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This is to certify that the records
appearing on this roll were recorded
on film:: in the regular course urse of ,
business by
Name - '
By Randy oeKlot= Title Operations Manager
Date SYS- /OC Q
Place Cedar Rapids, Iowa
G - 86
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
All Tax Petitions for reductions of assessments for 1879 be referred to an adjourned
session of the Council
Petition of Agnes Turner referred
Treasurer be instructed now not to sell where petitions are before the council for 15 days from
October 6 1879
Amended motion tax petitions of 1878 refer
Delinquent Taxes
Petition of Ferdinand Kuhn asking for street lamp on corner of Division and Middle Streets
and on corner of Division and Humboldt Streets
Petition of Mrs. C C Wood
Petition of James McBride Lots 13 14 and 15 in S M Langworthy Addition
Petition of W L Bradley & Co sidewalk tax Lot 16 Wilson's Subdivision. We state that
before the city commenced to improve 5thstreet that there was a good sidewalk in front
of said lot that the city authorities removed the same and have not replaced it but have
laid a new walk and taxed it against the lot. We therefore ask that the special tax on
Lot 16 Wilson's Subdivision for sidewalk be cancelled. Petition granted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Mary Fallon asking to have the tax on personality cancelled for 1877 and 1878 as she was not a
resident of the country when the assessment was made.
Petition of Peter Schrafl asking to have street established along the E side of Lots 102 and 103
in L H Langworthy's Addition.
The petition of Mrs. W H Murphy asking the council to order sidewalk on west side of St. Mary;s
street from 3rd street to Emitte Street and also repair paid street.
Petition of Geo B Burch, President N W A & M Association asking to have the taxes for 1878;
against the North Western Agriculture and Merchandise Association cancelled
petition granted
Petition of Martin Pfiffner asking for a street lamp on the corner of 19th and White streets
Remonstrance of C S Bently against improving the alley between Fenelon Place and Third St
Petition of M M Trumball asking to have a globe gas lamp placed on the corner of 5th street
and Roberts Avenue and also one on 5th Street between Roberts Avenue and Alpine Street
Petition of Mrs. Ann Dowling asking for reduction of special assessment against Lot C 1/2 1
Cox's Addition
It was moved that this petition be referred to the committee on streets with power
motion to refer adopted
Remonsterance of S J Cox against improving 14th street from White to Washington Streets
this season
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of F J Bensen asking for the privilege of putting in ten additional fire alarm boxes at
a cost of $5.00 per month for each box
Petition of James Forrester asking the council to order a plank sidewalk on the South side
of Jefferson Street bewtween Spruce and Ohio Streets and steps build to connec with the
south side
Petition of Joseph Frick asking the council to refund to him $9.15 for a bull sold by the marshal
granted and an order directed drawn in his favor
Petition of Patrick Coffee asking to have his license for hotel keeping remitted for 1879 as
he is too poor to pay
Petition of T F Koepfle asking to have refunded him a liquor tax paid in 1873 under a resolution
of Ald Beach said resolution never having been compliled with in fact all not paying and those
that did do so under protest. The above tax was paid by Mr. Kropfle and several others with
the express understanding that all should be made pay and if the law was not enforced
those who voluntarily paid would have their money refunded
Petition of Amat Cossley asking for reduction in price of weighing hay
received and filed
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Reynolds stating she had paid on $600.00 personality for 1878
asking the amount be refunded as she did not have said personality
Bll of Dr. Green for medical services amount $8.00
Petition of H E Wilson receiver of Richards and Burden's firm asking that the assessment
in their personality be reduced as the same is excessive and unjust
received and filed
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of mrs. John Kelley asking to have her city tax for 1878 canceled
petition of Howard & Hoyne asking that the recorder be instructed to deliver to petitioner
the receipt of Mayor Burch to them for money as license and which is attached to their
petition which is on file in the city recorders office
petition granted
moved that the recorder be instructed to deliver receipt to Howard and Hoyne
the following petitions were read and referred to the committee on Delinquent Taxes to
repent Oct 8th 79
Mrs. Jane Young
Margaret Harrew
Miss Julia Lewis
theo Buehele
Bridget Considine
John Nagle assessment on lot 38 in Farley's Subd
Rosetta Cook stating her property was sold for the taxes of 1877 and 1878 and she is too
poor to redeem and asks that the council redeem for her and also exempt her for 1879
Petition of Jacob Ricch asking to have the grade established on James Street
Petition of Wm Myers and 37 others and Thos McCann and 12 others asking the
reduction of the price of weighing hay on city scales
received and filed
Petition of Mrs. Frank Carney asking to allow her the amount of $17.00 deducted from her
husband's salary while suspended. moved that this claim be referred to the committee
on Police. motion to refer adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Richard Cox, asking the special tax on the east 1/2 of lot 47 all of 92.51 and 50
and E 1/2 lot 49 and 48 be cancelled. It was moved and seconded that petitioner and all
others property owners on Seminary street be allowed to pay one half the special
assessment against them for sidewalk.
Adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan and
McCann and O'Neill
Petition of T O'Sullivan and Henry Stecker stating the assessment role for 1879 has long been
completed and asking for the balance of our salaries
$100.00 to each
Marshal Deckert report that he had not reported the name of Adam Pier as Special Policeman
for the month of August said Pier acted as special policeman 7 days in that month and he was
entitled to $8.75
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported the following amount $906.30 required to pay the salaries of the
regular police force for the month of September 1879
received and filed
Police Justice C C Coakley reported having collected fines amounting to $17.00 for which
find treasurers receip attached for $17.00 Amount due C C Coakley for unpaid costs for
the month of August 1879 $9.25
Received and filed
Police Justice Mills reported amount of fines collected for month of September 1879 $18.00
Treasurers receipt attached for $18.00 amount due C W Mills for unpaid costs $1.50
Received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported having lighted 172 lamps during the month of September
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of C W Bittman was reported on by the Finance Committee on motion was referred
back to the same committee
P Even reported having weighed 51 drafts on the Southern Avenue scales for the month of
September 1879. Total receipts $7.65. Treasurers receipt attached for $1.15 that being 15 per
cent of the gross amount
received and filed
F Fossellmann reported having weighed 91 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month
of September 1879 total receipts $13.65 Treasurers receipt attached for $2.05 that being
15 percent of the gross amount.
Received and filed
Chs Pitschner reported having weighed 189 drafts on the West Dubuque scales during the month
of September 1879 total receipts $28.35 Treasurers receipt attached for $4.25 that being
15 percent of the gross amount
received and filed
Wood inspector Waring reported having inspected and measured 104 5/8 cords of wood
during the month of September 1879
recievd and filed
Marshal Deckert reported the following amount due the special force during the Fair week
received and filed
marshal Deckert reported the following amounts due Thomas Upton and Adam Jager for
pounding hogs and cattle during the month of September
Received and filed
Recorder Quigley reported the number and amount of licenses issued during the month of
Septembe 1879
One Auctioners and 2 exhibitions licenses
Nine Inn Keepers Licenses
Two Restaurants
Fourteen Teams & Express & 3 omnibus & Hack
Three Peddlers
Two Saloon
Received and filed
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Auditor Brandt reported the following amount $855.80 netpay to meet the salaries of the several city
officers and the fire department for the month of September 1879.
Received and filed
Market Master Welter reported having weighed 243 drafts in the central market scales for
the month of September 1879 amount received $30.45 and also collected $22.50 for rent of
Huckster stand during the same month. Treasurers receipts attached for the amounts and
have paid out $27.20 for board of prioners and lodgers in calaboose during the month
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 154 drafts in the 1st ward scales for the month of September
1879 amount received $23.10 Treasurers receipt attached for $3.45 that being 15 percent
of the gross amount
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported that policeman Frank Carney has resigned his position on the force
September 25, 1879
Received and filed
M Dowling street commissioner reported the amount due for labor done and material
furnished on streets and highways for the month of September 1879
Main work
Repairing sewer cover and aprons
Hill Street sewer
stone cropings
bridges, carpenter work
express hauling
received and filed
Petiton of F J Massey in relation to heating the Engine house with steam
Auditor Brandt submitted his semi annual report ending August 31 1879 which was read
and motion received and filed
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Auditor Brandt
to the Mayor and City Council
Chapter 10 Section 5 of the REvised Ordinances of the City requires the City Auditor to
submit to your honorable body a semi-annual report of the receipts and expenditures
for the six months precedeing the 1st of February and 1st of September of each year. It
was impossible to have said report prepaired in time for your last regular meeting the 1st
Monday of September last being on the 1st day of September. I therefore beg to submit the
same now and remain
F G Brandt
City Auditor
City Auditors Office Dubuque September 1st 1879
Semi-Annual report of receipts and disbursements for the Six months ending August 31st 1879
Receipts from taxes for six months
receipts from taxes special
receipts from taxes interest on above taxes
cost of advertising collected
receipts from city scales
fines collected by police justices
receipts from cleaning alleys
receipts from rent of city property
receipts from rent of Huckster stands
receipts from impounding animals
damages collected for broken lamp
dividend on rail road stock
received from sale of city map
receipts from auctioneers license
receipts from butchers license
receipts from circus & show license
receipts from dog licenses
receipts from hotel licenses
receipts from hotel runners licenses
receipts from livery stable licenses
receipts from peddlers licences
receipts from pork packers licenses
receipts from saloon licenses
receipts from teams and express licenses
money borrowed by Finance Committee
Total receipts for 6 months ending August 31, 1879
cash in hands
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Expense Fund Warrants redeemed
Engineer fund warrants redeemed
fire fund warrants redeemed
gas fund warrans redeemed
police fund warrants redeemed
refunded tax
special assessments
Neumeister judgement
Water fund warrants
damages for injuries
interest paid in outstanding warrants an exchange funded debt
march coupons paid by Dubuque County Bank
Coupons redeemed
Five percent of principal in Henry Young Law
Five one thousand dollar bonds Eighmeys loan
total disbrsements for six months ending August 31, 1879
Cash in hands of treasurer September 1 1879
committee on Finance presented the following which was approved and on motion
the recorder was instructed to draw orders on the treasurery for the amount
Michael Ahern vs City of Dubuque in circuit court Dubuque County September 1879
This case is hereby settled as follows Defendant is pay plaintiff the sum of three
hundred and seventy five $375.00 dollars in two orders one payable to Jane Ahern for $350.00
and one to Fred O'Donnell for twenty five $25.00 dollars and defendant to pay the costs
signed Michael Ahern
the undersigned agrees to the above settlement and waves all further claims for said
signed Jane Ahern
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Committee on claims to whom waas referred the bill of North Western Globe Gas Light
Company for balance due on bill rendered for the month of June 1879
report adopted
Bill of Dr. Waples for $20.00
report adopted
Petition of Adam Glab
report adopted
Petition of Chs Weber White street to Washington Street
Report adopted
Petition of C H Berg
city Engineer Tschirgi
report adopted
Petition of W J Dolsin 14th to Alta Vista street
City engineer
report adopted
Petition of Thos W Parker sidewalk Wilson's addition
report adopted
Resolution of Ald Leckie's ordering a sidewalk in front of Lots 2,3,4 in Sub of out
lot 720 report in favor of the resolution signed Herod and Jones
chair declared report adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Committee on Markets to whom was referred the communication of the Market Master
report adopted
Report of City Marshal in relation to impounding of animals
report adopted
Bill of the North Iowa Post for 3 months of printing
report adopted
Bill of the Times Company
report adopted
Bill of Ham and Carver
report adopted
Committee on Fire to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Pozandak
report adverse to the prayer of petitioners
report adopted
Petition of E B Chandler of Chicago Illinois in relation to fire alarms.
report adopted
Report of Chief Engineer Foy (Fay)
report adopted
Petition of O E Gursey ordering hydrant removed one half the expense to be paid
by city and one half by the water company.
Report adopted
Petition of the Bell telephone company in relation to putting in five stations for fire
porposes in favor of granting the prayer of petitioners
report adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Thanks to Jobe Barns and Chief Engineer Fay for their efficiency in painting the steamer
Sol Turck
Petition of Richard Bennett in relation to the nuisance under the Blue Barn
report adopted
Bill of the Key City Gas Light Company
report adopted
Bill of South Western Globe Gas Company
report adopted
Petition of Catherine Morrisey
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Thomas Faherty - City Treasurer redeem Lot 12 Quigley's subdivision
of out lot 700 from tax sale for years of 1874 1875 1876 177 and 1878
said property exempted from tax for year 1879
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Catherine McEvoy
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. J B Smith
report adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Mary Wolf
Report adopted
Petition of Louisa Jhenann
report adopted
Petition of Mary Baade
report adopted
Petition of H E Wilson receiver of Richards and Burden
report adopted
Petition of W H Welch
report adopted
Petition of Catherine Dolter
report adopted
Petition of the German Bank
report adopted
Ald Herod moved that the opening of the bids on 14h street from Washington to Elm Streets
be postponed
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that two orders be drawn in the Treasurer
one order for three hundred and fifty dollars 350.00 in favo of June Ahern and one order
for twenty five dollars 25.00 in favor of Fred O'Donnell. Said orders to cancel the
claims of Michael Ahern against the city of Dubuque.
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Chairman of Finance
City Treasurer
Mineral Lot 305 2 acres erroneously sold by Ex Treasurer Griswald
Salary for Wm Dunnebecke
received and filed
Ald Lillig submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved taxes for year 1878 on property of Agatha Keugel Lot 20 in McCraney's 1st
addition and Anna Pfiffner N 1/2 lot 5 in Yamgks addition be cancelled
Ald Herod submitted the following
Resolved that fourteenth street 14th between White and Washington Streets be graded
guttered curbed and macadamized
Resolution adopted
Resolved that a sidewalk be constructed and laid in front of lots No 27 28 31 and32 Wilson
Subdivision on Wilson Avenue
resolution adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved that the recorder be instructed to draw an order upon the City Treasurer for the
sum of Six hundred 600 dollars in sewer and four hundred 400 dollars on Washington street
in favor of James G Carney
Resolved to pay for macadamizing alley from 9th to 10th streets between white and jackson
streets by James G Carney
owners name
Description Lot
Amount of tax
H J Rischatsch 344 City
Conrad Schmidt 345 City
Conrad Schmidt 346 City
Margaret Miller 347 City
Joseph Huber 348 City
G J Huekel 379 City
S E Disney 380 City
Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association 381 City
Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association 382 city
Eliza Wise W 4 ft 383 City
Resolution to pay for the improving of Washington Street from 14th street to 15th street
by James G Carney
resolved adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution to pay for improving Washington Street from 14th to 15th streets
Owners Name
Description of Lot
Amount of tax
East Dubuque
John Muellerlilie 74
Est C Krakow 75
Autin Pfiffner 76
Chs Bruhn 117
Chs Bruhn N 1/2 118
Ann Voelker S 1/2 118
John Brown N 1/2 119
Mary Hanen S 1/2 119
Estate of P Pier S 1/2 120
Est Phil Theis N 1/2 120
Resolution to pay for repairing sidewalk by John McCoy Construction
Mrs. C Payne City Lot 523 4th and Clay St
Unknown City Lot 314 cor 6th and white streets
Mrs. S M Lorimier N 70 ft of lot in Lorimiers subdivision
Mrs. M kroesen Lot 11 subdivision 655 in Bluff St
James Reiley City Lot 294 Cor 6th street and clay streets
George McLain Lot 4 of subd of out lot 758 Walnut Street
J Goldthorp S 1/2 City 324 Cor 8th White streets
Wm Roach Est E 120 ft of City lot 608 3rd st
Wm Rebman Lots 324 in Wm Rebman Sub of Lot 1 of lot
Wm Rebmen 4 L H Langworthy Subd Seminary St
C Chadwick N 43 ft of city lot 117 cor 2nd and Locust st
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution of thanks to Wm S Rosenbaum mayor and members of the city council of
Prairie Du Chien and Thomas C Lawler esq Wm W Doyle T F Williams Mr. nolier agent
of Mr. Dorisman and the sisters of St Mary's Convent and the citizens generally of
Prairie Du Chien
F O Wyatt General manager of the C C D and M R R and to the employees of said
road for favors etended to us in our journey going and returning
On motion the city recorder was instructed to spread the foregoing resolution on the
records of teh city and also forward a certified copy to the mayor of Prairie du Chien
and F O Wyatt
Ald Leckie moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution to condemn property
opposite the motor house was adopted at the last session.
Chair declared this motion to reconsider lost.
