1994 September Council ProceedingsRenular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 -7fi DUBUQUE CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS City Council Meaing, ILedey, September 6, 1994 Council met et 7:30 p m., Public Library Auditorium Present Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg, Ciry Manager Michael C Ven Mill~een, Coryorenon Counsel Berry A LindehL Mayor Du_ge en reed the cell end stated this is the RGguler Session of the Ciry Council celled for the puryose to act upon such business which may properly come before the Council. Invocation was given by Robett Gooch, Disaster Services Director- PROCLAMATIONS - Sept_ 5-10 es "Union Label Week'; Sept_ 17th es "End of the Summer Sash '94 Day" received by Andrea Schickles end Rebecca Greve. Mayor Du_ge en swore in Council Member Loren Kluesner es Mayor Pro-Iem Counnl Member Nagle moved that the rules be suspended to allow erryone presort to address the Council Seconded by Council Member Robbins_ Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nay, None. Proof of Publication cettified to by the Publisher on Nonce of Hearing on plans end specificenons for Operations end Meintenence Depettment Geroge Roof Rehebilitetion Project, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the proof be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg RHSOLUTION N0.290-94 RHSOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS SPHCIFICATIONS Whereas, on the 27th day of Iuly, 1994, plans, spenficenorr_, forrn of contract end enmeted cmt were Fled with the Ciry Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa for the Operations end Meintenence Depettment Geroge Roof Rehebilitetion Project. Whereas, nonce of hearing on plem, spenficenom, forrn of contract, end enmeted cmt was published es required by lew_ NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the said plerr_, speHficenom, forrn of contract end esnmeted cost ere hereby approved es the plerr_, speHficenom, forrn of contract end esnmeted cost for said improvements for eeid project. Passed, adopted end approved this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Ney,-None Proof of Publication cettified to by the Publisher on Nonce to Bidder- on Receipt of Sids for project end communication of Ciry Meneger recommending to award contract for project, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the proof end communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg I _ ae RHSOLUTION N0.291-94 AWARDING CONTRACT Whereas, sealed proposeL- have heal submitted by contrecton for the Operations end Meintenence Depettment Geroge Roof Rehebilitetion Project pursuant to Resolution No_ 270-94 end nonce to bidder- published in a newspaper published in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa on the 5th day of August, 1994. Whereas, said sealed proposeL- were opened end reed on the 25th day of August, 1994 end is has heal daerrnined that the bid of Stanley Roofing Comperry of Vinton, Iowa in the amount of $81,13? 00 was the lowest bid for the furnishings of ell labor end meterieL- end paforrning the work es provided for in the plans end specificenons_ NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the contract for the above improvement be awarded to Stanley Roofing Comperry end the Manager be end is hereby directed to execute e contract on behalf of the Ciry of Dubuque for the complae paforrnence of the work. SE R FURTHER RESOLVED: Ihet upon the si_ming of said contract end the approval of the contractor's bond, the Ciry IYeesurer is authorized end instructed to raum the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidder~~ Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg I- -- ~e Proof of Publication cettified to by the Publisher on Nonce of Public Hearing to consider adopting en emended Conceptual Development 777 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 Plan for Table Mound Mobile Home Perk PR Distract, presented end reetL Council Manlier Kluesnw moved that the proof of publication lie received end filed. Seconded by Council Manlier Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluenw, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Vowbwg. -- - -- tie. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting en Amended Conceptual Development Plan for property located West of Rockdale Roed for the Table Mound Mobile Home Perk PR Planned Residential Distract, said Ordinance having heal presented end reed et the Council Mewing of 8-15-94, now presented for final action. There were no objections received end no Orel objector presort et the time of the Heerang (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCH NO. 44-94 AN ORDINANCH AMHNDING APPHNDDC A (THH ZONING ORDINANCH) OF THH CITY OF DUSUQUH CODH OF ORDINANCHS SY ADOPTING AN AMHND HD CONC HPTUAL DHVHLOPMHNT PLAN FOR PROPHRTY LOCATHD WHST OF ROCKDALH ROAD FOR THH TASLH MOUND MOSILH HOMH PARK PR PLANNHD RHSIDHNTIAL DISTRICT IN THH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA. Whereas, Table Mound Mobile Home Perk has filed en epplicetion for approval of en emended conceptual development plan for hereinafter described propery in accordance with provisions of the PUD Planned Unit Development regulations es set fotth in Section 3-5 5 of the Code of Ordinances, Appendic A thereof, of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa; end Whereas, the Zoning Commission end Ciry Council have held a public hearing on said epplicetion for en emended conceptual development plan punuent to required published notice; end Whereas, the Zoning Commission end Ciry Council have approved said emended conceptual development plan subject to specific conditions end restractions having found that said plan conforrns with the review wenderds applicable to such plans es sw fotth in Section 3-5 5 of the Code of Ordinances, Appendic A thereof, of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That Appendic A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Ciry of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby emended by adopting end approving the emended conceptual development plan, to wit: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Annie Weller Subdivision No_ 2, end to the caner line of the adjoining public right-of-way, ell in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2 Ihet in order to accomplish the purpme of the PR Planned Reidentiel Distract, end the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, the use end improvement of the hweinebove described PUD Planned Unit Development with e PR Planned Residential desi_metion shell be subject to the emended conceptual development plan with the following conditions end restractions A U=e Reeuletiorr The following regulations shell apply to ell uses made of lend in the above described PR Planned Residential Distract 1) The principal permitted use shell be limited to mobile home perWsubdivision with a two-unit residential structure above the ecisting storm shelter- 2) Accessory uses shell be limited to any use customarily incidental end subordinate to the principal use it serves- S_ Sulk Regulations The bulk regulations in this pemculer PR Planned Residential Detract shell be es follow> Lot Area 5,000 sq. fr. Lot Frontage 50 fr. Lot Covwage es %Lot Area 40% Swbecks: Front 10 fr. Side 6 fr. Rear (accept a 15 foot rear yard swbeck for the mobile home lots south of Bankston Drive) 8 fr. Building He(ght 20 fr. Accessory dweched geragas or ceryott shell be a minimum of 20 few from the front property line what accessing the strew. C Perkine Reouirements The following regulations shell apply to ell perking areas in the above described PR Planned Residential Distract 1) The off-strew perking requirements for the principal permitted use shell be two (2) specesldwelhng unit 2) the duplec above the storrn shelter shell provide 4 off-strew perking spaces in front of the building with e mecimum width of 12 fea for the driveway. D. Sims The s(gn regulations in this particular PR Planned Residential Distract shell be the same es that which is allowed in the R-4 Multi-Family Residential Distract es established in Section 4311 Schedule of Si_m Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. E Site Develonment stenderds The site development stenderds for this PR Planned Residential Distract shell be es follows; 1) All outside rubbish, worage end garbage collection areas shell be perrnenently screened from view to e height of et lees[ sic (6) fea, es sw forth in Section 4-4.6(3) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. 2) All utiliry transmission systems shell be placed under ground. 3) Adequate illumination shell be provided to strews, sidewellc, end ell areas for vehicular end pedestrian circulation, end shell be directed so es not to intafwe with the use end enjoyment of adjacent propwties_ Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 -7R 4) the opal space tlesi_metetl for perk puryoses shell mntein playground end other recreetionel equipment for use by the residents end shell remain serviceable F_ Perforrnence Standards the development end maintenance of uses in this PR Plennetl Resitlennel Distract shell be esteblehetl in mnforrnence with the standards of Section 3-5 5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. G_ IYensfer of Owner_hin Transfer of ownership or lease of propetty in this PR Plennetl Resitlennel Distract shell include in the transfer or lease egeement a provision that the purchaser or lessee ecknowletlges awareness of the mntlinons authorizing the esteblehment of this ~~tract~ K Strea= the streas in this perriculer PR Plennetl Resitlennel Detract shell be meinteinetl es paved, private streas, in ecmrdence with the Ciry of Dubuque specificenons by the propetty owns entUor essocienoa If not so meinteinetl, the Ciry of Dubuque may tlo so et the ecpense of the propetty owns entUor essocienoa Section 3. No mnstmcnon may take place accept in substantial mnforrnence with this emended mnceptuel development plan. Section 4. This ortlinence shell take effect immediately upon publication, es provided by law. Pessetl, epprovetl end etloptetl this 6th dry of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 44-94 I, the untlersi_metl, Richertl Young, representing Ieble Mound Perk Coryorenon, property owner(s), having reed the tams end mntlinons of the 44- 94 end being familiar with the mntlinons thereof, hereby accept this same end agree m the mntlinons required therein Detetl this 12th dry of September, 1994_ Sy lsJRichertl Young Table Mound Perk Corporation Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 23rd dry of September, 1994_ It 9123 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved final mnsitlerenon end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Proof of Publication terrified m by the Publisher on Nonce of Public Hearing m mnsitler redessifying properry et 2887 Central Ave from R-1 Detract m OR Detract, preented end reefL Council Member Voaberg moved that the proof of publication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None There were no objections received end no Orel ob]ecmn present et the time of the Heerang Ierry Meler_, 3090 Castlewood, of Holy Ghent Perish, requested adoption of the Ordinance An Ordinance Amending Zoning Mep by reclassifying property located et 2887 Central Avenue from R-1 Single-Family Resitlennel District m OR Office Resitlennel Distract, said Ordinance having been presented end reed et the Council Meaing of 8-15-94, now presented for final action. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCR NO. 45-94 AN ORDINANCR AMRNDING APPRNDDC A (THR ZONING ORDINANCR) OF 7HR CITY OF DUSUQUR CODR OF ORDINANCRB, SY RRCLASSIFYING HRRRINAFTRR DRSCRISRD PROPRRTY LOCATRD AI 288'1 CRNTRAL AVRNUR FROM R-1 SINGER-FAMILY RRSIDRNTIAL DI87RICT IO OR OFFICR RRSIDRNTIAL DI87RICT. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That Appendic A (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Ciry of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby emended by reclassifying the hereinefrer described property from R-1 Single- Femily Resitlennel Detract m OR Office Resitlennel Detract, m wit Lots 4, 5, 6 end 6A G R West Addition, end m the center line of the adjoining public right-of-way, ell in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2 the foregoing amendment has heraofore been reviewed by the Zoning Commission of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowe_ Section 3. This ortlinence shell take effect immediately upon publication, es provided by law. Pessetl, epprovetl end etloptetl this 6th dry of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper the 15th day of September, 1995_ It 9115 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved final mnsitlerenon end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS HOUSING COMMISSION TRUST FUND: One tam (At Large) m ecpire 9-8-97. Applicant Mery Iene Steele. Council Member Voaberg moved that Mery Iene Steele be appointed m the Housing Commission IYust Funtl for the At Large tam which will ecpire 9-8-97. Seconded by Council Member Robbins- Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Commumcenon of the Housing Commission remmmentling that Iemes Geisen be reappointed m the Housing Commission IYust Funtl Commission es a representative from the Housing Commission, presented end reetL Council 779 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed end approved the recommendenon for Iemes Geisen m be reappointed m the Housing Commission IYust Fund Commission for a one year tam which will aspire 9-8-95. Seconded by Council Manlier Robbins- Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Duegen, Council Manlier- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Ro667rr_, Voaberg. -- - -- rte. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION: One terrn m aspire 1-1-97 (ferrn of Ierome Greer). Applicenc: Becky Heimerl, Richard F. McCrrene, Muoefe Ozcen, Allen L'IYoupe. Applicants Muoefe Ozcen, Allot IYoupe end Becky Heimerl spoke requesting appointment Mayor Duggan voted for Heimerl. Council Member Kluesner voted for Ozcea Council Member Krieg voted for Heimerl. Council Member Nagle voted for Heimerl. Council Member NchoL-on voted for IYoupe Council Member Robbins voted for HeimerL Council Member Voaberg voted for Ozcen. 'Therefore, Becky Heimerl was appointed m the unexpired tam which will expire 1-1-97. PLUMBING BOARD: One tam m aspire 11-2-96 (tam of a Master Plumber). Applicant Leonard Rhomberg. Council Member Voaberg moved that Leonard Rhomberg be reappointed (es Master Plumber) m e tam which will aspire 11-2-96. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg. -- - -- rte. Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Ciry Manager submimng Roosevelt Perk development possibiGnes, presorted end reetL Upon discussion end consensus of Council it was resolved m leave es it is presently- City Manager recommending the hiring of en eneineering firrn for services et Flora end Sutton PooL-, presorted end reetL Council Manlier Kluesner moved that the communicenon lie received end filed end the hiring of the firrn lie approved. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manlier- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Ro661rr_, Voaberg Nay, None. Ciry Meneger recommending approval of contract with Dubuque Fighting Saints for 1994!95 year, presorted end reetL Council Member Kluesner moved that the communicenon be received end filed end contract approved. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Communicenon of the Ciry Manager requesting euthorizenon for release of penonel guarantee for Eagle Point Coryorenon, presorted end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Housing Commission requesting a Worksession with Ciry Council m discuss Housing Issues, presorted end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end Fled end sa Monday, October 10, 1994 et 4 00 p-m_ es the desi_meted date end time for the Worksessioa Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg. -- - -- rte. Mayor of Hendon, Republic of Chine, requesting Ciry representenves visit their Ciry in Sept or Oct m si_m gg'eement Establishing Sister Ciry Relenonship, presorted end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed end that it be recommended that the Mayor represent the Ciry with the delegenon going m Hendon, with funding m come from private contribunons_ Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Ciry Manager submitting a Work Plen for SoerdJCommissions Study, presorted end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the communication be received end filed end approved the Work Plen end proceed with the proposed time schedule end forrnet Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ RZSOLUIION N0.292-94 RZSOLUIION AUTHORIZING RZLZASZ OF SCOTT 'TAYLOR AND RHONDA 'TAYLOR FROM PZRSONAL GUARANTZZS AND FUNRZ OSLIGAIIONS FOR PZRSONAL GUARANTZZS AND FURIHZR AU...,......~fG IHZ RZDfl.... ..,..f SY ZAGLZ POINT CORPORATION OF SI-L9Rfl5 OWNflD SY SCOTI'IAYLOR Whereas, Scott Taylor is e shareholder of Eagle Point Coryorenon end es a shareholder he end his wife, Rhonda Taylor, have executed personal guarantees of the notes owed by Eagle Point Coryorenon m the Ciry of Dubuque punuent m the requirements of CDSG Loen Agreement No_ 5-93 dated May 16, 1994; end Whereas, Scott Taylor end Rhonda Taylor ere obligated m execute penonel guarantees under CESA Loen No_ 92-PRO-Ol dated Iuly 18, 1991, end CESA Loen Agreement No. 93-CESA-066 dated Iuly 15, 1993; end Whereas, Eagle Point Coryorenon end Scott Taylor wish m have Eagle Point Coryorenon redeem his shares in the coryorenon m the point where he would no longer be a shareholder; end Whereas, Scott Taylor end Rhonda Taylor wish m be relieved of erry obligenons on the penonel guarantees et such point es they cease being shareholder- in the coryorenon; end Whereas, the redemption of Scott Taylor's shares in the coryorenon requires the consort of the City of Dubuque under paragraph 9(f) of Loen .v_...-._; Nn CDSG 5-93, Nn CDSG 3-93 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 -RO end a certain CDSG Loen Agreement dated Ienuery 2Q 1992; end Whereas the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Dubuque believes that the redemption of the shares es contemplated above end the corresponding release of Scott Taylor end Rhonda Taylor from their guerentees end obligations for future guerentees ere in the best interests of the Ciry of Dubuque. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L the redemption by Eagle Point Coryoretion of the shares of the Coryoretion owned by Scott Taylor is hereby epprovetL Section 2 the release of Scott Taylor end Rhonda Taylor forrn the penonel guerentees previously given to the Ciry of Dubuque of the notes of Eagle Point Coryoretion end its predecessor end the futther release of Scott Taylor end Rhonda Taylor from arty futther obligation to provide penonel guerentees of the notes of Eagle Point Coryoretion is hereby epprovetL Section 3. 'Ihe Mayor is hereby authorized end directed to si_m the modification end the release attached herao. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None. Communication of the Ciry Meneger submitting a xhedule on construction of Fremont Avenue Bridge end requesting Eminent Domain Proceedings begin to acquire parcel of R-teht-of- Wey, presented end reetL Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Negle_ Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None RHSOLUTION N0.293-94 RHSOLUTION APPROVING HASHMHNT AGRHHMHNT WITH CHICAGO, CHNTRAL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RHLATING TO CONS__.____.... OF FRHMONT AVHNUH SRIDGH Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque is developing plans for the reconstruction of the Fremont Avenue bridge which crosses property owned by the Chicegq Carrel end Pacific Reilroed Comperry; end Whereas, the Chicegq Carrel end Pacific Reilroed Comperry has prepared en Easement Agreement stipulating the tams end conditions of their epprovel for the construction of said bridge over railroad property; end Whereas, the Ciry Council epprovel the tams end conditions of said Easement . v __..__ NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L Ihet the Easement i with the Chicago, Carrel end Pacific Reilroed Comperry relating to the construction of the Fremont Avenue bridge be approved. Section 2 Ihet the Mayor be authorized end directed to execute two copies of the ageement with the Chicagq Carrel end Pacific Reilroed Comperry. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution end to proceed with eminent domain proceedings. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Ndele, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg Nays-None Communication of the Ciry Meneger recommending to rehabilitate property et 508 Loren SIvtL es a single family home structure; Communication of Historic Preservation Commission requesting Council not to demolish the house et 508 Loren Boulevard; Communication of the Ciry Meneger recommending ecceptence of deed for property et 508 Loren SIvtL, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communications be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Krieg Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, NchoL-on, Voaberg Nays-Mayor Duggan, Council Member Nagle, Robbins_ RHSOLUTION N0.294-94 RHSOLUIION ACCHPTING A CONVHYANCH OF PROPHRTY LOCATHD AT 508 LORAS SOULHVARD, DUSUQUH, IOWA, TO 7HH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA. Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque has agreed to purchase the following legally described reel propery: Lot One (1) of Lot One (1) of Lot One (1) of Lot 810 in McDenielS Subdivision of Town Lon; end Lot Eteht (8) of A L Brown; Subdivision, ell in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, Dubuque County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof from Gery end Iune Henson, end Whereas, the owner- have prepared a Werrenry Deed naming the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, es holder of ell r-tehn, title end interesn in said propary_ NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby approve of, eccepn end consenn to the Werrenry Deed from Gery end Iune Henson es required by Iowa Code Section 569.7. Section 2 the Ciry Clerk be end she is hereby authorized end directed to cease said Werrenry Deed to be recorded in the office of the Dubuque County Recorder, togaher with a cettified copy of this Resolution Section 3 the Ciry Clerk be end she is hereby directed to forward e copy of this Resolution to the Dubuque County Assessor end the Dubuque County Auditor_ -R1 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Krieg Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, NchoL-on, Voaberg S- _ - - _ -.r Duggan, Council Member_Nagle, Robbins_ City Manager recommending execution of Industrial Sewer Use Agreements with FDL Foods, Inc, Inland Protein, Senofi Sio Industries end Swiss Valley Ferrns Dairy, presorted end reetL Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received end filed end approved the recommendation. Seconded by Council Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg. -- _ -- tie. Council Manlier Kluesner moved final consideration end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg N. _ -- Ciry Manager submitting en Ordinance providing for controlling the erection of s(gns in the Ciry, presented end reetL Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None An Ordinance Amending Code of Ordinances by repealing certain sections end enacting in lieu thereof new Sections 3-34 thm 3-71 establishing e Sign Code for the Ciry end providing for the Issuance of Permits, the Collection of Fees therefore end the Licensing of Contrecton, presented end reetL City Manager submitting Ordinance prohibiting perking on Notth side of Spring Valley Roed, from Olde Country Lene to Fos Hollow Roed, presorted end reetL Council Kluesner moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Voaberg Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None An Ordinance Amending Section 32-262(d) of the Code of Ordinances prohibiting perking on des meted stress end adding pottions of Spring Valley Roed, presented end reed. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCH NO. 46-94 AN ORDINANCH AMHNDING SHCTION 32-262(d) OF 7HH CODH OF ORDINANCHS OF 7HH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA PROHIBITING PARKING ON DHSIGNATHD STRHHTS OR PORTIONS 7HHRHOF ADDING CHRTAIN P,.....,...5 OF SPRING VALLHY ROAD NOW, THEREFORE, SE R ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Ihet the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa be emended by adding to Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 the following- Spring Valley Roed, notth side, from Olde Country Lene to Fos Hollow Roed Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper the 15th day of September, 1994_ It 9115 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered end voted on for passage et two Council Meaings prior to the mewing et which it is to be finally passed be suspendetL Seconded by Council Member Voaberg Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCH NO. 49-94 AN ORDINANCH AMHNDING 7HH CODH OF ORDINANCHS OF 7HH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA, SY RHPHALING SHCTIONS 3-34 7HRU 3-69 HSTASLISHING A SIGN CODH AND HNACTING IN LIHU 7HHRHOF NHW SHCTIONS 3-34 7HRU 3-71 HSTASLISHING A SIGN CODH FOR 7HH CITY OF L_.._.