W Roll_16 Part 2Special Session October 27, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 6
Absent Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler and Olinger 4
Ald Crawford offered the following
Whereas the city of Dubuque has this day obtained title to the following premises to wit
Commending at the intersection of the north line of Third Street with the center of the Dubuque and
Dunleith Bridge Company track which point is distant 125.1/2 feet from the southeast
corner of city lot 747 measured on the north line of Third Street extended Thence Easterly on said
line of third Street extended 67 & 80/100 feet to the angle in said Third street Thence Easterly
along the north line of Third Street as shown on map of Central Island Improvement Company
Addition one hundred and Sixty Two and 15/100 feet Thence at right angles to said Third
street one hundred and sixty four feet thence easterly and parallel with said Third street fifteen
hundred and thirty three 3/10 feet C1533 3/10 feet to the Mississippi River Thence southerly along
the right to the north line of the Dubuque Harbor Company's addition Thence westerly along
said line to the center of the Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge company's track Thence northerly along
the center of said track to beginning excepting and reserving a strip twenty 20 feet wide
easterly from the center of said
Special Session October 27, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Crawford Deckert Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 6
Absent Ald Altman Clancy Doerfler and Olinger 4
Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Company track extending from the north line of the Dubuque
Harbor Company's Addition to the north line of Third Street extended
And whereas under the terms of the conveyance aforesaid the said premises are to be used
in perpetuity for an ice harbor
Therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the United States Government
be and is hereby permitted authorized and empowered to dredge and otherwise improve and
maintain the said premises for an Ice Harbor in perpetuity
The said city reserving all proper municipal control with the right to exercise all proper municipal
police regulations over the premises aforesaid
The resolution was adopted
Ald Jones moved that the recorder be requested to furnish a copy of the above resolution for
Major Durham and to send the same to him
Mayor Linehan consented to act in the capacity of Chairman of the Committee of the whole
Martin Kane
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
City Council met in regular session at 9 oclock am
Rules were suspended to allow Messrs W J Knight and Edward Langworthy to address the
Mr. Langworthy complained at the valuation of his property and asked for a reduction to be made
in his assessment for 1882 his petition having been referred to the committee on equlization
On motion of ald Crawford Mr Langworthy's petition together with all petitions of a similar nature in
the possession of said committee was referred to the committee of the whole
Mr. Night addressed the council in relation to laying of tracks and presented a petition asking
permission for the Illinois Central Railroad Co to run them through and over certain streets in
the city
Ald Crawford moved that the petition of said company be referred to the committee of the
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Mr Knight also asked for a reduction of assessment of moneys and credits for 1882
Referred to committee of the whole
Minutes were then read of the October sessions and ordered approved
The petition of Helen Finley for correction of assessment was refered to committee of the whole
the petition of Sophie Stange for reduction of assessment was referred to the same committee
The petition of Rachel A Wright to reduce assessment was referred to the same committee
The petition of Absalom Cain to correct assessment was referred to the same committee
The petition of John Flanagan was referred to same committee
The petition of Elizabeth Manson was referred to the same committee
Of Agenes Langworthy and F J Massey to teh same committee
Of John Theis to the same committee
Of the Key City Furniture Co to the same committee
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Of D E Lyon referred to the same committee
Of Wm Hintrager referred to the same commitee
Of W J knight referred to the same committee
Of B B Richards referred to the same committee
Of J H Shields and C A Matthews referred to the same committee
Of Edward Langworthy referred to the same committee
the petition of Henry Hagerman by McCeney and ODonnell asking to make a settlement of suit
was referred to the committee on claims and city attorney
W J Cantillon presented a petition protesting against payment of special assessment of Roberts
Avenue Rules were suspended and Mr Cantillon addessed the council stating that the work had
not been in accordance with plans and specifications
The petition was then referred to the committee on streets for consideration
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Rosa Ann McBride presented a petition through Pollock and McNulty her attorneys asking for
a settlement and compromise of suite and judgement upon the following conditions
1st the city pay the cost and damage of said suit
2nd the city pay and redeem from tax sale lot in dispute in said case both special and general
up to date
3rd the city pay the petitioner the sum of $25.00 and the said petitioner to transfer the fee simple
title of that portion of said lot in dispute upon which said wall now stands to the city of Dubuque
Referred to a special committee consisting of Ald Jones Doerfler and Altman
The petition of Zumhoff and San for a reduction of assessment was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of Joseph Brouillette to compensate him for a wall built by him to protect property
in Rogers subdivision was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of John J Geiger asking to repair Windsor Avenue sewer was referred to the committee
on streets
The petition of Peter Kiene to reduce assessment was referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the petition of the Dubuque Paper Company by George Crane attorney asking exemption
of taxes for eight years was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of N C Ryder to order obstructions removed from the covered sewer on the south side
of 15th street at the crossing of Locust was referred to the committee on streets with power
the petition of DeWitt C Cram to cancel from assessment roll lots 42 and 43 in McCraney's First
addition as the same had been purchased for school purposes was referred to the committee
on delinquent tax
The petition of John T Hancock to correct assessment for 1882 was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of H B Glover and company to reduce their for 1882 was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of Mr V Brulot to cancel her tax on lots nos 132 133 and 134 in finley and Burton's
addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Mary Boyle to cancel her tax of 1881 was referred to committee on delinquent
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
John Kraher petitioned for a crossing at south side of Fourteenth and Clay streets Ald Jones
moved that the prayer of the petition be granted Amended by Ald Crawford to refer to the
committee on streets
Amendment was adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab and Kavanaugh 7
Nays Ald Jones and Olinger 2
City Engineer presented a plat of lot 13 of Farley's subdivision of outlots 703 704 704a 717 717a
and 718
Received and filed
Council adjourned to 2 o'clock
City Council met at 2 oclock pm
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The petition of Mat Morgan to refund him interest paid amounting to $4.50 was referred to the
committee on claims
The petition of Mary A Pollock asking a reduction of assessment on lot No 29 Nairns addition
was referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The petition of Dubuque County by W J Cantillon Attorney asking the cancelling of tax sale of
lot 202 to Wm Hintrager was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of Mrs James Donnelly to cancel the tax of 1882 on lots no 10 and 11 in Finley's addition
was refered to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Fengler and Johnston to have High Street repaired north to N 5th Street was
referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Michael Flynn asking reduction of assessment for 1882 was referred to the
committee of the whole
The petition of Henry Grimm for a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of Frank russo et al for a sidewalk on High Street from Kniest Street to Johnson
Avenue and from Lake to High Streets was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Steiner and Parker for reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to
committee of the whole
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the petition of Fanny A Stuart for reduction of assessment of the south 41 feet of N mo out
fifth of lot 441 was referred to the committee of the whole
Bernard Schulte reported that he had appointed the following as assistant public weighers of
Chas Pitschner 4th ward
M Wagner 5th ward
S B Rice 3rd ward
Received and filed and ordered approved
the following was read from W G Stewart
To the Hon Mayor and city council of Dubuque Iowa
You are hereby notified the undersigned W G Stewart will appeal to the next February term of
the circuit court in the matter of his petition of September 4th 1882 and special report adopted
thereon October 2 1882 in regard to his protest against the special assessment against his
property abutting on the east side of Water Street to pay for macadamizing said street
W G Stewart per attorney
Service accepted P W Crawford mayor pro Tem
Dubuque Oct 18th 1882
Received and filed
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
James Hedley Auctioneer presented a statement of sales made for the month of October
receipt of the treasurer attached for the sum of $229 being 5 percent due the city paid under
received and filed
The petition of Mary Pollock to refund amount of over tax allowed by the council for 1881 was