Ald Herrod moved hat N C Ryan be declared the hog weigher for the city for the ensuing year
adopted by unanimous vote
to the honorable mayor and ciyt counci of Dubuuqe
we the undersigned marshal H C Deckart of your city respectfully recommend F J Zugenbuhler for the
position of policeman in Frank Carney place should such vacancy be filled
received and filed
moved and seconded that the position of policeman made vacant by the resignation of
F Carney be not filled at present
motion adopted
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
the following were read and in motion ordered paid
morrison brothers
C W Ware
John Linehan
Michael Downey
Peter Hansen
J F Connant
J Butt & Bro
Philip Pier
Junkermann & Haas
Key City Gas Light Co
Ellwanger Bros
Daniel Rierdan Fire Dept
Dubuque Buial Case Co
Edward Smyth
Mrs. Ment
A Tschirgi
Mr. Schugart
Mrs. P McMahon
M O'Laughlin
C McElrath
Grosvenor and Harger
American District Telegraph
T O Sullivan
D W Linehan
Jak Klauer
Dunn and McCollins
Healy Bros
Larry Daly
A Freeman
N H Theadinger
J Maclay & Co
Andrew Treadway & sons
Junkermann & haas
Sol Turck Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Wm D Wilbur
Jak Klauer
A Trumbull
Harney & O'Conner
Morrison Bros
Frank Gengler
Grosevenor & Harger
Mrs. P McMahon
Dubuque Water Company
Larry Daly
James Nichols
Mrs. E M Ogilby
bill of Chs McMaster as assistant engineer
bill of C Volker
bills referred to committee on fire
Dr. Green
Dr. Horr
Fisher Wheeler & Co
Change of grade in Alpine Street
Change of grade in Seminary Street
Regular Session October 8, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Altman, Jones and Linehan
Petition of Hugh A Rooney mineral lot 78
Report and profile by City Engineer of Iowa Street between 15th and 17th streets
Bill of John McCoy for repairing sidewalks
Petition of Mrs. C Woods referred
report adoptd
Special committee referred petition of Bridget Roach
report adopted
Ald McCann submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the taxes on part of Mineral
lot 182 be and the same is hereby canceled (Dennis Linehan)
Petition of Agnes Turner
report adopted
Petition of Theo Beuchele E 24 ft of Lot 7 in East Dubuque
report adopted
Regular Session October 8, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Altman, Jones and Linehan
Petition of Mrs. Julia Lewis
report adopted
Petitio of Margaret Harren
report adopted
Petition of Rosetta Cook
report adopted
Petition of Bridget Considine
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Reynolds
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Jane Young
Lots 50 51 in McDaniels Park Hill and on Lots 343 Davis Farm
report adopted
Ald Leckie moved that all petitions for the reduction of assessment for 1879 be referred
to a special committee to be appointed by the mayor
Ald McCann moved to amend by referring to the Equlization Committee
Amendment adopted
Regular Session October 8, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Leckie, Lillig, McCann and O'Neill
Absent Altman, Jones and Linehan
Petitions referred to committee on equalization of taxes for the year 1879
John nagle reduction of assessments
Joshua Dunncan
mrs. Peter Jennings
J W Coy
D N Cooley
Plat smith
P J Quigley
Wm Ahern
Fanny A Stuart
Richard Scott
F Aldan
Anton Vogler
E P Lyman
Marice Kempf
W R Stewart
W W Woodworth
George B Hamilton
Margaret F Ryan
Margaret Lucas
Mary Ann Mulkern
John Bell & Co
Margaret Thurston
Mrs. Mark Murphy
mrs. Elizabeth T Emerson
Coats and Waters
F T Walker
Dubuque Water Company
E J Scott
John L Kelley
Mrs. M Horr
Thos McMichael
M Mary Eggleston
D H Conyingham
F J Walker
J H Shields
E P Gilliam
Mrs. A C Bartlett
A W Sears
mrs. Jane S Hains
Mrs. M A Sintore
Dr George W Scott
Hansen & Linehan
Eliza A Burden
John Moser
John Strattan
Thos Connelley
Job L Randall
George H Brooks
Henry A Dean
Andrew Drees
Richard Waller
B Kestler
Rachael A Wright
Alex Simplot
Mrs. Chs V Prker
W G Waters
John Waters Est
M J Drasda
Mary Gillmore
Novelty Iron Works
Loring Eberhardt
Geo Burden
Allen Leathers
Grade of Main Street from J V Riders to Seminary Street
Special Session October 11, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig and Linehan
Absent Altman, McCann and O'Neill
Mayor bush stated the object in calling this special meeting of the council is take action in
relation to the death of Henry Stecher, city assessor
Ald Herod asked permission to submit a petition from Tim Cain before we proceed to the
business which called us together. Permission was granted. The petition of Timothy Cain
in relation to his house which was partially torn down by order of the City Council because it
was on the sidewalk and asking to have a committee appointed to investigate the case and
award him such damages or relief as may be adjudged equitable.
Resolution on the death of Henry Stecher
Regular Session October 6, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Abutting property owners give consent to change of grade in Alpine Street August 29 79
signed E Langworthy R S Harris and S M Langworthy
Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the change of grade in
Alpine Street as shown by the Blue line in the annexed profile which has the written consent
of the adjoining property owners attached be adopted as the official grade of said street
We the undersigned property owners on Seminary Street agree to the change of grade of
said street as shown on the accompanying profile by the blue line and waive all claims
for damages by reason of said change
Dubuque september 16 1879
C W Richards, The sisters of the BVM St. Joseph by W J Knight, their attorney
R Bensen by J Herod Agent
therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the chnage of grade
in Seminary Street as shown by the blue line in the annexed prfile which has the written
consent of the adjourning property owners attached be adopted as the official grade of
said street.
profile of main street from J V Riders house to seminary street as ordered and recommend
that the red line be declared the offical grade of said street
adopted october 8 1879
abutting property owners residing and owning property on Main Street extension north
of 17th street recommend to the city council the grade of said street, as shown by the
annexed profile and red line and we hereby consent that the same shall be the official grade
of said street
Joh Bale, J W Rider, E Hancock, Geo R Clark, Frank Lathrop, John Smith, Johanna
Wellington, A Pitschner agt, E L Clark
Be it resolved that the red line in the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of
main street from John V Rider's house to Seminary Street which has the written consent
of the property owners attached
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Wm Rebman asking to have the suit in district court against him for $2000.00
for the injury to Mrs. Neumeister dismissed
Petition of James Flynn stating he was placed on the police force in September and on the
28th day of same month he got his leg injured while on duty and for 25 days thereafter
he was unable to go on duty or do any kind of work and asks to be allowed for the time
he was laid up such compensation you deem just.
Petition of M Allison desiring that the road which runs along the ridge north of Heebs Hollow
and which road has been traveled as a public highway for thirty years should be opened
and the obstructions therein should be removed and agree to dedicate so much of the land
owned by us as is covered by said road to public use.
M N Allison, Albert Hansen, T Carmody, T S Wilson his attorney
Communication from committee of invitation of the Galena Grant reception to the Mayor
and council and citizens of Dubuque
motion accepted and referred
Mayor appointed as said committee Alds Herod Lillig and McCann
Petition of Thos Granfield sell beer and refreshments without paying license as he is a
cripple having lost one leg and having no other way of making a living
Communication from R O Anderson soliciting the appointment of City Assessor for the
year 1880 made vacant by the death of Henry Stecher
received and filed
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of D Hoffman asking compensation for services as acting marshal
Petition of Joseph Platz asking to be allowed to curb and gutter in front of their lots on
14th street
Petition of James Woodward to have two lamps Grandview Avenue and Dodge St
Petition of F W Kringel Globe Gas Lamp north side of 17th St at intersection of Catherine
Communication from John Fitzpatrick stating that the street commissioner and the men
in his employ have cut down 40 trees in Mineral Lot 210 and said trees were taken and used
by city officials without his consent or authority and claims as compensation for said
loss of timber the sume of $40.00.
Petition of Adam Glab asking to have city engineer intstructed to give him the grae of
Lemon and 27th Streets
Communication received and filed
Prarie du Chien, WI October 27 1879
acknowledge letter containing reolution
S Rosenbaum Mayor
Petition of E A Gile gas piles laid down on Wilson Avenue and three gas lamps placed
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Gottleib Kusche assessment 1879
Petition of Geo W Andrew some person erected a passage way across 11th Street and
same is an obstruction and illegal stoppage of the street and detrimental to property
Petition of Wemott, Howard and Company asking for privilege of sinking a cess pool in alley
back of their store
received and filed
Petition of Nick Kauffmann and August Kaise reuduced assessment 1879 W 1/4 city Lot 500
Petition of Mrs. Ed Blake redeem her property and exempt from tax 1879
Petition of W D Buckman assessment
received and filed
Petition of Ellen Linehan Mineral Lot 182 exempted
received and filed
Petition of Alice E Woodward asking the assessment against her be cancelled
received and filed
petition of Peter Scharff lamp on Washington Street between Lake Street and Eagle Point
Petition of Peter Klein Butchers license refunded as did not collect from all butchers
received and filed
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of F A Griffke stating that for several years the Dubuque National Demokrat has
published all the official notices ordinances tax lists and c of the City appearing in the
Daily English papers and while these were paid one half of their regular rates the
National Demokrat in lieu thereof was allowed a fixed sum per annum until on Apri 17th
1879 your honorable body adopted the following resolution:
Resolved that the city printing be let in the same terms and to the same parties as was done
last year with this change viz
that the amount paid the national demokrat for printing be divided with the Nord Iowa Post
the latter doing its proportion of the printing and that all said papers be declared the official
Although in view of the fact that the Nord Iowa Posts circulation within the city was and is
scarecely one third of that of the national demokrat this resolution seemed particularly
unjust toward the latter the undersigned its publisher submitted to your decision and
faithfully performed the work required of him that is he published each and every notice
ordinance & c immediately after its appearance in the daily papers and also the tax lists as
appear from the annexed vouchers which will also show that the work thus performed for
the six months ending October 1st 1879 amounted at lowest regular rates to $211.35. But
while the national demokrat performed all the work required of it the Nord Iowa Post during
the same length of time did nothing of the kind although appearing one day later it had
but to copy from mine; for it did not as will also appear from annexed vouchers do one eighty
part of the work amounting at regular rates to no more than $25.55 it even failed to publish
the ordinances although their validity might be quetioned in consequence and instead of
complying with that part of your honorable body' resolution requiring it to do its proportion
of the printing it contented itself with only following the other referring to the divisions of the
amount heretofore paid by presenting its bills with the utmost punctuality for two
successive quarters and driving pay for work not performed; the undersigned in calling
attention to the above facts would submit that it seems but just and fair that having done
all the work in accordance with the resolution while the Nord Iowa Post has not the National
Demokrat should get the same pay as in preceding years and the money drawn by the
Nord Iowa Post from the ciyt treasury should be refunded as no services have been
rendered for same. Hoping you will do what is right and proper under the circumstances.
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of D H Conynhaus policeman to be stationed on West Locust Street from 16yh
to Capt Yates house
The petition of Francis Guerin special tax curbing guttering macadamizing
Street commissioner M Dowling reported
Labor Masons Carpenters Teams Rock Gravel & C
received and filed
Police Jutice Homer reported
received and filed
Frank Fossellmann reported 5th ward scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported 1st ward scales
received and filed
Marshal Deckert report special police on Halloween Night per order of mayor
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported on salaries of regular police
received and filed
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Market master Welter reported Central market scales
board of personers and lodgers
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported
received and filed
Chs Pitschner reported West Dubuque scales
received and filed
Auditor Brandt reported salaries of city officers and fire department
received and filed
Recorder Quigley reported number of licenses
Billiard Table
Pork Packers
Wood inspector Waring reported
received and filed
Bill of P J Quigley Clerk D C for court costs
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ordinance in relation to the appointmen tof policemen was referred
Petition of T F Keopfli
report adopted
Petition of Peter Schraft establish street along east side of lots 102 and 103 in L H
Langworthy Add
report adopted
Petition of James Forrester sidewalk on east side of Jefferson Street and between
Spruce and Olive Streets
Report adopted
Remonstrance of C S Bently in relation to improving alley
report adopted
Petition of Ann Dowling
report adopted
Remonstrance of Samuel J Cox
report adopted
Petition of Jacob Rich profile of grade of James Street
report adopted
Petition of S J Patch
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Pettion of H B Glover recommend that city marshl be instructed to notify owners of
dangerous mining shafts to protect the same
report adopted
Bill of Chs McMasters
report adopted
Petition of Geo W Jones for extension of Cox's Street South in favor of indefinitely
report adopted
Bill of John McCoy's for sidewalks
report adopted
bill of C Volker
report adopted
Petition of F J Massey in relation to heating the Engine House with steam. Compared the expense
of teh present system wiwth that of the steam heating and have no hesitancy in declaring
in favor of the latter for its cheapness uniformity of heat and its cleanliness and
affording more room in the engine house. Referred back to the committee to make all
necessary arrangements and final contract.
Bill of Ham and Carver for printing
report adopted
Bill of the Times Co. for printing
report adopted
Bill of Dr. Horr
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Bill of Dr. Green
Report adopted
Bill of North Western Globe Gas Light Company
report adopted
Petition of George Gartner placing a lamp corner High and Humboldt Streets
Report adopted
Petition of J T Howard for coal gas lamp in corner of 16th and Iowa Streets
report adopted
report of lamp lighter adopted
petition of Ferdinand Kuhn
report adopted
Petition of Martin Pfiffner for a gas lamp corner of White and 19th Streets
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Frank Carney
report adopted
Petition of mrs. M Trumbull for lamps
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Special committee recommend paymentn to Timothy Cain
report adopted
Committee on Equalization reported
Petition of E P Syman
report adopted
Petition of Adam Drees
report adopted
Petition of Job L Randall assessment of Subd Mineral Lot 39 Lots 52 and 55
report adopted
Petition of E P Gilliam subd 54 mineral lot 88 lot 3
report adopted
Petition of Lorenz Eberhardt W M 74 lot 95 in L H Langworthy's addition
report adopted
Petition of mrs. Jane L harris value of S M 1/5 city lot 448
report adopted
Petition of John Strallan S 1/2 of S M 1/5 City Lot 496
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. M A Linton value of lots 30 31 32 and 33 in McCrancy's 1st addition
report adopted
Petition of J H Shields value of the lots in the Dubuque Harbor Companies addition
lots 2 in blk 9
lot 2 in blk 12
lot 1 in blk 13
lot 2 in blk 13
lot 3 in blk 13
lot 7 in blk 13
lot 8 in blk 13
lot 9 in blk 13
lot 16 in blk 13
lot 11 in blk 13
lot 2 in blk 18
report adopted
Petition of H A Dean assessment of McDaniels Subd 79 and W 3 1/2
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Margaret Lucas city lot Margaret Lucas value of city lot 566 and 567
report adopted
Petition of A W Sears
report adopted
Petition of P J Quigley
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. mark Murphy
report adopted
Petition of Alex Simplot
report adopted
Petitions reported Margaret Thurnten John Moses John Waters F T Walker Dubuque
Water Co Mary Ann Mulkern Allen Leathers Mrs. Elizabeth T Emerson Fanny A Stuart
Richard Waller M J Drasde J N Hill Anton Vogler Maria Keneepf J W Coy W W Woodward
committee on Equalization reported
E J Scott lots 11.12 and 3 in fortunes subd
D N Cooley subdivision block 6 Dub Harbor Co Add lot 2
W 1/2 blk 14 Dub Harbor Co's add lots 2 and 3
Subd W 1/2 blk 19 Dub Harb Co's add lots 3 4 5 6 7 and 8
Dubuque Harbor Co Add blk 20
Dubuque Harbor Co's add blk 21
report adopted
John Nagle lot 38 Farley's subd lot 717 and 717
report adopted
Coats and Waters assessment of merchandize
report adopted
F T Walke assessment of subdivision of mineral lot 307 lots 2 3 4 and 5
report adopted
W G Waters recommend to place assessment of monies and credits
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Novelty Iron Works assessment
report adopted
Thomas McMichael cancellation of assessment
report adopted
Hansen & Linehan assessment of subd blk 5 Dubuque Harbor Co's add lot 6
report adopted
Richard Scott cancel assessment
report adopted
B Kestler value of city lot N 1/2 216
report adopted
Rachel A Wright assessment
report adopted
Dr. Geo W Scott value of city lot 223
report adopted
D H Conyngham assessment
report adopted
A McCann assessment of city lot S 2/3 of 67 and N 11/12 ft 68
report adopted
John D Bush assesment of subd W 1/2 blk 1 dub Harbor Co's add lots 9. and 9a
report adopted
Platt Smith value of Subd E 1/2 lot 655 lot 9
report adopted
thomas Connelley value of city lots 177 and 178
report adopted
W R Stewart city lot S 1/2 292
report adopted
John Bell value of Subd 823 and 824 M Daniels Subd lots 7 and 8
report adopted
Mrs. peter Jennings place the S 1/2 and N 1/2 of lot 16 Bradstreets Add
report adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
A C Bartlett value of city lot 134
report adopted
F Udall place value of lots 4 and 5 in Bradestreets addition
report adopted
margaret F Ryan cancel assessment city lot 610
report adopted
Wm Ahern cancel assessment
report adopted
Joshua Duncan
report adopted
George H Brooks value of subd City 578a 579 lot 5
report adopted
John L Kelley cancel assessment
report adopted
N C Amsden assessment of his merchandize
report adopted
Petition of Mary Eggleston city lot 240 be canceled
Petition of Mary Gillmore assessment reduced
Petition of Mrs Ann O'Hare assessment on mineral lot 146 reduced
Petition of Geoerge B Hamilton asking that the money owing him for the City tax be
applied in the amount owing to him by the city in the stipulation and agreement that
it shall not be considered or used so as to effect injuriously any defence the city may
have to the balance of the claim.
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
petition of mres. Chs N Parker
petition of Mrs. M Horr
Moved and carried that the committee on equalization of taxes of 1879 be discharged from
further duty
special committee to whom was referred the invitation to the Grant reception reported
as follows: your committee to whom was referred the invitation addressed to the city
authorities and citizens generally to attend the Grant celebration at Galena at an early
day beg leave to report as follows: the comittee recommend in favor of acccepting said
inviation and as a further evidence of the appreciation of the distinguished services of the
distinguished ex preseident of the Untied States, we further recommend that the council
and authorities defray their own expenses. It is further recommended that the city council
of Dubuque the city authorities the military and citizens generally unite in going to Galena
and in making such preparations as are called fo rby the occassion and to this end it is
recommended that a committee of this body be appointed to confer and cooperate with
other committees and citizens generally.
report adopted
Ald McCann asked to be excused from acting in said committee which granted and
Ald Leckie substituted instead
Ald Brown presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to establish a hay market and
which was read
Ald O'Neill moved that rule 29 be suspended and the ordinance placed in its passage
Rule suspended
Ordinance was read by its title and motion was adopted
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Mrs. Eliza A Burden assessment cancelled
Petition of George Burden assessment
Petition of rev. P J McGrath asking to have the gasoline lamp replaced by a coal gas
lamp in front of St. Joseph College
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of dubuque that the city engineer be instructed to prepare
a profile of grade of James Street and also Peabody Avenue and submit the same to
the City Council.
the same submitted the following which was adopted by the yeas and nays.