~__, IOWA AND PR,.....~.... FOR 7HH ISSUANCH OF PHRMCIS, 7HH COLLHCTION OF FHHS THHRHFOR AND 7HH LICHNSING OF CONTRACTORS. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby emended by repealing Sections 3-34 through 3-71 end adopting new Sections 3-34 thm 3-71 in lieu thereof es follows- Sec 3-34. Title These regulations shell be known es the "Dubuque Sign Code;' may be cited es such, end will be referred to herein es "this code." Sec. 3-35. Purpose end Scope. 'The purpose of this code a to provide minimum oenderds to safeguard life, health, property end public welfare by regulating end controlling the desi_m, queliry of meterieL-, construction, location, electrification end meintenence of ell s(gns end s(gn structures not located within a building. A sign shell not be erected in a manner that would confuse or obstruct the view or interpraetion of erry official traffic sLen, sLenel or device. The regulations of this code ere not intended to permit erry violation of the provisions of erry other lawful ordinance. Sec 3-36. Application to Existing Si_ms_ (e) GenereL Sims in existence et the time of the adoption of this code may have their existing use continued, if such sum was legal et the time of adoption of this code; provided that proof of insurance es required in Section 3-43(b) of this code is filed with the building official (b) Meintenence of Existing S~ms_ All existing sums end sum suppott oructures, togaher Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 -R- with ell of their suppom, brace, guys end anchors, shell be kept in repair end in a proper state of preservetioa the display surfaces of ell si_ms shell be kept neatly painted or posted et ell ~mes~ (q Moved Si_ms_ Sims moved into or within the Ciry of Dubuque shell comply with the provisions of this code for new si_ms_ Sec. 337. Enforcement (e) Authoriry. The bWltling official is hereby authorized end directed to enforce ell the provisions of this code For such puryoses the building official shell have the powers of a law enforcement officer. (b) R[ght of Entry- Whatever necessary to make en inspection to enforce erry of the provisions of this code, or whatever the building official or authorized representative has reesoneble cease to believe that there esists in erry building or upon any premises erry condition or code violation which makes such building or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the building official or authorized representative may otter such building or premises et ell reesoneble times to inspect the same or to perforrn erry dory imposed upon the building official by this code, providing that if such building or premises be occupied, the building official or authorized representative shell fiat present proper cretlentieL- end request entry; end if such building or premises be unoccupied, there shell Frst be metle a reesoneble effott to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises end request entry. 1f such entry is refused, the building official or authorized representative shell have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry. (q Soerd of Appeals. In order to provide for reesoneble interpraetion of the provisions of this code, there is hereby established a Soerd of AppeeL- es provided in the Building Cotle (tl) Violetions_ It shell be unlawful for erry person, firrn or coryoretion to erect, comtruct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, remove, improve or maintain erry si_m or si_m structure or cease or permit the same to be done in violation of this code- the doing of erry act, or the omission of erry act, declared to be unlawful by this code, or erry code or ordinance herein etloptetl by reference shell be deemed a separate offense for each end every day or pottion thereof during which erry such unlawful act is committed, continued or permitted end upon conviction shell be punishable es provided in Chapter 1 of the Cotle of Ortlinences_ The penelry herein provided shell be cumulative with end in addition to the revocation, cencelletion or forfeiture of erry license or permit eL-ewhere in this code provided for violation thereof Section 338_ Definitions- GenereL For the puryme of this code, certain tams, phrase;, words end their derivatives shell be construed es specified in either this chapter or es specified in the Building Cotle_ Where tams ere not defined, they shell have their ortlinery accepted meanings within the contest with which they ere usetL Webster's Ihirtl New Atemetionel Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, copyright 1986, shell be considered es providing ortlinery accepted meanings- Words in the singular include the plural end the plural the singulen Words used in the mescaline gentler include the feminine end the feminine the mescaline APPROVED PLASTIC MATERIALS - See PLASTIC MATERIALS, APPROVED. SUIIDING CODE is the Uniforrn Building code promuigetetl by the Atemetionel Conference of Building officieL-, es etloptetl by the Ciry of Dubuque end known es the Dubuque Building Code. BUILDING .,.......,... is the officer or other tlesi_metetl euthoriry charged with the etlministretion end enforcement of this code, or his or her duly authorized representative COMBINATION SIGN is erry sum incoryoreting erry combination of the features of pole, projecting end roof si_ms_ CURS LINE is the line et the face of the curb nearest to the street or roadway- A the absence of e curb, the curb line shell be esteblishetl by the Ciry engineer. (See Legal Sabeck Line.) DISPLAY SURFACE is the area metle eveileble by the si_m structure for the puryose of displaying the advertising message ELECTRIC SIGN is erry si_m containing electncel wiring, but not including sins illuminetetl by en esterior I~t source FIN SIGN is a si_m which is suppottetl wholly by e one-story building of en opal-air business or by poles pieced in the ground or pettly by such e pole or poles end pettly by a building or stmcture GROUND SIGN is a billboard or similar type of si_m which is suppottetl by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground other then e combination sLen, fin sLen or pole sLen, es defined by this code LEGAL SETBACK LINE is e line esteblishetl by ordinance beyond which a building may not be built A legal sabeck line may be a propetty line MARQUEE is a perrnenent roofed structure ettechetl to end suppottetl by the building end projecting over public propetty. NONCOMBUSTIBLE es applied to building construction materiel means a materiel which, in the form in which it is used, is either one of the following: 1. Materiel of which no pelt will ignite end bum what subject to fire Arty materiel conforrning to the U.BC. Stenderd 'Noncombustible MeterieL- Test-,' shell be considered noncombustible within the meaning of this section 2 Materiel having a structural base of noncombustible materiel es defined in Item No_ 1 above, with a surfacing materiel not over 1!8 inch thick which has a flame-spread rating of 50 or less- "Noncombustible" does not apply to surface finish meterieL-_ MeterieL- required to be noncombustible for reduced clearances to flues, heating eppliences, or other sources of h-teh temperature shell refer to meterieL- conforrning to Item No_ 1. No meterieL- shell be classed es noncombustible which is subject to increase in combustibiliry or flame-spread rating beyond the limits herein eteblished, through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric contlitioa Flame-spread rating es used herein refers to rating obtained according to tests conducted es specified in the U S C Stenderd 'Test Mahotl for Surfacing Suming Characteristic of Building Materiel," NONSTRUCTURN_ TRIM is the molding, betterr_, ceps, nailing strips, IettiHng, cutouts or letters end walkways which ere ettechetl to the sig, stmcture PLASTIC MATERIALS, APPROVED shell be those having eself-igiition temperature 650 tlGerees F_ or greeter end esmoke-tlensiry rating not greeter then 450 when tested in eccortlence with U S C Stenderd 'Test Mahotl for Surface -R3 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 Burning Cherecterisnc of Building MeterieL-;' in the way intatded for use, or a smoke-datsiry rating no greeter then 75 what tested in the thickness intatded for use By USC Standard "Chamber Method of Test for Measuring the Datsiry of Smoke from the Suming or Decomposition of Plastic Materiel," Approved plesnc shell Be classified es either CCI or CC2 plesnc POLE SIGN is a si_m wholly suppotted By e si_m structure in the grountL PORTABLE DISPLAY SURFACE is e display surface tanporerily filed to a stenderdized edvettising structure which is regularly moved from structure to structure et periodic interveL-_ PROTECTING SIGN is a si_m other then e well si_m, which projects from end is suppotted By e well of a building or structure PROIECIION is the distance By which a si_m ectmds over public propetty or beyond the building line. ROOF SIGN is a si_m erected upon or above e roof or perepa of a building or structure. SIGN is erry medium, including its structure end componan pens, which is used or intatded to Be used to attract ettattion to the subject matter for advertising puryoses other then paint on the surface of a Buildir~ SIGN STRUCTURE is erry structure which suppotts or is cepeBle of suppotting erry si_m es deFned in this code A si_m structure may Be e single pole end may or may not Be en integral pelt of the building. STRUCTURE is that which is built or constructed, en edifice or building of erry kind, or any piece of work ettificielly built up or composed of pettsjoined togahx in some definite menner_ IEMPORARY SIGN is erry sLen, Benner, pendent, valence or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, well Board of other l etpt meterieL-, with or without frame, intended to Be displayed for a limited period of time only. U S C STANDARDS is the Uniforrn Building Code Standards, promulgated By the Atanenonel Confxase of Building OfflcieL-, es adopted By thisjurisdicnoa WALL SIGN is erry sign attached to or erected egeina the well of a Building or structure, with the ecposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said we1L Sec 339_ Permits RequiretL A sign shell not hereafter Be erected, re-erected, constructed, altered or maintained, accept es provided By this code end after a permit for the same has Beal issued By the Building offlcieL A separate permit shell Be required fore sign or signs for each Business axiry, end a separate permit shell Be required for each group of signs on a single suppotting structure A addition, electrical permits shell Be obtained for electric s~gns~ Sec. 3-40 Application for Pamir Application for a sign permit shell Be made in writing upon forrns famished By the Building offlcieL Such eppGcenon shell contain the locenon By strew end number of the proposed sign structure, es well es the name end address of the owner end the sign contractor or erector. (e) Plans end Specificenons_ Plans, enginexing celculenons, diagrams end other date shell Be submitted in one or more sal with each eppGcenon for a permit The Building offlciel may require plans, computenons end specificenons to Be prepared end designed By en engineer or architect Gcatsed By the state to practice es such EXCEPTION: 'The Building Official may waive the submission of plem, celculenorr_, corr_trucnon irr_pecnon requiranans, ac, if he or she finds that the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of plans is not necessary to obtain compliance with this code (B) IDforrnenon on Plans end Specificenons_ Plans end specificenons shell Be drawn to scale upon substennel paper or cloth end shell Be of saf{Hmt cleriry to indicate the locenon, nature end ectan of the work proposed end show in derail that it will conform the provisions of this code en ell relevant laws, ordinance;, rule end regulenorr__ Sec 3-41_ Ecanpnons_ the following si_ms shell not require a si_m permit These ecanpnons shell not Be construed es relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibiliry of its erection end meintatence, end its compliance with the provisions of this code or erry other law or ordinance regalenng the same L The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed si_m only- 2 Painting, repainting or cleaning of en advertising stmcture or the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon shell not Be considered en erection or eltxenon which requires a si_m permit unless a structural change is made 3. Holiday or special evens decorenons_ 4. Name plate oft square fee or less- i Sims erected By a g~ _ _-_--__al body relating to public inforrnenon, sefery, trefFc direction or control or es a public service 6. Sims relating to erry anergatry_ Z Reel estate si_ms on residattiel propetty advertising sale or ran provided they ere not over twelve (12) square fee in eree end not over sic (6) fee in height or reel estate sums advertising commercial, egriculturel or industrial propetty or subdivisions of multiple lots for sale or lease provided they ere not over Chitty-two (32) fee in eree end twelve (12) fee in height. 8. Interior window s~gns~ 9. Signs placed for construction projects which will Be removed et the complanon of the project. 10. Non illuminated on-pranise direcnonel signs which idatnfy a pranise or provide instruction for the safe end efflcian flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic which ere less then 6 fee above grade end ere 6 square fee or less in eree_ 11. Official flags of erry govemmanel body- Sec 3-42 Licatsing (e) Licatse RequiretL No person, firrn or coryorenon shell erect, construct, ailerge, alter, repair, move, ranove, improve or meintein erry sum or sum structure, es covered By this code, or cease or permit the same to Be done unless Gcatsed By the ciry es provided in this emcle Eccepnorc No Gcatse shell Be required of e person, firrn or coryorenon to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, remove, improve or meintein erry sign or sign structure ecanpted from the requiranan to obtain a permit es specified in Section 3-4 ofthis code (B) Licatse fee; Insurance Before a Gcatse is granted to erry applicant under this section end Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 -R4 before a license is renewed, the eppGcent shell pas' the ciry a fee of $100 00 end famish the required evidence of insurence in each en amount es herein specified for en annual license (q Insurance RequiretL Prior m the issuance or renewal of a si_m erection license, the eppGcent shell famish m the building official such comprehensive public liebiliry end propery damage insurence written by en insurer licensed m do business in the State of Iowa es shell protect the contractor, the ciry end erry subcontractor during the paforrnence of work covered by this etticle from claims or damages, penonel injury, including eccidentel death, es well es for claims for propery damages, which may erne from operations under this project, whether such operations be by the contrecmr or by erry subcontractor, or by erryone directly or indirectly employed by either the contractor or by erry subcontractor, or by erryone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or in such a manner es to impose liebiliry on the ciry, end the amounts of such insurence shell be es required by this code Such insurence shell name the ciry es insured along with the contractor, end shell hold herrnless the ciry against ell suits end claims arising from or es the result of the operations of the contractor or the contractor's subcontrector__ The amount of coverage shell be es follow> comprehensive public liebiliry insurence; $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence (bodily injury end property damage), automobile public liebiliry insurence; $500,000 00 each accident (bodily injury end property damage). Each si_m erection contractor shell eL-o meintein on file with the building official e cernficete evidencing that the insurer will give the building official fifreen (15) days written nonce prior to terrninetion for cencelletion of the required insurence Upon notice of terrninetion or cencelletion of insurence, the building official shell notify the license holder by cettified mail that the si_m erection license is revoked effective on the date of terrninetion or cencelletion of the required insurence coverage end, futther; that ell outstanding si_m permits ere revoked on the date of terrninetion or cencelletion of the required insurence (d) Eech license issued under this section shell aspire on Decanter thirty-fiat, following the date of its issue end shell be renewed by the ciry upon eppGcenon of the license holder end payment of the required fee end proof of insurence erry time on or before Ienuery first of each year. Sec 3-43_ Permit Issuance (e) Issuance The eppGcenon, plerr_, speHficenom end other date Fled by en eppGcent for a permit shell be reviewed by the building officieL Such plans may be reviewed by other depettments entUor divisions of the Ciry to verify compliance with erry eppliceble regulenons or ordinances under their jurisdicnoa If the building official finds that the work described in en eppGcenon for a si_m permit end the plerr_, speHficenom end other date filed therewith conforrn to the requirements of this code end other pertinent laws end ordinances, end that the fees specified in Section 306 have heal paid, the building official shell issue a permit therefore to the applicant. (b) Insurance for Sims Projecting over Public Propary_ Prior to issuance of erry permit for a si_m projecting into public right of way or public propery, proof of insurence shell be famished m the building officieL Coverage shell consist of such comprehensive public liebiliry end propery damage insurence written by en insurer licensed m do business in the Sete of Iowa es shell protect the Ciry during the life of the si_m from claims or damage, penonel injury, including ecHdentel death, es well es claims for property damages, which may erne from the existence of the si_m in such a manner es m impose liebiliry on the Ciry, end the amounts of such insurence shell be es required by this code Such insurence shell name the Ciry es insured along with the owner entUor occupant of the premise, end shell hold herrnless the ciry against ell suits end claims arising from the existence of the si_m or si_ms for which a permit is requestetL The amount of coverage shell be es follows- Public Liebiliry Insurance for bodily injury end property damage - $500,000.00 for each occurrence. Each owner entUor occupant of a premise required to famish proof of insurence shell eL-o meintein on file with the building official e cernficete evidencing that the insurer will give the building official fifreen (15) days written notice prior to terrninetion or cencelletion of the required insurence Upon notice of cencelletion or terrninetion of insurence, or expiration of proof of insurence, the building official shell notify the owner entUor occupant of the premise for which proof of insurence is required by cettified mail that the si_m or sums ere in violation of this code end shell be removed by the date stipulated in the notice (q Velidiry of Permit- The issuance or granting of a permit shell not be constmed to be e permit for, or en approval of, erry violation of erry of the provisions of this code or of erry other ordinance of the Ciry_ Permits presuming to give euthoriry to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or of erry other ordinances of the Ciry shell not be valid. The issuance of a permit based upon plans, spenficenons end other date shell not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of error in said plans, specificenons end other date. (d) Expirenoa Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this code shell expire by limitation end become null end void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or ebendoned et erry time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days- Before such work can be recommenced, a new perrnit shell be fiat obteinetL A order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the perrnittee shell pay a new full perrnit fee. Fury perrnittee holding en unexpired perrnit may apply for en extension of the time within which he may commence work under that perrnit what he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good end satisfactory reasons- The building official may extend the time for action by the perrnittee for e period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the perrnittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the perrnittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shell be extended more then once -RS Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 (e) Suspension or Revocation The building of{nel may, in writing, suspend or revoke e permit issued under the provisions of this code whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect inforrnetion supplied, or in violation of erry ordinance or regulation or erry of the provisions ofthis code Sec 3-44_ Fees (e) Permit Fees- The fee for each si_m permit shell be es set fotth in Table No_ 3-C. (b) Ecpiretion of Plen Review- Applications for which no permit is issued within 180 following the date of eppGcetion shell ecpire by limitation, end plans end other date submitted for review may thereafter be resumed to the eppGcent or destroyed by the building official. The building official may ectend the time for action by the epplicent for e period not ecceeding 180 days upon request by the eppGcent showing that circumstances beyond the control of the epplicent have prevented action from being taken No eppGcetion shell be ectended more then once. lit order to renew action on en eppGcetion after ecpiretion, the eppGcent shell resubmit plans end pay a new plan review fee (q Avestigetion Fees- Work Without a Perrnit_ 1_ Avest~eetion Whenever erry work for which e permit is required by this code has beers commenced without fiat obtaining said permit, e special investigation shell be made before a permit may be issued for such work 2_ Fee An invetigetion fee, in addition to the permit fee, shell be collected whether or not e permit is there or subsequently issuetL The investigation fee shell be equal to the amount of the permit fee required by this code The minimum investigation fee shell be the same es the minimum fee set fotth in Table No_ 3-C. The payment of such investigation fee shell not ecempt any person from compliance with ell other provisions of this code nor from erry penelry prescribed by lew_ (d) Fee Refunds- 1. The building official may authorize the refunding of erry fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collectetL (2) The building official may authorize the refunding of not more then 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under e permit issued in eccordence with this code The building official shell not authorize the refunding of erry fee paid accept upon written eppGcetion filed by the or~ginel perrnittee not later then 180 days after the date of fee p~yment~ Sec 3-45_ Meintenence All si_ms end si_m suppott amcture, together with ell of their supporn, brace:, guys end anchors, shell be kept in repair end in a proper state of preservation The display surface of ell si_ms shell be kept neatly painted or posted et ell times- Sec 3-46_ Inspections- All si_ms for which e perrnit is required shell be subject to inspection by the building official. Footing inspections shell be required by the building official for ell si_ms having footings- All si_ms containing electncel wiring shell be subject to the provisions of the Dubuque Electncel Code, end the electncel components used shell beer the label of en approved testing agenry_ The building official may order the removal of any sign that is not meinteined in eccordence with the provisions of Section 336(b} All sums may be reinspected et the discretion of the building official. Sec 3-47_ Desk (e) GenereL Si_me end sign stmcturel shell be desi_med end constmcted to resist wind es specified in this section All bracing systems shell be desi_med end constmcted to transfer lateral forces to the foundenons_ For si_ms on buildings the deed end lateral loads shell be transmitted through the stmcturel frame of the building to the ground in such a manner es not to over_tress erry of the elements thereof The ovettuming moment produced from lateral forces shell in no case ecceed two thirds of the deed-load resisting moment. Uplift due to ovettuming shell be adequately resisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to the stmcturel frame of the buildir~ The weight of eetth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the deed- loed resisting moment- Such eetth shell be carefully placed end thoroughly compacted. (b) Wind Loads- Sims end si_m stmcturel shell be des meted end constmcted to resist wind forces es specified in the Building Code Vertical des~m loads, accept roof live loads, shell be assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic lo~ds~ (e) Allowable Stresses- The desi_m of wood, concrete, steel or aluminum mernber_ shell conforrn to the requirements of