referred to the committee on Finance
the petition of B J ONeill
asking reduction of assessment was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Henry Geiger et al to fill to grade lot No 88 in East Dubuque was referred to
Ald Glab Olinger and Clancy
the petition of P Lagen et al to repair alley from 4th to 5th streets between Iowa and Clay Streets
was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of J F Steiner asking an examination of the work of Seminary Street was referred
to the street committee
The petition of C M Woodworth to reduce his assessment for 1882 was referred to the committee
of the whole
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The petition of the Dubuque Oat Meal Mills Co et al asking the placing of lamps at the corner
of Seventh and Washington Stretes and at the corner of South and Jackson Streets was referred
to the committee on Police and Gas with power
The petition of the Dubuque Steam Supply Company asking a reduction of assessment of 1882
was referred to teh committee of the whole
The petition of A W Lynchh for a reduction of assessment on lot no 6 Ellen Corkery's subdivision was
referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mary Crowley asking a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to the
committee of the whole
The petition of a Thomas Cunningham to be allowed the sum of $18.75 for broken rock was
referred to the com
the petition of John Hafey et al for a policeman on Southern Ave from Dodge Street to Mr Schollians
old stand was referred to the committee on police
the marshal presented the following
Dubuque Iowa November 6 1882
To the honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque
Gentlemen I would respectfully recommend that a suitable room for the winter be procured for
the use of the police force on Main Street
referred to the com on Police with power by
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the following majority vote in the affirmataive
Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley Glab and Kavanaugh
Nays Ald Altman Doerfler and Olinger
The marshal reported the sum of $1019.90 due the regular and special police for the month of
October He also reported that 34 arrests were made during the same month Received from Justice
Hoerner 50 cents as fees and one dollar and a half from the sale of a hog at the pound
Report received and filed and the several claims were ordered paid
The street commissioner reported having expended $1342.45 during th emonth of October as
Southern avenue
Julien Avenue
West Eagle Point Avenue
East Eagle Point Avenue
Fifth Street Wall
Dodge Street Sewer
Crossings on 3rd and 4th
Tile Pipe 12th and Bluff
High Street
14th Street Bridge at Bush's
Cleaning and repairing
W H Foster
Total $1342.45
The above report was referred to the committee on streets to examine and report upon
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The auditor reported that the sum of $1158.74 was due the regular city officers and employees
for the month of October
Report received and filed and the different claims ordered paid
The treasurer presented the following
Dubuque November 6 1882
Mayor and City Council City of Dubuque
From estimates of street commissioner marshal auditor and recorder I find that the pay roll for
October will aggregate $6,500.00 There is n ow in th etreasury the sum of $5000.00 making it
necessary for the council to authorize the borrowing of $1500 to defray the city's October
As evidence by voucher hereto attached I have paid to the Dubuque Bilding and Loan Association
the sum of $205.91 for interest on loan warrants Nos 1426 1427 and 1428 from Sept 5 1881
to Sept 5 1882 The council will please order a warrant issued in my favor for this amendment
Yours very truly
HA Schrunk Treas
Report received and filed and ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of H A Schrunk Treasurer
for said amount of interest
City engineer presented the following
To the honorable mayor and city council of Dubuque
I was instructed
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
by your honorable body to prepare and present a grade for the alley in Wullweber's subdivision
and I would most respectfully state that I have prepared a profile of said alley but find it impracticable
to establish a grade at present sa the alley has no outlet toward the north and as the grade of
Blocklinger's alley where it intersects the said alley is fixed and established considerably above
the present surface of the alley the proposed grade would have to descend toward the north where
no provision exists for draining off the storm water
report received and adopted
The engineer presented a plat and profile together with a report upon the petition of John T
Hancock of lots nos 6 and 7 of Mineral lot 158 showing the quantity of land taken by Dodge and
Grand View Avenue
Referred to street committee
the engineer also presented profiles of Hart and Frances Streets and recommended that the
red line on each of said profiles be declared the official grade of said streets
referred to committee on streets
N C Ryan reported that he had weighed 200 drafts on the first ward scales during October Amount
received $30.00 receipt of treasurer attached for $4.50 fifteen percent
report received and filed
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The market master reported having weighed 357 drafts on the market house scales during
the month of October 1882 at 15 percent draft amount 453.55 Sale of confiscated butter $5.25
receipt of the treasurer attached To board of prisoners and lodgers 89 meals at 20 cents per
meal $17.80
report received and filed and ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of market master Rice
for $17.80
the wood measurer reported that he had measured during the month of October 2017 cords of wood
amount received $70.60
report received and filed
Wm Koenig pound master reported that he had received $13.00 from the impounding of animals
receipt of treasurer attached
report received and filed
T T Duffy justice rpeorted that he had tried two cases during the month of September for violation
of City ordinances Fines paid into the treasurery $3.00 receipt of treasury attached
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner reported that he had weighed 153 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the
month of October The gross receipts $22.95 receipt of treasurer attached for $3.45 being 15
percent of the amount
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Frank Fosselman reported that he had weighed 226 drafts on the Fifth Ward scales during the
month of October Gross receipts of $33.90 receipt of treasurer attached for $5.10 being 15
percent of the amount due the city
report received and filed
Lamp lighter reported that he had lighted 191 gas lamps during the month of October
report received and filed
The city recorder that he had issued licenses during the month of Ocober to the amount of $73.00
Report received and filed
The finance committee reported in favor of adopting the resolution authorizing the city attorney
to collect ten dollars from N C Ryan
report adopted
the same committee reported on the communication of McCeney and ODonnell Attorneys for
Mrs Atwell recommending that the matter of settlement be referred to a committee with power
Ald Crawford amended that the matter be referred to determine what kind of settlement could
be made and to report back to the council
The amendment was adopted and referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The committee on streets reported on the petition of John Abry et al to open Iowa Steel recommending
that the prayer of petitioners be granted and that Iowa Street be extended from Seminary Street
to Eagle Point Avenue provided the right of way can be obtained without expense to the city
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John McCoy recommending that the bill of
$80.35 for repairing sidewalk in front of city lot 169 situated on teh corner of Iowa and Ninth streets
be paid
report adopted
Also on the petition of catherine mcClain in relation to above sidewalk as follows
Your committee on streets are of the opinion that the repairing of the within mentioned sidewalk
was in accordance with the charter and ordinances under orders from the marshal and that the
amount charged by the contractor is not unreasonable
report adopted
also on the petition of Wm Helin for grade recommending that the prayer of the petition be
report adopted
Also on the estimate cost of improving alley 14 and 15 washington and Elm streets recommendng
that the said alley referred to within be macadamized at the expense of the abutting property the work
to be done after the frost is out of the ground next spring
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the claim of John McCoy of $22.20 as follows
To the city council the committee on streets to whom was referred the within bill of $2220
presented by John McCoy for repairing sidewalk in front of the residence of Mrs Marsh on
Julien avenue is of the opinion that the city is not responsible for said work the same having been
performed by Mr McCoy for Mrs Marsh at her request and that Mr McCoy should look to her and not
to the city for his pay
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of James Cushing et al asking extension of Valeria
Street as follows
To the city council your committee on streets would respectfully recommend that the prayer of petitioners
be granted provided they will present to this council a valid relinquishment of the right of way
for said street duly executed by all the owners of the ground taken
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution offered by Ald Deckert to improve Eagle Point
Avenue from Johnson to Windsor Avenue reporting that the improvement of Eagle Point Avenue
as ordered by resolution of last regular meeting is in progress and very nearly completed
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on th ereolutions of Ald Glab as following
Your committee on streets respectfully reports that the street commissioner and his deputy having
been discharged by the within resolution Your committee has employed mr George Reynolds
as principal foreman and timekeeper in charge of street work
report adopted
