1920 January Council ProceedingsINDEX—Book 50
Mar. 18—Zeng, Mrs. Leopold, relative to Old Soldier's exemption_.
Oct. 4—Zillig, Adam, petition asking for reduction on assessment
28—Zapf Bros., City Manager's report relative to taxes
379, 383
Regular Session, January 1, 1920 1
Regular Session, January 1, 1920.
A quorum not present, the regular
session of January 1, 1920, was ad-
journed until 8:00 p. m., January
2, 1920.
John Stuber,
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
City Recorder.
Adjourned regular session, Janu-
ary 2nd, 1920.
Council met at 8:05 P. M.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present: Aids., Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Saul stated that this is an
adjourned session of the regular ses-
sion of January lst, 1920.
On motion of Ald. Hird the Council
Proceedings for the month of Oct-
ober, 1919, were approved as printed.
J, Scharry, health
L. Daily, health
C. J. McCarthy, police
E. T. Frith„ health
$ 50 00
16 45
4 80
1080 00
On motion of Ald. Strobel all bills
properly 0. K. were ordered paid, all
others to be referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of E, F. Lenz, asking the
City Council tsee that water con-
nections are made on his property on
Henion street, stating same is being
delayed. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Andresen he prayer
of the petition was granted.
Petition of C. H. Reynolds, agent
for property being used by the Du-
buque Spiral Harrow Co., asking the
City Council to allow him to have
a Hopper closet placed in said fac-
tory, stating an ordinary toilet
would freeze if placed there. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith the petition was received and
Communication of the Enameled
Steel Sign Co. stating that they had
been delayed in filling orders for
street signs, on account of the coal
shortage, and would fill order next
week. Presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Frith the communication
was referred to the Committee of
the Whole. Mr. Frick to be present.
Original notice of suit of John Fitz-
patrick vs City of Dubuque in the
sum of $2,500.00 for damage sus-
tained by water overflowing proper-
ty at 416 Rush street. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Andresen
the notice was referred to the City
Original notice of suit of Sarah E.
Kemler vs. City of Dubuque, in the
sum of $5,000.00 for damage sus-
tained by water overflowing proper-
ty on lots 13 and 14, Farley's Sub.,
being No, 54 and 56 Walnut street.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Andresen the notice was re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Petition of George Hird, street
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 3
On motion of Ald. Hird the report
was referred by to the Street Com-
missioner to report later.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 30th, 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of December, 1919: I find
from the report of the Police De-
partment that the total hours that
21 lamps failed to burn would equal
one -half of a lamp burning for one
month or $2.70. Also one -half of a
boulevard lamp burning for one
month or $2.29. Total $4.99.
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
report of the City Electrician was
approved and the Auditor instructed
to deduct $4.99 from the Dubuque
Electric Co.'s bill. for lighting.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 31st 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The report of the Plumbing In-
spector for Dec. 1919.
Cases applying for information
and instruction 36
Plans and specifications sub-
mitted and approved 14
Permits granted for installation
of fixtures 14
Inspection visits to new and old
buildings 35
Inspection and test of piping
and connections 8
Paid over to the City Treasurer
for permits granted $39.50
Respectfully submitted,
M. O'DONNELL, Inspector.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
report of the Plumbing Inspector
was made a matter of record.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the
following Weighmaster's reports
were made a matter of record.
C. J. McCarthy $24.15
John Mahoney 25.05
Louise Pitschner 1.15
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 23rd 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mein -
bers of the City Council:
Your City Assessor to whom was
referred the petition of Mrs. John
Appel, relative to having interest
cancelled against her property
known as Lot 1 of the Sub. of M. L.
43 and Lot 2 of the Sub. of M. L. 44,
for the years 1916, 1917 and 1918.
Would respectfully report that I
find that the above mentioned pro-
perty, was carried under the name
of Oppel since 1915, should of been
carried on the tax books under the
name of Appel, Therefore the Appel
Est. most likely overlooked paying
the taxes on the above mentioned
Lots, they being assessed to John
Oppel, Sr., instead of John Appel,
Sr., as all their other property was
carried under the name of John
Appel, Sr., for the above mentioned
years, which they always paid.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
Ald. Strobel moved that the Treas-
urer be instructed to accept the tax
less the penalty.
Ald. Burch amended Ald. Stro-
bel's motion to instruct the Treasur-
er to accept the taxes and the pen-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird.
Nays —Alds. Leist, Plainondon,
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 23rd, 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council:
Gentlemen: Your City Assessor
to whom was referred the petition
of the Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque,
relative to having the . taxes can-
celled assessed against the S. 1 -2 of
N. 1 -5 and N. 1 -2 of M. 1 -5 of City
Lot 479, for the years 1918 and 1919,
also the N. 1 -2 of N. 1 -5 of City Lot
479 for the year 1919, would respect-
fully report that the above mention-
ed property was deeded over to the
School Dist. in 1919. Therefore,
school property being exempt, the
petition should be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Assessor was approved.
To the honorable mayor and
council of the city of Dubuque.
A petition signed by the Veterans
of the Civil War living in Dubuque
as for exemption has been referred
to me for report. Upon an examina-
tion of the petition I find that the
facts therein stated present the
matter clearly, the only question
which arises is the construction
of an act of the legislature
which was recently past. Prior to
the last legislature old Soldiers
received a tax exemption of $1800.00
and this exemption was i.gured on
the actual value of their property.
The last legislature however chang-
ed this law and provided a tax
exemption of $700.00 upon the tax-
able value of property, instead of
tax actual value. The rule of assess-
ing property for taxation purposes
is that one - fourth of the actual
value be taken as the taxable value
thereof. With this rule in mind you
can see that it was the intention of
the legislature to increase a soldiers'
exemption from $1,800 to $2,800, be-
cause where before the exemption
2 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
foreman of the Fourth ward, asking
the City Council for payment of the
doctor's bill, the hospital bill and
proper compensation, for the loss of
his right eye due to an injury re-
ceived while at work, with the at-
tached bill of Dr. Gratiot for $201.00,
and bill of Finley hospital for $26.60.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Leist the petition was referred
to the City Attorney.
Communication of the Dubuque
Retail Merchants' association calling
the attention of the City Council to
the most urgent need of street signs.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the communication was
referred to the Committee of the
Communication of the Dubuque
Commercial club, inviting the City
Council to attend a meeting at the
Commercial club Tuesday eveninf at
8 o'clock to discuss fire insurance
rates in the city. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Andresen
the invitation was accepted.
Communication of the Iowa Map
company of Des Moines, Iowa, stat-
ing that if the Council has cancelled
the contract for street signs with
the company they had ordered the
same of, they would be in a position
to bring a full line of samples to
Dubuque January 1st, 1920. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist the communication was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Petition of the Dubuque Realty Co.,
asking the City Council to refund
them the sum of $120.27 claiming
that since paying the assessment for
the improvement of Fifth avenue on
Lots 7 and 8 in Johnson's Subdivi-
sion, the Council has allowed a re-
duction of one -half of the original
assessment to all property owners
along said street. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
petition was referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Statement submitted by the First
National bank, concerning its tax
exemption assets, to be deducted
from its personalty for the year 1919
and concerning its capital, surplus
and undivided earnings. Presented
and read. On motion of Ald. An-
dresen the statement was referred
to the City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Firth all other
statements of the holdings of banks
in the city that had been referred to
the Committee of the Whole at pre-
vious meetings, were taken from the
Committee of the Whole and referred
to the City Attorney.
Statement submitted by the Citi-
zens State Bank, concerning its tax
exemption assets, to be deducted
from its personalty- , for the year
1919, and concerning its capital,_ sur-
plus and and :earnings.
setned and read. On. motion of Ald.
Frith the statement was referred to
the City Attorney.
On motion of Ald: Andresen the
following renewal bonds • 1or exca-
vating were made a matter of rec-
ord: Nesler & Buechel, Mullen
Bros., and Chas. Pape & Son.
City Recorder Stuber presented
and read the notice certified to by
the publishers of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment to pay for making sewer and
water connections on Grandview
avenue, W. S. Gow, contractor. On
motion of Ald. Hird the notice was
received and filed.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 30th, 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit to
your Honorable Body my report on
the following petitions referred to
me. The petition of Fred Bell, rela-
tive to a special assessment for
cleaning snow in front of his prop-
erty, is an error, and this assessment
should be cancelled. The petition
of Lillian Hargus relative to clean-
ing snow in front of her property on
Bluff street, this should be cancelled,
have Treasurer instructed to charge
the amounts charged to her to S. P.
Rider property, known as Lot 1 of
Sub. 2 of City Lot 667, and Lot 2 of
Sub. 2 of City Lot 667. Also remon-
strance of J. J. Griggs relative to
the special assessment for cleaning
snow, this assessment should be can-
celled as this was an error; no snow
was cleaned off of her walk.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the Sidewalk Inspector was ap-
proved, and the City Treasurer to be
instructed accordingly.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 30, 1919.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I find the assessment
for cutting weeds Lot 61, Woodlawn
Park Add., belonging to A. J. Simp-
son, should be cancelled, as it was
an error. The assessment of Ben
Klauer should be charged to J. A.
Rhornberg, Lots 12 and 13 Union
Add. The cutting of weeds charged
to Irwin school should be cancelled.
Have Treasurer instructed to charge
to John D. Chalmer, Lot 253, Wood -
lawn Park Add.; C. G. Howard, Lot
254, Woodlawn Park Add.; Erma
Heer, Lot 256, Woodlawn Park Add.;
A. McIntosh, Lot 256 Woodlawn
Park Add.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
4 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 5
was figured actual value now it is
figured on taxable value. So that
where an old soldier received an ex-
emption before of one- fourth of
$1,800 or $450 exemption now he re-
ceives an exemption of $700, which
exemption is to be applied upon the
taxable value of his property. Fig-
uring, it on the actual value of the
property you see it is an increase
from $1,800 a year to $2,800 a year.
This increased exemption is easily
applied in the county outside of the
city of Dubuque and there isn't any
question that for county taxes an
old soldier receives an exemption of
what would amount to $2,800 upon
the actual value of his property. But
in the city of Dubuque a peculiar
condition exists. The city of Du-
buque, being a special charter city,
for taxation purposes takes the
actual value of property as its tax-
able value, in other words the actual
value and taxable value are the
same. While the law intended to
grant an increase in exemption to
old soldiers, in the city of Dubuque
it works just the other way, and in-
stead of giving an increase it re-
duces the exemption from $1,800 to
$700. This is really an unfortunate
condition of the law but we must
take the law as it is written. In
actual operation it means that an
old soldier living in Burlington re-
ceives a $2,800 tax exemption be-
cause property is assessed upon one -
fourth of its actual value, while in
Dubuque an old soldier gets a tax
exemption of $700, because the tax-
able value of his property is the
same as its actual value. This is
manifestly unfair and there isn't any
question but what the legislature
did not intend this condition to
arise. On the contrary it intended
to grant a uniform increase in old
soldiers' tax exemption.
The law is clear as to what was
intended and if you follow the lan-
guage of the statute the exemption
must be fixed at $700, which is
$1,100 less than it was last year and
$2,100 less than it is in practically
every other taxing district in the
state, of course you did not make
the law and cannot be held responsi-
ble for an error of those who did
and if you stand upon the law the
petition must be denied.
If, however, you feel that the ex-
emption should be granted, as
clearly intended by the legislature
I do not believe that any serious
question will be raised becauses a
strict construction of the law pro-
duces unfair inequality among per-
. sons in similar circumstances. It is
a matter for you to determine. I
have tried to explain the law to you
and tax operation would leave the
matter of ultimate decision with
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
report of the City Attorney was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: A petition of the Vet-
erans of the Spanish - American war
asking for soldiers' exemption has
been referred to me for report. AS
I have reported my conclusions upon
the law providing for soldiers' ex-
emption as passed by the last legis-
lature in so far as it applies to vet-
erans of the Civil War. I do not
believe it necessary to go into detail
in this report, as the law applies
with life effort to veterans of the
Spanish- American war. I refer you,
therefore, to my opinion in that
case and suggest that whatever ac-
tion you take with reference to the
Civil War veterans you take also
with reference to the Spanish -•
American War veterans. 1 might
add that the Spanish American War
veterans are given an increase in
exemption from $500 to $1,200,
whereas in the city of Dubuque it
would mean not an increase but a
reduction from $500 to $300.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
report of the City Attorney was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: As you know many
of the property owners living along
West Third street took appeals from
the special assessment which was
levied against their property for the
payment of said improvement.
Among those who appealed was the
Archdiocese of Dubuque and James
J. Keane, Archbishop of Dubuque.
Later on your Honorable Body made
an order that the assessment for said
improvement be reduced 30 per cent
and everybody subject to the assess-
ment was given the benefit of such
reduction. Among the property
which was assessed for said improve-
, went was the property which is
known as the Old Cemetery and
which lies on the south side of said
street and is away above some 40
or 50 feet of the street proper and
derives little apparent benefit from
such improvement, two lots of
which from this cemetery property
were assessed for this improve-
ment, one in the sum of $1,793.66 and
the other $1,174.25. I think you will
agree with me that these lots do not
receive benefits to the extent of the
Some time ago you adjusted some
assessments on this street where
actions were pending in court and
the basis of settlement effected with
those parties was that they pay on
25 per cent of the value of their
property, which assessments were
deemed satisfactory and equitable
and were settled in that manner. Be-
lieving that a similar settlement
should be made in the cases to
which I have referred I have agreed
to settle them according to the stip-
ulation which is hereto attached and
made a part hereof and which ex-
plains itself. According to this stip-
ulation the cemetery property will
pay one - fourth of the amount of the
assessment and the other property
will pay the assessment in full, less
of course, the amount of the reduc-
tion previously granted to all par-
Trusting this matter meets with
your approval and believing that a
fair adjustment has been made I
trust this report will be favorably
considered by you. Your attention
is drawn there to the stipulation
which is attached to this report and
which I request that you make :s
matter of record if the report is ap-
proved, and the city treasurer be in-
structed to correct his assessments
accordingly and accept the various
amounts agreed upon in the stipula-
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Attorney was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
-To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: A matter has been
called to my attention which I think
should receive consideration from
you. On October 27th, 1916, one Car-
oline R. Hafner became the owner
of lots numbers 495 and 401, Ham's
addition to the city of Dubuque. Lot
495 abuts Lincoln avenue and 401
abuts Rhomberg avenue. Street as-
sessments had been previously
levied for the improvement of Lin-
coln and Rhomberg avenues. On
November 29th, 1916, Mrs. Hafner
paid certain street assessments on
what she supposed were the above
named lots. It has just been discov-
ered, however, that through some er-
ror the treasurer's records show that
what she paid was applied on lots
495 and 496, both of which abut Lin-
coln avenue, and no portion of what
she paid was applied upon lot 401
as she intended it should apply, for
the improvement of Rhomberg ave-
nue. Lot 496 has never been owned
by Mrs. Hafner, but in the time of
payment and at the present time it
is the property of Christ. Braun. As
the matter now stands, the assess-
ment upon lot 401 is not paid, al-
though Mrs. Hafner intended to pay
it, and the assessment upon 496 has
been paid although the payment was
not intended to be paid by. Mrs. Haf-
ner, since she did not own this lot.
Lot 401 has been advertised for sale
for the street assessment, although
Mrs. Hafner believed all along that
this assessment had been paid.
Under these conditions you can
readily see that an error has been
made and I would advise you that
you instruct the treasurer to apply
the amount of money that Mrs. Haf-
ner paid upon lot 496 upon lot 401
and have his records show the date
of payment to be the same date
when she made payment which was
applied upon lot 496, namely, Novem-
ber 29, 1916, and if she has paid
more than the assessment against
401 a refund to that extent should
be ordered by having a warrant is-
sued to her in such an amount.
With reference to lot 496 the treas-
urer's records should be also cor-
rected so as to show that this as-
sessment is unpaid and Mr. Braun
should be notified to pay the same or
the lot advertised for sale.
This is purely an error and one
that you have the right to correct,
and I sincerely trust you will do so
in order that no injustice be done to
Mrs. Hafner.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Attorney was approved
and the Treasurer to be instructed
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The claim of Magda-
lene Pier against the city of Du-
buque for $810.18 has been referred
by, your honorable body for report.
This claim is based upon an instru-
ment which is called a bond of the
city of Dubuque and its principal
for $112.80, and the number of the
bond is 210. The bond was orig-
inally sold by the city to John Kolb
in the year 1858 and later beanie
the property of Magdalene Pier
through her father, John Pier. The
bond bears interest at the rate of
10 per ent per annum payable an-
nually at the office of the treasurer
and became due on or before the 20th
day of February, 1859. It is evident
from this that this bond is 50 years
old and past due for that length of
time. Miss Pier is asking the city
to pay her upon this bond the prin-
cipal thereof and the interest for
6 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 7
all these years, making a total of
I beg to advise you that I have
consulted with the treasurer and
we find from his records that this
bond has been considered outlawed
or otherwise non - collectable for a
good many years and it is so marked
upon his records. We further find
that this bond has not been refund-
ed in the regular refunding issues.
It is, of course, true that this instru-
ment is barred by the statute of
limitations and no legal liability
rests upon the city to make pay-
ment to this petitioner. However,
in considering what your final action
shall be it is well to bear in mind
that it is always inadvisable for the
city to repudiate just obligations such
as this bond Was at one time, and
while there is no legal objection
resting upon you to order the bond
paid, settlement of the matter
might be made by acceptance of
some moral obligation, it may be
well to consider.•
If you should decide, however, to
pay any part of this bond I would
advise you that you do not pay more
than the principal and one year's
interest thereon because it was the
duty of the holder of the bond to
present it for payment when due
and he was himself guilty of lathes
in not doing so.
I have tried to lay the matter be-
fore you plainly so that you may
act intelligently regarding the same.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Attorney was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith moved that the action
of the Council earlier in the even-
ing relative to the report of the City
Assessor on the petition of the Ind.
School Dist. of Dubuque asking for
cancellation of assessment be recon-
sidered. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
of the Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque
asking for cancellation of assess-
ment, and the report of the City As-
sessor on the same, be received and
filed. Carried.
January 2d, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts of the City of
Dubuque for the last half of Decem-
ber, 1919:
Amount due laborers $1,628.60
Also submit payroll for labor
cleaning the storm water sewers in
the City of Dubuque for the last .half
of December, 1919 to be paid from
the sewer fund.
Amount due laborers for
cleaning sewers $1,515.20
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
rolls were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Streets.
Also submit payroll for labor on
sewers in the City of Dubuque for
the last half of December, 1919:
Amount due laborers on Sew-
ers $397.00
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
payroll was received and the report
referred back to the Committee on
On motion of Ald. Frith the City
Recorder was instructed to draw
Loan Warrants in the sum of $1,525
in favor of the Dubuque National
bank, to create a Storm Water
Sewer Fund, to take care of the pay-
rolls for the last half of December,
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:— I herewith submit
the police report for the month of
December 1919:
Disturbing the peace 6
Disorderly conduct 1
Discharging fire arms within the
city limits 1
Forgery 1
Highway robbery 2
Incorrigible 2
Intoxication 3'
Petit larceny 4
Violating speed ordinances 1
Vagrancy 5
Wife desertion 1
Total 27
Residents arrested 16
Doors found open 24
Defective lights 23
Lodgers harbored 78
Meals furnished prisoners 16
Cost of food $ 4.80
Sheriff dieting prisoners for
month of December $12.80
Police court costs and fines
collected $ 8.45
Patrol runs for prisoners 25
Prisoners transferred 5
Committee calls !
Ambulance calls 130
Also beg to submit the payroll for
policemen for the last half of De-
cember, 1919:
Amount due policemen $2,102.55
Amount retained in pension
fund 42.03
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
payroll was received and warrants
ordered to pay the various amounts
and the report referred back to the
Police Committee.
Fire Chief Ahern reported as fol-
Gentlemen: I herewith submit
my payroll for the Fire Department
for the last hall of December, 1919:
Amount due Firemen $2,559.65
Pension fund retained 49.27
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Leist the pay-
roll was received and the report re-
ferred back to the Fire Committee.
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 2nd, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of December,
1919, showing the receipts and dis-
bursements for the month:
Tax receipts $ 3,364.95
Miscellaneous 5,442.12
Delinquent tax penalties 367.66
Special assessments 21.35
Special bonded assess-
ments .. . 41,688.94
Interest on same 2,375.73
Costs on same 21.20
Special sidewalk certifi-
cates 17.46
Interest on same 2.54
$ 53,301.95
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 1919 260,783.67
Warrants redeemed $ 84,980.34
Improvement bond cou-
pons redeemed , .. 1,803.40
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed 1,102.50
Improvement bonds re-
deemed 2,200.00
Library orders paid 1,529.10
Park orders paid 1,383.13
Police pension orders paid 192.50
Fire pension orders paid 383.00
$ 93,573.97
Cash balance Dec. 31, 1919 220,511.55
The above cash balances include
the balances in the improvement
bond fund, the water works interest
and sinking fund, the library fund,
old 'water works debt fund, police
pension fund, fire pension fund, and
the sinking fund (for amelioration
of the city regular bonded debt).
