W Roll_15 Part 3Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of Bridget Brennan for the construction of a bridge on West Locust Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Johanna Flynn to fill up to grade the sidewalk in front of her lot on Washington Street before requiring the payment of assessment was referred to the committee of the whole Mr. R Dewstoe et al petitioned the council asking the city engineer to proceed immediately with the necessary surveys and establish a permanent grade for the alley in the reaer of lots one to seven inclusive in Ellen Corkery's subdivision of out lot 655. On motion of Ald Crawford the prayer of the petition was granted The petition of Jacob Mathis and others to macadamize Jackson Street between 17th and 19th Streets was read and on motion the prayer was granted The petition of Samuel Elmer and others to lay a sidewalk in front of Blank Sreet from the alley East of Division Street to lake Street was refered to the committee on streets The petition of G R West for a street lamp at the southwest corner of Grand View Avenue and Pear Streets was referred to the committee on police Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the petition of George Salot to reduce the assessment on city lot 428 for th eyear 1881 was referred to the committee of the whole John Bethe and a large number of other citizens presented a communication asking for the construction of a wagon bridge at Eagle Point and endorsing the steps taken by Ald Fengler Referred to the special committee consisting of Ald Fengler Crawford Altman Clancy and Rath The City Council adjourned to 2 o'clock pm Council met at 2 o'clock pm Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Report of officers Street commissioner backman reported having expended the sum of $889.40 during the month of February referred to street com the city attorney made the following report on the settlement with Mr. Hintrager to the Hon Mayor and city council Gentlemen the undersigned to whom was referred the communication of Auditor Brandt Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 relative to a settlement with Wm Hintrager of certain redemptions from tax sales would report that he has delinquently performed the work and prosecuted the matter since the last session of the city council but has not yet made progress sufficient upon which to base a report though he has done everything in his power to press the matter and would therefore ask for further time very respectfully J H Shields City Attorney On motion further time was granted The auditor reported the sum of $1244.20 due the regular city officers during the month of February Report received and filed and the several amounts ordered paid The same officer presented the following report City Auditor's office Dubuque March 1st 1882 Tothe hon mayor and city council Gentlemen Chapte 10 Sec 5 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque directs that the auditor shall make and present to the city council semi annual reports in proper form for publication of all receipts and expenditures of money belonging to the city for the six months preceding the date of such repors ending with the months of February and August in each Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 year In accordance with the above directions I herewith present to you my semi annual report of receipts and expenditures for the six months ending with the 28th day of February 1881 Respectfully F G Brandt City Auditor Semi Annual Report receipts receipts from taxes of 1874 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Receipts from special taxes Interest received on delinquent taxes Advertising costs collected Receipts from Weighing on city scales Fines and fees collected Rents collected on public buildings Proceeds from sale of ordinance books proceeds from impounding animals from est of D L Wilson on account of Riordan Settlement From Riordan and sureties on account of Riordan Settlement Borrowed by Finance Com Rents collected from Hucksters Proceeds from sale of horse From Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company for tile pipe From R Dewstoe et al right of way on out lot 687 REceipts from cleaning alleys from Ald Rath additional salary refunded Auctioneers license Butchers license Hotel Keepres license Livery Stable license Peddlers license Saloon keepers license Pork packers license Teams and express license Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 theater and show license total receipts $173030.97 Balance in hands of treasurer Sept 1st 1881 $177545.40 Disbursements general expenses warrants redeemed city engineers salary and sundries for office fire department warrants redeemed Police warrants redeemed Gas warrants redeemed blank books advertising & c General street expenses including grading Paid contractors for special street improvemens Tax refunded Impounding Animals Coupons paid Interest paid on outstanding warrants Borrowed money repaid Damages for injuries Fuel for use in public buildings Insurance on public Buildings Water Warrants redeemed Last payment for Hay Market Part principal of bounded debt paid Paid for property given to Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Fees paid police justices total disbursements $157780.34 Cash in hands of treasurer March 1st 1881 total 19765.06 Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the report of the city auditor was referred to the committee on finance to examine the city marshal reported the sum of $1051.65 due the regular police for the month of February making 52 arrests for the same month and receiving fifty cents as fees from justice Leathers for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached Report was received and filed and the several policemen ordered paid Justice Leathers presented his report for the month of February of the number of cases tried The receipt of the treasurer was attached for the sum of $2.00 due the city as fines report received and filed Market master Rice reported having weighed 201 drafts on the market house scales during the month of February Gross receips $30.15 for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached to board of prisoners 148 meals at 20 cents per meal amount due $29.60 Report received and filed and teh claim ordered paid N H Schilling reported weighing 1324 hogs and 54 quarters of beef during the month of February Total receipts $81.60 Receipt of the treasurer attached for $12.24 report received and filed Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the lamp lighter reported having lighted 188 gas lamps during the month of February report received and filed Recorder reported having issued licenses in the month of February to the month of $115.75 Report received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 120 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of February Gross receipts $18.00 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.70 being 15 percent of the amount report received and filed F Fosselman reported having weighed 114 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of February The gross receipts $17.10 Receipt of the Treasurer attached for $2.55 Report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 176 drafts on the west Dubuque scales during the month of February Gross amount $26.40 Receipt of the Treasurer attached for $3.90 Report received and filed The wood inspector reported having measured 1059 cords of wood during the month of February Amount received $62.35 Report received and filed The ordinance committee asked for further time to report granted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The report of the street commission was approved by the commitee on streets and it was recommended that orders be drawn for the several amounts and the report be received and filed Report adopted The committee on claims reported on the petition of Wm K deLorimier to refund livery license recommending that the same be received and filed report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Henry Hagerman asking the city to deed the rear corner of city lot 304 and a fractional part of mineral lot 106 in consideration of injuries sustained by filling into the 19th street sewer Said committee recommending that the petition be received and filed Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of David G Scott recommending that the amounts shown by the same be paid upon his filing a sufficient bond to indemnify the city against loss report adopted The committee on streets reported on the petition of Edward P Fotzer recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of the street and grade asked for and report at the next session of the council report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the same committee reported on the claim of Ingram Kennedy and Day of $55.38 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The same committee reported on the claim of Healey Bros of ten cents finding the same correct and recommending that the same be paid report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Conrad Schmitt recommending that the prayer asked for be granted etc. report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of James Doyle and others for a sidewalk recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Peter Schroeder et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted provided the latter will leave room for wagons to pass and to keep the necessary lights to prevent accidents at night report adopted Ald Foley from the committee on Public Grounds and buildings reported having insured the town Clock tower for $3000 with Walker and Rhomberg and the Engine House on Iowa Sreet between Eighth and Ninth Strees for $1000 report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The committee on Delinquent Tax reported on the petition of Mrs. Dr Ristsach recommending that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel petitioners tax for 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of W W parker Adverse to the same report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Gertrude Neuhoff recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the tax as prayed for report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Sand recommending that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the tax for 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of M Morgan adverse to the prayer of the petitioner Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Sarah J Meligan recommending that her tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted Also to cancel the tax of Mrs Eugene Early for the year 1881 Report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The committee on fire reported adversely on the payment of the bill of Ira Blizzard of $11.85 report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reposted on the petition of Ellen McCormick adverse to the prayer of the petitioner report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Gilmore recommending that the petioner be allowed to pay $7.00 as her tax in full for the year 1881 and that the treasurer be instructed to receive the same Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Lehan recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the treasurer be and is hereby instructed to cancel the tax for the year 1881 report adopted Also on the petition of D V Wilson recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to receive $40 as partial payment for special assessment and that the petitioner be allowed 2 months time to pay the balance due at the rate of $10 per center per annum report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Adverse to the prayer of the petition of Mrs. E Schroman report adopted That the prayer of the petition of Kate Bannon be granted and that the tax for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted That the tax of Mrs Sullivan be cancelled for the year 1881 report adopted Adverse to the prayer of the petition of Bridget Roach report adopted Adverse to the prayer of the petition of Mrs P Vyverberg report adopted That the tax of Margaret Peters be reduced one half for the year 1881 Report adopted that the petition of Marg O'shea be received and filed report adopted That the tax of Maria Tranck be ordered cancelled for the year 1881 report adopted Adverse to the prayer of the petition of Jackson Strane report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 that the tax of Bridget McMahon be ordered cancelled for the year 1881 report adopted That the tax for the year 1881 of Johanna Broderick be ordered cancelled report adopted That the tax of Mary Shannon be ordered cancelled for the year 1881 report adopted That the tax of Henry Wagner for the year 1881 be cancelled report adopted that the regular tax of Mary enright be reduced to the sum of $6.00 for the year 1881 report adopted the committee of the whole on the petition of the Key city Barrel Factory recommending that three fourths of the amount asked for be granted report adopted The same committee reported to refer the petition of Ingram Kennedy and Day to the 2nd ward alderman report adopted The petition of Martin Pfiffner was ordered granted Report adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Crawford called up the ordinance entitled an ordinance to define the Boundaries of Wards which was read the second time an amendment being offered to the same Ald Altman moved to lay the ordinance on the table Ald Crawford called for the yeas and nays on the adoption of the ordinance the same was adopted as follows Yeas Ald Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Jones and Rath Nays Ald Altman Clancy Foley and Kavanaugh Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order for the sum of $200 be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Martin and Strane for partial payment of grading done on the street near Alta Vista street resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within 30 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of Windsor Avenue between division street Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 and High Street at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted by the following vote Yeas ald altman Clancy Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Crawford Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque that White Street between 18th and 19th streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make the necessary improvements in drawing plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the ownesr of the abutting property Adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Foley Fengler Crawford Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that Jackson street between 17th street and 19th Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuuqe that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of Locust street from Jones street south to lot 553 where not already laid Adopted as follows Yeas ald Altman Doerfler Clancy Crawford Herod Jones fengler Foley Kavanaugh and Rath Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the petition of Simpson et al in regard to repairing Bluff Street and laying sidewalk around the park between 16 and 17th street on Bluff Street be reconsidered and referred back to the committee on streets adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to notify the C M and St Paul Railroad Company officially to open a waterway through their track at the intersection of Division Street and to fill the necessary approaches on High Street at its intersection with the railroad track so as to enable trains to cross at the points named adopted Ald Herod presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw an order on the city treasurer in favor of the key city barrel factory for $66.20 Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 to refund part of their taxes already paid as per recommendation of the committee of the whole on their petition reported this day adopted John D Bush presented a petition asking for information in regard to the action had upon a former petition on motion of ald Fengler the recorder was instructed to notify Mr Bush Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved by the City council that a sidewalk on the west of locust street between 15th and 16th street be paved its full width with good hard brick as soon as the weather and ground will permit and that the city engineer superintend the work referred to committee on P G and B Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved that the street commissioner be instructed to continue the making of macadam for the use of the city in the making of repairs to streets and to continue the quarrying of rock for that purpose from the east side of madision street where the same requires widening adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Bids on dodge Street Sewer were opened read and referred to the committee on streets and Eng Ald Fengler presented the following resolved that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within fifteen days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the sidewalks on the north side of Eagle Point Avenue between Couler Creek and Windsor Avenue where not already laid Adopted as follows yeas Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath The bids on the lighting etc of the N W Globe Gas Light street lamps were referred after being opened to the committee on police and gas to report at an adjourned session ald Clancy moved that the action taken upon the bills of the N W Globe Gas light comp by the committee on police in reducing the same be reconsidered and the sum of $26.43 added thereto adopted Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 two bills were received by the mayor from Des Moines from one of the members of the legislature relative to taxes and street improvements received and filed Following bills were read and ordered paid Joseph Watry D D OConnell W E Jones Walker & Rhomberg A A Cooper J W Halpin D W Linehan N W Globe Gas Light Co John ODea John Eichhorn John Ganahl Wm Howard Laflin and Rand Pow Co Dubuque Water Co Christman & Henley Mrs Koenig J J Dunn Key City Gas Co D W Linehan Grosvenor an Harger Telephone Comp W H Robison W G Watters Grosevenor and Harger Times Comp F G Brandt J Cenhill Geo Gregory Globe Gas L Co A A Thompson T Byron Macadam for the city H Martin Regular Session March 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Sol Turck Hose Co Steam Supply Co H martin John Schwenk John McCoy J J Linehan Hose Co wm Faust Key City Gas Co Chas Stenk Jos Renfried D Grant Fifth Ward Hose Co Key City Hook & Lad Co. Morrison Bros Daily Herald City Councl adjourned to 16th inst at 7:30 p.m. Attest martin Kane Recorder Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Jones moved that the action and adjouring the city council to half past seven be recommended and that the city council now go into session adopted Ald Rath moved that the action had upon the petition of W K deLorimier be reconsidered and the same be referred again to the committee on claims adopted Ald Crawford presented the following which was adopted Resolved that the water company be and is hereby instructed and required to extend its main pipe from the corner of High Street and Johnson Avenue above said avenue and across Lake street and to locate a fire plug on the east side of Lake Street The committee on streets reported on the bids for the improvement of Washington street W H Rebman was awarded the contract Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Rath presented the following Whereas Walker and Rhomberg have overcharged the city on insurance on the Iowa Clock Tower and Engine House on Iowa Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets Therefore resolved by the city council of Dubuque that said insurance be cancelled and that the recorder be instructed to notify Walker and Rhomberg to pay back to the city treasurer the money that is due the city from this day to the expiration of said insurance adopted The tax of Mrs Mark Murphy was rediced one half for the year 1881 The committee of the whole made the following reports all of which were adopted To reduce the assessment of F Eichmann on personal property for the year 1881 to the sum of $500 to instruct the treasurer to collect the personal property due for the tax of 1881 from the sherrif of the county To remit the assessment and tax for the next 6 years on the stock and property of the Dubuque Oat meal Mills Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 To place the assessment of Wm G Watters on lot no 2 of out lot 720 at $1800 for the year 1881 To refer the petition of John Mayerle to the marshal attorney and treasurer with instructions to collect the tax or the license To refer the petition of W Wearmouth for remission of tax to the committee on delinquent tax To refer the petition of Mrs A Matthews for a reduction of assessment to the committee on delinquent tax To refer the petition of Geo Salot for a reduction of assessment to the same committee To refer the petition of Johanna Flynn to the street committee N W Boyes et al presented a petition asking for the opening of 14th