W Roll_16 Part 1Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 122 draughts on the fifth ward scales during the month
of June 1882 receipt of the treasurer attached for $275 being 15 percent of the amount due the
report received and filed
Wharf Master report
Wm Warring reported that he had received the sum of two dollars from the Diamond Jo Line
Company for which the receipt of the treasurer was attached
report received and filed
The market master reported having weighed 113 drafts on the market house scales during the m
the month of June Gross amount $16.95 the receipt of the treasurer being attached Collected
the sum of $23 the receipt of the treasurer being also attached due to Market Master for 114 meals
to prisoners at 20 cents per meal Amount $22.80
Report received and filed and amount of claim ordered paid
the committee on claims reported on the petition of James Donnelly recommending the remission
of team license for the present year
report adopted
Also on the petition of E W Duncan recommending that the sum of $2.88 be refunded on lot No
55 in Cooks addition for the tax of 1859
Report adopted and the recorder instructed to draw warrant for said amount
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
The committee on streets reported on the petition of Patrick Tibey et al recommending that the
portion of Brad Street between Dodge and Fifth street be repaired by the street commissioner in
the manner approved by your committee so as to make the same passable for travel at an expense not
exceeding$125 the work to be done under the supervision of teh street committee
report adopted
also on the petition of J a Johnston and others recommending that the ground on which the water
stands be filled at the expense of the owners sufficiently to drain the same and that dock street
and the alley between Division and High streets be also filled by the city and that the engineer be
instructed to present a planand estimate of the cost
report adopted
Also on the resolution of Ald Clancy referred to them with power to the effect that the improvement
and repairs on Jones and First streets had been completed at an expense of about $300.00
report adopted
Also onthe petition of Absalom Cain being a majority report as follows
Your committee respectfully report that we have explained and considered the facts and circumstances
of the within petition and have come to the conclusion
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
that the petitioner has no legal claim against teh city growing out of the improvement of the alley
Ald Kavanaugh presented a minority report recommending that Mr Cain be allowed the sum of $100.00
to be deducted from the amount of his assessment A vote was taken on the report of Ald Kavanaugh
and was adopted 5 to 4 as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger
Nays Ald Crawford Deckert Foley and Jones
The committee on streets reported on the claim of John Leidinger recommending that the within
bill be rejected the claimaint having been paid all his work was worth
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petitions of Smedley and Meyer and H Hahn and others for filling
on Kniest and High Streets and for filling of the high streets extension and the bridging of the Couler
Creek at the crossings of said streets recommending that filling to the extent of 1000 yards be put
on said streets under the direction of the street committee and that said work be done by contract and
the recorder instructed to advertise for proposals for doing the work the expense of the improvement
estimated at $198.00
report adopted
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Also on the petition of August Lange and others recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted
and that the alley on Rogers subdivision be macadamized as asked for also that the engineer be
insructed to prepare and present a profile of the grade proper for the alley and an estimate of the
probable cost of the grading rule 29 was suspended for the purpose of allowing dr John Love to address
the council in opposition to the improvement of said alley
The report of the committee was then adopted
The remonstrance of J W Love and others was received and filed the same being against the
improvement of teh above named alley
Same committee reported on the profile of Jackson Street from 18th to Lake streets recommending
that the change of grade as shown on the within profile to which the written consent of the abutting
property owners has been given be adopted
report adopted
Also on the profile of High Street from Johnson Avenue to Lake Street recommending the adoption
of the within grade of High Street as shown by the red line
report adopted
Also on the plat of High Street subdivision recommending that the same be accepted by the engineer
be instructed to record the same
report adopted
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Also on the petition of Miss E Weigel recommending that the proposition of Miss Weigel be accepted
and that the city repay to Miss Weigel the expense of such replatting and c as soon as she will
present to the city a good and sufficient deed conveying the right way for the alley on teh east side of
her subdivision of E one half of lot 687
report adopted
Also on the plat of Smedley's subdivision submitted by the engineer recommending that the same
be accepted and the engineer be instructed to record the same
report adopted
Also on the profile of Dodge Street from Grand View Avenue to Mr Spenselys recommendng that the
grade of Dodge Street as shown by the red line be adopted
report adopted
On the opinion of the city engineer submitted on the petition of Jacob Kurt and others to the effect
that the engineers opinion regarding Division Street is correct and that the city marshal be instructed
to remove all obstructions
report adopted
Water district resolution
Ald Altman presented the following be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the
area enclosed by the blue lines on the accompanying map be and is hereby declared the official
map of the water district of the city of Dubuque
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
The committee on Delinquent tax reported on the petition of Mrs John Molony recommending to
cancel her tax for the year 1881
report adopted
Also that the petition of Mrs John Molony being an additional one be received and filed
report adopted
Also on the petition of J Buselink recommending that the tax on lot no 166 east Dubuque be cancelled
for the eyar 1881
report adopted
Also on the petition of Mary Ryan recommending that the taxes for 1881 be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Mary Boyle
Report adopted
The special committee on the examnation of ex treasurer and ex auditors acounts made the following
to the city council Your committee appointed to settle with and to examine the books and accounts
of the late auditor and treasurer respectfully report that we have completed the duty assigned us and
find the accounts of said officres to be correct and that they have each fully accounted for all funds
that have come into their hands during their
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Report on condition of books
respective terms of office deeming it necessary in order to properly discharge the duty imposed upon the
committee to have the books of said officers carefully examined we employed Mr W E Massey a competent accountant
to go through the tax books and accounts and other books showing the receipts and disbursements of money
and examine and compare them with the various vouchers in the hands of said officers Mr. massey has performed the
work in a very thorough and satisfactory manner His detailed report to the committee hereto appended Note the
detailed report referred to in the above report has not been sent in by the committee so that the same could be spread
upon the records
report adopted
Ald Jones moved that mr. Massey be paid the sum of $200.00 be given as services rendered in the work of examining
the accounts and books
Lost by a raising up of hands 5 to 4
Ald Crawford moved that Mr Massey be allowed $175 Ald Clancy amended to pay $125 Ald Glab moved as amendment
to the amendment that he be allowed the sum of $150.00 Ald Glab amendment was adopted by a majority vote which
was done by raising of hands
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Licenses Ordinance 5 percent
The committee on police reported on the petition of the Iowa Iron Works Co recommnding that a gas post be
located at the corner of Ninth and Washington Streets
report adopted
An ordinance to amend Section 8 of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance in Relation to Licenses Be it ordained
by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Sec 1 that sub division B of section 8 of an ordinance entitled An ordinance in relation to licenses b and the same is
hereby amended by striking from the seventh line of said subdivision the words Two and a half and inserting in
lieu thereof the word five and said subdivision 8 shall be further amended by adding thereto the following to wit
The mayor shall if he deems it necessary employ a competent person who shall attend any auction sale and keep an
accurate account of all sales made such account to be the basis upon which to levy the five percent under the provisions
hereof such person to receive such pay as may be agreed upon between him and the mayor to be paid from the
percentage derived from such sales by auction
Sec this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the official papers of the city
The above was read the second
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
time and was then passed and aodpted July 3 1882
J J Linehan
Attest Martin Kane
An ordinance to amend and repeal certain portions of sections 80 81 and 84 of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance
to Provide for the Assessment and collections of taxes in the city of Dubuque
Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Sec 1 that so much of sections 80 81 and 84 of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the assessment and
collection of taxes in the city of Dubuque as provides for the return to any purchaser at tax sale of the amount paid by
such purchaser at tax sale with interest in case of the invalidity or irregularity of such tax sale be and the same are
hereby repealed except that in the case where a sale of property has been made for taxes and thereafter it appears
that the tax for which such sale has been mace had been paid before such sale then and in that case the treasurer
shall refund to such purchaser the amount paid by him at such tax sale without interest
Sec 2 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the Dubuque Daily Herald
The above ordinance was
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
the second time and was passed and adopted July 3 1882
J J Linehan Mayor
Attest Martin Kane Recorder
Ordinance granting to Ill Cent RR Co rights to lay track
An ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Co the right to lay a switch and side track
Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Sec 1 that permission be and is hereby granted to the Illinois Central Railroad Company its successors and assigns
to lay and operate a switch or single railway track on Washington Street in the city of Dubuque from the main line of
railway on said streets to a point opposite and along the Dubuque Oat Meal Mill
Sec 2 That said Illinois Cent R R Co and their successors and assigns whenever require dby the city council of said city
shall at its own cost and expense so grade the street or part thereof over which said track may be laid and pave or
plank the space between the rails and the ends of the ties in such manner as will afford an easy passage for wagons or
or other vehicles and place the grade of said track as may be directed by the city authorities and in all things comply
with ordinances of said city so far as the obstructions of streets and gutters are concerned and not inconsistent with
the permission hereby given.
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Sec 3 that at any time after the period of three years from the first of may 1 1882 the said city may revoke the rights
hereby granted
Sec 4 That this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the official papers of
said city at the expense of said Illinois Central Railroad Company
Passed July 3 1882
The above ordinance was read the second time and passed and adopted
J J Linehan
Attest Martin kane
Ordinance to Amend Saloon LIcense
An ordinance to amend Section 13 of an ordinance entitled an ordinance in relation to licenses said section relating
to saloons
Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Sec 1 that subdivisions D and E of section 13 of an ordinance entitled an ordinance in relation to licenses be amended
by adding to each of said subdivisions as an additional penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof the
following to wit Upon the conviction of such person for a violation of the provisions hereof his or her license shall
be revoked and cancelled and any person continuing the business of saloon keeper after such conviction and
cancellation shall be liable to the penalties provided for in said
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
section 13 for retailing liquors without license
Sec 2 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publication in the official paper of the
the above ordinance was read the second time and passed and adopted
passed july 3 1882
J J Linehan
Attest Martin Kane
Engineer presented a plat and profile of the street laid out in the subdivision of Mineral lot 36 and the extension
as proposed through lot No 5 of Min lot 21 and of mineral lot 20 also the profile of said street without a grade
referred to committee on streets
Engineer presented the profile of clark Street
referred to street com
On motion it was ordered that the committee on Finance be empowered to make a satisfactory settlement of the
personal assessment of Mr John Mayerle
Ald Altman presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
four crossings be laid at the corner of Seventh and Clay Streets
Referred to commitee on streets with power
Ald Jones presented the following
Resolved that the street commissioner be instructed to put a four foot crossing on the north side of Ninth Street
crossing Iowa street also one on the west side of clay Street crossing Ninth Street
Referred to street committee with power
Ald Glab presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner
be instructed to lay two crossings of good macadam on Julien Avenue at Alpine Street Referred to the committee
on streets with power
Ald Glab also presented the following resolution
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that a sidewalk four feet wide of good two inch plank be within ten days of this notice constructed and laid in conormity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of Julien Avenue and Delhi Street between Broad Street
and Center Place
referred to the street com
Ald Deckert presented the following
Be it resolved by the city
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Council of Dubuque
That all street bosses employed by the street commissioner be discharged from this date as it is deemed unnecessary
to longer employ them Ald Deckert moved that the resolution be adopted Amended by Ald Kavanaugh to street
committee with power Amendment was lost and the motion of Ald Deckert was adopted
Ald Jones presented the following be it resolved that the city marshal be instructed to collect the salloon licenses
from the saloon keepers and assure them that if by the result of the vote of June 27th their saloons are closed before
the first of April 1883 the city council will refund them their mney
Be it further resolved that the city Marshal be instructed to close every saloon that does not pay license
Resolution adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Deckert Foley Glab Jones kavanaugh and Olinger and also Ald Crawford
Absent Ald Doerfler
Ald Glab presented the following to the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Your committee have examined Barracks and found them in failing condition The stagnant water has been drained
from the cellars A new privy vault is being built 20 feet deep and the old vault will be cleaned and filled when new is
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
finished for use Porches are fixed up and are now in fair condition All rotten timber taken out and replaced by new
John Glab Chairman Executive Com of Board of Health
Report received and filed
Ald Jones presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved that the finance committee be instructed to borrow seven thousand dollars for the purpose of paying
the bills for the month of June 18 m yeas Ald Altman clancy Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Nays Ald Crawford 1
Ald Crawford offered the following whereas lots Nos 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 in
McCraney's 1st Addition to the city of Dubuque are subject to be covered with stagnant water for a large portion of
every year greatly to the prejudice of the health and prosperity of that portion of the city
Be it therefore ordered and resolved that said lots be filled up and raised at the expense of the owners of the same in
such a manner that the surface of said lots shall be not less than the average heighth of fourty 40 feet above the
standard grade datum of the city of Dubuque and that the work of filling and raising the surface of said lots to the
heighths above
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
designated be completed by the 15th day of August 1882
Resolved further that the marshal is hereby instructed to notify the several ownes of the said lots in the manner prescribed
by the charter and ordinances of the adoption of this resolution and that unless the raising and filling of said lots shall
be completed on or before the 15th day of August next said work will be done by the city of Dubuque and the expense
thereof assessed to the property filled. Also that the engineer be instructed to designate and mark in the proper
manner the heights to which said lots are to be filled under this resolution
REsolved further that the portion of Dock and Division Streets in said city and addition and of the alley between Division
and High Streets subject to be covered by stagnant water be filled to the same heighth as said lots at the expense of
the city and that the engineer be instructed to advertise for proposals for the doing of said filling in accordance with
specifications to be prepared by him.
