1994 Index Council ProceedingsCITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1994 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member at Large DANIEL NICHOLSON Council Member at large ROBERT NAGLE First Ward KATHRYN KRIEG Second WardLORAS KLUESNER Third Ward JOSEPH ROBBINS Fourth WardDIRK VOETBERG City ClerkMARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation CounselBARRY A. LINDAHL City SolicitorWILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City AttorneyJAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN Assistant City ManagerNANCY GUIDER FROM 7/18/94 Airport Manager ROBERT O'BRIEN UNTIL 5/31/94 KEN KRAEMER FROM 7/11/94 Building Safety ManagerDAVID SHURTS City AssessorFRANK FROST Community/Economic Development ManagerJAMES BURKE Finance DirectorDUANE PITCHER Fire ChiefWILLIAM MILLER Housing Services ManagerDAVID HARRIS Human Rights/EEO DirectorCHARLES AZEBEOKHAI Human Services ManagerRANDY PECK Library DirectorNICKY STANKE UNTIL 6/3/94 JOHN MCCRACKEN FROM 10/7/94 Leisure Services DirectorGIL SPENCE Operations and Maintenance ManagerDON VOGT Planning Services ManagerLAURA CARSTENS Police ChiefJOHN MAUSS Public Works Director/City EngineerMICHAEL KOCH Transit ManagerWILLIAM KOHLER Utilities DirectorCRAIG OLSON UNTIL 11/15/94 Waste Water Plant ManagerPAUL HORSFALL FROM 11/15/1994 Water Plant Manager ROBERT GREEN FROM 11/15/1994 Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. ON SPINE OF BOOK OFFICIAL (On Original Signed set ONLY) COUNCIL RECORD NO. 124 1994 CITY OF DUBUQUE Please personalize 7 books on front lower right hand corner. TERRANCE M. DUGGAN, MAYOR LORAS KLUESNER, COUNCIL MEMBER 2nd Ward KATHRYN KRIEG, COUNCIL MEMBER, 1st Ward ROBERT NAGLE, COUNCIL MEMBER, At-Large DANIEL NICHOLSON, COUNCIL MEMBER, At-Large JOSEPH ROBBINS, COUNCIL MEMBER, 3rd Ward DIRK VOETBERG, COUNCIL MEMBER, 4th Ward INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE A A & M Developers, rezoning of property N. side of Geraldine & E of Valentine.(4/18)(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(8/1)..............128,136,161,182,248 A & B Tap, K. Brestrup, 2600 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(12/19)....................................207,418 A.Y. McDonald, ARA Services, 4085 McDonald Dr., Cig. Per.(6/6).....182 Abandoned property, or vacant surplus property of City, disposition.(12/5)..........................................389 Abandoned property requested to be donated to Habitat for Humanity.(12/19).......................................... 400 Abandoned Vehicles in Parks etc., amended Park & Rec. Ord.(11/7)..366 Abresch, Rose & Larry, objecting to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/2)(5/16).....................................136,161 Access Agree. for Underground Storage Tank Program.(2/21).......59 Access Easement Area near Wal-Mart as public road, request by River City.(6/20)........................................... 211 Access to U.S. 20, University of Dubuque proposed rezoning project. (8/1)(11/21)............................................258,381 Adam, Eric, Take 5 Coffeehouse, Cig. Per.(2/7)....................28 Admiral's High-Hat West, D. Meyer, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/5)(10/3)..220,338 Adult Day Care Center Week, Proclamation.(9/19).................317 Advance Electric Inc., awarded City Hall Relamping (Energy Efficient) Lighting Project.(5/2).......................................142 Affordable housing issue, Valley High Parkland playground area. (12/5)(12/19)...........................................390,396 Agenda of City Council Meetings, Order of Business established.(10/3)337 Agree. with IDOT, Construction of Median Crossovers on U.S. 20 near middle Fork of Catfish Creek.(2/7).............................38 Agree. (Access) for Underground Storage Tank Program.(2/21)......59 Agree. with Strand Engrg. for Engineering Services for Phase II Improve. at Water Pollution Control Plant.(3/7)...................64 Agreement, Second Amend. , Couler Valley Urban Drainage District. (4/4).....................................................107 Agree. for Roadway Easement between the City & Harold & Joanne Moldt,& Lloyd Luber and Marlene Luber Melssen,(Hawthorne St.) (5/2).....................................................144 Agree. with Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend for Childcare Initiative Grant Program; with Foster Grandparent Program.(5/16)......166,272 Agree. with Eagle Point Corp., CDBG & CEBA Loan.(5/16)..........164 Agreement, Employment, with City Manager.(5/16)................174 Agree. with Dubuque Humane Society.(6/20)....................212A Agree. (License) with Terracon Environmental, Inc. to perform soil borings and install monitoring wells on public right of way near 300 S. Locust.(6/20).......................................212A Agree. with Law Enforcement Jurisdictions of City, County & Jo Daviess County, Il.(7/18).................................235 Agreement, Operation: New View & City for Family Self-Sufficiency Program.(8/1).............................................251 Agree. with HUD, CDBG, for FY 1995.(8/1)........................257 Agree. with Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Inc.(8/15)..........273 Agreement, Easement with Chicago, Central & Pacific Railroad Co. for Fremont Ave. Bridge.(9/6)................................281 Agreement, Preconstruction, with IDOT, for reconstruction of Eastbound U.S. #20 Bridge at Catfish Creek.(9/6)................315 Agreement, CDBG, with HUD for allocation of Disaster Relief Funds.(9/6)...............................................315 Agree. between Human Rights Comm. & IA Civil Rights Comm.(9/6)...............................................314 Agree. with TCI, fiber optic connection etc.(10/3)(11/7)..........339,363 Agree. with IDOT, U.S. 20 Reconstruction Project from Devon Dr. to U.S. 61.(11/21).......................................381 Agreement, Concession, McAleece Park.(11/21)..................382 Agree. requested with U.S. Census Bureau to conduct special census. (12/19)...................................................418 Agreement, Purchase of Services with Dbq. Area Labor Management Council.(12/19)............................................400 Agree. & Lease assignment with Eagle Point Marina Property.(12/19)...........................................400 Agreement, Loan, for redevelopment of Bishop Block Building at 90 S. Main St.(12/19)............................................404 Agreements, Industrial Sewer Use, with FDL Foods, Inland Protein, Sanofi Bio Industries & Swiss Valley Farms Dairy.(9/6)...........282 Agria, John, Pres. of UD, proposed rezoning n. of Dodge. (6/20)(7/5).........................................193-200,219 AIDS Program, contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for local program. (2/21)(10/17)............................................59,346 AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(1/17)(3/7)(3/21)(6/20)(7/18)(9/6)(11/7)(11/21) ....................................2,14,70,89,210,238,312,354,376 Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, 574 E. 16th, Cig. Per.(6/20)...............207 Airport Comm. resignation of Marilee Fowler; resignation of Dennis Houlihan; appointment of Cheryl Kramer Greiner and Allan T. Thoms.(6/20)(7/18)(8/1).......................211,239,247 Airport Manager Ken Kraemer introduced.(7/18)..................227 Airport Commission reappoint. of Paul Frommelt.(9/19)............318 Airport Zoning Comm. and Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment, advertise for vacancies.(9/19)...............................318 Airport C.I.P., budget modifications.(12/19)......................403 Alcohol possession and sale of alcohol for underage persons, change in City Ord.(9/19)................................................318 Alcohol in City Parks, Amend. to Park & Rec. Ord.(11/7)...........366 All that Jazz, Beer Per.(6/6)(7/5)(8/1)(9/6)..............183,221,251,311 All-Star Community Awards.(9/6)...............................311 Alley between Jackson & Washington St. from 8th to 9th, vacated & to Kretschmer Tredway, Jeldwen, Inc. & Spahn & Rose. (4/4)(4/18)......................................105,106,114,115 Alley behind Fischer Building, Quit Claim Deed from Plastic Center.(7/18)....................................242,243 Alley between Elm & Washington Sts. from 13th to 14th St., approval of proposed vacation etc. (8/1)(8/15).........................252,263 Alley & Asphalt Paving Project accepted, 1993.(11/7)(12/5)..357,385,386 Alta Vista, 900, the former Visitation convent, rezoning from R-2 to ID for Loras College.(5/16)(6/6)........................171,176-178 Althaus, David, appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd.(1/17)........8 Althaus, Dennis, Family Bev. & Family Beer, Cig. Permits; Beer Per. (6/6)(7/5)..............................................183,221 Althoff, Steve, Silver Dollar Cantina, 342 Main, Cig. Per.(7/18).......235 Amateur Radio Week, Proclamation.(6/20).......................191 Amend. to IA Constitution, Study from Coalition to Protect Iowa's Constitution.(1/17)..........................................18 Amend. to the FY 1994 Budget.(5/2)(5/16)....................150,161 Amend. to Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Program Housing Vouchers.(5/16)(6/6)(7/18)....................174,187,235 Amend. of Loan Agree. with Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc.(8/15).........267 Amend. to Lease Agree. between City & Dubuque Racing Assn.(11/7)...............................................364 Amend. to FY 1995 Budget.(11/21)(12/5).....................384,388 Amend. to Second Supplement of CDBG Disaster Relief Funds, $232,000.(12/5)...........................................390 Ament Engineering Assoc., awarded contract for Downtown Comp. Traffic Analysis.(11/21).....................................381 American Veteran's Memorial Highway, renaming of State Highway No. 3.(2/7)(2/21)..........................................23,47 American Tree Service, requesting rezoning of 2120 & 2130 Elm. (5/16)(6/20)............................................161,192 American Legion, Dbq. Post #6, 1305 Delhi, Cig. Per.(6/20).........207 American Family Insurance Claim for F. C. San Marcos, denial.(9/6)..312 Americans with Disabilities Act improvements, Hills & Dales & Dbq. Rescue Mission projects.(12/19).........................398 Americans with Disabilities Act, Amend. to Human Relations Ord.(12/19)...............................................403 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(8/1).....................................207,252 Amoco Foodshop at Plaza 20, Mulgrew Oil, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(10/17)...................................207,350 Amoco, K.C.'s, at 1701 JFK, Cig. Per.(9/19)......................320 Anderson, Diane, Child Care Initiative Project Task Force.(4/18).....116 Anderson Marine of Iowa, Inc., assignment of certain leases.(7/18)...241 Angel Investment, Casey's Gen. Store, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(1/3)(6/6).1,183 Angella Street, 683, DREAMS home disposition to James M. & Melissa A. Holz.(2/7)(2/21)..................................32,46 Angie's, Angela Mangeno, 1401 Elm, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19)207,321 Annex, City Hall, Renovation Project.(1/3)..........................6 Annexation of 2.7 acres on NW Arterial ROW. (2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)................................29,62,87,88,98 Annexation requested by M. McNamer for property on N. Cascade Rd.(5/16)(6/20)(7/5).................................174,208,214 Annexation for property west of Cedar Cross Rd., & South of N. Cascade Rd.(10/3).................................................338 Annexation of E. part of Lot 1 of Ohmert's Hilltop Farms. (McNamer request).(10/17)..................................347 Annie Waller Subd., rezoning of property west of Rockdale Rd. for the Table Mound Mobile Home Park.(9/6)....................277 Annual Financial Report, (1/17).................................12 Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Prog.Housing Vouchers.(5/16)(7/18)...............................174,175,235 Annual Performance Report on City's activities in compliance with FY 1994 Housing Afford. Strategy (CHAS).(12/19)..402 Annual Performance Report of Human Rights.(12/19)..............403 Apartments, Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co., 555 JFK, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/21)(6/20).............................................54,207 Apex Oil Co., et al, IDOT, Notice of Condemnation etc.(11/7)........355 Appeals to Housing Code Appeals Board, Filing Fee set out.(5/16)...167 Appeals of Tammy Smith & Robert Hedrick Claims, response.(11/7)..364 Appeals Board of Housing Code, amended Ord.(12/19)............412 Appleby, Jan, Claim; referral.(8/1)(8/15)......................254,271 Application to the US Dept. of Commerce, EDA in support of Flexsteel Ind. Relocation.(5/2)................................146 Applications to the Housing Trust Fund submitted.(8/1)............258 April, 1994 Financial Reports; proof of claims.(5/16)(6/20).......172,211 ARA Leisure Services, Inc., Dubuque Greyhound Park, Schmidt Island, Liq. Lic. Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/6)..................101,183 ARA Services, Cigarette Permit(s).(6/6)......................182,183 Aragon Tap, M.Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cig. Per.;Liq. Lic.(6/20)(11/7)207,374 ARASERVE, Inc., Loras College Campus, 1450 Alta Vista, Liq. Lic.(4/4)..............................................102 Arbor Day Proclamation.(4/18).................................111 Architect Franklin D. Hyde, Bishop's Block Historic designation.(2/7)..33 Army Corps of Engineers invited to dredge.(2/21)..................42 Art Pape Transfer, interim basis lease on 12th St.(10/17)...........348 Art Pape Transfer, parking lot at 1080 E. 12th St.(10/17)(11/7)....348,365 Art collection, children's, from Pyatigorsk presented to Mayor Duggan.(12/19)......................................395 Arterial (NW), voluntary annexation of City-owned land of 2.7 acres.(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)..............................29,62,88 Arterial (NW) Water Main Project, acceptance.(9/6)................306 Arthur, Steven J., app. Airport Comm.(8/1)(9/19)...............247,318 Arvanitis, George, Busy Bee, Cig. Per.(7/5).......................220 Asbury Road, 3219, rezoning from R-1 to R-2 (req’d by Steve & Gretchen Kirch).(2/21)(3/21).........................57,80 Asbury, 3049, requested rezoning, R. Felderman; rezoning for Sieg Auto Parts; rezoning.(3/21)(4/4)(11/7)................87,94,359 Asbury Fastop, Mulgrew Oil, 3300 Asbury, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(9/19)....................................207,320 Asbury Rd. 3049, rezoning from C-3 to C-2.(10/17)(11/7).........352,359 Aspen Meadow, final plat approval of Lots 1-23 of Deer Valley Sub. in the County.(8/15)....................................266 Asphalt Paving Project, 1994.(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)...........66,67,93,148,152 Asphalt Leveling Project for Kelly Lane from Fremont to Rockdale Rd.(8/15)(9/19)(12/5).............................269,270,317,386 Asphalt Paving Project, 1992, acceptance.(11/7)..................356 Assessments for sidewalk installations of 3 property owners, 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program.(2/7)(3/21).................23,24,90 Assessments for 1994 P.C.C. Concrete Paving Program.(3/7)........69 Assessment Schedule for Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Proj.(9/6).................................................307 Assessments for 1994 Sidewalk & Repair Program.(12/5).......390,391 Assign. of Lease of Dubuque Tank Terminals to Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.(5/2).............................................154 Assign. of Leases of Roberts River Rides.(5/2)...................147 Assistant City Manager Nancy Guider introduced.(7/18)............227 At-Large Council Member Nicholson sworn in.(1/3)..................1 Audit of Dubuque Racing Assn. of 1993 submitted.(1/17)............17 August, 1993, Council Proceedings approved as printed.(4/18)......131 August 19, 1994, Severe Storm Damages.(9/6)................313,316 August, 1994, Financial Reports.(10/3)..........................339 Authorization to Execute Checks for City, designation of certain employees.(7/5).....................................220 Auxiliary Police Annual Report for 1993.(3/7)......................73 Avenue Tap, Oldham Inc., civil penalty assessment, Liq. Lic.; Cig.Per.(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(6/20)..........................146,170,207 Award - Public Interest Defense from National Assn. of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors.(11/7)................355 Awards, All-Star Community.(9/6)..............................311 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE B B & M Convenient Mart, Inc., Oky Doky #7, 3301 Pennsylvania, Beer Per.(4/4).............................................101 B's, B. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/6)(6/20)..........................................184,207 Baker, David J., applicant for the Housing Code Appeals Board.(1/17).................................................8 Baker, Paula, CLAIM; Referral.(2/7)(3/21).........................33,89 Bamrick, Eunice M., Claim; Denial.(8/15)(9/6)....................270,312 Banks, authorization for City employees to execute checks.(7/5)...............................................220 Bankston Dr., extension for mobile home park, request of Table Mound Park Corp.(8/15).................................269 Banwarth, M/M Charles, UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)...............363 Bar X, Whiteys, L. Miller, 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.(6/20)..............207 Barbaralee Drive, final plat approval of portion of Fremont Heights.(7/18).............................................233 Bargaining Strategy discussed in Closed Session.(10/3)..............339 Barta, Msgr. of Loras, zoning of Visitation Convent for sale to Loras College.(6/6).......................................176 Bartels, Debra, CLAIM; referral.(5/2)(5/16)......................153,173 Baseball - Rising Stars/Independent League Week Proclam. (6/6).............................................176 Bathroom Ventilating Systems, Res. Housing Code amendments etc.(12/19)................................................412 Bauer, Dave, background info. on Medical Asso. plans for NW Art. property.(5/16)..........................................158 Bauer, David, of Westmark I. L.C., final plat approval of Westmark.(7/18)...........................................240 Bauer, B., B's, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/6)(6/20)..........................................184,207 Bauman, Rev. George, Gave Invocation.(5/16).....................158 Bechen, E., Gene's Main St. Tap, 1007 Main, Cig. Per.;Liq.Lic.(6/20).206,208 Bechen, Vicki, appointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment.(8/15)..........264 Beecher Bev., 1691 Asbury, Cig. Per.; BE Beer Per.(6/6)..........182,183 Beeghly, Ken, At Large Applicant for Comm. Development Comm.(2/7)....22 Beer consumption, Parks & Recreation.(11/7)...................366-369 Behnke, Mark J., Claim; Settlement.(8/15).......................270,271 Belcastro, Frank, applicant for the Civil Service Comm.(4/4).............99 Bellevue (Old) Road in Dbq. County, final plat approval of Subd. U.S. Highway 52 etc.(12/19).............................................397 Bemis, Tim J., applicant to Park & Recreation Comm.(7/5).............216 Bemis, Harry J., reappointed to Transit Bd. of Trustees.(8/15)..........264 Bennett, Nelda, Old Shang, 1091 Main, Cig. Per.;Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/3).207,338 Bentz, Michael J. of River City Paving requesting Access Easement Area near Wal-mart as public road.(6/20)................211 Bergfeld, Denice, UD rezoning on Hwy 20.(11/7).....................363 Bergmann, Sally, requesting extension for security for final plat of Northwest Ridge.(1/17)............................16,17 Bertness, Scott & Nancy, Acquisition Agreement at 555Fremont.(12/19)..400 Bertolini, Angelina, Mario's, Cig. Per.(7/5)..........................220 Best Western Dubuque Inn, Dbq. Inn. Corp., Liq. Lic.(2/7)..............29 Beta Sigma Phi Week, Proclam. (4/18)............................111 Bibb, Rev. Stephen J., applicant for Housing Comm.(8/15)(12/5).....263,389 Bible Week, Proclam. (11/7)....................................354 Bicycle facilities, DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding.(8/15)....264 Bierstube, Inc., Europa Haus Res., 1301 Rhomberg,Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/6)(10/17).........................................183,350 Big 10 Marts, Molo Oil Co., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/6)(11/7)..........182,374 Bike Shack, The, Claim; denial;Settlement.(1/17)(2/7)(4/4)........ 15,33,106 Bike Trail, app. for Statewide Enhancement Project Funding to IDOT.(6/20)204 Billy Buck's, 521 E. 22nd, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(12/5)...........207,392 Birch, Jeffrey R., Claim; Referral.(7/5)(7/18).....................222,238 Bird, Dale L., applicant for the Housing Code Appeals Board.(1/17)........8 Bisdorf, John, Claim; denial.(3/7)(3/21)...........................70,89 Bishop's Block, to National Register of Historic Places; Amendment to Loan Agreement for redevelopment etc.(2/7)(12/19)..........................................33,404 Bishop, Tom, CEO of Medical Assoc., for rezoning of property on NW Art. at Chavenelle Rd. from R-1 to PUD etc.(5/16).........158-161 Bitter, Joe, Attorney for R. Hough, 2634 University Sewer Assess.(3/21)....84 Bitter, Joe, Attorney for L.J. Weidenbach, Claim.(7/5).................222 Black, Wm. M. - Steamboat, application ISTEA funds.(6/20).........202,203 Black Forest Homeowner's Assn., final plat approval of portion of Henschel's Addn.- Richards Rd.(7/18)....................239 Blakeman, Karen, Cig. Per.; Claim for Amy Koster;Referred. (6/20)(7/5).........................................207,210,222 Block Grant Funds, Hearing etc.(2/21)..............................56 Block Grant Funds for Flood Relief.(8/1)............................256 Blocklinger, Tom, applicant to Park & Recreation Comm.(7/5)...........216 Blue Moon Development Co., refund on Liq. Lic.(3/7)...................71 Bluff St. residents requesting directive signs at the First & Bluff St. intersection, & elimination of heavy vehicle traffic on Bluff from First to Dodge.(8/1)...............................................256 Blum, Richard O., UD rezoning on Hwy 20.(11/7).....................363 BOARD OF HEALTH, MEETINGS, (1/17)(4/18)(5/2)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(12/19)......4,110,135,213,225,244,394 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 1-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign a Contract with the IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local Flood Recovery Funding Contract.(4/18)......................................110 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 2-94 Approving & authorizing the Board of Health Chairperson or his designee to sign an application with the IA Dept. of Public Health for funding of a Public Health Nursing Program & to execute the final contract. (5/2).....................135 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION N0. 3-94 Submitting Community -Based Health promotion grant app. to IA Depart. of Public Health & authorizing City Board of Health Chairperson to sign a Letter of Support for Grant application targeting Cancer Morbidity and Mortality.(7/18).......325 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 4-94 Submitting the Community-Based Health Promotion Grant Application to the IA Dept. of Public Health & Authorizing the City Board of Health Chairperson to sign a Letter of Support for the Grant Application Targeting Cardiovascular Disease.(8/1).........244 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 5-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign an Extension of the Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local Recovery Funding Contract.(10/17).........................340 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 6-94 Approving & Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant Application for a Family Resource Center by the Dubuque Community School Dis.(12/19)...............................................394 Board of Supervisors, funding for center for Sexually Transmitted Disease examinations etc.(5/16)......................164 Boarding Ramp construction for the Diamond Jo Casino (Gambling Boat). (5/2).......................................146 Boards & Commissions Study; Picnic; objection to method of appointment; Work Plan for Study. (5/16)(6/20)(8/15)(9/6)(12/19)................169,201,212,274,280,418 Boat Dock, Transient, construction, DMATS Enhancement Funds.(8/15)...271 Boat purchase, River Rescue.(9/6)................................306 Boat Dock Construction Project, ISTEA funds.(11/21).................382 Boge, Loras & Robert, final plat approval of Raven Oaks Pl.No. 2 etc. (12/19)................................................396,397 Bonds, G.O., issuance of $3,100,000. (2/21)(3/7)(4/4)(4/18)......................... 54,75,93,94,117-124 Bonnie Court, final plat of portion of Fremont Heights.(7/18).............232 Boots, Tommy, Claim; referral.(4/4)(5/2)........................106,153 Borge, Victor, self-promotion appearance at Five Flags Civic Center.(5/2)..147 Borsheim, Harold & Kay, UD rezoning on Hwy. 20. (11/7)...............363 Botsford, Judith A., Botsy's, 1027 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(4/4).............101 Botsy's, Judith Botsford, 1027 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(4/4)................101 Boyes, Milton, claim of Negligence, Interstate Power Co.(1/3).............2 Brady, James as Outgoing Mayor, & with 20 years on Council, commended.(1/3)..............................................1 Braig, Karla, Chairperson of Human Rights, Gave Annual Report.(12/19)...403 Breastfeeding Week (World), Proclam. (8/1).........................245 Breckenridge Court, final plat of portion of Deer Valley Subd. in the County. (8/15)...................................266 Brehm, Barb, of Five Flags Civic Center, Received Cert. of Appreciation.(2/7)...........................................19 Breitbach, Michael, Riverfront Plan & toxic concerns.(3/21).............................................83 Brennan, John A., Claim; settlement; Claim, settlement. (1/17)(3/7)(4/4)(4/18)...............................15,70, 106,131 Brestrup, Kim, A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq.Lic. (6/20)(12/19)...........................................207,418 Brew Pub, Dubuque, Class "B" Beer Permit.(5/2)....................149 Bridge Construction over Catfish Creek, IDOT Preconstruction Agree.(9/6)...................................315 Bridge construction on Fremont Ave., Eminent Domain, Chicago RR.(9/6)...........................................281 Bridge Rest. & Lounge, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust, Liq. Lic.(12/5).................................................392 Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, J. Hall, 31-35 Locust, Liq. Lic.(7/5)..................................................221 Bridge, Julien Dubuque, establishment of speed limits on U.S. 20.(11/7)...........................................371 Briggs Enterprises, Inc. (Wayne A. Briggs), final plat of portion of Tiffany Ridge.(4/18).................................131 Brimeyer, Douglas, Claim.(11/21)................................376 Broessel, Patricia A., Corner Tap, 2093 Washington, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/18)(7/5)..................................128,220 Brown, Jim, Claim; denial.(6/6)(7/5)............................186,222 Brown, Joy, Wheel House, Cig. Permit Refund.(11/7).................355 Bruns, Lynn, Claim, settlement.(4/18)(6/6)......................131,186 Brunskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (3/21)(4/18)(5/16).............................. 85,86,112,113,167 Bryant Street, Two Hour Parking zone.(3/7)(5/2)...................73,155 Bryant School, traffic & parking problems.(3/21)......................89 Buddy Poppies Day, Proclam. (5/2)...............................136 Budget Public Hearing, Special Meeting; Proofsetc.(2/14)(3/7).........40,75 Budget recommendation, Public input, adoption, FY 95, adoption processes etc.; Amendment Etc. (2/7)(2/21)(3/7)(11/21)(12/5).....................38,55,76,77,384,388 Budget, Landfill submitting by Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(2/21)....................................58 Budget, West Side Parking requested allocation.(3/7).................76 Budget approval denied for Sexually Transmitted Diseases,questioned.(3/21)90 Budget amendment, FY 1994.(5/2)(5/16)...................150,161,162 Budget, replacement of mainframe computer with an IBM System.(5/16)..174 Budget FY 96 Policy Guidelines.(10/17)...........................350 Buelow, Michael J., appointed to the Environmental Stewardship Comm.; Resigned from Park & Recreation Comm.(2/7)(3/7)...........................................22,71 Building & Trades Council, Letter of Support for HUD"Youth Bill".(1/3).......2 Building & Trades Council, requesting awarding of contract to Portzen for the City Hall Annex Renovation.(1/17)...........6 Builders Supply Co., Interstate, Claim.(8/15)........................270 Bunker Hill Golf Course, G. Stephenson, Beer Per.; contract as Golf Pro.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(3/21)(6/6)..............53,89,183 Bunker Hill Golf course, comment etc.(12/5)(12/19)...............390,396 Burbach, Carl J. & Mary Ann, final plat of Lots 21, 22, 23 & Lot D of Sunset Park, 8th Addition.(4/4).....................107,108 Burbach, Carl & Mary Ann, property on NW Art. for Medical Associates rezoning.(5/16)..........................160,161 Burger Express, appeal, condemnation of l & on Dodge St.(11/7)........354 Burkart's Addn., plat approval of survey of Lots 1, 2 & 3, (9692 Kemp in Dubuque County).(10/17).........................342 Bus Loading Zoning, change in Parking Meter District on Twelfth St. between White & Central Ave. (for Prescott School area.)(4/18).........................................125 Bus Loading Zones, School Areas rezoning etc.(4/18).............126,127 Buss, Paul of Dbq. County, Wm. Stark application for Special Use Permit.(10/17).............................................342 Busy Bee Cafe, G. Arvanitis, 1958 Central, Cig. Per.(7/5).............220 Butter's Bar, M. Sawvell, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20).................207,208 Butteris, Landa L., Claim; Denial.(8/15)(9/19)....................270,323 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE C C.K. of Dubuque, IA, Country Kitchen, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/20)101,207 C-4 District, zoning text amendment - Downtown Comm. Distr. re: Retail Sales/Service; Permit residential uses on First Floor in a Downtown Commercial Dis.(9/19)(10/3)..........................322,332,335 Cable TV Regulatory Comm. appointment of Charlie Ellis.(7/5).......217 Cable TV Regulatory Comm. & TCI, Ord. waiver petition on Agree. re: Fiber Optic Connections to IA Comm. Networks & others.(11/7)....363 Cable TV fund used - new City Hall wiring.(5/2)...................147 Cable TV Teleprogramming Comm. appointment of Jennifer L. Tigges.(7/18)..............................................229 Cable Car Square, re: DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding.(8/15)............................................264 Cable re: advocate Local Control of public rights-of-way by Telecommunications Service Providers.(8/1)...................248 CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(7/5)(10/17)(11/7)(11/21)......................33,222,341,354,376 CABLE TV TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(5/2)(7/5)(8/15)(10/17)(11/21)(12/19) .................................33,70,89,152,222,270,341,376,395 Cablevision, TCI, Annual Report.(6/6)...........................187 Caddie Shack, Refund on Beer Permit - J. M. Maggert.(3/21)........90 Caddie Shack, C. McGhee, Beer Per.; Refund.(2/7)(8/15).........28,274 Callahan, Joel, approval of final plat of Lots 1-23 of Deer Valley Subd. in the County.(8/15)........................................266 Campaign Against Hunger, Clarke & Loras Students commended.(4/4)92 Cancer Survivor's Day, Proclamation.(5/16)......................158 Cancer Morbidity & Mortality, IA Dept. of Public Health, grant application.(7/18)..........................................225 Cancer Prevention Grant, County Health Planning Comm.(12/19).397,398 Canopy structure - Diamond Jo at Ice Harbor Project.(10/3)........336 Capital Improvement Program, re: Budget.(2/21)(3/7).............55,75 Capital Improvement Budget - 5 year program from 1995-1999 set out.(3/7)..................................................78 Capra, Richard & JoAnn, objecting to rezoning of Geraldine Dr. (5/2)(5/16).............................................136,161 Captain, Police, List certified by Civil Service Comm.(8/1)..........255 Captains in Fire Dept., list certified by Civil Service Comm.(11/7).....355 Car storage in residential neighborhoods.(11/21).................381 Cardiovascular Disease, Letter of Support - Grant App. etc.(8/1)....244 Carew, Attorney Allen, rezoning of UD property n. of Dodge between Collins & Devon Dr.(6/6)(6/20).............................184,193 Carlson, Kristin, Claim by her mother B. Lampo; Referral.(8/1)(8/15)254,271 Carr, Charles F., applicant - Housing Code Appeals Bd.(1/17)........8 Carr, Patti, re: University of Dbq. request - Hwy 20 property rezoning. (3/21)(6/20)(7/18)(11/7).............................90,193,239,363 Carroll, Tom & Carole, & Rodney, objecting to University of Dbq. request - Hwy 20 property rezoning. (3/21)(6/20)(9/6)(11/7)(12/5)..................90,193,313,375,363,393 Carter Road, East of, plat approval of portion of St. Mary's Pl. No. 5. (10/17)...................................................343 Case, Craig T., requesting to be on Environmental Stewardship Comm.(1/17)................................................9 Casey's General Store, Angel Invest., Beer Per.;Cig. Per.(1/3)(6/6)..1,183 Casey's General Store, The Monday Co., 4003 Peru., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/6)(9/6)...........................................183,311 Casino Belle reimburse. - damages done in Ice Harbor Closure.(10/3)336 Caterers, Inc. The, The Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lic.(7/18).....236 Catfish Creek, Preconstruction Agree. with the IDOT re: Construction of Median Crossovers on U.S. 20 Near middle - k of Catfish Creek.(2/7)(9/6).................................38,315 Catfish Festival, D. Ginter, Beer Per.(6/6)........................183 Cathedral Historic District, request - secession from residents of Emmett St. & St. Mary's St.(8/1)(11/21).....................256,383 Catholic Schools Week, Proclamation.(1/17).......................5 CDBG Special Allocation - Flood Relief, Services with ECIA.(1/17)....11 CDBG Flood Disaster Relief Funds, Final Statement; Notice of Environmental Findings & Request - Release of Funds; Execution of Agreement; Final Statement, Etc. (1/17)(2/7)(2/21)(8/1)(9/6)(12/5).......11,35,58,60,245,246,256,315,390 CDBG monies, request - review by D. Scotchmer (& K. O'Rourke) of the Center - Public Ministry.(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)..............77,84,99 CDBG re: Child Care Initiative Task - ce.(4/18)...................116 CDBG Objectives and Proposed Use of Funds - 20th Year.(5/2).....150 CDBG 20th Program Year, Statement of CD Objectives.(5/16).......163 CDBG & CEBA Loan Agree. with Eagle Point Corp.(5/16)...........165 CDBG Projects, Environmental Review.(5/16)(12/19)............173,398 CDBG funds, request - release of funds - certain projects.(6/6)....189 CDBG Funds, final statement of intent - first supplement.(7/18).....237 CDBG Agree. with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Devel. - FY 1995.(8/1)................................................257 CEBA Loan Agree. with IA Dept. of Economic Development & Eagle Pt. Corp.(5/16).......................................165 Cedar Cross Road, 898, rezoning from AG to C-3 (Tri-State Golf). (5/16)(6/20)............................................170,191 Cedar Cross Rd. property west of, & south of N. Cascade Rd., M. McNamer requesting voluntary annexation.(6/20)(7/5)(10/3)208,214,338 Cedar Cross Rd. & Fremont Ave., rezoning from AG & R-1 to R-2, M. McNamer.(9/19)(10/3) .................................321,328 Cedar Cross Rd., property by, south of N. Cascade Rd. & Fremont Ave., rezoning from AG & R-2 to R-3.(12/19).........................419 Cedar Lake - East Third Addn., final plat approval.(11/21)..........378 Cedar Ridge Industrial Development, 1st Add., final plat approval.(6/20)............................................211 Census Bureau, Agree. with Special Census of the City.(12/19)......418 Census Tract #5 of CD Comm., resignation of E. Mihalakis.(4/4).....107 Center Grove Sanitary Sewer Extension, Notice of final plat filing.(1/17)15 Center - Public Ministry (K. O'Rourke) request - CDBG allocation review.(3/7)(4/4).................................77,99 Central Market, re: fee increase - Farmers' Market.(4/4)............100 Central Tap, Inc. 1046 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/18)(6/20).....128,207 Center requested - examination of individuals - sexually transmitted diseases.(5/16).................................164 Central, 3271 & 3275, rezoning from C-2 to C-3 district.(5/16)(6/6).170,180 Central Ave., 2887, Holy Ghost request, rezoning from R-1 to OR. (8/15)(9/6).........................................269,278,279 Certificate of Achievement - Excellence in Financial Reporting from Government Finance Officers Assn. - FY 93 Comp. Annual Finance Report.(6/6)..............................................188 Chain Link Fence - City Parks Project.(5/16)(6/20)(9/6)..171,172,200,315 Chamber of Commerce endorsing Downtown Urban Renewal Project plans; Purchase of Services Agree. with City.(5/2)(10/3).............137,339 Channel Inn, C. Fonck, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.(6/20)...............207 Chapman, Kristina, Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(7/5).....................................207,221 CHAS, Comp. Housing Af - dability Strategy Annual Perf. Report.(12/5).............................................392 Chase, Michael T., appointed to Transit Bd.(2/7)...................23 Chavenelle Road, final plat - Futuro Court.(4/18).................132 Chavenelle Road, rezoning on NW Arterial - Medical Asso. from R-1 to PUD Dis, with a PC designation and a PR District Designation.(5/16)158 CHDO - request - endorsement by City and request - D. Harris to serve on Board.(3/21).......................................84 Checks surcharge - returned checks - non-sufficient funds; Checks executed - City authorization - D. Harris & J. Patterson of Housing.(5/16)(7/5).........................168,220 Chi-Chi's Mexican Rest., Liq. Lic.(1/17)...........................12 Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co., Easement Agree. re: Fremont Ave. Bridge.(9/6)...................................281 Child Abuse Prevention Month, Proclamation.(4/4).................92 Child Care Initiative Task - ce, evaluating needs of community - child care program.(4/18)...................................166 Child Care Initiative, Environmental Review.(5/16).................174 Child Care Referral Service, Environmental Review.(5/16).......173,174 Childcare Initiative Grant Program, Agree. with Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend.(5/16)..............................166 Child Development Center Project, Hills & Dales.(12/19)............398 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Grant Agreement; Extension.(2/21)(9/6).....................................48,313 Children's Art Collection presentation from Sister City, Pyatigorsk. (12/19)...................................................395 China, Handan City, Sister City delegates introduced; Mayor requested to visit & budgeting - visit; requesting our visitation.(3/7)(9/6)....................................62,76,280 Chiu, Sam, Long Yuen Chinese Rest., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(11/7).....................................207,374 Christ, Martha E., appointed to Zoning Comm.(7/5)................217 Chung Lim Gee, Monte Carlo Rest., 378 Main, Cig. Per.(6/20)........206 Churchill, Thomas J., applicant to Human Rights Comm.(1/17)........8 Cicciarelli, Terry, resigning from Zoning Board of Adjustment.(3/21)...84 Cimino, Nick, & Frank Ramano, Romano's, 951 Main, Liq. Lic. (8/15)..269 Citation of the Code, Codification of all Ord. adopted.(11/7).........372 Citizens with Disabilities Parking Review Committee, changes recommended to parking Ord.(2/7)............................25 CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES PARKING REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES:(5/2)(12/5)..........................152,385 CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR SESSIONS (1/3)(1/17)(2/7)(2/14)(2/21)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(4/18)(5/2),(5/16)(6/6) (6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(9/19)(10/3)(10/17)(11/7)(11/21) (12/5)(12/19) ....................1,5,19,40,44,62,80,92,111,136,158,176,191,214, .....................227,245,260,276,317,326,341,354,376,385,395 CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL SESSIONS: (4/25)(5/9).............................................134,157 City Hall Annex Renovation Project.(1/17)..........................6 City policy on Street Tree & Landscaping on Public Right-of-way.(2/21)48 City Lot 417A, City Lot 416A and City Lot 415A, property requested - vacation by Kretschmer-Treadway Co. & Jeld-Wen & Spahn & Rose.(4/4)........................................106 City Manager appointed to ECIA Council.(4/4).....................99 City Hall Energy Efficient Revamping of City Hall Lighting Project. (4/4)(5/2)..............................................103,142 City Hall computer change and rewiring.(5/2).....................147 City owned land, vacant, progress report.(5/16)...................166 City Manager M. Van Milligen Employment Agreement Amendment.(5/16).........................................174 City Council setting up Worksession - Boards & Commissions and also requesting TV coverage.(5/16)(6/20)...................169,201 City limits, southerly, U.S. 61/151/52, speed limits etc.(11/7).........371 City Parkland, Valley High, petition against destruction and adjoining wooded wildlife refuge from low-income housing devel.(12/19).....396 Civic Center self promotion of Victor Borge; Liq. Lic.(5/2)(7/18)...147,236 Civic Center (Five Flags), reappointments of Gary Dolphin and Paula Lange.(7/5)..........................................216 Civic Center's Year End Report - FY 1994.(9/6)...................312 Civil Rights Comm. (IA), & Agree. with Dbq. Human Rights Comm.(9/6)..................................314 Civil Penalty against Oldham, Inc., Avenue Top, re: Liquor License.(5/2).............................................146 Civil Penalty against C. Streff of Whiskey River and Lee W. Potter of Lee's 76 & West Locust Mart.(6/6)(7/5)...................186,214 Civil Penalty against IOCO Speede Shoppe at 1481 Dodge.(9/19)....323 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/7)(4/4)(5/16)(11/7)..............................70,106,172,354 Civil Service Commission certifying Emergency Medical Technician Supervisors.(3/7)...........................................72 Civil Service Comm. appointment of John Markham.(4/4)...........99 Civil Service certifying list of Fire Captains, Fire Equip. Oper., Fire Lieutenant.(11/7)......................................355 Claims paid - Sept., Oct. & Nov. 1993, Dec. 1993; Jan. 1994, February, April 94, May 94; June, July, August; Sept. 1994 proofs. (1/17)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(5/2)(6/20)(7/18)(8/15)(9/19)(10/17)(11/7) ........................15,58,90.131,152,210,239,274,324,342,355 Clarion Hotel, Kinseth Corp., 450 Main, Liq. Lic; Cig. Per. (6/6)(6/20).............................................184,207 Clark, Bruce, Claim; settlement.(2/7)(2/21)......................33,58 Clark, William, acquisition of City - 2239 Prince St.(2/21)(3/7)...49,73,74 Clark, Carroll & Judy dba Quick Clean Laundry.(11/7)..............354 Clarke & Loras students commended - Campaign against Hunger.(4/4).................................................92 Clarke Drive, establishment of Alternate Side Parking.(6/20)........205 Clean-up of Hazardous Conditions and Substances.