the Building Code Loads, both versicel end horizontal, ecetted on the soil shell not produce stresses ecceeding those specified in Chapter 29 of the Building Code The working stresses of wire rope end its fastenings shell not ecceed 25 percent of the ultimate streggsh of the rope or festerien_ Working stresses for wind combined with deed loads maybe increased es specified in the Building Code. Sec 3-48. constmction (e) GenereL The suppotts for ell si_ms or si_m stmcturel shell be placed in or upon private property end shell be securely built, constmcted end erected in conforrnence with the requirements of this code (b) MeterieL-_ MeterieL- of constmction for signs end sum stmcturel shell be of the queliry end grade es specified for buildings in the Building Code. In ell sums end sum stmcturel the meterieL- end deteiL- of constmction shell, in the absence of specified requirements, conforrn with the following: L Steel shell be of such queliry es to conforrn with U.HC. Stenderd "Materiel Specification for stmcturel Steel." Secondary members, when forrned integrally with the display surface, shell be not less then 0 02447-94 inch in thickness- Where not forrned integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary mernber_ shell be 0.10 inch The minimum thickness of hot-rolled steel mernber_ famishing structural suppott for sums shell be 1!4 inch, accept that, if galvanized, such mernber_ shell be not less then 1!8 inch thick Steel pipes shell be of such queliry es to conforrn with U S C Stenderd No_ 27-1. Steel mernber_ may be connected with one galvanized bolt, provided the connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in the mernber__ 2 Anchor end suppotts where of wood end embedded in the soil, or within 6 inches of the soil, shell be of ell heettwood of e durable species or shell be pressure treated Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 -Rfi with en approved preservative. Such member- shell be marked or branded by en approved egenry. (q Restrictions on Combustible MeterieL-_ Ground si_ms may be constructed of erry materiel mewing the requirements of this code Combination sins, roof sins, well sins, projecting si_ms end si_ms on marquees shell be constructed of noncombustible meterieL-, accept es provided in Subsection (d) of this section No combustible meterieL- other then approved plastic shell be used in the construction of electric si_ms_ EXCEPIIONS_ 1. Roof si_ms may be constructed of unprotected combustible meterieL- on rooS of combustible construction 2. Roof si_ms with a mesimum surface eree of 50 square feet end a mesimum height of 5 feet maybe constructed of combustible meterieL- on rooS of erry type of constmction 3 Nonelectric well si_ms may be constructed of unprotected combustible meterieL- on we1L- permitted m be of unprotected combustible constmction (d) Nonstructural IYim Nonstructural trim end potteble display surfaces may be of wood, metal, approved plastic or erry combination thereof (e) Anchorage Member- suppotting unbreced signs shell be so propottioned that the bearing loads impmed on the soil in either direction, horizontal or vertical, shell not ecceed the safe values- Sreced ground si_ms shell be anchored m resat the specified wind or seismic load acting in erry direction Anchor end suppotts shell be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil end for en effective resistance m pullout amounting m e force 25 percent grater then the required resistance m ovettuming Anchor end suppotts shell penetrate m e depth below ground greeter then that of the frost line Portable ground si_ms suppotted by frames or posts rigidly etteched m the base shell be so propottioned that the weight end size of the base will be adequate m resat the wind pressure specified in this chepter_ Sims etteched m masonry, concrete or steel shell be safely end securely fastened therein by means of metal enchon, bolts or approved ecpension screws of sufficient size end anchorage m suppott safely the loads epplietL No wooden blocks or plug= or enchon_ with wood used in connection with screws or neiL- shell be considered proper anchorage, accept in the case of si_ms etteched m wood framing No anchor or suppott of erry si_m shell be connected m, or suppotted by, en unbreced perepa well, unless such well is desi_med in accordance with the requirements for perepa we1L- specified for seismic zones in the Building Code (t) Display Surfaces- Display surfaces in ell types of sums may be made of morel, Bless or approved plastic Glass thickness end eree limitations shell be es set fotth in Table No_ 3-A Sections of approved plastic on well si_ms shell not ecceed 225 square feet in eree_ EXCEPIION_ Sections of approved plastic on signs other then well si_ms maybe of unlimited eree if approved by the building official. Sections of approved plastic on well si_ms shell be separated 3 feet leterelly end 6 feet vertically by the required ecterior well construction EXCEPIION_ Sections of approved plastic on si_ms other then well si_ms may not be required m be separated if approved by the building official. (g) Approved Plastic- The building official shell require that sufficient technical date be submitted m substantiate the proposed use of erry plastic materiel end, if it is determined that the evidence submitted is setisfecmry for the use intended, the building official may approve its use Sec. 3-49. Projection end Cleerence. (e) GenereL Sims shell conforrn m the Cleerence end projection requirements of this section end Table No. 3-S. (b) Cleerence from H-teh Voltage Power Lines_ Signs shell be located not less then 6 feet horizontally or 12 feet vertically from overhead electrical conducmn which ere energized in access of 750 volts- The tam 'bverheed conducmn_" es used in this section means erry electrical conductor, either here or imuleted, irr_telled above the ground, accept such conducmn es ere enclosed in iron pipe or other materiel covering of equal stra~gth (q Cleerence from Fire Escapes, Ecits or Standpipes- No si_ms or si_m structure shell be erected in such a manner that erry pottion of its surface or suppotts will interfere in erry way with the free use of erry fire escape, ecit or standpipe (d) Obstruction of Opaiings_ No si_m shell obstruct erry openings m such en ectent that I~t or ventilation is reduced m e point below that required by this code Sims erected within 5 feet of en ecterior well in which there ere openings within the eree of the sign shell be constructed of noncombustible materiel or approved plastic (e) Projection over Alleys- No si_m or si_m structure shell project inm erry public elley_ (t) Cleerence from Streets- The horizontal Cleerence baween a si_m end the curb line shell be not less then 2 fea_ (g) Projection end Cleerence A si_m projecting more then two thirds of the distance from the propary line m the curb line shell be not less then 12 feet above the grade level directly below- A sign projecting less then two thirds of the distance from the propary line m the curb line shell be not less then 10 feet above the grade level directly below. TABLE NO. 3-A -SIZE, THICKNESS AND TYPE OF GLASS PANELS IN SIGNS Mecimum Size Minimum ofEsposed Thickness Type of Glass Glass Panel Of Glass (In Inches) Dimenson Area (In Inches) (In Sq_ Inch) 30 500 1 ! 8 Plain, Plate or Wired 45 700 3 ! 1 6 Plain, Plate or Wired 144 3600 1 ! 4 Plain, Plate or Wired Over 144 Over 3600 1 ! 4 Wired Glass TABLE NO. 3-S - THICKNESS OF PROTECTING SIGN Projection Mecimum Thickness 5' 2' 4' 2'6" 3' 3' 2' 3'6" 1' 4' -R7 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 Sec 3-50. Fin Sims GenereL Fin si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible materiel, accept es provided in Section 3-48_ Sec 3-51. Desk All suppotts of fin si_ms shell be plecetl upon private property end shell be securely built, constructed end erected m conforrn with requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec 3-52. Projection end Cleerence (e) GenereL Fin si_ms may project beyond the property or legal setback line in ecmrtlence with the projection specified in Section 3-49 end regWrements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. (b) Thickness Limitation the thickness of that portion of a fin si_m which projects over public property shell not ecceetl the mesimum set fotth in Table No. 3-S. Sec 3-53. Pole Si_ms_ GenereL Pole si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible materiel, accept es provided in Section 3-48_ Sec 3-54. Desk All suppotts of pole si_ms shell be plecetl upon private property end shell be securely built, mnstmctetl end erected m conforrn with requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec. 3-55. Projection end Cleerence. Projection of pole si_ms shell conforrn m the requirements of Section 3-49 end requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 3-56. Ground Signs. GenereL Ground si_ms shell be constructed of arty materiel meeting the requirements of this code, accept es provided in Section 3-48. Sec 3-57. Desk Ground si_ms shell be tlesi_metl in ecmrtlence with the requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec 3-58. Projection Ground si_ms shell not project over public property end shell meet the regWrements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec 3-59. Roof Si_ms_ GenereL Roof si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible meterieL-, accept es provided in Section 3-48_ Sec 3-60. Desk Roof si_ms shell be thoroughly secured end anchored m the frame of the building over which they ere constructed end erected end shell be tlesi_metl in ecmrtlence with the requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec. 3-61. Projection end Cleerence. (e) Projection Roof si_ms may project over public propary or beyond a legal setback line complying with the requirements specified in Section 3-49 end the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. (b) Cleerence end Access- Passage clear of ell obstructions shell be left under or around, end immediately adjacent tq ell sins ecceeding e height of 4 feet above the roof thereunder. Such passages shell be not less then 3 feet wide end 4 feet high end shell be et perepa or roof level. There shell be one such passage or access opening es follow> 1. For each roof sign uponebuilding. 2 An access opening for every 50 lineal feet of horizontal roofsi_m ectension 3. Within 20 feet of we1L- end perepas what roof si_ms ere et right angles m e face of the building. Sec 3-62. Well Si_ms_ GenereL Well si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible materiel, accept es provided in Section 3-48_ Sec 3-63. Desk Well si_ms shell be tlesi_metl in conforrnence with the requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec. 3-64. Projection end Cleerence. (e) Projection No well si_m shell have a projection over public property or beyond a legal sabeck line greeter then the distances specified in Section 3-49 end the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowe_ No well si_m shell attend above arty adjacent perepa or roof of the ecisting builtlir~ (b) Thickness- the thickness of that pottion of e well si_m which projects over public propery or e legal setback line shell not ecceetl the mesimum es set fotth in Table No_ 3-S. Sec. 3-65. Projecting Signs. General. Projecting sums shell be mnstmctetl of noncombustible meterieL-, accept es specified in Section 3-48. Sec 3-66. Desk Projecting sums shell be tlesi_metl in ecmrtlence with the requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec. 3-67. Projection end Cleerence. (e) Projection. Signs may project over public propery or a legal setback line a tlutence tlaerrninetl by the Cleerence of the bottoms thereof above the level of the sidewalk or grade immediately below, es set fotth in Section 3-49, end the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance ofthe Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. (b) Thickness- the thickness of a projecting sign ecclusive of letter- end trim shell not ecceetl that set fotth in Table No_ 3-S. Sec 3-68. Combination Si_ms_ GenereL Combination si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible meterieL-, accept es specified in Section 3-48. The individual requirements of roof, projecting end pole si_ms shell be applied for combination signs incoryoreting arty or ell of the requirements specified in thu chepter_ Sec 3-69. Desk All suppotts of combination si_ms shell be plecetl in or upon private property end shell be securely built, mnstrctetl end erected m conforrn with the requirements specified in Section 3-42 Sec. 3-70. Projection end Cleerence. (e) Projection Combination si_ms may project over public property or beyond a legal setback line es specified in Section 3-38 end the Zoning Ordinance ofthe Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. (b) Thickness- the thickness of that pottion of e combination si_m which projects over public property shell not ecceetl the mecimums a fotth in Table No. 3-S. Sec 3-71. Marquees- GenereL Sims may be plecetl on, attached tq or corr_tructed in e marquee Such si_ms shell, for the puryose of deterrnining projection, Cleerence, height end materiel, be considered a pelt of end shell meet the regWrements for a marquee es specified in Chapter 45 of the Building Code end the Zoning Ordinance of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec 3-72. Electric Si_ms_ GenereL Electric si_ms shell be constructed of noncombustible materiel, accept es provided in Section 3-48_ The enclosed shell of electric si_ms shell be weterCteht, accept that Bernice hole; fitted with cover- shell be provided inm each compettment of such si_ms_ Sec 3-73. Reguletions_ (e) Instelletion Electrical equipment used in connection with display sums shell be installed in ecmrtlence with the Dubuque Electrical Code. Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 -RR (b) Erector's Neme Every electric Sig, projecting over arty street or alley or public place shell have painted or labeled on the surface of the sign the name of the Sig, erector end date of erection Such name end date shell be of Sufficient size end contrast to be readable from a reesoneble tlutence et Beetle Failure to provide such name end date shell be grounds for rejection of the Sig, by the building official. Section 2 This Ordinance shell be in effect after its final passage, approval end publication es required bylaw. PeSSetl, approved end etloptetl this 6th dry of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk TAHLE NO 3-C SIGN PERMCf FEES AREA FEE Less then 10 square fea_ Less then 100 pounds $3 00 100 pounds or over 5 00 10-29 square fea 6 00 30-99 square fea Z00 100 square fea or over 10 00 Attachment II Enplenetion of the Proposed Si_m Cotle Ihu "code;' although locally rewritten, a taken from the provuions of the Uniforrn Si_m Cotle promuigetetl by the Atemetionel Conference of Building OfficieL-; publisher of the Uniforrn Building Cotle Therefore, the proposed revision is coortlinetetl with, end makes reference to the Uniforrn Building Code. This revision is needed because of the antiquity of the ecuting Sim code found in Chapter 3, Article III of the Cotle of Ortlinences_ lp- 140) The Curran Sig, code was fiat etloptetl in 1961 end republuhetl unrevuerL Thu ortlinence updated regulations to Curran StentlertlS_ L Section 3-38 "Definition-" The definitions update references to the types of signs end meterieL- currently in use Ihere ere eL-o cross references to the Uniforrn Building Code for continuity in tlesi_m end inspection requiranans_ 2 cep i-an a,.,.u~a.;,,,, Fir Permit.. Section 3-40 coincides with permit requirements conteinetl in the Uniforrn Building Cotle This section empower- the building official to require plans, engineering celculetionS end other date necessary to tlaerrnine compliance with structural Stability regWrements there currently ecistS no such provision 3. Sec 3-42 "Licensine" Subsection (q requires contrecton to provide end maintain insurance protecting the Ciry es well es the contractor- Ihere is currently no such requirement end a large pottion of Sig, instelletionS ere made in enrUor adjacent to Ciry rights of wey_ 4. Sec 3-43 "Permit Issuance" Subsection (b) requires that eery Sig, allowed to be erected over public right of way or public property shell be insured to protect the Ciry_ Insurance coverage is currently optional, with e minimum bond requirement StipuletetL 5. Sec. 3-44 Fee= Table No_ 3-C updates the fees conteinetl in the current provuions to more closely cover actual espenseS incurretL Currentlg the mesimum fee for e Sig, permit is $10 00. 6. Sec 3-45 "Meintenence" There ere currently no requirement for meintenence. Z Sec 3-46 "ASnection_" Thu section imposes specific requirements for irr_pection of sLen aructure end meterieL-, which ere not included in Curran provisions~ 8. Sec 3-47 "Darien" Ihu section, in addition to speHfying general tles~m requirements, makes direct reference to the Uniforrn Building Code for minimum Structural requiranans_ 9. Sec 3-48 "Constmction" Section 3-48 eL-o references the Uniform Building Cotle end specifies minimum StrargthS of meterieL- that may be used in Sim erection. Restrictions on the use of combustible meterieL- ere specifically Stetetl in relationship to the type of signs end the use of Bless end plastic will now be controlled. 10. Sec. 3-49 "Proiection end Cleerence" Specific restrictions ere placed upon Sig,S located Weer h etp voltage power line, exits, windows end r-tghtS of wey_ Ihere regWrementS ere not noted in the ecisting code 11. the remaining sections (50 through 72) contain specific requirements of Constmction, Cleerence end projection for different types ofsi_ms_ 12 Sec 3-73 "Reeuletion_" Subsection (b) requires that every projecting electric Sig, be labeled with the name of the contractor end date of instelletion 13. Suildine r„ne uare.a,.e_ ,,, .Me c; a, Code Sec 3-38 "Definition-" 'Noncombustible" refers to Building Cotle Stentlertl No_ 4-1; a test mahotl to tlaerrnine the noncombustibiliry of building materiel components end Stentlertl No_ 42-1; e test for homing cherecteristic end development of smoke. "Plastic Materiel-,', Approved" references Stentlertl No_ 42-1 (homing cherecteristic) end Stentlertl No_ 52-2; e test for measuring smoke density from homing plastic meterieL-_ Sec 3-47 "Darien" Subsection (b) "Wind LoetlS" references Chapter 23 of the Building Cotle, where Pett II of the chapter (h_ 152), deeL- specifically with tlesi_ming structures to resat wind forces- Subsection (q "Seumic LoetlS" refers to Chapter 23 of the Building Cotle, Pett III of the chapter lp- 156) deeL- with tles~ming structures to rent the effects of seismic geound motion; elthou_eh we currently ere in a non-Seumic area- (Figure No_ 23-2 on page 194) per the code. Subsection (e) "Allowable StreSSe '" again refer to Chapter 23 of the Building Cotle Section 2303(e) deeL- with stress corrections end load combinetions_ lp- 147 of the Building Cotle} Sec 3-48 "Materiel-,' Subsection (b), "MeterieL-;' regarding the use of steel in Sig,S end Sig, Structures, refers to Building Cotle Stentlertl No_ 27-1; e compilation of netionelly accepted specifications for the use of steel in structures end Stentlertl No_ 27-9; a Stentlertl of tlesigi -R9 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 specificenons for steel stmcturel manaer_ (types not covered in No_ 27-1)_ Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 23rd day of September, 1994_ It 9123 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered end voted on for passage et two Council Meetings prior to the meeting et which it is to be finally passed be suspendetL Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, KYieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg. -- _ -- tie. Council Member Kluesner moved final considerenon end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Ciry Manager submitting en Ordinance providing for e revised Plumbing Code, presented end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None An Ordinance Repealing Chapter 37 of the Code end adopting in lieu thereof a new Chapter 37 establishing a Plumbing Code for the Ciry, presented end reetL (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCH NO. 48 - 94 AN ORDINANCH AMHNDING THH CITY OF DUSUQUH CODH OF C_.-._..-..:HS SY RHPHALING CHAPTHR 37 ADOPTING A PLUMBING CODH AND ADOPTING IN LIHU THHRHOF A NHW CHAPTHR 37 HSTASLISHING A PLUMBING CODH FOR THH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA, RHGULATING THH HRHCTION, INSTALLATION, ALTHRATION, RHPAIRS, RHLOCATION, RHPLACHMHNT, ADDITION TO, USH OR MAINTHNANCH OF PLUMBING HQUIPMHNT AND SYSTHMS WITHIN THH NRIS.......,...- AL LA~RTS OF THH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA; PROVIDING FOR THH ISSUANCH OF PHRMITS AND COLLHCTION OF FHHS THHRHFOR; PROVIDING FOR THH LIC HNSING OF PLUMBING CONTRACTORS AND SOURNHYMHN AND PROVIDING FOR PHNALTIHS FOR VIO~___..-. OF SAID ORDINANCH. NOW TI-IFREFORE, SE II ORDAINED SY THE CIIY COUNCIL OF THE CIIY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby emended by repealing Section 37-1 end adopting a new Section 37-1 in lieu thereof es follow> Sec. 37-1. Uniforrn Plumbing Code -Adopted. Escept es hereinafter added to, delaed, modified or emended, there is hereby adopted by reference es the plumbing code of the Ciry that cettein plumbing code known es the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 Hdi[ion, including ell appendices end instellenon standards es prepared end edited by the Atemenonel Association of Plumbing end Mechemcel OfficieL- of Walnut, CeGfomie, end the provisions of such plumbing code shell be controlling for the instellenon, elteretion, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to end use or maintenance of plumbing equipment end systems in ell matter- covered by such plumbing code within the coryorete limits of the Ciry end shell be known es the "Dubuque Plumbing Code." A copy of the Uniforrn Plumbing Code, 1991 Edison, es adopted, shell be on Fle in the Office of the Ciry Clerk for inspection Section 2 the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby emended by repealing Section 37-2 end adopting a new Section 37-2 in lieu thereof es follows- Sec 37-2. Same-Amendments The code adopted by Section 37-1 of this chapter is emended es provided in this section Section 201, "Administrenve Authoriry;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new Section 201 in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 201 Administrenve Authoriry_ The Administrenve Authoriry shell be the Building Official who is duly appointed to enforce this Code. Section 202, "Dunes end Power- of the Administrenve Authoriry;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follows- Sec 202 Dunes end Power- of the Administrenve Authoriry_ (e) Deputies- A accordance with prescribed procedures end with the approval of the Ciry manager, the building official may appoint such number of assistants, inspector- end other employees es shell be authorized from time to time. (b) R-teht of entry. Whatever it is necessary to make en inspection to enforce the provisions of this code, or whenever the building official or the building officialy authorized representative has reesoneble cease to believe that there ecists in erry building or upon erry premises erry condition or violations of this code which make the building or premises unsafe, insanitary, dangerous or hazardous, the building official or the building officialy authorized representative may enter the building or premises et ell reesoneble rimes to inspect or to paforrn the dunes imposed upon the building official by this code, provided that if such building or premises be occupied, the building ofFciel shell present his or her credenneL- to the occupant end request entry- 1f such building or premise is unoccupied,the building official shell Frst make a reesoneble effott to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the bWldine or premises end request entry- 1f entry is refused the building official or the building officialy authorized representative, the building official shell have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry- When the building official or the building officialy authorized representative shell have fiat obtained a proper inspection warrant or other remedy provided by law to secure entry, no owner or occupant or person having charge, care or control of erry building or premises shell fell or neglect, after proper request is made es herein provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the building official or the building officialy Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 790 authorized representative for the puryose of inspection end eceminenon punuent m this code (q Authoriry m disconnect utilities in emergasies_ The building official or the building officials authorized representative shell have the authority m disconnect plumbing m e building, structure or equipment regulated by this code in case of emagenry where necessary m eliminate en immediate hazard m life or property. (d) Authoriry m order disconnection of uti~ties~ The building official or the building officials authorized representative shell have the authority m order disconnection of arty plumbing supplied m e building, structure