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1992 Index Council Proceedings
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1992 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1992 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY Council Member At Large ........................ DANIEL NICHOLSON Council Member At Large ............................ ROBERT NAGLE First Ward ...................................... KATHRYN KRIEG Second Ward .................................... LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward ....................................... DONALD DEICH Fourth Ward ...................... . .............. DIRTK VOETBERG City Clerk ........................................ MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Cor~eatiota CougLSel ................. . .......... BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor .................................. WILLIAM G. BLUIvI Assistant City Aetorney ........................... JAMES A. O'BRIEN ~~ ~~ IJ ~ Administeative Services Manager ........................ PAULINE JOYCE Assistant City Manager ............... ............ STEPHANI JOHNSON Airport Manager .................... .............. ROBERT O'BRIEN Building Services Division Manager ...... ................DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator ........... .......... MERRILL CRAWFORD Clty Assessor...................... ................ FRANK FROST Civic Center Manager ................ ............... CAROLE BARRY Community/Economic Development Manager ................ JAMES BURKE Deputy Finance Director ............... .................GERALD HIED Disaster Services Coordinator ........... ............... ROBERT H Environmental Sar-itarian .............. ............... JOLEEN JANSEN Finance Director .................... ....... A.G.HE AN TIL 2/252 DUANE PITCHER FROM 9/1/92 Fire Chief ......................... .............. WIL MILLER Human Rights/EEO Director ............ .........CHARLES AZEBEOI{HAI Human Services Manager .............. ................. Y PECK Information Services Manager ........... .............CHRIS I{OHLM Library DlreCtOI ..................... .............. NIC®LA STAN Leisure ServIGeS Director .............. .................. GIL SPENC,E Parking Systems Supervisor ............ ................ SHIRLEY LANG Personnel Assistant .................. ........ DARLENE E Police Chief ....................... ................. JOHN MAUSS Public Health Specialist ............... .........MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Public Works Direceor/City Engineer ...... ............... MICHAEL I{OCH Street Superintendent ................. ................... DON VOGT Transit Manager .................... ............. I~OHLER Ut111t-es Direct®r .................... ................. C G ®LS®N Wastewater Plant $uperVlSOr ............ .............. PAUL HOR$FALL Water Plant Supervisor ................ ..... ROBERT GREEN FROM 6/1/92 Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE A A & B Tap, S, Zirkelbaeh, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li0.(7/6)(12/21) ................. 269,499 A.E. Realty Co., r~: easements in Stonehill Comm. Sub& disposed of to 429,430 them.(l 1/2) ............................... . ...... 340 (8/3) .... A Y MeDonnid Supply Co., Cig. Per ..................... 428 ABATE Toy Ride Day, proclamation.(11/2) ............. Abstract of Votes for special proposition: Shall City issue bends for purpose of acquiring and consUuction of Golf Course.(2/17) .................. 72 Acting City Manager authorized to sign City Cbacks.(3/16) · · · . 100 Ad Hoc Committee on Investments appointments of Terry Duggan, 44 Wm. Huseman, Dave Simon, Paul Brandi, Robext Sullivan.(2/22) ......... Ad Hoc Committee on Investtr~nt Policies, final report & recommendations. 182 (5ns) ............... " Lidd;d i;d;;;,i, Z4/6i ........ il4 Ad }loc Committee on Investments re: t. orp, Ad Hoe Investment Committee, reviewing investment policies eib . . . 5,22,182 (116)0120(5118)) .................................... . ...... 5 ADA re: Keyline Compliance Plan for Ammicans with Disabilities Act.(1/6) · · .. 56,127 Adams Co., re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal DistricL (2/17)(4/6) ........... .... 373 Adams, David E., Cig. per.(9/8) .................................. Administrative Services Mg~. authorized to sign City Checks; increase of 100,330,373 bond coverage.(3/16)(8/3)(9/8) ........ .' ;,;,~,~,',,~;~ ........ . .. 298,382 Admiral High Hat West, D. Meyer, Cig. Per.; Hq. Lic.ttlz. u)v~tv*., ......... 382 Admiral's Hi-Hat West, Inc., Liq. Lic.(9114) ..................... 470 Advanta Sign Co., endorsing zoning change for Warren Plaza.(12]7) ............. Agreement (Funding) between City & Washington Neighborhood Tool 233,234 Libraxy.(6/1) .......................................... eet Coneem/Phone A Friend, lno.(6/15) . . .- .... 255.256 Agreement with Proj IDOT & Board of Health for swimming 448 Agreement, lntexageeey, between .................... pool and spa rules.(l 1/16) ............... Consent Agreement between Midwest Gas. IDOT, City & Enron Corp., . ........ 233 Decade etc.(6/1) ................................. · ' ' ' . .... 165 Agreement & Consent Decree between perues involved on M~dwest Gas Co coal tar site.(5/4) ..................................... City and City Mgr, Michael Van Milligen. Agreement, Employment, between 478 02/7) ................................................. Agreement with IDOT for resarfacing of Cen..m~. ~ .r~.m..20. t.h.t.o.3.2.n.d.S.t~ ........ 101,102 (3/16) ................... Agreement & Consent and Assumption Agreement & Release re: Acquisition of Lots 2,3, & 4 of Wastmark by Westmark . 426 Enterprises, Inc. etc.(10/29) ................................. Agmemant, GOmt with HUD in amt. of $1,133,000 (CDBG) for ... 264 Cal. year. 1992.(7/6) .................................... Agtanment with IDOT re: transfer of jurisdiction of portions of existing US 417,474 521611151.(10119)(1217) ................ ' .............. Agreement, Loan & Disbursement, Authorization ~: Issuance of Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes. . .... 399,452 ~10/5)(11/16) ........................... ; ........ Agreemen with lensen, Oldani & Cooper, as search finn for. C.~y..M.g.rI ........... 352 (8/17) ....................... ~' E~t~"f~r public access Agreement between Blue Moon Development Co. 398 easement.(10/5) ................... . ............. 314 Agreement, Loan, for Fairway Mower for Bunker Hill.(8/3) ..... 511611151 Preconstruction, with IDOT for improvementS to U.S. Agreement, . ....... 417 from south of Maquoketa Dr. to the Grandview Ave. interchange- (10/19) ......................................... Agreement (Rental) between Five Flags Civic Center & Dbq. Fighting Saints for Hockey Season.(lO/5) ............................... ..... 397 Agreement, Usage, with Nerthwoods League, Inc. for use of petrakis Field. ... 421 (10/19) ........................ INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Agreement, Loan, G.O. $4,200,000.(7/20) ............................... 303 Agreement, Draft, of DMATS to update primary extension route system with DIxt. Urban Ama, by IDOT.(7t~) .............................. 263 Agreement with Dbq. Main St., Ltd., Funding Agreement(6/15) ................ 255 Age,cement with GDDC for economic development serviees.(2/3)(7,t~) .......... 52,279 Agreement with Norwest Bank Iowa to be Paying Agent & Bond Registrar & Transf~ Agent for City GO, Parking Rev. & Spec, Assess. Bond Issu~a.(3,r2) .............................................. 88 Agreement for Proc~asing & Marketing of Recyclables with Environmental Reeyeling Corp.(l/13) ...................................... 17 Agteorr~nt with Helle. Klostennan et al to do annual audit for City.(3/2) .......... 88 Agreement with Clapsaddle-Gafoer Aaso. re: Water Distribution Medeling Study and CIS Mapplng Projec~.(2/l 7) ................................ 54 Ag~cement for proceasing & mitrketing of recydables.(2/17) ................... 58 AIDS programs, contract with IA Dept. of Public Health.(1/6)(2/17XlO/5) .. 15,70,403,404 AIDS Information and Education Week, Proclamatlon.(11/2) .................. 428 Airline Service Presentation, funds requested by Airport Comm.(8/3) ............ 329 Airport, re: variance requested for private sewage disposal system.(l 1/2) .......... 436 Airport Comm. requesting funds for Airline Se~ico Presentetion.(8/3) ............ 329 Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(6~15)(7~6) ................... 247,268 Airport Rental Cars regulated by fa'ms operating Off-Airport.(12/7) .......... 475,476 Ainl~-t Parking Regulations enacted by Oral.(12/7) ......................... 475 Ah-port Coonn. appointment of Mary Mulgrew Oronen.(9/l 4) .................. 379 Airport, re: Gasy Newt objecting to permit to enter.(12/7) .................... 484 AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/6)(611)(7/6)(813)(9/8)(10/5)(12fl)(12/21) .......... 134,233,279,343,375,403,483,500 Alarm Monitoring, fees established.(2/29) ................................. 79 Albin, Rev. Tom, from University of Dbq., gave Invocation.(3/16) ............... 99 Alcohol Licensees re: Ord. prohibiting 19 & 20 year olds from omiets after 9 p.n~ (8]3) ............................................. 338 Alcohol Awamanss Month, Proclanmtion.(4/6) ............................ 113 Alignment, private road, with insurance, that conditions suggested by Mrs. Owens be met.(7/20) ............................................ 301 Allen, Anthony, applicent for Human Rights Commission. (1/6) ................. 3 Allen, Sarees, applicant for Human Rights Commission.(l/6) .................... 4 Allerandr~ Alex, re: Concord Ct. request for stop signs etc.(9/8) ............... 370 Alley vacation requested s. of Lot 4 in Fialey's Addn. fn)m Asbury Rd. ne requested by R. Stxnif & B. Leytem.(1/20)(4/20)(S/4)(5/18) .... 33,151,173,209 Alley, between Rhomberg & Lineuln, vacation of unimproved & unused, requested by R. Neewochner for Holy Trinity Chumh. (2/3)(3116)(4/6) ................................... 52,108,109,123 Alley, vacation petitioned by Kretschmer-Tmdway berdered by Washington, 8th & 9th, and Jackson St.(9/8) ................................ 377 Alley vacation requested by I. ReUenmnier, e side of Rettenmaier Flooring at 1105 Loras.(l 0/5) ......................................... 394 Alley vacation located in Union Ave. Subd. (between Ydrkwocd & Bellevue Sts.), requested by M/M Withne, M/M Hilley & M/M Schlader.(3/2)(4/20) . .. 97,145 Alley vanation requested by Simon's between Cox St. & Elizabeth PL(4/6) ........ 115 Alley, xe: D. Herbst for sale & disposal of Lot 182 orE. Dbq. Addn. #2 & abutting Maple St.(6/l) ..................................... 232 Alley veeation and disposal etc., between Asbery Rd, & Avoca St, from Cherty St. norlheriy to existing alley.(6/l) ........................ 224 Althaus, Stephen, re: water/sewer insteliafion on lnwood.(5/4) ................. 169 Althaus, Dennis, Family Bev. Center, Class "E" Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per, Beer Per. (2/17)(7/20)(813) ..................................... 59,298,341 Altura Drive, 1992 Concrete Paving Project.(6/15) ......................... 236 Alvemo Apts., re: vacation of 60' drive easement and 10' utility easewent.(9/8) ..... 362 Alzheimer Disease Public Awa~ness Month, Proulamation.(ll/2) .............. 428 Amateur Radio Week, Proclamation.(6/15) ............................... 236 Ambulance, new one, re: R. Jones of Fire DepC presentation.(9/8) .............. 367 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ambulance Medical Officer, individuals ce~fied by Civil Service Comm.(10/5) .... 409 ..... 79 Ambulances, Listing Rates & Charges.(2/29) ......................... 54 Urban Renewal District-(2/17) ............ An~ndment & Expansion of Ice Harbor 180,211 Awerkan Trust & Savings Bank, CLAIM; referrals(5/4)(5/18) .............. Arr~sican Trust & Savings Bank, Investment Agrcement.(g/14) ................ 379 An-~sican Trust & Savings Bank, Loan Agreement for Fairway Mower for 314 Bunker HILL(8/3) ......................... , ............ 5 Americans with Disability Att of 1990, Keylin~ Compliance Plan.(l/6) AMOCO Food Shop Mulgrew O~..Co;;~t~. per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(ll/2) ....... 244,442 Andersan Marina, refund on Beer Fer,~o/~a/ .............................. 250 ........... 199 Anderson Marin~ of IA, Yacht Basin, Beer per.(5/18) ............ 261 Angel, Charles, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission.(7/6) .............. Angel Investment, Caecy's Gen. Stern, Cig, Per.; Beer par.(6/15)(12/21) ....... 244,498 Angalla Su~t, 683, acquisition of re, al nstat~ from Patn¢~a Kanne. ................................. 395,476 (10/5)(12/7) .... Angle's, Angala Mangano, Cig. Per.; Liq. lj.u.(2/3)Cl/6)(9/8) ............. 47,268,374 ............. 497 Animal Itospital/Clinic (& r~ennet) auur~ ,,, ,-o ' .... 29,45 (1/20)(2/3) ................ .... 164 Animals, Be Kind to, Proclamation.(5/4) ........................ ~hi' ' Annexation requnst of E Tachiggfrie for property adjoining City limits (sou . ... ~ ................................ 499 (12/21) ........ (7/20)(8/3)(10/5) Annexation of 4.8 acres near Iciien Dubuque monument. . .. 213,303,409 Annie Waller Subd No. 2, re: Change in Bulk Regulations for Table Mound · , ........ 450 Mobile Hnsn~ Park.(l 1/16) .................. 483 Annual Report of FY 92 Planning Services,(12/7) ................. Annual Contributions Contxact, with HUD to Sec. 8 Program lionsing Vouches, 263,408 amendmant-(7/6)(10/5) i ~or 1991, submitted.(4/6) .................. 138 Annual Report of TCI (Cable Co. 428 Annual Re rt for FY 92, for Dubuque Main Street Ltd.(Il/2) ................. Annual Pe rmanc~ Repcn't, update of Comp. Housing Affordainhty Strategy 496 (CHAS).(12421) ....... 1992.(12/7) ........................... 483 Annual Report of Human Rights for (2/17)(6/15) ..... 59,246 nfs, Ltd. Co., Dubuqun Mining Co., Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. AAPnsune , conceru ofJ. McKanna of Madison. (8/17) ................ 358 ppearance of City 1993 Operating Capital Application, 1993, State Transit Assistance & Sec. 9 106 Assist. Application.(3/16) ............. ; ..... .' ' ' '. .................... Appral~emant of Damages etc. ~: anndonmaaon of rights in land owned by IDOT ......... 97 to K. Meyer & L Collins.(3/2) ...................... i ~ ........ 250 April list of claims paid, proof.(6/15) ......................... 211 A ' 1992 Financial Reports submittcd.(S/18) ............................ pril ..... Inn DI~ Gr~vhound Park, Liq. Lie.(4/20) · 144 ARA Services A.Y. McDonald Supply ~o., ~rg. rur.~. ~o~ ....... 418 ARA Service, Inc., Lorns College, Liq. Lie.(10/19) ........... Arugon Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15)(ll/16) .......... . ................ 244,462 Arbor Hills Dr. & Highland Park Drive, placement of stop signs etc. . .... 395,415,437 (lO/5)(1o/19)(11n) ......................... ~ i ii ...........14o Arbor Day, Proclamation.(4/20) ........................ 278,301 Arboretum Assn., Dbq., Lease Marshall Park to them; etc..(7/6)(7/20) ......... Archdiocese Place No. 2 at Key West Military Rd., final plat approvul of SuM.. .... 159 of Lot 1 re: David & Shirley Lambert.(4/20) ............. i i ~ i ..... 250 Annbruster, Joan, CLAIM.(6/15) ............................. . ...... 66,279 Annbruater, Conlne, CLAIM; referral.(2~17)(7/6) ................. 495 Atp Rev Jeff, pastor of Dbq. Worship Center, Gave Invocation.(12/21) .......... Anoyo, ~rancison, CLAIM.(10/19) .................................. 420 ........ 358 Arterial, NW, Sageville concerned about jurisdiction.(8/17) ........... 500 Arthofar, Michael A., CLAIM.(12/'21) .............................. 379 Arthur, Steven L, applicant for AL, port Comm.(9/14) ........................ Arts experiences by minority axrists, support of Kaleidoscope plan. .. 70,75 (2/17)(2/29) .......................................... Arvanitls, George, Busy Bee, Cig. Per.(6/15) ...... INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Asbury Rd, 3300 etc. ~zoniog of properties from C-2 to C-3.(9/14)(10/19)(11/16)(12fl) ....................... 383,413,462,469 Asbnsy Rd., cast of, alley on Cherty SL, requested vacation by S. ltemnsnth.(3/16)(5/18)(6/1 ) ........................... 110,208,224 Asbury Rd., 3385, rezaning from OR to C-2.(1/6) .......................... 9,10 Asbury Rd,, 3385, 3333, 3305, 3350 & 3330, & LF. Kennedy Rd,, rczoniog from C-2 to C-3 and from R-3 to C-3.(12/7) ................ 469 Asbmy Road, 1818, rezoniog requested from R-I to R-2,(10/19)(11/16) ....... 419,452 Asbuty Rd., 2005, rezoning form R-3 and C-1 to ID Institutional and Arr~ndlng Conceptual Dcvalopment Plan (HilloresO.(5/18)(6/1) . . . . 204,221,222 Asbory Fastop, Mulgrew Oil Co., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(8/17) ........... 244,355 Ashenbrenecr, Tom, CLAIM; rcfenal,(12/7)(12/2l) ...................... 483,500 Ashland, Catherine, objecting to paving of Cerro Dr, & Mesa St.(6/15) ........... 236 Asphalt Paving Project - 1992, Project-(4/6XS/4)(12/7) ................ 130,171,493 Assamblies & parades, re: Legal Staff r~: decision by US gui:acme CC in Forayth County vs. The Nationalist Movement.(7/6) ................. 279 Assessment Scbodule for 1992 Sidewalk Rapalr Project-(12/7) ................. 486 Assessment for 1991 Sidewalk Repair Project, Notice of Filing of Final Plat and Schedule of Assnssmant-(213) ............................... 52 Assessment (Final) Schedule f~ 1991 PC Conomte Paving Project.(7/6) .......... 283 As~ssments approved for Center G-rovn Dr. Sanitary Sewer Project.(5/4) ......... 180 Assistant County Attorney, James A. (Tim) O'Brion, reappcinted.(l/~6) ............. 2 Assuranc~ Statements for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT.(1/20)(12/21) ........ 41,502 Atchison, Finldon & Mary Jo, 1169 Kelly Lane property deeded to City.(lO/5) , . 405,406 Atiast Fluid Power Co., opposing zoning change for business property,(12/7) ....... 469 Audit repoxts of City as prepared by Helle, Kin~terman & Co.(2/3)(3/2) ......... 53,88 Audit Report for Swiss Valley Farrm for FY ending 1991.(2/3) ................. 53 Audit for Dubuque Racing Assn. fo~ 1991.(2/3) ............................ 53 Audit for HUD for period ending 6/30/91, Housing Div. Directer.(6/l) ........... 233 Audits, City Enterprise Fund, for FY 92, submitted.(ll/2) .................... 444 August 1991, Printed Council Proceedings approvnd.(10/19) ................... 420 August, 1992, Cialrus l~nted, proof.(10/19) .............................. 421 Augdst 1992 Financial Report submlttcd.(10/5) ............................ 409 Aogustln, Dorothy, referral of CLAIM.(12/7) ............................. 484 Auterman, Paul, owner of Walmart Property, rezoning etc.(5/4) ................ 166 Auto Repeir (Hank's), 2819 Pinard, violations, ruquested anforcemant ( 1 lf2) ....... 444 Avenue Top, Oldham, Inc., Liq. Lie.(5/4) ................................ 168 Avery, Mrs. Viola, CLAIM; xefecral.(9/8)(10/5) ........................ 376,403 Awning/sign requested at Pusateri's Res. at 2400 Central.( 11/2)(11/16) ........ 444,459 Azchenkhal, Charles, spoke in favor of City Manager Gearhart.(6/15) ............ 236 INDEX, BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE. B B & M Convenient Mart, Oky Doky #7, 330~ Penn., Beer Per.; Class "E" Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(3/16)(7/6) ................... 102,103,268 Babler, Karen, CLAIM: referral.(1/6)(lf20) ............................. 13,33 Bankes, Nancy, Cert. of Appreciation.(5/4) ............................... 164 Baits, M/M Dan, re: School Bus Tfippea' System.(2/29) ....................... 75 Bailey, Emma, re: Nued for Buses for Senior Citizens.(2/29) ................... 76 Balnbrldgo, J., refund of Liq. L.ic. for Ryan House.(6/l) ...................... 234 Bak0r, Arnold, 4836 Embassy, requested rezoning at NW comer of NW Arterial & Peonsylvanim(10/19) ............................ 419 Baker, Haywasd, of West Des Moines, Pinch. Orde~ Agreement for repair of retaining wall at N. Main (Sehlesi property).(8/3) ................... 335 Baler, Brian, resigning fi.om Cable TV Taleprogrammlng Comm.(l/6) ............ 13 Baker, Dave, Pres. of Cmn. Drivers' Union, re: Keyline study.(4/20) ............. 143 Balmy, Jndy~>155 St. Mary's St., re: rezoniag of Kelly's Bluff area.(6/1) .......... 217 Bakke, Rod, reaplminted to the Civic Center Comm.(7/6) ..................... 260 Bandy, Oakley, re: Inwood Ave. Sanitary Sewer.(5/4) ....................... 169 Bank (depositories) named for the year.(l/6) ................................ 2 Bankers Trust Co. of Des Molnes, IA re: registrar etc.(3/2) .................... 88 Bargaining Agreement with Dbq. Pro£ Firefighters.(6/15) .................... 256 Barn Community Theater, Inc., Accessibility Pmjuet, award of Cp2 fonds. (10/5) ................................................. 397 Ba~mann, Steve D., applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(3/2) ............... 87 Basket Expressions, M. Dolter, "BW" Wine Permit.(7/20) .................... 298 Bauer, Nancy. CLAIM: setflercent.(1/6)(1/'20) ............................ 13,33 Bauer, Attorney for Wm. C. Brown re: rezoning of nw comer of Pennsyl. Ave. and NW Arterial from R-3 to C-3.(3f2) ........................... 90 Bauer & Heckmann, Attorneys, re: vacation of RR easement along Kerper Blvd. (10/5) ................................................. 402 Bauer, James E., Jimmy B's, Liq, Lie.; Cig. Per.(6/1)(6/15) ................ 230,246 Baueriy, Donna M, appointed to Housing Code of Appeals Bal.(l/6) ............... 3 Baueriy, Beverly, re: Keyline Transit System, Bndgct impact etc.(2/29) ............ 76 Banman, Pastor George of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (11116) ................................................. 449 Baumhover, Ruth, re: objecting to septic tanks etc. in Lores Place development. (7/6) .................................................. 276 Be Kind to Animals Week, Proclamallon.(5/4) ............................ 164 Bueben, Bugene/12atherine, Gene's Main St. 'lap, 1007, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15) .............................................. 244,247 Buck' Danlel, CLAIM; referral.(5/18)(6/1) ............................ 211,233 Beck©r, Brian, re: property at 3870 Peru Rd., rezoning.(lf20) ................... 30 Beechor Bewrage, Buer Per4 Cig. Per.; Class "B" Liq.(5/18)(6/15)(7/~) ..... 199,215,269 Behnke, Lawrence, CLAIM.(10/19) .................................... 420 Be:hr Funeral Home, CLAIM; roferral.(8/17)(9/3) ....................... 357,376 Behr, Irwin $., opposing stop signs etc. at Concord St. etc. intersection. (10/19) .............................................. 415,416 Bellevue & Kirkwood Struets, vacating nearby poblic ailey.(4/6)(4f20) ..... 128,129,145 Bemis, Harry, Chair of Trmlslt Bd., re: bus fam.(9~) ....................... 368 Benboom, D., Pelican Pier, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.; Refund on Cig. Per. (4/20)(6/15)(11/2) ................................... 144,246,444 Benches at Bus Stops, request by 'D~e Bench Co. for placement.(12/21) ........... 501 Benefits (relocation) to tenants displaced by economic development activities. (7/'20) ................................................. 292 Bankol, Inc., Floyd Kunkol re: acceptance of Res. of County Springs Subd. No.2.(6/15) .............................................. 255 Bann, Cleo:ge & Linde, CLAIM; settlement.(7/6)(7/20) ................... 279,309 Bennett, Nolda, Old Shang, Liq. Lie.(10/5) ............................... 399 Bergmann, Michael & Sally. accepting Res. re: final plat approval of Northwest Ridge.(l 0/5) .................................. 407,408 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Bemardi, Jo~eI~, applicant for Ad Ho~ Committee on Investments.(2/3) ........... 44 Bert. olini, Angolian, Marlo's Italian Res./Loungeo Cig. Per.(6/15) ............... 246 Bertsch, R., for Richard & ,Mice Kelly, re: vacating easement along east property line of Lot 21, Blk 1 in Sunset Park Seventh Addn.(12/21) ............ 500 Bertsch, Attorney f~ C. Bmhach's re: exchange of properties between City and Burhachs.(3/2) ......................................... 98 Be~sch, Attorney re: extension of time for bonding reqnimments.(2/17) ........... 57 Berwanger, Charles, CLAIM; referral; s0ttlement.(7/6)(7/20)(12/7) ........ 279,309,483 Best Wesann Dubuque Inn, Into of lows, Ltd., Liq. Lic.(l/20) .................. 27 Beta Sigma Phi Week, Ptorlamation.(4/20) ............. Big "10" Mar~2as Wash., 1875 J.F.K. Road, Be.o' Pct.(lO/19) ............. : i i i 399 418 Big 10 Math Mole Oil, 2100 JFK, Beer Per,(3/2) ........................... 89 Big "10" Mart, Mole Oil Co. 9th & Central, Beer P~.(12/7) .................. 481 Billy Bucks East SL Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15)(12/7) ................. 246,481 Bins, Rueycling, O. Lochner, re: lids.(2/'3) ................................ 52 Bishop Block, building, re: Iowa HOME Program (Hone;ag3.(8/3) .............. 329 BissellLane, re: Midwest Gas' two ob~en, ationwells.(lO/19)(ll/16)(12f/) .. 424,457,480 Bissell Place, f'mni plat approval of Lots 1-6.(4/20) ......................... 155 Bitter, Attorney for R. C. Fuerst, CLALM.(6/I) ............................ 233 Bitter, Attorney, CLAIM for Lee, Ronald & Kathy Makovea.(9/8) .............. 376 Bitter, Attorney, for M. Arthofer, CLAIM.(12/21) .......................... 500 Bitter, Attorney J. for Carol BiRer, CLAIM: referrai.(5/4)(5/18) ............. 180,211 Blake St., west of, vacating of alley between Bellevue & Rirkwood. (4/6)(4/20) ........................................ 128,129,145 Blakeman, Harold, CLAIM; denial.(l/6X3/16) ....... . ........ 13,110 Blasco, Tim, CLAIM; mttiemant.(lO/19)(11/2) ............... 420,444 Blichmann, Richard & Barbara, ca,merit vacation on Sarah St. (7/20)(8/3)(8/17) .......... Block Grant Program, Lengthening of the i4;g'~n'5;;a~/(¢/l~i ' i i ~ ~ ...... 309,341,352 Blue Moon Develop. Co., Clarion Hotel, Liq. Lie.; Certificate of ..... 381 Completion, Easement Agreement etc.(8/17)(10/5) ............ 355,397,398 Bluff St., 10, m: Midwest Gas, 3 monitoring wnils.(12/7) ..................... 480 Bluff & W. 2nd, request for Curb cuts by P. Sutton.(7/6) ..................... 282 Blum, Attorney William, reappointed as City Solioltor.(I/6) ..................... 2 Blum, Re4, applicant for Ad Ho~ Comralttca on Investments.(2/3) ............... 44 Blume, Rollie & Itilda, m: objeefiag to 15 homes in Lores Place Concept. Devel. Plan.(7/6)(7/20) ................................. 276,301 Board of Health re Interageney Agreement with IA Dept. of P. Health for swimming pool and spa mle$.(l 1/16) ......................... 448 Board of Health, Regular Quar~riy Meetings: (1/20)(4/'20) ................. 20,139 Board of Supervisors (County) re: transfer jurisdiction of Marie Quarry Rd. to the Mines of Spain & Julien DIxI. Monmnant to DNR ,to. (7/6)(8/3)(10/19) .................................... 265,313,421 Boards & Commission, Ord. requiring them to be Residents of the City.(2/3) ........ 46 Boats, C.R., Inc., IA Corporation, Dubuque Yacht Basin Sublease etc.(10/5) ....... 404 Bockes, Bernard re: burning toxic waste oil sludge at sewage sludge incinerator. ($/18) ................................................ Bodiue s, $. W. Keegan, Liq. Lie.(3/2) .................................. 183 · 89 B°ge, Steve, re:rezoningofsecomerofKaufmann&Chaneyproperty.(4flS) ... 124-126 Boge, Dale re: Need for rnihi-boses for handicapped.(2f29) .................... 76 Bond election for golf conrse construction, abstract of votes.(2/17) ............... 72 Bond coverage, honesty, increased for City Treas., Fin. Dir., Adm. Services Mgr. & City Mgr.(8/3) ........................... 330 Bond Registrar agreement with City & Norwest Bank Iowa.(3/2) ................ 88 Bonding of City of;lents and employees, Ord. amending.(9/8) .............. 372,373 Bonds for Finley Hospital Projeet.(7f20)(8/3)(9/14) ................ 305,349-351,380 Bonds, G.O., improvements to Water Pollation Conlrol Flant.( 12f/)(12/21 ) ..... 473,497 Bonds for Jo;d-Wen Inc. Project.(2/17) .................. Bennett, Dave, reappointrd to the Civic Center Comm.(7/6) . .. i i i J J i i ~ ~ ........ 72 260 Bonson Rd., rezoniag of property west of & Maggan St. from R-1 to R-3.(8/17) .... 357 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE C,K. of Dubuque, Country Kitchen, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(6/15) ........... 167,244 C-I District, text amendment approved etc. (6/15)(7/6)(7/`20)(8/3) .............................. 249,276,299,320 C-1Nalghborhood Commareial District, amended.(8/3)( 11/16) ........ 314,314,318,449 Cable TV Community Teleprogramming Comm., appointment of Knn Quesnall and Tim tlabcl.(5/18) ............................ 182 Cable TV Talaprogramming Comra. resignntion of Brian Baker.( 1/6) ............. 13 Cabhi TV Rngalntory Conuulsslon appeintment of Gil Bonifinghouse` (8/3) ........ 329 Cable Community Tehiprogramming Comm. appointment of Floyd R. Cook; resignation.(1/20)(7/ti)(lO/5) ................. 21,262,394 Cable Franchise Adm. submitting resignation of Floyd Cook from Tnieprogramming Comm.(lO/5) ............................... 394 Cable, TCl, raportonyearaeeomplishn~nts.(2/17)(4/6) .................... 72,138 CABLE REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: 1116)11120)13/22)1416)14/20)1716)17/20)1918)11015)11217) ...................................... 13,33,96,134,154,279.309,375,403,483 CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)12/17)13/16)14120)16115)1918)(10/19)112/21) ........................................... 33,66,109,154,250,375,420,500 Calinhan, Jan. re: funding for VNA.(2/29) ................................ 76 Callaban, Wm., applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed to Housing Comm. T~ust Fund Committe~,(9/8) ............................ 366 Camelot Dr. re: final plat approval of Sunny Slopes Phase 11 Lots 7-12, Blk 4, Lots 1-13, Blk 5, Lots 1-21, Blk 6, Lots 1-12, Blk 8, Lots 1-0, Blk 9, Lots 1-6 lI.I,J., K., L & M Radford Rd., Embassy West ete.(4/20) ..................... 157 Camelot Dr. & Radford Rd., installation of Stop Signs.(10/5)(10/19)(l 1/2) , . . 396,416,437 Camelot Drive, (nemcby) re: final plat approval of Subd. of Lot 2-2-1-E Embassy West; request for extension of completion.(4/6)(5/18) ................................... 136,197 Cancer Survivor's Day, Proclamation.(6/1) ............................... 214 Canopy at 2400 Central Ave. for Pusateri's Restaurant.(l 1/2)(11/16) ....... 444,458,459 Canvassers of votes for special proposition: Golf Coupe construction. (2/17) .................................................. 72 Capital Improvement Program, Public Hearing of Budget etc.; Adoption of Program; amended to include Kelly Lane; (2/17)(2/28)(2/`29) .................................... 64,75,76,78 Capital Improvement Program, CIP, re: presentation to Council at 1/6 Meeting.(2/3) ............................................. 53 Capital Projects, uncompleted yet of FY 92.(8/3) .......................... 347 Car Ruetal bualuess at Airpert.(l 2/7) ................................ 475,476 Carew, Attorney Allen, for Adams Co. objecting to proposed 4th St. Urban Renewal Dis.(2/17) .................................... 56 Carryout and Indcor Restaurants, Text amending for Sec. 8 Definitions. (8/17)(9/8) ........................................... 356,364 Carter Rd., re: littering problem dlseussion led by C. Burbaeh.(S/17) ............. 358 Carter Rd., re: vacation & sale of nearby property requested by TomLdbold.(4/6)(SI18)(611) ........................... 135.210,225 Camy's General Store, Angel Invest., 2699 Rockdale Rd., Cig. Per., Buer Per,(6/15)(12/21) ................................... 244,498 Casey's General Store, The Monday Co., 4003 Peru, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(9/14) .......................................... 244,382 Cash Matching Funds for micrefilming of City Records.(5/18) ................. 213 Casino Belle, Robert's River Rides - Portside, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.; Vendor Placen~nt.(3/16)(6/15) ........................... 99,103,245 Casino Belle area, regulation & fee charges for catering trucks, request for equality ete.(8/17) ...................... ~ ............... 358 Casino Belle, re: status of negotiations with Koiti for gambling bean(I/20) ......... 26 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Castle Weeds Lane, extension; r~: final plat of Lots 1-10, of Blk 4, Lots 1-13, BIk 5 & Lots E,F, G & H of Eastridge Estntes.(2417) ......... 68 Catering trucks, regulation and fee charges, request for equality, cap at Casino Belle area.(8/17) ................................ 358 Cathedral Urban Revit. District, re: tax exempllon applications.(2/17) ............. 71 CDBG Agreement with ItUD for Calendar Year 1992.(7/6) ................... 264 CDBG Loan Agreement with EDS Corp. & CEBA Forgivable Loan Ag~ement with IA Dc-pc of Economic Development & EDS Corp. (1/20) .......................... ~ ............... 25 CDBG re: Data Se~ice~ Lean Agreement.(7/6) ........................... 264 CDBG presenting Citizen Partidlmtion Plan.(8/17)(9/8) ................ 353,368-369 CDBG funds of $1,133,000 to City, HUD.(7/6) ............................ 265 CEBA Forgivable Loan Agreen~nt with lA Dept. of Econ. Devniop, & EDS Corp.(l/20) ........................................... 25 Cedar Cross Rd., 365, rezoning from RI to CS Dis.(l/6) ...................... 8,9 Cedar Cross Road, property cast & south fi'om AG to CS, rezoning etc. (12/21) .............................................. 499,500 Center Grove Sanitary Sewer, easement wilh Chicago Center and Pacific RR Co.(5/4) ..................................... 177-179 Center Grove, re: vacation of sewer eascruent in Edwards Place fo~ llerintge Irm,(2/3) .......................................... 49 Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.(6/1 )(7/6) .......... 216,266,266 Center for Public Ministry, re: CDBG Program and Citizen Participation Finn.(8/17) .............................................. 353 Center Groove Place, Lot 4 of Northvicw, (Northwest Cresuent Ct.) rezoning from R-I to C-3, requested by M. Firman. (6/15)(7/6) ..................................... 248,249,272-273 Center Grove, 3328 & 3350, rezoning of properties from LI to C-3. (1/20) .................................................. 31 Central Ave., resurfaoing from 20th to 32nd gL, Rcbab. Project Agreement with lDOT.(3/16)(4/'20)(5/18)(6/15) ........ 101,102,140,207,238 Central Tap, Liq. Lie.(4/'20) ......................................... 144 Central Ave., 2400, re: awning/sign on Pusateri's Restaurant. (11/2)(11/16) ...................................... 444,458,459 Central Ave, fl~m 5th to 9th St., re: IDOT transfarrinll jurisdiction re:US 52/61/151.(11/2)(12/7) .............................. 436,474 Central & W. Third St,, ~zoning from LI Light Ind. Dis. to C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(12/7) ................................. 470 Central Ave. & 10th, dangerous intersection, re: G. Chevalier.(7/20) ............. 296 Central on 18th St., "S" Crave needs pedestrian markings, G. Chevaliar request.(6/l) ............................................. 227 Central Ave, & Iowa re: 5th Street Parking Meters (north side).(7/6) ............. 266 Central Tap, M, Woodman, Cig, Per,(6/15) ............................... 244 Central Ave. dc lows St., (between) north side of Fifth Street, Adding to Meter Dis~ct "C",(7/20) ................................. 288,289 Cerro Drive, re: 1992 Concrete Paving Project; requesting sidewalk~ also be repiaced,(6/15)(10/5) .................................... 236,394 Cetfificate of Appreciations to Employees P. Ostrander & D, Tracy.(3/2) ........... 87 Certillcate of Appreciation to City Employees Dobbin Earle & Doog Schiickmann.(9/8) ..................................... 360 Cexllficate of Appreciation to City Employees E. Schneider, T. Van Phim, B. Schwngman.(10/5) ......................................... 387 Certificates of Apprueiation to Employees T. Fesslcr, T. Meier, N. Backes, J, Walker & S. Eastvedt.(5/4) ......................... ......... 164 Cortillcates issued by Historic Preservation Commission.(12/7) ................. 477 Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Grant-In-Aid application with State Historical Society.(12/7) ............................. 477 Chamber of Commerce re: Purchase of Service Agreement~; Po~ition statement on Hwy 20 (Dodge St.) Corridor Proj.(6/15)(12/7) ........ 255,474 Chancy & Kaufmann, approval of PR Planned Res. District at sc Corner (Zoning change for Renaissance - Boge).(3/16)(4/6) .............. 107,124 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Channel 40, KDUB, Closed Caption requnsted by D. TeKippe.(12fl) ............ 495 Channel Inn, C. Fonck, Liq. Lie.(6/15) .................................. 247 Chapman, Kxistina, Oky Doky #14, 1050 Univ.. Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(7/6) ..................................... 245,269 Charges (fees) in Municipal Parking Omages ahanged.(4/6) ................... 114 Charges, Sewer User, presentation by Utilities Dir. C. Olson.(9/14) .............. 379 Charges for alarm monitoring system.(2~29) .............................. 79 Charges & Rates for Ambulance Service, established, amended.(2/29) ............ 79 CHAS, Comprehensive Housing Affordahility Strategy, Submission to US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development; Updates, annual RaporL(4/6)(12/21) ..................................... 117,496 CHAS, (Comp. Hsg. Affordability Swat.), re: Trust Fund etc.(7/20) ............. 290 Chateau Supper Club, K. Reed, 3750 Central, Liq. Lie.(6/15) .................. 247 Check signatures authorized for City Mgr. & Adm. Services Mgr.(3/16) .......... 100 Checks of City, authosized signatures dnsignated.(9/8) ....................... 372 Cherioli, Eth01, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.(7/6) ................ 261 Ch~ry St east of Asbury, re: S. Hemeseth requesting vacation of alley. (3116)(5/18)(6/1) .................................... 110,208,224 Chevalier, George, eddressed Council re: pollaies.(7/20) ..................... 296 Chi-Chi's Mexican Res. 800 Wacksr, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/3)(6/15) ......... 48,246 Chicago. Centrul& Pacific RR re: emergency access roadway along Ice Harbor.(5/4) .......................................... 165 Child Development Center Appreciation Day, Hills & Dales. Proulamation.(10/19) ....................................... Child Heulth Day, Prociamedon.(10/5) .................................. 387 Child Care Refen'ul Program (Project Concern), reinstate funding.(2/28) ........... 77 Child Abas~ Prevention Month, Proclamation,(4/6) ......................... 113 Children and Hospitals Week, Proulamation. O/2) ........................... 87 China trip, funding re: Sister State relationship; presentation by Council Member Veetberg etc.(7/20)(11/16) ................. '. ........ 286,449 Chiropractic office, re: rezoalng to include allowance for in C-1 Zoning. (7/20)(8/3) ........................................... 299,320 Chiu, Sam W., Long Yuen Chinese Res., 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(11/2) .......................................... 245,443 Churchill, 'fhomas. applicant for Human Rights Comm.(l/6) .................... 4 CIP (Capital Improvements Project), Five Year, Work session requested; P. ltcaring Set; amended to include Kelly Lane.(1/6)(2/17)(2/29) ....... 16,64,76 Citizen Participation Plan for CDBG. (8/17)(9/8) ..................... 353,368-369 City records microfilmed with Cash Matching Funds.(5/18) ................... 213 City Solicitor Wm. G. Blum appointed.(1/6) ................................ 2 City appearance, concern by J. McKenna of Madison, W1.(8/17) ................ 358 City Council, Speciul Sessions: (1/13)(2/29)(3/23)(6/29)(10/29) ..................... 18,75.112a,258,426 City Manager, increased honesty bond coverage.(8/3) ....................... 330 City policy on hiring for jobs, R. Rosenow comments.(8/3) ................... 329 City Manager, Acting, Stephani Johnson named.(6/29) ....................... 258 City Council, Regular Sessions: (1/6)(1/20)(213)(2/17)(3,,2)(3/16)(4/6)(4/20)(5/4)(5/18)(6/1)(6/15) (716)(7/20)(8/3)(8117)(918)(1015)(10119)(11/2)(11116)(12fl)(12/21) ........................... 1,21,44,54,87,99,113,140,164,182,214,236, ........................ 260,286,313,348,360~387,412,428,449,469,495 City Manager Michael Van Miiligen, Employment Agreement. (12/7) ................................................. 478 City Employees with 25 Years of Service, Received Service Plaques. (12/7) ................................................. 469 City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, petitions for resignation of office; resignation as City Mgr.; search process etc. (6/15)(6/29)(8/3)(8/17)(11/20) ..................... 236,258,34(t,352,467 City Investment policy.(7/20) ........................................ 286 City Development Bd. re: Voluntmy Annexation of area near Julien Dubuque Monun~nt.(10/5) .............................. 409 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE City Manager position filied, diseusulon by Council.(7/6)(8/3)(11/20) ...... 270,340,467 City salaries published, proof.(9/8) City officials, bonding provided.(gjs) ................................ 372,373 City Lot 568A, disposal of IDOT prope~y (First & Locust St. area).(Yt~) ......... 284 City Treasurer, $1,000,000 bond established.(9/8) .......................... 373 City Wide Curbulde recyuling Program.(l/13)O/16)(8/3) ................. 17,19,347 City Manager, $1,000,000 bond establisbed.(9/8) ........................... 373 City Manager granted a 4% pay inarease.(2/29) . ........................... 78 City Enterprise Fund Audits, for FY 92, submitted.(11/2) ..................... 444 City officers designated to enter checks and drafts for City.(9/8) ................ 372 City Clerk Mary A. Davis, appointed.(1/6) ................................. 1 City Manager W, Kenneth Gearhart, appointment reaffirmed. (1/6) ................ 1 CITY COUNCIL, ZONING COMM, & ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT JOINT MEETING SUBMITFING MINUTES: (2/3) ................. 51 Civic Center, Five Flags, & Dbq. Fighting Saints for 1992-1993 Hockey Season,(10/5) ............................................ 397 Civic Center "76'!, D. Adams, Cig. 1~r.(9/8) .............................. 373 Civic Center re: objection to fe~ increase for Youth Hockey program.(2/28) ......... 75 Civic Center Commiss. aplxlntmonts of Rod Bakke, Dave Bennett and Michael Brannon.(7/6) ...................................... 260 Civil Sea'vic* Comm. certifying the position of "Ambulance Medical Officer". (10/~) ................................................. 409 Civil Servie~ certification of Police Office Entrance Level exam.(7/6) ............ 284 Civil Service Commiss. appointment of Tom Rawson.(4/6) ................... 113 Civil Service Comm. cea'fifying Promotional Exams for Fire Dept.(S/18) .......... 212 Civil Servion Comm. certlfying iedividnals for Water Plant Operator.(11/2) ........ 444 Civil Sca'vice Cemm. resignation of Pat Dillon.(10/5) ........................ 409 Civil Sarvice onmw. certifying Promotional Exams for Police Corporal. (2/3) ....... 52 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINU'IIgS: (5/18)(11/2X12~/) .................. ........................ 211,443,483 Claims paid for Nov. 1991,~ January 1992; March. 1992; April 1992 proof; June. July, 1992. (1/20)(3/16)(5/18)(6115)(8117)(9i8) ............... 33,110,211,250,357,377 Clapsaddle Gagotr Associat~, agreement to conduct Water Distribution Modeling Study & els Mapping ProjecL(2/17) ............ 54 Clarion Hotel, 450 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. Re: Blue Moon Devul. Cert. of Completion & Easement Agreement etc. (6[15)(8/17)(10/5) ............................... 245,255,397,398 Clarion Hotel, ulo~ure of CLAIM.(2/3) ................................... 51 Clarion Hotel, re: Special City Council Meeting with Jonsen, Oldeal and Cooper for interviews for Final Candidates for position of City Manager. (11/20) ................................................. 467 Clark, C.C., Quick Clean Laundry, 1313 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................ 245 Clark, Ruth A. apI~nted to the Housing Comm. l reappointed; appointed to Housing Comm. Trust Fund Comm. (1/6)(9/8)(10/5) ........... 3,366,393 Clark, Cnn'oil & Judith, re: Lores Blvd. zoning ahange.(10/5) .................. 394 Ciark, Shams, CLAIM; refen'aL( 11/2)(11/16) .......................... 443,464 Clark, Donald & Judy, CLAIM; refermi.(9/8)(10/5) ...................... 376,403 Clark, Deborah, petition re: vendor plac*ment near Casino Bulle.(3/16) ............ 99 Clark, Ruby, petitioning retaining City Mgr, Ken Gearhart,(6/15) ............... 236 Clarke Crest Estates Subdivision, re: 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program (defened from 11/91).(6/1) ................................ 214,215 Clemens, Anthony, re: W. llth St. tax exemption applicafion.(2/17) .............. 71 Clemens, Bob, RTA, re: Keyline as operator of paratsanalt servic* etc. (10/19) ................................................. 421 Cieve Trust Realty, re: Warren Plaza amended PC Comm. Dis.(12/7) ............ 470 Cleveland St., re: vacation of lot at Cleveland & Pear, requested by R. Schultz.(11/16) ......................................... 464 CLG, re: Histmle Prnservafion Grant in Aid application with State.(12/17) ......... 477 Closed Caption rextunsted by D. Tekippe for KDUB.(12/7) .................... 495 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE' CLOSED SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL: (2/17)(3/16X7/20)(11/20)(12f21) ........................... 73.112,311,467,503 Closing Financial Summary of Vision 2000.(4/6) .......................... 113 Club House~ W. Kram~, Cig. Per.; Lig. Lie.(6/15}C//20) .................. 244,298 Ce.incineration of non-recyclable waste paper with sewage siudge.(5/l 8) ..........183 Coach House, F~ Kelly, Liq, Lie.(9/8) .................................. 374 Cm~kiny, Ann, app~nted to the Housing Comrra(9/8) ....................... 366 Coastal Service Station Holiday Oil Dis., several outlets, Cig. Par,(6/15) .......... 244 Code Supplements No. 7; No. 8 & 9, Ho. 10; No. 11, No. 12 adopted. (1/20)(4/6)(7/6)(8/17)(12/21) ....................... 39,134,282,357,502 Collectlve Bargaining re~ Ciosed Session discussion etc.(12/21 ) ................ 503 Collective Barg. Agreement with Firofighters Assn.(6/15) .................... 256 Collins, Jntres xe: condemnation of US 20 property by IDOT; Suit etc. (2/3)(44) ............................................. 52, I34 Comm. & Economic Development, Budget Hearing, comments by B. Elsch, V. O'Me~xa, and B. Mihsiakis re: CDBG dislribmion. (2/29) .................................................. 76 Comm. & Economic Development, Budget Hearing, comments by Ka~n O'Ronrke.(2/29) ..................................... 76 Comm. Develop. Loan Agreement with EDS & CEBA Loan Agree. with IA Dept. of Economic Develop. & EDS Corp, (1/20) ................ 25 Comm. Bconomin Bettsnnent Account Forgivable Loan Agreement with the IA Dept. of E~onomic Development and Engineering Data Systems Crop. (1/20) ................................... 25 Comm. Development Block Grant Funds, publication of Notice of P. Heating.(2/17) .......................................... 64 Comm, Devniopment Block Grant Program lungthuned.(9/14) .................. 381 Comm./Economic Development increase funding ~o W~h. Neighborhood Tool Lib.(2/29) ............................ . ................ 77 Commission & Board Members must be residents of the City, by Ord.(2/3) ......... 46 Community Development Comm. endorsed by Ruth Nash.(5/18) ............... 212 Community Pe~nershlp Program (op2). revise guidelines; awarding funds ete,(7/20)(10/~) ............................. 310,311,395,396 Community Development Week, Proclamation. (4/20) ....................... 140 Community Development Commission, Ordinance establishing. (10/19)(11/2) ......................................... 416,439 Community Development Block Grant Program, Grantee performance Report.(4/6) ............................................. 13g Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds fo~ the CDBG 1992 program Year, filing of amendment No. 1.(9/8) ........ 369 Community Devel, Block Grant Agxeement with ][IUD for Calendar year 1992.