(9/6)...........304 Clean-up of Aug. 19th Hail Storm praised.(9/6)....................316 Cleaning, Repairing and Painting of the Pennsylvania Water Tank. (5/2)(6/6).......................................151,152,180,181 Clemen, Mary Jane, Claim referred.(9/19).........................324 Clerk to publish 1994 budget amendment.(5/2)...................150 Clingman, Rev. Steven, of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation.(12/5)..........................................385 Clinic, Senior Health, contract with VNA.(7/5).....................213 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CITY COUNCIL: (2/7)(3/7)(4/25)(5/9)(5/16)(7/5)(10/3)(11/7) ..................................38,79,134,157,175,224,339,375 Closure Structure of Ice Harbor, Casino Belle reimbursement - damages done.(10/3)......................................336 Clow, Stephen & Avery, Claim; referred to DRA.(8/1)(8/15).......254,271 Clubhouse, Wayne J. Kramer, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(8/1)......206,252 CNA, Claim on behalf of their client, K. Mettel.(1/3)..................2 CNA Insurance Claim, referred to Craw - d & Co.(1/17)..............15 Co-Op Laundry, Quick Clean Laundry, 1400 Dodge, Cig. Per.(7/18)...235 Coalition to Protect Iowa's Constitution, proposed amendment.(1/17).18 Code Supplements Approved: No. 17; No. 18; No. 19; No. 20; No. 21. (3/7)(6/6)(8/15)(10/17)(12/19).................72,187,274,344,398,399 Code of Ordinances, codification adopted.(11/7)..................372 Codification of all Ordinances to the Code.(11/7)..................372 Coleman, Edward, Claim.(12/19)...............................395 Collins St. residents, objection to UD Highway 20 property rezoning. (4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)..........................102,184,192,196,217 Collins St., between that & Devon Dr., UD property requesting rezoning etc.(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5).......................102,184,192,196,217 Community Based Health Promotion Grant Application to IA Dept. of Public Health.(8/10)........................................244 Commissions & Boards of City, Worksessions; Picnic.(5/16)(6/20)169,201,212 Commissions & Boards Study by Council; objection to appointment method. (5/16)(8/15)(9/6)(12/19)...........................169,274,280,418 Community Awards, All-Star.(9/6)..............................311 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:(4/18)(5/2)(12/5)(12/19)...................131,152,385,395 Community Development Block Grant Flood Disaster Relief Funds, Final Statement; Notice of Environmental Finding & Request - Release of Funds; Exec. of Agreement; Final Statement. (1/17)(2/7)(2/21)(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)(12/5) ..............................1,35,58,60,238,245,246,256,315,390 Community Development Block Grant Special Allocation - Flood Relief, Services with ECIA.(1/17)(8/1)..............................11,246 Community Development Block Grant Funds, Notice of Hearing etc.(2/21)...................................................56 Community Development Block Grant Funds Allocation, questioned by D.Scotchmer (& K. O'Rourke).(3/7)(3/21)(4/4).............77,84,99 Community Development Block Grant Program, re: Child Care Initiative Task - ce.(4/18)...........................................116 Community Development Block Grant & CEBA Loan Agreement with Eagle Point Corporation.(5/16)........................164,165 Community Development Block Grant Projects, Environmental Review.(5/16)(12/19)........................173,398 Community Development Block Grant funds, request - release of funds - certain projects.(6/6)................................189 Community Development Block Grant Funds, final statement of intent - first supplement.(7/18)...................................237 Community Development Block Grant Agree. with the Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel. - 1995.(8/1)..........................257 Community Develop. Commission appointments of Eillene M. George, Michael Kelley, and Thomas Wainwright.(2/7)....................22 Community Development Commission resignation of Elizabeth Mihalakis ( - Census Tract #5).(4/4)...................................107 Community Development Commission, Eugene Perry not seeking reelection; appointment of Andrea Psaros-Shickles to represent Tract #5. (1/17)(7/5)..............................................16,216 Community Development Commission; resignation of Cynthia Steinhauser.(12/19)........................................396 Community Development needs, Notice - purpose of obtaining citizens views.(3/7).........................................75 Community Development Objectives, Proof of Notice of Availability of Final Statements.(1/3)......................................2 Community Development Objectives & Projected Use of Funds - the CDBG 20th Program.(2/21)..............................56 Community Development Objectives and Proposed Use of Funds - the CDBG 20th Year.(5/2)...................................150 Community Development 20th Program Year, Statement of CD Objectives.(5/16)..........................................163 Community Partnership Program (Cp2) funds awarded to various organizations.(5/16).................................164 Community Housing Development Organization requesting Council representation.(1/17).........................................9 Community School District, Grant Application - Family Resource Center.(12/19)....................................394 Compensation Package - Non-Bargaining Unit employees.(5/2).....147 Complaints re: neighbor at 1720 Wood.(11/7)....................355 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - City.(1/17)..............12 Comprehensive Housing Af - dability Strategy (CHAS) Annual Per - mance Report.(12/5)(12/19)..........................392,402 Comprehensive Plan, Phase I, P. Hearing etc.; Phase II process submitted.(3/7)(3/21)(7/5)............................66,82,83,223 Comprehensive Traffic Analysis & Management Plan - Downtown.(6/20)(11/21)..................................204,381 Computer Hardware - Library, Cap. Improvement Program Budget. (2/21).....................................................59 Computer wiring approved at City Hall.(5/2)......................147 Computer change - City, Pentamation Financial Software. (5/2)(5/16).............................................147,174 Computer purchase in Housing Services approved.(12/5)..........390 Conceptual Development Plan, amended, - 3290 Hillcrest, Hillcrest Apts.(3/21).........................................87 Conceptual Development Plan amended (request) - ID Institutional Dis. - University of Dubuque Highway 20 property.(4/4)..........102 Conceptual Development Plan - Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Dis.(9/6)..........................................277 Concession Contract - Flora & Sutton Pool awarded to Bill Meyer.(2/7)................................................25 Concession Agree. re: McAleece Park & Rec. Complex.(11/21)......382 Concrete Paving Project, 1994.(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(12/19)..67-69,92,93,147,411 Concrete Paving Project, 1993, finalization.(12/5)..............385,386 Condemnation of Land by IDOT - U.S. 20; Appeals etc. (2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(8/15)(10/3)(11/7)(12/5) ..............................58,90,132,211,274,338,339,354,355,388 Conditions put upon University of Dubuque requested rezoning of property n. of Dodge between Collins & Devon Dr.(6/20)..........200 Conflict Resolution Program, re: HUD Grant.(2/7)..................25 Connections of Sanitary Sewer, notification to property owners etc., New Ord.(12/19)........................................414-417 Connolly, Amy M., 3257 Sheridan Rd., DREAM Home to her. (4/18)(5/2).........................................129,130,137 Conrad Auto Sales, Claim; Settlement.(7/5)(7/18)..............222,238 Constitutional Amendment limiting Negative Financial Impact of State Mandates etc.(10/17)................................347 Construction Trades Council requesting awarding of contract of City Hall Annex renovation be awarded to Portzen.(1/17)...........6 Contract with IA Public Health - funding Local Comm. Based Health Promotion Grant Program - Cancer Prevention.(12/19).........................................398 Contract with Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Inc.(10/17).........346 Contract with IA Depot. of Economic Development - HOME Program. (7/5).......................................223 Contract - the Garage Roof Rehab.(12/19)......................399 Contractors, Licensing, erection of Signs etc.(9/6).............282-291 Contractors, Plumbing, new Ord.(9/6)........................292-302 Contractors Roundtable.(10/17)...............................348 Contributions Contract, amended - Sec. 8 Housing Certificates.(7/18).........................................234 Contributions Contract (Annual) - Section 8 Program Housing Vouchers, amendment.(5/16)(7/18).............174,175,235 Contributions Contract (Annual) with HUD - Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program.(6/6)........................187 Convention and Visitors Board, Michael Van Milligen to serve; 1994 2nd Quarterly Report; Quarterly Report.(1/17)(11/7).....9,15,354 Cook, Drew & Terra, sale to them of portion of Saunders Street (Lot 37 and 37A in Fairmount Park Subd.) by City. (1/17)(2/7).....................................13,19,20 Cooper Wagon Factory Project, Request - Release of Funds.(1/17)..15 Cooper Wagon Factory Project, Proof No Significant Effect on the Environ.; Request - funds.(1/3)(1/17).........................2,15 Copper Kettle, Vera Stoffel, 2987 Jackson, Cig. Per., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/2)(7/18)......................................149,235 Corbett, Jim, applicant - Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(4/4)(8/15)....99,264 Cordial Club, Mike Demmer, 1445 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (7/5)(8/15).............................................221,268 Corner Tap, P. Broessel, 2093 Washington, Cig. Per.(7/5)..........220 Corporal, Police, List certified by Civil Service Comm.(8/1).........255 Corridor Hike/Bike Trail Project etc. usage of DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funds.(8/15)....................271 Corridor Study etc. of U.S. #52, supplemental report.(11/21)........382 Corrigan, Mary Rose, City Health Spec., presentation on Healthy 2000 Project.(7/5)...................................213 COULER VALLEY URBAN DRAINAGE DISTRICT, JOINT BOARD, SPECIAL SESSION:(2/21) Re: Drainage Agree. etc. (4/4)........41,107 Couler Valley Urban Drainage District, re: Flexsteel Ind. Drainage Improvement Project.(2/21)........................41,42 Council Proceedings approved as printed - 1993: May, June, July, Aug. Sept. October, Nov. & Dec. of 1993. (2/21)(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)..............................57,131,152,186 Council travel budget, motion to restore, failed.(3/7)................76 Council Agendas and Business, Establishing Order of Business.(10/3)...........................................337 Country Kitchen, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/20)................101,207 Country Club (Dbq. Golf), Liq. Lic.(5/2)..........................149 County Habitat - Humanity requesting donation of City abandoned property.(12/19).................................400 County Board of Supervisors request to exclude Little Maquoketa River from protected stream status.(2/21)......................41 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE C County, City & Jo Daviess County, Il re: Multi-jurisdictional Law En - cement Agreement.(7/18)...........................235 County Board of Adjustment re: Wm. Stark Special Use Permit.(10/17)342 County Fair Week, Proclamation.(7/18)..........................227 County Health Planning Comm. Cancer Prevention Grant.(12/19)....397 County Sesquicentennial Comm., representative to Comm.(2/21).....47 County Supervisors re: annexation - area near NW Arterial.(3/7).....62 County Supervisors re: Couler Valley Urban Drainage District Agree. 2nd amend.(4/4)...........................................107 County Supervisors requesting reconsideration - money - center - Sexually Transmitted Diseases.(5/16).................164 County, final plat - Wayne Stewart, approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Subd. U.S. Hwy. 52 & Old Bellevue Rd.(12/19)........397 County, Sunnycrest Home, Hold Harmless Agree. - Radio Tower.(8/15)................................................273 Courtesy Parking Ticket Program.(8/1)..........................257 Cp2 funds awarded to various organizations etc.(5/16)............164 Crahan, Carla, Bryant School traffic and parking problems.(3/21).....89 Crahan, Pat, CEO of Flexsteel, requesting submission of app. to US Dept. of Commerce, EDA, in support of Flexsteel Industries Relocation.(5/2)...........................................146 Crall, Thomas, Jackson Park Urban Revit. App.; applicant to the Civic Center Comm.; applicant to the Housing Comm.; applicant to the Historical Pres. Comm.; appointed to the Housing Comm.; resigning from TV Cable Comm. Teleprogramming. (2/21)(7/5)(8/15)(12/5)(12/19)....................50,216,263,389,395 Crazy Horse Saloon, J. Weaver, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/7)(6/20)....................................28,29,206 Cremer Grocery Store, 731 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/20).............207 Crescent Elec. Supply Co., Creslanes, 255 S. Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/6)(7/5).......................................183,221 Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Paving Project, 1993. (9/6)(10/17)........................................306,307,342 Creslanes Bowling Inc., 255 S. Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/6)(7/5)..............................................183,221 Crime Prevention Comm. Grant Fund - Iowa, Juvenile, application.(8/15)............................................264 Crimmins, Dorothy, applicant, Environmental Stewardship Comm.(8/1)....................................248 Crippes, Gib & Eunice, objecting to UD projected development of property north of Dodge between Devon Dr. & Collins St.(6/20)(12/5)....192,387 CROP Walk Day in Dubuque, Proclamation.(10/3).................326 Cue Master Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co. Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/20)....54,207 Cultural Arts Center requested - U.D. Highway 20 property.(11/7)....375 Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer Repair Project.(2/7)(3/7)...........30,31,63,64 Czipar, Stella, claim referred.(1/3)................................2 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE D D & J's Grill & Bar, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(1/3)(1/17)(2/20)..........1,12,207 D & N Fence Co. of Cedar Rapids, awarded project, Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(6/20)..............................200 D.A.R.E. Program, grant for funding.(4/4)........................100 D.B.Q., Inc., Shot Tower Inn, 390 Locust, Liq. Lic.(5/16)............170 Dackson, Jim, re: UD's rezoning of Dodge St. property.(6/20).......193 Dailey, Tony J., Claim; referred.(4/18)(5/2)....................131,153 Dall, Susan, CLAIM.(2/7).......................................33 Dalsing, Jean, Claim; referral.(2/21)(3/7)........................58,70 DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W. 4th, Liq. Lic.(10/17)..........350 Daugherty, Wm., applicant for Comm. Devel. Comm., Census Tract #1.(2/7)...................................................22 David, Charles & Lora, vs City ZBA submitting "Petition for Certiorari."(1/3)..............................................2 Davis, John, applicant for Comm. Devel. Comm. At Large.(2/7).......22 Davis, Mary, Claim; referred.(3/7)(3/21).........................70,89 Day Care Center Week, Adult, Proclam. (9/19)....................317 Days Inn, Dubuque Lodging, Inc., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Outdoor Ser.(2/21)(6/6)(7/5)............................53,183,221 Daykin, Kim, appointed to the Park & Recreation Comm.(7/5).......216 Dayton Hudson Corp., Target, Cig. Per.(6/20).....................207 DB & T Co., assignment of leases of City & Dubuque Tank Terminals etc.(5/2)...............................................154,155 DB & T, modification of Investment Instruction.(7/18)..............235 Deaf Awareness Week, Proclam. (9/19).........................317 December, 1993, Financial Reports; Proof of list of Claims; Council Proceedings approved.(1/17)(2/21)(7/6)............15,58,186 Dedication of Access Easement Area- Wal-Mart as a public road.(6/20)211 Deer Valley Subd., s. of John F. Kennedy Rd., between Rustic Forest Trail and King Arthur Court, final plat.(8/15)......................265,266 Defense Award from National Assn. of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors, 1994.(11/7)..............................355 Definition for "Retail Sales/Service" in Zoning Sec. 8 Definitions, changed.(3/21)(4/4).......................................87,98 Definitions of Zoning Ord. for Vehicle Service/Repair.(2/21)(4/18)..57,111 Demmer, Mike V., Cordial Club, 1445 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(7/5)(8/15)......................................221,268 Denny's Lux Club, C.B.Q. Inc., 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/16)(6/20).....................................170,207 Dept. of Natural Resources, naming of Julien Dubuque Grave Site to National Register of Historic Sites.(4/4).......................92 Dept. of Natural Resources, transfer of jurisdiction of Marjo Quarry Rd. within Mines of Spain to DNR.(4/18)(5/2)....................129,143 Dept. of Economic Devel. for HOME Program, contract.(7/5)........223 Dept. of Transportation, median crossovers on U.S. 20 with planned reconstruction.(2/7)..................................38 Design Center, Inc., Julien Inn, 290 Main, Liq. Lic.(12/19)...........418 Detention Basin, 32nd St., Remove Silt, Project. (2/7)(2/21)...............................................29,44 Devel. Services re: change in Fee Structure.(3/7)..................74 Devon Dr. & Dodge St., property between, rezoning request of University of Dubuque. (3/21)(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(11/21)(12/5) ........................90,103,184,192-200,217,229,239,258,384,393 Devon Dr.to U.S. 61, U.S. 20 Construction Project, approval of Pro.Agreement.(11/21).....................................381 Dial Co., re: rezoning request for University of Dbq. re: highway 20 property. (3/21)(4/4)(6/20)(8/1)(11/7)...................90,102.193-200,258,363 Diamond Jo Casino Portside, Greater Dbq. Riverview Ent. Co.; Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic.; Board Ramp construction; Cig. Per.; Canopy Structure at Ice Harbor. (4/18)(5/2)(7/5)(7/5)(8/15)(10/3)..........127,128,146,219,220,269,336 Dickeyville & Dodgeville, WI, re: construction of US 151 four-lane highway.(7/18)....................................242 DIF, Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc., amendment to Loan Agreement etc.(8/15)................................................268 Diggers, JJD Inc., 660 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19)...207,208,321 Digman, Kathy, John and Dustin, Claim by Atty R. Sabers. (6/20)....................................................210 Digmann, Diane, Claim; Referred.(3/7)(3/21).....................70,89 Digmann, Dustin, Claim referral.(8/1)............................254 Diltz, Past or D.L., of Rockdale & Center Grove Churches, Gave Invocation.(3/21)......................................80 Dimensions & Lot Area, Ord.amending re: Split Lots for townhouses etc.(3/21)(4/4).................................87,98 Dip Tap, D. Roling, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.(12/5)......................392 Directive Signs at 1st and Bluff Sts. intersection requested. (8/1)....256 Disabilities Parking Review Comm., Citizens with, changes in Parking Ord.(2/7).........................................25-28 Disabled Persons, Parking Ord. changed etc.; Identification etc.(2/7).....................................25-28 Disabled and homeless, HUD Shelter Care Program, Rental Assistance;Supportive Housing Program.(6/20)(7/18)...204,229 Disaster Relief Funds, Filing of Final Statement of Intent; Exec.of CDBG Agreement with HUD; Environmental Rev. Finding & request for release of funds etc.; Amendment to Second Supplement etc.; Grantee Performance Report. (1/17)(2/21)(8/1)(9/6)(12/5)(12/19)..............11,60,256,315,390,401 Disposal of City property at 2534-36 Windsor Ave. to Jerry & Cathleen Grutz.(2/7).......................................31,32 Disposal of Lot 1A in Henry A. Robinson Industrial Sub. to Raymond & Anna Mae Hansen.(3/17)....................................7 Disposal of interest in real estate re: Roadway Easement between City & Moldts, Melssen's being in area of Front St. and from Lot 338 of Hamm's Add. to Hawthorne St.(5/2)..................144 Disposal of DREAMS Home at 692-696 University to Charles & Linda Sangston.(7/5)...........................221,222 Disposal of property at nw corner of 16th & Kerper.(7/18)..........230 Disposal of Kerper Blvd. property to Whalen's & Kerper Realty Co.(10/17)(11/7)..............................351,352,362 Disposal of City interest at nearby property to 2461 Kerper Blvd.(11/7).........................................361 Disposal of property re: Septic System Easement to Gronen's at 4900 Peru Rd.(11/7)......................................358 Disposal of interest in 10' Wide Utility Easement near SE corner of Lot H in Fremont Heights in to M. McNamer.(12/19)......402 Disposal Systems, Sewage, abandon Private systems etc.(12/19)414-417 Disposition of surplus vacant City property.(12/5).................389 Distributive Education Clubs of America Week,Proclam. (2/7)........19 Dix, Patti, settlement of Claim.(1/17).............................15 DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding for streetscape facilities along historic pedestrian area in Cable Car Square; for Miss. Riverwalk & Transient Boat Dock at Ice Harbor etc.(8/15)....................................264,271 DNR, plaque naming Julien Dubuque Grave Site to National Register of Historic Sites.(4/4)................................92 DNR re: transfer of jurisdiction of Marjo Quarry Rd. within Mines of Spain to DNR.(4/18)(5/2)....................129,143 Dodge House Motel, B. Helling, 701 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/5)(10/17).....................................220,350 Dodge St., 2727, rezoning.(7/18)...............................237 Dodge & Devon Dr., property between, rezoning request of University of Dbq.(3/21)(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(11/21)(12/5) .........................90,103,184,192-200,217,229,239,258,384,393 Dodgeville & Dickeyville, WI re: construction of US 151 four-lane highway.(7/18)....................................242 Dog House Lounge, R. Leytem, 1646 Asbury, Cig. Per., Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/17)................................207,350 Doggone Inc., Dog House Lounge, 34 W. 4th St.,Liq. Lic.(10/17).....350 Dolphin, Gary, reappointed to the Civic Center Comm.(7/5).........216 Dolter, Terri, Claim; Denial.(4/4)(6/6).........................106,186 Dolter, Eunice, Claim; Referred.(9/6)(9/19)...................1312,324 Dolter, Randy & Mildred, dba Burger Express re: IDOT condemn., Notice of Appeal.(11/7).......................354 Donath, Sharon, Claim; Referral.(12/5)(12/19)..................385,395 Donna's Dip Tap, Donna Roling, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.(12/5)...........392 Donovan, Robert, Judgement in case.(3/7).......................73 Dorgan Place, Prohibition of Parking on certain portion.(6/20).......206 Dorothy Kay Dr., re: final plat approval of portion of Fremont Heights.(7/18).....................................233 DOT, (IA), Execution of right-of-way assurance statement.(1/17)......17 DOT, Preconstruction Agreement for median crossovers on U.S. 20 near middle fork of Catfish Creek.(2/7)...................38 DOT, re: Condemnation of land re: U.S. 20.(2/7)(3/21).............38,90 DOT re: Public Input meetings around the State.(3/21)..............90 Downtown, Request for Proposals for Comp. Traffic Analysis & Management Plan.(6/20)..................................204 Downtown Comprehensive Traffic Analysis & Management Plan.(11/21)................................................381 Downtown re: Great American Main Street Award Application.(11/7)..357 Downtown Tax Increment Financing District, re: Loan to Grand Opera House.(3/7)................................................65 Downtown Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District, Annual Limit on Use of Revenues etc.(5/2)...........................141 Downtown Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Area. (4/4)(5/2)(6/20)..............................106,137,138,140,201 Downtown Rehab Loan Program, additional funding etc.(12/19)..403,404 Dr. B's Billiards, Elbo, Inc., Refund on Liq. Lic.(9/19)...............324 DRA, 1993 Audit; claims referred to.(1/17)(8/15).................17,271 Drainage improvements, Flexsteel project.(2/21)(3/7)..........41,42,63 DREAMS Home disposition at 683 Angella St. to James & Melissa Holz.(2/7)(2/21)............................32,46 DREAMS Home disposition at 3257 Sheridan to Amy Connolly. (4/18)(5/2).............................................129,137 DREAMS Home at 692-696 University Ave. to Charles & Linda Sangston.(7/5).......................................222 Dredge, Wm. M. Black, submittal of application for Statewide Enhance. Pro. to IDOT.(6/20).................................203 Dredging by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.(2/21)..................42 Drinking Water Week, Proclam. (5/2)............................136 Driveway & Parking Easement to Gronen's at 4900 Peru Rd., Four Mounds.(11/7)(11/21)..................374,380 Droessler, Al, awarded City Hall Annex Renovation Project.(1/17)......6 Drug Task Force Grant, Dbq. Police Dept.(4/4)....................107 Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. amendment of Loan Agreement.(8/15)...267,268 Dubuque Area Health Care Board of Directors, name for Board Member.(2/21)........................................47 Dubuque Area Labor Management, financial statements - ending 6/30/94; Purchase of Services Agreement.(10/3)(12/19).338,400 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. assignment of lease of City & Dubuque Terminals, Inc.(5/2).....................................154,155 Dubuque Bank & Trust, modification of Investment Instruction.(7/18).235 Dubuque Casino Belle, reimbursement for damages done at Ice Harbor Closure.(10/3)....................................336 Dubuque Fighting Saints Contract.(9/6).........................280 Dubuque Golf & Country Club,Fireworks petition; Liq. Lic. (4/18)(5/2).............................................132,149 Dubuque Greyhound Park, ARA Leisure Services, Liq. Lic.(4/4).....101 Dubuque Historic Improvement Co., The Redstone Inn, 504 Bluff, Liq. Lic.(3/21)......................................84 Dubuque Inn Corp., Best Western Dubuque Inn, Liq. Lic.(2/7)........29 Dubuque Lodging, Inc., Day's Inn., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. - Outdoor Service.(2/21)(6/6)(7/5)................53,183,221 Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. Bd., Mayor Duggan as Council rep.; Funding Agreement.(1/17)(7/18).............................9,240 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency & Water Utility.(1/17)................................................12 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, 1995 Budget for Landfill & tipping fee information.(2/21)......................58 Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments Ltd., Cig. Per.(6/20).............207 Dubuque Morning Optimists - Facility Upgrade (Prescott School),Cp2 funds.(5/16)...................................164 Dubuque Racing Assn. Board, Mayor Duggan as Council rep.(1/17)....9 Dubuque Racing Assn., Audit; Lease amendment.(1/17)(11/7)....17,364 Dubuque Rescue Mission - Removal of Architectural Barriers, Cp2 funds; No Significant Effect Notice re: American Dis. Act improvements etc.(5/16)(12/19)........................164,398 Dubuque Riverfront Plan and Action Agenda, approved.(3/21).......83 Dubuque Symphony Orchestra requesting fireworks display.(6/20)..211 Dubuque Water Pollution Control Plant, Phase II Improvements.(3/7).........................................70 Dubuque Yacht Basin, Beer Per.(5/2)...........................149 Dubuquefest/Very Special Arts Week of 1994, Proclam. (5/16).......158 Duggan, Terrance M., sworn in as new Mayor by out-going Mayor Brady; appointed as Council rep to Dbq. Main St. Ltd. Bd. and the DRA; resigning from Investment Oversight Comm.; Boards & Comm. study.(1/3)(1/17)(6/20)...................1,2,9,201 Duggan, Mayor appointed as Council rep. to Dubuque Main St. Ltd. Bd. and the DRA.(1/17)...................................9 Dunkel, Craig, Youth Council Member.(4/18).....................111 Dunlap, Valerie, Claim; referral.(2/21)(3/7).......................58,70 Duplex allowance for Table Mound II, amendment of Zoning Ord. PR Planned Res. Dis. for 25 mobile home lots also.(8/15).........269 Dwelling Unit Defined, re: Disabled Persons, Parking Ord. amended etc.(2/7)........................................25-28 Dwelling Units, 49, rezoning to allow on a Private St. w of Windsor and East of Liberty.(12/19)...........................419 Dwinal, Steve, of Sieg Auto Parts, requesting rezoning, 3049 Asbury.(4/4)..................................................94 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE E E. 22nd St., 510-512, sale to Thomas D. Felderman.(1/17)(2/7)......14,20 E. 12th St., interim basis lease, Art Pape Transfer.(10/17)............48 E. 12th St., 1080, construction Parking Lot, Art Pape Transfer.(10/17)(11/7)...................................348,365 E. 4th St., 98, rezoning property at rear from CR to CS to allow freight transfer warehousing facility etc.(12/19).............419 E911 Communications Center re: Zoning Ord. adding a new Sec. for Restricted Height (RH) Overlay District for Structure Height in path of communications system.(2/21).................57 E911 Communications equipment re: Height Restrictions for Zoning Ord.(3/21).................................................82 Eagle Point Water Plant, purchase of pumps and motors; & Purch. of Electrical Generator.(2/21).................................48 Eagle Food Centers, Cig. Permits; Beer Per.(6/20)(10/17)........183,350 Eagle Nest Subdivision, final plat approval of property near s. entrance to Mines of Spain.(8/15)...........................265 Eagle Point Water Plant, Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements & 4th Pressure Zone Improvements.(5/2)......145,148 Eagle Point Corporation, CDBG & CEBA Loan Agreement; release of personal Guarantees and authorizing redemption of shares owned by S. Taylor.(5/16)(9/6)...............................165,280,281 Eagle Point Assoc. Inc., Tollbridge Inn, 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic. (9/6)..............................................312 Eagle Point Marina Property, Lease & Agree. assignment.(12/19)....400 Eagles, Fraternal Order of #568, 1175 Century, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (3/7)(6/20)..............................................66,207 Easement, Roadway, between City & Moldts, Luber's & Melssen's, Eagle Point Water Plant.(4/18)(5/2).........................130,144 Easement Access Area near Wal-Mart, requested for public road by River City. (6/20)........................................211 Easement Agree. with Chicago, Central and Pacific Railroad re: Construction of Fremont Avenue Bridge.(9/6)........281 Easement for Septic System for Gronen's at 4900 Peru, Four Mounds. (10/17)(11/7)...........................................350,358 Easement for Parking & Driveway, John, James, & Elizabeth Gronen for 4900 Peru Rd., Four Mounds.(11/7)(11/21).........374,380 Easement, Utility, Lot H of Fremont Heights, re: M. McNamer. (12/5)(12/19).......................................392,392,402 East 22nd St., 510-512, sale to Thomas D. Felderman.(1/17)(2/7)....14,20 East Dubuque Addition, Vacation of Lot 137A, portion of alley between Elm & Washington Sts. from 13th St. to 14th St.(8/1)...252,253 East Third Addn., final plat approval of Cedar Lake.(11/21).........378 East Central Intergovernmental Assn. Contract for CDBG Allocation for Flood Relief. (1/17)...............................11 Eastvedt, Steve, Police Officer, awarded Cert. of Appreciation.(4/4)...92 ECIA Contract of CDBG Special Allocation, Flood Relief.(1/17)(8/1).11,246 ECIA Council, City Manager approved for appointment.(4/4).........99 Econofoods #471, Nash Finch Co., "BE" Beer Per; Cig. Per. (2/7)(6/20)..............................................28,206 Economic Development Administration application- Flexsteel. (5/2)..146 Economic Development, IA Dept., contract, HOME Program.(7/5)....223 Economic Development Services, Funding Agree.- GDDC. (7/18)....241 Ecumenical Housing, Inc., J. Yeast, approval of rezoning of nw corner of JFK Road & Sunset Park Cr. from R-4 Multi-Family Res. Dis. to PR & adopting Conceptual Devel. Plan.(11/7).............................................360,361 EDA application for Flexsteel.(5/2)..............................146 Education Clubs of America (Distributive), Proclamation.(2/7)........19 Ehlert, Mary Lou, Claim.(9/6)...................................312 Eitter, Geraldine, Applicant for Airport Comm.(8/1)(9/19)........247,318 Elaine Court, re: final plat approval of property in Fremont Heights etc.(7/18)..........................................233 Elbo, Inc., dba Dr. B's Billiards, refund on Liq Lic.(9/19)............324 Elderhostel Week, Proclamation.(6/6)...........................176 ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(3/7)(6/6)(8/15)(11/21)........................2,70,186,270,376 Electric Franchise for 25 Year Period, acceptance,Interstate Power Co. (2/21)(3/21)..............................................58,90 Electrical Improvements & Fourth Water Press. Zone Improvements, Water Plant Phase II project.(3/21)(5/2)..................88,145,148 Electrical Generator, backup, purchased - Eagle Point Water Plant. (2/21).......................................................48 Electrical re: Energy efficient Revamping of City Hall.(5/2)..........142 Eleventh St., Change of through street designation; parking meter change.(1/17)(8/1)...................................9,257 Eleventh St. Storm Sewer reconstruction from Elm to White. (6/6)(7/5)..........................................184,185,215 Ellis, Charlie, reappointed to the TV Cable Regulatory Comm.(7/5)...217 Ellis, Tom & Aimee, objection to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)......363 Elm Street Connector, prohibition of parking on U.S. 61/151 On-Ramp Connections,etc.(1/17)..............................10 Elm St., 2120 and 2130, rezoning from R-2A Dis. to CS. (5/16)(6/20)............................................161,192 Elm St. & Washington St., between, vacation of portion of alley from 13th St. to 14th St. and sale to Mr. C. Wolff.(8/1)(8/15)....252,263 Emergency Medical Services Week, Proclamation.(5/2)............136 Emergency Nurses Day Proclamation.(10/3).....................326 Emergency Medical Services Supervisor, Civil Service certifying individuals.(3/7)............................................72 Emergency Communications equipment re: Height Restrictions for Zoning Ord.(3/21)...........................................82 Eminent Domain Proceedings, construction of Fremont Ave. Bridge. (9/6).....................................................281 Emmerts, Jason, applicant for Youth Position on Environmental Stewardship Comm. (2/7)(8/1).............................22,248 Emmett St. & St. Mary's St. property owners petition to remove area from Historic Dis.(8/1)(11/21).........................256,383 Employees K. Masterpol & D. Gray of Treasurer's Office authorized to do banking business.(5/16)...............................169 Employment Agree. amend. with City Manager M. Van Milligen. (5/16).174 End of Summer Bash, Proclamation.(9/6)........................276 Enderson, George, appointed to the Transit Bd. (2/7)...............23 Energy Efficient Lighting for City Hall Project.(4/4)(5/2)..........103,142 Engineer's Week, Proclamation. (2/7)............................19 Engineering Dept., Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)...............40 Engineering Design services for Phase III Improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant. (4/4)...........................100 Engineering services for Water Pollution Plant, Phase II Improvements: Strand Asso. (3/7).............................64 Engineers, Corps of, re: Dredging invitation.(2/21).................42 Engling, Alfred, Claim; Denial.(6/6)(7/5).......................186,222 Enhancement Funds, DMATS, for Miss. Riverwalk & Transient Boat Dock at Ice Harbor and Two River Corridor Ice/Bike Trail Projects. (8/15)........................................271 Enhancement Funds, DMATS, for streetscape facilities along historic pedestrian area in Cable Car Square etc.(8/15)...........264 Enhancement Project, Statewide, to IDOT for ISTEA funds for Miss. Riverwalk & Boat Dock Construction.(11/21)...............382 Ennis, Richard & Marjorie, Claim; Referral.(8/1)(8/15)...........254,271 Enterprise Opportunity Program, re: Environmental Review Findings for CDBG Projects.(5/16)............................173 Enterprise Community Application Process, application, assistance etc.(3/21)(5/2).................................84,147 Entrance to Mines of Spain, nearby property, plat approval of Eagle Nest Subd.(8/15).....................................265 Entringer, Les, re: University of Dubuque's rezoning of Dodge St. property.(6/20)...................................192 Environmental Findings and Request for Release of Funds for the CDBG Flood Disaster Relief Project.(2/7)(8/1).................35,256 Environmental Funding for HOME Investment Partnership Program. (5/16)(6/6).............................................173,186 Environmental Review Findings for CDBG Projects.(5/16)(6/6)....173,186 Environmental Review Findings for CDBG Projects, re: Hills & Dales, Rescue Mission & projects re: Americans with Disabilities Act.(12/19)......................................398 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:(4/4)(5/2)(6/6)(7/5)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(11/21) .........................106,152,186,222,254,270,312,338,354,376 Environmental Stewardship Commission appointments of Jacob Felderman, Robert Felderman, Paul Tabor, Leslie Neyens, Michael J. Buelow, Brad Parks, Paul Schultz; Request for Council to reconsider reappointing same members for full terms; appointments of Jacob Felderman and Frank M. Miller and Paul F. Schultz. (2/7)(6/20)(8/1)......................22,23,202,248, Environmental Stewardship Commission, Craig Case requesting disregard of residency requirements.(1/17)......................9 Environmental, Terracon, to perform soil boring & monitoring wells at S. Locust.(6/20)....................................212 Enzler, Jerry of Dubuque Historic Soc. re: ISTEA application for funds for Wm. M. Black.(6/20)................................202 Eppler, Shirley A., CLAIM; referral.(2/7)(2/21)...................33, 58 Eppler, Roger & Shirley, Claim.(11/7)............................354 Erection of Signs in the City, new Ord.(9/6)....................282,291 Erickson, David H., Lucky "13", 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(8/15).........................................207,269 Europa Haus Rest. & Bierstube, J. Kohl, 1304 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/6)(10/17).....................................183,350 Evaluation of City Manager in Closed Session; Employment Agree. amend. (5/9)(5/16)................................157,174 Ewoldt, John, objecting to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/16)............161 Exceptions, Special, re: Ord. amending Zoning Ord. by enacting a new Sec. 5-3.7(F) to allow a Limited Setback Waiver for Spec. Exceptions.(2/7)............................................29 Execution of Checks by certain city employees approved.(7/5)...219,220 Extension requested for security of Northwest Ridge Subd. owners.(1/17)..............................................16 Extension of Security for E. Tigges final plat.(3/7)..................71 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE F Fair Housing Initiatives Program, contract with HUD re: education, outreach activities & Neighborhood Conflict Resolution Program.(2/7).............................25 Fair Housing Month, Proclamation.(3/21).........................80 Fair Market Rent Standards, request to HUD to grant exception rents to them.(6/20)...............................204 Fairmount Park Subd., Lot 37, vacating portion of Saunders Street from Stoltz St. to nw line of Lot 37. (1/17)(2/7)............................................13,19,20 Falcone, Cathy, Claim, settlement.(5/16)(6/6)..................172,186 Family Beverage Center, D. Althaus, 3400 Central, Cig. Per.; Class BE Beer Per. (6/6)(7/5)..............................183,221 Family Mart, D. Althaus, 3201 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(9/19).............................................183,320 Family Resource Center by School District, Submittal of Grant.(12/19)..............................................394 Family Self-Sufficiency Program, CDBG Project.(5/16)(8/1).......173,251 Family Week, Proclam.(11/21).................................376 Fangmann, Rev. Frederick, Pastor - Holy Ghost, Gave Invocation.(8/15)..........................................260 Farley, 2190, property to City from J. Rettenmaier.(3/7)..............73 Farmer's Market, fee increase.(4/4).............................100 Fat Tuesdays, Perron Enter., 1121 University, Cig. Per.(6/20)........207 FDL Foods, Cig. Per.; nearby area Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park - Urban Renewal Plan.(6/6)(7/18)......................183,236 FDR Park, re: money requested for feasibility study etc.(3/7).........76 Feasibility study requested for usage of FDR park.(3/7).............76 Feasibility Study for University of Dubuque access to U.S. 20. (8/1)..258 February, 1994, Financial reports; List of claims - proof. (3/21)(4/18).............................................89,131 Federal Mandates, support of unfunded by Mgr. etc.,(10/17)........346 Fee authorized for Limited Setback Waiver, Zoning.(3/7)............74 Fee collection for Sign Contractors, Revised Sign Ord.(9/6)......282-291 Fee Structure, Industrial Pretreatment.(10/17)....................349 Fees changed for refuse collection from $9 to $8.50 per month.(3/7).............................................78 Fees changed for variety of Planning & Zoning services.(3/7)........74 Fees for appeals to Housing Code Appeals Bd. (5/16)..............166 Feipel, Thomas, Claim; Settlement.(10/3)........................338 Felderman, Jacob, appointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm. as Youth Rep.(2/7)(8/1).............................22,248 Felderman, Robert, appointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm. (2/7)....................................22 Felderman, R., re: rezoning request of 3049 Asbury Rd.(3/21)(4/4)..87,94 Felderman, Thomas D., disposal of property at 510-512 E. 22nd St.(1/17)(2/7)......................................14,20 FEMA, gr& funds for Health Dept. re: Local Flood Recovery Funding Contract.(4/18)............................................110 Fencing for Leisure Services Parks Project.(6/20)(9/6)......200,314,315 Fencing improvements to various City Parks.(5/16)...............171 Ferring, J., Dubuque Bowling Lanes, 1029 Main, Liq. Lic.(6/20)......207 Fessler, Thomas J., & DPPA vs City, sick leave reimbursement.(10/17).....................................341 Fiberoptic Iowa Communications Network re: public agency definition etc.; Agreement with TCI connection etc.(2/7)(10/3)(11/7)..................................33,339,363 Field, Roger of Wartburg, requesting rezoning of 450/480 Fremont.(10/3).....................................329 Fifteenth St., West, No Parking on designated areas.(7/18).........231 Fighting Saints Contract.(9/6)..................................280 Filing fee for appeals to Housing Code Appeals Bd.(5/16)........166,167 Final Plat Extension of time for Loras Estates, R. Smith. (2/7)(8/1).........................................34,35,257,258 Final statement of intent for first Supplement, CDBG Funds; Amendment No. 1.(7/18)(8/1).............................237,245 Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments for 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program.