Y Roll_12 Part 1Retakes from Fil #10
Book No. 21 119-120
119 ItE(l'I.AIC SESSION. .11.1.1" (rift, 1891.
Total R90 99
Eliza McCarron, e;y lot 3, sub city lot.
25.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 9 87
16.87 sq yds guttering at 4111' 6 75
13.85 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 54
Total $34 16
.lulin Linehan w'Y lot 3, sub city Int 694:
24.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 9 87
16.87 rq )ds guttering id 401' 6 75
43.83 sv yds macadamizing at 40'15 54
Total $34 16
Itt. Rev. John Ilennessey, lot 1, sub city
Int 691:
414.4 Racal feet curbing at 39c $19 27
:x2.9:3 sq yds guttering at 40e 13 17
85.63 sq yds macadamizing at 40c34 25
Total $66 69
11,. Rev. John Hennessy'. out lot 697,
24.55 lineal feet curbing at. 39c $ 95 75
163.137 sq yds guttering at 401 65 47
425.53 sq yds macadamizing at 40e170 21
'Pula i 331 43
Itt. Rev. John Hennessy, out lot 726,
245.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 95 75
163.57 sq ytls guttering 40e 65 47
425.53 sq yds macadamizing at 40c170 21
Total $331 43
Itt. Rev. John Hennessy, out lot 725,
235.5 liueul feet curbing at 39c $ 91 55
163.67 sq yds guttering at 400 65 47
353 18 sq yds macadamizing 40c 141 27
Total $298 59
R. Ronson est, out lot 731, city.
215.5 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 95 75
163.71 sq yds guttering at 401' 65 47
425.53 sq yds macadamizing 40 170 21
Total $331 43
itt:I'dl:T8 OF OFFICE118.
Auditor Kehely reported cash on hand
,lune 1, 1891, $27,878.83; receipts for month
of .lune, $16,511.44; cash ou hand July 1st,
1891, $17,370.48; also reported various
amounts due contractors on Special assess-
ments collected; luso reported $1,889.95 due
city utlleers; also presented list of coupons
redeemed. Report adopted except warrant
of $50 for 11. Ilibbi which was ordered
changed to $25.
lteeortler Fitzpatrick reported licenses
issued by hint ui the amount of $1,912.
Received and tiled.
Street Cttitiiniss:caner Ryan reported $4
975.95 due for sweet work for June; also
presented itemized statement of same.
.lie 1{einfried, chief lit the lire depart-
ment, reported $1,21x2.80 due the hreuien
lir the month of .Mute. Received and
tiled and warrants ordered to pay same.
Marshal late reported $1,590.95 due the
notice for the month of lune; also reported
100 police eases for June; also reported 106
patrol runs fur .lune; also reported $96.65
collected for saloon licenses for 1891 011
which rebates have bean given; also re-
ported having eollected $1713.28, amount
due from property owners on account of
construction of sewer through Jackson
park to 17t11 street.
Warrants ordered to pay police and re-
port referred to the committee on police
and light.
scaletreceipttr$14.55lcollecteter dttz forerei teff
huckster stands $64.50; also reported $18.10
due Mrs. 11. B. Illbtu fur board of prison-
ers. Received and tiled and warrant or-
dered to pay for board of prisoners.
J. 1'. Cooney, justice of the peace, re-
tained having collected $23.00 tines in city
ordinance cases. Received and filet{.
Sidewalk 111spec1or O'Halloran repored
a number of sidewalks out of repair and
recommended that new ones be laud. Re-
ferred to the street ceaimi ttee.
Marshal Mice presented a coin mon iaatiott
calling the attention of the caused to min-
eral holes that are felt unprotected on the:
hills, :1111 asked the council to take some
action 011 the [natter. Referred 10 the city
Electrician hunting presented his month-
ly report for Julie. Received and filed.
Also presented the following list of work-
men for trimming trees, which was ordered
Wm. Young 824. Jos. Norton $24, W.
Ahern $15.50, W. Quinlan $1.00, .lel. atra-
hey $7.50, 1'. Mahohv 86.00, 1'. Wearich
$7 87, P. Ahern $2.00, henry '1'ippe $13.12,
Clinton Davis $5.25, .las. McCragni $7.00.
Street Commissioner Ryan reported
$50.40 due from Dubuque Water
Works, also $121.25 due from Dubuque
Electric Railway Light et !'ower Cu. for
repairing right of way. Ordered that the
auditor collect the amounts lri.m said
Also reported grading done by the city
on South Dodge street to the amount of
$39.70. Ordered paid and auditor to charge
the amount to 1..1. Donahue, contractor.
,Heat Inspector Klein made his monthly
report of meat Inspected by him. Received
and tiled.
(:hits. Pitschuer reported scale receipts
of W t Dubuque scales $1.69. Received
and tiled.
T. J. Grahfield reported scale receipts of
First ward scales $5.20. Received and
Fr.ank Fosselman reported scale receipts
of Fifth ward scales $1.30. Received and
hied .
AId. '1'rexler moved that the action of
the council to levying special assessment
for improvement of Fifteenth street be re-
considered. Carried.
Ald. '1'rexler offered the following re.o-
Iutunl in place of the one reconsidered:
Resolved by Ute City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing,
guttering and macadamizing on 15th st.
front Pine to 111ap:e tits., by E. E. Frith,
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, atm parts
of lits, sued parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate .soul
owned. and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Chas. Fatka, lot 256, E. Dubuque:
243.20 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.$ 7i; 28
Chas. Ftttkii, lot 257 E Dabuque:
138.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 55 28
61.84 sq yds guttering at 40c 24 74
243.20 sq ytls macadiuhsziug at 4027 28
Total $177 30
Chas. Fittka, lot 2856 E Dubuque:
131.4 lineal feet curbing at 40;• $
58 81 sq yds guttering at 40e '2523 5451i
223.11 sq yds macitiiantiziug at 40e89 `25
Total 15165 35
223.11Jamsq ds i taeadamizis lot `i8g�at 40c Dubuque:$ 8 25
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -.Ids. Crawford, Cushing (;lab,
Halpin. Page, I'easlee, Sulittt, Stoltz and
SPECIAL SESSION, JULY iiia, 1691. 120
City Attorney McCarthy reported hav-
ing procured a deed from Ann M. Cahill
for opening of alley between 'Twenty-sec-
ond and Twenty-third streets and between
Jackson and Washington streets. War-
rant for $l ordered drawn in favor of Ann
NI. Cahill.
Also reported that the council has the
legal right to compel the Key City Electric
Railway cow pally 10 operate their line.
AId. Crawford mowed that, the city at-
torney be instructed to draft the proper
resolution forfeiting the Key City E ectric
Railway company's franchise for non-com-
pltAl o preened a and read efor the of. rt first
time on ordinance granting 10 S. 1). Ryan,
has heirs and assigns, the right to slaughter
hogs siid horned cattle and to carry on the
general Meat -packing Uusioess in the city
of Dubuque.
Also au ordinance for the vacation of
Camp street from its intersection with
Wafer street easterly to the levee.
Also an t ruin:ince permitting and au-
thorizing S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assigns
to construct and maintain staging and
a covered platform on the levee easterly
and in front of block 27 in Dubuque Har-
bor Company's add.
Adopted by the following vote: Glab.
Ayes—Alun. Crawford, Cushing,
Ilaipin, Page, Penslee, audtu, Stoltz and
'I'rexler. •
On motion the ordinances were referred
to the ordinance committee.
Also made the following report:
hereas, on the 2511) of June, 1890. Mrs.
'Mary S1'ildt ,!or the considerat on of one dol-
lar, executed a deed to the city of Dubuque
to property de,cribed as follow as, to -fait:
List 2 of lot 7 of mineral lot 45 an the city of
Dubuque, and,
Whereas, It was only the intention of
both said Mrs. Mary Wilde and the city of
Dubuque that a small narrow strip of land
should be conveyed for the widening of
South Dodge street; and,
Whereas, By reason of a mistake in the
description of the property intended to be
conveyed, the deed, Instead of conveying
such small narrow strap of ground, as a
matter of fact conveyed a large tract 01
real estate including the homestead of said
Mrs. Wilde. Now, therefore, for the pur-
pose only of correcting said mistake the
city of Dubuque hereby quits all claim to
said land so conveyed as aforesaid and
hereby authorizes and directs Haat a 'urinal
deed of quit claim be executed in the name
of the city of Dubuque io said Mrs. Mary
W ode of said pt'eporty and that the mayor
and recorder, as officers of said city, be and
are hereby aut hinted to saga' and acknowl-
edge said quit claim deed.
Provided, however, that said quit claim
deed shall hot be executed uutall said Mrs.
Maty Wilde shall have executed to the
city of Dubuque a proper deed to the strip
of land originally untended to be conveyed
and which strip of land is properly de-
scribed las follows: Lot2of 2 of 2 of 7 of
mineral lot 45 in the city of Dubuque, la.,
as the same is described and shown by
a plat of sand premises attached hereto aid
buquedated he el
byrrecognizes sail plat as cor-
rect and accepts the same and orders the
same recorded in the plat book in the
county recorder's office.
Adopted Uy the following vote: (nab,
Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing,
Ilalpan. l'agt, I'easlee, Smith, Stoltz and
'1 rexler.
Ald. rawford offered the following
which was adopted:
Whereas, Wm. 1.. Allen and Thomas 0.
Swaney, and their successors and asso-
ciates, have failed to comply with the pro-
visions of sect:on 19 ut the ordinance
adopted November 4111, 1889, by neglecting
to construct and continue their line of
street rani way on South Dodge street, and
on that portion of Dodge street between
the old corporation line and South Dodge
street within the time fixed in said section
19, and have taken no action toward the
construction of their line of rat1way 4)11
said streets, although both streets have
been brought to the -established grade;
therefore, •
Resolved, 'L'hat the mayor be instructed
to cause written notice to be served on
said Allen & Swiney, or their successors
or assigns, notifying them to proceed at
once to construct and operate their line of
ratl way on the st reets a 1, and that in case of their hereinbefore fan urt
t am
so proceed without furalnr delay to con-
struct and operate their line of railway on
streets,said city
clare tor -
felted allrigthe council
htsgratited bythe eordinance
above referred to in accordance with the
provisions of section 24 of said ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab,
11alplIl, l'age, Peaslee, Smhth, Stoltz and
\layer Saunders presented receipt from
David 11. Bloom, mayor of 1. herokee for
$500 donated by Dubuque to the flood
sufferers in that section. Ordered received
and tiled.
Ald. Peaslee moved to adjourn until 7:81)
o'clock p. in. Carried.
Council stet. at 7:40 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Saunders in the chair.
Present—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Penske,
Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexler.
Engineer Blake presented plat of pro-
posed alley between Elm and Queen
streets.Also pro ettedtu the streetcommittee.
Ilodgdom avenue. Referred to the street
Also presented plans and specifications
of sewer in alley from 17th 0118th, between
Clay and 1V tote streets. Accepted and en-
gineer instructed to advertise for bads.
Iiid for constructing culvert on Manville
street was opei.ed and read.
Adam Schmidt being the only bidder 111e
contract was awarded to him at •$5.40 per
AId. Crawford arrived at 8 o'clock p. in.
AId. 'I'rexler,c littirmatflt vitt the
of inance
committee, rel
warrant drawn in tavor of l.. thinner,
treasurer, for dur.4 $161.3.
thea t aitunoft is for
money 1 a
1891. Adopted.
AId. Peaslee.
chairtsl[nlof t the committee
on claims, rel
In favor of paying the following bills:
La m:worthy-Ad )m Iron taaborks, 111,00;
Jos. Geiger, 7
Novelty Iron 'Yorks, 92c and 82.60: Fer-
guson Bros., 544.00: P. Klauer, $31.85, also
reported as follows:
That they find that the city onJia4,
1891. on reeonimeudatwal of the mayor. lots
allowed $7.00 as pa) went 111 foil or within
hill of B. W. Jones or $18.00, and there-
fore report adverse to the bill.
Also reported in favor of paying within
Ithebill of $5 of same tan apply I ty spy partpaymentse for ton hotel
license for 1891. Itepnraeal adopted.
AId. Halpin arrived at 8:20 p. mn•
AId. Peaslee, of the street committee, re-
Retakes from Film #11
Book #23 18-19
18 Pegular Se88 on, Feb. 6, 1S93.
The rules were suspended and W. J. Can-
tillon addressed the council in behalf of
abutters on Roberts avenue who objected to
construction of se re• on sae 1 avenue.
Protest of W. A. Harkett against assess-
ment for sewer on Hill, Burch and West
Third streets presented and read. Oa mo•
Lion the whale matter of asses +meat on Hill,
Burch end West Third str eta was referred to
the sewer committee attorney and engineer.
The following is the report of the jury who
assessed damages for opening or Fourth
Duet:o r Jen 26 1893
To the gine. Mayor and City Council of the
City of Dubuque Iowa:
We. the unuersigned jury appointed by
S. B Rice, city marshal, to assess damages
caused by the opening of East Fourth street
from Sixth street to the high bridge, hereby
agree to allow the owoers of the property
below described as follows:
Block 3—
Lot 1 $2,000
Lot 2 1 590
Lot 3 800
Lot 4 100
Block 5—
Lot 6 15
Lot 7 5.
Lot 8 75
Lot 9 110
Lot 10 100
Lot 11 51,
Lot 12 25
Lot 13 40
Lot 14 10
Block 6—
Lot 1 100
Lot 2 10
Lot 18
Lot 19
3t 0
Lot 21 400
Lot 22 410
Lot 23 301
Lot 24 20,1
Block 26—
Lot 11 10
Lot 12 75
Lot 13 100
L,t 14 100
Lot 15 75
Lot 16 25
Lot 20 150
Lot 21 150
Lot •r.2 150
Lot 23 100
Lot 24 20
Block 22—
Lot 2 5
Lot 3 50
Lot 4 100
Lot 5 1c1)
Lot 6 110
Lot 7
Lot 8
Lot 28 25
Lot 29 75
Lot 30 100
Lot 31 via
Lot 32. 75
Lot 33 15
Also for portion
of Tower street
and the vaca-
ted alley 15
Total $9,885
All the foregoing property being in the
Dubuque Harbor Improvement company's
addition. A. A. COOPER,
Aid. Crawford moved that the report of
the jury be referred to the committee of the
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Nicks and Olinger.
Noes—Aide. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, Peas -
lee, Smith and l3toltz.
AId. Cushing moved that the award of
the jury be accepted and the money set aside
In the treasury to be paid to the owners of
the land condemned on presentation of
proper deeds. Carried by the following
Ayes—Alds Byrne, Cushing, Glab, Nicks,
Peesiee, Smith and Stoltz,
Noes—AId■ Crawford and Olinger.
Ald. Cushing offered the following, which
was adopted :
li'eaolved, That Fourth street from Sixth
street to the High bridge be, and the same
is hereby declared a public highway se per
plat and award of the jury adopted this day
for the opening of said Fourth street.
The rules were suspended and John Bell
and D. McCaffrey addressed the council, and
oojacted to aasefe ant for sewer in alley in
rear of Wilson avenue Oa motion the mat-
ter was referred to the sewer committee, en-
gineer and attorney.
Mr. P le Guthrie also addressed the coun-
cil and objected to the manner in which the
alley in the rear of his premises was left.
Referred to the street committee.
Ald. Nicks moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock
p. m. Carried.
Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Pro Tem Peaslee in tae chair.
Present—Alds By rne, Crawford. Cushing,
Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Parolee, timtth and
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Petition of Michael Duggan asking that
the council review the action of the commis-
sioners who assessed the damages by reason
of change of grade on Madison street.
Petition of J. P. Schroeder & Co. for per-
mission to use part of Washingtoa street be-
low S_veutn, abutting lots 18 and 19, for the
erection of a frame warehouse.
Petition for improvement of West Locust
Remonstrance against the paving of Clay
street with brick.
Tee remonstrance against assessment for
sewerage in alley running south from West
Eighth street, between Wilson avenue and
P ne streets, was referred to the sewer com-
mittee, attorney and engineer.
Petition of West Dubuque Street Railway
company for an exteusion of time to operate
their line to West Dubuque until such time
as the weather moderates. Granted.
Petition of the Aiberniao society for the
use of the Central Eogine house hall on St.
Patrick's night, March 17, 1893. Referred to
the committee on public grounds and build-
An invitation to attend the national con-
vention of commissioners and inspectors of
buildings to be held Feb. 14. 1893, at St.
Louis, was reed The recorder was in-
structed to acknowledge receipt of same.
Acceptance of Eighth street and West Du-
buque Street Railway of resolution adopted
Jan. 6, 1893 Received and filed.
Action oo there ort of the jury appointed
to assess damages by reason of the widening
of Weigel alley postponed.
Report of commissioners who assessed
damages by reason of change of grade on
Sanford and Queen street, referred to the
committee of the whole.
Report of jury on opening of State and
Oak streets referred to the committee of the
Auditor Kenetv reported cash on hand
Jan. 1, 1893, P8,C41.11: receipts for month of
January, $87,715 so Cash on hand Feb. 1,
1893, $56,694.10. Also reported *1,639.65 due
city officers for month of January.
Also presented list of bonds and coupons
redeemed during January.
Also presented fatty -three improvement
bonds for disposal, as same were erroneously
Also presented the following statement of
the condition of the several funds.
Expense fund$,58 33 72 Cr.
Interest t fund , 62E24,819 00
Water fund782
Bridge fund 12,978 96
Bonded improvem't fund19,104 20
W arrants ordered to pay otUoere and re•
Marshal Rice port referred to trepohe rtteede$1,79com8 90 due the
police for January.
Also reported sixty police cases tried dur-
ing January.
Regular Session, Feb. 6, 189 3. 19
Also reported having made sixty-four
patrol rune during the month of January.
Also reported having collected $90 on
saloon licenses
Also reported having collected $6 from C.,
B. and N. Ry Co. tor cleaning sewer
Also reported having collected 41 from U.
S. E L. and P. Co. for repairing sidewalks.
Received and filed and warrants ordered
to pay police. Street Commissioner Carter
reported $36115 due for street work for the
month of January; also presented itemized
statement of same.
Ald. Glab moved that services of city car-
penter be dispenser with Carried
Report received end filed and warrants
ordered and auditor to collect for expense
incurred for cleaning snow off sidewalks.
Joe Reinfried. chief of the fire depart-
ment, reported $1.490 25 due the firemen for
the month of January. R.ceived and filed
and warrants ordered to pay same.
Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $388 75
due for work done on the sewers during the
month of January. Received and filed and
warrants ordered to pay same.
Engineer Blake presented list of macadam
broken amounting to $2 534 0.5. Ordered
that 85 cents per yard be allowed on same.
Marketmaster Norton reperted scale re-
ceipts for the month of January 416 61 and
also reported $.0.80 due for the board of
Received and flied and warrants ordered
to pay for board of prisoners.
T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of
First ward scales $12.30. Received at d filed.
Chas Pitschner reported scale receipts of
West Dubuque scales 14 25. Received and
L Palen & Co. reported $3 40 scale receipts
of Eighteenth street scales. Re:eived and
J. Kessler reported $5 47 scale receipts of
Twenty-fourth street scales. Received and
J. C. Longueville for the city attorney re-
ported that the same rules governing the
pavement of streets applies to sewerage, and
that the property can be bonded to pay for
sewerage. Report accepted and ordered
Profile of West Third street referred to the
street committee.
Auditor Kenety presented list of special
assessments for sidewalks levied Jan. 4, 1893,
which were also levied November, 1892, and
asked that the same be cancelled. Recom-
mendation adopted and assessments ordered
Action on special assessment for sewer in
West Fifth street, Wilson avenue and alley
east of Wilson avenue postponed.
Ald Glab offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That to pay for laying a four feet
wide (two inch plank) sidewalk on north
side of Arob etreet,between West Locust and
Center streets by Bryan Donahue,contractor,
in front of and adjoining same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed, and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
A. Koohendorfer, lot 44, Finley's add,
66 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1630$ 10 89
A. Kookendorfer, lot 43. Finley's add,
6811nes1 feet plank sidewalk et 18340 10 89
A. Koohendorfer, lot 42, Finley's add,
(18 linealfeetlank sidewalk at 16o 10 89
A. Kochendorfer lot 41. Finley's add,
66 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 16540 10 89
A. Koohendorter, lot 49, Finley's add,
66 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1634o 10 89
A. Koohendorfer, lot 39, Finley's add,
70 lineal Leet plank sidewalk at 16%o 11 55
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Alda. Byrne, C.awford, Cushing,
Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Feast's, Smith and
Ald. Glab offered the following:
Re..olr'ed, By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of
Broadway exten.ion from Diagonal street
to Charles street,bv Theo Altman,contraotor,
in tront cf and adjoining eame,a special tax
be and le hereby levied on the several lots,
and parte of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lo tor parcel of real estate, as follows:
C. H. Meyer, lot 2, King Grove add:
31.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c.$ 13 00
31.33 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 12 84
47.50 sq yds macadam at 45c. 21 37
--4 47 21.
• C. H Metier, lot 3. King Grove add:
50.5 lineal ft curbing at 4100...$ 211 71
33.67 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 13 80
78 56 eq yds macakam at 45c. 35 35
$ 69 86
C. H. Meyer, lot 4, King Grove add:
61. lineal ft curbing at 41c...$ 25 01
42.67 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 17 49
93.74 eq 3 ds macadam at 45c. 42 18
- $ 84 68
C. H. Meyer, lot 5, King Grove add:
78.6 Iiueal tt curbing at 41.3.4 32 23
69 33 eq yde guttering at 41c.. 28 42
94 sq yde macadam at 45c.... 42 30
- $102 95
C. H Meyer, lot 6, King Grove add:
91.8 lineal ft curbing at 41c ..4 37 64
69 33 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 28 42
94 sq 5 de macadam at 450.... 42 30
- $ 108 38
C. H. Meyer, lot 6 "A," King Grove
79 5 lineal ft curbing at 41c...$ 32 69
53.33 eq 3 ds guttering at 4Ic.. 21 86
81.5J sq yds macadam at 45c.. 36 67
- $ 91 13
John Nagle, lot 8 King Grove add.
70 lineal ft curbing at 41c.... $18 70
46 67 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 19 13
70 sq yds macadam at 45c.... 31 50
- $79 33
John Nagle, lot 7 King Grove add.
84 lineal ft curbing at 41c.... 134 44
56 eq yde guttering at 41c.... 22 141
84 aq yds macadam at 45c.... 37 8,1
- $95 20
C. H. Meyer, lot 24 King Grove add
69.5 lineal ft curbing at 41c... $24 80
40.33 eq yds guttering at 41c.. 16 53
60 50 sq yde macadam at 450.. 27 93
$68 56
C. H. Meyer, lot 25 King's 21 add.
58.4 lineal ft curbing at 41c... 123 94
38 93 eq yde guttering at 41e.. 15 97
58.40sq yds macadam at 45e. 26 28
$68 19
D. Mueggenburg, lot 3 of 29 King's
2d add.
247.5 lineal ft curbing at41c.. $101 47
165.33 sq yde guttering at 410. 67 79
248 sq yds macadam at 45o... 111 60
$280 86
D. Mueggenburg. lot 1 of 29 King's
2d add.
243 3 lineal ft curbing at 41e.. $99 75
162 67 eq yds guttiring at41o.. 66 69
246 eq yds macadam at 450... 110 70
- $277 14
Wm. Annere, lot 1, Broadway add:
35 lineal ft curbing at 410 ....$ 14 35
23.33 sq yds guttering at 41o.. 9 57
35. sq yds macadam at 45c.... 15 75$ 39 67
H. J. Roeeoh, lot 2, Broadway add:
35 lineal ft curbing at 410 $ 14 35
23.83 sq yds guttering at 4109 57
3.5 sq yds macadam at 45c15 75 87
List of City 1Put') itt8.
thereafter at the same rate as the delin-
quent annual eity taxes.
Dated at Dubuque, this 18tH day of Sep-
tember. A. 1). 1893.
I1 ENIIY I . (:NIFFI(1 ,
Treasurer of the Cly of Dubuque.
Drawn by the City Recorder
during Juue, 1893.
('ITV 1tFlv,itl)F.R 8 Of'Fic•K,
utlnUgUE, Iowa, .)Illy 1, 1893.
To the onorable Mayor and City Council:
G RNTLI11 Es—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
Of .lune, 1893:
Name. For what I'urnose. Amount
11. 1t. (sniff eMalary for May, Treas-
urer ....... .......... ``150 00
11. 1(. Gniffke Salary for May, clerk
hire.. . . ....
T. .1. Cooney Salary for May, Re-
J. M. Kenety Salary for May, Aud-
John F. Stenun.. Salary for Ma!, As-
sessor. . 125 00
I.aorge Itennett...5 lary for May, As-
sistant Asses,or.... 109 00
(:. Gmehle........Salary for May, As-
sistant Assessor.... 100 00
.las. S. Knight .. Salary for Muv, Atto'-
...... ney............ 125 00
S. B. Rice ..... ....Salary for May, Mar-
shal 100 tel
Jos. Reiufried....Salary for May, Chief
of fire department75 00
Fid. Norton. ....Salary for May, Mar-
.1.W. Fowler..... Salary for May,
Health °Meer.......
J. O'Brien Salary for May, Sew-
er Inspector.........
James BuntingSalary for May, Elec-
trician .......... .
Itenry Henge Salary for May, Park
Custodian 46 70
John O'Connell... Salary for May Com-
mittee clerk 83 35
.1. W. Woods Salary for May, Wiiarf-
mast er
W. 11. Knowlton..Salary for May, En-
E. S. Ityae..... ..Saary for May. As-
sistant Engineer100 00
J. Boyce Salary for May, As-
sistant Engineer...,
Itenry Glab..... Salary for May, rod
Jas. MalyFireman
Job Barnes....... "
A. McDonnell....
.1. Murphy........
W. Duey
.1. Scltonberger
T. Sliea
Ed. Keas
M. Eitel
John Essman
A. Duecini
.1. Fhnu
I. Wiltse.....
C. S recut
T. Walker...
.1. Powell ........
D. Ahearn
I. Allen
W. Hlppnuw
('. liauuolt
F. I :;t i lift u l
.1. Ward
F. Essmau
F. Flynn
A. Strtney
J. Rooney
It. Sullivan
D. Ity:ur..........Captain of Police
116 70
116 70
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
_0 00
229 85
100 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
16 60
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
60 W
50 W
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
16 60
75 O6
John Raesll......
Bart. (rain........ Policeman
Wm. Hennessy...
Win. O'Brien
Win. Frith `
John Litseher
1'. MuNerny
Thos. Reilly
1'. Dannegan
1'. Kearney.
John Fitzpatrick. 46
Dan. Norton ••••.........•
.lames Allen
John Iteuter
James Flynn
iDan. Lavery
Ed. Moore 41
M. Kilty
.1. Secrest
P. Sutton "
M. Craugh...
John Hoffman
P. Sullivan
.1. Powers........
Jas. Carter.......
I. Kintziuger
M. Hardie
John Murphy
Sam. Eliner
Peter Scharf
P. McColllus
1'..1 Hanlon
.1. Spielman .. "
J. Murphy.
C Splegelh tierPoundinaster
1). LinehanPolice ........
This. Gordon
Ole Nelson" .
T. Ahearn Laborer ..... .
J. Arndt"
M. Abbitz
J. Bewer Helper, road roller....
J. Bargman Laborer... ........
M. Burns
C. Buse
.1. ltyrue..... ....
.••• •.........
70 00
48 75
50 00
48 40
80 55
48 40
50 00
48 40
48 40
48 40
50 00
50 00
50 00
48 40
50 00
48 40
35 15
50 00
45 10
50 00
50 00
48 75
48 40
50 00
30 05
r0 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 CO
50 00
28 40
60 00
46 50
40 10
38 4'r
18 GO
19 20
20 25
50 00
21 95
19 60
21 60
8 10
A. Burke......... " 5 40
R. Burns " 30 05
P. Burke..,Sr CI
13 85
P. Bntke, Jr1 :5
B. Brum mitt...... " 21 30
W. Ball 66 6 40
P. Baveradof 16 10 80
.5. Boetke 41
............... 11 60
John Boetscher1116 90
Theo. Buse10 80
J. Bottoms... Paver 6 00
Jas. Cahill: .........Laborer 15 10
L. Corcoran 66
.. 28 35
John Corbett
John Callahan
J. Corcoran
Dennis Corcoran
B. Conlin
Ji rry Cahill 66 17 90
M. Coyle. " 14 55
Wm. (rumpwell9 80
Sam. Collins11. 35 10
M. Dorsey.. " 27 70
1'. Dempsey I5 55
.Jas. Dolan........ " 11 50
M. Dumphy 46 14 20
J. Dersch 46 16 51
1. Dougherty " 24 00
Ed. Desmond 15 20
11. Donahue 112 70
M. Dieferding" ............... 20 60
John Eagan. 21 95
John Everet27 00
L. Fritz..... 19 94
P. Fitzgerald 19 20
Dan Fox " 31 05
M. F;wan. .. ,,20 60
Ed. orton Boarding prisoners.... '23 40
C. Fischer.. ..... Laborer 19 20
M. Farrell........ 27 35
C. Frisch 61 945
C. Fonsello „ 16 60
John Fix „ 6 75
1'. Grew 16 20
G. Gutberlett11 1215
II. Gollie „ 20 60
C. Grunzig " 21 60
Ed. Grew " 26 00
J. M. Garrison... " 8 10
Joe Grab... 30 40
John Giessler " 19 20
H. Henderson.... 2 70
John Hafey " 34 80
Ed. Hackett 14 85
29 70
38 75
••••••........• 24 30
12 15
21 60
A. Howtu•ka
Geo. Hughes
James Harker
Dan. Harman
N. Hilger
James Hall
H. Hen3e
A. Hotterman
F. Herzog
P. Hayden...
Jas. Hurley
H. Haas
Joe Jecklin
A. 'Johnson
P. Jacobi
M. Kline
E. S. King
J. Kel y.... .;
P. Kinney
C. Kantpman
M. Kilburg
.1. Karch
F. Kre, ger ,.
J. Kinsella. Carpenter
M. Lilack.........Laborer................
John Lava_ "
M. Loes " ........ ..
L. Lucaralland
C. Luckrahand
John Lux
John Lacy
H. Luck
H. Lipp stock
J. llatoney
P Monte)
.1. Mullen
Y. Melchoir
P. Mohan
M. Murphy
M. Mahout'
T. Mahony.
I'. Mo sin
N. Maybanks
L. Meurisee
C. Mackelberg
l'. Murray
Jas. Me11oy,.......
T. Mul,ueeny
L. McEvoy.
T. McCaltreV
J hn M N1dty
B. McCormack .. .
M. McMahon
D. Nlekols «
M. Muten "
LJ. NNippeMason
J. Noel Laborer
P. O'Brien, Sr.......
John O'Dea ..... ..Foreman..... .....
1'. O'Bi nen. Jr . Laborer ...............
Joe Obbelt...... ••••••.••••.•••
F. Oswald. ...............
1). Powers • • •' • •
Jas. Powers
Wn1. PickleyForeman...............
Jas. Purcell I.aboret ................
J. Pcrr on........• •• •
JohndQuail Laborer...
John Raetz Foreman........ • • •
U. ItavenickLaborer . • • • • • • •
Win. Rooney "
C. Roselip....
J. Ryan
Win. Rieman
M. Itaen.
F. Raedlnff
Jas. Ragan
M. Kinker
F. Rieger 41
Geo. Rieder
W. Sweeney
W. Spaulding
N. Steinmetz
Y. Smith.....
M. Shay....
Geo. Sutter 66
Jas. Stevenson
Win Sackett
John Sullivan
M. Schellock
Wm. Swaegler
M. Speeht
Joe Schmidt
Toe Leik" ..........
A. 1t. StevensonEngineer road roller..
F. TheiringLaborer
J. Tasuer 16 ...............
T. 1Velsb..... .
R. Wiederinan
of City Warrants.
7 45
9 45
:34 40
3 i 40
25 65
20 25
11 15
24 30
17 1.5
18 60
6 75
12 59
28 05
16 90
16 55
11 85
82 75
25 (x1
5 4u
19 25
50 00
17 90
17 90
20 GO
10 50
13 20
15 90
36 41)
I9 45
8 10
26 70
14 55
9 80
11 85
25 75
23 65
31 40
15 20
18 90
13 20
4 75
1 35
18 60
6 10
19 95
22 65
31 50
12 85
16 55
2 70
33 75
7 80
20 60)
26 40
11 15
17 90
17 25
10 50
17 25
6 10
40 00
21 30
21 60
8 80
17 90
26 00
90 95
13 20
99 40
15 55
15 55
9 SO
27 35
9 45
9 45
18 (x►
20 60
18 60
19 25
201 25
6 75
14 55
21 95
9 45
25 00
60 00
18 90
1 70
13 20
M. Welter......
J. Wairy..........
John Wolfe.......
P. 1Vagner......
N. 54tunneek.....
Geo. Willmor"
V. Za Bina" ...............
(leo. Zninho11Foreman
C. O. Baker. _ Team
H. Bennett ...................
N.15IanIt ...................
\Vn1. Brackett.................
Geo Buller " ...................
P. Clancy•'
B. Cain.....
T. Connolly
M. ('rahut 16
Win. Corcoran,
M. Cos ello
Wut, llenlinger"
T Elliott....
.1. M. Fitz' atriCk"
John Ge irs
.1. Darr gan
M. Gantenbein"
Wm. Howard"
M..1. Hannon"
.1. 11.lio0'ncler'
T. Hcinx"
K. Henderson
51. Hennessy
Y. Janie!' .
.1. Jochnm"
b'. Kennett) ly
T. Kane
.1. Kringle06
.1. Linehan....... "
John Lnng........
1'. Linehan........
Joe 31oor ........ `•
John May.........
'rhos. Morgau.11
.1. MCC ra 'ken
leff. M'l ii'aUt"
John McGrath"
J. M• Collins
C. McElrath`
\19. McGrath
L Ot
.lances rowers
J. Parker
M i s. Ouinlivan
Geo. Reynolds
.1. Sigworth
D. Sutherland
F. Seeley'•
H. Seery
J. 3utheilaud
J. Savage
J. Steffes
H. Scbtnidt
Cath. Tobin`
A. Turner
M. Tice
(leo. Welttr
" ...........
W. Weatherby
John Carter Street Superintendent
M. I g9Laborer
Wit. Terry.......
John Hillery..... " ••••••••••.....
P. McNulty
Fury. ............. .
F. Schilling......
James Rooney....
Y. Callahan......•
1. C'onnolly.. ..
Jquigney.. : .....
M.artin O'Brien... ..
Jas. Hurley......
T. ,NaCl rfrey
Wm. l'ickleyy.
John C'onnolly•• •••
J. Perryon"
1'. Linehan Team ..................
Ileo. Reynolds.... ' •••••••••••• •
T. McDonaldLabor.... •.............
A. McGuau..... Laborer
M. McCone...... •firer
II. McCoy.........
Jas. Lo.. • • •:..ket _Cement sidewalk
L. Daly ----Cleaning rou..d...m..a.r.
Ferguson Bros....Rellairing fountains
T. J. Morgan...... Cleaning around city
hail.— ........
James Hall ..... –Cleaning around city
Mrs. Koenig. • •... Janitor...
Shipley & Bauman. Veterinary services
11 85
2 70
X) 85
16 90
1 35
16 55
26 00
ai 50
22 05
18 t1(►
18 40
44 111
27 60
22 0.5
3 15
9 45
15 75
40 95
9 46
:17 0s
37 8O
59 15
:39 4'1
49 20
31 5()
17 :35
I1 5
24) 50
22 85
54 35
11 05
3s 60
37 05
48 (t5
28 3.5
4 75
3 15
59 85
45 70
38 60
40 95
49 65
38 60
26 le
16 55
36 25
78 8(1
73 PO
95 85
54 85
29 95
20 50
4 75
18 90
74 GO
15 75
76 15
6 181
31 50
3 15
63 45
47 50
44 75
42 00
49 25
36 50
31 50
10 50
1 75
1 75
8 25
16 50
22 75
8 75
10 50
12 60
36 30
17 55
20 35,
27 00
195 73
29 00
8 75
23 75
12 55
162 Lixt of City ilrairant8.
A. Wuidcrlich.. Jforseshoeing 426
Key City Gas Co..Coke and coal 15 75
4 40
John Butt ........ Repairing engine 2 50Lear & i'Itffner...Hurseshoeing8 08
P. E. Strain Coal
G. B 9 25- (rosvenor .. btatlonery ...... .
John T. Ifearns..Recording deeds 10 25
J. It. Jellison .....Sodding Jackson park 95 94
John E. Ilartlg... Repairing] locks 8 50
M. Czizek ..I'aintuig pagodas.... 65 10
.tames Lee ....... .Conscructmg c e m e nt
walk s 312 81
C. 0. 1). Laundry.Cleauing carpets23 00
Jacob Schmidt.... Labor 7 60
W. M. t.reenholv.Repairing fountains16 18
'\'alkenbcrg & Mc-
Evoy Itep. engine house.... 5 95
Dubuque Rubber
and Belting CoRep, rubber coat..... 65
Excelsior 1t 1• a s s
Works.,ltepairing engines.... 75
Dubuque Sperlaily
Martine Works. Repairing engines.... 50
A. KannoltHorseshoeing 10 75
1'. 11. Ilalpin..... Bran g 05
%cheater & Vogen-
thaler .... ...... . Repair' ng engine 2 82
Thus. Collins Horseshoeing 5 75
Butt Bros......... It pairing engine 6 55
Lagen & S'oan.... 11orseshoeing.... 6 00
Ferguson ltros.... Plumbing. 7 55
KeY ('Ity Gas Co.Coke....... 23 32
Smith hinting Co. Printing o r d i n ance
books.... ...... ..... 8 25
Reintrled & Jaeger.Steet brooms.......... 1 70
Chas. erzog ....Sawing world.......... 3 75
Reinfried & Jaeger. Law u mower........ 7 50
W.Mullen........ Harness oil . . 10
0 59 08
Jos• A. Mien Milo 14 05
Svendsea & Ott .. Lumber 5 65
Reinfried & .Jaeger. Hardware 5 18
Knapp -Stout & ('o
Co ............... Lumber....... 11 07
Sveurlsen & Ott... Lumber 17 88
Standard Luutber
Company........ Lutuber5 42
Palmer, \Vinall &
Co Blank stationery 69 00
%V, N. (treenhow.Plumbing 3 40
E. M. Dickey Co.. Oil .................. ••• 2 50
Phillip Pier Coal .... 22 82
Ileadtord Bros. &
Hitchens Foun-
(111 Co... . Grates .. 28 56
Juices Kelly Stationery ............. 13 45
Iowa Iron Works..Repatrtng roller 1 75
Nester & .1wtgk... Plumbing113 95
Knapp -Stout & Co
0) Lumber ....... ........ 740
D. Wilson and W
Krelscluner, Short hand writing... 12 00
Duggan & KaneBrooms and soap 6 45
Lear & I'Iillner... ilol•seshoeing....10 i 0
G. A. Iloeruer....Dusters......... 4 10
A. Kien ..Scrubbing city offices.. 22 50
A. Gasser .........BricX 100 50
Arnold Nicks Labor....... 73 34
Jos. Geiger ..... ..Repairing city hall19 7u
Farley & Luetscher
Mf'g Co 1 umber...—. 15
Novelty Iron NVorks.Rep airing s t e a m
roller .......... 06
Dubuque Rubber
& Belting Co.... Hose for park 22 00
1'. H. Ilalpin....:.Bran and brooms8 65
E. E. Frith Filling Elm street..... 72 60
Peter Kluwer l)og checks, etc........ 29 75
IIaunigartuer &
Klelh Nails and brooms..... 11 GO
M. LavinSandary sewer• on St.
Mary's street......... 300 00
Peterson SOD) Retaining wall Alma-st 500 00
100 00
"• " 19 20
Steak & O'Farreil.Culverts on Windsor
and Burden ayes.... 78 75
1t. Eddy ..... Inspector on Main-st.. 45 4.0
James Lee........Itock 46 00
.1. Cushing........ hock 166 00
C1103. Smith Moll than 22 50
Mrs. Koenig.......Janitor20 00
E. E. Frith Resetting cutb 15 49
Atkinson & Oloff.lmproving Main street 500 00
500 00
„ 500 00
" " 500 00
•• ,• " •• •• 500 00
" 66
" 500 03
" "6.
" 500 00
,• .. „ 500 00
0 0 500 00
,. .• .. " 419 25
F. W. Wielandl'ostage.. 7 00
The Times Co Advertising 29 75 15
The Herald.......
James Smith Salary as wharfmaster 90 00
H. II. GuiffkeMoney advanced 500 00
H. B. Gniffke Money advanced 9.4 03
First National clank. Loan 500 500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
Second Nat'l Bank " .......... •5500 0000
500 00
500 00
500 00
.. ., .. " 500 00
Dub Nat'l Bank.. " 500 00
Iowa Trust and
Saving Bank.... " .. 500 00
•• 500 00
500 00
5110 00
500 00
500 00
300 00
C. Ryan, Jr.. 50500 0000
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
41 64
16 6.6 66
66 16
66 .. ., a ••••.•••......••..
Peter R. Martin.. " ..................
.. ...............
Brown & Brown.. ' .......... •
John C. O'Neill... "
Knapp -Stout & Co
Company 5 67
C. H. Alton 4 10
Norton & 1.ee....Grading Cornell and
Thomas streets 58 00
Standard Lumber
Company........ Lumber 1 30
Steuck & O'Ferrell.Culvert 24th & Wash-
ington 472 00
This. Byrne Gravel 61 50
Star Electric Co... Electric lights 500 00
Star Electric Co.. Electric lights500 00
Star Electric Go ..Electric lights44 09
Globe Light and
Heat Co... ..... Gasoline Lights500 00
Kev City Gas Co.Gas.................. •54 75
Dubuque Wooden
Ware Co Lumber .... .. ....... 27 61
Gomer J. JonesCentrat engine house.. 100 00
Consumers Steam
Supply CoSteam heating......... 241 60
Mechanics Insur-
ance Go Insurance....... 37 50
Dubuque Water
Company........ Water 20 00
Byrne& aaul,....Roak .. ... .. 33 90
E. E. i•rith.......Removing garbage.... 175 00
M. Lavin and W.
S. Corranee.....Sewer, Wilson ave.... 500 00
M. Lavin and W.
S. Corrauce....Sewer, Wilson ave.... 322 69
M. Burke Macadam 7 65
Fred. Gerlocll.... Macadam 11 70
Norton & Lee.....Improving Broadway500 00
" .... 500 00
"81 07
Theo. Altman..Improving Broadway
extension 136 32
E. E. Frith.. ....Imp. Francis street444 67
Atkinson & Otoff.Imp. Main street 500 00
66 500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
50) 00
500 00
500 u9
500 00
500 00
5011 t0
500 00
500 00
500 00
64 61
t . ..
500 00
500 03
500 09
Special Session, September 291h, 1893. 1113
Con. Ryan, Jr....Inip. Windsor ave....
66 6
11 ,.
McCann & Williams.storm water
Dodge street........ 500 00
.... 500 00
1 .... 500 00
600 0•
.... 500 00
11 500 00
Sanitary sewer St.
Mary's street........ 2 0 00
600 tit
Mill 00
500 00
500 00
500 ai
500 00
500 00
500 00
6110 00
500 00
M. Lavin
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
list of all warrants issued during the month
of June, 1893.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Session, Sept. 29sh, 1893.
Council met 9:20 p. in.
Mayor Pro Tem. Olinger in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Lillig, Olinger,
Powers, Ryder and Vosel.
The chair stated that the object of the
meeting was settle with Jas. Cushing uu
his contracts.
Ald. Powers moved that Jas. Cushing be
paid as follows, as recommended by the
street cosltuttte
For improving Alley from Seventh to
Eighth streets, between Clay aua W lute
streets, $217.81.
For Improving alley from Fifteenth to
Sixteenth streets, between fine and Maple
streets, $291.29. Carried.
Aid. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried.
Notice to ax -Payers.
The assessment books for the year 1893
are now ready for the inspection of tax-
payers, and will continue to be until the
first regular meeting of the City Council in
Oc.1893,when any person feeling aggrieved
by the assessment of his or ber real estate
or personal property may appeal to the
council for correction. J. W. KENETY,
9-15-14t. Auditor.
Special ANseNNillellt Notice.
To Thos. Zinn and John Morgan.
You are hereby notified that in accor-
dance with a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque for the improve-
ment of Washington street, from Sanford
street to 24th street, adopted on the 5th
day of September, A. D., 1893, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of the
city council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvements, lot n
21 ft. 44, 4 a hlcrt
ebyy you being subjet tosuch
special assessment. And you aro notified
to appear at said meeting of the council,
to he held on the 2nd day of October, A. II.,
1843, and show cause, if any you have, wt:y
said assessment should not he levied.