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that a sidewalk be constructed and laid
to grade in conformity with the ordinance on the south east side of Jefferson Street
between spruce street and olive street
Profile of James Street from third street to peabody's avenue
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the recorder by instructed to
draw an order on the city treasurer for five hundred dollar in favor of James G Carney
Eagle Point Avenue
Communication from the Dubuque County Bank
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved pay for improving 3rd street from Hill to Alpine Streets
Martin and Strain contractors
special tax be and is hereby levied
O S Langworthy Lot 8 lot 7 of min lot 73
B M Langworthy Lot 7 lot 7 of min lot 73
L H Langworthy Lot 6 lot 7 of min lot 73
R H Collier Lot 5 lot 7 of min lot 73
S M Langworthy E pt lot 6 of min lot 73
Ed Langworthy Lot 5 of min lot 73
Jeanette Coats Lot 1 of lot 3 o fmin lot 73
M J Coates Lot 2 o flot 3 of min lot 73
A Langworthy lot 1 of lot 2 of min lot 73
A S Massey lot 8 of min lot 73
R S Harris Lot 32 Nairns add
the same offered the following which was adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque that to pay for repairing sidewalks on streets herein named under an
ordinance passed September 7, 1879, entitled an ordinance for repairing of
sidewalks by John McCoy Contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax
be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate as follows
Est of W L Williams Lot 4 Subd Miss Lot 31 in Mt Pleasant Add
H B Noyes Lot 788 McDaniels Subd
A F Garner S 1/2 of City Lot 264
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Leckie called up the matter of opening a street north of Julien Avenue
Deed of Right of Way
Thos Yates
Orlando McCraney
Ald McCann moved that Charles A Quigley be appointed recorder pro tem
Ald Leckie moved that a vote of thanks be tendered to Charles A Quigley for the
able manner in w hich he has conducted the business as recorder pro tem
The following bills were presented and read and on motion ordered paid
Healey Brothers
John Bell
Knapp Stout & Co
Burch Babcock & Co
Jms M Linehan
N C Eichmann
Fred Delker
Fred Schlupketter
Morrison Bros
J Maclay & Co
J K Graves Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Joseph Reniforde
C M Elrath
American Dist Telegraph Co
M O'Loughlin
F W Zanacherie
John Welter
James G Carney
Chs McMaster
Carney & O'Connor
Dubuque Water Company
Phlip Pier
Bell Telephone Co
Rebman & Henion
Jacob Klauer
Ingram Kennedy & Day
Linehan & Pier
vogel & Ferguson
N C Eichmann
Jacob Klauer
T E Frotj
N H Theadinga
Andrew, Treadway & Co.
Wemott Howard & Co
Caswell Fire Dept Supply Co
H H Smyth
A Baumhover
Key City Gas Co
B Kestler
M J G La Nicka
Jas E McLane
S M Langworthy
Mrs. Pat McMahon
A Tschingi
James G Carney
John McCoy
E Moser
Martin & Strain
Geo Perry
Regular Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
D W Linehan bill for draft horses
Danl Rierdan for Fire Dept
W Dunnebeck clerk in Treas Office
Danl Rierden Postage Stamps
John Gamahl Rip tools for St Com
The following bills were read and referred to the appropriate committee
John McCoy repairing cains house
B D Linehan for blacksmiths work
Dubuque cabinate makers for ripping cedar parts
Key City Gas Light Co for gas
A.Y. McDonald repairing for fire dept
Ald Leckie moved that the council proceed to the selections of a policeman to fill the vacancy
by Officer Carney
This engendered a discussion in which many of the aldermen contended that the city
could get along without filling said vacancy
on motion matter was postponed
On motion city engineer instructed to give the grade of alley between Jones St and Main
and Locust Streets
Mrs. Henry Stecher and family retrieved heir most sincere thanks to the city council
for the resolutions of respect adopted by the council in honor of their father and
husband on his death and sympathy expressed for his family.
Special Session November 3, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and McCann
Absent O'Neill
The mayor stated the object he had in calling an extra session of the council to submit a
notice that had been served on him that a suit had been commenced against the city in
the circuit court by Alice E Woodward to have her tax in moneys and credits cancelled
for the year 1878.
moved that this matter be reffered
Ald Linehan submitted the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the committee in public grounds and
buildings be instructed to have steps built on the south side of the city hall building the said
steps to be completed before the first (1st) day of january 1880
On motion this was referred to the committee on P G & B to repost plans and
specifications and cost to the council at its next regular session
The committee on public grounds and buildings to whom was referred the matter of
heating the J K Graves Engine House with Steam submitted the following agreement
the Dubuque Steam supply co hereby propose to heat the first story of city Engine
House J K Graves situated in Iowa Street and also gives said engine J K Graves a
regular and continuous steam pressure up to ten pounds. Also make connections from
the street main to the inside of wall of said building for the sum of one hundred and
thirty ($130.00) dollars per annum payable monthly. We will also agreet to furnish steam
under like conditions and for the same rate to Engine house Sol Turck situated on
Locust Street connection to this house to be made on or before July 1st 1880.
Regular Session December 1, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
On motion Ald Herod Rule 11 was suspended to hire Capt Rood. Captain Rood stated
he came to invite the Mayor and City Council on behalf of the old veterans to join with
them in procession in honor of Genl Grants visit to the city this afternoon.
On motion, the invitation was accepted and the city council adjourned until tomorrow
December 2nd 1879
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The communication from Wood inspector W Warring calling the attention of the council
to the violation of the ordinance in relation to measuring and inspecting of wood in
the city
Petition of Peter Greiner stating he has a lot of broken rock or macadamizing on Couler
Petition of Martin Scherer
Petition of Fred Murschel curbing on eagle point avenue
Petition of L H Langworthy relation to paying second time for macacamizing 3rd street
from hill to Alpine Streets
petition of R Clark asking to have the water tax assessed against him cancelled and he
paid the water tax for 1878 which he asks to have refunded as he claims he had no
protection from fire
Petition of Philip pier asking council to reestablish teh scales for weighing hogs on
eighth street
Petition of H Brunning city lot 496 used as a hay market
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of H B Herald to build a small frame house inside the fire limits east corner of
12th and White street
Petition of John Treuzel obstruction in road and asking to have said obstruction removed
Petition of Noah H Faush asking Council to appoint policeman in their locality
Petition of mrs. E A Buell
Petition of Adam Pier
notice of appeal to circuit court Dubuque County Iowa in regarding assessment of Alice
E Woodward
recorded and filed
Petition of John W Norten asking to have the sewer on West Locust Street in front of his
property covered
Petition of Chs J Muller
Report of the Street Commissioner Dowling in relation to grade of sidwalk and water
spouts that discharge on sidewalk
On motion adjourned until 2 O'clock pm
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Council met at 2 O'Clock PM
Petition of Patrick McNamara
Petition of Miss M J Coats
Petitiono f D H Conyngham stating they had paid a wholesale liquor license in 1873
with the understanding if all did not pay they would have their moey refunded and asks
to have the same refunded as all the liquor dealers di dnot pay.
The petition of Frank Pauw stating he is a carpenter and was injured during the summer
which liad him up so he was unable to earn anything since asks to reduce his taxes
Petition of Mrs. Ann McLaughlin widow
Petition of Mrs. B Maloney widow large family to support owns a small homestead
east Dubuque that she is unable to pay tax of 1878 the same has been sold for tax of 1878
and asks you to reeem, same as the purchaser is willing to surrender it without penalty
or interest
Street commissioner Dowling report
Rock &Macadamizers
Received and filed and ordered paid
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Police Justice Jennings reported
received and filed
Wood inspector Waring reported
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported
report adopted and filed
Recorder Quigley reported number of licenses issued
two Saloon licenses
Two Teams licenses
received and filed
Chs Pitschner reported West Dubuque scales
received and filed
Frank Fessellman reported 5th ward scales
received and filed
Market Master Welter reported central market scales and board of prisoners and lodge
in the calaboose
P Even reported southern avenue scales
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
N C ryan eported having weighed 1st ward scale
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed hogs
received and filed
Auditor Brandt reported salaries of city officers and fire department
received filed and ordered paid
Marshal Deckert reported hogs sold out of hog pound
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported pay for the regular police force
received filed and ordered paid
Petition of George Burden
report adopted
Communication of the Dubuque Co Bank
report adopted
Petition of Mary Fallen
report adopted
Matter of M S Robinson
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of H Stecher and T O'Sullivan
report adopted
Petition of C W Bittmann
Report adopted
Committee in claims referred the bill of Dub Cab Makers
report adopted
Petition of M N Allison
petition indefinitely postponed
report adopted
Profile of the grade in Peabody avenue and James Street. Recommend the red lines on said
profiles be declared the official grade of said street and avenue
report adopted
Petition of Adam Glab report having instructed the engineer to make profile of suitable
grade of Lemon and 27th street and report at the next regular meeting
report adopted
Petition of Joseph Platz
report adopted
bill of John McCoy
Cains house
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Wm Murphy
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Bill of B D LInehan
report adopted
Petition of John Fitzpatrick
received and filed and report adopted
Committee on Public Grounds and buildinds submitted the following
In conformity with a resolution of the city council passed November 22.79 instructing your
committee to submit plans and specifications for the construction of a flight of stairs on
the south side of the city hall building. Respectfully report and submit the accompanying
profile and the estimate cost of said stairs with the necessary improvements therein.
1st estimate
2nd estimate
3rd estimate
received and filed
Petition of F A Greiffke
report adopted
Bill of Ham & Carver
report adopted
Bill of Fisher Wheeler & Co
report adopted
Bill of A.Y. McDonald
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The bill of Northwestern Glob Gas Light Co
report adopted
Bill of he Key City Gas Light Co
report adopted
Petition of D Hoffmann be paid in full for extra services as acting Marshal
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of D H Conyngham asking fo a policeman in West Locust Street
report adopted
Petition of P J McGrath for a change of lamps.
Report adopted
Petition of Peter Scharff for a lamp
report adopted
Petition of F W Kringel for a lamp
report adopted
Petition of Jas Woodward for lamps
report adopted
Ald McCann moved that a Globe Gas Lamp be placed at the intersection of Dodge Street
and Grand View Avenue
Petition of E A Giles for lamps
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of James Flynn
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of Mary Egglesten
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Chs V Parke
report adopted
Ald Linehan submitted a minority report on the petition of mrs. Chs V Parker
Report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Chs V Parker
Ald Linehan moved its adoption which was lost
Petition of Gottlieb Kusche
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. M Horr
Report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Mary Gillmore
report adopted
Petition of Ed Black
in favor of petitioner to be applied toward the redemption of lots 1 and 2 in S M Langwothy
report adopted
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Nick Kaufmann and Aug Kaiser W 1/2 City Lot 580 and machinery
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Ann O'Hare Lots 1 to 19 of Min Lot 146
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Eliza A Burden
report adopted
Petition of William Rebman recommend city attorney be instructed to withdraw the suit
Nuemeister suit
report adopted
Petition of J P O'Brien
report adopted
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be instructed
to borrow three hundred dollars for the City of Dubuque
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that the salary of the mayor be placed ata four
hundred dollars and the salary of the aldermen be placed at two hundred dollar each
for the year ending April 1880 and that orders be drawn on teh treasurer for the several
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City council of Dubuque that a reduction of five per cent be
allowed to all parties paying their tax for the year 1879 provided that said tax
be paid before the first of January 1880
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer
for fifteen hundred dollars in favor of the Dubuque Water Company said order to be
made payable in or before January 12, 1880 and to draw interest from November 7 1879
at 8 per cent until paid also an order for seven hundred dollars in favor of D W Linehan
payable in or before January 1 1880 said order to draw interest at the rate of 8 per cent
from November 11 1879 until paid
Treasurer Rierdan submitted the following
orders for the following amounts
Paid Hintger to redeem Robinson property
to redeem W 1/2 4 and E 1/2 Lot 5 in Neumans Subd double apessment
to redeem property assessed to Dan Koehler est
to refund R Cox tax
Clerk salary
received and filed and ordered paid
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque that the red lines on the
accompanying profile of James Street and Peabody Avenue be declared the official
grade of said james Street and Peabody Avenue
Ald Herod submitted the following
REsolved that the ordinance committee be instructed to amend an ordinance entitled
an ordinance to regulate the erection of Building and to prevent accidents by fire
by adding the following clause at the end of sections six (6) of said ordinance without
the consent of two thirds of the council (2/3) of the abutting property owners
There being a tie vote the mayor voted yea and declared the resolution adopted
Ald Leckie submitted the following which was adopted. Resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque that the third story of the City Hall be and is hereby declared
to be a nuisance the same not being in conformity in relation to regulating the erection
of buildings and to prevent accidents therein and that the same be closed as a place
of public entertainment.
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for curbing, guttering
anbd macadamizing washington street from 13th to 14th streets by James G Carney
special tax
Margaret Jordan Lot 71 East Dubuque
Margaret Jordan Lot 70 East Dubuque
Margaret Jordan Lot 69 East Dubuque
P Maloney Lot 68 East Dubuque
P Maloney Lot 67 East Dubuque
J Kissler Lot S 1/2 122 East Dubuque
J O'Neill Lot N 1/2 122 East Dubuque
J Kissler Lot N 1/2 123 East Dubuque
J Bechtel Lot S 1/2 123 East Dubuque
J Bechtel Lot N 1/2 124 East Dubuque
A Turner Lot S 1/2 124 East Dubuque
A Turner Lot N 20 ft 125 East Dubuque
M McMahon Lot S 31 2/10 ft 135 East Dubuque
City Lot S 38 2/10 ft 126 East Dubuque
Nic Kauffmann Lot N 13 ft 126 East Dubuque
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resoved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington
Street form 10th to 11th streets by James G Carney contractor
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
J D Downing city lot 429
Mrs. Thoman City Lot 428
Jacob Kurtz city Lot 427
H Franke City Lot N 1/2 426
Jacob Botzet City Lot S 1/2 426
John Friburger Sr city Lot 425
John Friburger Sr city Lot N 1/5 W 1/4 505
Novelty Iron Works City Lot S 4/5 W 1/4 505
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on Fifth Street by John McCoy
special tax
Wm Kelly Sr No 2 out Lot 720
undivided 1/3 R A Kelley Wm Kelley Sr. and R Stanton Lot 3 out lot 720
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by teh city council of the
city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a plank sidewalk four feet wide on Wilson Avenue
John McCoy contractor
special tax
Joseph Roy Lot 28 Wilsons Add
Wm Rebman Lot 31 Wilsons Add
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Jones submitted the following resolution which was on motion referred
grade curb gutter and macadamize
11th st between jackson and washington streets
12th street between clay and washington streets
10th street between white and washington streets
9th streets from alley between white and jackson to washington streets
Ald Herod submitted the following
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the first floof of this building
be hereafter used for church fairs or festivals in place of the upper floor and that the
committee on public grounds and buildings prepare the same for such uses.
resolution adopted
Ald McCann moved that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be
instructed to make arrangements with the butchers in the market house to have them
leave the building
Ald Leckie presented the resignation of J W Stair as policeman at West Dubuque
on motion accepted
Ald Doerfler nominated John Kinzinger for policeman at West Dubuque
Ald O'Neill nominated Patrick Hanlen
Ald Brown nominated James Flynn
Mayor appointed Ald Herod and Brown tellers
1st ballot no one received majority
another ballot was ordered
Ald Brown withdrew the name of James Flynn
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
end ballot
There being a tie vote the mayor voted for Patrick Hanlen
P Hanlen elected as Policeman for West Dubuque
Ald McCann moved that the council proceed to the election of an assessor and assistant
Nominated Mr. H Lembeck R O Anderson Gottfried Ganahl T O'Sullivan for Assessor
Ald Linehan withdrew the name of T O'Sullivan
Mayor Appointed Ads Herod and Brown tellers
Ballot resulted as follows
Lembeck having received the majority of all the votes cast was declared elected as
assessor to fill the vacancy
H Lembeck nominated T O'Sullivan as his assistant assessor
on motion the appointment was confirmed
Bill against James G Carney for removing material and cleaning Eagle Point Avenue
received and filed and auditor instructed to open an account with James G Carney
and charge him with this bill
The following claims were read and on motion were ordered paid
Martin & Strane grading 3rd street
D W Linehan
T O'Sullivan
O'Brien & Cumings
Bell Telephone Co
Westphal & Hinds Co
Schrieber & Strinsky
C C D & M RR
C McDonald
Henry Stecker Est.
W K DeLorimier
John M Linehan
Fred Schloz
Regular Session December 2, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
B D Linehan
J Connant
Burch Babcock & Co
A Tschirgi
Chs B Dorr
Chs H McMasters
Grosvenor & Harger
T W Ruete
Jak Connant
T E Frith
Larry Daley
Peter Vogel
J Jaclay & Co
Morrison Bros
Key City Gas Co
AY McDonald
Hansen & Linehan
W H Torbert
Dan Breen
Vogel & Ferguson
Morrison Bros
Mrs. Ment
Mrs. McMahon
Ingram Kennedy & Day
M OLoughlin
Morrison Bros
Chs McMasters
Harney & O'Connor
Dubuque Wter Co 5 fountains 6 new
Dubuque Water Co hydrants
Am District Telegraph Co
Joseph Sahm
Raymont Bies
Dan Breen
Jacob Klauer
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
fifth Ward Hose Co
J K Graves hose Co
J Strinksy
T F Koepfli
A Baumhover
Morrison Bros
Mrs. Willett
John Nagle
Larry Daley
T O'Sullivan lot book
Nor Sachine
Special Session December 22, 1879
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Alds Leckie & Linehan
Ald Doerfler moved that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the sum of eighteen
dollars and eighty five cents to redeem lot no 154a in L H Langworthys addition
wrongfully sold
Ald Doerfler moved that the City attorney be instructed to collect from John McCoy contractor
the sum of $18.85 money paid him for sidewalk which the claim was not laid as they
laid their own sidewalk
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of W W Carr & Co rebate on tax property destroyed by fire
Petition of Henry Kroll refund of water tax illegally charged as his propety outside the
water limit
Petition of F Mertz screens used in the butchers stalls
Petition of May D Horr asking the privilege of sinking a mineral shaft in the alley
running north from the Delhi Road to Green Street.
