1928 February Council Proceedings8
Special Session, January 31st, 1928
for personal injuries and damages to
automobile when he drove into an
unprotected sewer catch basin.
Councilman Yount moved that the
action of the City Solicitor be ap-
proved and a warrant be drawn in
the amount of $400.00 in favor of
Lyon & Willging in settlement of
this claim, and the Treasurer and
Auditor be instructed accordingly.
Seconded by Councilman Meuser.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser, Yount.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay,
Report of the City Solicitor, stat-
ing that he has made a settlement
with Frantzen, Bonson & Gilloon, at-
torneys for Anita Henry, in the sum
of $400.00 in settlement for a person-
al injury suit against the City. Miss
Henry was injured in falling on a
defective sidewalk.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the action of the City Solicitor be
approved and that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Frantzen, Bonson
& Gilloon in the sum of $400.00 in
settlement of this claim, and the
Auditor and Treasurer be instruct-
ed accordingly. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Yount. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Yount.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Report of the City Manager and
Superintendent • of the City Water-
works; on the petition of Gus,
Schnee referred to them at a prev-
ious meeting, whereby Mr. Schnee
asked to lease a piece of City pro-
perty located near the City Water-
works at Eagle Point. They recom-
mend that the prayer of the peti-
tion be not granted.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager and Superintendent of City
Waterworks be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Yount. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Yount.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilmen Maclay and
Peter McCarthy addressed the
Council relative to grading streets in
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the matter be referred to the City
Council and City Solicitor to meet
with Mr. McCarthy. Seconded by
Councilman Yount. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Yount.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Councilmen Meuser moved that
Dr. E. J. Ryan, whose term as a
civil service commissioner has ex-
pired, be reappointed as a member
of the Civil Service Board for the
term ending March 31st, 1934 as
provided by law. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Yount. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Yount.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilmen Maclay and
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
City Clerk.
Approved 1928.
Adopted 1928.
City Clerk.
Regular Session, February 6th, 1928 9
Regular Session, February 6, 1928.
Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Present —City Manager Douglas,
Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Meus-
er and Schrempf.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Mayor Melchior stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
Council for the transaction of such
business as may properly come be-
fore the meeting.
Petition of Robert J. Courtney ask-
ing that the City construct a proper
sized catch-basin at the intersection
of the alley at the western limits
of the City on Seminary Street, to
take care of the flood waters at this
intersection. Water blocked at this'
intersection during heavy rains is
forced to flow east on Seminary
Street, creating a most unsanitary
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Engineer. Seconded by Councilman
Meuser. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Petition of Ed. Muntz, stating that
in December, 1923, he bought at tax
sale, lot 60 and 61 in Grandview
Heights Add. for the unpaid taxes of
1922, assessed to Albert Kuhn, for
the amount of $4.64 for each lot mak-
ing a total of $9.28. He now finds
that said lots are being used by the
City for street and parking purposes,
and should never have been taxed.
However unless he is reimbursed for
the amount invested for said tax, he
shall be entitled to a Treasurer's
Deed, which will be satisfactory to
him, but no doubt. the assessment
and sale was a mistake, and he asks
that the petition be considered, and
the $9.28 be returned to him for the
tax sale certificates now held by
Councilman Meuser moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the Auditor be instructed to
draw a warrant in the said amount
in favor of Ed Muntz upon the as-
signment by him of said certificates.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Bonds for the operation of display
signs of Payson Berg, Alex Asoman-
akus and John Deskalakis and
renewal of sign bond of Grand Opera
House and Strand Theatre, present-
ed for approval.
Being properly executed, Council-
man Meuser moved that they be re-
ceived and placed on file. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Application with bonds attached,
of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co., John A. Hartford, George A.
Hartford and J. C. Breckenridge
owners, for permits to sell cigarettes
at the following places, 784 Main
Street, 1540 Central Ave., 2404 Cen-
tral Ave., 2700 Jackson Street, 1091
Julien Ave., presented for approval.