The above resolution was adopted by a full vote as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Jones Foley Kavanaugh and Olinger
Nays none
Ald Crawford offered the following resolution
Whereas the following described realestate to wit the south one hundred
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Filling of Ill Central Railroad Grounds
hundred feet of the east half of block one 1 the west one half of block two 2 and three 3 lot one 1 of block nine 9 and the
east and half of block ten 10 all in the city of Dubuque harbor company's addition to the city of Dubuque is subject
to be covered by stagnant water at all seasons of the year thereby greatly endangering the health and retaining the
growth and prosperity of the southern portion of the city
Be it therefore ordered that the surface of all of said realestate be filled and raised at the expense of the owners
threof to a heighth equal to the present surface of iowa Street south of First Street and that the raising and filling
of said real estate be completed by the first day of September next 1882
Resolved further that the city engineer or marshal be instructed to notify the owner or owners of said property in
the manner prescribed by law of the adoption of this resolution and that unless the filling and raising of said lots
shall be completed on or before the first day of September 1882 the same will be done by the city of Dubuque and the
expense thereof assessed to said property as provided by the charter and ordinances
The above resolution was adopted by all the vote of the members present as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Nays none
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Ald Crawford presented the following
that the street commissioner be instructed to consult the committee on streets before undertaking any work on the
streets and alleys which will cost over fifteen dollars and that he be forbidden to undertake any job of work exceeding
said amount in expense without first obaining the approval of a majority of said committee This regulation shall not
apply to the cleaning of streets or alleys
Resolution adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following resolution
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that the alley in Geo W rogers subdivision of lot 719 be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject that the engineer be and he is hereby instructed to make the necessary plans and specifications
for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance
of the work the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
Adopted by the following vote
yeas Ald altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Nays none
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Ald Crawford presented the following
Resolved b the city council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for macadamizing alley from 14th to 15th streets
between Clay and White Streets by Martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special
tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated
and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot and parcel of real estate as follows
Joseph Traut S 1/5 432 City
John Kaep S M 1/5 432 City
Chas Leute M 1/5 432 city
Peter Fay N M 1/5 432 city
JOhn L Broadhurst N 1/5 432 city
Ernest Buesch E 30 443 city
C W Bittman N 1/4 443 City
C G Kretschmer S M 1/4 443 City
Mary thompson N M 1/4 443 City
A R Stanfenbul N 19 7 ft S 1/4 443 City
Wm Reche S 31 5 ft 443 city
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for macadamizing the alley from Julien Avenue north to north line of alley west of center place by D W
Linehan contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
John McDonald Lot 2 McNultys sub
J C paine 14 McNultys sub
J C paine 15 McNultys sub
M A Dolson 1 Newburgs sub
G G Ferguson 2 Newburgs sub
Academy of visitation P N Min lot 86
J W Newburg 3 Newburgs sub
J E Bilbrough 4 Newburgs sub
J C Langueville 5 Newburgs sub
6 Newburgs sub
Michael Hehir 7 Newburgs sub
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Ald Crawford presented the following which was adopted
REsolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Jackson Street
from 18th to 19th streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Geo Wiedman N 1/5 490 city
Mary Lorstenberger N M 1/5 490 city
Michael Foreman M 1/5 490 city
Fred Doerr S M 1/5 490 city
Frank Phillip N 1/2 S 1/5 490 city
August Karter S 1/2 S 1/5 490 city
Rosina Lorenz 27 East Dubuque
Rosina Lorenz N 1/2 28 East Dub
Jacob Mathias S 1/2 28 East Dub
John Nagel 29 Esat Dubuque
John Wolfe 30 East Dubuque
31 East Dubuque
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Ald Crawford presented the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for gutering and macadamizing West Street from 5th street to West 7th Street by martin and Srane
contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot and parcel of real estate as follows
Jas McCabe lot 1 Corriells sub
chas Nieustedt 23 Corriells sub
Wm Kelly jr Wm Kelly M A Stanton Lot 3 of outlot 720 city
Ald Crawford presented the following which was adopted
resolved that the proprietors of each of the three daily papers of the city be invited to submit proposals in writing
for the publication of the official proceedings of the city council in full on the day succeeding each meeting said
proceeedings to be published in one paper and the proposals to be placed in the hands of the recorder on or before
Monday July 10 1882 that the recorder be instructed to notify the proprietors of each of said
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
daily papers of the adoptions of this resolution
The committee on streets reported favorably on the payroll of the street commissioner and recommended the payment
of all claims
report adopted
ald Clancy moved that the action locating water hydrant at the corner of Thirteenth and Elm be reconsidered
Moved that the matter be deferred for one month
ald Kavanaugh moved that the Treasurer be instructed to give Absalom Cain credit for one hundred dollars on
payment of special assessment for the improvement of East Center Place
Mayor Linehan called the attention of the city council to the practice of the firing of fire crackers on the Fourth of July
and recommend the suspension of the ordinance on motion of ald Crawford the ordinance was suspended
The claim of Farley Loetscher and Co for $2.50 was referred to the committee on fire
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
The claim of Farley Loetscher and Co of $1.25 was referred to the committee on fire
the claim of S M Langeworthy of $20.64 was referred to the committee on streets
The bill of G Perry of $58.75 was referred to the committee on Police
The bill of J C Paine of $885 was referred to the committee on Police
The claim of F Mertz of $1.50 was referred to the committee on fire
the claims of T W Reute of $1.50 was referred to the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings
The bill of Dr Blish of $14.50 was referred to the committee on claims
The following bills were read and ordered paid
J J Dunn
H A Schunk
M Downey
F Mertz
Larry Daley
John Kleih
W E Massey
John Kleih
W E Jones
J S Norton
Mrs Crawford
Allen Ho
T OSullivan
Telephone Co
C A Voelker
Wright & Connell
J Linehan Co
Poole Gilliam & Co
Cabinet Makers Association
A Roberts
Pfiffner & Co
Cabinet Makers Association
C McElrath
Dubuque W Co
Regular Session July 3, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 9
Dubuque Water Co
Dubuque Herald
Dubuque Times
F Mertz
Key City Gas Co
D W Linehan
F Mertz
C W Robison
John P Siege & Bro
D W Linehan
spear and Lee
W H Rebman
John Mundt
Sol Turck Hose
F E Frith
John McCoy
Key City Hook and ladder co
G Gmehle
Grosvenor & Harger
J Flynn
J McCormick
A Tschirgi
C H McMaster
W Koenig
Geo W Burden
Peter olingerW H Robison
J McBride
B D Linehan
A licht
Andrew T Horse
C McElrath
Key City Gas Co
W M Faust
Mrs Koenig
A Feltes
F E Frith
R Burke
A Murphy
Adourned to July 13
Attest Martin kane Recorder
Regular Session July 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger
City council met at 3:30 p.m. July 13 1882
Bids were opened for the improvement of the alley on Washington Street and Ninth Street
Ald Jones presented the following Resolved that the City Reccorder be and is hereby instructed to issue loan warrants
as follows
Five warrants of one thousand dollars each dated july 5, 1882 bearing interest at 6% per annum payable January
1st 1883
To D H Conyngham an rder one warrant fr thirteen hundred dollars dated July 5 1882 bearing interest at 6% per annum
payable January 1st 1883
To Albert Kulas an order one warrant for seven hundred dollars dated July 6th 1882 bearing interest at 6 percent
per annum payable
To J Coyne an order January 1st 1883 on motion of Ald Jones rules were suspended and the above resolution
was adopted
The street committee reported as follows
Albert Leicht the lowest bidder for filling on Kniest and high Streets on motion was awarded the contract
Martin and Strane lowest on
Regular Session July 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger
Regular Session July 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Olinger
stood as follows
Yeas Ald Crawford Deckert and Glab
Nays Ald Clancy Doerfler jones and Olinger
Amendment decided as having been lost
The original motion was then adopted and the award was deferred
T O Sullivan presented a petition in reference to special tax against lot 1 of quigley's sub of out lot 710 amounting to
Referred to the committee on delinquent tax with power
Ald Clancy moved that the subject of the erection of telephone poles be referred to a special committee
Adopted and the committee consisted of Ald Clancy Coerfler and Crawford
G G Ferguson presented a remonstrance against granting the proposed extension of an alley in the rear of W E
Massey's residence at Center Place
Ald Jones moved that the remonstrance be referred to the cmmittee on streets
Amended by Ald Doefler to lay on the table
Amendment adopted
Attest Martin Kane
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved
The petition of Margaret Lear to cancel her regular tax for the year 1881 and extend one years time in which to pay for
special assessment was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mrs C Keogh to cancel the interest on the improvement of Wilson Avenue for the tax thereon was
referred to the same committee
the petition of the Dubuque Steam Supply Company to have their taxes adjusted was referred to the same committee
The petition of mark Like to cancel the taxes due on lots Nos 134 134a and 136a Langworthys addition was referred
to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of A Willet to compensate him for loss of horse to the amount of $100.00 was referred to the committee
of the whole
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The petition of George Moyer for compensation to the amount of Fifty dollars in consideration of injuries sustained
at a ladder experiment was referred to the commitee of the whole
The petition of Edward Moore for a salary of Sevnety Five Dollars for month was referred to the same committee
The petition of Rosa Ann McBride for a settlement to be made of damages on wall west Eleventh Street as per
judgment was referred to the same committee
The petition of Peter Klein and others remonstrating against the erection of telephone poles on couler Avenue and
to cuase them to be removed to some other place was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Farley Loetscher and Co and others to grade and macadamize Seventh from White to Jackson
Streets was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Sophie Heucke for cancellation of her taxes on lot 266 and 267 east Dubuque was referred to the
The communication of E H Sheppley asking the vacation of Motor Railway track was referred to committee on finance
and city attorney
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The petition of Mrs Philip Ryan for the restraing of a nuisance on city lot 609 was referred to the marshal to have
ordinance put in force
The petition of Jacob C Welty and others remonstrating against the opening of a street through lots Nos 9 and 10
Wick's Addition was referred to the city attorney and the city engineer
the petition of Agnes Turner to cancel the taxes against the west one half of lot No 6 subdivision of outlot 703 was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Catherine Newhouse for remission of taxes on the north one half of city lot 454 for 1881 was
referred to the same committee
The petition of W Knittel asking to cancel saloon license due for the year 1882 was referred to the mayor with power
the petition of Charles Bruhn et al for the macadamizing of alley between 14th and 15th streets between Washington
and Elm streets was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of W G Watters et al for the removal of the obstructions in the alley between Center Avenue and John Street
was referred to the committee on streets with power together with the marshal
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
the petition of W H Day et al to grade grove street from the south side of Twelfth sreet north to the intersection
of Pearl Sreet was referred street committee and the engineer
A A Cooper presented a petition to have a wall on the east side of Fifth street Hill Extension put in safer condition
Ald Clancy moved to refer to the committee on streets with power amended by Ald Jones to refer without power
Amendment adopted
the petition of Frank Burro for a grade of sidewalk near Smedley's was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of John W Norton for the extension of paving at the head of west locust street sewer was referred to
the committee on streets with power
The petition of Anthony Haisler for a sidewalk on Valeria Street was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Maria Miller to cancel her tax for 1881 on lot No 19 langworthy's
The petition of C W Wullweber et al that a lamp post be placed on Seminary Street at the residence of petitioner
was referred to the committee on police
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The petition of R Waller and others to compensate for filling was referred to the committee on streets
J F Hedley presented a report of the receipts from sales during the month of July
referred to police committee
The petition of C Baylies and others for use of the unoccupied portion of the city hall was referred to the committee
on public grounds and buildings with power
Allan Leathers Street commissioners reported having expended the sum of $29.53 40 on street work during the
month of July Amount of filling done for T OSullivan on his lot $65.15
Report referred to the comittee on streets to report upon at the afternoon session
City Treasurer made the following report
Damages paid to opening of street 383.45
Vouchers being attached for the said amount
Interest on the city's bonded debt $3161.63 due September 1st 1882 payable at New York Amount of money
necessary to be borrowed to meet the expenses for July $7500.00
report was referred to the committee on Finance to report at the afternoon session
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Auditor Brayton for the month of July showed the amount due the regular city offices and employees to be $1260.71
Report received and filed and the several claims ordered paid
Marshal harriman reported $1113.50 as the amount due the regular and special police for the month of July 1882
Amount of arrests made during the month 84
Receipt of the treasurer attached for three dollars for fines and fees
On motion the report was referred to the committee on police to report at the afternoon session
The city recorder reported the number of licenses issued during the month of July which was referred to the committee
on Finance to report upon at the afternoon session
City Council then adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
Council met at 2 pm
mayor linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Ddoerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The committee on police reported on the report of the marshal finding the same to be correct and recommending
that orders be drawn to pay the different claims
report adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
N C Ryan reported that he had weighed 90 drafts on the first ward scales during the month of July gross amount
of receipts $13.50 treasurer's receipt attached for $2.00 the 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 64 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of July The gross
amount of receipts $950 receipt of the treasurer attached for $135 being the 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
F Fosselman reported having weighed 100 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of July Gross Amount
of receipts $15.00 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.25 being 15 percent
Report received and filed
Lamp lighter reported that he had lighted 188 2/3 gas lamps during the month of July 1882
report received and filed
Deputy Marshal reported having received 50 cents during july for cleaning of alley receipt of treasurer attached
report received and filed
The market master reported having weighed 145 drafts during the month of July Rent from Huckster Stand $23.25
Drafts 145 at 154 $18.45
Receipt of treasurer attached to rent of stands and drafts due the market master $23.80 for 119 meals at 20 cents
Report received and filed and claim to be paid by warrant
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
wm Koenig Pound Master reported that he had received the sum of $6.00 from impounding animals during the
month of July receipt of the treasurer attached
report received and filed
Wood Inspector Warring reported that he had measured during the month of July 1154 cords and received for
measuring the same $38.55
report received and filed
W E Massey submitted his report as an expert on examination of the Ex-ausitor and Ex-Treasurer's books to the
effect that the cash account was correct
report received and filed
the city engineer presented the profile of the alley in rogers subdivision and recommended that the red line be
declared the official grade of said alley
referred to street committee
Engineer also presented a profile of Grove Street from Pearl to Eleventh Street setting forth that two grades were
necessary for said Grove Street and recommended that the blue line be declared the official grade of the west 35
feet of Grove street and that the red line of the said profile be declared the official grade of the east 25 feet of Grove
Street from Pearl to 11th Street
referred to the street committee
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The committee on Finance to whom was referred the matter of a settlement of the taxes of John Mayerle reported
that they have made a settlement with John Mayerle for the sum of $24.35 without interest for the time delinquent
and recommended that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the remainder.
report adopted
The same committee reported that the treasurer's report referred at the afternoon session was correct
report adopted
The committee on ordinances presented an ordinance authorizing the Western Telephone Company to erect
poles and wires and maintain a telephone exchange in the city of Dubuque
Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Section 1 that permission is hereby granted to the Western Telephone Company its successors and assigns to
erect and maintain upon the public streets and alleys in the city of Dubuque at such points as may be designated
by the city council of said city through its committee on streets poles or posts of wood or other suitable material
to support the necessary telephone wires to operate and use a telephone exchange in said city provided that said
Western telephone company and its successors and assigns shall during the continuance of the permission
heretofore granted under proper and measurable rules and restrictions maintain and keep an office and operation
on lines of telephone wires at some
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
convenient point within said city and connected and used with the telephone system of said company and provided said
poss shall be so placed and the wires upon them be kept at such elevation and so attached and secured at such
elevation as to avoid danger to persons and adjacent property and the use of street and alleys for other lawful
purposes and such posts in the business and densely portion of said city be kept properly painted by said company
and provided further that such poles or posts and wires shall not be placed upon either Main Locust or Iowa streets
in said city without the express permission of the city council given by resolution or ordinance.
Sec 2 Said posts shall not be set so as to interfere with the constructing or placing of any water pipe gas pipe drain
or sewer or the flow of water therein that has or may be placed by authority of said city and in case of bringing to
grade or change of grade on any street street or alley whereon such posts may have been erected and placed their
said telephone company its successors or assigns shall change such posts and reset the same under the direction
of the street committee of the council of said city.