or equipment regulated by this code what the building official ascertain that the equipment or arty pottion thereof has become hezerdous or inenitery_ Written notice of such order m disconnect service end the ceases therefor shell be given within twenty-four (24) hour m the owner end occupant of such building, structure or premise, provided, however, that in case of immediate danger m life or property, such disconnection may be made immediately without such notice The building official shell immediately notify the saving utility in writing of such order m disconnect- (e) Authoriry m condemn equipment. Whenever the building official ascertain that arty plumbing, or pottion thereof, regulated by this code has become hezerdous m Gfe, health, property, or has become inenitery, the building official shell order in writing that such plumbing either be removed or resmred m e safe or sanitary condition, es eppropriete The written notice itself shell fix a time limit for compliance with such order- No person shell use or maintain defective plumbing after receiving such notice When such plumbing is m be disconnected, written notice es prescribed in section 20 2(d) shell be given A cases of immediate danger m Gfe or property, such disconnection may be made immediately without such nonce (t) Connection from order m disconnect- No person shell make connections from arty energy, fuel, power supply or water distribution system nor supply energy, fuel or water m arty equipment regulated by this code which has been disconnected or ordered m be disconnected by the building ofFciel or the use of which has been ordered m be discontinued by the building official until the building official authorizes the reconnection end use of such equipment- When arty plumbing is meinteined in violenon of this code, end in violenon of arty nonce issued punuent m the provision of this section, the building official may inntute arty eppropriete action m prevent, retrain, correct or abate the violation. (p~ Liability. The building official or authorized representative charged with the enforcement of this Code, acting in good faith end without malice in the discharge of his or ha dunes, shell not thereby be rendered liable for arty damage that may accrue m person or property es a result of arty act or by reason of arty act or omission in the discharge of his or ha dunes- A suit brought again[ the building official or authorized representenve because of such act or omission performed by him or ha in the atforcement of arty provision of this Code shell be defended by legal counel provided by this jurisdiction until final terrninenon of such proceedings- Section 203, "Violation end Penalties;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 20 3 Violation end Paielties_ The doing of arty act, or the omission of arty act, declared m be unlawful by this code, or arty code or ordinance herein adopted by reference shell be deemed a separate offense for each end every day or pottion thereof during which arty such unlawful act is committed, continued or perrnitted end upon conviction shell be punishable es provided in Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinences_ The penalty herein provided shell be cumulative with end in addition m the revocation, cencelletion or forfeiture of arty license or permit eL-ewhae in this code provided for violation thereof Sec 204 Plumbing Code SoertL (e) Soerd esteblishetL A order m daerrnine the sWtebiliry of eltemenve materiel- end mahods of intellenon; m provide for reesoneble intapraenon of the plumbing code, m serve es en appeal body for the decisions of the building ofFciel; m advise the city council on ell plumbing regulations end procedures; end m provide for ecemining applicants for master plumber end joumeymen plumber- licenses end issuing master plumber end joumeymen plumber- licenses; there is hereby created the plumbing code board. (b) Manbenhip_ The plumbing code board shell consist of five (5) manber_ appointed by the city council One mamba shell hold a license es e journeymen plumber of et lees[ five (5) yeen experience; two (2) manber_ shell be master plumber who have engaged in the plumbing business es master plumber- for et lees[ five (5) years in this city; the foutth mamba shell be one who holds a bachelor of science degree in the area of physical sciences; end the fifth mamba shell represent the public et large (q Terrn of office. The terrn of office of ell board manber_ shell be three (3) yeen_ (d) Rules end regulenons_ The board shell make such rules end prescribe such procedures es may be reasonably necessary for its operation, accept that such rules shell include the following- (1) Soerd cheiryenoa The cheiryenon of the board shell be a member of the board elected annually by a majority of the board. (2) secraery of the boertL The building ofFciel, or the building ofFHels deignee, shell be secraery of the boertL The secraery shell arrange for meaings end prepare end keep such minutes end records end paforrn such other clerical work es the board may direct- (3) Quorum Three (3) members shell conntute a quorum The concurring vote of three (3) members of the board shell be necessary m pass arty motion (4) Service until appointment of successor- Upon complanon of the terrn of office, members of the plumbing code board shell continue m serve in their full capacity until their successor has been duly appointed. (5) Meaings_ The plumbing code board shell men et lees[ once every three (3) months upon cell of the cheiryenon, secraery or city manager- Members of the plumbing code board shell attend et lees[ two-thirds (273) of ell scheduled meaings within e twelve-month period. 1f arty member does 791 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 not attend each prescribed number of meaings, it shell mrr_ntnte geounds for the board m recommend m the ciry council that said manlier lie replaced (6) Attendance. The ettendence of ell member- shell lie entered on the minutes by the secraery_ (7) Conforrniry with opal meaings lew_ All meetings shell lie held in c - e with provisions of the Iowa Opal Meetings Lew_ (8) Minutes- The plumbing code board shell file with the ciry council a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the board within tai (10) working days after such meeting. (9) Administrenve policies All edministrenve, personnel, accounting, budgetary, end procedural policies of the ciry shell govern the plumbing code board in ell of its operations (10) Dunes what saving es en eppeeL- board Any person who is aggrieved by e decision of the building official on erry requirements resulting from the enforcement of the plumbing code, may eppeel from such decision m the plumbing code board end said board shell save es en eppeel board. lit case the eegrieved party is a member of said board, said member shell be disqualified es a member of the board acting es en eppeel board, until the person aggrieved has heal heard end a decision rendered The eppeel shell be made by the person aggrieved, giving written nonce of such eppeel m the building official et the building officials office within seven (7) days of receipt of decision from which the eppeel is taken The plumbing code board sitting es en eppeel board shell meet within seven (7) days after receiving such nonce end raider a decision within five (5) days thereafter- Arty intereted perry, including the building official, shell have the right m preen[ their case m the eppeel board, whose decision shell be final unless appealed m the distract mutt es provided by lew_ The board of eppeeL- may reverse or modify e decision of the building official only on finding that A. The building official incorrectly interpreted a provision ofthis code; b. The decision of the building official creates en unnecessary hardship upon the eppellent. In so modifying or rever_irg such decision of the building official, the board of eppeeL- may authorize erry eltemete to the decision of the building official end the provisions of the plumbing code, provided it finds the proposed materiel or method of construction is setisfectory for the use intended end complies with the provision of this code, end that the materiel, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, et lees[ equivalent to that precrbed by this code in suitebiliry, ara~gsh, effecnvenes, durebiliry, sefery end senitenoa The board of eppeeL- shell require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substennete erry claims made regarding the use of eltanetes_ Sec 30.1, Permits, is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 30.1 Permits (e) Permits required It shell be unlawful for erry person, firrn or corporation m make erry intellenon, elterenon, repair, replacement or remodel erry plumbing system regulated by this code except es permitted in subsection (b) of this section, or cease the same m lie done without fir_t obtaining a separate plumbing permit for each separate building or structure (b) Exempt work A plumbing permit shell not lie required for the following: (1) The clearing of stoppages or repairing of leeks in drains, soil, waste or van pipes; provided, however, that should erry concealed trap, drainpipe, soil, waste or vent pipe be removed end replaced with new materiel, the same shell be considered es new work end a permit shell be procured end inspection made. (2) The clearing of stoppages or repairing of leeks in piping entUor valves where such repein do not involve or require the replacement or reerrengement of piping entUor v~lves~ (3) The replacement of inoperable, broken or damaged fixture, faucets or tenlc; provided, however, that replacement iterrr_ meet the requirements of the Dubuque Plumbing Code Section 30.4, Fee, is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follows Sec 30 4 Fees. (e) Permit fees- The fee for each permit shell be es set fotth in Table No_ 20-A (b) Plen review fees- When a plan or other date ere required m be submitted by subsection (b) of Sec 302, a plan review fee shell be paid The plan review fees for plumbing work shell be es set forth in Table No_ 20-A The plan review fees specified in this subsection ere separate fees from the permit fees specified in Sec 30 4(e) end ere in eddinon m the permit fees- (q Expiration of plan review- Application for which no permit is issued within one hundred e~ghry (180) days following the date of eppGcenon shell expire by limitenon end plans end other date submitted for review may thereafter be resumed m the eppGcent or destroyed by the building officieL The building official may extend the time for action by the epplicent for a period not exceeding one hundred e~ghry (180) days upon request by the eppGcent showing that circumstances beyond the control of the epplicent have prevented action from being taken No eppGcenon shell be extended more then once. lit order to renew action on en eppGcenon after expiration, the eppGcent shell resubmit plans end pay a new plan review fee (d) Avet~genon fee; Work without e permit (1) Investigenoa Whenever erry work for which a permit is required by this code has beers commenced without fiat obtaining said permit, a special investtgenon shell be made before e permit may be issued for such work (2) Fee An invetigenon fee, in eddinon to the permit fee, shell be collected whether or not a permit is there or subsequently issued The investigenon fee shell be equal to the amount of the perrnit fee that would be required by this code if a permit were to be issued The payment of such investigenon fee shell not exempt erry Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 797 person from compliance with ell other each person is e licensed master plumber, provisions of this code nor from erry licensed joumeymen plumber, or penelry prescribed by lew_ registered apprentice (e) Inspection fees- A fee shell be peitl for (tl) Owner-occupant ecemptioa The owner- inspections made outside of Hormel business hour- occupant of a single family dwelling, who end for inspections for which no fees ere resides, or will reside in that single-family specifically intlicetetL Inspection fees shell be es dwelling with no other person then the set fotth in Table No_ 20-A member- of the immetliete family, may (t) Fee refunds- penonelly perforrn plumbing work within (1) The building official may authorize the that building (eccluding the building refunding of erry fee peitl hereunder which sewer end water service pipe), without was erroneously peitl or collectetL obtaining a master plumber's or (2) The building official may authorize the joumeymen plumber's license, provided refunding of not more then e[ghry (80) that the owner-occupant shell fiat apply percent of the perrnit fee peitl when no for end obtain a perrnit from the building work has heal done under a permit issued official for such act required by this code, in ecmrtlence with this code end have ell such work inspected end (3) The building official may authorize the approved by the building official end refunding of not more then eighry (80) conforrn with ell other eppliceble percent of the plan review fee peitl when requirement. No person qualifying for en epplicetion for a permit for which a the owner-occupant ecemption shell be plan review fee has heal peitl is eligible fore subsequent ecemption on withdrawn or cencelletl before erry plan erry other structure for seven (7)yeen_ review effott has heal ecpentletL (e) Private sewer mein ecemptioa Private The building official shell not authorize the sewer mains larger then four (4) inches in refunding of erry fee peitl accept upon written inside tliemerer may be instelletl on the epplicetion filed by the ortginel perrnittee not later ecterior of structures without obtaining e then one hundred e-tehry (180) days after the date master plumber's or joumeymen plumber's of fee payment- license; provided that plans have heal Sec. 30.8. Licensing, Fseminetion end filed with end approved by the building Registration of Plumbers RequiretL ofFciel; the Ciry of Dubuque Engineering (e) DeFnitions_ As used in this section, the Services Division has epprovetl the plans following tams shell have the definitions es end provides field inspection for the specified hereirc project, end that the person, firrn or (1) Apprentice shell mean erry person who mryoretion doing the work shell fir_t does not hold a license es a joumeymen obtain a permit from the building official plumber or master plumber end is for such ect_ assisting in the instelletion, alteration or (t) Private water mein ecemptioa Private repair of plumbing equipment end water mains four (4) inches in inside systems. tliemerer end larger may be instelletl on (2) Ioumeymen plumber shell mean erry the ecterior of structures without person having the necessary queGficetion, obtaining a master plumber's or [reining, ecperience end technical joumeymen plumber's license; provided knowledge m do plumbing work in that plans have hem filed with end ecmrtlence with current plumbing epprovetl by the building official; the Ciry ortlinences of the Ciry_ of Dubuque Water Division has epprovetl (3) Master plumber shell mean a persorc the plans end provides field inspection for e_ Eneegetl in the business of erecting, the project, end that the person, firrn or installing, altering, repairing, relocating, mryoretion doing the work shell fiat replacing, adding m or meinteining erry obtain a permit from the building official. plumbing equipment or systems; (p~ QueGficetions - Master plumbers- A b. Skilled in the planning, supervising end master plumber shell have a general precticel instelletion of plumbing precticel knowledge of the puryose end equipment end systems; method of the construction of plumbing c Familiar with the codes, rules end work, tlemonstrete five years field regulations governing the instelletion of ecperience in e supervisory cepeciry, be plumbing equipment in the Ciry; end mmperent m plan end supervise the tL Licensed under the provisions of this instelletion of plumbing end shell be chapter. required m have knowledge of mechenicel (b) Master plumber's license requiretL Eccept drawing end pens a setisfecmry for the specific ecemption provided by eceminetion showing he has the above subsection (tl) of this section, no person queGficetions end is entitled m e license shell engage in the business of erecting, esemester plumber- instelGng, altering, repairing, relocating, (h) QueGficetions - Ioumeymen plumbers- A replacing, adding m or meinteining erry journeymen plumber must be able m reed plumbing equipment or systems within the blueprints, tlo simple methemeticel jurisdiction of the Ciry without fir_t problems, end must know the Ciry obtaining a master plumber's license plumbing ortlinences end the rules end (q Employment of licensed plumber- re„euletions of the local or state boards of requiretL Master plumber- shell not health governing plumbir~ A employ erry person m install, alter, repair, journeymen plumber shell pens en replace, remodel, etltl m or maintain erry eceminetion showing that said plumbing equipment or system unless journeymen plumber has the above 793 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 queGficenons end is capable of perforrning precncel plumbing end is entitled m e license es a joumeymen plumber. (~ Apprentice m be registered; fee; anployment of unregistered apprentices prohibitetL No master plumber shell hire or anploy or have in such master plumber's anploy, erry epprennce m paforrn erry plumbing work unless the epprennce is actually in the presence of end with a licensed plumber- Every person who desires m paforrn the work of en epprennce plumber shell reenter such person's name es en epprennce with the plumbing board et the time of entering such anployment, end on or before the first day of February of each year thereafter so long es such anployment shell continue The epprennce shell pay en annual registration fee es set fotth in Table No_ 20-5 with said fee being peitl initially upon employment end annually thereafter upon registration No master plumber may hire or employ, or have in such master plumber's anploy, erry epprennce plumber who is not registered with the plumbing board. The epprennce plumber shell be under the direct supervision of a duly licensed master or journeymen plumber. The ratio of apprentice plumber to master or joumeymen plumber- shell not ecceetl the ratios given in Table No_ 30-8 et any time Supervision shell mean the physical presence of a master or joumeymen plumber on the job site end within visual s[ght of the epprennce who shell be ergaeetl in the same phase of the project es the supervising p~rty~ Employment of en unregistered epprennce shell be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the anploying master plumber's license O Eceminetion required; epplicetion fee; reeceminetion upon failure of eceminenon My person desiring to be eceminetl for a license es a joumeymen plumber or master plumber es tlaerrninetl by this article, by the plumbing board, shell make eppGcenon to the plumbing board on blanks famished by the board, setting fotth inforrnenon necessary to establish such person's queGficenons es such; end payment of en eceminetion fee es sa fotth in Table No_ 20-5. AppGcents will be allowed to take the precncel pottion of the ecem only after fiat passing the written pottion AppGcents failing the written pottion may be reecemined after Fnt filing en eppGcenon end paying the fee therefor es in the fiat instance, after e period of sicry (60) days has elepsetl from the date of the applicants lest previous eceminenon AppGcents passing the written pottion, but subsequently failing the precncel pottion, will be allowed to reoke the precncel pottion after fiat filing en epplicetion for reeceminetion end paying a fee es sa fotth in Table No_ 20-B, after a period of sicry (60) days has elepsetl from the date of the applicants lest previous eceminenon Persons passing the precncel pottion of the Dubuque ecem shell not be required to take the precncel pottion in subsequent eceminenons_ The fee for en eceminenon shell not include the fee for the issuing of the ininel license Eceminenon fees shell be paid before the eceminetion, et the time of eppGcenon; end there shell be no refund for erry reason. (k) Fee for license issuance AppGcents who successfully pens en eceminenon shell pay fees es set fotth in Table No_ 20-5 for en ininel master plumber's license, or for en ininel joumeymen plumber's license (1) Renewal of Gcar_e, fee; failure m raiew_ Licenses issued under this article may be renewed annually upon payment of renewal fee on or before Ienuery thitty- Frst of each year- Renewal fee shell be es set fotth in Table No_ 20-5. The year of license velitliry shell be entlor_etl on the license A the even the holder of erry such license shell fell m renew same by the date herein provided, the licenses shell aspire end a new license shell not be issued until such time es the per_on has heal reeceminetl for a new license es provided in subsection (1) end the fee specified in subsection (k) has heal peitl (m) Revocenon of Gcaises_ A etltlinon to erry other penalties, what erry holder of e license issued under the provisions of this code shell have hem convicted of more then one violation of the provisions hereof, the plumbing board may, in its tlncraion, revoke such license, whermpon the holder shell, on receipt of written nonce of such revocation, surrender such license Section 203, "Use of Copper ILbing;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting e new section in Gm thereof es follow> Sec 203_ Use of Copper lLbing (e) Copper tube for underground drainage end vent piping shell be tanperetl copper tube Type L or Type K. (b) Copper tube for aboveground drainage end vent piping shell be Type L or Type K (q Copper tube shell not be used for chanicel or industrial wester es defined in section 612 of this Cotle (tl) Copper tube for building supply piping shell be Type K to the point of entrance to a building or structure Water tlistribunon pipe within e building or structure shell be Type L or Type K Type M copper tube may be used in daeched one- end two-family dwellings within the structure only when piping is ebovegrountl or floor sl~b~ (e) In etltlinon to the required mHSed marking, ell hand drawn copper tubing shell be marked by means of a continuous end indelibly colored stripe et lees[ one-quetter mch (64 mm) in width es follows: Type K, green; Type L, blue; Type M, red; Type DW V, yellow. (t) Listed flecible water connector shell be instelletl in ecposetl locenons_ Section 209, "Seckweter Valves;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting e new section in Gm thereof es follows; Sec 209_ Seckweter Velves_ Seckweter valves shell have bodies of cent iron, tress, or other approved materiel-, non-corrosive bearings, seats end self-eli_ming disc, end shell be so constructed es to insure a positive mechemcel seal end to ranein closed, accept when discharging wastes- Such valves shell ranein sufficiently open Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 794 during periods of low flows m avoid screening of solids end shell not restrict capacities or cease excessive turbulence during peek loads- Unless otherwise listed, valve access cover- shell be bolted type with gasket end each valve shell beer the menufecturer's name cent inm body end ~ver~ Backwater valves shell be installed so that their working pens will be accessible for service end rep~ir~~ Section 304, "Damage m Drainage System or Public Sewer;' is hereby emended by repealing subsection (b) end replacing such subsection with e new subsection in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 304_ Damage m Drainage System or Public Sewer. (b) Roos, Inner marts, van shafts, l etpt we1L- or similar areas having rein water drain, shell dccherge m the outside of the building, m the gutter or to a storm drainage system the instelletion of sump pumps, sump pump connections or greviry connections which discharge or cease m be discharged, erry smrrn water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, interior end ecterior foundation drains or floor drains used for collecting smrrn water m erry senitery sewer is specifically prohibitetL Section 318, "Irr_pection end Ieting;' c hereby emended by repealing such section end electing a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 318_ Testing of Plumbing Work (e) Inspections- (1) Scope All new plumbing work end such pottions of ecisting systems es may be effected by new work, or erry changes, shell be inspected by the building official or a duly authorized representative es required in section 2011 of this code (2) Responsibiliry_ It shell be the dory of the holder of a perrnit m make sure that the work will stand the test prescribed before notifying the building official that said work is reedy for inspection (3) Iest_ Tests shell be conducted in the presence of the building official or a duly authorized representative (4) Raestir~ 1f the building official finds that the work will not pass the required tat, necessary corrections shell be made end the work shell then be resubmitted for test or inspection (b) Testing (1) Reporr_biliry_ the equipment, materiel end labor necessary for inspection or tests shell be fumched by the person m whom the perrnit is issued or by whom inspection is requestetL (2) Media the piping of the plumbing, drainage end vetting systems shell be tested with water or eir- the building official may require the removal of erry cleenouts, ac, m ascertain if the presure has reached ell pens of the system After the plumbing fixtures have heel sa end their [reps filled with water, they shell be submitted m e final test- (3) Water test- the water test shell be applied m the drainage end van system either in its entirety or in sections- 1f applied m the enure system, ell openings in the piping system shell be fteptly clmed, accept the highest opening, end the system filled with water m the point of ova'flow. 1f the system c teted in sectiorr_, each opening shell be Ctehtly plugged accept the h-[ghest opening of the section under test, end each section shell be filled with water, but no section shell be tested with less then eten- foot (3 m) heed of water- A testing succesive sectiorr_, et lees[ the upper tai QO) fea (3 m) of the nest preceding section shell be tested, so that no joint or pipe in the building (accept the upperrnost ten (10) fea (3 m) of the system) shell have been submitted m e test of less then e ten-foot (3 m) heed of water. 