Petition of John Corcoran
Petition of R S West he was assessed on personal property he did not have
property of G Woodruff
Unjust to place same against said Woodruff's property
Petition of Maria Thomas
Petition of Mary E Norman subd out lot 2 of mineral lot 122
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Catherine Bannon N 1/3 Lot 506
petition granted
Petition of M Ahern board of equalization
Petition of Martin Theis N 1/2 of Lot 120 East Dubuque
Petitiono f Thomas J Hepman water tax on his property which is outside of the water
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Devine tax on her homestead
Petition of John Muller guardian of teh minor heirs of John Sutter tax cancelled on the
east 1/2 lot 35 in L H Langworthys addition
Petition of Mary Schause
Petition of Johanna Zachina stating that on or about Dec 22, 1879 while following her
usual occupation was required to go up 8th street Hill or Julien Avenue while going up
said street she used the sidewalk and said sidewalk was covered with sow and ice
and said sidewalk was in a dangerous condition by reason of the neglegence of said
city and its officials and from this cause she fell fracturing and breaking her arm and she
asks as compensation for such hurt the sum of $5,000.00
Petition of Mip M Eggleston
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Rev. C Johanus and J M Wernerlots 130 and 131 in finley's addition and pt
of mineral lot 315
Petition and bill of John Piers stating that the city men in blasting on Bluff Street
extension brok a pitching kettle valued at $6.00
ordered paid
Petition of N L Alden Lot No 762 and N 6 ft of 761
Petition of Rev Tho Rowe asking that a lamp be placed at the intersetion of Arch
and Mineral streets near the West Dub Catholic Church
Petition of Genl Geo W Jones asking for a lamp to be placed near his residence on
Cox Street
Petition of Josephine Dubrock
Petition of John Lagen South 33 feet of Lot 658
Petition of Rosina Strobel
Petition of Gottlieb Schneider N 1/4 of S 1/5 and S M 1/5 of City Lot #98
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of John Scharff
Petition of J F Stiner erroneously assessed with water tax and claims he is outside the
water district
Petition of James Downey claiming five dollars for filling street in front of lot 429 city
Petition of B Kestler asking the sum of twenty five dollars for broken pane of glass in
his store on the day of Genl Grant's celebration
Petition of Michael Enright stating he is assessed with 5 acres of land that he deeded
to the city fo rhte Grand View Avenue road and asks to have the same corrected
N C Ryan reported the number of dressed hogs weighed on the city scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 1st ward scales
received and filed
Market Master Welter report
Wood measurer Waring report
received and filed
T Even reported having weighed southern Avenue Scales
Received and filed
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Street commissioner Dowling reported several persons named for work done and material
furnished on streets and highways
Laborers, teams, carpenters, McAdam Masons and expenses
received filed and ordered paid
Frank Fosselmann reported having weighed the 5th ward scales
Marshal Deckert reported pay the salaries of police force
received filed and ordered paid
Auditor Brandt reported salaries of the city officers and fire department
received and filed and ordered paid
Communication from D J Duane coal oil inspector
Communication from M Tschirgi Jr City Engineer in relation to enforcing the ordinance
relating to the erection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire and suggesting that
all persons proposing to build be required to secure a building permit from the
City Engineer before they are allowed to build.
Chs Pitschner reported having weighed on the west dubuque scales
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran report
On motion referred to the committee on Police to get possession of the bond and
collect the money for the lamp that was broken on corner of Main and 1st Streets.
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Recorder Quigley reported licenses issued
One Auctioneer
Five Hotel Boarding House and Restaurant
Four Peddlers
One Pork Packers
One Team
Henry Lembeck City Assessor and F OSullivan assistant assessor presented their official
bonds for one thousand dollars each
on motion the bonds were approved
Adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Genl Geo W Jones asking countil to complete the improvements commenced
on 14th Street from Prairie Street west
communication from A McKinzie U.S. Engineers Corps Rock Island Illinois asking for
statistics of the commerce and business of the city of Dubuque for 1879
The committee on finance to whom was referred the communication of Francis Guerin
report in favor of making a reduction on special assessment S 105 feet of city lot 747
N 207 feet as measured on Levee of said lot 747
report adopted
Communication from treasurer Riordan in relation to the taxes of J C R R
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The committee on ordinance to whom was referred the petition of H B Herald repor they
find in examining the city ordinance that no frame buildings can be erected within the fire
limits, therefore report adverse to this petition
report adopted
The same submitted an ordinance to amend Sec 6 of an ordinance entitled an ordinance
to regulate the erection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire which was read the
1st time on motion to suspend rule 29 teh ayes and nays was called for and lost
therefore the ordinance laid over until the next regular session of the council
The committee on claims to whom was referred the petition of D H Coyngham, H H Smyth,
W H Rumpf wholesale liquor license
report adopted and ordered paid
petition of Miss M J Coats
report adopted
Petition of L H Langworthy
reprt adopted
Petition of Fred Musschel
resolution reducing the price of curb
report adopted
Petitionof John Frenzel
reported adopted
Resolution for improving Tenth Street between White and Washington Streets; Eleventh
Street between Jackson and Washington Streets; Twelfth Street between Clay and
Washington Streets; and Ninth Street from alley between White to WAshington and Jackson
Streets. Recommend adoption of the resolution
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Resolution to postpone work alluded to in the report of the street commissioner
until April 1880
motion adopted
warranty deed from Thomas Yates and Wife and Orlando McCraney and wife to a strip
of land 211 ft wide for street purposes from S side of lots No 13 and 14 of Subd of
out lot No 688.
The committee on public grounds and buildings who have been instructed to make
arrangements with the Butchers to vacate the Central Market report that they could make
no arrangements with them, therefore your committee caused a partitiion to be erected
and fenced them out.
report approved
The committee on printing to whom was referred the petition of F A Griffke in relating to
printing by the Nord Iowa Post; your committee recommended that the sum of twenty five
dollars ($25.00) be deducted from Pete Karberg's next bill for failing to publish all official
report adopted
the same reported in favor of paying the bills of Times Co for printing
report adopted
the same report in favor of paying the bill of Ham & Carver
report adopted
The same report in favor of paying the Dubuque Daily Telegraph
report adopted and ordered paid
The same report that the bill of Peter Karberg for printing is correct according to
contract and recommend it be paid less twenty five ($25.00) dollars for neglect in
not complying with the contract
report adopted and ordered paid
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The committee on Fire to whom was referred the petition of R Clark asking to have
water tax refunded
report adopted
Petition of F J Benson Manager of Fire district alarm service
report adopted
Committee on printing having examined the Key City Gas Light Company for the month
of December 1879
report adopted
Committee on police to whom was referred the communication of the wood measurer
report adopted
the petition of Noah H Faust petition be granted by placing a policeman there from the
regular police force
report adopted
committee on delinquent taxes to whom was referred the petition of Chs T Muller
report adopted
Petition of Adam Pier guardian asking to have the city tax for 1879 cancelled on the
south half of Lot 120 East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of Patrick McNamara lot 149 and N 1/2 of Lot 148 in East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of H Burning N 2/5 of City Lot 496 fo rthe use of the N 1/5 by the City as a
hay market
report adopted
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
the same to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. B Maloney redemption of her
property from sale for 1878 tax
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. E A Buell tax on furniture and water cancelled
report adopted
Petition of Frank Pauro
report adopted
Petition of Martin Scherer
report adopted
Petition of mrs. Ann McLaughlin Lot 39 Kelleys subdivision
report adopted
Marshal Deckert submitted the following: to the honorable mayor and city council,
Gentlemen, I am under the necessity to report to your honorable body that I have found
police officers Michael Halpin and William Pickley intoxicated while on duty and
consequently unfit for duty according to chapter 31 section 4 of the city ordinance and I
would now recommend tht they be suspended from service and two other men appointed
to take their places.
Ald Linehan moved that the Marshals report be referred to a special committee
Tie vote mayor voted nay and declared motion lost
Moved and seconded to adopt the Marshals report
report adopted
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald McCann moved that the vacancies in the police force be filled for the present
Ald Linehan moved to amend that we now proceed to elect two policemen
amendment was adopted
Mayor appointed Ads Jones and Linehan as tellers
the following gentlemen were put in nomination
John Kintzinger
J Muekel
John O'Dea
Joseph Watery
John Kintzinger having received a majority of the votes was declred elected policeman to fill
the vacancy
It was moved that we now proceed to elect the other policeman; adopted.
The following men were put in nomination:
J Muekel
John O'Dea
Joseph Watery
John Kintzinger
John O'Dea having received a majority of all the votes was declared elected policeman
Ald Brown moved that all special policemen be dispersed with
not adopted
special committee referred petition of Philip Pier in relation to locating scales in the
2nd and fourth wards report and recommend that a scale be located at west dubuque
and one in the second ward at such place as the city weigher may select. The report
was amended that teh scales in the 2nd ward be located on eighth street between
main and iowa streets
yeas and nays called for on the adoption of the report as amended
tie vote mayor voted ay and declared the report as amended adopted
M Tschirgi Jr city engineer submitted the profiles of grade of Lemon and 27th streets
and Prine Road and Profile grade of Jackson Street from 23rd street.
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The City recorder presented the bids for improving 14th street from White to Washington
Streets and also 14th street from Washington to Elm Streets
bids were laid over until next session of council
Ald Leckie moved to reconsider vote by which market master Welters report for the month
of November 1879 was received and filed
motion to reconsider adopted
Moved that the report of the market master for November 1879 be referred to committee
on police
be it resolved that the tax on the west half of lot 62 in Cooks addition be canceled for
year 1879 it being the estate of the late Henry Stecher
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order be drawn in
favor of the city treasurer for the sum of twenty weven dollars and seventy cents ($27.70)
to redeem lot 4 in S M Langworthy addition wrongfully sold
the following bills were read and on motion ordered paid
Morrison Bros
Joseph Schuckert
F Heer
Joseph Schugert
E M Ogilby
C Mason & Son
Genl Warner Lewis
Dubuque Water Company
Am Dist Telegraph Co
M O'Loughlin
Mike Martin
Frank Gangler
John McCoy
Larry Daily
John Mint
M Chackenalk
John McCoy
Joseph Sohn
Wulwebers Bro
E V Hayden
J S Randall
N H Theadinga
L B Tuttle
P Kiene & Son
Wood & Gissel
Burch Babcock & Co
E Donnelly
H Haas
J Duhouse
Ths Monte
Nick Buer
J W Halpin
Regular Session January 5, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Healy Bev
Hugh Martin
James G Carney
T O Sullivan
Jacob Klauer
N C Ryan
Danl Rirden
P Domenig
H Honak
Asa Roberts
Pfiffner & Krieb
Joe Howard
B D Linehan
Dan Breen
John McCoy
Peter Klauer
T Nowlin
Phil Pier
Harney & O'Conners
James Kelley
James G Carney
E Smyth
Phil Pier
W G Watters
P Klauer
H Jungk
Farley, loetscher & Co
Lagen & Clare
D Grant
Joseph Sohn
Nick Eichmann
O'Grien & Cummings
Laflin Rand & Co
F E Moser
Peter Klauer
D W Linehan
Bill of John Pier for rope
Judgement John O'Loughlin vs city of dubuque
Regular Session January 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, and O'Neill
Absent Altman and McCann
The petition of Alex Farley in relation to a nuisance existing on Dodge Street and asking
to have same abated
Committee to whom was referred the several bills of the Fire Department
Report in favor of paying same as corrected
J K Graves Hose Co Genl Grant Reception
Key City Hook & Ladder Co Genl Grant Reception
5th Ward Hose Co Genl Grant Reception
Sol Turck Hose Co Fire
5th Ward Hose Co Fire
Key City Hook & Ladder Co Fire
J K Graves Hose Co Fire
Sol Turck Hose Co Fire
report was adopted
Bill of F A Griffke for advertising for 9 months bill correct according to contract and recommend
report adopted
D J Duan inspector of coal oil
bill ordered paid
Petition of George B Burch President of Dubuque Building and Loan Association asking
the city to join with them in subdividing the old fair grounds into building lots
Bill of P J Quigley Clerk D C for court costs
Ald Leckie moved that it is the sense of the council that the ordinance in relation to
inspecting coal oil shall embrace only oil that is consumed and offered for sale in the
city limits
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Minutes of last regular and special session was read and motion was approved
The petition of P McNamara work done for city some three or four years ago and as
he claims was not returned by the street boss
Petition of F Heer asking council to pay F Pauw for 31 days work on pagodas in the city
Petition of Michael O'Hare stating there has been a good many accidents of late in
account of sewers not being covered which is the negelect of the city and asks that a
wall be built on the city's side of lot No 2 O'hares subdivision southern Avevnue
the city has built walls on said side and on both sides of said lot and would like to
know the reason why said petition should not be granted
Petition of John Nagle, wholesale liquor license
Petition of the Dubuque Water Co asking to have the water tax paid by them in 1878
refunded as the property is outside the water limits
Petition of Philip Pier stating that in 1877 when the improvements on Windsor Avenue
were made it was necesary to get 30 feet of land belonging to Mrs. John Geiger in order
to widen said avenue. All the property owners had previously signed a deed giving to the
city the 30 feet frontage but Mr. Geiger refused to sign said deed uness the city would
hold him harmless from any damage to his land from the breaking of the sewer in front of
his property, and it was so agreed between Mr. Geiger and myself.
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Alex McJlwain asking the city to pay him for 110 yards of filling lot 746 belonging
to George Crane he refusing to pay for the same as he claims the damage to his lot was
caused by the neglect of the city
received and filed
Petition of Johanna Broderick subd out lot 703 W 1/3 lot 18 Kelley's subd E pt 16
Petition of Ann Sullivan
Petition of Margaretha Mertz
Petition of E W Duncan Secty of the Board of Underwriters Union asking the City Council
to process and adopt a device enabling the pipman at a fire to stop the supply of water.
Petition of mrs. A Kauffmann, stating she is a poor widow and owner of N 1/2 lot 40
Drebilbies Addition, same has been sold for city tax and asks to have same redeemed
Petition of W H Welch
Petition of F Fretsche asking to have the city engineer instructed to locate the grade on
corner of Jackson and 14th streets that I can set the curb stone along my property
Petition of James Wallis water tax wrongfully paid
Petition of Will Johnson lot 9 blk 712 in Quigley's addition wrongfully paid tax
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Charles Stafford water tax refund outside the water district
Petition of John Moran asking compensation for filling alley and sidewalk in front of
his property
Petition of John Mundt asking the right to establish a ferry at Eagle Point
Petition of Maria Siege
Pettition of Mrs. Mark Murphy
Petition of Mary A Aldersen
Petition of E B Gantert
petition of Mary Frausch poor widow owner of lot 200 East Dubuque
Petition of Mathias Schligal tax lot No 5 Wests addition
Petition of H Bruning stating that city council placed a hay market on one of his lots
agreeing in return to pay city taxes on the N 2/5 of lot 496
on motion prayer of petitioner was granted
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Mrs. Caroline Ernst
Petition of Mrs. Florence McCarthy NW 1/4 of lot 28 Kelley's subdivision has been sold
for city tax unable to rais money to redeem
Petition of Mrs. Margaret Tracy lot No 695 in Newmans Cooper & Smyths subdivision
Lot No 14 cancelled
on motion the prayer of petitioner was granted
Petition of Herman Tenhoff
N C Ryan reported having weighed first ward scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed hogs
received and filed
F Fossellman reported having weighed 5th ward scales
received and filed
Police Justice C M Mills reported
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported pay the regular police force
received filed and ordered paid
Wood Inspector Waring reported
received and filed
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Market master Welter reported having weighed Central market scales
fuel used by two bulls in city hall
board of prisoners and lodgers
received filed and paid
Chs Pitschner reported having weighed West Dubuque scales
received and filed
Auditor Brandt report salaries of the city officers and fire department
received filed and paid
Street Commissioner Dowling reported the amount due the several persons named for
work done and material furnished for streets and highways
street laborer
street macadam
street teams
received filed and ordered paid
Recorder Quigley reported number and amount of licenses issued
Opera House
Pork Packers
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported
received and filed
Petition of F Stiner report in favor of granting the prayer of petitioner
report adopted
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
The Ordinance Committee to whom was referred the communication of City Engineer
Tschirgi's Jr in relation to the ordinance to regulate the erection of buildings and prevent
accidents by fire. Report that your committee have given this matter full consideration and
find the ordinance sufficiently strong; it provides that builders shall submit their plans
and specifications to the city engineer or other person appointed by the city council and
if said plans and specifications conform to the ordinance the city engineer or other such
person so appointed shall certify to the correctness of teh same which certificate shall
be signed by the mayor and returned to the person applying therefore. Therefore your
committee earnestly recommended the enforcement of teh ordinance as provided.
report adopted
the same reported an ordinance to amend an ordinance passed September 1st 1879
to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene etc.
moved its adoption
moved that the matter be referred back to the Ordinance committee with instructions to amend
the ordinance so that it will be the duty of the inspector to inspect only the oil used within
the limits
amendment adopted
moved that when the council adjourns it adjourns to meet on Wednesday February 4 at
7 1/2 o'clock pm
The committee on ordinance to whom was referred the communication and bill of
D J Duane for inspecting oil
recommended the bill be paid
Ald Linehan moved to amend that the bill be referred to Alds Brown McCann and
Lillig to report in the afternoon
Amendment adopted
Communication of the Dubuque Harbor Co in relation to suits
change of grade
withdraw suits against the city now pending
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Notice of appeal to circuit court in relation to the assessment of Alice E Woodworth
report adopted
Costs in the case of Thos Fiers vs James Beach suits referred to has bee cancelled
report adopted
Petition of Johanna Zacheria for damages sustained by falling on ice covered sidewalk
report in favor of allowing this petition to be withdrawn
report adopted
Bill of P J Quigley's clerk of the courts
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of R S West on motion this petition was referred to the committee on claims to
examine the records and find out who the property in question belonged to in the
year 1876.
