1924 Index City Counil ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1924 TELEGRAPH-HERALD CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1924 LOUIS H. BREDE THEODORE GABRIEL City Clerk —JOHN STUBER City Treasurer — OTTO F. PULS City Auditor — FRED GANTERT City Engineer — WALTER CULLEN Chief of the Fire Department— JOSEPH FISHER City Electrician — JOSEPH CORRELL Plumbing Inspector — GEORGE MASTERS Electrical Inspector — SAMUEL TRILLER COUNCILMEN JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor City Manager —O. E. CARR Secretary to Manager —ALLAN SIGMAN HARLAN H. MELCHIOR ED. SCHREMPF City Solicitor —Id. H. CZIZEK Building Commissioner — R. G. HUMPHREY City Assessor — GEORGE BENNETT Chief of Police JOHN GIELLIS Health Director — DR. D. C. STEELSMITH Sanitary Inspector — JOSEPH SCHARRY Market Master — C. J. McCARTHY Milk and Dairy Inspector — DR. W. J. CONNOLL Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 4:30 P. M. INDEX —Book 54 1924 SUBJECT Page A Feb. 4— Anthony, Chas. E., petition to settle delinquent assessment 13 —Aird, Peter, Suit against City, Report of City Solicitor 18— Algona Street extended, report of City Manager 49 18— Althauser Street from Edison to Eagle, bids for improvement 80, 93, 610, 757, 760 " 18— Althauser Street rom Stafford to Edison, bids for improvement 81, 93, 321, 387, 389 26— Althaus, Valentine and Theresa, deed to City 94 Mar. 22— Audubon Street, petition of property owners for water mains 122 April 14 —Alley between Milwaukee Avenue and 32nd Street, petition to repair same 200 " 14— Abstracts and title to property, Booth's Add., Du- buque Harbor Improvement Co., purchased by City, report of City Solicitor thereon 206 25— Arthofer, Louis and Elizabeth, petition relative to sewer, Eagle Point District 207 25 —Adams Co., cancellation of taxes, report of City Manager 213 May 19 —Alta Place, sanitary sewer 227 June 19 —Air Hill Street, petition to improve 292, 308 19— Algona Street extended, Manager to purchase ground 294 " 26— Abeln, Jos. H., contractor's bond 314 July 14 —Air Hill improvement 333, 353, 407, 479, 480 14 —Air Hill improvement, remonstrance by property owners 333 " 28— Althauser Street, gas connections 372 Aug. 11— Atlantic Street from Julien Avenue to W. 14th Street, resolution to improve 403, 490, 491 " 11— Auburn Street from Delhi to W. 14th Street, reso- lotion to improve 404, 489 11— Ardmore Place, resolution to improve 416, 463 " 25— Althauser Street from Edison to Eagle Street, gas connections 453 Sept. 2— Asbury Street from St. Ambrose to City Limits 507, 594 2— Almond Street, resolution to improve 508, 597, 598 Oct. 27— American Legion, Post No. 6, petition to install uniform flag decoration system 700 Nov. 3 —Adam, Mich., petition for reduction in assessment 752 3— Armistice Day, invitation to Councl to partcipate in parade 770 41 48 1924 Jan. 9- Building Code 6 Feb. 4- Bircher and Jos. Jaeggi, petition for vacation of 41, 44 alley 4 -Bush, Chas. T., petition relative to sanitary sewer, Mt. Pleasant Add. 42, 44 4- Bonds, report of City Manager to purchase a block of $50,000 city bonds 42 18- Bryant Street. bids for improvement 50, 92, 331, 436, 441 18- Burden Street, bids for improvement....., 51, 93, 610, 761, 762, 766 26- Booth Street, gas connections 95, 137 26- Bryant Street, gas connections 26- Burden Avenue, gas connections 95, 140 3- Booth, G. R., petition to install gasoline station 97 3- Building Code Committee report 98, 152 3- Building Code, ordinance and resolution 98 10- Brede, L. H., appointed Mayor pro -tem 100, 113, 111 10 -Board of Review appointed 15- Budget, City of Dubuque, fiscal year ending March 31, 1925 18- Bonds, Water Works, bids for $125,000 22- Bowman, Ed., petition to install gasoline filling 22- Bersched & Wilson, bond for operation of display sign April 1- Braun, Paul, et al., petition to improve Stanton Street 7- Beutin, Frank, remonstrance against assessment, 208 154, 20 Eagle Point Sewer 173, 1 1 55 4, 20 8 7 -Bee Branch Sewer 203 14- Brandel, John, bond 207 25- Brede, L. H., Mayor pro -tem 209 Burke, R. F., contractor's bond 209 25- Braconier, F. G., contractor's bond 210 25 -Bee Branch Sewer, bids 25- Birner, Joseph, report of City Manager relative to assessment for water connections, Lowell Street 214, 330 25 -Bush property, water connections May 5- Berringer, Ernest, petition relative to delinquent 217 assessment " 12- Bitzberger, Al, petition for reduction in peddler's license 227 " 19- Brede, L. H., Mayor pro -tern " 19 -Buol, J. C., remonstrance against assessment, sewer and water connections, W. 16th Street 234, 291 26- Beatrice Creamery Co., petition relative to electric sign " 26 -Board of Review, report of 251 " 26- Beutin, Frank, petition relative to sewer connec- ' Lions June 2- Brede, L. H.. Mayor pro -tem 225 " 2 -Board of Education, petition relative to payment of assessment 19- Bonds, City Grading Bonds of City of Dubuque, $100,000.00 276, 295, 298, 393, 420, 450, 459- 19- Belsky Motor Co., petition to install gasoline fill- ing station " 26- Brouilette Sheet Metal Works, contractor's bond 314 26 -Braun Bros., contractor's bond July... 14 -Bush, C. T., remonstrance against Julien Avenue assessment CC Ci di if if Mar. Ci if CC CI INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT B Page 113 -118, 126 119, 12S 121 -122, 128 122 150 224, 242 251 252 255 290 332, 383 1924 14 -Bush, Birdena, remonstrance against Julien Ave- nue assessment 14- Brunskill, David, remonstrance against Julien Ave- nue assessment 14-- Burke, Walter, petition to pay up delinquent assessment 14- Becker Sr. Hagerty, petition for reduction in assessment 25- Budget Estimate, City of Dubuque 25- Boxleiter, Mrs. G., remonstrating against assess- ment for Stewart Avenue 25- Becke, Chris., contractor's bond 4- Brede, Councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tern 4 -Board of Education, bill for. furniture at school election 11- Brede, Councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tern Aug. 11- Broadway and Broadway Extension, resolution to improve 11 -Burch Street, resolution to improve Sept. 2- Birndorf Bros., sign bond 2- Byrne, Elizabeth,. petition for reduction in assess- ment 15- Blatz, Van, Brewing Co., cigarette license 24- Brede, L. H., Councilman, appointed Mayor pro- tein for this meeting 6 -B & R Battery Co., petition to install air pump 13- Beutin, Frank, remonstrance against assessment, Garfield Avenue 13- Bradley Street, petition to grade 20 -Bush, J. D., petition to pay asses sment on install - ment plan 20- Byrne, Robt. E., petition to pay assessment on in- stallment plan 20 -Board of Education, communi cation, rent for schools on election days 20- Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co., p draining property 27- Banks- Dubuque National, Dubuque Savings, and Second National Bank- asking for cancellation of 1919 taxes 700 Nov. 10 -Bush, Birdena, petition to postpone action on sewer, wtaer and gas connections 770, 805 10- Bethany Home for Aged, petition to exempt from taxation 771 17- Byrne, Elizabeth, petition for reduction in assess- ment 828, 836, 849 28- Brede, Councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tern 829, 837 28- Burgunde, Mrs. Lena, sign bond 834 28- Burden Street, reductions made in assessments for improvement of street 4 835 28- Birmingham Estate, reduction in assessment 836 17 -Bonds to be called in 847 Bertsch, Jos. J., petition to hang electric sign 849 17- Banks - Dubuque National, Dubuque Savings, and Second National- petition for cancellation of taxes 851 29- Breithaupt, Phil., plumber's bond 860 29- Browsky, Wm., manager to pay damages on be- half of City 861 CC di id Aug. if Oct. CC if Cf id INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT B Page 332 333 337 339 359 360, 384 360 387 392 393 400, 497 415, 465, 466 512 514 565 570 608 612 613, 689, 767, 768 684 684 684 etition relative to 685 1924 SUBJECT Jan. 7 —Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., petition to arch streets and build bridges across street 1 7 —City Auditor's report for month of December 7 —City Treasurer's report for month of December 7 —City Water Works report for month of December 7 —Cota. Anna, settlement of claim for personal injuries 5 7 - -City Manager to attend convention, National Road Show, Chicago 9— Cummins, Genevieve and Rose, petition relative to special assessment 29 —C. M. & St. P. R. R., license covering right -of -way, sanitary sewer, Eagle Point District 35 29— Council proceedings for month of October and November, 1923 29— Callahan, Agnes, settlement of claim 4 —City Water Works report .for month of January 13 —CCity Treasurer's report for month of January, 1924 13 —City Auditor's report for month of January, 1924... 