'1'. J. COONFY.
9-14-1111 City Recorder.
Resolution Ordering Stagnant
Water Lots to bi Filled.
To Thos. Zinn and John Horgan:
Whereas, The property, loos, and parts
of lois hereinafter described are, at times,
subj et to be covered with stagnant water;
%Vhereas, The owners 01 said property
have been notified as required by law to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be filled; therefore be it
Resolved, By tlhe cite conned of the elty
of Dubuque, that the following described
property, lots, and ports of lots, viz:
North 25 feet 45 and south 15 feet 45 and
lot 46 in E. Lang worthy's add.,
be filled and raised at the expense of the
owners to a height sufficient, in the judg-
ment of the city engineer, to prevent stag-
nant water remaining thereon. '1'110 work
Is to be competed by October 1st, 1893.
The city tnarshal s`ialt notify the owners
of said property of the passage of this reso-
lution in the manner provided by law. 1n
case of the neglect or refusal if the owners
to fill up or raise said property, Tots, and
parts of Tots, by the tune anis in the man-
ner above specified, the same will be done
by the coy and the costs thereof assessed
against and bea lien upod said priperty.
Adopted Sept. 5th, 1893.
9-15-2w. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Notice to sal keepers.
City Marshal's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
You are hereby notified that your license
expires on Sept. 30, 1893, and the same
trust be renewed 00 or before that date. A
failure 00 your part to procure your license
on or before the above date will subject
you to the penalties of the ordinance on
that subject. No further notice or time
will be given, and you can govern your-
selves accordingly.
S. B. 1tics, City Marshal.
Sept. 25, 1843 4.25t10
Special AeBeti5tn011t Notice,
DUBUQUE, Iowa. y
'1'o the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting alley
from Fifteenth street to Sixteenth street,
between Pine street and Maple street.
Alley from Sununtt street to Burch
street between West 'Third street and Fen-
lon Place.
Alley from Ktnest street to Johnson
avenue between Garfield avenue and
Rhomberg avenue.
Alley from Regent street to Sanford
street between Prince street and Queen
Humboldt street from Garfield avenue to
Lincoln avenue.
Thirteenth street from Pine to Maple
Sauford street from Winsor avenue to
K. C. track.
Queen street from Regent street to San-
ford street.
Lodge street from South Dodge street to
Grandview avenue.
W ashington street from Twenty-second
to '1'weuty-third streets.
Peru Road from Lemon street to Couler
avenue, all In the city of Dubuque, lows,
Book No. 24
Index - A
Retakes from Film #11
Recorder—T. J. COONEY. Auditor—M. M. McCARTEN.
Treasurer—H. B. GNIFFKE.
I Attorney—JAS. E. KNIGHT.
Assessor—J. F. STEMM.
Committee Clerk—JOHN O'CONNELL.
Engineer—W, H. KNOWLTON. Sewer Inspector—M. IGO. .`
Marshal—JOHN RAESLE. Wharf Mast and Wood Meas—J.HANNON
Street Supt.—JOHN CARTER. Market Master—JACOB KLEIN.
Fire Chief—JOE REINFRIED. Park Commissioner—H. HENGE.
Electrician—GEO. OSBORNE. Health Officer—F. W. WIELAND.
Mayor Pro Tem and Chairman Committee of the Whole. [
The Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first Monday
of each Month.
INDEX.-Book 24.
1894. SUBJECT. Pecs.
Jan. 2 Assessor assistants G.(anehle and Geo. Bennett appointed and bonds
approved.... ...... 2-3
" ' 2 Alley bet. 2211 and 234 Sts. and 1Vashiugton and Elm. remonstrance
of 1'.Klcinschront 3 ,
" 2 Assessor assistant G.Gutehle allowed$100 for services 3
" 2 Alley from Sanford to 224 St. bet. Washington and Elm, special tax
" for improvement of 5
17 Armory,petitions in relation to use of(pp. 19,34) 17 .
Feb. 5 Armory,St. Raphael's parish granted use of(p.35) 31
o 5 Alley east of Hill St.. pet.of G. B.Burch in relation to assessment
5 (p. 177) 32
Adams Co.,taxes :32
" 5 Almond St.,Engineer instructed examine grade of as to changing same '
, 39
" 15 Armory hall,Firemen granted use Thanksgiving eve',1894 :#
" 15 Armory hall, Dorothy 1)ix Circle granted use of March 97,'94 35
March 5 Ahearn Mrs.John,taxes(p. 125) 39
44 5 Addie M.,petition asking to run museum on Sundays 39
5 Auditor's report for January approved 45
66 5 Alley bet. Rhomberg and Garfield and Windsor and Stafford ordered
improved .. 45
April 5 Alley east of 11111 St., pet.of Joe Walhoefel for reduction of assnt't.. 128
5 Alley bet.Glenuak Ave.and Edith St., plat presented for widening of 128
" 18 Alley bet.Rhomberg and Garfield and Statfut d and Windsor,eontract
awarded 139
18 Alley bet.Rhuunbcig and (141lield and Humboldt and Schiller,Engi-
neer to prepare plat of grade (p. 151. 158, 167. 199,235,236,240 140
" 30 Alpine east side,bet.Julien and W.5th,sidewalk ordered on 141
May 7 Alpine from W.3d to Dodge,pet.for improvement of 151
7 Ailey bet.9th St.and 10th St.,and Locust and Bluff,assm't levied for
improvement(p.155) 153
" 7 Alley bet.Stafford and Windsor and Garfield and Rhomberg,accepted
` (p. 187) 155
o 9 Alley bet.Johnston and 94 Ave.and Garfield and Lincoln,Engineer to
subunitrefile of 161
.1 " 28 Alley tronEllis to Foye St.,ordered intprvud (p. 196, 252,253) 1619
" 23 Adair Ave..C.A. Voelker et al.pet. for change of grade of (p. 176): 14;7
. June ,4 Alleys and Streets in Dubuque Harbor,Imp.Co's Add.,protest against
vacation of 174
644 Alta Vista S1., tet. of E. C.Blake et al. fur improveutent of from W
14th St.to W. Locust(p. 225) 174
4" 4 Alley bet. Forrest Lane and W. 5th, south of Glenuak Ave., ordered
graded (n.296) 174
4. 4 Augella St,Engineer reported some repairs 176
" 4 Adair Ave.,Engineer's report in relation to grade of 176 •
" 4 Alpine St. near Dodge St., Street Superintendent instructed to have
« 4 same repaired , 176
Almond St., bout sides, bet. Ellis and Foye Sts., sidewalk ordered on178
4 Amt Ave.bet.Lincoln and Garfield,ordered improved ',p. 195,190, 215,
315, 317) 181
" 4 Almond St.from Ellis St. to Foye St, assm't levied for improveutent
of(p. 198, 19 9,`206,207,:OS) 184-5
July 2 Alley east of Wilson Ave. accepted(p.`236,237) 199
Aug. 6 Assessment roll completed
6 Audubon Ave.,grade established 2`291
Sept. 4 Alley bet.Schiller and Middle and Garfield and Blomberg Ave.,pet
for water mains on 248
4 Alley bet:Schiller and Middle and Garfield and Rhomberg Ave., or-
4 dered improved (11.268,300,315'3111)66 or-
Alta Vista from W.14th to Union Ave.,ordered improved(p.`268, 2110,
« 281,315,318,:319, 320) 5
1S Ashtt,n Ave..plat showing vacation of 267
,Oct. 15 Apple St.,sidewalk ordered on 285
15 Ahearn Mrs.John taxes 294
" 15 Alley bet.Eagle and Ann Ave,pet. for improvement of Z).5
Nov. 5 Aldermen ordered paid °'97
66„ 5 Aun Ave.bet.Lincoln and Rhomberg Aves. sidewalk ordered on :.'98 9
5 Aun Ave.bet.Lincoln and Garfield Aves.,sidewalk ordered 011
vee• 3 AltaVista St.,sidewalk ordered on
a t at
t —
58 Regular Session, Numb 5th, 1894.
Sewer in Couler Avenue 1,0115.32
Sewer in Alley between Washington and Jackson
and 13th to 17th Streets 1,211'9'
Sewer in Hill,Burch and West 3rd Streets. 171 79
Sewer in Almond Street 340.08
—1F 5,551.28
Engine Houses.
Central Engine House (G..iones) $ 1,133.70
Superintendent of Building(Thos.Carkeek) 122.00
Plumbing at Central Engine !louse(Ferguson Bros) 748.51
One Boiler for Central Engine House (Ferguson 8110011
Plans for Delhi St. Engine house (F. neer& Son) 100.00
New Engine House on Delhi Street(.Tones Bros) 1,400.011
Furnace for Delhi St. Engine llonse(Peter Kinner) 263.00 4,5111.21
Real Estate.
Lot for Engine (louse on Delhi St. (M.Tschirgi,Sr 1 50.1111
— + :100.00
Board of Health.
Salary of Physician $ 600.00
Salary cf Clerk 300.00
Salary of Patrolman 311.7(
Removing Garbage 1.984.50
Removing Dead Animals 28.50
Stationery 39.011
Vital Statistics Blanks 25.00
Chemical Examination of Water 5.85
Postage 1.011
,o( Cleaning Vault 98.60
Repairing Garbage Dump 2.4.1
Caring for Abandoned Child 4.00
;t Expense of Dr. Fowler to Davenport 11.80
Disinfectants 12 111
Tape Line .70
------ :1,381.20
Recapitulation of Warrants.Issued During the Year.
General Expenses $ 30,372.35
Road Department 74,557.33
Bridge Department 17,463.64
Fire Department 27,359.10
Police Department 25,653.86
Engineer's Department 6,695.01
Sewerage Department 2,562.85
Special Bonded Assessment 91,125.95
Printing 2,254.20
Light and Gas 22,325.87
Water 19,326.30
Refunded Tax,License,etc 862 65
Damage to Property 1,499.00
Loan 117,705.00
• Interest 10,626 29
Impounding 615.20
Fines and Fees 45.25
Personal Damages 15.00
Fuel 432.10
Insurance 15.011
Special Assessment 1,196.83
Special Sewerage Assessment..... 5,551.28
Engine Houses
Regular Session-, iiarel+ 5th, 1894. 59
Ileal Estate 500.00
Board of health :3,381.20
- - -* •lo7,768.i;
Bonded Debt.
Balance March lst,1893 ;lia,61` .Sai
Paid on Henry.Young Loan . 51)6,98
Paid on Corcoran Loan 43,720,00
..-- - - * 7,2211 4.es
Balance March lst,1804 a 708.391,58
Floating Debt.
Balance March 1st, 1893 $147,523.45
Warrants Issued During the Year . 467,768.41
Total $ 4115.201.92
Warrants Redeemed During the Year by
the Treasurer .*370,118.341
Cancelled by Order of City (Council438.87
Total $ :171.117.2:;
Outstanding March lst,1891 $244,134.60
Total Bonded and Floating Debt March 1,1894 $952,5.26.27
The Bonded Debt is Made Up as Follows:
Henry Young Loan,5 Per Cent. Due Annually at 7
Per Cent $ 456.97
Corcoran Loan,5 Per Cent. Due Annually at 7 Per
(lent 15,390.00
Grant and Smith Settlement, Due 1896, at 6 Per
Cent 14)5,3014.37
Miscellaneous Loans, Due 1896,at 6 Per Cent. 96,617.26
Miscellaneous Loans, Due 1897,at 6 Per('ent 856,956.55 -
Miscellaneous Loans, Due from 1899 to 1904 at 6 •
Per Cent 107,161.43
New Refunding Bonds, Due 1911,at 5 l'er Cent26,500.143 , •
-----$ 1148,391.58
Part of the Principal of the Bonded Debt Becoming Due this Year.
May lst, 1894,5 per cent of the Bonded Debt of the
Henry Young Loan,payable at City Treasury* 456.97
January 1, 1895, 5 per cent.of Corcoran Loan,pay-
able in New York 7,220.110
-$ 7,679.97
Interest Becoming Due During this Year. •
March 1,1894, Payable in New York $ 3,159.22
April 1,1894, Payable at City Treasury 2,023.92
May 1, 1894,Payable at City Treasury 35•44
June 1, 1894, Payable in New York 662.50
September 1, 1894, Payable in New York 3,159.22
December 1, 1894, Payable in New York 662.50
January 1,1893,Payable in New York 1,010.80
January 1, 1895, Payable at City Treasury 2103.61,69 1
February 1, 1891, Peyahle at City Treasury i 411
Improvement Bonded Debt.
Outstanding March 1, 1893 ....,..,j 161,600.00 ..
City of Dubuque Council Record
January 7, 1895 - December 2, 1895
Book No. 25
t>i•' THE
For the Year 1895.
reimimonsomminiiimi.. ....... _ . i
Recorder—T. J. COONEY. Auditor---M M Mc('AHTEN.
Treasurer—H. B. GNIFFKE. I Attorney -JAS. E. KNIGHT.
Assessor—J. F. STEMM.
Committee Clerk—JOAN O'CON N ELL.
Engineer—W. H. KNOWLTON. Sewer Inspector—CHAS. HILLERY
Marshal—ED. MORGAN. Wood Measurer---THOS. .I ESS.
Street Commissioner—JNO.CARTER. Market Master—J. P.THAUT.
Fire Chief—JOE REINFiiIED. Park Commis-inner—II. HINGE.
Electrician—GEO. OSBORNE. ll.ulth Officer—F. W. 11'IELAND.
Mayor Pro Tern—A. VOGLER.
Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first Monday of each neonth.
INDEX—Book 25.
Jan. 7 Adams Co.,taxes (19) 1
" 7 Assessor.1. F.Steutm sworn in 2
•• 7 Assessors sworn in
7 Alley south of Eagle Point Ave.,profile of grade of (19) •. 2
" 7 Angella St.,step and sidewalk ordered on (p 6) 33
•` 7 Ahearn Mrs.John, taxes 3
7 Almond St.,assessment levied for laying sidewalk 186
Feb. 4 Abbott Ralph,taxes(•)31). .
" 6 Alley south of West Eagle Pt.Ave.and east and west 01 Klein St 19-20
March 4 Anderson Chas.,taxes (p 72) 29
• 4 Artus Adolph,taxes (p 33,72) 31
" 4 Alley bet. W.510 and W.3rd,G. B. Burch allowed $34.90 for strip 31
of ground east of Hill St
" 4 Alley bet. 23rd and 24th and Couler Aveand Jackson ordered 31
April 4 Alley bet.Jackson and Washington Sts.,J. Lavin allowed $66.00 48
in full for all claims acct. of sewer
" 4 American Fire Eng Co.,ordered paid $3,650,less 2 pet cent(p116) 98 •
" 4 Aldermen-elect sworn in.... 55
• May 6 Alley, pet. of W.J. Bean et al. for improvement of abutting lots 2 70
and 3 McCoy's sub. (p 100)
" 6 Audubon St.,pet.of Chris A.Voelker for impt.of(p.100,123,141) 70
" 6 Alley west end Chestnut St.,extentlon to 14th et.,pet. of Sarah
Donnelly for opening of(p 100) 70
• " 6 Angelis St., pet. of Jno. Lochner et al.asking a grade to be estab-
lished from Pierce to Cox Sts. (p 156)
" 6 Alley bet.Humboldt and Schiller St.,propetty`of N.Reisch,in rel. 72 •
of giving City necessary ground for
6 Alta Vista St. from W. 14th to lot 3 of 3, tnin.lot 91, assessment 74
levied for laying sidewalk on
6 Alley bet. 3rd and 4th and Main and Iowa Sts.ordered repaired.. 74
" 6 Alpine St. bet. W.3rd and Dodge Sts. ordered improved (p 79, 76
101,109, 126,206.212,243)
.June 3 Albee E.W.et al.,asking to have frame dwelling bet.1st and 2nd 96
condemned (p 133)
" 3 Almond and Ellis Sts., pet of Cath. Keepers asking work on be 96
remitted(p 106)
" 3 Alley bet. 17th and 18th and Sycamore and Lynn Sts.,pet.of Peter
Kiene asking to have obstructions removed from(p 106,117). 96
" 3 Alley west of lot of Jos. Bott on Rose St.and east,of Alta Vista St., 96
matter of opening of
" 3 Alley north of W.3rd and west of Hill Sts. from the end of present
imo. west and north of the intersection of W.4th to Pauline,
ordered improved (p 161, 189) 103
" 3 Alley bet. Johnson and Humboldt. and Lincoln and Rhomberg
Aves.ordered improved (p 110,161,183, 184) 103uly 1 Alley east of Alta Vista St.,pet.of vacation of • 13
" 12 AlthauserAve.,pet.for repair of
•,, r " 12 Alley bet.Johnson and Windsor Aves.and Garfield and Rho rberg 123
Aves.,ordered improved,(p 140,202)
Aug. 5 Alley east of Stafford Ave. bet.Mertz and Pauline Sts.,pet for
improvement of(p 156, 166,206,247,248) 130
" 5 Alley bet.W.7th St.and Julien Ave.,claim of Jos. Hugh 131)-1
" 5 Alley bet. Mertz and Ries Sts.and Windsor and Stafford Aves
ordered unproved (p 167,206, 245) 136
lIarch 4 Atlantic Ave.,pet.of C. A.Voelker for impt.of (p 100, 123, 139) 15470
Sept. 4 Ahearn Mrs. John,taxes(p 204)
" 4 Alley bet..Lincoln and Rhomberg and Schiller and Middle Aves.,
pet.for improvement of(p 164,193,206,246,247) 155
INDEX-Book 25.
Sept. 4 Atkins.Ino.,claim of damages 155
" 4 Asbury St.,sidewalk ordered on west side of 11;4
Oct. 28 Alley in Prospect Hill, matter of change in 1117
Nov. 4 Angella St.ordered improved(p 234) 207
" 7 Aldermen ordered paid 20'7
.l .
INDEX--Book 25.
Jany. 7 Bills allowed (P 18)
" 7 13111s referred 1
" 7 13urkis John Est.,taxes,(p 19) 2
" 7 Bannon Mrs. Kate,taxes(p 19) 2
" 7 Booth's Add., pet.of Adams Co. for use of streets in (t) 19). 2
" 7 Brunskill vs. City of Dubuque, pet.of Longueville& McCarthy
in relation to 2
" 7 Buse Chas. W.,taxes 3
" 7 13ittan Fredericka, taxes 4
7 Bonds called in (Improvement) 5
• F. b. 4 Bills allowed (90) 17
6 Blinkendoerf H., remonstrance against special assessment for im-
proving Elm St 20
" 6 Bunting J. L,, pet.of to erect wires and poles on streets 20
" 6 Booth's Add.,estimate of Engineer of amount of filling done on
streets and alleys 20
•• 6 Bracher Aug., taxes(p 31) 18
" 6 Buehlman Henrietta,taxes (p 31) 18
" 6 13,,rnbeiser Susan,taxes 19
M:treh 4 Bills allowed (p 31) 29
4 Bills referred (p 20) 29
4 Brennan,Mrs.;Bridget,taxes (p 72) 29
" 4 Boltz J., proposition of for vacation of a strip of lot 24 in Wick's
Add ... 30
" 4 Bills presented to the County returned 30
• " 11 Bonded ind-btedness, message of Mayor Olinger 33-4 •
April 4 Bills allowed 47
4 Ballard Mary,taxes i p 182) 47
" 4 Burch Cleo. B., taxes 47
•• 13 Bonds Improvement, $5,000 called in. • 61
May 6 Bilis allowed (p 73, 79) 69-70
" 6 Bills referred 70
• " 6 Biztnz Elizabeth,taxes(p 101-2) '70
" 6 Blitsch Chas., taxes '72
" 6 Baser Fred, taxes . 72
6 Bonds Improvement,$2,000 called in 73
6 Bonds I nprovement,$45 000 ordered issued(p 122) 74
.1.1ne 3 Bills allowed (p 100, 101, 102) 95-6
•• 3 Bills referred 96
" 3 Bauer Mrs. Elizabeth,sewerage assessment eorrected. ... 97
" 3 Becker Juo., pet.to be allowed to furnish macadam on West Eagle
Point Ave 102
" 3 Bluff St.,sidewalk ordered on west side of abutting.City lot 598 . 103
" 3 I Bluff St. and Dodge St., sidewalk ordered on abutting lots 584,
585 b,and 585 c 104
" 10 Bonds,resolution in relation to refunding of 105
"• 17 13111s allowed ..... . .. ... ... 106
" 17 Bonds Improvement,ordered issued(p 122) 110
.1u:y 1 Bills allowed (p 121, 125) 115-16
" 12 Bonds Improvement,ordered called in(p 125-6). 122
Au:. 5 Bills allowed (p 132,133, 139) • 129-30
" 5 Bonds Improvement, $32,000 issued 134
5 Bonds Improvement,to be issued this•year,sold to Farson, Leach
& Co 136
5 Broadway St. bet. Blochlinger's Lane and Diagonal St.,sidewalk
ordered on west side 137
" 19 Bank and Insurance Building Co.(p 162) 141
Sept. 4 B111a nllowad (p 161, 1621 .. 153-4
' 4 Benjamin Mrs. Ch irlutte, taxes(p 182) ... .... . . ... 154
INDEX—Book 25.
.895. ( SUBJECT,
Sept. 4 Booth St..pet.of E. D.and W.S. White in relation to assessment
on (p 190) 135
►` 4 Burke Jun., tilling ordered in front of property (p 23.4) 156
" 4 Bluff and Second Sts.,sidewalk ordered on 105
" 20 Bridge tax for 1895 Levied 168
Oct. 1 Bills allowed (p 197) 177 8 11
" 1 Bands Improvement, ordered issued 117
" 7 Blake Mary and Nettie,claim of 180
" 7 Blake Mrs., taxes 182
" 7 Bluff St.bet.3rd and 4th Ste.,sidewalk ordered on both sides 191
" 7 Bluff St, bet.7th and 8th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side 191
" 7 Bluff St. bet.9th and 101h Sts.,side walk ordered on east side 191
" 7 Bonds Lnnrovement,called in (p 192) 192
" 28 Board of Health ordered paid .. 197
Nov. 4 1 Bills allowed 199 2Kl
" 4 Bahl Cornelius,taxes 201)
4 Bohn Ernst, pet. in relation to skating ri•dk (p 235). 21141
" 4 Build ngs dangerous,ordu r,d removed (p 223) 20u6
" 4 Bennett St.,sidewalk ordered on north side 207
" 4 Berrv's sub., plat of approved _tt;
" 18 Bonds Improvement,called in 244
'• 18 Bonds Street Improvement, ordered i=sued 223 4
18 Broadway St.east side,sidewalk ordered on 224
" 18 Blochlinger's Lane north Fide,sidewalk ordered on
Dec. 2 Bills allowed 2311 2 a
" 2 Bunting.1. L., pet. in relation to fire and burclar alarms :aa
" 2 Blake Mary and Nettie,claim of .. 2.4
`• 2 Bonds Improvement, ordered called in 237 S
INDEX--Book 25.
• C
.Iau. 7 Cronmiller Geo.,taxes(p 19) 1
" 7 Cheetham Mrs.John,taxes(p 19) 1
" 7 Cadman Bose,taxes (19) 2
7 Couler Ave.and Park llill, pet. for arc light on (p 19) 2
" 7 Cooper A.A..taxes 3
" 7 Clark Ed.,taxes 5
'• 7 Clay St. bet. 8th and 9th, special assessment levied on for con-
struction of sidewalk 6
" 7 Clay St. bet. 5th and 6th, special assessment levied on fur con-
struction of sidewalk 6 '
•• Feb. 4 Clark Ed.,special taxes(p 31) 17
" 4 Cantwell Bridget, taxes 18
" 4 Carney Mrs. M.,taxes(p 31, 132). 18
4 Conigisky Katie,taxes(p 31,47,72 18
" 4 Callaghan Mary,taxes(p 31) 18
" 6 Canovan Mary, t txea 19
March 4 Catherine St. from Angella St.to north end,sidewalk ordered on
(p 165) • 32
April 4 Central Engin' (louse, prop tsition in relation to rodding of. 48
" 4 Committee attnding,ap •ointed for the year 56
" 4 Clay St. from 3rd to 18th Sts.ordered paved with brick (p 57,61,
62,69, 136, 157,158, 159, 160, 163)./54 56 •
" 4 Couler Ave. from 18th to Eagle Point Ave. ordered p tved with
bri•k(p 57,61,62,'i9, 186, 187, 188, 189) 56
•• 11 C.& G. W.and C. M.&St.P. R. R. Co.ordered to lay plank walk
on north side of Pine bet.tracks and rails 57 4
•• 15 Carter John, Street Commissioner,app intcd 61
•• 15 Committee Clerk John O'Connell appointed 61
May 6 Conhuliu Ilarria, taxes. 70
•• 6 Clark L. M..taxes(p 102) 70
'• 6 C.& G. W. It. It.Co.. pet.of for the removal of an arc light at cor-
ner of their freight depot 71
" 6 Curtis St. bat.I)tdge and M tlady Ste.ordered improved(p 79,101,
161,185,186) 77
June 3 Conlin Lizzie, in favor to cancel taxes for 1874 102
" 3 Couler Ave., sidew.tlk ordered on west side abutting lot 9 L. H.
Lang's Add.and lot 266 D'vis Farm (p 156) 104
" 7 C. M.&St. P. 11. R. Co.granted right to lay track on 12th St.from
Pine to Cedar Sts.bet. 12th and 13th Sts. (p 106, 122) 105
.lulu 1 Coates Ave., pet. for imorovemeut of(p 161). 116
" 1 Collins.John,pet. for removing brewery on South Lncust St 116
12 Clay St,remonstrance agtinst change of grade one 121
'• 12 Cox St., plat ofexten4ion of(p 156) 121
Aug. 5 Curtis St.,claim of\IgM"thou for damages 130
" 5 Center Place,Engineer to prepare plans for sanitary drainage .... 136
Sept. 4 Chalders Harry,taxes(p 182) 154
" 4 Conigisky Loui4,taxes(p 182) 154
k 4 Clifford St., pet.f'r grade stakes on(p 189) 154
4 Clifford St., pet. for improvement of 154
" 4 Cornell St.,sidewalk ordered on west side. 165
4 Clay St.and Cattier Ave. bet. 3rd St.and E tgle Point Ave., side-
walk ordered on both sides of 165
Oct. 7 Chamberlain I. C., taxes 181
7 Cunningham&Walsh,taxes 182
Nov. 4 Chicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Ca., taxes 200
" 4 Catherine S .ordered improved.. 206
" 18 Contractors, net.of it relation to money due(p 235) 223
" 18 Chicago& Northwestern,committee to be appointed in regard to
extension of 224
Dec. 2 Council,rules of amended 237
1INDEX—Book 25.
i 895. I SUBJECT. 1•"'''.
.lan. 7 Dubuque Wocden Wale Co.,taxes(p 19) 1
" 7 Doherty P. F. it Co., taxes :1
" 7 Dodge St.from S.Locust to S.Main St.,storm water Sewer ordered
on(p124) ' :'
" 7 Dubuque St. Hy. Co., taxes (p 20) 1::
" 7 Dubuque Light& Traction Co., taxes(p 201 1:1
7 Dubuque lIigh Bridge Co., matter of amending ordinance of
(p 17,18) 1:1
" 7 Dubuque St. Ry. Co.,ordinance committee to draft ordinance ex-
. tending charter 14
Feb. 4 Decker Mrs. II.C.,taxes cancelled 11
March 4 Downer A. M.,taxes .11
" 4 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add., committee appointed
to examine into ownership of streets,alleys and levees :1'=
" 14 Driscoll Mary,taxes :::1
April 4 Dumphy Martin, taxes,(p 72) :14
" 4 Dubuque St. Hy. Co., Dubuque Light .t Traction Co. and 8th St.it
West Dubuque St. Ry. Co., directed to pay such portions of
Clay St. from 18th St.to Couler Ave. by law (p 57) ;i8
May 6 Donahue Margaret,taxes (p 102) 70
" 0 Dubuque St. By. Co., pet. of extension of charter,(p 101, 118, 138
134,139, 140.... 71
" 6 Dubuque Fire & Mnrtne Ins.Co., communication of 71
" 6 Dubuque Paper Mill Co.,taxes 72
" ti Dodge St., north side of bet. Bluff St.and Peabody Ave.,sidewalk
11 18 Dailey L.,pet. in relation to hauling garbage 79
t lune 3 Dubuque High Bridge Co., pet.of in relation to taxes (p 155) t ! i
" 3 Denell Susan, taxes(p 132)
" 3 Drees Susan, taxes granted.. 11 2
1 Aug. 16 Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co.,communication In relation to' .
(p 205,231) 1'9
" 19 Dancing,Mayor to issue permits for when proper. 1 11
Sept. 4 Dempsey Mrs. Sophia,taxes(p 182) 154
" 4 Dubuque Boating Association, taxes 155
" 4 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.,lot in ordered filled 1117
Oct. 7 Delhi St. bet.Asbury and Center Ste.. sidewalk ordered on both
sides of 191
Nov. 18 Dubuque Fire& Marine Ins. Co.,taxeq 223
INDEX--Book 25.
.Ian. 7 Electric lights in City buildings,Police and Light Committee to
examine as to use of 3
Feb. 4 Enright Mary, taxes,(p 31) 18
" 6 Elm St.,remonstrance of II. Benkendorf against special assessm't. 20
Mch. 14 Election,ju lges and clerks were appointed. 33
April 4 Election,judges and clerks,registers ordered paid.. . 47
" 4 English Lane, Sullivan and Nightingale Sts., pet. asking that
grade be established (p 73) 47
" 4 Election,votes canvassed... 54-5
" 4 Eighteenth St. from Couler Ave.to Clay ordered paved with brick
(p. 57,69,61.62) 56
" 4 Eighteenth St. and west side of Couler Ave.,sidewalk ordered on. 56
" 15 Engineer W. H. Knowlton appointed 61
15 Electrician Geo. L. Osborn appointed 61
May 6 East St.ordered opened to West 14th St 71
.I ung 3 Ellis St.,pet of Geo. Ferris in relation'to change of grade of(p 116) 100
" 3 Engine house Delhi St., repairs ordered done103
3 Engine House 181.11 St., matter of wafter supply. 103
" 3 Eighth St.,sidewalk ordered on north side abutting lot 172 city... 103
.lu:y 1 Electric Light Poles allowed on highland Place 120
Aug. 5 Eagle Point Ave., pet.for extension of east(p 156) 130
- 5 Eagle St., pet.for improvement of(p 161) 130
" 5 Equalization Committee appointed 134
" 0 Eagle Point Ave. bet. Jackson and Kniest Ste.,sidewalk ordered
on both sides 137 ir
Sept. 4 Ernedorf .Ino. it Sons, pet. In relation to taxes on new building
(p 190) 155
4 English Lane from Wilde to Nightingale sts,red line adopted as,
official grade 156
" 4 Eagle Point Ferry,appropriation granted for raising of(p 192).... 156
" 4 Eleventh St. bet.Iowa and Main Ste.,sidewalk ordered on both
sides of 166
Oct. 7 Excelsior Brass Works,taxes 182
Dee. 2 Electric light ordered on 17th and Iowa Sts. 235
" 2 Electric Light ordered in front of Finley Hospital 235
" 2 Electrical construction, ordinance committee ordered to draft
ordinance 235
" 2 Elmdale Ave., name of changed to Kauffman Ave 237
a a
INDEX—Book 25.
i893. SUBJECT, 1'%G r•.
.Ian. 7 Finn Mrs. Geo.,taxes(p 19) 1
7 Flannagan Mrs. Dennis,taxes, (p 19) 2
" 7 Finkenauer Mrs. Phil.,(p 19) 2
" 7 Fire hose ordered purchased(p 18,20) .... 3
" 7 Foggarty Rev.Jno.,taxes 3
" 7i-Fifth Ave„plans for imp.of approved (p 73,76,80, 104,201). 5
Feb. 4 Fox Mary,taxes (p 31) 18
April 4 Fenelon Place Elevator,taxes(p 72, 180) 47
" 15 Fire Chief Reinfried appointed 61
" 24 Farrell Jas. et al., pet.of for sidewalk on 20 ft.strip owned by City
adjoining lots 6 from Needham Place to Hill St 62-72
" 24 First National Bank,claim against City 62
May 6 Foley P. C., proposition of cleaning Main St.,9th St. and Bluff St.
with a sweeper 71
" 6 Fire Department,Fire Chief given full charge over firemen, right
to hire and suspend for violation of rule 73
" 6 Fire Department, pet.of firemen that the position of fireman be
permanent during good behavior 73-122
" 6 Fremont.Ave., bet. Grandview Ave. and Cascade Road ordered im-
proved (p 80,135) 76
" 18 Fenelon Place Elevator Co.et al., pet. of in relation to the line of
Fenelon Place extension (p 100) 79
.lane 3 Flynn Mary,taxes granted 101
" 3 Finley, Waples& Burton Add.,lots 24 and 25,taxes cancelled for
1894 102
" 3 Flynn Mrs. P.,taxes cancelled for 1894 102
" 3 Fourth Sr. Ext.,Marshal instructed to remove obstructions on.... 103
" 3 Fourth St between Main and White Sts.ordered paved(p 106, 126,
163,183) 103
" 3 Fourteenth St. bet. Clay and White Sts., sidewalk ordered on
I: north side of 1114
" 17 Fourth St.Extension,special committee appointed on 110-120
July 1 Foy St., pet. for improvement of 116
" 12 Fourth St.Extension,name of changed to High Bridge Ave 123-183
12 Fengler Ave.from Peosta St.to northern terminus ordered im-
proved (p 140,206,246) 123
12 Fifth Ave from prel•ent imi,rovement to Peosta St. ordered im-
proved(p 139, 167) 124
" 25 Fifteenth St, from Main to Locust Sts.ordered improved (p 135,
140,177,203) 126
Aur. 5 Fremont Ave., claim of Mr. Stuart 130-1(3
5 Fire Gongs, Water Co. instructed to have same put in their pump-
ing stations.... ... 133
" 5 Farley-Loetscher& Co., matter of sawdust nuisance . 136-7
5 Fourteenth St. bet. •Jackson and Elm Sts., sidewalk ordered on
if both sides of 138
" 5 Fifteenth St. bet. Iowa and Clay Sts. sidewalk ordered on south
side of 138
Sept. 4 Fogarty Rev.John, taxes 154-182
" 4 Fifth Ave., pet. for extension of improvement of(p 162, 163, 189) 154
" 4 Fountain drinking,to be placed on Cleveland Ave 163
" 4 Fire hose,2,000 feet ordered purchased (p 192,193) 163
" 4 Foy street ordered repaired 164
i " 4 Foy St.,resolution in relation to widening of(p 181, 191, 192) 164
" 4 Fountain drinking,ordered on Eagle Point Ave. and Couler Ave164
4 Fourth St., bet. Locust and alley east,sidewalk ordered on north
side of 165
" 4 Fremont Ave. from Grandview Ave. to Cascade Road, sidewalk
ordered on both sides of(p 180) 166-7
(ict. 7 Ferry boat bet. Dubuque and East Dubuque, petition of Stephen
Shaw for 1S0-2('4
" 7 Fire Department.pet.for the equipment of the Peter Olinger(p 235) 180
" 7 Fifth Ave., subdivision plat of approved 190
Dec. 2 Flynn Jno., pet. in relation to special assessment granted233
" 2 Fireman Jerry Murphy, resolution in relation to adopted I 237
INDEX--Book 25. •
'895. I SUBJECT. PeuB.
• G
Feb. 4 Grandview Ave.,matter of widening of(p 19,76 79,80,104,11Q,117) 17
" 6 Guthrie &Brown subdivisions,renumbering of 20
Mph. 14 Gagne Dell,pet.to measure macadam 33
April 15 Garbage, bids advertised for hauling of 61
?Jay 6 Grandview Ave.,communication of Engineer for laying 4 ft.side-
walk op 75
" 6 Grandview Ave.,6 ft. sidewalk ordered on both sides (p 79,102,
206,252) 75
" 18 Glen Oak Ave. froth Julien Ave. to West 14th St,jury ordered op
(1) 110, 111,134,162,168,19 ) 79
• " 18 Grandview Ave.,Marshal to open streets and alleys in vicinity of80
June 3 Gperdet H.,matter of connecting with sewer(see p 314, lot 12) 102
• " 17 Grove Terrace, pet. in relation to retaining wall 106
Aug. 5 Grandview Ave.,claim of Jno. Burke on damages on accopnt of
.grade 130
Sept. 4 Grandview Ave., pet.of Mrs.M.Wilde et al.objecting to improve •
ment of from S. Dodge to Southern Ave 155 •
" 4 Garfield Ave. front Dock to Ann Aves. ordered improved (p 193,
206,249) 166
Oct. 1 Glenn Oak Ave.from Julien Ave.to 14th St., Engineer to prepare
grade and estimate on 178-181
Nov. 8 Grandview Ave.from Southern Ave.east accepted(p 243,244,245) 206
Dec. 2 Glab Henry,application of to be reinstated in Engineer's office233
" 2 Grant Mrs. avid,taxes 235
INDEX---Book 25.
1895. 1 SUBJECT. PAGE.
.Ian. 7 Hitchens Frank,taxes(p 19) 1
" 7 Hubert Mrs.Joseph,taxes 3
Feb. 4 Holley St., pet. of Mrs. Whittemore in relation to improvement of.. 17
4 Hubert Annie,taxes 18-31
" 4 Hallenberger Wm.,taxes • 18
6 Hogan Michael est.,taxes cancelled on moneys and credits 19
i " 6 Hoerner Margaret,taxes 19
March 4 Holly St., yet.for improvement of received and filed... .......... 31 •
" 14 High Bluff St.,pet. for improvement of 33
" 14 Hughes Margaret,taxes 33
" 14 Highland Place Extension,report of Engineer on (p 168, 197...... 33
" 14 Hickey Jno.,pet. of in relation to change of grade eabt on Grand-
view Ave. (p 101, 155, 156, 180,201) 48
April 4 High Bluff St. from Schiller to Fengier Aves.,jury ordered on (p •
54, 162).... 48
" 4 Holly St., from Cleveland Ave. to Rush St.,assessment levied for
improve ment of . 49
May 6 Hanley Bros.& Hollingshead, pet. to erect a small warehouse on
levee 71 101
" 6 Humboldt Ave. bet. Lincoln Ave.and High Bluff St. ordered im-
proved (p 80,100, 117) 7+5
I " 6 Hill Sr.bet.West 5th and West 3rd Ste., sidewalk ordered on west
I side of 77
.luly 1 Hannan N.J., claim against 120
i " 12 High Bluff Sts.from Schiller to Middle Aves.,jury ordered on122-142
25 Hill St.subdivision, plat approved 126
Aug. 5 Hintrager Wm., pet.of objecting to vacation of streets and alleys
1 abutting lots 22 and 26 Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co.'s Add131
( " 16 Haney-Cambell et Co.,pet. in relation to taxes on a new factory140
Sept. 14 Heinz Mrs.Johanna,taxes 154-182
" 14 Herzog Mrs. Henriet+a, taxes (p 182) 154
, Ort. 7 Herron F. I., Maj. General,rebolutions in regard to 178
" 7 Hanley& Co.,taxes . .... 180-204
7 High Bluff St., from Schiller to Middle Aves. ordered improved... 191-207
" 7 Hog Weigher Geo. Pfiffner appointed 199
" 7 High Bridge Ave.,matter of obstructions on(p 234) 200-193
N1.v. 4 Hertner C., taxes...•. 200
" 4 High Bridge Ave.,pet.of Jesse Verne in relation to filling of200
. " 4 Hugh Joseph,claim of 204
" 18 High School Cadets,pet. for use of 3rd story of City Hall. 223
Dec. 2 Hitchins Frank,taxes 233
" 2 Hintrager Wm.,remonstrance against special assessments. 233
`• 2 Hoey Eliza, pet. for extension of time to make sewer connections
granted 233
INDEX—Book 25.
1895• I SUBJECT.
Jan. 7 Illinois Contral R.H. Co. granted right of way along Salina and
West Main Ste.(p 13,14, 17).
Melt. 4 I. 0. 0. F.,taxes
4 Insurance Comp9nies,matter of assessments thereof fixed(p.48)
June 3 Illinois Central R. R.Co., pet.of for permission to lay track from
D.D. Bridge track to 17th St. (p 133, 140). t)f,
• Nov. 4 Illinois Central R. R. Co., pet. of for right(of way from 13th to
Cedar Sts. (p 224) ,uo
" 4 Independent School District of Dubuque,.taxee. 20-1
Dec. 2 Illinois Central 11. R.Co.ordered to cover debris on their property 23:)
Jan. 7 Johnston Mary A.,
Feb. 4 Jeoffroy Joseph, taxes 1M-31
" 6 Jones David R.,taxes19
Mch. 4 Joseph Mrs. J. taxes31
" 4 Julien Ave.,sidewalk ordered abutting lot 9 of sub.City 736...... 32
April 4 Julien Ave. from West 8th St. to Wilson Ave., special tax levied to
payfrlaying sidewalk .
6 Jess
T.L., taxes 53
. 70
6 Jackson St.,east side of,abutting lot 39 East Dubuque Add.,side-
walk ordered on 78
" 6 Jackson St.and Eagle Point Ave.,abutting lots 48 to 54 incl. L. H.
Lang's Add.,sidewalk ordered on 78
June 3 Julien Ave. from Walnut St.to Wilson Ave. accepted (p 107,108,
. 117) . 100
" 17 Julien Ave.,pet. of R.T. Eddy against special assesment for im-
provement of 106
July 25 Jones St. from Main to Iowa Sts., Engineer to prepare plans for ,
imrrovement of 126
Aug. 5 Jackson St.bet.22nd and 24th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side of 137
" 16 Jones St.from west line of West Main St. to Levee,resolution for
paving 141
Sept. 4 Jones St.from West Main to Harrison Sts.,sidewalk ordered on
both sides of 167
Oct. 7 Jackson St. bet.9th and 10th Ste.,sidewalk ordered on west side of 191
" 7 Jackson St.bet.18th and 19th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side of 191
Nov. 18 Jansen John,allowed $10.00 far strip of ground on 5th Ave. (p 233) 223
. ,
, .
INDEX—Book 25.
1893. SUBJECT, ref:B.
• K
Jan. 17 Key City Fire Insurance Co., assessments for 1893 and 1894 fixed
at $1.,500 each year 14
" 17 Kimball R.,allowed$150 assistance to run ferry. 18
Feb. 6 Kuiest,Guthrie& Brown's Sub.,matter of renumbering lots in20
" 4 Knoernschild Gotfried, taxes 18-31
" 6 Klingenberg's Sub., Engineer to prepare plat showing street
through 19
Melt. 4 Keiffer John, taxes 29-72
" 4 Krische Cath., taxes(p 72, 116, 132) 29
" 4 Kiesel Geo. W.,taxes 30
" • 4 Kyles John,remonstrating against improvement of alley 30
April 4 Klingenberg Terrace,pet. for grade stakes on 47-156
May 6 Kemmler Mary A., taxes 70-102
" 6 Keckevoet John,pet.for lease of grounds to erect boat house near
Ice Harbor 71-101
" 6 Kallenberger Wm. Est.,taxes 72
6 Keachie Miss,allowed $50.00 personal damages 73
" 6 Kniest St. bet.Rhomberg and Eagle Point Ayes.,sidewalk ordered
both sides of 77
.lune 17 Kane St.,obstructions on 106
Aug. 5 Kieffer John et al., pet.of in relation to overflow of Couler Creek131
" 5 Kampman Casper,taxes 132
. Sept. 4 Knapp H. G., taxes 154-182
4 Kietzman Mrs. Henrietta,taxes 154-182
" 4 Kelly Mrs.M..claim for damages by flood 155
Nov. 4 Kaep John,claim of 200
Dec. 2 Knapp.Ino.,pet. in relation to extension of Willow St 233
2 Kemp Maria et al., pet. in relation to grade of Southern Ave 235
2 Kauffman Ave.,name of changed to Bauer Ave 286
INDEX —Book 25.
'89a. SUBJECT.
