1929 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1929 4610- -61141,1Kg- CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1929 COUNCILMEN M. B. ANDELFINGER, Mayor GEORGE 0. JANSEN WM. H. MEUSER ED. McEVOY HENRY F. SCHUKERT City Clerk — JOHN STUBER City Treasurer — OTTO F. PULS City Auditor — FRED GANTERT City Engineer — WALTER H. CULLEN Chief of Fire Department — JOSEPH FISHER City Electrician — JOSEPH CORRELL Plumbing Inspector — GEORGE MASTERS Electrical Inspector --_ OTTO BETHKE City Manager Secretary to Manager City Solicitor — M. H. CZIZEK —0. A. KRATZ — ALLAN E. SIGMAN Building Commissioner — CARL BARTELS City Assessor — GEORGE BENNETT Chief of Police — JOHN GIELLIS Health Director — DR. W. J. CONNELL Sanitary Inspector — JOSEPH SCHARRY Market Master — C. J. McCARTHY Milk and Dairy Inspector — JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Regular meetings of City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock P. M. 1929 INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 14 -Alley between Fenelon and 'W. 3rd, petition of John A. Cunningham against improving same 10 " 14- Angella St.,' remonatrance against improving • 10, 485 Feb. 4 -Amer. Trust & Savings Bank, renewal sign bond 18 4- Althauser's. Store, renewal sign .bond - 18 " 18 -A. & B. Sales Co., renewal sign bond 29 Mar. 13- Ashton St., petition of Norman Bull et. al. to pave . 77 " 18 -Alley bet. Auburn and. Algona, Res. of 'Necessity to improve No. 26 -29 81,',83, 116, -125, 127, 128, 146, 218 (' 18 -Alley bet. Burch and Hill. St., Resolution of Neces= sity to improve No. 29 -29 • 81,.88, 116, - 125,.127, 128, 146, 218 18 -Alley bet. Fenelon and W. 3rd, Resolution of ' Necessity to improve No. 32 -29 81, 84, 88, 89, 117 " 18-Alley first So. of W. 5th St., Res. of Necessity to improve No 35 -29 81, 84, 117, 125, 127, 128, 146, 218 " 18 -Ann Street, Resolution of Necessity to improve No. 38(.29 81, 84, 117, 125, 127, 129, 146, 216, 218, 232 25- Ashton St., Resolution of Necessity to improve . No.. 164 -29 94 " 25- Ashton St., Resolution approving plans and spec and date of hearing 94, 112, 405 di 29- Axford, Roy, sign bond 99 April 1- Regular Meeting of City Council 113 -April 1- Andelfinger, Martin B., appointed Mayor 113 " 8 -Alley bet. W. 15th and 16th Sts., from Cornell St easterly, pet. of C. Schmickle et al, to improve 124 15- Ashton St., Improvement 137, 138, 139, 163, 169, 194, 216, 218 231,. 232, 233, 251, 340, 405 15- Ashton St., Imp. remonstrance, Mary J. Doyle_.._ 137 " 26 -Amer. Legion, report of sales of Poppies in 1928 141 " 29 -Alley bet. Auburn and Algona St., bids 149, 216, 231, 232, 233, 251, 340, 341, 409, 410 " 29 -Ann St., from Garfield to Lincoln Ave., bids 150, 231, 233, 251, 303, 364, 365, 366 " 29 -Alley 1st South of West 5th St., from Hill to Winona Sts., bids 152, 216, 231, 233, 251, 303, 362, 363 id 29-Alley, between Burch and Hill Streets from Hill to W. 5th Sts., bids 153, 216, 231, 232, 233, 251, 326, 393, 394 " 29- American Legion, Council accept offer to furnish a sketch and plan for a Memorial Hall 157, 159 May 31 -Alley bet. 15th and 16th from Cornell St., easterly, bids 197, 199, 200, 239, 240, 241 June 6- Adams, Mrs. Susan, et. al., pet. to pave Spruce St. 214 " 10 -Alley bet. Argyle and Burden Sts 234 " 21 -Alley bet. 15th and 16th St., Improvement, re- monstrances 239, 240, 291, 292, 300, 325, 375, 376 July 16 -Alley bet. Arlington and West 14th, petition of property owners to abolish same 281, 298 Aug. 5- Algona Street, petition to repair 334 " 5 -Avon Theatre, sign bond 335 di 16- Armstrong, John, Petition for Cigarette license 353 " 16- Andelfinger, M. B., Mayor to attend Iowa Muni- cipalities Convention at Fort Dodge, August 20th to 22nd, incl. 356 " 26- Automobile Underwriters Inc., claim against City of Dubuque 367 " 26- Axford, Laura, claim against city 367 Sept. 26 -Alley from Central Ave., to Iowa St., bet. 12th and 13th Sts. 463, 482, 521 26 -Ames, Iowa State College, Conference, City En- gineer attend 464 Oct. 14 -Avoca Street, petition of James Lavin to improve 496 1929 INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT A " 14- Auburn and Algona Sts., petition to improve " 14 -Alley bet. Auburn and Algona pet. to improve " 28 -A. & P. Stores, petition requesting that they be not issued permit to sell Cigarettes Nov. 25- Angella Street, petition to improve " 25- Appel- Higley Electric Co., sign bond " 25 -Arno Drug Co., sign bond Dec. 16.- Auburn St., petition against improving same " 16- Atwood, Maytag Co.; sign bond " 20- Algona Street, petition . tot improve 20- American Surety Co.,. petition to release sign bond of L. J. Knockel Page 496, 554 496, 500, 519 515 547 549 549 570 573 579 579 1929 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 7 -Board of Supervisors, Communication, Stating, Cannot Construct Bridge across Catfish Creek 2 " 14- Butterfield, George, remonstrance against Assess- , ment for Pierce Street 5 " 14- Braun, Paul, pet. for storm sewer in Shiras Ave.. 10 Feb. 4- Blake, Frank, petition for reduction iri assessment 13 " 4!-Boulevard lights, petition to install on Central Ave. and on 8th Street 15, 131 4- Bartels, C. F., Bldg. Commissioner's bond 17 4 -Berk, Max, sign bond 18 4 -Berg, Payson, renewal sign bond 18 4- Building Code, Recommendation of City Mgr. to revise same and appoint coinm, to do the work 18 18 -Board of Health, report for month of 'Jan.) 1929 $3 18 -Bull, Norman, Contractor's bond 29, 142 18 -Bock, George & Emil, sign bond 29 18 -Berg, Frank J., sign bond 29 " 18 -B. & G. Electric Co., sign bond, renewal 29 Mar. 4- Begley, Al., asking that parking of Cars be pro- hibited in alley bet. Main and , Iowa Streets from 9th to 10th Streets • 33 4 -Board of Education, petition for toting places and usa of voting machines for 'school election 50 4-Bly, .Lea F., Contractor's bond ' 51 13- Bartonik, Peter, ,petition to suspend taxes 63 13- Budget of City Manager and, City Council for Fiscal Year 1929 67, 76, 99 "' 13- Budget of City Manager and City Council, Res- olution No. 24 -29 67, 76, 99 " 13 -Board of Review, appointed 77 , " 13- Bissel, Fred, Addressed Council relative to con- structing a Viaduct over railroad crossings on 6th Street 7 ." 1S- Bloch, Eldo, Addressed Council relative to over - flow from storm sewer 7 " 13- Bloch, Eldo, et. al., protesting against imp. of S. Hill Street 79, 132 18 -Burch Street Resolution of Necessity to im- prove, 41 -29 81, g4, 88, 89, 117 125, 127, 129, 146, 216, 218, ,231, 232, 250, 268, 269, 313, 314 18- Burden St., Res. of Necessity to improve, 44- 29 81, 84, 88, 89, 117 125, 127,'129, 147, 217,, 231,232, 233, 252, 330, 380, 381 22 -Board of Education, petition to extend Viola St. 87 22- Boulevard Lights, on Dodge Street, Resolution of Necessity to Install 92, 163, 201, 234 25 -Board of Health, report for month of Feb.; 1929 93 29- Brede, L. H., Resolution of appreciation; for 'ser} vices rendered, being resolution No. 166-29 97 29- Buttimore, M. J., et. al., asking that a survey be made on street first south of Curtis street between S. Hill an dState Street 98 29- Bitzberger, Al., Am. ex- soldier, petition to be exempted from paying a peddler's license 98 29- Brandel, John, renewal Contractor's Bond 99 29- Braconier, F. C., renewal Contractor's, Bond, 99 29- Budget of City Manager and City Council, . as ; amended Resolution No 168,29 amending same 99, 100 April 1- Bowman, Edward, petition relative' to curb pumps 114 on East 4th Street ' " 1- Blocher, Frank, addressed Council asking reduc- tion in assessment for Sewer in Green Street 115, 124 if Ii id (1 if '' '' INDEX -Book 59 1 1929 13 5 —Board of Education, requesting the improvement of Avoca Street ' 10— Buchman, Mary',. protest against proposed assess ment, for Central Avenue ` 15— Boulevard Lights, Dodge Street 137, 138, 139, 26— Braun, Paul, Contractor's Bond 26— Becke, Chris, Contractor's Bond 26— Burke, R. J., Heating Contractor's Bond, 26— Breithaupt, Phil., ,Plumber's Bond 29 —Burch St., from Hill to Fenelori Sts., 29— Burden St., from Edith to O'Neill Sts,, bids 29— Brown, Mr., asking permission to erect Garage to be .covered with galvanized iron May 6— Brown, L. F., et. al., petition, relative to clonditlon of Alley between Wood and Adair. 6— Blair, Chas. T., Heating 'Character's Bond 6— Brunswick Street, acceptance of work 161, 14— Bailey, Lawrence, Sign Bond ' 24— Burtimore, M. J„ Grant of Easement' 24— Becker, Henry, addressed Council, offering settle- ment for delinquent taxes,. 24— Busch, Mrs, A., Settlement 'of Claim 24 —Bade, Theresa, settlement of delinquent assessor 31— Bonds, to be issued; (notice of 'pub.) for im, streets " 31— Boulevard Lights on Central Ave„ bids' ' 198, 199, 200, June 10— Becker, Wm.,, petition'(ve`rbal) relative to assess- ' meet, Imp. of Kaufman Ave " 17 -Board of , Health ' 17— Byers, Chas. and 'Anna, Resolution' to connect property with sewer " 17— Beckett, Fabian, Resolution to connect property . with sewer ' 17 —Board of Health, Resolution to'muzzle dogs 21— Boulevard Lights,, Central Ave. and W. 8th St 21— Boulevard Lights, Central Avenue and West 8th, Street, Remonstrances 21 —Berg, Frank J., Sign Bond 21— Billboards, at Athletic Field ' 24 —Board of Health, return, of service,, notice served on )i'abian Beckett,, J:' C. Scully and Chas. Byers 24- Becker, Henry, objecting to assessment, Lowther St. 1 =Beh Carlton D. Co., assignment to Iowa National' Bank, Imp. Spruce Street , ' Board of .Review, Report of 1—Becker, Henry, Agent, objecting to assessment for paving O'Neill Street 1— Brown, L. F., petition to repair alley between Wood and Adair Streets 16 —Beh, Carlton D. Co., assignment to Iowa National Bank of Des Moines, all proceeds of Burch St. Imp. assigned to Carlton D. Beh Co. by Jas: F. Lee Paving Co, 16 —Beh, Carlton D, Co., assignment of all proceeds for Dodge Street imp. to Iowa National Bank of De Moines, assigned to Carlton' D. Beh Co. by Jas; F. Lee Paving Co 16— Burch, Marie Louise, et. al., remonstrances, against assessment , for improvement of South Main Street, "received and filed 16— Burch, Marie L., et. al., all remonstrances against issue of bonds levy of assessment for imp. Rail -' road St., received and filed '' '' " IC 11 '' id '4 '4 '4 4' " '' July « . CI if It If INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT Page 121 130 163, 512 143 143 143 149 151, 219 156 159 160 188, 189 172 176 179 1$2 183 185 230 226 235 235 236 237 238, 240, 253, 292 293, 299, 310 238, 299, 310 246 247, 252 250 252 256 257 258 258 281 281 281 284 INDEX —Book 59 1929' SUBJECT B 16 —Beh, Carlton H. Co., assignment to Iowa National Bank, proceeds, South Locust Street 19—Boulevard Lights, Central Avenue, City Solicitor's Opinion ' 23— Budget Estimate, Taxes ' 23— Buckley, M. H., pet. for refund of dog license Aug. 5— Burch, Marie Louise, et. al., notice of appeal from assessment if 5— Budget Estimate ' it 5 —Bush; Birdena and Mrs. Robinson, petition to im- prove ,Nowata Street ' 5 —Beh,, Carlton D., assignment to Iowa National Bank, proceeds, Southern Avenue, 'James F Lee, Contractors ' 5— Bechtel, H. Co. & Son, Sign