'The water shell be kept in the system, or in the pottion under test, for et lees[ fifreen (15) minutes before inspection stetts_ the system shell that be Cteht et ell points- (4) Air test- the air test shell be made by attaching en air compressor testing apparatus m erry suitable opening, end, after closing ell other inlas end Duties m the system, forting air inm the system until there c e uniforrn gauge pressure of Fve (5) pounds per square inch (34 SkPe) or sufficient m balance a column of mercury tai (10) inches (254 mm) in height- the pressure shell beheld without introduction of edditionel air for a period of et lees[ fifreen (15) minutes. (5) Building sewer test- the building sewer shell be inspected end approved by the building official before being concealed. Neither the building official nor the ciry shell be liable for ecpense entailed in the removal or replacement of materiel required m perrnit inspection (6) Water piping. Upon complaion of e section or of the attire hot end cold water supply system, it shell be teted end proved tit under a water pressure test not less then the working pressure under which it is m be usetL the water used for test shell be obtained from a potable source of supply- A fifty (50) pounds per square inch (344 SkPe) air pressure may be substituted for the water test- A either method of tat, the piping shell witYr_tend the test without leaking for a period of not less then fifreen (15) minutes. (7) Defective systems. An air test shell be used in testing the senitery condition of the drainage or plumbing system of erry building prances what there is reason m believe that it has become defective (8) Moved structures- All pens of the plumbing systems of erry building or structure that is moved inm or within the jurcdictionel limits of the ciry, shell be complaely tested es prescribed eL-ewhere in this section for new work, accept that we1L- or floor- need not be removed for such test what other equivalent means of inspection eccepteble m the building official ere provided. (9) Lest weivetL No test or inspection shell be required where a plumbing system, or pelt thereof, is sa up for echibition puryoses end has no connection with a water or drainage system (10) Exceptions- A cases where it would be imprecticel m provide the aforementioned water or eir tests, or for minor instelletions end repair-, the building 795 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 offiHel, et the building offiHelS dixre- non, may make each inspection es the building official deans advisable in order m ensure the building official that the work hen Gem paforrned in accordance with the intent of this code (11) Tests for shower recepmn_ Shower recepmn shell be tested for water rightness by filling with water m the level of the rough thresholtL The test plug shell be so placed that both upper end under sides of the subpen shell be subjected m the test et the point where it a clamped m the tlrein. (12) Protectively meted pipe inspection end repair shell conforrn m Section 3181 of IAMPMO Astelletion Standard IS 13, listed in Table A Section 401, "MeterieL-;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end meeting a new section in Gm thereof es follow> Sec 401. MeterieL-_ (e) Drainage piping aboveground within buildings shell be of tress pipe, nipper tube Type L or Type K, cast-iron soil pipe, galvanized steel pipe, lead pipe, AHS or PVC-DIW Schedule 40 plastic pipe, accept that (1) No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shell be used underground end shell be kept et lees[ sic (6) inches (1524 mm) above ground. (2) ASS end PVC DWV Schedule 40 piping instelletions shell be limited m structures not exceeding three floors above grade. For the puryme of this subsection, the fiat floor of a building shell be that floor that has fifty (50) percent or more of the ecterior well surface area level with or above finished grade One etltlitionel level that is the fiat level end not tlesi_metl for human hebitetion end used only for vehicle perking, aorage, or similar use shell be perrnittetL (3) No vitrified clay pipe or finings shell be used above ground, where pressurized by e pump or ejector, or on the interior of arty building or stmcture (b) Underground building drains shell be of cent-iron soil pipe, tanperetl nipper tube Type L or Type K, AHS or PVC-DIW Schedule 40 plastic pipe. (q Drainage finings shell be of cast-iron, melleeble iron, lead, brass, nipper, AHS or PVC Schedule 40, or other approved meterieL having e smooth interior waterway of the same tliemaer es the piping served end ell such fittings shell conforrn m the type of pipe usetL Q) Finings on screwed pipe shell be of the recessed drainage type Surretl ends shell be reamed to the full bore of the pipe. (2) The [breeds of drainage finings shell be tapped so es m allow one-foutth inch per foot (20 9 mrrJm) grade Section 406, "Cleenouts;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end meeting a new section in Gm thereof es follow> Sec 406_ Cleenouts_ (e) Eech horizontel drainage pipe shell be provided with a cleenout et its upper terrninel end each run of piping, which is more then one hundred (100) fea (304 m) in mtel developed lengh, shell be provided with a cleenout for each one hundred (100) feet (304 m), or fraction thereof, in Imgh ofsuch piping (1) Cleenouts may be omitted on a horizontel tlrein line less then five (5) fea (15 m) in leneth unless such line a serving sinks or urineL-_ (2) Cleenouts may be omitted on arty horizontel drainage pipe instelletl on e slope of seventy-two (72) degrees or less from the vmicel eagle (eagle of one-fifth (1!5) bend} (3) Eccepting the building tlrein end its horizontel trenches, a cleenout shell not be required on arty pipe or piping which is above the fiat floor of the building (4) M approved type of two-way cleenout fitting, irr_telled imide the building well Weer the connection bawem the building tlrein end building sewer or instelletl outside of a building et the lower end of e building tlrein end estmded m grade, may be substituted for en upper terrninel cleenout. (b) Eech vmicel drainage pipe which has e double senitery tee instelletl shell be provided with e cleenout within a distance of [bitty-sin (36) inches above or below the centerline of the senitery tee. (q Eech drainage pipe penareting the lowest floor level of arty structure shell be provided with e cleenout locetetl not less then sic (6) nor more then thirty (30) inches above the lowest floor IeveL (tl) An etltlitionel cleenout shell be provided in e horizontel line for each eegregete change of direction exceeding one hundred end thirty-five (135) degreas- (e) Eech cleenout shell be instelletl so that it opens in a direction opposite m the flow of the soil or waste or et rtept angle therao end, accept in the case of "wye" trench end end-of-line Cleenouts, shell be instelletl vmicelly above the flow line of the pipe. (t) Eech cleenout ectension shell be considered es drainage piping end each Winery (90) degree cleenout ectension shell be ectentletl from e "Y" type fitting or other approved fitting of equivalent sweep. (g) Eech cleenout for en intercepmr shell be outside of such intercepmt (h) Eech cleenout, unles irr_telled under en approved cover plate, shell be above grade, readily accessible, end so locetetl es m serve the puryose for which it is intentletL Cleenouts locetetl under cover plates shell be so instelletl es m provide the cleerences end eccessibiliry required by this section (i) Eech cleenout in piping two (2) inches or less in size shell be so instelletl that there is e cleerence of not less then twelve (12) inches in front of the cleenout Cleenouts in piping larger then two (2) inches shell have a cleerence of not less then eighteen (18) inches in front of the cleenout Cleenouts in underfloor piping shell be ectentletl m or above the finished floor or shell be ectentletl outside the building when there is less then eighteen (18) inches vmicel end thirty (30) inches horizontel cleerence from the means of access m such cleenout No underfloor cleenout in any residential occupenry shell be locetetl more then twenty (20) fea from en access door, trap door or crawl hole. (1) cleenout fittings shell be not less in size then those given in Table Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 -9fi 4-4. (k) Cleenouts shell be provided for pressure drainage systems es classified under Section 409(p~. (1) Countersunk cleenout plug= shell be instelletl where raised heeds may cease a hezerrL (m) What a hubless blind plug a used for e required cleenout, the complae coupling end plug shell be accessible for removal or replecemint_ Section 409, "Drainage of Fictures Locetetl Below the Nect Upstream Manhole or Below the Mein Sewer Level;' is hereby emended by repealing subsection (1) end replacing such subsection with a new subsection in Gin thereof es follow> Sec 409_ Drainage of Fictures Locetetl Below the Nect Upstream Manhole or Below the Mein Sewer Level. (1) Whin subsoil drainage systerrr_ ere imtelled, they shell be discharged inm en epprovetl sump or receiving tank end shell be discharged in a manner setisfecmry m the administrative euthoriry_ The instelletion of sump pumps or sump pump connections, which discharge or cease m be dixherged, erry aorrn water, surface water, geoundweter, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, including interior end ecterior fountletion drains, floor drains used for collecting smrrn water, uncontemineted cooling water, or unpolluted induariel proces weter_, m erry sanitary sewer, is specifically prohibitetL Air conditioning water, drip perr_, refrigeration water or cooling rower water may be discharged inm a sanitary sewer if the same comes from equipmint so tlesi_metl that the mtel rate of discharge from the prance served on such sewer cannot ecceetl five (5) gallons per minute Section 503, "MeterieL-;' is hereby eminded by repealing such section end inecting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 503 MeterieL-_ (e) Vint piping ebovegrountl in buildings shell be of Gress pipe, copper pipe, copper tube, Type L or Type K, cast-iron soil pipe, galvanized steel pipe, lead pipe, AHS or PVC-DWV Schedule 40 plastic pipe (1) No galvanized steel pipe shell be used underground end shell be kept et lees[ sic (6) inches ebovegrountL (2) ASS end PVC DWV piping instelletions shell be limited m structures not ecceeding three floors above grade. For the puryme of this subsection, the fiat floor of a building shell be that floor that has fifty percint or more of the ecterior well surface area level with or above finished grade One additional level that is the fiat level end not tlesi_metl for human habitation end used only for vehicle perking, aorage, or similar use shell be perrnittetL (b) Vint piping underground shell be cent-iron soil pipe, copper tube Type L or Type K, AHS or DW V Schedule 40 plastic pipe (c) Vint finings shell be cast-iron, galvanized melleeble iron or galvanized steel, lead, copper, brass, AHS or PVC Schedule 40 or other epprovetl meterieL- accept that no galvanized melleeble iron or galvanized steel finings shell be used underground end shell be kept et lees[ sic (6) inches ebovegrountL (tl) Changes in direction of vin[ piping shell be metle by the appropriate use of epprovetl finings end, with the ecception of nipper tube, no each pipe shell be strained or ban Surretl aide shell be reamed to the full bore of the pipe. Section 506_ "Van Terrninetion;' is hereby emended by repealing each section end inecting e new section in Gin thereof es follow> Sec. 506. Vint Terrninetion. (e) Eech van pipe or stack shell ectintl through its fleshing end shell terrninete vertically not less then sic (6) inches above the roof nor less then one (1) foot from erry vertical surface (b) Eech van shell terrninete not less then tai Q 0) fea from, or et lees[ three (3) fea above erry openeble window, door, opining, air intake, or vent shaft, nor les then three (3) fea in every direction from erry lot line; alley end strew escepted. (q Vint pipes shell be ectintletl separately or combined, of full required size, not les then sic (6) inches above the roof or fire we1L FlagpoGng of vints is prohibited accept where the roof is used for puryoses other then weather protection All vints within ten (10) fea of erry pelt of the roof that is used for such other puryoses shell ectintl not less then Sevin (7) fea above such roof end shell be securely steyerL (tl) Vint pipes for outdoor instelletions shell ectintl et lees[ tin (10) fea above the surrounding ground end shell be securely suppottetL (e) Ioints et the roof around vin[ pipes shell be metle wetert~ght by the use of epprovetl fleshings or fleshing meterieL (t) Frost or snow closure -Where frost or snow closure is likely m occur in locations having minimum tlesi_m temperature below O degrees F, vin[ terrnineL- shell be a minimum of three (3) inches in tliemaer but in no evint smeller then the required vin[ pipe. The change in diemaer shell be metle inside the building et lees[ one (1) foot below the roof end terrninete not less then tin (10) inches above the roof, or es required by the Administrative Authoriry_ Section 508, "Cleenouts;' is hereby added es e new section es follow> Sec 508_ Cleenouts_ (e) Every vin[ pipe that pinaretes the lowest floor level shell be provided with a cleenout locetetl not less then sic (6) nor more then thirty (30) inches above the lowest floor IeveL (b) Eech cleenout in piping two (2) inches or less in size shell be so instelletl that there is e cleerence of not less then twelve (12) inches in front of the cleenout_ Cleenouts in piping larger then two (2) inches shell have a cleerence of not less then e~ghtein (18) inches in front of the cleenout_ Cleenouts in underfloor piping shell be ectentletl m or above the finished floor or shell be ectentletl outside the building whin there is less then e~ghtein (18) inches vertical end thirty (30) inches horizontal cleerence from the means of access m such cleenout_ No underfloor cleenout in any resitlintiel occupenry shell be locetetl more then twinry (20) fea from en access door, trap door or crawl hole. (q cleenout finings shell be not less in size then those givin in Table 4-4. Section 609, "Cooling Water;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end inecting e new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec. 604 Cooling Water. The discharge of water used ecclusively es e cooling medium in en appliance, device or 797 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 epperetuS m erry Sanitary Sewer is Specifically prohibited. Ecception Clean running water used exclusively es a cooling medium in en appliance, device or epperetuS may discharge inm the drainage System if the same comes from equipment so desi_med that the mtel rate of discharge from the premise served on such sewer cannot ecceed five (5) gallons per minute Section 1004, "Materiel-;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 1004_ M~terie~-~ (e) Building supply water piping m the point of entrance m the building shell be made of nipper tube Type K, or cent-iron water pipe (b) Water distributing piping shell be of tress pipe, nipper tube Type L or Type K, nipper pipe, galvanized wrought iron pipe, galvanized open- heerth pipe, galvanized steel pipe Plastic piping for potable water distribution is prohibited unless epprovel is givers by the plumbing board or the edministretive euthoriry_ Type M nipper tube may be used in one- end two-family dwellings within the structure only where piping is ebovagound or floor Sleb_ (q All materiel- used in the water supply system, accept valves end similar devices shell be of a like materiel, accept where otherwise epecificelly approved by the building official (d) Cest-iron finings up m end including two (2) inche (50.8 mm) in size, where used in potable water piping, shell be gelvenizetL (e) All melleeble iron water fittings shell be gelvenizetL (t) Solder shell conforrn m the requirements of Sec 802(d} Section 1102, "Damage m Public Sewer or Private Sewage Disposal System;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting e new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 1102 Damage m Public Sewer_ (e) It shell be unlawful for erry peron m deposit, by erry means whatsoever, inm erry plumbing ficture, floor drain, intercepmr, sump, receptacle or device which is connected m erry drainage System, public sewer or private sewer erry ashes, cinder-, solids, rag=, flemmeble, poisonous or ecplosive liquids or gases, oil-, grease end erry other thing whatsoever which would, or could cease damage m the public sewer or private sewer- (b) No aorm water, surface water, geound water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, interior or ecterior foundation drains or floor drains used for collecting Smrm water shell be connected m or discharged inm erry drainage System connected m e public or private eenitery sewer- (c) No septic tank, seepage pit or dreinf~eld shell be connected m erry public sewer or m erry building sewer leading m such public sewer- (d) No commercial food waste grinder shell be connected m e private Sewage disposal System unless permission has fiat beers obtained from the edministretive euthoriry_ (e) An approved type wetert~ght sewage or waste water holding tank, the contents of which, due m their character, must be periodically removed end disposed of et some approved off-site location, shell be installed only where required by the Administrative Authoriry or the Health Officer m prevent anticipated surface or subsurface conteminetion or pollution, damage m the public sewer, or other hazardous or nuisance condition Section 1103, "Building Sewer Materiel-;' is hereby emended by repealing each section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 1103 Building Sewer Materiel- (e) The building sewer, baginning 2' from erry building or structure shell be of such materiel- es approved by the edministretive euthoriry_ (b) Ioining methods end materiel- shell be es prescribed in Chapter 8 of this code Section 1105, "Size of Building Sewer-;' is hereby emended by repealing such section end enacting a new section in lieu thereof es follow> Sec 1101 Size ofSuilding Sewer__ The minimum size of erry building sewer shell be determined on the basis of the mtel number of fixture units drained by such Sewer, in accordance with Table 11-2. No building sewer shell have e smeller diameter then four (4) inches or the size of the building drain; whichever is l~rger~ Appendic I, Private Sewage Dispmel Systarr_, is hereby emended by repealing such eppendi>< Section 3 Where Effective This Ordinance shell be in effect after its final passage, epprovel end publication es required by lew_ Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Table No_ 20-A is hereby emended by repealing such table end enacting a new table in lieu thereof es follow> TAHLE NO. 20-A PLUM6ING PERMif FEES PERMii ISSUANCE 1. For issuing each permit _____________ $1000 2 For issuing each Supplement m e permit 5 00 UNII FEE SCHEDULE (n addition m Item 1 or 2 above) L For each plumbing ficture or trap or set of Fcture on one trap including water, drainage piping, venting, end beckflow protection therefor)...... 6.00 2 For instelhng, repairing or replacing each building, trailer or mobile home eenitery or Smrrn sewer- e. From Ciry mein m the property line 10.00 b. From the property line m e building, trailer or mobile home 10.00 3. For each drain opening in a building, trailer or mobile home Smrrn drain __.. __.. __ 1000 4. For each cesspool - Cesspool- ere not perrnitted. 5. For each building Smrm sewer m e buildie~ 0 00 6. For each water heater (with or without vent)9.00 Z For each industrial or commercial waste F-_____--__ intercepmr including its trap end vent, accepting kitchen type geeese intercepmr functioning es ficture [reps __.. ______.. _ 1000 8. For instelletion, alteration or repair of water piping enfUor wetertreeting equipment, accept building, trailer or mobile home water Bernice, each 10.00 9. For repair or elteretion of drainage or vent piping, each ficture 10.00 10. For each lawn Sprinkler System or erry one meter including beckflow protection devices therefor .10.00 1 L For atmospheric type vacuum breaker not included A Items 1 or 10. e. One m 5 10.00 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 -9R b. OverS each ....................... 2.00. 12. For each beckflow protective device other then atmospheric-type vacuum breakers ..............10.00 13. For each backwater valve .............10.00 14. For each gas piping system of one m 5 outlets .........................._1000 15. For each gas piping system of 5 or more outlets, per outlet _____________________200 16. For each building, trailer or mobile home water sernlce lrr_telled, replaced or repaired: e. From water mein m property line 10.00 b. From propery line m building, trailer or mobile home ...10.00 c From private water supply m building, trailer or mobile home .............10.00 OTHER INSPECTIONS 1. Inspections outside of norrnel business hour, per hour $35.00' (IDGnimum charge, two (2) hour) 2 Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of Section 305(f), per hour ....35.00' 3. Inspection for which no fee is specifically indicated, per hour ...............35.00' 4. Plan review fee, per hour 35.00 (Minimum one hour charge end charged in one- helf-hour incranans beyond the fiat hour; plans which must be sett m Kenses Ciry for review will be charged for tai (10) hour of review time) 5. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions m previously approved plans, per hour....... .......35.00 (Minimum charge one-half hour) ' Or the mtel hourly cmt m the jurisdiction, whichever is the gre~test- This cost shell include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages end fringe benefits of the employees involvetL TAHLE NO. 20-5 Plumbing Examination, License end Registration Fees 1. For en initial Master Plumber's license ____... _______. __ $100 00 2. For en initial Ioumeymen Plumber's license $ 35.00 3. For registration es en Apprentice Plumbe$ 15 00 4. For renewal of a Master Plumber's Gcens~ 50 00 5. For renewal of a Ioumeymen Plumber's license ___________________________$2500 6. Master Plumber exeminetion fee $ 70 00 7. Ioumeymen Plumber exeminetion fee $ 60.00 8. Reexeminetion fee for practical pottion only $ 30.00 TAHLE NO. 20-C Maximum number of apprentice plumber that may be supervised by Master Plumber- or Ioumeymen Plumber- Number of Master or Maximum number of Apprentice Ioumeymen Plumber- Plumber_Supervised 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 - 11 6 12 - 13 7 14 - 15 8 16-17 9 18 - 19 10 These ratios may be extracted beyond those given es lone es the propottion of supervisor- m apprentices is ~nst~nt~ Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 23rd day of September, 1994_ It 9123 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered end voted on for passage et two Council Meetings prior m the mewing et which it is m be finally passed be suspendetL Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Doge en, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Council Member Voaberg moved final consideration end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Ciry Manager submitting en Ordinance regarding Hezerdous Materiel end Communication authorizing Mayor m execute e 28E _ e baweai the Ciry end Dubuque County regarding Hezerdous MeterieL- Response Teem, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed end approved execution by Mayor. Seconded by Council Member Robbins. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None. An Ordinance Repealing certain sections of Chapter 33, Anide 3 of the Code of Ordinances end adopting in Geis thereof new Sections 33-31 thm 33-39 regulating Hezerdous Waste ac, presorted end reetL (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCIC NO. 49-94 AN ORDINANCIC RICPICALING CHAPTICR 33, ARTICLIC 3, HAZ.9RDOU8 SUSSTANCICS SICCTION 33-31 THROUGH SICCTION 33-34, OF THIC CITY OF DUSUQUIC CODIC OF ORDINANCICB, AND ADOPTING IN LIICU THICRICOF A NICW CHAPTICR 33, ARTICLIC 3, SICCTION 33-31 THROUGH 33-39, RICGULATING AND DICFINING HAZ.9RDOU8 WASTIC, HAZ.9RDOU8 SUSSTANCICS AND HAZ.9RDOU8 CONDITIONS, RICQUIRING IHIC CLICANUP THICRICOF, PROVIDING FOR LTASILITY FOR CLICANUP COSTS IHICRICFOR AND RICQUITiICMICNTB FOR NOTIFICATION OF IHIC CITY OF HAZ.9RDOU8 C .............