W Roll_12 Part 2July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Delinquent tax Mrs. G A Rund Hannah Lonergan Gertrude Kopp Eliza Turner C H Welsh Andrew Kopp, order in favor for taxes George W Starr, payable only in taxes August Wagner Felix Oswald Charles W Ware Patrick V Neary Petition of Joseph A Rhomberg, extending White St from Sanford St to Millville July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of Joseph A Rhomberg, extending White St from Sanford St to Millville St Drawing order in favor of Treasurer John D Bush, tax sale Brown Wright and Co for police uniforms Postage Stamps William Hintrager, Collins Subdivision July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved order for John Liddy, Contractor on the continuation of Julien Avenue payment on contract Chapter 10 of Revised Ordinances German Bank Commercial National Bank Dispensation of Divine Providence, night of Joyous Centennial 4th of July 1876 Suburban neighbor Rockdale, disastrous floods wiped the village out of existence, swept into eternity 34 human beings out of a population of 42 July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved earnestly sympathize with the relatives and survivors of the unfortunate vicitims of the Rockdale Disaster and recommend them to the good and charitable citizens of Dubuque Street commissioner Justice Leckie Dubuque Water company notified to extend its water pipes along Julien Avenue from Bluff St westwardly junction of the Hill St with Julien Avenue place a hydrant at or near the Diamond House Section 5 of an Ordinance authorizing S Chamberlain and others to construct, maintain, and operate waterworks supply water to the city of Dubuque Discontinuance of work and expenditure on Couler Avenue 3rd St to 5th St, open a street Engineer make a survey and plat of proposed improvement July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Committee on streets improve the sewer on Eagle Point Avenue Junction with Valeria St, prevent water from flowing through Tivoli Gardens flooding Couler Avenue, detriment of property holders improvement of Blocklinger Alley Contract for preparing the City Abstract Books T O'Sullivan, D Riordan, failed to file required bond Profile of Couler Avenue City Engineer, Green Line on profile Sanford St to north Corporation Line City Engineer make surveys and submit profiles showing the necessary change of grade July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig 8th St to 18th St, Jackson st to slough on Lake Peosta Resolution Resolved Engineer plans and specifications for a sewer on 1st St from Main St to the west side of Locust St sidewalk on Chesnut St 8th St between Hill St and Pine St, temporary grade of sidewalk abutting property owners Profile red line, official grade of Wilson Avenue from Julien Avenue to 5th st Horse lawn mower, known as The Warrior, keeping the grass in the public squares cut short so as to make sod July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Engineer establish grade on Hill St south of 3rd St Street Commissioner, put High St between Windsor Avenue and Stafford St Alley between 10th St and 11th St, Main St and Locust St, graded and macadamized in conformity with the Ordinance necessary plans and specifications improvement expense of abutting property owners 9th St, 10th St, Iowa St, Clay St graded City Recorder give proper notice July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Committee on Streets and Street Commissioner employ a number of men on all leading thoroughfares of the City, in passable condition Proclamation to restrain dogs from running at large An Ordinance to license, tax and regulate the keeping of dogs Official papers, construction of Dodge St wall Marshal girdle cottonwood trees as shed cotton Proposals for street work Jefferson St improvement, J N Foye lowest bidder 7th St improvement, William Rebman July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Improvement of Olive St, Michael Dunn lowest bidder Bills paid Claims Thomas Murray T E Frith Patrick Donnolly P J Quigley, Court cost Patrick McMahon, Committee on Markets July 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig July 10, 1876 Considering proposals on Dodge St work Board of Supervisors North Cascade Road Rule 29 suspended Mr. Joseph Platz, sidewalks in McCraney's Addition Waste material excavated from the 1st St sewer brick yard July 10, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Locust St extension below Gleed's Brewery widening street Contract for building the sewer J Doyle lowest bidder plans for the improvement of 17th St Express opinions F M Robinson, H T Woodman, P Morgan, A Stines, Joseph Herod Construction of an underground sewer Property owners abutting on 17th St July 24, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Construction of a waterway through Northwestern Agricultural and Mechanical Association Grounds City Attorney make necessary arrangements and advertise for proposals Rule 29 suspended and H S Hetherington Fair Ground Association Petitions Eliza A Burden, Delinquent Tax Mrs. Mary M Hewitt sewer from 11th St to Jefferson St Gulley to convey the stagnant water from Cox St Call roll July 24, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved plan of an open street for the purpose of improving 17th St Engineer G W F Sherwin, plans and specifications July 29, 1876 Considering bids on the 1st St sewer and the waterway through the Fair Grounds Proposals on the 1st St sewer John McEvoy July 29, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Considering bids on the 1st St sewer and the waterway through the Fair Grounds Proposals on the 1st St sewer Proposals for the waterway through the Fair Grounds, contract awarded to Andrew Merz G W F Sherwin, improvement of 17th St Deed from the Northwestern Agricultural and Mechanical Association to the City for the right of way for a watercourse examining the law and ordinances in relation to changes of grade August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes C U Wyso? J J Beck John McNulty Mary Mullins F E Augustine Peter Gregory Joseph McGregor Margaret Sweeney John Kelly E Swett Arma M Wilke Petitions J K Graves, gas contract George W Jones, improvement of 14th St A Stines, damages by flood General Jones, Cox St Father Sullivan, waterway through St. Mary's St Remonstrance of S S Winall, macadamizing of Avon St W h Day, Prairie graded August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Joseph Pazandak, sidewalk on 15th St from Washington St to Cedar St Henry Sellers, obstructions on alley removed H T Rice, sidewalks on Mineral St J S Hancock, waterway on Bluff St opened John Cheetham, obstructions on street Michael McLaughlin B R Powell, Special Committee Christian Ode, gutter on Couler Avenue August Jungk, sidewalks on High St in Ham's Addition W P Large, sidewalks on Olive St reduced August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions John Christman, refunding tax P J Mehern, payment of City bond Rule 11 suspended, General Jones improvement of 14th St and Cox St City Auditor, salaries due City Officers Amount due City Police force H C Palmer Special police City Assessors O'Sullivan and Stecher, completion of assessment roll Street Commissioner, amount due several parties whose names are given for work done on streets, sewers, in July laborers teams mechanics macadam August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig John Moloney placed on payroll Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood licenses issued in July Marketmaster Pier, weighed drafts on market scales huckster stands Board of Prisoners incidental expenses in Market House City Attorney Wilson, enforcement of ordinances in relation to streets Dubuque City Bonds Loan of 1857, coupons issue new bonds of the City August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Face value of bonds upaid coupons interest on coupons new funded bond W H Dudley, warrant payable without interest Lamplighter O'Halloran Henry Schueller, West Dubuque Scales N C Ryan, drafts weighed on the 1st Ward Scales horse empounded by him, sold under ordinance expenses August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Engineer, list of property owners 3rd st to 5th St, old corporation line water channel across the land of George Backert Justice Cantillon G W Sherwin, M Dunn, special assessment McNulty's subdivision Exchange New York Coupons Engineer Knowlton, profile of a grade for Hill St Rule 11 suspended, Mr. Cady addressed the Council nuisance on 7th St extension August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims of T E Frith, Pat Donnolly and Thomas Murray Petitions J D Reed Bridget Bird Dr. William Watson, cancelling special tax Fortune's subdivision An Ordinance granting to the Fenelon St, 3rd St, Alpine St Railway Co Right to construct and operate a line of street railway over streets in the City An Ordinance to amend Chapter 23 of the Revised Ordinances An Ordinance in relation to licenses An Ordinance to regulate the manner of changing grades in City Second Revision of Ordinances August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of City Police and prescribe rules and regulations Petition of Michael Dunn J C Johnston, grading and macadamizing Avon St F M Robinson, improvement of 11th St W H Robison, John H Dunn, M M M Hewett P Roddy, sidewalk on Dodge St Tim Byron, compensation for filling August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of John Bell, obstructions on 11th St Andrew Oeth, Water Co make the necessary repairs in front of lots in L H Langworthy's Addition John Bell, sidewalk on 11th St W H Murphy John Phelan, J Cahill, erection of two story brick house J C Beavis, lamp posts West Dubuque H C Fuller, placing policeman on Clay St, White St, between 8th st and 12th St T J Levan, lamp posts at corner of alley and Chesnut St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Delinquent taxes Mrs. Frank Weihe N C Amsden, Margaret Brady, Park Hill Union Society adverse to granting prayer of petitioners Catherine Morrissey Dorgan's Subdivision M Donahue George B Hamilton, redemption of Mineral lots Charles H Gregoire, redeem City lot Catherine Herancourt, payment of taxes Mrs. E M Hoag Caroline Weihe August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig G Schollian, payable only in taxes Claim of P McMahon Ordinance to levy a special tax for sewerage purposes Drains and sewer F W Kruse, City Engineer, cost of turning the watercourse Ordinance in reference to cancelling certain taxes tax books Catherin Morrissey, A Stines, Thomas Keilty Marshal Finn Letters in relation to gas matters special committee on correspondence Agreement with Andrew Merz August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Andrew Merz settlement improvement of 17th St damages for non-performance of contract Dubuque, July 6, 1876 Report recommending the appointment of policemen for special duty Continuance of tramps and theives 6 dozen policemen be appointed Attorney Wilson, claims of Jane Miller, Felix Flannagen, W J Sullivan August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Plank sidewalk Washington St, G H Young, Contractor Special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate E Langworthy, East Dubuque Joseph Platz Mary Jordan P Moloney Drus Brothers, City Eva Robisch Fred Wise A Kaiser William Marshal Mary La Boyteaux Division St Philip Pfersch, Cook's Addition Thomas Davis Hooper's Addition John Bell J A Rhomberg John Lynch W L Bradley, McCraney's 2nd Addition Orion Sage Joseph Platz August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special tax levied on lots Joseph Platz, McCraney's 1st Addition T M Monroe John Hodgdon Anna C Young, Ham's Addition A J Rhomberg George Ferber John Wagner Martin Wagner 22nd St Deidrich Mauer, Davis Farm Addition Herman Mauer, E Langworthy's subdivision Resolution Resolved special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate, to pay for plank sidewalk on High St by G H Young F M Monroe, McCraney's 1st Addition August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate, to