W Roll_14 Part 2Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the committee on
public grounds and buildings be instructed to receive bids for the entire care of the
town clock
indefinitely postponed
Also the following resolution which was laid on the table
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the third floor of the city
hall building be made to conform to the ordinance relative to places of public
assemblies and then opened for the benefit of citizens
Also that Twelfth street between Clay and Locust street be improved
Also that Eigth Street between White and Washington be improved
both resolutions were referred
Ald Fengler offered a resolution to have a sidewalk laid on the west side of Eighth
Street fronting on West Eighth Street
Ald Fengler also offered the following
Be it resolved by the city council of dubuque that on and after this date the city marshal
and mayor be instructed to enforce the ordinance relating to transient merchants to the
also that the marshal be and is hereby instructed to enforce the ordinance in regard
to construction of sidewalks
both resolutions were adopted
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Als Leckie submitted a resolution to have the city engineer make plans and
specifications for the construction of a main sewer on teh sewerage system laid out
by Mr. Chesborough from First to Seventh Street
Als Kavanagh offered the following resolution which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city engineer be
instructed to prepare a plan of a proposed sewer on the north side of Dodge Street
from the termination of the present sewer to bluff Street. Also that he furnish an
approximate estimate of the cost of same and report same at the next session of this
Ald Doerfler offered the following resolution
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that a globe gas lamp be placed
on the corner of Couler Avenue and Millville Street also one on the corner of Division
and Humboldt Streets and also one lamp on the corner of Division and Schiller
It was moved to refer the resolution to the police committee
the motion to refer was declared as lost and the resolution adopted
the city engineer submitted a profile of Iowa Street from 15th to 17th with the estimated
cost of improving the same also a cross section of said street opposite the residence
of J T Howard
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie moved to go into an election of two policemen
The mayor appointed messrs Herod and Jones tellers
The result of the votes taken declared messrs Menkel and Foster elected
The subject of collecting wharfage was next considered and on motion of Ald Linehan
was referred
the following were read and on motion ordered paid
Dubuque Telephone Ex Co
Key City hook and Lad Co
J K Graves Hose Co
John J Kirby
Key City Gas Co
Key City Hook and Lad Co
Burch Babcock and Co
F E Moser
Frank Theiring
Grosvenor & Harger
Wm G Watters
F E Deggendorf
Dubuque Water Co
Malachi O'Laughlin
Mrs. P McMahon
Dan Riordan
E G Holmes Clerk Sup Court
Chas McMaster
Ed Smyth
P J Quigley
Fifth Ward Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
D W Linehan
Schreiber & Strinsky
B D Lenehan
P Klauer
W C Brandt
Mrs. Rubeski
Chris Burdt
Cath King
Peter Kiene & Son
Peter Hanson
John Green
Jos Schugert
Arnold Tschirgi
Chas Steuck
Harney & O'Connor
Regular Session May 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The bill of Dr. Greene of eight for medical attendance of a sick fireman was on motion
The bill of the Daily Dispatch of $22.30 was reffered
Another bill of eight dollars from Dr. Greene for care of sick fireman was referred
The bill of E V Hayden of $16.00 was referred to the printing committee
The bids of Messrs Martin & Strane James and Carney and J E Foye were opened and
read by the city recorder and on motion were referred to the street committee and city
engineer to report thereon
Special Session May 25, 1880
Present Mayor pro tem Leckie, Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, O'Neill
Absent Mayor Bush, Doerfler, Fengler, Linehan, Rath
Chair stated that the council had been called together for the purpose of taking action
on an invitataion which was read from the veteran corps asking the council to participate
in the decoration exercises May 30 1880
Ald O'Neill moved that the invitation be accepted and the recorder instructed to notify
the proper parties to that effect
Discussion was had upon ordering out the fire department and as to their pay in case
of being ordered out
a motion was made by Ald Jones that the fire department be ordered out under pay
Chair declared the motion lost
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The council met in regular session
the minutes of the previous meeting were read with a sligh correction in the report of the
committee on public grounds and buildings on the bill of James Plaister
stood approved
The petition of Mrs A Kauffman asking to have her homestead redeemed from tax sale
in 1875 and to be exempt from payment of tax
Petition of Peter Schrafl to establish a street along the east side of lots 102 and 103
Langworthys addition was laid aside
Petition of J W Parker and Co to refund tax of 1879
Petition of Chas W Saunders to cancel his tax for year 1872
Petition of J Huber et al to banish pigeons from the city was referred
Petition of J P Farley et al to have a founain erected in washington Park
Petition of Bridget Roach to remit her tax on lot 51 East Dubuque for 1879
Petition of Alfred Herron et all to have a street opened at the east end of Grand View
Avenue to Burden Street
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of John Daniels et al to improve the alley between Jackson and Washington
and Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets
Petition of Alois Tschirgi to be allowed to pay saloon license quarterly
Petition of Anton Witting for grade in front of his property on Washington St between
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Street
Petition of John Quail et al to have the alley on South West Locust improved
Petition of G and T Reddan to refund a liquor license paid in 1873
Petition of Geo Koch to remit saloon license for 1880
Petition of Bridget Burke to cancel her bax for 1879
Petition of W E Wellington to imorove Seminary Street from the west line of Madison
to Seventeenth Street
Petition of Geo B Hamilton to have a claim settled for money paid on invalid tax sale
Petition of Valentine Luck to have a sidewalk laid on Couler Avenue lots 3 and 4
Steiners addition
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Tim Byron et al to have a sidewalk laid on the south side of Jones Street
from Second to main Street
Petition of C W Bittman to cancel the tax of 1874 on a piece of property purchased
for burial purposes
Petition of Thos Nairn to have Alpine from Third to Fifth Street improved
Petition of Herman Buseman et al to have the sewer on Maple Street extended
150 feet
Petition of Dominic Hoffman to allow him sixty five dollars for acting marshal
Petition of M Blumenauer for saloon license for fifty dollars
Petition of mrs. Sara Brunskill for remission of tax on lots 19 and 20 in Quigley's addition
Petition of Geo W Andrew et al for a road leading south from Eleventh Street and along the
east line of lots 4 and 5 of out lot 687
Petition of E Mobley for compensation for damages sustained property in west Dub
Petition of R O Anderson to have nuisance abated at the end of Grove Street
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Hugh Treanor for a receipt of the treasurer for money to the amount of
$150.00 paid in 1874
Petition of Geo Crane et all to have a street opened north of Linwood Cemetary
Petition of Mrs P O'Neill to cancel 1879 taxes
Petition of Chas Klingenberg for refunding liquor license paid 1873 amounting to
fifty dollars
A communication from E K Bowdish on weights and measures
Petition of Thos Quinlon to have his tax of 1879
Petition of B Bradford et al for a survey and grade on College Avenue
Petition of Mrs. M Lucas to have fifty dollars refunded paid in 1873 on a liquor license
Petition of Jos Strinsky Frank Nowlin and employees of the Hook and ladder do
of the Sol Turck Fire Engine asking for an increase of salary
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of J N Noel to refund tax of 1877
Petition of Mrs.John Safe to be allowed to employ an hotel runner without having to
pay a license
Petition of A W Hosford for a lamp at Union and Apple Streets
Petition of Johanna Zahina asking for allowance for injuries sustained by falling on a
sidewalk last December
Petition of Casper Streif to give him credit of $7.96 on saloon license for 1880
Petition of Patrick Coffee to have his taxes from year 1872 to 1879 canceled on
personal property
Petition of Peter Klein et al asking council to instruct the marshal to enforce the ordinance
in relation to fresh meat
Petition of Rev P J McGrath et al for the improvement of Fourteenth Street west to
Alta Vista Street
Petition of John Degnan to have the water diverted from lots 59 and 60 Union Edition
West Hill
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Albert Leicht for the privilege of setting curb stones on Jackson between
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets
The petition of Mrs. J B Smih for the cancellation of her tax for 1819 on lot 49 Union
The petition of A Heeb et al to have the grade established from Seminary Street to
Eagle Point Avenue
Petition of W J Cantillon et al for a grade on Roberts avenue
Petition of Mrs. Jas Linehan to have her homestad redeemed which was sold in 1875
Petition of Jos Roy et al remonstrating against the improvement of Wilson Avenue
Petition of Henry Riker et al for the opening of a road on Southern Avenue up Valley
Street near Sawmill of Randall
Council adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 2:00 p.m.
Street Commissioner reported the following amounts necessary to pay the persons
employed during May
Express Hauling
report received filed and order to be drawn for the several positions
City Marshal reported mount to pay off regular and special police for May, arrests,
Hog ounder
Marketmaster submitted his report drafts weighed sale of huckster stands board of
prisoners and lodgers
report not being certified it was referred
west Dubuque scales weigher Chas Pitschner reported
received and filed
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
N C ryan from the first ward scales reported
received and filed
P Even from the Southern avenue scales reported
received and filed
recorder reported number and amount of licences issued
received and filed
Wood measurer repoted
received and filed
Lamplighter reported
received and filed
Police Justice Mills submitted his report
Received and filed and ordered paid
The Auditor reported the amount required to pay the officers for the month
Received filed and ordered paid
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice Coakley submitted his report for the month.
Committee on Finance to whom was referred the settlement of the Langworthy case
reported progress
The ORdinance Committee to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Gehrid et al
asking to repeal the ordinance requiring hotels to pay a license reported adversely
Petition of W C Wood and C J Welsh in reltaion to the revision of ordinance reported
in favor of receiving and filing the same and recommended that the reviion and
codification be referred to the ordinance committee and city attorney with power the
cost not to exceed $400.00 to prepare and perfect the work for the printer
Claim of John H Rench for damages sustained by being thrown from his wagon in
West Dubuque and severely injured caused by a dead horse lying in the road reported
tht the city attorney had made an agreement with the petitioner to pay him $80.00 on a
receipt in full
report adopted
petition of Alex Alderson for compensation of dead horse
reported adversely
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Thos Mulqueeny was referred asking to be refunded twenty dollars for
sidewalk assessment
reported in favor of allowing him fifteen dollars
petition of Robt Gers to have fifty dollars refunded him on a liquor license reported that
they had examined the liquor license record for 1873 and could find no liquor license
paid by the petitioner in that year and therefore moved the petitoin be received and
Petition of Eugene Harrington asking to be refunded fifty dollars paid on liquor license
in 1873 reported in favor of drawing an order for that amount
The same commttee claim of Dr. J H Green for medical services rendered an injured
fireman reported in favor of drawing an order
recorder to notify the chief engineer not to send in similar bills
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee to whom was referred the power of settling with John Fitzpatrick for
property proposed to be taken for street purposes through Min Lot 210 reported in favor
of drawing an order on the treasurer for one hundred dollars to be paid to John
Fitzpatrick for right of way 60 feet wide through said lot said right of way to be deeded
to the city and the deed to be approved by the Attorney before any money is paid the
object being to have a clean title
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of John Glab asking the
extension of a sewer on Ninth and Pine street reported that they had consulted the
engineer who recommended that on account of the grade of said street it was
impracticable to extend the present culvert further eastward and favored the laying of
a 12 inch tile pipe which would answer all purposes of teh petitioner The committee
reported ordering the street commissioner to lay the pipe
The same committee to whom ws referred the petition of Geo Widmer et al asking
that Jackson Street from seventeenth to Nineteenth Street be improved recommended
the petition be received and filed
Same committee petition of Frank Carberry asking to refunded twenty five dollars for dirt removal from
his residence paid by him so as to pay for excavating recently done by the street
commissioner reported adversely thereon
Same committee to whom was referred the petition of Frank Adams et al to have
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Wilson avenue improved reported in favor of recommending the prayer of the
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of T J Donohue et al for
a sidewalk on Rush and plum streets reported in favor of same
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Chas Luther et al
remonstrating against the improvement of Jackson Street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth
Street reported in favor of the remonstrance
Same committee to whom was referred the peition of Burch Babcock and Co et al
asking to have Eleventh Street to the Railroad Track graded and filled up recommended
that said street be filled whenever the street commissioner finds material handy to place
SAme committee to whom was referred the petition of Jacob Michel et al asking to
have Fifth Street to Seventh and the alley on the South side improved reported in favor
of granting the same the grading to be done in the fall and the macadamizing etc to
be let in the fall and done next spring
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of H Fockler et al asking to
have a crossing laid o Bluff Street at the head of Seventh Street reported in favor of
granting the same
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Mathias Hoffman et al to
have the alley on Jackson Street from Twelth to Thirteenth street improved reported
adversely thereto
The same committee to whom was referred the deed of Thos Yates and wife and
Orlando McCraney and wife conveying to the city of Dubuque a strip of land 20 feet
wide off from the south side of lots 13 and 14 of the subdivision of out lot 688 to be
used as a public highway or street recommended that the deed be accepted and the
city engineer instructed to make a plat of said alley and have the same presented to
the council for action
The delinquent tax committee to whom was referred the petition of Rosa Cadman
asking to refund her tax to the amount of $3.45 paid into the treasurery offered a
resolution to have the same refunded
The street committee to whom was referred the resolution to improve Fifth Street
between Main and Locust Street recommended to have the same done as follows
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Fifth Street between Main
and Locust street be graded guttered curbed and macadamized wherever the present
street is out of repair or destroyed
necessary plans specifications notice for bids and proposals
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
work to be done at the expense of the abutting property owners
resolution was adopted
council on motion took a recess for 15 minutes
after reassembling W J Knight presented a protest from Bishop Hennessy against
praying for a sidewalk laid on Seventeenth Street
on motion referred
Petiton was read from John Parker asking remuneration for the leaning down of a
fence and destroyed lumber and on motion referred
Committee on street reported in favor of adopting the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that a sidewalk be constructed on the south side
of Rush Street between South Dodge and plum streets the same to be charged to the
abutting property owners
The same committee reported i favor of the adoption of the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque tht a sidewalk
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
be constructed and laid on the north side of Eighth Street and fronting on West Eighth
Street or in front of lots 18 19 and 20 in Kelly's subdivision
The same committee reported on teh resolution to improve Fourteenth street 100 feet
west of Cox Street to Alta Vista recommending the grading to be done in the coming
fall and the balance of the work next spring
Ald Herod moved the adoption of the report
Ald Leckie amended that the work be done immediately
Ald Jones made an amendment to the amendment that the grading be done as soon as
possible and balance of teh work hereafter
Original motion adopted
Same committee on the resolution to improve Twlfth Street bet Clay and White rcommending
the adoption of the same
resolution was adopted
Same committee reported on the resolution to improve Eighth Street bet white and
Washington recommending its adoption
Resolution was adopted
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported on the bids of Henion Street recommending that James G.
Carney be awarded the contract he being the lowest and best bidder
report adopted
Committee on Harbors reported on teh petition of John Mundt asking one hundred dollars
from the city for a horse power at eagle point referring the same back to city council
laid on the table
Same committee reported on the petition of Farley Loetscher and Co asking permission
to erect a slide at Third Street Slough near M M Walker's oil house favoring the same
the ground to be occupied at the pleasure of the council
report adopted
The committee on printing reported on the bill of E V Hayden recommending its payment
report adopted
On the claim of Palmer Winall and Co of $66.00 recommending its payment
report adopted
On the claim of the Times Co of $35.00 favoring its payment
report adopted
On the claim of the Daily Dispatch of $22.30 recommending it be received and filed
and on the petition of same prayer for a share of the city printing adversely
report adopted
On the claim of the Herald for $61.40 on printing books notices cards etc favoring
its payment
report adopted
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Committee on Fire reported on the claim of Schrieber and Strinsky in favor of payment
report adopted
Committee on Police reported adversely to the petition of Louis Schmidt asking a full
saloon license
reporte adopted
Petition of Mrs. J T Howard et al that the lamp asked to be erected near the home
of the Friendless had been granted
report approved
On the claim of the Northwestern Globe Gas Light Co of $295.55 favoring the payment
of the same
report adopted
On the petition of P Klein and other meat dealers referred recomending that all outside
butchers bringing meat into the city and offering it for sale be compelled to pay a license
the same as the city butchers that farmers selling less than quarter of meat be punished
according to the ordinances and that the marshal be instructed to inforce all the
ordinances in relation to the markets
report adopted
committee on delinquent taxes reported on the following petitions then reports being
severally adopted
Rachel Davis McDaniels Subdivision
M A Alderson
Mrs Bridget Cunningham
Mary Enright
Thompson and Douglas
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Catherine Phelan
Mrs. B Keogh
Margaret Carr Sr
Mary Clark
Mrs. m L Beaubien
Bridget McMahon
Ald O'Neill chairman of the committee to whom the petition of Wm Hintrager was
referred that he be refunded money paid on
report adopted
Also that his committee had examined the basement of City Hall and found all it needed
was a cleaning up recommending it be done under the supervision of the city marshal
report adopted
Committee of teh whole through the chairman Ald Leckie made the following reports
such reports being severally adopted
Claim of Henry Deckert for increase of salary recommending the petition be received
and filed
On the claim of Dr. Connolly that it be received and filed
On the petition of M M Gasser et all recommending that the third floor of the city hall
be granted for military purposes during the pleasure of teh council under such rules and
order as the committee on public grounds and buildings may adopt
On the petition of the Key City Furniture
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Company recommending it be received and filed
On the petition of P Klauer et al to re-establish market in the first floor of the ciyt hall
recommending that a door be opened on the west end and that the market master
rent stalls to any person wanting them and also tht the hall be hereafter rented for balls
and entertainment at not less than ten dollars per night by the committee on public grounds
and building
on the resolution offered by Ald Jjones to improve jackson Square to have the same laid
on the table
A petition was taken up and read from George Crane et al asking for gravel walks in
Jackson Square and for opening the same on motion was referred to see what
arrangements could be made with mr. Rebman to do the work for a claim against
himself by the City in the Neumeister case
Ald Herod offering the following
resolved that Wilson Avenue bet Fifth Street and a point opposite the center of Eighth
Street be graded guttered curbed and macadamized to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property
resolution adopted
Ald Herod also presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Fourteenth
street from Walnut Street to 100 fee west of Cox Street by Martin and Strane
special tax is hereby levied on the several lots parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate as follows
Walter Hay Lot 1 out lot 741
Fred Weigel Lot 2 out lot 741
John Goldthorpe Lot 3 Out lot 741
W H Peabody Lot 1 Out lot 740
John Filynn Lot 2 Out lot 740
W C Wilkinson Lot 3 Out lot 740
Richard Cox Lot 2 Min Lot 90
Richard Cox Lot 3 Min Lot 90
Simon Treanor Min Lot 89
Ald Herod also presented the following which was adopted
Resolved that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Ninth treet from the
alley east of White to Jackson Street by James G Carney
special tax to be levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate
herein after named as follows
Sarah C Disney 378 City
G J Huekels 379 City
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Herod also presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing
Fourteenth Sreet from White to Jackson Street by martin and Strane contractors
specil tax be levied on several lots and parts of lots and parcels as follows
Carrie E Cox Est S 62.4 ft City lot 483
Fidel Fritsche S 1/5 City Lot 494
Chas Weber N 1/5 City lot 482
Fred Kleinschmidt N 1/5 City lot 495
Ald Herod also presented the following which was also adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Tenth street from White to Jackson
Street by James G Carney a special tax is hereby levied on several lots and parts of
lots and parcels as follows
Dub Cab Mak Assn 343 City
H Rischatsch 344 City
Al Henchlin E 52 ft 383 City
Eliza Weiss N 48 ft 383 City
Dub Cab Mak Assn 384 City
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Jones presented the following
Whereas in as much as the wages of the street laborers have been raised 25 cents per
day and whereas the custodian of the parks works five hours more each day than the
street men for the sam pay
therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the compensation
of Mr. Frank Theiring the custodian of the parks be raised from one dollar and twenty five
cents to one dollar and fifty cents per day from and after june 1st 1880. The resolution
was laid on the table on the call of the years and nays
The same alderment presented a resolution to improve Eleventh between Washington
and jackson street which on motion was referred
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City
Council of dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of Rosa Cadman
Also the following which was also adopted that the street commissioner be and is
hereby instructed to construct a good stone crossing on teh east side of main and
Thirteenth Streets as soon as he can procure the necessary material
Also the following which was adopted that the city marshal be and is hereby instructed
to remove a nuisance existing on White Street West side bet 18 and 19th at once or to
proceed against the abutters according to ordinance relative thereto
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Rath presented a resolution to lay a sidewalk in front of the market house on Iowa
street and moved its adoption Amended to refer to the street committee and carried by
The following resolution was presented and motion adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city engineer be and so hereby
instructed to prepare a profile and grade of Iowa Street from Seminary street to the
north line of L H Langworthy's subdivision and present the same to the council
The city engineer submitted the same and on motion it was referred
Ald Linehan offered the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of dubuque that the finance committee be instructed
to borrow six thousand dollars for the City of Dubuque
Also to improve Peabody avenue between James Street and the east line of Augusta
street Also to improve James Street between third street and Peabody Avenue
Both were referred to the street commission
Ald Leckie referred to the desire of the west dubuque policeman to procure a uniform
and in order to do so wanted his pay raised to forty dollars per motion
Frank Theiring the custodian of the parks was on motion of Ald Jones ordered to be
placed on the payroll
The bill of John McCoy for repairing sidewalk on Seventh Street
Regular Session June 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The bill of the Key City Gas Co was referred to the police commission
The bill of Byrne Bros for carriage hire referred to com on claims
The bill of M Blake for stone crossing referred to city engineer
The bill of Mrs P McMahon for cleaning around the market referred to com on claims
The following bills were read and on motion were ordered paid
D W Linehan
Dolan and Langworthy
Frank Theiring
Dubuque Water Co
C McErath
J W Hoffman
L Daly
Laflin and Rand Pow Co
Mrs Schwalki
Morrison Bros
Healey Bros
Asa Roberts
F Harburger
Morrison Bros
Peter Hanson
Dub Cab Makers Assn
James G Carney
M Tschirgi Jr
T E Frith
P Hanson
Wood and Gissel
Jake Conant
Henry Rivers
Tony Trieb
Bus Baumgartner
Vogel & Ferguson
Morrison Bros
Andrew Tredway and Sons
Dubuque Water Co
M Downey
J W Coy
Jake Conant
John McCoy
Harney and O'Connor
N Eichman
Byrne Bros
P Tibey
Dub tel Ex Co
Mrs. Mundt
B D Linehan
Chas McMaster
James G Carney
John Pals
Peter Hanson
C W Schrieber
C B Dorr and Co
John Gissel
Special Session June 25, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Mayor stated that the object of calling the meeting was to take some action in regard
to the complaints made against the marshal D J Duane
At the request of the mayor the recorder read the following complaint against the city
official named
to the honorable mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque
The undersigned complaining of Daniel J Duane the city marshal of the city of Dubuque
charge the said Daniel J Duane with malfeasance in the conduct of his said office and
the violation of his duty as such officer and as the custodian of the peace of said city in
this: that heretofore to wit on the 23rd day of June A.D. 1880 in the said city of Dubuque
the said Daniel J Duane being at the time the city marshal of said city was under the
influence of liquor and disturbed the peace and quite of said city by boisterous conduct
and language and by firing fire arms and was then and therefore arrested and confined
in the city jail of said city.