street and for the laying of a sidewalk referred to committee on streets J W Parker presented a petition for the reduction of assessment for the year 1881 referred to Del Tax Com John Bell presented a petition to lay sidewalk on the southwest side of prince street Sanford Addition Referred to the committee on streets Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The petition of Margaret Gnnan to cancel her tax for the year 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of A Heins for grade of sidewalk on lot No 5 Kelly's addition was referred to the committee on streets with power The petition of Margaret Glennan to accept payment for special assessment in installments was referred to the delinquent tax committee The petition of Bridget Molony to extend two years time for the payment of special assessment on the south one half of lot No 111east dubuque was referred to the delinquent tax committee Policy for insurance on city hospital was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings Ald FEngler presented the following resolved that the taxes due on the estate of H McCormick for the year 1881 be cancelled and that an order be drawn in favor of the city auditor to the amount of $35.20 for the purpose of redeeming the said lot sold for special assessment referred to Del Tax Com Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The committee of the whole reported on the resolution to inaugurate a drainage system recommending that the same be referred to the committee on drainage adopted The committee on streets reported on the petition of P Welsh and others recommending that the same be granted and that Washington Street between 18 and 19th be improved adopted City Engineer presented a profile of the alley on the east side of outlot 687 Referred to committee on streets Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Washington street between 18th and 19th streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Herod presented the following Be it resolved by the council of Dubuque that Hill Street as shown by the annexed plat and description as made by the city engineer and for whilch the right of way has been deeded to the city be and is hereby declared a public street from 5th to 3rd streets and that the city engineer be instructed to record the same resolution adopted Ald Crawford moved that the prepared reports of the different city officers now on file be read by their title and referred without reading to the committee on Finance with power adopted Ald Jones presented the following An ordinance to change the name of Prairie Street to college avenue Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Section 1 that the name of the street running from Eleventh street to Fourteenth Street in the city of Dubuque now known as Prairie Street be and is hereby changed to College Avenue Section 2 that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its publication in the Dubuque Daily Herald Referred to the committee on ordinances Regular Session March 16, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 On motion of ald Crawford the committee on police and gas were granted further time on the proposals to furnish light for the gasoline street gas lamps The following judges and clerks were appointed to conduct the election to be held Monday, April 3, 1882 First Ward N C Ryan Phil Pier Judges Polls at Mountain House Wm Coalis T J Hopman Clerks Second Ward Wm Warring Dr A Munsell Judges Henry Michel Chas Mekl Clerks polls at court house Third Ward N C Ansden John Wunderlich Judges A J Patch C A Voelker Clerks Polls at City Hall Fourth Ward W C Chamberlain C C Seward Judges G R Foster R O anderson Clerks Polls at Thos McCoy's Fifth WArd Peter Ellwanger Henry Deckert Judges Peter Sahm F humbrecht clerks Polls at Iowa Brewery Adjournment Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session April 3, 1882 City Council was called at 9 o'clock a.m. No quorum being present the recorder adjourned to meet on Thursday, April 6 1882 at 9 o'clock a.m. attest martin Kane Recorder Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved Ald Herod moved that all the petitions in the hands of the recorder be referred to the new council without being read for consideration adopted Auditor Brandt the sum of $1245.90 due the officers and employees of the city for the month of March 1882 Report received and filed and ordered that orders be drawn to pay the different persons The recorder reported having issued licenses to the amount of three dollars during the month of March 1881 report received and filed The city marshal reported the sum of $1050.00 due the police for the month of March and also making 71 arrests for the same month Report received and filed and different claims ordered paid The market master reportted having weighed 166 drafts on the market house scales during the month of March the receipt of the treasurer attached for the amount of $24.90 To board of prisoners Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 and lodgers 273 meals at 20 cents per meal Amount $54.60 Report received and filed and the claim ordered paid N C Ryan reported having weighed 104 drafs on the first ward scales during the month of March Goss amount $15.60 The receipt of the treasurer attached for the amount of $2.50 being 15 percent due to the city Report received and filed chas Pitschner reported having weighed 140 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of March Gross amount $21.00 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.15 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 94 drafts on the Fifty Ward Scales during the month of March Gross receipts $13.10 The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $2.00 being 15 percent due the receipts of the city report received and filed The Wood measurer reported having measured 255 cords of wood during the month of March and receiving therefore the sum of $17.25 Report received and filed The Lamp LIghter reported having weighed 188 gas lamps during the month of March Report received and filed Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 the street commissioner reported having expended the sum of $1871.90 during the month of March referred to the Com on Streets The Committee on finance reported on the semi-annual report of the city auditor recommending to recceive and file the same report adopted Ald Jones from the committee on Ordinances asked permission to withdraw the ordinance in relation to change of street Granted The committee on Claims reported on the bill of Peter Olinger of $2.00 recommending that the same be paid report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of W K deLorimier recommending that the same granted and that an order for $25.00 be drawn in petitioner's favor report adopted ald Rath reported on the petition of George Salot recommending that the assesesment be placed at $1400 on lot 428 for the year 1881 report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported on the petition of John Krayer recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The committee on fire reported in favor of referring the petition of the Iowa iron Company asking for the removal of a hydrant to the committee on Fire of the new council report adopted To refer the communication of G Gerhard to sell fire apparatus to the same committee adopted To refer the bill of R Nolte to the amount of $17.00 to the same committee adopted The committee on police reported on the petitions and proposals of the NW Globe Gas Light Company and Geo W burden for lighting the street gas lamps recommending that they be referred to the committee of the new council adopted On motion of Ald Crawford the proposal of John H Deggendorf was allowd to be withdrawn Ald Fengler presented several pontoon papers lying in his hands and recommended to refer them to the new council adopted The same Alderman reported in favor of referring the following petitions to the new delinquent tax committee Bridget Nihill Ann Stuart Bridget Brennan Mrs C Keogh Florence O'Sullivan Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Bridget Gregory Mrs J Molony Mrs H McCormick Res to Redeem Lot W one half of lot 813 Margaret Glennan Bridget Molony Mrs A Matthews W Wearmouth J W Parker M Glennan report adopted The committee on streets reported in favor of referring the petition of Mrs Johanna Flynn to new street committee of the new council report adopted The same committee approved the report of the street commissioner and recommended the payment of the different claims adopted The same committee reported on the petition of J C Longueville et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of N W Boyes et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the marshal be and is hereby instructed to take the proper steps to open the street as petitioned for at once report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of J E Simpson et al recommending a uniform grade from 14th to 16th street as shown by a profile made for taht purpose by the engineer and which will be presented to the city council for adoption Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 at this meeting report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of the Knapp Stout and company et al recommending that the city engineer be instructed to estimate the cost of grading and to report at the next session of the council report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Bell for a sidewalk on SW side of Prince Street recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted the same committee reported on teh claim of John Finnerty of $1.50 recommending that the same be referred to the street committee of the new council. report adopted the same committee reported on the petition and bill of P J Flynn adverse to the same as the committee had found that petitioner had done no work not included in his contract and specifications and that he was paid in full for all work done report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of the Iowa iron Works company and others recommending that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to estimate the cos of grading on the street petitioned for and report the same at the next session of the Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 council report adopted The same committee reported on the petitio of J G Scott et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of E Pfotzer et al for a change of the width of High Street recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted but that the petition be referred to the city engineer with instructions to get the written consent of the abutting property owners to the proposed change report adopted the committee on police reported on the petition of G R West recommending to refer the same to the police committee of the new council report adopted The street committee reported on the petition of J W Norton recommending to refer the same to the street committee of the new council report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of A Heeb et al recommending to refer the same to the street committee of the new council report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John H Morgan adverse to the prayer of this petition as upon full investigation we find that petitioner Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 has been paid in full for all work done on Seminary street and that as the city was compelled to take the work off his hands and complete it at the general expense of our taxpayers report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Samuel Eliner et al recommending that a sidewalk four feet wide be laid to a temporary trade on the south side of stafford avenue report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of A Heins for grade recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Joseph Dielt that the prayer of the petitioner had been granted report adopted Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the change of grade as shown by the blue line accompanying profile of Sixteenth Street from West Locust street to the old corporation line be declared the official grade of said street Ald Fengler moved that the resolution be adopted Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Mayor Linehan objected to the adoption of the resolution as it was required by the revised ordinances to give proper notice of a change of grade to prevent litigation in the matter Ald Jones amended to refer the resolution to the new council the Yeas and Nays were had upon the amendment of Ald Jones and the same was lost by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Foley Jones 3 Nays Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh Rath 7 The yeas and nays were then had upon the adoption of the resolution and the motion of Ald Fengler to adopt was carried as follows Yeas ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 7 Nays Ald Altman Foley and Jones 3 ald Fengler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that the red line shows on the accompanying profile of the alley on the east side of outlot 687 be and is hereby declared the official grade of said alley adopted ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer prepare a profile and change of grade of Bluff Street from 14th to 16th streets and present the same to the council for action adopted Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Fengler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the grade of Bluff Street as shown by the blue line on the accompanying profile of said srteet be established as the grade of said street from 14th to 16th streets adopted Ald Fengler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the red line as shown on the accompanying profiles of Rose Street from the old corporation line to Alta vista Street of the alley west of center place from Julien Avenue north and of the alley east of Center Place from Julien Avenue to Rose Street be and is hereby declared the official grade of said street and alleys respectively adopted Rule 11 was suspended to hear from William Rebman on the grade of bluff Street On motion of ald Fengler referred to committee on streets and the Engineer to procure the signatures of the abutting property owners Ald Fengler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuue that the engineer be ordered to make profiles of Rose Street from the old corporation line Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 to Alta Vista Street of the alley west of Center Place from Julien Avenue to Rose Street and present them to the council for action Referred to committee on streets and engineer Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that the city Marshal be and is hereby instructed to open Grand View Street from Southern Avenue to the city limits within 30 days from this date and to proceed in the matter as provided by ordinance in relation to opening public highways Resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city Council of Dubuque that teh City marshal be and is hereby instructed to open 14th street from Alta Vista Street to the Delhi Road within 30 days of this date and to proceed in accordance with the ordinance in relation to the opening of streets and highways resolution adopted Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk two feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within 30 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance iin relation to sidewalks on the north Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 side of 14th street between Alta Vista Street and the Delhi Road at the expenses of the owners of the abuting property the resolution was adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 9 Nays Ald Jones Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of 14th street between Cox Street and Alta Vista Street or between Cox and alta Vista Street at the expense of the owners of the abutting property adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altan Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of good no 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south west side of Prince Street Sanford Subdivision between Eagle Point Avenue westward and in front of lots 58 and 59 Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 in Sanford's addition resolution adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Stafford Avenue between Division Street and Lake Street where not already laid at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Resolution adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the alley east of Center Place between Julien Avenue and Rose Street be graded and macadamized in conformity with the Ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 abutting property Resolution adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Fengler Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath Ald Fengler presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the alley north of Julien Avenue between Center Place and Alta Vista Street be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed and directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Resolution adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath Ald Kavanaugh having refused to sign the report of teh street commissioner moved that a committee be appointed to investigate certain complaints that had been made against the commissioner about the collection of money for cleaning of alleys Ald Doerfler amended the motion to postpone till changes had been preferred in writing adopted Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Herod Chairman of the Committee of the whole reported on the petition of the Minutement of the Fire Deparment for an increase of salary recommending to refer the same to the city council committee of the whole adopted Also to receive and file the reports of the city officials for the year adopted City council adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m. Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Kavanaugh had read a communication setting forth a statement that J K Beckman Street commissioner had confiscated money collected from cleaning of alleys to his own use and not returning the same to the city treasurer Ald Kavanaugh Jones herod Fengler and Altman were appointed a committee to investigate The special committee appointed to make a settlement of the tax of the C M and St Paul Railroad Co for the years 1880 and 1881 made a satisfactory report and the same was adopted Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 The committee of the whole through ald Jos Herod reported in favor of paying the claim of Henry Lembeck of $100.00 Also in favor of paying the claim of T O'Sullivan for the sum of $100.00 The yeas and nays were had upon the adoption of the report of the committee as follows Yeas ald Foley Herod Kavanaugh Rath and Clancy Nays Ald Altman Crawford Doerfler Fengler and Jones The mayor cast his vote in favor of paying the claims The committee of the whole also reported on the 15 percent additional compensation asked by the auditor treasurer and recorder recommending that they be allowed such for the past six months Ald Crawford called for a vote on the claims seperately Treasurer's claim yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath The treasurer was therefore ordered to be paid Auditor yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herof Jones Kavanaugh and Rath Nays Ald Altman Ordered paid REcorder Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and rath Ordered paid Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Herod reported on the claim of M Tschirgi Jr of $200 recommending that the payment of $100 be made. The yeas and nays were had as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath nays Ald Doerfler and Fengler Ald Herod submitted the bond of D G Scott for payment of coupons the same was approved and ordered placed on file Ald Herod then presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the recorder be instructed to draw the following orders in payment of interest paid on loan warrants C H Eighmey German Bank John Bell and Co Mannus J Kulac C H Eighmey Cash O P Shiras Thos Kavanaugh G M Staples Chas A Payne Way G Watters D G Scott coupons cost Ordered that the above sums be paid and that orders be drawn to pay the same Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Ald Fengler presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that whereas certain charges have been brought against J K Beckman commissiner of streets by Ald Kavanaugh which are detrimental to the honor and integrity of the aforesaid officer and whereas justice should be done to the parties concerned Be it therefore resolved that the committee appointed by the mayor to investigate proceed with the investigation at once and be it further resolved that the witnesses be sworn and give their evidence under oath only and that the aforesaid committee report before the newly elected aldermen take the oath of office Mayor Pro tem Herod took the chair and ruled the whole matter out of order Mayor Linehan resumed his seat and released the committee that had been appointed to go into an investigation as the charges were not preferred