1923 December Council Proceedings802 Special Session, November 26th, 1923
cute a contract on behalf of the
City of Dubuque for the complete
performance of said work.
Be it further resolved that this
.resolution being deemed urgent and
of immediate necessity become ef-
fective from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Passed and adopted this 26th day
of November, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following 'rote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilmen Brede, and
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
City Clerk.
City Clerk.
Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923 803
Regular Session, December 3rd,
Councilmet at 4:30 P. M.
Present —City Manager Carr, Ma-
yor Alderson, Councilmen Brede,
Gabriel, Melchior.
Absent — Councilman Schrempf,
Mayor Alderson stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
City Council for the transaction of
such business as may regularly
come before it.
Notice of publication of resolution
of necessity, certified to by the pub-
lisher, that it be deemed necessary
and advisable to improve Rush
street from the east line of Bryant
street to the east line of Holly
street. There being no remon-
strance, Councilman Gabriel moved
that the notice be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Schrempf.
Councilman Schremlf entered and
took his seat at 4:40 P. m.
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that, up-
on petition of property owners and
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, it be deemed necessary and
advisable to improve Rush street
from the east line of Bryant street
to the east line of Holly street, by
constructing new concrete curb and
gutter where required, resetting the
old curb where desirable, by instal-
ling sewer, water and gas connec-
tions to every lot, in case lot has
more than a 50 -foot frontage, addi-
tional connections to be installed to
furnish one connection for every 50
feet; paving said portion of street
with sheet asphalt, Warrenite bitu-
lithic or asphaltic concrete, all on
the present foundation.
Said work to be done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to as-
sessment for the improvement as is
provided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set
forth and that this proposed resolu-
tion (except this paragraph) be and
the same is hereby set down for
further and final hearing, consider-
ation and determination at a meet-
ing of the City Council to be held
the 3rd day of December, 1923, at
4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber
and that the City Clerk be and he
is hereby instructed to cause notice
of the pendency of the above reso-
lution and the time and place, when
and where said resolution will be
considered for passage and objec-
tions heard, to be given by publica-
tion in the official newspapers of
the city, in manner and for the time
provided by law.
The above resolution was ap-
proved and ordered placed on file
for final action and the notice of
the pendency ordered given this 12th
day of November, 1923.
The foregoing resolution of nec-
essity was adopted and passed by
the City Council and approved this
3rd day of December, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Schrempf moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor - Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Schrempf. . .
Resolution for Construction of
Street Improvement,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, upon its
own motion, that pursuant to a
resolution of necessity proposed at
a meeting of this Council on the
12th day of November, 1923, and
duly passed and adopted and ap-
proved the 3rd day of December,
1923, it is hereby ordered that the
improvement described in said reso-
lution of necessity providing for the
improvement of Rush street from
the east line of Bryant street to
the east line of Holly street, by •
curbing with new cement and con-
crete curb where required, or by re-
setting old curb where required,
and by making sewer, water and gas
connections to property not already
connected with the same as pro-
vided for in a resolution heretofore
adopted and approved, and by pav-
ing said street with either sheet as-
phalt, Warrenite bitulithic, or as-
804 Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923 Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923 805
phaltic concrete, all on the present
foundation, and by constructing con-
crete gutter where provided for in
the type of pavement to be selected
as shown upon the plans and specif-
ications, he laid, built and con-
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to advertise for proposals
for the construction of the improve-
ments above described, said Im-
provements to be constructed In
strict accordance with the plans and
specifications thereof duly prepared
by the City Engineer, which plans
and specifications have been ap-
proved by the City Manager and are
hereby approved by the City Coun-
cil, the same . being on file in the
office of the City Clerk for public
inspection. All of said work to be
completed on or before the 15th day
of September, 1924.
The cost and expense of said work
will be paid for by the levying of
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property abutting up-
on said improvement an also
against property which does not
abutt upon said improvement, but
which lies within the assessable dis-
tance as provided by law, and pay-
ment to the contractor will be made
out of funds realized from the sale
of improvement bonds to be issued
in anticipation of the collection of
said assessment under the provis-
ions of Chapter 8, Title V of the
Code of Iowa and amendments
thereto; and any deficiency between
the amount of the contract price
and the amount which can be legal-
ly assessable against private prop-
erty will be paid either from the
proceeds of a special tax levied uni
der the provisions of Section 831 of
the Code of Iowa, in anticipation of
which bonds will be issued under
the provisions of Section 912 of the
Code of Iowa and 912A of the Code
Supplement, or out of the General
This resolution being deemed ur-
gent and of immediate necessity,
shall be in force and effect after Its
passage and adoption by the City
Passed, adopted and approved this
3rd day of December, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Brede. Carried
T+s the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council.
men . Brede, Gabriel, Melchior
Nays —None.
Notice of publication of resolution
of necessity, certified to by the pub-
lisher, that it be deemed necessary
and advisable to improve Holly
street from the north line of Rush
street to the south line of Cleveland
avenue. There being no remon-
strance, Councilman Brede moved
that the notice be received and filed,.
Seconded by Councilman .Gabriel'.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council=
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior;
Nays —None.
A Resolution of Necessity.
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that, ups
on petition of property owners and
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, it be deemed necessary and
advisable to improve Holly street
from the north line of Rush street
to . the south line of Cleveland ave-
nue, by constructing new concrete
curb and gutter where required, rem
setting the old curb where desirable,
by installing sewer, water and gas
connections to every lot, in case a
lot has more than 50 -foot frontage,
additional connections to be in-
stalled to furnish one connections
for every 50 feet; by paving said
1dortion of street with either sheet
asphalt, Warrenite bitulithic or as-
phaltic concrete, all on the present
Said work to be 'done in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica-
tions to be prepared by the City
The cost and expense of said im-
provement will be assessed against
all of the property subject to as=
sessment for the improvement as is
provided by law.
Be it further resolved that the
above and foregoing improvement is
hereby proposed to be made and
constructed as hereinbefore set
forth and that this proposed reso-
lution (except this paragraph) be
and. the same is hereby set down
for further and final hearmg, con-
sideration and determination at a
meeting . of the City Council to be
held the 3rd day of December, 1923,
at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Cham-
ber and that the City Clerk be and
he is hereby instructed to cause no-
tice of the pendency of the above
resolution and the tim., and place,
when and • where said resolution
will be considered for passage and
objections heard, to be given by
publication in the ofcial news-
papers of the city, in manner and
for the time provided by law.
The above resolution was ap-
proved and ordered placed on file
for final action and the notice of
the pendency ordered given this
12th day of November, 1923.
The foregoing resolution of neces-
sity was adopted and passed by the
City Council and approved this 3rd
day of December, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas— Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Resolution for Construction of
Street Improvement.
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, upon its
own motion that pursuant to a reso-
lution of necessity proposed at a
meeting of this Council on the 12th
day of November, 1923, and duly
passed and adopted and approved
the 3rd day of December, 1923, it is
hereby ordered that the improve-
ment described in said resolution of
necessity providing for the improve -
.ment of Holly street from the north
line of Rush street to the south line
of Cleveland avenue, by curbing
with new cement and concrete curb
where required, or by resetting old
curb where required„ and may mak-
ing sewer, water and gas connec-
tions to property not already con-
nected with the same as provided
for in a resolution heretofore ad-
opted and approved, and by paving
said street with either sheet asphalt,
Warrenite bitulithic or asphaltic
concrete, all on the present founda-
tion, and by constructing concrete
gutter where provided for in the
type of pavement to be selected as
shown upon the plans and specifica-
tions, be laid, built and con-
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to advertise for proposals
for the construction of the improve-
ments above described, said im-
provements to be constructed in
strict accordance with the plans and
specifications thereof duly prepared
by the City Engineer, which plans
and specifications have been ap-
proved by the City Manager and are
hereby approved by the City Coun-
cil, the same being on file in the
office of thy City Clerk for public
inspection, 11 of said work to be
completed on or before the 15th day
of September, 1924.
The cost and expense of said
work will be paid for by the levying
of special assessments against the
privately owned property abutting
upon said improvement and also
against property which does not
abutt upon said improvement, but
which lies within the assessable dis-
tance as provided by law, and pay-
ment to the contractor will be made
out of funds realized from the sale
of improvement bonds to be issued
in anticipation of the collection of
said assessment under the provis-
ions of Chapter 8, Title V of the
Code of Iowa and amendments
thereto; and any deficiency between
the amount of the contract price and
the amount which can be legally as-
sessable against private property
will be paid either from the pro-
ceeds of al special tax levied under
the provisions of Section 831 of the
Code of Iowa, in anticipation of
which bonds will be issued under
the provisions of Section 912 of the
Code of Iowa and 912A of the Code
Supplement, or out of the General
This resolution being deemed ur-
gent and of immediate necessity,
shall be in force and effect after its
passage and adoption by the City
Passed,, adopted and approved this
3rd day of December, 1923.
City Clerk.
, Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Schrempf and
Nays —None.
Petition of Frank R. Lacey, re-
monstrating against the assessment
as levied against Lot 7, O. Taylor's
Sub., and Lots 25, Taylor & Cooley's
Sub:, for the construction of a sani-
tary sewer in Stafford street, the
assessmnets As levied are $157.01 for
each lot. He states that the lots are
806 Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923
not worth more than $300.00 each
and the assessment should not ex-
ceed $75.00 for each.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the rules be suspended to allow any
one present to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Frank R. Lacey addressed the
Council relative to the petition stat-
ing the facts as set forth in his peti-
tion and asked the Council, to inves-
tigate and place the assessment as
it should be.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager, City Solicitor and City Engi-
neer to investigate and report back
to the Council. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of the Sisters of Charity
of the Blessed Virgin Mary of St.
Joseph, presented by Hurd, Lenehan,
Smith & O'Connor, remonstrating
against the assessment as levied
against their property, Mineral Lots
186 and 187, Lot 1, Sub. 3 of Min-
eral Lots 186 and 187, Lot 1; Sub. 4
of Mineral Lots 186 and 187, Lot 1,
and Sub. 9 of Smyth's Sub. of Lot 2,
on account of the cost of the con-
struction of the intersection of Sem-
inary and West Locust streets in
the amount of $593.72, claiming that
the assessment is unjust, unequit-
able and illegal, as there is no ben-
efit to the property commensurate
with the amount of the assessment,
and they respectfully ask the cancel-
lation or a substantial reduction in
this assessment.
Mr. Prank O'Connor, attorney, ad-
dressed the Council on this petition,
substantiating the facts as set forth
in the petition.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and City Solicitor for in-
vestigation. Seconded by Council-
man Brede. Corried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Notice of return of service.
Notice served on James R. Hack-
ett of the City Council's intention to
levy a special assessment against
Lot 10, Coates' Add., to the City of
Dubuque for the filling of same,
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
A Resolution.
Whereas, under prior proceedings
and resolutions duly passed and
adopted by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, a contract was let
to the LaCrosse Dredging Company
to fill with sand filling, Lot 10,
Coates' Add. to the City of Dubuque,
James R. Hackett, owner, and said
contract has been fully performed
and completed and the City Engi-
neer has computed the cost of said
work to be $736.39; and
Whereas, a plat and schedule of
said cost has been prepared and
filed with the City Clerk for public
inspection and the said James R.
Hackett has been duly notified of
an assessment proposed to be levied
by said Council to pay for said work,
and an opportunity given to him to
show cause why said assessment
should not be levied; and
Whereas, no resistance or remon-
strance has been filed to said as-
sessment; now, therefor
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that an
assessment be and the same is here-
by levied against Lot 10, Coates,
Add. to the City of Dubuque, to pay
for the filling of said lot in the sum
of $736.79, the same being the actual
cost of the doing of said work.
Passed, adopted and approved this
3rd day of December, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
the filling of Lot 10, Coates' Add.,
by LaCrosse Dredging Co., contrac-
tors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots and
parts of lots, and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923 807
set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
James R. Hackett, Coates
Add., Lot 10; sand filling
3,832 cu. yds. at $0.18875, ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
$7.23; interest at 6 per cent,
$6.27; total .................... ......_.................$736.79
3,831 cu. yds sand filling at
$0.18875 per cu. yd ......_ .................$723.29
Extra expense at 1 per cent... 7.23
Interest at 6 per cent ........................ 6.27
Total . ....... .................._.....$736.79
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Approved December 3rd, 1923.
Approved December 3rd, 1923.
Adopted December 3rd, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of A. Pautz, remonstrat-
ing against the assessment as levied
against his property, Lot Sub. 1 of
Gieger's Sub., Sec. 2, Sub. 2 of Gieg-
er's Sub., E. ih Sec. 4, for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Staf-
ford street, stating that sewer is so
situated that he cannot connect his
property with it, therefore derives
no benefit from said sewer and asks
the Council to cancel the assessment.
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of J. W. Neumeister, re-
monstrating against the assessment
as levied against Lot 454, Ham's
Add., for the improvement of Lin-
coln avenue, July 1922. Amount of
assessment $219.57; he offers to pay
Councilman Schrempf moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of J. W. Neumeister pro-
testing against the assessment as
levied against his lots, 453 and 454,
for the making of sewer and water
connections in 1921, stating that the
assessment as levied is $162.76, that
he had contracted with R. Burke,
plumber, to make these connections
for $100.20 and he offers to pay this
amount in full of settlemetn of said
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City Engi-
neer to gather facts and report back
to the Council. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petiton of John Dehing, asking for
a reduction in his taxes, stating that
he is too old to work, that his means
are very limited and that he cannot
pay the taxes as levied.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Frank Beutin relative
to the notice served on him to va-
cate the Levee just south of the
Dubuque and East Dubuque High
Bridge, stating that he has been in
the sand and gravel business in the
City for about 35 years and that
when he located on this site he did
so with the permission of J. H.
Rhomberg with the understanding
that Mr. Rhomberg owned this prop-
erty; that he had made several thou-
sand dollars' worth of improvements
and improved the street leading
thereto; that if he is compelled to
vacate this place now it will work
a great hardship on him and put
him out of business; that he does
not want to get into any litigation
with the City and hopes that the
Council will find some way to let
him remain. He states further that
in connection with this business he
also operates a wood and coal busi-
ness and the two places employ
about forty men.
Councilman Brede moved that the
petition be referred to the City So-
licitor to investigate, and if neces-
sary take the matter into the courts
to determine the question of the
City's rights as to the river front-
age. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
808 Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923
Claim of Minnie L. Howie against
the City of Dubuque in the sum of
$2,500 for personal injuries received
in falling on a defective sidewalk on
the south side of 11th street be-
tween Locust street and the alley
first east of said street, in which
fall she received an injury to her
left knee.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of D. D. McCullen, agent
for Mrs. W. J. Burns, relative to the
building at 71 Locust street (con-
demned), stating that he had exam-
ined the building thoroughly and
finds the east, north and west walls
in good condition and that by con-
structing a concrete foundation un-
der the south wall the building will
be in good condition and hereby
petitions the Council to grant him
permission to do this work.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted
and Mr. McMullen be permittea to
do this work under the supervision
of the City Engineer and Chief of
the Fire Department. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Communication of Dubuque Real
Estate Board.
The Dubuque Real Estate Board
respectfully petitions the City Coun-
cil of Dubuque to withhold the en-
actment of the new Building Code,
as now written, until same has been
thoroughly studied by all parties in-
terested and upon completion of said
studies by parties competent on the
various phases of the code; that
same be rewritten as to wording so
as to be capable of interpretation
of the true meaning of the code and
at the same time to include within
its clauses the best practices in lo-
cal building, without unnecessary
repetition of matter immaterial to
building or the inclusion of sections
that appear to be unenforceable.
—By Donald F. Huntoon, Sec'y.
Councilman Brede moved that all
parties interested should be notified
to send in their objections and sug-
gestions to the Clerk without delay.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of the Dubuque Girls'
Band asking for the use of the Ar-
mory for the purpose of conducting
a dance, about the 8th of January,
1924, presented.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed. Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Council Proceeding for the months
of August and September presented.
Councilman Brede moved that they
be approved and adopted as printed
and filed for record. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Ralph W. Widdowson
asking permission to lower the alley
at the entrance to the basement of
the building at 656 Main street, for
the purpose of using said basement
for a garage during the winter.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the petition be referred to the Chief
of the Fire Department as to the
advisability of housing an automo-
bile in the building. Seconded by
Councilman Brede. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Mrs. Julia Froelich ask-
ing that sewer and water mains be
laid from Dodge street to York
street, stating that she owns two
lots on York street and intends to
build on them, and therefore wants
sewer and water in order to make
the structures modern.
Councilman Brede moved that the
City Engineer be instructed to pre-
pare plans and specifications for this
proposed sanitary sewer from Dodge
street to York street. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of the Dubuque Fireman's
Band stating that the band is re-
cruited from the rank and file of
members of the Fire Department,
and they hereby petition the City
Council to set aside $50.00 per month
Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923 809
with which to pay for their musical
director. They also call the atten-
tion of the Council to the Firemen's
baseball team and ask that baseball
be made a part of their training.