Same committee reported on the west locust street sewer as follows
Your committee on streets respectfully reports that the planking of the sewer on the south side
of West Locust street ordered at the last regular meeting has been about completed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the resolution having a special assessment for repairing
sidewalk against mineral lot 174 owned by Ann M March for $22.20 recommending that the
resolution be not adopted the work for which the assessment was proposed to have been made
not having been ordered by the marshal but performed by Mr McCoy in a private arrangement
between him and the owner of the property
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Pennock an dsons for the purchase of a road
machine that the city did not require a machine of that kind at present and that the recorder
be instructed to notify Messrs Pennock Sons and Company to that effect Also that the
communication be filed for future reference
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the petition of J R Flick and others remonstrating against the
improvement of Seminary Street from Madison Street west recommending that the petition be
received and filed
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the instructions to construct a bridge near John D Bush's
residence that the said bridge was about completed in accordance with the authority granted at
special session held October 9th 1882
report adopted
Same committee reported upon the order to expend $100.00 on the improvement of Eagle Point
Avenue that the improvement of Eagle point Avenue west of Couler Avenue as directed has been
report adopted
The chairman of the committee on printing Ald John Glab reported adversely on the bill of the
Daily Telegraph for the amount of one hundred dollars Ald Jones said he had not been consulted
as a member of said committee and objected to the adoption of the report On motion of ald
Olinger the bill was re-referred to the same committee for more consideration
The committee on police and gas reported on the petition of thomas Reddin and others
recommending that a lamp be located on Cardiff Street
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the petition of James Mahony and others for a lamp at Nevada
Street and Julien Avenue recommending that a lamp be located at said place
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of C W Wullweber and others recommending that
a lamp be placed on Seminary Street
report adopted
The same committee reported upon the resolution of ald Doerfler recommending that lamp be placed
at the followng places One on White Street between Sanford Street and Eagle Point Avenue
one on Jackson Street between Sanford Street and Eagle Point Avenue and one at the corner of
Kniest and High Streets
Report adopted
The committee on delinquent tax reported on the petition of Bridget Burke recommending that the
tax of 1881 be cancelled
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Roselia Stroebel recommending that the
petition be received and filed as the tax of 1882 is not yet due
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition A W Lynch recommending that an order be drawn
for two dollasrs in favor of Petitioner for over assessment
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the same committee reported on the petition of Mrs Jane Young recommending that lots Nos 50 and
51 McDaniels Park Hill be exempted for the tax of 1881
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Ernest Buesch recommending that petitioner
be granted six months time to pay special assessment
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Magdalena Heeb recommending that petitioner
be allowed to py $10.00 in full for her tax of 1881
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Anna Pfiffner adverse to the prayer of said
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of James Cushing recommending that the treasurer
be authorized to receive interest from petitioner at 8 percent per annum
report adopted
teh same committee reported on the petition of Catherine Morrisey recommending that the tax
of 1881 on lot no 3 Dorgans Subdivision be cancelled
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Alex Simplot recommending that the treasurer
be authorized to receive interest at 8 percent per annum report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs James Linehan recommding that petitioner
have until October 1st 1883 to pay special assessment
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Ryan recommending that the city auditor
be instructed to redeem lot no 11 in Bradley's subdivision from tax sale for 1880
report adopted
The special committee reported on the petition of the Farley Loetscher Manufacturing company
recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted and taht the city attorney be instructed
to draw an ordinance giving right of way across Seventh Street and about one hundred feet on sidewalk
west side of Jackson street under proper restrictions
report adopted
The committee of the whole reported on the estimate cost of improving Sanford street from Couler
Avenue to Couler and the expense of a tile sewer from Couler Avenue to Couler Creek recommending
that action be deferred for the present
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of John Ruegamer to grant the charter to the erection
of Union Slaughter recommending to refer the petition to the committee on ordinances
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the same committee reported on the petition of Chas E Christian recommending that the prayer of the
petition be granted and that the taxes on manufacture of Iron and Wooden pulley wheels and other
special articles be exempt for a period of five years
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Edward Moore captain of police asking a salary
increase to $75.00 per month recommending that teh same be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the estimate of the city engineer on Dell Street recommending
that the same be referred to the committee on streets to report upon
Report adopted
the same committee reported on the estimate cost of filling the alley and sidewalk from 13th to
14th between Elm and Pine Streets presented by the Engineer recommending that the same
be referred to the committee on streets
Report adopted but action was reconsidered at the session held on the 8th inst
The same committee reported on the petition estimate made by the city engineer on filling
on 18th and maple streets recommending that the same be referred to the committee on
report adopted
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the petition of Patrick Quinn tendering his services as street
commissioner at fifty dollars for month recommending that the same be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the communication of Marshal Harriman asking an increase of
salary recommendng that the same be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition and claim of W E Massey recommending that he
be allowed fifty dollars as a balance for examination of books
report adopted
The committee of teh whole reported on the petition of the Illinois Central Railroad Company
recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted the same asking that Canal street
in Dubuque Harbor Company's addition to the city from Iowa Street to Warren Street be
vacated and annulled
ald Deckert moved that action on the report be postponed Mr W J Knight was permitted to
address the council and opposed the postponement as all the abutting property owners had
given their consent to the said vacation and also that proper notice was given through the press
to interpose any objection from interested parties
The yeas and nays were had as follows on the motion to postpone and was rejected
Yeas Ald Deckert and olinger 2
Nays Ald Altman clancy Crawford Foley Glab Jones and kavanaugh 7
Report of the committee was then adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Crawford Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Nays Ald Deckert and Olinger 2
The committee of the whole reported on the petition of Geo Rath and Co recommending that the
same be referred to the committee on streets to present a plan of the improvements asked
for and the cost of the same Report adopted but reconsidered at session of Nov 8 1882
The same committee reported on the proposition of C H Booth presented October 4 1882
in relation to the proposed Ice Harbor recommending that the same be received and filed
report adopted
The same committee reported on the proposal of C H Booth submitted August 23 1882 in
reference to the title to property selected for an Ice Harbor recommending to receive and file
the same
report adopted
Mayor Linehan acting chairman of committee of the whole recommended that the petition of
D J Hennessy objecting to paying for a sidewalk on lot No 275 be referred to the city attorney
to present his written opinion upon the matter
the committee on ordinances presented the following ordinance which was read the first time
as follows
An ordinance to vacate Canal
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
street from Iowa street to Warren street in the dubuque harbor company's addition to the city
of Dubuque
Whereas at the regular session the city council of the city held in the month of October in the
current year a pettiion was presented by the Illinois Central Railroad Company asking that Canal
Street in the Dubuque Harbor Company's addition from Iowa street to Warren Street be
vacated and on said petition was endorsed the consent of A A Cooper that such vacation
be made
and whereas notice of the pendency of such application has been published in the city papes
for more than ten days and no objection has been made to the granting of the request made
in said petition and the premises abutting on said street to be vacated are all owned by
said Cooper and said company who are willing and desire said vacation
Therefore be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Section 1 that said Canal Street from Iowa Street to Warren Street be and the same is hereby
vacated and annulled and is hereby abandoned as a street anything in the existing ordinances
to the contrary notwithstanding
