W Roll_15 Part 1Regular Session, June 13, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The committee of the whole reported on the petition of L D Randall et al to the effect that in their
opinion the council had no authority to give the exclusive right asked for by petitioners
report adopted
Ald Foley reported on the petition of Mrs E P Morse in reference to the correction of lots in
Linwood Cemetary recommending that the secretary of Linwood Cemetary be instructed to make the
proper change
report adopted
The petition of G Henkels protesting about the obstruction of walks by the Linseed Oil company on
jackson street was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Ret rev Jim Hennessy et al for the improvement of Bluff st from jones to fourth streets
was referred to the same committee
The remonstrance of peter klein et al against vaction of sycamore st was referred to the same committee
the petition of Peter Kiene et al for a siddewalk on the east side of broadway was referred
to the same
communication of Mr Badger on fire engine was referred to the special committee
Regular Session, June 13, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald crawford chairman presented a lengthy majority report on the petition of the Dubuque Butchers
association asking the permission of establishing a Union slaughter House o nsycamore street
between 17th and 18th streets and also the remonstrance of the milwaukee and st paul railroad
company against the granting of said privilege, the committee is commending tht the prayer of the
butchers association be granted with the prior condition that the association shall first submit the
plans of its proposed buildings to the counci land the city physician for their approal and the committee
further recommend that the butchers association be given to understand fully that they must accept the
rights granted with the certainty that they will be withdrawn and the establishment at once suppressed
if it shall at any time be permitted to become offensive to th evicinity or in the slightest degree a
ald jones chair chairman of the committee visiting the slaughter houses of milwaukee and chicago
presented a minority report in protest to the erection of a union slaughter house or cattle yards on
sycamore near 17th treet claiming as a reason that it would become a nuisance
the rules were suspended and Wm Knight addressed the council in support of ald Jones report
Ald crawford moved that the report of the majority be adopted
the yeas and nays were had as follows
yeas ald altman, clancy, crawford, doerfler and rath
nays ald fengler herod jones foley and
Regular Session, June 13, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
the vote being a tie the report of Ald crawford was adopted by the casting vote of the mayor in the
affirmative report of ald jones received and filed
the claim of Jerry Driscoll for the sum of 367 was ordered paid
ald fengler chairman of the street committee reported as follows on the bid referred at a previous
session of the council
12th st white st and to jackson W H Rebman 609.40 martin and shane 805.70 jas e foye 701.60
19th st couler ave to white st w h rebman 354.40 martin and strane 452.75 jas e foye 404.55
Alley 13th to 14th white to jackson Wm rebman 213.40 martin and strane 278.10 jas e foye 275.75
Mr. rebman being the lowest and best bidder the above named contracts were on motion awarded
Ald clancy moved that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the
construction of a wall on dodge st and that the recorder be directed to advertise for bids for the
Ald herod moved that the time be extended to august 1st for delivery of assessment roll but that the
mayor be requested to appoint a committee on equlization
martin kane
Special Session, June 17, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Council met at 4 oclock pm
An invitation was received and read from the st Alphouse society to attend a picnic on the 4th of july
Ald crawford offered the following
Resolved tht the marshal be instructed to obtain from the city engineer a list of public streets and
alleys or other public grounds in the city which are fenced up or otherwise in the possession of
private parties and that we proceed to open the same within 30 days
On motion of Ald Doerfler the committee on fire were instructed to place a fire plug at the corner of
Division Street and Johnson Avenue
On motion the committee of the whole were requested to examine Windsor Avenue and report the
condition at the next session of the council
martin Kane
Regular Session, July 4, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The recorder called the roll
No quorum adjourned to Tuesday morning, July 5th 1881
Attest Martin Kane recorder
Adjourned reguar session
Regular Session, July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Altman and kavanaugh
the minutes of the june session were read and approved
Ald Doerfler moved that further business be dispensed with and that a committee of three be appointed
to draft resolutions of condolence on the attempted assassination of President James A Garfield
Ald crawford jones and herod were appointed as such committee and a recess taken of 30 minutes
Upon reconvening the following was offered:
where as the council has heard with feelings of deep sorow and delectation of the murdeorus assault
recently made upon the chief magistrate of the nation at washington
be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that we hereby extend our profound sympatny to the
wounded president and his bereaved family in this great affliction and express our sincere hope that
his life may be spared not only for his own sake but for the sake of the nation whos sovereignty he
Regular Session, July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Altman and kavanaugh
On motion of Ald Doerfler the foregoing resolution was adopted and the mayor requested to telegraph
the same to Senator Allison at Washington with the mayor's signature to be presented to the
wounded president and his bereaved family
Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on fire be instructed to place a plug at the corner of west
Eagle Point Avenue
The petition of Agnes Turner to cancel her taxes of 1880 on W 1/2 of lot 6 of subdivision of Out lot 7033
was deferred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of C H Meyer to refund him over-tax made in 1978 o n lot situated on Eagle Point and
Stafford Avenues was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of J H Morgan claimng a balance of 153.16 for improvement of Seminary Street was
referred to the committee on streets and engineer
The remonstrance of Eugene Flynn et al against improving seminary street west of lot 81 Cox's
addition was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Geo W Jones for the improvement of Cox street from his resience to 14th st was
referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Margaret Donohue to cancel her taxes of 1880 on 1/6 feet of lot 122 was referred
to the committee on delinquent tax
Regular Session, July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Altman and kavanaugh
The petition of G Ganahl asking a remission of saloon license was referred to the Mayor with power
The petition of Margaretta Graff claiming damages for injuries to property by fire department was
referred to the committee on fire
The petitio of M Grither and Leopold Voelker to be given permission to set curbstone was referred
to the committee on streets with power
The petition of Sophie Henke to have her taxes cancelled for 1880 on homestead was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of Ira Hansen et al for a lamp at the corner of Rose and Race streets was referred to the
committee on police and gas
The petition of John Deery to reduce grade of 17th street was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Adam Vogel for a crossing on 17th and clay streets was referred to the same committee
the petition of Mary Hogan to improe lots 20 and 21 Quigley's addition was referred to the same
The petition of Felix Agnew to abate a nuisance was referred to attorney
The petition of N H Schilling to protect property was referred to street commissioner
Regular Session, July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Altman and kavanaugh
the petition of H C Darrah to abate nuisance on Grandview Ave was referred to the street committee
the petition of F E Deggendorf for damages to property situated on Eighteenth and Clay streets
was referred to the committee on street
the petition of Herman Miller for damages to property was referred to the same committee
Attorney Shields submitted a report
requested tha tan order for $48.70 as costs of court be drawn in favor of G J Dunn Clerk
report adopted and claim ordered paid
The attorney presented a report of a deed from H L Stout to a 300 feet strip of land reserved by the
city accompanied by a communication from mr stout on motion the documents were referred to a
committee of one from each ward in connection with the attorney as follows: Ald Crawford, Jones, Clancy,
foley, Fengler and Attorney sheilds
Attorney presented a claim of cost in the Simplot case of $35.80
ordered paid
the attorney also presented a report upon the vacation of certain streets near the C M and St Paul Rail Road
shops recommending that action be postponed unti lext regular session report adopted and a
postponement ordered
Regular Session, July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Altman and kavanaugh
Mayor Linehan recommended that a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed for
the purpose of determning the location of the new depots and railroad shops fo the C M and St Paul
Company Recommendation adopted and Ald Crawford, Altman, Doerfler, Kavanaugh, and Rath were
appointed as such committee
The report of the street commissioner was read and referred to the street committee to report upon
Report of Auditor was read and referred to the finance committee
Adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
council met at 2 pm
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
the petition of the electric light company was referred to the committee on ordinances
The recorder reported having issued licenes for the month of June to the amount of $1420.00
received and filed
The market master reported having 121 draft on the market house scales during the month of June
Gross amount $18.50 receipt of treasurer attached received as rent of huckster stands $26.25 Treasurer'
receipt attached due for board of prisoner and lodgers $10.00
report received and filed nd claim ordered paid
Teport of the marshal was referred to the committee on police
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The report from the firt ward scales showed drafts of 112 weighed in June amount 16.50 receipt of
treasurer attached for $2.50 being this 15 percent due the city
received and filed
Frank fosselman reported that he had weighed 93 drafts on the 5th ward scales durin June receipt of
treasurer attached for $210 being 15 percent due city
received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported that he had weighed 117 drafts on the west dubuque scales n june amount $17.55
the receipt of treasurer attached for $2.63 being 15 percent due the city
received and filed
The pound master reported having impunded 41 dogs during June receipt of treasurer attached for
amount collectd $9.75
received and filed
the lamplighter reported having lighted 187 lamps during june
reported received and filed and ordered that the manner of attending to the lighting of lamps be referred
to the committee on police and gas and fire
The Wood measurer reported having measured 1269 cords of wood during June receipts 41.45
report received and filed
The city engineer reported the cost of improving Emett Street at 225.00
referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The city engineer presented a plat given mrs h Starr of the subdivision of lot 13 Mineral lot 172
referred to the street committee
The committee on streets approed the report made by the street commissioner the full amount being
report received and filed and the several claims ordered to be paid and the recommendation to
improve mineral and main streets and also to put in street crossings were referred to the committee
on streets
the report of Marshal was approved and teh several claims ordered paid total amount 1094.65. amount
of arrests 49 and 3.00 returned to city on motion of alderman Doerfler a list of the police and the
amount paid each was ordered furnished the police committee
the finance committee approved teh report of the auditor
received and filed and several claims ordered paid
The finance committee reported in favor of selling $500 bond of sioux city RR stock to mr. Maurice
Brown for $400 cash
report adopted
Same committee to receive and file the communication of E H Dickinson
report adopted
same committee reported on the petitions of Samuel Root and Thomas Faherty recommending
that 195.00 be received from Mr root for the tax of 1877-8 and 1879 and that the com
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
for 93.60 be received rom mr Faherty in full for the taxes of 1876 and 1877
report adopted
The committee on claims reported on the petition of James Flynn recommending that the same be received
and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Fred Ruh recommending to refund 4.60 on license for
report adopted and order drawn for amount
The same committee reported on the petition of mary Brickner recommending that an order be
drawn for $77.52 in her favor
report adopted
the committee on markets reported having ordered the west dubuque scales repaired
report adopted
The committee on public grounds and buildings reported having received 80.00 for rent of hall to
sacred heart fair receipt of treasurer attached
report received and filed
The committee on fire reported on the petition of Joseph P Earle recommending permission to erect
a shed etc.
report adopted
Same committee reported having placed a fire plug at the corner of W 14th street
report adopted
Same committee reported on the communication of B H Badger recommending that it be received
and filed
report adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Same committee reported that a fire plug had been placed on the corner of Division Street and
Johnson Avenue
report adopted
Same committee reported adversely on the claim of Dr Horr of of $3
report adopted
Ald Doerfler called attention to the necessity of a horse for the use of the fire department
On motion of Ald Jones the committee on fire were empowered to buy a horse
th ecommittee on police reported on the petition of W P Lange et al recommending that a lamp be
placed at the corner of 11th and Grove streets
Report adoptedthe committee on delinquent tax reported omn the petition of Mrs M Eggleston
recommending that her tax for 1880 be cancelled
report adopted
Also on the petition of Mary Boyle recommending to cancel tax of 1880
report adopted
To cancel the tax of Bridget Molony for 1880 as prayed for by petition
Also on the petition of Catherine Dolter recommending that her tax of 1880 be canceled
report adopted
Also on the petition of Mrs. McNamara recommending to refer back for a sworn statement
report adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Same committee reported on the petition of Jacob Buselink recommending that tax of 1880 be cancelled
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Gordan recommending that one year's tine be
extended to pay special tax
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Mary G Luke recommending that the tax of 1880 be
reported adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Quinn recommending that her tax for 1880
be cancelled
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Lehan for the year 1880 be cancelled
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Sarah Brunskill recommending that her tax of 1880 be
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Geo Koch for remission of license recommending to refer
to Mayor with power
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of D B Henderson et al asking for getting up a scale book
as follows
Your committee recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the city treasurer
be and he is hereby instructed to make the book petitioned for
treasurer Gehrig was
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
sent for the purpose of giving an explanation on the kind of a book required and the cost of the same
He stated that the object was to enter upon said book sales for taxes. He did not know how much time
it would take to get up the book nor how much it would cost but was willing however to allow the council
to say how much it was worth when complete
report of the committee was then adopted
committee on streets recommending postponement of the improvement of 16th street from Toma to Clay
streets until the necessary change of grade was made on Iowa from 15th to 17th streets
report adopted
Same committee reported that no action was necessary in regard to a change of grade on Dodge Street
report adopted
Same committee reported that the sidewalk on York and Dodge streets was graded as ordered
report adopted
Same committee reported that the work o Center street was completed as ordered by council
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Frenzel recommending that it be received and filed
report adopted
Same committee recommended that the city marshal be instructed to notify mr. Ham to have the
obstructions on Waverly Avenue removed inside of 15 days
report adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The same committee reported on the petition of Maurice Brown et al recommending the prayer of
the petitioner and that the street be improved from Madision Street west as far as the west line of
lot no 80 cox's addition and asked further time in reference to the improvement of the street west
of that point
report adopted
The same committee reported on teh petition of Ingram Kennedy and Day recommending that the
north side of seventh street from white street to washington street be guttered and curbed at the expense
of the abutting property owners
report adopted
Also reported that the improvement of Hazel and Center Street was made as ordered
report adopted
Also to receive and file the protest of Web et al
report adopted
Also that the petition of C Collins be granted and engineer to give grade
report adopted
Also to refer the petition of John Coulin et al to the city engineer to investigate and report at the
next regular session of the council giving his opinion as to the necessity and expediency of the
work asked for and the cost of the same
report adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The same committee reported that the improveent of Iowa west side of street had been completed
as ordered
report adopted
Also on the petition of P Kiene et al recommending that a sidewal be laid on the east side of Broadway
report adopted
Also on the petition of John C Schubert recommending that it be received and filed as the Council had
nothing to do with the opening and platting of the road in question the same having been established
by the parties directly interested byt that the marshal be advised to suspend action untili further orders of
the council
report adopted
Also to receive and file the remonstrance of michael Martin et al as Washington street was already
report adopted
also on Bluff Street extension as follows that the city engineer had been insturcted to expend the
$358 appropriated to the best advantage on the street in question
report adopted
Also on the petition of F E Esler et al protesting against the improvment of Roberts avenue as no
petition was presented to the council for said improvement that the same be received and filed
report adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Also on the resolutoin of Alderman Clancy recommendng that the same be adopted and water street
between first and jones streets ordered improved
report adopted
Also on the petition of Geo W Jones to the effect that the repairs asked on 14th st near Cox were made
report adopted
Also on the petition of Ret Rev Hennessy et al recommending the improvement of Bluff St from Jones to
Fourth streets at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
report adopted
Ald Herod chairman of the committee of the whole reported o the Windsor Avenue sewer recommending
that the matter be referred to the street commitee with power to have the repairs necessary done under
their supervision
report adopted
Ald Herod reported on the petition of M Schneidecker recommending to reciee and file the same
report adopted
Also to receive and file the petition of A A Cooper et al to purchase fair grounds
report adopted
Ald Herod offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the recorder be instructed to draw the following order
One for $2,000.00 in favor of the Dubuque building and Loan
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Association. one fo $700 in favor of P Malony one for $600 in favor of D G Scott Agent and also one in