Water Works Account.
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 1919.$ 2,679.12
Deposits for month 17,841.94
$ 20,521.06
Orders paid $ 7,187.67
Cash balance Dec. 31, 1919 13,333.39
$ 20,521.06
Excavation permit (old) $150.00
Excavation Fund.
Cash balance Dec. 1, 1919 $300.06
Receipts 23.20
Cash balance Dec. 31, 1919 $323.26
Excavation Permit (New).
Cash balance Dec. 1, 1919 $261.00
Permits granted 31.00
Cash balance Dec. 31, 1919 $292.00
Excavation Account.
Cash balance Dec. 1, 1919 $ 18.37
Amount deposited 37.89
$ 56.26
Cash balance Dec. 31, 1919...$ 56.26
The following is a record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeem-
ed by the City Treasurer and credit-
ed to him:
Interest —
Improvement bond coupons.$1,803.40
Regular bond coupons 1,102.50
Total $2,905.90
Bonds —
Improvement bonds $2.200.00
Total $2,200.00
Respectfully submitted,
The following list shows the ap-
propriations and the amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year begin-
ning March 1st, 1919, to January 1st,
Appropriation. Expense.
For general ex-
pense and con-
tingent fund... $71,790.84 $58,296.47
For district road
funds for clean-
ing, sprinkling
a n d repairing
streets: —
First District .. 10,047.12 10,039.63
Second District.. 17,950.16 17,840.71
Third District .. 13,332.04 13,305.43
Fourth District.. 13,912.04 13,299.14
Fifth District .. 12,188.14 12,053.39
For expense of
Fire Dept. . 67,429.50 67,248.38
For expense of
Police Dept... 55,000.00 47,876.30
For care, main-
tenance and re-
pair of sewers 9,500.00 9,487.65
For printing 2,500.00 2,473.63
For street light-
ing ..... 47,500.00 39,871.25
For interest on
floating a n d
bonded debt 39,250.00 8,477.39
For expense of
the Board of
Health 21,500.00 , 19,601.17
For grading
streets and al-
leys 3,500.00 2,685.30
For special bond-
ed paving 9,000.00 3.80
For interest on
special bonded
debt .... 8,000.00
For repair and
rebuilding o f
sidewalks .. 1,000.00 920.54
For revision of
ordinances ... 3,250.00 2,750.00
For library fund 1,500.00 1,500.00
For purchase of
street flusher.. 8,200.00 8,025.00
For purchase of
fire apparatus. 7,500.00 7,500.00
For purchase of
fire hose .... 2,000.00 1,923.00
For bathing
beach 1,300.00 1,288.94
For the Munici-
pal Athletic
Field 1,000.00 975.37
For the Visiting
Nurse Assn. 1,200.00 1,000.00
For Board of
Health for hire
of nurse for pa-
rochial schools 1,200.00 1,000.00
For the Park
Board .. 1,000.00 1,000.00
For cement steps
steps on North
Main street 850.00 850.00
For payment of
construction of
bridge at Cas-
-1i cade Crossing. 2,760,00 V 2,760.00
For repair of en-
gine houses 1,800.00 1,800.00
For repair of
City Hall 1,000.00 874.62
For cement steps
from S. Bluff
St. to Cleve-
land Ave. Park
For cement steps
from Grand-
view avenue
Heights to
For balance due
on Vine St.
For repair of
Dodge St. and
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
1,500.00 1,500.00
150.00 V 150.00
50.00 , t" 41.53
867.11 '' 865.93
For ceiilent gut-
ter on 17th St.,
• east of the rail-
road tracks 1,026.84 `" 1,026.84
For opening of
Louisa St. 200.00 200.00
For balance on
sewer in Sem-
inary St. 325.00
For widening of
Rosadale Ave.
and West Lo-
cust St, inter-
section ....... 400.00' 400.00
For repair of
curb and gut-
ter on W. Lo-
cust St. 615.26 ' 615.25
For 5% due on
Bee Branch
sewer 213.95 213.95
For Bee Branch
sewer 5,091.19 5,064.63
For balance due
for cement
curb on 28th
and Washing-
ton streets 167.26 100.00
For balance due
on Clifford St.
steps .. 150.41 ' 84.24
F o r emergency
road fund 72,539.68 71,897.80
F o r emergency
sewer fund .. 325.00 318.00
Also find my or f laries due
city officers for the last half of De-
cember, 1919, $1,810.97, and Amanda
Beyer-- (Compensation Law) $17.54.
' Respectfully submitted,
1 £ 1 f k 3 y '•" City Auditor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
roll was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 1, 1920.
Honorable Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: The following is a
statement of monies advanced by me
during the month of December, 1919,
for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest on warrants out-
standing $775,00
Miscellaneous 7.74
Please have the following loan
warrants renewed:
Warrant No. 4161, dated Nov. 5th,
1903, in favor of Edw. Lenz, in the
sum of $300.00, interest at 5% from
June 12th, 1919.
Warrant No. 2474, dated Aug. 3d,
1905, in favor of Theresa McDonnell,
in the sum of $500.00, interest at 5%
from July 11, 1919.
Warrant No. 3477, dated Sept. 6,
1906, in favor of John C. Baynes, in
l‘ , 4"
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 9
the sum of $500.00, interest at 5%
from Dec. 18, 1919.
Warrant No. 1983, dated July 6,
1905, in favor of Dubuque National
bank in the sum of $500.00, interest
at 5% from June 1, 1919.
Warrants Nos. 5858 to 5867, in-
clusive, dated Dec. 1, 1911, in favor
of Dubuque National bank, in the
sum of $500.00 each, interest at 5%
from Dec. 1, 1919, payable semi -an-
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts
and the report referred back to the
Finance Committee.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque,;
TION. Sec. f. All persons, firms
or corporations' who are required
under any ordinance, of the City to
procure a license, for the purpose of
engaging in any business or voca-
tion shall first make application to
the License Clerk and shall receive
from him an order upon the Record-
er, to issue the license described
in said order, when the required
license fee has been paid to the
Sec. 2. The Recorder shall issue all
licenses provided for in the ordin-
ances of the City, when presented
with an order for the same and a
receipt of the Treasurer showing
that the person, firm or corporation
applying for such license has paid
the license fee, fixed by ordinance,
or such part thereof as shall entitle
said person, firm or corpo }ration to
the license applied form 'provided,
however, that whenever the permis-
sion of the Council or a .bond is re-
quired by ordinance before such
license can be issued, such bond
shall have been filed with the Re-
corder, or such permission shall
have been granted by the Council.
RECORD. Sec. 3. Every License
shall be signed by the Recorder and
the seal of the City affixed, and the
same shall be registered in a record
kept for that purpose in the office
of the Recorder. An alphabetical
index of licenses showing the num-
ber`of the license, the date issued,
the date of expiration and the name
of the person, firm or corporation to
whom issued, shall also be kept in
the Recorder's office.
Sec. 4. All annual licenses, provid-
ed for by, ordinance, shall expire on
the 31st . day of December in each
year, and every person who is re-
quired to procure such license shall
pay for the same on or before the
10th day of January following: Pro-
vided, however, that any person,
firm or corporation engaged in a
business for which a license is re-
quired for only six (6) months the
license fee shall be one -half of the
annual fee, and if engaged only three
(3) months then it • shall be one -
fourththe amount of the annual fee.
f any person, firm or corporation
fail to pay much fee within thirty
(30) days from the time said license
becomes due_ and payable there shall
be added to the license fee as a
penalty for the first month of delin-
quincy 5 per cent of the license fee,
for the second month 3 per cent, fox'
the third month 2 per cent, and for
every month thereafter one per
cent until paid, and such license fee
and penalty shall be collected at
one time.
TRANSFERRED. Sec. 5. That no
license issued to any person under
the terms of this ordinance shall be
transferred or assigned to any other
person, firm or corporation. When-
ever a person, firm or .corporation
holding a license shall sell, lease, or
transfer his business to any other
person, firm or corporation, that
such licenses shall he can'alled and
the purchaser or leasee shall be re-
quired to secure a new license and
pay the license fee provided by
6. Any license issued undev this
ordinance may be revoked by the
Mayor or Chief of Police, whenever
the holder of such license is not con-
ducting his business as required by
the ordinances of the City, and upon
conviction of a violation of any
ordinance relating to licenses, be-
fore any Court, said license shall
be henceforth null and void, and
the holder of such license shall not
be granted another license to en-
gage in the same business or voca-
tion for which said license was issu-
ed for a period of at least six months
thereafter. That if a license is can-
celled by the Mayor or Chief of Po-
lice or become null and void as
herein provided the. licenses fee
which has been paid shall be forfeit-
ed to the City.
( Nate)-- eit yTdl'feit °licenses for
violation. Ottumwa vs. Schaub. 52
Iowa 515.'
This ordinance shall be in force
10 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 11
and effect from and after its pas-
sage by the City Council and publi-
cation in the official newspapers as
provided by law.
Adopted January 2nd. 1920.
Approved, January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. carried by the
f ollowing vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
461. Sec. 1. That it shall be un-
lawful for any person to be engaged
in any business or vocation herein-
after named without first procuring
a license and paying the license fee
therefor, for such business or voca-
tion as follows:
AUCTIONEERS. Auctioneers sell-
ing household goods or merchandise
for resident citizens, at their resi-
dence or place of business shall pay
a license fee or $5.00 per day or
$25.00 per year.
B. Auctioneers selling live stock
or merchandise upon any street, al-
ley, sidewalk or public grounds, or
in any building or lot rented for
such purpose shall pay a license fee
of $10.00 per day, except as herein-
after provided.
C. Auctioneers who sell goods, at
auction, which are brought into the
city for that purpose, and upon
which no tax has been paid or levied
for 'the current year, within the City
of Dubuque, shall pay a license fee
of $25.00 per day while engaged in
the sale of such goods.
Proprietors of public places, where
billiard or pool tables are maintained
and money is charged for the use of,
or for . playing on the sane, shall
pay a license fee of $5.00 per annum
for each table; payable in advance.
BOOK AGENTS. Itinerant agents
for the sale of books, maps or other
publications, except local newspa-
pers or magazines, by subscription,
or otherwise, shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day or $10.00 per month.
of public places where bowling al-
leys, box ball alleys or the like are
maintained and money is charged for
the use of, or for playing on the
same, shall pay a license fee of $5.00
per annum for each alley, payable in
prietors of shooting galleries shall
pay a license fee of $25.00 per an-
num, payable in advance.
MERRY -GO- ROUNDS. Proprietors
of merry -go- rounds, circular swings,
rolling coasters or similar devices,
shall pay a license fee of $2.00 per
day or $25.00 per. month.
SKATING RINKS. Proprietors of
skating rinks shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day or $25.00 per month,
or $50.00 per year.
doctors or itinerant physicians or
surgeons shall pay a license fee of
$25.00 per month in advance. All
doctors, physicians or surgeons, who
advertise as specialists, or otherwise
and who travel from place to place,
at intervals, shall be deemed travel-
ing or itinerant doctors and shall be
subject to pay a license fee as here-
in provided.
sons maintaining a powder maga-
zine for storing powder, for sale,
shall pay a license fee of $25.00 per
persons who profess to practice the
business or art of fortune telling,
palmistry, clairvoyance, or similar
profession or art, for a consideration,
shall pay a license fee of $5.00 per
day, $25.00 per week, or $50.00 per
month in advance.
UTERS. All persons engaged in the •
business of posting bills or the bus-
iness of distributing hand bills, sam-
ples or advertisements of any kind, •
shall pay a license of $25.00 per an-
num in advance.
SHOESHINERS. All persons who
engage in the business of shining,
polishing, or cleaning boots or shoes
upon any public street, avenue, al-
ley or sidewalk or upon any part
thereof shall pay a license fee of
$25.00 per annum in advance.
Proprietors of dairies and all other
persons who sell milk and milk
products from door to door, shall pay
an annual license fee of $5.00 for
each wagon or other vehicle used by
him or it, in the sale of milk or milk
TION. Sec. 2. That any person,
firm or corporation, or any officer
or agent or employe thereof who
shall engage in any of the business
named in this ordinance, without
first securing a license shall be
deemed to be guilty of a misdemean-
or, and shall upon conviction be
fined not less than $10.00 nor more
than $100.00.
(Note) Charter Sec. 7, par. 18 -19-
20. Code Section 700 to 703 and
amendments. Where City is author-
ized to impose license on trades and
occupations such regulations must
be reasonable, fair, and not oppres-
sive. Burlington vs. Unterkirchen,
99 Iowa 401.
Itinerant physicians, Code Section
700, Fairfield vs. Scellenberger, 135
Iowa 615,
Clairvoyants, etc., Code 1913 Sec-
tion 77 -a.
Billiard halls, etc., Code Section
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
MODITIES. Sec. 1. All persons
selling or offering for sale along the
public streets or other public places,
or from house to house, fruit, vege-
tables and farm products, including
poultry, eggs and butter, shall pay
a license fee of $50.00 per annum,
Iayable in advance. If paid after
October 1st and before January 1st, ,
the license shall be $35.00. Peddlers
who desire a license to ' sell mer-
chandise as specified in this section
for a shorter period of time, shall
be required `.o pay a license of $2.00
per day. This section does not ap-
ply to persons retailing products
; or produced by them.
464.- OTHER PEDDLERS. Sec. 2.
All peddlers ' not herein otherwise
designated or enumerated, who sell
or offer for sale goods and merchan-
dise on the public streets or
from house to house, and foot ped-
dlers who sell from house to house,
shall pay a license fee of $2.00 per
day or $10.00 per week in advance.
3. All persons who shall follow the
business of selling pop ' corn; can -
dies, confectionery, 'ice cream, nuts,
lunch, lemonade, or drinks, newspa-
pers, magazines or other publica-
tions, on the street or sidewalk,
whether in booths, tents, temporary
buildings or from a push cart, wagon -
or otherwise, shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day, or $10.00 per week
or $50.00 per year.,
PL 03VS.' Sec. 4. Disabled sol-
diers or sailors 'who have been hon-
orably discharged from the United
States Service, or other crippled or
disabled persons, may be exempt
from the provisions of this ordinance
provided that they have filed an ap-
plication with the Council setting
forth the grounds on which they
claim exemption and such ex-
emption has been granted by the
TION., Sec. 5. Any person who
shall do business as a peddler, as
defined in this ordinance, without se-
curing a license, shall be • guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined not less than
$5.00 nor more than $100.00.
(Note)- Charter Section. Par. 18.
Code Section 700.
City ma �requirh reasonable li-
cense fee f„ ni'p.adlers. Iowa City
vs. Glassman. 7 55'�iowa 671.
State vs., OsllBrne. 71.Iowa 681.
Huston vs.,Des Moines. 176 Iowa
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 13
tion in the official newspapers as
provided by law.
Adopted January •2d, 1920.
Approved January 3d, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January 5th,
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays ; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That no person, firm or cor-
poration shall engage in or carry
on, in the City of Dubuque, the bus-
iness of a junk dealer, without first
procuring the license provided for in
this ordinance, nor shall any person
carry on such business in any man-
ner contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance. Every person, firm or
corporation who conducts or carries
on a junk shop or who deals in junk,
old metals, scrap metal, old or dis-
carded machinery, rope, rags, paper
and paper stocks, old bottles, tin
ware, furniture, old or discarded,
plumbing, electrical materials or fix-
tures, automobile parts 'or tires or
any article of things usually bought,
sold or dealt with in junk shops, in-
cluding all such persons, firms or
corporations who carry on such bus -
ness in shops; yards or stores or who
by advertisement, by sign or other-
wise, holds himself out as a junk
dealer or dealing in junk, shall be
deemed a junk dealer within the
meaning of this ordinance.
471. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. Ev-
ery junk dealer shall pay a license
fee or tax of $50.00 per year for each
store, yard or other place of busi-
ness operated for the purpose of pur-
chasing or dealing in junk. Every
junk dealer who operates a wagon,
cart, automobile or auto truck for the
purpose of purchasing or dealing in
junk as provided in Section 1 here-
of, shall pay a license fee of $12.50
for every wagon, cart or vehicle
drawn by one horse and shall pay
a license fee of $25.00 per year for
every wagon, cart or vehicle drawn
by two horses or for every automo-
bile or auto truck.
TION. Sec. 3. Any person who
shall do business as a junk dealer
as defined in this ordinance without
first obtaining a license shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be fined not less
$10.00 nor more than $100.00.
(Note) Code Section 700.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as pro
vided by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas : -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
ORDINANCE No. 65. 1 �v /
Be It Ordained by the City Council
Of the City of Dubuque:
473. TERMS DEFINED. Sec. 1.
The term "public dance" or "public
hall," as used in this ordinance,
shall be taken to mean any dance or
hall to which admission can be had
by payment of a fee or by the pur-
chase, possession, or presentation
of a ticket or token, or in which a
charge is made for caring for cloth-
ing or other property or any other
12 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted, January 2nd, 1920.
Approved, January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen. Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays ; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Str
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
468. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1.
No person, firm or corporation, shall
carry on any business within the
limits of the City, as hotel keeper,
tavern keeper, keeper of a boarding
houses, restaurant or other eating
place, without first having obtained
a license thereof.
(a) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more and
charging $2.00 or more per day for
meals and average rooms, fifty dol-
lars per year.
(b) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging less than $2.00 and not less
than $1.25 per day for meals and
average rooms, twenty -five dollars
per year.
(c) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging less than $1.25 for meals
and average rooms per day, fifteen
dollars per year.
(d) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the European plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging $1.00 or more per day for
average rooms, fifty dollars per
(e) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the European plan, and contain-
ing 20 rooms or more, and charging
less than $1.00 and not less than 50
cents per day for average rooms,
twenty -five dollars per year.
(f) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding houses conducted on the
European plan, and containing 20
lodging rooms or more, and charg-
ing less than 50 cents per day for
average room, fifteen dollars per
(g) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns, or boarding houses conducted
on either the American or European
plan, and containing less than 20
lodging rooms, five dollars per year.
Any person firm or corporation
keeping a place where meals are
furnished at regular prices, by the
day or week, for ten or more per-
sons, in addition to the members of
the family of such person, or the
members of such firm or corpora-
tion, shall be held to be the keeper
of a boarding house within the
meaning of this section.
(h) For keepers of restaurants,
lunch counters, ice cream parlors,
soda fountains soft drink dispensers
or other eating places, ten dollars
per year.
Any hotel, tavern or boarding
house conducted on both the Ameri-
can and European plan, shall not be
required to procure more than one
hotel licenses; provided, that any
hotel, tavern, or boarding house
having a restaurant in connection
therewith in addition to the regular
dining room, or in which meals or
lunches are served a la carte, or on
the short order plan, or for any
other than a regular charge for each
full meal, shall be required to pay
the regular restaurant license.
TION. Sec. 3. Any person who
shall conduct a hotel, boarding house
or eating house as defined in
this ordinance without first
securing a license, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than $10.00 nor more
than $100.00.
(NOTE) Charter Section 7 Par.
8. Code Section 700.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and publica-
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
shall be unlawful for any alcoholic
or intoxicating lisuor to be brought
into or drunk in any public dance
hall or in any of the rooms connected
with or pertaining to a public dance
hall 'while a public dance or public
ball is being held. It shall be un-
lawful for the proprietor or manager
of a public dance hall, or any of his
representatives, or the member of a
committee of any society, club, or
corporation, in charge of any public
dance or public ball given by such so-
ciety, club or corporation, to permit
or allow any alcoholic or intoxicating
liquor to be brought into or drunk
in any public dance hall while a pub-
lic dance or ball, over which they
have charge, is in progress.
CENSES. Sec. 11. The Mayor shall
examine all applications for dance
hall licenses, and shall investigate,
or cause to be investigated, each ap-
plication for the purpose of determin-
ing whether or not the dance hall
sought to be licensed complies with
the regulations, ordinances and laws
applicable thereto. In making such
investigation the Mayor shall have
the right to the assistance of any
other officer or employes of the
City. No license shall be renewed
except after re- inspection of the
premises as provided herein.
