6 8 20 City Council Proceedings Official_Special1
The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on June 8, 2020. Due
to the COVID-19 pandemic and mandates for social distancing, this meeting was con-
ducted virtually and aired live on CityChannel Dubuque (Mediacom cable channels 8 and
117.2), streamed live on the city’s website at www.cityofdubuque.org/media, and
streamed live on the City’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cityofdubuque.
Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Cavanagh, Jones, Resnick, Roussell, Shaw,
Sprank; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called
for the purpose of conducting a work session on the internal and community-facing re-
sponse to COVID-19.
1. Mayor Buol's Emergency Declaration Proclamation Update: Mayor Buol provided an
update to his Emergency Declaration Proclamation of June 1, 2020 highlighting infor-
mation relative to the opening of Leisure Services facilities; rescinding and refunding spe-
cial event permits already granted through July 6; and giving the City Manager the au-
thority to review special event requests held on public property and rights-of-way through
July 6, 2020 on a case-by-case basis.
1. City Council Resolution on Racism: Mayor Buol presented and read the Dubuque
City Council’s joint Resolution on Racism. Motion by Resnick to receive and file the doc-
ument and adopt Resolution No. 171-20 Dubuque City Council Resolution on Racism.
City Council Members thanked Mayor Buol and provided individual statements regarding
the need, significance and priority of the joint resolution. Seconded by Jones. Motion car-
ried 7-0.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque has a committed interest in promoting the health, safety,
and inclusiveness of all community residents and has a responsibility to oppose, and aid
in eradicating systemic racism, racial bias, and racial animus; and
Whereas, racism is rooted in the foundation of America creating preferential opportu-
nities for some while subjecting people of color to hardships and disadvantages in every
area of life; and
Whereas, racism is an ongoing community and public health crisis; and
Whereas, racism, racial discrimination and violence are pervasive and persisting
challenges in our cities, counties, states, and nation; and
Whereas, racism, racial discrimination, and related intolerance have been shown to be
attitudes and behaviors that are learned; and
Whereas, racism and racial discrimination create obstacles to the fulfillment of basic
human rights to survival, security, development, and social participation; and
Whereas, racism and poverty are inextricably linked, causing disproportionate impacts
in economic status, education, health care access, employment, access to healthy food,
reduced life expectancy, increased rates of lead poisoning, higher rates of infant mortality,
and more; and
Whereas, we acknowledge both recent, and historical, incidents of police brutality and
other acts of oppression and harm against people of color in other cities have a local
impact and, while not representative of the majority of individual law enforcement officers,
do create pain, mistrust and anger locally; and
Whereas, the local legacy of racism conjures painful memories and puts in perspective
the trauma inflicted upon people of color and other harm it has caused to members of our
community; and
Whereas, every American and every level of government has a role to play in ending
this painful cycle and ensuring there is equal justice for all; and
Whereas, the City of Dubuque takes police misconduct seriously, and has a forum for
complaints against the Dubuque Police Department through a memorandum of under-
standing between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Branch of the NAACP, facilitated
by the Community-Police Relations Committee; and
Whereas, the City Council steadfastly supports efforts that focus on improving the qual-
ity of life and equity for our communities of color; and
Whereas, we remain committed to the City’s partnerships and ongoing initiatives in-
cluding Inclusive Dubuque; the Dubuque Equitable Poverty Prevention Strategy; the
Chief’s Forum where citizens can directly engage with the Chief of Police; the work of our
City Departments to engage the community and create equity plans specific to the ser-
vices each department offers; as well as continuing the City’s decades long emphasis on
intercultural competency training for all employees; and
Whereas, no person should ever wake up in Dubuque, Iowa feeling like they are not
an important part of Dubuque, Iowa; and
Whereas, the Dubuque City Council acknowledges the pain, fear and anger felt by
communities of color, in Dubuque and around our country, and pledges to identify addi-
tional and specific ways to engage, to listen, and create a community where every resi-
dent feels welcome and safe, productive and valued.
Section 1. The City Council denounces racism in all its forms for its negative psycho-
logical, social, health, educational and economic effects.
Section 2. The City Council encourages other local, state, and national entities to rec-
ognize racism as a public health crisis.
