W Roll_15 Part 2Regular Session November 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Fengler presented the following to the Honorable mayor and city council Gentlemen Herewith is presented to you a plat of the subdivision of City lot no 600 of which the undersigned respectfully requests your approval and acceptance Respectfully Hugh Kavanaugh Ald Fengler thereupon presented the following in relation to the above and teh same was adopted Be it resolved by teh city council of the city of Dubuque that the accompanying plat of the subd of lot (1) one of the subdn of city lot no 600 be and is hereby accepted and ordered placed on the records Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw orders on the city treasurer for the following amounts the same being for money borrowed by the finance committee last month by order of the council to pay teh current expenses of the city payable on or before January 1st 1882 with 6% interest from October 5th 1881 to wit Thos Connolly $3000.00 David G Scott $1000.00 Mrs J A Hooper $600.00 P H O'Callaghan $500.00 Total amount of orders $5100.00 resolution adopted Regular Session November 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the finance committee be and are hereby instructed to borrow the sum of $5000 for current expenses of said city resolution adopted Ald Herod presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw an order on teh city treasurer for the su mof $219.38 and court costs and attorney fees $16 Total $235.38 payable to Wm Hintrager on the 10th day of November 1881 The city treasurer is also instructed to pay said Hintrager the sum of $151.22 being teh amount of money he has now in his hands paid by Mrs Fanning to ex treasurer Rierdan and that the city treasurer be instructed to procure deed from said hintrager to Mrs Margaret Fanning for mineral lot No 21 containing 3 25/100 acres which deed the treasurer shall deliver to mrs Fanning as soon as she shall pay a balance of court costs and attorney fees resolution adopted On motion of Ald Clancy Rule 11 was suspended and Mr Jerry Howard addressed the city council on the complaints made against the lamps not having been lighted and stated that the gas company would endeavor to have the lamps properly attended to Regular Session November 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Crawford moved that the city marshal be instructed to publish a notice offering a reward to anyone for the detection of boys who are in the habit of breaking the lamps of the city adopted Bills were then read and ordered paid as follows N H Thedinger Farley Loetscher & Co Key City Gas Co Hough & Hardie Wm Faust C W Robison Moses Lippman Reed and Bock M F Conant Knapp Stout & Co T J Donohue Spear and Lee Ed Knaggs E A Limgivitz John McCoy Dubuque C M J G LaNicca S J Cox C McElrath Chas Slinck Martin & Strane T O'Sullivan Farley Loetscher & Co W H Rebman Telephone Ex Co Dubuque Water Co J Hartig P Olinger D W Linehan P Clancy F H Finke J F Conant F Jenkel Joseph Reinfried N W Globe Gas Co M Eitel J D Randall & Co M Mahony T E Frith Harney & O'Conner W H Rebman Key City Gas Co D Maner J Raesle M Felthoer F Mertz pool Gilliam & Co martin and Strane D W Linehan J Kleih F H Frinke S Patch Morrison Bros Hansen & Linehan C McElrath the Iowa F G Brandt John O'Dea Telegraph Comp Chas McMaster Dubuque Water Co D A Gehrig C McElrath Wm Koenig Regular Session November 7, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The claim of Peter Olinger of $2.50 was ordered paid the claim Mrs L Koenig of $7 was ordered paid The claim of John Schroeder of $14.50 was ordered paid the claim of W K de Lorimier of $36.50 was referred to the committee on claims The claim of W H Torbert of $1.70 was referred to the committee on fire The claim of Phil Pier of $2 was referred to the same committee The claim of J and A Christman of $28.70 was referred to the Chairman on Ordinances Ald Jones for investigation The claim of the daily herald of $145.90 was referred to the committee on printing The claim of the daily times of $71.75 was referred to the same committee the claim of P Olinger of $8 was referred to the committee on streets Adjourned to Monday, November 14, 1881 at half past seven pm Attest Martin Kane recorder Regular Session November 14, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The city council met at half past seven o clock pm Ald Herod moved that the ordinance committee be instructed to have the ordinance in relation to the levy and collection of taxes changed so as to have interest on taxes accrue from the 1st of February instead of january adopted the petition of B F Davis and Co to erect an illuminated light in front of their store on Main Street was referred to the committee on Police and Gas with power The petition of G Kusche to remit the tax of 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Michael Graff for a butcher's license for six months was referred to the committee on markets the petition of Wm Black for a saloon license for the remainder of the year on payment of $35 was referred to the committee on police The petition of Joseph Gehrig to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole Regular Session November 14, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of J G and C J Peterson for a reduction of their assessment was referred to the committee of the whole Thos Connolly and others presented a petition asking a remission of hall rent on behalf of the Mercy Hospital Bazaar for the recent fair held. On motion of Ald Clancy the prayer was granted The claim of J N Foye of $433.23 for improving Water Street was ordered paid The committee on streets reported on teh petition of the Knapp Stout & Co comp recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make the proper plans and specifications and to present the same to the city council for approval Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that it is deemed advisable to lay out and establish a public alley for the use and convenience of the public and the same to be 2 feet wide off the easterly side of lots of 4 and 5 of the subdivision of out lot no 687 in th ecity of Dubuque Iowa that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey and plat of such proposed alley showing the land or lots through or over which the same is proposed to be made giving the names of the ownes thereof and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and file said plat in the Regular Session November 14, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 office os said engineer for public inspection resolution adopted adjourned to Tuesday November 15, 1881 at half past seven o'clock pm attest Martin Kane City Recorder Adjourned Regular Session November 15, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath 8 City Council met at half past 7 o'clock pm Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on fire be instructed to not permit the fire department to employ the fire steamers for the purpose of pumping out the cellars adopted council adjourned to Thursday November 17, 1881 at half past seven p.m. attest martin kane City Recorder Adjourned Regular Session November 17, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Ald Jones presented the following an ordinance to amend Section 34 of an ordinance entitled An ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes in the city of Dubuque Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Dubuque Section 1 that section 34 of an ordinance entitled "an ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes in the city of Dubuque be amended by striking out in the fourth line thereof the words "first day of January" and inserting in lieu thereof "20th day of December" and by striking out the word January in the seventh line thereof and inserting the word February in lieu thereof Section 2 that this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the official papers of the city on motion of Ald Jones the ordinance was adopted rules were then suspended by the following vote yeas Ald Clancy crawford fengler foley herod jones and rath nays none The ordinance was read by its title and on motion of Ald Jones it was finally adopted Adjourned Regular Session November 17, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 The bill of the daily herald for $145.90 referred to teh committee on pritning at the last regular session was read and the same ordered paid The bill of the daily times of $71.75 referred to the same committee was also ordered paid Ald Herod from the committee of the whole reported in favor of referring the communication of Alex and Chas Simplot to a special committee of one from each ward and that the following be the committee to report at the next session mayor Linehan Ald Clancy Foley Jones Crawford and Fengler The report was adopted Same also reported in favor of referring the petition of John Schubert to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of E Chamberlain of the firm of Chamberlain Dewstoe and company for a reduction of assessment was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of N W Boyes and others endorsing the action of the council in the order of the opening of Fourteenth St from Alta Vista street to the Delhi Road and asking to have the same opened was referred to the committee on streets On motion of Ald Crawford the prayer of the petition of T J Hepman was granted and six months time extended to lay sidewalk Adjourned Regular Session November 17, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 the petition of Mrs H Delisle asking to have her tax for 1881 on lot no 6 of the subdivision of mineral lot 23 cancelled was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Henrietta Wilson to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Mrs Frank Zeller to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 34 McCraney's Eagle Point amounting to $4.70 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Michael Brown asking to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole Ald Rath moved that the claim of W K de Lorimier referred to the committee on claims at the regular session be referred to that same committee with power adopted On motion the council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The minutes of previous month's sessions were read and ordered approved The petition of John A Kirley to remit his tax for the year 1881 was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax The petition of Malissa Eggleston to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on city lot No 241 was referred to the same committee The petition of John D Bush asking a reduction of his assessment for 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Geo W Jones to carry out the improvement of Cox Street as contemplated some time ago was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Conrad Becker to reduce his assessment for 1881 was referred to teh committee of the whole Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 the petition of Richard Cox to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 on lot 2 of sub Min lot 90 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Maria Hayden to be allowed to pay her special tax in installments for the improvement of Bluff Street from Jones to Fourth Streets was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Jacob Seeger to reduce his assessment for 1881 was referred to the same committee The petition of Caroline Fuhrmann to reduce her tax for the year 1881 and to refund the amount of over tax was referred to the same committee The petition of Chas Stafford to cancel his assessment for 1881 on moneys and credits was referred to the same committee the petition of Mary A McDaniel to reduce her assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee the petition of J E Simpson et al to lay a sidewalk between 15th and 16th streets and between Locust and Bluff streets was referred to the committee on streets the petition of Arthur McCann in reference to objections made on the improvement of Bluff Street from Jones to Fourth Streets was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Richard Cox to retain the sum of $200.00 for the improvement of Fourteenth Street till the grading and filling of the sidewalks have been finished was referred to the same committee The petition of P Mannstedt to cancel his tax to the amount of $1500 on moneys and credits for 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of L D Randall and others asking the city council to make provision for the care and support of Francis Guerin was referred to the same committee the petition of Mat Schlegel to remit his tax for 1881 on lot No 5 west addn was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Sophie Prange to remit her tax on lot no 86 langworthy's addition for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee The petition of Grosvenor and Harger to cancel tax on team and horses for 1881 was referred to com of the whole Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The petition of W C Parsons et al to lay a sidewalk on the south side of Eleventh Street between Walnut and Race Streets also to grant a crossing intersecting and for a lamp post at the same crossing was referred to the committee on streets and police the petition of the Dubuque Steam Supply Company for the privilege of erecting a driveway across the sidewalk on Iowa near Sixth street was referred to the committee on streets the communication of Wm G Stewart in regard to the assessment for the improvement of Water Street was referred to the committee on streets and city attorney the petition of edward spahn asking for the abatement of a nuisance on Sanford street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Ella M Weigel in regard to the proposition of the opening of an alley 20 feet wide in the subd of out lot 687 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of E Cutler to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committe of the whole the petition of mary Gilmore to be compensated for rock sold to the city in 1875 was referred to the committee on claims Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The petition of A Graham to redeem Mineral Lot No 77 sold for special tax in 1873 was referred to the committees on finance and claims a report having been made on the same in the month of December 1880 On motion the matter of J E Wooton relating to a similar sale was referred to the same committee The petition of John Lillig guardian to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on lot 1 of min lot 314 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Consur to cancel his tax for the year 1881 on lot No 27 Fengler's addition was referred to the same committee The petition of margaret Kuntzman to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on No 20 Hooper's addition was referred to the same committee The petition of mary Siege asking a remission of her tax for the year 1881 on lots nos 134 a and 134 and 136a L H Langworthy's addition was referred to the same committee the petition of elizabeth Tuegel to cancel her tax on lot no 47 L H Langworthy's addition for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Venire of Grand View Avenue the following is a copy of the City Recorder's notice to the city marshal in reference to the opening of Grand View Avenue City Recorders Office City Hall Dubuque November 11 1881 To marshal W E Harriman Dear Sir At the regular session of the city council held on Monday November 7 1881 it was ordered that you be instructed to summon a jury consisting of 12 persons to appear at your office in the city hall on the 23rd of November 1881 at 9 o'clock a.m. to assess the damages occassioned by the establishment of a street across the following lots Nos 1 and 8 of Mineral Lot No 23 lots 3 and 4 and 5 of mineral lot 21 mineral lots 12 and 20 1 and 16 and 17 also lots 1 and 2 of mineral lots 18 of lot 6 lenheim addition lots 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 and 18 Summer Hill addition It was also ordered that you serve notice upon the following named persons to appear before said jury and they present to the latter their claims by reason of damages sustained by the opening of said street to wit Henry Corwith Henry Cannon Al Herron Catherin Carlin John J Quinlivan John collins Rosa Hines Ann Russell Margaret Fanning E M Hennessy Ellen Quinlivan andrew Murphy Julia Flannery John Crinian Maurice ORegan Ross McMahon Tim Dillon John Barry Thos Burke D W Kenrick J Deery Agt Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 city marshals return on venire Witness my hand and the seal of said city of Dubuque the date and year aforesaid mentioned martin kane city recorder State of Iowa Dubuque City In compliance with the written writ I notified each of the persons within named in the manner stated in my return on the several notices herewith returned that on the 23rd day of November 1881 a jury for that purpose would be summoned and in attendance at the city hall in said city to assess the damages which each of said persons might sustain by reason of the laying out and opening of the highway known as Grand View Avenue Extension by the city of Dubuque and I also summoned said jury to be present and appear at that time and place for the purpose aforesaid I further return that on said day and at said place I empanelled a jury consisting of the following named persons for the purpose aforesaid viz Wm L Bradley F E Deggendorf Arthur McCann W K DeLorimier James Roway E A Frenzel J G Peterson C H Berg R Marrill John H Carroll John Bale John Rue Gamer and caused them to be sworn in the manner required by law and conducted them over the premises on which said Grand View Avenue Extension is laid and did procure them to make an assessment of the damages which each of the several persons might sustain by reason of the opening of said Grand View Extension Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Notices Services of Marshal on Grand View and said assessment so made by said jury is hereby returned in an envelope sealed up in the same condition it then was when handed me by said jury Dubuque December 1st 1881 W E Harriman City marshal Notice to property owners of sum moving of jury To Henry Corwith by F M Robin son agent Ellen Quinlivan Henry by Duncan and Waller Agents Al Herron Andrew Murphy Julia Flannery Catherine Carter John Crimian John J Quinlivan M ORegan John Collilns Ross McMahon Rosa Heines Ann Russell Mary Hunt formerly Russell William Russell James Russell Katie Russell timothy Dillon John barry Margaret Fanning Rev Thomas Burke rev E M Hennessy Rev D W Kendrick by John Deery their agent You will take notice that on Wednesday the 23rd day of November 1881 at nine o'clock a.m. at the office of the city marshal at the city hall in the city of Dubuque Iowa a jury will be summoned drawn and empanelled to assess the damage if any occassioned by the opening and establishment of a street through and over certain real estate owned by you said street known as Grand View Avenue Extension when and where as aforesaid you can exercise such rights in the premises as you are given by ordinance W E Harriman City Marshal Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Notice service of same State of iowa City of Dubuque I hereby certify and return that on the 18th day of November 1881 I personally served the annured notice on persons therein named to Henry Conwith by F M Robinson his agent Ellen Quinlivan Henry Cannon by Duncan and Waller his agents Al Herron Andrew Murphy Julia Flannery Cathy Carter John Crenian John J Quinlivan M ORegan John Collins Ross McMahon Rosa Heins Ann Russell mary Hunt Formerly Russell thomas Russell James Russell Katie Russell Timothy dillon John Barry Margaret Fanning Rev Thomas Burke Rev E M Hennessy and Rev D W Kendrick by their agent John Deery by giving to each of the persons of aforesaid a copy thereof All done at the city of Dubuque Iowa W E Harriman City Marshal return of Jury Hon Mayor and City Council Gentlemen We the undesigned jurors duly sworn and empanelled to assess the damages in any occassioned by the opening of a street 50 feet wide from Southern Avenue to the city limits in the city of Dubuque Iowa hereby return such assessment as follows to wit John Barry Lot no 8 Kavanaugh's Subd M Regan Lot 2 Mineral Lot 21 M Fanning Lot 4 Mineral Lot 21 Tim Dillon Mineral Lot 12 Ross McMahon Lot 5 Mineral Lot 21 Ann Russell Part of Min Lot 20 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 John Crimian Lot No 9 Summer Hill Add A Murphy Lot No 8 summer Hill Add M ORegan Lot No 7 Summer hill Add John Collins Lot No 10 Lot No 11 J J Quinlivan Lot 6 C Carter Lot 5 M ORegan Lot 4 Ann Russell Lot 12 13 14 15 16 Julia Flannery Lot 17 18 A Herron Lot 6 Lenheim Add E Quinlivan Lot 1 Min lot 18 H Cannon Lot 2 Min lot 18 Unknown Min lot 17 H Corwith Min lot 16 Min lot no 1 Total signed this 1st day of December 1881 Wm L Bradley F E Deggendorf JG Peterson W K deLorimier Richard Morrell John Bale John Ruegamer J H Carroll C A Frenzel A McCann James Rowan C H Berger On motion action was deferred till the afternoon session on the foregoing return of jury and reports Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Venire of City Recorder on 14th St The following is a copy of the city recorder's notice to the city marshal in reference to the opening