Being properly executed, Council-
man Meuser moved that the bonds
be received and placed on file and
permits be granted. Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
Petition of Raymond Klass, asking
that his bond be cancelled, stating
that he is no longer in the contract-
ing business.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilmen Maclay and
Councilman Maclay entered and
took his seat at 4:45 P. M.
Report of the City Auditor for the
month of January, 1928.
Report of the City Treasurer for
the month of January, 1928.
Report of the City Waterworks for
the month of January, 1928.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
City Solicitor Czizek reported that
he settled the claim of H. C. Ohlsen
against the City, on account of dam-
ages to his automobile by running
10 Regular Session, February 6th, 1928
into an uncovered manhole on Sem-
inary Street, for $125.00.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the action of the City Solicitor be ap-
proved, and a warrant be drawn in
said amount in favor of H. C. Ohl -
sen in settlement in full of said
claim.. The Auditor be so instructed.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None. •
Absent — Councilman Yount.
City Solicitor Czizek reported that
he settled the claim of Margaret
Grant against the City on account of
personal injuries received in falling
on a defective sidewalk, in the sum
of $152.00.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the action of the City Solicitor be
approved and a warrant be drawn in
favor of Hurd, Linehan, Smith and
O'Connor, attorney for Marguerite
Grant, in the amount of $152.00, set-
tlement in full of said claim, and the
Auditor be so instructed. Seconded
by Councilman Meuser. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Petition of Margaret Born remon-
strating against the grading of West
Third Street from Grandview Ave.
to Algona Street, stating that the
opening of this street at his time
would work a hardship on her, and
that at the present time there is
no need of opening said street as
there are but a few homes that
would be benefitted by this improve-
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the petition be made a matter of rec-
ord and be filed with the petition
asking for the grading of this street.
Seconded by Councilman Meuser.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
C. E. Douglas, City Manager, be con-
tinued in office as Manager until
March 1st, 1928 at the present sal-
ary. Seconded by Councilman Meus-
er. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None. •
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Councilman Meuser moved that
0. A. Kratz be appointed to the office
of City Manager, to take office
March 15th, 1928, at a salary of
$8,500 per year. Term of office be
at the pleasure crf the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Maclay. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the City Clerk receive bids for the
printing of the index and the bind-
ing of the Council proceeding for the
year 1927. Seconded by Councilman
Meuser. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Report of the City Manager and
City Solicitor on the petition of the
Kretschmer Mfg. Company asking
that Pine Street from the intersec-
tion of East 7th Street to the alley
directly in the rear of Lots 19 and
20, Block 14, Dubuque Harbor Im-
provement Co. Add., be vacated.
They recommend that the street be
not vacated, and that the petition
be denied.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the prayer of the petition be denied
and the report of the City Manager
and City Solicitor be made a matter
of record. Seconded by Councilman
Meuser. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Oliver Bishop addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the impassable condi-
tion of Sheridan Street, and asked
that the Council take some steps to
improved this condition. He suggests
that the City place cinders upon this
street. The City Engineer will take
care of this matter. No motion.
Mrs. Crowley addressed the Coun-
cil relative to a strip of ground ta
ken by the City for the Rockdale
Road for which the City offered to
pay $25.00. She refuses to accept
this amount and asks that the City
pay her $100.00. Referred to Coun-
cil to view the grounds. No motion.
Petition of Eugene Ryle stating
that he was assessed $460.55 for the
construction of Southern Avenue
Sewer, against Lot 1 of Mineral Lot
35. He claims that the property is
assessed for taxation purposes at
$1,000.00 and that the assessment is
too high; also that on account of
this high assessment the assessment
was not paid, and consequently the
property was purchased by the City
at tax sale, and he hereby asks that
the assessment be reduced so that
he can pay it.
Councilman Maclay moved that
Special Session, February 27th, 1928 11
the assessment be reduced to $250.00
and the Treasurer be instructed to
accept from Mr. Ryle the sum of
$250.00 in full of payment of this
assessment, interest and penalty,
and that upon,payment of this sum
the tax sale certificate be cancelled.