,fan. 7 Lahy Mrs.,taxes 1-19
" 7 Large Rovena S.,taxes 2-17
" 7 Langworthy's Add.,pet. for opening street through lot 88 2-19
" 7 Lincoln Ave., special assessment levied for improvement of 3
" 7 Lange Mrs.A.,taxes 4
" 7 Leibnitz St.west of North Main St.,Electric Light ordered on.... 4
Feb. 4 Lavin Michael, claim of 18
" 4 Lonergan Honora, taxes 18--31
" 6 Loeffler F. W., Attorney to pr cure deed from for alley.... 20
" 6 Leppert Maria,taxes 19
Mch. 4 Lenzing Carolina, taxes 29-72
" 4 Ludwig Michael,taxes 29-72
" 4 Laurer John et al,remonstrating against special assessment 30
" 4 Lavin Michael,claim of 30
" 4 Lippstock Henry,taxes .31
" 4 Loan,warrants to bear interest at 6 per cent 32
May 6 Lorimier Mary D., taxes 70- 102
• " 6 Leibnitz St.,pet. of J.E. Rider et al. to have same improved from
Harold to Abitz Sts.,(p 100, 106, 117, 124, 139, 191,207) 70
" 6 Lookout Post No. 70, pet.of for the use of room in City Hall as a
G.A. R. Post hall 71
" 6 Linwood Cemetery, Engineer to devise plan for carrying water at
crossings at Winds r Ave.to have same flow down 73
" 6 Lot 12 sub. of out lot 703 ordered connected with sewer 75 102
• " 6 Lincoln Ave., sidewalk ordered on south side abutting lot 1 of 4
L. Kniest's sub '77
6 Lincoln Ave., sidewalk ordered on abutting lot 10,Wick's Add77
" 18 Lincoln Ave., sidewalk ordered on North side of bet. Couler Ave.
and White St , 78
" 18 Locust St. from 10th to 16th Sts.. W. Locust from 16th t N. W.
side to W. 17th St., Engineer to prepare plans for improve-
went,etc. (p 109,110, 126, 177,294.238, 231,240) 80
June 3 Lawther Ave. from Windsor to Burden Aves. accepted (p 107,
108, 109) 100,
" 3 Louisa St., proposition for extension of 100
Aug. 5 Lincoln Ave. bet.Jackson St.and Reed Ave.,sidewalk ordered on
both sides of 138•
June 17 Leibnitz St.,pet. for repair of 106-161
Aug. 5 Locust St.bet. lst and Jones Sts.,sidewalk ordered on both sides
of 128
Sept. 4 Luke Mrs. Mary J.,taxes 154482
" 4 Levi St.,red line adopted as official grade of 15Q.
Oct. '7 Lincoln Ave.bet. 5'h and 6th Aves., pet. for improvement of 180
" 7 Linehan D. J., pet.of to have lot on cor. 14th and Cornell S's.
connect with sewer 180
Dec. 2 Locust St.,remonstran a against special assessment for impt.of... 233
• e t;'
. I
• •
. .
. .
. , INDEX--Book 25.
1895. -----
Jan. 7 McLean Cath.,taxes • 2-19
" 7 McLaughlin Mrs., taxes 2
" 7 Muilqueeney Thos., taxes 2-19
" 7 McLain James,taxes. 3
. " 7 Macadam,Engineer to measure 5-13
" 7 Matthews Alpuonse,appAnted Assistant City Attorney. 13
" 7 McClaux James, plat of . ,
• Feb. 4 Mackert Valentine, taxes 31-18
" 6 Maresch Joe., remonstranee against special assessment for im-
proving Elm St. 20
" 6 McCann Cath.,taxes 19
6 McLaughlin Mrs., taxes19
" 6 Magdal H., taxes 19
Mch. 4 Marsh Mrs. John,taxes 30-72
" 4 Madel Anna, taxes 80-72
" 4 Macadam,list of rock broken presented 30
" 4 McLs.in Ed.,plat of approved 32
14 Mt.St. Joseph's Academy,Engineer should give proper lines on
West Locust St • 33
Aprii 4 Mathis Caroline,taxes 47-72
" 4 Mullqueeney Margt.,taxes 47-72
" • 4 Mayor,salary fixed at$1,500 48
" 4 Mayor-elect Olinger sworn in 55
" 8 Macadam required for foundation for streets be furnished by city 57
" 15 Marshal Morgan appointed 61
" 15 Market Master.1. P.Traut appointed 61
. May 1 MacDonald A.Y. & Morrison Mfg. Co., pet.for vacation of streets
and alleys(p 71, 102). 69
" 1 McPoland Cath.,taxes 70-102
" 6 Meyer Eva, taxes 70-102
" 6 Mundt Jno..claim for damages for personal injury to wife(p 101,
155, 180) '71
• " 6 Muggenberg Dietrich, plat dedicating part of his land for street
• purposes 72-121
" 6 Mickes Wendel est.,Treasurer instructed to accept$100 in full for '
taxes for 1889 and 1891 75
June 3 McNally Johanna,taxes 96-132
" 3 Mullen Mary,pet.asking that money due her from parties bc re-
turned for her 96
" 3 Mertz St.acce.pted (p 118, 119) 100
. " 17 Middle Ave.from Garfield Ave. to High Bluff St.,pet. in relation
to improvement of 106-207 . .
" 17 MacDonald& Morrison Mfg. Co., resolution in relation to taxes
of(p 122) 106-107
.T lily 1 M Cenev Mrs.E.,taxes •116-132
" 12 Middle 'Ave. bet. Emsley's alley and Garfield Ave. ordered im-
proved(p 140,206,247) 123
Aug. 5 Murray J.B.,pet.in relation to sidewalk assessment... .. 130-156
" 5 Mineral Lot 113,sidewalk laid on abutting 137
" 16 Muscatine St., pet. of F. W. Altman calling•attention to condition
of 139-161
Sept. 4 Mercy Hospital.taxes 154-168
" 4 Monday Morning Star, pet.of to be made official paper(p 164,223,
235) 155
" 4 Malady St.,Engineer to prepare plat showing extension of. 166-181
" 20 Macadam used by City ordered paid for 168
Oct. 7 McMahon Mrs. M., taxes .. 180-204
" 7 McMahon Michael,claim of 180-205
• Nov. 4 Mausen &Co., pet.to have license refunded , 200
" 4 Mertz St.,.sidewalk orderd on 207
" 4 Macadam,parties to obtain permits to break 207
. .
INDEX--Book 25.
• N
April 15 Ney Albert, pet of for correct line on south side of 2nd St.west
on Main to alley GI
May 6 Nineteenth St.north side bet.Elm and Pine Ste.,assessment levied
for laying sidewalk on 74
" 6 Nineteenth St. south side of abutting lot 97 East Dubuque Add.,
sidewalk ordered on 77
July 1 Noyes C.A.,pet.in relation to sidewalk 117
Aug. 5 Nauk Karl,claim of(p 234) 130-161
Sept. 4 Noonan Mrs. M.M., taxes 154-182
" 4 Nightingale St.,red line adopted as official grede of 156
. .
. . .
INDEX—Book 25.
---- - - —---- .
.Jan. 7 Oswald Helena,taxes 1
" 7 Officers, reports of 2
7 O'Brien John,claim of 3
7 O'Shea James, taxes 3
" 7 O'Neill St., matter of location of. • 13
Feb. 4 Officers, reports of 18
. " 4 Ott Jos.J.,taxes 18-31
Mch. 4 Officers,reports of 30-48
" 14 Officers, annual reports are presented 34
k' 14 Ordinance extending franchise to Dubuque St. Ry. Co 34
April 15 Officers salaries and bonds of 61-62 •
May 6 O'Farrell Mrs.,taxes 70
" 6 Oak St.,pet.J. Beacon et al. in relation to'conditiou of(p 100) 70
" 6 Officers,reports of 71-72 •
" 6 Official paper,"Telegraph"appointed (p 101,136,140, 190) 78
.1 u ne 3 Officers,reports of .. .... ... .. . .. .. 96-97
" 3 Ordinance relating to Chief of Fire Department 102-122
" 3 O'Retwan Maurice,taxes granted 102
" 3 O'Halleron Ellen,taxes cancelled for 1894(p 131.162) . 102
" 3 Ordinance vacating alley bet. Pine and Sycamore and 12th and
13th Sts. adopted 106
July 1 Officers,reports of 116
Aug. 5 O'Hare Rose,claim of 130
" 5 Officers,reports of 131
sept. 4 O'Donnell Hubert, pet.of in relation to sidewalk assessment 154-205
" 4 Officers, reports of 155
" 4 Ordinance granting I. C. R. R. Co. right of way from Salina St.
north of Charter St. westerly across W. Main, Harrison and
South Locust Sts.on to the premises of Jas. Beach . 159-161
20 Ordinance in relation to awnings ordered.chauged 168 •
Oct. 7 Officers,reports of , 180-181
" 7 Ordinance granting C.M.&St.P.R.R.Co.right of way 181
7 Ordinance in relation to awnings • 181
" 7 Ordinance granting Svendsen& Ott certain streets and alleys181-182
" 7 Ordinance in relation to sewer connections 182
" 7 Ordinance in relation to taxes 190
Nov. 4 Oak St., pet.of Kane& Keaneally that.same be made passable200
4 Officers. reports of 200
Dec. 2 O'Reagan Mrs. Maurice, taxes 233
• " 2 Officers,reports of 233-234
2 Ordinance in relation to licenses , 234
. .
. . 1
. .
• i
INDEX—Book 25.
1895 SUBJECT. I t'A 4E.
.tan. 7 Pzer John, pet. of to condemn way through lot 579. . .. : 2
" 7 Pickup Est.,pet.of in relation to special assessment 2
" 7 Peru Road,pet.of Jac. Collins et al. for sidewalk on (p 74). 2-5
" 7 Pickett St.,matter of petition for sidewalk on 2_8
" 7 Patrol House,new floor ordered in 3
April 4 Pickett St.,pet.of J.J. Murray on assessment for improvement of 48
" 15 Park Custodian, Henry Henge appointed. 61
" 15 Pound Master,Jno. Pullens appointed 61
May 6 Parker Mich., taxes ... 70-102
6 Police, pet. for increase of salary. 71-101
" 6 Palmer Martha J., pet,in relation to assessment of bank stock73
" 18 Parks sidewalks in,E.J. Evans allowed $150 for repairing of79
June 3 Pine St. bet.25th and 26th Sts., pet. of D. S. Cameron et al. for
sidewalk and light on 96-157
" 3 Paul St.,pet.of F. H.Mindorfer et al.asking for the improvement
of from Seminary to Leibnitz Sts.(p 117,123, 139, 191,207) 96
" 3 Pine St. bet. 25th and 26th Stssidewalk ordered on west side of104
Aug. 5 Pickett St., pet.of F.A.Gniffke in relation to (p 181,204) 130
Sept. 4 Pierce St., pet. for improvement of. 156-189
" 4 Peru Road Bridge, C.&G. W. R.R. Co.:to widen approaches to164
" 4 Peabody Ave.,resolution for repair of... 166
F' x
INDEX—Book 25.
'895. SUBJECT, Pear.
Jan. 7 Quigley Wm., taxes 3
Aug. 5 Quinn St.,bet. Rush and Valley Sts.declared a public highway as
surveyed by W. H. Knowlton . . . . 136
Nov. 4 Queen St.,sidewalk ordered on east side of . . .. . . . . . . 207
J -- Qf 26.
1893 SIJ 4ECT. i'nua:.
Jau. 7 Rhomberg J. 1I.,taxes . .. 1
" 7 Reuter Cath.,taxes 1-2-19
66 7 Reynolds Rosa,taxes 2-19
Mch. 29 Reiseck Mathias, taxes 29-72
" 29 Rupprecht Saloune, taxes 29-72
April 4 R-Isch Nick,taxes .. . .. ... ... .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 47
May 6 Rush St., pet.of Thos. Kenneally et al. for improvement of from
Quince to Villa Sts.(p 101, 106, 117, 124, 140,141,206, 241,242) '71
" 6 Railroads, County Auditor's statement of valuation and assess-
ments of 71
" 6 Road Districts, City divided into 14 Districts as shown on plat pre-
pared by Engineer . . 73
• 6 Road Scraper,City to purchase a Barnard &Castle Scraper(p 101,
106,117) 73
" 6 Rhomberg Ave., sidewalk ordered on north side abutting lot 35
Cook's Add 77
June 3 Rubeck Mary,taxes 102
" 17 Rebecca St.,pet. for improvement of(p 116,137,168) 106
July 12 Rhomberg Ave. south side bet. Johnson and Windsor Aves., side-
walk ordered on 124
• Aug. 5 Randall J. S. Lumber Co..claim of 130
" 5 Rhomberg Ave. bet. Couler and Middle Aves., sidewalk ordered
on both sides 138
Sept. 4 Rand G.B.,taxes . . .. 154-182
" 4 Rawlings Belle, taxes..... 1M-182
" 4 Ryan Con.,claim of 154
" 4 Reeder St.,pet. for repair of 154-189
" 4 Rieman Vein. Sr.,pet.to pay sewerage assessment without interest 155
" 4 Reynolds Mrs. Owen,taxes granted 162
Oct. 7 Registers of Election appointed 190-191
Nov. 4 Ryan Wm.Packing Co.,taxes.......... 200
Dec. 2 Rush St.,pet.of E. Conlin and others in relation to sidewalk on.. 235
/ 0 i — 17 (‘.c, 'rATKIZ6Irecti/ri!st SS/ /olt/t7 der
INDEX--Book 25.
Jan. 7 Spahn Mrs. Peter& E.,taxes 1-19
" 7 Sidewalk repairs,special assessment for cancelled 2 .
" 7 Southern Ave.,pet. of Dennis Powers et al.in relation to sidewalk 2
" 7 Sheppley E.H., pet. to repairing of sidewalk 3-156
" 7 Schiel Annie L., taxes •..• 3
'• 7 Schmidt Geo.,taxes 3•-19
• " 7 Sewerage on West llth St.and Alley bet. Race and Walnut Ste.,
special assessment levied for.. ... 4
" 7'Sewerage in Nevada St.,special assessment levied for 4
" 7 Southern Ave. from Rowan St. to Grandview Ave., Engineer to •
prepare nlat showing change in location of... .... 5-20
" 7 Samuel St.Extension, Eztineer to prepare plat of. .., 5-19
" 7 Sixth St. bet. White and Clay Sts„assessment levied for laying of
" 7 Sewerage, Walnut, W. llth and Prairie Sts.,assessment levied for. 6 i
" 7 Sewerage in Alley bet. Race and Walnut Sts. ordered extended
(p 58,107) • 13
Feb. 4 Sewerage in Alley bet. Sanford and 27th Sts.,matter of assessment
for construction of. 17
• 4 Specht Juo.& I.I.allowed $150.00 assistance for running ferry(p
116,204) 18
" 4 Seventeenth and Iowa Sts., pet. for electric light on 18
" 6 Steam Road Roller, matter of purchase of 20
" 6 Sample Win., pet. for refunding saloon license 20
" 4 Stoltz F.J.,taxes ..... I 18
" 4 Silzer Mrs.John, taxes (p 31,72) 18
" 6 S,war•i Mary,taxes 19
" 6 Siege,in favor of paying$75.00 for grading done on Blake St19
M•h. 4 Sewer assessment. Attorney's opinion on 29-31
•• 4 Streller Mrs. Henry,taxes 29-72
" 4 Sewer, pet.of Mrs. Hixon et alto have sewer extended on West
5th St.and Winona Ave
" 4 Sewer,pet.of Nick Kauffman for sewer bat. 14th and llth Sts..•• 30
30 130
" 4 Small Pox C ise d•-
"4 Seminary St., Brown et al.allowedr 5. 00 for overhauling done.... 30
" 4 Streets hauling snow from, %assessed to Street Car Cos. 31
" 4 j Sewerage, tsziessm3nts for
" 4 j Streets, General Booth allowed estimate of City Engineer for fill- 31
ing done
" 4 Steam Roller new, purchase of postponed.. 31-76
" 4 Sewer ordered on West 3rd St. frotn Hill to Alpine Sts.(p 33, 58, 32
106, 107)....
" 14 Sewerage in alley east of Grant Ave., plans approved (p 58, 107, 33
141) . . .• 47
April 4 Saunders C.J. W., taxes . ••• 48
" 4 Steam Roller, Engineer appointed49
" 4 Sewer in W.4th St. from Bluff St. west,assessment levied
" 4 Sewer in alley from 23rd to 27th Sts. bet. Couler Ave.and Jackson 49
St.,assessment levied i0-49
`• 4 Sewer in White St. from Sanford to 23rd St., special tax levied..
" 4 Sewer in alley from 17th to Sanford bet. Washington and Jackson 1-2-3
Sts.,tax levied
" 4 Sewer in W.5th St.ordered extended 50 ft.towards Roberts Ave. •
and Winona Ave.(p 62,63,72,80,135) 56 54
" 8 Saloons,license for running of fixed 61
" 15 Sewer Inspector Hillery appointed 61
" 15 Steam Roller,Al. Stevenson appointed 62
" 24 Spoerll Christ.,claim against City 70 162
Mav 6 Saunders Henry,pet.to erect sign post on sidewalk
" 6 Sewer sanitary, pet. of J. V. Rider et al. for construction of in 71
Seminary St.(p 96, 101, 110)....
INDEX—Book 25.
'May .6 Sewer,pet.of Mrs. C.Keogh and Bell for construction of bet.W. 71
8th and Julien Ave.in Wilson Ave.(p 80, 135)
• " 6 Sewer,pet.of J.J.McCarthy asking City to make connection with
lot 12 of sub,out lot 703 and have same charged to property.. 71
" 6 Sewer, com.of Engineer in relation to a combined system from 73
Sanford St.north
• 6 Sewer sanitary,ordered constructed in Wilson Ave. from W. 8th 73--]04
• St.to Julien Ave
" 6 Seventeenth St. from Clay to W. Locust ordered paved with bri k
(p 102,121, 133, 185) 75
" 6 Streete vacated by City, Maple St. bet. 12th and 13th, Cedar St.
het. 12th and 13th,Alley bet. Pine and Maple and 12th and
13th,Alley bet.Maple and Cedar and 12th and 13th Ste. and
Alley bet.Cedar and Sycamore and 12th and 13th Sts 75
" 6 South Main St. bet. Charter and R.R. Ave. ordered improved. 76-79
" 6 Summit St. bet. W.3rd and Fenelon Place,sidewalk ordered on 77
west side of
" 6 Southern Ave. west ride of bet. I.-C. line and Rowan St.,sidewalk 78 135
ordered on 79
" 6 Sewerage,connections ordered (p 119, 120)
•• 18 Sewer sanitary ordered constructed in W.8th Stfrom Hill to Wil-
son Ave.(p 101, 104, 110, 157)
.June 3 Sewer sanitary, remoosttance of P. Kramer et al.against construc-
tion of in W.8th S'.
" 3 South Locust St., pet.for electric lamp near residence of M. Ma-
" 3 Snow cleaning.special assessment levied for 97_09
" 3 Southern Ave. from Railway Ave.to Rowan St.accepted(p 116, 100
" 3 South Main St.,matter of grading of 101-166
•• 3 South Main St.,plans and specifications for paving etc.approved. 102
" 17 Schiller Ave. from Garfield Ave.to High Bluff St.,pet.in relation
to improvement of 106
" 17 Scheppley E. H.,pet. in relation to sidewalk on Lincoln Ave. (p
117,180) 106
" 17 Sisters of Visitation, pet. for use of Armory for fair 106
17 Sewer in Alley north of West 3rd to Pauline St 110
• July 1 Sewer ix South Grove Terrace,pet. for(p 121,141.248) 116
1 Sewer in West 3rd Sr..pet. for extension of .. 116
" 1 Stagnant water on City lot 544. 116
" 12 Sewer inAlley east of Center Place.pet. for(p 1.26, 135,139, 142 •
" 12 Streetlbet. West Eagle Point Ave.and Valeria St, jury ordered
en (o 134, 162,197) 122-128
" 12 Schiller Ave. bet. Lincoln and Peosta Aves.ordered improved (p
140,206,245,246 123
" 25 Sew'-r in Hill St. from W. 3rd St. south ordered (p 135,141,203,
204) 126 •
Aug. 5 Southern Ave.,pet.of J. F. Gandolfo 180
5 Svendson Sz Ott,pet of for the privilege of using streets and alleys'
situated be blke.29 and 30 Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add 131
" 5 Sidewalks repairing of,assessment levied(p 191) 134-135
" 5 Sewer storth water placed under charge of Sewer Inspector and
Sewer Committee, referred 135--162
" 5 Sixteenth St. from Main to Locust Sts.ordered improved (p 140,
177,202) 185
" 5 Sewer int Alley from Julien Ave.to W. llth St.bet. Center Place
and Grant Ave.(n 139. 161,203) 135
" 5 Sewer storm water in Dodge St. from end of present sewer to S.
Main St.(p 136,167) 135
INDEX--Book 25. . '
1895. SUBJECT. — — I 1'e&6.
S •
Aug. 5 Samuel St. from Southern Ave.north declared a public highway
as survey by W. H.Knowlton 136
" 5 Sewer storm water ordered constructed on 7th St.between Jackson
and Washington Sts 186-167
• 5 Sewer sanitary ordered constructed on 4th St. from end of tires•at
s-wer west to Feuelon Place thence along Fenelon Place to
Summit St.(p 140, 161,177, 190, 197) 136
" 5 Sanford St.bet.Jackson and Washington Sts.,sidewalk ordered on
north side of 137
" 16 Sewer, pet. of N.C. Bird et al. for sewer irk lane East abutting
property on Grove Terrace South. 139-161
" 16 Sewer, pet. of Dubuque Casket Co. for to car. of 18th and
Mrashington Sts. (p 162, 168) 139
" 16 Sewer in West Locust St, p t for extension from 17th to Clark Ste
Sire.P. Hamil(p 140, 161,103,'249) . ... 139
16 S.•w.•rage system along 8s11 S'.,Communication of W. H.Knowlton
iu regard to .. 140
16 Sewe r iu Alley next to east of Center Place from W.llth to Rose
St.,thence easterly along Rose St.to Alley next to R'ce St.,
t°duce to A:ley west of Rose St.to W. 11t1i St.(p 141.167,203) 140
Setpt. 4 Simplot Alex C.,taxes . . 154
4 Salot Geo.,pet.in relation to faulty brick pavement 155
" 4 Standard Lumber Co,pet. in relation to certain streets and alleys. 155-192
" 4 South Bluff St.to Dodge, Irom Dodge St. south ordered improved
• to carry water to Dodge St 156-165
• " 4 Southern Ave.,width of sidewalk established on east side of 156
" 4 Schneider Anton et al., pet. of in relation to amount due for ma- •
cadam 156
" 4 Sullivan St.,red line adopted for official grade of 156
" 4 S.iw•-r in Seminary St. from W. 17th St.to Madison St.,assessment
levied . 156-157
" 4 Sewer sanitary iu 8th St.from Bluff St.to Alley east of Jackson St.
ordered constructed 162
" 4 Sewer in Alley bet. Washington and Elm and 11th and 19th Sts... 164-198
" 4 Sewer in W.5th St.to Alley east of John 8-.to Bluff St 164-168
" 4 Sewer storm water ordered constructed in Alley bet. Lincoln and
Rhomberg and 5.h and 'ala Ayes 164-190
" 4 S'.dewalk repairing,special assessment levied on(p 252) 164
" 4 Stewart Ave.,sidewalk ordered nn both Piles of. . ....... .... 165
" 4 Southern Ave.from Rowan St.to Lot 10 ordered improved 165-166
" 4 Street from Southern Ave. to Herron Place. Engineer to prepare
plat o'(p 233) 166
" 4 Seventeenth St. from Clay to Locust Sts.,contract awarded for im-
provement of(p 240,240... .... 167-204
" 4 Sewer storm water in W.6th St.from Main St. west to angle in
street 167
" 4 Sewer sanitary, South Licnst from Dodge St. south,•plans ap-
proved (p 248) 168-193
(het. 7 Schaefer Cath.,taxes 1812
" 7 Sidewalk construction,special assessment. levied for(p 246) 182
" 7 Schiller Ave.from Lincoln Ave.to High Bluff St.ordered imp191
" 7 Street Sweeper,Recorder to advertise f r bids for 191--200
" 7 St.Ambrose St. bet. Arch and Greene Sts.,sidewalk ordered on
eget side of 191
" 28 Sewerage connections,property owners ordered to connect(p 236,
287) 197-198
Nov. 4 Southern Ave.,pet.of Marie Kemnf et al.in rel•ttinn t.grids of 200
" 4 Sewerage, pet. of Mrs. 11. 13. Noyes for extension it Chestnut St200
" 4 Sewer in Alley bet. 1st and Sth Sts. and ,Main and Locust Sys.,re-
aloes'ranee against(• 235) 200
INDEX—Book 25.
Nov. 4 Star Electric Co. notified to see to the proper lighting of lamps... 204
" 4 Sewerage ordered on Clark St. from West Locust to Catherine Sts. 205
(p 207,223,224
" 4 Sewerage ordered on West 5th St. from Bluff to Summit~Sts. (p 205
207,223,224). .. 205
" 4 Sewerage in llth St. from Bluff to alley west 206
" 4 Schroeder J. P.,to remove obstructions on 8th St
" 4 Seminary St.,sidewalk ordered on north side of 207
Dec. 2 Seventeenth St., remonstrance against special assessment for im-
provement of
" 2 Sewerage in Grove Terrace South,special assessment for referred 233
" 2 Spiegelhalter Carl,pet.for employment 233
" 2 Sewerage in Alley bet. let and 8th Ste.bet Locust and Bluff Ste. 233
manholes ordered in
" 2 Sewerage connections,City Attorney to give his opinion on 236
" 2 Strizinsky John,special assessment for sidewalk cancelled252
q Yti3 1
INDEX—Book 25,
r89$. SUBJECT. re"a.
San. 7 Thi'elen•Johanna,taxes 1-31
'• 7 Thimmisch Chas.,taxes 2
" 7 Trueb Anton,City Attorney to procure deed from 3
Nish. 4 TentplaT Mary,taxes 81
April 4 Tempus Louis,taxes 4i..-72
May 6 Teamsters City,asking licence reduced 71-101
" 6 Tschirgi M.Jr.,pet.in rel.to extra pay for gradirg on ltush St72
" 6 Tenth St.south tide of abutting lot 46,sidewalk ordered on 78
June 3 Twelfth St., sidewalk ordered on south tide of abutting City lot
Sept. 4 Tax levy for 1895 fixed 163 192
" 4 Third St. bet.Locust and Main Sts.,sidewalk o dered on both sides
of 165
Oct. 7 Tenth St.bet. Clay and White Sts.,sidewalk ordered on north side
of 191
" 7 Tenth St. bet. White and Jackson Sts.,sidewalk ordered on south
side of • 191
" 7 Thirteenth St.bet.Jackson and Washington Sts.,sidewalk ordered
on south side of 191
Nov. 4 Trans-Mississippi Congress,Mayor to appoint delegates to. 200 •
"' 4 Tippe Emma,taxes .... 204
Dec. 2 Tice C.H., taxes 233
" 2 Terry John,claim of 233
INDEX—Book 25.
.895 SUBJECT. pe(.1e.
Jan. 7 Universalist church,taxes 3
Feb. 6 Union Ave., plat of
" 27 Unclaimed warrants, Auditor to cancel same and present list to 29
City Council
May 6 Union Ave., Engineer to prepare plat for proposed change of lo- •
cation of (p. 104,201,236)
.lune 3 Union Add. lots 165 and 166 in,taxes cancelled for 1894 102
.I my 12 Union Ave. from Alta Vista to W. Locust Sts., resolution for im- 124
provement of (p 161,180) 12 i
Sept. 4 Urbach 11.,taxes
• f
INDEX—Book 25.
April 8 Vaults for public records in City Hall,referred 57
July 12 Vaults ordered cleaned (p 237) 121
Aug. 5 Valley St.at the intersection of Southern Ave., Engineer to pre-
pare plans to take care of water on (p 140,155) 185
Sept. 4 Veterinary Surgeon,Sh.pL,ley& Bauman application for 155
Oct. 1 Veterinary Surgeon,C. 11. W u itwel l appointed......... 177
,4 1 Vernon St.,sidewalk ordered on both sides of 177-201
Dec. 2 Venn Jessie,proposition of for filling High Bridge Ave 234-285
INDEX—Book 25.
.895 I SUBJECT. _ — PAGE.
Jan. '7 Water mains ordered extended south of R. 1t.Ave 2
" 7 West 14th St.,pet.01 H. Fullmer in relation to improvement of2--17-20
" 7 Wilde St., remonstrance of J. S. Randall Co. against special assent.
for improvement of 3
" 7 Water mains ordered extended ou Middle Ave. bet. G.,rtieni and
Rhomberg Ayes 3
" 7 Watters Mrs. Michael, taxes 3
" 7 Wirth Mrs.F.J. taxes 3
" 7 Water limits fixed for 1895 5
" 7 West Eagle Point Ave., sl ecial assessment levied fur improve-
ment of 6
Feb. 6 Welsh Cath.vs. City of Dubuque 20
'• 4 Wolf Mathias,taxes ... 18-31
Mcli. 4 Wolf Mrs. Henrietta W., taxes - 30-72
" 4 West Locust St., per. fur improvement from Hodguion Ave. West
to Seminary St. West . .. . . . . . . . ... 30-102
" 4 West Ea_•le Point Ave from Franc's to Valeria Sts., sidewalk
ordered on.. 32-135
" 14 Warrants, list of ordered cancelled . 3g
April 4 Water mains on Merz St. from Windsor Ave.to Althauser Ave.,
pet. for 47-101
" 4 Windsor Ave.,Nick Mettel pet. in relation to drainage thereof47-79
" 4 Whelan Wm.,$400 allowed in settlement.01 claim 01. 54
" 15 Wharfmaster and Wood Measurer,T. L.Jess appointed 61
" 15 Weighmaster 1st Ward Straney appointed 61
• " 15 Weighmasters appoin ed, Chas. Pitchner West Dubuque, Mrs.
Deckert Eagle Point, Wm. Rieman Couler Ave .. 61
" 24 West Locust St., pet. of John Powers for grade lines in front of
premises given . ... . ...
" 24 West 7th St., sidewalk ordered on south side of from corner of
Needham Place to Hill St. (p 77,78, 79, 101, 133) ... 62
" 24 Welsh Oath.,claim against City .. .. . .. . ... 62
May 6 West Eagle Point Ave.,pet. for improvement of from Kane St.to
corporation line(p 79, 102, 103,110,206,249,250,251,252). 71
" 6 Water limits, matter of extending of 71-101
" 6 Water mains, pet. for In alley bet. Clay and Iowa and 14th and
15th Sta.granted . .. . . .. . .. 71-75
" 6 Water mains,pet. of Fred Bell to have extended on W.3rd St.
from James to Hill Sts . .. . .. 71-101
`.- " 6 West Locust St., pet. of E. C. Blake et al. for improvement... 72-79
•`-`''•• " 6 Weitzel Geo.,taxes
•: 72
>'; " 6 Water mains ordered extended along Hill St.from Weat 3rd to
•''`` Dodge St.. . . .. 74
r• " 6 Water main, ordered extended nn West 3rd St, from Hill toJames
Sts .. . .. .. ... 74-108
" 6 West llth St.to Wilber Lane, 50 ft. street ordered opened and the
Marshal summon jury . '75
" 6 White St.bet. 23rd and 24th Ste. ordered improved(p 80, 100, 107,
',` 135) . .. ...
" 6 West 8th St. bet. Hill and west line of Rodger's Sub. ordered imp. 76-80
" 6 West Locust St.bet. Seminary and St. Ambro-e Sts.ordered imp. . 77-79
6 White St.,sidewalk ordered on bet. Rhomberg and Eagle Point
Ave.also abutting lot 35 L, H. Lane's Add. Eagle Point Ave. . 77
t - " 6 Weat Locust St.north side of abutting lots 6 and 7 in Ellen Blake's
Add.,sidewalk ordered on . .. . . ...- ... .. . .... ... 78
" 18 Water mains ordered extended In alley from Eagle Point Ave. to
Sanford St. bet. Washington and Jackson Sts. . .. 80
June 8 Water mains,pet. of T. Fritschel et al.to have extended on Fre-
mont Ave . .. 96
. " 3 Water mains, pet. of H. Schneider et al. to have extended on
Grove Terrace South. 96
• " 3 Walters Mrs.Lizzie'taxes 96-132
INDEX—Book 25. •
1898 gUBJBCT — —
June 3 West 5th St.,pet. of Jacob Michel et al. for light near Cooper's
barn 96
" 3 West Locust St., remonstrance of Wm. Watson et al.against pay-
ing from 10th to 17th Sts. 96
" 3 Windsor Ave.accepted to Althauser Ave 100
" 3 West llth St. bet. Grove Terrace and Weigel Alley, In favor of
improvement of 100-1-3
" 3 Wilber Lane, matter of improvement of 102
" 3 Water mains ordered extended on Fremont Ave. from Grandview
Ave. to Lull St 102-108
" 3 Windsor Ave. bet.Sanford and Edwards Sts.,sidewalk ordered on
west side of ... 104
July 1 Water mains, pet. for in Winona Ave 116
1 Water mains, pet. for in Jackson St. from 27th to Peru Road(p
120, 121) 116
" 1 Water mains, pet. for in D.trgan Place and Alley 116-120
" 1 Whistling nuisance, pet. of Jos. Gehrig Est. and others 116
" 1 Woodworth St., pet. for improvement of(p 124, 139,191,207 117
" 1 Water Mains ordered along Dodge St. bet. Bluff and Grandview
Ave. 120
" 1 Water mains ordere I extended on Lincoln Ave. from Schiller to
Reed Aves 121
" 1 Water main., pet.for on Alta Vista St . 121-122
12 Water mains,pet. for extension of from Center Place to Alpine St121-133
` 12 Water mains ordered along Clark and West 17th Sts.. 123 •
" 12 Wullweber's Sub.abutting lots 5,6 and 7,sidewalk ordered on 124
" 25 Water mains on Seminary 5'. from 17th to N. Main Ste.ordered126
Aug. 5 Wilde St.,pet. for extension of.... .. .. 130-156
" 5 West Eagle Point Ave.,name changed to Elmdale Ave 133
" 5 Water mains ordered extended on Alpine St. from West 3rd to
Dodge Sts 136
" 5 Water mains ordered extended on W. 14th St. from end of present
extension E.of Cornell to Bluff Sts 136
" 5 Water mains ordered extended on Julien Ave. from Alley west of
Center Place to Alpine St 136
" 5 Washington St.bet. Hhomberg and Eagle Point Aves., sidewalk
ordered on both sides 137
" 5 Washington St. abutting lot 64 East Dubuque Add., sidewalk
ordered on 188
" 16 West Main St. bet.Main and Jones Sts. ordered paved 140
Sept. 4 Walsh Mrs.E.,taxes 154
" 4 Welsh Cath.,taxes 154-182
" 4 Wunderlich F. M., pet in rel. to retaining wall 011 Seminary St155-204
" 4 Washington St.north of Eagle Point Ave., pet. of property owners
in relation to damages done by storms. . 161
" 4 Water mains ordered ou Arch Sr.from at.Ambrose to Asbury Sta163-164
" 4 West 8th St. bet. Caledonia St.and Wilson Ave., sidewalk ordered
on south side of ... . .. . .. 165
" 4 West.3rd St, bet. Hill St. and Wilson Ave., sidewalk ordered on
north side of .. 165
" 4 Water mains ordered on Prairie St. from Chestnut to West•llth Sts 166
" 4 Water mains ordered extended to Summer Hill 166
Oct. 7 Washington St. bet. 13th and 14th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east
side of • 191
Nov. 4 Weidlich Fred.,taxes 204
" 4 West 17th St.,Engineer tb prepare plans for drainage of 206
Dec. 2 West Eagle Point Ave.,remonstrance of Julius Otto against special
assessment 233
" 2 Welty Jacob, claim for damages on High Bluff St 233
" 2 Welty John et al., pet. for permission to put pump in High Bluff
St 236
INDEX—Book 25.
.895. - SUBJIICT. PAG P.. •
July 7 Y. M.U. A.,taxes 2
Nov. 4 Yoe John,taxes 2(4
• •
• •
INDEX—Book 25.
.895, SUBJECT. 1'.+u►:.
Feb. 6•Zugenbuebler vs. ('ity of Dubuque 20--62
May 6 Zoerr Mrs.John,taxes 72
I)ec. 2 Ziepprecht Wm.,taxes. I 2S.i
Regular Seaaion, Jan. 7, 1895.
Regular Session, Jan.
7, 1895.
Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present, Ald. Butler. Crawford Halpin,
Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
On motion the approving of the minutes
of the last regular meeting was postponed.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Walton & Bieg, books for assessor. $ 3 00
C. Bever, macadam 10 73
Key City Gas Co., coke 80 11
John Leicht, sand 3 00
Ben Van Walling, stone 17 00
I. Beekman, stone 87 24
Herman Lempke, stone 6 75
Van Hood & Scherr, horse shoeing4 00
John Drehouse, raising steam roller 1 00
J. McKenzie, blacksmithing 2 15
J. Zangmeister, supplies for roller, 45
Tom Connolly, labor at hall 16 50
James Tobin. labor at hall 1 50
Jos. Moore, janitor service 20 00
Mrs. Koenig, janitor service 23 00
Standard Luber Co., lumber 10 70
Paul Schleka, supplies $ 2 50
Smedley Manufacturing company,
labor on steam roller 7 57
Christman & Healey, hardware3 30
Hussman & Lies, cement 12 50
F. Schloz, repairs, etc 16 50
Standard Lumber company, lumber 32 58
John Williams, for use of wheelers 10 00
St. Louis Machine company, oil21 72
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser-
vice 10 95
Barnard. Walker & Clewell, sta-
tionary 6 55
Key City Gas company, coke, etc33 17
Lagan & Sloan, horse -shoeing 15 25
John Ernsdorf & Son, hardware1 66
J. McKenzie, repairs, etc 3 25
Fraatz & Clark, merchandise 2 60
Peter Klauer, grate, express and
labor for fire department 6 00
Peter Klauer, supplies and labor in
city hall 47 30
Jos. Trudell, repairs 75
Gerland Paar, sawing wood... , .... 4 50
Merkes & Hassler, supplies for
pound 6 00
Phil. Pier, Jr 128 58
Dodson & Cousins, wood 142 27
Peter Klauer, supplies and labor6 00
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' associa-
tion, furniture for mayor's office24 00
Jos. Trudell, repairs 25 40
John Butt, repairs 11 90
Jos. Reinfried' for freight paid 9 50
Merkes & Hassler. supplies 2 20
W. Marshal, repairs 13 19
Frank J. Stoltz, carpenter work8 90
N. P. Nicks, carpenter work 18 30
C. W. Pursell, oil 3 75
Kannolt & Powers. horseshoeing13 00
Butt Bros, blacksmithing 10 60
F. Scoloz, blacksmithing 1 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber 1 10
W. H. Torbert, acids 6 40
J. Zangmeister, supplies, fire dept1 25
Andrew Ruh, supplies, fire dept6 05
John Ernsdorf Si Son, hardware62
James Kelly, stationery 10 50
Telegraph Printing Co„ printing
for September 76 50
Jos. J. Rowan, oil cloth 60
W. M. Greenhow, wire and zinc4 00
E. E. Frith, removing dead animals 5 50
40* 1
Palmer, Winall & Co., printing for
June and December
16 54)
Harger & Blish, merchandise 4 90
Jos. Geiger, labor 19 9N)
The Herald, printing 22 25
Butt Bros., labor 400
A. Baumhover, material and work
at Central engine house 76 87
Fred Schloz, repairs for sewers3 15
Butt Bros., repairs for sewers 4 00
Ferguson Bros., plumbing for
sewers 8 99
Diamond Jo Line Steamers, supplies
for sewers 15
Bart E. Linehan,supplies for sewers 26 12
Star Electric Co., light 1,609 20
Geo. Farley, filling on Fourth street
extension 58 14
W. S. Molo, gasoline torch 5 00
Jas. Ryan, filling on Fourth street13 65
Jordan & Jordan, map stretchers1 00
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., • map rol-
lers 30 110
E. J. Evans, filling 3 30
M. Laven, sewer on West Fourth
street 68 38
M. Laven, sewer in alley from 23d
to 27th, between Jackson and
Couler avenue 35 10
M. Laven, sewer on Sanford and
White street 115 09
M. Laven, sewer in alley from 17th
to Sanford 318 40
Altman & Taylor, improvement of
Lawther avenue from Windsor to
Burden ave 382 00
Brown & Brown, improvement of
Southern avenue to Railroad ave. 52 71
John Hartig, repairs for enginneer. 4 00
Frank Benton, grading Ann ave13 34
D. W. Linehan, grading Lincoln
avenue from Reed to Second ave. 9 64
John McCoy, constructing side-
walks 31 68
J. Watry, filling 1 80
John Williams, improving West
Eagle Point avenue 319 96
Altman & Taylor, improving Holly
street , 964 80
H. Turner, cleaning vault 12 92
The following bills were referred to the
printing committee:
Dubuque Herald 75 00
Dubuque Telegraph 29 15
The Globe 58 30
The Times 58 30
The following bills were referred to the
Fire and Water committee:
Dubuque Water Company $1241 60
200 00
43026 35
612 50
Dubuque Water Company
Dubuque Water Company
Dubuque Water Company
Dubuque Water Company
The following bills were referred to the
Committee on Supplies:
Western Electric Company $20 00
W. M. Greenhow 10 35
Central Union Telephone Company58 50
The bills of the Key City Gas Company,
amounting to $97.05 were referred to the
Committee on Police and Light.
Bill of J. P. Cooney, Justice of the Peace,
of $1.75 was referred to the City Attorney.
Bill of $4.75 against the Dubuque Con-
struction Company for macadam, the
Auditor was instructed to collect same.
Bill against M. Tschirgi, Jr., for re-
moving obstructions in sewer, was re-
ferred to the Marshal for collection.
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the delinquent tax
committee: Petitions of J. H. Rhomberg,
Mrs. Geo. Finn, Mrs. Lahy, Helena Os-
wald, Mrs. Peter E. Spahn, Geo. Cronmil-
ler, Mrs. Jno. Cheetham, Katherine Reu-
Regular Session, Jan. 7, 1895.
ter, Katharine McLain. F. Hitchens, Mrs.
Dennis Flannigan, T. Hickok. agent of
Berkis estate, Rosa Cadman, Mrs. Kate
Bannon. Mrs. Rosa Reynolds, .Johanna
Thielen, Dubuque Woodenware Co., The
Adams Company, Rowena S. G. Large.
Thos. Mulqueeney, Mrs. Phil Finkenauer
and Mrs. McLaughlin.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee and engineer:
Petition of the Adams Co. to fill and use
certain streets in north half of block C.
Petition of Tony Siege for bill for im-
provement of Blake street.
Petition of Peter Specht et al to locate
a street on vacant lots 2 and 5 of lot 88,
Langworthy's add.
Petition of John Pier asking the council
to condemn enough ground of lot 2 of sub
lot 579 in order to giveproper drainage in
that vicinity, was reerred to the board
of health.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of Fred B. Smith, secretary of
Y. M. C. A., asking that their property
situated on Ninth and Iowa strrets be ex-
empt from taxation.
Communication of H. B. Gniffke. asking
that assessment against the following par-
ties for sidewalk repairs be cancelled, as
same is a double assessment:
Albert Gasser $4 50
Agatha Heim 3 75
J. V. Rider 2 90
Chas. Thill 2 00
Chas. Fosselman 1 55
Communication of Assessor Stemm, ask-
ing that the assessment of Chas. Thim-
mish, on Lot 328, Davis' Farm add of $3,-
500, being an error, be changed to $1,400.
Petition of Otto Rath, guardian of
Pickup estate, asking that interest on
special assessment for improvement of
Wilde street be remitted.
Petition of Svendson & Ott for extension
of water mains from corner of Railroad
avenue and Huff street, south on Huff
street to terminus of said street, and east
from Huff street to Salina street, and
water plugs be placed where necessary.
Granted and committee on fire and water
instructed to require same to be done as
soon as practicable.
The following resolution was offered by
Ald. Crawford and adopted:
Resolved. By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be and is hereby instructed to ex-
tend its water mains from Railroad avenue
south on Huff street to its terminus,thence
east to Salina street, and that water plugs
be placed at such points as is necessary
under the supervision of the fire commit-
tee and chief, the city of Dubuque guar-
anteeing to said Water Company a sum of
money sufficient to pay interest at the rate
of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so re-
quired to be extended.
J. F. Stemm was sworn in as city asses-
sor by Mayor Olinger, and bonds ap-
City assessor submitted the names of
Gotfried Gmehle and George Bennett as
assistant assessors for year 1895. Ap-
Petition of T. J. Conlin asking that
amount of claim against Henry Glatt be
retained from his salary, was referred to
committee on claims.
Petition of Jacob Collins et al., asking
that sidewalk be laid on Peru road from
Jackson street east to city limits, was re-
ferred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward.
Petition of Dennis Powers et al.. agree-
ing to have six feet of west side of South -
e rn a venue vacated, was received and filed.