of West Fourteenth Street City recorders office city hall Dubuque November 11 1881 W E Harriman City Marshal Dear Sir At the regular session of the city council held on Monday November 7th 1881 it was ordered that you be instructed to summon a jury made up in number of 12 persons to appear at your office in the city hall on the 25th day November 1881 for the purpose of assessing the damages caused by the opening of a street over lots 2 3 4 5 and 6 sub lot 13 mineral lot 172 lot 1 mineral lot 172 lots 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 and 14 in Morehiser's addition and mineral lot 175. It was also ordered that you serve notice upon the following persons to appear before said jury and present their claims for damages by reason of said opening Hanna Starr John Bush Tschergi and Schwind and Elizabeth Weiz Witness my hand and notarial seal of the city of Dubuque Iowa the date and your aforesaid martin Kane City Recorder city seal State of Iowa City of Dubuque in compliance with the within venire I notified each of the persons within named in the manner and Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Return of City marshal form stated in my return on the several notices herewith returned that on the 25th day of November 1881 a jury for that purpose would be summoned and in attendance at the city hall in said city to assess damages which each of said persons might sustain by reason of the laying out and opening of the highway known as Fourteenth Street by the city of Dubuque and I also summoned said jury to be and appear at that time and place for the purpose aforesaid I further return that on said day and at said place I empanelled a jury consisting of the following persons for the purpose aforesaid viz Wm L Bradley WK de Lorimier CH Berg John Bale FE Deggendorf James Roman EA Frenel R Morrell John Ruegamer J G Peterson John H Carroll Timothy Dillon and caused them to be sworn in the manner required by law and conducted them over the premises on which said Fourteenth Street is laid and did procure them to make an assessment of the damages which each of the several persons might sustain by reason of the opening of said street and said assessment so made by said jury herewith return in an envelope sealed up in the same condition it then was when handed me by said jury Dubuque November 25th 1881 W E Harriman City marshal Notice to property owners of Summoning of Jury To Hannah Starr John D Bush Tschirgi and Schwind and Elizabeth Weiz You will Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Return of jury return of marshal take notice that on Friday the 25th day of November 1881 at nine o'clock a.m. at the office of the city marshal at the city hall in the city of Dubuque iowa a jury will be summoned drawn and empanelled to assess the damage if any occasioned by the opening and establishment of a street through and over certain real estate owned by you said street known as Fourteenth street when and where as aforesaid you can exercise such rights in the premises as are given you by ordinance W E Harriman City Marshal State of Iowa City of Dubuque thereby certify and return that on the 18th day of November 1881 I personally served the annexed notice on Hannah Starr John D Buxh Tschirgi and Schwind and Elizabeth Weiz the persons herein named by giving to each of the persons aforesaid a copy thereof all done at the city of dubuque Iowa W E Harriman City marshal Return of Jury Hon Mayor and city council we the undersigned jurors duly sworn and empaneleled to assess the damages if any occasioned by the opening of a street 6 feet wide on West Fourteenth Street from Alta Vista Street Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 report of Marshal return of Jury to delhi street in the city of Dubuque Iowa hereby return such assessment as follows to wit name description catherine weiz min lot 175 John D Bush lot 1 min lot 160 172 lot 49 north ad Tschirgi and Schwind lots 5 & 14 1 2 3 4 13 12 11 9 10 Mrs H Starr lot 5 3 4 2 6 signed this day of November 1881 Wm L Bradley J H Carroll J G Peterson Richard Morrill John Bale John Ruegamer James Rowan F E Deggendorf W K deLorimier EA Frenzel Timothy Dillon E H Berg Action was also deferred on the foregoing return till the afternoon session The city marshal presented the following Dubuque December 1st 1881 to the hon mayor and ciy council of Dubuque Iowa Gentlemen I would respectfully report the following names who have served as jurors on the Grand View Avenue Extension and Fourteenth Street cases and the number of days which each are entitled to W L Bradley 4 dayd F E Deggendorf 4 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 W K deLorimier 4 days A McCann 4 days James Rowan 4 days E A Frenzel 4 days J G Peterson 4 days C H Berg 4 days R Morrill 4 days J H Carroll 4 days John Bale 4 days John Ruegamer 4 days Timothy Dillon 1 day Total days 49 on motion of Ald Doerfler the jurors were allowed $2 per day and the report was then received and filed the street commissioner reported having made the following expenditures the month of November Team work laborers carpenters stone masons express hauling material bought total $174405 referred to the street committee to examine The city marshal made the following report for the month of November 1881 report for the month of November 1881 Amount due police no of arrests fees returned to city treasury W E harriman city marshal received and filed and ordered that the different claims be paid The city auditor reported $1259.20 as the amount due the city officers for the month of November 1881 report received and filed and teh several claims ordered paid and on motion of Ald Jones the services of Wharf Master were ordered to be dispensed with at teh close of navigation Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 N H Schilling made the following report of produce weighed on the different scales during the month of November 1881: Hogs Beeves veals total receipts $190.10 The receipt of the treasurer for $28.50 was attached N H Schilling City weigher report received and filed the lamp lighter reported having lighted 188 gas lamps during themonth of November 1881 Received and filed Justice Leathers reported having received $30.15 for city cases tried during the month of November The receipt of the treasurer attached for $20.00 report received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 183 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of November 1881 Total amount of receipts $27.75 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.10 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed the city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of November 1881 to the amount of $97.50 Report received and filed Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 G Gmehle reported having weighed 259 drafts on the market house scales during the month of November 1881. The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $38.85 to board of priosners and lodgers 151 at 20 cents per meals amount due Mr. Gmehle $30.20 report was received and filed and the claim ordered paid Frank Fosselman reported having weighed on the fifth ward scales 202 drafts during the month of November gross receipts $30.30 the receipt of the treasurer was attached for $4.55 which is 15 percent of the amount due the due report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 168 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of November Gross receipts $25.10 the receipt of teh treasurer attached for $3.75 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Wm Koenig reported having received the amount of $4.50 for impounding 21 hogs during the month of November the receipt of the treasurer being attached for that amount report received and filed Wm Warring reported having measured 755 1/8 cords of wood during the month of November Receipts being $37.40 report received and filed the insurance policy on Engine house on the corner of 4th and Iowa streets was referred to the Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Committee on public grounds and buildings to examine and report upon Council adjourned till 2 p.m. City council met at 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 City engineer presented plans and specifications for the construction of a sewer from Eighth street from Washington Street east to the railroad track as the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Company on motion of ald Jones the lower half of the sewer was to be made of cement the same was then approved and the recorder was instructed to advertise for bids The petition of Elizabeth Schromann to cancel her tax for 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of George Goeller guardian of E V Eschen to remit the tax of 1881 on lot no 293 was referred to the same committee The commitee on streets made the following report your committee find the report of the street commissioner correct and recommend that orders be drawn for the several amounts report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The committee on finance was granted extension of time on the communication of Auditor Brandt in relation to redemption money in the hands of the latter. the committee on claims reported adversely on the petition of Wm Lambert to refund express license adopted The same commitee reported on the bill of Dr A Horr of $30 recommending that teh same be paid providing the instrument be presented and returned to the city report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of N Frith recommending that the city pay for Dr Lewis bill of $18.00 and $25.00 to the wife of Mr Frith for the trouble she had during the sufferings endured by the child provided the petitioner gives a receipt in full for all claims report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Roberts as follows Your committee report that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and teh treasurer instructed to receive the balance due upon the presentation of a receipt by the petitioner report adopted The street committee reported on the petition of August Roeber et al recommending that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to give the city marshal the line of the street petitioned for and that the latter be and is hereby instructed to open the road report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The same committee made the following report upon the communication of city engineer Tschirgi on the construction of a street from St Mary's street to Peabody Avenue Your committee recommend that this report be received and filed report adopted Also on the bill of Peter Olinger of $7.00 recommending that the same be paid report adopted Also on the petition of Owen Donohue asking extenssion of more time granted The same committee reported as follows on the petition of mrs. Margaret Harron Your committee recommend that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to accept petitioners receipt without interest from ex treasurer Riordan when the same has been sworn to by petitioner and whenever petitioner shall tender the balance due on her special assessment report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Chamberlain Plow Co et al recommending that a stone crossing be laid on the north side of Jones Street across Locust street and that the street commissiner be and is hereby instructed to have the same laid at once report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs. E Sage Recommending that the street commisioner be and is hereby instructed to repair teh crossing petitioned for report adopted The same committee reported on the communication of City engineer in relation to the special assessment of Simone Treanor recommending that the special tax on mineral lot 89 and 90 be cancelled in order to correct an error in the special assessment report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of F R Bonson asking for more time thereon report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Henry Cannon recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of N W Boyes et al to open and extend 14th street from Alta Vista Street to the Delhi Road recommending that the same be granted report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Farley Loetscher and Co et al recommending that the same be referred to the city engineer to make an estimate of the cost of the improvement and to report at the next session of the city council report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 the same committee reported on the petition of E M Dickey agent recommending that teh prayer of the petitioner be granted and that teh street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to do the work under the directions of the street committee and city engineer report adopted The same committee reported on teh bill of M Cunningham of $18.75 finding the same to be correct and recommending the payment of same report adopted The same committee recommended that the remonstrance of H Corwith in reference to the opening of Grand View be received and filed adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Chas B Keesecker et al asking the extension of further time granted The same committee reported on the position of M Graff recommending that he be given a license for six months on payment of $12.50 report adopted The committee on fire reported on the petition of Schroeder and klein that the petitioners desire to withdraw this petition report adopted The same committee reported on the bill of J & A Christman of $3.60 that the same be not allowed report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The same committee reported on the bill of J & A Christman of $3.40 that the same be not allowed report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Geo W Burden recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be not granted report adopted The committee on police reported on the petition of T W Reute as follows your committee have granted the prayer of the within petition report approved the same committee reported on the recommendations of Marshal Harriman to rent rooms for the police as follows Your committee do not deem it advisable to rent any rooms on main street at present report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of B F Davis and Co as follows your committee have granted the prayer of the within petition report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of N Theis et al for lamps on West Locust street recommending that the same be laid over until spring report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Wm Black recommending that he be given a license to conduct the business of saloon keeper for $35 to expire april 1s 1882 report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Mrs Ann McLaughlin recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the city auditor be and is hereby instructed to redeem lot 39 in Kelly's subdivision from tax sale report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Gottleib Kusche recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that they city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel the assessment for moneys and credits report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of M Theis recommending that his tax for 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Stephen Schwaller recommending that his tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Susan Bornhaiser recommending that the tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of C M Carter recommending that the tax on the personal property be cancelled as the assessment was erroneous report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs. Rachel Davis recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of mrs H Delisle recommending that her tax for 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Grether recommending that his tax for the year 1881 be cancelled onthe grounds of poverty report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Frank Zeller recommending that her tax for the year 1880 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Chas Stanfenbeil Adverse to the prayer of the petitioner report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Elizabeth Leute recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of mary Morgan recommending that petitioner be allowed to pay $29.66 as her tax in full for 1881 and that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to receive the amount as payment in full report adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 the same committee reported on the petition of John Schubert recommending that petitioners assessment be reduced to $600.00 for 1881 on the ground of extreme poverty report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of F Burdt recommending that petitioners tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Annie Pfiffner recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Rev H Luz guardian recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and the tax on lot 565 Ham's addition for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same commitee reported on the petition of P A Ruley asking to extend further time granted. ald Fengler presented the following Whereas upon an examination of the report and the plat submitted by the city engineer and the assessment of damages and estaimate of the jury ralating to the opening of West 14th Street from Alta Vista Street to Delhi Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 resolution to open 14th street Alta Vista to Delhi St street it is deemed expedient and necessary to lay out and establish the street aforesaid in accordance with the plat aforesaid therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the assessment and estimate of damages by the jury aforesaid in the matter of opening the said west 14th street be accepted and that payment be made of the damages assessed in favor of each owner of the real estate so taken such payment to be made upon the procurement of proper deeds and relinquishments from such owners of the property so taken and that the whole amount of such assessment be set apart by the city treasurer in the city treasury for the purpose aforesaid to be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto upon th epresentation of the deeds or relinquishments aforesaid and that the marshal be instructed to demand of the owners aforesaid the deeds or relinquishments aforesaid Resolved further that a public street 64 feet wide extending from Alta Vista street to delhi street to be known and designated as West Fourteenth Street in accordance with the plat aforesaid be and the same is hereby opened and established as a public street and highway and that a record of the plat and description be made and filed by the city recorder as provided by ordinance. The foregoing was adopted by the following vote yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath Nays none Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Resolution to open Grand View Avenue Ald Crawford presented the following whereas upon an examination of the report and plat submitted by the city engineer and the assessment of damages and estimate of the jury relating to the opening and establishment of Grand View Avenue from Southern Avenue to the City Limits it is deemed expedient and necessary to lay out and establish the street aforesaid in accordance with the plat aforeasaid therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the estimate and assessment of damages bt the jury aforesaid in the mater of opening and establishing said street be accepted and that payment be made of damages so assessed in favor of each owner of the land so taken, such payment to be made upon the procurement of proper deeds and relinquishments from such owners and that the whole amount of such assessment be set apart by the city treasurer in teh city treasury for the purpose aforesaid to be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto upon the presentation of the deeds or relinquishments aforesaid and that the city city marshal be instructed to demand of the owners aforesaid such deeds and relinquishments Resolved that a public street 50 feet wide extending from Southern Avenue to the city limits to be known and designated as Grand View Avenue in accordance with the plat aforesaid be and the same is hereby laid out and established as a public street and highway and that a Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Record of teh plat and description of said street be made and filed by the city recorder as provided by ordinance The foregoing was referred to a specail committee consisting of Ald Kavanugh Clancy Doerfler the city attorney Shields and city engineer Tschigi to examine the matter of a claim that the county had set a street aside for highway purposes heretofore Ald Doerfler moved that when the council should adjourn it be to Monday evening December 12 1881 at half past seven o'clock adopted Ald Jones reported on the bill of J and A Christman recommending that $2.00 be allowed them as a balance due after drawing the warrants from the office of the city auditor Report adopted and the claim ordered paid the committee of the whole reported on the petition of Mr Oliver asking further time on the same granted the same committee reported as follows on the various petitions referred to them all of which