1920 March Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Special Session, March, 1st, 1920.
Meeting called at 10:20 A. M.
Mayor Frith Pro -tem in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Frith pro -tem stated this
meeting is called for the purpose of
acting on the report of the special
committee composed of City At-
torney Czizek and C. C. Mead rela-
tive to their investigation of the
books of the Dubuque Electric
Company, and acting on any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the City
March, 1. 1920.
The undersigned, the Committee
appointed by your honorable body to
investigate the accounts of the Du-
buque Electric Company with the
view to ascertain, as far as possible,
the increased revenue acquired by
the increase in street car fares
granted on May 22, 1919, beg leave
to report as follows:
In assuming the responsibility
placed upon us we took it for grant-
ed that you did not expect us to
make a detailed investigation of the
company's books for any particular
period of operation, but all that you
intended us to do was to learn, as
far as we were able, what income
was derived by the company from the
increase in fares granted to it on
May 22, 1919. This we have done.
We have also made an investigation
of the company's income derived
from passenger fares and tickets
for the period commencing May 22,.
1918 and ending January 31, 1919,
and we have compared this income
with the income which the company
received from the same source from
May 22, 1919 up to January 31, 1920,
this being the period during which
the increase in fare has been in
effect By taking these two periods
we show what the increase in pas-
sengers for the latter period was as
compared with the former period.
We show the number of passengers
carried for the different fares and
how much revenue was. We make
these statements that in order that
the scope of our investigation may
be clear to you and also how our
results have been attained.
Number of passengers carried
Special Session, March 1st, 1920 89
from May 22. 1918 to January 31,
1919 at the different fares.
2888808 at five cents
(5c) $144,440.40
349963 at two and one
half cents (2 . 87,709.07
3238771 $153,189.47
Number of passengers carried
from May 22, 1919 to January 31,
1920 at the different fares.
3,013,264 at six and a
quarter cents
(6 $188,329.00
579,031 at seven cents
(7c) 40,532.17
207,491 (from May to
Oct. 1) at 2 5,187.27
3,799,786 $234,048.44
Passengers carried from May
22, 1918 to January 31,1919 - 3,238,771
Passengers carried from May
22, 1919 to January 31,1920- 3,799,786
Passenger Gain in 1919 .... 561,015
Income from fares from
May 22, 1918 to Jan. 31,
1919 153,189.47
Income from fares from
May 22, 1919 to Jan 31,
1920 234,048.44
Revenue gain in 1919 ..$ 80,858.97
On May 22, 1919 the company was
permitted to increase its fares from
rive cents to seven cents cash fare
or to six and one - quarter cents
ticket fare, and this action was
taken by council in order to avert a
threatened strike of the street car
men and this method was adopted
to provide revenue sufficient to pay
wage increases and it seems that
have been the understanding that
the company was to pay the increase
out of the additional revenue thus
acquired. The increase received by
the company, based upon the above
figures would be as follows:
579,031 at two cents ...$11,580.62
3,013,264 at one and one
quarter cents 37,665.80
Amount secured by increase
in fares $49,246.42
This last amount represents what
the company made from the differ-
ence in fare allowed. But as is here-
in before shown the total gain from
the entire fare was $80,858.97.
The company claims that it paid
out in increased wages the sum of
$43,000.00 and reducing the net in-
come which was received from the
increase in fares alone, amounting
to $49,246.42 leaves a net balance
of $6,246.42.
This leaves in the hands of the
company unexpended the sum of
and 14 in said Block 17; also Cypress
street from Cedar street, south
westerly to Pine street, and
Whereas, Morrison Bros. make
the statement that the use of said
streets and alleys is necessary for
the successful operation of their
business, and that buildings have
been upon said streets for a great
many years last past, and
Whereas, said streets and alleys
have not been opened up and are of
no practical use to any other firm or
corporation, and do not interfere
with the rights of any other person,
Whereas, said Morrison Bros. con-
template expending large sums of
money in the erection of buildings
and improvements upon said above
described lots, streets and alleys,
Whereas, the City Council feels
that the use of said streets and al-
leys is absolutely necessary to Mor-
rison Bros. for the successful promo-
tion of their busine s; now therefore
Be It Ordained b the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 1. —That Morrison Bros. their
successors and assigns be and are
hereby granted the exclusive use of
River street (described in Ander-
son's plat as "Cedar street," and
described in the recorded plat of
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's Addition, recorded in Book'
"T" in the county recorder's office
of Dubuque county, Iowa as "Clark
street ") from Seventh street easter-
ly to the division line between lots
4 and 5 in block 13, also the alley
extending through blocks 16 and 17,
easterly from Seventh street, be-
tween River street and Pine street,
commencing at Seventh street, and
extending easterly to the division
line between lots 13 and 14 in said
block 17, also Cypress street from'
Cedar street southwesterly to Pine
street, all in Dubuque Harbor Im-
provement Company's Addition to
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, such use
to be enjoyed by said Morrison
Bros. as long as they continue to
operate their factory or plant at
said location, and such use shall be
exclusive to said company.
Sec. 2. —If the said company, their
successors and assigns should at
any time discontinue the operation
of their plant or factory at its
present location, they shall remove
any buildings or structures which
have been built upon the streets
and alleys above named within a
reasonable time after such discon-
tinuance, and after being ordered to
do so by the city council of said
city of Dubuque, and said streets
Official Notices
and alleys shall then be opened for
public travel thereon, and no rights
other than those herein above
granted are intended to be given to
said company.
Sec. 3. —This ordinance shall be
in force and effect from and after its
passage by the city council publica-
tion as provided by law, and when
the same has been duly accepted
by the proper officials of said Mos-
rison Bros., which acceptance shall
be made within ten days after said
ordinance is duly passed, and, shall
be endorsed upon said ordinance
and become a part thereof.
Signed this 1st day of March, 1920.
Adopted February 27th, 1920.
Approved February 28th, 1920.
Mayor Pro -tem.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers, February 28th,
1920. r
2- 28 -1t. City Recorder.
90 Adjourned Session, March 1st, 1920
If we take the total gain in revenue
that the company made during this
latter period, namely $80,858.97, and
reduce it to the extent of the in-
creased wages paid, namely ,$43,-
000.00, leaves a balance of $67,858.97.
The increased wages were distri-
buted in the railroad department as
follows: (a) Superintendency; (b)
transportation; (c) car barn men;
(a) track men. It is claimed that
90 per cent of the increase in wages
was paid in the transportation de-
partment, which means the platform
Respectfully sumbitted,
Ald. Strobel moved that the report
be made a matter of record. Carried.
Ald. Andresen moved that •the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of allowing any one present to ad-
dress the Council, c arried by the
following vote.
Yeas, Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird; Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mr. C. C. Mead, representing the
street car men, Simonds and Mr.
Maynard representing the Dubuque
Electric Co. addressed the Council
relative to wages and the one man
safety car.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn un-
till 2:00 P. M. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920.
City Recorder.
(Official) '
Adjourned session (March 1st,
1920,) of special session of March
1st, 1920.
Meeting called at 2:35 p. m.
Mayor Frith pro -tem in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Frith pro -tem stated that
the meeting is an adjourned session
of the special session of March 1st,
1920, and is called for the purpose
of acting on any business that might
come before a regular meeting of
the City Council.
Ald Andresen moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of
allowing any one present to address
the Council. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas— Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Mr. Simonds and Mr. Maynard re-
presenting the Dubuque Electric
Co., and Mr. C. C. Mead represent-
ing the Street Car Men addressed
the Council relative to proposed
street car strike, discussing different
suggested methods to avert the
Petition of Mrs. Anna Dietl asking
the City Council to reduce the as-
sessment on her real estate to
$200.00 as she was not able to pay
the present rate. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
On motion of Ald. Andresen ,the
Committee Clerk was instructed to
correspond with various cities about
the size of ,Dubuque that have the
"one man safety cars" in operation
to ascertain if they are giving sat-
Ald .Hird moved that the petition
of Dubuque Motor Express Co. rela-
tive to operating without a City
License in case there was a street
car strike March 1st, 1920, be taken
out of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald Hird moved that in case the
Street Car Men gon on a strike the
Clerk be instructed to issue ,a City
License to owners of taxi and trucks
for a period of one month for the
sum of $5.00, each, said taxi and
trucks to be operated only during
the period of the strike, said
Licenses to be issued with the under-
standing that a maximum rate of
ten cents per passenger to be
charged, during said strike. Car-
Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
ried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Andresen, Burch„
Frith, Hird, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —Ald. Leist.
Ald. Burch moved that it be made
a matter of record that, after a con-
ference with the officials of Dubuque
Electric Co. and C. C. Mead, repre-
senting the Street Car Men, it was
agreed that C. C. Mead take back to
his men the proposition submitted
by the Electric Co., that an immed-
iate increase in wages be granted
to the men to 50c an hour, maximum,
for two men operation, and 55c an
hour, maximum, for one man opera-
tion, and that the threatened strike
be postponed up to March 20th in
the meantime the Council to make
investigation of the advisability of
one man operation for the City of
Dubuque, the increase above stated
to continue in effect after March 20,
if the Council should see fit to per-
mit one man operation. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
John Stuber,
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
Mayor pro -tem.
Attest •
City Recorder.
Regular session March 4th, 1920.
Council met at 8:10 p. in.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Leist, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent —Ald. Hird.
Bids for furnishing' the City of
Dubuque with 1000 ft. of Fire Hose.
Bid of Frank C. Keesecker, we will
furnish you 1,000 feet or less of any
of our brands of fire hose 2% inches,
internal diameter coupled complete
in sections of 50 feet and subject
to a guaranteed pressure of 400
pounds at the following prices de-
livered (1) Anaconda $1.30 per foot;
(2) Lexington $1.40 per foot; (3)
National Jacket $1.47 per foot; (4)
Bi- Lateral $1.55 per foot. Bid of
United States Rubber Co., Chicago,
Ill., 1,000 feet more or less Paragon
Multiple Woven at $1.50; New Peer-
less D. G. $1.40, coupled complete
with extra heavy bronze gun -metal
couplings to fit those now in use.
Bid of Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co. 2% inch double jacket fire hose
Artie Brand (coupled complete)
$1.35 per foot; Waxed and Gum
treaded (coupled complete) $1.50 per
foot, guaranteed to stand a pres-
sure of 400 pounds, f o b city.
Ald. Leist moved that all bids for
fire hose be referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole. Fire Chief
toi be notified to be present. Car-
Walter H. Cullen, expense at-
tending Engineer's conven-
tion at Fort Dodge, Iowa,
expense fund $ 35 00
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., re-
pairing South Locust street
from Jones Street to Dodge
Street 850 00
On motion of Ald. Frith all bills
properly O. K. were ordered paid
all others to be referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Frank L. Chalder ask-
ing the City Council to allow him a
soldiers exemption on Lot 11 in
Mills West Dubuque, in the sum of
$1200.00. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Andresen the prayer
of the petition was granted.
Petition of Elizabeth Nicks ask-
ing the City Council protesting
against the special assessment for
the improvement of Leibnitz Street
on Lots 50 and 57 in Marsh's Add.
claiming same was illegally made.
Presented and read. On niotion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 4th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith find my report for the
month of February, 1920, showing
the receipts and disbursements for
the month.
Tax receipts 120,718.32
Miscellaneous .. 143,496.20
Del. tax penal-
ties 132.31
Special assess-
ments 71.53
Special bond as-
sessments 4,916.65
Interest on
same 481.73
Costs o n same 1.80 269,818.54
Cash o n hand,
Feb. 1st, 1920
Warrants re-
deemed 36,153.72
Reg. bond cou-
pons redeem-
ed 6,872.38
Imp. bond con-
pons redeem-
ed 2,671.25
Reg. bonds re-
deemed 8,250.00
Imp. bonds re-
deemed 71,788.17
Library orders
paid 1,448.23
Park orders
paid ... 987.97
Pol. Pension or-
ders paid ... 172.50
Fire pension or-
ders paid ... 383.00
C a c h balance,
Feb. 29, 1920
(The above cash balances include
the balances in the improvement
bond fund, the water works interest
and sinking fund, the library fund,
old water works debt fund, police
pension fund, fire pension fund and
the sinking fund (for amelioration of
the city regular bonded debt, also
excavation fund.)
Water Works Account.
Cash Balance,
Feb. 1st, 1920. 10,281.11
Deposits with city
treasurer . 3,484.20
Orders paid b y
city treasurer .. 12,258.34
Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
Cash bal., Feb.
9th, 1920 1,506.97
13,765.31 13,765.31
Excavation Permit Account (old)
Cash Bal. Feb. 1st 150.00
Cash Bal. Feb. 29
1920 ...
Excavation Fund Account.
Cash Bal. Feb. 1st
1920 323.26
Cash Bal. Feb. 29
Excavation Permit Account (New)
Bal. Feb. 1st, 1920 61.31
Amount deposited 7.92
Warrants d r awn
against account
Bal. Feb. 29, 1920
69.23 69.23
The following is a record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer, and credited
to him
Regular bond coupons .... 6,872.38
Improvement bond coupons 2,671.25
Regular bonds 8,250.00
Improvement bonds 80.038.17
Respectively submitted,
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Auditor was aproved.
Dubuque, March 4, 11.20.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is a re-
port of Plumbing Inspector for Feb.
Applications for Journeyman
Plumbers License -one ....$ 5 00
Renewal fee for Journeyman
Plumbers Licenses -ten .... 10 00
Renewal fee for Master Plum-
bers License -four 8 00
Plans and specifications sub-
mitted, 19.
Permits granted for installa-
tion, of fixtures, 19
Inspection visits to buildings,
Cases of instruction and in-
formation, 12.
64 00
Paid to City Treasurer for
fees and permits $ 87 00
Respectively submitted,
Plumbing Inspector. •
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the PIumbing Inspector was
92 Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
Petition of Dr. L. H. Fritz asking
the City Council to allow him a
soldiers exemption on the S 25 ft.
Lot 29, Lot 28 Tschirgi's Sub. and
Lot 10 Oxford Heights. On motion
of Ald. Frith the petition was re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Petition of Kretschmer Mfg. Co.
asking the City Council to accept
taxes for 1919 on the basis provided
for in the ordinance adopted Feb-
ruary 1st, 1912, fixing real and per-
sonal property at $5000.00. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Lizzie J. Cutts asking
the City Council to allow a soldiers
exemption on the property to -wit:
Lot 2 of 6 Finley Horne Add. claim-
ing she is the widow of an old
soldier. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the petition
was referred to the City Attorney.
Petition of McFadden Building Co.
asking the City Council to cancel
the assessment 1919 on Lot 1 of the
Sub. of 529 and 530 in accordance to
ordinance adopted June 18, 1909.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Francis A. Saunders
asking the City Council to allow him
a soldiers exemption on Mineral Lot
352. Presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel the petition was
referred to the City Assessor.
Return of Service Notice, notify-
ing Even Ulrich Co. that they would
be allowed an extention of time
in which to complete their contracts
on Sanitary Sewer in Valeria Street
and Cushing Place providing they
and the Assurity Co. file a stipula-
tion jointly agreeing to the extention
and the continuance of the bond in
effect. Presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Andresen the Notice
was made a matter of record.
Return of Service Notice notify-
ing the London & Lanchashire Com-
pany of America, that the stipula-
tion and agreement relative to the
extention of time for the completion
of contracts on Valeria Street. Also
for Sanitary Sewer in Valeria Street,
signed by Even Ulrich Co. and As-
surity Co. be returned to the As-
surity Co. to be re -drawn so they
will specify what contract they re-
present. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Andresen the Notice
was made a matter of record.
The stipulations and agreements
between London & Lanchashire
Company o2 America and Even U1-
rich Co. relative to extention of
time of completion of contracts on
Sanitary Sewer in Valeria Street
and also agreement relative to im-
provement of Valeria Street, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Frith
the agreements were made a matter
of record.
To Martin Strelau Company, You
are Hereby Notified, That a pro-
position is now pending before the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
for vacation of a part of Pine
Street across land in which you
claim an interest, as follows: Lots
1 and 2 of Sun. City Lot 509A lying
between the South property line of
Ninth Street and the intersection
of the Chicago Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railroad Co. right -of -way, a
plat of which proposed improvement
has been filed in the office of the
City Engineer of said City, and you
are notified that at a session of the
said City Council to be holden at
the City Hall of said City, on the
18th day of March, 1920, it to be de-
termined whether said proposed im-
provement will be made, and you
are hereby notified to appear before
said Council at said session, and
show cause, if any you have, why
porposed improvement should not
be made.