favor of John smith for $700 payable January 1 1882 and that the said order bear date
June 7 1881 to bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum until paid for money borrowed as per resolution
June 6 and that said resolution be so amended as to read $4000 instead of $3000
resolution adopted
Ald Herod offered the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city treasurer be instructed
to receive from S Root the sum of $195 in full for the taxes of 1877 1878 and 1879 and also to receive
$93.60 from F Flaherty in full for the taxes of 1876 and 1877
resolution adopted
Ald Herod Offered the following
resoled by the city council of Dubuque that the Finance committee be instructed to borrow the sum of Four thousand
dollars to defray the past month's expenses
resolution adopted
Ald Herod offered the following
resolved by the city council that the executive committee of teh board of health be and are hereby instructed
to investigage the condition of lot 558 and vicinity and to abate any nuisance there maintained in the
manner provided by the acts and ordinances
resolution adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved that the commmittee on fire department be and is hereby instructed to investigate and report
to this council at its next meeting whether i teh opinion of the committee the expenses
of that department cannot be lessened without injury to its efficiency and also whether some better
system cannot be devised for the purchase of supplies for the department
resolutio adopted
Ald Jones presented the following
be it resolved by the city coundil of the ciyt of Dubuque that the fire committee be instructed to have the
south side of teh J K Graves Engine House Tower covered with iron in such a manner as to prevent the tower
taking fire from the flue adjoining
resolution adopted
ald Jones presented the following
be it resolved by the city counci of the city of Dubuque
that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw an order on the city treasurer for the sum of
three hundred dollars ($300) in favor of Captain Scribe Harris as per agreement for life and property
saving ladder
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that an order be drawn in favor of Martin and Strane for $500 as paymen tof work done on seminary
resolution adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald fengler offered the following be it resolved by the city councili of dubuque that the street commission
be and is hereby instructed to open the water way of division street without delay
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler offered the following be it resolved by the city coucil of Dubuque that an appropriation of
$300 be made for the continuation of work in Heebs Hollow west of Cushings vinegar factory
resolution adopted
also the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city marshal be instructed to notify the owners of lot
275 and lot 2 block 1 Dubuque Harbor Co Addition to repair the sidewalk of the lots named within two
days or if not done to cause the repairs to be made and assessed to the abutting property
resolution adopted
Also the following
be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an appropriation of $150 be made for the extension
of broadway west of the judge king estate
resolution adopted
Also the following be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city engineer be and is hereby
instructed to make a survey for the proposed chnge of the north cascade road west and south of the
F C Railroad bridge and to present a profile of such surey at the next session
resolution adopted
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald Fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of good two inch plank be within
15 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordiance in relation to sidewalks
on the east side of Broadway street in front of and adjoining and abutting the following described
property to wit lots nos 1 and 2 in Wullweber's subdivision south west quarter of lot no 8 king's addition
northwest quarter of lot no 6 king's addition resolution was adopted by the followin unanimous vote
Ald Herod not voting occupying the chair
Yeas ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Rath
Also the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the committee on streets be and are hereby authorized
to contract for $1000 yards of macadam the contract to be awarded to the lowest resposible bidder
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler offered the following resolved by the city counci of dubuque that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to clean all alleys not already attended to within the city wherever it may be
necessary to clean the same
resolution adopted
ald Fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the north side of seventh street between white and washington
streets be graded guttered and curbed in conformity with the ordinance
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
upon that subject that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and
proposals for the performance fo the work the guttering curbing and maadamizing to be done at the
expense of the owners of the abutting property
the resolution was adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 9
nays Alderman Altman 1
ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that Bluff Street between Jones and Fourth street be graded guttered curbed and macadamized
in conformity with th eordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed
to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing
and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
resolution adopted by a unanamious vote as follows
Yeas Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 9
ald Fengler offered the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Seminary street
from madison street to the west line of lot80 be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in con-
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city recorder by and he is hereby directed to give
the poper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work and the city engineer directed
to give the necessary plans and specifications for said improvements the guttering curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
the resolution was adopted by the following vote
yeas Ald Altman clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley jones kavanaugh and rath 9
Ald Fengler offered the following
resolved that water street between first and jones streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized
in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to
make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvment and that the city recorder be directted
to give the proper otice for bids and proposals for said improvement the guttering curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of th eowners of the abutting property
the resolution was adopted by the following vote
yeas Ald Altman clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley jones kavanaugh and rath
Ald Crawford offered the following
that the street committee in connection with teh city engineer be instructed to examine the grade of Seminary
Street westerly from the residence of Morris Brown Esq and to report whether a change in said grade
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
would not be a benefit to the street and report such grade as in the judgment of the engineer and
the conformity would be most suitable
resolution adopted
Ald kavanaugh offered the folowing be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that the rock broken by the county for the purpose of resurfacing southern avenue by the poor relief
men one half he used to repair southern avenue and the other half he used on main street or wherever
needed and also that the city pay for one person to take charge of the prisoners to work for the
benefit of the city
resolution adopted
The following claims were read and ordered paid
M stag
john wacker
wm foley
john kleik
Jefferson & Krieb
Thos E Frith
C McElrath
Dubuque Water Co
John E Hartig
F Mertz
Asa Roberts
N W Globe Gas Light Co
Westphal H & Co
Key city Gas Co
F Mertz
J Lewis
T R Harker
Geo Luck
W E Jones
Farley Loetscher
John O'Dea
Vogel & Ferguson
Healey Bros
Laflin & Rand
D W Linehan
F Schloz
Telephone E & Co
Chas McMastin
John McCoy
M McMahon
John McCoy
Mrs Schwaska
D W Linehan
Wm Koenig
Joseph Geign
Wood & Gissel
James Kelly
M Donnelly
F Mertz
Regular Session July 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Geo Perry
Wm Foley
Key City Gas Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Larry Daley
Dubuque Water Co
John Ham
Key City Hook & L Co
Chas andrew
Key City Iron Works
Fifth Ward H Co
P Grace
Ptk Lagen
P G Hanlon
J K Graves H Co
L Neyen
Claim of John McCoy of $12.85 ws referred to the committee on claims
Claim of John Maclay of 16.70 was referred to the same committee
Bids for the improvement of Washington street from 15th to 18th streets and also for building a wall
on Dodge Street were opened read and referred to the committee on streets with the city engineer
to report in 15 minutes
The street committee reported w H Rebman to be the lowest bidder for for said work on Washington
Street and Spear and Lee to be the lowest bidders for the work of improving Dodge street sewer. On motion
of Ald fengler the above contracts were awarded to Messrs Rebman and Spear and Lee.
Rules were suspended and M Morgan addressed the council asking to be paid a balance claimed
due for improving street
Martin Kane
Special Session July 18, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Foley and Kavanaugh
Mayor Linehan stated that the call of the meeting was for the purpose of taking some action in securing
the proper location of the new depot of the chicao Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad at the points at
first proposed
Ald Crawford explained that he had called the railroad committee together for the purpose of taking
steps to have the railroad company locate their passenger and freight depots as at first understood
and advised the council that as no agreement had been made there was some persuasion to have the
company locate the depots where originally contemplated
Ald herod thereupon presented the following
Resolved that it is the desire and wish of this council that the depot of the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul
Railroad company be located at the places at Dubuque as originally understood providing it would not
be actualy detrimental to the operation of their road Resolution adopted and mayor requested to foward
a copy to Railroad officials
Ald Jones moved that the committee on streets be instruted to have 14th St sewer repaired and also to
cause roller of Mr Foye removed
The petition of A Kaiser to allow the obstructions to remain in an alley may during pleasure of council
was granted
Special Session July 18, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath
Absent - Aldermen Foley and Kavanaugh
Petition of S M Langworthy to clean out 16th St sewer was referred to the committee on streets with power
Petition of John Deery and others to improve the sewer on West Locust Street above 17th Street was
referred to the committee on streets iwth the city engineer
City Engineer presented a profile of Iowa Street from Seminary Street north
Referred to committee on streets
the Marshal was on motion instructed to notify all persons having city contract to place a lamp at night
where the streets were obstructed by improvements
Martin Kane
the minutes of the July sessions were read and approved
Petition of John D Bush to refund overtax on lot 601 East Dubuque of 1871 was referred to the committee
on claims and city attorney
Petition of James Mulligan asking to be refunded wholesale liquor license of 1873 was referred to the
committee on claims
the petition of Dolan and Langworthy to be allowed to py one half of the amount of personal
assessment for receipt in full was referred to the delinquent tax committee to report in the afternoon
Petition of Ann McLaughlin to cancel her tax for 1880 on lot 39 Kelly's addition was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
Petition of Catherine Newhouse to cancel tax of 1880 lot 454 was referred to the same committee
Petition of Mrs F Herbst for a reduction of butcher license was referred to the committee on markets
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath
Absent - Alderman Altman
The petition of Albert Kulas et al for abatement of a nuisance on 14th street sewer was referred to the
committee on streets
The petition of J W Hoffmann et al to abate a nuisance on Iowa between 7th and 8th street being
obnoxious smell from stables was referred to marshal to take action necessary thereon
Petition of Frank Parson to set curbstone was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of C H Mead et al for posts to be erected along the levee ws on motion of ald Altman received
and filed
The petition of J D Callahan and others to abate a nuisance near the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul
Railroad machine shops was referred to the executive committee of the board of health with the marshal
The petition of John H to improve 22nd st from Couler Aavenue to elm St was referred dto the
committee on streets
the petition of F Agnew to improve Harrison St was referred to the same committee
the petition of Catherin farrell to construct a wall on dodge street was referred to the same committee
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath
Absent - Alderman Altman
the remonsterance of H A Schimk and others against improving Bluff Street was referred to the committee
on streets to report upon at the afternoon session
the petition of Mary Shannon to cancel her tax of 1880 on Min lot 59 N 29 ft was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
the petition of Bridget Burke to cancel her tax of 1880 on lot Nos 10 and 11 Levis Addition was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of L Duccini to cancel his tax of 1880 on 297 east dubuque was referred to the same
The petition of D G Scott et al for a lamp on third street Hill was referred to the committee on police
The petition of James McBride for a correction of assessment of tax 1878 on lots 13 14 and 15 S
MLangworthy Addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of M Dewslot et al to open an alley in Corkery's subdiviion was referred to the committee on
streets and engineer
The petition of A Haisler asking payment of $3.00 was granted an on motion of ald Rath recorder was
instructed to draw an order for said amount
the petition of chas Anderson calling attention to Dodge Street was referred to the street committee
The petition of H Miller for a sidewalk on eagle point avenue was referred to the street committee
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath
Absent - Alderman Altman
the petition of Margaret Jordan was read It was moved that it be referred to the committee on delinquent
tax Amended by Ald Kavanaugh to receie $100 in full for special tax and that the regular tax of 1880
be cancelled the yeas and nays were had upon the amendmnt as follows
yeas Ald clancy foley kavanaugh and rath 4
Nays Ald Altman crawford doerfler and jones 4
The mayor voted in favor of the amendment and then declared it adopted
Petition of Klein and Schoeder to be permitted to erect a frame structure ws referred to the committee
on fire with power.
the petition of Chamberlain Peron company for remission of taxes for eight years was referred to the
committee of the whole.
The petition of Ann Egan to fill up to grade a low place along the sidewalk in front of lots 14 and 15
of subdivision mineral lot 79 on 5th street was referred to the committee on streets
Communication of H Limbeck Assessor stating that the assessment roll of 1881 was ready except
marking up water tax was received and filed
Street commissioner reported $2490.30 expended during july to street committee
Auditor reported salaries for July at $1260.70 report received and filed and several claims ordered
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath
Absent - Alderman Altman
the recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of July amounting to $3427.00
report received and filed
The city engineer reported on the petition of John conlin et al recommending the riprapping of a portion
of the slope along petitioners property at an expense of $35.00
referred to the street committee
The city marshal reported the sum of $1118.35 required as pay for the police for July he also reported 59
arrests and collected $1.00 as fines returned by justice Hoerner for which was attached receipt of
report received and filed and several claims ordered paid
The marketmaster reported having weighed 93 drafts on the market house scales during July. Amount
collected $13.58 receipt of measurer attached for board prisoners and lodgers $9.00
report received and filed and claim of market master ordered paid
N C Ryan reported having weighed 90 drafts during the month of July. Amount $13.50 receipt of
treasurer attached for $2.00 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
Charles Pitschner reported that he had weighed 50 drafts during July Gross receipts $7.30 receipt
of treasurer attached for $1.10 being 15 percent due the city
report received ad filed
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath
Absent - Alderman Altman
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 92 drafts in the Fifth Ward scales during the mnth of July.
Gross receipts $13.00 rceipt of treasurer attached for $2.00 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
Wm Kenig reported the number of dogs captured in June at 2 and in July at 24. Three had been redeemed
and 21 were killed Receipt of treasurer attached for $5.75 collected from impounding of animals
report received and filed
Lamplighter reported the number of lamps lighted during the month of July at 186. One of which was
used but one half of the month.
report received and filed
Wm Warring wood measurer reported having measured 843 cords of wood during the month of July
and received $27.80
report received and filed
Report of Justice Duffy was read and referred to the committee on police to report upon at the afternoon
Council then adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
Afternoon session
Met at 2
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
report of justice Hoerner was read for July and on motion referred to the committee on police to eamine
and report upon
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The communicatiom of Martin and Strane contractors asking to be allowed for 210 cubic yards claimed
due them for work done on Seminary Street was referred to the committee of the whole
the committee on ordinance presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance
entitled an ordinance to provide for the registration of births deaths burials and contagious diseases
on motion the ordinance was adopted
rules were suspended by the following vote
Yeas ald crawford doerfler fengler foley herod jones kavanaugh and rath 8
nays none
Committee on claims reported on the bill of John Maclay and co of $16.70 to pay same
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of C H Meyer recommending that the recorder be instructed
to draw an order for the sum of $34.65
Same committee reported in favor of paying claim of John McCoy of $12.85
report adopted
the executive committee of the board of health reported on the nuisance complaned of on city lot no
558 to the effect that the said nuisance had been attended to and the water ordered to be drained
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the committee on streets reported on the report made by the city engineer on Emmet street recommending
that the filling on said street be done when Bluff street is graded and the grading deposited on Emmett
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of Euegene Flynn and others recommending that the remonstrance
be received and filed a the improvement of seminary street had been indefinitely postponed.
Report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of John Mcgrether and leopold Voulker recommending to
receive and file the same asking to set curbstone
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of N H Schilling recommending that the street commissioner
be instructed to fill up the ditch in the rear of his lots on couler avenue
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of S M Langworthy to the effect that the repairing of 16th
street sewer had already been completed
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of John Dury et al recommending that the street commissioner
be instructed to repair the gutter petitioned on in such a manner as to allow the water to run into the
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported that the crossing on 14th street sewer was repaired and roller removed.