reports were severally adopted that the assessment of Mrs. Henrietta Wilson be not changed from the assessor's valuation Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Adversely on the petition of Chamberlain Dewstoe and Company Adversely on the petition of Geo adford Adversely on the petition of J Maclay Adversely on the petition of Robt Graham Adversely on the petition of Jacob Kratz to place the assessment of Joseph Gehrig on city lots N 31 8 feet of 317 and 318 at $1000 instead of $1300 being the same as last Adversely on the petition of Wm Hintrager Against granting the prayer of the petition of W V Burns to place the assessment of J Simplot on Mineral lots 82 and 83 and lot 2 of mineral lot 83 at $11,000 being a reduction of $1000 from the original assessment that the assessment of Eliza Burden of $5,000 on moneys and credits be canceled To place the assessment Geo W Jones on sub out lot no 741 on 1881 be placed at $2500 instead of $3000 To cancel the assessment of Wm Ihde of $20 on one cow Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 To place the assessment of Fischer Wheeler and Company on the W part of lots nos 47 48 49 45 46 in McCraney's 2nd addition be placed at $100 each That the assessment of P W Crawford on Sub 2 out lot 673 1 2 3 be placed at $3,000 and that McDaniels Sub 778 and 779 and Hetherington's subdivision 5 and 6 assessed to Wm H Rumpf be placed at $7500 being the amount paid for same by petitioner That the prayer of the petition of W W Tabor be not granted To place the assessment of John Thompson on M 15 of City lot 663 at $6000 and to cancel the assessment of $300 for one team not having any on the first of january 1881 That the assessment of the norwegian Plow Co on manufactures and tools be cancelled and the amount of $1400 be placed against lots 2 and 3 in Harbor Co's addition same as last year That the assessment of the novelty iron works be on city lot W M 1/4 of 505 and city S 4/5 of W 1/4 of 505 be placed at $20,000 being a deduction of one thousand dollar also the assessment of manufactures be placed at $7,000 being a deduction of $3,000 total amount of reduction $4,000 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 that the assessment of carr ryder and wheeler on lot 422 be placed at $1200 instead of $2000 also that one mule assessed at $170 be placed at $70 and the valuation on four horses at $460 be made three horses at $395 to place the assessment of F M Robinson on the W 1/2 of lot 746 at $18000 That the assessment of H B Glover and Co on the amount of merchandise etc be place at $45,000 instead of $50,000 being a reduction of $5,000 to place the assessment of Geo Burden on moneys and credits be placed at $7,500 instead of $25,000 That the assessment of John Coonce on the W 99 feet of lot no 1 in Knist Guthris and Browns addition be placed at $1,000 the assessment of $1250 being an error of the assessor in placing the amount the same as last year after part of the property was sold To make a deduction of $100 on the assessment of Michael McMahon on Sub Min Lot 149 and 10 and sub min S 1/4 of No 9 that the assessment of Felix Flanagan on city lot no 588 and the E 1/2 of 587 be reduced from $600 to $400 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 To place the assessment of G Jeffrey on city W 12 N W 1/5 W 1/4 of No 500 be placed at $1,100 instead of $1200 being the same valuation as last yar That the assessment of Sophie Dempsey against lot 44 Levin's add be reduced from $850 to $700 That the following changes in the assessment of Mrs. E M Ogilby be made viz cancel the tax on one horse $50 reduce the tax on two vehicles of $100 to one vehicle at $50 reduce the assessment on lot No 4 Harbor Cos Addition from $100 to $50 and that no reduction be made on other real estate To place the assessment of mrs John Kreis on city Lot No 4 at $6000 being a deduction of $500 That the assessment of T G Cragin on moneys and credits be placed at $730 instead of $2000 to place the assessment of W W Carr on Sub Lot 25 Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition at $1000 instead of $2500 That the assessment of Mrs Dr Scott on moneys and credit be placed at $5200 being a deduction of $800 To cancel the assessment of James McDonnell on one horse and vehicle of $80.00 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 that the assessment of John Pier in manuradctures $3500 and farmers and mechanics tools $1000 be cancelled also teh amount of $500 from annexed lots sub 578 a 579 1 3 4 sub 551 of 4 and 6 Unson Addition parts 3 4 230 city 578 making the total amount $6000 instead of 6500 to place the assessment of J S Randall on the n 13 of city lot No 112 at $2000 as originally assessed to reduce the assessment of J G and C J Peterson on the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec 14 from $1000 to $600 being the amount paid for said real estate That the assessment of Helen Finley on moneys and credits be placed at $4,610 instead of $10,000 and that no deduction be made on the real estate that the assessment of B A Griffin on moneys and credits be placed at $2000.00 instead of $4000.00 and that no deduction be made on the real estate. To place the assessment of Michael Brown on lo 209 in east dubuque at $200 instead of $300 and that the amount on merchancise be reduced from $1000 to $500 also to cancel the assessment of $20 on one cow That the assessment of mary Inglish of $300 be cancelled on moneys and credits Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 to receive and file the communication of James Hetherington as the trustees of the congregational church had agreed to settle the claim N B since making the above report the case has been settled that the assessment of W H thompson on taable household furniture be fixed at $150 and the amount on property innumerated be fixed at $150 being a total deduction of $300 To place the assessment of M J Drasda on the S 42 feet of the W 1/2 of lots nos 40 and W 1/2 of 41 42 and 43 in L H Langworthy's addition at $4500 Also a deduction of $520 on total personal property That the assessment of J M Gandolfo on S 2/5 of 433 be placed at $3000.00 also that an assessment of $50 on a vehicle be ordered canceled that the assessment of the Dubuque cabinet makers association on merchancise be placed at $8000 being a deduction of $2000 To place the assessment of I Cleminson on lot no 2 in Martin's Dubuque at $500 valuation being $100 of a deduction That the assessment of A H Stuart on the a 41 feet of N M 1/5 of city lot 441 be placed at $2400 Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 On motion more time was extended on the resolution of Ex Ald Leckie calling for the introduction of a sewage system Ald Rath was given further time to report on the fire insurance policy filed by Walker and Rhomberg on Engine House the ordinance granting to the Edison Electric Light Co of Dubuque Iowa the right to lay and maintain wires tubes and conductors for the purpose of supplying electricity for illuminating and other purposes offered by Ald Jones was taken up read and finally adopted the same to be published at the expense of the company and their acceptance of the same in routing ald Crawford presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that mrs S F Osborne be exempt for the tax of the year 1881 referred to the delinquent tax committee Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington Street from 15th to 18th Streets by Wm H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Bluff Street Washington Street special assessment several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Caleb Sadler 102 East Dubuque 103 East Dubuque Anton Witting 104 East Dubuque E Langworthy N 12 105 E Dubuque P Kurdt S 1/2 105 E Dubuque Dubuque Furn & B C Co 91 East Dubuque Carson McElrath 106 East Dubuque John Siege 87 East Dubuque E Langworthy 88 East Dubuque Henry Geiger 89 East Dubuque Dub Furn & B C Co 90 East Dubuque Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Bluff Street from Jones to Fourth Streets by P J Flynn Contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Bluff Street special assessment N C Ryan 121 City Mrs M Donohue S 16 ft 122 city Frank Rafferty N 48.8 ft 122 city James Mullen 123 city Margaret Burnworth lot 1 of 594 city Rt Rev Jms Hennessy 124 City John O'Neill N 1/2 593 city Robt Jess N 1/3 593 City James Hannon S 1/2 593 city Mrs Jms Burns N 23 6 ft 592 city M 2.9 ft 592 city Mrs B Cunningham S 22.3 ft 592 city Catholic School 603 city 602 a city mrs B Cunningham 591 city city N 1 12" 602 city Patrick Gill lot 7 out lot 601 city Wm O Connor lot 8 601 city James McCabe lot 9 601 city Hugh Kavanaugh lot 1 of 600 city Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Plat of alley special assessment of 14th street - Bluff St Mary Schans lot 2 of 600 city lot 1 of 595 city James Stran lot 2 of 595 city Mary Schans Lot 596 city Ald Fengler also presented the following which was adopted REsolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing 14th street from Walnut street to 100 feet west of Cox street by Martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the seveal amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Simon Treanor Min lot 89 R Cox lot 3 min lot 90 Ald fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be ordered to make a plat of the alley 20 feet wide in Wick's addition across Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath lying between lots 9 10 and lots 11 and 12 of said addition the resolution was adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by teh city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of a sewer from Eighth and Washington street east to the C M and St Paul Railroad track and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file at the city recorders office resolution adopted ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to give employment to the poor laborers within the city the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to have rock quarried at such places as the street committee may designate and to have the rock so quarried broken into macadam of the proper size by the yard the cost of the breaking not to exceed 75 cents per yard and the quarrying to be done at the expense of teh city be it further resolved that teh macadam so broken by each laborer be paid for only after being measured by the city engineer the bill for each amount to be accompanied by a correct estimate of teh same and approved by Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Resolution to issue Venire of Alley Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council o fthe city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal and to furnish said marshal with the names of the owners owning the property proposed to be taken for opening and laying out an alley 20 feet wide along the east side fo out lot 687 in accordance with the plat in his office and commanding of said marshal to summon a jury of 12 perons and citizens not directly interested to appear at a time and place stated in said venire which shall not less than 5 days from the date thereof to assess the damage if any occasioned to such owners by the opening of the alley aforesaid and the establishment thereof as a public highway in accordance with teh ordinance in such made and provided rule 11 was suspended and mr Weigel was allowed to address the council asking to have the opening of said alley referred to a proper committee to take into consideration the proposition of Ella M Weigel made in her communication to the council ald Jones moved that action on the above resolution be postponsed to Monday Night December 12 1881 lost as follows Yeas Ald Jones kavanaugh and Rath Nays ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler and Herod Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The resolution to issue the said venire was then adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw a warrant on the city treasurer in favor of J K Graves for $2500 and one in favor of Tom Connolly for $2500 both dated November 10 1881 bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum for money borrowed as per resolution of last month to pay the ordinary expenses of said city resolution adopted Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the office of the Board of Health be provided with a telephone for the benefit of said board as their duties are arduous and the city council should relieve them as much as possible resolution adopted Ald Rath tendered his resignation as chairman of the executive committee of teh board of health and Ald Herod was appointed to the place Ald Crawford presented the following resolved by the city council that the members of this city council be paid rate of $50 per month for the mayor and $25 per month for each alderman and that orders be drawn on the treasurer for the several amounts due at the above rates adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city treasurer for the sum of $50 in favor of Geo W Jones Esq for expenses incurred in attending to the river convention resolution adopted Ald Crawford presented the following resolved that the material composing the mourning drapery of the city council chamber when removed be donated to teh home of the Friendless for the benefit of inmates of that institution resolution adopted On motion the claim of D E Lyon of $200.00 was referred to the committee on claims and the committee were instructed to inquire of the city attorney if the city was obliged to pay the claim Bids for the improvement of Roberts Avenue from Fifth Street to the North terminus were opened and referred to teh street committee and city engineer to report in 15 minutes W H Rebman being the lowest bidder the contract was awarded to him Ald Herod moved that the committee on public grounds and buildings be instructed to have the picture of James A Garfield framed on if necessary to procure a better one adopted Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The mayor presented a communication from Wm McGarigle in relation to a police convention to be held a Chicago on the 15th of December requesting representation of Dubuque at said convention referred to police com to report on Monday December 12, 1881 Ald Jones moved to reconsider the action had upon the communication of the city officers in order to refer the same to the committee on claims lost Bills were then read and were allowed as followsJoseph Geiger Martin & Strane spear & Lee L A Gehrig C H McMaster F Roehl Byrne Bros P Klauer Laflin & Rand Powder Co C H Robison F Schloz J E McClain Vogel & Ferguson T W reute Dr J S Lewis Morrison Bros T W Reute P Klauer J J Linehan Hose Co W H Torbert Phil Pier Joseph Geiger Key City Gas Co Dubuque Water Co J D Metz Larry Daly G E Huekels J W Hoffman T O'Sullivan A Doerr Grosvenor & Harger L Daly Wm Faust Pier & Ackerman D D O'Connell John Nye Key City Iron Co Times Co H Dement Farley Loetscher & Co Spear & Lee P J Flynn Ed Hackett W C Alexander P J Flynn Ed Hackett W C Alexander P J Flynn G Gmehle E M Newcomb H Lembeck John McCoy Wm Howard Regular Session December 5, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath martin & Strane P Klauer John Rankin Peter Hansen John Ganahl Dr J H Greene Joseph Howard Wm Koenig Mrs L Koenig M Downey Healey Bros J H Trieb P Kenneally Henry Ehlers tim Driscoll John McCoy J M Luke T E Frith F A Griffke Dubuque Herald Key City Gas Co Dubuque Water Co W K deLorimier Grosvernor & Harger Spear and Lee J M McKenzie Joseph reingried Fifth Ward Hose Co Hough & Hardie Farley Loetscher & Co J M McKenzie J Becker Phil Pier T W Reute Sol Turck Hose Co Globe Bas Light co Key City Hook and Ladder Co The foregoing bills were ordered paid December 5 1881 The council then adjourned to Monday evening December 12 1881 Witness my hand Attest Martin Kane City Recorder N B The following bills were referred Dr Hunter $5.50 H Lembeck $100 T O Sullivan $100 Drs Jennings Lesser Lewis Bready Fowler Minges Horr and Staples To committee of the whole Vogel and Ferguson $8.00 to street committee Dr Horr $118.13 to PG and B com J J Dunn $1270 to city attorney C W Robison $161.12 to St Com Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Rule 11 was suspended to hear from Mayor Switzer Gen Joes and other genglement on the necessity for and the possibility of having a pontoon bridge built across the Mississippi River at Dubuque ald Crawford presented the following Whereas we deem it essential to the development and propserity of our city and county as well as for the interest of East Dubuque and county of Jo Davies in the State of Illinois and the county of Grant in the state of Wisconsin and the adjacent county that a wagon bridge should be built across the Mississippi river from the city of East Dubuque to the city of Dubuque thereby connecting the shores of Iowa and Illinois to the great benefit of the states of Iowa Illinois and Wisconsin and mutual advantage of those states And whereas congress passed an act February 2nd 1875 granting permission to build a wagon bridge across teh Mississippi River from teh shore of Illinois or Wisconsin to the shore Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the notice Wagon Bridge Project of Iowa at the city of Dubuque subject to the approval of the Secretary of War And whereas we deem it more essential to the interests of this city that said bridge should be built from the Illinois shore at the city of East Dubuque and along the side of teh Railroad Bridge already constructed for the sake of convenience feasability and the non obstruction to the navigation of the Mississippi River And whereas we believe that a bridge can and will be built in accordance with said act of congress if permission can be obtained from the Secretary of War to build the same and whereas a corporation for the purpose of building said bridge is already perfected under the laws of the State of Iowa therefore Resolved that the city council of teh city of Dubuque in council assembled would most respectfully petition and ask the Secretary of War the honorable Robert Lincoln to grant permission for a bridge to be built from the city of East Dubuque in the State of Illinois to the city of Dubuque in the State of Iowa in accordance with the poweres conferred on him by said act of congress Resolved further that a committee of one from each ward be appointed with mayor Linehan as Chairman whose duty it shall be to lay before the secretary of war the foregoing preambles and resolution to further Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Resolution to reeem lot 154a wagon bridge project the construction and completion of said wagon bridge Ald Crawford believing that it would not be advisable to recognize the existance of a coproration for the purpose stated above moved to strike out the sentence Whereas a coporation for the purpose of building said bridge is already perfected under the laws of the state of Iowa the motion was carried and the resolution was then adopted the following committee with the mayor as Chairman was appointed to submit the foregoing to the Secretary of War to wit Ald kavanaugh Foley Jones Herod and Doerfler John Wiegand presented a petition to have lot 154a L H Langworthys addition reeemed from tax sale Ald Doerfler thereupon offered the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of the City auditor for $26.75 to redeem from tax sale lot 154a L H Langworthy's addition which lot was sold for a special tax erroneously assessed Ald Doerfler moved that the resolution be adopted Ald Crawford moved as an amendment to refer the petition and resolution to the Delinquent Tax Committee The same was adopted as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Fengler Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath nays Ald Doerfler Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the petition of Mary Hogan to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on sub 709 of lots 20 and 21 quigley's addition was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax the petition of mrs H Krueger to cancel the tax of 1881 on her homestead was referred to the same committee the petition of Alex Katherine to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on los 7 8 9 and 10 Dribblebie's Adddition was referred to the same the petition of B W Blanch and to reduce his assesment for 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Adam Doerr to cancel the assessment on a horse and wagon was referred to the same committee A communication was read from Gratiot Bros inquiring what inducements the cit ycould offer them by the establishment of a flouring mill here referred to the committee of the whole the petition of J P Farley and others for a crossing at the corner of 6th and Main Streets was referred to the committee on streets with power the bill of J H Wilson of $15 was referred to the committee of the whole Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Charge against Ald Jones Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that an order for eight hundred dollars be drawn on the ciyt reasurer in favor of Wm H Rebman as part payment for work done on Washington Street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets Resolution Adopted Ald Crawford presented the following Whereas it has ben charge in certain newspapers of this city that a member of this counci has been interested in