Sec 2 This ordinance shall take effect from and after one publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph the Dubuque Daily Times and the Dubuque Daily Herald newspapers published in
this city at the expense of the Illinois Central Railroad Company
Rule 29 was suspended by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Clancy Crawford Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Nays Ald Deckert and Olinger 2
The ordinance was then read a seocnd time and passed by a vote as follows
Yeas Ald altman Clancy Crawford Foley Glab Jones and Kavanaugh 7
Nays Ald Deckert and Olinger 2
Passed Nov 6 1882
Published Nov 7 1882
Ald Crawford moved that the city engineer be instructed to prepared plans and specifications
for constructing a bridge over 16th street on Couler Creek and the estimate cost of filling
riprapping to be done also the cost of constructing the said bridge and also that the recorder
advertise for bids and proposals for doing the work the plat was presented by Ald Crawford
of the proposed bridge
Ald Kavanaugh moved that teh construction of said bridge be postponed until next spring
Ald Deckert recommended to refer to the street committee with power
The yeas and nays were taken upon the amendment of Ald Deckert to refer and was lost by
the following vote
Yeas Ald Deckert Jones and Olinger 3
Nays Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Foley Glab and Kavanaugh 6
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The yeas and nays were had upon the motion of Ald Kavanaugh to postpone and adopted
by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman Crawford Foley Glab and Kavanaugh 5
Nays Ald Clancy Deckert Jones and Olinger 4
Ald Jones presented the following which was adopted
Resolved that the city recorder be instructed to draw a loan warrant in favor of L C Fuller for
the sum of Fifteen Hundred dollars $1500.00 dated Oct 4 1882 bearing interest at 6% per
annum and due April 4th 1883
Ald Jones offered the following which was adopted
Resolved that the city recorder be instructed to draw a loan warrant in favor of Margaret Joll
for the sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars $2500.00 dated october 4th 1882 bearing interest
at 6% per annum and due Oct 4th 1883
Ald Jones offered the following which was adopted
Resolved by the city council that the finance committee be instructed to borrow the sum of
fifteen hundred dollars $1500.00 for the purpose of paying the current expenses for the month
of October
Ald Crawford presented the following
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
the the city marshal be instructed to put a stop to the taking of sand from the streets and alleys
of the city and to arrest any persons guilty of doing so
resolution adopted
Ald Glab offered the following
Whereas it is with deep regret we have heard of the death of the hon J M Griffith which occured
in France a few days ago and that in his death the city of Dubuque has lost one of its most
enterprising and valuable citizens
Therefore resolved that this council sympathizes with his bereaved family and that we fully
recognize in his loss a great calamity to the city in that his voice and means were constantly
employed for the development of its resources and industries
Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the records and that the city recorder be
instructed to forward a copy to his bereaved widow
Resolution adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city Council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for macadamizing alley in Rogers subdivision by Spear and Lee contractors in
front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafer named situated and owned and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
John W Love 12 Rogers Subd 13 rogers Subd 14 Rogers Subd
Aug Lange 15 Rogers Subd 16 Rogers Subd
Michael Finnegan 17 Rogers Subd 18 Rogers Subd
A Broullete 19 Rogers Subd
D W Linehan 21 Rogers Subd 22 Rogers Subd
Celia Sprague 23 Rogers Subd 24 Rogers Subd
P F Guthrie 25 Rogers Subd
Nelly A Brunner 26 Rogers Subd
Adolph Schaeffle 27 Rogers Subd
James Lee 28 Rogers Subd
John Chestham 40 Kellys Subd 41 kellys Subd
A Bromillette 20 Rogers Subd
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Robert Brown E 1/4 42 kellys Subd
The foregoing resolution levying said special assessment was adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for guttering and macadamizing Seminary Street from West line of Madison
Street to West Line of cox's addition by M Deng Contractor in front of and adjoining the same
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Richard Cox 73 Cox's Addition
John R Flick W 2/3 74 Cox's addition
Moritz Flick E 1/3 74 Cox's addition 75 Cox's addition
Mary Joller 76 Cox's addition 77 Cox's addition
Mathias Flick 78 Cox's addition 79 Cox's addition
Chas Bornheiser 80 Cox's addition
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
P M harrington 81 Cox's Addition 82 Cox's addition 83 Cox's addition
Maurice Brown 84 Cox's addition 85 Cox's addition 86 Cox's addition 87 Cox's addition
Gottleib Weigele 88 Cox's addition
John M Ballon 89 Cox's Addition
T O Sullivan 90 Coxs addition
Richard Cox 91 Coxs addition
J F Steiner 93 Coxs addition
Henry Wagner 94 cox's addition
L F Farwell 95 Coxs Addition
J J Hart 96 Coxs Addition
Eph Yungling 97 cox's addition 98 cox's addition
J P Powell 99 Coxs addition 100 coxs addition
L Zust 101 Cox's addition 102 cox's addition
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Wm Young 103 Cox's addition
J L McCreery 104 Cox's addition
Mrs. Eugene Early 105 Cox's addition
Geo Clark 106 Cox's addition
Robt Waller 108 Cox's addition
S R Clarke 109 Cox's addition
Paul Kimdert 110 Cox's addition
Richard Cox 111 Cox's addition
P L Wullweber 112 113 114 115 116 117 Cox's addition
Resolution adopted Nov 6 1882
Ald Crawford presented the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for a sidewalk laid by John McCoy
conractor in front and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots and parts of lots and parcels of real
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
estate hereinafer named situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Catherine McClain 196 city
resolution adopted
Ald Deckert presented the following
be it reslolved by the city council of dubuque that one hundred dollars be appropriated for the
rebuilding of the bidge on the Millville or Holy Cross Road over the Bee Branch Creek The work
to be done under the direction of the street committee
referred to the committee on streets
The city engineer presented the following
M Deng by amount of grading done on Seminary Street west of Madison Street 1515 cubic
yards at 27 cents $409.05
the above is the correct amount of grading done on Seminary Street contract by M Deng
M Tschirgi Jr
City Engineer
ordered paid
Engineer presented a plat of the Ice Harbor from Messrs Booth and Stout
referred to committee on streets
On motion of Ald Kavanaugh the opening of bids for the improvement of Grove Street was
postponed to next meeting
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Ald Glab moved that a recess of fifteen minutes be taken
The yeas and nays were had on the motion and resulted as follows
Yas Ald Crawford Deckert Foley Glab 4
Nays Ald Clancy Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 4
it being a tie vote the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative and then declared the motion
Mayor Linehan stated that a butcher had made application for a license for six months
the claim of C J Brayton for the sum of three hundred dollars for making up the assessment roll
of 1882 was referred to the committee of the whole
The claim of the Dubuque Telephone Exchange Company of $171.00 was referred to the
committee on police and gas
the claim of McFadden Bros of 65 cents was referred to the committee on public grounds and
The claim of the daily telegraph of one hundred dollars was referred to the committee on printing
the claim of W H Rebman of $835.87 for improvement of Roberts Avenue was read Ald
Deckert moved that $100.00 be retained from said amount as complaint of the work done
had been made Mr Rebman was
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
permitted to address the council stating that the city engineer had certified to the claim and
reported the work to be satisfactory and desired the payment of the bill
The motion of Ald Deckert was then adopted
Ald Louis Doerfler chairman of the committee on fire reported as follows on the claim of G W
Gregory of $10.00
thsi bill has been before the committee on Fire and also committee on claims and both of the
committee reported adversely to within bill and on the above grounds the chairman of
committee on fire is unable to certify to within bill
Ald Jones moved that the claim be allowed
The committee on streets reported on the payroll of the street commissioner approving the
same and recommending that orders be drawn for the several amount reported du
report adopted
Ald Glab reported on the claim of $3.40 against WEst one half of lot 2 of subdivision of lot
2 of subdivision of lot 8 owned by Hannah OBrien for filling of said premises recommending that
the claim be received and filed
report adopted
Mr George Reynolds presented a claim for the sum of $60.00 as one month's salary as
Street Boss for October
Ordered paid and that a warrant be drawn to pay said amount
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
The city engineer presented the following bills properly certified to by said officer
to Spear and Lee Dr by furnishing stone for Fifth Street retaining wall
530 perches at 90 cents $4770
ordered paid
estimate amount of work completed on Dodge Street sewer by W H Rebman contractor up
to Nov 6 1882
300 lineal feet sewer at $3.50
600 cu yd grading at 35 cents
total $1260.00
The committee on streets recommended that Mr Rebman be allowed $500.00 on account
recommendation adopted
To Herbert Leicht
Filling High Street and Kniest Street
2893 cubic yards grading at 20 cents $5786 ordered paid
To E Schuster 29.63 cubic yards of macadam at 75 cents ordered paid
To Thomas Cunning ham 12 7/10 cubic yards at 75 cents
ordered paid
The following bills were then read and ordered paid
Larry Daley
George J Henion
Hansen and Linehan
Siege Brothers
John Driscoll
C McElrath