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Bridget Keogh advere to the prayer as the
contractor had almost completed the work and that the epense in chanring the plan of the street would
be too great to justify the proposed widening of the street
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of George W Jones recommending that the street commissioner
be instructed put Cox street in passable condition
report adopted
The same committee repoted on the Windsor Avenue sewer to the effect that the repair was now in progress
report adopted
The came committee reported on te petition of John Deery for manage of grade of 17th street recommending
that the prayer of the same be granted and that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a profile of the
proposed grade and to submit the same to the city council for adoption
report adopted
The same committee reportd on the petition of H C Durrah as follows that the prayer be granted and that
the marshal be instructed to take the proper steps to abate the nuisance at once
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the grade of Sanford street recommending that the red line on the profiles of Sanford
Street from Prince street to Windsor avenue of Queen Street from sanford street to eagle point avenue
of prince street from sanford st to eagle point avenue and of regent street from prince st to windsor avenue
be adopted as the official grades of said streets
report adopted
The same committee reported on the grade of Iowa street recommending that the change of grade as
shown on the red line of the profile of Iowa Street from Seminary Street north be declared as the official
grade of said street
report adopted
The same committee reported that they had advertised for bids for 1,000 yards of macadam
report approved and adopted
The same committee reporrted that the tile pipes for 16th street sewer was on the ground and that the
same would be laid as soon as practicable.
report adopted
The same committee reported on the change of grade of Seminary street as follows
That the engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a profile of the proposed change of grade on
Seminary street and to submit the same to the council
report adopted
The same committee reported adverse to the prayer of the petition of Mrs. mary Hogan for repairs
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of H A Schunk et al protesting against the improvement
of Bluff street from Jones to pt sts
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the same committee reported adversely on the petition of J H Morgan as he had received more than
the amount due him for the improvement of seminary street
report adopted
The committee on ordinances and the executive committee of the board of health reported on the resolution
offered by Ald Rath to adopte the state board of health certificates of births and deaths and that they be
transferred every month to the county clerk recommending that the resolution be adopted and to
instruct the committee on ordinances to draft an ordinance to comply with said resolution.
report adopted
the committee on ordinances
reported on the communication of the engineer recommending to receive and file the same and that the
recorder be requested to have permit plans printed for the use of the engineer
report adopted
The committee on harbors
reported on the petition of George Smith for a bath house at the foot of 3rd St recommending that the
petition be received and filed
report adopted
the committee on streets having approved the report of the street commissioner the recorder was
requested to draw order to pay the different amounts due
report adopted and pay
Reported on teh petition of Margaretta Graff for damages, adverse to the claims
report adopted
the same committee repoted that through instructions received from the council a fire plug had been placed
on west eagle point avenue
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of James Halloran et al to abate a nuisance recommending
that the petition be received and filed.
report adopted
Ald herod chairman of the committee on finance reported having sold the $500.00 Sioux City Railroad
bond to Mr. maurice brown for $400.00 as per order of council.
report adopted
The committee on fire reported that the bill of John McCoy for $29.85 was correct and recommended
its payment
report adopted
Ald clancy moved that the sum of $25.00 be paid Alds foley and doerfler as expenses they had incurred
while engaged purchasing a horse for the fire department
Ald doerfler reported as follows in that the committee had attended to the purcahse of a horse for the
use of the fire department paying therefore the sum of $225.00
action approved
The committee on police reported on the report of justice duffy for the month of June to the effect that the
same was correct and recommended it be received and filed
report adopted
the committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of dolan and langworthy to the effect that the
statement made in the petition was correct and recommended that the sum of thirty dollars be accepted
for payment for the taxes due for the year 1880 as a full and satisfactory settlement
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the same committee reported adversely on the petition of J H Morgan as he had received more than
the amount due him for the improvement of Seminary street
report adopted
the committee on ordinances and the executive committee of the board of health reported on the resolution
offered by Ald Rath to adopt the state board of health certificates of births and deaths and that they be
transfered every month to the county clerk recommending that the resolution be adopted and to instruct
the committee on ordinances to draft an ordinance to comply with said resolution
report adopted
the committee on ordinances reported on the communication of the engineer recommending to recieve
and file the same and that the recorder be requested to have permit plans printed for the use of the
report adopted
The committee on harbors reported on the petition of George Smith for a bath house at the foot of 3rd st
recommending that the petition be received and filed
report adopted
the committee on streets having approved the report of the street commissiner the recorder was requested
to draw order to pay the different amounts due
report adopted and pay
the committee on fire reported on the petition of Margaretta Graff for damages adverse to the claims
report adopted
the same committe reported that through instructions received from the council a fire plug had been
placed on west eagle point avenue
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of James Halloran et al to abate a nuisance recommending
that the petition be received and filed
report adopted
Ald Herod Chairman of the committee on finance reported having sold the $500.00 sioux city railroad
bond to Mr. maurice Brown for $400.00 as per order of council
report adopted
The committee on fire reported that the bill of John McCoy for $29.85 was correct and recommended its
report adopted
Ald Clancy moved that the sum of $25.00 be paid Alds Foley and Doerfler as expenses they had incurred
while engaged away purchasing a horse for the fire department
Ald Doerfler reported as follows that the committee had attended to the purchase of a horse for the use of the
fire department paying therefore the sum of $225.00
Action approved
The committee on police reported on the report of Justice Duffy for the month of June to the effect that the
same was correct and recommended it be received and filed
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Dolan and Langworthy to the effect that the statement
made in the petition was correct and recommended that the sum of thirty dollars be accepted for payment
for the tasks due for the year 1880 as a full and satisfactory settlement
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported adverseley to granting the petition of Mrs. Henke asking to cancel her
tax for 1880
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Mary Mullins asking to cancel her tax for 1880
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Sand recommending that her tax of 1880 be
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Agens Turner recommending that her tax of
1880 be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Mary F Levens asking to cancel her tax of
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs. Margaret Donohue recommending that her tax
for the year 1880 be cancelled
report adopted
Ald Foley presented the following which was referred to the street committee resolved by the city council
of the city of dubuque that a crossing be placed at the corner of 4th and clay streets west side
Ald foley also presented the following which was referred to the committee on harbors
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the levee in front of steamboat landing be taken up
and macadamized to at least 50 feet east from curbstone towards the water it being almost impossible
for teams to haul up over it in its present condition
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Foley offered the following be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the engineer be instructed
to make a suvey of a proposed street from Dodge Street to Peabody Avenue and to prepare a plat of same
to be submitted to this council at its next regular session. Also to make an estimate of putting the same
in a passable condition with the names of the owners of land proposed to be taken with the quantity of
land proposed to be taken from each
referred to the street committee
Ald Crawford offered the following whereas it is absolutely essential in order to prevent an increase in
the present rate of taxation that the utmost economy possible should be exercised in all departments of
the city government
be it therefore resolved that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to limit the expenses on
street improvements and repairs under his supervision to the sum of $1500.00 for the month August and
also for each subsequent month during the present season until otherwise ordered by this council
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to notify
the chicago milwaukee & St Paul Railroad company to plank their railroad crossings on fifth sixth and seventh
streets according to ordinance
resolution adopted
Ald fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that an order for $720.00 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of Martin and Strane for grading done
on Fourteenth street west of Cox street
resolution adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald fengler offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the improvment of seminary street ordered at
the regularsession of the city council be indefinitely postponed
resolution adopted
Ald fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that an order for $992.68 be drawn on teh city treasurer in favor of Martin and Strane for the balance due
them for grading and building the wall on Seminary Street
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the change of grade as shown by the red line on the
accompanying profile of Iowa street from Seminary street north the written consent of abutters being
attached be declared the official grade of said street the yeas and nays were had upon the resolution
and the same was adopted buy a unanimouse vote as follows
Yeas ald altman clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley jones kavanaugh and rath
Ald Herod Mayor Pro tem being in the chair
Ald Fengler offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the red lines on teh accompanying profiles
of Sanford Street from Prince Street to Windsor Avenue of queen street from Sanford Street to Eagle Point
Avenue of prince street from Sanford Street to EAgle Point Avenue and of Regent street from prince
street to windsor avenue be declared the official grades of said streets respectively
adopted by a full vote as follows yeas ald altman clancy crawrford doerfler fengler foley jones kavanaugh
and rath
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Alderman fengler offered the following resolution
be it resolved by the cit council of dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to take
up the sidewalks belonging to the city on the west Locust street
Ald Fengler moved to adopt the resolution
Amended to lay the resolution on the table. The yeas and nays were taken on the amendment which was
rejected three to seven as follows
yeas Ald crawford herod and kavanaugh 3
Nays Ald altman Clandy Doerfler Fengler Foley Jones an dRath 7
The resolution was then adopted as per motion of Ald Fengler
Ald Fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of no 1 two inch plank
be within 2 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the
sidewalks on teh south side of Eagle Point Avenue between washington street and the Couler Creek
or on the north side of lot 100
Ald Fengler moved that the resolution be adopted
The yeas and nays were taken and the resolution was adopted by a unaminous vote as follows
Yeas Ald altman clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley herod jones kavanaugh and rath
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler moved that action be reconsidered which was had upon the resolution at the July session
to improve Seminary street 80 feet west etc
carried and the improvement postponed indefinitely
Ald fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to place
the alley between 15th and 16th streets from washington to Jackson streets in a healthy condition at
an expense not to exceed $35.00
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler offered the following wich was referred to the committee on claims and the attorney
resolved by teh city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a sidewalk per order of the city
council by Tuttle Bros contractors in front of and adjoining the same a tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situate and owned
and for the several amouns set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
DJ Hennessy
City lot 275
Same was offered the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
That to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing 19th street from couler avenue to white street by
W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby laid on the
several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
as follows
N Muntsch
N 2/5 city 436
Francis Jaeger
S71 feet city 437
Ald fengler offered the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for guttering and macadamizing Wilson
Avenue from Julien Avenue to Eighth Street by Spear and Lee contractors in front of and adjoining
the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real
estate herein after named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate as follows
Wm L Bradley Co
Lot 1 Wilsons Subd
M J Farley
Lot 32 Wilsons Subd
Robert Armstring
Lot 3 Mobleys Dub
D A Mahony's Est
Lot 5 Mobley's Dub
John Bell
Lot 3 of Lot 9 Collins Subd
John Harms
Lot 2 of Lot 9 collins Subd
Mrs. B Keogh
Lot 1 of Lot 9 Collin's Subd
John Bell
Lot 5 of Collins Subd
D A Mahony Est
Lot 6 of Collins Subd
Mrs B Keogh
Lot 1 of Lot 7 Collins Subd
Lot 8 of Lot 7 Collins Subd
Francis mangold
Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Min Lot 79
Francis Mangold
Lot 1 of Lot 7 Collins Subd
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler offered the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing
seminary street from 17th street to Iowa street by Martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining
the same a specail tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate as follows
German Presbyterian Seminary
lot 7 of outlot 675
W H REbman
lot 1 of lot 1 of lot 4 Langworthy's subd or M A Rebman's subd
J H Trieb
lot 2 of lot 1 of lot 4 Langworthys subd or M A Rebman's subd
W H Rebman
Lot 3 of lot 1 of lot 4 Langworthy's subd or M A Rebman's subd
W H Rebman
Lot 4 of lot 1 of lot 4 Langworthy's subd or MA Rebman's subd
Lance Duncan
Lot 2 of lot 8 Langs Subd
lot 2 of lot 4
Geo C Rath
Lot 5 Langworthy's dubd
Nic Brandt
Lot 3 of outlot 675
Lot 4
German M E Church
Lot 5 of outlot 675
lots 11 of 438 439 and pt 676
Adam Vogel
lot 6 of outlot 675
Catherine Borgheiser
lot 1 of outlot 675
Joseph Therman
lot 2 of outlot 675
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler offered the following resolutins
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for macadamizing alley from thirteenth
to fourteenth between white and jackson streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the
same a specail tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as follows
Francis Paren
S 45 city 482
J Strane
M 1/5 City 482
Josephine Wasser
N 1/2 N M 1/5 city 482
Chas Weber
N 1/5 482 City
F Kleinschmidt
N 1/5 city 495
Jacob Kratz
N M 1/5 city 495
J Strane
S 1/2 N M 1/5 482
Jacob Plapp
S 3/5 City 495
Resolution Adopted
The committee on ordinances reported upon the resolution offered by Ald Rath recommending that a
franchise be given the electric light company and that the commtitee on ordinances with the city attorney
be instructed to draw up an ordinance for the said electric light company
report adopted
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Crawford offered the following whereas it is important that the question of the continued operating
of the west dubuque and hill street railway should be definitely settled as soon as possible in order that
the owners of said railway may feel justified inmaking the necessary expenditures of money required to
put the tracks cars and engines in complete repair and condition so as to render them entirely safe for
the large amount of travel on said line of railway and whereas on the 6th day of June last the question as to
the liability of the city of Dubuque for all damages occasioned by the operation of said railway was
referred to the city attorney in connection with two other legal gentlemen for their opinion on the same and
two months have now elapsed without any report on said question. And whereas the city attorney the legal
advisor of the city council has separately given his opinion that the city is not so liable while the said railway
is operated under the charter granted by the city and confirmed by the legislature of iowa be it therefore
resolved that the action of the council referring said legal question is hereby rescinded and revoked
resolved further that the resolution of this council adopted on teh 2nd of May 1881 declaring said railway
a nuisance and the contract authorizing the construction and operation of the same to be forefeited be and
the same is hereby annulled and rescinded and declared of no force and effect and that the west dubuque
and hill street railway company or their legal representation be reinstated in all the rights and privledges
granted by the city of Dubuque in its original contract with said city
Ald Crawford moved
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
that the foregoing resolution be adopted
Amended by Alderman Fengler that the resolution be laid on the table the yeas and nays were called
upon the amendment and resulted as follows
yeas ald altman, clancy, doerfler, fengler, foley, jones and rath 7
nays ald crawford herod and kavanaugh 3
the amendment was decided and carried
Ald Fengler then moved that the existing committee of legal genglemen heretofore appointed be dismissed
and that Messers W J Knight D E Lyon with Attorney J H Shields be appointed instead for the purpose
of submitting their written opinion on the motor position
Ald Crawford amended to continue the committee already appointed
yeas and nays were taken upon the amendment as follows
yeas ald clancy crawford herod kavanaugh and rath 5
nays ald altman doerfler fengler foley and jones 5
it being a tie Mayor in favor of the amendment and then declared it carried the committee being instructed
to report August 16 1881
Ald jones offered the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to enforce the ordinance in relation to buildings
ald herod offered the following which was adopted
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that the committee on fire with the city engineer be instructed to relocate and extend the fire limits in
accordance with the present existing hydrants and report their work to this council two weeks from date
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Herod offered the following
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order
in favor of Pollock and mcNulty for $75 as part payment in the case of Coulin vs the city of dubuque
Resolution adopted
Ald Herod offered the following resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque
that the city treasurer be instructed to take up loan arrants nos 1330 1331 1332 issued August 2 1880
to Mary S Blake for two thousand dollars each and bearing 7% interest per annum and to pay the interest
accrued thereon
And be it further resolved that the city recorder by directed to issue new warrants for same amounts in their
place to run six months from August 2 at the rate of six percent interest per annum
resolution adopted
ald Herod offered the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the finance committee
be and are hereby instructed to borrow the sum of $800.00 to pay last month's expenses of the city
amount due contractors and interest on warrants due this date
resolution adopted
On motion of Ald Herod it was ordered that the recorder be directed to instruct the city marshal to
dismiss the persons employed by the city in the capacity of dog catchers
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The following bills were read and ordered paid
Telephone Ex Co
T E Frith
J W Newburgh
Bluckner and Post
Doerfler & foley
Morrison Bros
W H Rebman
D A Gehrig
F E Moser
Mrs Schwatka
P Clancy
L B Tuttle
C McElrth
Dubuque Water Co
E V Hayden
C McElrath
Mrs Koenig
John Hamm
Adam Doerr
Dubuque Times
Key City Gas Co
Dubuque Daily TelegraphJohn Bower
McLaughlin Reilly
N H Thedinga
Illinois Central R R Co
Peter Olinger
Key City Hook & Lad Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
C W Robison
C H McMaster
D D O'Connell
John Kleik
Junkermann & Haas
Robert Jess
Tuttle Bros
A G McDonald
F Roehl
John Maclay
D Meauer
Vogel and Ferguson
Key City Gas Co
D W LInehan
Dr. Asa Horr
Larry Daly
C A Voelker
Joseph Geiger
P C Foley
Wm Koenig
C McElrath
L B Tuttle
Jacob Kruntz
James Crawford
M Mahony
John McCoy
Chas Hollnagel
John Bower
Morrison Bros
Hansen and Linehan
North W G Gas L Co
J W Coy
Dubuque Herald
Hansen & Linehan
Key City Iron
John Eichhorn
P McGregor
Wm Foley
M Stag
Harvey and O'Connor
The bill of Morrison Bros of $3.30 for labor performed on the street frontage was referred to the
committee on streets
Regular Session August 1, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The bill of J F Conant for $4.00 for hauling lumber was referred to the commitee on streets
the bill of T O'sullivan for $690.80 was read and on motion the recorder was instructed to draw an order
in favor of Mr Sullivan for $200.00 The balance ofbill was then referred to the committee of the whole
The bill of Henry Lembecke for $500.00 was also read two hundred dollars allowed and the balance of bill
referred to the committee of the whole
The bill of Morrison Bros of $4.10 for repairs to Sol Turck Engine House was referred to the committee
on fire
the bill of Farley Loetscher and Co $2.50 was referred to the committee on fire
The bill of Iowa Iron Works Co of $7.67 was referred to the committee on fire
Bids for work on streets were opened read and referred to the committee on streets and the engineer
with instructions to report in 30 minutes
The committee to whom said bids were referred reported that no report could be prepared and the
report was deferred to August 16 1881
Ald Doerfler moved that the recorder be instructed to notify the telephone ex company to discontinue
the charge in their monthly bill against the city of the use of a telephone meter the head and style of
street commissioner or executive committee of the board of health
attest martin Kane Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The city council met at 9:30 am
Mayor stated that the object of the meeting of the council was to hear the report of the committee
appointed for the purpose of examining into the question of the liability of the city for damages
occasioned by the operation of the west dubuque and hill street motor railway and also to consider
the report of the committee on streets upon the bids referred to them at the regular session in August 1st
J H Shields City Attorney Chairman of the said special committee reported as follows which report was
on motion of Ald Crawford ordered spread upon the records
To the city council
Genglemen At a former meeting of the council the question of the liability of the city for damages arising
from the operation of the west dubuque and hill street railway company was submitted to myself with messrs
knight and henderson with the request that the opinions upon the matter in controvery be submitted
before the matter was so submitted I gave it a thorough investigation and have been at all times ready
to report thereon I am informed that Col Henderson for reasons whilch he deems sufficient and
which I also deem sufficient has declined to act. When a gentleman whose gratituous services are asked
in a judicial capacity is accused by the party soliciting the favor of acting the parts of judge and attorney
at the same time he cannot do less than decline to serve. Mr. Knight is not ready to report an opinion and in
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
explanation has sent me a communication which I herewith submit I still adhere to my former opinion
upon the question submitted. A municipal corporation cannot be made liable for damages arising from
the operation of railroads upon its streets when the right to grant such a franchise is given the corporation
by law. the legislature of Iowa has legalized the ordinance of this city passed April 27, 1877 granting to said
railroad the right to operate is road upon certain streets and the city of Dubuque cannot be held liable
for the exercise of such right by said company
J H Shields
City Attorney
The following from W J Knight was read and received and filed
James H Shields Esq
Dear Sir since you notified me on Thursday last of the meeting of the council to be held on tomorrow to
consider the motor question which was the first information I had of it I have not had time to write what I
intended to write on teh subject and now I am called away and obliged to leave tonight, to be absent probably
two days. Had I known earlier the expectation of the council that we should report at this adjourned meeting
I could have been prepared. I can now only express my regret at being obliged to disappoint the council
in the matter. I will take it as a favor if you will explain to the genglemen of the council the reason for my
seeming neglect to comply with their request
W J Knight
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler then moved that the three legal genglemen appointed to give their opinions upon the motor
question Messrs Shields Knight and Henderson he dismissed and that a new committee of three be
selected instead Adopted seven to three as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler foley Jones and Rath 7
Nays Ald Crawford Herod and Kavanaugh 3
Ald Fengler moved that the aldermen voting in the minority choose the chairman of said committee the
majority choose the second member and the two thus chosen to select a third. The minority refused to
comply and by consent the motion as made was withdrawn and Ald Fengler then moved that the committee
consist of Messrs D E Lyon Fred O'Donnell and Ed McCeney. Mr. O'Donnell to act as chairman and
the recorder to notify them in two days time of their appointment
Ald Herod offered the following
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to
draw an order for four thousand dollars in favor of the dubuque building and loan association for
money borrowed by order of council said order to draw interest at the rate of 6 percent from July 7 1881
payable on the first of January 1882
resolution adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following
resolved that the sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated to the improvement of West Locust Street
to be expended under the supervision of the street commissioner
resolution adopted
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler offered the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the appropriation of $200.00 be made by this council to
improve Dodge Street
resolution adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
resolved that the recorder be instructed to discontinue the issue of blanks for the return of births and deaths
and to receive such returns on blanks issued by the state board of health: that the state board of Health
certificate of birth be hereby adopted in place of what is now known in the recorder's office as blank No. 1
and that the state board of health certificate of death be hereby adopted in place of what is now known
as blank No. 2 That the recorder be instructed to turn over to the clerk of the county count of Dubuque
county on the first day of each month all said returns of births and deaths for the preceding month and to
take his receipt therefore and that the recorder and the health physician be hereby instructed to procure
suitable books for recording said blanks
resolution adopted
Ald Doerfler offered the following
be it resolved by the mayor and city council of Dubuque that the blue line on the accompanying map of
the water district of Dubuque be declared the official line of the water district for the ensuing year. the
said line enclosing all property that can be reach by 500 feet of hose from the nearest hydrant
resolution adopted
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The bill of the cabinet maker's association of $1.75 was ordered paid.