(7/6) .............................................. 264 Community Deval. Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq. Data Services. (7/6) .................................................. 264 Community Development Bleck Grant Program, re: follow-up review. (4/20) ................................................. 154 Community Development Block Grant funds of $1,133,000 to City, HUD. (7/6) .................................................. 265 Community Partnership Program (Cp2) Funds awarded for Gannon Center for Comm. Mental Health's Office project.(4/6)(10/5) ............. 116,397 Compassionate Friends Days, Proclamafion.(g]8)( .......................... 360 Coovpliance Act, (Key/inn) for Americans with Disabilities Act.(1/6) ............... 5 Comprehensive Plan of City, re: identification of elements with the Vision 2000 document.(7/6) .................................. 265 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, re: Trust Fund ete.(7/20) .......... 290 Coml~ehenslve Housing Affordability Stsategy, CHAS, Submission to US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development.(4/6) .................. 117 Computer xe: Utility Billing Software Pkg. re: downslzlng from mainframe computer.(12/21) .......................................... 497 Conceptual Development Plan for Luther Manor Nursing Home. (9/14)(10/5) ........................................... 383,389 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Conceptual Development Plan for property on Kelly's Bluff (5/i8)(6/l) ........................................... 205,2i7 Conceptual Development Plum fcc Table Mound Mobile Home P~rk, denial to amends(g/14) ...................................... 384 Conceptual Development Plan adopted for l~roperty west of Windsor & east of Libexty fxom R-4 to PR.(9/8) .......................... 362 Conceptual Development Plan for Loraa Place (south of Roosevelo (7/6)(7/20) ........................................ 276,299,301 Conceptual Dovniopment Plan for 3500 Dodge SL, Warren Plaza - Target amunded.(3/16) ...................................... 107 Concession Agreement at McAleece Park & Rec. awa~led to S & D Concessions.(2/17) .................................... 72 Concord St., Concord Ct., traffic signs at beginning. (8/3)(9/8)(10/5)(10/19)(11/2)(11/16) ............. 343,370,395,415,436,453 Concrete Paving Project, 1991, finalization of project; etc. (7/6)(8/3) ......................................... 282,283,343 Concrete Paving Project, 1992, construction.(5~18)(6/15)(7~6) ......... 205-207,236,267 Concrete Shop Floor at Key/inn Transit Facility, Replacement Project.(3/2) ............................................ 92,92 Condemnation of IDOT for US 20 improvement on property used by F. Hardin Adv.(3/16) ....................................... 110 Condemnation of US 20 property of K. Meyer & J. Collins by IDOT. (2/3)(3/2) .............................................. 52,97 Confliets of lnternst re: Human Rights Comm., disenssion.(1/20) . .. 21 Conlon, Katlfleun A., re: vacation of unused RR easement Elk 5 & Blk 6 in Riverficont SuM. #3.(10/5) ............................. 402 Counolly, Peggy, appointed to Housing Comm., applicant for Housing Comm. & Housing Comm. Trust Fund Comm.(1/6)(9/8) ............. 3,366 Connolly, Joan, CLAIM; referral.(lO/5)(lO/19) ......................... 403,421 Consent Decree & Agreement between Midwest Gas, the IDOT, City & E~on.(6/1) ............................................ 233 Consent Decree approval and Ag~ment between parties involved on ' Midwest Gas Co. coal tar site.(5/4) ............................. 165 Con,act with IA Dept. of P. Health for funding a local AIDS Coalition Program.(2/17) ............................................ 70 Contract for food service establishment, hotel & vending machine sanitation inspections etc.(8/3) ................................ 345 Contributions Contsact, Annual, with HUD for Sec. 8 Honslng.(7/6) ............. 263 Convention & Visitors' Burean, re: Parchase of Service Agreements.(6/15) ........ 256 Conzet~ Jim, Claim referral.(1/6) ....................................... 13 Cook, Floyd, appointed to the TV Cable Camm. Teloprogramming Comm.; resig nation.( 1/20)(7/6)(10/5) ....................... 21,262,394 Cook, Knith L., applicant for Ad Hoc Comm, on Investments.(2/3) ............... 44 Cook, Floyd, applicant for Human Rights Comm.(l~) ......................... 4 Coomes, Darlene, spoke re: Animal Shelter/Kennnis" Zoning amend.(2/3) .......... 45 Cop/inn, Dorothy B., Claim referral.(l/6) ................................. 13 Copper Kenie, D. Ungs, 2987 Jackson, Cig. Per., Liq. Lie. (6/15)(12/21) ....... 244,499 Corn Dr., south of, rezuning property e~st of Donovan Dr.(8/17)(9/8) ......... 356,361 Cora Drive, re: dedication etc., final plat approval of portion of Sunset Pmk.(6/l) ............................................... 227 Cnsbett, Jim, AppEcant for Zoning Board of Adjustment.(11/16) ................ 453 Cofiell's Dubuque, Disposal of City Owned property to Daniel & Jounn Moo~.(7/6) ......................................... 271 Co~:n'al (Police), promotional exams certified by Civil Service Comm.(2/3) .............................................. 52 Corporation Counsel Barry A. Lindahl appolnted.(1,~) ......................... 2 Cortid~ Plan, 1989 Freeway, amendment, m: rezoding of Elm St. etc. C (7/6) ............................................ osgrove, Margaret, BVM, appointed to the Ad Hoc Comm. on Investment; . . 262,263 recoron~endations.(2/3) (5/1) ................................ 44,182 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Council 1992 Goals & Pdorliles, re: participation in upcoming Economic Development Summlt.(6/15) .................................. 244 Council dlseussion of filling City Mannger position.(7/6)(8/3)(11,r20) ...... 270,340,467 Council Members signed Oaths of office. (1/6) .............................. 1 Council P~oceedings, printed, approved for May, June & July, 1991; approved for Aug., Sept. & October 1991: November & Dec. 1991. (10/5)(10/19)(11/2) .................................. 409,420,443 COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION ON CIP SUBMITFING MINUTES: (2/17) .................................................. 66 Council's Concurrence re: 1993 Lngislallve Statements.( 11/16) ................. 461 Counsel Court, named changed to Dalla~ Court.(4/20) ....................... 142 Countxy Heights Paa'mershlps, petitioning for release of easement on Country Springs Sub. #2.(3/16) ................................ 107 Counlxy Springs Subd. No. 2, final plat approval of Lots 1-10, and Lot A. (2/17) ................................................ 67,68 Country Sprlngs P~xtunrship, re: aeceptsnee of final plat approval.(2/17) ........... 68 Country Kitchen, C.K. of Dbq., Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................... 244 Country Springs Subd. & Portion of an existing 10' wide Utility Easement on properties formerly known as Lot 3, Blk 1, & Blk. 2 of Counts7 Springs Subd. in rite City (now known as portions of Lot 5, 6 & 9 in Counlxy Springs Sulxl. No. 2, Lot 6-3 & 8-3 of Blk I of Countsy Springs Sub. & portion of Pasadena Df.O/16) ............................... 107 Counta3r Springs No. 2, petition of owners of Lots 1-10 & Lot A re: final plat.(4/6) ......................................... 119 Country Kitchen, Beer Permlt.(5/4) .................................... 167 Country Springs Homeowners petitioning for Stop or Yield sign at comer of Foothill & P~edena; etc.(8/2)(10/5) .................. 343,396 Counlry Springs SuM, No. 2, vacating of easement eta.(4/6) .: ................ 119 Countt7 Springs Sub., Blk 2, rezoning (west of Pasadena Ct.) (1/6)(2/17)(6/15) ....................................... 8,67,253 County requesling Ad Hoe Investment Committee of City include them. (1/20) .................................................. 22 County Supervisors selling real estate at 642 University.(9/8) .................. 374 County Historical Society re: Agreement for 1948 Soagrave Ladder Truck. (5/4) .................................................. 164 County Fine Aaas Society, Kaleidoscope I~oject. purchase of Service Agw. e.(6/l 5) ............................................. 256 County Board of Supervisors re: E911 Emergency System, remodeling, financing.(1/6) ............................................ 16 County re: Noah Point Heights SUM., city interested coneleded.(9/8) ........... 376 County Supervisors re: problem with illegal dumping.(8/3) ................... 344 County Supervisors re: problem with tlansfersing Marie Quan'y Rd. jurisdiction.(8/3)(12fl) .................................. 313,484 Covenants, Resa'ietive for Meadow Acres SUM., amendment.(9/8) ............. 378 Cox, lames, C~fificate of Appreciation. (8/3) ............................. 313 Cozy Comer, Cig, Per.(1/6)(3/16)(6/15) ............................ 6,102,244 Crahan, Pat, re: recommendations of Ad }loc Investment policy, recommendations ete.(5/18) ........................ .......... 182 Crahan, Paffick, appointed to the Ad Hoe Comm. on Investments.(2/3) ............ 44 Crahan, Carla reappointed to the Long Range Planning Comm.; spoke etc.(7/6)(10/5) .................................... 261,394 Crahan, Pat, of Flexsteel, re: flooding problem.(6/15) ....................... 257 Crawford, Merrill, re: appointments to Cable Commlssion.(5/18) ............... 182 Cremer, Lawrence, resignation of Bd. of Trustees of Carnegie Stout Public Library. O/l 8) ....................................... 211 Cremer Grocery Co., 731Rhomberg., Cig. Per.(6/15) ....................... 244 Crescent Court, propa~ty Northwest, rezoning from R-1 to C-3.(7/6) . .. 248,249, 272-273 Cre~lunea Bowling Inc., Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(6/15)(7/6) .................... 247,268 Cue Master Billiards, Cun Master Ltd., Liq. Lie., Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ......... 59,244 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Cni-de-~a~: & local street, elimination of dislinetion, text an~ndment 1o Zoning Ord.(7/20) ......................................... 308 Culber~son, Joseph, CLAIM; referral.(2/17)(3/2) .......................... 66,97 Curb ramp~ on Rose. dale for St Anthony's,(7/6) ........................... 263 Curb Cuts ~e. questod for Bluff & W. 2ed by P. Sutton.(7/6) ................... 282 Curbside Recycling Prngram.(l/13)(8/3) ............................... 17,347 Custodian Agreements with Amerlcun Trust, DB & T, Dana Investment, First National Bank etc.(9/14) ................................. 379 CyCam Plaza, Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................................ 245 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE D.A.R.I~. Program, grunt application for equipment & supplius.(4/6) ............. 115 D,B.Q,, Inc., Shot Tower, Liq. Lie.(4/'20) , ~ .............................. 144 Dainus, Sara Anne, re: tax exemption for 445 Lores Blvd.(2/17) ................. 71 Dallas Court, named changed from Counsel CL(4/29) ....................... 142 Duily, Richard L., re: Development plun for Loants Estates.(10/19)(12/7) ....... 421,484 Dana Investment Advisors Agreereunt.(9/14) .......................... 379,380 Dana & Southway Streets, petition for atop sign.(6/1)(7/~) .............. 234;265,266 Dsond, Charles A., applicant fc~ Human Rights Comm.(l/6) .................... 4 Danvood Ac'rea, final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Tscharnur Pl., by $. Kefiy.(12/21) ........................................... 501 Dave's Civic Center "76", David E. Adams, Cig. Per.(9/8) .................... 373 Davis, John D., applicant rut' Housing Comm.(1/6)(9/8) ..................... 3,366 Davis, Jdiin, CLAIM.(ll/16) ......................................... 464 Davis Mary A,, appointed as City Cietk.(l/6) .............................. 1 Day Care Center, Group, re: text amendment in a C-2 Dis. as a conditional use.(5/4)(5/18) ........................ i .......175,202 Days Inn, Dbq, Lodging, Inc., Iiq. Iic.; Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ............... 59,245 Dayton Hudson Corp,, Target, Cig. Pur.(6/15) ............................. 245 Dbq. Po~t 6, Am. Legion, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................................ 247 De.an, Ralph, Mayo~ of Sagnvllle, IA re: llansferdng of juriedietion of NW .tmerial & other readways.(8/17) ........................... 358 December 1991 pfinted Council proceedings approved.(11/2) .................. 443 December, 1991, Financial report. (2/3) .................................. 52 Declaration Statement imposing Restrictive Covenunts for the Meadow Acres SuM. amundment.(9/8) .............................. 377,378 Deeding Juiinn Dubuque Grave property to the State of Iowa.(4/20)(10/19) ..... 153,421 Definitions in Zoning Ord., re: Drive-in/Carryout Restaurant ete.(8/17)(9/8) ..... 356,364 Degree, Tom, Wash. Jr. High School life Science Teacher re: lawn @ snakus.(12/21) ................................... 497 Deich, C. Member Donald to Operation: New View Bd,; resignation from Solid Waste Agency & Operation & Operation: New View; requesting Attorney General's opinion re: Human Rights Comn~(1/6)(6/1)(1/20) ..................... 4,21, 226 Delinquent Garbage & Refuse & Sewer accounts to County Treasurer for Collectlon.(1/6) ......... i ............................. 14,15 Detainer, Jeff, refund on l~q. Lie,(5/4) .................................. 181 Demonstration Project Grunt Contract, Sclid Waste, with IA DNR.(5/18) .......... 183 Denlingur, Norma, of DRA, presenting dividend cheek to the City.(7/6) .......... 260 Denny's Lux Club, B. Larsen, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per,(4/20)(6/15) .............. 144,246 Depositories named for City by Rus.(1/6) .................................. 2 Dept. of Economic Development re: funds released for City's HOME Program.(12/7) ........................................... 484 Dept. of Natural Resources re: Lonn Agreement for Water Poll. Control Plant.(3/2) ............................................... 88 Dept. of Transportation property, disposal of City Lot 568A (Locust & First St. a~a,)(7/6) ........................................ 284 Dept. of Natural Resources, Juiinn Dbq. Monument jutlsdicfion txansfer. (7/6)(10/19) .......................................... 265,421 Dept. of Transportation, disposal etc., properties along northside of Southern Ave. from Locust & Samuel St.(7/6) ......................... 268,278 Dept. of HUD re: $7{)0,000 Special Purpose Housing Grant.(3/16) .............. 101 Dermotology Ciinic (Tfi-Stata), re: No Parklng sign. on Southperk Ct.(7/20) ........ 310 Den Moinus travel expenses etc. for Ethics Comm. (9/8) ..................... 376 Design Center, Inc., Julion Inn, Liq. Lin,(12/7} ............................ 481 Development Plan for Lora~ Estates, request fcic nview ete.(10/19) .............. 421 Devon Dr., IDOT re: fight of way project with Highway 20.(8/3) ............ 339,340 Diabetes Day. Dollars Against, Proelamation.(6/l) .......................... 214 Die-Hui, Zhon, presentation from Hun-Dan City Government to City.(7/20) ........ 286 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Dillon, Pat, resignation from Civil Service Comm.(10/S) ..................... 409 Disability Act, re: Keyliun Compliance Plun.(1/~) ............................ 5 Disability, now definition re: Housing Ordinance - ptot~tion from Discrlmination.(5/18) ..................................... 183 Disbursement & Loan Agreement re: $5,000,000 Sewer Revenue Cal~tel Loan Notes.(ll/16) ................................... 452 Discrimination re: Housing, new definitions of Disability, Familial Status, etc.; Prohibited practices in Housing etc,(5/18)(8/3) ............... 183,336 Discussion of Council on f'dling City Manager position.(7/6) .................. 270 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 195A in the City (pox'don of Iowa from 2nd to 3rd St. to Fischer Inc.)(3/2)(3/16) .................... 96,104,105 Disposition of sanitary sewur easnment in Edwards Pl. at Center C~ove for Midwest Hca-ltnge.(2/l 7) ...................................... 62 Dittmar, Scott, re: comment on magazine recycling.(10/5) .................... 394 Diversity, A Day Celebrating, Procinmation.(5/18) ......................... 182 Dixie Dr. in North Point Subd., drainage problems, County concern.(8/3) ......... 344 DMATS re: Draft Agreement to update primary extension route system within Urban Area.(7/6) ..................................... 263 DNR, re: trunsfer jmisdiction of Jallen Dbq. Monument ete,(7/6)(l 0/19) ....... 265,421 DNR, re: Demonstration Project Gnutt Contract, Solid Wasta.(S/18) ............. 183 Dodge St., U.S. 20 f~om Devon Dr. to US 61, Right of Way Agreen~nt with IDOT Reconstraction Project.(8/3) .......................... 340 Dodge House Restaurant, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(10/19) ................. 244,418 Dodge St, re: Midwest G~s constructing duce monitoring wefts.(12/7) ......... 479,480 Dodge, 3500, re: Warren Plaza (Target store expansion), PC Planned Comm. Dis.(3/16) ......................................... 107 Dog House Lounge, R. Leytem, (DOg House Lounge) Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(10/19 .......................................... 246,418 Dog Gone, Inc., Dog House Lounge, Iiq. Iic. (10/19) ....................... 418 Dolun, Dennis P., Union Cigar S~re, Cig, Per.(9/14) ........................ 381 Dolphin, Lhida, CLAIM; referral.(9/14)(10/5) .......................... 384,403 Dolter, Mildred M., WB Wine Pcm~t.(7/20) .............................. 298 Donna's Dip Tap, IloI. Iic.(l 1/16) ..................................... 462 Donovan Dr., property e~st ofund south of Cora Dr., rezoning form R-I to R-2.(8/17)(9/8) ...................................... 356,361 Durwciler, Delos, drainage problem at 2105 Kennedy Rd.; nearby weed problem.(7/20)(9/8) ..................................... 309,377 DOT property, disposal of City Lot 568A (Locust & First St. area).(7/6) .......... 284 DOT re: Grant App. Contract for Operating Assist. from State Program.(3/16) ...... 106 DOT Program of Projects, FFA Section 9/3 (Public Hcaring).(5/4)(5/l 8) ....... 168,199 DOT, re: USA, Grant under UMTA program (Keyllne - Buses).(3/16) ............ 106 DOT Agreement re: resurfaclng of Centxal Ave. from 20th to 32nd St. Project.(3/16) ............................................ 101 DOT re: Condemnation of rights in land by DOT to K. Meyer & J. Collins. (3/2)(3/16) ............................................ 97,110 DOT re: Transfer of Jurisdiction of several streets (US 52/61/151).(11/2) .......... 436 DOT re: P. Hearing for improvement of US 52 from Jackson County north. (3/2) ................................................... 97 DOT, IA, selling land known as Parcel Nos. 204, 206, 213, 271, 262, - not needed for highway.(3/t6) ................................... 110 DOT, IA re: Notice of Appeal of Condemnation Award.(1/~) ................... 13 DOT, re: Dodge St. reconsmaction, communication by Glenn Fuhrman.(6/1) ....... 227 DOT, disposal etc., proposes along northslde of Southern Ave. from Locust & Samuel St.(7/6) ...................................... 268,278 D0ttic's, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................................ 246 Downtown Hotel Project, Clarion, Blue Moon Development, Resolutions ~e: Cert. of Completion, Easement Agreement.(10/5) ................. 397 Downtown District Comparison Chart, re: Jobs, etc., submitted by Dbq. Main St.(Il/2) ....................................... 428 Dr. B's Billiards, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(8/17) ....................... 244,355 DRA, presentation of dividend check to City.(7/6) .......................... 260 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Dral~ Agreement re: upda~ng primary extension route system within Urban Area re: DMATS.(7/6) ...................................... 263 DraO. s c~ checks, authctdzed City signatures approved.(3/16)(9/8) ............ 100,372 Drainage problem ~t 2105 Kennedy Rd., objection by Delos Dol~vellor.(7/20) ...... 309 Drainage problem on Dixie Dr. in North Point Subdivislon.(8/3) ................ 344 DfiscoB's Touch free Wash, refund of Beer Purmit.(2/3) ...................... 51 Drive In/~arry out Restaurant, re: Zoning Ord. amended Sec. 8 "Definitions". (8/17)(9i8) ........................................... 356,364 Dre~te, Rachel, CLAIM; mfenal.(611)(6115) ........................... 233,250 ]Drug Task Force Grant, participation by Police Dept. (4/6) ................... 115 Dubbels, Marsha L., settlerr~nt of elnim.(8/3) ............................. 343 Dubuque Data Systems, Inc, re: BCIA Business Growth, subordinate a loan; revision of CDBG Lonn Agreement.(5/18)(7/6) ................. 197,264 Dubuque Casino Belle, R. River Rides, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (3/16)(6/15) ....... 103,245 Dubuque Melropolitan Solid Waste Agency, replacement of Council Member Donald Delch.(6/l) ........................................ 227 Dubuque Yacht Basin, Beer Pex.(5/18) .................................. 199 Dubuque Fighting Saints, Rental Agreement between Five Flags Civic Center for 1992-1993 Hockey Season.(10/5) ....................... 397 Dubuque In Future appointr~nt cfC. Member K. Kriag.(l/~) ................... 4 Dubuque Rescue Mission, Comm. Canter, re: Corers Partnership Program (cp2) lands awarded.(10/5) ................................ 396,397 Dubuque Food Panuy, Inc., Plentiful Harvest, re: Comm. Partnership Program (cp2) funds awarded.(10/5) ......................... 396. 397 Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. petitioning for new lease Agreement with Ciint Johnson, owner of Helulur Marine to move sales & setvlce oparafion from John Deere Rd. to Dbq. Y~cht Basin. (10/5) ................................................. 404 Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Liq. Lic.~ parmisslon for fa'eworks display.(5/4)(4/6) ........................ 2 .............. 134,168 Dubuque Community School re: parking restriction requested on Keyway from Woodland to J.F. Kennedy.(lZt21) ......................... 497 Dubuque Regional Airport, objecting to permit neeessa~y to entering fenced area, Gary Newt,(12/"/) ..................................... 484 Dubuque Historic Improvement Co., Redstone, 504 Bluff, l~q, Lic.(3116) ......... 103 Dubuque County Bd. of Supondsors re: resoluilons forwarded to IDOT.(I 2/'/) ...... 484 Dubuque(Jniion) orave, process fcrdeeding totheStateoflowa.(4/30)(lO/19).. 153,421 Dubuque In Futura, Inc. re: acceptance of Final Pla~ of Lots 5, 6, B & C of Westmatk. (1/20) ........................................ 34,35 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of So~vices Agreement. (6/1) .................................................. 233 Dubuque Neighborhood Councils, Elizabeth Mihalakis, re: direction et¢.(5/4) ....... 164 Dubuque Southgate Development, Ltd., re: Slxe, et names for private stxcets, (4/6) .................................................. 115 Dubuque Main St. Ltd. Bdi appointment of C, Member Robert Nagle.(l/6) .......... 4 Dubuque Inn, Cig. Pur.(6/15) ........................................ 245 Dubuque Greyhound Park, San, Sewer Mnintenane¢ Agreement with DRA.(9/8) .... 367 Dubuque Raelng Assn, presentation of dividend check.(7/6) ................... 260 Dubuque Arboretum Assn., leasing of Marshal Park, for arboretum & botanical gurden.(716X7/20) ...................................... 278,301 Dubuqu~ Symphony Orches~xa, re: permission for Labor Day f~ewurks.(7/20) ...... 309 Dubuque Westside Ktwonia Club, Riverside Park, Beer Per.(8/17) ............... 354 Dubuque Connty Fine Arts Society, Purchase of Seaviees Agrcement.(6/l 5) ........ 255 Dubuque Humane Society, Agreement for Animal Shelter Survices.(6/15) ......... 256 Dubuque Mining Co,, Apartments Ltd,, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ......... 59,246 Dubuque Bank & Tntst Co., re: Investment Agr~ment.(9/14) .............. 379,380 Dubuque Bowling Lanes, J, Fercing, Cig. Per.(6115)(7/6) .................. 247,268 Dubuque Lodging, Inc., Days Inn, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ............ 59,245 Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. Funding Agreement.(6/15) ....................... 255 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., re: Hospital Bonds (Finley) etc.(9/14) .............. 380 Dubuquefest/Vety Special Arts Wuek, Proclamatlon.(5/4) ..................... 164 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Duchr, Anna, CLAIM; refertal.(l 1/2)(11/16) ........................... 443,464 Duffels, Marcia L., CLAIM.(7,r20) ..................................... 309 Duffy, Cecil A., CLAIM.(7/20) ....................................... 309 Duggan, Te~ry, objected to front yard setback (zoning) going f~om 20' to 30'. (8/3) .... ................. . .................. : ........... 321 Duggan, Tea'y, appointed to Ad Hoc Conurattee on Investments; appointed to new Investment Oversight Comm.; discussion on serving on two different Comm.(2/3)(514)(9/8)(10/5) .................... 44.182,367,393 Dull, Sharon, re: tax exemption for 445 Luras Blvd.(2/17) ..................... 71 Dumping of lites and white goods illegally. County requcsting assistance. (8/3) .................................................. 344 Dundee, Joe, CLAIM; referral.(7/6}(7/20) ............................. 279,309 Dunne, Loras R., rex exemption for 480/Ldington St.(2/17} .................... 71 Duve, Debts, CLAIM.(10/19) ........................................ 420 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE E E. 14th St., vacation of pordon & also Maple St. & adjacent alley. (611)(6115) ........................................... 232,239 E. Dbq. Addition #2, Lot 281, request from D. tlerbst for sale & disposal, etc.(6/l) ......................................... 232 E. 22nd St. 607 & 609, re: rezoniag from C-1 Nelghborimc~l Commercial Dis., with Conditions to C-1 Neighborhood Corn. Dis. (2/17)(4/6)(5/18)(6/1)(6/15) ....................... 65,114,204,217,240 E911 System, re: Petition of Supervisors re: financing for remodeling. (1/6) ................................................... 16 Eagle Point Park, re: no incre~se in entrance fees. (2/29) ...................... 77 Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd., Windsor Tap, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(10/5)(10/5) ....... 938.399 Eagle Point Paxk, re: entry lraffie concerns spoken to by Walter Pregler; right turn lane installed.(5/18)(8/3) .......................... 211,339 Bagle Point Assoclatas, Tollbridge Inn, Liq. Lie.(8/17) ...................... 355 Eagle Food Centers, (3 outlets), Cig. Pex.(6/15) ............................ 244 Eagle Food Centers, Inc., transfer of Beer Permit from 200 S.Lncust to 300 S. Locust; Liq. Lie., BE Beer Per.(5/18)(lO/19) ......... 198,199,418 Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Structural Reinforcement Projeet.(l/6)(4/20)(5/18) .................. 11,150,200,212 Eagles Club, Liq. Lie.(3/16) ......................................... 103 Earie, Debbie, presented City Cert. of Appmciatlon.(9/8) ..................... 360 Easement, 5' Utility, released in Scenic View tteights No. 3, (Sarah for Dick & Barb Blichmane.(8f3)(8/17) ....................... 341,352 Easement vacated in Country Springs Subd. No. 2. (4/6) ..................... 119 Easement, storm sewer, along boundary line of Mama Ridge, for M. McNamer.(9/8)(9/14)(10/5) ....................... 377,382,387 Easement along east sid~ of Kerl~r, vacation of, for various property owners.(9/14)(10/5) ..................................... 384,402 Ea~ment, 30' wide railroad fight-of-way in Riverfmnt Sub., disposition ete.(lO/5)(lO/19) ....................................... 388,412 Ea~ment on southeasterly lot line of property owned by Lyle & Ann Whalen.(9/8) ........................................ 375 Easement Ag~mont between The Blue Moon Development Co. & Clty.(lO/5) .............................................. 398 Easement vacation requested by R. Kelly in Blk 1 in Sunset Park Seventh Addn.(12/21) ...................................... 500 Easement, re: vacation of 60' drive & 10' utility, west of AIverno Apts.(9/8) ....... 362 Easements, utility & driveway, vacation in Stonehill Comm. Suhd. No. 1.(10/19) ............................................ 419 Easttidge Estatel, request of residents for stop signs.(lO/19) ................... 415 Eastridge Estates, approval of plats for portion.(2/17) ...................... 67-69 Eastvndt, Steve, Cert. of Appreciation.(5/4) .............................. 164 ECIA Business Growth, Inc, re: subordination a loan to Dubuque Data Systems.(5/18) ........................................... 197 E¢onofoods #471, Class "BE" Beer Permit; "E" Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (2/3)(6/15) .......................................... 47M8,244 Economic Development Summit, authorization for the City Mgr. & Staff, to participate & added to Council goals & priorities.(6/15) ............ 244 Econontic Development re: release of funds for City's DOME Program. (12/7) ................................................. 484 Economi, Development budget re: increase of funding for Washington Neighborhood Tool Library.(2/29) ............................... 77 Economi~ Development Services, agreement with GDDC in the amt. of $60,000;, in amt. of $54,000.(2,r3)(7/6) ......................... 52,279 Ecumenical Tower resident E. loyce, re: Renter's Policy objection.(12/7) ......... 484 EDS (Engineering Data Systems), Comm. Deval. Block Grant Loan Agree, CEBA with IA Dept. of Economic Devel.(1/20) ..................... 25 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Edwards Place on Center Grove, re: vacation of sanitmy sewer easement. (2/17) .................................................. 62 Edwards Concrete Contractors awarded for Keyllne Transit Facility Shop Fleer Replacement.(4/6) ..................................... 120 EO¢on, Steve & Joan, tax exemption, for improvements at 596 W. llth. (2/17) .................................................. 71 Ehlert, Mary Lon, CLAIM.(12/21) ..................................... 500 Eighteenth SL & Central, "S" Curve, Comment by G, Chevelier.(6/l) ............ 227 Eighth, W., 659, aeqniring of real estate; from the County.(6/1)(7/20) ........ 229,296 Eighth, W,, 560, Disposal of property to Dan & loann Moore.(6/15)(7/6) ..... 247,271 Eipporie, Kevin, appointed to Historio Preservation Comm.(7/6) ............... 260 Eippori¢, Kevin, CLAIM; refenal.(6/15)(7/6) ......................... 250,279 E1-Khatib, lariat re: Ord. for traffic control at Arbor Hills Dr. & Highland. (10/5) ................................................. 395 Elbe, Inc., Dr. B's, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(8/17) ...................... 244,355 Eldarho~mi Week, Proclamagon.(6/15) .................................. 236 Elderly, Well, elini~ services with VNA & Public Health.(5/4) ................. 163 Election re: issuance of bonds for purpose of construction of new golf course.(2/17) .............................................. 72 Electrical Permit Fees, re: new Code section adopted by budget.(2/29) .......... 80,81 ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ( 1/6)(2/3)(4/20)(10/5) ....................................... 13,51,154,403 Eleventh Street, from the E. 911 Connector to Kerper Blvd., 1DOT transfer of jurisdlatlon of portions of existing US 52/61/151. (11/2) ................................................. 436 Eleventh St., On and Off Ramps for U.S. 61, stops signs etc.(9/8) ........... 370,371 Eleventh & Twelfth SUnets, on Jackson, two hour parking on east side requested by Spahn & Rose.(10/5) ............................. 405 EBzaboth Place, 1909, re: vacation of nearby alley requeetnd by Simon's, (3/16)(4/6) ........................................... 110,115 Elliott, Vince, CLAIM; refen'al.(3/2)(3/16) ............................. 96,109 Blliott, Rite, CLAIM; refenaL(10/5)(10/19) ......... .... .............. 403,421 Elm St. Con, dot, re: rezoning, "Maintaining existing Residential Zoning). ete.(7/6) ................................................ 262 E!m~r, Paul ~o: Ord. changing Fees for Pe~king Ramps.(4/6) ....... ; .......... 114 Elu, Juliet U., applicant for Ad Hoc Committee on Investments.(2/3) ............. 44 Embassy West No. 2, vacate utility easement in Lot 8 of Blk 2 for Marty Helle (Westside Devel.(4/6) .......................... 127,144 Embassy Weet. final plat approval of Subd. of Lot 2-2-1-E.(4/6) ................ 136 Embassy West re: final plat approval of Sunny Slopes Phase II Lots 7-12, Blk 4, Lots 1-13, Blk. 5, Lots 1-21, Blk 6, Lots 1-12, Blk 8, Lots 1-0, Blk 9, Lots 1-6 H., I, J, K, L & M Radford Rd, Embassy West & Camelot Dr.(4/20) ......................... 157-159 Embassy West No. 2, final plat of Blk 8 though 16, and Blk 5 Lots 10-20 and Lot A in the City.(4/6) .............................. 136 Emergency Repair for Ice Harbor Ploodwell Gates.(12/7) ..................... 478 Emergency Nurses Day, Peoclamat[on.(10/5) .............................. 387 Emergency repair of retaining wall at 1762 N. Main St., (Schical property). (8/2) .................................................. 335 Emergency Access Roadway near Ice Harbor.(5/4) ......................... 165 Emarett St., St. Mary's re: Residential Parking PormiL(2/3)(2/17) .......... 48,49,60,61 Employees of the City with 25 Years Service, Presentation of Plaques. (12/7) ................................................. 469 Employe~s of the City, Ord. providing for Bonds etc.(9/8) .................... 373 Employment Agreement with City Manager Miehanl C. Van Milligen & City.(12/7) .............................................. 478 Engineering Data Systems, (EDS), Comm. Devel. Block Grant Loan Agree & C~BA Acct. with IA Dept. of Economic Devel.(l/20) ............. 25,44 Engineering Div. re: budget adoption & comments re: Kelly Lane work. (2/29) ................................................ 76,77 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Engineering firm re: mapping system of Water Distribution system.(2/3) ........... 47 Engineers Week Proclamation.(2/3) ..................................... 44 English Mill Rd., west & e. st of NW Arterial & s. of Itwy 20, re: rezoning of Walmart Property.(4/6)(4/20) ............................ 127,147 Enmn Corp., Consent Decree & Agreement between Midwest Gas. IDOT cto.(6/l) ................................................ 233 Enterprise Fund Audits, FY 92, submitted.(11/2) ........................... 444 Entrance Level examinations for Police Offieer, names certified by Civil Serviee Comm.(7/~) ................................... 284 Environmental Recycling Corp., CLAIM; referral.(9/8)(lO/5) ............... 376,403 Environmental Reeycling Covia., re: Agreement for Processing & Marketing of Recyclablns.(l/13) ........................................ 17 Environmental Project Manager of Midwest Gas, re: two flush mount observation wells in Bissell Laee.(10/19) ......................... 424 Environmental Review Findings for ttOMB Investment Partnership Program.(Tt~) ............................................ 280 Equal Rights Amendment to the State Constitution, supported,($/4) .............. 164 Equestrian Heights Subd. #1 & #2, Sidewalk Construction Program for 1991.(6/1) ........................................... 214,215 Efickson, David H., Lucky 13 Tap, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(918)(lO/19) ........... 374,417 Ego Ct., re: 1992 Concrete Paving Project.(6/l$) .......................... 236 Ernst, Oary, CLAIM; denial.(1/20)(2/17) ............................... 33,66 Baser, Donald, CLAIM; settiemant.(3/16)(5/18) ......................... 109,211 Ethles Committee, Joint Local Coy., appointment of Council Member Krlng,(g/8) .............................................. 376 Bnchre Investments, Ltd, re: rehabtiitate Iioly Trinity Church Convent, (1/6)(2/17) ............................................. 12,60 Ewers, Richard of Interstata Power re: Municipal Aiqmrt private disposal system.(l 1/2) ................................ ~ ........... 436 Ewing, Wm. & Sara Daines, m exemption, for improvemenfs at 1090 Grove Tertaee.(2/17) .................................... 71 Exceptions, Speeial, re: Granting Proeednse$, Zoning.( 11/t 6)(12f/) ........... 463,472 F. xemptions, residential property tax, for owners in Cathedral, Jackson Park, ~te.(2/17) ...................................... 70 Extension of tim~ for ancufity for Northwest Ridge, requested by M. Remakel.(11i2) ........................................ 444 Extension of time for security for Lora$ Estates, requested by R. Smith.(l 1/16) .......................................... 464 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE F Fagan, Kevin, tax exemption for 1430 Jackson.(2/17) ........................ 71 Fair Week, Duhnquo County, Proclamation.(8/3) ........................... 313 Fair Houalng Month, Proclamation.(4/6) ................................. 113 Fair Housing Laws, equivalent: Technical Amendments to the Hurrah Relations Ord.(8/3) ..................................... 335,336 Fairway Mower for Bunkex Hill Golf course.(7/20)(8/3) .................. 304,314 Fall, Joe of Peavey Co., re: Ice Harbor District Urban Renewal Plan.(4/6) ........ 127 Familial Status r~: Ordinance defining n~w definitions (Housing/Human Rights)(5/18) ........................................... 183 Family Ma~ Inc., 3201 Central, BE Beer Per.(9/ll) ........................ 374 Family Beverage Center, D. Althaus, Class "E" Liq. Lic.; BE Beer P~r. (2/17)(7/20)(8/3) ..................................... 59,298,341 Family Beverage & Video, 3400 Central, Cig. Per.(6/15) ..................... 244 Farley St. from ttumboldt St., construction of Lincoln Aw. Sanitary Sewer.(12/7) ............................................. 496 Faxley St. from Johnson St., construction of alley sanitary sewer between Rhomberg & Lincoin.(12/7) .................................. 492 Fanv. er'a Market, New Ord. providing for fees and selling limitations.(2/29) ........ 83 Farrey, Rochelle, alaim; refen'al.(5/4)(5/18) ........................... 180,211 Fat Tuesday's, Permn Enter,, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................. 246 Fat Teesday'a, Penx~n Enter., Liq. Lie.(4/6) .............................. 119 FDL Foods, Inc. & Inter~tate ns: variance ~equested for private sewage disposal system at Airlxn't(1 lj2) ............................... 436 FDL Foods, re: WJstewater Treatment Fncility improvements.(9/l 4) ............. 379 FDL Foods, ARA Serviees, Cig, Per.(8/3) ............................... 340 FDL Retail Market, FDL Foods, Inc., Cig. Per.(6/13) ....................... 244 FDR Park expense be reinstated in budgeL(2/29) ............................ 77 Featherston, Joseph W., CLAI~ti reforral.(l 1/2)(11/16) ................... 443,464 Februasy 1992 Financial Reports.(4/6) .................................. 135 Febrt.1. asy, 1992, proof of list of Claims paid.(4/20) ......................... 154 Federal Transit Authority, Section 9/3 & Iowa DOT Program of Projects. (514)(5118) ........................................... 168,199 Federal Aid Projects, Right of Way Assumnc~ Statement with lA DOT, authorized by Mayor.(1/20) ................................... 41 Federal Transit Authority re: 4 new bums (Keyline) ete.(5/4)(5/18) ........... 168,199 Federni Transit Authorlty, (Keyline?) grant application.(5/4XS/l 8) ........... 169,199 Federal Fair Housing Laws, technicel amoudmants to Human Relations Ord.(8/3) ..................................... 335,336 Federal Functional Classification System, recommendatlon~ of Supervisors to DOT.(12t'7) ............................................ 484 Fee~ Charged for Alarm Monltoring.(2/29) ................................ 79 Fees for Planning & Zoning and establishrc~nt of a now fee for Corrvprebensive Plan amendments.(2/29) .......................... 85 FeeslohargesforPar~JngRampechanged.(416)(5/4) ...................... 113,181 Fee~ charged for Farmea's Market etc.(2/29) ............................... 83 Fees for Rental Dwelling Operating Licenses.(2/29) .......................... 85 Fees, F, lecUinal P~nnit, amended.(2~9) .................................. 80 Felderman, Jody, CLAIM.(10/19) ..................................... 420 Folderrmn, Mark, tax exemption for 1251 Walnut St. and 1491 Bluff St.(2/17) ........................................ 71 Felderman, Bob, appBcant to Long Range Planuing Comm. C'//6) ................ 261 Feller, Karen A., CLAIM; setflement.(lO/19)( 1 lj2) ...................... 420,444 Ferring, Jamns, Dbq. Bowling Lanes, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Lic.(6115)(7]6) .......... 247,268 Fesalor, Tom, Certificate of Apprediallon.($/4) ............................ 164 Festivals, Land of, Funding Agve, en~nt.(6/15) ............................. · 256 Fire Captain list cen~ified by Civil Ser. Comm.(5/18) ........................ 213 Fifth St., north side, between Central Ave. & Iowa St., added to Meter District "C".(7/6)(7/20) ........................... 266,288,289 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Fifth St. from Bluff to Central, re: IDOT Transfer of jurisdiction, U,S. 521611151.(11/2) ...................................... 426 Final Plat of Lots 1-10, inclusive, and Lot A of Counuy Springs Sub& No. 2.(2117) .............................................. 67 Final Assessment Schedule for 1991 Concrete Paving I~ject.(7/6) .............. 283 Final Plat approval of Lots 1-21 inclusive of BIk 1, Lots I & 21 of Blk 2 and Lot A & Lot B of Sunset Park 7th Addn.(1/20)(2/17) ............ 37,57 Final Plat approval of Sub. of Lot 1 of 8 of Sunset Park 6th Addn.(1/20) .......... 36 Final Assessment Schedule for 1992 Sidewalk Repalrs.(12]7) .................. 486 Finale Lounge, T & T Welsh, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(11/2) ............... 244,443 Finance Director reporting on outstanding travel advances to Council. (2/17) .................................................. 71 Finance Dixnntor, increased bond coverage.(8/3)(9/8) ..................... 330,373 Finnnc~ Assn,, Municipal, sent copy of Res. Adopting new City Investment Policy.(7/20) .................................... 287 Finnnc~ Div, budget to change debt service to reflect l~rficipafon in Iowa Finance Authority's MIRP Program.(2/29) ..................... 77 Financial Slatement of Vision 2000 presented by D. Rnsk.(4/6) ................ 113 Financial Investments & Jobs created etc. re: Dubuque Main Street Ltd. report.(11/2) ............................................. 428 Financial reports for month of Nov., Dee., 1991; Jan.; Feb.; March; April; May, June, July; August 1992; Sept. 1992; Oct. 1992. Fiscal Year ending 6/'30~92.(1[6)(213)(2/17)(4/6)(4/20)(5/18) (716)(8B)(8/17)(lO/5)(lO/19)(12fl) ........................ 13,52,72,135,154,211,282,343,357,409,421,484 Financial Institutions named as official dcpmitorlcs for City.(1/6) ................. 2 Financial audit conducted by Helle, Klosterman etc.(3/2) ...................... 88 Financial practices of City, to: Investment Policy & establishment of Oversight Comm.(7/6)(7/20) ............................. 264,286 Financing for E9.11 system.(l/6) ................... .' ....' ................ 16 Fine increased for illegal uso of handicapped parking spaces.(7/20) .............. 295 Fine Airs Society, Purchase of Services Agreement.(6/15) .................... 256 Finley Hospital, re: issuance of Hospital Revenue Bonds etc. (7/20)(8/17)(9/14) ................................ 305,348-351,380 Finley Hospital, zoning from C-2 to ID and amending Conceptual Development Plan.(12]21) ................................... 500 Pinley's Addn., Lot 166A, to S. & R. Hcmesath; LOt 166B to I. Smith; Lot 166C to W. & D. Fralburger.(5/18)(6/1) ................. 209,210,225 Finley's Addn., vacation of alley south of Lot 4, petition of R. Stxcif & B. Lcytem.(1/20)(4/20)(5/4) .......................... 33,151,152,173 Finn, Debts, CLAIM.(10/19) ......................................... 420 Finnin, Mike, re: zoning from R-I to C-3 District, Lot 4 Northview Center Grove Place (NW Crescent Ct.)(6/15) ...................... 248 Fire Dept. presentation about new ambulance, by R. Jones.(9/8) ................ 367 Fire Dept. re: dislx~al of 1948 Scagrave Ladder Traclc(5/4) ................. 164 Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa, m: City's intent to borrow money under Municipal InvesUnant Recovery Program.(7/6) .......... 276 Fire Deperancnt Promotional Exams certified.(5/18) ....................... 213 Fire Equipment Operator list certified by Civil Set. Comm.(5/18) .............. 213 Fire Lieutenant llst certified by Civil Ser. Conm~(5/18) ...................... 213 Fire Captain Inspector list certified by Civil SCr. Comm.(5/18) ................. 213 Fire Deph re: Tiller Truck Agreement with Historical Society.(4/20) ............. 140 FIRE RETIREMENT (& POLICE) BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20) .......................................................... 33 Firefighters, Bargaining Agreement.(6/15) ............................... 256 Fireworks request for Labor Day by Dbq. Symphony Orchestx~.(7/20) ............ 309 Fireworks display request by KDTtt & Dbq. Jaycces.(9/8) .................... 376 Fi~works request by Dbq. Golf& Couni~3, Club. (4/6) ...................... 134 First St. & Locust St., IDOT disposing of property etc.(7/6) ................... 284 First National Bank re: Custodian Agreement, Investment Advisor Agmement~.(9/14) ................................ 379,380 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Fisch, Bob, ~c: CDBG distrlbufion.(2/29) ................................. 76 Fisch, Bob, re: Holy Trinity Urban Rovit area; re: Comm. Devnl. Commiss.(2/17)(lOIl9) .................... ;. 60,416 Fischer Co., The, re: Ice Harbor Urban Revit. ama.(2/17)(4/6) ............... 56,127 Fischer Bowling Lanes, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(6/15)(6/15) ................... 245,247 Fischer lnvestmant Co., re: vacation & disposal of portion of 2nd St and a portion of lows St. adjacent to US Highway 61.(3/2) ........... 94-96 Five Year CIP submitted, adoption; amended to include Kelly Lane. (1/6)(2429) ........................................... 16,76;78 Five Flags Civic Cnn~r, Rental Agreement with Dbq. Fighting Saints for 1992-1993 Hockey Senson.(10/5) .............................. 397 Five year Capital Improven~nt Program adoption; amended to include Kelly Lann.(2/29) ........................................ 78,76 Five Year SUe. et Construction Program approved.(4/20) ...................... 154 Five Flags Center, Liq. Lic.(7/20) ..................................... 298 Five Flags Center submitting Year End Report for FY 92.(9/8) ................. 376 FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: · (116)(2/3)(3/2)(4/6)(514)(611)(7/6)(7/20)(8/3)(9/8)(i0/5)(11/2)(12/7) ............................. 13,51,96;134,179,233,260,279,343,375,403,443,483 Fjelseth, Ckeri, CLAIM.(1/20) ................... . ..................... 33 Fiat Iron Park, comments by G. Ckevalier.(6/1) ........................... 227 Flexstenl Indusuial Site, re: flooding problem.(6/15)(12/21) .............. ;. 257,503 Flooding in north end of City (Flexsteel etc.)(6/15)(12/21) ................. 257,503 Fioodwall, Sidewalk Repalr Project No. 3, 199Z(6/1)(7/6)(11/2) ....... 231,270,446,447 Fioodwall Gates at Icc llarbor, Emergency Repair.(12]7) ..................... 478 Flora Swimming Pool construction.(3/2) ................................ 97,98 FOE #568, Eagles, Cig. Permit.(6/15) 246 Foley, Barbara, 4866 Embassy West. re: ~ezoning of NW of NW AfL & PennsyL Ave.(10/19) ............. 414 Fonck, Carolyn K., Channel Inn, Liq. Lie.(6/15) .......................... 247 Food carts, mollie, request by J. Norton for equality for those around Casino Belle ama.(8/17) .................................... 358 Food' S~rvice Establishments, State contract etc.(8/8) ........................ 345 Food Pantry, award of funding of Comm. Partnership Program (cp2).(10/5) ............................................. 396 Foothill Court & P~adcnn, request for Stop or Yield Sign. (8/3)(10/5)(10/19)(11/2) ............................ 343,396,416,438 Forsyth County vs. Thc Nationalist Movement, Crop. Cnsel & opinion as to parades & assemblies.(7/6) ......................... 279 Fo~-way stop at Third & Main St. intersection.(8/3) ..................... 338,339 Fourth St Peninsula Urban Renewal District designation. (1/6)(2/3)(2/17)(10/19) ................................. 5,46,56,412 Fourth St. Peninsula Study Group, progress report(10/19) .................... 