Sec 3 It is expressly provided that said city may at any time during the continuance of the permission granted in this
ordinance grant a like permission through over and upon the streets any alleys of said city to any other company or
companies or persons or persons it may deem proper like permission to erect maintain and use the necessary posts
or poles and
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
wires to properly operate a system or systems of telephones such erection not to interfere with the proper use of the
poles and wires under the permission granted in this ordinance
Sec 4 Said city shal at all times during the continuance of the posts erected under permission of this ordinance have
free use thereof upon which to place think fire alarm connections and said city shall have from said company its
successors or assigns during said term the use free of charge of three telephones connected with the telephone
system of said city and for all other telephones used by said city now or hereafter used the same shall be furnished
by said company at one half the regular rates for the time being charged by said company the same to be placed
at such points within the city limits as the council may designate and to be kept and maintained in good repair and
working condition by said company its successors or assigns provided that nothing herein shall be construed to increase
the price at present paid for the use of teephones by the fire department of said city
Sec 5 Said Western Telephone Company its succesors or assigns shall be liable to any person or persons injured
for all damages resulting from the erecting placing and maintaining of such poles and wire under the permission
given in this ordinance as well as from the carelessness or misconduct of any agent or employee of said company
or its successors or assigns in placing maintaining or using such posts or wires so placed and also hold said city
safe and harmless from any damages and costs or cause
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
of action that may accrue against it by reason of the placing and maintaining of such poles and wires and the carelessness
or misconduct of agents or employees of said company in regard to the same and said company shall defend
all suits brought against said city for damages arising from or caused by placing and maintaining the said poles
and wires in the street and alleys aforesaid
Sec 6 in the event of said company its successors or assigns failing to comply with any of the provisions of this
ordinance or violating the terms thereof then it or they shall forfeit to the city of Dubuque all rights and permission
given or granted under this ordinance
Sec 7 This ordinance is in th enature of a contract and shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the
Dubuque Herald and the acceptance in writing of the provisions thereof by said western Telephone Company and
shall continue in force for the period of 20 twenty years from the date hereof subject to the provisions thereof said
publication to be at the expense of said Telephone Company
Passed and approved this 7th day of August 1882
J J Linehan
Attest Martin Kane
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
On motion of Ald Doerfler Rule 29 was suspended by a call of the votes in the affirmation as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger The ordinance
was then read by its title and was adopted
The committee on claims reported adversely on the petition of J H Mogan per M Morgan asking for an allowance
claimed to be due for the improvement of Seminary Street
report adopted
Also on the claim of Dr G C Blish of fourteen dollars for services rendered on vaccination recommending that the
same be allowed
report adopted
The committee on police reported on th epetition of G R West recommending that a lamp be placed at the southwest
corner of Grandview Avneue and Plat Streets
report adopted
The committee on streets reported on the petition of Catherine Schuler recommending that the engineer be instructed
to examine the locality mentioned in the within petition and report the most feasible plan for preventing the damage
complained of and an estimate of the expense of carrying out the same
report adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The same committee reported on the petition of Timothy Byron et al recommending that the city engineer be instructed
to prepare and report to this council a profile of the present grade of the street within mentioned and also of the
grade prayed for by petitioners within his views as to the proposed change
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of W J Burns to the effect that the waste water from the chamberlain
plow works is now and will continue to be a nuisance and an injury to the street unless carried off under the surface
of the adjacent streets It is not the duty of the city to take care of this water and recommended that the recorder be
instructed to notify the said plow company that they must provide for carrying of said water at their own expense and
that it will not be permitted to be discharged on the streets
report adopted
Also on the petition of Rice Bros recommending that the request of the petitioners be granted and that they have
until the first of January next in which to remove their fences from the street
report adopted
Also on the resolution of Ald Altman to the effect that three crossings had been laid at the intersection of Seventh and
Clay streets
report adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Also on the petition of Herman Tuegel et al recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the
marshal be instructed to notify the proper parties to remove said obstructions from the alley within 20 days or that
the city will remove the same at their expense
report adopted
The committee on fire reported that a water fountain had been placed at the corner of Thirteenth and Elm streets
report adopted
Also on the claim of F Mertz for $150 recommending its payment
report adopted
also on the claims of Farley Loetscher Manufacturing one for $125 and the other for $250 recommending payment
report adopted
Also adversely on the claim of Frank Herberger for $10.00
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Firements delegation to Muscatine recommending that the chairman
of Muscatine delegation be instructed to turn over to fire department the one hundred dollars prize money won at the
muscatine firemens tournament and that said $100.00 be equally divided among the members of said fire department
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald Jones moved to amend the report by having the amount of said prize money returned to the city and deposited in
the treasury for future porpose
The yeas and nays were called on the amendment and was adopted by a majority vote as follows
Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Nays Ald Altman Doerfler and foley 3
The committee on streets reported on the profile of High street Staffords addition recommending that the grade as
recommended by the city engineer as shown on the plan and profile be adopted
report adopted
Also on the profile of the alley in Roger's subdivision recommending that the grade as recommended by the city
engineer as shown on the plan and profile be adopted
the committee on public grounds and buildings reported on the communication of J P Quigley recommending that
they be instructed with power to give the contract of painting and repairing the pagodas to the lowest responsible
report adopted
Also on the communication of E Baylies and others recommending that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and
that petitioners pay all incidental expenses renumerate market master etc
report adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The committee on Delinquent tax reported on the petition of James Cushing recommending that the treasurer be
instructed to deduct $50.00 from the tax of James Cushing for tye year 1881
report adopted
Also on the petition of W W Parker recommending that the petition be granted and one half the personal assessment
report adopted
Also on the petition of William Carter recommending that the assessment on lot 5 of the subdivision of city lots 754
and 755 be cancelled for the years 1877 and 1878 Also that the city treasurer be instructed to collect tax on the
south 14 feet of the N 22 feet of City Lot 754 for 1879 and 1880 on a value of $900.00 with 10 percent interest to
be paid within thirty days
report adopted
Also on the petition of Catherine Schuler recommending that prayer of petitioner be granted and the tax cancelled
for 1881 on the N 2/5 of lots 3 and 4 Stafford Addition
report adopted
Also on the petition of Paul Kees recommending that the prayer of petitioner be granted and personal assessment
cancelled report adopted
Also on the petition of Gustav Mannstedt recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to transfer the within
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
assessment to Philip Mannstedt and reduce the amount to $1000 without interest if paid in thirty days
Report adopted
Also on the petition of Bridget Roach Adverse to the prayer of the petition asking to cancel the regular tax and
extend time on special assessment
report adopted
Also on the petition of T O'Sullivan recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to receive $60.00 in full
for special assessment against Lot 1 Quigley's subdivision outlot 710 if paid in 30 days.
Report adopted
The following report was submitted from the special committee on that subject
Your committee appointed to consider the proposition of the Brush Electric Light Company have to state that they
have duly considered the same and they do not think it is possible to thoroughly light the city with light towers as
proposed and the erection of more towers ould make the light more expensive than the present system of lighting
the city
Report adopted and signed by Ald Jones Clancy Crawford Doerfler and Foley
Ald jones offered the following
that the city Recorder is hereby authoritzed to issue a warrabt fir $385.45 in favor H A Schunk Treas in payment of
the following items: for
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
money paid Ella M Weigel for Right of Way of Alley easterly side of out lot 687 $375.00
For money paid A Herron for right of way through 6 and 7 Linehans's addition $1.00
For sum paid J H Shields for opening Grand View Avenue through lot 12 in Summer Hill Addition $7.45
total $383.45
resolution adopted
Ald B Jones presented the following
Dubuque Iowa August 7 1882 Resolved that the Finance Commitee be instructed to borrow the sum of Seven Thousand
Five hundred Dollars for the purpose of paying off July claims
resolution adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
Resolved that the finance committee be instructed to provide for the payment of interest due Sept 1st 1882
at New York the amount of the interest being three thousnad one hundred and sixty one dollars and sixty three cents
Resolution adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following
Whereas the present grade of Lake Street is unsatisfactory to most of the property holders on said street and it is
deemed expedient to change the same be it therefore resolved that the city engineer be instructed to report the
plan and profile of a proper grade for said street for the consideration of this council
resolution adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald Crawford presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Ninth street from Washington Street East by Martin and Strane
contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Iowa Iron Works Co 506a city lot 3 sub 506 city
H L Stout 509 city lot 4 of 509a city
resolution adopted Aug 7 1882
Also the following
resolution that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing White street from 18th to 19th streets by W H Rebman
contractor in front and adjoining the same a special tax be and is thereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots
and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate as follows
Nic Palen S 1/5 436 City
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Wm Jurgens S M 1/5 436 city
Anton Lorenz S 1/2 M 1/5 436 City
Jacob Schlipp N 1/2 M 1/5 436 City
Wm Coates & J R Waller N 2/5 436 City
Anton Manahl S 1/2 S 3/5 487 city
Gottfried Ganahl N 1/2 S 3/5 487 City
Martin Pfiffner N 2/5 487 City
Resolution adopted Aug 7 1882
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Washington
street from 18th to 19th streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special ta be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and
for the several amounts set opposite each lot of parcel of real estate as follows
C Willhoefer 97 East Dubuque
Wm Biddolph 98 East Dubuque N 1/2 99 East Dubuque
Pat Welsh S 1/2 99 East Dubuque 100 East Dubuque
Jos Vogel 92 East Dubuque
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Wm J Pickley 93 East Dubuque
Jos Poutins Est 94 East Dubuque
Math Blochlie 95 East Dubuque
Fred Doerrer 96 East Dubuque
John Pregler 101 East Dubuque
Resolution adopted Aug 7 1882
Ald Crawford offered the following resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for macadamizing alley from 15th to 16th streets between clay and Iowa streets byb Martin and Strane
contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite eahc
lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Margaret Cooney S 1/5 451 City
B W Wood S M 1/5 451 city
John Drehouse M 1/5 451 City
Gerhard Tenhoff S 1/2 N M 1/5 451 city
Nich Brandt N 1/2 N M 1/5 451 City
Wm Schaeffer S 1/2 N 1/5 451 City
Wm Keeper N 1/2 N 1/5 451 City
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Henry Newhaus N 1/2 N 1/5 454 city
Gottfried Kirmse S 1/2 N 1/5 454 City
Gotleib Weigele N 1/2 N M 1/5 454 City
C W Bittman S 1/2 N M 1/5 454 City
M Flick M 1/5 454 City
Mary Schmidt E 1/2 S 2/5 454 City
Resolution adopted Aug 7 1882
Ald Crawford offered the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that Seminary street between madison street Ext the west boundary of Cox's addition be graded guttered curbed
and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owner of the abutting property
Resolution was adopted by a unaminous vote as follows
Yeas Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 10
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald crawford presented the following
that the city marshal be instructed to notify in writing the property holders on the west line of 14th street where the
same is not now opened that all fence and other obstructions must be removed from said street before the first day
of October next or that the same will be removed on said date by the city at the expense of the parties maintaining
said obstruction
resolution adopted
Ald doerfler offered the following
be it resolved by
By the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner be and is hereby insructed to complete the work
on the north end of Couler Avenue from the present terminus at Glab's Brewery to the south line of the fair grounds
Resolution was adopted by a majority vote as follows
Yeas Ald Clancy Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Olinger 7
Nays Ald Altman Crawford and Kavanaugh 3
Ald Deckert presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that all crossings laid by the city be laid under the direction of the city engineer and such crossings as are deemed
improper by him to be re-laid
resolution adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald Deckert offered the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a bridge be constructed over the Couler Creek on
High Street the city engineer to make plans and superintend the work and the city carpenter to do the necessary
resolution adopted
Ald doerfler presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner be instructed to have a stone
crossing placed across Clay street on the south side of 14th St
referred to street com
A communication was presented from Joseph Herod asking the council to redeem lot mno 1 Mineral lot of Lot NO
53 from tax sale for 1875
Referred to committee on Finance
Ald Jones offered the following
that Mrs Mary Schmidt be allowed one years time to pay her special assessment without interest being the east one
half of the south two fifths of 454 city
resolution adopted
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald Jones offered the following
Dubuque iowa Aug 7 1882
Be it resolved that the Deputy Marshal be and is hereby instructed to prepare a list consisting of the names of all
saloon keepers and the list be reported to the Finance Committee and be it further resolved that the marshal be instructed
to collect the full amount of all saloon licenses or close up the saloons excepting those who petition the council
for remission
Ald Deckert moved an amendment that the duty be entrusted to the marshal and the words deputy be stricken out
Marshal marriman addressed the council stating that he did not believe it to be his duty to furnish such a list
Ald Crawford moved as an amendment that the reolution be postponed being an amendment to the amendment
The same was adopted by a majority vote as follows
Yeas Ald Crawford Deckert Foley Glab and Kavanaugh 5
nays Ald altman Doerfler Jones and Olinger 4
Ald Olinger called attention to the renting of the third floor of the hall for the purpose of skating rink
referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Ald Crawford offered the following
Whereas it has been deemed expedient by the city council fo the city of Dubuque to change the grade of 17th street
west of west Locust street and whereas all persons owning property on the line of said street have been duly notified
in the manner provided by law of said proposed change and that the question of said change would be considered
by the city council on the 7th day of August 1882
And whereas no claim for damages by reason of said proposed change has been filed with the city recorder by any
of said property holders nor any objections made to said change by any one
be it therefore resolved that said proposed change be adopted and the grade shown by the blue line on the profile
reported by the city engineer established and confirmed as the grade of said street
resolution adopted
Ald Deckert presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that it is thought best to
adopt the plan of carrying the water which now runs along Windsor Avenue in a wooden sewer in a concave similar
to the one which now runs and flows on Windsor Avenue and in order to convene the work the
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated for the consideration of construction of a portion of the necessary concave
on the east side
referred to the committee on streets
Ald Deckert moved that the commissioner on streets be instructed to discontinue the employment of Michael Mullens
as a foreman on street work and that he be discharged
The bill of George Gregory of five dollars was referred to the committee on fire
The bill of Joseph Reinfried of $18.25 was referred to the same committee
The bill of A Felder of Eleven dollars was referred to the same committee
The Bil of Joseph Reinfried of $28.25 was referred to the same committee
W E Massey presented a claim for $200 which was approved by the special committee upon the examination of
referred to com on claims
A claim fo T O'Sullivan of $40 for a settlement of tax with the C M and St Paul Railroad Co was referred to the
committee on claims
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
