1928 March Council ProceedignsCITY COUNCIL (Official) Regular Session, March 5th, 1928. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Mayor Melchior stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the Council for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the Council. Petition of G. Hilders referred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking cancellation of the second half of the 1927 tax on lot 168 Finley Add., by reason of in- firmity. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Petition of the Y. M. C. A. asking permission to stretch a banner 'across Main Street, during the mem- bership drive from March 18th to 24th, 1928. Councilman Maclay moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Meuser. Report of the Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society for the year 1927: Dear Sirs: I have the honor to enclose herewith a report of this So- ciety's activities for the past 10 months in the matter of looking af- ter strayed, homeless and injured small animals, transporting them to our animal shelter and disposing of them by either finding homes or hu- manely destroying them. This work of course has relieved the City for years to a great extent, and we are asking that you once more set aside $300.00 as you have in the past, for our use. In addition to the work with ani- mals our agent has looked after a great many cases in which children are involved and has also had some work to do outside of the City lim- its in the country. In carrying out the work of the Society we have during the year been helped in a great many instances by the Police Department to which we now wish to express our appreciation. We therefore, in placing this peti- Regular Session, March 5th, 1928 19 tion before you hope to receive an answer to same which will indicate that your honorable body realizes the necessity for and importance of such work as we are doing. Respectfully yours, L. C. BISSELL, Secretary P. S. In making this report I wish to state that for the last ten months begininng April 1st and ending Feb. 1st we have taken care of 868 ani- mals. L. C. BISSELL, Sec'y Councilman Maclay moved that the report be made a matter of rec- ord. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote Yeas — Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Report of the City Waterworks for the month of February, 1928. Report of the City Treasurer for the month of February, 1928. Re- port of the City Auditor for the month of February, 1928, presented for approval. Councilman Schrempf moved that the reports be approved and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. City Council proceedings for the month of January, 1928, presented for approval. Councilman Schrempf moved that they be approved as printed and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Sign bond of the Orne Electric Co. and Hawkeye Battery Co., pre- sented for approval. Being properly executed, Council- man Schrempf moved that it be re- ceived and placed on file. Second- ed by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent -- Councilman Meuser. Petition of Al. Bitzberger, asking to be exempted from paying a li- cense for peddling ice cream and fruit on the streets of the city, he being a World War veteran and un- able to do work. Councilman Schrempf moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, .Council- g4 Council- 20 Regular Session, men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Petition of property owners on Grandview Ave. and Perry Street, asking that that portion of Perry Street lying between Grandview Avenue and Grandview Park Addi- tion, for a distance of about two hundred feet (200) be improved, as soon as possible. All of Perry Street but this part was improved last year. Signed by Guy A. Spera, Albert L. Rogers, Harry Wiedner, Chas. Entringer. Councilman Schrempf moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Maclay. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Meuser. Petition of John George, with bond attached to sell cigarettes at 1706 Central Ave., presented. Councilman Schrempf moved that the bond be received and placed on file and the permit be granted. Sec- onded by Councilman Maclay. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Communication from the Dubuque Automobile Club, suggesting that Stop and Go signals be placed at Madison at 17th and Main Streets, one at Kirkwood and West Locust Streets and that the left hand turn be eliminated at all intersections of the streets where these signals are installed, and the No Left Turn signs be made larger, the present signs are to small and are hard to see. The communication was referred to the City Solicitor and Chief of Police to investigate and report to the Council. No motion. Councilman Schrempf moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wished to do so to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Geo. P. Roepsch addressed the Council and asked that the City con- struct a sidewalk from the Holy Trinity Church to 10th Avenue on Lincoln Avenue. The City Engineer was instructed to investigate this matter. No mo- tion. Mr. L. Estabrook addressed the March 5th, 1928 Council relative to the street lead- ing from Seminary Street to the Bunker Hill Golf Grounds, stating that a culvert ought to be construct- ed, that the heavy rains made the street almost impassable, owing to washouts. The City Engineer was instructed to investigate. No motion. Mr. Jos. McMahon addressed the Council, asking that a plat and sur- vey be made showing the extention of Langworthy Ave .and the dimen- sions of the blocks and street, and the opening of Platt Street. Referred to the City Engineer. No motion. Mr. Eugene RyTe addressed the Council relative to settlement of de- linquent assessments, stating that the City holds tax sale certificates against his property for the con- struction of sewer in Grandview Ave. The Council reduced the as- sessment for the sewer construction at a previous meeting to $250.00. He asks that he be allowed to pay $100 cash and the balance, $150, on the installment plan. He also asks that the City accept for the improvement the full assessment of $66.54 and that the interest and penalties be cancelled. Councilman Maclay moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed and the Treasurer be instructed to accept from Mr. Ryle the sum of $100.00 on account and the bal- ance, $150.00, be paid in six year- ly instalhnents with interest, and also to accept from him $66.54 in full for the assesment for the street improvement penalty and interest to be cancelled. Seconded by Council- man Schrempf. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Petition of the Retail Food Dis- tributers: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned re- spectfully invite your attention to the State law on Weights and Meas- ures, and petition the enactment of an ordinance covering this subject, and in support thereof, submit a copy of the ordinance of the City of Ottumwa. We respectfully petition your hon- orable body to enact an ordinance that will keep the sidewalks and streets of Dubuque free from the display of any and all merchandise, as we believe that the City under its police power has a right to do this. Submit an ordinance of city of Man- chester covering this subject. We further petition your honor- able body for the adoption of an ordinance requiring a physical exam- ination and license for all persons engaged in house to house peddling, etc. City of Manchester has an or- dinance covering this subject. We further petition your honorable body for a comparison of the license fees charged in Dubuque as against the license fees charged in Cedar Rapids and Davenport. Ordinances hereto attached. We further petition your honor- able body to adopt rules governing the issuance of license and permits so that more care will be exercised in the issuance of the same, and that no peddlers would be issued a permit under the representation that they were going to do advertising, as has happened recently. We solicit your favorable consid- eration of this petition and an op portunity to be heard on same at such time as you may suggest. Respectfully yours, DUBUQUE RETAIL DISTRIB- UTERS ASS'N. T. A. Polsean, President. John A. Cunningham, Secretary. Councilman Schrempf moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor to meet with a committee of this association. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the installing water service, making connections with water mains, and fixing rentals and the collection thereof, and pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof, referred to the City Solicit- or for examination. No motion. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Adopted 1928. Approved 1928. Councilmen Attest: Special Session, March 12th, 1928 City Clerk. GITY 000NCIL 21 (Official) Special Session, March 12th 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schrempf. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of acting on petitions and any other business that may regularly come before the meeting. Communication of the E. E. Frith Estate stating that they are figuring on getting new machinery and equip- ment to be used in the reduction of garbage, and they hereby ask the Council to the contract which is now in effect be extended for a period of ten (10) years, contract price to be the same as the one now in effect. Councilman Schrempf moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wished to do so to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. E. T. Frith addressed the Council relative to said petition, stating that the contract price will be the same as in effect at the present time, and should the population of the city in- crease to 50,000 the price would be increased proportionately. The pres- ent contract is based on a population of approximately 40,000. The petition was refered to the Council to be considered at a subse- quent meeting. No motion. Petition of Julia Kavanaugh ,et al, in regards to unpaid assessments against the Kavanaugh property, cor- ner of Grandview Ave. and South- ern Ave., being lots 4 and 5 of Sub. Min lot 22, lots 3 and 4 of Sub. of Min. lot 24, and lots 7 and 9 Kavan- augh and Barry's Sub. of Min lot 23 all in the City of Dubuque. Stating that the assessments for the improvement of Grandview Av- enue and for the construction of the sewer in Souhtern Ave. District amounts to about $7,000 including penalties. That their father pur- chased this property in 1856 and they have been .paying taxes on it ever since. They receive no income from this property, that the amount is far in excess of one - fourth the valua- tion of the property and they hereby offer in settlement of same the sum of $2,500. Councilman Meuser moved that ac- 22 Special Session, March 12th, 1928 tion be deferred and the petition be referred to the Council for investi- gation. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None, Petition of Eva Piltz, referred to the Council by the Board of Super- visors, asking that the taxes for 1927 on lots 17, 18 and 19 Woodlawn Park Add. be cancelled, she being a wid- ow 80 years old, living with a wid- owed daughter and has no income. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of Ed. Cohgrove, with bond attached, asking for a permit to sell cigarettes at the Majestic Ci- gar store, 401 Main Street. The bond being properly executed, Councilman Yount moved that the bond be received and placed on file and the permit be granted. Second- ed by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Renewal of contractors bond of Key City Roofing Co. and plumbers excavation bond of R. J. Burke Co., presented for approval. Being properly executed, Council- man Yount moved that they be re- ceived and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Y ount. Nays —None. Petition of Camp Fire Girls signed by Rosemary Ellwanger ,asking for the use of the Armory Tuesday af- ternoon, March 13th and Thursday evening, March 15th, for their an- nual Camp Fire. Councilman Schrempf moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Ma- clay. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of J. W. Robison, veteran of the Regular Army, asking that he be exempted from paying a license to peddle fruit in the City, present- ed and read. Councilman Meuser moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Ma- clay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Councilman Maclay moved that the City pay Mrs. Crowley $100.00 for a strip of land taken from her property for the Rockdale Road, when she provides the City with an easement. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays — None. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved Adopted r 1928 I Councilmen i 1 Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session, March 14th, 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schrempf. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, •Schrempf. Absent — Councilmen Meuser and Yount. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of considering the bud- get as submitted by the City Man- ager for the fiscal year of 1928, on the basis of expenditures for the sev- eral departments of the City of Du- buque, and acting on any other busi- ness that may come before the meet- ing The City Manager's Budget of ex- 1928. penses for the fiscal year, 1928 was submitted to the Council. Special Session, March 14th, 1928 23 Totals 59.7 mills Councilman Schrempf moved that the budget as submitted by the City Manager be approved and such bud- get be adopted by the City Council as its budget for the fiscal year, 1928. And the City Clerk is hereby instructed to give notice by publica- tion, of a hearing, and final adoption of said budget at a special meeting to be held by the City Council of Dubuque in the Council Chamber at the City Hall, March 30th, 1928 at 4:30 o'clock P. M. And any taxpayer obecting thereto or protesting to the same or to any item thereof or to any omission therefrom shall present his objec- tions to the City Council on or be- fore said date. Seconded by Coun- cilman Macley. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay and Schrempf. Nays —None. Absent -- Councilmen Meuser and Yount. BUDGET OF CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR FISCAL YEAR, 1928 (Official Notice) The following budget of expenditures for the fiscal year of 1928, 011 the basis of the expenses for the several departments of the City of Dubuque has been submitted by the City Manager to the City Council, and such budget has been approved by the City Council as its • budget for the fiscal year 1928. This budget will be considered for final adoption by the City Council, at' a special meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the 30th day of March, 1928, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. Any taxpayer objecting thereto or protesting to the same or to any item thereof or to any omission therefrom shall pre- sent his objections to the City Council on or before that date. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. SOURCES OF REVENUE A —FROM TAXES— Mills Amount Consolidated Levy 28.5125 mills $333,557.00 Fire Levy 7. mills 81,891.00 Library Levy 2.5 mills 29,247.00 Park Levy 2.5 mills 29,247.00 Bonded Debt Levy 12. mills 140,384.00 Police Pension Levy .25 mills 2,925.00 Fire Pension Levy 1.5 milts 17,548.00 Dock Sinking Levy 2. mills 23,397.00 Street Cleaning Levy 2. mills 23,397.00 'Comfort Station Levy .0625 mills 731.00 Playground Levy .375 mills 4,397.00 Emergency , 1. mills 11,699.00 $698,410.00 The above estimate is based on a taxable value of $11,698,667, or on an assessed value of $46,784,668 as obtained from the County Auditor's office. The city levy for the previous year was 54.75 mills and the an- ticipated collections from taxes was $634,011. B —FROM MISCELLLANEOUS RECEIPTS— Est. 1928 Moneys and credits $ 12,959.00 County road 5,858.00 Business licenses 16,000.00 Dog licenses 900.00 Plumbing permits 1,200.00 Building permits 3,500.00 Electrical permits 1,800.00 24 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 25 Ambulance fees 1,000,00 Miscellaneous receipts 300.00 Scale receipts 150.00 Police court costs and fines 12,000.00 Miscellaneous sales 200.00 Miscellaneous rentals 1,100.00 Franchise tax 600.00 Bathing Beach 1,500.00 Skating Rink 1,500.00 Department receipts 8,800.00 State Highway Commission 1,800.00 Total Miscellaneous Receipts $ 71,167.00 Revenue from Consolidated Fund $333,557.00 Available for General Fund $404,724.00 Statement Showing Source of Appropriations for the Various Municipal Purposes Consolidated Special Total Tax and Misc. Tax Authorized I.- General Administration $ 50,805.71 $ 731.00 $ 51,536.71 II.- Protection Life and Property. Including Unex. Fire Imp 129,937.73 88,989.45 III. - Health and Sanitation 40,728.95 IV.- Highways 99,969.66 23,397.00 V. -Parks 29,247.00 VI.- Library- Donations 3,351.00 29,247.00 VII. -- Recreation 9,428.55 4,387.00 VIII.- Miscellaneous 11,446.54 IX.- Municipal Industries 2,510.00 X.- Municipal Indebtedness 140,384.00 XI.- Municipal Improvements 56,545.86 XII. -Fire Pension 17,548.00 XIII.- Police Pension 2,925.00 XIV. -Dock Sinking 23,397.00 XV.- Emergency 11,699.00 Expenditures 1927 B- Travel Expense $ 63.82 J- Miscellaneous 17.50 E- Equipment (clock) 9.00 Totals $ 90.32 102 -City Manager - A- Salary Manager $ 7,600.00 Salary Secretary 2,000.00 Salary Stenographer 1,468.66 B- Travel 92.46 C- Office 110.95 D- Printing and Advertising 60.25 E- Equipment 322.42 F- Maintenance 418.00 G- Materials and Supplies 215.83 I- Surety Bonds 118.00 Totals $ 12,406.57 103 -City Clerk - A- Salary $ 2,000.00 D- Printing and Advertising 7.75 G- Materials and Supplies 3.25 I- Surety Bond 5.00 Totals $ 2,016.00 218,227.18 40,728.95 123,286.66 29,247.00 32.598.00 13,815.55 11,446.54 2,510.00 140.384.00 56,545.86 17,548.00 2,925.00 23,397.00 11,899.00 $404,724.00 $371,951.45 $776,675.45 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH THIRTY - FIRST, 1929 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 101 -City Council- Needs 1928 $ 125.00 25.00 $ 160.00 $ 8,500.00 2,000.00 1,320.00 175.00 125.00 100.00 400.00 225.00 118.00 $ 12,963.00 $ 2,000.