City Engineer.
Dubuque March 2d 1920.
On motion of Ald. Leist the Vaca-
tion Notice was made a matter of
To Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railroad Company.
You are hereby notified, that a
proposition is now pending before
the City Council of the City of Du-
buue, for vacation of a part of Pine
Street across land in which you
claim an interest, as follows: Lots
1 and 2 Sub. City Lot 509A lying
between the South property line of
Ninth Street and the intersection or
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railroad Co. right -of -way a plat of
which propsed improvement has
been filed in the office of the City
Engineer of said City, and you are
notified that at a session of the said
City Council to be holden at the City
Hall of said City, on the 18th day of
March, 1920, it will be determined
whether said proposed improvement
will be made, and you are hereby
notified to appear before said Council
at said session, and show cause, if
any you have, why proposed im-
provement should not be made.
Walter H. Cullen,
City Engineer.'
Dubuque, March 2nd, 1920.
On motion of Ald. Leist the Vaca-
tion Notice was made a matter of
94 Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
Dubuque, Ia., March 4, 1920.
To the Honorable Major and City
Gentlemen: At the Special Ses-
sion of February, 27th, 1920, I was
instructed to issue a warrant in
favor of Schleuter Motor Tire com-
pany in the sum of $93.80 as per
itimized bill for repair work on an
automobile damaged by being run in-
to by the City Ambulance.
On checking over said bill I find
three entries as follows:
Aug. 20th: 5 Gal. gasoline $1.20
Aug. 29th. -10 Gal. gasoline $2.40
Sept. 5th.— 5 Gal. gasoline $1.20
Also fourteen entries on said bill
prior to date of accident, as stated.
This sum of $4.80 is included in the
total amount of the claim of $93.80.
I have suspended issuing a warrant
on said claim until I received furth-
er instructions from your Honorable
Respectively submitted,
Ald. Frith moved that the City
Council reconsider the motion in-
structing the City Recorder to draw
a warrant in the sum of $93.80 in
favor of Schleuter Motor Tire com-
pany for damages done to automobile
be being run into by the City Ambu-
lance. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the bill of
Schleuter Motor Car company for
damage done to automobile by being
rtm into by the City ambulance be
referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 28th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council.
Gentlemen: Your City Assessor
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Anna Werner Baule, relative to
the $2,000.00 valuation for Monied
Capital carried for the 1919 tax,
against Clara H. Werner. Would re-
spectively report that I have examin-
ed said petition, and find that there
was no return made by any one,
showing that a $2,000.00 valuation as-
sessment return was made by the
Werner estate for the 1919 tax to
your former city Assessor.
Respectively submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Assessor was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 28th, 1920.
To the Honorable Major and Mem-
bers of the City Council.
Gentlemen: Your City Assessor
to whom was referred the petition of
Rudolph V. Wagner relative to being
allowed a Soldiers Exemption on his
property on account of being in the
service in the U. S. army, during the
war with Germany, would respective-
ly report that I have examined said
petition and find that the above nam-
ed Mr. Wagner purchased this Lot
11 Hodges Sub., October 10th 1p19,
so he did not own the above men-
tion property while he was in ser-
of the U. S. Army, as he was dis-
charged in February 1919.
Respectively submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Assessor was approved
and the petition of Rudolph V. Wag-
ner received and filed.
Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 28th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council;
Gentlemen: I beg to report teat I
have examined the petition of Na-
than McClain, relative to being al-
lowed a Soldiers Exemption while in
service in the U. S. Army, and find
the facts as stated in his petition are
true and correct, so if the Law so
states that a soldier or sailor is en-
titled to have his taxes exempted
while in service in the U. S. Army,
the above mentioned Nathan Mc-
Clain should have his one -half inter-
est exempted in the following ues-
cribed property, Sub. M. L. 149 East
25 ft. of Lot 7, Sub. M. L. 149 Lot
8, Sub. 2 of 5 of M. L. 149 East 25
ft. of Lot 1, Sub. 2 of 5 of M. L. 149
South 20 ft. of Lot 1, and Sub 14 and
15 Bush's Sub. Lots 1 and. 2, also
one -half interest of the Undivided
one -half of Sub. 1 of M. L. 67 Lot 1,
Sub. 2 of McClain's Sub. Lot 1,
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 McClains
Snub. Sub. 2 of 1 Min. Lot 150 Lot
2, Sub. 2 of 16 McClains Sub. Lots 1
and 2, Sub. 4 of 1 Min. Lot 150 Lot 2.
Respectively submit *ed,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the city Assessor was approved
and the City Treasurer instructed ac-
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council:
I beg to report that I have ex-
amined the petition of Stanley N.
Meyer relative to a Soldiers Ex-
emption on his 1919 taxes, while he
was in service of the U. S. Army,
and find that the facts as stated in
his petition are true and correct,
he being the owner of Lot 24 Oxford
Heights Add., also a personal valua-
tion of $1,500.00 on Merchandise.
So if the Law so states that a
soldier is entitled to an exemption
of his taxes while in service of the
U. S. Army, he should be granted
the exemption as asked for in his
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Assessor was approved
and the City Treasurer instructed
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 28th 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
I beg to report that I have ex-
amined the petition of W. J. Brown,
relative to an over charge on the
1918 tax, on Mineral Lot 128, and
find that the above mentioned Min-
eral Lot 128, was tarred to the John
Deery estate in 1918, under two
descriptions, the west two - thirds of
Mineral Lot 128, valuation for 1918
tax was $600.00, and the undivided
one -half of the east one -third of
Mineral Lot 128 was carried for a
valuation of $1,740.00 for the 1918
tax, so there is no doubt in my mind
but that this $1,740.00 valuation car-
ried against the undivided one -half
of the east one -third is an error,
and the valuation should of been
carried for $170.00 for the 1918 tax,
so the $21.98 which he. states in his
petition, as being an over - charge is
correct, as he paid $24.36 on the un -I
divided one -half of the east one -third
of Mineral Lot 128 for 1918 tax,
whereas the tax for 1918 on this un-
divided one -half interest in the east
one -third of Mineral Lot 128, should
have been $2.38, so the Deery estate
overpaid on the above mentioned
part of Lot $21.98 on the 1918 taxes.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the
report of the City Assessor was ap-
proved and the City Recorder in-
structed to draw a warrant in the
sum of $21.98 in favor of W. J.
Brown, agent John Deery estate.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 2nd 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
I beg to report that I have ex-
amined the petition of Mary and
Josephine Wolfie relative to a re-
duction in taxes on the south 32
feet 4 inches of the south 66 feet of
the south two -fifths of City Lot 446,
and find that valuation as stated
in their petition was placed on the
above mentioned piece of property
in 1914, the year that the Somers'
System made a revaluation of all
City property, and has been carried
Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
every year for the same valuation
($5,950.00) since 1914.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Assessor was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 2nd, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
Your City Assessor to whom was
referred the petition of Donald F.
Huntoon, relative to a soldiers ex-
emption while in service in the U.
S. Army, would respectfully report
that the above named Donald F.
Huntoon, purchased the north 40
feet of Lot 22 T. S. Nairns Sub
August 29th 1919, and he was dis-
charged from the army June 16th
1919, so he did not own the above
mentioned piece 'of property while
he was in service of the U. S. Army.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Assessor was approved
and the petition of Donald F. Hun -
toon was received and filed.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 4th, 1920.
Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
The following is a statement of
monies advanced by me from Feb-
ruary 1st 1920 to March 4th, 1920
for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor.
Interest on warrants out-
standing $2115 53
Miscellaneous 21 73
Also please order the renewal of
the following Loan Warrants; War-
rant No. 4977, dated Jan. 4, 1906, in
the sum of $500.00 in favor of Rose
Eichorn interest at 5% from Jan. 21,
Warrants Nos. 3015 and 3016 dat-
ed Aug. 4, 1904 in the sum of $500.00
each in favor of the Union Trust
and Savings Bank, interest at 5%
from July 20, 1919.
Warrant No. 3025, dated Aug. 4,
1904 in the sum of $450.00 in favor
of the Union Trust and Savings
Bank, interest at 5% from July 26,
Warrants Nos. 3489, 3490 and 3491
dated Sept. 6, 1906, in the sum of
$500.00 each, in favor of the Union
Trust and Savings Bank, interest at
5% from April 20, 1919.
Warrants Nos. 4088, 4089, 4092 and
4094, dated Nov. 2, 1905 in the sum
of $500.00 each in favor of the
Union Trust and Savings Bank, in-
terest at 5% from Oct. 26, 1919.
Warrant No. 5308, dated Jan. 2,
1908, in the sum of $300.00 'in favor
of the Union Trust and Savings
96 Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
Bank, interest at 5% from Dec. 14,
Warrant No. 4613 dated Nov. 5,
1908, In the sum of $100.00 in favor
of the Union Trust and Savings
Bank, interest at 5% from April 20,
Warrants Nos. 3253 to 3262 in-
clusive dated July 3, 1919 in the sum
of $500.00 each in favor of James
M. Sullivan, interest at 5% from
Oct. 31, 1919.
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
was approved warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts
and the report referred back to the
Finance Committee.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 1st, 1920.
Honorable Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Please find herewith
payrolls for police department for
last half of January and the first
half of February, 1920, and payrolls
for the fire department from the last
half of October, 1919, to the first
half of February, inclusive, for
which sums please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Police payroll, February 5th.$507 33
Police payroll, February 19th.2444 95
Fire payroll, November 6th 2689 50
Fire payroll,, November 20th 2619 55
Fire payroll, December 4th 2537 75
Fire payroll, December 18th 2551 35
Fire payroll, January 2d 2559 65
Fire payroll, January 15th 2548 75
Fire payroll, February 5th 3265 75
Fire payroll, February 19th 2836 65
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Leist the pay-
rolls were received and warrants
ordered to pay the various amounts
and the reports referred back to the
Fire Committee and Police Commit-
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque:
March 4, 1920.
Gentleman: Kindly have warrants
drawn in favor of Brown, Lacy &
Clewell, attorneys for Anna Her -
mansader and Wenona T. Plaister to
pay settlement agreed upon at the
October term, 1919. These settle-
ments provided that the city would
pay in the Hermansader case six
hundred ($60,0.00), dollars and costs
amounting to forty -three dollars and
seventy. (843.70) cents; and in the
Plaister case the. sum of eight hun-
dred ($80,0.00) dollars and the plain-
tiff pay the costs. Please have war -
rants drawn in favor of said attor-
neys covering these amounts and
one warrant in favor of M. J. Grace,
Clerk of the District Court, in the
sum of forty -three dollars and sev-
enty cents ($43.70) covering costs in
the Hermansader case.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the City Attorney was approved
and warrants ordered to pay the
amounts recommended.
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
March 4, 1920.
Gentlemen: Plumbers bond of
Maurice Hill, Philip Breithaupt,
Charles Pape & Son, and A. Curtis
& Son, have been referred to me for
examination and report. I beg to
advise that I find these bonds prop-
erly executed in form with the ex-
ception of the Curtis bond which
does not contain the signature of
the principal and should be referred
back to said parties for correction.
The other bonds may be placed on
Respectfully sumbitted,
City Attorney.
On notion of Ald. Andresen the
report of the City Attorney was ap-
On motion of Ald. Strobel the fol-
lowing Weighmasters' reports were
made a matter of record:
John Mahoney $18.90
Mrs. Deckert 2.75
L. Pitchner 1.75
C. J, McCarthy 15.40
Annual reports of City Engineer
Cullen for the years 1918 and 1919
presented. On motion of Ald. An-
dresen the reports were referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Copy of communication from Clay-
ton B. Stiver Co. to the Rau Ap-
praisal Co. asking them to make all
haste possible in making their re-
port. Presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel the communica-
tion was made a matter of record.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 4th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met in regular session March 4th,
1920. Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Leist.
Citizens M. M, Hoffman, Adam Zillig,
Asst. City Attorney Cooney, 1)r.
Chas. Palen, Quarantine Officer
Neuman, Visiting Nurse Miss Ga-
Minutes of the meeting of Febru;
ary 19th presented' and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the minutes
were approved as read..
On motion of Ald. Leist the follow-
ing bills were sent to the county for
Frank Hentrich • $ 67 61
Ed Baumgartner 26 93
Alice A. Grigg 50 00
Frank Dentin 9 50
Dr. J. H. Schrup 280 00
Wieland Grocery 47 89
Dr. E. L. Reinecke 142 00
Mrs. HI MI Huber & Son 100 00
Dubuque, Ia., March 4, 1920.
To the Board of Health;
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report for the month of February,
Contagious Diseases Reported
La Grippe
Influenza deaths
Pneumonia deaths
Total Influenza and Pneumonia
Scarlet fever
Small pox
Whooping cough
Total 508
Sanitary Report.
Houses fumigated 19
Rooms fumigated 114
Garbage complaints 5
Toilets cleaned G5
Signs put up relative to dumping
on vacant lots 6
Other nuisances abated 20
Total 189
Building permits granted 6
Estimated cost of said buildings
to be erected $13,500.00
Quarantined families supplied
with groceries and fuel 6
Venereal diseases reported 4
Respectively submitted,
Quarantine Officer.
On notion of Ald. Leist the report
was made a matter of record.
Monthly and Annual report of the
Visiting Nurse Association, by Miss
Gabriel presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald Andresen the report was
made a matter of record.
Dr. Chas. Palen called the atten-
tion of the Board to the fact that
the contract entered into with Dr.
Hesselberg obligates the Board of
Health to pay for bacteriologist ex-
aminations and not Dubuque County.
Mr. Chas Rose addressed the
Board claiming that the Vault Clean-
er had over - charged him for cleaning
a cesspool and had not done the work
thoroughly. Vault Cleaner Wanders -
child addressed the Board claiming
surface water had run into the ces-
Regular Session, March 4th, 1920 97
pool after it was cleaned and after
some discussion the matter was ad-
justed satisfactorily to the Board.
Ald. Leist moved to adjourn. Car-
Respectively submitted,
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Board of Health was approved
as read.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mr. W. Keller asking for a reduc-
tion in the special assessment levied
against his property for the improve-
ment of Leibnitz street would respec-
tively recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept
$125.00 as payment in full of said
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Benevolent and Humane Society
asking for an appropriation of
$300.00 would respectfully recom-
mend that a warrant be drawn in
their favor in the sum of $300.00
from the General Fund.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. M. E. Briggs also the one of
Mrs. Fischer) asking for an exemp-
tion of the payment of a City license
for the operation of their places of
business would respectfully recom-
mend that said petitions be received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
P. Meisenberg asking permission to
operate a second hand store without
paying a city license would respect -
fully recomemnd that the prayer
of his permission be granted as an
act of charity.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the report of
the City Attorney relative to the
purchase of the Olinger property for
park purposes would respectfully
recommend that said report be made
a matter of record.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John Becker asking that the special
assessment levied against his prop-
erty for the payment of Madison
street be reduced would respectfully
recommend that the assessment be
98 Regular Session, March 4th, 1920
reduced $75.00 and the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Your committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Anna Stokes asking the city to
pay for the damage done to her sani-
tary sewer because of the city sewer
backing into hers would respectfully
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the bid of the
Iowa Map Co. for the furnishing of
the City with new maps would re-
spectfully recommend that said bid
be received and filed, and check re-
turned to bidder.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mary W. Wolfe asking that the city
repair the retaining wall at Al-
thauser Ave. and Thomas Place
would respectfully recommend that
the Street Commissioner be given
instructions to make the necessary
repairs on said wall.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the report of the City Assessor and
Attorney recommending that the
assessment against Wm. Shortel for
monies and credits in the sum of
$10,000.00 be cancelled, be approved
and the Treasurer instructed to can-
cel said assessment.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Mayor and City Attorney be in-
structed to confer with the various
organizations for the purpose of
selecting a committee to meet with
the Council to discuss the Street
car situation.
• Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Anna Dietl asking that the
special assessment against her pro-
perty for the improvement of Kauf-
man Avenue be reduced to $200.00
would recommend that the prayer of
her petition be granted and the City
Treasurer instructed accordingly.
On motion of Ald. Frith the var
ions reports of the Committee of the
Whole were approved.
Ald. Leist moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any one present to address the
Council. Carried by the following
Yeas: —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Leist, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent —Ald. Hird.
Mr. Manhoff addressed the Council
relative to Junk Peddlers using push
carts to avoid paying a City License.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
matter was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
City Recorder.