Seconded by Councilman Meuser.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the Mayor appoint a committee of
three to consider the matter of
changing the East boundary line of
the fire limits, and to report to the
Council their recommendation rela-
tive thereto. Seconded by Council-
man Meuser. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Councilman Maclay, Meu-
ser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Not voting —Mayor Melchior.
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
City Clerk.
Adopted 1928.
Approved 1928.
City Clerk.
Special Session, February 27th,
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Melchior, Councilman Schrempf.
Council met at 4:30 P. M.
Present —City Manager Doug,
Mayor Melchior, Councilman Mac-
lay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Mayor Melchior read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of acting on
communications, petitions, and act-
ing on any other business that may
come before the meeting.
Petition of H. R. Hanger, agent
for Thomas Cox, stating that the
City holds tax sale certificates to
Lot 1, Lot 2 of 16, and Lot 3 of 17,
all in Summer Hill Add. Mr. Cox
bought this property from C. E.
Reynolds January 6, 1925, for
$4,000.00, $500.00 cash and the bal-
ance at $40.00 a month. Subse-
quently Mr. Cox paid Mr. Reynolds
some money with which to pay the
taxes, and was told by him that the
taxes were taken care of. Upon in-
vestigation we find a tax sale with
penalty and interest aggregating
$844.88, of which $57.71 is penalty.
Mr. Hanger as agent asks that the
City waive the penalty and accept
in payment for the surrender of the
several certificates, the principal
sum plus interest at 8 per cent per
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly. Seconded by
Councilman Maclay. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of John Mai, 615 West 8th
Street, asking that the City place a
breaker of some kind on the wall on
the west side of West 8th Street.
This would prevent the water from
rushing out to the 10 feet or more
drop before striking the street be-
low, and would eliminate the noise.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and Engineer. Seconded
by Councilman Meuser. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Communication from the Iowa
12 Special Session, February 27th, 1928
State Highway Commission stating
that they received a copy of the
resolution passed by the City Coun-
cil requesting the Commission to
improve Rockdale Road from South-
ern Avenue to the City Limits, being
part of Primary Roads Nos. 61 and
161, and that the request will be be-
fore the Commission at their next
meeting. Also a communication re-
ceived after their meeting held Feb-
ruary 14th stating that the Com-
mission approvel the resolution
adopted by the City Council January
31st, 1928, relative to improving the
extension of N. S. No. 61, from the
South City Limits to the South line
of Southern Avenue. Signed by F.
R. White, Chief Engineer.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Schrempf. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Petition of Emery F. Healy, re-
ferred to the Council by the Board
of Supervisors, asking for exemp-
tion of the 1927 tax on Lot 109, Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., stating that he
has been sick and unable to work
since May, 1927.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, : Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Bothmer,
referred to the Council by the Board
of Supervisors, asking exemption of
the 1927 tax against the Und. 1 /2 of
Lot 31, Hooper's Add., stating that
Mr. Bothmer has been totally in-
capacitated since a year ago last
Councilman .Maclay moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Excavation Bond of Nesler & Bue-
chel, renewal of Excavation Bonds
of E. T. Cleaver, Curtis & Co., and
A. J. Levan.
Excavation Bond of Mike Mullen
& Son, Plumbing and Heating Bond
of F. G. Braconier, renewal of Heat-
ing Bond of W. Hill.
Sign Bonds of American Trust &
Savings Bank, Dr. Chas. C. Coady,
John Schetzle, Emil and Geo. Bock,
Wm. C. Leik.
Renewal of Sign Bonds of Chas.
F. Meyers, Interstate Bako Process
Co., Liberty Taxi Co. presented for
Being properly executed, Council-
man Maclay moved that they be re-
ceived and placed on file. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of the Federal Bank &
Trust Co., signed by John Rider
Wallis, vice - president and cashier,
stating that said company is owner
of Lots 2- 3- 4 -5 -6 -7 of Lot 4 of Sub.
of Mineral Lot 144, in the City of
Dubuque, that an assessment was
levied against this property to A. L.