The claim of Dr Asa horr of $112.25 was referrd to the committee on public grounds and buildings
the following bills were read and ordered paid
Dr Asa Horr
D W inehan Alley N of Julien Ave
Siege Bros
H Kennedy
W H Rebner resetting curbstone
C W Robison
W H Rebman grading White St
Spear and Lee 5th street sewer
F H Fink
C McElrath
C A Voelker
McLaughlin and Reilly
P Olinger
F E Frith
C McElrath
T W Reute
H A Schunk
James Kelly
J D Metz
Larry Daley
Mr. Koenig
Gregoire Bros
Christman and Healy
D D OConnell
J W Newburgh
T O'Sullivan
C McElrath
J F Conant
Peter Olinger
The Iowa
John Hartig
Poole Gilliam and Co
John Rankin
W M Faust
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Key City Gas Co
Martin and Strane Alley 14 to 15
Woodward Strinsky & Co
Morrison Bros Fountains
Martin and Strane
J J Linehan Engine Comp
A Murphy
P Burke
Key City Hook and Lad Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
J J Linehan Eng Co
John Mc Bride
Dubuque Mattress co
wm Koenig
Geo W Burden
Geo Perry
J C Paine
Arnold Tschirgi
Dubuque Water Company
Vogel and Fertuson
C McElrath
Iowa Iron Works Co
Dubuque Telephone Comp
Martin and Strane
C h McMaster
S M Langworthy
W H Rebman
Woodward Strinsky & Co
John Harney
Dubuque Times
Dubuque Herald
National Demokrat
Key City Gas Comp
Hough and Hardie
Strinsky Woodward and Co
Wm Marshall
Woodward Strinsky & Co
Asa Roberts
Hansen and Linehan
Regular Session August 7, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Bids for the improvement of an alley in Rogers subdivision were opened read and referred to the committee on streets
to report upon
The committee made the following report
D Cox
J E Foye
spear and Lee
Jackson Strane
29 cents grading - 44 cents for thirteen foot alley macadam and 34 cents for ten foot for macadam
Spear and Lee having been declared the lowest and best responsible bidders the contract was awarded to them
council then adjourned
Martin Kane
Special Session August 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Absent Ald Altman, Doerfler and Olinger 3
The mayor said his object in calling the council together was to take into consideration the location of the ice harbor
at Dubuque and also to take action upon the proposition of Gen C H booth
The following is the communication presented from mr Booth
To the honorable mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque
For the purpose of enabling the city of Dubuque to comply with the requirement of the government in reference to the
title of property selected for an ice harbor the subscriber would respectfully submit the following proposition for
acceptance by your honorable body
That if the city will release to H L Stout all interest it may have in the property north of the line hereinafter described and
will cancel the obligtaion held by the city from H L Stout for the conveyance of certain portions or strips of and lying
north of said line and more particularly described in said obligation dated November 16 1875 he will procure from said
Stout a conveyance of center island property lying south of a line beginning at a point in the center of the bridge railroad
track at its intersection with North
Special Session August 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Absent Ald Altman, Doerfler and Olinger 3
of line of North side of third Street proper produced and running thence easterly along said line of north side of third
street proper produced to intersection of north side of Third street extension then easterly along line of north side of
said Third street extension to a point 200 feet from point of beginning thence southerly at right angles with said Third
Street extension 164 feet thence easterly parallel with and distant from south side third street extension 100 feet to
levee on Main Channel
Mississippi River said property to be used in perpetuity of an ice harbor
C H Booth
Dubuque August 23 1882
the within proposition is made with the understanding that at least 50 feet in width on the south side of said division
line shall be appropriated for a public levee and north boundary of said ice harbor
C H Booth
Ald Doerfler moved that rules be suspended to hear from General Booth who advocated his proposition
the City Attorney was called upon and gave a description of how the city came into possession of the land and stated
how in his opinion the location of the ice harbor could be made satisfactorily to the city without any loss
Action was deferred until after a report ws made on Cooper's Petition
Special Session August 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Absent Ald Altman, Doerfler and Olinger 3
The commmittee on streets made the following report on the petition of A A Cooper
To the city council your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of A A Cooper asking for the rebuilding
of the retaining wall on the west line of his property on the northwest corner of Fifth and Bluff streets and which is
cracked and in imminent danger of falling respectfully report that we find said wall in the condition stated and liable
to fall at any time
Mr. Cooper desires to commence the immediate erection of a large barn adjoining this wall and also to buid a large
and expensive dwelling house on teh property thereby adding considerably to the taxable property of the city The cost
of rebuilding the wall as estaimted by the city engineer is $372.60. Estimate hereto appended 194 cubic yards masonry
$1.90 $372.60
Under the circumstances we recommend that the request of Mr Cooper be granted and that the wall be rebuilt at once
P W Crawford
Thos Kavanaugh H C Deckert
Report was adopted
Ald Kavanaugh moved that the work of rebuilding the said wall be referred to the street committee with power to have the
same done which motion was adopted
Special Session August 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Absent Ald Altman, Doerfler and Olinger 3
Consideration of the proposition of Gen Booth was then taken and on motion of Ald Crawford it was referred to
the committee of the whole and the mayor was requested to commuicate with Mayor A Mackenzie and to request him
to visit Dubuque to consult the committee about the location of the ice harbor
W J knight presented a petition on behalf of the Illinois Central Railroad Company asking to extend the time for the filling
to be done by the said company on its grounds in the southern part of the city until the 15th day of January 1883
ald Crawford thereupon offered the following resolution
Resolved that the application of the Illinois Central Railroad Company through its attorney W J Knight for an extension
until the 15th day of january 1883 of the time within which it was required to fill and raise certain ground in the dubuque
Harbor Company's addition by a resolution adopted by this council on the 3rd day of July 1882 be and is hereby
granted in consideration of the assurance of said company that it intends in good faith to raise and fill said grounds
and that it will fully complete said grounds by filling and raising on or before the 15th of January next in accordance
with the resolution adopted as aforesaid
The above resolution was adopted
Special Session August 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Absent Ald Altman, Doerfler and Olinger 3
Mayor Linehan called attention to the making of the sales book in which an entry of all sales were being made and
deired to have a report made of how near the said book was completed
The city attorney was advised to make such report at the next regular session of the council
Ald Crawford said that the road extending to Mr Bronsons place known as Park Street was in need of repairing and
as Mr. Edward Smythe had some rock to use as macadam for sale at 75 cents per yard he moved that the city
purchase the rock in the vicinity of West Dubuque
Ald Jnes moved that the motion be laid on the table being an amendment
The yeas and nays were had and the amendment was carried by a majority vote as follows
Yeas Ald Clancy Deckert Foley and jones 4
Nays Ald Crawford Glab and Kavanaugh 3
Council then adjourned
Attest Martin Kane Recorder
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved
The petition of W G Stewart refusing to pay the special assessment for the improvement of Water Street on account
of some irregularities was referred to the committee on streets was referred to the committee on streets Rule 29 was suspended
and R W Stewart addressed the council in behalf of the prayer of the petitioner
The petition of John T Hancock for a reesurvey of lots no 6 and 7 in the subdivision of mineral lots 158 to be done at the
expense of teh city was referred to the committee on streets and engineer
The petition of John Nagel protesting against payment of special assessment levied against lots no 109 east
Dubuque on account of some irregularities was referred to the committee on streets with the city attorney
the petition of A Herb and others asking the improvement of the sewer along Eagle Point Avenue West from Couler
Avenue to Cushing's bridge was referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The petition of Felix Agnew to raise the durbing in front of his lot on Locust street was referred to the committee on
The petition of maria Hayden to remit special assessment on her lot for the improvement of Bluff Street in consideration
of the Withdrawal of a suit against Mr. Daniel Riordan ex treasurer was referred to the committee on finance and city
The petition of Geo C Rath et al asking the erection of a bridge on 16th and Maple streets near sycamore street over
the low grounds was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Rachel davis to cancel her regular tax for the year 1882 in McDaniel's subd of 764 was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Mrs Bridget Roach to extend to the first day of January AD 1883 to pay special assessment was
referred to the same committee
The petition of A W Lynch to reduce assessment of piano for 1881 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Barbara Bandlin to cancel the tax of the year 1882 Trooli addition on lot No 11 was referred to
the same committee
The petition of Ann McLaughlin to cancel her taxes for 19881 on lot no 89 Kelly's addition was referred to the
same committee
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The petition of Michael Martin to extend to the first day of January AD 1883 to pay special assessment was referred
to the same committee
The petition of Dewitt C Cram to strike from the assessment roll lots no 37 38 and 40 and 41 in McCraney's first
addition was referred to the same committee
The petition of John T Hancock to refund to the tax purchaser of mineral lot 158 assessed to unknown owners and sold
erroneously and to make proper correction on the tax books was referred to the same committee
The communication of the chief engineer Frank Morgan asking the council to make a purchase of 1500 feet of hose
and also to place a new water plug at the corner of Jones and Locust streets was referred to the committee on
The chief engineer also presented a statement of the amount of hose sold to private parties which was referred to
the same committee
The petition of H A Rooney to refund the amount of tax paid on an erroneous assessment on mineral lot no 78 was
referred to the same committee with the attorney
the petition of Mrs James Linehan to cancel her tax on her homestead for the year 1881was referred to the
same committee
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the petition of Mrs Ann Pfiffner to cancel her tax for the year 1881 on the west one half of lot no 5 in Jungk's addition
was referred to the same committee
the petitio of margaret Donohue to cancel her regular tax on the south 16 ft of lot no 122 was referred to the same
The petition of Mrs T Zeller to cancel her tax for 1881 on lot no 34 McCraney's Eagle Point
The communicaiton of the Market Master asking about the renting of the hall for a fair to the Rev Pape was read
and on motion the officer was authorized to rent the lower floor as the upper one was not considered safe
Mathias Morgan presented a petition asking abouthis contract on Seminary Street bet his years ago and asking to
be allowed additional compensation
Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the same
Amendment by Ald Kavanaugh to refer to the committee of the whole
the yeas and nays were had on the amendment and was lost by a majority vote as follows
Yeas ald Crawford Glab and Kavanaugh
Nays Ald Altman Doerfler Deckert and Jones
The motion to receive and file was then put and carried as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab and Jones
Nays Ald Kavanaugh
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
W J Knight presented a communication in behalf of the Illinois Railroad Company agreeing to have the filling
ordered by the council at a previous session complied with by the 1st day of january 1883
Received and filed
A communication from the western Telephone Co accepting the ordinance passed in July was read and was also
received and filed
The petition of George Zumhof and others asking the laying of two crossings on Clay and Fourth Streets was
referred to the committee on streets
The remonstrance of John R Flick et al against the improvement of Seminary street was referred to the same committee
The petition of C Kampman and others to establish a grade on Hart and Frances street and also to grade the said
streets was referred to the same committee
The petition of John Becker for the placing of a crossing on bridge on lot no 155 L H Langworthy's addition was
referred to the same committee
John O'Laughlin petitioned for a remission of saloon license Ald Doerfler to refer to the mayor with power
adopted by a majority vote as follwos
Yeas Ald Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab and kavanaugh
Nays Ald Altman and Jones
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
christian Jungk's petition for a grade in the east alley Wullweber's addition referred to the street committee
The petition of Geo W Jones to improve the south end of Cox Street was referred to the same committee
The petition of John Avry et al for the extension of Iowa Street from Seminary Street to Eagle Point Avenue
was referred to teh same committee
The petition of John Mullany protesting against the location of a telephone pole near the alley on Fifth between
Main and Locust streets was referred to the committee on streets with power
The petition of Catherin McClain objecting to payment of sidewalk tax for Sidewalk laid in front of her lot no 169 was
referred to the committee on streets
The petition of J R Scott and others for a survey and plat to be made of Eleventh Street on such portion as will be
affected by the proposed grade of Grove Street was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of John Kistler for a remission of saloon license was read Ald Doerfler moved to refer to the mayor with power
carried by a majority vote as follows
yeas Ald Crawford Doerfler Deckert and Kavanaugh 4
Nays Ald Altman Glab and Jones 3
the petition of P Sutton for extension of time to pay saloon license was referred to the mayor with power by a vote
as follows
Yeas ald Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab and Kavanaugh 5
Nays Ald Altman and Jones 2
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Council then adjourned to 2 oclock pm
Met at 2 oclock pm
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Allan Leathers street commissioner reported the following amounts expended on streets during the month of
August AD 1882
General Cleaning and repairs etc
Couler Avenue
Julien Avenu
5th Street hill
Millville Road
Iowa Street changing gutters
South Dodge Street
Locust Street 1st to Dodge
Deputy Commissioner Carpenter
Mason work
Stone material
17th Street
19th Street
Dodge Street filling to bridge
5th Street in Ham's Addition
Mineral Street filling sidewalk
Total $2507.40
Referred to the street committee to examine and to report upon at the usual time
The city auditor reported the sum of $1260.71 due the city officers and employees for the month of August
Report received and filed and the different claims ordered to be paid and to draw warrants for such
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the auditor also presented the following semiannual report of the amount of receipts and disbursements
Dubuque September 1st 1882 to th ehonorable mayor and city council
Herewith I hand you the auditors semi annual report in compliance with the ordinance relative thereto
Very respectfully
C J Brayton
Taxes of 1881 1880 Prior Years Special
Interest on taxes
city scales
fines and fees
rent of city property
Sale of ordinance books
Peddler's licenses
saloon licenses
Auctioneers licenses
Team and Express licenses
Circus and En licenses
Billiar Table Licenses
Hotel Licenses
Butchers licenses
Hotel runners licenses
Livery stable licenses
Cost of advertising property collected
rent of Huckster stands
impounding animals
Cleaning alleys
Damages (cost of destroyed ring bolt at hole)
Engine Company's prize money
Money borrowed by Finance committee
total receipts for six months
Balance in hand of treasurer Mar 1st as per report
Grand total $66795.70
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
General expenses warrants redeemed
city Engineer salary and incidental exp of office
Expense of Fire Department
Gas Warrants Redeemed
Cost of Police Department
Printing of Blank Books and Advertising
Expense of grading improving and repairing streets
Advanced to contractors for special st improvements
Warrants water redeemed
Pound masters salary and expenses
Fuel for offices and so forth
Repairing sidewalks
Insurance on city property
taxes refunded
Interest paid on outstanding warrants
Coupons paid
Paid on bonded debt
Fines and fees refunded
Damages paid to owners property for repairing streets
Total disbursements for six months
Cash in hands of treasurer September 1st
Grand Total 66795.70
Respectfully submitted C J Brayton Auditor
The above report was received and filed
The Marshal reported the sum of $1205.30 due the regular and special police during the month of August He
also made 90 arrests during the same month
Report was received and filed and the different claims were ordered to be paid
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The marshal also presented a report as follows
Dubuque Sept 4th 1882 to the honorable mayor and city council of Dubuque
The following names were appointed as special police at the fair grounds during the encampment and entitled to
the amounts below
John McMahon 3 days
R Burns 2 days
John Dillon 5 days
Jms Finnerty 3
John Burke 5
Pat Welsh 3
John cozen 3
John Henneally 4
M McCarten 3
Respectfully submitted
W E Harriman
City Marshal
report was received and filed and the different claims ordered paid
the treasurer presented the following
Dubuque September 4th 1882 to the hon Mayor and Council
City of Dubuque
From estimates of street commissioner recorder auditor and marshal I find hat it will be necessary for the council
to authorize the borrowing of seventy five hundred dollars ($7,500) to defray the city's august expenses
Yours very truly
H A Schunk treasurer
recieved and filed
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The deputy marshal presented a communication that the sidewalk on city lot no 169 was out of repair and that he had
given the property owner Mrs Catherin McClain the proper notice to repair the same but that she had neglected to
comply with the notice He thereupon employed Mr John Mc Coy to do the said repairing and presented a claim to be paid
for such work of $80.35 asking to have the same assessed against the abutting property.
