fter c•\letd •city•. ttSit•bll1ahed pursu•nt to the Cod• of lo.,.• (1909) •nd act I fVJ uod•r the •uthor I z.at 10n of Chcapt•r 403 of the Cede of low• t 198~) , •• cUAemdttd I hwn,in~f ter CA\ \ed •Urb•n k•NfWA \ Act• 1 •nd b\utt l'\oon V.vv\~.H"wul C~•h1 UOWA), •n low• corpor•t1on, hereanatter c•k\t:td "~wuw ... w\up•• .. , hi.v 1 nQ •n of fl ce for the t r•n••c Uon of bu•l ne11ts •l Secur It y Bui ldino, 600 To..n Clod. Pl•z•, Dubuque, Iowa ~2001. WITU[t$CTU: WHEHE,"'iS: ~ n 4urt h•r.ance ,1f the ob J~C t I v1:Ha o t th• lJrt, .. n ~-no.iw,, ,1 I Ac t , t he C i t y h • • und w r" t .a~ en • pr OCJ r ,u11 for the c l ua r a nc e .1.J rw~om.tn. .. .;:t1cn er rc!'i.Jbl t 1 L!Uon ,,, ~ ,.,,,_ ""'' hi 1tJht~r1 arP.a~ i,, lJ•• C1l, .. ,.J, 1n tti1~ ~::::-,r.:-::~1c-~, t~ ~~~"":~'1 '" rJtrrylO'J nut An urban rc:ncw~I pl"'OJttCt ~nown •~ th• ... n.1 ... ntn.-n Urb.n r,en~w•I Project• l("\wA R-t~, • ftu11r.-,n ... f t .,.,. C'."a \ \.-l1 ... Pro Jee\"• 1 n an areo (he,.1t1n•f hr-c.a.l htd .. ProJect Arv• .. > loc.al11d an thn Cat 'f I .ind WHEFiEAS, such Urban fisn~wa l Pl•n hat! btton .iltn~ndud f1·um t lff'ltt to tatrie to permit the City to respond ta d~ve\opmunt oppor- tuni t teB •~ t1nd when th&y may appear I and Wt1EREAS, •• of tha dato of th1s Agreement \here h.-.~ b~,m prepared and approved by the CI t y ti1n urban renewd t p \ • .r1 for the ProJect • cons11at1ng of the Urban Runew.l Phn ~pproved b,-· City Council of the Ctty on t1.iy JS, 1":467 d.i:a omended b·v the City Coun- c:i t, herpir,•ftPr c•l lPd NUrb•n fifmewal Pldn .. 1 and WHEREAS, a copy of the Urban Renewc1\ Plan and its al'T\end- ment•, a1i constituted on the date ct thas Agreement, h.i..,a, been recorded u,ong the \and records in the off ice of the ~ecorder of Dubuque County• Jowa 1 •nd WHEREAS, the C1 ty has oifered to 5el l crnd the fiede-..elope.-is wi l \ing to purchase certd.1n rea\ property \ocatf"d 1n th~ Pro Jee t Area created by t hi? C 1 t y for such purpose, •s ,Tiore p-.r- t u:uhr \y described in Exhibit A anne)(ed hereto and made a part hPrPof (which property being com,eyed to the Redeveloper as so described is hitr1tin•H~,-cd\l~d "P,-opsrt-,.."'> and to dt.>"e\op th~ !! -