pay for plank sidewalk on High St by G H Young F M Monroe, McCraney's 1st Addition Orion Sage Richard Fengler Henry Geiger, Jungk's Addition Order in favor of James Harragan, Auditor make out statement of Delinquent taxes German Bank Cancel all taxes previous to the year 1870 Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company construct suitable culverts through their track on 16th St, 17th St and 18th St free passage for all water Cancel road orders Right of way for opening a street from 3rd St to 5th St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Improvement of alley between 9th St and 10th St, Iowa St and Clay St, 10th St and 11th St, Main St and Locust St, 14th St and 15th St, Iowa St and Clay St Resolutions rescinded Alley between 10th St and 11th St, Main St and Locust St graded and macadamized Proper notice for bids and proposals Expense of the owners of the abutting property Plans and specifications for improvement Alley between 9th St and 10th St, Iowa St and Clay St Conformity with Ordinance Resolved Marshal notify owners of lot in McDaniel's Subdivision to remove all obstructions from the sidewalk August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Street Commissioner complete the contract of John D Bush for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing of Jones St between Main St and Locust St correct account of labor and material Contractor John D Bush, Street Commissioner Ryder Alley property of J Mulligan, head of Mineral St inuring private as well as public property Plank sidewalk contracted and laid in conformity with the Ordinance in relation to sidewalks High St between Middle St and 1st St, Ham's Addition plank sidewalk 11th St between Bluff St and High St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved alley between Main st and Locust St, 16th St and 17th St Conformity with Ordinance plans and specifications for improvement Making of crossings and macadamizing expense of abutting property owners Alley between 14th St and 15th St, Iowa St and Clay St receiving bids for furnishing gas to the City plank sidewalk, Dodge St between a bridge near Roddy's and Bluff St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Profile showing a change of grade on 17th St from Main St to Clay St City Recorder, advertisement in official papers Street Commissioner make improvement in Centre St in West Dubuque by placing sewerage pipe of the largest size Andrew Merz settlement for contract on 17th St W H Dudley, complete settlement of bonds Loan of 1857 Balance due for interest and principal of bonds Ordinance in relation to sidewalk on 15th St February 1, 1877 15th St between Iowa St and Jackson St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Committee on Printing have printed 100 copies of the Ordinance passed today Ordinance to define the duties of policemen Practicability of turning Bee Branch into Faulhopper Lake City Engineer survey of Southern Avenue Road from Old Corporation line to the top of Summer Hill Use of City Hall given to Mrs. John Kelly, ball for her benefit 11th St between Walnut St and Farley's subdivision graded, guttered, curbed, and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject Bids and proposals August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Expense of owners of abutting property Macadamizing 8th St from Main St to Bluff St Couler Avenue between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford St graded, guttered, curbed, and macadamized Conformity with the Ordinance bids and proposals for the performance of the work August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Avon Street in Mary Ann McDaniel's Subdivision graded, guttered, curbed Necessary plans and specifications for improvement City Marshal, proper officers of the Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company enlarge the water way underneath their Railroad embankment large to carry off all floodwaters at Eagle Point in Ham's Addition North of High St Compliant person to take charge of the public parks and keep them in proper order Marshal enforce Butcher's Ordinance Street Commissioner repair 3rd St, washed out by flood August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig City Treasurer Complete list of all delinquent taxes Auditor's Books Resolution Resolved services of Oliver Patch as sub collector of city taxes be dispensed with Return of all papers, tax receipts Collect personal property tax Howard and McArthur, lamp post on Hill St City Marshal to collect all licenses due the City appoint suitable person to collect licenses Contractors take material from 14th St August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Improvements on streets Committee on Markets, contract for cleaning around the market house to the lowest bidder Enforce the Butcher ordinance 4th Ballot, Mr. William O'Brien Bills and Claims Paid Sol Turck Engine Co John Liddy T E Firth Weston, Burch and Co Walker and Rhomberg W W Woodworth Andrew and Treadway W H Knowlton O F Lohrer Wemott and Howard Mrs. F Simmons J O'Hea Cantillon John Green D W Linehan John McCoy Peter Oeth W C Alexander Howard and McArthur Dubuque Water Co J K Graves John O'Halloran Pelan and Randall Frank Holland Michael Dunn 5th Ward Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co T S Wilson Police shooting dogs Poole Gilliam and Co T O'Sullivan John Devine B R Powell Pat McMahon M Donnolly M Downey James N Foye G H Young Howard and McArthur Cabinet Makers Association Spear and Lee Jeff Davis Hanson and Linehan A Long Asa Roberts August 7, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Adams and Robinson, Attorney fees W H Knowlton, assistants in his department Hayes and Larks A H Stuart, Fengler and Krite Grosvenor and Harger Claims T Jones, Thomas Murray, Howard and McArthur Albert Leicht George Young O S Patch, tax collector Michael McMahon McElrath and Linehan Ellen Crawford, witness fees, City Attorney Willie Cook August 19, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special Session Opening proposals for street work Street Committee, Engineer William Rebman, lowest bidder Main St and Locust St, 16th St and 17th St alley Iowa St and Clay St James N Foye, Avon St Couler Avenue and 11th St James H Morgan, improvement of the alley from 14th St to 15th St between Iowa St and Clay St D N Cooley, President remit taxes on Northwestern Agricultural and Mechanical fair grounds John Thompson and T G Johnston, lay sidetrack on J W Parker and Sons Warehouse Sue E Lambert August 19, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessment of the Lorimier House Remonstrance of J M Gandolfo, against the laying of a sidewalk on 15th St D N Cooley, appointment of a special police during the Fair D H Conyngham, lamp post on 2nd St and Railroad Crossing Sidewalks on Jackson st, between Sanford St and Peru Road temporary grade, expense of abutting property owners August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims for damages by reason of the proposed change of grade on 17th St Mrs. Catherine C Woodman First German Presbyterian Church German Theological School T Palmer rood Frank M Robinson Harriett A Root Adam Vogel F Kuenicker Ferguson and Baule, repealing the ordinance licensing delivery, waggons Petitions M M Walker, privilege of building an Oil House at the foot of 1st St Work on 7th St not finished according to contract August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Whereas the City Engineer has in obedience to the orders of the Council filed in the office of the City Recorder, profile prepared from actual survey established grade of 17th St Public notice in the Official papers of the City Claims for damages Harriett A Root, Catherine C Woodman, First German Church, German Theological Seminary, T P Rood, F M Robinson, T Kuenicker, A Vogel Grade shown by the Blue line on profile A H Peaslee, B B Provost, A A Cooper, disinterest freeholders August 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Ordinance in relation to sidewalks Chesnut St between High St and Prairie St, established grade at the expense of abutting property owners Water Company laying down pipes on Julien Avenue Julien Avenue sewer September 4, 1876 No quorum September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes and assessments Delinquent taxes B B Richards C Boesvelt Mrs. Hugo Miller Mary Baade Margaret Lear Rachel Davis Mary Markee Mrs. Samuel Young Maria Lee Mary Kelly Margaret Flynn Ann Tierney Eliza O'Brien Mary Mix Margaret Glennan Henry Tode Lucian Smith C H Welsh Rev L A Ostrander Miss M Eggleston Petitions Ed W Duncan, alley in rear of lots inclusive in McDaniel's Subdivision James McBride, condition of 5th St between Nevada St and Julien Avenue September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions John Quail, improvement of the alley running south from Mineral St Sarah Gill, improvement of North Main St W H Peabody, establishment of grade on Henion St August Becker, nuisance caused by stagnant water McCraney's Addition Remonstrance P J Flynn, sidewalk on Dodge St City Engineer, amount of wall to be built on Dodge St Ann Morris, Sarah A Young, remission of taxes J S Garragan, improvement of Pine St Louis Fockler, width of sidewalks on Avon St W P Large, B W Poor, sidewalk on 11th St September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions H Mauer, sidewalks on 22nd St Ruegamer and Ade, A Habluetzel, Butcher's license M W Walter, Pine St filled James Molloy, damages to property east of the Railroad Track Pat McMahon, removal of obstructions on Wall St 2nd Ward Joseph Miller, cancellation of his taxes Collect tax James Forrester, lamp post at the intersection of Olive St and Jefferson St George W Jones, taxes on lots in Quigley's Subdivision F Jaeger, improvement of alley running south of Julien Avenue between Alpine St and Nevada St John Guellis, Pat Mulvin, macadam broken September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Street Commissioner Ryder, report of expenses for work on streets, alleys and sewers laborers mechanics teams macadam amount due city officers for salaries City Engineer Knowlton, names of the owners of lots abutting the proposed street from 3rd St to 5th St Woodmeasurer Warring, inspected cords of wood Adam Pier, Marketmaster, weighed drafts on Market Scales Huckster stands Henry Schuler, West Dubuque Scales September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig N C Ryan, 1st Ward Scales Lamplighter O'Halloran Marshal Finn, salaries due police force Justice Leckie, police cases A J Davis, pound keeper Auditor Brandt, semi-annual report receipts disbursements Engineer Knowlton, petition of F W Kruse, sewer sufficient to carry all the water that flows down Windsor Avenue City Attorney and Recorder September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig P J Quigley, court costs Petition of Pat J Mehren, payment of City Bond Oliver S Patch Salary of Treasurer Riordan Ordinances not passed sale of meat, poultry outside of established markets September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims John Christman Grosvenor and Harger Hayes and Larks A H Stuart assisting the Engineer's department George B Woodworth G H Knowlton L F Wakefield employing superintendents on streets Fengler and Kriete September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions John Cheatham, remove obstructions on Hill St Michael McLaughlin Frances P Woods, approval of a plat of Tivola Addition J S Hancock, remove obstructions from the waterway on Bluff St between 14th St and 15th St Albert Leicht, license S S Winall, W H Day George Young H J Rice, sidewalk carried off by the late flood on Mineral St September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Joseph Pagandak Contracts for cleaning around the markets, Pat McMahon Mrs. Catherine Weihe, remission of Butcher's license Claims McElrath and Linehan for sprinkling streets Ordinance to establish and regulate markets Repeal Ordinance to establish hay, wood and grain markets Michael McMahon Willie Cook Delinquent