in accordance with the ordinance Ald Crawford and Foley were appointed a committee to canbass the vote of the election held on Monday April 3rd 1882 the council in the meantime took a recess Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 Official count April Canvass 1882 After a careful examination of the returns the tellers announced the following result Office Candidate Ward 1st Ward 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th Ward 5th total Maj Mayor J J Linehan Recorder Martin Kane G G Moser Auditor C J Brayton F G Brandt Treasurer A A Schunk John Pier Attorney J H Shields D E Lyn Assessor G Gmehle Aldermen First Ward Thos Kavanaugh Second Ward Theo Altmen Henry Wheeler Third Ward N Eichmann Peter Winger Fourth Ward John Glab L G Huid Fifth Ward Henry Deckert Geo Fengler Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Fengler Foley Herod Jones Kavanaugh and Rath 10 On motion th ereport of the commitee was adopted and the persons reported as having majorities were declared duly elected to the several offices for which they were candidates Ald Fengler presented a deed from Mr Whooton and on motion the same was ordered to be recorded Ald Jones presented the following which were adopted Whereas our respected aldermen Geo Rath Geo Fengler and Joseph Herrod also the city Treasurer D A Gehrig and City Auditor F G Brandt are about to retire from the public offices they have faithfully filled and whereas induced by a desire to express the good will and esteem in which we hold them Be it therefore resolved that we as representatives of the people at large tender our sincere thanks to them for the able manner in which they have performed their public duties. resolved that we regret their departure and that in leaving the offices entrusted to their care they take with them the regard and best wishes of those who have occassion to come in official contact with them The old council having concluded its business a motion was carried to organize the new council Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Mr. Alphons Matthews administered the oath of office to the newly elected mayor J J Linehan The latter then administered the oath to the newly elected aldermen and city officers Mayor Linehan then delivered to the council the following Inaugural Address Gentlemen of the council having been again called by the suffrages of my people and fellow citizens to the office of Mayor of Dubuque I desire before entering upon other matters to thank the people of the city for this additional mark of their confidence and esteem As a member of the council and as mayor while I may have made some mistakes I have always endeavored to do my duty honestly and conscientiously with an eye single to the best interests of the city and my election without opposition is such an edorsement as I may well feel proud of I have also to thank the members of the council for the kindly consideration with which they have treated me during the past year any success which may have attended my efforts were largely due to the promptness and ability with which each member of the council performed the duties assigned him The retiring members bear with them my hearty thanks for their kindly assistance and best wishes for their future welfare and Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger happiness and I trust my relations with the new council will be as pleasant and harmonious as the last To us as its chosen officers is entrusted the peace welfare and prosperity of our beloved city and to some extent the health and happiness of its citizens thos who placed the welfare of the foremost city in our hands in the state of Iowa will exact from us and they have the right to exact from us that we do all in our power to push her forward in her onward course I feel assured from a long acquaintance with each of you both old and new members that you come here actuated with but one desire and that is to further in every possible way the best interests of the city Harmony of action is all that tends to promote the general good should be the aim of every member You come here to labor for the interests of the whole city and not for the interests of any particular ward or locality Party and party prejdices should have no place in your deliberations and should not blind you to the main object in vein and that is the protection and furtherance of the public welfare Many important matters will engage your attention during the present year and in my judgement the first and most important is the present state of the city finances besides the very large bonded indebtedness with with we are burdened in our anxiety to Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger encourage manufactureres and to improve the city we have unavoidably accumlated large floating indebtedness so that in order to decrease it and keep up the current expenses of the city we have been forced to increase the tax levy twenty percent The taxpayers very properly view this increasing debt and increased levy with alarm and distrust and your first duty should be to provide in some way for the retirement of this debt as it c comes due and to reduce the tax levy to one percent general tax and one mill on water tax and at the same time refraine from anticipating the revenue by borrowing money for the current expenses To do this I would suggest that the council as soon as possible meet as a committee of the whole and determine the amounts to be spent on streets during the coming year. Also on fire department police etc and that the various committees be instructed to govern themselves accordingly. when you have determined upon a plan for reducing the floating indebtedness the next important matter will be to forward the growth and prosperity of the city by doing everything in your power to foster and encourage manufacturing enterprises What has been done toward the establishment of such enterprises during the past few years should lead you to you to renewed efforts in this direction. Let it be everywhere Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger known that Dubuque presents a most innovating field for the investment of manufacturing capital in many of its important branches and that a liberal and enlightened policy will be pursued toward all both citizens and strangers who may wish to invest their money in such enterprises The building of a wagon bridge was one of the important matters to which I called the attention of the council in my former inaugural Since that time its necessity has become more urgent and apparent each day The citizens of Dubuque and East Dubuque have taken active measures during the past year to organize a company and to acquire from the government the right to erect a bridge as a private enterprise I would suggest and advise that the city acquire the sole and only right to build the bridge and then transfer the same on such turns as may seem best to some company that can give a proper guarantee of its ability to construct and maintain a bridge at such point as may best suit the interests of the city and at the same time see that all the city's rights and interests are fully enforced and protected The Inner harbor The city in its settlement with the central island co reserved a strip of land 300 feet in width extending from Sixth Street Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger to a point opposite and above the present levee The strip has been recently located with a view of opening a channel for boats and rafts from the lower end of the outer slough to the main river at a point neat the foot of Third Street and thereby making a safe and convenient harbor for rafts and crafts of all kinds at all seasons of the year another great benefit which in my judgement would follow the opening of this channel would be the cutting away of the bar now obstructing the levee I do not deem it adviseable at this time for the city to undertake the construction of the harbor and channel but I recommend that effort be made through our represenatives in Congress to induce the general government to expend out of the money appropriated for the Mississippi enough to fully complete the proposed harbor in accordance with the plans already made and furnished us through the war department and which if curried out will not only furnish us with a safe and convenient harbor but will make Dubuque the headquarters of the upper Mississippi steamboat trade and one of the most important slipping points on the river appointment of officers the duty devolves on you to appoint the marshal engineer Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger street commissioner police force and other important officers and as the peace health and cleanliness of the city are to a large extent under the control of these also the expenditure of money required to keep up these various departments the qualification of the candidate should be his best recommendation. You should in the selection of these officers cast aside all questions of personal friendship and select those men in whom the people generally have confidence and who will each in the performance of his duty feel that he owes his allegiance to the city and not to the individuals who appoint him Economy The judicious and economical expenditure of the money contributed by the people should ever receive your careful your conscientious and watchful attention Let retrenchment and economy in the expenditure of the public funds be your watchword Streets During the past few years we have expended enormous amounts on the care and improvement of our streets until now we have the best in the west and in view of this fact and the present state of the finances I would recommend that no new streets be Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger built at the city's expense during the coming year and that except for the improvement of the leading thoroughfares only such appropriations be made for street purposes as shall be necessary to keep the present streets in repair and that some provision be made whereby the cleaning of the alleys now done by the city at an annual expense of $3000 be done by the abutting residents under the direction of the Marshal or street commissioner Drainage In view of our increasing population and the more compact growth of the city I would recommend that some steps be taken to establish a general system of drainage to be built and extended as it may be needed to secure the cleanliness and health of the city This brings me to the question of water supply Some plan should be devised by the building of reservoirs on the bluffs by which the residents thereon can have better protection from fire and some arrangement should be made with the water company whereby the water mains will be a once extended through that portion of the city liable to over flow in order to give the residents there a supply of pure water While Dubuque is one of the healthiest cities in the United States the Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the sickness prevalent during the past year was largely confined to the district subject to overflow and caused by the flooding of cisterns and consequent pollution of water supply These are all the matters that I now desire to especially call your attention but will during the year bring to your notice such matters I shall think demand your attention The future of our city depends greatly upon our action during the coming year. Let us make the best interests of the city our interests so that when we come to surrender the trusts we have assumed we can feel that each of us has done his share in making this city what we all hope to see it the great commercial and manufacturing center of the northwest Mayor Linehan announced the following Standing committees For the ensuing year Finance Committee Jones Altman Crawford Ordinance Committee Doerfler Glab Crawford Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Claims Committee Altman Clancy Doerfler Street Committee Crawford kavanaugh Deckert Harbor Committee Kavanaugh Deckert Clancy Market Committee Olinger Jones Foley Public Grounds and B Committee Foley Crawford Olinger Printing Committee Glab Clancy Jones Police Committee Clancy Glab Kavanaugh Fire Committee Doerfler Foley Altman Delinquent Tax Committee Deckert Foley Olinger ald Crawford made objections to being made Chairman of the Committee on Streets but after urgent solicitation on the part of the Mayor and Council consented to accept Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Ald Crawford offered the following resolution Whereas in the opinion of this council the taxation of the city for the year 1881 can be reduced by judicious management and a wise system of economy to the former rate of one percent without detriment to the interests of the city Be it therefore resolved that the expenditures for street improvements and all other expenses of every kind shall be regulated and curtailed with a view to restricting the tax levy of the present year to a rate not exceeding one percent exclusive of the water tax Resolved further that a committee be appointed to be known as the Committee on Retrenchment of which the Mayor shall be chairman whose duty it shall be to investigate every department of the city government with a view of systematizing and reducing the expenses of each wherever possible without injury to the interests of the city and that said committee be instructed to report as soon as practicable. Resolution was adopted and the mayor announced that he would appoint the committee called for in the resolution in a few days Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Ald Altman moved that a committee of one alderman from each ward be appointed to make a settlement of the accounts with the auditor and treasurer about to retire Adopted and Ald Crawford Altman Kavanaugh Jones and Doerfler were apointed as such committee On motion of Ald Clancy it was carried that when adjournemtn be had it be until Monday April 10th 1882 at half pas seven o'clock p.m. Ald Jones moved that the council proceed to the election of appointive officers lost On motion of Ald Crawford the committee of the whole were empowered to act in the capacity of fixing the bonds and salaries of officers Ald Deckert was appointed on the committee appointed heretofore on drainage consideration Ald Deckert was also appointed on the committee to procure the deed to a strip of land from Mr Stout Bids for the improvement of 19th and other streets were opened read and referred to the committee on streets and engineer to report upon The following bills were read and ordered paid B D Linehan Dubuque Water Co Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Chas J Rogers J J Linehan Engine Co Dubuque Telegraph J F Conant Christman and Healey Phil Pier F J Quigenbuehler Morrison Bros Peter Klauer Walter jones N H Thedinga L C Fuller Mrs D R Kennedy Arnold Tschirgi N H Thedinga C W robison Palmer Winall & Co Walker and Rhombert T J Paisley Christman and Healey Jhn P Quigley Spear and Lee M Kane P Keaner Joseph Reinfried Pfiffner and Kriebs Vogel and Furguson Hough and Hardie Judges and Clerks of Election John Rankin A Y Mcdonald B D Linehan S M Langworthy A Y McDonald T E Frith Steam Supply Comp Mrs Koenig William Foust F Schloz John klein Board of Registration T O'Sullivan Herman Sass Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Dubuque Herald Sundry persons (Macadam) Telephone Ex Co Dubuque Times W E Harriman J Foster The Iowa James Kelly C H McMaster D A Gehrig D G Scott the following petitions were then read and referred to the different committees Ms Mary Smith to remit the tax on lot no 48 Union addition referred to the committee on delinquent tax Daily telegraph to be made official paper of the city referred to the committee of the whole John McBride et al for the continuation of the improvement of Bluff Extension referred to the committee on streets Michael Martin to be appointed street commissioner referred to the committee of the whole J M Kennealy to be allowed to retain an awning in front of his place of business referred to the committee on police and gas with power Pat Quinn for street commissioner referred to the committee of the whole Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger A McCann to make a settlement on Bluff Street work referred to street committee Mrs P Carr to cancel her tax referred to del tax committee Margaret Carr to divert water from lot No 2 Marsh's Deb referred to the street committee and Engineer G G Mehle and T O'Sullivan fix assessor's salary referred to the committee of the whole F W Kringle for a sidewalk on the north side of 17 the street between Clark and Catherin streets referred to street committee E Smedley and C H Meyer to be exempt on machinery and real estate for a period of ten years referred to committee of whole F Schreiner et al to open a street referred to street committee the claim of W C Parsons of $60.00 was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings The claim of J J Dunn of $54 was referred to the city attorney the report of Justice Duffy was referred to the committee on police to examine Regular Session April 6, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The council adjourned to Monday april 10 1882 at 7:30 p.m. attest martin Kane Recorder Regular Session April 10, 1882 Council met at half past seven o'clock pm Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The committee of the whole thorough chairman Crawford presented the following report in relation to salaries and bonds of officers Treasurer Recorder City Attorney City Auditor Marshal Deputy Marshal City Engineer Market Master Street Commissioner Assessor and Asst Regular Session April 10, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The work of preparing the lot book to be indexed in the assessors salary report adopted Thos Hackney presented a petition asking to be appointed street commisioner placed on filed W E Parsons presented a petition in relation to the insurance of the town Clock referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings Communiation of Geo W Burden in relation to his bid on street lamps was referred to the committee of the whole Geo B Burch et al presented a remonstrance against the erection of an insane hospital near the Mercy Hospital referred to the committee of whole The petition of Wm Coates for a grade was referred to the committee on streets Absalom Cain's petition in regard to water way was referred to the committee on streets The claim of C H Robinson of $14.20 was referred to the committee on streets The bill of the Key City Gas Lamp of $543.50 was ordered paid Regular Session April 10, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The bill of the NW Globe Gas Co of $291.70 was ordered paid The bill of the firm of Schulte and Wagner of $195.10 was also ordered paid On motion the council proceeded to the election of officers Ald Altman and Doerfler were appointed tellers For Marshal four ballots were had the last of which was a tie vote W E Harriman received five and Joseph Zigenbuehler five The mayor decided in favor of Mr Harriman Mr Harriman appointed Col John O'Neill as his deputy which was approved by the council For Street commissioner Allan Leathers received Five and Geo Reynolds five the mayor voted for Mr. Leathers who was declared elected For city engineer M Tschirgi Jr received eight and Wm Evans two votes Mr Tschirgi was declared elected to the office of Engineer For Chief Engineer of the Fire Department Frank Morgan received six votes and Jerry Sullivan four Mr. Sullivan was declared elected Regular Session April 10, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger For assistant chief of the fire department Joseph Trieb received six Jerry Sullivan two and M Eitel two votes Mr. Trieb was declared elected For captain of the Police thirty three ballots were cast D Ryan received two D Hoffman three and E Moore six the thirty fourth ballot decided the matter Mr. Moore having received the majority was declared elected For Market master S B Rice received seven Joseph Norton two and P Welsh one Mr. Rice was declared elected For health physicians eighteen ballots were had the last of which Dr Connolly received six Dr. Waples three and Dr Jennings one Dr Connolly was declared elected Ex street commissioner Beckman presented a communication in relation to the charges aganst him Adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session April 10, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger N B the official papers were fixed the same as last year the Herald Times Telegraph National Demokrat and the Iowa being named as such Mr Warring was elected to the office of Wharf Master Adjourned Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones the minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved The petition of N Kauffmann to purchase a lot owned by the city and give license to W Winters was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power the petition of John D Bush remonstrating against the opening of alta Vista Street to the Delhi Road was read Rule 11 was suspeded to hear from Mr. Bush who strongly opposed the opening of said street Referred to the commitee of the whole the petition of the Dubuque Brush Electric Light and Power Company asking for a fair opportunity to compete with other companies for lighting the streets of the city was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of Jas Hethington et al to locate the width of Couler Creek between Eagle point Avenue and Sanford Street was referred to the same committee Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones The petition of Albert Henchulin et al to make some provision to carry off the water in the 23rd street sewer was referred to the same committee The petition of the Dubuque Brush Electric LIght and Power Co per W J Knight President for a hearing before a proper committee was referred to the same committee The petition of the Iowa Coffin Company to be given a number of years taxation exemption was referred to the committee of the whole the petition of William Carter to cancel the taxes on the subdin of lots 754 and 755 City for the years 1877 1878 and 1881 as the property had been used for religious worship and claiming exemption under the law was referred to the commitee on Delinquent Tax The petition of Kate Ferguson to be refunded the sum of $5.20 paid on the estate of Patrick Ford for the year 1881 on the W one half of lot 1 Cox's Addition was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax. The petition of Gibson Collinson to cancel the taxes due on lot No 76 in West Dubuque for the year 1881 was referred to the same committee. Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones the petition of Margaret Quinn to cancel her tax for the year 1881 onlot 433 was referred to the delinquent tax committee The petition of John Barry asking the council to review the award that had been made him by the jury in condemnation of Summer Hill property and to correct any error that may have been made in his award of damages was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Edward Norton et al to fill up the grade the alley and sidewalk between Elm and Pine Streets and between 13th and 14th streets was referred to the same committee the petition of John Drehouse et al to improve the alley from 15th to 16th streets between Iowa and Clay Streets was referred to the committee of Aldermen from the Third Ward, Aldermen Jones and Olinger to report at the afternoon session The petition of W E Massey et al to open out an alley of suitable width from Julien Avenue to Rose Street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of James Rowan et al to extend a street along the west line of Mineral Lot 36 to a point 250 feet of Grand View Avenue was referred to the same committee Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones The petition of W J Burns to abate a nuisance in the shape of waste water flowing in upon his property from the Chamberlain Plow Works Co causing damage to the same was referred to the committee on streets with power The communication of W J Burns asking to be compensated to the extent of $150.00 for damages sustained by water from the Chamberlain Plow Works Co was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Patric O'Mara to grade his lots on West Hill was referred to the same committee C Rhomberg presented a petition to keep up to grade the sidewalk on lot 204 corner of Tenth and Iowa Streets was on motion received and filed Ald Crawford moved to reconsider the action had on the petition carried and the same on motion was referred to the committee on Fire William Hopkins E M Jackson and A M Scott presented a protest against any delay being made in the prosecution of the work of grading and macadamizing the alley east of center place from Julien Avenue to Rose Street It was moved that the petition be referred to the committee on streets with power Ald Crawford amended by moving to receive and file the same The amendment was carried and the protest was received and filed Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones The petition of J G Scott for the prosecution of the work of improving the alley East of Center Place running north from Julien Avenue to Rose Street was received and filed The petition of William Lawther et al to put in passable condition Windsor Avenue extending from the main entrance to Linwood Cemetary to the corporation line was referred to the committee on streets with power The petition of T B Cleaver et al to fill up to grade Eighteenth Street from the bridge to maple street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of P Flannagan et al for the improvement of the alley on the west of Grove Street in order to put the same in passable condition was referred to the committee on streets and engineer the petition of Wm Davis et al to establish a grade on Grove Street between Eleventh and Peach Streets was referred to the committee on streets The petition of D N Cooley et al to raise the grade of the alley west of Main Street N from 17th Street was referred to the same committee Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones the petition of John Bruegamer et al to put in good condition the street leading from Lake street was referred to the committee on streets Another communication from J G Scott in regard to commencing the improvement of the alley ast of Center Place was read and on motion was received and filed Absalom Cain Joseph Bott A N Ferguson Agent and William Beck presented a remonstrance on the improvement of the alley east of Center Place running from Julien Avenue north asking that the action taken by the council be reconsidered and the same be rescinded was received and filed on motion of Ald Crawford The petition of John Deery for a grade on Clark Street was referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer to report the grade of said street Chas G Kretschmer C W Bittman and A R Stanfenbeil petitioned to macadamize the alley from fourteenth to fifteenth streets between Clay and White streets Ald Olinger moved that the same be granted Adopted the petition of ex Street Commissioner for additional compensation was read. moved to refer to committee on streets Amended to refer to com of whole Amendment adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doefler Glab Deckert Kavanaugh Olinger and Jones Ald Clancy moved that the council make the time of adjournment when it does adjourn to Tuesday May 2nd 1882 at 7:30 p.m. Adopted the city council then adjourned to meet in afternoon session at 2 o'clock p.m. Council met at 2 p.m. Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glad Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger W C Parsons and Son et al presented a communication declaring the building known as the "Barracks" to be a nuisance. The same being situated at the northest corner of Eleventh and Race Streets and asking to have the matter investigated Rule 11 was suspended Mr. Flemming addressed the council denying the building to be a nuisance Mr. M Kerivin supported the complaint made and urged its removal Ald Doerfler moved that the communication be referred to the committee of the whole Ald Clancy amended that it be referred to the aldermen from the fourth ward in connection with the Marshal and attorney The amendment was carried Ald Crawford refused to serve Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger John R Waller et al presented a communication for the privilege of running wires and poles for the telephone company through the streets of the city Rule 11 was suspended and Mr. Keim addressed the council in support of the request asked for The communication was referred to the committee on streets The petition of C J and J G Peterson asking the council to rescind the order made for a change in teh street known as Millville granted heretofore on the petition of Christian Jungk et al was referred to the city attorney The petition of G Klein asking to be refunded an amount of five dollars paid on an express license as the same was not used was referred to the committee on claims with power D A Gehrig Ex treasurer presented a communication asking the city council to reimburse him to the amount of fifty dollars advanced by him to the city treasury on giving a receipt in full for taxes on that amount receipted for by the private receipts given Mrs M Roberts by Ex Treasurer Riordan on part payment of her taxes The prayer of the petitioner was granted and it ws ordered that an oder be drawn in Mr. Gehrig's favor to the amount of $50.00 for the reimbusement Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger G Gmehle city assessor presented a communication asking the council to reconsider their action in relation to the salaries of the assessors so that they be paid the usual amount of $600.00 each not including the lot book received and filed Capt of the Police Ed Moore and the several other policemen employed by the city presented a petition for an increase of salaries Ald Glab moved that the petition be laid on the table The yeas and nays were called for and had as follows Yeas Ald Altman Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab and Olinger Nays Ald Clancy Jones and Kavanaugh the motion of ald Glab was decided to have been carried the petition of R Walter to abate a nuisance in the alley in the rear of lot No 394 city was referred to the committee on police with power Hansen and Linehan et al presented a petition asking for the erection of a drinking fountain at the corner of Jones Street on the levee On motion of Ald Doerfler the prayer of the petitioners was granted and ordered that the committee on Police be instructed to cause a fountain to be placed there and also to have one placed at the corner of eighth and Main Streets The city engineer presented an estimate of grading on Eighth and Ninth Streets filling to be done on Eighth Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Street from Washington Street to the Railroad track 1700 cubic yards at 30 cents per yard $510.00 Filling on Ninth Street from Washington Street to the Railroad Track 29.3.3 cubic yards at 30 cents per yard $879.90 Referred to committee on streets City Attorney presented a report as follows that he had carefully examined the annexed clerk's bills for costs in the Simplot case vs the city of Dubuque and recommended that the same be paid as corrected with deduction of about $50.00 amount of bill of clerk of courts $114.4 Amount of bill of clerk of the supreme court $108.00 The report was recieved and filed and the recorder instructed to draw orders for the above sums in favor of Clerk Dunn and Clerk Holmer The city engineer presented a communication recommending that at Eleventh and Fourteenth Streets at the head of the tile sewers catch basins be constructed to retain earth and other material gathered in the gutters the cost of such basin not to exceed $25.00 referred to committee on streets The same presented a communication calling attention to the condition of the bridge across the Bee Branch on the millville road near Heim's and also to the necessity of enlarging and covering that portion of 17th street sewer on the west side of Main street referred to street committee Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger City Engineer presented the following To the Hon Mayor and City Council of Dubuque Gentlemen Herewith is presented a plan and profile of a proposed waterway as granted to Keesecker and others also the right of way signed by the owner and approved by the city attorney. The necessary tile pipe have been secured and the following is an estimate cost of said waterway 220 feet tile pipe at 30 cents grading and laying pipe total Accepted and the street commissioner to be instructed to have the pipes laid The newly elected street commissioner reported having expended the sum of $1821.00 commending April 12th and ending April 29th 1881 A Leathers being Street Commissioner Report was referred to the committee on streets for examination The Marshal reported the sum of $1086.00 due the regular police for the month of April 1881 Report was referred to the committee on Police to examine J K Beekman St Commissioner reported having expended the sum of $1034.45 on streets during a part of April up to the 11th of said month Referred to the com on streets to examine the same Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Auditor Brayton dreported the sum of $1305.88 for which orders were necessary to be drawn to pay the different offices and employees of the city for the month of April including the ex officers and employees The report was received and filed and ordered that orders be drawn in favor of the different persons named therein On motion rule 11 was suspended to hear from Mr. Frank Theining who made a request that the council appoint the custodian of Parks just the same as other employees of the city Referred to committee on Public Grounds and Buildings The bids of Messers Dunnis Linehan William H Rebman and J E Foye for the improvement of the alleys west of center place from Julien Avenue to north line and east of center place from julien avenue to rose street were read and on motion a recess of 15 minutes was taken to estimate the work and report upon the same After recess Ald Crawford Chair of the committee on streets made the following report Alley East of Center Place W H Rebman J E Foye D W Linehan Alley West of Center Place W H Rebman J E Foye D W Linehan Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of April amounting to $2594.16 report received and filed The city Marshal reported the number of street lamps which had been unlighted during the month of April The report was referred to the committee on police The city attorney presented a communication of the amount of costs advanced byhim to witness in the case of Rose Ann McBride vs the city of Dubuque asking that an order for the amount $10.20 be drawn in his favor Received and filed and the attorney ordered paid The market master report having weighed 145 drafts on the market house scales during the month of April The receipt of the treasurer attached for the months collection $21.75 Received for rent of huckster stands $56.65 The receipt of the treasurer being attached for that amount due for board of prisoners 95 meals at 20 cents per meal amount $19.00 report received and filed and the amount due ordered to be paid F Fosselman reported having weighed 61 drafts on the Fifth Ward scales during the month of April Gross receipts $9.15 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $1.40 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger N C Ryan reported having weighed 91 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of April Gross amount $13.65 The receipt of the treasurer attached for $1.95 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 83 drafts on the West Dubuque scales during the month of April Gross receipts $12.35. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $1.85 being 15 percent of the amount due the city report received and filed The lamp lighter reported having lighted 188 lamps during the month of April report received and filed The wood measurer reported having measured 1058 2/8 cords of wood during the month of April Amount of receipts $31.75 received and filed The committee on Finance reported on the communication of Ex Treasurer Gehrig in relation to Illinois Centeral Railroad Water Tax recommending that the prayer be granted and offered the following in connection with the report Be it resolved by the city council that an order be drawn on the city treasury in favor of DA Gehrig for the sum of $11.64 Adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Contract of White Jack and Wash Rebman The committee on streets reported on the improvement of Jackson between 17th and 19th streets White Street between 18th and 19th streets Washington street between 18th and 19th streets as follows Jas E Foye W H Rebman Joe Norton Jackson St John Norton White and Washington Streets Mr. rebman being the lowest bidder was awarded the contracts of the above streets The same committee reported on the petition of Fred Schreiner et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the marshal be instructed to cause the streets referred to be opened and all obstructions removed forthwith provided that said streets are shown by the records to be legal highways and the right of way acquired by the public and that the city attorney advise the marshal in that respect report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of William Contes recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the engineer be instructed to report a proper grade for the street referred to report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John P Farley to the effect that they had inspected the locality and recommended that the prayer Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger of the petition be granted provided that the city reserved the right to require the removal of said side track for good reasons at any time after three years from this date May 1 1882 Report adopted and the committee on ordinances instructed to have an ordinance drawn up in accordance with this privilege The same committee reported on the petition of A McCann recommending that the sum of $42.03 be deducted from the amount of Mr. McCann's assessment for inprovement of Bluff Street providing that the balance of the assessment against his property in the block between 3rd and 4th streets amounting to $115.32 be paid within 15 days from this date The report was adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Absalom Cain to the effect that the work asked for in the within petition had been performed as asked for report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of F W Kringle et al for a sidewalk on the north side of 17th street between Clark and Catherine Streets recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted report adopted The same committee reported having found the report of Allan Leathers Street Commissioner corect and recommended the payment of all the claims report adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The same committee reported on the report of Ex Street Commissioner Beckman finding the same to be correct and recommending the payment of the different claims report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported on the communication of Walker and Rhomberg recommending that the insurance on Clock Tower Engine House and Rest House be given to Walker and Rhomberg Report adopted The same committee reported on the claim of W C Parsons and Son of $60.00 recommending that the policy and bill of Mr. parsons be cancelled and that Mr. Parsons be allowed short rates for the period of two months on said policy report adopted The same committee reported on the resolution to lay or pave a sidewalk on the west side of Locust Street between 15th and 16th streets as follows Your committee report favorable to paving the sidewalk between 15th and 16th streets on Locust Street report adopted The committee on police reported on the report of Justice Duffy finding the same to be corect and recommending that an order for the sum of $3 be drawn in favor of Mr. Duffy report adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the same committee reported on the report of the Marshal for the month of april finding the same to be correct and recommending that orders be drawn to pay the different claims report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of J W Parker recommending that petitioner be allowed to pay on lot 10 of outlot 738 on a valuation of $600 for 1881 with 6 percent interest report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Bridget Molony recommending that one year's time be extended to petitioner to pay special assessment report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Glennan recommending that the tax of 1881 be cancelled on the N one half of lot No 80 east Dubuque Report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Smith recommending that the petition be granted and the tax cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs P Carr recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted report adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs John Molony recommending that the treasurer be instructed to receive four dollars in full for the tax of 1881 report adopted The committee of the whole made the following report on the petition of Messers E Smedley and C H Meyer The committee of the whole have duly considered the within petition and for the reasons there set forth we do recommend an abatement of taxes for a period of six years except on the lots and those to remain as assessed in 1881 report adopted the committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Miss Bridget Nihill recommending to reduce the same one half on the tax of 1881 report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Bridget Brennan recommending to refer the same to the committee on streets report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Bridget Gregory recommending that the same be granted report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Ann Stuart recommending that the tax for 1881 be cancelled report adopted Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The same committee reported on the resolution of Ex Ald Fengler to remit the tax of Mrs H