W Roll_13 Part 3November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Agnes Langworthy sidewalk tax
P Neary
Peter Groan, inventory E R Lumbert
James Mulligan
Michael Brown assessent of sidewalk
H S Hetherington, nuisance on Ellis St
August Roeber, opening of North 5th Street in Ham's Addition
Ira Hansen
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
John Morer, improving Seminary St
Johanna Specht
J M Harrison
F Last
J R Wallers, Town Clock Tower
Printing, Woodruff and Perkins
Ham and Carver claim
Doerr, lamp post at the corner of 19th & Washington Streets
E L Clark, gas lamp on Seminary St, Globe Gas lamp at the top of stairs on Main Street
Mr. Murdock, right to place a Peanut Roaster under the sidewalk on Main Street
Key City Gas Light Company
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
John Miller, gas lamp
Globe Gas Light Company
Delinquent Taxes, Michael Enright, 4 1/2 acres conveyed to the city for Grandview Avenue
A Kaiser, assessment on machinery, Patch and Waite
Lorenz Eberhardt, apessment in Lot 95 in L H Langworthy Addition
Equalization Committee be now discharged
Committee on fire, Morris and Beaty, J F Conant
E Donnolly
Hansen and Linehan
H Honack
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
W A Torbert
Adjourned until 2 o'clock pm
November 4, 1878 - Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Ordinance to regulate the erection of buildings, prevent accidents by fire
C Leckie, Globe Gas Lamp, Alta Vista St
Vernon St
Justice Horner, police cases
Charles J Rogers
Ordinance in relation to sidewalks
5th St, Hill St and Summit St
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved sidewalk west of Summit st between 5th St and the alley
Resignation of Allen Leathers
Ellwanger Brothers
Rouse and Dean
Lagen and sons
Henry Jungk
A Wagner
George Fengler
F Schwagler
Herman Oeth
J F Conant
C W Robison
W D Wilber
Peter Karberg
John Bel
Westphal, Hinds and Co
Philip Pier
F W Kingler
William Rebman
C H Robinson
P Klauer
A Gengel
A Baumhover
Jacob Rose
Telegraph Co
Malaky O Loughen
Harney and O'Connor
Lafflin and Rand Powder Co
Pat McMahon
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Claims allowed - Bills presented read and ordered paid
Dubuque Water Co
F J Paisley
Charles McMasters
Ross McMahon
John Grote
N H Thedinga
J K Graves Hose Co
N C Ryan
5th Ward Hose Co
F Strisky
Morrison Brothers
John McCoy
D W Linehan
C N Clark
Byrne Brothers
A Pfiffner
E Hennington
Silsby Manufacturing Co
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
A Y McDonald
Novelty Iron Works
Key City Gas Light Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Schrieber and Strinsky
Josiah Fulmer
John McCoy
Linehan and Pier
Daniel Riordan
P McCormick, order be drawn on contract in Julien Avenue - adopted
Bills read and laid over until next regular session:
P McCormick
Globe Gas Co
W Rebman
Daniel Sheaw
William Rebman
Claims read and referred:
John Pickup
F Heer
Sol Turck Hose Co
John McCoy
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
H C Deckert, City Marshal reported special policement employed during fair week:
Frank Sellers
A Largel
Owen Hardy
John Benke
Julien Avenue, Diamond House
Nicholas Nicks
John Trexler
Catherine Beck
Peter Meyer
Received, filed and ordered paid
Resolved Julien Avenue west of Diamond House be repaird at expense of city - adopted
Resolved and adopted City of Dubuque pay for curbing, guttering and mcadamizing 17th Street from Whte Street to Elm Street by Daniel Shean Contractor
Special tax be levied:
Nicholas Nicks
John Trexler
Catherine Beck
Peter Meyer
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on the west side of Main Street between Jones and First Streets by G H Young Contractor
A special tax be levied:
A McCann
John Bell
Resolved to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on the west side of Madison Street by John mcCoy Construction
A special tax be levied:
R Cox
W Rudolph
Thomas Mulqueeny
William Rebman
Dorgan's Subdivision
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing of Mineral Street by Spear and Lee, Contractors
A special tax be levied:
G Beckert Est
Jane McKane
Charles Gould
Catherine Morrissey
Dorgan's Subdivision
Patrick Hammell
C G Peterson
W C Chamberlain
Resolved to pay for curbing and guttering Eleventh Street, south side from main Street to the alley by Martin and McCormick Contractors
A special tax be levied:
Ira Hansen
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Julien Avenue from Nevada Street to Broad Street by P McCormick Contractor
A special tax be levied:
W L Williams Est
Mount Pleasant Addition
George Salot
Edward Meusey
John Dowling
J Cleminson
Michael Parker
S M Langworthy
C Hough Est
J M Lausen
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Julien Avenue from Nevada Street to Broad Street by P McCormick Contractor
A special tax be levied:
John Vigars
S M Langworthy Addition
Virginia Melchoir
H T McNulty and W J Ackley
C G Hargus
Mrs. Marsh
George Koch
Michael Gasser
Joseph Dufit
Sophia Kundert
W K DeLorimer
H L Stout
Agnes Langworthy
Marsh Dubuque
Milligan's Subdivision
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
a sidewalk on Villa St between Rush St and Grand View Ave at expense of abutters
a sidewalk on the south side of Forrest Lane, between the Delhi Rd and Glen Oak Ave at expense of abutters
Wood Inspector Warring
7th St, Main St
Appeal of Ellen Finley - 4th and Main St
Appeals read and laid over until the next session:
William Hintrager
F Jaeger
D H Coningham
Wilson, George Burden
B B Richards
Petition of W H Torbert and Co granted
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Jacob Rich assessment
Petition of R E Graves sent back to him for correction
Petition of L Bechtel granted
Petition of Thomas Connolly, assessment on personalty laid on the table
Petition of Gottlieb Schneider granted
Petitions laid on the table:
Dubuque Bridge Company
A C Simplot, G Becker
November 4, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petition of E Pickenbrock granted
Petition of A A Cooper - motion was lost, received and filed as relates to his personalty
Dubuque Harbor Co
Main st and 3rd St
Owen Conway, Dubuque Harbor Company property
Bond of Boland Coffin as oil inspector was approved
Referred bids for improving Dodge St and 5th St, have let the contract to George Reynolds
November 16, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Communication from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department relative to the conditions
of the Steamer J K Graves: Communication from C W Schreiber
Examination it is totally unfit for further fire services
Do not consider the boiler safe
Petition of D H Corryingham
November 16, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Remonstrance by J W Dillarance, sidewalk on Forrest Lane
V J Williams and Co, sinking of an artesian well in Jackson Park
Messrs Ware and O'Connors
Artisan Well, Jackson Park
N C Ryan, taxes due
A A Cooper impossible to attend as a deligate the commercial convention to be held at New Orleans
Mr. John R Waller designated to fill vacancy to attend the Commercial Convention, New Orleans
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
E J Scott, Mineral Lot
John Flynn
Henry Buckman, Huss and Ewen, Southern Avenue Scale
Henry Kennedy
Couler St, Delhi Road
C Rhomberg, Harbor Improvement Company
Delinquent Tax Committee
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
J A Rhomberg, Ham's Addition
Mineral Lot
A Burning city taxes
John Trexler, 17th St, Jackson St
A Stines, 18th St
Albert Leicht, 14th St
Captain J Parker, Attorney E McCeeny
fence, Finley's Addition
Justice Bechtel
Salot and Ferring
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
W Tamlin
Thomas Connolly
Mark Sullivan
Alice Smith
William Hintrager
Samuel Stauch
Dribelbe's Addition
Catherine Morrissey
Pollock and Shiddas
District Court
Ann Dowling, Cox's Addition
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
F O'Sullivan
Patrick Hamel
Mineral St
F Hinds
14th St sewer
G Becker
James Rowan
1st Ward Scales
N C Ryan
Auditor Brandt
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Marshal Deckert
salaries due policemen
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Recorder Quigley, licenses
Market Master Pier
boarding prisoners, calaboose
Woodmeasurer Warring
Police Justice Cantillon
Frank Fosselman, 5th Ward
Huss and Ewen
Southern Avenue Scales
Charles Pitschner, West Dubuque Scales
N C Ryan, City Weigher
Transient Merchants
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
W C Chamberlain
West Locust St
Ordinance to appoint a board of health commissioners
Michael Cosgrove
improving alley
B Pettybone
L H Langworthy Addition
Frank Brode
Eagle Point Avenue
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Committee in Printing - bill of Ham Carver for $99.35
Committee in Fire - bill of John McCoy for $20.50, G Perry $1.00, Sol Truck Hoes Co $9.65
John Schwenk $1.50
Pickup and Roth $22.75
J Butt $4.45
John Pickup $3.00
F Mertz $4.00
John McCoy $4.35
Committee in Police - prayer of G B Burch petition for a gas lamp on the east end of Fenelon St
C Seckie
Fred Roforth Jr gas lamp at the corner of Elm and 24th St
Elm and 24 street
City Gas Light Co for $497.20 and Globe Gas Light Company for $286.60
Committee on Del Tax - petition of R Jillian $7.10 to be drawn in favor of John Cahill
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petition of M Milligan
Committee of P G & B bill of J Schlophalten
Acting Street Commissioner Dowling Report:
Teams $372.80
Laborers $764.20
Masons $111.65
Rock McAdam$252.50
Total $1501.20
Sidewalk tax levied against Linwood Cemetary Association be cancelled - resolved and adopted
The council met at 2'oclock P.M
Petition of Hintiger appealing Board of Equilization
Petition of Francis Jaeger asking to have monies and credits for 1878 reducted to $12500.00
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Report of Special Committee on Recorders Office
Death of Mr Hargus
Sum of $2378.18 to R E Graves
Recorders Office
Auditors Office
W J Knight
J J Linehan
A McCann
J P Herod
Resolved and Adopted Abutting property owners on Jackson Street between 6th & 7th Street be allowed to macadamize the street under the direction of City Engineer and Street committee
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolution Pay Mayor and Aldermen Salaries Resolved and Adopted
Resolution no steam fire engine shall be allowed to carry more than 80 poinds steam
in boiler and no more than 120 pounds pressure in hose
Chief Engineer
Resolved sidewalk be constructed and laid on east side of Main St infront of Lot 18
in L H Langworthy addition and Fifth St between Hill St and Wilson Ave
Resolved Julien Ave between Bluff and Hill St be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized from Bluff St to Hill St
City Engineer
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved - to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing 17th Seventeenth Street from White
to Pine Streets by Dan Shean Contractor
Special Tax Assessments
Barbara Hanson Lot No 106 East Dub $175.92
Thomas Beachuer Lot No 107 East Dub 175.92
Rebman Lot No 156 East Dubuque 99.75
J H White Lot No 157 East Dubuque 175.92
Ed Langworthy Lot No 176 East Dubuque 175.85
C M Elrath Lot No 86 East Dubuque 172.29
F V Gibbs Lot No S.31 2/12 of 36 East Dub 175.03
John Seig Lot No 87 East Dub 176.23
Edward Langworthy Lot No 177 East Dubuque 174.00
Edward Langworthy Lot No 226 East Dub 105.77
Edward Langworthy Lot no 227 East Dub 107.45
Zions Church Lot No 37 East Dubuque 166.80
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Jackson St from 8th to 9th Streets
by Wm rebman Contractor, special tax be levied
Special Assessments
Nic Bowr City S 1/2 No 374 Lot $411.02
G J Huckel City North 1/2 Lot 374 28.42
Nic Bowr City No 375 Lot 56.83
S C Disney City No 376 Lot 56.83
S C Disney City No 378 Lot 88.11
J W Emerson City No 403 Lot 68.43
J Burnett City No Lot 399 88.11
J Burnett City N 1/2 Lot No 400 28.42
Mary Labeyteaux City S 1/2 Lo No 400 28.41
Mary Labeyteaux City Lot No 401 56.84
Mary Labeyteaux City Lot No 402 56.83
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Mineral St from south line of
Seventeenth to the north line of lot no 14 in Cox's Addition by Spear and Lee Contractors
Special tax levied
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Special Assessments
A Dowling E 1/2 of lot No 1 in Cox's Addition $152.38
Patrick Ford W 1/2 of Lot No 1 in Cox's Addition 66.89
R Cox Lot No 2 in Cox's Addition 65.57
R Cox Lot No 3 in Cox's Addition 65.57
A Norton Lot No 4 in Cox's Addition 65.61
W Jones Lot No 1 in Quigley's Sub 120.74
Mary Wilste Lot No 2 in Quigley's Sub 70.91
Mary Wilste Lot No 3 in Quigley's Sub 65.57
W Jones Lot No 4 in Quigley's Sub 65.57
W Jones Lot No 5 in Quigley's Sub 65.65
M Flicto Lot No 5 in Sub out lot 670 30.80
Phil Hinklies Lot No 6 in Sub out lot 670 26.22
John Deery Lot No 7 in Sub out lot 670 19.67
Daniel Bowen Lot No 8 in Sub out lot 670 129.17
R Cox Out Lot 682 134.97
R Cox W 1/2 of Lot No 12 in Cox's Additition 32.80
John M Jones Lot No 12 in Cox's Addition 65.57
Thomas Allen Lot No 14 in Cox's Addition 65.57
John Deery Lot No 3 Sub out lot 670 104.41
John Deery Lot No 4 Sub out lot 670 29.51
W B Yates Lot No 9 Cox's Addition 65.57
W B Yates E 1/2 Lot No 10 Cox's Addition 32.81
Dan Wolfe N 1/2 Lot No 10 Cox's Addition 32.77
R Cox Lot No 11 Cox's Addition 65.54
Joseph Norton E 1/2 Lot No 12 i Cox's Addition 32.76
R Cox Lot No 5 in Cox's Addition 65.57
R Cox E 1/2 Lot no 6 in Cox's Addition 32.80
M Hewitt W 1/2 Lot No 6 in Cox's Addition 32.77
M Hewitt Lot No 7 in Cox's Addition 65.57
N B Yates Lot No 8 in Cox's Addition 45.07
W Jones Lot No 6 in Quigley's Sub 35.36
W Jones Lot No 7 in Quigley's Sub 33.57
W Jones Lot No 8 in Quigley's Sub 10.64
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Fourteenth St from east line to Walnut St
by Albert Leicht Contractor
Special Assessments
St. Joseph College Out Lot 714 $388.06
Thomas Hipman Lot No 783 McDaniels Sub 244.55
John T Shannon Lot No 820 McDaniels Sub 88.48
John T Shannon lot No 821 McDaniels Sub 41.83
John Goldthorp Lot No 3 of out lot 741 3.71
Resolved to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Dodge St from Bluff St to Locust StSt
by George Reynolds Contractor
Special Assessments
Pleins & Beach City Lot No 582 109.82
Key City Gas Light Co City Lot No 584 162.95
N Tresing City Lot No 577 160.75
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Marshall instructed to repair sidewalks 17th Street Resolved and Adopted
Mineral Street name change to West Locust Street Resolved and Adopted
Improve Delhi Road Resolved Referred Adopted
Special Assessments
B H Campbell City 369 $82.64
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Special Assessments
B H Campbell City Lot No 370 $56.73
B H Campbell City Lot No 371 56.73
Farley Loetscher & Co City Lot No 372 56.73
Farley Loetscher & Co city lot No 373 87.95
J M Emerson City Lot No 405 87.95
J M Emerson City Lot No 406 56.73
B H Campbell City Lot No 407 56.73
B H Campbell City Lot No 408 56.72
J M Emerson City Lot No 409 82.94
J M Emerson City Lot No 374 6.40
Nic Bowr City N 1/2 Lot No 403 6.40
Claims allowed
W Rebman Jackson St $754.28
Globe Gas Light Co Oct Bill 196.15
Daniel Sheau Ally S 14th St 610.20
John McCoy Sidewalk Madison St 90.61
Christian Lembke 10.40
M O'Loughlin Parks 15.00
Thomas Byrne Stone 20.00
J Wunderlich 5.50
Thomas Sullivan 3.25
Peter Kline Sr Rent Police room 72.00
James Kelley Stationary 37.80
T O'Sullivan 10.00
P McCormick Julien Av 1835.63
Wm Rebman Alley Lot 15 & 16th St 190.10
Wm rebman Jackson St 756.40
Philip Pier 10.00
Patrick McMahon 19.00
Western Union Telegraph Co 35.00
Frank Sova 2.00
Dub Cab: Makers Ap 4.35
Phil Casley 3.75
Joseph Hug 33.00
Dubuque Water Co 674.35
Healy Bros 7.55
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Claims Allowed
G H Young $7.28
Ed Herneigten 20.00
Carsen M Elrath 13.65
B Sheridin 55.97
Martin & McCormick 74.05
P C Foley 4.00
Gustav Richter 7.75
L B Tuttle 2.90
F Mertz 3.55
Ingrakaur Kennedy & Day 211.65
John Hesereig 24.00
D W Linehau 50.00
John McCoy 4.75
Daniel Breen 8.50
G W Sackett 6.90
Peter Hausen 2.50
Frank Gengler 2.50
Spear & lee Mineral St 838.08