taxes, petition of John Kelly granting prayer of petitioners Mary Mullins September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Mary Mullins, remitting taxes Anna M Wickie M Schaetgle petition, 5th Ward, open street Father Sullivan John Thompson, laying side track D N Cooley, President Northwestern Agricultural and Mechanical Association A Stines, cancel all taxes previous to 1870 Ordinance to grant the Fenelon St, 3rd St, and Alpine St Railway Compan September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of George w Jones, establishment of grade on 17th St west of Bluff St Susan E Lambert, reduce assessment for 1875 on the Lorimier House J K Graves, President of the Key City Gas Light Company Remonstrance of J M Gandolfo, sidewalk on 15th St Claim of Adams and Robinson M M Walker, granting privileges to erect oil house D H Conyngham, lamp post on 2nd St and Railroad Crossing D N Cooley, special police during the fair week Howard and McArthur September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claim of Thomas Murray, requesting health officer to make out an itemized account Justice Cantillon B R Powell, petitioners to pay for merchandise Ferguson Banle, repeal ordinance to license delivery of wagons An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed June 20, 1874 August 7, 1873 Claims Lafflin and Rand Powder Co September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Gerald Ryan, J L Vaughan, T E Frith election of inspector of weights and measures Resolution resolved Committee for the purpose of locating the land belonging to the city in the centre Island Contract made Assessment approved Tax of 14 mills on the dollar levied on all real and personal property Committee on Equalization General expenses Special interest within the water limits, water tax September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Treasurer Riordan postal cards for city officers Second National Bank Dubuque County Bank First National Bank John Guillis, macadam broken Patrick Mulvin Tivoli Addition, subdivision of lots L H Langworthy's Addition Records of the City September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Lawful addition to the City Frances P Woods, furnish the city with a correct map, sign and acknowledge map and record Resolution Resolved finish the covering of 14th St sewer from Elm St to the Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Co embankment Property owners, west side of Hill St between 8th St and 5th St City Marshal enforce ordinance in relation to obstructions from the sidewalk Jackson St between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford St Plank sidewalk 17th St between Mineral St and Main St to temporary grade, expense of property owners September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved plank sidewalk in conformity with the Ordinance Mineral St, 17th St, bridge on 17th St property of James Mulligan temporary grade expense of abutting property owners City Engineer profile grade on Hill St between 3rd St and Peabody Avenue Blue line, established grade of Hill St City Marshal remove all obstructions from alley north of 14th St through Yates and Pickets subdivision Bluff St between 2nd St and 3rd St new curb stone September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Engineer contract for street improvements Resolution Resolved that the 11th St between Jackson St and alley between Iowa St and Clay St be graded, guttered and curbed City Engineer Ordinance in relation to sidewalks Bluff St, Jones St, Dodge St superintend contract work September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Acting Street Commissioner pay day laborers Resolution Resolved, Street Commissioner clean gutters on Division St carry stagnant water, fill low places in street Hog drivers to be persons of good moral character geese, other animals empound those running at large Opening a street from 3rd St to 5th St Plat and survey made by Engineer summon a jury, free holders citizens September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Venire for jury, opening street from 3rd st to 5th St City Hall assess damages legal and proper notice Central Market stalls fixed at fifty dollars Butchers furnish their own fuel and gas Police Justices are required to hold Court in the Court Room of the City Hall T E Frith, Health Officer and City Scavenger Necessity of reducing salaries of City Officers Main St from 1st St to Jones St September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Paid Fengler and Kriete J Christman George Wilde H M Thompson Pottery Co James Walsh M Dunn Rouse and Dean Peter Mihm Joseph Hook John Swenk William Hintrager Peter Specht John Bell Cooper and Smyth Key City Hook and Ladder Co James N Foye Knapp Stout and Co M M Walker Howard and McArthur 5th Ward Hose Co Grossvenor and Harger S Korman McElrath and Linehan Mrs. Ann Welsh F G Brandt John Maclay John T Tower Ham and Carver Woodruff and Perkins Clark, Rickard and Co Andrew and Treadway J K Graves, Engine Co John O'Halloran M McMahon T F Koepfle Spear and Lee T O'Sullivan Henry Stecher H Cavanaugh L Eberhardt R G Yates Sol Turck Hose Co Louis Kammuller G A Knowlton L F Wakefield Charles McMaster J R Pyne Key City Hook and Ladder Co O S Patch P Klauer and Brothers John Kaep T E Frith P C Foley Dubuque Water Co C G Hargus George Wilde, Lagan and Sons, John McCoy T S Wilson, Thomas Murray September 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims of Dubuque Water Co A J Davis P McMahon October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to assessments Committee on Equalization John Bell J W Brunskill and Brothers William Beck George Burden Eliza A Burden M E Connolly D A Cooley Coates and Watters Thomas P Coates Mrs. C J Cummings D H Conyngham A Cragin Rev Allen Curr George L Dickinson A W Daugherty Dean and Co Melissa Eggleston Bradley and Ellwanger and Co John P Farley Johanna Frenzel Joseph Gehrig Henry Grimm Hetherington and Rath M Harrington Francis Jaeger James Kelly Knapp Stout and Co Catherine Luck A Kaiser Mrs. Levins Julia Love John W Love John Maclay Jacob Michel Mullford and Whiting J Plapp Jacob M Pfiffner C Poor W H Peabody A J Pease Henry Philips M S Robison George Rath Viola G Rider J S Randall A Rogers A H Stuart Joseph Sprague H L Stout J F Steiner Mrs. R Scott Mrs. E J Scott S C A Stanfenbil George L Torbert Thompson and Jones Joseph Frasit October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig L P Trusdale C G Willweber C W Wullweber S S Winall Margaret Weinecke W W Woodworth Westphal and Hinds co James Watters Charles and Alex Simplot A Gehrig S S Wemott Wemott, Howard and Co Eliza M Smith Martha Ann Patch James Nichol Joseph Dettinger George W Mitchell George B Rand Peter Heitzelmann Philip Doerr J R Goodrich John T Hancok W J Knight Vellette Green Andrew and Treadway Wesley McKee George B Burch A S Bunting Petitions in relation to taxes Delinquent taxes A F Jaeger Agnes Turner Arthur Turner Mary Boland James Brunskill George Zumhoff Mary Beatley S S Wemott Catherine Binter H B Baker Sarah Mihigan Julia Wittenberg Anna Krakow Mrs. M Doyle M A Devany Rosetta Cook Lucy Gruber E a Frenzel Cath Newhouse Wade J King C S D Jones, permission to mine under streets R H Collier, sidewalk on 3rd St Charles Messerknick ditch on 23rd St October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions J M Griffith, grade of 17th St James McGovern, macadamizing Pine St John McEvoy, building 1st St sewer J M Buchholts, lamp post F Kleinschmidt John Hodgdon, alley west of 14th St Globe Gas Light Ellen Blake, change of waterway on Mineral St Francis Jaeger Hasty Stuart, license on pool table John D Bush, consent to M M Walker to erect an oil house 1st St behind the slough Board of Education for a sidewalk on Kniest St John O'Neil October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig John Bell, obstructions on 11th St Petitions Carl Messerknick, nuisance John J Giger, damage to property Thomas Armstrong fire plugs J Thompson and Co, establishing plow manufacturing Board of Trade Auditor Brandt, salaries due city officers Market Master Pier, weighed drafts on market scales huckster stands Board of Prisoners, incidental expenses in the market house October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig City Recorder, licenses issued Woodmeasurer Waring, inspected cords of wood N C Ryan, weighed drafts in 1st Ward Scales grass receipts Henry Schuler, West Dubuque Scales John O'Halloran, lamp lighter T E Frith, Health Officer Marshal Finn, persons named for services as Policemen during the late fair Justice Mills T S Wilson, City Attorney October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Cases pending in Courts Treasurer Riordan, delinquent taxes Street Commissioner Ryder, work done on streets laborers teams masons carpenters macadam Ordinances considering drains and sewerage An Ordinance for opening streets and highways, improving streets and alleys Ordinance to authorize the sale of meats and poulty October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Ordinance to authorize the sale of meats and poulty outside of established markets Thomas Murray Petitions George W Jones John McCoy P J Flynn W H Peabody Street Commissioner repairs on Henion St John Quail, place alley running south from Mineral St W P Large B W Poor J M Gandolfo, sidewalk on 15th St rescinded H Mauer and wife October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Sidewalk tax Petitions August Becker E W Duncan, Engineer estimate of the cost and grading and macadamizing alley J S Ganagan, improving Pine St Louis Fockler Hablenetzel, Ruegamer and Ade Pat McMahon Dubuque water co James Forrester A J Davis October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig T Jones claim Police Report of Justice Leckie Delinquent taxes petitions B B Richards, Ann Tierney, C Boesvelt, Margaret Lear, Mrs. Glennon, Mary Markey, Mary Baade taxes remitted, assessments Peter Gregory F E Augustine, tax on merchandise C U Wyss remit taxes of Ann Morris O'Connor's subdivision Eliza O'Brien, house on intersection of Bluff St and Dodge St C H Welsh, L H Langworthy's Addition Assessment of Lucian Smith, personalty Mrs. Hugo Miller John J Beck, saloon fixtures Joseph McGregor Mrs. G A Rand October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig L H Langworthy's Addition Remit taxes, assessments Margaret Flynn Mrs. Samuel Young, homestead John McNulty Rev L A Ostrander Henry Tode Maria Lee, homestead in Roger's Subdivision Sarah A Young Mary Kelly, Union Addition Mrs. Mary Mix Miss M Eggleston Rachel Davis, Board of Equalization Margaret Sweeny Petitions John Rochl, M W Watter, George W Jones, James Molloy fence removed to line of the street October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Completion of Joseph Pazandak, petition in relation to sidewalk on Maple St 15th St and 16th St M M Walker, privilege of erecting a frame building north of 1st St sewer, east of Railroad Track under supervision of Street Engineer 8th St improvement Company Main st, Bluff St Marshal Finn, examined all persons who had any knowledge of the case charge of immoral conduct, under the influence of strong drink Attorney T S Wilson Case of Eichman against Crawford 11th St October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig East side of Bluff St between 2nd St and 3rd St Ordinance upon the subject City Engineer make necessary plans and specifications for improvement expense of abutting property owners West side of Maple St between 14th St and 17th St temporary grade Kneist St between Eagle Point Avenue and Lake St, temporary grade October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Ordinances Eagle Point Avenue between Kneist St and Johnston Avenue temporary grade plank sidewalks Delhi Road between Julien Avenue Engineer curb grade on 13th St between White St and Jackson St 13th St and 14th St, 10th st and 11th St south side of Eagle Point Sewer Wall on Dodge St extended October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig J M Griffith proposition Resolution