Petition of John Eiseneggcr et al., ask-
ing for an electric light on Couler avenue
at its intersection with Park Hill avenue,
referred to the committee on Police and
light with power.
Petition of Henry Fulmer et al., in rela-
tion to the improvement of West Four-
teenth street west of Alpine street, object-
ing to the line of said street.
The notice of Longueville & McCarthy,
notifying the City of Dubuque of a judg-
ment of $2,000 against it on account of Joe
Brunskill case, was referred to the finance
committee and city attorney.
City Auditor McCarten reported as fol-
Cash in treasury Dec. 1, 1894 $19,248 98
Receipts during December 34.176 78
Total $53,425 76
Disbursements for Dec., 1894 31,704 70
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1895 $21,721 06
Also reported $2,023.00, amount required
to pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during the month of December.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay officers
and report referred to finance committee
Street Commissioner Carter reported
$2,254.05 amount required to pay for labor
on street. Warrant ordered drawn to
pay for labor and report refe.red to the
street committee.
Sewer Inspector IgCo:reported $201.65
amount required for labor on sewers dur-
ing December. Warr$itts ordered drawn
to pay laborers anis" report referred to
sewer committee.
Chief Reinfried reported $1,739.95 amount
due firemen for December, 1894. Warrants
ordered drawn to pay firemen and report
referred to police and light committee.
Marshal Raesle reported $1,845.00
amount due police for December, 1894.
Also reported 66 police cases tried and dis-
posed of during December, 1894.
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
$351.65. amount collected from the Du-
buque Construction company for mac-
Warrants ordered drawn to pay police
and report referred to police and light
Report of City Electrician Osborn was
referred to the electrical construction
Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 1,734
cords of wood measured during December,
1894, and presented treasurer's receipt for
$6.90, percentage due city.
The report of city weighers T. J. Dona-
hue, James Doyle, Mrs. Deckert and Chas.
Pitschner were received and filed.
The captains at the different engine
houses reported amount of gas consumed
in same during December, 1894. Referred
to committee on fire and water.
Engineer Knowlton presented profile of
the alley south of West Eagle Point avenue
crossing Klein street. Referred to street
Gotf. Gemehle was sworn in as assistant
assesor and bond approved.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of ap-
proving of the report of the treasurer for
December, 1894. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of post-
poning action on the proposed construe-
Regular Session Jan. 7, 1895.
tion of sidewalk on Pickett street until
next spring.
Your committee report in favor of can-
celling the special assessment of 30 cents
for repairing sidewalk providing said E.
H. Shippley shall buy the good cigars for
the committee and hereafter keep his side-
walks in good repair without any expense
to the city.
Also report in favor of having steps
constructed on the eastern terminus of
Angella street and that a sidewalk be con-
structed on the southerly side of Angella
street from West Locust street to Cath-
erine street.
Report in favor of receiving and filing
the report of street commissioners for
Nov., 1894.
Report in favor of levying the special
assessment for the improvement of Lin-
coln avenue from Cooler avenue to White
street. Report adopted.
Ald. Kauffman offered the following res-
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to
White street, by Frank Benton, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
sante, a special tax be and is
hereby levied -on the several lots, and parts
of lots. and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Cath. Kaufmann, L. L. Langworthy's
add, s m 3 lot 13:
143.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 28e..$ 40 15
48.55 sq yds guttering at 28c 13 59
182 sq yds macadamizing at 28c50 96
Total $104 70
E. H. Sheppley, 2, L. H. Langworthy's
add, s 42 ft lot 12:
153.9 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c43 09
46.83 sq yds guttering at 28c 13 11
182.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28c51 18
Total 107 38
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
Your committee also report in favor of
receiving and filing the remonstrance of
the J. S. Randall Lumber company against
paying the special assessment for the im-
provement of Wilde street.
Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
Times Co.. $29.15 for November, 1894.
Dubuque Telegraph, $29.15 for Novem-
ber, 1894.
The Herald, $75 for November, 1894.
The Globe, $29.15 for November, 1894.
Report adopted.
Ald Halpin moved that the printing
committee inquire into the printing of the
council proceedings and require the same
to be printed more promptly. Carried.
Ald. Shea, chairman of the committee
on public grounds and building, reported
in favor of paying the bill of Byrne Bros.
of $225 for sprinkling.
Your committee moved further the
adoption of the following resolution.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the city recorder be
and is hereby instructed to advertise for
bids for construction of a new floor in the
patrol house; said work to be done under
the supervision and to the satisfaction of
the committee on public grounds and
buildings. Adopted.
Ald. Vogler. chairman of the committee
on claims, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ferring the claim of A. Stolteben & Son
against Frank Essmann to the chief of
the fire department.
Report in favor of returning bill of Dod-
son & Cousins against John O'Brien for
stone on Dell street.
Report in favor of receiving and filing
claim of John O'Brien for extra work said
to have been done on sewer on west Fifth
Report in favor of receiving and tiling
the claim of T. O. Sullivan and Wm. M.
Greenhow for repair of water mains on
West Locust street.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of fire com-
mittee. presented the following:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN:—Your committee on fire
would most respectfully recommend to
your honorable body that the matter of
meal hours of firemen be left to the fire chief
with power, and would also recommend
that 1,000 feet of fire hose be purchased
for use of the department in case of emer-
On motion the above was adopted.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be instructed to extend their
water mains from the alley between Gar-
field and Rhomberg avenue on Middle av-
enue to Rhomberg avenue in accordance
with the ordinance on that subject.
Ald. Halpin moved that the committee
on police and light inquire into the advis-
ability of substituting electric light for
gas. Carried.
Ald. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary
A. Johnson on her homestead for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Rev.
John Fogarty on lots 138 and 138, Union
addition, for 1893.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of the
Universalist church on city lot 638 for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Jos. Huber on lot 30, McDaniels Park Hill
addition, for 1893.
In favor of allowing P. F. Doherty
& Co. to pay one-half their taxes as pay-
ment in full for 1894.
In favor of instructing the treasurer to
redeem lot 1 of 1 of 12 Milligan's sub from
tax sale, and the ci.y attorney be instruct-
ed to have A. Trueb execute a deed for
same to the city.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Michael Watters for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
Chas. W. Buse on lot 1 of sub 130, T. H.
Langworthy's add and lot 2 of sub 3 Tivoli
add to $800 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Anna
M. Schiel on lot 23 E. Langworthy's add
for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
Mrs. F. J. Wirth on lot 8 Blake's add to
$700 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
John Ahern of lot 19 S. M. Langwoathy's
add for 1894.
In favor of cancelling one-half the taxes
of Jas. O'Shea est on w 25 ft city lot 568 for
Also report adverse to the following pe-
titions in relation to taxes: A. A. Cooper,
Gao. Schmidt, Jas. McClain, Wm. Quigley,
4 ON
Regular Session, Jan. 7, 1895.
Mrs. A. Lange and Fredericha Bilton.
Report adopted.
Ald. Lillig, chairman of the policeand
light committee, reported as follows:
In favor of paying $16.86 on the within
bill of the Western Electric company.
Also in favor of paying the following
Globe Light and Heat Co., $228.89; Key
City Gas Co., $84.25.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the marshal for November, 1894.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
ports of the captains of the different
engine houses of the amount of gas con-
sumed during November, 1894.
In favor of having an electric light
placed on Leibnitz street, west of North
Main street.
Report adopted.
Ald. Butler, chairman of the committee
on sewers. reported as follows:
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
ports of sewer inspector for the months of
October and November, 1894.
In favor of paying the bill of Baumgart-
ner & Kleih of $2.80, and Bart E. Linehan,
Also reported in favor of levying the
following speeial assessment for the con-
struction of sanitary sewerage in alley be-
tween Race and Walnut streets, north of
West Eleventh street.
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing
an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer on West Eleventh
street and alley between Race and Walnut
streets, by John O'Brien, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Chas. N. Snow, lot 12, Cummin's sub:
5,500 sq ft area at 4 mills $ 22 00
Wm. Wilkinson, lot 11, Cummin's sub:
5,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 22 00
Garrett Fleming, lot 1., Cummin's sub:
5,500 sq ft area at 4 mills • 22 00
Martin Kerwin, lot 14, Cummin's sub:
5,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 22 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes— Aldermen Butler, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea Vogel and Vogler.
Also reported in favor of levying the
following special assessment for the con-
struction of sanitary sewerage on Nevada
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, that to pay for laying an fl-
inch tile -pipe sewer in Nevada street from
Julien avenue to West Fifth street by Jas.
Hird Si Son, contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppssite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Jacob Zangmeister, n lot 3 min
lot 80, 4,750 sq ft area at 4 mills$ 19 00
John Palmer, s3 lot 3 min lot 80,
4,750 sq ft area at 4 mills 19 00
Elizabeth J. Gregory, lot 2a min lot
80, 2,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 8 00
Elizabeth J. Gregory, lot 18 Brad -
street's add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 20 00
Jac. Collins, lot 14 Bradstreet's add
5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00
Henry Frankfort, lot 15 Brad -
street's add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 20 00
Tony Abeln, n% lot 16 Bradstreet's
add, 2,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 00
Thos. Mulgrew, s% lot 16 Brad -
street's add, 2,500 sq ft area at 4
mills 10 00
Frank Jaeger, lot 17, Bradstreet's
add, 5.000 sq ft area, at 4 mills20 00
H. F. J. Webb, lot 18 Bradstreet's
add, 5,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills. 20 00
H. F. J. Webb, lot 19 Bradstreet's
add, 5,000 sq ft area, at 4 mill420 00
J. L. Buettel, lot 1 Bradstreet's add,
5.560 sq ft area, at 4 mills 22 24
Frank Melvin, lot 44 S. M. Lang -
worthy's add, 4,500 sq ft area. at 4
mills 18 00
W. H. Utt, lot43S. M. Langworthy's
add, 5,000 sq ft area. at 4 mills 20 00
W. H. Utt,lot 42 S. M. Langworthy's
add, 5,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills20 00
J. W. Dillrance, lot 1 of 5 of nein lot
80, 19,990 sq ft area, at 4 mills 79 60
Independent school district of Du-
buque, lot 20 Bradstreet's add, 8,-
8,160 sq ft area, at 4 mills 32 64
Independent school district of Du-
buque, lot 21 Bradstreet's add, 7,-
7,530 sq ft area, at 4 mills 30 12
Ald. Crawford, of said committee. pre-
sented the following minority report, and
moved that the same be adopted:
To the City Council of the City of Dubuque:
In the matter of the proposed special as-
sessment upon adjacent property to pay
the cost and expense of the construction
of a lateral sanitary sewer on Nevada
street, as prepared by the city engineer,
and referred to your committee on sewers,
I find that the total cost of the sewer, ac-
cording to the price at which it was let to
the contractor, was $248.90, while the as-
sessment proposed to be levied upon the
abutting property amounts to $408.60. or
$159.70 in excess of the cost of the work.
As I am confident the council has no
right to levy a special tax upon the adja-
cent property -holders for a greater amount
than is sufficient to pay the cost of con-
struction, I am compelled to differ with
the majority of the committee, and to
recommend as a minority report that the
assessment be returned to the city en-
gineer with instructions to so change the
same that the amount assessed shall only
be sufficient to cover the actual cost of
Respectfully submitted,
January 7, 1895.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Ryder and Vogel
Noes—Alds. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann,
Lillig, Powers, Shea and Vogler -7.
The vote recurring on the adoption of
the report of the committee resulted as
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler -10.
Ald. Butler, chairman of the committee
on electrical construction, reported as fol-
Infavor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the city electrician for November,
Also in favor of paying the bill of Rein -
fried & Jaeger for 60c.
Report adopted.
Regular Session, Jan. 7, 1895.
411141. 5
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, presented the following; which
was adopted:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN :—Your committee on streets
would most respectfully recommend to
your honorable body, that the city engi-
neer be instructed to measure all macadam
broken to date, for all parties that desire
to sell same to the city, and when same is
measured and computed the engineer is
directed to submit same to street commit-
tee for their examination, and said com-
mittee is to report at the next adjourned
meeting of the council, the amount to be
paid the several parties.
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, stone or
cement, be, within twenty days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks. on the north side of Peru road
street, between Jackson street and Chi-
cago Great Western viaduct where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to make a survey of
Southern avenue from Rowan street to
Grandview avenue to ascertain whether
an improvement can be made in line of
grade of said street.
Ald. Halpin offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city.engineer be and
is hereby instructed to make a survey and
plat for the extension of Samuel to South-
ern avenue and proceed in accordance with
the city ordinance in relation to the same.
Ald. Halpin offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Ilesolred, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the storm water sewer
on Dodge street from its present terminus
be extended east to South Main street,
and that the city engineer be directed to
make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and when
said plans and specifications are approved
by the sewer committee, the city recorder
is instructed to advertise for bids for do-
ing said work.
Resolved further, That the Illinois Cen-
tral Railroad company be instructed to
have said sewer constructed at their own
cost across and under West Main and
Harrison streets, where they propose to
lay their tracks as contemplated by the
Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p. m. Carried.
Council met at 2:25 p. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present, Ald. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig,
Ryder. Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of finance com-
mittee, reported in favor of having war-
rants drawn in favor of the city treasurer
for money advanced during the month
and to have loan warrants drawn for
money borrowed, and the report referred
to the finance committee. Adopted.
Also reported in favor of allowing the I.
C. R. R. Co. to construct a railroad track
on and along Salina street thenceoto some
point south of Railroad ave. then norther-
ly to and along West Main street to Jones
street, on condition that the C., M. & St.
P. R, R. Co. shall be permitted to connect
with said track at some point south of
Railroad ave.
Also, That the I. C. R. R. Co., shall
switch the loaded and enipty cars of all
other railroads running into Dubuque
over the said track, and any intermediate
tracks at a reasonable switching charge,
not to exceed $2 per car; and, further
more, said I. C. R. Co. is to fill West Main
street to grade the full width from Dodge
to Jones street; said work to be completed
inside of four months; also said company
shall be bound by all reasonable police
regulations of the city and agree to con-
struct and maintain the proper culverts
and drains across and under said tracks
when so required without expense to the
city,and the ordinance committee and city
attorney are hereby instructed to draft an
ordinance in compliance herewith. Re-
ferred to committee of the whole.
Also reported in favor of receiving and
filing the petition of A. A. Cooper, et al.,
for side track up alley between Main and
Locust streets to Third street. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann arrived at .2:50 o'clock.
Ald. Powers arrived at 3:15 o'clock.
Ald. Butler arrived at 3:30 o'clock.
Ald. Ryder read ordinance granting to
the Illinois Central Railroad company the
right of way up Salina street to Jones,
and also an ordinance in relation to the
purchase of the Dubuque High bridge
On motion action on the ordinances was
postponed, and all petitions relating to
above matters were referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, offered the following, which
was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be
and is hereby instructed to call in and
redeem improvement bonds to the amount
of $15.000, numbering from 100 to 129 in-
clusive and dated October 1, 1892.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the water limits for
taxation purposes for 1895 extend 1,500
feet by traveled streets from any fire plug
or hydrant, and that the city engineer be
instructed to furnish to the city assessor
a plat showing said limits.
Geo. Bennett was sworn in as assistant
assessor by mayor Olinger and his bond
approved by the council.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported in favor of approving
of the plans and specifications for the im-
provement of Fifth avenue as presented
by the city engineer and referred to the
street committee. Report adopted. Also
presented the following which was
GENTLEMEN :—Your committe on streets, to
whom was referred the matter of special
assessment on lot 1, Cox's addition, for the
improvement of Ellis street, would most
respectfully report that after an exami-
tion of the laws we are unauthorized to
cancel special taxes, but would recommend
that the city taxes for 1893 on lot 1, Cox's
addition, be cancelled, and would recom-
mend that the taxes for 1894, amounting
to $9.45, on said lot be refunded to said Ed.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Regular Session, Jan, 7, 1895.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone
or cement, be, within fifteen days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of Angella street,
between West Locust street and Cather-
ina street where not already laid, also
new curbing and resetting of old curb as
may be necessary, all at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That to pay for laying a brick
sidewalk on the east side of Clay
street between Eighth and Ninth streets,
by R. C. Lee, contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots. and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
John Turner est., city lot 283:
70.55 sq yds brick at 57Mc $ 40 39
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That to pay for laying an 8 -foot
wide plank sidewalk on north side of Sixth
street from Clay street to White street,
by R. E. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named. situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
John F. O'Dea, city s44.6 feet lot
314, 111 lineal feet sidewalk at
28c $ 31 08
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque That to pay for laying a 4-
ft. plank sidewalk on south side Almond
st. from Ellis st. to Foye st. by R. E.
Lee, contractor. in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each let or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Lizzie Fanning, Cox add w - lot 31
25 lineal ft at 5c per foot $3 75
Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—
Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel
and Vogler.
AM. Kaufman offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for a brick side-
walk on the west side of Clay street be-
tween Fifth street and Seventh street, by
R. E. Lee, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the 'same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set oposite each lot or
parcel of real estate. as follows:
R. H. Collier, city sl/ lot 289: 41.70
sq yds brick at 57'3c $ 23 07
Roman Lorenz, city n 27.7 feet lot
240: 32.33 sq yds brick at 573;c18 51
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol-
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for improve-
ment of West Eagle Point avenue from
end of improvement to Kane street by
John Williams, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax as here-
tofore levied be corrected on the several
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Andrew Ring, Mechanics' add, lot 152:
42 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e 12 60
28.00 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 411
56.00 sq yds macadam at 32e 17 92
Total $ 38 92
John Bottoms, sub 151, Mechanics' add,
lot 2:
52.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e15 75
40.26 sq yds guttering at 30c 12 08
72.67 sq yds macadam at 32c 23 25
Total $ 51 08
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for an 8 -inch
pipe sewer on Walnut street, W. Eleventh
street and Prairie street. by Thos. Dor-
sey, contractor. in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax as heretofore
levied be corrected on the following several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
P. W. Crawford, lot 6, Hathering-
ton's sub; 42 sq ft area at 4 mills .$ 16 80
Adoppted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin.
Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea.
Vegel and Vogler.
The communication of Dr. J. W. Chiles
in regard to establishing an institute in
this city was referred to the mayor and a
committee of three to be appointed by
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn to Jan.
16, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
Lzst of City Warrants.
Issued by the City Recorder During
February, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, March 1, 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEx—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of February, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
11 B Gnifke salary for Jan'y treasurer $150 00
do do do clerk hire 50 00
T J Cooney do do recorder 116 63
J M Kenety do do auditor 116 60
J F Stemm do do assessor 125 00
J E Knight do do attorney 125 00
S B Rice do do marshal 100 00
Joe Rein fried do do chief 75 00
Jas Bunting do do electrician 75 00
W H Knowlton do do engineer 275 00
E S Hyde do do asst. do 100 00
James Boyce do do ., do 100 00
Henry Glab do do " do 50 00
John O'Brien do do sewer insp't'r 70 00
Henry Menge do do park custod'n 46 50
Ed Norton do do mark't mast'r 50 00
J W Fowler do do health officer 50 00
Jas Daly do do fireman 60 00
John Carter do do st commis'er 91 65
John O'Connell do do committee clk 83 40
Job Barnes fireman 75 00
A McDonald do 50 00
J Murphy do 60 00
Wm Duey do 60 00
J Schonberger do 50 00
Ed Keas do 50 00
T Ryder do 50 00
M Eitel do 60 00
J Essman .do 75 00
A Duccini do 50 00
J Flynn do 60 00
J Wiltse do 60 00
T Walker do 50 00
C Specht do 50 00
J Tschudi do 50 00
D Ahearn do 60 00
Jas Allen do .......... • • • • • • • 60 00
W Hippman do 60 00
C Kannalt do 50 00
F Gandhi do 50 00
J Ward do 50 00
0 Girke do 50 00
F Essman do 60 00
T Flynn do • • • • • •60 00
A Straney do • • • • • • 50 00
J Rooney do 50 00
D Ryan police 75 00
John Raesli do 70 00
B Cain do 46 70
Wm Hennessy do 33 20
Wm O'Brien do ••44 85
Wm Frith do 50 00
John Litecher do .................. 50 00
P McNerney do 48 35
T Reilly do 50 00
P Dunnegan do 50 00
P Kearney do 50 00
J Fitzpatrick do 50 00
D Norton do 50 00
Jas Allen do 50 00
J Reuter do 50 00
James Flynn do 50 00
D Lavery do 14 95
Ed Moore do 50 00
M Kilty do 50 00
P Sutton do • • • • • • 50 00
M Craugh do 50 00
J Hoffman do .......... • • • • • • 50 00
J Spielman do 14 95
P Powers do . 14 95
D Linehan do 46 70
T Gordon do 50 00
P Sullivan do 48 35
J Hilson do ;1 48 35
b0 00
John Powers do
Gott Snyder do 48 85
J Secrest do 41 50
J Carter do 50 00
J Kintzinger do 14 95
M Hardie do 14 95
J Murphy do 50 00
S Elmer,,,,do 50 00
P Scharf do 50 00
P McCollins do 50 00
P Hanlon do 50 00
J Murphy do 60 00
C Spiegelhalter do 50 (8)
T Ahearn laborer 70
John Bewer helper steam roller 24 011
31 Brown laborer 17 6(1
J Bracher do 4 75
C Beyer do 3 011
J Callahan do 2 05
Wm Clark do •••3 50
John Cahill do 4 0(1
J Carney do 3 40
F Conrad do 1 35
Sam Collins do 1 35
D Corcoran do 2 05
John Corbett do 6 75
John Corcoran do ........ • • • • • • ... , 4 75
J Cahill do 2 05
J Dougherty do 5 40
J Eberhardt do 9 45
J Farley do 4 05
Dan Fox do 5 40
C Fischer do 2 05
31 Fagan do 3 40
J Grab do 14 20
Aug Goss do 2 70
Ed Grew do 8 10
Jas Harker do 39 0(1
J Hansen do 4 05
John Hafey do 2 05
M Jaeger do 1 35
P Jacobi do 4 75
J Kinsella do 50 00
J Lacy do 6 40
A Leider do • ......... • .. • . • 13 50
Joe Leider do 8 80
C Leirheimer do 2 70
Conrad Miller do 2 05
M Morthofer do 1 35
J Marthofer do 1 35
31 Mahony do 2 05
Robt Miller do 2 05
T Mulqueeny do 8 10
B McCormack do 1 35
J McNulty do 3 40
J Noetz do 1 35
31 Nuten do 2 05
W H Oswald do 11 50
J Obbelt do 4 75
P O'Brien Sr do 5 45
Jas Purcell do 2 05
D Powers , do 2 05
John Quail do 70
John Raetz do 11 20
J Raesnor do 4 75
F Rieger do 4 75
C Rieder do 5 40
John Ryan do 2 05
Joe Seik do ... 25 (10
Geo Schon do 15 55
M Scheiroch do 1 35
Aug Schutz do • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ....... . • • • 70
Jos Serber do 2 05
N Sweeny do 9 45
M Sullivan do 2 05
Jas Tobin do 3 40
T Byron team 3 95
R Bennett do 1 60
Wm Bentin do .................. 4 75
A Conrad do 4 75
Jae Cushing do 36 25
T Elliott do 11 05
N Frith do 9 45
E E Frith do 2 40
P C Foley do 4 75
M Gowely do 9 45
J Geary do 7 90
H Hagerty do 12 60
PJorden do 7 90
J Letcht do 7 90
P Linehan do 4 75
J Messerknecht do 11 05
J McCollins do 1 611
Mrs Quinl(van do 4 75
D. Sutherland do 1 60
H Schmidt do 7 90
A Sieg do 6 30
Cath Tobin do .................. 1 60
J Williams do .................. 1 60
E 8 Daugherty rodman 40 00
T J Cooney clerk of board of health300 00
Mr and Mrs Koenig Janitors 40 00
M O'Connell sanitary inspector 32 90
Ed Norton board of prisoners24 60
Win Terry laborer 42 90
M Igo do 45 50
J Hillery do 35 45
M O'Brien do 42 25
M Specht do 35 45
M Grady do 42 90
Wm Bennett do 83 25
P Fury Sr do 40 70
8 444. List of City Warrants.
L Welsh do 21 00 M Graft do 8 5
L 11 Adams do 21 00 J Messier do 12 7b
C Nelson do 16 bll Greer & Mertz do 16 O(1
1' Grew do 36 35 T Hackney do..................9 60
J Munch do 17 40 C Hofferman do .................. 9 60
Wm Fuller do5 25 Hackett & Kiang do ..................25........ 50
Tae Rooney do 42 (poi M Hemmer do 8 50
M Higgins do 38 111
1' Horseh do 8 60
Jas Ryan do..................35 00 E Hackett do 10 40
T Bannon do 7 45 F Holbert (108 50
John Beyer do 3 95 Amos Hurd do 12 75
P O'Toole do .................. 12 00 A H Heuunelder do , . , ..-8 50
John Hackney do 9 00 M Helvich do9 60
P Bell do 6 25 J Mulder
13 15
Geo Reynolds team ..................56 70 Hooten & Case do 13 25
P Linehan do 15 75 D Hoffman do ........ • • ........ 5 1050
T McNerney do 6 30 F Holnagle do 8
J McCollins do 3 15 Hurd & Brady do .................. 21 25
do do 1 50 F Hynes do..................12 75
Cath Tobin do 1 00 P Jacobi do 8 50
W Schroeder cleaning around city hall 70 Jaeger & Leik do 21 25
B McCormack do do do 35 John Jellin do 11 40
J Albrecht macadam 8 50 Kaeebnner &
P Ahearn do 25 50 Glest do 21 25
J Albrecht do 8 50 A Kaufmann do 8 50
Allen & Mohan do 19 10 Haupert & Co do 17 00
J Baversdorf do • • • • • • ........... • 8 50 P Kiene do 9 60
Bokey & Cornish do 29 75 John Kelly do 9 60
C 0 Baker do17 00 J Kelly do .................. 14 20
F Bangeman do 7 20 Kenneally Bros
J Bewer flo - 10 70 & Cahill do 17 00
Beyer & Braser do 17 00 Tim Kenneally do .................. 7 50
J Beyer do 17 00 H Kehr do 8 50
H Berry do 9 50 J Kerns do 9 00
Mrs Besang do 4 00 J Klaren do 6 00
do do 7 50 A Kunckey do .. - ... • • .......... 8 50
C Blinkert do 6 00 P Kremer do 8 00
N Burke do 8 50 Knobe Bros &
Burns & Cain do 17 00 Meckelberg do 25 50
P Brandenberger do .................. 7 80 P Kroeheski do 17 00
E Braser do 8 50 M Lilack do 4 70
W R Briggs do .................. 12 75 W Lorimer do 8 50
W Buelow do 12 75 Lacy & Grau do 10 10
W Burke do 9 50 Lee & Wickham do 17 00
11 Burns do 17 00 A Leidenger do 17 00
J Bummers do ..,, ...... 10 40 M & J Mahony d5 .................. 17 00
V Burns do .......... 12 75 Joe Melloy do .................. 7 00
C Burchard do 12 75 W Wanderscheld do 9 60
51 Burchard do 8 50 J Moroney do 6 50
Cain & Connolly do 10 50 W Martin do 8 50
J & P Cr•umpwell do 12 75 C Meggenberg do 12 75
Jas Carroll do 9 50 Mullen & Dorseydo ........ • . - ... • ... 25 50
J.Casper do '8 50 P McCabe do 12 75
Colligan, Belty P McCarten do 8 50
& Jacquinot do .............. •... 21 25 M McCune do 19 20
Hugh Connell do 8 50 McCaffrey &
Conrad & Co do 12 75 Ravenig do 3 50
John Connolly do 14 50 Jas McEvoy do ..................12 75
Tom Connolly do 9 20 W McDermott do 12 75
Wall&Connolly do 11 90 John McGee do ..., 12 75
Connolly & Carney do .................. 7 50 Ravenig & Werny do ..,-... 11 00
Corbett & McNulty do 9 60 P McPoland do 10 85
Carroll & Wall do 14 70 McPolland &
John Coyne do 8 50 Williams do 16 00
W Crumpfelt do..................8 50 Nauk &Smyth do 11 80
Carlow & Knaba do 17 00 M Nuten do 5 40
Deggendorf, Fern p Neuman do 5 70
& Tobin do 34 00 Anton Nick do..................8 50
L Dax do 8 50 Thos O'Connell do 12 75
J H Deggendorf do 6 40 p Oswald do 8 50
P Dempsey do 12 75 O'Meara & White do 12 75
Henske & Wild do 12 75 J O'Shea do 8 50
Doherty & Boyer do 12 75 F Pelz do 7 65
Dougherty & C H Pierce do 8 50
O'Brien do 9 60 Phofl & Seherr do 7 90
Doubler& Nickels do 11 00 Powers, Brick, Fan -
Bryan Donahue do 17 00 ping & Powers do ' 20 30
Aug Duccini do 8 50 A Prieb do ..................21 25
M Dumphy do - 8 50 Jas Purcell do 8 50
C Ellerman do 3 00 M Quinlivan do 7 00
R Eckert do 10 20 P F Quinn Jr do 12 75
Wm Emmert do 12 75 P Quinn do .............. 12 75
Erskin & Quirk do , 17 00 W Rieman do 8 50
Frank Faber do 8.50 F Remus do 8 50
M Farrell do 12 ,75 A Hoskin do 8 50
F Felbaum do , 8 50 T Rotterman do 8 50
H Ferris do ,,9 60 A Rank do 9 60
John Fix do 8 50 A Reuter do 700
C Froelich do 6 35 F Radloft do 12 75
W Frommark do 5 10 C Rafort do 3 80
Nelson Frith do 7 65 M Rein do 5 60
C Frohr do 9 60 T Rudddo 8 30
P Fury do..................5 30 Ryan & Wickham do 21 25
D Frommelt do..................7 50 Geo Seherr do 6 90
Geo Gow do 6 25 Seherr & Leik do '
Fred Gallon do 8 50 Schulz & Jellison do 19 50
Del Gagne do .................. 17 00 W Schroeder do 8 70 R Grimes do 900 H21 50 Swaegler do 8 50•
Jas Gillaspie do 9 50 W Swaegler do 8 50
Aug Gauer do 9 60 W Scharf do 8 50
Lis of City 1Varrant8.
Spies& Michael do
M Shea do
Spear, Cansy
&Co do
M Sullivan do
Peter Strotr. do
Dan Sullivan do
Tim Sullivan do
Sullivan & Corbett do
D Sutherland do
N Sweeny do
H Tippe do
C Vincent do
L Washeimer do
Wm Wells do
J Whalen do
Ed Winkelman do
(len Welter do
Yates & Reilly do
Geo. Bennett assistant assessor
G Gmehle do do
Dubuque Water Co hydrants
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do .......... 360 00
do do drinking fountains 400 00
do do hydrants 200 00
(lo (lo water 10 00
John Mullen harness oil 4 50
J & A M Trexler, bran 80
F Mertz repairing harness holder 3 25
Lear & Ptitfner. horse shoeing15 05
A Wunderlich do 10 50
Kannalt& Powers do 15 00
John Butt repairing wagon 3 15
J 31 McKenzie repairing harness 3 0(1
Lear & Ptiffner horse shoeing9 50
Novelty Iron Works repairing engine28 69
Key City Iron Works do do 6 09
Leo Palen & Co axle greese 50
Shipley & Bauman veterinary services 10 65
P R Martin repairing steam engine50
Tom Collins horse shoeing 9 25
Excelsior Brass Wks repairing engine 22 40
Jas Kelly & Son stationery 15 55
McDermott & Gow plumbing37 05
Reinfried & Jaeger wire nails6 90
McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co washers, 1 50
Diamond Jo Line ducking 20
W 8 Molo plumbing 75
Duggan & Kane matches soap etc1 80
WBHunt wood ..... 11510
Barger & Blish stationery 3 65
Hardie & Scharle blank stationery22 75
Palmer, Winall & Co do 45 75
Dubuque Telegraph blank stationery 67 50
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella lantern 75
Ferguson Bros repairing fountains2 00
A Gasser brick 14 00
Peter Meyer sand 2 00
J P Schroeder cement 10 40
Robinson & Purser oil 40
Wm Bentin sand 4 00
F Mertz keys 50
The Globe advertising 29 15
The Telegiap't do 75 00
The Times do 29 15
The Herald do 29 15
C C Lempke repairing harness6 35
Mrs Heim brick 14 00
A W Daugherty telegrams
John T Kearns recording deeds
12 75
60 00
17 00
12 75
11 60
9 00
8 50
8 50
6 25
8 50
12 75
12 75
9 60
4 00
21 25
100 00
100 00
500 00
500 00
360 00
500 00
500 00
3 55
2 25
J Tyler labor 25 95
Novelty Iron Works manhole cover 29 20
Byrne & Saul rock 26 34
Peter Klauer furnace 263 00
Dubuque Pressed Brick Co brick 45 00
A Gasser brick 28 00
E E Frith grading 22d street27 40
Standard Lumber Co shavings1 50
J F Ris & Co sprinkler 1 90
W H Torbert, soda 14 50
Mulgrew & Phillips coal 29 43
Christman & Healey rope, nails, locks 10 44
Standard 011 Co oil 14 1(1
F Heer & Son plans for engine house 100 00
P Klauer repairing and putting up
stoves 30 30
John E Hartig repairing tools3 10
F Mertz repairing lock
Byrne Bros livery
Jos Geiger labor ......... ..
John E Hartig repairing locks
P E Strelau wood
W 8 Molo zinc
Steuck & O'Farrell improving alley95 22
Ed Ryan improving Broad street 317 00
F Heer & Son sketches for city hall3(10 00
Svendsen & Ott lumber 2 45
2 75
7 00
4 30
3 50
2 00
Key City Gas Co gas and coal ....
Baumgartner & Kleih tools
Star Electric Co electric lights
do do dy
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
Globe Light and Heat Co globe lights
M Tsehirgi Sr lot 1 Summit add
Gmehle & Bennett col'ct'gdel'q't taxes
F Schloz repairing tools
A' M Greenhow repairing fountaius
W S Molo repairing sewer
Key City Iron Work repairing roller
John Bunt repairing tools
Standard Lumber Co lumber
Baumgartner&Kleih nails and tools
Novelty Iron Works repairing roller
Excelsior Brass Works repairing roller
Baumgartner & Kleih tools
Reinfried & Jaeger tools...
J W Fitzpatrick horse shoeing
PH Murrey rock
Svendsen & Ott lumber
B E Linehan cement
F Schloz repairing tools. .... .... .
do do do ..........
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella nails....
Central Union Tel Co telephone rent..
H B Gnitfke, treas., money advanced
do do do do
do do do do
do do do do
do do do do
do do do do
31 Brown loan...
dodo ..........................
dodo ..........................
do do ...
P F Ryan do ..........................
159 80
9 60
500 00
500 00
443 15
5(10 00
500 00
453 50
294 70
500 00
9 95
8 50
6 90
4 40
11 80
2 70
2 00
1 65
14 50
10 85
28 46
51 63
1 85
8 05
7 50
58 50
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
493 51
407 08
500 0(1
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
200 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of February.
[ssAL] T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 27th day of December.1894, the fol-
lowing special assessments were levied on the
real estate hereinafter described:
For laying plank sidewalk on Seventh street
from Washington street to slough bridge.
Total Amount
Owner. Description. of Tax.
Wm Hintrager w16V2ft lot 23 blk 15
Dub Har Imp Co's ad $3 63
Chi G W Ry Co e814ft lot 23 blk 15 do 1 87
do lot 24 blk 15 • do 5 50
do lot 25 blk 15 do 5 06
For laying a plank sidewalk on south side of
West Fourteenth street.
Total Amount
Owner. Description. of Tax.
John Hennessy lot 820 AMcDanl's sub $13 20
do 821 do 14 12
For laying a plank sidewalk on north side of
West Third street.
Total Amount
Owner. Description. of Tax.
Mrs M J Sullivan city w50ft lot 608 $11 33
For laying a plank sidewalk on north side of
Dorgan place.
Total Amount
Owner. Description. of Tax.
Albert Flick' Dorgan's sub lot 4 $15 47
For laying- aiplank sidewalk on both sides of
Lincoln avenue.
Total Amount
Owner. ^ Description. of Tax.
Thos Allen MeCraney's 1st add lot 110 $7 00
J A Rhomberg do do 111 7 (N)
do do do 112 1 96
P Rhomberg Ham's add 451 7 00
do do 452 8 33
And that in ease of failure to pay the same
within thirty days from this date, the same
shall become delinquent and bear interest
thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent
annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 27th day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1894. HENRY B. GNIFFKE,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
List of City Warrants.
x "" "" "" """
John ado
CFlacher do ••••••••••...•
M Gowdy do
Issued by the City Recorder During Ed Grew ew do
March, 1894. Jas Harker do
M Helviek do
John Hafey do
CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, i P Jacobi do • • • • • • • • • • .... • .
DL'aUQor, Iowa, April 1, 1894. j J Kinsella do . • ...... • • • • • • • • • •
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: C Kampnuuul do
GENTLEMEN—The following. is a complete list P Kinney do • • • • • • • •
of all warrants issued by me during the month A Loebel do
of March, 1894: J Lacy do
Name. For What Purpose. Amount. T Mulqueeny do • • • • • • • • • • ..... •
11 B Gniffke salary for Feb'y treasurer $150 00 J Perryon do
do do do clerk hire 50 00 J Roetz foreman
TJ Cooney do J M Kenety do do rauditorr bo
116 65 C Rieger 116 65 J r laborer
J F Stemm do do assessor 125 00 M Scheirock do
J E Knight do do attorney 125 00 J Seik do
S B Rice do do marshal 100 00 J Wolfe do
Joe Reinfried do do chief 75 00 T B Cain team
Jas Bunting do do electrician 75 00 Wm Terry laborer • • • • • • • • • •
W H Knowlton do do engineer 275 00 M Igo do
E S Hyde do do asst. do 100 00 1' Fury do
James Boyce do do " do 100 00 Joe Rooney do
HenryGlab do do " do 50 00 11 Higgins do ••.••..••.••••••••
John O'Brien do do sewer insp't'r 70 00 J Hillery do
Henry Henge do do park custod'n 4200 M Specht do
Ed Norton do do mark't mast'r 50 00 J Bennett do
J W Fowler do do health officer 50 00 1' Grew do
John Carter do do st commis'er 91 65 J Grode do
John O'Connell do do committee elk 83 35 L Welsh do
Jas Daly fireman 60 00 P McNulty do
Job Barnes do 75 00 Jas Ryan do
A McDonald do 50 00 M O'Brien do
J Murphy do 60 00 T Powers do
Wm Duey do 60 00 John Ryan do
J Schonberger do 50 00 J Allenbrand do
Ed Keas • do 50 00 Geo Reynolds team
TRyder do 50 00 T Kane do
M Eitel do 60 00 N Brandt do
J Essman do .....••• ••........ 75 00 Ed Seeley do ...............•
A Duccini do 50 00 Ed Norton boarding prisoners........
J Flynn do 60 00 Mr and Mrs Koenig janitors
J Wiltse do 60 00 E 8 Daugherty rodman
T Walker do 50 00 Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor
C Specht do 50 00 Geo Bennett, do do
J Tschudi do 50 00 J Farley cleani'g around market house
D Ahearn do 60 00 N Schroeder do do do
Jas Allen do 60 00 D Corcoran do do do
W Hippman do • • • • • • 60 00 James Tobin do do do
C Kannalt do .... •50 00 B McCormack do do do
F Ganahl do 50 00 P O'Farrell do do do
J Ward do 50 00 T Connolly do do do
G Girke do 50 00 T Botsford do do do
F Essman do 60 00 J Albrecht macadam ..... • ... • ........
T Flynn do • • . • • • • • 60 00 P Ahearn do
A Straney do 50 00 J Albrecht & Co do
J Rooney do 50 00 Allen & Mohan do
D Ryan police 75 00 J Albright do
John Raesli do 70 00 3 Baversdorf do
B Cain do ....... • .......... 50 00 Bakey & Cornish do
Wm Hennessy do 50 00 C 0 Baker do
Wm Frith do • ............. • • • • 50 00 H Berry do
Wm O'Brien do 48 35 Beyer & Braser do
John Litscher do 50 00 J Beyer do
P McNerney do 50 00 J H Boyce do
T Reilly do 50 00 J Bottoms do
P Dunnegan do 50 00 W P Briggs do
P Kearney do 50 00 W Buelow do
J Fitzpatrick do 45 05 W Burke do ............. • ....
D Norton do 50 00 R Burns do
Jas Allen do 41 75 Burns & Cain do
J Reuter do 50 00 V Burns do
James Flynn do • • • • • •............ 50 00 C Burchard do
Ed Moore do 50 00 Chris Braun do
M Kilty do 5000 51Burchard do .......... ••••••••
P Sutton do • • • • • • • • 50 00 Chas Beyer do
M Craugh do 50 00 Mrs Besang do
J Hoffman do 50 00 P Brandenberger do
D Linehan do .............. •48 35 Burns & Saul do
T Gordon do 50 00 Connolly & Wall do
P Sullivan do 50 00 T Connolly do
J Hilson do . • • • .............. 50 00 J & P Campwell do
John Powers do • • • • • • • . • • ........ 45 05 J Jasper do
Gott Snyder do 50 00 0 Colignon do
J Secrest do • . • • .............. 48 35 Colignon, Belty
J Carter do 51 65 & Jacquinot do
J Murphy do 50 00 Conrad & Co do
8 Elmer do 50 00 Corbett & McNulty do
P Scharf do 50 00 John Coyne do
P McCollins do 50 00 W Crumpfelt do
P Hanlon do ' .................. 50 00 Culow & Knabe do
J Murphy do .................. 60 00 Hugh Connell do
C Spiegelhalter pound master 50 00 Jas Carroll do
J Corbett laborer 2 70 John Connolly do
D Corcoran do 4 75 D Connolly do
Sam Collins do 2 05 D 8 Cameron do
2 70
1 35
1 35
1 35
36 (N►
1 35
3 40
50 01)
2 70
1 85
2 05
6 75
1 35
2 70
25 00
3 15
37 90
21 25
29 75
10 50
10 50
17 95
34 10
13 15
12 70
4 40
10 51)
19 25
1 75
17 50
1 75
15 75
6 30
6 30
15 75
11 60
42 50
40 0()
100 00
100 00
1 05
1 05
42 51)
25 50
15 00
40 51)
3 00
12 50
21 50
13 50
10 00
68 00
53 00
15 00
19 50
10 20
18 50
6 30
42 50
7 50
102 00
11 50
15 30
34 011
34 00
11 00
7 30
8 51)
2 75
List of Cit,/ Warrants. o 11
J Callahan do
Deggendorf, Fern
& Tobin do
P Dempsey do
J. Deuskel do
Deuskel &Wilde (10
Dougherty &
Boyce do
Dougherty &
O'Brien do
B Donahue do
Doubler& Nickols do
Aug Duceini do
M Dnmphy do
T Dettlug do
M Doyle do
J Eberhardt do
R Eckert do
C Ellermau do
Win Emmert do
A Eppler do
Frank Fnber do
W Frieke do
M Farrell do
F Felbaum do
Geo Ferber du
H Ferris do
W Fruutmark do
John Fix do
C Frohs do
F Gallow do
D Gagne do
A Gauer 00
M Grof do
C Giessler do
J Giessler do
Greer & Mertz do
C Greer do
Tom Hackney do
"T Hackney do
C HofYerman do
Hackett & Klong do
M Heimer do
P Horseh do
G Heuser do
J Wooten do
Ame Hird do
A Heminelder do
M Helvic•k do
J Hudder do
D Hoffman do
F Holnagle do
Hurd & Brady do
F Hynes do
J Hemmi do
J Hendricks do
E Hollenbeck do
Hooten, Case
& Warmus do
P Jacobi do
Jaeger & Link do
J R Jellison do
Jellison & Mc-
Laughlin do
Kaesbauer &
Giesel do
A Kaufmann do
J Kenneally do
Haupert & Co do
H Kerr do
P Klein do
John Kelly do
& Cahill do
S Kenneally do
J Klason do
J Kelly do
A Kuncky do
P Kreemer do
F Kuehl do
Knobe Bros &
Meckenberg do
Mrs Kollenbei g do
P Krocheski do
P Lutz do
Lee & Wickham do
A Leidenger do
W Loomis do
Lechterhand &
Brelenbur do
H Luck do
Lang & Brick do
A Manderscheid do
M & J Mahony do
J Melone do
F Menzel do
H Meyer do
P Mlhm do
C Meggenberg do
Mullen & Dorseydo
P McCabe do
•• •••••••........
••• ••••..........
..••••• ..........
••• ••• ••........
••• •••..........
....• ..........
•••• •••••........