13 —City Council proceedings for month of December, 1923 — 44 13 —City Manager's report on rock excavation on W. Locust Street 47 18— Cleveland Avenue, bids for improvement 52, 92, 636, 779, 787 26— Cleveland Avenue, gas connections 95, 146 3— Council Proceedings, bids for binding 97 10 —City Water Works, report for month of February 111 10 —City Treasurer's report for month of February 111 City Auditor's report for months of February 111 10 —C. B. & N. R. R., resolution to vacate and annul certain rights 112, 113, 122 22 —C. M. & St. P. R. R., petition relative to ordin- ance, side track in connection with I. C. R. R. April 7 —City Water Works report for month of March, 1924 14 —City Auditor's report for month of March, 1924 14 —City Treasurer's report for month of March, 1924 14 —City Council Proceedings for month of January, 1924 201 Feb. C C CC Mar. IC CI 14— Consolidated National Bank, renewal of bond... ......... 14 —C. M. & St. P. R. R., agreement relative to placing water mains under tracks 14— Currie - Simpson Co., contractor's bond 14— Curtis & Co., contractor's bond 14— Cooper, A. A., Inc., warranty deed to City 25 —Coon, H. A., petition asking permission to pay assessment on installment plan 25— Corbett, Gertrude, notice of suit against City for personal injuries 25 —City Solicitor, annual report 1923 25 —C. B. & Q. R. R., to purchase three lots from City (Lots 10, 11, 12) " 25 - -City Manager to advertise for bids for sale of Lot 3 of Sub. of Min. Lot 158 May 5— Cardiff Street, petition of property owners to have street improved 5 —City Water Works, annual report 5 —City Treasurer's report for month of April 5 —City Auditor's report for month of April IC CC CC et CI ed INDEX —Book 54 C Page 5 —City to charge rent for property owned by City and occupied by others at the rate of 6% of valuation of property 12 —City Water Works report for month of April, 1924 19 —City Council Proceedings for month of February, 1924 19— Cleaver, Edward T., contractor's bond 9 —City Council Proceedings for month of March, 1924 9 —City Auditor's report for month of May, 1924 " 9 —City Treasurer's report for month of May, 1924 9 —City Water Works report for month of May, 1924 " 19— Cooper, A. A., Inc., remonstrance against assess- ment for Jones street " 19— Cooper, Georgia H., remonstrance against assess- ment for Jones Street improvement 19— Cooper, A. A., Inc., remonstrance against assess- ment for W. 5th Street 19— Conlin, R. F., contract for crushed rock 26— Conlon, R. F., contractor's bond Cascade road bridge to be repaired July 7 —City Manager, renewal of bond 7 —City Water Works, report for month of June, 1924 7 —City Treasurer's report for month of June, 1924 7 —City Auditor's report for month of June, 1924 7— Cigarette dealers, permits and bonds X318, 338, 360, 8— Carpenter, Joe contractor's bond 8 —Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., petition to divert sani- tary sewer 14 —City Council Proceedings for month of April 14 —City Manager and City Solicitor to attend meet- ing of Legislature at Des Moines 16 —City Council Proceedings for month of May 16— Central Hotel, sign bond 28 —Cedar Street property owners asking that sewer between 17th and 19th Streets be covered Aug. 4 —City Council Proceedings for month of -June, 1924 " 11 —City Water Works report for month of July " 11 —City Auditor's report for month of July " 11 —City Treasurer's report for month of July " 11— Custer Street from Atlantic to Auburn, resolution to improve 11— Custer Street from Auburn to Algona Street, reso- lution to improve " 11— Cornell Street from W. 14th Street to May Place, resolution to improve " 11— Curtis Street from Booth to Bryant Streets, resolu- tion to improve 208, 236 19 —C. B. & Q. R. R., petition to build switch track over 6th Street 208 " 25— Colonial Dames, Burroughs No. 1, petition to re- tain Town Clock Sept. 2— Council meeting. call 211 " 2 —City Manager Convention at Montreal— Manager, Mayor, Councilman Melchior to attend 211, 222 11 —City Water Works, report for month of August, 1924 3 3 3 5 7 35 38 42 44 44 122 154 201 201 201 202 203 203 206 210 217 218 218 218 1,924 et CC June Ce CC CC IC de le CC if CI Oct. INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT C 11 —City Auditor's report for month of August, 1924.._ 11 —City Treasurer's report for month of August, 1924 6 —City Water Works report for month of September, 1924 Page 220 225 236 241 272 272 272 272 277, 317 277, 317 279, 317 294 314 315 317 318 318 318 385, 449, 565 329 404, 405, 406, 410, 330 338 341 354 354 385, 449 392 396 396 396 485, 486 484, 485 482, ,483 473, 474 444 454 459 517 523 523 523 608 II 1924 6 —City Auditor's report for month of September, 1924 6 —City Treasurer's report for month of September, 1924 15 —C. B. & Q. R. R., accepting ordinance, spur track at 6th Street 30— Connelly, W. J., and Julia Moser, settlement of delinquent tax levy Nov. 10 —City Council Proceedings for July and August 10 —City Water Works report for month of October, 1924 10 —City Treasurer's report for October, 1924 City Auditor's report for month of October, 1924 10— Curtis & Co., contract awarded for sewer and water connections 13— Connolly, Frances, remonstrance against street assessment 28 —City Council Proceedings for month of Septem- ber, 1924 28— Cooper, A. A., Inc., submitting new plat for lots 691, 700, 701 City Solicitor authorized to purchase as City's agent property for sale for delinquent taxes Dec. 17— Commercial Jobbing Co., sale of property, Indus- trial Sub. No. 2 17 —City Bonds to be called in 17 —City Auditor's report for November, 1924 City Treasurer's report for November, 1924 City Water Works report for November, 1924 17— Cooper, A. A., Inc., and Cooper Wagon and Buggy Co., tax matters CC CC CI CC IC CC CC INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT C Page 608 608 613 748 771 771 771 771 774 779, 834 834 835 836 847 847 850 850 850 852 ti 1924 D 7— Dubuque Electric Co., accepting terms of ordinance, Jones street 2 7— Dubuque Poster Advertising Co., petition relative to Billbord Ordinance 2 7— Danzer, Pauline, refund on sewer, W. 16th Street... 2 2— Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., Manager authorized to purchase Lot 10 and 12 5 15 —Dax, Anna, notice of appeal from assessment 22 29— Doerr, Adam, remonstrance, sewer and water con- nections on W. Locust Street 25, 46, 94 29— Dubuque Roofing Co., remonstrance to parts of Building Code 35 29— Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co., resolution to repay to City $25,000 39, 41 4— Dubuque Electric Co., notice to County by Clerk of contemplated street improvement 42 13— Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting contract ex- pires, report of Manager 49, 84, 91, 109 26— Douglas Street, gas connections 95, 149 April 1— Dolan, Catherine, petition relative to delinquent assessment 150 1 —Delhi Street, petition of property owners objecting to vibrolithic paving 152 25— Dustin, Albert N., bond for sign 209 25— Dubuque Shippers Association, City joins, fee to be $25.00 '215 5— Devlin, contractor's bond 218 5— Dubuque Electric Co., one -man car proposition 220 5— Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, communication relative to conference of the Mississippi Valley Association 222 12— Dubuque Moose Club, petition to have carnival at Olinger Park 223, 224 12— Dubuque Electric Co., petition asking to remove track on Jones Street from Main to R. R. tracks 226 19— Douglas Street, petition of property owners for grade on sidewalk 234 26— Decoration Day, invitation to Council to participate in parade 236 26— Devlin, E. C., contractor's bond ....... 