(3/21).................................90 Finale Lounge, Kelly, Inc., Liq. Lic.; refund.(5/2)(6/20)...........149,211 Finance Div. employees Masterpol & Gray authorized to do banking business.(5/16)....................................169 Finance Reporting, Cert. of Achievement from Government Finance Officers Assn. for FY 93 Comp. Annual Fin. Office Report.(6/6).........................................188 Financial Report, Annual, Submitted; for 1994 Fiscal Year.(1/17)(9/19)12,324 Financial Reports for Jan. 1994.(2/21)............................58 Financial Report - Street, FY 1994.(9/19).........................324 Financial Statements for Parking Facilities submitted.(1/17).........12 Financial Statements of Dbq. Area Labor-Management Council, Year Ending 6/30/94.(10/3)..................................338 Financial Reports for months: Nov. 1993, Dec. 1993; March 1994; April 94; May; July 1994; August 94; Sept. 94; Oct. 1994; November 1994.(1/3)(1/17)(5/2)(5/16)(6/20)(9/6)(10/3)(10/17)(11/21)(12/19) ............................3,15,156,172,210,313,339,344,376,395 Financial Software system for City from Pentamation Government Systems.(5/2).............................................147 Finding of No Significant Effect on HOME Investment Partnership Program; & for various CD Projects.(6/6)......................186 Fine or Penalty re: Readopting Codification of all Ordinances.(11/7)..372 Finley, Waples & Burton's Addn., 2282 University, rezoning.(2/7).....21 Finn, Debra, Claim.(7/5)......................................222 Fire Dept., Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)......................40 Fire Dept., re: Emergency Medical Services Super. certified by Civil Service Comm.(3/7).....................................72 Fire Dept. 1948 Seagrave 100' aerial ladder truck, gave to County Historical Soc.(12/5).................................385 Fire Captain, Fire Equipment Operator, Fire Lieutenant, certification of Written promotional examinations by Civil Service Comm.(11/7).355 Fire vehicles (Snorkel & Pumper) replaced.(5/16).................169 Fireworks request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club for 7/4.(4/18)........132 Fireworks request by KDTH & KAT FM for 7/3/94; for 7/3/95. (4/4)(12/19)...............................................107 Fireworks request by Dbq. Symphony Orch. for 9/4.(6/20)..........211 First Floor in a C-4 Downtown Comm., permission of a Residential Uses.(10/3)...............................................335 First Ward Council Member Kathryn Krieg sworn in.(1/3).............1 First Supplement CDBG funds, final statement of intent.(7/18)......237 Fischer Bowling Lanes, 880 Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/6)(7/5)..183,221 Fischer Building, alley behind, acceptance of Quit Claim Deed.(7/18).242 FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(6/6)(7/5)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(12/5) ........................14,33,70,106,152,186,222,254,312,338,354,385 Five Flags Civic Center, self-promotion of Victor Borge; Liquor Lic.; Year End Report submitted.(5/2)(7/18)(9/6)..........147,236,312 Five Year Capital Improvement Program; adopted; Five Year Street Construction Program.(2/21)(3/7)(4/4)(4/18).......55,78,100,116 Fjellman, Judie, re: Child Care Initiative Project Task Force.(4/18)....116 Flaherty, Clyde, Claim; Settlement.(9/19)(10/3).................323,338 Flexsteel Drainage Improvement Project; EDA App. - Relocation Project.(2/21)(3/7)(5/2)...............................41,42,63,146 Flood Disaster Relief Funds, Final Statement of CDBG; Notice of Envir. Findings & Request for Release of Funds etc.; 2nd Supp. of CDBG Flood Disaster Funds; Amendment to Second Supplement; Grantee Performance Report. (1/17)(2/7)(7/18)(8/1)(12/5)(12/19)..........11,35,238,245,256,390,401 Flood Relief, Contract for Services with ECIA.(1/17)(8/1)......11,245,246 Flood Recovery Funding Contract, IA Dept. of Public Health. (4/18)(10/17)...........................................110,340 Floodwall, 16th St., Pumping Station Project.(1/17)..................5 Flora Pool Concession contract; Engineering firm hired.(2/7)(9/6)..25,280 Flow Monitoring Study of Sanitary Sewer System for Infiltration & Inflow.(4/18)............................................116 Flynn, Clyde, Claim; Denial.(8/15)(9/6)........................270,312 Flynn, Everett, objecting to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/2)(5/16)....136,161 Flynn Co. re: Final Assess. for Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(12/19)...............................................405 Foht, Gerald R., Claim, settlement.(2/7)(3/7).....................33,70 Fonck, Carolyn, Channel Inn, 2010 Kerper, Liq. Lic.(6/20)...........208 Ford Motor Credit Co., Claim; Referral.(6/20)(7/5)...............210,222 Forest Grange Subd., final plat approval.(9/6)....................311 Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Services Agreement etc.(8/15)..................................................272 Forest Meadow re: final plat of Forest Grange Subd.(9/6)...........311 Four Lane Hwy. 151, in WI, endorsement of construction.(7/18)......242 Four Mounds Foundation Board, Council Member Robbins appointed as Council rep.(1/17).........................................9 Four Mounds at 4900 Peru Rd., Driveway & Parking Easement, Gronen's.(11/21)..........................................380 Four Mounds re: Septic System Easement for 4900 Peru Rd., Gronen's.(10/17)(11/7)...................................350,358 Fourteenth St. to 13th St., vacated portion of Alley between Elm & Washington Sts.(8/1).......................................252 Fourth Water Pressure Zoning Improvements, re: Water Plant Phase II Hydraulic.(3/21)(5/20)...............................88,145,148 Fowler, Marilee, resigning from Airport Comm.(6/20)...............211 Fowler, Gordon R., appointed to Long Range Planning Comm.; resignation from Investment Oversight Comm.; resigning from Long Range Planning Comm.(5/16)(6/6)(6/20)............164,187,211 Fox Engineering awarded contract for Phase II Hydraulic & Elec. Improvements & 4th Pressure Zoning Improvements - Eagle Point Water Plant.(5/2)......................................148 Franchise accepted, Interstate Power Co., 25 Years; Accept. by Council etc.(2/21)(3/21)..................................58,90 Fraternal Order of Eagles #568, Cig. Per. (6/20)...................207 Freeway Frontage (Old Main) Improvement Project, Application for Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program Funding(6/20)...203 Freight Transfer Warehousing facility rezoning - 98 E. 4th St.(12/19)..419 Fremont Ave, property south of & North of June Dr., rezoned from AG to R-1, R-2, & C-2 Districts.(5/16)(6/6.......................171,178 Fremont Heights Subd., final plats approval; Lot H - vacation of utility easement.(7/18)(12/5)(12/19).........................232,392,402 Fremont Ave. Bridge construction,Easement Agree. wf RR.(9/6).....281 Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd., Kelly Lane Asphalt Leveling Pro.(9/19)................................................317 Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cross Rd., rezoning from AG & R-1 to R-2, requested by M. McNamer.(9/19)(10/3)......................321,328 Fremont Ave., 450/480, rezoning to allow multi-family housing units at Wartburg.(9/19)(10/3)....................................321,329 Fremont Ave., 555, Conveyance to the City from Scott & Nancy M. Bertness, ROW.(12/19).............................400 Fremont Ave., by Cedar Cross Rd., & s. of N. Cascade Rd., rezoning from AG & R-2 to R-3.(12/19).................................419 Frommelt, Paul, reappointed to Airport Comm.(9/19)...............318 Front St., re: disposal of real estate for roadway easement (Moldts, Melssen etc.) in area of Hawthorne St.(5/2)..............144 Fuerst, Paul, objecting to rezoning & development of UD property on Hwy. 20.(12/5)..........................................387 Fulton School area parking prohibition on White St.(10/17).........348 Funding questioned for hiring 7 police officers & not one part time Library worker.(3/21)....................................90 Funds for CDBG 20th Year.(5/2)................................150 Funding Agreement between City & Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Inc. for FY 1995.(7/5).......................................223 Funding Agreement approval with GDDC for Economic Development Services.(7/18)............................................241 Funding Agreement with Dubuque Main St. Ltd.(7/18)..............240 Funding Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(9/6)..313 Funding for Healthy Dubuque 2000.(11/21).......................382 Funding a Local Community-Based Health Promotion Grant Program for Cancer Prevention.(12/19)................................398 Funding re: Downtown Rehab. Loan Program for the Gr& Opera House.(12/19).............................................404 Funds, ISTEA, for Miss. Riverwalk & Boat Dock Construction.(11/21).382 Funds, TIF, for the Old Main Market Analysis.(12/19)...............405 Funke, Rev. Msgr. Richard, of St. Columbkille's, Gave Invocation.(6/6)176 Futuro Court, West of Chavenelle Dr., final plat approval.(4/18)......132 FY 95 Budget adoption processes etc.; FY 96 Budget Policy Guidelines.(2/21)(10/17)...................................55,350 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE G G & J's, Inc., Windsor Tap, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/2)(6/20).........149,207 G.O. Bonds, $3,100,000 re: 1995 Budget.(3/7)(4/4)............75,93,94 Gallery, Colleen, Claim; settlement.(8/1)(9/6)..................254,313 Gantz, C.J., Claim; referral.(8/1)(8/15)........................254,271 Gantz, James, re: final plat approval of Lots 14,15,16,17 & Lot C of Forest Grange Subd.(9/6)..........................311 Garage Sale Day (Community Wide), Proclam. (5/2)...............136 Garage Roof Rehab. Project - Operations & Maintenance. (8/1)(9/6)(12/19)....................................254,276,399 Garbage (Refuse), Fee change for pickup etc.; Fee guidelines changes for solid waste etc.(3/7)(8/1).......................78,249 Gartner, Cletus & Annette, objecting to proposed Medical Asso. rezoning on NW Arterial.(5/16)...............................158 Gartner, Roger J., Claim; referred.(8/15)(9/6)..................270,312 Gartner, E.A. objecting to No Parking on e side of White St.(12/19)...395 Gasell, Daniel J., settlement of claim.(1/3).........................2 Gasper, Bill, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(8/15)..........264 Gates, Stephen, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19)....................312,324 Gatherings in Parks & Meetings etc., amending Ord.(11/7).......366-369 Gavin, Paul, Claim; settlement.(3/21).............................89 GDDC, Agreement for Economic Devel. Services (7/18)............241 Gee, Chung Lim, Monte Carlo, Cig. Per.(6/20).....................206 Gehrig, Robert & Marian, objecting to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20. (11/7)..........................................363 Geigers Subd. re: disposing of 2534-36 Windsor etc. (2/7)(2/21)................................................31,46 Geisen, James, reappointed to Housing Comm. Trust Fund.(9/6)....279 Gene's Main St. Tap, E. & C. Bechen, 1007 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/20)..........................................208,206 General Obligation Bonds, $3,100,000.(2/21)(4/4)..............54,93,94 Genesis Jobs Task Force Agreement.(2/21).......................52 George, (J.) Subdivision, 898 Cedar Cross Rd., rezoning for Tri-State Golf Center.(6/20)..................................191 George, Eillene, applicant for Comm. Devel. Comm.(2/7)............22 George, Debra L., Park Square, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(3/21)(6/20).....85,207 Georgia, Rep. of Russia, introduction of Sophie Sakvaredlidze.(11/7).354 Geraldine Dr., property north and East of Valentine, rezoning - R-1 to PUD with a PR Planned Res. Dis. - McNamer. (A & M Developers).(4/18)(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(6/20)(8/1)...128,136,161,182,208,248 Gerhard, Curtis L., Knickers Saloon, 2186 Central, Liq. Lic.(7/5).....221 Gibson, William J., Claim; denial.(7/18)(10/3)..................238,338 Giese Sheet Metal Co., Release with Corp. Cnsel.(1/17).............15 Gift Ordinance, repeal on receipt of Things of Value.(7/18).......230,231 Giger's Subd., re: disposing of 2534-36 Windsor etc.(2/7)(2/21).....31,46 Gill, James, applicant to the Housing Code Appeals Bd.(1/17).........8 Ginter, Donna M., West Dubuque Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Special Event- 5 Day Permit; Catfish Fest. - Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Riverfest Beer Per.(4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(8/15)..128,149,183,207, 208,268 Giunta, Francis, re: Genesis Jobs Task Force Agreement.(2/21)......52 Gizmo's Inc., 3203 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/20)............208,206 Glunz, Jennifer, of Midwest Thunder Boat Assn., requesting fireworks display permission.(7/5)....................................223 Godfather's Pizza, Riegel Corp., 1575 JFK, Beer Per.(10/17).........349 Goebel's Tax protest, Voluntary Settlement.(6/6)..................188 Goetz's, J. Goetzinger, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/7)(6/20)........................................29,207 Goetzinger, James W., Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/7)(6/20).......................................29,207 Golf Pro G. Stephenson, contract renewal.(3/21)...................89 Golf & Country Club, requesting Fireworks Display.(4/18)...........132 Golf course area, Bunker Hill, re: affordable housing issue. (12/5)(12/19)............................................390,396 Gooch, Robert, Disaster Ser. Dir. & Minister, Gave Invocation.(9/6)...276 Goodmann, John E., Dbq. County Habitat for Humanity, requested City abandoned property.(12/19)....................400 Goss Holding Co., referral of claim.(1/3)...........................2 Government Finance Officers Assn., Cert. of Achieve. for Excellence in Financial Reporting for FY 93 Finance Report.(6/6)..............................................188 Grand Opera House, Downtown Rehab. Loan.(3/7)(12/19)........65,404 Grand Tap, J. Kohl, 802 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/17)..207,350 Grandma's Pantry, Sfikas Res. 402 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20).........207 Grandview Ave., 32 S., condemnation of property by IDOT for relocated U.S. 20.(4/18)......................................132 Grandview Drug, C. Hart, 1705 Delhi, Cig. Per.(10/17)..............349 Grandview Milk House, Sally & John Herrig, Beer Per.; Refund.(4/18)(8/15).....................................127,274 Grant application to HUD for funding of community education and outreach and a Neighbor. Conflict Resolution Program.(2/7)....25 Grant Agreement for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.(2/21)48 Grant application for D.A.R.E. Program funding for equipment.(4/4)..100 Grant re: Police Drug Task Force Grant.(4/4).....................107 Grant, re: IA Dept. of Public Health, Grant fundsthrough FEMA. (4/18)......................................................110 Grant application to IA Dept. of Public Health re: Cancer Morbidity & Mortality; Grant App. for Community Based Health Promotion and letter of Support for Grant App. - Cardiovascular Disease.(7/18)(8/1)........................225,244 Grant Agree., HUD in amount of $1,440,000, FY 95.(8/1).........256,257 Grant application to IA Juvenile Crime Prevention Comm. Grant Fund, Juvenile Crime Prevention Program.(8/15)..........264 Grant, County Health Cancer Prevention, etc.(12/19)...........397,398 Grant proposal by Dbq. Community School Dis. to State for Family Resource Center for 3 elementary schools.(12/19)........394 Grantee Performance Report to HUD for 7-1-93 to 6-30-94.(9/19)..319,320 Grantee Performance Report, Flood Disaster Relief Funds(12/19)....401 Grassley, Senator Chuck, City advocating Local Control of use of public ROW - Telecommunications Service Providers.(8/1).....248 Grave of Julien Dubuque, named to DNR listing of Historic sites.(4/4)..92 Gray, Dorothy, Cashier of the City, authorized to do banking business.(5/16)...........................................169 Great American Main Street Award - National Main St. Center.(11/7)..357 Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Agree. for Economic Development Services.(7/18)................................241 Greater Dubuque Health and Wellness Challenge, Proclam.(4/18)....119 Greater Dubuque Riverboat Ent. Co., Diamond Jo Casino Portside, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(4/18)(7/5)(8/15)..............128,220,269 Green, Luke, Claim; settlement.(9/6)(10/3)....................312,338 Greenfield, Duane, Downtown Urban Renewal.(5/2)................137 Greer, Jerome, appointed to Human Rights Comm.; resigned; term filled by another.(1/17)(7/5)(9/6).....................8,224,279 Gregory, David, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19)....................312,324 Greiner, Cheryl Kramer, appointed to Airport Comm.(8/1)...........247 Gremmel, Lanette, objecting to speeders on Peru Road.(4/18)......133 Greve, Rebecca, new Pres. of Washington Neighborhood Council .(6/6).......................................................186 Greyhound Park, ARA Leisure Services, Liq. Lic.(4/4)(6/6).......101,183 Gridor Construction, Inc. awarded Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements & the Fourth Pressure Zone Improvements at Eagle Point Water Plant.(5/2)..............................145 Gronen, John, James & Elizabeth, re: Septic System Easement for 4900 Peru Rd., Four Mounds.(10/17)(11/7)..................350,358 Gronen, John, James & Elizabeth, Driveway & Parking Easement, 4900 Peru Rd.(11/7)(11/21)...............................374,380 Ground Round, 50 JFK, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/3)...........207,338 Gruntkosky, Jacquelyn K., summer Legal Intern, expressing appreciation.(9/19).........................................324 Grutz, Jerry & Cathleen, 2534-36 Windsor, (Geiger's Sub.), property to them.(2/7)(2/21)...........................31,32,46,47 Grutz, Daniel R., Claim; settlement.(6/6)(8/1)..................186,254 Guider, Nancy, introduced as Assistant City Manager.(7/18)........227 Gulick, Steve & Tina, Urban Revit Tax Exemption etc.(2/21)..........50 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE H Habitat for Humanity requesting donation of abandoned property.(12/19)....................................400 Hager, Brenda, applicant to the Human Rights Comm.(1/17)...8 Hail Storm, severe, on Aug. 19.(9/6)......................313 Hall, John, Bridge Rest. & Lounge, 31-35 Locust, Liq. Lic. (7/5)..............................................221 Ham's Add., re: Roadway Easement between City & Moldts, Lubers & Melssen's (Eagle Point Water Plant).(4/18)(5/2)130,144 Hamilton, Brent, UD's rezoning of n. of Dodge St. between Collins & Devon.(6/20).....................................193 Hammel, Kristine, denial of claim.(1/17)....................15 Handan, China, Sister City,delegates;Visit by City reps. (3/7)(9/6)........................................62,280 Handee, Inc., Hank Koester, owner of St. Mary's Pl. No. 5, extension of security.(11/21)..........................376 Handicapped Parking, changes in Ord.(2/7)..............26,27 Hannan, Thomas A., appointed to Housing Code AppealsBd.(1/17).......................................8 Hansel Builders, Jeff S. Hansel, approval of final plat of Cedar Lake - East Third Addn.(10/21).....................378,379 Hansen, Raymond & Anna Mae, Lot 1A In H.R. Robinson Ind. Sub. (portion of S. Locust from Valley St. Extension in RR Ave.), to them.(1/17)........................................7 Hanson, Gary J. & June, purchase of property at 508 Loras.(7/18)(9/6).................................230,281 Happy Jo's Pizza & Ice Cream, 855 Century, Beer Per.(10/17).350 Happy's Place, P.M.S.T. Inc., 2323 Rockdale Rd., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19)...............................206,321 Hardie, Steve, traffic concerns of proposed UD's requested rezoning n. of Dodge St.(6/20)........................193 Harjehausen, Gary L., applicant to the Park & Rec. Comm.(7/5)216 Harkin, Tom, re: City Advocating Local Control of Use of Public Rights of Way by Telecommunications Service Providers.(8/1).......................................248 Harris, David, Housing Services Mgr., requesting representation on Comm. Housing Development Organization; designee for Operation: New View Bd.; authorized to execute City checks.(1/17)(7/5)..................................9,220 Harris, David, requesting he be on CHDO Board.(3/21).......84 Harris, David W., objecting to rezoning of property on Geraldine Dr.(5/2)(5/16)....................................136,161 Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, sale of bonds etc.(4/4)93 Hart, Cliff, Grandview Drug, Cig. Per.(10/17)...............349 Hartig Drug Co., refund for Beer Lic.; Cig. Permits.(1/3)(6/6).2,183 Hartig, Richard, Refund on Beer Per.(1/17).................15 Hawbaker, Barb, Neighbor's, 1899 Rockdale, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(4/18)...............................102,127 Hawkeye Stock Farm, IDOT re: condemnation of land for U.S. 20.(12/5)..........................................388 Hawthorne St., re: Roadway Easement between City & Moldts, Lubers & Melssen's (Eagle Point Water Plant).(4/18)(5/2)130,144 Hazardous Waste Substances & Hazardous Conditions, Ord. requiring cleanup, providing for liability, cleanup costs, & providing penalty.(9/6)............................304,305 HDR Study, re: University of Dubuque Hwy. 20 rezoning etc. (10/17)(11/7)....................................348,363 Healey, Joe, canceling rezoning of 305. W. 16th.(3/21)(4/4)91,102 HEALTH BOARD MEETINGS. (1/17)(4/18)(5/2)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(10/17)(12/19) ..................................................... ..............................4,110,135,213,225,244,340,394 Health Care Board of Directors, Dubuque Area.(2/21).........47 Health Services Div., Sexually Transmitted Disease Program struck from Budget.(3/7)...............................76 Health Dept. re: Budget denial for STD Program etc.(3/21).....90 Health Dept., IA, funding for Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(2/21).......................................48 Health Dept., State of Iowa, re: contract for funding a local Flood Recovery Funding Contract.(4/18)................110 Health & Wellness Challenge Time, Proclam.(4/18)..........111 Health Advancement - Washington Neighborhood Council.(5/16)........................................164 Health Dept., FY '95 State Funds for Public Health Nursing Services Contract.(5/2)...............................135 Health Clinic Contract with VNA for Seniors.(7/5)...........213 Health Dept., grant application to State targeting Cancer.(7/18)225 Health re: Hazardous Substance Ord.(9/6).............304,305 Health Dept., IA, Contract with City for funding Local AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(10/17).......................346 Health re: Cancer Prevention Grant.(12/19)............397,398 Healthy Dubuque 2000 Project.(7/5)(11/21).............213,382 Hearing - civil penalty against Whiskey River.(7/5)..........214 Heart, re: Grant App. to IA Dept. of Health targeting Cardiovascular Dis.(8/1)..............................244 Heath, Chuck, re: rezoning of property by NW Arterial at Chavenelle Rd. for Medical Associates.(5/16).............158 Heathcote, Carl, applicant for Community Development Comm.(2/7)..........................................22 Hedrick, Bob & Diana, Claim; Referred; Appealed.(9/6)(9/19)(10/17)(11/7)............312,324,341,364 Heiar, Herman, objecting to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)....363 Heiberger, Albert J., Oky Doky #7, 3301 Pennsyl., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Class LE Liquor Lic.(4/18)................127,128 Height Overlay District, Ord. adding new Section 2-5.11 Restricted re: Structure Height in Path of E-911 Communication System.(3/21)........................................82 Height restrictions, Zoning Ord. set up for operation of E911 communication equipment.(3/21)........................82 Heimerl, Becky, applicant to the Human Rights Comm.; appointed to Human Rights Comm.(1/17)(9/6)...................8,279 Helmke, Rev. Kenneth of Wartburg, Gave Invocation; approval of rezoning of 450/480 Fremont & Pulpit Rock Lane. (9/19)(10/3)..................................317,329-331 Helping Services for NE Iowa, Inc., Purchase of Services.(8/15)273 Hemenway, Guy, Certificate of Appreciation.(6/6)...........176 Hempstead at Pennsylvania Ave. construction of Traffic Signals.(5/2)(6/6)(11/7)....................150,151,181,356 Henschel's Addition, on Richards Road, approval of Plat of Lots 1, 2 & A of Blk 3 (for R. J. Neilssen).(7/18)................239 Hentges, R., Way Cool, 2249 University, Cig. Per.(10/3)......337 Herrig, Sally Jo & John, Grandview Milkhouse, 620 S. Grandview, Beer Per.; Refund.(4/18)(8/15).....................127,274 Herrig, John, rezoning of property between 2120 & 2130 Elm (Lot A of Oestringer's Subd.) from R-21A to CS Dis. (4/18)(5/16)(6/20).............................128,161,192 Herrig's Addn., approval of plat of Survey Lots 1-3.(12/19)...396 Hess, John E., applicant, Civil Service Comm.(4/4)..........99 Hickson, Sonia, refund on Beer Permit for Kopples.(10/17)...344 High Risk Youth, Substance Abuse Services Center, second Quarter Report.(2/7)..................................37 High Cloud Dr., final plat approval of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 3.(8/15)(10/17)...................................266,345 Highway 61 Ramp Connections, stop sign placement.(1/17)..9,10 Highway, American Veterans, renamed of State Hwy. No. 3. (2/7)(2/21)........................................23,47 Highway 20, University of Dubuque property access. (8/1)(9/6)(10/17).............................258,313,348 Highway 20 Reconstruction Project, IDOT, Project Agreement.(11/21)....................................381 Hike/bike trail re: app. for Statewide Enhancement Project funding to IDOT.(6/20)(8/15)..............................204,271 Hilby, Douglas, Claim; Denial.(3/21).......................89 Hill Street Plaza, Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill, Beer Per.(2/21).......53 Hillcrest Apartments, 3290 Hillcrest, Ord. amendment, amended Conceptual Develop. Plan.(3/21)(4/4).........................86,87,96 Hillcrest Rd., 3290, amend existing PR Dis. for Hillcrest Apts. (3/21)(4/4)........................................87.96 Hills and Dales, Removal of Arch. Barriers, re: CP2 Funds; Notice of No Significant Effect on the Environment.(5/16)(12/19) 164,398 Hilltop Farms (Ohmert's), annexation for E. of Lot 1 requested by McNamer's.(10/17)..................................347 Hilltop Farms, approval of final plat of Survey of Lots 1-1 & 2-1.(11/21)................................379 Hines, Tom, Claim; settlement.(11/21)(12/19)...........376,395 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (4/18)(5/2)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(8/1)(9/6)(9/19)(12/5) .......................131,152,186,210,222,254,312,323,385 Historic Improvement Co. (Dbq.), The Redstone Inn, Liq. Lic.(3/21).......................................84 Historic Sites, Julien Dubuque Grave named to DNR listing.(4/4)...........................................92 Historic Preservation Week, Proclamation.(5/16)...........158 Historic Society, re: app to IDOT for ISTEA funds for steamboat Wm. M. Black.(6/20).......................202 Historic Pedestrian area, Cable Car Square, DMATS funds.(8/15).........................................264 Historic Pres. Comm. requesting 508 Loras not to be demolished.(9/6)....................................281 Historic District, Cathedral, request for secession from certain owners.(11/21).....................................383 Historic Preservation Comm. appointment of Dan Plisak.(12/5)389 Historical Society of Iowa, placement of Bishop's Block on National Register.(2/7).......................................33 Hobson, Matt of IA Dept. of P. Health re: funding for STD Programs.(3/21).....................................90 Hodge, Connie Bandy, UD's rezoning of n. of Dodge St. between Collins & Devon.(6/20).......................193 Hoffman House, 3100 Club, WCB Hotels, Inc., Liq. Lic.(1/3).....1 Hoffmann, Paul, Roosevelt Park Study Comm. requesting monies & alternatives for FDR Park.(3/7).......................77 Hoffman, David, White House Tavern, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.: Liq. Lic.(6/20)(12/19)..............................207,419 Hold Harmless Agreement with County for radio tower at Sunnycrest.(8/15)...................................273 Holiday Oil Dist. Inc., P.O.P.'s Gas, Cig. Per.(6/20)..........207 Holiday Inn Five Flags, Kenseth Hotel Corp., 450 Main, Liq. Lic.(12/19)......................................418 Holy Ghost Parish, rezoning from R-1 to OR at 2887 Central.(8/15)(9/6)............................269,278,279 Holz, James & Melissa, Purchased 683 Angella, with DREAMS Program.(2/7)(2/21)................................32,46 Home Insurance Subrogee of KWWL, Claim.(1/3).............2 HOME Investment Partnership, funding app.; Environmental Notice; Execution of Contract. (2/21)(5/16)(6/6)(7/5)....................49,173,186,188,223 Homeless persons with Disabilities, HUD Shelter Care Program for Rental Assist.(6/20).......................204 Homeless and disabled re: HUD Grant with Operation: New View, new housing program.(7/18)...........................229 Homeowner Initiative Assistance Prog., Environ. Review Findings for CD Blk. Grant Projects.(5/16)................173 Hooten, Rev. Mel, Pastor of Dbq. Baptist Church, Gave Invocation.(10/3)....................................326 Hopkins, John, Claim; referred.(3/7)(3/21)...............70,89 Horman, Steve, Pres. of Dbq. Chamber of Commerce, requesting amend. to Downtown Urban Renewal Plan & Tax Increment Financing.(5/2)......................................137 Hoskins, Charles, Claim; denial.(6/20)(7/5).............210,222 Hospice Month, Proclamation.(10/17).....................341 Hotchkiss, Michael D., Claim; Referred.(3/7)(3/21).........70,89 Hough, Robert J., objecting to 2364 University Sewer Assessment.(3/21)(4/4).............................84,99 Houlihan, Dennis, resignation from Airport Comm.(7/18)....239 House of China, Inc. 801 Town Clock Pl., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/6)(6/20)...............................184,207 House of China, 170 JFK, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(7/18)..207,236 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17)(2/7)(3/7)(3/21)(4/4)(5/16)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(8/1)(10/17) (11/7)(11/21)(12/19) ...........14,33,70,89,106,172,186,210,222,254,341,354,376,395 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/21)(5/16)(6/20)(8/1)(10/3)...............89,172,210,254,338 HOUSING COMMISSION TRUST FUND SUBMITTING MINUTES: (6/20)(7/5)(9/19)..............................210,222,323 Housing Code Appeals Board appoint. of David Althaus, Thomas G. Swift, and Thomas A. Hannan.(1/17).............8 Housing Organization, (Community), Hsg. Services Mgr. requesting representation.(1/17).........................9 Housing re: Grant Application to HUD for funding of comm. education and outreach activities and a Neighborhood Conflict Resolution.(2/7)......................................25 Housing Needs, Notice of Hearing requesting citizens'views.(3/7).....................................75 Housing Comm. appointments of Dennis Oneyear, Timothy J. Puls, Louise Comm.(8/15).................................264 Housing Rehabilitation - Environmental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Projects.(5/16)..................173 Housing Affordability Strategy, HUD approval.(2/21)(12/19)60,402 Housing Code Appeals Board, filing fee approved.(5/16).166,167 Housing Vouchers, Section 8, amendment to Ann. Contributions Contract; App. to participate.(5/16)(7/18)(8/1)..174,175,235,250 Housing Rehabilitation, Release of Funds for CDBG Projects.(6/6).......................................189 Housing Services Manager D. Harris and Rehab. Super. Joleen Patterson authorized to sign checks for the City.(7/5)......220 Housing certificates, Sec. 8, amended Annual Contributions Contract.(7/18)..........................234 Housing Commission Trust Comm., recommendation for affordable Housing Project; appointment of Mary Jane Steele; recommendation of J. Geisen from Housing Comm.(7/18)(9/6)229,279 Housing Project, affordable, recommending - Housing Trust Fund Committee.(7/18)...................................229 Housing Trust Fund, applications to it submitted.(8/1)......258 Housing Comm. requesting Worksession with City Council.(9/6).........................................280 Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) Annual Performance Report, FY 1994.(12/5)...............................392 Housing Services Dept. purchase of 2 computers.(12/5)....390 Housing Commission appointment of Thomas Crall.(12/5)...389 Housing Commission resignation of Paul Newman.(12/5)....389 Housing Code Appeals Board, amendments to Ord.(12/19)412,413 Housing Code, Residential, amendments to Ord.(12/19)..412,413 Housing re: nixing development of Valley High Golf Course area(12/5)(12/19)................................390,396 Hubanks, Shirlee & Gerald, Claim.(7/18)..................238 HUD "Youth Bill" application, support letter by Building & Trades Council.(1/3).........................................2 HUD re: Grant Application for funding of Comm. education & Outreach activities and a Neighborhood Conflict Resolution Program.(2/7).......................................25 HUD, CDBG Agreement.(2/21)............................60 HUD, approval of FY '94 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy.(2/21)(12/19)..............................60,402 HUD, Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. Program.(6/6)......................................187 HUD Shelter Care Program for Rental Assistance for Homeless Persons with Disabilities.(6/20)........................204 HUD monies, re: Karen O'Rourke requesting discussion.(7/18)229 HUD grant in partnership with Operation: New View, re: supportive housing program for homeless and disabled.(7/18).......................................229 HUD re: funding for Sec. 8 Housing Voucher Prog.(8/1)......250 HUD, re: Community Block Grant Agreement for FY 1995 for $1,400,000.(8/1).................................256,257 HUD, re: amendment to Loan Agreement of City & Dubuque In- Futuro, Inc.(8/15)...................................268 HUD CDBG Agreement for allocation of Disaster Relief Funds. (9/6)..............................................315 HUD, Grantee Performance Report.(9/19)..............319,320 Hudson, David, objecting to rezoning of property on Geraldine Dr.(5/2)(5/16)....................................136,161 Huff, Mary, applicant to the Human Rights Comm.(1/17).......8 Hulsizer, Rev. John, Nazarene Pastor, Gave Invocation.(2/21)(10/17)............................44,341 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(2/21)(5/2)(5/16)(6/20)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(10/17)(11/21) ......................33,57,152,172,210,254.312.338,341,376 Human Rights appointments of Jerome Greer, Nancy Miller, O.S.F, and Mary A. McDowell; appointment of Becky Heimerl.(1/17).....................................8,279 Human Rights Comm. resignation of Jerome Greer.(7/5)....224 Human Rights Comm. Agreement with IA Civil Rights Comm.(9/6)..........................................314 Human Rights Annual Report presented.(12/19)...........403 Human Relations Enhancement Week, Proclamation.(4/4)....92 HUMAN RELATIONS CONFERENCE PLANNING MEETING SUBMITTING MINUTES: (9/6)..........................312 Humane Society, Purchase of Services.(6/20)..........212,213 Hunger (1994 Campaign Against) by Clarke & Loras Students.(4/4)........................................92 Hunt, David, objecting to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7).....363 Huss, JoAnne M., Claim; referral.(2/7)(2/21)..............33,58 Hwy. 20, Condemnation of Land by IDOT for relocated road.(2/7)(6/20)...................................38,211 Hwy. 20 and Northeast corner, and Northwest Arterial, Ward Commercial final plat.(2/7).............................36 Hwy. 20, University of Dubuque property access. (8/1)(9/6)(10/17)(11/21)(12/5).........258,313,348,384,387,393 Hwy. 52 Corridor Study.(11/21)...........................382 Hwy. 52 & Old Bellevue Road, final plat of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Subd.(12/19).............................397 Hy-Vee Food Stores, Cig. Per; Beer Per.(6/6)(6/20)......183,208 Hyde, Franklin, architect for Hist. Building - Bishop's Block.(2/7)..........................................34 Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements, Water Plant Phase II. (3/21)(5/2)................................88,145,148,149 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE I IA Dept. of P. Health Flood Recovery Funding Contract.(10/17)......340 IBM System, mainframe computer replacement in budget.(5/16).....174 Ice Harbor, assignment, leases of Dbq. Tank Terminals Inc. to DB & T.(5/2)...................................................154 Ice Harbor, Transient Boat Dock, DMATS Funds requested.(8/15)....271 Ice Harbor, covered canopy for Diamond Jo.(10/3)................336 Ice Harbor, reimbursement, Casino Belle, damages done to Closure Structure.(10/3)...........................................363 Idle Hour, J. Kersch, 1555 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20).................207 IDOT, construction of median Crossovers on U.S. 20 near Catfish Creek.(2/7)................................................38 IDOT, Riverfront development, Statewide Enhancement Project Funding.(6/20)............................................204 IDOT, ISTEA funds for rehab. of Wm. Black.(6/20)..............202,203 IDOT, referral of claim of Jan Appleby.(8/15).....................271 IDOT, Preconstruction Agree. for Reconstruction of Eastbound U.S. 20 Bridge at Catfish Creek.(9/6)..........................314 IDOT, dismissal in matter of condemnation of Certain Rights of Land, U.S. 20.(10/3)........................................339 IDOT, Notices in matter of Condemnation of certain rights in land owned by UD et al.(11/7)....................................355 IDOT vs. Randall & Mildred Dolter dba Burger Express submitting petition & Notice of Appeal of land on Dodge St.(11/7)............354 IDOT vs. Carroll & Judy Clark dba Quick Clean Laundry submitting Petition & Notice of Appeal of Land on Dodge St.(11/7)...........354 IDOT, Statewide Enhancement Project Funding for Miss. Riverwalk & Boat Dock Construction.(11/21)............................382 IDOT submitting Motion to dismiss Defendant & reissue Payment Warrant.(12/19)...........................................395 IDOT, condemnation of land for improvement of US 20. (2/7)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(8/15)(11/7)(11/21)(12/5) ...............................38,58,90,132,211,274,363,381,388 Indiana St. & Ridgeway Ave., between, Steve & Dianne Pins requesting to purchase.(7/5).................................222 Industrial Center (Dubuque), approval of Final Plat of Lots 1-3, Ninth Addn.(4/18)..........................................132 Industrial Park Urban Renewal Area, Kerper Blvd.(7/18)(8/15)....236,260 Industrial Sewer Use Agreements with FDL, Inland Protein, Sanofi Bio Industries & Swiss Valley Farms Dairy.(9/6).................282 Industrial Pretreatment Fee Structure, Ord. (10/17)(11/7)........349,370 Infiltration & Inflow, Phase II of Flow Monitor Study of Sanitary Sewer System.(4/18).......................................116 Information and Referral Agency, increase in funding, Budget.(3/7)...76 Information and Referral, Environmental Review Findings,CDBG. (5/16).................................................173,174 Inland Protein, Industrial Sewer Use Agreements.(9/6).............282 Instant Replay, J. Turner, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.;Liq. Lic. (9/19)(11/21)..........................................320,383 Inter-State Builders Supply Co., Claim; Referral.(8/15)(9/6).......270,313 Interim Assistance - Request for Release of Funds, CDBG Proj.(6/6)..189 Intern position at Legal Dept. in summer, J. K. Gruntkowsky.(9/19)...324 Intersection signalization for UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(12/5).........387 Interstate Power Co., Boyes claim; approval of final plat of Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salvas (property located at NW Art. & Asbury Rd.).(1/3)(8/15)...................................2,273 Interstate Power Co.; Claim for property damage; acceptance of Ord. 58- 93, 25 Year Franchise.(2/21)(3/7)(3/21).....................58,70,90 INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/7)(5/2)(5/16)(8/1)(8/15)(9/6)(11/7)....... 33,152,172,254,270,312,354 Investment Oversight Comm. resignation of Terry Duggan; appointment of Richard Stein; resignation of G. Fowler; resignation of Richard Stein. (1/3)(3/21)(6/6)(7/18)................................2,84,187,239 Investment Oversight Comm., Quarterly Report(s).(2/7)(5/2)......32,156 Investment Oversight Comm.'s approval on Modification of Investment Instruction for DB & T.(7/18)...................................235 Investment Partnership Program - HOME.(6/6)....................188 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co. 2334 University, Beer Per.(7/18)..235 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co. 1998 Jackson & 1487 Dodge, Beer Per.; Civil Penalty for Dodge St. outlet; Cig. Refund for Dodge St. outlet. (8/15)(9/19)(10/3)(12/5)...........................268,323,335,388 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(11/7)....374 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 2150 Twin Valley Dr.(12/5).......392 Iowa Civil Rights Comm. Agree. with Human Rights Comm.(9/6).....314 Iowa Communications Fiberoptic Network, Iowa Code to include city & county agencies usage.(2/7)(11/7)..........................33,363 Iowa's constitution, study from coalition, impact of proposed amend.(1/17)..............................................18 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program; Cancer Morbidity & Mortality; Letter of Support for the Grant App. targeting Cardiovascular Disease.(2/21)(7/18)(8/1).............................. 48,225,244 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, funding of Local AIDS Pro.(2/21)(10/17)59,346 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Fund Public Health Nursing Program.(5/2)135 Iowa DOT, condemnation of land for improvement of U.S.20. (2/7)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)...............................38,58,90,132 Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Comm. Grant Fund submittal.(8/15).264 Iowa League of Municipalities, definition of public agencies, permission to use Fiberoptic Network; Council Member Nicholson serve on Legislative Policy Comm.; Proposed policies; Efforts supported to educated citizens & officials on impact of unfunded Mandates & urging IA Gen. Assembly to pass Constitutional Amendment limiting the Negative Financial Impact of State Mandates.(2/7)(8/1)(9/6)(10/17)......................33,248,314,347 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppes, all outlets, Cig. Per.; Beer Permit; Refund on Cig. Permit for 2 Dodge St. outlets.; Beer Per. (6/6)(7/18)(8/15)(11/7)(12/5).................183,235,268,374,388,392 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppes, 1481 Dodge & 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Civil Penalty for 1481 Dodge St.; Beer Per.; Refund for Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (1/3)(6/6)(8/15)(9/19)(10/3)(11/7)(12/5)...1,183,268,323,335,374,388,392 Iowa Outstanding Urban Forestry Professional of the Year, award to Steve Pregler.(4/18).....................................111 Iowa Potatoe & Produce House, Inc., Beer Per.(1/17)...............12 Iowa St.. 1000 block, W. side & S. side of 11th St. from Iowa St., meter changes.(8/1).......................................257 Iowa Underground Storage Tank Program, agree. (4/4)............100 Irving, Steve of 2140 Judson, objecting to 3049 Asbury rezoning to allow Sieg Auto Parts. (4/4)..................................... Isenhart, Rhodes (Bud) objecting to Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Amend.(5/2)..............................................137 Isenhart, Chuck, Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. Coalition requesting funds in amount of $20,000. (CDBG).(5/16).....................163 Israel, Alan H., owner of Hillcrest Apts., rezoning to amend PR Planned Res.Dis.