teh performance of a job of work for the city contrary to the provisions of the city charter and has obtained the allowance by the council of a bill for the payment of the same in the name of another person and it is also currently reported that teh member referred to while Chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings has been connected with other jobs of work for the city of a like nature and obtained his pay for the same in a similar manner And whereas the practices alleged are contrary to law and discreditable and the published statements charging the same if unrefuted are calculated to bring the city council into discredit and to cause the people to lose confidence in those they have chosen to take care of their interests Be it resolved that a Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Jones Charge Officer Moore committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed by the mayor to fully investigate the truth of the charges mentioned and all other charges of a like nature against any member of the council which may be presented to teh committee in a definite form that said committee be authorized to send for and examine witnesses under oath and that the result of the investigation when concluded be reported to the council with a copy of the testimony taken the yeas and nays were called on the adoption of the resolution and the same was adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Crawford Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 5 nays Ald altman Clancy and Doerfler 3 The mayor appointed Ald Crawford Clancy Altman Rath and Fengler as the committee to investigate the charges against Ald Jones Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a committee of one member from each ward be appointed to investigate certain charges against officer moore said charges being that said officer has entered the office of the recorder without the permission of his superior officer The resolution was adopted as follows Yeas Ald Doerfler Fengler Herrod Jones and Rath Nays Ald Altman Clancy Crawford and kavanaugh Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the resolutuion being adopted Mayor Linehan appointed Ald Crawford Clancy Altman Rath and Fengler as the committee to inquire into officer moore's case Ald Rath approved the policy of the insurance on the Engine House at No 483 Iowa St and reported in favor of accepting the same report adopted The committee on public Grounds and buildings reported on the bill of Walker and Rhomberg of $30.00 for the insurance on the engine house on Iowa Street and recommended for payment of the same report adopted The bids for the construction of the eighth street were opened read and referred to the street committee and engineer to report in the minutes the following report was made Spear and Lee D R Brophy Bohn & Voltz Spear and Lee being the lowest bidders the contract was awarded to them the bill of G r Clark of $250 was ordered paid The bill of telephone exchange Co of $73 was ordered to be paid Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Simplot Bros Case the claim of W H Rebman of $935.35 for the improvement of Wshington Street from 15th to 16th streets ws ordered paid the bill of J S Randall of $493.98 was referred to the committee on streets The mayor presented a communication from the census office of the department of the Interior at Washington D C asking for a city map and a history of Dubuque together with other important matters on motion of Ald Crawford the mayor was requested to attend to the wishes of said office the following was read Dubuque Iowa Decemeber 9 1881 Hon J J Linehan mayor of Dubuque Chair Comm Dear Sir I am instructed by my clients Messrs Simplot to submit the following propositions with the view of arriving at a settlement of matters between them and the city 1 They will convey by quit claim deed to the city of Dubuque on to whom it may direct the triangular piece of ground at the northwest corner of Iowa and First streets in the city of Dubuque that has been the subject of litigation and release all claims for damages of every kind on account of said piece of ground against the city and the railroad company for ten thousand dollars $10,000 if paid on or before the 20th Regular Session December 12, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Proposition of Simplot Brothers Inst or arranged by that date to be paid 2 Or they will agree to an arbitration of the amount to be paid for said piece of ground and for the damages they have sustained by reason of or on account of the acts of teh city and the railroad companies in relation thereto by three (3) men to be selected as follows One to be selected by the mayor or the city council of the city of Dubuque who shall be disinterested and not a tax payer in the city of Dubuque One to be selected by teh messrs Simplot and then third to be selected by these two each party to abide by the award made by the arbitrators so selected They desire to be informed by the 15th inst which proposition if either is accepted yours respectfully M G Beach Attorney for Alex and Chas Simplot Ald Crawford moved tha the propositions be rejected and the communication received and filed The motion was adopted Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special Session December 15, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Absent - Ald Doerfler and Foley 2 the petition of mark Sullivan to redeem mineral lot 24 from tax sale was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the ptition of Key City Gas company to reduce their assessment to $80,000 for the year 1881 was granted the petition of Margaret Glennan to cancel her special tax or to extend time to pay the same was referred to the delinquent tax committee the petition of patrick Smith to remit his tax for the year 1881 on mineral lot 77 and 78 or to cause a reduction to be made was referred to the same committee The petition of D Cox on motion of ald Rath was refered to the committee on claims and finance the same having been referred heretofore to the committee on claims Action had upon the petition of the Dubuque Linseed Oil Co was reconsidered and referred with power to Ald Herod Altman and Jones Special Session December 15, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Absent - Ald Doerfler and Foley 2 The committee of the whole made the following reports all of which were severally adopted to receive and file the remonstrance of Mrs H Starr That the assessment of Grosvenor and Harger on a wagon and team be cancelled to reduce the assessment of Chas Stafford on Sub out lot 501 of lot 1 to $3000 to cancel the assessment of $6000 on Machinery of Mill and to deduct $3000 from moneys and credits of Mr Stafford to receive and file the petitio of mrs Caroline Fuhrmann That the assessment of mrs amanda Matthews on the N 24 feet of the S 44 feet of lot 444 be reduced to $2500 and the S M of 115.9 feet lot 444 to $8580 for 1881 To cancel the assessment of Adam Doerr on a horse and wagon that Mrs maria hayden be given to January 1st 1883 to pay her special tax at the rate of 6% interest to reduce the assessment of Jacob Seeger on lot No 243 for $3500 That the assessment of E Cutter be reduced to $2100 Special Session December 15, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Absent - Ald Doerfler and Foley 2 To receive and file the petition of John D Bush as he had consented to teh same That B W Blanchard assessment be reduced $500 for 1881 To reduce the assessment of R Levi on lot 2 of sub min 90 to $3000 That the assesesment of conrad Becker on money and credits be reduced to $2500 at the rate of 8% per annum and to pay on assessment of realty at 8% interest per annum all for 1880 To reduce the assessment of Mary A McDaniel on the S one half of 829 McDaniels Sub to $1700 for 1881 That the petition of L D Randall et al in behalf of Mr Francis Guerin he referred to a special committee consisting of Ald Altman Clancy and Jones said committee to consult the Board of Supervisors in the matter To refer the remonstrance of J D Bush on 14th street extension to the committee on streets that the communication of Gratiot Bros be referred to a special committee consenting of Mayor linehan Crawford Clancy and Jones Special Session December 15, 1881 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Absent - Ald Doerfler and Foley 2 that the petition of the Dubuque Telephone Exchange Co be re-referred to procure a sworn statement That the petition of P Mannstedt be referred to the city assessor That the claims of Drs Lesser Jennings lewis Staples Ham Wilson Bready Fowler Minges and hunter be deferred for future consideration The special committee reported as follows on the opening of Grand View In the matter of the resolution to open Grand View Avenue your committee would report that the resolution offered at the last session of the council be adopted report adopted City Council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular Session January 2, 1882 City council met at 9 oclock a.m. roll called by the city recorder no quorum being present adjourned to meet Tuesday January 3rd 1882 at 9 am Attest Martin Kane city recorder Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The minutes of the December sessions were read and approved Ald Crawford moved that all pretitions asking for a reduction of assessment be read by the name of the petitioners and referred to the committee of the whole carried the petition of H C Pierce asking to b egiven an order for work rendered the city was referred to the committee on claims with power the petition of P B Martin to reduce his assessment on the east one half of the north 75 feet and the north one half of the south 70 feet of lot 12 kelly's addition for the year 1881 from $1400 to $1000 was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Mrs Susan Murphy to remit her tax for the year 1881 on city lot 188 was referred to the committee on Delinquent tax The petition of Andrew Murphy for more damages on account of the opening of Grand View Avenue was referred to the committee on streets The petition of H S Hetherington to pay $65.00 to men employed at the fair was referred to the committee on claims Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the petition of G R West for a sidewalk to be laid on both sides of teh street from villa Street to south Dodge Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of G R West for a sidewalk to be laid on the west side of pear Street from Grand View Avenue to the Sunday School Chapel in Union Addition was referred to the same committee the petition of mrs J J E Norman to cancel her tax on her homestead for the year 1875 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of the Iowa Iron Works Co to cause a hydrant to be removed at the southeast dor of their shop was referred to the committee on fire The petition of the Novelty Iron Works Comp to fill to grade Truth Street below Washington Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Sarah Devine to cancel both her regular and her special tax was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of John Scharf to cancel his tax for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee The petition of Margaret Donohue to cancel her special tax for the year 1881 on bluff Street improvement was referred to the same committee Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The petition of John D Bush to refund the sum of $2000 paid into the city treasury on a compromise of a judgement rendered against the city on account of H Nightingale for $4000 for the accidental breaking of a limb was referred to the committee of the whole Mrs M J Sullivan petitioned for permission to pay special tax in installments on city lot No 127. Ald Clancy moved that she be given to the first day of January AD 1881 to pay the same with interest at the rate of 6% per annum Adopted The petition of Mrs. M Heeb to cancel her tax for the year 1881 ws referred to the committe on Delinquent tax the petition of John Mueller guardian to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on the east one half of lot 35 L H Langworthy's addition was referred to the same committee the petition of Gen Geo W Jones to receive $20 on each of lots 4 and 5 of Quigley subdivision of out lot No 710 as full payment for regular and special taxes was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Frank Paner to cancel the tax of the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Mary Pollock to reduce the taxes on lot 29 Nairn's Addition was referred to the same committee Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The petition of mary J Colligan to remit her taxes for the year 1881 on part of mineral lot 227a was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Richard Bennett to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 to $3000 and to refund $550 for the over-assessment of 1880 was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of C Voss to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee The petition of Wenzierl Mickisch to cancel his assessment on moneys and credits for 1881 was referred to the same committee W C Parsons and others petitioned the city council for a sidewalk on both sides of Rose Street from Walnut to Race Street was referred to teh committee on streets to report upon at the afternoon session the petition of mrs C C Sprague to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on her homestead was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Edwin Court to reduce his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Mrs E Linehan to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on mineral lot No 182 was referred to the delinquent tax com Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the petition of mary Mussehl to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 46 Dribblebies Addition was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax Bridget Cunningham petitioned to extend time to pay her special tax for the improvement of Bluff Street Ald Clancy moved that she be given to the first day of January AD 1883 with interest at the rate of 6% per annum adopted the following was presented Dubuque January 3 1882 to the city council of Dubuque Gentlement The amount of the defalcation of Dan Riordan late city treasurer is about $2000 and we occupy the position as sureties on his official a place we never would have taken but for the fact that at the expiration of each official term next before our becoming surety for him the committee appointed by the council to make of his business for that year reported that he had accounted for all money that had come into his hands so that the council will see that we are not above to blame the principla amount for which there was a default was the several sums paid to the treasurer by the late judge D S Wilson who omitted to take receipt for the payments made and make reports of the same to the city auditor as required by the ordinances of the city which if it had been done would have shown on the auditor's Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Proposition to settle the defalcation of Dan Riordan books the first default but although the books of the auditor did not show these payments the books of the treasurer did and the committee could have readily ascertained the fact if the proper investigation had been made so we do not think we are properly chargeable with the loss occassioned by their ommission to do so Mrs. Wilson widow of the late Judge Wilson has already paid to the city $500 of this deficienty in order to avoid further litigation in regard to this matter and the relative of Dan Riordan in hopes of relieving him from criminal prosecution propose to raise and pay the sum of $500 on the amount he now owes the city and considering how largely the actions of the council committee has contributed to bring about the existing state of affairs we think the city should be willing to bear her full share of the blame and loss and if this be so then we are willing to pay the further sum of $500 in cancellation of our undertakings as sureties although we do not consider that we are legally liable for such default for we are not anxious to litigate with the city but prefer on amicable adjustment of the matter more particularly as Mr. Riordan has a large family of children on whom must fall such punishment as may be imposed on him under criminal prosecution. we therefore ask the appointment of a committee with power to arrange a settlement on the basis above indicated R W Stewart and E McCeney for the bondsmen referred to the committee of the whole and the city attorney to report upon Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Copy of notice on Wiegel alley condemnation the following is a copy of the city recorder's notice relative to the opening of the Weigel alley to wit city Recorder's Office Dubuque December 12 1881 To W E Harriman City Marshal Dear Sir You are hereby commanded in pursuance of an order of the city council of the city of Dubuque dated December 5th 1881 to summon twelve freeholders citizens of said city good and lawful men not directly interested to appear at the city hall in said city on the 19th day of December AD 1881 at 9 oclock am and cause the same or if any of the same are objected to and if the objections are sustained then in their places to be chosen to be first duly sworn by some officer authorized to administer oaths and to estimate and assess the damages if any sustained by and accruing to the following named property holder or person interested to wit Ella M Weigel in consequence of the opening of an alley 20 feet wide along the east side of out lot 687 in accordance with that plat prepared by M Tschirgi jr City Engineer And you are also commanded to notify Miss Ella M Weigel of the time and place when and where and for what purpose the jury so summoned as aforesaid will appear and of your doing under this writ you will make full returns to the city council of the city of Dubuque together with the verdict of said jury to the city council at the next regular session of the city council witness my hand and Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley report of the city marshal on weigel alley the seal of the city of Dubuque Iowa this 12th day of December AD 1881 Martin Kane City Recorder State of Iowa Dubuque County In compliance with the within wit I notified the person within named in the manner stated in my return in the notice herewith returned that on the 19th day of December 1881 a jury for that purpose would be summoned and in attendance a the city hall in said city to assess the damages which said person might sustain by reason of the laying out and opening of an alley 20 feet wide on the east side of out lot 687 by the city of Dubuque and I also summoned said jury to be and appear at that time and place for the purpose aforesaid. I further return that on that day and at said place I empanelled a jury consisting of the following named pesons for the purpose aforesaid viz F E Deggendorf Arthur McCann W K DeLorimier E A Frenzel J G Person C H Berg R Morrill John H Carroll John Bale John Rueganer timothy Dillon and Reeder Langworthy and caused them to be sworn in the manner required by law and conducted them over the premises on which said alley is laid and did procure them to make an assessment of the damages which the said Ella M Weigel might sustain by reason of the opening of said alley on the east side of out lot No 687 and said assessment by said jury is hereby returned in an envelope sealed up Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley in the condition it then was handed to me by said jury Dubuque December 19th 1881 W E Harriman City Marshal notice to property owners of Summoning of jury to Miss Ella M Weigel You will take notice that on Monday the 19th of December 1881 at nine oclock am at the office of the city marshal at the city hall in the city of Dubuque Iowa a jury wil be summoned drawn and empanelled to assess the damage if any occasioned by the opening and establishment of an alley through and over certain real estate owned by you said alley known as an alley 20 feet wide alone the east side of out lot No 687 where and where as aforesaid you can exercise such righs and privleges in the premises as are given you by ordinance W E Harriman City Marshal return of jury to the hon Mayor and city council of Dubuque Gentlemen We the undersigned jurors duly sworn and empanelled to access the damages if any occassioned by the opening of an alley 20 feet wide along the east side of out lot no 687 in the city of Dubuque Iowa hereby return such assessment as follows to wit E Weigel Lots 4 and out lot 687 $075.00 signed this 19th day of December 1881 John Rueganer J H Carroll Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Weigel Alley jury return made F E Deggendorf Rachel Morrill J G Peterson Reeder Langworthy E A Frenzel John Bale A McCann W K deLorimier Timothy Dillon State of Iowa Dubuque County I thereby certify and return that on the 14th day of December 1881 I personally served the above named notice on the person within named Ella M Weigel by giving to her a copy thereof All done at the city of Dubuque W E Harriman City Marshal report of the city Marshal on the days served by the jury Dubuque December 19 1881 to the Hon Mayor and city council of Dubuque Iowa Gentlemen I would respectfully report the following names of persons who have served as jurors on the assessment of damages on the alley case on out lot No 687 and the number of days which each are entitled to F E Deggendorf 1 day W K deLorimier 1 Arthur McCann 1 E A Frenzel 1 J G Peterson 1 C H Berg 1 R Morrill 1 John H Carroll 1 John Bale 1 John Rueganer 1 Timothy Dillon 1 Reeder Langworthy 1 respectfully submitted W E Harriman City marshal Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the reports of the jury and the city marshal were on motion adopted and orders ordered to be drawn for the sum of $2 a day for each of the foregoing jury men who served on the assessment of the said alley The following was read Dubuque, Iowa December 31, 1881 Hon City Council City of Dubuque Gentlemen As I am required by law to commence my duties as city assessor on the third mondy of January 1881 I hereby tender to your body my resignation of the office of Market Master to take effect on the first day of February AD 1881 Respectfully submitted G Gmehle On motion of Ald Kavanaugh the resignation was accepted The key city furniture company petitioned the city council for a reduction of penalty of $3000 and on motion of Ald Herod the same was granted The petition of Waller and Eighmey for an opera house license was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of J H Morgan to pay a balance of $113.77 for work done on Seminary Street was referred to the same committee The petition of City Engineer Tschirgi Jr for $200.00 additional pay was also referred to the same committee Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the city auditor reported the sum of $176.70 as the amount necessary to pay the city officials for the month of December 1881 Report received and filed and the several amounts ordered paid the street commisioner reported the sum of $1253.85 as the amount due the street employees for the month of December 1881 Referred to the committee on streets to examine and report upon at the afternoon session The petition of Florence McCarthy to cancel her tax for the year 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Margaret Tracy to cancel her tax for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee The city recorder reported issuing licenses during the month to the amount of $175 received and filed The city marshal reported $1050.00 as the amount due the regular and special police for the month of December 1881. Also that 52 arrests had been made and returning $2.00 to the city treasury as justice fees Received and filed and the different amounts ordered paid The lamp lighter reported having lighted 188 gas lamps during the month of December received and filed Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley N H Schilling reported that he had weighed 4271 hogs 337 carcasses of beef and 29 beals on the different city scales during the past month total receipts $248.70. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $37.30 being 15 percent due the city Received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 134 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of December. Total receipts $20. the receipt of the treasurer was attached for $3. that amount being 15 percent of the receipts report received and filed F Fosselman reported having weighed 140 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of December The amount of the receipts $21.00. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.15. That amount being 15 percent of the receipts Report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 185 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of December AD 1881 Gross receipts $26.25 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.95 being 15 percent due the city Report received and filed The market master reported that he had weighed 207 drafts on the city scales during the month of December The receipt of the treasurer attached for $31.05 due for board $21.60 received and filed and ordered paid Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Justice Duffy reported the number of cases tried by him during the month of December 1881. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $7.00 due to the justice $2.75 report received and filed and claim ordered paid The wood measurer reported having measured 1055 cords of wood during the month of December and receiving therefore $42.20 report received and filed The city Engineer reported the cost for the construction of the Eighth Street sewer from Washington to Main to be $3700.00 Referred to the street committee City assessor G Gmehle presented his official bond for the year 1882 referred to Finance Committee and the Mayor The following was also presented Dubuque Iowa January 2 1882 Hon City Council City of Dubuque Gentlemen I respectfully state to your honorable body that I have this day appointed T O'Sullivan as my assistant in making the city assessment for the year 1882 Trusting the appointment will meet your approval I remain your obedient servant Gottfried Gmehle City Assessor The same was approved by the following vote yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Herod Kavanaugh and Rath Nays Ald Doerfler and Jones Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The committee on claims reported on the petition of Mary Gilmore recommending that her claim of $18.75 be ordered paid report adopted The same committee reported on the claims of the attorneys employed to give their opinions on the motion question recommending that Messrs Fred O'Donnell Ed McCeney and D E Lyon be paid the sum of $50.00 each for the services rendered Report adopted and the amount ordered to be paid provided a receipt in full be given The committee on streets reported having found the report of the street commissioner correct and recommended the adoption of the same and that orders be drawn for the several amounts report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of W C Parsons and others for a sidewalk four feet wide to be laid from Walnut to Race Streets on both sides recommending that the same be granted report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Chas B Keesecker and others recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted provided they deed to the city free of charge a water way wherever the committee on streets and city engineer may locate the same report adopted The same committee made the following report on the petition of W C Parsons and others to the City Council Your committee on streets to which was referred the petition of W C parsons and others for a sidewalk on the south side of eleventh street from Walnut to Race Street and for crossings over Eleventh Street at the corner of Race Street respectfully recommend that a sidewalk four feet wide be laid as prayed for as soon as the weather and ground will permit Also that the street commissiner be instructed to put a suitable crossing of broken rock or quarry stuff at the intersection of Eleventh and Race Streets across Eleventh Street Report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the bill of J S Randall of $301.90 for lumber report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Geo W Jones relative to the improvement of Cox Street asking for more time granted The same committee reported on the petition of H McCann recommending that the same be referred to the city engineer to report whether the old curbing was equal to that called for by the specifications and whether it was necessary to take up the gutter report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the same committee reported on petition of Edward Spahn recommending that the same be received and filed as they had no jurisdiction in the matter report adopted The same committee on the petition of J D bush that no immediate improvement was intended on West Fourteenth Street report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of R Cox in favor of not paying the contractors in full until the grading on Fourteenth Street shall be completed but recommend that petitioner pay the special assessment as assessed as that part of the contract had been complied with report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of the Dubuque Steam Supply Company recommending that the prayer be granted provided however that the drive way petitioned for conform to the grade on the sidewalk report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of R Bonson recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of J E simpson et al that the same be referred to the City Engineer report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The same committee reported on the petition of J P Farley et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to lay the crossing petitioned for report adopted The same committee reported on the bill of Vogel and Ferguson for $8.00 asking extension of more time report adopted The same committee asked for further time on the bill of C W Robison of $161.12 granted The special committee reported on the petition in behalf of Francis Guerin presented by L D Randall and Co asking extension of further time granted The committee on Public Grounds and Buildings reported on the bill of Dr. Asa Horr of 4118.13 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The same committee asked for the extension of further time on the resolution of Ald Crawford in reference to the donation of the mourning of the council chamber to the home for the friendless granted The committee on Police reported that no delegate was recommended Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley to be sent to the police convention held at Chicago. Themayor stated that John Kintzinger Captain of the Police desiring to represent Dubuque without any cost to the city had been recommended as a delegate to said convention and had gone to Chicago as such delegate. On motion the action of Mayor Linehan was endorsed The committee on streets made the following report on the resolution of Ald Kavanaugh on Dodge Street sewer Your committee report in favor of advertising 450 feet of the sewer and to let the contract for the same The report was adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of mark Sullivan recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted as the sale had been found to have been erroneous the property being double assessed report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of C Consur recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and his tax for the year 1881 cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Eliza Beth Tuegel for 1881 report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the same committee reported in favor of adopting the resolution of Ald Crawford to cancel the tax of mrs. S F Osborne for the year 1881 Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John H Kirkley recommending that his tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Siege recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted The same committee reported adversely on the petition of George Goeller Guardian in behalf of Alex V Eschen and recommended that the same be received and filed Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Malissa Eggleston recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Elizabeth Schroman and recommended that the same be received and filed report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The same committee reported on the petition of John Wiegand recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted as they find that the special assessment against lot 154a L H Langworthy's Addition was erroneous and the sale for specail tax illegal. report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Henry Krueger recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on the ground of poverty report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of J M Lillig guardian of heirs of John Buehler recommending that the tax for the year 1881 be cancelled on Mineral Lot 314 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mat Schlegel recommending that his tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Alex Katherine recommending that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to receive one half of petitioners taxes as payment in full for the same report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Sophie Prange for the year 1881 report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The same committee reported on the petition of patrick smith recommending that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to receive one half of his taxes as payment in full for the year 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Glennan adverse to the same and recommended that the petition be received and filed report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of P A Ruley recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel the tax for improvements on petitioners assessment Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Hogan recommending that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to receive from petitioner one half of the amount of her taxes as payment in full for the same for the year 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Kuntzmann recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the following report was made by the special committee in regard to officer moore to wit To the city council of the City of Dubuque Your committee appointed to investigate the charges preferred against Policeman E Moore of having entered the recorder's office without the permission of his superior officer report that the committee has investigated the charge and is satisfied that the same is entirely unfounded so far as it implies any improper motive or intention on the part of Mr Moore. the committee therefore recommend that the charge be dismissed. All of which is respectfully submitted January 3, 1881 P W Crawford Geo Fengler Geo Rath Theo Altman P Clancy The report of the committee was adopted The following was presented from the same special committee to wit to the city council of the city of Dubuque your special committee appointed to inquire into the truth of certain newspaper articles charging Ald B W Jones of the Third Ward with being interested in the performance of certain jobs of work for the city of Dubuque contrary Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley report of committee on alderman jones contrary to the provisions of the charter of the city beg leave to submit the following report The committee met on the evening of December 14th at the office of the city recorder all of the members and alderman Jones being present on proceeding to the investigation Mr F G Brandt city auditor wsa summoned to produce his books showing the manner of the parties who had drawn money from the city treasury on bills allowed by the city council for work done for the city. On an examination by the auditor at the request of the committee of the stubs of his warrant books it appeared from the receipts that Ald Jones has drawn the warrants for the amount of eleven bills allowed by the council since the first of march last in the names of J M Luke J J Van Wil W E Jones and Joseph Geiger for various jobs of work for the city amounting to three hundred and seventy nine and fourty three cents ($379.43) Ald Jones stated to the committee that all the work had been done by workmen in his employ and that he had drawn the money for the same The committee made no investigation as to the correctness of the various bills not deeming that within the scope of the object for which it was appointed but consider it proper to state that all the work performed appeared to have been ordered by the proper officers or committees and the Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley various bills for the same properly certified as correct. No examination was made as to the work done prior to march last the committee not considering it necessary Having proceeded in the investigation as far as above stated the commitee deemed it proper to call upon the city attorney as the legal advisor of the city for his construction of the provisions of section 5 of the city charter providing that no member of the city council shall be directly or indirectly interested in the profits of any contract or job of work for the city. The opinion of the city attorney furnished to the committee in reference to its request is herewith submitted attached to this report After a full consultation on the subject which developed difference of opinion among the various membes of the committee in regard to the matters referred to it it was deemed proper by the committee to report to the council the facts disclosed by the investigation without commend or recommendation leaving it to the council to take such action as it may consider right and just All of which is respectfully submitted Dubuque Iowa January 3, 1882 P W Crawford Theo Altman Pat Clancy Geo Rath Geo Fengler Committee Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the following is the opinion of the city attorney to Messrs Crawford Fengler Clancy Rath and Altman Special Committee Gentlemen YOur committee has requested me to give you a construction of the concluding position of Section Five of the city Charter which is as follows No member of the city council shall be directly or indirectly interested in the profit of any contract or job for the city and to become so interested or being so interested when elected shall be deemed a vaction of said office Neither shall any alderman vote in said council upon any question in which he is directly or indirectly interested The charter is the organic act which gives to the municipality or corporation its existence and peculiar character grants and limits its powers and imposes its duties and obligations The object of the clause in the charter above quoted is manifestly to promote honesty and and purity in the administration of the public affairs. It simply means what its plain language sets forth and that is that membes of the city council are not allowed to trade and traffic with the city in any manner or to any extent whereby they may become beneficiaries on the one hand while on the other as agents of the corporation they may make the terms fix the compensation and vote themselves Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley the money of the city A municipal corporation acts alone through and is represented by its officer in all its dealings and transactions whatsoever and while such officer is thus active for the corporation he cannot legally contract and deal with himself These principles lie at the foundation of the law and municipal corporations The power to remove a corporate officer from his office for reasonable and just cause is one of the indicents of a public corporation and necessary to the proper conduct of its business the officers of a corporation cannot do an act make a contract or incur a liability unless authorized by the charter and much less can they excise any power or perform any act forbidden by it The power of a motion is expressly granted in the clause of the charter in question to be exercised for reasons therein set forth but while this is true a member of the city council cannot be deprived of his office without due process of law and an opportunity given for making his defense. The charter and ordinances passed in pursuance thereof prescribe the mode in which charges against public officers may be preferred and investigated and the procedure therein laid down must be strictly followed Very respectfully James H Shields city attorney Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Crawford moved that the reports of the committee and the city attorney be received and filed the motion was adopted the committee of the whole recommended the payment of the bill of Dr Staples of $10.00 report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of Dr Horr of $10.00 recommending the payment of the same report adopted The following report was made by the special committee on the petition of Dubuque Linseed Oil Company Your committee have instructed the treasurer to receive he amount of taxes due on $2400 assessment on lots 376 377 and 378 in full for all assessment against the Dubuque Linseed oil Comp for the year 1881 Report approved the committee of teh whole was granted extension of further time on the claims of T O'Sullivan and H Lembeck The same committee asked for more time on the communication of City Officials for an increase of salary granted The same committee was granted further time on the petition of Philip Mannstedt asking to cancel his assessment of moneys and credits Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The committees on Claims and Finance together with the city attorney made the following special report on the petitions of A Graham and J E Wooton The undersigned a committee to whom was refered the communication of A Graham and J E Wooton in reference to the sale for taxes of Mineral lots No 76 and 77 would respectfully report that the matter of the settlement with the above named parties has been pending before the council for about 3 years and as we are advised has always been favorably considered by prior committees of the council but owing to the difficulty of settling with the tax purchaser has never been consummated we are advised that