•• •••........••••
••• .........•••••
25 50
64 00
25 50
9 50
7 50
5 50
5 50
29 50
6 75
14 50
6 511
29 50
4 70
14 00
6 00
6 00
14 50
21 00
24 (10
12 50
13 50
7 70
11 50
11 00
25 50
21 00
5 00
11 80
3 50
3 00
46 5(I
25 50
5 50
21 00
3 50
8 00
7 50
14 00
6 00
18 50
2 50
11 50
10 00
29 50
55 00
27 00
24 00
17 00
34 00
18 50
17 00
17 00
11 00
46 50
12 50
4 00
11 50
29 50
11 50
42 50
21 00
10 00
4 00
76 00
12 00
55 00
64 00
29 50
85 00
51 00
6 50
12 00
12 50
••...... ••••......
.1 McNulty do 9 (111
P & M McCai•ten do 17 011
W McDermott do 23 (8)
M McCune do. 6 00
J McEvoy do 25 50
John McGee do 51 011
McPolland &
Wilinon do 3 00
A Maraska do 29 511
C Messerkneeht do 9 50
S Miller do 14 00
N Martin do 8 50
Anton Nicks do 13 00
Thos O'Connell do 55 00
O'Meara Bros
& White do 110 00
P Oswald do •5 00
J O'Shea do 23 011
P O'Toole do 4 (NI
1' O'Hare do 4 50
Parker, Royce
& Otto do 21 011
F Pelz do 18 00
A Prebe do 17 00
Jas Purcell do 19 50
Pfohl & Seherr .do 14 50
P F inn Jr do 29 50
P Quinnu Sr do 64 00
M Quinlan do 11 0))
W Rieman do 17 00
F Remus do 25 00
A Rasquin do 38 00
T Rotterman do 76 00
A Rank do 9 50
F Raedloff do 59 00
Ryan & Wick-
ham do 14 00
J Scherr do 17 00
Seherr & Leik do 4 00
Fred Schultz do 10 50
W Swaegler do 10 50
H Swaegler do 14 00
W Scharf do 38 00
Shea & Quinn du 17 00
Spies & Nickol do 8 00
.Spear. Carney
& Co do 30 50
M Sullivan do 85 00
Sun Sullivan do 21 00
N Sweeny do 34 Illi
L Schilobie do 38 00
W Sehollard do 47 00
G Scherrer do 7 50
J Southwell do 33 00
R Taple do 7 50
H Tippe do 16 50
11 Tippe do 59 00
J Tinkham do 20 311
T Tweed do 14 00
Jos Whalen do 9 50
Wm Wells do 7 00
L Wachen-
heimer do • .. • .. • 21 00
Ed Winkelman do 7 50
Tates & Reilly do 51 00
P Powers, police 18 30
R Bennett, team 4 75
Corbett & Sullivan, macadam14 50
M O'Connell, sanitary inspector 25 00
J M Kenety, redeeming city property13 03
J F Ris & Co, hardware 60
Svendsen & Ott, lumber 27 16
J J Lynn, ail 15
Wurmiller & Prosser, brooms 4 00
Reifsteek & Bennett, coal 121 25
Jas Beach & Son, oil 14 00
Merkes & Hassler, bran and salt 4 41)
Christman & Healey. hardware 4 80
Dubuque Rubber
and Belting Co., buttons 11 00
B E Linehan, coal .... 86 44
F Schloz, repairing tools 3 50
P H Halpin, bran 11 80
Knapp, Stout & Co company, lumber9 60
Tom Connolly, repairing wagon 14 75
G Jeffroy & Son, repairing engine1 0(1
Thos Collins, horse shoeing 5 00
McDermott & Gow, repairing engine10 00
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing10 00
A Schwarz, clock 7 00
Dubuque Water Co, hydrants 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 360 00
John Duggan, repairing tools 9 60
Nessler & Jungk, repairing roller75
Latin & Rand
Powder Co, powd ander fuse 32 50
F Roehl, nails 1 75
W M Greenhow, repairing fountain12 26
W H Knowlton, supplies 25 33
Chas Herzog, sawing wood 27 75
12 4,66
List of City Warrants.
Portland Paving Co. roek
Ferguson Bros, plumbing
W W Wormood, winding town clock
Mnlgrew & Phillips, coal
Merkes & Hassler' hay
H Nagelmaker, supplies. ......
J J Sheridan, lantern
P H Halpin, oil
W M Greenhow, repairing fountains
do do do
F Schloz, repairing tools
Ferguson Bros, repairing flush tank
H Nagelmaker, oil
Frank Drasda, repairing tub
.1 Toussaint, wood
B E Linehan, cement
Uessler & Jungk, repairing fountain
Jas Kelly- Si Son, stationery
Ham & Carver do
l} B Grosvenor do
Dubuque Teleg'ph do
Harger & Blish do
Hardie & Scharle do
German Cath'c Print'g Co, advertising
The Globe deo
The Telegraph (10
The Herald do
The National Demokrat do
The Times Co do
Ansonia Electric Co, supplies
J J McDonnell, fees in ordinance case
Edward Broell do do
E Grabor do do
W White do do
Mrs P Dougherty do do
E E Frith, removing dead animals
John Cahill, planting trees
Reinfried & Jaeger, tools
Eureka Gas Gov'r Co, gas governor
Globe Light and Heat Co, light
Star Electric Co, light
dodo do
do do do
Key City Gas Co, gas
W H Knowlton, street car fare
H B Kniffke, money advanced
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
1 00
72 00
63 77
3 85
2 45
13 81
1 80
12 70
3 95
2 50
33 79
10 75
6 00
50 35
16 75
50 00
29 15
29 15
50 00
29 15
3 80
14 50
5 00
1 05
279 14
500 00
500 00
479 95
65 30
2 65
100 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
495 25
do do do ......... 212 00
do do do 85 86
I hereby certify that the foregoing is. a cor-
rect list of warrants issued by me during the
month of March, 1894.
City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To the owner or owners of the several lots and
parcels of ground abutting alley from Schil-
ler avenue to Middle avenue, between Rhom-
berg avenue and Garfield avenue:
Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White
street. c
Dell street from West Fourteenth street to
Arlington street.
Ann avenue from Lincoln avenue to Garfield
Wilde street from McLennan street to east
end of street.
Dorgan Place and alley from . Seventeenth
street to Dorgan Place.
Alta Vista street from West Fourteenth street
to Union avenue.
West Eagle Point avenue from end of im-
provement to Kade avenue.
Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to
Rowan street .
Southern avenue from end of improvement
to Railroad avenue.
And to any person or persons or company
having any interest in said real estate.
You are .hereby notified that there is on file
in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a
plat of said above named streets and alleys in
said city, showing the several lots or parcels
of grounds abutting on said streets and alleys,
subject to the special assessment for paving,
guttering, curbing and macadamizing of said
streets and alleys, and the names as far as
practicable of the owners of said abutting
real estate and the amount assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, for the inspection
of any person, firm or company interested in
any kind in said real estate, and that such
firm or company having objeetion to the spec-
ial tax proposed to be assessed as shown by-
said plat, may file with the eity recorder his
or their objeetion in writing at or before next
meeting of the eity council of the city of Du-
buque, which will meet the 20th day ot Decem-
ber, 1894. W. H. KNOWLTON,
City Engineer.
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque,
held on the 1st day of October, 1894, the
following special assessments were levied on
the real estate hereinafter described. And that
in case of failure to pay the same within thirty
days from this date, the same shall become de-
linquent and bear interest thereafter at the
same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 21st day of December,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
For the construction of a sewer in West Third
street from St. Mary's street to alley between
lots 8 and 9 Prospect Hill addition, and alley
between West Third street and Fenelon Place 4
to Burch street.
Owner. Description. Lot. Amount.
Catholic Cemetery, burying ground $162 00
James Lee sub city 692 s 100 ft 4 114 60
Taos Faherty Prospect Hill add 14 20 00
do 13 20 00
do 12 20 00
do 11 20 00
do 10 20 00
do 9 20 00
do 8 20 00
do 7 20 00 •
do e37ii4ft6 15 00
dow-12i4ft6 5 00
do e27 y ft5 11 00
clow221V1ft5 9 00
do 4 20 00
do 3 20 00'
do 2 16 40
do 1 16 40
do 26 20 00
do 24 20 00
do 23 20 00
do 22 20 00
do 21 20 00
20 20 00
1 20 00•
2 20 00
3 2000
4 20 00
5 20 00
do do
Mieh'l Tierney do
Cath O'Brien do
John M Linehan do
John McCabe do
Rich'd Waller
M Kavanaugh
And'w Cullen
Jos P Earley
P J Renter
John McCabe
Martin Kelly
James Harris
Mrs G Smock do
C W Wuliweber do
do do
Pat'k McCann do
do do
Chas F Markle do do
Michael Brady Fortune's sub
J G Moore do do
E J Scott do do
J F O'Dea do do
Kate Rettallick do
Edw Phillips do
E P Lyman do
Mary Powers do
E J Scott do
do do do 12
W G Cox do do 13
do do do 14
Mrs G Smock Prospect Hill add 25
C F Markle do do 19
do eV26
do wy 6
do 10
do 11
10 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 12 00
20 00
Vacation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there is now on
file in my office a petition from property own-
ers on Southern avenue from M. Mahony's
place to Railroad avenue, asking that the west-
erly 6 feet of said street between above points
be vacated. All parties having objection to
same must file their claims in my office on or
before Jan. 5, 1895.
dto-jan5 T. J. COONEY.
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, by the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construe
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of
19th street, between Elm street and Pine street
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
butting property. T. J. COONEY,
dec26-10t Recorder.
Adljout'necl Regular Se8•siolt, Jan. 17, 1895.
Adjourned Regular Session,
16, 1893.
Council met at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Adjourned to Thursday, Jan. 17, -.at
7:30 p. m.
Adjourned Regular Session, Jan.
17, 1895.
Council met at 7:50 p. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present—Aldermen Butler, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Con Ryan, Jr., material for Fourth
street extension 6274 68
Geo. W. Farley, stone 4 50
Chas. Oswald, cleaning chimneys14 00
Jas. Moore, janitor 20 00
H. S. Moore, services assisting city
attorney 40 00
Hardie Si Scharle,printing abstract
for city attorney 170 50
Robt. McGivern, sanitary officer50 00
The petitions of Dubuque Street Railway
company and the Dubuque Light and
Traction company asking to have taxes
for 1894 remitted were referred to the
committee of the whole. •
The city engineer presented a list of
names and cubic yards of macadam meas-
ured. The list shows the number of piles
and cubic yards. Total amount broken,
11,294 cubic yards ; amount allowed, 6,5724
cubic yards at 75c, X4,927.67.
Also presented plans and specifications
for an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley from
end of sewer to Rose street between Wal-
nut street and Race street, ordered Dec.
20, 1894, which was approved.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
WHEREAS, It is understood that the city
attorney, by reason of ill -health, is unable
at the present time to give full attention
to the legal business of the city, and a
number of important suits are now pend-
ing in the courts, among which are the
eases of Hunt and Brunskill, in which
large judgments have been rendered
against the city, and in which it is neces-
sary to perfect appeals to the supreme
court; therefore
Resolved, That Alphons Matthews,,Esq.,
be authorized to assist the city attorney
in the cases named and in the conduct of
all other legal matters in which the city is
interested, and to act for the city when
necessary during the absence or inability
of the City attorney by reason of illness, of
attend to the same, the compensation for
said services to be such as may be mutually
agreed upon by the city, the city attorney
and Mr. Matthews.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
WHEREAS, An action has been brought
in the district court against the city of
Dubuque, in which it is sought to perma-
nently enjoin the city from completing the
improvement of Booth street at is inter-
section with O'Neil street, in the manner
recommended by the city engineer, there-
Resoled, That the city attorney be re-
quested to appear in behalf of the city in
said case, and, if possible, obtain such a
decree by the court as will definitely set-
tle the true loeation and lines of O'Neill
street to the end that all doubt and con-
troversy in relation to that matter may be
forever set at rest.
Ald. Ryder, chairmain of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of the
resolution and ordinance amending the or-
dinance of the Dubuque High Bridge com-
Ald. Halpin moved that the ordinance
be read for the first time. Carried.
The ordinance was then read by its title
as follows:
"An ordinance providing for a modifica-
tion of the provisions of section seven (7)
of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance au-
thorizing and to provide for aiding the
construction of a wagon and foot bridge
over the Mississippi river between the
city of Dubuque, in the state of Iowa, and
the town of East Dubuque, in the state of
Illinois, being Chapter 125 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1893.
Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus
pended and the ordinance placed on its
final passage. Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Halpin, Powers,
Ryder and Shea.
Nayes—Alds. Butler, Kaufmann, Lillig,
Vogel and Vogler.
The following petition was read:
To the honorable City Council of the City of
We, the undersigned, owners of at least
75 per cent of the property lying south of
First street and bounded on the east by
South Main street, on the west by Locust
street, and the south by Railroad avenue,
do respectfully petition your honorable
body to grant to the Illinois Cen-
tral Railway company the rights they
have asked for and as they have asked for
them in this matter of laving tracks on
Salina, Dodge and West Main street, be-
lieving that the best interests of ourselves
and of the entire city will be consummated
by giving it to them.
We realize that the Illinois Central Rail-
way company is in a position to do the
work at once, and also that any other rail-
road company would have to use the Illi-
nois Central's property to take advantage
of an ordinance to lay a track on Salina
street, which would necessarily postpone,
indefinitely almost, any action toward do-
ing the work.
We pray that prompt action be taken in
this matter, as the commercial interests
Adjourned Regular Session, January 17, 1895.
of the city of Dubuque will suffer seri-
ously if it is delayed.
Schreiber-Conchar Svendson & Ott,
Mf'g. Co. M. M. Walker & Co.,
J. H. Shields, Bart E. Linehan,
Norwegian Plow Co,.S. P. Wadley,
James Beach & Son. Robt. Waller Estate
McFadden Coffee and per F. H. Coates,
Spice company, Mulgrew & Phillips,
Key City Gas Co., Dubuque Mattre s s
Excelsior Brass Wks Factory company,
P. R. Martin, Mgr. W. H. Peabody,
John Duggan, Watters & Dennis,
W. J. Burns, P. H. Halpin,
J. B. Glover, Anna M. Bush,
T. J. Donohue, M. H. Moore.
Also an ordinance presented by the Illi-
nois Central Railway company asking for
right of way on Salina street, was read.
Also a communication and ordinance of
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail-
way company in relation to the same, was
Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus-
pended and all parties that wished to ad-
dress the council in regard to the matter
of right of way on Salina street be al-
lowed to do so. Crrried.
Messrs. F. Harriman, Jos. Ott, C. W.
Mitchell, Dennis Smith, J. W. Conchar
and M. H. Moore addressed the council in
behalf of the Illinois Central railroad.
'Messrs. J. W. Stapleton and A. A.
Cooper, Jr., addressed the council in be-
half of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul railroad.
Messrs. Col. Lyon, I. Diefenderfer, Jos.
Whatmore addressed the council in rela-
tion to the granting of right of way.
Ald. Halpin moved that the petition of
Schrieber, Conchar & Co. et al asking that
the Illinois Central Railroad company for
right of way of Salina street be granted.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Halpin, Pow-
ers, Ryder and Vogel.
Nays—Aldermen Crawford, Kaufmann,
Lillig, Shea and Vogldr.
The vote being a tie, Mayor Olinger
voted aye.
Ald. Ryder moved that the ordinance en-
titled "An ordinance granting the Illinois
Central Railroad company, its successors
and assigns, the right of way along and
across certain streets and alleys in the
city of Dubuque for the purpose of con-
structing and operating a railway track
thereon," be read for the second time and
placed on its passage. Carried.
The ordinance was read by its title and
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Halpin, Pow-
ers Ryder and Vogel.
Crawford, Kaufmann,
Lillig, Shea and Vogler.
The vote being a tie, Mayor Olinger
voted aye.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
WHEREAS, The practice of holding secret
or private meetings of the committee of
the whole sometimes called, "Star
Chamber Sessions," is constantly giving
rise to false reports and misrepresenta-
tions of the business transacted, and as to
the action taken in such secret sessions by
the various members of the city council
WHEREAS, Every citizen and taxpayer
of Dubuque has an interest direct or in-
direct in all business of every kind that
can possibly come before the council for its
action, and has a right to know, and to
hear if he desires, the reasons and argu-
ments for and against every pending
measure or proposition before the council,
and the position of every alderman in re-
gard to the sante. Therefore,
Resolved. That hereafter all meetings of
the committee of the whole for the consid-
ation of any subject to conte before the
coutcil, be held openly in the council
chamber and free to all persons without
distinction, who may choose to be present.
Ald. Ryder, of the committee of the
whole, presented the following report:
Your committee report in favor of ex-
tending the franchise of the Dubuque
Street Railway company for a period of
fifty years from the expiration of its pres-
ent franchise, or until April 25, 1965, pro-
vided, however, the city of Dubuque re-
serves the right at any time after April
25. 1915, to cause said Dubuque Street
Railway company to pay annually into the
city- treasury a sum of money equal to 2
per cent. of its net earnings each year,and
the city attorney and ordinance commit-
tee are instructed to draft an ordinance in
compliance herewith.
Also reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and ('ity Council:
GENTLEMEN--YOUr committee of the
whole would most respectfully recommend
to your honorable body that the assess-
ment of the Key City Fire Insurance com-
pany be placed at $12.500 for 1893 and also
$12.500 for 1894.
Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Carried.
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, by the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
od and laid In conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of
Alta Vista street, between west 14th street and
the north line of lot 3 of 3 of min. lot 91 where
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
d ce rt lbt T. J. COONEY,
Notice to Saloon -Keepers.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Dec. 31, 1894.
You are hereby notified that the next install-
ment of your city license is due and payable on
Jan. 1, 1895. and must be paid on or before
said date. Failure on your part so to do will
subject you to the penalties of the ordinance
on that subject. JOHN RAESLI,
decd-d15t City Marshal.
Sealed proposals will be received at my office
up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, Jan. 19,
1895, for the laying of a new floor in the Patrol
House, on Thirteenth and Washington streets.
Bidders must state the kind of a floor they pro
pose to lay and the total cost of same. The
work to be done under the supervision of the
committee on public grounds and buildings
and to their entire satisfaction.
No extras will be allowed on this work, and
all appurtenanees to said building to be left in
as good condition as before said floor is laid.
The city reserves the right to reject any or all
bids. T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Official Notices.
An Ordinance,
Granting to the Illinois Central Rail-
road Company, its Successors and
Assigns, the Right of Way Along and
Across Certain Streets and Alleys in
the City of Dubuque. for the Purpose
of Constructing and Operating a
Railway Track Thereon.
CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That the right
be and is hereby granted to the Illinois Central
Railroad Company, its successors and assigns,
to construct and forever maintain and operate
in this city a railway track for railway pur-
poses, in connection with the lines of railway
now operated by said company, as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Illinois Central
Company's track near the south line of block
28, in Dubuque Harbor company's addition,
thence across block 28 to a point in the center
of Salina street, south of Railroad avenue:
thence northerly along Salina street, crossing
Railroad avenue at a right angle with the
same, to the intersection of Dodge and West
Main streets; thence along West Main street to
the south line of Jones street,crossing all inter-
vening streets and alleys. Also the right to
construct, maintain and operate a branch
track from a connection with said track in Se-
lina street and West Main street, west on Dodge
street to the west line of Harrison street, cross-
ing all intervening streets and alleys; also,
with the right to connect the lines herein de-
scribed by suitable and practicable curves.
Also the further right to construct spur tracks,
under the direction of the city council, to any
and all factories and other industries that are
or may hereafter be located along or on prop-
erty adjoining any of the routes hereinbefore
Sec. 2. Said tracks shall be laid in the center
of said streets, unless otherwise ordered by the
City Council. Said railroad company shall,
whenever required to do so by the City Council,
fill to grade with earth filling the streets along
which said tracks shall be laid, the full width
thereof; and also fill any lot or lots abutting
on the streets Om occupied. For all filling so
put in by said railroad company, other than
that required for the purposes of its tracks, it
shall be entitled to compensation at a rate per
yard equal to the actual cost of said filling; the
amount of said filling so to be paid for to be
measured and estimated by the city engineer
and the engineer of said railroad company.
Sec. 3. The surface of the roadbed herein re-
quired shall be not less than fourteen feet in
width, and the tracks herein authorized shall
be laid to the grade established by the city,
and, should the grade be changed by the city
at any time, the said tracks shall be changed
to conform to such changes of grade; such
change of the tracks to be made at the expense
of the said railway company, and said railway
company shall have no claim for damages
against the city because of such change. At
all crossings the said railway company shall
keep the space between the rails, and one foot
outside of the same properly planked in such
a manner that carriages and other vehicles
may easily pass over the same; and, whenever
it shall be necessary, and the city council shall
require, said company shall maintain suitable
waterways under said tracks, without expense
to the city, so that said tracks shall not be an
obstruction to the proper drainage of the local-
ities through which they may be laid, and as
may be determined by the city council.
Sec. 4. Said company shall comply with all
reasonable police regulations from time to time
made governing the use and operation of said
Sec. 5. The construetion of the track along
Salina street and West Main street shall be
commenced as soon as practicable, and the
work thereon shall be continued with all reas-
onable diligence, and be completed on or before
Oct. 1, 1895, unless delayed by injunction or
other legal proceeding, Unless said work is
commenced within three months, all rights un-
der this ordinance may be declared forfeited ut
the option of the city council. The track along
Dodge street, and the spur tracks hereinbefore
mentioned, shall be constructed whenever it in
necessary" to do so, to any industries, ware-
houses or factories that are now or may be
hereafter located along any of the routes here•
in before described.
Sec. 0. Said railway company shall save the
city from all liability- for, or, in ease of suit
thereon, shall make proper defense to, all
claims against the city of Dubuque for dam-
ages caused to any persons or property by the
construction of said tracks along or across
any street or alley oeettpied by them, or by the
movement of ears or locomotives switched or
used on said tracks, and shall be liable for the
amount of any judgment reeovered against the
city of Dubuque on any action for damage on
any such claims.
Sec. 7. It is further expressly stipulated and
provided that all railway companies now or
hereafter operating tracks in the city of Du-
buque shall be entitled at any time to have
their cars transferred over said tracks, and all
intermediate tracks of said Illinois Central
Railroad company in the city of Dubuque,
necessary to be used in order to conueet with
the sidetracks herein authorized, at reason-
able switching rates. which slush not exceed
$2 for each loaded ear, and empty cars free, so
transferred and switched. Provided, That no
railroad company having track facilities in the
city of Dubuque shall be entitled to have its
ears so transferred, unless such railroad com-
pany shall permit the use of its sidetracks in
said city by other railroad companies upon the
same teems. If the rate for such transferring
and switching cannot be agreed upon by the
railroad companies interested in the use of
said tracks, the charge therefor shall be fixed
and determined by the city council, who shall
finally tix and regulate the same.
Sec. 8. The rights and privileges herein grant-
ed by the city of Dubuque are upon the further
express condition that said Illinois Central
Railroad company, before constructing any of
the tracks herein authorized, shall comply with
the provisions and requirements of Section
464, Title 4, Chapter 10, of the Code of Iowa.
Sec. 9. It is expressly understood that this
ordinance, when accepted by the said Illinois
Central Railroad company, shall be construed
to be a mutual contract between the city of
Dubuque and said railroad company, and to
consideration of the rights and privileges con-
ferred upon said company, it hereby agrees to
be bound by and perform all,the conditions and
obligations herein contained and specified.
See. 10. That this ordinance, if accepted in
writing by the Illinois Central Railroad com-
pany within fifteen days from and after its
passage, and approved by the mayor, shall be
published one time in the Dubuque Daily
Herald newspaper. and shall thereupon take
effeet and be in force; otherwise it shall be
null and void.
The foregoing ordinance accepted January
21, 1895.
By STU Y V ESANT FISH, President.
F. B. HARRIMAN, Superintendent,
Approved by
Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Adopted Jan. 17, 1895.
Right of Way Notice.
To E. J. Delehanty, H. S. Vaughan, Henry
Cannon, J. H. Shields:
You are hereby notified that a proposition is
now pending before the city council of the city
of Dubuque for the establishment of a street,
viz: Widening of Grandview avenue across
land in which you claim an interest, as follows:
Lots 2 and 3 Kavanaugh and Barry's sub; lots
5 and 6 min. lot 20; lot 2 min. lot 18, and lot
12 Summer Hill add., a plat of which proposed
improvement has been tiled in the office of the
city engineer of said city, and you are notified
that at a session of the said city council to be
holden at the city hall of said city on the 4th
day of February, 1895, it will be determined
whether said proposed improvement will be
made, and you are hereby notified to appear
before said council at said session, and show
cause, if any you have, why proposed Improve-
ment should not be made.
City Engineer.
Dubuque, Jan. 19, 1890. jan20-dlOt
Official Notices
Special Assessment Notice.
To EMMA KLAES: Yon are hereby noti-
fled that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the
construction of lateral sewerage in the alley
between Seventeenth and Sanford and Jackson
and Washington streets, adopted on the 7th day
of January, A. D. 1895, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city council, upon
all lots and parcels of land adjacent to said
sewerage, lot 4 and n 1,4 lot 5 of sub of 87 and
88 in L. H. Langworthy's add, owned by you,
being subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day of Feb-
ruary, A. D. 1895, and show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not be
j22 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To F. HINZE: Yon are hereby notified
hat in accordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of
sewer in White street, from Sanford street to
Twenty-third street, adopted on the 7th day of
January, A. D. 1895, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 4 in Olinger's sub, owned by
you, being subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 4th day of
February, A. D. 1895, and show cause, if any
you have, why said assessment should not be
j22-l0t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To CATHERINE PEED: You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the
construction of lateral sewerage in the alley
between Twenty-third and Twenty-seventh and
Couler avenue and Jackson st., adopted on the
7th day of January, A. D. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expenses there-
of, at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land ad
jacent to said sewerage, lot 354 in Davis
Farm addition, owned by you, being subject
to such special assessment. And you are noti
fled to appear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of February, A. D.
1895, and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
j22 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To AUGUSTA JANGEN : You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the
. construction of lateral sewerage in the alley
between Twenty-third and Twenty-seventh and
Couler avenue and Jackson, adopted on the 4th
day of Jan'y, A. D. 1895, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof, at the
next regular meeting of the city council, upon
all lots and parcels of land adjacent to said
sewerage lot 290 in Davis Farm addi-
tion, owned by you, being subject to such
special assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895,
and show cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
j22 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
To H. W. BUTLl ER: 'Von are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the lay-
ing of sewer in White street, from Sanford
street to Twenty-third street, adopted on the 7th
day of January, A. D. 1895, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense thereof,
at the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lot 213 in Davis Farm
add, owned by you, being subject to such spec-
ial assessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to be held
on the 4th day of February, A. D., 1895, and
show cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
j22 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To MARG'T GROFF, Est.: Yon are hereby noti-
fled that in accordance with a resolution of the'
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the con-
struction of lateral sewerage in the alley be-
tween Seventeenth and Sanford and Jackson
and Washington streets, adopted on the 7th
day of January, A. D. 1894, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city council,
upon all lots and parcels of land adjacent to
said sewerage, lot 3 in sub of 87 and 88 in L.
H. Langworthy's add, owned by you, b •ing sub-
ject to such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting 01 the coun-
cil, to be held on the 4111 lay of February, A. D.
1895, and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
jan22-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To D. A. PRICE: You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the lay-
ing of sewer in White street, from Sanford
street to Twenty-third Street, adopted on
the 7th day of January, A. D. 1895, a
special assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof, at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement, lot 4 of
sub 218 and 219 Davis Farm add, owned by
you, being subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 4th day of
February, A. D. 1895, and show cause, if any
you have, why said assessment should not be
j22 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Peru
Road street, between Jackson street and Chi-
cago Great Western Viaduct street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted Jan. 7, 1895.
10t T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the city
engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to
4 o'clock p. m. Friday, Jan. 25, 1895, for the
construction of 2 -inch plank sidewalks as fol-
lows, where not already laid, viz:
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of An-
gella street from West Locust street to Cath-
erine street.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Peru
Road from Jackson street to Chicago Great
Western railway.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Alta
Vista from West Fourteenth street to west line
of lot 3 of 3 min. lot 91.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of
Nineteenth street from Elm street to Pine
All in accordance with specifications on file
in said office.
A bond of $100 will be required with each
The city reservees the right to reject any or
all bids. W. I3. KNOWLTON,
jan19-5t City Engineer.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Jan. 15, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at my office
up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, Jan. 31,
1895, for 1,000 feet of Cotton Fire Hose. Bid-
ders must state the price per lineal foot for
said hose to be delivered f. o. b. in Dubuque.
Bids must be accompanied by sample of hose
bid on. The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
jan115.14t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder
Regular Se8,S1efl, Feb. 4, 1595.
Regular Session, Feb. 4, 1895,
Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m., Mayor
Olinger in the chair.
Present: Ald. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel
and Vogler.
On motion the minutes of the December
session were corrected so as to read that
the petition of H. Fullmer was referred to
the city attorney and ordinance commit-
tee. Carried.
Ald. Halpin moved that the minutes of
the Jan. 7th session be so amended as to
show the ordinance granting certain
rights to the I. C. R. R. was read for the
first time and then referred to the com-
mittee of the whole, and to be published.
Adopted by the following votes:
Ayes—Ald. Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig,
Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Noes- - Ald. Crawford.
Ald. Crawford moved that the minutes
of the January session in relation to the
High Bridge company be corrected so as
to read "in accordance with the terms of
a proposition submitted by the Dubuque
High Bridge to the city council Dec. 3,
1894, and stipulating with saicj company as
to the giving of aid in the construction of
other bridges across the Mississippi
river." Carried.
Ald. Halpin moved that the minutes be
approved as corrected, and printed. Car-
The following bills were ordered paid:
Noonan Bros., livery $ 12 00
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary
service 118 00
Key City Gas Co., gas 3 70
Excelsior Brass Works, repairs
fire dept 2 20
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware,
etc., fire dept 2 20
W. H. Torbert, supplies, fire dept 19 35
Dubuque Tank Oil Line, oil, fire
dept 420
Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing,
fire dept 9 50
Thos. Collins, horse shoeing, fire
dept 25 00
Standard Oil Co., oil, fire dept4 00
Diamond Jo Line Steamers, oak,
fire dept 5 07
• Svendsen & Ott, lumber, fire dept 3 77
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for sewer 3 40
B. E. Linehan, supplies for sewer 22 29
John Harney, supplies for sewer. 2 00
Headford Bros. & Hitchens Co,
supplies for sewer 30 00
Dubuque Water Co., water 400 00
Phil Pier, Jr., coal 209 97
Butt Bros., blacksmithing, fire
dept 525
Ellwanger Bros., repairs, fire
dept 13 80
P. H. Halpin, supplies, fire dept7 00
Dubuque Rubber and BeltingCo.,
supplies, fire dept 5 85
A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing, fire
dept 12 50
J. F. Ris & Co., fire dept 80
V. A. Lieben, transcribing testi-
mony 80 00
Thos. McDonald, labor 3 35
T. C. Murphy, police fees 60 50
C. Bochart, police overcoats 220 00
J. T. Kearns, recording plats3 00
Gotf. Gmehle, assisting assessor80 00
Geo. Bennett. assisting assessor80 00
Mullen Bros., plumbing 3 30
Lear & Ptiffner, horseshoeing92 70
Ellwanger Bros., repairs 3 05
Star Electric Co., light 1,609 20
Tom Connolly, labor 12 40
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies6 05
Chas. Oswald, supplies 11 20
Mrs. Koenig. janitor services 90 00
Jas. Moore. janitor services 20 00
Mullin Bros., plumbing 12 45
Smedley Mf'g Co., repairs, etc 4 85
Nessler Bros, repairs, etc 1 5i0
E. E. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals 650
Ham & Carver, printing 4 50
Telegraph. printing 21 00
Harger & Blish, stationery 4 85
Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery 12 25
Robert McGivern, sanitary police 50 00
Geo. Wertin, taking care of pest
boat 15 00
Ernest Bohn, taking care of pest
0 00
Wm. Graff, cleaning vaults 2220
Dubuque Water Co., water 2,510 51
Excelsior Brass Works, repairs2 95
W. B. Baumgartner, supplies3 70
Svendson & Ott, lumber 17 46
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware1 10
B. D. Linehan, repairs 3 20
Geo. W. Farley, filling 9 40
Dubuque Water Co., water 1,240 00
The following bills were referred to the
committee on printing:
The Herald 75 00
National Demokrat 50 00
The Times 59 311
Dubuque Telegraph 29 15
The Globe 59 90
The following bills were referred to the
police and light committee:
Key City Gas company $ 10155
Glc be Light and Heat company166 55
Bill of Monteith, Dempsy & Horner of
$1.60 was referred to the committee on sup-
Ald. Powers moved that the ruies be sus-
pended and all parties that desired to ad-
dress the council be allowed to. Carried.
Mr. Custer. Hickey and others address-
ed the council in relation to the widening
of Grandview avenue. On motion, all pe-
titions relating to the widening of Grand-
view avenue were referred to the street
committee and engineer.
Ald. Ryder moved that Ed Clark be al-
lowed to pay special assessment for the
improvement of Ellis street, without in-
terest. Carried.
Mr. Doerrer and others addressed the
council in relation to assessment for sewer
between Sanford and Twenty-seventh
street. On motion the assesstnent, and
all petitions relating to same were re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Mr. Patrick Quinn addressed the coun-
cil in relation to the opening of a street
from Rush street to Valley.
Mr. Hurd addressed the council in rela-
tion to the assessment against W. P.
Large estate for moneys and credits. On
motion the petition was granted.
Petition of Mrs. H. C. Decker for remis-
sion of one-half of taxes of 1894, was
Petition of Mrs. Whittmore in regard to
macadamizing Holly street, was read.
Ald. Crawford moved that the street com-
mittee and engineer be instructed to give
Mrs. Whittmore an entrance to her prop-
erty on Holly street. Carried. ,
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the tax committee.
18 . Regular Session, Feb. 4, 1895.
Bridget Cantwell, Mrs. John Silzer,Gott.
Knoernschild, Annie Huber, Mrs. M. Car-
ney, Honore Lonergan, Aug. Bracher,
Katie Conigiskey, Wm. Hallenberger,Mrs.
Mathias Wolf. F. J. Stoltz, Joseph Jeffroy,
Mary Callaghan, Henrietta Buchlman,
Valentine Mackert, Mary Fox, Ralph
Abbots, Mrs. Mary Enright, Jos. J. Ott.
Petition of John and H. Specht asking
for aid for running ferry from Eagle
Point to Potosi was read.
Ald. Lillig moved that Mr. Specht and
Mr. Kimball be given a donation of $150
each to assist in running ferries. Carried.
Petition of Rev. E. Schuette, D. D., et al.
for an arc electric light on the corner of
Seventeenth and Iowa streets was re-
ferred to the committee on isolice and
Petition of Michael Lavin claiming $66
retained from him on account of condi-
tion of alley after putting in sewer be-
tween Seventeenth and Sanford streets
was received and filed.
Reports of Officers.
The street commissioner reported
$542.80 due for labor on streets during
January, 1895. Warrants were ordered
drawn to pay for labor and the report re-
ferred to the street committee.
Chief Reinfried reported $1,744.50 as the
amount due the firemen for the month of
January, 1895. Warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the firemen and the report
was received and filed.
Marshal Rae.le reported $1.835 as the
amount required to pay the police for the
month of January, 1895.
Also reported and presented treasurer's
receipts for $11.75, amount collected fi om
M. Tsehrgi, Jr.
Also reported sixty-six police cases dur-
ing January. Report received and filed
and warrants ordered drawn to pay police-
Sewer Insp3etor Igo reported $156. 85
amount due for labor on sewers during
January, 1895.
Report referred to sewer committee and
warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor.
Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 2,019
cords of wood measured during January
and presented treasurer's receipt for $8.55.
per cent due the city for same. Report
received and filed.
City Electrician Osborn's report was re-
ceived and filed.
Market Master Klein reported amount
weighed on scales during December, 1894,
and presented treasurer's receipt for
$20.75, amount due the city for same.
Also reported $22.60, amount required
to feed prisoners during December, 1894.
Report referred to committee on markets.
The report of Weighmasters Jas. Doyle
and Chas. Pitschner was received and
The report of the captains of the several
engine houses as to the amount of gas con-
sumed, was referred to the committee on
police and light.
Ald. Vogel moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock
p. m Carried.
Afternoon Session.
Council met at 2:05 p. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Ald. Crawford, Halpin. Lil-
lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and
On motion, the High Bridge ordinance
was read.
Ald. Crawford moved that section one
(1) of the ordinance be amended by insert-
ing the word "financially" after the word
"aid" and before the words "in building''
in the twenty-third line of said section.
Also by adding at the end of said section
one (1) the following: Provided, that
nothing in this section shall be construed
to prevent the city coi:ncil at any time
from granting to any company or individ-
uals a franshise for the construction of
any bridge across the Mississippi river. or
the right to use any street or other public
ground for the approaches to such bridge,
or the erection of the necessary piers for
the same or an exemption from city taxes.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Crawford Halpin, Power';,
Ryder and Shea.
Noes—Ald. Kaufmann, Lillig, Vogel and
Remonstrance of G. Becke et al. against
the adoption of the ordinance was read.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the rules be
suspended and all parties desiring to be
allowed to address the council in relation
to the above ordinance. Curried.
Jas. Levi, Geo. Fengler, G. A. Thornuinn
and Joe Ott addressed the council in rela-
tion to the High bridge ordinance.
Ald. Butler arrived at 3 p. in.
Ald. Halpin moved that the High bridge
ordinance be read the second time and
placed upon its final passage. Lost by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Powers and Ryder.
Noes—Aids. Kaufmann, Lillig, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
The vote being a tie the mayor voted no.
Bill of the Dubuque Water Co. of $1,240
was ordered paid.
Ald. Halpin moved that the Dubuque
High Bridge Co. be allowed to withdraw
their proposition to the city. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourns, it does so to meet again
Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
On notion bids for fire hose were opened
and read and referred to the committee on
fire and water and fire chief, to test the
samples of the different bidders and ascer-
tain if same are up to the requirements as
stipulated by them in their proposals.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Car-
410. -Recorder.
Approved 1595.
. Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1895. 19
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb.
6, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present: Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
man. Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea.
Engineer Knowlton presented reports
and plats as follows:
Plat of the widening of Grandview ave-
nue referred to the street committee and
Also plat of Samuel street extended to
Southern avenue, referred to street com-
mittee and engineer.
Also plat of proposed change in location
of Union avenue. Referred to street com-
mittee and engineer.
Also nlat of James McClain of lot 1 of
the sub of lot 2 of 5 of mineral lot 140.
city. Referred to street committee and
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of hav-
ing warrants drawn in favor of the treas-
urer for money refunded during the
month of January; warrants ordered
drawn in favor of treasurer and report re-
ferred back to finance committee.
Ald. Lillig, chairman of the committee
on police and light, reported as follows:
Your committee report that they have
notified the electrician to notify the Star
Electric Co. to place an arc electric light
on Couler avenue and Park Hill avenue.
A ld. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of can-
celling the taxes of Cath. Reuter on lot
351, Davis' Farm addition, for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the assessment of
moneys and credits on Michael Bogen
estate for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Maria
Leppert on n 126 feet lot 19 in Littleton &
Sawyer's addition for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Mary Seward on the west 35 feet lot 6 of
the subdivision of out lot 703 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Rosa
Cadman for 1804.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Geo.
Burki's estate on lot 119 Union addition
for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
David R. Jones on lot 1 of subdivision 3 of
mineral lot 91 and lots 1, 2 and 3 of Jones'
subdivision to $3,500 for 1894.
in favor of cancelling the taxes of the
Peter E. Spahn estate for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
George Crommiller on the s% of n 1-5 of
city lot 446 to $2.000 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of the
Ben Cheetham estate on lot n 50 feet of 38
in Wilson's sub for 1894.
In favor of allowing Frank Hitchens to
pay $.5.50 as payment in full on his home-
stead for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
W. Lahey on lot 14 Kelley's sub. for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary
Canavan on lot 3, Bissell's sub. for 1894.
Adverse to the petition of Rosa Rey-
nolds for reduction of taxes for 1894.
In favor -of receiving and filing petition
of Katherine McLain, asking to be re-
funded taxes paid for 1892.
In favor of allowing Mrs. Catherine Mc-
Cann to pay one-half her taxes as payment
in full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Thos.
Mulqueeney on lot 13 Dorgan's sub for
In favor of cancelling taxes of Mrs.
Kate Bannon on n3 of city lot 556 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the water tax of
et Hoerner on lots 1 and 2 of sec
13 township 89, 2 east for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
the Adams company to *3,150, and cancel-
ling personalty as per agreement of the
council Sept. 9, 1892.
In favor of allowing Mrs. Helena Os-
wald to pay *53.80 as payment in full for
1894 on s m 1-5 of lot 480. city.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
the Dubuque Woodenware company to
$2,1811 on real estate for 1894 and cancel as-
sessment on improvements and personalty
for said year.
Report adverse to petition of Mrs. Mc-
Laughlin for cancellation of taxes for 1894.
Report adverse to petition of Susan
Bornheiser for cancellation of taxes for
In favor of allowing Mrs. Dennis Flan-
nagan to pay one-half her taxes on her
homestead as payment in full for 1894, on
lot 9, Glendale addition.
Report adverse to the petition of H.
Magdal for reduction of assessment for
Report adverse to the petition of Geo. T.
Schmidt for reduction of taxes for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of Mrs.
Phil Finkenauer for reduction of assess-
ment for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of Mrs.
George Finn for cancellation of taxes for
1894. Report adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of
granting the petition of the Adams com-
pany asking permission to fill and use
Fourth street north and Market street
east of the north half of block "C" in
Booth's addition, at the pleasure of the
city council, the city to pay said Adams
company at a rate not to exceed 20c per
cubic yard for all flilling put on said
streets by them whenever the city re-
quires said streets for public or other
use, and the engineer is instructed to
cross section said streets so that
an estimate of the filling done can be
made at any time. It is also understood
that the city reserves the right at any
time before said streets are filled to
grade by the Adams company, to have
such filling as may be deemed necessary
put on said street, and said Adams com-
pany shall not be entitled to receive any
compensation for amount so filled by the
iieport in favor of paying bill of Anton
Siege of $75.00 for grading done on Blake
In favor of instructing the engineer to
prepare a plat showing a street 40 feet in
width through and along lots 2 and 5 of
Chas. Klingenberg's subdivision and such
other lands or lots as may be necessary
for said purpose and proceed in accord-
ance with the ordinance on that subject.
Also would recommend improving
streets, a list of which was presented by
the engineer.
Report in favor of the adoption of the
red line as the official grade of alley south
of West Eagle Point avenue and east and
20 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1895.
west of Klein street. Report adopted.
Ald. Halpin, chairman of committee on
supplies, reported of follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the bill of the Central Uniou Tele-
phone company of $58.50 for telephone
In favor of paying the bill of the West-
ern Electric company of $20 for electric
Also in favor of, paying bill of W. M.
Greenhow of $10.35. Adopted.
The city auditor reported as follows:
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1895 $21,721 06
Receipts during January, 189567,085 67
Total $89,406 73
Disbursements during January,
1895 ... 55,224 11
Balance cash on hand Feb. 1,
1895 $34.182 62
Amount required to pay city officers,
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during the month of January,
Warrants ordered drawn in favor of
city officers and report referred to finance
City Attorney Knight reported as fol-
In the matter of Harry Fulmer et al., in
relation to damages to their property by
the improvement of West Fourteenth
street, I would state that in my opinion
the amounts awarded them are an inade-
quate compensation, and I would suggest
that the council further investigate the
matter. The street was widened without
authority. Received and filed.
Report in relation to alley owned by G.
W. Loefler was granted; he to be exempt
✓✓ ' from special tax for macadamizing alley
on presentation of deed, attorney to ob-
tain same. Adopted.
Report in relation to assessment of
property for the construction of sewers
was referred to the committee of the
Report in relation to the settlement of
the cases of Mary Zugenbuehler and
Catherine Welsh was referred to the com-
mittee on claims, mayor and city attorney
with power.
Report in relation to the renumbering of
Kniest, Guthrie and Brown sub -divisions
was referred to city attorney and engi-
Report in relation to H. Benkendorf
and J. Marsch, remonstrating against
special assessment of Elm street was re-
ferred to city attorney, to find what the
sheriff jury's award was and to look up the
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the petition of the Du-
buque Street Railway company, asking
for cancellation of taxes for 1894.