Bond " 5— Burgmeier, A., pet. to install Gasoline Curb pump " 13 —Board of Health, Communication of Dr.: Connell " 16— Bilotte, Mrs. Lizzie, petition, claiming salvage on Central Avenue 26 —Beh, Carlton D. Co., assignment to Iowa National Bank of Des Moines, all proceeds, due James F. Lee Paving Co: for imp. of W. 17th and ' Clark " 26— Basteri, Anton, Contractor's •Bond " 26— Beatrice 'Creamery Co. and Iowa Dairy Co., Sign Bond ' ' Sept. 6— Burke, J. J., petition to purchase property ' in Industrial Sub. R. R. St " 10— Bishop, Mrs. Margaret, remonstrance against as- sessments for imp. of Davis St. and Edith St. " 10— Bartonik, Peter, petition to have tax suspended " 10— Baxter, Thos. P., petition to enlarge Garage " 13- Birndorf Bros:, Sign Bond " 16— Bluefields, Nicaragua, petition for contribution to Public Library " 26— Barry, Margaret, petition against assessment, for imp., of Lowell Street 26- Burden Street, Revised Assessment 26— Burden St., all remonstrances rec'd. and filed 26— Bauer, Mrs., remonstrance against Sewer and Water connections to lot 61 and 62, Burden St. 30— Becker, Albert V., Sidewalld Contractor's Bond 30— Belsky Motor Co., Sign Bond 30— Braun, Henry, Cigarette Bond and Permit 30— Braun, Mr., Shiras Ave., addressed Council relative to Sewer in said Street Oct. 14— Buelow, Clarence, petition to erect Garage 18—Byrne Bros., ' bond expired, Notice" of Ins. Co. to be released from further responsibility 28— Bassler, Alois, remonstrance against assessment, N. Main Street 28— Bauer, Dorothy, petition relative to Sewer, and Water connections to lot 61, O'Neills River- view Add. Nov. 4= Benke, Mrs. Walter, pet. for cancellation of taxes 8— Bayless Business College, Sign Bond Dec. 2 —Bust Service, Bryant, Curtis and other Streets, complaints of Citiizens on service 2— Block, Eldo, petition relative to Storm Sewer on S. Hill Street 6— Berg - Arduser, Sign Bond 20— Brenner, L., remontsrance against his assess- ment for imp. of Roosevelt Street ''4 iC " it 4' " 4' '4 '4 " Page 293 298 302 307 331 331, 332, 333 333 334 335 335 352, 355 353 368 372 372 403, 497 434 435, 548, 575 437 442 450 465, 519 466 471 472 473 474 474 475 497 501 509 515 523 529 553 555 564 579 0 1929 " it '' '' " iC '' '' (f INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT C Page Jan. 7— Columbia College, Grant of Easement " 7— Chalmers, John, Grant of Easement 7 —City Council: Proceedings for month , of Oct. 1928: ` 7 —City Manager's report, City Auditor, City Treas- urer and City Water Works " 14 —City Council, . Special Session " 14— Custer Street, and Alley, remonstrance. against improving 14— Chamber of Commerce, communication relative to meeting at St. Paul, relative to deepening . channel in Mississippi River Feb. 4 —City Council Proceedings for month of Nov. 1928 " 4— Canfield Hotel, renewal. sign . bond.... " 18— Clark, Mrs. Leona, claim for personal injury, to 23, 131 her son 23 " 18 —City Council Proceedings for month of Dec. 1928 " 18 —City Manager submitted reports of City Auditor, . City Treasurer and City Waterworks for month of January, 1929 " 18— Cleaners, the O. K., renewal sign bond, " 18— Carnegie -Stout Library, Resolution No. 13 -29, fixing term of office of Board of Trustees 18 —City Waterworks, transfer $15,000 from, Water- works . Gen. Fund to Waterworks Sinking Fund Mar. 4 —City Waterworks, Sinking Fund, City Treasurer instructed to invest $25,000 in Municipal Bonds " 4 —City Clerk, to advertise for bids for printing index and binding , Council Proceedings for year 1928 " 13 —City Auditor, report for month of February, 1929 " 13 —City Treasurer's report for month of Feb. 1929, " 13 —City Waterworks report for month of Feb. 1929 " 13 —Camp Fire Groups, petition forr use, of Armory for meeting 13— Christiansen Myrtle, claim for personal injury_ 18— Chapman, Gladys, claim for personal injuries 18— Central Avenue, Resolution of Necessity to im - 82' prove No, 47 -29 22— Chihak, Francis, petition to have tax reduced 22— Cunningham, John, objecting to Budget of City Manager and City of Dubuque April 1— Central Ave., petition of Business Men and prop- erty owners to widen the street 1— Clewell, W., and Kolfenbach, L., addressed Council in favor of widening street. Attorney Tschudi representing property owners against the ,pro -, position 1 —City Council Meetings to be held at 7:30 P. M. in the future ' 5 —City Auditor's report for month • of March, 1929 5 —City Treasurer's report for month of March, 1929 5— Chalmers, John. G., petition, protesting against as- sessment for construction of sewer in W. 14th and Adair Streets 8 —City Waterworks report for month of March, 1929 10— Central Ave., improvement, all petitions received and filed 10— Central Ave., improvement, all previous proceed- ings pertaining to improvement be rescinded 10 —City Manager and Engineer instructed to prepare, plans and specifications for improvement of Central Avenue 15— Central Ave. Paving, remonstrance, Emma Vogel 1929 1 " 26— Curtis & Co., Heating Contractor's Bond 1 " 26 —City •Solicitor's annual report 2 " 29 —Cook & Kean, bid rejected ' " 29 —Civil Service Commission, Examinations " 29— Cleaver, Edw. T., Heating Contractor's Bond ' 29 —Chief of Police and Harbor Master to cause ,va- cation and removal of buildings owned. by Wm. , King and 'Dr. Brooks, from public streets May 14 —City Auditor's report for month of April,' 1929 " 14 —City Treasurer's report for month of.. April, 1929 11 • 14 —City Waterworks report for month of April, 1929 14 14 —City Auditor's annual report for 1928 18 14 —City Council Proceedings for Jan and Feb., 1929 " 14— Carlotta Street, acceptance of improvement 172, " ' 14— Cigarette Permit of Chris Heller " 24 —C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.,.pet. for vacation of property " 24— Curtis, Amelia and R. J„ grant of .easement " 24— Central Avenue Merchants, communication appre- 23 ciating action of Council in widening said street 29 " 24— Commiskey. Field, petitions submitted suggesting name for same 30 " 24— Carlson, 'Maud,' settlement bf claim " 31— Central Avenue, Improvement, bids 31 June 3 —City Council Regular 'Session• " 3— Citizens ' Military Training Camps, Council 52 dorses same 3— Cunningham, John, addressed Council, relative to, 52, 77 petition for Special Election 63 6 —City Council, Special Session 63 10 —City Council, Special Session ' 63 10 —City Treasurer, Auditor and Waterworks report for May, • 1929 63 17 —City Council, Special .Meeting 63, 144 17— Coyle; Albert A., and Martin. Schwartz, petition 79, 162 for sewer in alley between Argyle and Burden 17—Curtis '& Co., granted extention of time to com- 84, 88, $9, 117 plete contracts 87, 145 21 —City Council, Special Session ' 21— Central Ave., improvement__238, 240, 253, 263, 290,, 291, 87, 99 21— Central Ave., ' remonstrance against improvement 21— Curtis & Co., assignment to Mrs. Hattie Curtis 114 21— Carpenter, Joe, Contractor's Bond 24 —City Council; Special Session 24— Central Ave., imp. all remonstrances 114 , and filed 24— Central Ave. and W. 8th St., Boulevard• all remonstrances received and filed 116 1 —City Council, Regular Session 121 ' 1 —C. M. St.' P. & Pacific R. R. Co. Notice relative 121 to improving Pine. Street from 7th to 8th. Sts. 1 —C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., petition to vacate alley in 122 Booth's Add. ' ' 1 —City Council • Proceedings for March, 124 May, 1929 ] 30 1— Cigarette permits, commencing 1 —City Manager's'' Vacation 130 9 —City Council Special Session 9— Consolidated', National Bank, petition assessment for taxation 9— County! Board of Supervisors, agree to ,pay half 130 of permanent registration equipment 139 " 9— Constantinos Stamatous, Sign Bond 2 5 10 it " ' {1 if it {f Ci (1' CC '' (f Ci '' July If Ci '' Ci n Ci INDEX —Book ,59 SUBJECT C' July, 1929 en received Lights, April and relative to 216, 220, 179 182 197, 199, 200 207 235 238 309, 556, 562 238 246 246 250 Page 143 146 154 155, 175 156 157 169 169 169 171 171 221 173 ,174 175 178 208 208 210 216 219 226 227 252 252, 300 255 256 258 263 264, 265, 2,77, 278 265 266 266 267 276 1929 INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT C Page 9 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Waterworks 276 for month of June, 1929 " 9 —C. M. St. P. & Pacifiic R. R. Co. be permitted to 278 block 4th Street while repairing road 9 —City Auditor draw warrant in favor Doran Monu- 278 ment Co. 279 " 16 —City Council Special Session July 16, 1929 " 16— Central Avenue property owners, who elect to 280 take salvage 16— Custer Street petition of property owners, asking 280 that street be graded and paved " 16— Communication from County Treasurer, relative 280, 281 to double payment of taxes , 293 " 16— Cigarette Permit, Del Warren " 19 —City Council Special Session 295, 299, 309, 336, 353, 313 Aug. 5 —City Council Regular Session 5— Chamber of Commerce, petition to prohibit park- 334 ing on 9th, Street 335 5 —Clark Motor Co., Sign Bond 13 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Waterworks 340 reports for July, 1929 350 13 —City Council Proceedings for mo. of June, 1929 13— Central Ave. paving, recommendation of City Mgr. 350 to use quick setting cement on crossings 16— Catherine, Angella , Streets' and Quigley's Lane 353, 396 petition to improve 16 —City Manager Kratz appointed to attend City Man- ager's Convention at Fort Worth, Texas, Nov 20 to 23 incl " 26— Conlon, R. F., General Contractor's Bond Sept. 2— Council Meeting adjourned to September 3, 1929. 3 —City Waterworks, communication relative to pro- perty on Kaufman Ave., City to purchase same 6 —City Council Special Session 6 —C. F. Cody Co., 'Contract for permanent registra- 4Q1,. 402, tion equipment " 6— Crawford, James, addressed Council, relative to culvert at 16th Street and R. R. tracks " 10 -City Council, Special Session " 10 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Waterworks, reports for month of August, 1929 " 13 —City Council, Special Session, Sept. 13th, 1929 " 13— Central Ave., Waiver for widening, from 18th to 22nd Street 13— Central Ave., remonstrance against widening 16 —City Council Special Session 16— Canfield and Fischer petition, relative to concrete base on Central Ave. bet. 3rd and 4th Streets 16— Coyle, A. A., petition to have street light moved 16 —City Manager's report, complaining about Jas. F. Lee not living up to contract on Central Ave. 16— Central Ave. propertyi owners, remonstrances 16— Central Ave.,' Resolution No. 572 -29, widening Central Ave. from 40 ft. to 44 ft 26 —City Council met in Special Session 26 —City Council, proceedings for month of July,. 