Resolved plank sidewalk on Johnson Avenue by James Crawford, contractor Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate Johannah Specht, subdivision of mineral lot H W Sanford 5th Ward School lot Frank Brede Jackson St, James Crawford October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate Jackson st, James Crawford Contractor H P Kent, L H Langworthy Addition John Reis M Heine Resolution Resolved special tax 9th St from Jackson St to Washington St Margaret La Boyteaux plank sidewalk Ordinance regulating the depth of privy vaults shall be sunken in the earth October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Advertise for 30 cords good, sound white oak wood delivered to City Hall Street Commissioner put Bradstreet extension in passable condition Recorder furnish the City Auditor with a copy of the proceedings of the Council, reduction of taxes, abatements municipal tax sewer on Hill St protect persons and property from injury and damage tax on lots in Hooper's Addition McCraney's Addition Cox's Addition, Mrs. Mary Wolf A Frommelt October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Sanford St from Couler avenue to eastern terminus expense of abutting property Resolution Resolved Commercial National Bank First National Bank 11th St in front of lots in Farley's subdivision McDaniel's subdivision curbed with curb stones Marshal have sidewalk on Lake St, Couler Bridge to Kneist St, passable condition October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Salaries of different city officers reduced City Printing reduced opening of a street from 3rd St to 5th St appraise damages sustained by George B Burch, John E Hurley,William G Watters, V J Williams, Daniel Riordan, Ed W Duncan, George Martin, J M Emerson several lots and parcels of real estate W H Knowlton, City Engineer F Hinds, Foreman V J Williams F E Deggendorf John Bill J W Fillrance William Ruff N A Cooper Charles C Coakley H L Stout John Flynn A W Kimball B B Provost change of grade on 17th St October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Damages caused by altering established grade of 17th St Jury assess damages Official newspapers of the City Commissioners met at the City Hall statements of several claimants H A Root C C Woodman J M Griffith Theological Seminary F M Robinson T P Rood 1st German Church A H Peaslee B B Provost A A Cooper October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig open a street from 3rd St to 5th St along old corporation line plat made by W H Knowlton, Engineer appraisement of damages returned by the jury deed of relinquishment of the right of way street laid out, declared a public highway A H Peaslee, B B Provost, A A Cooper pay out of the City Treasury October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig 17th St change of grade Resolution Resolved grade book of the City Engineer Petitions W J Knight F T Walker N C Ryan, office of weigher of dressed hogs macadamizing 11th st William Rebman lowest and best bidder N H Thedinga George B Woodworth G N Knowlton C H McMaster John McEvoy McElrath and Linehan Martin Frank George Wilde J F Steiner Philip Pier October 2, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Payment of claims G A Knowlton Andrew Merz Henry Stecher T E Frith M Downey Mrs. Keller J N Foye William Rebman T O'Sullivan D W Linehan Asa Roberts John O'Halloran Howard and McArthur W H Knowlton James Crawford Pat McMahon J Nichol John Green James H Morgan Michael Mahoney F A Gniffke Thomas Roach Lafflin and Rand Powder Co Dubuque Water Co Peter Mihm Joseph Hook Harney and O'Connor N H Thedinga Fengler and Krite Brunskill Brothers M McMahon L B Tuttle John Nagle Dubuque Times Ham and Carver Claims George Wilde H Jungk T J Connell, witness October 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig McCann, business of the Equalization Committee Resolution Resolved sidewalk on 11th St from Bluff St to High St Mathias Bickle order, horse bought for fire department John O'Neil, have the privy removed Petitions Assessment J K Hallum M Morgan 2nd Baptist Church C W Horr A W Sears John Krayer J Lorenz Frank Adams William J S Haines George W Scott M Schuckert Joseph Simmons Joseph Herod Mathias Hoffman October 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions W J Knight, assessment Mrs. W H Robbins, remission of taxes Delinquent tax committee J D Jennings Resolution Resolved sidewalk of good plank, 11th St between Bluff St and High St temporary grade expense of abutting property owners Petitions in relation to taxes October 16, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special Session bids for Eagle Point Avenue sewer Committee on Streets Andrew Merz Claims Great Western Band, Freeport Firemen W J Knight hearing his statement as to taxes November 6, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to assessments Committee on Equalization Mrs. Mary Schaus Dennis Dorgan Walter Manson J F Howard E M Woodworth W P Large S H Guilbert R Nolte Margaret Carr Chloe Rhodes A Wagner William G Stewart Stewart and Scott J Needemier Conrad Fuchs Peter Kiene James Levi Dubuque Harbor Co Nic Heinz B M Harger J B Howard Owen Conway Richard Cox Jacob Kratz Charles B Keesecker Mary A Linton, cemetery lots November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes Delinquent taxes A Graham Mary C Norman M J Mulligan Fred Kuenicker Mrs. Enright Mary F Ingles H Mauer, sidewalk Ellen Sullivan, curbing Bluff St from 2nd St to 3rd St G Ganahl, reduction Aug Jungk, sidewalk on High St W S Harper S L Hough, delinquent taxes L H Langworthy P Morgan N Eichmann Ham and Carver, rebate ordered by Council November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions H T Woodman, remission of taxes John Bell, Wilson Avenue Street Commissioner Ryder, work done under his supervision laborers teams masons carpenters Auditor Brandt, salaries due city officers Marshal Finn, police force special police on duty October 31 Lamplighter O'Halloran Recorder Hargus, sundry licenses Woodmeasurer Waring, inspected cords of wood November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Market Master Pier, drafts weighed on market scales Board of Prisoners N C Ryan, 1st Ward Scales Henry Schuler, West Dubuque Scales Engineer Knowlton, due Thomas Byrne for wall and filling on Dodge St grading masonry paving William Rebman, 9th St to 10th St between Iowa St and Clay St Jackson st to alley east of Iowa St James N Foye, wall on 11th St between Walnut St and Spruce St November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig James N Foye, grading Couler Avenue Repairs to the Bridge crossing 7th St slough grading and macadamizing required for improving Pine St alley in McDaniel's subdivision William Rebman, work on 7th St Justice Hoerner M S Robison, redeeming property of petitioner from tax sale John J Geiger Henry Jungk Margaret Sweeney Treasurer Riordan, delinquent taxes November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Carl Messerknick, slaughterhouse on Elm St and 23rd St Justice Mills An Ordinance in relation to licensing wagons An Ordinance to prevent nuisances R H Collier, sidewalk on 3rd St November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions M Hoffman Messerknick, improving waterway on 23rd St and Elm St Minnesota Globe Gas Light Co, erection of lamp posts Justice Leckie James Forrester, lamp post at the intersection of Jefferson St and Olive St Attorney Wilson cases pending in the courts suitable docket, City Attorney A J Davis, pound keeper Claim of J M Griffith, damages grade of 17th st November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Frances Jaeger, improvement of the alley south of Julien Avenue between Alpine St and Nevada St Waterway without expense of the city James McGovern, improvement of Pine St Ellen Blake John McEvoy Written amendment, John McEvoy, loss sustained on 1st St sewer Sale of horses of the Fire Department November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Patrick McMahon, removal of obstructions on Wall St City Treasurer William Hintrager, city lot Special tax collector for C Bruhn H G Young James Crawford Resolution Resolved plank sidewalk Dodge St from Bluff St to Roddy's by John McCoy, Contractor Special tax levied on lots, parcels of real estate James Walsh, Newman and Smyth's Addition Thomas Murphy Pat Scarry Pat Walsh Pat McQueen Terence O'Toole John Burns Michael Tracy Ed Smyth, Cooper's Addition James Straney Pat Neary James Rowan John D Bush November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate John D Bush, Union Addition Jerry Howard Alex Farley James O'Day Resolution Resolved plank sidewalk, 9th St by James Crawford, Contractor Mary La Boyteaux High St alley between Chesnut St and 11th St by James N Foye, Contractor Mary A McDaniel, McDaniel subdivision November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved macadamizing Avon St by James N Foye Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate Mary A McDaniel, Subdivision pay for plank sidewalk on Delhi Road from Broad Street to Tschirgi Brewery John McCoy, Contractor, parcels of real estate Mary E Linehan, Morhiser's subdivision John D Bush B Bassler C J Rogers S M Langworthy Addition M Milligan Subdivision Louis Fockler, subdivision Mineral Lot November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig 7th St Bridge Resolution Resolved report of the City Engineer Honorable Board of Supervisors Dubuque County Bridge Crossing 7th St slough Property owners on south side of 15th St between Pine St and Cedar St, remove obstructions Expense of abutting property owners Ordinance on north side of 3rd St between Hill St and Alpine St, temporary grade plank sidewalk, Couler Avenue between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford St November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig plank sidewalk on Washington St between 22nd St and 23rd St temporary grade expense of abutting property owners Eagle Point Avenue Couler Avenue and the bridge near the property of M Schier Bridges near the property of Mr. Gehrig, property of Mr. D Link temporary grade Wilson Avenue between Julien Avenue and 8th St John E Hurley, assess damages to property Arbitration November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Street from 3rd St to 5th St John Hurley vs. the City Fortune's Addition Dubuque R H Collier A H Peaslee H M Kingman Resolution Resolved appropriating portions of lots in Fortune's Subdivision John E Hurley Award of jury on street, 3rd St to 5th St Corporation line November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved salaries for the month of September Claims paid M Downey C Premissing E M Ogilby Clark, Rickard and Co Howard and McArthur Phil Pier L B Tuttle D W Linehan J K Graves Sol Turck 5th Ward Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co Thomas Thies Mrs. Retalick Joseph Greenwood J F Conant McElrath P McMahon Noah Faust T S Wilson M McMahon Henry Schuler John McCoy Pelan and Randall John Cheetham Pat Connors Dubuque Water Co P Klauer and Brothers Palmer Brothers and Co Andrew Merz First National Bank Woodruff and Perkins J W Coy T O'Sullivan George B Woodworth C H McMaster John O'Halloran Howard and McArthur Louis Scherer Weston Burch Co P Hansen Wemott, Howard and Co G Wunderlich Harry and O'Connor Michael Kane Hoffman E Glanzmann Pat Mulvin Frank Rafferty John Michel Peter Hansen F Mertz F Zhetner N H Schilling November 9, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Dan Sheehan, Andrew and Treadway Thomas Harker, F Ackerman November 11, 1876 An Ordinance to establish hay, wood, and grain markets Revised Ordinances John Robison, heirs removes lumber from the lot 1st Ward Market House November 11, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Robison and heirs Resolution Resolved Street Commissioner replace the rock on Locust St between 16th St and 17th St Committee on Equalization petitions Frank Adams John Maclay Elizabeth A Burden Charles W Wullweber George W Mitchell C W Horr Second Baptist Church Mary Schaus Margaret Corr E M Woodworth N D Cooley