252 9— Dubuque Electric Co., petition relative to paving on Bryant Street 272 " 19— Dubuque Electric Co., T. T. Parker addressed Council relative to electric sign 276, 314 July 7— Dubuque Roofing Co., contractor's bond 318 Aug. 11— Diagonal Street, resolution for improvemnet 399, 498, 499 " 11— Dubuque Electric Co., petition relative to paving on W. Locust street , 416, 417 25— Dehing, John, petition for reduction in taxes 456 11— Dubuque Electric Co., petition of residents re- monstrating against their method of repairing street between tracks on Central Avenue Jan. Ci fi CI Ct Feb. May Ci CC June Sept. 15 —De Maio, Patzie, petition to improve King street 560 " 15— Dorst, Mrs. C., petition relative to sidewalk 561 Oct. 6— Dubuque Radiator Works, petition to erec tsign 607 13— Deming, J. K., remonstrance against assessment, Garfield Avenue 612 27— Duertscher, A. & J., petition remonstrating against special assessment 699, 717 CC INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page 522 1924 id t i INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT D Page 27- Dubuque Poultry Association, petition for use of Armory for Children Show + 747 " 27- Dubuque Auto Supply Co,, bond 747 Nov. 13 -Dax, Anna, remonstrance against assessment 779, 847, 861 13- Drease, Rosa, remonstrance against street improve- ment 805 Dec. 17- Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co., resolution cre- ating Industrial No. 2 845, 846 17- Dubuque National Bank, petition for cancellation taxes 851 17- Dubuque Savings Bank, petition for cancellation of taxes 851 1924 18- Emery, Peck & Rockwood, $20,000 sewer bonds 18 -Elm Street, bids for improvement 53, 92, " 18- Eighteenth Street, bids for improvement 54, 99, 212, " 18 -East 24th Street, bids for improvement 55, 92, 340 " 18 -East 4th Street, bids for improvement 56, 92, 173, 604, " 18- Edison Street, bids for improvement 81, 93, 292, " 26- Election, Clerks of Registration, and Judges and Clerks of Election Mar. 10 -Even & Kolb, bond for display sign 10- Election, voting precincts 22- Election, canvass of petition, candidates for Coun- cilman and Park Commissioners 31- Ernsdorf, Jacob, ,appointed' on Civil Service Com- mission 31 -East 4th Street, contract to Rasmussen & Sons Co. Election - Salaries paid Registration Clerks, Judges and Clerks of Election, voting places, etc 31- Election, voting precincts, Mayor appoint a com- mittee of five to redistrict voting precincts 1- Election, canvass of votes 7 -Eagle Point Lime Works, petition to cut opening in wall " 14- Eisbach Bros., contractor's bond May 5- Efferding, T. E., contractor's bond June 2- Ettenson, Jacob, petition relative to paying special assessment 26- Election precincts, committee appointed to re- district City 14- Ellis, Dr. G. C., petition for display sign 25- Electric Light Fund, resolution . " 28- Edison Street, gas connection " 28 -Elm Street, gas connections " 28 -East 24th Street, sewer and water connections 28- Edison Street, gas connections 28 -East 4th Street fill, Manager authorized to sell property Aug. 4- Emerson, petition for hanging display sign 11 -East 22nd Street, resolution to improve 11 -Elm Street from 11th to 20th Street, resolution to improve 401, " 11 -East 16th Street from Washington Street to C. G. W. tracks, resolution to improve " 19- Emerson Co., bond for display sign Sept. 2 -East 15th Street, re volution to improve 2- Eisbach, Peter, reduction in assessment 3- Election precincts, report of committee " 22- Election, Registratio nClerks " 22- Election, voting places Nov. 28- Erschen, J. W., petition to pay assessment Dec. 1- Enright, Ann, petition for reduction in assesment 17 -Ellis Street, gas connections 17 -Elm Street. petition to improve with sheet asphalt Feb. id April di July di di di di id INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT E 717, 245, 428, 734, 355, Page 2 721 248 434 735 357 93 100 111 120 128 129 129 129 151 173 203 218 255 315 341, 391 359 372, 373 373, 374 378, 383 384 385, 396, 504, 495, 496, 600 392 392 505 406 444 506, 590, 591 514 518 568 5 "69 835 837 848 850 1924 July it Aug. di it ti INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT G Jan. 13— Greenwald, Mary, notice of appeal from assessment Feb. 13 —Gow, W. S., suit against City, report of Solicitor " 18— Garfield Avenue, bids for improvement 57, 91, 92, " 21— Garfield Avenie, laterals extended " 26 —Gas connections on various streets April 14— Geiger, Henry A., contractor's bond May 5— Giese, Edwin W., contractor's bond 12— Gregory, Jas. A.., contractor's bond " 12— Geisler Bros., contractor's bond June 9— Gaynor, E. J., remonstrating against special assess- ment levied for improvement of W. Locust 19— Grading bids 14— Gregory, Frank, remonstrance against Julien Ave- ' nue assessment 25— Gabriel, Theo., Councilman, appointed Mayor pro- tein 28— Garfield Avenue, gas connections 11 —Glen Oak Street from Julien Avenue to Vernon, resolution to improve 403, 492, 493 11 —Glen Oak Street from W. 3rd to W. 5th Street, resolution to improve 409,_ 475, 476 " 11— Gerlick, Lena, settlement of claim 420 Sept. 2— Grassel, Ludwig, petition for reduction in assess- ment " 22— Gronau, John, case settled Oct. 1— Grace, M. J., Clerk of Court, warrant be drawn for court costs 6— Gantenbein, Frank, petition remonstrating against size of lot 6 —Golf Course, Public 16— Garfield Avenue, reductions in assessments 27— Grutz, Peter, offering 'to settle delinquent as§ess- ment " 30— Gengler's Cafe, permit to sell cigarettes Nov. 10 —Gas connections, various streets, contract awarded Dec. 17— Geisler Bros., guarantee roof on 9th Street Engine House Page 23 48 418, 534, 550 84 95, 372, 453 203 218 225 225 271, 514 293 333 355 374 514 569 602 608 608 634 699 748 774 848 1924 Jan. 7— Fairview Place from 16th Street to Cornell Place, resolution of necessity to improve 7, 32, 33, 564 29—Fischer, Elizabeth, settlement of claim 38 29— Frommelt, Magdalena and Joseph, relative to can- cellation of delinquent assessment 39 Fey. 4— Frith, E. T., garbage contract 43, 84 18— Fairview Place, bids for improvement 56, 92, 653, 654 21— Fackenthal, suit against City 86, 861 Mar. 15 —Fire Pumper accepted from American LaFrance Co. 118 April , 1— Fireman's Band, petition to use Armory for dance 150 7— Farrell, Nellie, notice of rlaim for personal injury 153, 209 7 —First National Bank, depositary bond 153 May 5— Frith, E. E. Estate, asking that old bond be released 222 June 26— Fischer, Magdalen, taxes for 1922 be refunded 315 July 14—Fireman's Band Leader to receive $50.00 per month 341 " 25 —Fire Fund Resolution 359 " 28— Froelich, Julia, bill for private sewer 383 Aug. 4— Fischer, Joseph, Fire Chief, to Convention 392 " 11— Francis Street from Kaufmann Avenue to W. 23rd Street, resolution to improve 413, 469, 470 Sept. 2 —Foye Street, resolution to improve 508, 598, 599 Oct. 6— Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., petition to excavate in alley 607 13— Flynn, Leo J., remonstrance against assessment, Seminary Street 612, 701 17 —Foye Street, gas connections 848 29— Fortune, Mary, notice of claim 859 Dec. INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT F Page 1924 Jan. Feb. Mar. H 7- Harold Street, petition of property owners for sanitary sewer 1 7- Herrmann, Oscar, remonstrance against assessment 1, 37, 47 29- Hackett, James, offers to sell property to City 37 13- Hamel, August, renewal of plumber's bond 44 18- Hackett, James and Anna, deed to Lot 10 to City 50 18- Harvard Street, bids for improvement 58, 92, .637, 801, 803 18Holly Street, bids for improvement 59, 92, 515, 585, 587 21- Horsefall, City to purchase his lot 84, 122 22 -Hess, Julia, notice of claim for personal injuries 121 31 -Hurd, Lenehan, Smith & O'Connor, $50.00 for legal services 127 31- Humphrey, R. G., appointed Building Commissioner 128 April 1 -High Bluff Street, petition asking to have street extended 150, 215 1 -High Bluff Street, petition of property owners, rela- tive to space between sidewalk and curb 157 2- Herzog, Mrs., petition relative to delinquent assessments 152 7- Hemini, Clarence, petition for reduction in special assessment 153, 202 7- Hackett, J., Council to purchase Lot 10, Coates Add. 174 14- Humphrey, R. G., bond 201 14- Howie, David T., contractor's bond 203 5- Horton, John P., bond for display sign 218 5- Halpin Produce Co., bond for display sign 218 26 -Heim, J. A., contractor's bond 252, 255 26- Hagerty, R. E., asked for further reduction in as- sessment on Lot 13, Newberry's Add 255, 252 7- Holland Furnace Co., contractor's bond 318 7- Henkels, Frank, contractor's bond 318 7- Hillyard, L. 0., petition for improvement of Pickett Street 321 28 -Holly Street, gas connections 376 Aug. 11 -Heeb Street, resolution to improve 416, 464 Oct. 1- Heaton, Isabel, claim for personal injuries 601, 805 6- Hickson, T. F., addressed Council relative to side- walk 607 16- Hillyard, L. 0., petition to install oil tank on 18th Street 635 16- Hosford's Sub. Lot 4, assessment be released 638 20- Henderson Street, resolutions 689 30- Hennesy, F. D., petition asking for reduction in assessment 747 Nov. 10- Hoerner, Fred, pay $1.00.00 for use of map 777 Dec. 29- Hartig Drug Co., cigarette permit 860 di May it July It INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT Page 1924 Jan. Feb. April CI June July Aug. if Oct: Nov. .INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT I 29- Industrial Subdivision No. 1, created 13 -Iowa Trust & Savings Bank, depositary bond 18 -Iowa Street, bids for improving 59, 92, 604, 7 -I. C. R. R. Terminal Safety Committee, relative to R. R. crossings 25 -Iowa House Furnishing Co , contractor's bond 19 -I. C. R. R., remonstrance against improvement of Jones Street 25 -Iowa Association Chiefs of Police, convention at Keokuk 25 -I. C. R.