1929 30 —City Council, Special Session 30— Central Ave. property owners, petition for Boule- vard Lights from 18th St. north to 22nd St. 2 —City Council Special Session 2—C. O. D. Laundry, petition for cancellation of, taxes 7 —City Council, Regular Session '', " " it It '' « • " .1i Ct Ci '' IC '' " It Oct. 356 372 400 401 440, 441 • 404 405 435 439 443, 452 443 444 451 451, 474 451 452 453, 522 454 464 473 475 477 481 482 1929. '' '' '' INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT C 7— Central Battery & Electric Co., Sign Bond 7 —City Treasurer, City Auditor and City Waterworks reports for September, 1929 ... if 7— Catherine St. and Quigley's Lane, remonstrance against improving " 7— Connell, Dr. W. J., relative to vital statistics •" 7 —City Council, Special Session October 14, 1929 " 14— Custer Street, ' petition of ' Geo. W. Meyer, et. al , to improve 14— Chamber of Commerce, communication relative to Mississippi Valley Association, Convention' at St. Louis • " 18 —City Council, Special Session " 18 —City Council Proceedings for month of August " 18— Curtis & Co., Sign Bond " 28 —City Council, Special Session Nov. 4 —City Council, Regular , Session 4— Carney, Peter, pet. relative to widening Villa St " 8 —City Council, Special Session it 8 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Waterworks reports for October, 1929 " 25 —City Council, Special Session Dec. 2 —City Council, Regular Session 6 —City. Council, Special Session " 6 —City Treasurer, Auditor and Waterworks, reports for month of November, 1929 " 16 —City Council, Special Session " 16 —City Council proceedings for September, 1929 " 16— Crescent Sweet Shop, Sign Bond " 16— Carnegie -Stout Library, Resolution to purchase Masonic Property 20 —City Council Special Session 20 —City Council Proceedings for month of Oct., 1929 Page 483 485 485 485 486 497 498 499 500 501 508 517 520 525 529 531 553 556 564 566 570 573 574 5'76 5,78 1920 " it if it if it if it June 10- Dubuque Roofing Co., bond " 10- Daveronas Harry, sign bond " 24- Dubuque Auto Supply Co., sign bond " 10 -Deyo, Geo. C., petition, widening W. 6th Street and improving same July 1- Dubuque Radiator Works, bond " 1- Dubuque Base Ball Club, requesting that Bill Boards be removed 15 -Dock Commission,? resolution fixing tax levy for Dock needs Aug. 5- Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, petition for permission to stage Industrial Exposition 5- Deggendorf & Pins, pet. to improve W. 15th St 16- Delaney, Thos. E. petition claiming salvage on Central Avenue 16-Dubuque and Automobile Club, communication relative to Boulevard System 26 -Davis Street, revised schedule 26 -Davis St., all remonstrances received and filed on- 26- Disabled Amer War Veterans, petition duct poppy sale 30- Dependon, Asphaltom Roofing Co., contr. bond 28 -Dodge Street from Grandview Avenue to Bryant Boulevard Lights 28- Deutsch, Peter, petition complaining about Fruit Dealers obstructing sidewalks, also relative to 2nd Hand Dealers selling used mattresses, etc. Nov. 4 -Dodge St., Imp. from Grview Ave. to Bryant Street, remonstrances if if Sept. Oct. '' INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT Page D Jan. 14 -Dodge St., petition to pave with parking in center Feb. 4 -De Luxe Cafeteria, renewal sign bond Mar. 13- Dubuque Humane Society, communication and 63 Annual Report 79, 145 18 -Duffy, B. J., claim for personal injuries 18 -Davis Avenue, Resolution of Necessity to im- prove, 50 -29 82, 84, 88, "89, 117,'125, 127, 129, 147 18 -Dodge Street from S. Gr. View to Bryant, Resolu- tion129,n147, to improve, 31, 32, 250, 474, 517, 525, 527, 529, 554 18 -Dodge Street, from Locust Street to R. R. tracks, Resolution of necessity to improve No. 56- 29....82, 84, 88, 89, 118 126, 127, 129, 147, 217, 231, 232, 251, . 398, 477, 478, 479 25 -Dock Board, J. Wallis Winall appointed on Board 29- Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, petition asking Council to appoint a delegate to River and 98 Harbors Meeting at Washington 99 29- Dubuque Auto Top Co., Sign Bond April 15 -Dodge and Reeder Streets, remonstrances, F. M 136 Mathis, Horace Poole 142 26 -De Luxe Cigar Store, Sign Bond 147 29 -Dodge Street from S. Locust to R. R. tracks, bids 29 -Davis Avenue, South % from Sheridan Street to 150, 217, 218, 219 Windsor Ave., bids 231, '233, 251, 319, 373, 374 29 Dodge St., from Grandview Ave. to Bryant St., bids 152, 156 10 18 29- Dubuque Paint & Wall Paper Co., Sign bond " 29- Dubuque Music Week Committee, asking for ap- 156 propriation May 1 -Day, W. H. 'Jr., and L. H. Fritz, remonstrances 159 against sewer in Wilbur St., be ree'd. and filed 176, 241, 242, 243 24 -Dell Street, acceptance of improvement 224 224 246 251 258 255 279 335, 368 335 353 355, 369 469 471 472 473 512, 541, 544 514 517 1929 if Dec. INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT D 4- Donohue, J. C., petition, complaining about bus service, S. Locust St. and Southern Ave 4- Dubuque Poultry Ass'n., petition for use of Arm- ory for Poultry Show 4- Dubuque Trades . & Labor Congress, communica- tion that entire Council attend Water-ways Convention at St. Louis 2 -Doran Monument Co., sign bond Page 518 518 520, 54$ 553 1929, Jan. 7- Elfman, W. H. (Attorney in fact for Susie Olin- ger Straub) addressed Council relative to, 3 Olinger Park purchase " 14- Emmett Street and St. Mary's Street, remon -, strance against improving same 10 " 14 -East 17th, remonstrance • against improving 10 Mar. 18 -East 29th Street, Resolution of Necessity to) im- prove No. 59 -29 82, 8¢, $8, 89, 118, 125 " 18 -Edith Street, Resolution of Necessity to improve, No. 62 -29 82, 85, 88, 89, 90 91, 118, 126, 127, 129, 147, 251, 328, 385, 386 99 231, 233 174 " 29- Eisbach, Albert N., renewal contractor's bond " .29- Edith St., from Burden to Sheridan, bids_.__150, 217, 218, 219, May 24 -Elm Street, petition to construct sewer June 6- Election, Special, to vote on Memorial Building and Bonds 6- Election Resolution 6- Election, Mayor's Proclamation 6- Election, Judges and Clerks and Voting Places 6- Election, Registration Clerks 6- Electrical Workers Union, petition, requesting that in future Boulevard Lighting Contracts be let separately 9- Election returns, canvassed 9- Election, special, Clerks and Judges compensation Aug. 5 -East 14th St., petition for light Sept. 26- Efferding, T. G., petition to erect Garage, on Grandview Avenue " 26 -Edith Street, revised assessments " 26 -Edith Street, remonstrances received and filed Oct. 7- Eisbach, Chris., Sidewalk contractor's bond " 18 -8th St., Merchants, petition relative to parking Dec. 2- Eighth •Street petition relative to street car ser- vice East of Jackson Street " 6 -Eagle Point residents, remonstrating against Street Car Service if if if if is July gg INDEX -Book 5 SUBJECT E Page 210 210 211 212 213 214 275 276 335 464 470' 471 483 501 554 564 INDEX -Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 14- Frith, E. E., garbage contract expire Mar. 4 -Fay, Chas. P., petition to grade Rowan Street " 18- Falkenheiner Drug) Store, ' renewal sign bond " 18- Farley Street Resolution of Necessity to im- prove, 65 -29 82, 85, 88, 89, 90 91, 118, 126, 127, 129, 147, 251, 521, 522, 566, 568 " 2 -Faig, John, petition for cancellation of taxes 87, 549 April 15- Farley Street Sewer, remonstrances by Victor McGrath and Frank R. Lacy . 136 " 29- Farley treet, from Garfield Avenue to Thomas Place 'bids 151, 217, 218,219, 231, 232 May 6- Fennwick, Jas. and Mary, Deeds and Plats to City of Dubuque 163 " 6 -Finn, Mrs., settlement of personal injury claim 165 " 24- Flynn, Leo, settlement delinquent assessment 183 June 17 -Fire Department, pumps on Engine No. 3 to be repaired 230, 252 July 19- Fettgether, sign bond 297 " 19- Fosselman, Leo J., sign bond 297 Aug. 5 -Foy, Clifford, petition to erect frame garage ' ' ' 335 Sept. 10- Fluckigger, remonstrance ' and petition for re- duction in assessment 435, 464 " 13- Forkes, Mrs. E., protesting against assessment, for imp. Davis Avenue 443 " 26- Frith, E. E. estate, bond for garbage collection 465 " 30`Fitzgerald, H. L., asking for a surv. of Hodgdon St. 475, 497 Oct. 7- Fitzpatrick, John, petition for light, Rush and Plum Streets 485 " 14- Fremont St., pet. for restricted residence district 494 Nov. 4- Flynn, Mrs. Margaret, petition for cancellation of taxes 518, 549, 550 " 4 -Foye St., petition objecting to improving same 518 " 25 -Foye St., petition to improve 551 Dec. 2- Fluckiger, petition to redeem property 555 12 51, 160 79 ,'' '' C' if CC INDEX -Book 59. 1929 SUBJECT G Feb. 4- Griner -Jones Co., sign .bond• " 118 -Green Street Sewer „ to accept_.__. Mar. 4- Gruber, Geo.: N. redemption., of tax sale certificate " 13 -Green Street; Sewer, remonstrance, ' against as- sessment, Voleker Realty'. Co, " 13- Green Street Sewer, resolution No. 20 -29 to levy assessment Page 18 20, 53 52 53 53, 55 13 -Green St., Sewer, resolution No 21 -29 to issue .bonds 55 29- Galliart, Mrs. Laura and D. J. "Bazinett,..asking. that their property. be excluded from restricted 98 residence district " 29- Geisler Bros., renewal contractor's bond - ' 99 " : 29- Geiger, Henry, renewal contractor's bond • , 99 April 5- Grimm, G. A., renewal sign" bond 121 5- Grandview Ave. M. E. Church, petition to have . .. taxes cancelled 121. if ' 5- Garver, W. A., petition for cancellation of taxes; 122, 145 5- Grimes, Emma, cancellation of tax sale certificate 145 "26-Grant and Easement, Lena Enser , " . 26 -Grant and Easement, Elizabeth and A. F. Smith 141 " 26 -Grant and Easement, W. A. and Mary Smith " 26- General Out Door Adv. Co., renewal sign bond.._ . ; - 142 29 -Gas, connections, bids, K,ey City Gas Co., on Burden St., Edith St., Vernon St., S. Locust St., Woodworth St., Lowell St., May, Place, Main St., Farley, St., S. 1 /z - of Davis St., West 17th: and Clark ' Sts., Dodge . St. from Grandview. Ave. to : 154 Bryant Street 156 29- Giese, Edwin W., Heating : Contractor's Bond May 6- Grandview Methodist,. Church; petition asking City 252, 260 to take over private sewer in Bennett Street.... , 'S : 6- Groveland St., acceptance of work 161, 185, 186 14 -Green Mill, sign bond 172 24 -Gas, connections, Ashton ,St., bids:.:, 177, 184 31- Griffin, John, Notice of suit 31 -Gas connections, Burden St., Edith St., Vernon St , S. Locust St., Woodworth St., Lowell St., May Place, Main St., Farley St., S. '/z of Davis St., W. 17th and Clark St., Dodge St. from Grand- view to Bryant, awarded 31 -Gas, connections, Main Street Burden Street Farley Street Edith Street Davis Avenue West 17th and Clark Dodge from Grandview to Bryant June 3- Giellissen, Fred, Contractor's Bond 3- Governor's Greys Co. A. 133 I. N, G._, indorsing continuance of Co. 21- Grove, S. J. & Sons, blasting bond 24- Grandview M. E. Church, asking City to take 252, 260 over sewer 257 July 1- Grommersch, Nick, Grant of Easement 344, 345, 431 Aug. 13 -Gas, connection, Burden Street > " 13 -Gas, connections, Edith Street 344, 346, 429, 430 if 13 -Gas, connections, Vernon Street 344, 347, 426 if 13 -Gas, connections, Woodworth Street 344, 348, 425 " 345, 348, 432 13 -Gas, connections, Lowell Street " 13 -Gas, connections, May Place 345, 349, 423 " 345, 421, 422 13 -Ga connections, Ashton Place " 13-Gas, connections, West 17th and Clark Streets 433, 434 201 202, 344, 348, 424 202 202, 344, 346, 426 202, 344, 429, 430 202, 344, 346, 428 202, 344, 349 202, 344, 347, 419, 420 207 208 246 1929 ." 