TION. Sec. 12. Any person who
shall violate any provision of this
ordinance, shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined not less than five
dollars (5.00) and the cost of prose-
cution, and not more than ($50.00)
and the cost of prosecution, for each
offense, and on default of payment
thereof shall be imprisoned for a
period not exceeding thirty (30)
ATTEND. Sec. 13. That no person,
club, society or corporation shall
give, conduct, or carry on a public
dance as defined in this ordinance,
without having in attendance, contin-
uously, during such dance a member
of the Police Department who shall
see that the provisions of this ordin-
ance are strictly complied with. The
Chief of Police shall detail the mem-
ber of the Police Department who
shall attend each public dance, and
the person, club, society or corpora-
tion giving, conducting or carrying
on such public dance shall pay to
the officer for such attendance a sum
equal to a day's wages of such of-
ficer, determined by his salary per
Sec. 14. The provisions of this or 1i-
nauce shall in no way interfere with
private parties, given at homes or
with dances given by bona fide so-
cieties, clubs, or corporations where
the attendance is restricted to the
members of the society, club or cor-
tion. Sec. 15. That any person,
club, society or corporation, or any
officer, agent or member thereof,
who shall violate any of the provis-
iones of this ordinance relating to
licenses shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be fined not less than $10.00
nor more than $100.00.
(NOTE) Code (1913) Section 700.a.
This ordinance shall be in force and
effect from and after its passage by
the City Council and publication in
the official newspapers as provided
by law.
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January 3d, 1920.
Attest: JOH .. STUBER,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
488. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1. No.
person, firm or corporation shall Lire
out or keep or use for hire, within
the limits of the city, any vehicle of
any description whatever, either for
the conveyance of passengers or the
conveyance or transportation of
goods, wares, merchandise or other
articles from place to place, without
first securing a license and paying
a license fee as provided by this
(, /(34:
b /
14 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
dance to which the public generally
may gain admission, with or without
the payment of a fee. The term
"public dance hall" as used herein
shall be taken to mean any room,
place, or space in which a public
dance or public ball is held, or hall
or academy :n which classes in danc-
ing are held and instructions in
dancing are given for hire.
474. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. It
shall be unlawful to hold any public
dance or public hall or to hold class-
es in dancing or to give instructions
in dancing for hire in any hall or
academy within the limits of the
City of Dubuque, until the dance
hall in which the same is to be held
shall first have been duly licensed
for such purpose.
If the dance hall has a floor space
not .exceeding twenty -five hundred
(2,500) square feet, the annual :i-
cense fee shall be Fifteen Dollars.
If the dance hall has a floor space
exceeding twenty -five hundred (2500)
square feet, the annual license fee
shall be Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00).
In computing floor space, only that
part of the floor actually used for
dancing shall be considered. Every
dance hall shall post its license in a
conspicuous place within the hall,
where the dance is held.
DINANCES. Sec. 3. No license for
a public dance hall shall be issued
until it shall be found that such hall
complies with and conforms to all
ordinances, and fire regulations of
the city; and the rules and regula-
tions of the Board of Health, that it
is properly ventilated and supplied
with sufficient toilet equipment for
both sexes and is a safe and proper
place for the purpose for which it is
to be used.
CELLED. Sec. 4. The license of
any dance hall may be cancelled by
the Mayor or Chief of Police, for im-
proper, disorderly, vulgar, indecer.t,
immoral or suggestive conduct on
the premises, or for the violation of
any of the rules, regulations, ordin-
ances, or laws governing or apply-
ing to public dance halls or public
dances. If, at any time, the license
of a public dance hall it cancelled,
at least six (6) months shall elapse
before another license or permit
shall be given for dancing on the
same premises.
shall be unlawful for any person,
club, society, or corporation to hold
a public dance or public ball within
the limits of the - City of Dubuque.
without having first obtained a per-
mit therefor from the Mayor.
public dance halls shall be kept at
all times in a clean, healthful and
sanitary condition, and all rooms
connected with a dance hall shall be
kept open and well lighted. All
members of the police force shall
have the power, and it shall be their
duty to cause the place, hall, or
room where any dance is held
or given, to be vacated when-
ever any provision of this or any
ordinance in regard to public dances
or public balls is being violated, or
when any disorderly, immoral, im-
proper, suggestive or vulgar act is
Sec. 7. All public dances shall be
discontinued and public dance hall
shall be vacated and closed on or
before the hour of Twelve o'clock,
ATTEND. Sec. 8. It shall be un-
lawful for any person who has not
reached the age of (16) years to at-
tend or take part in any public dance
after the hour of 9:15 P. M., unless
such person is accompanied by a
parent or guardian. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to represent
himself or herself to be the age of
sixteen (16) years in order to ob-
tain admission to a public dance hall
or to be permitted to remain there-
in after the hour specified, when
such person in fact is under sixteen
years of age, and it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to make such a
mis- statement about the age of any
other person, and it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to represent him-
self or herself to be a parent or
guardian of any other person, in orh
der that such person may obtain ad-
mission to a public dance hall or
may be permitted to remain therein,
after the hour specified, when the
party making the representation is
not in fact either a parent or guar-
dian of the other person.
shall be unlawful for any person,
while in attendance at any public
dance or public hall, to behave in
any improper, disorderly vulgar, in-
decent, immoral, or suggestive man-
ner, whether engaged in dancing or
not; and it shall be unlawful for the
person, persons, club, society, or
corporation giving such dance or
ball to permit or allow any person
to behave as described above.
16 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 17
ordinance. Vehicles kept for hire
by persons, firms or corporations en-
gaged in the livery business and
rented by the day in the manner
usual to such business are exempted
from securing a license and paying
a license fee, as provided by this
o lnance.
CLES. Sec. 2. -The license fee for
carrying on the business as provided
in Section 1 hereof, shall be as fol-
OF PERSONS. a. For each auto-
mobile or automobile bus having a
capacity of ten or more persons, the
license fee shall be $2.00 per day or
$25.00 per year.
b. For each automobile or auto-
mobile bus, having a capacity of less
than ten, persons, the license fee
shall be $2.00 per day or $20.00 per
c. For each vehicle drawn by
animals, the license fee shall be
$1.00 per day or $12.50 per year.
Vehicles for the conveyance of
goods, wares, mcrchandise:
a. For each automobile truck of
more than one and one -half ton ca-
pacity the license fee shall be $2.00
per day or $25.00 per year.
b. For each automobile truck or
less than one and one -half ton ca-
pacity, the license fee shall be $1.00
per day or $15.00 per year.
c. For each truck, dray, wagon,
moving van or other vehicle drawn
by two or more animals, the license
fee shall be $2.00 per day or $15.00
per year.
d. For each truck, dray, wagon,
moving van or other vehicle drawn
by one animal, the license fee shall
be $1.00 per day or $12.50 per year.
That the term automobile or auto-
mobile truck as used herein, shall
mean any vehicle not drawn by
horses or other animals.
That all license fees shall be paid
annually in advance, and no license
fee shall be issued for less than one -
half the annual license fee, except
the same is issued at the daily rate.
DRIVERS. Sec. 3. That in addition
to the license fee provided in Section
2 hereof, every person, who shall
act as driver or chauffeur or any
licensed automobile or other licensed
vehicle,, except the owner thereof,
shall secure a license and pay a li-
cense fee as follows:
Drivers or chauffeurs of automo-
biles or vehicles carrying passengers,
$5.00 per year; drivers or chauffeurs
of automobles or vehicles carrying
goods, wares, or merchandise, $2.50
per year.
Sec 4. That when a license is is-
sued for any automobile or vehicle
under the provisions of this ordi-
nance, the Recorder shall deliver to
the licensee, a metal tag or plate,
with the license number and the year
for which the same is issued, stamp-
ed thereon. The licensee shall cause
said tag or plate to be fastened upon
the vehicle, for which the license is
paid, in a conspicuous place, and
shall keep the same thereon during
the continuance of said license, and
at the expiration of the same, such
tag or plate shall be removed from
said vehicle and said vehicle shall
not be used with said tag or plate
thereon at any time when the license
fee therefore has not been paid. That
the person paying the license fee as
provided in Section 3 hereof, shall
receive a metal badge upon which
shall be samped such words as may
be necessary to show the nature of
the license and the year for which
issued. The licensee shall wear such
badge upon the front of his hat or
cap at all times when engaged in the
business for which the license `•'was
5. The Chief of Police shall from
time to time designate the place or
places upon the streets or public
vehicles, whether for carrying per-
sons or carrying goods, wares or
merchandise may solicit business or
wait for employment. Such places
may be changed or abandoned when-
ever the Chief of Police deems it
necessary for the safety and con-
venience of the public. That the
place or places designated by the
Chief of Police shall be plainly
marked by signs, and if any licensee
fails to observe the orders of the
Chief of Police and stands or solicits
business at any place upon the
streets or public places in the city,
not designated by the Chief of Po-
lice, he shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and his license may be re-
voked by the Mayor or Chief of Po-
Sec. 6. Any person who shall violate
any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance, or who shall operate any vehi-
cle with a tag or plate thereon. simi-
lar to or resembling the tag or plate
issued by the city, for licensed vehi-
cles for which a license has not been
issued, and a license fee paid, or
who shall wear a badge upon his
hat or cap similar to or resembling
the badge issued by the city to li-
censed drivers or chauffeurs, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be fined not less
than $10.00 nor more than $100.00.
Sec. 7. That if any person who holds
a license as a licensed driver or
chauffeur is found guilty, in any
court, of a violation of any of the
provisions of Ordinance No. 52 or
who is drunk or disorderly while on
duty as the driver of a license auto-
mobile or vehicle, the Chief of Po-
lice shall have power to suspend his
license for a period not to exceed 90
days or to revoke the same. If his
license is revoked, he shall not be
granted another license as a licensed
driver or chauffeur before the expira-
tion of 6 months after the same is
(NOTE). Charter Section 7. Par.
Code Section 754.
Des Moines vs. Bolton 128 Iowa
Huston vs: Des Moines, 176 Iowa
5 .
This ordinance shall be i force
and effect from and after itsT$assage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspaper as provided
by law.
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January 3d, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 6th, 1920.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first reau-
ing - -of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays;- -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays;- None. ,��
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.'
495. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1.
That no person, or persons, firm or
corporation shall be allowed to oper-
ate or maintain,a Ferry Boat ,Livery
between the City of Dubuque and
other points, nor shall any person,
p. W .pperating a Ferry Boat Livery, use
landing, without having
first rove )the license herein pro-
vided o
496. TERM DEFINED. Sec. 2 The
term "Ferry Boat_ Livery," as used
herein, shall mean, ' the en-
gaging in the business of
transporting, for hire two or
more passengers by means of
ferry boat or launches; the term
"Public Landing" shall mean any
place, wharf or 'dock which is main-
tained' by the City of Dubuque for
the accomodation and comfort of the
public traveling by water from
points within the City to points with-
out, providing, however, that for the
purpose of this ordinance, the entire
shore line of the river front the
north line of the Dubuque & Harbor
Improvement Company's Addition,
southerly to the southern boundry
line extended of said City (including
all of the shore line of the Ice
of the river northerly from Seventh
Avenue extended to the City limits
shall be considered a "Public Land-
Sec. 3. That before any person or
persons, firm or corporation, shall
be permitted to operate a Ferry
Boat Livery, he shall secure a
license and pay the license fee here-
in provided, but no license shall be
issued to any person who is not of
good moral character, and of sober
498. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 4. The
license fee for the privilage of
operating a Ferry Boat Livery shall
be Fifty (50c) Cents per lineal foot
of boat per annum, and payable to
the City Treasurer before the same
shall be issued.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
licenser his employee, to preserve
order upon any boat operated by him
to the end of the maximum of safe-
ty may be attained)
ENFORCE. Sec. 6. It shall be the
duty of the Harbor Master to see
that all the provisions of this
ordinance are complied with, and
shall report to the Mayor and
Council, a acts or conduct of the
licensee /at his employee which are
in - violation_ of any of the terms
Sec. 7. Any person or persons, firm
or corporation, or any officer, agent
or employee thereof violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined not less than Five
($5.00) Dollars or more than One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each
offence, or imprisoned in the County
Jail for a period not to exceed thirty
(NOTE). Charter 7. Par. 17.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
18 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920. r
Approved January 3rd, (1 Q'1
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dub-
uque Times - Journal and Telegraph;
Herald newspapers January, 6th 1920.
City Recorder.
1 -6 -1t.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the • ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro -.
Nays ; -None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the ,following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; -None.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.;
Sec. 1. That no person shall con-
duct, carry on or exhibit, produce or
display any circus, menagerie, thea-
tre, theatrical exhibition, , moving
picture show or other show or ex-
hibition of any kind,_ except lectures
on scientific, historicial literary sub-
jects, without first paying a license
fee as hereinafter provided.
503. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2.
That the license to be paid for the
same shall be as follows:
Theatres etc. 1st. For each
theatre, moving picture theatre,
opera house, hall or other building
or shelter used for public entertain-
ment, exhibitions, shows or concerts,
having a seating capacity of • over
800, the license shall be $100.00 per
'year; for ,those h ing seating .ea -,.
U ob zpacity of less'than 0,and more..thaii.
\the license fee eh ll - be $75.00 per
year; for those having a seating cap-
acity of less than 400 and more than
250 the license shall be $50.00 per
year; for those having a seating
capacity of less than 250 the license
fee shall be $25.00 per year. -
Shows etc. 2nd. For -each show
or exhibition, offering prizes of any
kind and for exhibitions, by a ven-
triloquist, mesmerist, magician,
slight -of -hand performer, or the like,'
the license fee shall be $25.1)0 for
the first performanc6or exhibition
and $10.00 for each other perl;orm=
once or exhibition, but said license
fee shall not be exacted when the
exhibition or performance is given
ii an opera house, theatre, or hall
paying a license under Par. 1, hereof.
Shows etc. 3rd. For all other
theatrical exhibitions, traveling con-
certs, minstrel shows, wrestling
snatches, athletic exhibitions and all
other public performances not other-
wise enumerated, the license fee
shall be $10.00 for the first perform-
ance or exhibition and $5:00 for
each additional performance or ex-
hibition, but said license fee shall
not be exacted when such perform-
ance is in an opera house, theatre
or hall paying an annual license
under the first paragraph hereof.
Circus, etc.. 4th. For each circus
or managerie, the license fee shall
be $200.00 for the first day and
$100.00 for each succeeding day, For
each wild west show the license fee
shall be $125.00 for the first day
and $75.00 for each succeeding day.
For each dog and pony show the
license fee shall be $50.00 for the
first day and $25.00 for each suceed-
ing day. For each carnival com-
pany, the license fee shall be $50.00
for the first day and $25.00 for each
suceeding day.
Sideshows, etc. 5th. For each
sideshow or other - small show or ex-
hibition in a separate tent, whether
traveling with a managerie, show
or circus or alone, the fee shall be
$25.00 for the first day and $12.50
for each succeeding day.
QUIRED. Sec. 3. That no license
shall be charged for any exhibition,
concert or other entertainment, the
proceeds of which are to be used
for charitable, patriotic or other
public purposes.
TION. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or
corporation or any officer, agent or
employee thereof who shall violate
any of the provisions of this ordin-
ance shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be fined $100.00 or imprisoned
not more than thirty days.
(Note) Charter Section 7 Par. 20.
Code Section 703.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 19
in the official newspapers as pro-
vided by law.
Adopted, January 2nd 1920.
Approved, January 3rd, 1920
City Recorded.
Published officially in the Dubu-
que Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January 6th,
City Recorder.
1 -6 -1t.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; -Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. 'That no person, firm or cor-
poration shall engage in, or carry on
in the City of Dubuque, the business
of a pownbroker without first pro-
curing the license and paying the
fee or tax, as provided in this ordi-
nance, or, carry on such business in
any manner contrary to the provis-
ions of this ordinance. Every per-
son, firm or corporation who make
loans or advancements upon pawn,
pledge, or deposit of personal prop-
erty or who receive actual possession
of personal property as security for
a loan, with or without a mortgage
or bill of sale therefor, or who by
advertising, sign or otherwise holds
himself out as a pawnbroker, shall
be deemed as a pawnbroker within
the meaning of this ordinance.
2. Every pawnbroker shall pay a
license fee or tax of $100.00 per
year, payable in advance.
3. Every pawnbroker shall, in ad-
dition to paying the license fee or
tax, file with the Treasurer a bond,
in the sum of $1,000.00 with at least
two sureties, to be approved by the
Treasurer, conditioned for the faith-
ful compliance with all the provis-
ions of the ordinance relating to or
regulating such business, and that
he will account for and deliver to
any person entitled thereto, any
goods or property which may come
into his hands in the course of his
business, or will pay the value` there-
of, and any damages which may
accrue because if his failure to de-
liver the same.
Sec. 4. Every pawnbroker shall make
a recorctin the English language, in
a book kept for that purpose, at the
time of purchasing or receiving any
personal property which record shall
contain the following information:
1st. The name of the person from
whom the property is received and
his place of residence; 2nd. A de-
tailed and accurate description of
every article received; 3rd. The
estimated value of each article and
the amount of the loan thereof; 4th.
The date and hour of the transac-
tion, and the time when the article
is to be redeemed or bought back;
5th. Whether a mortgage or bill of
sale was made or receipt or pawn
ticket given; 6th. When, to whom
and how said article was disposed
of, if not redeemed; 7th. Such rec-
ord shall at all times be open for
examination by any Sheriff, Deputy
Sheriff, Police Officer or Constable.
Sec. 5. That if any pawnbroker
fails to keep a record book as herein -
before provided, or if any pawn-
broker or agent or employe thereof,
fails to make the required record
therein, or shall intentionally or
knowingly make any false record, or
shall fail to make the inquiry neces-
sary to enable him to make such en-
tries or who shall fail to produce
his record book when requested, by
an officer having authority to ex-
amine it, or who shall destroy or
permit the same to be destroyed,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not less than $25.00 nor more than
$100.00 and his license shall be re-
(NOTE) Code Section 701.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provided
by law,
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January 3d, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 6th, 1920.
1 -6 -1t. City Recorder.
Houses fumigated 18
Rooms fumigated 110
Vaults cleaned 10
Garbage complaints 7
Supplies of groceries furnished to
quarantined families 2
Building permits issued 4
Estimated cost of buildings to be be
erected, $8,750.00.
Contagious Diseases.
Scarlet fever 7
Diphtheria 7
Dubuque, Iowa, January 1st, 1920.
To the Board of Health:
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my annual report for the year 1919:
Houses fumigated 124
Rooms fumigated 746
Sewer . connections ordered to
be made 127
Sewer connections made 241
Vaults cleaned 168
Garbage complaints 121
Building permits issued from
August to December inclusive 48
Estimated cost of buildings to be
erected from August to December,
inclusive, $98,492.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Sanitary Officer.
On motion of Adam Zillig the re-
port of the Sanitary Officer was ap-
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 2, 1920.
To the Board of Health:
Gentlemen : —I herewith submit
my report for the month of Decem-
ber, 1919:
Deaths reported 59
Births reported 73
Cases of venereal disease report-
ed 10
Respectfully submitted,
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Clerk was approved.
Dubuque, Iowa, January 2d, 1920.
To the Board of Health:
Gentlemen: I herewith suor. it
my annual report for the year 1920:
Births reported 634
Deaths reported 584
Cases of syphilis reported 86
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 21
Smallpox ... . 6
Mumps 19
Chicken pox 1
Measles 1
Total 41
Respectfully submitted,
Sanitary Officer.
On motion of Adam Zillig the re-
port of the Sanitary Officer was ap-
Cases of gonorrhea reported.... 114
Cases of chanceroid reported... 6
Respectfully submitted,
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Clerk was approved.
Communication of Edwin H.
Sands, state housing commissioner,
stating that there will be a meeting
of the State Housing association held
in Des Moines January 27th, 1920,
relative to improvements, operation,
extension, etc., of the housing law.
Stating that the city should authorize
the expense incident to the housing
commissioner attending this meet-
ing. Presented and read. Ald. An-
dresen moved that Plumbing Inspect-
or O'Donnell and Housing Commis-
sioner Neuman be sent as delegates
to attend this meeting at the ex-
pense of city. Carried.
Adam Zillig moved to adjourn.
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Board of Health was approved
as read.
Your committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Corn Belt Pacikng Co. and Du-
buque Realty Co. relative to the
taxes against Lot 7 of Mineral Lot
322, and Lot 3 of the Sub. of Lot
8 of Mineral Lot 322; and Lot 9 in
Liebe's Subdivision, for the year
1917 stating that they were willing
to pay their taxes for the year 1917
on the above mentioned lots, on a
Disease reported ... Jan lFeb MarlApr May�J'ne�J'ly Aug�Se'r�Oct�Nov�DecITotals
7iphtheria 9I 12 6 8 5 3 12 8 6 7�
dembranous croup.... 1
icarlet fever 31 3 7 4 1 1 2 2 7
Jeasles 1) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
nfueliza 9 .. . .
imalipox .. 1 2 8 .. .. .. 8 6
)iphtheria carrier .. 9 .. ..
Thicken pox 13 1 1 1 1
meningitis .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1
lumps 1 3 12 19
Cyphoid fever 1
Totals 1 23 25 29 15 21 12� 7 41 151 141 29 41 235
20 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays; —None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Str
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque;
DEALERS. Sec. 1. That no person,
firm or corporation shall engage in
or carry on in the City of Dubuque,
the business of a second hand deal-
er, without first procuring the license
provided for in this ordinance.