Eliza M Smith Mrs. E J Scott Dennis Dorgan Wemott, Howard and Co J Neidemeir Diamond Joe Line Mary A Linton Howe Sewing Machine Co Dubuque Water Co A O'Malley George Beckert A C Simplot Mrs. Levins November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Equalization Committee Petitions C G Wullweber Allan Carr Phil Doerr Dean and Co M Harrington George L Dickman K Plapp Amanda Mathews Viola G Rider Gothleib Kutsche Chloe Rhodes G B Rand Jane S Haines Rachel Davis Jane Holland Catherine C Keas Peter Kiene Jr. Mary D Graffort George W Scott Emma M Leech Jacob Kratz Walter Manson Assessments Owen Conway, merchandise Conrad Fuchs, L H Langworthy Addition B M Hargus, moneys and credits Dubuque Harbor Co S H Guilbert James Levi Nicholas Heing, two cows R Nolte, city lots J B Howard, furniture November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Equalization Committee Assessments C Routzongon John V Reder Thompson and Jones A Rogers, M Rogers Mulford and Whiting, merchandise S S Winall Joseph Gehrig, Jefferson House A H Stuart Unenumerated property against Thomas Connolly Andrew and Treadway, property on Main St L P Truesdale, Stines Addition Ignatz Seeger, homestead November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Peter Holtz, city lot Joseph Simones George R Foster James Forrester on merchandise N H Thedinga Joseph Herod Duncan and Waller, Yates and Pickets Addition Frank Brede William G Stewart J F Steiner, cow value, horse value, vehicle value William Ruff M Schucker, Hooper's Addition November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization John O'Brien G B Grosvenor, furniture Dubuque Cabinet Maker's Association on city lots Josephine Wasser Charles B Dean, Guardian of Kate Dean John Thompson L D Randall, merchandise George Rath's assessment George L Torbert, homestead A W Sears J K Halloran, real estate November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization Brady Ellwanger A Cragin A Kaiser D H Conygham, stores on Main St W H Peabody, homestead, McCoy's houses on 14th St Jacob Mitchell M Morgan, value of vehicle A J Pease Sarah C Diney, subdivision of Mineral lot Melissa Eggleston James Nichols Joesph Dentinger November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization M E Connolly John Flynn A W Daugherty Peter Heitzelmann Henry Philips Henry Grimm William Beck, merchandise John W Smith Charles Fockler Caleb Sadler John D Bush, acres of Mineral lot D N Cooley November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Dubuque Lumber Co, unenumerated property Francis Jaeger W L Bradley Catherine Luck James Kelly Herman Tischer Stewart and Scott Ingram and Kennedy and Day, merchandise J S Hancock George Salot M S Robison November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization J G Peterson, homestead M A Patch R Scott Wesley McKeeon, mineral lot Joseph Sprague Keller and Moser, merchandise S S Wemott Sadler, Wagner and Co J Lorenz, East Dubuque A Wagner, Guardian Key City Gas Light Co on mechanics, tools A H Peaslee, manufacturers Paul Fraut and Co November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization John T Hancock and Co, merchandise N W Kimball A A Cooper J H Lull Catherine Beck G V Smock Weston, Burch and Co H W Sanford, Richard Cox Hetherington and Rath, East Dubuque John Krayer, Zugenbuhler property on Couler Avenue Jacob M Pfiffner November 28, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Committee on Equalization Joseph Fraut C B Keesecker J C Railroad Co, City Recorder Mrs. S J Duddy, raise a frame building on city lot Traveling expenses of Mayor Burch, McCann, Lyon, Davenport, Muscatine, Burlington, Keokuk, Cedar Rapids W J Knight, taxes December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes and assessments Committee on Equalization W W Pyne Mary Richards Veronika Widman John Jennings W U Telegraph Co Rouse and Dean George Wilging Pelan and Randall Henry Kennedy William E Wellington T F Koepfle E A Sullivan Peter Kiene P Pier, Mary Pier Wood, Coates and Co Nie Brandt James rowan C Premmissing Fred Rieger Robinson and Harriman E Chamberlain John Bale Amos Jones Petitions Catherine Streing Susan Bornhouser Deidrich Mauer Mary Seige Adam Gunther Charles Bruhn, sidewalk claim J A Rhomberg, expense of opening a street in Corriell's subdivision Leech and Co, mining on 14th St December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Robert Jess, condemning building on Jones St and levee Committee on Police, City Attorney J K Halloran Mrs. E J Scott Henry Meyer P Fernes John Krayer A Stines J D Eichoff John Hayes J M Griffith John D Bush H W Sanford Amsden and Son Dubuque Street Railway Jane Holland, relation to taxes Auditor Brandt, city officer streets and highways of the city laborers teams masons carpenters Marshal Finn, salaries due police force December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig regular police force for services on election day Recorder Hargus, licenses issued Lamplighter O'Halloran Woodmeasurer Waring, cords of wood Market master Pier, drafts on market scales N C Ryder, weigher of dressed hogs West Dubuque scales Justice Cantillon, police cases December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig M M Walker, seat in Council Petitions P Morgan, City Attorney Claims of William Rebman, macadamizing 7th St extension Herman Mauer, cancelling special assessment E Langworthy's Addition Godfried Ganahl, reduction of sidewalk assessment Albinger and Winter, S M Langworthy's Addition Claims of Thomas Harker, Fred Ackermann Justice Hoerner's report Delinquent tax, petitioners Catherine Binter Agnes Turner Mrs. M Doyle Julia Lewis Mary A Taken Mary Boland Mrs. J Mulligan Lucy Gruber December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Mary C Norman Mary Beatly E Swett Delinquent tax committee reports George Zumoff, cancel special assessment E A Frenzel Duncan and Waller books of the City against Mrs. W H Robbins A F Jaeger J Wade King, personal property Julia Wittenberg, taxes in L H Langworthy Addition Mrs. Enright, taxes in East Dubuque S S Wemott, enumerated property December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Arthur Turner, improvement of lot in East Dubuque James Brunskill Remit taxes of Catherine Newhouse, grounds of poverty Rosetta Cook, Marsh's Addition M A Devanny Mary F Ingles, McDaniel's Subdivision Sarah Mehigan, homestead Anna Krakon, taxes in East Dubuque Fred Kuenicker December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Committee on Equalization W W Woodworth John P Farley Johannah Frenzel, James R Goodrich C Poor, A S Bunting H L Stout, Central Island Knapp, Stout and Co Assessment of Vilett Green, subdivision Merchandise of Westphal and Hinds A Gehrig, city lot Andrew and Treadway December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig J S Randall, cow, property, vehicle S C A Sanferbeil, L H Langworthy's Addition Assessments Coates and Watters, merchandise Brunskill Brothers William G Watters, Estate of John Watters Margaret Weinecke, City Lot John W Loreis Mrs. C J Cummings J W Brunskill Thomas P Coates James Watters December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig John Bell John F Farley Julia Love, Guardian on Kelly's Addition Width of alley on 14th St An Ordinance in relation to licensing wagons Resolution Resolved order in favor of W H Peabody, grading of alley north of 14th St A H Peaslee, H M Kingman, Robert Collier services as arbitrators in case of Hurley vs. City on Burch St Engineer, file plans and specifications December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Burch Street between 3rd st and 5th St, public record City Treasurer cancel special assessment against lot in L H Langworthy Addition P M Guthrie Resolution Resolved cancel special assessment, E Langworthy's Addition Herman Mauer Special assessment for plank sidewalk on Jackson St James Crawford Delhi Road, subdivision of Mineral lot John McCoy alley from 10th St to 11th St between Main st and Locust St William Rebman, Contractor special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate Mrs. B DeLorimier December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved plank sidewalk on Hill St from 3rd St to 5th St John McCoy, contractor special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate A Graham, subdivision of lots plank sidewalks Hugh Martin George M Wooten sidewalk on Sanford St by Louis Scherrer, contractor special tax December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Lots and parcels of real estate F Hecker, subdivision in L H Langworthy's Addition plank sidewalk John Graff H P Kent Resolution Resolved, north side of Kneist St between Lake St and Eagle Point Avenue by Louis Scherrer J A Rhomberg special assessments Delhi Road by John McCoy, contractor December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special assessments, plank sidewalks M G Dodds James Crawford, Contractor Special tax Michael Heine, E Langworthy's Addition curbing, guttering, and macadamizing Couler Avenue Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford St Resolution Resolved sidewalk on Jackson St by James Crawford, Contractor Sanford St, James N Foye B F Woods, estate Tivoli Addition December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Special Assessment Tivoli Addition, B F Wood's Estate J Aulthouser, L H Langworthy Otto Klein macadamizing the alley from 16th St to 17th St between Main St and Locust St William Rebman, contractor Special tax levied, parcels of real estate Margaret Flynn December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved M S Robison property to redeem R E Bishop F T Walker Notice given, parcels of reat estate, lots sidewalks Reissue of mutilated bonds A T Cook December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig A T Cook, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department Loss of a well tried and faithful officer Caleb H Booth, William L Bradley, shares of stock in Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company bond either lost, mislaid or destroyed, certificate of the City Sign and deliver Booth and Bradley, proper and necessary bonds F Kentgen and C H Booth, trustees December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company William L Bradley, Caleb H Booth shares of stock money paid into the Treasury of the City harmless from any liability loss or damage by reason of their delivery of money and certificates Claims John L Vaughan, D W Linehan December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Payment of Claims Solomon Turck Hose Co Howard and McArthur Phil Pfersch J K Graves Engine Co John Ganahl Asa Roberts Wemott, Howard and Co W H Torbert Key City Hook and Ladder Co 5th Ward Hose Co T S wilson T O'Toole M Gantenbein Ernst Wuest Thomas Harker Peter Oeth Pat Connors M Cummings Thomas Horn M Hoffman Barbara Bitzberger John Mulligan Peaslee J M Robison Joseph Hug William Rebman Hugh Martin Spear and Lee John T Ano Joseph Roy Dubuque Water Co George B Woodworth G Perry John O'Halloran Howard and McArthur Kingman and Stanley John Wunderlich Alex Richmann John Coonce Peter Junger P McMahon T O'Sullivan James Kelly William G Watters Pelan and Randall J N Foye Math Fagan William Rebman C Lembke Thomas Byrne John McCoy Ham and Carver, Woodruff and Perkins Peter Specht, John Maclay December 4, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Andrew Merz, extra work on waterway Dubuque Water Co December 5, 1876 Resolution presented Publish 3rd revision of ordinances Section 8 of the City Charter Ordinances not included repealed December 5, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig December 26, 1876 Equalization Committee Mrs. John Beck John Neidermeyer George Martin Mary Richards T F Koepfle O C Meigs E Chamberlain Ingram, Kennedy and Day W W Pyne Mary Schaus Peter Kiene Fred Rieger A Y McDonald Western Union Telegraph Co C Premnissing Assessment of Mary Richards, Guardian W L Bradley December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Equalization Reports Cancel assessments Charles Weber James