Rhomberg January 15th, 1924, in the
sum of $312.91 for construction of
sidewalks, but was not certified to
the County Auditor until October
27th, 1927. It is the contention of
the petitioner under the circum-
stances that this special assessment
is not a lien upon the property, and
the tax sale to the City of Dubuque
is illegal. There was nothing of
record to give legal notice to the
petitioner with reference to said
assessment, that the tax was not
certified as provided by law, and
the County Treasurer did not and
could not bring this forward on his
books each year following the levy
of the special assessment referred
to. In view of the foregoing, the
petitioner requests that the assess-
ment be cancelled, and wipe out the
cloud against this property, which
they claim is not and never has been
a lien on this property.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Maclay. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Bids submitted for the printing of
the index and the binding of the
City Council proceedings for the
year 1927. Bid of M. S. Hardie, 16
copies at 5.25 per copy. Bid of Tele-
graph- Herald and Times - Journal, 16
copies at $5.78 per copy.
Councilman Maclay moved that
M. S. Hardie being the low bidder,
that the contract be awanded to M.
S. Hardie. Seconded by Council-
man Schrempf. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Special Session, February 27th, 1928
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men _ Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Petition of Mrs. Ellen Moore, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, asking that
the County Treasurer be instructed
to accept $25.00 in full for the 1927
tax on lots 9a and 15a, Quigley's
Sub. 710, and the balance $23.10 be
Councilman Meuser moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Maclay. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of John H. Bradley, ask-
ing that Elizabeth Place from Cox
Street east to the east line of lot 8,
Jackson School Sub., be brought up
to grade. Councilman Maclay moved
that the petition be referred to the
Manager and Engineer for investi-
gation. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
man Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petiton of John Becker, stating
that he had removed the sign in
front of his drug store, and asks
that the sign bond be cancelled.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the prayer of the petitioner be
granted. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
List of names submitted by the
Democratic Central committee, from
which to select Judges and Clerks
of Election for the Election to be
held March 26th, 1928:
1st Precinct — Judges: J. J. Burke,
821 South Grandview; M. J. O'Brien,
21 Holly St. Clerk: Mrs. Mary
Grimes, 925 Oak St.
2nd Precinct — Judges: Wm. Mad-
den, 1440 Curtis St.; Fred Schroeder,
82 Alpine St. Clerk: Mrs. Mary
McCarthy, 1600 Dodge St.
3rd Precinct — Judges: Anthony
Freund, 636 Dodge St.; Leo Consi-
dine, 1022 Langworthy Ave. Clerk:
Mrs. Mary Fortune, 475 West 3rd St.
4th Precinct — Judges: Frank
Hughes, 119 West 6th St.; Wm. C.
Tonner, 432 Summit St. Clerk:
Mrs. J. M. Powers, 601 Bluff St.
5th Precinct — Judges: Stanley
Meyer, 690 Harvard St.; Tam Lang-
ton, 1091 Center Place. Clerk: Mrs.
Walter J. Madden, 965 Alpine St.
6th Precinct — Judges: Tobias
Hickson, Sr., 2385 Rosedale Ave.; E.
E. McEvoy, 690 Asbury St. Clerk:
Mrs. Edna Delaney, 1675 St. Am-
brose St. '
7th Precinct— Judges: Levi Mc-
Manus, 1360 Central Ave.; Geo. N.
Klauer, 956 Main St. Clerk: Mrs.
Pearl Lenz, 107 East 13th St.
8th Precinct — Judges: Geo. Bain-
rick, 1275 Bluff St.; Hugh Callahan,
882 Bluff St. Clerk: Mrs. F. J. Cor-
nelison, 544 West 14th St.
9th Precinct— Judges: Wm. Sin -
grin, 230 East 15th St.; John W.