13- Garbage Collection, recommendation of City Man- ager to advertise for bids 350, Sept. 6- Grandview Heights Add. pet.'to vacate ten ft. strip ' " 26- Giunta Bros., 'petition to construct approach to warehouse Oct. 2- Gronau, Edward, waiver and agreements " 2- Grimm, G. A., petition for cancellation of per - sonal , tax ' . " 28 -Green Street, petition to ' improve Nov. 25 -Globe Indemnity) Co., petition to cancel heating bond of ' W., S. Gow and contractor's bond of Arnold Baumgartner ' Dec. 2- Grandview M. E. Church; pet. for reduction in taxes 16- Gross, Charles, sign bond ' 16- Gatena, Rose, petition for reduction in assessment Central' Avenue ' •' 20 -Gau, Mr., remonstrance against imp. of Roosevelt St. 'C INDEX-Book 59 SUBJECT G Page 396, 404, 441 403 465, 475, 496 480, 481 481 508, 521 547 555 273 574 579 1929 Jan. 14— Harris, Wm., Sign Bond Feb. 4— Health Dept., report for Dec., 1928 4— Holscher Drug Co., sign bond " 18— Healy, Emery F., petition for suspension of taxes " 18— Hanselman, Fred, renewal of bond " 18— Hawkeye Vulcanizing Co., sign bond " 18— Horton, Dr. J. B., sign bond Mar. 18— Hughes, Anna, cancellation of tax sale certificate " 25— Holmberg, Chas., addressed Council relative to tax sale certificate " 25— Huber, Jos., petition asking that old curb be left on Main Street April 8— Hartig, A. J., protesting against proposed as- sessment for imp. of alley " 15— Hillyard, Clara Louise, petition to install Boule- vard Lights bet. 16th and 18th Streets on Central Ave., Engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifications " 26— Hogan, M. P., petition requesting that John Robi- son be exempted from paying a peddler's license " 26 —Hill, Maurice A., plumber's bond May 6— Hoppman Brake Service, sign bond if 6 —Hard, Mrs. A. J., grant of easement " 6— Holmes, Geo. W., petition protesting against spe- cial assessment for sewer in Burns and Oak Sts. " 14— Hintz, Fred H., petition, cancellation of taxes " 14— Health Director, complaint against Dennis Moriarity " 14— Henry, Benjamin F., sign bond " 14— Holland Furnace Co., heating contractor's bond " 24— Henkels, Frank, contractor's bond " 31— Herdman, Mr. addressed Council relative to grade on May Place June 3— Howie, David T., contractor's bond 3— Hillyard, L. 0., petition to open Henion St., on the north end 207, 252, 258, " 17— Haupert, Peter B., remonstrance against paving Woodworth Street 17— Holmes, Geo. W., remonstrance against assess- ment for sewer in Burns and Oak Streets 21— Helmer & Denzler, sign bond 9— Hughes, Robt. D., sign bond 9— Houpes, Raphael, be allowed to redeem tax sale certificate Aug. 5 —Home Rule League, communication 13— Health Dep't., report of activities 16— Himmi, E., pet. claiming salvage on Central Ave 226— Hirsch, Joe, pet. asking that Kane St. be extended 3 —Henry Street, petition to improve 10— Hardie, M. S., bid for permanent registration equipment 10— Heller, Chris, Cigarette Bond and License 30— Holscher Drug Co., sign bond 30 —Heim, Agatha, objecting to assessment for sani- tary sewer in Saunders Street 30—Hoffmann, Boulevard petition for corner l and Central Ave. Oct. 14— Hargus, Lillian, petition for suspension of taxes 14— Haupert, Peter, remonstrance) relative to Wood- worth Street imp. 14 —Henry Street, petition of J. K. Entringer et. al. to improve 's July '' Sept. if " it INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT H Page 11 14 18 22, 31 28 29 29 80 93 93, 115 124 139 141 143 160 162 163 168 171 172 172 179 204, 252, 261 207 297, 334, 403 226, 465 227 246 276 278 330 352, 355 363 369 397 435 437 474 475 475 494, 549 495, 505, 519 495 1929 H 18— Henfeldt, B. F., petition for reduction in assess- ment, S. Locust Street 28— Hartman, Carl F., sign bond Nov. 8— Hayes, James N., commission as representative of Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. Co. revoked and annulled 25 —Heim, John L. and Emil Feigner, petition for re- duction in assessment for improvement of Saunders Street 16— Hanselman, Fred, contractor's bond it id INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT Page 500 513 530 547 573 1929 Mar. 13— Interstate Finance Corp., sign bond ` 22— Isborne, Misses, petition to repair . stairway at 9th and Central Avenue " 29 —Isaac Walton League, asking • that the water be furnished free of charge in fish hatchery on grounds of Mt. St. Agnes " 29— Interstate Power " Co., petition) to remove tracks and other appurtenances necessary for, street railway operation April 15— Interstate Garage, et. 'al.,' requesting permission for continuance of curb pumps " 26 —Iowa Oil Co., petition for refund " 29— Interstate Power Co., exavation bond May 6 —Iowa Nat'l Bank, Copy of Assignment, R. R. Ave. and S. Main 6— Independent School District, Deeds and Plats " 14— International Ass'n. Machinists, Julien Lodge No. 379, stating that the trouble between the I. A. M. and American La France & Transite Corp has been adjusted June 10 —I. C. R. R. communication, stating they elect to do their own paving 17— Interstate Power Co., petition to construct High Power Line across river 21— Interstate Power Co., petition to relocate tower at Charter Street 21— Interlocking Cement & Concrete Co., deed to City lots in MeCraneys Add. 21— Interlocking Cement & Concrete Co., sidewalk contractor's bond July 16—Invitation City Officials, attend Municipal Rule Club Sept. 2 and 3, 1929 Oct. 7— Interstate Power Co., Manager to confer with, relative to relocating 8th street switch 18 —Iowa Oil Co., sign bonds if '' INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT I Page 66 86 97, 160 98, 131 139, 159 142 156 159 163 171 219 227 245 246 246 280 486 501 1929 Feb. 18— Juergens, John J., sign bond Mar. 18— Jawbson, Ida E., ' et. al., objecting to Garage and filling stations on Locust Street between 10th and 16th Streets " 29— Jansen, Geo., Councilman, Resolution of Condol- ence being No. 167 -29 April 29— Jansen, Herman G., contractor's 'bond May 6— Jackson, Geo. W., contractor's bond " 31— Jaeger, F. M. Hardware Co., petition to plaform in alley June 10— Jansen, Geo. 0., appointed Mayor pro tem " 17— Jackson and 22nd Streets corners to be rounded " 21— Jansen & Hoerner, contractor's bond July 1— Johnson and Lincoln Aves., report of Manager recommending to remove parking in said in- tersection 9— Justman, C. C., contractor's bond Nov. 25 -John Street, petition of property owners for re- fund of assessment 25— Jenness, H. G., • sign bond 25— Jaeger, Arnold G., Cigarette permit Dec. 16— Jacquinot, Mrs. Josephine, petition for reduction in assessment '' di INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT J Construct Page 29 78 97 155 160 197 216 230 246 260 276 548 549 549 570 1929 K Jan. 14— Kerper, John, appointed delegate to meeting at St. Paul, relative to deepening channel in Mis- sissippi River Feb. 4 —Kies Booterie, sign bond renewal " 4 —Kane Street, relative to opening of 18 —Kies Drug Store, renewal sign bond " 18— Kassler Motor Co., renewal sign bond ' 18— Klecner, John, settlement of delinquent assessments Mar. 4 —Kaep, Henry, claim for personal injury " 13— Kratz, 0. A., City Manager, bond 00 13— Kaesbauer, Adam, cancellation tax sale certificate " 25 —Kies, Peter J., asking warrant be drawn in his favor, the same being a double payment for tax sale certificate 25— Kretschmer- Tredway Co., petition asking for the vacation of easterly 30 ft. of Pine Street from 7th to 8th Streets " 29— Kelelr Electric Co., sign bond April 1— Kratz, 0. A., report of appointment officers and Employees 1— Kavanaugh, Nellie and Julia, relative to adjusting assessment for improving S. Grandview Ave. 5— Kemler, Julia E., petition, not to include the block bet. 8 and 9 on Bluff Streets in restricted res- idential district " 26 —Kraft Clothing Store, renewal sign bond " 26— Knoske, Walter C., contractor's bond " 29 —Key City Roofing Co., contractor's bond May 6— Kuehnle, John G., contractor's bond 6 —Keck, Walter A., et. al., petition to have Solon, Reeder and Louis Streets brought to grade / 14— Kinney, G. R. Co. Inc., sign bond " 24— Kintzle, Theo., contractor's bond " 24— Kemler, Julia and Minnie, settlement of claim June 3— Kieffer, Barbara, redemption of property 6 —Kane, Thomas, asking to be reimbursed for loss of a horse 10— Kuehnle, Edwin C., contractor's bond 17— Kratz, 0. A., City Manager, asks for 15 days vacation 17 —Kane, James, redeem tax sale certificate 17 —Key City Gas C., granted extension of time to com- plete contracts 21— Keller Electric Co., petition for extension of time Boulevard) Lights on Dodger Street 21— Kratz, 0. A., City Manager, communication show- ing saving in re- advertising July 1— Keller Electric Co., assignment of contract to Crescent Electric Co. 1 —Key City Roofing Co., bond " 9 —Key City Gas Co. petition relative to gas mains in Saunders Street Sept. 6— Kennelly, Geo., Electric Co., for extension of time to install lights on Central Ave., extended " 26— Keller Electric Co., petition for extension of time to complete contract for installing Boulevard Lights on Dodge Street 26— Kretschmer- Tredway Co., relative to vacating and relocating Pine Street 30 —Kot n of plans and specifications ions for Groveland sewer 30— Klein's Store, sign bond if '' it '' C' C' INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT Page 11 18 18 29 29 30 50, 204 77 77 94 94 99 113 116 121, 204 142 143 155 160 162, 338 172 179 182 • 209 214 224 231 234 235 246, 248 256 258 266 '403, 548 464 472, 475 473 474 1929 If if Nov. Dec. INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT K Oct. 28— Kretschmer Ins. Co., asking cancellation of Iowa House Co. bond 28— Knockel, L. J., sign bond 28— Kringle, Sheet .