Also of receiving and filing the petition
of the Dubuque Light & Traction Co.,
asking for reduction of taxes for 1894. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Crawford reported as follows:
To the Honorable Magor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN:—Your committee on flre
and water and fire chief, to whom was re-
ferred the matter of purchasing fire hose
would most respectfully report that after
a careful examination of the samples of
hose submitted with proposals, we have
agreed to recommend to your honorab
body the purchase of 1,000 feet of wov
double jacket hose at 57 cents per foo
also 100 feet of American double jacket
knit hose at 68 cents, as per bid of the Re-
vere Rubber company. which is the lowest
and we believe the best bid submitted.
We have also agreed before the final ac-
ceptance of above hose that when same
arrives the fire chief is directed to test
said hose and determine if sante will stand
the test as specified in the proposal of said
Revere Rubber company, all of which is
respectfully submitted.
Fire Committee.
Ald. Kaufmann presented the following:
To the, Hon. Mayor alai City Council:
GENTLEMEN :—Your committee on streets
would most respectfully recommend to
your Hon. body that the city purchase a
new 10 -ton steam roller as we believe that
our present roller is too unwieldy to per-
form all the work in a satisfactory man-
ner, especially when it is required to do
rolling on the hill streets. With a ten -ton
roller all hill work can be done, and our
present roller can do all rolling on the
level, besides with the assistance of a new
roller the life of the old roller will be ex-
tended for quite a number of years and
the city will thus be ahead in the end.
With the amount of work that we anti-
cipate the corning season we believe that
a new roller will earn half its cost the first
year and besides with two rollers more
satisfactory work can be done. Referred
to the committe of the whole.
Petition of William Sample to have bal-
ance of saloon license refunded, was re-
ferred to the mayor with power.
The report of John Carter, street super-
intendent, reported the number of loads
of snow hauled from the streets, referred
to street committee and street superin-
tendent to find the cost of.
Ald. Powers. chairman of the ordinance
committee, and City Attorney Knight, re-
ported adverse to petition of J. L. Bunt-
ing for permission to maintain a few poles
on streets and alleys. Action on same was
Engineer presented list of notices served
for right of way. Rsceived and filed.
Also bill showing filling done by Gen.
Booth in streets and alleys and levee up to
May 25, 1894, referred to the committee of
the whole.
Also reported and presented plat of sur-
vey of Southern avenue from Rowan street
to Grandview avenue, with a view of im-
proving the line and grade of streel. Re-
ferred to committee of the whole.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Iowa Iron Works, repairs on roller,
D. W. Linehan, improving Alta Vista
street, $118.05.
Williams & McCann, improving Dodge
street from South Dodge street to Grand-
view avenue, $50.
Brown & Brown, improvement of Sem-
inary street, $49.50.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest :„.-c
roved. 1895.
y l ? Mayor.
List f City Warrants.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of April, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 1, 1894. f
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of April, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
A W Daugherty salary mayor 3 mos $230 00
H B Gniffke salary for March treas'rer 150 00
do do do clerk hire 50 00
T J Cooney do do recorder 116 65
J M Kenety do do auditor 116 65
J F Stemm do do assessor 125 00
J E Knight do do attorney 125 00
8 B Rice do do marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried do do chief 75 00
Jae Bunting do do electrician 75 00
W 11 Knowlton do do engineer 275 00
E 8 Hyde do do asst. do 100 00
James Boyce do do " do 100 00
Henry Glab do do " do 50 00
John O'Brien do do sewer insp't'r 70 00
Henry Henge do do park custod'n 46 50
Ed Norton do domark'tmast'r 50 00
J W Fowier do do health officer 50 00
John Carter do do st commis'er 91 65
John O'Connell do do committee elk 83 35
Jas Daly fireman 60 00
Job Barnes do 75 00
J Murphy do 60 00
Wm Duey do 60 00
A McDonald do 60 00
J Schonberger do 50 00
Ed Keas do 50 00
T Ryder do .......... 50 00
M Eitel do .................. 60 00
J Essman do .................. 75 00
ADuccini do 50 00
J Flynn do 60 00
J Wiltse do .... 60 00
T Walker do .................. 50 00
C Specht do 50 00
J Tschudi do 50 00
D Ahearn do 60 00
Jas Allen do 60 00
W Hippman do 60 00
C Kaunalt do 50 00
F Ganahl do 50 00
J Ward do 50 00
G Gerke do 50 00
F Essman do 60 00
TFlynn do •••• ••60 00
A Straney do 50 00
J Rooney do 50 00
D Ryan police ........ 75 00
John Raesli do 70 00
B Cain do 50 00
Wm Hennessy do 50 00
Wm Frith do 50 00
Wm O'Brien do 46 45
John Litscher do 50 00
P McNerney do 50 00
T Reilly do 50 00
P Dunnegan do 50 00
P Kearney do 48 35
J Fitzpatrick do 50 00
D Norton do 50 00
Jas Allen do 39 60
J Reuter do 50 00
James Flynn do 50 00
Ed Moore do 50 00
M Kitty do 50 00
P Sutton do 50 00
M Craugh do 50 00
J Hoffman do 50 00
D Linehan do 48 33
T Gordon do 48 35
P Sullivan do 50 00
J Hilson do 5U 00
P Powers do :50 00
50 00
John Powers do 50 00
Gott Snyder do \ 50 00
J Secrest do 42 90
J Carter do 50 00
J Murphy do 50 00
SElmer do ..............•••• 5000
P Scharf do ..................
P McCollins do 50 00
P Hanlon do 50 00
J Murphy do 60 00
C Spiegelhalter, pound master 50 00
M Abbltz, laborer
TAhearn do
M Ahearn do
J Albrecht du
John Arndt do
J Abehardt do
J Bottoms paver
John Hewer helper road roller
H Blinkert laborer
P Brandenbergerdo
J Brochtobrock do
Chas Buse do
Chas Bremer do
Chris Buelow do
C Burchard do
P Becker do
A Burke do
HBeury do
A Boyelyn do
J Byrne do
Val Burns do
John Boetke do
J Bocker mason
P Burke laborer ..................
R Burns do
JABa4er do
A Bitter do
M Beckus do
W Ball do
Jas Burns do
J Corbett do
Sam Collins do
Wm Crumpwell du
C Coppersmith do
HCrumpwell do
Steve Cain do
MCrahin 60 ••••••......
B Conlin do
J Callahan do
Jerry Cahill do
J Corcoran do
T Connelly do
DCorcoran do ..................
L Corcoran do .............
T Connolly do •••••••.
C Cramer do
M Carmody do
P Cullen do
J Coyne do
L Cahill do
Dan Coffee do
M Dieferding do
J Dougherty do
Dan Doyle do
Ed Desmond do
M Dudinsky do
P Dempsey do
J Evert do
Wm Emmert do
J Eagan do
John Fix do ......••.•••
F Filbum do
L Firmer do
C Fischer Jr do
Wm 1 lannagan do
M Farrell do
M Fagan do
D Fox do
C Fischer Sr do
L Fritz do
H Foltz do
P Fitzgerald do
F Fiedler do
R Flick do
J Farley do
J Giessler do
J Geist do
J M Garrison du
C Grunzig do
P Grew do
Ed Grew do
Jos Ginter do
H Gollie do
Joe Grab do
B Gehrens do
p Ginter do
Wm Grobe do
A Garver do
Jas Harker do
H Haas do
A Hofterman do
F Herzog do
M Helvick do
P Hayden do
C Heck do
D Harman do
Ed Hackett do
John Hafey do
J Rudder do
A Howtiska do
Jas Hurley do
9 15
7 45
9 45
6 75
19 60
1 50
24 00
5 40
16 90
8 10
1960 •
6 75
7 45
10 15
5 10
5 40
5 40
8 10
4 75
9 45
6 10
49 50
5 40
7 45
5 45
4 05
4 75
7 45
2 25
23 30
21 9:i
5 40
3 75
16 90
2 70
10 15
7 45
9 15
8 10
7 45
18 25
8 80
2 40
17 55
7 45
4 05
4 05
3 40
7 45
16 90
8 10
5 40
8 70
2 70
2 05
23 60
1 35
7 45
20 95
16 90
1 35
9 15
10 15
10 15
12 15
8 10
10 15
10 15
1 35
4 75
4 05
1 05
4 05
6 75
7 45
10 50
8 10
14 55
9 45
6 75
24 95
40 50
10 75
1 05
40 50
7 in
13 50
5 40
8 10
6 75
10 15
10 15
10 15
6 75
6 10
2 711
4 73
22 List of City lirarrants.
T Heck do 3 40 C Rehfelt do 9 45
Nie llilger do 2 70 C Roselip do .................. 5 40
A Hefti do 10 75 J Ryan do . • ................ 6 75
P Jacobi do 16 60 .Jas Ragan do 9 45
A Johnson do 10 75 F Ruedlotf do 5 40
F Johnson do 1 05 I' Remus do 4 05
.1 Kinsella carpenter 50 00 M Rinker do ..... 4 05
L Korn laborer 10 75 A Reuter do 4 05
C Krantz do 9 45 J Raesnor do 12 15
F Krenzenet do 5 40 .1 S 4k do •25 00
F Fruegemeyer do 1 35 Wm Swaegler do 11 45
F Kreeger do .................. 8 10 Win Sehar ping do •......•1 35
C Kulow do 8 10 Aug Schiltzy do 6 75
M Kilburg do .................. 5 40 Win Schaeffer do 5 40
C Knoebe do 5 40 L Stines do 16 90
A Kaufman do 2 70 A Stour do 10 15
J Kraus do • • • • ....•17 55 P 9totfer do 15 20
P Kinney do 15 55 S Steible do 11 10
H Kehr do 7 10 Jos Schmidt do 6 10
E S King do 11 45 Chas Schmidt do 70
J Karch do 6 75 Nic Sheeny do 10 15
P Kien do 18 60 Geo Sutter do 6 75
31 Kremer do 5 40 D Sullivan do 10 15
C Kampman do 11 45 J Stev.-nson do 7 45
J Kelly do 6 10 Wm Scharf do 21 60
J Kness do .................. 4 05 M Seheirock do 24 25
31 Kline do .................. 4 05 J Sanders do 4 40
H Kenzel do .................. 4 05 M Shay do 4 70
T Kenneally do 2 40 .1 Seitz do 70
J Kuntz do 6 10 J Twigg do •................. 5 40
Wm Lavine do 2 70 J Taseliner do .................. 12 50
F Lazance. do .................. 8 10 Chas Vincent do 9 80
Chas Lellga do 5 411 F Voelcher do 5 40
H Luek do 3 40 F Voelcber do 8 10
C Leirheimer do 16 90 J Vogt do 3 40
A Luchterband do 6 75 Anton Ville do 6 10
H Luchterhand do .................. 6 75 Ed Welsh do • •..... • 15 20
C Luchterband do 6 75 J Woodrich do 4 70
M Loes do 16 20 Ed Winkelman do 2 70
John Lacy do 22 00 P Wagner do .................. 14 20
John Lavin do 7 45 R Wiedermatt do 6 45
M Lilaek do 9 45 Geo Wilmon do 9 45
P Lynch do 2 05 John Wolfe do 26 40
J Lichner do •................. 70 M White do 7 45
C Meckenberg do 16 20 C Yust do 10 75
C Meeklenberg do .................. 4 05 P Wunder do 5 10
A Mand'rschied do .................. 16 20 W Zaehina do 4 40
C Mackelberg do 18 10 J Zittman do 4 05
P Moran do 8 80 Geo Zumhoff foreman 24 00
31 Murphy do 7 45 N Brandt team .................. 11 05
T Mulqueeny do 11 55 C 0 Baker do 12 60
Jas Melloy Sr do 9 45 T Byron do .................. 15 75
Jas Melloy Jr do 18 90 Ed Burns do • • • • • • ............ 14 20
L Meyer do 6 75 R Bennett do 30 75
John Mullin do 7 45 Wm Benzin do 31 50
T Murrey do 4 75 P Clancy do 14 20
PMohan do .................. 6 75 AConrad do 31 50
R Miller do 3 40 M Cushing do 29 50
L Maher do .................. 1 35 W Cook do 4 75
Wm Mansfield do 6 75 B Cain do 12 60
L Meurise do 4 05 Wm Corcoran do 11 05
P Melchoir do 4 05 Mrs Costello do 9 45
P Moutel do 4 05 3 Duggan do 14 20
R Mack do 4 05 J Duukley do .................. 25 20
J Moroney do 5 40 P Doerr do .................. 14 20
A Meresky do .................. 10 75 TJ Donahue do 4 75
31 McCoue, foreman .......... 12 00 W H Denlinger do 7 90
L McEvoy laborer 8 10 T Elliott do 18 90
J McNulty do 12 80 N Frith do 38 60
T McDonald do 5 40 R Fuhrmau do 29 95
B McCormack 40 9 15 E E Frith do 1 60
A McGuau do 8 80 P C Foley do .................. 11 05
Wm McDermott do 8 10 Myron Gowdy do 8 10
P McMullen do 7 45 John Ganagau do 4 75
Jas McEvoy do 3 40 Jas Graham do 3 15
P MePoland do 6 75 John Geary do 48 85
J McGrath do .................. 6 10 II Gantenbein do 3 15
B McCoy do .................. 5 40 M Hennessy do 9 45
T McCauley do 70 M 3 Harmon do 15 75
M Nuten do 5 40 T Hagerty do 31 50
John Nutz do 4 70 J Hoffmeyer do 44 90
F Otto do 10 75 T Heins do .................. 9 45
C Otto do 9 45 Wm Howard do 9 45
J Otto do 5 40 P Jardeu do 40 95
F Oswald do 9 15 J Jochum do 25 20
P O'Brten Sr do 13 20 T Kane do .................. 40 95
P O'Brien Jr do 4 05 Wm Kessler do 15 00
J Pfeiffer do 6 75 H King do 12 60
P Perryon do 22 65 P Kenneally do 12 60
D Powers do 8 10 J Kringle do 9 45
Jas Powers do 7 45 C Leik do 6 30
Jas Purcell do .................. 5 40 J Lahey do 14 20
C H Pierce do .................. 4 75 P Linehan do 27 60
John Quail do 9 80 J Long do 42 55
Jogn Raetz fot•emon .................. 36 00 C Lempke do 4 75
F Rieger laborer .................. 14 20 R Mathis do 14 20
C Meager do 10 15 F Mathis do 6 30
M Moen do 8 10 Joe Moore do .................. 10 15
Wm Rieman do 14 20 31 Martin do 7 90
Wm Rehfelt do 1 35 C Messerknecht do .................. 1 60
F Raedloff do 10 75 John McGrath do = .................. 18 90
List of City Warrants. 23
Wm McGrath do
J McCracken do
J McCollins do
Jeff McGrath do
M McNerney do
.1 Nagel do
Lott (10
A Paley do
Mrs Quinlan do
• C Iteifsteek do
Geo Randall do
Aug Roeber do
Geo Reynolds do
J Steffes do
Ed Seeley do
D Sutherland do
J Sutherland do
J Sullivan do
Jessie Stafford do
J Savage (10
P Shay do
H Schmidt do
A Turner do
M Tice do
Cath Tobin do
J Von Dillon do
.J Welsh do
J Williams do
Win Terry laborer
Jas Bennett do
P Fury Sr do
M Higgins do
M Specht do
M O'Brien do
Thos Powers do
..Joe Rooney do
John Ryan do
P Grew do
J Alleubrand do
J Hillery do
.J Grode do
L Welsh (10
A Jaeger do
.Jas Ryan (10
51 Igo d0
B Beekman do
J Fitzpatrick do
T McDonald do
M Lavin do
Wm Bennett do
Nie Brandt team
Geo Reynolds do
R Bennett do
Wm McGrath do
P S Norton do
Jeff McGrath do
Ed Seeley do
John Ryan (10
' Toney Costello do
T Byron do
M McNerney do
P Linehan do
Ed Norton board of prisoners
M O'Connell, sanitary inspector
Alex Simplot stencil
A W Daugherty, expenses of commit-
tee to Des Moines
E S. Daugherty rodman
Wm Geiseker do
Geo. Bennett assistant assessor ❑
G 0 Gmehle do do
Mr and Mrs Koenig janitors
Bryan Donahue macadam
Jno Babersdort do
A Lidenger do
P Krokeaki do
"Tom Cannolly laborer
P O'Farrell do
D Corcoran do
N Schroeder do
..1 McCollins do
Jas Tobin do
John Glob refunded telephone rent
Dub Enameling Works street signs
Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co lumber
Jas Kelly & Son stationery
Hardie & Schnrle do
Dub Cab Mkra Assn, use of furniture
for election
Jas Kelly & Son statloneey
•G N Raymond lamps
Reinfried & Jaeger wire
Penn 011 Co oil
J T Kearns recording deeds
Palmer, Winall & Co stationery
do do do
C H Hansen team tags for license
Lear & Ptlffuer horse shoeing
BE Linehan cement .
Dub Cabinet Mkls Assn furniture
Reinfried & Jaeger cups and locks
.••••••• ........
••.. ••.•..........
••••••.•• ........
..........••• ••.•
• ........••••••••
••........• ••••.•
••••••••• ........
22 05
15 75
23 65
22 05
7 90
15 75
9 45
22 05
12 60
14 20
15 75
10 15
9 45
39 40
3 15
15 75
15 75
6 30
7 10
7 90
9 45
6 30
36 25
33 10
6 30
15 75
20 50
47 60
39 40
32 40
10 50
35 90
30 65
7 00
21 00
5 25
7 00
13 15
8 75
29 75
21 90
15 70
6 15
3 75
10 50
5 25
9 45
22 00
14 20
7 90
6 30
6 30
9 45
7 90
3 15
3 15
12 60
22 80
50 00
1 65
161 90
17 30
21. 95
100 00
100 00
40 00
21 25
5 27
24 40
25 50
1 35
1 50
1 00
203 00
7 25
2 50
33 75
2 75
41 35
4 95
2 25
6 90
9 00
9 90
3 45
M H Cushing livery hire 10 00
Morrison Bros repairing steam roller11 25
B D Linehan repairing tools 1 65
Peter Martin repairing steam roller25 00
Lear & Ptitfner. horse shoeing3 80
McDermott & Gov.- plumbing 3 80
Svendsen & Ott lum ber 1 75
Lagers & Sloan horse shoeing 9 00
Standard Lumber Co lumber 3 75
W S Molo repairing tools 30
G W Wunderlich drugs 9 05
Reinfried & Jaeger tools 6 70
Chas E Berry harne-s 57 95
Shipley & Bauman veterinary services 21 25
J Essman repairs on harness 1 00
Kannalt & Powers horse shoeing10 25
Dubuque Mattress Co mattresses 5 00
Fraatz & Clars drugs 4 40
do oli 25
Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co lumber20
W H Torbert soda 20 16
John Butt repairing tools 2 20
Bewer Bros bedding._ ..... 19 35
Van Valkenberg &
McEvoy repairing tools 2 50
Jos Reinfried expense on freight and
telegrams._ .. 27 04
9vendsen & Ott lumber 4 96
Reifsteck & Bennett coal- 21 30
Jos Geiger frames.......... 3 25
0 N Raymond lamps 3 00
Dubuque Water Co 272 hydrants 200 00
do (10 water... 200 00
do do do 200 00
(10 do do 200 00
do do do 100 00
do do do 100 00
(10 do (10 100 00
(10 do do 100 00
do do do 160 00
IIam & Carver blank stationery184 67
E J Evens sidewalk 118 20
P F Guthrie (10 16 80
J R Riley do 128 93
M Tschirgi Jr sewer Prairie street298 54
(10 do in alley 386 50
Geo W Farley improving alley 216 80
Phil Connell labor 10 50
Ferguson Bros plumbing 20 50
Key City Gas Co gas 92 10
do do coal and eoke 9 20
E E Frith removing dead anttnals7 00
Globe Light and Heat Co globe lights. 269 88
The Times Co advertising
The Herald do .
The Globe do
James O'Shea register of elections
John Kiley do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do dd
Jas Hannon
Chas Mullen
1' Altman
Z Hoffman
P F Guthrie
W S Couch
A Jeffroy
F 0 Udell
A Hubert
Otto Ternes
C Brezinsky
Ed Muntz
Dau Riordan
G R Foster
P Geiseker
John Hillery
J M Kenety
Joseph Herod
A Schmid
E A Frenzil
H Brinkman
Wm Pulz
P Doerr
0 Gmehle
H Pfotzer do
T J Cosley do
Wm Kelly clerk of election
Jas Neary do ,.do
Philip Pier judge of election
J J Kavanaugh do
Tim Byron do
Geo Lucas clerk of election
Jas Agnew do ..........
Jas Butler judge of election..........
H F Trenk do ......
T J Burns do ......
Philip Pier clerk of election
Jno A Foster do ......
H Gehrig judge of election
P H E Sommertield do
Peter Ferring do
C H Gregoire clerk of election
C D Hayden do
29 15
29 15
29 15
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 (0'
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 01)
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 (Ni
5 00
24 List of City Warrants.
B Hopkins judge of election
J Zangmelater do
John Glab do
P Hoffmann clerk of election
Jos Siegrist do ..... • • • • •
John Pier judge of election
Jos L Horr do
11 Tnrley do ••••••
W H Kaep clerk of election
W M Kretschmer do
W H Duggan judge of election
Alex Simplot do
J Kleinschmidt do
R E Bntler clerk of election
C B Trewin do
A Vogel judge of election
John Trexler, do
Leo Palen do
T J Loftus clerk of election
H Bellharz do • • •
E C Peaslee judge of election
Horace Poole do
W H Tomlinson do
Pani Ilg clerk of election
A F Frudden do
R McGivern judge of eleetion
Peter Griseker do
J W Coy do ..........
H Wybrandt clerk of election
J H Weimer do ..........
J P Scnroeder judge of elec'n...... ....
J G Peterson do . • • • .. • • • •
James Lee do
C B Mathis clerk of election..........
L Gonner do
Jno Krayer judge of election
W H Schilling do
J F neer do
J Spielman clerk of election
F Duerstcher do
P Sahm judge of election
N P Nicks do
Frank Stoltz do
Louis Hahn clerk of election
Robt Bechler do
Chas Elmer judge of election .
W Eichman do
Otto F Hess do
J Kessler clerk of election
Wm Maybanks do
Paul Bewer judge of election
James Street do
LDoerffer do
The Telegraph advertising
Star Electric Co electric lights
do do • do
do do do
L Daly hauling booths
J Albrech macadam
P Ahearn do
Albright & Co do
3 Albright do
Allen & Mohan do
J Baberdorf do
Bakey&Cornish do
C O Baker do
T Bengaman do
11 Berry do
J Bewer do
P Bewer do
Beyer & Braser do
J Beyer do
0 Bitkins do
C Bliukert do
J H Boyce do
J Bottoms (i0
Mrs Besang do
A Bracher do
P Brandenberger
E Braser do
W P Briggs do
11 Buckwalt do
W Buelow do
W Burke do
M Burke do
.1 Bummers do
R Burns do
Burns & Cain do
T Burns do
Val Burns do
C Burchard do
M Burchard do
C Braun do
C Beyer do
Burns & Saul do
Jas Cahill do
Cain & Connolly do
J& PCrumpwell do
Jas Carroll do
J Casper do
0 Collignon do
••.• •••••........
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 OO
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
75 00
500 00
500 00
490 40
18 00
3 00
15 10
13 40
38 70
15 62
7 93
27 75
3 50
4 17
2 90
6 00
8 60
13 20
3 15
1 80
3 80
5 60
2 80
10 30
2 90
3 10
5 65
1 02
12 65
4 30
6 10
1 80
32 00
19 10
26 95
16 05
5 70
2 30
3 40
s 10
2 60
3 47
27 65
4 60
11 30
10 50
Collignon, Belly
Jacunot do
H Connell do
Collins & Flanuagan
Conrad & Co do
F Conrad do
TConnotly do
Connolly& Wall do
.1 Connolly do
Connolly & Carney
Corbett& McNulty
Carroll & Wall do
John Coyne do
II Crumfeldt do
W Crumfeldt do
Culow Knoba do
DConnolly do
D S Cameron do
J Curran do
Deggendorf, Fern &
Tobin do
J Deggendorf do
L Dax do
P Dempsey do
Joe Dueshek do
Dueshek & Wilde
Chas Dillon do
Dougherty & Boyce
Dougherty & O'Brien
B Donahue do
Doubler & Nickols
Dunn & Kenneally
Aug Duccini do
M Dumpily do
J Deitline do
M Doyle do
R Eekert do
C Ellerman do
W Emmert do
Chas Eppler do
Erskin & Quirk do
H Eppler do
J 1(behard do
F Faber do
M Farrell do
F Fellbaum do
G Ferber do
H Ferris do
J Fix do
C Fraesch do
Wm Freymark do
Nelson Frith do
C Frohs do
P Fury do
D Frommelt do
W Fricke do
C Fannon
F Gallow
Del Gagne
Geo Gow
R Grimes
J Gillaspie
A Gauer
M Groff
C Messier do
J Gieseler do
Grume & Mertz do
C Grue do
Grobe Bros do
T Hackney do
T Hackney do
C Hofferman do
Hackett& Klong
E Hackett do
M Heiner do
P Horsch do
F Heim do
Jas Hooten do
Hilbert & Gluden
Ame Hird do
Ame Hird do
A He'nmelder do
M Huwick do
J Hudder do
Hooten & Case do
G Heuser do
D Hoffman do
F Hounagle do
Hurd & Brady do
F Hynes do
J Hendricks do
J Hennis do
E Hollenbeck do
John Heim do
P Jacobi do
Jaeger & Leik do
J R Jellison do
Jellison &
McLaughlin do
Jellison & Schultz
0 Kallenberg do
••••.....•• ......
••• •••...........
..........••..... •
••.•••• ..........
•••••••.• ........
•••.••••• ........
....... .......•-••
45 75
6 50
3 25
4 25
6 00
3 30
7 10
4 55
2 30
16 10
23 50
4 10
4 30
50 30
2 60-
02 20
17 85
1 70
6 75
1 35
3 35
4 72
20 15
2 60
5 10
2 75
4 00
3 10
8 90
5 75
4 90-
09 95
5 04
17 00
2 70
8 70
9 25
6 00
4 50
7 12
8 70
2 32
1 57
2 45
11 09
4 00
10 00
3 6(1
7 20
60 70
4 22
1 50
4 42
3 10
12 30
1 80
17 55
6 50
1 00
20 40
7 30
4 45
4 45
19 10
3 70
16 50
2 60
1 50
10 70
16 88
1 75
13 50
4 45
4 15
2 40
7 10
5 75
41 50
38 90
17 80
23 05
14 20
••........•.• .••
18 20
11 20
5 10
List of City Warrants. 25
C Karch do
Kaesbauer & Giese'
Kaufman & Co do
Haupert & Co do
H Kehr do
P Kiene do
J Kelly do
J Kelley do
F Kelly do
Kenneally & Cahill
T Keuneally do
J Hearson do
H Krnnckey do
J Kohler do
P Kramer do
P Krocheski do .... .
W Kttelow do
J Kenneally do
F Huehl do
M Lilack do
Lacy & Grew do
P Latz do
Lee & Wickham do
A Liedenger (10
W Loomis do
Luckterhand &
Budena do
H Luck do
Long & Brick do
A Mackert do
M & J Mahony do
John Melone do
J Melloy do
A Manderscheid
J Moroney r' o
A Martin do
C Meckenberg do
F Menzel do
11 Meyer do
P Mihm do
S Miller do
C Miller do
C Mnegenberg do
Mullen & Dorsey
A Maraska do
C Messerknecht do
P McCabe do
P & M MeCarten
McCaffrey &
Ravenigdo •.................
M McCune do
E McDermott do
J McNulty do
W McDermott do
Jas McEvoy do
J McGee do
R Melrny do
W P McPoland do
MePoland & Williams
Nank & Smyth do
W Newton do
P Meuman do
Fred Negges do
A Nicks do
Nicks & Deckert
T O'Connell do
J F O'Dea do
O'Mara& White do
P Oswald do
J O'Shea do
P O'Toole do
P O'Hare do
Parker, Roy & Otto
F Pilz do
Pfohl & Seburer
Powers, Beck &
Fanning do
A Krube do
J Purcell do
MQuinlan do
P F Quinn Jr do
P F Quinn Sr do
W Rainerer do
FRomos do
E Rasquin do
T Rotterman do
ARank do
N Raveny do
A Reuter do •
C H Pierce do
F Raedloff do
C Reipitsch do
M Rein do
T Rudd do ..................
Ryan & Wickham
Seheri'& Leik do ......•.•....,....
G &•herr do ..................
J Seherrer do
U Schroeder do ..................
J Scharer do
F Schultz. do
22 70
16 15
20 50
4 60
7 47
11 70
3 85
5 30
16 90
9 80
3 40
3 60
4 62
33 70
1 30
3 60
1 90
2 27
3 32
5 50
18 30
13 30
4 50
34 00
2 40
17 10
60 70
3 35
2 90
3 17
6 00
5 40
31 60
5 10
19 10
1 30
4 05
93 20
5 50
1 50
8 45
6 50
2 05
4 30
2 30
3 10
8 95
6 75
22 95
4 80
5 85
6 65
6 60
1 59
7 90
1 20
3 50
2 50
78 75
6 45
55 25
2 10
8 70
103 30
4 35
3 90
7 20
15 05
9 00
8 30
29 40
14 95
29 10
38 40
37 70
3 30
1 32
20 50
17 25
4 80
1 40
10 65
4 80
2 40
39 20
4 78
13 45
W Swaegler do 25 13
H Swaegler do 7 00
W Scharf do 22 80
M Shea do 5 25
J Sigg do 4 80
H Specht do 1 60
Spies & Nicol do 9 10
Spear, Carney & Co .................. 27 00
P Stoeotz do 45
M Sullivan do .................. 48 70
Mrs Sullivan do 2 00
Dan Sullivan do .................. 6 20
Sim Sullivan do 32 15
Sullivan & Corbett 14 50
0 Sumner do 2 00
D Sutherland do 3 60
N Sweeny do 22 40
M Schollard do 16 20
J Southwell do ............ 6 20
L Schilhavie do 50 20
P Stoll do 80 40
R Table do 9 30
H Tapfountain do 1 00
U Theis do 7 35
H Tippy do 30 20
H Tippy do 17 00
J Tinkham do . . 7 70
T Tweed do 5 50
H Vanderiff do 1 40
C Vincent do 4 45
Wells & Pelan do 5 70
Wm Wells do 6 68
L Wachenheim do 5 50
Jas Whalen do 17 45
Ed Winkelman do 4 37
G Welter do 2 50
Yates & Riley do 92 05
R Zachina do 1 25
Ed Ryan grading West 14th street 167 10
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of April, 1894.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 701 day of January, 1895, the
following special assessments were levied on
the real estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay the one-seventh within
the time prescribed by the ordinance gov-
erning same, all will become delinquent and
subject to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For the impnovement of alley from Schiller
avenue to Micdl avenue. between Rhumberg
and Garfield avenue:
Lot. Amount.
Wiehelm Laefler, Wicks' add 21 $39 03
Nie Reich, do 23 16 51
J M Boltz, do 24 16 51
Geo Fengler, McCraney's 2I add 1 16 51
do do do 2 16 51
Caroline Fischer do uo 3 16 51
John Maresch do do 4 16 51
Dan Ruff, do do 5 11 89
Wm Taylor do do 9 16 51
8 J Pa ch do do 10 16 51
F A Fengler do do 6 11 89
do do do slOft7 3 30
Chas Arndt do do n40ft7 13 21
Rose Fengler do do 8 16 51
For tha improvement of West Eagle Point
avenue, from end of Improvement to Kane
Andrew Ring, Mechanics add 152 $38 92
John Bottoms do 2 51 08
For improving Lincoln avenue, from Couler
avenue to White street:
Lot. Amount.
Cath Kauffman, L H Lang's ad miri 13 $104 70
E A:Shepley do s421t 12 107 38
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be. within 20 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Peru
Road street, between Jackson street and Chi-
cago Great Western Viaduct street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted Jan. 7, 1895.
10t T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
77,75r7 -
Oficial Notices
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 7th day of January. 1895, the fol-
lowing special assessments were levied on the
real estate hereinafter described :
And that in case of failure to pay the same
within thirty days from this date, the same
shall become delinquent and bear interest
thereafter at the sante rate as the delinquent
annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 6th day of Febru-
ary, A. D. 1895. HENRY B. ONIFFKE,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque
For constructing a sewer In Nevada street
sq ft area. Price. Am't.
J Zangmrister, min lot80,
n '/rs lot 3 4750 .004 $19 110
19 00
8 00
20 00
20 (10
10 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
J Palmer, min lot 80 s'/ lot 3 4750
Eliza J Gregory, m180 lot 2a 2000
do Bradstreet's add 113 5000
do lot 14 5000
do lot 15 5000
do n41 16 2500
do W. 1 16 2500
do lot 17 5000
do lot 18 5000
do lot 19 5000
do lot 15000
J Collins
H Frankfort
Tony Abeln
Thos rlulgrew
Frank Jaeger
J L Buettell
F Meivin, 8 1(1 Langworthy
add lot 44 5560
W H Utt do lot 43 4500
do do lot 42 5000
J W Dillrance, sub 5 in
lot 80lot1 19900
Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque,
Brodstreet's add 1 20 8160
do do 121 7530
For constructing a sewer in West Eleventh
street and alley, between Race and Walnut
sq ft area. Price. Am't.
C Snow Cummings sub lot 12 5500 .004 $22 00
W Wilkenson do lot 11 5500 22 00
G Fleming do lot 13 5500 22 00
M Kerwin do lot 14 5500 22 00
For constructing a sewer in Prairie street.
sq ft area. Price. Am't.
P W Crawford Hethering-
ton's sub lot 6 4200 .004 $16 80
For the construction of a brick sidewalk on
the east side of Clay street, between Eighth
and Ninth streets:
Lot. Amount.
John Turner, city 283 $40 39
For the construction of a plank sidewalk on
Sixth street, between Clay and White streets:
John O'Dea, city, s44.6 314 $31 08
For the construction of a brick sidewalk on
Clay street, between Fifta and Seventh
R H Collier. city sK 239 $23 87
Roman Lor nz, city n 29.7 240 18 51
For the construction of a plank sidewalk on
Almond street, from
add to
s r -ets:
$3 75
Lizzie Faun ng,w
22 24
18 00
20 00
79 60
32 64
30 12
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Notice is hereby given to the owners of all
sleighs, cutters or similar vehicles that are
used in the city, that they must have bells at-
tached to either the horse or vehicle.
Failure on their part so to do will subject
them to the penalties of the ordinance on that
subject. JOHN RAESLI,
febl-15t City Marshal.
Sealed proposals will be received at the city
engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to
4 o'clock p. in. Friday, Jan. 25, 1895, for the
construction of 2 -inch plank sidewalks as fol-
lows, where not already laid, viz:
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of An-
gella street from West Locust street to Cath-
erine street.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Peru
Road from Jackson street to Chicago Great
Western railway.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Alta
Vista from West Fourteenth street to west line
of lot 3 of 3 min. lot 91.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of
Nineteenth street from Elm street to Pine
All in accordance with specifications on file
in said office.
A bond of 5100 will be required with each
The city reservees the right to reject any or
all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON,
jan19.5t City Engineer.
DvauQuE, Iowa, Jan. 15, 1895.
Settled proposals will be received at my office
up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, Jan. 31.
1895, for 1,000 feet of Cotton Fire Hose. Bid-
ders mast state the price per lineal foot for
said hose to be delivered f. o. b. in Dubuque.
Bids must be accompanied by sample of hose
bid on. The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
jan115-14t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder
To Whom It May Concern.
All persons are hereby notified to
clean the snow from the sidewalk
abutting their property immediately.
If not done, the city will do the same
and charge the expense thereof to the
owners of the abutting property.
JOHN RAESLE, City Marshal.
Special Assessment Notice.
To REV. P. BURKE: You are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the city of Dubuque for the cleaning
of snow from sidewalk during January, 1895,
adopted on the 4th day of February, A. D.
1895, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said improvement,
lot 78a in city, owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895,
and show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
120.101 T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To P. J. BURKE: You are hereby noti-
fled that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk during Febru-
ary, 1895, adopted on the 4th day of Febru-
ary, A. D. 1895, a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof, at the next
regular meeting of the city council, upon all
lots and parcels of land adjacent to lot 117 in
city, owned by you, being subject to such
special assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895,
and show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
120-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To MRS. A. GOLDTHORPE: You are hereby
notified that in accordance with a resolution of
the City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk daring
February, 1895. adopted on the 4th day
of February, A. D. 1895, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof, at the
next regular meeting of the city council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 3 of out lot 741, owned by
you, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on the 4th
day of March, A. D. 1895, and show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
f20 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Official Notices. 27
Special Assessment Notice.
To ALICE G OLDTHORPE : You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk during Jan -
nary, 1895, adopted on the 4th day of Feb-
ruary, A. D. 1895, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city council,
upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot 3 of sub city lot 741,
owned by you, being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the council, to be held on
the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and show
cause, if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
f20-lOt T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To J. B. RICKETTS: You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on the
4th day of February, A.D.1895, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense thereof,
at the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lot 578a and 579, in
city, owned by you, being subject to such spec-
ial assessment. And you are notified to -ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to be held
on the 4th day of March, A. D., 1895, and
show cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
f20-1Ot T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To JOHN LYNCH: You are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the city of Dubuque, for the clean-
ing of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense there-
of, at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land adja-
cent to lots 33, 34 and 35, in Hooper's add.,
owned by you, being subject to such speeial
assessment. And you are notified to appear
said meeting of the council, to be held on the
4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and show cause,
if any you have, why said assessment should
not be levied. T. J. COONEY,
NE ,der.
f2010t City
Special Assessment Notice.
To J. 8. STERANS: You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on the
4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expenses there-
of, at the next regular meeting of the city
councilof land abut-
ting on said improvement, parcelson all lots and
lots 1and 2 in S. M.
Langworthy's sub, owned by you, being subject
to such special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of March, A. D.
1895, and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
f20 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
the 4th dayof February, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement, lot 13 In Reche's
sub, owned by you, being subject to such spec-
ial assessment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the council, to be held on
the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and show
cause, if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
f20.10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To W. M. HETHERINGTON : You are hereby
notified that in accoraance with a resolution of
the city council of the city of Dubuque for the
clearing of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut-
ting on said improvement, lots 3 and 5 in Milli-
gan's sub, owned by you, being subject to such
special assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and
show cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
120-101 T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To W. J. THORPE: You are hereby noti-
fied that In accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the city of Dubuque for the
• cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
Special Assessment Notice.
To B. J. HARTY: Yen are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
city council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense there-
of at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement, lot 25 in G. W.
Rogers' add., owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895. and
show cause. if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
f 21.10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To ANNA GRAHAM: You are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
city council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of sidewalks of snow, adopted on the
4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense thereof
at the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil upon all lots and parcel of land abutting on
said improvement, lot 7 in J. N. Hill's sub,
owned by you, being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to appear at
said meeting of the council, to be held on the
4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and show cause,
if any you have, why said assessment should
not be levied. T. J. COONEY,
f 21-101
Special Assessment Notice.
To W. H. DOANE: Yon are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
city council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D., 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense there-
of at the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lots 1, 2 and 3 of 12, in
min. lot 172, owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the city council,
to be held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895,
and show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
f 21-101 T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To JOSEPH HARRIS, et al.: You are hereby
notified that in accordance with a resolution
of the city council of the city of Dubuque for
the cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted
on the 4th day of Febrnary, A. D. 1895, a
special assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement, lot 1 in
Prospect Hill add., owned by you, being sub-
ject to such spial said meeting .Afdiie you
notified to appear
189b and showe held nc•ause, if ane 4th y yoof u have, whA. y
said assessment should not be levied.
f 21-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The undersigned is now ready to receive
city taxes for the year 1894. All such
taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of
February next become delinquent on that
date and bear interest at the rate of 1 per
cent. per month for the first three months,
and then 2 per cent. for each month after
May 1, 1895, until paid.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
Regular Se Rion, AIa,'clt. 4, 1895.
Special Session, Feb. 27, 1895.
Council met at 8:05 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
mann, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler.
The mayor stated that the object of the
meeting was to take action on unclaimed
warrants in the auditor's office from 1887
to 1890 inclusive.
Ald. Ryder moved that the city auditor
be instructed to make a list of all un-
claimed warrants in his office from Jan.
1, 1887, to Jan. 1, 1891, and then cancel
said warrants, and submit said list to the
council at its next regular session.
Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried.
roved .___.
,W=" Mayor.
Regular Session, March 4, 1895.
Council met at 9:40 a. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Aldermen Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that the minutes
be corrected so as to show in full the re-
port of the city attorney in relation to
sewerage assessment as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GE\TI.EMEN:—In the matter of the as-
sessment of property for the construction
of sewers, which was referred to me, it is
my opinion that the council cannot levy an
assessment for more than the actual cost
of such sewers. This cost should include
all expenditures necessitated by the con-
struction of such sewers. Respectfully,
On motion, the minutes were approved
as corrected.
The following bills were ordered paid:
J. W. Wittmer, mdse $ 6 J0
P. O'Farrell. sawing wood 8 00
Hardie & Scharle, printing health 13 50
F. Keachie, carpenter work 3 75
Mrs. Koenig, cleaning hall 1 50
R. D. Kirmse, clock o 50
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing 5 75
Wm. G. Watters, hay 49 29
Jos. A. Palen, supplies for tire de-
partment 4 90
Lesure Lumber Co., lumber 75
Phil Pier, Jr , coal (14 25
To. Collins. horse shoeing 4 00
J. & A. M. Trexler, supplies for tire
department 8 10
McDermott & Gow, plumbing and
supplies 4 15
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
firemen's coats 32 511
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., lumber, 7 410
John Butt, blaeksmithing 4 15
Dubuque Water Co., water 1936 S0
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil 3 511
Key City Gas Co., coke 15 39
Mullen Bros., plumbing 9 10
Standard Lumber Co., lumber.,,, 50
J. T. Kearns. reeording deeds and
plats 10 50
Tom Connolly. cleaning hall 3 00
T. Andres, cleaning snow from
around hall 7 75
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., lumber, 11. 40
Standard Lumber Co , lumber 7 78
E. E. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals 4 50
Mullen Bros., plumbing 8 25
C, H. Altona, repairs on robe 1 60
J. P. Schroeder & Co., straw 1 80
J. W. Wittmer, drugs, etc 1 60
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware1 .70
Eichorn & Bechtel, supplies for
hall 2 45
James Tobin, hauling 4 00
Charles Herzog, sawing wood 9 60
Mrs. Koenig. janitor at city hall90 00
Janes Moore, janitor at city hall. 20 00
Duggan & Kane, supplies 5 75
Wm. G. Watters, lacy 9 42
C. Bochart, police overcoats 30 01)
Robert McGivern, sanitary officer 50 011
James Kelly, stationery 20 00
Mullen Bros., plumbing 1 10
F. Scholz, blaeksmithing 10 45
Dubuque Woodenware company,
lumber 13 96
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware91 95
Charles Oswald, supplies and labor 16 45
John Althauser, merchandise
for city hall 4 511
Phil Pier, Jr, coal 51 47
A. Vogler, rubber boots 2 65
W. J. Burns & Co, supplies for 4 84
F. Scholz. supplies for sewer 7 20
Dubuque Pressed Brick Co.. brick 15 00
Steuek & O'Farrell, grading Ries 24 00
W. W. Wormwood, caring of town
clock 72 00
Geo. Bennett, assisting assessor100 00
Gotf Gmehle, assisting assessor100 1)0
Ham & Carver, printing ' 12 80
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser-
vices 10 45
The following bills were referred to the
committee on police and light:
Key City Gas Co 83 85
Star Electric Co 1609 20
Globe Light & Heat Co 166 67
The following bills were referred to the
printing committee:
Dubuque Telegraph $29 45
The Globe 87 87 45
The Times
The Herald 75 00
Bill of J. W. Wittmer, Jr., of $15.16 was
referred to the committee on markets.
Bill of the Novelty Iron Works of $13
was referred to the committee on claims.
The auditor was instructed to collect
bill of $6.68 for macadam from John Tibey.
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee: John
Kieffer, Mathias Reiseck, Caroline Lin -
zing, Cath. Krische, Chas. Anderson,
Solonne Rupprecht, Mrs. Henry Streller,
Michael Ludwig, Mrs. Bridget Brennan,
30 Regular Se88ion, _March 4, 1835.
Geo. W. Kiesel. Henrietta W. Wolf. Mrs.
Jno. Marsh and Anna Madel.
The following; petitions were referred to
the street committee and engineer:
Petition of Richard Bennett to have
sidewalk raised to the grade of street as
Petition of Jas. J. Lonergan et al to
have West Locust street improved from
Hodgen avenue west to Seminary street.