Chs McMarters 21.30
L B Tuttle 18.90
J K Graves Hose Co 2.00
Key City Gas Light Co 14.25
Silsby Manufacturing Co 8.33
Burch Bubcock Co 22.02
Asa Roberts 9.75
Sol Tueck Hose Co Refd to Fire Co 5.50
T O'Sullivan 5.00
M B Gould Fountains 495.00
S M Langworthy 148.62
Henry Kobb 59.50
Herrig & Son 19.50
Daniel Sheau 17th St 900.91
Wm K Dr Simmer 9.00
Claims Referred
John Kapp 16.15 Streets
G Perry 18.15 Police
P Klauer 10.58
R Ravembe 3.00
Western Union Telgraph Co 1.25
No Name 6.40 Fire
Times Co 35.75 Painting
John Crote 12.50 Markets
Resolved Order for fifty ($50.00) dollars be drawn in favor of William Dunnebeoke for Clerk hire for the ninth of November 1878
December 2, 1878
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Change Water Line Resolved Amended
Jackson Street
Twenty Third Street
Jackson Street
Sandford Street
Johnson Avenue
Lake Street
Schiller Street
southeast until intersects with present water line
Rule 11 suspended
Mr Cummings
West Dubuque and Hill Street Motor Company
Complaint against Mr. Wooten for obstructing the track of the Hill Street and West
Dubuque Railway
December 11, 1878
Present Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fey, Herod, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Ordinance in reference to transient merchants
Report of ordinances Com
City Attorney
James Rowan
$11,000 to $9,000
$1,000 to $700
moved and carried
Western Union Telegraph Co $1.25
report adopted
December 11, 1878
Present Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fey, Herod, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Absent Linehan
J W Nuvenub 3.00 report adopted
Dubuque Telegraph Company $150.00 received filed and paid
Wallas and Rhomberg $30.00 received filed and paid
Mark Sullivan assessment $3,250.00 report adopted
Alice Smith petition report adopted
F O'Sullivan petition $300 report adopted
C Rhomberg petition $100 report adopted
Justice Bechtel petition report adopted
E H Sheppley receive and file
December 11, 1878
Present Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fey, Herod, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Absent Linehan
A Rhomberg 239.30 report adopted
John Nagle $1200 to $800 referred
S M Langworthy referred
Michael Milligan referred
John Dietrich $150 referred
Mulligan Estate referred
City Attorney
transient merchants
substitute 3 percent instead of 5 percent
Amendment declared adopted
December 11, 1878
Present Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fey, Herod, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Ordinance to license tax and regulate transient merchants read second time
Rule 29 suspended
Ordinance as amended adopted
Resolution to pay J O'Day $400 resolved and adopted
John Nagle Petition
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Eva Robish referred to Police and Marshal
George Rath referred to Police Commission
J E Woottore laid on the table
Frank Brede petition referred to Ordinance Com
Petitions referred to committee on claims
W A Leathers $45.00
Ingram Kennedy & Day $16.00
Andrew Freadway & Sons $1.00
Petitions referred to committee on finance
J H Lull
John Harp
Ann Hoar $9.50
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petitions referred to committee on delinquent taxes
Sarah Devine
S S Wemott $7,500
C H Meyer
Ellen Savier
Ann McCarthy
Mary Schaus
S P Hough
Birdget McMahon
A Kaiser
Conrad Becker
Barbara Hausen $170.00
Henieta Bosfield
Agnus Arthur
C C Coakley
S M Langworthy
Julia Lewis
Abraham Pfeifereberger
Margaret Mulligan
W W Pyne
Mathias Schlegal
Mary Gilmore
Catherine Bannon
Petitions referred to committee on streets
A Graham
Danl Sheehan
Hanioso Street
Julian Avenue
St Mary's Street
Emmet Street
Fourth Street
Mathias Flick $5.57
John Kapp $16.15
Anton Heeb $66.00
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petition M H Beach attorney for G B Hamilton referred to mayor and finance com
Communication F O'Sullivan stating that he had finished the abstract books
as per contract asking the council to appoint a committed to examine the same and
accept them if found correct referred to mayor and finance com
Petition James Beach stating that in 1973 while a member of the city council four suits
were brought against him as Alderman in the Grand View Avenue matter petition referred to city attorney
Petition James Reynolds asking for opening of Angella street referred to city attorney
Petition Eighmey & Waller asking to have the license of the opera house fixed at the same
price as last year receive and file
Petition Patrick Hammel moved and carried petitioner not be charged more than sixty cents
per lineal foot
Communication from City Assessor Henry Stroker approving T O'Sullivan as his assistant
in taking the apessment of the city of Dubuque for the year 1879 subject to the approval
of your Honor Body - was on motion approved
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petitions referred to committee on Fire
John Schwenk $1.50
John McCoy $4.35
Petition Alice Smith adopted
Report Wood Inspector received filed
Report Justice Coakley received filed ordered paid
Report acting Street Com M Dowling received filed ordered paid
Report Market Master Pier received filed ordered paid
Report Marshal Deckert received filed ordered paid
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
P Even Southern Avenue Scales $7.65 $1.15 received and filed
Auditor Brauah $957.50 received filed ordered paid
Lamplighter O'Hallerau received and filed
Recorder Quigley $20.00 received and filed
5th Ward Scales F Fosselman $2.10 received and filed
W Dub Scales Chs Pitschner $6.45 received and filed
1st Ward Scales R C Ryan $4.15 received and filed
Hog Weigher R C Ryan $30.15 received and filed
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Communcation Pollock & Shields $2,200 report adopted
Petition Mary C Munsell $30.00 report adopted
Petition A Stines in relation to laying down a side track from 17th to 18th report adopted
Petition Mathias Flick grade of Ellis Street report adopted
Resolution Ald Herod large stones on the Delhi Road between Couler Street and Tschirgi
Brewery broken report adopted
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
A Leicht report adopted
Patrick Hamell adopted
John Trexler report adopted
A Brunning report adopted
James E O'Hare report adopted
Claims ordered paid
Ham & Carver
Sol Turck Hose Co
T Klauer
Key City Gas Co
T Walser
Ferring & Saloh
N C Ryan
Andrew Treadway & Sons
Rouse & Dean
B D Senihau
Strieber & Strinsky
Junksman & Haas
Phil M Plate
Times Company
G Perry
C M Mills
Daniel Riordau
Jances Welch
John Grote
Henry Kolb
P Klauer
Dub Burial Case Co
A Greebe
Ed Klas
D Grant
January 6, 1879
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Bills Allowed
W H Torbert
B D Linehau
Albert Leicht
Spear and Lee
Daul Sheahau
Lagen & Clair
J K Graves Hose Co
Key City Gas Co (Coke)
O F Hodge
Chs McMasters
Ed Herrington
Harvey & O'Connor
T E Frith
Grosower & Harger
N H Schilling
John Polk
Knapp Stout Co
J A Griffke
S M Langworthy
Philip Pier
N H Theadinga
Kriegmau & Stanley
A Y Mcdonald
J Schuckert
Dr Asa Horr
Rudolf Nolly
J K Graves Hose Co
Wm Rebman
Andrew Treadway & Sons
J Butter
J Renfried
Sol Turck Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
August Schell
C W Robinson
Ed Glaugwrand
P McMahon
Globe Gas Co
C W Ware
Mrs Siemon
J Platz
O'Brien & Cumming
T O'Sullivan
Dub Water Co
P Klauer
American Dis Telegraph
John McGrether
C M Elrath
J P Quigley Index Book
H Jungk
E M Ogelsby
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Claim of the German Catholic Printing Company referred
Engineer Report adopted
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Report by City Engineer and City Attorney Delhi Road from intersections with Julien Avenue
to Forrest Lane adopted
Petition Mulligan Estate report adopted
Petition Michael Milligan special assessment report adopted
Petition Catherine Morrissey special assesment report adopted
Petition Samuel Stanch $500 report adopted
Petition S M Langworthy $400 report adopted
Petition John Dietrich $150 report adopted
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Petition Ann Dowling special assessment $45.65
Petition John Flynn reduction of assessment
report adopted
Resolution curbing and paving Seventeenth (17th) street from alley west of main street to
Mineral Street special tax be and is hereby levied
R Cox
Est G Beckert
W C Chamberlain
Margaret Flynn
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Resolution adopted to draw order for $200 for Mrs George Beckert
Resolution adopted establishing water district
all property lying within that portion of the city emclosed by the red line as shown on the map
entitled "Map of the Water District of Dubuque City" in the city auditors office be declared
subject to Water tax for the ensuring year 1879
Resolution adopted to reduce curb stone on Eagle Point Avenue west from 90 cents to 60 cents per
Communication from R E Grave in relation to City Bonds referred
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
Report of Mayor
Mayor Knight submitted the following report
Gentlemen of the Council
Since your last meeting a notice has been served on me that the Dubuque and Dunleith
Bridge Company has appealed to the Circuit Court from your actions fixing the value
of the property that company in this city for taxation for last year at six hundred thousand
($600,000) dollars and it is necessary that action be taken to protect the city's interest
in the litigation.
I am a stock holder in the bridge company and am to a certain extent interested with others
who are largely interested with the company consequently I would much have preferred
that this conflict between the city and the bridges company had not arisen while I was
connected with the city government. But while I so feel I have no hesitation in saying the
public interest requires that all proper measures should be aken to prevent the bridge
company from escaping the payment of the tax you have levied against it.
In fixing the value of the property of this company in the city for taxation I feel that you were
impelled by no other motion than that which impelled you to act as to the proprty of all other
taxpayers that is to fix it at its fair value and I am free to say that in my opinion you did not
exceed a fair value for taxation when you fixed the company's property at the sum of
$600,000 which is complained of.
the jurisdictions of the circuit court in the process should be denied and I am very sanguine
that when the question is decided it will b formed that the circuit court cannot sit in review
on your action in this apessment and that your action in the premises will be formed to
be final and conclusive in the company from which it cannot escape.
this city is as you are aware, organized under a special charter and is not affected (except
in some particulars not necessary to be noticed) by the general incorporation law for
cities and our special charter provides that the tax payers shall have an appeal from the
apessor to the council and that the actions of the council on the appeal shall be final.
In the matter of the apessment of the bridge company an appeal was taken from the assessment
to you and you will remember Mr. Allison appeared before you and
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
argued the appeal. That appeal was not sustained by you the assessment was confirmed and
your actions as I have said by the Charter is final on the company.
If this should be so decided of course there will be an end to the case without touching the
question whether you decided correctly where you fixed the value of the company's property
at $600,000.
But if this question of value is gone into I think the city should have nothing to fear as to the
result of the case. Let us see wht would be a fair value of the bridge companys property
from the data in our possession.
When Mr. Allison was before you he told you tht the apital stock was $1,200,000 that the debts
were $362,000 and that the lowest dividend paid on the stock was four percent per annum; of
course, free of taxes for the taxes are paid by the company.
Now let us assume that the stock holders should have six percent per annum clear which
in these times should be a very full return on the investment and fix the value of the stock
at a sum in which the usual dividend of four percent on the face value of the stock would
be equal to six percent.
This would make the stock worth 66 2/3 for each share and would give us a value for the
whole stock of the company of $800,000. Add to this the debts as stated by Mr. Allisono
of $362,000 for of course the value fixed on teh stock is its value subject to the debts of
the company and we have the total value of the companys property thus arrived at equal
to $1,162,000.00.
But this is not all on the record of the county is a mortgage from the bridge company to
to certain trustees of the income earnings property etc of the company.
By this mortgage it is provided that for the first these years from its date the company
should pay to the trustees $20,000.00 a year and thereafter $5,000.00 a year for eight
years thereafter to be held as a contingent fund by the trustees to meet any expense for
repairs to the bridge during the time the bonds secured by the mortgage remain unpaid
and by the mortgage it is also provided that the company shall pay to the trusteed after
the first three years twenty thousand dollars a year for the purpose of forming a sinking
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
fund for the annual purchase of the bonds secured by the mortgage and it is only after all
these payments had been made that any dividend could be paid as dividends have been
regularly paid it is fair to apume the payments have been regularly made to the trustees
as the mortgage was made in 1868 this contingent fund new amounts probably to near
$100,000. Let us call it that sum and as the four percent dividend was of the earnings left
after paying to the contingent fund and my estimate of the value of the stock was made on
this dividend exclusding payments to the contingent fund the amount of that fund should be
added to teh sum before stated to get at the value of the company's property. So added,
we have the value of it equal to $1,262,000.00 and this too without reference to the fact
that the earnings are paying off the debts besides keeping up the contingent fund and
paying the usual four percent dividend.
Let us take another view of the matter. The receipts of teh company as we indicated seldom
fall below $100,000.00 net annually.
Deduct from this the $20,000.00 annually required for the sinking fund to meet the company's
liability and we have $80,000.00, a little over six percent annually or $1,300,000.00
Taking these things into consideration, together with the fact that the earnings of the company
can never fall below $80,000.00 a year, and I think no reasonable man will believe that you
have done the company an injustice in placing the value of its property at a figure on which
even in these hard times a return of six percent per annum is assured. How many property
holders in the city but wold be glad to have the same rule applied in valuing their property
and how many tax payers are annually compelled to pay on a valuation on property that
does not bring them one half of six percent per annum in severence.
We should be fair to the bridge company but no favoritixm should be shown it and it should
be compelled to pay a fair assessment on its property which in the certainty of return from
it is the most valuable in the City.
Assuming then that the valuation of $1,200,000.00 is not too much the question arises
how much of it is subject to taxation in this city? You have proceeded on the idea of on
half the amount and have therefore assessed the company with $600,000. With this sole
certainty the company should not find fault for it is as favorable to it as you could have
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
The constitution of Iowa fixes the eastern boundary of the state as the center of the main
channel of the Mississippi River and the charter of this city give the same line as the
Eastern boundary of this city to which your jurisdiction for taxation purposes extends.