Referred to the committee on streets
the Pound master reported that he had collected five dollars from the impounding of animals during the month of
Augut the treasurers receipt being attached for such sum
report recieved and filed
Chas pitschner reported that he had weighed at the west Dubuque during the month of August 107 drafts gross receipts
$16.00 receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.40 being 15 percent of the amount due the city
Report received and filed
N C Ryan reported that he had weighed on the first ward scales during the month of August 115 drafts gross receipts $17.15
the receipt of the treasurer attached for $2.55 being 15 percent of the amount due the city
report received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 115 drafts on the 5th ward during the month of August gross amount of
receipts $17.25 the receipt of it
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Treasurer attached for $2.60 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
The market master reported that he had weighed 155 drafts on the market house scales during the month of August
gross amount of receipts $23.75 receipt of treasurer being attached received for rent of huckster stands 27.75 receipt
of treasurer also attached due the said officer for board of prisoners and lodgers 132 meals at twenty cents per meal
amount $26.40
Report received and filed and claim ordered to be paid
The lamp lighter reported that he had lighted 188 gas lamps during the month of August
Referred to the committee on police and gas
The wood measurer reported that he had measured 735 cords of wood during the month of August REceived for the
same $31.55
report received and filed
W A Leathers justice of the peace reported the number of cases before him during the month of August Receipt of
treasurer attached for $5.00 due the city as fines
report received and filed
the city recorder reported having issued licenses during August to the amount of $743
report received and filed
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the city engineer reported on the petition of Catherine Schuler recommending the excavation of a trench or ditch along
the east side of stafford avenue as a means of protection to property
referred to the Committee on Streets
Police Justice Hoerner reported the number of cases tried during the month of July amount due the said officer $400
Received and filed and claim ordered to be paid
the engineer presented a profile of curbing on the east and west sides of locust street from Jones to Dodge Street
recommending that the grade of Locust street be changed from the blue to the red line
referred to the committee on streets
City Attorney Shields reported progress on the new Tax Sale Book
referred to the Finance Committee
The committee on Finance reported on the petition of Mr E H Shippley as follows
Your committee would report adversely to the within petitions
report adopted
The same committee reported on the monthly report of the recorder that the within report is correct
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The same committee reported on the instructions to provide for the payment of the amount of interest $3161.63 due
September 1 1882 at New York as follows
The finance committee have attended to the within instructions without borrowing more than was called for at the
August session
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Joseph Herod as follows
Your committee would report in favor of granting the within petition without penalty
B W Jones
Theo Altman
I join in this report on the condition that the city is not required to pay any penalty on the sale
P W Crawford
report adopted
The same committee reported on the communication of J F Hedley on the amount of sales made for the previous
month that the same was correct
report adopted
the committee on claims reported on the bill of W E Massey for an additional $50.00 for report and books of the
ex officials recommending to refer the ame to the committee of the whole.
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the committee on streets reported on the petition of Frank Burro that 100 yards of filling had recently been done on the
sidewalk referred to within and recommended that additional filling be postponed for the present
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Anthony Hassler that the laying of the sidewalk asked for would involve
considerable expense for grading and would also necessitate additional improvements which can be postponed
for the present and recommend that the improvement asked for be deferred to another season.
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John W Norton that they had instructed the street commissioner to
have the same done at once and that the sewer wall ws now in course of construction if not completed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Chas Brehm et al recommending that the engineer be instructed
to make an estimate of the expense of improving the alley between 14th and 15th from Washington to Elm streets
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The same committee reported on the petition of Farley Loetscher and Co and others recommending that the prayer
of the within petition be granted and the work ordered done and further recommend that the block be curbed and
guttered in the same manner as other streets as there is no reason for differently from others
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of R Waller that the committee did not find that the filling alleged to have
been done by petitioner was performed by the order or under the direction of the council or any proper officer of the
city and therefore recommend that the claim be rejected
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution of Ald Deckert to improve Windsor Avenue That the improvement
provided for in the within resolution would involve a large expense which the city is not in a condition to incur at
present and recommend that the same be postponed to another year
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution of Ald Doerfler for a crossing on Clay and Fourteenth streets that the
placing of a crossing at the point is not especially necessar at this time and could be postponed without detriment
and recommend that the improvement be put off for the present year
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The committee on fire reported on the bill of A Felder for eleven dollars that they had examined the bill and found that
the charges were one dollar more than the contract made with the chief engineer but recommend that the sum of
ten dollars be paid in full of amount of the bill
report adopted
The same committee reported on the claim of Geo W Gregory of five dollars adverse to the payment of the bill as the
committee did not wish to create additional offices
report adopted
the same committee also reported in favor of paying the claim of Joseph Renfried of $28.45 for furnshing oats bran
and hay to the fire department
report adopted
The committee on streets reported as follows on th eprofiles of the gade of grove street
The undersigned committee on streets of the city of Dubuque respectfully recommend the adoption of the grade
recommended by the city engineer
The following ws also attached to the profile as heretofore required
To the hon mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque
Your petitioners abutters on Grove Street moved respectfully represent that they approve of the grade of grove street
as reported to your honorable body at the last meeting by the city engineer and respectfully
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
request that the same be at once adopted
Dubuque August 1882
M M Walker
C Schreiber
William m Davis
B W Poor
W S Wright for D A McKinlay
Geo N Fry
W H Day
Jms F Hancock
The yeas and nays were called and the report of the committee was adopted as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Nays none
The committee on fire reported on the claim of Joseph Renfried $18.25 recommending that
it be paid
report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax rep=orted on the petition of mariea Sike that the tax had
already been cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Agnes Turner recommending that her tax
be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Marie Miller recommending to redeem lot
no 19 in Edward Langworthys addition to the city of Dubuque for 1873
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the committee of the whole reported on the petition of George Moyer recommending that the
claim of petitions be not allowed as the trial the fire ladder at which the accident occurred was
not ordered by the council nor any authorized committee or officer of the fire department
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of I K Beckman recommending that the petitioner
be allowed the sum of ten dollars
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of the Iowa Coffin Co recommending that the
manufactory of petitioner referred to in within petition except the ground be exempt from taxatio
for the term of 6 years commencing with the year 1882 provided that the company continues to
manufacture coffins and burial caskets exclusively
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition ofJames Hetherington and others as follows
that the action asked in the within petition is desireable and necessary and recommend that
the matter be referred to a special committee consisting of Aldermen Doerfler, Deckert and the
city engineer to examine and report the proper steps to be taken
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The same committee reported on the petition of Albert Henchelin et al that the improvement
asked for is much needed but will require a large expense to carry out and recommend that it
be postponed indefinitely
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Michael Dowling recommending that the
within application for increase of pay be disallowed and that petition be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of N Willet recommending that the claim of
petitioner be rejecte as the city is in no manner liable
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs E Keogh recommending that the petitioner
be permitted to pay her special assessment referred to within without interest provided she
shall pay the same within 15 days from this date
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of the Dubuque Steam Supply company that in
the opinion of the committee it is inexpedient to interfere with valuation placed upon the within
specified property by the city assessor
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The same committee reported on the petition of the dubuque Brush Electric Light Company
recommending that the subject of the within communication be indefinitely postponed in
accordance with the action of the council taken at your last meeting
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Peter Klein and others in relation to telephone
poles recommending that the same be referred to the committee on streets
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Lear recommending that the time
of payment of the special tax within mentioned be etended until September 1st 1883 at 6 percent
interest from date of levy of same and further recommend that the request for remission of
regular tax be referred to the committee on delinquent tax
report adopted
The committee on streets reported as follows on themnthly payroll of the street commissioner
So far as your committee can determine we find the within report to be correct and recommend
that the several amounts be paid
report adopted
Ald Glab reported on the communication of Dr Connolly Health Physician that the executive
committee of the board of health had secured Mr Frith to remove garbage etc at $5 per day
report adopted
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
The same alderman reported on the petition of Felix Agnew to the effect that no nuisance
had been existing in the place complained of
report adopted
A recess was taken for fifteen minutes for consultation about various matters
upon reconvening Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque that Seventh Street between White and
Jackson streets be graded guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering curbing and
macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
Resolution was adopted by a full of the aldermen present as follows
Yeas Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Pay for laying sidewalk on Julien Avenue by John McCoy contractor in front of and ajoining
the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Koetel Est 7 Kelly's subd $35.00
Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing
White street from 18th to 19th streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Nic Palen S 1/5 436 City
wm Jurgens S M 1/5 436 City
Anton Lorenz S 1/2 M 1/5 436 City
Jacob Schlipp N 1/2 M 1/5 436 City
wm Coates J R Waller N 2/5 436 City
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Anton Manahl S 1/2 S 3/5 487 City
Gottfried Ganahl N 1/2 S 3/5 487 City
Martin Pfiffner N 2/5 487 City
Ald Crawford offered the following
By the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing
Washington Street from 18th to 19th Streets by W H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining
the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
C Welhofer 97 East Dubuque
Wm Biddolph 98 East Dubuque N 1/2 00 East Dbuque
Pat Welsh S 1/2 99 East Dubuque 100 East Dubuque
Jos Vogel 92 East Dubuque
Wm J Pickley 93 East Dubuque
Jos Pontius est 94 East Dubuque
Math Bloekle 95 East Dubuque
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Fred Doerrer 96 East Dubuque
John Pregler 100 East Dubuque
Resolution adopted
ald Crawford presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the special assessments against
abutting lots on white street from 18th to 19th streets and of abutting lots on Washington Street
from 18th to 19th streets as adopted at the last session of the council August 7th 1882 be cancelled
and the foregoing special assessments substituted and adopted in order to rectify clerical
resolution was adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that orders be drawn in favor of the following property owners who have overpaid the corrected
special assessment against their lots abutting Washington Street between 18th and 19th
Wm Biddolph lots 98 and 99 East Dubuque
pat Welsh 100 East Dubuque
John pontins 94 East Dubuque
John Pregler 101 East Dubuque
Said order to be drawn in favor of the city treasurer who shall refund the same to the parties
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved that on and after the 11th day of this month the services of the street commissioner
be dispensed with for the remainder of the present season
resolved further that all work of every kind on streets and alleys be suspended for this year
except necessary repairing and cleaning and such work as shall be especially ordered by the
city council or provied for by contract
The yeas and nays were called and resulted as follows on the above resolution
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford and kavanaugh 4
Nays Ald Doerfler Deckert Glab and Jones 4
It being a tie vote the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative and then declared the resolution
Ald Jones offered the following
Resolved that the city auditor be instructed to redeem Mineral Lot 1 of 53 from tax sale of
1875 and that the city recorder be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of C J Brayton for the
sum of $421 for the redemption of said mineral lot
Resolution adopted
Ald Doerfler offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the street commissioner be
instructed to complete the west side of Couler
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
his money would be givevn him without penalty if he accepted the same
Amendment was adopted by a majority vote as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Glab and Kavanaugh 5
Nays Ald Doerfler Deckert and Jones 3
Ald Clancy offered the following
Be it resolved that this council empower the committee on Police and Gas to employ a man to
light the lamps if necessary
ald Clancy moved its adoption
Amended to refer to committee on police and gas
the yeas and nays were taken on the amendment and was lost by the following negative vote
Yeas Ald Crawford Deckert and jones 3
nays Ald Altman Doerfler Glab and clancy and Kavanaugh 5
The resolution was then adopted by the following majority vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Glab and Kavanaugh 5
Nays Ald Crawford Deckert and Jones 3
Ald Glab offered the following
Reolved by the city Council that $200.00 be provided for finishing the grading on Fifth Street
from Glen Oak to Delhi road
Ald Glab moved to adopt the resolution
Amended by Ald Clancy to refer to the committee on streets
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Ald Crawford moved on amendment to the amendment that the resolution be referred to the
committee on streets with power
The latter amendment was defeated by a majority vote against as follows
Yeas Ald Crawford and Glab 2
Nays Ald Altman clancy Doerfler Deckert Jones and Kavanaugh 6
ald Clancy's Amendment to refer without power was then adopted on a motion to that
ald Glab offered the following
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that this body sympathize with the bereaved family
of the late captain Wm Gates of the Dubuque and East Dubuque Ferry Company and that
in his sad death we have lost a faithful and popular citizen
Ald Deckert offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque
That the city recorder be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of the city auditor C J Brayton
for the um of $30.30 for the purpose of redeeming lot no 19 Edward Langworthy's addition
sold to William Hintrager November 2, 1874 for the tax of 1873
Resolution adopted
Ald Deckert offered the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
one hundred dollars by appropriated for the improvement of Eagle Point Avenue from
Couler Avenue West Wherever needed to be expended under the direction of the street
ald Deckert moved that the resolution be adopted
Amended to refer to committee on streets
Amendment adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
Resolved that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw warrants in favor of N W Kimball
for $5000.00 Dubuque Water Co for $1400 P H OCallaghan $400 and H A Schunk Agent
for $200 Each bearing inerest at 6% dated August 9 1882 and made payable January 1st 1883
Resolution adopted
Ald Jones presented the following
That the finance commmittee be instructed to borrow the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars for the purpose of paying the current expenses for the month of August
Resolution adopted by a majority role as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab jones and kavanaugh 7
Nays Ald Crawford 1
Ald Jones moved that when adjourment be had it be made to Wednesday September 13
1882 at 7:30 oclock pm
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
per cubic yard 25 cents guttering per square yard 50 cents macadamizing per lineal foot $1.00
Michael Reynolds grding per cubic yard 26 cents guttering 65 cents per square yard macadamizing
per lineal foot $1.24
The committee made the following report
Hugh Martin Grading $418.88 guttering $840.00 Macadamizing $1140.00 total $2398.88
Mathias Deng Grading $403.92 Guttering $742.00 Macadamizing $1020.00 Total $2165.92
J E Foye Grading $374.00 Guttering $700.00 macadamizing $1200.00 Total $2274.00
Wm H Rebman Grading $374.00 Guttering $700.00 Macadamizing $1200.00 Total $2274.00
John A Spear Grading $374.00 Guttering $910.00 Macadamizing $132.00 Total $2604.00
Dan Cox Grading $359.04 Guttering $756.00 Macadamizing $1140.00 Total $2255.04
Michael Reynolds Grading $388.96 Guttering $910 Macadamizing $1488.00 Total $2786.96
Mr Deng was declared the lowest bidder and was awarded the contract
Mr. Linehan presented a communication from Major Durham stating that he could come to
Dubuque after the 5th inst in the interest of the ice harbor The mayor was instructed to write
him to find out the exact time of his arrival so that the
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
committee of the whole might be convened to meet him
Ald Crawford offered the following
Whereas Matthew Deng is the lowest bidder for paving and macadamizing Seminary Street
be it resolved that the contract for making said improvement be awarded to said matthew Deng