Special Session, March 8th. 1920.
Council met at 10:20 A. M.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present; —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent; —Ald. Plamondon.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of out-
lining some plan whereby the street
car strike may be adjusted, and act-
ing any one present to address the
probably come before a regular
meeting of the City Council.
Ald. Frith moved that the rule be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any one present to adress the
Council. Carried by the following
Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent: —Ald. Plamondon
A committee of Citizens composed
of the following: Ed Schrempf,
James McFadden, H. C. Baum-
gartner, Judge Benson, E. F. Griner,
and C. H. Keller, also C C. Mead
representing the street car men, and
members of the Dubuque Electric
Company, addressed the Council rela-
tive to the street car strike.
Ald. Leist moved to adjourn until
2:00 P. M. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
Special Session, March 8th, 1920 99
City Recorder.
Adjourned Session (March 8th,
1920) of special Session of March
8th, 1920.
Meeting called at 2:15 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present Alds. Andresen, Frith,
Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Alds. Burch, Plamondon.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is an adjourned session of the
Special Session of March 8th, 1920,
called for the purpose of acting on
any business that might come before
a regular meeting of the City
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any one present to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas: —Alds. Andresen, Frith,
Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Alds. Burch, Plamondon.
Ald. Burch entered and took his
seat at 2:25 p. m.
The Committee of Citizens, repre-
sentative of the Street Car Men and
the Dubuque Electric Co. addressed
the Council relative to the street car
On motion of Ald. Frith the follow-
ing named parties were appointed
Judges and Clerks for the Municipal
Election to be held April 5th, 1920.
Citizens Non - Partisan Officiald.
First ward, First precinct —Louis
Plamondon, Judge; Oliver Harker,
First ward, Second precinct —W.
Oliver, Judge; Albert Hird, Clerk.
Second ward, First precinct —John
Strobel, Judge; Art Bohler, Clerk.
Second ward, Second precinct —
Kendall Burch, Judge; Wm. Kretsch-
mer, Clerk.
Third ward, First precinct —W. T.
Allendorf, Judge; Clarence Baum-
gartner, Clerk.
Third ward, Second precinct —
Henry Krakow, Judge; Robt. Fuller,
Third ward, Third precinct —An-
ton Buechele, Judge; H. J. DeMuth,
Clerk. •
Fourth ward, First precinct —
Eugene Anderson, Judge; A. P. Mel -
choir, Clerk.
Fourth ward, Second precinct —
Jos. L. Hird, Judge; Judson Ulrich,
Fourth ward, Third precinct —Jos.
Trieb, Judge; Harry G. Scherr,
Fifth ward. First precinct —W. P.
100 Adjourned Session, March 8th, 1920
Andresen, Judge; P. K. Mathis,
Fifth ward, Second precinct —Chas.
Steuck, Jr., Judge; Herman Zerneke,
Fifth ward, Third precinct — Albert
Conrad, Judge; Chas. A. Conrad,
Fifth ward, Fourth precinct —E.
E. Frith, Judge; Herman Knoerns-
child, Clerk.
First Ward, First Precinct —Ed
Lee, Jas. McLaughlin, Judges; Chas.
Anderson, Clerks.
Second Ward, Second Precincts —i
Toni Callahan, Dan J. Kenneally,
Judges; J. It. Halpin, Clerk.
Second Ward, First Precint Peter
Pals, Henry Hier, Judges; P. J.
Norton, Clerk.
Second Ward, Second Precinct —
Chas. Snyder, W. J. Bilderback,
Judges; J. C. Gregoire, Clerk.
Third Ward, First Precinct —
Chas. Leist, P. B. Hoffffman, Judges;
Geo. Klauer, Clerk.
Third Ward, Second Precinct —
Wm. Singrin A. B. Wyner, Judges;
Alois Hoffman, Clerk.
Third Ward, Third Precinct —
John Trexler, John Westercamp,
Judges; Henry Schroeder, 414
Garfield, Ave. Clerk.
Fourth Ward, First Precinct —C.
Mullen, Chas. Stevenson, Judges;
Anton Abeln, Clerk.
Fourth Ward, Second Precinct —E.
E. McEvoy, John Steimetz Judges;
Frank Gregory., Clerk.
Fourth Ward, Third Precinct —Joe
Hammel, Jas. F. Lee, Judges; Wm.
Keller, Jr., Clerk
Fifth Ward, First Precinct —Chas.
Thomas, Joe K. Kaufman, Judges;
Henry Stuber, Clerk.
Fifth Ward, Second Precinct —
Theodore Kemps, Frank C. Oeth,
Judges, Nick Wiehl, Clerk.
Fifth Ward, Third Precinct —Wm.
A. McIntosh, Fred Heller, Judges;
Chas. Doerr, Clerk.
Fifth Ward, Fourth Precinct —Ed
Sauer, Al Schwind, Judges; Ed
Stoltz, Clerk.
On motion of Ald. Frith the fol-
lowing named parties were appoint-
ed Registeration Clerks for the
Municipal Election to be held April
5th. 1920.
October, 24th, 1918.
Registration Clerks.
First ward, First Precinct —Demo-
crat, P. J. Crowley; Citizen, C. Van -
Second Precinct— Democrat, Wm.
O'Brien; Citizen, O. W. Rath.
Second Ward, First Precinct —
Democrat, George Miller; Citizen,
Fred Bade.
Second Precinct — Democrat, John
Stem; Citizen, Adam Doerr.
Third Ward, First Precinct —Dem-
ocrat. Joe Fettgather; Citizen, Chas.
Second Precinct — Democrat. John
O'Connell; Citizen, Ben. C. Scheer.
Third Precinct — Democrat, Clar-
ence Jellison; Citizen, Walter Hen -
Fourth Ward, First Precinct —
Democrat, Jas. Rooney; Citizen, Ed
Second Precinct — Democrat, Ed.
Graham; Citizen, Harold Hird.
Third Precinct — Democrat, John
Kenety; Citizen, H. C. Milligan.
Fifth Ward, First Precinct —Demo-
crat, Joseph Miller; Citizen, Milton
Second Precinct— Democrat, Peter
Grode; Citizen, Otto Puls.
Third Precinct — Democrat, Jos.
Welu; Citizen, Chas. F. Arndt.
Fourth Precinct — Democrat, Ed.
Behnke; Citizen. Fred Wunderlich.
On motion of Ald. Frith the Chief
of Police was instructed to notify
the Dubuque Lumber Co. to open the
Extention of Rhomberg avenue with-
in ten (10) days from date.
Ald. Andresen moved to adjourn
until the call of the Mayor. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
City Recorder.
Special session March 10th, 1920.
Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor
Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Ald. Plamondon.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of hear-
ing the report of the special commit-
tee of citizens relative to their rec-
ommendations as to how to settle
the street car strike and any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the City
Ald. Frith moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of al-
lowing any one present to address
the Council. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Plamondon.
Judge Bonson (chairman of the
following committee: Judge Rob-
ert Bonson, Ed. Schrempf, James
McFadden, H. Baumgartner, E. F.
Griner and C. H. Keller) addressed
the Council stating that after a
thorough investigation they find that
if the Dubuque Electric company
were to meet the demands of the
street car men, at the end of one
year's time the company would be
between $34,000.00 and $35,000.00
short, based on the earnings of the
company during the months of Oc-
tober, November and December of
the year 1919 and January, 1920,
which the street car men themselves
state are representative months,
also stating that the committee con-
sidered the raise of fare to 8c cash
fare and 2 tickets for 15c, but found
that this would not provide suffi-
cient funds to meet the demands of
the men. They then took up the
question of the one -man "safety
car" and found after a thorough in-
vestigation these cars would mean
a solution to the problem by taking
less men to operate them, quicker
service to the public and more cars
in operation, and would ultimately
*mean a 60c wage scale to the oper-
ators of the one -man "safety cars"
and, providing the men accept the
wage scale submitted to them, and
the City Council repeal the ordinance
regulating the number of men re-
quired to operate street cars for pub-
lic service in ,the City of Dubuque,
he company are in a position to start
operating street cars tomorrow, and
as chairman of this committee rec-
ommended that the City Council re-
peal this ordinance.
Special Session, March 10th, 1920 101
After some discussion Judge Bon-
son stated that the committee would
not insist that the Council act on
this matter tonight, as they had just
received notice that the street car
men had not accepted the wage scale
offered them.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until
2 p. m. Thursday, March 11, 1920.
City Recorder.
Adopted , 1920.
City Recorder.
102 Special Session, March llth, 1920
Special Session, March 11, 1920.
Council met at 2:45 p. tn.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of dis-
cussing the street car strike, and
acting on any other business that
might properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the City Council.
Ald. Leist moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any one present to address th
Council. Carried by the folowing
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Representative of the Company
that manufacture the Safety Car,
and Mr. Mead, representative of the
Street Car Men, addressed the
Council relative to the Safety Cars.
Ald. Frith moved that the Mayor
appoint a committee to go to some
City that is operating the one man
safety cars and see them in opera-
tion, the City to pay the expense of
all Aldermen that my be appointed
on this committee. Carried by the
following vote.
Yeas— Yeas —Alds. Frith, Hird,
Leist Strobel.
Nays —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Pla-
Communication of Farley & Loet-
scher Mfg. Co. stating they are de-
sirous of purchasing one of the old
horse drawn street sprinklers and
are willing to pay $75.00 for sprink-
ler No. 3. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the communica-
tion was referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of Swift & Co. asking the
City Council to allow them to build
their present dock 5 feet wider mak-
ing a total width of 10 feet, pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of property owners on
Wartburg Avenue from Grandview
Avenue to Simpson Avenue, asking
the City Council to change the name
from Wartburg avenue to Freemont
avenue. On motion of Ald. Plamon-
don the prayer of the petition was
Ald. Burch offered the following:
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque: •
Segtion 1. That the name of
Warburg Avenue from Grandview
Avenue to Simpson Avenue be and
the same is hereby changed to Free -
mont Avenue, and said portion of
said street shall hereafter be known
and called by the name of Free -
mont Avenue., The intention of
this ordinance is to change the name
of all that portion of Wartburg Ave-
nue which lies between Grandview
Avenue and Simpson Avenue to
Freemont Avenue.
Section 2. This ordinance shall
be in force and take effect from
and after its passage by the City
Council and publication in the of-
ficial newspapers as required by law.'
Adopted ,March llth, 1920.
Approved ,March 12th, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers March 12th,
3- 12 -1t. City Recorder.
Ald. Burch moved that the reading
just had be considered the first
reading of the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Burch moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance by its title.
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas — Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption of
the ordinance as read. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas — Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
City Recorder.
Regular Session, March 18th, 1920 103
Regular session March 18th, 1920.
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Communication Chicago, Milwau-
kee & St. Paul Railway company
asking the City Council not to vacate
Pine street, situated immediately
the triangular piece of ground in
south of Ninth street, and lying be-
tween Lots 1 and 2 of Sub. of City
Lot 509 -a, presented and read. Ald.
Andresen moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any present to address the Coun-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —Nona.
Attorney Glenn Brown addressed
the Council relative to petition stat-
ing that some time in the future the
C. M. & St. P. R. R. intended to
build a double track and would use
said piece of land.
Mr. A. J, Hasenbalg, superintend-
ent of the C. M. & St. P. R. R., ad-
dressed the Council relative to their
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole, representatives of Martin -
trelau and the C. M. & St. P. R. R.
to be present.
Ald. Andresen amended Ald.
Frith's motion to grant the prayer of
the petition.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —Ald. Frith.
Petition of N. J. Schrup asking the
City Council to accept the sum of
$50.00 in full for special assessment
for the improvement of West Locust
street in the year 1915, stating that
the City had installed a fountain in
front of the lot, and 25 per cent of
the original value of the lot would
only be $25.00, presented and read.
Ald. Burch moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allow-
ing any one present to address the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Mr. N. J. Schrup addressed the
Council relative to his petition.
Ald. Leist moved that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the
City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept $50.00 and interest in full for
assessment. Carried.
Petition of Schrup Motor Car Co.
asking the City Council to cancel as-
sessment levied against the United
Tire Sales Company claiming that it
is a trade name only and assessed
under the Schrup Motor Co., pre-
sented and read. Ald. Burch moved
that the rules be suspended for the
purpose of allowing any one present
to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Mr. Schrup addressed the Council
relative to his petition.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
be referred to the City Assessor to
report before April 1st, 1920. Car-
Petition of residents and tax-pay-
ers of Asbury street and vicinity
asking the City Council to have the
bill boards removed on Asbury
street, stating that they disfigure the
appearance of the street, shut off the
picturesque view toward the west,
and are a danger, as they have been
torn , from their supports by
the ind, presented and read. Ald.
Leist moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of allowing
any present to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Mr. D. Grieder addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the petition.
Ald. Hird moved that the petition
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds, Mr. Ed.
Imhoff to be notified to be pres-
ent. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved that the Coun-
cil Proceedings for the month of De-
cember, 1920, be approved as print-
ed. Carried.
J. Scharry, health $ 50 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., bal-
ance due on 17th street ce-
ment gutters 224 51
Geo. Spark, 1st road, ma-
cadam 136 62
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., side-
walks 2 46
W. Dalbkermeyer, bathing
beach 15 20.
United Electric Co., sewer 5 50
H. C. Milligan, sewer 7 98
Standard 011 Co., sewer 86
C. Schloz, sewer 80
George Bock, sewer 3 00
F. M. Jaeger Hdwe. Co., sew-
er 15
E. Rider, sewer 5 00
W. D. Deckert Co., sewer 5 80
Thompson & Hogan, sewer 4 41
104 Regular Session, March 18th, 1920
G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer 25 05
Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 4 81
C. Schloz, sewer 1 00
Spahn & Rose Lbr. Co., sew-
er 12 86
P. J. Seippel Lbr. Co., sewer
and expense 35 20
Theis & Johnson, fire 71 75
Key City Iron Wks., fire 13 86
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., fire 8 00
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., fire 16 00
T. H. Clark, fire 2 10
T. J. Mulgrew Co., fire 379 44
Kerper Electric Co., fire 68 35
The Heeb Co., fire 37 49
Midwest Auto Supply Co., fire 50
Midwest Auto Supply Co., fire 36 70
L. B. Deming, fire 23 50
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 1 75
Iowa Oil Co., fire 11 75
W. S. Nott Co., fire 78 31
Iowa Oil Co., fire 23 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire . 44 00
Earle & Schroeder Motor Co ,
Dubuque Welding Works, fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
Falkenlra,iner Drug Store, fire
Geisler Bros., fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
Iowa Oil Co., police
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police
Iowa Oil Co., police
Karl Staufenbeil, police
Ed. Millius, police
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
C. J. McCarthy, police
G. F. Kleih & Son, police
Peter Even & Son, police
Dubuque Paper & Supply Co ,
Pelican Carbon Co., expense
United Autographic Register
Co., expense
Even - Ulrich Co., expense
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense
C. F. Cody Co., expense
J. Leslin, expense
5 17
8 40
11 25
3 00
12 65
22 80
Dubuque Paper & Supply Co ,
expense 25 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense 3 35
C. F. Cody Co., expense 123 75
G. F. Kleih & Son, expense 7 05
Key City Gas Co., expense 5 70
pense 1 00
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., ex-
pense 5 30
Klauer & Kress, expense 5 00
Klauer & Kress, expense 2 70
J. Miles, expense 50
C. B. Trewin, expense 25 00
W. Grode, expense OC
S. Reuter, expense 26 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing 115 17
Dubuque Daily News, print-
ing 18 37
Enterprise Printing Co., ex-
pense 25 00
National Demokrat, printing 37 50
Times - Journal, printing 65 06
Telegraph - Herald, printing 68 21
M. S. Hardie, expense 235 50
Labor Leader, printing 12 b0
Will M. Cutler, health 6 30
Dubuque Laboratory, health 30 00
Snyder & Cota, health 103 90
Byrne Bros. Co., health 1 25
Eleventh Street Vulcanizing
Co., health
National Refining Co., health
C. Schlz, health
Spahn -Rose Lbr. Co., health
G. F. Kleih & Son, 1st road
C. Schloz, 3d and 4th roads,
and roads 3
Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road 1065
Klauer Mfg. Co., 4th road 53
Klauer Mfg. Co., 1st, 4th and
5th roads 894 18
Klauer Mfg. Co., 3d and 4th
roads . 93 40
Dr. A. M. Loes, 2d road 9 00
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., roads 13 16
Klauer & Kress, 1st road 1 00
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co , •
roads . 6 76
Conlin & Kearns, 2d road .. 5 38
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
roads . 19 95
W. D. Deckert Co., roads .. 7 85
A. W. Drake & Son, 1st road 1 00
Upton's Laundry, expense
and health 5 25
Enterprise Printing Co ,
health . 29 00
F. G. Becker, expense and fire 122 29
American -La France Fire En-
gine Co., fire 99 71
Fischer & Co., expense and
fire . 143' 10
N. Loes, roads and sewer 28 80
John L. Kies, expense, roads
and sewer 12 30
C. E. Fitzpatrick & Co., ex-
pense and fire 16 55
T. J. Magee, sewer and roads 9%00
Iowa Telephone Co., police,
fire and expense , 62 15
Key City Gas Co., police, fire,
and expense 88 20
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 75
Key City Gas Co., fire 70
Dubuque Electric Co., sewer 14 56
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 29 48
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting
and expense 4143 75
Dubuque Electric Co., police 2 22
On motion of Ald. Leist all bills
properly 0. K. were ordered paid;
all others referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of the Key City Gas Co.
asking the City Council for permis-
sion to excavate in Couler Avenue
near Nineteenth street for the pur-
pose of repairing the gas mains. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
5 >S0
28 50
6 4'2
2 35
Regular Session, March 18th, 1920
Leist the prayer of the petition was
Petition of Rosa Keck asking the
City Council to refund part of taxes
paid on Lot 2 Sub. 1 of 1 of 7 Min,
Lot 159, claiming the assessment
was erroneous. Presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Hird the petition
was referred to the City Assessor.