(3/21)(4/4)........................................86,96 Israel, Allen, proposed Developer of property on Geraldine Dr. from R- 1 to PUD; withdrawal of rezoning request.(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(8/1) ................................................136,161,182,248 ISTEA funds, applications for 4 projects (one for Historic Soc.); App. to Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study; Miss. Riverwalk & Boat Dock Construction.(6/20)(8/15)(11/21)...202,264,382 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE J J. George Subd., rezoning, 898 Cedar Cross.(6/20)...............191 Jackson, Sister Ruth, rezoning of Visitation at 900 Alta Vista.(6/6)....176 Jackson Park Urban Revit. Dist. Urban Revit. Dist.Tax Exemption.(2/21)50 Jackson & Washington St., vacation of alley between then from 8th to 9th St.(4/4)(4/18)..............................105,114 Jaeger, Ronald J., Claim; denial.(5/2)(5/16)....................153,172 James, Jerry, (Neighbors Tap), Refund on Liq. Lic.(7/18)...........239 January, 1994, Financial Reports.(2/21)..........................58 Jaycees & KDTH request to conduct fireworks on 7/3/94; "All that Jazz" - Beer Per.(4/4)(6/6)(8/1)(9/6)..........107,183,251,311 Jaycees, Dubuque, All That Jazz, Five Day Beer Per.; Refund.(7/5)(8/1)(9/6).............................221,251,311,313 Jeldwen, Inc., Lot 416A, vacation of property and sale from City to them.(4/4)(4/18)........................................105,115 Jena, Inc., Oky Doky #15,1101 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig.Per.(6/6)(6/20)......................................183,207 JFK Road, south between Rustic Forest Trail & King Art. Ct., final plat approval of Deer Valley Subd.(8/15)................265,266 JFK Road, nw corner & Sunset Park Cr., rezoning from R-4 to PR.(10/17)(11/7)........................................353,360 JFK Rd., re: Ord. restricting parking on Raven Oaks Dr.(12/5).......389 JFK Rd, 2830, final plat approval of Survey of Lots 1-10.(12/19).....396 JJD Inc., Diggers, 660 Iowa St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19).....207,321 Jo Daviess County, City & County of Dubuque, Multi-Jurisdictional Law Enforce. Agreements.(7/18).................................235 Job Creation and CDBG funds, questioned by Karen O'Rourke.(4/4)...99 Jobs Task Force (Genesis), Agree. and Authorizing Neighborhood Labor Force Survey.(2/21).........................................52 Johns, Lois, Claim; referred.(8/1)(8/15).......................254,271 Johnson, Nicole, Claim; Approval.(5/16)(6/20).................172,211 Jones, Ric, Claim; Settlement.(11/21)(12/5)...................376,385 Jorgensen, Marl F., objecting to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/2)(5/16)136,161 Journeyman Plumbers, new Ord.(9/6)........................292-303 Juergens, Donna M. & Charles J., objecting to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/2)(5/16).....................................136,161 Julien Inn, 200 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/6)(12/19).............183,418 Julien Dubuque Grave Site to National Register of Historic sites; amended City Ord. re: City parks etc.(4/4)(11/7) ..........92,366-369 Julien Dubuque Bridge, Hwy. #61 from Locust to e. City limits, speed limits.(10/17)........................................349 July, 1994, Financial Reports Submitted; Claims paid.(9/6)(9/19).313, 324 July, 1993, Printed Council Proceedings approved.(4/18)...........131 June Dr., north of rezoning of property south of Fremont from AG.(5/16)(6/6).....................................171,178 June, 1993, Printed Council Proceedings approved.(4/18)..........131 June 1994, Claims published; Financial report for FY ending June 30.(8/15)(9/19).........................................274,324 Jung, Mike, Youth Corporation Counsel.(4/18)....................111 Jungers, John, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19)....................312,324 Jurisdiction of Marjo Quarry Road changed etc.(5/2)...............143 Justin Lane, final plat of Loras Estates.(2/7)......................34 Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund, IA, Grant Application.(8/15)..................................264 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE K K.C.'s Downtown Auto Center, L. Kruser, 205 Locust, Cig. Per.(5/2)(6/20) .....................................................149,207 K.C.'s Amoco, K. Kruser, 1701 JFK, Cig. Per.(9/19)................320 K-Mart Corp, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/20)........................207 Kahn Family Enterprises, Pasta O'Shea's, 395 W. 9th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/18)(11/21)....................................235,383 Kalb, James G. - Vehicle Service/Repair Zoning change.(3/21)........81 Kalloway, Jim, Claim; Referred.(8/1)(8/15).....................254,271 Kamp, Mary Lou, Two Twenty Five Ltd. 225 W. 6th, Liq. Lic.(4/4).....102 Kane, Attorney Brian, for neighbors on Geraldine Dr., objecting to rezoning.(5/2)(5/16).....................................136,161 Kane, Shaun, resigning from Zoning Comm.(6/6).................187 Kane, Glen & Jeanne, objection - UD rezoning of Hwy. 20 property.(11/7)............................................363 KAT FM & KDTH Radio requesting fireworks display on 7/3/94; on 7/3/95.(4/4)(12/19)......................................107,396 Kaukasie, Irene, objection to Geraldine Dr. rezoning.(5/2)...........136 KC's, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic. (4/4)................................102 KDTH & KAT FM Radio requesting fireworks display on 7/3/94; on 7/3/95.(4/4)(12/19)......................................107,396 Keating, Michael, Claim; settlement.(6/20)(7/5).................210,222 Kelleher, Donovan, settlement of claim.(7/5).....................222 Kelleher, Thomas Sr., Claim; Referred.(9/19)(10/3)..............323,338 Kelley, Michael, appointed to Comm. Devel. Comm.(2/7).............22 Kelley, Neil, applicant to Comm. Devel. Comm.(2/7).................22 Kelly Lane, Manson Rd. & Miller Rd. corner, final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Lots A, B & C of Smother's Place.(10/17).........342 Kelly, Elaine, Kelly's, Hwy 20 West, Liq. Lic.(3/21)..................85 Kelly, Inc. The Finale Lounge, Liq. Lic.(5/2).......................149 Kelly Lane Road, budget changes for redoing; Asphalt Leveling Project, finalization of project.(3/7)(8/15)(9/19)(12/5)76,77,269,270.317,386 Kelly, Francis, Legal Description of property at 692 & 696 University, DREAMS home sale.(7/5)(7/18)............................221,228 Kelly, Katherine L., Claim; referred.(8/15)(9/6).................270,312 Kelly, Thomas V., Claim; denial.(9/19)(11/7)...................323,354 Kelly's, E. Kelly, Hwy 20 West, Liq. Lic.(3/21)......................85 Kemp, 9692, in Dubuque County, (Burkart's Addn)plat approval.(10/17)342 Kennedy, Gary & George, Urban Revit. Tax Abatement Apps. for 801 Davis.(2/21)...............................................50 Kennedy Road, S., between Rustic Forest Trail & King Arthur Ct., final plat approval of Deer Valley Subd.(8/15)...................265 Kennedy Road, nw corner & Sunset Park Cr., rezoning,R-4 to PR for Ecumenical Housing.(11/7).........................360,361 Kennedy Rd., 2380, final plat approval of Survey of Lots 1-10 & A of Raven Oaks Place. No. 2.(12/19)...........................396 Kensington Place Sanitary Sewer Problems.(4/18).................116 Kern, Paul, for G. Parker, Claim.(6/20)...........................210 Kern, T., Kopples Market, 1098 University, Cig. Per.(7/18)...........235 Kern, Greg, Claim; Referred.(9/6)(9/19).......................312,324 Kerper Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Project.(4/4)(5/2).............104,143 Kerper Boulevard right of way in front of Sanofi Bio-Industries, vacation of portion; vacating portion of Riverfront Subd. No. 3.etc. (2/21)(3/7)(6/6)(7/18)(10/17)..............52,53,65,66,185,215,351,352 Kerper Blvd. & 16th St., procedures for disposition of City owned property etc.(7/18)(8/1)..................................230,258 Kerper Realty, Kerper Blvd. ROW disposition of portion near 2461 Kerper. (10/17)(11/7).............................351,352,361,362 Kerper Blvd. ROW disposition of portion of Riverfront Subd. to Whalen Industries.(10/17)(10/17)....................350,351,352 Kerper Blvd. right-of-way of excess property, disposition policy. (10/17).....................................................348 Kerper Boulevard Industrial Park, Urban Renewal District. (7/18)(8/15)........................................236,260-263 Kerper Blvd. right-of-way disposition to Kerper Realty at 2461 Kerper Blvd.(10/17)(11/7)................................351,352,361,362 Kersch, Jeannine A., Idle House, 1555 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4/4)(6/20).............................................102,207 Key Club Week, Proclam.(11/7)................................354 Kids World Pizza Place & Fun Center, Inc., Beer Per.(2/21)..........53 Kielty, Mike, Nesler Centre, Cig. Per.(6/6)........................186 Kindness, Random Acts of, Proclam.(3/7)........................62 King of Clubs, S. Shireman, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/20)(7/5).............................................207,221 King Arthur Court, final plat of Deer Valley Subd., s. of Kennedy Rd.(8/15)......................................265,266 Kinseth Corp., Clarion, 450 Main, Cig. Per.(6/6)(6/20)...........184,207 Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn Five Flags, 450 Main, Liq. Lic. (12/19)...................................................418 Kintzinger, Att’y Doug, U of D rezoning of Dodge St. property.(6/20).193 Kirch, Steve & Gretchen, rezoning of 3219 Asbury Rd.(3/21).........80 Klauer, John, County Zoning Assist. Adm., E911 Restricted Height Overlay Dis.(3/21)..........................................82 Kluesner, Council Member Loras praised 20 years of City Service of James Brady; Appointed as Alt. for Long Range Planning; sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem.(1/3)(7/5)(9/6).................1,216,276 Knicker's Saloon, C. Gerhard, 2186 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/20)(7/5).............................................207,221 Knights of Columbus Council #510, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic. (4/4).......102 Koch, T., Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust, Cig. Per., Liq. Lic.(6/20).....207,208 Koch, Linda, Claim; settled.(3/21)...............................89 Koester, Henry F. & Dolores, final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & A of St. Mary's Pl. No. 5; Extension of time requested. (10/17(11/21)...................................343,344,376-378 Kohl, J. P., The Grand Tap, 802 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/20)(10/17)...........................................207,350 Kohnen, Karl, applicant to Community Devel. Comm.(2/7)...........22 Kolarich, Kathryn, disclaimer of ownership of correspondence re: W. 5th St. condition.(4/4)....................................107 Konzen, Theodore, Place, Rescinding Res. No. 67-94 & annexing portion of T. Konzen Place.(3/7)(4/4)................................62,99 Kopischke, G.L., for Interstate Power, approval of Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salvas Pl., property at NW Arterial &Asbury Rd.(8/15)273 Kopples Market, T. Kern, 1098 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Refund for S. Hickson.(7/18)(10/17)........................235,344 Koster, Amy, Claim by her mother K. Blakeman; referred. (6/20)(7/5)...............................................210,222 Kotz, Al, Cert. of Appreciation for Auxiliary Police Service.(5/16).....158 Kraemer, Ken, new Airport Manager.(7/18).......................227 Kramer, Travis, Youth City Council member.(4/18)................111 Kramer, Wayne J., The Clubhouse, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(8/1)..206,252 Kremenak, Aldrich, CLAIM; referred.(7/5)(7/18)................222,238 Kremer, Betty, Pipe Inn, Cig. Per.(6/6)...........................183 Kretschmer-Treadway Co., vacation of alley between Jackson & Washington from 8th to 9th.(4/4)(4/18)...............105,114,115 Krieg, Kathryn sworn in as Council Member First Ward; appointed to Greater Dubuque Development Corp. Board (GDDC).(1/3)(5/16)........................................1,164 Krier, Madeline, Claim; Referred.(4/18)(5/2)...................131,153 Kritz, Paul, Claim; Closed.(6/20)(7/5).........................210,222 Kruse, Daniel H., requesting rezoning of property at 2282 University Ave.(1/17)........................................12 Kruser, Lynn, KC's Downtown Auto Center, Cig. Per.(5/2)...........149 Kruser, K., K.C.'s Amoco, 1701 JFK, Cig. Per.(9/19)...............320 Kucera, Most. Rev. Daniel, Gave Invocation.(1/3)...................1 Kunkel, Kenneth, Claim; settlement.(5/16)(6/6).................172,186 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Transport Sales, 1075 Dodge, Beer Per.(10/3)..337 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil Co., Cig. Permits; Beer Per.(6/20)(8/15)(11/21)(12/19)..................206,268,383,418 KWWL, Claim submitted by Home Insurance as subrogee.(1/3)........2 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE L Label Week (Union), Proclam.(9/6)..............................276 Labor Force Survey, Agree., Genesis Jobs Task Force.(2/21)........52 Labor Management Council, Dbq. Area, financial statements for year ending 6/30/94; Purchase of Services Agree.(10/3)(12/19).338,400 Lake Ridge Dr., final plat of nearby property, Cedar Lake - E. Third Add.(11/21)........................................378 Lampe, Lynn, Tax Exempt. Urban Revit. App. at 1765 Madison St.(2/21)50 Lampo, Brenda, Claim for daughter Kristin Carlson; Referral. (8/1)(8/15).............................................254,271 Landfill, 1995 Budget submitted by Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(2/21)...................................58 Landherr, Rev. Clayton, Gave Invocation.(8/1)....................245 Landis, Dick, introduced Sophie Sakvarelidze from Russian Republic of Georgia.(11/7)...................................354 Landscaping & Street Tree Policy.(2/21)..........................48 Lange, Paula, appointed to the Civic Center Comm.(7/5)...........216 Langworthy's Subd. (Reeder), IDOT condemnation of property for U.S. 20 Improvement.(8/15)(10/3).........................274,339 Larsen, Beverly A., Denny's Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/16)(6/20)....................................170,207 Lassance, Paul, applicant to Investment Oversight Comm.(9/19)....318 Laube, Paul, 1720 Overview, endorsed Riverfront Plan.(3/21)........83 Law Enforcement Agreements - Multi-Jurisdictional between City County & Jo Daviess County, IL.(7/18)........................235 Layland, John, UD rezoning on Hwy. 20, Dodge St.(11/7)...........363 Lead Based Hazard Abatement Loans and Grants, CDBG Project; Extended.(5/16)(9/6)....................................173,313 Lead Based Paint, amended Residential Housing Code.(12/19)......412 Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, IA Dept. of Public Health Contract; Ext. of Grant.(2/21)(9/6)..........................48,313 League of Municipalities, Changes to Iowa Code for definition of "Public Agency" and usage of Fiberoptic Network etc.; Asking Council Member Nicholson to serve on 1994 Nominating Comm.; Council Member Nicholson to serve on League's Legislative Policy Comm.; policies proposed by Mgr. etc.; support to educate citizens & officials on unfunded Mandates and urging Gen. Assembly to pass a Constitutional Amendment limiting the Negative Financial Impact of State Mandates. (2/7)(2/21)(8/1)(9/6)(10/17).......................33,59,248,314,347 Leaking Underground Storage Tank, monitoring wells etc.(2/21)......59 Lease Agreement between Slattery Center with Dbq. Montessori School.(4/4)(4/18).......................................106,113 Lease amendment to DRA.(11/7)...............................364 Lease, interim, on 12th St. for nearby property for Art Pape Transfer, Inc.(10/17)................................................348 Lease & Agreement assignment on Eagle Point Marina Property.(12/19)400 Leases of Robert River Rides, assignment.(5/2)..................147 Leases assignment of Dubuque Tank Terminals, Inc. to DB & T.(5/2).154 Leases between City & Anderson Marine to SBA for Security, assigning.(7/18)...........................................241 Legal intern position, appreciation by J. Gruntkowsky.(9/19)........324 Legal Age, Ord. regarding underage possession of Liquor etc.(9/19).318 Legion, American, Dbq. Post #6, 1305 Delhi, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Outdoor Service & Transfer.(6/20)(7/5).................207,208,221 Legislators, definition of "Public Agency" & usage of Fiberoptic Network etc.(2/7)..................................33 Legislature, opposing H.R. 363 for S.1822 & advocating Local Control of Use of Public Rights of Way by Telecommunications Service Providers, Cable.(8/1)........................... 248,249 Leisen, Diana, Claim; referral.(8/1)(8/15)......................254,271 Leisure Services Chain Link Fencing Improvements for Parks Project.(5/16)(6/20)(9/6).......................171,172,200,314,315 Leisure Service (ARA), Greyhound Park, Cig. Per.(6/6).............183 Leisure Services Manager, amended Park & Rec. Ord.(11/7)........366 Leitch, Attorney Chad, assign. of Lease & Agreement on Eagle Point Marine property.(12/19)...........................400 Leslein, Stacey, Claim; referred.(2/21)(3/7)......................58,70 Less, Aaron, Claim; settlement.(8/15)(9/6)....................270,313 Lessei, Lisa M., Claim; Referred.(11/7)(11/21).................354,376 Leytem, R., Dog House Lounge, Cig. Per.(6/20)...................207 Liberty St., east of & west of Windsor, rezoning to allow 49 Dwelling Units.(12/19)....................................419 LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/17)(2/7)(3/21)(4/18)(6/6)(6/20)(8/15)(9/19)(10/17)(11/21)(12/5) ........................14,33,89,131,186,210,270,323,341,376,385 Library Board transferring monies from salaries budget to CIP for Computer hardware.(2/21).................................59 Library request for part-timer denied while Police Officers okayed.(3/21).................................................90 Library Week, Proclam.(4/4).....................................92 Library Board appointment of Janet Marxen.(5/2).................146 License Agree. - Terracon Environmental, Inc. to perform soil borings and install monitoring wells on public right-of-way near 300 S. Locust.(6/20)......................................212A Licensing of Plumbing Contractors and Journeymen etc.(9/6)....292-303 Licensing of Contractors, Sign Code.(9/6)....................282-291 Lieutenant, Police, list certified to by Civil Service Comm.(8/1)......255 Light, Eli, Youth Council Member.(4/18).........................111 Lighting Project for City Hall, Energy Efficient etc.(4/4).............103 Limited Setback Waiver, amend. to Zoning Ord. (2/21)(3/7)........45,74 Lincoln Ave., rezoning of property of second Lot North, on Elm St. between 2120 & 2130 Elm. (for J. Herrig).(4/18).................128 Lincoln Ave., petition requesting stop signs.(10/3)................339 Liquid Oxygen purchases at Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/18)....117 Liquor license penalty assessed against Avenue Top, Oldham, Inc.(5/2)146 Liquor License penalty against C. Streff, Whiskey River.(6/6)(7/5).186,214 Liquor licensees, re: Ord. regarding underage possession of alcohol etc.(9/19)........................................318 Little Maquoketa River, County requesting exclusion from protected stream status.(2/21)................................41 Loan pool (low interest) Downtown to Grand Opera House.(3/7)......65 Loan Agreement (CEBA) with Eagle Point Corporation.(5/16)........165 Loans, Commercial/Industrial Building Rehab, CDBG Projects.(5/16)...................................173,174 Loan Agree., Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc., amend.(8/15)............267,268 Loan, Rehabilitation Program, Capitalization for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area.(12/19).............................403,404 Loan Agree. for redevelopment of Bishop Block Building at 90 S. Main St.(12/19).......................................404 Local 94, UAW, 3450 Central, Beer Per.(12/19).....................418 Local Control of Use of Public Rights of Way by Telecommunications Service Providers, Cable etc.(8/1).........................248,249 Lochner, Linda, Claim; settlement.(2/21)(3/7)....................58,71 Lochner, Donald H., applicant to the Zoning Comm.(7/5)...........217 Locust St. to easterly City limits on Julien Dbq. Drive, speed limits of U.S. 20.(10/17)..........................................349 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(2/7)(3/21)(4/4)(5/16)(6/20)(7/5)(8/15)(9/6)(10/17)(11/7) .........................2,33,89,106,172,210,222,270,312,341,354 Long Range Planning Comm. Phase I Comprehensive Plan.; Phase II Comprehensive Plan.(3/7)(7/5)......................66,223 Long Range Planning Comm., Dubuque Riverfront Plan; approving Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Development Dis. Urban Renewal Plan.(3/7)(8/15)..........................................66,260 Long Range Planning Commission resignation of Jeff Mozena; appointments of Council Member Voetberg & Kluesner (Alt), and Richard Stein, Mary Lynn Neumeister and Gregory Malm.(3/7)(7/5)...................................71,216 Long Range Planning Commission - Plan Amendment, Fee Schedule.(3/7)..........................................74 Long Range Planning Commission appointment of Gordon R. Fowler; resignation.(5/16)(6/20)..................................164,211 Long Yuen Chinese Rest., S. Chiu, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(11/7).....................................207,374 Longevity, City employees receiving plaques for 25+ years of service.(12/5)...........................................385 Loras Estates, final plat, extension of time for necessary security.(2/7)(8/1)........................................34,257 Loras Students, commended for Campaign Against Hunger.(4/4).....92 Loras College buying Visitation Convent, 900 Alta Vista, zoning change.(5/16)(6/6)................................171,176 Loras Blvd., 508, purchase property from Gary & June Hanson; rehab etc.(7/18)(9/6).....................................230,281 Lot Area & Dimensions, lot splits for Townhouses,zoning amendment.(3/21)(4/4)....................................87,98 Lot splits for 1 Lot Line Townhouses, zoning amend. approving (3/21)(4/4)...............................................87,98 Lounge, The, Phillip R. Love, Cig. Per.(7/5).......................220 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, Cig. Per.(7/5).......................220 Low Interest Loan to Grand Opera House.(3/7)....................65 Loyal Order of the Moose, Moose Lodge #355, 1166 Main, Club Liq. Lic.(4/4)..........................................101 Luber, Lloyd & Marlene, easement for Parking & Storage in area of Front Street & Hawthorne St.(4/18)...................130 Luber, David, Claim; referred.(10/17)(11/7)....................341,354 Lucas, Robert, Claim; settlement.(3/7)(3/21).....................70,89 Lucky 13 Tap, D. Erickson, 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.(6/20)(8/15).....207,269 LuGrain, Joe, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19)......................312,324 LuGrain, LeeAnn, Claim; Referred.(9/19)(11/7).................323,354 Luksetich, Thomas, for J. Healey, cancel rezoning of 305 W. 16th.(3/21)(4/4)..........................................91,102 Lux Club (Denny's), 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/16)(6/20)..170,207 Lyness, Karen, applicant to the Civic Center Comm.; appointed to Park & Rec. Comm.(7/5)...............................216,216 Lyons, Terry & Carol of American Tree Service, requesting rezoning of 2120 & 2130 Elm.(5/16)(6/20)...................161,192 Lyons, D., River City Tap & Grill, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/20)(10/17)...........................................208,350 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE M Maggert, J. Michael, Beer Per. Refund for Caddie Shack.(3/21).......90 Main St. Ltd. Board, Mayor Duggan as their Council rep.; Funding Agree. approved; promotion of DMATS Transportation Funds usage in Cable Car area.(1/17)(7/18)(8/15) ..........9,240,264 Main St., Downtown Urban Renewal Redevelopment Project.(5/2).138-141 Main St. Tap, Liq. Lic.(6/20)...................................208 Main St. Award, Great American, of National Main Street Center.(11/7)357 Main Street, 90 S., Bishop Block Building Loan Agree.(12/19).......404 Main, Old, Market Analysis, consultant, TIF. (12/19)................405 Maine Ltd. Partnership, Execution of Loan Agree. Amend. - Bishop's Blk.(12/19).......................................404 Mainframe Computer of city replaced - IBM PC's.(5/16).............174 Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehabilitation Project. (8/1)(9/6)(12/19)....................................254,276,399 Malm, Gregory, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; Appointed.(5/16)(7/5)....................................164,216 Manager appointed to ECIA Council; evaluated in Closed Session.(4/4)(5/9)........................................99,157 Mandates, Federal & State, support of unfunded.(10/17)...........346 Mangeno, Angela, Angie's, 1401 Elm, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/20)(9/19)............................................207,321 Manson, Rev. Duane, Ch. of Luther Manor, Gave Invocation.(6/20)...191 Manson Road & Kelly Lane & Miller Rd., final plat of Smothers Place.(10/17).....................................342 Maps & Code, codification of all Ordinances readopted.(11/7).......372 March 1994 Financial Reports.(5/2).............................156 Marco's Italian Restaurant, 2022 Central, Liq. Lic.(4/18)............128 Marie Rubie Subd. U.S. Hwy 52 & Old Bellevue Rd., final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3.(12/19)..............................397 Marina, Eagle Point, Lease & Agree. assignment.(12/19)...........400 Marini, David of Dbq. Main St. re: Downtown Urban Renewal Plan.(5/2)137 Mario's Italian Rest. & Lounge, A. Bertolini, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (7/5)(12/5).............................................220,392 Marjo Quarry Road, transfer of jurisdiction etc.(4/18)(5/2)........129,143 Market, Farmer's, fee increase.(4/4)............................100 Market Analysis, Old Main, consultant etc.(12/19).................405 Markham, John, appointed to Civil Service Comm.(4/4).............99 Marna Ridge Estate 2, Marty & Nancy McNamer, acceptance of Warranty Deed for property known as Lot A & Lot B.(11/21).......380 Marna Ridge requested rezoning for M. McNamer, A. Israel, Geraldine Dr. area.(4/18)(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(8/1)......128,136,161,182,248 Martin Oil Co., Pride Service, Inc. 280 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/20)........207 Martin Automatic Car Wash, Pride Service Inc., 2175 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20).............................................207 Marxen, Janet, appointed to Library Bd.(5/2).....................146 Massey, Gary, Claim; settlement.(9/6)(9/19)...................312,323 Masterpol, Kathy, of City Treasurer's Off., authorized to do banking for City.(5/16).................................169 Maus Park, re: Park & Recreation new Ord.(11/7)...............366-369 May 1993, Council Proceedings approved; Claims paid.(2/21)(7/18)57,239 Mayor Duggan, re: China visit; re: Boards & Commissions study.(3/7)(6/20).........................................76,201 Mayor Pro-Tem Robert Nagle sworn in.(1/3)........................1 MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES:(7/18)(12/19).......238,395 Meder, Linda, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19)......................312,324 Median Crossover construction on US #20 near Catfish Creek, IDOT Preconstruction Agreement.(2/7).........................38 Medical Services Supervisor (Emergency), Certified by the Civil Service Comm.(3/7).....................................72 Medical Associates Clinic requesting rezoning E. of NW Arterial, n of Hwy 20 & south of Pennsylvania Ave. from R-1 & R-3 to PUD Dis.(4/18)(5/16)..................................128,158 Medical (Emergency) Services Week, Proclamation.(5/2)...........136 Meetings of City Council, Order of Business established.(10/3)......337 Melendez, Hiram G., appointed to the Investment Oversight Comm.(9/18)................................................318 Melloy, Wm. J., re: UD's rezoning on Hwy. 20.(12/5)................387 Melssen, Marlene Luber, re: Easement approved in Front St. area, Ham's Add., to Hawthorne St.; disposal of interest etc. (4/18)(5/2).............................................130,144 Menadue, Shawn, Claim; referred.(3/21)(4/18)..................89,131 Mental Health Month, Proclamation.(5/16)........................158 Mentzner, Bob & Arlene, objection to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7).............................................363 Mercy Health Center, supporting Agree. for fiber optic connections.(11/7).........................................363 Meter changes in the 1000 Block of Iowa St., West side & S. side of 11th St.from Iowa.(8/1)...................................257 Meter District (Parking), removing S. side of Twelfth St. between White & Central and adding North Side of Twelfth St. between Central & Iowa.(4/18)....................................125,126 Meters, Parking, re: Ord. for Disabled, Handicapped Parking etc.(2/7)26,27 Metropolitan Organizing Projects, re: Karen O'Rourke opposing 93-94 Budgets.(5/16)..............................161 Mettel, Kathryn & CNA, Claim.(1/3)...............................2 Meyer, Timothy R., Refund on Liq. Lic.(1/17)......................15 Meyer, Bill, applicant for Environmental Stewardship Comm.(2/7).....22 Meyer, Bill, awarded Concession Contract for swimming pools.(2/7)...25 Meyer, Gary, objecting to rezoning on Geraldine Dr.(5/16)..........161 Meyer, Dorothy by Duane, Claim; referred.(6/20)(7/5)...........210,222 Meyer, Don, Admiral's High-Hat West, 253 Main, Cig. Per.(7/5).......220 Meyers, Carol A. & Lisa M. Tott, Tott's Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(7/18).....................................207,236 Michel, Sandra J., Milk House on Grandview, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/20).................................................207,208 Mickelson, Jaclyn A., Claim; referred.(11/21)(12/5).............376,385 Midway Hotel, WCB Hotels, Inc. 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/20).........207 Midwest Thunderboat Assn., requesting fireworks permit.(7/5)......223 Miersen, Alfrieda, Claim; referred.(11/7)(11/21)................354,376 Mihalakis, Michelle, applicant for Environmental Stewardship Comm. (2/7)(8/1)...............................................22,248 Mihalakis, Elizabeth re: Genesis Jobs Task Force Agreement; resignation from Community Development Comm.(2/21)(4/4)....52,107 Mike's Ten Pin Tap, M. Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/20)......0207 Mike's 76 Service, M. Remakel, 2205 Carter, Cig. Per.(6/20)..........207 Milk House, L. Zilhke, 2311 Windsor, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/21)(7/5)..............................................53,220 Milk House, (Grandview), Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (4/18)(6/20)........................................127,206,207 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE M Miller, Nancy, O.S.F., appointment to Human Rights Comm.(1/17)......8 Miller, Edward & Mary, re: Tax Exempt., Wash. Street Urban Revit. Dis.(2/21).................................................50 Miller, Margaret M., Claim; referred.(2/21)(3/7)...................58,70 Miller, Beverly, Sid's Beverage, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/6)(8/1)..............................................183,252 Miller, Leroy A., Whitey's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19).....................................207,321 Miller Rd., Manson Rd. & Kelly Lane corner, final plat of Smothers Pl.(10/17).........................................34 Miller-Riverview Park, new Park & Rec. Ord.(11/7)..............366-369 Mineral Lot 314, Lot 314, 510-512 E. 22nd, disposal to T. D. Felderman.(1/17)(2/7)...................................14,20,21 Mineral Lot 68, re: portion of IDOT condemnation etc.(2/21)..........58 Mineral Lot, portion of, 3257 Sheridan, DREAMS home to Amy M. Connolly.(4/18).....................................130 Mineral Lot 130, part of, rezoning of 450/480 Fremont for Wartburg etc.(10/3)........................................329 Mineral Lot 149, re: condemnation of property for U.S. 20.(12/5).............................................388 Mines of Spain, re: transfer of jurisdiction of Marjo Quarry Rd. etc.; Nearby property known as Eagle Nest Subd., final plat approval.(4/18(5/2)(8/15).....................129,143,265 Minibus Contract - Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend for FY 95.(10/17).346 Mining Co., The Apartments, Ltd., 555 JFK, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/20)......................................54,207 Minnick, Phyllis, Claim; referral.(7/18)(8/1)....................238,254 Minnis, Bishop Fred, of Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. Saints (Mormons), Gave Invocation.(7/18)...........................227 Miracle Car Wash, 3199 University, Cig. Per.(6/6)..................183 Mississippi River re: Army Corps of Engineers invited to dredge.(2/21)............................................42 Mississippi River festivities, Thunderfest. (2/21)...................47 Mississippi Riverfront plan development, app. for Statewide Enhancement to IDOT.(6/20).................................204 Mississippi Riverwalk project, ISTEA Funds application.(11/21).........................................382 MM & H, Inc., Silver Dollar Cantina, Liq. Lic.(5/16).................170 Mobile Home park - Table Mound 3, PR Planned Residential Dis. to allow for more.(8/15)(9/6)..............................269,277 Mobile Home Park, Terrace Heights on Peru Rd., rezoning.(9/19)............................................322 Mobile Home park at 450/480 Fremont from PR to ID to allow multi-family student housing as requested by Wartburg Theological Sem.(9/19).....................................321 Modification of Investment Oversight Commission's Instruction for DB & T.(7/18).................................235 Modification of U.S. 20 re: University of Dubuque rezoning etc.(10/17)........................................348 Moldt, Harold L. & Joanne C. re: Easement approved in Front St. area, Ham's Add., to Hawthorne St.; disposal of interest etc(4/18)(5/2)..........................130,144 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/6).......................................53,182 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE M Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9th & Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/6)(12/19)....................................182,418 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart & Car Wash, Cig. Per. (6/6).....................................................182 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart & Car Wash, 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(11/7)............................................374 Monday Co., The, Casey General Store, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/6)(9/6)......................................183,311 Monitoring Wells re: Underground Storage Tank Program.(2/21)(6/20)....................................59,212A Monte Carlo Restaurant, Chung Lim Gee, Cig. Per.(6/20)...........206 Montessori School, Lease Agree. - Slattery Center.(4/4)(4/18)................................106,113 Moose (Loyal Order of), 1166 Main, Liq. Lic.(4/4)..................101 MOP, re: Karen O'Rourke opposing 93-94 Budgets.(5/16)..........161 Moracco, The, 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liq. Lic.(12/19)................418 Motion to Dismiss Defendant & reissue Payment Warrant, re: IDOT.(12/19)...........................................395 Motors (& Pumps) purchase for Eagle Point Water Plant.(2/7)........48 Mozena, Jeffrey, resignation from Long Range Planning Comm.(3/7)........................................71 Muir, Kathi, Claim; settlement.(3/7)(3/21).......................70,89 Mulgrew Oil Co., Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(10/17)...........................207,350 Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury Fastop, 3300 Asbury, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(9/19)....................................207,320 Mulgrew Oil Co., Amoco Food Shop, 1450 Loras, Beer Per.(8/1).....252 Mulgrew, Mary Lou, requesting rezoning on Geraldine Dr. from R-1 to PUD.(5/2)(5/16)...................................136,161 Mullen, Jim, of Tri-State Golf Center, rezoning of 898 Cedar Cross Rd.(5/16)(6/20)...................................170,191 Mullinex, Inc. awarded Contract for Brunskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Extension.(5/16)..............................167 Multi-family student housing requested by Wartburg for Fremont Ave.(9/19).............................321 Multi-jurisdictional Law Enforcement Agreements between City, County & Jo Daviess County, Il.(7/18).....................235 Municipalities, League of, Support of for education of citizens and officials on unfunded mandates & urging Constitutional Amendment limiting the Negative Financial impact of State Mandates.(10/17).............................347 Murph's Southend, Laura Murphy, 55 S. Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(4/18)(7/18).............................102,128.235 Murphy, Laura A., Murph's Southend, 55 S. Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(4/18)(7/18).............................102,128,235 Murphy, Charles J. re: IDOT Notice in Matter of Condemnation for U.S. 20 reconstruction etc.(11/7)..........................355 Murray, Roger & Ann Murray, Mutual Release of Claim.(6/6).........186 Musicus, R., requesting rezoning of 3049 Asbury for Sieg Auto Parts. (4/4)................................................94 Myers-Cox, 175 W. 32nd, Cig. Per.(6/20).........................207 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE N Nagle, Council Member Robert, sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem.(1/3)......1 Nash-Finch Co., Econofoods, 3355 JFK., BE Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/7)(6/20).......................................28,206 National Register of Historic Places, Bishop's Block nomination. (2/7).....................................................33,34 National Assn. of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, receipt of 1994 Public Interest Defense Award.(11/7).............355 National Main Street Center, submittal of Great American Main St. Award Application.(11/7).............................357 Natural Resources Board, re: County requesting exclusion of protected status of Little Maquoketa River.(2/21).................41 Nauman, Gary, Claim; referred.(9/6)(9/19).....................312,324 Nebel, Michael A., Claim; settlement.(4/4)(5/16)................106,172 Negative Financial Impact of State Mandates, League of IA Municipalities Efforts & Urging IA Gen. Assembly to Pass Constitutional Amend.(10/17)................................347 Neighbor's Tap, B. Hawbaker, 1899 Rockdale, Cig. Per. (4/18)(6/6)...............................................127,183 Neighbor's Tap, J. James, Refund on Liq. Lic.(7/18)...............239 Neighborhood Labor Force Survey, Agreement with Genesis Jobs Task Force.(2/21)...........................................52 Neighborhood Conflict Resolution Program, Grant application, HUD.(2/7)...................................................25 Neighborhood Sidewalk Program, Environmental Review Findings for CDBG Projects.(5/16)....................................173 Neighborhood Step/Wall Program, Environ. Review Findings, CDBG Projects. (5/16)(6/6)..................................174 Neighborhood Park Improvements, Environ. Review Findings, CDBG Projects.(5/16)(6/6)................................174,189 Neighbors petition re: 1720 Wood St. property etc.(11/21)..........381 Nelissen, Reinhold J., re: plat approval of Survey of Lots 1,2 and A of Blk 3, Henschel's Addn.(7/18)........................239 Nelles, Kelly & Peter, 1670 Iowa, Urban Revit. Tax Exempt.App.(2/21)..50 Nelson, Jackie, Claim; Settled.(3/7)(3/21).......................70,89 Nelson, Stephanie, Town Clock Inn, Cig. Per.(6/20)................208 Nelson, John E., 1080 Roosevelt, request. Water Main Ext. Project to stay in FY 96 CIP budget.(12/19)..................................395 Nemmers, Julian, approval of Final plat of Cedar Ridge Ind. Develop., First Addn.(6/20)...............................................212 Nesler Center Claim, settlement.(6/6)...........................186 Nesler, Ferd A. appointed to the Zoning Comm.(7/5)...............217 Net over playground area McAleece Park.(8/1)....................248 Neumeister, Mary Lynn, appointed to Long Range Planning Comm.(7/5)................................................216 Neuses, Sharon, Claim; settlement.(12/5)(12/19)...............385,395 Newman, Paul, resignation from the Housing Comm.(12/5)..........389 Neyens, Leslie, appointed to the Environmental Stewardship Comm.(2/7).................................................22 Nicholson, Dan, Sworn in as Council Member At Large; 1994 Nominating Comm. for League of IA Municipalities etc; appointed to GDDC (Greater Dubuque Development Corp.); Reconsider vote re: A & M Developers reconsideration of Marna Ridge.(1/3)(2/21)(5/16)(6/6)......................1,59,164,182 Ninth St. Alley, re: Quit Claim Deed from Plastic Center for alley behind Fischer Bldg.(7/18)...............................242,243 Ninth, 125 W., rezoning from C-4 to OR Office.(10/17)..............352 No Parking for 15th St. West, s. side from Main to alley west of Iowa.(7/18).............................................231 No Parking on portion of White St., objection.(12/19)..............395 No Significant Effect on HOME Investment Partnership Program & Various Other CD Projects.(6/6)....................186 Noel, Carl R., Claim; Settlement.(8/15)(9/6)....................270,313 Non-Bargaining Unit employees, 3% Wage Increase.(5/2)...........147 Nonsufficient funds checks, surcharge for checks.(5/16)..........168 Noonan's Tap, 1618 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/20)........102,207 Norman, Wayne A., for University of Dubuque & Dial Co. rezoning of UD property near U.S. 20.(3/21)(4/4)(6/6).......90,102,184 North Cascade Road, annexation of property for Martin McNamer (west of Cedar Cross Rd. & south of N. Cascade Rd.(5/16)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(9/19)(10/3).........174,208,214,232,324,338 North Cascade Road, rezoning of property by Cedar Cross Rd. & Fremont Ave. from AG & R-1 to R-2 for M. McNamer.(9/19)(10/3)........321,328 North Cascade Road, south of, by Cedar Cross Road & Fremont Ave. from AG & R-2 to R-3.(12/19)................................419 North Cedar Court, re: final plat of Cedar Lake, E. Third Addn.(11/21).........................................378 Northwest Ridge Final Plat etc.(1/17).............................16 Northwest Arterial at Pennsylvania Ave., construction of Right Turn Lane.(9/19)(10/3)(12/5)...........322,323,335,336,386,387 Northwest Ridge Subdivision owners requesting 150 extension for Security.(1/17).............................................16 Northwest Arterial ROW, re: voluntary annexation of 2.7 acres.(2/7)................................................29 Northwest Arterial completion, problem on W. 32nd for Wm. Shumard's.(9/6)...........................................313 Northwest Arterial Water Main Project.(9/6)......................306 Northwestern Develop. Inc., approval of final payment for NW Arterial Water Main Project.(9/6)..............................306 Northwestern Develop. Inc. of Iowa, referral of claim of Inter-State Builders supply.(9/6)..............................313 Notices submitted by IDOT for land owned (condemned) by UD etc.(11/7)...........................................355 Novak, Rev. Ed, Pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation.(11/7).....................................354 November, 1993, Financial Report Submitted; Claims paid proof; Council proceedings approved.(1/3)(1/17)(5/2)..............3,15,152 November, 1994, Financial Reports.(12/19)......................395 Nurses Day, Emergency, Proclamation.(10/3)....................326 Nurses, Operating Room, Proclamation.(11/7)....................354 Nursing Program, Funding Contract of Public Health, State.