provided that the city reserves the right to exclude from said contract the west 250 feet of the
portion of said street heretofore ordered to be improved
resolution adopted
The following claims were read and ordered paid
Dubuque Water Co
Geo W Burden
Dubuque Herald
Key City Gas Comp
T E Frith
Poole Gilliam & Co
Larry Daley
T W Rente
John Kleih
H A Schunk
Andrew Treadway & sons
J W Hoffmann
D S Wilson
John McCoy
W Koenig
Warner Lewis
P Keaner
Dubuque Water Co
J McBride
J McKenzie
Howard & Linehan
Joseph Reinfried
W M FaustKey City Hook & Ladder Co
P Klauer
T W Reute
Hugh Martin
John McCoy
Key City Gas Co
W H Rebman
A Y McDonald
Siege Bros
Jms Harney
John Swenk
Mrs Koenig
John Shay
C McElrath
C H McMaster
A Tschirgi
Martin and Strane
John Rankin
Key City Gas Co
A Licht
Fifth W Hose Co
Sol Turck Hose Co
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Dubuque Furniture Co
McLaughlin & Reilly
C McElrath
Martin and Strane
J A Foye
W H Rebman
Wm Pierce
M Tschirgi Jr
Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association
M Dumphy
J J LInehan Co
the claim of G Gmehl of $52.00 for attending the board of Equlization meeting was referred to
the committee on Equalization
The claim of Frank Hurberger of ten dollars for services to Fire Department was referred to
the committee on fire
The claim of the western telephone company of $59.00 for the use of telephone ws referred
to the committee on claims
The claim of the Knapp STout and company co of $12.17 was referred to the committee on
The claim of John Lagen of $11.25 was referred to the committee on fire
The claim of George Gregory for $5.00 as services to the fire department was referred to the
committee on claims
The claim of Byrne Bros of $167.75 for damages sustained to livery by motor was referred
to the same committee and attorney
The claim of T OSullivan of $52.00 for attendance at meetings of the commitee of equlization
was referred to the said named committee
Regular Session September 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 8
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
the claim of C J Brayton of $52.00 for attending the committee of Equalization meetings was
referred to said committee
no further business the council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session Wednesday
evening Sept 13 1882 at 7:30 oclock
attest Martin Kane City Recorder
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Ald Jones offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the following levy be made on all
taxable property in the city of Dubuque Iowa for the year 1882
For current expenses 7 3/4 mills for payment of interest on funded debt falling due the current
year 4 1/4 mills for water tax 1 mill
ald Crawford presented an amendment that the levy on current expenses be placed at 5 3/4 mills
ald Altman moved as an amendment to the amendment that the levy be made 12 mills and
1 mill water tax
The yeas and nays were had on the amendment of Ald Altman and was defeated as follows
Yeas Ald Altman clancy Deckert and Olinger 4
Nays Ald Crawford Doerfler Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 5
The yeas and nays were then taken on the amendment of Ald Crawford and lost
yeas Ald Crawford Glab and Kavanaugh 3
Nays Ald altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Jones and Olinger 6
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Ald Crawford thereupon moved another amendment to place the levy at ten and one half mills
and one mill water tax
The mayor ruled that this additional amendment was out of order as the alderman had already
one amendment before the house Appeal was taken and chain was sustained
A vote was then taken on the resolution of ald Jones and the same was defeated by the
following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler and Jones 4
Nays Ald Crawford Deckert Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 5
Ald Deckert moved that the levy be placed at 11 mills and one mill water tax
Adopted by the following vote
Yeas ald Altman Clancy Deckert Jones and Olinger 5
Nays Ald Crawford Doerfler Glab and Kavanaugh 4
Ald Jones offered the following
resolved that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to draw loan warrants each bearing
6% interest as follows
One in favor of Mary S Blake for two thousand dollars ($2,000) dated eptember 6 1882 made
payable January 1t 1883
One in favor of Frank Brede for three thousand seven hundred dollars ($3,700) dated September
8 182 made payable March 8 1883
One in favor of P J Wagner
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
for Five Hundred Dollars $500 dated september 7 1882 made payable March 7 1883 One in
favor of J W Dick for Four Hundred Dollars $400 dated September 7 1882 made payable
March 7 1883 One in favor of CN Weber for Four Hundred $400 dated September 7 1882
made payable March 7 1883 One in favor of F Weigel for Five Hundred Dollars $500 dated
September 7th 1882 made payable January 1st 1883
resolution adopted
the following postal was read
Dubuque Iowa Sept 12 1882
Will you please have an order made for the small fee allowed me in the motor matter the amount
less my taxes
Fred O'Donnell
On motion of ald Jones received and filed and an order directed to be drawn for $50.00 the
amount allowed
The petition of Catherine Dolter to cancel the tax on lot No 35 Tavoli Addition for 1881 was
referred to the committee on Delinquent Tax
the petition of mary Boyle to cancel the tax of 1881 on the south one half of lot 312 East
Dubuque was referred to the same committee
The petition of D W Rand and others to cause the sewer to be covered on west Locust
street was referred to the commitee on streets
The petition of Rosetta Cook to cancel the tax on lot No 10 in Marsh's addition for 1882
was refered to the commmittee on Delinquent Tax
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The petition of Mrs S J Sprague to reduce her assessment for moneys and credits for the
year 1882 and to cancel the assessment on household furniture was referred to the committee
on Equalization
The petition of Henry Richter to refund $6.50 for alleged over tax on the west one half of lot
no 643 and to reduce the assessment on the same lot to $3000 was referred to the committee
on claims
the petition of DeWitt C Cram to make a reduction on his assessment for 1882 was referred
to the committee on equalization
The petition of Adam Pier guardian to cancel the tax for the year 1881 on the south one half
of lot no 120 East Dubuque was referred to the commitee on delinquent tax
The petition of George W Gregory claiming the sum of ten dollars for services to the Fire Department
was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of Mrs A Vyverberg to cancel her tax on lots No 3 and 4 East Dubuque for the year
1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
Ald Crawford moved that the consideration of the Ice Harbor question be referred to the
committee on harbors with the city attorney
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Mayor linehan presented the following
Memphis Cotton exchange
Memphis Tenn September 9 1882
to his honour
The mayor of Dubuque Iowa
I have the honor to enclose you a copy of preamble and resolutions adopted at a special
meeting of the Memphis cotton Exchange held on the 8th xxxxxx relative to the kind tretament and
generous hospitality extended the Porter Guards and their friends on their recent visit to your city
in attendance on the competition drill
I have the honor to be very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Henry Hotter
Secy Supt
Whereas on a recent visit of the Porter Guards of Memphis to the city of Dubuque Iowa they
and their guests were received with a kindness and hospitality never to be forgotten and whereas
it is met and proper that some public acknowledgement should be made by the people
of Memphis of their appreciation of these courtesies shown her citizens by a sister city therefore
Be it resolved that the thanks of the citizens of memphis be and the same are hereby
voted to the citizens of Dubuque iowa for their kind and generous reception of the Porter
Guards and their friends who accompanied them on their recent visit to that city and also for
the many courtesies extended them during their stay
Resolved that the citizens of Dubuque by their hospitality to our representatives have endeard
themselves to us and have placed the citizens of
Regular Session September 13, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Memphis underr such obligation to them as can only be resolved by some real service
Resolved that we earnestly hope an occasion will soon be presented when we can return
in some measure at least the hospitalities extended our friends and when we can prove our
appreciation of these kindnesses in a more substantial manner
Resolved thta the bluff city hopes for the key city such a career of health happiness and prosperity
as the energy and enterprise of her people deserve and wishes that nothing may ever occur
to check the kindly feeling or to mar the pleasure of the acquaintance now existing between
Memphis and Dubuque
Napoleon Hill
Pres Cotton Exchange
Attest Henry Hotter
On motion of Ald Doerfler the communication was received and filed and the mayor requested
to acknowledge the receipt of the same
Council then adjourned
Attest Martin Kane Recorder
Special Session September 23, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Crawford Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab and Jones 5
Absent Ald Altman Foley Kavanaugh and Olinger 4
Mayor stated that the council ws called to take some action of the report of the committee of
the whole on the proposition of Gen E H Booth in reference to the Ice Harbor
Ald Crawford read the answer of Mr. Booth on the proposition which the committee of the
whole had made to him and which was to the effect that he declined said proposition. The
Alderman also read a lengthy document prepared by himself proposing to relinquish to H L Stout
the three hundred feet strip of land reserved by the city for public uses
Ald Deckert moved that the report of Ald Crawford be referred to the committee of the whole
to meet at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon for the purpose of going upon the ground
Opening of bids was deferred
attest Martin Kane recorder
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
Minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved
The petition of John Ruegamer for the privilege of the erection of a slaughter house to be used
by all the butchers on Sycamore street being a union slaughter house was referred to the
committee of the whole
The petition of James Mahony and others for a lamp on Nevada Street and Julien Avenue
was referred to the committee on police and gas
the petition of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad company per Griffith and Knight
Attorneys was referred to the same committee with power the same being for crossings and
lamps on Clay Street
The petition of Pennock and Sons asking the city to purchase a road scraper was referred
to the committee on streets
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
the petition of Mrs James Linehan to cancel her special assessment was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Roselia Strobel to cancel her tax for 1882 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Thomas reddin et al for a lamp on Cardiff Sreet was referred to the committee
on police and gas
the petition of John Flanagan to reduce his assessment on the north 1/5 of 433 to $4000 for
1882 was referred to the committee on Equalization of Taxes
The petition of D E Lyon for a reduction of his assessment for the year 1882 was referred
to the same committee
the petition of Alex Simplot to cancel the interest due on Middle one fifth of 481 city for 1881
was referred to the committee on delinquent tax with power
the petition of J H Shields and Alphonse Matthews to reduce the assessment on Lot NO 6
of the subdivision of Lot 7 of Mineral lot 79 city for the year 1882 was referred to the
committee on equalization of taxes
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
the petition of E Langworthy for a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to the same
On motion of Ald Deckert the tax of 1881 on lot 577 Ham's Addition to cancel the taxes asked
in the petition of Adam Kress was ordered done
The petition of Catherine Morrisey to cancel the tax on Lot no 3 Dorgan's subdivision for 1881
was referred to the committee on Delinquent taxes with power
M Morgan petitioned to be allowed to pay his tax for 1881 without interest was read
Ald Deckert movd to grant Amended by Ald Glab to receive and file Amendment was
The petition of Mary Ryan to redeem lot no 11 Bradley's subd was referred to the committee
on delinquent taxes
The petition of Ernest Buesch for an extension of time in which to pay for special assessment
was referred to the same committee
The petition of Magdalene Heeb to receive the sum of ten dollars as payment in full for the
taxes of 1881 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax with power
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
The petition of Louis Fockler to cancel assessment on horse and buggy for the year 1882
was referred to the committee on equlization of taxes
the petition of Wm Helm for gade to set curbstone was referred to the committee on streets
with power
the petition of Bridget Burke to cancel the tax for 1881 on Lot no 10 Levis Addition was referred
to the committee on delinquent taxes
The petition of the Key City Furniture Company to reduce the assessment for 1882 was referred
to the committee of Equalization
the petition of Elizabeth Manson to reduce her assessment for 1882 was referred to the same
The petition of Fred Burdt to cancel his assessment on taxes for 1882 on the south 28 feet
of lot 56 L H Langworthys Addn ws referred to the committee on delinquent taxes
the petition of John Theis to cancel the assessment on moneys or reduce the same was
referred to the same committee on equalization
the petition of Patrick Quinn to be appointed street commissioner was referred to the Com of
the whole
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
The petition of Agens Langworthy and F I Massey to reduce the assessment 1882 was
referred to the committee on equalization of taxes
the petition of Mrs P Vyverberg to cancel her tax of 1882 was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
the petition of William Helm and others to place a lamp at the corner of 14th and Elm streets
was referred to the committee on police and gas with power
the petition of Peter Kiene t reduce assessment for 1882 was referred to the committee on
the petition of William Corcoran for the carrying out of the propose improvement of Emmett
Street was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of D J Hennessy to have laying of a sidewalk on lot 275 city investigated was
referred to the committee of the whole and the treasurer instructed not to sell
The petition of Martin Shackmoh to abate a nuisance ws referred to the executive committee
of the Board of health
Margaret Lear petitioned for cancellation of taxes of 1881 was read and on motion of Ald Glab
was granted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
the petition of J A McKinley for a reduction of assessment of 1882 ws referred to the committee
on equalization
the petition J P Farley President of the Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company for
permission to allow the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Company to extend its
railway track on the west side of Jackson street north across Seventh Street and along the
sidewalk adjacent to their mill was referred to a special committee of one from each ward
consisting of Ald Clancy altman Jones Crawford and Doerfler
The communication of J F Hedley reporting the number of XXXX sales made by him during
the month of September and having attached the receipt of the Treasurer for $52.90 the
amount of 5 percent due the city was referred to the finance committee for approval and on
motion received and filed
The petition of W J Knight for a reduction of assessment on moneys and credits for 1882 ws
referred to the committee on equalization of taxes
The petition of the Illinois Central Railroad Company by Griffith and Knights attorneys to vacate
Canal Street from Iowa Street to Warren Street ws referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Crawford and Foley 2
City council adjourned to 2 oclock pm
afternoon session
City council met in adjourned session at 2 oclock pm
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the petition of Wm Hintrager to reduce his assessment for 1882 was referred to the committee
on equalization of taxes
the petition of Charles E Christian to exempt from taxation for a period of five years a
manufacturing establishment about to be located here was referred to the committee of the
the petition of Mrs Jane Goring to cancel her tax for the year 1881 being in McDaniels Park
Hill was referred to the committee on delinquent taxes
The street commissioner made his monthly report showing that he had expended the
sum of $1441.25
report was referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the marshal reported the sum of $1105.25 due the regular and special police during the
month of september He also reported that he had made 68 arrests during the same month
and receiving 50 cents as fees from Justice Duffy
Report received and filed and that orders be drawn to pay the several claims
Auditor Brayton reported the sum of $1259.21 as the amount due the city officres and employees
during the month of September
Report received and filed and ordered that the several claims be ordered paid
The city recorder reported that he had issued licenses during the month of September amounting
to $162.00
report received and filed
The lamp lighter reported that he had lighted 191 gas lamps during the month of September
Report received and filed
The wood measurer reportd that he had measured 1461 cords of wood during the month of
Setember and receiving the sum of $50.52 for same
report received and filed
The pound master reported the amount of $10.25 collected during September for animals
impounded Receipt of Treasurer attached
report received and filed
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The treasurer presented the following
Dubuque October 2 1882 to the mayor and council city of Dubuque
By estimates of Recorder marshal Street commissioner and auditor I find it will be necessary
for the council to authorize the borrowing of $4200.00 to defray the city's September expenses
I have paid B H Griffin for C H Payne interest on loan warrants nos 1424 and 1425 from September
5 1881 to September 5th 1882 the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars for which the council
will please have warrant drawn in my favor find voucher hereto attached
H A Schrunk
Received and filed and the Finance Committee instructed to borrow the necessary amount
N C Ryan reported that he had weighed on the first ward scales during the month of September
132 drafts gross amount $1980 Receipt of the treasurer attached for $295 being 15 percent of
the amount due the city
Report received and filed
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Chas Pitschner reported that he had weighed on the west Dubuque scales during the month
of September 152 drafts gross amount $22.80. The receipt of the treasurer was attached
for $3.42 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported that he had weighed 157 drafts on the fifth ward during the month
of September The receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.55 being 15 percent due the city
report received and filed
The market master reported that he had weighed 156 drafts at 15 cents per draft on the market
house scales during the month of September Receipt of Treasurer attached for the amount
of $23.40 Rent huckster stands $27.25 for which receipt of treasurer was attached due to board
of prisoners 105 meals at .20 cents per meal $21.00
Report received and filed and claim ordered to be paid
Deputy marshal O'Neill reported caused an expense of $3.40 for cleaning done on W 1/2 of
lot no 2 assessed to Hannah O'Brien Dodge Street
referred to the executive committee board of health
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
City engineer reported the following
To the honorable mayor and city council of Dubuque
The following is the estimated cost of improving the alley from 14th to 15th streets between