• R., petition to improve Jones Street back of depot 28 -Iowa Street, gas connections 19 -I. C. R. R., petition to close Railroad Avenue 25 -Iowa Coffin Co., petition to change paving of 16th Street to 15th Street 27- Irving Street, petition to have improved 3- Ireland, W. W., petition for cancellation of sewer assessment Page 37, 243 44 605, 723, 733 153 209 277, 317 355 361 375, 376 443, 635, 835 456 701 751, 772 1924 Feb. April CC INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT J improvement 18 -Jones Street from improvement 18 -Jones Street from improvement 18- Julien Avenue from for improvement 26- Jackson Street, gas connections 26- Julien Avenue, Delhi to Delhi, gas connections 7- Jarding, Nick, waiver and agreement, sewer in 19th Street May 12- Janssen & Hoerner, contractor's bond June 26- Joseph Motor Sales Co., petition for display sign July 14- Jackson, G. W., contractor's bond " 16- Julien Avenue, reductions on improvement " 25- Justman, C. C., contractor's bond Aug. 4- Jaeger & Kunnert, property in 4th Street sand fill " 11- Julien Avenue from Hill Street to Alta Vista, reso- lution to improve 11 -James Street, resolution to improve 19- Johnson, S. A., bond for display sign 25- Joseph Motor Sales Co., petition to install gasoline pump Oct. 20- Jackson, Robt., objecting to assessment, improve- ment of Seminary Street Nov. 3- Jackson Street, petition to improve 3- Jackson Street, petition of property owners, light 28- Jungforman, Bernadine, remonstrance against con- struction of storm sewer in Southern Avenue District Dec. 29- Jubser vs. City of Dubuque Page Jan. 29- Jaeger & Kunnert, petition to buy property, 4th Street Extension 35, 847 18- Jackson Street, bids for improvement 4. -60, 92, 562, 670, 683 18- Julien Avenue from Delhi to Delhi Street, bids for 61, 91, 92, 122, 275, 332, 342, 343, 344, 349 Main to I. C. tracks, bids for 62, 92, 604, 736, 739 Levee to I. C. tracks, bids for 63, 92, 225, 227, 278 Hill Street to Walnut„ bids 83, 98 95, 147 95, 143 173, 292, 772 225 298 338 243, 343 360 393 409, 476, 477 414, 466, 467 444 456 684 752 752 829 861 1924 Jan. Feb. CI Mar. April May It June July Aug. Cf INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT K " Karsch, Rosa, petition for reduction in assessment Sept. 22 -King Street, petition for and against improvement " 22 -King Street, resolution to improve " Kadesky, A. R., petition for steps to basement Oct. 1- Kissell, D. E., petition to build garage " 13- Keppler, Val. remonstrance against assessment, Seminary Street " 13- Kuehnle, Edwin C., offer to settle delinquent assessment Page 15- Koerner, Walter, Mary, Clara Friedland and Hen- rietta Jungk, notice of appeal from special assessment 23 15- Kurst, Frank, asking to be reimbursed for damage to property 29- Kunnert & Jaeger, to purchase property, 4th Street 29- Krakow, Lisette, settlement of claim 4- Keppler, Val, petition asking for reduction in as- sessment, sewer and water connections F 41, 45 18- Kirkwood Street, bids for improvement 63, 92, 563, 664, 669 18- Kniest Street, bids for improvement 64, 92, 600, 601, 710, 715 18- Kniest Street, petition of property owners to pave with sheet asphalt 65 21- Klauer Mfg. Co., petition for gasoline station on 11th and Central Avenue 86, 95, 121 21- Kirkwood Street sewer 87 21- Kirkwood Street, gas connections 95, 139 3- Kearney, Hugh, claim for personal injuries 97, 861 3- Kaufmann, C. E., petition for reduction in special assessment 97, 203 22- Krakow, Mrs. Wm., petition to pay assessments on installment plan 121 22- Knoernschild. Fred, notice of claim for personal injuries 121 22- Keller, Elizabeth, remonstrance against assessment for sewer, Kirkwood Street 122, 567 22- Koppes Condemnation Case, solicitor to file papers for re -trial 123, 861 1 -Kies, Peter J., resignation as deputy assessor 150 7- Kress, George, remonstrance against assessment for sewer, Eagle Point District 155 Kutsch & fevers, contractor's band 203, 218, 225 25- Kearney, Hugh, suit against City, personal injuries 209 5- Kintzle, Theo., contractor's bond 218 5- Kuehnle, Ed., of Leader Oil Co., addressed Council relative to gasoline station 220 12- Knoernschild, Fred, settlement for personal injuries 226 9 -King, Henry, petition to hang display sign 273, 314 19- Kleih, George, and Ben Klauer, petition to vacate alley 290 19 -Kien, Anna Maria, petition to have taxes reduced 291 19- Kiesele, Julia, error in assessment 292 26- Klein, C. M., - contractor's bond 314 7- Kuehnle, John, contractor's bond 318, 633 7 -Key City Roofing Co., contractor's bond 318 8- Kuehnle, C. Edwin, contractor's bond 329 19- Keppler, Elizabeth, petition for reduction in assessment 443 19- Knoernschild, Herman and John, et al, petition to move fire plug 444 23 35 38 444, 515 566 566 566 601, 607 612 612 1924 Jan. Feb. Mar. ff It May ft June July Aug. Nov. ff Dec. INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT L 29— Light, petition to install at corner of Alta and Decorah Streets 26— Light, petition to install on Auburn Street be- tween Delhi and Grace Streets 22— Leitner, Jos., petition to build garage on City property 22 —Lee, James Co., refuse to fulfill contract for im- provement of 4th Street 22 —Lee, James, Paving Co., certified check forfeited April 1— Light, petition to install at corner of Brunswick and Belmond Streets 25— Lawther Avenue, petition of property owners rela- tive to sidewalk 25 —Lee, .Tames, notice of appeal from assessment, Eagle Point Sewer 25— Leicht, John, bond 5— Light, petition of property owners that light be in- • stalled at Althauser and Stafford Streets 5— Looney, Jos. E., contractor's bond 19 —Lang, Frank A., report of City Solicitor, relative to delinquent assessment 26— Luther, Frank C., contractor's bond 2 —La Crosse Dredging Co., contract for filling 4th Street Extension 2— Library Board, relative to Masonic Temple prop- erty 19— Light, petition of property owners on Viola and Eagle Street 19— Laurel Street and Canon Street, bids for grading 26— Lammer, Wm, contractor's bond 14— Luethe, H. F., contractor's bond 14 —Lee, James F., settlement of account with City 25— Library, certificate of tax 4— Light, petition for at 8th and Bluff Streets 4— League of Iowa Municipalities Convention 25— Lavin, M., petition to maintain pop corn wagon at at 5th and Main Streets Sept. 11— Lorenz Laundry, petition to erect new boiler, etc Oct. 6— Leicht, John, petition for reduction in assessment 6— Lewis, Harry, petition to install fuel oil tank " 13— Lavin, J. F., remonstrance against assessment, Seminary Street 13— Linwood Cemetery, petition to connect with sewer 30— Lannon, Mr., claim for damages 3 —Lacy, Frank, petition for reduction in assessment 3-- Light, petition to install at Jackson and Milwaukee Streets 17 —Lang & Tscharner, bond for sign 17 —Lewis & Co., plumber's bond 29— Linehan & Molo, plumber's bond Page 35 91 122 123 123 150 207 208 209, 225 217 218 244 252, 255 257, 272 257 292 293 314 338 340 360, 361 391 392 456 523 607 608 612 633, 690 717 752, 851 752 828 850 850 1924 K 13— Kuehnle, John, petition to curb and gutter at and Alta Vista Streets 16— Kiwanis Club, resolution relative to parks and play grounds 27— Kantlehner, Clara E., remonstrance against assess- ment, W. 5th Street 27— Kirkwood Street, reduction in assessments 27— Kniest Street, complaints by abutters against work on street Nov. 10— Kintzle, Theo., remonstrance against assessment, Burden Street ...... 