The bill of Spear and Lee of $440.68 for improving Wilson Avenue from Julien Avenue to Eigth Street
was ordered paid
The bill of Paul Schlenken of $16.50 for repairs to the tower of the Graves Engine House was ordered
The petition of the Knapp Stout and company and others for a lamp post to be erected at the northmost
corner of eighth and Washington Streets was referred to the committee on police with power
The petition of J H Morgan claiming a balance due him for the improvement of Seminary Street was
referred to the committee on claims with the engineer and attorney
The petition of Mary Siege to cancel her tax was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Adam Kress to cancel his tax for 1880 on lot 579 in Ham's Addition was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of F Lange to widen the alley between Maple and Cedar Streets from 16th to 17th streets was
referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Mrs E J Lambert to abate a nuisance at Schloths Butcher shop on Julien Avenue was
referred to the executive committee of the board of Health and the city marshal
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The petition of James Downey to rade the sidewalk in front of his residence on Eleventh between
Washington and Jackson Streets was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of the Dubuque Mattress Company asking the privilege of using the triangular
lot on the northmost corner of fourth and white streets was referred to the committee on public grounds and
The petition of Philip Wacker in behalf of the german M E Church congreation for a unison of the special
tax levied for the improvement of Seminary street was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of M M Walker and others to repair the alley on Chestnut street west of walnut was referred to the
committee on streets
The petition of F F Plapp and others to abate a nuisance in the alley between white and jackson from
13th to 14th streets was referred to the marshal
The city engineer presented a plat of semiary street from madison to gold streets
referred to the committee on streetsThe committee on streets to whomwas referred the bids opened at
the last regular session for street improvements made the following report
bluff street from jones to fourth streets
PG Flynn 3510.12
JE Foye 3772.30
Spear and Lee 3902.07
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
W H Rebman $4134.77
Mr. P J Flynn being the lowest bidder on Bluff Street was on motion of Ald Fengler awarded the contract
by suggestion of Ald Fengler the subject of allowing property owners from third to Fourth Streets to do
their own portion of the improvements was referred to the street committee to consult contractor
Seventh Street bids
W H Rebman 186.88
J E Foye 222.20
Mr. Rebman being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to him
Water Street
J E Foye 484.50
W H Rebman 640.00
Mr. Foye being the lowest bidder the contract of improving Water Street was awarded to him. Mayor
Linehan recommended that portion of Water Street on which a platform was standing be referred to the
committee on streets to arrange the matter with the abutting property owners and the contractor in a satisfactory
manner ordered to refer to street committee with power
The application made by the Linseed Oil Co to lay a track in front of its mill on the sidewalk was referred
to the committee on streets with a request to report at next session
Ald Fengler moved that the matter of bay windows being allowed to protrude from the houses on the sidewalks
in the northern part of the city be referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with the
attorney to report thereon at the next regular session
Ald Carwford moved to reconsider and rescind the action on the resolution passed ordering the
sidewalk on West Locust Street taken up
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Light Print
Adjourned Regular Session August 16, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Light Print
Two foot walk on loucst
Seminary Street repairs
Mr. Richards residence
Fourteenth St repairs
the City council then adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The minutes of the August sessions were read and ordered approved
The motor opinions submitted by Hon Fred O'Donnell Judge McCeney and D E Lynn were presented and read
Mr. O'Donnell contending that the city cannot be held liable for damages caused by the operation of the
mmotor and the motor company have a right to run its trains subject to the reguations and restrictions
the city may enforce D E Lyon holding that the city would not be held liable for any damage suits and
Ed McCeney that the city could re-enact its ordinance and would not be held liable for any damages
caused by the operation of the motor
On motion the opinions were referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of wm Corcoran asking the removal of obstructions on st. Mary's Street was referred to
the committee on streets
The petition of Peter Kiene et al to put Stafford Avenue in proper repair so as to prevent damage to
property from rain storms and floods was referred to the same committee
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The petition of M M Trumbull asking for the removal of obstructions on O'Neill Street to order a new
survey of said street and to appoint a new surveyor for that purpose and also to notify the marshal not
to cut down any more of his fences was referred to the street commitee
The same also presented a petition complaining of obstructions on Brad Street and asking to vacate a
part thereof which was referred to the same committee
The petition of Z P Donohue to reduce his ax on the north one half of lot 608 was referred to the committee
on equlization of taxes
The petition of Mary E Canavan to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on lot no 3 Bissels Dubuque was
referred to the delinquent tax com
The petition of Mrs Jane Young to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on her homestead was referred to
the same committee
the petition of F H Carbery et al for a lamp at the head of the passageway leading from Fifth Street to
the head of Fenelon Place was referred to the committee on police.
the petition of Margaret Lear asking to have her tax cancelled for the year 1880 on the N2 of lot No 32
was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of M Dervstoe et al was referred to Street committee to report at afternoon
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the petition of the Iowa Iron Works et al for a lamp post to be set up at the northeast corner of jackson
and ninth streets was referred to the committee on police
The petition of P A Ruley asking to have personal tax of 1873 levied on lot 179 was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of George Richardson to make provision to carry water from the rear of the Graffort House
was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Mary Sellers asking to have repaired an unnamed street from fourtheenth street east of
Henion street was referred to the same committee
The remonstrance of E H Sheppley against giving a new charter to the motor railway company was
referred to teh committee of the whole
The petition of Wm Ryan and Son et al for the extension of the water mains from the terminus of main
street to the levee with its intersection with Jones Street was referred to the committee on Fire with
The petition of John Robison et al asking to have repaired the railroad tracks of the C M and St. Paul
R R Co on Pine Street between eighth and ninth streets and to have the railway company remove
obstruddtions in the way of llowing their cars to remain on teh track crossings was referred to the
committee on harbors with power.
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The petition of N Frith asking to compensate him on account of his child breaking its leg at Eagle
Point Avenue was referred to the committee of the whole.
The petition of G Ganahl for assistance in redeeming the S M one fifth and N one half of city lot 487 was
referred to the delinquent tax committee
The petition of Mayr Wolff to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on the west one half of lot No 31 Coxs Add
was referred to the same committee
The petition of Josephine Wasser for one years time to pay special assessment was referred to the
same committee
the petition of Stephen Downes asking for the improvement of Dodge Street from Curtis to York Streets
was referred to committee on streets
The petition of A Cain et al for the extension of Third Street from College Avenue west and to have the same
surveyed and platted was referred to the same committee
the petition of G B Hamilton et al to have college avenue and second streets opened was referred to
the same committee
The petition of Ed smyth to lay six inch tile pipe on locust street to the cascade house was referred to
the tire committee
The report of the street commissioner for the month of August was read and on motion referred to the
street committee
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Auditor Brandt made the following report
City Auditor's Office
Dubuque September 3rd 1881
To the hon mayor and city council
Gentlemen according to chapter 10 sec 5 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque the auditor is
required to make and present to the city council semi annual reports in proper form for publication of al
receipts and expenditures of money belonging to the city for teh six months preceding the date of such
reports ending with the months of February and August in each year. I therefore now herewith respectfully
submit to you my annual report of the receipts and expenditures for the preceding six months
yours very respectfully
F G Brandt
City Auditor
Semi annual report
Receipts fron taxes 1874 75 76 77 78 79 80
special taxes
int on taxes
collected on costs of advertising Del taxes
Receipts from weighing on public scales
fines and fees
received from coal sold
insurance cos by fire
impounding animals
rent of city property
rent of huckster stands
sale of ordinance books
ald rath seminary st
Borrowed by finance committee
reissue of blake warrants at reduced int
receipts from billiar table keepers license
butchers license
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
dog license
hotel keepers license
runners license
livery stable keepers license
peddlers license
saloon keepers license
team and expresss license
circus license
total receipts
cash in hands on treas march 1st 1881
total receipts and cash bal march 1st 1881
Expense warrants redeemed consisting of salaries of officers expense accounts etc
Engineering department warrants redeemed
Gas warrants redeemed
Police warrants
printing warrants including new ord
road warrants consisting of grading materials rep tools Sanford St Right of Way payroll
Refunded tax warrants redeemed
paid for impounding animals
Advanced to contractors for special st improvements
fees paid to police justices
Interest paid on outstanding warrants
coupons paid
sidewalks repaired by city
damages paid for injury done to houses etc
Insurance paid for public buildings
fuel for city offices etc
principal paid on funded debt
borrowed money repaid
blake warrants taken up by reissuing of new warrants of same amount 6% interest
water warrants redeemed
total disbursements
cash in hands of treasurer sept 1st 1881
total disbursements and cash balance september 1 1881
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the report of the auditor was received and filed
The city marshal made the following report for the month of August
Amount required to pay police
number of arrests
fees received from justice leathers
the report was received and filed and the police force ordered paid
the city auditor reported the sum of $1260.00 as the sum for which orders were required to be drawn
to pay the regular city officers for the month of august. The report was received and filed and the officers
ordered paid
The city recorder reported having issued sundry licenses during the month of August amounting to $914.00
report received and filed
The same also reported the number of births deaths and infections from the first day of march to the 1st
day of September 1881
no of deaths 126
no of births 174
no of infectious diseases 149
the report was received and filed
City attorney shields presented the following report to the honorable mayor and city council
The undersigned to whom was referred the question of the validity of the vacation of Sycamore Street
and other streets in the vicinty of C M and St Paul Railway shops would report that the action taken in
reference thereto is legal and no accordance with the ordinances
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
of the city and reports farther that additional guarantees against liability for damage have been
drawn up and forwarded to Milwaukee to be signed by the proper officers of said railway company
The city is protected fully from all liability
Very Resp
J H shields
city attorney
On motion of Ald Jones no action was had and the same deferred
Justice Leathers reported the number of cases tried by him the receipt of the treasurer was attached for
$12.00 as fines due the city
the report was received and filed
Wm Koenig pound master reported having impounded 13 cows during the month of August and received
for the same $7.50 the receipt of the treasurer being attached
received and filed
G Schollian reported having weighed 132 drafts on the southern avenue scales from the 2nd of april
to the 1st of September gross receipts $19.80. The receipts of the treasurer attached for $2.95 being
15 percent of the amount due the city
The report was received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed on the fifth ward scales during the month of August gross
receipts $25.35 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.80 being 15 percent of the amount due
the city
the report was received and filed
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 122 drafts on the west dubuque scales in the month of
August. Gross receipts $18.30. The receipt of the treasurer being attached for $2.55 being 15
percent of the amount due the city
the report was received and filed
The market master made the following report
161 certificates at 15 cents
rent of huckster stands
the receipt of the treasurer being attached
to board of prisoners 95 meals at 20 cents
Report received and filed and claim for board of prisoners ordered paid
Wood measurer warring reported having measurered 914 cords of wood during the month of August
and receiving as compensation $36.25
report received and filed
Lamplighter Nicol reported having lighted 186 gas lamps during the month of August
report received and filed
The city engineer presented a statement in regard to the claim of martin and Strane showing that they
were not entitled to any extra allowance for the improvement of Seminary Street
referred to the committee on streets and Engineering
The same also presented a profile of Seventh Street west of Locust street recommending to adopt the
blue line on profile as the change of grade
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The city marshal reported as follows on the petition of F F Plapp et al
I would respectfully repoert that I have attended to the matter and Mr. Strane promises that he will not
give his neighbors any reason to complain further on teh subject
received and filed
adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
Council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The committee on claims
reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of J D Bush as there was such a lot on Willow Street
on which a tax sale was made
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of referring the petition of J H Morgan to the committee of the
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of James Mulligan recommending that the same be
granted and that the recorder be instructed to draw an order for $50.00 in favor of petitioner
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The committee on streets having approved of the report of the street commissioner the same was
received and filed and ordered that the claims of street hands be paid
the committee on streets
reported on the petition of M Dewstoe et al recommending that the city council take the necessary steps
to condemn the right of way for a street provided petitioners pay all expenses for the opening of an alley
along the west or rear side of Corkery's subdivision
report adopted
The same committee reported as follows on the petition of M Dewstoe et al which was referred to report on
in the afternoon session
Your committee would report that the petitioners have deposited the amount necessary to defray the
expenses of condemnation with the city treasurer for the purpose of opening an alley 80 feet wide
leading south from Eleventh street and along the east line of lots 4 and 5 of outlot 687 and would recommend
that the proper steps be taken to condemn the right of way as asked for
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Dubuque linseed oil co recommending that petitioners
be allowed to lay a sidetrack as petitioned for provided however that they do not use any but their own
ground for the aforesaid track with the exeption of so much of the street walk in front of their factory to
enable them to reach their grounds. This right
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
is granted upon the further condition that said R R comply with the conditions in a resolution which is a
part of this report
The report was adopted by the following vote
yeas Ald Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 7
nays Ald Jones 1
The same committee reported on the petition of G Huekels
Adverse to that part of the remonstrance against allowing the Dubuque Linseed Oil Company to place a
switch along Jackson Street but favorable to keep all obstructions off the sidewalks
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution to improve Dodge Street as follows
your committee would report that they have expended the within appropriation on Dodge Street and
recommend that $400.00 more be appropriated to complete the repairs on said street
report adopted
the same committee
reported in favor of granting the petition of F Pann asking to be allowed to set his own curbstone
report adopted
the same committee reported on the laying of a sidewalk on Mineral street recommending that the
street committee be and is hereby instructed to make a 30 inch walk of the sidewalk on Mineral St
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of H Miller et al for a sidewalk on the south side of Eagle
Point Avenue that the same had been already laid
report adopted
the same committee reported on the resolution offered by Ald Foley for a survey and plat of Dodge Street
to Peabody Avenue recommending that the same be adopted
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of James Downey
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of M M Walker et al recommending that the same be received
and filed because there was no improvement necessary on the alley west of Walnut street in Bissell's
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Herman Miller Adverse thereto because they found that
the damages sustained by petitioner were not caused by neglect of the city but by the carelessness of
the contractors
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of Catherine Farrell and that the street
commissioner be instructed to bridge the water course in front of her property
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Chas Anderson recommending that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to bridge the water course in front of petioner's property wide enough to
make it passable for teams
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Wm Rooney for damages recommending that the same
be received and filed
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Annie Egan recommending that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the street committee be and is hereby instructed to fill the sidewalk petitioned for
when it can be convenient to do so
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Felix Agnew recommending that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to cause so much of the grading from
Bluff street to be deposited on the street petitioned for as may be necessary to make it passable for
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the same committee reported on the petition of George Zumhof Sr stating that the merits of the petition
had been investigated and that the special assessment was found to be erroneous and would recommend
that the tax sale be cancelled as petitioned for and be referred to the treasurer for adjustment
report adopted
the same committee reported adveseley on the petition of John Homan et al to improve 22nd street
from Couler Avenue to Elm Street and recommended that the petition be recieved and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of F Lange to improve the
alley between Maple and Cedar and 16th and 17th streets
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely to the petition of Albert Kulas et al to extend the 14th Street
sewer but recommended that the street commissioner be instructed
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