Washington and Elm Streets
1/4 cu yds grading at .25 cents
280 lineal feet macadam at .80 cents
total $252.50
Respectfully M Tschirgi Jr
City Engineer
Referred to committee on streets
the committee on finance reported on the petition of Maria Hayden in favor of granting the
prayer and recommending that the matter be referred to the same committee with power to make
a settlement
report adopted
The committee on claims reported on the petition of Geo W Gregory for a claim of $10.00 Adverse
to the same and to all claims of similar nature hereafter presented
report adopted
the same committee reported on the claim of Frank Herberger of $10.00 Adverse to the
same report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the claim of Byrne Bros of $167.75
Report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The same committee reported on the claim of T O'Sullivan for $4000 recommending the
payment of the same
report adopted
The same committee reported on the claim of Knapp Stout and comp co of $12.17 recommending
its payment
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Henry Richter recommending that the prayer
of the petition be granted and that an order be drawn in favor of petitioner for $650 as over
report adopted
The same committee reported on the claim of the Western telephone Company of $59.00
recommen ding that it be re-referred for correction to Telephone Company
report adopted
The committee on Fire reported on the claims of James Lgen for $11.25 recommending that the
same be paid
report adopted
The same committee reported on the communication of Chief Engineer Morgan In favor
of purchasing 500 feet of best hose for steamer J J Linehan and that the committee
be authorized to procure the
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
same at once also recommended thta the Marshal be instructed to remove obstructions at
water plug on corner of Jones and Locust streets as said plug was originally placed to grade
report adopted
The committee on streets reported on the resolution of Ald Deckert as follows
Your committee on streets to which was referred the within resolution respectfully report that
a large amount of building is being done on the property abutting on the sewer referred to
which is cut off from direct access to the street while the sewer remains uncovered This is a great
detriment to the property and in the opinion of your committee ought to remedied While it
would be much cheaper in the long run to cover the sewer by arching yet the expense is so great
as to render that method inexpedient at this time The expense of planking is estimated by
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Engineer at $228.27 under the circumstances we recommend that the sewer be planked and
that the work be done as soon as practicable
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution of Ald Doerfler on the improvement of Couler
Avenue as follows
To the city council your committee on streets to which wsa referred the question of completing
the improvement of Couler Avenue to the Fair Grounds respectfully report that as said avenue
is one of the main and most important thoroughfares leading out of the city it ought to be
put in the best condition as soon as practicable during the present season a large amount of
money has been already expended in improving the street by repairing it thoroughly the whole
length to a point above Glab's Brewery From that point north it has only been macadamized
on the easterly side of the street car track the completion of the remainder of the work has been
suspended temporarily order to undertake several other improvements much required and to
keep down expenses as much as possible As the street is now in excellent condition and only
requires to be macadamized a short distance on the west side of the
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
street railway track in order to complete the improvement the necessity for resuming the work
is not pressing at present we would therefore recommend that the macadamizing be
completed this fall if practicable and if not that it be done early next spring
Ald Doerfler amended that the work be completed this fall The yeas and nays were had on the
amendment and was rejected as follows
Yeas Ald clancy Doerfler Jones and Olinger 4
Nays Ald Altman Crawford Deckert Glab and Kavanaugh 5
The report of the committee was then adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Crawford Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 6
Nays Ald Clancy Doerfler and Olinger 3
The same committee reported on the petition of W H Day and others as follows
To the city council Your committee on streets to which was referred the petition of W H Day and
others for the grading and improvement of Grove street according to the plan adopted by the
council from the the side of 12th street to the intersection of Pearl street respectfully report
that the street referred
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
to is the only means of access to the property of quite a large number of citizens in that part
of the city Two of the petitioners are about to erect expensive dwellings along the ine of the
street which will add materially to taxable property of the city and a large amount of other improvements
are contemplated and will be commenced as soon as the opening of the street renders the property
accessible The expense of that portion of the improement now asked for which will have to be
paid by the city is estimated by the city engineer at $1142.45 of this amount from the property
holders on the line of the street Messrs Day Walker Fry and Davis have agreed in writing to pay
the sum of $325.00 In addition they also expect to pay the cost of curbing and macadamizing
As the work asked for will promote the improvement of what is at present a rather unsightly
locality and also greatly accomodate a large number of taxpaying citizens and as the work
is not expected to be completed or paid for until next season your committee recommend that
the prayer of the petitioners be granted that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and
specifications and that the recorder advertise for proposals for doing th ework
Accompanying the report of the committee was the following estimate of improving Grove
street made by the city engineer
Retaining wall
506 Cubic Yards at $1.90 $961.40
Grading 281.15
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Macadamizing 250 feet @ 1.10
Guttering 83 sqare yards @ 40 cents
Total $1550.65
The following agreement was made and accompanied the above report
Dubuque Iowa September 11th 1882
The undersigned agree to pay the sums set opposite their names toward the grading of Grove
Street City of Dubuque and the building of retaining wall provided with such aid as is thus
rendered the city complete said work on Grove Street from the south side of 12th street to
intersection with Pearl
W H Day
M M Walker
Geo H Fry
Wm M Davis
The report of the committee on said petition of W H Day and others was then adopted
The same committee made the following report on the petition of J R Scott Edward A Lull and
To the city council Your committee on streets respectfully recommend that the prayer of petitioners
be grnated and that the city engineer be instructed to make the survey of Eleventh Street
near Grove Street and to prepare a plan for the improvement of the street and for carrying
off of storm water therefrom and present the same to the council with such recommendations
as be may consider expedient
report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the same committee reported on the petition of Christian Jungk as follows
To the city council your committee on streets would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the city engineer be instructed to pepare and present a suitable grade
for the alley described in the petition
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of George W Jones for the improvement of Cox
Street as follows
To the city council Your committee on streets respectfully recommend that as the season is so
far advanced and other work of more pressing necessity is requiring attention all action in reference
to the improvements prayed for be postponed until next spring
report adopted
The same committee reported as follows
On the remonstrance of W G Stewart
To the city council
Your committee on streets to which was referred the petition of Wm G Steward protesting
against the special assessment against his property abutting on the east side of WAter street
to pay for macadamizing said street would report that Mr Stewarts objection to the
assessment is based on the fact that only 32 feet in width of the street which is 60 feet wide
has been macadamized and that his property has been assessed with the cost of 30 feet
of the work leaving the west side only two feet to pay for The reason for this apparently
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Assessment lies in the fact that 30 feet in width of the macadamizing is East of the center of
the street and only two feet on the west of it Mr Stewarts property is therefore only assessed
for the cost of the work on his half of the street and the property on the other side for the two
feet west of the center
Your committee is of the opinion that the assessment was properly made and that mr Stewart
has no ground for complaint except in the fact that the whole width of the street has not been
improved which however does not legally justify him in refusing to pay the assessment as levied
It has never been doubted that under the law the city can require a sidewalk on one side of
a street to be laid and assess the property owner on that side to pay for the whole of it The
owners would have no right to refuse payment on the ground that a sidewalk was not required
to be laid on th eother side of the street also or that one half the expense of the sidewalk on their
side was not assessed to the property on the other side The principle is precisely the same
The sidewalk is only a part of the street We therefore recommend that the council decline to
interfere with the assessment as it now stands Your committee however think that mr Stewart
has just reason for complaint in the fact that the macadamizing of the whole street has not
been completed and we therefore recommend that the same be done early the next season and
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
that the marshal be instructed to notify the property holders on the west side of Water Street
fom Jones to First First to Jones Street to remove all obstructions from said street by the
first day of march next
Report to have obstructions removed adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Crawford Deckert Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 6
Nays Ald Clancy Doerfler and Jones 3
The report against changing assessment was then adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Jones kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Nays Ald Doerfler 1
The same committee reported on the petition of John T Hancock for resurvey of certain lots
as follows
To the city council your committee would recommend that the request of petitioner be granted
and that the city engineer be instructed to make the survey asked for and report the same to
the council
report adopted
The same committee reported as follows on the resoltuion of Ald Glab
To the city council Your committee on streets to which was referred the resolution of Ald
Glab appropriating $200.00 for the improvement of Fifth Street from Nevada Street to the
Delhi Road respectfully report that the
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
work already done this season has left the street in a very unfiished and unsatisfactory
condition We however estimate that the sum of $150.00 will do all that is necessary this
fall and therefore recommend that that amount be appropriated for the purpose
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of George Zumhoff and others as follows
To the city council your committee respectfully report that crossings at the intersection of
both Clay and Iowa streets are needed for convenient access to the new passenger depot of
the C M and St Paul Railroad and recommend that a crossing be put in at each street the exact
location to be determined by the committee
report adopted
the same committee reported as follows on the petition of C Kampman and others as follows
To the city council your committee would recommend that the city engineer be instructed to report
a suitable grade for each of the streets named Hart and Frances streets in accordance with
the petition
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John Becker recommending that the
improvement asked for be postponed indefinitely
report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The same committee reported on communication of Deputy Marshal on laying sidewalk accompanied
by bill of John McCoy for $$80.35 that the work had been performed by order of the marshal
and recommended taht the bill be paid
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Schuler and the report of the city
engineer as follows
To the city council your committee on streets would respectfully report that the within report is
in the proper form as so far as we can determine is correct
report adopted and the different claims ordered paid
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Ctherine Farrell recommending that
her tax be cancelled
report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The same committee reported on the petition of John T Hancock in relation to sale for taxes
of part of mineral lot 158 recommending tht the city auditor be instructed to redeem 2 acres
of lot 6 of mineral lot 158 from tax sale to Wm Hintrager dated Nov 4th 1874 and that the amount
paid by Hintrager at said sale be refunded with 10 percent interest the sale being made on
an erroneous assessment
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Bridget Roach recommending that she
be given to January 15th 1883 in which to pay for special assessment
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Ann McLaughlin recommending that
her regular tax be reduced one half for 1881 providing she pay within thirty days
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Rosetta Cook for cancellation of her taxes of
1882 on lot no 10 Marsh's Addition recommending that the said petition be received and
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Donohue recommending that the
tax be cancelled
report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs A Vyverberg for cancellation of taxes
of 1881 recommending that the said petition be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mr F Zeller recommending that her tax for
1881 be cancelled being part lot 34 McCraney's Eagle Point
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Dolter recommending that her tax
from 1881 on lot 35 Trioli Addition be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Newhouse recommending that
the tax be cancelled on 1/2 of N 1/5 of City lot no 454 for 1881
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Boyle to cancel her tax of 1881 adverse
to same
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of DeWitt C Cram recommending that the
tax on lots 28 29 40 and 41 in McCraney's 1st addition be cancelled for the year 1882
Report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the same committee reported on the petition of Sophie Hencke adverse to the prayer of the said
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Edward Blake for cancellation of tax adverse
to the prayer of the petitioner
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Margaret Lear Adverse to the prayer of the
petitioner as to the regular tax of 1881
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Barbara Bandlin adverse to cancelling the
tax of 1882
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Michael martin adverse to extending to
January 1st 1883 to pray for special assessment
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Adam Pier guardian recommending that the
tax on S 1/2 of lot 120 EAst Dubuque be cancelled
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs James Linehan to cancel the tax of
report adopted
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the same committee reported on the petition of H A Rooney recommending that the said
petition be referred to the city engineer and committee on claims
report adopted
The ice harbor
The rules were suspended to allow Mr M H Moore to address the council upon the ice harbor
Mr Moore then presented the following statement in writing
I beg leave to call your attention to the fact that if any work is done this season on the ice harbor
it must be done in the next six weeks Mr B E Linehan and myself are bound to the goverment
to move 80,000 yards of material before June 30, 1883 If some action is not taken immeidately
in securing the location for the harbor it will be impossible for us to fulfill our contract
As I understand all propositions for the site of this harbor must emanate from the city council
as messrs Booth and Stout have no further offers to make
I trust your honorable body will not allow so important a matter to go by default without an
effort to secure so valuable an acquisition to the city Had the overment asked directly that the
rights of the city in the property between Third and Sixth streets
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
be surrendered to them as a consideration for the expenditure of $40,000 or more in the
construction of an ice harbor upon it there would have no hesitation If surrendered to Messrs
Booth and Stout for a better location it is all the same to the city In behalf of this enterprise I
would urge that some steps be taken to compromise with Messrs Booth an dStout and would s
suggest that their original proposition be accepted subject to the laying out of two streets
not less than 3000 feet apart south from Third Street to the basin and the further condition
that said booth and stout hold the 100 feet along the railroad track from Third to Sixth street
in trust for ten years to be given bsolutely in part or entire to any railroad company that will
fill and occupy the whole or a part thereof In connection with the contract if secured from the
government I will undertake to fill the streets reserved by the city south of Third Street at ten
cents per yard if desired
M H Moore
Mr Moore agai addressed the council and submmitted the following propositions to be presented
to Messrs Booth and Stout for their consideration
1st in that not less than two streets not less than 60 feet wide and not less than 300 feeet apart
be laid from Third Street to the ice harbor to be filled by the city
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the strip of 100 feet along the East side of the railroad track from third Street to Sixth Street
be held in trust for the use of any railroad company that may desire tofill and use the same in
part of entire for the term of ten years by Messrs Booth and Stout
3rd that a strip not less than 100 feet in width from low water be conveyed by the said Booth
and Stout to the city extending from Third Street to Sisth Street to be used as a public levee
On motion of Ald Clancy the propositions above were referred to the committee of the whole
Ald Crawford tendered his resignation as mayor pro Tem as follows
to the Hon city council I hereby resign from the position of Mayor Pro Tem
Very respectfully P W Crawford
Oct 2 1882
Referred to the commitee of the whole
the special committee to whom referred the petition of Rosa Ann McBride reported as follows
Your committee would report and recommend that a committee be appointed to convemn the
within property
referred to city attorney
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Andrew Drees presented the following petition
Dubuque October 2 1882
to the mayor and council
City of Dubuque
My tax is delinquent for the years 1879 1880 and 1881 and has been advertised I hereby petition
your honorable body to extend time of payent one month and cancel the interest that is due on it
as I have been ill and have suffered a death in my family that has crippled me financially
McCeney and O'Donnell attorneys presented a communication asking for consideration of
the injuries sustained by Mrs Atwell by falling over some obstructions placed on White between
Seventh and Eighth Streets
Referred to the committee on finance
A petition was presented by James Cushing and others for the purpose of extending Valeria