Dan Daley
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
wm Koenig
Farley Loetscher and Company
Key City Gas Co
McLaughlin and Reilly
Farley Loetcher and Company
John finnerty
Sol Turck Hose Company
J C Dunning
Farley Loetscher and Company
Wm Koenig
C H McMaster
S B Rice
Dubuque Water Company
John Harvey
Western Telephone Company
J J Linehan Engine Company
the Dubuque Daily Herald
Western Telehone Company
Joseph Geiger
B Lagen
Fred Schloz
Dubuque Water Company
Frank Fosselman
Joseph Hug
John F ODea
D D OConnell
The Iowa
the Iowa Iron Works company
Poole Gilliam and Company
Tueke Brothers
Fifth Ward Hose Company
W M Faust
C A velker (rubber coats)
Spear and Lee 2 crossings
John Kleih
John McCoy repairs to engine house
George W Burden
Times Company
John Rankin
M Downey
B D Linehan
Regular Session November 6, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 10
Warner Lewis
H A Schrunk
M Tschirgi Jr
F E Moser
Key City Gas Company
H A Schrunk
Byrne Brothers
Henry Haas
Key City Hook and Ladder Comp
M Downey
Gilbert Perry
H A Schrunk
Howard and Linehan
Thomas E Frith
Larry Daley
Arnold Tschirgi
Spear and Lee
By grading alley in rogers subd 188 cu yds at 29
by retaining wall
City council then adjourned to seven oclock PM Wednesday November 1882
Martin Kane
City Recorder
Regular Session November 8, 1882
Ald Crawford Mayor Protem in the Chair
Present Ald Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 7
Absent Ald Altman and Foley 2
Ald Glab moved that the bids and proposals for the improvement of Grove Sreet from the
street called Pearl to the South line of 12th street be opened and read
The bids were then opened and read as follows
Hugh martin
James Lee
Francis Van Wie
W H Rebman
Mr Martin being the lowest bidder was declared entitled to the work and on motion the contract
was awarded to him at the following prices
Grading 18 cents curbing 60 cents paving 50 cents macadam 24 masonry $2.50 coping 60 cnets
total amount $1380.12
Ald Glab moved that the action taken postponing the construction of the bridge over Couler
Creek on 16th street be reconsidered
Ald Jones then moved tha the plans and specifications be prepared by the city engineer and
that the recorder be directed to advertise for bids
Regular Session November 8, 1882
Ald Crawford Mayor Protem in the Chair
Present Ald Clancy Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 7
Absent Ald Altman and Foley 2
Mayor Linehan appeared and took the chair
Present Ald Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Glab Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 8
Absent Ald Altman and Foley 2
Ald Glab moved that the action had upon the postponement of the improvement of Bee Branch
bridge proposed in the resolution of ald Deckert be reconsidered
Ald Deckert then moved that the said resolution offered at the last regular session be adopted
being an expenditure of $100.00 on said bridge
ald Glab moved as an amendment that it be referred to the committee on streets with power
to repair said bridge
amendment adopted
On motion the action of the council on the estimate of city engineer upon the cost of filling alley
and sidewalk from 13th to 14th between Elm and Pine streets was reconsidered and Mr Reynolds
acting Street commissioner to do the necessary improvement
Ald Crawford moved that the committee on streets with the city engineer be directed to place
the pipe if found suitable for the purpose in the sewer near the location of the new paper mill
Mr M Flynn was permitted to address the council asking for a reduction of assessment
council adjourned
attest Martin Kane
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
Minutes of the November sessions were read and approved
Ald Crawford moved that all petitions asking for a reduction of assessment of the year 1882
be read by their title and referred to the committee of the whole
the petition of C S Bentley asking permission to erect a frame grain elevator on Lot No 23
Blooke Dr 28 at the corner of 6th and 7th streets was referred to the committee on fire with
John Sullivan presented a petition for the removal of obstructions on mineral street
Ald Olinger moved that the petition be referred to the marshal
the petition of Mary Brunskill asking for the correction of tax receipts was referred made
during the administration of Dan Riordan as treasurer was referred to the committee on
the petition of W H Peabody and others for a lamp post at the corner of West Fourteenth
Street was referred to the committee on police and gas
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
The petition of Mrs Bridget McMahon asking to cancel the tax on lot no 5 of Sub outlot 684
for the year 1882 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Albert Lente for a reduction of assessment of the year 1882 was referred
to the committee of the whole
The petition of Michael McMahon for a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to the
committee of the whole
The petition of E Scott to correct the assessment of the estate of George W Scott for the year
1882 was referred to the committee of the whole
the petition of J R Waller asking for a reduction of assessment of the year 1882 was referred
to the committee of the whole
the petition of William Corcoran asking a reduction of assessment of the year 1882 was
referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of E H Sheppley asking for a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to
the committee of the whole
the petition of George Richardson for a reduction of assessment of the year 1882 was referred
to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mrs Bernard Kistler for reduction of assessment was referred to the same
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
The petition of the Linwood Cemetary Association to cancel the tax against lots Nos 2 3 and
4 of the subdivision of the North East quarter of section 13 township 89 north of range 2 east
of the 5th pm for the years 1857 to 1877 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of the Linwood Cemetary Association to cancel the assessment of the year 1862 on the
south one half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of northeast quarter of section
13 to 89 north of range 2 east of fifth pm ws referred to teh committee on delinquent tax
The petition of A Graham asking for a settlement to be made with Mr Wm Hintrager on the
tax sale of lots nos 77 and 76 was referred to the committee on finance and attorney
The petition of Susanna Bornheiser asking to cancel her tax on lot no 23 subdivision of mineral
lot 149 for the year 1882 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Ann Curtis to cancel the tax of 1882 was referred to the committee on Del Tax
The petition of James Beach asking reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred to the
committee of the whole
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
The petition of Mrs Henry Wagner asking the cancelling of the tax of 1882 on lot no 94 Cox's
addition and lot no 1 of the subdivision of mineral lot no 105 was referred to the committee
on delinquent tax
The petition of George W Sackett to remit license and tax for the year 1882 was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of John Clark et al asking to reduce the grade of 17th street near Clark street was
referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Peter Schroeder and others asking to have repaired the gutter of the alley on the
west side of Clay Street between 16th and 17th streets was referred to the committee on
The petition of John Boeker for damages for falling in sewer at Heeb's Hollow was referred
to the committee on claims
J K Graves et al presented a petition asking for the extension of Fourth street on motion of
Alderman Jones it was referred to a special committee Mayor appointed as such committee
Ald Jones Clancy Altman Crawford and Doerfler
The petition of J K Graves and others to grant an ordinance giving right to operate a passenger
elevator on Fourth Street was referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
the petition of John D Bush asking the council to refund him $2000.00 paid on Henry Nightengale
settlement was read Rules were suspended and Mr Bush was allowed to address the council
on the matter and stated that he had paid the said amount through wrong legal advice on
motion the petition was then referred to the committee of the whole
the petition of the Standard Lumber Company to remove the obstructions on Seventh Street
between Washington and Jackson Streets was referred to the commitee on streets with
The petition of Charles Stewart to abate a nuisance on the northwest corner of 5th and Clay
Streets was referred to the committee on police and city marshal with power
The petition of N palen and others for a lamp at the northeast corner of 18th and White streets
was referred to the committee on police and gas
the petition of John Hafey and others for a lamp at the corner of dodge and locust streets and
one at or near the mill of J S Randall was referred to the committee on police and gas
The petition of Joseph Gehrig asking for a reduction of assessment of 1882 was referred
to the committee of the whole
the petition of Herman Tuegel for a removal of obstructions was referred to the committee
on streets
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
The petition of John Buecker and others asking for the construction of a bridge at West
Eagle Point Avenue crossings was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Mrs mary Gilmore for remission of one half the tax of 1882 was referred to
the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Mrs Elizabeth Martin asking for a reduction of assessment for the year 1882
on the estate of George W Martin in Martin's addition was referred to the committeeof the
the following communication was presented and read
To the honorable Mr Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Dubuque Iowa
The undersigned herewith presents a plat of Blocklingers Broadway Addition and request
your approval thereof
Very respectfully G Blocklinger
Dubuque IA Dec 2 1882
Ald Crawford moved that the said plat be approved
Amended by Ald Altman that it be referred to the committee on streets an the city engineer
to examine and report upon