412 Fourth St. from Locust Sc to White St., re: IDOT ~ransfer of jurlsdiction, U.S. 52/61/151.(11/2)(21/7) ............................... 436,474 Fourth St. to Jones & East of Locust, property west of Freeway 61/151, rezoning from LI to C-4.(11/16)(12/7) ..................... 462,463,469 Fowler, G., applicant for Zoning Comm.(7/6) ............................. 262 Frank Hurdle Adv., re: condemnation of rights by IDOT for US 20 Improvcmant.(3/l 6)(4/6) ................................. 110,134 Fraternal Order of Eoglas, FOE #568, Cig. Per.(6/15) ....................... 246 Freeway 611151, property west of, 4th St. to Jones & east of Locust, mzoalog from LI to C-4.(11/16)(12/7) ..................... 462,463,469 Freeway Corridor Plan, 1989 amendment re: rezoning of Elm St. & protection of Wa~hlagton St. Neighborbood.(7/6) ................... 262 Freeway Conidor Plan, re: 83 Locust St. property mzoding.(7/6) ............... 265 F~eway Corridor, re: vacated 10th St., re: Peterson Subd.(9/14) ................ 385 Freeway Cc~Tidor Plan, 1989 arc~ndment re: usc of Housing rehab, loan funds ctc.(7/6) ........................................... 262 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Frdburger, Wayne & Doula, conveyance of Finiey's Addn, Lot 166C. (5/18)(6/1) ........................................... 210,225 Fremont Avn. Bridge Repl$cetr~nt ProjemtO/2) ............................ 87 Frick, Knlly, CLAIM; referral.(6/l)(6/15) ........................... 233,250 Frindmun, Pat, re: r~zoalng of property w of Windsor Ave. & east of Liberty St. from R-4 m PR & ndopting a Conceptual Devel. Piun,(9/8) .............................................. 362 Front yard setbacks to 30' nte,, re: Zoning.(7/30) .......................... 308 Fruit, Atton~y Nnil C,, for Wm. C, Brown Co,, objecting to rezoning of la'Operty at comer of NW Arterial & Peunsylvania,(10/19) ........... 414 FFA, SOndes 9/3 & Iowu DOT Program of Project;~,(5/4)(5/18) ............. 168,199 PTA, amnndment to contract for 4 new bu~s; re: Public Heating etc. (5/4)(5/18) ........................................... 168,199 PTA, grunt applicatioa.(5/4)(5/18) .................................. 169,199 Fuerat, Roueld C., CLAIM; referral,(6/l)(6/15) ......................... 233,250 Fuerstenberg, D,, Cozy Comer, Cig. Per.(3/!6)(6/15) ..................... 102,244 Fuhrmun, Glnnn, re: IDOT construction of Dodge St. comments to CounciL(6/1) ............................................ 227 Puhrmunn, Glunn, applicant te Long Rangn Pianulng Comm.(7/6) ............... 261 Fuller, Ray, re: 607-609 E. 22nd St. rezoulng.(3/'2)(4/6)(6/l)(6/15) ... 90,114,217,240,241 Funding Agr0nrr~nt between City & Wnshington Neighborhood Tool Lthra~.(6/1 ) ...................................... 233,234 Funding Agre~n~nt with Dubuque Main St~et. Ltd. for FY 1993.(6/15) .......... 255 Funds, Cash Matching for Microfilming City records.(5/18) ................... 213 Funds of Sram of Iowa, release for HOME Investment Partnership Program.(7/$) ............................................ 280 Funds for ~ist~r City, Pyaflgor~, Russia, disbursed for hosting deingution.(9/8) ........................................... 365 FUSE, Friends United for a Safe Environment, CP. Sohaltz), requesting ceaeing of burning of RR wnst~ oil sludge at Wastewater Tre~atm~nt Pi.(10/5) ........................................ 394 FY 1994 Budget Oaldelinns.(10/5) ..................................... 398 FY 93 Budget, P. Heating.(2/17) ....................................... 64 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE O.O. Bonds, improvements to Water Pollution Plant(12/'/)(12f21) ........... 473,497 Gambling Boat negotiations eta. - R. Kohl & City etc.(I/20) ................... 26 Gambling Law, request for review to Lengue of Munidpalifies.(11/16) ........... 461 Gunnon Center for Comm. Mental Health's Offic~ Project, Comm, Partuership Program Funds.(4/6)(10/5) ........................ 116,397 Ountz, Michaul & Gantz, John, CLAIM; referral.(4/6)(4/20) ................ 134,154 Gantz, Daniel, applicant for Housing Code Board of Appeals and Housing Commiseion,(1/6) ..................................... 3 Garages, Perking, Fe~s changed. (4/6)(5/4) ......................... 114,115,181 Gaxbage c, dlectioas, delinquent, submitted to County Treasurer.(1/6) ............ 14,15 Gary's Automotive, objection to Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sower Ext. (6/I) ..; ............................................... 216 Gas, Midwest, Petitioning fcc construction of two flush mount observation woils in Bissnil Latin.(10/19)(11/16) ......................... 424,457 Gate Way Drive, name changed ffft portion of Southgate Center.(4/~) ............ 115 '~Oates, Pioodwall, at Ice Harbor, Emergency Repair.(12f/) .................... 478 earns, Dan'yl B., epplicant for Ad Hoe Committee on Investments.(2/3) ........... 44 GDDC, re: support for Younker's Distribution center.(12/7) .................. 479 GDDC, agreement for economic development services.(7/6) .... i .............. 279 GDDC appointment of Dan Nicholson & Katie Kfing to their board.(5/18) ........ 182 ODDC, re: support for alleviation of flooding in north end of City.(12/21) ......... 503 GDDC appointment of C. Member Dan Nicholson.(l/6)(5/18) . ............... 4,182 Gearhart, W. Kenneth, awful in as City Manager;, resignation otc. (1/6)(6/29) .......................................... 1,236,258 Gee, Chung Lim, Monte Carlo, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................ 245 Geisen, James, applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed to Housing Comm.;eppointed to Housing Comn~ Trust Fund Comm. (1/6)(9/8)(10/5) ....................................... 3,366,393 G~ene's Main $c Tap, Eugene & Catherine Beehan, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15) .............................................. 244,247 General Drivers' & Helpers Union re: Keyline Consultant's Study.(4/20) .......... 143 Oeneral Drivers & ttelpers Union re: reduction of Keyline Mechanics posltion,(5/4) ............................. ; .............. 168 Oex~ge, D., P~xk Square, 600 Central, Liq. Lin.; Cig. Per.(3116)(6~15) ......... 103,246 Oethard, Curtis L., Knioker's Saloon, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(7~) .............. 268,269 Giesn, James J., ~pplicant for Ad Hoe Committee on Inveslments.(2/3) ......... ... 44 Giesen, Jim, 1600 Loft Ct., re: 1989 Fn:eway Corridor Plan & Elm St. corridor and housing in Wash. Neighborhood etc.(7/6) ............... 262 Gift Law (State), Objections to League of Muninipalities.(11/16) ............... 461 Gilloon, Attorney Art for R. Putehio & 560 Maplewood Ct. elderly housing issu~.(4~0) ........................................ 143 Ginter, John, CLAIM; referral.(3/16)(4/6) ............................. 109,134 Oin~r, Donna, West DIxl. Tap, Liq. Lie.; Spoa Event ~ Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4120)(SI4)(611)(8117) .................... 144,167,230,246,354 Gift Scouts Care for the Earth Recycling, Proclamation.(3/16) .................. 99 Gift Scout Counnil, Lthie Cloud, awarded Cp2 fund~.(lO/5) ................... 397 GIS Mapping Project, re: agreement with Ciapsaddle-Garber, study of Water DiscMod~ling System.(2/17) .............................. 54 Criunta, Francis, re: Community Development Commission,(10/19) .............. 416 Olab, Julia Tuohy, appointed to Investn~nt Oversight Comm.(10/5) ............. 393 Olab, Charles D., scceptance of Res. approving final plat of Whiskey Hill.(lO/19) ............................................. 422 Gleichr, mn Co;, re: Bishop Block rehabilitation in Old Main Ama.(8/3) ........... 329 GO Investment Reecveay Notes, re: Loan Agreement, $4,200,000. (7/20)(8/3) : .......................................... 303,330 Goals & Priorities for Council, 1992, re: Economic Development Summit.(6/15) .......... . .................................. 244 Godfather's Pizza, Beer Per.(3/2) ....................................... 89 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX- BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Gondken, Dean R., CLAIM; cloanre.(9/8)(10/5) ........................ 376,403 Gondken, Mark, CLAIM; mfemfl.(3/2)(3/16) ........................... 96,109 Oonn, Tim, applicant f~ Five Flags Civic Center Comm.(7/6) ................. 260 Goetz'a, Oontzinger, James W., Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/3)(7/6) ................ 48,268 Oontzinger, James W., Gontz'a, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per,(2/3)(T/6) ................ 48,268 Oontzinger, Robert, objeating to tax abatement.(1/6) ......................... 12 Golf Course Operating Agreement (Bunker Hill) with G. Stephenson.(3/2) .......... 97 Golf & Counta~ Club, fireworks display rexluest; Class "A" Liq. Lie. (4~)(5/4) ............................................ 134,168 Golf Course (Constmotlon), referondun~(2/17) ............................. 72 Oolinvanx, inc., Pizza Hut #1 & #2, Beer Pct.(6/1) ......................... 230 Gomers, R. Kande, Liq. Lie.(1/20) ..................................... 27 Gore, Richard, CLAIM; rettinment.(l/20)(2~3) ............................ 33,51 Govenmmntal Spending Reform, re: Budget Deficit, opposifion.(l/20) ............. 42 Governor's Allinnee on Substance Abuse grant for D,A.R.E. program.(4/6) ........ 115 Graham, Tom, inUoduced Cynthia Steinhaurer, Ex. Dir. of Dubuque Main St(11/2) ........................................... 428 Graham, Tom re: parking ramp fee increase.(4/6) .......................... 114 Grand bland Pertaera, (R. Klauer & Wm. Klauer), re: acceptance of Res. re: final plat approval of EasMdg© Estates.(2/17) .................... 69 Grand Tap, Cig. Per.; IAq. Lie.(6/15)(10/5) .............. .............. 246,399 Grand Island Partners, re: ~wer easement in Mineral Lot (Stelnes). (4/6) .................................................. 135 Grandma's Pa~=y,/nc., Sfilm$ Res., Cig. Per.(6/15) ......................... 245 Grandview Milk House, Cig. Per.; Bant Per.(6/15)(9/8) ................... 244,374 Grandview Ave. interchange, la~onnsmactinn agreement with IDOT for US 521611151 from south of Maquoketa Dr, to Grand¥iew.(10/19) .......... ~ .............................. 417 Orandvinw Drug Store, Cig. Per.(6115) .................................. 244 GrantApplicafiontoFTA(Keyline).(5/4)(S/18) ................... : .... 169,199 Grant Application for Operating Assist from State Transit Assist., and Conla'act with IDOT.(3/16) ................................... 106 Grant in Aid Application, State Historical Society of lows.(12/'/) ............... 477 Grant Agreement with HUD, in amc of $1,133,000 for Cal. Year 1992. (7/6) ............................................... 264,265 Grantee Performance Repo~t, Notice of Submission to HUD for 1991. (4/'20) ................................................. 154 Grantee Performance Repo~t of Comm. Devel. Block C~ant Program for 1991.(4/6) .............................................. 138 Grass, Janet $., CLAIM; referral.(4/20)(5/4) .......................... 154,180 Grave of Sa/ion Dubuque, property, deeded to State of Iowa.(4/20)(5/4) ........ 153,170 Graves, Kathy, CLAIM; referral.(7/20)(8/3) ........................... 309,343 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., (GDDC), re: Younker's Distribution Center.(12/"/) .................................... 479 Greater Dubuqtm Development Corp. appointment of C. Member Dan Nicholson.(1/6) ............................................. 4 Greater Dubuque Development Corp. re: agreement for economic development services.(7/6) ................................... 279 Greater Dubuque Development Commission appoinimeats of Dan Nicholson & Katie Kfieg to their board.(5/18) ............................. 182 G~eonwood, left re: Attorney for W. Lockard re: Wa/mart propexty mzonlng.(4~20) .......................................... 147 Greyhound Park, Dbq., Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Agreement with DRA.(9/8) ............................................. 367 Greyhound Park, ARA L~isere Services, Inc., Liq. Lie.(4/20) ................. 144 Grimes, ~ohn, for Wal-Mart accepting Grd, re: Wa/matt property rezoning.(4/20) ........................................... 150 Grimme, Gary R., CLAIM.(2/3) ....................................... Oronen, Mary Mdigrew, appointed to Airport Comnt(9/14) ................... 379 Gronan, Penny, Cert. of Appreclatinn.(8/3) ............................... 313 Oro~s, Jim, CLAIM; dedial.(7/20)(8/3) ............................... 309,343 1992 SUBIECT PAGE Ground Round, Cig. Per.; IAq. Lic.(6115)(11116) ........................ 246,462 Ground Round Holdings, Inc., refund of Liq. Lie.(6/15) ...................... 250 Group Day Care Centex, an~nding Zoning Ord. to allow in a C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis.(5/4)(5/18) ................. 175,202 Guidelines revised for Community Parmership Program (cp2).(7/20) .......... 310,311 Gninn, Barb for son Christopher, CLAIM; referrel.(7/20)(8/3) .............. 309,343 Gelick, Steve & Tine, tax exemption re: 643 Chesmut St property.(2/17) .......... 71 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE H Habel, Timothy, appointed to Cable TV Tclcprogramming Comm. (5/18) ................................................. 182 Haberkom, Vernon, applicant for Housing Code of Appeals Bd., applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.,for Park & Rec. Comm. and appointed to Zoning Comm.(I/6)(7/6) ........... 3,261,262 Ha/kemeyer, John, re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Arcs.(2/17) .................. 57 Hall, John F., Bridge Rest. & Lounge, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(7/20) ............. 298,398 Ham House, reroofing project.(1/20)(3/2)(7/20) .................... 31,32,91,92,310 Ham's Addition, Lot 466A & Lot 467A, sale of real estate (alley) to Holy Trinity Church.(4/6) ......... ......................... 124 ttammer, Attorney D. for Fischer Co,, re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Anna.(2/17) ............................................... 56 Hammer, David, requesting suspension of burning waste oil sludge. (10/5) ................................................. 394 Hammerand, Randy, ~: 560 Maphiwood Ct. elderiy residential facility, (4/'20) ................................................. 143 Hancock, Nick, settiem~nt of CLAIM.(5/4) ............................... 180 tlandan (China) City Government ~presentafive introduced to Council; Sister City Raper t givan..(7/20)(l 1/16) ....................... 286,449 Handicap Parking Ordinance, revision of same. C7/20) ....................... 296 Handicapped ramps on sidewalks, G, Chevalier's comment.(6/1) ................ 227 Handicapped Parking spaces used, fine increased for illegal usnge.(7/20) ....... 296,297 Handicapped Key]inn buses, re: clarification of Wheel ohatr lifts etc. (3/16) ................................................. 102 Handicapped curb cuts requested at Bluff & W. 2nd Sts., by P. Sutton. (7/6) .................................................. 282 Handicapped Parking Meter tloods, Temporary, new Cede Section. (7/20) .............................................. 296,297 HANDICAPPED PARKING REVIEW COMMI'FrEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (116)(312)(5/4)(6/15)(716)(8/17)(1015) ................... 13,96,180,250,279,357,403 Bank's Auto Repair at 2819 Pin&rd, violation enforcement requested, (11/2) ................................................. 444 Harman, Thomas, applicant for Housing Code of Appeals Bd. (1/6) ............... 3 Hansen, Ray & Anna Mae, sale of City-owned property at S. Locust & Valley St.(lO/5) ......................................... 395 Hamen, Ray & Anna Mae, requesting purchase of real estate from City.(9/8) ............................................... 377 Hanson, James, CLAIM; referral.(6/15)(7/20) .......................... 250,309 Hantalmann, Helen, appointed to Library Board.(7/6) ....................... 260 Hantan, Rick, re: Kelly Lane be put back into Budget.(2/29) ................... 76 Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor, J.P. O'Hara, Beer Per.(10/19) ............ 418 Happy's Pl., P.M.S.T, Inn., Liq. Lie,(9/14) ............................... 382 Harbor View Golf Ciub, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (6/15)(10/19) ................. 247,417 Harbor (lee area, re: Urban Renewal District.(2]17)(4]6)(5]4)(7]20) .... 54-56,127,165,288 Hardin, Frank, property on US 20, condemnation etc. by IDOT. (3/16)(4/6) ........................................... 110,134 Ha~t, Clifford, Grandview Drug, Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................... 244 Hartig, Dave, re: opposing rezonlng of Jalien Dubuque Dr. area.(10/5) ........... 392 Hardg, Kca, l~s. of llaxbor Phce, re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Area.(2/17) ............................................... 56 Ha.rig Drng Stores, Cig. Pex.; Beer Perm]is.(6/15)(11/2) .................. 245~442 Hamaan, Joe, CLAIM; dca]al.(10/5)(10/19) ........................... 403,421 Hat~ey, Deborah, CLAIM; referral.(4/6)(4/20) ......................... 134,154 Haskal, Richard, CLAIM.(1/6) ........................................ 13 Haskell, Richmd, referral of CLAIM.(1/20) ............................... 33 Hawdic~'oc Street Landing, re: fireworks request by Symphony Orchestsa.(7/20) .......................................... 309 Haynie~ Ken, re: Legal Opinion on Jald-Wnn, Inv. Bond Issue.(2/17) .............. 72 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Haywnrd Bake~ Co., agreement iv.: ommgancy wall repair at 1762 N. Main St(8/3) ...................................... 335 Health, Public ~: Aide Preventative Prngnun contrscted. (1/~)(2/17)(3/17)(10/5) .................................. 15,70,403 Heaflth Spec. re: O~d. ~dding "Animal Hoapital~2linic" and "Kennel" to CS Comm. &Wholesale Dis.(l/2O) ............................ 29 Health Services Division, Annual Repmt for FY 91/92.(10/5) .................. 409 BEALTH BOARD, SPECIAL SE..'~ION. (5/4)(11116) .................................................. 163,448 HEALTH BOARD, REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETINGS. (1 f20)(4/20X10/19) .......................................... 20,139,411 Heating on the amendment to thc City Budget for FY ending 6/30/92.(5/18) ....................................... ~ .... 199 Heartland Inn, J. Mittard, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................................ 246 Heathcote, Carl, applicant for Zoning Comn~; applicant for Housing Comm.(7/6X9/8) ....................................... 262,365 Heberlein,/qhs. Wilbur, CLAIM; Closed.(10/19)(11/16) ................... 420,464 Heckmaun, Attorney, re: vacating of ruscrved RR easement along Kerper Bird, in Blk 5 & 6 of Riverfront Subd. #3.(10/5) .............. 402 Heffner, Delman, CLAIM; referral.(7/6(7/20) .......................... 279,309 Hniderschnit, Kathy, applicant for Housing Code of Appeals Bd. (1/6) ............. 3 Heiderschalt, Keliy, CLAIM; referral.(10/l 9(11/2) ....................... 420,443 Heialer Marine re: DIxt. Yacht Basin, by D. Shanley, re: new Lease Ag~.~ment.(10/5) ......................................... 404 Helle, Klostorman & Co., City AudiL(2/~)(3/2) ........................... 53,88 He]in, Marry, Cons~ucfiun, CLAIM; setfloment.(3/16)(4/~) ................. 109,134 Hello, Martin of Westside Devel., ecceptance of Res. of final plat approval of Emhnssy West No. 2, Blk 4 Lots 8-16, and Blk 5 Lots 10-20 and Lot A.(4/6) ........................... 136-138 Helle, Mr. & Mrs, Marty re: utility easement in Embassy West No. 2. (4/6) .................................................. 127 Holiert, Francis "Bud", applicant for Ad Hoc Committee on Invest.(2/3) ........... 44 Helmke, Rev. Kunneth, of Watburg, Gave Invocatiun.(e/17) .................. 348 Helping Services of NE Iowa, Inc., Pomhase of Services Agreement. (6/1) .................................................. 233 Hemesuth, Scolt, Petition to vacate alley on Cbeny east of Ashnry. (3/16)(5/16X6/1) ................................. 110,208,224,225 Henderson, Rick, re: tnagazine coliectiun & recynFmg.(lO/5) .................. 394 Hendl'y, John C., applicant for Ad Hoc CommiRee on Investments. (2/'3) ................................................... 44 Hendry, John, of ~he Adams Co., re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Area. (2/17)(4/6) .......................................... 56,57,127 Henge, Margaret & Michael, CLAIM,(5/18) .............................. 211 Honschal, Dick re: Kelly Lane be put beck into Budget.(2/29) .................. 76 Herbst, Donald, re: purchase of Lot I of Suanita Place in the City.(6/15) ....... 239,240 Heffosh Donald, re: approval to purchase Lot 281 of E. Dbq. Addn, #2 andabuttingporllonsofMapleSt, etc.(1/20)(6/1)(6/15) .......... 23,232,239 H~ritage Inn (Midwest re: Rcs. dispesing of interest & release of 10' Wide Sanitary Sewer Easement on t~mion of Edwards Place in Center Grove.(2/3) .................................... 49,50,62 Henclg, Eldon, County Sulx~visors re: Canvass of Votas for Golf Course Ref.(2/17) .......................................... 72 Herrig, Eldon, xequesting Ad Hoc Investment Committee also include County poliales.(1/20) ....................................... 22 Herrig, Wm., resignation from Building Code Advisory & Appeals Bal. (12/7) ................................................. 484 Henig, Eldun, uxging retention of Mr. Gearhart as Mannger,(6/29) .............. 258 Henig, Eldon0 appointed to Housing Comm. Trust Fund Committee.(9/8) ......... 366 Huss¢lre. an, Michael & Theresa, 1818 Asbmy rezunlng requusted.(11/16) .......... 452 HI, Heavy Indus~ni zoning, amended etc.(lO/19) .......................... 419 Hi-Hat West, Admiral, D. Meyer, Cig. Per.(7/20) .......................... 298 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE SUBJECT PAGE Highland Park Drive & Arbor Ilills Dr.. intersection, stop sign request ere.(10/5)( 10/19)(11/2) ................................ 395.415,437 Highway 20, rezone property s. of Hwy 20 & e. of NW Arterial & West of English Mill Rd.(4/6)(4/20) ......................... 127,144 Hilby, Bernadette A., Claim referral.(12/7)(12/21 ) ....................... 483,500 Hill Street Plaza, Inc. Oky Doky, 535 Hill, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(3/2)(6/15) ....... 89,245 Hillary, Teary, applicant for Plumbiog Bd.(l/20) ............................ 21 llillcmst Apartmenta Gen. Part~r A. Israel, requesting Low Income Housing Preservation.(6/l) ................................... 233 Hillc~est Rd. (north & Pasadena Dr., Yield or Stop Sign installation. (10/5)(10/19)(11/2) .................................. 396,416,438 Hillcrest Family Services, final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Peterson Subdi (9/14) ................................................. 385 Hificrest Rd., 3131, amending Conceptual Development Plan for Luther M~aor INursing ttome PR Resid. Dis.(9/14)(10/5) ............... 383,389 Hillcrest Family Semices (2005 Asbury) ID Insft. Dis., amended Con~ptoul Development Plan.(6/1) .......................... 221.222 Hfliey, M/M J., re: vacation of alley in Union Ave. Subd.(3/2)(4/6)(4/20) .... 97,129,146 Hills & Dales Child Devulopment Centex Appreciation Day, proclamation. (10/19) ................................................. 412 Hi~d, Gerald, as City Tre~sn~r, designated to execute city checks.(9/8) ........... 372 Hiring roplaeen~ms for City jobs, R. Rosonow addressing the Council. (8/3) .................................................. 329 Hieseh, Gerald, CLAIM; denial.(6/l)(6/15) ............................ 233,250 Hirsehy, Rev. Loren of W~d of Life lVfinis~ies, Gave lnvocation.(6/15) .......... 236 Historic Preservation Commission appointmems of Gall Naughton, Kevin Eipperle, Sue Wilke.(7/6) ............................... 260 Historic Preservation Commission, issuance of Certificates.(12/7) ............... 477 His~rie Preservation Week, Proclamafion.(S/4) ............................ 164 Historic Preservation Grant in Aid Application with State Historical' Society.(12fl) ............................................ 477 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTF~: (2/3)(2117)(3116)(4/20)(6115)(7/6)(8117)(918)(1015)(11[2)(11/16)(12i21) ............................... 51,66,109,154,250,279,357,375.403,443,463,500 Historical Society, Dubuque, re: Tiller Truck of Fire Dept., Cooperation Agreement.(4/20) ................................ 14(} Hoag, C. Maxine Hoag, vezoning of 3870 Peru Rd. from R-I to R-3. (1/20) ................................................ 29,30 Hockey Season, 1992=1993, Rental Agree. with lqve l~lags & l:ighting Saints.(10/5) ............................................. 397 Hoffman House Restaurant, Liq. Lie.; refund.(1/20)O/16) .................. 27.110 Hoffman, David lt.. White House Tap, Cig. Per.(6/15) ...................... 246 Hoffmann, Paul, appointed to the Park &Rec. Comm.(7/6) ................... 261 Holdings, E. 'r., Partnership, re: acceptance of Res. re: final plat of Lot 1-10,and Lot A of Country Springs Sub. No. 2.(2/17) ............ 67,68 Holiday Oil Dist. Inc., Coastal Service Stations, Cig. Pex.(6/15) ................ 244 Holy Trinity Churcli Pmgerty re: neighborhood park investigation. (1/20) .................................................. 42 Holy Ghost Parish Credit Union, CLAIM; denial.(9/8)(10/5) ............... 376,403 ltoly Trinity Church Convent, Urban Revitalization Designation. (1/6)(2/17) ........................................... 11.59,60 Holy Trinity Catholio Church, re: vacation of alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln from Whittier to Hamilton.(2/3)(3/16)(4/6) ........ 52,108,109,123 HOME Program of City, Dept. of Econ. Doral., raleas¢ of funds. (12/7) ................................................. 484 HOME Investment Partnership Program.(6/15)(7/6)(8/3) ............ 243,280,329,343 Henkamp, Arulo, of Airport Comm., re: $10,000 additional funds for Airline S~rvice Presentetion.(8/3) .............................. 329 Hoods for Handicapped Parking Meters, usage etc. set out by Ord.(7/20) .......... 297 Hope Ill Program, application for fundiog.(4/6) ............................ 117 Horsfall, Barb, re: 560 Maplewood Ct. elderly residential facility.(4/20) .......... 143 National, Proulamation.(5/4) .............................. 164 ~tevenen Bond~, The Finley Hospital Project. (7/20)(8/I 7X9/I4) ................................ 305,348-351,3so , designation of Duboqua for "Iowa Gaffes".(2/3) .................... 47 Project, Dewntown, C~fieat© of Compledon~ (10/5) ................... 397 & vending machine ~nliation inspections, State Conm~t.(8/3) ............ 345 tax d¢fialency, comment by K. O'Rotuk~ at Budget Fag. (2/29) .................................................. 75 Tax increased from 5 to 7%.(1/20) ............................ 22 5teven C., applicant for Ad Hoc Committee on Invest..(2~) ............... 44 of China, 170 J.F. Kennedy Rd,, Cig. Pe~.; Liq. Lic., Cig. Pe~, Beer Por.(4/20)(6/l)(7/6)(8/3)(g/17) .......... 143,230,269,340,355 Vouchers, See. 8, Annual Contributions Contract, re: HUD.(7/6)(8/17XIO/5) .......................... 263,353,403,408 ~ Comm. TrUst Fund appointments of Eidon Herrlg & Wm. Callahan; appointments of Sarn~s Stock, James Galsea, - end Ruth C1ar1~(9/8)(10/5) ............................. 366,367,393 Housing & Comm. Development Act re: Finding of No Significant ~ Effect on Environment.(1/20) .................................. 33 Housing Cormn. Trust Fund Comm. (10/5) ............................... 393 Commission, new Ord., providing for m~mb~rship, vacancies, & qualifications etc.(9/8) ................................. 365,366 Conun/sslen appointments of Ruth A. Clark.(l/~) ...................... 3 Services Div., re: Budget, B. Fisch stated need of humidifier. (2/29) .................................................. 76 H~uslog Voucber Program, Sec. 8, approval of participation.(8/17) .............. 353 Homing Trust Fund established by Ord. for collection & disbursement of funds to meet City's low & moderate income residents Housing needs.(6/15)(7/20) ......................... 242,289 Housing Laws, re: Human Relations Ord. Etc.(5/18)(8/3) ............ 183-197,335-336 ~10mtng Commissioner's participetion in Sec. 8 program, re: waiver ~ of HUD for conflict of interest.(lOjS) ........................... 394 Housing Affordebility Strategy (CHAS) to tho US l~pt. of HUD. :-: (4/6)(12/21) .......................................... 117,496 Housing Preservation (Low Income, re: Hilicrest Gen. Partner A. l~ael . requesting enntinutty.(6/1) ................................... 233 Demonstration: Transitional Housing Program, HUD, not more than $80,000.(6/15) ........................................ 243 Housing Commissien Trust Fund Commission established by etd. (6/15)(7/20) .......................................... 242,289 Homing re: Residentiul Raloeation Assistance Program.(6/15)(7/20) .......... 243,292 Housing Div. of HUD, audit accepting for period ending 6/1991,(6/1) ............ 233 Housing Code Board of Appeals: Appointments of Wm. Kinsella, Rohert Schaub, and Edward Swill (1/6) ........................... 3 Housing (Fair Month, Prodamatlon.(4/6) ................................ 113 Housing Rehabilitation loan funds, amendment of 1989 Freeway Co~ridfft Plan etc.(T/6) ...................................... 262 Homing Commission, set out by Ordinance.(7/20) .......................... 291 Housing, Rental, Ord, established Rental Relocation Assistance Progran~ (7/20) ................................................. 292 H~ming, re: Affordable Housing Task, re: Ord. Housing Trust Fund established,(7/20) ......................................... 290 Comm. Chair re: Building Permit Mora~n'ium.(3/16) .................. 99 HOUSING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2i3)(2/17)(4/6)(5/4)(6/15)(7/6)(8/3)(8/17)(9/14)(11/2)(11/16)(12fl) 51,66,134,180,250,279,343,357,384,443,463,483 COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/2)(3116)(4i20)(514)(5/16)t7/20)(8/17)(9/8)(10/5)(11/2)(12/7)(12/21) .............................. 96,109,154,180,211,309,357,375,403,443,483,500 HOUSING TASK FORCE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/2)(3/16)(7/6)(9/8) ....................................... 96,109,279375 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE HUD re: wavier concerning conffict of interest re: Ilousing Commissioner's participation in Sec. 8 Program.(10/5) ............... 394 HUD, m: Submission of Comprehensive ltonsing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) and Annual Performance Repert.(12/21) ............. 496 HUD, acceptance of Housing Div. Audio for period ending 6/I991, (6/1) .................................................. 233 ttUD suppor~ng Housing Demonstration: Transitional ltousing Program. (6/15) ................................................. 243 ItUD, re: Comprehensive IIouslag Affordability Strategy (CItAS.) (4/6)(12/21) .......................................... 117,496 HUD re: Hope III Prograrra(4/6) ................................... 117,118 IIUD re: Comm. Planning & Developn~nt re: Block Grant Program. (4/'20) ................................................. 154 HUD to: submission of Orantue Performance Report for Cal. Yr. 1991. 0/'20) ................................................. 154 HUD to: $700,000 Special Housing Grant.(3/16) ........................... 101 HUD, re: funding for tIousing Vouchers, Sue. 8.(7/6)(8/17)(10/5) ......... 263,353,408 HUD, re: $1,133,000, grant agtoement, for year 1992.(7/6) .................... 264 Huff, Mary, applicant for tluman Rights Comm.(I/6) ......................... 4 Hughes, ARomey Al requesting Council keep City Mgr. Gearhart. (6/15)(6/29) .......................................... 236,258 Hughes, Al, attorney for Hesselman's re: 1818 Asbury Rezoning.(ll/16) ......... 452 Hughes, ARomey Al, re: 560 Maplewood Ct., re: zoning laws.(4/6)(4/20) ..... 113,143 Human Rights re: F~don Pfohl addressing the Council with concerns.(2/3) ......... 45 tlumun Rights Director moving expense questionud.(2/29) .................... 77 Human Rights Chair submitting 1992 Annual Report.(12/7) .................. 483 Human Rights Comm. reslgnation of Rebecca Robbins.(12/7) ................. 484 Human Relations Ordinance re: equivalent to Federal Fair lfousing Laws.(5/18)(8/3) ................................. 183-197,335-336 Human Rights Comm. appointments of Roger Maters, Steve Raekis and Marty O'Shca.(1/6) ....................................... 4 HUMAN RIGHTS COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (I/20)(2/17)(416)(514)(5/18)(7/6)(7/20)(918)(10/5)(10/19)(11/16)(12/21) .............................. 33,66,134,180,211,279,3093,375,403,420,463,500 Humane Society re: Ord. adding "Animal llospital/Clinio" and "Kennel" to CS Comm. & Wholesale Dis.(1/20) ..................... 29 Humane Society, agreement for animal shelter services.(6/15) .................. 256 Humidifier hued at 18th St. otlices, per B. Fisch at Budget I 1rg.(2/29) ............. 76 Hummingbird Drive, re: dedication of struet & approval of plat in Sunnysiopes.(4/20) ..................................... 157,158 Hummingbird Dr. in Sunnysiopes, Completiou.(5/18) ....................... 197 Hunter's Ridge, re: final plat approval of Lots 1-27 of BIk 1 & Lot A, LOt B,Lot C & Lot D of Mazna Ridge Estates.(6/15) ......... 251 Hurlborg, Jeffrey, Finley Hospital Revenue Bonds issuance.(7/20) ............... 305 Herin, Matthow, CLAIM; referral.(4/6)(4/20) .......................... 134,154 Husoman, Wm., appointed to Ad Hoc Committee on Investments.(2/3) ............ 44 Hwy 20, south of, Approval of Final plat of Subd. for Inte~stam Power Co.(6/15) ............................................... 252 Hwy. 20 re: Glenn Fuh~man concerti about IDOT & construction on Dodge eto,(6/l) ........................................... 227 Hwy. 52/61/151, Agreement with IDOT re: Transfer of jurisdictlons. (12/"/) ................................................. 474 Hwy, 20 Project, Project Agreement with IDOT, re: right-of-way acquisitions.(8/3) ....................................... 339,340 Hwy. 20, Dodge St, position statement on Corridor Project by Chamber.(12fl) ........................................... 474 Hy-V~ Food Stores, Inc., Save U More, Cig. Per., Beer Per.; Class "E" Liq. Li¢.(6/15)(2/17) ........................... 245,247,59 INDEX- BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE tA DOT m: condemnation of rights in land for improvement of US 20. portion of 8istca"s Addn.(9fS) ................................. 376 lacobucci, $ohn, objecting to rezoalng of 3385 Asbory.(1/9) ..................... 9 lee Harbor Urban R~newal Dis~ct.(2/3)(2/17)(7/20)(10/19) ........................................... 46,54,55,56,288,412 Ice Harlior Plaza area, eonstmudon for improvements. (1/20) ................... 41 Ice Skating program spoken ~o at Budget Public lIearing.(2/29) ................. 75 Ice Harbor re: ~margency access roadway constrnudun.(5/4) ................... 165 Ic~ Harbor Floodwall Gates, erm:rgency repair.(12f/) ........................ 478 IDED, r~: CEBA Forgive, able Loan Agre~mant for EDS (Engineer Data Sys.).(l,r20) ................................... 25 Idle Hour, J. Ker~ch, Liq. Lie.; Cig, Per.(4/6)(6/15) ...................... 119,246 ldlebrook Estatet~, final plat approval.(12f/) .............................. 485 IDOT m: Noti~ re: Leauehold fights in udvertlaing d~vic~s for US 20 improvement (property of F. H~di~).(3/16) .................. 110 IDOT re: intent to sell Parcel Nos. 204,206,213 & 262 & 271 (not needed for highway).(3/16) ............................... Il0 IDoT, Contract. Grant application for Opemtlng Assist. from State Transit Assist Program.(3/16) ............................. 106 IDOT re: usage of vacant Southern Ave. property.(3/16) ...................... 99 IDOT re: project agreement re: right-of-way acquisitions with US Hwy 20 between Devon Dr. & US Highway #61.(8/3) ............. 339 IDOT m: P. Hearing for improvement of US 52 from Jackson County to US 62/151.(3/2) ......................................... 97 IDOT re: CLAIM: condemnation in certain rights in laud by IDOT for US 20 impmvemunt(4/6) ................................. 134 IDOT, re: intern to disFose of IDOT properly known as City Lot 568A (Locost & First St. vicinity).(7/6) .......................... 284 1DOT re: submission of Draft Agreement to update primary extension . route system within the Urban ato~.(7/6) ......................... 263 IDOT re: Consent Decree between Midwest Gas, Enron Corp., City etc. (6/1) .................................................. 233 IDOT m: Glenn Fuhnmn and public hearing ~ construction on Dodge St. (6/1) .................................................. 227 IDOT re: zoning change to OR near Handicapped Persons, Inc. re: Freeway Corridor Plan,(7/6) ............................... 265 IDOT, re: patent de, ud for property along north side of Southern Ave. from Locust St. & Samuel.(7/6) ............................... 268 IDOT, re: Right-of-Way Assurance Sta~ment for Federal Aid Projects. (1/20)(12/21) .......................................... 41,502 IDOT, preconstruction agreement for improvemunts to US 52/61/151 from south of Maquoketa Dr. to Grundview Aw.(10/19) .............. 417 Illegal use of Handicapped Parking Spaces, fine in,'eased.(7/20) ............... 296 Illegal littering on Casa' Rd., Carl Butbaeh spoke.(8/17) ..................... 358 Imperial Lanes, Key City Bowling, Cig. Per.(6/15) ......................... 246 In~ineratiun of waste oil sludge, re: FUSE requesting ceasing.(10/5) ............. 394 Increase in pay for City Manager, 4%.(2/29) ............................... 78 Increase of Hot~l-Motel Tax from 5 to 7%.(1/20) ........................... 22 Indenture of Trust to: Variable Rag Demand Rev. Bonds, Jald-Wen, Inc. Pr~.(2/17) ............................................... 72 Inland Protein Co., concerns with Phase I Improvements to Wastewater T~atment Facility.(9/14) .................................... 379 Into of Iowa, LTD, Best Western Dbq. Inn,, Liquor Lie.(1/20) .................. 27 Instant Replay, ~. Brashaw, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................... 245 Interagency Agreement botwe~n Iowa Depl. of Public Health & City to:swimmiag pool and spa rules,(11/16) .......................... 448 Intersection at ~ & Main Sts.. discussion of traffic concerns. (7/20) ................................................. 297 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Inte*state Powe~ Co., Subd. south of Hwy 20, approval of final plat(6/15) .............................................. 252 Investment policies of City, re: E. Herrlg of County requesting investigation of same include County loo.(l/20) ..................... 22 Investment Committee, Ad Hoc, appointments of members.(2/8) ................. 44 Investment policies re: Ad Hoe Committee; Ord. adopting. (1/6)(7~)(7/20) ....................................... 5,264,286 Investment Ov~slght Commission, Ord. establishing; appointments. (7/20)(9/8) ........................................ 286,287,367 Investment Advisor Agreements with several banks etc.(9/14) .............. 379,380 Investment Recovery Notes, $4,200,000, GO.(7/20) ......................... 303 Investment Committee, Ad Hoe, submitting report & recommendations. (5/18) ................................................. Investment Oversight Commission appointment of Julia Tuohy oiab. (10/5) ................................................. 393 Investment Report of City, Qua.,~rly, subniltted by Mgn(5/4) .................. 181 INVESTMENT TASK FORCE SUBMYfTING MINUTES: (3/2)(4,~)(4/20)(5/4)(5/18)(6/1)(12/7) ................. 96,134,154,180, 211, 233,483 Inwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (4/6)(5/4)(6/1)(12/7) ..................... 132,133,169.170,229.487,488 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, Beer Per.(9/8) ........................... 374 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge, Beer Per. (10/19) ................................................. 418 1OCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, 1387 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................. 245 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, 1998 Jackson, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................ 245 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, 1481 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1/20)(6/15) ........................................... 26,245 IOCO Speede Shoppe, lows Oil, 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(T/6) ........................................ 245,269 IOCO Speede Shope, Iowa Oil, 2150 Twin Valley, Beer Per. (1/6)(12,t7) ............................................. 6,481 IOCO Spoede Shoppe, Iowa Oil, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1116)(6/15) ............................................ 6,245 IOCO Speede Shoppo, Iowa Oil, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/lS) ................. 245 Iowa Potatce & Produce tlouse, Beer Per.(1/6) .............................. 6 Iowa DOT re: condemnation of rights of US 20 for property owned by K. Meyer & J. Collins et al.(2/3) ............................. 52 Iowa Dept. of Public llealth, Contract Agreement, for funding of AIDS Preventative Health Program.(10/5) ..................... 403,404 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources submitfiag Adm. eider No. 92-WW-32. (9/8) .................................................. 376 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Spcede Shoppe, 2150 Twin Valley Rd., Beer Per. (116)(12/7) ............................................. 6,481 Iowa Dept. of Public Health funding for Local AIDS Program.(2/17) ............. 70 Iowa Dept. of Trans. re: Right-Of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Ptojects.(l/20)(12/21) ............................ 41,502 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, re: Agreement re: Swimming Pool and Spa Rales.(l 1/16) ......................................... 448 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Spcede Shopp~, 1481 Dodge. Beer Per.; Cig. Pct.(l/20)(6/15) ......................................... 26,245 Iowa Trust involvement, to: Ray Taylor's questions about involvement-(1/6) ........................................... 5 Iowa Street Parking Facility, New Lighting System. (1/20) ................... 39,40 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Spcede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(10/19) ............. 418 Iowa Dept. of Transportation, pmconstmclion agreement for improvements to US 52/61/151 from south of Maquoketa Dr. lo the Cn'andview Ave.(10/19) ................................. 417 Iowa l~nance Authofity's MIRP Program, va pension system loan progran~(2,r29) ............................................ 77 Iowa Dept. of Transpotlation re: transfer of jmisdiction of portions of~xisilngUS52/61/151.(lO/19) .............................. 417 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Iowa Street finan 2nd St. to 3rd St., l)ispo~ing of City Lot 195 ~) Fischer Investrcent Co.0/2) ................................... 96 Iowa & Cenmfl, Fifth St. between, inatallmion of parking meter~ on north aide.(7/6) ......................................... 266 Iowa Dept. of Economic Development for ItOME Investment Partnership Program ftmding.(6/15) ..................................... 243 Iowa Oil, IOCO Speede Shoppe, 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(7/6) ........................................... 245,269 Iowa Teenage, Jr., Miss, honored.(7/6) .................................. 269 Iowa Oil, IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................. 245 Iowa Oil, IOCO SI~*,de Shoppo, 1998 Jackson, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................ 245 Iowa Mutual Insurance Co., referral of claim.(5/4) ......................... 180 Iowa Trust isstm, to: establishn'~nt of Investment Oversight Commission.(7/7,0~ ) ........................................ 287 Iowa Street from 2mi St- north to 3rd St., Ord. vacating a portion. (3/16) ................................................. 105 Iowa Oil, IOCO Sl0e. ode Shopi~, 1387 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................. 245 Iowa Street from 2nd lo 3ffi St-, plat approved of vacated portion. (3/2) ................................................... 95 Iowa Oil Company, ~: "No Parking" on Southpatk Court.(7/20) ................ 310 Iowa Trust, re: updating on litigation ete.(7/20) ............................ 310 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Spcedo Shopp*, Beer Per.(9/8) ........................ 374 Iowa oil Co., IOCO Speede Shopl~, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1/6)(6/15) ............................................. 6,245 Israel, Alan, Patmer of Hillcmst Apts., m: Low Income Housing Pres. benefits.(6/l) ........................................ 233 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE d Jack, Alice M., CLAIM, referral.(11/16)(12/7) ......................... 464,484 Jackson St., re: nearby alley requested vacation by Kretschmer- Tredway.(g/8) ............................................ 377 Jackson Park designation of Historic Pies. Corem, appointment of Gaff Naughton.(7/6) ........................................ 260 Jackson Park Urban Revit. Dist, re: tax exemption applications. (2/17) .................................................. 71 Jackson Street, east side, two hour parking zone between 1 lth & 12th St.(lO/5)(11/16) .................................... 405,460 Jacobs, Charles, supporting retention of Mr. Gearhart ~s Mgr.(6/29) ............. 258 Jacobs, Robert, & residents of Cherry St., re: replacement of sidewalks with street reconstruelion.(10/5) ........................ 394 Jacobsen, Lisa, The Ryan llouse, L~q. Li¢.(4/6) ........................... 119 Jacobsen, Matthew, appreciation for being City legal intern.(9/8) ............... 376 Jaeger Dr., zoalng of property (also Tower Dr.) from PR to R-I & R-4. (8/17)(9/8) ........................................... 355,360 James, Jerry L., Neighbors Tap, Cig.per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(8/17) .............. 246,355 Jimmy B's, James S. Bauer, Cig. Per.(6/15)246 Sayceos, for Fireworks Display.(9/8) ................................... 376 Jayce.es, Dbq., Five Day Beer Permit; Iransfer; Fireworks Display. (7/6)(7/20)(9/8) ..................................... 269,297,376 Jeld-Wen, Inc. re: amendment to Indenture of Trust re: issuance of Variable Rate Demand Rev. Bonds, Series 2998.(2/17) ................. 72 Jena, ln¢,, Oky Doky #15, Beer Per.(6/15) ............................... 247 Jnnsen, Oldanl & Cooper flrm, seamh firm for new City Mgr. (8/3)(8/17)(11/20) ................................... 340,352,467 JFT Ltd., Oky Doky gl, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; LE Liq. Lie. (6/15)(8/17) ....................................... 245,354,355 Jim's Webb, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(4/20)(6/15) ........................... 144,246 Jimmy B's, Liq. Li¢.(6/1) ........................................... 230 Jobs created in Downtown Dbq., report by Main St Ltd.(Il/2) ................. 428 Jobs with the City, hiring policy addressed by R. Rosenow.(8/3) ................ 329 Johnson, Stephaul, app~nted Interim City Manager upon resignation of Mr. Gearbart; salary adjustment.(6/29)(7/6) ................... 258,270 Johnson, Stephani, (Asst. Mgr.), appointed to Operation: New View Br.(l/6) .................................................. 4 Johnson, Stophani, appointed as City Mgr. designee to Long Range Planning Comm.(7/6) ....................................... 261 Johnson, Ciint, owner of ll~isler Marine, re: lease agreement with Dbq. Yacht Basin.(lO/5) .................................... 404 Joint Local Government Ethics Comm. re: local officials ethics legislation.(9/8) ........................................... 376 Jones, Ric, support of retention of City Manager Gearhm-t retention; ambulance presentation.(6/15)(6/29)(9/8) ................... 236,258,367 Jones Street Storm Sewer Extension Project.(2/3)(2/17) ..................... 51,63 Jones & Locust St., rezoalng from C-4 to OR.(10/19)(11/2) ................ 419,430 Jones, Kathleen, refund for Cig. Lic.(l/20) ................................ 33 Jones St., from 4th St., rezoning west of Freeway 61/151 from LI to C-4.(11/16) .............................................. 463 Jones & First, between, storm sewer extension on Water SL(12/'/) .............. 490 Joyce, Pauline, Adrr~ Services Mgr., authorized to sign City Checks. (/8) ................................................... 