& Metal Works, contractor's bond 8—Karn, Charles, sign bond 25 —Kies & Butler, sign bond 25— Kratz, Mrs. Lora Hyde, resolution of condolence 2— Knockel, L. J., sign bond Page 509 513 513 529 549 550 553 1929 11 '' IG '' CC '' " Ci INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT L Jan. 7— League of Iowa Municipalities, communication 7— League of Iowa Municipalities, Resolution No. 3 -29 3 " 14 —Lemon Street, petition to improve 10 " 14— Lowell Street, remonstrance against improving 10 Feb. 4— Lahey, R. R., claim for damages to Automobile 13, 163 (by Fire Apparatus) 18 4 —Leik, Wm. C., renewal sign bond 22 " 18— Light, petition to install on Schroeder Street- ' 29 " 18 Lech, Henry, and A. P. Herkes, renewal of bond 51 Mar. 4— Leffenwell, E. C., sign bond " 18— Lowell Street, from Paul to Main Streets, Resolu- tion of Necessity to improve, No. 68 -29 82, 85, 129, 147, 217 18— Lowell Street, from Woodworth to Schroeder Sts., Resolution ofNecessity to improve, 71 -29 83, 85, 89, 119, " 22— Linehan, Dr. Lewis, estate, requesting change in restricted residence dist. from 10th to 16th Sts. 87, " 25— Lohberg, F. J., petition to pave S. Hill Street April 29— Lowell Street, from Paul to Main Streets, , bids s2 233, 25 248 " 29— Luther, Frank C.,heating contractor's bond " 29— Lorenz Laundry, petition asking permission to move Coal shed May 14— Library Board appointed " 14 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., relative to completion of Contract, Plymouth and Victoria Streets " 24—Le Van, A. J., Heating contractor's bond " 31 —Lacy, Frank, addressed Council, in favor of re- stricted residence district June 3— Lewis, Harry, Heating contractor's bond " 10 —Lech, Henry, contractor's bond 21 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., pet. for extension of time for completion of Wilbur Street 21— Lowell Street, from Woodworth to Schroeder Streets, imp. July 1 —La Bionco, petition for exemption of Peddler's license fee 9—Lee, James Co., all P ue on to Burch Street 9 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., assignment to • Carlton F Beh Co. of all proceeds due for improvement of Dodge Street 16— Lowell Street, improvement, remonstrance 26 —Lee, James F. Co., assignment to Carlton D. Beh Co., proceeds West 17th and Clark Streets Aug. 5— Light, petition to install at 14th and Elm 5— Landon & Correll, sign bond " 26 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., communication stating that contracts for imp. of Dodge St., West 17th and Clark have been completed and asks Council to accept same " ° 26 —Lee Bank of Dubuque of gall assignment money due e him for of Central Avenue Sept. 3— Lawther, Wm., remonstrance against assessment, Sheridan, Burden and Edith Streets 3 —Lee, James, protest against Union Trust & Sav- ings Bank having work done on Central Ave. by another contractor " 10— Leffert J. Co., contractor's bond " 13— Landon dd Correll, sign bond 246, Page 354 132 94 219 449 156 156 169 171 179 184, 214 207 224 245 247, 290 256, 308 267 267 290, 298, 354 310 335 335 368 369 378 396 437 442 1929 '' If " Oct. it Nov. ({ 'f dg Dec. " INDEX —Book 59 SUBJECT L 16 —Lee, James F., Paving, agreement relative to con= crete base on Central Ave. bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. 26— Lightfoot, Diana, claim for personal injury 30 —Lee, James F., Paving Co., stating Central Ave cont. is completed and asks City to accept same 7— Light, petition for, at cor. Plum and Rush Sts. 18 —La Plant, E. W., Cedar Rapids, house mover's bond 4— Light, 24th and White, remonstrance against re- locating same ' 4— Light, 25th and White, remonstrance against re- locating same 4— Lombardi, Nick, petition to peddle fruit, without procuring license 25 —Lang and Tscharner, sign bond 25— Lights, West Locust and Seminary Streets, re- ferred to Manager 6— Light, petition to place on Foye Street 16— Light, petition to install, at 24th and White Sts 16— Light, petition to install, on Lowell Street 16— Light, petition to install, on Madison Street Page 451 465 475, 505 485 501 517 517 518 549 551 564 570 174 574 1929 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May '' July Sept. Oct. Nov. Mc 14- McNulty, J. S., pet. for reduction in assessment for sewer 18- McCarthy, Peter H., petition relative to dredg- ing Lake Peosta 18- McCauley, John, petition . for cancellation of taxes 13- McCoy, Ellen, settlement of claim 18- McInerney, P., addressed Council relative to as- sessment for Pierce Street 29- McCarten, H. B., heating contractor's bond 1- McGrath, Victor, and Frank R. Lacy, remonstran- ces, against construction of sewer in Farley Street received and filed 6- McEvoy, J. W., official bond 6- McCarron H. S., grant of easement 24- Meeting of City Council (special) 31- Meeting of City Council (special) 1- McEvoy, Ed., Councilman, appointed Mayor pro tern 1- McMullen, objecting to the location of sewer and water connections, W. 17th and Clark Streets 1- McDonough, Geo., petition to construct ret.. wall 16- McLean, George, of Key City Gas Co., presented plats etc., for beautifying Gas Co.'s property, at foot of 11th Street 7- McEvoy, Ed., Councilman, app. Mayor pro -tern 28- McMullen, Hugh, petition for reduction in assess- ment, on W. 17th Street 4- McCraneys Add. lots 93 -94 City acquired deeds by purchase 25- McDonnell, J. J., bond returned INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT Page 11 28, 131 31 77 79, .396 156 159 160 161 174 184 255 255 263 453 482 514 523 550 Feb. 4- Mullen Bros., petition for refund of inspec. fees 14 " 4- Mullady, James, requesting permit to sell from house to house and be exempt from paying a license 14 4- Mullen Bros., bond 18 4 -Model Wall Paper Co., renewal sign bond • 18 18- Moser, J. G., renewal of contractor's 'bond 28 28- Muntz, John, sign' bond ' ' ' • 29 18- Meyers, Charles F., renewal sign bond 29 18- Mathey- Chevrolet Co„ renewal sign bond 29 18 -Mai, Melchior, Cigarette Permit 29 Mar. 4- March, regular meeting of Council 33 " 4- Mississippi River Imp. Resolution No. 18 -29 51 4- Meighan Cafe, renewal sign bond 51 13- Meeting, special of City Council ' ' ' 53• 13- Muscatine Municipal Water and Light Plant in- vitation of Board of Trustees, to City Council attend opening ' 63 13- Mullen, M. & Son, renewal, plumbers bond 66 13- Marshall, Jacob G., cancellation tax sale certificate 77 18 -March 18th special session of City Council 78 18- 1Vleuser appointed Mayor pro ' tern • 78 18 -Main Street Resolution of Necessity to improve 74 -29 83, 85, 89I 119, 126, 128, 129, 147, 218, 231, 251, 371 18 -May Place, Resolution of Necessity to • improve ' 77 -29 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, 119, 126, 128, 129, 147, 217, 218, 219 231, 251, 325, 326 22- Meeting of City Council (special Mar. 22) 86 22- Miller, Milton P., claim for personal injuries 87, 144 25- Meeting of City Council_ (special Mar, 25) 93 29- Meeting of City 'Council (special Mar. 29) 95 29- Mueller, Henry, renewal contractor's bond 99 29- Montell, John, remonstrance against Budget of City Manager and City Council 99 April 1- Meeting of City Council (regular) . '' 113 id 5-Meeting of City Council (special) 116' " 5- Magdahl, H. & 'Co., general contractor's bond - 121 8- Meeting of City Council (special); • 124 8- McCoy, Donald F., Notice of claim for personal injuries 124 10- Meeting of ' City Council' (special) ' 130 15- Meeting of City Council (special) ' 133 26- Meeting of City Council (special) 140 26- Marty, Fred M. & Son, contractor's bond 142 29- Meeting of City Council (special) 146 29 -May Place, from Cornell St. westerly, bids....151, 217, 233, 383, 384 29 -Main Street from Kaufman Ave. to lot 32, L. H. Langworthy's Sub., bidis 153, 217, 219, 233, 457, 460 May 1- Meeting of City Council (special) 159 " 6- Meeting of City Council (regular) 159 6- Masonic Temple Ass'n., building permit 159, 397 14- Meeting of City Council (special) 168 14- Marquette Place, pet. of property owners to pave 174, 252, 261 24- Marshall, Robert, Clerk of Court, warrants be drawn in his favor 183 " 31- Mulgrew, T. J., deed to City 204, 224, 234 June 3- Mueller, J. P., contractor's bond 207 " 3- Marty, contractor, addressed Council, relative to alterations on Guthrie Building , 209, 214 6- Muntz, Edward, petition to construct driveway 214 21- Messink, John, petition to pave alley, between W. 14th and Arlington Streets 245 if if if " it " 4' if 4' 4' 1i id " 4' ti if INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT M Page ■ 1929, INDEX — Book 59 SUBJECT M " 24— Mackert, H. F., et.. al., pet. to pave Roosevelt St " 24— Moriarty, Dennis, notice to connect property with sewer 252, 29.7, 369, 501, July 19— Muntz, Ed., petition for reduction in assessment, • lots 1 and 2, Dub. Harbor Add 19— Muntz, Minnie, petition, for reduction in assessment, lots 36 and 38 O'Neill's Riverview Add Aug. 13— Marshall, R. P., appointed Registrar, Vital statistics " 16— Mathis,. R., claim fo•;rland taken to widen Kauf- man Avenue 26— Milligan, Mrs, Ed., petition remonstrating against assessment for sewer .,and .water con- nections on . improvement of West: 17th ;and Clark Streets Sept. 6— Maizwood. Bldg. Co., sale of lot 2 Block ,C• " 13— Mueller, J. P., , bond.., " 13— Munsell, F. K., warranty deed . to city, lots in ; ; • Burton's Add. 16— Marshalltown, Chief of. Police; , commending Dubuque Police Dep't " 30— Majestic Cafe, sign. bond Oct 7— Moser, J. G,, heating contractor, bond " 18— Meuser, Wm. H., Councilman appointed Mayor pro :ter " 18— Mueller, Herman, reduction in assessment " 28— Muntz, : Edward, .petition , protesting against as- •sessment, North Main Street 28 —Main St., bet. Kaufman Ave, and lot 32, S. L Langworthy's Add., objection of, property own - ers to assessment ' Nov. 8— Municipal Government and Administration in Ia. " 25— Milligan, Mrs. Ed., petition for reduction in as- sessment for W. 17th. and Clark Streets " 25— Mississippi Valley Ass'n. subscription, to 25 —Main St., Improvement, Relevy of . Assessment___ Dec. 6— Mathey- Chevrolet Co., sign bond' "' 16— Murphy Ins: Co., pet. to release • Peschang bond " 16— Mid.- Continent Pet. Corp. ; ••petition to install gas- oline filling : station !` • 20 —Main Street, Relevy of "' 20— Montel, John, communication relative . to Muni- cipal owned lighting plant_., . Page 252, 260 545, 546 297 297 352 356 368, 434, 496 402, 403 442 443 451 474 483 499, 525 506 508, 574 514 530 548 550 550 564 570 570 576 579 INDEX —Book '59 SUBJECT N' Page Feb. 4— Nesler & Buechel, bond " . • 18— Nowata St., . Sewer, -Res. No.. 12 -29 to issue bonds Mar:' • 4 •Ney, Herman, 'renewal Contractor's bond .13— Nowata Street' Sewer, Notice of publication to • issue bonds ' `•, 13— Nowata Street Sewer ; ' , Notice of .publication to levy assessment 13— Nowata Street, Sewer, Remonstrance . against as- sessments, John Rheel, C. A. Voelker, et. al 13— Nowata Street` Sewer, Resolution , .No, 23.. -29 • to issue ':imp: bonds 61 29— Nolte, Mrs..H:.W., claim, for personal. injuries 98, 162, 507 April 26 —North End Grocery, sign bond 142 May ': 24— Nesler & Buechel, ' heating contractor's bond • 179 June' 17— Newkirk, Chas. R., .petition to install two oil, tanks on -4th Street ' July ' 1— Noonan, Mrs. John, et.. al., , pet. to pave Lowell St. 9— Northwestern: Bell ' Telephone Co., ; petition for right of way ' , Sept. 10 —N. W. Ready- Roofing Co., bond 26 —Nank, Adam, petition to repair retaining wall.._. Oct. , ' 7— Norton, P. J. objecting to the way Pierce Street. " 14— Newburgh, J. W'., claim for damages to car:._....... was improved , Dec. 20— Nagle, J. J., remonstrance.against asses. Main St. • f 18 21 51 53, 57 , :53, 57 53 226 256 267 435 464, 475 485 494, 575 485 576 Jan. 14- Olinger Park Property, Manager instructed to have taxes cancelled Feb. 4- Ordinance No. 2 -29 renaming portion: of 26th St 18- Ordinance, grade alley W. 3rd St., No. 3 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Sheridan St., No. 5 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on S. % Davis St., No. 4 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on `Edith St., No. 6 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Saunders St., No. 7 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on W. 5th St., No. 8 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on alley W. 3rd and Hill, No. 9 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on alley S. of W. 5th, No.10 -29 18- Ordinance, grade' on alley bet. Algona and Auburn Streets, No. 11 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on May Place, No. 12- 29 ..... .... 