Amendment was adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
the petition of Jms V Rider President for exemption of taxes of the Linseed Oil Company
was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of the Norwegian Plow Company asking exemption of tax of 1882 was referred
to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of Messrs A Palmer and T W Reute asking for a reduction of assessment of the
year 1882 on lots 729 and 731 of lot no 1 of subdivision of 653 was referred to the committee
of the whole
The petition of Consur to cancel the tax on lot no 27 finley's addition for hte year 1882 was
referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Annie E Coulan to redeem lot no 50 in Quigley's addition was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax with power
the petition of P H Harpin asking to be allowed the sum of five dollars for causing the raising
of a fire plug at the corner of Jones and Locust Streets was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of John Althauser et al asking the council to have the work at Stafford Avenue
discontinued was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Mrs M J Everett asking for a reduction of assessment of the year 1882 was
referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
The petition of Booth and Stout asking right of way over certain streets and alleys across the
one hundred foot strip extending from First Street to the alley between Fifth and Sixth streets
and adjoining on the east the 20 foot strip in Booth's addition was referred to the committee
of the whole
Marshal harriman reported the sum of $104170 due the regular police for the month of November
AD 1882 He also reported the number of arrests during the same month at 46
Report was received and filed and orders for the several amounts ordered drawn
Mr Reynolds acting street commissioner made the following report of the expenses made
on streets during November 1882
Grading approaches to fourteenth street bridge near Bush's
West Fourteenth Street
One crossing on 14th Street
Fifth Street near Alderman Glab's
East Eagle Point Avenue
Bee Branch Road
Fifth Street Wall
One Crossing on first street
11th and locust
11th and iowa
Julien Avenue
Locust Street South of Dodge
Street cleaning and general repairs
City carpenter one month
total $1439.40
Report referred to committee on streets
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
the city recorder reported having issued licenses during the month of November to the
amount of $190.00
report received and filed
Auditor Brayton reported the salaries of city officers and employees for the month of November
at $1244.24 objection was made to the amount reported due the street boss and on motion
the report was referred to the street committee and alderman glab to examine and report
upon at the afternoon session
Market master Rice reported 216 drafts at 15 cents per draft amuont collected $3240 REceipt
of treasurer attached for that amount Confiscated butter 75 cents receipt of treasurer attached
to S B Rice for board of prisoners and lodgers 108 meals at 20 cents per meal $21.60 and to attending
12 nights at fair at 1.00 each night $1200
report was received and filed and a warrant for amount due the said officer ordered drawn
Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 213 drafts on the west dubuque scales during November
The gross amount $21.95 receipt of treasurer attached for $4.80 being the 15 percent due
the city
report received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported having issued during the month of November on the fifth ward
scales 178 drafts Gross amount $26.70 Receipts of treasurer for $4.00
report received and filed
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
N C Ryan reported that he had weighed on the first ward scales during the month of Nov
200 drafts gross amount $30.00 receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.50
report received and filed
Bernard Schulte hog weigher reported that he had weighed 2418 hogs 420 quarters of
beef and 18 carcases of val on the different scales of the city during the month of November
Total receipts $163.88 Receipt of the treasurer attached for $24.60 being 15 percent due
the city
report received and filed
The pound master reported that he had received the sum of $2.55 from the impounding of
animals during the month of November receipt of treasurer attached for that amount
report received and filed
Wood Measurer reported having measured 1001 cords of wood during the month of November
received for measuring the same $42.50
report received and filed
Lamp Lighter reported having lighted 196 gas lamps during the month of Novmber
report received and filed
James F Hedley reported that he sold real estate and personal property during November
to the amount of $3228.92
report referred to the finance Com
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh and
Olinger 9
Absent Ald Deckert 1
City engineer presented the following report
December 4 1882
To the hon mayor and city council
I have examined the plat of Blocklinger's Broadway Addition and find it properly laid out and
moved respectfully recommend its adoption by the city council
M Tschirgi Jr
City Engineer
report adopted and plat ordered approved
Adjourned to 2 oclock PM
Council met at 2 pm
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The rules were suspended and Mr Absalam Cain ws permitted to address the council asking
for the cancellation of his assessment of moneys and credits of $10,000
ald Jones moved that the assessment on the moneys and credits be allowed to remain as
returned by the assessor
the committee on claims reported on the petition presented by W J Cantillon Attorney for
the county recommending that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order for $22.50
in favor of Hintrager to redeem mineral lot 202
report adopted
Regular Session December 4 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
the same committee reported on the petition of Mathias Morgan
Adverse to the same
report adopted
The special committee to whom was referrd the report of C J Brayton Auditor made the
following report
To the Hon City Council Your committee would respectfully report that we have no reason to
doubt the correctness of the auditor's statement and therefore recommend the payment of
the several amounts
P W Crawford
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of John Krayer asking for crossing
across Clay street on the south south south of 14th street reported recommending that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted
report adopted
The same reported on the petition of Frank Russo asking for the laying of a sidewalk on High Street
from Johnson Avenue to Kniest Street recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted
the sidewalk to be laid at the expense of the abutting property
report adopted
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of P Lagen and others asking that
the alley between Clay and Iowa and 4th and 5th streets be improved and put in proper condition
reported on the said petition recommending that petition be granted and that the alley be cleaned
and repaired as soon as the weather and frost shall premit
report adopted
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Messrs Fengler and Johnston for
the improvement of High Street north of Johnson Avenue reported that said street had been
repaired at an extent sufficient to render it passable and in fair condition and recommended
that further improvement be postponed until next spring
report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The same committee to whom was referred the petition JOhn J GEiger for the repair of the
Windsor Avenue Sewer reported recommending that the repair of said sewer be postponed
recommending that the time be placed until next spring
report adopted
The same committee to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Cunningham asking the
payment of $18.75 for macadam recommending the payment of the within bill
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition for the improvement of Fifth Street to the effect
that Fifth Street West of Nevada Street has been completed in a satisfactory manner
report adopted
The same committee reported on the plat of Booth's Addition as follows
to the city council of the city of Dubuque
Your committee on streets to which was referred the plat of Booth's Addition to the city of
Dubuque submitted by C H Booth and H L Stout the owners of the property embraced in said
Addition to the city Council for its approval respectfully report that we find the plat of said addition
to be correctly prepared according to law and the streets and alleys of a proper width and we
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
recommend that said addition be approved
Respectfully submitted
Ald P W Crawford Thos Kavanaugh H C Deckert Com on Streets
On motion of ald Jones the report of the committee together with plat was referred to the
committee of the whole
Ald John Glab chairman of the committee on printing reported as follows on the bill of the
Daily Telegraph
Your committee finds bill of Telegraph not correct as that paper refused on the 11th day of
April 1882 the proposition the council offered it saying that it did not want the city printing nor
the title of official paper under any such condition
Ald Deckert moved that the claim be re-referred to the same committee
The committee on Fire reported on the communication of chief Engineer for the sale of old
hose that the report made by the said officer was correct the receipt of Treasurer annexed and
recommended received and filed
report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The committee on Finance to whom was referred the petition of Mary Polluck reported on
the same recommending that the recorder be instructed to draw an order in favor of Miss Mary
Pollock for the sum of $2.40
report adopted
Ald Doerfler Chairman of the committee on fire reported on the claim of S B Rice Market
Master for $24.80 for oats for use of the Fire Department recommending that an order be drawn
in payment of the same
report adopted
Ald Doerfler reported on the bill of R T Whelpley of one dollar for hose apparatus recommending
that the same be paid
report adopted