Street west from the western terminus to intersect with Eagle Point Avenue
Referred to the committee on streets
Policeman Ehlers presented the following
Dubuque Sept 30th 1882
To the honorable members of the city council
Gentlemen Having made up my mind to resign my position as a member of the police force
I hereby tender my resignation to that effect Thanking you one and all for your courtesies
to me shown in the past and hoping you are satisfied that I have done my duty to
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the public
Henry Ehlers
Dubuque Iowa
On motion the resignation of Mr Ehlers was accepted
the committee on Police made the following report on the monthly report of the lamp lighter
Your committee have investigated the report of the lamp lighter and find it correct
report adopted
Ald Doerfler presented the following
Whereas policeman Ehlers has this day severed his connection with the police force of this city and
Whereas said officer has proved himself a faithful and efficient public servant therefore
Be it resolved that we express our regret at the loss of so valuable an officer to the police force
and that we extend to him our best wishes in his new field of labor
Resolution adopted
Ald Doerfler presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that three globe gas lamps be located
at the following places One on White Street between Sanford Street and Eagle Point Avenue
one on Jackson Street between Sanford
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
street and eagle point avenue and one at the corner of Kniest and High Streets
Ald Doerfler moved that the above be referred to the committee on police and gas with power
amended by Ald Clancy without power Amendment adopted by the following majority vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 6
Nays Ald Doerfler Deckert and Jones 3
Ald Altman presented the following
Resolved that the sum of Seventy Five Dollars be expanded on repairing Third Street from St
Mary's Street to Summit Street under the direction of the Street commissioner
Referred to the committee on streets with power by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 7
Nays Ald Jones and Doerfler 2
Ald Glab offered the following
Resolved that the council find it necessary to curtail expenses; therefore the services of Street
Commissioner Leathers find deputy street commissioner Reynolds are no more needed and
both be dismissed after the adoption of this resolution
Adopted by
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Nays Ald Doerfler 1
Ald Glab offered the following
Resolved by the city council that the street committee be from now on empowered to hire
necessary bosses and laborers for future street work for the month of October Bosses shall
have an extra 25 cents per day and must work the same as laborers
Resolution adopte by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 7
Nays Ald Doerfler and Jones 2
ald Deckert offered the following
Resolved by the city council that the tax for the year 1880 and 1881 be cancelled on lot 20
in McCraney's 1st addition it being the homestead of Mrs Agatha Kintzell
resolution adopted
Ald Deckert offered the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that $150.00 be expended in remacadamizing
and repairing Eagle Point Avenue from Johnson to Windsor Avenue Referred to street committee
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Ald Glab offered the following
resolved that the council find it necessary to curtail expenses therefore the services of Health
Physician are no more needed and after the adoption of this resolution the office be dispensed
resolution adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
Resolved that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order in favor of H A Schunk treasurer
for one hundre and twenty dollars $120.00 for money he has paid as interest
Resolution adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
that the Finance committee be instructed to borrow the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred
dollars $4200.00 for the purpose of paying the current expenses of the month of September
Resolution adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones and Kavanaugh
Absent Ald Foley and Olinger 2
Ald Jones offered the following
That the city attorney be instructed to collect from
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
N C Ryan the sum of ten dollars $10.00 allowed him by the Board of Supervisors for use of
house owned by the city the same having been used as a polling place in the First Precinct
at the last special election
Referred to committee on Finance
Ald Crawford offered the following
resolved by teh city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for guttering and macadamizing Roberts Avenue from 5th Street to north line of Roberts
Avenue by William H Rebman contractor in front of and adjoining the same a specail tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as follows
W G Cantillon 19 Wilsons Subd
S E Esler 20 Wilsons Subd 21 Wilsons Subd
C M Carter 22 Wilsons Subd 23 Wilsons Subd
Grank Adams 24 Wilsons Subd 25 Wilsons Subd
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Emily G Parker 26 Wilson Subd
Geo W Healey 27 Wilsons Subd
W C Wilkinson 28 Wilsons Subd
H F C Schneider 29 Wilsons Subd
Stephen Harraghty 30 Wilsons Subd
John Coleman 33 Wilsons Subd
margaret Carr W 1/2 Wilsons Subd
Michael Watters S 1/2 Wilsons Subd
Michael Watters N 52 1 6 " lot 35 Wilsons Subd
M H McCloskey S 47 1 6 " lot 35 Wilsons Subd 36 Wilsons Subd
E E Jones 37 Wilsons Subd
Berij Cheetham 38 Wilsons Subd
W H Wilson 39 Wilsons Subd 40 Wilsons Subd
Resolution adopted October 2, 1882
Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted but was reconsieree and referred to
the committee on street at the evening session to wit
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for repairing sidewalk on Julien avenue by John McCoy con
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and
for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Ann M Marsh Mineral lot 174
Elections of Hog Weigher
On motion the appointment of Hog Weigher was considered and the following candidates were
put in nomination with the result to wit
N C Ryan 2
B Schulte 5
Sam Elmer 2
Mr Schulte having received a majority of the votes cast was declared to be elected
Ald Deckert moved to go into an election of policeman to fill the vacancy made by the resignation
of Henry Ehlers Ald Kavanaugh amended for a postponement The amendment was adopted
by the following majority vote cast in the affirmative
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Glab and Kavanaugh 5
Nays Ald Doerfler Deckert Jones and Olinger 4
Council adjourned to half past seven oclock pm
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Council met at half past seven oclock pm
Bids were opened read and referred to the committee on streets being for the improvement
of seventh street from White street to Jackson Street as follows
Hugh Martin
Grading per cubic yard 20 cents
guttering per sq yard 40 cents
curbing per lineal foot 50 cents
macadamizing per lineal foot $1.09
Allowance to city for macadam along north gutter four feet wide 200 feet long per cubic foot 5 cents
James E Foye
Grading per cubic yard 10 cents
Curbing per lineal foot 50 cents
guttering per square yard 40 cents
macadamizing per lineal foot $1.30
W H Rebman
Grading per cubic yard 5 cents
Curbing per lineal foot 50 cents
Guttering per square yard 40 cents
macadamizing per lineal foot $1.35
for allowance to city of macadam 3 cents per cubic foot
the committee on streets made the following report on the above
W H Rebman $530.23
James E Foye 536.90
Hugh martin 523.36
for macadam $32.00 Foye $24.00
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Ald Crawford moved that the contract be awarded to Mr. Martin he being the lowest bidder
Bills allowed
the following claims were read and ordered paid
Dr H Horr
Woodward Strinsky and Comp
John Fagler
James Kelly
Charles McMaster
Daily Herald
larry Daley
Key City Gas Company
George Wm Burden
T E Frith
Daily Times
Arnold Tschirgi
John Harvey
R W Rodgers
Charles J Brayton
Martin and Strane
Thomas Cunningham
Peter Olinger
Andrew Treadway and sons
Siege Bros
Dubuque Water Company
thomas Cunningham
John Duffin
Hough and Hardie
Frank Morgan
Key City Lime Works
Fengler and Johnston
Joseph reinfried
Fifth Ward Hose Co
H A Schunk Treas
Key City Gas Company
William Koenig
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Mrs. Koenig
Bernard Bernett
Gottfried Gmehle
T OSullivan
Daniel Nullady
John Hartig
Patrick Hughes
J W Newburgh Pagodas
N H Thedinga
Larry Daley
William Faust
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
N C Ryan
C J Brayton
C McElrath
Sol Turck Hose Comp
J J Linehan Engine Co
On motion of Ald Crawford the special assessment levied for a sidewalk on Julien Avenue
was referred to the committee on streets together with claim of John Mc Coy for $22.20
Ald Deckert moved that the claim of John McCoy of $90.35 for repairing of sidwalk on
Ninth and Iowa Streets be reconsidered and re-referred to the committee on streets
The claim of C H Robinson for $2.50 for rock furnished was referred to the committee
on streets
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The claim of the Western Telehone Company of $59.00 was referred to the committee on
The claim of Thomas Murray of $1.50 was referred to the city attorney
The claim of the daily telegraph for $100.00 was referred to the committee on printing
The claim of the Dubuque Furniture and Burial Case Company for $5.00 was referred to
the committee on claims
The claim of Farley Loetscher and Co for 2.50 was referred to the committee on fire
Ald Crawford called up the ice harbor matter Ald Kavanaugh moved that the marshal be
requested to require the attendance of the absent members
A recess of fifteen minutes was then taken
Upon reconvening Ald Crawford desired the consideration of the proposition of M H Moore and
moved that a committee of one from each ward be appointed with mayor Linehan as chairman
to confer with Messrs Booth and Stout as to what they would recommend to the city
Regular Session October 2, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Council adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Mayor appointed as such committee Ald Clancy Altman Jones Glab and Deckert
On motion of Ald Doerfler the chairman of the committee on Fire was authorized to make
a purchase of six rubber coats for the fire department
Ald Crawford moved that the action postponing the election of a policeman to fill vacancy
be reconsidered The yeas and nays were had on the motion and was rejected by the following
Yeas Ald Crawford Deckert and Olinger 3
Nays Ald Clancy Doerfler Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 5
Council then adjourned
Martin Kane
Special Session October 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Mayor Linehan stated that the object of the call of the council meeting was to hear the proposition
of C H Booth and to take some action on the same as Mr Booth had refused to accept a
proposition prepared by the committee appointed at the last session of the council which the
mayor explained to the councilmen but which Gen Booth declined to accept
The following is the proposition of Gen Booth
Dubuque October 4, 1882
Hon J J Linehan Mayor
Dear Sir
I observe in the morning papers reports of my inerview with you and the committee of the council
yesterday which in some respects are not entirely correct. As the council may act taking these
reports to represent correctly my proposals I will give them in my own language that there may be
no misunderstanding in the action the council may take on this important subject this afternoon
First off the
Special Session October 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Council should accept my original proposition after the conveyances have been made by each
party as therein stipulated a plat of that portion of the property becoming vested in Stout and
Booth dedicating streets alleys and a public levee would be presented to the city council for its
approval and acceptance This plat would be made to conform to the original map of the Central
Island Improvement Company which was exhibited and it seemed satisfactory to the committee
on this plat the 100 feet strip on the river levee was also to be designated to be here after
deeded as required by teh city for the use of railroad tracks the city to fill to the established
grades Fourth and Fifth streets and alleys across said strip when the property owners on said
streets beyond were ready to fill and utilize the lots on said streets beyond
Second if the ice harbor could not be secured for the city otherwise I would consent to sell to
the city the entire property known as the Central Island Improvement Company property for the
sum of $20000
Third to sell to the city that portion of said property south of Third Street for $12000
Fourth on that portion south of the line in my original proposition for $10000
If my proposition number one should be accepted I made an additional proposition to sell
Special Session October 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
to any party city or any one else any portion of the property north of the division line I propose
after the plat is filed and approved by the city to improve much of this property before offering
it for sale and it would entirely be inexpedient for me to part with that portion lying along the
south side of Third Street which from its location is the first to be improved and utilized upon
securing the proposed ice harbor It is chiefly in this particular that the reports misrepresent my
Each proposition is made for acceptance separately from the other and the several
propositions were made that any one might be accepted but not to give the privilege of accepting
the favorable portions of any two or more or the whole of one and the favorable portions of
Respectfully yours
C H Booth
On motion of ald Glab the above proposition was referred to the committee of the whole
Ald Doerfler offered the following
Whereas it is deemed eexpedient and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to alter
and widen Eleventh Street in said city west of Spruce at a point where said Eleventh Street
runs along lot 13 in Farleys subdivision of outlos 703 704 704a 717 717a and 718
Special Session October 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
In said city and by taking for public street purposes a strip off the northerly end of said lot 13
50 feet long and 3 4/10 feet wide on the east end and 3 8/18 feet wide on the west end
Therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
That the city engineer make a survey and plat of said proposed change and widening of said street
to wit a strip off the northerly end of said lot 13 in width at the easterly end 3 4/10 feet and in width
at the westerly end 3 8/10 feet and 50 feet long showing the said strip street and lot where
said proposed change is to be made giving the owner or ownes thereof and the quantity of land
proposed to be taken and file said plat and survey in his office for public inspection and give
such notices as are required by ordinance to the owners thereof of the strip and land so
proposed to be taken for public street purposes
The resolution was adopted
The petition of James Cushing to cancel the penalty and interest due on his taxes of 1881
was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of William Rebman to cancel the sidewalk tax on lot of outlot 673 was referred to
same committee
martin Kane recorder
Special Session October 9, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
The mayor eplained that he had called the councilmen together for the purpose of hearing a
report of citizens committee in relation to the ice harbor
On motion of ald Crawford the rules were suspended in order to allow the chairman of the
committee to addres the council or present any communication they saw fit and proper
Ex Mayor Thompson presented the resolutions adopted at the meeting of citizens which was
read as follows
Whereas it is important that the title to the location for the ice harbor as selected by the
government be procured immediately upon terms at once just to the city and the parties owning
said premises
Therefore be it resolved by the board of trade and citizens in meeting assembled that we
Special Session October 9, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
to the city council of the city of Dubuque to procure the title to said site for the ice harbor upon
the terms following to wit
The city to relinquish to Messrs Booth and Stout all right and claim to the property formerly
owned by the Central Island Improvement Company lying north of said proposed ice harbor
except the outer levee as shown on th eplat of said central island improvement company
and the one hundred foot strip lying immediately east of the twenty foot strip heretofore reserved
for an additional bridge company track
In consideration whereof said booth and stout to convey to the city of Dubuque to be used
in perpetuity for an ice harbor and surrounding levees all the property lying south of a line
running parallel with Third Street and one hundred feet south thereof and north of the north line
of the Dubuque Harbor Company's property
And further that the city shall not be required to fill any streets connecting with the levees of the
ice harbor and in other portions of the plat to be filed until the owners of the property adjoining
said streets property fill said property to grade It being understoood that nothing within the
paragraph has any reference whatever to the filling of any street or alley by the city north of
Third Street
Special Session October 9, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Hon J K Graves addressed the council in favor of the ice harbor and thought it would be of
great importance to teh city
Ald Jones moved that the above resolutions adopted at the citizens meeting be accepted by
the city council and that the necessary steps be taken to carry out the purposes therein stated
the yeas and nays were called for by Ald Altman and the motion of Ald Jones adopted by the
following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Nays Ald Doerfler 1
On motion of Ald Glab the city attorney was requested to draw up the necessary papers to
consummate the trade between Gen Booth and the city and submit them to the city council
to conform to above resolutions
On motion of Ald Kavanaugh the resignation of Ald Crawford as Mayor Pro tem was not
acceptedAld Jones moved that a committee of one alderman from each ward by appointed
to confer with Major Durham in relation to the work to be done on the Ice Harbor
The mayor appointed ald Jones Altman Clancy Deckert and Glab as such committee
Special Session October 9, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Foley 1
Ald Crawford called attention to the opening of Fourteenth Street to the effect that it would
be necessary to build a bridge across near the road at the residence of Ex Mayor Bush for
his accommodation
Ald Altman moved that the committee on streets be empowered to have the said bridge constructed
at a cost not to exceed $200.00
Ald Jones amended to refer the matter without power amendment lost by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Doerfler and Jones 3
Nays Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Glab Kavanaugh and Olinger 6
The original motion to refer with power was then adopted
B B Richards presented a petition in relation to his assessment for 1882
Referred to the committee and equalization
The council then adjourned
Attest Martin Kane
City Recorder
Special Session October 27, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 6
Absent Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler and Olinger 4
The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to take necessary action upon the deeds
and other papers prepared by the city attorney upon the ice harbor property owned by
Messrs Booth and Stout and that owned by the city north of Third Street etc
The deeds of conveyance more then read by the city attorney between Messrs Booth and Stout
to the city and between the city of Dubuque and Mrssrs Booth and Stout and the Central
Island Improvmenet Company said deeds being properly prepared
Ald Crawford moved that the said deeds be approved by the city council
The city engineer presented a plat of the grounds of teh property but not being quite complete
action was deferred until Messrs Booth and Stout would ask the council to accept it when complete