On motion adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
the council met at 2 o'clock p.m. as per adjournment
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
the bill of John Pier
report adopted
Petition of James Downey
report adopted
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Genl G W Jones for improvement of 14th street.
report adopted
Communication of Capt A McKinzie in relation to the commerce of the city
received and filed
Petition of F Mertz report they have sold screens to John McCoy
report adopted
bill of Ham & Carver for printing
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of Rev Thos Rowe, for a lamp in West Dubuque
report adopted
Report of C C Coakley Justice of the Peace
report adopted
Report of the lamplighter for December
report adopted
reported in favor paying the bills of the North Western Globe Gas Co
report adopted and ordered paid
reported in favor of paying the Key City GAs Co
report adopted and pay
Petition of B Kestler for broken glass in his store
on motion the bill was ordered paid
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Alex Farley in relation to a nuisance on Dodge Street moved to refer to Ordinance
motion to refer lost
On motion the petition of Alex Farley was referred to the ordinance committee to prepare
an ordinance in relation to keeping more than three cows on any city lot
Petition of Thos J Hepman water tax paid by him erroneously on Lot 782 and 782
McDaniels subd
report adopted and pay
Petition of John Miller, guardian
report adopted
Petition of John Scharff Lots 5 and ^ of lot 98 and lot 2 and parts of lots 1 an 3 of lot 97
all in L H Langworthy's addition
report adopted
Petition of M Ahern for over assessment
report adopted
Petition of M M Eggleston
report adopted
Petition of John Corcoran over assessment
report adopted
Petition of Mary Schause
report adopted
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Michael Enright and city engineer be instructed to prepare a plat of
Grand View Avenue showing teh amount of ground taken by said street from each
mineral lot through which it runs and a reduction of $500.00 to be made to petitioner
report adopted
Petition of Martin Theis N 1/2 lot 120 in East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Devine S 17 ft W 1/2 City Lot 121
report adopted
Petition of Gottleib Schneider
report adopted
petition of Rosina Strobel
report adopted
Petition of Josephine Dubrock lot 351 in East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of John Lagen
report adopted
Petition of Rev C Johannus and J M Werner trustees lots 130 and 131 Finley's addition
and part of mineral lot 315 containing 75/100 of an acre
report adopted
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Petition of Maria Thomas Lot 13 in Welands Subdivision
report adopted
Petition of Mary C Norman lot 2 mineral lot 122
report adopted
Petition of W W Carr & Co
loss by fire
report adopted
ordinance to amend section six (6) of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate
the erection of buildings and prevent accidents by fire etc. which was read the first time
at the last regular session was read again by its title and on motion the yeas and nays was
called for on its adoption
chair declared the ordinance as amended adopted
Ald Linehan moved that the commitee on ordinances be instructed to prepare an ordinance
on the keeping of cows in the city and report the same at the end of the next regular
session of the city council
there being a tie vote the mayor voted aye and declared the motion adopted
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order be drawn on the
treasurer for four hundred dollars ($400.00) in favor of J H Haggerty that being the
amount the Finance Committee and city attorney allowed him for injuries received in
falling in the sewer on Southern Avenue
agreement Haggerty the Finance Committee presented the following agreement
which was ratified by the council. This agreement of settlement made by
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
agreement with Haggerty and the city of Dubuque stipulates as follows said city is pay
said Haggerty four hundred ($400.) dollars and pay doctors bill and medical in
consideration of which said Haggerty hereby releases all claims against said city in
consequence of the injury he is now suffering under
J H Haggerty
Mrs. J Haggerty
J J Linehan
A McCann
J Herod
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the City Attorney be instructed to
withdraw the suit now pending in court vs James Burt and be it further resolved that the
treasurer be instructed to redeem from tax sale the west 21 feet being a part of block
No one (1) in the Dubuque Harbor Companies addition provided the owners of said
21 feet agree to the change of grade in front of said property if there is any
Ald herod submitted the following resolved that a sidewalk be constructed on the south
side of Dodge Street between dodge street and Eschange Street
3/4 of mineral lot 62 owned by Michael Ray
resolution adopted
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washingto Street from 11th to 12th
streets by James G CArney contractor special tax be levied as follows
Frank Brede S 84 5/10 ft 499
jacob Pfiffner S M 40 ft 499
Dominick Nickels M 51 2 ft 499
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Owners Name
Description of Lots
Amount of tax
Anton Vogler S 30 ft of N 80 ft 499
Susan Naylor N 50 ft of N 80 ft 499
H Lembeck & Co S 2/5 W 1/4 500
Chas Neumann M 1/5 W 1/4 500
John Wittmer S 1/2 N M W 1/4 500
Gustav Joffrey N 1/2 N M W 1//4
Cyprean Kopp N 1/5 W 14 500
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of Dubuque macadamizing washington Street and Tenth
Street by James G Carney contractor special tax be levied as follows
Rouse and Dean 506 a city
Drees Bros 424 City
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
resolved curbing guttering and macadamizing Eagle Point Avenue from Couler Creek
to Couler Avenue by James G Carney, Contractor special tax be levied as follows
C Busfeld Est N 2/3 100 L H Langworthy's addition
T E Frith 85 L H Langworthy's addition
peter Oeth 56 L H Langworthy's addition
John Mueller E 1/2 35 L H Langworthy's addition
Wm Hollnagel 9 a L H Langworthy's addition
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
resolved pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington Street from 12th to
13th streets by James G Carney contractor special tax be levied as follows
Martin pfiffner 62 east dubuque
Chistian Ris 63 East Dub
Jacob Grill 64 East Dub
James Hayes 65 East Dub
James Hayes 66 East Dub
Henry nagelmaker 127 East Dub
John Parker 128 East Dub
Mary A Mulkern 129 East Dub
Stephen Steihle W 1/2 130 East Dub
Barth Gantert est S 1/2 130 East Dub
John Hartman 131 East Dub
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
resolved pay for macadamizing alley from 10th to 11th streets between Jackson and
Washington Streets by Martin and Strand contractors a special tax be levied as follows
John Friburg 425 City
Jacob Botzet 1 1/2 426 City
Henry Frank N 1/2 426 City
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
special assessments
Jacob Kurz 427 City
Mrs. L Thomann 428 City
James Downey 429 City
Catherine Gerlach 389 City
J Pazandack S 1/2 390 City
Leonard Miller N 1/2 390 City
Fred Broell S 1/2 390 City
Ferd Tischer N 1/2 391 City
Rudolph Nolte 392 City 393 City
Ald Lickie moved to reconsider vote taken last session postponing the improvements of
certain streets to April 1, 1880
Chair declred the motion adopted
Ald McCann moved that all street work be postponed until petitioned for by the abutters
seconded motion lost
Ald herod submitted the following and moved its adoption
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city engineer be
instructed to prepare a plan of the proposed extension of Sanford Street from its present
eastern termination to Windsor Avenue and that he proceed in accordance with the
ordinance required in case of opening altering or annulling streets alleys and
highways in the city of Dubuque
Ald McCann moved to amend that this matter be
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
postponed until the committee bring in their plat of said street.
chair declared the amendment adopted
Ald Jones moved to reconsider the vote whereby the coal ordinance was referred to
Alds McCann Brown and Lillig
Ald O'Neill moved to suspend rule 29 to put the coal ordinance in its passage
chair declared the rule suspended
The ordinance was read by its title an ordinance to amend an ordinance passed
september 1st 1879 to regulate the sale and inspection of Kerosene oils etc.
ordinance adopted
On motion the bids for street improvements were ordered opined and read and be
referred to the committee on streets and city engineer to report to the council on
Wednesday February 4 1880
the following bills were read and on motion were ordered paid
James G Carney
D W Linehan
Dolan & Langworthy
J K Graves Hose Co
American Smelting Co
Fifth Ward Host Co
Andrew Drees
Ms. Chalinalk
T O Sullivan
R Miller
A Y McDonald
Asa Horr
Sol Turck Hose Co
Larry Daily
Ellwange Bros
Key City Gas Light Co
Schreiber & Strinsky
Nat Bell Telephone Co
N H Theadinga
Mich Downey
W Zachina
Junkermann & Haas
Regular Session February 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan, McCann and O'Neill
R Wallace
Joseph Schugert
M O'Loughlin
J & A Christman
Hugh Martin
Dubuque Water Co
Dan Breen
John Bell
Key City and Ladder Co
Junkerman & Haas
Rouse & Dean
Dubuque Steam Supply Co
Bill of the Dubuque County Bank for 1/2 percent commission on payment of coupons
in New York City
The following bills and petition was referred to the committee on fire to report on
Wednesday February 4, 1880 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m.
J Cahill
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Dub Telephone Exchange Co
J K Graves Hose Co
John Cahill stating John Pasley and Donelan were present at two fires
D J Duane inspecting coal
B Lugen hauling prisoners to calaboose
Regular Session February 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Ald Herod from the street committee and city engineer referred bids for improvement of 14th
street from Washington to Pine Streets and 14th street from Washington to White streets
J N Foy's bid
James G Carney bid
James G Carney being the lowest bidder on motion of Ald Herod the contract for improving
14h street from washington to pine street was awarded to James G Carney
On the improvement of 14th street from Washington to White streets
John Licht bid
James G Carney bid
Martin & Strand bid
James Foy
on motion of Ald Herod the contract was awarded to Martin & Strand
Ald Doerfler from the committee on fire reported the following
Bills of fire department under consideration and find that according to the ordinance
we cannot recommend their payment but at the same time we do find that they were on
duty at the different times mentioned in their petition and are of teh opinion that they are
entitled to pay for the same as asked for. therefore we would respectfully offer the following
Whereas we the committee on fire find that the different fire compaies were on duty at
the times mentioned in their petition therefore be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that all appropriations be made equal to the amount of the bills presented and orders drawn
as follows
J K Graves hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
Regular Session February 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Committe of fire petition of John Cahill for the pay of John Peasly and Mr. Donelan for
attending two fires
report adopted and ordered paid
On motion rule 11 was suspended when Mr. Kime addressed the council in relation to
a telephone fire alarm and explained the working of teh system in Chicago, Illinois
The committee on fire was referred the bill of the Dubuque Telephone Exchange Co
report adopted and ordered paid
the following bills were read and ordered paid
W Dunnebeck bill for salary
D Riordan bill for postage stamps
The committee on claims to whom was refered the judgement against city and favor of
John O'Loughlin with poer report we have ordered the treas to pay John O'Loughlin
report adopted and that order be drawn
Moved that order be drawn for city treasurer to redeem city lot 212
The bill of Dr. J H Green for services in attending Jas Haggerty
ordered paid
the committee on claims petition of John Nagle wholesale liquor license
report adopted and ordered paid
On motion rule 11 was suspended to hear D J Duane in relation to measuring and
inspecting coal oil
Special committee bill of D J Duane for inspecting coal oil
report adopted and ordered paid
Regular Session February 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Ald Jones submitted the following
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that ninth (9th) street from alley between
White and Jackson Streets to Washington Street where the same has not already been
done be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with ordinance
done at expense of owners abutting property not to be commenced before April 1 1880
resolution adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that Tenth (10th) street between White
and Washington Streets be graded, guttered curbed and macadmized where the same
has not already been done in conformity with the ordinance done at the expense of the
owners abutting property the work not to be commended before the first of April 1880
chair declared resolution adopted
resolution to improve 12th street between Clay and Washington streets
resolution lost not having 3/4 votes
The chairman of police submitted minority report on the market masters report
Regular Session February 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Market masters report
I would recommend hereafter that the market master submit his report for directing
persons and lodgers to the city Marshal each month for his approval and also that the
name of each prisoner or lodger be entered in a book in the calaboose with the amount
of meals furnished each and the marshal is hereby instructed to make an annual
report to the city council of all arrrests, the nature of same and what was done with
prisoners the amount of fines collected as is prescribed by ordinance
Ald Brown moved the adoption of his report
Ald Leckie moved to amend by substituting a majority report of the committee on police
as follows
To the city council of dubuque your committee to whom was referred the report of Henry
Welter Market Master for the mnths of November and December 1879 would
respectfully report that they have examined into the matter and find the followin facts
that in the beginning of November Capt Ryan and Marshal Deckert being satisfied that
the bill presented to the city council by the market master for boarding prisoners and
lodgers in the calaboose was in excess of the amount actually expended instructed
policeman John Miller to keep a correct account of all the meals given to lodgers and
prisoners during the month to which duty we believe Mr. Miller has faithfully performed
accoding to Mr. Miller account the market master was entitled to $18.50 at 20 cents per
meal for the same month the market master presented a bill to the council for $42.00
making a difference of $23.50 and for the month of December under the same
instructions Mr. Miller kept an account of the amount expended by him for the same
purpose and according to Mr. Miller's account he is entitled to $9.90 the market masters
bill presented against the city amounts to $27.40 making a difference of $17.50 for
December and a total difference of $41.00 for the two months We recommend that
this matter be referred to a committee of one from each ward
Signed C Leckie and Louis Doerfler Police Committee
Ald McCann moved that the majority report be referred to the Police Committee
Yeas and nays was called for a majority report as amended
report adopted
Regular Session February 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
Ald Doerfler submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved that it shall be the duty of the city marshal to report to the city council each
month the number of arrests made by the police by when arrested and the offense
for which they were taken into custody
Special Session February 23 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
The mayor stated the object of the meeting was in relation to the visit of Painell and Dillon
to the city on Friday July 27 1880 and which would be more fully explained by a communication
in the Recorders desk.
Whereupon the recorder read the following communication to the mayor and council
At a meeting of citizens of Dubuque at the court house on Wednesday eve the 18th
instant it was unanimously voted to invite your honors to attend the Parnell reception
to take place at the opera house on Friday Eve July 27 1880
It was also suggested that your honors would see the propriety of extending to Mip
Parnell and Dillen the freedom of the city on that occassion
Ald O'Neill submitted the following
Where as Charles Stuart Parnell a member of the English parliment and the great agitator
of the Irish land reform league is about to visit our city and Whereas the congress of the
United States have invited Mr. Parnell to speak before that August body in council
assembled and Whereas the pricipal cities of the United State through their municipal
officers have invited Mr. Parnell and tendered him and his co-workers the freedom and
hospitality of their respective cities Whereas it be resolved that the city of Dubuque
through its Mayor and city council receive and tender to mr. Parnell and his co-workers
the freedom and hospitality of the city while in our midst and that this preamble and
resolution be engrossed in the records of the city council.
The Chair declared the motion adopted.
Ald O'Neill moved that a committee of five be appointed to receive Parnell and Dillon and
to provide
Special Session February 23 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
McCann and O'Neill
Absent Linehan
for their entertainment and comfort.