Linehan, 1556 Washington St. Clerk:
Mrs. Martha Peryon, 1568 Iowa St.
10th Precinct — Judges: James F.
Lee, 409 Almond St.; W. R. Reilly,
406 Seminary St. Clark: Mrs. J.
J. Lonergan, 1969 Ellis St. •
11th Precinct— Judges: J. R.
Kaufman, 360 Kaurman Ave.; Al.
Schiltz, 2055 Elm St. Clerk: Helen
Vogenthaler, 388 Lowell St.
12th Precinct—Judges: Ernest
Berringer, 2473 Jackson St.; Fred
Roesner, 2568 Jackson St. Clerk:
Isabel Gavin, 2535 White St.
13th Precinct— Judges: Wm. Fene-
lon, 3045 Lemon St.; - Cleophas El-
liott, 2644 Broadway. Clerk: Mrs.
John G. Kessler, 2948 Central Ave.
14th Precinct — Judges: Mrs. Thos.
J. Meehan, 716 Ries St.; Tim O'Rea-
gan, 622 Rhomberg Ave. Clerk:
Walter Tschirgi, 611 Garfield Ave.
15th Precinct — Judges: Geo. J.
Roepsch, 1324 Lincoln Ave.; Hubert
Roth, 180 Roosevelt St. Clerk: Mrs.
Dr. Fosselman.
Respectfully submitted,
H. A. Clancy,
County Chairman.
List of named submitted by the
Republican Central Committee, from
which to select Judges and Clerks of
Election, for the Election to be held
March 26th, 1928:
1st Precinct — Judges: Elmer Heil,
680 S. Grandview Ave.;
. Clerk: Wm. Brunskill,
189 Bryant St.
2nd Precinct — Judges: L. W.
Schaller, 1440 Parkway; Harry
Howie, 1495 Parkway. Clerk: Irene
Wunderlich, 1430 Parkway.
3rd Precinct — Judges: Louis Kam -
mueller, 1145 Wooten St.; Carl Hoer -
ner, 1125 Wooten St. Clerk: Mrs. J.
Pond, 1606 Langworthy Ave.
4th Precinct— Judges: Alfred
Wunder, 560 West 8th St.; Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Bain, 718 Wilson Ave. Clerk:
Mrs. J. A. Hunt, 426 Hill St:
5th Precinct— Judges: Geo. Mar -
quart, 1315 West 5th St.; J. R. Rise.
Clerk: Sadie Trader, 236 Nevada St.
• 6th Precinct— Judges: Wm.. Hock-
14 Special Session, February 27th, 1928 Special Session, February 27th, 1928 15
ing, 1675 Asbury St.; Lester Streinz,
1221 Julien Ave. Clerk: Roscoe
Thomas, 1414 Algona St.
7th Precinct—Judges: W. S. Coop-
er; Mrs. Niterauer, 2015 West 14th
St. Clerk: Cora Wolf, 1299 Jackson
8th Precinct — Judges: Ralph
Coats, 1254 West 12th St.; James
Millin, - 905 Bluff St. Clerk: Mrs.
Nora Millin, 905 Bluff St.
9th Precinct—Judges: Ralph Wid-
dowson, 17th and Jackson Sts.; Er-
nest Hinds, 1402 Maple St. Clerk:
Mrs. F. E. Geary.
10th Precinct—Judges: Henry
Gniffke, 476 West 14th St.; Walter
Daykin, 1805 Madison St. Clerk:
Hattie Donatsch, 2155 Gold St.
11th Precinct — Judges: Frank
Kurt; Louis Egelhof, 2131 Jackson
St. Clerk: Gertrude Neumiller, 2401
Kaufman Ave.
12th Precinct — Judges: Carl
Ihrke, 2207 Francis St.; Geo.
Schiltz. Clerk:
13th Precinct— Judges: Martin
Riedi, 2901 Muscatine St.; Meinhard
Johannsen, 93 Milwaukee Ave.