Petition of the Potterveld Drug
Co., asking the City Council to al-
low them to install a gasoline filling
station in front of their building at
243 Delhi street. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Hird the
prayer of the petition was granted,
they to sign an agreement drawn by
the City tAtortney.
Petition of Odd Fellows Temple
asking the City Council to allow
them a reduction of one -third of
their assessment for taxes as has
been done in years past, being a
Fraternal Society. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
prayer of the petition was granted.
Communication of • the Dubuque
Retail Grocers' Association, :stating
that at a meeting of the association
tb.e president was directed to notify
all members of said association to
refuse to pay the City License fee
of $50.00 for the privilege of selling
soft drinks, claiming that the City
was without legal authority to exact
same. Presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Burch the communica-
tion was referred to the City Attor-
Petition of Fred and Rosa Licht,
asking the City Council to refund
them 50 per cent of the assessment
amounting to $77.95 for the improve-
ment of Fifth avenue on Lots 5 and
6 Johnson's Sub., claiming they had
paid all of the assessment previous
to the action of the Council allowing
all property owners on Fifth avenue
a reduction of 50 per cent for said
improvement. Presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the prayer
of the petition was granted, a war-
rant ordered drawn to cover the
amount and the City Treasurer to be
notified accordingly.
Petition of Oscar Thompson ask-
ing the City Council to correct as-
sessment on Lots 308 and 315 Wood -
lawn Park. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the petition was
referred to the City Assessor.
Communication of Henry Traxler,
City Manager of Clarinda, Iowa,
making application for the position
of City Manager of Dubuque, Iowa,
giving references. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Strobel
the communication was referred tc
the incoming Council.
Communication of the Dubuque
Trades & Labor Congress protesting
against the City Council rescinding
the present ordinance governing the
operation of the "One Man" ear in
the City, unless said adoption be left
to the citizens and be decided by
popular vote. On motion of Ald.
Frith the communication was re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Communication of the Dubuque Re-
tail Merchants Association urging
the City Council to immediately re-
peal the ordinance prohibiting the
operation of one -man safety cars in
this City and from that point make
the utmost speed in bringing about
a settlement of the existing strike.
Presented and read. On motion o:
Ald. Leist the communication was
referred to the Committee of the
Petition of C. J, Buol, asking the
City Council to have assessment
changed on records to $560.00 on
Lot 10 Fairview Place as allowed
by the Committee of the Whole re-
port of January 2nd, 1919. Present-
ed and read. On motion of Ald. Hird
the prayer of the petition was
granted and the City Treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Petition of Anna Rossell asking
the City Council to refund to her the
sum of $19.45 interest paid in addi-
tion to taxes on house and Lot in
G. W. Rodger's Sub. as recommend-
ed by the Council in November, 1918
On motion of Ald. Frith the prayer
of the petition was granted as an act
of charity, the City Recorder in
strutted to draw a warrant to cover
the same and the City Treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Petition of C. A. Kearney asking
the City Council to allow him a sol
dier's exemption of taxes for 1919 on
residence No. 340 Grandview avenue.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the City Assessor to report back
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Herbert S. Noonan ask-
ing the City Council to allow him a
Soldier's exemption on Lot 8 Grand-
view Ave. Add. for the amount of
the total assessment for 1919. Pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Hird the petition was referred to the
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Hird the Plumb-
er's Excavation Bond of Mullen BroS.
was referred to the City Attorney
On motion of Ald. Strobel the
Plumber's Excavation Bond of Kes-
ler & Buechel was referred to the
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Leist the Plumb-
er's Excavation Bond of Richard
Burke was referred to the City At-
Notice of claim of Allie Even in
the sum of $190.00 for injuries sus-
tained on February 14th, 1920, by
. 106
Regular Session, March 18th, 1920
stepping off the curb stone and fall
ing on the corner of Seventeenth and
Clay streets. Presented and read.
On mottion of Ald. Leist the notice
was referred to the City Attorney.
Original notice of suit of Ida Rudde
in the sum of $3,000.00 for injuries
sustained on December 25th, 1919.
Presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Hird the notice was referred to
the City Attorney.
Dubuque, Ia., March 18, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Please have the City
Treasurer instructed to allow an Old -
Soldier's exemption of $2,800.00 on
Lot 22 S. M. Langworthy's Add., as-
sessed to Mrs. Leopold Zeng for the
1919 tax, she being the widow of an
old soldier, therefore is entitled to
the exemption above asked for.
- Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the City Assessor was ap-
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
turn of service notice notifying the
Dubuque Lumber Co. to open the ex-
tension of Rhomberg avenue within
ten (10) days from date was made
a matter of record.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 17, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I would respectfully
recommend that the Fire Depart-
ment be furnished with 48 uniform
caps, New York City regulation pat-
Most respectfully,
Chief Fire Department.
On motion of Ald. Leist the City
Recorder was instructed to adver-
tise for bids to furnish the Fire De-
partment with caps.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 10, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Please have the
Treasurer instructed to cancel the
valuation of $4,260.00 carried against
Tasso Efferding on Sub. 2 of 2 of 2
of 9 of Mineral Lot 73, Lot 2, as this
is a double assessment for the 1919
tax, the above mentioned piece of
ground is also assessed to Katie
Sande for the above mentioned valu-
ation for the 1919 tax, therefore the
assessment of Tasso Efferding
should be cancelled for the 1919 tax.
Respectfully submitted,.
City Assessor.-
- On • motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the City Assessor was ap-
Dubuque, Iowa, March 9, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I beg to report that
I have examined the petition of Fran-
cis A. Saunders, relative to a sol-
dier's exemption on Mineral Lot 352
while in service of the U. S. Army
and find that the above named Fran-
cis A. Saunders purchased the above
mentioned lot October 27, 1919, and
' find he was discharged from the
army in March, 1919, so he did not
own the above mentioned Mineral
Lot while he was in the service of
the U. S. Army.
Respectfully submitted,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the City Assessor was made
a matter of record and the petition
of Francis A. Saunders received and
Your special committee, to whom
was referred the quarterly reports
of the City Water Works from Octo-
ber, 1918, to October, 1919, would
respectfully report that we have au-
dited said company's books for said
period and would recommend that
said reports be approved.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Special Committee was ap-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit niy
Payroll for labor cleaning storm sew-
ers in the City of Dubuque for the
first half of March, 1920:
Amount due laborers clean-
ing sewers $1552 80
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
roll was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Also submit payroll for labor on
streets in the various road districts
of the City of Dubuque for the first
half of March, 1920: •
Amount due laborers $1567 41
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
roll was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Also submit payroll for labor on
sewers in the City of Dubuque for
the first half of March, 1920:
Regular Session, March 18th, 1920 107
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $ 495 00
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
payroll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the Committee on Sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit
my payroll for the Police Depart-
ment for the first half of March,
Amount due Policemen $2498 65
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
payroll was received and warrants
'ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Police Committee.
Fire Chief Ahern reported as fol-
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for the Fire Department for
the first half of March, 1920:
Amount due Firemen $2844 50
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Leist the pay-
roll was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to the Fire Committee.
City Auditor Lagen reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: — Herewith find my re-
port of salaries due city officials for
the last half of March 1920, $1,-
818.52, and Amanda Beyer (Compen-
sation Law) $17.54, also L. Wemett
for taking care of Comfort Station
18th street, $7.50.
Respectfully submitted,
City Auditor.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
roll was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred
back to, the Finance Comimttee.
Ald. Burch offered the following:
Whereas, Pier Bros. are the own-
ers of the property in Block 15 Du-
buque Harbor Improvement Co.'s
Addition abutting the alley in said
block, and
Whereas, said company are en-
gaged in the Coal and Wood business
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
Whereas, said Pier Bros. desire
the use of that part of said alley not
occupied by railroad tracks, and
Whereas, the use of said part of
said alley is necessary for the suc-
cessful operation of their business,
Whereas, said alley has never been
opened up and is of no practical use
to any other firm or corporation and
does not interfere with the rights
of any other person, and
Whereas, the City Council feels
that the use of said part of said alley
is necessary to said Pier Bros., for
the successful promotion of their
Now therefore, Be it ordained by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1. That Pier Bros., their
successors and assigns, be and they
are hereby granted the exclusive use
of that part of the alley in Block 15
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's Addition from the -west prop-
erty line of Pine Street to the Chi-
cago Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail-
road company's main tracks except
where the railroad tracks run
through said alley, such use to be en-
joyed by said Pier Bros. as long 'as
they continue to operate their busi-
ness at said location, and such shall
be exclusive to said company.
Section 2. If the said company,
their successors and assigns, should
at any time discontinue the opera-
tion of their business at its present
location, they shall remove any build-
ing or structure which has been built
upon the alley above mentioned
within a reasonable time after such
discontinuance, and after being or-
dered to do so by the City Council
of said City of Dubuque, and said
alley shall then be open for public
travel thereon, and no rights other
than those herein above mentioned
are intended to be given to said Pier
Section 3. This ordinance shall
be in force and take effect from and
after its passage by the City Coun-
cil and its publication as provided
108 Regular Session, March 18th, 1920 Regular Session, March 18th, 1920 109
by law, and when the same has been
duly accepted by said Pier Bros.,
which acceptance shall be made
within ten days after said ordinance
is duly passed, and shall be endorsed
upon said ordinance and become a
part thereof.
Signed this day of - -.
City Recorder.
On .motion of Ald. Hird the ordin-
ance was referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Ald. Frith moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to draw a war-
rant in the sum of $350.00 in favor
of the Key City Gas Co. to pay for
extending the gas mains to the Bath-
ing Beach. Carried.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the city advertise for sale five (5)
of the old horse drawn sprinklers
and the two (2) steel tank oilers in
the local papers and in the Municipal
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Elizabeth Nicks relative to the spe-
cial assessment levied against her
for the improvement of Leibnitz
street would respectfully recommend
that the Treasurer be instructed to
accept 50 per cent of the assessment
as payment in full.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Kretschmer Manufacturing Co.
asking that the City Treasurer be
instructed to accept their taxes on
the basis of $5,000.00 valuation, real
and personal, as provided in tha ordi-
nance adopted in 1912 would respect-
fully recommend that the prayer of
their petition be granted and the
Treasurer instructed accordingly.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to,
whom was referred the petition of
Clara Werner Baule along with the
report of the City Assessor relative
to the cancellation of an assessment
against her for monies and credits
in 1919 would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of her petition
be granted and the assessment can-
E. E. FRITH, Chairm ?n.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the bids for the
purchase of fire hose, would respect-
fully recommend that a contract be
to the United Tire Sales Co. for 300
feet of Paragon Multiple woven at
$1.50 per foot, one to the Dubuque
Rubber and Belting Co. for 350 feet
of Waxed and Gum treated at $1.50
per foot and one to Frank C. Kee -
secker for 300 feet of National Jacket
at $1.47 per foot.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Sidewalk Inspector be instruct-
ed to order a sidewalk constructed
on Kaufmann avenue at Valeria
E. B. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the annual re-
port of the City Engineer for the
years 1918 and 1919, would respect-
fully recommend that the same be
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of
Schlueter Bros. for damage to their
car caused by a collision with the
Ambulance in the sum of $93.00,
would respectfully recommend that
a warrant be drawn in their favor
in the sum of $50.00 in payment in
full of the same.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved that the various
reports of the Committee of the
Whole be approved. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., March 18, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met in regular session March 18th,
Present —Ald. Leist, Quarantine
Officer Neumann, Citizens M, M.
Hoffmann, Adam Zillig, Vi;;iting
Nurse Miss Gabriel and Parochial
Nurse Mrs. Dolan.
Minutes of the meeting . of March
4th, 1920, presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the minutes
were approved as read.
On motion of Ald. Leist the fol-
lowing bills were sent to the county
for payment:
Peter B. Hoffmann $ 7 41
L. Werner Grocery 11 20
J. F. Woodrich 18 36
Whelan Grocery 12 99
F. A. Burns 2 00
Dr. E. L. Reinecke 106 00
Frank A. Burns 4 85
F. A. Burns 5 15
Frank A. Burns 12 75
Dubuque Electric Co. 3 80
F. A. Burns 4 85
Alice A. Grigg 50 00
John L. Kies 2 75
F. A. Burns 4 85
Felix G. Becker 21 50
Mike Kies 8 00
G. F. Kleih & Son 22 75.
Alois M. Hoffmann 23 80
Communication from Guilford H.
Sumner stating that the ban cannot
be released for the present on funer-
al's over persons dead from flu- or
pneumonia. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the communi-
cation was made a matter. of record.
Parochial Nurse Mrs. Dolan re-
ported verbally of conditions in the
Parochial schools.
Communication from the Retail
Merchants' Assn. inviting Quarantine
Officer Neuman to attend a meeting
March 19th, in regard to Spring
Clean -up Campaign. Presented and
read. On motion of Ald Leist the
communication was made a matter
of record.
Adam Zillig moved that the Board
of Health recommend that the City
Council order all streets and alleys
cleaned as ' soon as possible. Car-
Adam Zillig moved to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the re-
port of the Board of Health was ap•
proved: .
Alderman Burch offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That it
is deemed necessary and advisable
to construct a sanitary sewer in Sev-
enth street as follows, to -wit: an
eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Seventh street from the end of the
present sewer in said street to a
point opposite the west lot line of
Lot 12 in Block 13, 13, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Co.'s Addition, and to
assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting property.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption of
the resolution, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird,. Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Ald. Burch offered the following.
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and speci-
fications for an eight -inch tila pipe
sanitary sewer in Seventh street
from the end of the present sewer
in said street to a point opposite the
west line of Lot 12, Block 13, Du-
buque Harbor Improvement ' Co.'s
Addition, showing the locations and
general nature of such improvement,
the extent thereof, the size and kind
of material to be used, and .to prepare
an estimate of the cost thereof and
the amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting thereon per front feet or square
feet in area, and to file such plat,
specifications and estimate - in the
office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed,
the City Recorder shall cause to be
published notice of the intention of
the Council to make such improve-
ment, which notice shall be pub-
lished in three consecutive issues
of the official paper of the City of
Dubuque, stating that such plat is on
file, and generally the nature of the
sewer, its location, size and kinds
of material to be used, and the esti-
mate of its cost, fixing the time be-
fore which objections can be filed,
which time shall not be less than
five days after the last publication
of said notice, and after the P pinple-
tion of the publication of such no-
tice, he hsall at its next session, no-
tify the Council thereof in writing
with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Burch moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds, Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
On motion of Ald. Frith the City
Recorder was instructed to furnish
the City Attorney with a list of the
names of the owners of property
condemned for the widening of
White street.
'Ald. Burch moved that the Key
City Gas Co. be required to furnish
a bond in the sum of $600.00 to the
City to cover all liability that may
oocur by excavating in Couler ave-
nue near Nineteenth street to repair
the gas mains. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Leist the City
Recorder was instructed to publish
a notice to property owners and ten -
ants to have all ashes removed from
streets or alleys abutting private
property within ten days from date.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted , 1920.