18- Ordinance, grade on Ann Street, No. 13 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Burden Ave., No. 14 -29 18-Ordinance, grade on Easti 29th Street, No. 15 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Lawther Street, No. 16- 29 18- Ordinance, grade on Lowell Street, No. 17 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on alley.. 1st N. of West 3rd Street, No. 18 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Farley Street, No. 19 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on East 16th . Street, • No. 20 -29 18- Ordinance, grade on Vernon Street, No. 21 -29 18- Ordinance, regulat. transient. Merchants, No. 22 -29 18- Ordinance, No. 23 -29, appointing Board of Trus- tees of Carnegie -Stout Library Mar. 4- Ordinance, Storage Tanks for Oil Burners, No. 24 -29 " 18- Ordinance, restricted residence district from 10th Street North, being Ordinance No. 25 -29 18- Ordinance, appointing Planning and Zoning Com- mission, being Ordinance No. 26 -29 29- Ordinance No. 27 -29, Appropriating Money for various funds April 5- Overby, Dyas, heating contractor's bond 15 -Oak St. Sewer, remonstrance, Voelker Realty Ca 26- Ordinance No. 28 -29, establishing a sanitary dist 26- Ordinance No. 29 -29, establishing restricted resi- dence district 26- Ordinance No. 30 -29, est. grade on Ashton St 26- Ordinance No. 31 -29, grade on alley between Mt Pleasant and Wood Streets 26- Ordinance No. 32 -29, grade on alley between Al- gona and Alta Streets 6- O'Neill Street, acceptance of work 14- Olinger Park property, named Comiskey Field.._ 24- Ordinance No. 33 -29, an Ordinance regulating street traffic 31- Ordinance No. 34 -29, grade on Saunders Street 31- Ordinance No. 35 -29, grade on Pine Street 31- Ordinance No. 36 -29, grad on East 11th Street 6- Ordinance No. 37 -29, establishing a restricted re- sidence district " 21 -Ott Rubber Co., petition and waiver July 16- Ordinance No. 38 -29, Easement to N. W. Bell Tele- phone Co. Sept. 6- Ordinance No. 39 -29, Permanent Registration of Voters 26 -Oil burners and storing oil, Gilloon addressed council 14- Ordinance, spur) track, C. M. St. P. R. R., bet. Maple and Pine Streets 18- Ordinance, No. 40 -29, Oil burners 11 11 11 - 11 11 ii 11 11 11 11 , 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 May 11 4' 11 11 June Oct. it INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT 0 Page 11, 131 19, 22 23, 40 23, 40 24, 40 24, 41 24,41 24, 42 25, 42 25, 43 25, 43 25, 43 26,, 44 26, 44 26, 45 27, 46 27, 46 27, 47 27, 47 X28, 48 28, 48 29, 49 30, 49 52, 63 79, 95, 122 80, 87, 95 110 121 133 144, 165 144, 166, 17 144, 166 145, 166 145, 167 161, 191, 193 173 182, 195 196, 223 197, 223 197, 224 214, 227 248 293, 300 401, 439 471, 505 494 506, 509 1929 April 1- Quality Oil Co., petition relative to curb pump at Cartigny Store Oct. 18- Quigley's Lane and Catherine Street, remonstrance.' of Fred Luckritz against improving said Streets INDEX - Book' 59 SUBJECT ' Jan. 7- Resolution No. 1 -29, that all ordinances and teso -, lutions be numbered_ " 7- Resolution No. 2 -29, relative to Tower Street and Outer Levee, ; City owns " 14 -Rail -Road St, petition to change name Feb. 4- Regular Council Meeting " 4- Retail Merchants Bureau, communication relating to Itenerant Merchants 4- Ruprecht Bros., renewal sign bond 18- Resolution No. 9 -29, declaring intention to issue bonds, imp. of Plymouth Street " 18- Rent -a -Ford Co.,, renewal sign bond " 18- Rivers, P. E., renewal sign bond " 18 -Ride and Perry St. intersection, reduction in asses. Mar. 4- Ryder, Phil. F., remonstrance against assessment for imp. of Pierce Street " 18- Resolutions approving proposed plans, specifica- tions form of contract, plat and schedule for street improvements " 29- Ryder, Phil. F., et. al., relative to a zoning district from Locust to Bluff - 1st to 14th " 29- Robinson, J. W., petition for exemption of ped- dler's license " 29- Rottler, F. C., sign bond April 1- Resolution No. 171 -29, making the following ap- pointments, a City Manager, City Solicitor, Police Court Judge, City Clerk, and City As- sessor, adopted 1- Resolution No. 172 -29, appointment of officers and employees made by City Manager, approved 1- Resolution No. 173 -29, designating the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal Newspaper as the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque 1- Resolution No. 174 -29, designating Banks as de- positories of City's funds, adopted 8- Remonstrances, Motion all remonstrances re- ferred to Council at April 5th meeting be re- ceived and filed 8- Resolutions containing decision of City Council upon plans, specifications, etc., for improvement of streets and alleys 8- Resolutions of Necessity for imp. of streets and alleys 10- Rhomberg, J. H., petition against assessment for sidewalks 15- Resolution No. 213 -29, to levy special assessment for Oak Street sewer 15- Return of Service, notice served on I. C. R. R. Co., relative to Dodge Street paving 26- Rhomberg, Fred T., et. al., pet. protesting against imp. of Farley Street 26- Rettenmeier, Geo. and J. A. Cunningham, addres- sed Council, asking that a storm sewer be con- structed in Farley Street 26 -Rail, J. F., Mayor of Cedar Rapids, extended in- vitation td. City Council to attend opening of Boulevard Light System, April 27, 1929 29- Roosevelt Street, petition to repair May 14- Resolutions awarding contracts " '' If if if it if '' if if '' INDEX -Book 5.9 SUBJECT Page 3 10, 132 13 14 18 79 29 29 31 60, 143 80 132 98 99 113 113 • 113 114 125 125 127 132 133 139 140 140 140 156 172 if 1[ (i if INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT O " 18- Ordinance, No. 41 -29, . Vacating Pleasant Street " 18- Ordinance, No. 42 -29, Ext. of Viola Street Nov. 4- Ordinance, No. ,43 -29, Boulevards 4- Ordinance, No. 44 -29, vacating alley, Boulev. add 25- Ordinance, establishing grade on Garfield Ave.. Dec. 6- Ordinance, No. 46 -29, est. street in .Mills W. Dub. Add. 6- Ordinance, No. 47 -29, est. alley in Mills Add 6- Ordinance, No. 48 -29, est. street in Woodlawn Pk 6- Ordinance, No. 49 -29, est. street (Alta St.) 6- Ordinance, No. 50 -29, est. street in McCraney's Eagle Pt. Add. , " 20- Ordinance, No. 45 -29, est. grade on Garfield Ave , action rescinded " 20- Ordinance, No. 51 -29, est. grade on . Garfield Ave. Page 506, 511 506, 511 524, 546 524, 547 548 564, 570 565, 571 565, 572 565, 572 565, 573 579 679 1929 If fl June July 21 -Pine Street improvement, remonstrance 1 -Pape, Chas. & Son, bond 19 -Park 13oard, Resolution relative to tax levy 23- Permanent Registration, C. Cody Co., addressed Council it 23- Playground and Recreation, funds Aug. 5 -Pam Oil Co., petition/ to erect one -sory building at 12th and Main 26 -Paul, F. M., sign bond Sept. 6- Peters, Anna, pet. for suspension of taxes 26 -Pier, H. L. and wife, deed to City of Dubuque, lot in Levi's Add. Oct. 14- Pierce St., P. McInerney protest against assessm. 18- Peschang, Nicholas, sign bond 18 -Play ground director, petition of Citizens object- ing to appointment of an out of town man 28-Pam Oil Co., tittio petition Garage Nov. 4- Parking, petition relative to same on 8th from Main, to Bluff Streets 4 -Peek, Alice, report of City Solicitor, settlement, personal injury claim 25 -Puls, Otto F., Treasurer, appointed as agent for City to purchase property at tax sale Dec. 6- Parkin 6th , Angular r Pa ing on Central Avenue if i{ INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT P Page Jan.. '7 -Pape, Chas. & Son, excavation bond' -' ' 2 " 14- Pierce St., special assessment, notice of publication ' 5, 6, 8 14 -Paul Street, remonstrance against improving ' ' 10 Feb. 4- Plymouth Street, communication of City Manager. - recommending .acceptance ''16, 17, " 18- Peoples Store''sign bond 29 18 -Paris Shoe Shop, sign bond Mar. , '4- Plymouth St., imp. bonds, notice 'of pixbiication:._ ' • 33 4- Plymouth" St., remonstrances' against 'assessment ,. ' 33 .•. 4- Plymouth Street, levying assessment, Resolution No. 14 =29 33, 36 18- Purviance, R. V., petition to purchase lot from City 79, 93, 116 22- Public Utilities, Council opposed .to' 'exempting street railway companies from paying ' assess- ;` 86 ment for street improvements bet. ` car. tracks 22- Phillipis Peroleum Co., asking permission to erect Gasoline Filling Station at 1394 Locust Street 87, 95, 97 29- Phillips Petroleum Co. asks that 15th and Jack- son Sts., which is shut off part of the time for 97, 120 play ground purposes, be opened April 15 -Proof of publication certified to by publisher of 133 Council's intention to levy special assessments 156 " 29- Potterveld, W. T., renewal sign nbond 164 May 6- Parking prohibited on S. side of West 2nd St " 24- Polsk, Sam, petition to exempt him from paying 175 peddler's license 24- Peterson, Mr., addressed Council, relative to pro- 179 posed W. Dubuque Sewer 182 ,, 24- Peters, Janet and Henry, settlement of claim 198, 199, 200, 238 31 -Pine Street improvement, bids 240, 241, 291, 292 300 239 258 296 308, 355 308 334, 494 355 403, 443 464 494 501, 570 505 514, 520 518 523 550 566 1929 INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT R " 24- Resolution No. 240 -29, approving amended speci- fications and directing clerk to readvertise for bird for various public improvements 24- Resolution 241 -29, ordering construction of street improvements 31- Resolutions for Underground Construction " 31- Resolution fixing date of hearing on proposed plans, etc. " 31- Resolution No. 302 -29, granting Interstate Power Co. to abandon Street Car operation 'June 3 -Rules Suspended " 6- Railroad ' Street, sidewalks " 6- Railroad Street, improvement completed " 6- Railroad Street, improvement accepted " 17- Roosevelt Street, petition to improve " July if '' Oct. '' " Dec. Page 179 180 199 200 203 208 215 215 216, 274 226, 397, 437, 463 464, 482, 502, 534, 535 17- Realty Investors Corp., grant of easement ^ 229 9- Railroad St., remonstrances, Mary L. Burch, et. al. 274, 275 9- Railroad St., remonstrance, Mary S. Scott, et. al. 274, 275 9- Rhomberg, Anthony, be notified to appear before Council " 16- Railroad St., special assessment and issue bonds 285, 286 Aug. 5- Ryder, Phil, remonstrance against assessment, imp. of Pierce Street Sept. 3- Rhomberg; J. H., estate, petition relative to sal- vage on Central Ave 3- Rosenthal, Jake, petition for refund on Theatre license " 10 -Rea, Catherine, remonstrance against sewer, water and gas, connections on W. 17th and Clark Sts. 434, 496, 529 16- Reifsteck, A. W., remonstrance against assessm. 