Petition of J. A. Johnson et. al., asking
to have Fifth avenue intprovcd west to the
city limits.
Petition of John Luerer, Frank N. Alt-
man and J. A. Rhomrerg, remonstrating
against special assessment for cleaning
snow from sidewalks.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee.
Applications of Dennis J. Linehan, C. F.
Beyer, L. G. Dolson and Thomas Moloney
for position of engineer of the steam
Petition of Mrs. John Kries remonstrat-
ing against special assessment for im-
provement of alley abutting her property.
Petition of J. J. Murray asking for a
correction of the assessment for the im-
provement of Pickett street.
The proposition of J. Boltz agreeing to
deed to the city a strip of lot 24, Wick's
add, on condition that he is not to be
charged for improvement of alley between
Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, was ac-
cepted and attorney instructed to procure
deed of same.
Petition of Mrs. Hickson et al. asking to
have sewer extended on West Fifth street
and Winona avenue, was referred to the
sewer committee.
Petition of Nicholas Kauffmann for san-
itary sewerage between Fourteenth and
Eleventh streets, was referred to the
board of health.
Petition of Chas Burkhardt asking to be
given an easy position in city employment
was referred to the aldermen of the 5th
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on claims: Bill of the
• Western Electric Co. of $16.86, claim of
Mathis Bros. & Co. against Jac Klein,
claim of Con Callahan against J. E.
Knight, claim of Alice Keachie for injury
caused by a loose step leading to Seminary
hill. Petition of -John Pier, secretary, to
have assessment fixed the same for 1804 as
granted by former council, granted.
The following bills were referred to the
committee of the whole:
Petition of D. Meggenburg, claiming
$100 damages for being obliged to remove
a barn.
Claim of Michael Lavin for money re-
tained on contract.
The bill presented to the county, on ac-
count of small pox ease, being returned
was referred to the finance committee and
Petition of Thos. Wilson to have part of
butcher license refunded was referred to
the mayor with power.
On motion. the council took a recess of
fifteen minutes in order to receive the
Hon. ex -Mayor Turek, who honored the
council chamber with his presence after an
absence of about a quarter of a century.
The council reconvened after a recess of
fifteen minutes.
City Auditor McCarten reported as fol-
Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1895 $ 34,182 62
Receipts during February, 1895102,965 14
Total $137,147 76
Disbursements (luring February,
1895 $128,198 83
Balance cash 00 hand March
1, 1895 $ 8,95't 93
Of the cash on hams there belongs to the
improvement bond fund $3.316.14. There
also belongs to the improvement fund
$3,424.31, leaving a balance to the credit of
the city of $2.212.68.
Also reported $1,768.75 amount required
to pay city officers for February, 1895.
Also presented a list of coupons redeem-
ed during the month of February, 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay (.U3-
ityofficers, and report referred to finance
Fire Chief Rienfried reported $1.739.95
due firemen for the month of February,
Warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen
and report referred to the committee on
tire and water.
John Carter, street commissioner, re-
ported $808.40 amount due for labor on
streets for the month of Februars, 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay for la-
bor and report referred to the street com-
Marshal Raesle reported $1,854.60
amount required to pay police for month
of February, 1595.
Also reported 50 police cases during the
month of February, 1895.
Also presented treasurers receipt for
$33.30 for short term saloon licence. War-
rants ordered drawn to pay police and re-
port referred to the police and light com-
Sewer Inspector Igo reported $89.40
amount due for labor on sewers, during
February 1895. Warrants ordered drawn
to pay for labor and report referred to the
sewer committee.
Marketmaster Klein reported $.40.55
amount due the city from scales during
the month of February 1895.
Also reported $38.110 amount cue for
feeding prisoners during February 1895.
Report referred to the market committee.
The weighmasters reported as follows
and presented treasurer's receipts for
amount due city for the month of Febru-
ary 1895. T. J. Donahue $1.40, Mrs. Louis
Meis $2.56, Jas. Doyle $695, Chas. Pitseh-
ner $3.55.
Wood Measurer Hannon reported 3,030
cords of wood measured during the month
of February, presented treasurersreceipts
for $13.90, being the per cent due the city.
Report received and filed.
The report of the captains of the several
engine houses as to the amount of gas
consumed during the month of February
was referred to the committee on police
and light
The engineer presented a list showing
in detail the amount due for each roan or
tirm for rock broken, amounting to
$4,343.25. On motion the amount was or-
dered paid on March 9. He also presented
his opinion in relation to extending the
storm water sewer on Dodge street from the
present terminns of the sewer east to
South Main street. Referred to the street
Reported that in his opinion, after in-
vestigating the claim of Brown & Brown
for overhauling done on Seminary street.
that they are entitled to the amount of
$125. Report received and warrant or-
dered drawn for said amount.
Ald. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of al-
Regular Session, .ilfarch, 4, 1595. 31
owing Mrs. J. B. Joseph to pay one-half
her taxes on her homestead as payment in
full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Bridget Cantwell on lots 2 and 3, Finley Si.
Burton's acid., for 1804
Iu favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
M. Carney on lot 1 and sub. 34 lot 2
Stafford acid. for 18514.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Gott.
Knoernschild on lot 144. Burden and Law -
tiler's add. for 1804.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Hen-
rietta Buehlman on lot 0 and 20 feet of lot
10 L. Langworthy's add. for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Jos.
Joeffroy on lot 10 in Finley and Burton's
add. for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Honora Lorengan for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Ann Huber on lot 30, Park Hill addition,
for 1894.
In favor of allowing Mrs. Mathias Wolf
to pay one-half her taxes on lot 3 of min-
eral lot 470 as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Val-
entine Maekert on lot 95, McCraney's ad-
dition, for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the assessment of
Joseph J. Ott on horse and buggy for 1893
and 1894.
In favor of allowing Mrs. Johanna Thie-
len to pay $22.00 as payment in full for
taxes on m. 4 city lot 440 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes on the
Odd Fellows Temple for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary
Fox on her homestead for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Aug.
Bracher fof 1894.
In favor of cancelling the assessment of
A. M. Downer on stocks and shares for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Mary Silzer on w% of lot 47. Cox's add,
for 189.4.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Henry
Lippstock on lot 31, Fengler's add, for
In favor of allowing Mary Templer to
pay one half her taxes on iot 5, Hughes'
sub, as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling taxes of Mary
Callahan on personalty for 1894 and prior
r_' Report adverse to the petition of Adolph
Artus for reduction of assessment 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of Ralph
L. Abbotts for •reduction of taxes for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of Mrs.
Mary Enright for reduction of taxes for
Report adverse to the petition of Hattie
Conigisky asking for cancellation of taxes
on moneys and credits for 1894. Report
Ald. Vogel, chairman of printing com-
mittee, reports as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following. bills:
National Democrat
The Herald
The Globe
The Times
The Telegraph
Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance com-
mitted, reported in favor of having war-
rants drawn in favor of the treasurer for
money paid out during February and re-
port to be referred back to finance com-
mittee. Adopted.
Also reported in favor of receiving and.
filing the report of the city auditor for the,
month of January, 1805. Adopted.
Aid. Lillig, chairman of the committee
on police and light, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
Key City Gas company, $101.55.
Globe Light and Heat company, $106.67.
In favor of receiving and tiling the re-
port of the city marshal for the month of
January, 1895.
In favor of filing the reports of the cap-
tains of the engine houses as to the amount
of gas used in each during January, 1895.
Report adopted.
Ald. Halpin, chairman of committee on
supplies, reported in favor of paying bill
of Monteith, Dempsey & Honer of *1.60.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of street com-
mittee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the petition of Bridget
Whittemore in relation to improvement of
Holly street.
Also would recommend that the Novelty
Iron Works be awarded the contract for
repairing the steam roller, they being the
lowest bidder, to -wit: *85 for new yoke
casting and steel shaft for swivel of old
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the street commissioner for Janu-
ary, 1895.
Also recommended that the Street Rail-
way company be charged one-third of the
expense incurred by the city in hauling
snow from streets occupied by their tracks
as follows: Dubuque Street Railway
company, 067.95: Dubuque LightandTrac-
tion company, $44.76.
Alcl. Ryder, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
$ 50 00
150 00
58 30
58 30
Your committee report in favor of hav-
ing all sewerage assessments left same as
computed by the city engineer and levied
by the council, as they are in accordance
with the ordinances and resolutions passed
by the council.
Also recommend that Geo. 13. Burch be
allowed $34.90 as payment in full for strip
of ground east of Hill street in alley, be-
tween West Fifth and West Third streets.
In favor of receiving and tiling the re-
monstrance of E. J. Gregory et al. against
sewerage assessment on Nevada street.
In favor of approving of the estimate of
the city engineer of the amount of tilling
done by Gen. Booth in streets and alleys
in Booth's addition, in accordance with
contract of April 7, 1887, and the city
auditor is instructed to give Gen. Booth
credit. for $1,828.28, the same to be applied
on his city taxes, as per agreement of the
In favor of approving of the recom-
mendation of the street committee, to pur-
chase a new 10 -ton steam roller, and the
city recorder is directed to advertise for
proposals for same, and the street com-
mittee is directed to examine into the
merits of the different rollers and .report
their doing to the council. Ou motion
action was postponed for the present.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of E. M. Kringle in relation to sewer-
age assessment in alley between Cooler
avenue and Jackson street, abutting lot
354 in Davis farm add.
In favor of instructing the street com-
missioner to repair the alley between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets
and Couler avenue and Jackson streets, so
as same will be passable.
Also your committee would most re-
spectfully recommend that the assessment
of the Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur-
ance Co. and the Key City Fire Insurance
32 Regular. Session., March 4, 1895.
Co. be placed at $50,(X)0 and $25,000 respect-
ively for 1895. and in case said amounts are
not satisfactory to any or either of then)
then the assessor is directed to make the
assessment according to law and the com-
mittee to obtain a written stipulation
from said companies
Also recommend that the engineer be di-
rected to provide the county with one of
the new city neaps for use in the township
assessor's office. Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the mayor be and is
hereby instructed to appoint a special
committee of three to examine into the
use and ownership of the streets, alleys
and levies in the Duquque Harbor Im-
provement Company's addition and report
their findings hereunder to the council.
Also reported that John O'Connell be al-
lowed *100 for extra services performed by
him during the past year. Adopted.
Also offered the following resolution,
which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the sum of CIO each be
allowed H. B. Gniffke, John A. McKinley
and John Stemm for overtime on tax
books, as agreed by the committee of the
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee; presented the foliowing, which
was approved:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GESTLEnIEN :—Your committee on finance
would most respectfully report that they
have ordered all .7 per cent warrants
called in and orderd the treasurer to re-
deem same or endorse them at 6 per cent
after March 1, 1895, all of which is re-
spectfully submitted.
Ald. Halpin offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
Be it Resolved, That the city engineer is
hereby ordered to prepare plans and
specifications for a sanitary sewer on West
Third street, from Hill to Alpine street,
and submit the same to the council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the matter of the appoint-
ment of judges and clerks for the next
April election be referred to the members
of the council to report on the following
basis, to -wit:
The democratic members to report the
names of two judges and one clerk in each
precinct, and the republican members to
report the name of one judge and one
clerk in each precinct. such reports to be
made to the council for its approval at the
adjourned session to be held March 14,
The special assessment notice for clean-
ing snow to J. A. Rhontberg and Dubuque
street railway company were referred to
the engineer and street committee.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourns it does so to meet March
14, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried.
Mayor Olinger appointed Ald. Ryder,
Kaufman and Powers a special committee
to examine the matter relating to streets,
alleys and levees in the Dubuque Harbor
company's addition.
Engineer reported in favor of approving
peat of E. McClain of the subdivision of
lot 1 of the sub of lot 2 of 5 of mineral lot
149. Report adopted.
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Rcsolrcd, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque; That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-ineh plank, hriek, stone or ce-
ment be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinanee in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of Julien avenue, abutting lot
9, sub of lot 738 city, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Ayes—Aldermen Crawford. Halppin,
Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea
and Vogler,
Alderman Kaufman offered the follow-
Resolred, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone
or cemet, be, within 90 days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of West Eagle
Point avenue, between Francis street and
Valeria street where not already laid at
the expense of abutting property. Adopt-
ed by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Crawford, Halpin.
Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and
Alderman Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be. within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Catherine street, between
Angella street and north end of street
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote: Ayes,
Aldermen Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann,
Powers. Ryder, Shea and Vogler.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
roved 595.
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 5th day of February, 1895, the fol-
lowing special assessments were levied on the
real estate hereinafter described :
And that in case of failure to pay the same
within thirty days from this date, the same
shall become delinquent and bear interest
thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent
annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this, 6th day of March,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
For cleaning vault on the following described
Owner. Description. Amount.
E. A. Spaulding, Wilson's sub, lot 21 $33 00
Mrs. Dan. Breen, city lot 540 and n64
ft of w30ft of lot 541 6 00
Mrs. Anna Bush, city lots 648 and 649 20 90
Bridget Redmond,
Union add lots 127 and 128 14 00
Ed Burns, Oak Grove add lot 19 11 00
Frank Coates, Prospect Hill add lot 1 76 80
:1(1 journecl Regular Sevsion, .3lurch 14. 1895. 33
Adjourned •Regular Session,
March 14, 1895.
street to Alpine street be approved and
adopted, and that said sewer be ordered
constructed in accordance with said plans,
and the engineer is hereby instructed to
advertise for proposals for doing the work.
Adopted by the following vote.
Ayes—Ald. Craw ford. Kaufmann, Lillig,
Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler.
Naves—N one.
AM. Crawford offered the following res-
ilesolred, That the plans and specifica-
tions reported by the en:rineer for a sani-
tary sewer in the alley next east of Grant
avenue be approved and adopted, and that
said sewer be ordered constructed in ac-
cordance with said plans. from Eleventh
street to Julien avenue, and the engineer
instructed to advertize proposals for the
doing of the work.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig,
Powers, Ryder, Shea. Vogel and Vogeler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Rood red, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to give the Sisters of
Mt. St. Joseph's academy the line of West
Locust street along their premises, as they
desire to build a new fence of a permanent
nature along their property on said street.
The following names were presented to
act as judges and elerks of election:
First Precinct—Judges—Owen Reynolds,
Jos. Straney, Phil Pier. Clerks—John
Enright, Frank Wood.
Second Precinct—Judges—J. W. Halpin,
John Jess, Geo. Barnes. Clerks—Ed Red -
din, S. M. Langworthy.
First Precinct—Judges—T. J. Shea,
Chris. Miller, Z. Hoffmann. Clerks—John
Geary, P. H. E. Sommerfleld.
Second Precinct—Judges—John McCoy,
John Spear, W. S. Couch. Clerks—Frank
Melvin, I. Cleminson.
First Precinct—Judges — A. Voelker,
John Pier, J. L. Horr. Clerks --Peter
Hoffmann, F. O. Udall.
Second Precinct—Judges—W. H. Dug-
gan, John Kleinschmid, Benj. Jones.
Clerks—T. J. Conlin, Otto Ternes.
Third Precinct—Judges—A. Vogel, Nic
Palen, A. Vogler. Clerks—R. E. Butler,
Ed Muntz.
Council met at 2:45 p. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann,
Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Petition of Frederick T. Bluecher et al.
to have widened and improved High Bluff
street between Schiller and Fengler
Proposition of Noah H. Faust to place
lightning rods and trimmings on Central
engine house.
The application of B. S. McCabe for the
appointment of engineer of steam roller.
Petition of J. V. Ryder and G. A.
Burden for permission to put projecting
bay windows on building on north-east
corner of llth and Iowa streets, commenc-
ing at second story. Granted.
The petition of John G. Roesch and Wm.
Brugh, asking to have amount of unex-
pired saloon license refunded. Referred to
the Mayor, with power. •
The following petitions relating to
taxes were referred to Delinquent Tax
Margaret Hughes, Mrs. Mary Discoll,
Adolph Artess.
Petition of Del Gagne asking to have
his macadam measured, and pay for the
same, to enable him to pay his city taxes.
Engineer was instructed to measure a
quantity sufficient to pay his city taxes.
Engineer Knowlton presented an esti-
mate of a proposed street in out lot 687
through the property of Messrs. Forester,
Weigle, Rumpf and Dickey, which was
approved and adopted, providing the own-
ersnf abutting property give the required
amount of ground for street free of cost
to city.
City Auditor McCarten presented a list
of warrants ordered cancelled by the
council Feb. 28, 1895.
The claim of Ed. Keas for damages sus-
tained at the Schreiber & Conchar fire,
was referred to committee on fire and
Petition of J. P. Davison, asking for
sidewalk across the railroad tracks on
Fifteenth street, was referred to the alder-
men of the Third ward.
The fallowing bills were ordered paid:
Dubuque Telegraph 75
Palmer, Winall & Co 1,609 2 75
Star Electric Co
Special assessments for cleaning snow
from sidewalks were referred to the street
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of receiving
and tiling the report of the city treasurer
for February, 1895.
Also of receiving and filing the report
of Chief Reinfried for February, 1895. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Ryder offered the following reso-
Resolved, That the plans and specifica-
tary sewer on Westengineer
Thirsstreet from Hill
First Precinct—Judges—Nic Kauffman,
M. C. Matthews, P. W. Crawford. Clerks
—Frank Flynn, W. 11. Tomlinson.
Second Precinct—Pete Geisheker, B. J.
Schwind, E. J. Royce. Clerks—Ed Blake,
J. W. Coy.
Third Precinct—Judges—James Lee, C.
A. Voelker, Geo. R. Clark. Clerks—J. M.
Kenety, E. O. Duncan.
First Precinct—Judges—John Krayer,
Joe Kaufmann, N. H. Schilling. Clerks—
L. Gonuer, O. P. Hughes.
Second Precinct—Judges—Frank Stoltz,
N, P. Nicks, J. K. Beekman. Clerks—
Frank Duertscher, Jacob Spellman.
Third Precinct—Judges—Chas. Elmer,
Walter Eichman, A. H. Hemmelder.
Clerks—Otto Geiger, Otto F. Hess.
Fourth Precinct—Judges—Jacob Kess-
ler, Geo. Mayhanks, Julien Dement.
Clerks—John Steuber, Henry Kruse, Jr.
On motion, the foregoing names as pre-
sented were approved.
Mayor Olinger submitted the following,
which was approved and referred to the
finance committee,
34 Adjourned Regular Se88ion, Hll(treb. 14, 1S9.;.
To the call council :
GENTLEMEN :—I desire to again call your
attention to the necessity of taking imme-
diate action in relation to refunding our
outstanding indebtedness. I believe that
with the way the money market is at pres-
ent, we could easily refund all our bonds
at 4 per cent. which would be a saving an-
nually in interest of over 33X per cent.
At that rate of saving. together with the
Corcoran loan. of which 5 per cent of
principal is payable annually amounting
to about $8.000.01) per year, and all of
which is payable next year, the city can
in twenty years pay off over one-half of
her bonded indebtedness, and the rate of
taxation can be correspondingly lowered,
thus giving our citizens a vary economic
government. •
Next year $201,926.33 of our bonds become
due, and I would recommend that the fin-
ance committee, or such other committee
as you may desire. be authorized to take
immediate action in regard to refunding
said bonds at the lowest possible rate of
interest, and it would not be amiss at the
same time to try and see if the balance of
the outstanding bonds could not be ex-
changed for new refunded bonds.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Rt der presented an ordinance in
relation to extension of the franchise of
the Dubuque Street Railway company.
Ald. Powers moved that the ordinance
be laid on the table. Carried.
The annual reports of city officers were
presented and ordered published in the
proceedings and referred to the finance
committee and have published in pamphlet
Aldo Powers moved to adjourn. Carried.
co er.
_ 1895.
Notice to Warrant Holders.
All holders of 7 per cent. city war-
rants are hereby notified that interest
on the same will cease today, and that
the warrants will be promptly redeem-
ed at the city treasury, or, if the hold-
ers prefer, continue at 6 per cent.
Chairman of Finance Committee.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The undersigned is now ready to receive
city taxes for the year 1894. All such
taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of
February next become delinquent on that
date and bear interest at the rate of 1 per
cent. per month for the first three months,
and then 2 per cent. for each month after
May 1, 1895, until aid.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of May, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa. June 1, 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of May, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gniffke, salary for April treasurer.$150 00
do do do clerk hire. 50 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder116 70
.1 M Keuety, do do auditor116 70
J F Stemm, do do assessor 125 00
J E Knight, do do attorney125 00
S B Rice, do do marshal100 00
J Reinft•ied do do tire chief75 00
Jas Bunting, do do electrician 75 00
W H Knowlton, do engineer275 00
E S Hyde, do do asst eng'r100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do 100 00
Henry Ulab, do do do 50 00
J O'Brien, do do sewer insp'tor 70 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 45.0
Ed Norton, do do market master 50
J W Fow,er, do do health officer 50
John Carter, do do street comm'r. 91
J O'Connell, do do clerk b3
James Daly, fireman 6U
Job Barnes, do 75
J Murphy, do 60
do ......••.. 60
do 60
do 5U
do 50
do 50
do 60
do 75
do 50
do 60
do 60
do 50
do 50
do 50
do 60
do 60
,do 60
do 50
do 50
do 50
do 50
Wm Duey,
A McDonald,
J Scheuberger,
Ed Keas,
Tom Ryder,
DI Eitel. __ 1
J Essman,
A Duceini,
J Flynn,
J Wiltse,
T Walker,
C Specht,
J Tachudi
D Ahearn,
J Allen,
W Hippmau,
C Kauualt,
F Gauahl,
J Ward,
Geo Girke,
Geo Wilmon,
F Easman,
T Flynn,
A Straney,
J Rooney,
P Martin,
A Kerr,
J Williams,
D Ryan,
John Raesle,
Batt Cain,
Wm Hennessy,
Wm Frith,
Wm O'Brien,
John Litscher,
P McNerney,
T Reilly,
P Dunnegan,
P Kearney,
J Fitzpatrick,
D Norton,
Jas Allen,
John Reuter,
Jas Flynn,
Ed Moore,
31 Kilty,
P Sutton,
31 Craugh,
J Hoffman,
D Linehan,
T Gordon,
P Sullivan,
John Hilson,
P Powers,
John Powers,
Gott Snyder,
J Secreat,
J Murphy,
Sam Elmer,
P Scharf,
P MeCollins,
10 80
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
3 00
do 3 00
do 3 00
police........ 77 50
do 72 35
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 3 65 35
do 51 51 65
do 51 65
do 48 35
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 43 40
do 51 65
dO 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 50 00
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 50 00
do 51 65
do 51 65
do 50 00
do 50 00
do 5050 0000
do 50 00
..........•.. ..
List of City Warrants.
P Hanlon, do 50 00 F Krenzenet, do 4 05
J Murphy, do 60 00 J Kinsella, carpenter ................ 50 00
C Sphegelhalter, do 50 0(I F Kreeger, laborer 7 10
M Abbitz, labor 14 05 Chas Krantz, do 19 60
John Arndt, do 6 75 1' Kremer, do ................ 14 55
M Ahearn, do 3 40 F Karns, do 14 20
Tom Ahearn, do 8 80 Jaeob Karch, do 7 80
J Abehardt, do 24 00 111 Kline, do 9 90
J Albrecht, do 9 15 C Knoebe, do 5 10
1' Ahearn, do 13 50 H Kenzel, do 1 35
John Sewer, do 50 00 P Kinney, do 19 95
P Brandenberger, do 22 35 11 Kehr, do 12 60
J Brochtobrock, do 6 45 E S King, do 8 80
M Beckus, do 17 90 J Kelly, do 7 20
C Buse, do 18 60 T Kenneally, do 5 85
C Burchard, do 23 30 J Kole, do 4 50
John Boetke, do 9 15 J Kraus, do 12 50
C Blinkert, do 4 05 J Knees, do 5 75
C Bremer, do 1 70 C Kampman, do 13 50
A Boylen, do 6 7b 1' Kien, do 1 35
R Burns, do 18 00 D Lavery, do 12 25
P Burke, no 8 55 H Luck, do 9 80
Val Burns, do 11 50 F Lassance, do 1 35
A Bitter, do 7 45 M Loes, do 16 20
J Byrne, do 7 20 M Lilack, do 11 85
A Burke, do 4 05 C Leirheimer, do 16 55
W. Ball, do 21 95 C Lillga do 2 05
John Bottoms, do ................ 4 00 John Lacy do 24 55
John Boetscher, do 7 45 John Lavin, do 13 20
J Corbett, do 33 75 H Lempke, do 10 80
Sam Collins, do ..........•....• 33 75 PMoore, engineer 60 00
H Crumpwell, do 10 15 P Melchoir, laborer 5 10
W Crumpwell, do 22 65 C Mackelberg, do 7 80
C Coppersmith, do .......... • ..... 2 05 J Moroney, do 9 15
L Corcoran, do 11 85 C Meggenberg, do 5 75
D Corcoran, do 19 95 A Manderscheid, (10 16 20
John Corcoran, do 12 60 Dom Miller, do 4 75
Jerry Cahill, do 11 25 C Meciclenberg, do 5 40
L Cahill, do 16 90 P Moran, do 9 15
Jas Cahill, do 9 45 1' Mohan, do 13 50
M Crahin, do 11 15 M Murphy, do 9 90
Jas Connolly, do 16 90 John Mullen, do 18 60
Tom Connolly, do 13 30 2 Mulqueeney, do 20 95
Dan Coffee, do ................ 10 80 T Murrey, do 15 20
M Carmody, do 9 15 Phil Melloy, do 6 10
6 75
Wm Carter, mason 36 00 Win Mansfield, do
J Coyle, laborer 4 75 R Mack, do 69 15
J Casper, do 2 70 L Meurise, do
M Dieferding, do 13 20 Jas'Melloy, do 3 40
L Dombacher, do 5 40 M McMahon, eo •14 00
Ed Desmond. do 11 15 J McNulty, do ................ 20 80
M Dorsey, do 11 85 A MGuan, do 11 85
T Dorsey, do 11 15 P McPoland, do 5 85
J Dougherty, do12 85 T McDonald, do 4 05
................15 55
Dan Doyle, do 3 75 Wm McDermott do • • • • 13 85
D1 Dumphy, do 6 45 L McEvoy, do
P Dominig, do 1 35 B McCormack, do 10 15
M Dudinsky, do 13 85 Jas McEvoy, do .......... 9 90
J Ellithorpe, do 2 70 M McCone, foreman............ • • •. 24 40
John Egan, do 16 55 B McCaffrey, laborer
15 90 M Nuteu, do 8 45
J John
Everet, do 12 15 J Nutz, do 1 70
John do9 15
P Eisbach, mason 27 00 F Oswald, do 2 40
J Farley, laborer.... ..... ....... 21 75 C Otto, do 4 50
C Fischer, Jr, do ................ 7 10 J Osner, 12 50
Wm Flannagan, do ................ 12 15 P O'Brien, Sr, do8 85
M Farrell, do ................10 50 P O'Brien, Jr, do 18 25
C d
Fritz, do ................12 15 J Perryon, 2 70
C F[scher, Sr, do 13 85 J Pfeiffer do 21 30
Dan Fox, do 13 20 D Powers, dO
P Fitzgerald, do 3 15 Jas Purcell, do 5 85
15 95
do 19 95 Jas Powers, do ............... 6 10
M Fagan,ltz,5 40 C H Pierce, do
H Foltz, do 16 20 Wm Pickley, foreman 6 40
J Grab. Freymark, do 22 30 John Quail, laborer 16 90
J d° do 16 20
3 Ginter, do 17 25 M i do 21 95
C Grunzig do 19 25 Wm Rieman, 4 05
H Gollie, do 8 80 M Reisek l0 4 80
F Gengler, do 5 10 F Remus, 7 70
5 40 John Remus, d° 11 55
J M Garrison, dott, do 7 80 F Rieger, do ................
G A GutLerle15 90 John Ryan do 15 90
EdP Grew, do 2 70 C Roselip, do 10 50
do 34 40
John Geissler, do 5 40 John Raetz, foreman. 19 95
Nie linger, do 11 15 J Raesner, laborer 4 40
A Hofferman, do 14 20 M Rinker,
do F Herzog, do 16 55 F Rae4 80
dloff, Sr, do 70
H Haas, do 11 50 F Raedloff, Jr, d0 9 45
John Haley, do 21 60 0 Rehfelt, do 5 40
Ed Hackett, do 18 00 J Regan, do 17 25
Dan Harman, do 16 65 L. Steins,
C Heck, do 10 15 Geo Sutter, do d0 6 25
1 70
5 10 P Scoffer, do
Jas Hurley, 70 Aug Schiltzy, 15 20
Geo Hendricks, do 3 75 M Shay, do 7 80
GeoP Hayden, do do ................ 5 40
do 18 90 J Schneider, 15 20
6 60 J Schmidt, (10 "" "" 11 85
F Jas Harker, do 37 50 D Sullivan, 8 55
Harkeddo 8 10 Jas Stevenson, do
H Hohn, do 20 60 Nie Sweeney, do ................15 90
A Johnson, do8 10
P Jacobi, do 24 65 John Sullivan, do
36 List of City lI a ','ants.
Wm Swaegler, do 10 50 P Fury, do 31 0(1
Aug Seik, do 10 15 A McKinnon, do 18 75
N Stelmetz, do 1 35 John (erode, do 3 511
M Joe eih
Specht, do 70 John Ryan, do 1 75
25 00 M H Cushing, team 3 15
J Taschner, do 12 50 Nie Brandt, do 12 60
J Twigg, do 7 8)) Geo Reynolds, do 4 70
Frank Theiring, do 6 75 Ed Seeley, d° •••••6 30
Wm Thompson, do 70 R Bennett, do 6 30
C Vincent, do 13 20 PLinehan, do
11 00
F Voelcher, do 8 80 J Williams, do 4 HO
Ed Welsh, do ................ 13 20 A Turner, do 3 15
H Weidenbecker, do 6 45 John Ryan. do 6 30
P Wagner, do 9 15 M O'Connell, sanitary inspector 50 00
Aug Witte, do 5 75 Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitors 40 00
M White, do ............... 18 60 W Geishecker, rodman 40 00
Geo Allmon, do 7 45 Ed Norton, board of prisoners, 16 40
John Wolte, do 24 80 E Young, witness 2 00
P Weiriog, do 12 15 Sam Starr, do
R Wiederman, do 1 35 Tony Hubert, do 2 00
W Wam eck, do""" "•
P 8 15 A Hilbert, do 2 00
E Weidenbeck do 1 05 C Berke, d° 2 00
P Whelan, do 12 15 H Merritt, do 2 00
C Yust, do 8 45 Alex Gratz., fees
Geo Zumhoff, foreman ................ 26 80 0 Gmehle, assistant assessor 100 00
W Zachina, laborer 13 20 Geo Bennett, do do 100 00
N Brandt, team 6 30 J A and Cath Rhomberg. 4th st ext'u 500 00
C 0 Baker, do 17 35 do do 500 00
R Bennett, do 16 55 do do 500 00
J Beacom, do 6 30 do do 500 00
Byrne Bros, do 4 75 do do 500 00
Theo Bauer, do 6 30 do do 500 00
Wm Corcoran, do 1 60 do do 500 00
M H Cushing, do 31 50 do do 500 00
P Clancy, do 29 15 do do 500 00
Mrs Costello, do 12 60 do do 500 00
B Cain, do 17 35 do do 500 00
W. Cook, do 12 60 do do 500 00
J Duggan, do 18 90 do do 470 00
J Dunkley, do 31 50 Elwanger Bros, repairing harness 13 15
T Elliott, do 12 60 Christman & Healy, dardware 1 02
P C Foley, do ................ 40 20 Shipley & Bauman, veterinary surg'ns 10 65
R Fuhrman, do 26 80 Key City Gas Co, coal .................. 13 38
E E Frith, do 17 35 Tom Connolly. repairing hose wagon.. 55 65
N Frith, do
37 05 Thos Collins, horse shoeing 7 25
Chas Fluke, do 14 20 Dubuque Water Co, water 20 00
J Geary, do 22 85 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing .......... 5 50
Wm Casey, do 6 30 do do 5 50
Wm Howard, do 20 50 Headford Bros & Hitchens Co, li'dware 33
J Heins, do 12 60 A Y McDonald Mfg Co, leather......... 1 00
T Hagerty, do 80 Barnard, Walker & Clewell, stationery 33 00
M J Hannon, do 19 15 Baumgartner & Klein, rope, etc 60
J Hoffmeyer, do 9 45 Barger & Blish, stationery 16 45
J Jockum, do 9 45 F Schloz, repairing tools 14 25
H King, do 23 65 Ellwanger Bros, repairing harness3 60
T Kane, do 20 50 McDonald & Morrison, pump handle75
P Kenneally, do 6 30 F Schloz, repairing tools 6 50
J Kringle, do ... 6 30 Headford Bros & Hitchens Co, h'dware 23 83
Wm Kessler, do 26 80 Baumgartner & Kleih, do 4 45
P Linehan do ................ 30 75 Erank Robinson, repairing fountains. 10 90
John Long, do 9 45 B E Linehan, cement.... 7 B3
R Mathis, do 20 50 Wm Marshall, stovepipe 1 50
F Mathis, do 16 55 Reifsteck & Bennett, coal 5 12
Mrs Phil Meloy, do 15 75 Fraatz & Clark, drugs 23 94
Joe Moore, do 6 30 do do ....... 1 10
Wm McGrath, do 15 75 Mulgrew & Phillips, coal for engine
M McNerney, do 12 60 house.......... 14 95
C McElrath, do 18 90 Hardie & Scharle, blank stationery.... 30 10
Jeff McGrath, do 33 10 The Telegraph, do .... 166 20
John McGrath, do 26 00 Dubuque Water Co, water 300 00
3 McCollins, do
29 95 do do 200 00
J McCracken, do
1 60 do do 200 00
B O'Malia, do
J O'Dea, 14 20 do do
do 4 75 do do .............. 200 00
3Phillipps, do 1 60 do do "•"••• 166 00
Mrs Qulnlivan, do 37 05 Jos Geiger, repairing at city hall 166 23 75
C Reifsteck, do 19 70 Byrne Bros, buggy
3 00
John Ryan, do 7 90 J Fuhrman, grvel h.......ire 5 00
A Roeber, do 22 05 Mulgrew & Phillips, cement 4 35
Geo Reynolds, do 23 65 F Schloz, repairing tools, 12 20
J Steffes, do 31 50 Diamond Jo Line, iron sheave ......... 1 05
D Sutherland, do 25 20 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 49 05
J Sullivan, do 29 95 C Oswald, repairing stoves ............. 47 85
Ed Seeley, do 33 10 Baum
P Strelau, do Bar & Kleih, hardware 1 10
13 40 Christman
& Healey, lawn mower 7 70
A Smith, do
J Sutherland, do 3 15 E E Frith, removing dead animals.... 62 65
H Schmidt, do 17 35 do do do 4 5(1
18 90 Star Electric Co, arc lights ............. 500 00
Cath Tobin,
M Tice, do 13 40 do do 500 00
J Welsh, do 6 50 do do „ 491 9(1
J Williams, do 29 30 Globe Light & Heat Co, gasoline lights 268 33
6 00 Key City Gas Co, gas 69 30
Geo Wetter, do
15 25 P Krokeski, macadam 37 g0
Wm Terry, laborer
do 46 25 A Leidenger, do 8 50
Jae Bennett,
M Lavin, •""'•'•••••••• 19 93 JBabersdorf, do 17 80
A Jaeger, do "" "" 21 00 P Quinn, do 11 00
M Specht, do 26 25 J Whittier, do 7 50
MWm do 15 75 Phil Doerr, improving alley............ 270 50
MFlynn,FlynO'Brien, do 4 35 J W Woods, services as wharf master. 30 00
P Grew, do 36 75 0 W Farley, grading Kline street 87 20
41 10 J R Riley, constructing sidewalks 67 42
List of Cit,/ Warrants. 37
Steuck & O'Farrell, imp. Stafford ave. 500 00
Steuck & O'Farrell, imp. Stafford ave. 500 00
do do . 409 00
do grading (10 . 500 00
do (10 do . 400 00
do imp. Ellis and Almond tits 500 00
do do do 395 00
do grad. do (10 310 00
do imp. Dock ave500 00
dodo 107 50
do imp. Elin street500 00
do do 500 00
dodo 272 00
D W Linehan, improving Lincoln ave 500 00
do do do 500 00
do (10 do 500 00
do (10 do 21 90
do grading (10 80 00
Brown & Brown, improving Dock ave 500 00
do do do 225 60
do grading do 16 00
0 W Farley. imp. Kleine street447 00
N H Schilling, laying sidewalks 126 88
E J Evens, do do 340 79
Jos Mahullci. gravel.... ...... .... 100 70
W H Knowlton, street ear fare10 60
Standard Lumber Co, lumber8 00
B Gallon, widening Booth street 150 00
H B Gniff ke, treas, money advanced469 76
do do 158 23
do do 450 99
do do 235 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 291 46
do do 117 14
Ryder Bros, loan 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do ..... 500 00
do do 500 00
do 4lo 500 00
iifrs B Troy do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do ........................ 500 00
(10 do 500 00
M Augusta Langworthy, loan 500 00
do do 300 00
Mrs Susan McCullough, do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
•do do 500 00
do do 250 00
J Jacobi, loan 500 00
do do 500 00
(10 do .... 500 00
do do 500 00
Ryder Bros, loan 500 00
do do 500 00
do (10 250 00
M Augusta Langworthy, loan 500 00
do do do 100 00
John Horner, repairing fountain 12 72
H Corranee, oils and wicks 3 30
Mulgrew & Phillips, coal.... 17 31
Key City Gas Co, coke 50 85
Phoenix Insurance Co, insurance 75 00
Dubuque Fire and Mar, Ins. Co, ina'n'e 75 00
do do do 62 50
Central Union Tel. Co, telephone rent58 50
P H Halpin, oil and candles 70
P E Strelau, wood 4 00
Jas Lyons, lantern 80
Win 5 Molo, repairing fountain 17 05
F Heer & Son, plans for engine house. 88 40
The Herald. printing 29 15
The Telegraph, printing 75 00
The Globe, do 29 15
The Times Co, do 29 15
James O'Shea, register of elections5 00
Henry Kiley, do do 5 00
Jas Hannon, do do 5 00
Chas Mullen, do do 5 00
P Altman, do do 5 00
Z Hoffman. do do 5 00
P F Guthrie, do do 5 00
W S Couch, do do 5 00
A Jeffroy, do (10 5 00
F 0 Udall, do do 5 00
A Hubert, do do 6 00
Otto Ternes, do do 5 00
C Brezinshy, do do 5 00
Ed Muntz, do do 5 00
Dan Riordan, do do 5 00
G R Foster, do do . . 5 00
P Geiseker, do do 5 00
John Iiillery,
J M Keuety,
Jos Herod,
A Schmid,
E A Frenzel,
H Brinkman,
Win Puls,
P Doerr.
0 Gmehle.
T J Cosley, do do
H Pfotzer, do do
Dubuque Stamping and Enameling
Works, street signs .............. 56 70
John Tibet, stone 126 50
Jones Bros, engine house... 64 87
200 00
do do 140 00
do do 500 00
22 13
88 00
254 75
73 00
500 00
do do 183 44
do do...... 14 81
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of May, 1894.
[ssal.j T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder. •
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
Special Assessment Notice.
To JOHN 4 Y VERBERG Est.: You are here-
by notified that in accordance with a resolu-
tion of the city council of the city of Dubuque
for the cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopt-
ed on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a
special assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement, lot 300
and 301 in Davis Farm add., owned by you,
being subject to such speeial assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day of March,
A. D. 1895, and show cause, if any you have,
why said assessment should not be levied.
f 21-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To CHRIST. JAUCGEN: Yon are hereby no-
tified that in accordance with a resolution of
the city council of the city of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense there-
of at the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut-
ting on said improvement. lot 290 in Davis
Farin add., owned by you, being subject to
such speeial assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1895, and
show cause. if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
f 21-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
TO R. SCHMIDT: Yon are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow sidewalk, adopted on the 4th
day of February. A. D., 1895, a Special Assess-
ment will be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the City Council,
upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot 6, in Home addition,
owned by you, being subject to such special
asseesment. And yon are notified to appear
at said meeting of the Council, to be held on
the 4th day of march, A. D., 1895, and show
cause, if any you have, why said assessment
shou d not be levied.
f21 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
All parties breaking macadam after
this date expecting to sell the same to
the city, must first procure written
permission at the city engineer's office.
City Engineer.
Dubuque, Jan. 17, 1895.
Oficial Noiice8
Special Assessment Notice.
To WM. GUDERAIN: You are are hereby
notified that in accordance with a resolution of
the City Council of the City of Dubuque for
the cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted
on the 4th day of February, A. D , 1895, a
Special Assessment will be levied for the ex -
pen -e thereof at the next regular meeting of
the City Council, upon all and parcels of land
abuttine on said improvement. lot 26 in G. W.
Rogers' sub., owned by you. being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at Said Meeting of the Council, to be
held on the 4th day of March, A. D., 1895, and
show cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
f21 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To E. CALLAGHAN: You are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from the sidewalk adopted
on the 4th day of February, A. D., 1895, a
Special Assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular Meeting of
the City Council, upon s11 lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement, lot 14, in
Quigley's sub. of out lot 710, city, and owned
by you, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council, to be held on the 4th
day of March, A. D., 1895, and show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
f21 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To F. A. BISPING: Yon are hereby notified
that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council Council of the City of Dubuque
for the cleaning snow from the sidewalk.
adopted on the 4th day of February, A. D.,
1895, a special Assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the City Council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improvement, lot
82, in Burden & Lowther's add., owned by you
being subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appeor at said meeting of
the Council, to be held on the 4th day of March
A. D., 1895, and show cause, if any you have,
why said assessmont should not be levied.
f21 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To CHAS. SCHULTZ: You are hereby noti-
fied that in accordance with a resolution of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque for the
cleaning of snow from sidewalk, adopted on
the 4th day of February, A. D., 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense there-
of at the next regular meeting of the City
Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut-
ting on said improvrment, lot 3, in West's add,
owned by you, being sub !eel to such special
assessment. And you are notified to appear at
said meeting of the Council, to be held on the
4th day of March, A. D , 1895, and show cause
if any youhave, why said assessment should
,not be levied.
f21 -10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To the Owner or Owners of the Several Lots
and Parcels of Ground Abutting ilolly Street
from Cleveland Avenue to Rush Street, and
to Any Person or Company Having Any In-
terest in Said Real Estate:
You are hereby notified that there is on file
in the office of the City Recorder of Dubuque a
plat of said above named streets and alleys in
said city, showing the several lots or parcels of
ground abutting on said streets and alleys
subject to special assessment for paving, gut-
tering and macadamizing of said streets and
alleys, and the names as far a3 practicable of
the owners of said abutting real estate• and the
amount assessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, and for the inspection of any person,
firm or company interested in any manner in
said real estate, and that such person. firm or
company having objection to the special tax
proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat,
may file with the City Recorder his or their ob-
jection in writing, at or before the next meeting
of the City Council of the city of Dubuque,
which will meet on the 4th day of April, 1895.
mar19-d10t W. IL KNOWLTON.
City Engineer.
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved by the City Connell of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be,
within twenty days of this notice, eohslructed
and hill in conformity with the ordinance In
relation to Slt'CWalss, on the west side of Cath•
crhle street. between Angella street and north
end of street., where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abut Ong property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a .sidewalk eight feet wide, of
good 2 -inch plank, brick• stone, or cement, be,
within twenty days of this untie , constructed
anti laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Ju-
lien :avenue, abutt.ng lot 9 sub of lot 738 city,
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone. or cement, be,
within twenty clays of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West
Eagle Point avenue, between p'ra neis street
and Valeria street, where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
mar19-d10t City Recorder.
Registration Notice.
DUBUQUE, IowA, March 19, 1895. I.
Notice is hereby given that the Registers of
Election, duly appointed to register the voters
in the city of Dubuque, state of Iowa, will be
in attendance at the places herein below men-
tioned for the purpose of correcting the Regis-
try List of last fall's election, and adding
thereto the names of such electors as may be
entitled to vote at the city election to be held
April 1, 1895.
Said Registers will meet at their respective
places on Saturday, March 30, 1895, at 8
o'clock a. m., and be in session until 9 o'clock
p. m of said day.
Said Registers will thereafter meet on Mon-
day (election day), April 1, 1895, and be session
from the time the polls open until they close,
and register only such voters as were absent
from the city on the preceding Saturday during
the time the board was in session: Also such
voters as did not become citizens until Monday,
April 1, 1895.
Any person applying for registration in any
precinct who is registered in another precinct
shall, before being registered, procure a certifi-
cate from the board of registration where his
name is registered, stating that the same has
been stricken from such registry list.