McCormick and to redeem her lot from sale By consent the same was retained by the commitee for further investigation The same committee reported on the petition of Florence O'Sullivan recommending that the tax for 1881 on lot 100 in Finley's addition be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Glennan recommending that one year's time be extended to petitioner to pay her special assessment report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of W Wearmonth recommending that the assessment be reduced to $1500 and that an order for $5.85 be drawn in favor of W Wearsmonth to refund the over tax report adopted Bonds of officers The committee of the whole made the following report to the city council your committee of the whole to which was referred the official bonds of the newly elected officers of the city respectfully recommend that the bond of H H Schunk as treasurer in teh sum of $50000 with J A Graves Wm L Bradley John H Cull F M Robinson W G Steward Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger bonds of officers R E Graves and P J Quigley as sureties also the bond of Charles J Brayton as City Auditor in the sum of $5000 with Rufus E Graves and CH Booth as sureties and the bond of Samuel B Rice as Market Master in the sum of $500.00 with D D O'Connell and John Wunderlich as sureties be each severally approved report adopted Ald Crawford reported that the committee appointed to make a settlement with the Ex auditor and treasurer had employed Mr. W E Massey The action of the committee was approved and on motion of Ald Jones the the committee were empowered to act in the expediency of giving back on the examination of delinquent taxes of previous years. Ald Foley presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that teh present insurance of the city hall being only $10000 your committee would recommend that $10000 additional insurance be put on building as soon as convenient resolution adopted Ald Foley presented the following your committee on public grounds and buildings would recommend that Malachi OLoughlin be retained as custodian of parks and his name be kept on the regular monthly payroll for year 1882 Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The report of the committee was adopted Ald Clancy moved to reconsider the action had at the session the council held on April 10 1882 in relation to the official papers of the city The yeas and nays were had upon the motion of Ald Clancy and resulted as follows Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Foley and Kavanaugh Nays Ald Altman Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger The motion was decided to have been lost Rules were suspended to hear from Ald Clancy who explained that his reasons for asking a reconsideration were that he considered the Telegraph entitled to as much compensation as the herald and times Ald Jones presented the following resolved that an order be drawn on the city treasurery in favor of A Eichmann for the sum of $9.60 resolution adopted Ald Jones presented the following resolved that the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to have the alley from Tenth to Twelfth streets between white and Clay streets put in proper shape referred to street committee Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the following was presented resolved that WEst Fifth Street from Nevada Street to Delhi Road be graded and macadamized and the city engineer be instructed to establish the grade and make an estimate of the same macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Referred to the street committee and the engineer to estimate the cost of the improvement Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street committee committee or commissioner be instructed to place a stone crossing on Couler Avenue from the NE Corner of Couler Avenue to teh SW Corner of the alley between clay and white streets resolution adopted Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the commttee on police be empowered to erect a drinking fountain on the corner of Johnson Avenue and Eagle Point Avenue Resolution adopted Ald Crawford presented the following resolved that teh committee on police and gas be and are hereby instructed to examine and report to this council as to Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the policy and expediency of estabalishing a number of drinking fountains in those portions of the city subject to overflow and the wells and cisterns submerged and mingled with the contents of cess pools and water closets resolution adopted Ald Deckert presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a profile and grade of high street from Johnson Avenue to Lake Street and present the same to the city council at its next regular session resolution adopted Ald Crawford presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four 4 feet wide of good two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of seventeenth street between street and Clark street at the expense of the owners of the abutting property adopted by the following vote yeas Ald Altman clancy crawford doerfler deckert foley glab jones kavanaugh and olinger 10 Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the city council of the city of Dubuque that the commmittee on Fire be instructed to have plans and specifications prepared for the erection of an engine house north of 17th street and that said committee report at the next session of the council resolution was adopted provided that no expense be incurred by the city Ald Doerfler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner be ordered to place a stone crossing from Diagonal street to the east side of Couler Avenue Resolution adopted Ald Deckert called attention to the resolution adopted on the 6th day of April 1882 ordering a sidewalk to be laid on the south side of stafford avenue between division street and lake street and moved that action be reconsidered Adopted and on motion the matter was referred to the committee on streets to report upon The mayor called the attention of the city council to the dodge street sewer and as Mr Rebman was the lowest bidder he was anxious to go on with the work Ald Kavanaugh moved that the contract be awarded to Mr Rebman Ald Jones amended to refer to the committee of the whole Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The yeas and nays were had upon the amendment as follows Yeas Ald Crawford Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 5 Nays Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Foley and Kavanaugh 5 It being a tie vote the mayor voted in the negative and the amendment was lost The vote was then taken on the motion of Ald Kavanaugh to award the contract to Mr. Rebman and resulted as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Foley and Kavanaugh 5 Nays Ald Crawford Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 5 A tie vote again the mayor voted in the affirmative and the motion was decided to be adopted and the contract awarded to Mr Rebman Ald Crawford presented the following be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the change of grade of Seventeenth Street West of West Locust Street as recommended by the street committee be acted on at the next regular session of the council and that the city recorder proceed as required by the ordinance regulating all changes of grade The resolution was adopted Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger for curbing guttering and macadamizing Tenth street from Washington street to Elm street by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and nparts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Novelty Iron Works Co S 4/5 W 1/4 505 city W M 1/4 505 City H L Stout 1 506 city Iowa Iron Works Co Lot 4 of 506 city Lot 5 of 506 city 506 a city The above resolution was adopted The bonds of the marshal the recorder and the street commissioner were referred to the committee of the whole Ald Foley moved that the insurance held by Dr. Quigley be cancelled Amended by Ald Jones that the insurance of James Plaister be cancelled The yeas and nays were had as follows on the amendment Yeas Ald Clancy Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh Nays Ald Crawford Doerfler and Olinger Regular Session May 1, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The amendment was carried and the insurance of Mr Plaister was ordered cancelled on Town Clock and Engine House The following bills were then read and ordered paid Blackner and Post John Ganahl John Mindt Ingram Kennedy and Day W C Parsons and Son A Licht Palmer Winall and Co R Jackson D W Linehan Western Tele Co Hough & Hardie T O Sullivan Larry Daily Dubuque Water Co L Daily Daily Herald D D OConnellRaymond Bros C H Robinson C H McMaster J P Quigley Hough and Hardie Hansen and Linehan Asa Roberts Js Reinfried Pat Tibey A Licht R Jackson Daily Times N H G Gas Co National Demokrat Key City Gas Co W H Rebman Arnold Tschirgi W H Rebman F H Finke John Hartig John kelly F Essmann P Clancy J C Althauser Key City GAs Co Bills referred S M Langworthy $10.54 Packet Co $30.75 W C Parsons J F ODea City Council adjourned to Tuesday May 2 1882 at 7:30 p.m. attest Martin Kane recorder Regular Session May 2, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Crawford and Olinger The city council met in adjourned regular session at 8 oclock p.m. Ald Jones presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the alley between Clay and White and from 14th to 15th streets be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the macadamizing to be done at the expsense of the owners of the abutting property adopted by the following vote yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones and Olinger Ald Olinger presented the following resolved by the city coundil of the city of Dubuque that the alley between Iowa and Clay from 15th to 16th streets be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance inrelation to taht subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to give and make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals Regular Session May 2, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Crawford and Olinger for the performance of the work the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property adopted by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones and Olinger The Key City Gas company presented a claim of $37.50 for the services of Lamp LIghter Ald Clancy objected to the payment of the same and moved to refer to the committee on police and gas adopted Ald Crawford moved that the grade of the road running north of Millville Street be referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer for proper consideration and examination to report upon the same adopted council then adjourned attest martin kane recorder Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The following invitation was read from the Veteran Corps Dubuque May 15th 1882 You are hereby invited to attend the parade and ceremomnies of Declaration Day an early answer is requested respectfully Wm Vandever Chairman Veteran Corps Ald Doerfler moved to accept the above adopted On motion of Ald Doerfler a committee consisting of Ald Doerfler and Jones was appointed to make the necessary arrangements City Attorney Shields made a report in regard to the transient merchant ordinance declaring the same to be unconstitutional having been recently decided so by the supreme court He thought that an additional 2 1/2 percent could be added to the license of the auctioneers Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on ordinances be instructed to consider the 2 1/2 percent additional and submit an ordinance providing for that purpose adopted Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Mayor linehan called attention to the selling of liquor to men who were in the habit of getting intoxicated and also to minors and recommend to provide a change in the ordinance so that the license of saloon keepers would be cancelled for practices of this kind Ald Crawford moved that the ordinance committee be instructed to comply with the recommendations of Mayor Linehan and present the necessary ordinance adopted the attorney presented the following to the hon mayor and council Gentlemen The undersigned to whom was referred the communication of J G and C J Peterson and others in relation to the relocation of Millville Street would respectfully report that after a careful investigation of the records I am satisfied that the ordinance then in force in reference to the relocation of streets was not complied with and so far as the relocation of said street is concerned the same is not legal It is issued that the present route of said street has been traveled for over ten years If such is the case the public has acquired a right to use the same as a public highway Another view of the case is that all persons interested are now estopped from complaining for the reason that they have stood by without protest when Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the said street has been improved by the public In my opinion the right of the city to use the high highway; in contrary is not cut off by any reason of any irregularity in location of said street very respectfully J H Shields City Attorney Referred to the committee on streets H B Glover and Co presented a petition asking the permission of the city council to erect a shed on the vacant lot adjoining the manufacturing building for the purpose of storing coal for power and to protect packing cases from the weather said shed to be 75 feet long by 14 feet wide and not enclosed on either side The permission of two thirds of the property holders accompanied the petition On motion the prayer of the petition was granted George Wiedmer et al presented a petition agreeing to the raising of the grade of Jackson Street at 19th street one foot above the established grade and waived all claims against the city of Dubuque by reason of making such change received and filed Ald Deckert presented the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the grade of Jackson Street from 18th to 19th street be altered by raising the same one foot in the manner prayed for by the property holders on that portion of said Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger street in their petition this day presented and that the city engineer be instructed to present a profile of said grade as changed to this council for its approval and adoption resolved furtner that the grading of said street now in progress previous to its being macadamized be done according to the said proposed alteration provided that the resetting of any curbstone already placed shall be done at the expense of the abutting property holders resolution adopted J K Graves presented a communication asking the council to draw an order for the sum of $150.00 to be applied on the redemption from tax sale of the kelly estate claimed to have been due the same an account of damages for the opening of Seventh Street in the year 1867 and also claiming that the amount had never been applied on said estate was read and on motion of Ald Clancy the same was referred to the committee on claims and city attorney with power The Dubuque Brush Electric LIght Commpany presented the following We the undersigned respectfully submit to your honorable body the following proposition We propose to erect eight towers at various points on the bluffs and about the city such points to be chosen by the city council for the Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Purpose of lighting the city by electricity and to provide 30 lamps of 2000 candle power for each lamp making a total illuminating power of 60000 candles and to run such according to the Phladelphia Moon Schedule which is for 300 nights in the year for the sum of $9000 per annum for every additional night required to run over and above those shown on the Philadelphia Moon Schedule the city to pay all extra sum at the above rate We would most respectfully report or recommend that a committee of three or four be chosen from your honorable body to visit some town where the elctric light is now in use Very respectfuly the Dubuque Brush Electric Light Co On motion of Ald Jones the above was referred to a special committee consisting of Ald Jones Clancy Crawford Doerfler and Foley The committee of teh whole made the following report Your committee of teh whole in the matter of the opening of West Fourth Street report that it finds no good reason for rescinding the action of teh council heretofore taken on taht subject that the right of way for the whole length of the street has been legally acquired by the city and deeds made by all the property holders whose ground was taken with but exceptions and in those two cases the amount of money awarded as damages has been set aside in the city treasury and can be drawn by the parties entitled to it at their pleasure Your committee would however recommend Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger recommend that the time for removal of the fences on that portion of said street west of Broad Street be extended until the first day of October next provided that the property holders whose ground was taken and who have not yet released the right of way in writing shall execute to the city proper conveyances of the same on or before the first day of June next and that in case they shall neglect or refuse to execute and deliver said conveyances by the date last mentioned the marshal shall proceed at once to remove all fences from the line of the street that on the first day. of October nexr the marshal shall proceed without further orders to remove all fences or other obstructions which may then remain in the line of said street report adopted Also that the committee on Police and gas be instructed to have the contract drawn up by the city attorney in accordance with the bid and subsequent proposition of Mr Burden contract to hold for the term of one year at the discretion of the council adopted On motion the lighting of the lamps by Mr Burden was ordered to commence from June 1st 1882 .... Special Session May 19, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the petition of John Hodgdon et al to improve Dell Street was referred to the street committee The petition of Mrs John Molony to cancel her regular tax for 1881 was referred to the delinquent tax committee The petition of Ellen Quinnlivan appealing from the award made by the jury returned in the damages caused by the opening of Grand View Avenue was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Jacob Buschink to cancel the tax on lot no 166 East Dubuque was referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax Council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 City council met in regular session at 9 oclock am The minutes of previous sessions were read and approved The petition of the Iowa Iron Works Co to remove the Globe Gas Lamps at the corner of Ninth and Washington Streets and place a gas lamp was referred to the committee on police and gas Marshal Harriman presented a communication asking to have his salary increased to the sum of $1200 per year Ald Jones moved to receive and file the same Amended to refer to the committee of the whole by Ald Doerfler Amendment adopted the petition of Mary Ryan for the cancellation of her tax on lot No 11 Bradley's subdivision for the eyar 1881 ws referred to the Delinquent Tax committee The petition of G Ganahl for the remission of saloon license was presented ald Altman moved to receive and file amended by doerfler to refer t the mayor with power Adopted as follows Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert and Glab Nays Ald Altman and Jones Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 The petition of Mrs Lorenz for the privilege of setting curbstone on Jackson Street from 19th st to the alley east was referred to the committee on streets and the engineer The petition of M Dowling Ex st commissioner asking to be allowed the sum of $200 as services was referred to the committee of the whole The petition of J A Johnston et al to fill street and alley near lots 5 8 to 62 and lots 82 to 86. Mc McGraneys subdivision was referred to the street committee The petition of Absalom Cain asking to be llowed the sum of one hundred dollars on the special assessment for the improvement of center place alley was referred to the committee on streets the engineer and attorney The petition of S P Adams et al fo the closing up of all saloons in the city was referred to the mayor with power The petition of Mary Boyle for the cancellation of her tax for the year 1881 was referred to the delinquent tax commitee The petition of John Sullivan for the removal of obstructions on Union Avenue was referred to the marshal to enforce the ordinance The petition of Jacob Kurt et al for a line to be aken on the straightening of Division Street Wick's Addition was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 The petition of Edward Blake for teh cancellation of the regular tax of 1881 on lots no 1 and 2 Langworthy's addition was referred to the delinquent tax committee John Bohn et al presented a petition to abate a nuisance on twenty second street from