Not it cannot be denied that the line of the main channel of the river would run through the
center of the draw pier, so close to the Illinois shore as to leave probably three-fourths in value
of all the property of teh company west of that line and subject to taxation by you. Again you
must recollect that the bridge company's property in the city commences at the depot of
the Illinois Central Railroad Company on Jones Street and that the bridge company owns the
track, fill and iron bridge from the point indicated ot the river bank besides the bridge over
the river and that the company's property ceases when its rails reach the Illinois shore. Aside
then formed the question as to the main channel of the river and if we shold concede that
the company is subject to the city to the middle of the river without reference to the main
channel it is apparent that the larger share of its property is within the jurisdiction of
the city and that in assessing the company for only one half its value you did not assess it
to the full of what under the law you might have done.
I have thus gone into this matter in full that your position in it should be understood and that
however much may be said to the contrary or however erroneous the assessment may be
it it is erroneous (which we deny) it may be seen that you were actuted in the matter by
no spirit of hostility to the company but simply by a desire to make good paying property
bear its just portion of taxation.
This matter is an important one to the city and while I do not wish to be understood as implying
any doubt as to the ability of the city attorney to attend to it I would suggest whether it
would not be well to employ someone to assist him in the litigations.
The company you have to fight is a strong one and has employed several legal gentlemen
to attend to its interests in the matter and I think it would be but just to the city attorney
to give him such assistance and whether if any one is employed must of course be
wholly unconnected with the city government.
January 6, 1879 2:00 p.m.
Knight, O'Neill, McCann, Linehan, Altman, Fey, Brown, Bush, Herod, Doerfler, Lillig
At all events gentlemen I do hope that we will all stand unanimously for the city's right in this
matter and do what we can to make it prevail. Regretting as I do owing to my interests
with the bridges company that this controversy has arisen I recognize the fact that I am
here to speak and act as a public officer sworn to discharge the duties of my office and
that I would not be true to the trus my fellow citizens have reposed in me did I hesitate to
support your actions in the premises believing as I do that actions to be right and this too
without regard to considerations personal pecursiary or otherwise signed W J Knight mayor
Mayor's report referred and adopted
Bond F O'Sullivan approved
January 22, 1879
Knight, Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
The mayor stated that he had called this special meeting of the council upon the following request
Honorable W J Knight, Mayor
Sir I having been known to us that the ordinance passed by the City council on November 4 1878
contains an absolute prohibition against the erections within the fire limits of evey kind of
wooden buildings under any and all circumstances and as we did not so undersand it at the
time of its passage we request your honor to call a special meeting of the council to reconsider
the matter.
Petition of Frank Bredis for permission to build ice house in fire limits
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petitions referred to delinquent tax committee
R S West
Johanah Brodrick
Mary Siege
Mary Traush
Maria Driscoll
J R Scott
Andrew Treadway & Son
Building Corner of 5th & Main
Mary Enright
Herman Tenhaaf
Elizebeth Spahn
Pfelip Sand
C Schuler
Beata spielmann
Ann Sullivan
S M Langworthy
Petitions referred to committee on finance
V Walker
J P Porter
Anna Backer
Martin Scheidecker
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petition H W Sandford
Petition J Trexler
delinquent tax of the CCD & M Railroads for year 1872 referred
suit of Simplot Brothers againt CCD & M Railroad for a piece of ground on First Street
and Iowa Street referred
Bills of James Lally Farley Loetscher & Co referred
Bill of Daniel Rindau
Profiles referred to committee on streets grade of Jackson street from 7th to 8th streets
and Ellis Street
Claims and petitions read on motion referred to committee on fire
Joseph Strinsky
Key City Hook and Ladder Co.
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
Petitions and claims referred to special commission
Turners Life Saving Company
John Schwenk
John McCoy
Farley Loetscher & Co
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petition of T O'Sullivan asking to have a committee appointed to examnine the
abstract book referred to special committee
Claims read and referred
M Cosgrove jury fee
A J Hyde jury fee
Petition John Nagle apessment reduced $800
Petition J N Foy establish a grade on Pierce Street granted
City engineer instructed to make profile of grade on Pierce Street
Petition of Frank Brode for curb stone on Eagle Point Avenue received and filed
Petition Johanah Specht curb stone on Eagle Point Avenue received and filed
Petition of Margaret Flynn $157.32 given two years time to pay said special apessment
in installments without interest
Petition of the Dubuque Turnverein as benevolent exempt
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
report N C Ryan weighing hogs received filed
Lamplighter report O'Hallirau 169 lamps received filed
report 5th ward scales Frank Fosselman received filed
Mashal report Deckert $854.00 received filed and ordered paid
Market master report Pier 319 drafts $47.85 and expense for boarding prisoners
at Calaboose $9.00 received filed and ordered paid
Auditor's report Brandt $957.50 received filed and ordered paid
S Ave Scales report Peter E received and filed
Street commissioner report M Dowling $172.75 received filed and ordered paid
W Dubuque scales report Charles Pitschoner received and filed
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Recorder's report Quigley
One Butcher license $25
Seven billiard licenses $80
One auctioneers license $25
Three pork packers licenses $60
received and filed
1st Ward Scales report N C Ryan received and filed
Wood Inspector report Wassing received and filed
Justice Mills report police jutice received and filed
Petition John Hayes adopted
Petition Ann Hoar report adopted
Petition R E Graves report adopted
Petition Prof Frenzel
Duncan & Waller
report adopted
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Committee on claims W A Leathers report adopted
Andrew Treadway & Sons report adopted
A Heeb bill report adopted
Petition Daniel Sheahan report adopted
Claim Mathias Flick report adopted
Claim German Printing Company report adopted
Globe Gas Light Company $204.70
Key City Gas Light Co $495.16
report adopted
S M Langworthy adopted
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
John Van Dillan
C H Meyer
Catherine Bannon
Henreka Bosfield
C C Coakley
Mary Schaus
Barbara Hansen
Ann McCarthey
Ellen Lavin
reports adopted
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Julia Lewis
Mathias Schlegel
Mary Gillmore
S S Wernott
Bridget McMahon
Sarah Devine
A Kaiser
Patch and Waite
W W Pyne
reports adopted
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Abraham Pfeifereberger
Margaret Mulligan
Agnus Arthur
Conrad Becker
L P Hough & Co
Committee on Finance to whom was referred the communication of T O'Sullivan in relation
to the abstract book referred to a special committee one from each ward
Committee appointed
Resolved Green line as known on the profile hereto annexed b and the
same is hereby declared the official Grade of Julien Avenue from Bluff street
to Alta Vista Street
Resolved a sidewalk on 14th street to Cox
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
constructio of sidewalk on south side of 14th street between Henion and Cox
resolution adopted
petition of the Dubuque Turnverein Society asking for taxes to be canceled
Benevolent by state law
Resolved City Recorder instructed to advertise for bids to remodel stairs and doors
in city hall building
bills allowed to treasurer
paid commissions
N C Ryan Fire Department
Camey & Bowen Services watching prisoners
W Dunnebocke salary 1879
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Resolutuion to purchase 10 lots of E Langworthy referred
Auditor Brandt's report
Enclosed bond no 260 of the Dubuque and pacific Rail Road issue of September 1855
sent from New York by Messers Torke and Lichtenstein with request to be exchanged
for new bond
Directed by Finance committee to issue new bond in accordance with resolution of March 2nd 1871
Issue new bonds of the city running at 25 years and to bear inerest at the rate of 6%
New bond funded in accordance with above resolution as follows
Old Bond No 260 $500.00
29 overdue and unpaid $580.00
Interest on bond from 1st Sept 1875 to the 1st of February 1879 at 6% per annum $102.50
Interst on expense to Febrary 1st 1879 at 6% $362.50
Total value of new bond $1,545.00
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
2:00 p.m.
Claims read motions ordered
American Dish Telegraph
Conrad Schmidt
D W Linehan
B Sheridan
Frank Engler
George Reynolds
Herrig & Son
Key City Gas Co
J C Paine
Paul Eiffers
N H Theadinger
P Klauer
F Schlupkothen
Dubuque Water Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Key City Gas Bill
Sol Truck Hose Co
Phil Pier
T O'Sullivan
W Marshall
J Schuckert
Nick Jaquinoh
M Donnelley
Hansen & Linehan
L B Tuttle
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
F E Moser
M A Hubert
J C McDonald
N Eichmann
J K Graves Hose Co
P Olinger
Committee on Finance with mayor report on the Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Company
Engaged E McCeeny to assist city attorney in case
Resolved by City Council order to be drawn in favor of F G Brandt City Auditor
redeem from Wm Hintrager property of Mrs Alice Smith
Order in favor of mrs Alice Smith bing an overassessment on special tax due her
from city
February 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
2:00 p.m.
Resolved tht the commitee on Fire instructed to advertise for bids for erection of a
new engine house
said engine house to be built in the NW corner of fourth and locust streets
Committee on streets claim of John Kapp
committee on claims claim of Ingram Kennedy and Day
J W Taylor bill
Insurance on Town Clock Tower
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
petitions read and referred to committee on delinquent taxes 1878
Ann Stewart remit tax
C E Plumbe reduce apessment
Rachel Davis to remit tax
Mrs Dabrock to remit tax
Mary Boyle to remit tax
Theo Buchsle to reduce apessment
Adam Pier guardian of children of late Peter Pier to remit tax
Mary Glenn to remit tax
Mary Sear asking to have her tax canceled
Rose Cadman asking to have her tax canceled
H S Hetherington petition, trustee, moneys and credits apesed in 1869 to Geo W Burton
Alex Simplot petition erroniously assessed
Howard & Hoyne petition per J H Keenan paid ernest moneyon their stock of goods apessed
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
petitions referred:
W W Pyne apessment
George H Brooks apessment on Malt House
Mary Semper nuisance abated at 2104 white street known as E Hemmings Dairy
petitions read and referred to committee on streets:
A Pfiffner change of grade on 14th
J H Roe construct proper gutter cropings on SE corner of 13 and Iowa Streets NW corner 15 and Iowa
and NE corner of Iowa and 13th streets
Joseph Moore for Ann Dowling improving 17th street
Dr Walter Hay remonstrating against laying of sidewalk on 14th street
Fire Department compensation false alarms
John McCoy bill
J K Graves Hose Co bill
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Referred to the Mayor and Finance Committee
N Jaqunot bill
M Y Johnson letter in relation to compensation
J Hogan
Ed Langworthy Esq in relation to sale of 10 lots to City
Petitions referred to City Attorney:
Louis Meisch
J B Bennett
resolution claim Dr Wooten in relation to Hill Street
John Kaep petition received and filed
F Fritsche petition building fame building in fire limits received and filed
Acting street commissioner M Dowling assessments due laborers and teams and macadamizing stone
Bills of Bowan and Carney referred
Hay Scales
N C Ryan weigher of hogs
hog report received and filed
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Received and filed
Andrew Homer Police Justice
P Even southern ave scale
Woodmeasurer Waring
Auditor Brandt
Recorder Quigley
Billiard Licenses
Pork Packers Licenses
Express Wagon Licenses
Peddlers Licenses
Opera House LIcenses
Received and filed and expense ordered paid
Marshal Deckert salaries due the Police Force for month of February 1879
Market Master Pier Central Market Scales, feeding, calaboose
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Received and filed
Frank Fosselman fifth ward scales
Charles Pitschner west dubuque scales
Lamplighter O'Halleran gas lamps lighted
Chief Engineer of Fire Department C W Schreiber
Reports adopted
petition of Martin Scheidecker
petition of Dr J P Porter
petition of J Trexler
petition of Mrs. Walker
agreement between Ann Beckert and city of Dubuque
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Reports adopted
Anna Beckert
Mrs. Munsell
Bill of Daul Rierdan
P Goan
Bill of Farley Loetscher Co.
James Lally
Street Commissioner
Change of Grade on Ellis Street - Resolution adopted
Ham & Carver
Key City Gas Co
Globe Gas Light Co
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Jackson Street change of Grade from 7th to 8th resolved
Reports adopted
Maria Driscoll
Beata Spielmann
Mary Trausch
Johannah Broderick
R S West
Mary Siege
Mary Enright
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Reports adopted
Herman Tenhaaf
Mrs. C Schuler
Ann Sullivan
S M Langworthy
Elizabeth Spahn
Philip Sand
J R Scott
Andrew Treadway & Sons
James Schunk
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Special Committee of Alds Linehan, Brown, Herod, O'Neill and Lillig
Reports adopted -
Farley Loetscher & Co
John McCoy
Turner Life Saving Company
Schriber & Strinsky
John Butt & Bros
John McCoy
John Pickey
Hansen & Linehan
Petition of G B Hamilton
money paid for the purchase of the home of the Friendlep property
sale is claimed to have been illegal
suit appealed to to the supreme court
court has decided in favor of the city
City Attorney has given his opinion
Mr. Hamilton cannot receive against the City any amount whatever
Committee cannot recommend payment of the claim
the claim be not allowed
report adopted
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petition of T O Sullivan in relation to abstract of tax books 1857 to 1875
contract was afterwards drawn to include the year 1876
reasonable compensation for extra year
$250 extra
J J Linehan
M Brown
John O'Neill
moved the report be adopted
Petition of T O Sullivan
Minority report
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
investigate the claims of Mr T O Sullivan against the City of Dubuque
find that Mr. Sulliven entered into a written contract with City of Dubuque to
prepare a set of abstract books
said books now completed and the work giving general satisfaction
recommend that mr. Sullivan be paid such sum as the terms of said contract calls for
his claims for services in the recorder's office
beg leave to report adverse to the prayer of petitioner
minority report not adopted
majority report adopted
adjourned until 2 o'clock pm
council met at 2 o'clock pm
Mayor Knight in chair, present all aldermen
Eagle Point Tax payers
Frank eade
J Spiening
C Yangen
F Muschel
Johanah Specht
G Neminand
H W Sanford
B Strutermann
curbing on Eagle Point Ave
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petition of Otto Klein
Petition of Chas W Ware and Maurice O'Connor, sinking artesian well in Jackson Square -
matter indefinitely postponed
Communication of Chief Engineer Schrieber in regard to the steamer J K Graves
Judges and Clerks Election to be held April 7 1879 were appointed:
First Ward - Judges Thomas Finn, Owen Reynolds, N C Ryan, H Nitingale
Polls Montana House
Second Ward - Judges Patrick McMahon, George Mehl, Philip Pier, C F Hobbs
Polls Court House
Third Ward - Judges Joseph Traut, M Morgan, John Trexler, B B Provost
Alternate Clerks - M Hoar and William Rebman
Polls Central market House
Fourth Ward - Judges N A Mills, J C Longererville, C C Seward, G R Foster
Polls Tom McCoys builidng corner of Bluff and Eighth Streets
price not to exceed five dollars for each polling place
March 3, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Fifth Ward
Judges Jacob Swagler, Bush, Duncan, Peter Elwanger, F Mertz
Polls Iowa Brewery
Five dollars allowed for each judge and clerk of elections
Claims presented and ordered paid:
John W Taylor Jr. Ins
Gibbs & Co
Ingram Kennedy & Day
Schreiber & Strinsky
John Trexler
E J Holmes
F Mertz
B D Linehan
J Maclay
Key City Gas Co
Asa Roberts
William Clark
F H Finker
P Klauer
T E Frith
Dubuque Wateer Co
M M Walker
Dave Rierdan
Amerian District Telegraph Co
T O'Sullivan
Lous Peil
William Yates
S M Langworthy
D W Linehan
William Stoltebein
P Klauer
J K Graves Hose Co
F Mertz
J W Newburg
Mrs Simon
H Martin
Smith & Plaister Insurance
T W Ruete
Andrew Treadway & Sons
William Dunnebecke
Resolved that the services of William Dunnebecke, Assistant Treasurer be dispensed with
March 19, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Read the Finance report and to hear report of Committees
Finance Committee submitted their annual report
Receipts and Disbursements
Taxes and Interest
Rest of City Property
John D. Bush
City Banks
City Scales
Police Justices fines collector
Sundry sources
Balance March 1 1879
Funded debt principal and interest
Borrowed money
REfunded Taxes and License
Engineers Department
Fire Department
Police Department
Special Assessments
Water Department
Impounding animals
General expenses
Road fund expenses
Balance March 1st 1879
Report received filed adopted
March 19, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Reports adopted
Mayor and Finance Committee - letter of M Y Johnsen
Mr Hogan
Committee on Claims - petition of H Brooks
The mayor and Finance commitee - bill of Nick Jaquinoh
March 21, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Fay, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Hear George Burden's sworn statement on appeal from the assessment
Mr Ware
petition of Richards and Burden not granted
Petition of George Burden was not granted
Mrs Eliza Burden
Petition of B B Richards was not granted
Petition of W W Pyne
Delinquent Tax Committee - petitioner Mary Lear
petition of Rose Cadman
March 21, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Fay, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petitions adopted
Theo Buechele
Adam Pier
Peter Pier
Mary Boyle
Margaret Glennon
Mrs Dabrocks
Mrs R Davis
C E Plumbe
Ann Stewart
April 7, 1879.