City Recorder.
k I,
one made by us and report in con -
junction with us at a later meeting.
Ald. Frith moved that the report
of the committee be approved.
Ald. Burch amended Ald. Frith's
motion as follows: We, the under-
signed would respectfully report that
we have viewed the Safety -car in
operation at Gary, Ind., and Terre
Haute, Ind., but owing to the fact
that we are only a part of the com-
mittee appointed to investigate this
matter we feel that we should not
be called upon to make a final report
at this time. Carried.
Ald. Andresen moved to adjourn.
Carried. JOHN STUBER.,
City Recorder.
Adopted, 1920.
City Recorder.
Special Session, March 27th, 192o
Special session March 27, 1920.
Council met at 10:35 a. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Burch, Frith, Hird,
Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Alds. Andresen, Plamon-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of can-
vassing the nomination papers of the
various candidates for the office of
Councilmen to be elected April 5,
1920, and any other business that
might properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the City Council.
Ald. Leist offered the following:
The City Council having canvassed
the petitions of the various candi-
dates for the offices of Councilmen
to be elected April 5, 1920, find that
the petitions of the following candi-
dates contain the required number
of signatures and said candidates are
hereby declared nominated for the
various terms:
Two Year Term.
Frank C. Keesecker.
J. E. Seeley.
J. J. Connors.
Harlan Melchoir.
Magnus Rooney.
Three Year Term.
George Beach.
James Alderson.
Kendall Burch.
Louis Brede.
Theo. Gabriel.
J. R. Rhomberg.
Herbert Adams.
The City Recorder is hereby di-
rected to publish officially the names
of such nominees in the official news-
papers of the City, and prepare the
ballots as required by Law.
The petition of Glenn Brown for
the office of Park Commissioner hav-
ing been canvassed is found to con-
tain proper number of signatures
and his name is ordered placed upon
the official ballot at the coming City
Election. Ald. Leist moved the
adoption of the Resolution. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Burch, Frith, Hird,
Leist, Strobel.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Andresen, Plamon-
On motion of Ald. Hird the City
Engineer was instructed to notify
Plumbers excavating in streets to
put the streets back in good condi-
tion at once, and if not done within
five (5) hours from date of notice,
he is to notify the City Council of
the same.
IIO Special Session, March 25th, 1920
Special session, March 25th, 1920.
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Aids. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hurd, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on the report of the committee
appointed by the Mayor to view the
safety cars in operation at Gary, Ind.,
and Terre Haute, Ind., and any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the City
Kendal Burch, expense $24 83
Thomas A. Gorman, expense 61 39
E. E. Frith, expense 39 38
Jos. L. Hird, expense 41 13
C. J. Leist, expense 39 38
On motion of Ald. Andresen all
bills properly o. k. were ordered paid
and all others referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
"The undersigned committee se-
lected by their respective organiza-
tions, to -wit: The Rotary club, Ki-
wanis club, Trades and Labor con-
gress Chamber of Commerce, Re-
tailers association and Dubuque Bar
association, at the request of your
honorable body to attempt a settle-
ment of the differences existing be-
tween the Dubuque Electric com-
pany and its men, would respectful-
ly report as follows:
"That the committee has made
every effort to settle the strike. It
has met numerous times; has con-
sulted on numerous occasions with
both the men and the electric com-
pany and was courteously received
by both.
"We find the situation to be that
the men are entitled to a substan-
tial advance in wages and that the
company cannot pay the wages de-
manded without relief be procured
through economy of operation or in-
creased income. We used every ef-
fort to harmonize difficulties, .with
the object and purpose of getting
the cars operated, and verbally
made our report to the city council.
"We feel that as there was no
power vested in our committee and
that as our province was purely ad-
visory, that under the circumstances
we should be relieved of further ser-
vice, thereby leaving the parties in-
terested, as well as the city coun-
cil, free to do as they deem best in
the premises.
"Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Burch the report
of the Committee was approved, re-
lieved of all further duties, and a
vote of thanks extended for their
Ald. Andresen moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose
of allowing anyone present to ad-
dress the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
Mr. Mead addressed the Council
relative to the street car strike.
Mr. Simonds addressed the Council
and was questioned by City Attorney
Czizek relative to the company's
stocks and bonds, its earnings, de-
preciation, etc.
Ald. Burch offered the following:
That the Mayor be instructed to
notify the Dubuque Electric Co. to
effect a settlement with their em-
ployes and to proceed to operate
their street cars within 24 hours
from receipt of notice.
That the City Attorney be instruct-
ed to advise the Council of its rights
and remedies in the case the com-
pany does not comply with the
notice of the Mayor, especially in
reference to the appointment of a re-
ceiver, the right of the city to take
over the property and operate the
cars and to the forfeiture of the
franchise of the Dubuque Electric
Co. or any other method of proced-
Ald. Burch moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro-
Nays —None.
"To the Honorable Mayor and City
"We, the undersigned, would re-
spectfully report that we have view-
ed the safety -car in operation at
Gary, Ind., and Terre Haute, Ind.,
but owing to the fact that we are
only a part of the committee ap-
pointed to investigate this matter
we feel that we should not be called
upon to make a final report at this
time, but would recommend that the
balance of the committee appointed
make an investigation similar to the
112 Special Session, March 27th, 1920 Special Session, March 3ist, 1920 113
Dubuque, Ia., March 26, 1920.
Hon. James Saul, Mayor.
Dubuque, Iowa.
Dear Sir:
We wish to acknowledge service
of the resolution passed by the City
Council, March 1920, notifying us
to "effect a settlement with our em-
ployes and proceed to operate our
street cars within twenty -four hours
from reecipt of notice."
The report of the Civic Committee
appointed by you to investigate our
affairs informs you Honorable' Body
that we are unable to pay the men
"under present circumstances" the
wage demanded, and we have asked
you, who can change those "preSl ut
circumstances" to make it possible
for us to 'offer our employes an ac-
ceptable wage.
Towards that end your Honorable
Body has up to this time extended
no relief, so that it is still impossible,
as the recent Committee reported,
to offer the men anything beyond the
propositions previously submitted by
us, and refused by them, if considera-
tion is given the financial condition
that is imperative, if we are to
render the service that is due the
people of Dubuue.
Very respectfully,
Dubuque Electric Company.
By H. B. Maynard,
Vice President.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the com-
munication' was made a matter of
. Ald. Burch offered the following:
Resolved, That the City Attorney
be instructed to take such legal
steps against the Dubuque Electric
Company necessary to bring the
street car strike with its employes
to a speedy end, commence operation
of its street cars on its lines and to
protect the rights of the citizens of
Dubuque. Carried by the following
Yeas —Alds. Burch, Frith, Hird,
Leist, Strobel.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Andresen, Plamon-
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920
City Recorder.
Special Session March, 27th. 1920.
Council met at 11:00 a. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present; —Aids. Burch, Frith,
Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent; —Alds. Andresen, Plamon-
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on recommendations for illumi-
nation of the Town Clock, and acting
on any other business that might
properly come before a regular
meeting of the City Council.
The following lighting specifica-
tions submitted by the - Illuminating
Engineering Dept. of the Dubuque
Electric Co.;—We recommend that
the clock be flooded from the cornice
below the face of the clock.
Units to be used. 8 X -Ray Flood-
lighting Projectors, No. 51 with
No. 810 wide distributing beam re-
flectors, from 250 watt floodlight
Where placed. 2 -Units for each
face. Units to be mounted on corn -
ors of cornice so that the beams
cross each other on the face of the
clock. This prevents shadows.
We suggest, to get the best re-
sults that the hands and numbers
be regilded. Cost of complete in-
stallation ready to light $410.00.
Presented and read. Ald. Frith
moved that the rules be suspended
for the purpose of allowing any one
present to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas; —Alds. Burch, Frith, Hird,
Leist, Strobel.
Nays ; —None.
Absent —Alds. Andresen, Plamon-
A representative of the Chicago
Electric Co. addressed the Council
relative to illumniting the Town
On motion of Ald. Hird the com-
munication was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Hird moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1920.
City Recorder.
special Session. March 31st, 1920.
Council met at 8:00 p. m. Mayor
Saul in the chair.
Present; —Alds. Andresen, Burch
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Absent —Ald. Plamondon.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of hear-
ing from the Committee represent-
ing the Dubuque Retail Merchants
Association. and acting on any other
business that might properly come
before a Regular Meeting of the
City Council.
We the usdersigned, being the
owners of all of the property subject
to a special assessment for the im-
provement of Julien Avenue, from
the East property line of Alta Vista
Street to the present improvement
at Alpine Street, hereby waive any
and all irregularities in connection
with the improvement not being
completed on the time specified in
the contract.
It being understood by us, that the
contract for the improvement of
said street was to have been com-
pleted on or before October lst,
It being further understood by us,
N. J. Staner, the contractor, was
unable to secure material for the
improvement of said street in time
to have contract completed by Oc-
tober lst, 1919, as provided for in
the specifications now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and in
consideration for the improvement
of said street in accordance with
said specifications, we hereby waive
any and all rights that we may have
in connection with the improvement
not being completed by October 1st,
1919, as provided for in said specifi-
cations, and we will in no way ques-
tion the legality of the improvement
on account of not being completed
on the date specified.
Dr. Jas. Alderson, C. H. Snyder,
E. Muntz Minnie Giesmann, Ida M.
Simplot, The Sisters of the Visita-
tion, J. R. Taylor, A. D. Dennis, H.
C. Bechtel, Geo. Bechtel, Otis Lewis,
Voelker Realty Co., W. J. Brown,
On motion of Ald. Hird the waiver
and agreement was made a matter
of record and N. J. Staner allowed
to go on with the work.
Waiver and agreement jointly
signed by the Bonding Co. and N.
J. Staner relative to the bond being
in force and effect on the extention
of time for the improvement of
Julien Avenue from the East proper-
ty line of Alta Vista Street to the
present improvement at Alpine
Street. Presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Hird the waiver and
agreement was made a matter re-
On motion of Ald. Andersen the
petition of the Dubuque Retail Mer-
chants Association relative to re-
pealing the Ordinance prohibitlsig
the operation of the one -man street
cars was taken from the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of the Dubuque Retail
Merchants Association taken just
taken from the Committee of the
Whole as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa. March, 15 1920
To the City Council,
City of Dubuque,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The executive Board of the Du-
buque Retail Merchants Association
has considered very carefully the
situation in Dubuque created by the
existing street car strike. It has
become apparant that action must
be taken as soon as possible to al-
leviate the conditions brought about
by this strike. The Executive Board
therefore desires to express to the
City Council their opinion that the
existence of the Ordinance on the
statute books of the City prohibit-
ing the operation of one -man safety
cars is at the present time standing
in the way of a settlement of the
present strike more than any other
one thing. They do therefore earn-
estly urge the City Council to im-
mediately repeal the Ordinance pro-
hibiting the operation of one -man
safety cars in this City and from
that point on make the utmost speed
in bringing about a settlement of the
existing strike.
Respectfully submitted,
Dubuque Retail Merchants Associa-
R. M. Plaister,
Presented and read. Ald. Andre-
sen moved to suspend the rules for
the purpose of allowing any one pre-
sent to address the Council,. Carried
by the following vote.
Yeas; Alds. Andresen, Burch,
Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel.
Nays; —None.
Absent; —Aid. Plamondon.
Mr. Theo. Buechele and Mr. Cohen
addressed the Council stating that
it was their duty to repeal the ordin-
ence prohibiting the one -man cars.
Ald. Plamondon entered and took
his seat at 8:10 P. M.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the
City Recorder was instructed to
read report of the Citizens Commit-
tee that had been approved March
25, 1920.
"The undersigned committee se-
114 Special Session, March 31st, 1920
letter by their representive organiza-
tions, to -wit; The Rotary club, Ki-
wanis club, Trades and Labor con-
gress, Chamber of Commerce, Re-
tailers association and Dubuque Bar
association, at the request of your
honorable body to attempt a settle-
ment of the differences existing be-
tween the Dubuque Electric com-
pany and its men, would respectful-
ly report as follows:
"That the committee has made
every effort to settle the strike. It
has met numerous times; has con-
sulted on numerous occasions with
both the men and the electric com-
pany and was courteously received
by both.
"We find the situation to be that
the men are enlisted to a substan-
tial advance in wages and that the
company cannot pay the wages de-
manded without relief be procured
through economy of operation or in-
creased income. We used every ef-
fort to harmonize difficulties, with
the object and purpose of getting
the cars operated, and verbally made
our report to the city council.
"We feel that as there was no
power vested in our committee and
that as our province was purely ad-
visory, that under the circumstances
we should be relieved of further ser-
vice, thereby leaving the parties in-
terested, as well as the city council,
free to do as they deem best in the
"Respectfully submitted.
Messrs Meade, Keller and Quinlan
addressed the Council relative to
one -man street cars.
Mr. Meade suggested that in some
Cities the situation had been hand-
led by appointing a committee to
adjust the street car fares to meet
the expense of the company chang-
ing the rate of fares from time to
Mr. Cohen stated that as a repre-
sentative of the Dubuque Retail
Merchants Association he requested
the City Council to take action at
once and either repeal the Oridnance
prohibiting the operation of the one -
man cars, or allow the Dubuque
Electric Company to charge a higher
rate of street car fares.
Ald. Andersen moved that the
Communication of the Dubuque Re-
tail Merchants Association, just
taken from the Committee of the
Whole asking the City Council to
repeal the Ordinance prohibiting the
operation of the one-man safety cars
in the City, be received and filed.
Mr. Stiver of the Clayton B.
Stiver Co., who are now auditing the
Dubuque Electric Companys books
addressed the Council stating that
he thought the audit would be ready
to submit in a short time.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.,
City Recorder.
Adopted ,. 1920
City Recorder.
List of Oily Warrants
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a
complete list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of March,
Salaries for the Last Half of
February, 1920.
James Saul, Mayor $ 58 52
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 73 52
Louis F. Kolfenback Asst 62 10
John Holland 52 50
Cryil D. Lagen, Auditor 64 20
Fred Ganter, Deputy 55 00
John Stuber, Recorder 64 20
Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55 00
Peter Kies, Assessor 68 75
Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57 50
Harry McCarthy, Deputy 57 50
M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82 50
M. Cooney. Asst. Attorney....62 75
Elsie Datisman, stenographer 11 00
Walter Cullen, Engineer 91 70
J. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68 75
62 50
J. J. Shea
John Fahey, Rodman 50 00
Al. Eitel, Rodman 50 00
J. W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 70 00
Chas. J. McCarthy, Market
Master 4
Thos. Hackney, Poundmaster 37
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 43
Dr. E. L. Reinecke, Health
Office 3 7
Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and
Milk Inspector 50
M. O'Donnell, Plumbing In-
spector 87
John Schromen, Street Com-
missioner 57
James Lynch, Wharf Matser 42
Jno. Mahoney, First Ward
Louis J. Plamondon, Alder-
man First Ward 12
K. Burch, Alderman Second
Chas. J. Leist, Alderman
- Third Ward
Jos. L. Hird, Alderman
Fourth Ward
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Wm. P. Andresen, Alderman
at Large 12 50
John Strobel, Alderman -at-
Large 12 50
John Giellis, Chief of Police 82 50
Amanda Beyer Compensation
law 17 54
L. Wemett, care of Comfort
Station 7 50
Police Payroll Last Half of Feb-
ruary, 1920.