They also intend to raise money by
giving a series of dances in the
Armory providing it meets with the
approval of the Council.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the City pay $50.00 a month until
July 1st, 1924, to pay for the band
director and that baseball be con-
sidered a part of the training, and
that they be allowed the use of the
Armory, except Saturday nights, for
the purpose of raising funds/to help
pay their expenses.
Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
An ordinance providing for the is-
suance of $20,000 Sewer Bonds of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and de-
claring an emergency, presented.
Councilman Brede moved that this
be considered the first reading of
the ordinance. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the rules requiring the ordinance to
be read on three separate days be
suspended. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the ordinance be read a second time.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
The ordinance was then read a
second time.
Councilman Melchior moved that
this be considered the second read-
ing of the ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the ordinance be placed on file in
the office of the City Clerk for one
week for public inspection. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas. — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Helen and Wm. Mee-
han asking the Council to permit
the taxes and special assessments
levied against their property to lay
as a lien against the property until
paid for. Owing to the fact that the
property has already been sold at
the tax sale, Councilman Gabriel
moved that the petition be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
City Solicitor Czizek reported ver-
bally on the petition of M. L. and
J. E. Kemler protesting against the
assessment as levied against Lot 1
of College Sub. for the improvement
of College street. He recommended
that the assessment be reduced, the
lot valuation to be placed at $1,000
and the assessment to be 25% of
this valuation, making the assess-
ment for the improvement $250.00.
Councilman Brede moved that the
recommendation of the City Solic-
itor be approved and the Treasurer
be instructed to accept $250.00 in full
for the assessment on this lot, and
the Auditor be instructed to draw a
warrant on the General Fund in fa-
vor of the Special Assessment Fund
to make up the shortage. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of the Corn Belt Packing
Co., referred to the City Council by
the Board of Supervisors, stating
that they had paid the first one -half
of their taxes amounting to $4,979.92
for 1922, being based on a valuation
of $279,280.00, stating that under the
present circumstances this is entire-
ly too high and hereby ask that they
be allowed to pay the second half of
their taxes on a $150,000 valuation.
On advise of the City Solicitor,
the petition was received and filed.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —Nont.
Councilman Brede moved that Mary
I. Schilling be allowed a. further
reduction on her property, Lot 20,
O'Neill's Add., for the improvement
of College street, of $37.50 and the
810 Regular Session, December 3rd, 1923
Auditor be instructed to draw a
warrant for this amount on the Gen-
eral Fund in favor of the special
assessment fund to make up the
shortage. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
ambulance be operated by the City
under the supervision of the Chief of
the Fire Department. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 3rd, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of W. H.
Schoch, asking for a reduction of
the assessment as levied against
Lots 22, 23 and 26, Finley Home Ad-
dition, was referred to the City Man-
ager of the last meeting of the
I have investigated and beg to
advise as follows. These lots are
one hundred and twenty feet deep
and fifty feet frontage. They lie
considerably above the street and
are very fine lots and anyone of
them is, id my judgment, easily
worth $600.00 and are assessed as
follows: Lot 26 is assessed $15.65,
Lot 23 is assessed $76.60 and Lot
22 is assessed for $143.77.
My recommendation would there-
fore be that the petition of Mr. W.
H. Schoch be received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved, and the peti-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 3rd, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: A Mrs. Elizabeth Kep-
pler, who Is a poor widow living on
College street, came in to see if
there could not be a reduction made
in connection with the assessment
as levied against her lots. I have
investigated the matter and wish to
make the following report.
Mrs. Keppler owns Lots 21, 22 and
23, Newbury & Hale's Sub. Lot 21
is a vacant lot with a frontage of
40 feet and a width in the rear of
about seventy feet and a depth of
about one hundred and twelve feet.
Lot 22 is a 50 -foot lot on which is
a frame dwelling. Lot 23 is a 50-
foot lot on College street and fifty
feet along the alley in the rear and
a depth of about one hundred and
twenty feet.
I should estimate the Lot 21 to
be worth $500 with the improvement
in. The assessment against this lot
for the improvement of College St.
is $252.09, a total value of $752.09.
This assessment should be reduced
to $188.02. Lot 22 is assessed for
$245.99. The valuation is well in
excess of four times the amount of
the assessment. Lot 23 was assess-
ed $274.56. I would fix the value of
this property with the improvement
in at $824.56, or the value plus the
cost of the improvement, that is
$550.00 plus $274.56. One - fourth of
this amount is $206.14. This would
mean a reduction of $64.07 in the
assessment as levied against Lot 21
and $68.42 against Lot 23.
If this reduction meets with the
approval of the Council, 1 would
recommend that the City Auditor be
instructed to draw a warrant from
the general funds in favor of the
special improvement fund in the sum
of $132.40 in order to make up the
shortage in the special improvement
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and carried
out as recommended. Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the previous action taken on the
petition of Anna and Eva Stocks,
remonstrating against the assess -
ment for the construction of a sani-
tary sewer in West 16th street, be
rescinded. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 3rd, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection with
the levying of the special assess-
ment for the sanitary sewer in West
16th street, I find that Lots 11, 12
and 13, Morgan's Sub., were assess-
ed on March 1st, 1900, for a sani-
Regular Session, December 3rd,
tary sewer. The amount assessed
against each lot at that time was
$29.40. The amount assessed at this
time is $94.81 against each lot.
Complaint was made by Eva
Stocks, the owner of Lot 13, of the
previous assessment, but no record
of the assessment was found in the
Engineer's office. In the Treasurer's
office this assessment i not carried
in the regular assessm nt books as
there were no bonds issued for it,
but the record is in a little separate
book and for that reason was over-
looked. My understanding is that
the owners of each of these lots
propose to connect with the 16th
street sewer.
We of course have no right to
assess them a second time for the
construction of a sewer, but at the
same time it would seem to me
that a charge should be made against
any one of these lots in case they
Iater connect with the West 16th
street sewer.
This is only fair in view of the
fact that the latter sewer was con-
structed at a cost of more than three
times what the one built in 1900
cost. I would recommend that the
assessment previously levied, of
$94.81 against the above three lots,
be cancelled and the City Auditor
be instructed to draw a warrant from
the General Fund in favor of the
Special Assessment Fund for $284.43
to make up for this shortage,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and carried
out as recommended. Seconded by
Councilman Brede. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 3rd, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The improvement of
Shiras avenue from the entrance to
Eagle Point Park to the City Lim-
its by the City, in accordance with
the petition signed by the abutting
property owners, has been com-
pleted. I would therefore recom-
mend its acceptance.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the im-
provement of Shiras avenue from
the entrance to Eagle Point Park to
the City Limits has been completed,
Whereas, the City Manager has
1923 811
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection, and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of said assessment as re-
quired by law.
Adopted December 3rd 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
Ctiy Clerk.
City Clerk.
812 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
(Official )
Special Session, December 10th,
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilman Gabriel and Mayor Alderson.
Council met at 4:30 p. m.
Present-City Manager Carr, Ma-
yor Alderson, Councilmen Gabriel,
Absent-Councilmen Brede and
Mayor Alderson in the Chair.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is call-
ed for the purpose of levying special
assessments to pay for the sewer
and water connections on each of
the following improvements.
Water connections on the improve-
ment of Edison street from the east
line of Stafford street to the west
line of Althauser street.
Water connections on the improve-
ment of Merz street from the east
line of Windsor avenue to the west
line of Althauser street. Sewer and
water connections on the improve-
ment of Burden street from the west
line of Windsor avenue to the south
line of O'Neill street.
Sewer and water connections on
the improvement of West 5th street
from the east line of Hill street to
the east line of John street.
Sewer and water connections on
the improvement of Julien avenue
from the west line of Delhi street,
near Mt. Pleasant street, to the east
line of Delhi street, near Auburn
Sewer and water connections on
the improvement of Julien avenue
from the west line of Hill street to
the west line of Walnut street.
Sewer and water connections on
the improvement of West 3rd street
from the west line of College street
to the east line of Grandview ave-
nue, and acting on any other busi-
ness that may come before the
Notice of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law to pay
for the making of water connections
on the improvement of Edison street
from the east line of Stafford street
to the west line of Althauser avenue.
There being no remonstrance, Coun-
cilman Gabriel moved that the no-
tice be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilmen Brede and
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
water connections on the improve-
ment of Edison street from the east
line of Stafford street to the west
line of Althauser street, by Edmund
A. Linehan, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
J. C. and Wm. Althauser,
Sub. 44A, Stine's Add., Lot
1; 7.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.78, $20.85; extra expense
at 5.20415 per cent, $1.09;
interest at 6 per cent, 18c;
total $ 22.12
Herman D. Grashorn, A.
Stines' Add., Lot 39; 8.5 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.78,
$23.63; extra expense at
5.20415 per cent, $1.21; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 22c
total 25.06
Nick Menzel, A. Stines' Add.,
Lot 38; 7.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.78, $20.85; extra
expense at 5.20415 per cent,
$1.09; interest at 6 per cent,
18c; total 22.12
Nick Menzel, A. Stines' Add.,
Lot 36; 7.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.78, $20.85; extra
expense at 5.20415 per cent,
$1.09; interest at 6 per cent,
18c; total . 22.12
Nick Menzel, A. Stines' Add.,
Lot 37; 7.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.78, $20.85; extra
expense at 5.20415 per cent,
$1.09; interest at 6 per cent,
18c; total 22.12
Total...... ....._ ......................... ............_...........$113.54
38.5 lin. ft. of stt -inch water
pipe at $2.78 per lin. ft.........5107.03
Interest at 6 per cent....._ ................. .94
Extra expense at 5.20415 per
cent .................................. ......._....................... 5.57
Total.... ............................_.. .._...._.........._....4113.54
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Approved December 10th, 1923.
Special Session, December 10th, 1923 813
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Notice of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law to pay
for the making of water connections
on the improvements of Merz street
from the east line of Windsor ave-
nue to the west line of Althauser
avenue. There being no remon-
strance, Councilman Gabriel moved
that the notice be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilmen Brede and
and Schrempf.
Councilman Schrempf entered and
took his seat at 4:40 p. m.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay
for water connections on the im-
provement of Merz street from the
east line of Windsor avenue to the
west line of Althauser street, by
Edmund A. Linehan, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Augusta Schneider, Sub. 5 of
Lot 1, Gieger's Sub., Lot 1;
9 lin. ft. water pipe at $2.78,
$25.02; extra expense at
3.74345 per cent, 94c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 22c;
total..........._ .................. ...._............._...........5 26.18
Theo. Ratterman, Jr., A.
Stines' Add., Lot 7; 7.5 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.78,
$20.85; extra expense at
3.74345 per cent, 78c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 18c;
total................._._._...._ ............._................. 21.81
Theo. Ratterman, Jr., A.
Stines, Add., Lot 8; 7.5 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.78;
$20.85; extra expense at
3.74345 per cent, 78c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 18e;
total....._...._.........._._._ ......._ ....................... 21.81
Geo. Gruber, Sub. 4A, Stines'
Add., Lot 1; 7.5 lin. ft. wa-
ter pipe at $2.78, $20.85; ex-
tra expense at 3.74345 per
cent, 78c; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; total . ............._..... 21.81
Jacob Petri Estate, A. Stines'
Add., Lot 10; 7.5 lin. ft.
water ,pipe at $2.78, $20.85;
extra expense at 3.74345 per
cent, 78c; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; total ........._...._.._ __
Nicholas Kersch, A. Stines'
Add., Lot 25; 20 lin. ft. wa-
ter pipe at $2.78, $55.60;
extra expense at 3.74345 per
cent, $2.08; interest at 6
per cent, 48c; total ........_...._.....
Total... .............._............._.. .._.........._...._....4171.58
59 lin. ft. 3'4 -inch water pipe
at $2.78 per lin. ft. ....._ ..............$164.02
Interest at 6 per cent....._..._...._..... 1.42
Extra expense at 3.74345 per
cent.... ._.........._.........._..._... _..._.....___... 6.14
Total . ....... ............_...........$171.58
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman 1abriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Approved December 10th, 1923.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Notice of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cils' intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law for the
making of sewer and water connec-
tions on the improvement of Burden
street from the west line of Wind-
sor avenue to the south line of
O'Neill street. There being no re-
monstrance, Councilman Gabriel
moved that the notice be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
'Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
sewer and water connections in the
improvement of Burden street from
the west line of Windsor avenue to
the south line of O'Neill street, by
Edmund A. Linehan, contractor, An
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate herinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite
814 Special Session, December 10th, 1923 Special Session, December 10th, 1923 815
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Linwood Cemetery Associa-
tion, lands inside City Sub.
Lots 11, 12 and 13 of N.E.
1 /¢of Sec. 13 T. 89 N. -R. 2 E,
Lot 4; 60 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.16, $69.60; 34.5 lin. ft.
water pipe at $1.77, $61.07;
extra expense at 3.16159 per
cent, $4.13; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.14; total .. .................._.....$135.94
Linwood Cemetery Associa-
tion, Sub. 1, lands inside
City Sub. Lots 11, 12 and 13
of N. E. 1 / 4 of Sec. 13 T. 89
N.-R. 2 E, Lot 1; 18 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.16, $20.88;
10.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$1.77, $18.58; extra expense
at 3.16159 per cent, $1.25;
interest at 6 per cent, 34c;.
total....._ ...................... ........................._..... 41.05
Linwood Cemetery Associa-
tion, Sub. 3, lands inside
City Sub., Lots 11, 12 and
13 of N. E. 1 / 4 of Sec. 13,
T. 89, N. -R. 2 E, Lot 1; 60
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.16,
$69.60; 86.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $1.77, $153.11; extra
expense at 3.15159 per cent,
$7.04; interest at 6 per cent,
$1.92; total ........ ........._...... ............. 231.67
Irma W. Wallis, Burden &
Lawther's Add., Lot 73; 18
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.16,
$20.88; 10.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $1.77, $18.58;
extra expense at 3.16159 per
cent, $1.25; interest at 6 per
cent, 34c; total ........_._ ............._..... 41.05
F. W. Woodrich, Burden &
Lawther's Add., Lot 76; 18
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.16;
$20.88; 10.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $1.77, $18.58; extra
expense at 3.16159 per cent,
$1.25; interest at 6 per cent,
34c; total ....._...._...._ ._ .............................
Wm. Haisch, Burden & Law -
ther's Add., Lot 134; 20 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.16, $23.20;
29.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$1.77, $52.22; extra expense
at 3.16159 per cent, $2.38;
interest at 6 per cent, 66c;
total... .._...._.........._.........._. _._
Rose Dreazy, Burden & Law -
ther's Add., Lot 132; 20 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1,16, $23.20;
30.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$1.77, $53.99; extra expense
at 3.16159 per cent, $2.44;
interest at 6 per cent, 67c;
Total....._.........._.........._ ... ............_...._.....$649.52
214 lin. ft. 4 -inch tile at $1.16
perlin. ft. .........._....... ... .................$248.24
212.5 lin. ft. %-inch water pipe.
at $1.77 per lin. ft. 376.13
` nterest at 6 per cent____. 5.41
Extra expense at 3.16159 per
cent . 19.74
Total. ...._.........._ ............... ......._...._...........$649.52
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men • Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilman Brede.
Approved December 10th, 1923.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Notice of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law for the
making of sewer and water connec-
tions on the improvement of West
5th street from the east line of Hill
street to the east line of John street.
There being no remonstrance, Coun-
cilman Gabriel moved that the no-
tice be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
Dubuque: That to pay for sewer and
water connections on the improve-
. went of West 5th street from the
east line of Hill street to the east
line of John street, by Edmund A.
Linehan, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a Special Tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels
of Real Estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each Lot
or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows:
Owner Description Amount
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 2
Mattox Sub., W. 100 ft. Lot
1; 46 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$80.50; 39 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $87.74; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$4.56.; interest at 6 per cent,
$1.46; • total .....- ......_... .........__......._.....$174.26
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -121 & Pt. 691 Lot 14;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$21.00; 10.5•1in. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $23.63; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907. per cent,
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
$.39; total . ........._ .................._.. _
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 15;
15 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$21.00; 10.5 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $23.63; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
$.39; total ...... ..... ..........._...._..._._......_.
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 16;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe. at $1.75,
$21.00; 11.25 Iin, ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $25.31; extra
expense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.25; interest at 6 per cent,
$.39; total ................... ......._.......................
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 17;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75;
$21.00; 11.25 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $25.31; extra
expense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.25; interest at 6 per cent,
$.39; total ................ ._...._._..................._..
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 18;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$21.00; 10.5 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $23.63; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
$.39 ; total ....._........ .._..... .......................
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 19;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$21.00; 10.5 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $23.63; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 20;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75;
$21.00; 10 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $22.50; extra ' ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.18; interest at 6 per cent,
$.38c; total ......_ .... .............._...._...........