(5/2).....135 NW Arterial, east, & N. of Highway 20 & S. of Pennsylvania, rezoning for Medical Associates Clinic.(4/18)...................128 NW Arterial at Chavenelle Rd., rezoning from R-1 to PUD with PC designation etc. for Medical Associates.(5/16)...............158 NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., final plat of property, spec. Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salvas Place, for Interstate Power.(8/15).....273 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE O O'Brien, Rev. Joseph V., of Cathedral, Gave Invocation.(4/18).......111 O'Hara, J. & P., Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Cream, 855 Century, Beer Per.(10/17................................350 O'Rourke, Karen re: Input on 1995 Budget; Job Creation and CDBG Funds; Questions re: Medical Assoc. rezoning on NW Art.; Opposition to 1993-94 Budget amendments; comments on CDBG 20th year funds; Housing Trust Fund/Procedure /Conflict of Interest & Rental HUD Monies & funds re: Housing Crisis. (3/7)(4/4)(5/16)(7/18)......................76,77,99,158,161,163,229 O'Rourke, Patrick approval of final Plat of Lots 1-3 of Eagles Nest Subd.(8/15)...........................................265 O'Shea's, Pasta, Kahn Family Enter., 395 W. 9th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/18)(11/21)....................................235,383 October, 1993, Council Proceedings approved.(5/2)...............152 October, 1994, Financial reports.(11/21).........................376 Ohmert's Hilltop Farms, annexation requested for portion by M. McNamer; approval of plat of Survey.(10/17)(11/21)........347,379 Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill St., Class "C" Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/20).53,207 Oky Doky #2, JFT, LTD, 51 W. 32nd St., Class "C" Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/20)..........................................53,207 Oky Doky #7, B & M Convenient Mart, Inc., 3301 Pennsylvania, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(4/18)(6/6)..101,127,128,183 Oky Doky #15, Jena, Inc., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(6/6)(6/20).........183,207 Oky Doky #14, K. Chapman, 1050 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/20)(7/5).............................................207,221 Oky Doky #21, Trans-Miss Investments Inc., 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(8/15)....................................206,268 Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., 1256 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(11/21)207,383 Old Bellevue Rd. & U.S. 52, re: final plat approval of Lots 1,2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Sub.(12/19)....................................397 Old Main re: Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal District.(5/2).......................................140 Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Project, Submission of Application for Statewide Enhancement Program Funding.(6/20)...203 Old Main Market Analysis, consultant.(12/19).....................405 Old Shang, N. Bennett, 1091 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/3)..207,338 Oldham, Inc., Avenue Top, Civil Penalty re: Liquor License penalty; Issuance of Liquor License.(5/2)(5/16)......................146,170 Oleson, Joshua, Claim.(9/6)(9/19)...........................312,324 Olson, Melanie, Claim; Referred.(4/4)(4/18)....................106,131 On-Site Sewage Treatment, Ord. amended.(12/19)..............414-417 Oneyear, Dennis, appointed to Housing Comm.(8/15)...........263,264 Operating Room Nurses Day, Proclam.(11/7).....................354 Operation Paintbrush, re: CDBG Project.(5/16)(6/6).............173,189 Operation Upkeep, re: CDBG Project.(5/16)......................173 Operation: New View Board, appointment of City Mgr. Michael Van Milligen; Cp2 Funds; Contract for Family Self-Sufficiency Program; Operation: New View, HUD Grant in partnership, supportive Housing Program; Purchase of Services Agree.(1/17)(5/16)(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)..............9,164,229,250,251.313 Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehabilitation Project.(8/1)(9/6)(12/19)..............................253,276,399 Optimists, Dubuque Morning, Cp2 Funds for Facility Upgrade at Prescott School (lockers).(5/16)..............................164 Order of Business established by Ord. for Council Meetings.(10/3)336,337 Ord. No. -94 Reclassifying property at 305 W. 16th St. from OS to R-4, with conditions.(MOTION TO DENY) (4/4).................102 Ord. No. -94 Amend. Zoning Ord. to reclassify properties located on North side of Geraldine Dr. North and East of Valentine Drive from R-1 Single Family Residential District to PUD Planned Unit Development District with a PR Planned Residential District designation.(FINAL MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF 3/4 VOTE)(4/18)(5/2)(5/16)...............................128,136,161 Ord. No. -94 Vacating the Southerly One-Half of an Alley between Elm and Washington Streets from 13th St. to 14th St. and disposing of City's interest in "Lot 137A of East Dubuque, an Addition in the City of Dubuque,Iowa" to Clark W. Wolff, upon payment of $3,847.50.(MOTION TO ADOPT FAILED) (8/1)(8/15)............................252,263 Ord. No. -94 Amend. the Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Sec. 3-3.4(b)(5) in lieu thereof to permit Residential Uses on the first floor in a C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(FAILED TO ADOPT)(9/19)(10/3).322,335 Ord. No. -94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property s. of N.Cascade Rd. by Cedar Cross Rd. and Fremont Ave. from AG and R-2 to R-3.(12/19).............................................419 Ord. No. -94 Amend. certain portions of Sec. 27 of City Code incorporating many of the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).(12/19)..........................................403 Ord. No. -94 Amend. the Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 98 E. 4th St., and surrounding property from CR to CS to allow establish. of freight transfer warehousing facility and associated parking.(12/19)..............................................419 Ord. No. -94 Amend. the Zoning Map by Amend. the Conceptual Development Plan for property west of Windsor Ave. & East of Liberty St. located in a PR Planned Residential Dis.(12/19)......419 Ord. No. -94 Amend. the Zoning Ord. by repealing Section 8 Definitions and adopting Sec. 8 Definitions in lieu thereof pertaining to Business Services, to include Photographic Studios.(12/19)......420 Ord. No. -94 Amend. the Zoning Ord. by repealing Section 4-3.5(C) and adopting a New Section 4-3.5(C) in lieu thereof pertaining to Political Signs.(12/19)....................................419 Ord. No. 58-93 re: Electric Franchise with Interstate Power Co. for 25 years, acceptance by Interstate Power.(2/21).................58 Ord. No. 1-94 Vacating a Portion of South Locust Street from Valley Street Extension to Railroad Ave.(1/17)..........................7 Ord. No. 2-94 Amend. the City Code by Revising Subsection (b) of Sec. 32-213 thereof providing for the Change of Through Street Designation for Eleventh Street.(1/17)...........................9 Ord. No. 3-94 Amend. the City Code by Adding to Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 thereof providing for the Prohibition of Parking on the Elm Street Connector, U.S. 61/151 On-Ramp Connections, and U.S. 61/151 Off-Ramp Connections.(1/17)...........................10 Ord. No. 4-94 Amend. the City Code by Adding U.S. 61/151 On -Ramp Connections and Off-Ramp Connections to Section 32-174 thereof providing for the Designation of One-Way Traffic.(1/17)...........10 Ord. No. 5-94 Vacating a portion of Saunders Street from Stoltz St. to the nw line of Lot 37 of Fairmount Park Subdivision.(1/17)(2/7).13,19 Ord. No. 6-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located at 2282 University Ave. from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center to C-3 General Comm. Dis.(1/17)(2/7).........................12,21 Ord. No. 7-95 Amend. Ch. 32 of the City Code by repealing Certain Sections and adopting new Sections, Defining Dwelling Unit, and relating to Parking for Disabled Persons.(2/7)........................25,28 Ord. No. 8-94 of the City Code by Enacting a new Section 5-3.7(F) to allow a Limited Setback Waiver for Special Exceptions.(2/21)......45 Ord. No. 9-94 Vacating a portion of Kerper Blvd. abutting Lot 1 of Lot 2 and Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Block 6 of River Front Subd. No. 3.(2/21)(3/7)..........................................53,65 Ord. No. 10-94 Amend. the City Code Repealing Sec. 40-37 Paragraph (a) re; Charges - Amounts; Exceptions and enacting a New Section 40-37 Paragraph (a) in lieu thereof relating to Charges - amounts; Exceptions by Changing Fee to Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents.(3/7)..78 Ord. No. 11-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 3219 Asbury Rd. from R-1 to R-2.(2/21)(3/21)..................57,80 Ord. No. 12-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adding a new Sec. 2-5.11 Restricted Height (RH) Overlay Dis. relating to Structure Height in the path of E-911 Communication System.(2/21)(3/21)........57,82 Ord. No. 13-94 Amend. the Zoning Ord. of the Code by reclassifying 3049 Asbury Rd. from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis. to C-3 General Comm. Dis., with conditions.(3/21)(4/4).......87,94 Ord. No. 14-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. for 3290 Hillcrest Rd. to amend an existing PR Planned Residential Dis. for Hillcrest Apartments and adopt an Amended Conceptual Development Plan.(3/21)(4/4).87,96 Ord. No. 15-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adopting a Definition for "Retail Sales/Service" in Section 8, Definitions.(3/21)(4/4).....87,97,98 Ord. No. 16-94 Amend. the City Code by repealing Section 42-19(b) and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 42-19(b) pertaining to Lot Area and Dimensions.(3/21)(4/4).......................87,98 Ord. No. 17-94 Amend. the City Code by repealing Section 31-23 re: Central Market, the Fees for Permits, and Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Section 31-23 Providing for Farmers Market Stalls and Fees for Permits.(4/4)..............................................100 Ord. No. 18-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adding a new Definition in Sec.8 for "Vehicle Service/Repair".(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)........57,81,111 Ord. No. 19-94 Vacating alley located between Jackson & Washington St. from 8th 9th Sts.(4/4)(4/18)............................105,114 Ord. No. 20-94 Amend. Sec. 32-336 of the City Code Establishing the Municipal Parking Meter District by removing the South Side of Twelfth St. between White St. and Central Ave. from the District and Adding the North side of Twelfth St. between Central Ave. & Iowa St. to the District.(Prescott School Bus Loading area).(4/18)........125,126 Ord. No. 21-94 Amend. Section 32-262(d) of the City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof deleting Certain Portions of Twelfth St. & Adding Certain Portions of Twelfth St.(4/18).................................................126 Ord. No. 22-94 Amend. City Code by adding a new Section 32 -262.1 providing for the establishment of Various Parking Restrictions Adjacent to School Areas.(4/18)..............................126 Ord. No. 23-94 Amend. Ord. No. 30-82 passed & approved on 6/21/82 entitled: "An Ord. providing that the General Property Taxes levied and collected each year on all on all property located within the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Project Area of the City in connection with Urban Renewal Development Project (AMENDMENT ON 6/20 - PG. 201).(5/2)..................................137-139 Ord. No. 24-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. to reclassify properties located East of the Northwest Arterial at Chavenelle Road, North of Highway 20 and South of Pennsylvania Ave. from R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. and R-3 Multi-Family Residential District to PUD Planned Unit Devel. with a PC Planned Comm. Dis. designation and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan, with conditions. (Medical Associates)(4/18)(5/16)...........................128,129,158-161 Ord. No. 25-94 Amend. the City Code, Ch. 26, Housing Regulations, by adopting a new Sec. 26-9(B) providing for a Filing Fee for Appeals to the Housing Code Appeals to the Housing Code Appeals Board and by renumbering paragraphs 26-9(b), (c), (d), (e),as 26- 9(c),(d),(e),(f).(5/16)..........................................166 Ord. No. 26-94 Amend. Section 32-262(d) the Code of Ord. Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof adding certain portions of Thirty-Second Street and Peru Rd.(5/16).......168 Ord. No. 27-94 Amend. the City Code by Repealing Section 2-137 Providing for the Disposition of Receipts by the City Treasurer and Adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 2-136 providing for the Disposition of Receipts by the City Treasurer and also providing for a Surcharge for Checks returned for Nonsufficient Funds.(5/16)....168 Ord. No. 28-94 Amend. Zoning Map by rezoning property at 900 Alta Vista from R-2 Two Family Residential Dis. to ID Institutional Dis. and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan, w cond.(5/16)(6/6)171,176-178 Ord. No. 29-94 Amend. Zoning Map by rezoning property located South of Fremont Ave. and North of June Dr. from AG to R-1, R-2 and C-2.(5/16)(6/6)......................................171,178-180 Ord. No. 30-94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 3271 and 3275 Central from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center to C-3 General Comm. Dist.(5/16)(6/6)......................170,180 Ord. No. 31-94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 898 Cedar Cross Road from AG to C-3.(5/16)(6/20)170,191,205 Ord. No. 32-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. to reclassify Lot A of Oestringer's Subd. from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Residential Dis. to CS Commercial Service Dis.(property between 2120 & 2130 Elm).(4/18)(5/16)(6/20) ..............................128,161,192 Ord. No. 33-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. to approve an amended Conceptual Development Plan for the ID Institutional District for University of Dubuque.(4/4))(6/20).........................102,193 Ord. No. 34-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located on Collins Street North of Dodge St. from ID Institutional Dis. to PR Planned Residential Dis. adopting a Conceptual Development Plan.(4/4)(6/20).........................................102,196 Ord. No. 35-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located north of Dodge St. between Devon Dr. & Collins St. from R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. to PUD Planned Unit Development Dis. with a Planned Commercial Dis. .............................(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/18)103,184,198,229 Ord. No. 36-94 Approval of Amendment to Ord. No. 23-94 relating to taxes within an area within an area in the Amended and Restated Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Dist.(6/20).................201 Ord. No. 37-94 Amend. Sec. 32-285 of the City Code, Establishing Alternate Side Street Parking by Adding Part of Clarke Dr.(6/20)...205 Ord. No. 38-94 Amend. Section 32-262(d) of the City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof Adding Certain portions of Dorgan Place.(6/20)........................206 Ord. No. 39-94 Repealing Article 7, Receipt of Things of Value, of Ch. 2 of the City of Dubuque City Code, Including Sections 2-210 through 2-216.(7/18)..................................231 Ord. No. 40-94 Amend. City Code by adding a New Section 32-362(B) Providing for the Establishment of Time Designated Parking Restrictions.(7/18).........................................231 Ord. No. 41-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by repealing Sec. 3-3.2(B) Principal Permitted Uses and adopting Sec. 3-3.2(B) re: Retail Sales/Service.(7/18)(8/1).................................237,247 Ord. No. 42-94 Amend. the City Code by repealing Sec. 40-37 Paragraph (a) re: Charges-Amounts; Exceptions and Enacting a new Sec. 40-37 Paragraph (a) in lieu thereof relating to Charges - Amounts; Exceptions by Changing Class I premises Half-Rate Guidelines.(8/1)249 Ord. No. 43-94 Providing that General Property Taxes Levied and collected Each Year on All Property Located Within the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Development Dis., in the City for the benefit of the State, City, County, School, be paid to a Special Fund for payment of Principal and Interest on Loans, Monies Advanced to, and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued, incurred by said City in connection with approved Development Projects located within Said Urban Renewal Dis.(8/15).................................................262 Ord. No. 44-94 by adopting an Amended Conceptual Development Plan for property west of Rockdale Rd. from the Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Planned Residential Dis.(8/15)(8/6)............269,277 Ord. No. 45-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying 2887 Central from R-1 to OR.(Holy Ghost etc.)(8/15)(9/6)..................269,279 Ord. No. 46-94 Amend. Sec. 32-262(d) of the City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof adding Certain Portions of Spring Valley Rd.(9/6).............................282 Ord. No. 47-94 Amend. the City Code by Repealing Sec. 3-34 thru 3-69 Establishing a Sign Code and Enacting in Lieu thereof new Sec. 3-34 thru 3-71 Establishing a Sign Code for the City and Providing for the Issuance of Permits, Collection of Fees therefor and the Licensing of Contractors.(9/6).......................................282-291 Ord. No. 48-94 Amend. the City Code by repealing Ch. 37 adopting Plumbing Code and adopting in lieu thereof a new Ch. 37, Establishing a Plumbing Code, regulating the Erection, Installation, alteration, Repairs, Relocation, Replacement, Addition to, use or Maintenance of Plumbing Equipment etc. within City limits and providing for issuance of permits & collection of fees therefor; providing for the Licensing of Plumbing Contractors and Journeymen and providing for penalties for Violation of Said Ord.(9/6)................................292-303 Ord. No. 49-94 Repealing Ch. 33, Art. 3, Hazardous Substances, Sec. 33-31 through Sec. 33-034 of the City and adopting in lieu thereof a new Ch. 33, Art. 3, Sec. 33-31 through 33-39 regulating and defining Hazardous Waste, Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Conditions, requiring the cleanup thereof, providing for liability for cleanup costs therefor and requirements for notification of the City of Hazardous conditions, and providing a Penalty for the violations thereof.(9/6)............304-310 Ord. No. 50-94 Amend. the City Code by deleting Sec. 5-7 "Persons under Legal Age; Aged Nineteen and Twenty," and Substituting a New Section 5-7 Entitled "Persons Under Age Twenty-One" and by deleting Sec. 5-3(5) entitled "Prohibited Sales and Acts," and Substituting a new Sec. 5-3(5) Entitled "Prohibited Sales and Acts."(9/19)...........318 Ord. No. 51-94 Amend. Zoning Map by Amend. a Conceptual Development Plan for the Terrace Heights PR Planned Resid. Dis. on Peru Road.(9/19)(10/3)...................................322,326 Ord. No. 52-94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property on s. side of N. Cascade Rd. by Cedar Cross Rd. and Fremont Ave. from AG and R-1 to R-2.(M. McNamer).(9/19)(10/3)...................321,328 Ord. No. 53-94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 450/480 Fremont Ave. & Pulpit Rock Lane from PR to ID and adopting a Conceptual Devel. Plan. (Wartburg Sem.)(9/19)(10/3).........321,329 Ord. No. 54-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Sec. 3-3.3(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Retail Sales/Service for the C-3 General Comm. Dis.(9/19)(10/3)...........................321,331 Ord. No. 55-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Sec. 3-3.4(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Retail Sales/Service for the C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(9/19)(10/3)..................321,332 Ord. No. 56-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Sec. 3-3.5(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Retail Sales/Service in lieu thereof pertaining to Retail Sales/Service for the C-5 Business Dis.(9/19)(10/3).........................................321,333 Ord. No. 57-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by enacting a new Sec. 3-3.7(B) in lieu thereof pertaining to Retail Sales/Service for the CR Comm. Recreation Dis.(9/19)(10/3)..................321,334 Ord. No. 58-94 Adopting a new Sec. 2-40(a) in the City Code, Order of Business, Establishing the Order of Business in Regular Meetings of the City Council.(10/3).........................................337 Ord. No. 59-94 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 125 W. 9th St. from C-4 Downtown Commercial to OR Office Res. Dis. (10/17)(11/7).......................................352,358,359 Ord. No. 60-94 Amend. Zoning Map to reclassify property at 3049 Asbury Rd. from C-3 Gen. Comm. Dis. with Conditions to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis.(10/17).................352,353 Ord. No. 61-94 Amend. Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located at the NW corner of JFK Rd. & Sunset Park Cr. from R-4 Multi-Family Res. Dis. to PR Planned Res. Dis. & adopting a Conceptual Development Plan (Ecumenical Housing - Owen Ct.). (10/17)(11/7)353,360 Ord. No. 62-94 Authorizing Art Pape Transfer, Inc. to construct a Parking Lot at 1080 E. 12th St.(10/17)(11/7).................348,365 Ord. No. 63-94 Amend. certain sections of Ch. 34 of the Code relating to the Parks & Recreation.(10/17)(11/7) .........349,366-369 Ord. No. 64-94 Amend. Code of Ord. by adopting in lieu thereof a New Section 44-103(b)(7)(1) providing for the revision of the Industrial Pretreatment Fee Structure.(10/17)(11/7)........394,370 Ord. No. 65-94 Amend. Sec. 32-262(d) prohibiting Parking on designated streets or portions thereof and adding certain portions of White St.(10/17)(11/7).................................348,370 Ord. No. 66-94 Amend. Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-231 providing for the establishment of speed limits on U.S. 61/151/52 from southerly city limits to northerly city limits.(10/17)(11/7)................349,371 Ord. No. 67-94 Amend. Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-231 providing for the establishment of speed limits on U.S. #20 from Locust St. to the E city limits on the Julien Dubuque Bridge.(10/17)(11/7).................................349,371,372 Ord. No. 68-94 Readopting the Codification of all Ordinances of Dubuque.(11/7)...........................................372 Ord. No. 69-94 Amend. Section 32-262(d) of the Code of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof adding certain portions of Raven Oaks Dr.(12/5).........389 Ord. No. 70-94 Amend. Zoning Map, reclassifying West of Radford Rd. & adjoining Wolff Rd. from LI Light Industrial Dis. to C-3 General Comm. Dis.(11/21)(12/19).......................................383,402 Outstanding Urban Forestry Professional of the Year, Award to Steve Pregler.(4/18).............................................111 Owen Court, 2671, rezoning from R-4 to PR.(10/17).........353,360,361 Oxygen, Liquid, purchases at Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/18)...117 Ozcan, Mustafa, applicant for Human Rights Comm.(1/17)(9/6).....8,279 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P P J's Tavern, P. Schaller, 500 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/20)...........207 P.C. Concrete Paving Project, 1994. (3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(12/19).......................67-69,92,93,147,148,411 P.C.C. Concrete Alley Reconstruction Project, 1993, acceptance.(12/5)......................................385,386 P.M.S.T., Inc., Happy's Place, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19)......206,321 P.O.P.'s Gas, Holiday Oil Dis., Inc. 1685 JFK, Cig. Per.(6/20).........207 P.O.P.'s Gas, Holiday Oil Dis. Inc. 1401 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20).......207 Pacholke, Rev. David, Gave Invocation.(5/2).....................136 Painter, Emily, re: Child Care Initiative Project Task Force.(4/18).....116 Paisley Place No. 2, final plat approval of Survey of Lots 1 & 2.(11/21)..........................................379 Pamela Ct., requested timetable for reconstruction.(6/20)(7/5)....201,220 Pape Transfer, Art, Inc. construction of Parking Lot at 1080 E. 12th.(10/17)(11/7)................................348,365 Pape Transfer, Art, Inc., requesting interim lease on 12th St.(10/17)..........................................348 Pape, Penny, Claim; Denial.(9/6)(9/19)........................312,323 Park & Recreation Comm. resignation of Michael Buelow.(3/7).......71 Park & Recreation Comm. appoint. of Kim Daykin, Gary Harjehausen and Karen Lyness.(7/5)..................................216,217 Park & Recreation Complex - McAleece, Concession agreement. (11/21)....................................................382 Park Square Tavern, D. George, 600 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20)........207 PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(2/7)(3/7)(4/4(4/18)(5/16)(6/6)(7/5)(8/1)(9/6)(10/3)(11/7)(11/21) ..................2,33,70,106,131,172,186,222,254,312,338,354,376 Parker, Greg, Claim; referral.(6/20)(7/5).......................209,222 Parking Prohibition on the Elm Street Connector, U.S. 61/151 On-Ramp Connections, and U.S. 61/151 Off-Ramp Connections.(1/17)........10 Parking Facilities Financial Statements, 1993, 1992.(1/17)...........12 Parking changes re: Disabled, Handicapped etc.(2/7).............25-28 Parking zone of 2 hours on Bryant Street.(3/7)(5/2)..............73,155 Parking and traffic problems near Bryant School.(3/21).............89 Parking modified near Prescott School Area (Twelfth St. area) for bus loading area.(4/18)..................................125 Parking restrictions on Peru Rd. (5/16).......................167,168 Parking on alternate side street parking on Clarke Dr.(6/20).........205 Parking prohibited on designated portions of Dorgan Pl.(6/20)......206 Parking Restrictions on W. 15th St.(7/18)........................231 Parking ticket courtesy program.(8/1)...........................257 Parking meter changes in the 1000 block of Iowa St. and 11th St. (8/1)..............................................257 Parking prohibited on portions of Spring Valley Rd.(9/6)............282 Parking Lot construction at 1080 E. 12th for Art Pape Transfer. (10/17)(11/7)...........................348,365 Parking in Fulton School area, Ord. amendment.(10/17)............348 Parking & Driveway Easement for Gronen's at 4900 Peru Rd. (11/7)(11/21)...........................................374,380 Parking Prohibited on Raven Oaks Dr. from JFK Rd. to easterly terminus.(12/5)............................................389 Parking Prohibited on portion of White St.; Objection. (11/7)(12/19)...........................................370,395 Parkland, Valley High City, objection against destruction with wooded wildlife refuse for low income housing.(12/19)...................396 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Parks, Brad, appointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm.; objecting to method of appointment of members of Boards & Comm.(2/7)(8/15)......................................22,274 Parks, Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project. (5/16)(6/20)........................................171,172,200 Parks and Recreation, new Ordinance, Ch. 34.(10/17)(11/7)......349,366 Parsons, Denise J., Claim; denial.(7/5)(8/1)...................222,254 Patterson, Joleen, Rehab. Super., authority to execute checks for City.(7/5).................................................220 Patterson, Tim, applicant to Housing Comm.(8/15)(12/5).....263,264,38 Paul's Tap, T. Koch, 176 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/20)..................207 Pavia, Richard, of Speer Financial, re: sale of G.O. Bonds to Harris Trust.(4/4)...........................................93 Paving Project, P.C. Concrete Paving, 1994. (3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(12/19)......................67-69,92,93,147,148,411 Paving Project - 1993, Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. (9/6)(10/17)........................................306,307,342 Payment Warrant, IDOT Submitting a Motion to Dismiss Defendant.(12/19).........................................395 Payoff for sick leave, re: T. Fessler & DPPA vs. City.(10/17).........341 Peace Officers Week & Peace Officers Memorial Day, Proclamation.(5/16)........................................158 Pedestrian area in Cable Car Square, DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funds.(8/15)..............................................264 Penalty assessment (Beer) for IOCO Speede Shoppe at 1481 Dodge.(9/19)(10/3)......................................323,335 Penalty or Fine adopted, re: Codification of All Ordinances readopted.(11/7)................................372 Pennsylvania Water Tank, Cleaning, Repairing and Painting Project.(5/2)(6/6)...................................151,152,180 Pennsylvania Avenue at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals Project. (5/2)(6/6)(11/7)..................151,181,356 Pennsylvania Ave. and NW Arterial, Right Turn Lane Project. (9/19)(10/3)(12/5)............................322,335,336,386,387 Pentamation Financial Computer Software System purchased for City.(5/2)(5/16).........................................147,174 Performance Report of City's activities with the FY 94 Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS).(12/19)..........................402 Perron Enterprises, Fat Tuesdays, 1121 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/20)......................................101,207 Perry, E. Eugene, not seeking reappointment to Comm. Development Comm.(1/17)............................16 Peru Road, Parking Restrictions; Parking & Driveway Easement for Gronen's at 4900 Peru.(5/16)(11/7)(11/21)............167,168,374,380 Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(12/19).......................405 Peru Road, request by L. Gremmel, for lower speed limit.(4/18)................................................133 Peru Road, 4001, amendment of PR Zoning for Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park.(9/19)(10/3)............................322,326 Peru Rd. 4900, Septic System Easement for Gronen's; Driveway & Parking Easement.(10/17)(11/7)(11/21)............350,358,374,380 Petition of Karen O'Rourke re: Job Creation & CDBG funds.(4/4)......99 Petition for Certiorari re: Charles & Lora David Claim.(1/3)............2 Petition of E. Tigges requesting extension of time for security for Eugene Tigges Subd.(3/7).................................71 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Petition of Dubuque Golf & Country Club requesting fireworks display on 7/4.(4/18).................................................132 Petition of property owners on Emmett St. & St. Mary's for removal from Historic Districts.(8/1)...........................256 Petition of residents of Bluff St. for directive signs and elimination of heavy traffic on Bluff from First to Dodge.(8/1)................256 Petition of residents of Bluff St. requesting directive signs at 1st & Bluff Sts. and elimination of heavy traffic on Bluff St. from 1st to Dodge.(8/1).256 Petition with 260 signatures requesting stop signs on Lincoln Ave.(10/3)..................................................339 Petition of residents of Wood St. re: neighbor problem.(11/7).......355 Petition with 92 names against destruction of the Valley High City Parkland with adjoining wooded wildlife refuge and development for low income housing.(12/19)...............................396 Phase II improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant, hiring of Strand Assoc. for engineering services.(3/7)(4/18)...................64,114 Phase I of the Comprehensive Plan (Long Range Planning). (3/7)(3/21)............................................66,82,83 Phase III Improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/4).......100 Phase II of Flow Monitoring Study of Sanitary Sewer System for Infiltration & Inflow.(4/18)....................................116 Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements and 4th Pressure Zoning Improvements Project at Eagle Point Water Plant.(5/2)........148,149 Phase II of the Comprehensive Plan (Long Range Planning). (7/5)....223 Phone-A-Friend (Project Concern), Agreement re: Child Care Initiative Grant Program.(5/16)...............................166 Phone-A-Friend (Project Concern), Funding Agreement for 1995.(7/5)223 Phone A Friend, Project Concern, Purchase of Services Agreement. (8/15)(10/17)...........................................272,346 Photographic studies included, re: zoning text amendment, to amend Sec.8.(12/19).............................................420 Physical Therapy Month, Proclamation.(10/3).....................326 Picnic for Boards & Commissions.(6/20).........................212 Piekenbrock, Charles, re: timetable for reconstruction of Pamela Ct. & Ramona St.(6/20)...............................201 Pierce, Rev. David, of UD Theo. Sem., Gave Invocation; for rezoning for University of Dubuque property on Dodge.(2/7)(6/20)..........19,193 Pine View Drive, re: E. Tigges Subd. in County.(3/7)................71 Pins, Steve & Dianne requesting purchase of property between Indiana & Ridgeway.(7/5)............................222 Pipe Inn, B. Kremer, Kennedy M., Cig. Per.(6/6)...................183 Pitcher, Duane, submitting Financial Reports for Dec. 1993.(1/17).....15 Pitz, Kelli, Claim; settlement.(2/21)(3/7).........................58,71 Pizza Hut #1, 2075 JFK, Cig. Per.(6/6)...........................183 Pizza Hut #2, 320 E. 20th, Cig. Per.(6/6)..........................183 Planning Comm. Cancer Prevention Grant, County Health.(12/19).397,398 Plaques, Service Recognition for City Employees with 25+ years.(12/5).......................................385 Plastic Center, Inc., Fischer Bowling, Inc., Liq. Lic.(7/5).............221 Plastic Center, Inc. Quit Claim Deed for alley behind Fischer Building. (7/18).................................................242,243 Plat, final of Northwest Ridge, approved.(1/17).....................16 Plat, final, for Loras Place, extension of time for Security etc.(2/7)(8/1).....................................34,257 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Plat, final of Lots 1-2 and Lot A of Ward Commercial. (2/7)(5/2)...............................................36,153 Plat (final) of E. Tigges Subd., in County.(3/7).....................71 Plat & Schedule of Assessments, proof, for 1991 Sidewalk Construction Prog.(3/21)................................................90 Plat approval for Sunset Park 8th Addn.(4/4).....................107 Plat of Tiffany Ridge, proper owners names listed on final plat approval. (4/18)........................................131 Plat approvals (2) for Fremont Heights Subd.(7/18)................232 Plat approval of Survey of Lots 1,2 and A of Blk 3, Henschel's Add.(R. Nelissen).(7/18)...........................239 Plat review procedure, outside City limits, modification.(8/15).......265 Plat approval of Deer Valley Subd., property s. of John F. Kennedy Rd. between Rustic Forest Trail and King Arthur Ct.(8/15).........265,266 Plat approval of property near s. entrance to the Mines of Spain, known as Eagle Nest Subd.(8/15).............................265 Plat approval of property at NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., spec. Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salas Pl., requested by Interstate Power.(8/15).....................................273 Plat approval for Sunnyslopes Estates Phase 3; Rescinding & reaffirming.(8/15)(10/17).................................266,345 Plat approval of Lots 13,15,16,17, & Lot C of Forest Grange Subd.(9/6).........................................311 Plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Burkart's Add. (9692 Kemp in Dbq. County).(10/17)..........................342 Plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Lots A, B & C of Smothers Place (corner of Kelly Lane, Manson Rd. & Miller Rd.).(10/17)....................342 Plat approval of Lots 1 & 2 & Lot A of St. Mary's Pl. No. 5 (e. of Carter Rd.); Security Extension time requested.(10/17)(11/21)..343,376 Plat approval of Paisley Pl. No. 2, Survey of Lots 1 & 2.(11/21)......379 Plat of Survey of Ohmert's Hilltop Farms.(11/21)..................379 Plat approval for Sunset Park, 7th Addn, Div. of Lot 21, Blk 2.(12/5)..387 Plat approval of Lots 1-3 of Herrig's Addn. in the City.(12/19)........396 Plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Subd. U.S. Highway 52 & Old Bellevue Rd.(12/19)................................397 Playground area at McAleece Park, installation of a net.(8/1)........248 Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co., 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(10/17)...................................207,350 Plaza 20 Neighbors opposition to University of Dbq. requested rezoning of Dodge St. property.(6/20).........................193 Plaza 20, Inc. re: IDOT Notices re: condemnation etc.(11/7).........355 Pleiness, Rev. R. C., Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, Gave Invocation.(12/19)....................................395 Plisak, Dan, appointed to Historical Pres. Comm.(12/5).............389 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/7)(6/20)(9/6)(11/7)(11/21)(12/19)............70,210,312,354,376,395 Plumbing Board appointment of Leonard Rhomberg.(9/6)..........279 Plumbing Code revised.(9/6)...............................292-303 Polfer Place, Clarence, re: University of Dubuque property redevelopment on US 20 - between Dodge & Collins.(7/5).........217 Police Dept., Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)....................40 Police Auxiliary Annual Report for 1993.(3/7)......................73 Police officers, funding for additional 7, questioned etc.(3/21)........90 Police Dept., D.A.R.E. funding - grant.(4/4).......................100 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Police Dept., re: Drug Task Force Grant.(4/4).....................107 Police re: Multi-Jurisdictional Law Enforcement Agreements between City, County, and Jo Daviess County, Il.(7/18)...........235 Police Officers and Police Captains, Corporal, and Lieutenants, re: Civil Service Comm. certifying lists.(8/1)....................255 Policemen's Protective Assoc. & T. Fessler vs. City re: Sick leave pay reimbursement. (10/17).....................................341 Policies set out to IA League of Municipalities.(9/6)................314 Policy adoption re: use or disposition of excess Kerper Blvd. right-of-way.(10/17)........................................348 Policy guidelines FY 1996 Budget.(10/17)........................350 Political Signs, amendment of Code Sec. 4-3.5 Sign Regulations.(12/19)....................................419 Pollution Control Plant, Phase II Improvement Project.(3/7)(4/18)........................................69,114 Pollution (Water) Control Plant, Liquid Oxygen Purchase.(4/18)......117 Pools (swimming) concession contract awarded to Bill Meyer.(2/7).............................................25 Poppies (Buddy) Day, Proclamation.(5/2)........................136 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Project, 1994. (3/7)(4/4)(5/2)(12/19).......................67-69,92,93,147,148,411 Portzen Construction awarded contract for Rehabilitation of 16th St. Floodwall Pumping Station; Awarded contract for Flexsteel Industries Drainage Project; Awarded contract for Pennsylvania at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals. (1/17)(3/7)(6/6)........................................5,63,182 Post, JoAnn A., applicant for Comm. Development Comm.(2/7)......22 Potter, Lee, Sr., Lee's 76 & West Locust Mart, Beer Per.; Civil Penalty on Beer Permit Violation; Cig. Per. (2/21)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)...............................53,186,207,214 Powers Place, Lot 2 of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1, re: 3290 Hillcrest (Apts.) rezoning.(4/4).........................96 Preconstruction Agreement with IDOT re: Median Crossovers on U.S. 20 near Middle Fork of Catfish Creek.(2/7)(9/6).........38,315 Pregler, Walter, Chair of GDC, re: Public Hearing Process done properly for CDBG funds etc.(5/16)...........................163 Preschool Immunization Week, Proclamation.(4/18)...............111 Prescott School area, (Twelfth St. area) parking modified for bus loading.(4/18).........................................125 Pretreatment Fee Structure - Industrial.(10/17)(11/7)............349,370 Preventative Health Program, IDOT funding for AIDS etc.(10/17).....346 Prevention Program - Lead Poisoning.(9/6)......................313 Pride Service, Inc., Martin Car Wash, 2175 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20)...207 Prince St., 2239, purchase, from Wm. Clark.(2/21)(3/7)............49,73 Private Street, amending Zoning Ord. to allow 49 Dwelling Units, west of Windsor & East of Liberty.(12/19)......................419 Professional Social Work Month, Proclamation.(3/7)................62 Prohibited Sales of Liquor to Underage Persons.(9/19)..........318,319 Prohibited Parking on Raven Oaks Dr. from JFK Rd. to easterly terminus.(12/5)..................................389 Prohibition of parking on portions of Spring Valley Rd.(9/6).........282 Prohibition of Parking on portion of White St.; Objection.(11/7)(12/19)..................................370,395 Project Peace - Dbq. Community School District, awarded Cp2 Funds.(5/16)..............................................164 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Agreement re: Child Care Initiative Grant Program.(5/16)...............................166 Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Inc. Funding Agreement for 1995.(7/5).............................................223 Project Concern/Phone A Friend, Purchase of Services Agreement.(8/15)(10/17).................................272,346 Promotional Exam by Civil Service for Emerg. Medical Services Super.(3/7)................................................72 Properties, disposal of surplus vacant.(12/5).....................389 Property of City, vacant, update on progress.(5/16)...............166 Property disposition of excess Kerper Blvd. right-of-way.(10/17)..348,351 Property owners notification, re: Sanitary Sewer connection.(12/19).........................................414 Proposal by Dbq. Community School Dis. to State for Family Resource Center.(12/19)..............................394 Proposed amendment to the Iowa Constitution etc.(1/17)...........18 Prospect Pizza Ltd, Pizza Hut of Dbq. #1, 2075 JFK, Cig. Per.(6/6)...183 Prospect Pizza Ltd, Pizza Hut of Dbq. #2, 320 E. 20th, Cig. Per.(6/6).............................................183 Psaros-Shickles, Andrea, appointed to Comm. Devel. Comm.(7/5)...216 Public Agency, re: Iowa Code to include City & County Governments.(2/7)..........................................33 Public Works/Engineering Dept., Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)...40 Public Health, IA, Local AIDS Program funding.(2/21)(10/17)......59,346 Public Hearing Notices re: Budget.(3/7)..........................75 Public Input Meeting of IDOT re: Iowa's transportation needs.(3/21)...90 Public Health Nursing Services, Contract signed with State.(5/2).....135 Public Service Activities, Environmental Review Findings for Certain CDBG Projects.(5/16)(6/6).........................174,189 Public Interest Defense Award from National Assn. of Telecommunications Officers et al.(11/7)......................355 Pulpit Rock Lane, rezoning of property at 450/480 Fremont from PR to ID.(10/3)............................................329 Puls, Timothy, applicant for Comm. Development Comm.; appointed to Housing Comm.(2/7)...................................22,264 Pumper (Fire), replacement purchase.(5/16).....................169 Pumping Station Rehabilitation, 16th St.(1/17)......................5 Pumps and motors for Eagle Point Water Plant, purchase.(2/21).....48 Purchase of Services, Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)............40 Purchase of Services Agreement with Dubuque Humane Society.(6/20)..................................212,213 Purchase of Services Contract with ECIA for CDBG Disaster Relief Funds.(8/1)...............................................246 Purchase of Services Agreement with Helping Services in Northeast Iowa, Inc.