to cut a ditch west of the terminus of the sewer to drain the stagnant water complained of
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of F E Deggendorf Admir as follows
Adveerse to the prayer of the petitioner because they find that the petitioner was not damaged by the
neglect of the city but by the contractors
report adopted
the same committee reported tha tthey had investigated the merits of the resolution to place a crossing
on the corner of fourth and clay streets and recommended the same be adopted
report adopted
the same committee reported on teh petition of Ellen Ahern Adverse thereto and recommended that the
same be received and filed
report adopted
the same committee reported on the report of the city engineer in relation to the petition of John Conlin
to improve Eighth Street west of Pine Street and recommended the same be received and filed
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the same committee reported on the improvement of Bluff Street recommending that the work on Bluff
Street go on according to contract and state that the contractors object to the abutters doing their own
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of A Vogel recommending that no changes be made on
Seventeenth Street and that his petition be received and filed
report adopted
the committee on harbors reported as follows on the resolution of Ald Foley to improve the levee in front
of the steamboat landing and macadamize the same to at least fifty feet east from the curbstone towards
the water to wit: in regard to the resolution fo rmacadamizing the levee front your committee would report
that on account of the urgency of the matter we commenced the work and the same is now going on
report adopted
The committee on markets
reported in favor of giving Mrs F Herbst a butchers license for $12.00 provided the same be paid in
30 days
report adopted
the committee on public grounds and buildings reported that in their judgment the ordinance in relation to
bon windows does not permit the build
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
ing of a foundation for that purpose
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of the Dubuque Mattress company recommending to rent
the triangular lot on the northwest corner of Fourth and White Strees to said companyy at a fair price
and as long as it pleased the council
report adopted
The committee on Fire reported having received $80.00 from the sale of the horse of the Fire Department
and submitted the receipt of the treasurer
report adopted
The same committee reported as follows on the bids for hy for the fire department John Rankin 25 tons of
hay at ten dollars per ton and Wm Gremmels 25 tons at $16.00 per ton Received and filed and on motion
of Ald Doerfler the contract was awarded to Mr Rankin
the same committee reported on the petition of P Kiene et al that the matter was given consideration and
that the petitioners were entitled to the relief prayed for and recommended that the water mains be
extended on Broadway St
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the committee on police reported on the police report of justice hoerner for the month of July finding the
same to be correct
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of D G Scott et al asking for a gas lamp to
be placed on third street midway or there abouts between the one now on the corner of Saint mary's
street and the next one west
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition o the Knapp Stout and Company Co et al to erect a lamp
post at the northwest corner of Eighth and Washington Streets in favor of adopting the same
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of A Kaiser as follows in favor of granting the
same and that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel the assessment of A Kaiser on
stocks in corporations for the year 1880
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Siege recommending to cancel the tax for the year
1881 on lots 134 and 136 a L H Langworthy's add
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Newhouse recommending that the prayer of
the petitioner be granted and the tax for the year 1880 be cancelled on the north 1/5 of lot 454 city
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Bridget Burke recommending that her tax for the year
1880 be cancelled on parts of lots 10 and 11 Levi's add
report adopted
The committee reported adversely on the petition of Philip Wacker in behalf of the German Methodist
Episcopal Church for cancellation of special tax
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Ann McLaughlin to cancel her tax for the year
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Shannon recommending that the tax for the
year 1880 be cancelled on lot 55 N 29 feet
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Adam Kress recommending that the tax of 1880 on lot
No 579 in Ham's Addition be cancelled
report adopted
The committee on ordinances presented an ordinance vacating the sidewalk on the east side of White
Street and dedicating the premises included therein to general highway purposes in connection with buildings
to be erected by the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway Company
Ald Jones moved that the ordinance be adopted The same was adopted Rule 11 was then susptended
by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 9
The ordinance was then read by its title and on motion of Ald Jones was finally adopted
The committee of teh whole reported to receive and file the remonstrance of the Dubuque Butcher's
Association against Sycamore Street and lake Street vacation
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported to receive and file the petition of Mr. Rebman against vacating the same
report adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the petition of A Turner against the vacation of the same
Report Adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the remonstrance of Leopold Voelker against the
vacation of the same streets
report adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the petition of Richard Cox and Catherine Kaltenbach
against the vacation of the same streets
report adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the protest of J B Cleaver against the vacation of
same streets
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of referring the petition of martin and Strane asking compenation
for the work of Seminary Street was reported to the committee on streets and engineer
report adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of the Chamberlain Plow Company recommending
granting the prayer of the petitioner limiting the time to 6 years as per resolution filed this day.
report adopted
The same commitee reported on the claim of H Lembeck recommending the payment of the same less
one hundred dollars leaving a balance now due of two hundred dollars
report adopted
The same committee reported on the claim of T O Sullivan recommending the payment of the same with
a deduction of one hundred dollars making the balance now due $190.00
report adopted
Ald Doerfler chairman of the committee on fire steamer presented the following report
We your committee appointed for the purchase of a new steam fire engine would respectfully report to
your honorable body as follows
after corresponding with the different manufacturers of steam fire engines your committee came to the
conclusion that it would for the best interests of the city to purchase a Silsby Steam Fire Engine of
firt class make and therefore recommend that the steamer now stationed at the J K Graves Engine
House be purchased fo the use of the city said engine can be bought for the sum of $4500.00 the yeas
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
nays were called for on the report of the committee as follows
yeas ald altman clancy doerfler foley jones and rath 6
Ald Fengler Herod and Kavanaugh were excused from voting. The Mayor then announced the report
On motion of Ald Doerfler the claim of the Silsby Manucturing company of $2100 for repairing the J K Graves
engine was ordered paid
Ald Herod presented the opinions of E Smedley T W Place Wm Hopkins and M H Moore on the best kind
of engines to purchase and moved to heave the same placed on record
lost by the following vote
yeas Ald fengler herod and kavanaugh 3
Nays Ald Altman Doerfler Foley Jones Clancy and Rath 6
Teh committee on fire in conjunction with Ald clancy and Jones who were appointed to examine the Graves
Fire Engine made the following report
Your committee report that they have exmined the J K Graves and concluding to have the same rebuilt at
an expense of $2100 the work has been done to the satisfaction of the committee
report adopted
On motion of ald Doerfler a recess was taken for thirty minutes to draft a resolution to provide for the
payment of the new steamer and for the payment of repairs on the Graves steamer
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
After recess Ald Doerfler presented the following
Resolved that the following orders be drawn in favor of the Silsby manufacturing company to pay for the
new steam fire engine and for rebuilding the steamer J K Graves to wit
one order for !000 payable january 5 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886
1431.95 1887
The above orders to draw 6% annual interest
the resolution was adopted
Ald Doerfler thereupon moved that the new steamer be named J J Linehan in honor of the Honorable
Mayor Ald Herod Mayor Pro tem put the motion and the same was unaminously adopted
Ald Kavanaugh presented the following preambles and resolution
Whereas our destinguished fellow citizen the honorable Augustus C Dodge of Burlington is daily
expected to arrive in our city on his way home from the northern part of the state of Wisconsin where he
has been spending a part of the past summer with his estimable wife daughter in law and other members
of his family with the expectation and hope of benefiting his own health and that of other members of his
family who are with him and
whereas letters signed by upwards of 500 of our fellow citizens without respect to party politics or
religion the rich as well as the poor have been sent to Gen Dodge inviting him and his party to stop
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
over with our fellow citizens for the purpose of receiving at their hands a dinner supper or ball or all
three as he and they may elect and
whereas the distinguished services rendered to this city and county to iowa when it existed under a
territorial form of government afterwards as one of our senators in congress for two terms as our
minister plenipotentiary to spain under two presidents his nomination as such having been unaminously
confirmed by the senate of the united states without a reference to the committee on foreign affairs
therefore be it resolved that the mayor and aldermen of the city of Dubuque to be accompanied by our
Attorney Recorder City Marshal and the other city officials will when the mayor may be informed of the
approach of our friends and fellow citizens of Iowa General Dodge and family to the confines of our city to
tender to those exteemed countrymen a suitable reception whether they shall determine to remain over
with us or not to cooperate with our fellow citizens generally in a tender of such civilities and acts of
hospitality as may be deemed suitable and proper on the occassion
On motion of Ald Kavanaugh the rules were suspended and Gen Jones addressed the coundil
complimenting Gen Dodge etc The resolution was then adopted and the following committee appointed
to make arrangements for the reception of Gen dodge
Mayor Linehan Ald altman kavanaugh jones herod and doerfler
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
That to pay for macadamizing the alley between fifth and west seventh streets by Martin and Strane
contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots
and parts of los and parcels of real estate herin afer named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each los or parcel of real estate as follows
Corriell's Subdivision
James McCabe
T Dillon
Wm rebman
W C Mase Est
Jacob Michel
C Rhomberg
N H Schilling
James Linehan Est
Andrew Risch
Lorenz Latenser
J C Butt Est
B Kistler Est
Chas Nunstedt
special assessment levied for improving the alley between fifth and west seventh strees
martin and Strane contractors
resolution was adopted September 5 1881
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuq
that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing twelfth street from white to jackson streets by
W H Rebman contractor in front f and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several los and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafer named situated and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Henry Wellin
Mena Young
Fred W Kruse
Nick Hansen
resolution adopted
ald Fengler presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that the list of assessments on Semnary Street as here attached be and is hereby rescinded and
cancelled as the said lots have been already assessed for said improvment on Seminary Street
lot 675
Nic Brandt
German Evang church
Adam Nagel
Resolution adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
that the city engineer is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of an alley 20 feet wide along the
east side of out lot no 687 showing the land or lots through or over which said alley is proposed to be
laid out the names of the ownes thereof and the quantity of land proposed to be taken file said plat
in his office for public inspection and give the notices to the owners of the property proposed to be taken as
contemplated by section 2 of an ordinance to provide for the opening altering or annulling streets alleys
and highways
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to open out the gutters on Jackson St between 17th and 19th streets and to
put the same in passable condition
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city
engineer be hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of the continuation of High Street continued in a straight
line through the south 100 feet of lot 5 and lots 6 7 and 8 in Kniest's addition to said city showing the land or
lots through or over which said extension is proposed to be made the names of the owners of the land
with the quantity thereof proposed to be taken and file the said plat for public inspection in his office and further
that said engineer be instructed to give the
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
notices to ownes of property proposed to be taken in compliance with section 2 of an ordinance to provide
for opening altering or annulling streets highways and l, with a view to extending said high street through
the premises aforesaid
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the dubuque
lumbermens and manuracturers railway owned and controlle by the Illinois central railroad company be and
is hereby given the right to construct and maintain at the pleasure of teh council a switch or branch of said
railway on jackson street between eighty and nighth streets on teh west side thereof from the main track
thereof over the sidewalkat a point opposite the dubuque linseed oil factory and etending to said
factory this permission is given on teh express condition that the track hereby authorized to be laid shall
be kept in such condition as not to obstruct the sidewalk and street aforesaid and subject to the control
and police regulations of said city and upon the further condition that said railway company shall indemnify
said city for all claims for damage of every kind or characer by reason of the permission and the exercise
of the right hereby granted and provided further that said railroad in writing signify its acceptance of the
rights hereby granted subject to the conditions aforesaid within ___ days from the passage of this
resolution and provided further that the rights hereby granted shall continue only so long as the city council
of said city shall deem expedient the yeas and nays were called for on the resolution
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
and the same was adopted as follows
yeas ald clancy fengler foley herod kavanaugh and rath 6
Nays Ald altman and Rath 2
Ald foley presented the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey
of a proposed street from peabody avenue to Dodge Street and prepare and submit a plat of the same
at the next regular session of the city council showing the land or lots through or over which the same is
proposed to be made the names of the owners where of and the quanitity of land proposed to be taken
and the engineer give the notices contemplated by section 2 of the ordinance for opening streets to the owners of
the property whos land is proposed to be taken
the resolution was adopted
Ald fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to make the
necessary repairs on Alpine Street between fourth and fifth streets under the supervision of the committee
on streets
resolution adopted
Alderman fengler presented teh following resolved by the city coundil of Dubuque that the street
commissioner be and is hereby instructed to raise the gutter where necessary on the west side of
bluff street between Eighth and Tenth streets so as to effect a good drainage
resolution adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to enforce the
ordinance in reg and to bow windows as constructed by the city attorney and committee on public grounds
and buildings in their report to the city council september 5th 1881
resolution adopted
Ald fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that four hundred dollars $400 be appropriated for the improvement
of Dodge Street for the month of September
Resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following
Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that an order for $3.80 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of
Aug Kaiser for amount overpaid as over assessment
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that $400 be and are hereby
appropriated for the improvement of west Locust street for the month of September 1881
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that $400 be and are hereby
appropriated for the improvement of southern Avenue during the month of September 1881
resolution adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The mayor stated that the council was exceeding the amount of money set aside on the street work and
cautioned to have expenses curtailed
Ald Jones presented the following
be it resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque
that a stone crossing four feet wide placed on Clay street east side crossing Tenth Street also a four foot
stone crossing on ninth street north side crossing Iowa Street
resoltuion adopted
Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that the city recorder be and is hereby authorized to draw the following warrants bearing 6% interest and
dated August 2nd 1881 payable January 1st 1882 and that the resolution of August 1st 1881 authorizing the finance
committee to borrow $8000 be so amended as to read $7000 being the correct amount borrows
Dubuque Catholic Ben Assn $2000
Richard Scott $500
Richard Scott Agent $3000
M Brown $1500
Resolution adopted
Ald Herod presented the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque City that the financial committee be and is hereby instructed
to borrow the sum of $3500 for use of said city to defray the past month's expenses
Resolution adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Herod presented the following
Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque the City Council passed a resolution to remit all the
general municipal taes which might be assessed against the Norweigan Plow Co for the term of eight years
not ensuing and at the regular session of said council held Setember 6 1880 said Norweigan Plow Co
petitioned said council to assess them with the value of the premises on which they have established their
works as it was originally assessed before making their improvements and to remit the balance of taxes
standing against them. This was referred to the committee on equalization who reported October 4 1880
granting the prayer of the petitioner and fixing the value of said premesis viz: lots 2 & 3 in harbor co's addition at
$1400 and whereas in view of the above the Chamberlain plow co have petitioned said council to have their
assessments remitted and be placed upon the same footing as the Norweigian Plow Co
now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque
that in consideration of the establishing and maintaining of the Chamberlain Plow Company in the city
of Dubuque and carrying on the same to the extent of their ability we the counci lof said city agree to far
as lies in our power to remit to said company all the general municipal taxes which may be assessed
against them during the next six years reserving and excepting the original assessed value on City lots
569 and 570 at five thousand dollars
Resolution was adopted
Regular Session September 5, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Herod stated the time had arrived when it was necessary to fix the percentage on the tax for 1881
and moved that when teh council adjourn it be to Wednesday September 7th 1881 at 7:30 p.m.