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), Sub. City
Lots 700 -721 & Pt. 691 Lot 21;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75;
$21.00; 10 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $2250; extra ex-
pense at 2.70907 per cent,
$1.18; interest at 6 per cent,
Total....._ ................_......_ .__.. .._.._._.......$545.20
142 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at $1.75,
per lin, ft.......__...._..... ....._ ..............._..$248.50
123.5 lin. ft. s/4 inch water pipe
at $2.25 per lin. ft. . 277.88
Interest at 6 per cent._.._......._.. 4.56
Extra expense at 2.70907 per
cent...._....._. ._........_...._.......__...... _._.... 14.26
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Approved Dec. 10th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment as provided by law for the snak-
ing of sewer and water connections
on the improvement of Julien avenue
from the west line of Delhi street,
near Mt. Pleasant avenue to the east
line of Delhi street, near Auburn
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be received end filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for sewer and water connection on
the improvement of Julien avenue
from the west line of Delhi street
near Mt. Pleasant avenue to the east
line of Delhi street near Auburn
street, by Edmund A. Linehan, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several Lots, and Parts
of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate
hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each Lot or Parcel of
Real Estate, as follows:
Owner Description Amount
Eugene Anderson, Idylwilde
Heights, Lot 15; 12 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.16, $13.92; 6.75
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$11.95; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, 53c; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $.23; total $ 26.63
Eugene Anderson, Idylwilde
Heights, Lot 16; 12 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.16, $13.92. 6.75
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$11.95; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, 53c; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $.23; total 26.63
Thos. O'Brien, Milligan's Sub.,
Lot 2; 20 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.1.66, $24.20; extra expense
at 2.05583 per cent, $.48; in-
816 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
terest at 6 per cent, $.20.
total. ............._........ ......................._....._. 23.88
Thos. O'Brien, Milligan's Sub.,
Lot 3; 18 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.16, $20.87; extra expense
at 2.05583 per cent, $.44; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.19;
total. ................_ ....._..........._....._._..... 21.50
Mathilda Rastatter, Milligan's
Sub., Lot 1; 24 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $1.16, $27.84; 32 lin.
ft. 'water pipe at $1.77,
$56.64; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, $1.74; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.72;
total....._ :..............._.... ..............._...._...._..... 86.94
E. A. Engler, Sub. 12 of M. L.
172, Lot 1; 14.66 lin. ft. tile
pipe at .$1.16, $17.02; 22.33
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$39.52; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, $1.16; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.49;
total.. ........................... ......._....................... 58.19
E. A. Engler, Sub. 12 of M. L.
172, Lot 2; 14.67 lin. ft. tile
pipe at 51.16, $17.02; 22.33
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$39.52; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, 51.16; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.49;
total...... ............................... ......................... 58.19
E. A. Engler, Sub. 12 of M. L.
172, Lot 3 14.66 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $1.16, 517.01; 22.34
lin. ft. water pipe at 51.77,
539.54; extra expense at
2.05583 per cent, $1.16; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.49;
total....._ ........................ ...._.......................... 58.20
Berdina Bush, Sub. 1 of 1
of M. L. 172 Und. 1 h Lot
2; 70.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.16, $81.78; 35.5 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at $1.77, $62.84; ex-
tra expense at 2.05583 per
cent, $2.97; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.25; total . 148.84
V. E. B. Robinson, Sub. 1 of
1 of M. L. 172 Und. 1/z Lot
2; 70.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.16, $81.78; 35.5 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at $1.77, $62.84; ex-
tra expense at 2.05583 per
cent, $2.97; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.25; total .............................. 148.84
Total........ ............................... ........................$ 657.84
271 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at $1.16
per lin. ft. .$314.36
183.5 lin. ft. st inch water pipe
at $1.77 per lin. ft. 324.80
Interest at 6 per cent . 5.54
Extra expense at 2.05583 per
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Approved Dec. 10th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment as provided by law for the
making of sewer and water connec-
tions on the improvement of Julien
avenue from the west line of Hill
street to the west line of Walnut
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for sewer and water connections on
the improvement of Julien avenue
from the west line of Hill street to
the west line of Walnut street, by
Edmund A. Linehan, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied
on the several Lots and Parts of Lots,
and Parcels of Real Estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as
Owner Description Amount
H. M. McCloskey, Sub. 11 of
Out Lot 703, Lot 2; 26 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $2.05, 553.30;
21.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
52.95, 563.43; extra expense
at 3.77662 per cent, 54.41; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.01;
total............. ........................ ........................$122.15
H. M. McCloskey, Sub. 11 of
Out Lot 703, Lot 1; 24 lin.
ft. tile pipe at 52.05, $49.20;
20.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.95, 560.47; extra expense
at 3.77662 per cent, $4.14;
interest at 6 per cent, $.95;
total . 114.76
A. W. Kemler Estate, Sub. 19
Out Lot 703, Lot 1; 16 lin ft.
tile pipe at $2.05, $32.80; 22
lin. ft. water pipe at $2.95,
564.90; extra. expense at
Special Session, December 10th, 1923 817
3.77662 per cent, $3.69; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.85;
Total ...._ ............._....__. __.__...._._ 1012.24
Total . ...... ......._.........._.....5339.15
66 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at $2.05
per tin. ft. ...__......._...._ _._ _ ...._.....5135.30
64 lin. ft. 3.4 inch water pipe
at $2.95 per lin. ft........._..._.. 188.80
Interest at 6 per cent . 281
Extra expense at 3.77662 per
cent . 12.24
Total... ............................... ............._...._.....$339.15
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Approved Dec. 10th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
. City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Schrempf and Melchior.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment as provided by law for the
making of sewer and water connec-
tions on the. improvement of West
Third street from the west line of
College street to the east line of
Grandview avenue.
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent- Councilman Brede.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for sewer and water connections on
the improvement of W. Third street
from the west line of College street
to the east line of Grandwiev avenue
by Edmund A. Lenihan, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same,
a Special Tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts
of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate
hereinafter named, situated and own-
ed, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner Description Amount
J. H. Herancourt, Finley Home
Add., Lot 25; 22.5 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.16, $26.10; 12
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
521.24; extra expense at
2.60733 per cent, 51.23; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5.41;
total_.. _ ...... ....__ ................_...__.._ _$ 48.98
John R. & Fannye Dell, Fin-
ley Home Add., Lot 30; 5.25
lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$9.29; extra expense at
2.60733 per cent, $.24; in
terest at 6 per cent, 5.08;
total........_.......... __...._......._._....__.._.__._ 9.61
John R. & Fannye Dell, Fin-
ley Home Add., Lot 31; 5.25
lin. ft. water .pipe at 51.77,
59.29; extra expense at
2.60733 per cent, $.24; in
terest - at 6 per cent, $.08;
total......._..........._ ........ ..........._....._............_ 9.61
Thos. J. Mulgrew, Sub. 2 Box
leiter's Sub., Lot 1; 40 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.16, $46.40;
63 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.77,
$111.51; extra expense at
2.60733 per cent, $4.12; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 51.37;
total.......................... ...._......_......._....._...._ 163.40
Voelker Realty Co., Sub. 1
Mink's Sub., Lot 2; 19 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.16, $22.04; 30
lin. ft. water pipe at 51.77;
$53.10; extra expense at
160733 per cent, $1.96; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5.66;
total............................. ..._...._...................... 77.76
Anna & Thresa McDonald, Sub.
1 of 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 Caroline
Boxleiter's Sub., Lot 1; 19
lin. ft. tile pipe at 51.16;
522.04; 10.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $11.77, $18.59; extra
expense at 2.60733 per cent,
$1.06; interest at 6 per cent,
5 .35; total ............... ........_._.................... 42.04
Anna & Thresa McDonald, Sub.
2 of 2 of 2 of 2 Caroline Box -
leiter's Sub., Lot 2; 38 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.16, $44.08;
20.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$1.77, $36.29; extra expense
at 2.60733 per cent, 52.10; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5.69;
total . 83.16
Total .._... $434.56
138.5 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at
$1.16 per lin. ft...... ..._ ....................$160.66
146.5 lin. ft. 5 inch water pipe
at $1.77 per lin. ft......_ .............._ 259.31
Interest at 6 per cent ...._........... 3.64
Extra. expense at 2.60733 per
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
818 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
Approved Dec. 10th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option et the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman. Brede.
Petition of Mrs. M. T. Cahill re-
monstrating against the assessment
as levied against her property
O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 20, for the
improvement of College street, claim-
ing that the assessment as levied is
much too high and asks that it be
Councilman. Gabriel moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —Nqne.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
A petition of the Sheet Metal Con-
tractors association asking the Coun-
cil to delay action on the Building
Code in its present form to give
them time to study that part of the
Code pertaining to their line of work,
stating that they would consider it
unfair to adopt the code in its pres-
ent form without giving them a hear-
ing. Signed by Broulette Sheet Me-
tal Works, Geisler Bros., Kutch &
Beven, Eisbach Bros., Rafoth Fur-
nace Co., F. Van Valkenberg Co., R.
L. Spellerberg, Jhstman Tin Shop.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
Clerk notify the interested parties
to submit their objections and sug-
gestions to the Council in writing.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
Chief of the Fire Department Jos.
Fisher reported on the petition of
Ralph W. Widdowson relative to the
lowering of the alley to the basement
of the Ruete Drug Co., that the same
may be used by Mr. Widdowson as
a garage.
On recommendation of the Chief,
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted pro-
viding he complies with the sugges-
tions made by the Chief relative to
some changes to be made. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Bond of the First National Bank
for the maintenance and operation
of a clock in front of their place of
business, presented.
It being properly executed, Coun-
cilman Melchior moved that the Bond
be received and made a matter of
record. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
An Ordinance No. 141 providing for
the issuance of $20,000 sewer bonds
of the City of Dubuque, Ia., and de-
claring an emergency having passed
the first and second reading on sus-
pension of the rules at a regular ses-
sion of the Council held Dec. 3rd,
1923, and placed on file for one week
in the office of the City Clerk, was
presented and read a third time.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
this be considered the third reading
of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schrempf. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the Ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None,
Absent— Councilman Brede.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, in
the County of Dubuque, State of
Iowa, is a municipal corporation duly
organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Iowa and is gov-
erned by Chapter 14-d of the Supple-
mental Supplement to the Code of
Iowa, 1915, as amended; and
Whereas, said city has entered in-
to a contract for building and con-
structing a sewer for storm water
purposes in East 24th street, Windsor
avenue and Merz street, in said city
and the cost thereof to the amount
of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,-
000) is to be paid by said City by
the issuance of bonds.
Now therefore: Be it ordained by
Special Session, Decembtx 10th, 1923 819
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa. Section 1. That there
be and there is hereby authorized
to be issued the negotiable coupon
bonds of said City in the aggregate
amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars
($20,000) that said bonds be desig-
nated Sewer Bonds; be twenty (20)
in number; dated December 15, 1923;
bear interest at the rate of Four and
Three - quarters Per Cent (4%%) per
annum from the date of said bonds
until payment thereof, payable July
1, 1924 and semi - annually thereafter
on the first days of January and July
in each year. That said bonds be
signed by the Mayor and attested by
the City Clerk and the seal of said
City attached, and be registered by
the City Treasurer, and a certificate
of such registration endorsed on the
back of each bond; that interest on
said bonds be evidenced by coup-
ons thereto attached and maturing
on the several days when such in-
terest matures; that said interest
coupons be executed with the fac-
simile signatures of said Mayor and
City Clerk which officials by the exe-
cution of said bonds shall adopt as
and for their own respective sig-
natures their fac- similie as appear-
ing on said coupons and that such
principal and interest be payable at
the office of the City Treasurer in
the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa;
that said bonds be of the denomin-
ation of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000) each, be numbered consec-
utively from one (1) to twenty (20),
both numbers included, and become
due and payable on July 1, 1940.
Section 2. The bonds hereby auth-
orized shall be in form substantially
as follows:
(Form of Bond)
No .................. $1,000.00
The City of Dubuque, in the County
of Dubuque, State of Iowa, for value
received, hereby promises to pay to
bearer the sum of One Thousand Dol-
lars ($1,000) lawful money of , the
United States of America on the first
day of July, 1940 with interest on
on said sum from the date hereof
until paid, at the rate of four and
three - quarters per cent (4%%) per
annum payable July 1, 1924 and semi-
annually thereafter on the first days
of January and July in each year,
upon presentation and surrender of
the interest coupons hereto attached
as they severally become due; both
principal and interest payable at the
office of the City Treasurer, in the
City of Dubuque, State of Iowa. For
the prompt payment of this bond,
both principal and interest, as they
respectively come due, and for the
levying of taxes sufficient for that
purpose, the full faith, credit and re-
sources of said City are hereby ir-
revocable pledged.
This bond is one of a series of
bonds of like date and denomination
numbered from one (1) to twenty
(20), both numbers included, aggre-
gating Twenty Thousand Dollars
($20,000) issued by the City of Du-
buque pursuant to and in strict com-
pliance with the provisions of Chap-
ter 243, Acts of the 38th General
Assembly of Iowa and Chapter 179,
Acts of the Thirty -ninth General As-
sembly of Iowa, and in conformity
with an ordinance of the Council of
said city, duly passed, approved and
published for the purpose of pro-
viding funds for building and con-
structing sewers in said city.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all acts, conditions and
things required by the laws and con-
stitution of the State of Iowa to ex-
ist, to be had to be done, or to be
performed precedent to, and in the
issue of this bond, were and have
been properly existent, had, done
and performed in regular and due
form and time; and that the total
indebtedness of said City, including
this bond, does not exceed the con-
stitutional or statutory limitations of
indebtedness or taxation.
In Testimony Whereof, Said City,
by its Council, has caused this bond
to be signed by its Mayor and at-
tested by its Clerk, with the seal of
said City affixed and the interest
coupons hereto attached to be exe-
cuted with the fac- simile signatures
of said officers, as of the fifteenth
day of December, 1923.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
On the first day of.._ .. ...................._.........,
19..._.... the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County will pay to bearer ......_ ....................
Dollars (5. ) at the office of
the City Treasurer, Dubuque, Iowa
for semi - annual interest due that day
on its sewer bond dated December
15, 1923.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
On the back of each there shall be
endorsed a certificate of the City
Treasurer in the following form:
I, the undersigned do hereby cer-
tify that the within bond has been
duly registered in my office as of
820 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
the fifteenth day of December, 1923.'
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
Section 3. When said bonds have
been executed, as aforesaid, they
shall be delivered to the Treasurer
of said City who shall register the
same in a book provided for that
purpose and shall thereupon deliver
said bonds to the purchasers as may
be hereafter determined, upon re-
ceipt of the purchase price, the same
to be not less than the par value of
said bonds with accrued interest
Section 4. That the City Council
shall, in each year, until all of said
bonds have been paid, and at the
time of levying taxes for general city
purposes, cause to be assessed and
levied upon all the taxable property
in said City a sufficient tax to meet
the interest on the bonds hereby
authorized as the same accrues and
also to create and maintain a sink-
ing fund which shall be sufficient to
discharge the principal bonds at ma-
Section 5. That this ordinance
shall be irrepealable until all afore-
said bonds, both principal and inter-
est, are fully paid and discharged.
Section 6. That all ordinances and
resolutions or parts of ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith
be and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 7. That it is hereby found
an emergency exists and for the im-
mediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety this ordin-
ance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its final passage, ap-
proval and publication, as by statue
Passed and approved December
10th 1923.
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Times - Journal
newspapers, Dec. 13th, 1923.
12.13 -1t City Clerk.
Reports of City Auditor, City
Treasurer and the City Water Works
for the month of November, pre-
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
reports be approved and placed on
file. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to report on pet-
ition of J. W. Neumeister, relative
to sewer and water connections to
lots 453 and 454 Ham's Addition.
Notice No. 744 was served on J.
W. Neumeister June 16th, 1921 by
C. J. McCarthy and return of service
shows that lots 453 and 454 above
referred to, were connected with
sewer and water and gas.
In April 1923, when the James F.
Lee Paving Co., started construction
on Lincoln avenue, the Engineering
Department discovered that no con-
nections were made to these lots.
Mr, Neumeister's attention was call-
ed to this condition and Mr. Lee was
ordered to make connections at once,
he having the contract for this work.
Mr. Neumeister had plenty of time
to make these connections from date
of serving the notice on June 16,
1921 to April, 1922, and as his report
showed connections made, Mr. Lee
was not ordered to connect. these
lots in 1921. The Engineering De-
partment refused to issue permits to
Mr. Burke or Mr. Neumeister as his
time to make connections himself had
expired on August 1st, 1921.
These are the facts in the ease and
I would recommend that the petition
be received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
recommendation of the City Engin-
eer be approved and carried out as
recommended. Sec onded by Coun-
cilman Schrempf. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Communication of H. R. Hanger
acting secretary of the meeting of
the following interests held Dec. 8th,
1923 at the Chamber of Commerce,
relative to the proposed Building
Code. Retail Merchants Bureau,
Master Builder's Assn., Dubuque Mfg.
Assn., Real Estate Owners, Banking
Interests, Chamber of Commerce,
Wholesale and Retail Lumbermen,
Wood Working Industries, Building
Material Men, Automobile Assn. At
this meeting the proposed Building
Code was discussed. It was the con -
census of opinion that the proposed
Code is of vital interest not only
to the industries represented, but the
City at large as well. It was further-
more agreed that considerable time
would be required to study the pro-
visions of this proposed code, and
it was deemed advisable to recom-
mend to the City Council that no
action be taken until the various in-
, terests had an opportunity to fam-
Special Session, December 10th, 1923 821
iliarize themselves with the provis-
ions of this code.