a further postponement of final settlement would be detrimental to the public interests particularly as there is involved the establishment and proper location of Hill Street through the premises aforesaid we find that the amount demanded by Hintrager the tax purchaser for redemption from said tax sales is $575.00 though this amount can probably be reduce somewhat and recommend that the city pay of this amount the sum of $400.00 the balance required to redeem to be paid by the petitioners and that the sum be so paid by the city upon the execution of proper deeds of the right of way of said hill Street through said premises in accordance with a plat of said street to be prepared by the Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley city engineer and the payment of said balance required to redeem as aforesaid And the committee further recommend that the city engineer under the supervision of the street committee be instructed to make a survey and plat of that portion of Hill Street for which the right of way has not already been obtained and that said street be located on the ground now used and travelled and improved as a highway between Third and Fifth Streets J Herod P W Crawford Theo Altman Finance Com Geo Rath Pat clancy B W Jones Claims Com J H Shields City Attorney The report of the above committees was adopted Ald Fengler presented the following Whereas upon an examination of the report of the engineer and the assessment and estimate of the jury empanelled in the matter of the establishment of a public alley 20 feet wide along the easterly side of out lot 687 it is deemed expedient and necessary to lay out open and establish said alley and that the sum so assessed by the jury be set aside in the city treasury to be paid to the owner of the premises aforesaid upon the execution and delivery to the city of Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Dubuque of proper deeds for the part of said premises so taken Therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a public street or alley 20 feet wide off the easterly side of out lot 687 be laid out and opened and established and that a record and plat thereof be made by the city recorder in a suitable book and that said alley be established as a public highway as other streets alleys and highways in said city the resolution was adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the moneys and credits assessed against J A Kirkley for 1880 and 1881 be cancelled and that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel the same Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to call in tax certificate of sale of October 21st 1872 of 7 31/100 acres of Mineral Lot 24 for the years of 1869 and 1870 as that sale has been formed to be erroneous Resolution adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the action had on the petition of Mrs Delisle be reconsidered and that the city recorder be instructed to notify the treasurer to place her assessment at $1000 for the year 1881 Resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to fence up such a portion of the hay market as may be deemed sufficient by the committee on streets for the purpose of protecting the lumber belonging to the city. The fence to be constructed under the supervision of the committee on streets Ald Fengler presented the following resolve by the city council of Dubuque That an order for $22.15 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of the city auditor and that the latter be and is hereby instructed to redeem lot 154a L 76 langworthy's addition from take sale at once the sale being illegal and erroneous resolution adopted Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque That a sidewalk four feet wide of good two inch plank laid crosswise be within fifteen days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on both sides of Rose Street between and on the south side of said Rose Street from Race Street to Center Place to a temporary grade at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The resolution was adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Nays Ald Jones 1 ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque That an order for $3.80 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of Mrs. McDaniels that being the amount of reduction granted her by the action of the committee of the whole January 3rd 1882 Resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $17.45 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of J H Stroebel for the amount of reduction made by Equal'z com Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The following was read by Ald Fengler from the city engineer To the Hon Mayor and city council Gentlemen there was an error made in the length of the macadam assessed against lot 591 and as contractors have not yet been paid for that block the city loses nothing by the correction Mr. Tschirgi Jr City Engineer Ald Fengler thereupon offered the following which was adopted It is hereby resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the special assessent against lot 591 city be cancelled and the following corrected special assessment be levied against said lot 591 and that the city treasurer be authorized to make the correction to wit for curbing guttering and macadamizing Bluff Street from Jones to Fourth Streets by P J Flynn contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Mrs B Cunningham 591 city $66.45 Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted Resolved that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs Elizabeth Weitze to the amount of $90.00 in payment of right of way on her property on 14th St Min Lot 75 deed having been executed to the city Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of an extension of the Dodge Street Sewer 450 feet long and in accordance with the plans and specifications on file at the city recorder's office the resolution was adopted Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved That the committee on ordinances be instructed to report at the next session of this council an ordinance repealing and all provisions of Sections 81 and 84 of Chapter 32 of the Revised Ordinances of the City providing for the return of any purchases at tax sale of the amount paid by him within 10 percent interest in case of any invalidity or irregularity in said tax sale or in any of the proceedings prior thereto That said ordinance shall provide that hereafter all purchases of real estate at tax sale shall be at the risk of the buyer and that no purchase money paid at any tax sale shall be refunded for any cause whatever except in cases where it may apear subsequent to the tax sale that the taxes on the property sold had been paid prior to the sale by the owner thereof and that in case of the refunding of any purchase money to any tax purchases for the reason lost stated no interest shall be allowed on the same Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The foregoing resolution was adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that from and after this date it shall be the duty of the city auditor to report to the city council at its next regular session any and every case of refusal to receive from him any money paid to him for redemption of taxes with a full explanation of the reasons for said refusal and it shsall be his duty to notify immediately all parties entitled to money paid in for redemptions resolutions adopted Ald Herod presented the following Whereas at a session of the city council held december 1881 there were passed a series of resolutions and also a petition to the honorable secretary of War asking permission to build a wagon and foot bridge between the cities of Dubuque and East Dubuque Therefore be it resolved that in order to carry out the spirit of these resolutions and petition it is deemed advisable to send a delegate in connection with the delegate to be sent by the city of East Dubuque to lay this matter before the honorable secretary of War Resolved that the Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Hon Geo W Jones be selected by this council to represent the interest of this city before the said Hon Secretary of WAr and be it further resolved that the sum of two hundred dollars $200.00 be and is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of said delegate to Washington City the resolution was adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 7 Nays Ald Crawford and Jones 2 Ald Herod presented the following Resolved that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs. Hannah Starr to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars in payment of right of way on he rproperty on 14th St being lots 2 3 and 4 of sub of lot 13 of min lot 172 deed having been executed to the city resolution adopted Ald Doerfler presented the following The state of Iowa Jackson Co I August Kukkuk of lawful age on oath depose and say that I am a resident of Fairfield Township Jackson Co Iowa and have been such resident for the past eighteen years and am by occupation a farmer. That heretofore to wit on or about the 27th day of July 1881 at Prior's Hotel at Preston in said county of jackson I sold to Louis Doerfler and P Foley Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley of Dubuque iowa a certain black gelding or horse weighing about 1400 pounds and that said Doerfler and Foley at the time and place of said sale as aforesaid paid me in cash for said horse the sum of two hundred and twenty five dollars $225.00 The said horse was about six 6 years old and 17 1/2 hands high August Kukkuk The state of Iowa Jackson Co I August Kukkuk being first duly sworn depose and say that I have read the foregoing statement and know the contents thereof and the same is true as I verify know of my own personal knowledge August Kukkuck subscribed and sworn to by August Kukkuk before me this 15th day of December AD 1881 Witneses my hand and seal A L Bartholomew Notary Public I, A L Bartholomew, do hereby certify that I am a notary public in and for Jackson County Iowa that I know August Kukkuk who signed and executed the annered sworn statement that said Kukkuk is a farmer residing in Fairfield township in said county and is a man of good character and reputation in the community were he resides and is a credible citizen and worthy of belief A L Bartholomew Notary Public Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The above statements were ordered to be placed on the records of the council Ald Doerfler presented the following Seneca Falls NY 21st December 1881 We the Silsby Manufacturing Company of Seneca Falls NJ hereby state to and make affidavit thereto that we have never ourselves or by any agent or representative offered or paid to Ald Louis Doerfler of the City of Dubuque Iowa any money or other consideration for his vote or influence in favor of the purchase of the Silsby Steam Fire Engine or for any other object whatever The Silsby Manufacturing Co Charles T Silsby Secretary and Treasurer Sworn to before me this 21st day of December 1881 Wilmott P Ellwell Notary Public in and for Seneca C NY The same was also to be spread upon the records Ald Rath presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that three orders be drawn for fifty dollars each on the city treasurer in favor of Edward McCeney Fred O'Donnell and D E Lyon for legal services rendered to the city for their opinions Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley On the motor question Resolution adopted and ordered that the money be paid providing that the lawyers give the city a receipt in full for the same Ald Herod presented the following Resolved that an order in favor of Edward H Starr be drawn to the amount of Three Hundred Dollars in payment of right of way on his property on 14th Street being lot 5 of sub 13 of mineral lot 172 deed having been executed to the city Resolution adopted On motion of Ald Jones all bills were required to be certified to before being accepted by the city recorder The following bills were then read and ordered paid Dubuque Water Co North W Globe Gas Co J Allen Dubuque B C Co James Kelly John Harney Spear and Lee John McCoy Andrew Treadway & Co Phil Pier M Downey D W Linehan Wm Rebman J F Conant Key City Gas Co Hansen & Linehan Daily Telegraph Felix Agnew John Lagen John O'Dea Spear and Lee John Rankin P J Flynn J E Hartig T O'Sullivan Mrs L Koenig Henry Haas Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ed Blake John Calahan Con Mahoney Pat Dempsey Larry Smith M Cain John Nye D D O'Connell Key City Gas Co Wm Faust M Finnegan P Donnelly John Ahern P O'Connor J McBride M Corbith John Newman C H McMaster A Woller City Marshal presented a communication calling for an investigation of the conduct of Dennis Ryan Policeman referred to police committee the following bills were referred R Jackson and Son to the committee on police John Kleik to the committee on markets McCollins and McFadden to the committee on claims John Finnerty to the committee on claims N W Globe Gas Light Co committee on police G Perry committee on police Morrison Bros committee on P G and B R Jackson and Son committee on fire Dubuque Steam Supply Co committee on fire J J Dunn city attorney John Krayer street committee Knapp Stout and Co street committee Regular session January 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley E H Sheppley to the committee on Streets John McCoy street committee S M Langworthy street committee Ald Jones moved that the council go into an election for market master vice G Gmehle resigned adopted Samuel B Rice was put in nomination and there being no further candidates on motion of ald Jones his election was made by acclamation The council then adjourned attest Martin Kane City recorder Special session January 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to notify the C M and St Paul Railroad Co to open the water way across their track at it intersection with Division Street Eagle Point within thirty days of this date Resolution Adopted The committee of the whole reported in favor of a settlement with the bondsmen of Ex-treasurer Riordan on payment of the sum of $1000 and the costs of the court if paid in ten days report adopted Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order on the city treasurer in the sum of $200 to pay the expenses of Geo W Jones to Washington in the interest of the wagon project Special session January 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley J D Bush presented a petition asking the city council to refund the sum of two thousand dollars paid by him on the Nightengale judgement. The same was referred to the city attorney to submit his opinion on the liability involved in the case the committee of the whole reported in favor of placing the opera house license for the present year at $150.00 report adopted The petition of Almira Crimmins asking the council to reconsider the action taken on January 3rd ordering the laying of a sidewalk on rose street was received and filed Adjourned Attest Martin Kane recorder Special session January 14, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Herrod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Absent - Ald Foley The city council met in special session at eight oclock pm Rule 11 was suspended and mr R W Stewart and Mr McNulty addessed the city council on the Riordan Settlement Ald Kavanaugh moved to postpone the matter till the 16th just in order to have the city attorney present adopted the rules were suspended and the claim of John Kleih of $14.20 ordered paid The city council then adjourned to Monday Eve January 16th 1882 Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special session January 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Clancy, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Herod presented the following Whereas discrepancies as alleged exist between the amounts of money received and the amounts accounted for by Daniel Riordan late city treasurer and whereas suits have been brought by the city of Dubuque against the said late treasurer and the sureties on his official bonds to receive the amounts so unaccounted for as alleged therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that in consideration of one thousand dollars and costs of court $20.90 in said suits now pending paid by said late treasurer and his said sureties the said Riordan and his said sureties are hereby released from all liability on the official bonds of said Riordan during his terms of office and the said causes now pending in court against said late treasurer and his sureties shall be dismissed resolution adopted the committee of the whole reported on the petition of Edwin Court recommending that the assessment on lots 8 and 9 be reduced to $1800 adopted Special session January 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Clancy, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The same committee reported on the petition of Wenzel Mickisch recommending that the assessment of $1200 moneys and credits be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Richard Bennett recommending that the assessment on the S 1/2 of City Lot 532 and the north 24 feet of lot 532a be placed at the sum of $3000 and the refunding of any money for previous taxes be not allowed report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of P B Martin recommending that the assessment on the E 1/2 of the N 75 feet and the N 1/2 of the S 70 feet of lot 12 in kelly's addition to the city of Dubuque be place at $1100 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of mary Pollock recommending that the assessment on lot 29 Nairn's addition be reduced to $2200 repoert adopted The same committee reported on the petition of F Panor recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of C Voss recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted Special session January 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Clancy, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The same committee reported on the petition of Geo W Jones to receive from him $10 for the regular and special tax on lots No 4 and 5 Quigley Subd of out lot 710 recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted the petition of Henry Hagerman asking teh city to deed the rear corner of City lot 304 and a part of mineral lot 106 in consideration of the injuries sustained by falling into the 19th street sewer was referred to the committee of the whole the communication of F Gerhardt for the introduction of spring sheets to be used at Fires was referred to the committee of fire the council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special session January 28, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Herod, Kavanaugh and Rath 6 Absent - Ald Crawford, Fengler, Foley and Jones The mayor stated that he had called the meeting to take some action in regard to the relinquishment of the charter of the pontoon bridge company to erect a bridge at Eagle point Adjourned to Monday evening the 30th just so that a full attendance might be had Attest martin Kane Recorder Special session January 30, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath 9 Ald Herod presented the following To the city council of the city of Dubuque we M M Walker J K Graves Geo W Burton J N Hill D N Cooley and Ger W Jones state to your honorable body that we are the original parties associated with John P Quigley for the purpose of constructing a pontoon bridge from the city of Dubuque in the state of Iowa over the Mississippi River to the state of wisconsin and were the only persons interested with him at the time of the passage of the ordinance of the city council of date June 5th 1876 granting to said Quigley and others authority to construct and maintain said bridge and are the identical persons referred to in said ordinance as his associates and assigns that no other person had then or has had since any interest whatever in the enterprise or the franchise granted by said ordinance. That we never completed our contemplated organization as a corporation but only continued to act as a company unorganized and never issued any stock or assigned any interest to others or contracted any indebtedness as a company or corporation to any person company or corporation whatever that we never commenced Special session January 30, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath 9 the construction of said bridge but allowed the time limited for its construction to expire without any steps being taken to accomplish that end. Taht on the 14th day of January 1882 we as a company submitted to your hon body the proposition to surrender the rights granted to us under said ordinance and which surrender we as a company now ratify and as individuals here renew and ask that you accept such surrender Jms P Quigley Geo W Burton J N Hill Geo W Jones D W Cooley J K Graves Jos Rhomberg by J P Q M M Wacker I hereby confirm my signature as made above J K Graves State of Iowa City and County of Dubuque Joh P Quigley being duly sworn say that I am the identical John P Quigley to whom and associates the city council of Dubuque by odinance passed June 5th 1876 granted the right authority and permission to build and maintain a pontoon bridge from the city of Dubuque Iowa over the Misssissippi River to the opposite shore of said river in the state of Wisconsin and that the parties