the following bills were read and ordered paid
J F Conant
Wm Faust
F H Finke
T O'Sullivan
J K Graves Hose Co
Ham and Carver
Morrison Bros
Joseph Geiger
Harney and Connor
Andrew and Tredway
W H Rebman
Wm G Watters
F Schloz
John McCoy
Spear and Lee
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
Chad McMaster
J Ganahl
Andrew Tredway and Sons
Iowa Iron Works
J Bibbs
Dubuque Water Co
Sol Turck Hose Company
Morrison Bros
Globe Gas Light Co
C Mason and Son
F A Gniffke
T E Frith
F Gehetner
Asa Roberts
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Henry Lembeck
Allen and Taylor
G Gmehle
Key City Gas Co
N H Faust
D A Gehrig
Peter Olinger
Mrs Schratka
David Grant
P Schlenken
B D Linehan
D W Linehan
mrs P McMahon
D W Linehan
C A Voelker
F E Moser
Clark and Co
P Specht
D Monggenburg
D Mattress Co
Key City Gas Co
N Willet
G Perry
Telephone Ex Co
F Mertz
Henry Haas
Mrs L Koenig
Geo J Heenivoe
C M and St P R R
Martin Kane
Regular Session September 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath
The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of making the levy on the taxes for the
year 1881
Ald herod therefore presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that there be and is hereby levied on the taxable
property of the city of Dubuque for the year 1881 the following taxes towit
For current expenses
to pay interest and funded
debt falling due the current year
for water tax
Ald Herod presented the following whereas an offer of compromise has beenmade on the basis of
$500.00 in the suit of Henrietta Wilson administratrix vs the city of Dubuque for the claim made by the city in
said suit
Resolved that the matter be referred to the financial committee and the city attorney with power to take such
action as the interests of the city may demand
resolution adopted
Ald Herod presented teh following
resolved by the city coundil of the city of Dubuque
that the triangular lot being part of lot 54 on the corner of fourth
Regular Session September 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath
and White streets be leased to mr Kapp for a term to be terminated at the pleasure of the city council
at the yearly amount of $25 and the city attorney be instructed to draw a lease of the same and
have the same properly signed
The resolution was adopted
the council then adjourned
martin kane
city recorder
Special Session September 20, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Crawford and Rath
The mayor stated that he had called the council together to show their sympathy to the family of the deceased
President Jas A Garfield
Ald Crawford presented the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that it iswith feelings of profoundest sorrow that the
members of this council have received the sad inteligence that the hopes and prayers of the nation have
been in vain and that they patient and heroic sufferings of president Garfield upon the bed of pain to which
he had been brought by the hand of an assassin have at last ended in death.
that in this hour of immersal sorrow while fully realizing how vain and empty must be all expressions of
grief on condolence we desire to add our heaertfelt tribute to the distinguished ability the lofty eloquence
and the high and pure character of the dead stateman.
That we entertain the deepest and tenderest sympathy for the noble wife and bereaved and stricken family
of our lamented president in this hour of their great affliction and trust that the power which tempers the wind
to the shorn lamb may have them in his high and holy keeping.
That our council chamber be draped in mourning during the remainder of the
Special Session September 20, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Crawford and Rath
current year and that we do now adjourn Adl Doerfler moved that the resolution be spread on the records
and also that the mayor be requested to send a copy of the same to the SEcretary of State under
the seal of the city to be presented by the latter to the family of the late president garfield
Ald Herod moved that when it would b announced to have the funeral of the president take place mayor
Linehan be requested to issue his proclamation calling on all the business men to close their places and
duly observe the day
Ald Crawford moved that the mayor be requested to have the council chamber draped in mourning
Council adjourned
Martin Kane
City recorder
Special Session September 23, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath
Mayor Linehan stated that the meeting was for the purppose of taking action on the invitation of the
Veteran Corps to commemorate the late president garfield and to attend the funeral obsequious on
On motion of Ald Joes the invitation was accepted and a committee appointed consisting of Ald Herod
Jones Doerfler and Foley to making full arrangements
Ald Doerfler moved that the fire department be invited to participate and the fire committee have power
to make the appropriate arrangements
Ald Clancy moved that the committee on police be instructed to make the necessary arrangements for
the police department to parade
Adjourned to Monday at 1 PM
Martin kane
Special Session September 26, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Foley, Jones, Crawford, Kavanaugh and Rath
On motion of Ald Jones the council adjourned to atend the funeral of the late President Garfield
communicated here
Martin Kane
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
The minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved
the petition of Thomas Hackney asking employment on the street was referred to the committee on streets
with power
The petition of Jerry Howard to compensate him for having a cow killed in a quarry near Dodge Street
was referred to the committee on claims
Auditor Brandt presented a communication asking the council to appoint a committee to assist in the
settlement of the redemption money in his hands belonging to Mr. Hintrager on motion of Alderman Jones
the request was granted and the same was referred to the committee on Finance for adjustment
the petition of AS Bunting to refer his assessment for the year 1880 to a proper committee for consieration
was referred to the commitee on delinquent tax
The petition of F Spiegel for the improvement of the alley between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets and
Washington and Elm Streets was referred to the committee on streets
the remonstrance of E H Shippley against allowing the motor railway company to operate the road was on
motion filed
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
The petition of C J Richards and Mrs Mahony asking to grade and repair Seminary Street was referred
to the committee on streets
The petition of mrs E A Sullivans for a reduction of her assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the
committee of the whole
The petition of John Corcoran to improve valley street was referred to the street committee
The petition of D J Hennessy to cancel his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of Rosetta Cook to remit her tax for 1881 on the S 1/2 of lot No 10 Marsh's Addition
was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax
The petition of AW Sears to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of
the whole
the petition of Caroline Fuhrmann to cancel his assessment on personal tax to the amount of $600.00
for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mrs Eugene Early to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 105 Cox's addition was
referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Catherine Morrisey to cancel her regular tax for the year 1880 upon paying the balance due on
her special assessment was referred to the del tax committee
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
the petition of raymond Kerner to repair a wall at the corner of Arlington and Dell Streets was referred
to the committee on streets
the petition of Wm Rooney to allow him $52.49 for damages caused by floods on Southern Avenue was
referred to the same committee.
The petition of Wm Ruff to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 on the east side of main st between
fifth and sixth streets was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of the Mercantile Trust Company to reduce the assessment on the Emerson House and premise
to $4000 for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole
the petition of W H Peabody et al to extend Fourteenth Street and open the same from Alta Vista Street
to the Delhi Road was referred to the committee on Streets
The communication of Marshal Harriman calling attention to the necessity of putting down a new sidewalk
on Eighth and main streets was referred to the same committee
the petition of John Coulin for a wall in front of his property on west Eighth streets was referred to the
same committee
The petition of N Theis et al for a lamp on west locust street near grand view avenue was referred to the
committee on police
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
The communication of Jms E Land asking the council to purchase five hundered copies of a book
entitled the industries of Dubuque together with the recommendations of many citizens was referred
to the committee of the whole
the petition of Margaret Dunn to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on part of lot no 594 city was refered to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Mrs Margaret Roberts asking the council to recieve the balance due from her on special
assessment and to give her a receipt for the same in full was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of the Dubuque LInseed Oil Co to cancel their tax except on the lots upon their building
is situated was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The street commissioner reported the sum of $2044.60 as the amount for which orders were required
to be drawn to pay the street hands for the month of September.
referred to the street committee to examine the same
The city audiytor reported $1259.20 as the amount necessary to pay off the city officers for the month of
September the report was received and filed and several claims ordered paid
The city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of September to the amount of $487.75
report received and filed
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
The city marshal reported having the amount due the regular and special police for the month of
September at $1129.30. He also reported having made fifty arrests and receiving fifty cents as fees
from justice Duffy the receipt of the treasurer being attached
The report ws received and filed and the several claims ordered paid
Pound Master reported having received $10.50 as receipts from the pount in the month of September
the receipt of the treasurer being attached
report received and filed
The lamplighter reported lighted 187 gas lamps during the month of September
report received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 236 drafts on the first ward scales during the months of August and September
The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $5.00 being 15 percent of the amount due the city
received and filed
Charles Pitschner reported having weighed 100 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month
of September Gross receipts $15.00 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.25 being 15 percent due
the city
received and filed
F Fosselman reported having weighed 137 drafts on teh Fifth Ward Scales during teh month of September
Gross receipts were $20..55. The receipt of the treasurer was attached for the sum of $3.10 being 15 percent
of the amount due the city.
received and filed
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Rath and Crawford
G Gmehl reported having weighed on the market house scales 375 certificates in the month of September
Gross amount $56.25 the receipt of the treasurer attached Rent from the huckster stands $25.75 for which
the receipt of the treasurer was attached To board of prisones and lodgers 54 meals at 20 cents per
meal amount $10.80 report was received and filed and the claim ordered paid
Justice Duffy reported the number tied by him during the month of September The receipt of the treasurer
was attached for $5.00 as fees due the city The report was received and filed.
The wood measurer reported having measured 850 2/8 cords of wood during the month of September
Received for the same the sum of $31.20
the report was received and filed
the council adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
the city council met at 2 o'clock
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The committee on streets approved the report on the street commissioner and on motion the same was
received and filed and the several claims ordered paid
The committee on finance made the following report on the suit of Henrietta Wilson vs the City of Dubuque
Your committee beg to report that after consultation with the city attorney we
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
deemed it for the best interest of the city that the offer of $500.00 in settlement of said suit be accepted
and that the monty is now in teh hands of the city treasurer The city attorney's written opinion is hereto
attached and made a part of this report
Messrs Herod Crawford and Altman
Finance Committee
I have carefully examined the questions at issue in the matter of the settlement of the suit of Henrietta Wilson
administratrix & c vs the city of Dubuque et al and am of the opinion that the partial payments of taxes made
by plaintiffs decedent are lawful payments proven to have been made upon the real property described in
the plaintiff's petition
Upon the point of releasing or affecting their relations to the city of the sureties upon the late treasurer's official
bond by the settlement of said suit I will state that all the surities who took part in the defense of said suit
have signed a written request that the offer of compromise of $500.00 be accepted which request is
herewith submitted. Such settlement can in no manner impair or effect the right of the city to hold
the surities on said treasurer's official bond I therefore recommend from a full kowledge of the whole case
that the offer of settlement be accepted
The pendency of the Wilson suit prevents the prosecution of action aginst the sureties on Riordan's bond
now pending at the present term of the District Court
Very respectfully yours
J H Shields
City Attorney
September 29 1881
Regular Session October 3rd, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
In the supreme court of iowa October Term 1881 Henrietta Wilson Administratri of Estate of David S Wilson
vs the city of Dubuque
we the undersigned sureties on the official bondsof Daniel Riordan late city treasurer of the city of Dubuque
hereby request that the appeal to the supreme court in the above cause which was taken at our request
be withdrawn when Mrs. Wilson plaintiff shall pay the city of Dubuque Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to
be applied toward the settlement of the claims made by said city in said cause
Absalom Cain
By Graham & Cady his attorneys
F T WAlker for self
and Susanna Kirtle Admx
F M Robinson
J P Quigley
John Phelan
Timothy Dillon
R W Stewart Attorney
For W G Stewart and James Ruegame Esq
the yeas and nays were called on the report of the committee and the same was adopted by a full vote
in the affirmative as follows
yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10
The committee on ordinances presented an ordinance granting to the Edison Electric Light Company
of Dubuque Iowa the right to lay and maintain wires tubes and conductors for the purpose of supplying
elecricity for illuminating and other purposes Be it ordained by the
Regular Session October 3rd, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
City council of the city of Dubuque that the edison Electric Light company of Dubuque iowa be and is hereby
authorized and empowered to lay and maintain tubes wires conductos and insulators under the surface
of the streets alleys public parts and places in said city for the purpose of conveying and supplying elecricity
or electrical currents for the purposes of illumination and for other purposes and to erect lamp posts to
be used in connection with the illuminating process aforesaid.
Sec 2 the said Edison Electric Light Company shall not in the laying using repairing or maintaining the tubes
wires conductors and insulators aforesaid unneccessarily obstruct the passage of or allow to be and remain in
a dangerous condition any street alley sidewalk or pubolic place and shall within a reasonable time repair
any and all damage done to any streets alley sidewalk sewer gutter park or public place by reason of the removal
of any part thereof or by excavation or otherwise and all obstructions to alleys streets and excavations made
therein for the purpose aforesaid shall be with the consent and under the direction of the committee on
streets of said city
Sec 3 the said company shall be liable to any person or corporation suffering the same for any and all damage
or injury occasioned by the laying repairing or maintaining the pipes tubes wires and insulators aforesaid
and for any and all obstructions to streets and excavations therein and for all damage of whatsoever kind or char
Regular Session October 3rd, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
character occasioned by the operation of the business of said company and for security to said city against
all damage or claim therefore by reason of the matters aforesaid the said company shall before any of
the work contemplated shall be commenced furnish to said city a good and sufficient bond in such
sum and with such sureties as said city may direct
Sec 4 The rights and privileges hereby granted to said company shall not be exclusive nor in any manner
impair the right of said city to give similar rights to any person or company whatsoever and said company
shall be subject in the operation of said enterprise to all regulations and restrictions that said city may by
ordinance from time to time establish.
Section 5 The rights and privileges hereby granted are upon the express condition that said company
shall within 5 years from the passage of this ordinance erect and construct within the limits of said city
suitable works and machinery for the prosecution of the enterprise aforesaid and shall also lay down 1000
feet of pipes wires and insulators in the street and alleys of said city in connection therewish and a failur
as to do by said company shall work a forfeiture of the franchise and privleges hereby granted.
Section 6 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the official papers
of said city at the expense of said company and the acceptance in writing by said company of the conditions
and provisions of this ordinance. On motion of Ald Jones adopted and laid over for one month.