The interests represented as above
indicated, request the City Council
to refrain from taking any definite
action on this proposed code for the
time being and we would suggest
that the matter be deferred until
February lst, 1924. In the mean-
time representatives of this meeting
held today will take steps towards
securing data and information with
the view of assisting the code com-
mission in reviewing the proposed
code so that it will meet all require-
ments without working any unneces-
sary hardships on property owners.
Signed H. R. Hanger, Secretary Joint
Councilman Melchior moved that
the parties interested in the code be
notified to appear before the City
Council at a meeting to be held Wed-
nesday, January 9th, 1924, at 7:30
p. m., to discuss the Code. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Communication of B. A. Ruegnitz,
referred to the City Council by the
Chamber of Commerce, presented.
Relative to the unsanitary and filthy
condition of the body of water lying
east of the Milwaukee shops, from
the foot of 8th street to the Municipal
Bathing Beach.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
matter be referred to the Health De-
partment. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the rules be suspended to give any
one present, wishing to do so an op-
portunity to address the Council. Sec -
onded by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Mr. Brown, manager of the Iowa
Oil Co., addressed the Council and
stated that his Company is desirous
of obtaining a strip of property at
the intersection of Grandview aven-
ue and the new Rockdale road, now
owned by the City. City Manager
Carr stated that these lots will need
some filling.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the City offer this property to the
Iowa Oil Co., for $800.00, as it is
now, or for $1,000 after it is filled.
Seconded by Councilman Schrempf.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
Petition of the Dubuque Poster
Advertising Co., asking permission to
erect bill - boards on the sand -fill (for-
merly Rafferty's Slough), presented.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager, Mayor Alderson and Coun-
cilman Brede. Seconded by Council-
man Schrempf. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Dubuque, Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the contract for laying sewer and
water connections in South Booth
street, Edmund A. Linehan, contract-
or, has been completed. I would
therefore recommend the acceptance
of this work by the City.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
4 Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the lay-
ing of sewer and water connections
in South Booth street, has been com-
pleted and
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the re.clution. SecondeI
t, Couneilq:a.a ;c•hremi f. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Dubuque Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the contract for the construction of
822 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
a sanitary sewer with connection in
Holly street north from Rush street,
a distance of 210 feet, James Saul,
contractor, has been completed and
inspected by the sewer inspector. I
would therefore recommend its ac-
ceptance by the City.
Respectfully submitted,
O. E. Carr,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
• Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer with
connections in Holly street north
from Rush street for a distance 210
feet, has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilman Brede.
Dubuque, Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the sewer contract for the construc-
tion of sewers in the Linwood Dis-
trict, Cook and Kane, contractors,
has been completed and tested by-
the sewer inspector. I would there-
fore recommend the acceptance of
this work by the City.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sanitary sewers in the
Linwood District, has been completed
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject • to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schreipf.
Nays -None.
Absent- Councilman Brede.
December 8th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the contract for the construction of
a sanitary sewer in Gay street from
Broadway Extension to Muscatine
street, Oliver Kringle, contractor, has
been completed and tested by the
sewer inspector. I would therefore
recommend its acceptance by the
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Gay
street from Broadway Extension to
Muscatine street, has been completed,'
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Special Session, December 10th, 1923 823
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Schrempf moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent-Councilman Brede.
December 10th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the following sidewalks have been
laid by Thomas E. Byrne, contractor.
Goethe street-Lot 20, 21, 22, 23,
30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 16 Burden
& Lawther's Add. owned by Wm.
Angella street-Lot 10 Quigley's
Sub. of Outlot 712 owned by N.
Schon, Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 Quig-
ley's Sub. of Outlot 712 owned by
J. J. Nagle.
Algona street -Lot 20, Tschirgi &
Schwind Add. owned by Catherine
Auburn street -Lot 186 Woodlawn
Park Add., Und. 1 -3 owned by Isa-
belle Trilk, Und. 2 -3 owned by N. E.
East 28th street -Lot 133 Glendale
Add., owned by H. E. Schell, Lot
198 Glendale Add., owned by Home
Builders Company, Lot 221, Glendale
Add. Und. 72 owned by Edith Lang -
worthy, Und i/2 owned by R. E. Lang -
worthy Est., Lot 61 and 62 Glendale
Add., owned by H. Scherrer, Lot 64
Glendale Add. Theo Closs, Lot 65
Glendale Add. N. owned by A. L.
Rhomberg, Lot 67 Glendale Add.,
owned by J. A. Rhomberg.
White street -Lot 9A and Sub. 1
and 2 of 9 L. H. Langworthy Add.,
owned by Wm. R. Holnagle.
Main street -S. 2 -3 City Lot 66,
owned by Ida Simplot.
Bluff street -City Lot 609A and
610A owned by Blanch McMann Est.
Fremont street -Lot 43 Sister's
Add., owned by Patrick O'Shea, Lot
2 of 2 of 3 Min. Lot 144 owned by
Patrick O'Shea, Lot 4 of Min. Lot
144 owned by A. L. Rhomberg.
South Locust street -N. 1 of Lot
1 of Bonson's Sub., owned by Win.
Clark et al.
Eagle street -Lot 2 of 37, Althaus-
er's Sub., owned by Isabelle Wiehe
and Reynolds Lot 36 Althauser's Sub.,
owned by Catherine Stark, Lot 25,
26 and 27 Althauser's Sub., owned
by Ind. School Dist.
I beg to advise that all of the
above walks have been completed
and inspected by the City Engineer.
I would therefore recommend the
acceptance of these walks.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Goethe
street, abutting lots 20, 21, 22, 23,
30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 16 Burden
& Lawther's Add. has been complet-
ed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is, hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays -None.
Absent - Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Angella
street abutting lot 10 Quigley's Sub.
of outlot 712, has been completed,
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
824 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sidewalk on Algona
street, abutting lot 20 Tschirgi and
Schwind's Add., has been completed,
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
'subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
• City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Auburn
street abutting lot 186 Woodlawn
Park Addition, has been completed,
Whereas, the City Manager has ex-
amined said work and recommended
its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
recommendation of the City Manager
be approved and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment for said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and the City Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of said
assessment as required by law.
Adopted Dec. 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent— Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on East 28th
street, abutting Lots 133, 198, 221,
61, 62, 64 and 67 . and the N. 15 of
65, Glendale Addition, has been
completed and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Special Session, December 10th, 1923 825
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on White
street abutting Lot 9A and Sub. 1
and 2 of 9A, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sidewalk on Main
street, abutting the S. 2 -3 of City
Lot 66 has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
«le showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Bred,
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Bluff
street, abutting City Lot 609A and
610A has been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sidewalk on Fremont
street, abutting Lot 43, Sisters'
Add.; Lot 2 of 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 144
and Lot 4 of Min. Lot 144 has been
completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
826 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sidewalk on South
Locust street abutting the N. of
Lot 1, Bonson's Sub., has been com-
pleted, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment. as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of sidewalks on Eagle
street abutting Lot 2 of 37, Lot 36,
25, 26 and 27 Althauser's Sub., has
been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recom-
mended its acceptance, now there-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Clerk sub-
ject to public inspection and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish a
notice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 10th, 1923.
• Councilmen.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by ouncilman Schrempf. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Bred,
December 8th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: A short time ago a
petition signed by Judge Maguire
and others, for the vacation of a
portion of the alley lying between
Alpine and Neveda streets and be-
tween Langworthy avenue and Solon
street was referred to the City
Manager for investigation and report
to the Council.
I have talked the matter over fur-
ther with Judge Maguire and would
suggest that instead of vacating a
portion of this alley that the alley
be relocated, taking the west 20 feet
of Lot 48, Julia Langworthy's Sub.,
and the north 20 feet of the same
lot for the turn to its present loca-
tion. Such a change would be satis-
factory to Judge Maguire and I be-
lieve to most of the other petitioners.
It would also be better if the con-
nection between the present alley
and the alley as relocated could be
run on a diagonal rather than re-
quiring to right angle turns in order
to make this turn. I think that
Special Session, December
probably this could be worked out
My recommendation would be that
on the dedication to the City of the
location of this alley, that the pres-
ent alley west of Lot 49 and 50 and
part of 51 be vacated and be re-
moved to the new location.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and carried
out as recommended. Seconded by
Councilman Schrempf. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
Mr. T. T. Parker, general manager
of the Dubuque Electric Co., ad-
dressed the Council, stating that the
company would like to construct a
street car line on Jones street from
Locust to Main streets, and showed
the Council the advantage of such
a track to the company and also to
the public. The matter was left in
the hands of the City Solicitor to
draft an ordinance and present it to
the Council at an early date.
There being no further business,
Council adjourned and immediately
went into a session of the Board of
City Clerk.
Adopted __ _ ._ _ ___1923.
Approved _..__.._........_._.._.. _.._.....1923.
City Clerk.
10th, 1923 827
Special Session, December 10th,
Present —Mayor Alderson, Council -
mien Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Absent—Councilman Brede.
Special Order and Notice From
Board of Health.
To Mrs. Emma McGaire, 2410 Wind-
sor avenue.
You are hereby notified that on
the 10th day of December, 1923, the
Local Board of Health for the City
of Dubuque adopted a resolution or-
dering you to abandon and remove
the outside water closet, privy or
privy vault located upon the prem-
ises described therein and to clean
the same; also to connect said prem-
ises with the sanitary sewer and
install sanitary toilet and toilet fac-
ilities and connect the same with
said sewer, all of which to be done
within thirty (30) days from the
date of said resolution, a copy of
which is herein set out and is as
Resolution of the Board of Health. •
Be it resolved by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Ia.,
that it is deemed necessary that Lot
No. South i/ of 1, F. W. Kruse's
Add., assessed to A. C. Baumhover
Estate, owned by Mrs. Emma Mc-
Gaire, be connected with sanitary
sewer; that the outside water closet,
privy or privy vault upon said prem-
ises be abandoned and removed and
said vault cleaned and that a sani-
tary toilet and toilet facilities be
installed and connections made with
the sanitary sewer.
Be it further resolved that said
Mrs. McGaire be notified to remove
and abandon the outside water
closet, privy or privy vault, located
upon the premises above described
and to clean said vault; that said
property be connected with the san-
itary sewer and that sanitary toilet
facilities be installed and connec-
tions made with said sewer, all of
which to be done within thirty (30)
days from the date hereof.
Be it further resolved that said
Mrs. McGaire be notified of the ac-
tion of this Board by the service of
a written notice together with a
copy of this resolution. Failure to
comply with the terms hereof with-
in the time stated shall be followed
by prosecution or such other action
as the Council or Board of Health
may determine.
Dated this 10th day of December,
828 Special Session, December 10th, 1923
You are further notified that pro-
secution will follow a failure to
comply with this order and notice,
or such further action will be taken
as to the Council or Board of
Health may seem proper.
Health Officer.
Councilman Schrempf moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent ,Councilman Brede.
Special Order and Notice From
Board of Health. •
To Henry Kersch, 821 Lawther
You are here'» notified that cn
the 10th day of December, 1923, the
Local Board of Health for the City
of Ds.bnque adopted a resolution or-
dering you to abandon and remove
the outside water closet, privy or
privy vault located upon the prem-
ises described therein and to clean
. the same; also to connect said prem-
ises with the sanitary sewer and
install sanitary toilet and toilet fac-
ilities and connect the same with
said sewer, all of which to be done
within thirty (30) days from the
date of said resolution, a copy of
which is herein set out and is as
Resolution of the Board of Health.
Be it resolved by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Ia.,
that it is deemed necessary that Lot
No. 41, Burden & Lawther's Add.,
owned by Henry Kersch, be con-
nected with sanitary sewer; that
the outside water closet, privy or
privy vault upon said premises be
abandoned and removed and said
vault cleaned and that a sanitary
toilet and toilet facilities be install-
ed and connections made with the
sanitary sewer.
Be it further resolved that said
Henry Kersch be notified to remove
and abandon the outside water
closet, privy or privy vault, located
upon the premises above described
and to clean said vault; that said
property be connected with the san-
itary sewer and that sanitary toilet
facilities be installed and connec-
tions made with said sewer, all of
which to be done within thirty (30)
days from the date hereof.
Be it further resolved that said
Henry Kersch be notified of the ac-
tion of this Board by the service of
a written notice together with a
copy of this resolution. Failure to
comply with the terms hereof with-
in the time stated shall be followed
by prosecution or such other action
as the Council or Board of Health
may determine.
Dated this 10th day of December,
You are further notified that pro-
secution will follow a failure to
comply with this order and notice,
or such further action will be taken
as to the Council or Board of
Health may seem proper.
Health Officer.
Councilman Schrempf moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council -
'n-n Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Absent — Councilman Brede.
There being no further business,
the Board adjourned.
Clerk, Board of Health.
Approved............................ ..............19........_......
Adopted....._...._.........._..... ......._............19......_..
Board of
Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, December 18th, 1923 829
CITY coaxes
Special Session, December 18th,
Meeting called by order of Council-
men Brede and Gabriel.
Council met at 4:30 .p. m.
Present —City Manager Carr, Coun-
cilmen Brede, Gabriel and Melchior.
Absent—Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Councilman Melchior moved that
Councilman Brede be appointed May-
or pro -tem of this meeting. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Gabriel and Mel-
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council -
man Schrempf.
Not voting — Councilman Brede.
Mayor pro-tem Brede read the call
and stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet'
ing it called for the purpose of con-
sidering an ordinance requiring the
Dubuque Electric Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns to construct,
maintain and operate a single track
of street railway over, along and
upon Jones street from South Locust
street to Main street and prescrib-
ing the condition under which said
railway shall be operated, and acting
on any other business that may reg-
ularly come before the meeting.
The ordinance was then read, Coun-
cilman Melchior moved that this be
considered the first reading of the
ordinance. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The petition of Frank
R. Lacy asking for a reduction in
the assessment levied on November
20, 1923, against Lot 7, O. Taylor's
Subdivision in the sum of $157.01
and Lot 25 Taylor and Cooley's Sub-
division in the sum of $157.01 to pay
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Pleasant street, was refer-
red to the undersig for investi-
gation and report.
The principle ground of complaint
in this petition is directed to the fact
that the assessment is in excess of
the benefits conferred upon said lots
and also in excess of 25 per cent of
the actual value of said lots. We
beg to advise your Honorable Body
that, from an examination of the en-
tire matter we cannot agree with the
objector in either of his contentions
because we feel that the benefits de-
rived from the construction of the
sewer equal the assessment and also
that the amount of the assessment
are not in excess of 25 per cent of
the actual value of these lots on the
market today.
We therefore respectfully recom-
mend that the petition be received
and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
City Engineer.
City Solicitor.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the City
Manager, City Solicitor and City En-
gineer be approved and the petition
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.,
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The petition of Sis-
ters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin
Mary of St. Joseph, Dubuque, Du-
buque, Iowa, asking the cancellation
or reduction of the assessments
which have been levied against prop-
erty owned by them and described
in the petition, to pay for the im-
provement of Seminary street, have
been referred to the undersigned for
examination and report.
We beg to advise that this prop-
erty was assessed on account of the
intersection which is located immed-
iately west of this property and has
a very large area. In distributing
the cost of this intersection a rule
was adopted which provided the only
reasonable method of distribution of
this cost. We do not believe that
any fairer distribution could have
been made and yet we are aware of
the fact that the amounts of the as-
sessments appear to be rather heavy
but that is due to the fact that the
intersection is very large at this
place. We don't know of any rule
whereby this cost could be distribut-
ed in any other manner and neither
do we feel that this cost should be
born by the City as a whole because
the property which has been assessed
is being benefited by the improve-
ment in an amount equal to the as-
sessment. For this reason we are
830 Special Session, December 18th, 1923
obliged to recommend that the pet-
ition be received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
0. E. CARR,
City Manager.
City Engineer.
City Solicitor.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager, Ciy Solicitor and City Engin-
eer be approved and the petition
be received and • filed. Seconded by
Councilman Melchior. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
an Schrempf.
An ordinance regulating the con-
struction and location of bill- boards
and sign - boards. Prescribing a li-
cense for the same, and providing a
penalty for the violation thereof.
Presented and read.
Councilman Melchior moved that
this be considered the first reading
of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
December 14th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At the meeting of the
Council held on December 10th, pet-
ition of Mrs. T. M. Cahill, protest-
ing against the assessment of $361.39
as levied against lot 20 O'Neill's Sub.
No. 2, was referred to the City Man-
ager for investigation and report.
1 beg to advise that the value of
this property as carried on the tax
rolls is $1,140.00. My judgment
would be that this property today is
worth not less than $3,000.00. That
being the case there are no grounds
for a reduction of an assessment of
$361.39. For that reason I would
recommend that the petition be re-
ceived and filed .
Respectfully submitted,
0. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and the petition
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent—Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
December 13th, 1923.