10 —Key City Gas Co., contract awarded for gas con- nections, various streets 28— Kavanaugh, John J., remonstrance against storm and sanitary sewer in Southern Avenue district 28— Klauer Mfg. Co., petition to erect canopy on Washington Street side of building Dec. 1— Knowlton, Mrs. Ellen, Rider Estate, appeal from assessment 29— Knippel, Ed., petition for reduction in assessment INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page 633 634 699, 749 702 717 761 774 829 834 837 850 1924 If INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Mc Page Jan. 29— McCoy, Ellen, settlement of claim 38 Feb. 13— McGlinchey, Mabel, suit against City, report of City Solicitor 48 Mar. 3— McGrath, John, remonstrance against sewer and water connections 97, 204 10— McConnell, Mare, petition, claim against for $5,000 personal injury suit 111 April 7— McCormick Street, petition to have graded 153, 293 14— McCarthy, Peter, offer to sell property in Booth's Add. 206 25— McConnell, Marie, notice of suit against City, per- sonal injuries 208, 690, 829 July 16— McCune, Mrs. Alice, petition claiming damages to property 354, 700 Sept. 15— McIntosh, remonstrance against Garfield Avenue assessment 534 Oct. 1— McQuillan, Mrs. Mary, remonstrance against as- sessment, Rush Street 580, 687 1— McEvoy, J. W., petition for sidewalk 601 30— McGough, Pat and C., offering to settle delinquent assessment 747, 752 Nov. 10— McGregor, C. C., remonstrance against assessment 771 10— McNamara Construction Co., contract awarded for sewer and water connections 774 28— McCabe, L. C., Superintendent J. C. R. R., asking that Railroad Avenue be closed to April 1, 1925 835 1924 May CC CI 1( IC C c CC CS IC Dec. AC INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT M Jan. 29— Muntz, Ed., remonstrance against improvement of W. 16th Street " 29— Maher, Margaret, deed be given her for property Feb. 18— Montrose Terrace, bids for improvement 65, " 18— Marshall Street, bids for improvement 66, " 18 —Merz Street, bids for improvement 67, 85, " 21— Mulgrew, T. J., petition, permission for blasting... Mar. 3— Masterson, Margaret, petition to pay assessment on installment plan " 10— Mulgrew, T. J. Co., petition relative to better fire protection " 22— Melchior, H. G., appointed Mayor pro -tem April 1— Meyers, Catherine S., petition relative to line against property 7— Messerknecht, F., remonstrance against assess- . ment, Eagle Point Sewer 14— Mueller, Henry, contractor's bond 25— Maeder, Mrs. Robt., petition asking that fence be removed on Green Street 25— Maguire, D. E., quit claim deed to City of Dubuque 5— Muntz, Ed., remonstrating against assessment for sanitary sewer 5— Marty, Fred W., contractor's bond ,. 5— Mendelsohn, E., settlement for personal injuries 19— Mulgrew, T. J. & Co., petition for permission to elevate track over Dodge Street 19— Mulgrew, T. J. & Co., petition to improve that part of Levee that abuts their property June 9— Melchior, H. G., Mayor pro -tem July 8— Mueller, John, contractor's bond " 14— Mulgrew, T. J., remonstrance against assessment for Walsh Street 14— Millville Road, petition of property owners to im- prove road 16— Mulgrew, T. J., addressed Council on. Walsh Street assessment " 28 —Merz Street, gas connections Aug. 4— Mullen, Mike, plumber's bond Sept. 2— Meggenberg, Gus, et al., petition to re- establish grade on Broadway from Gay to Putnam Streets Sept. 11 —Mt. Loretta Avenue, petition of property owners to postpone construction of sewer " 24— Marshall, W; H., sidewalk ruined by storm Oct. 16— Moser, J. G., .contractor's bond " 20 —Muir, S. S., remonstrance against, assessment, Jackson Street 27— Mulgrew, T. J. Co., communication stating they did not object to closing Railroad Avenue 30— Moser, Julia, and W. J. Connelly, settlement of delinquent tax levy Nov. 3— Milwaukee Avenue, petition to improve 13— Murphy, Margaret, remonstrance against street assessment 28— Mulgrew, T. J., reduction in assessments 1 —Mt. Pleasant Home, appeal from assessment 17— Murphy, Margaret, petition for reduction in assess- ment 17— Melchior, H. G., appointed Mayor pro -tern 92, 92, 99, 563, 656, 418, 531, 353, 423, Page 33 36 659 532 427 86 97 100 120 150 154 203 208 209 217, 256 218 222 236 236, 256 258 329 333 341, 361 344 376 392 517 523 571 635 670 700 749 752 779 836 837 847 1 1924 Jan. 7- Ordinance No. 143, vacating alley East of Lots 2 to 10, Coates Add. 4, 22 15- Oriental Sweet Shop, bond for display sign 21 29- Ordinance No. 144, repealing an ordinance, provid- ing for appointment of a Plumbing Inspector 36 29- Ordinance No. 145, providing for the appointment of Plumbing Inspector , 36 ---- " 29- Ordinance No. 146, prescribing rules for installa- tion of water service, water meters and water supply pipes 36 13 -Oxus Grotto, petition for Armory for dance 44 13- Ordinance No. 147, providing rules and regulations with reference to garbage receptacles 49, 104 18- Oxford Street, bids for improvement 69, 92, 636, 797, 799 26- Ordinance, granting Carr, Ryder & Adams Co: right to arch alley, etc. 94 26- Ordinance, providing for cancellation of garbage contract 94, 102 26- Ordinance, authorizing issue of $125,000 Water Bonds 94, 106, 119 Mar. 3- Ordinance, Building Code 98...E 3- Ordinance No. 148, creating and establishing Eagle Point Main Sewer District 99, 105, 106 10- Ordinance, Carr, Ryder & Adams Co 101, 102 22- Ordinance, grade on Garfield Avenue 123, 155 22- Ordinance, grade on Marshall Street 123, 156 22- Ordinance, grade on Montrose Terrace 124, 157 22- Ordinance, grade on Kirkwood Street 124, 158 22- Ordinance, grade on Kniest Street 124, 160 22- Ordinance, grade on Seminary Street from Main to Madison 124, 161 22- Ordinance, grade on alley first west of N. Grand- view Avenue 124, 162 22- Ordinance, grade on Rush Street 124, 162 22- Ordinance, grade on W. 16th Street from Montrose to Cornell 124, 163 22- Ordinance, grade on W. 5th Street from Hill to John Street 124, 164 22- Ordinance, grade on E. 19th Street 124, 164 22- Ordinance, grade on 18th Street 124, 166 22- Ordinance, grade on Summit Street 124, 167 22- Ordinance, grade on Edison Street 124, 168 22- Ordinance, grade on Holly Street 124, 168 22- Ordinance, grade on Dodge Street 124, 169 22- Ordinance, grade on alley between Walnut and Cox Street 124, 170 22- Ordinance, grade on E. 24th Street 124, 171 22- Ordinance, grade on Iowa Street 124, 172 31- Ordinance, Appropriation 126 1- Olinger Park, petition of residents, City to pur- chase same 149, 204 7- O'Brien, James and Ida, and Leonard Kruse, re- monstrance against assessment Eagle Point Sewer 154 7- Ordinance, grade on Seminary Street, Locust to Harold Street 159, 124 7- Olinger. John, waiver and agreement, sewer 19th Street 173, 292 7- Ordinance vacating alley between Langworthy and Solon Streets 174, 201 Feb. IC IC IC CC April CC SC CC CC IC IC CC INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT O Page 1924 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May CI CC July Sept. Oct. Nov. IC Dec. INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT N 7= Novock, Henry, petition relative to assessment for Shiras Avenue 18- Neuman, Charles, Estate, petition of Mrs. Neuman for cancellation of tax sale certificate 18- Nineteenth Street, bids for improvement 68, 85, 3- Morton, John and Julia McGrath, remonstrance against assessment, sewer and water 31- National Refining Co., petition relative to building gasoline station 1 -Nank, Wrn., petition to have electric light post moved 1- Novak, error in assessment for Shiras Avenue 25- Norton, John W., notice of appeal from assess- ment, sewer Eagle Point District 12- Nagle, J. J., petition for reduction in assessment 12 -Ney, Albert, contractor's bond 26- Neumeister, J. W., petition relative to delinquent assessmetns 7 Nilles, Jos. P., petition for redemption of propertp sold at tax sale 2- Needham Place, resolutions to improve 13- Nagle, J. J., remonstrance against assessment, Garfield Avenue 16- Nicks, Paul, offering to settle delinquent assess- ments 10-- Nank,. Chas., remonstrance against assessment for sewer 17- Norton, Ed., petition for reduction in assessment 1 -No Parking sign Page 1 50 99, 221, 258, 262 97, 204 129 150 151 208 224 225 251. 