Edward Brunskill 56 39
Max Bemis 56 50
List of Warrants 115
James Corcoran 56 35
John Cody 56 35
Nicholas Campbell 56 3 5
William Carroll
Thomas Connally
56 35
Thomas Cain 56 35
56 4 7
Philip Dunphy 61 25
Thomas Duggan 56 39
Edward Daily 56 35
Nicholas Ehlers 56 3 5
Patrick Fury 61 29
John Fox 56 35
Michael Fogarty 56 35
Theodore Ganahl 56 35
Benjamin Gray 56 35
Lee Golden 49 00
John Kopp 56 35
John Kilby 52 62
Barney Ludescher 58 80
John McGrath 49 00
Hugh Markey 56 35
Otto Neuman 61 2 5
Alfred Noel
John O'Brien 61 56 2 5 35
Michael O'Connor 61 25
Charles Peters 56 35
Michael Ryan 56 35
Gustave Raterman 56 50
Joseph Stoltz 56 35
Arthur Schroeder 56 35
Patrick Sullivan 61 2 5
John Spielman 56 35
Dennis Sheehan 56 35
Thomas Sweeney 61 25
Fred Spielman 58 80
George Stoltz 56 35
Charles Truher 56 35
Edward Vosberg 61 2 1
Frank Williams 56 35
Miss B. Brennan 56 3 5
Mrs. K. Hibbe 56 35
Pension Fund retained 49 44
Payroll Last Half of February
1920. Fire
D. Ahern 81 35
J. Allen 56 85
P. Apel 56 85
L. Benzer 56 85
J. Benzer 56 85
A. Brewer 56 85
F. Baumgartner 58 80
H. Cain 58 80
J. Connelly 56 85
J. Daugherty
W. Ducey 61 75 85
J. Donahue 56 50 00
M. Eitel
J. Flynn 61 75
G. Gehrke 73 50 61 75
W. Hipman 68 60
A. Heer 61 75
D. Harker 56 58 85 • 0
W. Kannolt
J. Keppler 555886
W. Kinsella 56 85
F. Kenneally 61 7 5
R. Kennally 56 85
T. Kennedy 56 85
M. Kelly 80
P. Kirch 56 58 8 5
M. Leist 555668
6 85
116 List of 'Warrants
F. Lonergan 56 85
F. Motsch 56 85
H. Miller 63 75
F. Murphy 61 75
W. Meyer 56 85
W. McClain 13 85
P. McMannus 56 85
J. McGloughlin 56 85
J. Noonan 56 85
T. O'Brien 56 85
J. Rooney 56 85
W. Ryan 56 85
H. Rawson 56 85
W. Smith 56 85
J. Stafford 56 85
J. Smith 56 85
M. Sweeney 58 80
R. Tierney 56 85
H. Woodward 56 85
L. Wemett 56 85
R. Weston 61 75
J. Walsh 56 85
Pension Fund retained 55 00
Dubuque, Iowa, February 27, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen —I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts of the City of
Dubuque for the last half February,
W. O'Brien, 1st 50 00
J. Thompson, 1st 44 00
J. Hill, 1st 44 00
Geo. Frost, 2nd 50 00
D. Rosemyer, 2nd 29 78
T. Kennedy, 2nd 33 78
J. Rooney, 2nd 32 00
F. Rowe, 2nd 32 00
M Hannon, 2nd 28 00
M. Gierst, 2nd 36 00
W. Williams. 2nd 28 00
J, Graham, 2nd 18 00
R. Lagen, 2nd 19 80
J. McCollins, 2nd 14 40
E. Kringle, 2nd 3 60
C. Singrin, 3rd 50 00
C. Schultz, 3rd 5 78
H. Sisson, 3rd 5 78
G. Hird, 4th 50 00
W. Frost, 4th 18 67
R. Birner, 4th 34 67
A. Zingle, 4th 36 44
R. Fuhrman, 4th 24 44
Jno. McGrath, 4th 26 67
E. Hoag, 4th 2 22
P. Royce, 4th 6 22
E. Hoag, 4th 40 50
M. Ackels, 4th 40 50
Jno. Lee, 4th cinders 1 00
J. Schneider, 5th 5 78
V. Leik, 5th 8 00
F. Engle, 1 -5 each 57 50
E. Stoltz, 1 -5 each 50 00
M. McLean, 1 -5 each .. 42 50
P. Ahearn, 2nd 47 50
J. Callahan, 2nd 47 50
J. Ryan, 2nd 42 50
J. Cahill, 3rd 42 50
Dubuque, Iowa, February 27, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen —I herewith submit my
payroll for labor cleaning storm sew-
ers in the City of Dubuque for the
last half February, 1920.
C. Van Wie 49 50
W. Clark 49 50
W. Jeager 29 50
B. Burd 49 50
J. Crowley 49 50
J. Fitzgibbons 24 60
F Balsor 45 0
J. Cunningham 49 50
J. Gribbens 33 60
T. Kennedy 6 50
J. Harri 27 00
J. Brink 13 50
D. O'Meara 12 50
P. Boyle 6 50
Jno. McGrath 13 50
R. Fuhrman 9 00
D. Noonan 9 00
C. Bellig 9 00
M. Ackels 11 70
P. Horch 54 00
P. Mihmm 49 50
F. Becker 49 50
M. Markham 42 50
H. Buckhart 47 50
J. Sinderholt 47 00
J. Dolter 47 00
L. Schneider 47 00
J. Kempt 27 00
S. Vogt 47 00
Geo. Engles 45 00
M. Winters 47 00
B. Jonni 45 50
Rob. Engle 44 50
C. Schultz 45 00
A. Hartman 49 50
E. Finkenauer 45 00
W. Buddin 47 00
J. Hilbe 45 00
J. Moore 47 00
A. Geisler 36 00
F. Herber 2 00
F. Tibbe 13 50
P. Magerus 13 50
A. Conrad 81 00
Even - Ulhrich Co. 61 20
J. Heim 89 10
A. Greenfield 89 10
Jeff McGrath 72 90
M. Ackels 72 90
R. Long 84 60
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen —I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the
City of Dubuque for the last half
February, 1920.
C. Sullivan 55 Co
J. Tobin 48 00
T. Bannon 44 00
T. Hird 44 00
R. Smith 44 00
C. Albinger 44 00
G. Collett 30 22
H. Garney 20 00
J. Barrington 30 22
G. Schultz 9 78
Vv". Flynn 5 78
E. T. Frith, health 960 00
J. Scharry, health 50 00
C. O. D. Laundry, health 5 64
Upton Laundry, health 4 96
Pauley Printing Co., health 6 75
F. M. Jaeger Hrw. Co.,, health 6 65
Dubuque Auto Supply Co.,
health 4 85
Conlin & Kearns Co., health 5 61
National Refining Co., health 60 00
The White Co., health 14 22
Pier Bros, police 24 25
National Clothiers, police 40 50
Iowa Oil Co., police 44 90
G. F. Klieh & Son, police 12 75
Eichorn & Bechtel, police 12 96
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 11 71
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., Fire Hose 125 00
T. J. Mulgrew, Co., fire 112 84
Bott Kampman & Earle
Motor Co., fire 10 00
T. J. Mulgrew Co., fire 45 17
Pier Bros, fire 25 25
Schrup Motor Co., fire 60
G. F. Klieh & Son, fire 2 05
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 100 00
Fischer Co., fire 75
Geisler Bros, fire 30
Pier Bros., fire 22 75
F. G. Becker, fire 16 50
National Refining Co., fire 119 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co. fire 50
J. M. Baule, fire 8 65
Dubuque Nash Co., fire 20 40
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 45 62
Iowa Oil Co., fire 63 75
T. J. Magee, sewer and roads 14 90
C. Schloz, sewer 17 50
G. F. Klieh & Son, sewer 101 88
Dubuque Electric Co., sewer 12 80
Mettel Bros., roads and sewer 15 10
Cartingy Dovi & Co., sewer. 1 20
Wm. Marshall Steam Boiler
Wks., sewer 4 97
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sewer 4 96
F. A. Burns, sewer and 3d
road 16 50
T. J. Magee sewer and roads 13 30
Key City Iron Wks., roads 119 63
Martin Strelau Co., expense,
police, fire and roads 50 11
Felix G. Becker, fire and
police 68 97
Labor Leader, printing 46 55
Times - Journal, printing 194 28
Times - Journal, printing 160 04
Pauley Printing Co., expense 76 00
J. M. Kenety & Son, extra
grading on Cox Street
grading fund 217 50
N. J. Staner, balance due
cement curb 28th and
Washington Streets 67 26
List of Warrants
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., health
Resuscitation Service Co ,
Key City Iron Works, fire
Aherns Fox Fire Engine Co ,
Byrne Bros., fire
Kerper Electric Co., fire
Dubuque Electric Co., police
J. M. Baule, expense and
police 11 60
Corrance Grocery, sewer 7 40
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense
and sewer 2 45
Spahn & Rose Lbr. Co., side-
walks 6 87
F. A. Burns, 3d. road 5 50
W. Meyer, 4th road 2 40
Clarence M. Traut, expense 35 50
Pier Bros., expense 82 20
Clarence M. Traut, expense 9 30
Curtis & Son, expense 6 85
C. Schloz, roads, 3d road and
4th road 2 05
G. F. Klieh & Son, roads 65
Dubuque Nash Co., roads 1 50
Visiting Nurse Association 100 00
For Board of Health for hire
of Visiting Nurse for the
Parochial Sschools 100 00
Albert E. Jaeger, refund
taxes 55 96
James Saul, Mayor, for grad-
ing streets and alleys 597 20
James Saul, Mayor, for re-
vision of ordinances 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
sewer in Grandview Avenue
and South Dodge Street.1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Special bonded paving fund 26 10
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
for improvement Peru road
for alley, special bonded
paving fund 15 93
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
for improvement of Main
Street and Phoenix Park,
special bonded paving fund 696 75
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
for sewer in Seminary
Street 325 00
Dubuque, Iowa, March 1st 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen —The following are the
amounts due Laborers and teamsters
against the various funds depleted
for the year ending February 28th.
1920. (Not including the last half
of February, 1920.)
W. Abel, 1st R. 144.66; 2d.
R. 21.54; 3d. R. 133.86; 4th
R. 1.54; 5th. R. 101.54.... 403 14
J. Ackels, 1st. R. 36.91; 3d. R.
36.91; 5th R. 36.91 110 73
P. Ahearn, 2d. R 227 50
C. Albinger, sewer 302 44
Felix G. Becker, 2d. R. 14.40;
3r. R. 275.35 289 75
M. Boyle, 3d. R 116 20
14 00
20 25
29 00
118 List of Warrants
H. Brasher, 3d. R 38 40
W. Backus, lst. R. 17.69; 3d
R. 17.69; 5th. R. 7.69 43 07
W. Burke, sewer 308 00
F. Burns, 3d R. 134 10
T. Bannon, sewer 302 44
J. Barrington, sewer 243 44
F. Balser, 1st. R 45 60
B. Burd, 1st R. ..... 23 60
R. Birner, 4th R. 33 78
J. Cahil, 3d. R 540 00
P. Cain, 3d. R 447 85
J. Cunning, 3d. R 20 40
H. Carney, sewer 332 88
G. Collett, sewer 318 77
J. Cunningham, sewer 66 00
W. Clark, 1st. R 105 60
J. Callahan, 2d. R 227 50
T. Cahill, health 85 00
J. Dellinger, 3d. R 102 00
Dubuque College (Delhi St.)
cinders 10 50
N. Evert, lst. R 88 20
F. Engle, lst. R. 168.70; 2d
R. 46.00; 3d. R. 158.70; 4th
R. 23.00; 5th. R. 138.00 534 40
G. Frost, 2d. R 192 50
W. Flynn, 3d. R. 18 66
R. Fuhrman, 4th. R 17 33
W. Frost, 4th. R 37 78
P. Garrett, 3d. R 9 20
M. Gierst, 2d. R 116 48
J. Graham, 2d. R 63 90
J. Geillis, police 82 50
N. Hemmer, lst. R. 24.27; 3r.
11. 14.27; 5th. R. 2.30 40 84
T. Hird, sewer 302 44
J. Hill, lst. R 150 73
M. Hannon, 2d. R 140 02
G. Hird, 4th. R 50 00
E. Hoag, 4th R 19 80
C. Ives, 5th R 10 80
M. Kiefer, lst. R 46 80
J. Kain, 3d. R 26 80
J. Kringle, 3d. R 11 70
T. Kennedy, 2d. R 64 71
R. Lewis, 3d. R 92 25
R. Love, lst. R. 15.00; 3d. R.
15.00; 5th. R. 9.00 39 00
V. Leik, 5th R 142 77
J. Linehan, 3d. R 89 42
R. Lagen, 2d. R 88 20
R. Long, 5th R 3 60
J. Long, 5th R 3 60
J. McCollins, 2d. R 53 10
John McLaughlin, 3d. R 32 40
Jeff McGrath, 4th. R 8 92
M. McLean, 1st. R. 136.00; 2d
1t. 34.00; 3d. R. 127.50; 4th.
R. 17.00; 5th. R. 102.00 416 50
Jas. McLaughlin, 3d. R 150 60
P. Mantele, 3d. R 25 60
J. Malloy, 3d. R 119 18
P. Majerus, 5th. R 3 60
H. Minges, sewer 48 00
P. Matche, 3d. R 18 00
J. Murray, 3d. R 21 20
W. Minges, 3d. R 7 60
H. Martin, 4th. R 3 10
G. Norden, lst. R. 85.38; 3d.
R. 85.38; 5th. R. 64.61; 235 37
D Omeara, 1st. R 159 48
W. O'Brien, lst R. 235 00
M. Reckinger, lst. R 11 20
J. Ryan, 2d. R 202 50
F. Rowe, 2d. R 124 27
D. Rosesmore 2d. R 123 84
J. Rooney, 2d. R 78 94
P. Royce, 4th. R 20 89
John Schromen, 1st. R. 184:
00; 2d. R. 46.00; 3d. R.
184.00; 4th. R. 11.50; 5th. R.
126.50 552 00
John Schiremen, lst. R. 26
94; 3d. R. 16.84 43 88
E. Stoltz, lst. R. 160.00; 2d.
R. 40.00; 3d. R. 150.00; 4th
R. 20.00; 5th. R. 120.00 490 00
N. Spies, 3d. R 451 38
G. Schultz, 3d. R. 179.35; lst.
R. 2.40 181 75
C. Singrin, 3d. R 405 00
N. Streeter, 1st. R 77 04
J. Steffen, 3d. R 48 00
C. Sullivan, sewer 385 00
R. Smith, sewer 298 23
J. Schneider, 5th. R 100 05
11. Sisson, 3r. R 40 00
J. Thompson, lst. R 374 96
J. Tobin, sewer 310 44
W. Waller, 1st. R. 9.23; 3d
R. 9.23; 5th. R. 5.38 23 84
H. Wilke, 5th R 32 40
W. Williams, 2d. R 127 14
A. Zingle, 4th R 32 00
Dubuque, Iowa. March lst, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen -The following are the
amounts due the various firms
against the various funds depleted,
for the year ending February 28th.,
1920 (not including the last half of
February, 1920)
Austin Western Road Mach -
niery Co., 1st. R. 287.23; 3d
R. 266.04; 5th R. 266.05 $819 32
American LaFrance Fire En-
gine Co., fire, 137.60 137 60
Felix Becker, 1st. R. 6.34; 2d.
R. 7.50; 3d. R. 1.80; 5th R.
1.80; sewer 3.00; fire 142.76 163 20
Frank Beutin, 3d. R. 13.12;
5th. R. 9.40; sewer 23.00 45 52
Byrne Bros. Taxi Co., 1st. R
1.46; 3d. 1.46; 5th. R. 1.46 4 38
Byrne & Rath, 1st. R. crushed
Frank A. Burns, lst. R. 1.10;
3d R. 12.10; 5th. R. 1.10;
sewer 11.00
Al Bitzberger, 3d. R 2nd hand
H. Berger, 1st. R..3.35; 3d. R.
3.35; 5th. R. 3.35; sewer
16.75 (corn)
Byrne Seymour & Duggan,
1st R 60
75 00
25 30
9 00
26 80
Jos. Bertsch Co., sewer (4
pr. rubber boots) 20 00
Conlin & Kearns; fire (coal) 15 41
W. D. Deckert, lst. R. 4.40;
2d. R. 1.03; 3d. R. 4.40; 4th
R. 1.03; 5th. R. 3.17 14 03
Dubuque Exide Battery Co ,
lst. R. 2.12; 3d. R. 2.12; 5th
R. 1.48 5 72
Dorgan Ulrich Co., lst. R.
377.52; 3d. R. 55.02; 5th. R.
18.39 450 93
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co,. sewer 107.50; fire 40.40 147 90
W. Dalbkemeyer, 5th. R. (re-
pair tools) 4 40
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co ,
5th R. (cement, wood and
kindling) 17 60
P. Even & Son, lst. R. 1.15;
3d. R. 1.15; 5th. R. 35c 2 65
Eagle Point Lime Wks., 1st.
R. 1.44; 3d. R. 9.44; 5th. R.
1 R 1 .1 5 .44;
1.85 22 73
Even & Ulrich, 3d. R. 7.88;
5th. R. 3.90 11 78
Ellwanger Bros., lst. R. 71c;
2d. R. 71c; 3d. R. 71c; 4th.