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 $ 2,055.00 104 -City Auditor - A- Salary $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 D- Printing and Advertising 36.50 40.00 F- Maintenance of Equipment 13.57 20.00 G- Materials and Supplies 231.85 225.00 I- Surety Bond 75.00 75.00 Totals $ 3,056.92 $ 3,060.00 105 -City Treasurer - A- Salary $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 D- Printing and Advertising 43.25 50.00 F- Maintenance of Equipment 13.57 20.00 G- Material and Supplies 34.24 100.00 I- Surety Bond 225.00 225.00 Totals $ 3,016.06 $ 3,095.00 106 -City Solicitor - A- Salary $ 4,200.00 $ 4,500.00 B-- Travel 37.50 40.00 C -Office Expense 33.00 40.00 D- Printing and Advertising 8.25 25.00 G- Materials and Supplies 159.39 60.00 Totals $ 4,438.14 $ 4,665.00 108 -City Assessor - A- Salary $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Assistants 900.00 900.00 I- Surety Bond 2.50 2.50 J -Board of Review 1,548.05 900.00 Totals $ 3,650.55 $ 3,002.50 109 -City Engneer- A- Salary Engineer .. $ 3,120.00 $ 3,120,00 Salary Assistant 2,400.00 2,400.00 Salary Draftsman 2,220.00 2,220.00 Salary Clerk 2,220.00 2,220.00 Salary Tracer 269.50 Additional help 931.78 1,500.00 B- Travel 61.97 100.00 C -Office Expense _ 25.10 25.00 D- Printing and Advertising 6.57 100.00 E- Equipment 171.50 F- Maintenance of Equipment 496.05 600.00 G- Materials and Supplies 690.62 1,200.00 I- Insurance 47.20 47.20 Totals $ 12,618.37 $ 13,532.20 113 -City Elections A- Salaries, Judges and Clerks $ 1,350.00 D- Printing and Advertising 130.00 130.00 G- Materials and Supplies 60.00 25.00 J -Other Expense 50.00 Totals $ 1,590.00 155.00 114 -City Buildings - A- Salary, City Hall Janitor $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Fireman- Janitor 1,264.87 1,400.00 Extra Labor 53.00 50.00 E- Equipment 55.00 F- Maintenance of Equipment 281.97 350.00 G- Materials and Supplies 390.60 450.00 H -Heat, Light, etc. 2,780.73 2,800.00 J- Comfort Station and Misc 600.00 731.00 I- Insurance 463.01 463.01 Totals $ 6,639.18 $ 6,994.01 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 27 G- Material and Supplies 291.50 H -Heat, Light, etc. 280.79 I -Ins. Compensation 218.36 Totals $ 6,535.20 300.00 300.00 485.23 $ 6,820.23 121 - Building Inspection - A- Salary, Inspector $ 2,700.00 $ 3,000.00 Salary, Clerk 600.00 450.00 C- Office Expense 53.30 60.00 D- Printing and Advertising 36.25 50.00 F- Maintenance 10.00 G- Material and Supplies 8.30 25.00 I- Surety Bond 7.50 7.50 Auto Insurance 25.00 Totals $ 3,405.35 $ 3,627.50 122 - Plumbing Inspection - A-- Salary, Inspector $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 Salary, Clerk 300.00 225.00 C -Of &ce Expense 24.00 25.00 D- Printing and Advertising 19.50 30.00 G- Material and Supplies 20.00 Transportation 30.00 ' 30.00 J- Plumbing Board 10.00 10.00 Totals $ 2,183.50 $ 2,740.00 123 - Electrical Inspection - A- Salary, Inspector $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 Salary, Clerk 300.00 225.00 C -Office Expense 24.00 25.00 D- Printing and Advertising 11.75 25.00 F Maintenance 129.00 450.00 G- Material and Supplies 113.17 25.00 I- Insurance 23.60 25.00 J- Miscellaneous and Transportation 88.56 100.00 Totals $ 3,090.08 $ 3,275.00 Total Protection Life and Property $253,921.22 $211,228.73 HEALTH AND SANITATION 125 - General Health Department - A- Salary, Director . $ 2,966.55 Salary, Inspector 1,500.00 Salary, Clerk 1,156.25 Salary, Dairy Inspector 1,200.00 Salary, Restaurant Inspector 900.00 Salary, School Nurses 5,420.00 Nurse Clinic 1,080.00 B- Travel Expense 77.25 C-Office Expense 80.40 D- Printing and Advertising 110.50 G- Materials and Supplies 813.75 J- Laboratory Expense 1,200.00 F -Other Maintenance 217.50 Totals $ 16,722.70 Dairy Inspector 127 -Sewer Maintenance - A- Salary, Inspector $ 1,560.00 Wages 4,762.42 F- Maintenance 413.26 $ 2,000.00 1,500.00 960.00 1,200.00 900.00 5,300.00 1,080.00 80.00 60.00 120.00 250.00 1,200.00 360.00 $ 14,770.00 1,200.00 $ .15,970.00 240.00 $ 15;010.00 $ 1;620.00 4,800.00 425.00 26 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 115 - Police Court - A- Salary, Judge $ 1,800.00 G- Materials and Supplies 37.00 Totals $ 1,837.00 116 -Civil Service Commission - G-- Material and Supplies • $ 4.30 J- Miscellaneous 10.00 Totals 118 - Police Department - A- Salary, Chief $ 3,000.00 3 Captains at $1,860 5,580.00 4 Detectives at $1,800 7,200.00 3 Desk Sergeants at $1,740 5,220.00 28 Officers at $1,680 47,040.00 25 Officers at $1,680 1 Patrolman 1,520.00 2 Patrolmen at $1,520.00 Matron 1,380.00 2 Motorcycle Officers at $10.00 for 6 months 120.00 2 Motorcycle Officers at $1,800 Special Service 500.00 B- Travel Expense 27.90 C -Office Expense 430.62 D-- Printing and Advertising 47.25 E- Equipment 3,598.05 F- Maintenance 1,796.00 G- Material and Supplies 2,123.14 J- Feeding Prisoners 540.00 I- Insurance Premium 106.00 Miscellaneous 31.50 Totals $ 80,260.46 119 A. -Fire Department - A- Salary, Chief $ 3,600.00 7 Captains at $1,860 13,020.00 1 Driver Mechanic 1,920.00 Clerk 2,100.00 7 Lieutenants at $1,740 12,180.00 4 Engineers at $1,740 6,960.00 2 2nd Grade Men at $1,560 3,120.00 38 1st Grade Men at $1,680 65,125.00 40 1st Grade Men at $1,680 C -Office Expense 360.00 D- Printing and Advertising 24.25 F- Maintenance 1,787.21 G- Material and Supplies 2,520.81 H -Heat, Light, etc. 3,616.71 J- Hydrant Rental 26,780.74 I- Insurance Premium 127.36 Miscellaneous 1,333.00 $ 1,800.00 40.00 $ 1,840.00 $ 15.00 10.00 $ 14.30 $ 25.00 Total General Administration $ 51,373.41 $ 51,536.71 PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY $ 3,000.00 5,580.00 7,200.00 5,220.00 42,000.00 3,040.00 1,380.00 3,600.00 500.00 50.00 450.00 350.00 1,600.00 1,800.00 2,250.00 600.00 106.00 50.00 $ 78,776.00 $ 3,600.00 13,020.00 1,920.00 2,100.00 12,180.00 6.960.00 87,200.00 460.00 50.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 3,700.00 500.00 Totals $144,575.08 $113,990.00 119 B. -Fire Department - E- Equipment $ 13,271.55 (There is an unexpended balance of $7,098.45 in the Fire Improve- ment Fund.) 120 -Fire Alarm System - A- Salary, Superintendent $ 2,280.00 $ 2,280.00 Salary, Assistant 1,740.00 1,740.00 Salary, Helpers 1,150.00 1,150.00 C- Office Expense 64.00 65.00 F- Maintenance 510.55 500.00 28 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 G- Materials and Supplies 475.99 I- Insurance, Other Compensations 398.95 Totals $ 7,610.62 128- Garbage Disposal - J- Contract for Collections $ 17,945.00 Total Health and Sanitation $ 42,278.32 HIGHWAYS 131 - General Administration - A- Salary, Storekeeper $ 1,800.00 132 - Street Repairing - A -Wages $ 15,000.00 E- Equipment 3,622.69 F- Maintenance ....._ 4,041.07 G- Materials and Supplies 16,900.00 I- Insurance Premium 1,167.61 J- Miscellaneous 386.10 Totals $ 42,917.47 133 -City Garage - A- Salary and Wages $ 4,079.55 C- Office Expense 54.80 D- Printing and Advertising 19.00 E- Equipment 205.00 F- Maintenance 220.60 G- Materials and Supplies 504.77 H -Heat, Light, etc. 694.31 I- Insurance 89.31 Totals $ 5,867.34 138- Street Lighting - 11 Parks $ 1,676.80 Boulevard, Main. Street 5,941.48 Arc Lights 48,855.35 Police Traffic Lights 228.00 New Lights Totals $ 56,701.63 140- Street Cleaning- A-Wages $ 18,000.00 E- Equipment 7,071.75 F- Maintenance of Equipment 2,148.00 G- Materials and Supplies 2,500.00 H -Water 1,800.00 Insurance Premium 107.15 Miscellaneous Totals $ 31,626.40 Total of Highways $137,112.84 DONATIONS 132 - Visiting Nurse Association $ 1,200.00 Memorial Day Celebration 300.00 Band Concerts 400.00 Humane Society 300.00 Totals $ 2,200.00 143 -Li brary- A- Salary, Librarian $ 1,920.00 Salary, Assistants 8,500.00 Salary, Janitor 1,200.00 475.00 398.95 $ 7,718.95 $ 18,000.00 $ 40,728.95 $ 1,800.00 $ 15,000.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 894.87 400.00 $ 35,594.87 1,800.00 $ 33,794.87 $ 4,000.00 50.00 25.00 325.00 210.00 400.00 700.00 156.79 $ 5,866.79 $ 1,700.00 6,000.00 49,000.00 228.00 1,500.00 $ 58,428.00 $ 18,000.00 2,200.00 2,600.00 109.18 487.82 $ 23,397.00 $123,286.66 $ 1,200.00 300.00 400.00 300.