Motion was carried and mayor appointed the cmmittee
Ald Brown submitted the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that Fourteenth Street between
Washington and Pine Streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized
resolution adopted
On motion of ald Herod the following bids for street work from White to Washington
on Ninth and Tenth streets were opened and read and referred
James E Foy bid on 9th St
James E Foy bid on 10th St
Chs Stuck Bid on 10h St
Jas G Carney Bid on 9th St
Martin & Stano Bid on 9th and 10th Streets
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
The following communication was received from Auditor Brandt to the mayor and
city council
Gentlemen I am not in receipt of the vouchers covering the disbursements for the month
of February as yet it was of course impossible for me to hand you my report today as
required by ordinance; I shall however be able to present to your honorable body
my annual report which forms a part of teh report of the committee on finance by the
15th instant on which day it has heretofor been the custom to call a special meeting for
the purpose of receiving said report
on motion received and filed
Ald Linehan moved that when the council does adjourn it adjourn to March 15 1880 at
7 1/2 o'clock pm
petition of M L Beaubine lot 639
Petition of m M Walker sidewalk junction of Main and First streets easterly along
south side of First street to the East side of alley between Main and Jones street,
thence south along east side of said alley to a point west from in opposite the steps at the
NW corner of the J C RR Freight Depot
Petition of Wm Hollnagel liquor license
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
Petition of Margaret Lehen
Petition of Hemika Boesfeld
Petition of J N Foy stating there is no cross street from East Locust to Almond Streets
and asking to take steps to have a street laid out and opened
Petition of Pictinelle Nyvenberg
Petition of Zeforian Kofep
Petition of Eliza Tuegel
Petition of Fred Otley Henion Street
Petition of Henry Meyer wholesale liquor dealer
Petition of J Royce
Petition of Margaret Feeney injury to her hip fall on sidewalk north side of 10th street
in front of the Congretational Church
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
Petition of Henry Lembeck asking council to advance him sum to be deducted from his
salary as city assessor
granted and pay
Petition of Bridget Malloney
Petiton of Catherin Dolter
Petition of P Boyne lot S 1/2 220
Petition of the Rt Rev John Hennessey los 160 and 161 in Union addition educational
purposes exempted
Remonstrance of John Fitzpatrick extension of Eagle Point Avenue
Petition of T C Duddy assessment in lot 21 and 22 Harbor Co addition
Petition of H A Rooney
Petition of Maria Hayden
Communication of the census office
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
Petition of Mrs. A Barnes by her attorneys McCleary and O'Donell stating that she fell on
the sidewalk on 3rd street near Ald Harrison house and fractured her arm she thinks the
sidewalk was constructed in a dangerous manner being placed on a steep decline without
any railing to afford protection and covered with ice was the cause of her injury and asks
to have her case investigated and give her such compensation you think she ought to have
Bill of P J Quigley's court cost in the case of M Dunn vs the city of Dubuque
Petition of Martin Pfiffner asking city engineer to give him the grade on White and 19th
Streets Block 487
Petition of Dubuque Telephone Exchange Co offering to furnish the improved district
fire alarm boxes and line and all requisite material at an expense of $1.50 each per
Petition of Margaret Glennon
Petition of Mrs Fanny Curtis granted and paid
Petition of Ann Stewart
Petition of Recorder Quigley for equalization of this years salary and compensation for
making out the list of registration last year
Auditor Brandt reported salaires of the city officers and fire department
report adopted and ordered paid
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
Chs Pitschner reported weighed west dubuque scales
received and filed
P Even reported weighed Souhern Avenue Scales
received and filed
F Fossellman reported weighed 5th Ward Scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported weighed 1st Ward Scales
received and filed
N C Ryan reported weighed hogs
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halleran reported
received and filed
Wood inspector W Warring reported
received and filed
Street Commissioner Dowling reported amounts due for work done and material furnished
on streets and highways and his supervision
Express Hauling
received filed and ordered paid
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent McCann
Marshal Deckert report pay police force
received filed and ordered paid
Market Master Welster reported having weighed central market scales and expenses for
boarding prisoners and lodgers
received filed and expense ordered paid
Police Justice Horner reported number and amount of fines
received and filed
Recorder Quigley reported number of births, deaths and infectious disease for fiscal year
ending July 1880
births 354
deaths 141
infectious diseases 101
received and filed
Marshal Deckert submitted his annual report of cases brought before the police courts
during fiscal year ending July 1880
received and filed
Marshal Deckert reported all the cases during the month of July 1880
cases of all kinds
lodgers in calaboose
report received and filed
The following from Ald McCann tendering his resignation of Alderman of the 1st Ward
was read and on motion was accepted Dubuque March 1st 1880
As I have changed my residence
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
McCann resignation
from the first ward to the third which precludes me from representing said first ward
I herefore tender your honorable body my resignation thanking you for the many favors
received at your hands and the uniform courtesy extended to me during my connection
with the City Council and in serving my connection with you Gentlemen rest assured I
entertain the kindest feelings toward each and every one of you and if ever in the heat
of discussion I have offended any of you I exceedingly regret it as it was not my intention.
I also return my sincere thanks to the people of the first ward for many favors conferred on
me during my residence of twenty eight years among them and I assure them that their
kindness will never be forgotten by me. A McCann
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Resolve by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that a vote of thanks is hereby tendered
by this council to Arthur McCann Esq. for the valuable and efficient services rendered by
him as an alderman of the first ward for the last four years during that period it is well
known that some of the most valuable and important improvements were made with credit
under his direction as the chairman of the street committee his efficient services as a
member of the finance committee as well as other important committees has
been a credit to himself and an honor to the city. He has guarded the city with his
utmost ability from any and every attempt to plunder the same while at the same time
we have alaways found him ready and willing to allow any and every just claim that has
been investigated and declared just. It is with sincere regret that we have to now sever
the connection with him as Alderman on account of his removal from the first to the
third ward. We trust however taht a change of location that has brought him nearer than
ever to this council chamber will not keep him from having a watchful eye upon us and
that he will be ever ready and willing to assist us with his good wishes and good cheer.
On motion, adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
The council met at 2 o'clock p.m. as per adjournement.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Ed Blake
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Communication from City Recorder asking for help in making out the registration list
On motion, the recorder be allowed a clerk
Petition of H H Welch
W 1/2 Lot 6 Fortunes Subd
E P Lyman
W 1/2 of said lot 6 in Fortunes Fubs
report adopted
Bill of the Dubuque County Bank
recommend this bill be paid
report adopted
report of licenses issued in 1876 1877 1878 and 1879
receive and file
report adopted
Communication for City Treasurer W Huntzinger to redeem lot 64 in Cooks addition lot
N 2/3 of 100 in L H Langworthy Addition and lot No 45 in Marsh Addition sold
erroneously at tax sale by Treasurer Griswold
ordered paid
Committee on Ordinance Petition of Alex Farley in relation to nuisance on Dodge Stree
draft an ordinance in relation to cows. report that they have met in council with the city
attorney and he advises that the committee to report to the council for more definite
instructions as city lots differ in size ranging from 20 feet to 4 acres he will draft the
ordinance if so directe byt it will have no effect if passed and in his opinion better enforce
the present ordinances and if those interested do no keep their places clean and orderly
declare them a nuisance and have them abated.
moved to receive and file
moved to amend hat the report be laid on the table
Chair declared the amendment lost
original motion was adopted
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Ald Leckie moved that the city treasurer be requested to dispense with his clerk after
the 15th of March 1880
Petition of Parick McNamara
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. Wall Johnson tax for wrong lot
report adopted
Petition of F Heer in relation to claim of F Pauw for work done on pagodas
Petition of Michael O'Hare
report adopted
Petition of Geo W andrew nuisance
report adopted
Petition of Peter Greiner
report adopted
Petition of Philip Pier in relation to agreement made with John Geiger in relation to damage
to his property by reason of teh sewer
report adopted
report of Street Commissioner in regard to sidewalks committee recommend that the
street commissioner or marshal notify abutting property owners to have sidewalks
complained of brought to proper grade as soon as the weather permits
report adopted
Petition of Maj D Horr laying petition on the table
report adopted
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Charles D S Jones
report adopted
Petition of F Fretsche grade of street on corner 14th and Jackson
report adopted
Petition of M Kingman Secretary of hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co in
relation to the motor house being on the street and C report that they have sufficient
evidence to show that there is an error in the deed from mr. Milligan to the city which
if corrected would make the street as was originally laid out and would therefore
recommend the city attorney be instructed to take the necessary steps to correct said
Ald Herod moved the adoption of the report
chair declared the motion to adopt the report lost
on motion the report was received and filed.
Petition of F A Augstine in relation to the removal of the motor house from off the street
Profile of teh grade of Price Street
report adopted
Profiles of grade of Lemon Street from Millville Street to 27th Street, 27th street
from lemon Street to Jackson Street, Peru Road from couler avenue to city limits and
Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the City limits
Herewith is presented the profiles of Lemon Street from Millville to 27th street, 27th
street from Lemon Street to Jackson Street; Peru Road from Couler Avenue to
city limits; and Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the city limits and would
respectfully recommend that the red lines in said profiles be declared the official grade
of said streets
City engineer
M tschingi
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Whereupon Ald Herod submitted the following resolution which was adopted
Be it resolved that the red line in the accompanying profile be declared the official
grade of Lemon Street from Millville Street to Twenty Seventh Street
also that the red line on the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of
twenty seventh (27th) street from Lemon street to Jackson Street
also that the red line in the accompanying profile be declared the official grade of
Millville Street from Couler Avenue to the city limits
And also that the red line in the accompanying profile be declred the official grade
of Peru Road from Couler avenue to the city limits
Profile of jackson Street from 23rd street to Peru Road
Herewith is presented the profile of Jackson Street from 23rd Street to Peru Road
recommend that the red line be declared the official grade of said street
city engineer
M Tschirgi Jr
Ald Herod submitted resolution which was adopted
Be it resolved that the red line as shown in the accompanying profile be declared the
official grade of jackson Street from Twenty third (23rd) street to the Peru Road
Profile of the grade of the alley between 3rd and fenelon street
Herewith is presented the profile and grade of the alley between third (3rd) and Fenelon
streets and recommend that the blue line be declared the official grade of said alley
M Tschirgi Jr Eng
Ald Herod offered the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council that the blue line as the accompanying profile be
declared the official grade of the alley between 3rd street and Fenelon Place from
Burch St east to end of alley
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Committee on Harbors Petition of John Muriat for right to establish a ferry at Eagle Point
Report that they have considered this case and recommend the prayer of the petitioner
be granted
report adopted
committee on printing reported in favor paying the following bills viz Ham & Carver Times
report adopted and ordered paid
Committee on fire petition of James Wallis
report adopted and ordered paid
Petition of Chs Stafford
report adopted and pay
Bill of B Lagen committee on police
report adopted and ordered paid
Bill of Northwestern Gas Light Co
report adopted and ordered paid
Bill of Key City Gas LIght Company
report adopted and ordered paid
delinquent taxes
petition of mrs. Caroline Ernst
report adopted
Petition of Mathias Schlegal
report adopted
Petition of Maria Seige tax lots 134 134a and 136a Langworthy Add
report adopted
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Herman Tenhoff Lot 282 and S 1/2 in Davis Farm
report adopted
Petition of E B Gantert tax on S 1/2 lot 130 East Dubuque
report adopted
Petition of mary Trausch
report adopted
Petition of Margaret Mertz lot 28 Hoopers addition
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. A Kauffmann
report adopted
Petition of Geo B Hamilton report as follows that if petitioner pay his tax for 1878 within
30 days he be allowed to do so without interest provided he withdrew his suit against the
city and pay all corts in this suit for tax sale of mineral lot 178 the city pay him back the
amount originally paid by him at said tax sale without interest or penalty
report adopted
petition of Mrs. mark Murphy recommend that petitioner be allowed to pay $25.00 in full
for the taxes if paid within 30 days
report adopted
Petition of Ann Sullivan for remission of tax
report adopted
Petition of Mary A Aldersen
report adopted
Petition of Mrs. T McCarthy
report adopted
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Johannah Broderick tax E Pt Lot 16 Kelley's subd and W 1/2 lot 18 Subd
of out lot 703
report adopted
Profile of Grand View Avenue showing the amount of land by said road from each
mineral lot
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Whereas at a regular meeting on June 2 1879 it was ordered that an order for $300.00
be drawn in favor of John D Bush to pay the expense of two delegates to Wasghinton
City and whereas said project of said committee was abandoned and the expense
thereof was not incured and the order for same amount has not been paid and is still in
the hands of the city auditor now therefore be it resolved that an order to correct the same
that the Finance Committee be ordered to have the same order for $300.00 cancelled
Also order No 3321 dated April 14, 1879 to Dave Rierdan Treasurer
Ad Herod submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council that the change of grade on Fourteenth from Cox Street
to Alta vista Street as shown by the green line in the accompanying profile and which
has the written consent of the abutting property owners be declared the official grade
of said street
Ald Leckie submitted the following which was adopted
Resolved by the council that the city recorder be and is hereby directed to purchase ten
(10) copies of the new city directory for the use of the city officers.
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Ald Herod reported the following bids for improving 9th from alley west of Jackson Street
to Washington Street
James G CArney
Martin Strane
James E Foy
On motion the contract was awarded to james G Carney lowest bidder
On motion the city recorder opened and read the bids for improving 14th street from
Washington to Pine Streets
On motion the bids were referred
It was moved and seconded that the council take a recess
Council reconvenes to hear the report in the bids
Ald Herod reported on teh following bids for improving 14th Street from Washington to
Pine Streets
James E Foy
James G Carney
Martin & Strane
On motion this contract was awarded to martin & Strane lowest and best bidders
Bills read and ordered paid
James Plaister Ins
Dubuque Water Co
James G Carney
Martin & Strane
Andrew Tschirgi
Dubuque Bell Telephone Ex Co
Larry Daily
Andrew Treadway & Sons
Juke Connant
J Butt Bros
F Mertz
J K Graves Hose Co
Philip Pier
Morrison Bros
D W Linehan
Nick Eichmann
James G Carney
M Tschirgi Jr
Mr Haas
M O'Loughlin
Dubuque Bell Telephone Ex Co
Mr. Chalkenalk
5th Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
J P Klensch
Dubuque Cab Makers Ass
James Martin
Regular Session March 1 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Bills paid
Mr Haas
J & A Christman
Dr. Staples
John Pals
C Collius
Wemott Howard & Co
Bill of Dr. Mengis services in attending Mrs. Zachina
Bill of F Mertz
Bill of P J Quigley Clerk of Court for court cost in the case of Dub Harbor Co vs City
of Dubuque
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Bush Robinson & Co
platform in which is weighed hogs in street and in the way of doing business
asked to have same removed
on motion referred to street committee to have same removed at the expense of city
Petition of Burch Babcock & Co asking city council to order 11th Street east of the
RR tracks filled up to grade
Petition of John Melhop asking to have sidewalk graded on Couler Avenue south of
Diagonal Street
on motion petition granted
Petition of Elizabeth Spahn
Petition of Patrick O'Rourke property over assessed
Petition of John Muller 101.65 due in E 1/2 lot 35 in L H Langworthys addition
property belongs to minor children of late John Sutter they have no means to pay
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of William Hintrager
mineral lot 125
Ald Doerfler reported in favor of paying F Mentz
report adopted
Bill of M Morgan
ordered paid
Bills of T J Paisley for making out and acknowledging 3 right of way deeds and making out
deed and acknowledging same from Woods et al $5.00 and notice to Spear & Lee to execute
contract $1.00 total $6.00
ordered paid
Bill Julien House for the Parnell :& Dillon
ordered paid
Bill of Chs H McMasters for assisting City Auditor on his annual report
ordered paid
the City attorney to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley Clerk
cost in the case of the City of Dubuque vs he Dubuque Harbor Co 18.65
recommend be paid
report adopted and ordered paid
City Attorney to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley
cost in the case the Dubuque Harbor Co vs the City of Dubuque 14.95
recommend be paid
report adopted and ordered paid
City Attorney to whom was referred petition of Phil Pier on behalf of John Geiger in
relation to the right of way over his property for a sewer
Find claimant not entitled to any relief
recommned petition received and filed
report adopted
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Communication from Robert Craig 1st Lieut 4 Artillary in answer to the petition of the
Mayor and City Council asking the report of the signal office at this station be
published in 11 o'clock a.m. reports
refuse to grant said prayer
received and filed
Committee of teh Whole to whom was referred the petition of F Heer
work on the pagodas
in favor of receiving this petition
report adopted
Petition of J P Quigley by City recorder for correction in salary of 1879 and pay for
making out registration
in favor
report adopted
Rule 11 was suspended to hear P McColough esq on removal of the platform for weighing
dress hogs
The Committee on Finance
Petition of Margaret Feeney claim vs city for injuries received by falling on sidewalk on
corner of Locust and 10th Street
report adopted
Dubuque March 10th 1880 Miss Magaret Feeney agrees with the City of Dubuque to take
one hundred ($100.00) dollars in full for claims she has against the City of Dubuque said
claim is for injuries received by her in falling on the icy sidewalk on the corner of Locust
Street and 10th Street about six weeks ago. The above one hundred ($100.00) dollars
shall be considered in full of doctor bills and all other claims
Signed Margaret Feeney her mark
Witness J Herod and J J Linehan
The same to whom was referred the petitin of Mrs. Asenathia Barnes for her claims vs
the City for injuries received by falling on sidewalk on Third Street
report adopted
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
The following was presented by Ald Herod
Dubuque March 12th 1880
Dear sir
I have made up my mind not to ask for more than the others receive $100.00 one
hundred dollars if paid by the present council yours Asenathia Barnes
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
one hundred dollars ($100.00) paving and curbing 17th Street abutting lot no 473 in
the town of Dubuque assessed aginst Margaret Flynn
Ald O'Neill submitted an ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for the appointment
of a City marshal by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and moved its adoption
Ald O'Neill moved that rule 29 be suspended and the ordinance be put on its passage
Chair declared the rule suspended
Ald O'Neill then moved that the ordinance be read and put on its final passage
Chair declared the ordinance adopted
the finance committee instructed to cancel orders No 516 amd 3321
Report that they have complied with the instructions on the council
report adopted
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order be drawn for $100.00 in
favor of Margaret Feeney as pay in full for her claim
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Ald Linehan submitted the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council that an order be drawn for $100.00 in favor of
Asenathia Barnes as payment in full for her claim vs the city
The committee on delinquent petition of Bridget Malloney
report adopted
Petition of margaret Glennon
report adopted
Petition of Wm McCabe
report adopted
Petition of Eliza Tuegel Lot 47 L H Langworthy Add
report adopted
Petition of T C Duddy Lots 21, 22 Blk 15 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's addition 1879
report adopted
Petition of Catherine Dolter
report adopted
Petition of Rev J Hennessey Lots 160 and 161 in Union adition
report adopted
Petition of Ed Blake
report adopted
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Petition of Ann Stewart Lot 33 in wests Addition
report adopted
Petition of P Vyverburg
report adopted
Petition of M L Beaubiese
report adopted
Petition of Margaret Lahene E 10 f of lot 21 in S M Langworthys add
report adopted
Report of H Neter Market Master find that Mr. Miller's book did not contain all of the meals
furnished prisoners by said market master Welter as the said Miller came on duty at 7 o'clock
in the evening and left his beat sometimes at 4 o'clock and sometimes at 6 o'clock in the
morning for home and would not return until 7 o'clock next evening and during such time
in Mr. Millers absence the market master furnished the principal part of the meals to the
prisoners and lodgers. Your commitee also finds in man cases priosners kept over from
Saturday till the next Monday which prisoners should be fed by said market master that
Mr. Miller could have no correct account of all the meals furnished the prisoners and
lodgers in the city prison. Your committee would recommend that the bill of the market
master for December 1879 be paid.