372 Joyce, Edward, re: Ecumealcal Towers residents' renters' policy. (12/7) ................................................. 484 Juanita Place, Lot 1, Disposal of City Interest to Donald J. Herbst. (6/1) ............................................... 232,239 lulien Dubuque Monument, annexation etc.(8/3)(10/5) .................... 313,409 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Jul~n Dubuque Drive Planned Ind. Dis., re: denial to amend, Ed Tschiggffio discussing; teconsidctaffon etc. (8/17)(9/8)(10/5) ................................. 357,359,371,392 Jalien Dubaqnn Grave sit~ dewated to the State of Iowa. (4/20)(~14)(7/6)(7/20)(8/3)) ....................... 153,170,265.303,313 Jalinn Motor Inn, l~sign Cnnier, Cig. Per,, Liq. Lic. (6/15)(12,/'/) .......................................... 245,481 Jalien Dubuqnn Menurrent to tl~ I~pt. of Natural Resources.(Y/6) .............. 265 July, Proof of list of claln'~.(9/'8) ...................................... 377 July, 1992, Ftnnnoial r~porls submitted.(8/37) . ............................ 357 June, 1992, Financial Ropo~(8/3) ..................................... 343 Juno and Jaly, 1991, Printed Cnnnc~l Precedings approved,(10/5) .............. 409 Juno, 1992, claims paid, proof.(8/37) ................................... 357 Jurisdiction tramfer, agreement with IDOT for portions of US52/61/151.(10/19)(11/2)(1217) ........................ 417,436,474 Justin Lane m: final plat approval of Linas Estates.(lO/19) .................... 423 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE K K-Matt #4018. Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................................ 245 Kahn Family Enter., P~sta O'Sbea's, Cig. Per;, Liq. Lic. (1/20)(6/15)(11/16) ................................... 26,245,462 Kaleid~eope plan re: minority artists plan for citizens, budget. (2/17)(2429)(6/15) ................................... 70,75,78,256 Kane, Brian, re: Keyline Bus Service cx~ntinuance, budget.(2f29) ................. 75 Kapp, Kevin, appointed to the TV Cable Community Tcleprngmmming Comm.(7/6) ............................................. 261 Kappatos, Travis, CLAIM.(If20) ....................................... 33 Kaufmann Ave., 300 ft. north, disposal of nearby excess Carter Rd. right-of-way.(5/18)(6/1 ) ...... ' ............................ 210.225 Kanfmann Ave. & Chancy Rd. re: rezoMng of property at se comer from R-4 to PR Planned Res. Dis.(3/16)(4/6) ................ 106,107,124 Kaune, Patficia, re: 683 An#alia St(10/5)(12/7) ........................ 395,476 KDTH & KAT-FM Radio re: Fireworks Display request.(9/8) ................. 376 KDUB-TV re: D. TeKippe requesting Closed Capth)n communicatious. (12421) ................................................. 495 Kcegan, lames W., Bodlncs, Liq. lac.(3/'2) ................................ 89 Kchl, Robert, re: status of negotiations (GambIing Boat etc.) (I/20) .................................................. 26 Kepporle, Kevin $., applicant for Housing Comm.(l/6) ........................ 3 Kelly, Dan, objected to rezoning of 3385 Asbury from OR to C-2. 0/6) .................................................... 9 Kelly, Richard J. & Alice R., re: vacation of easement along east property line of Lot 21, BIIc I in Sunset Park 7th Addn. (12/21) ................................................. 500 Kelly Lane Street work requested and put in 5 Yr. CIP.(2/29) .................. 76 Kelly Lane, 785, property from T. & J. Kouba accepted.(10/5) ................. 406 Kelly Lane, 1169, property from Fieldon & Mary Jo Atchison.(10/5) ......... 405,406 Kelly Lane, re: final plat for rights of aeqnisition.(10/5) ...................... 405 Kelly, Elaine, m: traffic concerns re: Iiwy 20 & Crescent Ridge near Walmart property rezoalng.(4/20) ........................... 147 Ke0y, Terry, presented a "Pro-Majority Plan" (Human Rights).(I/20) ............. 21 Kelly, Elaine, Coach House, Liq. Lie.(g/8) ............................... 374 Kelly's Bluff, amendment of Conceptual Development Plan for PR Residential Dis.(5/18)(6/1) ............................. 205,217,218 Kelly's SUM., re: 642 University, purchase of property, etc. (9/8)(10/5) ........................................... 375,388 Kefiy's Bluff No. 2, final plat approval, for Jeff Nagle. (7/20)(8/3) ........................................... 311,344 Kennedy Road, 2699, rezoning from OR to OS.(9/14)(10/5) ................ 383,391 Kennedy Road, 2180, (comer of Asbury & Kennedy) rezoning from R-3 to C-3.(11/16)(12fl) ................................. 462,469 Kennedy Rd., 2050, zoning reclassification from C-2 to C-3. (6/15)(7/6) ........................................... 249,272 Kennedy, Amanda Made, honored as "Miss Iowa Teenager, Jr." . ............... 260 Kennedy Road, 2105, re: Delos Dorwniler's drainage problem; Weed problem etc.(7/20)(9/8) .............................. 309,377 Kennedy Road to Woodland Dr., Keyway Dr., re: paddng elimination request by Woodland Am~s Apt.(l 1/16)(12fl)(12/21) ....... 453,479,497,498 Kennedy Rd., re: final plat approval of Yianals Piace.(1/20) .................... 36 Kennedy, Sheriff, re: Appraisement of Damages & Time for appeal in the Matter of Condemnation of rights in land by IDOT to K. Meyer & J. Collins.(3/2) ................................. 97 Kennel for Animals etc., Ordinance amending Zoning Code by adding to CS Dis. etc.(I/20)(2/3) ................................... 29,45 Kennel Club, S. Zirkelbach, Liq. Lic.(12f21) ............................. 499 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Keq~er Blvd., Petition requesting vacating of easement along east side (affected by railroad easement). (9/14)(10/5)(10/19) .................................. 384,402,412 Keq~er Blvd. from 9th/llth St. to 16th., transfer of Jurisdiction of portions of existing U.S. 52/61/151. (12//) ................................................. 474 Kersch, Jeannine A, Idle Hour, Liq. Lit.; Cig. Per.(4/6)(6/15) .............. 119,246 Kessler, Charles, re: vacation & disposal of interest in 30' RR easement in Blk 5 & 6 of Riverfront Subd. #3.(10/5) ................ 402 Key West Military Road, final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Archdiocese Pi. #2.(4/20) .................................... 159 Key City Investment Co., re: acceptance of Final Plat of portion of Yiannlas Pi.(l/20) .......................................... 36 Key City Bowling, Inc., Imperial Lanes, Cig. Per.; refund. (6/15)(9/8) ........................................... 246,377 Key City Rotm-y Club of Dubuque Day, Proclamation,(6/15) .................. 236 Keyline Transit System, re: eomultant's study, discussion.(4/20) ................ 143 Keyline buses, re: possibility of without wheelchair lifts. 0/16)(4/6) ........................................... 102,114 Keyline Transit, re: RTA advance notification for paratsanslt sepdce.(10/19) ........................................... 421 Keyline Compliance Act for Americana with Disabilities Act of 1990. (1/6) .................................................... 5 geyline Transit (bus) fares increase requested, not enacted,(9/8) ................ 368 Keyline re: FTA See. 9 1993 Operadng/Capital Assistance Appl. with UMTA.Of23) ............................................ l12a Keyfine Mechanic Position reduction, concern of General Drivers & Helpers Union.(S/4) .... ~ ................................. 168 Keyline, re: Replacement of Concrete Shop Floor at Koyline Transit Fanifity.(3/2)(4/6) ................................ 92,93,120 Keyfine (Bus), request to change in Red Line route by C. Lynoh.(12f/) .......................................... 474 Keylihe Bus, re: Budget maintenance level guidellnes,(2d'29) ................... 77 KEYL1NE TRANSIT SUBMITrlNG COMPARATIVE EARNINGS STATEMENTS & STATS: (5/4)(8/17) .................................................. 180,357 Keyway Dr., bloc~ west re: pofifion by Woodland Arms Apt. for elimination of pm'king on street. (11/16)(12fl)(12421) ........................... 453,479,497,497,498 Kid's World Pizza Place & Fun Center, Beer Per,(2/17) ....................... 59 Kiefer, Jack, objecting ~ rczoning of property at intersection of Kaufmann Ave. & Chancy Rd.(4/6) .......................... 124 Kienast, Karen, CLAIM; referral.(9/8)(10/5) ........................... 376,403 King, Martin Luther, Proclamation.(1/6) ................................... 1 King of Clubs, S. Shireman, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15)(7/20) ................ 246,298 Kinsdla, Wm., appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd.(1/6) .................... 3 Ki~k's Ave. Top, Oldham, Inc., Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................ 246 Kirkwood & Bellevue Sts., v~ate a txnfion of public alloy betwecn.(4t~)(4/20) .................................. 128,129,145 l~s, Kovin, Claim referral.(l/6) ...................................... 13 Kiwanis Club, W~atside, Beer Per.(8/17) ................................ 354 Klauer, Bob, re: Ord. amending Cod~ by adding Animal Hospital/Cfialo & Kennel to Cede etc.(I/20) ....................... 29 Kiaanr, Robert E. & William R., (Grand Island Paxtners), nx acceptance of Resolufion re: portion of Eaztsidge Estatos.(?J17). :. .................................. 68,69 Kieck~r, Wm,, CLAIM; refer~al.(12/7)(12f21): ......................... 483,500 Kiezncr, Attorney Steven G. re: vacating of eozoment along east side of Ken'per re: RR Easement (9/14)(1015)(10119) .................................. 384,402.412 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Licenre approval with Chicago Centxal & Pacific RR Co. re: emergency access roadway at Ice Harbor.(5/4) ................... 165 Licensed Establishments, regulating presence of underage persons. (8/3) ............................................... 337,338 Licenses, Pmnual Rental Dwelling Operating, Fee Increase.(2/29) ................ 85 Lieutenant issue, (Police), ~e: settlement of issue at Budget. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Lighting System for Iowa Street Parking Facility Project, finalized.(1/20) .......................................... 39,40 Lillis, Attorney Wm. for Mathy Paving, lno. objecting to rezoalng of Hwy. 20 property (Walman). (4/20) ............................ 147 Lincoln Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstreetion from Humboldt St. to Finley St.(12/7)(12/'21) ............................. 482,483,495,496 Lincoln & Rbombarg, alley requested vacation by ltoly Tddity Chureh.(2/3)(3116)(416) ................................ 52,108,123 Lincoln and Rhomberg, between, from Johnson to Farley, alley sanitary sewer reconstruction.(12/7) ................... .......... 492 Lincoln Avenue Sanitmy Sewer between Decatur & Whittier.(12/7) .......... 491,492 Liadahl, Barry A., appointed as Corporation Counsel.(l/6) ...................... 2 IAnk, Tins, CLAIM; referral. (4/20)(5/4) ............................. 154,180 Liquor licensees, regulating presence of underage persons.(8/3) ............. 337,338 Liligatiun stetus re: Iowa Trust-(7/20) .................................. 310 Littering on Carter Road, discussed by Carl Burbach.(8/17) ................... 358 Little Cloud Gift Scout Council, Ontsunch Program, Comm. Partanrship Program (cp2).(10/5) ............................... 397 Loan Agreement (CDBG) with EDS Cot~. ($125,000) & CEBA Forgivable with IA Dept. of Econ. Develop, & EDS.(I/20) ............. 25 Loan Agreement of DNR for Phase I Improvements to City's Water. Pollution Cuntxol Plant.(3/2) ................................... 88 Loan Agreement of City, $4,200,000, under tho Municipal Investment Recovery Program.{7/6)C//20)(8/3) ............ 276,277,303,330 Loan agreement (CDBG) with Dubequn Data Services. C//6) ................... 264 Loan & Disbursement Agreement & issuunco of Not to exceed $5,000,000 Sower Revenue Capital Loan Notes.(10/5)(ll/16) ..... 399,452,453 Local Government (CLG) Historic Preservation Grant-In-Aid application with State Historical Soc,(12f/) ....................... 477 Local 94 UAW, Cig Per. Beer Per.((7/6)(12/21) ........................ 269,498 Local street and cd-de-sac, Zoning elimination of distinction botweun.(7/20) ........................................... 308 Lunhner, Geraldine, requesting llds on r~cycling bins.(2/3) ..................... 52 Lochner, Don, applicant for Zoning Commissico.(7/6) ....................... 262 Lockard, W., no objection to rezoalng of Walmaxt property (Hwy 20/east of NW Arterial). (4/20) ........................... 147 Locust St., east of. from 4th to Jones, property rezoning west of Freeway 61/151.(1247) ...................................... 469 Locust Street alternate pexking regulations between Dodge & Jones eliminated etc.(I/20) ........................................ 23 Locust St., east of, rezuning from LI to C-4.(11/16) ..................... 462,463 Locust St., 83, re: Freeway Conldo~ plan; rezoning ete. (7/6)(10/19)(11/2) ................................... 265,419,430 Locust St., 1320, rezoalng from OR to OC. (12421) ......................... 499 Locust Sta~et Parking Ramp Office Renovation Project.(4/6)(5/4) ............ 131,172 Locust & First St. vicinity, property, disposal of IDOT property, City Lot 568A,(7/6) ........................................ 284 Locust, South & Valley St. extension re: sale of City-owned property to Ray Hansen's.(10/5) ............................... 395 Locust St. from Locust St. Connector to Fourth St., IDOT transfer of jurisdiction of US 52/61/151.(11/2)(12/7) .................... 436,474 Locust Stxeet Parking Rev. & Control Equip. Project, ralense of Me~h. Lien.(3/16) ......................................... 110 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Lombardi-Schuater, Pat, Ms. Pats, Llq. Lic. (1/20). ~ ......................... 27 Long yunn Chine~ Res., Clg. P~r.; Liq. Lic~(6/15)(l 1/2) .................. 245,443 Long Rungc Planning Commission appelntmunt of Council Membe~ D. Vuntberg & alternate C.M.L. Klunsner.(7/~) .................... 261 Long Range Planning Commission appdintm~nt of Carla Cn~han and Golxlon E. Milia.(7~) ................................... 261 Long Range Planning Comm. submitting con'oladon between Vision 2000 and uiemcot$ of City's Compr~hunsive Plan.(7/6) ................... 265 Long Range Planning Commlssion realgnafico of Harold McCormieL(6/l 5) ....... 251 Long Range Planning Contax re: funding etc. for Urban Planning & Designing Firm fox Riverfront Comprehensive Plan.(10/5) ............. 394 Long Range Planning Cotnm. re: findings on Ice Harbor Urban Runowal Plun.(4/6) ............................................... 127 Long Range Plun~ng Cornm. updating re: Riverfront Devniopn-~nt $ulgommitmo.(l/6)(4/6}(5118)(lOIS) .................... 14,127,211,403 Long Range Planning Comm. m: Holy Trinity as Urban Revit. are& (2/17) .................................................. 59 Long Range Planning Comm. re: rozoning of NW Arterial & Pennsyl. Ave.(10/19) ............................................. 414 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBMrrTING MINUTES: (116)(1/20)(2/3)(3116)(511g)(6/15)(7/20)(8/17)(9/14)(10/19)(11/16) ................................... 13,33,51,109,211,250,309,357,384,420,463 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION - RIVERFRONT DIgVELOPMENT COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/18) ......................................................... 211 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION - N1V ARTERIAL CORRIDOR SUBCOMMIT'rgE SUBMITTING MINLrI'ES: (5/18) ......................................................... 211 Long View Drive, re: dedieatiun of slroot.(4/20) ........................... 158 Long John Silver's #10, Be*r Per.(3/2) ................................... 89 Lores Estates, zoning from R-I to PR for 15 Single Family Homos, ~:qocsted by Rco Smith; information requested, (6/15)(7/20X10119)(11116)(1217) ................... 249,301,421,464,484 Lorss Place, rezoning from R-1 to PR & adoption of Conceptual D~vuiolm~nt Plun..(7/6XT/20) ............................. 276,301 Lores College, ARA Serve, Inc. Liq, Lio,(10/19) ........................... 418 Lor*s Blvd., 1105-1155, rezoning from C-I to C-2 (Retmnmaler's). (1015)(10/19)(11/2) ................................. 394,415,11/lfi Lores Blvd., 445, tax exomplion application etc.(2/17) ........................ 71 Lores Estates, final plat approval; extension requested. (10/19)(11/16) .................. : ...................... 422,464 Lores Estates, re: R. Dally reqt~sfing schedule of final approval of I~velopmont Plan.(10/19) ................................. 421 Lorenz (Wozniak), Louise, Suit against City.(11/2) ......................... 443 Lorenz, Co~y, Claim referral.(1/20) .................................... 33 Lmenz, Joyce, Ye Old Brunswick, 3203 Saeksun, Liq. Li¢.(3/2) ................. 89 Lorenz, Rbonde, CLAIM.(I/6) ........................................ 13 Lounge,, The, P. Love, Cig. Pesmit47/20) ................................ 298 Low, Phillip, Tho Lounge, Cig. Permit.(7/20) ............................. 298 Love, K., J. Kohl, Grand Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li¢.(6/15)(10/5) .............. 246,399 Low Income Housing Preservation, re: A. Israel of Hillcrest Aparto~nts.(6/l) .......................................... 233 LOw and Moderate Incong Residents, Funds to meet Housing needs etc., establishment of Housing Trust Fund.(6/15) ................... 242 Lucl~y "13" Tap, D. Erickaon, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(9/8)(10/19) ............... 374,417 Ludwig, O~file, re: bus schedule at budget hearing questioned. (2/29) .................................................. 76 Luudtke, Linde, re: storm water prohlem, 1992 Stseet Program.(6/15) ............ 236 Luetkunhaus, Siqar Juiia, CLAIM; r~forrui.(11/2)(11/16) .................. 443,464 Luksetieh, Thomas re: aex~ptanc~ of Res. re: final plat approval of Country Springs Sub.(2/17) ............................... 67,68 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Luther Manor Nursing Home, amended Conceptual Development Plan. (9/14)(10/5) .......................................... 383,389 Lynch, Csxol, petition ~e: Keyline Bus Red Line Service.(12/7) ................ 474 Lyons, David, River City Tap & Grill, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15)(11/2) .......................................... 246,443 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE M M M & H Corp., Silver Dollar, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(5~18)(6/15) ............. 199,215 Mndigan, Mary K., CLAIM; referral.(10/19)(11/2) ....................... 420,443 Magazine collection and recycling altonmllvos.(10/5) ........................ 394 Msba, See, re: ~ezening of 3385 Asbmy from OR to C-2.(1/6) ................... 9 Maiers & S~hmitt Apamnents, 1690 Whig, tax exemption.(2/17) ................ 71 Malers, Roger, Chair of Human Rights, invited Cooncll to an event (10/5) ................................................. 387 Maiers, Ten'y, tn: tax abatement f~ Holy Trinity Church Convent; suppogdng Holy Trinity Revitalization Ftoject. (1/6)(2/17) ............................................. 12,60 Msiers, Roger, moppointed to the Human Rights Comm.(l/6) .................... 4 Main St. Ltd. Dbq4 Funding Agreement.(6/15) ............................ 255 Main SUect, 1100-1150 (TFM), ~e: final plat approval of Subd. of Lots 1-6 Bissell PL(4120) .................................... 155 Main St., N., 1762, pumhuse ptope~y: negotiation & discussion, negated;emergency ~epelr on retaining wall.(8/'3) ................... 335 Main St. and Tlfird St., intersection, discussion, installation etc. of Stop Light & 4 way stop.(7/20)(8/3)(9/~)(10/5)(11/2) .................. .................................... 297,338,371,401,402,428,429 Main St. Ltd., approve fun;ting of $4-500 from CD funds.(2/29) ................. 77 Main Street Ltd,, Director C. Steinhauser introduced; Annual Report given,(11]'2) ............................................. 428 Main Frame Computer, downalzing, m: Utility Billing Sofrwam Pkg.(12/21) ............................................. 497 Main St. Ltd,, Council Member Robert Naglo appointment to their BO. (1/~) ................................................. 4 Maintemmce (Operation) Division budget, amended to include eqalpment.(2/29) ........................................... 77 Maintenance Agreement (San. Sewer) with DIxt. Racing Assn, at · Greyhound ParL (9/g) ...................................... 367 Makovec, Lee J. by R, & K. Makoveo, CLAIM; referral.(9/8)(10/5) .......... 376,403 =Management Agreement for Rivervlew Park with John and Mary Miller. (4/20) ................................................. 155 Manager, (Ci.ty), (W.K. Gearhart) petitions for r~siganfion & others to mtain.(6/15) ........................................... 236 Manager, City, (W. K. Gearhart) Fay inereasn of 4%.(2/29) .................... 78 Mannger, City, appointment of Michael C. Van Mllllgen.(11/20) ............. 467,468 Mang~an, Angala, Anglos, Cig. Per.; Refund; Cig. Per. (2/3)(3/2)(7/6)(9/a) ................................. 47,97,~8,374 Manson, Rev. Duane, Ch. of Luther ManOr, Gave Invocation.(12/7) ............. 469 Mantemach, Alan, support of retention of Mr. Oeashart as Manager. (6/29) ................................................. 258 Mantertmch, Alan, Cty. Supervisor, Abatract of votea for Golf Como con~uuedon mfe~ndun~(2/17) ............................ 72 Maple St., alley west etc, re: request of D. Herbst to purchase portions ete,(1/20)(6/1)(6/15) ............................ 23,232,239 Maplewood Court, 560, re: zoning & elderly housing usage problom.(4/~)(5/4) ...................................... 114,166 Mapping system (automated), of City's water Distribution system, rite.(2/3) ................................................. 47 Maquokata Drive, south of, re: road modifications to US 52/61/151. (10/19) ................................................. 417 March 1992 Claims, Proof.(5/18) ...................................... 211 Mm'co's, Liq. Li¢.(4/20) ............................................ 144 Mmlo's Italian Res./Lounge, A. Bertolial, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15)(12/7) .......................................... 246,481 Marion St. & S~ Joseph St~., warning cc stop signs at bnginalng.(8/3)(l 0/5)(10/19X11/2)(11/16) ......... 343,395,415,416,436,453 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Marie Quany Road, transfer of Mines of Spain; etc. 0/6)(8/3)(10/19)(12//) ............................. 265,313,421,484 Mark Heights, Approving Plat of Lot 2 of 5 of 5 (near Kelly Lar~?).(lOI5) ............................................ 4O5 Market, Farmers, re: etd. amending fe~s & limiting Mist can be sold etc.(2/29) ............................................. 83 Mama Ridge, petition of Martin & Nancy McNam~r re: vacation of 20' storm s~wer easement along boundary llne between Lots I1 & 12 of Blk. L(9/8)(9/14) .......................... 377,382 MarNa Ridge Estates, final plat approval of Lots 1-27 of Blk 1 & Lot A, Lot B, Lot C., & Lot D.(6/15) ........................... 251 Marshall Park, Leasing to the Dubuque Arboretum.(T/6)(7/20) ........... 278,301,302 Martha's Haus, r~: 607-609 E. 22nd St. rezoning.(3/2) ........................ 90 Martin Oil Co., Pride S~rvlc~, lac., Cig. Pct.(6/15) ......................... 245 Martin Luther King, Proclamation Honoring Birth. (1/6) ....................... 1 Marry Helle Conatruetiun Co., trsilcr damage settlement(4/6) .................. 134 Maryville Construction Co. awarded contract for tho Eagle Pt. Water Plant Sludge llandling Building Wall.(5/18) .................. 200 Massey, Rev. ]ames E., Sr., applicant for Human Rights Comm.(I/6) .............. 4 Mathy Construction (River City Paving), awarded contract for 1992 Asphalt Paving Project.(5/4) .............................. 171 Mathy Construction Co., (River City Paving), Awarded Contsaet for Centsal Ave. Resurfaciag Project from 4th St. to 1 lth St. & from 20th St. to 32nd St.(6/15) ........................ 238 Mathy Paving, objecting to rezoning request of Walmart for property south of Itwy 20 & west of English Mill Rd. & cast of NW Arterial.(4/20) ................................. 147 Max Smith Construction awarded contract for Dbq. Sidewalk Repair Pwjeot, #3 Fioedwall.(7/6) .................... . .......... 270 May, 1992 Financial Reports submitted.(7/6) ............................. 282 May 1991, Printed Council Proceedings, approved.(10/5) ..................... 409 Mayor Pro-Tem Kathryn Krieg sworn in.(9/8) ............................. 360 McAuliffe, Daniel, re: 1992 Concrete Paving Project concerns.(6/15) ........................................... 236 Meadow Acres, amendment on Restrletive Covenants.(9/8) ................... 378 Mechanic Position with Keyllue, reduction, concern of General Drivers Uninn.(5/4) .................................. 168 Mualler, Robert, re: Inwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer.(5/4) .................... 169 Mecbenie's IAen, re: Ziagler Ind. Inc. & City. (12/21) ....................... 500 Mechanic's Lien on Locust St. parking Rev. & Control, release.(3/16) ............................................ 110 MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMrrTING MINIJTF~$: 016)(716)(1015)(12fl) ...................................... 13,279,403,483 Median, concrete, ~nd curb ramps on Rose. dale, request by St. Anthony's.(7/6) ........................................ 263 Medical Associates re: Parking restriction on south side of Keyway Dr. from Woodland Dr. to Jobn F. Kennedy Rd. (12/21) ................................................. 497 Medical Officer, Ambulance, Civil Service certifying list. (10/5) ................................................. 409 Medical offices & Chiropractic offices as a Conditional Uae in tbe C- 1Neighberhood Commereial Disn'ict.(8/3) ................... 320 Meggan St~et, west of, rezoning fn~m R4 to R-3.(8/17) ..................... 357 Melendez, lliram G., applicant for Investment Oversighi Comm. (10/5) ................................................. 393 Mental Health Month, Proclamation.(5/4) ................................ 164 Mental Rotardallon Month, Prochimallon.(3/2) ............................. 87 Mental Health Office Project at the Cannon Center, Community Partnerahip Program (cp2),(4/6) ............................... 116 Mentally llandicapped Health Week, Pwclamafion.(8/17) ..................... 348 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Mesa Drive~ (Cea'to Dr.) fi, om to N.Cmmdvinw, re: 1992 Caacreto Paving Proj.(6/15) ......................................... 236 Meter Disuict C (Parking), adding north aide of Fifth St., between Central Ave.and lows SLC//6)(7/20) ................... 266,288 Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency Bd., requesting replacement of Council Member Deinh on Board.(6/1) ........................ 227 Meyer, Don, Admiral High-Hat West, Inc. Cig. Per.(7/20) .................... 298 Meyer, Kennit, re: IDOT Condemnation of rights of property (US 20). (2/3)(3/2) .............................................. 52,97 Meym's, Carol A., ToWs Tap, Liq. Lin.; Cig. Per.;Liq. Lic. (8f3)(8117)(9.tS) ..................................... 341,354,374 MHI, Ord. establishing Modified Heavy Industrial Dis. cte. (10/19)(11/2) ......................................... 419,430 Michalsids, Elizabeth, re: adoption of Community Dovdoprc~nt ConmL(10/19) ........................................... 416 Microfilming of original records, re: cash matching fumis.(5/18) ................ 213 Midway Motor Lodge, W. B~wn, Cig. Per.(6/15) .......................... 246 Midwest Oaa ~: construction of two flush mount obserYation wells in Bissell Lane.(10/19)(ll/16)(12f/) ................... 424,457,479,480 Midwest Gas Company coal tar site, Consent Decree & Agreement (5/4)(6/1) ............................................ 165,233 Midwest Heritage Inn, re: disposing of interest of portion of sewer easement in Lot 1 of Lot I of Edwards Place at Center Grovc.(2t3)(2/17) ................................... 49,62 Mihalakls, Elizabeth re: HUD $700,000 Housing Grant.(3/16) ................. 101 Mihalalds, Elizabeth, re: appreciation for CDBG Citizen Participation Plan.(9/8) ............................................... 368 Mihalakls, Elizabeth, requesting specifics of CDBG distribution. (2/29) .................................................. 76 Mihahikis, Elizabeth re: Dbq. Neighborhood Councils.(5/4) ................... 164 Mihalakis, Bryan, re: Salinas St. road probhims.(6/15) ....................... 250 Mike's 76 Auto Center, M. Remakal, Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................ 245 Mikn's Ten Pin Tap, M. Weber, Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................... 246 Military Road, final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Arehdio~sc Pl. No. 2.(4/20) ............................................. 159 Milk House, L Zihlke, 2311 Windsor, Beer Per.(3/2) ........................ 89 Miller Electric Supply, Inc., re: disposal of interest & vacation of RR easement in portion of Rivcrfroat Subd. #3.(10/5) .............. 402 Miller, Frank & Mary Ann, r~: 60%609 E. 22nd St, rezoning(3/2)(6/l) ......... 90,217 Miller, Jack & Mary, re: Rivarview Park Management AgrecmenL(4/20) .......... 155 Miller, Barbara A., referral of Cialm.(4/20) .............................. 154 Miller, LoRoy A, Whitey's Bar X, Cig. Per.; IAq. Lin.(6/15)(9/14) ........... 245,382 Mills, Gordon, app~nted to Long Range Planning Comm.(7/6) ................. 261 Milwaukee Insurance for B. Robinson, CLAIM.(12/21) ...................... 500 Minard, Joe, Heaxtiand Inn, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................... 246 Mineral Lot 39, Accepting conveyance of property in J. Breakey's Addn, Mississippi Heights #3.(7/6) .................................. 268 Mines of Spain, transfer of Marie Quarry Road; etc. (7/6)(8/3)(10/19)(12/7) ............................. 265,313,421,484 Mini-bus oporallon re: Agreement with Project Concern/Phone-A- Ffiend.~//6) ............................................. 280 Mini-buses funded with Project Coneem, budget process etc. (2/29)(7/6) ............................................ 77,280 Mining Co. (Dlxt.), Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ....................... 59,246 Miracle Car Wash, R. Potboff, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................ 245 MIRP Program re: budget amended to include perticipation.(2/29) ............... 77 Mississippi Heights #3, Accepting conveyance of property in J. Breakcy's Addn, Mineral Lot 39. (7/6) .......................... 268 Mobile Home Park, Tabl~ Mound, 4001 Pera Rd. re: zoning change, Bnik Regniatiuns.(6/15)(10/19)(l 1/2) ...................... 248,414,450 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Mobile food carts at Casino Belle Area, request for eqtmlity in fees and regulations etc.(8/17) ................................ 358 Modeling Study & mapping study of City's Water Distribution System, Engineer hired etc.C2/3) ...................................... 47 Moldt Electric Service, re: release of Mechanic's lien m: Locust St. Parking Ramp.(3/16) ..................................... ll0 Meier, Tim, Certificate of Appreciation.(5/4) ............................. 164 Mole Oil, Big l0 Mart, 2100 Kennedy, Boer Per.; Cig. Per.(3/2)(6/15) ......... 89,244 Mole Oil Co., Big l0 Mart's, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(10/19)(12/7) ...... 244,418,481 Molzof, Oreg & Deb, CLAIM.(1/6) ..................................... 13 Monday Co., The, Casey's General Store, Beer Per.(9/14) .................... 382 Monte Carlo Rea., C. L. Gee, Cig. Per.(6/15) ............................. 245 Moore, Rev. Douglas, Gave Invocation.(8/3) .............................. 313 Moore, Daniel & loann M., 560 W. 8th Street property to them. (6/15)(7/6) ........................................ 247,248,271 Moose Lodge, Liq. Lie.(5/4) ......................................... 168 Moreceo, ~he, Inc., Liq. Lie.(12/21) ................................... 499 Moratorium of Public Rchab lean funds re: Freeway Corridor Target Areas.(T/6) .............................................. 262 Mosalcm Township, annexation po~ion (4.8 acres) - Mm'jo Quarry Rd. & Julien Dubuque Monumcnt.(8/3)(12fl) ...................... 313.484 Motor Vebicles, Mufflers, Nois~ regulation etc.( 11/16) ...................... 454 Motor Vehicle Use Tax reallocation, ~: Budget Deficit, opposillon.(l/20) ........................................... 42 Mower for Fnir~vay of Bucker Hill Golf Course.(7/20) ....................... 304 Mozena, Jeff, Chair of Long Range Planning, m: funding & support for Urban Planning & Designing Firm m: Riverfront conidor plan and strategy.(10/6) ............................... 394 Mozena, Jeff of Long Range Planning re: zoning at nw comer of NW Arterial and Pennsylvania Ave.(10/19) .............. : ........ 414 Ms. Pat's, Pat Lombardi-sehuster, Liquor Lic. (1/20) ......................... 27 Mt. Carmel bus route, necessity in keeping, re: budget hearing. (2/29) .................................................. 76 Mueller, Dan re: final plat approval of Southgate Center 2nd Addn.(4/20) .......................................... 160-162 Mufflers on motor vehicles, re: Ord. regulating Noises ete.(11/16) .............. 454 Mnigrew Oil Co., Asbury Fastop, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(8/17) ........... 244,355 Mulgrew, Sam, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (1/6) ...................... 4 Mulgrew Oil Co., Plaza 20 AMOCO Foodshop, 2600 Dodge, Cig. & Beer Pennits.(l 1/2) .................................... 442 Malgrew, Pat xe: requesting 3300 Asbtu~, rezoning.(10/19) .................... 413 Municipal Investment Recovery Program, re: City's intent to ben,ow an amount not to exceed $4,200,000.(7/6) ........................ 276 Municipal Finance Assn., ~e: City of Dubuque Investment Policy submitted.(7/20) .......................................... 287 Murph's South End Tap, L. Murphy, Lk1. lac.; Cig. Per.(3/16)(6/15) .......... 103,245 Mmphy, L., Murph's South End Tap, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(3/16)(6/15) ......... 103,245 Myers, Brian, DVM m: Animal H~xspital/Clialc/Kennel Ordinance. (1/20) .................................................. 29 Myers Cox Co., Cig. per.(6/15) ....................................... 246 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBYECT PAGE McAleece Park, concession agreement to S & D Concessions. (2/17) .................................................. 72 McCall, Jan~, Dir. of the Humane Sodoty, spoko re: new "Animal Ordinance" & ~Kennel' etc.(l/20) ........................ 29 McCallum. Doug, received Certificate of Appreciation.(8/3) ................... 313 McCann, Brace, objecting ~o requested vacation of lot at Cleveland and Pear, between Cleveland and Ock.(ll/16) .............. 464 Mccann's Service, Inc., Beer Per.; Cig. Por.(SIlS)(7/6) ................... 199,268 Mccarthy, Leo, 222 Southgate, re: $8~-587 Ubivenfity Ave. rezoning.(1.~5) ............................................. 6,7 Mccarty, Patrick, CLAIM.(4/20) ...................................... 154 McCom/ck, Harold, ~eSlgnation f~nn Long Range Planning Corem; applicant for Park & Rec. Commissinn.(6/15)(7/6) ............... 251,261 McDermott, Jim. CLAIM; rofer~al.(2/3X2/17) ............................ 51,66 McDermott, Wm. J., setllorr~nt of Claim.(1/6) ............................. 13 McDonald, Linda, of Agency on Aging, stressed need for minibus servians.(2/29) ............................................ 76 McKenna, J,V., of Madison, WI, concern with appearance of City of Dubuque.(8/l?) ......................................... 358 McMahon, Julie of VNA, stressed need for minibus services.(2/29) ............... 76 McNamer, Marty re: plat approval of MarNa Ridge.(6/15) .................... 251 McNamer, Marry & Nancy, re: vacation of storm sewer easement in Mama Ridge, (9/8) (9114)(10/5) .......................... 377,382,387 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Norwest Bank, agn~orncnt re: Paying Agent for Dubuque GO, Parking Rev. & Special Asses. bonds.(3/2) .............................. 88 Norweat Bank, re: Thc Finley Hosl~tel Project, National Assn. of Successor Trustee.(9/14) .................................. 380 Notice of Appraisan~nt of Damages & Time re: Condemnation appeal re: IDOT & K. Meyer & J. Collins property.(3/2) .................... 97 Norsk, Rev. Marlanc, Gave Invocation to Council.~//6) ...................... 260 November printed Council Proceedings approved.( 1 I/2) ...................... 443 November, 1991, Financial Report submitted; Claims paid, proof. (1/6)(I/20) ............................................. 13,33 Nurses Day, Emergency, Proclamation.(lO/5) ............................. 387 NW Arterial & NW corner of Pennsylvania e: rezoning from to C-3.(2/17)(3/2)(10/19) ................................ 66,90,414 NW Arterial, e of & w of English Mill Rd. & s of Highway 20. (4/6) .................................................. 127 NW Arterial & NW corner of Pannsylvania, rezonlng from R-3 to C-3 & C-2.(9/14)(10/19) ................................. 384,414 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE O,Brien, pa*aicia & James, CLAIM; referral.( 10/19X 11/2) ................. 420,443 O'Brien, Bob, Airport Mgr., ~lucsfing funds for Airline Service Presantetion.(8/3) .................................... 329 O'Brien, James (Tim), appointed as Assist. City Attorney. (1/6) .................................................... 2 O'Hara, J.P,, I~ppy Jec's, Bee~ Per.(10/19) .............................. 418 O'ltea~ Delmar & Mary, Grandview Milk House, Cig. Per., Beer Per.(6/15)(9~) ..................................... 244,374 O'Ivieara, Mrs. Larry, CLAIM; referrnl.(3/2)(3/16) ........................ 96,109 O'Meara Viola, re: Budget common~, Comm. Deval. Block Grant distribution.(2/29) .......................................... 76 O'Rourka, Karen re:'Budget torments about Hotel/motel tax late filing and repercussions; also Community/ Economic Developraant activitins.(2/29X8/17) ................... 75,353 O'Shea, Marry appoinwxt to Human Rights Comm.(I/6) ........................ 4 O'Sheas, Pasta, Kahn Fandly Enter., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (1/20)(10/16) .......................................... 26,462 O~k Meadows Second Addn. on Brunskill Rd., final plat approval.(3/l 6) ........................................... 110 Oaths of new Council Members algned,(l/6) ................................ 1 Objectives & Uso of Funds for Community Development Block Grant 1992 Program Yem.(9/8) ................................ 369 October, 1991, Council proceedings approved as printed. (10/19) ................................................. 420 October, 1992, Financial Report submitted.(12fl) .......................... 484 Odor problems at Water Pollution Control Plant, discussion of action.(8/17) ........................................... 358 Oesh'eich, Bruce. objecting to development of Kelly's Bluff Concept. Devel. Plan.(6/1) ............................... 217 Off-Airport Car Rental Business, authorizing business by Ord.(12fl) ............................................ 476 Office Renovation project for Locust Street Parking Ramp. (416)(5/4) ............................................ 131,172 Officers of Ci!y. Bonds Set out(9fg) ................................... 373 Officials elected, re: ethics legislation.(9fg) ............................... 376 Oil Sludge, R~ Waste oil, re: ceasing of incineration etc.(10/5) ............................................... 394 Oky Doky #21, Trans-Miss lnvestraents, lnc~, Beer Per.(8/17) ................. 355 Oky Doky Foods, Hill St. Plaza, 535 Hill, Beer Per.;Cig, Per.(3/2)(6/15) .......... ............................... 89,245 Oky Doky #1, IFT, Ltd., 250 W, 1st Sc, Beer Per.; Liq. Lin.(8/17) ........................................ 354,355 Oky Doky #7, B & M Convenient Mart, 3301 Pennsylvania, Beex Pex.; Cig. Per.(3/16)(7/6) ............................. 102,268 Oky Doky #15, Jena, Inc., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(6/15) ..................... 245,247 Oky Doky Foods ~6, TFM Co., 1256 Iowa St., Cig. Per.; Bee~ Per.(6/l 5)(11/16) ................................... 245,462 Oky Doky #14, Kfistin Chapman, Cig, Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(7/6) ..... , ..................................... 245,269 Old Shang, N. Bennett, Liq. Lin.(10/5) .................................. 399 Old Timer~ Athletio & Supper Club Place, Lot 2, rezoning from OR to OS Offic~ Service Dis. (10/5) ................................................. 391 Oldani, Jeny, of Jcnsan, Oldani & Cooper, re: meeting to begin interviewing proce~ss for final candidates for City Marmger.(l 1/20) ............................ 467 Oldhan~ Inc., Avenue Top, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(6/15) ................. 168,246 Olsen, Randy, CLAIM; referrzi.(8/l?)(9/8) ........................... 357,376 INDEX ~ BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Olson, Craig, Utilities Dir., presentation on Sewer User Charges.(g/14) ........................................... 379 Oneyear, Dennis, ~e: development of vacant property on Southern Ave; re: $700,000 HUD tlousing Grm~t; appointed to tiousing Comm.(3/16)(3/16)(9/8) ............... 99,101,366 Open Space District (Public) established in Zouing Ord. (2/17)(3/2) ............................................. 65,90 Open Forum Public Hearing re: IDOT improvement of US 52 from Jackson County north.(3/2) ................................ 97 Ol~ratlon: New View resignation of C. Member D. Nicholson and appointment of C. Member Nagin and Deich and Assist. Mgr. S. Johnson with D. Nicholson as altemate.(l/6) ............................................ 4 Operation: New View, appointment of Council Member D. Deich. (6/1) .................................................. 226 Operation: New View, appointment of Dan Nicholson as Council rep. and Dirk Vcetberg as alternate.(7/6) ................... 262 Operation: New View, awarded Community Partnership Program (op2 funds.(Hi/5) .......................................... 396 Op~afion: New View, Purchase of Services Agreement funding.(6/1) ............................................. 233 Operations/Maintenance Div. Budget re: funding of equipment ete.(2/29) ........................................ 77 Optimists receiving "Youth Appreciation Week" Proeinmation. (11/2) ................................................. 428 Order of Eagies, Cig. Per.(6/l 5) ...................................... 246 Ordinance No. 1-92 revising Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 585-587 University from OR to C-2.(1/6) .................. 7 Ordinance No. 2-92 Revising Zoning Ord. by reclassifying pro~rty west of Pasadena Ct, from OS Office Servic~ Dis. to R-3.(1/6) ...................................... 8 Ordinance blo. 3-92 Revising Zoning Code by reclassifying property at 365 Cedar Cross Rd. from R-1 to CS. (1/6) .................................................... 9 Ordinance No. 4-92 Revising Zoning Codo by reclassifying property near 3385 Asbary from OR to C-2, with cond01ons.(l/6) ............................................. 9 Ordinance No. 5-92 Providing for levy of a Hotel-Motel T~x of 7%.(1/20) ................................................ 22 Ordinance No, 6-92 Amending Code by deleting parts of Jones St. & Locust St. from Subsections (b) and (c) of Sec. 32-385 providing for Alternate Street parking. (1/20) .................................................. 23 Ordinance No. 7-92 Amending Code by adding Stewart St. to Subeeetion (c) of Sect. 32-262 providing for Two Hour Parking.( 1/'20)(514) ................................... 24,164,165 Ordinance No. 8-92 Amending Zoning Code by reclassifying property near 3870 Peru Rd. (described as Lots 532, 522, 523, 524, 527, 528, 529 & 530 in N. Dbq. Addn. and owned by C. Maxine ttoag) from R-I to R-3, with conditions.(1/20) ............ 29,30 Ordinance No. 9-92 Amending Zoning Code by reclassifying property located at 3328 and 3350 Center Grove Rd. from LI to C-3.(1/20) ..................................... . .......... 31 Ordinance No. 10-92 Amending Code by adding "Animal lfospital/Clinic" and "Kennel" to the CS Corem. Service & Wholesale Dis, and adding definition of "Kennel" to Sec. 8, definitions. (1/20)(2/3) ............................................. 29,45 Ordinance No. 11-92 Amending Sec. 2-42 of the City Code re: Establishment of Committee. Boards & Commissions, by adding a new paragraph (g) requiring members of Boards & Commissions to be residents of the City.(2/3) ............... 46 Ordinance No. 12-92 Amending Sec. 32-383 of the Code n~: Residential Parking Permit Program by adopting a new Subparagraph (1.5) providing for Exceptions to n~qulrementa for & Re*idontial Parking Permit District(2/3) .......................... 48 Or~nance No. 12-92 Establishing tbe Holy Trinity Revitalization Axv. a aa an Urban Revitalization Area Pursuant to Ch. 404 of the Code.(2/17) .......................................... 60 Ordinance No. 14-92 Amending the City Code by adopting it new Sec. 32-395 providing for the designation of a Cer~n Arce aa Residential Pa~ldng Permit District.(2/17) .................... 61 ordinance No. 16-92 Amending the Code by r~.allng Sec. 38-16(6) Establishing Fees Charged for Alarm Monitoring and adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec, 38-16(6) establishing Fees Charged for Alarm Monitoiing.(2/29) ............................ 79 Ordinance No. 17-92 Amending the Code by repealing See. 23-31(1), l~: Rates & Charge~ for the City Ambulance Service & adopling in Ben thereof a n~w Se~. 23-31 (1) t~: Ratza & Charge~ for the City Ambulance Service,(2/29) ..................... 79 Ordinance No. 18.92 Amending the Code by repealing Sec. 82-4(u) re: Elect~cul Permit Fees and Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Sec, 82-4(a) re: Elecuical Permit Peec.(2/29) .................. 80 Ordinance No. 19-92 Amending the Code by repealing See. 22-36 re: City Refuse Collection Rates & by adopting a new Sec. 22-36 re: City Refuse Collection Rates.(2/29) ................... 82 Ordinance No. 20-92 Amending the Cede by repealing Sections 31-22 and 31-23, m: Central Market. what may be sold there and the fees for permits, and adopting in lieu thereof new Sections 31-22 and 31-23 providing for a Farmer's Market. limitations on what may be sold there and Fees for Permits,(2/29) .......................................... 83 Ordinance No. 21-92 Amending Zoning Ord. by establishing a "POS" Public Open Space Dis. under Sec, 20-1 of the Special Pmgoec Districts and establishing a new Sec. 3-5.4 "POS" Publin Open Space Dis.(2/17)(3/2) ................... 65,66,90,91 Ordinance No. 22-92 Repealing Sec. 11-58(e) of the City Code which established a Moratorium on issuance of Building Pem'lits for new construction, other than construction for General Offices+ in the OR Office Residential District and adopting a new Sec. 11-58(e) providing for a Moratorium on the issuance of Building Permits for Areas proposed for the POS Public Open Space District.(3/16) ............................................. 99 Ordipance No. 23-92 Vacating a Ix~tlon of Second St. adjacent to US Highway 61.(3/2)(3/16) .............................. 94,103 Ordinance No. 24-92 Vacating a portion of lowa St. from 2nd St, North to 3rd St(3/2)(3/16) ................................. 95,105 Ordinance No. 25-92 Changing the Nam~ of Lot 1 of Southgete Center, Adopted by Resolution No. 474-90, to Gateway Drive for that portion of Lot I of Soudigele Center Running North and South Parallel ~o Highway 61/151 and to StonelRll Drive for that Portion of Lot 1 of Southgete Center Running East and Perpendicular to Gateway Drive and Highway 61/151,(4/6) .............................. 115,116 Ordinance No. 26-92 Amending Ord. 43-91 by providing fo~ nn expansion of Target in Warren Plaza PC Planned Comme~alal Dis. at 3500 Dodge 5t.(3/16)(4/6) ............... 107,121,122 Ordinance No. 27-92 Vacating the alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln from Hamilton to Whittier.(3/16)(4/6) ........................ 108,123 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ordlnaece No. 28-92 Amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property on the se comer of Kaufmann Ave. & Cbaney Rd. from R-4 Multi-Fan~ly Residential Dis. to PR Residential District & adopting a Conceptual Development Plan. (3/16)(4/6) ........................................ 107,124-126 ordinance No, 29.92 Changing Comtsel Court to Dallas Court,(4/20) ............ 