~, AND PROVIDING A PICNALTY FOR THIC VIOLATION THICRICOF. 799 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 Whereas, hezertlous meterieL- ere routinely used, scored, end trempotted in our Hry; end Whereas, spi1L or releases of hezertlous waste end substance require specielizetl handling, equipment, end h-tehly [reined technicians m be safely mit~eeted; end Whereas, the Dubuque Fire Depettment has been equipping end [reining a Hezertlous MeterieL- Emergenry Response Teem; end Whereas, these responses can become tremendously expensive; end Whereas, federal end state laws place the fiscal burden of clean-up of a hezertlous materiel on the spiller entUor owner ofthe meterieL NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1_ Chapter 33, Atticle III of the Ciry of Dubuque Cotle of Ordinance "Hezertlous Substance " u repealed end the following new Chapter 33, Atticle III is elected in lieu thereof ARTICLE III. HAZARDOUS WASTE, SUBSTANCES AND CONDITIONS Section 33-31. Puryose Thee regulations ere promulgated m eteblish reponsibiliry for the removal end clean up of hezertlous wete end substance within the Ciry, end m reduce the danger m public health, sefery end welfare from the spi1L- or releee of hezertlous wete end substance Section 33-32. Definitions. For the puryose of this ortlinence, thee words have the following meeniggs_ (e). Hezertlous Wete means a wete or combination of waste that, because of its quentiry, concentration, biological degredetion, leeching from precipitation, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristic, he either of the following effects L Cause or slgnificently contribute m en increee in motteliry or en increee in serious or incepeciteting reversible illnes_ 2 Pose a substantial preen or potential hazard m human health or the e-_----_------ when improperly treated, scored, trempotted, or dispmed of, or otherwise menagetL Hezertlous Wete may include, but is not limited m waste that ere msic, corrosive or flammable or imtents, strong serr_itizen or esplmive_ Hezertlous Wete doe not include- 1_ P,enculturel waste, including manure end crop reitlue that ere reamed m the soil a fertilizers or soil conditioners; or 2 Source, special nuclear, or by-product materiel e defined by the Ammic Energy Act of 1954, a ementletL (b} Hezertlous Substance means erry substance or misture of substance that preens a danger m the public health or sefery end include, but is not limited tq e substance that is msic, corrosive, or flammable, or that is en irritant or that generate presure through decomposition, heat or other means- Hezertlous Substance may include erry hezertlous wete identified or listed by the etlministremr of the United State Environmental Protection Agenry under the Solid Wete Disposal Act a emended by the Reource Conservation end Recovey Act of 1976, or erry msic pollutant listed under Section 307 of the Fetlerel Water Pollution Control Act es emended m Ienuery 1, 1977, or erry hezertlous materiel tlesi_metetl by the Secretary of IYenspottetion under the Hezertlous MeterieL- IYenspottetion Act_ (q. Hezertlous Condition means erry situation involving the actual, imminent, or probable spillage, leakage or release of e hezertlous substance or hezertlous waste onto the lend, into a water of the State, or inm the atmosphere which creates en immediate or potential danger m the public health or sefery or m the environment. (tl} Person having control over a hezertlous substance or hezertlous waste means e per_on who et erry time produces, handle, score, use, trerr_pom, refine or dispme of a hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete, the releee of which create e hezertlous condition, including bailee, carrier-, end erry other person in control of e hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete when a hezertlous condition occur-, whether the person owns the hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete or is operating under a lease, contract, or other agreement with the legal owner of the hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete (e). Clean up means actions necesery m contain, collect, control, identify, analyze, clean up, tree[, disper_e, remove or dispose of a hezertlous substance or hezertlous subst~nce~ (t} Person meerr_ individual, coryoretion, government, government subtlivuion or egenry, busines trust, etete, trust, partnership or association or erry other legal entiry_ Section 33-33. Cleanup required. (e). Wherever a hezertlous condition is created so that a hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete or a constituent of the hezertlous wete or hezertlous substance may enter the environment or be emitted inm the air or discharged inm erry water-, including ground water-, the person having control over a hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete shell notify, or cease m be notified, the Fire Depettment, end shell cease the condition m be remedied by a clean up, es soon a possible,but no later then sis hour after the onset or discovery of the hezertlous condition, or sooner if deemed necesery by en authorized officer of the Fire Depettment, end shell remre the effected area m its state prior m the hezertlous contlitioa the cost of clean up, e well a ell costs of mitigation peforrnetl by the Fire Depettment or erry other depettment of the Ciry of Dubuque, shell be home by the person having control over the hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete (b} If the person having control over the hezertlous substance or hezertlous wete doe not cease the clean up m begin e required in paragraph (e), the Chief of the Fire Depettment or Chiefs repreentetive may eteblish a deadline for commencing end eccompluhing the clean up, end if the person having control feiL- m comply therewith, the Ciry may proceed m procure Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 300 clean up services. the Ciry Council may seek erry state or federal funds eveileble for such clean up_ Section 33-34. Liebiliry for cleanup costs- Ihe person having control over a hezerdous substance or hezerdous waste shell be liable to the Ciry for ell of the following: (e) All dean up costs incurred by the Ciry es e result of the failure of the person to dean up a hezerdous substance or waste involved in a hezerdous condition ceased by that person; (b) All costs incurred by the dry to evacuate the area threatened by a hezerdous condition ceased or permitted by the person; (c) All damages to the dry for Injury to, destruction of, or loss of dry propetty, resulting from a hezerdous condition ceased or permitted by the person; (d) All costs involved in the emergenry mit~eetion of a hezerdous condition, including, but not limited to, employee costs, disposable equipment costs, medical costs (nduding post-inrident physical eceminetions for responder-), outside contractor costs, end equipment usage costs- Section 33-35_ Notifications of Hazardous Conditions- (e) A person menufecturing, storing, handling, trerr_potting, or dispming of e hezerdous substance or hezerdous waste within the limits of the dry shell notify the Fire Depettment of the occurrence of e hezerdous condition immediately upon discovery of the hezerdous condition end shell eL-o notify the proper state office in the manner required by State law. (b) A Ciry employee who discover- e hezerdous condition shell immediately notify the Fire Depettment end the Fire Depettment shell notify the proper state office in the manner required by State Lew. Section 33-36. Police Authoriry. the Chief of Police or the Chiefs des~mee may: (e) Order the evacuation of persons from their homes or other locations if necessary for their safety, to safe areas away from the site of e hezerdous condition, end (b) Enforce perimeter- or other boundenes established by the Fire Depettment et or Weer the site of a hezerdous condition end limit access to the site to dean-up penonneL No person shell disobey en order of the Chief of Police issued under this section Section 33-37. Penelry. AYry person violating erry provision, section, or paragraph of this ordinance shell be guilry of e misdemeanor, end on conviction thereof be subject to a fine of not more then $ 10000 or be imprisoned for not more then 30 days- Eech day e violation ocean shell constitute a separate offense Section 33-38. Seperebiliry ofProvisions_ It is the intern of the Ciry of Dubuque that each section, perag'eph, sentence, deuce end provision hereof is separable, end if erry provision is held unconstitutional or invalid for erry reason, such derision shell not effect the remainder of this ordinance nor erry pelt thereof other then effected by such decision Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 15th day of September, 1994_ It 9115 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Counril Member Voerberg moved that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered end voted on for passage et two Coundl Meerings prior to the meering et which it is to be finally passed be suspendetL Seconded by Coundl Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Coundl Member- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voerberg I- - -- tie Council Member Voerberg moved final consideration end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Coundl Mernber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voerberg Nays-None City Meneger recommending approval for e River Rescue Soet Purchase, preserved end reetL Coundl Member Voerberg moved that the communication be received end filed end approved. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Coundl Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voerberg Nay, None. Communication of the Ciry Manager recommending ecceptence of Notthwest Atteriel Water Mein Project, preserved end reetL Coundl Member Nagle moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Coundl Mernber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voerberg I _ ~e RICSOLUTION N0.295-94 ACCICPTING IMPROVICMICNT Whereas, the contract for the Notthwest Arterial Water Mein Project has beers completed end the CiryS consultant, Wellece, Holland, Kessler, Schmitz end Co_, Dubuque, Iowa, has recommended ecceptence of the project. NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That the recommendation of the Ciry Manager be approved end that said improvement be accepted. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Coundl Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Coundl Mernber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voerberg Nays-None RICSOLUTION N0.296-94 FINAL IC871MATIC Whereas, the contract for the Notthwest Arterial Water Mein Project has beers completed 301 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 end the Ciry has submitted the final estimate showing the cost thereof NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L Ihet the cost of said improvement is hereby determined to be $206,459 29. Section 2 Ihet the final payment of $10,322.96 be paid to Notthwetem Development, Inc, in accordance with State statutes from funds in the Water Division's FY94 CIP butlga_ Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor ATTEST: Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Mernber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg. -- _ -- tie. Communicenon of the Ciry Manager recommending ecceptence 1993 Ii C. Paving Project - Crescent Ridge & Sterl~ght Dr_ Reconstmcnon, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg. -- _ -- tie. RHSO__ __.... N0.299-94 ACCRPTING IMPROVRMRNT Whereas, the contract for the Crescent Ridge end Sterl~ght Drive Reconstruction Project has beers completed end the Ciry Manager has ecemined the work end filed his certificate stating that the same has beers completed according to the tams of the contract, plans end specificenons end recommends it ecceptence NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That the recommendation of the Ciry Manager be approved end that said improvement be end the same is hereby ecceptetL SE II FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ciry Treasurer be end he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the Street Construction Fund end the Iowa Local Option Sales Tes Fund in amount equal to the amount of his contract, les erry retained percentage provided for therein. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nay, None. RRSO__ __.... N0.298-94 FINAL R871MATR Whereas, the contract for the Crescent Ridge end Sterl~ght Drive Reconstruction Project has been completed end the Ciry Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cmt of enmete, nonce end inspection end ell miscellaneous costs; NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L Ihet the cost of said improvement is hereby determined to be $1,514,706.94 end the said amount shell be paid from the Street Construction Fund end the Iowa Local Option Sales Tes Fund of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowe_ Section 2 Ihet $159,13172 of the cost thereof shell be assessable upon private propary end $1,355,575 22 shell be paid from the Street Construction Fund end the Iowa Local Option Sales Tes FuntL Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Mernber_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Ney None. RRSOLUTION N0.299-94 A RRSOLUTION ADOPTING 7HR FINAL ASSRSSMRNT SCHRDULR FOR CRRSCRNT RIDGR AND STARLIGHT DRNR RHCONS__.____.... PROSRCT INCLUDING CRRTAIN INFORMATION RRQUIRRD SY 7HR CODA OF IOWA, SPRCIFICALLY, 7HR NUMSRR OF ANNUAL INSTALLMRNTS INTO WHICH ASSRSSMRNTS ARR DIVIDRD, 7HR INTRRRST ON ALL UNPAID INSTALLMRNTB, 7HR 71MR WHRN 7HR ASSRSSMRNTS ARR PAYASLR AND DIRRCTING 7HR CLARK TO GRATIFY THR FINAL SCHRDULR AND TO PUBLISH NOTICR 7HRRROF. NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That after full considerenon of the final schedule of assessments end eccomperrying plat showing the assessments proposed to be made for the construction of the Crescent Ridge end Sterl~ght Drive Reconstruction Project under contract with Notthwestem Development, Inc of Iowa of Dubuque, Iowa, which final plat end schedule were filed in the office of the Ciry Clerk on the 31st day of August, 1994, that said schedule of assessments be end the same is hereby approved end adopted. Ihet there be, end is hereby assessed end levied es a special tes against end upon each of the lots, the repecnve surrr_ indicetefL Provided, futther, that the amounts shown in said final schedule of assessments es deficiencies ere found to be proper end levied condinonelly against the respective properties benefitted by the improvements es shown in the schedule, subject to the provisions of Section 384 63, Code of Iowe_ Seid assessments against Seid lots ere hereby declared to be in propottion to the special benefits conferred end not in escess of twenty-five percent of the value of same. Assessments of $50 00 or more ere payable in 10 equal annual installments, with interest on the unpaid balance, ell es provided in Section 384.65, Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 307 Code of Iowe- Conditional deficienry assessments, if eng may be levied against the eppGceble property for the same period of year- es the assessments ere made payable Assessments may be paid in full or in pelt without interest et the office of the County Treasurer, et arty time within 30 days after the date of the fiat pubGcenon of this nonce of the filing of the final plat end schedule of assessments with the County IYeesuren Unless said assessments ere paid in full within said thirty day period ell unpaid assessments will drew annual interest computed et 9 percent (commencing on the date of ecceptence of the work) computed to the December 1st next following the due deter of the respective instellments_ Eech installment will be delinquent on September 30th following its due date on Iuly 1st in each year- Propary owner-may elect to pay arty annual installment semiennuelly in advance That the Ciry Clerk be end is hereby directed to certify said schedule to the County IYeesurer of Dubuque County, Iowe, end to publish nonce of said cettificenon once each week for two consecutive weeks in the manner provided in Section 362 3, the fir_t publication of which shell be not more then fifreen days from the date of Fang of the final schedule The Ciry Clerk shell eL-o said by cettified mail to propary owner- whose propary a subject to assessment a copy of said nonce, end mailing to be on or before the date of the second publication of the nonce, ell es provided end directed by Section 384.60 of the Code of Iowe_ Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA SCHEDULE OF FINAL ASSESSMENTS CRESCENT RIDGE AND STARLIGHT DRIVE P C CONCRETE PAVING PROTECT OWNER LOT DESCRIPTION *'^'''CD LATER at TOTAL NET ASSESSMENT NEUMEISTER PLACE Neumeister, Wm & Mery A &Mery Lynn Lot 1 $66268___________$4,54355 Neumeuter, Wm &Mery K Lott $41272 __ __$3,33231 DUBUQUE HOMES CENTER GROVE PLACE NO.2 Sergnen, Crete A & Ienue M 3 $65182 _______$2,45069 Schwendinger, Ronald & Marcell 4 000__......___$1,51993 Redloff, Steven D. & Rochelle S. Henson 5 000__... ...__$1,51993 Schluaer, David I &Mery E. Seitzel 6 0.00 ...........$1,555.31 Gentkemp, Iona A 7 $71703 _______$2,32354 Sanchez, Sem &Norme 8 000___________$1,60276 Neumelaer, Mery Lynn 9 $70615 _______$2,13550 Hooks, Delbert G_ &Lillien L 10 000 ______________$1,42026 Krug, Stella 11 $71203 ___________$2,243.81 Fan, Douglas E & Iona M 12 $71703 ___________$2,18027 Gaynor, Cerrnen V. 13 $69529__________ _$2,15268 Chatfield, Donald I_ & Urglnle 14 $71703__________ _$2,17442 Wedewer, Tory D. & Renee A. 15 000 _____________ _$1,30477 Husemen, George F_ Ir_ &Mery Ann 16 0 00 _____________ _$1,329 94 O'Meere, Timothy C. 17 $71703__________ _$2,23696 O'Meere, Timothy C. 18 0 00 _____________ _$1,503 61 Gerdemenn, Iohn W. &Mery 19 $67355__... ..._ _$2,23658 MINERAI. LOT 232 Downey, Carol E & Leonard R. 2-1-1 000 __________ _$1,34053 Fondell, Donald I & Virginia M. 2-2-2-1-1-1 000 __________ _$1,32421 Recker, Donald R. 1-2-2-1-1-1 0 00 __________ _$1,519 93 Simon, Rey I & Rite M. 2-1-2-1-1-1 0 00 $1,519 93 Clenry, Ioseph P_ & Geraldine M 1-1-2-1-1-1 0 00 __________ _$1,519 93 PoL-een, Alfred &Helen 2-1-1-1-1 000__..._____ _$1,51993 Sergnen, Roy Lee & Audrey M. 2-2-1-1-1-1-1 0 00 $1,44156 Gessmen, Iemes E & Melia A 1-2-1-1-1-1-1 0 00 $1,44156 Gessmen, Iemes E & Melia A 2-1-1-1-1-1-1 $56488 __ ._ _$2,00644 LLOYD'S SUSDMSION Eckert, Wayne I. & Ioyce E. Steffen 13 0 00 $ 953 57 Cottrell, Dennis D_ & Cynthia L 12 0 00 $ 951 08 Hettmen, Thomas W_ & Darlene C 11 0 00 $ 926 53 Seberien, Sijen & Iona R. 10 0 00 $ 975 49 Knepper, Ioseph I. & Nenry I. 9 0 00 $ 974 87 Notthouse, Robert F_ & Iona C 8 000 __________ _ $ 96378 Rusk, Donald G_ 7 000 __________ _ $ 95108 Rusk, Donald G_ 6 0.00 $ 951.08 Butt, Iene F. 5 0.00 $ 951.08 Connolly, Ioseph A & Ruth R 4 0.00 $ 951.08 Hesken, Donald C & EGz C 3 0.00 $ 951.08 Zelemik, Edward I & Lloyd C. Beckett 2 0 00 __...... ___ $ 935.13 Zelemik, Edward I & Lloyd C. Beckett 1 000 __... __ $ 68011 MINERAI. LOT 232 Zelemik, Edward I. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 000__... __ _$ 000 MINERAI. LOT 233 Zelemik,. Edward I. 2-1-2 0 00 $ 0 00 ERSCHINPLACE Hemel Perking Lot Service 000__... __ $ 97470 MINERAI. LOT 233 Hemel Perking Lot Service Inc. 303 Renular Seccinn- Sentemher fi- 1994 2-3-2 000 __________ $ 2,76222 Hemel Perking Lot Service Inc. 2-2-3 000__......_ _$ 000 VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS AT CENTER GROVE McDerrnott, Ches & Irate 2-1-13 000 __________ _$3,86288 IYi State Implement Co_ 2-13 0 00 __________ _$1,233 75 (Includes Sanitary Letael) Steve Sutton M &Mesine M. 1-1-1-13 6 1 9 8 5 $66268 _____ ________________ _$7,18995 McDerrnott, Ches & Irate 2-1-1-13 000 __. _______ _ $ 14428 Schroeder, Gery M &Mery I. 7 0 00 __________ _$1,665.19 Roling, Iohn I. 6 000__..______ _$1,13334 Notton, Timothy I & Leure M. 3 000 __________ _$1,22230 Ender, Lawrence & Carol 1-2-2 000 __________ _$1,24221 Ender, Lawrence & Carol 2-2-1 000__________ ______000 Engling, Anthorry I. & Dewn M. 1-2-1 0 00 __________ _$1,285 09 Engling, Anthorry I. & Dewn M. 2-2-2 000__......_ __$ 000 SURKHART PLACE Smith, Galen C. & Anne Mee 2-2 71203________ _$5,99990 06afoe1l, Merk 1-2 $ 71203...... .$2,783.13 MINERAL LOT 290 Detumen, Io Ann a el 1 000 __________ _$1,05942 Bradley, Lehelle 1-2 $ 42360_____ $10,91453 Struh, Steven C. & Sharon A. 2-2 000__......__ _$1,55145 MINERAL LOT 289 Gremmel, Iary I. 2-1 000_______ _$2,22537 Gremmel, Iary I. 2-1-1-1-2-1-1 0 00 _______ _$4,706 85 Fluhr, Gaeld I & Merges E. 2-1-2-1-1-1 0 00 $1,908 75 Semhett, Tory S. 1-1-2-1-1-1 0 00 $1,966 44 Kleina, Charles Richertl 2-2-1-1-1 000_______ _$ 88131 Wintler_, Herold & Delores E 2-2-1-1-1-1 0 00 __..______ _$1,200 87 Sommer, Daniel I & Susan R 1-1-2-1-1-1-1 0 00 __. ______ $2,2079 31 Hinderrnen, Iohn I &Mery L. 2-1-2-1-1-1-1 0 00 __________ _$1,59205 Wel-Melt Store, Inc. 1-1-1-1-1-1 0 00 __________ _ $ 624.62 Neumeuta, William C &Mery H 2-1-1-1-1-1 0 00 __......__ _$4,465 72 MINERAL LOT 287 Neumelaa, wlltem C_ &Mery H 2 000__..._____ __$ 000 Herrig, Ronald I & Kimhaly G. 1-1-2-3 NE 1!4 SW 1!4 SEC 28 $ 77481 _____ _$4,28481 VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS (AT CENTER GROVE) Steve, Sutton M &Mesine M. 11 0.00 _____________ _$1,281.18 Gehriel, Kutt A & Gertrude 10 0 00 _____________ _$1,230.18 Gehriel, Kutt A & Gertrude 9 000__________ _$1,20259 Sehl, Vincent I & Eileen G. 8 000__________ _$1,18592 Sehl, Vincent I & Eileen G. 5 0.00 .......... .$1,158.38 Kutsch, Richertl E 4 000__________ _$1,19551 Uthe, Beverly I & Thomas I 1-2 $77103 ______ _$2,25452 Sjo6ekken, Gerald M. & Ruth Ann 1-1 $77103 __..._ _$2,16470 HANSEL'S ADDITION Hensel, Richertl V_ 5 0.00 .......... .$4,893.88 Hensel, Richertl V_ 4 0.00 .......... .$6,066.91 -'NO BENEFIT' MINERAL LOT 232 1-1- 1-1-1-1-1-1 PAID SY CITY MINERAL LOT 233 2-1-2 err t,oars~ ar59,13172 CITY OF DUBUQUE FINAL ESTIMATE FOR CRESCENT RIDGE & STARLIGHT DRIVE ITEM QTY. LT7I UNIT COST 'i07" ^^" " 1 Escevenon, Unclassified 27,470 00 C Y $ 2 50 $ 68,675 00 2 PCC Concrae Pavement Class "C" wllntGg'el Curb 25,458 92 S Y $ 19 00 $483 719 48 3 Median, Doweled P. C. C. 5200 S Y $ 26 00 $ 1,482 00 4 Asphelnc Cement Concrae, Intenecnorr_ 719 41 Ton $ 3240 $ 26,905 93 5 Asphelnc Conan Concrae, Driveways & Fillers 268 98 Ton $ 65 00 $ 17,483 70 6 Granular Su66ese 9,154 35 Ton $ 5 75 $ 52,63251 7 3" Crushed Stone Sese 20,89857 ion $ 575 $120,16678 8 Intake, Single 101-5 29 00 Eech $1,032 00 $ 29,928 00 9 Intake, Single 104-5 2.00 Eech $1,889.00 $ 3,77500 10 15" RCCP Smrrn Sewer 335 50 LF_ $ 2225 $ 7,464 88 11 18" RCCP Smrrn Sewer 2,199 90 LF_ $ 24.35 $ 53,56257 1224" RCCP Smrrn Sewer 25510 LF_ $ 3210 $ 8,18871 13 27" RCCP Smrrn Sewer 1,455 30 LF_ $ 36 50 $ 53,118 45 14 Aprons 18" RCCP Sturm Sewer 1 00 Eech $ 556 00 $ 556 00 15 Aprons 27" RCCP Smrrn Sewer 2 00 Eech $ 48010 $ 960 20 16 Setltling Stone 1" Clean 68 95 Tons $ 6 OS $ 41715 17 Manhole Sidewe1148"Die. 55 40 LF_ $ 95 35 $ 5,282 39 18 Manhole Sese 48" Die_ 5 00 Eech $ 45110 $ 2,255 50 19 Manhole Frame & Cover 4 00 Eech $ 212 50 $ 850 00 20 Sewcut Asphalt 76520 LF_ $ 150 $ 1,14280 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 304 21 Sewcut Concrete 105 30 LF_ $ 225 $ 236 93 22 P C C Driveway, 6" Replace 1,458.17 S Y $ 2150 $ 31,350 66 23 P C C Driveway 6" Remove 30622 SY $ 325 $ 99522 24 P C C Sidewalk, 4" Remov e & Replace 1,07830 SF_ $ 2 05 $ 2,210 52 25 Meil Sos/Newspeper Sos Posts, Temp Relocate & Perrn. Locate 51 00 EA $ 50 00 $ 2,550 00 26 Sell, Iopsoil (Suitable) 60 00 C Y $ 8 75 $ 525 00 27 Garbage Sin, Relocate 1 00 EA $ 150 00 $ 150 00 28 IYeffic Control 1 00 LS_ $14,455 00 $ 14,455 00 29 Removal, Concrete Curb 1,458 50 LF_ $ 2 00 $ 2,91? 00 30 Removal, Asphalt Peve 5,774 00 S Y $ 1 25 $ 7,21? 50 31 Removal, Concrete Peve. 9,083.00 SY_ $ 2.55 $ 23,161.65 32 Removal, Face 163 00 LF_ $ 210 $ 342 30 33 Removal, Railroad Tie R aeining Well 1.00 L S $ 125 00 $ 125 00 34 Removal, Intakes 3 00 EA $ 175 50 $ 526 50 35 Pavement Markings 0 21 LS_ $ 760 00 $ 159 60 36 Adjustment ofFistures 18 00 EA $ 125 00 $ 2,250 00 37 Remove & Replace, Manhole Fra me & Cover 200 EA $ 295 00 $ 590 00 38 Prime or Ieck Coet 170 00 GAL $ 200 $ 340 00 39 Seeding, Fertilizing, Mulch 276 Acres $ 1,875 00 $ 5,175 00 40 Sodding 8334 00 S Y $ 410 $ 34,169 40 41 Class "E" Revament 45 90 Ion $ 9 75 $ 44253 42 SubdYein, Pa£ Plesnc Pipe, 6" Diemaer 11,082.60 LF_ $ 6.05 $ 67,049.73 43 Clearing & Grubbing 1.00 LS $2,550.00 $ 2,550.00 44 Hydrant Relocation 5 00 LS_ $ 825 00 $ 4,125 00 45 Water Service Lines, 3!4" Stop Sos, Cory, Iep, Irr_te1L 1500 EA $ 245.50 $ 4,419.00 46 Water Serv.Line, M4"Pipe 628 00 LF_ $ 9 45 $ 5,934 60 47 Water Sernllne, 1 1!4" Stop Sos, Cory_ Iep, Astellenon 1 00 EA $ 345 50 $ 345 50 48 Water Service Line, 1 1!4" Pipe 31 00 LF_ $ 19 75 $ 61225 49 Sanitary Sewer LetereL- Iep, Saddle, Astellenon 1 00 EA $ 325 50 $ 325 50 50 Sanitary Sewer Leterel, 4" CIP 4 1 0 0 LF_ $ 15 35 $ 629 35 51 Stone Raeining Well 3865 00 S F_ $ 26 00 $ 100,490 00 52 Seckfill Limesmne 1,11842 Ions $ 455 $ 5,08881 53 Weterrnein, 16" 33280 LF_ $ 3250 $ 12,66? 