Roll, no one being present, adjourned until 9 o'clock a.m. Thursday, April 10, 1879
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Minutes read and approved
Petitions referred to Committee on Streets
M M Trumball
J Zangmeister
John Nagle
A Graham
Oliver and Cragan
B Sheridan
Petitions referred to the Special Committee of the Whole Council
John Krayer
W C Chamberlin
Jas Levi
Jonathan Fortes
John Sweeny
H S Hethringten
Thomas Murray
John Deery petition
Agatha Kringel petition
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Petitions read and motions referred to the Committee of Delinquent Taxes
Bridget Roach
W F Collins
Joseph Traut
Matter of the City Tax of 1872 of the City of Dubuque against the CCD&M and the CC&D
Supreme Court
Court of Dubuque County
reapessment may be made against said railroads and collected
As to the tax for the year 1870 and 1874 said companies have paid all the tax for which
they are liable.
Referred to Finance and the Mayor
Suit of Simplot Bev against the CCD&M Railroad for a piece of ground corner of 1st
Street and Iowa Street referred to the Finance Committee and Mayor
The matter of the delinquent taxes of the CCD&M Railroad be referred
The petition of James Beach opening Grand View Avenue
The petition of Johanah McNally referred
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
The following petitions and claims were read and referred
James Nichols
Thomas Fenn
Bill of the Board of Registration for 1879
Bill of Grosvener & Harger
Bill of westphal & Hinds
Petition of the Hill and West Dubuque Railroad for an extension of three month time to
remove obtructions on Delhi Road
Henry Stecker
Bill of J K Graves Hose Co
Bill of Sol Turck Hose Co
Petition of Fire Dept for pay in answering false alarms
Petition of Turners Life Saving Company
Report of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
Quarterly Report of the City Engineer in accordance with the ordinance regulating the
erection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire
Bill of the 5th Ward Hose Co and Key city Hook and Ladder Co
Bills referred to City Attorney
Richard Cody
C C Coakley
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Marshal Deckert salaries due the Police force
Frank Fosselman 5th Ward Hay Scales
Auditor Brandt reported the salaries
Wm Waring Wood Inspector report
T Even Southern Avenue Hay Scales report
Chl Pitschner West Dubuque Hay Scales report
N C Ryan 1st Wrd Hay Scales report
Lamplighter O'Halloran report gas lamps lighted
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Market Master Pier reported Central Market scales
Special committee to whom was referred the matter of purchasing ten lots of E Langworthy for
market purposes between 14th and 15th streets and Elm and Pine streets. Report in favor
of accepting Mr. E langworthy's properties.
Report presented in connection with the above trnsataion
Title to the said above described property is perfect
Edward Langworthy and Wife
Deed to the above described property is perfect and the City should complete the contract
report received and adopted
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Reports adopted
Petition of J H Lull
Petition of H W Sanford
Petition of R E Graves
Petition of H S Worthington
Petition of Alex Simplot
Petition of Howard and Hoyne per J H Keenan agent
ordinance submitted entitled an Ordinance for the Preservation and Protection of the Public
Health reported back to the Ordinance Commission
Petition Joseph Strinsky report adopted
Bill John McCoy report adopted
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Committee on Fire reported in favor of paying the following bills Sol Turck Hose Co J K
Graves Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder 5th Wrd Hose Co Fifth Ward Hose Co report
profile and report of City Engineer of the grades of Fourth Street from bluff west Emmet Street
and St. Mary's street
red lines
green lines
resolution adopted that the red line in the profile hereto annexed be and the same is hereby
declared the official grade of Fourth street from Bluff street west and be it resolved by the
city council of the city of dubuque that the green line in the profile hereto annexed be and
the same is hereby declared the official grade of St Mary's street Also be it resolved by the
city council of the city of dubuque that the red line on the profile hereto annexed be anbd the
same is hereby declared the official grade of Emmett Street
M Tschingin profile of Henion Street and the street in Yaes and Picketts subdivision and
that the red line on said profiles be delared the official grade of said streets
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
resolution adopted red line in the profile hereto annexed be and the same is hereby declared
the official grade of henion street and of the street in yates and picketts subdivision
profile of Hill Street from third to fifth streets adoption of green line
grade adopted
Report on the plat and grade of 7th street from Hill to Prospect Streets extention of south
street from Hill to Prospect Streets adoption of blue line as official grade
grade adopted
plat of extension of 7th street adopted
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
report of City Engineer M Tschrgi Profile of Third Street from Hill to Alpine Street and recommend that the red line
thereon be established as the official grade of said street
resolved that the red line as shown in the profile hereto annexed be and the same is hereby
declared the official grade of Third Street from Hill to Alpine Street rgrade adopted
Grades of different alleys ordered improved recommend green line shown therein be
declared the official grade of alleys
between locust street and bluff street and between 10th and 11th streets
between white and jackson streets and 11th and 12th streets
between clay and white streets and 13th and 14th streets
between iowa and clay streets and 16th and 17th streets
between white and jackson streets and 16th and 17th streets
Grades adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the green lines
on the profiles hereto annexed be and is hereby declared the official grade of the
above named alleys
committee on police and gas to whom was referred the petition of Mary Semper report adopted
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
Street Commissioner report
Bills read and ordered paid
George Perry
Woodruff & Perkins
Ham & Carver
C H McMasters
A Baumhover
Ellwangers Bros
Key City Gas Light Co
James Kelly Stationary
T O Sullivan
J Cinaut
Robert Aharn
E M Ogilbe
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
J K Graves Hose Co
D W Linehan
Healey Bros
Phil Pier
Laflin and Rand Powder Co
N W Telegraph Co
Chs McMaster
Westphal Hinds Co
Andrew Treadway & Sons
Dubuque Water Co
F A Gniffke
Key City Gas Light Co
Alber Seicht by Res
T O Sullivan
Dan Shean
B Sheridan
John Bowen
Mich Carney
C J Rogers
Thos Sullivan
Eli Aaron
J C Sobdell
Hansen Linehan
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Gas Light Co
C F Koepfle
B D linehan
T McMahon
Peer Olinger
Burch Babcock & Co
M O'Loughlin
Joe Slagen
N W Glove Gas Light Co
M Tschirgi Jr
Resolution to pay judges and clerks of election and rent of rooms
On motion adjourned until 2 o'clock pm
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
The council met at 2'oclock pm
Resolved an order be drawn for finance committee to look up abstracts
Adl Doerfler moved that the council proceed to count the votes cast at the recent elections for
city officers and alderman adopted
Mayor Knight appointed Alds Linehan and Herrod tellers
Tellers proceeded to canvas the votes and announced the following results of the canvas
for Mayor
John D Bush
H S Hetherngton
John D Bush majority 300
for Treasurer's
Daniel Rierdan
Henry Wheeler
Daniel Rierdan's majority 107
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
For Recorder
John P Quigley
F D Cook
John P Quigley's majority 234
For auditor
F G Brandt
Wm Dunnebecke
F G Bandt's majority 515
For City Marshal
H C Deckert
Daniel Duane
Henry C Deckert's majority 26
For City Attorney
H J McNulty
D S Wilson
H J McNulty's majority 312
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
For City Assessor
Henry Stecker
R O Anderson
Henry Stecker's majority 237
1st ward
John O'Neill's majority 154
2nd ward
J J Linehan's majority 230
3rd ward
B W jones
Peter Fay
B W Jones' majority 102
4th ward
C Leckie
B R Powell
C Leckie's majority 86
5th ward
Louis Doerfler
Paul Traut
L Doerfler's majority 135
On motion these having a majority of all the votes cast be declared elected to the various
offices named as above adopted
Ald Lillig offered the following which was adopted
Whereas the relations that have bound us together for the past year as a city council are
about to be severed by the retirement of some of our members and whereas these relations havve
been invariably of a pleasant and fraternal nature therefore be it resolved by the city council
of the city of Dubuque that we tender our heartfelt respect and
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill
and gratitude to his Honour Mayor Knight for the unvarying urbanity and signal ability
with which he has presided over this body during his official year qualities it were only
reasonable to expect from a gentleman of his exalted character and distinguished manner.
That we also thank our retiring brother aldermen for their courtesy during our meetings and
heir promptness in attending to every call of official duty. And that to both mayor and
aldermen we who remain tender the warmest expressions of our heartfelt friendship a friendship
which we sincerely hope may last until we all meet again beyond that bound whence no
traveler returns.
Mayor Knight read his valedictory.
Mayor Knight then administered the oath of office to Mayor elect and conducted him to the chair.
Aldermen O'Neill, Linehan, Jones, Leckie and Doerfler came forward. When Mayor Bush
administered the oath of office to them. Mayor Bush then administered the oath of office
to the treasurer, recorder, auditor, marshal, city attorney. Mayor Bush then delivered the
inaugural adress
April 10, 1879.
Knight, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill, Altman,
Jones, Leckie
Inaugural address
On motion of Ald Lillig, council took recess for one hour for the purpose of consulting as to
appointments salaries
Council reconvened at 5 o'clock pm
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
report of the Com of the whole on elections of offices and salaries
saloon license
Street Commissioner M Dowling
Coal Oil Inspector D Duane
Market Master Hey Welter
City Engineer M Tschings Jr
West Dubuque policeman P Hanlon
Hay Scales 1st ward hay scales N C Ryan West Dubuque Scales Chs Petschner
April 10, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Hay scales
Fifth Ward Scales F Fosselman Southern Avenue Scales P Evan
City Attorney $1400.00 per annum
Treasurer $1300.00 per annum
Recorder $1100.00 per annum
Auditor $1100.00 per annum
Marshal $1000.00 per annum
Engineer $900.00 per annum
Street Commissioner $65.00 per month
Market Master and Janitor $50.00 per month
Policemen $50.00 per month
Captain of the Night Police $60.00 per month
P Ryder as Policeman $50.00 per month
Report adopted
Alderman McCann was elected Mayor Pro Tem
adjourned to Monday 9 o'clock april 14, 1879
April 14, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Geo N Raymond Et al asking to have sidewalk ordered laid from Linehan's block
on Hill street on the south side of 5th street and corner of Wilson Avenue and north side
of fifth street where needed to fourth ward school house
Petition of P J Earl et al asking to have the present sewer on Sanford street extended to Couler
creek and also order a sidewalk north side of Sanford street to Jackson street
Petition of F E Augustine et al
against action of council
Hill street and West Dubuque street railway three months time to remove their motor house
Special assessment for sidewalks on Grand View Avenue and on 5th street
bill of court costs in case of Simplet vs City of Dubuque
Petition of Charly Burkhard
Policies of Eatna and Royal Canadian Insurance companies on the Town Clock Tower
April 14, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolved Cancel erroneous special assessment for laying a sidewalk in 1876 and assessed to
A Graham
Resolved Finance Committee be instructed to borrow twenty five hundred dollars ($2500.00)
for the City of Dubuque
J B Bennett
A J Hyde
M Cosgrove
Resolved that the following amounts of legal bonds be the sums fixed for the different offices
of the city for the ensuing year and that ten days be given in which to have the same made
out and returned to the finance committee and that the same commitee have power to
approve the same and report at the next regular meeting
Treasurers bond 50,000.00
Recorders Bond 5,000.00
Auditor's bond 5,000.00
City Engineer's bond 2,000.00
City Assessor's bond 4,000.00
Wood Measurer's bond 500.00
Oil Inspector's bond 1,000.00
City Marshal's bond 5,000.00
Market Master's bond 500.00
City Attorney's bond 5,000.00
Resolved Julien avenue from main street to alta vista avenue to be repaird
April 14, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution passed by this city council December 2nd 1878 and recorded in book 13 page 446
in recorders office ordering julien avenue from bluff to hill streets graded, guttered, curbed
and macadamized a the expense of the property owners is hereby repealed. All rock used
and new broken shall be credited at 75 cents per load.
Bill of Dunnebecke
Official papers
city printing
City printing
advertise for bids for city printing
substitute lost
Elect a chief engineer of the fire department
motion lost
April 14, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolved that the chief engineer of the fire department when elected shall furnish to the
city of Dubuque $2,500.00 of good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance
of his duty
It was moved and seconded that we no proceed to elect a policeman for west Dubuque
as the mayor had refused to swear in Mr. Hanlon who was elected at the sessions held
april 10, 1879
It ws ordered that the council proceed to ballot for a policeman for west dubuque
appointed as tellers Linehan and Herod
first ballot informal
Hanlon having received the majority of all the votes was declared elected
Mayor anounced standing committees
April 14, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Town Clock tower insurance
Policies of Aetna and Royal Canadian Insurance Companies
Awarded to Aetna
May 5, 1979
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan,
McCann, and O'Neill
Absent Ald Altman
Petitions referred
W A Palmer
Mrs J M Emerson
Louis Meisch
M J Firero
C Janssen
Theo Baugermann
Geo Fengler
Louis Semper
John Muller
H J Goff
J O'Hea Cantillon
R Cox
May 5, 1979
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan,
McCann, and O'Neill
Absent Ald Altman
Bill and Petition
Thomas Allen sidewalk on seventeenth and west locust streets
bill of John Kapp
Geo Ruth grade on iowa street extension
mrs John Haffey
John Nagle wall on Jefferon Street
Stock committee
Adam Habletzel
James S Norton
W A Jones asking for deeds for cemetary lots that was purchased before the cemetary
was transferred to the present association
V E Walker
Margaret Quinn
Ann Redford
Anna Wacha
H H Sater plow factory
Albert Leicht
M Dumphy
May 5, 1979
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan,
McCann, and O'Neill
Absent Ald Altman
Louis Gropp
Henry Grappe
B F Davis
E Langworthy hay market property motion adopted
Joseph Huber alley between white and jackson strees and from 9th to 10th streets
be macadamized motion granted
A Tschirgi
Bridget McMahon her lot had been wrongfully sold for a sidewalk tax to W Hintger - adopted
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Council met at 2 o'clock
Police Justice Coakley reported
N C Ryan reported on first ward scales
P Even reported on southern avenue scales
Wood Inspector W Waring reported
Market Master Adam Pier reported on central market scales, expense for boarding prisoners
and lodgers a calaboose
F Fosselmann reported on fifth ward scales
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Lamp Lighter O'Halloran reported
Market Master Henry Weller reported Central market scales, boarding prisoners and
lodgers at calaboose
Marshal Deckert reported salaries due the regular police force
Street Commissioner Dowling reported labors teams material
Recorder Quigley reported expenses wagers license saloon license peddlers
Committee on Finance to whom was referred the official bonds of several city offices
report in favor of approving the bonds
Treasurer Dan Rierdan
Recorder Joe P Quigley
Auditor F G Brandt
Marshal H C Deckart
Engineer M Tschirgi Jr
Wood Measurer Wm Waring
Assessor Henry Stecker
Report adopted
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an ordinance in relation to the
preservation and protection of the public health; report that they have given the matter
full consideration and find that the mayor is vested with full power and authority by the
present ordinance to appoint a sanitary board who will make all necessary arrangements
for the preservation and protection of the public health and we recommend that the
mayor appoint said board at his earliest convenience therefore your committee report adverse
to said ordinance.Report adopted
The same submitted an ordinance entitled an ordinance to change the width of sidewalk on
south side of third street which was read the first time on motion the yeas and nays were
demand in the suspension of Rule 29 to put the ordinance in its passage. Motions adopted.