Rowan, Cooper's subdivision Woods, Coates, and Co, merchandise Rouse and Dean Robinson and Harriman Anna Webster, horse and vehicle Nic Brandton, subdivision out lot E Busch, L H Langworthy Addition Gustav Jeffery Veronika Widman Pelan and Randall, tools and machinery, homestead December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Cancel assessments Mrs. Carrie Ernst, Davis Farm Magdalena Zimmerman Catherine Gerke H J F Webbs, Bradstreet Addition Personalty of Harriot and Nancy M Hill Mrs. E A Sullivan Mrs. A J Marsh Philip Pier, Mary Pier East Dubuque Keokuk Northern Line, wharf boat William L Bradley, C W Horr Francis Pann George Wilging, assessment on City lot John Bale, lots in L H Langworthy Addition December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Equalization Committee assessments Henry Kennedy, horse and wagon John Jennings, L H Langworthy Addition Edward Keas John A Andrews assessment for personalty W P Large, horse and merchandise Joseph Schukart, Drebilbie's Addition S M Langworthy E K Shepley, out lot W E Wellington, homestead December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Assessments Place Charles Phipps, moneys and credits Mrs. E a Frenzel Amos Jones Goblect Kutsche W Jones M Buchman Herman Tenhoff, delinquent tax committee Elizabeth Young, City Attorney, written opinion John D Bush assessment Dubuque Street Railway Company H W Sanford December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of J M Griffith, settlement homestead Quigley's Addition Finley's Addition Lovell Place Horses Carriages Furniture Unenumerated moneys and credits Resolution to examine public buildings Architects and builders Buildings used for public meetings and entertainments, large congregations assemble extinguishment of fire alarm of fire better protection of life and property December 26, 1876 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Andrew Merz, extra work on fair grounds waterway Contractor, Association reimburse the city Police procure suitable room for the use of the police for headquarters Committee on Printing, claim of Ham and Carver Dubuque Times, printing briefs January 1, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig January 8, 1877 Petitions A Drangen and Co Ann O'Hare G Schollian Mary Street Stewart and Bonson James Nichol Michael Carmody William Dyer John Flynn Catherine Gerlach Gerhardt Brahm R W Rogers Anna M Wilke Pauline Struber Mary A Linton Mrs. P Schmidt Felix Agnew George L Dickinson E H Sheppley Peter Kleine William Rebman D Rhomberg George W Finn W C Flannery Mrs. John Moloney Litsenberger B Spahn Oliver and Cragin Diamond Jo Packet Co P T Wagner James Downey Ann Whelan January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions George Crane M Schlaegle Elizabeth Spahn Samuel Stanch Mrs. M Hayden Mary Frausch Margaret Carr Mrs. M Heeb Mary Franke Rebecca Osborne Mary Gilmore Charles J Rogers Mary A Taken Anna Wacha Mary Smith Catherine Schueler Owen McGlaughlin F Morgan John Bell and Co George W Scott Theo Altman Peter Boney Fred Liebe Samuel Des Jardin J M M E and A B Harrison Viola G Rider, S E Booth Dr. Asa Horr Petitions on Delinquent taxes Nicholas Theis Fannie V Gibbs Ann Tierney Jennette Coates, Mary Keeler A Graham R Weston Nic Weber Adam Geissler Jacob Kratz L C Fuller E A Giles and Co Phil Kairns Tim Byron Charles F Hobbs Thomas McLaughlin, transfer saloon license Mrs. Hugo Miller, interest on taxes L G Gardner, mine on 3rd St P Ryder, purchasing macadam from C J McDonough January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Mrs. F Wagner A P Wood Marshal Finn, salaries due the police force Auditor Brandt, salary of wharf master A T Cook, Chief of Fire Department, William Waring stricken from pay rolls Pat Ryder, work done on streets Market Master Pier Market house scales Board of Prisoners and market expenses Henry Schueler, weighed drafts at the West Dubuque Scales January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig First Ward Scales N C Ryan, drafts weighed dressed hogs Lamplighter O'Halloran, Committee on Police and Gas William Warring, woodmeasurer, cords of wood City Attorney Wilson, changing grade on 17th St Police Justice Leckie George Wilde Peter Specht John Maclay Andrew, Treadway and sons Lagart and sons January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions S L Hough Daniel Sheehan Street Commissioner W S Harper Board of Aldermen Charles Bruhn Robert Jess, Ryan building a nuisance January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Howard and McArthur Claim of T J Connell Delinquent taxes, Deidrich Mauer, Hermann Tenhoff, Catherine Streinz Susan Bornhouser, permitting her to pay taxes H B Baker, tax sale to William Hintrager Adam Ginther, tax on Hooper's Addition cancelled A Graham Mary Seige, lot in L H Langworthy's Addition be exempt Equalization Committee, petitions of W R Stewart, Daniel Carey, Mrs. J Guernsey, E H Sheppley, Julia Lewis January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig F Rieger, L H Langworthy addition D J Hennessey, city lot Petitions W J Hancock, overassessment George Burden Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Company in favor of referring the same to the Committee of the whole C E Klees, City Attorney opinion suitable room for police headquarters Woodworth building Mrs. Sarah J Duddy John Hayes January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions Mrs. E J Scott, Henry Meyer, H H Smyth, J D Eckhoff, Amsden and Son Mississippi River between Dubuque and Dunleith Railroad Bridge Board of Supervisors for Jo Davies county, Illinois bridge planked Resolution Resolved William Hintrager, City Treasurer, voucher for each item January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Daniel Riordan, Treasurer, postage stamps Plank sidewalk, Kneist Street by Louis Scherrer, Contractor Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate John P Buchler's subdivision plank sidewalk, Washington St from 22nd St to 23rd St James Crawford, Contractor Ernst Kohn Kurdt and Schumacher, Ed Langworthy's Addition C Schleicher M Nowacheck George B Hamilton Thomas Zeien January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution resolved special tax levied on city lots Special assessment levied on lots in McDaniel's Subdivision Profile for a suitable grade in Burch Street, 3rd St and 5th St Street Commissioner Sexton's cemetery, number of interments January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved order drawn in favor of T O'Sullivan, tax abstract books Water District Old Corporation line crosses Locust St, continuation of Bluff St St. mary's Street Prospect St 8th St to Hill St to Pine St Air Hill St to Julien Avenue both sides to Henion St, corner of 14th St and Bluff St, 17th St Mineral St, Old Corporation Line corner of 17th St and Bluff St Clay St and Couler Avenue, 22nd St intersection of Elm St Johnson Avenue Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad track Iowa St and Jones St January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Collecting delinquent licenses Equalization Committee, work assigned be discharged Claims paid Hugh Martin Howard and McArthur Walker and Rhomberg T O'Sullivan B D Linehan John Swenk Fred Neudorf Novelty Iron Works Palmer Brothers and Co Dr. M A Waples Henry Sticher Peoples Insurance Co P McMahon Fouke and Lyon Grosvenor and Harger C G Hargus D W Linehan Phil Pier E M Ogilby Key City Hook and Ladder Co F A Gniffke Metz and Wiltse Theo Theis George B Woodworth 5th Ward hose Co Graves Engine Co Turck C W Schrieber R Bonson Charles Morris D Grant Klauer and Henny John Pier Lagan and Clair B D Lenehan Novelty Iron Works Smith and De Lorimier John Bell J H Deggendorf B D Lenehan C N Clark and Co B M List T E Moser N H Thedinga C G Hargus John O'Halloran Klauer and Henney Dubuque Water Co Rouse and Dean, John Bell, J G Peterson Howard and McArthur January 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims John Dreyhouse Asa Horr Rouse and Dean Novelty Iron Works Howard and McArthur A Y McDonald Philip Sage, Chief of Fire Department Charles Schrieber January 10, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Appointment of City Assessors T O'Sullivan, Henry Stecher R O Anderson, P F Guthrie Petitions John W Lore, assessment Key City Gas Light Company Burners for the use in the public buildings Police and Gas Committee January 10, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Water limits to mark "W" Assessment book water tax Butchers in the market houses use of fuel and gas February 5, 1877 Burch, Cantillon, Lillig, Linehan, Pier, Quigley, Wunderlich, Walker & Walker Petitions in relation to taxes Lucy Gruber T J Levan Mrs. McKenna Dennis D Linehan Margaret Mulligan A N Furguson Mrs. B F Davis Margaret Barry Catherine Morrissey R T Eddy George Raedler Mary Sheridan W W Wormwood D Brunskill R H Collier H McCormick heirs Henry Koch Mrs. Enright Lawther and Sturgeon H C Tillinghast Mrs. P Wagner Michael Enright February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions to Delinquent Tax Committee A G Belden A G Chapin Maria Rund R S West Caroline Fischer Richard Bennett Jacob Althauser George D Wood Pat Boyne Mary Boyle Petitions J H Jacklin August Weglan P F Whelan W S Harper John W Taylor Jr. Charles W Wullweber, W R Stewart Jeff McGrath, sidewalk J P O'Brien, improvement of Spruce St G H Young, James Crawford Auditor Brandt, salaries of officers P Ryder, persons named for work done on streets Sundry licenses February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Police Salaries N C Ryan, weighed dressed hogs in January 1st Ward Scales Henry Schuler, drafts at West Dubuque Scales Woodmeasurer Waring, cords of wood Market Master Pier, market scales Board of Prisoners, Market House Lamplighter Justice Mills City Attorney Wilson Turverien Society February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Ordinances prepared by the City Engineer in relation to public sewers and drains Engineer Knowlton, sundry profiles for grades of all streets Jackson St west of Lake Peosta and the slough, 8th St to 18th St inclusion Dr. Asa Horr, illuminating oils sold in the City Treasurer Riordan Commission paid Dubuque Co Bank James N Foye, special tax on lot L H Langworthy Addition J M Griffith City Attorney Aug Kaiser James Downey A Y McDonald Mrs. Hugo Miller February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Street Commissioner petitions Wilson and Werner W H Knowlton James McBride Knapp, Stout and Co A R Sullivan George W Jones C S D Jones William Harkett Mrs. F Wagner M M Trumbull Father Sullivan Sarah Gill A P Wood Ellen Sullivan J N Foye W E Massey Sidewalk on Johnston Avenue, build a wall on Dodge St Claim of John Bell Rouse and Dean work and material on 7th St Bridge J G Peterson August Jungk, High St between Middle St and the Southerly line of Jungk's Addition P Ryder orders, C J McDonough J A Rhomberg, deed, land for a street between 5th St and 7th St in Corriell's subdivision February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig J A Rhomberg and J Michel Delinquent taxes Petitions Ann Tierney, Charles F Hobbs, Fannie V Gibbs, Philip Kairns Timothy Byron Treasurer correct description of property Jennette Coates and Mary Keeler Taxes of Nicholas Theis, East Dubuque lot taxes Special tax of William Hintrager tax sale L C Fuller Nicholas Weber Adam Geissler, overpaid taxes Jacob Kratz February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Hooper's Addition R Weston, furniture on unenumerated furniture Assessment of E A Giles, merchandise Claim of Dr. Asa Horr Novelty Iron Works, Rouse and Dean Mrs. Elizabeth Young C J Corkery Petitions George Crane Thomas McLaughlin Felix Agnew Mrs. Lustenberger George W Scott Peter Bony Maria Hayden Samuel Stanch P Klein John Sturgeon P Ternes John Krayer James K Hallam Fred Liebe Mary A Taken Charles J Rogers February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Committee Reports Petitions Viola G Rider S E Booth J M M E Harrison, A B Harrison Owen McLaughlin F Kleinschmidt Olive and Cragin D Rhomberg