Every person, firm or corporation
who purchases furniture, household
goods, clothing or other articles for
the purpose of 'reselling the same,
and who shall maintain a store or
place of business for that purpose,
or who in connection with any other
business shall purchase and sell
second hand furniture, household
goods and other articles shall be
deemed to be a second hand dealer
within the meaning of this ordinance.
512. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. Every
second hand dealer shall pay a
license fee or tax for each place of
business conducted by him, as
provided in Section/ 1, hereof, of
$25.00 per year payable in advance.
Sec. 3. Any person who shall 'do
business as a second hand dealer as
defined in this ordinance, without
first securing a license shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not
less than $20.00 nor more than
(NOTE). Code Section 701.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted, January 2nd 1920.
Approved, Janua yy 3 } d ) 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dub-
uque Times - Journal and Telegraph=
Herald newspapers January 6th,
City Recorder.
1 -6 -1t.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title. Carried by the
following vote,
Yeas; —Alds. • Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Ald. Burch moved the adoption
of the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas; —Alds. Andresen Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 2, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met in regular session, January 3d,
1920, Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Leist
Citizens M. M. Hoffman, Adam Zillig,
Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Miss Gabriel,
Sanitary Officer Neuman.
Minutes of the meeting of Decem-
ber 18th, 1919, presented and read
on motion of Ald. Leist were ap-
proved as read.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
following bills were sent to the
County for payment:
Carl O. Weglau $ 29.04
Dubuque Electric Co. 4.03
Frank A. Burns 30.95
M. Kies 4.00
Mrs. M. Huber & Son 100.00
Dr. E. L. Renicke 36.00
F. D. Weland 37.69
F. A. Burns 11.00
Alice A. Grigg (for Dr. Palen) 50.00
Roshek Bros. Co. . 39.44
Frank A. Burns 11.25
Miss Gabriel, Visiting Nurse, re-
ported for the month of December as
follows: 87 new cases, 68 cases car-
ried from the preceeding month, 100
tuberculosis cases carried from the
preceding month, making a total of
255 cases. 1076 calls made during
the month, 5 Nurses on duty. On
motion of Ald. Andresen the report
of Miss Gabriel was made a matter
of record.
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 2, 1920.
To the Board of Health:
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
report for the month of December,
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 23
H. A. Ellwanger, of 34 G. D.
Woods Sub., Lot 2, brick
block gutter, 34c; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
lc; total 35
O. Spahn, of 3 of 10, G. D.
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $45.75; interest at 6
per cent, 33c; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$1.33; total 47 41
H. A. Ellwanger, of 3 of 10 of
G. W. Woods Sub., Lot 1
brick block gutter, $156.13;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.11; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $4.55;
total 161 79
Julia Hess, of 9 of G. D
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
L. Zust, of 8 of G. D.
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
M. L. Hubbard, of 7 of G. D.
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
Peter Specht, of 6 of G. D
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
Otto F. Eilers, of 5 of G. D.
Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.61585 per cent,
$5.56; total ` 198 05
Carla and Augusta Deitrich,
of 4 of G. D. Woods Sub.,
Add., Lot 3, brick block.
gutter, $191.11; interest at 6
per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
penses at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
Al. Betz, of 3 of G. D. Woods
Sub., brick block gutter,
$191.11; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.38; extra expense
at 2.51585 per cent, $5.56;
Total 198 05
C. H. Wunderlich, of 2 of G.
D. Woods Sub., brick block
gutter, $191.11; interest at
6 per cent, $1.38; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.56; total 198 05
Sadie Pierce, of 1 of G. D.
Woods Sub., Lot 2, brick
block gutter, $165.04; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.19; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $4.80; total 171 03
Frank N. & S. Kurt, Marsh's
Add., Lot 44, brick block
gutter, $137.19; interest at
6 per cent, 99c; extra ex-
penses at 2.51585, $3.99;
total 142 17
P. Majerus, of 45, Marsh's
Add., lot 1, brick block gut-
ter, $2.25; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $9.14; total 325 37
Joseph Kasel, of 45, Marsh's
Add., Lot 2, brick block
gutter, $249.60; interest at
6 per cent, $1.79; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$7.27; total 258 66
Anton Schmitz, Marsh's Add ,
W. 146 ft. Lot 47, brick
block gutter, 385.82; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.76; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $11.23; total 399 81
L. Welter, Jr., Marsh's Add ,
E. 100 ft. Lot 47, brick
block gutter, $249.60; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.79; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $7.27; total 258 66
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Sub ,
Lot 48, brick block gutter,
$269.01; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.93; extra expense
at 2.51585; total 27877
Emilie Hintrager, Marsh's
sub., Lot 49, brick block
gutter, $80.39; interest at 6
per cent, 57c; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$2.34; total
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add ,
Lot 50; brick block gutter,
$31.71; interest at 6 per
cent, 23c; extra expenses
at 2.51585 per cent, 92c;
total 32 86
Eliz. F. Kiebel, Marsh's Add ,
Lot 51, brick block gutter,
$20.62; interest at 6 per
cent, 14c; extra expenses
at 2.51585 per cent, 61c;
total' 21 37
Robt. Bonson, Marsh's Add ,
N. 1 -2 Lot 52, brick block
gutter, $7.64; interest at 6
per cent, 6c; extra expense
at 2.51585, 22c; total 7 92
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add ,
Lot 57, brick block gutter,
$96.47; interest at 6 per
cent, 69c; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $2.81;
total 99 97
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add., N.
1 -2 Lot 58,brick block gut-
ter, $88.92; interest at 6
per cent, 63c; extra ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $2.59; total 92.04
22 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
valuation of 570,000.00, would re-
spectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be grant-
ed, and that the City Treasurer be
instructed accordingly, also the City
Attorney be instructed to enter into
a stipulation in the action now pend-
ing in the District Court of Dubuque
County, Iowa, to compromise and
settle said tax matter action and as-
sessment upon the basis of the peti-
tioners paying faxes for the year
1917 on a basis of $70,000.00, said
sum to be accepted in full o/ all
claims due from the petitioners for
said assessment for the year 1917.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition fo
the property owners on Leibnitz
street, relative to deferring action
on the special assessment for the
brick gutter improvement until the
balance of the street is improved,
would respectfully recommend tnat
the petition be received and filed.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the notice of
special assessment for brick gutter
improvement on Leibnitz street,
would respectfully recommend that
the notice be received and files.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the special as-
sessment for brick gutter improve-
ment on Leibnitz street, would re-
spectfully recommend that the reso-
lution be adopted.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution
ordering bonds to pay for the brick
gutter improvement on Leibnitz
street, would respectfully recommend
that the resolution be adopted.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the petition of John G. Orvis, rela-
tive to cancelling tax penalties, for-
merly referred to the City Attorney
and City Assessor, be referred to the
City Recorder an dthe City Treasur-
er, they to report to the Council if
the records show that the protest
was granted by the Council, and
about payment of taxes as stated in
his petition.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
if an increase is given in salary to
city employes, that the increase be-
come effective from January 1st,
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Appropriation Committee make
a special effort to give the Library
Trustees an extra appropriation for
the coming year.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the var-
ious reports of the Committee of
the Whole were approved.
City Recorder Stuber presented
and read the notice, certified to by
the publishers, of the City Council's
intention to levy a special assess-
ment to pay for improving Leibnitz
street, from the west property line
of North Main Street to the east
property line of Paul street, N. J.
Staner, contractor. On motion of
Ald. Leist the notice was received
and filed.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote.
Yeas -Aids. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamonton, Stro-
Nays -None.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay for
improving Leibnitz street from the
west property line of North Main
street to the east property line of
Paul street, by N. J. Staner, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Henry C. Schroeder, C. A.
Voelker's Add., Lot 2, brick
block gutter, $122.15; interest
at 6 per cent, 87c; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$3.56; total $126 58
Henry C. Schroeder, C. A
Voelker's Add., Lot 3, brick
block gutter, 5162.67; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.16; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $4.74; total 168 57
J. J. Barker, C. A. Voelker's
Add, Lot 32, brick block
gutter, $179.02; interest at
6 per cent, $1.28; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.21; total 185 51
Jennie F. Oeth, C. A. Voelk-
er's Add., Lot 33, brick block
gutter, $179.02; interest at
6 per cent, $1.28; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$5.21; total 185 51
Otto Spahn, of 34 G. D.
Woods Sub., Lot 1 brick
block gutter, $122.35; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 87c;
extra expense at 2.51585
per cent, $3.56; total 126 78
Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920 25
bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty
Dollars and one for Thirty -nine and
31 -100 Dollars, numbered 6110 to
6135 inclusive, dated January 17,
1920. Payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable semi-
Ald, Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote.
Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays-None. ,.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for making sewer and water con-
nections on Grandview avenue, by
W. S. Gow, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a Special
Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate, hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner, Description, Amount.
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's
Sub., Lot 4, 40 lin. ft. sewer
at 50c, $20.00; 66 lin ft.
water pipe at $2.35, $155.10;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.26; total $176 36
T. and J. Paisley, Whelan's
Sub., Lot 6, 40 lin. ft. sewer
at 50c, $20.00; 66 lin ft.
water pipe at $2.35, $155.10;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.26; total 176 36
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's
at 50c, $20.00; 66 lin ft.
Lot 9, 40 lin, ft. sewer at
water pipe at $2.35, $155.10;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.26; total 176
Ed. Tressel, Whelan's Sub.,
Sub., Lot 5, 40 lin. ft. sewer
50c, $20.00; 69 lin. ft. water
pipe at $2.35, $162.15; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.31;
total 183
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's
Sub., Lot 8, 40 lin. ft. sewer
at 50c, $20.00; 66 lin. ft.
water pipe at $2.35, $155.10;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.26; total .
M. O'Shea, Sub. Min. Lot.145,
Lot 1, 126 lin. ft. sewer at
50c, $63.00; 204 lin. ft. wa-
ter pipe at $2.35, $479.40;
interest at 6 per cent,
$3.87; total 546 27
Total . $1436 17
326 lin. ft. sewer pipe at 500
per lin. ft. $ 163 00
537 lin. ft. water pipe at
$2.35 per lin. It. 1261 95
Interest at 6 per cent .... 10 22
oTatl • $1435 17
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Adopted Jan. 2, 1920.
Approved Jan. 3, 1920.
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays -None.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into 'by the City of Dubuque
for the making of sewer and water
connections on Grandview avenue,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Councifl of the City of Du-
buque, That to provide for the cost
of making sewers and water connec-
tions on Grandview avenue, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the City
Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, five bonds for
Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each
and one for One Hundred Eighty -
Five and 70 -100 Dollars, numbered
6140 to 6145, inclusive, dated Febru-
ary 2nd, 1920, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof,
and bearing interest at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable
semi - annually.
36 Ald, Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
"Yeas-Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
46 Nays -None.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
City Attorney was instructed to
draft an Ordinate relative to keep-
ing heavy traffic off Main street.
On motion of Ald. Frith the mat -
36 ter of appointing a man to represent
the City, on the committee of three,
to make arrangements to have the
books of the Key City Gas Co. audit"
ed was referred to the committee of
the Whole, to report at the next
regular Council meeting.
Ald. Andresen moved that Louis
Wemett be paid the sum of $15.00
per month to ;seep the Eighteenth
24 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2, 1920
Emilie Hintrager, Marsh's
Add., S. 1 -2 Lot 58, brick
block gutter, 54.74; interest
Lt 6 per cent, 39c; extra
expense at 2.51585 per cent,
$1.59; total 56 72
Edw. E. Ferris, of 2 G. D
Woods Sub., Lot 1, brick
block gutter, $91.54; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 66c; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $2.66; total 94 86
A. H. Smith, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 12, brick
block gutter, $76.67; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 54c; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $2.24; total 79 45
A. H. Smith, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 13, brick
block gutter, $76.67; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 54c; ex-
tra expense at 2.51585 per
cent, $2.24; total 79 45
Thomas Barry, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 14, brick
block gutter, $170.14; ; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.22;
extra expense at 2.51585
per cent, $4.95; total 176 31
Thomas Barry, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 15, brick
blocih gutter, $164.63; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.18;
extra expense at 2.51585
per cent, $4.79; total 170 60
A. H. Smith, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 16, brick
block gutter, $84.38; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 60c; ex-
tra expense at '2.51585 per
cent, $2.46; total 87 44
A. H. Smith, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 17, brick
block gutter, $94.74; inter
est at 6 per cent, 67c; ex-
tra expense at 2.61585 per
cent, $2.76; total 98 17
Josephine E. Moore, Klingen-
berg's 4 th Sub., Lot 18,
brick block paving, $94.26;
interest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense at 2.51585
per cent, $2.74; total - 97 67
Realty Inv. Corp., Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., Lot 19,
brick block gutter, $93.81;
interest at 6 per cent; 67c;
extra expenses at 2.51585
per cent, $2.73; total 97 21
Realty Inv. Corp., Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., E. 1 -4 Lot
20, brick block gutter,
$23.38; interest at 6 per
cent, 17c; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, 68c; total 24 23
Voelker Realty Co., Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., W. 3 -4 Lot
20, brick block gutter,
$69.99; interest at 6 per
cent, 50c; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $2.04;
Voelker Realty Co., Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., E. 1 -2 Lot
21, brick block gutter,
$46.55; interest at 6 per
cent, 33c; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $1.37;
Dorothy Triller, Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., W. 1 -2 Lot
21, brick block gutter,
$46.55; interest at 6 per
cent, 33c; extra expense at
2.51585 per cent, $1.37;
Dorothy Triller, Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., Lot 22,
brick block gutter, $95.60;
interest at 6 per cent, 69c;
extra expense at 2.51585
per cent,,$2.78; total
A. H. Smith, Klingenberg's
4th Sub., Lot 23, brick
block gutter, $96.29; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 69c; ex-
tra expense at 2.5158 per
cent, $2.80; total
Antonia Markowsky, Klingen-
berg's 4th Sub., brick block
gutter, $96.98; interest at
6 per cent, 69c; extra ex-
pense at 2.51585 per cent,
$2.82; total
72 53
48 25
48 25
99 07
99 78
100 49
Total $6,289 31
21.5 lin. ft. cement curbing
at 93c per lin. ft. $ 20 00
161.3 lin. ft. reset curbing at
47c per lin ft. 75 81
1,555.55 sq. yds. brick gutter-
ing at $3.84 per sq. yd 5973 31
Interest at 6 per cent 43 5U
Extra expense at 2.515t•5 per
cent 176 69
Total $6289 31
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefit con-
Alderman Frith offered the fol-
Whereas, the contract herefore en-
tered into the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Leibnitz
street hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City En-
gineer has computed that the cost
and expense of said improvement
amount to $6,289.31.
Therefore, be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of im-
proving Leibnitz street from the
west property line of North Main
street to the east property line of
Paul street.
The Mayor be and he is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him regis-
tred and countersigned, twenty -five
26 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920 27
Street Comfort Station clean. Car-
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
Attest •
City Recorder.
Regular session, January 15th,
Council met at 8:05 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch.
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Joe Scharry, health $ 50 00
Farley & Loetscher, expense 2 5.5
The Telegraph - Herald ex-
pense 116 25
Gonner Bros., expense 178 00
A. Fricke, expense and police 20 40
Rellihan & Mullen, expense 38 46
H. M. McCarten, expense 6 85
C. Schloz, expense 1 50
W. Grode, expense 4 00
N. Steiver, expense ,0
F. A. Burns, expense 33 60
Even- Ulruch Co., expense 60 70
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 21 00
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 126 43
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 4 50
S. Reuter, expense 65 09
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 20
B. Wagner, expense 10 00
John Schromen, expense 6 25
The Adams Co., expense 80 00
The C. F. Cody Co., expense..46 05
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 54 97
F. J. Kennedy, expense 90
A. E. Gmehle, expense 15 45
Western Union Telegraph
Co., expense 1 25
Labor Leader, expense and
police 67 15
Iowa Telephone Co., expense,
police and fire 67 81
Dubuque Exide Battery Sta-
tion, fire, police 12 25
Upton Laundry, expense and
health 12 58
Key City Gas Co., bathing
beach 3 15
C. Schloz, health 7 50
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 3 20
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 2 25
American Public Health As-
sociation, health 5 00
Scheppele Machine Works,
health 80 70
John M. Lee, 4th road 18 00
N. J. Staner, 4th road 40 J0
N. J. Staner, 5 per cent retain-
ed on Clifford street steps. 39 52
C. B. McNamara & Co., con-
structing cement sidewalk,
City Lots 196a and S. 1 -3 of
195 118 22
Thomas Welsh, 4th road and
emergency fund 157 50
C. Schloz, police 1 75
Kaep & Buechele, police , 18 00
W. J. Brown, police 27 00
Iowa Oil Co., police 40 30
Tire Service Co., police 49 15
Cascade Pioneer, printing.... 2 90
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 2d
road emergency fund . 126 00
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 2d
road emergency fund 73 38
Rafoth Furnace Co., fire .. 3 00
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
fire 3 71
Geisler Bros., fire 1 84
Ellwanger Bros., fire 40
Fred C. Ris, fire 1 57
E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire 29
F. Welsh, roads and sewer 2 50
Hasler Grocery, sewer 75
C. Schloz, sewer 50
Key City Iron Wks., fire 25
The Key City Gas Co., police,
fire and expense 123 25
Dubuque Electric Co., ex-
pense .. 142 57
Dubuque Electric Co., police. 88 68
Dubuque Electric Co., police. 2 86
Dubuque electric Co., fire.... 36 44
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 4047 39
Fluckinger Motor Co., roads 40 00
C. Schloz, expense, roads and
3d and 5th roads 11 80
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., ex-
pense and sewers 36 43
F. G. Becker, police, expense
and fire 141 98
Molo Sand & Gravel Co. 1st
road 4.... 1 00
T. J. Magee, roads and sewer 11 35
Western Grocery Co., 1st
road and sewer 1 90
T. J. Magee, sewer and roads 12 70
F. A. Burns, 3d. road 5 50
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co.
5th road 17 60
L. J. Schmidt, 2d road 1 95
W. D. Decker Co., roads 5 15
Mettel Bros., 4th road, roads
and sewer 13 05
sewer 13 05
Telegraph- Herald, printing 217 24
Times - Journal, printing 121 30
Labor Leader, printing 18 10
American La. France Fire
Engine Co., fire 20 00
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 23 52
American La France Fire En-
gine Co., fire 117 60
Peter Lang, roads 1 40
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., sewer 90
H. C. Milligan, sewer 95
Thos. J. Mulgrew Co., fire 61 27
Conlin & Kearns Co., fire 15 41
Iowa Oil Co., fire 10 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire
Dubuque Welding Wks. fire
T. J. Mulgrew Co., fire
Falkenhainer Drug Store, fire
F. G. Becker, fire
Ellwanger Bros., roads
Geo. P. Rose Jr., roads
Geo. W. Healey & Son, 2d
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co. sewer
Frank Beutin, sewer 23 00
C. Schloz, sewer 28 00
F. A. Burns, sewer 11 00
Ellwanger Bros., sewer 2 87
Geo, W. Healey & Son, sewer 8 64
J. J. Bertsch Co., sewer 20 00
Wm. Marshall Boiler Wks ,
sewer 67 50
Geo. Frost, sewer 5 00
Petition of Fred Buddin asking
the City Council to cancel the 1919
taxes assessed to his wife, Sophia
Buddin, deceased, being Lot 81
Cooks Add, house number 652 Pro-
vidence street, claiming to be 87
years of age, almost blind, and un-
able to work. Presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of A. R. Staufenbeil ask-
ing the City Council to correct as-
sessment against E. 1 /2 of Lots 4d,
47, 48 and 49 Cox Add. in 1914, 1915,
1916 claiming the assessment has
been raised but no improvements
have been made. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
petition was referred to the City
Petition of Gilbert L. Hutchins
asking the City Council to allow him
a soldier's exemption of $1200.00 on
the S. 17.4 ft. of Lot 31 and the N. 17
4 ft. of Lot 32 in Julia Langworthys
Add. assessed to Minnie L. Hoeie.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Andresen the prayer of the peti-
tion was granted.
Petition of Thomas Barry asking
the City Council to make the as-
sesment for the improvement of
Leibnitz street on Lots 14 and 15
Klingenberg Sub. according to law
and according to the assessed value
of these lots. Presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the peti-
tion was received and filed.
Petition of W. J. Burns asking the
City Council to correct assessment
for the improvement of Main street,
claiming City Lot 4 is assessed on
the basis of 28 feet and should be
23 feet 6 inches. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Hird the
petition was referred to the City
Petition of Carl G. Hille asking
the City Council to allow him a
Soldiers Exemption on property at
24th and Washington streets part of
Lots 72 and 71 Langworthys Add.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Burch the petition was referred
to the City Assessor.