Clerk: Mrs. Lena Knoll.
14th Precinct— Judges: Water
Leuscher, 2021 Kniest St.; Herman
Jansen. Clerk: Clarence Walz, 880
Pleasant St.
15th Precinct — Judges: Oscar
Thompson, 1909 Fengler St.; Wm.
Roschi,• 1117 Rhomberg Ave. Clerk:
Alice Beutin.
Respectfully submitted,
Judges and Clerks of Election ap-
pointed by the Council from lists
submitted by the Chairmen of the
Democratic and Republican Central
1st Precinct — Judges: Elmer Heil,
J. J. Burke, M. J. O'Brien. Clerks:
Wm. Brunskill, Mrs. Mary Grimes.
2nd Precinct — Judges: Wm. Hal-
ler, Harry Howie, Fred Schroeder.
Clerks: Irene Wunderlich, Mrs.
Mary McCarthy.
3rd Precinct — Judges, Louis Kam -
mueller, Anthony Freund, Leo Con-
sidine. Clerks: Mrs. J. Pond, Mrs.
Mary Fortune.
4th Precinct— Judges: Alfred
Wunder, Mrs. Elizabeth Bain, Frank
Hughes. Clerks: Mrs. A. J. Hunt,
Mrs. J. M. Powers.
5th Precinct—Judges: Geo. Mar -
quart, Stanley Meyer, Tom Langton.
Clerks: Mrs. Sadie Trader, Mrs.
Walter J. Madden. _
6th Precinct— Judges: Wm. Hock-
ing, Lester Streinz, Tobias Hickson,
Sr. Clerks: Roscoe Thomas, "Mrs.
Edna Delaney.
7th Precinct — Judges: W. S. Coop-
er, Levi McManus, Geo. N. "Klauer.
Clerks: Mrs. Cora Wolf, Mrs. Pearl
8th Precinct—Judges: Ralph
Coates, James Millin, Geo. Bamrick.
Clerks: Mrs. Nora Millen, Mrs. 'F.
J. Cornelisen.
9th Precinct — Judges": Ralph Wid-
dowson, Wm. Singrin, John W. Line-
han. Clerks: Mrs. F. E. Geary, Mrs.
Martha Peryon.
10th Precinct—Judges: James F.
Lee, Henry Gniffke, Walter Daykin.
Clerks: Mrs. J. .J. Lonergan, Hattie
11th Precinct— Judges: Frank
Kurt, J. K. Kaufman, Al Schiltz.
Clerks: Gertrude Neumiller, Helen
12th Precinct— Judges: Carl
Ihrke, Ernest Berringer, Fred Roes -
ner. Clerks: "Geo. Schiltz, •Isabelle
13th Precinct — Judges: Martin
Reidi, Meinhardt .Johannsen, Wm.
Fenelon. Clerks: Mrs. Lena Knoll,
Mrs. John Kessler.
14th Precinct— Judges, Walter
Leuscher, Mrs. Thos. Meehan, Tim
O'Reagan. Clerks: Clarence Walz,
Walter Tschirgi.
15th Precinct — Judges: 'Oscar
Thompson, Wm. Roschi, Geo. J.
Roepsch. Clerks, Alice Beutin, Mrs.
Dr. Fosselman.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the Judges and Clerks above named
are hereby appointed to act as such
at the City Election to be held March
26th, 1928.
Seconded by 'Councilman Meuser.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Councilman
Marley, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the .following places be selected as
voting places for the regular City
Election to be held March 26th, 1928.
.Seconded by Councilman Meuser.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
1st Precinct —No. 5 Engine House,
Grandview Ave. and Bryant - St.
2nd Precinct—Washington Junior
High School, Grandview Ave. and
Fremont Ave.
3rd Precinct—Franklin School,
Bluff and Jones Streets.
4th Precinct —Court House, 7th
St. .and Central Ave.
5th Precinct — Lincoln ,School,
West 5th and Nevada ,Sts.