Couler Avenue to teh creek Ald Doerfler moved to refer to the street committee and Engineer Amended by Ald Deckert to refer to the committee of the whole Amendment adopted John Lawry et al presented a petition asking to place a policeman to patrol Dodge Street from the Gas House to Grand View Avenue was referred to the city marshal as was also the advisability of replacing a policeman on the patrol on Southern Avenue The petition of J A Hill asking to redeedm from Wm Hintrager sale of 1869 was received and filed the fire department presented a communication for the purpose of sending a delegation of firemen to the tournament to be held at Muscatine and that an appropriation be made to defray expenses. Also to be allowed to take along one of the steamers Ald Doerfler moved $150.00 be taken from the city treasury to defray the expenses of the delegation adopted Ald Doerfler moved that the steamer J J Linehan be sent to Muscatine The yeas and nays were had and resultsed Yas Ald Altman clancy Doerfler and Deckert 4 Nays Ald Crawford Glab Jones and Kavanaugh Lost by the Mayor's vote in the negative Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 Mrs Ann O'Neill presented a petition asking for the payment of $20.00 to pay for rent of house to Thos Conkling up to July 1st 1882 Ald Crawford moved that the same be paid adopted The petition of Mrs John Molony for the cancellation of her taxes for the year 1881 was referred to the delinquent tax committee The petition of Smedley and Meyer to fill up a portion of Lake and Kniest Streets to established grace was referred to the street committee with power The petition of Mrs John Kelly for the removal of obstructions in front of her premises on Southern Avenue was referred to the street committee The petition of H Hahn et al to put over Couler creek at its intersection with High Street and to put the same in passable condition was referred to the street committee with power The petition of August Lange et al for the improvement of the alley running along the west side of Rogers Subdivision of out lot 719 was referred to the committee on streets The petition of J S Mergan et al for the establishment of the grade on Sanford and High Streets was referred to the street committee and engineer A petition was presented and read from the gentlemen of East Dubuque asking the passage of an ordinance granting to the East Dubuque Bridge Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 company authority to construct a pile pontoon wagon and foot bridge across the Mississippi River Referred to the ordinance committee An ordinance granting such right to construct said bridge was read the first time Rule 11 was suspended to hear from Mr Switzer The ordinance was then adopted and referred to the ordinance commttee for further consideration The petition of James Donnelly for remission of oil express license was referred to the committee on claims The petition of M McMahon and others to improve teh street running from Dodge to Curtis streets was referred to the street committee Ald Doerfler moved that when the council would adjourn it be made the next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock adopted Ald Crawford presented the following communication from W E Massey the expert employed to audit the books to the effect that it would take two or three days more before a detailed report could be made To the committee of City Council appointed to settle with city auditor and treasurer Gentlemen For compliance with your request I have made a thorough examination and comparison of accounts of auditor and treasurer and so far I have formed no discrepancy in amount of cash actually received by treasurer Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Foley 1 I have compared accounts of redemption funds in hands of Auditor compared warrants cancelled and paid with accounts investigated the accounts of coupons paid with the bond book corrected entries in the ledgers of auditor and treasurer so as to make them agree in balances and have compared the stub receipts for taxes with the tax books with is not quite completed and will take two or three more days when I will make a detailed report of the condition of the books Respectfully W E Massey Received and filed and the committee extended time to Thursday to have report ready Adjourned to 2 oclock p.m. afternoon session city council met at 2 oclock p.m. Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger N W Boyes and others presented a petition to repair Julien Avenue from Diamond House to Broad Street and the Delhi Road from Broad Street to Grand View Avenue referred to the street committee with power to expand the sum of $500.00 The petition of Ella M Wiegel for permission to make some changes in the East one half of lot W 687 was referred to the street committee with power Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the petition of C W Duncan for the refunding of $288 paid upon lot No 55 cooks addition for delinquent tax of 1859 was referred to the committee on claims the petition of P Tibey et al asking to put in passable condition the street running between Fifth and Dodge Streets was referred to the committee on streets Auditor Brayton reported that the amount due city officers and employees for the month of May was $1260.71 for which orders had to be claim Report received and filed and ordered paid The following report was submitted by the special committee appointed on the investigation of the condition of the Barracks complained of by the petition of W C Parsons et al To the Honorable Mayor and council of this city of Dubuque Gentlemen Your committee to which was referred to the communication of W C Parsons Frank Jaeger V J Williams and many others relating to the condition of the premises on the corner of Eleventh and Race streets your alley known as the Barracks and asking that the same be abated as a nuisance would respectfully report that your committee visited the said premises and made a thorough examination of the same we found the premises in the most filthy condition the cellar filled with stagnant water the privy vaults filled to the surface the yard connected with the premises strewn with filth the well Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger from which the only water supply is obtained by the tenants in close proximity to the privy vaults and vaults and the whole premisess in are unfit condition for the habitation of human beings We further found the porch running along th enorth side of the building and extending to the top thereof three stories in height in constant use by the occupants to be in a rotten and unsafe condition We recommend that the Board of health at once take steps to have the said premises thoroughly cleaned renovated new vaults made and repaird at the expenses of the owners thereof and in default of an immmediate compliance by such owners with the orders of the board that the tenants be ejected from the premises and the law enforced to compel said owners to abate a nuisance that has been tolerated too long The poweres conferred by law and ordinance upon the board of health are ample to cover the case in question and we recommend that immediate and vigerous action be taken J H Shields Atty M E Connolly MD P W Crawford John Glab W E Harriman Report adopted and referred to the board of health The street commissioner the amounts expended on streets during the month of May at $2160.90 th ereceipt of the treasurer attached for $79 collected from cleaning of alleys report referred to the committee on streets Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the city marshal reported that the amount due the regular and special police during the month of May to be $1104.90 and making 81 arrests during the same month report received and filed and ordered that the different amounts be ordered paid The city engineer presented a communication asking that the amount of $8.13 be deducted from the special assessment against H L Stout for the improvement of Tenth Street between Washington and Elm Streets received and amount ordered deducted as recommended The engineer presented an estimate of the cost of grading macadamizing and guttering Fifth Street from Nevada street to the Delhi Road as follows Grading Macadam Paving total report received and filed The engineer presented a profile of High Street from Johnson Avenue to Lake Street referred to street committee Engineer presented the following report Hon Mayor and city council Gentlemen the petition of Jacob Kurtz and others referred to me has been carefully examined The records show that division street was opened by the city in proper form damages awarded and paid No peat of said division street as opened through Wick's addition is to be found It is possible and positive that the city Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger extended the street in a direct line and not as the parties have now fenced. the accompanying plat shows by red lines as the street is fenced I would therefore recommend that the marshal be instructed to remove the fences on the south side of said street to the proper line as no doubt the street was so laid out mr Tschirgi Jr Engineer report referred to the street committee Engineer presented a profile of the grade of Hodge street from Grand View Avenue to Mr Spenseleys referred to the street committee Engineeer presented a profile of Jackson street from 18th to Lake street refered to the street committee Treasurer schunk presented a communication as follows Dubuque June 3 1882 To the honorable mayor and council Gentlemen I irespectfully ask that you order that a warrant be drawn in my favor for the sums of money dispensed as specified below Interest on warrant No 2683 Interest on Warrant No 204 and 205 By order of city atorney paid to Tschirgi and Schroind damages for opening of W 14th St By order of city attorney paid to Elizabeth Crindan damages for Grand View Avenue extension through lot 9 Summer Hill Addition By order of City attorney paid John Collins Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger damages for Grand View Extension through lots no 10 and 11 summer hill addition Herewith you will find vouchers for the above amounts yours very truly H A Schunk City Treasurer The above communication was received and filed and ordered that the recorder be instructed to draw warrants to reimburse the treasurer Treasurer presented a communication reporting having paid Timothy Dillon $1790 as damages for opening Grand View Avenue through Mineral Lot No 12 received and filed and ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of treasurer for the said amount Treasurer also presented the following Dubuque June 5 1881 To the honorable mayor and council City of Dubuque Gentlemen From estimates of street commissioner marshal auditor and recorder I find that the payroll for May aggregates $7526.51 having but $2500 cash on hand it will be necessary for the council to provide for the borrowing of $5000 to defray expenses Yours very truly H A Schunk City Treasurer report received and filed and ordered that the financial committee be empowered to borrow the necessary amount of $4000 Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger N C Ryan reported having weighed 96 drafts at 15 cents per draft on the first ward scales during the month of may Amount collected $14.40 receipt of the treasurer $215 attached being 15 percent due the city report received and filed The city recorder reported having issued licenses to the amount of $3337.00 during the month of May received and filed G Schollian reported having weighed 363 drafts from September 1st 1881 to May 1st 1882 at 15 cents per draft amount $54.45 receipt of treasurer attached for $8.15 being 15 percent of amount due the city report received and filed Lamplighter Nicol reported having lighted 188 gas lamps during the mnth of May report received and filed Frank Fosselman reported having weighed on the fifth ward scales during the month of May 117 drafts gross amount of $17.55 the receipt of the treasurer was attached for $265 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed market Master Rice reported having weighed 151 drafts on the market house scales during the month of May Receipt of Treasurer attached for the amount of $22.65 for rent of huckster stands $20.00 receipt also attached due for board of prisoners 170 meals at 20 cents per meal $34.00 report received and filed amount due ordered paid mr. Rice Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 84 drafts on the west dubuque scles during the month of May Gross amount $11.60 receipt of treasurer attached for $1.75 being the amount due the city report received and filed Pound master Koenig submitted the report of the receipts from impounding animals The receipt of the treasurer attached for amount of $7.20 report received and filed Wood measurer reported having measured during the month of may 888 7/8 cords of wood received for measuring the same $31.15 received and filed Police Justice Hoerner reported the amount of fines due the city at $7.00 which was paid the treasurer report received and filed Reports and committees Ordinance committee presented the following An ordinance to amend SEc 13 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance in relation to licenses" said section relating to saloons Sec 1 Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque that suvdivision "D" and "E" of section 13 of an ordinance entitled "an ordinance in relation to licenses" be amended by adding to each of said subdivisions as an additional penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof the following to wit Upon the conviction of such person for a violation of the provisions hereof his or her license Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger shall be revoked and cancelled and any person continuing the business of saloon keeper after such conviction and cancellation shall be liable to the penalties provided for in section 13 for retailing liquors without license Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the official papers of the city Ordinance as read was adopted and final action deferred until the next regular meeting Same committee also presented the following An ordinance Granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Co the right to lay a switch and side track be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Section 1 that permission be and is hereby granted to the Illinois Central Railroad Co its successors and assigns to lay and operate a switch or single railway track on Washington Street in the city of Dubuque from the main line of railway on said street to a point opposite and along the Dubuque Oat meal Mills Section 2 That said Illinois Central Railroad Company and their successors and assigns whenever required by the city council of said city shall at its own cost and expense so grade the street or part thereof over which said track may be laid and pave or plank the space between the rails and the ends of teh ties in such a manner as will afford an easy passage for wagons or other vehicles and place the grade of Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger said track as may be directed by the city authorities and in all things comply with ordinances of said city so far as the obstruction of streets and gutters are concerned and not inconsistent with the provisions herein given Section 3 That at any time after the period of three years from the first of may 1882 the said city may revoke the rights hereby granted SEction 4 That this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the official papers of said city at the expense of said Illinois Central Railroad Company Ordinance as read the first time was adopted and final action deferred to the next regular session of council Same committee presented the following An ordinance To amend section 8 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance in relation to licenses" Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Section 1 that subdivision "B" of section 8 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance in relation to licenses" be and the same is hereby amended by striking from the seventh line of said subdivision the words "Two and a half" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five" and said subdivision 8 shall be further amended by adding thereto the following to wit "The Mayor shall if he deems it necessary employ a competent person who shall attend any auction sale and keep an accurate account of all sales made such account to be the basis upon which to levy the five percent under the pro Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger visions hereof such person to receive such pay as may be argreed upon between him and the mayor to be paid from the percentage derived from such sale by auction Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the official papers of the city Ordinance read the first time and adopted and final action deferred to the regular session next held Same ordinance committee presented the following To amend and repeal certain portions of sections 80 81 and 84 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes in the city of Dubuque" Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Section 1 That so much of sections 80 81 and 84 of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes in the city of Dubuque" as provides for the return to any purchaser at tax sale of the amount paid by such purchaser at tax sale with interest in case of the invalidity or irregularity of such tax sale be and the same are hereby repealed except that in the case where a sale of property has been made for taxes and thereafter it appears that the tax for which such sale has been made had been paid before such sale then and in such case the treasurer shall refund to such purchaser the amount paid by him at such tax sale without interest Read the first time and de- Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger ferred for action to the next regular session of the council Section 2 being omitted to be presented at the next session reports of committee the committee on claims reported on the claim of G Klein for the sum of five dollars recommending that the recorder be instructed to draw an order for that amount report adopted The committee on streets reported on the payroll of the street commissioner finding the same to be in regular form and apparently correct and recommending the payment of all the claims report adopted The same commitee presented the following To the city council of the city of Dubuque Your committee on streets to which was referred the communication of John R Waller and a large number of the principal property holders and business men on Main Street granting their consent to the erection by the Western Telephone Company of a line of poles on Main Street under certain conditions and limitations therein stated respectfully report that in the judgment of your committee the telephone company is deserving of and entitled to all the encouragement and privileges which can be granted ti without detriment to the interests of the city and without obstructing or interfering in any manner with the use of the public streets and side- Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger walks or marring their appearance Your committee in considering the application of the Western Telephone Company has been saved much embarrassment and individual doubt on the subject by the great unanimity with which the great majority of the leading business men and principal propety holders on the line of the street have expressed themselves by giving their written consent and apparent desire that the council should grant the privilege asked for While this does not relieve the city council from the responsibility for any action it may take in the matter nor from the duty of considering the question carefully and judiciously for itself yet it is a strong argument in favor of the privilege that those most interested and who would be most affected by it consent and desire it to be granted As no valid objections have been presented to your committee against granting the privilege applied for we respectfully recommend tht the application be granted and that the city attorney be instructed to draft a contract embodying all the limitations and conditions specified in the communication from John R Waller and others and such additional ones as the council may deem it necessary or expedient to impose and that said contract shall not be executed on behalf of the city until it shall be approved and its erection ordered by the council Report was adopted and on motion of committee of three consisting of Ald Crawford Clancy and mayor Linehan to make negotiations with the Telephone Company as to conditions and considerations of the contract were appointed Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Same committee presented the following to the city council of the city of Dubuque Your committee on streets to which was referred the petition of Philip PIer and other residents of Wests Hill asking the completion of the bluff street extension respectfully report that we find the improvement prayed for by the petitioners to be a very desireable one and