50 54 Weterrnein, 6" 42 30 LF_ $ 25 60 $ 1,078 65 55 Fi[nngs 1,040 00 LBS_ $ 215 $ 2,236 00 56 Polywrep Encasement 363 30 LF_ $ 1 60 $ 581 28 57 Remove & Selvage 16" Weterrnein 243.00 L F $ 9 50 $ 2,308 50 58 Send Bedding & Encasement 120 00 Ion $ 5 00 $ 60175 Enre Work Order- 59 Weterrnein P14g 1 00 LS_ $ 250 00 $ 250 00 60 Floweble Molter 1 00 LS_ $ 1,874 91 $ 1,874 91 61 PCC Curb & Gutter 535 50 LF_ $ 11 20 $ 5,99? 60 62 Smrm Sewer PVC Replace 1 00 LS_ $ 2,506 85 $ 2,506 85 63 IYench & Seckfill (Street L-tehts) 800.00 L F. $ Z00 $ 5,600 00 64 intake 101-5 Special 4 00 LF_ $ 1,434 50 $ 5,738 00 65 Water Valve Sos Upper Section w2id 1.00 L F $ 45 24 $ 45 24 66 M-4 Concree 525 CY $ 1035 $ 5435 67 Rock Escevetion 1 00 LS_ $ 435 00 $ 435 00 68 Water Stop Sos -Relocate 3 00 EA $ 125 00 $ 375 00 69 Raeining Well, Special 1.00 LS $ 3,089.00 $ 3,089.00 70 Perking Lot -Neumeuter 1 00 LS_ $ 4,73? 25 $ 4,73? 25 IOIAL DUE CONTRACTOR $1,310,22647 EASEMENTS 6,910.00 INGINEERING $197,570.47 IOIAL PROTECT COST $1,514,70694 LESS CITY SHARE ($ 785 98269) LESS SALES TAX ($ 536,56? 22) ASSESSABLE AMOUNT $ 192,15203 Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded Try Council Manlier Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manlier- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nay, None. Communicenon of Ciry Manager recommending approval of final plat of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 end Lot C of Forest Grange Subdivision (Within 2 mile of CiryS terrimriel review limits), presented end reetL Council Manlier Robbins moved that the mmmunicetion lie received end FIetL Seconded by Council Manlier Kluesner_ Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manlier- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Ro661rr_, Voaberg Nay, None. ABSOLUTION NO. 300-94 A ABSOLUTION APPROVING 'IHB FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 14, 15, 16, 17 AND LOI C OF FORBSI GRANGE SUBDIVISION IN DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA. Whereas, there has been filed with the Ciry Clerk a final plat Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 end Lot C of Forest Grange Subdivision Dubuque County, Iowa; end 305 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 Whereas, upon said final plat appear stres(s) to be known es Forest Meadow end Rustic Forest 'Neil; end Whereas, the preliminary plat has been esemined by the CirylCounry Zoning Commission end had its epprovel endorsed thereon; end Whereas, said final plat has heal reviewed by the Ciry Planner end had her epprovel endorsed thereon; end Whereas, said final plat has heal esemined by the City Council end they find that it conforrns to the statute end ordinance relating to it, eecept the drive grades have not heal estebluhed, the drive brought to grade or paving instelletL NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1_ Ihet the final plat of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 end Lot C of Foret Grange Subdivision, Dubuque County, Iowa is hereby approved end the Mayor end Ciry Clerk ere hereby authorized end directed to endorse the epprovel of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa upon said final plat Section 2 Ihet the Ciry Council hereby waives Article N, Desi_m end Improvement Standards of the Subdivision Regulenorr_, eecept for Section 42-19, provided the owners of said property herein named esecute their written ecceptence herao attached. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 300-94 I, the unden~ened, Ieme Gentz, having reed the tams end conditions of the Resolution No_ 300-94 end being familiar with the conditions thereof, hereby accept this same end agree to the conditions required therein Dated in Dubuque, Iowa this 7th day of September, 1994. Sy lJlemes Gentz Council Member Robbins moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Kluesner_ Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg. -- - -- tie. City Manager advising of receipt of All-Star Community Awards, presented end reetL Council Member Nagle moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-on Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg. -- - -- tie. RHSO__ __..-. NO. 301-94 Whereas, eppGcetions for Seer Permits have heal submitted end filed to this Council for epprovel end the same have been esemined end approved; end Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such eppGcents were inspected end found to comply with the Ordinances of this Ciry end have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the Manager be authorized to cease to be issued the following named eppGcents a Seer Perrnit. CLASS "S" SEER PERMCT (SPECIAL EVEN'I)(Five-day Permit) Dubuque leycees All lhet less Outdoor Service 'sown Clock Pleze CLASS "C" SEER PERMCT the Monday Co_ Casey's General Store 4003 Peru Rd. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg Ney,-None RICSOLUTION NO. 302-94 Whereas, eppGcetions for Liquor Licenses have heal submitted to this Council for epprovel end the same have been esemined end approved; end Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such eppGcents were inspected end found to comply with the State Lew end ell Ciry Ordinances relevant therao end they have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the Manager be authorized to cease to be issued the following named eppGcents e Liquor License CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) SEER AND LIQUOR LICINSE Eagle Point ASSOCietes, Inc Tollbridge lnn 2800 Rhomberg Passed, approved end adopted thu 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None MINUTES SUSMCITED - Airpott Commission of 7-12; Er____--__al Stewardship Commission of 8-9; Five Flags Commission of 8- 15 & 8-22; Hutonc Preservation Commission of 8-11; Human Relations Conference Planning of 7- 28; Human R-tehts Commission of 7-11; Investment Over--teht Commission's quetterly report; Long Range Planning Commission of 8-17; Perk & Recreation Commission of 8-9; Plumbing Soerd of 8-9; Civic Carter's Yeer-aid repott for Fiscal Yeer 1994, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the minutes be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 3Ofi NOTICES OF CLAIMSlSII1TS - Eunice Dotter in unknown amount for penonel injures; Mary Lou Ehlett submimng update of claim for backed up sewer damages; Stephen Gates in amount of $1,750 00 for vehicle damages; Luke Great in amount of $50 00 for propery losses; David Gregory in amount of $6,500 for vehicle damages; Sob & Diane Hedrick in amount of $465 00 for backed up sewer damages; Iohn larger- in amount of $2243 00 for per_onel propay losses; Greg Kan in amount of $141 90 for penonel injures; Ioe LuGrein in amount of $5,000 for vehicle damages; Gery Mersey in amount of $250 00 for property damages; Linde Mader in unknown amount for penonel injures; Gary Neuman in amount of $1500.00 for vehicle damages; Ioshue Oleson in unknown amount for property damages; Pavry Pepe in amount of $481.19 for vehicle damages; Rose Risteu vs Ciry of Dubuque in unknown amount for vehicle damages end penonel injures; Robett C Roah~e in amount of $900 00 for vehicle damages; Tammy Smith in amount of $1,79600 for propey damages; Ienel Smffel in amount of $3440 for property damages; Brien SulGven in amount of $150 00 for vehicle damages, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the claims end suits be referred m the Legal Staff for investigeson end repott_ Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg ] _ ~e Coryorenon Counsel advising the following claims have been referred m Crawford & Comperry the dean for the Iowa Communises Assurance Pool: Cer damage of Roger I. Gettner; Propary damage of Katherine L. Kelly, presented end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Coryorenon Counsel advising Clothing damage claims of Rosene IYeutwein has been edminutresvely closed, presorted end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Coryorenon Counsel recommending denial of Cer damage claim of American Family Insurance (For Fermin C Sen Merms) Tire damage claim of Eunice M. Semrick; Propary damage claim of Clyde Flynn; end Cer damage claim of Steven & Marilyn Skehill, presorted end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the mmmunicetion be received end filed end denieL approved. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Coryorenon Counsel recommending satlement of following claims; Towing Charge reimbursement of Colleen Gallery; Cer damage of Heron Less in amount of $12905; Propary damage of Cerl R Noel in amount of $46270, presented end reetL Council Manlier Voaberg moved that the mmmunicetion lie received end filed end satlements approved with Finance Direcmr m issue proper checks- Seconded by Council Manlier Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Man6ers Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Ro667rr_, Voaberg I _ ~e Coryorenon Counsel advising truck damage claim of Inter-State Builder- Supply Co_ has been referred m Notthwestem Development Inc. of Iowe_, presented end reetL Council Manlier Voetberg moved that the claim lie received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manlier- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nay, None. REFLIND REQLiESTED -Dubuque Ieycees in amount of $3250 on unused Class "S" Seer Permit, presented end reetL Council Member Voetberg moved that the refund be approved end directed Finance Direcmr m issue proper check Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None William & Rosemarie Shumerd advising of problem created on West 32nd Strea by not complaing the Notthwest Arterial, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Carole & Tom Carroll urging m keep the Highway 20 project on schedule, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg I- _ -- rte Ciry Meneger recommending approval of Operesorc New View Purchase of Services F~greement end authorizing ececuson, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the mmmunicetion be received end filed end approved _ t Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg I _ ~e City Mendger responding m severe smrm damages of Friday, August 19, 1994, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the mmmunicetion be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Finance Direcmr submitting Financial Repotts for month of Iuly, 1994, presented end reed. 307 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 Council Manlier Voabag moved that the repotts lie received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manlier- Kluesna, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voabag. -- _ -- tie. Communicenon of the Ciry Menages recommending extension of Childhood Leed Poisoning Prevention Grant until 12731!94, presented end reetL Council Member Voabag moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluena, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voabag Nay, None. RHSO__ __.... NO. 303-94 A RZSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THZ CITY MANAGZR OR HIS DZSIGNZZ TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH THZ IOWA DZPARTMZNT OF PUBLIC HZALTH FOR CONTINUATION OF FUNDING A LOCAL CHILDHOOD LZAD POISONING PRZVZNTION PROGRAM. Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque has established such a local childhood lead poisoning prevention program; end Whereas, the Iowa Depettment of Public Health has offered to provide financial suppott for e local childhood lead poisoning prevention program in the Ciry of Dubuque; end Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque will provide environmental end medical case management of identified lead poisoned children in addition to communiry outreach end education on the problem of childhood lead poisoning NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Ihet the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa hereby approves the attached contract baween the Iowa Depettment of Public Health end the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2 Ihet the Ciry Menages or his designee is hereby authorized end directed to esecute said contract on behalf of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attes, Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Counnl Member Voabag moved to adopt the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluena, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voabag Nay, None. RZSOLUTION NO. 304-94 RZSOLUTION APPROVING THZ AGRZZMZNT SZTWZZN THZ DUSUQUZ HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, AND THZ IOWA CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION, AND AU ...,......~tG THZ MAYOR TO SIGN THZ AGRZZMZNT Whereas, the Dubuque Human R-tehts Commission end the Iowa Civil R-tehts Commission ere attires founded for the puryose of eliminating ducriminenon through the processing of ducriminenon complaints; end Whereas, the Dubuque Human R-tehts Commission end the Iowa Civil Rights Commission have negotiated en agreement whereby more efficient, more effective end more coordinated state end local civil rights atforcement shell be provided; end Whereas, the Dubuque Human R-tehts Commission end the Iowa Civil R-tehts Commission have concluded said agreement to the satisfaction of each p~rty~ NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Ihet the tams of the agreement between the Dubuque Human Rights Commission end the Iowa Civil Rights Commission be approved end the Mayor be authorized end directed to si_m the agreement. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence MDuegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voabag moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Kluena, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voabag Nays-None City Manager submitting proposed League of Iowa MunicipeGnes Legulenve Policies, presented end reed. Council Member Voabag moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesna, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voabag N. _ -- Communicenon of the Ciry Menages recommending ecceptence of Leisure Services Fence Pro]ect, presented end reetL Council Member Voabag moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluena, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voabag Nays-None Communicenon of the Ciry Menages recommending approval of en agreement baween Dubuque Human R-tehts Commission end Iowa Civil R-tehts Commission end authorize the Mayor to si_m agreement, presented end reetL Council Member Voabag moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Kluesna, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voabag. -- _ -- tie. RZSOLUTION NO. 305-94 ACCZPTING IbIPROVZMZNT Whereas, the contract for the Leisure Services Chain Link Face Pro]ect has heal complaed end the Ciry Manager has ecemined the work end filed his cettificete stating that the same has heal complaed according to the tams of the contract, plans end specificenons end recommends it ecceptence. NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 3OR Section 1. 'That the recommendation of the Ciry Manager be approved end that said improvement be end the same is hereby ecceptetL SE II FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ciry Treasurer be end he is hereby directed m pay m the contrecmr from the General Fund end the Iowa Local Option Sales Tes Fund in amount equal m the amount of his mntrect, less erry retained percentage provided for therein. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Negle_ Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg. -- _ -- tie. RHSOLUTION NO. 306-94 FINAL HSTA4.9TH Whereas, the mntrect for the Leisure Services Chain Link Face Pro]ect has heal completed end the Ciry Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices end inspection end ell mucelleneous costs; NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L Ihet the cost of said improvement u hereby daerrnined m be $27,953 59 end the said amount shell be paid from the General Fund end the Iowa Local Option Sales Tes Fund of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved end adopted thu 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Negle_ Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg ] _ ~e Communication of the Ciry Manager requesting execution of Preconstmction t with IDOT for Reconstmction of Eastbound U S_ R20 Bridge et Catfish Creek, presorted end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None RHSOLUTION NO. 309-94 RHSOLUTION APPROVING PRHCONS' ............. AGRHHMHNI WITH THH IOWA DHPARTMHNI OF TRANSPORTATION RHLATING TO THH CONSTRUCTION OF THH U.S 20 SRIDGH OVHR CATFISH CRHHK Whereas, the Iowa Depettment of Trenspottetion is developing plans for the reconstruction of the eastbound U S_ 20 H-tehwey bridge et Catfish Creek; end Whereas, the Iowa Depettment of Trenspottetion is proposing m construct said bridge in calendar year 1995; end Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque approves the terms end conditions of said Preconstmction Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Ihet Preconstmction .v___ R95-12-023 with the Iowa Depettment of IYenspottetion relating m the reconstruction of the eastbound US_ 20 bridge et Catfish Creek be approved. Section 2 Ihet the Mayor be authorized end directed m execute two copies of the agreement. Passed, approved end adopted this 6th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Negle_ Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg I _ ~e Communication of the Ciry Manager requesting execution of CDSG Agreement with HUD for ellocetion of Disaster Relief Funds, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluener, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None RHSOLUTION NO. 308-94 RHSOLUTION AU...,......~IG THH HXHCUTION OF A CObL...,..... DHVHLOPMHNI BLOCK GRANT AGRHHMHNI WITH THH U.S. DHPARTMHNI OF HOUSING AND URBAN DHVHLOPMHNI FOR DISASTHR RHLIHF FUNDS Whereas, under provisions of the ellocetion of supplemental Communiry Development Block Grant funds for Duester Relief Funds, the Ciry of Dubuque prepared end submitted a Final Statement on Iuly 2Q 1994; end Whereas, the submission has heal approved by the Depettment of Housing end Urban Development In the amount of $232,000; end Whereas, a Grant Agreement covering the activities proposed m be carried out with Communiry Development Block Grant funds has been tendered the Ciry of Dubuque. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That the Grant Agreement, authorized by the U.S. Depettment of Housing end Urban Development on August 19, 1994, for e Communiry Development Block Grant for Disaster Relief Funds m the Ciry of Dubuque in the amount of $232,000 is hereby ecceptetL Section 2 Ihet the Mayor of the Ciry of Dubuque be end he is hereby authorized end 309 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher fi. 1994 directed to esecute e Communiry Development Block Grant Agreement itlennfietl es Grant Frgreement 5-94-MF-19-0004 for submission to Mayor the U.S. Depettment of Housing end Urban Development. Pessetl, approved end adopted thu 6th tley of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voetberg moved adoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Cerrietl by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duegen, Council Manber_ Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Nays-None Council Member Voetberg end Mayor Duegen espressetl epprecienon for ell those involved in the herd work of cleaning up after the storm on August Council Manber_ 19th. Attest Ciry Clerk There being no futther business, Council Member Nagle moved to edjoum. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Nays-None Meeting edjoumed et 9:47 p m. Mary A Devu CMC Ciry Clerk Approved 1995. Adopted .1995. 317 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 DUBUQUE CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Council Met et 7:30 pm., Public Library Auditorium Present Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg, Acting Ciry Manager Leure Centens, Coryorenon Counsel Berry A LindehL Absent Council Member Kluesner, Ciry Manager Michael C Ven Mill~een Mayor Du_ge en reed the cell end stated this is the Regular Session of the Ciry Council celled for the puryose to act upon such business which may properly come before the Council. Avocation was given by Rev_ Kenneth Helmke, Director of Business & Finance, Wettburg Iheologicel Seminary PROCLAMATIONS - Week of September 18-24 es "Deaf - s Week" end Month of October es "Deaf Awareness Month" received by Diane Tekippe end Iim Cummings; Week of September 18-24 es "Adult Day Cere Caner Week" received by Kerl Kohnen; Week of September 18-24 es "RehebiGtenon Week" received by Nole Nederrnenn; end October 3L-t es "'Nick Or'IYeet Night". Counnl Member Nagle moved that the rules be suspended to allow erryone presort to address the Council Seconded by Council Member Robbins_ Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Proof of publication cettified to by the Publisher on Nonce of Hearing on Plans end specificenons for Kelly Lene-Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Avenue to Rockdale Roed, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the proof of publication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ RHSO__ __..-. NO. 309-94 RHSOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPHCIFICATIONS Whereas, on the 10th day of August, 1994, plerr_, speHficenom, form of contract end esnmeted cost were filed with the Ciry Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa for the Kelly Lene - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Avenue to Rockdale Roed. Whereas, nonce of hearing on plans, spenficenons, form of contract, end esnmeted cost was published es required by lew_ NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the said plans, specificenons, forrn of contract end esnmeted cost ere hereby approved es the plans, specificenons, form of contract end esnmeted cost for said improvements for said project. Passed, adopted end approved this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duegen, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Proof of publication on Nonce to Bidder- on Receipt of Sids for project end communication of Ciry Meneger recommending to award contract for project, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the proof end communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ RHSO__ __..-. NO. 310-94 AWARDING CONTRACT Whereas, sealed proposeL- have heal submitted by contrecton for the Kelly Lene - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Avenue to Rockdale Roed punuent to Resolution No_ 285-94 end nonce to bidder- published in a newspaper published in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa on the 25th day of August, 1994_ Whereas, said sealed proposeL- were opened end reed on the 8th day of September, 1994 end it has been daerrnined that the bid of River Ciry Paving, a Division of Methy Constmcnon of Onalaska, Wisconsin in the amount of $41,766 60 was the lowest bid for the furnishings of ell labor end meterieL- end paforrning the work es provided for in the plans end specificenons_ NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the contract for the above improvement be awarded to River Ciry Paving, a Division of Methy Construction end the Meneger be end is hereby directed to esecute a contract on behalf of the Ciry of Dubuque for the complae paforrnence of the work. SE R FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon the si_ming of said contract end the approval of the contractor's bond, the Ciry IYeesurer is authorized end instructed to raum the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidder~~ Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 31R BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: AIRPORT COMMISSION One sic-year tam to ecpire 9-14-2000 (tam of P_ Frommelt} AppGcents Stevor I Arthur, Geraldine Eitter, end Peul Frommelt. Vote on the eppointmort was es follow> Mayor Duegen voted for Frommelt. Council Manlier Knee voted for Frommelt_ Council Member Nagle voted for Frommelt. Council Member NchoL-on voted for Frommelt_ Council Member Robbins voted for Frommelt_ Council Manlier Voeberg voted for Frommelt. 