142 Ordinance No. 30-92 Vacating a portion of an Existing Public Alley between Kirkwood and Bellevue Streets West of Blake St. to be known as Lots 17A, 19A & 20A in Union Ave. Sub. ................. 128,145,146 (4/6)(4/20) ....................... Ordinance No. 31~92 Amending Code by reclassifying property located a. of Hwy 20, west of English Mill Rd. & e. of the NW Arterial from AG and C-2 General Comm. Districts to PC Planned Corem· Dis. & Approving a Conceptual DeveL Plan. (Walmart)(4/6)(4/20) .................................... 127,147 Ordinance No. 32-92 Amending Ord. No. 31-92 which rezoned eermln property from AG Agricultural and C-3 General Commurcial District to PC Planned Conunercial, for Walmart, Inc. by deleting Sec. 2 of Ord. No. 31-92, setting forth the Legal Description of the Property being rezoned from C- General Commercial District to PC Planned Commercial, and adopting in fieu thereof a new Sec. 2, setting forth a new legal description, removing certain property.(5/4) .............. 166 Ordinance No. 33-92 Vacating Existing Public Alley between Lots 3 & 4 of Fialey's Aden, in the City from Asbury Rd. Easterly 198 feet to the Easterly line of Said Lots 3 & 4.(4/20X5/4) .......................................... 152,173 Ordinance No. 34-92 Amending Ch. 27 of the Code by repenihig the definitions of "Disability" and "Familial Status" in See. 27-1, and by repealing Sections 27-62(2), 27-81, 27-82. and 27-118 relating to }lousing Discrimination and adopting in lieu thereof new definitions, providing for ltousing Discfiminadon.(5/18) ........................... 183-197 Ordinance No, 35-92 Repealing Ordinance No. 7-92 of the City re: two hour parking tnutat~on on be h s des of Stewart St. from Delhi to a point 120 feet north of Delhi St. (5/4)(5/18) ........................................... 164398 Ordinance No. 36-92 Vacating a perfion of Pennsylvania Ave. abuning Blk 2 of Snnset park Fifth Addn.(5/18) .......................... 201 Ordinance No. 37-92 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising the Zoning Ord. by adopting a new See. 3-3.2(D)(8) to allow a Groop Day Care Center in a C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis. as a Comiifional Use.(5/4)(5/18) ........................................ 175,202 Ordinance No. 38-92 amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying pwperfies located at 516-518 Rhomberg Ave. from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Residential Dis. to R-3 Malti-Family Residential Dis.(5/4)(5/18) ............................. 175,203,204 Ordinance No. 39-92 ~uneeding Zoning Ord. by adopting a Concoptanl Development Plan for property located on Kelly's Bluff.(5/18)(6/1) ................................. 205,218 Ordinance No. 40-92 amending Ch. 42 SuM. Regulations by repealing Sec. 42-14(d) and adopting a new See. 42- 14(d) in lleu thereof re: eliminadng review of major final subdivision plats by the Zoning Comm. (5/18)(611) ........................................... 205,220 Ordinance No. 41-92 anieeding Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property on Asbury Rd. form R-3 Malti-Family Res. and C-I Neighborhood Comm. Dis. to ID Institutional Dis. liillcrest Family Serviees).(5/18)(6/l) ..................... 204,221,222 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ordinance No. 42-92 Vacating a Portio~ of an Existing Alley between Aabury Rd. and Avnea St. from Cherty St. no~hcrly to an existing Alloy.(6/l) ............................. 224 OrdinanCe No. 43-92 Vacating a l~'tioa of Carter Road on tho Easterly Side of Carter Rd. approxtmataly 300 feet north of Kanfmann Ave.(6/I) ................................. 225 Ordinance No. 44.92 Vacating a portion of E. 14th St., Maple St. and adjacent alley (Juanita PI.)(6/1X6/15) ..................... 232,239 Ordinance No. 45-92 amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 607-609 E. 22ad St. from C-1 Nnighborhood Comm. Dis., with conditions, to C-I Neighborhood Comm. Dis,(2/17)(3/2)(5/18)(6/l)(6/15) ................ 65,90,204,217,240 Ordinance No. 46-92 amending the Code by adding a new Intersecfionlo Subsnetion lb) of See. 32-216 thereof providing for thn addition of Yield Sign at tho Inturaection of Dana Drive & Southway.(7/~) ...................... 266 Ordinance No. 47-92 amending Zoning Ord. by reeinssifying property located at 2050 John F, Kennedy Rd. from C-2 Neighb~hood Shopping Center Dis. to C-3 Gen. Commercial Dis.(6/15)(7/6) ............................... 249,272 Ordinance No. 48-92 Amending zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located NW of Crescent Court from R-I Single Family Residential Dis, to C-3 General Comm. Dis. (6/15)(7/6) ........................................... 249,272 Ordinance No. 49-92 amending Zoning Ord. by adopting Bulk Regulations for the Ten'ace He/ghts PR Planned Resid. Dis. on Peru Road.(6/15)(7~) 248,274 Ordinance No. 50-92 establishing an Investment Oversight Commission.(7/20) 286,287 Ordinance No. 51-92 amending Code by adding North Side of Fifth Street between Central Ave. & Iowa St. to Meter District "C" in Sec. 32-336,(7/6)(7/20) ........................ 266,288 Ordiliance No. 52-92 adding a new Artiele III to Ch. 26 of the Code ixovid/ng for the establishment of a Housing Trust Fund for the collection and disbursement of funds to meet the housing needs of the City's Iow and moderate income residents and creating a Housing Trust Fund Commission.(6/15)(7/'20) ......................... 242,290 Ordinance No. 53-92 Sec. 15, Div. 2, by amending Sec. 15-22 by adding n new paragraph (d) re: Responsibilities of the Housing Comng by amending Sec. 15-23 by repealing paragraph la) re: Number of Housing Commission Membess and adopting in lieu thereof a new paragraph la) relating to the number of Housing Commissioners; repealing paragraph lb) relating to initial appointments of Commissioners and adopting in lieu thereof a new paragraph lb) relating to appointments due to vacancies; repealing paragraph lc) glaring to aplxfintmants due to vacancies etc.(7/20) .................... 291,292 Orr/hartco No. 54-92 anaeading Ch, 26 of the Code by adopting a new Article II, establishing the Residential Relocation Assist. Program to assist tenants who are displaced as a result of Economic Development of Rental Housing,(6/15)(7/20) ............................... 243,292 INDEX - BOOK t22 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ordinance No. 55-92 amending Ch. 32 of the Code by repealing Sec. 32-370, establishing a Fine for the illegal use of Ifandicapped Parking Places or Devices, and enacting a new Sec. 32-370 in lleu thereof, increasing thc fine for illegal use of llandicapped Parking Spaces or Devices and creating a new section 32-374 authorizing the use of Temporary Handicepped Parking Meter ttoods.(7f20) ........................ 297 Ordinance No. 56-92 amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning fxom R-I Single-Family Residential Dis. to PR Planned Resid. Dis. and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan for purporty located south of Roosevelt Rd. and known as Lot 1 of I of 2, both of Lofts Place.(6/15)(7/20) .............. 249,299 Ordinance No. 57-92 amending Zoning Ord. by enacting in lieu thexeof, a new Sec. 3-3.2 C-2 Nnighborhoed Shopping Center Dislriet. C/f20)(8/3) ................................ 308,315 Ordinance No. 58-92 amending Zoning Ord. by enacting a new Sec. 3-3.1 C-I Neighborhood Comte. Dis. (6/15)(7/6)(7 f20)(8/3) .............................. 249,276,299,318 Ordinance No. 59-92 amending Zoning Ord. by regealing Sec. 3-3.1 C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Dis, & enacting in lieu tbereof, a new Sec. 3-3.1 C-I Neighborhood Comm. Dis. (also include allowance for Medical/ Chiropractic Office).(7/20)(8/3) ............................. 299,320 Ordinance No. 60-92 amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located North of Southern Ave. between Samuel & Valley Streets f¥om R-2A Alternate Two Family Residential Dis., OS Office Service Dis., and R-2 Two Family Residential Dis. to POS Public Open Space Dis.(7,t20)(8/3) ............................... 308,321 Ordinance No. 61-92 amending Zoning Orth by repealing the present Bulk Regulations and adopting new Bulk Regulations in Sec. 3-1.1(F), 3-1.2(F), 3-1.3(F), 3-1.4(F), 3-1.5(F), 3-2.1(F), 3-2.2(F), 3-3.10~), 3-3.2(P), 3-3.3(F), 3-3.4.(F), 3-3.5(19, 3-3.6(P), and 3-3.7(F).(7f20)(8/3) .................................. 308,322 Ordinance No. 62-92 Amending Code by repealing Sec. 27-131 (6)(C)(hi) and 27-132(3), re: exemptions from Fair Housing Statute, Sec. 27-138(3), re: Fair Housing Enforcement by Human Rights Comm.& 27-133, re: to interference, coercion, or intimidation, in exercise or enjoyment of fights under the Chapter and adopting in lieu thereof new sections ~: prohibited practices and exemptions r~: discrimination in llousing.(gf3) ..................... 336 Ordinance No. 63-92 Repeniing Sec. 5-7.6(a) of tho City Code re: Prohibition of Nineteen & Twenty Year Olds al)er 9:00 para Where Alcoholic Beverages are sold or dispensed, Sec. 5-7.6(c) re: Liability of IAcensec or Permittce for allowing persons under the age for lawful purchase or possession of Alcohol, adopting in lieu thereof new sections 5-7.6(a) and 5-7.6(0) r~: Aforementioned poli0ies.(8/3) ............................................. 338 Ordinance No. 64-92 by adding to Subsection (d) of Sec. 32-262 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Parking on Both Sides of Southpark Ct from Twin Valley Drive to its T©nnlans.(8,r3) ....................................... 339 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Or&naece No. 65-92 anmnding Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 1410, 1430, 1450, 1470 Tower Dr. & Lot 2-1-1-2 of Tower Heights from PR to R-4 & 1560 Tower Dr. & 2203, 2215, 2225, 2237, 2243, 2247 & 2285 $ang~ Dr. from PR to R-1.(8/17(9/8) .................... .'t55,360 Ordinance No. 66-92 amending Zoning Ord. by ~classifying propeV, y east of Donovan Dr. & S. of Cora Dr. from R-I Single Farnily Residential to R-1 Single Family Res. to R-2 Two Family Residential Dis.(8/17)(9/8) .............. 356,361 Ordinance No. 6%92 Amending Zaning Ord, by reclassifying property lecatod carat of Windsor Ava. & east of Liberty St. from R-4 Muhi-Fan~ly Res. Dis. to PR Pinanod Res. Dis. & adopting a Conceptual Devdiolnn~at Plan,(gllT)(9/8) ... ........................... 356,362 Ordinance No. 68-92 Amending Zoning On:l. by arannding Sec. 8 "D~flnliiona" by repealing and e~acting, in lieu thereof, a d~finition for Indoor Restaurant and Drive In/Carryout Restaurant.(8/17)(9/8) ...................... 356,364 Ordinance No, 69-92 Amending Sec. 15-23 of the Code relating to Membership, Vacancies, and Qualifications for the Hoosing Commission, by Repealing said Sec. and adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 15-23 providing for the membership, Vacancies, and qualifications of the Housing Commission.(9/8) .............................. 365 Ordinance No. 70-92 Amending the Code IA by modifying Sub~ection (b) of Sec. 32-214 thereof providing for the addition of Stop Signs on Eleventh St. at the On-Ramp to U.S. 61:(9/8) ................................... 370 Ordinanc.~ No. 71-92 Amending the Code by revising Subs. (b) of Sec. 32-213 providing fo~ the Change of Threngh Street Designation for Eleventh St. to accommodate U.S. 61 On- and Off- Ramps.(9/8) ............................. 371 Ordinance No. 72-92 amending Sec. 2-69 of the City Code providing for Bonds for Officers & Employe~s of the City &~adopting by repealing said See. and adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 2-69 setting the amount of Bond~ for City Officers & Empinyee. s,(9/8) ..................... 373 Ordinance No. 73-92 providing that the Zoning Ord. bo amended by amending the Conceptual Devel. Plan for Luther Manor Nursing Home PR Planned Res. Dis. at 3131 Htlicr~st Rth(9/14)(10/5) .......................... 383,389 Ordinance bio. 74-92 amending the Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 2699 Kennedy Rd, fnnn OR Office Residential Dis. to OS Office Servic~ Dis. (9/14)(10/5) .......................................... 383,391 Ordinance No. 75-92 amending Ord. No. 17-84 and Ord. No. 2-91 which Ord. established and amended ]ulien Dubuqu~ Diive PI Planned Industrial Dis, (Ed Tachlggffie). (9/8)(10/5) ........................................ 371,372,392 Ordinance No. 76-92 amending Zoning etd, by reclassifying pro~rty at 3300 Asbttry Rd. from C-2 Neighborhood Certain Dis. to C-3 General Comm. Dis.(9/14)(10/19) ............. 383,413 Ordinance No. 77-92 providing that the Code be amended by revising Appendix A bo an-ended by reclassifying property at the NW Corner of the NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave. from R-3 Multi-Family Real. to C-3 General Comm. Dis.(9/14)(10/19) ........................ 384,415 Ordinance bio. 78-92 amending Zoning Ord. by establishing an MHI Modified Heavy Industrial Dis., and Sign Regulations for an MHI Modified Heavy Industrial Dis.in Sec. 4-3.11.(10/19)(11/2) ............................ 419,430 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Otdinonon No. 79-92 amending the Code by modifying Subsection (b) of See. 32-214 providing for addition of Stop Signs on Arbor Hills Dr. & Higlfland Park Dr. (10]5}(10]19)(11/2) .................................. 395,415,437 Ordionnon No. 80-92 amending Code by adding a new inter~ecfion to subse~ction (b) of Sec. 32-214 providing for the addition of a Stop Sign at intersection of Canmlot Dr. & Radford Rd.(10/19)(1112) ...................... 416,437 Ordinance No. 81-92 Providing for installation of Stop Signs at intersection of Pasadena Dr. & Foothill Ct. (10/5)(10/19)(11/2) .................................. 396,416,438 Ordinance No. 82-92 Amending the Code by Modifying Subsection (b) of Sec. 32-216 providing for thc Addition of a Yield Sign at thc Intexsection of Hillcmst Road (North) and Pasadena Dr.(10/5)(11/2) ........... 396,438,439 Ordinance No. 83-92 Establishing a Community Development Commission.(10/19)(11/2) ................................ 416,439 Ordinance No. 84-92 Providing that the Code be amended by revising the Zoning Ord., by reclassifying property at 1105-1155 Loras Blvd. from C-I Neighborhood Commcmial Dis. to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis.(11/16) ...................................... 449,450 Ordinance No. 85-92 Amending thc Zoning Ord. by adopting Bulk Regulations for thc Table Mound Mobile ilomc Park Or Planned Rcs. Dis. west of Rockdale Rd, (9/14)(10/19)(11/16) ................................. 384,414,450 Ordinance No. 86-92 Amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 1818 Asbu~ Rd. from R-1 Single Family Res. to R-2 Two Family Res. Dis.(lO/19)(llll6) ................ 419,452 Ordinance No. 87-92 Amending thc Code by adding new intersections to Sub. (b) of Sec. 32-214 thereof providing for thc addition of Stop Signs at the Intersections of Marion St., Concord St., Concord Ct., ond Stctmoro St. (lO/5)(ll/2)(ll/16) ............. 395,396,416,436,453 Ordinance No. 88-92 Repealing Article IV of Ch. 33 of City Code regulating Noises & adopting ancw Article IV of Ch. 33, regulating Noises & Providing the procedure for Variance Permits; Repealing Article IV of Ch. 32, Relating to Noise Control; and Repealing Sec, 32-111 Relating to Mufflers on Motor Vehicles, and Adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 32-111 relating to Mufflers on Motor Vchiules.(ll/16) ............... 454 Ordinance No. 89-92 Authorizing Midwest Gas, A Division of Midwest Power Systems to Construct Two Flush Mount Observation Wulls in Bissell Lanes.(11/16) ....................... 457 Ordinance No. 90-92 Authorizing Pusateri's Restaurant to construct an Awning/Sign at 2400 Central Avenue. (11/16) .............................................. 458,459 Ordinance No. 91-92 Amending the Code by Adding Part of Jackson St. to the Two Hour Timc Zones Designated in Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-262 Providing for Two IIour Parking.(11/16) ................................... 460 Ordinance No. 92-92 Amending the Code by Deleting parts of E. 12th St. from Subsection (d) of Sec. 32-262 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of ParMng and by adding Parts of W. 12th St. to Subsection (d) of Soc. 32-262 thereof providing for the proMbiting of Parklng.(l 1/16) ................................. 461 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ordlnonca~ No. 93-92 Ara~dding Zo~ng Ord. by mula~sifylng pra~rty 1~ West ~ ~way 61/151 ~m 4~ S~ ~ Jones S~ & ~t of ~mt Sc from LI ~ght Indus~ ~s. ~ C-4 ~wn~ ~ ~s. (11116)(12~) ........................................ 463,469 O~n~ No. 94-92 ~ovi~ng f~ ~ ~d~nt of ~d. No. 43-91 w~oh ~d. ~end~ ~e PC Pl~n~ Co~ei~ Dis~ot for W~n PI~.(11/16)(12~) ............. 463.470 Ot~n~ No. 95-92 Amon~ng ~ng O~. by Mding a new S~. 5-3.3(D) ~ ~inw S~o~ ~fiom ~d ~ding a now S~. 5-3.7 ~ ~mbHsh pr~s for grating S~ifl Ex~pfions.(11/16)(12fl) ............................ 463,472 Or~n~ No. 96-~ ~n~ng C~ 4 of ~ m: Rcg~afion of ~ Pg~ng Lo~.(l~) ................................ 475 ~n~ No. 97-~ ~eMing C~ 4 of ~ C~o by Ad~fing a Now S~4-11 Rdafi~ ~ Off-A~ Cg R~ Bu~nc~.(l~) ........................................ 475,476 Or~n~ No. 98-92 Amo~ng S~. 25-8 of ~ ~ty ~ Mding now Subs~fiom (~) ~ (0 mlaang m Historic ~o~afion Cgfifl~s.(l~) ............................. 477,478 Or~nan~ No, 99-92 Auth~ng ~d~st O~, A Division of ~dwost Power Syste~ Inc. to C~s~t One (1) Cl~mr of 3 Monit~ Wulls.(12fl) .............................. 480 Or~n~ No. 1~92 Amending ~ by Mding ~ Subsection (d) of ~. 32-~2 pro~ding fg ~c pmhi~ng of ~ng on ~c Nor~ Sido of Kcyway ~. from ~o~ F. Kennedy Rd. m W~d Dr. sad on ~ E~t sid~ of W~d ~. ~om Koyway Dr. ~ F~II Rd.(l~)(12~l) .................................... 479,497,498 ~n~ ~n~ng ~ing ~. by ~p~ng now f~ ~fifi~fions in ~. 61-1.1 ~d n~w s~fion 6-3.3 f~ ~m~ in T~xt A~M~nm - ~jcct~.(l/6) .................. 6 Or~ No. Am~ding ~ng C~0 by recl~sifying pr~ n~ 3870 Peru Rd. (d~c~d ~ ~ 525, 526, 531 & 532, in ~c N. D~. Addn., ~d owned by B~ Becket) ~om R-1 to R-3. (1~0) ...................................... 30 Or~n~ No.. Amon~ng ~ning O~, by teeing ~o~ay at · o nw comer of Pcnnsylv~ia Ave. & NW Agcfi~ from R-3 M~ergc ~n~ty Mulfi-F~ly Rcs. ~s. to Gcner~ C~ci~ Dis.(~17)0~)(10/19) ................... 66,90,414 Or~n~ce No. ~eading U~o by ~if~ng subsection (b) of ~, 32-214 pm~ding f~ ~ifion of Stop Signs On T~ SL at M~n St(SB) ................................. 339 Or~n~ No. vatting a ~ of Po~sylv~a Ave. abutting B~ 2 of Sunset Pgk 5~ Addn.(5]4) ...................... 176 Or~n~ No. ~n~ng Ord. No. 75-90 which esmblish~ a C-1 Nulgh~ Co~re~ ~s~c~ ~ ~adifions, for pm~ay l~a~ at ~7-6~ E. ~nd S~ ~ ~lcfing O) in ~ Mcm~dum of Ag~mont ~d M~fing a new Memo~dum of Ag~m~nt, f~ ho~s of ~mfion from 5:~ a.m to 11:~ p.m.(5/18)(6/1) .............. 204,217 Or~n~ No, vacating a ~on of ~ existing ~cy ~own ~ ~ 166A, ~t 166B ~d Lot I~C in Finloy's Addn.(5/18) ............................................. 209 Or~n~cc No. ~oviding f~ Yield Signs at intcrs~fion of Ar~r ~ls Dr. & HigM~d Pgk Rd.(lO/5)(lO/19) ............... 395,415 Or~n~ No. ~n~ng C~ by ~l~fying 1~ at 83 ~ust, 301, 3053~ & 313 lon~ SC ~om ~4 m OR O~ Re~donfifl Dis.(10/19)(11~) ............. 419,430 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ordinance No. Amending the Zoning Ord. by reulaasifying properties located at 3385, 3333, 3305, 3350 & 3330 Asbury Rd. & 2120, 2140, 2200, 2260, 2300 and 2255 Kennedy Rd. from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center to C-3 General Comm. Dis. & reclassifying 2180 Keunedy Rd. from R-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Res. Dis. to C-3 General Comm. Dis.(11/16) ............................. 462 Ordinance No, Amending Cede by revising the Zoning Ord. to reclassify property located E. of Cedar Cross Rd. & South of 198 Cedar Cross Rd. from AG Agricultural Dis. to CS Commercial Service & Wholesale Dis.(12/21) ............. 499 Ordinance No. Amending Code by repealing certain sections of Ch. 7 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of Ch. 7 regarding Animal ControL(124'21) .............................. 497 Ordinance No. Amending Code by revising the Zoning Ord. to reclassify property at 486 hl. Orandview Ave, fi-om C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis. to ID Institutional Dis. and amending Ord. 45-91 by approving an Amended Conceptual Development Plan for The Finley tlospital 1D Institutional Dis.(12/21) ..................................... 500 Ordinance No. Amending Code by revising Zoning Ord. to reclassify property located at 1320 Locust St. from OR Office Residential Dis. to CC Office Comm~ Dis. (12/21) ................................................. 499 Ostrander, Pat, received City Certificate of Appreniation.(3/2) .................. 87 Oversight Commission, Investment, established, for Investment pofinies etc. of City.(7/6)(7/20) ,,.: ......................... 264,286 Owens, Elaine, re: comment about Conceptual Development Plan for Lot'aa Estates etc.(7/6) ................................... 276 Owens, Mm re: private road alignment(7/20) ............................. 301 Oyen, Kevin dba as Miller Elec. Supply re: vacation of RR Easement on Kevi~er.(10/5) ................................... 402 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE P pJ.'s, Peggy Schallar, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15) ........................ 246,247 P.M.S.T, Inc., Happy's Place, Liq. Lie.(9/14) ............................. 382 pear, Dennis, CLAIM.(3/2) ........................................... 96 Pacholke, Rev. David, Chaplain of Finley. Gave Invocation. (4/6) .................................................. 113 palm, Dale, CLAIM; referral.(5/4)(5/18) .............................. 180,211 Pap~, Lioda, CLAIM, referral.(l/6)(1/20) ............................... 13,33 . Pape, Lores, of We.stside Devdi., acceptance of Res. of final plat of Embassy West No. 2, Blk 4 Lots 8416, and BIk 5 Lots 10-20, and Lot A,(4/6) ................... 136-138 parades and assemblies, re: decision by US Supreme Ct, in Forsyth County vs, The National Movement.(7/6) ................... 279 pam~asit service, re: Regional Transit Authority for Keyline Transit etc.(10/19) ................................... 421 park & Recreation Dept, appointments of Mike Buelow, Paul Hoffmann & Mark Sdilivan.(7/6) .............................. 28I Park development negated at 1700 Rhomberg, Trinity Field, (1/20) .................................................. 42 Park Square, D. George, 600 Central, Liq. Lie.; Beer Per. ~ (3/16)(6/15) .......................................... 103,246 PARK & RECREATION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)(2/17)(3/16)(4/20)(5/18)(6/15)(7/6)(8/17)(9/14)(10/19)(11/16)(12/21) .... : ....................... 33,66,109,154,211,250,261,279,357,384,420,463,500 , p~king on east side of Jackson St. between 1 lth & 12th . Sts., Petition of Spahn & Rose Lumbar Co. (10/5)(11/16) ......................................... 405,460 pafldng regulations, alternate side, on Locust St, between Dodge & Locust.(l/20) ................................ 23 parking at Airport, regulation by Ord.(12fl) .............................. 475 Parking Ramp, Locust St`, Office Renovatlon Project`(4/6) .................... 131 Parking Regulations re: Stewart St, from Delhi north a two hour time zone;. Objection by T. Gavin. (1/20)(4/6)(5/4) ...................................... 24,114,164 Parking Meters on North side of 5th St, between Central Ave. & Iowa.(7/6)(7/20) ................................. 266,288 Parking elin~nallon requested on Keyway Dr. from Kennedy to Woodlaed.(11/16)( 12Z/)( 12/21 ) ........................ 453,479,498 Parking Prohiblilng on per tlon of West Twulfth.(11/16) ...................... 46I Parking Permit District, Residenliul for St. Mary's & Emmett St.(2/3)(2/17) .......................... ....... 48,49,60,61 Parking Ramp at Iowa St., New Lighting System contract. (1/20) .................................................. 39 'Parking Lot #3 in Riverboat Gambling Complex, construction. (1/20) .................................................. 40 Parking Ramps rate~ and chargea changed.(4/6X5/4) ..................... 114,181 Paddng Meter Hoods, Temporary Handicapped, fine for illegal usage ete.(7/20) ...................................... 296 Pannership Program, HOME Investment, request for release of Statu of Iowa funds.(7/6) .................................. 280 Partuership Program, op2, revised gnidelines ete.(7/20) ................... 310,311 Pasadena Dr., Portion) re: release of easement in Country Springs Sub.#2 ete.(3/16) .................................... 107 Pasadena & Feothill Streets, request for Stop or Yield Sign by Country Springs Homeowners. (8/3)( 10/5)(10/19)(11/2) ............................ 343,396,416,438 Pasadena Court, rezoding of property west,(l/6) ............................. 8 Pasadena Drive, dedication ¢te.(6/15) ................................... 254 Pasta O'Shea's, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15)(11/16) ........................ 245,462 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Patent Dee~ from 1DOT accepted for properties along north side of Soutbere Ave. from Locust St. and Samuel at.C//6) ................................................ 268 Patterson, Tim, claim refenal.(l/6) ..................................... 13 Paul, Carol, CLAIM1 referrul.(12/7Xl2/21) ............................ 483,500 Paul's Tap. Thomas M. Koch, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (7/6)(7/20) ........................................... 269,298 Paaley, Laro', m: Loras Place amended Conceptual Development Plan.(7/6) ..................................... 276 Peace Officors Week & Memorial Day, Proclamalion.(5/4) .................... 164 Peace, The Promise of, presentation by Mary McDoweil. (5/18) ................................................. Pear St & Cleveland St., vacant lot, request for vacation by R. Schultz.(l 1/16) ................................ 464 Pearson, Paulcia, reappointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(4/6) .......................................... 113 Pelican Pier, D. Benboom., Liq. Lie.; Beer Per. (4/20)(6/I 5) .......................................... 144,246 Peninsula, 4th St., Urban Renewal Dis.(1/6) ................................ 5 Pennsylvania Ave., & nw ~oreer of NW Arterial, rezoning of property from R-3 to C-2.(10/19) ......................... ~.. 414 Pnansylvania Avenue, plat approved of vacated proper~y abutting Bik 2 of Sunset Park 5th Addn. (5/4)(5/18) ........................................... 176,201 Pennsylvania Ave. & NW Arterial, property located at nw Career, from R-3 Moderate Density to C~3 General Comm. (& C-2)(2/17)(3/2)(9/14)(10/19) ................... 66,90,384,414 Pennsylvania Ave., vacating portion, abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park 5th Addn.(5/4)(5/18) ........................... 176,201 Pennsylvania & Radford, se career, approval of final plat of Lots 5, 6 B & C of Westmark.(1/20) ........................... 34 Pension System loan program, re: Finance Div. budget. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Perkins Res., Cig. Per.; Refund.(6/15)(12/21) .......................... 246,501 Permit fees for Eleculcal Code, amended.(2/29) ............................ 80 porron Enteiprises, Inc., Fat Tuesday's, Liq. Lie.(4/'6) ....................... 119 Pen'y, E. Eugene, re: funding request for Symphony Orchestra.(2/3) ............................................ 52 Pen3,, Lanan, applicant for Homing Comre.(9/8) ........................... 365 Persaud, Dr. Winston D., from Wat~buig Seminary, gave lnvocation.(l/20) ........................................... 21 Peru Road, 4001, amendment of PR Planned Residential Dis., Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park.(6/15) ........................ 248 Pare Rd., re: Bulk Regulations, Terrace Heights PR Plmmed Residential Dis.(7/6) ....................................... 274 Pare Rd., 3870, rezoning from R-1 to R-3.(1/20) .......................... 29,30 Peru Rd. amendment of Engrg. budget by ~dding to C1P. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Paru Rd.. 707, re: Helen Vo~vald questioned reasoning for no city utilities.(7/20) ...................................... 309 Petersen Subd., re: final plat of Lot 1, for Hillcrost Family Services.(9/14) ...................................... 385 Pedton to affix slreet names in South Gate Center.(4/6) ..................... 115 Petition of Rick Streif & Bob Leytem re: vacation of alleys of Finley's Addn. fxom Asbury Rd. etc. for parking loL(1/20) .......................................... 33 Petition of Holy Trinity Catholic Church re: vacation of alley between Rhombevg & Lincoln Ave. from Whittier & Lincoln.(2/3) ..................................... 52 Petition of Southway SC residents re: speed limits. (6/1)(7/6) ............................................ 234.265 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Petition of M. Willging for M. Halle's re: vacation of utility eeeement in Embassy West No. 2.(4t~) ..................... 127 petition of owanrs of Lot~ 1-10 & A of Conn~'y Sl~ings No. 2 ~lUesfing Council to rescind Res. N. 58-92 approving final plat of said p*~tty.(4/6) ........................ 119 petition of B. Nicholson for Fischer Co. re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal area.(2/17) .................................... 56 petition of Council Member Nagln wilhdrawing his vote of 1-13 re: secycling prngxam.(2/17) ............................... 58 petition of C. Borbech's re: exchange of propextiee with City.(3/2) ............................................ 98 petition of residents of Highland Park, Bas~dge Estate & Arbor Oaks Subd. re:stop signs at intersection. (10/19) ................................................. 415 petition of Richard & Barbara Blichmaon re: vacation of easement between 1785 & 1779 Sarah St.(7/20) .................... 309 petition of Delos Dorwaller re: 2105 John F. Kennedy Rd. dralange problem; week problem.(7/20)(9/8) ................... 309,377 Petition of A.J. Sl~ngel, IA Oil Co., & Tri-State Dermatology Clinic re: No Parking" on Sonthpark.~ Ord. prohibiting Paffging.(7/20)(8/2) ......................... 310,339 Petition of R, Dally re: development of Loras Estates. (10/19) ................................................. 421 Pe6tion of Midwest Gas re: Bissell Lane two flush mount obeervahon wells etc.(10/19) ................................. 424 Petition of Helen Vorwald re: no city utilities at 707 Pare Rd.(7/20) ........................................... 309 Petition of Mike Remakal re: extension of time for security required for plat of Northwest Ridge. (11/2) ................................................. 444 Petition of Tlily Woodward re: support for "Porlrults of Dubuque" project (7/20) ..................................... 296 Petition of D. Rusk re: Vision 2000 Financial Slatement (44) .................................................. 113 · Petition of 437 signatures re: Kelly Lane work ' seinstetereont. (2/29) ......................................... 76 Petition of John~E. Nelson requesting Roo~valt Rd. be removed from 1992 Asphalt Paving Preject.(5/4) ................... 171 Petition of Dlxi. Ceanty Bd. of Supervisors re: Egll Remodeling.(1/6) .......................................... 16 Petition of K. Simon's re: vacation of 100' of alley near 1909 Elizabeth.(3/16) ....................................... 110 Petition of R, Fuller re: 607 & 609 E. 22nd propexty.(4/6) .................... 114 Petition of R. Taylcr re: Iowa Trast.(lt~6) .................................. 5 Petition of Thad Gavin objecting to 2 hr. parking zone on Stewaxt St.(4/6) ........................................... 114 Petition of Jald-Wen re: amendment re: Variable Rate Rev. Bonds.(2/17) .......................................... 72 Petition of Vic & Leu Ann Stecber re: extension of conditions Res. approving final plat of Sub& of Lot 1-1 of Stanber Plaee.(4/20) .............................. 140 Petition of Country Heights Subd. re: release of easement in Countsy Springs Subd. No. 2 (& poKion of Pasadena Dr.)(3/16) ........................................ 107 Petition of Tom Leibold re: vacation & sale of progerty , on Car~r Rd.(4/~) ......................................... 135 Petition of C.M. Deich re: Human Rights Comm. "Conflicts of lnte~st".(1/20) .......................................... 21 Petition afR. Bortsch for Carl Burbach's re: extension of tim~ for bonding of neeessary Res. No. 30-92. (2/17) .................................................. 57 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Petition of S, tlemeseth re: vacation of alley on Cherry St-O/16) ................................................ 110 Petition of Eldon Pfohl re: NAACP & Human Rights etc.(2/3) .................. 45 Petition of 4th Stye, et area businesses re: Ice Harbor Urban Renewal area.(2/17) .................................... 56 Petition of E. T. Iloldings objecting to restricting ell Keyway.(12/21) .......................................... 497 Petition of Dbq. Community School Dis. re: restricted parking on Keyway from Woodland Dr. to John F. Kennedy Rd. (12/21) ....................................... 497 Petition of St. Anthony's Church fo~ Pedestrian island on Romdale St.(6/l) .......................................... 234 Petition orR. Clark & R. Sutton that City Mgr. Gearhart not be removed from office.(6~15) .............................. 236 Petition of T. Swift requesting City Manager Gearhart resignation.(6/15) ......................................... 236 Petition of Rolfie & Hilda Blume objecting to project proposed for Loras Estates,(7/20) .............................. 301 Petition of Diane TeKippe re: KDUB TV providing Cioscd Caption.(l 2/21) ........................................... 495 Petition of David Pins to purchase area near 405 Southern. (5/18) ................................................. 212 Petition of The Bench Co. to place Bus Stop Benches on sites.(12/21 ) ............................................. 501 Petition of Ron Smith, tn: extension of time for security for Loras Estates.(ll/16) .................................... 464 Petition of residents of Woodland Arms ~e: elimination of parking on Keyway Df. from Kennedy to Woodland. (11/16)(12/7)(12/21) ................................. 453,479.498 Petition for enforcement of violations at Hank's Auto Repair at 2819 Pinard St.(Il/2) ................................ 444 Petition of Carol Lynch re: Keytine Services to consider change in Red Line route.(12/7) ............................... 474 Petition of E. Tschiggfrie to voluntarily annex property which adjoins City fintits.(12/21) .............................. 499 Petition of B. Bockes re: burning of toxic waste oil sludges at rewage sludge incineortor.(5/18) ....................... 183 Petition of Atty. R. Bertreh for R. Kelly re: vaeatlon of easement in Sunset Park 7th Addn.(12/21) ...................... 500 Petition of KDTH & KAT-FM & Jaycees for fireworks display.(9~) ............................................. 376 Petition of Radford Road Development requesting extension date from 7-1- to 9-1 to provide for completion of tlummingbird & Camelot Drives located in Sunny Slopes Estates.(5/18) ........................... 197 Petition of Country Springs tlomeownera re: Stop or Yield Sign at corner of Foothill and Pasadena; installation of sign etc.(S/3)( 10/5)(10/19) ................... 343,396,416 Petition of Attorney W. Norman for Swiss Valley Farms etc. ~e: Phase I Improvements to tile Wastewater Treatment Facility & Water Pollution Con~xol Plant.(9/14) ............................................. 379 Petition of John Rettenmaier re: vacation of put)lie alley to east side of Rettennmler Flooring at 1105 Loras Blvd.(lO/5) ......................................... 394 Petition of Irwin Behr opposing stop signs at Concord St. etc. intersection.(10/5) ...................................... 395 Petition of Interstate Power & FDL Foods for variance at Airport for private sewage disposal system.(l 1/2) ................... 436 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE petition of K~bur-T~dway Co., re: vacation of alley mnniug n & a through city Mock that t~ bounded on north by E. 9th St, east by Washiugton St., south by E. 8di SC & w~st by Jackson St.(9/8) ..................... 377 petition of Duhoqnn SymphOny Orchestra requesting pennis,ion to hold Labor Day Fireworks at Hawth~ne St. landiug. C//20) ................................. 309 Petition of Staven O. Klesnnr, re: vacation of easement by e. side of Keq~er Blvd.(9/14) ................................. 384 petition with 56 signatores objectiug to proposed Conceptual Development Plan at L~as Estates west of Roo~evcit.(7/20)(10/19) ............................ 301,421 Petition of Michael & Rhonda Kronfcidt, Carreil & Judith Clark & John & Marcia Re. ttanmaie~, ~e: zoning Change at 1105-1155 Loras Blvd.(10/5) .......................... 394 Petition of homeowners on Concord Court ~questing signs at tntaraactions;traffic contsd signs. ~: i (8/3)(10/5) ........................................... 343,395 Petition of Spaho & Rose Lumber Co. re: two hour parking zone on e. aide of Jachaon St. b~twecn llth & 12th Sta.(10/5) ........................................... 405 Petition of Attc~ney E. D. Wright for Raymond & Anna Hanaen re: purnhas~ of two par~ls of real nstate.(9/8) .............................................. 377 Petition of Reinhold Nelissen of Richards Road for bunting permic(8/17) ....................................... 352 Petition of Ma~in & Nancy MeNamer ~: vacation of storm · sewer easement along beundary Bna botweens Lots 11 & 12 of Blk 1 of Mama Ridge.(9/8) ............................ 377 Petition of Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inv. by D. P. Shaniny, re: new Lease Agreement with Clint Inhnson, owner of Hcisler Marinn, to move sales & so'vice operation.(10/5) ........................................... 404 Petxakis, Dolow~ C., CLAIM.(II/16) ................................... 464 Petrakis Field, Usage Agreement with Northwoods League. (I0/19) ................................................. 421 Pfab, Gary, objection to Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Project.(6/1) ..................................... 216,227 Pfeiler, Gaxy, Donna Rolling, Donna's Dip Tap, Liq. Lie,(11/16) .............................................. 462 Pfohl, E~don, re: Human Rights Corem. & appointments; NAACP & Human Rights comments.(l/6) ........................... 3,4,5,45 Philanthropy Day, Prociamation.(l 1/2) .................................. 428 Phone A Friend, Inv., Purchase of Service Agreement. (6/15)(7/~) ........................................... 255,280 Flnard Street, 2819, violations at Hank's Auto Repair. (11/2) ................................................. 444 Fins, David & Patricia requesting to purchase green area near 405 Southern.(5/18)(7/6)(7/20) ....................... 212,278,302 Pipe Inn, B, K~me~, Kennedy Mall, Cig. Per.(3/2)(6/15) ................... 89,245 Pitcher, Dnann R., Finance Dir., designated to execute City checks,(9/8) ......................................... 372 Pizza Hut #1, 2075 John F. Kennedy Rd., Golinvaux, Be, ea' Per.(6/I ) ........................................... 230 Pizza Hut 6'2, 320 B. 20th, Beex Pe~,(6/l) ............................... 230 Planning Assoc. Inc., mzoning of properties we~t of Windsor Ave. & east of Liberty St.; constxuction of 24 condominiums et~,(9/8)(10/19) ...................... 362-364,420 Planning and Zoning Fees, re: new Schedule fei' amendments & repom ete.(2/29) ....... . .................................. 85 Planning Services Division Annual Rnl~t for FY 92.(12/7) ................... 483 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Proclamation of Governor Branstad: "Week of Reconciliation ".( 1/6) ........................................ 16 Professional Fimfighters Assn., Agreement with City.(6/15) .............................................. 256 Prohibiting Parking on portion of West Twelfth.(11/16) ...................... 461 Prohibition of underage persons in Licensed (Liquor) establishments.(8/3) ........................................ 337 Project Concern Child Care Referral Program (Block Grant Funds), winstated.(2/29) ................................. 77 Project Concen~Phone a Friend, Inc., purchase of Service Agreements.(6/15)(7/6) ............................. 255,280 Project Concern Foster Grandparent program reinstated. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Project Concern r~: funding of 3 minibuses.(2/29) ........................... 77 Project Concern, B. Baueriy rebuttal to newspaper article,(2/29) .............................................. 76 Promotional Exams for Police Corporal certified by Civil Service Cont (2/3) .......................................... 52 Proof & Final Plat & Scbndule of Assess. re: 1991 Sidewalk Repair Proj.(2/3) .................................... 52 Property Tax Exemption applications approved (residential). (2/17) ......................................... 70 Public Health funding of AIDS Preventative Ileahh Program-(1/6) ............................................. 15 Public Employees Relations Collective Bargaining, Closexl Session discussion.(12/21) ................................... 503 Public Heating re: WWTP, G.O. Bonds to support 1993 Constxuction Costs.(12f/) .................................... 473 Public Hearing requirement, text amendment re: Zoning. (7/6) .................................................. 284 Publication of City salaries on an annual basis, requested by Telegraph tleraid.(7/6) ............................ 266 Puls, Timothy J., applicant for llousing Comm.(9/8) ........................ 366 puls, Joan C., CLAIM; referrai.(5/4)(5/18) ............................ 180,211 Purehas~ of Service Agreement for Dbq. Humane Society.(6/15) ............................................ 256 Purchase of Service Agreement for Project Concern/Pbone A Friend, In¢.(6/15)(7/6) ................................. 255,280 Pumhase of Services Agreements for various organizations ete.(6/l) ...................................... 233 Pureha~ of Services Budget reinstatement of Project Conceva Foster Grandpm'ents.(2/29) .............................. 77 Puxeha.~ requested of Lot 281 of E. Dbq. Addn. #2 and abutting part of Maple St. and alley west of Maple St. (1/20) ........................................... 23 Pusateri Peppe Fizza, Pusatefi Bros., Inc., Beer Per.; canopy or awning/sign, Ord. ailowing erection; Beer Per.(6/l 5)(11/2)(11/16)(12/21 ) ......... 247,444,459,460,498 Pusatefi's Restaurant, CLAIM; referral.(lO/19)(ll/2) ..................... 420.443 Putehio. Rick, ye: 560 Maplewood Couxt, re: elderly housing residential faaility.(4/20)(5/4) ........................ 143,166 Pyafigorsk, Russia, (Sister City) re: funds distributed for hosting delegation.(g/8) ................................... 365 INDEX - BOOK 122 SUBJECT PAGE Road, Marjo, Uansf~ of County.(12/7) ............................ 484 t InvesUnent report submitted.(5/4) .............................. 181 Ken, applicant for TV Cable Comm. Teleprogramming; appoinmi to Comn~(l/20)(5/18) ............................. 21,182 Clean Laundry, C.C. Clark, C/g. Per.(6/15) .......................... 245 Thomas, appointed to the new Investment Oversight Commission.(9fl]) .................................. 367 Sub&, po~don of, acquisition of property n Pamida Kaune.(10/5)(12/7) ............................ 395,476 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Proclamation of Governor Branstad: "Week of Reconciliation".( 1/~) ........................................ 16 Professional Firefighters Assn., Agreement with Clty.(6/15) .............................................. 25a Prohlbiting Parking on portion of West Twalfth.(l 1/16) ...................... 461 Prohibition of underage persons in Licensed (Liqu~) establishments.(8f3) ........................................ 337 Project Concern Child Care Referral Program (Block Grant Funds), reinstated.(2/29) ................................. 77 Project Concern/Phone a Friend, Inc., Purchase of Sen, ice Agreements.(6/15)(7/6) ............................. 255,280 Project Concexn Foster Grandparent program reinstated. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Project Concera re: funding of 3 minibuses.(2/29) ........................... 77 Project Concern, B. Bauerly rebuttal to newspaper article.(2/29) .............................................. 76 Promotional Exams for Police Corporal certifieti by Civil Service Com.(2/3) .......................................... 52 Proof & Final Plat & Schedule of Assess. re: 1991 Sidewalk Repair Proj.(2/3) .................................... 52 Property Tax Exemption applications approved (residential). (2/17) ......................................... 70 Public Health funding of AIDS Preventative Iiealth Program.(l/6) ............................................. 15 Public Employees Relations Collective Bargaining. Closed Session discussion.(12/21 ) ................................... 503 Public Heating re: WWTP, G.O. Bonds to support 1993 Construction Coats.(12/7) .................................... 473 Public Heming n~qalrement, text amendment re: Zoning. (7/6) .................................................. 284 Publication of City salaries on an annual basis, requested by Telegraph llerald.(7/6) ............................ 266 Puls, Timothy $., applicant for tIousing Comm.(9/8) ........................ 366 Puls, Joan C., CLAIM; referral.(5/4)(5/18) ............................ 180,211 Purcha~ of Service Agreement for Dbq. Humane Society.(6/15) ............................................ 256 Pun:ha.se of Service Agreement for Project Concern/Phone A Friend, Inc.(6/15)(7/6) ................................. 255,280 Purchase of Services Agreements for various organizations etc.(6/l) ...................................... 233 Pun:ha,se of Services Budget reinstatement of Project Concern Foster Grandparents.(2/29) .............................. 77 Purchase requested of Lot 281 of E. Dbq. Addn. ~v2 and abutting paxt of Maple St. and alley west of Maple St. (1/20) ........................................... 23 Pusatafi Peppe Pizza. Pusatesi Bros., Inc., Beer Per.; canopy or awning/sign, Ord. allowing erection; Beer Per.(6/15)(11/2)(11/16)(12/21) ......... 247,444,459,460~498 Pu~ateWs Restaurant, CLAIM; referral.(10/19)(ll/2) ..................... 420,443 Putchio, Rick, re: 560 Maplewood Court, re: elderly housing residential faullity.(4/20)(5/4) ........................ 143,166 Pyatigorsk, Russia, (Sister City) re: funds distributed fca' hosting delegation.(g/8) ................................... 365 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Quan'y, Road, Marjo, transfer of County.(12/7) ............................ 484 Quarterly lnveatment report submitted.(5/4) .............................. lgl Quesnell, Ken, applicant fca' TV Cable Comm. Talepmgramming; appointed to Conun.(1/20)(5/18) ............................. 21,182 Quick Clean Laundry, C.C. Clark, Cig. Per.(6/15) .......................... 245 Qulgg, Thomas, appointed to the new Investment Oversight Comralssion.(9f~) .................................. 367 Qalgley's Subd., portion of, acquisition of property from Putrida Kaune.(10/5)(12/7) ............................ 395,476 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Race Unity, Vision of, Presentation.(5/18) ............................... 182 Rackls, Steven, reappointed to tile Human Rights Comm. (1/6) .................................................... 4 Radfecd Rd. & Camelot Dr. intersection, Stop Sign installation.(lO/5)(lO/19)(lll2) .......................... 396,416,437 Radford Road l~velopmunt, extension date for completion of Hummiagbird & Camelot Dr.(5/18) ........................... 197 Radford Rd., final plat of Sunny Slopes Phase Il Lots 7~12 etc.(4,r20) ........................................ 157,158 Rad~ologic Technology Week, Proclamation.(10/5) ......................... 387 Radios for Street Dept., contingency list for budget. (2/29) .................................................. 77 Railroad Waata oil sludge buraed at Wastewater Plant, objections etc.(10/5) ....................................... 394 Railroad eeson~nt vacation alongside Kerper Bird, otc. (9/14)(10/5)(10/19) .................................. 384,402,412 Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Marts, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(8/17)(9/14)(11/16)(12/21) ............ 245,355,382,462.498 Rainbow Lounge, Sad Cafe, inn,, Liq. L/c.; Outdoor Sarviee Area.