On motion report was adopted and ordered paid
The following were appointed judges and clerk for the election to be held April 5, 1880
and places designated as voting places
First Ward
Judges Robert Jess and james Waters
Clerk A H Keopfli and A S Bunting
Polls Montana
Regular Session March 15 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Second Ward
Judges George Mehl and William Waring
Clerks F Hobbs and Philip Pier
Polls Court House
Third Ward
Judges Chs Voelker and T J Connell
Clerks Michael Hour and Henry Nightengale
Polls City Hall building
Fourth Ward
Judgs C C Seward and Edward Mobley
Clerks J B Gilmore and John L Vaughan
Polls Store on east corner of alley on North side of 8th Street between Main and Locust
Fifth Ward
Judges Peter Elwanger and Henry Hitton
Clerks Paul Traut and Louis Lang
Polling Place Iowa Brewery
City Engineer annual report
Street Commissioner Dowling annual report amount expended on street, highway,
referred adopted
Chief Engineer of fire dept Peter Fay annual report on motion referred
City Attorney H J McNulty annual report of all cases that are in court and the status of
received filed and referred
Finance Committee annual report and also city auditors annual report
Regular Session April 5 1880
Council called to order at 9 o'clock am by the city recorder. No quorum present.
adjourned until Thursday, april 8th 1880.
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent Brown
Petition asking for advancement as part of salary as assistant assessor 1880
received filed and ordered paid
Market Master Welter report for month of March showing what was weighed and paid board
of priosoners and lodgers
received filed and ordered paid
City Marshal Deckert reported
received filed and ordered paid
Wood measurer reported
received and filed
Certain insurance policies presented by Kingman & Stanley were referred
On motion all petitions in the hands of the Recorder were referred to the new council without
the City Recorder reported peddlers licenses
received and filed
The lamplighter reported 176 lamps lit
received and filed
Police Justice Jennings reported number of cases tried in his court
fines collected
received and filed
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent Ald Brown
Frank Fosselman reported fifth ward scales
received and filed
Auditor submitted report of the amounts due the several city officers
received filed and ordered paid
P Even reported south avenue scales
received and filed
Charles Pitschner reported West Dubuque scale
received and filed
M dowling reported the amounts due the several laborers and teamsters for work on
received filed and ordered paid
In relation to the taxes of the Illinois Central Railroad Company the Finance Committee
to whom their communication was referred reported that teh matter had been settled
report adopted
Claim of Dr George Mengis for medical attendance on Mrs. Zachina
report adopted
City Treasurer presented a claim
on motion ordered paid
Petiton of R S West and Gilbert Woodruff referred
Committee on Claims reported
Petition of P Boyne
report adopted
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent Ald Brown
City Engineer and City Attorney presented a report in relation to the right of way
for the extension of Eagle Point Avenue over the land of John Fitzpatrick and
other which was referred to committee on Streets
Communication of Mrs. Maria Hayden proposing settlement of her suit against
the City for redemption of her homestead from tax sale
Statement of Treasurer Riordan showing the amount necessary to redeem the
homestead of Geo W Burton from tax sale
Committee on claims reported petition of Ed J Royce
report adopted
Petition of Henry Meyer 1873 taxes
report adopted
Wm Hollnagel
liquor license
report adopted
Committee on streets reported on the petition of Fred Otley and others for the
improvement of Henion Street
report adopted
petition of John Moran recommend it be laid on the table
report adopted
Petition of M Pfeffner
report adopted
Street Committee to whom was referred petition of Bush Robinson & Co asking
for the removal of the first ward scales to a more convenient place reported that
they had made arrangements with Weigh Master Ryan for their removal
report adopted
Petitio of John W Norton in relation to te sewer on W Locust St
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent Ald Brown
Petition of the Lumbar Merchants asking that Eleventh Street be filled from railroad
track to the slough was referred to the same committee with power
Petition of M M Walker et. al. for a sidewalk on First street east of Main Street
Petition of H A Rooney compensation Mineral Lot 78
Petition of Cyprian Kopp
Petiton of J N Foye to open a street from West Locust to Almone Street
A deed from Thomas Yates and Orlando McCraney for strip of land 20 feet wide
from the south side of lots 13 and 14 of outlot No 688 for highway purposes
Committee on markets reported bill of F Mertz
report adopted
Committee on Fire reported petition of Dubuque Water Company
report adopted
Communication from Dubuque Telephone Exchange Company proposing to
furnish additional boxes line and other material
Communication of E W Duncan, secretary underwriters union in relation to
adopting a device enabling pipemen to stop supply of water at fires
Report of the city marshall in relation to police cases during last month
received and filed
Delinquent tax committee reported on the petition of Eliza Sahn
report adopted
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Absent Ald Brown
Petition of P O'Rourke
report adopted
Petition of John Mueller special assessment against E 72 Lot 35 in L H Langworthy's
report adopted
Ald Linehan offered a resolution that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs. mark Murphy
A resolution was submitted as follows and the same was adopted by a full vote of
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Henion street between
fourteenth st and the north line of lot four in Henion and Baird's Sub be graded
guttered curbed and macadamized to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property
City Engineer submitted plat showing amount of land taken for highway purposes
from the Mineral lots abutting on Grand View Avenue. On motion the Engineer
was instructed to make the necessary chnges on the official map of the city to
correspond with said plat.
adjourned to 3 o'clock this afternoon
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Council met at 3 o'clock pm
Communications from John Drehouse, Jeff McGrath and F C Wagner soliciting
appointments were referred
Bill of Harney & O'Connor referred
Bill of R J Quigley for court costs was referred to finance committee and city attorney
Bill of Philip Pier referred
Bill of Schreiber and Strinsky referred
Bills read and ordered paid
Time Co
Dubuque Telegraph Co
F A Griffke
Nord Iowa Post
Dispatch Publishing Co
Gibbs & Co
D W Linehan
Peter Klauer
T O'Sullivan
Lawrence Daley
T E Frith
Peter King
Fred Schlupkothen
Dubuque Steam Supply Co
N H Thedinga
Peter Klauer
C J Rogers
L B Tuttle
Herman Mauer
A Tschirgi
Dan Riordan
A Baumhofer
Rouse Dean & Co
Morrison Brothers
Key City Gas Co
Dubuque Bell Telephone Exch Co
Healy Brothers
James Kelly
A R Staufenbeil
Fred Schloz
Mrs. P McMahon
W H Reed
C Mason & Son
Asa Roberts
Dubuque Water Co
Board of Registration
John P Quigley
Mr. Zachina
Morrison Brotheres
Nich eichmann
Lagen & Sons
Philip Boyle
T J Paisley
Grosvenor & Harger
Wood & Gissel
S M Langworthy
Dub Cabiner Makers Assoc
Furniture & Buriel Case Co
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
Ingram Kennedy & Day
L B Tuttle
John Rals
John Swenk
J W Newburgh
J S Randall
Poole Gilliam & Co
A Y McDonald
Andrew Tredway & Sons
Richard Cox
Laflin & Rand Powder Co
Robt Miller
Gilbert Perry
Malachi O'Loughlin
C W Robinson
J K Graves Hose Co
Key City Hook & Ladder Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Communication to canvass vote
John D Bush
A McCann
Martin Kane
John P Quigley
D A Gehrig
F G Brandt
Andrew Reilly
City Atty
James H Schields
City Assessor
Henry Lembeck
G Gmehle
Alderman 1st Ward
Thos. Kavanagh
Alderman 2nd Ward
Theodore Altmann
Peter Karberg
Alderman 3rd Ward
George Rath
Michael Brown
Alderman 4th Ward
Joseph Herod
John Glab
Alderman 5th Ward
George Fengler
Henry C Deckert
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
On motion the persons having the highest number of votes as appears on the
foregoing return were declared duly elected to the office for which they were
Ald O'Neill moved that an order for five dollars be drawn in favor of each of the
judges and clerks of the late election and of the proprietor of the house in each
precinct where the election was held
Ald Leckie offered the following which was adopted
Whereas the official relations which have existed between the members of this
body during the past year are about to be severed by the retirment of two of our
member Brown and Lilig and where as these relations have been pleasant and
agreeable therefore it be resolved that we hereby tender to our retiring betheren
our sincere thanks for the uniform courtesy and kineness extended to us throughout
our official intercourse and we desire to express our high appreciation of the
services rendered by them and our entire confidence in them as faithful public
servants and guardians of the best interests of teh city and we tender to them on
their return to private life the assurance of our respect and our best wishes for their
future success and prosperity. Resolved further that upon the retirement of the
recorder treasurer marshal and city attorney who have filled their respective
offices most satisfactorily for several years last past we recognize in them
competent diligent and faithful officers and worthy of the confidence and respect
of their fellow citizens.
Mayor Bush then handed the redorder a paper from which he read the following.
to the Hon members of the city council of Dubuque
We have just closed another official year and some of you are about to retire from
duty as aldermen and resign your places to others. In your retirement the public
will lose the services of faithful and efficient officers. It becomes me at this
moment to say to you that your record during the past year as Aldermen has been
a good one. To both those who retire and those who remain I can cordially say
you have done well. The public affairs of the city have been well and judiciously
managed. The expenses of the municipality have been largely decreased during
the past year. The rate of taxation has been reduced and a large
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig,
Linehan and O'Neill
sum paid toward liquidating the public debt. As members of the council our
relations have been always of the most harmonious kind and there has been a unity
of action upon all matters of public importance. A more propserous year in municipal
affairs has scarcely been known in our city and this fact is largely due to the
untiring and laborious efforts of you gentlemen of the council. The public I am sure
appreciate your efforts and will reward you with their hearty thanks.
In parting with the retiring members I must thank you for the assistance so
cordially given me in all the details of my official labour. I shall have reason to
kindly remember you in the future for your many acts of good will and your many
words of cheer and counsel. Not only the retireing aldermen but the retiring
city officers are worthy of my most codial thanks for valuable advice and
assistance in many important matters. EAch and every one has seemed to devote
themselves to the interests of the people they were called to serve. That their
efforts to do their full duty will be appreciated by the public as they are by myself
I feel quite certain.
Mayor John D Bush having been reelected thereupon took the oath of office and
then adminstered the same to the aldermen elect viz: Mep Kavanagh, Altmann,
Rath, Leckie and Fengler who took their seats.
The Mayor handed the recorder a paper from which he read the following
Inaugural address
To the Hon members of the city council of Dubuque
We are about to enter on a new year in the history of Dubuque's affairs. Those who
have newly come among us as members of this body are no doubt filled with a
strong desire to do valiant work for their respective constituencies and further
in every feasible way the best interests of this city. That they will in such
endeavors have the hearty cooperation of the order members of the council no
one who has a knowledge of their past record as aldermen will for a moment
doubt. And thus the influences seem favorable for a year of unexampled prosperity
as a municipal body. A unity of action is the most desireable event to be hoped
for. Party or nationalistic prejudices should not enter in here among us the
servants of the people. Only one thing should be kept in view and that is the
protection and furtherance of the public welfare.
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
There are several important matters that should engage the attention of this body
during the coming year. The efforts of this council should all lend to the development
of the city. Nothing should be done to retard; everything should be done to progress.
When money is expended for material improvements, it should be judiciously
disbursed and no rash or unnecessary outlays of money should be made. The streets
require but little attention beyond the necessary repairs. I would not advise further
expenditure in the construction of new streets during the coming year for the reason taht
the public money is needed much more in other directions and for the further and more
important reason that the expenses of teh city should be curtailed as much as possible.
Arguing from the standpoint that everything should be done to develop and improve the
business of the city one very important improvement that should receive immediate
consideration is the building of a waggon wagon bridge between this city and the
Illinois shore.
There is nothing in my humble judgement that would benefit Dubuque as much as the
establishment of a free bridge across the Mississippi at this city. A population of 50,000
persons whose trade is tributary to this city and the wealth and resources of thousands
of fertile acres could be secured to us by this means. As soon as possible I hope to
bring this matter before you, Gentlemen of the Council, for your consideration.
Fire Department
One of the most important matters for our consideration the coming year is an
improvement in the Fire Department. The present system is expensive and imperfect.
I am in favor of locating a large reservoir in the Fourth ward which shall be filled with
water forced up from the level below or from the adjoining land. There are many ways
in which the reservoir can be filled. No trouble will be met on that score. What is needed
is the large reservoir. When once this place is adopted and perfected a fire on the
Bluffs or in any part of the city can be extinguished in a few minutes; for a dozen
streams can be turned on from as many different directions. Thus the people on the
bluffs as well as those elsewhere who are beyond the reach of fire engines will be
afforded the protection they need and for which they pay by taxation. But the most
important consideration is the cheapness of the system. The expense of conducting
such a protection from fire would be but a mere nominal sum, compared with the
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
cost of the present cumbrous and inefficient system. Thousands of dollars can thus be
saved every year and the city given a thorough and sure protection from fire.
The manufacturing interests
The manufacturing interests of the city should receive atention and every possible effort
should be made to develop and conserve them. To this end I would suggest the appoint
ment of a standing committee whose duty it should be to give attention to all appeals
for assistance from new manufactories that may wish to locate in our city and for the
proper transaction of all business with existing institutions of this kind. I would further
suggest the propriety of granting to all new manufactories the same favor by way of
exemption from taxation that has been granted to others already located here.
In conclusion let me say that the coming year may be made one of unusual properity
and advancement in all that pertains to the city's welfare, if the numbers of this council
will join hands and work together to that end. And knowing as I do, the desire of every
members of this body to do all in his power for the good of his constituency, I feel free
to say that 1880 will be an era of great growth and advancement for the city of Dubuque.
As for myself I pledge you my most cordial support in all that is good and beneficial. But
I will oppose as far as I am able all extravagant use of the public funds. Actuated by the
one desire to do our full duty as officres of this municipality and holding steadfast to that
most excellent purpose we shall be able to do much in the year that now lies before us.
Mayor Bush then announced the following standing committees
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Public Grounds and Buildings
Fire Department
Delinquent Tax
On motion Ald Linehan the matter of fixing the bonds and salaries of the newly elected
officers for the ensuing year was referred
Council then took recess
Upon reconvening council acopted the following as the amounts of the official bonds for
the ensuing year
City Treasurer $50,000.00
City Auditor $5,000.00
City Recorder $5,000.00
City Marshal $5,000.00
City Assessor $4,000.00
City Engineer $2,000.00
City Attorney $5,000.00
Assistant Assessor $1,000.00
Coal oil Inspector $1,000.00
Market Master $500.00
Wood Measurer $500.00
On mothion the salaries of the several city officers were fixed at the following rates for
the ensuing year
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Treasurer $1,300.00 per annum
Recorder $1,200.00 per annum
Auditor $1,100.00 per annum
City Attorney $1,500.00 per annum
Marshal $1,000.00 per annum
Engineer $1,000.00 per annum
Market Master $600.00 per annum
St Commissioner $65.00 per month
Police Captain $60.00 per month
Policemen $50.00 per month
The council made the following appointments to the several official positions for the
following year
City Marshal Dan J Duane
St Commissioner Michael Dowling
City Engineer Math. Tschirgi Jr
Market Master Gottf Gmehle
Coal Oil Inspector Frank Parker
Chief Fire Department Frank Morgan
Asst Chief Fire Dept J H Trieb
Wood Measurer Wm Waring
Weigher 1st ward scale N C Ryan
Weigher West Dubuque Chas Pitschner
Weigher 5th Ward Dubuque Frank Fosselman
Weigher South Avenue Peter Evan
Regular Session April 8 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie was appointed Mayor Pro tem
The wood measurer and coal oil inspector to retain all fees of their respective offices
as well as full compensation for their services.
On motion a committee of three consisting of Leckie Jones and linehan was appointed
to examine and report on the bonds of the new officers.
On motion the amount and manner of payment of the Saloon licenses was fixed the
same as last year.
Moved that a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed to examine
the offices of the returning treasurer and recorder before their sucessors were
Regular Session April 12 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Herman Tenhoff lots 357, 358 and 359 Davis Farm
Michael McCarten and Chas Burchhardt presented applications for appointment on
the police force
Mathias Brewer and others presented a petition for the improvement of the alley
between 17th and 18th and Clay and White Streets
P Morgan and others presented a remonstrance against granting te foregoing petition
which was referred
Petition of Farley Loetscher & Co asking permission to erect a slide on Third St slough
under certain restrictions was referred to the committee on Harbors with power
Petition of John H Dunn liquor license refund
Petition of Catherin Sand, Richard Othy, Mary Gilmore, Mrs. P O'Neill, Bridget mcMahon,
John Hunter, Rosa Cadman in relation to assessment and taxes
Petition of H W Lanford asking the privilege of using the south wall of the Graves Engine
House in the new buildings being now erected by him and proposing to pay the City
reasonable compensation thereafter
Petition of H C Deckert asking that the reduction made on the Marshas salary for the
past year be allowed him
Petition of T J Hepman asking to be paid the amount of a judgment which he has
aganst the city
Regular Session April 12 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of John H Rench claiming damages from the city for a dead horse
Claim of Dr. Connolly for medical attendance on Mrs. Ferry
Proposal of John Kistler to take charge of the town clock
Proposition of Philip Motsch to purchase the old Gilbert Fountain
Petition of N W Boyes et al for sidewalk on Center St in West dubuque
C L Burt submitted a proposition to move his works from Dunleith to this City provided
the city council would grant him exemption from the regular city taxes for five years
an insurance policy presented by James Plaister Agt
Claim of Peter Fay
Claim of H Herancourt for sundries furnished for funer of the late Wm Schumm
Bills read and ordered paid
Globe Gas Light Co
Joseph Gehrig
Louis Doerfler
John McCoy
Wemott Howard & Co
Joseph Geiger
John P Quigley
John Collins
Theo Meyer
Bissel & Bates
Mrs. E M Ogilby
Julien House
Healy Bro's
C A Fockler
Andrew Treadway & Sons
Jos Reinfried
Michael Martin
Edwward Hackett
Krugman & Stanley
Regular Session April 12 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The following report was submitted and on motion approved.