450, 465 7- Rowan, Dr. J. J., settlement of personal injury claim 14 Rapp, Michael, petition to pave Foye Street 18 -Rye Construction Co., Gen. Contractor's Bond 28 -Royal Lunch, sign bond' 28- Restricted Residence District, ' Petition for,' on Seminary Street 2 -Reo Sales' Agency, sign bond 2- Reugnitz Drug Store, sign bond 278 334 397 400 485 495 501 513 514, 523 553 553 1929 Jan, 7- Schmitt Motor Co., sign bond 2 " 14- Schroeder St., remonstrance against improving _ 10 " 14- Stafford St., remonstrance against improving 10 " 14 -Snow Cleaning proposition, committee appeared 11 before Council 15 Feb. 4- Sidewalk assessment, Resolution No. 6 -29 15 " 4- Sidewalks, certificates, Resolution No. 7 -29 18 4- Schaetzle, John, renewal sign bond 19 18- Special Session of Council 18- Sanitary Sewer in Green St., Res. No. 10 -29, ac- 20 cepting work 18- Sanitary Sewer in Nowata Street, Resolution No. 11 -29, accepting work 18- Seippel, P. J., Lumber Co., renewal of bond 18- Spiritual Science Society, renewal of bond 18- Schwietering, J., renewal sign bond Mar. 4- Sheffield, C. L., remonstrance against Plymouth Street assessment 4- Spahn, J. H., petition, relative to assessment for West Locust Street 13 -S. Hill St., petition of M. G. Hoy, et. al., to improve 18 -Smith & Steffens, sign bond 18- Schulte, K. M. & V., cancellation of tax sale certif. 18- Saunders Street Resolution of Necessity to im- prove, 80 -29 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, 119, 239 18- Sheridan Street, Resolution of Necessity to im 83, 85, 89, 90, 119 prove,83 -29 126, 128, 129, 186 217, 233, 251 378 379 147, X 18 -S. Locust St., Res. of Necessity to imp.. 86-29 83, 85, 89, 90, 120 126, 128, 129, 147, 217, 253, 370, 371, 454, 456 22- Sanitary Sewer in Oak Street and Burns Street, 88 Resolution to accept 22- Sewer, Water and Gas connections, approving 88 proposed plans and specifications Tans s e 22- Sanitary Sewers, Resolution approving p p 90 cifications, form of contract, plats and schedules 22- Sanitary and Storm Sewers, Dodge to Reeder Streets 90, 91, 336, 337, 338 22- Sanitary Sewer in Wilbur St., Res. 157 -29 90, 91, 318 29- Spahnl & Rose, Sign Bond 99 29- Schiltz, Harry, J., renewal contractor's bond 99 April 1- Schreiner, Lillian, petition protesting against im- proving South Hill Street 5- Street lines be established on street 1st South of Curtis between State St. and South Hill St. 121 10 -Swift & Co., protesting against proposed improve- ment of Dodge Street 10- Sewer, Water and Gas connections, proposed to be 131 installed, Report of City Engineer 132 id Corners to be rounded on various streets 15- Sanitary Sewer in Oak Street, Resolution to levy 133 assessment " 15- Sanitary Sewer in Oak St., Res. to issue bonds 125 id 18-Specifications relative to bouns and penalty clause " 15- Sanitary Sewer in Dodge, Lois 136, 137, ed Reeder , 13 Streets 163, 164, 172, 269 it 15-Sanitary Sewer in Farley Street 136, 167, 168, 177, 178, 198, 199, 200, 240, 241, 291, 300, 5062, 138, 3, i 9 163, `° 15- Sanitary Sewer in Edith Street 164, 172, 229, 287, 288 15-Sanitar Sewer in 15- Sanitary Saunders S wer in MayPlacet136, 138, 1 164, 17 207 272, 27 '' {1 if '' _11 '' if f1 if it if ti '' {f Ii 11 if INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT Page S 33, 21 29 29 29 143 50 63 79 80 115 130 1929 '' INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT S Page 15 -Sani. Sewer in Wilbur St._.137, 167, 168, 177, 178, 195, 259, 320, 321 15- Saunders St., Sewer, remonstrance, Theo. Trumm, action rescinded 137 15- Saunders Street, plans and specifications be pre - 137, 291, 292, 300 pared for improving 15- Steuck, Wm., (by Al Sigman) petition to improve alley 1st South of West 5th Street 15- Schuppener, Florence, Petition and Waiver 26- Scheppele Motor Co., renewak sign bond 22- Spellerberg, R. L. & Son, heating contractor's bond 143 26- Sewer, Water and Gas connections, Resolution of Necessity, Ashton Street 144, 177, 322, 323 29- Sanitary Sewer in Prospect Street - 146 29 -South Locust Street, bids 148, 217, 218, 219, 231, 232 29- Sheridan St., from Davis to Edith St., bids 151, 217, 233, 328 29- Sewer, and Water connections, Edith St., Vernon St., S. Locst St., Woodworth St., May Place, Lowell St., Main St., West 17th St., Dodge St., Grandview to Bryant, Farley St., Burden St., S. 1 /a of Davis St., to Curtis & Co., bids 29- Schmitt, Frank, housemover's bond 6- Stuber, John, City Clerk, official bond 6- Skelton, Bertha, settlement for cancellation of taxes 6- Spellerberg, R. L., cancellation of tax sale certif. 6- Snow -Go, Resolution No. 228 -29, to purchase 14- Schubert, Agnes, petition for cancellation of taxes 24 -St. Joseph's Mercy Hosp., pet. for exemp. of taxes - 24-Schwaegler, Jacob, grant of easement 24 -Sewer and Water connections, Ashton Street, bids 177, 194, 195, 268, 322, 323 24- Schumacher Tire Co., sign bond 179 24 -St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, settlement of de- linquent assessment 31 -St. Patrick's Church (Father Hanley et. al) peti- tion for restricted residence district 184 31- Schwaegler, Jacob, pet. to construct frame garage 184 31- Slattery, Mrs. Wm. P., pet. for reduction in taxes 184 31 -S. Hill St. improvement, bids 197, 198, 200, 240, 309 31- Saunders Street, improvement, bids 197, 19% 200, 240, 241, 435, 491, 492 31- Sewer, Water and Gas connections, South Hill Street, bids 198, 199, 230, 276, 277, 292, 342, 412 31- Sewer, Water and Gas connections, Saunders St., bids 198, 199, 230, 276, 277 " 31 -Sewer and Water connections on Edith St., Vernon St., South Locust St., Woodworth St., Lowell St., May Place, Main St., West 17th and Clark, Dodge St. from Grandview to Bryant, Farley St., Burden St., and S. Y2 of Davis St., awarded 31- Schueler, Mrs.," addressed Council, asking reduc- tion in assessment 31- Stampfer, J. F., Jr., addressed Council relative to proposed West Dubuque Sanitary Sewer June 3- Smith, T. M., contractor's bond " 3- Stoltz, Adam, house mover's bond " 3- Scheppele, - addressed Council protesting against restricting disitrict from 14th to 17th Streets 3- Stampfer, J. F. addressed Council protesting against special assessment 6- Stuber, John, relieved from duties as Clerk on ac- count of sickness 6 -Shea, J. J., appointed Clerk - '' if ft CC if (( if May '' fi if '' C' if 'C if IC It " it it (( It 139 142 142 154, 304 156 160 164 164 165, 169 168 175, 183, 555 175 183, 184 202 204, 260 204 207 207 209, 214 209 210 210 1929 Ii '4 if " ft Cf ff if Ct July „ if if if ti if '4 • '4 ti '' ' ' 4' ft 4' It " It if ' 4' It 4' INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT S Page 214 6- Schwaegler, Jacob, petition to construct garage 10- Smith, Chas., by Roy, his father, claim for per- sonal injuries 10- Schaefer & Olson, contractor's bond 10- Spruce Street, petition and waiver 225, 17- Spanish - American War Veterans, 1930 Conven- tion, to Dubuque 17- Scully, J. C., Resolution to connect property with 236 sanitary sewer 21 -South Hill Street Improvement 239, 513, 531, •532 21 -South Hill Street improvement, Remonstrances 239, 239 21- Saunders Street improvement, Remonstrances 247, 261 21- Sidewalk, 4th Street Extension , 249 21-- Street bet. State and South Hill Sts., established 250 24- Seippel, P. J. Lumber Co., bill for sand fill 24- Schueler, Mrs., petition objecting to assessment 252 1- Schreiner, Mr., et. al., addressed Council on sus- pension of rules- requesting South Hill St , be improved 1 -South Hill Street, all remonstrances to pave same be received and filed 255, 261, 296 1 -South Hill St., res. relative to paving 296, 1- Sanitary Sewer, Saundersi Street, Resolution awarding contract 1 -Storm Water Sewer, in Alley east of Asbury St , awarding Contract 1- Schiltz, Joseph P., bond 1- Scherr & Thilmany, bond 1- Sanitary Sewer in West 28th Street 1 -Sewer and Water connections not to be made, on recommendation of City Manager Kratz 9- Stapleton, A. J., claim for damages to property 9- Street Roller, recommendation of Manager to pur- 267, chase new roller 9 -Sewer and Water connections, W. 17th and Clark 270, 271, 271, 9- Spruce Street, from Julien Ave. to Wilbur 9- Sanitary Sewer, bet. Argyle and Burden Sts...272, 503,, 504, 539, 9 -South Main Street improvement, bonds 9 -S. Main St., remonstrances, Mary L. Burch, et. al 9 -S. Main St., imp. remonstrances, Mary S. Scott, et. al. 9- Salvage Notices (Central Ave.) return of service 9- Sibbingi E. A., sign bond 9- Schloz Garage, sign bond 9 -Storm Sewer, S. Hill St., Solicitior prepare resolution 16- Stuber, John, Res. 408, appointing him City Clerk 16- Scott, Mary S., all remonstrances against paving of South Main Street, received and filed 16 -South Main Street, notice of special assessment 281, 282, 283 16- Scott, Mary S., all remonstrances against levy as- sessment and issuance of bonds for imp. of Railroad Street, received and filed 16- Sanitary Sewer, Edith and Burden Streets 16 -Storm Sewer, South Street 19- Sanitary Sewer, West 28th Street 19- Sanitary Sewer, West 28th Street, remonstrances 19- Sidewalks, East 4th Street 19- Sweeney, W. P., Sidewalk Contractor's Bond 19- Scarify Streets, with Macadam and Tarvia 23- Street Roller, report of City, Manager thereon 23- Saunders Street, Gas connections, communication from Gas Co. 23 -Sewer and Water 'connections S. % of Davis St 219 224 270, 318 234 255 255 383, 384 256 257, 267, 436 258 258 ,262, 263, 309 265 266 303 324 316 540 274 274 274 275 276 276 278 279 281 284 287, 288 294 295 295 295, 296, 297 297 298 303 303 304, 360, 361 1929 " 23 -Sewer and Water connections, May Place " 23 -Sewer and Water connections, Edith Street 306, " 23 -Sewer and Water connections, Dodge, Street 306, " 23 -Sewer and Water connections, Burden Street Aug. 5- Spruce St. from Wilbur to Jefferson, assessment 5- Scott, Mary S., estate, notice of appeal from as- sessment 5- Sanitary Sewer, bet. Argyle and Burden Streets 5 -State Auto Ins. Co.. claim against City 5- Spanish -Am. War Vet. Auxiliary, pet. for tag day 13- Sanitary and Storm Sewer, Reeder and Lois Sts. 336, " 13 -Sewer and Water connections, Lowell! Street 342, 343, " 13 -Sewer and Water conenctions, Main Street 342, " 13 -Sewer and Water connections, Vernon Street 342, 343, " 13 -Sewer and Water connections, South Locust St 342, 344, " 26- Schuckert, H. F., appointed Mayor pro -tern " 26- Singrin, Edna, claim against City of Dubuque " 26- Southern Ave., petition of property - owners to repair Street " 26 -Sewer and Water connections. Woodworth Street 370, Sept. 3- Sheridan, Stella, remonstrance against street as- sessment " 3- Sheridan, Clem, remonstrance against assessments 3 -Sewer and Water connections, Saunders Street " 3- Schrup Motor Car Co., petition relative to pur- chase - car for Chief of Fire Dept. " 10- Seippel, P. J., Lumber Co., contractor's bond " 10- Sander's Auto Supply Co., sign bond " 10- Sanitary Sewer, Grooveland Street " 13- Samuel Stores, sign bond " - 13- Stampfer, J. F., petition relative to vacating strip of ground for street purposes on Hill Street " 16- Sauer, Catherine, pet. for reduction in assess't " 26 -Storm Sewer, north side of W. 8th Street 462, 482, 553, " 26- Sheridan Street, revised assessment - 467, 468, " 26- Sanitary Sewer in Valley Street, James Mulligan addressed Council 472, 486, 487, Oct. 2- Schuckert, H. F., Councilman, app. Mayor pro tem 7- Sewer, sanitary, in Elm St., from 24th St. north 483, 484, 508, if 7-Saunders St., Stager, remonstrance against ass't 485, " 14- Southern Ave., pet. of residents for Bus service " 18 -Sewer and Water connections, Saunders Street 499, " 18- Sewer, in alley between Lois and South Hill Sts., mistake in assessment, Mrs. Enzer's property 18- Saunders Street, sewer, Herman Mueller objecting to assessment 18- Sullivan, Dennis, settlement