(4/6)(9/8) .................................. 119,374 Ramp, Locust Street Parking, Office Renovation Project.(4/6) ............................................. 131 Ramps, On and Off, for US. 61, change in Thwugh Street designation for Eleventh St,(9/8) .......................... 371 Run~s, Parking, rates and fees changed.(4/6)(5/4) .................... 114,115,181 Rates & Charges for City Ambulance Servlee.(2/29) ......................... 79 Rates for Refuse Colieetion, amended.(2/29) ............................... 82 Rawson, Tom, appointed to the Civil Service Comm.(4/6) .................... 113 Real estate acquisition, 683 Angella St. from P. Kaune. 00/5) ................................................. 395 Real Estate purchase discussed in Closed Sasaiou. (3/16) ................................................. 112 Realty Co,, A.F., re: development of Stonaltill Comm. Subdivision etc.(l 0/19)(11/2) .............................. 420,430 Reeenciliation Week, Proclamation, for State signed by Gev. Branstad.(1/6) ....................................... 16 Records of City from 183%1900, microfilmed with Cash Matching Funds.(5/l 8) ...................................... 213 Recreation Dept. Budget, playground sites to be put back in.(2/29) ................................................. 77 Recycling Program, re: curbside & Agreera~nt for processing & Marketing between City & Environmental Recycling.(1/13)(3/16)(8/3) ............................... 17,99,347 Recycling program, Curbside, First Qum'teriy report.(8/3) ..................... 347 Recycling program, re: Comlcil Member Nagle rescinded vote of 1-13 meeting.(2/17) ................................... 58 Recycling Program, Dubuque Curbside, Preclamation.(3/16) .................... 99 Recyuiiog I~us, request for bins with lids on,(2/3) ........................... 52 Recycling alternatives & magazine collection etc.(10/5) ...................... 394 Red Ribbon Week, Prouiamation.(10/19) ................................ 412 Red Lin~ Rout~ of Keyline Bus, requested change.(12f/) ..................... 474 Redstone, Dbq, }list. Improvement, Co., 504 Bluff, IAq. Lie.(3/16) ............................................... 103 Reed, K,, Chateau Supper Club, Liq. Lie.(6/15) ........................... 247 Refuse Collection Rates, amended.(2/29) ................................. 82 Refuse collection accounts, delinquent, certified to Treeaarec.(1/6) .......................................... 14,15 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Regional Transit Authority, re: advunco notification if Keyline Transit with be paratransit service in FY 94.(10/19) .......................................... 421 Rehab. of Central Ave. from 20~h St. to 32nd St., Construction agreement. (3/16)(4/6)(4/20)(5/16)(6/15) ................... 102,114,140.208,209,238 Rehabilitation of Holy Trinity Revitalization Area.(l/6) ....................... 12 Reisch, Elaine, re: Loras Place rezoaing..(7/6) ............................ 276 Release of Easement requested by Country Heights Partnerships, m: fenner land malting up Counffy Springs Sub. #2 & vacating a portion of existing 10' utility earement-(3/16) ........................................... 107 Release of fuads for CD Projects, Request, prooL(1/20) ....................... 33 Reliable Drug S~re$, Iec.~ 3049 Asbmy St, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(6/l ) ......................................... 230,245 Relocation Program, (Residential), Rental Housing, re: Economic Devel.(6/15)(7/20) ............................ 243,292 Remakel, Mike re: rezoning of nw corner of Pennsylvania Ave. & NW Artefial. O/2)(lO/19) ................................ 90+414 Remakel, Mary Beth, objecting to Youth Hockey Program fee iocrease.(2/29) .......................................... 75 R0makel, Michael L, Mike's 76 Auto Center, Cig. Per.(6/15) ..................245 Remakel, Michael & Mary Beth, re: Accept. of Resolution re: Final plat of Northwest Ridge; extension of time requested.(10/5)(11/2) .......................... 407.408,444-446 Remsburg Drive, re: final plat of Northwest Ridge.(10/5) ..................... 407 Remsburg, Roger & Judy, re: School Tripper Bus System. (2/29) .................................................. 75 Renaissance Corp., re: rezoaiog of se comer of Kaufmann & Chancy Rd. (Boge).(4/6) .................................. 124 Rental Cars regulation by firms operating Off-Airport.(12/7) . .. 475,476 Rental Dwelling Operating Licenses, Fee lnereare.(2/29) ...................... 85 Rental Housing - re: Economic Devel., Residential Relocation Program.(6/15)(7/20) ............................ 243, 292 Rental Agl~ement between Five Flags Civic Center & Fighting Saints.(l 0/5) ...................................... 397 Renters' parking policy at Ecumenical Towers, objection by E. Joyee.(12f/) ......................................... 484 Repass, Dale re: Sunset Ridge area street water problem. (8/17) ................................................. 358 Replacement of Concrete Shop Floor at Keyline Transit Fauillty. O/2) ......................................... 92 Report, Annual for FY 92 for Dubuque Downtown Main Street Ltd.(11/2) ............................................... 428 Request for Ralease of funds for CD Projects, ProoL(1/20) .................... 33 Rescue Mission, approved Comm. Parmership Program (cp2) for Comm. Center,(lO/5) .................................... 397 Residency x~eqalrements of City, all appointees of Boards, Commissions etc. must be residents.(2/3) .......................... 46 Residential Property Tax exemption applications approved. Rosidential(~ larT)kln; 'p;~t 'i~i;t'ri'c; }~r' ~ ~ :sil~e;t ...................... 70 St, ~(2.t3)(2/17) ....................................... 48,61 Residential Relocation A~sistanc~ program.(6/15)(7/20) ................... 243,292 Residents of City, Ord. requiring all appuintee~ of commim~, Boards & Commlssion~ to be residents. (2/3) ................. 46 Resolution im~sentad approving Citizen Participation Plan for CDBG.(8/17) .......................................... 353 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Resolution Appa'oving disposing of Julien Dubuque Grave Site lo State of IA.(5/4) ..................................... 171 Resolution of Necessity Finding that the Amended and Expanded Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District (4th SLArea) is a blighted mwa and that redevelopment is necessary. (1/20)(2/3)(2/17)(4/6)(7/20)(10/19) ................. 26,46.54,127,288,412 Resolution Authorizing the filings of applications with the DOT, USA, for grants und~ UMTA.(3/16) ..................... 106 Respect for Law Week, Proclamation.(4/20) .............................. 140 Restaurant for Drive In/Cmryout & Indoor, Zoning Text Amendment.(8/17)(9/8) .................................. 356,364 Restrictive Covenants for Meadow Acres Subd., Declaration Statement & p~oposed amendment. (9/8) .................................................. :t77 Restroom/Shower Facility Project at Riverview Park. (7/20)(8/17)(9/8) .............................. 304,305,347,367,368 Resurfaeing of Central Ave., objection by Tegeler's; project awarded to River City Paving. (4/20)(6/15) .......................................... 140,238 Retaining wall at 1762 N. Main St., emergency repair. (8/3) .................................................. 335 Rethval Senior Volunteer Program Day, Proclaraation.(4/6) .................... 113 Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Purchase of Services Agremrc~nt(6/l ) .......................................... 233 Ret~enmaler, John & Marcia, re: 1105-1155 Loras Blvd., rezoning. (10/5)(10/19) .................................. 394,415 Rettanmainr Flooring, requesting vacation of alley to east aide of business at 1105 Loras.(10/5) ........................ 394 Retlenmaier, John, requasfing vacating of public alley to east side of Rettenmalcr Flooring at 1105 Loras.(10/5) ......................................... 394 Rettenmaier, Mark, re: 'l~xt amendment of new C-I Neighborhood.(7/20) ....................................... 299 Rhomborg & Lincoln, from Johnson to Farley, sanitary sewer reconstruction.(12/7) ................................... 492 Rliomborg Ave., 516-518, mzoning from R-2A Alternate Two-Faro. Resi. Dis. to R-3 Malfi-Esmily Res. (5/4)(5/18) ........................................... 175,203 Rhomberg Ave., 1700. re: tloly Tsinity Church property, re: park development?(l/20) ................................... 42 Rhomborg Ave. & Lincoln Ave., vacation and disposition of portion of alley for tioly Trialty. (3/16)(4/6) ........................................ 108,109,123 Rhombexg, Leonard, appointed to Plumbing Bd.(ll/16) ...................... 453 Rinhm-d, James & Darlene, re: final plat approval of County Lot I of Tschamer Pl. inclusive of portion of Darwood Acres ete.(12/21) ........................... 501 Rigel Corp., Godfather's, 1575 JFK, Beer Per.(3/2) .......................... 89 Right of Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT.(12/21) ..................................... 502,503 Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT.(1/20) .......................................... 41 Rislnger, Robert, re: difficulty in finding job in Dubuque. (1/20) .................................................. 21 River City Paving, Div. of Mathy, awarded Centxal Ave. Resuffacing Project (6/15) ................................... 238 River City Paving awarded contract for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project.(5/4) ........................................ 171 River City Tap & Grill, D. Lyons, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15)(11/2) .......................................... 246,443 Riverboat Gambling complex, parking lot #3, construction contraet.(l/20) ............................................ 40 Rivcrfront Sub& #3, 30' RR Easement in Blk 5 & 6, vacation of RR easement.(9/14)(lO/5)(lO/19) ....................... 384,402,412 Riverfront Development, availability of Zele B~ewing Co. etc.(5/4) ................................................ 181 Riverfront Sub& No. 3, disposing of 30' City-owned easeto~nt to Lyle Wbalen; vacation and diSlX~al.(10/5)(10/5) ............... 388,402 Riverfront l~valopn~nt Subaommittae, updating of activities; ete.(l16)(5/4)CI/20)(9/14)(lO/5} .............. 14,181,309,384,403 RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)(6/15X7/20)(10/5) .................................... 33,250,309,403 Riverside Bowl, Inc,, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Pex.(4/20)(6/15) . .. ................... 144,245 Riverview Park, Restroom/Shower Facility Project. (7/20)(8/17)(9/8) .............................. 304,305,347,367,368 Riverview Park, Management Agrecnmnt with John & Mary Miller.(4/20) ............................................. 155 Road alignmen~ approval of private with conditions suggested by Mrs. Owens.(7/20) ............................... 301 Robbins, Rebecca, resignation from Human Rights Comm, (12//) ................................................. 484 Robert's River Ride~ Portside. DInt. Casino Belle, 400 E. 3rd St., Liq. Lic,(3/16) ...................................... 103 Roboy, Dean, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjuatment.(3/2) .................... 87 Robinson, Barb, CLAIM.(12/21) ...................................... 500 Rockdale Rd,, ease of, Idlebrook Estates, final plat approval.(12/7) ........................................... 485 Re,thing, Robext, re: Wa~l~wat~r Treatment Plant facility improvements.(9/14) .................................. 379 Rogers, Randall, CLAIM; referral.(3/16)(4/6) .......................... 1~9,134 Rohr, Cheryl, CLAIM; settlen~nt,(3/2)0/16) ........................... 96,109 Rolling, Donna, Donna's Dip Tap, Liq. Lie.(l 1/16) ......................... 462 Rolling, John J., CLAIM; refenni.(9/8)(10/5) .......................... 376,403 Roofing Project for Ham Honse.(3/2)(7/20) .......................... 91,92,310 Ro~evelt Road, west of re: petition objecting I~ Conceptual Devel. Plan at Lotas Estates, etc. (7/20) . .: .............................................. 301 Roosevelt Rd. re4uestod to hn removed from 1992 Asphalt Paving Projemt.(5/4) ........................................ 171 Roosevelt Rd., proporty south of, portion of Loraa Place, mzoning from R4 Single Family Res. Dis. to PR Flannod Res. Dis.(6/15)C//20) ........................... 249,299 Rose. dale St., request of St. Anthony's for ped~trinn ialand.(6/l )(7/6) ....................................... 234,263 Roaenow, Robert, ~e: hiring policy for City jobs.(8/3) ....................... 329 Rotary Club, (Key City), Proclamation.(6/15) ............................. 236 Roth, Gerald l., applicant for Park & Reereation Comm.(7/6) ............................................. 261 Roth, Nicholas R. by mother Deb, CLAIM; refenal. (10/5)(10/19) ......................................... 403,421 RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program Day), Proclamation; Purchase of Services Agn~en~nt. (4/6)(6/1) ............................................ 113,233 Ruff, Teaxanc~ & Jean, CLAIM; re~'erral,(~17)(3/2) ........................ 66,97 Runde. Bob n~: Ic~ Harbor Urban Renewal area & possible loss of job.(4/6) .......................................... 127 Running, Kay~ M., CLAIM; denial.(10/5)(10/19) ....................... 403,421 Rusk, David re: presentation on Vision 2000. (3/2)(4~5)(4/20) ...................................... 87,113,142 Ryan, Ray, applicant for Plumbing Bd.(l/20) .............................. 21 Ryan, Kevin. CLAIM.(4/20) ......................................... t54 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Ryan, William, applicant fo~ Plumbing Bd.(l/20) ........................... 21 Ryan, Kevin, CLAIM; refarrel.(2/17)(3/2) .............................. 66,97 Ryan 1louse, L. Jacobsen, lJq. Li¢.(4/6) ................................. 119 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-92 Reaffirming the Appointment of the City Manager (W. K. Oonrhart)(l/6) ........ 1 2-92 l~ovidlng for the app~ntmont of the City Clerk (M.A. Davis)(l/6) ............ 1 3-92 Providing for the appointment of a Legal Staff for the City.(l/6) .............. 1 4-92 Designating the Offlcial Newspaper of the City (T-H).(I/6) ................. 2 5-92 Naming Depoaitofies for the City.(lj6) ................................ 2 6-92 Adopting the Keyline Compliance Plan for the Arneficens With Disability Act of 1990.(116) .................................... 5 7-92 Authmlzing issuance of Cigarette Parmite.(l/6) .......................... 6 8-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(1/6) ............................. 6 9-82 Adopting Plana and Specs. for the Eagle Pt. Water Plant Sludge Handling Bldg,(I/6) ......................................... 11 10-92 Awarding contract for the Eagle Pt. Water Plant Sludge Handling Bldg.(l/6) ......................................... 11 11-92 (1) Finding that the Rehab. of the Holy Trinity Revitalization Area is necessary etc, (1/6) ......................... 12 12-92 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Aecounts,(I/6) ............... 14 13-92 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Garbage and Refuse Aconunts,(l/6) ............................................ 15 14-92 Authorizing City Manager to sign Contract with IA Dept. of Publio Health for funding of Local AIDS Parvontativo Health Program.( 1/6) ........................................ 15 15-92 Approving Agreement for Processing & Marketing of Recyclablea between City & Environmental Recycling Corp.(l/13) ................. 17 16-92 Authorizing the Execution ora Comm. Devel. Block Grant Loan Agreement with Engineering Data Systems.(1/20) ................ 25 17-92 Authorizing the Execution of Comm, Eonnomie Betterment Account Forgivable Loan Agreexnent with IA Dept- of Economic Development and Englnecring Data Systems.(1/20} ........... 25 18-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(l/20) ....................... 26 19-92 Authorizing issnance of Bcer Permits.(1DD) .......................... 26 20-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor IAcenses,(1/20) ........................ 27 21-92 Adopting Plans and apecll, for Banker Hill Building Re,tiding Project-(l/20) ...................................... 27 22-92 Awarding C .o.,ntract for Bunker Hill Building Residing Project t~ Zephyr Aluminum Prodocts.(1/'20) .............. ~, , .~ ..... 28 23-92 Approval of disposal of utility easement interests on Lot 2 & 5 of Northrange SuM. No. I to Michael & Sara Portzen.(1/20) .............. 28 24-92 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Ham tlouae Rooflng Project-(l/20) ....................................... 32 25-92 Fixing DaM of Heating on Plans and Specs. for the Ham House Roofing Project.(1/20) ....................................... 32 26-92 Ordering Bids for the Ham House Roofing Project.(l/20) ................. 32 27-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lets 5, 6 B & C of Westmark in the City,(1/20) ............................................... 34 28-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1 of tho Balance of Lot 3 of Lot 11 of Yiannias Place in the City.(l/20) ........................ 36 29-92 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of 8 of Sunset Park 6th Addn,(l/20) ........................................ 36 30-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-21 Bxniusive of Blk 1, Lots 1 & 21 of Blk 2 & Lot 1 & Lot B of Sunset Park 7th Add,(1/20) .......... 37 31~92 Adopting Supplements No. 7 to the Code.(l/20) ....................... 39 32-92 Accepting Improvement for the New Lighting System for Iowa Street Parking Facility.(l/20) .................................. 39 33-92 Final Estimate for tho Now Lighting System for Iowa Strcet Parking Facility.(1/20) ....................................... 40 34-92 Accepting Improvement for tho Ice Harbor Development - Parking Lot Improvements, Pham 3, Stage 3.(1/20) ........................ 40 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 35-92 Final Estimate for the Ic~ Harb~ Deyelopment - Parking Lot lmpeovements, Phase 3, Stage 3.(1/20) ........................... 40 36-92 Aormpting lnrproven~nt for the lee Harbor Plaza.(l£20) .................. 41 37-92 Final Estlmnt~ for the Ice Harbor Plaza.(l/20) ......................... 41 38-92 Authorizing the Mayor to Exemute a Right-of-Way Assurance Statemeat for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT.(1/20) ................. 41 3902 Opposing the proposal of the Oo4emor's Cowan. on Government Spending Reform to Address Iowa's State Budget Deficit by re-allocating $50,000,000 from Motor Vehicle Use Tax Revent~ to the State General Fund.(1/20) ......................... 42 40-92 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per.(2/3) ............................... 47 4102 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(2/3) .............................. 47 42-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Li¢.(2/3) ............................. 47~50 43-92 Setting a Public Hearing on Establishing a Residential Parking Permit District on St. Mary's SC & Emmett St.(2/3) .................. 49 44-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Release a Portion of An existing 10' Wide Sedita~y Sewer Easement on Lot 1 of 1 of Edwards Place at (;enter G-rove.(2f3) ............................. 49 45-92 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Jones Street Stoml Sewer Extension.(2/3) .................................. 50 46-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Jones Street Storm Sewer Extension.(2/3) .............................. 50 47-92 Ordering bids for the Jones Street Storm Sewer Extenslon.(2/3) ............. 51 48-92 Determining the Necessity & Setting a Date of tinarlng on a Proposed Amended and Restated lee tlarbor District Drban Renewal Plan for a Proposed Urban Renewal Aran.(2/17) .............. 54 49-92 Rescinding Res. No. 30-92 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Lots 1-21 inclusive of Blk 1, Lots 1 aed 21 of Blk 2 and Lot A and Lot B of Sunset Park 7th Addn.(2/17) .................... 57 50-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pennlta.(2/17) ........................ '.. 59 51.92 Authmizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(2/17) .............................. 59 52-92 Approving Disposal of interest of 10' existing San. Sewer Easement on Lot 1 of 1 of Edwards Pl. at Center Grove to Midwest Heritage Inn,(2/17) ................................... 62 53-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Jones St. Storm Sewer Extension,(2/17) ........................................... 63 54-92 Awarding Contract Inr the Jones St. Storm Sewer Extension.(2/i7) .......... 63 55-92 Setting the Date of the Public tlearing on the FY 1993 BudgeL (2/17) .................................................. 64 56-92 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program.(2/17) .................................. 64 5%92 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Heating for the Use of Comm. Development Block Grant Funds.(2/17) ................ 64 58-92 Approving the Final Plat of I.ots 1-10, both inclusive, and Lot A of Country Springs Subd. No. 2.(2/17) ....................... 67 59.-92 Approving tile Final Flat of Ix)ts 1-10 of Blk 4, Lots 1-13 of Blk 5 and Lots E, F, G & tt of Eastridge Estates.(2/17) ............... 68 60-92 Authorizing the City Manager to sign a C~mtmct with IA Dept. of Public Health for Local AIDS Coalltion Program.(2/17) ............. 70 61-92 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption App's submitted by Pre, perry Owners in Cathedral, Jacksoo Pm-k, Wasbington St., W, llth & Windsor Park Urban Revit. Areas, and authorizing transmittal to City Tax Assessor.(2/17) ................... 70 62-92 Approving a First Supplemental Indenture of 'lYust re: Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, Series 2988 (Jeld-Wen, Inc. Project). (2/17) ............................................ 72 63-92 Adopting the Annual Budget as amended for tile FY ending June 30, 1993.(2/29) ........................................ 78 64-92 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program.(2/29) ............... 78 65-92 Approving a Fee Increase for Annual Rental Dwelling Operating Licenses.(2/29) ............................................ 85 INDEX - BOOK 122 I992 SUBJECT PAGE 66-92 Rescinding ResoIution No. 68-91, Schedule of Planning & Zoning Fees, and approving a New Schedule of Planning and Zoning Fee. s, in lieu thereof, and provithng for the establishment of a new Fee for Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Planning and Zoning Reports.(2/'28) ....................................... 85 67-92 Authorizing City Manager to negotiate contm~ct with Brice, Petrides-Donohuo for Fremont Ave. Bridge Replacement ProjectO/2) .............................................. 87 6802 Approving Agreement to Transfer Registration of Bonds (Agreement with Norwest Bank Iowa for Paying Agent & Bond Registrar for several City of Dubuque GO, Parking Rev. & Spec. Assess. Bond Issan.(3/2) ................................. 88 69-92 Authorizing isanance of C~lgaretto Permits. O/2) ........................ 89 70-92 Authorizing issuanon of Beer Permite.(3/2) ........................... 89 71-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie.(3/2) ............................... 89 72-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Ham House Roofing Project. et2) ................. 73-92 Aw dmg C ,;r t fo; ho '; '. ......... 92 92 7402 Pr¢lintina~y approval of Plans and Specs. for the Keylian Transit Facility Shop Floor Replacement. O/2) ........................... 93 75-92 Fixing Date of Hanring on Hans/Specs. for the Keyline Transit Facility Shop Floor Replaeemont.(3a) ............................ 93 7602 Ord~a'ing bids for the Keyline Transit Facility Shop Floor Replaecment.(3/2) ......................................... 93 77-92 Approv ng Plat of Proposed Vacated Second Street Adjacent to US Highway 61.(3/2) ........................................ 94 7802 Disposing of City Interest in a portion of Second Street Adjacent to US Highway 61 in the City. O/2) .............................. 94 7902 Approving Plat of proposed Vacated Iowa Street from 2nd St. North to 3n~ St.(3j2) ........................................ 95 80-92 Disposing of city Interest in City Lot 195A in the City. O/2) .............. 96 81-92 Accepting improvement for Flora Pool Reconstruction Project.(3/2) .......... 97 82-92 Final Estimate for Flora Pool Reconstruction Project.(3/2) ................. 98 8302 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of the City to execute Checks on behalf of the City. O/16) ....................... 100 84-92 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an application to the US Dept. of Housing and LI~ban Development for a Special Parpose Housing Grant. O/16) ....................................... 10I 85-92 Approving Preconshatetion Agreement with the IA Dept. of Translx~tation for the Rehab. of Central Ave. from 20th St. to 32nd St. (3/16) 102 87-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(3/16) ............................ 102 8802 Autborizing issuano~ of Liq. Lie. (3/16) ............................ 103 89-92 Approving disposal of interest of the City in City Lot 197A in the City, to the Fischer Investment Co.(3/16) ...................... 104 90-92 Disposal of interest of city property, Cit Lot 195A, in the City to Fischer Investment Co.0/16) ............................... 105 9102 Authorizing filing of a Consolidated Grant Application for Operating Assistance from the State Transit Assistance Program and Authorizing the Entering into of a Contract with IDOT.(3/16) ............................................. 106 9202 Of Interest to Dispose of Interest and Release a portion of an Existing 10' Wide Utility Easement on properties formerly known as Lot 3~ Blk I and Blk 2 of Country Springs Sub& in the City (known as portions of Lots 5,6 & 9 in Country Springs Subd. No. 1, LOt 6-3 & 8-3 of Blk 1 of Countxy Springs SUM., and portion of Pasadena Dr.).O/16) .................. 107 93-92 Approving plat of proposed vacated Alley between Rhomherg Ave. & Lincoln Ave. from Hamilton St. to Whittier St.(3/16) .............. 108 iNDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE · 94-92 Disposing of City Inte~st in Lot 466A and 467A of tlam's Addition in the City of Dubuque (vacating and disposing of alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln to Holy Tfinlty).(3/16) ............ 109 95-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lot I and 2, and Lot A of Blk I all of Oak Meadow Second Addition.(3/16) ......................... 110 96-92 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the DOT, USA, for Grants under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended.(3/23) ........................................... l12a 97-92 Establishing the Fees and Charges for Parking of Motor Vehicles in the Muhicipal Parking Garages.(4/6) ....................... 114,115 98-92 Authorizing the Award of Community Partnership (op2) Fund.(4/6) ......... 116 99-92 Authorizing the Submission of a Comprehensive Housing Affordebility S~ratagy (CHAS) to th~ US Dept. of IIousing and Urben Development(4/6) ................................. 117 100-92 Authorizing the Mayor m execute an application to the US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development for ltope Ill Fueds.(4/6) ............ 117 101-92 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per.(4~) ............................. 118 102-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permlts.(4/6) ......................... 118 103-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Licanaes.(4/6) ......................... 119 104-92 Rescinding the Previously approved Res. No. 58-92 for the Final Plat of Lots 1 through 10, Both Inclusive and Lot A of Country Springs Subd. No. 2 in the City.(4/6) ..................... 119 105-92 Adopting plans and specs, for the Keyline Transit Facility Shop Floor Roplaeemant.(4/6) ..................................... 120 106-92 Awarding Contract for the Keyline Transit Facility Shop Floor Replacement to Edwards Concrete Contracters.(4/6) ................. 120 107-92 Approving disposal of interest in property: Lot 466A & Lot 467A of Ham's Addn. to tloly Trinity Catholic Church for $8OO.OO.(4/6) ....................................... : .... 124 108-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacated Unused Northerly Five (5) Foot Portion of an Existing 10' Wide Utility Easement in Lot 8 of Blk 2 in Embassy West No. 2.(4/6) ............. 127 109-92 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of an Existing Public Alley between Kirkwood & Bellevue Streets West of Blake Stxeet.(4tB} .... ~ .................................... 128 110-92 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 17A, Lot 19A and Lot 20A in Union Avenue Subd.(4/6) .................................... 129 111-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for 1992 Asphalt Paving Project. (4/6) ....................................... 130 112-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project. (4/6) .................................. 130 113-92 Ordering bids for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project.(4/6) ................ 130 114-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Office Renovation - Locust Stscet Parking Ramp.(4/6) .................... 131 115-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for the Office Renovation - Locust St. Parking Ramp.(4/6) ....................... 131 116-92 Ordering bids for the Office Renovation - Locust Street Parking Ramp. (4/6) ............................................. 131 117-92 Preliminaxy approval of Plans and Specs. for the Inwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/6) ................................ 132 118-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Inwood Ave. Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/6) ................................ 132 119-92 Resolution of Necessity for the Inwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/6) ........................................... 132 120-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on the inwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer. (4/6) .................................................. 133 121-92 Approving Preliminary Sehedule of Assessments for the Inwood Ave. Sanitary Sewer Extension. (4/6) ........................... 133 122-92 Adopting Supplements No. 8 & 9 to the Code of Ordinances. (4/6) .................................................. 134 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 123-92 Accepting the Dedication of a 20' Wide Sanita~ Sewer Easement on Lot 1 of I of Mineral Lot 382 in the City.(4/6) .................. 135 124-92 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2~2-1-B Embassy West in the City.(4/6) ...................................... 136 125-92 Approving the Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2, Blk 4 Lots 8 through 16, and Blk 5 Lots 10 through 20 and Lot A in the City of Dubuque.(4/6) ................................... 136,137 126-92 Approving the Final Plat of the SuM. of Lot 1 of Lot I of Stecher Place, in the City, subject to certain conditions accepted by the owners.(4/20) ................................. 140 127-92 Endorsing Vision 2000....A Fotar~ for tbs Tri-State Community. (4/20) ................................................. 141 128-92 Authorizing isscence of Cig. Prx.(4/20) ............................ 143 129-92 Authorizing issuance, of Beer Per.(4/20) ........................... 143 130-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie. (4/20) ........................... 144 131-92 Approving disposal of City interest in property desesibed as 5' of eMsting 10' wide utility easement on Lot 8 of Blk 2 of Embassy West and deliver & Release to Westside Development Assn.(4/20) .............................................. 145 132-92 Approving disposal of City interest in property described as Lot 17A in Union Avenue SuM. in the City to Alfred & Marion F. Wittine for the sum of $518.00 etc.; Lot 19A in Union Ave. Subd. in the City to John & Janet Hilley for the sum of $122 etc.; and Lot 20A in Union Avenue Subd. to Ronald & Julie Scbiades for the sum of $144 etc.(4/20) .............. 146 133-92 Preliminary approval of pinas and specs, for the Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Wall Rophicemant.(4/20) ........ 150 134-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Eagle Point Water Sludge Handling Building Wall Replacement.(4/20) ............ 150 135-92 Ordering bids for the Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Bdilding Wall Roplacemant.(4/20) .............................. 151 13672 Approving plat of propceed vacated alley batwcen Lots 3 & 4 of Fihiey's Addn. in the City from Asbory Rd. easterly 198 feet to the Easterly line of said Lots 3 & 4.(4/20) ................... 151 137-92 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 3A in Finley's Addn. (4/20) ............ 152 138-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Property Known as Sullen DubuQue's Grave.(4/20) ................................ 153 139-92 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Constsuction l~ogram. 140-92 Ap(b )n8 i4dai 'fi;t',;r'£,;d i,i.' ............. 154 (4/'20) ................................................. 155 141-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 7 through 31 inclusive and Lot D of Northrange Subdivision No. 2.(4/20) ..................... 156 142-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 7-12 inclusive, of Blk 4, Lots 143 inclusive, of Block 5, Lots 1-21 inehtsivc of Blk 6, Lots 1-12 inclusive, of BIk 8, Lots 1-9 inclusive, of Blk 9, Lots 1-6 ineinsive, of Blk 10, Lots 1-2 inclusive, of Blk 12, Lots 1-18 inclusive, of Blk 13.(4/20) ................... 157,158 A43-92 Approving the Final Pint of the Subd. of Lot I of Archdiocese Pl. No. 2 at Key West in Dbq.(4/20) ............................ 159 144-92 Approving the Final Plat of Southgate Center Second Addn. (4/20) ................................................. 160 145-92 Approving License for Emergency Access Road around the Westeriy Edge of the lee Harbor, between 1st and 2nd Sts. (5/4) ............................ 146-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Vermlts.(5/4) .............. ] i i ~ i i 165 167 147-92AuthorizingissuanceofLiquorLicenses.(514) ....................... 168 148-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Inwood Sanitary Sewer Extension.(S/4) ........................................... 169 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 149-92 With Respect to the Adoption of ti~ Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the lnwoed Avenue Sasdtery Sewer Extension. (5/4) .................................................. 169 150-92 Ordering bids for tho Inwoed Arcane Sanitary Sewer Extension. (5/4) .................................................. i?O 151-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project, (5/4) .................................................. 171 152-92 Awarding Contract for tho 1992 Asphalt Paving Project to River City Paving.(5/4) ..................................... 171 153-92 Rejecting Bids fox' the Office Ranovation of Locust Street Parking Ramp.(5/4) ........................................ 172 154.92 Disposal of property, LOt 3A, in Finley's Addn. to Robert Leytem for $400.(5/4) ...................................... 174 155-92 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed Amandment to the Fiscal year 1991 Budget and Date of Public liearing.(5/4) .......... 174 156-92 Approving Plat of propceed vacated Pennsylvania Ave. abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park 5th Addm(5/4) ............................ 176 15%92 Disposing of City Interest in a portion of Pennsylvania Ave. abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park Fifth Addn.(5/4) ..................... 176 158-92 Approving an E,xsement with the Chicago Central & Pacific RR Co, for the Construction of the Ceater Grove Sanitary Sewer through Railroad Property.(5/4) ........................... 177 159-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension.(5/4) ....................... 178 160-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension.(5/4) ....................... 178 161-92 Resolution of Necessity for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension.(5/4) ...................................... 179 162-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for the Center Grove Drive Senita~y Sewer Extension.(5/4) ................. 179 163.92 Approving Preliminary Sehedule of Assesaraents.(5/4) ................. 180 164.92 Authorizing the City to Approve tho Actions of the ECIA Business Growth Inc., Board of Din~etors with Re~pect to its Subordination Request.(5/18) ............................... I97 165.92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Esrmits.(5/4) ......................... 198 166-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(5/4) ....................... 199 16%92 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year ending Jane 30, 1992,(5/18) .............................................. 199 168-92 Adopting plans and specs, for the Eagle Point Water Plant Sledge tIaedimg Building Wall Replacement.(5/18) ................. 200 169-92 Awarding Contmot for the Eagle Plant Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Wall Roplacement.(S/18) ....................... 200 170-92 Approving disposal of City property, Lot 1 of 2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 28, T89N, R2B, 5th p.m. in the City, to Carl J. Btt~oach.(5/l 8) ........................................... 202 171-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the 1992 PC Concrete Paving Project.(5/18) ................................ 205 172-92 Fixing Dam of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1992 PC Concrete Paving Project.(5/18) ................................ 206 173-92 Resolution of Necessity for the 1992 PC Concrete Paving Project.(5/18) ............................................ 206 174-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for the 1992 Concxete Paving Project.(5/18) ............................ 207 175-92 Approving Preliminary Sehedute of Assessments.(5/l 8) ................. 207 176-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs, for the Central Ave. Resurfacing Project from 4th St. to llth St. and from 20th St. to 32nd St.(5/18) ....................................... 207 177-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Central Ave. ACC Resurfacing Project from 4th St. to llth St. & from 20th St. to 32ad.(5/18) .................................. 208 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 178-92 Ordering bids for the Centxal Ave. ACC Resurfacing Project from 4th St.to llth and from 20th St, to 32nd St..(5/18) : ............. 208 179-92 Approving plat of Proposed vacated po~ion of an existing alley between Asbmy Rd. & Avoca SL from Cherry SC Nortbedy to an Existing Alley.(5/18) ............................ 209 180-92 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 166A, Lot 166B and 166C in Finley's Addn.(5/18) ..................................... 209 181-92 Approving plat of proposed Lot A of St. Mary's Place in the City.(5/18) .............................................. 210 182-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot A of St. Mary's Pl. in thc City of Dubuqu~ to Thomas P. Leibeld.(5/18) ................... 210 183-92 Accepting improvement for the Eagle PL Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Structaral Reinforcing.(5/18) .................... 212 184-92 Final Estimate for.the Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Building S~ructural Reinforcement(5/18) .................. 212 185-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program, Equestrian Heights Subd. gl & 2, Sunset Park Subd. g4 & Clarke Crest Estates.(6/l) ........................... 214 186-93 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program; Equestrian Heights Subd. #1 &2, Sunset Park Subd. #4 and Clarke Crest Estates Subd. (6/1) .................................... 2t5 187-92 Ordering bids for the 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program. (6/1) .................................................. 215 188-92 Adopting Plans and Specs, for the Center Grove Dilve Sanitary Sewer Extension,(6/1) ...................................... 216 189-92 With Re~pect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension.(6/1) ........................................... 216 190-92 Ordering bids for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension .(6/1) .......................................... 217 191-92 Approving disposal of interest of the City in Lot 166A in Finley's Addn. in Fidley's Addn. to Scott & Robert tIemesath for the sum of $99; Lot 166B in Finley's Addn. to James L. Smith fox $38.50 and Lot 166C in Finley's Addn. to Wayne & Dodia F~iburger for $60.50.(6/1) ....................... 225 192-92 Approving disposal of interest of city in property described as Lot A in St Mary's Place to ~rhomas F. Luibold for $699.(6/1) ......... 226 193-92 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 2 through 19, Blk. 2 & Lot C in Sunset Park, 7th Addn.(6/1) .............................. 227 194-92 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate at 659 W. 8th St. (6/1) .................................................. 229 195-92 Awarding Contract for lnwood Ave. Sanitary Sewer Extension to Stewart Construction orE. Dbq.(6/l) .......................... 229 196-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/1) ......................... 230 19%92AuthorizingissuanceofLiquorLicenses.(e/1) ....................... 230 198-92 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the 1991 SidewaLk Repair Project No. 3, Finodwall.(6/1) .................... 231 · 199-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1992 Sidewalk Repair Project No. 3, Fin<xlwall.(6/1) .................... 231 200-92 Ordming bids for the 1992 Sidewalk Repair Project. No. 3 Floodwall.(6/l ) ........................................... 231 201-92 Approving plat of proposed vacated portion of E. 14th St., Maple St. & adjacent ailey.(6/l) ............................... 232 202-92 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1 of Suanita Place in the City. (6/1) .................................................. 232 203-92 Approving Funding Agreement with Washington Nuighliorh~x~d Tool Libra, 1n¢.(6/1) ...................................... 234 204.92 Adopting Plans and Specilications.(6/15) ........................... 237 205-92 With Resl0e~t to the Adoption of the Resolution of Neecssi~ Proposed for th~ 1~2 P.C. Concrete Paving Projeet.(6/lS) ............ 237 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 206-93 Ordering bids for the 1992,PC Concrete Paving Project(6/15) ............ 237 207-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Central Ave. ACC Resurfacing Project from 4th to llth St. ant] from 20ih to 32ed SC(6/15) ............................................ 238 208-93 Awarding Contract for tho Central Ava. ACC Rcsu~aclng Project from 4th to llth St. and from 20th St. to 32nd St, (6/15) ................................................. 238 209-92 Approving disposal of interest in property of Lot 1 of Juanita Place to Donald & luanita K. Herbst.(6/15) ....................... 240 210-92 Rescinding Res. No. 187-92 and Further Directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the 1991 Sidewalk Construction Prngrm~(6/15) ........................................... 242 211-92 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Application to Participate in the Iowa Homo Investment Parmership Program.(6/15) ............. 243 212-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette permits (~evand hundred). (6/15) ................................................. 244 213-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/15) ......................... 247 214-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(6/l 5) ...................... 247 215-92 Of Intention to Dispose of City Owned Property: Lot 51 in Coriell's Dubuque, also known as 560 W. 8th St.(6/15) ............... 248 216-92 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1-27 of Blk I & Lot A, Lot B, Lot C, and Lot D of Mama Ridge Extates.(6/15) .................... 251 217-92 Approving the Final Plat of SuM. of Lot I of LOt 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of the SE 1/4 of the SE of Section 29, T89N & R2E of the 5th P. rta(6/15) .................. 252 218-92 Approving the Final Plat of the SuM. f Lot 7-3 in Blk 1 of Counffy Springs Subd. in tho City.(6/15) ......................... 253 219-92 Approving tho Final Plat of Lots 1-6, both inclusive, and Lot A of Country Springs Subd. No. 2.(6/15) ......................... 253 220-92 Approving a Funding Agreement between tho City & Dbq. Main St., Ltd. and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement.(6/15) ....................... 255 221-92 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City and Dbq Humane Society & Authorizing & Directing the Mayor to Execute Said Agreement.(6/15) ......................... 256 222-92 Accepting the Agreement between the City & Dbq. Professional Firefighters Assn., Local #353 & authorizing Mayor to sign the Ag~e. oment.(6/l 5) ....................................... 256 223-92 Authorizing Execution of an attended Annual Conoibutions Contract for Sec. 8 Homing Vouchers, Program No. IA05- VO87-012 (Replacing Program No. IA05-VO87-002)(7/6) ............. 263 224-92 Authorizing the Revision of Dubuque Data Services Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement.(7/6) ................... 264 225-92 Authorizing Execution of a CDBG Agreement with Dept. of HUD for Cal. Yr. 199Z(7/6) ................................. 264 226-92 Awarding Contract for Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension.(7/6) ........................................... 267 22%92 Awarding Contract for tho 1992 PC Paving Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co.(7/6) ............................... 267 228-92 Accepting Conveyance of Property located in J. Bmakey's Addn., Mineral Lot 39, in Miss. llalghls/43.(7/6) ................... 268 229-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette permlts.(7/6) ...................... 268 230-92 Authorizing issuance of Becr Parmits.(7/6) ......................... 269 231-92 Authorizing issvance of Liquor Licensm.(7/6) ....................... 269 232-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1992 Sidewalk Repair Project No. 3 Floodwall.(7/6) ................................. 270 233-92 Awarding Contract for tho 1992 Sidewalk Repair lh~oject #3, Floodwall to Max Smith Construction Co. Inc.(7/6) ................. 270 234-92 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property: Lot 51 in Coriell's Dubuque, also known as 560 W. 8th St. to Daniel W. & Joann M. Mcore.(7/6) .................................. 271 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 235-92 Fixing Date for Publin Heating on a Loan Agreement in a principal Amount Not to Exceed $4,200,000.(7/~) ................... 277 236-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 9 of John Breakey's Addn. in the City to David & Patziala Pins.(7/6) .................... 278 237-92 Declaring City Council intent to Lease Marshall Park to thn Dbq. Arboretum Association and Authorization Public Hcering.(7/6) ........ ' .................................... 278 238-92 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain State of Iowa Project.(7/6) ..................... 280 239-92 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Cea'rain State of Iowa Funda.(7,~) ................................. 280,281 240-92 Adopting Supplement No. 10 to the Cede of Ordinances.(7/16) ............ 281 241-92 Accepting Improvement for the 1991 C~ncrete Paving Project. (7/6) ..... t: ........................................... 282 242-92 Final Estimate for tho 1991 Concrete Paving Project.(7/6) ............... 283 243-92 Adopting tlm Final Assessrn~nt Schedule for 1991 Concrete Paving Project.(7/6) ........................................ 283 244-92 Adopting the City of Dubuque Investment Policy.(7/20) ................ 286 245-92 Accepting a Conveyance of Property Located at 659 W. 8th St. to the City,(7/20) ....................................... 