We Dennis Ryan and Ptrick Ryder being sworn say they have read the foregoing complaint
and that the matters and things therein are true as they verily believe
James H Shields
notary public seal
Special Session June 25, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Doerfler remarked that the charges were grave and if true the officer complained
of should be dismissed
Ald Leckie called on the city attorney to inquire whether under teh state law relating to
city officials the marshal was entitled to a formal trial
mr. J H Shields the city attorney gave his opinion that the state law does not conflict
with the ordinance under which the city has control of its officers and possesses the
right to impeach or dismiss them for violation of official duty. He read from the ordinance
setting forth that if the council deemed an investigation to set a day for the hearing etc.
Ald Leckie moved that when the counci adjourned it be until Thursday next at 2 pm where
an investigation be had
Mr. Riordan the marshals counsel addressed the council and desired to have the time for
investigation set to Friday at 2 p.m. so as to prepare for the defense
Ald Fengler presented the following which on motion was adopted
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the chares brought against city marshal Duane
for improprer conduct are deemed sufficient by this council to hold him for trial and that such
trial take place on Friday next July 2 at 2 o'clock p.m.
The recorder then read a circular from the Iowa State Board of Health in relation to
the city council forming themselves ito a board of health. The circular on motion was
referred to the committee on ordinance and city attorney
A petition was presented and read Rev Pape
Special Session June 25, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
by the Recorder from Rev Pape et al asking the right to remove over the streets the old
St Patrick Church building to the old fair grounds
referred with power
council adjourned to Friday at 2 p.m.
Special Session July 2, 1880
Council met at half past 2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
On his arrival the mayor stated the object of the meeting to be to take action on the case
of city marshal Duane and instructed the recorder to read the following. The charges
preferred by Messers Ryder and Ryan being read and recorded at the previous session
To Daniel D Duane
City Marshal
You are hereby notified that at a special session of the city council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 25th of June A.D. 1880 certain charges were preferred against you for
malfeasance in office and Friday the 2nd day of July 1880 at 2 o'clock p.m. fixed as
the time and the council chamber of said city the place when and where a hearing and
trial before said council will be had. You can appear and make your defense if any you
J D Bush mayor of Dubuque
June 26, 1880
Special Session July 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
The following was attached and also read
The State of Iowa Dubuque County S S
Served the within notice and complaint annexed upon Dan'l J Duane by reading the
same to him and by giving him a copy of each of the same in the city of Dubuque this 26th
day of June 1880
Leonard Buehler
Acting Marshal of the City of Dubuque
The city attorney said the next thing in order would be the hearing of testimony in the case
Mr. D E Lyon Attorney for the defense introduced and had read the following
For the matter of the mayor and council of the city of Dubuque on information filed by
Ryder and Ryan against D J Duane city marshal in answer to the charges in said
information contained appears and denies the same in manner and form and says that
said charges are untrue. Wherefore he prays that they may be hence dismissesd and
held for naught signed D J Duane by Fouke and Lyon his attorneys
The city attorney called for the following as witnesses to be sworn and to testify
Dennis Ryan
Pat'k Ryder
B D Linehan
Jerry Sullivan
Officer Spiegel
who had each been subpoenaed by Dep Marshal Buekler
Capt Ryder was the first to testify the substance of which testimony was that he was called
upon by Mr. Sullivan to arrest marshal Duane on complaint of the latters wife for firing fire
arms. Did not see him fire nor could not say he
Special Session July 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
shot Mr. Linehan or he was under the influence of liquor and it was not his wish to sign to
the charges preferred against the city marshal Capt Ryan corroborted the testimony of
Capt Ryder and added he assisted to make the arrest of marshal Duane on being called
upon by Capt Ryder Messrs Linehan and Sullivan not being present. Officer Spiegel took
the witness stand and testified he saw the Marshal in the calaboose on the night of the
23rd of June and said he was drunk but did not see Peter Fay nor talk to him that
evening. Peter Fay was called and said he talked with officer Spiegel who remarked to
him tht D J Duane city marshal was in the calaboose but didn't know for what and that he
(the marshal) was not drunk.The testimony was tehn closed. No argument ws made at its
close by the defense or prosocution and the matter submitted for its disposal to the
council and decision. The yeas and nays were called for on the question guilty or not
guilty with the following result
Yeas 3
Nays 7
The chair decided by the vote taken that the marshal was not guilty of the charges
preferred against him. Ald O'Neill there upon moved that the mayor rescind his order
suspending the marshal Adopted. Council adjourned.
Reguar Session July 5, 1880
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. No quorum present adjourned to Tuesday July 6 at same time
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Petition of Rev Pape asking to purchase a plat of land in the old fair grounds
Petition of F Roehl et al to have a stone crossing laid at the west end of Nineteenth
Petition of Chris Lohrmann et al to abate a nuiance on lake street
Petition of Maria Wolf to remit tax
Petition of E Smedley et al to open Jackson Square
Petition of Mary Kelly to cancel tax
Petition of Tim Byron et al for a policeman on Jones and First streets
Petition of W W Woodworth et al to remove obstuctions on Iowa Street between second
and fourth streets
Petition to cancel tx on estate of Frederick Light
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Frank and claim for inspecting coal oil
Petition of f Mussehl et al refund paid on curbing of Windsor Ave
Petition of D G Scott against improving James Street and also against improving
Peabody avenue
Petition of T F Harsch to rent a cellar in the market building for storing purposes
Petition of A Y McDonald to improve White and Jackson streets
on motion tabled
Petition of Peter Klein et al to have a street opened from Broadway street through Gay,
Charles and McCabe sreets
Communication received from Street Commissioner Dowling directing attention to the
condition of the Seventh Street Bridge and on motion was referred
Claim of P J Hanlon repairing sidewalks and John Bell for same
Petition of P J Milligan and others for a street along Grand View near Russell property
Petition of Wm L Bradley and others for the improvement of Wilson Avenue to a northerly
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of John Hedermen and others against laying a sidewalk on lots 18 19 and 20
in Kelly's subdivision on Eighth Street
Petition of Fred Trilk et al to abate a nuisance on White between sixth and seventh
Petition of G Schollian et al for a policeman on Southern Avenue
Clailm of Mrs. John Mulligan liquor license refund
Petition of F Freitsche and others requesting the council to examine the work recently
done on White and Jackson Streets by Martin and Strane
Petition of G W Sacket to exempt his team from a license
Petition of John Butler for recompense of loss sustained by the recent high water
Petition of Jacob Buselink, Richard Bennett, C Schmidt, Mrs F Zeller, john Hohman to
reduce correct and cancel their taxes
Street Commissioner Dowlings amount expended on street
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Stone Crossings
Sand Etc.
received filed and amounts ordered paid
Recorder Kane reported Sunday Licenses issued
received and filed
Marshal Duane reported amounts due the regular police force including special police at
fees paid into treasury
received filed and ordered paid
Auditor Brandt reported the salaries due the several city officers and the salaried members
of the fire department
received filed and ordered paid
market Master Gmekle reported weighed Market scales
rent of the huckster sands
sum due him for boarding prisoners
received filed and expenses ordered paid
Frank Fosselman reported fifth ward scales
received and filed
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice Jennings reported
received and filed
Chas Petschner reported west dubuque scales
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported
received and filed
City Engineer reported a profile of grade of Iowa Street also a plat of street deeded to
the city by Yates and McGraney
Bill of M Blake
received and filed and ordered paid
City marshal reported claim of market master for bording prisoner
received filed and ordered paid
adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m.
Afternoon session July 6, 1880 at 2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Recorder was allowed to read a petition from Hansen and linehan and others asking to
have the levee repaired on account of being damaged by high water.
request was granted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same also read a communication from City Treasurer Gehrig which stated he had
examined the delinquent tax book made from the tax lists for the yeras 1874 to 1879
special taxes
requested to have some competent person appointed to collect delinquent taxes
approved nad adopted
Wm Dyer was allowed to address the council with his plans presented for laying out
walks in Jackson Park. On motion of Ald Linehan the one which was marked by the
letter 'a' was adopted. and his proposition for doing the said work was referred
Teh ordinance committee reported on the petition of J Huber et al to rid the city of all
pigeons, recommending that the marshal be instructed to enforce the ordinance
report adopted
The same presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance regulating subdivisiond and
additions to the city of Dubuque which was read and the first time when rule 29 was
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
ordinance read a second time and passed
Also an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for a board of health which was read
the first time when Rule 29 was suspended by a full vote of the council and the ordinance
was read a second time and passed
the committee on claims reported Byrne Bros
report adopted
On the petition of Margaret Jordan
report adopted
Claim of J and T Reddan
refunded liquor license
report adopted
Claim of Chas Klingenberg liquor license
reported adopted
Claim of Mrs M Lucas liquor license
report adopted
Petition of Casper Steif saloon license
reported adopted
Petition of Johanna Luhinna
report adopted
Petition of John Parker
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
be received and filed
report adopted
Petition of John Daniels reported in favor of grading the alley on 16th and 17th between
Washington and Jackson Street and macadamizing the same
report adopted
Petition of W E Wellomgtpm et al grading macadamizing and guttering west side of
Madison on Seminary Street to the east side of Iowa Street and that they city engineer
be instructed to find out the balance of the cost in grading said street to 11th
report adopted
Petition of Rev P J McGrath et al that action had already been taken in regard to the
improving of Fourteenth street and to have same received and filed
report adopted
Petition of Tim Byron et al that the prayer for a sidewalk on Jones Street be granted so
far as the north side is concerned
report adopted
Also on the petition of A Heeb et al that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a profile
of grade of Main Street Extenion from Seminary Stret to Eagle Point Avenue and to
present the same to the council at next session
report adopted
Petition of Geo Crane et al that the street as prayed for be granted whenever a bond is
filed for the condemnation and purchase of ground through which the road runs in
Gates Subdivision
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Vantine Luck that it be received and filed
report adopted
Petition of Albert Leicht
report approved
Petition of R O Anderson that the street as prayed for be opened as soon as right of way
is furnished
report adopted
Petition of J N Foy street be opened as soon as right of way is given city
report adopted
Petition of Jos Roy et al remonstrating against improving Wilson Avenue that it not be
report adopted
Petition of Henry Riker et al that as soon as the right of way is obtained and the location of
street is agreed to by the city engineer and street commissioner such action will be
recommended as is customary for the opening of the stret
report adopted
Petition of John Degman
report adopted
Petition of B Bradford et al to prepare a plan and profile of college avenue
report adopted
Petition of John Quail locate alley and st put it in passable condition
report adopted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Also on petition of W J Cantillon et al that the city engineer prepare a profile of grade of
Roberts avenue
report adopted
Petition Herman Bussman et al that the petition be laid on the table
report adopted
Petition of E Mobley that he be allowed $15.00 in settlement of all claim
report adopted
Also on the petition of Thos. Haim that it be referred to the City Engineer to give true grade
Report adopted
Market sidewalk
resolution of Ald Rath that a sidewalk be laid on Iowa Street in front of the Market House
report adopted
Prairie and Walnut Sidewalkl
Resolution of sidewalk on Eleventh between Prairie and Walnut street that the same be
rescinded as the sidewalk was laid already
report adopted
Wilson Ave rescinced
Ald Herod moved to reconsider and rescind the resolution offered at the June session to
improve Wilson Avenue
Committe on Markets reported in favor of investing $27 in purchasing scales from the
Healey Bros for the Central Market
report adopted
The committee on public grounds and buildings reported in favor of receiving and filing
the petition of J P Farley
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Farley et al
report adopted
The committee on printing reported on the claim of the herald that 21.50 be allowed as
payment in full for June
report adopted
Times Co
Claim of Times Co that 27.00 as claimed for June be allowed
report adopted
Claim of the Post for 43.75 that it be paid
report adopted
The Commission on Fire reported on the communication of Frank Morgan on inventory
of goods of the Fire Department that it be filed
report adopted
Petition of Frank Nowhin that his salary be increased to 12.50 per month from the first
of July 1880
report adopted
Also that the salary of Frank Strinsky be increased the same way
report adopted
Also on the petition of salaried members of the fire department that their salaries be
placed at what they were before the reduction of 15 percent
report adopted
The commission on police reported on the petition of D Hoffman for pay as acting
marshal that it be received and filed
report adopted
On the petition of Alois Tschirgi that the same be received and filed and the city marshal
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
be instructed to collect the saloon license at once
report adopted
Petition of Geo Koch that the license be collected at once
report adopted
Petition of M Blumenauer that the license be collected at once
report adopted
Petition for a lamp at Union and Hosford Street that the same be granted
report adopted
P J Hanlon
adverse to the petition of the west dubuque policeman for an increase in salary
report adopted
The Claim of Justice Coakley for 3.00 be paid
report adopted
Mrs. John Sage be granted an hotel runner free from license during the pleasure
of the council
report adopted
the claims of the key city gas co of $502.30 in may and $504.70 in june be allowed
report adopted
33.50 be allowed A Hubert as payment in full and revolver be charged to the city marshal
report adopted
claim of the northwestern globe gas light co of 26.25 be paid
report adopted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of remitting tax of Mrs. J B Smith for
report adopted
cancel tax of Thos Quinlon on saloon fixtures
report adopted
adverse to the petitionso f Bridget Roach Mrs. P O'Neill and J N Noel
reports adopted
Also that the city auditor be instructed to redeem lot 41 owned by Mrs A Kaufmann sold to
Mr. Hantrager and the order be drawn in her favor of $32.10 to cover the amount
report adopted
Also that the assessment of J W Parker and Co be reduced to $200.00 provided the same
be paid within fifteen days
report adopted
Also in favor of remitting tax of Bridget Burke and Sarah Brunskill
report adopted
Adl Linehan from the special committee to whom was referred the petition of Peter
Schrafl asking to have a street opened reported adversely thereon
report adopted
Ald Fengler presented a resolution to the effect that whenever the building and loan
assn deed ground enough to straighten Sanford street an order for $400.00 in their
favor be drawn
to comm on streets
Ald Linehan presented a resolution that the finance com be instructed to borrow six thousand
dollars $6000.00
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Kavanaugh reported the following which was adopted:
your committee would state that a contract has been made with Wm Rebman for improving
Jackson Park, agreeing to have furnished 200 cubic yards of four inch rock, 175 yards
of two inch and fifty yards of top dressing on condition of the city's withdrawing all claims
against him on the neumeister case. said rock to be furnished on or before August 15 1880
Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted
That a gas lamp be placed on Eleventh Street Hill near the residence of John Bell under the
direction of the Com on Police and Gas
Ald Rath introduced a resolution to abate nuisance caused by water standing on lot 194
East Dubuque owned by Mrs. mary Schwab
Adopted and Marshal to abate
Ald Fengler presented a resolution to appoint a health officer
referred to health board
Ald herod prsented a resolution to increase street commissioner Dowling's salary $10.00
per month over and above his present salary, the same to be allowed from the 1st day
of April an continue as long as a horse is needed to do his work and the recorder draw
an order for the same
The same submitted the following which was adopted by a full vote of teh council
resolved that the alley from 16th to 17th street between jackson and washington streets
be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work The guttering and
macadamizing to be done at the expense of teh owners of the abutting property
The same presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that to p ay for curbing guttering and macadmizing
14th street from jackson to washington street by Martin and Strane contractors in front of
and adjoining the same as special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
owners Name
Description of Lot
Amount tax
Mrs. B Roach w 1/2 51 East Dubuque 57.36
Michael McMahon e 1/2 51 East Dubuque 35.27
C G Wulwebers Est 52 East Dubuque 25.36
Margaret Jordan 71 East Dubuque 24.75
Assessment Js Platz 72 East Dubuque 69.20
The same aldermen reported in favor of the adoption of the following:
resolved that eleventh street between washington and jackson streets be graded
guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
he is hereby instructed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvements and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and
proposals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property.
The resolution was adopted by a full vote of the council
The same alderman reported on the following recommending its adoption
that clay street extension between second and third streets be graded, guttered, curbed
and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer
be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement and he city recorder directed to give the proper notice for the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performance of the work. the guttering curbing and macadmizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
adopted by a full vote of the council
Same reported in favor of the following:
That the committee on public grounds and buildings be insructed to have a sidewalk
twelve feet or more in width of good hard brick laid in front of the market house on Iowa
adopted by a full vote of the council that the work be done under the direction of the
street committee
Same reported in favor of the following which was adopted by a full vote of the council
that a sidewalk twelve feet wide of good no 1 two inch plank be within twenty days of this
notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the sidewalks
on the north side of Jones Street
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
between Jones and Main Street
Same presented the following which was adopted by a full vote
that seminary street between the west side of Madison Street and the East Side of Iowa
Street be graded guttered and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans
and specificiations for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property.
Same also presented the following which was adopted by a full vote
that Wilson Avenue between fifth street and a point opposite west Eighth street opposite the
following lots: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and
31 of Wilson's subdivision and mineral lot 78 be graded guttered and macadamized in
conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement
and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the
epense of the owners of the abutting property.
Also the following which was adopted by a full vote
that the blue line as shown by the profile of the city engineer of Iowa street from Seminary
street to the north line of L H Langworthy's subdivision be and is hereby declared the
official grade of said street.
Ald Doerfler offered the following:
Resolved that the water district for the year 1880 remain the same as it was last year,
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
according to the map upon that subject
adopted by a full vote of the council
Ald Kavanaugh prescribed the following which was adopted by a full vote of the council:
resolved that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and establish the best possible
grade for a road from the cascade crossing on the delhi road to teh top of the hill to
connect withe the rokdale road in order that the board of supervisors may improve the
Mayor Bush announced the following as the committee for equalizing the city assessment
for 1880 to wit: Alds Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Rath and Doerfler
the following claims were read and ordered
D A Gehrig
John Bale
G Kirmse
M McMahon et al
D W Linehan
Chas McMaster
Geo W Burden
Poole Gilliam and Co
T F Koepfli
F H Finke
Dubuque Co Bank
John Pals
Jas G Carney
Do Do
Mrs E M Ogilby
T E Frith
John Corbit
Morrison Bros
M Corbit
Martin and Strane
Do Do
Dubuque Nat'n Dem
F Mertz
Junkermann and Haas
John Maclay
Dubuque Water Co
Mrs P McMahon
C McElrath
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
Wm Clair
Key City GAs Light Co
J and A Christman
Sol Truck Hose Co
J K Graves Host Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Harvey and O'Connor
N H Thedinga
P Olinger
M Downey
John Ganahl
Peter Klauer
Martin Kane
Dubuque Telephone Exle
Healey Bros
John Bell
John P Quigley
Morrison Bros
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The claims of T O Sullivan and H Lembeck for $450 each were referred to the Committee
on Equalization
The claim of P J Hanlon for $2.40 was on motion referred to the committee on streets
The claim of John Bell for $19.12 was referred to the same committee
twelfth eighth fifth streets
on motion the bids for street work were opened and read and referred to the
street committee and city engineer to report immediately
recess for twenty minutes
Upon the reconvening of the council the above committee reported as follows
James N Foy to be the lowest bidder for the work on fifth stree F J Donohue for the work
on Eighth street and Wm Rebman for the work on Twelfth street
the report was approved and the contracts for said work awarded accordingly
On motion the proposals for furnishing lime for disinfecting purposes were opened and
the amount needed equally divided between Ald Geo Fengler and John M Linehan
the council then adjourned
martin Kane
City Recorder
Special Session July 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 7 1/2 p.m.
All present
Attention was called to a slight mistake having been made in awarding the contract on
Eighth Street at the regular session July 6 1880. Mr. Wm Rebman being lower than
Mr. T J Donohue the gentleman to whom the contract had been awarded
On motion of Ald Herod the same was reconsidered and awarded to Mr. Wm Rebman
martin Kane
City Recorder
committee of the whole July 12 80
the recorder read the petition of Rev Pape asking to purchase a plat of land in the old
Sanford Fair Grounds
It was moved that it be referred to the committee on finance and city attorney
martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The council met at 9 a.m.
Minutes of July read and approved
the petition of Rev Johannes et al for a new street in Ham's addition was on motion
referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Chas Bruhn et al to have a nuisance abated on Elm and Pine streets was
referred to teh committee of the whole
The petition of Henry Mueller and others to have the sewer on Eagle Pointe Avenue
extended east to the railroad bridge was referred to the same committee
the petition of Margaret Quinn for remission of 1879 tax was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
the petition of Joseph vogel et al to have corrected the number of lots on plat of Mineral
Lot 470 was referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer
the petition of John Dignan et al for the laying of a sidewalk on Gand View street between
villa and South Dodge Streets was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of mrs. Cath McEvoy for remission of her tax was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
the petition of Theresa Eitel and P Welter to abate a nuisance on South one half of lot
139 East Dubuque was referred to teh Board of Health
the petitio of G Woodruff in regard to tax sale was referred to the committee on claims
and city attorney
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Mary Luke to remit her tax was referred to the delinquent tax committee
The petition of M Hooper to remit tax on his dogs was ordered tabled
The petition of Bridget Roach to remit her tax was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of J N Hill for cancellation of tax sale and for permission to pay tax of
1876 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of J E Wooton to correct the tax on mineral lot 76 was referred to the
same committee
The petition of Wm Andrew to cancel special assessment on part of lot 476 for 1865
was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of A Marfield to have grade given on Bluff street between 15th and 16th
streets was referred to the same committee
The petition of Cath Schuler for cancellation of tax of 1879 was referred to the committee
on delinquent tax
the petition of Thos Mulqueeny et al in relation to a nuisance on Madison Street was
referred to the city marshal and city engineer with power
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Thos Finn asking to be credited as payment in full for tax paid on mineral
lot 31 in 1878 was referred to the committee on streets and city engineer
the petition of thos Skelton for grade and to set curb stone on jackson between
seventeenth and eighteenth streets was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of theo Bangemann et al for a policeman south of Eagle Point avenue was
referred to the police committee
City Marshal Duane reported $980.85 as the amount necessary to pay the regular and
special police for the month of July. He also reported 59 arrests during teh month and
having received $200 as fees from Justice Hoerner and $9.90 as fees from Wm Koenig in
charge of the pound for which the treasurer's receipts were attached
report received and filed and orders to be drawn to pay the policemen
Street commissioner Dowling reported 2,436.45 required to pay off the street employees
for the month of July
received filed and ordered paid
City Auditor Brandt reported 1,092.95 as the sum necessary to pay the different city officials
for July
received filed and ordered paid
city recorder Kane reported 2,319.55 as the amount received from Sunday licenses
issued during July
received and filed
lamplighter O'Halloran reported having lighted and extinguished 179 gas lamps during
the month of July
received and filed
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice Hoerner reported having collected and paid into the treasury $2.00 as
fines for July 1880 and also issuing warrants to th enumber of 2 for the arrest and trial
of butchers violating the city ordinances.
Report received and filed
N C Ryan from the First ward scales reported having weighted 83 drafts during the month
of July. Gross amount $12.45 the treasureres receipt attached for $1.85 that being 15
percent of the total amount
report received and filed
F Fosselman from the fifth ward scales reported having weighed 162 drafts during the
month of July gross receipts $24.30 the treasurer's receipt attached for $3.65 being 15
percent of the whole amount.
report received and filed
Wood measurer Warrng reported having measured 175 1/2 cords of wood for the month
of July and receiving $7.00 therefor
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner from the west dubuque scales reported having weighed 73 drafts during
the month of July Gross receipts $10.75 the treasurer's receipt attached for $1.65 that
being 15 percent of the toal amount
report received and filed
City engineer submitted a profile of Roberts avenue and recommended that the red
line thereon be declared the official grade of said avenue
referred to street commission
same presented a plat of the subdivision of th eeast part of mineral lot 63 and recommended
to have the north end of belle street altered
to same committee
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same also presented a report on the petition of Thomas Naim and recommended that
the grade of the west Dubuque motor track line be changed by consent of the property
to same committee
the committee on claims reported on the petition of G W Sackett that he be exempt from
paying a team license for 1880
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of mrs. john mulligan recommending that an
order for fifty dollars be drawn in her favor to refund a liquor license paid in 1873
report adopted
The same reported on teh petition of John Butler that an order for five dollars be drawn
in his favor to recompense him for injury sustained from the late high water
report adopted
The committee on streets reported on the claim of John mcCoy for laying a sidewalk on
Seventh street between main and locust streets recommending that the amount claimed
$62.00 be paid
report adopted
On the petition of Rev Pape that the reverend gentlemen had abandoned the idea of
removing the old St. Patrick's church and would therefore not require the permission
asked for
report adopted
On the report of the street commission in relation to the seventh street bridge as follows
Your committee would report that upon examining the seventh street bridge they found
the same in a very critical and unsafe condition
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
and by the advice of the city attorney and city engineer they have taken such measures as
to ensure the safety of the bridge during high water and have also put the same in good
order Your committee would recommend that a committee be appointed with teh city
attorney to present a claim for all or part of this work to the county
the report was adopted and the mayor appointed as such committee alds O'Neill, Linehan,
Jones, Herod and Doerfler
The same commttee reported on the petition of Wm L Bradley et al asking to have Wilson
Avenue and the street running northerly from said avenue to Julien avenue improved from
fifth street to julien avenue and recommended the same be graded The yeas and nays were
called for on the adoption of the report
Yeas Ald Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and leckie 4 votes
Nays Altman Doerfler Jones Linehan O'Neill and Rath - 6 votes
The chair decided the prayer not granted and
On motion of ald Linehan the petition was received and filed
Same reported on the claim of John Bell of $19.12 for repairing sidewalk on city lot 632
that it be paid and the said amount placed against the owner thereof A McKee
report adopted
On the petition of Geo W Andrew et al for opening a street south from eleventh street
along the east line of lots 4 and 5 of out lot 687 that the committee had been unable
to find out the cost and they would recommend that the petition be laid upon the table
report adoptd
On the petition of H A Rooney for compensation for private property taken for a street
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
that the prayer be not granted and that the city attorney recommend this cause of action
report adopted
On the petition of F Roche that a stone crossing be laid at the west end of 19th street
report adopted
On the petition of Peter Kiene et all that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a
profile of the street known as broadway from its present northwestern terminus to the
intersection of Gay Charles and McCabe streets estimate the cost of the grading and find
out upon what terms the right of way an be had and report at the next session
report adopted
On the resolution of ald Linehan to draw an order on the treasurer for four hundred dollars
in favor of the building and loan association the said order to be delivered to them whenever
they deed to the city sufficient ground through their property to straighten sanford street
recommending its adoption
report adopted
On the resolution for the improvement of James street and the remonstrance thereon that
the same be referred to the committee of the whole
report adopted
On the resolution for the improvement of peabody avenue and the remonstrance thereon
that the same be referred to the committee of the whole
report adopted
On the plat of an alley through out lot 688 the following
that the accompanying plat of said alley deeded to and accepted by the city council be
declared the official plat thereof and that the city engineer be
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
instructed to properly record and file the same
the committee on harbors updated as follows on the collection of wharfage
in regard to the matter of wharfage your committee would report that they have investigated
the same and have had the city attorney write to different points along the river
we find it to be no source of revenue to appoint a regular wharf master but woud recommend
the apointment of a man for a few months or at the pleasure of the council to attend to
matters at the wharf with a salary not to exceed $15.00 per month
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh moved that Wm Warring be appointed to fill the position recommended
by the report of the committee
The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the daily telegraph of
$50.00 for three months advertising
In favor of paying the herald $53.46 for the same purpose
In favor of paying the times $93.36
In favor of paying the daily dispatch $6.50
The claim of P J Hanlon amounting to $2.40 referred to the committee on streets for
repairing sidewalk was ordered paid
The committee on delinquent tax reported
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
in favor of cancelling the tax of 1879 on the estate of Fredericke Leicht
report adopted
In favor of cancelling the tax of '77 '78 and '79 on the butcher shop of C Schmitt
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of C W Sanders to cancel tax of 1872 to the
amount of $2.59 that the same be referred to the city engineer
report adopted
On the petitions of Mary Skelly Patrick Coffee Maria Wolf and Jacob Busekirk in favor
of cancelling their tax
report adopted
On the petition of mrs. James Linehan that the request be granted and that an order be
drawn on the treasurer for the amount necessary to redeem her homestad from tax
report adopted
Also on the petition of Richard Bennett that his assessment be reduced to $3000 provided
the taxes be paid within 30 days
report adopted
The committee on police and gas reported in favor of paying the claim of the key city gas
co of $499.45 for july
report adopted
Ald O'Neill chairman of the special committee to whom had been referred the petition of
F Frietsche et al requesting an examination of the improvement recently made on
fourteenth street between white and jackson streets made the following report
your committee went on the grounds examined the situation and concluded that the crossing
on the west side of jackson
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
and fourteenth streets needed raising about four inches and a sufficient amount of
macadam placed on teh street to bring it to the grade of the crossing and a concave
gutter made easterly across jackson street to carry the surface water
your committee recommend the street commissioner be instructed to carry out the project
the report was adopted
Ald O'Neill also made the following report
on the petition of Hugh Treanor your committee to whom was referred the petition of
Hugh Treanor asking a legal receipt for $150 paid by him to Dan Riordan in 1874 then
city treasurer to apply to the tax of that year respectfully report that your committee find the
treasurer had no legal authority to receive partial payments could not credit the party
paying with teh amount paid and in such case partial payments are a matter wholly between
the party paying and the city treasurer the city not having the use of the money and hence
the matter is not within the jurisdiction of teh city council and cannot grant the prayer of
the petitioner therefore your committee recommend the city treasurer be instructed to
collect all delinquent tax
the report was adopted
Ald Kavanaugh chairman of the special park committee reported that his committee had
awarded the contract of laying walks in Jackson Park to Wm Dyer and that the terms of
the contract could be seen at the recorder's office
the contract was called for and read and after being properly signed the action of the committee
was on motion approved
Ald Herod chairman of the committee on equalization of taxes reported on the report of H
Lembeck city assessor as follows
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
committee would report that they have examined the tax books and have equalized the
same as provided by ordinance and would recommend that said books as corrected
and approved by your committee be accepted and approved by the city council
report adopted
Ald Herod also reported in favor of paying H Lembeck and T O Sullivan $450.00 each
for services rendered in making up the assessment roll for 1880
report adopted
mayor Bush presented profiles of the city engineer on the ally between fifth and west
seventh Corriell's subdivision an dof teh street on the west line of said subdivision
from west seventh to fifth who recommended that the red lines on said profiles be
declared the official grades of said alley and street
referred to street comm
On motion the council then adjourned to 2 pm
Afternoon session
council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the chair and all aldermen present
Market master Gmekle presented his report for the month of July 1880. Showing that he
had weighed during that month 99 drafts amounting to $14.85 and received $27.25
from sale of stands for which amounts the receipts of the treasurer were attached and
that he had furnished 46 meals at 20 cents per meal amount due $9.20
received and filed and ordered paid
The recorder read a petition from James Reddan to cancel tax sale on lot 45 Finley's
addition in 1866.
referred to del tax com
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the petition of T F Haisch for the privilege of renting a store room in the cellar of the market
building was on motion referred to the committee on markets with power
City engineer submitted an estimate of the cost of grading seminary street from Iowa to
17th sts which was referred to the st comm
On motion of Ald Fengler the action had on the petition of A Y Mcdonald and others to
improve the alley between 14th and 15th and White and Jackson Streets was
reconsidered and the prayer of the petitioners granted
Ald Fengler thereupon offered the following resolution which was adopted by a full vote
of the council
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the alley between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth and White and Jackson Streets be graded and macadamized in conformity
with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to
make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work
the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
Ald O'Neill presented the following resolution which together with a petition thereon was
referred to the committee on streets. resolved that a sidewalk be laid on our Grand View
Street between Villa and South Dodge Streets
Ald O'Neill moved that action on Mr. Hugh Treanor's petition be reconsidered and that
that gengleman be permitted to pay his full tax of 1874 without interest if paid within 30 days
The claim of the northwestern globe gas light co of $256.25 approved by the police and gas
com was ordered paid
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the police committee to whom was referred the petition of CLohrmann to abate nuisance
on lake street recommended that the matter be referred to the board of health
report adopted
the same reported on the petition of John Hederman et al remonstrating against laying
a sidewalk on kellys subdivision north side of eighth street recommending the same be
received and filed
report adopted
The same reported on the petition of W W Woodworth et al complaining of obstructions on
iowa street from second to fourth streets that the city marshal be directed to enforce the
ordinances and have the street and sidewalks cleaned of all obstructions
report adopted
Ald leckie stated that two petitions one from Tim Byron et al and the other from G Schollian
et al asking to be given a policeman in their neighborhoods he said he would move to place
a policeman from Jones street to southern avenue as far as kempf's old brewery
Ald Fengler amended to appoint three policement one or two being asked for at
Eagle point
Ald Linehan made an amendment to the amendment to appoint one for three months
Ald Herod moved to lay on the table
the yeas and nays were called for
yeas - ald Altman Doerfler Herod Linehan and Leckie - 5
Nays Fengler Jones Kavanaugh O'Neill and Rath - 5
The vote was declared a tie the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative and the amendments
and original motion were tabled
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie then moved that the petitions be received and filed
Some of the members of the medical fraternity were present and were permitted to address
the council on the necessity of appointing a health physician
Drs Staples Horr Belden Waples and Bready gave some good information on sanitary
affairs and urged the council to take commendable steps to preserve the health of the city
Ald Fengler moved that when the council adjourn it be to Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock to
meet as a board of health
Ald Doerfler moved that the matter of exempting Gottleib Kusche from dog license for 1880
be referred to the mayor with power
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
that a committee of one from each ward be appointed by the mayor to confer with the
butchers of the city to devise ways and means to establish and erect a slaughter house
in the lower part of the city where all butchers shall be compelled to do their slaughtering
the mayor appointed as such committee Ald Kavanaugh Altman Rath Herod and Fengler
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of Dubuque
tht the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare proper plans and specifications
for the draining of the sloughs in the lower part of the city and to present the same with
an estimate of the cost of such improvement at the next session of the council
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
ald Fengler also presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city treasurer
in favor of P Boyne for $2.20 for taxes remitted by the city council in April last
Also to draw an order for $86.57 to redeem Mrs. Jas Linehan's lot
The same alderman presented a resolution to lay a sidewalk on the south side of
Fourteenth Street from Clay to Jackson Streets which was referred to the commission
on streets
The same also presented a resolution to improve the alley between Lake Street and Eagle
Point Avenue and Jackson and Washington Streets which was also referred to the same
Ald Herod moved to reconsider the action on the resolution adopted at the July session
ordering the improvement of Clay street extension
Als LInehan moved that the same be referred back to the same committee to report
Ald Herod thereupon submitted the following
Whereas by an act of congress the united states entitled an act for laying off the towns
of Fort Madison and Burlington in the county of Des Moines and the towns of Bellevue
Dubuque and Peru in the County of Dubuque territory of Wisconsin and for other purposes
approved July 2 1836 it was provided that a quantity of land of proper width on the river
banks at the town of Dubuque and running with said river the whole length of said town
shall be reserved from sale for public use and remain forever for public use as public
highway and for other public uses.
And whereas by an act of congress entitled an act for the relief of the town of Bellevue and
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
cities of Burlington and Dubuque approved February 14 1853 the said quantity of land along
the river front of the City of Dubuque so reserved for a public highway and other public
purposes was given and tranted to the city of Dubuque for public purposes and to be
disposed of in such manner as the corporate authorities of said city may direct.
And where as the strip of land between Second and Third Streets in said city on the
slough or river front and abutting upon lot 745 subdivided is a part of the quantity of land
so granted to said city for public purposes and to be disposed of as said city may direct
and which said city has always used as a public highway and for other public purposes
Now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the westerly 64
feet of said strip between Second and Third streets in said city on the slough or river
front and abutting on lot 745 subdivided by and the same is declared a public street to be
shown as Clay street for public use as other streets and highways i said city and subject
to all regulations and ordinances thereto appertaining and hat the city engineer be
instructed to prepare a plan of said street and have the same presented to the city
The resolution was adopted
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted
special assessment
Resolved by the City council of the city of dubuque that to pay for repairing sidewalks
on the following described property by M Dowling street commissioner in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot of parcel of real estate as follows
John Goldthorpe
N 64 ft No 617
Mry Mix
Lot 3 L H Langworthy's ad
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same presented the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk by P J Hanlon contractor in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
M M Trumbull
No 4 Hughes Sub
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk by John McCoy contractor in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots
and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Rt Rev J Hennesey
No 60 City
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk in front of city lot 632 and per order of city
marshal by John Bell contractor in front of and ajoining the same a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot of parcel
of real estate as follows
A McKee
No 632 City
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Ninth Street from Jackson
Street to Washington Street by James G Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the
same a sepcial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as follows
Sarah C Disney
No 398 City
Jacob Bernett
No 399 City
No 419 City
Margaret Laboyleux
No 420 City
Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted
tht the finance committee be instructed to borrow six thousand dollars for the city of
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved that a policeman be detailed from the regular police force to night duty north
of Couler bridge to Ellison's ice House and west to division street east to the railroad
track and the C D and M Round House
to the police commission with power
The kerosene oil ordinance and the ordinance regulating the sale of fresh meat were
deferred to Tuesday evening
Ald Leckie presented a resolution to have a sidewalk laid on the north side of Hill street
Kelly's subdivision which was referred to the commission on streets
The claim of $12.00 for repairing done in the washington park was referred to the
same committee
the claim of S M Langworthy for $4.20 was referred to the commission on clalims
the claim of Lagen and sons for $4.00 was referred to the same committee
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the following bills were read and ordered paid
claims allowed
Burch Babcock and Co
Carson McElrath
M Downey
Ingram Kennedy and Day
P J Donohue
G Richler
Dubuque Water Co
B D Linehan
T J Donohue
C McElrath
C Mason
Rouse Dean and Co
C McElrath
Martin and Strane
Harney and O'Connor
Telephone Exchange Co
Healey Bros
A Woller
D W Linehan
Jerry Driscoll
Jm M Linehan
Do Do
H Delisle
Hansen and Linehan
J K Graves Hose Co
James Beach
Sol Truck Hose Co
John McCoy
Wulweber Bros
Key City H and L Co
N C Ryan
J P Kleuck
Mrs. P McMahon
Jake Klauer
Key City Gas Co
J G Mitchell and Co
Pfiffner and Kriebs
Wm N Wallace
F E Moser
R W Rodgers
Dan Breen
Peter Klauer
T E Frith
West Union Telegraph Co
D A Gehrig
Chas McMaster
Jos Ogle
M D Wright
Larry Daily
Wm Koenig
Frank Lathrop
J R Harvey
Vogel and Ferguson
H J F Webb
P Olinger
Asa Horr
Burt and Frick
F G Brandt
B D Linehan
The bids for improving Seminary Street and Wilson Avenue were on motion opened read
and referred to the street commissioner and city engineer to report on Tuesday evening
On motion the council adjourned to Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
Martin Kane city recorder
Regular Session August 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
the committee on ordinances presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal
Section 3 of an ordinance regulating the licensing and keeping of dogs which was read
the first time when rle 29 was suspended and the ordinance then read a second time by
its title and passed
also an ordinance amending an ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene
oil etc which was read the first time when rule 29 was suspended and the ordinance read
a second time by its title and passed
Ald Herod moved to take up the Butchers ordinance
The ordinance was then read the first time
ald Jones moved to lay the same on the table
Ald Herod moved that rule 29 be suspended and the ordinance placed upon its
the yeas and nays were had there on as follows
Yeas Ald Altman, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh and Linehan - 5
Nays Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath - 5
Lost three fourths being necessary to suspend the rules the motion was declared lost and
the ordinance laid over
Ald Doerfler moved to reconsider the action had at yesterday's session on the petition
of Wm L Bradley and others to improve Wilson avenue from Fifth street to Julien Avenue
Regular Session August 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
the report of the street commission was on motion then adopted ordering its improvement
Ald Fengler presented the following resolution
resolved that Wilson Avenue from a point thereon opposite the southerly line of Eighth Street
extended westerly across said Wilson Avenue to Julien Avenue be graded guttered and
macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subjct. That the City Engineer be
and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work the guttering and macadamizing to be done at the expense
of the owners of the abutting proprty
Adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Nays Ald Jones
A petition from Tim Byron et al for a policeman on Southern Avenue was read and on motion
referred to the police commission
Also a petition from Lawrence O'Maid asking two months' back pay which was referred to
the street commission
The commission on streets reported Martin and Strane to be the lowest and best bidders
for the work on Wilson avenue and John H Morgan the lowest and best bidder for the work
on Seminary street
the report was approved and the contracts awarded accordingly
Martin Kane
city recorder
Special Session August 10, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Doerfler
Mayor stated the object of calling the meeting to be to consider a petition from J A Rhomberg
and others protesting against the erection of a frame building by Asa Roberts on fifth and
clay streets contrary to ordinance
Ald Linehan moved to refer to the city attorney to have the ordinance which was read
Ald Jones moved an amendment to have the petition referred to the commission on fire
A petition was presented from Hugh Martin for the privilege of using ground to build a wood
On motion referred to commission on harbors with power
Ald Leckie stated that his committee had not concluded as yet to report on the petitions of
the residents of southern avenue for a policeman but had been waited upon by several of
the prominent business men of that locality and was convinved by them of the necessity of
appointing a policeman. he would therefore move to appoint one for Jones Street to Kempf's
Old Brewery and alsao one from Eagle point Ave to the Round House.
Ald Linehan moved to apoint two tellers and taht ballots be taken
Ald Lekie and jones were selected as the tellers
Special Session August 10, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Doerfler
Messrs Halpin, Driscoll and Gilmore were placed in nomination
First Ballot
Halpin 5
Gilmore 2
Total 9
Mr. Halpin having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected
Second Ballot
Driscol 4
gilmore 3
Lentz 2
total 9
No choice Gilmore was withdrawn but voted for
Third Ballot
Driscoll 5
Gilmore 2
Lentz 2
total 9
Mr. Driscoll having received a required ajority of votes was declared elected
It was moved and adopted that the salary of the elected policement be placed at $40 per
month for a few months and not uniformed
martin Kane
City Recorder
Committee of the Whole August 10, 1880
Council went into committee of the Whole Mayor Bush in the Chair
The resolution referred to the committee of the whole for the improvement of Peabody Avenue
accompanied by a remonstrance were ordered tabled.
On motion no action was had on James Street until after the committee visited the ground
On the petition of Mrs B Roach Ald Linehan moved to remit her regular tax and she be
given two years time to pay special tax without interest
The petition of Chas Bruhn et al to abate a nuisance in the shape of pools of stagnant
water on Elm and Pine from 15th to 17th streets was ordered referred to the com on
Streets to abate the same
On the petition of Henry Mueller et al to continue the sewer from Eagle Point Avenue
to the Railroad Bridge ordered that the commitee visit the premisis
Council objected to minutes of Com of Whole being kept
Special Session August 16 1880
Council met at 4 1/2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Aldermen Altman and Linehan
Recorder read a petition from J V Rider et al stating that a licensed oil factory
manufactory was about to be established in this city and asking that an ordinance be
passed exempting such enterprise from taxation for ten years
Ald Leckie introduced a resolution exempting the company and giving the same certain
privleges for a blank number of years
Ald O'Neill moved to remit the taxes for five yeras
Special Session August 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Aldermen Altman and Linehan
Ald Doerfler amended that the matter be referred to a committee of five one from each
the mayor appointed as such committee Ads Leckie, Doerfler, Rath, Linehan and O'Neill
Ald Doerfler moved that the matter of supplying water for jackson park be referred to the
comm on public grounds and buildings with power
A petition was handed in from A Graham and on motion referred to the comm on claims
on motion adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session September 6 1880
Council met at 9 a.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the minutes of the August sessions were read The Recorder was instructed to explain
why committee of the whole proceedings were kept and the minutes then approved
Petitions to reduce assessment of 1880 ref to com on equlization
On motion petitions asking to reduce the assessment for 1880 were referred to the committee
on equalization as follows
H E Wilson
mrs M A Linton
Dubuque furniture and burial case company
G Schroeder
Elizabeth Manson
Norwegian Plow Co
Ignatz Seeger
Hazard Powder Co (committee of whole)
Geo Burden
Solomon Smith
Wm Kley
Andrew Solduer
Noah Adams
Jane S Hames
Mrs M Levins
Ellison and Son
Dun and Dub Bridge Co
A R Stanfenbeil
Geo W Jones
John Strelan
mrs E M Smith
F B Lawrence
S E Esler
W W Carr and Co
mrs E Sullivan
John Nagle
John Meklop
Henry Richter
Fredericka Udall
Conrad Schmidt
C Schrieber Agt for heirs of X Reinfried
James H Shields
Joseph Dendinger
Dub Water Co
J Huber
Key City Gas Co (Com of whole)
Key City Furniture Co
alex Simplot
Fanny A Stuart
Jos Platz
C G Wullweber
James Reilley
Andrew Drees
It was moved and adopted that petitions asking to reduce assessment raised by the
Equalization Com be referred to the com of the whole (see two referred above)
the petition of G Ganahl to remit saloon license was on motion referred to teh committee
on delinquent tax
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Adam Pier to cancel the special tax on the south one half of lot 120 East
Dubuque was referred to the same committee
the petition of John McKinley to place value of lot No 2 of Sub lot 1 of Out lot 653 at
$1250 was referred to the same committee
the petition of Mary J Heaton to exempt her from paying hotel license was referred to
the same committee
the petition of John Ham for the privilege to open a saloon and pay in partial installments
was referred to the same committee
The petition of Bridget Burke to cancel tax of 1878 was referred to the same committee
the petition of Mary Boyle to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee
the petition of Ellen Ahern to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to teh same committee
The petition of Mary Mullin to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee
the petition of Anton Stines to cancel the personal tax of 1879 was referred to the same
committee with power
The petition of Ann O'Hare to remit tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Mary Seige to remit tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee
The petition of John Hederman for a crossing and a sidewalk on the Air Hill Street was
referred to the street committee
The petition of G Gmehle for grade on Franklin Street was referred to the same committee
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of C W Schreiber et al for grade on Jackson between 17th and 18th East
side was referred to the same committee
The petitions of Alex Farley to compel hogs on Dodge Street to be removed and of Jerry
Howard to retain the same were referred to the Executive Committee of the Board of
the petition of Geo H Fry et al for a lamp on high street was referred to the committee on
the petition of F J Zugenbuckler to refund license paid in 1878 was referred to the same
The remonstrance of H H Smith et al against the removal of policeman menkel was on
motion referred to the same committee
The petition of Farley Loetscher and Co for a lamp on the location of eighth and jackson
streets was referred to the same committee
The report of police justice hoerner for the month of August was referred to the same
the remonstrance of the Dubuque Water Co against parties taking water from the drinking
fountains was received and filed
The petition of Geo W Burden for permission to erect a frame shed on the platform of a
warehouse on Second and Iowa Streets was referred to the commitee on fire with power
The remonstrance of C H Book and John R Waller on the improvement of Clay Street
was read and a motion made to grant the protest. Amended to lay on the table the
amendment was adopted
The remonstrance of Westphal Winds and Co et al on the same street was also read
and was received and filed
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the petition of Wm B Allison to cancel special tax on sidewalk was on motion received and
The petition of G L Young et al asking to have a family in the vicinity of the Diamond House
declared a public nuisance was read. It was moved to refer the same to the committee
on police. Amended to refer to the city marshal. the yeas and nays were called for on the
amendment and was lost by a vote of 6 against and 4 in favor. The original motion was
also lost and the petition was received and filed for the mayor casting his in the
affirmative on a vote.
Reports of officers
City recorder reported the number of births deaths and infectious diseases from the 1st
of March to the 31st of August 1880
No of births 272
No of deaths 138
No of diseases 78
He also suggested a change in section 3 of the ordinance which was referred to the comm
on ordinance and gave the places where burials were made and not reported which was
referred to the marshal to ascertain. The report was there received and filed.
The same also reported Sunday licenses issued during the month of August of which
one license was issued to H Kolb for six months for the sum of $12.50
Received and filed and the ordinance Com instructed to inquire into the matter of
violation of ordinance
City auditor submitted his semi annual report of the receipt and expenditures for the
precedig six months. The receipts amounted to $48,497.45 and the expenditures to
$43,724.90. Cash in hands of treasurer Sept 1st 1880 $4,772.55. The report was
received and filed.
Same officer reported the sum of $1137.95 necessary to
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Pay the city officers for August
Report received and filed orders to be drawn but the salary of the street commissioner was
referred to teh com on streets to report in the afternoon
City marshal submitted his report for August $1046.55 was required to pay the regular and
special police. 95 dogs were impounded. 61 prisoners were arrested. $28.05 collected
from city pound and $1.00 from police justice Coakley.
report received and filed. orders to be drawn to pay off but officer Meukel's salary was
referred to the street committee to report in the afternoon.
Market master Gmekle reported having weighed at the market master house scales during
August 126 drafs at 15 cents for each draft amounting to 18.90 Received from rent of
huckster stands 27.50 teh receipts for both amounts being attached. The amount due for 27
meals furnished prisoners at 20 cents per meal was 5.40.
report received and filed and claim ordered paid.
St Com Dowling reported the sum of 2779.50 required to pay for street work during
August as follows
crossing stone and dressing
express hauling
Wood measurer Warring reported measuring 536 2/8 cords of wood during August
received and filed
Lamp lighter O'Halleran reported having lighted and extinguished 179 gas lamps during
the month of August
report received and filed
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
N C ryan reported having weighed 90 drafts at 15 cords per draft on the first ward
scales. The treasurer receipts for $2 was attached being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
P Even reported having weighed 58 drafs on the southern avenue scales on August amount
8.70 The treasurers receipt attached for 1.30 that being 15 percent of the gross amount
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 147 drafts on West Dubuque scales during August
Amount 21.80 The treasurers receipt attached for 3.27 that being 15 percent of the gross
report received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 164 drafts on the fifth ward scales in August
Amount 24.60 The treasurers receipt attached for 3.70 that being 15 percent of the
gross amount
report received and filed
city attorney shields reported that at the last term of the N S Circuit Court final disposition
was made of the case of Arnot against the city of Dubuque thta there was due from the
city a balance of costs of 10.35 and 32.50 was due Mr Shields as epenses incurred
by him
received and filed and ordered paid
the sum also reported that the matter of the Seventh Street sidewalk had been amicably
settled by paymet therefore by Bishop Hennessy and the receipt to the treasurer
therefore by John mcCoy the builder and that M M Walker had fully settled and discharged
all claims against him by the last and the present coal oil inspectors and which were
the subjects of the reference
report received and filed
Council adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Afternoon session
police justice Coakley submitted his report for August total amount of fines collected and
paid into the treasury 9.56 amount due 5.00
received and filed and ordered paid
The city engineer presented two plats one of Broadway extension and the other of Clay
street extension which were referred to the com on streets. he also presented a plan of
a sewer to carry drainage of Dodge street and the estimated cost of construction which was
referred to the committee of the whole
reports of committees etc
Ald Linehan Chairman f the com on Finance read a communication from the commercial
national bank asking to eschange southwestern bonds for other bonds or cash
the matter was referred to the finance com
Ald Leckie presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the use of public
fountains and he movd its adoption after being read the first time. the motion was
carried rule 29 was then suspended by a full vote of the council the ordinance read a
second time by its title and passed
The city attorney read an ordinance entitled an ordinance to further regulate the sale of
fresh meals. Ald Fengler moved to place the charges of weight at 10 cent for a quarter of
beef and 5 cents for a carcass of mutton etc. Adopted The rules were then suspended
by a full vote of the council the ordinance read by its title a second time and passed
the com on claims reported in favor of paying the claims of Lagen and sons of 4.00
and S M Langworthy of 4.20
report adopted
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The Committee on streets reported in favor of the adoption of the grades submitted by
the city engineer in the profiles of the alley between 5th and west seventh streets in Coriell's
Subdivision and of the street on the west line of said subdivision from west 7th to 5th streets.
Report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of accepting the plat of subdivision of lots 14 and 15 of Bush's
report adopted
Same committee also reported in favor of the adoption of teh grades of College and Roberts
Avenue as shown by the profiles submitted by the City Engineer.
Report adopted
Same committee reported to recommend that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey
of the proposed road from Linwood to connect with 5th Street in Ham's addition; to inquire
upon what terms the right of way can be had and report the same at the next regular session.
report adopted
Same reported on the petition of Thos Finn to credit him with $1.33 on his taxes for 1878
on Min lot 31.
Report adopted
Same reported in favor of the adoption of the following
that a sidewalk four feet wide of good No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this
notice constructed and laid (crosswise) in conformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks on both sides of Grand View Street between Villa and South Dodge Streets
laid to a temporary grade at the expense of the owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following votes
Yeas Altman Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie O'Neill and Rath
Nays Jones
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Also in favor of the following resolved
That a sidewalk six feet wide of good No 1 two inch plank laid crosswise be within 30 days of this
notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on Hill
Street between Linehan Block and Garragan's property in front of lots 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
and 20. Rogers Subdivision and lot 39 Kellys subdivision at the expense of the abutting
adopted by a full vote
The same committee reported adversely on the resolution referred to them for the improvment
of the alley between Lake Street and Eagle Point Ave. and Jackson and Washington Streets
The Same reported to refer the statement of the estimated cost of improving Seminary Street
from Iowa to 17th Street to the Com of the Whole.
Also to refer the resolution for the laying of a sidewak on the north side of 14th Street from Clay
to Jackson to the Com of the whole.
On the petition of Chas Bruhn et al that the street com had already provided means to carry
off the water from the lots complained of.
Report approved
On the petition of A Marfield that a grade has been established between 15th and 16th
streets but would recommend that a compromise grade be established provided the
abutting property holders can agree to the same.
report adopted
On the petition of Wm Andrew that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the special tax
assessed against the south one fifth of 478 for the year 1865 amounting to $33.19 as the
levy of said tax was an error.
Report adopted
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
On the petition of Thos Skelton that it be granted
report adopted
On the petition of Fred Mussehl that it be laid upon the table.
report adopted
On the petition of Lawrence O'Mara that he had been allowed $25 in full for his claim.
report adopted
On the report of the city engineer on the petition of Thos. Nairn that the report be adopted and
the city engineer be instructed to prepare a plat and have the same approved by abutters.
Report adopted
On the claim of $12 for labor in Washington Park that it be paid.
report adopted
On the salaries of M Dowling as St Commisioner and Officer Muekel. In favor of making no
change on the payroll for the present month so far as their salaries were concerned.
report adopted
The committee on Harbors to whom was referred the petition of Hugh Martin. Reported that
Mr. Martin did not need require the place asked for and recommended the petition be
received and filed.
Report adopted
The committee on Markets reported on the petition of T F Haisch. In favor of allowing him
the use of the middle cellar of the Market Building at $23 per annum at the pleasure of
the council.
report adopted
The committee on Printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the Herald for $115.30
for August.
report adopted
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Times Co of $91.80.
report adopted
The committee on Fire reported on the petition of H W Sanford. That after a careful examination
by architects of the South wall of the J K Graves engine house there was found to be due the
city from Mr Sanford for its use $85.41 which sum had been paid into the treasury as per
receipt attached
report accepted
The Commitee on police and gas reported in favor of paying the key city gas company's claim
of $563.90 for August.
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of allowing the claim of A W Globe Gas Light Co of $269.43
for lamps.
report adopted
On the petition of Thos Bangemann et al for a policeman at Eagle Point that the same had
been granted
report approved
On the petition of Tim Byron et al that a policeman had been given them as prayed for.
reporta pproved
On the petition of John Mehlop et al for a gas lamp on Couler Avenue that the same had
been granted
report approved
The committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Cath Schuler.
report adopted
In favor of cancelling the tax of Cath McEvoy.
report adopted
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
In favor of the City Treasurer receiving the sum of $3 as the amount of tax in full from
Margaret Lear.
Report adopted
In favor of allowing J N Hill to pay $60 as the amount of personal tax for 1869 and also the
tax on his homestead for 1876 without penalty or interest and that the city auditor be and he is
hereby directed to redeem the same from M Hintrager at once as the tax sale was
report adopted
In favor of cancelling the tax of Mary Luke
report adopted
In favor of granting the petition of John Homan as the assessment was erroneous.
report adopted
Adverse to the petition of James Reddan on th eground that the special tax was only paid
on one half the lot petitioned for.
Report adopted
In favor of cancelling the tax of Margaret Quinn
report adopted
In favor of referring the petition of C W Bittman to the committee of the whole
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh from the special committee to whom was referred the matter of the erection
of a slaughter house reported that the committee had conferred with many of the butchers
and found that the latter could not be induced to agree to such an arrangement and would
therefore recommend the subject be laid on the table.
report adopted
Ald Leckie chairman of the special committee which had under consideration the petition of
JV Rider
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
et al in reference to a linseed oil factory made the following report:
Your committee to whom was referred the petition of John V rider, John Bell and Co.
W L Bradley J H Lull Jacob rick and Geo L Torbert asking that the property of the Linseed Oil
Co. about to be organized in the city be exempted from taxation for a term of years would
respectfully report and recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the
taxes be assessed against the buildings machinery and raw and manufactured stock be
remitted by the City Council for a period of eight years, and would further recommend that
the assessed value of lots 376 377 and 370 on which said factory is about to be built
remain at the cost price to the company to wit: $2400 for the same number of years.
The report of the committee was adopted
resolutions etc.
Ald O'Neill presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that an order be drawn in favor of A matthews for $200 and the same charged to him on
account of the codification of the city ordinances which are about complete.
Same also presented a resolution to have obstructions on Jones Street between Main and
Locust streets removed.
Referred to com of the whole
Ald Linehan offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that a tax for the year 1880 of ten (10) mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied
on all the real and pesonal property in the city of Dubuqeu as returned by the assessors and
corected by the Committee on Equalization distributed and set apart in the following manner:
for general expenses, five (5) mills and for special inerest five (5) mills: and be it further
resolved that a tax of one (1) mill be and is hereby levied on all the real and personal
property within the water limits for the water tax of 1880.
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted
that the auditor be instructed to redeem from sale of October 9th 1876 to Wm Hintrager the
N 25 feet of City lot No 639 upon the payment of $93.46 said payment to be made by Geo
W Beaubien or his attorney without delay.
Same presented the following:
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
That two coal oil lamps be placed on Wilson Avenue between Fifth Street and Julien Avenue
under the direction of the Committee on police
Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted.
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be instructed to
borrow $4000 for the city of Dubuque.
Same read a communication from Treasurer Gehrig on what to do about the tax of Samuel Root
who had paid some of the tax into the treasury.
Referred to special com who previously examined the city offices of which ald O'Neill was
Ald Altman presented the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque
that Clay Street between Second and Third Streets be graded and macadamized in
conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and specificiations for said improvment and the
City Recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance
of the work; the macadamizing to be done t the epense of the owners of the abutting propert.
Adopted by the following vote;
Yeas - Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Nays - Jones and Leckie
Ald Linehan presented the following
Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that the
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
alley between Jackson and Washington and beween Ningh and Tenth Streets be graded
and macacamized in conformit with the ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer
be and he is hereby directed o maek the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work, the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the ownes
of the abutting property.
Adpoted by nine votes Ald Leckie being out of the council chamber at the time of voting.
Ald Fengler presented the following: which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque
that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to protect the sewer on Eagle Point
Avenue west of Couler Avenue in such a way as to keep children from falling into the same
at once.
Ald Rath offered the following which was adopted
Resolved that an order be drawn in favor of Gilbert Woodruff to cover the sume paid by him to
redeem the south 32 1/2 feet of lot 446 from tax sale for delinquent personally tax
assessed against R S West. Said order amounting to about $60.00 or such sum as the
treasurers books show.
Ald Fengler presented the following:
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of
Mrs. Catherine Schuler for $4.73 for tx of 1879 remitted by action of the ciyt council
Ald Fengler also presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that teh street commissioner be and is hereby
instructed to clean the alley between Tenth and Eleventh and between White and Jackson
Streets and to put the same in proper repair at once.
Ald Doerfler presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Dubuque. that an appropriation of the sum of $1,000.00 be made from the city treasury for
the purpose of improving Couler Avenue from Sanford Street to the city line, said improvements
to be made under the direction of the Street Committee. The alderman moved to adopt the
resolution. Considerable discussion was had upon expanding the whole amount at one time
when Ald Fengler moved to ammend that $500 be expended during the present month and
the remaining $500 the next month.
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the red line on the accompanying
profile of the street east of prospect street from fifth to West Seventh Street be and is hereby
declared the official grade of said street.
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved that the red line on the accompanying profile of the alley between Fifth Street and
West 7th Street in Corriell's Subdivision be and is hereby declared the official grade of
said alley.
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved that the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of Main Street from Eagle
Point Avenue to Seminary Street be declared the official grade of said street.
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved that the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of College Avenue be
declared the official grade of said avenue
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved tht the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of Roberts Avenue be
declared the official grade of said avenue
Also the following which was adopted (plat of 14 and 15)
resolved that the accompanying plat of the
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Subdivision of lots 14 nd 15 of Bush's Subdivision be accepted and the city's engineer
ordered to place the same on record.
Ald Herod also offered presented the following which was adopted resolved
That a committee of three be appointed to see on what terms a portion of the adjoining lots
on the west side of Wilson Avenue can be secured to improve said avenue where it changes
from 64 to 40 feet in width; also on what terms a change of grade can be secured, and report
at the next regular session of the council.
Adopted and the mayor appointed as such committee Ald Herod Linehan and Jones
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and
macadamizing Eighth Street from White to Washington Streets by James G Carney contractor
in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
German Catholic Church
City 353 $43.90
Andrew Reilly
City 354
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and
macadamizing fifth Street from main to Locust Streets by J N Froye contractor in front of
and adjoining the same a special tax be an dis hereby levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
as follows
First nat Bank
694 ft s 1/3 City Lot 64
Winona Land Co
W 20 ft S 1/3 City Lot 64
John Mallany
97 City
Geo M Staples
96 City
Richard Cox
65 City
Also the following was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing, guttering
and macadamizing Fourteenth Street from Washington to Pin Street by Martin and
Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named
situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows
Jame McCracken
142 East Dubuque
191 East Dubuque
212 East Dubuque
J O'Neil
W 1/2 122 East Dubuque
Wm Helm
141 East Dubuque
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and
macadamizing Fourteenth Street from Washington to Pine Streets by martin and Strane
contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows
Phil Tinkenauer
N 1/2 192 East Dub
E & D Langworthy
211 East Dub
John Pickley
121 East Dub
Also the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for laying plank sidewalk
two feet wide on north side of south street by P J Hanlon contractor in front of and adjoining
the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
74 Finleys Waples and Burton's
report of St Com on Petition of Jos Vogel Et Al
that the city auditor be instructed to redeem from all erroneous city tax sales on the
following lots viz: on lot 3 in Min Lot 470 for the year 1877 Also on lot 5 for the same
year sold Nov 25 1878 Also for lot 3 sold Oct 10 1879 for the year 1878 and also for
lot 5 sold for same year on said date. It is understood tha tsaid redemption shall be made
with 10 percent interest and said amount charged to the respective lots as shown by
Evans' plat an dall double payment on said lots to be adjusted
The following bills were read and ordreed paid
Henry Daugherty
P J Hanlon
May Schnatka
T J Donahue
James G Carney
Harney and O'Connor
Regular Session September 6 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Bills paid
Telephone Exchange Co
J K Hacker
Geo K Smith
N C Ryan
C W Robinson
K City Gas Light Co
John Murphy
Schrieber and Strinsky
Asa Roberts
Larry Daly
Arnold Tschirgi
Chas McMaster
Asa Horr
M M Wapler
Westphal Hinds and Co
L H Dampsey
C S Wells
C B Dorr
H Lembeck
Martin Kane
Mrs. P McMahon
D W Linehan
Geo Reynolds
Sol Turck Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
F H Finke
F Mertz
P Clancy
F Mertz
C McElrath
P Olinger
Wm Stoenig
T O'Sullivan
Wm G Watters
Dub Water Co
Gibbs and Co
Daily Telegraph
Joseph Thuring
H De Lisle
Wullweber Bros
F H Finke
T E Frith
Faust and O'Connell
T O Sullilvan
Jerry Driscoll
James Robinson
A H Schilling
Key City H and L Co
N Eichmann
J S Rndall
Sol Turck Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
C H Voelker
J F Conant
Morrison Bros
the claim of Wm Dyer of 732.28 for improving Jackson Park was on motion referred to the
special com on parks
the bids for street work were opened and read and on motion referred to the committee on
streets with the city engineer to be reported upon Thursday evening's adjourned session
Council then adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session September 7 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan
and Rath - the necessary quorum
Ald Linehan moved to award the contracts about to be let to the lowest and best
The Com on Streets through Ald Herod then reported
J E Foye to be the lowest and best bidder for the work on Eleventh from Jackson to
J E Foy for the work on alley between Washington and Jackson from 16th to 17th
Albert Leicht for the work on alley between White and Jackson from 14th to 15th Streets
Martin and Straine for the work on Fourteenth Street 100 fet west of Cox to the Altat
Vista Street
Martin and Strane "Blank" street in Corriel's subdivision from Fifth to West Seventh
Martin and Strane for the work on Alley north of Fifth and west of prospect street
The contracts were awarded accordingly
Ald Linehan stated that some policemen were required at the fair grounds during the
races and moved to refer the matter of furnishing them to the mayor Police Com and
The rules were suspended and James Martin addressed the council on the obstructions
made on the sidewalk in front of his property. He was instructed to have them removed at
Ald Kavanaugh reported to allow Wm Dyer $700.00 in full for Jackson Park improvement
Regular Session September 7 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan
and Rath - the necessary quorum
Moved that Mr Dyer be allowed $400 as part payment and the balance hereafter or when
the work has been declared satisfactory
The yeas and nays were called for:
Yeas - Fenger Herod Jones and Leckie - 4
Nays - Kavanaugh Linehan and Rath - 3
the motion was declared carried and Mr. Dyer to be paid $400.00
Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted
Your committee would report the resolution of Ald Linehan in reference to curbing
guttering and macadamizing James Street and Peabody Avenue and recommend that
the street committee put the same in good possible condition at once
Same committee recommended that the resolution on Couler Bridge be received and
Adjourned on motion of ald Leckie to the 20th inst at 7 1/2 p.m. for the purpose of
receiving the newly compiled city ordinances fromn A Matthews
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Adjourned Session September 20 1880
No quorum being present the recorder adjourned subject to call
Martin Kane
City recorder
Adjourned Session September 24 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 8 o'clock p.m.
The petition of John Butt et al to delay the improvement of Wilson Avenue was referred
to the St Com
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The minutes of the September session were read and approved
The petitions of Mary Shannpn Bridget Considine Agatha Kintzell Jane Young Catherine
Newhouse Margaret Lear Agnes Turner and Maria Pfiffner asking to have their tax
cancelled were read and on motion referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The remonstrance of H S Hetherington trustee against raising the assessment of Mary
O Johnson was referred to the same committee
The petition of H S Hetherington asking a reduction of assessment on lot 306 was referred
to the same committee
The petition of Catherine Morrissey to cancel her tax for 1879 and to pay $50 as payment
on special tax was refered to the same committee
The petition of Richard Waller asking a reduction of assessment on the Graffort House
property was referred to the same committee
The petition of H E Wilson receiver for Richards and Burden to detain the sale of lots
663 and 22 Ham's addition and reduce the assessment thereon was referred to the
same committee
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Henry Meyer asking a reduction of assessment was referred to the same
The petition of Alex Simplot stating that he had paid his tax for 1879 on city lot 481 in March
1880 bu as it was advertised and no receipt could be found he desired to pay the same
without interest. Was referred to the committee on delinquent tax with power.
The remonstrance of JOhn M Love and August Lane against the laying of a sidewalk on
the west side of Hill street was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of John Mundt for a crossing at Eagle Point Avenue was referred to the same
the petition of G W Sackett for work for his team as referred to the same committee with
The petition of Rev Johannes et al asking to be given the grade of road leading east from
Windsor Avenue to the Cemeteries and to have the said road opened to North Fifth Street
was referred to the same committee
The protest of John Hodgdon et al against raising the grade of Bluff between Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streets was referred to the same committee
The petition of C McElrath et al to grade and macadamize Washington between
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets was referred to the same committee
The claim of John McCoy of $38.93 was referred to the same committee
The petition of the sisters of Mercy for a lamp
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
on James street and Peabody Avenue was referred to teh police committee with power
Charges of Patrick McEnerny against policeman Meukel were read and referred to the
com on Police
The petition of James McClain and others for a lamp on Dodge and York streets was
referred to the same committee
The matter of placing a gas lamp on Seminary street was referred to the Police Committee
with power
The petition of J B Rickard and others to cause water pipes to be laid to Gleed's Malt House
was referred to the committee on fire with power
The petition of John Pier and others for a fire plug to be placed on Dodge Street was
referred to the committee on fire with power
the petition of Tos Faherty to be allowed to pay his tax for 1876-77 without interest was
referred to a special committee consisting of Ald O'Neill, altman, Jones, Leckie and
Council adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m.
Met at 2 o'clock p.m.
all the members present with mayor Bush in the chair
Mr. Scribe Harris addressed the council on the fire escape ladders which he presented
and requested the same be given attention. It was referred to the committee on fire.
reports of officers
The city auditor reported $1136.70 required to meet the salaries of officers for September.
report receive and filed and ordered paid
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The city recorder reported issuing Sunday licenses amounting to $542 during September
report received and filed
The city marshal reported $1108.95 as the amount necessary to pay off the regular and
special police for september. He made 34 arrests and received $27.85 from the Pound
Master and $2.50 from C M Mills Justice of the Peace for which the receipts of the
Treasurer were attached
report received and filed and ordered paid
the street commissioner reported $1941.75 necessary to pay the street employees for
the month of September
report received and filed and ordered paid
N C Ryan reported weighing 149 drafts on the first ward scales during september amount
$22.35. The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $3.35 being 15 percent of the gross
received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported weighing 206 drafts on the Fifth ward scales during September.
Amount $30.90 The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $4.65 being 15 percent of the
gross amount
Received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported weighing 162 drafts on the West Dubuque scales during September
Amount $24,30. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.65 being 15 percent of
the gross amount
receivd and filed
the market master reported having weighed 133 drafts during September Amount $19.95
He aslo weighed seven quarters of veal Amount 35 cents. The treasurers receipt was
attached for $20.30. $25.75 was received as rent for huckster stands. The treasurer's
receipt being attached for that sum and $3.80 was due for boarding prisoners, 19 meals
at 20 cents per meal being furnished.
Received and filed and claim ordered paid
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Wood measurer Waring reported having measured 535 cords of wood during September
and receiving therefor $22.42.
Lamplighter Nicol reported having lit 180 gas lamps during September
report received and filed
Police Justice Mills reported 33 cases tried during September and $4.00 collected as fines
due the city for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached and that he was entitled
to $4.00 from the city
report received and filed and claim ordered paid
The city engineer presented a profile of the north cascade road which was referred to the
committee on streets
Same reported on teh petition of Chas J W Sanders that it should have been filed with the
county authorities
report received and filed
Reports of committees
Ald LInehan made the following report on the petition of Geo B Hamilton which was
Your committee report in favor of returning to GEo B Hamilton the amount of money without
interest that be paid to the city as taxes o the property now known as the home of the
Friendless. Also in favor of allowing him to pay his taxes that are now delinquent without
interest provided that he withdraws the suit now pending against the city within thirty
Same alderman reported on the case of Ed Langworthy stating that more time was
required thereon
Referred to the com of the whole
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same alderman recommended that the petitions of Messrs Graham and Wooton in the
hands of the City Attorney be referred to the Committee of the Whole.
The matter of selling lots owned by the City in Sandford's addition was reported upon
by Ald Linehan and on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Ald O'Neill Chairman on Ordinances made the following report
Your commttee to whom was referred the matter of amending the ordinance in relation
to death certificates respectfully report that your committee do not deem it advisable to
make any change as it is in the hands of the city recorder not to give a burial permit until
the death certificate is recorded
the report was adopted
Same alderman reported in favor of recommending the prayer of the petition of C W
Schreiber et al for grade on the east side of Jackson between 17th and 18th streets
and the Engineer be instructed to attend to the same.
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of Wm Rebman and the engineer
be instructed to make a profile of grade of the alley west of main street between west
locust and Madison streets and submit the same at the next regular session
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of G Gmehle that the engineer be instructed
to make a profile of
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
grade and submit the same at the next regular session of the council
report adopted
Same committee recommended the opening of Broadway extension and to have a
committee of three appointed to negotiate for the right of way. The report was adopted
and the following committee appointed: Herod Jones and Fengler
Same committee reported in favor of adopting the plan of Clay Street extension
report adopted
Same Committee recommended that the report of the city engineer on the profile of Wet
Madison street be adopted and red line be declared the official grade of the alley
report adopted
Same committee reported on Clay street improvement from Second to Third Street.
Ald Herod moved to lay over its advertisement for 15 days. The yeas and nays were had
and the motion lost by the following vote
Yeas: Fengler Herod and Jones 3
Nays Altman Doerfler Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie O'Neill Rath 7
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Dolan and Langworthy of $7.25
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Lagan and Son of $3
report adopted
The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the National Democrat
for $43.75
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of allowing the claim of Nord Iowa P ost for $43.75
report adopted
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Dubuque Times for $132.75
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Dubuque Herald for $135.50
report adopted
Same committee reported on the bill of Jas Kelly of $32.85 for stationary recommending
its payment and that the city officers get the statioary needed for their use from the
City Recorder
report adopted
The committee on Fire reported on the petition of J A Rhomberg et al protesting against
the building erected on corner 5th and Clay to have the same received and filed. Amended
by Ald Linehan to refer back to the same committee to see if the structure had been
erected in accordance with the Ordinance
Amendment adopted
Same committee reported the contract made by the City with the Dubuque Telephone
Exchange Co. as follows:
For lines, fixtures, batteries and maintenance of gongs located at engine houses and at
Chief of the Fire Department residence, 4 gons also 5 Am Dist boxes at $35 per month
10 am Dist Boxes at $15 per month. Telephones located as follows: city Hall St Comr's
Office. Sol Turck House. J K Graves House. four lines complete at $4 per month each
received and filed
Same committee presented "rules and regulations" for the government and information
of the Fire and Police Departments which was referred to the committee on oridnances
The committee on police reported in favor of granting the petition of Farley Loetscher and
Co for a lamp on the corner of Eighth and jackson Streets
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The same committee reported to change lamp as prayed for in the petition of Geo H Fry
et al to High Street
referred to Com of the Whole
Same committee reported in favor of allowing the claim of the North Western Globe Gas
Light Company of $258.83
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of allwing the Key City Gas Co's claim of $510.80
report adoptd
The Commttee on Delinquent Tax reported on the petition of Adam Pier for favor of
cancelling the special ax on the south one half of lot 120 East Dubuque
Same committee reported inf avor of cancelling the tax of Maria Pfiffner
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax for 1878 against Bridget Burke
Same committee reported to grant the petition of John McKinley and to have the auditor
make the proper change on the books
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mary Boyle for 1879.
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Ellen Ahern for 1879.
Same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of Anton Stines
Report adopted
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported adversely on the petition of Mrs. H Beuschelfdt to be exempt from
paying tax of 1879
Same committee reported adveersely on the petition of John Bueschfeldt to cancel tax
of 1879
Same committee reported in favor of exempting Mrs. J Heaton from paying boarding house
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mary Mullin for 1879
Same commmittee reported that the tax of Ann O'Hare be reduced one half if paid within
30 days
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mary Siege
Same committee reported in favor of allowing John Ham to pay saloon license in
monthly installments for six months
Same committee reported in favor of cancelling the saloon license of G Ganakl
The committee of the whole reported in favor of placing the assessed value of the
Key City Gas Co's property at $80,000 for 1880.
report adopted
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported on the resolution of Ald O'Neill to have obstructions on Jones
street removed recommending that the owner of the property complained of have 30
days longer to remove the same
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of the Hazard Powder Co recommending that
it be granted and that the value of the personal property be put at $300 for 1880.
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of referring the profile of Dodge Street sewer to drain
sloughs to the street committee to report
report adopted
Same committee
to grant the laying of a sidewalk asked for by the resolution
of Ald Fengler on the south side of Fourteenth street from Clay to Jackson streets.
Lost by the following vote
Yeas Ald Doerfler Fengler Herod 3
Nays Altman Jones Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie O'Neill Rath 7
The special park committee reported to pay John McCoy $15 for two gates in Jackson Park
Report adopted
Same committee through Ald Kavanaugh presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that an order for three hundred
dollars be drawn in favor of Wm Dyer being a payment on account for work done in
Jackson Square
Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be
instructed to borrow $55.00 for the city
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie, Chairman of the committee of the whole presented the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that the change of grade as
shown by the green line on the accompanying profile of Seminary Street and to which
the written consent of the abutting property owners has been obtained be adopted
Resolution adopted by the following vote:
Yeas Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh Leckie and Rath 6
Nays Altman Doerfler Linehan and O'Neill 4
Ald LInehann presented the following which was adopted
that the water company be instructed to place a fire plug on the corner of Jackson and
21st streets
Ald Rath moved that teh placing of a lamp on Semnary Street be referred to the Committee
on Police with power
Ald Fengler offered the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the com on Public Grounds and Buildings
be and are hereby instructed to put the lightning rods on the market house building in good
repair or renew them of necessary
Ald Herod presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Seminary street between the east
side of Iowa Street and seventeenth street be graded guttered curbed and macadamized
in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement
and the city
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of
the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners
of the abutting property. The grading and retaining wall to be completed by Jan 1 1881 the
balance of the work not to be commenced before April 1 1881 and completed by June 1
adopted by a full vote of the council
Ald Doerfler presented the following which was referred to the Committee on Streets with
Resolved that the street committee be instructed to have the bottom of Couler Creek from
the east end of the sewer on Eagle Point Ave to W Miller's Stone wall opposite paved in order
to protect said wall from being washed out
Ald Herod offered the following
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the alley between First and
Jones and Main and Locust Streets be graded and macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the City Recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work
the macadamzing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
adopted by a full vote of the council
Same alderman presented the following
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the red line on the accompanying
profile of the alley west of Madison Street be declared the official grade of said alley
resolution adopted
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same presented the following which was adopted:
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city engineer be and is hereby
instructed to make a survey and plat of the extension of Waverly avenue from Division St
to Waverly Avenue in Juliens addition showing the land or lots through or over which said
extension is proposed to be made the names of the owner's thereof and the quantity of
land proposed to be taken
Same presented the following
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city
treasurer in favor of Martin and Strane for $350 on account of grading Wilson Avenue and
alley west of Prospect and also for $500 in favor of M Morgan on account of grading
Seminary Street
Same presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and
macadamizing Jackson Street from Eighth to Ninth Streets by Wm Rebman, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and
for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
S C Disney
City 377
Also the following which was adopted
resolved that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing eighth street from Jackson
to Washington Streets by Wm H
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Rebman contracgtor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named
situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as folflows:
J M Emmerson
City 403
J M Emerson
City 405
B H Campbell
City 414
H L Stout
City 415
Also the following was adopted
Resolved that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Henion Street by James G
Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named
situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
S J Lovewell
11 Henion and Baird's Subd
M Tschirgi Jr
5 Henion and Baird's Subd
M Tschirgi Jr
6 Henion and Baird's Subd
Fred Ortey
1 Henion and Bairds Subd
John Hodgdon
4 Henion and Baird's Subd
John Hodgdon
12 Henion and Baird's Subd
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Election of Hog Weigher
Ald Doerfler moved that the council go into an election of hog weigher.
Ald Doerfler and Kavanaugh were appointed tellers and on motion of Ald Herod the first
ballot was made informal and stood as follows
Ryan 4
Schulte 5
Gilmore 1
Seven ballots were had with the same results and there being no choice in the matter was
postponed until next Monday night
The committee on Equalization made the following reports such reports being collectively
To place the assessment of Joseph Huber on City Lot 348 at $3,470 for 1880
To cancel the assessment of Jos Dendinger moneys and credits for 1880
To place Ellison and Son's assessment on cows at $1000 for 1880
To place the assessments of G Schroeder for moneys and credits at $2000 and for
taxable furniture at $270 for 1880
To cancel the assessment of personally of Platt Smith for 1880
To place the assessment of Fanny A Stuart at $2400 for 1880
To place the assessment of Fredika Udall at $1800 for 1880
To place the assessment of Geo W Jones on Min Lot 741 Lot 1 at $2500 for 1880
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
To place the assessment of M H Martin on McDaniels Sub Lot 819 at $2000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Jas H Shields on unenumerated property at $75.00 for 1880
To place the assessment of Wm Hintrager on City Lot 548 at $1400 for 1880
To place the assessment of the Key City Furniture Co for personalty at $3000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Ignatz Seeger on parts of lot 479 at $4800 and W in
lot 56 at $400 for 1880
To place the assessment of John Strelan on Lot S 1/2 S M 1/5 496 at $2250 fir 1880
To place the assessment of Joseph Platz on lots 72 and 73 East Dubuque Add'n at
$5000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Mrs. Jane S Haines for moneys and credits at $1800 fpr 1880
To place the assessment of Elizabeth Manson lot 76 and 75 at 27000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Conrad Schmidt on lot 345 at $3400 for 1880
To place the assessment of the Dubuque Furnture and Burial Case Co for am't in manufacturers
at $500 for 1880
To place the personal assessment at the Dubuque Water Co at $136000 for 1880
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
To place the assessment of John Mehlhop on lot #20 Kings 1st add and lot 22 Kings 2nd
add at $6500 and the N M 1/5 of lot 460 at $7000 for 1880
To place the assessment of the Norweigan Plow Co on Sub 11 Dub Harbor Co's add
lots 2 and 3 at $1400 and to cancel the assessment on personalty for 1880
To place the assessment of Eliza A Burden for moneys and credites at $5000 for 1880
To place the assessment of F B Lawrance on lot 36 and 36a at $10000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Henry Richter lot W 62 feet of lot 643 at $3000 for 1880
To place the assessment of H R Stanferbeil on lot N 19 ft of S 1/4 of lot 443 at $2100
for 1880
To place the assessment of Mary A Ashcroft on Sub Min lot 45 lot 1 and sub min lot 47
lot 1 in Union add 153 at $1500 for 1880
To place the assessment of SE Esler on personalty at $150 for 1880
To place the assessment of Mrs. M A LInton on sub min lot 305a and 308 at $20 per acre for
each of those lots for 1880
To place the assessment of Andrew Drees on lot 424 at $1100 and to cancel assessment
on personalty for the year 1880
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
To place the assessment of Noah Adams of the S M 1/5 kit 448 at $3000 for 1880
To place the assessment of JOhn Nagle of lot 38 Farleys subd at $1000 and to cancel
the assessment of a cow for 1880
To place the assessment of Alex Simplot on M 1/5 lot 481 at $2250 for 1880
To place the assessment of Mrs E M Smith for moneys and credits at $2500 for 180
To place the assessment of Geo Burden on Sub M lot 322 lot 16 at $5500 and for moneys
and credits at $5000 for 1880
To place the assessment of Jas Reilly of lot 294 at $2200 for 1880
To place the assessment of lot 359 at $3500 for 1880
To place the assessment of C G Wullweber on lot 359 at $3500 for 1880
To place the assessment on personalty of C W Robison at $2500 for 1880
To cancel the assessment of Andrew Soldner for 1880
To place the assessment of Solomon Smith on merchandise at $450 for 1880
To place the assessment of S M 19 ft of lot 62 against the heirs of X Reinfried at $7500
for 1880
To place the assessment of W W Carr and Co on sub 25 Dub Har Co's ad lots 1 & 2 at $2000
for 1880
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
To place the assessment of the Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Co at $500000 and to
reduce the amount on which water tax is to be paid to$50000 for 1880
To place the assessment of the following persons:
John Eichhorn at $2500; Schmidt Bors at $1600; A Dunnebecke at $1600; Christian
Janssen at $1500; Ellwager Bros at $1500 and Fred Schloz at $1250 for 1880
Adverse to the petition of Wm Kley for a reduction of assessment for 1880
Adverse to the petition of Mrs. M Leirns to reduce the assessment for 1880
Adverse to teh petition of Mrs E Sullivan for a reduction of assessment for 1880
And to receive and file the petition of H E Wilson in behalf of Messrs Richards and
The following claims were presented and ordered paid:
Joh Nye
M Corbett
H Delisle
M Tschirgi Jr
L B Tuttle
Martin and Strange
L Daly
F Mertz
John Bell
Telephone Exchange
Dubuque Water Co
A Hubert
F E Moser
H Reed
Healey Bros
Andrew and Treadway
Wm Koenig
Chas Raefelt
Wm Caster
John Morgan
D W Linehan
L B Tuttle
W H Rebman
Dub Water Co
J N Foy
Wood and Geisel
Mark Robinson
D Grant
Healey Bros
Silsby Manuracturing Co
Andrew Treadway and Sons
T E Frith
Harney and O'Connor
J K Graves Hose Co
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Michael Carney
Key City Gas Light Co
Chas McMaster
J E Kammuller
John McCoy
L B Tuttle
Mrs. P McMahon
C H Meyer
W Lewis
Bids for improving the alley from Ninth to Tenth betweek Jackson and Washington were on
motion opened read and referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer to report on
Monday night
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session
Council met at 7 1/2 p.m. Monday October 11 1880
Regular Session October 4, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition read and referred
The petition of the Park Hill Chapel for a gas lamp was referred to the committee on
police with power
The petition of Fred Ortley to complete the grade of Henion Street was referred to the
committee on streets
the petition of John Heim to be allowed to pay his tax for 1879 and cancel tax sale was
referred t the Del Tax Com with power
The petition of Alfred Herron to remove trees from Grand View Avenue in front of his
residence was referred to the committee on streets with power
On motion Rule 11 was suspended and M M Walker addressed the council on the
improvement of Clay Street extension asking to have the work delayed a while longer
Regular Session October 11, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Fengler moved to defer the work for 60 days and the redorder instructed not to advertise
for bids
adopted by the following vote
Yeas: Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh Leckie and Rath 6
Nays: Doerfler and O'Neill 2
Altman and Linehan not voting
A communication was read from C P Jacobs attorney for Messrs Tucker and Dorsey
proposing to grant the city a license to use letters patent on lamp posts on street corners
referred to police commission
Ald Herod presented the report of the street com on the bids of the alley from Nineth to
Tenth streets between WAshington and Jackson. Mr. W H Rebman being the lowest and
best bidder the contract was on motion awarded to him
Ald Doerfler reported that the committee on Fire had taken under consideration the matter
of fire escape ladders and deemed their use a benefit to the city and recommended it be
referred for further attention to some other committee
report adopted and referred to teh committee of teh whole
It was moved and adopted that an election for hog weigher be entered into. Ald Doerfler
and Kavanaugh were appointed tellers and on motion the first ballot was made
informal which stood as follows:
Ryan 4
Schulte 3
Wittmer 2
Gilmore 1
No choice was had on this ballot. Thirteen were taken with non change or choice except
one vote case for Mr. Deggendorf on the third ballot. The election was therefore
postponed until next Monday night.
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session October 18, 1880
The recorder adjourned the meeting by order of the Mayor until Wednesday October 20th
at 7 1/2 p.m. there being no quorum present
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session October 20, 1880
Council met at half past seven o'clock p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the mayor suggested that it would be advisable to have the ordinance provide for the
election of a hog weigher in each of the different wards. The same was adopted and on
motion the committee on ordinance were instructed to prepare an ordinance to that effect
Ald Herod presented teh following which was adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the city recorder issue a
venire ot the city marshal directing him to proceed in accordance with SEc 3 Chap 205
of City Ordinance published April 1 1869 in relation to Waverly Avenue extension as
shown by plat on file in City Engineer's Office
The petition of C A Voelker and Gotleib Weigele in a reduction of assessment for 1880 was
referred to the committee on Equlization
The petition of Patrick Flannagan to reduce the assessment for 1880 was referred to the
same committee
The assessment of Mr Seeger was referred to the same committee
The petition of P B Martin for a reduction of assessment was referred to the same committee
Adjourned Regular Session October 20, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
A communication from S M Pollock for a claim in Neumeister case as costs was referred
to committee on claims
The petition of Ms. Ross McMahon to pay her tax for 1877 referred to committee
on delinquent tax with power
the petition of M Halpins to comm on the police force was refered to the Police Committee
The plat of the sudivision of lot 5 of mineral lot 73 submitted by E Langworthy was referred
to the committee on streets
Documents received from Washington in regard to the debt and taxation of teh city were
referred to the Mayor with power
Ald Herod referred the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and
macadamizing Eleventh Street from Jackson to Washington by J C Foye Contractor in
front of amt adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for
the several records set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
Herman Fischer
S 3/4 S 1/5 498 City
Frank Brode
S 84 1/2 ft 499 City
Cath Gerlack
389 City
James Downey
424 City
Bids for improving seminary street and the alley on Jones street were opened read and
referred to teh comittee on streets and city engineer to report immediately
Adjourned Regular Session October 20, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The committee retired and after returning made the following report:
Martin and Strane to be the lowest and best bidders for the work on Seminary Street
J E Foye to be the lowest and best bidder for teh work on Jones Street alley
On motion the contracts were awarded accordingly and the council then adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session November 1, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Ald Leckie moved that Rule 11 be suspended and the citizen's committee be heard on the
extension of the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul through Dubuque city
D S Wilson then addressed the council in behalf of the Citizen Committee and requested to
have a committee of Aldermen appointed to act with his committee in the matter and to report
their action to the City Council at an early day. Messrs Burch and Langworthy also spoke on
the subject after which on motion of Ald Leckie a recess for fifteen minutes was taken for
Upon reconvening the following resolution was presented by Ald Herod and adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a special committee of Five be appointed
by the mayor to act with a committee of citizens of like members to be selected by the citizens
committee together with the city attorney in regard to completing certain negotiations now pending
with the St. Paul and Milwaukee Railroad Company and the city of Dubuque said committee to
make such investigations with the parties interested as in their power and report the same to the
council from time to time. Ald Leckie, Linehan, Kavanaugh, Jones and Fengler were appointed.
Minutes of October sessions were read and afer slight corrections approved.
It was moved and adopted that the regular order of business be dispensed with and that
the bills and the street commissioner pay roll be allowed for the month of October.
Regular Session November 1, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The street commissioner reported expending $2455.35 on the streets during the month of
report received and filed and ordered paid
Ald Jones moved that all claims and orders be referred to the chairman of the committee before
being allowed
the claim of N H Faust for placing rods on the city hall building amounting to $243.18 was
approved by the com on buildings and on motion ordered paid.
Also a claim by N H Faust of $100.75 for rods, etc. on Town Clock Tower and Building
approved by the same committee and allowed.
Ald Herod reported in favor of allowing the claim of John McCoy for $38.95 for repairing
done on sidewalks
Report adopted
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted: be it resolved by the city council
of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder by and is hereby instructed to issue the proper
venire to the city marshal for the opening of Waverly Avenue from the Southern limit thereof
to Division Street and through lots 1 and 8 of Scott's 2nd addition to said city and
mineral lot 305 and in accordance with the plat thereof now on file in the office of the city engineer
and that all proper steps by taken for the opening and establishing of the street aforsaid.
The bids on Wilson avenue extension were on motion opened read and referred to the
street committee and engineer to report Wednesday. Council the adjourned to meet
Wednesday November 3 1880 at 9:00 a.m.
Martin Strane
City Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of GEo H Scott for reduction of assessment for 1880 was referred to the committee
on equalization
The petition of P O'Rourke et al for a good passage way on Curtis Street was referred to the
committee on streets
The petition of W W Carr and Co asking exemption of tax for a period of ten years was
referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Orlando McCraney et al to cause the improvement of the alley north of Julien
Avenue was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Margaret Mohr for a reduction of assessment for 1880 was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Robert Schaber to obtain a butcher's license for the balance of the year on the
payment of $12.50 was referred to the committee on markets with power
The petition of Mrs. Dr. Sprague to refund her $1.05 for one horse and one buggy erroneously
assessed to her for 1879 and to cancel assessment for one horse and one buggy for the year
1880 amounting to $100.00 was on motion granted
The petition of Fred Weigel for the privilege of digging a sink in the rear of his property on the
corner of Eighth and Main Streets was referred to the committee on streets with power.
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of John Van Dillen for a reduction of taxes was referred to the committee on
Delinquent tax
The petition of Margaret Kuntzmann for a cancellation of her taxes for 1880 was referred to
the same committee
The petition of Mrs. Ellen Linehan to have her taxes cancelled was referred to the same
The petition of Mrs. Bernard Kistler for a reduction of assessment for 1880 was referred to
the same committee
The petition of Mrs. Margaret Donohue to have her homestead redeemed which was sold for
the taxes of 1877, 1878 and 1879 to William Hintrager was referred to the same committee
The petition of John Glab asking to have a fire plug placed on teh corner of Ninth and Pine
streets was referred to the committee on Fire.
The communication of City Auditor Brandt for an allowance of $150.00 for compensation on
making up the tax books for 1880 was read and on motion ordered to be paid.
Reports of Officdrs
The City Auditor reported the sum of $1137.95 as the amount required to pay the city officers
for the month of October
report received filed and ordered paid
The city recorder reported issuing Sunday license to the amount of $367.50 for the month of
Report received and filed
and the mayor requested to have the different butchers license yet unpaid collected which
his honor consented to have done at once
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The city marshal reported the salaries due the regular police force for October amounting to
$908.95. Also for special police amounting to $140. He also reported receiving $34.25 from the
pound master. $2 from police justice Hoerner for which the receipts of the treasurer were
attached and making 29 arrests duruing October
Report received and filed and ordered paid
The Market Master reported having weighed 273 drafts during October gross receipts $40.95
Also weighing beef and veal for farmers to the amount of $2.20 and receiving $19.75 as rent
of hucksters the receipts of the treasurer being attached for these amounts and that $10.40
was due him for furnishing prisoners 52 meals at 20 cents per meal
report received and filed and ordered paid
The wood measurer reported measuring 1059 2/8 cords of wood during October
Report recieved and filed
Chas Pitschner reported weighing 219 drafts on the west dubuque scales during October.
Gross receipts $32.85. the receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.92 that amount being 15 percent
of the receipts
report received and filed.
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 228 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of
October gross receipts $34.20. The receipt of the treasurer being attached for $5.15 that
being 15 percent of the receipts
report received and filed.
N E Ryan reported having weighed 222 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of
October. Gross receipts $33.80. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.95 being 15 percent
of the receipts
report received and filed
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Lamplighter Nicol reported having lighted 181 1/3 gas lamps during October
report received and filed
The city engineer submitted a profile of Franklin street Stine's subdivision
referred to street committee
Reports of Committee
Ald O'Neill Chairman of the committee on Ordinances reported favorably on the rules and
regulations for the government of the fire and police departments
report adopted and on motion of Ald Doerfler the printing committee were instructed to have
Same alderman presented a remonstrance signed by M M Walker et al against changing the
present ordinance in relation to the election of hog weigher
the remonstrance was granted
The committee on streets reported that they had requested the street commissioner to do all
which was necessary for the protection of Couler Creek near east end of sewer on Eagle
Point Avenue
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John Butt et al in regard to stopping work on
Wilson Avenue. That the parties interested could not agree and they would recommend to receive
and file the petition
report adopted
The same committee reported to grant the prayer of the petition of Fred Otley for the completion
of the grading of Henion Street
report adopted
The same committee reported that G W Sackett had been tendered work but he could not do
Report adopted
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Alf Herron asking to
remove trees in front of his residence
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Rev Johnson et al to
grade the road east from Windsor avenue and to open said road as the engineer had already
been instructed to prepare plans for the same
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of John Mundt to order the C C D and M R R to
make a crossing above the boat yard at Eagle Point. That the railroad company had done
the work to the satisfaction of the committee
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Carson McElrath et al for grading and
macadamizing Washington St between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets adverse thereto
report adopted
Ald Herod chairman of the special committee to whom was referred the resolution in regard
to a change of grade on Wilson Avenue and the purchase of lots on the west side of said avenue
reported that his committee were unable to make any arrangements and would therefore
recommend the resolution be received and filed.
reported adopted
Ald Jones Chairman of Public Grounds and Buildings Committee submited the receipt of
the Treasurer to the amount of $30 for rent of the city hall.
received and filed
Ald Leckie chairman of the committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claims of N
Iowa Post for $14.60
report adopted
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same alderman reported on the claim of the Dubuque Herald recommending it be
referred back to his committee with power to settle. Also bill of James
report adopted
Ald Leckie chairman of the committee on police reported on the petition of the Park Hill Church
for a globe gas light lamp. That the same had granted
report approved
Same reported on the petition of the sisters of Mercy asking for a lamp that a coal oil lamp had
been placed at the corner of Peabody Avenue and James Street
Report approved
Also on the petition of F J Zugenbuehler recommending that he be given credit for $26.70 on
his saloon license for the year 1880
report adopted
Also on the claim of the Key City Gas Co recommending that an order be drawn for $395.05
in payment
report adopted
Also on the claim of the N W Globe Gas LIght Co for $285.50 that the same be paid
Report adopted
Also on the charges of P McInerny preferred against policeman Mankel that the petition
be received and filed
report adopted
Also on the order by the city council to place a lamp on the northeast corner of Eighth and
Jackson streets. that the same had been done
report approved
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Also that a gas lamp had been placed instead of the oil one on Seminary Street.
report approved
Also that the claim of GEo H Fry for $12.50 be paid
report adopted
Also that the claim of James Nicol for $8.20 for repairing lamps be paid
Report adopted
Ald Leckie moved to refer the petition of James McClain et al for a lamp to the committee on
Police with power
Same reported on the petition of M Halpin to be retained on the police force recommending it
be received and filed. Amended to retain him but lost by a tie vote. Mayor voting no
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh moved that the pound master be dispensed with for the present
Ald Fengler from the Delinquent Tax Commitee requested move time for consideration of
the petition of John Heim
Same recommended that the petition of H E Wilson in the hands of the delinquent tax com be
referred to the committee on equalization
Same reported in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Ross McMahon asking to be permitted
to pray for the taxes of 1877 without interest provided payments be made within 30 days
report adopted
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Fengler reported adversely to the petition of A B and M E Harrison asking for a reduction
of asseessment for 1880
report adopted
Same reported in favor of reducing the assessment of H S Hethernigton on lot 306 to
$1100.00 for 1880
report adopted
Same reported on the petition of D Grant adversely thereto but on motion of Ald Linehan it
was reffered back to the Del Tax Com to await result of similar matters now in court
Same committee reported adverseley on the petition of Henry Meyer for reduction of assessment of 1880
reporet adopted
Same reported in favor of reducing the assessment of R Waller on the Graffort House to
$8000 for 1880.
report adopted
Same reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Agatha Kintzell for 1879 on lot 20 McCraney's
1st addition
report adopted
Same also reported in favor of reducing the assessment of Mary O Johnson on lots 13 in
Brad Streets addition and lot 2a of the subdivision of mineral lot 80 to $1500 for 1880.
Ald Leckie from the police committee reported on the petition of H H Smyth et al in objecting
to the removal of policeman Menkel from the police force recommending that the same
be received and filed
report adopted
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie chairman of committee of the whole reported on the petition of Geo H Fry et al
for a gas post on High Street recommend the report of the police committee be adopted
report adopted
Same reported on the petition of C W Bittman recommending that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the treasurer cancel the taxes against Linwood Cemetary Association
for 1874 amounting to $67.20
report adopted
Ald Leckie requested extension of more time on the matters of Ed Langworthy, Rev. Pape
and the Fire Escape Ladders
On motion of Ald Leckie the petitions in hands were referred to the Committees on Finance
and Claims for consideraton viz: Messrs Graham and Wooton
Ald Herod Chairman of the special committee to whom was referred the plat of Broadway
Extension reported that $50 would purchase the right of way and recommended that an order
for teh amount be drawn on the treasurer whenver the owners give the satisfactory deed of
right of way to the city
report adopted
Same reported on teh bids of Wilson Avenue Extension Spear and Lee being the lowest and
best bidder on motion were awarded the contract
Ald Jones presented a resolution to have a policeman placed on the corner of Twelfth and Clay
Streets from the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and moved to refer the same to the commiteee
on police
motion adopted
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that on and after this date the Market Master be allowed $1.00 for every
tiem the city hall is rented to any party for cleaning the same.
Same alderman presented the following which was adopted:
be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that the committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings be and is hereby instructed to protect the pipe leading to the vault in the best way possible
to protect the same from frost
Same also presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that the ordinance in regard to the weighing
of beef etc be so construed that the weigher of same shall be compelled to turn over the 15 percent
of same to the city treasurer the same as in the weighing of hogs
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted:
be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that the extension of Broadway street as
shown by the accomanying plat be declared a public highway and that an order of Fifty ($50)
be drawn on teh city treasurer in favor of the owner of lot 29 Kings 2nd addition and of Lot 3
of Mineral Lot 319 delivered when said owner shall give proper deed of right of way and that
the city attorney be instructed to secure said deed.
Same alderman presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing and
guttering Wilson Avenue from Fifth Street to the north line of lot 31 of Wilson's Subdivision
by Martin and Strane contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is
hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Wilson Avenue
parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set
pposite lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
H A Rooney Min Lot 78 28.69
Wm L Bradley and Co 2 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 3 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 4 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 5 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 6 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 7 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 8 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Wm L Bradley and Co 9 Wilson's Subd 47.13
Wm L Bradley and Co NE 1/2 10 Wilson's Subd 23.61
John Butt Jr S 1/2 10 Wilson's Subd 23.61
John Butt Jr N 1/2 11 Wilson's Subd 23.61
Wm C Wheeler S 1/2 11 Wilson's Subd 23.63
Wm L Bradley and Co 12 Wilson's Subd 47.22
Wm L Bradley and Co 13 Wilson's Subd 47.23
Wm L Bradley and Co 14 Wilson's Subd 53.63
Wm L Bradley and Co 15 Wilson's Subd 53.09
Wm L Bradley and Co 16 Wilson's Subd 55.33
Alfred Hoffs 17 Wilson's Subd 185.43
S E Esler 20 Wilson's Subd 47.22
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
S E Esler 21 Wilson's Subd 47.23
Chas. M Carter 22 Wilson's Subd 47.23
Chas M Carter 23 Wilson's Subd 47.23
Frank Adams 24 Wilson's Subd 47.23
Frank Adams 25 Wilson's Subd 47.13
Emily G Parker 26 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Geo W Healey 27 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Joseph Roy 28 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Stephen Harraghty 29 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Stephen Harraghty 30 Wilson's Subd 47.05
Mary A Rebman 31 Wilson's Subd 47.04
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque tht to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing
Twlfth Street from Clay to White Streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
High School S 2/5 445 City 63.50
A Cain N 2/5 446 City 126.25
C H Meyer S 1/5 430 City 63.50
Josephine Foltzer N 1/2 479 City 131.55
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing the alley from
Fourteenth to Fifteenth between Jackson and White Streets by John LIcht contractor in front
of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as follows:
Saml J Cox S 62-4 483 City 23.44
Ed Mueller N 40 S 2/5 483 City 12.60
A Y McDonald M 1/5 483 City 16.13
Alicia Cantillon N M 1/5 483 City 16.12
W J Dunnbecke N 1/5 483 City 19.91
J Auchter N 1/2 N M 1/5 494 City 8.06
J Auchter N 1/5 494 City 19.91
Mrs. F Wedman S 1/2 N M 1/5 494 City 8.06
Lorenz Hauser N 1/2 M 1/5 495 City 8.07
Mary Driscol S 1/2 M 1/5 494 City 8.06
Adam Doerr S M 1/5 494 City 16.13
Fidel Fritschie S 1/5 494 City 19.91
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing the alley
from Sixteenth to Seventeenth between Jackson and Washington streets by J E Foye
contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied are the
several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned
and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real esatate as follows:
Zions Church 37 East Dubuque 19.17
John Trexler 38 East Dubuque 15.57
Mechior Mohr N 1/2 39 East Dubuque 7.78
John Nagel S 1/2 39 East Dubuque 7.79
John Nagel N 1/2 40 East Dubuque 7.78
Mary Enright S 1/2 40 East Dubuque 7.79
Mary Enright 41 East Dubuque 19.17
Carson McElrath 86 East Dubuque 19.17
John L Daniels 85 East Dubuque 15.57
Wm Lippe S 1/2 284 East Dubuque 7.78
Peter Geishecker N 1/2 84 East Dubuque 7.79
Mrs. F Sievert 83 East Dubuque 15.57
Thos Jones 82 East Dubuque 19.17
Ald Llinehan presented the following which was adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be instructed
to borrow $5000.00 for the City of Dubuque
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the following bills were read and ordered paid:
H Delisle
Frank Byer
P J McGrath
M Blake
Novelty Iron Works
Jos Geiger
Frank Hobbs
H Delisle
Dubuque Water Co
Chas McMaster
Larry Daily
Morrison Bros
C McElrath
Gelephone Exchange Co
Westphal Hinds & Co
James G Carney
N Eichmann
J :& A Christman and Co
Phil Pier
Dubuque Water Co
C W Robison
Healey Bros
Burch Babcock and Co
Harney and O'Connor
Rouse Dean and Co
John Bowen
Key City Gas Co
B D Linehan
J F Conant
C Lembke
D Conigsky
P Klauer
F Mertz
Wm Carter
Patsi Gill
Martin and Strane
Phil McPorant
D W Linehan
John Hartig
Vogel and Ferguson
Mrs. P McMahon
Spear and Lee
Henry Haas
Theo Richel
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
John M Linehan
J E Foye
P Klauer
W H Rebman
GEo H Fry
J Kk Graves Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
G Perry
Burck Babcock and Co
Wm Koenig
N C Ryan
Tibey and Murphy
H Daugherty
Laflin and Rand
C McElrath
Healy Bros
Dolan and Langworthy
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Mrs. Schwatka
Healey Bros
F Mertz
The claim of T O Sullivan of $100.00 for making of a lot book was referred to the Finance Com
The claim of T E Frith of $130.00 for carrying away garbage was referred to the Executive
Committee of the Board of Health
Adjourned Regular Session November 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Fengler moved to gointo an election of hog weigher. Ald Linehan amended to defer to
The Yeas and Nays were demanded as follows:
Yeas Ald Altman, Kavanaugh, Linehan and O'Neill 4
Nays Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones Leckie and Rath 6
The amendment of Ald Linehand was declared lost
The yeas and nays were there had on the original motion of Ald Fengler which was adopted as
Yeas Ald Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones Leckie and Rath 6
Nays Altman Kavanaugh Linehan and O'Neil 4
Alds Kavanaugh and Doerfler were appointed tellers and on motion the first ballot was made
Messrs Schulte, Ran, Smith and Schilling were put in nomination
First Ballot (informal)
Schulte 1
Ryan 4
Smith 1
Schilling 4
No choice
First Ballot (formal)
Schulte 1
Ryan 4
Schilling 5
no choice
Second BAllot
Schilling 6
Ryan 4
Mr Schilling having received the highest number of votes cast Ald Doerfler moved tht he be
declared Public Hog Weigher for the ensuing term
Ald Herod was on motion of ald Linehan added to the railroad commission
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
City Council met at 7 1/2 p.m.
Report of com on milwaukee and St Paul R R Extension
Ald Leckie Chairman of teh special committee appointed to confer with the committe of citizens
in regard to the extension of the Mil and St Paul Railroad to Dubuque presented the following:
To the honorable the mayor and council of the city of Dubuque, Genglement, the undersigned
a joint committee composed of a committee of the city council and a committee duly appointed
by the citiazns and tax payers of the city of Dubuque, to whom was referred the matters of
the proposed location and building of the machine shops and passenger and freight depots
of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway Company in said city and also the matters of
the purchase and procurement of certain real estate and rights of way for the public use and
benefit the same to be devoted to teh end that said shops and depots may be built operated and
maintained in said city and the assistance and good will of said railway company thereby secured would
respectfully report:
That the sentiment of the people of teh city of Dubuque is unaminously in favor of extending
the required aid. This your committee can say based upon a thorough knowledge of what that
sentiment is. It would be useless to furnish arguments why the proposed and should be granted
not grudgingly but cheerfully. All agree that if opporunities such as this be not improved it is
a practical abandonment of the city's promising future, its interests and its prosperity.
The Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company is a powerful and growing corporation
and can and will do us great and permanent good. We believe that it will in all things extend
to the city of Dubuque its business men and its citizens the same. Fair and generic treatment
which it now asks and will always receive at their hands.
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Report of com on milwaukee and St Paul R R Extension
Your joint committee upon its appointment entered it once upon the duties assigned and has
prosocuted them with all teh dispatch consistent with the proper disposition of matters so
important: many difficulties have been encountered and some yet remain to be overcome.
In the matter of the purchase from Wm G Steward of lot No 747 on Clay between Third and
Fourth Streets, a contract of sale has been made at $8000 with satisfactory title, the deed to
be delivered and consideration paid. January 10 1881 and possession of the premises given
February 15 1881 or as soon thereafter as the same can be done.
In the matter of the purchase from Solon M Langworthy of the eaterly 56 feet of lot No 304 on
corner of Fourth and White streets we recommend that said premises be purchased providing teh same
can be done at $4250. Possession to be given April 1st 1881. If a purchase on these terms
cannot be made that the premises aforesaid or so much thereof as may be required be condemned
for public purposes in the manner provided by law.
In the matter of the purchase from J A Rhomberg and Wm G Watters of Mineral lot 106 containing
3.79/100 acres min lot 107 subdivided into 50 lots and lots 5 6 7 and 8 block 8 and lots 6 7 10 and 11
block 4 in railroad addition all situated near the round house of the C C D and M R R Co. We
recommend that the above premises be purchased by the city for the sum of $18500 with
satisfactory title. This consideration also to include the right of way of the Iowa Pacific Railway
Co through the City of Dubuque.
In the matter of the purcahse from the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co of lots 1 and 2 in Block
29 - lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 in block 28, lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22
in block 20 and lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in block 15 in Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Report of com on milwaukee and St Paul R R Extension
addition we recommend that the said premises be purchased at $3750.
Proposition for the sale of the premises above set out for the prices stated are in the hands of
the committee except the Langworthy property and such prices are the lowest at which the
property mentioned can be purchased.
In relation to the premises on teh corner of first and Iowa streets, claimed by Alex and Chales
Simplot and also by the City of Dubuque, the title to the same being now in litigation between
said parties, we recommend that no immediate action be taken.
In conclusion your committee respectfully request of your honorable body that immediate and
favorable action be taken upon the matters contained in this report, believing that thereby
you will not only conform to the unaminous wish of your contituents but will be contributing
largely to the permanent prosperity of the City of Dubuque.
Very respectfully submitted C Leckie
Geo FEngler
Thos Kavanaugh
Team of Council
J Herod
J H Shields
Comm of the Council
J G Linehan
Com Council
Geo B Burch
P Kiene
B W Jones
F Hinds
John thompson
Com of Council
Com of Citizens
The following was also presented
The undersigned residents and taxpayers of the city of Dubuque and interested in its welfare
respectfully concur in the foregoing report and recommendations and ask that the same be
L D Randall and Co
Burch Babcock and Co
A A Cooper
D H Conyngham
J P Farley and Sons
J T Jarrett
B B Provost
Poole Gilliam and Co
Myers Tice and Co
A Kurman
D C McAssin
R E Graves
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Signers to have report adopted
Knapp Stout and Co
C H Eighmey
J and A Christman and Co
W H Torbert
Wm H Peabody
G M Staples
John Bell and Co
Shiras Vanderzee and Henderson
Thompson and Jones
Wemoth Howard and Co
James Levi
Junkerman and Haas
John Hodgdon
John M Ballou
Raymond Bros
D N Cooley
Edw A Lull
Geo L Torbert
Tom Connolly
D W Wilson
J D Bush
Westphal Winds and Co
Andrew Tredway and Sons
J T Hancock and Son
W P Large and Co
Rumps Hosford and Ferring
W W Woodworth
N W Kimball
M M Walker and Co
John Mehlhop
A L Rhomberg
Grosvenor and Harger
J Maclay and Co
Geo D Wood
Wm L Bradley
Louis Boisot
W H Robison
Wm Ryan
Ham and Carver
Jacob Rich
Duncan and Waller
Ingram, Kennedy and Day
The following was also presented:
Whereas the public interests demanded the purchase by the City of Dubuque of the following
real estate to with: Lot No 747 easterly 56 feet of lot 304 mineral lot 106, lot No 107 subdivided into 50 lots
including lots 5,6,7,and 8 block 8 and lots 6 7 10 and 11. Block 4 Railroad addition. Also lots 1 and
2. Block 29 lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Block 20 and lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in block 15 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co addition all lin the city of
Dubuque, Iowa
Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that teh joint report of the
select committee of Six with the City Attorney on the part of the council and the committee of citizens
this day submitted
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
to the council relative to the purchase by the city of the real estate above mentioned be and the
same is hereby approved and adopted and the same ordered spread at large with the manner of
the citizens signed thereto on the records of the council
resolved further that the city of Dubuque purchase the said parcels of real estate at the respective
prices stated and fixed in said report
resolved further that the matter of the purchaseof the real estate aforesaid by the city of Dubuque
be referred to said select committee composed of aldermen Leckie, Linehan, Herod, Jones,
Kavanaugh and Fengler with the city attorney with power to enter into contracts if expedient, in
relation thereto with the owness thereof and to do all things required to consummate the
purchase of the real estate aforesaid.
Resolved further that the Mahyor and Recorder be hereby instructed and empowered to dreaw
upon the treasurer and the auditor to countersign such city warrants in such amounts and in favor
of the proper persons as may be required to pay for the real estate aforesaid the said warrants
to be delivered to the proper persons upon the delivery of good and sufficient deeds of conveyances
of said real estate with satisfactory title thereto
The yeas and nays were called for on the above report and it was adopted by a full vote as follows
Yeas Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie stated that the tax books for 1880 had been delivered to the treasurer and moved
that a deduction of 3 percent be made to taxpayers
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The Yeas and Nays were taken as follows:
Yeas Ald Altman, Fengler, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie and O'Neill 6
Nays Doerfler, Herod, Jones and Rath 4
On motion the committee on Ordinances were instructed to draw up an ordinance so as to
repeal the one now in force which was presented as follows:
An ordinance to repeal an ordinance passed Dec 2 69 in relation to the payment of taxes and to
amend Sec 6 of Chapter 32 of the Revised Ordinances
Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that an ordinance entitled an Ordinance
to Amend an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes
passed December 2 1869 be and the same is hereby repealed.
Sec 2 that Sec 6 of Chapter 32 of the revised ordinances be amended by striking out the
word "ten" in the fifth line thereof and inserting the word "three" in here thereof
This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publication in the offical paper of the city
on motion of Ald O'Neill the above ordinance was adopted. The rules were then suspeneded
by the full vote as follows
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and
Rath 10
The ordinance was then read by its title and passed
Petitions were read and referred as follows
G F Bogue to cancel the tax on personalty for 1879 and 1880.
referred to Del Tax Com
H Bruning to reduce the assessment on W 2/5 of Lot 496 from $2200 to $1800
Special Session November 17, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
For the year 1880.
Referred to Del Tax Com the passage of an ordinance compelling all slaughtering now
done in the city to be done hereafter at his house which he proposed to have erected on
Sycamore Street near the Mississippi River and also to grant him a charter and to open
an accessible road to the slaughter house.
Ald O'Neill moved to refer the petition to a special committee of one from each ward.
Mayor Bush appointed as such committee Ald O'Neill Altman Rath Herod and Doerfler
On motion the council adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
The minutes of the November sessions were read and approved
The petition of Geo Kimmerle asking to have his assessment reduced on lot 437 was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of Mrs. H Stecker for cancellation of tax on one half of lot 62 Cook's addition
was referred to the same commmittee
The petition of Mrs. M C Prentiss to redund $15 paid on inn keeper's license was
referred to the committee on police
The petition of Mary A McDaniel for remission of taxes for 1880 was referred to the
committee on Delinquent Tax
The petition of Celia Sprague to refund $28.25 on tax of 1879 was referred to the same
The petition of Felix Agnew et al for a gas lamp on Jones and Dodge Streets was
referred to the committee on police.
The petition of J A Hooper to reduce the assessment on Fenelon Street property was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Sophie Prange for cancellation of taxes on lot 8 in E Langworthy's Add
was referred to the same committee
The petition of P A Ruley for cancellation of taxes on part of Min Lot No 179 was referred
to the same committee
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Theresa Walther for cancellation of taxes on lots 267 and 246 in Davis
Farm was referred to the same committee
The petition of E W Duncan et al for gas lamps on Colleye and Fifth Street was referred
to the committee on police with power
The petition of L Moore et al calling the attention of the council to the condition of the lamps
on Southern Avenue was referred to the same committee
The petition of Jerry Howard for a survey of his lot on Dodge Street was on motion
received and filed
The petition of T Burdt to cancel his taxes on lot 56 L H Langworthy's Addition for 1880 was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Eugene Flynn to refund him the sum of $7.00 paid on over assessment
was referred to the same committee
The petition of Mrs. M Roberts asking for remission of taxes was referred to the same
The petition of Catherine Gerlach for privilege of paying her taxes in monthly installments on
lot 389 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Elizabeth Schroman for remission of her taxes for the year 18880 on lots
35 36 37 54 and 55 in West Dubuque was referred to the same committee
The petition of Schloth Bros to remit the taxes on their oatmeal factory amounting to
$111.63 was referred to the same committee
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Mrs. F Roehl for cancellation of his taxes of 1880 was referred to the same
The petition of Mary C Canovan for remission of taxes for 1880 on lot 3 Bissell's Addn
was referred to the same committee
The petition of Mrs. Jane Young for cancellation of her taxes on lot 343 Davis Farm was
referred to the same committee
The petition of Mrs. M Levins for a reduction of the assessment for the year 1880 was
on motion granted
The petition of Henry Schuler et al for two lamps on Center Street was referred to the
Committee on Police with power
The petition of Mrs E Sullivan to reduce her assessment for 1880 was on motion referred
to the committee on equalization to report at the afternoon session
The petition of Anton Stines to have repaired the sidewalk in front of lot 178 L E Langworthy's
Addition was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Thos Wilson to refund him $2 on over tax of lot 66 McCraney's 1st addition
was on motion referred to the committee on claims
The petition of Mrs. F Herbst for remission of a butchers license was referred to the committee
on Police with power
The petition of Catherine Ryan for the privilege of conducting saloon business without
paying the license was referred to the committee on police
The communication of Dr James Y Lewis in regard to registration of deaths it was referred
to Board of
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Health with power
The petition of John Wendt asking for compensation for constructing a
the ice from the Iowa to the Wisconsin shore was on motion referred to the committee on
The petition of A R Knights et al protesting against itinerant jewelers receiving license for
less than what ws provided in the ordinances was on motion referred to the committee on
ordinances and city attorney to propose a new ordinance
The street commissioner reported $1850.90 as the sum required to pay off the street
employees for the month of November
Referred to the street committee
Teh city marshal reported $1013.45 as the sum necessary to pay off regular and special
police for the month of November. Also that 33 arrests were made and $1.00 collected
as court fees from J D Jennings Police Justice
Referred to the police commission
The City Solicitor reported $1136.70 required to pay the city officers for the month of
Referred to Finance and police commissions
The City recorder reported issuing Sundry licenses during the month of November to the
amount of $200
Report received and filed
The market master reported weighing 197 drafts during the month of November. Amount
received $29.55 and also that $16 was due him for furnishing 88 meals to prisoners at
20 cts per meal. The treasurer's receipt was attached for the amount of drafts weighed.
Report referred to the com on police
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Police justice Jennings submitted his report for the month of November
referred to the committee on police
Lamplighter Nicol reported having lighted 183 gas lamps during November
Report received and filed
City weigher N H Schilling reported weighing 2,819 hogs 587 quarters of beef and 61
veals on the five scales of the city during the month of November. The receipt of the
Treasurer was attached for $30.40 that being 15 percent of the receipts
Report received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 190 drafts on the First Ward hog scales. Amount
$28.50 The receipt of the Treasurer was attached for $4.25 that being 15 percent due the
report received and filed
P Even reported having weighed 97 drafts on teh Southern Avenue scales for the months
of September October and November. Amount $14.55 The receipt of the Treasurer
attached for $2.18 that being 15 percent of the gross amount
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 161 drafts at the West Dubuque scales in
November. Amount $24.15 The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $3.62 that being
15 percent of the gross amount
report received and filed
Frank Hosselman reported having weighed 196 drafts on the Fifthh Ward scales during
the mnth of November. Amount $29.40 The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $4.45. that
being 15 percent of the gross amount
report received and filed
Regular Session December 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
City Attorney Shields presented a deed of the extension of Broadway made by D Huggenburg
and wife to the city in consideration of $50.00
received and filed and paid
Wood inspector Warrings reported measuring 1509 1/2 cords of wood during the month
of November and receiving therefore $73.18
report received and filed
The city engineer submitted a plat on the survey of the road leading from the German
Catholic cemetary to Fifth Street Ham's Addition
referred to committee on streets
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The committee on finance reported in favor of praying the claim of T O'Sullivan for $100
due for making a lot book for the year 1880
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of D A Gehrig Treasurer of $9.40
for taking up tax sale certificate from E W Duncan
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying of Chas H McMaster $50 for assisting the
City Treasurer in the month of November
report adopted
Same committee made the following report on the Geo B Hamiilton Matter
To the mayor and council of the city of Dubuque
The Finance Committee to whom
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
was referred the matter of the settlement with Geo B Hamilton of matters involved in his
suit with the city would lreport that your committee has settled with Mr. Hamilton by
paying back to him the sum paid without interest. And allow Hamilton to pay the taxes due
without interest he to pay cost of suit. The amount found due Mr. Hamilton after payment of
costs is $528.80. Taxes due by Mr. Hamilton $296.15 cash paid Hamilton $232.65
Your committee would recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Treasrurer for
amount be drawn in favor of the treasurer for the amount discussed by him on above
account the same being $528.80
report adopted
The committee on Finance and Claims made the following report
To the Honorable Mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque
Genglemen the undersigned the committee of finance and committee of claims to whom
was referred to the communication of G M Wooton and A Graham relative to the sale
for taxes of Mineral lots 76 and 77 and the redemption thereof would respectfully
recommend that a settlement be made of said matters with the tax purchases by
refunding the amount actually paid by such purchaser with ten percent interest and $20
additional thereto and in consideration thereof the said Wooton and Graham and other
owners of said lots 76 and 77 convey to the city of Dubuque the portions of said mineral
lots covered by Hill Street as at present platted
Linehan Leckie Herod- Com on Finance
Rath O'Neill
Com on Claims
Report was adopted
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The com on ordinances submitted an ordinance entitled An ordinance to amend an ordinance
to license tax and regulate transient merchants
On motion of Ald O'Neill the ordinance was read the first time and adopted. The rules were
then suspended by the following vote:
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill
and Rath - 10
On motion of ald O'Neill the ordinance a second time was read by its title and passed
City Attorney read an ordinance to repeal an ordinance relative to the collection of taxes
and to amend Sec 36 of the ordinance entitled An ordinance to provide for the levy and
collection of taxers which was read the first time and the rules suspended by the following
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill
and Rath - 10
the ordinance was then read a second time by its title and passed
Same presented the following resolutions in regard to the revised ordinances compiled
by Alphonse Matthews in the attorney's possession
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the following shall constitute
and be demonstrated the revised ordinances of 1880 of the city of Dubuque and shall
be published in book form within an index as provided in section 8 of the city charter and
from and after such publication shall be in force and shall be received without further proof
as presumptive evidence of such ordinance
Resolved further that all public original ordinances or parts thereof not included in said
revision shall be repealed so far as they conflict with
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The provisions thereof but so find forfeiture penalty right action suit debt or other liabilities
whatsoever created, instituted, incurred or accrued by or under the same shall be released
dispersed annulled repealed or in any wise affected by may be prosecuted recovered or
engaged in any suit of other proceeding be commended or completed therein as fully and
in the same manner in all respects as if such ordinances or parts thereof had remained in
full force
Resolution was adopted
The committee in streets reported on the payroll of the street commissioner recommending
it be received and filed and orders be drawn for the several amounts
report adopted
The committee on finance and police approved the report of the city auditor which on motion
was received and filed and ordered paid
The committee on streets reported in favor of paying T E Frith $110.00
report adopted
The committee on claims reported in favor of paying Healey Bros claim of 65 cents
report adopted
The committee on streets reported on the remonstrance of John M Love and August
Lane against laying a sidewalk on the west side of Hill Street from Linehans to Garrigans
recommending the prayer of petitioners be granted
Report adopted
The same commttee reported adversely on the petition of John Hederman for laying a
sidewalk on Air Hill Street but recommended that the Marshal be instructed to repair
report adopted
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The same committee reportedon the petition of P O'Rourke et al to grant the improvement
of Curtis Street as soon as the frost would permit
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Orlando McCraney et al to have
the alley north of Julien Avenue graded but recommended when any filling is warranted
to have it taken from that alley
report adopted
Teh same committee reported in favor of the adoption of the engineer's profile of grade
of Franklin Street
report adopted
Ald Llinehan reported in favor of paying the bill of the Dubuque County Bank of $2949.69 and
drawing 8 percent per amount until paid
report adopted
The committee on public grounds and buildings reported attending to the protection of the
pile leading to the vault
report adopted
The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the Herald of $38 for
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of wood and Cissel of $65.36
for stationary
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of prayer of Grosevenor and Harger $4.50 for the market
report adopted
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of D A Gehrig of $29.85
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Dubuque Herald of $58.70
for printing
report adopted
Same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Dubuque Times of $35.20
for printing
report adopted
The committee on police reported in favor of paying the claim of the key city gas co fo
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the north western globe light
company of $277.08
report adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the resolution asking for a policeman on the
corner of Twelfth and Clay Streets
report adopted
The same committee made the following report on overcoats for the police
Your committee would recommend that an order be drawn on the treasury for $15 in favor
of each of the following officers: D Duane, John O Dea, G Muekel Jonathan Foster and Kintzinger
The same to be applied to the payment of an overcoat to be made according to the ordinance
said order not to be drawn until this committee is satisfied that said complies with the make
prescribed in the ordinance regulating the dress to be worn by the police force of the
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
city and your committee recommend that hereafter all persons appointed or elected
policemen of the city shall provide all clothing accordingly to the ordinance at their own
expense and without any help from the city
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying Phil Pier $14.00 for two cords of wood
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying Peter Kiene and Son $72 for 12 months rent
of police headquarters. Report adopted and Police Committee empowered to procure
more suitable rooms
The same committee reported in favor of paying C Hammer $3.00 for sawing wood
report adopted
The same committee reported the report of Market Master to be correct. that the same
be received and filed and ordered be drawn in favor of the market master for $16.00
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of John Pals of 50 cents
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying M Downey 50 cents
report adopted
Same committee reported to pay John O Dea $6.50 for wood
report adopted
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported the report of the city marshal for November correct and
recommended that warrants be drawn for the amounts in favor of the persons named
report adoptedd
Same committee reported on the request of Jas Zugenbuehler recommending that $26.70
be applied on his taxes for 1880
report adopted
The committee on markets reported to grant the petition of Robert Schaber and others for
a license for $12.50
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported adverseley to the petition of Marg and Mohr
asking a reduction of assessment
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Ellen Linehan and
the city treasurer be instructed to cancel the tax
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of Margaret Kuntzmann
to cancel her tax for 1880
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Donohue recommending that
the prayer of the petition be granted and that an order be drawn in favor of the city huckstor
for $47 the amount necessary to redeem the property from Mr. Hintrager and the city auditor
be and is hereby instructed to redeem at once
report adopted
Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same committee reported to receive and file the petition of G F Bogue for cancellation of
the tax
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Mrs. B Kistler recommending that her
assessment for 1880 be placed at $3000 and the city treasurer be instructed to make
the necessary alteration on the books
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of H Bruening recommending the prayer be
granted and the assessment placed at $1,800 for 1880
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of John Vandillen recommending his assessment
be placed at $1900 for 1880
report adopted
The committee of the whole reported on the petition of W W Carr & Co recommending
it be received and filed
report adopted
Same committee reported on the suit of Ed Langworthy against the city recommending
it be referred to the committee on streets with power to settle
Same committee reported adverseley to selling lots owned by the city in Sanford's
addition to the Rev Pape
Report adopted
Same committee reported on the Fire escape ladders recommending that the report of
the committee on Fire be adopted and that the matter of builidng a ladder be recommitted
to the said committee on fire with power to build a ladder at an expense not to exceed
$300 to the city