317, 331 506, 592, 593 612 635, 690 770 828 842 1924 14- O'Brien, Elizabeth T., notice of suit against City... 201 14- Ordinance amending an ordinance, licensing and regulating peddlers + 206, 209, 218 25- Ordinance regulating sale of food commodities 210, 219 5- Ordinance repealing an ordinance, No. 155, regu- lating the running and operating of street cars, being Ordinance No. 41 , 222, 225, 241 5- Ordinancve granting Julia Froelich right to con- struct sanitary sewer 222, 225, 242 5- Ordinance prescribing kind and description of ar- ticles which may be sold on the Central Market (Ordinance 154) 222, 225, 241 12- Ordinance amending an ordinance, regulating cir- cuses, menageries, carnivals, etc., being Ordin- ance No. 124 12- Ordinance. Special, authorizing the Dubuque Elec- tric Co. to discontinue spur track on Jones Street from Main Street to I. C. tracks, approx- imately 80 feet 226, 243, 253, 443 " 19 -Ott Rubber Co., Mayor to execute warranty deed 243 June 9- Olinger Park, petition of property owners relative to carnival companies 273 9- Ordinance, establishing grade, alley between At- lantic and Auburn F 273, 289, 309 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on Hamilton Street 274, 290, 311 9- Ordinance, Establishing grade on Fillmore Street 274, 290, 311 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on Decorah Street 274, 290, 312 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on Stanton Street 274, 290, 312 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on Decatur Street 274, 290, 313 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on Garfield Avenue 274, 290, 313 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on alley between Au- burn and Algona Streets 290, 274, 310 9- Ordinance, establishing grade on alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues 290, 274, 310 " 26- Oriental Sweet Shop, petition for sign 314 26- Overby & Weber, contractor'ss bond r 314 26- Ordinance vacating alley, Union Avenue Sub. 314, 329, 330 ^-- July 14- Ordinance, establishing a Building Code 340, 360, 390 Aug. 11- Olinger Park, petition to allow carnival 417 Sept. 2- Ordinance, C. B. & Q. R. R. to extend switch track across 6th Street 517, 529, 570 2- Ordinance repealing ordinance, dividing City into wards 2- Ordinance repealing ordinance, dividing wards in- to election precincts 518, 524 2- Ordinance establishing single ward for City 518, 524 15- Oxford Street, ordinance to be drafted to vacate 565 24- Official notice 572 1- Ordinance vacating alley between Alta Vista and Nevada Street 6- Ordinance, private sewer in 27th Street .609, 614, 686 16- Olinger, John, and Nick Jarding petition for reduc- tion in, assessment, sewer in 19th Street 772, 635 30 -Oyen, A. A., communication relative to delinquent taxes • Dec. 17 -Ott, Jos. J., communication relative to delinquent taxes 29 -Ott Rubber Co., delivered to them warranty deed 860 , May if fi if IC Oct. CI CI CC INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT O Page 223 518, 523 606, 614, 685 747 850 1924 Jan. 7 -Pier Bros., protesting against bill for gas connect- ions 15 -Paris Hotel, cigarette permit 4- Plumbers, remonstrance against proposed Plumb- er's Ordinance 3- Polsean, T. A., petition for gasoline station 10 -Pier, Eliabeth, remonstrance against assessment, sewer, water and gas connections 10- Police, petition for use of Armory for Annual Ball April 1- Potter, error in assessment, Shiras Avenue 7- Piekenbrock, Frank J., bond, Park Commissioner 25- Pautz, Herman, claim for damages against City 25- Princess Theater, report of City Solicitor, rela- tive to personal property tax May 5- Prescott Street, petition for sanitary sewer 5- Palen, John, petition to have Telephone Company remove pole 12 -Pust, Wm. A., remonstrating against assessment, Eagle Point District 19- Pinnard Street, petition of property owners for Sewer 19- Peters, Anna, notice of claim against City for per- sonal injuries if 26 -Park Board, communication relative to rock sold, Eagle Point Lime Works 26- Pressley Furnace - Co., contractor's bond 7- Pinnard Street Sewer, bids 8- Pickett Street improvement 328, 362, 363, 445, 564, 14 -Park Board, tax to be levied for park purposes 14- Parkway, resolution for boulevard lights 25- Papain, L. 0., plumber's bond 28- Pickett Street, remonstrance against improvement 11- Prairie Street, resolution to improve 2- Prince Street, resolution to improve 15 -Peru Road Viaduct, petition for a foot passage crossing 15 -Park and Play Ground, petition of residents to purchase Bush property 22- Prince Street, petitio nto improve 24 -Park Board, Superintendent of Parks to examine trees in Ctiy Oct. 6- Pfohl, F. P., petition for reduction in assessment " 13- Parks, Play Grounds, Golf Links " 30- Public Play Grounds Committee, report for 1924 " 30- Pusitari, claim for damages Nov. 3 -Pier, Elizabeth, remonstrance against assessments for street improvements 771, 772, 3 -Pier, H. L., remonstrance against assessments for street improvements 751, 772, 797 3- Palmer, Mr., reduction in assessment 753 10- Pickett Street, petition of residents for sidewalk 771 28 -Plat and deed to Lot 1 of Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 179 834 28- Pyramid Oil Co., application for purchase of City property 1- Parking signs 17 -Pine Hurst plat 29- Papin, L. 0., plumber's bond 29 -Pape, Chas. & Son, bond Feb. Mar. CI if if it July if If Aug. Sept. if ff Ci fI IC Dec. INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT P 407, 566, Page 1 21 42, 45, 91 97 100, 123 101 151 154 208 215 217 220 224, 274 234 234, 861 252 314 318, 322 650, 651 338 339 360 362 481, 482 509 561 561 589, 590 571 607 633 747 747, 850 751, 797 837 842 850, 860 860 860 1924 Aug. Sept. Oct. INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 7— Rafferty Slough fill, subdivided, resolution 4 " 15 —Rush Street, petition of property owners asking for sewerage system 23 " 29— Rhomberg, A. L., remonstrance against sewer and water connections, W. Locust Street 25, 46 " 29— Ratterman, Anna, settlement of Claim 38 Feb. 13— Retail Food Distributors, petition defining Central Market, and objections to Peddlers 45 13— Rhomberg, petition relative to Assesment for Im- provement of Shiras Ave. 46 " 13— Rhomberg, A. L., remonstrance, sewer, water and gas connections, Kirkwood St. 46 " 18 —Rush Street, bids for improvement 69, 92, 516, 580, 584 " 18— Rosedale Avenue, bids for improvement 70, 92, 688, 812, 815 Mar. 10— Rogers, G. R., remonstrance against assessment, improvement College St. 100 " 10— Roselieb, Birdie, asking for reduction in taxes 111 " 22— Roepsch, George, et -al., petition for sidewalks. on Lincoln Ave. 121 " 22— Robinson, Virginia and Berdina Bush, petition for refund for sewer connections 123 " 31— Rasmussen, J. & Sons Co., contract for improve- ment E. 4th St. 129 April 1— Rosalind Street, petition of residents to have street repaired 150 1— Reeder Street, petition of residents to have street repaired 151 CI 7— Roshon, Jos., remonstrance, assessment Eagle Pt Sewer 154 7— Rhomberg, J. A. Estate, Catherine Rhomberg Es- tate, T. E. and A. L. Rhomberg against assess- ments as levied for Sewer Eagle Pt. District 154, 208 7— Roosevelt Street, storm sewer 173, 210, 211 " 14— Reynolds, C. E., petition for reduction in assess- ment against lot of Horace Poole 200, 220 14— Radloff, A. H., contractors bond 203 25— Roosevelt St. storm sewer bids 210, 211 June 9— Ruegnitz, B. A., petition to pay for sanitary sewer on installment plan 272 9— Rellihan, Frank J., plumber's bond 272 19 —Rowan Street, petition of property owners to re- pair street ................. 290 19— Rockdale Road, estimated cost of completion 293, 294, 331 July 8— Rhomberg, A. L., protesting against vacation of alley 329 14— Robinson, Virginia E., remonstrance against assess- ment for improvement Julien Ave. 332 28 —Rush Street gas connections 377 11— Rosenow, Otto, petition to have alley opened 396 11— Regent Street, resolution to improve 397, 503, 504 11— Rasmussen, J. & Sons Co., communication, relative to paving Street Car portion —W. Locust St 417 2— Randall Place, gas connections 514 22— Registration clerks 568 1— Randall Place, gas connection, 577 1— Roesch, Mrs., waranty deed to city 602 13 —Rust, H. W., remonstrance against assessment, Seminary Street 612 '1924 INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page Q Aug. 11 —Queen Street, resolution to improve...397, 501, 502, 608, 631, 698, 769 Oct. 1— Quality Oil Co., petition to install filling station 601 Dec. 17— Quality Oil Co., deed to lots in Industrial Sub No. 2 847 1924 13- Riggs, Margaret, remonstrance against assessment, Rush Street 16- Reifsteck, A. W., remonstrance against assessment, Garfield Ave. 16- Rosedale Avenue, gas connections 27- Railroad Avenue, petition of tax payers, objecting closing of street Nov. 3- Reuter, Magdalen, remonstrance against assess- ment, Burden Ave. 3- Rhomberg, J. H., injunction to restrain collecting of taxes and assessments 3- Rhomberg, A. L., notice of appeal from assessments as levied 751, 834, 859, 3- Rellihan, F. J., petition to install oil tank at Dr. Hancock's residence 13- Rosedale Ave. gas connections 28- Reynolds, C. H.; petition for reduction in assess- ment 1- Rider, Knowlton Estate, appeal from assessment 17- Rhomberg, A. L., petition for further reduction in assessment, sewer, water and gas - Kirkwood St. Dec. INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT R Page 778 INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT S " 14 -Sewer and water connections, Garfield Avenue from Elm to Marshall Page Jan. 7 -Storm Sewer, Windsor Avenue, Merz Street to Sut- 612, 703 - ter Street 4, 21, 828 " 15 -Sewer and water connections, South Booth Street 8 €35, 849 " 15- Sanitary Sewer in Holly Street 