To the city Council of dubuque
Your committee to whom was referred the matter of examining the office and settling
with the retiring city treasurer and city recorder beg leave to report
That they have given the matter their earnest attention and find both their offices
models of neatness and accuracy. The Books of the Auditor and Treasurer balance to
a cent.
The Recorder's office is so admirably kept that his successor will find no difficulty in
conducting the same.
All of which your committee respectfully submit
Ald Herod offered the following resolution
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that West Locust St from its
intersection with Seminary Street to Arch St and that Arch St to Center St and Center st
from Arch St to Delhi Rd be improved with macadam 16 feet in width work to be done
by the city
resolution adopted
On motion the matter of awarding the city printing for the coming season was referred
The Committee on Bonds through their chairman Ald Leckie reported that they had
examined the official bonds of the following offices and had found the same correct
and sufficient
City Treasurer, Recorder, Auditor, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Marshal, Chief
Fire Department, Wood Measurer, Coal Oil Inspector, Market-Master
on motion the bonds were approved
Ald Fengler offered a resolution for a sidewalk in front of Lot 70 Cooks Add which was
Regular Session April 12 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald O'Neill offered a resolution that for the coming season the street laborers be paid
at the rate of $1.25 per day
report on same at next special session
Regular Session April 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of M M Gasser et.al. asking the use of the Third floor of the City Hall for military
Petition of George C Luck et al for opening an alley in Levin's addition
Petition of Jacob Mathies asking that the city engineer be instructed to give him the
grade in front of his property on Jackson St between 18th and 19th Streets
Petition of Mrs. R McMahon asking for a renewal of her contract for cleaning the
central market at a reduced rate from the price paid her last season
Petition of James T Farley in relation to a nuisance near his property on south Locust
Petition of Sisters of the presentation for a lamp in front of their academy on Rush Street
Regular Session April 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of F J Zugenbuhler for a position of the police force
Petition of Gibson Collison and of Mrs. C Heranlourt tax matters
Petition of J H Crroll liquor license 1873
Petition of Robert Jess and many citizens from the First Ward remonstrating against
the continuance of the lumbar yard recently destroyed by fire on the west side of Main
street between First and Jones Streets or the erection of buildings contrary to the
City ordinance.
on motion the petition was granted and the city marshal was instructed to enforce the
ordinance in relation to fire in the locality complained of and elsewhere.
Geo C Silzer et al presented a petition asking that an ordinance be enacted obliging
the city barbers to close their shops on Sundays. Ald Linehan moved that the petition
be received and filed.
Ald Leckie offered an amendment that it be referred.Tie vote, mayor voted in affirmative
and petition was referred
Committee on streets reported on teh resolution of Ald O'Neill in relation to the pay of
the street laborers
Recommend that $1.25 per day be paid
Ald Linehan offered the following which was adopted
Resolved that an order be drawn on the treasurer for one thousand dollars bearing
interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until paid in favor of Dubuque County
Bank and payable on or before january 1st 1881
Regular Session April 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Linehan moved for a reconsideration of the action of the council on the resolution
of Ald Fengler in relation to a sidewalk in front of Lot 70 in Cooks addition
Ald Fengler thereupon submitted the following
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque hat a sidewalk be within 30 days of
this notice be constructed on the south side of Stafford street between division and the
alley west and on the north side of Lot 70 in Cooks addition
resolution adopted
Ald Leckie submitted the following resolution which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the Daily Times and Herald and
Telegraph and the National Demokrat and Nord Iowa Post are hereby declared the
official papers of the City on the same terms and conditions as last year
Ald Fengler moved that the council appoint a deputy city marshal
This matter having been freely discussed resulted in the motion being carried
Ald O'Neill offered a resolution to reinstate Malachi o'Loughlin in charge of the parks and
moved its adoption
An amendment was offered that it be received and filed
resolution was ordered received and filed
City Attorney stated that Mr. Edward Langworthy had a suit in court against the city
in relation to some special assessment and it was possible the case may be settled
Regular Session April 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
We therefore recommend teh council to invest the Finance Committee with authority
to compromise the matter if they should deem the same advisable.
On motion the necesary authority was conferred on the commitee.
Ald Rath suggested that the basement of City Hall was in a bad and filthy condition
and recommend that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings attend to it
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
correction of resolution submitted in regard to improvement of Henion Street between
Fourteenth Street and the north line of lot 4 in Henion and Bairds subdivision were
Petition of RAchel Davis
Petition of Louis Trapp for a saloon license
indefinitely postponed
Petition of mary Enright asking for taxes cancelled
petition of Mrs. J T Howard asking for lamp near the Home for the Friendless
Petition of M A Alderson
Petition of P Schrafl for a new street on lots 102 and 103 L H Langworthy's
Petition of John Mundt for donation of $100 toward his Eagle Point ferry boat
Petition of John O'Neill for cleaning around the market
Petition of Mrs. Margaret Jordan
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Key City Furniture Co
Petition of Daily Dispatch asking a portion of the public printing
Petition of John Wolff remonstrating against teh improvement of Jackson Street
between 18th and 19th Streets
laid on the table.
Petition of M Hoffmann asking to have alley between 12th and 13th and between White
and Jackson Streets improved
Petition of Thos Mulqueeny to have his sidewalk tax refunded
Petition of Alex Alderson for damages sustained by him on the death of a horse
Petition of Catherine Phelan for remission of taxes
Petition of James Glab for extension of the Railroad sewer 20 feet east of Ninth Street
referred to street commitee with power
Petition of Robert Jess asking that he be refunded fifty dollars, the amount of a liquor
license paid in 1873
Petition of H Fockler for crossing on Seventh and Bluff Streets
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Eugene Harrington asking to have his liquor license amounting to
fifty dollars paid in 1873 refunded
Petition of Thompson & Douglas for the corrcection of errors in the assessment of
1869 and 1870
Petition of F Pann asking for pay done over the pagodas
Petition of Joseph Gehrig asking the repeasl of the hotel license
Petition of Margaret Carr Sr
Petition of Mary Clark
Petition of Bridget Keogh
Petitiono f Mrs. M L Beaubien
Petition of George Wiedmer for improvement of Jackson Street from 17th to
19th Streets
Petition of Frank Carberry asking for an allowance of twenty five dollars
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Louis Schmitt asking to be exempt from saloon license on account of sickness
Petition of Mrs. Cunningham in relation to erroneous assessment
Petition of Chas Luther protesting against granting the improvement of Jackson Street
from 17th to 19th Streets
Petition of W C Wood and C J Walsh proposing the codification of the city ordinances
Petition of J Michel for improvement of Fifth to seventh Street abutting lots 1 2 and 3 in
Corriells addition
Petition of T J Donahue asking a sidewalk to be placed on Rush Street
Petition of P Klauer claiming that the dance house in the Central market building was
a nuisance, that the building was erected for market purposes and asking that it be
reopened to butchers, hucksters, etc.
The Market Master G Gmehle reoted that he had weighed from the date of his apointment
up to Mary 1 1880 100 drafts
received and filed and ordered amount due be paid
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Recorder reported teh number and amount of licenses issued April
received and filed
City Marshall reported amount necessary to pay regular and special police for
services rendered in April
received and filed
P Even Weighmaster of the Southern Avenue Scales reported
received and filed
Wm Warring Wood Inspector reported
received and filed
Auditor Brandt reported the amount required to meet the salaries of officers for the
month of April
received filed and ordered paid
N C Ryan weighter of the first ward scales reported
received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported West Dubuque scales
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported gas lamps extinguished and lit
received and filed
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice C C Coakley made his report for month of April showing that he had
received $54.00 as fines and paid that amount into the treasurery and that $10.00
was due him on costs
received and filed and ordered paid
Frank Fosselman reported on the Fifth Ward Scales
received and filed
Henry Welter Ex Market Master reported
expenses in boarding prisoners
certified H C Deckert
received filed and ordered paid
Street Commissioner Dowling submitted report showing the amount of money
expended and where it was expended and the amounts required to be drawn
as follows
Stone Masons
Received and filed and orders to be drawn and any person owning for taxes or license
required to pay the same or have amounts deducted from their pay
Council adjourned until 2:00 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 2:00 o'clock p.m.
Petition of Frank Adams presented by Ald Leckie for the improvement of Wilson Avenue
from Fifth to Eighteenth Street
Report of Frank Morgan giving an inventory of goods transferred to him by Peter Fay
Ex Chief of the Fire Department
Finance Committee to whom was referred the bill of P J Quigley for costs of the court
in the cases of Hepman vs. the City. City for use of Dunn vs. P H Burt and Thos Conklin
vs. the City reported in favor of drawing an order upon the Treasurer in behalf of P J
Quigley as payment in full
report adopted and ordered paid
The same committee to whom was referred the Assessment of G W Burton of $8,000
moneys and credits reported that they had settled the claim and recommended that an
order be drawn upon the Treasurer and in the latter's favor
Mr. Hintrager in settlement of said claim
report adopted and ordered paid
Committee on ordinances to whom was referred petition of John Silzer and other
barbers asking to have the barber shops of the city closed upon Sundays by
enacting and enforcing an ordinance to that effect; reported in favor of laying the petition
on the table
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of T J Hepman asking that the asking that the judgment had against the city
be paid
refered and payment recommended
adopted and ordered paid
Committee to whom was referred the petition of Jm H Carroll reported in favor of
drawing an order for fifty dollars to refund that amount paid by Mr. Carroll as a liquor
license in 1873
Petition of J H Dunn referred asking to have fifty dollars refunded paid in 1873 as a
liquor license recommended its payment
Bill of Mrs. Feeny referred for medical services rendered by Dr. Connolly
in favor of placing it in the hands of the committee of the whole
Petition of H C Deckert asking for an increase in his salary
Petition of Ziprian Kopp asking to be given steady employment in order to pay his
special taxes
recommend it be received and filed
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
report of the City Engineer and the Ex City Attorney recommending that a settlement
be made with John Fitzpatrick offered the following resolution which was adopted
That the committee on streets be empowered to settle with John Fitzpatrick for
property proposed to be taken for street pruposes through Mineral Lot No 210 in such
manner as they may deem best whether by arbitration under the statute or otherwise
Petition of N W Boyes and twenty three others asking for a sidewalk on South and
Center Streets in West Dubuque recommends that the prayre of the petitioners be granted
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Geo Luck asking the opeing
of the alley between Alta Vista Avenue and Spring Sreet running south from Fourtheenth
to Martha Street in Levin's addition to the city of Dubuque recommended that the
marshal be instructed to notify the property owners to open the alley within ten days
report adopted
Petition of Jacob Mathis asking for the grade in front of his residence on Jackson Street
between eighteenth and Nineteenth streets reported that they had granted the prayer
of the petitioner and had required the city engineer to give the grade
report approved
Petition of M M Walker for a sidewalk from the junction of First Street to the T C R R
depot recommend that it be received and filed
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of John Mehlkop for the sidewalk grade on Couler Avenue south of Diagonal
Street of lots Nos 22,12,14,16,18 and 20 in Kings first and second divisions reported
that the work was being done
report approved
The bill of Harney & O'Connor for repairing done on street articles recommended that
the bill be paid
Petition of M Brewer to have the alley between Clay and White and between Seventeenth
and Eighteenth streets macadamized. Recommend that it be received and filed.
Petition of P Morgan remonstrating against the improvement of teh alley between
seventeenth and eighteenth and white and clay streets recommended granting the same
Petition of W Norton asking to have the sewer near his property on Mineral Street planked
asked for further instructions in regard to it
rules were suspended and Mr. Norton allowed to address the council
matter referred with power
Committee on Markets reported that they had received several bids for cleaning
around the market
bids opened and read and on motion of Alderman Linehen were all rejected
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Ph Motsch in regard to the sale of the Gilbert Fountain by the City reported
that they had sold the same to Messrs Schulte and Wagner for the sum of $10.00
report approved
The same committee to whom was referred the condition of the basement of the City
Hall reported that they had been through the cellars and had found the floors, joists, etc
in a rotten state. The committee recommended at that the floors be grouted and the walls
report adopted
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of John Kistler offering his
services as the superintendent of the Town Clock
receive and file petition
PG and B committee
Bill of James Plaister for insurance on the Twon Clock and Tower reported that the rate
of insurance had been raised to one percent per annum
recommend payment of the bill
Bill of the Times Printing Company and found it to be correct
recommending its payment
adopted and ordered paid
Bill of Ham and Carver recommended that it be paid
adopted and ordered paid
Petition of M M Gasser, military, for use of third floor of City Hall
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Committee on Fire to whom was referred the bill of Peter Fay for services as Chief of
Department favored payment of the bill
adopted and ordered paid
Petition of E W Duncan Secretary of teh board of underwriters in regard to the adoption
of a plan enabling firemen to stop the supply of water at a fire
reported in favor of receiving and filing
Petition of the Dubuque Telephone Co., for an increase of district-boxes for fire alarm
purposes reported in favor of accepting the proposition; to give the committee power
to order ten additional fire alarm boxes the same to be distributed where directed and
to have the Sol Turck and J K Graves Engine Houses connected with the Dubuque
Telephone Exchange.
Committee on Police to whom wsa referred the bill of Philip Pier for wood reported
having examined it and recommend its payment.
Bill of the Key City Gas Co
recommend its payment
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of John T Farley in regard to a nuisance reported its removal
report approved
Bill of A Y McDonald reported that they had examined the same and recommend its
Bill of the Globe Gas Light Co.
recommend its payment
Bill of Wm Marshall
recommending it be paid
Petition of Michael McCarten for a position on the police force
recommending it be received and filed
Petition of Chas. Burckhardt for a position on the police force
recommending it be received and filed
Petition of the Sisters of the Presentation asking for a lamp near their academy on
Rush Street
reported the prayer had been granted
report approved
Petition of Gibson Collinson asking to have his taxes on Lot 76 West Dubuque cancelled
reported in favor
report adopted
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Richard Ortey to have his taxes cancelled on stock of the motor waiting
in favor of receiving $2.00 as payment in full
Petition of Rosa Cadman to have taxes cancelled
report in favor
Petition of Bridget McMahon to have her taxes cancelled
reported adversely thereto
The same reported in favor of tranting the petotopm pf Catherine Sand
the same to whom was referred the petition of mrs P O'Neill reported in favor of granting
the remission of the tax on Lot 23 but against granting the tax on Lot 26 Kelly's subdivision.
the same to whom was referred the petition of Mary Gilmore asking to have seven dollars
of her taxes remitted the whole amount being $14.00 reported in favor of the same
The same reported in favor of receiving $4.00 from John Hunter as taxes of 1876
the same to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. C Herancome reported in favor of
cancelling delinquent tax against lot 500 for 1857. Also that the city auditor be instructed
to correct the description
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
of the special asseessment for 1864 so as to read the west one half of N 1/5 of City
Lot 500
The special committee consisting of Aldermen O'Neill, Linehan, Jones, Leckie and
Fengler to whom was referred the petition of Chas Burt, asking to have his machine
and agriculture works about to be removed to this city exempt from tax for five years
reported in favor of remitting the tax on $12,000 for five yeras $4,000 on the building
to be erected and $8,000 on the machinery to be placed therein but does not apply to
the exemption from tax of any of the real estate or machinery now in the possession
of the novelty iron works co
report was adopted
Special committee petition of F E Augstine to remove obstruction near the motor house
Communication read from the census commissioner of the interior Department Washington
DC requesting documents from this city and on motion was referred to the recorder
to atend to the information wanted
Ald Linehan, Chairman of Finance Com offered the following resolution which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duuque
That two orders be drawn on the treasurer in favor of Dubuque County Bank being money
advanced by them to pay coupons that were due February 1st and march 1st 1880
Cancel gas warrants Nos 728 974 1225 1452 1963 and water warrants Nos 1463 1660
1884 1885 2103 2252 122 issued in 1879 and now
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
held by them said orders to be paid on or before the first day of January 1881 with interest
at the rate of eight per cent per annum from April 1st 1880
the Engineer submtted a report on the cost of improving Clay street from Second to
third a resolution therein was also offered by Ald Linehan
Ald Herod chairman of the street com offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that a sidewalk be constructed and laid along
the east side of Center Street from delhi street to south street and on the north side of
south street from center street to Gilliam street at the expense of the owners of the abutting
Also a resolution to have fifth street between main and locust and the alley improved
Also to have a sidewalk laid on the north side of eleventh street between prairie and walnut
Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted
That to pay for curbing and guttering and macadamizing fourth street from washington
street to jackson street by James G Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the same
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and for the several amounts
set opposite each
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Special assessments
Lot herein after named
Owners names
description of lots
Rudolph Nolte
City Lot 393
R Walter
City Lot 394
A Drees
City Lot 424
John K Freiberg
City Lot 425
Ald O'Neill offered a resolution to lay a sidewalk on Rush Street
Ald Jones offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that the basement of the city hall building be cleaned of all that is rotten and bad and that
the foundation walls be protected and painted and the floors well grouted and covered
with cement.
On motion of Ald Herod the council adjourned for five minutes to examine the basement
Upon the return of the aldermen, Ald Linehan moved to refer the matter to the committee
on public grounds and buildings
Ald Herod offered an amendment to appoint one alderman from each ward
The mayor appointed the following as such committee:
Aldermen O'Neill, Herod, Jones, Linehan and Fengler
Ald Jones offered a resolution to improve and open Jackson Square
referred to commission of the whole