Petition of the Dubuque Communi-
ty Band asking the City Council to
allow them to use the Armory Hall
40 40
29 44
36 43
17 00
32 03
3 55
1 50 for the purpose of holding a Fair and
Dance from Saturday April 10th to
3 85 , April 17th. Presented and read. On
Motion of Ald. Frith the petition
20 00 was referred to the Committee of
28 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920 29
the Whole, Mr. Glenn Brown to be
Petition of N. J. Staner asking
the City Council for an extention of
time in which to complete the con -
tract for paving Julien Avenue from
Alta Vista Street to Alpine Street
until May 15th. 1920. Presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Hird
the petition was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
On motion of Ald. Frith the mat-
ter of improvement on Heeb Street
was referred to the Committee of
the Whole Mr. Staner to be present.
Remonstrate of Dominic Fish
against the special assessment for
the improvement of Roseland Street.
Presented and reau. On motion of
Ald. Frith the remonstrance was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Petition of the City Water Works
asking the City Council to cancel
the bill amounting to $42.00 for roll-
ing various streets in which it was
necessary to excavate to lay water
-mains. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of the City Water Works
asking the City Council to instruct
the Fire Chief to notify the Eagle
Point Pumping Station and the
Water Office in case of a fire. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist the prayer of the petition was
granted, the Recorder to send
notice dated November 21st in
which this company is directed to
remove obstructions from under the
platform over the B- Branch sewer
in rear of Even Ulrich Co. sheds,
also that we enlarge the l3-Branch
sewer under our tracks, making it
the same size as the balance of the
sewer, Upon investigation I find that
your sewer has a water way of 115
sq. ft. while the bridge under our
property has a water way of 128
sq. ft, Therefore, it would appear
that the order to enlarge our bridge
opening to the same size as your
sewer is in error. The struts which,
it is alleged, obstruct the flow of
water will be removed as soon as
we can get to do the work. Present-
ed and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith the communication was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Whole. to view the grounds.
Petition of Morrison Bros. asking
the City Council to vacate certain
Streets and Alleys for their use,
stating that they are under contract
to purchase the property known as
Flick Ziepprecht BoX Factory, and
it will be necessary for them to use
all Streets and Alleys on said
premises, shown on attached blue
print. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Andresen the petition
was referred to the Committee of
• the Whole, Atty. Frantzen to be
January 15th. 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
We respectfully inform you that
we have chosen Mr. John H. Maclay,
of Dubuque, as one of the three
auditors to make an audit of the
books of this Company according to
the terms and conditions of the
certain resolution providing for such
audit adopted by your Honorable
Body en January 2nd. 1919.
The Key City Gas Company.
By Geo. McLean, President.
Presented and read. On motion
of Ald. Strobel the communication
was a matter of record.
Communication of the Automatic
Registering Machine Corporation in
reply to request to deliver voting
machines for the Special Election
of January 26th. 1920 if possible.
Stating they would not be able to
deliver the same until about Feb-
ruary 1st. according to their agree-
ment. Presented and read, On
motion of Ald. Hird the communi-
cation was made a matter of record.
Excavation Bond of Maurice A.
1 Hill in the sum of $500.00 presented
On motion of Ald. Leist the Record-
er was instructed to return the bond
and request Mr. Hill to submit a
bond in the Sum of $1000.00, to
comply with new provisions of the
State Law relative to the same, also
return all other Plumbers bonds in
the sum of $500.00 approved at the
last meeting. and request them to
submit bonds in the sum of $1000.00.
Bond of Michael O'Donnell,
Plumbing Inspector, presented and
read On motion of Ald. Hird the
bond was referred to the City At-
Dubuque, Iowa
Jan. 15th. 1919.
To the honorable Mayor and mem-
bers of the City Council:
Gentlemen; —
Please have your City Treasurer
`instructed to cancel the Tax, for the
years 1918 and 1919, improvement
assessed against the East 40 feet of
Lot 42 Julia Langworthys Add.
valuation $1,500.00, as this improve-
ment is also carried on the Tax List
against Lot 2 of Sub. of Lots 45 and
46 in Julia Langworthys 'Add, assess-
ed to the Realty Imp. Co. valuation
Therefore this improvement being
carried to Marie C. Kaynor, she be-
ing the owner of the East 40 foot
of Lot 42 a. in Julia Langworthys
Add. valuation $1,500.00 should be
cancelled, as this piece of property
is a narrow strip of ground and it
has no improvement on it, the
above mentioned Marie O. Kaynor,
who is buying the property known
as Lot 2 of Sub of Lots 45 and 46 in
Julia Langworthys Add. assessed to
the Realty Imp. Co. from the Realty
Imp. Co. under contract. Therefore
this improvement is carried twice
on the tax list for the years 1918
and 1919, the valuation of $1,500.00
carried against Marie O. Kaynor
should be cancelled, for the years
1918 and 1919, assessed against the
East 40 feet of Lot 42 Julia Lang -
worthys Ald:
Respectfully Submitted.
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Assessor was approved.
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 15th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council:
Gentlemen: Please have your City
Treasurer instructed to cancel the
tax assessed against the East 1 -2 of
Lot 47, Cox's Add., assessed to
Jonah Scherer, for the year 1917, as
this is a double assessment, the
above mentioned piece of property
is also assessed to A. R. Staufenbeil
for the year 1917, where it rightfully
belonged. Therefore, this being a
double assessment, the assessment
against Jonah Scherer for the year
1917, on the above mentioned piece
of property, should be cancelled, and
your City Treasurer instructed ac-
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Assessor was approved.
January 15, 120.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: At a meeting of your
Honorable Body, held on Dec. 4th,
1919, you instructed the City Treas-
urer to refund to Dr. Lewis Linehan
money paid for the taxes for 1918
on 7 -18 of the N. 40 ft. of S. 2 -5 of
City Lot 465 and on 2 -9 of the M. 1-3
of City Lot 749 on account of said
petitioner having been in the mili-
tary service. As the taxes on said
property had been paid in January,
1919, and the same apportioned
among various funds, I see no way
to refund same and I would respect-
fully recommend that you order a
warrant drawn in favor of Dr. Lewis
Lenihan in the sum of $72.74, being
the amount he is entitled to receive
according to your instructions of
Dec. 4, 1919.
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Hird the report
of the City Treasurer was approved
and the Recorder instructed to draw
a warrant in the sum of $72.74 pay-
able to Dr. Lewis Lenihan.
January 13th, 1920.
Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Relevy of special as-
sessment for cutting weeds on the
following lots, mentioned below, dur•
ing the summer 1919:
Ben Klauer, Union Avenue Add.,
14 - 15.
J. A. Rhomberg, Union Add., 12 -13.
Irving School, Woodlawn Park Add.,
281 - 282 - 283 -284 to the following:
J. D. Chalmers, Woodlawn Park
Add., Lot 253.
C. G. Howard, Woodlawn Park
Add., Lot 254.
Amelia Heer, Woodlawn Park Add.,
lot 255.
A. McIntosh, Woodlawn Park Add.,
Lot 256.
And cancel assessment on Wood -
lawn Park Add., Lot 61, as same was
an error. I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Hird the report
was referred back to the Street Com-
missioner for correction.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the fol-
lowing Weighmaster's report was
made a matter of record:
Key City Roofing Co $1,91
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: At the present term
of court the case of Hilby vs. City
of Dubuque, equity, all set for
trail, this case was an appeal from
a special assessment levied for the
improvement of Kaufmann avenue.
The property which was assessed for
said improvement is described as fol-
Mineral Lot 342.
Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 344.
Lot 3 of Burton's addition.
The first lot was assessed for
$501.27, the second lot for $33.37 and
the third lot $47.57 Mineral Lot 342
which was assessed for $501.27 is
carried upon the assessment rolls at
a valuation of $1,200.00. From this
it is evident that the assessment was
too high and in an appeal case it
would be reduced to about $300.00.
The total amount of the assessment
is $582.21. The plaintiff agrees to
pay the city $482.21 in full settle-
ment of the assessment. This pay-
ment is $100.00 less than the total
assessment but $100.00 more than I
believe the court would fix as a
Regular Session, January 15th, 1920
Adam Zillig moved to adjourn.
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Board of Health was approved.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the report of
the Bathing Beach Committee for
the year 1919, would respectfully
recommend that the same be ap-
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the bids for
furnishing the city with wood would
respectfully recommend that said
bids be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the bids for
the erection of a new door at No. 4
Engine House would respectfully
recommend that said bids be receiv-
ed and filed, and that the Recorder
advertises for bids for new doors to
be similar to those at the Central
Engine House.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of the Seippel Lumber Co. relative
to water running into their Boiler
room would respectfully recommend
that the matter be left in the hands
of the Mayor with power.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the communi-
cation of Felix G. Becker relative
to the wages paid teams on the
city would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of the System Federation of Labor
asking that a special election for a
Municipal Lighting Plant be called
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of H. B. Spensley remonstrating
against the special assessment
levied against his property for the
improvement of the alley between
Main Street and Locust Street from
Jones Street to Second Street would
respectfully recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the bills of
the James F. Lee Paving Co. one
for $73.38 for the repair of the
gutter on Fifth Street and the
other for $126.00 for repairing the
asphalt intersection at 5th and
Bluff Street would respectfully
recommend that said bills be paid
and warrants drawn cov.ring the
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petitions
of the Sisters of Mt'. St. Joseph ask-
ing for a cancellation of the taxes on
Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 90 for the
years 1916, 1917 and 1918 would re-
spectfully recommend that the pray-
er of the petition be granted as the
property is used for educational
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of Dubuque College asking for the
cancellation of the taxes on lot 1
of the Sub of Mineral Lot 91 for the
year 1918 would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of their
petition be granted and the City
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
E. E. FrilTH,
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Dubuque Electric Co., Key City
Gas Co. and the Water Works be in-
structed to instruct their meter
readers to discontinue the practice
of using matches when reading
meters and use flash lights instead
and that they wear their badges on
their clothing in a conspicious
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the bonds of Plumbers that were ap-
proved at the last regular meeting
be reconsidered and that all
plumbers be instructed to file a
bond for $1000.00 instead of for
$500.00 in the future.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of John Heim and Mary H. Fuchs
asking for a reduction in the special
assessment levied against their
property for the improvement of
Peru Road would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whop was referred the petition
30 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920
proper assessment. For that reason
I have agreed to accept the sum of
$482.21 in full settlement of such as-
sessments, subject to your approval.
The plaintiff will pay the costs. 1
trust you will approve of my action
and instruct the Treasurer to accept
the sum of $482.21 in full payment
of the assessment upon these lots.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the City Attorney was ap-
proved, the City Treasurer to be in-
structed accordingly.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
I herewith submit my payroll for
labor on streets in the various road
districts in the City of Dubuque,
for the first half of January 1920.
Amount due laborers 1232 30
Also submit payroll for labor on
streets damaged by the flood of Oc-
tober 4th, 1919, to be paid from the
fund created for the purpose of re-
pair for the first half of January,
Amount due laborers 37 50
Also submit payroll for cleaning
storm sewers in the City of Dubuque
for the first half of January, 1920,
to be paid from the fund created for
that purpose.
Amount due laborers sewer
emergency fund 2486 60
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay -
rolls were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Street Committee.
Also submit payroll for labor on
sewers in the City of Dubuque for
the first half of January 1920.
Amount due laborers on
sewers 437 26
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
payroll was received and the report
referred back to the Committee on
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
I herewith submit my payroll for
the Police Department for the first
half of January 1920.
Amount due Policemen 2125 25
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
report was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Police Committee.
Fire Chief Ahern reported as fol-
I herewith submit my payroll for
the Fire Department for the first
half of January 1920.
Amount due Firemen 2548 75
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Leist the pay-
roll was received and the report re-
ferred back to the Fire Committee.
City Auditor Lagen reported as
follows :
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith find my report of salar-
ies due City Officers for the first
half of January 1920, $1,811.20 and
Amanda Beyer (compensation Law)
Respectfully submitted,
City Auditor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
rolls were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Ald. Frith moved that the City
Recorder be instructed to draw Loan
Warrants in the sum of $1,435.00 on
the Dubuque National Bank also
Loan Warrants in the sum of $1,200
on the First National Bank, to create
a Storm Sewer Emergency Fund to
take care of the payroll for the first
half of January 1920. Carried.
Dubuque, Iowa, January 15th 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The Board of Health met in re-
gular session January 15th 1920,
Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present: Ald. Leist. Citizens: M.
M. Hoffman, Adam ZiIlig, Dr. E. L.
Renicke, Dr. J. N. Graham, Mrs.
Dolan, Asst. Attorney Cooney.
Minutes of the meeting of Jan-
uary 2nd 1920 presented and read,
and on motion of Ald. Leist were
approved as read.
On motion of Ald. Leist the fol-
lowing bills were sent to the County
for payment:
Dr. C. Hesselberg 30 00
Alice Grigg, per Dr. Palen 50 00
Adam Zillig 6 95
Dubuque Electric Co 4 20
Peter Hanson 85 21
Dr. E. L. Reinecke 34 00
Dr. J. H. Schrup 140 00
Fischer & Co., Inc 24 00
Mrs. Dolan reported that the at-
tendance and health in the Parochial
Schools was very good.
Regular Session, January 15th, 1920 33
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Frank J. Benens asking that the city
repair the street and retaining wall
in front of his property on Grove
street respectfully recommend that
said matter be left in the hands of
the Fifth Ward Alderman with
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Sarah E. Kemler asking that the
city rebuild the retaining wall at
West 11th and Walnut Streets would
respectfully recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Ida M. Cutler relative to the
burning of rubbish on Dell Street
and the construction of cement steps
on said street would respectfully
recommend that said matter be left
in the hands of the 4th Ward Alder-
man with power.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the bids for the
repair of Wood Street would respect-
fully recommend that they be receiv-
ed and filed and checks returned to
the bidders.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the property owners asking that the
alley between Willow Street and
Green Street be graded would re-
spectfully recommend that said peti-
tion be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. John Lavery relative to sewer
and water connections in Grandview
Avenue would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the 19th Street property owners
asking that the storm sewers be
cleaned out would respectfully re-
commend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Spanish American War Veterans
also the Civil War Veterans asking
that the tax exemption on their pro-
perty be increased to equal the ex-
emption granted other cities and
counties in the state also the report
of the City Attorney on the matter
recommended that the intention of
the law be taken into consideration
would respectfully recommend that
the report of the Attorney be ap-
proved and the Spanish American
War Veterans exemption be increas-
ed from $300.00 to $1200.00, and the
Civil War Veterans exemption be
increased from $700.00 to $2800.00
and the City Treasurer be instructed
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Korenz Eberhart asking damages
from, the city in the sum of $300.00
because of the injury to his property
by the flood of October 4th, would
respectfully recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the report of the
City Attorney along with the stipula-
tion and agreement on a reduction
in the special assessment on West
Third Street levied against City Lot
698 -a and 723 would respectfully re-
commend that the report of the at-
torney along with the stipulation be
approved and the City Treasurer
instructed accordingly.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the report of the
City Attorney of the City Bond of
Magdalone Pier for $112.80 with in-
terest at 10 percent would respect-
fully recommend that the report of
the Attorney be approved and that
the bond be taken up by the City
and paid with one years interest and
a warrant be drawn covering the
On motion of Ald. Frith the vari-
ous reports of the Committee of the
Whole were approved, by adding
that the salary of the Sanitary Of-
ficer be made equal to the salary of
other Police Captains.
On motion of Ald. Frith the matter
relative to Street Signs and the peti-
tion of the Commercial Club relative
to same remain in the Committee of
the Whole.
On motion of Ald. Burch the City
Recorder was instructed to advertise
for bids to be submitted to the City
Council February 5th 1920 for print-
ing the Index and binding the Coun-
cil Proceedings for the year 1919.
On motion of Ald. Burch the City
Recorder was instructed to notify M.
S. Hardie to have the printing and
binding of the Revised Ordinances
of 1919 completed and ready for ac-
32 Regular Session, January 15th, 1920
of the Dubuque Reality Co. asking
that they be given a rebate of the
amount of the special assessment on
Fifth Avenue that has been allowed
the other property owners on said
street with interest the amount
being $120.20, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petition be granted and a warrant
be drawn covering the same.
Your Committee of . the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the report of the City Attorney re-
lative to the increasing of salaries
on the various departments of the
City be made a matter of record.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred petitions for
increases in salaries would respect-
fully recommend that the following
increases be granted and that they
be effective from January 1st, 1920,
Police Department $15.00 per man
per month.
Fire Department $15.00 per man
per month.
Sewer Department, laborers be
paid $4.00 per day for a 9 hour day.
Street Laborers be paid $4.00 per
day for 9 hour day.
Ward Foremen be paid $100.00 per
Men taking care of the 2nd ward
dumps, 3rd ward dumps and sani-
tary dump be granted an increase
of $10.00 per month.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Ward Aldermen be instructed
to notify their foremen to discon-
tinue the use of ashes on slippery
sidewalks as far as possible and
use sand instead.
Your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition
of the residents in the vicinity of
the Corn Belt Packing Co. relative
to the stench from said plant would
respectfully recommend that action
be defered for 60 days to enable
them to install the proper machinery
for doing away with the odors from
the tanks and fertilizing plant.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the City Engineer be and he is here-
by instructed to draw plans and
specifications for the construction of
a sewerage system for the Cornbelt
Packing Co..
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the bids for the
repair of the brick gutters on Julien
Avenue damaged by the flood would
respectfully recommend that said
bids be received and filed and checks
returned to the bidders.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the plans for
the widening of Alpine Street at
the intersections of Julien Avenue,
West Fifth Street would respect-
fully recommend that said plans be
received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petitions of
John W. Twaites, Mrs. Henry Meyer
and Ulrich G. Tegler asking that
they be exempt from city tax with
the exception of road and library
tax would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co. and Du-
buque Casket Co. asking that the
nusiance caused by the Jas. P. Lee
Paving Co. asphalt plant be done
away with would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the report of the
City Attorney attached to the peti-
tions of Mrs. Nora Corcoran Flynn,
C. W. Danglemeyer and H. Feld-
stein all asking for damages because
of the injury to their property by
the flood of October 4th, would re-
spectfully recommend that the At-
torneys report be approved and the
petitions received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mary A. Martin and sister asking
for damages because of the flood of
October 4th, would respectfully rec-
commend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
J. W. Straub asking that the inter-
section of the alley west of Windsor
Avenue and Sutter Street be re-
paired would respectfully recom-
mend that this matter be left in the
hands of the Fifth Ward Alderman
with power.
34 Special Session, January 20th, 1920
ceptance at the next Regular Coun-
cil Meeting to be held February 5th
Ald. Hird nominated George B.
Collinson to be appointed on the
Committee of three to audit the
books of the Key City Gas Co. Ald.
Frith nominated Wm. B. Martin and
Ald. Andresen nominted Fred A.
Rehder. A secret ballot was cast
with the following results, Collin -
son 3, Martin 2, Rehder 2, neither
candidate having a sufficient num-
ber of votes. Ald. Frith nominated
Otto Henker, the second ballot was
cast with the following result. Elect-
ing Otto Henker. Collison 3, Martin
0, Rehder 0, Henker 4. The Record-
er was instructed to ascertain if
Otto Henker would serve, and re-
port to the Council.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
Attest •
City Recorder.
Special session, January 20th, 1920.
Council met at 8:45 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present: Ald. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist and Strobel.
Absent: Ald Plamondon.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called at the request of Ald-
erman Frith to act upon the resigna-
tion of Otto Henker as auditor of the
Key City Gas. Company's books, and
acting on other business that might
properly come before a regular meet-
ing of the City Council.
Ald. Strobel moved that J. W. Law-
ler be appointed Recorder Pro-tem.
Alderman Frith moved that the
resignation of Otto F. Henker as
auditor of the Key City Gas Com-
pany's books be accepted. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that Harry Rich-
ardson be appointed by acclamation
as auditor of the Key City Gas
Company's books as representative
for the city. Carried.
Alderman Leist moved to adjourn.
City Recorder Pro -tem.
Adopted 1920.
City Recorder Pro -tem.
First Ward— Yes. No.
First Precinct ..136 85
Second Precinct ..117 157
Second Ward —
First Precinct .. 27 78
Second Precinct ..265 151
Third Ward —
First Precinct . . 64 77 •
Second Precinct .. 96 119
Third Precinct ....140 98
Fourth Ward —
First Precinct ..171 82
Second Precinct ..223 86
Third Precinct ....221 114
Fifth Ward —
First Precinct ....188 101
Second Precinct ..253 113
Third Precinct ....281 180
Fourth Precinct ..194 140
Special Session, January 29th, 1920 35
Special Session Jan. 29th, 1920.
Council met at 2:40 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present—Alds. Andresen, Hird,
Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Aids. Burch, Frith, Plam-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of can-
vassing the vote of the Special City
Election of January 26th, 1920, and
acting on any other business that
might properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the City Council.