8, 9 637 " 15- Sanitary sewer in Gay Street 8, 9 " 15- Sanitary sewer in Linwood District 8, 10, 16 700 " 15- Sidewalk assessments 18, 8, 19, 250 15- Siegwarth, Christina, notice of appeal from assess - 751, 761, 849 ment 22 29- Sanitary sewer in Ashton Street 24 751 29 -Sewer and water connections in West Locust Street 25 860 29 -Sewer and water connections in Seminary Street, from May Place to Main Street 29 752 29- Schenker, Victor and Lisette, asking for reduction in taxes 36 If 29 -Sewer and water: connections in Jackson Street • 36, 89 836, 849 29- Spencer, C. A., deed be given for property..., 37 837 29- Sanitary sewer in Kirkwood Street 37, 87, 88 Feb. 4- Sheridan, Clem, petition for reduction in assess - 849 ment„ sewer in Linwood District 41 4- Sutherland, Katherine, remonstrating against as- sessment, sewer in W. Locust Street 42 " 13- Standard Oil Co., petition for permit to erect oil station at 20th Street and Central Avenue 44 13- Sullivan, Robert, suit against City, report of City Solicitor 48 18- Stewart Street, bid for improvement 71, 92, 253, 298, 301 18- Seminary Street from May Place to Main Street, bids for improvement 72, 92, 530, 612, 614, 629 Summit Street, bids for improvement 73, 92, 254, 302, 306 18 -South Booth Street, bids for improvement 73, 92, 638, 789, 791 " 26- Scully, J. C., payment for use of ground 95 " 26- Seminary Street, gas connections 95 26- Stewart Street, gas connections 95, 144 26- Sanitary sewer, Eagle Point District 96, 152, 154, 155, 174, 19'7 26- Sanitary sewer, State Street 96, 131, 133 10- Steffen, N., petition for gasoline station 100, 123 10- Spiegelhalter, Irene, petition for exemption of tax 100 April 1- Sidewalks, repairing in Nairn's Add. 134 1 -South Booth Street, gas connections 142 1- Sears, error in assessment, Shira.s Avenue 151 1 -Smoke and factory dust nuisance 152 1- Sanitary sewer, Eagle Point District, Committee to secure values of property 152 7- Saunders Avenue, petition to improve 153 7- Sitterly, Chas., contractor's bond 153 7- Stedman, B. F., remonstrance against assessment, Eagle Point sewer 154 7- Sewer, Bee Branch 173, 210 7 -Storm sewer, Roosevelt Street 173, 210 14 -South Locust Street, petition of property owners to oil street 201, 209 202, 203, 230, 315 " 14 -Sewer and water connections, Althauser Street 202, 203, 232, 314 " 14 -Sewer and water connections, Elm Street 202, 203,' 31 " 14- Sewer and water connections, Stewart Street 202, 203 1924 14 -Sewer and water connections in Julien Avenue from Delhi to Delhi Streets 202, 203 14 -Sewer and water connections in W. 16th Street from Montrose to Cornell Street 202, 203, 234, 291 14- Sanitary sewer in Alta Street 203 14- Schueller, N. F. & Son, contractor's bond 203 14- Schilling, A. A. & Son, contractor's bond 203 14- Schmitt, Louis L., contractor's bond 203 25- Sloan, John F., petition relative to sidewalk 207 25- Sidewalks constructed on Seminary Street 212, 250 25- Sanitary Sewer in 19th Street completed 213, 251 25- Schulte, K. M. and V., relative to assessment to be reduced 213 25- Stanton Street, resolution of necessity td improve 214, 234, 235, 320, 324, 516, 577, 579 May 5- Sanitary sewer in Rush Street 221, 263, 264 12- Schwind, Miss A., asking that Electric Company remove pole 224 12- Seward, B. W., claim against City for personal injuries 225 12- S'chiltz, Henry J., contractor's bond 225 19- Sanitary sewer in Alta Place 227, 228 19- Slattery, Mrs. D., remonstrance, sewer and water connections in W. 16th Street 234 19- Schmitt, Anton, petition for permission to con- struct cement sidewalk 236 19- Sanitary sewer in Maple Street from 13th to 15th Streets 237, 271, 289, 320, 324, 444, 554, 556 19- Sanitary Sewer in Providence Street 238, 269, 288, 319, 323, 567, 694, 695 19- Sanitary sewer in E. 27th and Pinnard Streets 238, 270, 318, 322 19. Sanitary Sewer in Harold Street...239, 269, 287, 319, 323, 361, 451, 452 19- Sanitary sewer in Decatur Street and in Prescott Street 240, 268, 287, 319, 323, 567, 691, 693 19- Sanitary sewer in Belmond District 240, 267, 286, 321 26- Spellerberg, R. L., contractor's bond 251, 255 2- Schmid, Leo, petition for reduction in assessment 255, 391 2- Standard Oil Co., bond for display sign 255 2 -Sewer and water connections, Walsh Street 256, 307 19- Seventh Day Adventists, addressed Council rela- tive to special assessment 276 If CI it IC Cf June If IC CC CC IC July INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT S Page 19- Sanitary sewer in E. 26th and Pinnard Street 288, 318, 321, 562, 642, 648 19 -St. Joseph Sisters, Manager to purchase ground for street purposes 294 26 -Sewer and water connections, E. 24th Street 314, 315 26- Sewer and water connections in Edison Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Elm Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Garfield Avenue 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Holly Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Iowa Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Merz Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Rush Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Summit Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in W. 16th Street 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in Seminary Street.:. 315 26 -Sewer and water connections in W. 3rd Street _ 315 8-- Sewer in Groveland Street from Burden to Bruns- wick Streets 325, 367, 446, 605, 689, 704, 705 1924 IC IC Aug. CC „ Sept. U di Oct. di Id INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT S 8 -Sewer in Lawther Street from Lawther to Grove - land Streets 325, 369, 370, 371, 447, 449 8 -Sewer in Lawther Street from Burden to Balke Streets 326, 370, 446, 687, 688, 808, 810 8- Sewer in O'Neill Street, Burden to Brunswick 326, 368, 369, 448, 605, 706, 709 8 -Sewer in York Street from Dodge to Curtis Streets 327, 364, 365, 447, 611, 754, 755 8 -Sewer in Vernon Street from Alta Vista to N. Glen Oak Streets 8 -Sewer in Lowell Street from Abbott to Woodworth Streets 328, 365, 366, 447, 562, 8- Summit Street assessments, referred to Manager 16- Schmitt, Frank, house mover's bond 16- Stribley, Robert, sign bond 25- Scherr, H. G., contractor's bond 28- Summit Street, gas ,connections 28- Seminary Street, gas connections 11- Schwind, Gustav and Mary, for reduction in assessment 396 11 - Spruce Street, resolution to improve 408, 478, 479 11 -State Street, resolution to improve 411, 472, 473 11 -South Grand View Avenue from Bryant Street to Southern Avenue, resolution to improve 412, 461, 462 11 -South Grand View Avenue, from Southern Avenue to Quinlivan's Sub. 413, 459, 460 11- Sidewalks, Resolution for 419, 454, 456, 457, 512, 517, 565, 566, 632 2- Sanner, Mrs. Anna, petition for reduction in as- sessments 512 2- Sewer, water and gas connections, resolution cov- ering streets to be improved in 1925 513 11 - Schmid, Leo, petition for exemption of license 523 11 -Saul, Mrs. Sidney, petition against assessment for improvement of Bryant Street 523, 561 11- Stedman, B. F., addressed Council, complaint, alley 15- Scharle, Theo., remonstrance against Garfield Ave- nue assessment 16- Sanitary Milk Co., petition' for a well 560, 571 15 -St. Paul's Lutheran Church, petition for sidewalk 561 15- Sidewalk, north of Jackson School 565 22- Stack, Clem, claim against City 566 1- Schrempf, Ed., Councilman, appointed Mayor pro- tern 1 - Spahu,' John, petition for reduction in assessment 601, 687 1 - Skelton, James, petition for paying assessments on installments plan 601 1-Scheppele, E. H., petition for remittance of taxes 601, 609 1- Sanitary sewer in Queen Street 602, 698 1 - Sidewalks - Elm Street, Rosedale, Avenue, E. 15th Street, Finley Add., Grandview Avenue Add., Stewart's Sub., McCraney's Add., Hooper's Add., Reche's Sub. 602, 603 6 - Sidewalks Vernon Street, petition to make them four feet wide 607 6- Sidewalk notices served, return of service 608 - 6- Schulz, Miss, petition for reduction in assessment 608 13- Sidewalks, contract to Thomas E. Byrne 632 20- Sidewalk notices served, return of service 685 Page 327, 372 639, 640 330 354 354 360 378. 380 523 534 577 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 7- Trewin, C. B., asking for water connections, Fair- view Place 29- Tuegel, Wm., petition to settle old assessment..... 4- Telegraph - Herald, notice to City, raise in price for City printing 4- Times - Journal, notice to City, raise in price for City printing 22- Taylor Dentists, bond for display sign 1- Thomas Street, petition to repair same 7- Terminal Safety Committee, communication rela- tive to R. R. crossings 12- Tully, Thomas, Auditor, warrant drawn in his ' favor for Lot 319, Ham's Add 19 -Teal, Ida M., claim for injuries 7- Tressel, C. 0., asking damages for automobile 14 -Tax levy budget for 1925 11 -Town Clock Towpr, report Building Commissioner 24- Tuegel, Myrtle, petition relative to sidewalk.. 