The chair declared Rule 29 suspended. The ordinance was then read by its title and passed
by an unanimous vote.
Claim of G Harger
Petition of H Roe gutter cropings SE corner of 12th and Iowa NW Corner of 13th and Iowa and
NE Corner of Iowa street
petition of Joseph Moore
Mrs Ann Dowling
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Report adopted
Petition of Walter Hay sidewalk north side of fourteenth street
Petition of M M Trumball repair of Brad street
Petition of J Zangmeister grade on Nevada street
Petition of A Graham
Petition of B Sheridan
Petition of Geo N Raymond sidewalk from Hacketts Nursery on the north side of 5th street
to the 4th ward school house
Petition of W C Chamberlin curbing and paving on 17th street
Petition of P J Earle sewer on Sandford Street
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
report adopted
buildings and to present accidents by fire. Report and recommend that the report be
adopted as far as it relates to the ordinance and that the city marshall be and he is
hereby instructed to notify the custodians of the public buildings named in the Engineers
report to have the same reconstructed in 60 days in accordinace with the ordinance in
relation to public buildings and to prevent accidents by fire.
Petition of Johanah McNally
Petition of M M Trumball lamp on Brad street
Globe Gas Light Co
Key City Gas Light Company
Petition of the Dubuque Fire Deprtment
report of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
Petition of Turners Life Insurance Company
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Report adopted
Claim of Sol Turck
5 Ward Hose Co
Key City Hooke and Ladder Co
J K Graves Hose Company
Committee on Delinquent taxes
Petition of W F CollinsPetition of Joseph Traut
Petition of Bridget Roach
Petition of John Krayer
Petition of John Lavery
Petition of Jas Levi
C C Coakley
Capt Ryder
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Quit Claim Deed Mrs Elizabeth Emerson Kienes & Blocklinger subdivision. On motion
deed was accepted recorded in recorder office of the county
Council proceed to elect a chief and apisstant chief engineer of the Fire Department
for the ensuing year
Peter Fay
Jms Trieb
C Schreiber
P Sage
On motion Peter Fay having received a majority of all the votes cast was declared elected
to the office of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
The following gentlement were placed in nomination for apistant
Jerry Sullivan and Frank Morgan
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
On motion Jerry Sullivan having received a majority of all the votes cast was declared
elected to the position of apistant Engineer of he Fire Department.
Resolutions adopted
City Engineer
profile and estimate the cost of grading 30 foot street on the extension of Bluff Street
from Dodge Street to Grandview Street
resolutions laid over
alley between White and Jackson and 9th and 10th streets be graded and macadamized
bids and proposals
at expense of owners of the abutting property
Ed McCeary resolved
resolved to pay for laying a four foot plank sidewalk on teh North side of Fifth Street from
Hill street to Wilson Avenue by John McCoy contractor
W L Bradley & Co Wilson Subdivision
Hugh & Rooney
W A Harkett
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
resolved to pay for laying a plank sidewalk three fee wide on th west side of Grand View
Avenue from Delhi Road to Dodge Street by John McCoy Contractor
resolved the grade of Ellis street be changed, grade indicated by the red line be adopted
be it further resolved that under the provisions of sections 8 9 10 and11 of chapter 116
of the acts of the 16th general assembly that Wm L Bradley, Wm H Peabody and
W G Stewart be and are hereby appointed commissioners to appraise the damages (if any)
which will result to any person who shall have built or made improvements on said street
according to the grade heretofore established and whose property will will be injured on the
value thereof diminished by teh alteration of said established grade.
Resolved that the city Marshal be requested to report to the street committee within
10 days all defective sidewalks in the city and notify the owners of the same to have said
sidewalks put in a safe condition
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
resolved time for paying saloon license to be extended
enforce the ordinance n relation to saloons
resolved to settle all claims the city has against the Estate of the late C G Hargens
resolved that so much of Mayor Bush's inaugural address as refers to a sinking fund for
the extinguishment of the bonded indebtedness of the city, be referred to special committee
communication from auditor and treasurer
Union addition
T O Sullivan
draw order
resolved that the committee on ordinance is hereby instructed to present an ordinance in
relation to the births deaths and burials in the city
resolved that the city marshal is hereby instructed to notify
cut down poplar trees
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
propert owners whose property the dead poplar trees
cut down within 15 days from this date
resolution for sewer on the north side of sanford street from couler avenue to couler
resolved butcher licenses
congressional appropriatation for the imnprovement of the harbor
mayor be chairman of said committee be appointed to confer with the corps of engineers
sent here by order of the secretary of war
Mayor appointed said committee
twelve persons not members of this body be appointed in addition to the council committee
W J Knight
G B Burch
H L Stout
D N Cooley
M M Haur
B E Linehan
Peter Kiene Jr
Wm Ryan
A A Cooper
John R Waller
Maurice Benon
Thos Connelley
communication from Shiras Van Duzee & Henderson's attorneys for Geo L Torbesh
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Copy of decree
Enclosed herewith, please find a certified copy of he decreee rendered by the circuit
court of this country in the case of Geo L Torbert vs the City of Dubuque, wherein the
City is enjoined from permitting any market teams in wagons from occupying Iowa
Street south of 12th street and is enjoined to prevent others from placing such teams in
said street. We trust you have and will take immediate steps to carry out the judgement
and decree of the court
decree May 2 1879
considered adjudged and decreed
restrained and enjoined from using or permitting the use of Iowa Street south of 12th street
for market purposes and from permitting any market wagons or stands being placed or
kept on said Iowa Street south of 12th Street and from permitting any obstructions in the nature
of market wagons or stands being placed or kept on said Iowa street south of 12th street by
other prties and the defendant the said city of dubuque its agents officers and servants is
hereby commanded and enjoined to keep said Iowa Street south of 12th street unobstructed
and free from the nuisance cuased by the placing of market wagons and stands hereon.
state of Iowa
Dubuque County
J P Quigley clerk of the circuit court of the state of Iowa and for Dubuque County
Geo L Torbert is plaintiff
city of Dubuque defendant
Regular Session May 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution to enforce decree of court
Whereas by a decree of the cirtuit court of this county the city has been enjoined from using
Iowa Street south of 12th street for market purposes and from permitting such use by
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city marshal is hereby instructed
to prevent any market wagons orstands being placed on Iowa Street south of 12th street
and to that end is directed to have some proper person in attendance during market
hours to prevent wagons occupying any part of Iowa Street south of 12th Street.
Claims ordered paid
O'Brien & Cumings
F Mertz
Key City Gas Light Co
J Reinfreid
W Lewis
F E Frith
Key city Hook & Ladder Co
fifth Ward Hose Co
H Honack
Chris Volker
E J Donnelly
Smith & Plaister
N Theadinger
Dubuque Water Co
B D Linehan
Harney & O'Conner
D Lenihan
Jas Kelly Stationary
Schreiber & Strinsky
American Dist Telegraph Co
Peter Vogel
M O'Loughlin
Sol Turck Hose Co
Novelty Iron Works
J K Graves Hose Co
Patrick McMahon
B Kestler
Wood & Gissell
N Theadinger
Chs McMaster
Morrison Bro
Harney & O'Conner
Report West Dubuque Scales Chs Pitschner
received and filed
Special Session May 8, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of H H Sater representing the Norwegian Plow Company
City Attorney
exempt a citizen or citizens from taxation for any length of time
council has no authority to exempt anyone from municipal taxation neither has it any
authority to originally fix by ways of assessment the value of any property. That is a matter
belonging to the assessor in the first instance. The council has power to remit taxes after
assessed and levied but not previously to exempt persons from taxation. In the matter of
the Plow Co's application the city may remit their taxes after they have been assessed
and levied. H McNulty City Attorney
Chariman of the committee of the whole submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque as follows
That we the city council of the said city of Dubuque in consideration of the Norwegian Plow
Company manufacturer of plows coming to said city of dubuque and locating their whole
establishment in that business said city and carrying on the same to the etent of their
abiolity we the council of said city will remit to said company all the general municipal
taxes which may be assessed against them during the term of eight years next ensuing
on motion adjourned
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Council met at 9 o'clock am
Communication from M Tschirgi Jr City Engineer reconstructing the Eagle Point Sewer
Petitions read and referred
J M Harrison Bluff street
W Norton West Locust Street
W H Peabody14th street Walnut AltaVista streets
Orlando McCraney
deed of right of way open a road in rear of the proprty in the north side of Julian Avenue
James Sloan Heebs Hollow Couler Avenue
Sarah Jane Mahigan
Ann O'Hare vacate O'Hare's subdivision farming purpose
H Nieustaed condition of sidewalk corner of 18th and Clay Streets
Alfred Heron Grand View Avenue to Burden street
Resolution to arch the sewer on Hill Street Garrigaus property
Petition of R H Collier third street from east side of hill to west side of alpine graded guttered
curbed and macadamized and the rail road track be replaced
profiles of Nevada street all between 3rd Fenelon St and 17th Street west of West Locust Street
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
George Stephens, Secretary - I am instructed by the board of Directors to notify your honerable body of
the acceptance of the Norwegian Plow Company of the terms and conditions
of your resolutions adopted at the special meetingof the council held May 8th 1879. In
consideration of teh remissions of taxes for eight years the Norwegian Plow Company will
locate their works i Dubuque on or about October 1st 1879 and thereafter conduct all their
business in this city. On motion received and filed and ordered entered in the records
of the city
Petitions Bills and Communications read and referred
H W Bittman
T C Fassett
Dubuque Harbor Company
Dubuque County Bank
New York City
M B Gould of Chicago Ills 1st and Main St
Petitions and resolutions read and referred Police and Gas
Alex Farley Dodge Street
Flynn's Dairy
stables nuisance and annoyance
Resolution to place a gas lamp on the NW corner of 2nd and main streets with power
Resolution to place four globe bas lamps in the 5th ward power
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petitions read and referred
Solan M Langworthy
Margaret Lahan in S M Langworthy subd
Mrs. V Walker
Dubuque Telegraph Company
Mrs. B F Davis
Mrs. Ann Morris
Mary J Luke
Mrs. Mary Ensight
Mrs. Fredrick Hennings broken leg caused by stepping on a broken plank in a sidwalk on
Stafford Avenue
Settlement of this claim which was adopted the sum of one hundred dollars and the
payment of surgeon's bill
Mrs. Ellen McMahon cleaning around the market claim denied motion carried
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of George Zumhof and Son building slaughter and packing house opposit their
ice house on Sycamore Street referred to special committee
Petition of Geo B Burch and others stock holders in the Dubuque Steam Supply Company
asking the privilege to lay underground and retain in the streets and alleys of the city pipes and
conduits for the transmission or conveyance of steam, from a central point in said City
to such other points as may be deemed advisable by said company in motion the prayer of the
petitioners was granted
The petition of Farley Loetscher & Co asking to have the alley between 7th and 8th streets and
between White and Jackson streets ordered graded and macadamized. On motion petition
was granted.
Petition of H S Hetherington and Peter Kiene street improvement on Windsor Avenue received and filed
City Attorney McNulty excused from attendance
Adjourned until 2 o'clock pm
Afternoon session
Council met at 2 1/2 o'clock p.m.
Present all the aldermen
Petition of H T Woodman w 17th Street
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Chs H Gregors sidewalk on both sides of fifth (5th) street from Hill to Nevada Streets
Petition of Mary Baude Finley's Addition received and filed
Petition of Howard & Hoyne per J H Kenan received and filed
Petition of Schloth Bros stating they intend building an oat mill factory referred
Petition of M M Walker and 56 others defray expenses of delegation to Washington City
for the purpose of trying to induce the present secretary of war to revoke the order made
by his predecessor secretary Belknapp in relation to the location of a bridge between the
cityof dubuque and the city of East Dubuque as we are all in favor of the project of building
a bridge over the river at this loction. Motion adopted
Leckie submitted the following with a view of testing the sense of the council in this matter
resolved by the City
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Council of the city of dubuque
That three hundred dollars or so uch as is necessary is hereby appropriated to pay the
expenses of two pesons to go to Washington to be hereafter appointed to look after the
interest of the bridge. Resolution adopted
Ald McCann moved that the matter of appropriating two delegates to Washington City be
referred to the Mayor and Finance Committees
ald Jones moved to amend that the council elect the two delegates
Ald Brown moved to amend the amendment that the Mayor have power to appoint two
Chair put the amendment to amendment to the house which was adopted.
Street Commissioner M Dowling reported
N C Ryan reported 1st ward scales
Marshal Deckert reported salaries due regular police force
Chs Pitschener reported West Dubuque scale
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
P Even reported Southern Avenue Scales
Frank Fosselmann reported 5th Ward Scales
C M Mills Police justice reported
Auditor Brandt reported salaries
Market Master Welter reported central market scales and Huckster stands
Bonding and lodging prisoners in calaboose
Wood Inspector Waring reported
Recorder Quigley reported saloon licenses, peddlers , Teams & Express, Butchers
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported
Petition of Louis Meisch report adopted
Finance Committee
Estate of C G Hargus
Settled with Mrs. Hargus in full report adopted
Petition of Mrs. J M Emmerson report adopted
Ordinance committee submitted ordinance entitled Orginance granting the right to generate
and distribute steam by means of pipes under ground
Ordinance read for the first time on motion rule 29 suspended
Ordinance was then read by its title and on motion was adopted by unanimous vote
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for the registration of birth deaths burials and
contagious diseases
Read the first time and laid over under the rules
Report adopted
M J Finn
Bill of the Clerks of Supreme Court
Alex Simplot vs City of Dubuque
Claim of the Board of Registration
Poll Books
Henry Deckert
Henry Stecker
Dirk Quigley
A McCann
Opinion of City Attorney Recorder's right to charge for making up the poll books in city elections
for the city of Dubuque
I have examined the question and find from the statutes and ordinances that no such change
is allowable
committee on streets instructed by resolution to have Julian Avenue repaired, same has
been done at an expense of not exceeding the amount contemplated by resolution.