Ald. Strobel moved that the mayor
appoint a committee of two aldermen
to canvass the vote cast at the Spe-
cial City Election of January 26th,
1920. Carried. Mayor Saul appoint-
ed the following committee: Alds.
Strobel and Leist. The vote was
then canvassed from the poll books
and found as_follows:
Yes. No.
119 114
102 183
32 75
174 287
John Stuber,
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920.
City Recorder.
Ald. Leist moved that the Record-
er be instructed to notify judges and
clerks of the 5 precincts to report at
the office to correct clerical errors
made in their reports. Carried.
Petition of Spahn -Rose Lumber
Co. asking the City Council to allow
them to extend the railroad tracks
to property they have purchased
known as the old Cabinet Makers
buildings. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Hird the petition was
referred to the Committee of the
Ald. Hird moved to adjourn. Car-
Special sesion, January 30th 1920.
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present: .Aids. Andresen, Frith
Leist, Strobel.
Absent: Alds. Burch, Hird, Plam-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
finishing canvassing the vote of the
Special City Election of January
26th, 1920 and acting on any other
business 'that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the City
Ald. Andresen moved that the
Mayor appoint a committee of two
Aldermen to canvass the vote cast
at the Special City Election of Jan-
uary 26th 1920. Carried. Mayor
Saul appointed the following corn-
mittee, Alds. Leist and Strobel. The
vote was then canvassed and found
as follows:
Manager Plan, Yes 2376
Manager Plan, No 1581
Electric Plant, Yes 2182
Electric Plant, No 1884
Ald. Leist moved that the above
report be accepted and published.
Ald. Frith moved that the Judges
and Clerks of the Special City Elec-
tion be paid ten Dollars ($10.00)
each for their services, and the
Judge returning the Ballot Box in
his precinct be allowed one dollar
($1.00) extra. The Registeration
Clerks be paid thirty two dollars and
fifty cents ($32.50) each for their
services and the Recorder instruct-
ed to draw warrants covering the
same. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved that the City
Assessor be allowed to appoint three
more Deputies if necessary to be
paid the same salary as the present
Deputies in order that he may get
his books completed by April 1st,
1920. His appointments to be pre-
sented to the City Council for their
approval February 5th, 1920. Car-
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
List of City Warrants
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a
complete list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of January,
Salaries for the Last Half of
December, 1919.
James Saul, Mayor $ 58
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer... 73
Li uis F. Kolfenbach, Asst 62
John Holland 52
Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 64
Fred Gantert, Deputy 55
John Stuber, Recorder 64
Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55
Peter Kies, Assessor 68
Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57
Harry McCarthy, Deputy 57
M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82
M. Cooney, Asst. Attorney 62
Elsie Datisman Stenographer 11
Walter Cullen, Engineer 91
J. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68
J. J. Shea 62
John Fahey, Rodman 50
AL Eitel, Rodman 50
J. W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 70
Chas. J. McCarthy, Market
Master 42
Thos. Hackney, Poundmaster 37
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 43
Dr. E. L. Reinecke, Health
Officer 37
Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and
Milk Inspector 50
John Schromen, Street Com-
missioner 11
M. O'Donnell, Plumbing In-
spector 87
James Lynch, Wharf Master 42
Jno. Mahoney; First Ward
scales 32
Louis J. Plamondon, Alder-
man First Ward 12
K. Burch, Alderman Second
Ward 12
Chas. J. Leist, Alderman
Third Ward 12
Jos. L. Hird, Alderman
Fourth Ward 12
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Ward 12
Wm. P. Andresen, Alderman -
at -Large 12
John Strobel, Alderman -at-
Large 12
John Giellis, Chief of Police 75
Amanda Beyer, Compensation
law 17
Police Payroll for Last Half of
December, 1919.
Edward Brunskill $49 00
Max Bemis 49 00
James Corcoran 49 00
List of Warrants
John Cody
Nicholas Campbell
Wm. Carroll
Thomas Cain
Thomas Connolly
Philip Dunphy
Thomas Duggan
Edward Daily
Nicholas Ehlers
Patrick Fury
John Fox
Michael Fogarty
Theo. Ganahl
Ben Gray
Lee Golden
John Kopp
John Kilby
Barney Ludescher
John McGrath
Hugh Markey
Otto Neuman
Alfred Noel
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
Charles Peters
Michael Ryan
Gus Raterman
Joseph Stoltz
Arthur Schroeder
Patrick Sullivan
Dennis Sheehan
John Spielman
Thomas Sweeney
Fred Spielman
George Stoltz
Charles Truher
Edward Vosberg
Frank Williams
Miss B. Brennan
Mrs. K. Hibbe
Police pension ,fund
retained 42
January 2nd, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council . of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts of the City of
Dubuoue for the last half of Decem-
ber, 1919.
J. Thompson, expense $ 18 00
W. Clark, expense 18 00
F. Balser, expense 18 00
G. Hird, 4th 42 50
H. Martin, 4th 31 60
Jno. McGrath, 4th 35 20
W. Hird, 4th 12 00
W. Frost, 4th 26 80
11. Birner, 4th 24 00
P. Royce, 4th 13 20
D. Fubrman, 4th 35 20
A. Zingle, 4th 22 40
Jeff McGrath, 4th 80
M. Ackels, 4th 45 00
J. Jackson, 4th 3 60
T. Welch, 4th 10 80
F. Engle, 4th 11 50
W. Abel, 4th 10 00
E. Stoltz, 4th 10 00
M. McLean, 4th... 10 00
T. Cahill, health 37 50
To • the Honoroble Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor cleaning the storm
water sewers in the City of Dubuque
for the last half December, 1919, to
be paid from the sewer fund:
B. Burd $ 9 00
Clark Van Wie 9 00
M. Reckinger 6 50
J. Van Wie 7 20
P. Horch 59 00
P. Mihmm 63 0 0
A. Geisler 58 50
F: Becker 52 00
M. Markham 56 00
W. Jenni 54 50
F. Herbes 54 00
H. Burkhart 58 50
F. Phiffer 47 5 0
J Sinderholt 00
C. Schultz 555864 00
L. Schneider 50
J Dolter 63 00
J. Boyle 9 00
H. Hahn 27 00
R. Ingels 31 50
J. Kemph 27 0 0
G. Engle 13 50
R. Engle 13 50
B. Boutin 6 50
S. Vogt 18 00
H. Engle 4 50
J. Long 108 00
R. Long 97 20
Even - Ulrich Co. 105 30
A. Conrad 97 20
M. Ackels 56 70
Jeff McGrath 77 40
A. Greenfield 56 70
J. Scharry, health $ 50 00-
L. Daily, health 16 45
C. J. McCarthy, police 4 80
E. T. Frith, health 1000 00
E. T. Frith, health 80 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7389 1000 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7390 525 00
John Gribbon, injuries re-
ceived, Iowa Compensation
Dr. Costello; for services John
Edw. Lenz, loan warrant No.
7445, renewal of warrant
No. 4161
Theresa McDonnell, loan war-
rant No. 7446, renewal of
warrant No. 2474
John C. Baynes, loan warrant
No. 7447, renewal of war-
rant No. 3477
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7448, renewal
of warrant No. 1983
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7449, renewal
of warrant No. 5858
List of Warrants 37
35 20
2 00
300 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7450, renewal
of warrant No. 5859 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7451, renewal
of warrant No. 5860 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 745% renewal
of warrant No. 5861 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7463, renewal
of warrant No. 5862 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7454, renewal
of warrant No. 5863 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7455, renewal
of warrant No. 5864 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7456, renewal
of warrant No. 5865 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7457, renewal
of warrant No. 5866 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7458, renewal
of warrant No: 5867 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on warrants out-
standing 775 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
miscellaneous 7 74
Visiting Nurse Association,
appropriation 100 00
Parochial School Nurse, ap-
propriation - 100 00
Salaries for the First Half of
January, 1920.
James Saul, Mayor $ 58 33
Geo. D Wybrant, Treasurer 73 33
Louis F. Kolfenbach, Deputy 62 10
John Holland, Clerk 52 50
Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 64 17
Fred Gantert, Deputy 55 00
John Stuber, Recorder 64 17
Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55 00
Peter Kies, Assessor 68 75
Harry McCarthy, Deputy 57 50
Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57 50
M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82 50
M. D. Cooney, Asst. Attorney 62 75
Elsie Datisman, Stenographer 11 00
Walter Cullen, Engineer 91 67
J. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68 75
J. J. Shea, Clerk ' 62 50
John Fahey, Rodman 50 00
Al. Eitel, Rodman 50 00
J. W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 70 00
C. J. McCartry, Marketmaster 42 50
Thomas Hackney; Pound -
master Koenig, Janitress 37 50
Mrs. H. 43 50
Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Health
Officer 37 50
Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and
Milk Inspector
missioner 50 00
John Schromen, Street Com-
11 50
M. O'Donnell, Plumbing In-
spector 87.50
James Lynch, Wharfmaster 4827.5509
F. Dellinger 4 50
West Locust Sewer.
P. Boyle $ 47 00
D. Brunskill 30 00
J. Hoskins 47 00
H. Martin 45 00
Jno. McGrath 45 00
W. Frost 17 00
R. Fuhrman 12 00
F. McCune 13 50
M. Ackels 51 30
Bee Branch Sewer.
P. Horch $ 54 00
F. Herber 51 00
H. Buckhart 47 50
F. Phifer 49 50
J. Sinderholt 51 50
L. Schneider 54 00
J. Dolter 54 00
H. Hahn 31 50
R. Ingle 47 00
J.. Kernph 54 00
S. Vogt 54 00
G. Ingle 54 00
W. Renting 54 00
R. Inglo 51 50
A. Paar 2 50
P. Mihmm 54 00
A. Giesler 54 00
F. Becker 54 00
M. Markham 49 50
B. Gewni 52 00
C. Saltz 47 50
W. Winter 27 00
A. Hartman 18 00
L. Smothers 18 00
J. Long 74 70
R. Long 89 10
A. Conrad 72 90
Even - Uhlrich Co. 84 30
Jeff McGrath 81 00
M. Ackels 97 20
A. Greenfield 97 20
Joe Scharry, health $ 50 00-
Farley & Loetscher, expense 2 55
Telegraph- Herald, expense 116 25
Gonner Bros., expense 178 00
A. Frick, expense and police 20 40
Rellihan & Mullen, expense 38 46
H. M. McCarten, expense 6 85
C. Schloz, expense 1 50
W. Grode, expense 4 00
N. Steiver, expense 50
F. A. Burns, expense 33 60
Even- Uhlrich Co., expense 60 70
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 21 00
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 126 43
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 4 50
S. Reuter, expense 65 00
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 20
B. Wagner, expense 10 00
John Schromen, expense 6 25
The Adams Co., expense 80 00
The C. F. Cody Co., expense 46 05
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 54 97
F. J. Kennedy, expense 90
A. E. Gmehle, expense 15 45
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
expense 1 25
Labor Leader, expense and
police 67 75
List of tiVarrants 39
Iowa Telephone Co., expense,
police and fire 67 81
Dubuque Exide Battery Sta-
tion, fire, police 12 25
Upton Laundry, expense and
health 12 58
Key City Gas Co., bathing
beach 3 15
C. Schloz, health 7 50
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 3 20
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., health 2 25
Scheppele Machine Works,
health 80 70
John M. Lee,. 4th road 18 00
N. J. Stoner, 4th road 40 00
N. J. Stoner, 5% retained on
Clifford street steps 39 52
C. B. McNamara & Co., con-
structing cement sidewalk,
City lots 196a and S. 1 -3 of
195 118 22
Thomas Welsh, 4th road em-
ergency fund 157 50
C. Schloz, police 1 75
Kaep & Buechele, police 18 00
W. J. Brown, police 27 00
Iowa Oil Co., police 40 30
Tire Service Co., police 49 15
Cascade Pioneer, printing 2 90
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 2d
road emergency fund 126 00
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., 2d
road emergency fund 73 38
Rafoth Furnace Co., fire 3 00
Midwest Auto Supply Co., fire 3 71
Geisler Bros., fire 1 84
Ellwanger Bros., fire 40
Fred C. Ris, fire 1 57
E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire 29
F. Welsh, roads and sewer 2 50
Hasler Grocery, sewer 75
C. Schloz, sewer 50
Key City Iron Works, fire 25
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 123 25
Dubuque Electric Co., expense 142 57
Dubuque Electric Co., police 88 68
Dubuque Electric Co., police 2 86
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 36 44
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 458 59
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric oC , light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric Co„ light-
ing 583 81
Fluckinger Motor Co., 4th
road 8 00
C. Schloz, expense, roads and
3d road 2 80
Spahn & Rose Lbr. Co., ex-
pense 8 04
F'. G. Becker, police and ex-
pense 31 25
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7629 1000 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7630 235 00
John Mahoney, 1st Ward
scales 32 50
L. J. Plamondon, Alderman
First Ward .. 12 50
K. Burch, Alderman Second
Ward 12 50
Chas. J. Leist, Alderman
Third Ward ....A 12 50
Jos. L. Hird, Alderman Fourth
Ward 12 50
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Ward 12 50
Wm. Andresen, Alderman -at-
Large 12 50
John Strobel, Alderman-at-
Large 12 50
John Geillis, Chief of Police 75 00
Amanda Beyer, Iowa Work-
ing Men's Compensation 17 54
L, Weinett, care of Comfort
Station, 18th St. 7 50
Police Payroll for the First Half of
January, 1920.
Edward Brunskill $ 50 00
Max Bemis 50 00
James Corcoran 50 00
John Cody 50 00
Nicholas Campbell 50 00
William Carroll 50 00
Thomas Cain 50 00
Thomas Connolly 50 00
Philip Dunphy 55 00
Thomas Duggan 50 00
Edward Daily 50 00
Nicholas Ehlers 50 00
Patrick Fury 55 00
John Fox 50 00
Michael Fogarty 26 65
Theodore Ganahl 50 00
Benjamin Gray 50 00
Lee Golden 36 85
John Kopp 50 00
John Kilby 50 00
Bernard Ludescher 50 00
John McGrath 42 50
Hugh Markey ................. 50 00
Otto Neuman 46 25
Alfred Noel 50 00
John O'Brien 55 00
Michael O'Connor 51 35
Charles Peters 42 50
Michael Ryan 50 00
Gustave Ratterman 50 00
Jos. Stoltz 50 00
Arthur Schroeder 46 65
Patrick Sullivan 55 00
John Spielman 50 00
Dennis Sheehan 50 00
Thomas Sweeney 55 00
Fred Spielman 52 50
George Stoltz 50 00
Charles Truher 50 00
Edward Vosberg 55 00
Frank Williams 50 00
Miss B. Brennan 50 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe 50 00
Dubuque, Iowa, January 5th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
List of - Varrants
various road districts in the City of
Dubuque for the first half January,
J. Hill, expense Rush street
sewer $ 40 00
W. Clark, expense Rush street
sewer 24 00
D. Rosemyer, expense clean-
ing sidewalks 4 00
W. Williams, expense clean
ing sidewalks '4 00
M. Gierst, expense 4 00
G. Hird, 4th 50 00
11. Martin, 4th 10 70
Jno. McGrath, 4th 10 70
W. Frost, 4th 10 70
R. Birner, 4th 34 25
R. F'uhrman, 4th 24 00
A. Zingle, 4th 34 25
P. Royce, 4th 11 60
Jeff McGrath, 4th 90
V. Leik, expense cleaning
sidewalk 1 80
J. Schneider, expense clean-
ing sidewalks 3 60
F. Engle, 4th 11 50
W. Abel, 4th 10 00
E. Stoltz, 4th 10 00
M. McLean, 4th 8 50
T'. Cahill, health 42 50
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets damaged
by the flood of October 4th, 1919, to
be paid from the fund created for
the purpose of repair for the first
half January, 1920:
Fourth District.
R. Fuhrman 4 00
W. Frost 20 00
T. Welsh 13 50
Dubuque, Iowa, January 15th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for cleaning storm sewers in
the City of Dubuque for the first
half January, 1920, to be paid from
the fund created for that purpose:
Dodge Street Sewer.
C. Van Wie $ 54 00
1'. Sheehan x 54 00
B. Burd 54 00
N. Streeter 11 00
T. Kennedy 38 00
J. Brink 38 00
W. Jeager 18 00
N. Greenwald 9 00
F. Kuntz 6 50
W. Clark 9 00
J. Van Wie 54 90
14th Street Sewer.
M. Boyle $ 18 00
J. Kinsella 29 00
W. Minges 24 50
C. Jellison 22 50
J. Schwartz 2 00
P. Matche 27 00
F. Schubert 24 50
the license fee, fixed by ordinance,
or such part thereof as shall entitle
said person, firm or corporation to
the license applied for, Provided,
however, that whenever the permis-
sion of the Council or a bond is re-
quired by ordinance before such
license can be issued, such bond
shall have been filed with the Re-
corder, or such permission shall
ha,ve been granted by the Council.
RECORD. Sec. 3. Every License
shall be signed by the Recorder and
the seal of the City affixed, and the
same shall be registered in a record
kept for that purpose in the office
of the Recorder. An alphabetical
index of licenses showing the num-
ber of the license, the date issued,
the date of expiration and the name
of the person, firm or corporation to
whom issued, shall also be kept in
the Recorder's office.
Sec. 4. All annual licenses, provid-
ed for by ordinance, shall expire on
the 31st day of December in each
year, and every person who is re-
quired to procure such license shall
pay for the same on or before the
10th day of January following. Pro-
vided, however, that any person,
firm or corporation engaged in a
business for which a license is re-
quired for only six (6) months the
license fee shall be one -half of the
annual fee, and if engaged only three
(3) months then it shall be one -
fourth the amount of the annual fee.
If any person, firm or corporation
fail to pay much fee within thirty
(30) days from the time said license
becomes due and payable there shall
be added to the license fee as a
penalty for the first month of delin-
quincy 5 per cent of the license fee.
for the second month 3 per cent, for
the third month 2 per cent and for
every month thereafter one per
cent until paid, and such license fee
and penalty shall be collected at
one time.
TRANSFERRED. Sec. 5. That no
license issued to any person under
the terms of this ordinance shall be
transferred or assigned to any other
person, firm or corporation. When -
€ver a person, firm or corporation
holding a license shall sell, lease or
transfer his business to any other
person, firm or corporation, that
such licenses shall be cancalled and
the purchaser or leasee shall be re-
quired to secure a new license and
pay the license fee provided by
6. Any license issued under this
ordinance may be revoked by the
Mayor or Chief of Police, whenever
Official Notices 41
the holder of such license is not con-
ducting his business as required by
the ordinances of the City, and upon
conviction of a violation of any
ordinance relating to licenses, be-
fore any Court, said license shall
be henceforth null and void, and
the holder of such license shall not
be granted another license to en-
gage in the same business or voca-
tion for which said license was issu-
ed for a period of at least six months
thereafter. That if a license is can-
celled by the Mayor or Chief of Po-
lice pr become null and void as
herein provided the licenses fee
which has been paid shall be forfeit-
ed to the City.
(Note) City may forfeit licenses for
violation. Ottumwa vs. Schaub. 52
Iowa 515.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its pas-
sage by the City Council and publi-
cation in the official newspapers as
provided by law.
Adopted. January 2nd. 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times- Journal and Telegraph- Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
461. Sec. 1. That it shall be un-
lawful for any person to be engaged
in any business or vocation herein-
after named without first procuring
a license and paying the license fee
therefor, for such business or voca-
tion as follows:
AUCTIONEERS. Auctioneers sell-
ing household goods or merchandise
for resident citizens, at their resi-
dence or place of business shall pay
a license fee or $5.00 per day or
$25.00 per year.
B. Auctioneers selling live stock
or merchandise upon any street, al-
ley, sidewalk or public grounds, or
in any building or lot rented for
such purpose shall pay a license fee
of $10.00 per day, except as herein-
after provided.