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 1,920.00 10,627.00 1,200.00 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 B- Travel Expense 40.02 C -Office Expense 58.00 D- Printing and Advertising 90.55 E- Equipment 5,996.00 F- Maintenance 6,076.00 G- Materials and Supplies 583.51 H -Heat, Light, Wiater 1,957.00 I- Insurance 89.32 Miscellaneous Totals $ 26,510.40 Total Library and Donations $ 28,710.20 PARKS 144 -A- General Administration - A- Salary, Superintendent $ 2,120.00 B- Travel Expense C- Office Expense 280.05 D- Printing and Advertising 36.91 I-I- -Heat, Light, etc. 14.00 J -Bonds and Interest 1,725.00 I- Surety Bond 7.50 Totals $ 4,183.46 ' 144 B- Areas, Buildings, Etc. - A -Wages $ 10,940.00 E- Equipment 154.25 F- Maintenance 1,672.35 G- Materials and Supplies 3,219.18 H -Heat, Light, etc. 500.59 I- Insurance 179.37 Rent of Green House 720.00 Miscellaneous 4.50 Totals $ 17,390.24 Total, Parks $ 21,573.70 (There is available from special tax the sum of $29,247 manent improvements about $11,000 from county levy.) RECREATION 145 A- Bathing Beach - A-Wages C -Office Expense D- Printing and Advertising F- 4Maintenance G- Materials and Supplies H -Heat, Light, etc. I- Insurance J- Miscellaneous Totals 145 B- Playgrounds- A- Salaries and General Expense B- Travel Expense C- Office Expense E- Equipment F-Maintenance G- Material and Supplies J- Miscellaneous $ 1,901.60 15.00 201.57 318.44 18.17 67.55 9.00 $ 2,531.33 $ 4,223.43 89.84 25.85 122.40 28.40 1,414.24 171.00 145 C- Skating Rink - A -Wages $ 1,200.00 C -Office Expense 16.00 29 200.00 100.00 100.00 6,000.00 6,200.00 800.00 2,000.00 100.00 1,171.00 $ 30,398.00 $ 32,598.00 $ 2,400.00 100.00 300.00 50.00 18.00 1,650.00 7.50 $ 3,925.50 $ 12,000.00 2,000.00 3,600.00 600.00 179.37 720.00 6,222.13 $ 25,321.00 $ 29,247.00 and for per- $ 1,800.00 20.00 10.00 450.00 660.00 35.00 54.20 10.00 $ 3,039.20 $ 8,600.00 174.00 Totals $ 6,075.16 $ 8,770.00 (Available from special levy $4,387.00 One -half total expense paid by school board). $ 1,200.00 20.00 30 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 G-Materials and Supplies 345.00 Totals $ 1,561.00 145 D- Athletic Field - A -Wages $ 130.80 C- Office Expense F- Maintenance 164.16 H -Heat, Light, etc. 40.92 I- Insurance 91.35 J- Repairs on Bleachers 1,851.60 Totals $ 2,278.83 Total Recreation $ 12,446.32 MISCELLANEOUS 148 A- Iowa League of Municipalities, Dues $ 50.00 148 B- Damages, Settlements, etc. $ 3,041.15 148 C- Printing Council Proceedings $ 3,200.00 Care of Town Clock 150.40 Printing Reports State Audit Dock and Wharfage Miscellaneous, Postage, etc. Managers' Convention. Expense Totals 717.61 952.92 396.37 $ 5,417.30 148 E- Ambulance- A- Salary, Driver $ 1,625.00 Salary Assitants F- Maintenance 145.13 G- Material and Supplies 105.00 I- Insurance Premium 226.54 Totals $ 2,101.67 Total Miscellaneous $ 10,610.12 MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIES (From Taxes) 152- Markets and Scales - A- Salary Market Master $ 1,380.00 E- Equipment F- Maintenance 25.00 G- Material and Supplies 95.62 J- Scales Inspection 10.00 Totals $ 1,510.62 Total Municipal Industries (from taxes) $ 1,510.62 WATER DEPARTMENT Receipts - Metered Rates Flat Rates Fire Protection Total Disbursements- 129 A- Administration -• A- Salary, Superintendent $ 3,300.00 Salary Engineer 2,400.00 Salary Cashier 2,280.00 350.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 150.00 10.00 175.00 10.00 91.35 $ 436.35 $ 13,815.55 $ 75.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,500.00 125.00 400.00 900.00 1,000.00 $ 5,925.00 $ 1,620.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 226.54 $ 2,446.54 $ 11,446.54 $ 1,380.00 1,000.00 25.00 95.00 10.00 $ 2,510.00 $ 2,510.00 $142,500.00 800.00 2,200.00 $145,500.00 $ 3,300.00 2,400.00 2,340.00 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 Salary Accountant 1,980.00 Salary Stenographer 1,500.00 Vacation Wages 250.00 B- Traveling Expense 147.95 C- Office Expense 3,000.00 II- Printing and Advertising 170.00 E- Purchase of Equipment 650.00 F- Maintenance of Equipment 300.00 G- Material and Supplies 325.00 I- Insurance 100.00 J- Miscellaneous , 100.00 Interest on Purchase Bonds 25,929.00 Sinking Fund 32,400.00 Refund, Water Deposits 1,350.00 Totals $ 76,181.95 149 B- Outside Expense- ,A-Salaries and Wages - 1 Chief Engineer $ 1,980.00 5 Assistant Engineers 8,235.00 Vacation and Extra Help 1 Tapper 1,560.00 1 Meterman 1,560.00 1 Meter Reader 1,560.00 1 Meter Repairman 1,860.00 1 General Foreman 2,400.00 1 Assistant Foreman 1,620.00 Vacation Wages 25.00 E- Purchase of Equipment . 575.00 F- Maintenance of Supplies 4,200.00 G- Material and Supplies 1,475.00 H -Fuel, Heat, L. & P. 25,500.00 I- Insurance 390.00 J -Other Expense 245.00 Totals $ 53,185.00 149 C- Extension of Mains 15,000.00 Other Betterments 4,900.00 Totals $ 19,900.00 SINKING FUND Receipts $ 34,200.00 Disbursements 26,375.00 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS Regular Bond Debt $ 63,782.85 Voting Machine Bond 1,000.00 Loan Redemption Bond 20,500.00 Grading Bonds 7,000.00 Improvement Bonds 21,000.00 Storm Sewer Bonds 1,500.00 To Apply on Deficit 24,674.15 Totals $138,957.00 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Storm Sewer Inlets $ 6,000.00 Grading 9,852.40 City Share of Improvement 4,583.34 Central Ave. Repairs 123.87 Remodeling City Hall 1,490.00 Traffic Signs 411.81 Emergency Repairs 17,254.76 Right of Way 75.00 Sewer Excavating 469.62 Rhomberg Ave. Storm Sewer 3,175.82 Total $ 43,436.62 31 2,100.00 1,500.00 300.00 150.00 1,500.00 250.00 2,000.00 400.00 400.00 75.0 200.00 32,400.00 2,500.00 $ 51,815.00 $ 2 „040.00 8,235.00 1,647.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 1,860.00 2,400.00 1,620.00 500.00 3,900.00 6,900.00 1,800.00 29,000.00 300.00 250.00 $ 65,132.00 18,559.67 7,850.00 $ 25,409.67 $ 34,200.00 46,000.00 $ 56,112.86 1,000.00 20,000.00 8,000.00 21,000.00 1,500.00 32,993.14 $140,384.00 32 Special Session, March 14th, 1928 (There will be available an unexpended balance in the General Fund of $56,545.86. After paying for certain improvements made in 1927, the balance will be appropriated for the making of such improvements as the Council may determine upon.) MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS (From Special Tax Levy) Dock Sinking $ 23,397.00 Police Pension 2,895.00 2,925.00 Fire Pension 18,818.00 17,548.00 Emergency 11,699.00 Totals $ 21,713.00 $ 55,569.00 Sign bond of Falkenhainer Drug Co., presented for approval. The bond being properly execut- ed, Councilman Schrempf moved that it be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay and Schrempf. Nays —None. Absent — Councilmen Meuser and Yount. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1928. Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session, March 17th, 1928. Meeting Called by order of May- or Melchior and Councilman Maclay. Council met at 4:00 PI M. Present —City Manager Kratz, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay and Schrempf. Absent — Councilmen Meuser and Yount. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of canvassing the peti- tions for nomination of Councilmen and a Park Commissioner, to be vot- ed on at the Municipal election to be held March 26th, 1928, and act- ing on any other business that may come before the meeting. A Resolution Whereas the City Council of the City of Dubuque acting as a board of canvass for the purpose of can- vassing petitions signed for the nom- ination of candidates for the offices of Councilmen for the terms to com- mence the first Monday in April, 1928, and the first Monday in April, 1929, and the Council having , xam- ined said petitions find that the fol- lowing named persons having had petitions containing sufficient signa- tures filed in their favor and that they shall be candidates for the fol- lowing terms: For the term to commence the first Monday in April, 1928, Henry F. Schuckert, Edward F. McEvoy, Ben F. Klauer, Robert E. Clancy and Carl A. E. Dieterich. For the term to commence the first Monday in April, 1929, Wm. H. Meuser, Martin B. Andelfinger, George O. Jansen, William Singrin, and Arthur B. Davis. And the petition of Herbert Ad- ams for Park Commissioner having also been canvassed is found to be sufficient and that he shall be a can- didate for such office. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the persons whose names ap- pear above be declared eligible fur the offices of Park Commission and Councilmen for the terms above stated and their names are entitled to appear upon the ballots to be voted on at the regular election to be held on March 26th; 1928. Adopted this 17th day of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. JOHN H. MACLAY, ED. SCHREMPF, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Special Session, March 17th, 1928 Councilmen 33 Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay and Schrempf. Nays —None. Absent — Councilmen Meuser and Yount. Special Ordinance An ordinance granting to the In- ternational Harvester Company of America the right to build and con- struct a platform and ramp in Char- ter Street in the City of Dubuque, along and adjoining the southerly portion of said Company's building including a platform extension on the easterly side thereof where said building and platform extention abut on Charter Street. Presented and read. Councilman Schrempf moved that this be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Maclay. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor • Melchior, Council- men Maclay and Schrempf. Nays —None. Absent — Councilmen Meuser and Yount. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1928. Attest: City Clerk. 34 Special Session, March 19th, 1928 (Official) Special Session, March 19th, 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schrempt. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —City Manager Kratz, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Absent - Councilman Meuser. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of consider- ing for adoption a special ordinance granting to the International Har- vester Company of America, the right to build and construct a plat- form and ramp on Charter Street, and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Special Ordinance n ordinance granting to Interna- tional Harvester Company of Amer- ica the right to build and construct a platform and ramp in Charter Street in the City of Dubuque along and adjoining the southerly portion of said Company's buildings includ- ing a platform extension on the east- erly side thereof where said build- ing and platform extension abut on Charter Street. Whereas, The International Har- sester Company of America has pe- ts ioned the City Council of the City of ubuque for the right and privi- lege f constructing and maintaining a platform and ramp in Charter Street along and adjoining the south- erly portion of said company's build- ing including the platform extension on the easterly side thereof where said building and platform extension abut on Charter Street, said plat- form to be 24 feet in width. at the easterly end thereof and continuing 24 feet in width for a distance of 26 feet in width for a distance of 26 feet in a westerly direction, thence narrowing obliquely for the next 12 feet in length to 14 feet in width, thence 14 feet in width to the east- erly line of Main Street, with the right, privilege and authority of re- pairing, reconstructing and main- taining the same; and Whereas, Charter Street is an un- used street and is not needed for public travel and this Council is de- sirous of assisting said Company in the proper and convenient manner of conducting its business; now therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the right and privilege be and the same is hereby CITY COUNCIL granted to the International Har= vester Company of America to build, construct and maintain a platform and ramp in Charter Street along and adjoining the southerly portion of said Company's building includ- ing the platform extension on the east V side thereof where said building and platform extension abut on Charter Street, said platform to be 24 feet in width at the easterly end thereof and continuing 24 feet in width for a distance of 26 feet' in a westerly direction, thence nar- rowing obliquely for the next 12 feet in length to 14 feet in width, then 14 feet in width to the easterly line of Main Street, said Company to have the right, privilege and author- ity of repairing, reconstructing and maintaining such structure. Section 2.. That the grant and privilege herein given to said Inter- national Harvester Company of America shall continue up to such a time as it shall be found necessary by the Council to use for public pur- poses that portion of Charter Street which said Company is hereby au- thorized to occupy and when ever it shall be found necessary by the Council to use said portion of said street for public purposes then said Company, after written notice to re- move the same given to it by the Council, shall cause the same to be removed, but in no event, shall said structure be required to be removed until said Company shall have been given a notice in writing by the Council providing for at least 90 days within which to cause such re- moval to be made. Section 3. This ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in effect from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 17th day of March, 1928. Passed, adopted and approved up- on final reading this 19th day_ of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. ED. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. • ' Having passed first reading March 17th, 1928, presented and read a sec- ond time. Councilman Maclay moved that this be considered the second read- ing of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: t' U'- ( ■ 1 Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays- -None. Absent— Councilman Meuser. Petition of Kretschmer Insurance Agency stating that Alfred A. Blake is now out of business and hereby. asks that the sign bond be cancelled. Councilman Maclay moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Petition of Frank Beutin Inc. v ith sketch attached, of block 7 Dubuque, Harbor Imp. Co. Add., showing lots 17 to 24 inclusive. Stating that he leased this property from the City April 1st, 1925 at a rental of $75.00 a year; at that time contemplating to building a cement warehouse and a brick manufacturing plant. How- ever this plant never materialized, the only part of these 8 lots which were used these 3 years is that part of the property which is shaded on the sketch, being parts of lots 21, 22, 23 and 24 ,that lies south of the I. C. R. R. tracks on which they drive to load cars with sand and gravel. Under these circumstances it is their prayer that the Council gives the permission to use this small piece of ground for the loading of cars at a reduced rental, and that the $75.00,rental due from April 1st, 1927 to April 1st, 1928 also be re- duced in as much as that they used only a small part of the ground leased. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager for investigation. Second- ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car- ried by the following vote: . Yeas —Mayor , Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Excavation bond of Normal Bull presented for approval. Being properly executed, Council- man Yount moved that it be re- ceived and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: ( Yeas —Mayor Melchior, . Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Meuser. Sign bond of F. C. Rottler, present- ed for approval. Being properly executed, Council- man Yount moved that it be received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Special Session, March 19th, 1928 35 Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Meuser. Councilman Meuser entered and took his seat at 4:50 P. M. The Councilmen now all being present, the ordinance of the Inter- national Harvester Company was again taken up. Councilman Schrempf moved that the rules requiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Councilman Schrempf moved that the ordinance be read a third time. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays— None. The ordinance was then read a third time. Councilman Maclay moved the ad- option of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of the Ott Rubber Co., asking that Railroad Avenue from Southern Avenue to South Main St. be improved or paved. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be refererd to the City Manager for investigation. Second- ed by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of G. Hilders referred to the Council by the Board of Super - sivors, asking that the second one- half of the 1927 tax on lot 168 Finley Add. be cancelled. Councilman Schrempf moved that the taxes be suspended and the Board of Supervisors be notified of the Council's action. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of Mrs. Mary Bothmers for cancellation of the 1927 tax on lot 31 Harper's Add., referred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors. Councilman Schrempf moved that Special Session, March 27th, 1928 the tax be suspended and the Board of Supervisors be notified of the Council's action. Seconded by Coun- cilman Maclay. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf •and Yount. Nays —None. On recommendation of City Solic- itor Czizek, the following motion was passed. Councilman Meuser moved that the sign bond of Dr. C. Coady be returned. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. There being 110 further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1928. Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session March 27th, 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schrempf. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —City Manager O. A. Kratz, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf, Yount. Absent —None. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast for Councilmen and Park Commissioner at the regular City Election held March 27th, 1928, and acting an any other business that may come before the meeting. Councilman Meuser moved that the rules be suspended for the pur• pose of allowing anyone present who wished to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Mr. E. F. Lusch addressed the Council and also read the following: The Daylight Savings Committee of the Chamber of Commerce at a meet- ing held Friday noon, March 23rd, 1928, went on record unanimously as favoring the adoption of a Day- light Savings Plan for Dubuque for the summer of 1928. The motion was passed at this meeting authoring the Chairman of 'the Committee, Mr. David E. Rath, to appoint a committee to wait upon the City Council and to request the Mayor to issue a proclamation de- claring Daylight Savings officially effective in Dubuque between the last Sunday in April and the last Sunday in September, 1928. The decision of the committee was reached after a somewhat ex- haustive investigation of the senti- ment of the general public. In- quiries sent out to Dubuque Busi- ness men at the instance of this committee brought replies which in- dicated overwhelming sentiment in favor of this plan. The Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress is 100% in favor of Day- light Saving. A canvass