The committee on fire reported the instructions to buy fire hose as follows
Your committee report that they have purchased 500 feet of hose at $1.20 per foot and recommend
that the council approve the action of the committee
report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The committee on fire reported on the claim of Mr R Whelpley for $600.00 for 500 feet of
hose recommending that teh same be paid as the hose had been tested and commitee were
satisfied with the same
Ald Jones moved that the bill be referred to the committee on fire with power
The same committee presented a contract with R J Whelpley on the purchase of said hose which
was ordered to be received and filed and placed on record
the committee on police and gas reported on the petition of Wm Helen et al asking for a lamp
post at the corner of 14th and Elm Streets that the same had been attended to
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of the Dubuque Oat Meal mill and others for
lamp posts on the corner on the corner of Seventh and Washington streets and at the corner of
Seventh and Jackson Streets That they had attended to the same
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of the C M and St Paul Failway company for Clay
Street crossing and gas lamps That they had performed their duty in the premises
Report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
the same committee reported upon the communication of marshal Harriman that the committee
had rented a room for the police
report adopted
The same committee reported upon the petition of John Hafey and others that the committee
report in favor of placing a policeman on Southern Avenue
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the bill of the telephone exchange company of $171
recommending that the same be received and filed
Report adopted
The committee on Delinquent Tax reported on the petition of William Rebman asking to cancel
the Special Tax against lots 5 and 6 of subdivision of lot 2 of outlot 673 as follows
Your committee report adverse to the prayer of the petitioner
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mrs James Donnelly asking to cancel her
tax recommending that the petition be granted
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Rachel Davis for cancellation of tax recommending
that the petition be granted
report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The same committee reported on the petition of Fred Burdt for remission of tax recommending
that the petition be granted
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of D W Cram asking for the exemption of tax
on lot Nos 42 and 43 McCraney's First Addition recommending that the petition be granted
Report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of Mary Boyle for exemption of taxes
recommending that the petition be granted
report adopted
The samea committee reported on the petition of mrs Vyverberg recommending that the tax for
1882 be remitted on lot No 3 East Dubuque
Report adopted
The special committee to whom was referred the petition of Rosa Ann McBride reported
as follows
The committee report in favor of compromising upon the first and third conditions named in the
written petition being that the city pay the cost and damage of paid suit and that the city pay
the petitioner $35.00
report adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The special committee to whom was referred the petition of Messrs Booth and Stout reported
as follows
To the city council of the city of Dubuque
Your special committee to which was referred the petition of C H Booth and H L Stout asking
the city council to grant them the right of way for a railway track across the strip of Dubuque East
of the Dubuque and Dunleeth Bridge Company between Third and Sixth Streets begs leave
to submit the following report
the track for which the right of way is asked by Petitioners is intended shall cross the strip
owned by the city on a curve from same point on the bridge company track between fourth
and fifty streets and run thence to some oint on the levee in the main river North of Third
Street It will aslso necessarily cross or occupy some portion of the streets and alleys shown
on the plat of Booth's Addition The petitioners propose to construct the track for the purpose of
filling and otherwise improving their property between the Ice Harbor and Sixth Street and
also in order to afford permanent connection between the tracks of the different lines of
railways crossing into the ciyt and the levee and the warehouses manufactories mills and
other enterprises which they con-
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
confidently anticipate will be constructed and put in operation on their property in the near f
As the privilege asked for is desired by our own citizens for the purpose of enabling them
to improve and build up and render valuable a portion of the city at present valueless your committee
reccomend that the prayer of the petition be granted on the condition however that the track
across the citys ground shall be put in at upgrade to be approved by the city council and in
such a manner as not to obstruct or interfere in any way with the use of said strip by any lines
of railway which may hereafter be authorized by the city to be laid thereon And on the further
condition that the city shall have the right to improve any reasonable police regulations and to
require said Booth and Stout their assigns or legal representations to plank pave or macadamize
between and adjacent to the rails of their said track where it may cross said strip or any street
or alley which it may cross or occupy in Booth's addition
respectfully submitted
P W Crawford
P C foley
Pat Clancy
Referred to the committee of the whole
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The committee of the whole made the following reports upon the several petitions all of which
were severally adopted
to reduce the assessment of Messrs Steiner and Parker to $12000
to place the assessment of Absalom Cain on moneys and credits at the figures returned by
the city assessor being to cancel the same to the amount of ten thousand dollars
Reduce the assessment of D E Lyon on moneys and credits to $650 for 1882
To grant the petition of W J Knight asking for a reduction of moneys and credits $5000.00
Reduce the assessment of Mary A Pollock on lot no 29 Wairn's Addition to $2200.00
Reduce the assessment of B J O'Neill on real estate to $12800 and on merchandise from
$1500.00 to $750.00
to reduce the assessment of C Wilber on Lot NO 7 to $700.00
On the petition of Wm Hintrager further time was granted and ordered that petitioner be requested
to appear before the committee of the whole
To receive and file the petition of Mary Crowley asking to reduce assessment
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
To reduce the assessment of the Dubuque Steam Supply to $25000.00
To reduce the assessment of John Theis to $900.00 on moneys and credits
To place the assessment of Mrs Agnes Langworthy at $4425 divided as follows
City M d 2/3 E 1/4 of lot 500 at $325 the und 2/3 E 1/2 of 505 at $2650 and lots 203 204
and 205 at $450.00
to place the assessment of Fred J Massey at $1985 as follows City und 1/3 E 1/4 of lot 500 at
$660 City und 1/3 E 1/2 of lot 505 at $1325.00
To place the assessment of Edward Langworthy at $17850
That the Dubuque Paper Company be exempt from taxes for six years except the assessment
of lot no 1 in the subd of out lot 504 in the city of Dubuque which shall be assessed at its real
To reduce the assessment of C M Woodworth to $10000 on the S 1/5 of lot 476
That the assessment of the key city furniture company be placed at a reduction of five thousand
To reduce the assessment of Michael Flynn on lots Nos 5 and 6 Bonson's Addition to $400.00
That the assessment of JOhn T Hancock be reduced to $1500
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
That the assessment of Geo Zumhoff and Sons be reduced on lots Nos 5 and 6 to $400.00
That the assessment on two vehicles and one horse be cancelled and that the assessment
on the north one half of 245 be reduced to $2000
To reduce the assessment of Messsr J H Shields and C A Matthews to $1500.00 on lot 6
of subdivision of Lot 2 of numeral lot 29
That the assessment of H B Glover and Comany be reduced to $50,000.00
To reduce the assessment of Helen Finley on City Lot 25 to $38000 cancel the assessment on
one horse and reduce assessment on moneys and credits to $12,000.00
That the assessment of John Flanagan be reduced to $4200.00 on City lot N 1/5 oof 433
To reduce the assessment of RAchel A Wright to $6000.00 on moneys and credits
That the petition of Sophie Stange for a reduction of assessment be received and filed
To receive and file the petition of Elizabeth Manson asking for a reduction of assessment
That the assessment of Peter Kiene be reduced to $28000.00 on city lot No 13
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
That the assessment of Fanny a Stuart be reduced to $2400.00 on S 41 feet N M 1/5 of 441 city
By consent the petition of C J Brayton City Auditor for an increase of salary was withdrawn
for more deliberation
That the petition of H Grimm for a reduction of assessment be referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
Ald Jones offered the following resolution
Resolved that the services of the Wharf Master be dispensed with from date until further notice
and the recorder be instructed to do so inform him
Resolutions adopted
ald Jones offered the following
Inasmuch as the Booth and Stout deed to the city in relation to the transfer of the Ice Harbor
property does not conform to the resolution adopted by this council
Be it resolved that the matter be referred to a special committee consisting of one Alderman
from each ward and the city attorney for the purpose of having new deeds made or to have the
same modified so as to conform to the true intent and meaning of the resolution adopted by
the council
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
the foregoing resolution was adopted and the mayor appointed the following committee
Ald Jones Kavanaugh Foley Glab and Deckert together with the city attorney
Ald Jones offered the following resolution
Resolved that the city recorder be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of D G Scot Agent