C. Auctioneers who sell goods, at
auction, which are brought into the
city for that purpose, and upon
40 Official Notices
First National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7631 1000 00
First National Bank, loan
warrant No. 7632 200 00
Magdalena Pier, for redemp-
tion of bond 124 08
Dubuque Realty Co., rebate
special assessment 5th ave-
nue 120 27
Dr. Lewis Lenihan, refund
taxes, soldiers' exemption 72 74
Jas. Rooney, expense • $ 32 50
C. Jellison, expense ........... 32 50
Walter H. Hinkles, expense 32 50
B. C. Scherr, expense 32 50
- C. F. Arendt, expense 32 50
H. C. Milligan, expense 32 50
Otto F. Puls, expense 32 50
J. M. Kenety, expense 32 50
Ed. Ruff, expense 32 50
John O'Connell, expense 32 50
Chas. F. Pier, expense 32 50
Jas. F. Fettgather, expense 32 50
Willard G. Wimmer, expense 32 50
Peter F. Grode, expense 32 50
Joseph A. Welu, expense 32 50
P. J. Crowley, expense 32 50
Edw. A. Behnke, expense 32 50
Fred Wunderlich, expense 32 50
Melvin Van Valkenberg, ex-
pense 32 50
O. W. Rath, expense 32 50
Wm. O'Brien, expense 32 50
John F. Stemm, expense 32 50
Adana Doerr, expense 32 50
Fred Bade, expense 32 50
Geo. Miller, expense 32 50
Ed. F. Graham, expense 32 50
Geo. M. McDonnough, ex-
pense 32 50
Joseph P. Miller, expense 32 50
L. J. Plamondon, expense 11 00
Ed. Lee, expense 10 00
Wm. Casey, expense 10 00
Bart Cain, expense 10 00
T. J. Ryder, expense 10 00
T. J. Callahan, expense 10 00
W. R. Oliver, expense... 10 00
J. J. Shea, expense 11 00
J. R. Halpin, expense 10 00
Albert Hird, expense 10 00
Peter Pals, expense 10 00
John E. Strobel, expense 11 00
B. M. McCornish, expense 10 00
P. J. Norton, expense 10 00
Art. Bohler, expense 10 00
Kendall `Burch, expense 10 00
W. J. Bilderback, expense 11 00
Chas. Snyder, expense 10 00
C. 11. Gregoire, expense 10 00
Wm. M. Kretschmer, expense 10 00
Peter B. Hoffman, expense 11 00
Chas. Leist, expense 10 00
Chas. Buckman, expense 10 00
Geo. N. Klauer, expense 10 00
Clarence Baumgartner,
expense 10 00
Wm. Singrin, expense 11 00
A. B. Wymer, expense 10 00
11. O. Krakow, expense 10 00
Aloys Hoffman, expense 10 00
Robt. Fuller, expense 10 01)
John Westercamp, expense 11 00
John Trexler, expense 10 00
W. Rupp, expense 10 00
Henry Schroeder, expense 10 00
M. De Muth, expense 10 00
Eugene Anderson, expense 11 00
John Ford, expense 10 00
C. E. Mullen, expense 10 00
A. P. Melchoir, expense 10 00
C. G. Ruhland, expense 10 00
J. J. Roberts, expense 10 00
E. E. McEvoy, expense 10 00
A. Murray, expense 11 00
Harold Frye, expense 10 00
Frank Gregory, expense 10 00
Harry McCarthy, expense 10 00
Harry Scherr, expense 10 00
Jas. TI•ieb, expense 10 00
John Hamel, expense 10 00
H. Fitzgerald, expense 11 00
J. K. Kaufman, expense 10 00
C. T. Thomas, expense 11 00
Chas. A. Reed, expense 10 00
Wm. Zumhoff, expense 10 00
Henry Stuber, expense 10 00
Herman Grobe, expense 10 00
Theo. Kemps, expense 11 00
Nick Wiehl, expense 10 00
Herman Zernecke, expense 10 00
Chas. A Conrad, expense 10 00
- Chas. Doerrer, expense 10 00
Fred J. Heller, expense 11 00
Albert Conrad, expense 10 00
William McIntosh, expense 10 00
Edward Stoltz, expense 10 00
Herman Knoernschild, ex-
pense 11 00
Alvin Schwind, expense 10 00
Edmond Saners, expense 10 00
E. E: Frith, expense 10 00
Official Publication.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
TION. Sec. 1. All persons, firms
or corporations who are required
under any ordinance, of the City to
procure a license, for the purpose of
engaging in any business or voca-
tion shall first make application to
the License Clerk and shall receive
from him an order upon the Record-
er, to issue the license described
in said order, when the required
license fee has been paid to the
Sec. 2. The Recorder shall issue all
licenses provided for in the ordin-
ances of the City, when presented
with an order for the same and a
receipt - of the Treasurer showing
that the person, firm or corporation
applying for such license has paid
rayable in advance. If paid after
October 1st and before January 1st,
the license shall be $35.00. Peddlers
who desire a license to sell mer-
chandise as specified in this section
for a shorter period of time, shall
be required ',o pay a license of $2.00
per day. This section does not ap-
ply to persons retailing products
raised or produced by them.
464. OTHER PEDDLERS. Sec. 2.
All peddlers not herein otherwise
designated or enumerated, who sell
or offer for sale goods and merchan-
dise on the public streets or
from house to house, and foot ped-
dlers who sell from house to house,
shall pay a license fee of $2.00 per
day or $10.00 per week in advance.
3. All persons who shall follow the
business of selling pop corn, can-
dies, confectionery, ice cream, nuts,
lunch, lemonade, or drinks, newspa-
pers, magazines or other publica-
tions, on the street or sidewalk,
whether in booths, tents, temporary
buildings or from a push cart, wagon
or otherwise, shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day, or $10.00 per week
or $50.00 per year.
PERSONS. Sec. 4. Disabled sol-
diers or sailors who have been hon-
orably discharged from the United
States Service, or other crippled or
disabled persons, may be exempt
from the provisions of this ordinance
provided that they have filed an ap-
plication with the Council setting
forth the grounds on which they
claim exemption and such ex-
emption has been granted by the
TION. Sec. 5. Any person who
shall do business as a peddler, as
defined in this ordinance, without se-
curing a license, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined not less than
$5.00 nor more than $100.00.
(Note) - Charter Section 7, Par. 18.
Code Section 700.
City may require reasonable li-
cense fee from peddlers. Iowa City
vs. Glassman. 155 Iowa 671.
State vs. Osborne. 171 Iowa 681.
Huston vs. Des Moines. 176 Iowa
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted, January 2nd, 1920.
Approved, January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Official Notices 43
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
468. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1.
No person, firm or corporation, shall
carry on any business within the
limits of the City, as hotel keeper,
tavern keeper, keeper of a boarding
houses, restaurant or other eating
place, without first having obtained
a license thereof.
(a) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more and
charging $2.00 or more per day for
meals and average rooms, fifty dol-
lars per year.
(b) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging less than $2.00 and not less
than $1.25 per day for meals and
average rooms, twenty -five dollars
per year.
(c) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the American plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging less than $1.25 for meals
and average rooms per day, fifteen
dollars per year.
(d) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the European plan, and contain-
ing 20 lodging rooms or more, and
charging $1.00 or more per day for
average rooms, fifty dollars per
(e) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns or boarding houses conducted
on the European plan, and contain-
ing 20 rooms or more, and charging
less than $1.00 and not less than 50
cents per day for average rooms,
twenty -five dollars per year.
(f) For keepers of hotels, taverns
or boarding houses conducted on the
European plan, and containing 20
lodging rooms or more, and charg-
ing less than 50 cents per day for
average room, fifteen dollars per
(g) For keepers of hotels, tav-
erns, or boarding houses conducted
42 Official Notices
which no tax has been paid or levied
for the current year, within the City
of Dubuque, shall pay a license fee
of $25.00 per day while engaged in
the sale of such goods.
Proprietors of public places, where
billiard or pool tables are maintained
and money is charged for the use of,
or for playing on the same, shall
pay a license fee of $5.00 per annum
for each table, payable in advance.
BOOK AGENTS. Itinerant agents
for the sale of books, maps or other
publications, except local newspa-
pers or magazines, by subscription,
or otherwise, shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day or $10.00 per month.
of public places where bowling al-
leys, box ball alleys or the like are
maintained and money is charged for
the use of, or for playing on the
same, shall pay a license fee of $5.00
per annum for each alley, payable in
prietors of shooting galleries shall
pay a license fee of $25.00 per an-
num, payable in aavance.
MERRY -GO- ROUNDS. Proprietors
of merry- go-rounds, circular swings,
rolling coasters or similar devices,
shall pay a license fee of $2.00 per
day or $25.00 per month.
SKATING RINKS. Proprietors of
skating rinks shall pay a license fee
of $2.00 per day or $25.00 per month,
or $50.00 per year.
doctors or itinerant physicians or
surgeons shall pay a license fee of
$25.00 per month in advance. All
doctors, physicians or surgeons, who
advertise as specialists, or otherwise
and who travel from place to place,
at intervals, shall be deemed travel-
ing or itinerant doctors and shall be
subject to pay a license fee as here-
in provided.
sons maintaining a powder maga-
zine for storing powder, for sale,
shall pay a license fee of $25.00 per
persons who profess to practice the
business or art of fortune telling,
palmistry, clairvoyance, or similar
profession or art, for a consideration,
shall pay a license fee of $5.00 per
day, $25.00 per week, or $50.00 per
month in advance.
UTERS. All persons engaged in the
business of posting bills or the bus-
iness of distributing hand bills, sam-
ples or advertisements of any kind,
shall pay a license of $25.00 per an-
num in advance.
SHOESHINERS. All persons who
engage in the business of shining,
polishing, or cleaning boots or shoes
upon any public street, avenue, al-
ley or sidewalk or upon any part
thereof shall pay a license fee of
$25.00 per annum in advance.
Proprietors of dairies and all other
persons who sell milk and milk
products from door to door, shall pay
an annual license fee of $5.00 for
each wagon or other vehicle used by
him or it, in the sale of milk or milk
TION. Sec. 2. That any person,
firm or corporation, or any officer
or agent or employe thereof who
shall engage in any of the business
named in this ordinance, without
first securing a license shall be
deemed to be guilty of a misdemean-
or, and shall upon conviction be
fined not less than $10.00 nor more
than $100.00.
(Note) Charter Sec. 7, par. 18 -19-
20. Code Section 700 to 703 and
amendments. Where City is author-
ized to impose license on trades and
occupations such regulations must
be reasonable, fair, and not oppres-
sive. Burlington vs. Unterkirchen,
99 Iowa 401.
Itinerant physicians, Code Section
700, Fairfield vs. Scellenberger, 135
Iowa 615.
Clairvoyants, etc., Code 1913 Sec-
tion 77 -a.
Billiard halls, etc., Code Section
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed, by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
MODITIES. Sec. 1. All persons
selling or offering for sale along the
public streets or other public places,
or from house to house, fruit, vege-
tables and farm products, including
poultry, eggs and butter, shall pay
a license fee of $50.00 per annum,
Official Publication.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
Of the City of Dubuque:
473. TERMS DEFINED. Sec. 1.
The term "public dance" or "public
hall," as used in this ordinance,
shall be taken to mean any dance or
hall to which admission can be had
by payment of a fee or by the pur-
chase, possession, or presentation
of a ticket or token, or in which a
charge is made for caring for cloth-
ing or other property or any other
dance to which the public generally
may gain admission, with or without
the payment of a fee. The term
"public dance hall" as used herein
shall be taken to mean any room,
place, or space in which a public
dance or public ball is held, or hall
or academy in which classes in danc-
ing are held and instructions in
dancing are given for hire.
474. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. It
shall be unlawful to hold any public
dance or public hall or to hold class-
es in dancing or to give instructions
in dancing for hire in any hall or
academy within the limits of the
City of Dubuque, until the dance
hall in which the same is to be held
shall first have been duly licensed
for such purpose.
If the dance hall has a floor space
not exceeding twenty -five hundred
(2,500) square feet, the annual li-
cense fee shall be Fifteen Dollars.
If the dance hall has a floor space
exceeding twenty -five hundred (2500)
square feet, the annual license fee
shall be Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00).
In computing floor space, only that
part of the floor actually used for
dancing shall be considered. Every
dance hall shall post its license in a
conspicuous place within the hall.
where the dance is held.
DINANCES. Sec. 3. No license for
a public dance hall shall be issued
until it shall be found that such hall
complies with and conforms to all
ordinances, and fire regulations of
the city; and the rules and regula-
tions of the Board of Health, that it
is properly ventilated and supplied
with sufficient toilet equipment for
both sexes and is a safe and proper
place for the purpose for which it is
to be used.
CELLED. Sec. 4. The license of
any dance hall may be cancelled by
Official Notices
the Mayor or Chief of Police, for im-
proper, disorderly, vulgar, indecer.t,
immoral or suggestive conduct on
the premises, or for the violation of
any of the rules, regulations, ordin-
ances, or laws governing or apply-
ing to public dance halls or public
dances. If, at any time, the license
of a public dance hall it cancelled,
at least six (6) months shall elapse
before another license or permit
shall be given for dancing on the
same premises.
shall be unlawful for any person,
club, society, or corporation to hold
a public dance or public ball within
the limits of the City of Dubuque,
without having first obtained a per-
mit therefor from the Mayor.
public `dance halls shall be kept at
all times in a clean, healthful and
sanitary condition, and all rooms
connected with a dance hall shall be
kept open and well lighted. All
members of the police force shall
have the power, and it shall be their
duty to cause the place, hall, or
room where any dance is held
or given, to be vacated when-
ever any provision of this or any
ordinance in regard to public dances
or public bails is being violated, or
when any disorderly, immoral, im-
proper, suggestive or vulgar act is
Sec. 7. All public dances shall be
discontinued and public dance hall
shall be vacated and closed on or
before the hour of Twelve o'clock,
ATTEND. Sec. 8. It shall be un-
lawful for any person who has not
reached the age of (16) years to at-
tend or take part in any public dance
after the hour of 9:15 P. M., unless
such person is accompanied by a
parent or guardian. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to represent
himself or herself to be the age of
sixteen (16) years in, order to ob-
tain admission to a public dance hall
or to be permitted to remain there-
in after the hour specified, when
such person in fact is under sixteen
years of age, and it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to make such a
mis- statement about the age of any
other person, and it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to represent him-
self or herself to be a parent or
guardian of any other person, in or-
der that such person may obtain ad-
mission to a public dance hall or
may be permitted to remain therein,
44 Official Notices
on either the American or European
plan, and containing less than 20
lodging rooms, five dollars per year.
Any person firm or corporation
keeping a place where meals are
furnished at regular prices, by the
day or week, for ten or more per-
sons, in addition to the members of
the family of such person, or the
members of such firm or corpora-
tion, shall be held to be the keeper
of a boarding house within the
meaning of this section.
(h) For keepers of restaurants,
lunch counters, ice cream parlors,
soda fountains soft drink dispensers
or other eating places, ten dollars
per year.
Any hotel, tavern or boarding
house conducted on both the Ameri-
can and European plan, shall not be
required to procure more than one
hotel licenses; provided, that any
hotel, tavern, or boarding house
having a restaurant in connection
therewith in addition to the regular
dining room, or in which meals or
lunches are served a la carte, or on
the short order plan, or for any
other than a regular charge for each
full meal, shall be required to pay
the regular restaurant license.
TION. Sec. 3. Any person who
shall conduct a hotel, boarding house
or eating house as defined in
this ordinance without first
securing a license, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than $10.00 nor more
than $100.00.
(NOTE) Charter Section 7 Par.
8. Code Section 700. •
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and publica-
tion in the official newspapers as
provided by law.
Adopted January 2d, 1920.
Approved January 3d, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January 5th,
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
1.3 it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That no person, firm or cor-
poration shall engage in. or carry
on, in the City of Dubuque, the bus-
iness of a junk dealer, without first
procuring the license provided for in
this ordinance, nor shall any person
carry on such business in any man-
ner contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance. Every person, firm or
corporation who conducts or carries
on a junk shop or who deals in junk,
old metals, scrap metal, old or dis-
carded machinery, rope, rags, paper
and paper stocks, old bottles, tin
ware, furniture, old or discarded,
plumbing, electrical materials or fix-
tures, automobile parts or tires or
any article or things usually bought.
sold or dealt with in junk shops, in-
cluding all such persons, firms or
corporations who . carry on such bus -
ness in shops, yards or stores or who
by advertisement, by sign or other-
wise, holds himself out as a junk
dealer or dealing in junk, shall be
deemed a junk dealer within the
meaning of this ordinance.
471. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. Ev-
ery junk dealer shall pay a license
fee or tax of $50.00 per year for each
store, yard or other place of busi-
ness operated for the purpose of pur-
chasing or dealing in junk. Every
junk dealer who operates a wagon,
cart, automobile or auto truck for the
purpose of purchasing or dealing iu
junk as provided in Section 1 here-
of, shall pay a license fee of $12.50
for every wagon, cart or vehicle
drawn by one horse and shall pay
a license fee of $26.00 per year for
every wagon, cart or vehicle drawn
by two horses or for every automo-
bile or auto truck.
TION. Sec. 3. -Any person who
shall do business as a junk dealer
as defined in this ordinance without
first obtaining a license shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be fined not less
$10.00 nor more than $100.00.
(Note) Code Section 700.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as pro.
vided by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times- Journal and Telegraph- Herald
newspapers January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
first securing a license and paying
a license fee as provided by this
ordinance. Vehicles kept for hire
by persons, firms or corporations en-
gaged in the livery business and
rented by the day in the manner
usual to such business are exempted
from securing a license and paying
a license fee, as provided by this
CLES. Sec. 2. -The license fee for
carrying on the business as provided
in Section 1 hereof, shall be as fol-
OF PERSONS. a. For each auto-
mobile or automobile bus having a
capacity of ten or more persons, the
license fee shall be $2.00 per day or
$25.00 per year.
b. For each automobile or auto-
mobile bus, having a capacity of less
than ten, persons, the license fee
shall be $2.00 per day or $20.00 per
c. For each vehicle drawn by
animals, the license fee shall be
$1.00 per day or $12.50 per year.
Vehicles for the conveyance of
goods, wares, merchandise:
a. For each automobile truck of
more than one and one -half ton ca-
pacity the license fee shall be $2.00
per day or $25.00 per year.
b. For each automobile truck or
less than one and one -half ton ca-
pacity, the license fee shall be $1.00
per day or $15.00 per year.
c. For each truck, dray, wagon,
moving van or other vehicle drawn
by two or more animals, the license
fee shall be $2.00 per day or $15.00
per year.
d. For each truck, dray, wagon,
moving van or other vehicle drawn
by one animal, the license fee shall
be $1.00 per day or $12.50 per year.
That the term automobile or auto-
mobile truck as used herein, shall
mean any vehicle not drawn by
horses or other animals.
That all license fees shall be paid
annually in advance, and no license
fee shall be issued for less than one -
half the annual license fee, except
the same is issued at the daily rate.
DRIVERS. Sec. 3. That in addition
to the license fee provided in Section
2 hereof, every persons who shall
act as driver or chauffeur or any
licensed automobile or other licensed
vehicle, except the owner thereof,
shall secure a license and pay a li-
cense fee as follows:
Drivers or chauffeurs of automo-
biles or vehicles carrying passengers,
$5.00 per year; drivers or chauffeurs
of automobles or vehicles carrying
goods, wares, or merchandise, $2.50
per year.
Official Notices
Sec 4. That when a license is is-
sued for any automobile or vehicle
under the provisions of this ordi-
nance, the Recorder shall deliver to
the licensee, a metal tag or plate,
with the license number and the year
for which the same is issued, stamp-
ed thereon. The licensee shall cause
said tag or plate to be fastened upon
the vehicle, for which the license is
paid, in a conspicuous place, and
shall keep the same thereon during
the continuance of said license, and
at the expiration of the same, such
tag or plate shall be removed from
said vehicle and said vehicle shall
not be used with said tag or plate
thereon at any time when the license
fee therefore has not been paid. That
the person paying the license fee as
provided in Section 3 hereof, shall
'receive a metal badge upon which
shall be samped such words as may
be necessary to show the nature of
the license and the year for wnich
issued. The licensee shall wear such
badge upon the front of his hat or
cap at all times when engaged in the
business for which the license was
5. The Chief of Police shall from
time to time designate the place or
places upon the streets or public
vehicles, whether for carrying per-
sons or carrying goods, wares or
merchandise may solicit business or
wait for employment. Such places
may be changed or abandoned when-
ever the Chief of Police deems it
necessary for the safety and con-
venience of the public. That the
place or places designated by the
Chief of Police shall be plainly
marked by signs, and if any licensee
fails to observe the orders of the
Chief of Police and stands or solicits
business at any place upon the
streets or public places in the city,
not designated by the Chief of Po-
lice, he shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and his license may be re-
voked by the Mayor or Chief of Po-
Sec. 6. Any person who shall violate
any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance, or who shall operate any vehi
cle with a tag or plate thereon. simi-
lar to or resembling the tag or plate
issued by the city, for licensed vehi-
cles for which a license has not been
issued, and a license fee paid, or
who shall wear a badge upon his
hat or cap similar to or resembling
the badge issued by the city to li-
censed drivers or chauffeurs, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be fined not less
than $10.00 nor more than $100.00.
