1988 November Council ProceedingsRegular Session, Noverabe_r 7, 1988 360 ITY COUNCIL / OFFICIAL Regular Session, November 7, 1988 Council met at 7:30 p.m., au the Fublic Library Auditorium. Present: Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt. Simon, Voetberg, City Manager W. Kanneth Gearhart, Corporation Counsel Barry A. Lindahl. Mayor Brady read the ceil and stated that this is the REGULAR MEETING of the City Co~mcii called for the purpose to act upon such business which may prc~ perly come before the Canncil. Invocation was given by Msgr. Wilham Leonard. PROCLAMATION(S): Week of Nov. 13-19 as "American Education Week" received by Dick Saylor; Month of November as "Hospice Month" received by Barb Zoeiler; Week of Nov. 6-12 as "Key Club Week" received by Stacy Ruzicka. City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart was presented a Distingaished Budget Award by Debra Neels, Finance Direc- tor of the City of Muscatine and a State repre~entatlve of the Government Finance Officer's Assn. Mayor Brady read a proclamation congratulating W. Kenneth Gearhart upon receiving the "Award for Program Excellence". proof of publication, certified to by the ~ublisher, on Notice of Pubfic Hearing to allow fences in Historic Districts in ex- cess of tbe height limitations as a Con- ditional Use, presented and read, There were no written objections received and no oral objectors present at the time of the Hearing. Council Member Simon moved that the proof of publicat~an be received and fried. Seconded by Connci~l M~mber Pratt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Brady, Council Members Deicfi, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Siman, Vootberg. Nays--Nane. Council Member Kluesner moved to co address ~he Council if they so desire. Seconded by Councd Member prar~. Car- ried by the following vo~e: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Vectberg. Nays--None. ORDINANCE NO. 56-88 AN ORDINANCE O1; THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA~ PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BE AMENDED BY REVISING APpEN- DIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA", BY REPEALING SECTION 2.8.1 AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 2-8.1 IN LIEU THEREOF TO ALLOW FENCES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS ~N EXCESS OF THE HEIGHT LIMI- TATIONS AS A CONDITIONAL USE, said Ordinance having been presented and read at the Council Meeting ot Oc. tober 17, 1988, presented for final action. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO, 56~8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA, pROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BE AMENDED BY REVISING APpEN- DIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA", BY REPEALING SECTION 2-8.1 AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 2-8.1 IN LIEU THEREOF, TO ALLOW FENCES IN HISTORIC DISTRICTS IN EXCESS OF THE HEIGHT LIMI- TATIONS AS A CONDITIONAL USE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Cede of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amend- ed by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the ,,Zanin~ Ordinance of the City of Dubuque. Iowa", by repealing Section 2-8.1 and enacting a new S~ction ;.1 in lleu thereof as follows: 2-8 Fences 361 Regular Session______L, "2-8.1 Residential Districts: On any residential lot fences may be erected to a height of seven (7) feet in all yards except that fences erected in required front yards shall not exceed four 14) feet in height provided that ten f10) feet of clear visibility shall be maln- t ained on corner lots in accordance with Section 4-4.6 of this or- dinance with the exception that: (A) In a Historic District, fences with beight in excess of the above limitations may be permitted as condigional uses where the height, material, composition and general appearance of, the fence is ap- propriate to the property in that Historic District and the other ap- plication standards for conditional use permits are met." Section 2. That the foregoing amend ment has heretofore been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th daY of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald this 15th day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk It 1U15 Council Member Simon moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Pratt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Petition of Thermolyne Corporation questing City to void conditions for utiI~zatinn of former McAleece Park pro- perry AND Communication of City Manager submitting background infor- mation regarding above request, presented and read. Attorney Robert Bertsch, addressed the Council, on behalf of the Thermolyne November 7, 1988 Corporation, and requested favorable response. Council Member Simon ~noved that the )etitian and commnn]catian be received xnd filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Dutch, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 300-88 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 121-78, passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa on April 17, 1978, tbe City of Dubuque granted and conveyed unto Tbermolyne Corporation, an Iowa corporation, an exclusive option to pur- chase the following described real estate: Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No. 3" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; all in accordance with the terms and con- ditions in one certain option agreement executed by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Tbermolyne Cor- poration, on April 17, 1978; and WHEREAS, pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Option Agreement Thermolyne Corporation agreed to commence the con- struction of a plant within one (1) year from the date of delivery of the Deed upon the properties described above; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 75-82 the City approved an amend- ment to the original Option Agreement which permitted Thermolyne Corpora- tion to commance improvement of the property within one (1) year from the date of delivery of the Deed, it being understood that such improvement may consist of the construction of industrial facilities, or other facilities, including parking facilities necessary to support ex- paflsion of Thermolyne Corporations manufacturing plant on adjacent propo~ ty; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 266-86, passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa on December 1, 1986, the City of Dubuque conveyed and trans- ferred the above described property to Regular Session, November 7, 1988 Thermolyne Corporation bj Deed dated December 1, 1986 and record- ed in the office of the Recorder of Du- buqan County~ Iowa on January 13, 1987 as Instrument No. 506-87; and WHEREAS, Thermolyne C0rporatio,n has submitted preliminary plans to the City for the coflstractlon of 68 par lng spaces plus associated amenities on the above described property; and WHEREAS, Tbetm°lyric Corporation is now requss~i~g release of the Ther- molyne Corporation from any further provisions wifich in any manner relate to the conveyance by the City of Dubuque to Thermblyne Corporation of Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No. 3" in the City of Dubuque, I0wa, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- sOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L That the City Council ten- tatively approves the release of Ther- molyne Corporation from any restrictive provisions which in any manner relate to the conveyance by the City of Dubuque to Thcrmolyne Corporation of Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No. 3" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. SectiOn 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of a public hearing of the C~ty plans for disposition of its interest in real property as prescribed under 364,7. Disposal of Property, Code of Iowa, 1987 passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988, James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution, setting this for Public Hearing on November 21, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Library Auditorium and that the City Clerk publish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member yoetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Co~mcll Members 362 Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt. Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager recommending a public hearing be set to dispose of 26 feet of Kerper Blvd. adja- cent to Georgia-Pacific Corp.. presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that the communicatian be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg, Nays--None. An ORDINANCE Vacating 26 feet of Kerpor Blvd., identified as Lot lA of Lot 1, Block 7, River front Subd. No. 3 in the City, presented and read. Council Member Kinesner moved that this be considered tho first reading of the Ordinance, and that the r eqCu-ement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two council meetings prior to tbe meeting at winch it is to be finally adopted be suspended and further moved that a Public Hear- ing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 21st day of November, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Library Auditorium [ that the City Clerk publish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member th-att. Carried by the following vote: yeas--Mayqr Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 301-88 RESOLUTION FOR DISPOSING OF CITY INTEREST PROPERTY IDEN- TIFIED AS LOT I A, TO LOT 1, RIVERFRONT SUBDIVI- SION NO. 3, BEING A PART OF KERPER BLVD., LOCATED IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA WHEREAS, Georgia-Pacific Corpora- tion has expressed an interest in acquir- ing a portion of City owned right-of-way adjacent to the property located at 2150 Kerper Blvd.; and WHEREAS, a plat has been prepared by Wallace, Holland, Kastler, Schmitz 363 Regular Session, November 7, 1988 and Company on which the plat is iden- tified; Lot 1 A, of Lot L Block 7, River- front Subdivision No. 3, being a part of Kerper Blvd., located in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS. this lot represents an area of 17,281.6 square feet of land; and WHEREAS, Georgia-Pacific is propos- ing to construct h building of approx- imately $300,000 with addition of equip- ment in excess of 2 million dollars; and WHEREAS, in negotiation with Georgia-Pacific Corporation and in con- sideration of the improvements the agreed upon sale price has been estab- lished at $21,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City of Dubuque intends to dispose of its interest in Lot I A, to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfrant Sub- &vision No. 3, being a part of Kerper Blvd., in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. Section 2. That Georgia-Pacific shall be responsible for all platting, publishing, and recording cost in addition to sales price of $21,500. Section 3. That all existing easements of records shah remain in effect on Lot 1 A of Lot 1, Block 7 Riverfront Subdivi- sion No. 3 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 4, That on approval of sale by Council and upon receipt of $21,500 plus all costs associated with platting, publishing, and recording; the City by means of a Quit Claim Deed would transfer the property to Georgia-Pacific Corporation. Section 5. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice to be published as prescribed under Chapter 364.7 Disposal of Property -- Code of Iowa 1987 as anaended. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor Aq~EST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adop- ;ion of the Resolution, setting the mat- ter for Public Hearing on November 21, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Library Auditorium and that the City Clerk publish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager sub- mltting proper documents providing for the rehabilitation of the Asbury Water Storage Tank, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and fried. Seconded by Council Member Heck- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 302.88 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: That the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the Cleaning, Repairing and Painting Asbury Water Storage Tank, in the estimated amount of $193,700.00, are hereby approved and ordered fried in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council M~mber Heckmmm. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Regular Session November 7, 1988 364 Council Members Deich, Heckmanr Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 303.88 FIXING DATE OF HEARING ON PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has given its preliminary approval on the proposed plans, specifications, and form of contract and placed same on file in the office of the City Cleyk for public inspection of the Cleaning, Repairing and Painting Asbury Water Storage Tank. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED that on the 3rd day of January, 1989, a public bem'ing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Carnegie-Stout Public Library at which time interested persons may appear and be heard for or against the proposed plans and specifica- tions, form of contract and cost of said improvement, and the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause a notice of time and place of such hearing to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which notice shall not be less than four days nor more than twenty days prior to the day fixed for its consideration. At the hearing, any interested person may ap- pear and file objections to the proposed plank, specifications, contract, or estimated cost of the improvement. Passed; approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays~-None. RESOLUTION NO. 304-88 ORDERING BIDS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Cleaning, Repairing and Painting Asbury Water Storage Tank is hereby ordered to be advertised for bids for construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the an~ount of the security to accompany each bid shall be in an amount which shall conform to the provisions of the notice to bidders hereby approved as a part of the plans and specifications heretofore adopted. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of the improvements herein provided~ to be published in a newspaper having general circnlation in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, which notice shall not be less than fern' days nor more than twen- ty days prior to the receipt of said bids at 2:00 p.m. on the 15th day of December, 1988. Bids shall be opened and read by the City Clerk at said time and will be submitted to the Council for final action at 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd day of January, 1989. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann, Carried by the following vbte: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, KIuesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Petition of Airport Commission re- questing additional funding from the City in the amount of $118,050 to com- )lete terminal renovation, presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that the petition be received and filed. Second- ed by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, 365 Regular Session. November 7. 1988 Klaesner. Pratt. Simon. Voetberg. Nays~-None. Communication of City Manager recommending funding in the amt. of $48.050 for completion of the construc- tion phase of the Airport Terminal renovation, presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received and filed and approved appropriation of $61.212 co the Airport Renovation project. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heckmann. Kluesner. Pratt. Simon. Voetherg. Nays--None. Petition of Dubuque Racing Assn. re- questing approval of three capital expen- diture items for the 1989 Racing Season m the amt. of $228.710. AND Com. municatlon of City Manager responding to the request of the Dubuque Racing Assn., presented and read. Council Member Klaesner moved thai the petition and conununication be received and flied. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Dalch. Heckmaun, Khresner. Pratt. Simon. Voctberg. Nays--None. Council Member Pratt moved that they approve the request of the DRA in the amount of $162,006 for installation of Equittrack. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by ~he following vo~e: Council Members Dsich. Heck- mann. Klaesner, Pratt. Simon. Nays-- Mayor Brady, Council Member Voetberg. Council Member Simon moved that they approve $16.710 for installation of concrete tables and stools. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the ~ollowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heckmann, Khresner. Pratt. Simon. Voetbarg. Nays--None. Council Member Simon further moved that they approve the request of $60,000 for installation of new animated message center ~o replace the current board. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heck- mann. Kluesner. Prate Simon, Veetberg. Nays--None. Petition of Library Board of Trustees requesting that if money should become available this fiscal year, that they be allowed to increase hours when library is open, presented and read. Council Member Klueener moved that the petition be received and filed. Second- ed by Council Member V~etberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann. Kluesner, Pratt. Simon, Vectberg. Nays--None. Verbal pevition of Mayor Brady ac- knowledging receipt of Barge Fleeting Lease with U.S. Fish and W[ldiife Ser- vice, was presented. Mayor Brady stated that he had not received the lease as of now, Invoice for Special Use Permit No, 146 covering use of Upper Mississippi Refuge lands for Barge Fleeting area in the amount of $13.139.48, presented and Council Member Prati moved that they authaHze the approval of invoice and pay amount pending approval of Cor- poration Counsel on review of lease. Seconded by Council Member Heck- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heckmann. Kluesner. Pratt, Voetberg. Nays--Council Member Simon. Communication of Robert Hudson of Dubuque Harbor Service submitting prc~ posais and requesting the City to sublease one or both available fleeting sites to them for the period of Nov. 1. 1988 through October 31. 1989. pre- sented and read. Mr. Hudson aud Mr. Eldon Newt addressed the matter. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and fried. Seconded by Councri Member Veetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich. Heckmann. Kfuesner, Pratt, Simon, Voctberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager Regular Session requesting approval of renewal of a Memorandum of Agreement between the City and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for a period of three years, authorize Mayor to execute and direct Ci- ty Staff to forward Agreement to the State Bureau of Historic Preservation and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, presented and read. Council Member Heckmann moved that the communication be received and filed and Mayor authorized to execute Agreement. Seconded by Council Member Pr:att, Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Dalch, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Vcetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager ad- vising of the purchase of property at 1025 Bluff St., presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing approval to acquire real estate located at 623-627 Arlington St., presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Dsich Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None, Council Member Simon moved that a Resolution approving the acquisition of real estate at 623-627 Arlington St. be referred to Council. Seconded by Coun- cil Member Kluesner. Carried by the fu[lowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmanr Kfuesner, Pratt, Simon, Voctharg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing Mayor be authorized to execute an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD for Section 8 Existing Housing Certificates, in the amount of $95,268, presented and read. November 7, 1988 366 Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received and fried. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the fo[lowing vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Klaesner, Pratt, Simon, Veetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 305-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXE- CUTION OF AN ANNUAL CONTRI- BUTIONS CONTRACT FOR SEC- TION 8 HOUSING CERTIFICATES PROGRAM NO. IA05-EO87-012 WHEREAS, the City Council authorized au application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in December 1984, for an increment to the Section 8 Hous- lng Certificates Program; and WHEREAS, the Department has ap- proved the application, in the amount of $95,268 Annual Contributions Authori- ty; and WHEREAS, the Department requires execution of an Annual Contributions Contract for the City's administration of these funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Mayor of the City of Dubuque be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to execute an Annual Contributions Contract, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment, for Project No, tA05-EO87- 012, under Master Annual Contributions Contract No. KC-9004E, on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, 367 Regular Sesslo~n, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing approval to an amendment to current leases existing between Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. and the City, presented and read. Council Member Kinesner moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 306-88 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has three leases with the Dubuque Yacht Basin Inc., a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Iowa, with its principal place of business in Dubuque, Iowa. WHEREAS, Dubuque Yacht Basin is requesting that an amendment be made to these leases that ~vould contain a pro- vision of notification to the First Na- tional Bank Dubuque, Iowa in writing prior to the termination of any or all of the leases. WHEREAS, the First National Bank, under this amendment, would have the opportunity, but not the obligatlon, within 60 days to cure any defaults associated with the termination of the leases; Where as an existing amendment would be nullified which p~'ovides Ior the same noUfficatinn to American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque, Iowa in writ'rog in event of the City of Dubuque's inten- tion to terminate any of the leases. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the amendment to' leases exisUmg between Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. and the City of Dubuque is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager be dircef~d and authorized to execute the November 7, 1988 amendment to the lease agreement dated November 7, 1988. Passed, approved and adopted tins 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mar~ A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Voctberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager responding to request from the estate of Delos L. McDonald to grant a Roadway Easement across Eagle Pt. Park proper- ty for an existing private driveway and requesting Council formal approval before continuing with proper procedure, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed and directed by City Mauoger to negotiate and return to City Council with findings. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager sub- mitring two Ordinances providin~g for revisions of the Human Rights Or- dinance, presented and read. Council Member Voetberg moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Simon. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Klueaner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. City Solicitor Wm. Binm and Human Rights Chairperson Rev. Kermetb Hind- man spoke to the proposed changes. ORDINANCE NO. 57-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE Regular Session, November 7, 1988 368 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING THE DEFINITION OF "DISABILITY" IN SECTION 21-1 AND ENACTING A NEW DEFINI- TION OF "DISABILITY" IN SEC- TION 21-1 IN LIEU THEREOF, presented and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 57-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING THE DEFINITION OF "DISABILITY" IN SECTION 21-1 AND ENACTING A NEW DEFINI- TION OF "DISABILITY" IN SEC- TION 21-1 IN LIEU THEREOF. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amend- ed by repealing tbe definition of the term "Disability" in Section 21-1. Section 2. That the Code of Ordinances of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by enact- ing a new defiintion of the term "Disab'di- ty" in Section 21-1 in lieu thereof as follows: Disability means the physical or mental condition of a person which con- stitutes a substantial handicap, and the condition of a person with a positive human immunodeficiency virus test result, a diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a diagnosis of ac- quired immune deficiency syndrome- related complex, or any other condition related to acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The inclusion of a condition related to a positive human immunedefi- ciency virus test result in the meaning of "disability" under the provisions of this chapter does not preclude the ap- pllcation of the provisions of tins chapter to conditions resulting from other con- tagious or infectious diseases. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald the 15ch day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk it 11/15 Council Member Voetherg moved that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance, and that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally adopted be suspended and further moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Simon. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. ORDINANCE NO. 58-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING SECTIONS 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), AND 21-83(b) AND EN- ACTING NEW SECTIONS 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), AND 21-83(b) PROVIDING FOR THE CHANGE FROM "HEAR- ING OFFICER" TO "ADMINISTRA- TIVE LAW JUDGE", presented and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 58-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING SECTIONS 21-80, 21-81(a){2), AND 21-83(b) AND EN- ACTING NEW SECTIONS 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), AND 21-83(b) PROVIDING FOR THE CHANGE FROM "HEAR- ING OFFICER" TO "ADMINISTRA- TIVE LAW JUDGE" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa~ be amend- ed by repealing Sections 21-80, 21-81(a)(2) and 21-83(b) and enacting new Sections 21-80, 21-81(a)(2) and 21-83(b) in lieu 369 thereof as follows: Regular Sessior November 7, 1988 "Sec. 21-80. Commission staff pro- ceedings on complaints (a) Notice to respondent. After the fil- ing of a verified complaint, a true copy shall be served within twenty (20) days by certified mail on the person against whom the complaint is filed. lb) Investigation by staff; probable cause determination by administrative law judge. An authorized member of the commission staff shall make a prompt in- vestigatinn and shall issue a recommen- dation to an administrative law judge under the jurisdiction of the commission, who shall then issue a determination of probable cause or no probable cause. (1) For purposes of this Code, an ad- ministrative law judge issuing a deter- minatiun of probable cause or no pro- bable cause under this section shall be ex- empt from Section 17A.17 of the State Code of Iowa. (2) If the administrative law judge concurs with the investigating official that probable cause exists regarding the allegations of the complaint, the staff of the commission shall promptly endeavor to eliminate the discriminatory or unfair practice by conference, conciliation and persuasion. If the administrative law judge finds that no probable cause exists, the administrative law judge shall issue a final order dismissing the complaint and shall promptly mail a copy to the complainant and to the respondent by certified mail. A finding of probable cause shall not be introduced into evidence in an action brought under Section 21-88." "Sec. 21-81. Commission proceedings upon failure to reach settlement by conciliation. (2) Requiring the respondent to answer the charges of the complaint at a hearing before the commissinn, a com- missioner, or a person designated by the commission to conduct the hearing, hereafter referred to as the ministrative law judge; and" "Sec. 21-83. One-hundred-twenty-day release from administrative process, ~lternative judicial proceedings upon complaints. (b) Requirements for issuance of release. Upon a request by the complai- nant, and after the expiration of one- hundred-twenty (120) days from the time- ly filing of a complaint with the commis- sion, the commission shall issue to the complainant a release stating that the complainant has a right to commence an action in the district court. A release under this subsection shall not be issued if a finding of no probable cause has been made on the complaint by the adminis- trative law judge charged with the duty under Section 21-80, or a conciliation agreement has been executed, or the com- mission has served notice of hearing upon the respondent." Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. Jomes E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 15th day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk It 11115 Council Member Voetberg moved that this be conside~d the first reading of the Ordinance, and that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally adopted be suspended and further moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Simon. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mager Brady, Council Members Delch, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing Mayor be authorized to execute an Agreement with the IA DOT on a right-of-way assurance statement for Regular Session, November 7, 1988 Federal-Aid projects, presented and read. Council Member Kinesner moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Pratt Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Counall Members Dalch, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 307-88 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT WITH THE IOWA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ASSURANCE STATEMENT FOR FEDERAL-AID pROJECTS 370 Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Petition of IA DOT requesting annex- ation of property to the City of Dubuque AND Co~mnunication of City Manager approving annexation of a portion of U.S. Highway 61/151 south of the intersection of Highways 61/151, presented and read, Council Member Voetherg moved that the petition and communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Khiesner. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 308-88 WHEREAS, Iowa Department of Transportation has requested the City to execute an agreement stipulating that the City will comply with the 1970 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act, on Federal-aid to transportation projects; and WHEREAS, such a statement must be on file with the Iowa Department of Transportation in order for the City to be eliglble for federal transportation funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Mayor be author- ized to execute a right-of-way assurance statement with the Iowa Department of Transportation stipulating that the City of Dubuque will comply with relevant federal regulations on acquisition of pro- perty for transportation purposes, for which federal funds are involved. Passed, approved and ~dopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Count41 Member Kinesner moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, A RESOLUTION ANNEXING A PORTION OF U.S. HIGHWAY 61~151 TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has recently accepted the voinn~ary annexa- tion of property on both tbe east and west side of U.S. Highway 611151; and WHEREAS, the legal description of the roadway was not included in the legal description of land for annexation; and WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque wishes to ensure that the roadway separating the mmexed area is also made part of the City in order to have con- tinuous, adjacent boundaries; and WHEREAS, the future growth and development of the City of Dubuque make is desirable that said roadway be annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the territorial limits of the City of Dubuque, Iowa be and they are hereby extended to include the area comprising the following described real estate to wit: That portion of U.S. 61/151 from Station 49 + 36,7 to Station 56 + 30 lying between and contiguous to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Key Gate 371 Session, Center in Table Mound Township, Du- buque County, Iowa as shown on at- tached Exhibit A and made a part hereto. Section 2. That the territory hereby an- nexed shall become a part of the First Ward, 13th Precinct of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to submit a certified copy of this Resolution. along with the attached map, to the State Department of Transportation, the Secretary of State, the City Development Board and the Cotmty Recorder in accor- dance with provisions of Chapter 368 of the Code of Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor Aq~EST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Voetherg moved adoption of the Resolution, Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried~by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Dalch, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 309-88 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coma- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that tbe following having complied with the pro- visions of law relating to the sale of Cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigar- ettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Fifties, Inc. Wally Caters 2095 Kerper Blvd. Dennis Zirkalbach Benny's 2617 University Ave. Dennis J. Dolan Union Cigar Store 336 Main St. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor November 7, 1988 ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Dalch moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Conncil Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 310-88 WHEREAS, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted and filed ,o this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and WHEREAS, The premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of this City and have filed proper bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Iowa Oil Company IOCO Speede Shoppe 3270 Dodge (Also Sunday Sales) Hartlg Drug Co. 2225 Central (Also Sunday Sales) CLASS "E" BEER pERMIT Hartig Drug Co. 703 Main Hartig Drug Co. 2255 J.F.K. (Also Sunday Sales) Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Regular Session, November 7, 1988 Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 311-88 WHEREAS, Applications for Liquor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and WHEREAS, The premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City Ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following nmned applicant(s) a IAquor License. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Wiillam J. Murphy Murph's Southend Tap 55 Locust St. Dog Gone, Inc Dog House Lounge · 1646 Asbury Rd. (Also Sunday Sales) Clair A. Woodman Aragon Tap 1103 Iowa St. (Also Sunday Sales) David L. Lyons River City Tap 1406 Pine St. (Also Sunday Sales) T & T Welsh Finale Lounge 1701 Central Ave. Gary L. Kupferschmidt Whiskey River 1064 University Ave. (Also Sunday Sales) CLASS "E" LIQUOR Sifts Beverage, Inc. 2727 Dodge St. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor 372 kTTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Gounall Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, He&mann, Khiesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Council Member Deich moved to ap- prove permanent Transfer of Murph's South End for this Liquor License from 139 Locust St. to 55 Locust St. Second- ed by Council Member Heckmmm. Car- tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Printed Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1988 presented for approval. Co~mcil Member Simon moved that the be approved as printed. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Car- tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. MINUTES SUBMITTED: Special Airport Comm. of 10-4 and 10-7; Cable TV Regulatory Co~nmission of 10-11; Dubuque In-Futoro, Inc. of 6-29; Five Flags Comm. of 10-17; Historic Preset- ration Comm. of 10-11 and 1(>18; Human Rights Comm. of 10-10; Park & Recrea- tion Corem. of 10-11 and 10-18; Plumb- lng Bd. of t0-19; Public Library of 10-10; Transit Bd. Earnings Statement and Statistics for first quarter of FY' 89; Zon- ing Bd. of Adjustment of 10-6, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved ttmt the minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Delch. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. NOTICES OF CLAIMS/SUITS: Con- leu Bldg. Co. Inc. submitting Notice of Appeal from condemnation award; Belin- da Dunne, in amt. of $20,000 for false 373 Regular Session, November 7, 1988 imprisonment, etc.; Karen Hurt, in amt. of $40 for personal property damages; Iowa Dept. of Transportation rs. Wayne W. Anthony et al, submitting consent to stipulation, to the payment of proceeds, and waiver of Notice of Hearing; Becky Jochum, in the amt. of $20,000 for false arrest, etc.; Robert Kendall, in unknown amt. for vehicle damages; Guy Kenniker, Sr. in mint. of $464.20 for vehicle damages; Alvin Mclntyre in unknown amt. for vehicle damages; Herman Nauman, submitting application for rehearing; Randy Rettenmaier, in est. amt. of $406 for vehicle d~unages; Evelyn Scherrer in unknown amt. for personalin- juries; Michael Scherr, in ~unt. of $224.80 for vehicle damages; Leta Siege, in unknown amt. for home damages; Joseph Vanderah, in amt. of $20,000 for false ar- rest, etc.; Kattina Wflberding, in approx- imate amount of $250 for car damages, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the claims and suits be referred to the Legal Staff for investigation and report. Seconded by Council Member Daich, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt. Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Substance Abuse Services Center sub- mitring their first quarter FY '89 Report on Service to Adolescents/High Risk Youth. Council Mexnber Simon moved that the report be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Daich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Cotmcil Members Daich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of City Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1988, presented and read. CouncS] Member Sin~on moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Ca~ ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESIGNATIONS SUBMITTED: Charles Berwanger from Mechanical Bd. and Marien Hickey from Dubuque Historical Preservation Commisaion, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the resignations be received and filed and ac- cepted with regret. Seconded by Council Me~nber Daich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of Corporation Coun- sel submitting response to request at the meeting of October 17, 1988 regarding current franchise with Interstate Power Co., presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt. Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. REFUNDS REQUESTED: Nites of the Square Table, $150 on unexpired Beer Permit, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the refunds be approved and Finance Direc- tor to issue proper check, Seconded by Council Member Daich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Eugene and Glenda Tlfielbart express- ing their thoughts regarding River View Park, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Attorney Leo McCarthy, on behalf of Richard J. and Alice R. Kelly, requesting vacation of part of Farragut St., pre- sented and read. Council Mexaber Simon moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and report to City Council as soon as Regular Session possible. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager rec- ommendlng settlement of claim of Lester Wagner in the amt. of $50, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the commuhication be received and filed and settlement approved and Finance Direc- tor to issue proper check. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager rec- ommending accepting of the warranty deeds for the right-of-way acquisitions on the Northwest Arterial, Phase III, be- tween Asbury Rd. and J.F.K. Road for a total cost of $273,321.64, presented and Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Deich, Car- tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 312-83 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from Lester A. Hilby; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: Lot i of 2 of I of the E¼ of the SW¼ of Section 16 in Township 89 North, Range 2 East, of the 5th P.M.; and WHEREAS, said delivery of deed dated May 3, 1988 by said Lester A. Hilby to the City of Dubuque, Iowa should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL November 7, 1988 374 OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- ranty deed by Lester A. Hilby dated May 3, 1988 conveying to the City of Du- buque, Iowa the herainabove described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty deed to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy of tbis Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the fufiowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmaun, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 313-88 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from The Fischer Investment Company; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: Lot 1-2-1-3-SW~A'Sw~A -- Lot 1-2-1-1-NW¼-SW¼ -- Lot I-2-2-NW~A'SW~A -- Lot I-I-3-NW¼-SW¼ -- all in Section 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. subject to easements of record WHEREAS, said delivery of deed dated Oct. 18, 1988, by said The Fischer 375 Regular Session, November 7, 1988 Investment Company to the City of Dubuque, Iowa should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- rarity deed by The Fischer Investment Company dated Oct. 18, 1988 conveying to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the hereinabove described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and dffected to cause said warranty deed to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy of this Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November. 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Daich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 314~$ WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from Eunice P. Lewis; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: Lot 1-1-1-EV2-SE¼-Sectlon 17, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. sub- ject to easements of record WHEREAS, said delivery of dead dated July 15, 1988, by said Eunice P. Lewis to the City of Dubuque, Iowa should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- ranty deed by Eunice P. Lewis dated July 15, 1988 conveying to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the herainabove de- scribed real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty deed to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy of this Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Delch. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Heckmann, Khiesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 315-88 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from Kenneth L. & Donna J. Smith; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: Lot 2-1-EV2-SE¼-Section 17, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. sub- ject to easements of record Regular Session WHEREAS, said delivery of deed dated July 15, 1988, by gald Kenneth L. & Donna J. Smith to the City of Du- buque, Iowa should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- ranty deed by Kenneth L. & Donna J. Smith dated July 15, 1988 conveying to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the herein- above described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty deed to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recoeder together with a certified copy of this Resolution, Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor, Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E, Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Deich, Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Heckmann Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 316~8 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from Marie J. Welter; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Duhuque, Iowa described as: Parcel 1: Lot 1 of 2 of the NW¼ of the SW¼ containing 0.294 November 7, 1988 376 Parcel 2: Lot 2 of 3 of the NW~A of the SWV4 containing 0.128 Parcel 3; Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 3 of the SW¼ of the SW¼ contain- ing 0.068 acres; Parcel 4: Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of the SWIA of the SWV4 containing 0.045 acres; allin Sectien 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. subject to easements of record; and WHEREAS, said delivery of deed dated June 5, 1988 by said Marie J. ~Velter to the City of Dubuque, Iowa sbould be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- ranty deed by Marie J. Welter dated June 5, 1988 conveying to the City of Du- buque, Iowa the herelnabove described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty dead to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy of this Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a cer~ifiad copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by ~ounell Member Delch. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 317-88 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, 377 Regular Session, Iowa' has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from Bricco Salvo, M.D. and Hilarlo Salas, M.D. d/b/a Salvc- Salas partnership; and WHEREAS, said person has delivered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: Lot 1-1-1-1-1-1-1'SWI/4'SW'A -- Lot 1-1-1-1 of the NWV4 of the SW¼ -- Lot 1-2-2 of the E~/2 of the SW¼ Lot 3-1-1-1 of the NW¼ of the SW¼ -- Lot 3,2-2 of the EV2 of the SWl/4 ~-lihi Section 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. subject to easements of record WHEREAS, said delivery of deed dated July 13, 1988, by said Salvc-Salas partnership to the City of Dubuque, Iowa should be accepted. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- rarity deed by Salvo-Salas Partnership dated July 13, 1988 conveyir4~ to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the bereinabove described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty deed to be recorded in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy of this Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque City Assessor and the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk November 7, 1988 Council Member Simon moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady. Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 3184~8 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has acquired the real estate hereinafter described from John H. and Doris E. Kiviahan; and WHEREAS, said persons has deliv- ered a warranty deed conveying real estate to the City af Dubuque, Iowa as described as: Lot 1-2 of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Sub. Lot 1-6-NE¼-Section 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M. WHEREAS, said delivery of the war- ranty deed dated July 20, 1988 by said John H. and Doris E. Kivlahan to the City of Dubuque; Iowa should be accepted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT .RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the delivery of the war- ranty deed by John H. and Doris E. Kivlahan dated July 20, 1988 conveying to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the here- inabove described real estate, be in the same hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause said warranty deed to be recorded ~n the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with certified copy of this Resolution. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque County Assessor and the Dubuque Court- ty Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor Regular Session, November 7, 1988 378 James E. Brady ATTEST: Mayor Mary A. Davis City Clerk ATTEST: Mary A. Davis Council Member Simon moved adop- City Clerk tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Simon moved edop- Council Member Deich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Council Member Deich. Carried by the Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. foliowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Heekmanu, Nays--None. Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. RESOLUTION NO. 319-88 Nays--None. Communication of Corporation Coun- WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, sel ~ecommending settlement of truck Iowa has acquired the real estate damagecleimofMarkWilsoninamt, af hereinafter described from Dubuque $380.40, presented and read. Community School District; and Council Member Simon moved that the WHEREAS, said person has delivered communication be received and filed and a warranty deed conveying real estate to settlement approved and Finance Direc- the City of Dubuque, Iowa described as: tor to issue the proper check. Seconded by Cotmcil Member Deich. Carried by the Lot 1-1 of Helen E. & Mary H. following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Stewart Sub. Council Members Deich, Heekmann, Lot 2-1 of Helen E. & Mary H. Kluesner, Pratt, Simon. Voetberg. Stewart Sub. Nays--None. WHEREAS, said delivery of deed Communication of Corporation Coun- dated May 17, 1988, by said Dubuque sel advising of withdrawal by Dubuque Community School District to the City policemen's Protective Association's prc~ of Dubuque, Iowa should be accepted, hibitive practice complaint, presented and read. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- Council Member Simon moved that the SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Car- tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Section L That the delivery of the war- Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- rarity deed by Dubuque Community mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Shnon, Voetherg. School District dated May 17, t988 con- Nays--None. veying to the City of Dubuque, Iowa the herelnabove described real estate, be in Communications of Corporation the same hereby accepted. Counsel recommending denial/closure of following claims: pool accident of Carolyn Section 2. That the City Clerk be and Foht; Wiring damage of Karl E. Miller; is hereby authorized and directed to Sewer beck-up of Thomas yarnall, pre- cause said warranty deed to be recorded sented and read. in the Office of the Dubuque County Recorder together with a certified copy Council Member Simon moved that the of the Resolution. co~rammlcations be received and tiled and approved recommendations. Seconded by Section 3. That the City Clerk be and Council Member Deich. Carried by the is hereby directed to forward a certified following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, copy of the Resolution to the Dubuque Council Members Deich, Heckmann, City Assessor and the Dubuque County Khiesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Auditor. Nays--None. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th There being no fl~rther business, Coun- day of November, 1988. cil Member Pratt moved to adjourn the 379 Regular Session, November 7, 1988 meeting. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Coundl Mem- bers Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Vcetberg. Nays--Council Member Deich. Meeting adjourned at 11:18 p.m. Mary A. Davis City Clerk Approved _ -- 1989 Adopted -- 1989 Mayor ATTEST: Council Members City Clerk Regular Session, November 21, 1988 380 nam I~y the following vote: Yeas-- CiTY ~O u ~ ~[ ~' I May°r Bredy' C°uncil Members Deich' Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, OFFiCiAL Reg~l~u~ Session, November 21, 1988 Council met at 7:30 p,m., at the Public Library Auditorium. Present--Mayor Brady, Council Members Dsicb, Heekmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg, City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Corporation Counsel Barry' A. Lindahl. Mayor Brady read the call and stated this is the REGULAR SESSION of the City Council called for the purpose to act upon such business which may properly come before the Council. INVOCATION was given by Rev. Alan Sellg, Pastor First Baptist Church. PROCLAMATION(S): Week of November 28th ttu-ough December 5th as "City of Dubuque Book Week" re- ceived by Library Director Nicki Stanke; December 1st as "AIDS Awareness Day" received by Community Develop- merit Director James Burke who in- treduced Katt~leen Weber as being under contract for AIDS Awareness in the City. Presentation of Action Recognition Certificates: Gil Spence introduced Tom Kramer, recipient of"Service Section of S.P.I.R.I.T."; Bill Miller introduced Milt Boyes, Firefighter recipient of "People: Section of S.P.I.R.I.T." City Manoge~' Ken Gearhart presented Service t~cognition award received fi-om ICMA. Spirit Pins were given to Mayor and all Council Members. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hearing to consider granting a waiver of time con- ditions and improvements required relative to development of the former McAleece Recreation Area presented and read. There were no written objec- tions received and no oral objectors pre- sent at the time of the Hearing. Council Member Pratt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Simon. Voetbcrg. Nays--None. Council Member Kluesner moved that the rules be suspended to allow anyone present to address the Council. Second- ed by Council Member Simor~ Carded by tbe following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heekmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 320-88 WHEREAS, pm-suant to Resolution No. 121-78, passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa on April 17, 1978, the City of Dubuque granted and conveyed unto Thermolyne Corporation, an Iowa corporation, an exclusive option to pur- chase the following described real estate: Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No. 3" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; all in accordance with the terms and con- dltions of one certain Option Agreement executed by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Thermolyne Cor- dated April 17, 1978 (the "Op- tion Agreement"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Option Agreement Thermolyne Corporation agreed, inter alia, to com- mence the construction of a plant within one {1) year from the date of the delivery tpon the property described above; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 266-86, passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa on December 1, 1986, the City of Dubuque conveyed and transferred the above described proper- ty to Thermolyne Corporation by Quit Claim Deed dated December 1, 1986 and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa on January 13, 1987 as Instrument No. 506-87; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 6-88, passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa on January 4, 1988, the City 381 of Dubuque granted to Tbermalyne Cor- poration a one (1) year extension to January 13, 1989 within which to com- described property, which improvements may consist of the construction of dustrial facilities, including parking facilities, necessary to support the expan- si°n of the manufacturing facility of Thermolyne Corporation on adjacent pro- perty; and WHEREAS, Thermalyne Corporation has now submitted Plans to the City of Dubuque for the construction of such im- provements and which Plans have been approved by the City of Dubuque; and WHEREAS, Tbermalyne Corporation has now complied with the provision of Section I of Resolution No: 6-88; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Themnolyne Corpora- tion has now fully and completely com- plied with ail of the terms of the Option Agreement, Section 1 of Resolution No. 6-88 and the City of Dubuque does hereby release Tbermolyne Corporation from any further provisions which in any manner relate to the conveyance by the City of Dubuque to Thermalyne Corpora- tion of Lot I of Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No. 3" in the City of Du- Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Pratt moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Simon. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kfuesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Regular Session, November 21, 1988 Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hearing to consider vacating property and dispes- hig of same to Georgia-Pacific, presented and read. There were no written objec- tions received and no orai objectors pre- sent at the time of the Hearing. Council Member Pratt moved that the Proof of publication be received smd filed. Seconded by Council Member Heck- mann. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Abstain--Council Member Heckmann. ORDINANCE NO. 59-88 ORDINANCE VACATING 26 FEET OF KERPER BLVD., IDENTIFIED AS LOT lA TO LOT 1, BLOCK 7, RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION NO. 3 IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, said Ordinance having been presented and read at the Council meeting of November 7, 1988, presented for final action. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 59-88 ORDINANCE VACATING 26 FE~T OF KERPER BLVD., IDENTIFIED AS LOT lA TO LOT 1, BLOCK 7, RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION NO. 3 IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. WHEREAS, The City Council, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has determined ~ 26 feet of Kerper Blvd., identified as Lot lA, to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subdivision No. 3, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa is no longer required for public use and should be vacated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA:, Section L That Lot lA, to Lo~ 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 being a Kerper Blvd. hi the City of Du- buque is hereby vacated. Section 2. That all the recorded easements shail be reserved by the City and shall remain hi effect. Section 3. That the City Clerk be Regular Session, November 21, 1988 382 requffed to publish a notice of this vaca- tion as required by Section 362.3 Code of Iowa 1987 or as Amended. Section 4. That after a public bearing on the subject the City Clerk is autimr- ized and directed to record a certified copy of this ordinance wlti~ the City Assessor. Dubuque County Recorder and Dubuque County Treasurer. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Pufilished offialaily in the Telegraph Heraid this 29th day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk It 11/29 Council Member Pratt moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None, Abstain--Council Member Heckmann. RESOLUTION NO. 321-88 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution in published notice in time and place of hearing, published in Telegraph Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on 11th day of Nov., 1988. The City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa met on 11-21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Library Auditorium, 11th and Locust Street, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa to consider the proposal of the sale of the real estate described as: Lot lA to Lot 1, Block 7, River- front Subdivision No. 3, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Court- ty, Iowa TO GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORPORATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa overruled any and all objections, written to the proposal to dispose of interest of the City of Dubuque in the here and above described real estate to Georgla-Pacillc Corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the disposal of the in- terest of the City Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa and the property described as Lot lA, to Lot 1, of Block 7 River front Subdiviaion No. 3, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa to Georgia-Pacific Company be and ti~e same is hereby approved for the sum of $21,500.00 plus costs of plat- ting, abstracting, publication and record- ing fees and that conveyance shall be by quit claim deed. Section 2. That all existing easements of record shall reznaln in effect on Lot lA, to Lot 1, Block 7 Riverfront Subdivision No. 3 and the holders of those easements shail have full right of ingress and egress for the purpose of constructing, repair- ing and maintaining associated facilities. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed and authorized to deliver a quit claim deed of conveyance conveying the above described real estate to the above named party upon receipt of the purchase price and associated costs in full. Section 4. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed and authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the City Assessor, Dubuque County Recorder, and Dubuque County Treasurer. Passed, approved mad adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Pratt moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Heckmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Abstain--Council Member Heckmann. 383 Communication of planning and Zon- ing Cormnission advising of their proval to amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow TV/radio/vidco sales and service with a maximmn of 3,500 square feet in gross floor area as a permitted use in a C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, presented and read. Cotmcil Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- fled by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. An ORDINANCE Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 3-3.1B(t6) to allow TV/Radio/Video Sales and Service with a maximum of 3,500 square feet in gross floor area as a per- mitred use in the C-1 Neiglibothood Com- mercial District, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that tins be considered the first reading of the Ordinance, and that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally adopted be suspended and further moved that a Public Hear- ing be held on the proposed Ordinance on the 5th day of December, 1988 and that the City Clerk publish notice in the man- ner prescribed by law. Seconded by Coun- cil Member Pratt. Vote on the motion was as follows: Yeas--Council Members Deich, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--Mayor Bredy, Council Members Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt. Motion failed. Council Member Simon moved that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing a Public Hearing regarding the issuance of Tax Increment Financing Revenue Notes for the Downtown Du- buque Hotel/Parking complex in an amount not to exceed $L200,000.00, presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that Regular Session, November 21, 1988 the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heck- mann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg, Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 322-88 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE FOR ON THE PROPOSITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $1,200,000 URBAN RENEWAL TAX INCREMENT REV- ENUE NOTES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND EXECU- TION OF LOAN AGREEMENTS RELATING THERETO, AND pRO- VIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary ~nd advisable that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, should issue Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes to the amoun~ of not to exceed $1,200,000, as author- ized by Section 403.9 of the City code of Iowa, and enter into one or more loan agreements relating thereto~ for the put- funds to pay costs of carrying out a project as hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, neither Section 403.9 nor any other Code provision sets forth any procedural action required to be taken before said Notes may be issued, and pur- suant to Section 364.6 of the City Code of Iowa, it is determined that the pro- cedure specified in the Code Section 384.25 shall apply and it is deemed suf- ficient that tbe action her einaft a' describ- ed be taken and the Clerk publish a notice of the proposal and of the time and place of the meeting at which the Council pro- poses to take action thereon and to receive oral andior written objections from any resident or property owner of said City to such action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That this Council meet in the Public Library Auditorium, Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., on the 5th day of December, 1988, for the purpose of taking action on the matter of the Jesu- ance of not to exceed $1,200,000 Urban Regular Session, Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the ex- relating thereto, the proceeds of which Notes will be used to provide funds to pay costs of carrying out the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, incinding but not limited to the ac- quisition and construction of a parking facility, skywalk, public space and land upon which such in~provements are to be located. Section 2. That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause at least one publication to be made of a notice of said meeting, in a legal newspaper, printed wholly in the English language, published at least once weekly, and having general circula- tion in said City, said publication to be not less than four clear days nor more than twenty days before the date of said public meeting on the issuance of said Notes. Section 3. The notice of the proposed action to issue said Notes shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ON THE MAqq~ER OF THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EX- CEED $1,200,000 URBAN RENEWAL TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTES OF SAID CITY AND EXECUTION OF LOAN AGREEMENTS RE- LATING THERETO. AND THE HEARING ON THE IS- SUANCE THEREOF PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby that the Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, will hold a public hearing on the 5th day of December, 1988 at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Public Library Auditorium, Dubuque, Iowa, at winch meeting the Council proposes to take additional ac- tion for the issuance of not to exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Incre- ment Revenue Notes of the City of Du- buque, Iowa and execution of loan agreements relating thereto in order to provide funds to pay costs of carrying out the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, inaluding but not limited to the acquisition and construction of a parking facility, November 21, 1988 384 skywalk, public space and land upon which such improvements are to be located. At the above meeting the Council shall receive oral or written objections from any resident or propecty owner of said Ci- ty, to the above action. After all objec- tions have been received and considered, the Council will at this meeting or at any adjournment thereof, take additional ac- tion for the issuance of said Notes or will proposal to issue said Notes. By order of the Council said hearing and appeals therefrom shall be held in accor- dance with and governed by the provi- sions of Section 384.25 of the City Code of Iowa. This notice is given by order of the Council of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Sections 384.25 and 364.6 of the City Code of Iowa. Code Section 384.25 shall govern this meeting and action taken thereat. Dated this 21st day of November. 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa (End of Notice) Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kfuesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager recommending denial of petition for traf- fic signals at the intersection of North Algona St. and University Ave., presented and read. Council Member Khiesner moved that the communication be received and flied and concurred with recommendatinn of 385 Regular Session, November 21, 1988 denial. Seconded by Council Member Voetherg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--Council Member Heckmann. Communication of Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Commission recom- mending to proceed with application to place Eagle Point Park on the National Register 0I Historic Places, presented and read· Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received and filed and not approve placing entire Eagle Point Park on National Register of Historic Places, only those buildings, limestene structures with associated features that are appropriately signifi- cant. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady. Council Members Deich, Heckmann; Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Commission up- dating the Council on the progress of the Swimming Pool Committee and re- questing a Work Session to present final recommendation and answer any ques- tions or concerns, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed and scheduled Work Session for January 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Cc~ncil Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Petition of Patricia Carr requesting to address the Council to ask the Iowa DOT to reinstate the soundwall in their final plallS for the Highway 20 project from Concord to Rising St., presented and Council Member Kluesner moved that the petition be received and filed and send to the DOT a letter urging both soundwafis be retained in place on the project of Hwy. 20. Seconded by Coun- cil Member Pratt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager sub- mitring a Resolution of Necessity Find- ing for Urban Renewal Plan and re- questing to refer plan to the Planning and Zoning Comnrission for review and com- ment. presented and read. Council Member Heckmann moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Couucil Member Simon. Carried by the following vo~e: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt. Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Council Member Heckmann moved adoption of a Resolution Necessity of Finding that Phase Three of the Du- buque Industrial Center is an Economic Development area and development of said area is necessary in the interest of the residents of the City of Dubuque. Seconded by Council Member Simon, NO VOTE TAKEN ON THE MOTION. Council Member Pratt moved that the matter be tabled to the meeting of December 5, 1988. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the Iofiowing vote: Yeas--Council Members Deich. Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon. Nays--Mayor Brady, Council Member Voetberg. Communication of City Manager recommending assessment of a civil penalty in the amount of $300 for a viola- tion of Liquor License by Clair Woodman d/b/a Central Tap, presented and read. Council Member Vcetberg moved that the communication be received and filed and concurred with recolnmendation. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Khiesner, Pratt, Sinion, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing funding for a local AIDS Prevention Program, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and fried. Seconded by Councli Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Cmmcil Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Regular Session, November 21, 1988 386 RESOLUTION NO. 323-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH FOR FUNDING OF A LOCAL AIDS PREVENTION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Public Health has offered to provide financial support for a local AIDS Prevention Program in the City of Du- buque; and- WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque desires to establish and maintain such a local AIDS Prevention Program; and WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Public Health has presented the City Health Services Division a proposed con- tract for funding, a copy of which is at- tached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby approves the attached AIDS PreventAtive Health Contract be- tween the Iowa Department of Public Health and the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Pratt moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the foliow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing approval of an additional staff person in Housing Services Division associated with additional housing units, presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received and filed and approved request. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager re- questing to submit a Program State~nent ff Intent for calendar year 1989 for use of Commudity Development Block Grant Funds, presented and read. Council Member Heckmann moved ;hat the communication be received and filed, Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 324-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A STATEMENT OF INTENT FOR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque is entitled to participate in the Communi- ty Development Block Grant Program authorized under the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has been declared eligible for funding in the approximate amount of $900,000 for the Calendar Year commencing January 1, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Community Devel- opment Block Grant Proposed State- ment of Intent has been developed so as to give maximum feasible priority to tivities wbich will benefit low and moderate income persons and aid in the prevention or elimination of slum and blight; and WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has provided the citizens of the community with opportunities to provide input and Regular Session, November 21, 1988 388 387 Regular Session, November 21, 1988 comment on the Statement of Intent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the f~ing of a Proposed Statement of Intent for participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program is hereby approved, and the Mayor of the City of Dubuque is hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary documentation on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to sub- mit, in the required number of copies, the Proposed Statement of Intent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other appropriate agencies together with such other documents as may be required. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Heckmann moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmaun Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager sub- mitting au Ordinance revising the Du- buque Human Rights Ordinance presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Car- ried by the fo]lowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--Council Member Heckmann. AN ORDINANCE Amending the Code of Ordinances by amending por- tions of Chapter 21 defining "Familial Status", relating to aiding and abetting; relating to exemption from accommoda- tions or services protection and discounts based on oge; relating to prohibited hous- ing practices; relating to prohibited employment practices and relating to AIDS testing in employment; relating to prohibited education practices, was presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the reading just had, be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the fo]lowing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--Council Mem- ber Heckmaun. Communication of Legal Staff submit- ting an Ordinance amending portion of Chapter 25, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, presented and read. Council Member Simon moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. ORDINANCE NO, 60-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, CHAPTER 25, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, BY REPEALING IN SECTION 25-2 THE UNNUMBERED SUBSECTION DEFINING "COMMERCIAL VEHI- CLE"; AMENDING SECTION 25-43 BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH (b) RELATING TO REPORTS RE- QUIRED AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW PARAGRAPH (b) RELATING TO REPORTS RE- QUIRED; REPEALING SECTION 25-45 RELATING TO SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD RESTRICTIONS -- SCOPE AND EFFECT; REPEALING SECTION 25-83 RELATING TO WIDTH OF VEHICLES, REPEAL- lNG SECTION 25-84 RELATING TO HEIGHT OF VEHICLES; REPEAL- lNG SECTION 25-85 RELATING TO HEIGHT; REPEALING SECTION 25-88 RELATING TO VEHICLES ENTERING CITY FROM ILLINOIS; REPEALING SECTION 25-120 RELATING TO LOUD SIGNALING AT NIGHT; REPEALING SECTION 25-142(c) RELATING TO DRIVING WHILE LICENSE DENIED, SUS- PENDED OR REVOKED; REPEAL- ING SECTION 25-185 RELATING TO STOP REQUIRED IN OBEDIENCE TO TRAIN AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 25-185 RELATING TO STOP RE- QUIP, ED IN OBEDIENCE TO TRAIN; REPEALING SECTION 25-220(b)(3) RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 25-220(b)(3) RELAT- ING TO SPEED LIMITS, presented and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 60-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, CHAPTER 25, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, BY REPEALING IN SECTION 25-2 THE UNNUMBERED SUBSECTION DEFINING "COMMERCIAL VEHI- CLE''; AMENDING SECTION 25-43 BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH (b) RELATING TO REPORTS RE- QUIRED AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW PARAGRAPH (b) RELATING TO REPORTS RE- QUIRED; REPEALING SECTION 25-45 RELATING TO SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD RESTRICTIONS -- SCOPE AND EFFECT; REPEALING SECTION 25-83 RELATING TO WIDTH OF VEHICLES; REPEAL- ING SECTION 25-84 RELATING TO HEIGHT OF VEHICLES; REPEAL- ING SECTION 25-85 RELATING TO HEIGHT; REPEALING SECTION 25-88 RELATING TO VEHICLES ENTERING CITY FROM ILLINOIS; REPEALING SECTION 25-120 RELATING TO LOUD SIGNALING AT NIGHT; REPEALING SECTION 25-142(c) RELATING TO DRIVING WHILE LICENSE DENIED, SUS- PENDED OR REVOKED; REPEAL- ING SECTION 25-185 RELATING TO STOP REQUIRED IN OBEDIENCE TO TRAIN AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 25-185 RELATING TO STOP RE- QUIRED IN OBEDIENCE TO TRAIN; REPEALING SECTION 25-220(b)(3) RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 25-220(b)(3) RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section h Section 25-2 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is amended by repealing the unnumbered subsection defining "Commercial Vehicle." Section 2: Section 25-43(b) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. Section 3. The fo]lowing new Section 25-43(b) is hereby adopted: (b) The driver of a vebicle involved in an accident resulting in total property damage to an apparent extent of five liundred dollars ($500.001 or more shall report said accident to the Police Department within seventy-two (72) hours. Section 4: Section 25-45 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. Section 5: Sections 25-81, 25-83, 25-84 25-85, 25-88 and 25-120 of the Cede of Or- dinances, City of Dubuque. Iowa, are hereby repealed. Section 6: Section 25-142(c) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed, Section 7: Section 25-185(a) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. Section 8: The following new Section 25-185(a) is hereby adopted: (a) Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaclies a railroad grade crossing and warning is given by automatic signal or crossing gates or a flagnaan or otherwise of the immediate ap- proach of a train, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within fir- ty (50) feet but not less than ten (10) feet from the nearest track of such railroad and shall not proceed until the driver can do so safely. Section 9: Section 25-220(b)(3) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. 389 Section 10: The follbwing new Section 25-220(b)(3) is hereby adopted: (3) Forty 140) miles per hour for any motor vehicle drawing another vehicle in any district or on any street where the lawful speed is in excess of forty (40) miles per hour, except when other- wise specified under Section 321.285 of the State Code. Section lh This Ordinance shall be in full furce and effect immediately upon its final adoption and publication as provid- ed by law. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 30th day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk It 11/30 Council Member Simon moved that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance, and that the requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally adopted be suspended and further moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Co~mcil Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of Legal Staff submit- ting Ordinance regarding "Carrying Con- cealed Weapon", presented and read, Council Member Kluesner moved that the conm~unicafion be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Heck- mann. Caroled by the fuli, owlng vo~e: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Regular Session, November 21, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 61-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING SECTION 26-12 "CARRYING CON- CEALED WEAPONS" AND SUB- STITUTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 26-12 "CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPON", presented and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 61-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA BY REPEALING SECTION 26-12 "CARRYING CON- CEALED WEAPONS" AND SUBSTI- TUTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION 26-12 "CARRYING CON- CEALED WEAPON." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: Section 1: Section 26-12 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. Section 2: The following new Section 26-12 is hereby adopted: Carrying Concealed Weapon. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry under his or her clothes or concealed about his or her per- son or to be found in possession of any slingshot, knuckles of metal or other material, air gun or any other weapon other than a knife. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its final adoption and publication as provid- ed by law. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 30th day of November, 1988. Mary A. Davis City Clerk it 1U30 Regular Session, November 21, 1988 390 Council Member Khiesner moved that James E. Brady this be considered the first reading of the Mayor Ordinance, and the requirement that a ATTEST: proposed Ordinance be considered and Mary A. Davis voted on for passage at two council City Clerk meetings prior to the meeting at which Published officially in the Telegraph it is to be finally adopted be suspended -Ierald newspaper this 30th day of and further moved final adoption of the November, 1988. Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Mary A. Davis Heckmann. Carried by the following City Clerk vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council It 11/30 Members Deich, Heckmann, Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Council Member Pratt moved that tiffs be considered the first reading of the Or- Communication of Legal Staff submit- dinance, and the requirement that a pro- ting Ordinance regarding "Distribution posed Ordinance be considered and voted of Handbills, etc. in Parks", presented on for passage at two council meetings and read. prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally adopted be suspended and fur- Council Member Pratt moved that the ther moved final adoption of the Or- communication be received and filed, dinance. Seconded by Council Member Seconded by Council Member Heck- Heckmann. Carried by the following mann. Carded by the following vote: vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Pratt. Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 325-88 ORDINANCE NO. 62-88 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coun- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE cji of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF following having complied with the pro- DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING visions of law relating to the sale of SECTION 27-60 RELATING TO Cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, DISTRIBUTION OF HANDBILLS, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigar- ETC., presented and read. ettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 62-88 Georgi~na Carol Chin Rusty's Chinese Restaurant AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2600 Dodge St. CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING Passed, approved and adopted this SECTION 27-60 RELATING TO 21st day of November, 1988. DISTRIBUTION OF HANDBILLS ETC. James E. Brady Mayor BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: ATTEST: Mary A. Davis Section 1: Section 27-60 of the Code of City Clerk Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby repealed. Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Section 2: This Ordinance shall take el- Council Member Pratt. Carried by the fect immediately upon its publication as following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, provided by law. Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Passed, approved and adopted this Kinesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. 21st day of November, 1988. Nays--None. 391 Regular Session, November 21, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 3264]8 WHEREAS, Applications for Beer Permits have been submitted and filed to this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and WHEREAS, The premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of this City and have filed proper bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "B' BEER PERMIT Loras College 1450 Alta Vista St. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT TFM Co. Oky Doky ~6 1156 Iowa Street (Also Sunday Sales) CLASS "E" BEER PERMIT Rainbo Oil Company KWIK Stop F~od Mart 2297 University Ave. (Also Sunday Sales) Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Daich, Heckmanr Kluesner. Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 327-88 WHEREAS, Applications for Liquor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and WHEREAS, The premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City Ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the fofiowing named appficant(s) a Liquor License. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL} BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Lynn A. Lindecker Park Square Tavern 600 Central Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor kTTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Loras College requeal~ng transfer of their Class "B" Beer Permit on Dec. 10, 1988 to Touhy Auditorium, presented and read. Council Member Deich moved that the transfer be approved. Seconded by Coun- :il Member Pratt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. MINUTES SUBMITTED: Airport Commission of 10-25; Dubuque In Futuro, Inc. of 10-19; Fire Retirement Bd. of 10-7 and 10-28; Historic Preserva- tion Commission of 11-8; Housing Code Review Committee of 10-19 and 10-26; Housing Commission of 10-19; Planning and Zoning Commission of 11-2; Zoning Board of Adjustment of 10-27, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by Regular Session, November 21, 1988 392 the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner. Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. NOTICES OF CLAIMS AND SUITS: Gilbert J. Crippes in unknown amount for sewer backup damages; Norma Furry vs. City of Dubuque in excess of $5000 for personal injuries; Richard B. and Madonna Hefel in amount of $61.51 for personal damages, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the claims and suits be referred to the Legal Staff. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communications of Corporation Counsel recommending closures of the following claims: False arrest of Joseph Vanderah; False arrest of Becky Jochum; False arrest of Belinda Dunne; Car damage of Katrina Wilberdlng; Car damage of Greg Anderson; Auto damage claim of Alvin Mclntgee; Truck Damage claim of Randy Rettenmaier, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the connnunications be received and filed and approved recommendations. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon. Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of Corporation Counsel recommending settlement of car damage claim of Michael R. Scherr in the amount of $224.80, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the con~nunication be received and filed and approved settlement and Finance Direc- tor to issue proper check. Seconded by Council Member Voetherg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on List of Claims paid for the month of September, 1988 AND Com- munication of City Manager submitting Financial Reports for the month of Oc- tober, 1988, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the proof of publication and communication be received and filed. Seconded by Coun- cil Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Com~nunication of Ronald Hull sub- mitting resignation from Cable Com- munity Teleprogramming Commission, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed and accepted with regret, Seconded by Coun- cil Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Khiesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Con~municatinn of Iowa Dept. of Economic Development advising of an- nexation of property to the City of Asbury, presented aud read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Dcich, Heckmann, Rluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. REFUNDS REQUESTED: Kenneth Love in the amount of $422.50 for unex- pired Liquor License, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the refund be approved and Finance Direc- ter to issue proper check. Seconded by Council Member Voetherg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager sub- mitring Quarterly Investment Report, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- 393 Regular Session, Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmann~kKluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Communication of City Mm~ager re- questing authorization to publish Notice of Environmental Finding for various projects, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Mayor Brady, Council Members Delch, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetherg. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 328-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF EN- VIRONMENTAL REVIEW FINDING FOR CERTAIN COMMUNITY DE- VELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, is proposing to enter into a Grant Agree- ment for the Calendar Year commencing January 1, 1989 with the U.S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Develop- meat; providing for financial assistance to the City under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the rules and regalations as promulgated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, an environmental review has been processed for tile hereinafter described projects to be financed with Community Development Block Grant Funds; and WHEREAS, an ad hec Environmen- tal Review Committee has after due con- sideration made a determination that the projects are not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish a Notice of Finding of No Signifi- cant Effect on the Environment for the November 21, 1988 followlng identified projects, and to m~ke the Environmental Review Record for said projects available for public inspec- tion. Such notice shall be in the form of Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof. * Washington Neighborhood Tool Library * Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program * Property Acquisition/Relocation/ Demolition Program * Code Enforcement * Operation Paintbrush * Commercial/Industrial Loan Participation * Economic Development Activities * Neighborhood Related Improve- meat Projects Section 2. That the City of Dubuque hereby declares its intent to adopt a resolution at its meeting of December 5, 1988 authorizing the submission of a re- quest to the U.S. Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development for release of funds to undertake the above- mentioned projects. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of November, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Pcatt moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Voetbexg. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Heckmaun, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. There being no further business, Coun- cil Member Deich moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Council Member Voetberg, Carried by tho following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady. Council Members Deich, Heckmann, Kluesner, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays--None. Meeting adjourned at 11:04 p.m. Mary A. Davis City Clerk Approved 1989 Regular Session, November 21, 1988 Adopted 1989 Mayor Council Members ATTEST: City Clerk 394