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Report adopted
Petition of Mrs. John Haffey Locust Street extension
Petition of R Cox Dorgaus subdivision
Petition of John Nagle Jefferson street retaining wall
Claim of John Kaep
Petition of A Habletzel
Petition of George Ruth
Report of Thomas Allen
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
report adopted
Plank Laid
north side of 17th Street from Seminary Street to West Locust Street
north side of West Locust Street from 17th Street to the west line if Cox's addition
Claim of Jos S Norten trees in park
Petition of W A Jones
deeds to all lot owners who purchased lots in Linwood Cemetary prior to the transfer of said
cemetary to the association
bill of Ham and Caraver
Bill of Key City Gas Light Company
Bill of J O'Hea Cantillon
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Report adopted
Petition of H J Goff
Petition of John Muller
Petition of C Janssen
Petition of George Fengler
policeman at Eagle Point
Petition of Louis Semper
nuisance in 5th ward
Petition of Theo Baugemann
nuisance in 5th ward slaughter house
filthy conditions and think the offenseive smell complained of is a just cause
recommend the same be removed by the marshal within ten days
Petition of Margaret Quinn
Petition of Anna Wache
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
alley between White and Jackson and Ninth and Tenth Streets begraded and macadamized
resolution adopted
on motion referred
grade the extension of Bluff Street from Dodge Street to Grand View
On motion referred
gas lamp on north west corner of second and main
resolved and adopted
Alley between 7th and 8th street and white and jackson streets be gradedand macadamized
bids and proposals
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution submitted and adopted for Sidewalk on 5th street to 4th ward school house
Haskett Nursery
Resolution for sewer on Eagle Point Avenue between Curler Avenue and Couler Ceek
bids and proposals
resolution adopted
Resolution to borrow $5,000.00 adopted
Adjourned until 7 1/2 o'clock pm
Council met as per adjournment at 7 1/2 o'clock
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Jones
submitted and referred to committee on streets
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Jones
Sewer on Hill Street opposite Garrigan property be arched
bids and proposals
resolved and adopted four (4) globe gas lamps be placed at the following places
Washington Street between Sanford Street and Eagle Point Avenue
Corner of Valeria and Hart
jackson Street betwween Eagle Point and Ninth
orner of Windsor Avenue and Sanford Street
Claims read and motion ordered paid
D W Linehan
W Lewis
J W Coy
F H Finke
J Maclay & Co
J Schupkothen
Wm Klauer
Thos Sackett
Aug Guintzel
Andrew Treadway & Sons
James Lalley
Key City Gas Light Co
J W Hoffmann
J K Graves Hose Co
J Kammuller
N Eichmann
Carson M Elrath
F Simens
5th Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
John Webb
Lagen & Sons
M Morgan Wall on Jefferson St
C Sembeck
B Sheridan
C Niasen & Son
pat McMahon
F Mertz
Henry Haas
P Vogel
Jacob Rasner
Chs McMaster
A Bonnhover
Hausen & Linehan
Geo H Fry
Poole Gillian & Co
Cabinet Makers
Hausen & Linehan
M O'Loughlin
C. McElrath
F G Branath
Rebman & Henion
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Dubuque Water Co
F Donahue sewer Julien
North W G Gas Co
Mrs. Fredrick Henningbroken
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Jones
Claim Telegraph Co referred
the following was handed in by Adl Doerfler Dubuque June 9 1879 received from the city of
dubuque the sum of one hundred 100.00 for damages Fredericke Hennings Mrs Hennings
W L Bradley
W G Steward
W H Peabody
resolution may 5 1879
Notice of appointment of commissioner on Ellis St grade
J P Quigley
Commissiones accept
oath of office
Regular Session June 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Jones
Bradley Steward Peabody sworn to T J Paisley Notary Public
Notice of commissioners to parties interested in the change of Ellis St grade
H S Hetherington
P Ford
George Eaton
Thomas Murray
June 18 1879
Special Session June 25, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Opening of bids in the Eagle Point Sewer and alleys
moved and adopted
resolution to refer bids
committee on streets to report on bids
alley between 9th and 10th and White and Jackson Streets
Albert Leicht $189.02
Martin & Strain 159.96 rejected not signed
Wm McLaughlin & Co 178.10
E N Foy 187.17
James Carney 144.26
alley awarded to James Carney adopted
Alley between 7th and 8th and White and Jackson streets
Martin & Strain $179.59 rejected not signed
A Leicht 197.90
McLaughlin & Co 187.46
E N Foy 226.60
James Carney 169.33
Alley awarded to Jms Carney
Special Session June 25, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
James Carney being the lowest bid
moved that the contract be awarded to him
Sewer on Eagle Point Avenue
James Carney $2253.50
Martin & Strain 2299.20
T J Donahue 2520.73
Jas N Foy 2651.90
Peter Nix 2710.65
awarded to James Carney adopted
report on Bluff Street Extension
C Janssen saloon license adopted
J Graff saloon license adopted
James Haggerty compensation breaking leg defective sidewalk on dodge referred
Michael A'Hern broken leg defective sidewalk on Julien Avenue referred
Special Session June 25, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Norwegian Plow Co asking to have course of the drain from Dodge Street changed
Petition of Eliza burden referred
Petition of J Zanmeister Nevada Street graded and alley south of Julien avenue graded
and macadamized
Resolution on Wharfage
Resolved that the committee on ordinance be instructed to prepare an ordinance and
submit same to council at its next regular session for the collectio of wharfage
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petitions read and motion referred
M O'Hearn broken leg
James Haggerty broken leg
Dubuque County Bank
City Warants
drawing interest
per annum
accrued interest
Petition of B B Richards
Petition and Bills referred
Globe Gas Co
W B Cleaver city slaughter house in block 17 in Rail Road Addition
approved by 16 of the City Butchers
Petition of John Neidmeyer lamps corner of Division and Humbold and corner of Division
and Middle
Petition of C Mullen
N Y McDonnells foundry and machine shop chimneys too low
Petition of John W Schultz street lamps
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of J P O'Brien gas lamp Julien Ave and Rock St
Petition of Henry Lilly arrested wrongfully and brutally beaten byb policeman
arrested without cause or offense
have matter investigated
Report of Police Justice Horner to examine the charges
Petitions read and referred
Henry Grimms alley between White and Jackson and 10th and 11th streets
prevent stagnant water
C H Berg Yates Street
carry of water between Yates and Bluff
Joseph Pazandaka alley between Jackson and Washington and 10th and 11th streets
Resolution improving Water Street between First and Jones Street
John Kieffer complaint Mr. Sanford fencing whole side of Couler creek and leaving us
without a street
interfere on our behalf and open us a street
W W Woodward Main Street grade and curb
R Nolte curb and gutter 10th street referred
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of David G Scott improving of 14th Street
Petition of John Hartman Washington Street curb and gutter and macadamize
referred adopted
Petition of Thomas Jones against improving Wshington Street referred
Petition of Margaret Jordan against improving Washington Street referred
Petitions read and referred
Margaret Lear
R W Stewart for Bell Gold Mining Company
G B Hamilton
suit in the district court
Mrs. Mary Mix
Wm L Bradley & Co William Subdivision
Mrs. M Shannon
John Degnan
E M Woodworth McDaniels subdivision
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petitions referred
J E Wooten Hill Street and WEst Dubuque Street Railway Company referred
special committee with power
Peter Klein ordinance in relation to hawking meat for sale about the streets
Patrick McNamara injured while employed by the city working in streets
Richard Cox
Cox's addition
Mineral street
curbing guttering and macadmizing said lots
petition granted
Adjourned until 2 o'clock pm
Council met at 2 o'clock as per adjournment
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Norwegian Plow Company water course from Dodge Street changed
matter attended as prayed for report adopted
Marshal Deckert reported received file and ordered paid
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Street commissioner Dowling reported
laborers teams masons carpenters material
received filed ordered paid
Auditor Brandt reported received filed and ordered paid
Recorder Quigley reported
Saloon license
circus license
hotel runner license
peddlers license
teams and expense license
Hugh Talty special Policeman reported
discharged fro further duty
Chs Pitschner reported west dubuque scales
W Waring wood inspector reported wood measurer
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Received and filed
Frank Fosselmann reported 5th ward scales
P Evan reported Southern Avenue scales
N C Ryan reported 1st ward scales
Market master Welter reported central market scales
boarding prisoners at the calaboose
The Committee on Finance
Petition of thomas C Fassett
C W Bittman
M B Gould
W A Palmer
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Dubuque County bank
New York
resolution to prepare an ordinance to regulate and collect wharfage
city attorney
agreement between city and Joseph Reynolds
inappropriate to draft said ordinance
ordinance regulating sale of kerosene oil referred
ordinance to provide for registration of births deaths and burials and contageous diseases
ordinance adopted
committee on printing authorized to procure necessary books and blanks to carry out the
provisions of the above ordinance
Committee on streets
petition and dedication of Orlando McCraney adopted
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Mrs. Sarah Jane Mahigan
J M Harrison
F E Augstin
A Heron
right of way of uniform width
A Nieustadt
John W Norton
covering sewer
R H Collier
J Zangmeister
Nevada Street alley south of Julien avenue
J Strain
Eagle Point Sewer
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Committee on printing bills referred
adopted ordered paid
Telegraph Co's bill for printing
Peter Karberg
Herald Co
Times Co
Resolution of Ald O'Neill for a lamp post corner of main and 2nd streets.
Report they have complied with resolution.
Report adopted
lamp post 5th ward adopted
Place one of the regular policemen at Eagle Point during the tramp season adopted
Key City Gas Light Company bills adopted
Petition of Alex Farley
15 to 20 head of cattle within the city causing offensive smells and inerfering withe the health
and comfort of individuals is a nuisance
recommend ordinance be passed prohibiting the keeping of ove three head of cattle in
any city lot or within a reasonable distance of any house
report adopted
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Eliza Burden cancellation of tax named not adopted
Resolved that Mrs. Eliza Burden's assessment reduced to five thousand dollars $5,000
without interest
City Treasurer installment of the saloon licenses
Saloon license time extended
Moved to amend all saloons be closed after that date where proprietors have not procured the
proper license
all of which motions were carried
Committee on ordinance be instructed to submit an ordinance prohibiting keeping of more than
three cattle adopted
Petition of Mrs. Ann Morris report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Rachel Davis report adopted
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Report adopted
Mrs. mary Ensight
Mary J Luke
Margaret Lahan
Dubuque Telegaph Co
Mrs. V Walker Hoopers Addition
Era Hansen and Wm Hintrager
Resolution and agreement submitted for improving exension of Bluff Street
Submitted Water street between first and jones streets be graded and macadamized
bids and proposals
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolved Third (3rd) street from east side of Hill Street to West side of Alpine be graded
guttered curbed and macadamized
bids and proposals
resolution adopted
resolved tht an order for $8000.00 bearing 8%
in favor of German Bank
bonds Nos 15, 16, 17-18-19-20-21 and 25 one thousand dollars each
Eighmey loan
sidewalk constructed on east side of Iowa Street beween first street and jones street
resolution adopted
Resolution in relation to an arch over the sewer on Hill Street
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Hill Street Sewer Vote
motion lost
Reconsideration of the matter in reference to sending deligates to Washington in regard
to the location of a bridge adopted
Order appropriating money to defray the expenses of said deligates be canceled
Resolution sidewalk West Locust Dorgan's subdivision
resolution adopted
Resolved that 14th street between Walnut and 100 fee west of Cox street be graded
guttered and macadamized
amend by changing the grade
amendment carried and referred to Street Committee and City Attorney
Bills read and ordered paid
D W Linehan
Walker & Rhombeg
R J Whelpley
E M Ogilby
N C Ryan
Peter Fay
B D Linehan
Morrison Bros
J W Hoffmann
H Mauer
Regular Session July 7, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
F H Finke
Hough Martin
Nick Eichmann
J F McCue
Chs Mcmaster
Asa Roberts
B D Linehan
A Freeman
P Ollinger
P Klauer
Key City Hooke and Ladder Co
Geo H Fry
F Mertz
J K Graves Hose Co
5th Ward Hose Co
F Zimmones
Carsen McElsrath
Harvey & O'Conner
T E Frith
Dane Breen
Bush & Frick
Laflin & Rand Powder Co
John Freeman
F Mertz
Am District Telegraph
E V Hayden
Grosvenor & Harger
Michael Linehan
M Downey
H Ziekprecht
E Eichmann
M Tschirgi Jr
Hough Tally
J F Conant
Mrs. Patric McMahan
P Klauer
Key City Gas Light Co
J J Linehan
Westphal Hinds Co
J J Butt & Bros
Sol Turck Hose Co
M O'Loughlin
J T Upton
A J Jueger
Mrs. P McMahon
Oliver & Cragin
Morrison Bros
Dubuque Water Co
L Daly
F Mertz
Healy Bros
F J Paisley
Grosvenor & Harger
Bill of G Kimse & Co for whitewashing referred
Bill of R Watkins services on Engine hoses referred
bill of Morris & Beaty referred
Schloth Brothers
buildings to be erected for an oatmeal factory
petition granted
Regular Session July 11, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Altman
report of the committee of the whole on Bluff Street extension improvement
adopted unanimous vote
draw out the profile of the old grade
Street commissioner be instructed not to spend more than twenty-five ($25.00) on any one
street or alley and not to exceed $50.00 in case of washouts
resolution not adopted
Agreement from residents on West Hill to remove present sidewalk and replace in the new
street if improvements made to bluff street extension
report on Petition and recommend for improving Washington Street from 10th to 19th
said stretch be guttered and curbed and macadamized from tenth (10th) streets
remonstrances be received and filed
report adopted
Regular Session July 11, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Altman
Resolution to improve Washington Street from 10th to 15th street
graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance
bids and proposals
resolution adopted
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
report on J Zanmeister petition
grading Nevada street and improving alley south of Julien Avenue
Petitions of Genl G W Jones & E Mobley Cox Street
deeded right of way to city
Petition of John Hodgen 14th street
Petition of J T Howard ccoal gas lamp on corner of 16th and Iowa streets
Petition of V J Williams recommending Joseph Watry for position of patrolman
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
City Assessment Roll for 1879 completed and delivered to the City Auditor
received and filed
Petition of George Burden referred
Petition of Chas Jones permission to use mineral shaft on 14th Street referred
Petition of Patrick Reilly alley between Hazell and Park Streets referred
Petition of Mrs. Bridget Keogh referred
Petition of R Strobel referred
Petition of Jacob Seeger stating he had purchased lot 240 in 1862 and paid all the taxes
that appeard in the City tax books against said lot. The City Treasurer July 25th 1870 sold
said lot for the tax of 1857 to Wm Hintrager for $66.20. After I found out my lot was sold
which was October 2nd 1874 I petitioned the City Council and stated the facts in the
case and the Council then ordered the sale cancelled and drew an order in favor of
Wm Hintrager for the money he had
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Peter J Seeger
with 10% interest from date of purchase amount $87.30 supposed this settled the matter
and heard nothing further about it till the 25th day of July last, when I was notified by
the City Treasurer that said Hintrager held a certificate of purchase against said lot for
the tax of 1857, and was demanding a deed, and he was compelled by law to
execute it to him on that day. As I could not help myself I was compelled to make terms
with said Hintrager and pay him $100.00 above the amount previously offered him by
the city and placed in the treasury to his credit. I am not to blame in the matter and think
the council has done what it could to protect me thus far but this loss to me is occassioned
by the acts of the former officers of the city. I ask the council to indemnify me against it
by refunding me the $100.00 I was compelled to pay said Hintrager. Referred
Petition of Geo R Clark Main Street referred
Petition of A Graham illegal tax sale to Wm Hintrager of fa sidewalktax on Mineral Lot
No 77 in 1870 referred
Petition of J F Bates referred
Petition of mrs. Catherine C Wood referred
Petition of J P O'Brien Rock Street referred
Petition of Mrs. Sarah J Mahegan referred
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Joseph Pazandak water marina extended to 15th street and fire plug placed on
said street referred
Petition of Margaret and John Graff saloon license laid on table
Petition of J A Parker remonstrating against the council giving to T B cleaver permission to
build a slaughter house in R R Addition referred
Petition of mrs. H B Glover and other ladies asking to have the name of Fenelon Street
changed to that of Fenelon Place referred
Petition of J Strain paving on the levee referred
Petition of Mary Fallon referred
Petition of Joseph Gehrig license hotel private boarding houses equal and exact justice received
Petition of Bridget Brannon Quigley's addition referred
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Sisters of Charity by W J Knight Seminary Street referred
Remonstrance of H F Webb alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets and between
Julien Avenue and Fifth Street received and filed.