Mary Street Mary Carr William Rebman T Morgan George L Dickinson Mrs. P Schmitt W C Flannery A Dranger William S Harper W G Stewart R Bonson James Nichol R W Rogers Anna Maria Wilkie M A Linton John M Bucholtz Catherine Gerlach P F Wagner E H Shepply Michael Carmody taxes of Gerhard Brahm on lot in Henion's Subdivision remit taxes of M Schaetgle, West's Addition Mrs. Ann Whelan Mrs. John Molony, East Dubuque Pauline Struber February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions on taxes East Dubuque Mary Transch, lots G Schollian's merchandise Anna Wacha John Bell James Downey John Flynn Mary Franke Mrs. M Heeb L H Langworthy's Addition Diamond Jo Packet Company Rebecca Osborne lot in Martin's Addition Catherine Schueler, Stafford's Addition Mary Smith, Union's Addition February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions on Assessments Mary Gilmore William Dyer Samuel Desjardins, personal property Mrs. Ann O'Harris, mineral lot George and Eliza Burden James N Foye, Adams and Robison A Stines Theo Altman Settlement with John Hayes February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig John Hayes, District Court of Dubuque County Experts on examination of public buildings together with diagrams, architectural designs, plats, plans, specifications, evaluations and field notes, claims for services Engineer Knowlton, profile for grade of Burch St Date all printing and job work All persons in charge of city scales be required to return the stub books for certificates issued to the recorder February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved furnish the City a "Lot Book" City assessors widening and filling Southern Avenue from a point near Gleed's Brewery Pelan and Randall's Mill Opening on 1st St sewer, west of Locust St, catch the water coming down 1st St from Bluff St Grant and Smith, cancel city bonds David S Wilson Robert Jess Mayor procure suitable cancelling stamp February 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Leakage of gas in the Market Building Claims read Peter Junkers thos O'Neil Walker and Rhomberg C G Hargus Andrew and Treadway and sons James N Foye Cornelius Hamer John O'Halloran George Schaffhauser A Y McDonald T O'Sullivan Key City Hook, Ladder and Co Graves Engine Co Solomon Turck Hose Co 5th Ward Hose Co M Dunphry Phil Pier T F Koepfle Asa Roberts W H Knowlton Woodruff and Perkins Ham and Carver John Bale Dubuque Water Co John Bell P McMahon Howard and McArthur Claims John W Taylor, Insurance on Town Clock Hugh Martin, police headquarters Michael Liddy, Sheriff fees Joseph McKeown Dubuque Telegraph Co March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions taxes and assessments Patrick Flynn Ann dowling Mrs. Keough Patrick McQuen George Zumhoff Anna M Sucher Catherine Quigley Mrs. Lustenberger Mary Markey J e Wooton Peter Bony Carr, Austin and Co Mary Murphy Ann Stuart James Rigg J W Markle Cath Bintner William Burke Mary Nagel Patrick Walsh Mrs. Broderick Mary Glennon Mrs. Widman Mrs. Hayden Mrs. De Lorimier George Crane Amsden and Son M Blumenauer George Zumhoff Globe Gas Light Co Charles Pitschner Ingram, Kennedy and Day John Graff Mrs. B Cunningham, raise frame building, bluff St and Jones St M J Drasda March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions William Coates, sidewalk on Dodge St Thomas Murphy, special assessment Agnes Langworthy A Nipp, Stafford St John Hunter, overpaid taxes John Pier, rent of Engine House Sidewalk on Division St, 5th Ward W R Stewart, George L Dickinson, Deidrich Mauer Thomas Hanson, pay for macadam Resignation of Henry Schuler, weighmaster at West Dubuque Woodmeasurer Waring, measured and inspected cords of wood March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Auditor Brandt, semi-annual report Market Master Pier, weighed drafts on Market Scales Boarding prisoners Pay salaries of the city officers Marshal Finn, amount due police force P McCollins Street Boss Dowling Lamplighter O'Halloran N C Ryan, drafts weighed on the 1st Ward Scales Henry Schueler, dressed hogs weighed March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig weighed drafts at the West Dubuque Scales U. S. Marshal, bankruptcy of Parker and Son, collect amount due the City for taxes Licenses issued in February Police Justice Hoerner W R Stewart, taxes on personal property Nicholas Link Claims P J Quigley case of Eichman vs. Crawford Ordinance prescribing the rules and regulations for the laying and using of drains connecting the public sewers March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig An Ordinance to establish the width of sidewalk on Burch St An Ordinance concerning drains and sewerage An Ordinance to provide for the construction and maintainance of public sewers Authorize the appointment of a deputy Treasurer An Ordinance to provide for a register of the death of the inhabitants of the City Ordinance concerning the sale of kerosene and other illuminating fluids An Ordinance to prevent accidents by fire March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petition of C W Wullweber, assessment on moneys and credits W R Stewart Delinquent Tax petitions F J Levan George Radler Mary Sheridan A N Ferguson Mrs. McCormick George D Wood A G Chapin Lucy Gruber Mrs. McKenna R T Eddy D Brunskill Cath Morrissey A G Belden's assessment Sophia Rund's lot on L H Langworthy Addition Dennis D Linehan March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Place P Boynes assessment Margaret Mulligan's assessment on Blake's Addition Lawther and Sturgeon, overpaid taxes R S West's assessment on furniture Richard Bennett Assessment Mary Boyle, East Dubuque Margaret Barry Mary Enright, homestead Jacob Althauser, overpaid taxes H C Tillinghast, merchandise Henry Koch assessment W W Wormwood's assessment for merchandise March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions on taxes and assessments Rachel Davis, McDaniel's subdivision Michael Enright assessment, mineral lot Pauline Wagner Assessment, McDaniel's subdivision R H Collier McCraney's 2nd Addition H Girard Mrs. Caroline Fischer Jeff McGrath Dubuque Water Co Fire plug near the Diamond House water line of Bluff St and 8th St March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claim of Hugh Martin, wood Justice Mills Petitions Robert Jess, nuisance Receiving and filing petitions J H Jacklin John W Taylor P T Whelan Barbara Spahn August Weglan C E Klies, remitting taxes of the Dubuque Social Turnverien Society Elizabeth Spahn, remitting taxes on lots in Langworthy Addition Oliver and Cragin, cancelling assessment Elizabeth Young, stock in incorporated companies Lamplighter report Street lamps City Attorney report Turnverien Society tax March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig 6th St extension McCann, F T Walker Engineer Knowlton, sundry grades An Ordinance for opening streets and highways M Liddy claim Petition of Theo Altman, reducing assessment Special Committee Widening Southern Avenue Riordan orders, paid attorney Wilson for expenses March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Witnesses in Neumeister case Settlement with John Hayes Property from Duncan and Waller Recording chattel mortgage, General Assembly Verdict of jury on street Ed W Duncan, George B Burch, appropriation of property for use of a street from 3rd St to 5th St lawful right of way for Burch St over Mineral lot Fortune's subdivision Jacob Michel March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved sidewalk on High St constructed and laid in conformity with the Ordinance between Middle St and Jungk's Addition, expense of abutting property Couler Avenue curbing, guttering, macadamizing James N Foye Special Assessment, lots and parcels of real estate M Blumenauer, Schaffner's Addition James O'Dea maintains and keeps lot in Union Addition on Dodge St, Dairy has become a nuisance health of the citizens March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig James O'Dea notice to remove the nusiance Dairy on Dodge St Resolution Resolved all claims against the City shall be filed in the office of the City Recorder Ordinary claims against the City Leasing of the gas works to a vote of the people Treasurer redeem from tax sale of October in Union Addition belonging to Mrs. Mary Kelly T T Walker Andrew Merz, improvement of Eagle Point Avenue Sewer March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Merz contract, Eagle Point Avenue sewer Resolution Resolved grade line on profile and official grade of 14th St from Washington St to Willow St Green line, 16th St from Jackson St to Hickory St 15th St, 17th St, 18th St, 10th St Jackson St to Cedar St official grades March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Grade shown on the profile by the green line official grade of 9th St from Jackson St to slough 13th St from Washington St to Willow St 12th St Lynn St 11th St, Jackson St to Cedar St 8th St to 18th St Maple St from 12th St to 18th St Elm St, 10th St to 19th St Pine St from 8th St to 19th St Sycamore St from 12th St to 18th St March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Official grade of Cedar St from 10th St to 18th St Ash St from 13th St to 18th St Hickory St from 16th St to 18th St Green line, official grade of Willow St 14th St to 18th St Red line, official grade of Burch St from 3rd St to 5th St Reconvening of the Council, appointments for Judges and Clerks of the April Election 1st Ward Joseph Collison Thomas Byrnes J H Carroll E O'Duncan 2nd Ward P McMahon Henry Schink Charles Mehl Joseph D Linehan March 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig 3rd Ward B Schulte George McHenry Benj W Jones M N Hoar 4th Ward Samuel Martin G R Foster C C Seward H C Darrah 5th Ward P Elwanger C J Richards Peter Sahm L Heeb Claims Paid E J Donnolly John Dreyhouse F J Zugenbuhler P McMahon John W Taylor T O'Sullivan John Hein N Eichman P J Quigley P Hansen M O'Laughlin Harper and Co John O'Halloran Lafflin and Rand Water Co Key City Hose Co Joseph Striskey D W Linehan George Morse 5th Ward Hose Co Graves Engine Co Turck Howard and McArthur Horr and Nescher John Mullaly March 8, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Consider the contract with the Globe Gas Light Company March 15, 1877 Mayor Burch, letter from Mayor Hemingway of Lansing thanks on behalf of the Fire Department. prompt and generous action of the Dubuque City authorities to their call for aid Proposition of the Keokuk Northern Line Packet Company of the Northern Union Packet Company Wharfage Ordinance and dismiss suits now pending against Keokuk Northern March 15, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Wharfage Ordinance and dismiss suits now pending against Keokuk Northern Line Packet Company Northwestern Union Packet Company withdraw suits claims against the City Recover wharfage paid Plantiff costs James H Davidson An Ordinance to establish wharfage leasing of the Key City Gas Works March 15, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Taxes interest on taxes Special taxes from sidewalks costs of advertising saloon licenses butchers peddlers team billiards and pool table licenses hotel licenses hotel runners theatre auctioneers livery stable brokers pork packers city scales, weighing of hogs cleaning alleys rent of huckster stands Engine House and Bowdish lot fines and fees sale of hay from public square sale of empounded animals Ingram, Kennedy and Day Dubuque Co Improving Julien Avenue Fair Association Improving Fair Grounds Divided on Railroad Stock Wells Southworth balance bonds March 15, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Alonzo Shew balance on bonds Dubuque Co, interest on warrants poor relief J A Rhomberg, balance in hands of Treasurer Disbursements during the fiscal year installment of Arnot judgement, old debt bonds coupons redeemed German Bank outstanding order Engineer salary and assistants Fire Department Gas for city buildings and lamplighter's salary police department printing water wharfmaster salary Salaries of assessors T O'Sullivan, Recorder pro tem Sanitary expenses, salary