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Rath chairman of the committee on claims reported in favor of paying the bill of Healey Bros for $10.45
report adopted
The same reported on the claim of F W Kringle of $46.60 recommending to lay the same on the table as
it was on the payroll for the past month
report adopted
the same reported on the claim of the Knapp Stout and company Co for $282.48 recommending the same
be paid
report adopted
The same reported in favor of paying the claim of Wm Koenig for $4.10
report adopted
On motion of ald Doerfler the petition of the Iowa Iron Works to remove the hydrant at the Southeast corner
of their shops was granted the displacement to be done at the expense of teh company under the direction
of the committee on fire
The committee on streets reported on the petition of Wm Coreman recommending that the city engineer
be and is hereby instructed to make a survey of St Mary's Street and to report the result at the next
session of the city council whether said street is obstructed and in what manner and to what extent
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of A Cain et al recommending that the prayer be granted
provided that the right of way for the opening of the
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Street petitioned for be given to the city without expense
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of mary Sellers and others recommending that the city
engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey of the alley in front petitioner's residence and that the
city marshal be and is hereby instructed to open said alley at once when this survey is made and that the
street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to make the alley passable for teams when so opened
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of John Morgan because Mr morgan had been paid
in full for all work done on the contract he had with the city
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Thos S Navin as follows that the street commissioner had been
instructed to make the necessary repairs on teh street petitioned for
report adopted
The same committee reported that a side track had been laid in front of the mill of the Linseed Oil Company
and the necessary resolution in relation thereto passed at the regular session of the previous council
report adopted
The same committee reported and the petition of Stephen Downes recommending that the street
commissioner be instructed to repair the street at once not to exceed $15
report adopted
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of Chas Anderson recommending that the street commissioner
be instructed to build a bridge at once the expense not to exceed $30.00
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of M M Trumbull recommending that whenever Gen Trumbull
shall appoint one engineer at his own expense the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a
resurvey with that engineer and submit the report of the same to the city council.
report adopted
The same committee reported on teh petition of M M Trumbull complaining of the obstructions on Brad
Street etc recommending that the city marshal be instructed to remove all obstructions from the street
petitioned for within ten days from date
report adopted
The same committee reported on teh petition of G B Hamilton et al asking more time on the same
on motion granted
The same committee reported on the petition of Martin and Strane Adverse to the prayer of the petition
as the committee find the measurement of the city engineer correct
report adopted
Teh same committee reported on teh petition of George Richardson as follows that no reliefe could be
granted at the expense of the city but suggested that he dig a cess pool at his own expense
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
the same committee reported on teh petition of Henry Deckert et al as follows that they have obtained the
right of way from the abutting property owners and therefore recommend that the prayer of the petitioners
be granted
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Peter Kiene et al that they do not think it advisable to make
any improvements on the street petitioned for at present and therefore report adverse to the prayer of
the petition
report adopted
The committee on police reported in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of the Iowa Iron Works Co
and the Dubuque Linseed Oil Co asking for a lamp post to be erected at the northeast corner of jackson
and Ninth Streets
report adopted
the street committee asked for the extension of more time on the petition of James McBride
report adopted
The committee on Delinquent Tax reported on teh petition of P A Ruley recommending that the same
be received and filed as the commtitee find that the petitioner did not pay th etax on the improvement on
lot 179
report adopted
Teh same committee reported on the petition of G Ganahl recommending to grant the same and that
the city auditor be instructed to redeem the property petitioned for when the petitioner shall deposit the
sum of $50.00 with him
report adopted
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The same committee reported on the petition of Josephine Wasser recommending that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to give petitioner one year's
time for the payment of special assessment from date
report adopted
The same commtitee recommended to cancel the tax of Margaret Lear for the year 1880 on the north one
half of lot NO 32 East Dubuque
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Jane Young for the year 1880
Report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of mrs mary Canavan on lot No 3 Bissells Dubuque
for the year 1881
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Maria Wolff for the year 1880 on W 1/2 Lot
31 in Cox's Add
report adopted
The committee on Fire reported on teh petition of Wm Ryan et al in favor of granting the same and that they had
notified the water company to extend the water mains to the point desired
report adopted
Ald Doerfler recommended that the petition of Ed Smyth be referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Clancy presented the following
Whereas it is not deemed adviseable by this council to complete Bluff Street Extension this season to
enable the citizens on West Hill to lay a sidewalk in accordance with a previous arrangement made with
them and whereas it is impossible to get along on said street without a sidewalk therefore be it resolved
that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to lay a sidewalk on said Bluff Street Extension
with the old lumber belonging to said sidewalk and if any new lumbe ris needed to purchase the same
On motion of ald Clancy rules were suspended and Ex ald Pier was allowed to address the council on the
matter the resolution was adopted and the work ordered to be done under the direction of the committee on
The committee on equlization reported on the petition of J P Donohue as having adjusted the assessment
on W 1/2 of lot 608 as prayed for the same being done before the adjournment of the board of equalization
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh Jones entered the following Be it resolved by the city council of teh city of Dubuque that the
City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for building and continuing the same from the present termination
on Dodge St to Bluff St in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the city engineer
referred to the street com
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted
REsolved that the matter of the settlement of the tax matters pending between Mrs margaret Fanning Williams
hingrager and the city of Dubuque be referred to the finance committee with the attorney to investigate and
report at the next session of the council
Ald Crawford presented the following
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque
that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of the extension of Grand View
Avenue easterly to Clark St in Linehan's Addition thence southerly to the city limits showing the land on
lots through or over which the said proposed street is proposed to be made joining the owner's names
thereof and the quantity of land proposed to be taken from each and file said plat in the office of said
engineer for public inspection with a view to opening said street in accordance with chapter 25 of the
revised ordiances
the resolution was adopted
Ald Crawford presented the following
Resolved that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of an extension of
14th street from its present terminus westerly in a direct line to the delhi road in accordance with teh prayer of
W H Peabody and others this day presented said plat to show the land and lots through or over which
the same is proposed to be ade the names of teh owners thereof and the quantity of land proposed to be
taken from each and to file said
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
plat in the office of said engineer for public inspection with a view to opening said street in accordance
with chapter 25 of the revised ordinance
resolution adopted
Ald Crawford presented the following resolved that all bills and accounts against the city of Dubuque for advertising
job printing booksand stationary before being allowed for payment shall be accompanied by a certificate
of the officer or officers ordering said work or purchasing the articles charged for certifying that the account
is correct and the prices charged are just and reasonable
Resolution adopted
Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the Finance
Committee be and are hereby instructed to borrow the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for ordinary current
expenses of said city
Ald herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder by and
is hereby instructed to draw an order for the sum of $84.00 to pay the interest due October 4 1881 on Warrant
No 1755 for $1200.00 and that a new warrant be drawn for $1200.00 bearing 6% interest in place of the
above payable to B E Linehan and the treasrer is hereby instructed to take up said warrant no 1750 and
issue the above 6% warrant in its stead payable January 1st 1882
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Herod presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that orders be
drawn on the treasurer for the following amounts to wit: one for $8000 in favor of Dubuque Building and
Loan Association bearing 6% interest per annum to date from September 7th 1881 and one order for $500.00
in favor of Dubuque Catholic Benevolent Society bearing 6% interest per annum and to date from Eptember 7
1881 both falling due on or before January 1st 1881
resolution adopted
Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that whereas at the
last session of the city council there wa a levy made of 13 miles on the dollar with a view of meeting certain
obligations and the current expenses of the city and in order to have the same carried out.
Be it resolved that the mayor appoint a special committee to recommend to this council special appropriations
for the different funds and object of the above levy and that no money be afterwards drawn unless the same
has been provided for Ald Herod moved that the resolution be adopted the yeas and nays were had on
the motion and the same was lost by the following vote
Yeas Ald Crawford and Herod 2
Nays Ald Altman Clancy doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 8
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque
that it pay for macadamizing water street from 1st street extension to jones street by J N Foye contractor
in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Bonson and Steward
Lot 2 of Block 6 Dubuque Harbor Co's addition
3 of block 6
4 of block 6
5 of block 6
6 of block 6
I C Railroad Co Illinois Central
Right of way on water street from Jones to first streets
Coleman & Dowling
7 of Block 6
Hansen & Linehan
8 of Block 6
Bonson & Stewart
9 of Block 6
J E Fairbanks
1 of Block 5
Hansen & Linehan
1 of Block 4
resoltion adopted Oct 3 1881
Special Assessment October 3 1881
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for curbing & guttering Seventh Street from White to Jackson Street by W H Rebman contractor in
front of and adjoining the same a specail tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
B H Campbell
358 city
Farley Loetscher & Co
369 city
Resolution adopted October 3 1881 Tax
Ald Fengler presented the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company
be granted the right to change the surface of White Street from Fifth to Sixth STreets to that whown by the
accompanying plan and profile all macadamizing and paving to be done to the satisfaction of the city
engineer and street committee at the expense of said Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Co
referred to the committee on streets
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that it is deemed
advisable to lay out and open an alley 20 feet wide of teh east side of lot
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
687 in siad city in accodance with notices served upon the parties interested and steps heretofore taken
and that the recorder issue a venire to the city marshal and furnish said marshl with the names of the owners
of the property proposed to be taken and as returned by the city engineer and commanding said marshal
to summon a jury of 12 freeholders to assess such damages as any peson may sustain by reason of
opening the street aforesaid and to take such necessary steps as are required by chapter 20 for opening
streets and highways on motion the rules were suspended and Mr Weigel was allowed to address the council
opposing the opening of said alley
resolution was adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following report from the committee on streets which was adopted
Your committee to whom was referred the matter of opening high street from Johnson Avenue to Lake
Street would report that they have obtained deeds of the right of way from the parties interested for the
consideration that no street improvements be taxed against the real estate through which said street
runs for the period of seven years as provided in said deeds except as to such part of said premises as
may be sold
report adopted
ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted resolved that high street extended to lake street
be declared a public street and that the marshal be and is hereby instructed to open the same to public
travel in 20 days from the day hereof
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following
Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be
within fifteen (15) days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks on the south side of Fifth Street between Nevada and Hill Street
The resolution was adopted by the following vote
Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath
Ald Fengler offered the following which was adopted
REsolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $185.07 be drawn in favor of Spear and Lee for work
done on Bluff Street Extension
Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City council of Dubuque that an appropriation of $100
be made for the improvement of West Locust Street
Ald Fengler presented teh following be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to make necessary repairs on Grove Street the expense not to exceed $15.00
Ald Fengler presented the followng which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that
an appropriation of $200 be made for the improvement on Southern Avenue
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city attorney be and
is hereby instructed to notify the I C R R Co (illinois central railroad company) to put Jackson Street
from Seventh to Tenth Streets in condition it was in before their track was laid on said street and to fill the
inside of their track in accordance with teh ordinance in relation thereto
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed
to put main street south of seminary street o grade without further delay
Ald Fengler presented teh following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street committee be and are hereby instructed to
purchase 200 cubic yards of macadam from Mr J N Foye for $1.00 per yard the same to be used for the improvement
of Main Street where repairs are necessary
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of teh city of Dubuque that the street
commissioner be and is hereby instructed to open Sanford Street from Elm Street to Stafford Street
and that he put the same in passable condition as soon as the city engineer can give him the line of said
street with the grade of same at an expense not to exceed $300
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that teh committee on streets be
and are hereby instructed to examine Eighth Street sewer and to make such repairs as they may deem
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order for
$24.20 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of the city auditor the amount being necessary to redeem the
W 1/5 and N 1/2 S W 1/5 of city lot 487 as directed by action of the coundil
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an appropriation
of $150 be made for the improvement of Dodge Street
Resolution adopted
Ald Fengler here stated that he had been by the newspapers charged with having been extravagant in
laying out of work on streets and was told that one of his republican colleagues had furnished the information
for publication to the editor of the Herald He claimed that the change was not well founded and showed by
comparison to be untrue The aldermen severally denied having given the information
The claim of Grosevenor & Harger for the sum of $5.85 was referred to the committee on claims
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
The claim of Lagen and Son for the sum of $22.00 was referred to the committee on streets
The claim of W H Torbert for $1.70 was referred to the committee on Fire
The claim of J and A Christman for $4.30 was referred to the same committee
The claim of J and A Christman for the sum of $3.45 was referred to teh committee on claims
The following bills were read and ordered paid
N W Globe Gas Light Co
Wood and Gissel
M A Hubert
Morrison Bros
Joseph Geiger
D W Linehan
Larry Daly
J M Newburgh
Vogel and Ferguson
C McElrath
Healey Bros
F Fosselmann
N H Thedinga
F Roehl
N H thedinga
C McElrath
Key City Gas Company
J J Linehan Hose Co
American Smelting Co
George Marsh
N C Ryan
Sol Turck Hose Co
Key City Hose and Lad Co
Telehone Ex Comp
C A Voelker
Key City Gas Co
J M Luke
Dubuque Water Co
Wm Koenig
Mrs L Koenig
John Klein
C A Voelker
J J Rowan
Kees and Sullivan
T E Frith
J and A Christman
M Reynolds
Ham and Carver
F Mertz
Times Company
James Kelly
C McElrath
Palmer Winall & Co
W E Jones
W H Rebman
Spear and Lee
Martin & Strane
C H McMaster
Blackman and Post
Ed Hackett
J N Foye
F E Moser
Vogel and Ferguson
John Eichhorn
Regular Session October 3, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Bills ordered paid
Morrison Bros
J D Randall & Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Western Union Tel Co
A Cullen
Mess E T Gallagher
Fengler & Johnston
T O'Sullivan
J F O'Dea
J M Luke
D D O'Connell
C A Voelker
Ald Jones stated that the time had arrived when it was required to make an appointment of public hog
weigher and he would to go into an election for the same
Messers N H Schilling and John Hayes were put in nomination the vote stood as follows
Schilling 7
Hayes 2
Mr Schilling having received a majority on motion of ald Jones his election was made unanimous
Ald Herod moved that the city auditor be instructed to publish the proper notice in accordance with the ordinance
notifying taxpayers that the assessment roll for 1881 was now ready for public inspection and that all
claims for reduction be presented before the next regular session of the council
The council then adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Special Session October 18, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 9
Mayor LInehan stated that the object of the meeting was to take into consideration the appointment of
delegates to attend and represent Dubuque in the River Improvement Convention to be held in St. Louis
on the 26th inst
Ald Jones moved that Col D B Henderson B E Linehan Esq Wm Vandever and Gen Geo W Jones be
appointed as such delegation
the mayor presented the following which was read and on motion the same was received and filed and the
recorder instructed to make a copy for publication to wit
Department of State
Washington october 3 1881
His Honor
J J Linehan
Mayor of Dubuque Iowa
I have the honor to acknowledge with feelings of deep appreciation on behalf of President Garfield's sorrowing
family and of the American people in this hour of grief, the receipt of your letter of the 21st ultimo conveying the
touching resolutions of condolence adopted at a special session of the city council of Dubuque held on
the 20th ultimo in honor of the memory of our late beloved chief magistrate. In the presence of the sad
ending of the dread struggle which the
Special Session October 18, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 9
nation has watched for so many weeks with unspeakable anguish, the full hearts of the grief stricken
widow and family of the murdered president are profoundly touched by the evidence of universal kinship
in their sorrow furnished by tributes of love and reverence like yours and in their name I thank you earnestly
I have tne honor to be sir
your obedient servant
James G Blaine
the committee of the whole made the following reports all of which were adopted
To place the assessment of Mrs E A Sullivan at $20,000 for 1881
to place the assessment of Mr A W Sears at $12,000 for 1881
To cancel the assessment of D J Hennessy on moneys and credits for the year 1881
To cancel the assessment of Caroline Furhmann on moneys and credits for the year 1881 Also furniture
Adverse to a reduction of the assessment on the emerson house premises as prayed for by the Mercantle
Trust Company
In favor of receiving and filing the communication of John E Land for the purchase of books
To receiving and filing the petition of E H Sheppley asking to prevent the operation of the motor railway
To cancel the tax of Mrs E Early for the year 1881
To refer the petition of mr N Frith to the committee on claims
to place the assessment of mr Wm Ruff for the years 1881 at the sum of $10,000
Special Session October 18, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 9
to indefinitely postpone action on the remonstrance of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway Co
against teh erection of a union slaughter house
To file the opinions of Attorneys ODonnell Lyon and McCeney for the present referring to the motor railway
Council Adjourned
Martin Kane
City recorder
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The City council met in regular session at 9:30 a.m.
On motion of Ald Fengler Rule 11 was suspended and the following persons addressed the council claiming
damages for the opening of Grand View avenue from Summer Hill to the city limits John Collins Andrew Murphy
Wm Flannery Wm Carter John Quinlan and mrs John Criman
Ex mayor Bush also addressed the council in opposition to the extension of W Fourteenth Street from
Alta Vista St to the Delhi Road
the minutes of the October sessions were then read and approved
The petition of Mrs E Saye to repair the corner of jones and Main Streets ws referred to the committee
on streets
The petition of the Knapp Stout and Company to wall up the Eighth Street sewer and to extend the same
from Washington Street to the track of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul R R Company was referred to
the comittee on streets
on motion the following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole
Geo Burden
G Jeffrey
Western Telephone Co
Sophie Dempsey
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Isaiah Clemenson
H B Glover & Co
Geo W Jones
W H Thompson
P W Crawford
Jacob Kratz
mrs E M Ogilby
A H Stuart
T G Cragin
Mrs John Kreis
J Thompson
J M Gandolfo
Helen Finley
Michael McMahon
C M Carter
John Simplot
Miss mary English
Felix Flannagan
Carr Ryder and Wheeler
Robert Graham
Wm Hintrager
Geo Radford
F M Robinson
Norwegian Plow Co
Fischer and Wheeler & Co.
Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association
M J Drasda
John Schubert
John Maclay
Jas McDonnell
W J Burns
W W Tabor
Amanda Matthews
John Pier
Novety Iron Works Co
Mrs Dr Scott
B A Griffin
W W Carr
Wm Thete
All of the above petitions being in reference to the assessment of year 1881
the petition of J D bush in opposition to the extension of west Fourteenth St from Alta Vista Street to the Delhi
Road was referred to the same committee
the petition of hannah Starr also opposing the opening of said street was referred to the same committee
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
the petition of Farley Loetscher and Co to have Eighth Street sewer covered was referred to the committee on
streets with power
the petition of Geo W Burden asking permission to build a new frame shed on the corner of Second and Iowa
Streets was referred to the committee on fire
The petition of mary Moargan to reduce her tax for the year 1881 on the south 2/5 of lot 440 was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of E M Dickey et al to fill the low portion of Eagle Point near the marine ways was referred to
the committee on streets with power
The petition of mrs. Margaret Harron to have the city treasurer accept the balance due on specail assessment
was referred to teh committee on streets
The petition of Chas Stanefenbeil to instruct the treasurer to accept the sum of $10.00 for the tax of the year
1881 on lot W 12 of No. 95 L H Langworthy's Add was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax
The petition of Susan Bornheiser to instruct the city treasurer to accept $10.00 for the year 1881 on lot No
288 and N out half of lot 287 East Dubuque and to give a receipt for the tax of said year was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The petition of John M Grether to have the city treasurer instructed to accept the sum of ten dollars for the
year 1881 on lot no 78 as payment in fll for the tax of said year was refered to the same committee
The petition of Elizabeth Leute to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lots nos 282 and 283 East Dubuque was
referred to the same committee
the petition of F Burdt to cancel his tax for the year 1881 on the n 28 feet of lot 56 L H Langworthy's was
referred to the same committee
The petition of Wm Lambert to refund him the sum of $2.50 paid on express license as he had not
used the same was referred to the committee on claims
the petition of mrs Rachel Davis to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 764 McDaniel's Subdivision
S 1/2 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Ann McLaughlin to cancel her tax for 1881 on lot no 39 Kelly's addition was referred to the
same committee
the petition of Stephen Schwaller to cancel his tax for the year 1881 on lot 340 city was referred to the
same committee
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The petition of Ann Pfiffner to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on the N one half of lot No 5 Junk's Addition
was referred to the delinquent tax committee
The petition of Rev H Luz in behalf of the heirs of F Leicht to cancel the tax of 1880 on the east half of lot
565 Ham's addition was referred to the same committee
The petition of Chas B Keesecker et al to repair the street on the south side of Couler Avenue was referred
to the committee on streets
The petition of Owen Donohue to repair the road leading to his place on Dodge Street was referred to the
same committee
The petition of Richard Bouson asking damages for the opening of Peabody Avenue through lot No 731 was
referred to the same committee
The communication of Henry L Deckert tendering a settlement of his claim for injuries sustained was read
on motion of ald Doerfler the action of the Mayor making such settlement on payment of hospital fees doctos
fees fees to east st louis and the sum of $5 besides was approved. Ald Crawford then moved that the city
attorney be requested to collect if possible the amount of the city losses from the property owners
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
the petition of Martin Theis to cancel his tax for the year 1881 on lot no 120 east dubuque was referred
to the committee on Delinquent Tax
The petition of Henry Corwith in opposition to the opening of Grand View Avenue to the city streets was referred
to the committee on streets
The petition of Henry cannon per messers Duncan and Waller protesting on the opening of Grand View
Avenue to the city limits was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of J Niedmeyer and J C Welty
to open an alley west of lots nos 9 10 11 and 12 between Schiller and Fengler Streets Weeks Addition
was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Jacob Michel et al asking the postponement of the improvement of Blank Street ws on motion
of Ald Crawford granted
The petition of C Hafner et al asking permission to allow L Trexler & Co to build a frame barn on the corner
of the alley between 13th and 14th Streets and between White and Jackson Streets was on motion granted
The petition of T W Ruete asking permission to place an illuminating mortar in front of his drug store
on Main Street ws referred to the committee on police with power
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The petition of August Rolber et al to open the north part of fifth street in Ham's Addition was referred to
the committee on streets with power
Council adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
the petition of Martin and Strane asking the sum of $120.00 for money paid to property owners on account
of damage done to them on Seminary Street caused by the recent floods was on motion of Ald Fengler
referred to the committee on streets to report in twenty minutes. The committee upon their reutrn made the
following report
your committee report adverse to the prayer of this petition as they do not find that the city is liable for
damage under the circumstances
report adopted
the city engineer presented a communication in relation to the special assessment of Simon Treanor on lot
no 89 for the year 1881 recommending that the same be cancelled
referred to street com
Lawyer McNulty presented a communcation asking a balance of $125 due Pollock and McNulty for defense
of city in the Conklin suit
received and filed and ordered paid
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The city auditor reported the sum of $1260.70 due the several city officers for the month of October
report received and filed and the different amounts ordered paid
The city marshal made the following report
Amount due police for Oct $1096.90
No of arrests made
fees from justice hoerner
received from pound
receipts being attached for $11.70
I would recommend that the renting of a room for the accommodation of the police be made on Main Street
between 5th and 7th Streets during the coming winter
W E Harriman
City Marshal
The report was received and filed the several police ordered paid and teh recommendations referred to
the committee on police
the city engineer presented the estimated cost of making a street from St mary's Street to Peabody Avenue
Amount $3479.20
referred to Street Committee
The street commissioner reported the sum of $1954.25 expended during the month of October the report after
having been approved by the committee on streets was received and filed and the several claims were
ordered paid
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of October to the amount of $181.50
report received and filed
The market master having weighed 450 drafts during the month of October amount $67.50 the receipt of the
treasurer attached Board of prisoners and lodgers 92 meals at 20 cents per meal $18.40
The report was received and filed and ordered that an order be drawn to pay Mr. Gmehle his claim
The pound master reported having received $9.75 during the month of October
report received and filed
The wood measurer reported having measured 530 1/2 cords of wood during the month of October
received $21.20 report received and filed
N C Ryan reported having weighed 185 drafts during the month of October Gross amount $27.75 The receipt
of the treasurer attached for $4.10 being 15 percent of the full amount
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 183 drafts on teh west Dubuque Scales during the month of
October 1881 Total $27.25 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $5.10 being 15 percent of the amount
due the city
received and filed
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
F Fosselman reported having weighed 146 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of October
amount $21.90 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.39 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
Justice Hoerner reported the cases tried by him during the month of October the receipt of the treasurer
attached for $1.00 fines
report received and filed
The lamp lighter reported having lighted 187 3/4 gas lamps during the month of October
report received and filed and the committee on police instructed to investigate complaints made against
the custodian of lamps
The committee on finance made the following report on the petition of mrs Margaret Fanning
Your committee herewith attach to this resolution the opinion of the city attorney and recommendations and
would themselves recommend the carrying out of his views in this matter
Dubuque November 7 1881 The Finance Committee
In the matter of the communication of Mrs margaret Fanning in relation to redemption from tax sale of
certain premisis owned by her I have examined the matter fully The same having been in suit for her over one
year between Hintrager and mrs. Fanning I am of the opinion that the legal
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
obligation rests upon the city to make the redemption of taxes. I have not time to go over the facts Your
chairman Mrs Herod is conversant with them I would suggest that all costs and expenses outside of the amount
required to redeem be paid by Mrs Fanning. I think she is willing to do this
Very respectfully yours
J H shields
The report together with the recommendations of the city attorney was adopted
The committee on claims reported in favor of paying the claim of J and A Christman for $3.45
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Grosvenor and Harger for $5.85
The committee on streets asked for more time on the resolution of Ald Kavanaugh to extend the sewer
on Dodge Street
The request was granted
The same committee reported in favor of referring the petition of C J Richards and Mrs. Mahony to the city
attorney to estimate the cost of improvement and report the same to the city council at its next regular
report adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The same committee asked for the extension of more time on the petition of George B Hamilton et al
The same committee having approved of the claim of Lagen and Sons for $22.00 the same was ordered
The same committee reported as follows on the petition of W H Peabody et al for the opening and extension
of Fourteenth Street from Alta vista Street to the Delhi Road; Your committee recommend that the prayer
of petitioners be granted provided that the right of way can be obtained at a reasonable cost
report adopted
The committee on ordinance had read the ordinance granting to teh Edison Electric Light Company a
franchise to lay pipes tubes wires etc through the city street
On motion deferred for final action one month
the committee on streets reported on the petition of John Corcoran recommending that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to give the petitioner the service of one team and three men for one day to repair
the street petitioned for
report adopted
the same committee reported on teh petition of Thomas Hackney that he had been employed
report adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The same committee reported adverse to the prayer of teh petition of Ed Smyth as it was not deemed
advisable to allow the introduction of drain pipes in the present sewers
report adopted
The same committee reported on the instructions in relation to the petition of Annie Egan as follows
that the sidewalk mentioned had been filled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John Coulin as follows
your committee report adverse to the prayer of this petition on the ground that petitioner's property has been
relieved from a large amount of the natural storm water by the improvement of Wilson Avenue but
recommend that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to turn the water to the south side of
8th street in front of petitioners premises
report adopted
the same committee recommended that the street commissiner be and is hereby instructed to repair Eighth
Street sewer wherever he may deem it necessary to repair the same
report adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The same committee reported on the petition of F Spiegel recommending that the alley petitioned for be
graded and macadamized as in their estimation repairs would be useless
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of the resolution granting the C M and St Paul the right of a change
of surface of White street from Fifth and Sixth street The resolution was adopted and the same with a plat
referred back to the street committee for further considerations
The same committee reported in favor of the petition of James McBride recommending that an order be
drawn in his favor for the amount of over assessment
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Raymond Kerner recommending that the street commissioner
be and is hereby instructed to repair the wall as prayed for.
report adopted
the same committee reported on teh communication of teh city marshal recommending that he be instructed
to notify the abutting property owners according to our city ordinances on the subject and to cause the sidewalk
on Main Street between 7th and 8th streets to be repaired within ten days from this notice
report adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
the same committee reported as follows on the claim of Wm Rooney for damages sustained by overflow of
water on his premises
your committee report adverse to the prayer of this petition for the reason that in their judgement the city
is not liable for any damage done under the prevailing circumstances
report adopted
The committee on police reported on the petition of F H Carberry and others asking for a lamp to be placed
at the passage way at the head of Fenelon Place recommending that a lamp be placed there providing
a coal gas lamp be used
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Rosetta Cork recommending that her tax for
the year 1881 on the S 1/2 of lot No 10 be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of the dubuque linseed oil company as follows
Your committee report adverse to the prayer of this petition on the ground that when the assessment ws
made upon petitioner's premises there were no buildings as erected the assessment being made upon cash
but would recommend that they be assesesed for their real estate only for 1881
report adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Morrissey recommending that the regular
tax for the year 1880 be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Dunn recommending to cancel her tax for the
year 1880 on lot No 594 city
report adopted
The same comittee reported on teh petition of A S Bunting recommending that the assessment on his
homestead be placed at $2500.00 for the year
report adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the special assessment passed by the city council
on September 5 1881 for the macadamizing of Water Street from First to Jones Streets be and is hereby
cancelled and the special assessment of said water street as corrected by placed against the abutting
property and that the city treasurer be instructed accordingly
Owner Name
Description of Lot
Amt Tax
Bonson & Stewart
Lot 2 block 6 Dubuque Harbor Co Ad
Lot 3 Block 6
Lot 4 block 6
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
water Street assessment
Bonson and Stewart
Coleman and Dowling
Hansen and Linehan
J E Fairbanks
Illinois Central Railroad Co Right of Way
Lot 5 Block 6 Harbor Co Ad
Lot 6 block 6
7 block 6
8 block 6
9 block 6
1 of block 5
1 of block 4
Dubuque Harbor Co Addition
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
REsolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for guttering and macadamizing 14th street
from 100 feet west of Cox Street to Alta Vista by Martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same
a special tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein
after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot of parcel of real estate
as follows
R Cox
Lot 2 Min lot 90
Lot 3 Min lot 90
Resolution adopted
November 7 1881
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington Street from 15th to 18th Streets by W H
Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on teh several lots
and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Johanna Flynn 116 East Dubuque
James Crawford S 1/2 115 East Dubuque
Michael Corbett N 1/2 115 East Dubuque
Michael Martin 114 East Dubuque
James Crawford S 1/2 113 East Dubuque
Michael Hardy N 1/2 113 East Dubuque
Michael Hardy 112 East Dubuque
Peter Fay S 1/2 77 East Dubuque
Leopold Voelker N 1/2 77 East Dubuque
John M Grether 78 East Dubuque
Leon Hartman S 1/2 79 East Dubuque
Jacob F Haisch N 1/2 79 East Dubuque
W J Pickley S 1/2 80 East Dubuque
Margaret Glennan N 1/2 80 East Dubuque
Johanna Flynn 81 East Dubuque
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
special assessment of bluff street
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Bluff Street
from Jones to Fourth streets by P J Flynn contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be
and is hereby levied on teh several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated
and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Rt Rev John Hennessy 125 City
J H Roch S 1/2 126 City
Wm Corcoran N 1/2 126 City
Mrs M J Sullivan 127 City
Geo Richardson 128 City
D V Wilson 129 City
A A Cooper 130 City
Sarah Diorne S 17 W 1/2 131 City
H A Schunk S No 16 6 ft W 1/2 131 City
James Wood N M 24 131 City
Fanny Wood N 7 W 1/2 131 City
Fanny Wood N 7 W 1/2 131 City
Bernard Lagen S M 23 6 132 City
James Kelly N 23 132 City
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Bluff street assessment
Cathedral Out lot 605 City
Rt Rev Jms Hennessy residence L Out lot 606 city
Rt Rev Jms Hennessy Out lot 607 City
Arthur McCann E 1/2 lot 608 City
Maria Hayden Out lot 609 City
Arthur McCann Out lot 609 a City
Arthur McCann Out lot 610 a city
margaret Ryan out lot 610 city
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city attorney
be and is hereby instructed to notify the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company to build the
necessary sewer on Fifth and Sixth streets east of White Street within 30 days
Resolution adopted and the same referred to street committee and city engineer in connection with the
city attorney
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four
feet wide of no 1 two inch plank be within ten days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks on both sides of prairie Street between Eleventh Street and Fourteenth
Street where not already laid according to ordinance adopted as follows
Yeas Ald altman Clancy Doerfler Crawford Foley Fengler Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath 10
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Roberts Avenue
between Fifth Street and its terminus north be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance upon street subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed and directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance of teh work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to
be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property adopted as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10
Ald Fengler presented the following
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city reasurer in favor of Martin and
Strane for payment in full for all work done on Seminary amounting to $952.66 and that city auditor
be and is hereby instructed to receive a receipt in full from Martin and Strane on delivery of the order
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $20.00 be drawn
in form of John Ball for removing his stable and out building from the extension of High Street Eagle Point
Resolution adopted
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that it is deemed advisable to open and extend fourteenth street from
Alta Vista street to the Delhi Road in said city in accordance with notices served upon the parties interested
and steps heretofore taken and that the recorder issue a venire to the city marshal and furnish said marshal
with the names of the owners of the property proposed to be taken and as returned by the city engineer
and commanding said marshal to summon a jury of 12 freeholders to assess such damage as any person
may sustain by reason of opening the street aforesaid anda to take each necessary steps as provided by
chapter 25 for opening streets and highways
resolution adopted
Ald Crawford presented the following
resolved that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him
to summons in the manner equired by ordinance a jury of twelve freeholders citizens of said city not directly
interested for the purpose of assessing teh damages which the persons may sustain whose ground is taken
for the extension of Grand View Avenue as shown by the plat of said proposed extension on file in the office
of the city engineer by reason of the extension of said Grandview Avenue that said jury be constituted
organized and sworn and all proceedings conducted according to the provisions of the charter
and ordinances of the city. Also that the recorder be instructed to furnish the city marshal with the
names of the owners of the property as furnished and returned by the city engineer. Resolution adopted.
Regular Session November 7, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and
Rath 10
Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order of $10.74
be drawn on the city treasury to redeem lot 10 finlay addition and lots 4 and 5 Sub Min Lot 183 sold erroneously
for the year 1880 said taxes having been paid by the owner prior to sale
resolution adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $23.45 be drawn
in favor of James McBride for the amount of his over-assessment
resolution adopted
Ald Jones presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street
commissioner be and is hereby instructed to repair Third Street Extension from the bridge east
Resolution adopted and the work to be done under the direction of the committee on streets
Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city counci of the city of dubuque that the finance committee
be and are hereby instructed to borrow the sum of five thousand dollars for current expenses of said city
resolution adopted