Petition of Agnes Turner referred
Report of Street Commissioner Dowling
fending of sidewalk in front of Tim Kanes property
repairing third street bridge
seventh street bridge
sixth street bridge
54 barrells of lime in disinfecting the alleys throughout the city
Petition of E B Chandler of Chicago asking permission to put in five fire alarm boxes of the
latest improvement free of cost to the city referred
Street commissioner Dowling reported sum of $2249.70 expended laborers teams masons
and carpenter work rock and expense in hauling received and filed
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Mr. Thelan pay same as Mr. O'Dea
four foremen paid sume of $1.50 per day
Amend Amendment that the action of the street committee in regulating the wages be
moved that the matter be laid on the table
adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
Council met as per adjournment at 2 o'clock p.m.
all present
Mr. Tschirgi Jr City Engineer 2nd quarterly report in the erection of buildings referred
to enforce the ordinances
H C Deckert city marshal submitted report on policement neglecting duty received and filed
H C Deckert submitted the following report
the undersigned must respectfully report that he was instructed by your honorable body to
remove or have removed that portion of the Morter building of the Hill and West Dubuque
Street Railway Co now being upon a portion of what is known as Forrest Lane.
when the time came to remove said obstructio off from said street his honor the Mayor
requested that nothing further be done in the previous until after this meeting of the
council, hence I have not removed said obstruction and will await further directions from your
honorable body.
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petitions of S P Hough & Co by M H Moore received and filed
Communication from the Secretary of the Interior Washington D.C. in relation to the
taking of the tenth cencus referred
A communication from His Excellency Governor Geer of Iowa asking the city councili to
forward him a statement of the indebtings of the city and state of taxation for the use
of the next general assembly referred
Marshal Deckert
policemen appointed
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported
Chs Pitschner report west dubuque scales
Frank Fosselmann report 5th Ward scales
Wood inspector WAring reported
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Market Master Welter reported market scales
rent of stands
boarding prisoners and strangers at calaboose
Auditor Brandt reported salaries city officers and fire department
Marshal Deckert reported salaries police force
N C Ryan reported 1st Ward scale
Recorder Quigley number and amount of licenses issued
livery stable
teams and expense
pork packer's
map city
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Mr. Tschirgi Jr City Engineer referred petition of John Deery and L N Converse
Clark Street west Locust to 17th Street
Marshal Deckert reported
Adam Jager
cows and hogs
Tom Upton
referred to committee on ordinance
Bill of Dr. Waples for services in attending Mr. Berg by order of D Hoffmann acting marshal
Police Jutice Jennings reported
Nuisance on Lots 531 and 532 1/2 owned by Bishop Hennessey and his brother David
notice to abate nuicance and both refuse to do so
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Bond of residents of West Hill
replacing sidewalk on Bluff Stree tExtension
Mr. A'Hern compensation for broken leg caused by defective sidewalk
unable to make settlement
report adopted
Petition of James Haggerty asking for compensation for a broken leg
report adopted
Petition of B B Richards
report adopted
Communication of the Dubuque County Bank in relation to claim against the City
Petition of Patrick McNamara adopted
Remonstrance of Margaret Jordan against improving Washington Street
report adopted
Petition of John Kieffer
report adopted
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
reports adopted
Petition of W H Peabody macadomizing guttering and curbing 14th Street
Cox Street from Walnut Street
James Sloan
Petition of Joseph Pazandak
improving alley between Jackson and Washington streets and 10th and 11th streets
Petition of Henry Grimme
Remonstrance of David G Scott against improving 14th Street
Resolution of Ald Brown in relation to improving Water Street. Report adverse to the
resolution, the J C R R Co having consented to put a few car loads of cinders in said
street which will answer every purpose
Petition of R Nolte
Petition of C H Berg
Petition of A O'Hare
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Reports adopted
Petition of Peter J Zangmeister Nevada Street and Julien Avenue
committee on markets repair scales
committee on public grounds and buildings bill of G Kirmse & Co
committee on printing registration of births and burials
bill of Ham and Carver
bill of Times Company
bill of the Telegraph Co
Lot book paid Palmer Winall & Co
bills of R Watkins and Morris & Beatty
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
reports adopted
Bill of Key City Gas Light Co
bill of Globe Gas Co
Petition of J P O'Brien Rock Street and Julien Avenue
Petition of John W Schultz Broad Street
Report of Justice Horner
change for docketing allowed under ordinance
Petition of C Mullin
premise compliance of Mr. McDonald has added ten feet to the height of his chimney which
we think will abate the nuisance complained of
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
reports adopted
Petition of Henry Lilly
examined the charges by taking statement
charge is sustained
officer striking the said Lilly over the head with his billy without any real cause of danger to
charge of intoxication was made by the officer
violations of one of our city ordinances
committee would therefore report against refunding the fine and costs
committee would furrther state that complaints are made to them daily that parties arrested
by our city officers are not taken before our Police Justice as the ordinance requires but is
handed over to some other peace officer and taken before one of the justices of the peace
and tried under the state law. Your committee recommends this charge be referred to
a committee for investigation to report to this council.
referred to committee on police
Petition of Mrs. mary Mix
Petition of Mrs. M Shannon
Petition of G B Hamilton
Petition of Ann Redfern
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
reports adopted
Petition of Bell Gold Mining Company
Petition of E M Woodworth
Petition of Solon Langworthy
Petition of W L Bradley & Co
Petition of Mrs. M Lear
Petition of Geo Zumhof
Petition of Peter Klein prohitib farmers and others from selling meat unless licensed the
same as regular butchers
majority of your committee report in favor of granting teh prayer of petitioners and that an
ordinance be passed that no fresh meat shall be sold at the market from the 1st of May
until October
Alds Leckie and Jones submitted the following minority report
We a minority of the commmittee appointed to consider the petition
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
of the Peter Klein et al asking for protection in the sale of fresh meats by farmers during a
portion of the year report tht they are opposed to prohibiting the sale of any produc brought
to our city by farmers at any time of the year, for the following reasons. First the city council
has no authority or power to prohibit the sale of farm products but may regulate the sale of
the same and secondly if it had the power we are opposed to it using that power as
prohibiting the sale of any article by any class of citizens tends to encourage monopolies and
is against the best interest of the citizens of Dubuque and would therefore recommend that
the petition be received and filed.
mayor declared the minority report adopted
Ordinance on oils
Ald Leckie submitted an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection
Ordinance on sidewalks laid over until next session under the rules
on motion adjourned until 8 o'clock pm
Evening Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
John Bell receipt
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald O'Neill presented the following which was referred to the committee on Police and Gas
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the committee on Police and Gas be
and they are hereby directed to cause a globe bas lamp to be placed on the SW corner of
John Street and 5th Streets
Ald Jones submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the alley between Washington and
Jackson and from10th to 11th Streets be graded and macadamized
referred to committee on Police and Gas
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Committee on Police and Gas
directed to have a lamp placed on 3rd street between St Mary's and Burch Street
The resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque tht to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on
the north side of fifth street from Hackets nursery to the fourth ward school house by
James Crawford Contractor
special tax be levied
Wm Kelley Lot 6 of Lot 7 of Min Lot 79
O P Chandler Lot 16 of Minl Lot 79
Rose Carlin Lot 17 of Minl Lot 79
H S Hetherington Lot 19 of Minl Lot 79
Geo W Martin Lot 13 Martins Dubuque
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
resolved to pay for macadamizing alley from 7th to 8th streets between White and Jackson
streets by James G Carney Contractor
special tax be levied
Andrew Reily 354 City
A Cain S 50 3/12 ft of Lot 355 City
Adrew Reilley N 11/12 ft of 355 City
Estate R Waller S 29 ft of 356 City
A Cain N 22 2 ft of 356 City
John Hodgden S 34 ft of 357 City
Est R Waller N 17 2 ft of 357 City
B A Campbell 358 City
B A Campbell 369 City
B A Campbell 370 City
B A Campbell 371 City
Farley Loetscher & Co 372 City
Farley Loetscher & Co 373 City
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted by the full vote of the council. Resolved
14th Street between Walnut Street and 100 feet west of Cox street
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
M Tschirgi Jr
Profile of Nevada Street
Grade of Nevada Street declared official grade resolved adopted
resolved change of grade of 14th street as shown be adopted as official grade
F Weigle
John Flynn
Wm C Wilkinson
Geo W Jones
Wm H Peabody
John Goldthorp
Simon Treanor
Richard Cox
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Investigate charges vs P Fay Chief FD
Ald Lickie submitted the following which was referred to one Alderman from each ward
Whereas certain charges of mismanagement of the Fire Department at the fire of the
Key City Barrel Factory and L D Randall & Co collar factory in the night of July 22, 1879
by Peter Fay chief of Fire Department has been published and also charging that he is
incompetent to manage said department and whereas believing that said charges of
incompetency are entertained by many of our large property owners, justice to the said Fay
and the citizens of Dubuque demand that an investigation be made into said charges;
therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that a committee of five
one from each ward be appointed by the mayor to investigate said charges and report to
this council.
Resolved Arched Sewer on Hill Street
Garrigan property
resolution adopted
Recorder be instucted to notify teh petitiones of the action taken in regard to their petition
Amend resolution by substituting the city treasurer instead of recorder
resolution as amended was adopted
following submitted which was adopted
an order
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
an order be drawn Dubuque County Bank
Finance Committee be instructed to borrow three thousand dollars $3000.00 for the
City of Dubuque resolved and adopted
Water District 1879 remain in force same map answering the purpose
property in said district is subject to water tax
resolved and adopted
committee on Fire has been informed that at the last fire in said city the water was reduced
in the reservoir of the water company
such reducing of the water in said reservoir in the extinguishing of a fire such as referred to is
dangerous to the interest of said city
should be thoroughly invested by this council
be it resolved that a committee be apointed to examine into the supply of water together with
the conditions and capacity of the reservoir of said water company
Resolved whereas at the late fire on Iowa street between Third and Fourth streets our fire
apparatus proved inefficient
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
we are liable any day to have a fire of the same magnitude. Therefore be it resolved that
the comittee on fire be instructed to negotiate for the purchase of a new steam fire
engine to be added to our fire dpeartment and also that a proper building be constructed
in which to place the same.
prepare ordinance in reltion to appointment of police
resolved by city council ordinance to amend chap 31 of revised ordinance
police and night watchmen
resolution adopted
Treasurer communication tax for stamps received filed
resolved and adopted finance committee settle with Wm Hentrager taxes of M S Robinson
Treasurer Report G W Burton
city Marshal reported nuisance on lots 531 and W 1/2 of 532
be it resolved be filled in
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Nuisance on Lot 521
City marshal reported
Nuisance on Lots 531 and N 1/2 of 532
be filled in
abstract of title of lots 255 and 256 in Davis Farm Addition to the City of Dubuque
Marshal to proceed to collect licenses due from hotels and boarding houses adopted
H J McNulty city attory presented written opinion in relation to licensing hotels and boarding
Attorney's opinion on licensing hotels
Petition of Joseph Gehrig
city charter
in subdivision 18 of section six of the charter of dubuque
Regular Session August 4, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Attorney's opinion
the power to tax and regulate hotel keepers and other boarding houses under said subdivision
of section the city of Dubuque passed are ordinance Chapter 23 in the fourth section of
which chapter they fix a license for hotel keepers and other boarding houses at the sum of
$15.00 per annum with a penalty for the noncompliance with said ordinance.
Upon the above law and ordinance I have come to the conclusion and hold the law to be
that hotel keepers are compelled to pay the license fixed at $15.00 per year.
Equalization Committee appointments
Policement Carney and Pickley be discharged from duty, moved to amend resolution and
proceedings in the case be laid on the table without taking action
nothing done
adjourn until Tuesday, August 5 1879 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session August 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Open and reed bids for street work adopted
Referred to street committee adopted
report on bids for street work
3rd St from Hill to Alpine streets
Spear and Lee
Martin and Strain
George Reynolds
rejected bids of Spear and Lee and George Reynolds
award to Martin and Strain although not the lowest it is the only one in form
Washington Street from 10th to 15th Streets
J E Foy
James G Carney
Martin & Strane
Geo Reynolds rejected
awarded to James G Carney
Petition of H M Kingman
owner of city bonds issued March 1858
Nitengale Bonds
On motion this petition was recieved and filed and recorder instructed to notify Mr.
Kingman that the city to pay said bonds adopted
Adjourned Regular Session August 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Remonstrance of Geo Fengler
building of a slaughter house by Mr. Cleaver at Eagle Point
reference to the committee on police
Lay sidewalk on Seminary Street
resolved and adopted
Claims read and ordered paid
B Sheridan
T O Sullivan
Peter Hansen
Morrison Bros
T W Ruete
D W Linehan
James Kelley
James R Day
L H Langworthy
Jacob Bode & son
Carsen McElrath
Morrison Bro
Mrs. Patrick McMahon
Schrieber & Strinsky
Lagen & Clair
Key City Gas Light Co
Wm Foy
John Palls
N H Theadinga
M O'Loughlin
Wullweber Bros
M Morgan
H Freeman
Peter Vogal
F E Moser
T W Ruete
Henry Stecher
T O'Sullivan
N H Theadinga
John Schwink
John McCoy
Morrison Bros
Mrs. P McMahon
Andrew Treadway & Sons
T F Koepfli
J K Graves Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
Chs McMaster
Arnold Tschirgi
American Dist Telegraph Co
Regular Session August 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Bills paid
T E Frith
Healy Bros
W K De Lenmier
Dubuque Water Company
N H Theading
T J & D L Connell
Burch Babcock & Co
M Downey
M A Herbert
T J Paisley
Andrew Treadway & Sons
N H Theadinga
Dr Staples
Bill from A Y McDonald referred
reconsider action of council in relation to building arched sewer on Hill Street
motion lost
Special Session August 18, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Object to be in relation to the filling in 3rd street
B J Oneill asking that a portion of the filling on 3rd street be used in filling hole Alpine street
Petition of N Palen recommend Peter Mersch as policeman received filed
Petition of M Cosgrove special assessment tax referred
Petition of S M Langworthy ordinance in relation to transient merchants
selling lumber in city nd pay neither taxes or licenses
communication from Mayor Bush in relation to licenses issued by his order and treasurer
refusees to receive the money and receipt for some without the council order him to do so
Drum Corps
Petition of Samuel Martins
old market house corner of Jones and Main Streets removed
grain and pork market
petition referred
declared adopted
Special Session August 18, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Mayor appointed the following aldermen
A communication from the mayor of Quincy, Illinois inviting the council of Dubuque to send
deligates to that city to attend a convention in the improvement of the Mississippi River
to be held October 15, 1879
Ald Brown submitted resolution to improve 14th street referred
Petition of German Bank asking council to cancel the tax against the rhomberg distillery
received and filed
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Herod
Petition of Bell Telephone Company to furnish city five alarm stations
three month trial
monthly rental to be at rate of forty dollars per month
rule 11 suspended.