City Council,
rubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At the meeting of the
City Council held on November 26th,
petition of Stella F. Sheridan, asking
for the vacation of the alley for a
distance of one hundred feet west
of Lots 1 and 2 and part of Lot 3
and east of Lot 47 in Sheridan's
Addition, was referred to the City
This is that part of the alley run-
ning down from Davis avenue back
of the lots facing the corner of Wind-
sor and Davis avenue. This alley is
a continuous alley running parallel
to Windsor avenue through both
Sheridan and Burden and Lawther's
My own judgment would be that
it would be a mistake to vacate any
portion of this alley. At the present
time, as I understand it, the property
is entirely unimproved and I know
of no immediate prospect of improv-
ing. If the people about to build
on some of these lots were desirous
of having the alley vacated the mat-
ter would seem rather different to
me but I can see no particular reas-
on for vacating an alley at this time
running through unimproved ter-
Respectfully submitted,
0. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the recommendation of the Manager
be approved and the petition be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
December 13th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Some time ago a pet-
ition of Mr. Hazelton, asking permis-
sion to tear up Hill street in order
to connect with sewer, water and
gas, was referred to the City Man-
ager. I have deferred reporting on
this matter on account of the fact
that there was an uncertainty about
the building going forward.
The contract for the building is
now let and the request to open the
street is repeated. I have investi-
gated and see no other way possible
to secure sewer, water and gas for
this building except through the open-
ing of Hill street and would there-
fore recommend that the permission
be granted, providing arrangements
Special Session, December 18th, 1923 831
are made to put in the three in one
street opening.
Respectfully submitted,
0. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
recommendation of the City Manag-
er be approved, the prayer of the
petition be granted. Mr. Hazelton
to put all connections in one trench.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
December 18th, 1923.
City Council, •
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection with
the assessment for sewer in Stafford
street and Pleasant street, I beg to
advise that Isadore Ehrlich is the
owner of Lots 1 and 2 in Taylor's
Sub. Lot 1 has a frontage of 119
feet on Stafford street and Lot 2 has
a frontage of 50 feet on Pleasant
In levying the assessment Ehrlich
was assessed for a 150 foot frontage.
My personal thought is that an as-
sessment for 69 feet on Stafford
street and 50 feet on Pleasant street
would be fairer and more in accord-
ance with the benefits, as well as
the assessments as levied on the
other property.
If the Council concur in this re-
port, it would mean a reduction of
the assessment on Lot 1 Taylor's
Sub. of $48.68 which amount the city
will have to assume, the same being
paid out of the general funds of the
Respectfully submitted,
0. E. CARR,
City Manager.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
Mr. Ehrlich be given a reduction in
the assessment as levied in the sum
of $48.68 and the Auditor be instruct-
ed to draw a warrant for this amount
on the General Fund in favor of the
Special assessment fund to make up
this shortage. Seconded by Council-
man Melchior. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the rules be suspended to allow any-
one present to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Henry Becker addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the special assessment
as levied against lot 4 of sub. 144 for
the making of sewer and water con-
nections to this property on Fremont
street, stating that he had this mat-
ter before the Council and that they
reduced the ases`sment some, but that
it is still too high and he hereby
asks that the Council reduce this
another $50.00, he will pay the as-
sessment at once, as he thinks that
this will be nearer right, but still
a little high.
Councilman Melchior moved that
Mr. Becker be given another reduc-
tion of $50.00 on this assessment.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
A Warranty Deed, whereby George
Massey and wife Mary convey to the
City of Dubuque lot 2 of the Sub. of
lot 2 of the Sub. of lot 3 of the Sub.
of part of Mineral lot 37 situated in
Dubuque, Iowa, also plat presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
deed be recorded and filed, also the
plat. Seconded by Councilman Mel-
chior. Carried by tho following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
A petition of the Amalgamated
Sheet Metal Workers Union, asking
that the City Council delay action on
the Building Code now being con-
sidered for adoption. Stating that
the code as written would increase
the cost of installing hot air furnace^
to such an extent that the average
home builder would be prohibited
from installing same, and it makes
installation of this class of furnaces
in houses already built, impossible.
City Manager Carr stated that he
had already notified the petitioner to
be present at the meeting of the
Council to be held Jan. 9th, 1924.
No further action taken.
Petition of Chas. Wunderlich, ask-
ing for a refund of $19.82 interest
paid by him under protest on street
The assessment referred to 1s
shown on receipt as "Fund 356" cov-
ering assessments as levied against
lot 2 of 2 of 8 L. H. Langworthy
Add. lot 1, for the improvement of
Hill street.
He states that he, had never re-
ceived written notice, and only se-
cured telephone information on No-
vember 16th, 1923 and therefore be-
lieves that the interest charge is
832 Special Session, December 18th, 1923 Special Session, December 27th, 1923 833
not in order, he states further that
he paid the assessment which
amounted to $364.04 and the interest
$19.82, making a total of $383.86, im-
mediately after he received the above
notice by telephone, the interest was
paid under protest and he claims
should be refunded to him.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed, and the Treasurer be notified
to refund the interest to Mr. Wunder -
lich. Seconded by Councilman Ga-
briel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Absent—Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Nays —None.
Applications for cigarette licenses
of Jacob Bro, No. 336 Main street,
accompanied by a bond properly exe-
cuted, and also application for a cig-
arette license, accompanied by a
bond properly executed, of J. J. Bax-
ter, in the Federal Bank and Trust
Building, S. W. corner of Ninth and
Main streets, presented.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the permits be granted and licenses
issued to the applicants. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Bond of Byrne Bros, for the main-
tenance and operation of a display
sign presented.
It being properly executed, Council-
man Melchior moved that it be re-
ceived and placed on file. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabri 4,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
City Manager and the City Solicitor
be authorized to attend the Session
of the Legislature at Des Moines.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent—Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Report of City Manager Carr on
the petition of the Misses Genevieve
and Rose Cummins, for a reduction
in the assessment ee levied against
their property for the improvement
of Rose street, recommending that
the assessment be reduced from
$1,822.69 to $1,250, making a reduc-
tion of $572.69, presented. No action
There being no further business,
Council adjourned and immediately
went into a session of the Board of
City Clerk.
Approved.........................._.... ............_........192.......
Adopted....._ .............. ........._._._..____..192.._.
Attest: -
City Clerk.
Special Session Dec. 18th, 1923.
Board met at 6:15 p. m.
Present—Councilmen Brede, Gab-
riel and Melchior.
Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
Moved and carried that Council-
man Brede act as chairman of this
Return of service. Notice served
on Mrs. Emma Magaire, 2410 Wind-
sor avenue and Henry Kersch, 821
Lawther avenue, to move and aban-
don outside water closet or privy
vault,, clean same and connect their
respective properties with sanitary
sewer, presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notices be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Melchior. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel,
and Melchior.
Nays —None.
Absent—Mayor Alderson, Council-
man Schrempf.
There being no further business,
Board adjourned.
Clerk, Board of Health.
Aproved........_ ............._._.. ._...................192.......
Adopted........_......_._...._ ........ .....................192.......
Board of
Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, December 27th,
Meeting called to order by Mayor
Alderson and Councilman Brede.
Council met at 4:30 p. m.
Present—City Manager Carr, May-
or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga-
briel, Melchior, Schrempf.
Mayor Alderson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of levying
special assessments as provided by
law to pay for the following improve-
ments: For the making of sewer
and water connections on the im-
provement of Cleveland avenue,
from the east line of Bryant street
to the east line of Villa street; on
Bryant street,from the south line of
Dodge street to the south line of Lot
6. Columbia Add.; on Kirkwood
street from the south line of West
Locust street to the east line of
Alta Vista street; for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Semin-
ary street from the end of the exist-
ing sewer, southwest for a distance
of approximately 1,600 feet; for the
improvement of Shiras avenue from
the entrance to Eagle Point Park to
the City Limits, and acting on any
other business that may come be-
fore the meeting.
Notice of publication, certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law to pay
for the making of sewer and water
connections, on the improvement of
Cleveland avenue from the east line
of Bryant street to the east line of
Villa street, presented. Also a re-
monstrance .by Anna Dax against the
assessment as levied against her
property, Lot 75, Union Add., for
said connections.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the remonstrance be referred to the
City Solicitor. Seconded by Council-
man Brede. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, 'Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the notice of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. • Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
sewer and water connections on the
834 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
improvement of Cleveland avenue
from the east line of Bryant street
to the east line of Villa street, by
Nester & Buechel, contractors, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner. Description. Amount.
Anna C. Dax, Union Add., Lot
75; 20 lin. ft. tile and water
pipe at $2.95, $59.00; 14 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.25,
$31.50; extra expense at
1.69354 per cent, $1.53; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 79c;
total....._.........._ ........... .............._...._...._.....$ 92.82
Cath. Birmingham Estate,
Sub. 76 and 77, Union Add.,
Lot 1; 9 lin. ft. tile and
water pipe at $2.95, $26.55;
12 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.45,
$17.50; extra expense at
1.69354 per cent, 74c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 38c;
total.........._ ............... ...._...._...._.........._..... 45.07
Cath. Birmingham Estate,
Union Add., Lot 78; 9 lin.
ft. tile and water pipe at
$2.95, $26.55; 12 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $1.45, $17.40; extra
expense at 1.69354 per cent,
74c; interest at 6 per cent,
38c; total ............... .._...._....................... 45.07
Mary S'. Ryan, Union Add.,
Lot 66; 14 lin. ft. tile and
water pipe at $2.95, $41.30;
10 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.45,
$14.50; extra expense at
1.69354 per cent, 94c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 48c;
total..........._........._. ._...._ ......................_.
Thos. Kenneally, Union Add.,
N. 150 ft., Lot 92; 21 lin.
ft. tile and water pipe at
$1.45, $61.95; 7 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $15.75; extra
expense at 1.69354 per cent,
$1.32; interest at 6 per cent,
67c; total ....._ ......... .............................._
Dubuque Realty Co., Union
Add., Lot 55; 13.67 lin. ft.
tile and water pipe at $2.95,
$40.33; 6.33 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.45, $9.18; extra ex-
pense at 1.69354 per cent,
84c; interest at 6 per cent,
43c; total ............. ..._...._................_..... 50.78
Eliz. Pier, Sub. 2 of 1 of Sub.
2 of 105 and Lot 1 of 7, Un-
ion Add., Lot 2; 25 lin. ft.
tile and water pipe at $2.95,
$73.75; 3.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $7.88; extra
expense at 1.69354 per cent,
$1.39; interest at 6 per cent,
71c; total .......... ........ 83.73
W. W. Ireland, Union Add.,
Lot 46; 14 lin. ft. tile and
water pipe at $2.95, $41.30;
15 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.45,
$21.75; extra expense at
1.69354 per cent, $1.07; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 55c;
total....._.... ........_ .... ........._...................._ 64.67
Joseph Richter, Union Add.,
Lot 45; 14 lin. ft. tile and
water pipe at $2.95, $41.30;
15 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.45,
$21.75; extra expense at
1.69354 per cent, $1.07; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 55c;
total.__......_...._._...._.. ........_...._ ................. 64.67
M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Sub.
95, 96, 97 and 98, Union
Add., Lot 4; 24 lin. ft. tile
and water pipe at $2.95,
$70.80; 4 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $9.00 extra expense
at 1.69354 per cent, $1.35;
interest at 6 per cent, 69c;
total................._............ ........................._..... 81.84
Total............................._. ..._...._........._.....$655.56
163.67 lin. ft. tile and water
pipe at $2.95 per lin. ft..........9482.83
70.33 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.45
per lin. ft. ..........._ ........................._..... 101.98
28.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25 per lin. ft. ..........._................ 64.13
Interest at 6 per cent....._...._...._..... 5.63
Extra expense at 1.69354 per
cent....._ ......................_ ..................._........... 10.99
Total . ............ ............._...._...........$ 665.56
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays -None.
Adopted December 27, 1923.
Approved December 27, 1923.
City Clerk.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
enterd into by the City of Dubuque
for the making of sewer and water
connections on Cleveland avenue,
hereinafter described, has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has
computed the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
that to provide for the cost of mak-
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 835
ing sewer and water connections in
Cleveland avenue from the East line
of Bryant street to the east line of
Villa street, there be issued Sewer
Bonds to the amount of $665.56.
Said bonds shall be issued under
the provisions of Chapter 8, Title V
of the Code of Iowa and the amend-
ments thereto; shall bear date as
of the 28th day of January, A. D.
1924, shall be in the denominations
of $100.00 each, except that there
shall be one bond to the amount of
$65.56; they shall be numbered from
9499 to 9505 inclusive, and shall be
divided into ten series of which the
bonds numbered 9499 shall consti-
tute the first series, and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1924; the bonds numbered 9500
shall constitute the second series
and shall be payable on the first
day of April, A. D. 1925; the bonds
numbered 9501 shall constitute the
third series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1926;
the bonds numbered 9502 shall con-
stitute the fourth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April
A. D. 1927; the bonds numbered
9503 shall constitute the fifth series
and shall be payable on the first
day of April, A. D. 1928; the bonds
numbered 9504 shall constitute the
sixth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A, D. 1929;
the bonds numbered 9505 shall con-
stitute the seventh series and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1930.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable
semi - annually, in accordance with
the terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached, and said bonds shall be
payable out of the proceeds of the
special assessment levied for said
improvement. Both principal and
interest shall be payable at the of-
fice of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall
be substanti:.11y in the following
No. $100.00
Series No.
Sewer Bond.
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of Apri, A. D.
19....or at any time before that
date at the option of the City the
sum of One Hundred Dollars with
interest thereon at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both .principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V
of the Code of Iowa and amend-
ments thereto, and in accordance
With a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of said city, duly passed on the
27th day of December, A. D, 1923.
This bond is one of a series of
seven bonds, six for One Hundred
Dollars and numbered from 9499 to
9504 inclusive and one for Sixty -five
and 56 -00, numbered 9505, all of like
tenor and date, and issued for the
purpose of defraying the cost of
making sewer and water connections
on Cleveland avenue from the east
line of Bryant street to the east line
of Villa street and described in said
resolution; which cost is assessable
and levied along said improvement,
and is made by law a lien on all
abutting or adjacent property, and
payable in ten annual installments,
with interest on all deferred pay-
ments at the rate of five per cent
per annum, and this bond is payable
only out of the money derived from
the collection of said special tax,
and said money can be used for no
other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condi-
tion and things required to be done
precedent to and in the issuing of
this series of bonds, have been done,
happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessments, collections and payment
hereon of said special tax, the faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque, by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the seal of said City
affixed this 8th day of January, A.
D. 1924, and has authorized the use
of their fac- simile signatures to the
interest coupons hereto attached.
(Seal.) City Clerk.
Form of Coupon.
On the............day of ....._...._..._........_..._A. D.
19............, the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
promises to pay to the bearer, as
provided in the bond, the sum of
...._......_..........._.............Dollars, at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City
of Dubuque, being......_._.months' in-
terest due that day on its improve-
ment Bond No ................... dated ...._...._...._..........-
City Clerk.
836 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then de-
liver them to the City Treasurer,
who will also register them in a
book to be kept by him for that
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds
of said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Sewer Fund.
Be it further resolved that the in-
terest coupons attached to the bonds
be signed with the fac- simile signa-
ture of the Mayor and countersigned
with the fac- simile signature of the
City Clerk.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Brede moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays -None.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment as provided by law to pay for
the making of sewer and water con-
nections on the improvement of Bry-
ant street from the south line of
Dodge street to the south line of lot
6 Columbia Add., presented.
Remonstrances against the assess-
ment as levied against the following
properties, Anna Dax owner of lot
75 Union Addition, Mary. Greenwald
1ot 173 Union Add., Christina Sieg-
warth, lot 74 Union Add., Walter
Koerner and Mary Koerner, Clara
Friedl, and Henrietta Jungk, owners
of lot 2 of Sub. 3 of Sub. of Min.
lot 63, for said improvement, pre-
Councilman Brede moved that the
rules be suspended to allow anyone
present to address the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Nobody addressed the Council rela•
tive to the above remonstrances.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
remonstrances be referred to the City
Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman
Melchior. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice of publication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Gab-
riel. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay for
sewer connections on the improve-
ment of Bryant street from the south
line of Dodge street to the south line
of Lot 6 "in. Columbia Add., by Ed-
mund A. Linehan, contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a Special
Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and
Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as fol-
Owner Description Amount
P. Eisbach, Bonson & Stewart's
Sub., Lot 26; 9 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $18.45; 7 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$20.65; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $.61; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.34;
P. Eisbach, Sub. Min. Lot
63, Lot 4; 9 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $18.45; 7 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$20.65; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $.61; in-
terest at 6 per cent 34c;
total..........._._ ............... ............................_..
C. B. Trewin (Inc), Hoskin's
Sub., Lot 1; 9 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $18.45; 7 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$20.65; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $.61; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 34c;
total..........._ .................. ._.............................
Anna Dehing, Hoskin's Sub.,
Lot 3; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$2.05, $18.45; 7.5 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at $2.95, $22.13; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, $.63; interest at 6 per
cent, $.35; total .. ...............................