(8/15)...................................273 Purchase of Services Agreement with RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program).(8/15)...................................272 Purchase of Services Agreement with the Substance Abuse Services Center.(8/15)..........................................272,273 Purchase of Services Agreement with the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce.(10/3)...............................339 Purchase of two computers in the Housing Services Dept. approved.(12/5)...........................................390 Purchase of Services Agreement with Dubuque Area Labor Management Council.(12/19)............................................400 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE P Pusateri Enterprise, Inc., Pusateri's, Beer Per.(12/5)...............392 Pyatigorsk, Sister City, artist Valery V. Rukavkov, presented Children's Art Collection.(12/19)..............................395 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE Q Quade, Ernst & Gene Sullivan, development of Sunny Slopes Estates.(3/21)(8/15)(10/1)7).........90,266,267,345,346 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT. (2/7)(5/2)..................32,156 Quick Clean Laundry, Co-op Laundry, 1400 Dodge, Cig. Per.; IDOT vs. Clark's dba as Quick Clean Laundry - petition re: condemnation etc.(7/18)(11/7)...................235,354 Quigley's Subd., E 38' Lot 20, of Out Lots 712 & 71, DREAMS Home at 683 Angella disposition to James M. & Melissa A. Holz.(2/7).........................................32 Quit Claim Deed acceptance from Plastic Center, Inc. for alley behind Fischer Building.(7/18)...............................242 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE R Raber, Howard L., Two-Twenty Five, 225 W. 6th St., Liq. Lic.(5/16)....170 Racecrafters, Inc., Thunderfest, Five Day Beer Permit.(7/18)........235 Radford Road Development Inc., re: Sunnyslopes Estates Phase III extension of security.(10/3)(10/17).....................339,345,346 Radford Road rezoning, adjoining Wolff Rd. from LI to C-3. (11/21)(12/19)......................................383,401,402 Radio (Amateur) Week, Proclamation.(6/20)......................191 Radio Tower at Sunnycrest, Hold Harmless Agreement.(8/15).......273 Radiologic Technology Week, Proclamation.(10/17)...............341 Rainbo Oil Co. et al, re: IDOT condemnation Notices etc.(11/7).......355 Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Marts, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(8/15)(10/3)(11/21)(12/19).........206,268,337,383,418 Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W. 4th St., Liq. Lic.(10/17)........350 Ramona St. & Pamela Ct., request for timetable for reconstruction.(6/20)(7/5)................................201,220 Ramano's, 951 Main, Liq. Lic.(8/15).............................269 Ramp Connections of U.S. Hwy 61, stop sign placement, prohibition of parking, & designation of one-way traffic.(1/17)...............9,10 Ramp construction, (Boarding) for Dubuque Diamond Jo.(5/2)(7/5)146,219 Randolph, Gayle, applicant for Community Development Comm.; clarifying CHDO different from Office of Public Ministry.(2/7)(3/21).22,84 Random Acts of Kindness Proclamation.(3/7).....................62 Rangers, Park, City Code amendment re: Part & Recreation.(11/7)...366 Rankin, Rev. Ron, Gave Invocation; applicant for Community Development Comm.(4/4)(7/5).............................92,216 Rasch's Wheel House, Paul Rasch, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (11/21)(12/5)...................................383,392 Raven Oaks Dr., Parking prohibited to include both sides of JFK Rd. to easterly terminus.(12/5).........................389 Raven Oaks Pl. No. 2, final plat approval of Lots 1-10 & at 2830 JFK Rd.(12/19).....................................396 Raysan Corp., The Bridge Restaurant, 31 Locust, Liq. Lic.(12/5).....392 Receipt of Things of Value, Ord. repealing.(7/18)..................231 Reconstruction timetable for Ramona St. & Pamela Ct.(6/20)........201 Recreation and Park, revised Ordinance.(10/17)(11/7)..........349,366 Red Ribbon Week, Proclamation.(10/17).........................341 Redstone Inn, Dbq. Historic Improvement Co., Liq. Lic.(3/21).........84 Reed, Melissa, Youth City Clerk.(4/18)...........................111 Reeder Langworthy's Subd., re: relocated U.S. 20.(10/3)............339 Refuse Collection fee changes in Budget; change of charges, amounts, guidelines etc.(3/7)(8/1)..........................78,249 Refuse containers re: Amended Residential Housing Code.(12/19)...412 Regulatory Comm., Cable, re: fiber optic connections.(11/7)........363 Rehab of 508 Loras property as a single family structure.(9/6).......281 Rehab Loan Program, Downtown, additional funding.(12/19).....403,404 Rehabilitation of 16th St. Pumping Station.(1/17)....................5 Rehabilitation Week, Proclamation.(9/19)........................317 Reilly, Judy, Claim; Denial.(3/7)..............................70,172 Reisdorf, Sara, Youth Council Member.(4/18).....................111 Reisdorf, John, Claim; denial.(9/19)(10/17)....................323,341 Reiter, Marilyn A., Claim; denial.(8/15)........................270,271 Release between City & F. Roger & Anna Murray.(6/6)..............186 Rellihan, Timothy, claim; settlement.(11/7)....................354,355 Remakel, Mike, Mike's 76, Cig. Per.(6/20)........................207 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE R Remakel, Mike & Mary Beth, re: final plat of Northwest Ridge, ext. of security, etc.(1/17)..................................16,17 Remsberg Drive, street affirmed in final plat of Northwest Ridge.(1/17).16 Rental Assistance Program, City employees authorized to execute checks.(7/5).....................................220 Rental Rehab Program, CDBG Project. (5/16)(6/6)..............173,189 Rental Assistance for Homeless Persons with Disabilities, HUD Shelter Care Program.(6/20).............................204 Rents, exception, submittal to HUD re: Sec. 8 Program.(6/20).......204 Repeal of Receipt of Things of Value, Ord.(7/18)...............230,231 Representatives of City to Sister City, Handan, China.(9/6)..........280 Request for Proposals for Comp. Traffic Analysis and Management Plan for Downtown.(6/20)...................................204 Rescue Boat Purchase.(9/6)...................................306 Rescue Mission Project, No Significant Effect on Environment.(12/19).......................................398 Residential uses permitted on First Floor in a C-4 Downtown Commercial Dis.(10/3)......................................335 Residential storage of vehicles.(11/21)..........................381 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct a Special Census & authorizing said Agreement - Resolution failed to adopt.(12/19)...........................418 Restricted Height Overlay District, Structure Height in path of E-911 Communication System.(2/21)........................57 Retail Sales/Service, new definition for Zoning; text amendment etc.(3/20)(4/4)(7/18)(8/1)......................87,97,98,237,246,247 Retail Sales/Service, amending Zoning for the C-3, C-4, C-5 and CR Dis.(9/19)(10/3)...........................321,331,332,333,334 Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Purch. of Services Agree.(8/15)..272 Rettenmaier, Craig J., 2190 Farley St. property from him to City.(3/7)........................................73 Rezoning of 2120 & 2130 Elm. from R-2A to CS (requested by J. Herrig).(4/18).............................................128 Rezoning of property E. of NW Arterial, N of Hwy 20 & south of Pennsylvania Ave. from R-1 & R-3 Dis to PUD (requested by Medical Associates Clinic).(4/18).............................128 Rhomberg, Leonard appointed to the Plumbing Board.(9/6).........279 Richards Road, plat approval of Henschel's Subd. for R. J. Nelissen.(7/18)........................................239 Richardson, Terri, (Theodore) Claim; Denial.(1/17)(2/7)............15,33 Ridgeway and Indiana St., between, request by Steve & Dianne Pins to purchase piece.(7/5).....................................222 Riegel Corp., Godfather's Pizza, 1575 Kennedy.(10/17).............349 Right Turn Lane on NW Arterial at Pennsylvania Ave. construction. (9/19)(10/3)(12/5)............................322,323,336,386,387 Right-of-way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT. (1/17).....................................................17 Right-of-way, Kerper Blvd., disposition of excess, policy set out etc.(10/17)...............................................348 Rising Stars/Independent League Week, Proclamation.(6/6)........176 Ristau, Rose, Claim.(9/6).....................................312 River Front Subd. No. 3, Ord., vacating portion of Kerper Blvd. abutting Lot 1 of Lot 2 and Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Block 6.(2/21)(3/7)....53,65 River activities (Thunderfest) support requested by R. Tschiggfrie.(2/21)........................................47 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE R River Front Subd. No. 3, plat approval of Lot 1A and Lot 2A of Blk 6, re: vacation of portion of Kerper ROW in front of Sanofi Bio- Industries.(2/21)............................................52 River City Paving, awarded contract for 1994 Asphalt Paving Project.(5/2)........................................148 River City Paving requesting dedication formal dedication of Access Easement Area near Wal-Mart as a public road.(6/20).....211 River City Tap & Grill, D. Lyons, 1406 Pine, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(10/17)........................................208,350 River Rescue Boat Purchase.(9/6)..............................306 River Front Subd. No. 3, Kerper Blvd., disposing of City Interest in Lot 2A of Blk 14.(10/17)(11/7)...........................352,362 River Front Subd. No. 3, plat approved of Lot 2A of Blk 14.(10/17)...351 River Front Subd. No. 3, Kerper Blvd., disposing City Interest in Lot 1A of Blk 5.(10/17)(11/7)..............................351,362 River Front Subd., plat of Lot 1A of Blk 5, No. 3., approved.(10/17)350,351 Riverboat Entertainment Co., Diamond Jo, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (7/5)(8/15)......................................220,269 Riverfest, D. Ginter, Town Clock Pl., Beer Per.(8/15)...............268 Riverfront Plan, Long Range Planning Commission requesting P. Hrg. & approval; Application for Statewide Enhancement Project Funding to IDOT.(3/7)(3/21)(6/20)..................66,83,204 Riverfront Subd. No. 3, plat approval of Lot 1A and Lot 2A of Blk 6, re: vacation of portion of Kerper ROW in front of Sanofi Bio- Industries to Sanofi-Bio Industries.(2/21)(6/6)(7/5)..................52,185,215 Riverfront Subd., 1080 E. 12th St., Art Pape Transfer, Parking Lot construction.(11/7).....................................365 Riverside Bowl, Inc., 1860 Hawthorne, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/6)...........................................183,184 Riverview Park, (Miller), re: amendment of Park & Rec. Ord.(11/7).............................................366-369 Riverwalk re: applications for Statewide Enhancement Project Funding to IDOT; ISTEA funds requested.(6/20)(8/15)(11/21)....204,271,272,382 Road near Wal-Mart, River City Paving requesting dedication of Access Easement Area.(6/20)......................................211 Roadway Easement between City & Moldts, Luber's & Melssen's, near Eagle Point Water Plant.(4/18)(5/2).........................130,144 Robbins, Joseph, sworn in as Council Member, Third Ward.(1/3)......1 Robert's River Rides, assignment of leases.(5/2)..................147 Robey, Dean, resignation from Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.(8/1)......256 Robinson (Henry A.), Industrial Subd., vacation and disposition of Lot 1A to Raymond & Anna Mae Hansen.(1/17)....7 Rockdale Rd. property west for Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Planned Res. Dis., Amended Conceptual Devel. Plan.(8/15)(9/6)...............................269,277,278 Rockdale Rd. to Fremont, Kelly Lane-Asphalt Leveling Proj.(9/19)....317 Roepsch, Richard, Claim, settlement.(2/7)........................33 Roepsch, Dick, 1995 Budget comments & concern with Police Pension funds.(3/7)................................................77 Roethig, Robert C., Claim; Referred; Requesting full payment; denial reaffirmed.(9/6)(9/19)(11/7)(12/19).............312,324,355,403 Rohner, Frederick & Virginia, objection to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7).............................................363 Roling, Donna, Donna's Dip Tap, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.(12/5)..........392 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE R Romano, Frank & Nick Cimino, Ramono's, 951 Main, Liq. Lic.(8/15)..269 Rommel Place, re: condemnation of property for U.S. 20.(8/15)......274 Roof Rehab. Project for Operations and Maintenance Dept. (8/1)(9/6)(12/19)................................253,254,276,399 ROOSEVELT PARK STUDY COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/7)(4/4)(4/18)(5/16)(9/6).......................70,106,131,172,280 Roosevelt Parking Study, re: comments by M. Sullivan & P. Hoffman; development possibilities set out.(3/7)(9/6)..................77,280 Roosevelt Rd., Water Main Extension Project requesting it to remain in FY 96.(12/19)...........................................395 Rosenow, Bob, re: 1995 Budget.(3/7)..........................76,77 Roosevelt, 2190, plat of survey of property adjoining.(5/16).........174 Rossiter, Paul, for rezoning of UD property on Dodge St.(6/20)......193 Roth, Duane & Judy, D. & J's Grill & Bar, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(1/3)(1/17)(6/20).................................112,207 Rothenberger, Bruce & Marilyn, Claim.(6/20).....................210 Roundtable for contractors established.(10/17)...................348 RSVP, re: Purchase of Services Agreement.(8/15)................272 Rubie, Marie, Subd., final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & 3 for Wayne Stewart.(12/19).....................................397 Ruden, Gary, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.(3/21)(9/19).......................................84,318 Rukavkov, Valery V., artist from Pyatigorsk, presented Children's Art Collection.(12/19)..............................395 Rupp, Robert W./V. Wersinger, Claim; referral to Crawford & Co.(1/3)(1/17)...................................2,15 Rusk, Dave, of Long Range Planning Comm. re: Riverfront Plan.(3/21).......................................83 Russell, Wm. & Janet, objection to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)...363 Russia republic of Georgia, Sophie Sakvarelidze here.(11/7)........354 Rustic Forest Trail and King Arthur Ct., between, final plat of Deer Valley Subd. in County; Final plat of portion of Forest Grange Subd.(8/15)(9/6).......................265,266,311 Ryan, Ray, requesting Kelly Lane be put in earlier budget.(3/7).......77 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTIONS: BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 1-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign a Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local Flood Recovery Funding Contract.(4/18)....................................110 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 2-94 Submitting the Community Based Health Promotion Grant Application to the Iowa Department of Public Health and Authorizing the City Board of Health Chairperson to sign a Letter of Support for the Grant Application Targeting Cardiovascular Disease.(8/1)................................244 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 5-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign an Extension of the Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local Recovery Funding Contract.(10/17)...........................................340 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 6-94 Approving and Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant Application for a Family Resource Center by the Dubuque Community School Dis.(12/19).................394 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS: 1-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(1/3)....................1 2-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(1/3)..................1 3-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Rehab. of 16th St. Pumping Station.(1/17).......................................5 4-94 Awarding Contract for the Rehab. of 16th St. Pumping Station to Portzen Const.(1/17).................................5 5-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the City Hall Annex Renovation Project.(1/17).....................................6 6-94 Awarding Contract for the City Hall Annex Renovation Project to Al Droessler & Sons Construction, Inc. of Kieler, WI.(1/17)........6 7-94 Authorizing disposal of Lot 1A in Henry A. Robinson Ind. Subd. to Raymond A. & Anna Mae Hansen.(1/17).......................7 8-94 Approving and Authorizing the Filing of a Final Statement of Intent & Use of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Funds.(1/17)...............................................11 9-94 Approving a Contract for Services with the East Center Intergovernmental Assn. for Administration of CDBG Special Allocation for Flood Relief.(1/17)...............................11 10-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit to D & J's Grill.(1/17)..12 11-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permit.(1/17)..................12 12-94 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic. (1/17)......................12 13-94 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Saunders Street from Stoltz St. to the Northwesterly Line of Lot 37 of Fairmount Park Subdivision.(1/17)..........................................13 14-94 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 37 and Lot 37A in Fairmount Park Subd.(1/17)..................................13 15-94 Of Intention to Dispose of City-Owned Property, spec. Lot 8 of Mineral Lot 314 to Thomas D. Felderman.(1/17)...........14 16-94 Rescinding Res. No. 262-93 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Northwest Ridge.(1/17)....................................16 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 17-94 Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects with IDOT.(1/17)...............17 18-94 Authorizing disposal of City interest in Lot 37 and 37A in Fairmount Park Subd. to Drew & Terra Cook for $4,506.00.(2/7).....20 19-94 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property, Lot 8 of Mineral Lot 314, also known as 510-512 E. 22nd St. to Thomas D. & Joan F. Felderman.(2/7)..........................20 20-94 Accepting Improvement for the 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program.(2/7)..............................................23 21-94 Final Estimate for the 1991 Sidewalk Construction.(2/7)........23 22-94 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for 1991 Sidewalk Construction Program etc.(2/7)...............................24 23-94 Authorizing the Manager to Execute A Contract with U.S. Housing & Urban Development for providing funds awarded under the Fair Housing Initiatives Program. (FHIP)(2/7).................25 24-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(2/7)...............28 25-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(2/7)..................28 26-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(2/7)................28 27-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Removal of Silt from 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/7)............................29 28-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Removal of Silt from 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/7)..........................29,30 29-94 Ordering Bids for the Removal of Silt from 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/7)................................................30 30-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Curtis Street Sanitary Sewer Repair Project.(2/7)....................................30 31-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer repair Project.(2/7)....................................30 32-94 Ordering bids for the Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer Repair Project.(2/7)..................................................31 33-94 Of Intention to Dispose of City-owned property, Lot 4 of the Subd. of Lot 3 in Giger's Subd. (Geigers Sub.).(2/7)....................31 34-94 Of Intention to Dispose of City-owned property, the E 38' Lot 20 of Quigley's Subd. of Out Lots 712 and 711 in the City of Dubuque.(2/7).............................................32 35-94 Of Determination Supporting the Nomination of the Bishop's Block, 90 W. Main St. to the National Register of Historic Places.(2/7)......33 36-94 Rescinding Res. No. 244-93 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Loras Estates.(2/7).......................................34 37-94 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding and Request for Release of Funds for the Comm. Development Block Grant Flood Disaster Relief Project.(2/7)........................35 38-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-2 Inclusive and Lot A of Ward Commercial in the City.(2/7)..................................36 39-94 Rescinding Res. No. 196-93 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Lot 1, 2 & 3 and Lot A of Wal-Mart Subd. in the City.(2/7)..............37 40-94 Approving Preconstruction Agreement with the IA Dept. of Transportation relating to the Construction of Median Crossovers on U.S. 20 Near the Middle Fork of Catfish Creek.(2/7)...............38 41-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Flexsteel Ind. Drainage Improvement.(2/21).................................41 42-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Flexsteel Industries Drainage Improvement Project.(2/21).........42 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 43-94 Ordering Bids for the Flexsteel Industries Drainage Improvement Project.(2/21)..............................................41 44-94 Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Removal of Silt from 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/21)...............................44 45-94 Awarding Contract for the Removal of Silt from the 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/21).......................................44 46-94 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property, the Easterly 38' Lot 20 of Quigley's Subd. of Out Lots 712 and 711 in the City, also known as 683 Angella St. to James M. & Melissa Holz. (2/21)...............................46 47-94 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property, Lot 4 of the Subd. of Lot 3 in Giger's Subd.(also Lot 4 of Subd. of Lot 3 in Geigers Sub.), also known as 2434-36 Windsor Ave. to Jerry & Cathleen Grutz.(2/21)...........................47 48-94 Naming the American Veteran's Memorial Highway.(2/21).......47 49-94 Authorizing the City Manager or designee to sign a Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(2/21)......................48 50-94 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 2239 Prince St. (from Wm. Clark).(2/21)...............................................49 51-94 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Participate in the Iowa Home Investment Partnership Program.(2/21)..........49 52-94 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by Property Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Area and Authorizing the Transmittal of the Approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor.(2/21)...............................50 53-94 Establishing the Standards to be used in the Review of Untimely Requests for Residential Property Tax Abatement Available through the City of Dubuque's Urban Revitalization Program.(2/21).........50 54-94 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications Submitted after the Legislated Filing Date by Property Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas and Authorizing the Transmittal of the Approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor.(2/21)............................................51 55-94 Approving an Agreement Between the City of Dubuque and the Genesis Jobs Task Force and Authorizing a Neighborhood Labor Force Survey.(2/21).........................................52 56-94 Approving Plat of Lot 1A and Lot 2A of Block 6 of Riverfront Subd. No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, IA.(2/21).....................52 57-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(2/21).................53 58-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(2/21)..................53,54 59-94 Fixing Date of a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of $3,100,000 G.O. Bonds (for an Essential Corp. Purp.) and Providing for Publication of Notice Thereof.(2/21)................54 60-94 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing on the FY 1995 Budget.(2/21)..........................................55 61-94 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program.(2/21)...........................55 62-94 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds.(2/21)............56 63-94 Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds and the CDBG 20th Program Year.(2/21)...............................56 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 64-94 Approving the License Agreement for Right of entry for Site Assessment, for Twin City Testing Corp. to perform soil borings and install monitoring wells in the IA Underground Storage Tank Program.(2/21).............................................59 65-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to Sign a Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local AIDS Coalition Program.(2/21).............................................59 66-94 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Agreement with the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Disaster Relief Funds.(2/21)..................................60 67-94 Rescinding Res. No. 67-94 and Annexing L1-L1-L1-E1/2-SE1/4 of the NE1/4-SE1/4 Sec. 17-T89N-R2E and L2-L1-L1-L1-L1-L2 of Theodore Konzen Pl.(3/7)....................................62 68-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Flexsteel Ind. Drainage Improve. Con. (3/7).........................................63 69-94 Awarding Contract for the Flexsteel Ind. Drainage Improve. Project.(3/7)...............................................63 70-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer Project.(3/7)..........................................64 71-94 Awarding Contract for the Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer Project to Superior Excavating.(3/7)..................................64 72-94 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute Contract with Strand Associates for purpose of Engineering Services During Construction for the Phase II Improvements at the Water Pollution Control Plant.(3/7)...........64 73-94 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment and Additional Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Program Loan to the Grand Opera House.(3/7)....................................65 74-94 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Licenses.(3/7)..................66 75-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the 1994 Asphalt Paving Project.(3/7)..................................66 76-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specifications for the 1994 Asphalt Paving Project.(3/7).............................66 77-94 Ordering Bids for the 1994 Asphalt Paving Project.(3/7)........67 78-94 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the 1994 PCC Paving Project.(3/7).....................................67 79-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs. for the 1994 PCC Concrete Paving Project.(3/7).................................68 80-94 Resolution of Necessity for the 1994 PCC Concrete Paving Project.(3/7)...............................................68 81-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for the 1994 PCC Concrete Paving Project.(3/7)............................68 82-94 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the 1994 PCC Concrete Paving Projects.(3/7)...........................69 83-94 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Dbq. Water Pollution Control Plant Phase II Improvements.(3/7)..............69 84-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase II Improvements.(3/7)......................69 85-94 Ordering Bids for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase II Improvements.(3/7).........................................70 86-94 Rescinding Res. No. 422-93 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Lots 1-6 of Eugene Tigges Sub. in Dubuque County.(3/7)........71 87-94 Adopting No. 17 to the City Code.(3/7)......................72 88-94 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at 2190 Farley St.(3/7).........................................73 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 89-94 Accepting a Conveyance of property located at 2239 Prince St. to the City.(3/7).............................................73 90-94 Amending Res. No. 72-93, Approved a Schedule of Planning & Zoning Fees, and establishing a new Fee for Applications for Limited Setback Waivers.(3/7)................................74 91-94 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for issuance of $3,100,000 General Obligation Bonds.(3/7)......................75 92-94 Adopting the Annual Budget, as amended, for FY Ending June 30, 1995.(3/7).................................................77 93-94 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program.(3/7)......78 94-94 Adopting Phase I of the Comprehensive Plan of the City.(3/21)..83 95-94 Approving the Dbq. Riverfront Plan and its Action Agenda.(3/21)........................................83 96-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(3/21)..............84 97-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(3/21)....................84 98-94 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Brunskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Extension.(3/21)...............................85 99-100 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Brunskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(3/21)....................................85 100-94 Resolution of Necessity for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Ext.(3/21).................................................85 101-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Ext.(3/21)....................................86 102-94 Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the Brunskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(3/21)....................................86 103-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs. for the Water Plant Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements and Fourth Water Pressure Zone Improvements.(3/21)...........................88 104-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Water Plant Phase II Hydraulic and Electrical Improvements and Fourth Water Pressure Zone Improvements.(3/21).....................88 105-94 Ordering Bids for the Water Plant Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements and Fourth Water Pressure Zone Improvements.(3/21)88 106-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1994 Portland Concrete Paving Project.(4/4).........................................92 107-94 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1994 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Project.(4/4).........................................92 108-94 Ordering bids for the 1994 Portland Cement Paving Project.(4/4)...............................................93 109-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1994 Asphalt Paving Project.(4/4)...............................................93 110-94 Directing Sale of $3,100,00 Essential Corporate Purpose G.O. Bonds.(4/4)..................................94,95 111-94 Rescinding Res. No. 67-94 & Annexing L1-L1-L1-E1/2-SE1/4 of the NE1/4-SE1/4 SEC.17-T89N-R2E and L2-L1-L1-L1-L1-L2 of Theodore Konzon Place, Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa.(4/4)..................................99 112-94 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract with Strand Assoc. Inc. for the purpose of Providing Engineering Design Services for the Phase III Improvements at the Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/4).........................................100 113-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(4/4)................101 114-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(4/4)...................101 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 115-94 Preliminary approval of Energy Efficient Revamping of City Hall Lighting.(4/4).............................................103 116-94 Fixing Date of hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Energy Efficient Revamping of City Hall Lighting.(4/4)..........................103 117-94 Ordering bids for the Energy Efficient Revamping of City Hall Lighting.(4/4).............................................103 118-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(4/4)..........................104 119-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(4/4)..........................104 120-94 Ordering bids for the Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(4/4).......................................104 121-94 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley between Jackson & Washington from 8th to 9th Sts.(4/4)........................105 122-94 Disposing of City Interest in City Lot 417A, City Lot 416A, and City Lot 415A in the City.(4/4)............................105 123-94 Approving the Second Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County, Establishing the Couler Valley Urban Drainage District.(4/4)...........................107 124-94 Approving the Final Plats of Lots 21,22, 23 & Lot D of Sunset Park, 8th Add.(4/4)..................................107 125-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/18).....................................112 126-94 With Respect to the Adoption of Necessity Proposed for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/18).................112 127-94 Ordering bids for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/18)...........................................113 128-94 Approving Lease of Richard J. Slattery Center for the Dubuque Montessori School, Inc.(4/18)........................113 129-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Phase II Improvement Water Pollution Plant.(4/18).................................114 130-94 Awarding Contract for the Phase Ii Improvements, Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/18)........................................114 131-94 Approving disposal of Lot 417A in the City to Kretschmer-Treadway Co. & Lot 416A in the City to Jeld-Wen, Inc. and City Lot 415A in the City to Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.(4/18)...........................115 132-94 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Program.(4/18)............................................116 133-94 Accepting the Recommendations of the Child Care Initiative Task Force and Authorizing Staff to Proceed with the Implementation of Said Recommendation.(4/18)....................................116 134-94 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with AGA Gas for the Purpose of Providing Liquid Oxygen to the Dubuque Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/18)...........................117 135-94 Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of $3,100,000 G.O. Bonds and Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds.(4/18)......117-125 136-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(4/18)...........127 137-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(4/18)...............127 138-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(4/18).............127 139-94 Of Intent to Dispose of City Jurisdiction on a Portion of Marjo Quarry Road.(4/18).........................................129 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 140-94 Of Intention to Dispose of City-Owned property, Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Lot 1, and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Lot 1, both of the Subd. of: Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 324, in Section 12, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., in the City, County of Dubuque, according to the recorded plat thereof - 3257 Sheridan Road.(4/18)..................................129 141-94 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Estate by Approving an Agreement for a Roadway Easement between the City of Dubuque and Harold L. Moldt, Jr. and Joanne C. Moldt, and Lloyd Luber and Marlene Luber Melssen, and an Easement to Harold L. Moldt, Jr. and JoAnne C. Moldt for Parking and Storage, said Easements being located in the area of Front Street and also from Lot 338 of Ham's Add. in the City to Hawthorne St.(4/18).............................130 142-94 Amending Resolution No. 421-93 Approving the Final Plat of Blocks 1,2, and 3 and Lot C of Tiffany Ridge in the City.(4/18)............131,132 143-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 3 of Dubuque Industrial Center, Ninth Addn. in the City.(4/18)..........................132 144-94 Approving the Disposal of City-Owned Property, Spec., Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Lot 1, and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Lot 1, Both of the Subd. of: Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 324, in Sec. 12, Township 89 N., Range 2 E. of the 5th P.m. in the City, County of Dubuque, Iowa, According to the Recorded Plat thereof, also known as 3257 Sheridan Road, to Amy M. Connolly.(5/2).....137 145-94 Adopting the Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal District.(5/2).............140 146-94 Establishing a Policy which sets an Annual Limit on the use of Revenues Generated in the Downtown Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District.(5/2).....................................141 147-94 Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Energy Efficient Revamping of City Hall Lighting.(5/2)..........................142 148-94 Awarding Contract for the City Hall Relamping Project to Advance Electric Inc.(5/2)...........................................142 149-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(5/2).......................................143 150-94 Awarding Contract for the Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction to Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque.(5/2).......143 151-94 Disposing of City Jurisdiction on a Portion of Marjo Quarry Rd.(5/2)..................................................143 152-94 Disposing of an interest in Real Estate by approving an Agreement for a Roadway Easement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Harold L. Moldt, Jr. and Joanne C. Moldt, and Lloyd Luber and Marlene Luber Melssen and an Easement to Harold L. Moldt, Jr. and Joanne C. Moldt for Parking and Storage, said Easements being located in the area of Front Street and also from Lot 338 of Ham's Add. in the City to Hawthorne St.(5/2).........................................144 153-94 Adopting Plans and specs. for the Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements and the Fourth Pressure Zone Improvements at Eagle Point Water Plant.(5/2)..........................................145 154-94 Awarding Contract for Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements at the Eagle Point Water Plant.(5/2)..............145 155-94 Endorsing the Submission of a Final Application to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration in Support of the Flexsteel Industries Relocation.(5/2)..............147 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 156-94 Approving the Compensation Package and Wage Plan for Non Bargaining Unit Employees.(5/2).............................147 157-94 Awarding Contract for the 1994 P.C. Concrete Paving Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating.(5/2).................................148 158-94 Awarding Contract for the 1994 Asphalt Paving Project to River City Paving, a Division of Mathy Construction.(5/2)..................148 159-94 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute a Contract Amendment with Fox Engineering for the purpose of providing construction Phase Services for the Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements and for the Fourth Pressure Zone Improvements at the Eagle Point Water Plant .(5/2).............................148,149 160-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(5/2).............149 161-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(5/2)................149 162-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(5/2)..............149 163-94 Directing the City Clerk to publish Proposed Amendment to the FY 1994 Budget and date of Public Hearing.(5/2)................150 164-94 Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 20th Program Year.(5/2)................................................150 165-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and specifications for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals.(5/2).151 166-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals.(5/2).151 167-94 Ordering bids for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals.(5/2)..................................151 168-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Cleaning, Repairing and Painting of the Pennsylvania Water Tower in the est. amount of $226,000.(5/2)................................151,152 169-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Cleaning, Repairing and Painting of the Pennsylvania Water Tower.(5/2).....152 170-94 Ordering bids for the Cleaning, Repairing, and Painting of the Pennsylvania Water Tower.(5/2)..........................152 171-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-2 Inclusive and Lot A of Ward Commercial in the City.(5/2)............................153 172A-94 Authorizing the Assignment of a Lease between the City & Dubuque Terminals, Inc. to Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. for Security.(5/2).............................................154 173A-94 Authorizing the Assignment of a Lease between the City and Dubuque, Iowa, and Dubuque Terminals, Inc. to Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. for Security.(5/2).......................................155 174A-94 Authorizing the assignment of a Sublease between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Dubuque Terminals, Inc. to Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. for Security.(5/2).......................................155 172-94 Amending Current Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994.(5/16)...............................................162 173-94 Approving a Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the City of Dubuque Community Development Block Grant 20th Program Year and Authorizing Published Notice and Filing Thereof.(5/16)...........163 174-94 Authorizing the Award of Community Partnership Program (Cp2) Funds.(5/16)..............................................164 175-94 Authorizing the Execution fee a Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with Eagle Point Corporation.(5/16).......165 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 176-94 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Forgivable Loan Agreement with the Iowa Dept. of Economic Development and Eagle Point Corp.(5/16)......................165 177-94 Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, for the Administration and Implementation of the Child Care Initiative Grant Program.(5/16)......................166 178-94 Adopting A Filing Fee for Appeals to the Housing Code Appeals Board.(5/16)..............................................167 179-94 Awarding Contract for the Brunskill Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. to Mullinex, Inc.(5/16).......................................167 180-94 Authorizing Certain City of Dubuque Finance Division Employees to Obtain Bank Account Information and Make Transfer Between City of Dubuque Bank Accounts.(5/16)..............................169 181-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(5/16)...............169 182-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(5/16).............170 183-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(5/16)......................171 184-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(5/16)......................171 185-94 Ordering bids for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(5/16)........................................172 186-94 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for the Home Investment Partnership Program.