1 6th Precinct— Irving School, .Cor.
- Delhi and Irving Sts.
7th Precinct —City Hall, 13th St.
and Central Ave.
8th Precinct — Chamber of Com-
merce Bldg., 9th and Locust Sts.
9th Precinct —No. 1 Engine House, •
18th St. and Central Ave.
10th Precinct — Central Junior
High School, 15th and Locust .Sts.
11th Precinct —St. Paul's Lutheran
School, near 20th and Jackson Sts.
12th Precinct— Fulton School An-
nex, 2573 Central Ave.
13th Precinct —Wille Store Bldg.,
27th St. and Central Ave.
14th Precinct — Audubon School,
•cor. Lincoln Ave. and Johnson St.
15th Precinct — Marshall School.
Ihomberg Ave. and Reed St.
Ames, Iowa, March 1 and 2, 1928.
The Iowa State College heartily
invites you to attend the Town Plan-
ning Conference to be held in Ames
on March 1 and 2, 1928. The Con-
ference is being held under the aus-
pices of the Iowa Town Planning
Association and the several inter-
ested departments of the .college.
The benefits and possibilities of
City Planning and Zoning for the
healthy growth and orderly develop-
ment of Iowa municipalities will be
thoroughly presented. The discus-
sion of difficulties and problems
connected with the working out of
civic development problems will be
encouraged. Traffic Congestion,
Traffic Signals, Parks, Park Sys-
tems, Scenic rivers and Public Rec-
reation are among the problems
confronting many Iowa municipali-
ties which will receive special con-
sideration at the conference.
The program, a copy of which is
•enclosed, has been planned with
particular reference to the needs
and problems of the following per-
sons: City officials, members of
City Planning and Zoning Commis-
sions, secretaries and members of
'Chambers of Commerce, members of
Federated Women's Clubs, engineers
generally, and members of Booster
and Civic Betterment organizations.
It is suggested that if possible you
notfy the writer in advance relative
to the number who will attend the
conference from your city and or-
Municipal Engineer.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the City Engineer be authorized to
attend this meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Maclay. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas- Melchior, Council-
man Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Petition of property owners on
Vernon Street, stating that Vernon
Street from Alta Vista Street west
is in an impassable condition, and
they hereby ask that said street fi om
Alta Vista Street to Oak Street be
repaired and that part where curb
and gutter is already constructed be
improved. Signed by Peter Han -
smith, Eugene Ryle, Theo. Walsh,
et al. (8 signers).
Councilman Maclay moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Council to investigate. Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Notice of suit of Dennis J. Sulli-
van against the City of Dubuque in
the sum of $5,000.00 on account of
personal injuries sustained by him
in falling on a defective sidewalk in
front of Lots 322 and 323 on the
west side of White Street between
7th and 8th Streets, Jan. 22nd, 1928.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the notice be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Maclay. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclary, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of Wm. J. Leik, stating
that the alley between Washington
and Jackson Streets, between 25th
and 26th Streets, is in an almost im-
passable condition, and hereby asks
that this condition be remedied.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and Engineer. Seconded by
Councilman Maclay. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
man Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of property owners, ask-
ing that North 1st Street from
Rhomberg Avenue to the intersec-
tion of Lime Street and •easterly to
the Mississippi River, a distance of
about 465 feet, be opened to travel.
Paving, curbing and guttering is not
considered necessary at this time,
as access to and from the river is
merely desired. Signed by Dubuque
Lumber & Coal Co., Interlocking
•Cement Block Co.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil to investigate. Seconded by
Councilman Maclay. Carried by the
following vote:
16 Special Session, February 27th, 1928
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
man Malcay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of Ed. Muntz, stating that
on Dec. 3, 1923, he purchased the
following property at tax sale, to-
wit: Lot 1 of 2 of 30; Lot 1 of 30,
and Lot 32, all in Burton's Add.