whose names are subscribed to tje above petition were the persons and the only persons associated with me or in Special session January 30, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath 9 manner interested in the enterprise at the time of the passage of said ordinance. That the signature of each of my ssociates to the above petition was attached thereto by himself personally except that of J K Graves Joseph Rhomberg and Geo W Jones each of which was signed by myself. Those of J K Graves and Joseph Rhomberg were made under direction from each of them who now being absent from the city to me expressly given before their departure from the city and that of Gen Geo W Jones by authority given me by letter written by him from Washington where he now is directing me so to do and which letter I am prepared to show and I further say that I have read over the above petition and that the statements therein mde are true James P Quigley Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me by John P Quigley this 26th day of January 1881 Witness my hand and seal of office J Herod Notary Public of Iowa in and for Dubuque County On motion the prayer of the petition was granted Ald herod then presented an ordinance to repeal the ordinance above referrred to but the same was not read as the motion to suspend the rules was lost by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Herod and Special session January 30, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones and Rath 9 Rath Nays Ald Crawford Doerfler Fengler and Jones No action was therefore had upon the ordinance Ald herod then moved that the rules be suspended to hear from Dr. J P Quigley which was adopted Mr. Quigley addressed the council urging the necessity of the repeal of the ordinance granted in 1876 John Thompson was called for to speak upon the matter A motion to adjourn was lost The rules were then suspended and Mr. Thompson adressed the members but was called to order not speaking to the point A motion to adjourn was carried by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Rath Nays Ald Crawford Herod and Jones City Council Adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Special session February 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Herod, Jones and Rath 6 Ald Jones moved that the matter of the award made by the Sheriff's jury on the condemnation of the property in dispute between the Simplot Bros and the city of Dubuque be referred to the special committee and the mayor with power to have the amount of the award set aside by the city treasurer in the treasury to be paid to the sheriff Council adjourned Attest martin Kane City Recorder Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The minutes of the previous sessins were read and approved. The following petitions were read and referred to Delinquent Tax committee Johanna Brocerick to cancel the tax on the E part of Lot 16 and front part of lot 18 Kelly's subd Catherine Sand to cancel the tax for 1881 on lot 208 East Dubuque Maria Trauch to cancel the tax on lot No 200 East Dubuque for the year 1881 Jackson Strane to redeem lots in O'Hare's Addition sold for the tax of 1879 Sarah J Michigan to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on city lot 598 M Morgan to cancel the interest due on the W 1/2 of the M 1/5 of lot 456 for the year 1880 Mrs. Dr Risatsch to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on City lot 344 Mary Shannon to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on Sub min 55 of lot No 4 Margaret Lehan to cancel the tax of 1881 on th eeast part of lot no 21 S M Langworthy's Addition Mary Gilmore to cancel the tax for 1881 on the W 30 feet of 92 city Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Bridget Rouch to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on the W 1/2 of lot no 51 East Dubuque Henry Wagner to cancel the tax for the year 1881 Bridget McMahon to cancel her tax for the year 1881 Mary Enright to cancel her tax for the year 1881 Margaret Peters to cancel her tax for the year 1881 Elizabeth Schroman to cancel her tax for 1881 Kate Bannon to cancel her tax for 1881 Ellen Sullivan to cancel her tax for the year 1881 Mrs. Eugene Early to cancel her tax for 1881 on lot no 105 Cox's Addition Ellen McCormick to cancel the tax for the year 1881 Mrs. P Vyverberg to cancel the tax for the year 1881 D V Wilson in regard to special assessment of Bluff St improvement Gertrude Tenhoff to cancel her regular tax for 1881 The petition of W K deLorimier to refund livery license was referred to the committee on claims Waller and Eighmey presented a petition to fix the license of the Opera House at $100 for the present year Rule 11 was suspended to allow Mr. Eighmey to address the council in behalf of the same. On motion of Ald Herod the action had heretofore was reconsidered and the amount of the license placed at $100 Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Peter Schroeder petitioned the council for the privilige of removing a barn on 16th and Clay streets. Ald Clancy moved that teh same be granted. Ald Jones amended that the petition be referred to the committee on Streets with power Adopted The Dubuque Drainage Company recently organized presented a petition for the purpose of being allowed to lay tile pipes to carry off waste water Referred to the alderman of the Fourth and First and the Mayor Joseph Simmons and others representing the burial case company petitioned for a deed to four lots on Elm Street betwween 14th and 15th Streets Referred to Ald Doerfler Foley Herod Jones and Kavanaugh Auditor Brandt presented a communication stating that he had found it impossible to have a settlement of the redemption money with Mr. Hintrager. Ald Crawford moved that the same be referred to the committee on Finance and the city attorney to investigate and report to the city council. Ald Jones moved an amendment that the matter be referred to the attorney to report at the next session of the council Adopted The petition of W W Parker for a reduction of his assessment for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of Margaret O'Shea for a reduction of assessment on Sub min lot 28 of lot No 5 to the sum of $1400 was referred to the committee on the whole the petition of N Eichmann to reduce his assessment for the present year's levy was refered to the same committee The petition of the Key City Barrel Factory to refund the taxes of 1880 was referred to the same committee the petition of Ingram Kennedy and Day to refund over tax for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee The petition of James Doyle and others to extend the sidewalkk on Locust Street on the East side below First Street was referred to the committee on streets The petitio of Conrad Schmitt to erect a temporary bridge across Broadway Street was referred to the same committee Thos Coukling petitioned for aid from the city council having recently broken an arm and being in want Ald Crawford moved that the sum of $25 be appropriated for his benefit and the amount placed in the hands of the Chairman of the Finance Committee Adopted The petition was then on motion referred to the committee of the whole Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the petition of Edward Pfotzer to be given the grade of High Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of David G Scot to be paid the interest on Bond to the amount of $55.26 was referred to the committee on claims M M Walker and others petitioned the city council for a charter to build a pontoon bridge below the bridge across the Mississippi river Deferred for action to the afternoon session the street commissioner reported the sum of $1011.25 as the amount for which orders were required to be drawn to pay the street employees for the month of january referred to the street committee The city marshal reported the sum of $1050.00 as the amount due the police for the month of January and having made 41 arrests during the same month Report received and filed and the claims ordered to be paid and on motion of Ald Jones the Marshal was requested to report the number of licenses unpaid The city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of January to the amount of $73 received and filed Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the city auditor reported that the sum of $1260.70 due the city officers for the month of January report received and filed and the several claims ordered paid the city engineer presented the following report on the petition of C J Richards and Mrs Mahoney to the Hon Mayor and City Council of Dubuque Gentlemen The petition of C J Richards and Mrs Mahoney in reference to Seminary Street was referred to me and I beg leave to state the following As regards to the necessity of repairing the filling done by the city I would state that the street commissioner has since done what work was necessary. As to grading Seminary street in front of the Sisters and St Joseph's Seminary and C J Richards I would state that at teh former place it has been done and also nearly so in front of C J Richards. As to macadamizing it is almost as much needed all the way west from madison Street. probably all the steep grade at Richards needing it the most a strip of macadam 5 01 feet long and 16 feet wide would answer the purpose and cost about $300.00 respectfully submitted M Tschirgi Jr City Engineer Dubuque Febraruary 3 1882 Report received and filed Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the following was presented by the City Engineer Dubuque February 3 1882 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen The petition of A McCann referred to me by the Street committee I have duly examined the curbstone in front of lots 609 and 610a were not to the proper grade and line and not in accordance with the specifications which required curbing 6 inches thick and two feet deep. the old curbing was four inches think and though not two feet in depth might have answered the purpose but on the whole it was thought best to replace them with new curbston. Several pieces of old curbing were used by the contractor to retain some paving on a private alley adjoining but ws not charged to the abutters We did not change the regula grade of Bluff Street. The old paving was not to the proper grade and had to be removed Respectfully submitted M Tschirgi Jr City Engineer report received and filed The city engineer also made the following report on the petition of J E Simpson and several others As the matter of grade is in dispute and cannot be settled in grade as proposed the petitioners stated to me that all they want is that the street be made passable and sidewalks ordered. I would therefore recommend that the city marshal cause all obstrctions to be removed and that a sidewalk Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 be ordered on the west side of Bluff Street from 14th to 16th Street received and filed The market master reported that he had weighed at the market house scales during the month of January 234 drafts. the receipts of the treasurer was attached for $35.00. The amount of the receipts. To board of prisoners and lodgers 115 meals at 20 cents per meal $23.00 report was received and filed and claim ordered paid the wood measurer reported having measured 2234 cords of wood during the month of January receipts $156.40 report received and filed N H Schilling reported that he had weighed on the different scales of the city during the month of January 5348 hogs and 268 quarters of beef. Total earnings $294.20 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $44.10 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported that he had weighed on the west Dubuque scales during the month of January 234 drafts The gross receipts $35.10 The receipts of the treasurer attached for $5.25 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 N C Ryan reported that he had weighed at the First Ward Scale during the month of January 152 drafts. The gross receipts $22.80. The receipts of the treasurer attached $3.40 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed F Fosselman reported that he had weighed on the fifth ward scales during the month of January 141 drafts The gross receipts $21.15 Receipt of the treasurer being attached for $3.20 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed The lamp lighter reported that he had lighted 188 gas lamps during the month of January report received and filed City Council adjourned to 2 oclock pm The council met at 2 pm Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath the city engineer presented a plat of Hill Street from 3rd to 5th streets referred to Finance committee and committee on claims The committee on streets approved the report of the street commissioner and claims ordered paid Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The city attorney presented the following to the honorable mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque Gentlemen I have made an investigation of the facts referred to in the petition of John D Bush asking that certain money be refunded paid by him in settlement of a suit then pending and respectfully report that taking into consideration the facts in the case upon their merits and also the fact that the money was paid by petioner upon the advice of competent counsel and the matter long ago ended in my opinion the settlement as made should not be disturbed Very respectfully J H Shields City Attorney The report was received and adopted The committee on finance reported in favor of referring the communication of Auditor Brandt referred at the last regular session to the city attorney report adopted The committee on claims reported on the petition of H C Pierce to the effect that the petitioner was allowed to draw the money for the orders report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the same committee reported on the claim of the Fair Association of $65.00 recommending that the city pay the association $61.40 and that an order be drawn for that amount report adopted The same committee reported on the claim of John Finnerty of $1.50 recommending that the same be not allowed Ald Clancy amended that the bill be referred to fully investigate the claim the yeas and nays were had on the amendment and the same was lost as follows Yeas Ald altman Clancy Foley and Kavanaugh 4 Nays Ald Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones and Rath 6 the report of the committee was then adopted The committee on streets reported on the bill of C W Robison of $161.12 recommending that the same be paid report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of S M Langworthy of $147.22 recommending that the same be paid Report adopted The same committee reported on the bill of the Knapp Stout and company of $17.40 recommending that the same be paid report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the same committee reported on the bill of Vogel and Ferguson of $8.00 recommending that the same be paid report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of John Niedermeyer and J C Welty recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted provided that proper deeds be presented to the city report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Owen Donohue Adverse to the prayer of the same as it was deemed unwise to construct a bridge at teh expense of the city report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of John McCoy of $5.20 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of G R West as follows Your committee would report that the sidewalk petitioned for has been laid and the special assessment levied report adopted the same committee reported on the city engineers estimate of constructing Eighth Street sewer from Washington Street to Main Street and recommended that the report of the Engineer be received and filed and also spread on the records for future reference as follows 12 or lineal Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 feet of sewer @ $3.00 1000 cubic yards excavation at $0.40 Less value in stone in present sewer 600 cubic yards at 50 cents net cost report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Andrew Murphy recommending that the same be received and filed on the ground that it was beyond the committee's scope of duty to recommend a change of the amount awarded by the jury report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of E H Sheppley of $8.00 recommending that the same be paid report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of John Krayer of $2.50 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of the Novelty Iron Works Company recommending that 11th Street below Washington street be filled to grade report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of G R West recommending that a sidewalk four feet wide be laid on the west side of Pear street from Grand View Avenue to the Sunday School Chapel report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The same committee reported on the petition of geo W Jones to improve cox street asking the extension of further time granted Ald Kavanaugh from the committee on harbors moved that the services of Harbor Master be dispensed with to the opening of navigation The motion was adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones and Rath 6 Nays Ald Clancy Crawford Foley and Kavanaugh Ald Kavanaugh voting in the negative on account of desiring to withdraw his motion but not being permitted by his second Ald Foley Chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings asked for extension of more time on framing the picture of the late President Garfield granted the committee on fire reported on the bill of R Jackson and son of $49.00 recommending that the same be paid report adopted the same committee reported on the bill of the Dubuque Steam Supply company of $42.40 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The committee on police reported on the bill of the N W Globe Gas co of $27 to receive and file the same report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The same committee made the following report on the charge of the city marshal Your committee have investigated the charge against policeman Ryan brought by the marshal and he admitted it himself Your committee would recommend to give him another trial report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Mary J Colligan recommending that the tax of 1881 be cancelled report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Susan Murphy recommending that the petition be referred back with the request that she make a sworn affidavit to the same report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Florence McCarthy recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to cancel her tax for 1881 report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of margaret Tracy recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs J J E Norman adverse to the same but recommended that the city treasurer be instructed to receive her tax for 1875 without penalty or interest report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the same committee reported on the petition of Mary Mussehl recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs M Heeb recommending that petioners regular tax be cancelled provided that she pay her special tax within 60 days report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Donohue recommending that she be given one years time from date in which to pay her special tax with interest at the rate of 6 percent annum report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs C C Sprague recommending that the treasurer be instructed to cancel her tax for 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Mueller guardian recommending that the tax on the east one half of lot no 35 in L H Langworthy's addition be cancelled for the year 1881 report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Ellen Linehan recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to cancel her tax for the year 1881 report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the same committee reported on the petition of John Scharf recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to receive $10.00 as payment in full for the tax of 1881 report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Sarah Devine recommending that her regular tax on her homestead for 1881 be cancelled and that she be allowed one years time from date in which to pay her special tax with interest at 6 percent per annum report adopted the committee on finance and the mayor reported on the official bond of G Gmehle City assessor recommending that the same be accepted and approved report adopted the committee of the whole reported on the petition of the Western Telephone Company recommending that the same be received and filed as the petioners have not filed a sworn statement as requested report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Henry Hagerman recommending that his petition be referred to the committee on claims report adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The same committee reported on the petition of Philip Mannstedt recommending that the same be received and filed as no assessment was levied against the petioner report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of J H Morgan recommending that the same be received and filed Rule 11 