made by Dubuque Manufacturers' Associa- tion showed that a large majority of employees of Dubuque factories are favorable to this plan. The Board of Directors of the Re- tail Merchants' Bureau went on rec- ord as favoring the adoption of Day- light Saving at a meeting Thursday Special Session, March 27th, 1928 37 noon, March 22. Individual members of this Bureau have made inquiries among their customers and the ex- pression of the sentiment has been very largely in favor of Daylight Saving. The Committee's investigations brought out the fact that the work- ing people of the city are those who would be most greatly benefitted, and the sentiment of this group seems strongly in favor of it. While there has been some oppo- sition on the part of business men this opposition has been greatly in the minority, and we believe the best interests of the greatest number would be served through the adop- tion of this plan. We, therefore, petition your Hon- TABULATED VOTE IN CITY ELECTION Total number of votes cast - 7,244. Resolution WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has this day met in special session for the pur- pose of canvassing the vote cast at the regular Municipal Election held on the 26th day of March, 1928, at which five Councilmen and one Park Commissioner were voted upon; and WHEREAS, this is the next day after said election; and WHEREAS, said Council, sitting as a Board of Canvass, has can- vassed the vote cast at said election for Councilmen and Park Commis- orable Body to make Daylight Sav- ing effective in Dubuque during the coming summer, and request that the Mayor issue a proclamation call- ing upon Dubuquers to set all clocks in the City ahead one hour at mid- night, Sunday, April 29th, 1928, and set them back again one hour at midnight Sunday, September 30th, 1928. Respectfully, E. F. LUSCH, Chairman. Action on this matter will be tak- en at the next meeting of the Coun- cil to be held March 30th, 1928. No motion. The votes cast at the Municipal (City) Election were then canvassed and showed the following result: sioner and the result of said election having been determined: THEREFORE, it is resolved and publicly declared that a majority of the votes cast resulted in the elec- tion of Edward F. McEvoy and Henry F. Schuckert for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1928, and Martin B. Andel- finger, George O. Jansen and William H, Meuser for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1929, for Councilmen and Herbert Adams for Park Commissioner. Be it further resolved that, in view Henry F. Schuckert Aon3oJ •d p..mmp3 Martin B. Andelfinger George 0. Jansen William H. Meuser Robert E. Clancy Ben F. Klauer Carl E. A. Dieterich Arthur Davis '•William Singrin Herbert Adams Park Commissioner PRECINCTS — First 217 312 312 261 367 174 121 75 75 163 170 Second 386 427 459 474 461• 49 77 115 53 68 292 Third 156 283 246 215 333 374 318 45 108 354 173 Fourth 200 274 321 227 345 209 208 65 75 127 213 Fifth 398 442 480 458 507 75 99 81 42 206 3221 Sixth 274 313 358 372 355 83 160 122 71 103 255 Seventh 185 199 222 230 280 119 160 79 62 181 171 Eighth 227 302 306 292 359 89 128 51 31 115 236 Ninth 169 161 202 183 259 113 173 69 42 211 159 Tenth 1 2961 3561 366 364 443 93 180 90 62 167 271 Eleventh 201 187 245 255 267 60 118 93 73 101 164 Twelfth 249 238 279 315 330 63 96 126 77 96 187 Thirteenth 188 174 213 251 263 89 130 107 54 144 160 Fourteenth 335 301 361 377 423 70 120 119 70 137 247 Fifteenth 277 211 275 342 311 49 89 174 118 92 214 Totals 3758 4180 4645 461615303 1709 2123 1403 1013 2265„ 3234 Special Session, March 27th, 1928 the tax be suspended and the Board of Supervisors be notified of the Council's action. Seconded by Coun- cilman Maclay. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf •and Yount. Nays —None. On recommendation of City Solic- itor Czizek, the following motion was passed. Councilman Meuser moved that the sign bond of Dr. C. Coady be returned. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. There being 110 further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1928. Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session March 27th, 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schrempf. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —City Manager O. A. Kratz, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf, Yount. Absent —None. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast for Councilmen and Park Commissioner at the regular City Election held March 27th, 1928, and acting an any other business that may come before the meeting. Councilman Meuser moved that the rules be suspended for the pur• pose of allowing anyone present who wished to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Mr. E. F. Lusch addressed the Council and also read the following: The Daylight Savings Committee of the Chamber of Commerce at a meet- ing held Friday noon, March 23rd, 1928, went on record unanimously as favoring the adoption of a Day- light Savings Plan for Dubuque for the summer of 1928. The motion was passed at this meeting authoring the Chairman of 'the Committee, Mr. David E. Rath, to appoint a committee to wait upon the City Council and to request the Mayor to issue a proclamation de- claring Daylight Savings officially effective in Dubuque between the last Sunday in April and the last Sunday in September, 1928. The decision of the committee was reached after a somewhat ex- haustive investigation of the senti- ment of the general public. In- quiries sent out to Dubuque Busi- ness men at the instance of this committee brought replies which in- dicated overwhelming sentiment in favor of this plan. The Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress is 100% in favor of Day- light Saving. A canvass made by Dubuque Manufacturers' Associa- tion showed that a large majority of employees of Dubuque factories are favorable to this plan. The Board of Directors of the Re- tail Merchants' Bureau went on rec- ord as favoring the adoption of Day- light Saving at a meeting Thursday Special Session, March 27th, 1928 37 noon, March 22. Individual members of this Bureau have made inquiries among their customers and the ex- pression of the sentiment has been very largely in favor of Daylight Saving. The Committee's investigations brought out the fact that the work- ing people of the city are those who would be most greatly benefitted, and the sentiment of this group seems strongly in favor of it. While there has been some oppo- sition on the part of business men this opposition has been greatly in the minority, and we believe the best interests of the greatest number would be served through the adop- tion of this plan. We, therefore, petition your Hon- TABULATED VOTE IN CITY ELECTION Total number of votes cast - 7,244. Resolution WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has this day met in special session for the pur- pose of canvassing the vote cast at the regular Municipal Election held on the 26th day of March, 1928, at which five Councilmen and one Park Commissioner were voted upon; and WHEREAS, this is the next day after said election; and WHEREAS, said Council, sitting as a Board of Canvass, has can- vassed the vote cast at said election for Councilmen and Park Commis- orable Body to make Daylight Sav- ing effective in Dubuque during the coming summer, and request that the Mayor issue a proclamation call- ing upon Dubuquers to set all clocks in the City ahead one hour at mid- night, Sunday, April 29th, 1928, and set them back again one hour at midnight Sunday, September 30th, 1928. Respectfully, E. F. LUSCH, Chairman. Action on this matter will be tak- en at the next meeting of the Coun- cil to be held March 30th, 1928. No motion. The votes cast at the Municipal (City) Election were then canvassed and showed the following result: sioner and the result of said election having been determined: THEREFORE, it is resolved and publicly declared that a majority of the votes cast resulted in the elec- tion of Edward F. McEvoy and Henry F. Schuckert for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1928, and Martin B. Andel- finger, George O. Jansen and William H, Meuser for the term commencing the first Monday in April, 1929, for Councilmen and Herbert Adams for Park Commissioner. Be it further resolved that, in view 38 Special Session, March 27th, 1928 of said election and the vote cast in favor of the above named persons, the same are hereby declared to be elected to the office of City Council- men and Park Commissioner for the terms above stated respectively. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 27th day of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. ED. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. The following bills were present- ed, and ordered paid: 30 Registration Clerks at $30.00 each $900.00 75 Judges and Clerks of Elec- tion at $6.00 each 450.00 8 Janitors at Schools used for Election at $6.00 each 48.00 For rent of buildings used for Election and Registration purposes 75.00 Councilman Schrempf moved that the above bills be paid. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of Brotherhood of Rail - way Car Men objecting to the day- light saving plan, presented and read, also a petition of J. S. Roberts, objecting to the daylight saving plan, presented and read. The Council decided to postpone action on these petitions until the next meeting of the Council to be held March 30th, when all persons interested for or against the plan will be given an opportunity to be • heard. No motion. Petition of citizens and property owners of Eagle Point, asking that the terrific blasting at the Dubuque Stone Products Co. be curbed, stat- ing that a recent heavy blast of 10,000 pounds of dynamite and pow- der not only endangered the lives of the people in that vicinity, but rocked the buildings, destroyed cis- terns and broke windows in many homes, as far west as the Holy Trin- ity church. Unless some action is taken to protect these people they will hold the City liable. Signed by Frank L. Quade, Geo. Gantenbein, Henry Fetschele, et al (50 signers). Councilman Yount moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for in- vestigation. Seconded by Council- man Maclay. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of John Faig, referred to the Council by the Board of Super- visors, asking for cancellation of the 1927 and 1928 tax on lot Kings Grove All, and on lots 83, 84 and 85 Pleasant View Add., he being a par - aletic, unable to work and has a small income. He gets a rental of $20.00 per month for some of his property. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be refererd to the City Solicitor and Manager for investiga- tion. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Claim of Mary Huss against the City of Dubuque, in the sum of $1200 for personal injuries sus - tained in falling on the west side of Jackson Street on 17th, about the middle of the street, while crossing said street Jan. 29th, 1928, at about 9 o'clock A. M., claiming that the crossing was covered with ice. Councilman Meuser moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Sign bond of the Hoppman Garage And renewal of sign bond of Potter - feldt Drug Co., presented for ap- proval. Being properly executed, Council- man Maclay moved that they be re- ceived and placed on file. Second- ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. City Council proceedings for the month of February, 1928, presented for approval. Councilman Schrempf moved that they be approved as printed and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Meuser. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Councilman Schrempf moved that the bond of former City Manager C. E. Douglas be cancelled. Second- ed by Councilman Maclay. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. March 20, 1928. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. - Gentlemen: At your Council meeting held March 19, 1928, the communication from Frank Beutin, Inc. regarding rental of lot 17 to 24 inclusive of Block 7, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Addition, was referred to your City Manager for a report. The communication states that the yearly rental of the above men- tioned property was $75.00 per year. However, upon investigating the old City Council proceedings, it was found that on June 3, 1925, the pe- tition of Beutin - Buehler Company was granted on the rental fee of $100.00 per year and required that the rental be paid in advance. How- ever, your City Manager is informed that it has been very difficult to col- lect the rental even on the $75.00 per year basis and at the present time one payment of $75.00 is near- ly a year overdue. Your City Manager has inspected this property on the ground and finds that only a portion of the above mentioned property south of the rail- road spur has been used by the leasee, but it is immaterial as far as the City is concerned. In other words, the entire property was rent- ed to the above mentioned party on a fixed rental basis and it is imma- terial to the City whether said pro- perty was used or not and your City Manager therefore recommends that inasmuch as it was intended to collect $100.00 a year and only $75.00 a year has been collected, that the leasee be required to pay the full $75.00 per year up to April 1st, when the lease expires and as a compromise on the rental for the coming year, that the rental tee be reduced to $5.00 per month and that said rental be paid monthly in advance. It also might be of interest to the Council to know that the portion be- ing used by Frank Beutin, Inc. is the portion occupied by the Shot Tower. Very Respectfully submitted, O. A. KRATZ, City Manager. Councilman Maclay moved that the report of the City Manager be approved, and carried out as recom- mended. Seconded by Councilman Special Session, March 27th, 1928 39 • Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The petition of Louis B. Estabrooks asking for a cancel- lation or exemption from taxes for the year 1927 has been refered to , me for examination and report. beg to advise your Honorable Bod- -that I have gone into the matter; detailed in this petition very care- fully and believe that while some e of the property described in the pe} tition is entitled to consideration a to a redemption in taxes so far as the city levy is concerned, other pieces of property are not. My posi- tion is based primarily on the legal proposition that property which is so located and used that it does not get a direct benefit from general city taxes and from public improvements, providing the tracts are ten acres or more, the same cannot be as- sessed for more than a 5 mill road tax and a library tax which this year amounts to 2 mills Basing my opinion on this position I find that the following described lands should only be assessed for ,city pur- poses for the year 1927 on the basis of 71/2 mills, to wit: The Mineral Lot 200 which con- tains 19.63 acres; Mineral Lot 1 of 189 which. contains 17.25 acres; Lots 1 of 265, Lot 1 of 202 and part of Lot 201, which pieces are assessed together and contain 22.51 acres. The following described pieces of real estate are not entitled to any reduction: Lots 2 and 3 Mineral Lot 340; Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 202; and Lot 2 of 265. These lots are separ- ately assessed and contain 10 acres pr less. If these reductions are allowed by your Honorable Body you will � instruct the County Treasurer to ad- just the amount of taxes due on these lots on the basis herein stated. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Solicitor. Councilman Schrempf moved that the recommendation of the City So- licitor be approved and carried out as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Y ount. Nays —None. Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it is 40 Special Session, March 27th, 1928 deemed advisable to lend its assist- ance in so far as possible to the promotion of baseball in Dubuque in order that this sport may be en- couraged and that Dubuque may re- ceive its full measure of benefit, which naturally comes to a city hav- ing a live well managed club. Be it further resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby author- ized to enter into a lease with Fred Leiser, the owner of the Dubuque Baseball Club, for a period com- mencing April 1, 1928, and ending September 15, 1928; beginning April 1, 1929 and ending September 15, 1929 and beginning April 1, 1930 and ending September 15, 1930, for the use of the Municipal Athletic Field upon such terms and conditions as will result in mutual advantage to the City of Dubuque and the owners of said Club and return said lease to this Council for its approval. Passed, adopted and approved this 27th day of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. ED. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Approved: O. A. KRATZ, City Manager. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of Emory F. Healy refer- red to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking for concella- tion of 1927 tax on lot 109, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., presented and read. Councilman Maclay moved that the tax be suspended and the Clerk be instructed to inform the Board of Supervisors of the Council's ac- tion. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. There being no further business, •Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1923. Councilmen l Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special session of the City Council, March 30th, 1928. Meeting called by order of Mayor Melchior and Councilman Schremp. Council met at 5:15 P. M. Present —City Manager Kratz, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay. Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Mayor Melchior read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of hearing ob- jections to and considering for adop- tion the budget of expenditures for the fiscal year of 1928, and acting on any other business that may cbme before the Council. Councilman Meuser moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wishes to do so to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, • Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Petition of citizens protesting against the Daylight Savings plan, signed by over 400 signers. Also a petition from the Barbers Union, 37 signers, stating that they are in favor of the plan. Messrs. Wm. Buettell of Buettell Eros. Co., Arthur Rey of the Roshek Co., addressed the Council, against the plan, stating their reasons. Mr. Johnson of the A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. also addressed the Council, stat- ing that the majority of the employ- ees of their factory were against the plain. After considerable debate on the subject, Councilman Schrempf moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Maclay, Meus- er, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. Not voting —Mayor Melchior. The budget of expenditures for the fiscal year of 1928 presented for ad- option. There being no objections filed, a resolution for the adoption of the budget was presented and read. Resolution Adopting Budget WHEREAS, the budget of pro- posed expenditures for the fiscal year 1928 has been duly prepared by the City Council, published as re- quired by law, and an opportunity afforded all who might wish to file objections or protest to the same, and the time for final action there- Special Session, March 30th, 1928 41 on having been fixed as of this 30th day of March, 1928, and WHEREAS, no objections have been made thereto or to any item therein and no changes have been proposed or made in said budget: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said budget of pro- posed expenditures for the fiscal year 1928 be and the same is hereby ad- opted and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. ED. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Maclay moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays —None. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIAT- ING I/ MONEY FOR THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1928. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. - -That the Appropria- tions for the ensuing fiscal year of 1928, for the different departments and purposes of the City of Dubuque be fixed and determined as follows: I. General Administration 101. City Council $ 150.00 102. City Manager 12,963.00 103. City Clerk 2,055.00 104. City Auditor 3,060.00 105. City Treasurer 3,095.00 106. City Solicitor 4,665.00 108. City Assessor 3,002.60 109. City Engineer 13,532.20 113. City Elections 155.00 114. City Buildings 6,994.01 115. Police Court 1,840.00 116. Civil Service Commis- sion 25.00 (These appropriations to be made from Consolidated Tax levy.) II. Protection of Life and Property 118. Police Department $78,776.00 120. Fire Alarm System 6,820.23 121. Building Inspection 3,627.50 122. Plumbing Inspection 2,815.00 123. Electrical Inspection 3,275.00 (These appropriations to be made from Consolidated Tax levy.) 119A. Fire Department $115,990.00 ($81,891.00 to be appropriated from 42 Special Session, March 30th, 1928 special tax levy and the balance from miscellaneous receipts and con- solidated tax levy.) III. Health and Sanitation 125. General Health Dept $15,010.00 127. Sewer Maintenance 7,718.95 128. Garbage Disposal 18,000.0() (These appropriations to be made from consolidated tax levy.) IV. Highways 131. General Administra- tion $ 1,800.00 132. Street Repairing 35,594.87 133. City Garage 5,866.79 138. Street Lighting 58,428.00 (These appropriations to be made from consolidated tax levy.) 140. Street Cleaning $23,397.00 (This appropriation to be made from special tax levy.) V. Donations and Library 142. Miscellaneous dona- tions $ 2,200.00 (This appropriation to be made from consolidated tax levy.) 143. Library $30,398.00 ($29,247.00 to be appropriated from special tax levy and the balance from consolidated tax levy.) VI. Parks 144A. General administra- tion $ 3,925.50 144B. Areas, Buildings, etc. 25,321.00 (These appropriations to be made from special tax levy.) VII. Recreation 145A. Bathing Beach $ 3,029.20 145C. Skating Rink 1,570.00 145D. Athletic Field 436.35 (These apropriations to be made from the consolidated tax levy.) 145B. Play Grounds $ 8,770.00 ($4,387 to be appropriated from special tax levy and the balance from miscellaneous receipts.) VIII. Miscellaneous 148A. League Dues $ 75.00 148B. Damages, sett 1 e- ments ,etc. 3,000.00 148C. Printing, etc. 5,925.00 148E. Ambulance 2,446.54 (These appropriations to be made from consolidated tax levy.) IX. Municipal Industries (From taxes.) 152. Markets and Scales $ 2,510.00 (This appropriation to be made from consolidated tax levy.) X. Municipal Indebtedness P.onded Obligations $140,384.00 (This appropriation to be made from special tax levy.). XI. Municipal Improvements Public improvements to be determined by the Coun- cil $56,545.86 (This appropriation to be made from consolidated tax levy and from miscellaneous receipts.) XII. Miscellaneous Revenues Dock Sinking Fund $23,397.00 Police Pension Fund 2,925.00 Fire Pension Fund 17,548.00 Emergency Fund 11,699.00 (These appropriations to be made from special tax levy.) Section 2. -That the distribution of the above named appropriations shall be made in accordance with the budget of expenditures adopted by the City Council on March 30, 1928, which budget is made a part of this ordinance by reference there- to and shall be considered in con- nection with the expenditures of the above appropriations for the various departments and purposes named. Section 3. -This ordinance, in the interest of the preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the City of Dubuque and its inhabit- ants, being deemed urgent and of immediate importance, shall become effective from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and publication in the offic- ial newspaper of the City of Dubuque as provided by law and the appro- priation herein provided for shall be available when transferred to the re- spective funds. Passed upon first, second and final readings this 30th day of March, 1928. Adopted and approved this 30th day of March, 1928. H. G. MELCHIOR, Mayor. ED. SCHREMPF, JOHN H. MACLAY, WM. H. MEUSER, EARL YOUNT, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Appropriation ordinance, presented and read. Councilman Maclay moved that this be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun -/ cilman Meuser. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Councilman Maclay moved that the rules be suspended requiring the ordinance to be read on three separ- ate days. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Councilman Maclay moved that the ordinance be read a second time. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor; Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf a.nc) Yount. Nays -None. The ordinance was then read a second time by its title. Councilman Maclay moved that this be considered the second read- ing of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Councilman Meuser moved that the ordinance be read a third time. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Ordinance was read a third time. Councilman Meuser moved the ad- option of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Petition of Mrs. Caroline Studier, referred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking that the dog license and also the tax against lot North 1 / 2 of 325 East Dubuque Addi- tion be cancelled for the year 1927 and 1928. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor. 'Seconded by Councilman Meuser. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Petition of Ray Powers, asking permission to extend the Sanitary sewer in Quince Street from the present sewer for a distance of about 60 feet, the cost to be borne by him. In case any connections are made, he shall be reimbursed pro rata for each connection. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Petition of Arthur Green (a blind man), asking for permission to op- erate his pop corn stand at 14th Street and Central Ave. and exempt Special Session, March 30th, 1928 him from paying a license, as the Council has heretofore done. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Sign bond of Levenson & Leven- son, renewal of contractors bonds of Geo. F. Pinski, Anton Zwack, Uhl - rich Willy, Harry Schiltz, William Walters, and heating contractors bond of Geisler Brothers, presented for approval. Being properly executed, Council- man Yount moved that they be re- ceived and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Louis P. Hoffmann addressed the Council relative to the dangerous condition of the steps at the east end of Mt. Loretta Avenue. Councilman Meuser moved that the matter be referred to the City manager for investigation. Second- ed by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays -None. Councilman Meuser moved that A. P. Abeln, Emil Feigner and Ed Schrempf be appointed as the Board of Review for Julien Township and the City of Dubuque, for the year 1928. Seconded by Councilman Ma- clay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser, Schrempf and Yount. Nays- None,, There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Adopted 1928. Approved 1928. Councilmen Attest: r City Clerk. 43