one that would be a very great convenience to the citizens of that rapidly improving portion of the city A large amount of money variously estimated at from $7000 to $9000 has already been expended by the city in the work yet the street is almost entirely useless for ordinary travel Having carefully examined the ground in company with the city engineer and after a full consideration of the subject your comittee are of the opinion that any further expenditure of money on the extension short of what would be sufficient to complete the improvement in a permanent and substantial manner would be a waste of money and comparatively useless At the request of the committee the city engineer has prepared an approximate estimate of what in his judgment will be required to complete the work in the manner above indicated His estimate is as follows Madam Gutter Grading Solid Rock Retaining Wall Total This estimate seems to your committee very moderate and one more likely judging from experience to fall below than to exceed the actual Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger cost While a portion of this expense might be assessed to the abutting property holders the great portion of it would have to come from the city treasury In the present condition of the city finances your committee is clearly of the opinion that the completion of this street ought not to be undertaken the present season At the first meeting of your honorble body the present year the council by resolution held out to the people the promise of economy and a reduction in the rate of taxation this promise can only be kept by rigidly abstaining from any large and expensive improvements To keep in good repair and condition the streets and highways already opened and improved rendered more difficult and expensive by the continuous rains of last fallt the open winter and wet spring is all the city can do or afford to do and will strain the present resource of the city treasury to the utmost Your committee therefore recommends that the completion of the Bluff Street Extension be postponed for the present season We make this recommendation with less reluctance for the reason that the city has just completed at considerable expense the improvement of rising Avenue a street which though more circuitous will afford the residents of Wests Hills a very easy means of communicating with the business portion of the city report adopted the same committee made the following report to the city council of the city of Dubuque Your committee on streets to which Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger was referred the petition for the grading and macadamizing of Ninth Street from Washington Street to the C M and St Paul Railroad track report that the prelimnary estimate of the expense of filling to grade that portion of said sreet is as follows 2933 cubic yards at 30 cents per yard $879.90 This cost of grading would be at the expense of the city the proposed improvement is a very desireable one and is especially important to a number of large manufacturing establishments which it is the policy of the city government to specially from and encourage On the other hand the expenditure is so large a sum at this time for any improvement not absolutely necessary is incompatible with the situation of the city finances and contravenes the present policy of the council in attempting to lighten the burden of taxation upon the people In this state of affairs your committee have finally concluded that a certain portion of the improvement can be made at present Which will answer present purposes and be satisfactory to all parties without creating any large expense for the city to pay The improvement is especially important to the proprietors of the Iowa Iron Works in order to enable them to complete their Ninth Street front and to put the street and sidewalk in a proper condition to accommodate their business This object will be accomplished by the grading and macadamizing of the portion of the street between Washington street and the alley east of it the amount of filling required prepatory to the macadam will be comparatively small and the expense to Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the city very light The remaining portion of the street which is quite soft at times can be temporarily improved by a light coating of hard filling Your committee therefore recommend that that portion of Ninth STreet between WAshington Street and the alley first last of it be graded guttered curbed and macadamized the grading to be done at the expense of teh city and the curbing and macadamizing at the expense of the abutting property Also that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and file the proper plans and specifications for the proposed improvement and are estimate of the cost specified by ordinance report adopted the same committee made the following report to the city council of the city of Dubuq Your committee on streets to which was referred the resolution offered by Alderman Glab for the grading and macadamizing of West Fifth street respectfully report that we have examined the condition of that street and find that in wet seasons of the year that portion of it west of Nevada Street is almost entirely impassable and greatly needs improvement of some kind The surface being composed mostly of clay filling in time of heavy rains or when the ground is freezing and thawing the street becomes little better than a quagmire The committee has obtained from the city engineer an extimate of the probable cost of grading the street preparatory to macadamizing The engineer estimates the expense of grading according Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger to the present established as follows 5400 cubic yards of filling at 25 cents $1350.00 For financial reasons your committee cannot recommend the expendiure of so large an amount at the present time from the city treasury The engineer has given his opinion however that the grade of the street at and near the intersection of Nevada Street as now established and also of the contiguous portion of Nevada Street can be reduced considerably to the great advantage of both the streets and abutting property of this can be done it would greatly lessen the amount of filling to be done on the outer part of Fifth Street and greatly reduce the expense. We therefore recommend that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and present to this council a plat and profile showing such a change in the grade of West Fifth Street and Nevada Streets as he would recommend as expedient and desireable and also the resulting expense of the proposed change Of the change of grade proposed shall prove impracticable or inexpedient we recommend that that portion of fifth Street West of Nevada Street be improved so that it shall be passable at all seasons of the year at the expense of the city by putting on a coat of quarry strippings or some other kind of hard filling suitable for the purpose the work to be done by the street commissioner under the supervision of the street committee and the expense ot to exceed five hundred dollars report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of Bridget Brennan as follows that the prayer of the petitioner was a Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger reasonable one and recommended that the city engineer be instructed to report an estimate of the cost of planking the sewer on West Locust Street where it has not already been done Ald Jones moved that the street commissioner be instructed to put a bridge in front of Mrs Brennans residence providing the same was necessary Adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Carr recommending that the engineer be instructed to prepare and report a suitable plan for carrying off the storm water from the point mentioned without injury to the street or private property and the cost of carrying it out report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Wm Davis and others recommending that the city engineer be instructed to report the profile of a suitable grade of the street named report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of D J Hennessy as follows that upon investigation we find that the officers of the city proceeded regularly in securing the repair of the sidewalk mentioned herein and that there is no ground for the statements and claim of petitioner We further recommend that the collection of the Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger special assessment on lot 275 be enforced in the usual manner report adopted the same committee reported as follows on the resolution of Ald Jones Your committee on streets report that we find that in grading the alley between White and Jackson and Tenth and Eleventh Streets that the work was done in such a manner that the water does not drain off but remains stagnant We recommend that the engineer be instructed to report a suitable method for obviating the trouble and the cost of effecting a remedy report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Deery recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that as soon as the grade of Seventeenth Street at the intersection with Clark Street shall be settled the engineer shall submit the profile of a grade for Clark Street from said 17th Street to West Locust Street Report adopted The same committee made the following report on the opinion of the city attorney on Millville Street To the city Council Your committee on streets respectfully recommend that the city enginer be instructed to survey and mark out the boundary of the street referred to and that the city attorney be instructed if he considers said Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger street to be a legal highway in law to take immediate steps to remove all obstructions from the line of the street and for that purpose shall instruct the marshal how and in what manner to proceed report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of T B Cleaver and others recommending that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey and estimate of the probable cost of putting the street in a good condition for travel report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of John Ruegamer et al recommending that the street commissioner be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $40.00 in the improvement of the street within mentioned provided that in the opinion of the engineer that sum will be sufficient to put the street in a fair condition for travel report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Hodgdon and others recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and submit to the council a proper plan and estimate for the improvement asked for report adopted the same committee reported on the petition of patrick O'Mara recommending that the engineer be in- Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger structed to examine the locality of the petitioners property and the situation of the street in front of same and submit a plan for obviating and preventing the damage complained of also an estimate of the cost of carrying out the same report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Wm J Burns as follows Your committee on streets reports that it has examined the premises of petitioner and the street on which be fronts and are the opinion that the city is not liable for the damages alleged by petitioner to have been sustained by him under the decisions of the supreme court the city is not liable for damages resulting from errors of judgment on the part of the city officials report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of James Ronan and others as follows To the city council Your committee on streets respectfully recommend that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and submit a plat of the street extension asked for by petitioners including that portion of the street for which the right of way has already been acquired by the city Also that the engineer be directed to prepare and submit a profile of the grade of said proposed street from Southern Avenue to Grand View Avenue in order that the city council may be able to determine whether said street would be feasible as a highway report adopted Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The same committee reported on the petition of Ellen Quinnlivan recommending that the fences and premises of the petitioner be allowed to remain as they now are undisturbed until the first day of may 1883 provided that she execute to the city before the first day of July next a deed relinquishing the right of way for the street as surveyed and laid out by the city on the ayment to her of the amount awarded her by the jury as damages report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John W Norton as follows Your committee on streets in view of the peculiar circumstances of this case and of the great difficulty experienced by the petitioner in making use of his property since the improvement of the street respectfully recommend that the special tax levied on lot No 7 of the subdivision of lot 710 be remitted and cancelled on condition that all other taxes on lots 7 and 8 in said subdivision be paid on or before the first of July next and that petitioner makes no further claim against the city on account of the improvement of the street report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of John Barry as follows To the city Council your committee on streets has carefully examined and considered Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger the matters stated in the within petition and whilte satisfied that there is some hardship in this case and possibly some injustice done petitioner we are clearly of the opinion that after the jury summoned to assess the damages has made its award which the council has approved and accepted and the street declared a public highway and the damages awarded set apart in the treasury it is beyond the power of the council to interfere with the award of the jury The law defines how the damages for opening streets shall be ascertained and the council having acopted that method and accepted the award is bound by the result The only remedy opened to petntioner if not now too late is an appeal to the courts report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of W E Massey and others recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted provided the right of way for the proposed alley can be obtained without expense to the city Also that the Engineer be instructed to prepare and submit a plat of the proposed alley showing the name of persons whos property would be taken and the amount of ground taken report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Geo W Jones recommending that the street commissioner be instructed to deposit a sufficient amount of hard filling Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger on Cox street north of the intersection of Fourteenth street to make the same passable at all times report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Edward Norton and others recommending that the engineer be instructed to prepare and submit an estimate of the cost of the work asked for report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Gibson Collinson recommending that the tax on lot No 76 west Dubuque for 1881 be cancelled report adopted the city engineer presented the plats of Smedley's subdivision and of high street subdivision referred to street committee The committee on Public G and B made the following report Your committee report that they have insured the city hall for an additional $10000 in the following agencies James Plaister W C Parsons Jas Beck Kingman & Stanley report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of N Kauffman as follows In favor of granting mr Winters license for year 1881 report adopted Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the bill of W C Parsons and son for $80.00 report adopted The committee on fire reported adversely on the bill of R Nolte for $18.00 as he agreed to give the use of ground without pay report adopted The same committee report on the petition of C Rhomberg adverse to the prayer of petitioner as the city of Dubuque had never entered into an agreement for the use of said lot report adopted theh committee on police reported on the petition of J M Kennety to the effect that they had visited the place and considered the awning in front of store to be no obstruction report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of R Walter to the effect that they had visited the place and found that the nuisance complained of was nothing but spring water running there from the engine of Carr Ryder and Wheeler report adopted The same committee reported in favor of locating a water fountain at the corner of 13th and Elm Streets report adopted Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The committee on delinquent tax reported adverse to the petition of Mrs A Matthews for reduction of assessment report adopted Ald Foley and Ald altman reported on the petition of Ingram Kennedy and Day recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and an order for $29.90 be drawn in favor of said parties to refund extra tax paid by them report adopted the committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Margaret Quinn recommending that the tax for 1881 be cancelled report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs B Keogh recommending that her tax for 1881 be cancelled on part of lot No 7 Collins Subdivision report adopted The same committee reported on the petition of kate Ferguson recommending that an order be drawn in favor of petitioner for $250 report adopted The same committee reported on the resolution of ex Ald Fengler to redeem lot W one half of 813 recommending that the same be not adopted report adopted Same committee reported adverse to the petition of Wm Carter report adopted Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The committee of the whole made the following report to the city council your committee of the whole to whom was referred the official bonds of the present city officers respectfully report that the committee has examined the following bonds and find them in proper form and the security sufficient and recommends that they be approved by the council to wit 1 Bond of martin Kane as city recorder in the sum of $5000 with James Rowan and James McDonnell as surities 2 Bond of W E Harriman a city marshal in the sum of $5000 with C H Beig J W Newbergh and E A Lowell as sureties 3 Bond of Allen Leathers as street commissioner in the sum of $1500 with Wm G Stewart and patrick Tibey as sureties 4 Bond of James H Shields as city attorney in the sum of $5000 with W J Knight as surety report adopted Attornrey Shields presented teh following to the hon mayor and council of the city of Dubuque Gentlemen Your committee to whom was referred the petition of Wm Tiede relating to the refunding of certain taxes collected by levy upon personal property would respectfully report that upon a careful examination of the matter the personal property in question was not liable for the tax and could Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger not be held under the restraint That said ta was levied against Stahlman Reed and Co and can be collected from them or their successors in business and therefore recommend that the said sum of $60.05 be refunded as no receipt was given therefore but the same held until the matter could be investigated the report was adopted and on motion of Ald Crawford the Treasurer was instructed to collect the said amount from Sahlman reed and Co The committee of the whole reported on the petition of J K Beeckman recommending that the petitioner be allowed the sum of $75 in full of his claim recommitted for further consideration The same committee reported on the petition of the Minute men of the fire department recommending that one dollar be allowed each of the minute men who turn out at any false alarm of fire and are present at roll call report adopted Ald Clancy presented the following be it resolved by the city council that the street commissioner be instructed to repair both streets leading to the levee between Jones and First streets at once on motion referred to the street committee with power Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Ald Doerfler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the sum of $150.00 in favor of the delegation of firemen to attend the firemen's tournament at muscatine resolution adopted Ald Doerfler presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that lots no 172 and 173 on couler avenue between Sanford and Twenty Second Streets and lots nos 179 and 187 on Jackson street between Sanford and Twenty streets be hereby declared a public nuisance and that the owners of said property be required to abate said nuisance by filling up or draining said lots within 20 days of this date resolution adopted Ald Crawford called attention to the vote had on the motion made in the forenoon session on sending the steamer J J Linehan to Muscatine and moved that the action taken be reconsidered adopted On motion the Steamer Linehan was ordered to accompany the