296 246-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(7/20) ..................... 298 247-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(7/20) ......................... 298 248-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licensm,(7/20) ................... 298,299 249-92 Approving Lease of Marshall Park to tho Dubuque Arbo~tom Assm(7/20) .............................................. 302 250-92 Approving disposal of City interest of property next to 405 Southern (Lot 9 in Breakey's Addn.) to David &Patriela Pin~.(7/20) .............................................. 302 251-92 Instituting Proceedings to take Additional Action for the Authorization of a Loan Agreement and the Issuance of not to exceed $4,200,000 General Obligation Investment Recovery Notes, Series 1992.(7/20) ............................. 303 252-92 Fixing Date of lteafing on Bank Loan for purchase of Fab'way Mower for the Bunker Hill Golf Course.(7/20) ............... 304 253-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Riverview Park Rest Room/Showar Paellity.(7/20) .............................. 304 254-92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Rtvervinw Park Rest Room/Shower Faellity.(7/20) .......................... 304 255-92 Ordering bids for the Rivet'view Park Rest Room/Shower Faellity.(7/20) ............................................ 305 25692 Rngarding the Issuance of Hosl~tal Revenue Bonds (The Finley Hospital Projec0, Series 1992, of tho City & Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Agrcament.(7/20) .................. 305 257-92 Accopting improvement for the Construction of the Ham House Roofing Project,(7/20) ...................................... 310 258-92 Final Estimate for the Ham House Roofing Project.(7/20) ............... 310 259-92 Amending the Guidelines of the Community Partnership Program (cp2).(7/20) ....................................... 311 260-92 Annexing Pt. - L1 Govm'amant Lots 1 & 2 and L2-L5 Pract. Government Lot 1 in Sections 5 & 6, Mosalem Township, Dbq. County, IA.(8/3) ...................................... 313 261-92 Approving Pron~ssory Note & Loan Agreement in the Amt. of $17,130 for the Purchase. of a Fairway Mower for the Bunker Hill Golf Course.(8/3) ................................ 314 262-92 Emioralng a Proposal for Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Bishop Block Building for a Mixed Income Residential Development.(8/3) ..................................... · .... 329 263-92 Approving & Authorizing a L~an Agreement and Providing for the issuance of a Genemi Obligation Investment Recovery Note in the Amt. of $4,200,000 and providing for the Levy of Taxes to pay the same.(8/3) ................................ 330 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 264-92 Approving emergency repair of lime-stone ret:fitting wail for Sehinai residence at 1752 N. Main.(8/3) .......................... 335 265-92 Approving Right-of-Way Agreement with IDOT relating to US 20 ReconsWaetion project(8/3) ................................ 340 266-92 Authofizlng issuance of Cigarette Permita.(8/3) ..................... 340 267-92 Authorizing issuance of Beet Permite.(8/3) ......................... 340 268-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(8/3) ....................... 341 269-92 Resolution of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate an unused 5' Wide Utility Easemeot along the Easterly Side of Lot 14 of Blk 2. of Seeale View Heights No. 3.(8/3) .............. 341 270.92 Fixing Date of Hearing on Water Pollution Control Plant Improvements.(8/3) ........................................ 342 271-92 Fixing Dam of Hearing on Sanitary Sewer User Charge System. (8/3) .................................................. 342 272-92 Approving fl~e Final plat of Kelly's Bluff No. 2 in the City. (8/3) .................................................. 344 273-92 Adoption of Memorandum of Understan(ling on Food Contracts. (8/3) .................................................. 345 274-92 Accepting improvement for the Bunker Hill Siding project.(8/3) .......... 346 275-92 Final Estimate for the Bunker ttill Siding Project.(8/3) ................. 346 276-92 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Riverview Park Restroom/ Shower project.(8/17) ...................................... 348 277-92 Authorizing/Providing for issuance of $10,750,000 of tlospital Revenue Bonds, Series 1992, The Finley Hospital (8/3) .............. 349 278-92 Approving disposal of interest of 5' wide utility easement along the easterly side of Lot 14 of Blk 2 of Scenic View IIdights No. 3 to Rinhard & Barbara Blinhmann ( Sarah St.) (8/17) ................................................. 352 279-92 Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Letter of Agreement with Jensen, Oldani & Cooper. (8/17) .......................... : .... 352 280-92 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to participate in the Sec, 8 [lousing Voueber Program.(S/17) ..................... 353 281-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(8/17) ..................... 354 282-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(8/17) ......................... 354 283-92 Authorizing issuanc~ of Liquor Licenses.(S/17) ...................... 355 284-92 Adopting Supplement No. 11 to the Code of Ordlnances.(8/17) ........... 358 285-93 Approving Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Agreement with Dbt. Racing Assn allowing Connection to Sewer at Dbq, Greyhound Parlc(9,rS) ...................................... 367 286-93 Awarding Contract for Rivervinw Park Reslroom/Shower to Kluck Construedon.(9/8) .................................... 368 287-93 Approving a Citizen participation Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program.(9/8) ......................... 369 288-92 Authorizing the Filing of Amendment No. I to the Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the Community Dovciopment Block (h'aat 1992 Program Year.(g/8) ........................................ 369 289-92 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of City to execute Checks on behalf of the City.(9/8) ........................ 372 290-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette. Permlis.(g/8) ...................... 373 291-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(9/8) ...................... 373,374 292-92AuthorizingissuanceofLiquorLicenses.(91S) ....................... 374 293-92 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 642 University.(9/8) ................ 374 294-93 Vacation of Utility Easement (30' on southeasterly lot line of property owned by Lyle and Ann Whalen).(9/8) .................... 375 295-92 Approving the City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1992 Street Finance Report.(g/8) ....................................... 377 296-92 Approving an amendment to the Declaratory Statement Imposing Restrictive Covenants for Meadow Acres Subd.(9/8) .......... 378 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 297-92 Authorizing the Acting City Manager to enter into a Custodian Agleement by and betwe~en American Trust and Savings Bank and Separate Invustn~nt Advisor Agreorocnts by and be0~een Dana Investment Advisors, Inc., Dubuque Bank & Trust, and First Nationai Bask & the City.(9/14) ................ 379,380 298-92 Appointing Norwest Bank Iowa, National Assn. of Successor Trustee to Dubuque Bank & Treat Co, under Indenture of Trust with the City dated 9-1-77.(9/14) .......................... 380 299-92 Authorizing the lengthening of the Community Development Block Chant Program Year.(9/14) .............................. 381 300-92 Authorizing isscance of Ciga~tte Permita.(9/l 4) ..................... 381 301-92 Authorizing issuance of Be, ea' Permits,(9/14) ......................... 382 302-92 Authorizing issuance uf Liquor Licenses.(9/14) ...................... 382 303-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate an unused 20' wide Storm Sewer e~semunt in Blk 1 of Mama Ridge Estates. (9/14) ................................................. 382 304-92 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Peterson Snixl. in the City.(9/14) .............................. 385 305-92 Approving the Acquisition Plat for a Portion of US Highway 61, us shown in Exhibit A.(9/14) .............................. 385 306-92 Approving disposal of City interest in 20' storm sewer easement along boundary line between Lots 11 & 12 of Blk I of MarNa Ridge Estates.(10/5) ............................ 387 307-92 Approving vacation of part of existing well ea~ment across Lot 2 of Lot 2 of 2, Blk 2 & LOt 2, Blk 5, & Lot 3 of Lot L Blk 5 of Riverf~ont Subd No. 3 to Lyin & Ann Whalen for $1200.(10/5) ............................................. 388 308-92 Approving thc purchase of property of E 1/2 and N 1/2 of Lot 12 of Kelly's Sebd., also known us 642 University.(10/5) .......... 388 309-92 Of Intent to Acqdire Real Estate at 683 Aogelin St.(10/5) ............... 395 310-92 Authorizing Award of Community Parmership Program (cp2) Funde.(10/5) ............................................. 396 311-92 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Coml:lntion for the Downtown Hotel project~(10/5) ............................. 397 312-92 Approving an Easement Agreement between tho Blue Moon Development Co. and the City.(10/5) ............................ 398 313-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Per.(10/5) ........................ 398 314-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(10/5) ........................... 399 315-92 Authorizing issuanca of Liquor Lic.(lO/5) .......................... 399 316-92 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Authorization ora Loan & Disbursement Agreement and the Issuance of Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes.(lO/5) ............. 399,400 317-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Main and Third Street Traffic Signals.(10/5) .............................. 401 318-92 Fixing Date of Heating on Plans and Specs. for the Main St. at Third St. Traffic Signals.(10/5) .............................. 401 319-92 Ordering bids fo~ the Main St. at Third St. Traffic Signais. (10/5) ............................................ ' ..... 402 , 320-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate an Unused 30' Wide RR Easement in Blk 5 & Blk 6 of Riverfront Subd. #3.(10/5) ............................................... 4O2 321-92 Authorizing the Acting City Manager or her Designee to sign a Contract with thc IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Preventative Health Program.(10/5) ................ 404 322-92 Granting Authorization to Dubuque Yacht Basin to Sublease Property Leased from the City to C.R. Boats, Inn., an lows Coxp.(10/5) .............................................. 404 323-92 Approving Plat of LOt 2 of Lot 5 of Lot I of Ma~k Heights.(10/5) ......... 405 324-92 Accepting a Conveyance of property at 1169 Kelly Lane.(10/5) ........... 405 325-92 Approving Plat of Kouba PI..(10/5) ............................... 406 326-92 Accepting a Conveyance of Property at 785 Kelly Lane.(10/5) .......... .. 406 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 32%92 Approving the Final Plat of Northwest Ridge.(10/5) ................... 407 328-92 Authorizing execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Con~xact for Sec. 8 Existing Itousing Certificates, Program Nos. IA 05-EO87-004, IAO5-EOg7-005 and 1A05-EO87-006.(10/5) ...... 408 3~9-92 Approving proposal to vacate and tulease a 30' wide RR ea~ment over and acn-~s Blk 5 & Blk 6 of Riverfront Subd. #3.(10/5) ............................................... 413 330-92 Approving Ptcconstruction Agreement relating to Cons~uclion of Improvements to US 52/61/151.(10/19) ........................ 417 331-92 Aathorizlng iusuance of Cig, Pexmits.(10/19) ........................ 417 332-92 Authorizing issuance of Be.~ Permits.ilO/19) ........................ 418 333-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie.(10/19) ........................... 418 334-92 Of Intent to Dispose of Interust and Vacate an Unused 10' Wide Utility Easement and an Unused 60' Wide Driveway Easemcnt in Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of Stonehill Comm, Subd. No. 1 & Lot 3 of 1 of BIk 7 in Phase 1 of Stoneliitl Comm. Subd. (10/19) ................................................. 420 335-92 Approving the Final Plat of Whiskey Itill.(10/19) ..................... 422 336-92 Approving file Final Plat of Loras Ealates.(10/19) ..................... 422 337-92 Approving Documehts Consenting to the Acquisition of Lots 2, 3 & 4 of Westmark by Westmark Enterprises, Inc.(10/29) ........... 426 338-92 Adopting Plans and Spe~s. for the Main SM;et at 3rd Street Traffic Signals.(11/2) ....................................... 428 339-92 Awarding Contract to Weatphnl & Co. in amt. of $22,2.31.15 for Main St. at 3rd St. Traffic Signai&(11/2) ...................... 429 340-92 Approving disposal of into~st in 10' utility easement & 60' driveway easement on Stonehill Comm. Subd. to A. E. Realty Ce. il 1/2) ....................................... 429.430 341-92 Approving Agrecmcet with IDOT re: Transfer of Jurisdiction of Portions of Existing U.S. 52/61/151.(11/2) ...................... 436 342-92 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Per.(11/2) ........................ 442 343-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per. il 1/2) ........................... 442 344-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie.(11/2) ............................ 443 345-92 Rescinding Res. No. 327-92 & Reaffirming the Final Plat of Northwust Ridge.(11/2) ..................................... 445 346-92 Accepting improvement for 1992 Sidewalk Repair l~'oject #3 - Fieodwall.(l 1/2) .......................................... 446 347-92 Final Estimate for the 1992 Sidewalk Repair Project #3 - Floodwall.(11/2) .......................................... 446 348-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(11/16) ........................... 462 349-92 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie.(11/16) ........................... 462 350-92 Rescinding Resolution No. 336-92 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Loras Estates.ill/16) .................................. 464 351-92 Approving an Agreement with the IA Dept. of Transportation relating to Transfer of Jurisdiction of Portions of Existing U.S. 52/61/151.(12fl) ...................................... 474 352-92 Accepting a Conveyance of Property Located at 683 Angella St., Dbq. IA.(12fl) ........................................ 476 353-92 Authorizing the Filing of a Certified Local Government (CLG) ttistorie Preservation Grant-In-Aid Appheafion with the State llistofical Society of IA.(12/7) ............................ 477 354-92 Authorizing Emergency Repair of Ice Harbor Floodwall Gate and entering into a Contract with Jim Schraeder Constructiou in amt. of $42;782.00.(12fl) ............................... 478,479 355-92 Of Interest and Support for Location of a Younicer& Inc. Distalbofion Centar in Dubuque, IA.(12fl) ........................ 479 356-92 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(12fl) ......................... 481 357-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lie.(12/7) .......................... 481 358-92 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Lincoln Ave. Sanitary Sawer Reconstruction from Humboldt St. to Farley St.(12fl) ........................................... 482 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE 359-92 Fixing Dat~ of Hearing on Plan~ and Specs. for the Lincoln Ave. Sanitary Sew~ Reconatmetion f~m Humbelt St. to Fmtey Sl.(12/7) ........................................... 482 360-92 Ordering bids for tbe Lincoln Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction from Humbolt St. to Farley St.(12fl) ................. 482 361-92 Approving the Final Plat of Idlebrook Estates in the City. (12/7) ................................................. 485 362-92 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for 1992 Sidewalk Repairs Etc.(12/'/) ......................................... 486 363-92 Accepting Improvement for the Inwood Avenue Sarfitary Sewer Extension.(12/7) ..................................... 487 364792 Final Estimate for the fawned Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension.(12/7) .......................................... 488 365-92 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the Inwood Avanan Sanitary Sewer Extension Etc.(12/7) ...................... 488 366-92 Accepting the Improvement for the Sheridan Road Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(12f/) .................................. 490 367-92 Final Estimate for the Sheridan Road Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(12/7) ....................................... 490 368-92 Accepting Improvement for the Jones St. Storm Sewer Extension.(12fl) .......................................... 491 369-92 Final Estimate for the Jones Street Storm Sewer Extension. (12/7) ................................................. 491 370-92 Accepting Improvement for the Lincoln Avenue Saalta~ Sewer Reconstruedon.(12fl) .................................. 491 371-92 Final Estimate for the Lincoln Avenue Sanitary Sewer · Reconstruodon.(12fl) ....................................... 492 372-92 Accepting Improvement for the Alley Sanitary Sawer Reconstruction between Rhomberg & Lincoln, from Johnson to Farley.(12fl) ........................................... 492 373-92 Final Estimate for the Alley Sanlta~ Sewer Reconstruction between Rhnmberg & Lincoln, from Johnson to Farley.(12/7) .......... 492 374-92 Accepting Improvement for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project. (1247) ................................................. 493 375-92 Final Estimate for the 1992 Asphalt Paving Project.(12fl) ............... 493 376-92 Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Lincoln Avenue Sanitary S~wer Reconstruction from Humboldt St. to Farley St.(12/21) ............................................... 495 377-92 Awarding Contract for the Lincoln Avenue Sewer Reconslraodon from Humboldt St. to Farley St. (12/21) .............. 496 378-92 Authorizing the Submission of a Comprehensive ttousing Affordability Strategy (CIlAg) and Annual Performance Report to the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development. (12/21) ................................................. 496 379-92 Authorizing issuance of Bcc~r Permits.(12/21) ........................ 498 380-92 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(12/21) .................. .498,499 381-92 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Techarner Pl. into Lots 1-6 inclusive of Darwood Acres in Sec. 9, T89H, R2E, of the 5th P.M.(12/21) ....................... 501 382-92 Adopting Supplement No, 12 to thc Code of Ordinances. (12/21) ................................................. 502 383-92 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Right-Of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation.(12/21) ...................................... 502 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE "S" Curve on 18th St., G. Cbevalier requestlng marking.(6/1) .................. 227 S & D Concessions, awarded Concession Agreement at McAleeee Park; Beer Per.(2/17)(4/6) ...................................... 72, 118 Sad Cafe, Inc., Rainbow Lounge, Liq. Lie.; Outdoor Ser.(4/6)(9/8) ........... 119,374 Sagevflle concerns over transferring of juri~icgon of NW Arterial & other readways.(8/17) ...................................... 358 Salaries of City employees, re: poblication.(7/6) ........................... 266 Salaries published for city employees.(9/8) ............................... 377 Salary adjustment for Acting City Manager S. Johnson.(7/6) .................. 270 Salinas Street, read problem communicated by B. Mihalakis.(6/15) .............. 250 Samuel and Valley Sts., property north of Soutbem Ave. rezoning from R~2A, OS & R-2 Dis, to POS Dis.(8/3) ................... 320,32I Sanitary Sewer, Inwood Ave. Project.(4/6)(5/4)(6/l)(12]7) ..... 132,169,170,229,487,488 Sanitary Sower Rnuenstructlon between Rhomberg & Lincoln, from Johnson to Farley,(12//) ................................. 492 Sanitary Sewer Reconstxuction Project for Lincoln Ave. from Humboldt St. to Farley St.(12/7)(12f21) .................... 482,495,496 Sanitary Sewer, Center Grove, Easement with Chicago Centxai & Pacific RR.(5/4) ....................................... 177,178 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Center Orove.(6/l) ............................. 216 Sanitary Sewer User Charge System.(8/3)(9/l 4) ........................ 342,379 Sanitation inspections for State contract for food service establishments.(8/3) ........................................ 345 Sanofi Bio-Industries re: vacation of 30' RR Easement on Korper. (10/5) ................................................. 402 Sanofl Bio Industries, Inc., re: Phase l Improvements to the Wastewater Treaunent Facility.(g/14) ..................... ; ..... 379 Sarah Street, 1785 & 1779, Richard & Barb Blichmann for vacation & sale.(7/20)(S/17) .................................... 309,352 Save U More, ttyVee Food S~rus, Inc., Beer Per.(6/35) ..................... 247 Suwvd, Micbacl J,, Butters Bar, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15) ................. 244,247 Scenic View Halght~ No. 3, Dispose & vacate 5' Utility Easement along Easterly side of Lot 14 of Blk. 2. (Sarah St. for Dick & Barb Blichmann) (8/3)(8/17) ............................. 341,352 Schadl, Jeffrey, referrai of Claim,(8/l 7) ................................. 357 Schadlc, Don, comn~nts re: lioly Trinity Urban Revit. are~.(2/17) ............... 60 Schadla, Jeff, CLAIM.(8/3) .......................................... 343 Schailer, Peggy, P.J.'s, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15) ........................ 246,247 Schaub, Robert, appointed to Housing Code Board of Appeals.(l/6) ............... 3 Schiesl, Wm. & Patricia, CLAIM.(12/21) ................................ 500 Schiesl, Roger & Gloria, property on N. Main St. (Madison St. hill), re: repair of reudning wall etc.(8/3) ............................. 335 Schiessi Trust, American Trust & Savings Bank, CLAIM.(5/4) ................. 180 Schlitz, Richard J., applicant for Zoning Comm.(7/6) ........................ 262 Sehlader, M/M R., re: vacation of alley in Union Ave. SuM.(between Kirkwood & Bellevue Sts. O/2)(4/20) ...................... 97,145,146 Sehliekman, Bill, CLAIM; denial.(10/19)(10/19) ........................ 420,421 Sehlickmann, Doug, presented a Cert. of Appreciation.(9/8) ................... 360 Schlie, Carl, CLAIM; referral.(8/3)(8/17) ............................. 343,357 Schlueter, Dave, 3645 Crescent re: traffic concerns re: Wal-M0xt interseedon.(4/2) .......................................... 147 Schmitt, Gary M., CLAIM; referrai.(7/20)(8/3)(lO/5) .................. 309,343,403 Schmltt, Janet & Miehnel, CLAIM; settlement.(2/3)(2/17) ................... 51,66 Schmitt, Gary M., CLAIM.(g/8) ...................................... 376 Sehmitt, Robert O., CLAIM; Referrai.(8/3)(8/17) ....................... 343,357 Schneider, Erie, received Cert. of Apprce.(10/5) ........................... 387 Schoenberger, Denise, CLAIM; refen'al.(10/19)(ll/2) .................... 420,443 Scholl, Julla, CLAIM; tefen'al.(5/18)(6/10 ............................ 211,233 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE School Bus Tripper System, requested continuance at Budget Hearing. (2/29) .................................................. 75 Schrage, Dennis, CLAIM; Referrul.(8/3)(S/17) ......................... 343,357 Schrceder, Jerry, requesting Kelly Lane be put back into the Budget. (2/29) .................................................. 76 SeConder, Shawna, settiement of CLAIM.(12/21) .......................... 500 Schroedor, Denise, CLAIM; Closed.(10/19)(11/16) ...................... 420,464 Schroeder, Jim, Construction, awarded cenlrant for the Emergency Repair of the lee Harhnr.(12/7) ................................ 478 Schultz, Pant, re: prope~ed treatment (Wustewater Plan0 facility improventents.(9/14) ....................................... 379 Schnitz, Steve, re: opposing Jalien Dubuque Drive rezoning.(10/5) .............. 392 SchnBz, Paul of FUSE requesting immediate ceasing of incineradon of railroad waste, till sludge at Wastewater Treatment Plant. (10/5) ................................................. 394 Schaltz, Paul, re: toxic waste oll burning at sewage sludge incinerator.(5/18) .......................................... 183 Schultz, Richard, petition to vacate lot at Cleveland & Pear Sm. (11/16) ................................................. 464 Schnltz, Paul, n~: Recyciing p~ogram; re: Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes etc.(l/13)(11/16) ................................... 17,453 Schuster, Lois. 560 Maplewood Ct. elderly housing usage.(4/20) ................ 143 Schwaaz, Ethel, Ai~o~t Inn; Cig. Per. (6/15)(7/6) ....................... 247,268 Seicace Teacher Tom Degree re: Laws concerning Constrictor TyI~ Snakes.(12/21) ........................................... 497 Scott, Stephen, CLAIM.(3/2) .......................................... 96 Scott, Mrs. Nila, CLAIM; Referral.(10/19)(12//) ........................ 420,484 Screening process for mini-bus ridership.(2/29) ............................. 77 Seagrav© Ladder Truck, 1948, disposal (Fire Dept.)(5/4) ..................... 164 Search process for City Manager poaition.(8/3) ............................ 340 Scc~ 8 [lousing Voucher Program, partlclpotion.(S/17) ....................... 353 Second St. & Iowa St., vacation of pordon between Second & Thffd to Fischer Investment Co.(3/2) ................................... 94 Section 8 "Definitions" of Zoning Chi., for Indoor Restaurant & Drive-ln/Carryout Restaurants.(S/17) ............................ 356 Section S Housing Vouchers, amendment to Annual Cont. Contract with [iUD'.(7/6) ........................................... 263 Se'erich 8 ~xisfing Housing Cexfificatea, Amended Annual Contributions Contract.(10/5) ........................................... 408 Section 8 Program with [iUD re: llousing Cormnissioner's participation, conflict of intet~st with Commissioner's paxticipation. (10/5) ................................................. 394 Sefzik, Cm'ole, CLAIM; referral.(4~)(4/20) ........................... 134,154 Self-lnsured Services Co,, CLAIM (L.Behhe).(lO/19) ....................... 420 Senior Power Day, Proelamation.(S/4) .................................. 164 Senior [louaing Usage at 560 MaPlewood Ct., controversy.(4/20) ............... 143 September, 1992, Finandial reports; List of Claims, proof. (10/19)(11/16) ......................................... 421,464 September 1991 Council Proceedings approved.(lO/19) ...................... 420 Sertoma Candy Day, Proclamation.(4/6) ................................. 113 Service to City, Plaques to Employees with 25 years.(12/'/) ................... 469 Service Station & convenience store at proFerty nw comer of Pennsylvania aad NW Arterial (rezoning).O/2) ...................... 90 Setback of front yard from 20' to 30', objection by T. Daggan, new bulk regniatlons.(l~/3) ................................... 321 Sewage aludge re: burning of toxic waste ~i1,(5/18) ......................... 183 Sewage disposal system at Munieipai Airport, re: variance requested. (11/2) ................................................. 436 Sewer, Saditaty, User Charge System.(8/3)(9/14) ........................ 342,379 Sewer (Sanit~y) Reconstruction between Rhomborg & Lincoln, from Johnson to Farley.(12f/) ..................................... 492 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Sewer (Storm) easement along boundary llne of Mama Ridge fei M. McNangr.(glg)(gll4)(lOIS) ............................. 377,382,387 Sewer User Charges, presentation by Craig oison.(9/14) ..................... 379 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes, $5,000,000, Authorization of a Loan & Disbarsement Agreement.(lO/5)(ll/16) ............. 399,452.453 Sewer at Dbq. Greyhound park, Maintenance Agreement & Connection ete.(9/8) ................................................ 367 Sewer Easement re: dedication of 7~)' wide in portion of Mineral Lot (offered by Herman & Agnes Staines).(4/6) ....................... 135 Sewer Hook-up charge, Gary Pfab requested discussion.(6/1) .................. 227 Sewer eaeenmnt, vacation on 'Edwards Plac~ at Center Grove for Midwest Heritage Inn.(2/3)(2/17) ............................. 49,62 Sewer accounts, ddinquont, certified to County Treasurer.(1/6) .................. 14 Sewer (Storm) Reconstruction Project, Sheridan Road.(12fl) .................. 490 Sewer (Sanitat30 Reconstruction Project for Lincoln Ave. from Itumboldt St. to Farley St. (12/7)(12/21) ................... 482,495,496 Sexton, Michael J., of Telegraph llerald, re: puhlication of empioyees salaries.(7/6) ............................................. 266 Sfikas Restaurant, Grandma's Pan~, Cig. Per.(6/15) ........................ 245 Shaffer, Rick, CLAIM; Refermi.(7/6)(7/20) ........................... 279,309 Shanley, Douald, of DIx1. Yacht Basin, re: new Lease Agreement with C. Johnson of lleisler Marine.(10/5) ............................ 404 Sheehan Amoco, D. Sbeehan, Cig. Permit; Cig. Per.(4/6)(7/20) ............. 118,298 Shelter Services, Humane Society, Agreement with City.(6/15) ................. 256 Sheridan Road Stoma Sewer Reconstruction Project.(12/7) .................... 490 Sboriff m: appraisement of damages & time for al~eal to Frank llardie Adv.(4~) .............................. ................. 134 Shireman, Sheryl, King of Clubs, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(7/20) ............ 246,298 Shot Tower Inn, D.B.Q., Inc., Liq. Lie.(4/20) ......................... ~ . .. 144 Sid's Beverage, Inc., B. Miller, Cig. Per.; BE Beer Per.(6/15)(9/8) ........... 245,374 Sidewalk, comments on handicapped ramps by G. Chevalier.(6/1) ............... 227 Sidewalk Repair Project, 1991,(2/3)(6ll)(6115) ....................... 52,214,241 Sidewalk of Dal Tucker, adjustment of assessment.(6/l) ...................... 215 Sidewalk Repair Project, 1992, Final Assessment Schedale.(12f/) 486 Sidewalk Repair Project No. 3, 1992.(6/1 )(7/6) (12/7) .................. 231,270,486 Sidewalk Repair Project No. 3, 1992, Ploodwalh(7/6)(11/2) ................ 270,446 Sidewalks replaced on Ceno Dr., residents requested with street reconstraction.(10/5) ....................................... 394 Sievers, Pah CLAIM; referral.(7/6)(7/20) ............................. 279,309 Sign, Canopy or awning at 2400 Central, Pusateri's.(11/2)(11/16) ............ 444,459 Sign Regalations for Warren Plaza PC Distxict, amended.(11/16)(12/7) ........ 463,470 Sign Regulations for Mill Modified Heavy Industrial l)istrict, zoning ehange.(10/19)(l 1/2) ............................... 419,430 Signage incxeaso denied for Plaza 20.(5/4) ............................... 175 Signatuxes, authorized, for checks etc. for City.(3/16) ....................... 100 Silver Dollar Cantina, M M & H Corp., Liq. Lie.; Cig, Per.(5/lll~(6/15) ....... 199,245 Simon, Ken & Carol requesting vacation of alley near 19{)9 Elizabeth P1.(3/16)(4/6) ......................................... 110,115 Simon, Robert, CLAIM; closed.(11/2)(11/16) .......................... 443,464 Simon, Dave, appointed to Ad lloe Committee on Investments; lnvestraent Comm. recommendafions.(2/3)(5/lg) .................. 44,182 Simon. Dave, m: Inveslment Committee recommendations.(5/18) ............... 182 SISCO Insurance, CLAIM for Anna Dnehr.(11/16) ......................... 464 SISCO Insurance, CLAIM for Shama Clark.(ll/16) ........................ 464 Sister State of Handan City of P.R. China, re: presentation by Council Member Vc~therg.(11/16) ................................... 449 Sister City in Pyafigorsk, Russia, presentation & disborsement of funds lbr hosting delegation.(9/8) ................................... 365 Sister's Addn., IDOT re: condemnation of right of land of primary Rd. US 20 for Lot I of the Sub& of the East. 140' of Lot 8.(9/8) .......... 376 SistersofthePresentation;xefortal,(5118)(611) .......................... 211,233 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Sixteenth Street, from Kerper Blvd. to Greyhound Park, IDOT transfer of jmisdictlon to City of US 52/61/15L(11/2)(12/7) ....... ' ......... 436,474 Sludge (oil), incineration at Waste Water Pollution plant, opposition to boming.(10/5) ............................................ 394 Sludge Handling Building, Eagle Pt., Stractural Repair Project. (1/6)(4/20)(6/15) ..................................... 11,150,242 Smith, James L., eonveyanc~ of Lot 166B of Finley'~ Addn.(SIl8)(611) ........ 210.225 Smith, Ron, re: zoning reclassifications of Loras Estates; request for extension of secretly requirements. (6/15)(716)(10]19)(11116) ........................... 249,276,423,464 Smith, Ron & Jan, r~: agreeing to conditions of final plat of Loras Eatates.(10/19) ........................................... 423 Smith, Ron & Jan, approval of Ord. No. 56-92, rezoning from R-1 to PR on pro~rty sguth of Roosevelt, Loras Plaee.(7/20)(11/16) .... 299-301,464 Sroith, Donna, ~e: canvass of votes for Golf Course constmeilon referenduw.(2]lT) .......................................... 72 Smith, Max, awarded contract for the 1992 City of Dubuqu~ Sidewalk Repair Project #3 Floodwall.(7/6) .............................. 270 Smith,Kenneth & Diane, to: approval of Zoning Ord. rezoning property nw of Crescent Ct. from R-1 to C-3.(7t~) ..................... 272-274 Snakes, Constrictor Type, xe: Animal oi'dinanee Changes.(12/21) ............... 497 Software Paakage for Utility Billing parehased re: downalzfing from current main frame computer.(21/21) ............................ 497 Solid Wast~ Agency, resignation of Council Member Don Delch.(6/1) ............ 226 Solid Waste Agency, appointment of Council Member Nagle.(6/1) .............. 227 South Looust & Valley St. Extension, property, sale to R. Hanson & Anna Man Itansen.(10/5) .................................... 395 Southern Ave., property north of, between Samuel & Valley Sts., rezonlng from R-2A, OS & R-2 Dis. topOS Dis,(8/3) ............ 320,321 ' Southern Ave. property, re: pumhaso or remain as State property. (1/20)0/16)(7/20) ..................................... 24,99,308 Southern Ave., 405, David Pins' requesting to purchase green area nearby.(S/18)(7/20) ..................................... 212,302 Sidewalk Construction Program for 1991, Equest. Hgts. SalxL No. 1 & 2, Sunset Park SuM. #4 & Clarke Crest Estates Subd. (611) ............................................... 214,215 Southern Ave. property from Locust St. & Samuel St., accepting patent deed lmm IDOT.(7/6)(7/20) ............................... 268,278 Southgate Center name changed to Gate Way Drive fo~ portion of Southgate Center.(4/6) ...................................... 115 Southgate Center, 2nd Addn., e. of Hwy 61-151 & s.of Hwy 52 & 67, approval of final plat.(4/20) ............................... 160-162 Southpark Court, re: No Parkiag request.(7/20)(8/3) ..................... 310,339 Southway St. & Dana St., request for stop sign.(6/l) ........................ 234 Southway Street, petiilon for speed limit.(6/1)(7/6) ................... 234,265,266 Spa Rates etc., re: Board of Health Interageney Agreemenc(l 1/16) .............. 448 Spagnola, Robert J., applicant for Human Rights Comn~(l/6) .................... 4 Special Session of Council re: Reeyeliag.(l/13) ............................ 17 Special Exceptions, amendment of Zoning Ordinance: adding a new Sec. 5-3.7 to establish procedures for granting.(l 1/16)(12/7) ..... 463,471,472 Speed limit for Southway St.(6/1)(7/6) ............................ 234,265,266 Spiegel, AJ., of Iowa Oil Co. & Tri-State Dermatology Cliale requesting "No Parking" on the street as Southpark Court. (7/20)(8/3) ........................................... 310,339 Spielman, Mary, CLAIM; referral.(12/7)(12/21) ........................ 483,500 Splinter, Mafilyn Ann, Claim settlement(l/20) ............................. 33 Square Meals, Ouidoor Service Area for Liq. Lie.(6/1) ...................... 230 St. Mmy's and Emmett Stxeet, Residential Parking Permit District, (2/3)(2/17) ........................................ : 48,49,60,61 St. Stephen's Food Bank, re: Community Partnership Program Funds. (4/6)(10/5) ........................................... 116,397 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE St. Mary's SL, objection W Conceptual Development of Kelly's Bluff property.(6/l ) ............................................ 217 SC Joseph St. & Marion St. & Concord St. & Ct., petitiou for StopSigns.(8f3)(9/8)(lO/19)(ll/2)(ll/16) .......... 343,370,415,416,436,453 St. Anthony's Church (School) requesting pedestrian islaud on Rose, dale St.(6/1)(7/6) ................................... 234,263 St. Ambrose St., request by St. Anthony's for pedestrian island on Rose. dale SI.(6/1)(YRi) ................................... 234,263 St. Mary's Place, approval of plat of propmed Lot A; sale to T. Lieboid. (5118)(6/1) ........................................... 210,226 State euntraet for food Service establishment, hotel & vending machine saaltafinn inspections ete.(8/3) ................................ 345 State Revolving Fund Loan to finance improvement at City's Wastewater Treatment Plant.(12/21) ............................ 497 State l~pt. of Natural Resources re: acceptance of Loan Agree. to finance Phase I improvements to Water Pogution Control Phmt(3/2) ............................................... 88 State of Iowa, deeded the Julien Dbq. Grave property.(4/20) ................... I53 State Farm Mutual Insurance (Ginter), claim raferral.(4/6) .................... 134 State Budget Deficit re: oppesition to Governor's Comm. on speoding reform.(1/20) ............................................. 42 Statement of Position on liighway 20 (Dodge St.) Corridor Froject by Chamber of Commerce.(12fl) ................................. 474 Stecher PI~:,e, approval of final plat of Subd. of Lot I of 1.(4/20) ............ 140,141 Stecher, Victor P., re: acceptance of Res. l~: final plat approval of Lots 1-10, and Lot A of Country Springs Subd. No. 2.(2/17) ................ 68 Stet, Karen, CLAIM; referral.(l/6)(l/20) ................................ 13.33 Stain, Richard D., applicant to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(11/16) ............... 453 Stnines, Herman & Agnes, re: dedication of sewer easement in Miueral Lo~(4/6) ............................................... 135 Stoinhauser, Cynthia, Ex. Director of Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. submitting repert etc.; requesting zoning Change for property west of Freeway 61/151 from 4th to Jones St. & east of Locust from LI Dis. to C-4. (11/2)(12/7) ...................... 428,469 Steinmann, Robert C, objecting to R. Schnitz petition to vacate lot at Cleveland und Pear Sts.(11/16) ................................ 464 Stepbenson, George M., Bunker Hill Golf Course, Beer Per.; Cig. Par. (2/17)(6/15) ........................................... 59,244 Stetzer, Douglas O., applicant for Human Rights Comrn~ (1/6) ................... 4 Steve, Mike, reappointed to Plumbing Bd. (1/20) ........................... 21 Stawart Constxecfion, awarded contract for lnwood Ave. Sanitary Sewer. (6/1)(12fl) ........................................... 229,488 Stewart Construction Co. of D. Dbq., awarded contract for the Center Grove Drive Sanitary Sewer Extenslon.(716) ....................... 267 Stewart Street, objection to two hour time zone.(4/6) ........................ 114 Stewart St., from Delhi re: two hour time zone; objection; etc. ( 1/20)(4/6)(5/4)(5/18) ............................... 24,I 14,164,198 Stierman, Eric. applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.(7/6) ....................... 261 Stiles, Jeff, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm. anti Park & Rec. Comm.; aplxfinted to Zoning Comm.(7/6) ..................... 261.262 St~ck, James & Nancy re: acceptance of Res. for final plat of Lots 1, 2 & Lot A of Blk 1 in Oak Meadow 2nd Addn.(3/16) ................ 110 Stock, Jim re: tlUD $700,000 ltonsing Grant.(3/16) ........................ 101 Stock, James, applicant to ttousing Code Bd. of Appeals & tloualng Comm.' appointed to Housing Comm.; appointed to llousing Comm. Trust Fund.(l/6)(9/8)(lO/5) ......................... 3,366,393 Stock, Jim, applicant for Zoning Comm.(7/6) ............................. 262 Stonehlll Comm~ SuM. No. ! & Lot 3 of I of BBC 7 in Phase I of Stonehtil Comm. Subd. No. 1, Dispose of inturest & vacate 10' utility Easement (Plamting Assoc. - 24 condominiuuxs). (10/19)(11/2) ...................................... 419,420,429 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Stop Signs for Intersections of Cawelot Dr. & Radford Rd.(l 1/2) ............... 437 Stop Sign at corner of Foothill & Pasad~na.(8/3)(lO/19)(l 1/2) ........... 343,416,438 Stop Light at 3rd & Main Sis.; 4 way stop sign.(7/20)(8/3) ............. 297,338,339 Stop Signs at intersection of Concord St., Concord Ct., Marion St. & St. Joseph (Stctmorc) Sts. (8/3)(9f8)(10/5)(10/19)(11/2)(11/16) .......... 343,370,395.415,416,436,453 Stop Signs at intersection of Camelot Dr. & Radford Rd. (10/5)(10/19) ......................................... 396,416 Stop signs at U.S. 61 & Eleventh St.(9/8) ................................ 370 Stop Signs for Arbor Hills Dr, & Highland Park Dr. (11/2) ................... 437 Storm Sewer Reconatracfinn Project, Sheridan Road. (12/7) ................... 490 Storm Sewer easement along boundary line of Mama Ridge, for M. McNamer.(9/8)(9/14)(10/5) ............................. 377,382,387 Storm Watear problem, D. McAuliff, 1738 N. Grandviow, requesting relief.(6/l 5) ............................................. 236 St~ran Sewer Extension for Jone~ St., finalization of project(12/7) .............. 491 Storm Sewer required in rear yards of Lo~ 12, 13 & 14 of Sunset Pmk. (6/1) .................................................. 227 Storm Sewer extension on Water Street between Jones & First. (2/3)(2/17)(12/7) ...................................... 50,63,490 Strand Associates re: Phase l improvements to Water Pollution Control Fanility.(9/8) ............................................. 379 Street water problem in Sunset Ridge area, relief requested by D. Repass.(8/17) ............................................ 358 Sheet swe.~'ppr, budget contingency list placement.(2/29) ...................... 77 Street Finance Report, 1992,(9/8) ..................................... 377 Stxect Construction Program, 5 Year, approvad.(4/20) ....................... 154 Street (1991 PC Concrete Paving Project) re: finalization of project(7/6) .......... 283 Street names requested for Southgate Center.(4/6) .......................... 115 Streff, Chad, G. Kupferschmldt, Whiskey River, Liq. Lic.(lO/19) ............... 418 Strnif, Rick re: vacation of Alley from Asbury Rd.(1/20)(4/20) ............... 33,151 Structural Repair Project of Sludge Handling Bldg., Eagle Pt. (1/6) ............... I1 Stadunt fares at Keyfine Transit System, discession of inorease.(9/8) ............. 368 Study, Modeling of Water Distribution & GIS Mapping Project, agreemen{ with Clapsaddle-Garher.(2/17) .......................... 54 Subdivision Regulations, amending Ch. 42 re: text amendment niintinationofma~orfinalsubdivisionpiats, etc.(5/18)(611) ......... 205,220 Substance Abese Services Center, Purchase of Services Agreement.(6/1) .......... 233 Substance Abuse (Governor's Alliance), grant application for fm~ding re: D.A.R.E. Program.(4/6) ................................... 115 Suburban replacement, budget contingency list dependent on Iowa Trust funds recovery.(2/29) ........................................ 77 Sullivan, Gene F., re: acceptance of Res. re: final plat approval of Lots 1-10, and Lot A of Country Springs SuM. No, 2.(2/17) ................ 67 Sullivan, Mark, re: rezoning of nw comer of Pennsylvania & NW Arterial. (3/2)(10/19) ........................................... 90,414 Sullivan, Mark, appointed to Park & Rec. Comm. (7/6) ...................... 261 Sullivan, Robert, appointed to Ad Itoc Committee on Investments.(2/3) ............ 44 Sullivan, Robert C., for Ad Hoe Investment Committee, submitting final report & recommendations.(5/18) .............................. 182 Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Res., Liq. Lie.(11/2) ............................. 443 Sunny Slopes Estates, ~e: extension date form July 1 to Sept. 1, petition of Radford Road Development.(5/18) ........................... 197 Sunny Slope Phase 1I, final plat approval of Lots 7-12, Blk 4, Lots 1-13, Blk 5, Lots 1-21, BBC 6, Lots 1-12, BBC 8, Lots 1-0, BBC 9, Lots 1~ et¢.(4/20) ...................................... 157-159 Sunnycrost Manor, refund for Cig. Lie.(1/6) ............................... 13 Sunset Park 7th Addn, reaffirming final plat of Lots 1-21 of BBc 1, Lots I & 21 of Blk 2 & Lot A & B.(2/17) ............................ 57 Sunset Park 7th Addn., final plat approval of Lots 1-21 inclusive of Blk 1, Lot 1 and 21 of Blk 2 & BBC A & Lot B.(I/20) ................ 37 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Sunset Park, final plat of Lot 2-19, Blk 2 & Lot C of Suuset Park, 7th Addn.(6/l) .............................................. 227 Sunset Park 5th Addn, disposing of portion of Pennsylvania Ave. abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park 4th Addn. (re: C. Burbach).(5/4) ......... 176 Sunset Park 6th Addn., final plat approval of SnixL of Lot 1 of 8.(1/20) ........... 36 Sunset Park Fifth Addition. Pennsylvania Ave. abutting lilk 2, vacating portion.(5/18) ............................................ 201 Sunset Ridge anna, D. Repass requesting assistance with a street water problenx(8/17) ........................................... 358 Sunset Park Subd. No. 4, Sidewalk Construction Program.(6/1) ............. 214,215 Sunset Park 7th Addn., portion, requestsd vacation of easement for R. Kelly.(12/21) ............................................ 500 Sunset Park 5th Addn, final plat approval of vacated Pennsylvania Ave., abutting Blk 2 (re: C, Burbach).(5/4) ............................ 176 Sunset Park, storm sewer required in rear yards of Lots 12, 13 & 14,(6/1) ......... 227 Superior Excavating awarded contract for construction of Jones St. Storm Sewer.(2/17)(12f/) .................................. 63,491 Supervisors of County re: Resolutions with recommeudadons for Federal Functional Classification System.(12fl) .......................... 484 Supervisors, County, re: canvass of votes for Golf Course collStl-ucfion referendum.(2/17) .......................................... 72 Supervisors of County, re: cone. em of drainage problems on Dixie Dr. in North Point Subd. in Dbq. Township.(8/3) ...................... 344 Supervisors (County) re: transfer jurisdiction of Marjo Quarry Rd. to Mines of Spain & Jalinn Dbq. Monument to DNR; commuaication re: Road.(7/6)(8,t3)(10/19) ............................. 265,313,421 Supplements No. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 adopted to City Code. 10. ( 1/20)(4/6)(7/6)(8/17)(12/21 ) ..................... 38,39,134,281,357,502 Survey re: Riverfront Development.(1/6) ................................. 14 Sutton, Paul re: curb cuts for handicapped at Bluff & W. 2nd Sts.(7/6) ........... 282 Sutton, Ruby, submitting petition supporting retaining of City Mgr. W. Kenneth Oearhar t.(6/15) ..................................... 236 Swift, 'Edward, appointed to Housing Code Board of Appeals.(1/6) ................ 3 Swift, Tom, ns: E. 22nd St. (607-609), rezoning for R, Failer.(6/1) .............. 217 Swift, Tom, submitting petitions for l~signafion of City Mgr. W. Kenneth Gearhart.(6/15) ........................................... 236 Swimming Pool, inspection and enforcement rules, re: Board of Health Interagency Agreement.(11/16) ................................ 448 Swimming Pool at Flora, construction project.(3/2) .......................... 97 Swiss Valley Farms, re: Phase I Improvements for Wastewater Treatment Facility.(9/l 4) ............................................ 379 Swiss Valley Farms submitting audit relxn't.(2/3) ............................ 53 Symphony Orchestra, joint funding request.(2/3) ............................ 52 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE T T & M, Inc., Mmio's Italian Rest., Liq. Lie.(12/7) ......................... 481 T & T Welsh, Inc., Finale Lounge. Liq. Lie.(11/2) ......................... 