personal injury claim 28- Sanitary Sewer in Elm Street from 24th north, remonstrances " 28 -South Locust Street improvement, remonstrances against assessment " 28- Scheppele, E. L., sign bond " 28- Seminary Street, petition for restricted' res. dist Nov. 4- Smith, Mary and Catherine, petition for reduction in assessment for imp. W. 17th and Clark Sts. if 4 -South Hill Street, petition of property owners to have steps constructed Dec. 16- Spanish- American Veterans, Sailors and Nurses, resolution relative to pension " if if if 11 if INDEX -Book 59 SUBJECT S Page 305, 357 358, 359 417, 418 307, 358 318 331 333, 339 335 335 337, 338 416, 417 343, 413 414, 415 415, 416 357 367 368 461, 462 375, 396 375 399 400 436 437 438, 473 442 443 451 554 471 520 477 521 498 495 500 504 505 507 508 509, 520 513 514 518 518 575 INDEX —Book 59 INDEX —Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Page 1929 Jan. 7— Trenkle, H. F., sign bond 2 ,, 7— Treasurer's Deed to lot 16, Fairview Park 3 " 14— Theobold, Peter, asking for reduction in assess't 12 Feb. 4— Tamlin, Theresa R., petition for reduction in taxes 13, 52 4— Taylor - Yonkers Co., sign bond 18 " 18— Trausch Bakery, renewal signs bond 29 " 18— Taylor, Julia, petition for cancellation of taxes 31 April 1— Thill, Mrs. H. R., protesting against improving of 115 South Hill Street " 26— Trade -Home Shoe Stores, sign bond 142 May 6— Tucker, Herbert, and John Luthe, sign bond 160 6— Trades & Labor Congress, petition to appoint the Dubuque Leader as an official Newspaper of the City of Dubuque 162 " 14— Theisen Battery & Electric Co., sign bond 172 " 24— Trades & Labor Congress, petition objecting to garbage disposal 178, 184 " 24— Trades & Labor Congress, relative to all night 178 burning of Boulevard Lights June 21— Telegraph - Herald, petition relative to Storm Sewer 246 at 8th and Bluff Streets " 24— Traffic conditions on Lincoln and John Sts 252 July 1— Thimmesch, Carl J., protesting against assess- . 256, 357, 397, 465 ment, sewer in Lois Street 233 Aug. 5 —Tax Levy Resolution 350 " 13— Trilk, A. L., redeem property " 26— Thillman, J. P., petition, verbal, to construct gar- 368 age with 6 -in. cement blocks Sept. 6— Telegraph - Herald, petition to imp. Robinson Ave 404 26— Trewin, C. B., deed of lot 20, Burton's Add. to 472 City of Dubuque 483 Oct. 7 —Tri -State Motor Co., bond 513 ,, 28— Tischhauser, Ernst and Mable, bond (sign) " 28— Trades & Labor Congress, petition relative to send- ing delegates to Mississippi Valley Association 514 Convention at St. Louis 28— Trades & Labor Congress, petition, objecting to running stub Street Car on Rhomberg Avenue 573 Dec. 16 —Tri -State Hotel; sign bond SUBJECT Feb. 18— Universal Car & Tractor Co., renewal sign bond Mar. 18— Uhlrich -Paley Co., blasting bond " 29— Uhlrich - Willy, renewal contractor's bond Page 29 79 99 INDEX -Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Page V Jan. 7- Valley St., pet. objecting to improving said street 2, 13, 14 Feb. 4- Valley St., petition to install sewer and water 15 Mar 4- Victoria St., levy special assessment, resolution 16, 29, 38 ii 4-Victoria St., issue of bonds, resolution 17, 29, 38 " 18- Vernon Street, resolution of necessity to improve No. 95 -29, from Alta Vista Street West 83, 86, 89, 90, 120 " 18- Vernon Street, from Glen Oak to Mt. Pleasant, Resolution of necessity to improve, No. 98..- 29 83, 86, 89, 90, 120 126, 128, 129, 147, 231, 233, 251, 391 " 25- Voelker, C. A., et. al., notice of appeal from special assessment, sewer in Adair Street 93 " 25- Voelker Realty Co., notice of appeal, from special assessment for sewer in Green Street 93 April 29- Vernon Street, from Glen Oak to Mt. Pleasant Streets, bids 153, 217, 218, 219, 327 " 29- Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo Schwind Post, petition to conduct poppy sale 156 June 17 -Van Der Millen, Roy, petition for exemption of peddler's license fee 226 " 21- Voelker Realty Co., contractor's bond 246 Aug. 16- Vital Statistics, communication from Dr. J. W. Connell 355 Oct. 18- Visiting Nurse Ass'n., pet. for quarters in City Hall 500 Nov. 25 -Van Saun, Mrs. S. A., petition to have personal tax cancelled 547 1929 SUBJECT Page Jan. 14- Weber, Mrs. Catherine, remonstrance against Pierce Streets assessment Feb. 4- Weihl, Nick, claim for personal injury " 4- Wimmer, Mrs4 John, objecting to special assess- ment, sidewalk 4- Walker, Dr. J. M., petition relative to elevator in Healy Hardware Store Mar. 4- Weitz, Edward P., petition for suspension of taxes " 18 -West 17th and Clark Streets, Resolution of Neces- sity to improve, No. 89 -29 83, 85, 89, 90, 126, 128, 129, 147, 217, 218, 231, 232, " 18- Woodworth Street, Resolution of Necessity to im- prove, No. 92 -29 83, 85, 89, 90, 120, 126, 128, 129, 147, 29- Washington Parent Teachers Ass'n., requesting the City to take steps stop sale of Cigarettes to minors 98 29- Walters, Wm., renewal of contractor's bond 99 29- Wenzel, Fred, renewal contractor's bond 99 15- Wilbur Street Sewer, remonstrance, Dr. L. H Fritz, and W. H. Day, Jr. 137 29 -West 17th and Clarke Sts., bids 148, 219, 232, 398, 487, 488, 489 29- Woodworth Street from Seminary to Lowell Streets, bids 150, 217, 218, 219, 231/ 233, 354, 444, 446 29- Wilberding, Henry,renewal sign bond 156 24- Weiser, John, addressed Council, relative to con- dition of Lemon Street 179 24- Watkins, Lowell, contractor's bond 179 21- Walnut St. and Julien Ave., corners rounded 245 26 -West 15th Street, petition to improve 309 26 -West 28th St., Sewer, all remonstrances received and filed 309 5- Wilbur Street, Improvement 327, 388, 389 5 -West 15th Street, petition to improve 335 16 -Wild, Chas., remonstrance against assessment for Woodworth Street 444, 495 7- Wurst, Mrs. E. J., petition for cancellation of taxes 485 14 -West 17th and Clark Streets, remonstrances 487 14- Wagner, A. A., et. al., remonstrating against Interstate Power Co.'s action in abandoning 8th Street Car Line from White Street east 494 18 -Wild, George, objecting to assessment, Saunders Street improvement 505, 519 It If f ft April f f ff it May ft June July ff Aug. I Sept. Oct. If ff it INDEX -Book 59 W 6, 23 13 13 15 50 120 251 251 INDEX —Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Page Jan. 14— Yount, councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tern 5 July 19— Young, Henry, petition to open Solon Street 298, 357 Nov. 25 —Y. M. C. A., sign bond 549 INDEX —Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Page X Sept. 30 —X L Sandwich Shop, sign/ bond 474 INDEX —Book 59 1929 SUBJECT Z Feb. 4— Zoning Ordinance, communication from City Mgr. Mar. 25— Zemanek, Frank R., asking for reduction in as- sessment for sanitary sewer in Avoca Street 29— Zwack, Anton, renewal of contractor's bond April 26— Zillig, Adam, renewal sign bond May 24— Zoning and Planning Commission appointed (( Page 14 93, 115 99 142 182 Regular Session, January 7th, 1929 1 CITY COUNCIL (Official) Regular session Jan. 7th, 1929. Council met at 5:00 o'clock P. M. Present — City Manager Kratz, Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert and Yount. Absent —None. Mayor Maclay stated that this is the regular monthly meeting for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before the meeting. Grant of Easement Know all men by these presents: that for value received the under- signed, being the owner of lots 1, 2 and 3 of the subdivision of City Lot 741, City Lot 714 and Lots 36, 37 and 38 of Yates' Subdivision to the City of Dubuque, hereby grant and con- vey to the City of Dubuque, a municipal corporation of Iowa, a right of easement in, upon and across said lots in perpetuity for the purpose of maintaining and con- structing therein a sewer main, with the incidental rights of going upon said property at any time for the purpose of constructing, maintain- ing and repairing said main; pro- vided however that said City of Du- buque shall replace to as good con- dition as before disturbed any soil, lawn or shubbery that may be nec- essary to be disturbed in the con- struction, laying, maintaining or re- placing of said sewer main. The location of said sewer main shall be substantially as follows: Commencing at the southeast cor- ner of lot 1 of Sub. of City lot 741, thence north 62 degrees and 48 min- utes east 65.9 feet, thence north 41 degrees and 00 minutes east 301.2 feet, thence north 1 degree and 00 minutes east 102.5 feet, thence north 9 degrees and 55 minutes east 86.3 feet; thence north 23 degrees and 03 minutes east 433 feet to the in- tersection of West 16th and Cather- ine Streets. The easement hereby granted shall apply to the present owners and to their representatives, pur- chasers and assigns forever. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, By T. Conry. President, By A. R. Thier, Secretary. State of Iowa Dubuque County f ss. On this day of June, 1928, be- fore me as a Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, person- ally appeared T. Conry and A. R. Thier to me personally known. who being by me duly sworn did say that they are the president and sec- retary respectively of said corpora- tion, Columbia College, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by au- thority of its Board of Directors and the said President and Secretary ac- knowledged the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said Corporation by it voluntarily executed. L. E. PFIFFNER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Seal of Corporation. Councilman Schuckert moved that the Grant and Easement be received and filed for record, and the same be recorded. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Maclay, Councilmen McEvoy, Meuser, Schuckert, Yount. Nays —None. Grant of Easement Know all men by these present: That in consideration of $1.00 in hand paid by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a municipal corporation the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, the undersigned being the owner of lot 2 Woodlawn Park Ad- dition in the City of Dubuque, here- by grants and conveys to said City of Dubuque a perpetual right of easement in, over and across said lot 2 Woodlawn Park Addition, for the purpose of installing and main- taining a sanitary sewer, beginning at a point on the side of lot 2 Wood - lawn Park Add. 15.8 feet east of the S. W. corner of said lot, thence N. 72 degrees and 33 feet W. 20.5 feet to a point on the west line of said lot, 13.3 feet from the S. W. corner as per attached plat, with the right to go upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and repairing the same when installed; provided however, that said City of Dubuque shall re- place whatever earth, sod or shub- bery that may be disturbed in the installation or repair of said sani- tary sewer to as good condition as it was in before the same was dis- turbed. This grant and easement shall be binding upon the undersigned, his heirs, executors, administrators, purchasers and assigns forever. JOHN G. CHALMERS. State of Iowa Dubuque County J ss Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of January, 1929, personally ap-