was suspened and the city engineer made a statement on the claim of mr Morgan as follows J H Morgan in a/c with the city of Dubuque by guttering and Seminary Street By Grading extra hauling grading main st approaches at Mosers and Clarks Amount donated as per settlement To Cash June 6 1880 December 6 1880 June 2 1881 City a/c money paid laborers in completing the work under street commission Mr J H Morgan's first item of $16.50 is partly credited to him by allowing him nearly double the price per cubic yard of grading as that of his bid the second item is one which no one gave him any authority to charge to teh city Third item the city is not responsible for damage to work under progress and never compensates contractors fourth item nothing was Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 ordered by the street committee but the grading of approaches of main street at Clark's which I carefully measured and allowed for the credits which he ennumerates for the city amounting to $46.62 is his statement. The city charges him with the street commissiner's account of work done and as shown amounts to $156.00 On motion of Ald Jones the rules were suspended to hear from Mr. M Morgan in reply to the above statement of the engineer who read some figures to establish his claim. The report of the committee of the whole was received and filed together with the statement of the city engineer the committee of the whole reported on the petitions of the city officers together with the claim of the assessors asking for the extension of further time granted the same committee reported the following claims due physicians Dr. J C hunter John H wilson C B Jennings S M Lesser J L Lewis J E Bready S M Fowler Geo Minges ald Herod thereupon presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that orders on the city Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Treasurer be drawn for the above amounts in favor of the above parties for services performed by them by order of the board of health as per annexed bills resolution adopted Ald Herod made a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the city for the past two years. Also the length of time at a levy of 12 or 13 miles it would take to pay off the floating debt Ald Herod presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be instructed to draw the following orders one in favor of Thos Connolly for $23.75 as interest due on loan warrant no 2259. One in favor of Wm Armstrong for $601.70 as interest due on loan warrants No 2570 and 2571. Also one in favor of Alfred Tredway for $240 as interest due on loan warrans no 2556 and 2563 inclusive and that the city auditor be instructed to charge the interest paid against the warrants resolution adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order be drawn in favor of John Deery for $63.00 for deed to mineral lot no 17 from the society of mission of St Louis for right of way for Grand View Avenue extension resolution adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to locate the proposed water way which was granted by this council to keesecker and others at its last session and to procure the proper right of way from the parties interested and to report at our next regular session resolution adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder by instructed to draw an order on the city treasurer for twenty five dollars to be placed in the hands of the chairman of the finance committee to be used by him to release the present wants of thomas Coukling as per motion of Alderman Crawford adopted this day resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque That the city recorder e and is hereby instructed to notify Gen Geo W Jones now at Washington DC to represent the city in the bridge matter officially that he is hereby recalled from that mission and to write him an explanatory letter to that effect Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath the petition of M M Walker and others for a new charter to construct a pontoon bridge was read the second time. Ald Jones presented an ordinance in connection therewith fo the repeasl of an ordinance granting to John P Quigley and others the right to build a pontoon bridge at Eagle Point Also an ordinance granting to M M Walker and others the rights to build a pontoon bridge Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that as the construction of a wagon bridge across the Mississippi River from some point within th ecity limits of Dubuque Iowa to some point in Jo Davies County Illinois or Grant County Wisconsin has been again moved and brought before this council for a third and whereas this is a question of vital importance in which the future growth and properity of our city and the interests and business of tax payes are involved and whereas this questin should be closely and carefully investigated before any definite action is taken by this council either in locating the bridge or granting charters to companies wjich exist only on paper without proper organization or backed by capital and whereas a possibility exists that the C M and St Paul Railroad Company may be induced to if properly approached connec their Monroe Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Road with their Iowa system of roads by a bridge across the Mississippi River within our City Limits Therefore be it resolved that a committee of five consisting of one alderman from each ward by appointed by the chair whos duty it shall be to renew the bridge question in all its phases and to confer with the managers of the C M and St Paul Railroad company as to the possibility of constructing a wagon bridge in connection with the railroad bridge which may be erected by the aforesaid railroad company in the near future if the proper inducement are offered by thsi council and our tax payers And be it further resolved that this committee report to this council as soon as they hve arrived at any decision and that this council take no further steps in the bridge matter until this committee shall have reported Rule 11 was suspended to permit J P Quigley to address the council asking the council to repeal the ordinance granted to erect a pontoon bridge at Eagle Point Resolution to appoint the committee called for in the above resolutin was adopted. The mayor appoionted as such committee Ald Fengler Clancy Crawford Altman and Rath Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler moved that the resolution to recall Geo W Jones from Washington be adopted Ald Jones amended that the same be referred to the special committee appointed to confer with the railroad company adopte by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Nays Ald Doerfler and Fengler 2 ald Crawford moved that all papers pertaining to the bridge question be referred to the special committee adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington Street from 16th to 17th streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Thos Jones 82 East Dubuque Adolph Artus 83 East Dubuque Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Wm Lippe S 1/2 84 East Dubuque Peter Geishecker N 1/2 84 East Dubuque John L Daniels 85 East Dubuque Carson McElrath 86 East Dubuque Margaret Schwind 107 East Dubuque E Langworthy 108 East Dubuque John Nagel 109 East Dubuque Peter Hanson 110 East Dubuque John O'Halleran Est N 1/2 111 East Dubuque John Maloney Est S 1/2 111 East Dubuque the above resolution was adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for repairing sidewalk John McCoy contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Eliza M Raedler 22 West Addition Nails labor & c Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for laying sidewalk on fifth street Grand View Avenue and Prairie Street by C A Ferris contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Ed Langworthy 11 sub lot 5 min lot 73 Mrs J B Smith 48 Union Addition D Smith N 1/2 797 McDaniels Sub Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city treasurer for $500.00 in favor of Spear and Lee for partial payment for work done on the construction of Eighth Street sewer resolution adopted Ald Fengler offered the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $800 be drawn on the city treasury in favor of W H Rebman for partial payment of work done on Washington St between 16th and 17th adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council that the alley in wick's addition between lots 9 and 10 and lots 11 and 12 of said addition be vacated and the alley shown on the accompanying plat from the east end of lots 13 and 14 be opened the owner of the abutting propety giving his consent to the vacation of the former described alley and his deed for right of way to the city for the latter described alley resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city coundil of the city of Dubuque that Tenth Street betwen Washington and the C M and St Paul Railroad Track be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property adopted by the following vote yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Jones Kavanaugh Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath Kavanaugh and Rath 8 Nays Ald Altman and Herod2 Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for $5 be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of D H Gehrig City Treasurer to reimburse him for $5 paid John D Bush for the redemption of part of Mineral lot 24 John Sullivan Est for erroneous sale resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Pear Street between Grand View Avenue and the chapel in Union Addition resolution adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Crawford presented the following An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled An Ordinance to Define the Boundaries of Wards and to equlize the first second and fourth wards Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath of the city of Dubuque Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Section 1 that the first ward shall hereafter comprise all that portion of the city of Dubuque lying South of third Street and of the present boundary of said ward west of the westerly terminus of Third Street Section 2 that the second ward shall comprise and include all that portion of the city of Dubuque lying north of third Street south of eighth street and east of hill street Section 3 that the Fourth ward shall remain as at present constituted with the exception of that portion of the same cut off and added to the second ward as provided in the preceding section On motion of Ald Crawford the ordinance was adopted It was then read by its title and final action deferred for one month ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the committee on fire be empowered to purchase a new wagon for the use of the fire department as the old one is unfit for any further use Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath the marshal presented the following to the Hon Mayor and City Council of Dubuque Iowa Gentlemen In compliance with a request from your honorable body I would respectfully report the number of parties who are doing business without licenses saloons 5 teams 11 hotels 1 billiards 1 restaurant 2 Livery stable 1 respectfully submitted W E Harriman city marshal Dubuque FEbruary 6 1882 Rule 11 was suspended and the marshal examined satisfactorily why such had not been collected report was then received and filed and the marshal requested to continue the good work Ald Crawford presented the following resolved that the committee on ordinances be instructed to report an ordinance repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances requiring livery stables and boarding houses to pay license for the privilege of doing business the above resolution was adopted Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath the following bills were read and ordered paid P Dempsey John Ahern P Oconnors John Gilleas John McBride Nic Steivers P Dempsey P Melchin John Ahern Mike Ahern M Kane John Klein John Rankin George Henion Henry Haas Mrs Koenig Key City Hook and L Co N H thedinga J Rennicker Dubuque Times T E Frith W H Rebman Iowa Iron Works Al Leicht F Mertz G Ganahl J G LaNicea Schreiber Conchar and Co M Tschirgi Jr F H Finke Christman & Healy Healey Bros C A Ferris Western Tel Co Daily Herlad T O'Sullivan G Perry Key city Gas Co Knapp Stout & Co Dubuque Water Co Mike Carroll John Carroll Jerry Griffin finnegan and Co J McBride John Callahan M Finnegan John Laven P Dempsey Morrison Bros Phil Pier Sol Turck Hose Co Tuttle Bros Jos Remfried D D O'connell J J Linehan co W W allen F Lehtner Fifth ward hose farley L and Co Pfiffner & Kriebs G Gmehle C W Robison Joseph Watry F Schloz F W Kringle John O'Dea A Y Mcdonald vogel & Ferguson Western tel Co Heough & Hardie John D Metz Key City Gas Co John O'Dea D W Linehan Larry Daly Dubuque Water Co Wood & Gissell Wm Faust C H McMaster Regular session February 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Foley, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh and Rath The claim of Healey Bros for Fifty cents was ordered to be paid the bill of John McCoy of $24.55 was also ordered paid The bill of Morrison Bros of $3.40 was ordered paid The bill of John E Hartig of $1.40 was ordered paid the claim of allen and Taylor of 75 cents was ordered paid the claim of Ingram Kennedy and Day of $55.58 was referred to the committee on streets The claim of Healey Bros of ten cents was also referred to the same committee the bids on the construction of the dodge street sewer was read and referred to the committee on streets and the engineer to report upon the council then adjourned attest Martin kane Recorder Special session February 18, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman, Clancy, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones and Rath 6 Ald Fengler pesented the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the furnishing the city with the globe gas lamps and lights for one year the contract to be written by the city attorney and approved by the committee on police and gas before the bids are advertised for resolution adopted Council adjourned attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved Asa Horr et al presented a petition to have a sewer pipe laid in accordance with the Warring system in the alley between main and Locust Streets from First street to Seventeenth Street and that the work be done by the city and assessed agianst the adjoining property owners on said alley ald Crawford presented the following Whereas the question of drainage is one of vital and preseeing importance to the city of Dubuque involving the comfort and health of its citizens and demanding early and judicious action and whereas it is deemed expedient before entering upon the work of providing means of drainage that a general system of sewerage be settled upon and adopted after careful examnation of the subject in order that the best and most approved system may be secured be it therefore resolved that a special committee of one alderman from each ward Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 including both aldermen from Second wawrd to gether with the city attorney and the city engineer be appointed to investigate the question and report a definite plan for constructing and carrying out a general system of sewerage in accordance with the existing laws applicable thereto and that the mayor be requested to call a special session of the council as soon as said committee is prepared to report Rule 11 was suspended to hear from Dr. A Horr and Mr. Geo Crane upon the workings of the system the resolution was then adopted and the following committee appointed by the chair Ald Crawford Altman Foley Fengler Jones Kavanaugh the city Attorney and city engineer the petition of Horr et al was also referred to said committee Ald Crawford moved that all petitions in reference to reduction of assessment be referred to the committee of the whole and that those petitions asking for remission of taxes be referred to the committee on delinquent tax without being read in full but by the name of petitioners adopted the petition of joseph Dielt et al to lay pipes was referred to the committee on streets with power the petition of Jacob Kuntz et al to straighten division street Wicks Addition ws referred to the same committee Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of W Warmouth to place his assessment on sub min lot no 45 and sub min lot 47 of sub out lot 1 of lot 153 in Union addition at $11.00 and to refund the difference of the assessment was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of D A Gehrig treasurer to refund the sum of $11.64 water tax to the Illinois Central Railroad company was referred to the committee on claims the petition of Bridget Nihill to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 182 city was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax the petition of John Mayerle to cancel his assessment of $2500.00 on merchandise for the year 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of Wm G Watters to reduce his assessment on lot no 2 of out lot 720 was referred to the same committee The petition of A Heeb and others asking for the improvement of couler Avenue from Sanford Street to the Fair Grounds was referred to the committee on streets the petition of Florence O'Sullivan to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on lot No 100 Finley's Addition was referred to the delinquent tax committee Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the petition of Mrs John Malony to reduce the tax on the south one half of lot no 111 Esat Dubuque to one half the amount of her tax was refered to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Ann stuart to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 33 in G R West Addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Patrick Welsh and others to macadamize Washington Street between 18th and 19th streets was referred to the committee on streets the petition of J C Longneville et al to grade and otherwise improve the alley from Julien Avenue to Center Place and Alta Vista Ave was referred to the same committee the petition of P J flynn to be paid claim of $42.00 was referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer the petition of J H Morgan for a balance of money on seminary street was referred to the street committee the city engineer and the street commissioner Peter Klauer petitioned the city council calling attention to the enforcement of the ordinance in relation to awnings near his place of business On motion the marshal was instructed to enforce the said ordinance Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of R W Steward for the exemption from taxation of stock of the Dubuque oatmeal Mills for a period of ten years was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of John Krayer for the privilege of removing frame building to fourteenth street near the alley was referred to the committee on public grounds The petition of the Iowa Iron Works company and others to rais the grade and macadamized ninth street between Washington Street and the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the petition of Mr Mark Murphy having attached the required sworn statement was read the second time ald Fengler moved that the prayer of the petition be granted the yeas and nays were had upon the motion and the same was defeated as follows Yeas Ald Clancy Foley Kavanaugh 3 Nays Ald Altman Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones and Rath 7 Mr. Wm Tiede petitioned to have personal tax paid refunded Ald fengler moved that the petition be referred to the committee on claims and the attorney Ald Crawford amended the refer to the committee of the whole and the and the city attorney The amendment was adopted A communication was read from the minute men of the fire department asking to be paid a salary of $15 per month and to pay the foreman of the hook and ladder company the sum of $17.50 per month referred to the committe of the whole The petition of J G Scott et al to macadamize the alley from Julien Avenue to a point 100 feet north of the residence of Wm Hopkins on from Julien Avenue to Rose Street was refered to the committee on streets Regular session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The Knapp Stout and Company comp and others petitioned the council to improve Eighth Street from Washington street to the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad track referred to the committe on streets the petition of Edward Pfotzer et al to change the width of High Street and make it conform to the extension south of Sanford street was referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer the petition of Timothy Byron et al to abate a nuisance in the shape of waste waster coming from the Plow Works of Chamberlain Company was on motion of Ald Craword referred to the executive commitee of the board of Health and the Aldermen from the first ward The petition of Bridget Gregory to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on lot no 21 finley's addition was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax the petition of John W Norton to charge the grade of West Locust street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of James corrigan to cancel his assessment on pesonal property for the year 1880 was referred to the committee of the whole