James Brunskill Est., Hoskin's
Sub., Lot 4; 9 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $18.45; 7 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.95, $20.65;
extra expense at 1.55583
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 837
per cent, $ 61; interest at ,
per cent, $.34; total ........_...._.. -. 10 65
Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub.,
Lot 5; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$2.05, $18.45; 27.5 Ho. ft.
water pipe at 52.95, $81.13;
extra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, 51.55; interest at 6 per
cent, 5.87; total .............................. 10
Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub.,
Lot 3; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at
52.05, 518.45; 26 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at 52.95, 576.70; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, 51.48; interest at 6 per
cent, $.83; total .. ............................... 97.46
Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub.,
Lot 2; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at
52.05, $18.45; 26 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at $2.95, 576.70; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, $1.48; interest at 6 per
cent, 5.83; total . ......................_........ 97.46
Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub.,
Lot 1; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$2.05, $18.45; 26 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at $2.95, $76.70; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, 51.48; interest at 6 per
cent, 5.83 ; total .............._......._........ 67.46
J. E. Working; Saul's Sub., Lot
4; 9 lin. ft. tile pipe at 52.05,
$18.45; 25.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.95, $75.23; extra
expense at 1.55583 per cent,
51.46; interest at 6 per cent,
$.81; total ................. ............................... 95.95
Patrick Kenneally, Union Add.
S. 1 /z Lot 151; 9 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $18.45; 26 lin.
ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$76.70; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, 51.48; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.83;
Theresa Sullivan, Sub. 152 Un-
ion Add., Lot 1; 10 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $2.05, 520.50;
26.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
52.95, $78.18; extra expense
at 1.55583 per cent, 51.54;
interest at 6 per cent, $.86;
total. ................_........ ........_............_......... 101.08
Chas. & Bridget Schaffert, Sub.
152 Union Add., Lot 2; 11
lin. ft. tile pipe at $2.05,
$22.55; 8.5 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.95, 525.08; extra ex-
pense at 1.55583 per cent,
5.74; interest at 6 per cent,
$.41; total ................. ............................... 48.78
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 2 of Min.
Lot 47, Lot 1; 32 lin ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $65.F0; 19 lin.
ft .water pipe at 52.95, 556.05;
extra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, $1.89; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.06; total ........_.........._..... 124.60
J. J. Nagle, Sub. 1 of 3 of
M. L. 63, Lot 1; 31 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $2.05, 563.55; 32
lin. ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$94.40; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $2.45; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.37;
total _..._ _ _ _ .Y.....�...r_-_.. 161.77
Walter Koerner, Sub. 3 of M.
L. 63, Lot 2; 30 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, 561.50; 33.5
lin. ft. water pipe at $2.95,
$98.83; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, 52.49; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.39;
total....._ ................_......._ ............................_.. 164.21
P. Meehan Estate, Union Add.,
Lot 72; 29 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $2.05, $59.45; 34 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.95, 5100.30;
extra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, $2.49; interest at 5 per
cent, $1.37; total ........................... 163.61
Mary Greenwald, Union Add.,
Lot 73; 31 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $2.05, $63.55; 33.5 lin. ft.
water pipe at 2.95, $98.83;
extra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, 52.53; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.41; total ........_...._...._..... 166.32
Christina Siegworth, Union
Add., Lot 74; 31 lin. ft. tile
pipe at 52.05; $63.55; 33.5
lin. ft. water pipe at 52.95,
$95.88; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $2.48; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 51.39;
total.............._......._...._ ..................._........... 163.30
Anna C. Dax, Union Add., Lot
75; 29 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$2.05, 559.45; 33.5 lin. ft. wat-
er pipe at 52.95, 598.83; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, 52.46; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.37; total . 162.11
C. G. Meyer, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. 1 /z Lot 1;
16.5 lin ft. tile pipe at $2.05,
533.83; 7.25 lin. ft. water
pipe at 52.95, 521.38; extra
expense at 1.55583 per cent,
5.86; interest at 6 per cent,
$.48; total .............. ..._...._.............- ........ 56.55
Chester Ruff, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. 1 /a Lot 1;
16.5 lin ft. tile pipe at $2.05,
533.83; 7.25 lin. ft. water
pipe at 52.95, 521.38; extra
expense at 1.55583 per cent,
$.86; interest at 6 per cent,
$.48; total ..........._.. .._.........._ ................. 56.54
Chester Ruff, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. 1 /y Lot 2;
16.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at 52.05,
$33.83; 7.75 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.95, $22.86; extra
expense at 1.55583 per cent,
88c; interest at 6 per cent,
$.49; total ................. ............................... 58.06
C. G. Meyer, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. 1/ 2 ' Lot 2;
16.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.05,
$33.82; 7.75 lin. ft. water
' pipe at 52.95, $22.86; extra
expense at 1.55583 per cent,
88c; interest at 6 per cent,
$.49; total . ...... ........__....._......_........ 58.05
838 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
C. G. Meyer, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. Lot 3;
15.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at 52.01,
$31.78; 7.25 lin. ft. water
pipe at 2.95, $21.38; extra ex-
pense at 1.55583 per cent,
$.83; interest at 6 per cent,
$.45; total . ........._._........_._...._._.
Chester Ruff, Sub. 145 & 146
Union Add., Und. % Lot 3;
15.5 lin. ft. tile pipe at 2 -05,
$31.77; 7.25 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.95, $21.38; ex-
tra expense at 1.55583 per
cent, $.83; interest at 6 per
cent, 5.45; total 54.43
Robt. E. Twaites, Columbia
Add., Lot 2; 17 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, 534.85; 15.5 lin.
ft. water pipe at 52.95,
545.72; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $1.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.69;
total _.. _... ........_.......__..._..._...._ ........... 82.51
Robt. E. Twaites, Columbia
Add., Lot 3; 19 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $2.05, $38.95; 16.5
lin. ft. water pipe at 52.95,
545.72; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $1.32; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5.73;
total...._.._...._ r ...._ ....._.._..._......._..._...... 86.72
Robt. E. Twaites, Columbia
Add., Lot 5; 39 lin. ft. tile
pipe at 52.05, 579.95; 20.5
lin. ft. water pipe at $2.95,
560.48; extra expense at
1.55583 per cent, $2.18; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.22;
total — _.........._......143.83
Total_.... ...._ ...................._..... ..............$2,696.46
505 lin. ft. tile pipe at 52.05
per lin. ft.......... .___.....4......_.....51,035.25
541.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.95 per lin. ft. 1,597.43
Interest at 6 per cent ..................... 22.82
Extra expense at 1.55583 per
cent...... ............................... ....__..._.... 40.96
Total...................._........ ._....._....,.........$2,696.46
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Approved Dec. 17th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 17th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the making of sewer and water
connections on Bryant street, here-
inafter described has been complet-
ed and the City Engineer has com-
puted the cost and expense of said
improvement amounts to $2,696.46.
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
that to provide for the cost of mak-
ing of sewer and water connections
on Bryant street from the south
line of Dodge street to the south
line of Lot 6 Columbia Addition,
there be issued Sewer Bonds to the
amount of $2,696.46. Said bonds shall
be issued under the provisions of
Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of
Iowa and the amendments thereto,
shall bear date as of the 28th day
of January, A. D. 1924; shall be in
the denominations of $200.00 each,
except that there shall be one bond
to the amount of $96.46; they shall
be numbered from 9506 to 9519 in-
clusive, and shall be divided into ten
series of which the bonds numbered
9506 to 9507 shall constitute the first
series; and shall be payable on the
first day of April A. D. 1924; the
bonds numbered 9508 to 9509 shall
constitute the second series and
-shall be payable on the first day
of April A. D. 1925; the bond num-
bered 9510 shall constitute the third
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April A. D. 1926; the
bond numbered 9511 shall constitute
the fourth series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April A. D.
1927; the bond numbered 9512 shall
constitute the fifth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April
A. D. 1928; the bond numbered 9513
shall constitute the sixth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April A. D. 1929; the bond num-
bered 9514 shall constitute the sev-
enth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April A. D. 1930;
the bond numbered 9515 shall con-
stitute the eighth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April
A. D. 1931; the bonds numbered 9516
to 9517 shall constitute the ninth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April A. D. 1932: and
the bonds numbered 9518 co 9519
shall constitute the tenth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April A. D. 1933.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
teams of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec-
ial assessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
Special Session; December 27th, 1923 839
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City
of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be
substantially in the following form:
No......_ ................. $200.00
Series No .........................
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April A. D.
19......... or at any time before that date
at the option of the City the sum of
Two Hundred Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable on the presentation
and surrender of the interest coup-
ons hereto attached. Both principal
and interest are payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City
of Dubuque in the State of Iowa. This
bond is issued by the City of Dubuque
pursuant to and by virtue of Chap-
ter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa
and amendments thereto, and in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the
City Council of said city, duly passed
on the 27th day of December A. D.
1923. This bond is one of a series
of 14 bonds, thirteen for Two Hun-
dred Dollars numbered 9506 to 9518
inclusive and one for Ninety -six and
46 -100 Dollars numbered 9519, all of
like tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
making sewer and water connections
on Bryant street from the south line
of Dodge street to the south line of
Lot 6 Columbia Addition, and de-
scribed in said resolution; which cost
is assessable and levied along said
improvement, and is made by law a
lien on all abutting or adjacent prop-
erty, and payable in ten annual in-
stallments, with interest on all de-
ferred payments at the rate of five
per cent per annum, and this bond
is payable only out of the money de-
rived from the collection of said
special tax, and said money can be
used for no other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form as required by said law
and resolution; and for the assess-
ments, collections and payment here-
on of said special tax, the faith and
diligence of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque by its City Council, has caused
this bond to be signed by' its Mayor
and countersigned by its City Clerk,
with the seal of said City affixed this
28th day of January A. D. 1924, and
has authorized the use of their fac-
simile signatures to the interest coup-
ons hereto attached.
Countersigned .
City Clerk.
Onthe....._.....day of ............. ...._......._...._.............
A. D. 19......_, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the Bond, the sum of
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, being ..................
months interest due that day on its
improvement Bond No.. _ dated
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is here-
by instructed to register said bonds
in a book to be kept by him for that
purpose, and to then deliver them to
to the City Treasurer who will also
register them in a book to be kept
by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is here-
by instructed to sell said bonds in
the manner provided for in Section
845 of the Code of Iowa, the pro-
ceeds of said sale to be kept in a
special fund to be known as Sewer
Be it further resolved that the in-
terest coupons attached to the bonds
be signed with the fac- simile signat-
ure of the Mayor and countersigned
with the fac- simile signature of the
City Clerk.
Adopted Dec. 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law, to pay
for the making of sewer and water
840 Special Session, December 27th, 1923 Special Session, December 27th, 1923 841
connections on the improvement of
Kirkwood street from the south line
of West Locust street to the east
line of Alta Vista street, presented.
Also a remonstrance against the
assessment as levied against lots 26
of 74A and 81A which the owner,
A. L. Rhomberg, claims are too low
to connect with sewer and water and
connections should not have been
made, also the rest of his lots abut-
ting on this street, connections
should have been made one connec-
tion for every two lots, claiming
that this was the understanding be-
tween himself and the Council. The
assessment as levied amounts • to
$1,249.40, he asks that this be reduced
to where it would be had the con-
nections been made as agreed upon.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager and City Engineer for investi-
gation. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice of publication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
sewer and water connections on the
improvement of Kirkwood street
from the south line of West Locust
street to the east line of Alta Vista
street, by Edmund A. Linehan, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 81A,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $36.75;
12.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, 528.12; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.18;
interest at 6 per cent, 55c;
total..........._ ............ ............................... .$ 66.60
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 80,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $36.75;
13 lin, ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $29.25; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.20;
interest at 6 per cent, 57c;
total............................ ...._...._...._.........._..... 67.77
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 79,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21 lin.
ft. tile pipe at 51.75, $36.75;
12.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $28.12; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.18;
interest at 6 per cent, 55c;
total....._........._....._ ..... ............................_..
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 78,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23 lin,
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
12.5 lin, ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $28.12; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.24;
interest at 6 per cent, 59c;
total....._ ...................... ........_................_.
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 77,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
13 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $29.50; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.26;
interest at 6 per cent, 61c;
total........... ............................
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 76,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
13 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $29.25; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.26;
interest at 6 per cent, 61c;
total............................... ........................._.....
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 75,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
13 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $29.25; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.26;
interest at 6 per cent, 61c;
total....._ ................_..... ........_...._.................
A. L. Rhomberg, Sub. 74,
Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
13.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $30.38; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.28;
interest at 6 per cent, 62c;
total.............................. ........_.........._...........
J. A. Rhomberg Estate, Sub.
51, Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$36.75; 12.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $28.12; extra
expense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.18; interest at 6 per cent,
55c; total ................._......................_....-
J. A. Rhomberg Estate, Sub.
52, Wood's Add., Lot 2; 22
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$38.50; 12.5 lin, ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $28.12; extra
expense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
57c; total ................ ..................._...........
J. A. Rhomberg Estate, Sub.
53, Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$36.75; 13 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $29.25; extra
expense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.20; interest at 6 per cent,
J. A. Rhomberg Estate, Sub.
54, Wood's Add., Lot 2; 21
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$36.75; 13.5 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $30.38; extra
66.60 expense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.22; interest at 6 per cent,
59c; total ....._....... ....._......._ ................. 68.94
J. A. Rhomberg Estate, Sub.
55, Wood's Add., Lot 2; 23
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
540.25; 28 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $63.00; extra
70.20 expense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.88; interest at 6 per cent,
90c; total ................._ ............._................. 106.03
A. L. Rhomberg, Union Ave.
nue Sub., Lot 20; 23 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
27 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $60.75; extra expense
71.37 at 1.81886 per cent, $1.85;
interest at 6 per cent, 88c;
total..........._ ................ ..............._...._...._..... 103.73
A. L. Rhomberg, Union Ave-
nue Sub., Lot 19; 23 lin. ft.
, tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
27 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25 per lin. ft., $60.75; ex-
tra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.85; interest at 6
per cent, 88c; total ....................:... 103.73
A. L. Rhomberg, Union Ave-
nue Sub., Lot 18; 23 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.75, $40.25;
28 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25 per lin. ft., $63.00; ex-
tra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 90c; total ....._ ............._........... 106.03
Margt. Connolly Estate, Con -
nolly's Sub. Und. of Lot
3; 3.12 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$1.75, $21.00; 22.75 lin ft.
water pipe at $2.25, $51.19;
72.53 extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.31; interest at 6 per
cent, 62; total . ...._.........._...._...._..... 74.12
Julia E. Mosher, Connolly's
Sub. Und. % of Lot 3; 12
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$21.00; 22.75 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.25, $51.19; extra
expense at 1.81886 per cent,
66.60 $1.31; interest at 6 per cent,
62; total . 74.12
Emma L. Buettell, Union Ave-
nue Sub. No. 2, Lot 1; 21
lin ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$36.75; 14 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $31.50; extra ex-
pense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.24; interest at 6 per cent,
59c; total .......:.._. ..._.........._...._........... 70.08
Emma L. Buettell, Union Ave-
nue Sub. No. 2, Lot 4; 21
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$36.75; 13 lin. ft. water pipe,
at $2.25, $9.25; extra ex-
pense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.20; interest at 6 per cent,
John R. McGrath, Sub. M. L.
93B, Lot 1; 3 lin. ft. tile
pipe .at $1,75, $40.25; 27.5
lin. ft. water pipe at $2.25,
$61.88; extra expense at
1.81886 per cent, $1.86; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 89c;
total....._ ............._..... ..........._..._.........._..._ 104.88
Anton Siege, Wood's Add., 82
lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75,
$40.25; 27 lin. ft. water pipe
at $2.25, $60.75; extra ex-
pense at 1.81886 per cent,
$1.85; interest at 6 per cent,
88c; total ................ .._......................_..... 103.73
Joseph Siege, Wood's Add.,
Lot 83; 21 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.75, $36.75; 27.5 lin. ft.
water pipe at 52.25, $61.88;
extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.79; interest at 6 per
cent, 86c; total ................................. 101.28
Joseph Siege, Wood's Add.,
Lot 84; 21 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.75, $36.75; 28.5 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $2.25, $64.13;
extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.83; interest at 6 per
cent, 88c; total ....._...._ .....:.............. 103.59
Joseph Siege, Wood's Add.,
Lot 85; 23 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.75, $40.58; 28 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.25, $63.00;
extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.88; interest at 6
per cent, 90c; total . 106.03
Joseph Siege, Wood's Add.,
Lot 86; 21 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.75, $36.75; 27.6 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.25, $61.88;
extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent, $1.79; interest at 6
per cent, 85c; total . .............. 101.27
Joseph Siege, Wood's Add.,
Lot 87; 23 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $1.75, $40.25; 28 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.25, $63.00;
extra expense at 1.81886
per cent, $1.88; interest at
6 per cent, 90c; total ... ............ 106.03
Jos. P. Simones, Union Ave-
nue Sub., Lot 12; 11.5 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $1.75, $20.12;
6 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $13.50; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, 61c; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 29c;
total..........._.........._ ....... ............................... 34.52
Jos. P. Simons, Union Ave-
nue Sub., Lot 13; 11.5 lin.
ft, tie pipe at $1.75,
$20.13; 6 lin. ft. water pipe,
at $2.25, $13.50; extra ex-
pense at 1.81886 per cent,
61c; interest at 6 per cent,
29c; total ....._...._.... ....._..........._....._....... 34.53
Ed. Yound, Sub. 72, Wood's
Add., Lot 2; 22.3 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $1.75, $38.50;
12.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25, $28.12; extra expense
at 1.81886 per cent, $1.21;
842 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
$1.21; interest at 6 per cent,
57c; total ..__._. .._.........._ ................. 68.40
Total ............................... .._......._...........$2,399.39
621. lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.75
per lin. ft. ..........._ .... ............_....._...$1,086.75
555.5 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.25 per lin. ft. ..........._........... 1,249.88
Interest at 6 per cent.....__..... 20.26
Extra expense at 1.81886 per
cent ..........._...._...... _......._...._ ................. 42.50
Total _._..........._ .............. .._......._...........$2,399.39
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Brede. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Approved December 27th, 1923.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
enterd into by the City of Dubuque
for the making of sewer and water
connections on Kirkwood street,
hereinafter described, has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has
computed the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
that to provide for the cost of mak-
ing sewer and water connections in
Kirkwood street from the south line
of West Locust street to the east
line of Alta Vista street, there be
issued Sewer Bonds to the amount
of $2,399.39. Said bonds shall be
issued under the provisons of Chap-
ter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa
and the amendments thereto, shall
bear date as of the 28th day of Jan-
uary, A. D. 1924, shall be in the de-
nominations of $200.00 each, except
that there shall be one bond to the
amount of $139.39; they shall be
numbered from 9520 to 9531 inclu-
sive, and shall be divided into ten
series of which the bonds numbered
9520 to 9521 shall constitute the first
series; and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1924; the
bonds numbered 9522 shall constitute
the second series and shall be pay-
able on the first day of April, A, D.
1925; the bonds numbered 9523 shall
constitute the third sreies and shall
be payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1926; the bonds numbered 9524
shall constitute the fourth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1927; the bonds num-
bered from 9525 shall constitute the
fifth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1928;
the bonds numbered 9526 shall con-
stitute the sixth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1929; th bonds numbered 9527
shall constitute the seventh series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1930; the bonds num-
bered 9528 shall constitute the eighth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1931; the
bonds numbered 9529 shall consti-
tute the ninth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1932; and the bonds numbered
9530 to 9531 shall constitute the
tenth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1933.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec-
ial assessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No......_...._....- $200.00
Series No........_..p
Sewer Bonds.
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, A. D.
19....._....., or at any time before that
date at the option of the City, the
sum of Two Hundred Dollars with
interest thereon at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 5, Title V
of the Code of Iowa and amend-
ments thereto, and in accordance
with a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of said city, duly passed on the
27th day of December, A. D. 1923.
This bond is one of a series of
twelve bonds, eleven for Two Hun-
dred Dollars, numbered 9520 to 9430
inclusive and one for One Hundred
Thirty -nine and 30 -00 Dollars, num-
bered 9531, all of like tenor and
date, and issued for the purpose of
defraying the cost of making sewer
and water connections in Kirkwood
street from the south line of West
Locust to the east line of Alta Vista
street, and described in said resolu-
tion; which cost is assessable and
levied along said improvement, and
is made by law a lien on all abutting
or adjacent property, and payable
in ten annual installments, with in-
terest on all deferred payments at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
and this bond is payable only out
of the money derived from the col-
lection of said special tax, and said
money can be used for no other
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done prec-
edent to and in, the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done,
,happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessments, collections and payment
hereon, of said special tax, the faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque, by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the- seal of said City af-
fixed this 28th day of January, A.
D. 1924, and has authorized the use
of their fac - simile signatures to the
interest coupons hereto attached.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Form of Coupon.
On the ............day of. ..A. D.
19............the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
promises to pay to the bearer, as
provided in the Bond, the sum of
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, being ...............
months interest due that day on its
improvement Bond No. dated
. 19....._...
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer who will
also register them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 843
Be it further resolved that the City
Treasurer be and he is hereby in-
structed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds
of said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Sewer Fund.
Be it further resolved that the in-
terest coupons attached to the bonds
be signed with the fac- simile signat-
ure of the Mayor and countersigned
with the fac - simile signature of the
City Clerk.
Adopted Dec. 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Brede. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law to pay
for a sanitary sewer in Seminary
street from the end of the existing
sewer, southwest for a distance of
approximately 1,600 feet .
There being no remonstrance,
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for constructing a sanitary sewer
in Seminary street southwest from
the end of the existing sewer for
approximately 1,600 feet, by Oliver
G. Kringle, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a Special
Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and
Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite
each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate,
as fellows:
Owner Description Amount
E. S. Knippel, South View
Heights, Lot 13; manholes
and 50 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$0.784212, $39.21; extra. ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$1.60; interest at 6 per cent,
$.34; total $ 41.15
844 Special Session, December 27th, 1923 Special Session, December 27th, 1923 845
E. S. Knippel, Sub. 12 South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31; interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
J. J. Nagle, Sub 11 South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31; interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
J. J. Nagle, Sub. 10 South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31; interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
J. J. Nagle, Sub. 9, South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra :expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31: interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
J. J. Nagle, Sub. 8, South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31; interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
J. J. Nagle, Sub. 7, South
View Heights, Lot 1; 24
sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
manholes and 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435
per cent, $2.31; interest at
6 per cent, $.50; total.... 60.02
G. A. Loetscher. Sub. 6,
South View Heights, Lot 1;
manholes and 50 ft. tile pipe
at $0.784212, $39.21; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$1.60; interest at 6 per cent,
$.34; total ......_...... _ ........................_..... 41.15
G. A. Loetscher, Sub. 5,
South View Heights, Lot 1;
24 sq. yds. laterals, $18.00;
50 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$0.784212, $39.21; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$2.31; interest at 6 per cent,
$.50; total .. ...... ..............._............_.. 60.02
F. A. Grimes, South View
Heights, Lot 4; 24 sq. yds.
laterals, $19 00; 50 lin. ft. tile
pipe at $0.784212, $39.21; ex-
tra expense at 4.04435 per
cent, $2.31; interest at 6 per
cent, $.50; total . .................... 60.02
F. A. Grimes, South View
Heights, Lot 3; 50 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435 per
cent, $1.60; interest at 6 per
cent, $.34; total .._ ..................._......_
Leo. J. Flynn, Sub. 2 of Min.
Lot 191, Lot 1; 78 sq. yds.
laterals, $58.50; 200 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212,
$156.84; extra expense at
4.04435 per cent, $8.72; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.87;
total.............._......._..... ................_............._
Sisters of Charity, B. V. M.,
Sub. Min. Lot 191, Lot 1;
275 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$0.784212, $215.67; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$8.72; interest at 6 per cent,
$1.87; total ......... .............._............_._ 226.26
Sisters of Charity, B. V. M.,
Sub. Min. Lot 198, Lot 2;
105 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$0.784212, $82.35; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$3.33; interest at 6 per cent,
$.71; total ................. ............................... 86.39
Sisters of Charity, B. V. M.,
Sub. Min. Lot 191, Lot 3;
208 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$.784212, $163.13; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$6.60; interest at 6 per cent,
$1.42 ; total ............ ..........._......._........... 171.15
Sisters of Charity, B. V. M.,
Min. Lot, Lot 199; 41 lin ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212, $32.16;
extra expense at 4.04435 per
cent, $1.30; interest at 6 per
cent, $ 28; total .. ............................... 33.74
Oath. W. Bradley, Sub. Min
Lot 193, Lot 2; 28 sq. yds.
laterals, $21.00; 451 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212,
$353.68; extra expense at
4.04435 per cent, $15.15; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $3.24;.
total . 393.07
Cath. W. Bradley, Sub. 2 of
Min. Lot 191, Lot 3; 56 sq.
yds. laterals, $42 00; 394.4
lin. ft. tile pipe at $0.784212,
$309.29; extra expense at
4.04435 per cent. $14.21; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $3.05;
total....................;.......... ............................... 368.55
Lillian Kinnier, South View
Heights, Lot 23; 14 sq. yds.
laterals, $10.50; 50 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212. $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435 per
cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per
cent, $.43; total .. ............................... 52.15
Lillian Kinnier, South View
Heights, Lot 22; 14 sq. yds.
laterals, $10.50; 50 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212, $39.21;
extra expense at 4.04435 per
cent, $2.01; interest at 6 per
cent, $.43; total .. ............................... 52.15
Lillian Kinnier, South View
Heights, Lot 21; 68 sq. yds.
laterals, $51.00; 267.7 lin. ft.
tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $209.93; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $10.55;
interest at 6 per cent, $2.26;
total...._.._.........._ .......... ............................... 273.74
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, Lot 30; 48 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $37.64; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52;
interest at 6 per cent, $.32;
total ....._._.........._ ........ ....._......................... 39.48
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, Lot 19; 48 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $37.64; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52;
interest at 6 per cent, $.32;
total......................_......... ......._....................... 39.48
Fred C. Ris, South View
Heights, Lot 18; 48 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $37.64; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52;
interest at 6 per cent, $.32;
total.............._...._._...... ......._...._...._........_.... 39.48
Fred C. Ris, South View
Heights, Lot 17; 48 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $37.64; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52;
interest at 6 per cent, $.32;
total....._ ............:_._......._ .........._.................... 39.48
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, Lot 16; 48 lin.
ft. tile pipe at $0.784212 per
cent, $37.64; extra expense
at 4.04435 per cent, $1.52;
interest at 6 per cent, $.32;
total _.... .._ ................_........... 39.48
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, Lot 15; 18 sq.
yds. laterals, $13.50; 48
In ft. tile pipe at $0.734212
$37.64; extra expense at
4.04435 per cent, $2.07; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $.45;
total........_.........._ ............ ......................_........ 53.66
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, W. 1 /4 Lot 14;
18 sq. yds. laterals, $13.50;
24 lin. ft. tile pipe at
$0.784212, $18.82; extra ex-
Dense at 4.04435 per cent,
$1.31; interest at 6 per cent,
$.28; total .................. ..................... 33.91
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, E. 1/4 Und. 1 -3
Lot 14; 8 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $0.784212, $6.27; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$.25; interest at 6 per cent,
Voelker Realty Co., South
View Heights, E. 1/4 Und. 1 -3
Lot 14; 8 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $0.784212, $6.27; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$.25; interest at 6 per cent,
$:05; total .............. _....................._........
Fred C. Ris, South View
Heights, E 1/4 Und. 1 -3
Lot 14; 8 lin. ft. tile pipe
at $0.784212, $6.17; extra ex-
pense at 4.04435 per cent,
$.25; interest at 6 per cent,
$.05; total . .......... ..._..........._..._.__........
Total 42,791.42
1621 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile at
$1.25 per lin. ft.... .._ ................._42,026.25
486 lin. ft. 4 -inch tile at 75c
per lin. ft. ...... .._ ..................._._....._ 364.50
6 manholes at $45.00 per
manhole....._ ........ ................._._........... 270.00
Interest at 6 per cent ...._..... 23.06
Extra expense at 4.04435 per
cent........................... .............._......._........ 107.61
Total ....._ ........................ ........._...._._.....$2,791.42
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Approved Dec. 27th, 1923.
Adopted Dec. 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Melchior. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays -None.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Seminary street, hereinafter
described has been completed and the
City Engineer has computed the cost
and expense of said improvement
amounts to $2,791.42.
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
that to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer' in Sem-
inary street southwest from the end
of the existing sewer for approxi-
mately 1600 feet, there be issued
Sewer Bonds to the amount of
$2,791.42. Said bonds shall be is-
sued under the provisions of Chap-
ter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa
and the amendments thereto, shall
bear date as of the 28th day of Jan-
uary A. D. 1924; shall be in the de-
nominations of $300.00 each, except
that there shall be one bond to the
amount of $91.42; they shall be num-
bered from 9532 to 9541 inclusive and
shall be divided into ten series of
which the bond numbered 9532 shall
constitute the first series; and shall
be payable on the first day of April
A. D. 1924; the bond numbered 9533
shall constitute the second series and
shall be payable on the first day of
846 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
April A. D. 1925; the bond numbered
9534 shall constitute the third series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April A. D. 1926; the bond num-
bered 9535 shall constitute the fourth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April A. D. 1927; the bond
numbered. 9536 shall constitute the
fifth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April A. D. 1928; the
bond numbered 9537 shall constitute
the sixth series and shall be payable
on the first day of April A. D. 1929;
the bond numbered 9538 shall consti-
tute the seventh series and shall be
payable on the first day of April A. D.
1930; the bond numbered 9539 shall
constitute the eighth series and shall
be payable on the first day of April
A. D. 1931; the bond numbered 9540
shall constitute the ninth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April A. D. 1932; and the bond num-
bered 9541 shall constitute the tenth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April A. D. 1933.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spec-
ial assessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No......_.........._..... $300.00
Series No..
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of. on the first day of April A. D.
19......... or at any time before that date
at the option of the City the sum of
Three Hundred Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable on the presentation
and surrender of the interest coup-
ons hereto attached. Both principal
and interest are payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque in the State of Iowa. This
bond is issued by the City of Dubuque
pErsuant to and by virtue of Chapter
8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and
amendments thereto, and in acct• d-
ance with a resolution of the Cily
Council of said c..ty, duly passed on
the 27th day of December A. D. 1923.
This bond is one of a series of ten
bonds, nine for Three Hundred Dol-
lars numbered from 9532 to 9540 in-
clusive and one for Ninety -one and
48 -100 Dollars numbered 9541, all of
like tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost
of construction of a sanitary sewer
in Seminary street southwest, from
the end of the existing sewer for
approximately 1600 feet., and de-
scribed in said resolution; which cost
is assessable and levied along said
improvement, and is made by law a
lien on all abutting or adjacent prop-
erty, and payable in ten annual in-
stallments, with interest on all de-
ferred payments at the rate of five
per cent per annum, and this bond
is payable only out of the money de-
rived from the collection of said spec-
ial tax, and said money can be used
for no other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done pre-
cedent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened and performed in regular and
due form as required by said law
and resolution; and for the assess-
ments, collections and payment here-
on of said special tax, the faith and
diligence of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque by its City Council, has caused
this bond to be signed by its Mayor
and countersigned by its City Clerk,
with the seal of said City affixed this
28th day of January A. D. 1924, and
has authorized the use of their fac-
simile signatures to the interest coup-
ons hereto attached.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Onthe............day of ........_ ..... ................._......._.....
A. D. 19....._.., the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the Bond, the sum of
............_.. Dollars,
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque,
months interest due that day on its
improvement Bond No......_ .............. dated
_........... 19..........
(Seal) City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and the
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared and when so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is here-
by instructed to register said bonds
in a book to be kept by him for that
purpose, and to then deliver them to
the City Treasurer who will also reg-
ister them in a book to be kept by
him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 847
manner provided for in Section 845
of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special funs
to be known as Sewer Fund.
Be it further resolved that the in-
terest coupons attached to the bonds
be signed with the fac- simile sig-
nature of the Mayor and counter-
signed with the fac- simile signature
of the City Clerk.
Adopted Dec. 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Melchide. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Notice of publication certified to
by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special as-
sessment as provided by law to pay
for the improvement of Shiras aven-
ue, from the entrance to Eagle Point
Park to the City limits, presented.
Also a remonstrance by A. L. Rhom-
berg against the assessment as lev-
ied against his property lots 139, 140
and 141 in Julien Add. He states that
when the waiver was signed by the
abutting property owners waiving the
regular formality as required by law
he did not sign the waiver, however
he does not object to the improve-
ment, but claims that the assess -
ment as placed against his property
is much higher than the value of the
property, and he hereby offers to
pay $25 00 for each of the full lots
and $12.50 for half lots, which he
claims would be 25 per cent of the
valuation of the lots.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
petition be referred to the City Man-
ager and City Solicitor to investi-
gate and report back to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Brede. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel Melchior ,and
Nays —None.
R. T. Roedell addressed the Coun-
cil in behalf of himself and some
other abutting property owners,
claiming that the street is not fin-
ished, and called the attention of
the Council to the ditch on the side
of the road. They were informed
that in order to eliminate the ditch,
a storm sewer would have to be con-
structed which would cost thousands
of dollars.
Councilman Brede moved that the
notice of publication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Mel-
chior. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and
Nays —None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to pay for
improving Shiras avenue from the
entrance to Eagle Point Park to the
City Limits, by City of Dubuque,
contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lot, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
T. E. Rhomberg, Julien Add.,
Lot 141; 39.15 lin. ft. bitum-
inous macadam at $1.00,
$39.15; total ....._. ._............_....._........_$ 39.15
T. E. Rhomberg, Julien Add.,
Lot 140; 78.3 lin. ft. bitum-
inous macadam at $1.00,
$78.30; total . 78.30
T. E. Rhomberg, Julien Add.,
Lot 139; 78.3 lin. ft. bitum-
inous macadam, $78.30;
total......................_... .._...........__........._..... 78.30
Ludwig Korn, Sub. 2 of 1 of
S. of M. L. 309A, Lot 1;
404 lin. ft. bituminous ma-
cadam at $1.00, $404.00;
total....._..._....:....... _.... ....._ ....................._... 404.00
Robert F. Roedell, Roedell's
Sub., Lot 1; 146.25 lin. ft.
bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $246.25; total ..................... 246.25
Cath. Rohr, Roedell's Sub.,
Lot 2; 55.75 lin. ft. bitum-
inous macadam at $1.00,
$55.75; total 55.75
Geo. Sear, Sub. N. ) of M.