Sec. 7. That if any person who holds
after the hour specified, when the
party making the representation is
not in fact either a parent or guar-
dian of the other person.
shall be unlawful for any person,
while in attendance at any public
dance or public hall, to behave in
any improper, disorderly vulgar, in-
decent, immoral, or suggestive man-
ner, whether engaged in dancing or
not; and it shall be unlawful for the
person, persons, club, society, or
corporation giving - such dance or
ball to permit or allow any person
to behave as described above.
shall be unlawful for any alcoholic
or intoxicating liquor to be brought
into or drunk in any public dance
hall or in any of the rooms connected
with or pertaining to a public dance
hall while a public dance or public
ball is being held. It shall be un-
lawful for the proprietor or manager
of a public dance hall, or any of his
representatives, or the member of a
committee of any society, club, or
corporation, in charge of any public
dance or public ball given by such so-
ciety, club or corporation, to permit
or allow any alcoholic or intoxicating
liquor to be brought into or drunk
in any public dance hall while a pub-
lic dance or ball, over which they
have charge, is in progress.
CENSES. Sec. 11. The Mayor shall
examine all applications for dance
hall licenses, and shall investigate,
or cause to be investigated, each ap-
plication for the purpose of determin-
ing whether or not the dance hall
sought to be licensed complies with
the regulations, ordinances and laws
applicable thereto. In making sum
investigation the Mayor shall have
the right to the assistance of any
other officer or employes of the
City. No license shall be renewed
except after re- inspection of the
premises as provided herein.
TION. Sec. 12. Any person who
shall violate any provision of this
ordinance, shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined not less than five
dollars (5.00) and the cost of prose-
cution, and not more than ($50.00)
and the cost of prosecution, for each
offense, and on default of payment
thereof shall be imprisoned for a
period not exceeding thirty (30)
ATTEND. Sec. 13. That no person,
club, society or corporation shall
Official Notices
give, conduct, or carry on a public
dance as defined in this ordinance,
without having in attendance, contin-
uously, during such dance a member
of the Police Department who shall
see that the provisions of this ordin-
ance are strictly complied with. The
Chief of Police shall detail the mem-
ber of the Police Department who
shall attend each public dance, and
the person, club, society or corpora-
tion giving, conducting or carrying
on such public dance shall pay to
the officer for such attendance a sum
equal to a day's wages of such of=
ficer, determined by his salary per
Sec. 14. The provisions of this ordi-
nance shall in no way interfere with
private parties, given at homes or
with dances given by bona fide so-
cieties, clubs, or corporations where
the attendance is restricted to the
members of the society, club or cor-
tion. Sec. 15. That any person,
club, society or corporation, or any
officer, agent or member thereof,
who shall violate any of the provis-
iones of this ordinance relating to
licenses shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be fined not less than $10.00
nor more than $100.00.
(NOTE) Code (1913) Section 700.a.
This ordinance shall be in force and
effect from and after its passage by
the City Council and publication in
the official newspapers as provided
by law.
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January, 3d, 1920.
Attest: JOHN ST'1JBER,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 5th, 1920.
1 -5 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
488. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1. No.
person, firm or corporation shall Lire
out or keep or use for hire, within
the limits of the city, any vehicle of
any description whatever, either for
the conveyance of passengers or the
conveyance or transportation of
goods, wares, merchandise or other
articles from place to place, without
48 Official Notices
a license as a licensed driver or
chauffeur is found guilty, in any
court, of a violation of any of the
provisions of Ordinance No. 52 or
who is drunk or disorderly while on
duty as the driver of a license auto-
mobile or vehicle, the Chief of Po-
lice shall have power to suspend his
license for a period not to exceed 90
days or to revoke the same. If his
license is revoked, he shall not be
granted another license as a licensed
driver or chauffeur before the expira-
tion of 6 months after the same is
(NOTE). Charter Section 7. Par.
Code Section 754.
Des Moines vs. Bolton 128 Iowa
Huston vs. Des Moines, 176 Iowa
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspaper as provided
by law.
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January 3d, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
newspapers, January 6th, 1920.
Official Publication.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
495. WHO INCLUDED. Sec. 1.
That no person or persons, firm or
corporation shall be allowed to oper-
ate or maintain a Ferry Boat Livery
between the City of Dubuque and
other points, nor shall any person,
operating a Ferry Boat Livery, use
any public landing, without having
first proved the license herein pro-
vided for.
496. TERM DEFINED. Sec. 2 The
term "Ferry Boat Livery," as used
herein, shall mean, the en-
gaging in the business of
transporting, for hire two or
more passengers by means of
ferry boat or launches; the term
"Public Landing" shall mean any
place, wharf or dock which is main-
tained by the City of Dubuque for
the accomodation and comfort of the
public traveling by water from
points within the City to points with-
out, providing, however, that, for the
purpose of this ordinance, the entire
shore line of the river front the
north line of the Dubuque & Harbor
Improvement Company's Addition,
southerly to the southern boundry
line extended of said City (including
all of the shore line of the lce
of the river northerly from Seventh
Avenue extended to the City limits
shall be considered a "Public Land-
Sec. 3. That before any person or
persons, firm or corporation, shall
be permitted to operate a Ferry
Boat Livery, he shall secure a
license and pay the license fee here-
in provided, but no license shall be
issued to any person who is not of
good moral character and of sober
498. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 4. The
license fee for the privilage of
operating a Ferry Boat Livery shall
be Fifty (50c) Cents per lineal foot
of boat per annum, and payable to
the City Treasurer before the same
shall be issued.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
license, or his employee, to preserve
order upon any boat operated by him
to the end of the maximum of safe-
ty may be attained.
ENFORCE. Sec. 6. It shall be the
duty of the Harbor Master to see
that all the provisions of this
ordinance are complied with, and
shall report to the Mayor and
Council, any acts or conduct of the
licensee of his employee which are
in violation of any of the terms
Sec. 7. Any person or persons, firm
or corporation, or any officer, agent
or employee thereof violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined not less than Five
($5.00) Dollars or more than One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each
offence, or imprisoned in the County
Jail for a period not to exceed thirty
(NOTE). Charter 7. Par. 17.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted January 2nd, 1920.
Approved January 3rd, 1902.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the .Dub-
uque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January, 6th 1920.
1 -6 -1t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
NO. 68. (J
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 1. That no person shall con-
duct, carry on or exhibit, produce or
display any circus. menagerie, thea-
tre, theatrical exhibition, moving
picture show or other show or ex-
hibition of any kind, except lectures
on scientific, historicial literary sub-
jects, without first paying a license
fee as hereinafter provided.
503. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2.
That the license to be paid for the
same shall be as follows:
Theatres etc. 1st. For each
theatre, moving picture theatre,
opera house, hall or other building
or shelter used for public entertain-
ment, exhibitions, shows or concerts,
having a seating capacity of over
800, the license shall be $100.00 per
year; for those having a seating ca-
pacity of less than 400 and more than
the license fee shall be $75.00 per
year; for those having a seating cap-
acity of less than 400 and more than
250 the license shall be $50.00 per
year; for those having a seating
capacity of less than 250 the license
fee shall be $25.00 per year.
Shows etc. 2nd. For each show
or exhibition, offering prizes of any
kind and for exhibitions, by a ven-
triloquist, mesmerist, magician,
slight -of -hand performer, or the like,
the license fee shall be $25.00 for
the first performance, or exhibition,
and $10.00 for each other perform-
ance or exhibition, but said license
fee shall not be exacted when the
exhibition or performance is given
in an opera house, theatre, or hall
paying a license under Par. 1, hereof.
Shows etc. 3rd. For all other
theatrical exhibitions, traveling con-
certs, minstrel shows, wrestling
matches, athletic exhibitions and all
other public performances not other-
wise enumerated, the license fee
shall be $10.00 for the first perform-
ance or exhibition and $5.00 for
each additional performance or ex-
hibition, but said license fee shall
not be exacted when such perform-
ance is in an opera house, theatre
or hall paying an annual license
under the first paragraph hereof.
Circus, etc. 4th. For each circus
or managerie, the license fee shall
be $200.00 for the first day and
$100.00 for each succeeding day. For
each wild west show the license fee
1 -6 -1t.
shall be $125.00 for the first day
and $75.00 for each succeeding day.
For each dog and pony show the
license fee shall be $50.00 for the
first day and $25.00 for each suceed-
ing day. For each carnival com-
pany, the license fee shall be $50.00
for the first day and $25.00 for each
suceeding day.
Sideshows, etc. 5th. For each
sideshow or other small show or ex-
hibition in a separate tent, whether
traveling with a managerie, show
or circus or alone, the fee shall be
$25.00 for the first day and $12.60
for each succeeding day.
QUIRED. Sec. 3. That no license
shall be charged for any exhibition,
concert or other entertainment, the
proceeds of which are to be used
for charitable, patriotic or other
public purposes.
TION. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or
corporation or any officer, agent or
employee thereof who shall violate
any of the provisions of this ordin-
ance shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be fined $100.00 or imprisoned
not more than thirty days.
(Note) Charter Section 7 Par. 20.
Code Section 703.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as pro-
vided by law.
Adopted, January 2nd. 1920.
Approved, January 3rd. 1920
City Recorded.
Published officially in the Dubu-
que Times- Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January 6th,
City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That no person, firm or cor-
poration shall engage in, or carry on
in the City of Dubuque, the business
of a pownbroker without first pro-
curing the license and paying the
fee or tax, as provided in this ordi-
nance, or carry on such business in
any manner contrary to the provis-
ions of this ordinance. Every per-
son, firm or corporation who make
loans or advancements upon pawn,
50 Official Notices
pledge, or deposit of personal prop-
erty or who receive actual possession
of personal property as security for
a loan, with or without a mortgage
or bill of sale therefor, or who by
advertising, sign or otherwise holds
himself out as a pawnbroker, shall
be deemed as a pawnbroker within
the meaning of this ordinance.
2. Every pawnbroker shall pay a
license fee or tax of $100.00 per
year, payable in advance.
3. Every pawnbroker shall, in ad-
dition to paying the license fee or
tax, file with the Treasurer a bond,
in the sum. of $1,000.00 with at least
two sureties, to be approved by the
Treasurer, conditioned for the faith-
ful compliance with all the provis-
ions of the ordinance relating to or
regulating such business, and that
he will account for and deliver to
any person entitled thereto, any
goods or property which may come
into his hands in the course of his
business, or will pay the value there-
of, and any damages which may
accrue because if his failure to de-
liver the same.
Sec. 4. Every pawnbroker shall make
a record, in the English language, in
a book kept for that purpose, at the
time of purchasing or receiving any
personal property which record shall
contain the following information:
1st. The name of the person from
whom the property is received and
his place of residence; 2nd. A de-
tailed and accurate description of
every article received; 3rd. The
estimated value of each article and
the amount of the loan thereof; 4th.
The date and hour of the transac-
tion, and the time when the article
is to be redeemed or bought back;
5th. Whether a mortgage or bill of
sale was made or receipt or pawn
ticket given; 6th. When, to whom
and how said article was disposed
of, if not redeemed; 7th. Such rec-
ord shall at all times be open for
examination by any Sheriff, Deputy
Sheriff, Police Officer or Constable.
Sec. 5. That if any pawnbroker
fails to keep a record book as herein -
before provided, or if any pawn-
broker or agent or employe thereof,
fails to make the required record
therein, or shall intentionally or
knowingly make any false record, or
shall fail to make the inquiry neces-
sary to enable him to make such en-
tries or who shall fail to produce
his record book when requested, by
an officer having authority to ex-
amine it, or who shall destroy or
permit the same to be destroyed,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not less than $25.00 nor more than
$100.00 and his license shall be re-
(NOTE) Code Section 701.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provided
by law.
Adopted, January 2d, 1920.
Approved, January 3d, 1920.
Attest: JOHN STUBER or.
City Recorder.'
Published officially in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald
newspapers, January 6th, 1920. '
1 -61t City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
DEALERS. Sec. 1. That no person,
firm or corporation shall engage in
or carry on, in the City of Dubuque,
the business of a second hand deal-
er, without first procuring the license
provided for in this ordinance.
Every person, firm or corporation
who purchases furniture, household
goods, clothing or other articles for
the purpose of reselling the same,
and who shall maintain a store or
place of business for that purpose,
or who in connection with any other
business shall purchase and sell
second hand furniture, household
goods and other articles shall be
deemed to be a second hand dealer
within the meaning of this ordinance.
512. LICENSE FEE. Sec. 2. Every
second hand dealer shall pay a
license fee or tax for each place of
business conducted by him, as
provided in Section. 1. hereof, of
$25.00 per year payable in advance.
Sec. 3. Any person who shall do
business as a second hand dealer as
defined in this ordinance, without
first securing a license shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not
less than $20.00 nor more than
$100.00. _
(NOTE). Code Section 701.
This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
by the City Council and publication
in the official newspapers as provid-
ed by law.
Adopted, January, 2nd. 1920.
Approved, January, 3rd. 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dub-
uque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers January 6th,
1 -6 -1t.
City Recorder.
Mayor's Office, January 12th, 1
Notice is hereby given that the
registers of election, duly appointed
to register voters in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, will be in attendance
at the places hereinbelow mentioned,
for the purpose of correcting the
registry list of names of such elec-
tors as may be entitled to vote at
the Special Election, to be held Mon-
day, January 26th, 1920. Said regis-
ters will meet at their respective
places on Thursday and Friday,
January 15th and 16th, 1920, and Sat-
urday, January 24th, 1920, at 8:00
o'clock a, m. and be in session until
9:00 o'clock p. m. of said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet
on Monday (Eelection Day) Januar
26th, 1920, and be in session from
the time the polls are open until
they close and register only such
voters are were absent from the city
during the preceding days that the
board was in session, also sucn
voters as did not become citizens
until Monday, January 26th, 1920.
The places of registration in the
several wards and precincts of sail
city are as follows:
First Ward.
First precinct- Engine House,
Grandview avenue and South Dodge
Second precinct- Chicago House,
172, First street.
Second Ward.
First precinct- County Court
Second' precinct - Fourth Street
Engine House.
Third Ward.
First precinct -Ninth Street En-
gine House.
Second precinct -City Hall.
Third precinct- Eighteenth Street
Engine House.
Fourth Ward.
First precinct- Ludescher build-
ing, 51 Julien avenue.
Second precinct - Palmetto Hall,
695 Delhi street.
Third precinct -192 West Locust
Fifth Ward.
First precinct - Schmid's Hal1,2329
Couler avenue.
Official Notices 51
Second precinct - Weitz Bros.'
building, 95 Twenty- second street.
Third precinct -Rose Fengler's
building, 1005 Rhomberg avenue.
Fourth precinct -F. Roesner's
place, 2703 Jackson street.
All qualified voters of said city are
hereby notified that unless they
voted at the last fall election they
must present themselves at "ie
places and time herein above stated
for registration, or they will be de-
barred of the privilege of voting at
said election.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said city this 12th day of January,
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Reeorder of the City of .Du-
buque, Iowa. 1 -12 -3t
Notice to Printers.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the City Recorder up
to 8:00 p. m. Thursday, February
5th, 1920, for printing the index and
binding in books 25 or more copies
of the council proceedings for the
year 1919. Sample and description
of the work can be seen in the office
of the City Recorder.
Bidders must state price per book.
The City Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, January
19th, 1920.
1- 19 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Carpenter Contractors,
Sealed proposals will be received
at the City Recorder's Office, City
Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00
p. m. Thursday, February 5th, 1920,
to be acted on by the City Council
on said date for the erection of new
doors at No. 4 Engine House.
New Doors to be similar to those
at the Central Engine Housse. Bid-
ders must state price for doors com-
plete, erected and ready for use.
Each bid must be accompanied
by a certified check of $25.00 on
some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into
if awarded. Check and bid in sep-
arate envelopes.
The City Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, January
19th, 1920.
1- 19 -3t. City Recorder.
Women will be entitled to vote on
the following only, "Shall the City
of Dubuque install or purchase a
municipal electric light and power
plant to be owned, operated and con-
trolled by the citizens of Dubuque ?"
52 Official Notices Special Session, February 3rd, 1920 53
at the Special Election to be held
Monday, January 26, 1920.
JOHN STUBER, City Recorder.
Unless a man has registered at the
last Preisdentidl Election, or at a
subsequent City or State Election,
other - than School Elction, he must
register not later than Saturday, Jan-
uary 24th, 1920, at his regular voting
Precicnt. JAMES SAUL, Mayor.
1 -21 -3t City Recorder.
Notice To Those From Whom a
City License Is Required.
Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque,
To All Whom It May Concern:
All auctioneers, pawnbrokers,
junk dealers, hotels and boarding
keepers, owners of bowling alleys
houses, restaurants and eating house -
and of billiard and pool tables, own-
ers of theater shows, peddlers, por-
ters, trainsient merchants, street
venders, vault celaners, scavengers,
teamsters, expressmen, and owners
of hacks, taxis, carriages, drays, and
owners or harborers of dogs, book
agents, powder magazines, fortune
tellers, billposters, shoe shiners,
dairies and milk peddlers, dance
halls, skating rinks ice cream par-
lors, soda fountains, soft drink dis-
pensarys, itinerant doctors, merry go
around, shooting galleries, second
hand dealers, all chauffeurs driving
licensed vehicles, ferry boats,
And all other parties requiring a
City license,
If any person, firm or corporation
fail to pay such fee within 30 days
from the time said license become
due and payable, there shall be add-
ed to the license fee as a penalty,
for the first month of delinquency 5
per cent of the license fee, for the
second month 3 per cent, and for the
third month 2 per cent, and for ev-
ery month thereafter 1 per cent, un-
til paid, and such license ,fee and
penalty shall be collected at the
same time.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that said license are now
past due and if not paid immediately
you will be prosecuted in accordance
with the ordinance of the City of
Chief of Police.
Special session, February 3rd,
Council met at 8:00 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Frith,
Leist, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent —Alds. Burch, Hird.
Mayor stated that this meeting is
called for the purpose of ,adopting
resolutions to prevent the spread of
contagious disease, and acting on
any other business that might prop-
erly come before a regular meeting
of the City Council.
Dubuque, Iowa
February, 3rd, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: —
The Board of Health met In
Special Session January 30th. 1920
Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present: —Old. Leist, Citizens: —
M. M. Hoffmann, Adam Zillig, Asst.
Attorney Cooney, Dr. E. L. Reinecke.
Miss Gabriel, Miss Moore, Mrs.
Chairman Saul stated that this
meeting is called for the purpose of
discussing the health conditions of
the City relative to contagious
Miss Gabriel reported that the
Visiting Nurse Association had 110
cases of sickness this month. 12 of
them being Influenza cases.
To the People, Mayors, Health
Officers, Embalmers or Undertaker
Nurses, Physicians, and the Public
in General in Iowa: —
You are hereby ordered and di-
rected to take notice of the following
orders issued by the State Board of
Health of Iowa, and to follow and
obey said orders until further notice
is received from the State Board of
Health. The orders herewith fol-
FIRST, —Read Surgeon General
Blue's letter issued from Washing-
ton, D. C. The telegram Letter
herewith follows:
Washington, D. C.
January, 22, 1920.
State Health Commissioner, Des
Moines, Iowa.
Bureau desires daily telegram
from you showing cases influenza
and deaths influenza and pneumonia
in your state, especially large cen-
ters of population to obtain this
information local health officers
should be advised to wire you im-
mediately government rate collect
upon outbreak of influenza and daily
thereafter during epidemic.
Signed: Blue, Surgeon General.
The above means that a daily
telegram should be sent to the State
Board of Health, Des Moines, Iowa,
Collect, government rate, showing
the number of new cases, together
with the number of deaths from
influenza and pneumonia, especially
from the large centers of population
such as Des Moines, Davenport, Du-
buque, Clinton, Muscatin, Waterloo,
Sioux City, Council Bluff and all
other cities and towns where any
number of cases appear so as to
make an epidemic. This is an order
from the State Board of Health and
the United States Public Health
Service, hence all cases of influenza
and pneumonia must be promptly re-
ported to the local board of health
and quarantined and must be
promptly reported to the local
board of health and quarantined and
must be reported by telegram to the
State Board of Health, government
rate, collect, and undertakers must
report deaths from influenza or
pneumonia and in the same manner
as are the cases of influenza and
pneumonia, and these must be in-
cluded in the daily telegraphic re-
port. It should be remembered
that the telegrams are to be sent to
the State Board of Health, Des
Moines Iowa, by the health officer,
collect, government rate.
SECOND —All cases of influenza
must be quarantined and reported
promptly to the local board of
health which board shall im-
mediately put the premises under
quarantine. The utmost care must
be exercised in preventing the
spread of this disease. It is now a
state law that all cases of influenza
must be quarantine. It should be re-
membered that influenza is a crowd
disease, hence stay away from
crowds and avoid breathing into the
faces of people with whom you are
in conversation, and do not allow
people to breathe into your face.
THIRD — Undertakers shall not
held public funerals over the remains
of any person dead from either in-
fluenza or pneumonia, and no such
remains shall be allowed to be ex-
posed in any Church public place,
residence or room. This order is
not to be lifted until notice shall
have been received from the State
Board of Health.
Send for special posters and
pocket folders concerning how to
manage influenza of "flu," — The
Iowa State board of health, by