443 T-H, re: publication of City employee salaries.(7/6) ......................... 266 T-MPR, Buddo's Sports Bar, Ci8. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(7/20) ............... 246,298 Table Mound Mobile Home Park, Zoning Ord. adopting Bulk Regulntions,(9/14)(10/19)(11/16) ......................... 384,414,450 Target Stem, expansion & Zoning Change in Warren Plaza, PC Planned Corem,Dis.(3/16)(4/~) ................................ 107,121-122 Target Retail Store, Cig. Per.(6/15) .................................... 245 Target Store, Warren Plaza,'amendment of Concept. Devel. Plan, re: Signs.(12f/) ........................................... 470 Task Force Grant (Poli~e) for D.A.R.E. program.(4/6) ....................... 115 Tax abatsment re: Holy Trinity Revitalization area.(l/6) ...................... 12 Tax Increase for Hotel/Motsl, from 5-7%,(1/20) ............................ 22 Tax abatement for Holy Trinity Revit. area.(2/17) ........................... 59 Tax exemption applications for various dis~cts in City approved. (2/17) ................................................ 71,72 Tax rate for FY 1994 Budget set out.(10/5) .............................. 398 Taxes levied re: GO Investment Recovery Note in amt, of $4,200.000. (8/3) ............................................... 330-335 Taylor, Ray, questioning Iowa Trust involvement of the City.(1/6) ................ 5 TCI of Iowa, Inc. m: 1991 Annual Report.(4/6) ........................... 138 TCI Cablevision of Dubuque, report on year's accomplishments.(2/17) ............ 72 Technical Amendments to Human Relations Ordinance re: Substantially Eqoivaient" to Fed. Fair Ilonsing Laws. (8/3) ...................... 335 Tegeler, Barry of Tegalor's objecting to traffic plan re: resurfacing of Central.(4/20) .......................................... 140 Tekippo, Diane, CLAIM; refenal; requesting Closed Caption communications by KDUB-TV.(6/I)(6115)(12j21) ............. 233,250,495 Telegraph Herald, The, designated as Official Newspaper for the City; publication of City employee sainries.(1/6)(7/6) ................... 2,266 Temporary Handicapped Parking Meter Hoods, fine for illegal use of parking eta.(7/20) ......................................... 296 Tenants displaced by Economic Development Activities, n,'locadon benefits.(6/15)(7/20) .................................... 243,292 Tenth St., vacatsd, re: acquisition plat subdividing Lot A etc, (9/14) ............. 385 Tenth & Central, Mr. Chevalier cited as a dangerous intersection.(7/20) ........... 296 Terrace Heights PR Planned Reaid. District on Peru Rd., Zoning Ord. amended by adopting Bulk Reguladons.(6/15)(7/6) ............... 248,274 Text amendment to Subdivision Ord., adopting a Sec. 42-14(d) pertaining to eliminating the review of major final subdivision plats by Zoning Corem,(5/18) ........................ 205 Text amendment to Zoning re: C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Disulnt.(7/20) ............................................ 308 · Text amendment to Zoning by Amending Sec, 8 "Definitions" of Restaurants for Drive In/Carryout and Indoor Restaurants. (8/17)(9/8) ........................................... 356,364 Text arr~ndment to Zoning Ord. to establish a POS Public Open Space Distrint.(2/17) ............................................. 65 Text amendments to Zoning Ord., new section 6-3.3 for criteria 0to.(l/6) ............ 6 Text amendment to Zoning Ord. for revised C-1 Distrlct.(6/15)(7/6) .......... 249,276 Text amendment lh'ocodure - Public Homing Requirement, clarification. (7/6) .................................................. 284 Text amendment to zoning Ord. to allow Day Care Center in C-2 Neighborhcod Shopping Center.(5/4)(5~18) .................... t75,202 Text amendment, Zoning, establishing a new C-1 Neighborhood Comm. Dis.(7/6)(7/20) ........................................ 276,299 INDEX ~ BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Text amendment, Zoning, alimJnatlon of distinction between cul-de-sc & local street, and setting of front yard sethacics on other streets ate.(7/20) .......................................... 308 TFM Co., Oky Doky, 1256 Iowa St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per,(6/15)(ll/16) ........ 245,462 TFM Co., m: l100q150 Main St., final plat approval of p~)rtion of Bissell P1.(4/20) .......................................... 155 The Monday Co., C, asey's Gen. Sto~x:, Cig. Per.(6/15) ....................... 244 Thalsen, Jalie L., CLAIM; referral.(lO/5)(lO/19) ........................ 403.421 Thi Van Phan, City Employee, Certificate of Appreciation.(10/5) ............... 387 Th[Il, Jim, ~: 607-609 E. 22nd Street ~zoning.(3/'2)(6/l) ................... 90,217 Third St./S~. Mary's Street to Emmett Street, re: Residential Farking Permit District.(2/17) ........................................ 61 Third & Main Streets, intersection, conceras discussed; stop signs; Signals etc, (7/20)(813)0/8)(10/5)(11/2) ............. 297,338,339,371,401,402.428,429 Thomas, William, applicant to tlousing Corem,(9/8) ........................ 366 Thomas, Dorothy, D(mie's Cafe, Cig, Per.(6/15) ........................... 246 Thompson, Jack & Winnie (TFM Co,), re: 1100-1150 Main St., llnal plat approval of portion of Bissell PL(4/20) ....................... 155 Thorp Co~p., CLAIM.(8/3) .......................................... 343 'Filler Truck Task Force & Dbq. County Historical Society re: Agreement for Fire 'IYuck.(4/20) ............................ 140 'rimmerman, Bob, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem,(7/6) .................... 26t Tires and white goods, being dumped, County ~equesting assist&a~ce.(8/3) ......... 344 Tollbridge Inn, The, Eagle Pt. Associates, Liq. Lic. (8/17) .................... 355 Tool Library, Washington Neighborhood, re: funding.(2/29)(6/1) ......... 772,233-234 Tott, Lisa M., Tott's Tap, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (8/3)(8/17)(9/8) ..................................... 341,354,374 Tourism Week, Psoclan~tion.(5/4) ..................................... 164 Tower Drive & Jaeger Dr., rezoning of property from PR to R-4 and PR to R- 1,(8/17)(9/8) ...................................... 355,360 Town Clock Inn., Inc. Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/17)(6/15) ..................... 59,246 Tracy, Danne, received Cea. of Appreciadon.(3/2) .......................... 87 Traffic control at tlillc~st & Pasadena Dr.(10/19) .......................... 416 Traffic Control at Pasadena Dr. & Foothill Ct.(10/19) ....................... 416 Traffic concerns (Signals) at intersection of Third & Main. (7/20)(813)(9/8)(10/5)(11/2) ............. 297,338,339,371,401,402,428,429 ~lYaffic control re: Concord Ct. etc. (9/8)(11/16) ........................ 370,453 Traffic control options re: rcsurfacthg of Central Ave, from 20th lo 32nd SL(4/6) ............................................ 114 Traffic concerns near Eagle Point Paxk. concern by Walter Pregler; tam lane installed.(5/18)(8/3) ................................. 211,339 Traffic control at intersection of Arbor Il[ils Dr. & Dighland Park Rd. (10/5)(11/2) .......................................... 395,437 T~affic on Southway, speed limit of 25 mph. (6/1) ......................... 234 Traffic control at intersection of Camelot Dr. & Radford Rd. (10/5)(10/19)(11/2) .................................. 396,416,437 Traffic problem on Rosedale, St. Anthony's Schoo1.(7/6) ..................... 263 Trans-Miss Invest., Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Be~ Per. (6/15)(8/17) .......................................... 245,355 Transfer of Ju[isdiction to City of portions of US 52/61/151. (10/19)(12/7) ......................................... 417.474 Transfer of City O.O. Bonds, Parking Rev. & Special Assess.(3/2) ............... 88 Transfer of Marjo Quarry Rd. to City.(12/7) .............................. 484 Transit Dept., m: Budget Hearing comments on School Tripper continuation etc.(2/28) ....................................... 75 Transit Facility, Concrete Shop Floe' Replacement. O/2)(4/6) .............. 92,93,120 Transit Assistance FY 1993 Application and FYA Sec. 9 FY 1993 Operating/Capital Assistance App,(3/16) ......................... 106 Transit, requested change in Red Line route by C. Lynch.(12/7) ................ 474 Transit Division, re: Budget Hearing comments on buses etc.(2/29) ............ 75,76 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Transit Bd. submitting Comparative Earnings Statements & Stats.(2/3) ............ 51 Transit Bd., faro increase turned down.(9/8) .............................. 368 Transit, Keyline, re: direct operator of paratransit serviee, re: RTA giving notification.(10/19) ............................. 421 TRANSIT TRUSTEE BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/6)(3/2)(4/6)(7/6)(8/17)(11/2)(12/21) ................ 13,96,134,279, 357,443,500 Transport Sales, KWIK Stop Food Mart, Beer Per.(10/5) ..................... 399 Travel expenses re: Ethics Comm. Meeting iff Des Mnines.(9/g) ................ 376 Travel advances outstanding for Council, report to Council by Fin. Dir. (2/17) .................................................. 71 Treasurer, re: delinquent sewer aueounts submitted; increased honesty bond coverage.(l/6) ...................................... 14,330 qlYeatmont Works Month, Proclamation.(9/8) .............................. 360 Tri-State Dermatology Clinid, re: No Parking on Sonthperk Court.(7/20) .......... 310 Tri-State Community 2000 Steering Committee re: Vision 2000 Statement.(4/20) ....................................... 141-142 Tri-State Veterans Memorial, Proclamation,(7/6) ........................... 260 Tri-Tran, Inc., re: petition to vacate 30' RR easement along Kerper.(10/5) ......... 402 Trick or Treat Night, l:h'oclamafion.(9/8) ................................. 360 Trinity Field, re: notified not for sale for park development.(1/20) ............... 42 Troy, David spoku re: Human Rights (Pro-Majority Plan etc.)(1/20) .............. 21 Trust Realty (ci~ve), re: Warren Plaza, an~nd, of CoocepC Devel. Plan, re: Signs.(12/7) ......................................... 470 Trust Indenture, re: Jald-Won, Inc. Bonds,(2/17) ....................... 72 Tscharner Hace, final plat of Subd. of Lot 1, into lots 1-6 of Darwood Aeres.(12/21) ............................................ 501 Tschiggffie, Ed, requesting annexation of property south of Dubuque. (12/21) ................................................. 499 Tschiggfrie, Ed re: Jalien Dubuque Drive PI Planned Industrial Dis. (9~8)(10/5) ........................................... 371,392 Tschiggfsie Excavating awarded contract for the 1992 Concrete Paving Project.(7/6) .......................................... 267 Tucl/er, Del, s dewalk assessmont edjusted.(6/1) ........................... 215 Turn Lane at entrance ~o Eagle Point Park.(8/'3) ........................... 339 Tuthill, Jaymis, CLAIM; referral of Claim.(2/3)(2/17) ...................... 51,66 TV CABLE COMMt~NITY TELEPROGRAMMING SUBMrrrING MINUTES: (1/20)(2/17)(3/16)(5/18)(5/18) .............................. 21,66,109,182,211 TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm. appointments of Floyd Cook & Kevin Kapp; resignation of Floyd Coo1~(7/6)(10/5) ........ 262,394 TV Regulatory Comm., reappointment of Oil Boultingbouse.(8/3) ............... 329 TV Cable Taleprog~amming Comm. resignation of Brian Baker. (1R~) ............. 13 Twelfth St. & Eleventh, Jaakson St., re: Two Hoer Parking Zone.(10/5) .......... 405 Twenty Year Olds (& Nineteen), Ord. prohibiting them from being in bars after 9 p.m.(8/3) ....................................... 338 Twin Valley Dr., prohibiting of paxking on both sides of Southpark from this to its terminus.(8/3) ................................. 339 Two Hour Parking on east side of Jackson St. between llth & 12th. 01/16) ................................................. 460 Two Twenty-Five, Ltd., Liq. Lie.; Transfer.(3/16)(ll/2) ................... 103,443 INDEX ' BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE U U.S. 20, re: 1DOT Condenmation of properties owned by K. Meyer & J. Collins.(2/3) 52,55 U.S. Highway 61, m: disposition of City interest in portion of 2nd St. near this;(3/2) ............................................. 94 U.S. Highway 61, acquisition plat for portion of US 61, as shown on Exhibit A.(9/14) .......................................... 385 U.S. 52 north of Jackson County line, re: improvement.(3f2) ................... 97 U.S. Highway 61, stop signs for on and off ramps at llth St.(9/8) .............. 370 U.S. Highways 52/61/151, transfer of jurisdictions of portions. agreement with 1DOT.(10/19)(12/7) .......................... 417,474 U.S. 61/151, freeway west of, from 4th St. to Jones St. & E. of Locust St. from LI Dis. to C-4, zoning change.(12/'/) ................... 469,470 U.S. 52/61/151, improvements re: preconstsuction agreement with IDOT for improvements from south of Maquoketa Dr. to Grandview Ave. interchange.(10/19) ............................ 417 U.S. 20 re: condemnation of leasehold rights for property by F. ttardie Adv.(3/16) .............................................. ll0 UAW Local 94, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(7/6)(12/21) ........................ 269,498 Uelner, C. Jane, appointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment.(11/16) .............. 453 UMTA re: Grant application for Keyline Bus etc.(3/16) ..................... 106 UMTA re: FTA See. 9 fy 1993 Operating/Capital App. for Keyline Transit Dept.(3/23) ........................................ 112a Underage persons in Liquor/Beer Licensing establlshments.(8/3) ................ 337 Ungs, David, Copper Kettle, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li¢.(6/15)(12/21) ............... 244,499 Union, General Drivers, concern @ reduction of Mechanic position at Keyline.(5/4) ........................................... 168 Union Cigar Store, D. Dolar, Cig. Per.(9/8) ......................... . ..... 381 Union Label Week, Proclamation.(9/8) .................................. 360 Union Avenue SUM., vacation of alley between Kirkwood & Bellevue Sts.(4/6)(4,r20) ...................................... 128,129,146 United Auto Workers, Cig. Per.(7/6) ................................... 269 United Way Campaign Time, Proelamafion.(8,r3) ........................... 313 University Ave., 585-587, rezoning from OR to C-2.(1/6) ..................... 6,7 University Ave., 642, purchase of property from County, etc. (9/8)(10/5) ........................................... 374,388 Urban Revitalization Designation for former Holy Trinity Church convent.(l/6)(2/17) ..................................... 11,12,60 Urban Renewal District, Fourth St., designation etc.(1/6)(2/3)(4/6) ........... 5,46,127 Urban Renewal District for Ice Harlot ate~(2/3)(2/I7)(4/6)(10/19) ....... 46,54,127,412 US 20, improvement for Lot I of Subd. of E. 140' of Lot 8, Sister's Addn, IDOT advising of condemnation.(9/8) ...................... 376 US 20, re: CLAIM by IDOT for condemnation in certain rights of land. (4/6) .................................................. 134 User Charge system, Smtitaxy Sewer.(9/8) ............................... 379 Utilities Director Craig Oison re: proposed Treatment Facility Improvements.(9/14) ....................................... 379 Utility Easement in Embassy West, requested release by M. Helle. (4/6)(4/20) ........................................... 127,144 Utility Billing Software Package purchased for downslzing from mainframe equipment.(12/21) ................................. 497 Utility easement vacation in Northrange Sub. No. 1, vacation etc. to Mike & Sara Portzen.(1/6) .................................... 28 Utility easement, vacation of 5' one at Scenic View Helghts.(8/3) ............... 341 Utility & Driveway Easements in Stonehill Comm. Sub& No. 1.(10/19) .......... 419 1992 INDEX - BOOK 122 SUBJECT PAGE V Vaassen, Thomas P., refands.(lt~)(2/3) ................................ 13,51 Vacate 30' water line easement on se lot line of property owned by Lyle Whalen on Kerper Bled.(9/8)(10/5) ................... 375,388,402 Vacate unused 5' utility easement along easterly side of Lot 14 of Blk 2 of Scenic View Heights No. 3 (1785-1779 Sarah St.) to Richard & Barbara Blichman.(7/2)(8/3)(8/17) ................... 341,352 Vacate Lot at Cleveland & Pear between Cleveland & Oak, request of R. Sehultz.(l 1/16) ......................................... 464 Vacate utility easement in part of Northrange Sub. No. I to Mike & Sara Portzen.(1/20) ......................................... 28 Vacate alley south of Lot. 4. of Fininy's Addn. south from Asbtuy Rd. ne to west side of another alley for a parking lot. (1/20)(4/20)(5/4)(5/18) .............................. 33,152,173,209 Vacated Tenth St., acquisition plat subdividing Lot A et¢.(9/14) ................ 385 Vacated Iowa St. from 2nd St. N. to 3rd St.; plat approval.(3/2)(3/16) .......... 95,105 Vacating & release of utility easement in Embassy West #2, M/M M. Ha/in.(4/6)(4/20) ................................... 127,144 Vacating of easements in land in Counlxy Springs Subd. No. 2. etc.(4/6) ....... 119,120 Vacating portion of alley to be known as Lots 166A, 166B, and Lot 166C in Finley's Addn. to Scott & Roberts Hemeseth.(5/l 8) ........... 209 Vacating & disposing of portion of E. 14th St., Maple St. and adjacent alley (Lot 1 Juanita Pl.) (Herbs0, (6/15) ......................... 239 Vacating & disposing of City's interest in a portion of Pennsylvania Ave. abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park 5th Addn.(5/18) ................. 201 Vacating portion of public alley between Kirkwood & Bellevue Sts. west of Blake St. in Union Ave. Sub.(4/6)(4/20) ................. 128,145 Vacating of easement for R, Kelly in portion of Sunset Park 7th Addn. (12/21) ................................................. 500 Vacating a portion of Iowa St. from 2nd St. North to 3rd St.(3/2)(3/16) ....... 95,96,105 VaeaOng portion of 2nd St. adjacent to US 61.0/16) ........................ 103 Vacation of public alley to east side of Rettonmaier Finosing at 1105 Lores.(10/5),. ........................................... 394 Vacation of unused 30 Wide Ral road Easement in Blk 5 & Blk 6 of Riverfront Subd. #3 (Browns, Whalan's, eto.)(10/5)(10/19) ......... 402,412 Vacation a portion of Carter Rd. on e~terly side of Carter Rd. @ 300' no~h of Kaufrnaun Ave.(T. Lalbold)(6/l) ........................ 225 Vacation of existing utility & driveway easements in Stonahili Comm. Subd. No. 1. (10/19)(11/2) ............................. 419,429,430 Vacation and disposal etc. of alley between Asbmy & Avoca from Cher~ St. northerly to existing alley (to S. Hemeseth).(6/l) ............ 224 Vacation of atley near the city block that is bounded by E. 9th St., e. by Washington St., s. by E. 8th St. & w by Jackson St., requested by Kmtschmer-Tredway.(9/8) .......................... 377 Vacation of 60' drive easement, 10' utility easement, west of Alverno Apts, for M. Olson. of Pinnnlng Assoc.(9/8) ....................... 362 , Vacation of storm Ewer requested by Marlin & Nancy McNamer in Maron Ridge.(9/8)(10/5) .................................. 377,387 Vacation of easement aiong east side of Kerper Blvd. etc.(9/14) ................ 384 Vacation of alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln for lloly Trinity. (2/3)(3/16)(4/6) ...................................... 52,108,123 Vacation of sanitary sewer easement in portion of Edwards Place at Center Grove, for Midwest Heritage Inn.(2/3)(2/17) ................ 49,62 Vacafion of alley east of Cberry St. east of Asbury.(3/16)(5/18) .......... 110,208,209 Vacation of 100' alley near property at 1909 Elizabeth Place. (3/16)(4/6) ........................................... 110,115 Vacation of portion of Second St. adjacent to US 61 (Fiseber Inv. x'equest).O/2) ............................................. 94 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Vacation of L-shaped alley located in Union Ave. Sub& requested by M/M Witrine, M/M Hilley and M,rM Schlader.(3/2) .................. 97 Valentine Dr, final plat etc. of Mama Ridge Estates.(6/15) ................... 251 Valley Street Extension & S. Locust, property, sale to Ray & Am~a Mae llansen.(l 0/5) ........................................ 395 Valley Scs. & Smnuel, north of Southern Ave., rczoning of property from R-2A, OS & R-2 to POS Dis. (8/3) ...................... 32(I,321 Van Milligen, Michael C., appointed as City Manager; Employment Agreeraent.( 11/20)(12/7) ................................. 468,476 Vans, Beverly, CLAIM; referral; CLAIM; Referral. (6/15)(7/6)(10/19)(11/2) ............................ 250,279,420,443 Vandermeullen, Robert re: Inwood Ave. Saalh~y Sewer.(5/4) .................. 169 Variable rate Demand Revenue Bonds, issuance, re: Jeld-Wen.(2/17) .............. 72 Variance f~r private sewage disposal system at Airport requested by Interstate Power & FDL Foods, lnc.(11/2) ........................ 436 Va.dance permit procedure for regulating Noises re: Mufflers on Motor Vehicles.(11/16) .......................................... 454 Veach, Dale, CLAIM; referral.(2/17)(3/2) .............................. 66,97 Vehicle Mufflers, noises regulated, vadance.(l 1/16) ........................ 454 Vehicle (Motor) use Tax Revenues, reallocated for Budget Deticit, Opposition.(I/20) .......................................... 42 Vuley, h'ving D. Cozy Corner, Cig. Pen(l/6) ............................... 6 Vending machine & hotel sanitation inspections, State contract.(8/3) ............. 345 Venture Store #27, Cig. Per.(6/15) ..................................... 245 Veterans' Memorial, Tri-State, Proclamation.(7/6) .......................... 260 Vision 2000 presentation by David Rusk & Resolnlion. O/2)(4/6)(4/20) ...... 87,113,141 Vision 2000 re: eon-elation between eight dimensions & 17 elemems of City's Comprehensive Plan.(7/6) ............................. 265 Vision of Race Unity, presentation.(5/18) .............................. ~ . 182 Visiting Nurses Assn., m: funding for Well Elderly Clinic.(5/4) ................ 163 Visitors Bureau, & Convenfiou, Purchase of Service Agreements.(6/l 5) ........... 256 VNA, re: funding for Well Elderly Clinic.(5/4) ............................ 163 Voetberg, Dirk (Council Member) appointed to Long Range Plamdng Comm. and Alternate to Operation: New View; oral presentation of trip to China.(7/6)(11/16) ...................... 261,449 Voluntary & Mandatory recycling program, clarification, special Council Meeting.(1/13) ...................................... 17 Voluntery amlexation of area near Julien Dubuque Monument.(10/5) ............. 409 Vorwald, Helen, 707 Peru Rd., questioalng why no City utilities to her residence.(7/20) ........................................... 309 Votes abstracted for construction of Golf Course at FDR Park.(2/17) .............. 72 Voucher Program, Sec. 8, participation in.(8/17) ........................... 353 1992 INDEX - BOOK 122 SUBJECT PAGE W W. 8th St., 659, acquisition of property for housing; etc. (6/1)(7/20) .......................................... 229,296 W. 3rd, re rezoning from LI ~ C4 (US 61/151 ete.)(12/7) . . ·. 470 W. llth St. area, appointment of Sue Wilke to Historic Pr~. Comm. (7/6) .......................................... 260 W, 2nd & Bluff Sm,, request far curb Cuts by P. Suttoa.(7t~) ................ 282 Wahlett High Sch0oi Bd. of Edueauon re: Keyhue bus service 248,271 continuafioo.(2/29) ......... Walgreen Co., Cig. Pur.(6/15) ........ ' ............................... 75 Walgreens, Be~. Per.(4/20) . , . ' ............................... 245 f App 143 Walker, Janet, awarded Cerilficate o reeiation.(5/4) ......... '' ' i i ~ ' 164 lpr " Wall, retaining, at 1762 N. Main (Schies opurty), emergency repair.' ...... (8/3) ..................................... Wail Replacement to S udge }Iandl ng B de. at Eagle Point Water Plant ......... 335 (4/20)(5/18)(6/15) .......... Wallace, Nancy Lee, CLAIM; refe~al.(6/15)(~)6')'::::;:;;:::: ..... 150,200,212,242 Walmart pmparty rezohing (s of tlwy 20, west of English Mill Rd, · ...... 250,279 ~ & east of the NW Arterial).(4/20)(4/6)(5/4) .............. 127,14%150,166 SValnt~t Tap, C. Welner, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/15)(7/20) .... Walsh, Bill re: 1992 Concrete Paving Projuet.(6/15) ............ ' ....... 245,298 Walton, left, presentation re: Sister City in Pyatigarsk, Russia. ............ 236 (9/8) ...... . .... Waltz, John, re: amendment of 1989 Freeway Conidor Plan, rezoning of Elm S[ etc.(7/6) ..................................... Ward Auto Brokers, referral of Claim.(1/6) ..................... . · ·. 262 Warue0 #662, Beer Per.: Cig. Pur.(4/6)(6/15) ......................... Warren Plaza PC Planned Comm. Dis~ct, Ordinance amending allowing . for Target expansion; amended PC Dis.(3/16)(4/6) 12fl . Warren Plaza, ~e: mnended Sign ReRalations (11116t ( ) ....... 107'121,470 - " .... ' ........................ 463 Washington St., alley east, requested vacation by/{xetachmur-Tredway. (9/8) ..... '.. ........................................... 377 Washington Jr. High Life Science Teacher re: laws for constrictor type snakas.(12/21) ............................................ 497 Washington Street Urban Revitalization District, tax exemption Washing property,(2/17) .................. Ncighbo hood Tool Library .......................... 71 ton r , fanding.(2/29)(6/l) ............. 77,233,234 Washington Street Neighborhood, re: protection, 1989 Freeway Conidar plan, ete.(7/6) .... ~ ................................ 262 Waste paper co-incineration with sewage sludge, reconsideration. (5/18) ........................... Waste oil siudgas burning at sewage sludge brcinemto'r. ' .................... 183 (5118)(10/5) .................... W'aste (S°lid) Demonstration Project Grant Contract '~i~ i~ '/~I~i ........... 183,394 (5/18) ........................... .................... 183 Wastewater Treatment Plan, impmvemants, financing.(12/21) ... Water Pollution Control Plant, Phitse I improvements.(S/18) ............. 497 Water Pollution Control Plant, re: DNR Loan Agreement of $5,000,000 , ..... 183 for Phase I.(3/2) ................................... 88 ~,~ rouanon control Facility, proposed treatment facility ................. 342 tmprovemants.(g/l 4) ....................................... 379 Water Pollutton Control, development a suni (8/17). Water Pollution Control Plant, odor problems ......................... 358 ........ tar/sewer user charge.(8/3) Water Pollution Plant, .................................. re: improvements &saic of G.O. Bonds. · ........342 (1217)(12/21) ......................................... 473,497 INDEX - BOOK 122 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Water Plant Operator's certified by Civil Service Commission. (11/2) .................................................. 444 WaterlsewetinsudlafiononlnwoodDr.(S]4) .............................. 169 Water Slxeet betwesn Jones & First, extension of Storm Sewer. (2/3)(12/7) ............................................ 50,490 Water Distribution System, ~e: modeling study & automated mapping system eto.(2/3)(2/17) ..................................... 47,54 Water Elant (Eagle Pt.) Sludge Handling Building Structural Reinfomerc~ntproj.(ll6)(4/20)(5/18)(6/15) ............. 11,150,200,212,242 Water line ~esmont, vacate of 30' one on property owned by Whalen's on Keq~r.(9/8)(10/5) .................................... 375,388 Water problem in Sunset Ridge ate*, relief requested by D. Repass. (8/17) ................................................. 358 WCB Development Crop. re: Wnstmark Enterprises erG,(10/29) ................ 426 WCB Hotels, ln~., Liq. Lic.(l/20) ...................................... 27 Webb, James, Jim's Web, Liq. Lic.(4/20)(6/15) ......................... 144,246 Weber, AlbertF.,Jr.,CLAIM;referral.(6/15)(7/6) ....................... 250,279 Weber, Mike, Mike's 10 Pin Tap, Cig. Per.(6/15) .......................... 246 Weed problem on John F. Kennedy Rd., complaint by D. Donveller. (9/8) .................................................. 377 Weak of Re~onuiliation, proclaimed throughout State by Gev. Branstad. (lt~) ................................................... 16 Wuiner, C., Walnut Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/15)(7/20) .................. 245.298 Welder Track (Strut Equipment), on budget contingency list.(2/29) .............. 77 Well Elderly clinic re: renewal of ~erviess with VNA & Iowa Dept. of Public Health.(5/4) ........................................ 163 Wells, re: Midwest Gas construction of two wells on Bissell Lane. (10/19)01/16) ......................................... 424,457 Wells, three Monitoring, of Midwest Gar, within the right-of-way of Dodge St.(12/7) ....................................... 479,480 Welp, Gall C., CLAIM; refermi.(2/3)(2/17) ............................. 51,66 Welsh, T & T, Inc., Finale Lounge, Liq. Lic.(ll/2) ......................... 443 Wemnth Teresa M., CLAIM; Referral.(2/3)(2/17) ......................... 51,66 Wentworth, Bm, of DRA, presentation of dividend cbeck.(7/6) ............... 260 Weasels, Charles, CLAIM; referral.(4/20)(S/4) ......................... 154,180 West Side Athletlo Club, 1755 Radford, Beer Per.(10/19) ..................... 418 West Twelfth St., prohibitiag of Parklng.(l 1/16) ........................... 461 West Locust Mart, L. Potter, Cig. Per.(6/15) .............................. 245 West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, Cig. Per,; transfer of Beer Per. (4/20)(6/5)(8/17) .................................... 144,246,354 West llth St, Urban Revitalization Disffict, tax exemption property. (2/17) .................................................. 71 Westchester Subd., Lot 7, Blk 1 & Lot 7, Blk 2, rezoning (for Woiff's). (1/6) ........................ ; .......................... 10 W~terfield, Janet, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.(10/5) 393 Westmark, final plat of Lots 5, 6 B & C., approved.(l/20) 34 Westmark, acquisition of Lots 2, 3, & 4 by Westmark Enterprises, Inc. (10/29) ................................................. 426 Westphal & Co,, awarded Contract for Main Sc at Third St. Traffic Signais.(11/2) ............................................ 429 Westside Development (Hnlln/Pape) re: Rea. approving Final Plat of Embassy West No. 2, Blk 4 Lots 8-16, and Blk 5 Lots 10-20 and Lot A in the City.(4/6) ................................... 136 Westsido Development re: vacation & releasn of easement in Lot 8 of Blk 2 Embassy West.(4/6) ................................... 127 Wbelen, Lyle & Ann, vacate existing 30' easement on se lot line of Kerper Blvd. property.(9/8)(10/8) ........................ 375,388,402 Whainn, Lyle, dba Automotive & Industrial Hardware, re: Disposal of interest and vacation of 30' Railroad Easement in Elk 5 & Blk 6 of Riverfront SuM. #3. (10/5) ............................ 402 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Whcafley, Colin, Elder of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gave Invocation.(6/I) ... Wheel chaff lifts, rs: Keyline buses manufacturing.(3/16), i~ii~i~ii~iii~ ...... 214 102 Whiskey River, G. Kopferschimdt etc., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(10/19) ....... 246,418 Whiskey Hill, approval of final plat.(10/19) .............................. 422 White Hour Tap, D. Hoffman, Cig. P~r.(6/15) . 246 White St., from 4th St. lo 9th SL, IDOT transferring jurisdiclion of portions m: U.S. 52/61/151.(11/2) .............................. 436 White goods & tires being illegally dumped at various locations, County ruqu~sfing aralstanes.(8/3) .............................. 344 White, Fr. Norm, Gave Invocation for Couwil.(11/2) ....................... 428 Whitey's Bar X, L. Miller, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(9/14) ................. 245,382 Whitty, Susan, re: stop alg~xequested at Arbor HUla Drive & Highland Park Dr.(10/5) ..................................... 395 Whitty, Rich, J. presenting position statement on Hwy. 20, Dedgo St., Corridor Project.(12/7) ...................................... 474 Wickham, Jeanne, nSF, Chaplain of Mercy, gave Invocation.(7/20) ............. 286 Wiebke, Charles, C. Hart, Grendview Drug.(6/15) .......................... 244 Wilke, Sue, appointed to llth St. area of Ilistoric Pres. Comm.(7/6) . ............ 260 Willging, Attorney Mark, for Vic Stecher's re: extension of conditions re: final plat of SuM. of Lot 1 of 1 of Stecher P1.(4/20) .............. 140 WiUging, Attorney Mark for M. Helle re: vacation cm. of utility easement in Embassy West No. 2.(4/6) .......................... 127 Williams, Robert, 567 University, re: 607-609 E. 22nd St. rezonlng. (3/2)(6/1) ...................................... 90,217 Windsor Milk Houm, L. Zth kc, Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................ 246 Windsor Tap, Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(10/5) ............ 398,399 Windsor Park Urban Revitalization District, tax exemption property. (2/17) ................................... 71 Windsor Ave., west of & east of Liberty SL, zoning from R-4 to PR ........... and adopting a Conceptual Devcl. Plan; Planning Assoc. construction of condominiums etc.(8/17)(9/8)(10/19) ........... 356,362,420 Wittlne, Mr. and Mrs., re: vacation of alley in Union Ave. SuM. (3/2)(4~)(4/20) ................................... 97,129,145,146 Wm. C. Brown, r: Westmark Enter~aes, etc.(10/29) ........................ 426 Wm. C. Brown Co., re: x~bjecfing to rezoning of NW Arterial & Pennsylvania.(10/19) ....................................... 414 Wold, Mark A., CLAIM.(7/6) ........................................ 279 Wolf, David, appointed to Cable Community Telepmgramming Comm. (10/5) ................................................. 394 Wolff, Clark, re: rezoning of 3385 Asbury Rd., requested.(l/6) ................... 9 Wolff, Linde O'Brlen, re: Men~ of Agreement, of rezoning of 3385 Asbury Rd.(l]6) ........................................... 10 Woodland Drive, re: parking elimination on n side of Keyway etc. (11/16)(12/7)(12/21) .............................. 453,479,497,498 Woodman, Myra, Central Tap, Cig. Per.(6/15) ................... 244 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap Cig.Per.(6/15) ....... i~iii 244 ~oodward, Tilly, requesting aid re: "Portraits of Dubuque" project.(7/20) ......... 295 Woodyard, Julie, re: Holy Trinity Urban Revit. ares.(2/17) ..................... 60 Woolworth Co., F. W., Cig. Per.(6]15) ........... .. ...................... 246 Work session set for ftiling pesitlon of City Manager.(7[6) ................... 270 Work Session of City Council, Zoning Comm, & Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(2/3) . 5 ~ Worker's Memorlal Day Prooiamation.(4/20) ..... Jiiiiii~i .... iiiii~iiiJ'146 Wozniak Lorenz, Louise, Suit against City of Dbq.; Referral(11/2) .............. 443 Wright. Attorney E. David, for Raymond & Anna Mae requesting pmchare of real estate.(9/8) .................................. 377 Wright, Warner, requesting adoption of Ord. re: Conceptual Devel. of Kelly's Bluff.(6/1) ......................................... 217 Wright, Warner, of lIW Engineers re: Ord. amending Ch. 42 Subdivision Reg.(6/l) ...................................... 220 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Wulfekuhle, Phil, lc: Holy Trinity Urban Revit. area.(2/17) .................... 60 WWTP, re: Paul Schul~, (IrtJSE), requesting ceasing of incineration of railroad waste oil sludge etc.(10/5) ........................... 394 1992 INDEX - BOOK 122 SUBJECT PAGE Yacht Basin, Dbq,, by D. Shanley, re: new Lease Agreement with C. Johnson of Heisler Marine re: move salos/~crvice operation. (10/5) ................................................. 404 Yacht Basin, Beer Per.(5/18) ......................................... 1899 Yamada, Hiromi, CLAIM, rofertal.(ll/16)(12/7) ........................ 464,4 4 Yard setbacks, front, 30', etc. re: Zoning.(7/20) ........................... 308 Yaninrm, The, refund on lAq. IAc.; Liq. Lic.(2/3)(3/16) .................... 51,103 Ye Old Bnmswick, J. Lorenz, 3203 Jackson, lAq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (3/2)(6/15) ............................................ 89,246 Yen Citing Resta~unt, Liq. Lic.(l I/2) ........... . ........ 443 Yiannis Place, find plat approval of Lot I of Balance of Lot 3 of Lot 11 (Key City Inveam~ent).(1/20) . . Yield Signs on Al'her Hills Dr. & lliglfland Patei ;(i6/ ¢jtilhi' j. j............ 36 · 415,437 Yield Sign at intersection of Dana Dr. & Southway.(7/6) ..................... 266 Yield Sign at comer of Foothill & Pas~duna.(8/3)(11/2) ......... 343,438 Yotmker's Disffibution Cunter, re: Resolufiun of Interest.(12/7) ................ 479 Youth Hockey Program, objection to inelcase in fees.(2/29) .................... 75 Y°uth Appreoiation Week, Proclamation, lcceived by Optimists.(11/2) ........... 428 Youth Leadership Week, Prooiamatlon.(9/8) .............................. 360 ' Youth in Government officials sworn in.(4/6) .. 113 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zah~nik, Edward J., objecting to Center Caere Drive Sanitary Sewer Extonsion.(6/l ) ........................................... 215 Zasada, Jeff, 1941 Lagen, re: ~aving of Tiller Thick for Fire Dept. at County Historical Dept.(4/20) ................................. 140 Zeimot. Kathy, CLAIM.(4/20) ........................................ 154 Zelo Brewing Co. offering ~ssismnee in Riverfront Development etc. (5/4) .................................................. 181 Zephyr Aluminum Peoducts, Inc., awarded bid for Bunker Hill Residing Projeet.(1/20) ............................................. 28 Zteginr, Homy, Subdivision, Lot I of 1 of 2 of 2, re: rezoding of 3300 Asbery Rd. from C-2 to C-3.(10/19) ............................ 413 Zingier Industries, lac. re: Petition to Foreclose Mechanic's Lien. (12/21) ................................................. 500 Zihlke, Lomn, Milk House, 2311 Windsor, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. 0/2)(6/15) ............................................ 89,246 Zirkelbach, Sendra, A & B Tap, Cig. Per.(7/6) ............................ 269 Zirkalbach, Sandy, Kennel Club, 1097 Jackson, Liq. Lin.(12/21) ................ 499 ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (l/20)(2/3)(2]17)(3/16)(4/6)(4f20)(5/4)(5/lg)(8i3)(8/17)(9/14)(lO/19) (12/7)(12/21) .......................... 33,51,66,109,134,154,180,211,343,357,384,420,483,500 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES; (1/6)(2/3)(2]17)(4/6)(4f20)(5/18)(7/20)(8/17)(9]8)(9]14)(21/21) ................................... 13051,66,134,154,211,309,357,376,384,500 Zoning, re: property south of Cora Dr. from R-I Single Faro. to R-2 Two Family Residential Dis.(8]17) ......................... .... 356 Zoning, re: rezoning of property east of Donovan Dr. & south of Cora Dr. from R-1 Single Family Rcs. to R-2 Two Fantily Resid. nto,(8/17)(9/8) ......................................... 356.361 Zoning, m: reclassifying property west of Windsor Ave. & east of Liberty S~. from R-4 Multi-Family Real& to PR Planned Res. Dis. & adopting a Concopt~ Dovalopment Plan. (8/17)(9/8) ........................................... 356,362 Zoning, meeading Section 8 "Definitions" of Restaurants for Drive-in/ Carryout and Indoor Restaurants.(8/17)(9/8) .................... 356,364 Zoning, request for amending Jniinn Dbq. Dr. PID to allow development on part of Parcel "B", now open spaee (E. Tschiggfrie); Reconalder.(8/17)(9,~)(lO/5) ............................ 357,371,392 Zoning dnnini for rozoning of property west of Bonson Rd. & Mnggan St. from R-I to R-2.(8/17) ................................... 357 Zoning, re: north of Southern Ave. between Samuel & Valley Sts. from R-2A, OS & R-2 to POS.(8/3) ............................. 320,321 Zoning, re: text an~admont eliminating distinction between cul-de-sac & local sire, et & setting front yard sntbanks.(7/20) .................. 308 Zoning, re: Bulk regal~oas (new) adopted etc.(7/20)(8/3) .............. 308,321.328 Zoning, re: discussion of C~I Neighborhood Comm, District, amendment re: Chiropractic office inclusion petition.(7/20) ..................... 299 Zoning reclassification and Text Arrendmant P~ocedure - Public Itearing Requirement, clarification by Coq. Counsni.(7/6) ................... 284 Zoning, re: text amendmant re: C-2 N~ighborhood Shopping Dis. (7/20)(8/3) ........................................ 308,314-317 Zoning, re: Southern Ave. to POS P~bllc Open Space.(7/20) .................. 308 Zoning, re: new Section 3-3.1(E)(4) Medical Office of not mom than two practitioners and not moro than 2,500 square feet of floor area in a C-1 Nnighbothood Comw. Dis. as a Conditional Use. (8/3) .................................................. 320 Zoning Bd, of Adjustmant. resignation of Terry Duggan.(9/8) .................. 367 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Zoning Board of Adjustment re: concurrence with Zoning re: front yard setbacks otc.(7/20) ......................................... 308 Zoning, re: property at 1410, 1430, 1450, 1470 Tower Dr. & Tower Heights from PR planned Res. to R-4 Mniti-family Res. & Dis. & 1560 Tower Dr. & portion of Jaeger Dr. from PR to R-I.(8/17)(9/8) ........................................ 355,360 Zoning, re: 3300 Asbury from C-2 to C-3.(9/14)(10/19) ................... 383,413 Zoning Comm., amend Sign Regulations in Warren Plaza PC Dis. (11/16)(12/7) ......................................... 463,470 Zoning change to allow Special Exceptions and procedures for grantlng, new Section 5-3.7.(11/16)(12/7) ................... 463,471,472 Zoning reclassification west of Freeway 61/151 from 4th St. to Jones St. & East of Locust St. from LI Light Industrial Dis. to C-4 Downtown Comm.(11/16)(12/7) .................... 463,469 Zoning, re: corner of Asbmy & Kennedy from C-2 to C-3 and R-3 to C-3.(11/16)(12/7) ...................................... 462,469 Zoning, re: 1320 Locust from OR to OC.(12/21) ........................... 499 Zoning, final plat appmvni of Subd. of Lot I of Tschamer Pl, into Lots 1-6 inclusive of Darwood Acres.(l 2]21) ............................ 501 Zoning of Finley Hospital property from C-2 to ID & amending ID Conceptual Devni~pment Plan.(12/21) ................................... 500 Zoning, property east and south of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to CS. (12/21) ................................................. 499 Zoning Boaxd of Adjustotnnt appointmant of Janyce Unieer.(l 1/16) ............. 453 Zoning, re: 1818 Asbury Rd. from R-1 to R-2.(10/19)(11/16) ............... 419,452 Zoning, re: property at NW corner of NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave. from R-3 Mniti-Family Res. to C-3 Gen. Comm. Dis. (9/14) ................................................. 384 Zoning, re: 2699 Kennedy Rd. from OR to OS Dis.(9/14)(lO/5) ............. 383,391 Zoning, re:83Leeustre:FreewayConidorP1an,(7/6)(ll/2) ................ 265,430 Zoning, re: Table Mound Mobile tlome Park Conceptual Devel. Plan amendreent of Bnik Regniations ntc.(9/14)(10/19)(11/16) ........ 384,414,450 Zoning, Loras Blvd., 1105-1155, from C-1 to C-2 (Rnttenmaler). (10/5)(10/19)(11/16) ................................. 394,415,449 Zoning, re: MHI (modified lleavy Industrial Dis.) established & Sign Regniations nte.( 10/19)( 11/2) .............................. 419,430 Zoning, re: amending current HI District to c~atn permitted uses listed as Nos. 53 thru 59.(10/19) ........................ . .......... 419 Zoning of 83 Locust St., 301,305,309 & 313 Jones St. rezoning from C-4 to OR.(10/19)(ll/2) .................................. 419,430 Zoning, re: l.nther Manor Nursing Horce at 3131 Hlllcrest Rd., amendmant of Conccptuni Dovelopraant Plan.(9/l 4)(10/5) .......... 383,389 Zoning, re: Loras Estates (south of Roosnvalt Rd.) from R-1 to PR District & approve Conceptual Development Plan for 15 Single Family Homes (Ron Smith).(6/15)(7/6) .................. 249,276 Zoning re: PR Planned Residential Dis. for property at se comer of Kaufmann Ave. &Chaney Rd.(3/16)(4Ri) .................. 106,107,124 Zoning Board of Adjustment appointments of Doan Rob~y.(3/2) ................. 87 Zoning Fees (& Planning), amended in City Budget.(2,r29) ..................... 85 Zoning re: amend Conceptual Dovcl. Plan for 3500 Dodge, Warren Plaza, Target Store expansion.(3/16)(4/6)(12fl) ............ 107.121-122,470 Zoning Board of Adjustment reappointment of Parr;cia pemson.(4/6) ............. 113 Zoning, re: final plat approval of Subd. of Lot 2-2-1-E Embassy West extending north from Camelot Dr. & Embassy West. No. 2. (4/6) .................................................. 136 Zoning re; property s. of Hwy 20 & E. of the NW Arterial & West of English Mill Rd. (Walmart) from AG Agricultural & C-2 General Comm. Dis.(4/6)(4/20)(5/4) ...................... 127,147,166 Zoning re: 560 Maplewood Ct. Elderly bonging etc.(4/6)(5/4) ............... 113,166 INDEX - BOOK 122 1992 SUBJECT PAGE Zoning Comm. re: denial to rezoan property at nw corner of Pennsylvania & NW Axxerial from R-3 Moderate to C-3. (2117)(3/2)(9114)(10119) .............................. 66,90,384,414 ~Zoning, re: text amendment to establish a POS Public Open Space Dis. (2/17)(3/2) ............................................. 65,90 Zoning, ye: property west of P~sadena Ct. from OS to R-3.(I/6) .................. 8 Zoning of 585-587 University from OR to C-2.(1/6) ......................... 6,7 Zoning Ord. re: new section 6-3,3 fo~ eritsria for text amendments.(l/6) ............6 Zoning, 365 Cedar Cro~s Rd. from R-1 to CS.(1/6) .......................... 8,9 Zoning, re: Urban Revitalization area at Holy Ttinity.(l/6) ..................... 12 Zoning of 607 & 609 E. 22nd St. from C-I to C-1. (2117)(3/2)(5118)(6/1)(6/15) ........................ 65,90,204,217,240 Zoning, re: 3870 Peru Rd. (M. Hoag lnoperty) from R-1 to R-3. (1/'20) ................................................ 29,30 Zoning Ord. re: adding "Animal Hospitni/Clinie" and "Kennel" to CS Comm. & Wholesale Dia.(1/20)(2tr3) ........................... 29,45 Zoning, approval of Sub& south of llwy 20 as requested by Interstate Power Co.(6/15) .......................................... 252 Zoblng, re: final plat approval of Embassy West No. 2, Blk 4 Lots 8-16, Blk 5 Lots 10-20 and Lot A.(4/6) .......................... 136 Zoning, re: bulk regulations for Mobile Home Park at 4001 Peru Rd. (6/15)(10/19) ......................................... 248,414 Zoning, re: vacation of pordon of Carter Rd., 300' north of Kaufmann Ave.(6/l) ............................................... 225 Zoning, re: text araendment to Subdivision O~rdinance.(5/18) .................. 205 Zoning, ~e: Creaceat Court property from R-I Single Family to Commercial.(6/15)(7/6) .................................. 249,272 Zoning, re: 2050 John F. Kennedy Rd. from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping center Dia. to C-3 General Comm. Dia.(6/15)(7~6) ........ 249,272 Zoning, re: plat of MarNa Ridge Estates for Marry McNamer.(6/15) ........ ..... 251 Zoning re: new Section 3-3.1 C-1 Neighborbood Comm. Dis. (6/15)(7/6)(7/20)(8/3) ........................... 249,276,299,318-320 Zoning, re: final plat approval of Lots 1-6 of Bissell Pl., TFM Co., 1100-1150 Min St.(4/20) .................................... 155 Zoning, re: amendment of Conceptual Development Platt for Kelly's Bluff; approving final plat of Kelly's Bluff No. 2. (5/18)(8/3) ........................................... 205,344 Zoning re: final plat approval of Lots 7-31 and Lot D of Nortltrange Subd. No. 2 (M. Portzen).(4/20) ............................... 156 Zoning, re: final plat approval of Lots 742, of Blk 4, Lots 1-13, of Blk 5, Lota 1-21, of Blk 6, Lots 1-12, of Blk 8, Lots 1-9, of Blk 9, Lots 1-6 of Blk 10, Lots 1-2 of Blk 12, Lots 1-18, of Blk 13.(4/'20) .......................................... 157 Zoning denial of increase in signage in Plaza 20.(5/4) ....................... 175 Zoning re: text amendn~nt to allow Day Car~ Center in Neighborhood Shopping Center District.(5/4)(5~18) ............... 175,202 Zoning re: 516-518 Rbomberg Ave. from R-2A Rbomberg Ave. to R-3 Multi-Family Res.(5~4)(5/18) ........................... 175,203 Zoning, 2005 AsbuD' from R-3 & C-I to ID Institutional and Amending Conceptual Development Plan.(5/18)(6/1) .............. ~04,221 Zoning, re: plat approved of proposed vacated Pennsylvania Ave. abutting Blk 2 of Sunset Park 5th Addn.(5/4) ...................... 176 Zoning, ~e: finni plat approval of Southgate Center, 2nd Addn. East of Bwy 61-151 and south of Hwy 52 & 67.(4/20) ................... 160 Zureher, John, CLAIM;refertal.(SIlS)(6/1)~7/6) ..................... 211,233,279