R. 71c; 5th. R. 71c; sewer
2 6 42
Flucklinger Motor Co., lst. R.
10.90; 2d. R. 8.00; 3d. R.
10.90; 5th. R. 10.90 40 70
George Frost, sewers 5 00
Falkenhainer Drug Store, fire 17 00
E. T. Frith, health 1080 00
G. W. Healy & Son, sewer
8.64; 2d. R. 3.85 12 49
Iowa Oil Co., 1st. R. 165.94;
2d. R. 4.44; 3d. R. 143.01;
5th. R. 84.80; fire 10.00 408 19
Jaeger Hdw. Co., sewer 4 72
G. L. Korman, lst. R 2 00
Kassler & Wandelovitz, lst.
R. 1.22; 2d. R. 1.22; 3d R.
1.22; 5th. R. 1.22 4 88
Kleih G. F. Son, 1st. R. 12:
59; 2d. R. 3.90; 3d R. 7.74;
5th. R. 10.54; sewer 35.60 70 37
Key City Iron Wks., lst. R.
27.91; 3d. R. 24.31; 5th. R.
14.09; fire .04 66 35
Klauer & Kress, 1st. R. 12.46;
3d. R. 12.46; 5th R. 3.10 28 02
Klauer Mfg. Co. 5th• R 242.90;
sewer 299.10 542 00
Key City Roofing Co., 1st. R
4.37; 3d R. 9.29; 5th R. 4.37 18 03
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., 1st. R.
4.44; 3d. R. 4.44; 5th R. 4.45 13 33
John L. Kies, 3d. R 3 20
Leader Oil Co., lst. R. 161.24;
2d. R. 10.00; 3d. R. 139.74;
5th. R. 139.73 450 71
Labor Leader, printing 70 60
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., sewer 30 80
Peter Lank, 1st. R. 28c; 2d R.
28c; 3d. R. 28c; 4th. R. 28c;
5th. 28c; 1 40
A. Y. McDonald, 1st. R. 1.57;
3d. R. 1.57 3 14
List of Warrants
Wm. Marshall Boiler Wks.,
1st. R. 7.60; sewer 67.50 75 10
Mettel Bros., lst. R. 2.19; 2d.
R. 1.13; 3d. R. 11.19; 4th. R.
2.93; 5th R. 5.79; sewer 7.95 21 18
T. J. Mulgrew Co., 1st. R.
3.70; 2d. R. 85c; 3d. R. 85c;
5th. R. 126.70; fire 97.70 229 80
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
lst. R. 3.60; 3d. R. 3.60;
5th. R. 3.60 10 80
Manhattan Oil Co., 5th R 12 00
Molo Sand & Gravel Co., 1st
R. 3.20; 3d. R. 14.90; 5th R.
12.70 30 80
T. J. Magee, 1st R. 4.84; 2d
R. 3.24; 3d. 4.84; 4th R. 2.39
5th R. 4.84; sewer 26.00 46 15
H. C. Milligan, sewer 95
National Refining Co., lst. R.
15.38; 3d. R. 15.38; 5th. R.
15.38 46 14
National Demockrat, printing 25 00
Albert Ney, repair of engine
houses 187 58
Peryon Pharmacy, sewer 1 20
Peed Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 13 70
Geo. P. Rose, roads 1 50
Standard Oil Co., 1st. R.
_683.77; 2d. R. 20c; • 3d. R.
9.24; 4th. R. 20c; 5th. R.
9.24 702 65
C. Scholz, lst. R. 15c; 3d. R
2.20; 5th. R. 11.65; sewer
32.75 46 75
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., 1st
R. 12.29; 3d. 7.36! 5th. R
7.36 27 01
Smedley Co., 5th. R 110 36
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co ,
sidewalks 159.06; sewer
35.43 194 49
N. J. Staner, 5% retained B.
Branch sewer 101 82
Schrup Motor Co., fire 23 52
L. J. Schmidt, 2d R. 1 95
Telegraph- Herald, printing 743 63
Times - Journal, printing 473 53
John' Kies, sewer 1 75
Wanderlich & Wiederholdt,
1st., R. 3.30; 3d. R. 3.30 6 60
Western Grocer Co., 1st., R.
1.00; sewer 90c 1 90
Dubuque Electric Co. lighting 534 19
Iowa Telephone Co., police 28 72
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
The undersigned jury summoned
at your order by the Chief of Police
of the City being duly sworn to fix
the damages to abutting property
owners by the widening of White
street to 40 feet, report as follows:
We have viewed the premises and
find the damages to owners and pro-
perties as follows: (Owners to retain
all buildings and all building mate-
rial at their option).
Anna Hugh, Lot 2 of Lot 277,
Davis Farm $ 26 00
120 List of Warrants
Anna Hugh, 1 of Lot of Lot
277, Davis Farm
Fred Licht, Lot 278, Davis
Wm. Tuegel Estate, Lot 279,
Davis Farm
E. and L. Doerfier, Lot 280,
Davis Farm
J. B. Olinger, South 1 -2 Lot
281, Davis Farm
Henry Deville, North 1 -2 Lot
281, Davis Farm
John F. Boemick, Lot 2 of Lot
282, Davis Farm
G. Tenhaf Estate, Lot 1 of
Lot 282, Davis Farm
G. Tenhaf Estate, South 1 -2
Lot 283, Davis Farm
W. Vogel, North 1 -2 Lot 283,
Davis Farm
Minnie Mihm, Lot 284, Davis
Wm. Muntz Estate, Lot 285,
Davis Farm
Wm. Muntz Estate, Lot 286,
Davis Farm
Louisa Muntz Estate, Lot 287,
Davis Farm
Adaline Long, Lot 288, Davis
Mrs. P. Hillard, S. E. 1 -4 of
Lot 289, Davis Farm
Mrs. A. Noel, N. E. 1 -4 of Lot
289, Davis Farm
John Essenegger, Lot 290,
Davis Farm
R. Birner, South 1 -2 Lot 291,
Davis Farm
Peter Grutz, North 1 -2 Lot
291, Davis Farm
L. Grutzmacher, Lot 292,
Davis Farm
Walter Gruenzig, Lot 293,
Davis Farm 33
Mary Coats, Lot 294, Davis
Farm 33
Jacob Kessler, Lot 295, Davis
Jacob Kessler, Lot 296,
E. Hemmi, Lot 297,
Mary Herberger, sout
Lot 298, Davis Farm
D. J. Haas, north 1 -2 Lo
Davis Farm
John N. Noel, Lot 299, Davis
Rosa Flucklinger, Sou th
Lot 300, Davis Farm
Rosa Flucklinger, nort
Lot 300, Davis Farm
20 00
40 00
55 00
40 00
35 00
20 00
30 00
10 00
40 00
20 00
40 00
40 00
46 00
33 80
33 80
16 90
16 90
33 80
16 90
36 90
33 80
33 80
38 60
45 60
h 1 -2
12 90
t 298,
12 90
25 80
12 90
12 90
1 -2
1 -2
Peter Grutz, south 1 -2 lot 301
Davis Farm 112 90
Fred Tigges, north 1 -2 lot 301,
Davis Farm 12 90
Jno. Kessler, south 1 -2 Lot
302, Davis Farm 27 90
Walter Grenzig, north 1 -2 Lot
302, Davis Farm 12 90
Theresa Imhoff, Lot 303,
Davis Farm 40 80
Jno. Kaep, Lot 304, Davis
Farm 25 80
C. A. Walter, Lot 305, Davis
Farm 25 80
C. A. Walter, Lot 306, Davis
Farm 30 60
Sarah E. Glab, Lot 307, Davis
Farm 31 20
Nic Glab Estate, Lou 308,
Davis Farm '25 20
Ed. Imhoff, Lot 309, Davis
Farm 35 20
Jchn L. Heim, Lot 310, Davis
Farm 35 20
John Tigges, South 26' 4 ",Lot
311, Davis Farm 11 20
Harriet Beitzel, North 23' 8"
Lot 311, Davis Farm 14 20
Th. Kortmeyer, Lot 312,
Davis Farm 20 80
Nic Glab, Lot 313, Davis
Farm 20 80
N. F. Schueller, Lot 314 and
S. 10', Lot 315, Davis Farrn 19 00
Jno. Diebold, North 50', Lot
315, Davis Farm 13 60
Mary Fuchs and John Heim,
1 -3 of Lot 316, Davis Farm 7 33
Agatha Heim, 2 -3 of Lot 316,
Davis Farm 14 67
John Heim, Lot 317, Davis
Farm , ... 22 00
Louisa Palmer, Lot 318, Da-
vis Farm ............. 37 00
Geo. Schmitt, Lot 319, Davis
Farm 42 00
Jno. Stieber, south 1 -2 Lot
320, Davis Farm 11 00
Jno. Steiber, north 1 -2 Lot
320, Davis Farm 11 00
Jno. Stiber, Lot 321, Davis
Farm 22 00
Mary Fuchs and Jno. Heim,
1 -3 of Lot 322, Davis Farm 4 80
Mary Fuchs and John Heim,
1 -3 of Lot 323, Davis Farm 4 80
Mary Fuchs and John Heim,
1 -3 of Lot 324, Davis Farm 4 80
Agatha Heim, 2 -3 of Lot 322,
Davis Farni 9 60
Agatha Heim, 2 -3 of Lot 323,
Davis Farrn 9 60
Agatha Heim, 2 -33 of Lot 324,
Davis Farm 9 60
Thomas O'Brien, Lot 325,
Davis Farm 28 00
Christina Jansen, north 1 -2
Lot 326, Davis Farm 6 40
Barbara Graf, south 1 -2 Lot
326, Davis Farm 6 40
Peter Herkes, Lot 327, Davis
Farm 13 00
Chas. Thimmesch, Lot 328,
Davis Farm 13 00
Ida Even, Lot 329, Davis
Farm 13 00
Alois Glab, Lot 330, Davis
Farm 13 00
Nic Glab, Lot 331, Davis
Farm 13 00
Aug. T. Becker, Lot 332 Davis
Farm 13 00
Nic Glab, Lot 333, Davis
Farm 10 00
Nic Glab, Lot 334, Davis
Farm 10 00
Nic Glab, Lot 335, Davis
Farm 10 00
Nic Glab, Lot 336, Davis
Farm 12 80
H. P. and N. W. Kimball, Lot
337, Davis Farm 18 20
Michael Groff, Lot 338, Davis
Farrn 15 40
Jos. Dufit, north 1 -2 Lot 339,
Davis Farm 7 70
Pauline Jecklin, south 1 -2 Lot
339, Davis Farm 7 70
L. and A. Pitschner, Lot 340,
Davis Farm 15 40
L. and A. Pitschner, Lot 341,
Davis Farm 15 40
Marg. Schroeder, north 25 ft.
of Lot 342, Davis Farm 6 40
Val Schroeder, south 25 ft. of
N. 50 ft. of Lot 342, Davis
Farm 6 40
Mary Grutz, N. 15 ft. of 343
and S. 10 ft. Lot 342, Davis
Farm 6 40
Jno. Boxleiter, south 45 ft. of
Lot 343, Davis Farm 11 90
Cath. Schueller, Lot 344,
Davis Farm 140 40
Nic Mueller Estate, Lot 345,
Davis Farm 15 40
Wm. Muntz, Lot 346, Davis
Farm 19 20
Peter Grutz, Lot 347, Davis
Farm 21 80
Peter Grutz, Lot 348, Davis
Farm 18 00
Peter Grutz, north 1 -2 Lot
349, Davis Farm 9 00
Josephine and Anna Grutz,
south 1 -2 Lot 349, Davis
Farm 9 00
J. J. Schueller, south 1 -2 Lot
350 Davis Farm 9 00
Sam and Nettie Muntz, Lots
351, 352, 353 and 354, Davis
Farm 122 00
Michael Appel, Lot 5, Paul
Traut's Sub'n 1500 00
Ger. Tenhaaf, Lot 357 and N
1 -3 Lot 358, Davis Farm 37 20
Minnie Muntz, South 2 -3 of
Lot 358, Davis Farm 27 60
Minnie Muntz and Ed Muntz,
Lot 359, Davis Farm 20 00
L. C. Doerfier, Lot 360, Davis
Farm 24 20
D. and W. Haudenschield, Lot
361, Davis Farm 44 20
Chris. Becke, Lot 362, Davis
Farm 24 20
Emma Haudenshield, Lot 363,
Davis Farm expense 24 2
List of Warrants
C. E. Haudenshield, Lot 364,
Davis Farm expense 24 20
H. C. Knornschield, Lot 365,
Farm expense 24 20
.Davis . C. Knornschield, Lot 366,
Davis Farm, expense . 28 60
Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., Re-
pairing South Locust street
from Jones street to Dodge
street 850 00
Walter H. Cullen, expense at-
tending Engineer's Conven-
tion at Fort Dogde, Iowa 35 75'
Benevolent & Humane Soc-
iety, expense 300 00
W. J. Brown, Agt. John Deery
Estate, refund for over
charges on taxes on Lot
128 for 1918 21 98
Brown Lacy & Clewell, per-
sonal injury claim of Anna
Hermansader 600 00
Brown Lacey & Clewell, per-
sonal injury claim of Win-
ona T. Plaster 800 00
M. J. Grace, court costs Hei-
rnansader case 43 70
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Police payroll Feb. 5th 507 33
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Police payroll Feb. 19th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Police payroll Feb. 19 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Police payroll Feb. 19 444 95
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 6th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 6th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 6th 689 50
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 20th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 20th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Nov. 20 619 55
Geo. 'D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 4th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 4th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 4th 537 75
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 18th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 18th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Dec. 18th 551 35
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 2d 1000 000
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 2d 1000 000
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 2d 559 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 15th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 15th 1000 00
122 List of Warrants
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Jan. 15th 548 75
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 5th 1000 90
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 5th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 5th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 5th 265 75
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 19th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 19th 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Fire payroll Feb. 19th 836 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on warrants out-
standing 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on warrants out-
standing 1000 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on warrants out-
standing 115 53
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
Miscellaneous 21 73
Rose Eichorn, Loan Warrant
No. 567, renewal of War-
rant No. 4977 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 568 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3015 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 569 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3016 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 570 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3025 450 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 571 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3489 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 572 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3490 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 573 re-
newal of Warrant No. 3491 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 574 re-
newal of Warrant No. 4088 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 575 re-
newal of Warrant No. 4089 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 576 re-
newal of Warrant No. 4092 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 577 re-
newal of Warrant No. 4094 500 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 578 re-
newal of Warrant No. 5308 200 00
Union Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan Warrant No. 579 re-
newal of Warrant No. 4613 100 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 580 renewal
of Warrant No. 3253 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 581 renewal
of Warrant No. 3254 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 582 renewal
of Warrant No. 3255 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 583 renewal
of Warrant No. 3256 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 584, renewal
of Warrant No. 3257 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 585 renewal
of Warrant No. 3258 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 586, renewal
of Warrant No. 3259 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 587 renewal
of Warrant No. 3260 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 588 renewal
of Warrant No. 3261 500 00
James M. Sullivan, Loan
Warrant No. 589 renewal
of Warrant No. 3262 500 00
Salaries for the First Half of
March, 1920.