Section 3. The City Council unanimously advances, pursuant to our Vision to make
Dubuque a “sustainable and resilient city and an inclusive and equitable community,” pri-
oritizing racial equity in the City’s Action Plan, to be developed by the City Council at its
annual Goal Setting Session, with regular updates on progress to be available on the
City’s website and by other appropriate means to be determined.
Passed, approved, and adopted this 8th day of June 2020.
Roy D. Buol, Mayor
Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk
Internal and Community-Facing Response to COVID-19
1. COVID-19 Update: Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach facilitated updates on the
internal and community-facing response to COVID-19 from City departments and network
Community COVID-19 Update & Communication Response: Mary Rose Corrigan,
Public Health Specialist, reported on information from the Dubuque County Incident Man-
agement Team and the Iowa Department of Public Health that included an overview of
the number of positive cases and deaths related to COVID-19 for the state, by county and
by age group; community testing changes, testing providers and targeting testing; in-
creases in the TestIowa state-wide testing capacity; and state-wide outbreak data in long-
term care facilities.
Alexis Steger, Housing & Community Development Director, reported on the status
and success of the non-congregate sheltering program that is preventing spreading of
COVID-19 to larger census shelters adding that these sheltering needs will continue.
Mask of Wellness Campaign Update: Randy Gehl, Public Information Officer, reported
that the Mask of Wellness is a positive empowering approach that promotes responsible
behavior that is necessary to keep society open during this pandemic while benefiting the
social, physical and economic areas of wellness. He added information on outreach ef-
forts and the results of marketing the online program through social media and trusted
sources. www.maskofwellness.com, and www.cityofdubuque.org/covid19.
Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Update: Jenna Manders, Director of Stra-
tegic Relations, reported on the status of the Foundation’s Disaster Recover Fund includ-
ing donation commitments, applications and grants; focused funding for vulnerable pop-
ulations; grant submissions to date; Food System services and data; impact on immigra-
tion systems; updated Resource Guide and brain health resources.
United Way of Dubuque Update: Danielle Peterson, President/CEO, reported on relief
funding recipient data; partnerships; identifying needs such as childcare, food scarcity,
and eviction and funeral issues; updates to and data from the 211 help line; legislative
advocacy; and human resource network.
Greater Dubuque Development Corporation: Rick Dickinson, President/CEO, reported
on the regional economy and workforce data and recovery projections; ranked impacted
areas of food service/hospitality, retail, industry, health/social assistance, manufacturing,
government/education; establishing the business help line 563-588-3350, public-private
partnerships assistance; small business loan program, and the Safe-at-Work program;
business retention expansion; and workforce recruitment www.accessdubuque.com.
Rental & Mortgage Assistance (Local & Iowa Finance Authority) programs: Alexis
Steger, Housing & Community Development Director, reported on the eligibility criteria
for the rental/mortgage assistance program for renters, mortgage holders and landlords,
www.iowafinance.com. The program is retroactive to April 1, 2020.
Leisure Services Update: Marie Ware, Leisure Services, reported on the status of the
recreational programs that will return in phases; online seasonal brochures coming; com-
pliance with social distancing component; Miracle League Field opens in late July; Bunker
Hill Golf Course is open with the clubhouse delivering food and beverage outside only;
the Marina is open with the C-Store providing only outside service of priority items; Multi-
cultural Family Center remodeling completed the first week of July with programming un-
der review and special events cancelled; status of AmeriCorps grant applications and
activities. Park Division seasonal staff is not hired; restrooms remain closed; a minimal
number of picnic tables will be placed; sanitation of playground equipment is under re-
view; Comiskey Park redesign continues with a protracted schedule; the Five Flags Cen-
ter remains closed with most events having been rescheduled and staff furloughed; Grand
River Center remains closed with 2020 events postponed or rescheduled.
Fiscal Year 21 Budget Team Strategies: Jennifer Larson, Finance & Budget Manager;
and Cori Burbach, Assistant City Manager, reported on the state of the City’s 2020 and
2021 fiscal years and departmental strategies to review revenue; essential vs. non -es-
sential services; guidance from four budg et review teams; 10-20-30% budget reduction
plan exceptions and criteria; review of revenue resources and projections; operating
budget review and criteria; staffing review and criteria; capital and equipment review and
criteria; purchase of services and contract review; and measuring the equity impact.
The presenters responded to questions from the City Council following groups of
There being no further business, Mayor Buol declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55
s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk