W Roll_14 Part 3Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Harrris to pay all over that amount the ladder to be the property of the city when finished report adopted Ald O'Neill chairman of special committee made the following report in respect to Mr S Root's taxes which was adopted To the city council of the city of Dubuque Gentlemen your committee to whom was referred the communication of the city Treasurer in relation to Sams Root's taxes respectfully report that your committee recommend the city treasurer be instructed to accept SAmuel Root's taxes for the years 1877 and 1878 with accrued interest up to date of partial payment from thence without interest on condition he prays he pays the same within ten days Same committee made the following report in the petition of Thos Feherty to his taxes To the city council of the city of Dubuque Genglement your committee to whom was referred the petition of Thos Faherty asking permission to pay his taxes without interest respectfully report that your committee recommend Thos Faherty be permitted to pay his taxes for the years 1876 and 1877 with accrued interest to date of partial payment and he be given credit for $20.50 on his taxes paid by him to John O'Mara as for his affidavit accompanying said petition provided the same be paid within thirty days report adopted Ald leckie reported progress on the extension of the Chicago and milwaukee Railroad Co to this city and asked for more time granted Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald O'Neill referred to the decision ordered by Judge Baggs the case of David S Wilson against the city of Dubuque stating it was made regardless of the provisions of the recorded revisions of the ordinance and thought at time to change the ordinance of the decisions held good City Attorney Shields was called upon to state what he proposed to do in the matter. He replied that he would commence suit against Daniel Riordan's bondsman during the present month to recover the assessment of the judgment against the city if the matter was entrusted to him he forms being left in his hands Ald Herod reported on the petition of F Weigel to receive and file the same Report adopted The committee on Equalization reported on teh petition of Mrs. E O'Sullivan for reduction of taxes recommending her assessment be placed at $185.00 for 1880. Report adopted To place the value of lot 9 Prospect Hill add assessed to P Flannagan at $15.00 for the year 1880 Report adopted To place the assessment of P B Martin on Kelly's sub pts of lot 12 at $1000 for the year 1880 report adopted To place the assessment of Geo W Scott on Mineral lot 306 at the rate of $30 per acre for the year 1880 report adopted Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath To place the assessment of Richards and Burden for 1879 at $12,500 for moneys and credits with interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum report adopted To place the assessment of city S 20 N and N P 400 on city M 20 ft 494 at $2,500 and on City N 24 ft at S 44 ft lot 444 at $2,500 all for the yeras 1880 report adopted To place the assessment of Ignatz Seeger on City lot parts 479 at $1,200 for the year 1880 Report adopted On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. M Morgan addressed the council on his contract on seminary street asking an advance of money on the work wishing to pay his employees the city Engineer was called upon and stated no further work could be done on that street until spring Ald Herod moved that Mr. Morgan be allowed $800 on account. The yeas and nays were demanded with the following result: Yeas: Ald Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath - 9 Nays Ald Fengler -1 Ald Herod presented the following: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the accompanying plat of Waverly Avenue extension be declared a public highway the deeds for the right of way having been secured Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath and that the city engineer be instructed to record the same and the city marshal required to pen the same resolution adopted Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a four foot plank sidewalk on north side of Fourteenth street by James Crawford contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter numbered, situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows St Joseph's College Out lot 714 $31.40 Ald Herod rpresented the following which was adopted resolved By the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing alley from First to Jones Street between Main and Locust Streets by J E Foye contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and be hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Winona Land Co 565 a city 33.82 Winonan Land Co 564 City 29.70 Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath special assessment for improving alley Jones Street W G Willis lot 1 of Sub 563 and 604 city 34.82 Wm Crecorian lot 27 sub 563 and 604 city 33.27 Margaret A T 562 city 35.64 John D Bush 559 City 19.97 McCollough and Degnan 539 a city 15.40 Dan Breen W 30' 548 city 29.86 Robert Jess S 42 ft 534 city 23.10 Thos Sullivan 535 a city 8.80 D J Hennesey N 1/2 536 City 17.68 Arthur McCann S 1/2 536 city 17.68 John D Bush 538 City 35.36 Wm Coates S 1/2 537 City 17.68 Mrs. B Ball 561 City 35.64 Edw Walsh Est 560 City 41.97 James Carroll W 20' 533 City 33.83 James Carroll W 20' of N 10' 534 City 5.50 Thos Sullivan 535 City 7.70 John Bell 20 1/2 537 city 17.69 Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the salary of the Mayor be fixed at $400.00 and each alderman at $200.00 for the fiscal year 1880 and orders be drawn on the treasurer for the amounts Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city treasurer is hereby prohibited from receiving partial payments on city taxes Ald Kavanaugh presented the following whch was adopted Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the sum of $27.28 be paid to Wm Dyer as a balance due on work done on Jackson park and the recorder draw an order for that amount Ald Kavanaugh moved that the city purchase a terra cotta ornament in Jackson Park from Mr. Wm Dyer for $15.00 and an order be drawn for that amount adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order of ten dollars be drawn on the treasurer in favor of J H Shields for money advanced to pay Dr. GEo W Scott for right of way for the extension of Waverly Avenue Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that as the severe frost has made it impossible to continue street improvementes successfully or to advantage to the city that all such work and also the services of the street commissioner be and are suspended on and after this date during the pleasure of the city council. Be it further resolved that all necessary repairs shall be done under the direction Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath of the committee on streets and that the custodian of the public works shall be under control of such committee to render services whenever called on to do so It was moved to table the above resolution, the yeas and nays being called with the following result yeas: Ald Altman Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie and O'Neill 5 Nays: Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones and Rath 5 It being a tie the mayor voted against tabling the resolution Ald Fengler then called for the yeas and nays on the adoption of the resolution as follows Yeas Ald Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath 5 Nays Altman, Kavanaugh, LInehan, Leckie and O'Neill 5 the resolution was adopted by the Mayor's vote. Ald Linehan moved that Mr. Dowling be employed as Street boss at a salary of $60 per month Ald Fengler amended to leave it in the hands of the street committee. The yeas and nays were had as follows on the amendment Yeas Ald Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath 5 Nays Altman, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie and O'Neill 5 It being a tie the mayor voted in the affirmtive and the amendment was thereby adopted The following bills being signed by the chairman of the appropriate committees were read and ordered paid John Ganahl S M Langworthy Cab makers Assn Mrs. P McMahon Daily Telegraph N Eichmann Wm Rebman John Bisang M Tschirgi Jr Norweigan Plow Co A Gmehle John Klein Geo G Henion Jos Heig John McCoy John Hederman Martin and Srane A Schloz Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Bills Dubuque Water Co D W Linehan J K Graves John Evans F Zehetner Frank Beyer John Norton Hansen and Linehan Mary Damenig W H Rebman F E Moser Arnold Tschirgi Reed and Bock C B Dorr and Co Gosvenor and Harger Harney and O'Connor C N Clark and Co T E Frith T O Sullivan Henry Lembeck Andrew Tredway and Sons Healey Bros Telephone Ex Co F Eppert Asa Roberts Mary Schwatka F Conant John Leicht John McCoy Key City gas Co Dubuque Water Co H Jecklin P Olinger P Gill H Delisle Wm Carter James Crawford J E Randall A Zehetner J McIlwaine J E Foye P Klauer John Bell Phil Pier Do N Bur John Bonen Martin and Strane Do Burch Babcock and Co John kelly P Klauer F H Finke Lorenz Schafer J K Graves Hose Co W K de Lorimer Theo Reichel the claims of Farley, Loetcher and Co of $13.25 and J W Reute of $21.05 were referred to the Fire committee. The claim of P J Quigley of $70.40 was referred to the City Attorney The claim of Connell Bros of $75 was referred to the special railroad comm The claim of John McCoy of $47.50 came up it being charged for building a platform in the first ward Afternoon session - Regular Session December 6, 1880 Council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - the full board of Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The yeas and nays were called for by Ald O'Neill on the payment of the bill as follows Yeas Ald Altman Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie and Rath 9 Nays Ald O'Neill 1 The bill was ordered paid A vote of thanks was tendered Peter Thielen late foreman on streets council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session January 3, 1881 Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The minutes of the Decemer session were read and approved The petitio of Mrs Margaret Fanning asking to have deed held against her homestead by Wm Hintrager annulled and to redeem the same properly was referred to a special committee consisting of Ald O'Neill Altman Jones Leckie and Doerfler the petition of Geo Mekl to refund him liquor license paid by him in 1873 was referred to the committee on claims The petition of R W Lange et al protesting against water tax assessed against them was referred to the fire committee The petition of Mrs R Davis to remit taxes of 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Mrs kate Bannon to remit her taxes for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of F W Pape to exempt the tax of 1880 on los in Sanford's Subdivision was referred to the same committee The petition of mrs. R Cook to cancel her ax of 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Chas Mussehl to cancel his tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Alex Katherine for a reduction of assessment of 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session January 3, 1881 Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Rev John Hennessy asking a reduction of assessment on lot 56 for 1880 to $16000 was referred to the same committee The petition of Bridget Gregory for remission of tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Wenzel Mackesch asking a reduction of assessment of 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of John Scarf to cancel tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee the petitionof J G Peterson protesting paying water tax etc was referred to the committee on Fire The petition of Wm Rebman claiming the sum of $236.50 for work done on Locust St from 15th to 16th Streets on June 1875 was referred to the committee on claims The petition of Mrs John McMahon for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committeeThe petition of Josiphine Dubrock for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of John H Dunn asking compensation for work furnished on the alley of Jones Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Tschirgi and Schwind for a reduction of assessment for 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Mrs C C Smith was asking the city to redeem her homestead was referred to the same committee The petition of Martin Theis to remit his tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs Henry Krueger to remit her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session January 3, 1881 Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of wm N Monaghan for permission to construct a wharf boat on the outer levee was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Mrs E Pelan for cancellation of monies and credits was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of John Deery et al to reduce the usual charges on hall rent in behalf of the St Raphael managers of the recent far was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings The petition of Peter Klein et al asking a charter to establish and union slaughter house and to have property in the vicinity of its erection on Sycamore Street improved was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Mrs F McCarthy for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to teh committee on delinquent tax The city auditor reported $1077.95 as the necessary amount required to pay the city officers for the month of December 1880 Report received and filed and ordered paid The city marshal reported the sum of $984 required to pay the regular and special police for the month of December 1880 and also that he had made 38 arrests during said month report received and filed and ordered paid The city recorder reported issuing sundry licenses to the amount of $287 during the month of December 1880 Report received and filed The market master reported having weighed 179 drafts on the market house scales during the month of December. Amount returned to the city treasurer per receipt attached $26.85 due for meals $22. report received and filed and claim paid Regular Session January 3, 1881 Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Weighmaster N H Schilling reported having weighed 6,444 hogs, 559 beeves and 39 veals during the month of December 1880 o the different scales of teh city total earnings $380.05. The receipt of the treasurer attached or $57.00 being 15 percent due the city Lamplighter jas Nicol reported having lighted 180 gas lamps during the month of December 1880 Report received and filed N G Ryan reported having weighed 183 drafts on the First ward scaleds during December 1880. Amount received $27.45. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.11 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 170 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of December 1880 amount received $25.50. The reeipt of the Treasurer attached for $385 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed. chas Pitschner reported having weighed 227 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of December 1880. Amount received $34.05. The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $5.10 being 15 percent due the city. Report received and filed The wood measurer reported having measured 1718 cords of wood during the month of December 1880 and receiving therefore $69.75 Report recived and filed. The communication of H Lembeck appointing T O Sullivan Asst City Assessor for 1881 was on motion approved Bonds of both officers were presented and referred on motion of Ald Doerfler to the committee on finance Police Justice Coakley reported the number of fines due the city the reeipt of the treasurer being attached for $5 referred to the com on Police Regular Session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath M Dowling reported having expended $170.00 on the streets during the month of December 1880. The report after being certified by teh Com on Streets was received and filed and orders ordered drawn in favor of the different persons named therein The committee on claims reported adversely on the petition of Thos. Wilson asking for the refunding of $2 on over-tax report adopted The Committee on streets reported having attended to the fixing of the sidewalk complained of in the petition of Anton Stines report approved The same committee made the following report on the suit of Ed Langworthy against the city: your committee report having settled with Mr. Langworthy on the following basis. He withdraws the suit against the city pays his own costs and $462.50 in full payment for special assessment of December 2, 1878 on lots No. 36 106 176 177 226 and 227 in east Dubuque report adopted The committee on Harbors reported adversely on the petition of John Mundt asking compensation for making a road from the Iowa to the Wisconsin shore report adopted the committee on markets reported in favor of issuing a license to Mrs F Herbst for the balances of the year for $12.50 if paid within 30 days report adopted the committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of Mary E Canavan's petition asking to cancel her tax for 1880 report adopted Also in favor of the petition of Eugene Flynn and to remit $6.00 to apply on his taxes report adopted Regular Session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Also on the petition of Cath Gerlach recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to receive one half of the special assessment on or before March 1882 and the remainder on or before march 1883 report adopted Same committee reported adversely on the petition of P A Ruley for cancellation of taxes for improved property in 1873 report adopted Also in favor of the petitio of Schloth Bros to cancel tax on their oatmeal factory to the amount of $111.65 for 1880. report adopted Also in favor of the petition of Elizabeth Schroman asking to have her taxes for 1880 cancelled. report adopted Also in favor of granting the petition of Sophia Prange for cancellation of taxes for 1880 Report adopted Adverse to the petition of mary A McDaniel for remission of her tax for 1880 report adopted In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. F Roehl for cancellation of taxes for 1880. Report adopted In favor of granting the petition of Mrs Henry Stecher for cancellation of taxes for 1880. report adopted In favor of the petition of Mrs. Margaret Roberts for cancellation of taxes for 1880. report adopted Adverse to the petition of Mrs. Jane Young for cancellation of taxes for 1880 lot 343 Davis Farm Report adopted Regular Session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of F Burdt for 1880 asked for in his petition Report adopted The same committee reported in favor of placing the assessment of J A Hooper on his lot on Fenelon Street at $2,000 for the year 1880. Report adopted The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Geo Kimmerlo asking a reduction on his assessment for 1880 report adopted The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Therea Walther asking exemption on lots 267 and 246 Davis farm for 1880 report adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolution which was adopted. Resolved. That the water tax on the main and side tracks of the Illinois Cenral Railroad Co. for the year 1880 be pladed at a valuation of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) Council Adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m. Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath City Attorney Shields reported in favor of paying P G Quigley $39 as court costs instead of $70.40. report adopted The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of F A Gruffske for $43.75 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Ham and Carver for $117.50 report adopted Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Times Co for $59.50 report adopted the same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Telegraph Co for $100.00 report adopted The police committee reported having found the report of J D Jennings. Police magistrate for November 1880 correct and recommended it be received and filed report adopted the same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Globe Gas Light Co for $264.58 for furnishing gas report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the key city Gas co. for $551.85 for gas report adopted The same committee reported to receive and file the petition of Cath Ryan for permission to conduct a saloon without a license report adopted The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of M C Prentiss and that an order be drawn on the treasurery for $15 in behalf of the petitioner report adopted The following report was made on Sanford Street and adopted: to the honorable mayor and council of the city of Dubuque Gentlement the undersigned your committed to whom was referred the matter of straightening Sanford Street and the settlement therefore with the Dubuque Loan Association and others owing property abutting upon the part of said street to be vacated would report that it is advisable to straighten Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Said street and vacate a part thereof. that all persons interested have been seen and an arrangement made that their assent be given to such vaation by the city conveying to such parties to wit: James Rowan owner of lot 38, mrs. Werdnt, owner of lot 39 and Henry Kruse owner of lot 69 the part of said street abutting upon the premises aforesaid and 25 feet in width as shown upon the plat of said proposed change in Engineer's office. J J Linehan Geo Fengler Jos Herod Ald herod presented the following which was adopted Whereas it was proposed that a part of Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque hwere the same runs through Stafford Addition to be vacated. And also that said Sanford Street be straightened and opened through Sanford Addition to said city. Therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey and plat of Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque where the same abuts upon lot 38, 39 and 69 in Stafford's addition to said city and where the same is proposed to be vacated and also a survey and plat of said street through Sanford Addition to said city where the same is proposed to be opened and established and file the same in his office and give the notices provided by ordinance to al persons interested in the matter aforesaid. Ald O'Neill presented the following which was adopted: be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque taht an order be drawn on the city treasurer for $200.00 in favor of Alphonse Matthews being the balance in full for the revising and proof reading of the ordinances of 1880. Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie presented the following: Whereas serious charges against Patrick Ryde police officer of the city have been presented to the committee on police by responsible citizens of the city charging him with gross and wilful neglect of duty causing thereby the loss of property from one of the stores on Main Street. Therefore resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that this matter be referred to a committee for investigation to report to this council. Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council iof the city of Dubuque that the office of pound master be re-established and that Wm Koenig be re-appointed at a salary of $40.00 per month from this date. Ald Fengler presented the following whch was adopted. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order for $6 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of Mr. Eugene Flynn the same to apply on his city taxes for 1880. The following bills were read and ordered paid Key City Gas Co Jos Renfried Fifth Ward Hose Co P Klauer Rouse Dean and Co. Faust and O'Connell Asa Roberts Lagen and Clair key City Hook and Ladder Co j K Graves Hose Co R Thompson and Co P Olinger Sol Turck Hose Co C Mason and Son Wm G Watters John McCoy Jms E Hartig Dub Water Co. Tel Ex Co Schreiber and Strinsky Pfiffner and kriebs J M Linehan J McCoy Laflin and Rand P Co A Heeb Chas Steuck Chas E McMaster J E Foye N Eichmann Henry Haas Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath James Zachma Mrs. P McMahon John Kleck W H Torbert F Loeltz Jas Kelly Lawrence Daly D W Linehan Morrison Bros John McCoy T J and D L Connell Dub Cabinet Makers Association Wemott Howard & Co Vogel and Ferguson G W Burton Phil Pier B W Blanchard G B Rand Wood and Gissel John McCoy Edward Smythe the claim of m A Hubert of $12.00 for police buttons was referred to the committee on police The claim of T O'Sullivan of $66.00 for assess R R Companies water tax was referred to the committee on claims Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on police be instructed to have the city hall made headquarters for the plice and a room prepared for their accommodatio on the first floor. Ald O'Neill amended to remove the headquarters to seventh and main streets. The yeas and nays were had on the amendment as follows: Yeas Ald Altman, Kavanaugh and O'Neill 3 Nays Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Leckie and Rath 5 The amendment ws lost and the original motion adopted by the following vote: Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Leckie and Rath 6 Nays Kavanaugh and O'Neill 2 Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on police be instructed to place a telephone in the new quarters and also to place Mr. Koenig at their disposal adopted Afternoon session January 3, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The claim of F Mertz of $2.75 for a snow scraper was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings The claim of G R West of $2.65 for two iron bars was referred to teh committee on streets Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special meeting January 19, 1881 Council met at 9 o'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath A petition was read from Bush, Robison and others stating that the Illinois Central Railroad Co was ready to join with the Chicago and Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Co in the construction of a union depot on the site of the present Illinois Central railroad depot. Ald Leckie offerd a resolution showing the advantages to be derived from the erection of such a building and would like to have it adopted Ald Fengler moved to refer the matter to the special railroad committee and the ssame was ordered by the following vote: Yeas Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Fengler and Rath 6 Nays Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie and O'Neill 4 The petition of Burch Babcock and Co et al to have the gade between Eleventh and Twelfth Street and East of the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Track raised was referred to the street committee Special meeting January 19, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath On motion of Ald Linehan the Mayor was appointed the following committee to negotiate a deed with the central island improvement Co for two strips of land one near Seventh Street and the other on Third near the outer levee viz Ald Kavanaugh Linehan Jones Herod and Doerfler The petition of A Levi in behalf of Mrs. C B Walter in relation to the committee on claims The petition of Carson McElrath to refund overassessment on lot 86 east Dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of Cath Beck to refund over tax of lot 486 in east dubuque was referred to the same committee the mayor called attention to the arrest of G W smith by the city marshal for not having a license to peddle referred to Police Com adjourned Attest Martin kane Recorder Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Council met at 9:30 a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Minutes of January session read and approved The petition of Mrs B Spoo to cancel her taxes for 1880 on ct E 1/4 of lot 21 in L H Langworthy's addition was refered to the Com on Dilinuent Tax The petiiton of P John Markey asking compensation fot the breaking of his arm was on motion refered to the committee of the whole the petition of Nicholas Nicks for refunding of over tax on special assession of 17h Street was referred to the committee on claims with power the petition of John Trexler to refund over tax on special assessment of 17th street was also referred to the same committee with power The petition of JohnSiege for the same purpose was referred to the same committee with power. The petition of Elizabeth Spahhn to remit her taxes for the year 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of the Sisters of Charity to cancel the special on the W 1/2 of min lot 191 in 1875 was referred to the Com on Streets with power The petition of J R McFarland to cause a settlement of special tax against the estate of Cyrus K Momil on Chestnut Street ws referred to the committee on claims The petition of John P Ricketts & Co to exempt tax for 5 years was referred to Com of Whole Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Henry Hagerman asking compensation for injuries sustained by him in falling into the 19th Street sewer was referred to the same committee The communication of Mayor Bush in regard to the building of a reservoir, etc. was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs. Rebman to reduce her special tax on lot 156 east dubuque to $2.38 was referred to the committee on claims with power The petition of Fred Budden to cancel his tax for 1880 on lot 80 Cook's addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Mrs. Ann Curtiss to cancel her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs. Rebman to reduce his taxes on Min lots 186 and 187 was referred to the same committee The petition of John Mueller on behalf of the heirs of John Sutter for the cancellation of their taxes for 1880 was referred to the same committee. The petition of mrs. Arthur to cancel her tax for 1880 on her homestead on Clay between Fourth and Fifth streets was referred to the same committee The petition of Wolf Gniber to refund him $1.65 over tax on lot 3 of sub outlot 675 was referred to the same committee The petition of May Gilmore to reduce her tax to $5.00 on city lot 72 for 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Johann Broderick to cancel her tax on the E pt of lot 16 and W 1/3 of lot 18 for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Adam Pier guardian to cancel the tax fo 1880 on the S 1/2 of lot 120 East Dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of Elizabeth Tuegel to cancel her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Ann Sullivan to cancel her tax for 1880 on lot 2 Hughes Addition was referred to the same committee The petition of Augustus Wagner for the correction of his assessment of 1880 was referred to the same committee the petition of Augustus Wagner in behalf of the minor heirs of H F Knapp for the correction of errorneous assessment ws referred to the same committee the petition of Chamberlain Dewstoe & co to reduce assessent and refund the overtax was referred to the same commmittee The petition of Margaret Tracy to cancel her tax or the year 1880 on lot 14 in Cooper and smith's addition was referred to the same committee The petition of Bridget Nihill to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on lot 182 was referred to the same committee The petition of Sarah Devine to cance her tax on lot 131 for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Gustav Jeffrey to reduce his assessment on city ot 500 to $1000 and to refund the overtax for 1880 ws referred to the same committee The petition of Fred Stange to refund him $1.50 as erroneous tax was referd to the same committee The petition of Prenella Viverberg to cancel tax for the year 1880 on lots 3 and 4 East Dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs J Britt to refund the amount of $14.55 as overtax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Zions Church of the Evangelical Association to refund the overtax on special assessment was referred to the committee on Claims with power the petition of W J Knight for abatement of valuation on lot 626 for the taxation of 1880 was referred to the Del Tax committee The petition of Mary Trauch to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on lot 200 in east dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of the Second Baptist congregation to cancel their tax for te year 1880 and to refund the sum of $40.00 paid in 1877 and 1878 on partial payments as shown by the reeipts of the ex-treasurer ws referred to the special committee Ald O'Neill, Altman, Jones, Leckie and Doerfler Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the Dubuque licensed oil co et al asking for the extension of the railroad track to Jackson and Tenth Streets was referred to the committee on streets with power The city auditor reported the sum of $1190.30 required to pay the city officer for the month of January received and filed and ordered paid the city marshal reported $984.00 as the necessary amount to pay the regular and special police for the month of January making 25 arrests and receiving $1.50 as fines from police justice Hoerner the Treasurer's receipt for the amount being attached Received and filed and ordered paid The City Recorder reported having issued sundry licenses during the month of January to the amount of $133.50 received and filed the lamp lighter reported having lighted 183 gas lamps during the month of January Received and filed the wood measurer reported having measured 2312 cods of wood during the month of January Received and filed Polic Justice Hoerner presented his report for the month of January having had nine cases and collected $13.00. The receipt of the treasurer attacged fir $5.75 due the city report received and filed Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The market master reported having weighed 228 drafts on the market scales during the month of January. Amount $34.20 received from butter confiscated $1.75. the receipts of the treasurer attache due for board of prisoners $21.20 for supplying 106 meals at .20 cents per meal repor received and filed and claim ordered paid Weigher Schilling reported having weighed 5.26 hogs, 4 quarters of bef and 2 carcases of vale during the month of January. Teh receipt of the treasurer was attache for $45.63 the amount due the city report received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 195 drafts on the first ward scales in the month of January. Gross amount of received $28.23. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.25 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 246 drafts during the month of January. Gross receipts $36.90 The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $5.54 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 164 drafts on the fifth ward scales amount of receipts $24.60 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.70 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed The city engineer presented a platt of the sub of lot 45 Simpson's addition which on motion was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Same also presented in profile of Wilson Avenue howing teh changes made with the consent of the abutting property owners referred to the same committee Council adjourned to 2:00 p.m. Council met at 2 O'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present: All the aldermen Ald Linehan Chairman of the committee on Finance reported in favor of approving the bonds of H Limbeck and T O'Sullivan as assessors for 1881 report adopted The committee on claims reported on the petition of Catherine Beck recommending it be referred back to the same committee with power to settle on the same basis as that of Ed Langworthy report adopted The same committee reported to refer the petition of Carson mcElrath to the same committee with power to settle as above report adopted The committee on streets reported to receive and file the bill of G R West for $2.65 report adopted The same committee reported adverseley on the petition of J H Dunn report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported to receive and file the petition of John Deery et al for a rebate of rent as it would be discriminating Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Linehan amended to reduce the rent to $5.00 per night. The yeas and nays were had as follows Yeas: Altman, Kavanaugh, LInehan, Leckie, O'Neill - 5 Nays: Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Rath - 5 There being a tie the mayor voted in the negative. The amendment was lost and the report of the committee was on motion adopted. The committee on streets reported on the petition of P G Milligan et al recommending that the City Engineer be instructed to survey and plat a street fifty feet grade and to report to this council as soon as possible report adopted The commttee on claims reported to refer the petition of peter meyer back to the same committee with power to settle on the same basis as the settlement made with E Langworthy report adopted The committee on police reported on the instructions of the council that they had been carried out and the police headquarters located at the City Hall report approved The same committee reported the report of police justice Coakley for month of December 1880 correct and recommend it be received and filed report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the bill of M A Hubert for $12.00 report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of paying the bill of the key city gas co for $569.05 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of justice Coakley of $13.25 report adopted The committee on claims reported on the claim of T O Sullivan and recommended an order be drawn for $50.00 in his favor reported adopted The same committee reported to grant the petition of Geo Mehl and that the recorder draw an order in his favor for $30.20 Report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported on the claim of F Mertz of $2.75 and recommended the payment of the same report adopted Teh committee on Fire reported in favor of paying the claim of the firm Farley Lotscher & Co for $13.25 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of T W Ruete for $21.05 report adopted The same committee in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Leo W Burden for the privlege of putting up a frame shed report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of JOhn Pier et al as the request had been granted report adopted Teh same committee made the following report on the petition of J B Ricketts and leo your committee beg leave to report that they have inquired into the matter and find that petitioners are entitled to the prayed for. hey have therefore agreed to grant the prayer of petitioners and ordered the water company to lay pipes in order to meet requirements of petitioners report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. Henry Krueger for the year 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax for 1880 of Mrs. R Davis on her homestead report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs R Cook for 1880 on her homestead report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Kate Bannon for the year 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax for 1880 of Josephine Dubrock report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported to have the assessment of Tschirgi and Schwind reduced for 1880 and the city recorder draw an order for $38.80 in their favor for overpayment report adopted The same committee reported i favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 of Chas Mussehl report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Martin Thers for 1880 on his homestead report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 of Bridget Gregory on his homestead report adopted The same committee recommended the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to redeem lot at 45 finleys addition from Mr. Heintrager without penalty on special interest owned by Mrs. C C Smith as the sale is shown to be erroneous and void report adopted The same committee recommended that the written assessment named in the petition of Wenzel Mickesch for the year 1880 be placed at $1200.00 and that the 3 percent discount be allowed report adopted The same committee recommended that the taxes of Celia Sprague for the year 1880 be cancelled report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. Jms McMahon for the year 1880 Report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 placed against John Scharf report adopted The same committee reported in favor of remitting the tax of F W Pape the realestate being church property report adopted The same committee reported to reduce monies and credits of Elizabeth Pelan to $8000.00 for the year 1880 and the 3 percent discount be allowed provided taxes are paid at once report adopted The same committee reported to place the assessment of John Hennessy on lot 56 for the year 1880 at $16000.00 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of reducing the tax of Alex Kathrine for the year 1880 one half report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. F McCarthy for the year 1880 Report adopted Ald Leckie Chairman of the Committee on Police made the following report Your committee to whom Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The arrest of G W Smith for not having a license by the marshal Ald Leckie Chairman of the Committee on Police made the following report Your committee to whom was reported the matter of the arrest G W Smith for selling goods on the streets without a license would report that afer a careful examination into the facts in teh case find that the city marshal acted hastily and without using proper judgement. Would recommend that hereinafter in such cases where he finds parties having a receipt for money paid for license in their possession instead of arresting and bringing them before a justice that he instruct them to go and get the proper license from the recorder the report was adopted Ald Leckie from the committee of the whole reported in favor of referring the petition of Wm N Monaghan to the committee on harbors for consideration report adopted Ald Leckie made the following report on the case of P Ryder: Your committee to whom was referred the complaint against policeman Ryder for neglect of duty after hearing the statement of Paul Traut, Wm Schum and Jacob Conant recommend that the same be referred back to the council for action. After being discussed thoroughly it was moved by Ald Kavanaugh to lay the matter on the table. The yeas and nays were had as follows: yeas: Altman, Kavanaugh, Linehan, O'Neill, Rath - 5 Nays: Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Leckie - 5 It being a tie the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative. the motion of Ald Kavanaugh was declared to have been carried and it was ordered to be laid on the table. Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie Chairman of the special railroad committee made the following report on the petition of Mesers Bush Robison et al and on the resolution in regards to the erection of a union depot: Your committee to whom was referred this petition and resolution would respectfully report that the matter of building a union depot for the use of the J C R R Co and the C M and St. Paul R R Co having been submitted to the C M and St. Paul Co and they having refused to join in building a union depot would recommend that this petition and resolution be received and filed. The report was adopted Ald Leckie offered the following as chairman of special railroad committee: Be it resolved by hte City Council of the City of Dubuque that the City Treasuter be instructed and empowered to receive from Wm G Stuwart one third of the amount of the special assessment levied against lot 747 for the year 1875 in full for said assessment in accordance with the terms agreet upon in reference thereto by the special committee on railroad matters. The resolution was adopted. the following resolution was read a second time: Whereas it is proposed that a part of Sanford Street in the City of Dubuque where the same runs through Stafford Addition be vacated and also that said Sanford Street be straightened and opened through Sanford Addition to said city Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Therefore resolved by the City Council fo the City of Dubuque That the City Engineer be instructed to make a survey and that Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque where the same abuts upon lots 38 39 and 69 in Staffords addition to said city and where the same is proposed to be vacated and also a survey and plat of said street through Sanford Addition to said city where the same is proposed to be opened and established and file the same in his office and give the notices provided by ordinance to all persons interested in the matters aforesaid. The resolution was adopted by a full vote as follows: Yeas: Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill, Rath Ald Linehan presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that orders on the treasurer for the following amounts be issued: Sullivan Mary C - 1 order of $500.00 dated Fabuary 2, 1881 payable in 3 years with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually. Albert Kulas 1 order of $3.00 dated ebruary 2, 1881. Payable in 3 years with interest at 6% per annum payable annually. Alfred Tredway 8 orders of $500.00 each dated February 5, 1881 payable in 2 years from date with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually. Geo L Torbert 5 orders of $500.00 each dated February 14, 1881 payable in 3 years from date with interest at 6% payable annually Geo L Torbert 1 order of $388.27 dated February 14, 1881 payable in 3 years from date with interest at 6% payable annually. Wm Armstrong 1 order of $5000.00 dated Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath February 8th 1881 payable one year from date with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually Wm Armstrong one order of $5000.00 dated February 8 1881 payable two years from date with 6% payable annually said orderes to be issued to take up loan ordres nos. 399 514 512 515 513 issue d in 1880 The resolution was adopted The following claims were read and ordered paid H Haas F H Finke N H Thedinga D W Linehan John Nye Ed Blake thos Murray M Downey C H McMaster Bittman & Schroeder J Klein Telephone Ex Co J McKenzie Daniel Walsh Kiene & Son W Morgan Sol Turck Hose Co J K Graves Hose Co Phil Pier N Eichmnn Mr Gagnonet G Zachina C W Robison Andrew Tredway & Sons Fifth W Hose Co Burch Babcock & Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co Henry Jungk Thos McCann Dubuque Water Co John mcCoy Peter Melchior P Donnelly Dan Breen John Pals P Domenig B D Linehan J Kleik B D Linehan Dub Water Co N H thedinger N C Ryan J L LaNicca Frank Thuring J Maclay Healty Bros Leo J Hesion Warner Lewis Jms E Hartig M McGrath Mrs Schwaltka Phil Pier N Eichmann Dub Cabinet makers association The claim of G R McKenzie for $5.10 was referred to the st com Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The claim of C and A Christman for $650 was referred to the committee on fire The claim of F W Reute for $30.40 was referred to the same committee The claim of the Daily Telegraph for $3.00 was referred to the committee on printing The claim of N C Ryan for $50.00 was referred to the Com on Claims The claim of M O Tschirgi Jr for $2.00 was referred to teh same committee Council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Special Session, February 11, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Absent - Ald Fengler and Linehan Ald Herod presented the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that orders on the treasurer for the following amounts and descriptions be issued No 2665 dated February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank rate of interest 6 percent payable in one year from date. No 2666 dated February 11 1881 $3000 in favor of the German Bank rate of interest 6 percent per annum and payable in two years from date No 2667 date February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 3 years from date No 2668 dated February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 4 years from date No 2669 dated February 11 1881 amount $3228.71 in favor of the German BAnk with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 5 years from date. Said orders to be issued to take up the following loan orders issued as follows: No 399 dated April 16 1880 amount $1000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at 8 percent and Special Session, February 11, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Absent - Ald Fengler and Linehan due January 1 1881 No 514 dated May 3 1880 $5000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at 8 percent due January 1 1881 No 512 dated May 3 1880 $5000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at the rate of 8 percent and due January 1 1881 No 513 dated May 3 $4228.71 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at the rate of 8 percent and due January 1 1881 The resolution was adopted by the following vote Yeas - Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jone, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Nays - None Ald Herod reported in favor of cancelling the tax on lot 191 owned by the Sisters of Charity for 1875 report adopted Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special Session, February 16, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Herod presented teh following resolution Resolved that whereas at the last special session of the city council a resolution was passed authorizing the recorder to issue certain amounts bearing 6 percent to redeem certain outstanding 8 percent warrants numbered 399, 514, 512 and 513 and Whereas we find said warrants have already been provided for in this manner Therefore be it resolved that the recorder be instructed to draw warrants for the following amounts bearing 6 percent annual interest and cancel those already issued on the 11th inst for $15,228.71 No 2665 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 1 year int 6 percent per annum No 2666 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank Time 2 years interest at 6 percent payable annually No 2667 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank Time 3 years Interest at 6 percent payable annually No 2668 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 4 years Interest 6 percent payable annually Special Session, February 16, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath No 2669 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 5 years interest at 6 percent per annum payable annually No 2671 dated February 17 1881 amount $1000 in favor of D A Gehrig. The time 7 years interest at 6 percent per annum No 2672 dated February 17 1881 amount $1449.69 in favor of D A Gehrig. the time 2 years interest at 6 percent per annum payable annually To replace and take up warrants issued in 1880 of the following description due on or before January 1 1881 No 1925 for $2500 interest at 7 percent No 2061 for $5000 interest at 7 percent No 1693 for $4000 interest at 7 percent No 928 for $3000 interest at 7 percent No 2399 for $2949.69 interest at 8 percent Resolution was adopted Ald Linehan then moved to cancel the warrnats which was adopted. The warrants were cancelled by the committee on Finance and Council then adjourned Attest Martin kane recorder Special Session, February 21, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath = 8 the mayor stated the object of the meeting to be to make provision for the special railroad election The committee on Ordinances presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for submitting to a vote the question of the sale of certain real estate On motion of ald O'Neill the ordinance was adopted Rule 29 was then suspended by the following vote Yeas: Ald Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Nays: none On motion of Ald O'Neill it was read by its title and the ordinance passed Ald Leckie moved that each war select and name the judges and clerks of the election adopted Ald O'Neill reported the names D Rice, Thos Armstrong ad judges and James Watters and James Rowan as clerks of the first ward polls at Montana House. Ald Altman reported L Berg and Chas Mehl as judges and B D Linehan and D M Blumenauer as clerks of the Second War Polls at the court house. Ald Jones reported the names of N C Armstrong and B Schulte as judges and C A Voelker and C W Robison as clerks of the Third Ward polls a the City Hall Special Session, February 21, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath = 8 Ald Leckie reported the names of Rath Hamil and R O Anderson as judges and J B Glmore and Ed Mobley as clerks of the Fourth Ward Polls at Thos McCoy's store Ald Doerfler reported the names of Wm Poehl and Peter Specht as judges and Jms Ruegamer and Wm Tuegel as clerks of the Fifth Ward polls a the Iowa Brewery On motion of Ald Leckie the committee on printing were empowered to have the necessary printing of tickets done for the elections to be held on the day announced by the mayor in hrs proclamation forthcoming Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special Session, March 1, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Linehan, Leckie and Rath = 6 Absent - Doerfler, Fengler, Kavanaugh and O'Neill = 4 The mayor stated the call of the meeting was for the purpose of canvassing the vote of the election held on Monday February 28 1881 On motion of Ald Leckie a committee of three consisting of Alds Leckie Linehan and Rath were appointed by the Mayor to canvass the same The committe made the following report First Ward For 293 For Second Do 131 for third do 333 for Fourth do 549 for Fifth Do 394 Total in favor of sale 1700 Against 19 Second Do 4 Third Do 6 Fourth Do 13 Fifth do 8 Total against 50 Majority 1650 On motion the report of the committee was adopted Ald Leckie then offered the following Whereas at a special election held in the City of Dubuque on the 28th day of February 1881 the proposition to sell for certian considerations and under certain conditions certain real estate to the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company was caused by an overwhelming vote Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the proper officers of the City of Dubuque be hereby instructed to execute to said railway company Special Session, March 1, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Linehan, Leckie and Rath = 6 Absent - Doerfler, Fengler, Kavanaugh and O'Neill = 4 proper deeds of conveyance to the following real estate amount: lot 747 part of East 56 feet of lot 304; min lot 106; lots 1 to 50 inclusive in the subdivision of min lot 107 lots 6, 7,10,11 block 4 railroad addn lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 block 15 lots 15,16,17,18,19,20,21, 22 block 20 lots 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 and 22 block 28 lots 1 and 2 block 29 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's addition providing the said railway company will obligate itself to comply with certain conditions and obligations as to the building and maintenance in perpetuity in said city of their locomotive repair and car shops and the building and use of their passenger and freight depots and that the deed aforesaid be executed and delivered under the supervision and direction of the special R R Committee Resolution adopte by the following vote yeas Ald Altman Herod Jones Linehand and Leckie and Rath being unaminous on motion of Ald Leckie the recorder was instructed to draw warrats to the amount of Five dollars for each of the judges and clerks of the special election and five dollars for the rent of each of three polls Council adjourned attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The minutes of the previous regular and special sessions were read and approved. the petition of Ingram Kennedy and Day asking for a fire alaarm box as referred to the committee on Fire with power The petition of L Hartman to be allowed to erect a frame stable on Whtie street between 15th and 16th streets was referred to the same committee The communication from the City Engineer asking the adoption of the permit plan on the erection of frame structures was referred to the committee on ordinances The remonstrance of Jos Pazandak et al against allowing a union slaughtering house to be put up on 17th and Sycamore streets was referred to the special R R Committee The petition of M Eggleston for remission of her taxes for the year 1880 ws referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Mrs. Henry Heeb for cancellation of her taxes for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Adam Reuter et al for the extension of the sewer on S Eleventh East of the railroad embankment was referred to the committee on streets The petition of the building and local association et al for the establishment of gutters in Sanford Subdivision was referred to the committee on streets and city engineer The petition of H Deckert et al to open high street from Julien Avenue to lake street was referred to the committee of the whole. the petition of P J Flynn et al for a lamp on Bluff St near the First Ward School was referred to the Committee on Police The petition of L Lochner to make binding the transfer of a saloon license was transrred to the same committee with power the petition of Thompson and Douglas to correct the tax on 1/2 of 47 ft of lot 745 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of S M Langworthy to have the city make a settlement with Wm Hintrager in regard to the tax sale of a part of Mineral lot 322 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mathias Schlegel to have his tax of lot N 4 wests add cancelled for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of D Rhomberg to refund him the amount paid as per tax sale certificate on lot 571 issued in 1859 with interest at the rate of ten percent was referred to the same committee the petition of florence Sullivan for remission of the tax of 1880 on lot 108 Finleys addition was referred to the same committee The petition of Gertrude Tenhaaf for remission of the tax for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee the petition of Ann Stuart to cancel her tax for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Cecile Payne to reduce her assessment on lot 19 sub out lot 703 Julien Av to $700 for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of A kaiser asking to be allowed to pay his tax on lot 422 for the year 1877 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mary Enright to remit her tax for the year 1880 on lot 41 and S 1/2 of lot 40 East Dub and to extend time in which to pay for special assessment was referred to the same committee the petition of G H Morgan asking information as to the payment of his father for owrk done on Seminary St was referred to the committee on streets with power Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the petition of Geo W Finn asking to be allowed to pay the regular tax for the year 1880 on lot No 4 in Martin's addn and to collect per tax from pervious owner was on motion received and filed An invitation was received from teh Dubuque Land L asking the council to take part in the procession to be had on the 17th of March and on motion of ald O'Neill was referred to the following committee to report in the afternoon: O'Neill, Linehan, Jones, Leckie and Fengler The petition of Assessor Lembeck for an advance of $200 on his salary was on motion of Ald Doerfler granted Adjourned to 2 o'clock pm Afternoon session Council met at 2 p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair All the Aldermen present Auditor Brandt submitted his semiannual report the six months ending with the 28th day of February 1881 showing receipts $188484.62 balance on hand Sept 1 80 4772.55 Grand total $193.257.717 Disbursements $172.945.03 Cash on hand March 1 81 20,312.14 Grand total $193257.17 The report was received and filed and Com on Finance instructed to have the same printed the city treasurer D A Gehrig submitted his report from April 13, 1880 to the ending of the fiscal year February 28, 1881 as follows Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath REceipts $244477.52 Disbursements 224165.38 Cash on hand $20312.14 Report received and filed and com on finance instructed to have the same printed The city recorder presented his report of the number of deaths births and infectious diseases from the 1st of September 1881 to the 28th of February 1881 inclusive No of deaths 116 no of births 300 No of infectious diseases 155 Report received and filed and com on printing to have printed The city marshal submitted his report for the month of February showing the sum of $984 required to pay the police. Twenty arrests were made during the month and $225 received from Justice Leathers for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached. He also made an annual report of the police department its organization etc and recommended the appointment of one or two detectives to facilitate more fully the protection of life and property The report for the month was received and filed. Claims ordered paid and the annual report refered to the committee on police to have printed The city attorney submitted his annual report in which occurs an abstract of all the cases pending condition the number of cases disposed of and pending is as follows: in the se Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Court cases disposed of is 71 and the number pending 3. In the district and circuit courts the number disposed of is 10 and the numbe rpending 17. Teh new cases brought within the year is 8. The report was recorded and filed and the committee on finance and printing authorized to have it printed the icty Auditor reported $1149.20 as the sum required to pay the city officer for February report received and filed and ordered paid the city recorder reported having issued licenses to the amount of $205 during the month of February report received and filed M Dowling reported $253.05 as the amount expended on streets in the month of February The report was received and filed and claims ordered paid the city engineer presented a profile of Seminary Street referred to the street com N H Schilling reported having weighed 1881 hogs 206 beeve and 41 carcasses of veal on the five scales of the city in the month of february. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $17.49 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 127 drafts on the first ward scales in the month of February. Gross amount $19.05 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.85 report received and filed Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The market master reported having weighed 185 drafts on teh Market House Scales during the month of February. The receipt of the treasurer was attached for the amount received. $27.75 he also reported furnishing 106 meals to prisonesr and lodgers at 20 cents per meal. Amount due him $21.20 and expenses for shoveling snow near the market sidewalk $2.00. The report was received and filed and claims ordered paid Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 146 drafts on the west Dub Scales in the month of February Gross amount $21.90. The receipt of the Treas attached $3.38 veing 15 percent due the city report received and filed the wood measurer reported having measured 1611 1/2 cords of wood in the month of February and receiving therefor $76.55 report received and filed Teh lamp lighter reported having lighted 183 gas lamps during the month of February report received and filed The report of justice leathers for the month of February 1881 was referred to police com Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The report of Justice Hoerner on the fines collected from the butchers amounting to the sum of $5.50 was received and filed and on motion of ald Linehan the city recorder was instructed to draw orders in favor of the butchers to the amount of $3.50 to agree with the one already remitted by the mayor The committee on claims reported to pay the claim of M Tschirgi Jr of $2.00 for a map but that it shall be the city property report adopted The same committee reported in favor of redeeming Wm Rebman's lot no 156 East Dub providing he pays $12.84 into the city treasury report adopted Also in favor of paying the following parties for over tax as per rates of settlement with mr. E Langworthy, Ms Trexler $90.46 John Siege $93.34 Zions Church $82.40, Carson McElrath $96.40, Peter Meyer $101.32 Carth Beck $83.51 report adopted the same committee reported in favor of paying Wm Rebman $387.53 for work done on Locust from 15th to 16th street in 1875 report adopted The committee on streets reported to receive and file the petition of John Hodgdon et al for future reference report adopted Teh same committee reported to cancel the special tax on the W 1/2 of Min lot 191 amounting to $102 and to have the same charged to lot 186 report adopted Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same reported as receive and filed the petition of Burch Babcock and Co report adopted The same reported having granted the petition of the Dubuque Linseed Oil Co et al report adopted the same reported to receive and file the claim of G R McKenzie for $510. report adopted The committee on Harbors reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Wm N Monaghan report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported receiving $140.00 for hall rent for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached report adopted Also to receive and file the claim of the daily telegraph for $3.00 report adopted Teh committee on police and gas reported in favor of paying the bills of the Key City Gas Co for $526.50 the N W Globe Gas Light for $264.58 for February and $264.58 for March and also the Key City Gas Co $25 for repairs to lamps report adopted Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The committee on fire reported in favor of receiving and filing the claim of J A Christmas for $650 report adopted The same reported in favor of paying T W Ruete $9.40 report adopted The committee on Delinquent Tax reported to plan The assessment of the estate of H J Knapp for the year 1880 at $929.46 Report adopted Also to receive the sum of $5 from Mary Gilmore as payment for her taxes in full for 1880. Report adopted Also in favor of cancelling the tax of the following parties for the year 1880: Prenella Vyverberg Ann Curtis Fred Budden Adam Pier guardian for lot 120 E Dub Bridget Nihill Johanna Broderick Mers Arthur Elizabeth Spahn Sarah Devine Margaret Tracy Ann Sullivan Mary Trauch Jms Sutter Estate Elizabeth Tuegel and mrs. B Spoo The same committee reported to cancel the tax of mrs. R Cook for the year 1880 and the property to be redeemed report adopted Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the same reported to place the assessment of Wm Rebman on Min lots 186 and 187 at $35 per lot for the year 1880 report adopted Also to return to Wolf Gruber $1.50 as the over assessment for the year 1880 report adopted Also to place the assessment of Gustav Jeffrey at $1100.00 for the year 1880 and to refund him the sum of $3.00 report adopted Also to place the assessment of A Wagner at $900.00 for the year 1880 for general property report adopted Also to place the assessment on lot 626 at $2250.00 for tye year 1880 and to receive the same with 3 percent discount if paid in 30 days. report adopted Also to refund the sum of $1.00 to F Strange report adopted And also to refund $14.55 to Mrs. J Britt on over assessment report adopted Ald O'Neill reported in favor of accepting the invittaion of the Land League to participate in the celebration on March 17. The report was adopted and on motion of ald O'Neill the Mayor appointed Ald Fengler, Leckie and Kavanaugh a committee on arrangements. Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie reported in favor of referring the petition of Ricketts and Co on remission of tax to a committee of one from each ward. The report was adopted and Ald Leckie, Kavanaugh, Altman, Jones and Doerfler appointed as such committee. Same also reported in favor of referring the petition of Peter Klein et al in relation to a slaughter house to the special committee on railroads. Adopted Same also reported to refer the petition of Pat Markey to the mayor, finance committee and the city attorney with power adopted The petition of C K Morrill was referred back to the Com on Claims with power the com on Sts reported in favor of accepting the plat of Paulina Langworthy Subd Adopted Also in favor of recommending the changes as shown by the plat of Wilson Avenue on the grade agreed to by the abutting propety owners Adopted And also the carrying out of the proposed plans of cleaning the lower sloughs as shown by the profile as soon as the financial condition of the city treasurery will permit adopted Also in favor of the proposed change of location and grade of the north cascade road as shown by plat and profile provided the board of supervisors will do the work at the expense of the county adopted Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the petition of Fred Mussehl et al land on the table last September 6th 1880 be reconsidered the resolution was adopted and on motion of ald Fengler the petition was referred to the Com on claims with power Ald Fengler offered the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that an order for $14.55 be drawn o nthe city treasurer in favor of Mrs. J Butt for the amount of over assessment Same presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that an order for $1.50 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of W Gruber for the amount of over assessment Same presented the following which ws adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order for $12.75 be drawn on the city treasuer in favor of the city auditor for the purpose of redeeming lot no 10 S 1/2 of Marsh's addition from tax sale. Also the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order for $3 be drawn in favor of Gustav Jeffrey for the amount of over assessment Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Also the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $1 be drawn in favor of F Stange on over assessment Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolve dby the city council of the city of Dubuque that Sec. 1 of an Ordinance passed March 2, 1871 extending the fire limits in the city of Dubuque to Washington St between Fifth and 14th Sts be amended so as to include the east side of Washington Street between said 5th and 14th Referred to Ord Com Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the com on claims be insructed with power to settle with J G Peterson for the improvement of Chestnut St Ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order be drawn for $200.00 in favor of H Lembeck city assessor as part payment of his salary for 1880 Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the changes of grade as shown by the green line and blue line on the accompanying profile of Wilson Avenue be declared the official grade of said avenue. Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Herod offered the following: be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the acompanying plat of Paulina Langworthy's Subd of lot No 5 of new lot no 73 be and is hereby accepted and that the city engineer be instructed to have the same recorded in book of plats in his office adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for grading and macadamizing the alley from 9th to 10th streets between Jackson and Washington streets by W H REbman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several ammounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows R Walter 394 City $20.54 A Kaiser 395 City 16.64 A Kaiser 396 City 16.64 Sarah C Disney 397 City 16.64 Sarah C Disney 398 City 20.54 Mary Loboyteaux 420 City 20.54 Wm Marshall 421 City 16.64 /a Jauser 422 City 16.64 Eva Robisch S 1/2 423 City 8.32 Fred Wise N 1/2 423 City 8.32 Andrew Drees 424 City 20.54 Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The yeas and nays were had and the resolution adopted unanimously as follows: Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Linehan offered the following which was adopted Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque that the City Treasurer be instructed to take up and pay the following city loan warrants 917 D G Scott agt June 7, 80 - 7% int $3000 1161 H M Kingman July 6, 80 - 7% int 3000 1170 Do do July 6, 80 - 7% int 3000 1754 Mrs C M Smith Oct 4, 80 - 7% int 1800 Total $10,800 And issue warrants as follows for the same at the rate of 6% int per annum CA Payne March 1st for 1 year 1000 same 1000 same 1000 same 500 same 500 same 500 same 500 same 500 same 500 J W Love march 2nd for 1 year 1000 Jos Herod Agt March 8th for 1 year 1000 same 500 D A Gehrig Treasurer March 8th for 1 year 1300 same 1000 Total $10,800 On motion of Ald Herod two warrants for $5000 each issued in the name of Wm Armstrong and signed by C Bush were ordered destroyed and the recorder instructed to reissue two more for $5000 each Regular Session, March 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Kavanaugh stated Mr. Evan of Southern Avenue had resigned his position as weigher and moved the apointment of G Schollian instead carried The following bills were read and ordered paid B Lagan hansen and Linehan Jas Kelly D L Connell Do Fifth Ward Hose Co Key City Hook and L Mrs. Schwatka F Mertz Dub Water Co D W Linehan telephone Co J Weimann Wood and Gissel J W Newbergh Hansen and L John Lanzer et al M Downey Ingram K and D G Gmehle F Mertz Jas Zachina L Buehler Geo Gregory D L Connell Asa Horr Grosvenor & Harger J K Graves Hose Co Sol Turck Hose Co Phil Pier Jas Plaisler Ed Trautman J G Van Wil John Eickhorn Dub Water Co John McCoy Geo Hinkson Key City GAs Co Schreiber and Strinsky M Benites and Co W Lewis P H Riordan P Olinger L B Tuttle John Klein P McGregor Teh claim of the Dub Steam supply co for $76.48 was referred to the Fire Co The claim of Hansen and Linehan for $11.00 was referred to the committee on markets Adjourned Attest martin kane Recorder Special Session, March 23, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the mayor submitted his proclamation for the election which was approved On motion of Ald Leckie the judges and clerks were appointed as follows First Ward Jms P Quigley and N C Ryan clerks and J O'Brien and Wm Waters judges Second ward Wm Waring and Geo Mehl judges and A Reilly and John Schaber clerks Third Ward N C Amsden and H A Voelker judges and P F Guthrie and J B Gilmore clerks Fifth ward H Deckert and G Schroman judges and Peter Sahm and E A Frenzel clerks Ald Doerfler reported in favor of paying the claim of Dub Steam Supply Co for $76.48 report adopted Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the action of the street committee in allowing the Dub Telephone Co the right to erect poles and fixtures through the streets and alleys be and is hereby approved. The location and placing of such poles and fixtures together with all matters relating to grade curbing and macadam be made under the direction of the street committee Special Session, March 23, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath On motion of Ald Doerfler the claim of G G Van-Wil for $59 was ordered paid the report of the Engineer on the Tremont Building was read and referred to the Mayor and Com on Fire with power Ald Doerfler offered a resolution to examine into the damage to the building and take steps to remove and condemn the same referred to same the petition of F ris to be permitted to build an addition to his frame inside the fire limits was referred to the com on fire The bill of Jas J Dunn of $271.80 as const costs was referred to the city attorney The committee on ordinances presented an ordinance entitled An Ordinance Granting to the Chicago and Mil and St Paul the right of way etc. over certain sts. The ordinance on the motion of Ald O'Neill was adopted Rule 29 was then suspended by the following vote Yeas Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Roth. The ordinance was read by its title and passed It was moved and adopted to refer the matter of disposing of the new ordinances and setting a price on them to the Ord Com Adjourned Attest Martin Kane, Recorder Regular Session, April 4, 1881 Met at 9 AM no quorum adjourned to 9 o'clock a.m. Thursday, April 7 1881 Attest Martin Kane, Recorder Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The City council met at 9 o'clock a.m. Minutes of the March sessions were read and approved On motion of Ald Leckie the petitions were deferred for reading until the afternoon session The city auditor reported the sum of $1152.95 as the amount for which orders are required to be drawn to pay the different city officers fo rthe month of March. The report was received and filed and the different parties ordered paid. the city marshal reported $1009.95 due the regular and special police for the month of march and making 21 arrests in the same month. The report was received and filed and several persons ordered paid. the city recorder reported issuing licenses to the amount of $15.00 during the month of march. The report was received and filed. The report of M Dowling showed the expenses on streets for the month of march to be $794.65 and $16.30 due for February was referred to the committee on streets to report in the afternoon. The market master reported having weighed 163 drafts on the scales of the market house during the month of March. Amount $24.45 The receipt of the treasurer attached for that report He also reported furnishing 146 meals to prisoners and lodgers during the month. Amount due $29.20. The report was received and filed and the claim ordered paid. Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 133 drafrts on the west dubuque scales during the month of march amount $19.95. The receipt of the treasurer was Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath attached for $3.00 that being 15 percent due the city. Report received and filed. weighing 26 drafts on the 8th day of March gross receipts wood measurer T Duffy of cases tried by of March treasurer report received ad filed and claim ordered paid P Even weigher of southern avenue scales reported having weighed 93 drafts on those scales for the months of january and February amount $13.75. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.00 that being 15 percent due the city report received and filed claims reported as follows that an order be drawn i favor of the petitioner for Walther's agent A Levi settle with mr. Hentrager committee reported having settled for $70 in full that the treaasurer be cancel the balance $70.53 report adopted McFarland as having instructed to cancel 109.69 report adopted recommended that the curbing and that orders Mustehl for Specht report adopted streets reported on teh claim $2.25 recommending the claim be paid report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claims of Farley Loetscher and Co for 75 cents reported adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the street expenses for the roads report adopted Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath attached for $3.00 that being 15 percent due the city report received and filed drafts gross receipts 376 hogs veal as public lighting 180 gas lamps in the month of March received and filed The wood measurer reported measuring 951 cords of wood in the month of march and receiving $47 received and filed T T Duffy Police justice reported the number of cases tried before him during the month of March The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $1.00 collected claimed due him report received and filed and claim ordered paid P Even weigher of southern avenue scales reported having weighed 93 drafts on those scale for the months of January and February amount $13.95 the receipt of the treasuer attached for $2.00 that being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the committee on claims reported in favor of the petitioner for $50.00 Mrs. Walther's agent. A Levi settle with Mr. Hetrager report adopted The same committee reported having settled with J G Peterson for $70 in full and recommended that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the balance $70.53 report adopted the same committee reported petition of J R McFarland as being settled with him the treasurer be instructed to cancel the balance report adopted The same committee recommended that the city return to the following petitioners 30 cents curbing and that orders be drawn T Mustehl for $15; B Strutman $9.00; G Spering $24.36; T $3468; Johanna Specht $78; C Jansen $15 report adopted The committee on streets reported on the claim of H DeLisle for $2.25 recommending in the same be paid report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Farley Loetscher & Co for 75 cents report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying teh street expenses for this month report adopted Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath reported on the Kethington et al grades recommended instructed to submit the sum to the city report adopted committee reported on the petition asking the license 16th street and recommended that the city engineer be instructed to get an estimate of the report at the next session report adopted same committee reported on teh petition of J accepted the balance report adopted in favor of paying N C Ryan for his claim office at the first ward scales report adopted The committee reported on teh claim of Vogel and Furguson recommending that the amount of $53.20 be paid the balance of $72.47 having been collected of the Steam Supply Co and paid as per enclosed vouchers. Report adopted the same committee reported on the profile of Seminary Street and recommended that the change of grade of Seminary Street from Seventeenth Street to Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Main Street on th ewithin profile be adopted as the written consent of the abutting property owners is attached report adopted The committee on markets reported adversely on the claim of Hansen and Linehan for $11.00 report adopted The committee on printing adopted in favor of paying the claim of Telegraph for $50.00 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying National report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Dubuque Herald for $165.00 report adopted Times pay $23.50 The committee on Police reported in favor of granting the petition of L Lechner asking the transfer to him of a saloon license report adopted The same committee reported the report of jstice leathers for the work February 1881 to be correct received and filed The same committee reported in favor claim of G Perry LIGHT PRINT Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Light print cannot read Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Light print cannot read Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Light print cannot read Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Light Print cannot read Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath mostly occupied by the street hereby vacate Be it further reosolved that the new street surveyed and platted by the city engineer the plat whereof is now on file in the office of said engineer showing the said new street through Sanford's Addit January 3rd 1881 be a established and located as shown on said plat and is public use and hereby vacated and shall hereafter be known and designated as Sanford Street. the yeas and nays were had and the resolution adopted by a full vote as follows Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath LIGHT TEXT LIGHT PRINT Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath LIGHT PRINT-CANNOT READ Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath LIGHT PRINT-CANNOT READ Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath LIGHT PRINT-CANNOT READ elected as elected to council the following Address city council of service as presiding as Mayor of dubuque the chair looking back to say that have been and in retiring I you gentleman for the performance of and ability Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Inaugural address of Mayor Linehan an efficient and faithful officer and convinced that the at all are for the best interest of their constituents Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Innaugural Address Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Innaugural Address Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Innaugural Address The collection of the revenue The prompt and vigorous collection of the public revenue taxes and the licenses matter of assessment on proprty of every kind should due by the enforcement of this principle of justice and equity every taxpayer will cheerfully give his share toward the common fund the expenditure of money not alone genglemen is the end of good government attained when equitable and judicious assessments are made and the public revenues promptly and fully collected at this point begins your chief justice as promotors and conservators of the public interests. the judicious and commercial expenditure of the contributed by the people should ever receive in careful your conscientious and watchful attention Let and economy in the expenditure of the public funds be your watchwords Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Innaugural Address your financial policy looking to the retirement of a part of this debt each year and the ultimate extinguishment of the whole while good faith remains that adequate provision be made the interest on our permanent debt promptly at maturity The Public Health At the proper time I shall have occassion to call your attention to the sanitary necessary for the preservation of the public health with the hope that through the prompt and wise action of our board of health we may be as successful in the present year as in the past two avert the dangers from pestilence and diseas In conclusion Genglemen I shall freely take occassion during the year to bring to your notice such measures of public impatience as the public inerests may seem to demand. We represent a constituency as intelligent as progressive as public spirited interest of the city Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Standing commitees Finance Ordinance Claims Harbors Markets Public Grounds and Buildings Printing Police Fire Tax Streets Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ The petition of Ed W Duncan et al for lamps on College Avenue and Fifth Street was referred to the committee on police The petition of Feli Agrew et al for a lamp Jones and Dodge Streets was referred to the same committee The petition of L Moore et al for a lamp for Timmer Hill was referred to the same committee The petition of Jas McClain et al for a lamp on Dodge Street was referred to the same committee The petition for a lamp on First and Bluff Sreets was referred to the same committee. The petition of Peter Klein et al in regard to the erection of a union slaughter house was on motion referred back to the petitioners with the request that plans and specifications be submitted by them at the next session of the council The petition of W H Murphy to be given the grade of Grand View Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Henry Englesche et al for the laying of the sidewalk on Elm between 22nd and 23rd streets was referred to the same committee The petition of Patrick Vaughan et al to have the abatement of a nuisance on Grand View Street west Hill was referred to the same committee Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ S Bissell assessment Bond No 301 to the amount of referred to the committee on finance The petitions of Keogh. Bridget Roach. Mary Smith. Ed Blake. Ann M. C M and St. Paul R. R. Co. and M Eggustus for the cancellation of the tax for 1880 was referred to the committe on delinquent tax the petition of M McNamara adm to have over tax refunded was referred to the same committee The petition of Thompson and Douglas was on motion referred to the same committee The petition of D Rhomberg asking the amount of tax refunded paid on lot 571 in 1859 with 10 percent int was referred to the same committee The petition of John P Ricketts and Co in the hands of the old council was referred to the same committee Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ the petition of R W Lange et al to extend water pipes etc was by recommendation referred to the committee on fire the communication of the city engineer on permit plans was referred to the committee P G and B The resolution offered by Ald Doerfler to cause the fire limits to be etended to the east side of Washington between Fifth and Fourteenth Streets was referred to the committee on ordinances Ald Kavanaugh reported as chairman of the special committee that the location of a strip of land had been on central island the deed referred to harbor commission and attorney Regular Session, April 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Mayor Linehan appointed Ald Kavanaugh ltman Jones Herod and Doerfler On motion the council adjourned to meet in afternoon session at 2 o'clock on Tuesday april 8 Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular Session, April 8, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Special Session, April 8, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Balloting Office of city marshal Altman and Fengler appointed tellers Regular Session, April 8, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ First Ballot financial O'Neill 4 Buekler 4 Armstrong 2 Balloting concluded motion of ald Herod was taken council recommended 71st ballot O'Neil 4 Buekler 4 Armstrong 2 On the 82nd ballot same with Ald Fentler seeing no problem the elections of officers to Monday next at 2 pm the yeas and nays were had on the motion as follows yeas Altman Doerfler Fengler Jones Rath 5 Nays Clancy Crawford Foley Herod Kavanaugh 5 the vote was a tie the mayor cast his vote in the negative and declared ald Fenglers motion lost Ald Herod moved to take up the election of their officers lost by the following vote Yeas Altman Crawford Herod kavanaugh 4 Nays clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Rath 6 83rd Ballot No choice vote stood O'neill 4 Buekler 4 Armstrong 2 147th Ballot No choice voite same as the 83rd ballot on motion of Ald Kavanaugh adjourned to 9 a.m. Monday april 11th Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ The ballot for Marshal O'Neill 4 Buekler 4 Armstrong 2 Ballot O'Neill 4 Buekler 4 Armstrong 1 Wagner 1 No choice to the ballot Harriman 5 Buekler the mayor appointed Mr. W E Harriman as elected to the office of City marshal on casting his vote Mr Harriman addressed the council thanking the members thereof and presented the name of John O'Neill as his deputy which on motion of Ald Kavanaugh was confirmed Ald Fengler moved to postpone the election of St Commissioner to the next regular meeting adopted On motion of Ald Fengler M Tschirgi Jr was elected by acclamation City Eng for the present year For Chief Engineer of the Fire Department Morgan 5 Trieb 5 Mayor Linehan voted for Frank Morgan who was declared Chief Eng Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT PRINT, CANNOT READ Asst Chief Jos Trieb 6 declared Asst Chief Eng On motion Gmekle elected Market Master by acclamation For Wood Measurer Warring C Patch 2 Mobly Wm Warring having received a majority was declared elected Ald Doerfler election of the Captain of Police Amended by Ald Fengler adopted Ald Fengler Captain of Police Ald Kavanaugh presented Kingzinger was declared elected Ald Crawford moved to elect a coal oil inspector Adopted Chas Gilliam was nominated by acclamation For the West Dubuque scales Chas Pitschner 6 R McGivern 4 Mr Pitschner was declared elected N C Ryan was nominated by acclamation as Weigher of irst Ward Scales G Schollian was elected as Weigher of Southern Avenue Scales Frank Fosselman was elected Weigher of the fifth Ward Scales Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Herod elected mayor pro tem Ald Kavanaugh the council went into committee of the whole on bonds officers Ald Herod on behalf of the commitee reported as folows Treasurers salary 1300.00 per annum do bond 50000.00 recorders salary 1200.00 per annum do bond 5000.00 auditors salary 1100.00 per annum do bond 5000.00 attorneys salary 1500.00 per annum do bond 5000.00 marshals salary 1000.00 per annum do bond 5000.00 dep marshals salary 60.00 per month engineer salary 1000.00 per annum do bond 2000.00 market master salary 600.00 per annum do bond 500.00 st commr salary 65.00 per month wood measurers bond 500.00 coal oil inspector bond 1000.00 ch of fire dept do 500.00 the report of the committee was adopted the following claims were ordered to be paid John D Bush N A Mills D Y Duane Martin kane H Lembeck D W Linehan Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The following resolution was presented and adopted Whereas it is deemed advisable to vacate and annul the parts of streets hereinafter mentioned in the city of dubuque resolved that the city engineer be directed to make a survey and prepare a plat drawing the lots or lands owners thereof contiguous to the following parts of streets proposed to be vacated to wit that part of Nineteenth Street commencing at the westerly line of Sycamore street thence west to the easterly line of Mineral lot No 106 that part of Maple street commencing at the north line of 18th street thence north to the southerly line of Mineral lot no 106 that part of twenty first street commencing at the westerly line of Hickory Street thence westerly to the of said twenty first street that part of Sycamore street commencing at the north line of nineteenth street thence along said sycamore street to the southerly line of lake street and that part of fifth street commencing at the eastern terminal thereof thence west to the eastern line of white street the petition of m martin fo appointment as st commissioner was referred to the committee on streets the petition of Geo Stephens to improve Jones st was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT the petition of W J Clarke et al for improvements was referred to the st committee the claims of P Melchier Jms Hafry Jms Corbett referred to committee on streets the claims of J H Shields Clerk of the board of health referred to committee on claims Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk 4 four feet wide of good No 1 two inch plank and brick or stone be within 15 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relataion to sidewalks on the north side of Eagle Point Avenue between Couler Creek and Windsor Avenue in front of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 amd 14 of Sandford Addn Adopted the petition of J P Farley in behalf of T F Haisch was received and filed Ald Doerfler presented the following hich was adopted Whereas hon Jms D Bush Mayor and Aldermen O'Neill and Leckie who have been associated with us in their official capacities for the past year are about to retire to private life therefore be it resolved that we part with his honor the mayor and our bretheren O'Neill and Leckie with feelings of friendship and esteem and believe that in them the public have always found faithful and honorabl public servants and ever ready to labor for the public Regular Session, April 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath welfare and interests resolved further that the retiring officers carry with them our best wishes and hopes for their future welfare and prosperity and for their success in the affairs of life Ald Fengler moved to leave the prosecution of street work during the present month in the hands of the city engineer Ald Harod amended to improve the com on streets adopted The oath of office was taken by marshal Harriman and deputy O'Neill Ald Doerfler moved that the terms of saloon licenses be made the same as last year adopted On motion of Ald Jones the mayor appointed the following committee on bonds of officers Ald Jones Kavanaugh Altman Crawford and Fengler Adjourned Attest Martin kane City Recorder Regular Session, May 4, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Council adjourned session at 9 communication of the citizen relief committee committee of the whole received and filed the mayor appointed the following as a committee to locate a place on Main St ext slaughter house A communication was read from J K Graves in behalf of the motor company asking the city council to rescind the action taken on Thursda last declaring the motor railway a nuisance and ordering its discontinuance Mayor Linehan stated that he was not opposed to the running of the motor and wished for its continuance Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the communication Ald Herod amended to have teh whole matter lay over one month that no action be taken for that time and the opinion of the city attorney be given lost as follows yeas Craford Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 4 Nays Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones 6 The communication was then received and filed the petition of N Bauer et al protecting against the extension of the railroad on Jackson to Tenth St was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, May 4, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler offered the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque Hill Street Dubuque railway be within five weeks of this officially notified of the action of the city council taken Monday Charter forfeited be and is kindly instructed to stop the running of all trains on such road until otherwise instructed by the council Ald Fengler moved to adopt the resolution and Crawford amended an action be tken for the space of two weeks