Mr. Kime explain the operations of the Bell Telephone as a better system for giving an
alarm of fire than the one now in use
Petition of Bridget Roach referred
Petition of Chs Weber 14th stree referred
Petition of Adam Glab sidewalk on west side of couler avenue fenced
travel stopped
open same without delay referred
Petition of George Crane grade of Iowa Street
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Herod
Petition of Chs Apel stating that they had paid a butchers license we paid said license with
the understanding and promise of some of the aldermen that the ordinance in reltion to the
sale of meats should be enforced and through the advise of your attorney tht you had no
right to collect license of certain class of meat vendors and as all clap legislation is
unjust if not illegal we ask that you refund the money paid by us under a misappropriation
received and filed
Petition of O E Gurnsey hydrants and elm tree corner of 10th and main street referred
Petition of H B Glover mineral shafts on Kelley's Bluff filled referred
Petition of A Steines
Petition of Thos W Parker sidewalk lots No 27 28 31 32 Wilson Ave
Petition of the trustees of the German Lutheran Chuch granted
Petition of Catherine Newhouse granted
Petition of Mrs. Mary E Mix received and filed
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Ald Herod
Petition of F E Augustine city Marshal to remove obstructions from the road or street leading
from Julien Avenue to Delhi Road not complied with referred
Petition of M Kingman
Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co
street opposite motor house
Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co be required to furnish a bond to indemnify the
city for the cost of condemning property for opening the street opposite the motor house
if the building is on the street bond to be furnished within 10 days
Petition of George Gartner lamp on corner of High and Humbold Streets referred
Petitions referred to committee on delinquent taxes
Margaret Flynn
German Bank
Henry Luz
Mary Mullins
Mrs. Thos Faherty
Mrs. E Turner
Mrs. Geo Siege
Ajourned until 2 o'clock pm
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
report of City engineer Tschirgi Jr petition of C H Berg improving street north from 14th st referred
Petition of W J Dolson grade change interestection of 14th and Alta Vista streets referred
Petition of S J Patch alley between Fenelon Place and Third street improved referred
P Evan reported southern avenue scales received and filed
N C Ryan reported 1st ward scales received and filed
Chs Pitschner reported west Dubuque scales received and filed
F Fosselmann reported 5th ward scales received and filed
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Recorder report of births deaths contageous diseases
whole numbe rof births 46
whole number of deaths 30
whole numbe of infectious diseases 13
received and filed
Recorder Quigley submitted report of all licenses issued 1876 to 1879 referred
Auditor Brandt reported salaries city officer and fire department received and ordered paid
Marshal Deckert reported policeman John Mill was entitled to two and one half day pay
received and filed and ordered paid
Market Master Welter reported central market scales rent of Huckster stands expense in
boarding prisoners in calaboose
received filed ordered paid
report of Marshal Deckert sale of bull referred
Wood Inspector Waring report
Marshal Deckert reported amount due A Jaeger and T Upton for impounding cattle hogs
received filed ordered paid
Marshal instructed to discharge one of the men at the pound
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Marshal Deckert reported amounts due the special police
received filed ordered paid
Marshal instructed to discharge all the special police
Marshal Deckert reported the policement having been absent from their beat on account
of sickness
James Flynn
Andrew Speigel
Mashal Deckert reported salaries due police force
received filed ordered paid
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported
Recorder Quigley reported number and amount of licenses issued
Auctioneer 1
Butchers 2
Inkeepers 3
Peddlers 8
Saloon 4
Teams & Express Wagons 37
Dog 4
City Map 1
received and filed
Chief Engineer Foy
Street Commissioner Dowling reported
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Foremen of Street Labor be paid one dollar and fifty cents per day from the 1st of August 1879
Amend that they receive amount for past time during summer
Amendment lost
Original motion
motion adopted
report adopted instructed to draw orders for several amounts
communication from market master Welter in relation to the manner of Mrs. Patrick McMahon
cleaning around the market house referred
Committee on Finance report petition of Archibald Graham adopted
Petition of Mary Fallon adopted
Circular of the department of the interior. Census office Washington D.C. asking for all reports
in relation to the city. report adopted
Petition of Geo Burden referred
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Committee on ordinance referred petition of S M Langworthy
transient merchants
City Marshal be and he is hereby directed by this Council to enforce the ordinance in
relation to transient merchants
report adopted
Ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the repairing of sidewalks which was read
a second time adopted by unanimous vote
Petition of James Nichols report adopted
Petition of Michael Cosgrove report adopted
Petition of S Martin removing old Market house corner of Jones and Main Streets report adopted
Petition of Mrs. H B Glover Fenelon Stret changed to the name of Fenelon Place report
Alderman McCann submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the name of Fenelon Street be
and the same is hereby changed to that of Fenelon Place.
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Alderman Brown submitted the following
Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque that fourteenth (14th) street between
Washington and Pine streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized
resolution adopted
Committee on Harbors
Communication and invitation of his honor the mayor of quincy, illinois relative to the
River improvement
report that they have duly considered the same and do these five recommend that two
delegates, one Alderman and one citizen be sent to attend the convention to be held at
Quincy Ills October 15th 1879 to represent our interest in that convention, and the sum of
one hundred dollars to be appropriated to defray their expenses. We also recommend as
such delegates Alderman Leckie and B E Linehan Esq.
The chair declared the report adopted.
Printing Bills
Ham & Carver and Times Company report adopted
Bill of A Y McDonald Committee on Fire report adopted
Committee on Police remonstrance of J A Park and Geo Fengler against Cleaver building
slaughter house in the 5th ward report adopted
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Reports adopted
Petition of W B Cleaver asking council to give him privledge of building a slaugher house in
5th ward
Petition of E J Williams
Globe lamp on John and 5th Streets resolution of Ald O'Neill
Lamp on 3rd Street resolution of Ald McCann
Bill of North Western Globe Gas Light Company August
Bill of Key City Gas Light Co
Bill of North Western Globe Gas Light Company June
Petition of Henry Lilly
Submit the following report your committee to whom was referred the complaints of certain
parties that policemen of the city did not take prisoners before the police justice as the
ordinance required but handed them over to constables to be tried under the state law
would report that we have examined into the changes and find that to a certain extent
they are true your committee would state that they found it difficult to get at the facts but
from the general tenor of the statements made your committee are forced to the conclusion
that this practice has been carried on for some time. Your committee would recommend that
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Marshal be instructed to put a stop to this practice at once and if he finds any member of
the force guilty of doing this to report the same to this council for dismissal from the
service at the next session
Report adopted
Committee on Delinquent Tax petition of J F Bates
Petition of Bridget Brannon
Petition of Bridget Keogh
Petition of Agnus Arthur
Petition of C Wood
Petition of Mrs. Sarah J Mehegan
Petition of Rosine Strobel
Committee in Equalization of Taxes report
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Equaliztion of taxes for year 1879
Book now ready for inspection of the tax pages
special committee to whom was referred the changes of mismanagement by Chief
Engineer Fay at the Fire July 22 1879
Committee not having sufficient evidence before them to arrive at any conclusion would
respectfully ask to be discharged from further consideration of the subject
report adopted
report of licenses for last 3 years
Money in recorder's office for licenses
Resolution of Ald Doerfler in relation to purchasing a steam fire engining and building house
report in favor of indefinitely postponing this matter report adopted
Committee on ordinance submitted ordinance entitled ordinance to regulate the sale and
inspection of Kerosene oils etc read a second time and passed by unanimous vote of the
whole council
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Recorder presented teh Bond of W E Harriman as auctioneer which was on motion approved
Ordinance committee and city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance with a view of
collecting Wharfage and to report
not adopted
commission appointed to appraise damages on Ellis Street report
Cox's addition
abutting property
award to H S Hetherington
no damage to other abutting property between said points and so report and find
report of the commissioners not accepted and the fees of comp ordered paid
Ald Jones submitted
Resolved order for sum of one hundred dollars $100.00 be drawn to defray expenses of two
deligates to Quincy Illinois to represent our interest in the River Imp
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Quincy, Illinois delegation
resolution adopted
Ald Linehan
Be it resolved that the finance committee be instructed to borrow four thousand $4000.00 for
the City of Dubuque adopted
Resolved by the City Council that a tax for the year of 1879 of ten (10) mills on the dollar be
and is hereby levied on all the real and personal property in the City of Dubuque as returned
by the assessors and corrected by the Committee on Equalization distributed and set apart
in the following manner.
General Expenes
special interest
real and pesonal property within the water limits for the water tax
Referred to Street Committee
resolved sidewalk to be laid on north side of fifth street between James M Cabes lot and
E G Shackfords lot on the hill
Resolved that the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a profile of the proposed
change of grade from 15th to 17th street on Iowa Street adopted
Resolved that the resolution passed march 3 1879 establishing the grade on Ellis Street
be and same is hereby annulled
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Petition of Bishop Hennessey by his attorney John Deery
lots assessed for taxation fee
said lots should be listed as exempt as are now being used for school purposes
school house being erected by the Bishop to be used by the Presentation sisters
same be listed as exempt from tax
petition granted
Bids opened and read for work on 14th street and alley between 10th and 11th and
Washington and Jackson
J E Fry Alley
J E Fry 14th Street
JF Kringle 14th street
Martin & Strain 14th Street
Martin & Strain Alley
contract for 14th street and alley awarded to Martin & Strain as lowest bidders adopted
Bills paid
P Olinger
N H Threadinger
F Mertz
Ingram Kennedy & Day
Thos Ogle
O'Brien & Cummings
Mark Kline
Manuel Nayor
T E Frith
B D Linehan
Key City Gas Light Co
J C Lobdele
C M Elrath
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
6th Ward Hose Co
Healy Bros
James Crawford
Harvey & O'Connor
B Sheridan
H H Smyth
L B Tuttle
John M Linehan
D W Linehan
Nick Eichmann
New Mont
Chs McMaster
Mick Downey
M C Shilling
M McCarty
Tim Byron
Mrs. P McMahon
J K Graves Hose Co
M O'Loughlin
Dubuque Water Co
James G Carney alley
Mrs. Simons
Raymond Bros
Regular Session September 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, Linehan, McCann
and O'Neill
Absent Alds Herod and Lillig
Report on examination of reservoir Water Co
special committee
resolution of Doerfler in relation to the supply of water for fire purposes
reports in favor of referring the resolution together with the Engineer's report to the
committee of the whole council
bills read and motion referred to committee on finance
P J Quigley Clerk District Court $247.85 and 85.05
Special Session September 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann
Absent Ald O'Neill
Open bids for the market house corner of Jones and Main streets
James N Foy remove building knowns as the 1st street Market and fill up the cellar for the material
in the building
J H Robinson will give the sum of Fifty dollars $50.00 for the old market house a foot of Main
Street and comply with requirements.
Ald Altman moved that the bid of J H Robinson be accepted for the old Market House for
the sum of $50.00 and the street committee be instructed to see the contract carried
out Adopted
Petition of N C Amsden referred
Bill of J N Foy received and filed
Petition of Market Master Welter asking for appointment of inspector of weight and measures
received and filed
Petition of Geo R Clark report adopted
Petition of George W Jones Cox Street extended south to Julien Avenue referred
Special Session September 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann
Absent Ald O'Neill
Petition of General George W Jones improving 14th st
Petition of John Hodgson
Petition of Sisters of Charity by attorney W J Knight
Petition of J Strain
Petition of Patrick Reilly
Bill of street commissioner Dowling against the county for repairing bridges Recorder instructed
to send bill to the board of supervisors for payment.
6th street bridge
Special committee petition of B J O'Neill 3rd street manhole
Special Session September 5, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann
Absent Ald O'Neill
Special Committee matter of removing Kanes House off the street. Report that the Kane
matter has been attended to by the City Attorney giving him notice to remove his house
off the street by the first day of October 1879. If he fails to do so the City will remove the same
at the expense of the said Kane. report adopted
Special Session September 15, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
Absent Alds Altman and O'Neill
The mayor presented the following
The undersigned Aldermen of the city respectfully request you to call a meeting of the council
to consider the propriety of accepting an invitation of the Mayor of Prairie du Chien, to visit
that city at the convenience of teh council.
McCann O'Neill Herod Leckie Jones
Recorder read the invitation of the mayor of Prairie du Chien
September 2, 1879
Gentlemen you are hereby cordially invited to visit our city at your earliest convenience. You
will please notify me of the time of your visit as we may be prepared to receive you.
Yours respectfully S Rosenbaum Mayor
Moved tht the invitation of Mayor Rosenbaum of the city of Prairie du Chien be accepted.
Moved that Thursday September 18th be designated as the day the council will visit
Committee of three be appointed by the mayor to attend to the details incident to the trip
Herod Llig and McCann appointed
Special Session September 15, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
Absent Alds Altman and O'Neill
Whereas at a special session held September 5 1879 the special committee reported that the
removing of the Kane house from the street had been attended to by the City Attorney giving
him notice to remove his house off the street by October 1 1879 or the City will remove the same
at the expense of Kane.
Now therefore be it resolved that if said house is not removed by the 1st day of Octobe r1879
the marshal is hereby instruced to have the same removed at the expense of said kane.
Yeas and nays was called for in the adoption of this resolution.
Ald Linehan moved that the matter of the Dubuque and Dunlieth Bridge tax for 1878 be referred
to the Finance Committee and Mayor with power to make settlement. Adopted
Ald Herod moved that the Christian Church property on Locust Street be stricken from the
tax list and also several lots that are offered for sale for delinquent water tax and which are
not within the water district. Referred
Ald Brown stated that the Globe Gas Light Co had refused to erect lamps where the council
had ordered them and desired that the committee on Police & Gas be instructed to compel
the company to put up said lamps or rescind the contract with said company and the matter
of trees tht obstruct the light from the street lamps in various parts of the city on motion the
committee was so empowered. Adopted
Special Session September 23, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
McCann and O'Neill
Object of meeting
to the honorable mayor of the city of Dubuque
the undersigned aldermen of the City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting
of teh council to consider the propriety of sinking an artesian well in the city for city
purposes Dubuque September 20 1879 Signed
received and filed
Petition of W H Peabody asking council to make provision whereby an artesian well may be
secured. Referred to special committee
The following proposition for sinking an artesian well was read and motion referred to one
alderman from each ward to report at the next session of the council. the City furnishing the
tubing from the surface to the rock, we will agree to drill the well one thousand feet for two
thousand dollars or two dollars per foot to be paid at the completion of every two hundered
feet the balance to be paid on the fulfillment of contract; or for the sum of three thousand
$3,000.00 dollars we will guarantee a good flow of water; said sum of $3,000.00 to be paid
upon the securing of said good flow of water; we submit the two propositions either of
which we will fulfill providing the well be located below the bluffs and would like to have
immediate action taken in the matter.
Resolved tht a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed to select the
location for a well and how much money can be secured from property holders in the
vicinity. adopted
Special Session September 23, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
McCann and O'Neill
Resolution of Ald Herod to submit to vote on the artesian well
roll call
amendment not adopted
Resolution to refer all tax petitions of year 1878 adopted
Petition of Richard Bennett nuisance still exists under the blue barn
time expired to have the same abated
referred to the Police Commission
Petition of M O'Hearn against city for damages for broken leg be referred to court and mayor
Petitions referred to committee on delinquent taxes
Cath morrisey
W H Welsh
Richards & Burden
Catherine Dolter
Mary Baade
Louis Ihmann
Mary Wolf
Mrs. J B Smith
Mrs. Cath McEvoy
Special Session September 23, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
McCann and O'Neill
Delinquent tax committee report as follows
Petitions of
Mary Mullens
Mrs. Geo Siege
Henry Luz
Margaret Flynn
Mrs. E Turner