of health officer election expenses Board of prisoners and market expenses repairs to market house sprinkling around market and hauling sawing, spliting, and carrying wood to offices cost of police courts Repairs to West Dubuque Scales Trees and boxes for public squares stationary ice for market house March 15, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Centenial celebration expenses livery insurance on city property postage stamps painting and repairing Town Clock Services on Town Clock, Dr. Horr Legal services, City Attorney making abstracts, recording deeds, juries John Kelly E R Shankland Henry Miller repairs and fixtures in offices Court Reporter Shooting Dogs Hog Pound and services of keeper notary fees Making lot book lawn mover and plow stone hammers, prisoners Court costs Law Docket Traveling expenses Impounded animals Special tax Road Fund expenses Street Commissioner pay roll lumber, timber, spikes, hardware rocks, lime, macadam, quarry rent right of way for new street Meyer and Beyer J Boland and Co Dodge St sidewalk Delhi Road Jurors, 17th St and Burch St Repairs on sewers Street Crossings Stone Pipes for sewers Removing Harris's house, Wilson Avenue Julien Avenue, 7th St extension March 15, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Work on 17th St by Andrew Merz Centre St by M Dunn Mason work by Peter Mihm Building 1st St sewer, John McEvoy Waterway, Fair grounds Grading streets and alleys wall and culvert on 11th St wall and filling on Dodge St Grading Couler Avenue 7th St bridge Recapitulation disbursements Report printed in pamphlet form Chief of the Fire Department John Graff and George Zumhof Mrs. Maria Hayden Charles Pitschner, appointing Charles Pitschner Weighmaster at West Dubuque March 15, 1877 Walker resolved that the taxes of Michael Blake for the years 1875 and 1876 in lot 43 Levins Subdivision be canceled April 2, 1877 Mayor and Mayor pro tem present - no quorum April 5, 1877 Burch, Blumenauer, Cantillon, Lillig, linehan, McCann, Pier, Quigley, Wunderlich, Walker, Walker Motion to suspend regular order of business Reading of new petitions omitted Salaries due City Officers April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Marshal Finn, salaries due the Police Force Policeman H C Palmer Michael Dowling, foreman Amount due for street labor in March Lamplighter report Woodmeasurer Waring Market master Pier Market House scales in March boarding prisoners, market expenses Charles Pitschner, drafts on West Dubuque Scales N C Ryan, weighed drafts on 1st Ward Scales April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Police Justice Cantillon City Attorney Wilson M Morgan Claim of Adams and Robinson Petitions John Hunter, assessment of the estate of Jesse Guernsey An Ordinance for improving the streets and alleys and public landings, constructions of sewers and sidewalks An Ordinance concerning the sale of kerosene and illuminating fluids April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Petitions M J Drasda, employment for teams James McGovern, against the improvement of Pine St A Stines Printing claim of the Dubuque Telegraph Company Mrs. B Cunningham Thomas Armstrong W S Harper and Co, Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge F Kuenicker, cancellation of the special assessment improvement of 17th St George Crane April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Cancelling assessment for personalty Mrs. B De Lorimier pay municipal tax in full widening Southern Avenue Deputy Treasurer, Registration of Deaths James Rowan Martin Schaetzle A Nipp, sidewalk on Division St F T Walker, Kent's Court L H Langworthy Addition April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig P J Quigley, Clerk of Circuit Court and District Court George Zumhof, Anna Mc Lucher, Patrick Walsh, Mary Murphy, Pat McLuen, Mary Nagel, Mary Markey, Ann Dowling, Margaret Glennon, Mrs. Sustenburger Remit taxes of Johanna Broderick on homestead in Kelly's Subdivision Mrs. J Bintner, L H Langworthy's Addition William Burke, overpaid taxes John W Markles, merchandise James Riggs, assessment for furniture Veronika Widmann Mrs. Ann Stuart, West's Addition Patrick Flynn Carr, Austin and Co April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Blocks in the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition Mrs. B Keough's assessment on McCollins subdivision Peter Bony Cancel Mrs. Margaret Jordan's Assessment for horses and wagons J E Wooten and Mrs. Catherine Quigley, delinquent tax committee Orders for judges and clerks of election Henry Stecher, T O'Sullivan, City Assessors Southern Avenue between Pelan and Randall Kempf's Brewery, East line of Thomas Kavanaugh's lot on Summer Hill, laid to temporary grade expense of the abutting property April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Resolution Resolved Ordinance on the South side of Division St between Johnson Avenue and Humboldt St at the expense of abutting property Pine St in Kelly's Addition between 8th St and Hill St, plans and specifications for improvement Claims paid P McMahon Registration Board John Hein T O'Sullivan Dubuque Times Dubuque Herald W H Kennedy P Pier John O'Halloran Howard and McArthur O McGlaughlin C W Schreiber and Co Ed Morgan C G Hargus W H Torbert D W Linehan Rouse and Dean William Muesser Tom McCoy N H Thedinga April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Claims Paid John Mulligan James Walsh T S Wilson Dubuque Water Co J D Bush W H Knowlton George B Woodruff Touke and Lyon C G Hargus G A Gniffke N W National Insurance Co Palmer, Winall and Co Howard and McArthur J F Conant F Neidorf A Y McDonald John Maclay John Dreyhouse Louis Meisch George Salot F H Finke John C McDonald F H Finke F G Brandt Ernst Wuest C N Clark and Co City Attorney for collection from the County Claim of John D Bush Canvass the returns of election Election Results Mayor George B Burch J H Shields Recorder C G Hargus April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Canvass of Election Election Returns Election Results Treasurer Dan Riordan George S Turner Attorney H T McNulty D E Lyon Auditor F G Brandt Owen Reynolds Marshal H C Deckert Math Bickel City Assessor R O Anderson M Dowling Assessors Henry Stecher R O Anderson Aldermen 1st Ward John P Quigley 2nd Ward John J Linehan George Mehl 3rd Ward Peter Fey James Burt 4th Ward John D Bush F J Weigel 5th Ward Louis Doerfler April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Thanks to Mayor Burch tireless energy and unwavering fidelity great personal sacrifice and loss of time Tis sad to part with those we love sincere thanks to the retiring aldermen April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Oath of office to Mayor Burch, elect Mayor Burch's Inaugural Address April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Mayor Burch's Inaugural Address April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Wunderlich, Cantillon, Walker, Walker, Blumenauer, Lillig Mayor Burch's Inaugural Address April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Mayor Burch's Inaugural Address Health and Happiness and prosperity of all her people Standing Committees Finance Ordinance Claims Streets Harbors Markets Public Grounds and Buildings Printing Police Fire Delinquent Tax April 5, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Salaries and Appointments of Officers Allen Leathers, Street Commissioner M Tschigi, City Engineer William Warring, Woodmeasurer Adam Pier, Market Master Mayor Pro Tem Bonds of officers April 6, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Petitions in relation to taxes C S Bently, P H E Somerfield, Mrs. Hugo Miller Maria Bruckner, M A Patch, T W Place, J D Bush, John Kelly, Mary J Luke, Dranger and Co, Margaret Glennon, Mrs. H A Lorimier Ellen Loughren, Ann Curtis, F Leibe, Michael Conway, Mrs. Matilda McCluer, D Brunskill, James Reddan Mrs. J W Reese, Tillinghast and Co, D S Wilson, George May, George D Wood, M Blumenauer, Mary Mullings, Cath Morrisey, Anna M Wilkey, Margaret Flynn, Barbara Hansen lampposts in various localities, P Moloney, F Doerrer, John Lynch, M Hardy James N Foye, place for depositing contents of vaults W J Burns, remonstrating against the erection of a frame building by Mrs. Cunningham Leo McDaniel, cancellation of special assessment for sidewalks on Mineral St Wilkinson, Butcher's license Nancy Brasher April 6, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Nancy Brasher, cemetery lot A Stines, special assessment on 17th St H L Stout, remission of taxes on fairgrounds Petitions Louis Scherrer, sidewalks laid for city John D Bush, redemptions by former City Treasurer St. Louis Shot Tower Co Petitions to Street Commissioenr Watercamp Desmond C J McDonough John Conlon John Thompson James Murphy George D Wood Petitions Albert Leicht, Thomas R Flemming, N Eichman, James Stone, John Hodgdon, Ephriam James, Coakley Mrs. D N Cooley, President for the remission of the taxes in S M Langworthy's Addition Home for the Friendless April 6, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Resolution Resolved Dubuque Daily Herald, Dubuque Daily Telegraph, and National Demokrat, official papers Official German Newspaper City printing, lowest and best bidder Saloon license ordinance April 6, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Resolution Resolved saloon keepers who pay their city license in the month of April Pryor and Co, city subscribe for their new city directory Purchase copies for use of city officers N C Ryan, weighmaster for the 1st Ward Scales Charles Pitschner of West Dubuque Scales Investigate the Riordan, Wilson tax matter April 19, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Petitions J K Graves, President of the Julien Avenue Street Railway 8th St, Hill St, 3rd St, Alpine St John Wunderlich in relation to saloon license James E O'Hare, priviledge to mine on Grandview Avenue taxes of judge T S Wilson Saloons discount on licenses April 19, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Resolution Resolved order for Mayor Burch April 21, 1877 Examine Riordan, Wilson Tax Matter Maclay, former chairman of the Delinquent tax committee judge Wilson's taxes April 21, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig James N Foye, cleaning the alleys of the City McCann, right of way for 8th St, Hill st, Alpine St, Julien Avenue Street Railway J K Graves, right of way on Ordinances and City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance J A Rhomberg and William Kelly, donate sufficiant right of way through their property Widen Hill St April 25, 1877 Ordinance granting the right of way for the 8th St, Hill St, Alpine St, and Julien Avenue Street Railway April 25, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig Committee on Ordinances, City Attorney make necessary amendments April 28, 1877 Ordinance authorizing and regulating the Hill St and West Dubuque St Railway J S Ganagan, James McGovern, priviledge of doing work on Pine St Proposals for improvement of Pine St Computation of the several bids for work April 28, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig J W Morgan, lowest bidder J S Garragan and James McGovern Recorder advertise for proposals for building a wall on Hill St storing Naptha oil by the Globe, Gas, Light Co cost for carrying the surface water on the west side of South Dodge St Bridge south of Edward McClain's, sewer John Hunter, personal taxes against the estate of Jesse Guernesy cost of widening Hill St April 28, 1877 Burch, Quigley, McCann, Linehan, Pier, Fey, Cantillon, Bush, Walker, Doerfler, Lillig dismissing suits pending in the courts for the collection of special assessments NNW - CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES I hereby certify that the following described records of:_ A J4LEt Qc►IEr State: LbuiiU(U-Q )Dy))f4 From: COLWei k IZ CoPM No%/R's-APR , igt2e? Thru: were photographed as received and without alteration by the CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Date: 92(93 Signed: D CREST INFO'ATION TECHNOLO Witness: END ROLL NO. L2 iftrive77 C-87