(5/16)............173 187-94 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects.(5/16)............................................173 188-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Division of Lot 2-B-2-M.L. 304 in the City of Dubuque.(5/16)................................174 189-94 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers, Program No. IA05-VO87- 018 (Replacing Program No. IA05-V087-006).(5/16)..................175 190-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Cleaning, Repairing & Painting of the Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank.(6/6).....................181 191-94 Awarding Contract for the Cleaning, Repairing etc. of the Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank to Tenyer Coatings.(6/6)..........181 192-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals.(6/6)...................181 193-94 Awarding Contract for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High School Traffic Signals to Portzen. (6/6)........................182 194-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to many outlets.(6/6)......................................182,183 195-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/6)................183 196-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(6/6)..............184 197-94 Preliminary approval of plans and specs. for the 11th St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction from Elm to White.(6/6).....184 198-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 11th St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction from Elm to White.(6/6)............184 199-94 Ordering bids for the 11th St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(6/6).......................................185 200-94 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1A and Lot 2A in Blk 6 of Riverfront Subd. No. 3 in the City.(6/6).........................185 201-94 Authorizing execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Moderate Rehabilitation Program Project No. IA05-K087-005.(6/6)........................................187 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 202-94 Adopting Supplement No. 18 to the Code of Ordinances.(6/6)..........................................187 203-94 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for the HOME Investment Partnership program.(6/6)...................188 204-94 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects.(6/6)...189 205-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(6/20)..............................200 206-94 Awarding Contract for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project. (6/20).......................................200 207-94 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Statewide Enhancement Project Funding to IDOT.(6/20)...................203 208-94 Approving the Submission of an Application for Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program Funding for the Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Project.(6/20).........................203 209-94 Approving the Submittal of Two Applications for Statewide Enhancement Funding to IDOT.(6/20).........................204 210-94 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an application to participate in the Shelter Plus Care Program.(6/20).............................204 211-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to many outlets.(6/20).....................................206,207 212-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/20)...............207 213-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(6/20).............208 214-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(6/20).................209 215-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(6/20).........................209 216-94 Resolution of necessity for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. (6/20)....................................................209 217-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(6/20).................210 218-94 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(6/20).................210 219-94 Approving the Final Plat of Cedar Ridge Industrial Development, First Add.(6/20)...............................211 220-94 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between City & Humane Society.(6/20)...................................212A 221-94 Authorizing License Agreement between City & Terracon Environmental, Inc. to Perform Soil Borings and to install Monitoring Wells on Public right-of-way in the vicinity of 300 S. Locust.(6/20)..............................212A 222-94 Annexing Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 34,TWP, 89N, Range 2E, in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, IA.(7/5)...................................214 223-94 Authorizing disposal of interest of City in Lot 1A and Lot 2A in Blk 6 of River Front Subd. No. 3 to Sanofi-Bio-Industries, Inc. for $22,421.10.(7/5)........................................215 224-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 11th Street Storm Sewer Reconstruction from Elm St. to White St.(7/5)..............215 225-94 Awarding Contract for the 11th St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction to Tschiggfrie Excavating.(7/5).................216 226-94 Authorizing Certain Designated Employees of the City Limited Authorization to Execute Checks on Behalf of the City.(7/50)......220 227-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(7/5).............220 228-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(7/5)................220 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 229-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(7/50).............221 230-94 Of Intention to Dispose of City owned Property, W. 18' of Lot 9 in Kelly's Subd. of Out Lots; And the E. 29' and 1" of Lot 9 in "Plat of Town Lots the Property of Francis Kelly." to the recorded plat thereof; otherwise known as 696 and 692 University Ave.(7/5)....................................221 231-94 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City and Project Concern/Phone-A-Friend, Inc. and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on behalf of the City.(7/5)............................................223 232-94 Approving Funding Agreement with the Washington Neighborhood Tool Library.(7/5)..........................................224 233-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(7/18).....................................227 234-94 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(7/18)..227 235-94 Ordering Bids for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(7/28)...........................................228 236-94 Approving the Disposal of City owned Property, W. 18' of Lot 9 in Kelly's Subd. of Out Lots; And the E. 29' and 1" of Lot 9 in "Plat of Town Lots the Property of Francis Kelly." to the recorded plat thereof; otherwise known as 696 and 692 University Ave. TO Charles & Linda Sangston.(7/18)..........................282 237-94 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Participate in the Supportive Housing Program.(7/18)......................229 238-94 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 508 Loras Blvd., in the City of Dubuque.(7/18)................................230 240-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 10-13, inclusive, Blk 3, Lot 1 of Blk 4, Lots G, J. & H in Fremont Heights Subd.(7/18)..................232 241-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 13-16, inclusive, of Blk 1, Lots 9-19, inclusive of Blk 2, Lots 1-4 inclusive of Blk 3, Lots A, B, C, D, E & F of Fremont Heights Sub.(7/18).................233 242-94 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Existing Housing Certificates, Program No. IA05-E087-017 (Replacing Program No. IA05-E087-005).(7/18).....234 243-94 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Sect 8 Housing Vouchers, Program No. IA05-VO87-019 (Replacing Program No. IA05-VO87-007).(7/18)..................235 244-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(7/18)...........235 245-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(7/18)...............235 246-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(7/18).............236 247-94 Determining the Necessity and Fixing a Date for Hearing on a Proposed Urban Renewal Plan for the Proposed Kerper Boulevard Industrial Park Economic Development District.(7/18)............236 248-94 Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on the Final Statement of Intent for the First Supplement of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Flood Disaster Relief Funds.(7/18).....................237 249-94 Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on the Final Statement of Intent for the Second Supplement of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Flood Disaster Relief Funds in the amount of $232,000.(7/18).........................................238 250-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1,2, and A of Block 3, Henschel's Addn. in the City.(7/18)...........................239 251-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 thru 3 of Lot 2 of Westmark in the City.(7/18)..................................240 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 252-94 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City and Dubuque Main Street Ltd. and Authorizing the Directing the City Manager to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City.(7/18)...........240 253-94 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Services with the Greater Dubuque Development Corp., for Fiscal Year 1994-1995 and authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute.(7/18)............241 254-94 Authorizing the Assignment of Certain Leases between the City and Anderson Marine of Iowa, Inc. to the Small Business Administration for Security.(7/18).............................241 255-94 Endorsing the Construction of U.S. 151 between Dodgeville and Dickeyville, WI to a Four-Lane Expressway Facility.(7/18).........242 256-94 Accepting Quit Claim Deed from Plastic Center Inc. for a Portion of 9th St. and the Public Alley Adjacent to City Lots 49 and 50 in the City.(7/18)....................................243 257-94 Authorizing the filing of an Amendment to the Final Statement for the First Supplemental Community Development Block Grant Flood Disaster Relief Funds in the amount of $188,000.(8/1)............245 258-94 Approving and Authorizing the Filing of a Final Statement of Intent and Project Use of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief Funds.(8/1)..................................246 259-94 Approving a Contract for Services with the East Central Intergovernmental Association for Administration of CDBG Special Allocation for Flood Relief.(8/1)...............................246 260-94 Advocating Local Control of the Use of Public Rights of Way by Telecommunications Service Providers.(8/1)................248 261-94 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Participate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program.(8/1)......................250 262-94 Approving a Purchase of Services Contract between the City and Operation: New View and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to execute Said Agreement on Behalf of the City.(8/1)..............251 263-94 Awarding Contract for the Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. to Tschiggfrie Excavation.(8/1).................................251 264-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(8/1).............251,252 265-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(8/1)..............252 266-94 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Southerly One-Half of the Alley between Elm and Washington Streets, from 13th St. to 14th St.(8/1)..................................................252 267-94 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 137A in East Dubuque, an Addition In the City.(8/1)....................................253 268-94 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(8/1)............253 269-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(8/1)............253 270-94 Ordering bids for the Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(8/1)...................................254 271-94 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding and Request for Release of Funds for the CDBG Flood Disaster Relief Project.(8/1)..................................256 272-94 Authorizing the Execution of a Comm. Devel. Block Grant Agreement with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for FY 1995.(8/1)................................................257 273-94 Rescinding Res. No. 36-94 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Loras Estates.(8/1)........................................257 274-94 Adopting the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Development District Urban Renewal Plan.(8/15)............................260 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 275-94 Approving the Submittal of Two Applications for DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding.(8/15)...................264 276-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-3 Inclusive of Eagles Nest Sub.(8/15).....................................265 277-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-23 inclusive of Deer Valley Subd.(8/15).........................................266 278-94 Approving the Final Plat of Sunnyslopes Estates Phase 3 in the City.(8/15)................................................266 279-94 Approving an Amendment to a Loan Agreement by and between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque In Futuro, Inc. Dated 2/21/89.(8/15)........................................268 280-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(8/15)............268 281-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(8/15)...............268 282-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(8/15)..................268 283-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project.(8/15)....................269 284-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd. (8/15)........................................270 285-94 Ordering bids for the Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd.(8/15)..........................270 286-94 Approving the Submittal of an Application for DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding.(8/15)...................271 287-94 Approving the Submittal of Two Applications for DMATS Transportation Enhancement Funding.(8/15)...................272 288-94 Approving the Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salvas in the City.(8/15)...........................................273 289-94 Adopting Supplement No. 19 to the Code.(8/15)............274 290-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehabilitation Roof Project.(8/6)..276 291-94 Awarding Contract for the Operations and Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(8/6).............................276 292-94 Authorizing Release of Scott Taylor and Rhonda Taylor from Personal Guarantees and Future Obligations for Personal Guarantees and Further Authorizing the Redemption by Eagle Point Corp. of Shares owned by Scott Taylor.(9/6)...........................280 293-94 Approving Easement Agreement with Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. re: Construction of Fremont Ave. Bridge.(9/6)..................281 294-94 Accepting a Conveyance of Property Located at 508 Loras Blvd.(9/6).......................................281 295-94 Accepting Improvement for the NW Arterial Water Main Project.(9/6)....................................306 296-94 Final Estimate for the NW Arterial Water Main Project.(9/6)....................................306 297-94 Accepting Improvement for the Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Project.(9/6).................................307 298-94 Final Estimate for the Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Project.(9/6).................................307 299-94 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Project.(9/6)....307-310 300-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and Lot C of Forest Grange Subd.(9/6)............................311 301-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(9/6)................311 302-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(9/6)..............312 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 303-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign a Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for Continuation of Funding a Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(9/6).......313 304-94 Approving the Agreement between the Dubuque Human Rights Comm. & IA Civil Rights Comm.(9/6)..........................314 305-94 Accepting Improvement for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(9/6)........................................314 306-94 Final Estimate for the Leisure Services Chain Link Fence Project.(9/6)........................................315 307-94 Approving Preconstruction Agreement with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation re: Construction of the US 20 Bridge over Catfish Creek.(9/6).........................................315 308-94 Authorizing the Execution of a Comm. Development Block Grant Agree. with the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Disaster Relief Funds.(9/6)..................................315 309-94 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project.(9/19)...............................317 310-94 Awarding Contract for the Kelly Lane Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd.(9/19)......................317 311-94 Authorizing the Submission of a Grantee Performance Report for the 7/1/93 thru June 30, 1994.(9/19)...........................320 312-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(9/19)............320 313-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(9/19)...............320 314-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(9/19.............321 315-94 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the NW Arterial and Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(9/19)..................322 316-94 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the NW Arterial andPennsyl. Avenue Right Turn Lane.(9/19)....................322 317-94 Ordering bids for the Northwest Arterial and Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(9/19).................................323 318-94 Approving the City Fiscal Year 1994 Street Finance Report. (9/19)....................................................324 319-94 Adopting Plans and Specs,. for the NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(10/3)..............................335,336 320-94 Awarding Contract for the NW Arterial and Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(10/3)......................................336 321-94 Authorizing issuance to sell Cigarettes.(10/3)..............337 322-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(10/3)...............337 323-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(10/3).............338 324-94 Approving the Plat of Lots 1 thru 3 of Burkart's Addn in Dubuque County.(10/17)..................................342 325-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1, 2 and 3 and Lots A, B & C of Smothers Place in the City.(10/17)..................342 326-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2 and Lot A of St. Mary's Place No. 5 in the City of Dubuque, IA.(10/17)..........343 327-94 Adopting Supplement No. 20 to the Code of Ordinances.(10/17)........................................344 328-94 Rescinding Res. No .278-94 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Sunnyslopes Estates Phase 3 in the City.(10/17)................345 329-94 Approving the AIDS Preventative Health Contract between the IA Dept. of Public Health and the City and authorizing the City Manager to sign a Contract with the IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Preventative Health Program.(10/170..........................................346 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 330-94 Supporting the League of Iowa Municipalities' Efforts to Educate Citizens and Elected Officials on the Impact of Unfunded Mandates and Urging the Iowa General Assembly to Pass a Constitutional Amendment Limiting the Negative Financial Impact of State Mandates.(10/17).............................347 331-94 Annexing the East Part of Lot 1 of Ohmert's Hilltop Farms into the City.(10/17)...............................................347 332-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(10/17)...........349 333-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(10/17)...........349,350 334-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(10/17)............350 335-94 Approving Plat of Lot 1A of Blk 5 of River Front Subd. No. 3 in the City.(10/17).....................................350 336-94 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1A of Blk 5 of River Front Subd. No. 3.(10/17)........................................351 337-94 Approving Plat of Lot 2A of Blk 14 of River Front Subd. No. 3.(10/17)........................................351 338-94 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 2A of Blk 14 of River Front Subd. No. 3.(10/17)...................................352 339-94 Accepting Improvement for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High Traffic Signals.(11/7)...................................356 340-94 Final Estimate for the Pennsylvania Ave. at Hempstead High Traffic Signals.(11/7).............................................356 341-94 Accepting Improvement for the 1993 Asphalt Paving Project.(11/7).............................................356 342-94 Final Estimate for the 1993 Asphalt Paving Project.(11/7)....357 343-94 Accepting Improvement for the 1993 Asphalt Paving & Alley Reconstruction.(11/7)......................................357 344-94 Final Estimate for the 1993 Asphalt Paving & Alley Reconstruction Project.(11/7)................................357 345-94 Authorizing the Submittal of the Great American Main Street Award Application to the National Main Street Center.(11/7).............357 346-94 Approving disposal of interest of property at 4900 Peru Rd. (Four Mounds) to maintain a septic system easement by Gronen's.(11/7).............................................358 347-94 Disposal of property, Lot 2A of Blk 14 of River Front Subd. No. 3 to Kerper Realty Co.(11/7)..............................362 348-94 Disposal of property, Lot 1A of Blk 5 of River Front Subd. No. 3, Kerper Blvd., to Whalen Ind. (11/7)...........................362 349-94 Approving & Granting the 10/3/94 Petition of Cable TV Regulatory Comm. & TCI of IA, Inc. Granting Waivers of Requirements in Franchise Ord. and approving & authorizing Mayor to execute an Agreement between TCI of IA and the City to build Fiber Optic Communications System Components.(11/7)..363 350-94 Approving Third Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City and the Dubuque Racing Assn.(11/7)......................364 351-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(11/7)...............374 352-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licensees.(11/7)............374 353-94 Rescinding Res. No. 326-94 and reaffirming the Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 and Lot A of St. Mary's Place No. 5.(11/21)............376 354-94 Approving the Final Plat of Cedar Lake - E. Third Addn.(11/21).........................................378 355-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2 of Paisley Pl. No. 2.(11/21)..............................................379 356-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1-1 & 2-1 of Ohmert's Hilltop Farms.(11/21)...............................379 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 357-94 Disposal of Driveway & Parking Easement at 4900 Peru Rd. (Four Mounds) to Gronen's.(11/21)...........................380 358-94 Accepting Warranty Deed from Martin J. McNamer & Nancy A. Comer McNamer for Lot A & Lot B of Marna Ridge Estates 2.(11/21)...............................380 359-94 Authorizing negotiating and execution of contract with Amend Engineering Assoc.(11/21)............................381 360-94 Approving Project Agreement with the IA Dept. of Transportation re: U.S. 20 Construction Project from Devon Dr. to U.S. 61.(11/21)..........................................381 361-94 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Statewide Enhancement Project Funding to the IA Dept. of Transportation.(11/21)....................................382 362-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(11/21)..............383 363-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(11/21)............383 364-94 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment to the FY 1995 Budget & Date of Public Hearing.(11/21)...........384 365-94 Accepting Improvement for the 1993 PC Concrete Alley Reconstruction Project.(12/5)................................385 366-94 Final Estimate for the 1993 P.C. Concrete Alley Reconstruction Project.(12/5)................................386 367-94 Accepting Improvement for the Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd.(12/5)...............386 368-94 Final Estimate for the Kelly Lane - Asphalt Leveling Project from Fremont Ave. to Rockdale Rd.(12/5)...............386 369-94 Accepting Improvement for the NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(12/5)......................................387 370-94 Final Estimate for the Northwest Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave. Right Turn Lane.(12/5)......................................387 371-94 Approving the Survey Plat of the Division of Lot 21, Blk 2, Sunset Park Seventh Addn.(12/5)............................387 372-94 Amendment of Current Budget for Year ending 1995.(12/5)..388 373-94 Approving and Authorizing the Filing of an Amendment to the Second Supplement of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Relief Funds in the amount of $232,000.(12/5)...........390 374-94 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for 1994 Sidewalk Repairs etc.(12/5)..........................................391 375-94 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(12/5)............392 376-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(12/5)...............392 377-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(12/5)..................392 378-94 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate an Unused 10' Wide Utility Easement in Lot H of Fremont Hgts.(12/5).........392 379-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 thru 3 of Herrig's Addition in the City of Dubuque, IA.(12/19).....................396 380-94 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 thru 10 and Lot A of Raven Oaks Pl. No. 2.(12/19).................................396 381-94 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Subd.(12/19)..............................................397 382-94 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to sign a Contract with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for funding a Local Comm. Based Health Promotion Grant Program for Cancer Prevention.(12/19)....398 383-94 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects.(12/19).398 384-94 Adopting Supplement No. 21 to the Code of Ordinances.(12/19)399 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE RESOLUTIONS 385-94 Accepting Improvement for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(12/19)...........................399 386-94 Final Estimate for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab. Project.(12/19).................................399 387-94 Accepting Conveyance of Property at 555 Fremont Ave. to the City.(12?19)..............................................400 388-94 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City & Dbq. Area Labor Management Council & Authorizing & Directing the Mayor & City Clerk to Execute Said Agreement.(12/19)...........400 389-94 Authorizing the Submission of a Grantee Performance Report for the Period Commencing Aug. 23, 1993 and concluding Aug. 30, 1994.(12/19)..............................................401 390-94 Authorizing the Submission of the FY 1994 Annual Performance Report to the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development.(12/19)..402 391-94 Disposal of City Interest in 10' Utility Easement near SE corner of Lot H in Fremont Heights to M. McNamer.(12/19)........403 392-94 Authorizing Additional Capitalization of the Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Program for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area.(12/19)........................................404 393-94 Authorizing Execution of a Loan Agreement Amendment with Bishop's Block Limited Partnership, a Maine Limited Partnership.(12/19)....404 394-94 Accepting Improvement for the Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(12/19)............................................405 395-94 Final Estimate for the Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(12/19)405 396-94 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for the Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(12/19)............................405-410 397-94 Accepting Improvement for the 1994 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Project.(12/19)......................................411 398-94 Final Estimate for the 1994 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Project.(12/19)............................................411 399-94 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments for the 1994 P.C. Concrete Paving Project.(12/19).....................411 400-94 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(12/19)..............418 401-94 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(12/19).................418 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE S S & D Concessions, Inc., 1 Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Per.(4/4.......100 S. Locust, 300, re: monitoring wells installed etc.(6/20)............212A S. Grandview, 32, IDOT re: condemnation of property for U.S. 20 relocation.(4/18)....................................132 S. Grandview area, Shady Oaks Sub., layout approval for E. Tschiggfrie.(12/19)....................................403 Sabers, Attorney, for Digman's, Claim.(6/20)..................209,210 Sabers, Amy, Claim; referred.(10/3)(10/17)....................338,341 Saeugling, Julie, Claim; Denial.(3/7)(3/21).......................70,89 Saeugling, Judith A., objection to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7)..........................................363 Sakvarelidze, Sophie from Republic of Georgia, introduced by D. Landis.(11/7)...............................354 Salaries, City Employees, Proof of Publication.(2/21)................58 Salary Budget of the Library, transfer monies to Capital Improvement Fund.(2/21)....................................59 Salary increase for City Non-bargaining unit employees.(5/2).......................................147 Sale of 510-512 E. 22nd St. to Thomas D. Felderman.(1/17)...........................................14 Sale of alcohol to underage persons, prohibited.(9/19).............318 Sales/Service, Retail, new definition for Zoning Ord. etc.(3/21)(4/4)(7/18)(8/1)..............87,97,237,246,247 Sales/Service, retail, amendment of Zoning Ord. for C-3, C-4, C-5 & CR Dis.(9/19)(10/3).................321,331,332,333,334 Salvo-Salas Place, re: final plat of property at NW Art. & Asbury Road for Interstate Power Co.(8/15)...........................273 San Marcos, Fermin, Claim; denial.(8/15)(9/6)..................270,312 Sanford's Subd. Lot 1 of 49, 2239 Prince St., acquisition of City from W. Clark.(2/21).....................................49 Sangston, Charles & Linda, awarded DREAMS home at 692-696 University.(7/5)(7/18).............................221,228 Sanitary Sewer, Curtis St. Repair Project.(2/7)(3/7)...........30,31,63,64 Sanitary Sewer Construction for Kerper Boulevard.(4/4)............104 Sanitary Sewer Project, Sheridan Rd.(6/20)(7/18)(8/1)....209,210,227,251 Sanitary Sewage Treatment & Disposal Systems, Sewer Connections, New Ord.(12/19)........................................414-417 Sanofi Bio-Industries, property in front of, vacation of unimproved Kerper Blvd. ROW.(2/21)(6/6)(7/5)......................52,185,215 Sanofi Bio Industries, Industrial Sewer Agreements.(9/6)...........282 Sarducci's, Papa, BW Liq. Lic.(5/16)............................170 Saunders Street, vac. of portion from Stoltz St. to the NW Line of Lot 37 of Fairmount Park Subd., sold to Drew & Terra Cook.(1/17)(2/7)............................13,19,20 Sawvell, Michael, Butter's Bar, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)..........................................207,208 Scenic Valley Area VI - Nutritional Health Advancement, Cp2 funding.(5/16).........................................164 Schaller, Peggy, PJ's Tavern, 500 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)..........................................207,208 Schenker, Thomas, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Liq. Lic.(11/21)............................................383 Schetgen, Michael, Claim; denial.(4/18)(5/16)..................131,172 Schickles, Andrea, introducing R. Greve as Pres. of Washington Neighborhood Council.(6/6).......................186 Schmidt, Julie, Claim; settlement.(2/7)(2/21).....................23,58 Schmidt, Fr. Florian, Pastor of St. Mary's Church, Gave Invocation.(11/21)....................................376 Schmitt, Pastor Dennis of the Dubuque Community Church, Gave Invocation.(7/5)...........................................214 School area, adjacent to, establishment of Parking Restrictions for Buses.(4/18)........................................126,127 School Dis. formation of Family Resource Center for Audubon, Prescott & Fulton Elementary Schools.(12/19)..................394 Schrieber, Jeanette & Robert re: rezoning of University of Dbq.'s land near Hwy.20.(3/21)(6/20)(7/18)(11/7)(11/21).....90,192,193,229,363,384 Schroeder, Jerry, objecting to Kelly Lane asphalt overlay; objecting to proposed Geraldine Dr. rezoning. (3/7)(5/2)(5/16)......................................77,136,161 Schueller, Marion, Claim; Referral.(6/20)(7/5)..................210,222 Schueller, Marlene, Claim; referral.(4/4)(5/2)(5/16)..........106,153,172 Schultz, Paul, appointed to the Environmental Stewardship Comm.(2/7).....................................22 Schwartz, E., Airport Inn., E. 16th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)..........................................206,207 Scotchmer, David re: Budget matters, esp. CDBG.; also CHDO requests.(3/7)(3/21)....................................76,77,84 Seagrave 100' Aerial Ladder Truck of Fire Dept. given to County Historical Soc.(12/5)........................................385 Section 8 "Definitions" of Zoning Ord., Vehicle Service/Repair, amend. etc.(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)...........................57,81,111 Section 8 Program Housing Vouchers, amendment; Application etc.(5/16)(8/1)..........................................174,250 Section 8 Moderate Rehab. Program, Annual Contributions Contract.(6/6)...............................................187 Section 8 Program re: HUD grant exception rents for administration of program.(6/20)..........................................204 Section 8 Existing Housing Certificates, Amended Annual Contributions Cont.(7/18)............................. 234 Section 8 Housing Vouchers, Amended Annual Contributions Cont.(7/18).................................................235 Section 8 Def., text amend., Business Services to include Photographic Studio.(12/19).................................420 Security Extension for Final plat of Northwest Ridge.(1/17)..........16 Security Extension for Loras Estates, R. Smith.(2/7)(8/1)......34,35,257 Security Extension for Sunnyslopes Phase III.(10/3)...............339 Security extension requested for St. Mary's Pl. No. 5.(11/21)........376 Selco Co., C. Wolff, requesting vacation & sale of portion of alley between Elm & Washington Sts. from 13th to 14th.(8/15).........263 Self-Sufficiency Family Program, re: Purchase of Services Contract with Operation: New View.(8/1)...............................251 Senior Power Day, Proclamation.(5/16)..........................158 Senior Health Clinic Services, contract with VNA.(7/5)..............213 September, 1993, Council Proceedings approved; September 1994 Financial reports; Sept. 1994 Claims paid.(5/2)(10/17)(11/7)........152,344,355 Septic System Easement between City & Gronen's for Four Mounds property, 4900 Peru Rd.(10/17)(11/7).......................350,358 Septic Systems, on-site disposal systems etc., new Ord.(12/19)..414-417 Sertoma Candy Days, Proclamation.(5/2)........................136 Service Repair (Vehicle), zoning amendment.(2/21)(4/18).........57,111 Service Recognition Plaques presented to City employees with 25 years or more service.(12/5)......................................385 Sesquicentennial Commission wanting rep. to County's Comm.(2/21)...................47 Sesterhenn, Steve, applicant for Civic Center Comm.(7/5)...........................216 Setback Waiver (Limited), zoning.(2/7)(2/21)(3/7)..............29,45,74 Setter, Attorney D., for Spahn & Rose, objecting to rezoning of property west of Radford Rd. adjoining Wolff Rd.(12/19).............................401 Sewage Treatment & Disposal Systems, Sewer connections. New Ordinance.(12/19).................414-417 Sewer (Sanitary), Curtis St., Repair Project.(2/7)(3/7)................30,31,63,64 Sewer Extension for Brunskill Rd.(3/21)(4/18)(5/16)..............85,112,167 Sewer (Sanitary) construction, Kerper Boulevard.(4/4)(5/2).................104,143 Sewer assessment objection by R. Hough for 2634 University.(3/21)(4/4)............84,99 Sewer System Study for Infiltration & Inflow, Phase II.(4/18).........................116 Sewer problems on Kensington Place.(4/18)116 Sewer, (Storm), Eleventh St., from Elm to White.(6/6)........................184,185 Sewer (Sanitary) Project, Sheridan Rd.(6/20)(7/18)(8/1)..........209,210,227,251 Sewer Agreements with FDL Foods.(9/6)...282 Sewer, Industrial Pretreatment Fee Structure.(10/17).......................349 Sewer re: Septic System Easement between City & Gronen's for Four Mounds property, 4900 Peru Rd. (10/17)(11/7).......................358,358 Sewer Connections - sanitary, Sewage Treatment & Disposal Systems. new Ord.(12/19)...................414-417 Sexually Transmitted Disease Program, funding source to CDBG; request for monies.(3/7)(3/21)(5/16).76,90,164 Sfikas Rest., Grandma's Pantry, 401 Central, Cig. Per.(6/20).........................207 Shady Oaks Sub. on S. Grandview, approval of layout for E. Tschiggfrie.(12/19)....................403 Shaffer, Thomas C., referral of Claim.(1/3)....2 Shang, Old, N. Bennett, Cig. Per.(6/20).....207 Shelter Plus Care Program, HUD, Application to Participate.(6/20).....................204 Sheridan Road, 3257, disposing of DREAMS Home to Amy Connolly.(4/18)(5/2)...........129,137 Sheridan Road Sanitary Sewer Project.(6/20)(7/18)(8/1)... 209,210,227,228.251 Shickles, Andrea, appointed to the Community Devel. Comm.(7/5)...........216 Shireman, Sheryl A., King of Club, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(7/5)..................207,221 Shot Tower Inn, 390 Locust, Cig. Per.(5/16)170 Shumard, Wm. & Rosemarie, re: W. 32nd St. problem with non-completion of NW Arterial.(9/6).....313 Sick Pay leave, DPPA & Tom Fessler, reimbursement.(10/17)..................341 Sid's Beverage, B. Miller, 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/6)(8/1)..................183,252 Sidewalk Repairs, 1993, proof of filing of final plat of.(1/17)..........................15 Sidewalk Installations of 3 property owners, final spec. assessments.(2/7)..........23,24 Sidewalk Construction, 1991, Proof of Notice of Filing of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments.(3/21).......90 Sidewalk Program, Neighborhood, CDBG.(5/16)..........................173 Sidewalk & Repair Program Assessments, 1994.(12/5).........................390,391 sieg Auto Parts, rezoning of 3049 Asbury Rd. (3/21)(4/4)(11/7)..................87,94,359 Sign Code for the City, (Sec. 3-34 thru 3-71), for Issuance of Permits, collection of Fees and Licensing of Contractors.(9/6)..................282-291 Signals, traffic, at Hempstead High School at Pennsylvania.(5/2)(6/6)(11/7).....151,181,356 Signs (directive) at the First & Bluff Sts. intersection.(8/1).....................256 Signs, Political, amendment to Sign Regulations.(12/19)....................419 Silt removal from 32nd St. Detention Basin.(2/21)............................44 Silver Dollar Cantina, 342 Main, Liq. Lic.(5/16)(7/18).....................170,235 Simon, Selma, Claim; Referred.(3/7)(3/21).70,89 Sinagra, Judy, Claim; referred.(2/21)(3/7).58,70 Single Unit Rehab Loan Program, CDBG projects.(5/16)(6/6)..................173,189 Sisler, Elmer, objection to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7)..........................363 Sister City, Handan, China, delegates here; request for Mayor's visit & funding.(3/7)(9/6)...62,76,280 Sisters of the Visitation, re: rezoning of Visitation Convent, 900 Alta Vista, for Loras College.(6/6)176-178 Sister's Addn; portion condemned by IDOT for U.S. 20.(12/5).......................388 Sixteenth St. Pumping Station, Rehabilitation.(1/17)......................5 Sixteenth St. & Kerper Blvd., northwest corner, disposition of City property.(7/18)(8/1)............230,258 Skahill, Marilyn, Claim; denial.(8/15)(9/6)270,312 Slattery Center, Lease Agreement with Dbq. Montessori School. (4/4)(4/18)........................100,113 Sloan, Don & Kay, objection to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7)..........................363 Small Business Administration for Security, assignment of Leases re: Anderson Marine.(7/18).............241 Smith, Ron & Jan, requesting extension of time for security for Loras Place; final plat approval of Loras Estates etc.(2/7)(8/1)...........34,35,257,258 Smith, Tammy, Claim; Referred; Appealed. (9/6)(9/19)(11/7)................312,324,364 Smock, Glen, re: renaming of State Highway No. 3 to "The American Veterans Memorial Highway." (2/7)(2/21)23,47 Smoke Detectors re: amended Residential Housing Code.(12/19)...................412 Smothers Place, (corner of Kelly Lane, Manson Rd. & Miller Rd.) final plat approval of Lots 1,2 & 3 of Lots A, B & C.(10/17)..........................342 Snorkel 1970, purchase of replacement (Fire Dept.)(5/16)............................169 Soccer field rezoning for University of Dubuque.(6/20)........................192 Social Work, Professional, Proclamation.(3/7)62 Software (Financial) purchase (Computer) of Pentamation Government Systems.(5/2).............147 Soil borings & monitoring wells, re: Underground Storage Tank Program etc.(2/21)(6/20)...........59,212A Soil & Water Stewardship Week, Proclamation.(4/18)....................111 Solid Waste Agency, Finance Statements; 1995 Budget & tipping fee info.(1/17)(2/21)..................12,58 Solid Waste, re: Changes in Charges, Amounts, Exceptions, Guidelines etc.(8/1)...................249 South entrance to Mines of Spain, final plat approval of nearby property.(8/15).................265 South Locust Street, vacating a portion from Valley St. Extension to Railroad Ave.(1/17)...................7 Southerly city limits to northerly city limits, speed limits on U.S. 61/151/52.(10/17)....349 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., vacation & sale of City Lot 415A to them.(4/4)(4/18)............. 105,106,115 Spahn & Rose Lumber objecting to requested rezoning of property west of Radford Rd. adjoining Wolff Rd.(12/19)............................401 Spec. building, L. Wolff requesting rezoning of property w. of Radford adjoining Wolff Rd. from LI to C- 3.(12/19)...........................401,402 SPECIAL SESSION OF JOINT BOARD OF COULER VALLEY URBAN DRAINAGE DISTRICT.(2/21)......41 Special Use Permit request by Wm. Stark for single family home in County.(10/17).....................342 Speed limits on U.S. 20 from Locust to e. city limits on Julien Dubuque Bridge.(10/17)(11/7)........349,371 Speed limits on U.S. Highway #61/151/52 from s City limits to n City limits.(10/17)(11/7).............349,371 Speed limits in City Parks, amendment of City Ord.(11/7)..........................366-369 Speede Shoppe, (IOCO) at 1841 Dodge, civil penalty assessed.(9/19).................323 Speeding on Peru Road, objection by L. Gremmel.(4/18)........................133 Speer Financial, Inc. recommending bond sale to Harris Trust & Savings Bank.(4/4)..................93,94 Spielman, Charles, Claim.(3/21)............89 Split lots for townhouses etc., amend Subd. Ord.(3/21)(4/4).......................87,98 Spring Valley re: prohibiting Parking on portion.(9/6)...........................282 Square Dance Week, Proclamation.