Amendment lost be the following vote Yeas Crawford Herod Kavanaugh and Rath Nays Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones the resolution was then adopted as follows yeas Altman clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones nays Crawford Herod kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and prepare a plat of the proposed new street near the round house and to present the same at an adjourned session of the city council a week from date Ald Herod moved that the mayor appoint a delegation to attend the mississippi river improvement convention to be held at Davenport on the 25th and 26th Adopted Ald Herod Chairman of com of Whole reported to defer action on the remonstrance of the 6 month R R Co against the erection of a slaughter house on sycamore st Adopted Regular Session, May 4, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Same also reported to defer action upon its remonstrance Butcher's association adopted Cleaners protest postpone adopted council then adjourned to 2 o'clock pm May 11 Attest Matin Kane Recorder adjourned Regular Session, May 11, 1881 Council met at 2 o'clock pm Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The mayor stated the object of the meeting to receive a plat from the city engineer on Sycamore street vacation and also to hear the report of the committee appointed to negotiate with the butchers on securing a new location for a slaughter house Ald Fengler moved that a committee of five be appointed to report at once on the vacation of Sycamore from Lake to 19th streets a recess be had for 30 minutes Ald Crawford amended to postpone in order to hear from the citizens committee on the motor question lost by the following vote yeas ald crawford herod kavanaugh and rath nays altman clancy doerfler fengler foley and jones the original motion was then adopted and the following committee appointed Ald Fengler crawford foley jones and kavanaugh Regular Session, May 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Resolution vacating Nineteenth from sycamore to Lake Street The committee resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque Mineral lot No 106 part of Maple Street commencing at the north line of Eighteenth Street then north to the southerly line of Mineral Lot First street commencing at the westerly line of Hickory street thence westerly to the terminist of said twenty first street that part of Sycamore street commencing in the north line of Nineteenth street thence along said sycamore street to the southerly line of lake street aht part of fifth street commencing at its eastern terminist thence west to the east line of white street 2nd that the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway company are hereby authorized and allowed to use all the parts of streets above vacated and annulled for any and all proper railway pumpout forever And further that said railway company its successors and assigns shall make and maintain proper approaches and crossings of all streets not hereby or heretofore vacated whenever required by said city. provided however that the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul railway Co its successors and assigns shall hold the city of Dubuque harmless and indemnify said city against all damage and costs recovered against said city by reason of the vaction of the streets aforesaid. Adopted by the following vote yeas ald altman, clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley herod jones and kavanaugh nays Ald Rath Regular Session, May 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, May 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Rule 11 railway city council May 1881 action was taken looking to a declaration by said city the rights and privileges heretofore granted to the Hill and West Street Railway co operate said road such actions ws taken under the belief that the city of Dubuque would incur liability and be subjected to suits for damage of said railway was allowed to further operate said road And whereas this council is now informed that the city of Dubuque cannot be held liable for damage arising from the operation of railroads upon the streets of said city where the right to grant such franchise is given said city by therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the declaration of forfeiture aforesaid be and the same is hereby withdrawn and annulled and the said west dubuque and hill street railway co its successors and assigns be restored to all the rights and privleges possessed and exercised by said railway company under and ordinance passed April 28 1877 and before said action was taken by this council as aforesaid Ald Fengler amended to postpone for 2 weeks the amendment was adopted as follows Regular Session, May 11, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT yeas Ald altman clancy doerfler fengler foley and jones Nays crawford herod and kavanaugh rath Resolution to examine troughs slaughter house further time was On motion of Ald Doerfler the following committee was appointed to examine Steamer report needed repairs Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The minutes of the april sessions were read and approved The petition of M Considine et al remonstrating against placing dirt on Eighth St was referred to Com on Streets and Eng with power the petition of Jas Beach et al asking the covering of the Dodge Street sewer was referred to the committee on streets and engineer The petition of A Mueller to have special tax against lot No 8 Hamburg addition cancelled was referred to the committee on claims and city attorney the petition of john Siege et al to macadamize Washington between 15th and 18th streets was referred to the committee on streets The petition of B Bradford et al for a sidewalk on College Avenue was referred to the same committee The petition of Geo B Hamilton et al to have all obstructions on college avenue removed was referred to the same committee the remonstrance of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Co against the erection of a slaughter house near the round house was referred to the committee of the whole Rule 11 was suspended and Mr. W J Knight addressed the council in favor of the remonstrance Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The petition of F H Carberry et al protesting the removal of the motor track was deferred for consideration to the adjourn session the petition of Wm Corcoran et al for the grade of St Mary's street was referred to the committee on streets the petition of M Schneidecker et al to reduce special assessment for improving Eagle Point Ave was referred to the committee on claims and city engineer The petition of E L Reynoldson et al for a lamp on Delhi and Dodge Streets on Grand View was referred to the committee on police The petition of P Carney for a position on the police force was also referred to the same committee The petition of Chas Knight et al to improve Jackson street was referred to the committee on streets the petition of Chas Rooner to have grade given him of Emmet Street and also to have the wall built on the same was referred to the same committee The petition of Wm Barnard et al for a sidewalk on the north side of Lorimier House and to drain ditches in the vicinity was referred to the committee on streets and city engineer Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT The petition of Farley Loetscher and Co asking permission to put up a was referred to the with power the petition of G R Clark et al street south of main brought to grade was referred to the committee the petition of W H Peabody et al Dell Street was referred to the committee on Fire John Schmidt for a position on the police force was referred to the committee on police the petition of Margaret Glennon for remission of her tax her homestead was referred to the com on delinquent tax The petition of D W Carver et al to appoint J G Shattuck as a detective for the city was referred to the committee on police the petition C Gilliam asking city council to accept his resignation as coal oil inspector was received and filed The petition of Margaret Carr Sr to cancel her tax for 1880 on lot 57 Finley's addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Phil Pier et al for continuation of work on Bluff St Extension was referred to the city engineer Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Petition of A Turner asking to be reimbursed W Welter petition Ellison tax petition Butchers want a union The communication of the Dubuque Butchers Assn asking for a Union slaughter house referred to committee of the whole the petition of Carr Ryder and Wheeler tax of 1857 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Maria Wolf to cancel her tax for 1880 on the W 1/2 of lot 31 Cox's addition was referred the same committee the petition of John T Hancock et al asking to have Eagle Point Avenue from West Main St to the Water Works Reservoir improved was referred to the committee on streets the petition of E Mueller et al fo ra sidewalk on White St between 14th and 15th Streets was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT O'Connor J P Early for the priv of building a wood shed and barn referred to the committee on Fire with power Petition of Wm Rebman in regard to the vacation of Nineteenth and Sycamore Ave Petition of Voelker in regard to the vacation of The petition of R Cox and C Kaltenbach asking the city council to assess damages on the vacation of Nineteenth and Sycamore Streets was refered to the committee of the whole The petition of Maria A Stine for remission of tax for 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax two Insurance policies on the Town clock Tower were presented Jms P Quigley referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings to report thereon Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Auditor report Marshal report special police 11 arrests and receiving$1.00 as fines from justice Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the report and warrants recommendations of the marshal be referred to the committee on police adopted Ald Fengler moved to reconsider the matter of referring the recommendations to the commitee on Police Adopted Ald Crawford thought the suggestions of the marshal should receive some attention and thought they should be referred to the proper committee Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the same. Ald Crawford moved as a substitute to refer to the committee on police. The yeas and nays were had as follows Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Foley Herod and Kavanaugh Nays Altman Doerfler Fengler Jones and Rath The mayor cast the deciding vote and the matter was refered to the committee on police The city recorder reported having issued licenes during the month of april to the amount of $3946.64 report received and filed Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Hoerner report Lamps lighted Market Master report Frank Fosselmann Fifth Ward Scales Wood Measurer reported W C Ryan First Ward Scales Chas Pitschner West Dubuque Scales Report received and filed Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Plat of Grand View south to the city referred Adjourned Afternoon session Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Petition of E H Sheppley asking to have the WEst Dubuque Hill St Station condemned as was the petition of F H Carberry et al remonstrating its condemnation On motion rule 11 was suspended and and S M Poollock and others addressed the city council for and against the motor Ald fengler offered the followig resoltuion Be it resolved by the city counci of Dubuque tha the charter of the hill and West Dubuque R R be declared forfeited under secion 3 and 6 of the ordinance Be it further resolved that the said hill and west dubuque R R Company or its owner may be permitted to operate that road whenever they may furnish a bond of one hundred thousand dollars to protect the city in case of suits for damage by accidents or other causes. The bond to be accepted or rejected by the council if not considered good. Ald Herod ammended to place the bond at $50,000. Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT resolution Ald Crawford amended to postpone until advice of the city attorney was given upon the matter lost the motion by ald Fengler to forefeit the charter was then adopted as follows Yeas Altman Clancy Dorefler Fengler Foley Jones and Rath Nays Crawford Herod and Kavanaugh therefore the recorder read the following on behalf of the owners of the Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway I respectfully protest against the action of the City Council in on during said time as an arbitrary unjust and unsubstantiated judgement upon vested rights the owners will look to the city for redress for whatever praying they may sustain respectfully j k graves May 2nd 1881 On motion of Ald Doerfler the above communication was received and filed The petition of A Kailin asking the cancellation oof taxes for the year 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Finn Tax petition Resolution to extend fire limits to the east side of Washington between fifth and 19th streets reported in favor of receiving and filing the same report adopted The same committee presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance granting to the J C R R Co the right to extend its track on jackson sgreet to tenth street which was read the first time when a motion was made to suspend the rules and adopted as follows: Yeas Altman Clancy Crawrford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath Nays None The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted The committee on finance reported adversely on teh claim of W S Bissell to take up a city bond report adopted the committee on claims reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Patrick Markey claiming damages report adopted The same committee made the following report on the petition of the Second Baptist Congregation Your committee would recommend that the city pay back to petitioner the $40.00 with interest at the rate of 6% making $7.50 and that an order be drawn in their favor for that amount and to pay the tax for 1880 without interest if paid in 30 days report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Claim McCollins for $2.00 report adopted Shields $30.00 report adopted The same committee reported to allow the clerk of the board of health $100.00 report adopted the city attorney made the following report on the claim of the clerk of the courts the undersigned to whom was refered the foregoing claim of the clerk of courts for costs would recommend that the same be allowed as marked in red ink on the right hand margin with totals as follows: the city vs Rebman $6.95. The chadwick vs city et al $13.60. J H Sheilds city atty report received and filed and claims ordered paid The committee on streets reported on the petition of Henry Englecke et al in favor of granting the same and that a sidewalk four feet wide of good No 1 five inch plank be laid on Elm St bet 22nd and 23rd streets report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of W H Murphy that the city engineer be instructed to give the grade of grand view street report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Geo Stephens that they have instructed the street commissioner to depost the available cleanings on teh street as prayed for report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT the same committee reported on the petition of Path Vaughan et al the same committee reported in favor of granting the petition asking fo rthe improvement of the alley bet 13th and 14th and white and Jackson streets The same committee recommended that the petition of Mrs Martin be received and filed report adopted On the petition of W J Clarke et al the same committed recommended that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make the plans together with the estimate of the cost of the improvement of Center and Hazel streets and to report the amount at the next regular session of the council report adopted Ald Kavanaugh from the committee on harbors made the following report of Central Island property Whereas by the terms of a certain contract entered into the 16th of August 1875 between the city of Dubuque and the Dubuque Central Improvement company and Henry L Stout the city was given the right