That the right of redemption 'will
expire and a deed of said land made,
unless redemption is made within
90 days from completion of this no-
tice. Dated Feb. 25, 1928.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Maclay. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
man Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Yount.
Petition of Albinus Bauer, stating
that his wife, Pauline, fell on a de-
fective walk and broke her wrist,
and he hereby asks that the City
pay the doctor bill, servant hire and
other incidentals.
Councliman Maclay moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Meuser. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of International Harves-
ter Co., asking permission to build
a platform and ramp on Charter
Street adjoining their new building
on the easterly and southerly sides.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor to draft the proper ordin-
ance. Seconded by Councilman Ma-
clay. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of Leonard Schuster, bond
attached, for permit to sell cigar-
ettes at 2656 Lincoln Ave.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the bond be received and filed and
the permit be granted. Seconded by
Councilman Meuser. Carride by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Petition of Peter McCarthy, ob-
jecting to the reduction in the Val-
uation of the property of La Crosse
Dredging Co. in 1924 for taxation
purposes, from $30,000, to $15,000,
stating that the reduction was ille-
gal. Alsa a petition asking the City
Council to rescind Ordinance No.
165, vacating East 8th Street from
Pine Street easterly to the Mississ-
ippi river in 1925, declaring that this
is also illegal.
Councilman Maclay moved that
the petitions be referred to the City
Council and City Solicitor for inves-
tigation. Seconded by Councilman
Meuser. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the rules be suspended to allow any-
one present who wished to do so to
address the Council. - Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
man Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
John Heim addressed the Council,
relative to conditions on Lemon St.
near the Millville Road, and sub-
mitted a plat showing where he
wants a street opened and such
other improvements that will stop
the water from overflowing his prop-
Councilman Meuser moved that
the matter be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclary, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
O. A. Reynolds, secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce, addressed
the Council relative to the trees and
shrubs on South Main street, stat-
ing that they ought to be cut down,
as they hide from view the Maize -
wood factory, also the International
Harvester Co. buildings.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the request be granted and the trees
and shrubs be ordered cut down.
Seconded by Councilman Maclay.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Report of plan of Sewerage for
the Southwesterly Residential Dis-
trict of the City of Dubuque, by
Harry N. Jenks, consulting engi-
neer, with bill for his services at-
tached in the sum of $354.81.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the report be received and filed and
a warrant be drawn in the amount
of $354.81 in favor of Harry N. Jenks.
Seconded by Councilman Maclay.
Carried by the following vote:
Special Session, February 27th, 1928
Yeas —Mayor Melcior, Council-
men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Yount.
Councilman Maclay left the Coun-
cil Chamber at 6:00 p. m.
Report and recommendation of the
City Solicitor on the petition of Wm.
Berg, personal injury claim, recom-
mending that the Council pay Mr.
Berg $67.00 in full for settlement of
this claim.
Councilman Meuser moved that
the recommendation of the City So-
licitor be approved and the Auditor
be instructed to draw a warrant in
the sum of $67.00 in favor of Mr.
Berg. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Yount, Ma-
Report and recommendation of the
City Solicitor on the claim of R. L.
Meisenberg for damages to his au-
tomobile sustained by driving into
an unprotected catch basin, recom-
mending that the City pay Mr. Meis-
enberg $100.00 in full in settlement
of his claim.
Councilman Meuser moved that the
recommendation of the City Solici-
tor be approved and the Auditor be
instructed to draw a warrant in the
sum of $100.00 in favor of R. L. Meis-
enberg. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council-
men Meuser, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Maclay and
City Solicitor Czizek reported on
the property of Nellie O'Rourke, 'lot
5, Summer Hill Add., stating that the
City holds a tax sale certificate on
this property. The original am ount
of the assessment was $107.15, sold
to City for $142.94. Mrs. O'Rourke
asks to be allowed to redeem this
property and asks that the penalties
be cancelled. Referred back to the
City Solicitor. No motion.
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
JOHN STUBER, City Clerk.
Councilmen I
City Clerk.