(4/4).....92 St. Mary's St., petition of residents for removal from Cathedral Historic Dis. (8/1)(11/21)...256,383 St. Mary's Place No. 5 (east of Carter Rd.), final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 & A; Extension of Security time.(10/17)(11/21).................343,376 St. Joseph the Worker Church, re: objections to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7)......................363 St. Paul Lutheran Church, Claim.(12/19)....395 Stanley Roofing Co. of Vinton, IA, awarded Contract for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Garage Roof Rehab.Project.(9/6)(12/19)..........276,399 Stark, Wm., Special Use Permit request in County.(10/17).........................342 Starlight Dr. & Crescent Ridge Reconstruction Project. (9/6)(10/17).......................307,342 State Highway No. 3 to "The Amer. Veterans Memorial Highway", requested by Glen Smock.(2/7)(2/21)...23,47 State Historical Society, Bishop's Block Building on National Reg. of Hist. Places.(2/7)..................33,34 State of Iowa, re: input on Iowa's transportation needs.(3/21)...............90 State Farm Insurance as subrogee of Bruce Rothenberger, Claim.(6/20)..........................210 State and Federal Mandates, support of unfunded, with IA League of IA Municipalities.(10/17)..........346,347 State of Iowa Grant proposal for Family Resource Center for Audubon, Prescott & Fulton Schools.(12/19).......394 Statement of Comm. Devel. Objectives and CDBG 20th Program Year.(2/21)....................56 Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program Funding for Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Project.(6/20)..........................203 Statewide Enhancement Project to IDOT, Application process for enhancement of Ice Harbor & Wm. M. Black.(6/20)...........................203 STD Program, re: funding source to CDBG funding; request for funding for center.(3/7)(3/21)(5/16)..76,90,164 Steam Dredge Wm. M. Black, Enhancement Project.(6/20)..........................203 Stecher Place, re: 3219 Asbury rezoning.(3/21)80 Steele, Mary Jane, appointed to Housing Comm. Trust Fund.(9/6).................279 Steffen's Place, re: rezoning of UD property between Devon & Collins.(7/5)..................217 Stein, Richard, At Large applicant to the Community Devel. Comm.; appointed to Investment Oversight Comm.; appointed to Long Range Planning Comm.; Resignation from Investment Oversight.(2/7)(3/21)(7/5)(7/18)..22,84,216,239 Steinhauser, Cynthia, Dir. of Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. endorsing City sponsorship of application to DMATS for ISTEA funds; Resigning from Community Development Comm. (8/15)(12/19)......................264,396 Stenlund, Roger & Paula, Urban Revit Tax exemption in W. 11th St. area.(2/21).....................50 Step/Wall Repair, Neighborhood, CDBG.(5/16)174 Stephenson, George M., Bunker Hill Golf Course, Beer Per.; Contract with G.Stephenson.(2/21)(3/21)53,89 Stewart, Wayne, re: final plat approval of Lots 1,2 & 3 of Marie Rubie Subd. U.S. Highway 52 & Old Bellevue Rd. in Dubuque County.(12/19)........................397 Stoffel, Janel, Claim; settlement.(9/6)(9/19)312,323 Stoffel, Vera, Copper Kettle, 2987 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/2)(7/18).................149,235 Stoltz St., re: Saunders St., vacation of portion to the NW Line of Lot 37 of Fairmount Park Subd.(1/17)(2/7)13,19,20 Stop Signs along portions of U.S. Hwy. 61 Ramp Connections.(1/17)..................9 Stop Lights at Hempstead High School on Pennsylvania. (5/2)(6/6)(11/7).................151,181,356 Stop signs requested for Lincoln Ave.(10/3)339 Storage Tank Program, Underground, Access Agreement re: monitoring wells etc.(2/21)(4/4).................59,100 Storage of vehicles in residential section, comments.(11/21)......................381 Storm Sewer, Eleventh St., from Elm to White.(6/6)........................184,185 Storm damages of 8/19/94, response set out; appreciation for help with clean-up.(9/6).................313,316 Straka, Shirley A., Claim; denial.(2/7)(2/21)33,58 Strand Associates for engineering services for Phase II Improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant.(3/7)......64 Strand Associates, execute a Contract for Engineering Design Services for Phase III Improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant.(4/4).....................100 Street Tree & Landscaping Policy on Public ROW.(2/21).............................48 Street Construction Program, Five Year.(4/4)(4/18).....................100,116 Street Dept., re: Garage roof project.(8/1)(9/6)(12/19)...........254,276,399 Street Dept. Operations & Maintenance Rehab. Roof Project. (8/1)(9/6)......................253,254,276 Street Finance Report.(9/19).............324 Street Paving Project, 1993 Asphalt, acceptance.(11/7)...................356,357 Streets in City Parks, speed limits etc.(11/7)367 Street repair, re: sewer connection notification etc., new Ord.(12/19)......................414 Streetscape facilities along Cable Car Square area, re: DMATS Enhancement funds requested.(8/15)264 Streff, Chad A., Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liquor Lic.; Civil Penalty; Cig. Per.(4/18)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)128,186,207,214 Strub, Dorothy, objection to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7).........................363 Student housing rezoning request for Wartburg on Fremont Ave.(9/19)....................321 Study of Sanitary Sewer System for Infiltration and Inflow, Phase II.(4/18)........................116 Study of Feasibility for access to Hwy. 20 re: University of Dubuque property.(8/1)................258 Subdivision Ordinance amendment to permit single family lot splits for 1 lot line townhouses.(3/21)..........87 Substance Abuse Services Center, Quarterly Report; Purchase of Services Agreement Contract.(2/7)(8/15)...................37,272 Substances, Hazardous Waste and conditions re: Ord. providing for liability, Clean-up, notification of City etc.(9/6)..............................304 Sullivan, Mark, re: FDR park usage comments.(3/7).........................77 Sullivan, Gene F., objecting to development of Sunny Slopes Estates; final plat approval of Sunnyslopes Estates Phase 3. (3/21)(8/15)(10/17)............90,266,267,346 Sullivan, Brian, Claim denial; Appeal. (9/6)(11/7)(11/21)...............312,354,376 Summer Bash '94 Day (End of), Proclamation.(9/6).....................276 Sun's Corp., Yeng Ching Res., 926 Main, Liq. Lic.(11/7).............................374 Sunny Slopes Estates, re: objection of development by Gene Sullivan.(3/21).......90 Sunnycrest, Radio Tower Hold Harmless Agreement.(8/15).......................273 Sunnyslopes Estates Phase 3, final plat approval; Extension requested; rescinded and reaffirming final plat. (8/15)(10/3)(10/17)..............266,339,345 Sunset Park 8th Addn., final plat approval.(4/4)..........................107 Sunset Park Circle & NW corner of JFK, Zoning change, from R-4 to PR.(10/17)(11/7)...................353,360 Sunset Park 7th Addn., final plat approval of Div. of Lot 21, Blk 2.(12/5)....................387 Superior Excavating awarded contract for the Curtis St. Sanitary Sewer.(3/7)....................64 Supervisor's, County, request to exclude Little Maquoketa River from protected stream status.(2/21).......41 Supervisors, County, re: Couler Valley Urban Drainage District Agreement, 2nd amendment.(4/4).......107 Supervisors, County, requesting funding for center for examination of sexually transmitted diseases.(5/16)...164 Supplement No. 17 to City Code; Supp. No. 18 to City Code; Supp. No. 19; Supp. No. 20.; No. 21. (3/7)(6/6)(8/15)(10/17)(12/19)72,187,274,344,398,399 Supplement, 2nd, of CDBG Flood Disaster Relief Funds.(8/1)......................245 Surcharge enacted for checks returned for nonsufficient funds.(5/16)...............168 Surplus Vacant City properties.(12/5)......389 Survey of Division of Lot 2-B-2-1-M.L. 304, 2190 Roosevelt.(5/16)...................174 Survey of plat of Ohmert's Hilltop Farms.(11/21)..........................379 Survey of Lots 1-10 & Lot A of Raven Oaks Pl. No. 2 at 2830 John F. Kennedy Rd.(12/19)............396 Survey of Lots 1-3 of Herrig's Add. at 3279 W. 32nd St. final plat approval.(12/19)......................396 Sutton Pool, concession contract with Bill Meyer; engineering firm hired for it.(2/7)(9/6).................25,280 Swift, Thomas G., appointed to the Housing Code Appeals Board.(1/17)................8 Swimming Pools, concession contract with Bill Meyer.(2/7).........................25 Swiss Valley Farms submitting Audit Report; Industrial Sewer Use Agreements.(1/17)(9/6).....17,282 Symphony (Dbq.) Orchestra re: fireworks display on 9/4.(6/20)....................211 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE T T & M, Inc., Mario's Italian Rest., 1298 Main, Cig. Per.(12/5)..........392 Table Mound Park Corp. re: extension of Bankston Dr. to allow for 25 lots at Table Mound III etc.(8/15)........................269 Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Dis., amended Conceptual Devel. Plan.(9/6)...........................................277 Tabor, Paul, appointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm.(2/7)................................................22 Take 5 Coffeehouse, E. Adam, 371 Bluff, Cig. Per.(2/7)..............28 Tank Terminals, (Dbq.), three leases - assignments to Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. for Security.(5/2).......................154,155 Target, Dayton-Hudson, Cig. Per.(6/20)..........................207 Tax Increment Financing Funds for Old Main Market Analysis.(12/19).....................................405 Tax Increment Financing District, Limit on use of Revenues for Downtown Urban Renewal.(5/2)..............................141 Tax levied to pay $3,100,000 G.O. Bonds.(4/18)................117-125 Tax exemption applications approved after late filing date in Urban Revit. area.(2/21)....................................51 Tax Abatement, Urban Revitalization Program approving 1994 and late 1993 applications.(2/21)..................................50 Tax protest of Richard E. & Georgia A. Goebel's voluntary settlement.(6/6)...................................188 Taxing Districts etc. re: impact of Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Development Dis.(8/15).......................262 Taylor, Scott & Rhonda, release of them from Personal Guarantees etc. re: Eagle Point Corp.(9/6)..................280,281 TCI Cablevision for fiber optic connections.(11/7).................363 TCI Agreement re: fiber optic connection etc.(10/3)................339 TCI Cablevision of Dubuque, Annual Report for 1993.(6/6)..........187 Tekippe, Francis & Elizabeth, re: University of Dubuque rezoning request on Dodge & Devon.(6/20)............192 Telecommunications Officers & Advisors, 1994 Public Interest Defense Award.(11/7)................................355 Telecommunications Service Providers, Res. advocating Local Control of the Use of Public Rights-of-Way.(8/1).......................248 Teleprogramming Commission appointment of Jennifer L. Tigges.(7/18)....................................229 Television coverage of Council Worksessions.(5/16)..............169 Tenants re: amended Residential Housing Code.(12/19)............412 Tenyer Coatings awarded contract for the Cleaning etc. of Pennsylvania Water Tank.(6/6)...............................181 Terminals, Inc., Lease Assignment to DB & T for Security.(5/2).............................................155 Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park Corp., 4001 Peru Rd., amendment of PR Planned Res. Dis.(9/19)(10/3)........................322,326 Terracon Environmental Inc., performing soil boring & install monitoring wells on city right-of-way at 300 S. Locust.(6/20)...............212A Text amendment to amend Sec. 4-3.5 Sign Reg. re: Political Signs.(12/19)......................................419 Text amendment to Amend Sec. 8, Definitions for Bus. Services to include Photographic Studies.(12/19).......................420 Text amendment to C-4 District, permitting Residential uses on the first floor in a C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(9/19).......322 TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(11/21)...................................207,383 TFM Co., Claim; settlement.(1/17)(2/7)..........................15,33 TFT, Ltd., Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 3rd, Beer Per.(2/21).................53 The Finale Lounge, Kelly Inc., 1701 Central, Liq. Lic.(5/2)...........149 The Monday Co., Casey's General Store, 4003 Peru Rd., Beer Per.(9/6)311 Things of Value, receipt, Repeal of Ord.(7/18).................230,231 Third Amendment to the Dubuque Racing Assn. Lease.(11/7).......364 Thirteenth to Fourteenth St., approval of plat of Proposed Vacated Southerly One-half of the Alley between Elm & Washington St.(8/1)........................................252 Thirty-Second St. & Peru Road, Prohibition of Parking on certain portions.(5/16)......................................168 Thirty-Second Street Detention Basin, Silt Removal Project.(2/7)(2/21)..........................29,30,44 Thomas, Father Dwayne, Teacher at Wahlert, Gave Invocation. (1/17).......................................5 Thomas, Francis J., Jr., Claim; Denial.(6/6)(6/20)...............186,210 Thompson, Rev. Richard, input on FY 1995 Budget.(3/7)............76 Thoms, Allen, re: University of Dubuque rezoning request on Dodge; appointed to Airport Comm.(6/20)(8/1).....................193,247 Thunderfest river festivities by R. Tschiggfrie; Fireworks Display request; Beer Permit.(2/21)(5/16)(7/5)(7/18)...........47,165,223,235 Ticket - Parking program, Courtesy Ticket program.(8/1)...........257 TIF funds for Old Main Market Analysis.(12/19)...................405 Tiffany Ridge, final plat approval with proper owners' names.(4/18)......................................131 Tigges, Eugene, extension of time for security for final plat.(3/7)...........................................71 Tigges, Marcella, objecting to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)........363 Tigges, Jennifer L., appointment to Cable Community Teleprogramming.(7/18)....................................229 Timmerman, Wm. R., Claim; Referred.(10/17)(11/7).............341,354 Tipping fee information for Landfill, Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(2/21)...................................58 Tollbridge Inn, Eagle Point Associates, 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(9/6)................................312 Tool Library, Washington, Funding Agreement.(7/5)...............223 Tott's Tap, C. Meyers & L. Tott, Cig. Per.(6/20)....................207 Tourism Month Proclamation.(5/2).............................136 Town Clock Inn, S. Nelson, 8th & Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(6/20)......................................54,208 Townhouses, re: Subd. Ord. amendment to permit single family lots splits.(3/21)(4/4)......................................87,98 Traffic directive signs requested at 1st & Bluff Sts.(8/1)............256 Traffic Signals for Pennsylvania Ave. in front of Hempstead High School.(5/2)(6/6)(11/7).............150,151,181,356 Traffic problems at Bluff St. from 1st to Dodge.(8/1)...............256 Traffic and parking problems at Bryant School.(3/21)(5/2).................................89,155 Traffic Analysis & Management Plan, Downtown.(11/21)............381 Traffic problems on Lincoln Ave., request for stop signs.(10/3)..........................................339 Traffic Study, University of Dubuque/U.S. 20. (11/7)(11/21)(12/5)..................................363,384,387 Trans-Miss Investments, Inc. Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/20)(8/15)....................................206,268 Transfers of City Bank Accounts, authorization for Finance Div. employees.(5/16)..........................................169 Transit Board of Trustees, reappointment of George Enderson; appointment of Michael Chase; appointment of Harry J. Bemis. (2/7)(8/15)..............................................23,264 Transit Dept. Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/14)....................40 TRANSIT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/21)(4/4)(6/20)(7/18)(10/17)(11/21)...........57,106,210,238,341,376 Transport Sales, KWIK Stop Food Mart, 1075 Dodge, Beer Per.(10/3).................................337 Transportation problems around the state, IDOT set up meetings to receive input.(3/21).......................................90 Transportation Enhancement Funds, DMATS, for installation of streetscape facilities in Cable Car Square etc.; Enhancement of Riverfront & 4th St. Peninsula etc.(8/15).....................................264,272 Trautwein, Roxanne, Claim; closed.(8/15)(9/6).................270,312 Travel Budget for Council reviewed.(3/7).........................76 Travel money for Mayor to visit Sister City in China.(3/7)............76 Treasurer's office employees, authorized to obtain City bank account info.(5/16)....................................169 Tree (Street) and Landscaping Policy on Public ROW.(2/21)..........48 Tressel, Dennis, objecting to rezoning on Geraldine Dr.(5/16).......161 Tri-State Golf Center, request for rezoning on Cedar Cross Rd.(5/16)(6/20)..............................170,191 Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. Coalition requesting funds.(5/16)..........163 Trick or Treat Night, Proclamation.(9/19).........................317 Troupe, Allen J., applicant for Human Rights Commission. (1/17)(9/6)...............................................8,279 Truck, 1948 Seagrave 100' aerial ladder - Fire, given to Historical Soc.(12/5)........................................385 Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Kerper Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction; Awarded contract for 1994 P.C. Concrete Program; Awarded Contract for 11th Street Storm Sewer; Awarded contract for Sheridan Road San. Sewer. (5/2)(7/5)(8/1)...................................143,148,216,251 Tschiggfrie, Ed, layout approval for Shady Oaks Subd. on S. Grandview.(12/19).......................................403 Tschiggfrie, Rod, re: Thunderfest request etc.(2/21)(5/16)........47,165 Turn Lane at Northwest Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave.(9/19)(10/3)..323,336 Turner, Jerry, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.(9/19)..........320 Turnmeyer, Laura, Claim.(7/5).................................222 TV Teleprogramming Comm. appointment of Jennifer L. Tigges.(7/18)229 TV coverage of Council Worksessions.(5/16)(6/20).............169,201 TV Cable Regulatory Comm. appointment of Charlie Ellis.(7/5).......217 TV Cable Teleprogramming resignation of Thomas J. Crall.(12/19)...395 Twelfth St., Art Pape Transfer, requesting interim base lease.(10/17)...................................348 Twelfth St., Art Pape Transfer, parking lot construction.(10/17).......................................348 Twelfth St., modify parking in Prescott School area for bus loading.(4/18)......................................125,126 Twentieth Program Year, Community Development Objectives, Final Statement.(5/16)...........................................163 Twenty-One Years Old, under that, for Legal Age re: Alcohol Sales, Liquor Licensees.(9/19).....................................318 Two Twenty-Five, Outdoor Only, Liquor Lic.(5/16).................170 Two Hour Parking Zone on Bryant St.(5/2)....................155,156 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE U U.S. Highway 61/151 Ramp Connections, traffic changes etc.(1/17).........................................9,10 U.S. 20 Highway, condemnation of certain properties for relocated U.S. 20.(2/7)(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)(6/20)(8/15)(10/3)(11/7)(12/5) ........................................................... ...............................38,58,90,132,211,274,339,355,388 U.S. 20 near Middle Fork of Catfish Creek, IDOT Agreement for Median Crossovers; Bridge construction etc.(2/7)(9/6).........38,315 U.S. Highway 151 in WI, endorsement of construction between Dodgeville & Dickeyville.(7/18)...............................242 U.S. Highway 20, speed limits from Locust St. to easterly city limits on Julien Dbq. Bridge.(10/17)................................349 U.S. Highway 61/151/52 Speed limits from southerly city limits to northerly.(10/17)(11/7)...................................349,371 U.S. 20 speed limits from Locust St. to e. city limit on Julien Dubuque Bridge.(11/7)..............................................371 U.S. 52 Corridor Study Report.(11/21)...........................382 U.S. Hwy. 52 & Old Bellevue Rd., re: final plat approval of Marie Rubie Sub. Lots, 1,2 & 3.(12/19)..............................397 U.S. Census Bureau Agreement for special census, motion failed.(12/19).......................................418 UAW, Local 94, 3450 Central, Beer Per.(12/19)....................418 Udelhofen, Gerald, applicant for the Civil Service Comm.(4/4)........99 Ulfers, Sr. Rosalyn, Chaplain of Mercy, Gave Invocation.(3/7).........62 Underage possession of alcohol & sale of alcohol, Ordinance.(9/19).......................................318,319 Underground Storage Tank Program.(4/4).......................100 Ungs, David, Liq. Lic. refund, Copper Kettle.(6/20)................211 Union Label Week, Proclamation.(9/6) ..........................276 University Ave., 2282, Rezoning from C-2 to C-3., Pet. of D. Kruse.(1/17)(2/7).......................................12,21 University, 2634, objection to sewer assessment by Robert J. Hough.(3/21)......................................84 University Ave., 692-696, sale of DREAMS property to harles & Linda Sangston.(7/5)(7/18)........................221,228 University of Dubuque, re: IDOT Notice in matter of condemnation.(11/7).....................................355 University of Dubuque, rezoning of their property on U.S. 20. (3/21)(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(9/6)(10/17)(11/7)(11/21)(12/5) ....90,102,103,184,192-200,217,229,239,258,313,348,363,375,384,387 University of Dubuque, re: fiber optic connection support.(11/7).....363 Update on vacant city-owned property.(5/16).....................166 Update on disposition of 16th & Kerper Blvd. property.(8/1).........258 Urban Revitalization Program, tax exemptions, 1994 and late 1993 applications. (2/21).....................................................50 Urban Revitalization areas, late property tax exemptions applications approved.(2/21)............................................51 Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown area; Amended & Restated etc.(4/4)(5/2)(6/20)...............................106,138,140,201 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District, Annual Limit set on Revenues.(5/2)............................................141 Urban Renewal District for Kerper Blvd. Indust. Park. (7/18)(8/15)........................................236,260-263 Utility Easement, Lot H of Fremont Heights.(12/5)(12/19).........392,402 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE V Vacant City-owned land, update of progress; disposition.(5/16)(12/5)..................................166,389 Vacating and disposing of Lot 37 of Fairmount Park Subd. to Drew & Terra Cook.(1/17)....................................13 Vacating portion of Kerper Blvd. abutting Lot 1 of 2 and 1 of 2 of 2 of Blk 6 of Riverfront Subd. No. 3. (2/21)(3/7)(6/6)(7/5)..............................52,53,65,185,215 Vacating portion and disposing of Kerper Blvd., Lot 1A of Blk 5 of RiverFront Subd. No. 3, to Whalen Ind.(10/17)..................351 Vacating portion of Kerper Blvd. right-of-way (River Front Subd. No. 3) to Kerper Realty Co.(10/17)..................................351 Vacation of Lot 1A in Henry A. Robinson Ind. Subd. and sale to Raymond & Anna Mae Hansen.(1/17)............................7 Vacation of an alley between Jackson & Washington St. from 8th to 9th Sts. (re: Kretschmer-Treadway, Jeldwen, & Spahn & Rose). (4/4)(4/18).............................................106,114 Vacation of S. one-half of alley between Elm & Washington from 13th to 14th.(8/1)..............................................252 Vacation of Utility easement, Lot H of Fremont Heights, re: M. McNamer.(12/5)...................................392,393 Valentine Dr., property north & east of (N. of Geraldine), rezoning from R-1 to PUD with a PR.(4/18)(5/2)(5/16).............128,136,161 Valley St. Ext. to Railroad Ave., Vacating portion of South Locust & sale to Raymond & Anna Mae Hansen.(1/17).....................7 Valley High Parkland playground & Bunker Hill Golf Course, re: affordable housing.(12/5)(12/19)...........................390,396 Van Natta, Larry, Certificate of Appreciate for Auxiliary Police service.(5/16).............................................158 Van Milligen, Michael, City Mgr., appointed to Convention and Visitors Board & Operation: New View Board (with D. Harris as designee to OP. N.V.:, appointment to ECIA Council; Employment Agreement amendment.(1/17)(4/4)(5/16).............................9,99,174 Van Milligen, Michael, as City Manager, evaluated in Closed Session; Employment Agreement amendment.(5/9)(5/16)..............157,174 Vandermillen, Ann & Ed, objecting to hiring of 7 Police Officers & not funding parttime Library worker.(3/21)......................90 Vandermillen, Edmund, applicant for Library Bd.(5/2)..............146 Vehicle Service/Repair, amendment of Zoning Ord. Sec. 8 "Definitions". (2/21)(3/21)(4/18).....................................57,81,111 Vehicles at Fire Station, Snorkel & Pumper, purchase of replacements.(5/16).............................169 Vehicles in Parks, amended City Ord.(11/7)...................366-369 Vehicle storage in residential areas, comments.(11/21)............381 Venture Stores, #27, 255 JFK, Cig. Per.(6/20).....................207 Vessels Systems, Inc., release of CD funds.(1/3)....................2 Veterans Memorial Highway, renaming from State Highway 3.(2/7)(2/21)......................................23,47 Video and Data Transmissions, re: Local Control of Use of Public Rights of Way by Telecommunications Service Providers.(8/1)....248 Violence Prevention Week, Proclamation.(4/18)...................111 Virginia Court, re: final plat approval of Lots 1, 2 and A of St. Mary's Pl. No. 5 (east of Carter Rd.).(10/17)...........................343 Visitation Convent, 900 Alta Vista, to Loras College, rezoning from R-2 to ID.(5/16)............................................171 Visitors Bureau (& Convention), City Mgr. Michael Van Milligen appointed; Quarterly Report.(1/17)(11/7).......9,15,354 VNA Senior Health Clinic Services, Contract.(7/5).........................213 Voetberg, Council Member appointed as Council rep. to the Long Range Planning Comm.(7/5)..................216 Voluntary annexation for property near NW Arterial ROW.(3/21)....................87,88 Voluntary Settlement re: Richard & Georgia Goebel's tax protest.(6/6)...............188 VonAh, Julia, Claim; referral.(10/17)(11/7)341,354 Vorwald Pl. No. 2, Lot 1, 3049 Asbury from C-3 to C-2.(11/7)...........................359 Vote reconsideration by Council Member Nicholson for A & M Developments of Marna Ridge.(6/6)......182 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE W W. 16th property of J. Healey, request for rezoning cancelled.(3/21)...91 W. 5th St., communication concerning, not by K. Kolarich.(4/4)......107 W. 15th Street, No Parking on portions.(7/18).....................231 W. 9th, 125, rezoning from C-4 to OR.(10/17)(11/7).........352,358,359 Wage increase for City Non-Bargaining unit employees authorized.(5/2).............................................147 Wahlert, James, Claim; denial.(3/7)(3/21).......................70,89 Wainwright, Thomas, appointed to the Comm.Development Comm. (2/7).......................................................22 Waiver - Limited Setback, for Special Exceptions, Zoning Ord.(2/21)(3/7).....................................45,74 Wal-Mart Subdivision, reaffirming final plat of Lot 1, 2 & 3 & Lot A.(2/7)...............................................37 Wal-Mart #2004, Cig. Per.(6/6).................................183 Wal-Mart, nearby, Easement Access Area requested for public road by River City.(6/20).........................................211 Walgreens, 555 JFK, Cig. Per.(6/20)............................207 Waller, Annie Subd., re: Amended Conceptual Development Plan for property west of Rockdale for Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Dis.(9/6)..277 Walnut Tap, C. Weiner, 909 Walnut, Cig. Per.; Liq Lic.(6/6)(7/5)...183,221 Ward Commercial, approval of final plat of Lots 1-2 & Lot A. (2/7)(5/2)...........................................36,153,154 Wareco 662, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/4)(6/20)......101,207 Warehousing Facility, freight transfer, rezoning of 98 E. 4th St.(12/19).........................................419 Warranty Deed from McNamer's re: Marna Ridge Estate 2, Lot A & Lot B.(11/21)............................................380 Wartburg Theological Seminary, rezoning of 450/480 Fremont for multi-family student housing.(9/19)(10/3)................321,329-331 Washing Vehicles in City Parks, amended City Ord.(11/7)........366-369 Washington Street Urban Revit. District Tax Exempt. (2/21)..........50 Washington & Jackson Sts., vacation of alley from 8th to 9th (re: Kretschmer-Treadway, Jeldwen & Spahn & Rose). (4/4)(4/18)...........................................105,114,155 Washington Neighborhood Council, Cp2 award; new Pres. R. Greve. (5/16)(6/6).............................................164,186 Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Purchase of Services.(7/5)..223 Washington St., between that & Elm St., alley vacation of portion; Wolff.(8/1)(8/15)........................................252,263 Wastewater, Industrial Pretreatment Fee Structure.(10/17)..........349 Water Plant, Eagle Point, purchase of pumps and motors.(2/21)......48 Water Pollution Control Plant, Contract with Strand Associates for Engineering Services for Phase II Improvements.(3/7)............64 Water Pollution Control Plant, Phase II Improvements. (3/7)(4/18)........................................69,70,113,114 Water Plant Phase II Hydraulic & Electrical Improvements & Fourth Water Pressure Zoning Improvements.(3/21)(5/2).............88,145 Water Pollution Control Plant, Phase III Improvements.(4/4).........100 Water (& Soil) Stewardship Week, Proclamation.(4/18).............111 Water Plant, Eagle Point, modification of Easements, (Luber's, Moldts, & Melssen).(4/18)..........................................130 Water Tower at Pennsylvania, Cleaning, repairing & Painting. (5/2)(6/6).......................................151,152,180,181 Water Main Project, NW Arterial.(9/6)............................306 Water Main Extension for Roosevelt Rd., requested by J. Nelson.(12/19)..............................................395 Way Cool, R. Hentges, 2249 University, Cig. Per.(10/3).............337 WCB Hotels, Inc., Hoffman House/3100 Club., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(1/3)(6/20)...................1,207 Weaver, Jerry, Crazy Horse Saloon, 665 Dodge, Cig. Per.; IDOT Notice in matter of condemnation etc. (2/7)(6/20)(11/7) .................28,206,355 Weaver, Charles, Papa Sarducci's,, 1895 JFK., BW Liq. Lic.(5/16)......................170 Weber, Michael, Claim; settlement. (2/21)(3/21)...........................58,89 Weber, Hank, requesting Kelly Lane be reconstructed.(3/7)......................77 Weber, James J., appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.(4/4)................99 Weber, M., Mike's Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/20)...............207 Weidenbacher, Laurie Jean, Claim; Referral.(7/5)(7/18)..................222,238 Weiner, C., Walnut Tap, 909 Walnut, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/6)(7/5).........................183,221 Wells, monitoring, & soil boring at 300 S. Locust, Terracon Environmental Inc.(6/20)...........................212A Welstead, Bob of Dial Co. re: University of Dubuque rezoning.(6/20).............193,197 Welu Drive, re: final plat of portion of Sunset Park 8th Addn.(4/4)..................107,108 Wentworth, Bruce, Mgr. of Diamond Jo, re: covered canopy structure at Ice Harbor.(10/3)......................336 Wersinger, Virgil & R. Rupp, Claim; referral.(1/3)(1/17)......................2,15 West 11th St. Urban Revit. District, Tax Abatement applications etc.(2/21).............................50 West Side Park, re: budget allocation for later.(3/7)..............................76 West Bend Mutual, subrogation claim for M. Schueller.(4/4).........................106 West Bend Mutual Ins. Claim for M. Schueller.(5/16)........................172 West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, 1701 Asbury, Cig. Per.(6/20).........................208 West Locust Mart, Cig. Per.; Civil Penalty for Violation.(6/20)(7/5).................207,214 West Addition, rezoning of 2887 Central Ave. (9/6)..................................279 West 32nd St., Wm. & Rosemarie Shumard advising of problem by non-completion of NW Arterial.(9/6)......313 Westmark, approval of plat of Lots 1 thru 3 of Lot 2.(7/18)............................240 Weydert, Steven, Claim; denial. (7/5)(8/1)..........................222,254 Whalen, John & Cheryl, Urban Revit. Tax Exempt.(2/21)...........................50 Whalen Industries, vacation of portion of Kerper Blvd. right-of-way to them.(10/17)(11/7)..............350,351,362 Wheel House, Inc., 1630 W. 16th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Cig. Refund for J. Brown.(2/7)(11/7)..............29,208,355 Wheelhouse, 1630 E. 16th St., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (11/21)(12/5)...................383,392 Whiskey River, C. Streff, civil penalty; Cig. Per.; Civ. Pen. (6/6)(6/20)(7/5).................186,208,214 White House Tavern, D. Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(12/19)...............207,419 White Cane Safety Day, Proclamation.(10/3)326 White St., parking prohibited on certain portions, near Fulton School.(10/17)..................348 White St., prohibiting parking on portion.(11/7)..........................370 Whitey's Bar X, L. Miller, 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/20)(9/19).............207,321 WHKS & Co. re: Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park Corp. at 4001 Peru, rezoning etc.(9/19)...........322 Wick, Dorothy & Warren, objecting to UD rezoning on Hwy. 20.(11/7)...............363 Wickes Addition, 2190 Farley property from Craig Rettenmaier.(3/7)...................73 Wildflower Dr., final plat approval of portion of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 3.(8/15)(10/17)...............266,345 Wilgenbusch, Rev. Lyle, objection to UD rezoning of Hwy. 20.(11/7)...............363 Willenborg, Tracy, Certificate of Appreciation.(6/6)......................176 Williams, Christopher A., Claim; settlement.(3/21)(4/18)................89,131 Wiltse Dr. and Wiltse Ct., final plat approval of portion of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 3.(8/15)(10/17)........266,345 Windmill Lane, re: final plat of Cedar Lake, E. Third Addn.(11/21).....................378 Windsor Ave., 2534-36, (Geiger's Sub.) disposal to Jerry & Cathleen Grutz.(2/7)(2/21)...31,32,46 Windsor Apartments Urban Revit Tax Exempt.(2/21)..........................50 Windsor Tap, G & J's, Inc., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/2)(6/20)......................149,207 Windsor Ave., west of, re: zoning to allow 49 dwelling units.(12/19)..................419 Winterwood, Charles, applicant for Environmental Steward. Comm.(2/7).......22 Wiring update at City Hall, computer etc. (5/2).................................147 Wisconsin Hwy. system, endorsing construction of U.S. 151 between Dodgeville & Dickeyville, WI.(7/18).......242 Wolbers, Nicole, Youth City Council.(4/18).111 Wolf-Berg, Rita J., Claim.(6/20)...........210 Wolff Transportation, Claim; settlement.(6/20)(7/18)...............210,238 Wolff, Clark W., conveyance of property, portion of alley between Elm & Washington St. (of Lot 137A of East Dbq.), an Add., for $3,847.50.(8/1)(8/15)............252,253,263 Wolff Road, property west of, rezoning from LI to C3. (11/21)(12/19).................383,401,402 Wood St., 1720, petition of complaints re: neighbor.(11/7)(11/21)...............355,381 Woodman, Laura E., applicant to Human Rights Comm.(1/17)......................8 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, 1103 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/20).........................207 Work Session with Zoning Comm. for 8/29, scheduled.(8/1)........................259 Work Plan for Boards & Commissions Study.(9/6)............................280 Worksessions of Council, requested TV coverage; Requested for Housing issues. (5/16)(6/20)(9/6)................169,201,280 World Breastfeeding Week, Proclamation. (8/1)..................................245 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE Y Yacht Basin, Beer Per.(5/2)....................................149 Yard Arm Restaurant/Bar, 1201 Shiras, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(3/21).....84,85 Yardarm, Inc., Eagle Pt. Ext., Cig. Per.(6/20)......................207 Yeast, James L., for Ecumenical Housing, Inc. approval of rezoning of NW corner of JFK Rd. & Sunset Park Circle from R-4 to PR and a Conceptual Devel. Plan.(11/7).............................360,361 Yen Ching Rest., Sun's Corp., 926 Main, Liq. Lic.(11/7).............374 YMCA-YWCA Building Corp., IDOT Notice in matter of condemnation for U.S. 20 Project.(11/7).......................................355 Young, Richard, of Table Mound Park Corp., rezoning for Table Mound Mobile Home Park PR Planned Res. Dis.(9/6).....277,278 Youth Bill, Letter of Support for HUD, submitted by Dbq. Building & Trades Council.(1/3)................................2 Youth representative to the Environmental Stewardship Comm. - Jacob Felderman.(2/7).......................................22 Youth in Government Students sworn in.(4/18)...................111 Youth Appreciation Week, Proclamation.(11/7)...................354 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE Z Ziegler, Diane, comments on Budget.(3/7)......................76,77 Zihlke, Loren, Milk House, 2311 Windsor, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/21)(7/5).......................................53,220 Zimmerman, William H., Claim; referral.(2/7)(2/21)................33,58 Zimmerman, Louise, appointed to the Housing Comm.(8/15)........263 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(3/21)(4/18)(7/5)(7/18)(8/15)(10/17)(12/19) ...................................2,89,131,222,238,270,341,395 ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/3)(2/21)(3/21)(4/4)(5/2)(7/18)(8/15)(9/19)(10/17)(11/21)(12/19) ........................14,57,89,106,153,238,270,323,341,376,395 Zoning Comm. denial of 2282 University from C-2 to C-3. (1/17)(2/7)...............................................12,21 Zoning Ordinance re: consistency with Parking Ord. for Disabled and Handicapped etc.(2/7)...................................25 Zoning Ord. re: Limited Setback Waiver amendment.(2/7)(2/21)....29,45 Zoning Ord, amendment for Section 8 "Definitions" for "Vehicle Service Repair."(2/21)(3/21)(4/18)..............................57,81,118 Zoning reclassification at 3219 Asbury Rd. from R1 to R2 for Steve Kirch's.(2/21)(3/21)..................................57,80 Zoning re: Restricted Height Overlay Dis. in path of E-911 Communication System.(2/21)(3/21)....................57,81 Zoning Board of Adjustment - Fees for services.(3/7)...............74 Zoning of property at 305 W. 16th St. for Joe Healey.(3/21)(4/4)....91,102 Zoning re: University of Dubuque property on Highway 20. (3/21)(4/4)(6/6)(6/20)(7/5)(7/18)(8/1)(11/7)(12/5) .................90,102,184,192-200,217-219,229,239,258,363,375,387 Zoning at 3049 Asbury from C-2 to C-3 (requested by B. Felderman & Sieg Auto Parks).(3/21)(4/4)(10/17)(11/7) ..............87,94,352,359 Zoning Board of Adjustment resignation of Terry Cicciarelli; appointment of James J. Weber; resignation of Dean Robey; appointment of Vicki M. Bechen.(3/21)(4/4)(8/1)(8/15)....84,99,256,264 Zoning amendment to Subdivision Ord., re: single family lot splits for 1 lot line townhouses.(3/21)................................87 Zoning, of second lot North of Lincoln Ave. on Elm St. between 2120 and 2130 Elm from R-2A to CS Dis., requested by J. Herrig. (4/18)(5/16)(6/20)...................................128,161,192 Zoning, north side of Geraldine Dr. North and East of Valentine Dr. from R-1 to PUD requested by A & Developers. (4/18)(5/2)(5/16)(6/6)(8/1) ..........................................128,136,161,182,248 Zoning Fees - Fees for Services.(3/7)............................74 Zoning re: Definition for "Retail Sales/Service in Section 8, Definition"; Text Amendment re: Retail Sales etc.(4/4)(7/18)............97,98,237 Zoning Comm. re: amended PR Planned Resid. Dis. - Hillcrest Apartments, 3290 Hillcrest.(3/21)(4/4)................................86,87,96 Zoning, Lot Area and Dimensions (re: Clarification for Townhouses etc.). (4/4)......................................................98 Zoning of property at NW Arterial & Chavenelle Rd,. requested by Medical Asso.(5/16)........................................158 Zoning change south of Fremont Ave. & North of June Dr. from AG to R-1, R-2 & C-2.(5/16)(6/6)...........................171,178 Zoning change at 900 Alta Vista (Visitation Convent to Loras College) from R-2 to ID; (5/16)(6/6)............................171,176-178 Zoning change at 3271 & 3275 Central from C-2 to C-3.(5/16)(6/6).170,180 INDEX - BOOK 124 1994SUBJECTPAGE Z Zoning Commission resignation of Shaun Kane.(6/6)..............187 Zoning change at 898 Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to C-3, Tri-State Golf Center.(6/20)..................................191 Zoning Comm. appointment of Ferd A. Nesler and Martha E. Christ.(7/5).......................................217 Zoning, Work Session requested of Council to review conditional rezoning process; Rescheduled.(7/18)(8/1).................231,259 Zoning, re: 2727 Dodge from C-2 to C-3.(7/18)....................237 Zoning change for property w. of Rockdale Rd. for Table Mound Mobile Home Park to allow add. 25 lots & duplex etc.(8/15)..............269 Zoning re: final plat of property at NW Arterial & Asbury, Survey Plat of Lot 1 of Salvo-Salvas Pl. for Interstate Power.(8/15)...........273 Zoning change at 2887 Central.(9/6)............................279 Zoning amendment for C-3, C-4, C-5, & CR District, re: Retail Sales/Service.(9/19)(10/3) ....................321,331,332,333,334 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment for Airport, advertise for vacancies.(9/19)........................................318 Zoning change for mobile home park at 450/450 Fremont, Wartburg.(9/19)(10/3)...................................321,329 Zoning change of property at Cedar Cross Rd. & Fremont Ave. from AG and R-1 to R-2.(9/19)(10/3)...............................321,328 Zoning approval amending the PR Planned Resident. Dis. for Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park Corp. at 4001 Peru Rd.(9/19)...322 Zoning text amendment to C-4, residential uses on the first floor in a C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(9/19)..........................322 Zoning of 2671 Owen Ct. from R-4 to PR and a Conceptual Devel. Plan.(10/17)..............................353 Zoning at nw corner of JFK Rd. & Sunset Park Circle from R-4 to PR Dis.(11/7)...........................................360 Zoning at 125 W. 9th St. from C-4 to OR.(10/17)(11/7).......352,358,359 Zoning, re: secession of residents of St. Mary's & Emmett Sts. from Cathedral Historic Dis.(11/21)...........................383 Zoning, of property west of Radford Rd. adjoining Wolff Rd. from LI to C3.(11/21)(12/19)..........................383,401,402 Zoning re: 98 E. 4th St. from CR to CS & Wholesale Dis.(12/19)......419 Zoning of property s of N. Cascade Rd. and Fremont Ave. from AG & R-2 to R-3.(12/19).............................................419 Zoning re: allowing 49 Dwelling Units on a Private Street, west of Windsor & East of Liberty, as requested by Dubuque Housing.(12/19)419 Zoning, re: repealing Section 4-3.5(C) and adopting a New Section 4- 3.5(C) in lieu thereof pertaining to Political Signs.(12/19)...........419 Zoning, re: repealing Section 8 Definitions & adopting Sec. 8 Definitions in lieu thereof pertaining to Business Services, to include Photographic Studios.(12/19)................................420 Zoning re: final plat approval of Lots 1-10 and Lot A of Raven Oaks Pl. No. 2 at 2380 JFK Road.(12/19)..............................396 Zoning re: final plat approval of survey of Lots 1-3 of Herrig's Addn.(12/19)..............................................396 Zwack, Joseph, re: Board Ramp construction for Diamond Jo Gambling Boat.(5/2)................................................146