to locate a strip of ground 300 feet wide extending from the north boundary of said immprovement company to the south line thereof and by the terms of said contract the city was to receive a deed for said strip where so located therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque tha the strip as designated and shown upon a plat in the Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT office of the city engineer and dated day of be declared the location of said strip with the terms of said contract and the city rights on the premises and the city allowing be instructed to demand a deed therefore from said Henry L Stout and others in accordance with the contract aforesaid Resolution was adoptd The committee on public grounds and buildings repoerted on the petition of M Laughlin that they had employed him as custodian of parks report adopted The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the insurance renwal of James Plaister on the Town Clock Tower the same commmittee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of J Butter report adopted The same committee reported to refer the communication of City Engineer on permit plan to the committee on ordinances report adopted the same committee reported in favor of accepting the nuisance policies on the town Clock Tower presented by Jms P Quigley and that on order be drawn in his favor for $30.00 report adoptedThe committee on Fire reported in favor of receiving and filing the claim of C W Ware for $2.00 the same had already been paid report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Eagle Point Avenue Johnson Avenue Windsor Avenue High Street report adopted The committee on police reported in favor of ganting the petition of J McClaine et al asking for a lamp on Dodge St report adopted The same committee reported in favor of the petition of F Agrun et al for a lamp on south Locust St report adopted The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of H Schuler et al for two lamps on Center St report adopted The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of P J Flynn et all for a lamp on Bluff below First Street report adopted The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of C Welsh et al for three lamps on Couler Avenue one at Mihnis one at C Welsh and one at report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT W J Wood two lamps on the extension of Bluff Street report adopted same committee reported in favor of referring the petition of Anthony Wilson to the committee report adopted the same reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jery Driscoll special detective report adopted The same committee reported in favor of referring the petition establishing a sewage system to the committee of the whole report adopted the same committee reported in favor of referring the recommendations of ex-marshal Duane for employment of detective to committee of the whole report adopted The same committee reported that the petition of L Moore et al be received and filed report adopted the committee on delinquent tax reported to receive and file the petition of Chamberlain Dewstoe and company report adopted The same committee reported in favor of allowing M Eggleston to pay into the treasury $13.00 as the amount of his taxes in full for 1880. report adopted The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petitio of Thompson & Douglas Adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT in favor of appointing a committee of one from each ward with the city assessor railroad the assessment The mayor appointed as committee The same committee reported adverse to the petition of J B Rcketts report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Bridget Roach report adopted The same commitee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of E Blake 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mary smith for 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of mrs B Keogh 1880 report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Bukman received a majority of the votes cast declared elected to the office of street commissioner Ald Fengler moved that the salary of Mr. Bukman be placed at $75 per month in order to justify him in keeping a horse adopted Ald jones from the special committee on bons reported as follows To the mayor and aldermen your special committee would report that they have received and approved the bonds of the written officers except that of the oil inspector who has tendered his resignation with thanks to the council the report was adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that a sidewalk 4 feet wide of No two Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT inch plank this notice constructed and conformity with the ordinance sidewalk on the street between 22nd and 23rd adopted by a full vote same presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque improve alley on 13th and white 13th and 14th graded conforming with ordinance city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the macadamizing to be done at the epense of the owner of the abutting property adopted by a full vote Ald herod presented the following which was adopted resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the sum of the dollars per month during ten months of last year be allowed Leonard Buehler for the extra work requird and performed by him as health officer of this city this to be in full compensation of all claims by him against the city for said extra services Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT sidewalk plank be with constructed nd laid ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of broadway diagonal st lots 14 16 18 20 12 10 8 and 6 adopted which was adopted city council tht the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to deduct all licenses and taxes from the amounts due any one having claims against the city Also the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of dubuque that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to have the work on southern Avenue near Kemps which is in an unfinished condition completed the cost not to exceed $200.00 Also the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the committee on streets be and are hereby instructed to have that part of Center Street in Finley's and Burton's addition west Dubuque left unfinished last year completed as soon as practicable at a cost not to exceed $150.00 Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Resolved Nineteenth Couler Avenue guttered curbed and macadamized adopted Same also presented the following wwhich was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of dubuque That the Deputy Marshal be and is hereby instructed to inspect the sidewalks within the c\ity limits to serve notices on property owners where sidewalks are out of repair and to report those which need reviewing by the city council at the next June session Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of dubuque that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to have a good four foot stone crossing laid on the north side of 17th on Clay street and south side of Couler Avenue and Twentieth Street report adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT J K Beikman street work east side of iowa street and seminary hill to grade and to make the same possible for to deduct the amount as the abutting property owners are willing to donate $50.00 towards the improvement adopted Ald Crawford offered the following resolved That the dubuque Times the Dubuque Herald the Evening Telegraph and the Dubuque National Demokrat he declared the official papers of the city for the present year and that they be paid for all advertising and other work ordered by proper authority as follows; the duuque times Dubuque Herald and National Demokrat at one half the regular rates and the EveningTelegraph the sum of $200.00 for the entire year. Resolved further that the proprietors of each of said papers be required to signify their acceptance of the above terms in writing within ten days from this date and the failure of either to do so shall be considered a declension of this appointment. Ald Doerfler amended to divide $350.00 between the Iowa and Demokrat Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT The amendment was the original resolution was then adopted a resolution was offered to have a lamp placed on Prairie Street east side refered to street commissioner Ald Jones presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Twelfth street between White and Jackson Streets be graded guttered curved and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject tht the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed and directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvemeens and the city recorder directed to give the proper notic for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopte by a full vote as follows yeas Altman Clancy Crawford doerfler Fengler Herod Jones kavanaugh Foley and Rath 10 Ald Rath Herod and Clancy were appointed as the Executive Committee of the Board of Health Rule 11 was suspended and M Morgan addressed the council asking to be relieved on th ebond of J H Morgan in respect to Seminary Street Ald Crawford moved to have the engineer give final estimate at an adjournd meeting Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT adopted the petition of H Groppe asking for reduction of the assessment for the year 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax Ald herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque That the city recorder by authorized to advertise for bids for the collection of garbage from the alleys below th ebluffs and from the 15th of May to the 15th of October bids to be sent to the city recorder by 4 o'clock p.m. the 9th acted upon by the council at the first adjourned session the resolution was adopted Ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order for $7.50 be drawn in favor of E Langwothy and F Weigel for services in examining the condition of the Tremont House five for E Langworthy and two dollars and fifty cents for F Weigel A communication was read from Treasurer Gehrig stating he had refued Jms Graff a saloon license and asking for information as to what to do in the case On motion of Ald Doerfler no license was granted and the Marshal instructed to close up the place Ald Herof offered the following Resolved that the sum of ten dollars be allowed to John Bale for damages done to the wall on his premises on Madison Street by the city This to be in full for all claims against the city for said damages adopted Regular Session, May 2, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT A communication the Citizen's Relief Commitee floods The following bills were then allowed T J Donohue J J Van Wil Telephone Exe Comp F H Finke Phil Doerr JG LaNicca Geo Wilman Sol Turck Hose Co J K Graves Hose Co T E Frith Ham and Carver J Klick Mr. Schwatke M C Laughlin F Bruns Key City Gas Co Phil Prir D W Linehan D H Gehrig C H McMaster J J Van Wil A Pinkerton Dub Water Comp L Darby Mrs McMahon Key city Hose Fifth Ward Hose Wm robinson Arnold Tschirgi F G Brandt P E Foley Dan Breen James M Kenzie Key City Gas Co James Kelly New Globe Cas Co Key City Gas Co the several claims on the street work amounting to $1429.35 were ordered paid A communication was read from the Mississippi River Improvement Committee of Keokuk, owa and was deferred to an adjourned meeting the claims of Farley Loetscher and Co for $1.50 were referred to the committee on fire the claims of F Agnew for 50 cts was referred to the committee on claims and the claim of Mr Ahern to St Com Adjurned to Wednesday May 4 at 4 p.m. Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Washington 16th Street Petition of Ingram kennedy and Day asking for the improvement of the gutter on the north side of Seventh between Washington and Jackson Streets was referred to the same committee the petition of H J F Webb et all against the improvement of the alley on Alpine and Nevada between Julien Avenue and Fifth Streets was referred to the same committee The petition of Sarah Brunskill for remission of her tax for the year 1880 on lots 19 and 20 Quigley's Addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Jms C Schubert asking recompense for land for the opening of a road through his farm was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Keogh petition Koch petition remission of saloon license M Levins petition abatement of tax 1880 Petition of Mary Mullins taxes on lot No 5 1880 Petition of Mary J L tax o lot 138 Finleys addition for 1880 Petition of A A Cooper et al asking the city to purchae the fair grounds was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Mrs E Morse asking the council to make a correction lots 228 and 659 was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings The petition of Ge Smith for the erection of a bathing house at the foot of Third Street was referred to the committee on harbors The petition of E H Dickenson for furnishing paper boxes to the city offices was referred to teh committee on finance the petition of Fred Ruh in regard to expire license was referred to the committee on claims Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Transcript book delinquent tax corporation Bruckner refund assessment of Seventeenth Street Mahoney for cancellation fo tax lot 111 East Dubuque petition of W Large et al for a lamp and a crossing at the corner of Eleventh and Grove was referred to the committee on police the petition of Mary Boyle for cancellation of tax for the south one half of lot 312 East Dubuque ws referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Geo W Jones for the imprvement of Fourteenth near Cox St was referred to the Committee on streets the petition of A Gris et al to remove all obstructions on Waverly Avenue was referred to the same committee the petition of Catherine Dollins for cancellation of tax on lot 35 Trinoli Add for 1880 was referred to the delinquent tax com the petition of D Cox to refund tax paid ws referred to the com on claims Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Maurice Brown improvement on seminary street petition of F E Esler petition of Mrs. Frenzel Wullweber Petition asking for improvement on Washington Street from fifteenth to eighteen street Petition of C Collins for grade on Fifth St was referred to the same committee communication of Dr Lewis Union Slaughter House Board of Health the petition of M Quinn taxes lot 166 East Dubuque Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT city auditor reported $1199.20 required to pay the city officers for the month of May the report was received and filed and ordered paid Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT motion opinion of attorney The city attorney reported the claim clerk of courts have been reduced same by pyment receipts being furished the claim be paid report received and filed and ordered paid the opinion of the city attorney liability of the city for motion was read Rule suspended by a full vote and by Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Crossing of Center and Hazel streets recommending the same be bridged t a cot of $52.20 erceived filed and committee on streetrs instructed to have the work done Also on the cost of constructing the 16th street sewer on motion ordered to committee on streets to have the work done not to exceed $300.00 The engineer also submitted a profile of and Sanford Street referred to street com reported the number of cases paid by him during the month of My at three received receipt of the city treasurer attached for $1.00 as fines $2.25 Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT chas pitschner First Ward Scales N C Ryan Lamps lit Wood report Wm Warring 1524 cords of wood receipt Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of F Agnew of Fifty cents report adopted Committee on streetes reported all dangerous places report adopted Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Petition B Hamilton City Engineer be instructed Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Be it resolved by the City Councili of Dubuque that an order for $7.15 be drawn Fitz contract adopted Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT Regular Session, June 6, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath LIGHT TEXT