delegation to Muscatine Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Ninth Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Street between Washington Street and the alley East of Washington Street be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject That the city Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted by a full vote as follows Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Ald Crawford presented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Jackson Street from 17th to 18th Streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Geo Raepoch N 1235 East Dubuque Chas Luther S 1235 East Dubuque Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Chas Luther N 20 ft 36 East Dubuque John Trexler S 21 2 ft 36 East Dubuque Peter Weist N 1/5 491 city Robt Woodward N M 1/5 491 city Mary Baade M 1/5 491 city Geo May S M 1/5 491 city Peter Meyer S 1/5 491 city Margaret Lear N 1/2 32 East Dubuque Ellen Skellon S 1/2 32 East Dubuque Pauline Struber N 1/2 33 East Dubuque C W Schreiber S 1/2 33 East Dubuque Auton Manahl 34 East Dubuque Ald Crawford peresented the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing alley from Julien Avenue to Rose Street East of Center Place by D W Linehan Contractor in front of and adjoining the same a specail tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows the several lots being named Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger special asst on East Center Place A Cain Min lot 85 A Cain lot 1 min lot 88 Mrs A Cummings S 179 ft lot 2 min lot 88 Wm Hopkins N 50 ft lot 2 min lot 88 Wm hopkins lot 16 McNulty's subd Jos Bott lot 7 of lots 5 8 9 Mcnulty's subd Geo F Jackson lot 6 of lots 5 8 9 McNulty subd Sephen Grove lot 1 of subd 1 and 4 McN Sub Anna Scott lot 1 of lot 13 McN sub wm Beck lot 12 McNulty's sub Wm Beck lot 1 of sub 5 8 9 McN sub Geo F Jackson lot 4 of sub 5 8 9 McN sub Wm Beck lot3 of lots 5 8 9 McN sub Stephen Groves lot 2 of sub lots 184 McN sub Ald Crawford presented the following Resolved that the street commissioner under the direction of the street committee be instructed to repair the sewer on Hill Street in the vicinity of Harketts nursery and put it in such a condition that the streets and property in the vicinity shall not receive further damage resolution adopted Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The claim of C H McMaster having been found to be correct on motion of ald Crawford it was ordered paid the bond of M Tschirgi Jr as city engineer was ordered approved and placed on file the claim of John Leidinger for $650 was referred to the committee on streets the claim of Andrew Tredway and Sons of $13.05 was referred to the committee on streets The claim of J J Dunn of ten dollars as balance due on court costs was referred to the city attorney The following claims were read and allowed N W Globe Gas Light Co M Tschirgi Jr Peter Olinger vogel and Ferguson Key city Hook and Ladder Co St Louis Packing Co Jos S Norton McLaughlin and Reilly Peter Olinger Patrick O'Mara N W Globe Gas Co F E Moser A L Clark J J Linehan Engine Co J F Conant Key City Gas Co John Ganahl H A Schunk Christman and Healey Telephone Comp Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger N Hilger W H Rebman Mike Wagner James Kelly W H rebman Morrison Bros J F Conant W Howard N H thedinga W Koenig F Schloz J C Dunning J Eichhorn J Reinfried S M Langworthy B Gmehl Laflin and Rand Powder Co A C Siege and Bro D D OConnell John Harvey John Klein Laflin and Rand Powder Co Morrison Bros C N Clark and Co Geo J Henion Dubuque Times Knapp Stout and Comp co Key City Gas Co J S Dunning Meuser and Co thos McCoy W E Harriman Fred Liebe james Plaister Kingman and Stanley Warner Lewis J R Beck W M Faust Jos Woodhouse M Lavan C H McMaster Arnold Tschirgi James Uphorn Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger J and A Christman A Felter Mrs Koenig Ham and Carver Schreiber Conchar & Co mrs Koenig Dubuque Water Co C J Brayton Iowa Iron Works Co Larry Daily W H Rebman J F ODea John Rankin Peter Olinger Thos E Frith Peter Olinger Sol Turck Hose Co J McBride Andrew Cullen Martin and Strane Key City Gas Co Bids for the improvement of the alley from 15th to 16th between Iowa and Clay streets and of the alley grom 14th to 15th between clay and white streets were read and referred to the committee on streets and engineer to report at once The committee reported as follows Alley between 14th and 15th W H Rebman D W Linehan A Leicht J E Foye Jackson Strane Alley between 15th and 16th W H Rebman D W Linehan A Leicht J E Foye Jack Strane Regular Session June 5, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger Jackson Strane being the lowest bidder on motion the contract was awarded to him for both alleys the mayor appointed the following as the committee on Equalization of Taxes for 1881 Ald Crawford Ald Clancy Ald Foley Ald Olinger Ald Doerfler It was ordered that the water district be defined as the session to be held on the 8th inst Ald Clancy presented a catalogue of drinking fountains from J W Fiske of new york received and filed City council then adjourend to Thursday Eve June 8 1882 Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular Session June 8, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 8 City Council met at 8 o'clock pm Ald Jones presented the following resolved by the city council of Dubuque that the recorder be ordered to draw a warranbt for the sum of $3000 in favor of D G Scott agent and also one warrant in favor of H H Schunk Treas for $1000 to bear interest at teh rate of 6 percent per annum from June 6 1881 payable on or before january 1st 1883 Resolution adopted Ald Jones made inquiry from the police committee in regard to the erection of a hydrant at the corner of 13th and Elm streets and moved that the said committee be instructed to place one at the said named place Ald Glab moved that it be placed at the corner of 14th and Elm Streets Amendment was lost and the original motion by Ald Jones adopted The committee on ordinances presented the following which was read the second time an ordinance Granting to the East Dubuque Bridge Company and assigns authority to construct a pile pontoon Regular Session June 8, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 8 pontoon bridge wagon and foot bridge from the city of Dubuque over the Mississippi River to the East side On motion of Ald Doerfler Rule 29 was suspended by the following vote Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and olinger Nays none Ald Jones then moved to read the ordinance by its title which was done and the ordinance was adopted finally Ald Deckert offered the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order oin favor of D W linehan for the sum of $600.00 as part payment for work done on the improvement of East and West Center Place Ald Doerfler presented the following together with the plans and specifications of a proposed engine house Your committee report that they have prepared plans for an engine house north of 17th street and would recommend that said engine house be located on city lot cor of Couler Avenue and 18th Streets Report was withdrawn Ald Jones then moved that an engine house be built in the fifth ward not to exceed $4000 the yeas and nays were called as follows Yeas Ald Clancy Doerfler Deckert and Regular Session June 8, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 8 Jones Nays Ald Altman Crawford glab and Olinger Mayor Pro tem Crawford decided the motion as lost it being a tie vote but not a majority Ald Doerfler presented the following An ordinance providing a penalty for having in possession or using a catapult sling or other devide for throwing missiles Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque Sec 1 that any person in said city in whose possession may be found a catapult sling or other devide for throwing stones pebbles shot or other missiles shall upon conviction thereof be fined $1.00 and the costs of prosecution and any person who shall use any catapult sling or other device by throwing any missiles therewith shall upon conviction thereof be fined $5.00 and the costs of prosecution and stand committed until such fine and costs are paid Sec 2 It is hereby made the duty of all police and peace officers in said city to arrest and prosecute any peson found violating the provisions of the first section hereof and to take and destroy any catapult sling or other device aforesaid and found in the possession of any person Sec 3 this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publiction Regular Session June 8, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present - Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger 8 in the official papers of the city Ald Doerfler moved to suspend the rules which was done as follows Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger Nays none the ordinance was then read by its title and on motion of Ald Doerfler was adopted finally Ald Altman asked for a report by the committee on ordinances on the resolution heretofore presented for the repeal of the ordinance requiring livery stables and boarding houses to pay a license and moved that the said committee be instructed to report said ordinance lost ald olinger moved that the marshal be requested to collect unpaid team licenses carried A bill of $10.50 from the Fifth Ward Hose company was presented by Ald Doerfler and on motion was ordered paid ald Olinger moved that the street commissioner be instructed to fill all the holes found in the low portions of the city Amended that the matter be referred to the committee on streets with power adopted adjourned attest Martin kane Recorder Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Doerfler On motion of Ald Crawfod Rule 29 was suspended and Mr E T Keim was permitted to address the council asking the consent of having the petition withdrawn asking for the putting up of poles along main street as he claimed the poles could be placed in the alleys Ald Crawford moved to grant the withdrawl of the petition adopted A remonstrance was presented from Andrew Tredway and sons and other prominent business men and citizens against the erection of telephone poles along main street received and filed Felix Agnew presented a petition asking the abatement of a nuisance on city lot no 558 on south locust street moved that it be referred to the street committee amended to refer to the executive committee of the board of health amendment adopted Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Doerfler the petition of J J Geiger for the repair of the sewer on Windsor avenue was referred to the committee on streets the firemen's delegation to Muscatine asking for some disposal of the prize money won at the state tournament amounting to one hundred dollars was referred to the committee on fire J P Quigley presented a communication asking the council to allow the city engineer to attend a meeting of the east Dubuque pontoon bridge company at half past three oclock today ald Deckert moved to receive and file the communication Amended by Ald Glab to grant the request Amendment was withdrawn and a substitute by Ald Crawford offered that it be referred to the committee on streets with power which was adopted The petition of Bridget Roach to cancel her tax on the west one half of lot No 51 East Dubuque and also to extend one years time to pay for special assessment was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Jeff McGrath for filling in front of his lot on West Locust street was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Mr Graham for a settlement of claim heretofore made was referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Doerfler D E Lyon presented a communication to the effect that his opinion had been asked on the motor question that his fee for such opinion was placed at the sum of $200.00 at the time and that the council allowed $50.00 in the fall of 1881 which he refused to accept but would now take $100.00 as a final settlement Ald Jones moved to receive and file the communication which was carried the petition of James Cushing for exemption of the taxes for the year 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Tim Byron and others for the establishment of grade on Jones street between locust and dodge streets was referred to the committee on streets The communication of Wm Carter asking a reconsideration on petition last session and to grant a hearing before the proper committee was referred to the committee on delinquent tax J W Love et al presented a remonstrance against the improvement of Rogers Subidivision of an alley in outlot 719 which was deferred for action to the afternoon session when the report of the committee on streets would be made The petition of Herman Tuegel et al to remove obstructions in alley Sullwebers subdivision was referred to street committee with power Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Doerfler The petition of Paul Kees for cancellation of personal assessment of $2,500.00 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax and the city attorney. The petition of W W Parker for the reduction of personal assessment one half for the year 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax. The petition of Rice Bros for permission to allow their fence to remain as at present on Union Avenue until after harvest crop was over was referred to the committee on streets and the marshal to be instructed not to remove obstructions in the meantime the petition of Gustav Mannstedt to cancel his assessment for 1881 on moneys and credits was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Catherine Schuler et al to devise some means for the purpose of conveying the flow of water during rain storms down the east side of Stafford Avenue was referred to the committee on streets The petition of Mrs. B B Provoost and many others to make a change in the grade of the alley from 10th to 11th streets between Iowa an dClay streets was referred to the committee on Streets with power. The communication of Health Physician Connolly in reference to cess pools was referred to the board of health. Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the Chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Absent Ald Doerfler The communication of J P Quigley to have the pagodas of the parks repaird and repainted was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings Council adjourned to 2 o'clock pm Council met at 2 o'clock pm Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Catherine Farrell presented a petition for the cancellation of her taxes on her homestead on Dodge Street which was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of Catherine Schuler to cancel her taxes for the year 1881 on the W 2/5 of lots 3 and 4 Stafford's addition was referred to the same committee the petition of John Morgan by M Morgan to allow extra amount claimed to be due for the improvement of seminary street was referred to the committee on claims City Engineer reported on the alley between White and Jackson from 10th to 11th streets recommending the placing of 14 cubic yards of fine macadam the cost being about $20 Report adopted and ordered that the work be done under the street commissioner Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 The city engineer presented a report on the petition of Patrick O'Mara estimating the cost of the filling on Grand View Street at $68.00 Referred to the committee on streets Engineer presented an estimated cost of improving Sanford Street from Couler Avenue to Couler Creek and also the expense of a tile sewer from Couler avenue to Couler Creek as follows Grading 1100 cu yards at 30 cents Guttering 1600 sq yards at 45 cents Curbing 1800 Lin feet at 50 cents Macadam 1000 lin feet at $1.25 $3200.00 988 Lineal feet 15 inch tile at 50 cents Excavating and laying $590.00 referred to committee of whole Engineer presented the cost of planking along West Locust Street where not already laid as follows 3630 ft BM at 16.50 per m nails and work total referred to committee of the whole Engineer presented the estimated cost of filling alley and sidewalk from 13th to 14th streets as follows filling alley 350 cubic yards at 30 cents Filling sidewalk 130 cu yards referred to committee of the whole Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Engineer presented the estimated cost of filling eighteenth street from the bridge over Couler Creek west to Maple Street and also filling Maple Street from Eighteenth to Seventeenth Street as follows Amount of filling 1715 cubic yards at 35 cents Bluff material over filling referred to committee of whole Engineer presented the cost of filling Dell street from 14th street to the alley south as follows 95 square yards at 50 cents 10 cubic yards at 35 cents Grading referred to the committee of whole Engineer presented the plat of the alley petitioned to be opened by W E Massey and others which was referred to the committee on streets for the purpose of obtaining the signatures to the right of way Engineer presented the following report on the petition of mrs Carr In regard to the petition of Mrs Carr for carrying off the water which before the erection of her bilding ran along a water course through her lot I would recommend that a gutter and curb be constructed along the west side of her lot no 2 in Marsh's Dubuque after which the water can be allowed to flow into the old channel The estimate cost of the proposed work would e 60 sq yds paving at 45 centss 100 lin ft curbing at 50 cents total $1700 Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 Report of the engineer on the said petition of Mrs Carr was received and adopted and the improvement ordered made The city treasurer presented a communication setting fourth the necessity of borrowing the sum of $7000 for the purpose of defraying the expenses for the month of June which was received and filed The city attorney presented a report on the petition of D Cox refered a yeaer since as follows To the hon mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque Gentlemen The undersigned to whom was referred the communication of D Cox asking that certain taxes paid at tax sale be refunded would report that after a full investigation of the treasurers books I am satisfied that the sum of $13.96 was paid at tax sale for a part of mineral lot 4 on the 24th of March 1873 that after said sale the said tax sale was redeemed from and the money received by the city That said redemptions money has never been paid the holder of said certificate I therefore recommend that said sum of $13.96 with interest thereon down to the time of demand made of teh city to wit December 1st 1881 be paid the holder of said certificate and the same taken up making a total of $25.47 Very resp J H Shields City Attorney report was received and filed and a warrant for said ammount ordered drawn Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 The lamplighter reported lighted 188 gas lamps during the mnth of June received and filed The street commissioner reported having expended the sum of $2624.80 during the month of June 1882 also having collected $1500 for cleaning of alleys during the same month Report was referred to the committee on the streets to examine and report upon The city auditor reported the sum of $1259.20 for which orders had to be drawn to pay the city officers and employees during the mnth of June 1882 Report was received and filed and ordered that the different claims be paid Police Justice Duffy reported the amount collected for notation of the city ordinances at $745 during the month of June one dollar of which was included as a fine the receipt of the treasurer being attached report received and filed Wm Warring Wood Inspector reported having measured 825 cords of wood during the month of June and received for measuring the same $31.40 report received and filed the Marshal reported the sum of $1230.05 due the regular and special police during the month of June Also having made 81 arrests in Regular Session July 3, 1882 Mayor Linehan in the chair Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9 the same month and the receipt of the treasurer attached for fifty cents received rom justice Duffy as fees report received and filed and the recorder instructed to draw orders to pay the different claims The pound master reported having collected the sum of $1300 during the mnth of June for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached report received and filed Deputy Marshal O'Neill reported having collected the sum of $45.50 for cleaning of alleys the treasurers receipt being attached report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 91 drafts on the west Dubuque scales during the month of June Amount collected $1365 receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.05 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed The city recorder reported having issued licenses during the mnth of June to the amount of $927.00 report received and filed The city treasurer presented a communication asking that warrants be issued in his favor for interest amounting to $123 paid on loan warrants nos 759 and 1046 Report received and filed and recorder instructed to draw the paid warrants