L. 309A, Lot 3; 710 lin. ft.
bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $710.00; total ........_....__... 710.00
Henry Novak, Sub. 3 and 1 of
3A M. L. 310, Lot 1; 624
lin. ft. bituminous macadam
at $1.00, $624.00; total ...._........ 624.00
Henry Novak, Sub. 2 and 2
of 2A M. L. 310, Lot 2;
549 lin. ft. bituminous ma-
cadam at $1.00, $540.00;
total ....._.........._......._... ._ ............................. 549.00
Birdie and Frank Roselieb,
Sub. M. L. 311, Lots 2 and
2A; 285 lin. ft. bituminous
macadam at $1.00, $285.00;
total ....._ ................... ......_...._...._.............. 285.00
Jos. Brunhardt, Sub. M. L.
311, Lot 1; 184 lin. ft. bitum-
inous macadam at $1.00,
$184.00; total _...__..._._ _ 184.00
Jeremiah Potter, Sub. 1, Pot-
ter's Place, Lot 1; 537 lin.
ft. bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $537.00; total ........_........... 537.00
848 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
Jeremiah Potter, Sub. 1, Ea-
gle Point View, Lot 1; 377
lin. ft. bituminous macadam
at $1.00, $377.00; total. 377.00
Otto Berendes, Sub. 2 of 3 M.
L. 310, Lot 2; 359 lin. ft.
bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $359.00; total ..................... 359.00
Geo. Sear, Sub. N. 1 of M. L.
309A, Lot 1; 710 lin. ft.
bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $710.00; total ..................
Ludwig Korn, Sub. 1 S. 1 M.
L. 309A, Lot 1; 713 lin. ft.
bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $713.00; total . .............. 713.00
Fannie Schmid, Sub. 221, Ju-
lien Add., Lot 1; 198.42 lin.
ft. bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $198.42; total • .................. 198.42
Park Board, Sub. 221, Julien
Add., Lot 2; 41.68 lin. ft.
.bituminous macadam at
$1.00, $41.58; total ........................ 41.58
710.00 '
Total $6189.76
6189 75 lin. ft. bituminous
macadam at $1.00 per lin.
ft. .$6,189.75
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Sehrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Approved December 27th, 1923.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Shiras ave-
nue, hereinafter described, has been
completed and the City Engineer
has computed the cost and expense
of said improvement amounts to
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Du-
buque that to provide for the cost
of improvement of Shiras avenue
from the entrance of Eagle Point
Park to the City Limits, there be
issued Improvement Bonds to the
amount of $6,189.75. Said bonds
shall be issued under the provisions
of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of
Iowa and the amendments thereto,
shall bear date as of the 28th day
of January, A. D. 1924, shall be in
the denominations of $500.00 each,
except that there shall be one bond
to the amount of 9189.75; they shall
be numbered from 9486 to 9498 in-
clusive, and shall be divided into ten
series of which the bonds numbered
9486 to 9487 shall constitute the first
series, and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. 1924; the
bonds numbered 9488 shall consti-
tute the second series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1925; the bonds numbered
9489 shall constitute the third series
and shall be payable on the first day
of April, A. D. 1926; the bonds
numbered 9490 shall constitute the
fourth series and shall be payable on
the first day of April, A. D. 1927; the
bonds numbered 9491 shall consti-
tute the fifth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April;
A. D. 1928; the bonds numbered 9492
shall constitute the sixth series and
shall be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1929; the bonds num-
bered 9493 shall 'constitute the
seventh series and shall be payable
on the first day of April, A. D. 1930;
the bonds numbered 9494 shall con -
sritute the eighth series and shall be
payable on the first day of April,
A. D. 1931; the bonds numbered 9495
to 9496 shall constitute the ninth
series and shall be payable on the
first day of April, A. D. •1932; and
the bonds numbered 9497 to 9498
shall constitute. the tenth series and
shall.be payable on the first day of
April, A. D. 1933.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tached; and said bonds shall be pay-
able out of the proceeds of the spe-
cial assessment levied for said im-
provement. Both principal and in-
terest shall be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque. Said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form:
No. $500.00
Series No..
Improvement Bond.
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of April, 1f. D.
19.. nr at any time before that
date at the option of the City the
sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with
interest thereon at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable on the
presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest are pay-
able at the office of the City Treas-
urer in the City of Dubuque in the
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 849
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V
of the Code of Iowa and amendments
thereto, and in accordance with a
resolution of the City of Dubuque of
said City, duly passed on the 27th
day of December, A. D. 1923. This
bond is one of a series of thirteen
bonds, twelve for Five Hundred Dol-
lars, numbered from 9486 to 9497 in-
clusive, . and one for One Hundred
Eighty -nine and 25 -00 Dollars, num-
bered 9498, all of like tenor and date,
and issued for the purpose of defray-
ing the cost of improving Shiras
avenue from the entrance of Eagle
Point Park to the City Limits, and
described in said resolution; which
cost is assessable and levied along
said improvement, and is made by
law a line on all abutting or adjacent
property, and payable in ten annual
installments, with interest on all
deferred payments at the rate of five
per cent per annum, and this bond
is payable only out of the money de-
rived from the• collection of said
special tax, and said money can be
used for no other purpose.
And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts and condition
and things required to be done prec-
edent to and in the issuing of this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened and performed in regular
and due form as required by said
law and resolution; and for the as-
sessments, collections and payment
hereon of said special tax, the faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby . irrevocably
In witness whereof the City of
Dubuque, by its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the seal of said City
affixed this 28th day' of January, A.
D. 1924, and has authorized the use
of their fac - simile signatures to the
interest coupons hereto attached:
(Seal) City Clerk.
Form of Coupon.
On the....._.....day of...... ....._ ........:..............A. D.
19............the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
promises to pay to the bearer, as
Trovided in the bond, the sum of
Dollars. at the office
of the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, being ...............months' interest
due that day on its Improvement
Bond No. .dated 19
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and City Clerk be and they
are hereby instructed to cause said
bonds to be prepared, and when - so
prepared to execute said bonds; and
that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to register said
bonds in a book to be kept by him
for that purpose, and to then deliver
them to the City Treasurer who will
also register them in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose.
Be it further resolved that . the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
instructed to sell said bonds in the
manner provided for in Section 845
'of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of
said sale to be kept in a special
fund to be known as Improvement
Be it further resolved that the in-
terest coupons attached to the bonds
be signed with the fac- simile signa-
ture of the Mayor and countersigned
with the fac- simile signature of the
City Clerk.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Gabriel moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Arthur A. Wagner,
asking for a refund of $8.48 interest
paid on the assessment against his
property, Lot 2 of Lot 8 of L. H.
Langworthy's Add., for the improve-
ment of Hill street, stating that he
was not properly notified of the as-
sessment, therefore could not pay
the assessment when it was due, and
that it was not his fault that the
assessment was not paid when due.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the City Auditor be notified to
draw a warrant on the Treasurer,
and that the County Treasurer be
notified to make • the change in the
tax books. Seconded by Councilman
Brede. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of property owners on
Bennett street, asking that the im-
provement of Bennett street be in-
cluded in the list of streets to be
improved in 1924, including sewer
850 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
and water connections. Signed by
J. J. Grigg, Mrs. Kate Snodgrass, Al-
fred Mehl et al. (Thirty -five sign-
Petitioners to sign agreement that
they will not object to the connec-
tions being laid, although the sewer
is not yet constructed in said street.
No motion. Action deferred until an
agreement is presented.
Renewal of plumber's bonds for
the following firms presented: Line-
han & Molo, Chas. Pape & Son,
Philip Breithaupt, L. O. Papin.
They being properly executed Coun-
cilman Melchior moved that they be
received and placed on file with the
original bonds. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schrempf. Carried by the
following 'vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Notice of suit of Elizabeth Barton
against the City of Dubuque for
$5,000 for personal injuries received
in falling on a defective sidewalk on
the east side of Pine street, between
15th and 16th streets, presented.
Councilman Gabriel moved that the
notice be referred to the City Solic-
itor. Seconded by Councilman Brede.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
John Maclay addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the Billboard Ordin-
ance, stating that the rules and
regulations embodied in the pro-
posed building code pertaining to bill
boards were much better than the
proposed bill board ordinance.
No action was taken on the ordin-
ance at this meeting.
Special ordinance requiring the
Dubuque Electric Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to construct,
maintain and operate a single track
of street railway over, along and up-
on Jones street from South Locust
street to Main street and prescribing
the condition under which said rail-
way shall be operated, presented.
having passed first reading on De-
cember 18th, 1923.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the ordinance be read a second time.
Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
The ordinance was then read a
second time.
Councilman Melchior moved that
this be considered the second read-
ing of the ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
An Ordinance requiring the Du-
buque Electric Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns to construct,
maintain and operate a single track
of street railway over, along and
upon Jones Street from South Lo-
cust Street to Main Street and pre-
scribing the condition under which
said railway shall be operated.
Whereas, in order to provide bet-
ter street car service and to expe-
dite the operation of the Dodge
street line of street railway it is
deemed proper by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and reason-
ably necessary for the benefit of the
public that Dubuque Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, be
required to construct, maintain and
operate a single line of street rail-
way over, upon and along Jones
Street from South Locust Street to
Main Street; therefore
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the Dubuque
Electric Company, its successors and
assigns be and it is hereby directed
to construct, maintain and operate,
in connection with the Dodge Street
line a single line of Railway, to-
gether with all necessary turn outs,
switches and appurtenances, over,
upon and along Jones Street from
South Locust Street to Main Street,
said line to be used and operated
as a part of said Dodge Street line
and forming a connecting line be-
tween the Dodge Street line on
South Locust Street and the Main
Street line on Main Street, the con-
structing of said line and the plac-
ing of the appurtenances to be done
under the supervisoin of the City
Engineer and Electrician.
Section 2. After the completion
of said line of railway the Dubuque
Electric Company, its successors and
assigns shall restore the street in as
good condition as it was before the
same was disturbed and shall also
hold the City harmless from dam-
ages to person or property by rea-
son of its negligence in the con-
struction, maintenance and opera-
tion of said line of railway during
the time this ordinance is in force
and effect.
Section 3. The construction, op-
eration and maintenance of the
street railway over and across said
street shall be subject to the same
regulations and restrictions as are
provided for in the general fran-
chise ordinance of said Company,
which Ordinance was adopted the
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 851
14th day of February, 1922, and this
Ordinance shall expire at the same
time as said Franchise Ordinanc3
expires. -
Section 4. Within fifteen (15)
days from the adoption of this Or-
dinance said Dubuque Electric Co.n-
pany, its successors and assigns, DY
its proper officers, shall endorse
hereon the acceptance of the terms
hereof, and this Ordinance shall go
into force and effect ten (10) days
from and after its final passage and
adoption and publication as provided
by law.
Passed upon first reading this 18th
day of December, 1923.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 27th day of
December, 1923.
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Times -
Journal and Telegraph- Herald news-
papers Dec. 31, 1923, and Jan. 2,
12 -31 and 1 -2. City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the rules requiring an ordinance to
be read on three separate days be
suspended. Seconded by Councilman
Gabriel. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the ordinance be now read a third
time. Seconded by Councilman
Schrempf. Carried by the following
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
The ordinance was then read a
third time.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the ordinance as read be approved
and adopted. Seconded by Council-
man Schrempf. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of Duertscher Bros., ask-
ing that they be allowed to install a
gasoline filling station 011 the John-
son street side of their place of busi-
ness, corner of Johnson street and
Lincoln avenue.
Councilman Brede moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted,
provided they sign the proper stipu-
lation to protect the City. Seconded
by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
Petition of J. P. Hickey, asking
for the privilege of paying the spec-
ial assessment as levied against his
property for the improvement of
First street, October 10th, 1922, on
the installment method; stating that
he had purchased this property, de-
scribed as N. 36 ft. 9 in. of E 90 ft.
6 in. of City Lot 120 and the S. 12
ft. 3 in. of the W. 36 ft. 7 in. of
City Lot 119, after the date of levy.
Councilman Gabriel moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed and the County Treasurer be no-
tified to accept the pay in install-
ments as requested and make the
necessary changes on the tax books.
Seconded by Councilman Melchior.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 27th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with an
order given by the City Council to
receive bids at two p. m. Thursday,
December 27th, for the purchase of
$20,000 worth of 4%% Sewer Bonds,
dated December 15th and maturing
on July 1st, 1940, the following bids
were received:
Emery, Peck & Rockwood, Chi-
cago, Ill. —Par, accrued interest and
a premium of $285.00.
Federal Securities Co., Chicago, Ill.
—Par, accrued interest and a prem-
ium of $244.00.
Seipp, Princell & Co., Chicago, Ill.
—Par, accrued interest and a prem-
ium of $52.00.
No other bids were received, al-
though there were three other repre-
sentatives present who were pre-
pared to bid but not to equal the
bid as made by the Emery, Peck &
Rockwood Co., of Chicago, Ill.
I would respectfully recommend
that the bonds be sold to Emery,
Peck & Rockwood, as their bid is
the best bid received for these
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A resolution authorizing the execu-
tion of a contract for the sale of
$20,000 of Four and Three- quarter
per cent Sewer Bonds of the City of
Dubuque to the Emery, Peck &
Rockwood Company of Chicago, I11.
Whereas, appropriate proceedings
852 Special Session, December 27th, 1923
were instituted by the City Council
of the 'City of Dubuque, Iowa, for
the issue and sale of •four and three -
quarter per cent Sewer Bonds to
the amount of $20,000, and
Whereas, bids were received by
the City Manager of said City on
December 27th, 1923, at his office in
the City Hall, at which time the
same were opened, compared and
examined, and
Whereas, such bids were submitted
to the 'City Council of the City of
Dubuque, at a meeting called for
that purpose, on December 27th,
1923, and said City Council finds that
the Emery, Peck & Rockwood Com-
pany of Chicago, Ill,, .submitted the
highest bid tor said bonds, said bid
being par plus accrued interest to-
gether with a premium of $285.00,
and it is deemed advisable that a
contract be awarded to said company
for said bonds; now therefofre
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, in legal
session assembled, that a contract
for the sale of $20,000 of four and
three- quarter per cent Sewer Bonds
of the City of Dubuque, be awarded
to said Emery, Peck & Rockwood
Company of Chicago, I11., and that
said contract be executed by the
Mayor in behalf of the City of Du-
buque, upon final passage of this
resolution and approval of the con-
tract, a' copy of which is hereto at-
tached and made a part hereof.
This resolution being deemed 'ur-
gent and for the preservation of the
health, comfort and convenience of
the citizens of Dubuque, shall be in
force and effect from and after its
final passage and adoption by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted and approved, December
27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
- December 27th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
Edmund A. Linehan has completed
the work of placing sweer and water
connections in Seminary street and
in West Locust street. I would
therefore recommend the acceptance
of his work on these two streets.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contracts for the
making of sewer and water connec-
tions in West Locust street and in
Seminary street have been com-
pleted, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recommend-
ed its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City of Du-
buque, that the recommendation of
the City Manager be approved and
that the City Manager be and he is
hereby 'instructed to prepare a plat
and schedule showing the lots and
parcels of real estate subject to as-
sessment for said improvement and
file the same in the office of the
City Clerk subject to public inspec-
tion, and the City Clerk shall upon
receipt of such plat and schedule
publish the notice of the assessment
as required by law.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
December 27th, 1923.
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa. •
Gentlemen: I beg to advise that
the improvement of Ashton street,
by the construction of a sanitary
sewer in said street from Delaware
Street south to the end of the
street, Cook & Kean, contractors,
has been completed and tested by
the Sewer Inspector.
I would therefore recommend its
acceptance by the City.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
A Resolution.
Whereas, the contract for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in
Ashton street from Delaware street
south to the end of the street, has
been completed, and
Whereas, the City Manager has
examined said work and recommend-
ed its acceptance, now therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
Special Session, December 27th, 1923 853
of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots and parcels of
real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection, and the
City Clerk shall upon receipt of such
plat and schedule publish the no-
tice of the assessment as required
by law.
Adopted December 27th, 1923.
City Clerk.
Councilman Melchior moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,.
Nays —None.
Councilman Melchior moved that
the City Manager be authorized to
send Wm. E. Myers (fireman) to the
American LaFrance Fire Engine
Company's factory for the purpose of
study. Seconded by Councilman Ga-
briel. Carried by the following vote:
' Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council-
men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior,
Nays —None.
There being no further business,
Council adjourned.
City Clerk.
City Clerk.