13- Trenkle, H. F., petition to drill well 28- Tradehome Shoe Store, bond for sign 17 -Tax sale certificate No. 267, covering lot 106 Un- ion Add. 225 291 338, 354 339, 358 454, 512 571 613 834 1924 20- Sheridan, Stella and Clem, petition for reduction in assessment for sewer 687 20- Sanitary sewer in Groveland Street, and Angella Street from Burden to Sheridan Streets, and in Argyle Street from Groveland to Lawther 688, 770 20- Sidewalks, Alta Vista Street, petition to make four foot wide 699 20- Sinholt, Julia, petition for reduction in assessment 699, 753 27- Strandberg, cigarette license 702 27- Seminary Street, reductions made in assessments 702 Nov. 10 -Sewer and water connections on various streets, Bids for 722, 773, 837 10- Sewer, combination sanitary and storm, Southern Avenue District 775, 777, 829, 830, 831, 833, 843, 845 13- Schock, W. H., remonstrance against street im- provement 793 28- Sigwarth, Mrs. petition for reduction of assess- ment for street improvement 835, 847, 861 28- Sanner. Mrs., petition relative to delinquent assessments 836 1- Schoenberger, Magdalen, notice of suit 837 1 -St. Mary's Orphanage, appeal from assessment 837 1 -Sewer and water connections in James Street 837, 838, 855 1 -Sewer and water connections in Glen Oak Street 837, 838, 858 1 -Sewer and water connections in N. Glen Oak 837, 839, 854 1- Atlantic Street, sewer and water 837, 839, 859 1 -Sewer and water connections in Custer Street 837, 840, 858 1 -Sewer and water connections in Auburn Street 837, 840, 857 1 -Sewer and water connections in W. 14th Street 838, 840, 854 1 -Sewer and water connections in Julien Avenue 838, 841, 856 1 -Sewer and watre connections in Air Hill Street 838, 841, 8G6 1 -Sewer and water connections in Bttrch Street 838, 842 . 1 -Sewer and water connections in Curtis Street 852, 838 17- Seminary and Heeb Streets, petition to improve 851 17- Second National Bank, petition for cancellation of 851 taxes 17- Spiegelhalter, Mrs. Irene, petition for cancellation of 1923 taxes 851 17 -Shea, Andrew, settlement of claim for damages 851 29- Shireman, J. D., cigarette permit 860 29- Sidewalks completed, Reche's Sub. 860 29- Sidewalks, Stewart's Sub. completed ft it Dec. ti it INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT S Page Reb. 26 —Venn, Jesse, warranty deed to City 94 Mar. 22— Vernon Street, petition of property owners for street improvement ... 121, 237, 266, 285, 317 31— Voting precincts• Mayor to appoint a committee of five to redistrict the voting precincts 129 April 25 —Vogt, Mrs. Simon, settlement of claim 215 May 12 —Van Valkenberg, contractor's bond 225 June 19 —Viola and Eagle Street, property owners petition for light 292 July 7— Vernon Street, curb and gutter bids 320, 324, 445, 550, 553 " 14— Voelker Realty Co., contractor's bond 338 " 25 —Villa Street, petition of property owners to improve 360, 384 Sept. 2— Vogelsberg, A., petition for reduction in assess- ment 512, 687 " 15— Voelker Realty Co., remonstrance against Garfield Avenue assessment 534, 700, 752, 828 24— Voting precincts 572 Oct. 13— Voelker Realty Co., petition to excavate on Lang - worthy Street 613, 685 " . 13— Voelker Realty Co., petition for sanitary sewer in alley north of Diamond Street 613, 690, 748 27— Veterans of Foreign Wars, petition for Armory for dance 701 Nov. 3 —Vogt, Louis, reduction in assessment for sewer 753 " 17— Vernon Street, petition to construct four foot side- walks 806 Dec. 17— Voelker Realty Co., tax sale certificates 847 INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT July 25— United Electric Co., petition to erect sign Dec. 1— Utzig, Mr., asking to have alley repaired 1924 INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT W Page Jan. 7 -West 16th street from Montrose to Cornell Streets, resolution of necessity to improve 7, 33, 34, 660, 662 7- Warren, L. M., settlement of delinquent personal - taxes 5 29- Weeds, Cutting of 31 4- Wilson, Woodrow, Proclamation 43 13 -West Locust Street, rock excavation, report of Manager 47 18- Washington Street, bids for improvement 75, 92, 603, 740, 745 18 -Walsh Street, bids for improvement 75, 92, 275, 333, 351, 352 18 -White Street from 4th to 6th, bids for improve- ment 76, 92, 275, 334, 336 18 -West. 3rd Street, bids for improvement 77, 92, 637, 793, 796 18 -West Locust Street, bids for improvement 77, 92, 687, 816, 826 18 -West 16th Street, Montrose to Cornell, bids for ■ improvement 78, 93, 564 18 -West 16th, Cornell to Henion, bids for improve- ment 79, 93, 118, 236, 266, 285, 321, 325, 638, 806, 807 18 -West 5th Street, bids for improvement .82, 85, 99, 243, 279, 283 26 Wimmer, Al, petition for reduction in assessment 90 26- Wille, Frank, petition offering to City a private ' sewer 91 26 -West 5th Street, gas connections 95, 141 26 -West Locust Street, gas connections 950134, 135 26 -White Street, gas connections 95, 145 26- Woolworth Co., petition to shut off sidewalk 96 Mar. 18 -Water Works bonds, $125,000, Bids for 119, 128 April 7- Wasser, Christina, petition to reduce taxes 153 14- Woolworth, petition relative to excavating at new building -200 14- Williams & Son, M. C., contractor's bond 203 14- Wunder, Alfred, contractor's bond 203 14- Wenzel, Fred, contractor's bond 203 12- Weber, Frank, contractor's bond 225 12- Willy, Uhlrich, contractor's bond 225 12- Walters, Wm., contractor's bond 225 19- Walski, Frank A., contractor's bond 241 9- Wernimont Bros., asking permission to erect sign 273 9 -West 14th Street, ,petitio nto have street repaired and oiled 273 19- Woodlawn Park Add., bids for grading 293 26 -West 5th Street from W. F. Cooper Property to John Street 309, 333 if Feb. If May June July if Aug. it if 26 -West 5th Street, resolution of necessity to improve 8- Witter Bros., contractor's bond 16 -Walsh Street, report and reductions 25- Wilbgrding, H., permit for sign 25 -West 16th Street, gas connections 25 -West 3rd Street, gas connections 11 -White Street, to improve from 24th to 32nd 9 -White Street, to improve from 21st to 24th 11 -West 14th Street from Alta Vista to Audubon 11 -West 14th Street from Walnut to Alta Vista 11- Windsor Avenue from Garfield Avenue to 22nd Street, resolution to improve 11 -West 23rd Street, resolution to improve 25 -White Street, petition relative to improving from 24th to 27th Street 25 -White Street from 24th to 27th, resolution to im- prove 32, 398, 401, 493, 402, 487, 334 329 343 361 379 382 398 500 494 488 411, 471, 472 414, 468, 469 454 455, 557, 558 1924 25- -White Street from 27th to 32nd, reolution to im- prove Sept. 2- Wilbur Street, resolution to improve 2 -West 5th Street from Bluff to Lot 615, resolution to improve 511, 2 -West 12th Street, resolution to improve 11 -Wade, H. MT., remonstrance against assessment 22 -West 5th Street, remonstrance against improve- ment. 1- Willy, Frank, offering City private sewer 6 -Wood Street, petition of property owners to im- prove Street . 607, 6- Wilbur and Spruce Streets, petition of property owners objecting to clsoing of Spruce Street 13- Winter, C. J., remonstrance against assessment in Seminary Street 13- Woodworth Street petition for sewer 17- Windsor Avenue, petition of property owners, com- plaint against water flow from cemetery 17- Wallis, J. Allen, remonstrance against street as- sessment 28 -West Hill residents, petition to have steps rebuilt at East end of Rush Street 28- Welty, Jos...eph J., remonstrance against street assessments Dec. 17 -White Street, 21st to 24th Streets, petition to im- prove with sheet asphalt 29 -Wild, Anna, petition for reduction in assessment di if If Oc t. Nov. if INDEX -Book 54 SUBJECT W Page 455, 559, 560 509, 589, 608 568, 595, 596 511, 588 522, 561, 836 668, 608 606, 609 609, 696, 697 608 612, 805 613 827 829 834 834 850 860 1924 INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page Y May 19-- Yokum, Wm., contractor's bond " 26— Young, Dr. E. R., asked Council for Athletic Park for May 27, for purpose of lecture on Ku -Klux Klan 241 252 1924 INDEX —Book 54 SUBJECT Page May 5— Ziegler, Albert, contractor's bond 218 " 12— Zwack, Anton, contractor's bond 225 June 9— Zucaror, Augustine, petition for reduction, in ped- dling license 272 July 14— Zwack, Anton, against assessment levied for Julien Avenue improvement 333 Sept. 2— Zemaneli, F. R., petition, City to abate water nuisance 523 Z