for the sum of thirteen hundred dollars dated Nov 8th 1882 due Nov 8th 1883 drawing six
percent interest per annum
Resolution Adopted
Ald Jones offered the following
resolved that the city recorder be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of P Broderick for the
sum of one hundred dollars dated Nov 9th 1882 due May 9th 1883 drawing 6 percent interest
per annum
resolutuion adopted
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
Nov 14th 1882 due May 14th 1883 drawing 6 percent interest per annum
Resolutuion adopted
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk four feet wide of good two
inch plank be within 30 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with teh ordinance
in relation to sidewalks on both sides of High street between Kniest street and Johnson Avenue
the yeas and nays were had upon the resolution above as follows
Yeas ald Clancy Crawford Deckert Foley and Kavanaugh 5
Nays ald Altman Doerfler Glab Jones and Olinger 5
Not having two thirds the mayor decided that teh resolution was rejected Ald Altman then
moved that the resolution be referred to the committee on streets
Ald Glab presented the following
Resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that the city council will not hereafter authorize the payment of any claim by any city officer for
extra labor or services unless such labor or services shall have been previously ordered by
the city council
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The foregoing resolution was referred to the committee of the whole by the following
majority vote
Yeas Ald Clancy Doerfler Deckert Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger 7
Nays Ald Glab and Crawford 2
Ald Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that to pay for Curbing guttering and macadamizing Seventh Street from White to Jackson
Street by H Martin contracor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on teh several lots and parts of los and parcels of real estate hereinafter named
situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite ech lot or parcel of real estate
as follows
B H Campbell 358 city
C G Wullweber Est 359 city
C H booth
Farley Loetscher Manufacturing co
Above Resolution adopted Dec 4 1882
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
Ald Glab called attention to the adverse actions had upon the bill of John McCoy of $22.20
at the last regular session of the council the same being presented for laying of a sidewalk
for Mrs Marsh on Julien Avenue and moved that it be reconsidered the amount paid and
the city engineer requested to submit the special assessment against the property owner
ald Deckert amended to postpone action until the deputy marshal would make a report in
regard to the laying of the said sidewalk
The amendment was carried
the following was read from Treasurer Schrunk
Dubuque Dec 4 1882
To the mayor and city council of Dubuque
From estimates of street commissioner auditor recorder and marshal I find that the payroll
for November aggregates about $10,000 There is in the treasury $5,000 which will probably
be largely increased prior to Thursday Hence the council should authorize the Finance Committee
to borrow whatever sum may be needed on Thursday next
I have paid mrs J A Hooper $36.00 interest on loan warrant No
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
2014 as per voucher attached attached for which I ask that a warrant be drawn in my favor
respectfully H A Schrunk
Ald Jones moved that the report of the treasurer be received and filed and that a warrant be
drawn in favor of treasurer schrunk for said amount of interest $36.00
The deputy marshal having arrived on motion of Ald Jones he was requested to submit a
written upon the sidewalk laid by John McCoy for Mrs marsh on Julien Avenue
Ald Jones offered the following
resolved that the mayor and aldermen receive as compensation for their services for the year
1882 the same respective amounts as for the year 1881 being six hundred dollars for the
mayor and three hundred dollars for each of the aldermen and the city recorder be hereby
instructed to draw warrants in their favor for the several amounts
the yeas and nays were had upon the resolution and was carried and adopted by a vote of
9 to 1 as follows
Yeas Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Jones Kavanaugh and Olinger
Nays Ald Glab
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
Ald Crawford moved that the action upon the resolution providing payment of the mayor and
aldermen be reconsidered
the motion was defeated
The committee on streets reported upon the report of the street commissioner recommending
the payment of the several amounts reported due the parties named on the within payroll
report adopted
Alderman Deckert moved that the street commissioner's services be dispensed with and
W H Foster be employed in his stead at a salary of fifty dollars per month
A vote was taken upon th emotion and rejected by 4 for and 5 against as follows
Yeas Ald Doerfler Deckert Glab and Jones 4
Nays Ald Clancy Crawford Foley Kavanaugh and Olinger 5
Ald Jones moved that the action taken upon the motion of Ald Deckert be reconsidered
ald Glab moved that the street committee be given the power to employ a street boss if they
saw it necessary to do so
Ald Glab withdrew the motion
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
ald Jones moved that Mr Reynolds be dispensed from further charge of street work
Ald Deckert moved that the council appoint a man as street boss
Mr George Reynolds tendered his resignation
The deputy marshal presented the following
to the Hon Mayor and city council of Dubuque
In accordance with Chapter 27 Sec 3 of the ordinance in relation to sidewalks I have notified
Mrs Marsh to repair the sidewalk on mineral lot 174 Julien Avenue on the 6th day of May 1882
and she had neglected to repair the same therefore by her instruction I sent John McDoy
to her to have the same repaired which he has done
respectfully submitted
John ONeill
Deputy Marshal
report received and filed
On motion of Ald Crawford Mr McCoy's bill against the aforesaid sidewalk was ordered
paid amounting to $22.20 ald Jones moved that the committee on streets be instructed
to have special assessment prepared
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
The bids for the improvement of 16th street bridge by constructing one over Couler Creek
and for the improvemnet of the alley from Washington to Elm streets between 14th and
15th streets were opened and read and a recess for 15 minutes taken.
Upon reconvening Ald Crawford reported as follows upon the bids referred to above
D R Jones 16th st bridge
W H Rebman
Hugh Martin
James Crawford
On motion of Ald Jones the contract of building the sbove named bridge was awarded
to Mr D R Jones he being the lowest bidder
Alley Washington to Elm
J E Foye
W H Rebman
A Licht
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
Hugh Martin
Mr Hugh Martin being the lowest bidder the contract of improving the said alley ywas awarded
him but the macadamizing not to be completed till next spring
the following bills were then read and were ordered to be paid
G Boxleiter
Dubuque F and B Case Co
W M Faust
L D Randall and Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
F A Grifke
McFadden Bros
F Kleih
Dubuque Steam Supply Co
Western Telephone Co
Pat Clancy
H A Schrunk
John D Metz
Peter Olinger
D D Nitteraner
C N Clark and Co
W H Rebman Steiner
John Burns
J J Linehan Eng Co
Wm G Watters
Blackner and Post
H A Schrunk
Hough and Hardie
M Durg Seminary Street
P Olinger
Flanagan and Company
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
Howard and Linehan
Spear and Lee
Hugh Martin
Mrs Koenig
M Downey
Spear and Lee
George Hinkson
Fred Lieber
S M Langworthy
wm Morgan
Asa Roberts
Arnold Tschirgi
Pier and Ackerman
Sol Turck Hose Co
Farley Loetscher and Co
A HOerr
Dubuque Daily Times
Larry Daley
G F ODea
John Rankin
W P Allen
P Domenig
K City Hook and Ladder Co
Vogel and Ferguson
John smith
C W robison
Key City Gas Company
Dubuque Water Company
Jos Reinfried
F H Finke
John Sigg
J F Conant
R Highland
Joseph Heig
wm R Pearce
Geo W burden
Dubuque Water Comp
Christman and Healey
F W Kringle
Standard Lumber Co
spear and Lee
Dubuque Daily Herald
Regular Session December 4, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Glab Jones Kavanaugh
and Olinger 10
the claims of F C Tuttle of $3.00
T O'sullivan 3.00
Wm G Watters 1.25
Healey and Christman of foty cents were also ordered paid
Engineer Tschirgi presented the following
Estimate amount of grading and lineal feet of sewer completed on dodge street sewer by W H
Rebman contractor up to Nov 6 1882
300 lineal feet sewer
600 cubic yards grading
On the above committee on streets reported recomending that the contractor Wm Rebman be
allowed $500.00 on account
Report adopted and ordered that an order be drawn in favor of Mr Rebman for $500.00
The citu council then adjourned
Martin kane
Special Session December 14, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Jones Kavanaugh 9
Absent Ald Glab 1
Ald Doerfler chairman of the committee on fire reported on teh bill of R T Whelpley of $600.00
for fire hose recommend the payment of the bill was $15.00 as discount allowed by parties
report adopted
Ald Doerfler then offered the following
Resolved by the city council that the city recorder be instructed to draw an order for R T
Whelpley in the sum of $585.00 to pay for 500 feet of hose purchased by the committee on
fire for the use of the fire department being a reduction of two and a half percent on the first
charge of $600
Resolution adopted
Ald Doerfler also presented a receipt from mr R T Whelpley for $12.00 on account paid Nov
21 1882
Ordered that it be received and filed
Special Session December 14, 1882
Mayor Linehan in the chair
Present Ald Altman Clancy Crawford Doerfler Deckert Foley Jones Kavanaugh 9
Absent Ald Glab 1
ald Crawford moved that the matter of reissuing of warrants which had become defaced
being in the hands of Ald Kavanaugh be referred to the committee on finance with power
On motion of ald Crawford the assessment of Thomas kavanaugh for 1882 on moneys and
credits was ordered placed at the amount returned by the assessor
Council then took an adjournment
martin Kane