'Therefore, Paul Frommelt reappointed to the Airpott Commission for a sic year tam which will ecpire 9-14-2000_ INV HSTMHNT OVHRSIGHT COMMISSION Two 3-year tams to ecpire 7-1-97 (Isms of Lessence & Melordez) end 2 unecpired tams which will ecpire 7-1-95 (tams of Fowler & Stein)- AppGcents: Paul Lessence, Hiram G_ Melendez end Gery L. Ruden. Vote on the eppointmorts was es follow> Mayor Duggan voted for Lessence end Melordez Council Menber Krieg voted for Lessence end Ruden. Council Member Nagle voted for Lessence end Ruden Council Menber NchoL-on voted for Lessence end Melordez Council Menber Robbins voted for Lessence end Melendez. Council Member Voeberg voted for Lessence end Melordez Therefore, Peul Lessence end Hiram G. Melendez reappointed to three year tams which will ecpire 7-1-97. Council Member Voeberg moved that Gery Ruden be appointed to fill one of the unecpired tams which will ecpire 7-1-95. Seconded by Council Menber NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krleg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voeberg ] _ ae Absan-Council Menber Kluesner_ Communication of Ciry Manager requesting the Ciry Clerk be authorized to edvmue for vacancies on the Airyott Zoning Commission end Airyott Zoning Soerd of Adjuomort, presorted end reetL Council Menber Voeberg moved that the communication be received end filed end concurred with the rec ion. Seconded by Council Menber Nagle Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voeberg Ne ~- Absort-Council Norther Kluesner_ Communication of Ciry Manager submitting en Ordinance regarding underage possession of alcohol end sale of alcohol, presorted end reetL Council Menber Voeberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Menber Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voeberg ] ae Absan-Council Menber Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending Code of Ordinances by electing new Section 5-7 ortitled "Persons under age [worry-one" end meeting a new Section 53(5) entitled "prohblted sale end act-,', presorted end reetL (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCH NO. 50-94 AN ORDINANCH AMHNDING IHH CODH OF ORDINANCHS OF IHH CITY OF DUSUQUH, IOWA, SY DHLHIING SHCIION 5-7, "PHRSONS UNDHR LHGAL AGH; AGHD NINHTHHN AND IWHNTY," AND SUSSlll'ITI'ING A NHW SHCIION 5-7 HNIITLHD "PHRSONS UNDHR AGH IWHNTY-ONH"; AND SY DHLHIING SHCIION 5-3(5) HNIITLHD "PROHISITHD SALHS AND ACTS," AND SUSSlll'ITI'ING A NHW SHCIION 5-3(5) HNIITLHD "PROHISITHD SALHS AND ACTS." NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT ORDAINED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Ihet the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, lie emended by deleting Section 5-7, "Persons Under Legal Age; Aged Nineteen And TWmry." Section 2 Ihet the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be emended by enacting e new Section 5-7 ortitled, "Persons Under Age IWorry-one" es follow> Section 5-7. Per_ons Under Age lWorry-one (e) Per_ons under the age of E--tehteen A person shell not sell, give, or otherwise supply alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer to arty person knowing or having reesoneble cease to believe that person to be under the age of e--tehteor, end a person or per_ons under the age of e(ghteor shell not purchase or ettanpt to purchase or individually or jointly have alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer in their possession or control; accept in the case of liquor, wine, or beer givor or duporsed to e person under the age of e(ghteor within e private home end with the knowledge, presence, end consort of the perort or guardian, or with the sLened, wrlttor corr_an of the perort or guardian specifying the date end place for the consumption end displayed by the person upon demand, for beverage or medicinal purposes or es administered to the person by either a physician or donut for medicinal purposes end accept to the actor[ that a person under the age of eighteen may handle alcoholic beverages, wine, end beer during the regular coupe of the person's enploymort by a liquor control Gcorsee, or wine or beer perrnittee under this chepter_ (b) Per_ons E--tehteor, Nineeor end Twenty. A person shell not sell, glue, or otherwise supply alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer to arty person knowing or having reesoneble cease to believe that the person is age etehteor, nlneeor, or twairy_ A person age etehteor, nlneeor, or [worry shell not purchase or possess elcohoGc liquor, wine, or beer. However, a person age etehteor, nlneeor, or [worry may possess elcohoGc liquor, wine or beer givor to the person within a private home with the knowledge, presorce, end consort of the person's parent or guardian, or with the sLened, wrlttor consort of the perort or guardian specifying the date end place for the consumption end displayed by the person upon danend, end a person age eighteen, nineem, or twenty may handle alcoholic liquor, wine, end beer during the coupe of the person's enploymort by a liquor control Gcorsee, or wine or beer perrnittee. 319 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 Section 3. Ihet the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be emended by deleting Section 5-3(5) entitled, "Prohbited Sele And Act, " Section 4. Ihet the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be emended by enacting e new Section 5-3(5) entitled, "Prohbited Sele And Act, " Section 5-3(5) Prohibited Sales And ACts_ S Sell, give, or otherwise supply erry alcoholic beverage, wine, or beer m erry person, knowing or failing m ecercise reesoneble care m ascertain whether the person is under legal age, or permit erry person, knowing or failing m esercise reesoneble care m exertein whether the person is under legal age, m consume erry alcoholic beverage, wine, or beer. Section 3. This Ordinance shell take effect upon publication. Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper the 28th day of September, 1994_ It 9128 Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voerberg moved that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered end voted on for passage et two Council Meetings prior m the meeting et which it is m be finally passed be suspendetL Seconded by Council Member Robbins- Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voerberg ] ere Absan-Council Member Kluesner_ Council Member Voerberg moved final considerenon end passage of the Ordinance Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voerberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Whereas, the CDSG regulations eL-o require that the entitlement recipient make the GPR eveileble m its citizens for comment prior m submission m HUD; end, Whereas, the Ciry has 1) prepared a GPR for the program year commencing Iuly 1, 1993 end concluding Iune 3Q 1994; 2) published nonce of eveilebiliry of the GPR in the Du6ugue on August 3Q 1994 end in the Telegraph Herald on August 31, 1994; 3) made copies of the GPR eveileble for public review et the Public Library, Ciry Hell end the Housing Bernice Office; end, 4) held a public hearing punuent m published nonce before the Communiry Development Commission on September 2, 1994; end, Whereas, the Communiry Development Commission has voted m approve the GPR end m recommend Ciry Council approval. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That the Grantee Perforrnence Repott for the period commencing Iuly 1, 1993 end concluding Iune 30, 1994, e copy of which is attached, is hereby approved for submission Section 2 Ihet the Mayor of the Ciry of Dubuque is hereby authorized end directed m esecute the Grantee Perforrnence Repott on behalf of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3 Ihet the Ciry Manager is hereby authorized end directed m submit the Grantee Perforrnence Repott m the U.S. Depettment of Housing end Urban Development Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voerberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member NchoL-on Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Voerberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Commumcenon of Ciry Manager submitting Grantee Perforrnence Repott m HUD for period of Iuly 1, 1993 m Iune 30, 1994, presented end reed. Council Member Voerberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member NchoL-on Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manaer_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voerberg Nays-None Absan-Council Member Kluesner_ RZSOLUTION NO. 311-94 RZSOLUTION AUTHORIZING 7HZ SUBMISSION OF A GRANTZZ PZRFORMANCZ RZPORT FOR 7HZ PZRIOD COMMZNCING NLY 1, 1993 AND CONCLUDING NNZ 3Q 1994. Whereas, the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, is en entitlement Brent recipient under the Communiry Development Block Grant (CDSG) Program of the U.S. Depettment of Housing end Urban Development (fi[JD); end Whereas, the CDSG regulations require that no later then Winery (90) days after the complerion of e progeem year, each entitlement reHpient must submit a perforrnence end eveluetion repott, Grantee Perforrnence Repott (GPR); end, RZSOLUTION NO. 312-94 NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: 'That the following having complied with the provisions of law relating m the sale of Ctgerertes within the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted e permit m sell C~gerertes end Cigererte Peper_ within said Ciry_ Instant Replay Lary lLmer 1602 Carrel K CS Amoco Kevin Kinser 1701 IFK Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Robbins moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member NchoL-on Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Member- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voerberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manger Kluesner_ RZSOLUTION NO. 313-94 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 370 Whereas, eppGcenons for Seer Permits have been submitted end filed to this Council for epprovel end the same have been esemined end approved; end Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such eppGcents were inspected end found to comply with the Ordinances of this Ciry end have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the Manager be authorized to cease to be issued the following named eppGcents a Seer Perrnit. CLASS "C" SEER PERMCI Mulgew Oil Co_ Asbury Festop 3300 Asbury Family Mett, Inc Family Mett 3201 Carrel Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manaer_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Absenn-Council Manber Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending Zoning Mep by reclassifying propery located on South side of North Cexede Roed by Ceder Cross Roed end Fremont Avenue from AG Agricultural end R-1 Single Family Residennel Distract to R-2 Two- Femily Residennel Distract, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that a Public Hearing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 3rd day of October, 1994 et 7:30 o'clock p m. et the Public Library Auditorium end that the Ciry Clerk be directed to publish nonce of the Public Hearing in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absenn-Council Manber Kluesner_ Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Robbins moved edopnon of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manber Kluesner_ RHSOLUTION NO. 314-94 Whereas, eppGcenons for Liquor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for epprovel end the same have been esemined end approved; end Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such eppGcents were inspected end found to comply with the State Lew end ell Ciry Ordinances relevant therao end they have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the Manager be authorized to cease to be issued the following named eppGcents e Liquor License CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) SEER AND LIQUOR LICINSE Angela Mengeno Angle's Ser 1401 Elm IID, Inc D~eger's 660Iowe P MS T_,INC Heppy's Piece 2323 Rockdale Rd LeRoyA Miller Whitey's SerX 2616 Windsor Passed, approved end adopted this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Robbins moved edopnon of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member NchoL-oa Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absent-Council Manber Kluesner_ Zoning Commission advising of their epprovel to reclassify property by Ceder Cross Roed end Fremont Avenue from AG end R-1 Distract to R-2 Distract es requested by Marty McNemar, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the communication be received end Zoning Commission advising of their epprovel to rezone the mobile home perk et 450/480 Fremont Avenue from PR to ID Distract to allow mule-family student housing units es requested by Wettburg Iheologicel Seminary, presorted end reed- Council Member Nagle moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Voaberg Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absort-Council Member Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending Zoning Mep by reclassifying propery located et 450!480 Fremont Avenue end Pulpit Rock Lene from PR Planned Residennel Distract to ID Asntunonel Distract end adopting a Conceptual Development Plen, with Conditions, presented end reetL Council Member Nagle moved that a Public Hearing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 3rd day of October, 1994 et 7:30 o'clock p m. et the Public Library Auditorium end that the Ciry Clerk be directed to publish nonce of the Public Hearing in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Voaberg Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absent-Council Manber Kluesner_ Zoning Commission advising of their epprovel to emend Zoning Ordinance by emending the C-3, C-4, C-5 end CR Distracts regarding to raeil seleslservice, presented end reetL Council Member Voaberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absent-Council Manber Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting a new Section 3-3.3(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Raeil SelesJService for the C-3 General Commercial Distract, An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting a new Section 3-3 4(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Retell Sale-JService for the C-4 Downtown Commercial Distract, An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting a new Section 3- 371 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 3.5(B) in lieu thereof pertaining m Retell SeleslService for the C-5 Business Distract, An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by enacting a new Section 3-3.7(B) in lieu thereof pertaining m Raeil Sale-JService for the CR Commercial Recreenon Distract, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that e Public Hearing lie held on the proposed Ordinances on the 3rd day of October, 1994 et 7:30 o'clock p m. et the Public Library Auditorium end that the Ciry Clerk lie directed m publish nonce of the Public Heenngs in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ Communicenons of the Zoning Commission advising of their epprovel (with mndinons) m emend the PR Planned Residennel Distract for Terrace Heights Mobile Home Perk Coryorenon et 4001 Pem Roed end the mmmunicetion of WHKS & Co_, Engineer- end Planner- for above project, requesting mnsiderenon be given regarding spacing of trees in this ordinance, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the mmmunicenons be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending Zoning Mep by emending a Conceptual Development Plen for the Terrace Heights PR Planned Residennel Distract on Pem Roed, presented end reed. Council Member Krieg moved that a Public Hearing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 3rd day of October, 1994 et 7:30 o'clock p m. et the Public Library Audimrium end that the Ciry Clerk be directed m publish nonce of the Public Hearing in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ Zoning Commission advising of their denial of e test amendment m C-4 Distract, preented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Member Kluesner_ An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance by adopting a new Section 3-34(b)(5) in lieu thereof m permit Residennel Uses on the fiat floor in e C-4 Downmwn Commercial Distract, presented end reetL Council Member Krieg moved that a Public Hearing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 3rd day of October, 1994 et 7:30 o'clock p m. et the Public Library Audimrium end that the Ciry Clerk be directed m publish nonce of the Public Hearing in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None A6ean-Council Manlier Klueener_ Communicenon of the Ciry Manager submimng documents providing for the bidding process for Constmcnon of R[ght ILm Lene on Northwest Arterial et Pennsylvenie Ave, presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the mmmunicetion lie received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ RHSOLUTION NO. 315-94 PRHLA~VARY APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPHCIFICATIONS NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Ihet the propmed plerr_, speHficenom, forrn of contract end esnmeted mst for the Notthwest Arterial end Pennsylvenie Avenue R-teht ILm Lene, in the esnmeted amount of $32,831 66, ere hereby approved end ordered filed in the office of the Ciry Clerk for public inspection Passed, adopted end approved this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ RHSOLUTION NO. 316-94 FLYIlVG DATH OF HHARING ON PLANS AND SPHCIFICATIONS Whereas, the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa has given its preliminary epprovel on the proposed plans, specificenons, end forrn of mntrect end placed same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection of the Notthwest Arterial end Pennsylvenie Avenue R-teht ILm Lane. NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That on the 3rd day of October, 1994, a public hearing will be held et 7:30 p m. in the Public Library Audimrium et which time interested persons may eppeer end be heard for or against the proposed plans end specificenons, forrn of mntrect end cost of said improvement, end the Ciry Clerk be end is hereby directed m cease a nonce of time end place of such hearing m be published in e newspaper having general circulenon in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, which nonce shell be not les then four days nor more then twenty days prior m the day Fsed for its mnsiderenon At the hearing, arty interested per_on may eppeer end file objections m the proposed plans, specificenons, mntrect, or esnmeted mst of the improvement. Passed, adopted end approved this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 377 Council Member Voaberg moved edoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Manlier Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Member- Knee, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbirr_, Voaberg Ne ~- Alison-Council Manlier Kluesner_ RHSOLUTION NO. 319-94 ORDHRING SIDS NOW THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Notthwest Atteriel end Pennsylvenie Avenue Right 'ILm Lene is hereby ordered to lie edvettued for bids for constmcnoa SE R FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of the securiry to eccomperry each bid shell lie in en amount which shell conforrn to the provisions of the nonce to bidden hereby approved es a pelt of the plans end specificenons heraofore adopted. That the Ciry Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the constmcnon of the improvements herein provided, to lie published in e newspaper having general circulenon in the Ciry of Dubuque, Iowa, which nonce shell not lie les then four days nor more then twenty days prior to the receipt of said bids et 2 00 p-m on the 28th day of September, 1994_ Sids shell be opened end reed by the Ciry Clerk et said time end will be submitted to the Council for final action et 230 p m. on the 3rd day of October, 1994. Passed, adopted end approved this 19th day of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mary A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voaberg moved edoption of the Resolunoa Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ Ciry Meneger recommending a hearing to be set on October 3rd regarding the imposing of e civil penalty assessment in the amount of $300 against IOCO Speede Shoppe located et 1481 Dodge Strea, presorted end reed Council Member Nagle moved that the communication be received end filed end approved with Hearing Dete sa for 10!3!94 et 230 p-m in the Public Library Auditorium. Seconded by Council Member Voaberg Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ ._. SUBMCITED - Historic Preservenon~ Commission of 8-25; Housing Commission IYust Fund Committee of 9-1; Library Soerd of IYuoees of 8-25; Zoning Commission of 9-7, presorted end reed Council Member Voaberg moved that the minutes be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robblrr_, Voaberg Nays-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ NOTICES OF CLAIMSlSUIIS - Clyde Flehary, in amount of $150.00 for propary damage; Thomas Kelleher, Sr_, in amount of $1,759 00 for vehicle damages; Thomas V_ Kelly in unknown amount for vehicle damages; LeeAnn LuGrein in amount of $373 00 for vehicle damages; Iohn Reudorf in amount of $24246 for vehicles damages, presented end reed Council Member Voaberg moved that the claims end suits lie referred to the Leeel Staff for investigenon end report. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manlier- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Alison-Council Manlier Kluesner_ Coryorenon Counsel recommending denial of following claims Cer damage of Linde L Sutteris; Cer damage of Pavry Pepe, preented end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communications lie received end filed end denials approved. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Carried by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Members Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Ro667rr_, Voaberg Nays-None Alison-Council Manlier Kluesner_ Coryorenon Counsel recommending satlement of following claims: Property damage of Gery L. Mersey in amount of $250 00; Propery damage of Ienel Stoffel in the amount of $34 4Q presorted end reed. Council Member Voaberg moved that the communications be received end filed end settlements approved end directing the Finance Director to issue proper checks Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Monbers Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Nays-None Absort-Council Monber Kluesner_ Coryorenon Counsel advising the following claims have heal referred to Crawford & Comperry, the agent for the Iowa Communise Assurance PooC Per_onel injury of Mery I Clement Penonel injury of Eunice Dotter; Cer damage of Stephen I Gates; Cer damage of David Gregory; Sewer backup of Sob & Diane Hedrick; Property loss of Phyllis & Iohn Iunger_; Penonel injury of Greg Kem; Cer damage of Toe LuGrein; Personal injury of Linde L Mader; Cer damage of Gery M Neuman; Cer damage of Ioshue Oleson; Cer damage of Robett C Roah~e; Propery damage of Tammy Smith, presorted end reed Council Member Voaberg moved that the communications be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Absart-Council Member Kluesner_ REFUNDS REQUESTED - Elbo, Inc. dM./e Dr_ SS Billiards, $21125 on unecpired Liquor License, presorted end reed Council Member Voetberg moved that the refunds be approved approved end Finance Director to issue proper check. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Norther- Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voaberg Neys-None Absart-Council Manlier Kluesner_ 373 Renular Seccinn. Sentemher 19. 1994 ProoS of PubGcetion cettifietl to by the Publisher on 1994 Financial Repott Fiscal Yeer ended Iune 3Q 1994; Lla of Clelrrr_ peld for month of Iuly, 1994, presented end reetL Council Member Voetberg moved that the prooS be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Cerrietl by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Martin I. McNemar end Nenry A Comer McNemar requesting voluntary ennecetion of their property located notth of Cexetle Roetl, presented end reed. Council Member Voetberg moved that the matter be referred to Staff Seconded by Council Member Nagle Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Ne -- Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Approvetl_ Communication of Ciry Meneger reco.._.._.._..c. approval of FY'94 Street Finance Repott, presented end reed. Council Member Voetberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Cerrietl by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ RHSOLUTION NO. 318-94 RHSOLUTION P.. _ _.... _..: iHH CITY OF DUSUQUH FISCAL YHAR 1994 STRHHT FINANCH RHPORT NOW, THEREFORE, SE R RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. 'That the Street Finance Repott for the period Iuly 1, 1993 through Iune 30, 1994 be end the same a hereby epprovetl end that the Ciry Clerk is hereby authorized end directed to file said repott with the Iowa Depettment of IYenspottetioa Pessetl, epprovetl end adopted thu 19th dry of September, 1994. Terrence M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Mery A Davis, Ciry Clerk Council Member Voetberg moved adoption of the Resolution Seconded by Council Member Nagle- Cerrietl by the following vote- Yeas-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Ne -- Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ Voetberg Nay,-None A6;an-Council Member Kluesner_ Meeting edjoumed et 8:04 p m. Mery A Davis CMC Ciry Clerk _, 1995. Adopted _,1995. Mayor Council Manber_ Attest Ciry Clerk Iecquelyn K Crruntkosky ecpressing her appreciation to serve in the intern position during the Summer within the Legal Depettment, presented end reetL Council Member Voetberg moved that the communication be received end filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Du_ge en, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins, Voetberg Nays-None Absan-Council Manber Kluesner_ There being no futther business, Council Member Nagle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg Cerrietl by the following vote- Yees-Mayor Duggan, Council Manber_ Krieg, Nagle, NchoL-on, Robbins,