James Saul, Mayor $ 58 33
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 73 33
Louis F. Kolfenbach, Deputy 62 10
John Holland, Clerk 52 50
Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 64 17
Fred Gantert, Deputy 55 00
John Stuber, Recorder 64 17
Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55 00
Peter Kies, Assessor 68 75
Harry McCarthy, Deputy 57 50
Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57 50
M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82 50
M. D. Cooney, Asst. Attorney 62 75
Elsie Datisman, Stenographer 11 00
Walter Cullen, Engineer 91 67
J. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68 75
J. J. Shea, Clerk 62 50
John Fahey, Rodman 50 00
Al. Eitel, Rodman 50 00
J. W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 70 00
C. J. McCarthy, Marketmaster 42 50
Thomas Hackney, Pound -
master _ 37 50
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 43 50
Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Health
Officer 37 50
Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and
Milk Inspector 50 00
John Schromen, Street Com-
missioner 57 50
M. O'Donnell, Plumbing In-
Spector .......... 87 50
James Lynch, Wharfmaster 42 50
John Mahoney, 1st Ward
scales 32 50
L. J. Plamondon, Alderman
First Ward 12 50
K. Burch, Alderman Second
Ward 12 50
Chas. J. Leist, Alderman
Third Ward
Jos. L. Hird, Alderman Fourth
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Wm. Andresen, Alderman -at-
Large 12 50
John Strobel, Alderman -at-
Large 12 50
John Geillis, Chief of Police 82 50
Amanda Beyer, Iowa Work-
ing Men's Compensation 17 54
L. Wemett, care of Comfort
Station, 18th St 7 50
Police Payroll First Half of March
Edward Brunskill
Max Bemis
James Corcoran-,
John Cody
Nicholas Campbell
William Carroll
Thomas Cain
Thomas Connolly
Philip Dunphy
Thomas Duggan
Edward Daily
Nicholas Ehlers
Patrick Fury
John Fox
Michael Fogarty
Thedore Ganahl
Benjamin Gray
Lee Golden
John Kopp
John Kilby
Barney Ludescher
John McGrath
Hugh Markey
Otto Neuman
Alfred Noel
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
Charles Peters
Michael Ryan
Gustave Raterman
Joseph Stoltz
Arthur Schroeder
Patrick Sullivan
John Spielman
Dennis Sheehan
Thomas Sweeney
Fred Spielman
George Stoltz
Charles Truher
Edward Vosberg
Frank Williams
Miss B. Brennan
Mrs. K. Hibbe
57 50
62 50
57 50
57 50
62 50
60 00
57 50
57 50
62 50
57 50
57 50
57 50
Fire Payroll First Half of March,
D. Ahern
J. Allen
P. Apel
L. Benzer
J. Benzer
A. Brewer
F. Baumgartner
List of Warrants
82 00
57 00
57 00
57 00
57 00
57 00
60 00
L. Schneider
S. Vogt
Geo. Engle
H. Cain 60 00
J. Connelly 57 00
J. Daugherty 57 00
W. Ducey 62 00
J. Donahue 50 00
M. Eitel 75 00
J. Flynn 62 00
G. Gehrke 62 50
W. Hipman 70 00
A. Heer 62 00
D. Harker 57 00
W. Kannolt 60 00
J. Keppler 60 00
W. Kinsella 57 00
F. Kenneally 62 00
R. Kenneally 57 00
T. Kennedy 57 00
M. Kelly 60 00
P. Kirch 57 00
M. Leist 57 00
F. Lonergan 57 00
F. Motsch 57 00
F. Murphy 62 00
W. Meyer • 57 00
P. McMannus 57 00
J. McGloughlin 57 00
J. Noonan 57 00
T. O'Brien 57 00
J. Rooney 57 00
W. Ryan 57 00
H. Rawson 57 00
S Schroeder 3 00
W. Smith 57 00
J. Stafford 57 00
J. Smith 57 00
M. Sweeney 60 00
R. Tierney 57 00
H. Woodward 57 00
L. Wemett 57 00
N. Wagner 60 00
R. Weston 62 00
J. Walsh 57 00
Dubuque, Iowa, March 18th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit
my payroll for labor cleaning storm
sewers in the City of Dubuque for
the first half March, 1920.
C. Van Wie
W. Clark
B. Burd
S. Crowley
F. Balser
J. Cunningham
J. Gribbons
J. Hari
J. Brink
J. Van Wie
P. Horch
P. Mihmm
A. Giesler
F. Becker
P. Markham
H. Bukrhart
J. Sinderholt
J. Dolter
124 List of Warrants
M. Winters 47 50
B. Jenni 38 50
Rob Engle 20 00
C. Schultz 40 50
J. Hilbe 50 00
A. Hartmen 9 00
E. Finkenauer 4 50
J. Moore 41 00
W. Buddin 43 00
F. Tippe 45 50
P. Majerus 47 50
J. Mellen 29 50
M. Mellen 29 50
A. Conrad 89 10
J. Heim 81 00
A. Greenfield 89 10
R. Long 64 80
Dubuque, Iowa, March 18th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit
my payroll for labor on streets in
the various road districts of the City
of Dubuque for the first half March,
W. O'Brien, 1st
J. Thompson, 1st
J. Hill, 1st
J. Hari, 1st
B. Burd, 1st
W. Clark, 1st
J. Brink, 1st
N. Streeter, 1st
D. O'Meara, 1st
G. Frost, 2nd
J. Rooney, 2nd
T. Kennedy, 2nd
M. Gierst, 2nd
M. Hannon, 2nd
F. Rowe, 2nd
W. Williams, 2nd
D. Rosemyer, 2nd
R. Lagen, 2nd
E. Kringle 2nd
W. Singrin, 3rd
J. Malloy, 3rd
R. Lewis, 3rd
Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd
H. Sisson, 3rd
G. Schultz, 3rd
N. Spies, 3rd
F. A. Burns, 3rd
G. Hird, 4th -
Jno. McGrath, 4th
W. Frost, 4th
R. Birner, 4th
R. Furhman, 4th
A. Zingle, 4th
Jeff McGrath, 4th
P. Royce, 4th
S. Eustace, 4th
M. Ackels, 4th
Jeff McGrath, 4th
Dubuque College, Delhi St.
S. W. 27 loads cinders
J. Schneider, 5th
V. Liek, 5th
F. Engle, 1 -5 each
E. Stoltz, 1 -5 each
M. McLean, 1 -5 each
P, Ahearn, 2nd .........
J. Callahan. 2nd
J. Ryan, 2nd
50 00
49 78
28 00
16 00
8 00
45 78
32 00
6 22
11 70
50 00
40 00
32 44
37 78
28 44
40 44
57 78
56 00
7 20
6 30
50 00
35 56
27 56
8 00
43 56
19 56
12 00
36 90
50 00
32 00
37 78
32 00
31 56
20 00
6 22
9 78
4 00
78 30
60 30
20 25
8 00
10 22
57 50
50 00
42 50
47 50
47 50
42 50
J. Cahill, 3rd 42 50
Dubuque, Iowa, March 18th, 1920.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit
my payroll for labor on sewers in
the City of Dubuque for the first
half March, 1920.
C. Sullivan
J. Tobin
T. Bannon
R. Smith
C. Alhinger
G. Collett
J. Barrington
W. Flynn
H. Carney
J. Scharry, health
C. B. McNamara & Co. bal-
ance due on 17th Street
Cement Gutters 224 51
Geo. Spark, 1st. Road, mac-
adam 136 62
Spahn Rose Lbr. Co., side-
walks 2 46
W. Dalbkermeyer, Bathing
Beach 15 20
United Electric Co., sewer 5 50
11. C. Milligan, sewer 7 98
Standard Oil Co., sewer 86
C. Schloz, sewer 80
George Bock, sewer 3 00
F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., sewer 15
E. Rider, sewer 5 00
W. D. Deckert Co., sewer 5 80
Thompson & Hogan, sewer 4 41
G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer 25 05
Peed Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 4 81
C. Schloz, sewer 1 00
Spahn & Rose Lbr. Co. sewer 12 83
P. J. Seippel Lbr. Co., sewer
and expense 35 20
Theis & Johnson, fire 71 75
Key City Iron Wks. fire 13 86
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 8 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 16 00
T. H. Clark, fire 2 10
T. J. Mulgrew Co., fire 379 44
Kerper Electric Co., fire 68 35
The Heeb Co., fire 37 49
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
fire 50
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
L. B. Deming, fire
W. D. Deckert Co., fire
Iowa Oil Co., fire
W. S. Nott Co., fire
Iowa Oil Co., fire
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire
Earle & Schroeder Motor Co ,
Dubuque Welding Wks. fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
Falkenhainer Drug Store, fire
Geisler Bros., fire
Schrup Motor Car Co., fire
55 00
56 00
56 00
56 00
56 00
52 00
56 00
56 00
52 00
50 00
36 70
23 50
1 75
11 75
78 31
26 50
44 00
29 00
2 75
11 88
34 59
40 69
2 75
1 25
Iowa Oil Co., police 20 25
Eichorn & Bechtel, police 3 35
Iowa Oil Co., police 35 50
Karl Staufenbeil, police 3 50
Ed. Millius, police 50
Midwest Auto Supply Co ,
police 5 17
C. J. McCarthy, police 8 40
G. F. Klieh & Son, police 11 25
Peter Even & Son, police 3 00
Dubuque Paper & Supply Co
expense 12 65
Pelican Carbon Co., expense 22 80
United Autographic Register
Co., expense 77 14
Even & Ulrich Co., expense 58 62
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 4 75
C. F. Cody Co., expense 73 10
J. Leslin, expense 13 00
Dubuque Paper & Supply Co.
expense 25 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense 3 35
C. F. Cody Co., expense 123 75
G. F. Klieh & Son, expense 7 05
Key City Gas Co., expense 5 70
Dubuque Register Wks. ex-
pense 7 00
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 5 30
Klauer & Kress, expense 5 00
Klauer & Kress, expense 2 70
J. Miles, expense 50
C. B. Trewin, expense 25 00
W. Grode, expense 3 00
S. Reuter, expense 26 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing 115 17
Dubuque Daily News, print-
ing ..... 18 37
Enterprise Printing C'o , ex-
pense 25 00
National Demokrat, printing 37 50
Times - Journal, printing 65 06
Telegraph- Herald, printing 68 21
M. S. Hardie, expense 235 50
Labor Leader, printing 12 50
Will M. Cutler, health 6 30
Dubuque Laboratory, health 30 00
Snyder & Cota, health 103 90
Byrne Bros. Co., health 1 25
11th Street Vulcanizing Co ,
health 5 60
National Refining Co., health 28 50
C. Schloz, health 75
Spahn Rose Lbr. Co., health 6 42
G. F. Klieh & Son, 1st road 2 35
C. Schloz, 3d, 4th roads, and
roads 3 75
Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road 1000 00
Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road 65 60
Klauer Mfg. Co., 4th road 53 28
Klauer Mfg. Co., 1st., 4th, and
5th roads 894 18
Klauer Mfg. Co., 3d and 4th
roads 93 40
Dr. A. M. Loes, 2r road 9 00
Kretschmer Mfg. Co., roads 13 16
Klauer & Kress, 1st road 1 00
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ,
roads 6 76
Conlin & Kearns, 2d road 5 38
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
roads 19 95
List of Warrants 125
W. D. Deckert Co., roads 7 85
A. W. Drake & Son, 1st road 1 00
Uptons Laundry, expense and
health 5 25
Enterprise Printing Co.,
health 29 00
F. G. Becker, expense and
fire 122 29 .
American -La- France Fire En-
gine Co., fire 99 71
Fischer & Co., expense and
fire 143 10
N. Loes, roads and sewer 28 80
John L. Kies, expense, roads
and sewer 12 30
C. E. Fitzpatrick & Co., ex-
pense and fire 16 55
T. J. Magee, sewer and roads 9 00
Iowa Telephone Co., police,
fire and expense 62 15
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 88 20
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 75
Key City Gas Co., fire 70
Dubuque Electric Co., sewer 14 56
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 29 48
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing and expense 101 87
Dubuque Electric Co., police 2 22
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 444 58
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 1000 00
Dubuque Electric Co., light-
ing 590 02
Freda & Rosa, refund assess-
ment 5th Avenue 77 95
Anna Russell, refund interest
on taxes 19 45
Key City Gas Co., for laying
mains at Bathing Beach 350 00
Schlueter Bros. for damages
to automobile collision with
ambulance 50 00
Kendal Burch, expense 24 83
Thomas A. Gorman, expense 61 39
E. E. Frith, expense 39 38
Jos. L. Hird, expense 41 13
C. J. Leist, expense 39 38
Bids will be received in the May-
or's Office up till 2:00 p. m. Monday,
March 29th, 1920, for furnishing the
City Fire Department with caps.
Bidders must submit sample with
CHAS LEIST, Chairman,
3 -19 -3t Fire Committee.
You are hereby notified, that all
ashes and debris must be removed
from streets or alleys abutting pri-
vate property within ten (10) days
from date of this notice, or the City
will remove the same, and the cost
of said removal will be assessed to
the owners of the property.
3- 19 -3t. Mayor.
Sale of Five (5) Old Horse Drawn
Sprinklers and Two (2) Steel Tank
Sealed bids will be received at the
City Recorder's Office, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 1st, 1920, to be acted
on by the City Council on said date,
for the sale of five (5) old horse
drawn sprinklers and two (2) steel
tank oilers.
The City Council will consider bids
for one or more of said sprinklers
and oilers.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Marc_
19th, 1920. JOHN STUBER,
3 -19 -3t City Recorder.
Sale of the North %2 of Mineral
Lot 203.
Sealed bids will be received at
the City Recorder's office, City Hall,
by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 1, 1920, to be acted
on by the City Council on said date,
for the sale of the north 1/2 of Min-
eral Lot 203.
The City Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, March
20, 1920.
3 -20 -3t City Recorder.
Official Publication.
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City or Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name of
Official Notices
Wartburg Avenue from Grandview
Avenue to Simpson Avenue be and
the same is hereby changed to Free -
mont Avenue, and said portion of
said street shall hereafter be known
and called by the name of Free -
mont Avenue. The intention of
this ordinance is to change the name
of all that portion of Wartburg Ave-
nue which lies between Grandview
Avenue and Simpson Avenue to
Freemont Avenue.
Section 2. This ordinance shall
be in force and take effect from
and after its passage by the City
Council and publication in the of-
ficial newspapers as required by law.
Adopted March 11th, 1920.
Approved March 12th, 1920.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Du-
buque Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers March 12th,
3- 12 -1t. City Recorder.
126 Official Notices
Mayor's Office, March 22, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that the
registers of election, duly appointed
to register voters in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, will be in attendance at
the places hereinbelow mentioned,
for the purpose of correcting the
registry list of names of such elect-
ors as may be entitled to vote at the
Municipal City Election, to be held
Monday, April 5th, 1920. Said reg-
isters will meet at their respective
places on Thursday and Friday,
March 25th and 26th, 1920, and Sat-
urday, April 3d, 1920, at 8:00 o'clock
a. m. and be in session until 9:00
o'clock p. m. of said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet
on Monday (Election Day) April 5th,
1920, and be in session from the time
the polls are open until they close
and register only such voters as were
absent from the City during the pro-
ceeding days that the board was in
session, also such voters as did not
become citizens until Monday April
5th, 1920.
The places of registration in the
several wards and precincts of said
city are as follows:
First Ward.
First Precinct, Engine House,
Grandview Avenue and South Dodge
Second Precinct, Chicago House,
172 First street.
Second Ward.
First Precinct, County Court house.
Second Precinct, Fourth street en-
gine house.
Third Ward.
First Precinct, Ninth street engine
Second Precinct, City hall.
Third Precinct, Eighteenth street
engine house.
Fourth Ward.
First Precinct, Ludescher Build-
ing, 51 Julien avenue.
Second Precinct, Palmetto hall,
695 Delhi street.
Third precinct, 192 West Locust
Fifth Ward.
First Precinct, Schmid's hall, 2329
Couler avenue.
Second Precinct, Weitz Bros.'
building, 95 Twenty- second street.
Third Precinct, Rose Fengler's
building, 1005 Rhomberg avenue.
Fourth Precinct, F. Roesner's
place, 2703 Jackson street.
All qualified voters of said city are
hereby notified that unless they
voted at the last election they must
present themselves at the places and
time herein above stated for registra-
tion or they will be debarred from
the privilege of voting at said elec-
Witness my hand and seal of said
city this 22d day of March, 1920.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa. 3 -22 -3t
Mayor's Proclamation.
In pursuance of the laws of Iowa
and the ordinance of this city, I
James Saul, Mayor of the •City of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby
proclaim that an election will be
held in said city on Monday, April
5th, 1919, for the purpose of electing
five (5) councilmen and park com-
On said date the polls will be
opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed
at 7 o'clock p. in. for the purpose of
receiving the votes cast at such
election in the following places, to-
wit :
First Ward.
First precinct — Engine house,
Grandview avenue and South Dodge
Second precinct — Chicago house,
172 First street.
Second Ward.
First precinct — County court
Second precinct — Fourth street
engine house.
Third Ward.
First precinct —Ninth street En-
gine house.
Second precinct —City hall.
Third precinct—Eighteenth street
engine house.
Fourth Ward.
First precinct — Ludescher build-
ing, 51 Julien avenue.
Second precinct — Palmetto hall,
695 Delhi street.
Third precinct -192 West Locust
Fifth Ward.
First precinct— Schinitt's hall, 2339
Couler avenue.
Second precinct — Weitz Bros.
building, 95 Twenty - second street.
Third precinct — Rose Fengler
building, 1005 Rhomberg avenue.
Fourth precinct — Roesner's store
building, 2703 Jackson street.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 6th
day of March, 1920.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.