The places of registration of voters in the
seveeal wards and precincts of the city are as
First Precinct—Rafferty's place, on South
Locust street.
Second Precinct—Montana House.
First Precinct—Court House.
Second Precinct—Fourth street engine house.
First Precinct—Ninth street engine house,
Second Precinct—City Hall.
Third Precinct—Eighteenth street engine
First Precinct—Lorimier House.
Second Precinct—Western brewery.
Third Precinct—Kenyon's barber shop, West
Locust street.
First Preciu• t—Meyer's livery.
Second Precinct..Mrs. E. Mueller's.
Third Precinct—Val. Mackert's, 1327 Lincoln
Fourth Precinct—James Crawford's,Twenty-
third and Jackson street!.
All qualified voters of said city who failed to
have their names on last fall's Registry List
are hereby notified that unless they present
themselves at the places and within the time
hereinbefore mentioned for registration, they
will be debarred the privilege of voting at said
election. PETER OLINGER,
Attest: T, J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Oficial Notices. 39
Mayor's Proclamation.
In pursuance of law and the ordinances of
the city, I, Peter Olinger, Mayor of the City of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim
that an election will be holden in said city on
Monday, April 1, 1895, for the purpose of
A Mayor,
A Recorder,
A Treasurer,
An Attorney.
Also one Alderman from each ward in said
That on said day the polls will be opened at
8 o'clock a. in., and closed at 6 o'clock p. m.,
but may be held open until 8 o'clock p. m. on
said day, provided a proclamation is so made
at the opening of the polls, to receive the votes
east at such election, in the following places,
to -wit:
First Precinct—Rafferty's place, South Lo
cust street.
Second Precinct -155 Main street.
First Precinct—Court House.
Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine
First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House.
Second Precinct—City Hall.
Third Precinct -1697 Clay street,
First Precinet—Lorimier House.
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
Thira Precinct—Ryan Livery Barn.
First Precinct—Sehmid's Brewery.
Second Precinct—Henry Mueller's,16Kniest
street and Eagle Point avenue.
Third Precinct—Christ Caprltz's.
Fourth Precinct—Jaynes Crawford's.
Witness my hand and the seal of said city
this 19th day of March, 1895.
Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the City
Engineer's office, city of Dnbuque, Iowa, up to
4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, March 30, 1895, for
the construction of a 2 -inch plank sidewalk as
follows, where not already laid, viz:
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of West
Eagle Point avenue, between Francis and Va-
leria streets.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Cath-
erine street, between Angella street and north
end of street.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Ju-
lien avenue, abutting lot 9, sub of city lot 738,
All in accordance with specifications on file
in said othee. A pond of $100 will be required
with each bid. The city reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
mar19-dlOt City Engineer.
Notice to Sewer Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the City
Engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to
4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, March 30, 1895, for
furnishing all material and labor and con-
structing pipe sewers as follows, according to
plans and specifications on file in said office:
An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West Third street
from Hill street to Alpine street. Estimated
length, 900 lineal feet, Four manholes.
An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley east of
Grant avenue. Estimated length, 430 lineal
feet. Two manholes.
An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley from end of
sewer to Rose street, between Walnut street
and Race street. Estimated length, 180 lineal
feet. One manhole.
Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with bid,
that contract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any or all
bids- W. H. KNOWLTON,
ntarl9-dlOt City Engineer.
Right of Way Notice.
To C. HEINTZ: You are hereby notified that
a proposition Is now pending before the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the estab-
lishment of a. (Valeria) street across land in
which you claim au interest, as follows: Lot
147, L. H. Langworthy's add., a plat of which
proposed improvement has been flied in the
office of the city engineer of said city, and you
are notified that at a session of the said city
council, to be holden at the City Hall of said
city on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1895. it will
be determined whether said proposed improve
ment will be made, and you are hereby notified
to appear before said council at said session
and show cause, if any you have, why proposed
improvement should not be made.
W. H. KNOWLTON,.City Engineer
Dubuque, March 20, 1895. d10t
List o, f City IVarrants.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of June, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, July 1, 1894. f
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of June, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gnlfke,salary for May, treasurer.$175
T J Cooney, do do recorder100
M M McCarten, (10 auditor... 100
J E Knight, do do attorney125
J F Stemm, do do assessor125
John Raesli, do do marshal100
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200
E S Hyde, do do asst eng'r100
Jas Boyce, do do do 100
Henry Glab, do do do 50
J Reinfried do do fire chief84
G Osborn, do do electrician 60
H Henge, do do park custod'n 46
M Io o, do do sewer insp'tor 60
Jae Kleine, do do market master 50
F W Wieland, do health officer 50
John Carter, do do street comm'r. 83
J O'Connell, do do clerk 83
J J Hannon, fireman 20
James Daly, do 60
Job Barnes, do 75
A McDonald, do 60
J Murphy, do
Wm Duey, do
J schenberger, do
Ed Keas, do
Tom Ryder, do
M Eitel. do
J Essman, do
A Duccini, do
J Flynn, do
J Wiltse, do
C Specht, do
J Tschudt do
W Williams, do
D Ahearn, do
J Allen, do
W Hippuran, do
F Kannalt, do
F Ganahl, do
Geo Girke, do
0 Helmich, do
M Fahey, do
F Essman, do
T Flynn, do
A Straney, do
J Rooney, do
C Kannalt, do
T Walker, do
R Weston, do
W McBride, do
D Ryan, police
Bart Cain, do
Wm Hennessy, do
Wm Frith, do
John Litscher, do
P McNerney, do
T Reilly, do
J Fitzpatrick, do
D Norton, do
Jas Allen, do
John Reuter, do
Jas Flynn, do
Ed Moore, do
M Kilty, do
P Sutton, d0
M Craugh, do
JHoffman, do
D Linehan, do
P Sullivan, do
John Hilson, do
P Powers, do
J Secrest, do
J Murphy, do
Sam Elmer, do
P Scharf, do
P McCollins, do
P Hanlon, do
J Murphy, do
P Noonan, do
F Rhomberg, do
F Carney, do
Jas Rooney, do
31 Lonergan, pound master
P Ahearn, laborer 40 00
T Ahearn, do 7 80
31 Ahearn, do 8 80
Stun Allen, do 4 05
M Abhitz, do 11 85
J Abehardt, do 9 80
John Bewer, helper road roller 4 50
John Bottoms, paver 25 50
James Burns, laborer 2 70
.1 Byrne, do 6 45
J Boetke, do 4 75
Chas Blue, do 11 15
P Burke, do 10 80
Val Burns, do 12 85
It Burns, do 11. 50
J Boyce. do 8 45
M Beckus, do 7 10
W Ball do 11 15
J Brochtobroth, do 7 10
J Boetseher, do 7 10
T Caffrey, mason 15 00
L Cor oran, laborer 12 50
D Corcoran, do 14 20
141 Carmody, do 20 60
C Coppersmith, (10 2 40
W Crumpweil, do 7 10
B Conlin, do 14 85
J Corcoran, do 13 50
Steve Cain, do 18 25
Dan Cottee, do 10 50
Con Callahan, do 14 85
J Cunningham, do 10 15
M Coyle, do 12 85
L Cahill, do 12 85
Jerry Cahill, do 12 85
John Collins, do 11 50
J Callahan, do 6 75
Jas Cahill, do 9 15
M Craoin, do 9 15
Wm Carter, mason 40 50
John Corbett, laborer 35 10
Sam Collins, do 35 10
M Dorsey, do 4 75
M Dumphy, do 10 80
Ed Desmond, do 10 15
John Dougherty, do 8 10
M Dieferding, do 11 15
Tom Dorsey, do 12 15
B Donahue, do 27 00
P Eisbach, mason 4 50
J Eagan, laborer 19 25
Wm Emmert, do 8 80
.7 Evert, do 11 85
J Erskin, do 12 85
John Farley. do 31 50
31 Fagan, do 25 00
P Fury, do 13 50
L Fritz, do 11 50
141 Farrell, do 14 20
Win Flannagan, do 10 15
Dan Fox, do 10 80
Jas Fox, da 4 75
C Fischer, do 9 15
Win Flannagan, do 5 40
J 31 Garrison, do 8 10
John Giessler, do 10 80
Aug Gauer, do 1 35
Jos Ginter, do 9 80
Ed Grew, do 14 85
Joe Grab, do 10 80
C Grunzig, do 7 80
G A Gutberlett, do 6 45
P Hayden, do 1 35
Dan Harman, do 14 85
John Hafey, do 14 85
Jas Harker, do 1 35
C Hillery, foreman 23 20
Ed Hackett, laborer 9 15
5 50
11 15
11 15
11 15
1 35
1 05
6 10
7 45
9 80
15 90
50 00
6 45
14 20
9 80.
do 7 80
do 11 15
de 11 50
do 2 70
8 80
10 80
8 10
16 90
11 50
Jas Bird, do
Aug Hofferman, do
F Herzog, do
J Hertling, do
Geo Heucklin, do
P Himmerland, do
31 Houpes, do
A Johnson, do
A Jaeger, do
P Jacobi, do
J Kinsella, carpenter
J Kraus, laborer
E S King, do
A Kessler, do
31 Kline,
F Krenzenet,
F Kreeger,
J Kan h,
J Kole,
J Kelly,
T Kenneally,
Phil Kinney,
C Kamp -nail,
42 hist of City Wcrrants.
J Knees do
A Knapp, do
John Lavin, do
M Lilack, do
11 Lempke, do
11 Luck, do
P Lynch, do ........
John Lacy, do
MLoes, do
C Leirheimer, do
P Moore, engineer road roller
RMack, aborer
JMoroney, do ...... • • • • • • •
T Murrey, do
Jas Dtelloy, do
T Mulqueeny, do
J Mullen, do
L Meurise, do
C Mackelberg, do
DI Dfaher, do ........
H Mohan, do ........
PMurrey, do
P Moran, do
Phil Melloy, do
M Mahony do
J Mahony, do
A Manderscheid, do
D Miller, do
B McCormack, do
M McCone, foreman
B McCaffrey, laborer
A McGuan, do
J McNulty, do
Wm McDermott, do
J McCann, do
J McGee, do
L McEvoy, do
M M McCarten, do
T McDonald, do
John McCarron, do
F McGuiness, do
W H Knowlton, do
D McGuiness, do
J McCaffrey, do ...
P McNulty, do
MMcNamara, do
Wm McLain, do ....
M Unten, do
F Oswald, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
J Osner, do ....
APflffner, mason ..............
Wm Pickley, foreman
Jas Purcell, laborer...........
DPowers, do
Jae Powers, do
John Quail, do
Jas Ragan, do ........
M Raen, do ........
John Ryan, do
T Reilly, do
Wm Ryan, do
John Raetz, foreman...
C Rehfelt, laborer
FRieger, do
JRaesnor, do
FRemus, do
Wm Rieman, do
M Reisek, do
Ed Roher, do
F Roe, do
D1 Reinhardt, do
Joe Seik, do
Peter Stoffer, do
L Stein, do
Geo Sutter, do
Nic Sweeney, do
J.Sulliven, do
J Stevens, do
M Shay, do
N Steinmetz, do
M Specht, do
31 Sullivan, do
Jas Stevenson, do
Aug Seik, do
Wm Swaegler, do
D Sullivan, do
Wm Spensley, do
Wm Terry, do
Wm Thompson, do
Al Twaits, do
J Taschner, do
F Voelcher, do
Wm Warring, do
H Weidenbecker, do ....
PWagner, do ...........
Geo Wilmon, do .......:
J Whittaker, do
Ed Welsh, do
M White, do
P Weiring, do
1 35
4 05
7 80
9 15
15 90
5 40
19 20
10 80
7 80
60 00
11 50
10 80
1 70
5 10
16 90
21 95
9 45
11 85
14 20
10 80
8 80
19 60
18 40
6 10
7 10
7 10
21 60
1 70
16 55
15 55
13 50
8 10
10 80
17 35
27 60
9 45
23 30
3 80
4 05
4 75
6 10
9 15
5 10
8 80
10 15
16 90
6 10
23 50
34 40
12 85
10 80
8 75
5 40
17 25
5 75
10 80
8 80
12 15
36 40
4 75
9 45
7 10
7 10
11 50
4 75
1 05
1 05
25 00
19 60
9 45
2 70
14 85
11 15
14 85
12 15
14 85
9 45
10 80
9 15
4 05
7 10
4 05
4 05
13 50
12 85
4 05
7 10
11 15
39 00
12 85
2 70
10 80
8 80
4 05
13 50
4 05
John Wolfe, do
M Wampeck, do
P Whelan, do
W Zachina, do
Geo Zumhoff, foreman. ..... • . •
N Brandt,
C 0 Baker,
J Beacom,
T Byron,
Theo Bauer,
R Bennett,
M H Cushing,
P Clancy,
Mrs Costello,
B Cain,
Wm Casey, ..........
Wm Denlinger,
J Duggan,
T J Donahue,
T Elliott,
R Fuhrman,
C Fink,
P C Foley,
N Frith,
M Gantenbein,
J Graham,
J Geary,
T Heins,
J Hoffmeyer,
Wm Howard,
DI J Hannon,
T Kane,
Wm Kessler,
H King,
P Kenneally,
F Kringle,
John Long,
P Linehan
C Messerknecht,
Mrs Meloy,
R Mathis,
F Mathis,
Jeff McGrath,
J McCollins,
John McGrath,
M McGovern,
Ed Norton,
J O'Dea,
John Parker,
Mrs Quinlivan,
A Roeber,
D Sutherland,
J Sullivan,
J Savage,
J Sigworth,
Ed Seeley,
J Sutherland,
F Schulz,
J Steffes,
H Schmidt,
Cath Tobin, do
M Tice, do
J Williams, do
Jac Klein, board of prisoners
P McNulty, labor
F Schilling, do
B Rawson, do
Tim Byron, team
J Welsh, do
Wm Geisecker, rodman
Jac Sohmidt, labor
Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor
Geo Bennett, do do
do ................
do ................
do ••............•
do ....
11 85
9 80
2 05
5 10
26 00
27 00
31 05
8 10
27 7(1
9 45
13 50
29 05
29 05
30 40
33 75
10 80
21 60
22 95
31 05
27 70
19 80
14 85
31 05
23 65
10 80
9 45
14 85
6 75
13 50
18 90
20 95
20 95
1 60
28 35
3 15
2 05
15 55
30 40
5 40
17 55
22 95
22 95
12 15
27 70
6 10
2 05
8 10
9 45
39 15
9 45
31 05
24 30
43 20
6 75
4 05
8 10
14 85
14 85
16 90
38 50
14 85
6 10
37 00
42 80
42 80
42 55
40 00
20 00
100 00
100 00
Mrs P Kien, labor 6 25
Mrs Koenig, do ...................... 25 00
J Bakey, do 10 80
Reinfried & Jaeger, tape lines6 00
Wm S Molo, repairing fountain1 70
Palmer, Winall & Co, printing7 00
Reinfriend & Jaeger, tools for parks1 85
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing11 00
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, hose 8 55
John Drehouse, timber 4 20
Standard Lumber Co, shavings1 50
Wm Marshall, repairing steam roller65
F Merz, do do 5 00
Excelsior Brass Wks, rep. steam roller 4 25
Ed Cleaver, wood for steam roller 1 75
Key City Gas Co, coke for steam roller 80 99
Standard Lumber Co, lumber 32 05
John Terry, wood 1 75
Ferguson Bros, plumbing....... 4 85
B D Linehan, sharpening tool.s7 75
Duggan & Kane, soap and matches2 35
Tony Sieg, stone 4 50
Christ Brown, macadam 1 50
Svendsen & Ott, lumber .... 21 74
Duggan & Kane, oil and soap 6 40
E E Frith, removing garbage 241 65
}larger & Blish, stationery 3 75
List of. City Warrants. 43
Dubuque Rubber and
Belting Co, rubber stamps
Ham & Carver, blank stationery
T J Conlin, livery hire
James Kelly, stationery
Walton & Bleg, do
do do
Hardie & Scharle, blank stationery.... 20 75
Ferguson Bros, repairing water closets 3 90
Jos Geiger, do city hall 50
}larger & Blish, flags and bunting
Svendsen & Ott, lumber
Lear & Ptiffner, horse shoeing
Thos Collins, do
J Sherman, stove and boiler
W S Molo, push button
McDermott & Gow, plumbing 10 35
Tom Connolly, wagon for chief140 00
Northwestern 011 Co, oil 4 94
McDermott & Gow, glass globes 2 50
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 10 00
Key City Gas Co, coke 9 87
Smedley Mfg Co, brass buckles 50
Standard Lumber Co, shavings3 85
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing 10 60
J Butt, repairing hose wagon 4 60
Jos Simones, bed spreads 5 75
bf Brown & Sons, oats 86 85
J Butt, repairing hook and ladder4 15
W S Molo, water glasses and hose 21 35
Bailin Hat Co, hats 21 00
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 10 20
Excelsior Brass Wks, repair'g engines 14 30
Smedley Mfg Co, repairing horse roller 34 15
Aug Bracher, macadam 2 13
J R Riley, constructing sidewalks 27 50
F H Rittenmeier, constructing bridge 135 00
Robert E Lee, constructing sidewalk38 27
E J Evens, do do 110 16
B Hobi, do tile sewer 445 50
H W Cook, filling lot 37 33
Excelsior Brass Works, dog tags 22 75
Carr, Ryder & Engl.r, map hangers20 00
J W Fowler, postage 23 60
Dubuque Telegraph, blank stationery. 29 25
Dub Enameling Wks, street signs45 60
W H Knowlton, money advanced for
blue print41 37
Brown & Brown, imp. Dock street185 96
G W Farley, do Kline do 186 24
Brown & Brown, do Wilde street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do . 157 50
E J Evens, do Julien avenue459 00
Phil Doerr, do alley .... 49 17
Steuck & O'Farrell, Imp. Elm street 276 25
do 0o Almond str 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 920 00
do do Stafford av 500 00
do do do 409 00
do do Dock street 162 57
do do Harold st 50 00
D W Linehan, do Glen Oak av 500 00
do do do 208 00
do do Lincoln ave 359 75
Thos Hassett, stone crossings 8 87
Altman & Taylor, improving around
engine house. 154 00
J P Quigley, jury on White street2 00
John Jess, do do 2 00
B Westercamp, do do 2 00
P H Halpin, do do 2 00
J Wunderlich, do do 2 00
B W Jones, do do 2 00
John Meyer, do do 2 00
Otto Eilwanger, do do 2 00
C A Voelker, do do 2 00
N H Schilling, do do 2 00
John Eichhorn, do do 2 00
Jas Kane, do do 2 00
Svendsen & Ott, rent of room for regis-
Jas Crawford, do
Lorimier House, do
Henry Mueller, do
J J Kavanaugh, do
Chris Capritz, do
T J Donahue, do
Aug Fischer, do
T J Cosley, do
1 50
18 75
10 00
4 00
13 35
20 50
9 55
7 00
5 50
2 25
do 10 00
do 15 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 5 00
31 Weber, do do 10 00
Dubuque Produce Co, do do 10 00
Fred Bessie, do do 10 00
Wm Kenyon, do do 10 00
T O Sullivan, do do 10 00
Peter Geisecker, do do 20 00
J Westercamp, putting up voting booths 7 00
J Fitzpatrick, do do 31 25
McDonald & Morrison Co, repairing
fountain 50
Mrs Kien, cleaning city offices.... 20 00
Mrs Koenig, do do 18 75
J P Cooney, fees city ordinance cases 18 25
PhilipTerues, juror city ordin'ce cases 2 00
Jacob Becker, (10 v o 2 00
Peter Sahm, do do 2 00
Henry Schneider, do do 2 00
John Sullivan, do do 2 00
Jas O'Halloran, do do 2 00
R H Heller, do do 1 00
Geo Luke, do do 1 00
Paul lig, surveyor 3 00
Dubuque Turbine & Roller Co, bolts for
derrick 1 15
Reinfried & Jaeger, tape lines3 25
Key City Gas Co, gas........... 69 00
Globe Light and Heat Co, globe lights. 268 33
Star Electric Co, electric lights500 00
do do 500 00
do do 490 40
L Brin, Jr, advertising 30 0
The Telegraph, do 75 00
The Herald, do .......... 29 15
German Cath Printing Co, advertis'ng 50 00
M Lavin, sewer Ellis street ............. 28 50
Headford Bros & Hitchens Co, man-
hole rim........ 3 19
N H Schilling, cement 3 75
J P Schroeder, tile pipe 32 20
H B Gniffke, money advanced236 45
do do 380 00
do do 214 61
Tim Shea, loan 500 00
do do 100 00
D Ahearn, do ... ............... 400 00
Josie Fahey, do 100 00
F Melvin, do ... 500 00
M Murphy, do 500 00
do do 50 00
Peter Even, do 500 00
Rose Brown, do 260 00
M E McDonnell, 200 00
Jas McDonnell, .......... 500 00
do .. 500 00
Brown & Brown, grading Wilde street 500 00
do do do 75 00
Steuck & O'Farrell, grading Almond
and Ellis streets 230 00
D W Linehan, grading Booth street.... 215 50
do do Glen Oak ave.. 156 00
Altman & Taylor, grading Wirth et.... 354 00
G W Farley, improving Garfield ave... 500 00
do do do .. 244 00
L Andrews, analyzing water 10 00
J Lee, paving In front of engine house 54 82
Portland Paving Co, cement around
engine house21 74
D 5 Wilson, testimony in case of Hunt
vs City 84 24
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of June, 1894.
[SEAL] T. J C[OyONEorder.
Issued by the City Recorder During
July, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during July, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
Atkinson & Oloff, vitrified brick $138 00
H B Gniffke, salary for June, treasurer 175 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder 100 00
M bf McCarten, do do auditor 100 00
J E Knight, do do attorney 125 00
J F Ste,nm, do do assessor 125 00
John Raesle, do do marshal 100 00
J Reinfried, do do tire chief 83 35
John Carter, do do street com'r 83 g5 35
J clerk O'Connell, do do
G Osborne, do do electrician 60 00
M Igo, do do sewer inspec'r 60 00
11 Henge, do do park custod'n 45 00
Jac Klein, do do market master 50 00
F W Wieland, do do health officer 50 00
J J Hannon, do do wharf master
st200 00
W 11 Knowlton,engineer
44 List of City Warrants.
E 8 Hyde, do do asstdo 100 00
Jae Boyce, do do de do 100 00
H Glab, do do do do 50 00
J Murphy, police 75 00
Bart Cain, do
Wm Hennessy, do
Wm Frith, do
John Litscher, do
P McNerney, do
T Reilly, do
J Fitzpatrick, do
Dan Norton, do
James Allen, do
J Reuter, do
Jame', Flynn, do ..................
EdMoore, do ..................
M Kilty, do ..................
P Sutton, do
M Craugh, do
J Hoffmann, do
P Sullivan, do
John Hilson, do
P Powers, do
PNoonan, do
F Rhomberg, do
F Carney, do
Isaac Manhoff, do
J Secrest, do
James Carter, do
Sam Elmer, do
P Scharf, do
P McCollins, do
PHanlon, do ..................
JMurphy, do ..................
M Lonergan, pound master............
P Olinger, salary
James Daly, fireman
Job Barnes, do
JMurphy, do
Wm Duey, do
J Schonberger, do
Toni Ryder, do
M Fahey, do
A McDonnell, do
M Eitel, do
J Essman, do
A Duccini, do
J Flynn, do ..........
J Wiltse, do
C Specht, do
J Techudi, do
Ed Keas, do
Dave Ahearn, do
F Walker, do
Wm Hippmann. do
F Ganahl, do
Geo Gerke, do
Geo Helmrich, do
Wm Williams, do
F Essman, do
T Flynn, do
A Straney, do
Jas Rooney, do
C Kannalt, do
James Allen, do
R Weston, do
Wm McBride, do
Tom Sweeny, do
H Ternes, do
F Wacha, do
E Steibly, do
Ed Young, do
J Botzet, do
John Straney, do ..................
C Dillon, do .......
M Ahearn, do ..................
A Ward, do .......
C Huber, do
H Hockensteiner, do ..................
H Moery, do
M Ganahl, do
J Fly,. n, do ..................
B Drees, do
W Stainnfer, do
F Lambe, t, do
0 Koonzig, do
W Brauer, do
J V McGuire, do
J Hennessy, do
M Burns, do
H Schroeder, do
M V Gilligan, do
F Ganahl, do
D MCPolat d, do .......
I Dem ars, do
H Cook, do
L Hee b, do
A Scherr, do
A Heer, do
JPaxton, do ..................
JDrees, do ..................
W Keas, do
A McKinnon, (10 ...........
JAlderson, do ....... :
J Baumann, do
50 00 J Broad, do ..................
50 00 J Dewitt, do ..
50 00 Geo Moyer, do
50 110 W Schilling, doo ....
50 00 R Tregillis, do
50 00 J Bunting, do
50 00 T Sweeny, do ....
50 00 W Dotter, do ..................
50 00 J Strinsky, do ....
50 00 W Tamsett, do
50 00 P Ahearn, laborer
50 00 T Ahearn, do
50 00 M Abbitz, do
50 00 John Bewer, do
50 00 P Burke, co
50 00 John Byrne, do
50 00 C Buse, do
50 00 John Bottoms, do
50 00 P Brandenberger,do
51 65 J Brochtobrock, do ..
50 00 John Boetscher, do
50 00 John Boetke, do
50 00 Jas Bennett, do
50 00 J Booker, do
50 00 M Beckus, do
50 00 J Corbett, do
50 00 Sam Collins, do
60 00 T Caffrey, mason
50 00 M Coyle, laborer
60 00 John Corcoran, do
50 00 L Corcoran, do
250 00 H Crumpwell, do
60 00 M Crahin, do
75 00 Tom Connelly, do
60 00 M Carmody, do
60 00 J Callahan, do
50 00 B Conlin, do
50 00 D Corcoran, do ..........
50 00 Con Callahan, do ..................
60 00 Wm Carter, mason
60 00 Wm Clark, laborer
76 00 M Dumphy, do
50 00 M Dudinsky, do ..................
60 00 M Dieferding, do
60 00 B Donahue, do ..................
50 00 J Driscoll, mason........
50 00 John Egan, do
50 00 John Everet, do
60 00 P Farrell, do
60 00 P Fury, do
60 00 Dan Fox, do
50 00 M Fagan, do
50 00 P Fitzgerald, do
50 00 L Fritz, do
50 00 H Foltz, do
60 00 J Farley, do
60 00 Ed Grew, do ..........
50 00 G A Gutberlett, do
50 00 C Grunzig do
60 00 J Grab, do ..........
60 00 J Ginter, do
50 00 J Geissler, do
40 65 Dan Harman, do
9 35 M Hardie, foreman
11 65 G Heuckling, laborer
8 00 C Hillery. foreman
8 00 John Hafey, laborer
6 50 M Houpes, do
8 00 A Hird, do
4 00 H Heneke, engineer steam roller
4 00 Nic Hilger, laborer
4 00 F Herzog, do
4 00 A Johnson, do ......
4 00 A Jaeger, do ..................
4 00 P Jacobi, do
4 00 J Kinsella, carpenter
4 00 E S King, laborer
4 00 M Kline, do
4 00 P Kinney, do
4 00 M Kelly, do
4 00 F Kreeger, do ..........
4 00 Jacob Karch, do
4 00 C Kampmanu, do
2 50 J Kelly, do
2 00 A C Knapp, do
2 00 11 Kilburn, do
4 00 J Kearney do
4 (10 John Lavin, do
3 00 M Loes, do
3 00 John Lacy do
3 00 M Lilack, do
3 00 H Luck, do
1 50 P Lynch, do
5 50 P Moore, engineer steam roller
9 00 M Malioney, foreman
5 50 P Murrey, laborer
5 50 Jas Melloy, do ..................
••••••• •........
.........• ......
4 50
4 00
5 50
5 50
4 50
8 50
2 00
8 50
9 00
6 00
6 00
2 00
5 50
2 50
38 45
16 90
8 45
36 00
3 05
5 40
12 50
16 00
6 75
2 70
6 10
1 35
18 (10
13 50
7 40
21 60
21 60
30 75
4 40
12 15
9 45
10 80
5 40
6 75
16 90
8 10
6 75
1 70
18 00
9 00
8 10
4 75
10 80
12 00
22 50
22 95
4 05
2 70
29 `,5
17 55
17 55
10 80
16 20
5 40
6 00
12 85
13 50
4 05
10 15
10 80
10 80
22 30
21 60
6 75
21 60
10 80
6 75
6 10
55 40
4 05
2 70
17 55
22 65
13 50
50 00
8 45
17 25
27 35
5 40
10 8O
6 75
8 10
16 55
6 75
1 35
3 OO
8 10
10 20
20 80
12 15
5 40
4 75
4 60
16 40
15 55
10 15
List of City Warrants. ' 45
P Moran, do
6 75
J Moroney, do 5 40
A Mtutderscheid, do ................. • 4 05
R Mack, do 10 15
L Meurise, do ••••
TMulqueeney, do 6 60
17 60
C Mackelberg, do
Wm McCraney, do 7 80
8 10
A MGuttn, do
P McNamara, do 8 10
M McCa•ten, do 79 80
F McGuinness, do ,,,, ,,,, 60
L McEvoy, do ". ...• 6 40
J McCann, do 6 10
•••••••4 75
D McGuinness, do 2 70
B McCormack, do 11 60
T McDonald, do 6 75
Jas McEvoy, do 6 40
P McMullen, do 70
M Nuten, do 6 75
P O'Brien, Jr, do 2 '10
P O'Brien, Sr, do 24 30
F Oswald, do 6 75
J Osner, do 14 85
Wm Plckley, foreman 12 40
D Powers, laborer 8 10
Jas Powers, do 8 10
Jas Purcell, do 5 10
A Pfiffner, mason • 12 00
J Perryon, laborer 16 55
John Quail, do 10 15
Jas Ragan, do .... 7 80
M Reishek do 9 80
Wm Rieman, do 5 10
M Raen, do 9 45
John Raetz, foreman 32 00
F Rieger, laborer.. 6 10
John Ryan, do 9 40
Joe Seik, do 25 05
31 Sullivan, do 8 80
L Stein, do 16 65
P Stoffer, do 8 80
Wm Swaegler, do 8 10
M Shay, do 9 80
D Sullivan, do 6 10
J Schmidt, do 1 35
NSweeney, do 16 20
J B Stephens, do 6 75
M Specht, do 2 70
Wm Terry, do 29 25
Wm Thompson, do 1 70
J Taschner, do 9 45
Wm Warring, do S9 00
John Wolf, do 11 15
II Werdenbach, do 13 60
P Wagner, do 6 75
Geo Wllmon, do 8 10
bf White, do 4 05
W Zachina, do 16 55
Geo Zumhoff, foreman.... 25 20
C O Baker, team 16 20
R Bennett, do 20 25
N Brandt, do 13 50
Wm Burns, do 2 70
W Cook, do 12 15
Mrs Costello, do 6 75
B Cain, do 13 50
W Casey, do 25 00
T Elliott, do 14 20
P C Foley, do 2 70
R Fuhrman, do 8 10
C Fink, do 17 55
J Geary, do 5 40
Thos Heins, do 22 95
T Kane, do 6 75
W K.ntzinger. do 13 50
H King, do 3 40
C Leik, do 8 10
P Linehan, do 13 50
John Long, do 14 85
F Mathis. do 2 70
C Messerknecht, do ............ 5 40
Wm M••Grath, do 24 30
John McGrath, do 14 85
Jeff McGrath, do 18 25
John McCo111ns, do 23 65
J McCracken, do 5 40
John O'Dea, do 33 75
J Parker, do 22 95
Mrs Quinlivan, do 24 30
Geo Reynolds, do .... 2 70
J Steffes, do 14 80
F Schulz, do 16 25
Ed Seeley, do 11 55
H Schmidt, do 16 20
J Savage, do 12 15
D Sutherland, do .... 13 50
J Sutherland, do 9 45
Cath Tobin, do 33 11)
L Taylor, do .......... 13 50
J Williams, do 27 70
John Essman, repairing engines 2 00
P McNulty, laborer 46 50
F Schilling,do .................. 46 25
13 Rawson, do 48 10
L Cahill, do 7 60
Wm Breen, do 8 25
John Fox, do 8 25
P Fury, do 8 25
D Hanley, do 7 25
H Conklll, do 2' 25
John McEvoy, do 7 00
John O'Neill, do 50
R Bennett, team ......... 1 50
Wm Geisheker, assistant engineer40 00
Mrs Koenig, Janitor services 20 00
G H Ghmele, assistant assessor 100 00
Geo Bennett,do do 100 00
Thos L•mergan, labor at parks 27 00
John Spear, putting up street signs12 00
Jas Bunting, do do 10 00
J Klein, boarding. .
E E Frith, removing
. 32 60
2 70
M Dorsey, labor g gar ba e . • • • • 2S5 40
;Nis Rooney, police 50 00
Dub Rubber and Belting Co, hose 600 00
do do do do do 74 81
Dob Stamping and
Enameling Works, street signs 25 80
A 13 Hauser, rock 6 00
Dubuque Water Co, water 30 00
do do do 300 00
do do do 300 00
do do du 200 00
do do do .....••••••200 00
do do do 200 00
do do do 185 00
do do do 300 00
do do do 300 00
do do do 200 00
do do do 200 00
do do do 200 00
do do do 210 00
Phil Ryder, soda 28 B8
Merkes & Hasler, bran 3 20
W H Torbert, soda 10 89
Adams Co, castings 1 00
Dubuque Cabinet Makers
Association, beds and mattresses90 50
F Merz, repairing harness 1 75
Key City Iron Works, repair'g engines 5 18
Key City Gas Co, coal and gas......... 47 32
Dub Gab Mkrs Ass'n, repairing chairs 1 00
Jas Beach, lard oil ...................... 13 00
Homan & Roehl, curtains and chairs.. 17 60
P Clancy, labor 4 00
John Davis, lunch for firemen .... 6 66
Rider, Wallis & Co, flags 3 58
Smedley Manf'g Co, castings, 4 03
J A Rhomberg, sand 3 20
13 E Linehan. sewer pipe6 74
Diamond Jo line steamers, ducking... 70
Central Elect'c Co, ziuc and cop plates 9 20
F sehloz, sharpening tools1 20
13 E Linehan, cement 95
Head ford Bros & Hotchins, ea, tinge60
H Nagelmaker, soap and matches 1 65
S Schloz, sharpening tools 24 10
John Duggan, wrench 1 00
Duggan & Sullivan, macadam forks3 00
A Carlisle, catching dogs 8 00
C E Berry, harness 10 80
Ham & Carver, binding records 13 00
Dub Rubber and Belting Co, hose13 00
Martin Hayes, labor . 5 00
J W Wittmer, oil 2 78
Standard Lumber Co, shavings 1 50
Truedell Carriage Works,
repairing patrol wagon 1 00
Hardie & Scharle, blank stationery21 50
Jas Kelly & Son, do 7 06
Dubuque Telegraph, do 18 75
Wm G Waters, hay 9 85
H Nagelmaker, oil and soap. 2 00
Mullen Bros, repairing waste pipe 6 73
Geo Wertin, caring for pest house3 35
Chas Kulow, sawdust 3 00
Chas Kinne, cleaning city offices 2 00
Fire Exting'r Mfg Co, chemical engine 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 300 00
F E Joseph, disinfectant 2 00
Duggan & Kane, matches and soap.. 90
Reinft•ied & Jaeger, nails 25
Win Schaeffer, witness fees1 20
D Metcalf, macadam 33 00
Peter Olinger, painting at city hall.... 20 65
A Gratz, costs in city cases ............ 4 75
M Loes, cleaning around city hall 3 38
Reinfried & Jaeger, bolts 2 15
List of City Warrants.
Butt Bros, repairing wagons 4 25
do do do 30 00
J Zangmeister, soap. oils, matches7 35
McElrath Teaming Co, team .... 4 00
F Schloz, repairing tools 6 25
Headford Bros & Hotchins,
manhole cover 9 30
A Gasser, brick for manholes6 00
Duggan & Sullivan, tools 3 10
W M GIeenhow, repairing fountain52 64
Steuck & O'Farrell,
imp. Almond and Ellis sts 500 00
do do do 117 94
do do do 210 33
D W Linehan, imp. Glen Oak ave500 00
do do do 119 50
Steuck & O'Farrell, imp. Stafford ave 600 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 440 00
D W Linehan, imp. Booth street 500 00
do do do 124 30
Cushing & O'Malia, imp. Reed street450 40
M Tschirgi, Jr, imp. Rush street 500 00
do do do 478 75
Corrance & Lavin, imp. alley east of
Wilson ave454 20
Altman & Taylor. imp. W 14th street500 00
do do do 493 40
Dodson & Cousins, imp. Forest Lane500 00
do do do 246 01
Phil Doerr, imp. alley bet. Humboldt
and Schiller streets 204 00
Brown & Brown, imp. Wilde street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 392 50
E J Evens, imp. Julien ave........ 116 75
do do do 45 78
51 Lavin, sewer in Hill street102 75
B Hobi, sewer in Julien ave 500 00
do do do 17 00
Thos Dorsey, sewer in alley west of
Center Place 121 75
do sewer in Julien avenue 207 75
Robt E Lee, sidewalks 210 95
Dan Sheehan, do 106 10
J R Reilly, do 43 85
Geo W Farley, grading Klein street44 44
D W Linehan, do Lincoln avenue 12 14
John Tibey, stone crossings 68 78
Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, brick 40 88
Alois Lange, grading 22d street 15 00
D W Lenehan, imp. Lincoln ave149 95
Steuck & O'Farrell, imp. Elm street106 55
do do Dock ave44 60
Brown & Brown, do do 66 15
Geo W Farley, imp. Klein street.. . 39 61
do do alley 28 00
Phil Doerr, do do 41 S3
Atkinson & Oloff, imp. Main street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
Star Electric Co, electric lights500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 490 40
Globe Light & Heat Co, gasoline lamps 268 33
Key City Gas Co, gas 53 10
Dubuque Cornet Band, music 52 50
The Globe, printing ................ 58 30
National Demokrat, printing 50 00
Toe Telegraph, do 75 00
The Times, do 58 30
H B Gniffke, money advanced.... 255 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 291 79
do do do .... 388 78
Martin Carroll, loan.... 500 00
Pill°do do 300 00
Tim Shea, do 200 00
Jos A Palen, drugs ................ 9 05
Excelsior Brass Works, hose 450 00
Dubuque Water Co, water........ 10 00
0 W Farley, improving Garfield ave69 74
do do do 182 08
John O'Brien, improving alley.... 312 70
Aug Felter, whitewashing 52 75
Smedley Mfg Co, repair'g steam roller 500 00
do do do do 357.47
C Dillon. extra fireman 4 00
Ed Ryan, do .................4 00
Win Ahearn, do .................4 00
2 50
F Morgan, do
A Fahey, do 5 50
J Galway, do 6 50
Ben Beir, do ................. 6 50
H aneider, do ................. 6 50
J Potton, do ................. 6 50
I hereby certify that the foregqing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of July, 1894.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Proposals for Brick Paving.
DunuquE, Iowa, April 6, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday, April 19,
1895, for paving the following streets with
brick, and for curbing said streets with new
curb where necessary- and for resetting old
curbi g where suitable for use, all to be done
in accordance with plans and specifications on
file in my office.
Clay street from 3d to 13th street.
The extent of the work is as follows:
Length, 3,200 feet.
Brick paving, 15,000 square yards.
New curbing, 4,500 lineal feet.
I 'ld curbing reset, 1,500 lineal feet.
Clay street from 13th to 18th street, 18th
street from Clay to Couler avenue, and Couler
avenue from 18th street to Eagle Point avenue.
The extent of the work is as follows:
Length, 3,200 feet.
Brick paving, 15,000 square yards.
New curbing, 4,500 lineal feet.
Old curbing reset, 1,500 lineal feet.
Bids for paving must be made at so much
per square yard of surface pavement, which
will include the preparation of the sub grade,
construction of foundation and the furnishing
of all material for same.
Bids for new curbing and resetting old curb -
shall be made at so much per lineal foot.
Each proposal must be accompanied by a
certified check on some Dubuque bank for$500
payable to the order of the mayor of the city
of Dubuque, in ease the party to whom the con-
tract is awarded shall fail to execute the con-
tract so awarded within five days after such
contract is awarded.
Bidders must furnish sample of briek with
which they propose to do the work.
The contractor to whom the contract is
awarded will be required to give a good and
sufficient bond of $5,000 for the faithful per-
formance of the work.
❑The above work to be completed on or before
October 15, 1895.
Proposals will be acted on at a meeting of
the council April 19.
The city reserves the right to reject any and
all bids. T. J. COONEY,
749 City Recorder.
Special Session, ,April 4, 1895.
Special Session, April 4, t895.
Council met at 9:45 a. m., Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Aldermen Butler, Crawford,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Ald. Crawford moved that the order
passed at the March session to have the
annual reports of city officers printed in
the official proceedings be rescinded. Car-
On motion, the approval of the minutes
was postponed.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Name. For what purpose. Amount.
L. Daily, hauling $ 4 50
Duggan & Kane, supplies for street 2 70
Mullen Bros, " 2 00
C. H. Little, Bruce & Co., supplies
for street 4 40
1 60
40 49
6 00
5 25
Peter Hansen, supplies for street
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
Norwegian Plow Co., repairs
Frank Robison, repairing on steam
Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoeing
B. D. Linehan, blacksmithing 5 30
W. M. Greenhow, supplies 3 25
Dodson & Cousins, wood 58 38
E. E. Frith, removing dead animals 10 bU
Jno. C. O'Neil, removing dead ani-
mals 4 00
Chas.Atkinson, painting 43 20
Mullen Bros., plumbing 8 45
G. N. Raymond, supplies fire de-
partment 3 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber 4 50
A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 6 25
Lear & Ptiffner, „ 6 00
Lagen & Sloan. „18 50
Merkes & Hasler, supplies fire de-
partment 3 15
Collins & Wilkinson, horseshoeing 6 75
fire department
Scherr & Wolf, supplies fire depart-
Phil Pier, Jr., coal fire department. 105 50
Key City Gas Co., coke fire depart-
ment 32
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser- 10 45
vices fire department
P. H. Halpin, supplies fire depart-
Bewer Bros., supplies, fire dep't....
John Girst, baskets fire dep't
Dub. Cabinet Makers Ass'n, chairs 2
lire dep't
Dubuque Water Co., water for by -1241 66
Wm. Marshall, shovel, fire dep't2 80
Henry Wylie, express fire dep't1 50
Wm. S. Molo, supplies fire dep't1 35
Jos. Trudell, repairs fire dep't 11 50
Dubuque Oil Tank Line Co., oil fire
Merkes & Hasler, hay
Theo. Bauer, use of room and fuel
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
Wm. G. Watters, hay
Jos..Trudell, repairing patrol wagon
J. P. Schroeder & Co., straw and
Star Electric Co., arc lights 1,609 20
Lear & Pflffner, horseshoeing 10 05
Peter Hanson, hay 4 05
2 75
10 30
6 00
2 25
5 03
1 60
15 50
1 50
25 20
23 25
11. Nagelmaker, supplies
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co
F. Nitterauer & Sieg, hauling, elec-
Duggan & Kane, oil, election
G. N. Raymond, lamps, etc., elec-
tion 12 90
Ham & Carver. printing, election149 90
Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery, elec-
tion 38 22
C. J. Carpenter, express, election. 25
David Parker, oil, election 50
Larry Daily, hauling booths, etc,
election 13 50
Westereamp & McQuillan. assisting
putting up and taking down
booths 32 00
Bernard, Walker & Co., stationery10 50
Grosvenor & Co., stationery 10 55
Barger & Blish, stationery 13 55
Telegraph, printing 126 50
Dubuque Rubber Co., packing 2 30
Geo. Fengler, filling and lime 17 60
Hani & Carver, printing index to
and binding proceedings 98 75
Carr, Ryder & Engler, glass 70
J. T. Kearns, recording plat 1 50
Duggan & Kane, supplies 25
Cleaver & McCarten, plumbing 54 15
Wm. G. Watters, hay 15 06
Van Volkenberg & McEvoy,repairs. 1 25
E. C. Porter, supplies for engine 6 70
W. H. Knowlton, blue print paper14 00
Geo. W. Farley, filling delivered to 189 00
Fourth street
John Tibey, gravel 55 50
J. J. McCollins, filling delivered to 5 94
Fourth street
John Tibev, filling delivered to
Fourth street 9 36
Bryon Donahue, laying sidewalks135 44
Matt Loes, labor
John Farley, axman for engineer18 75
8 00
Wm. Flynn, labor
Jacob Becker, carpenter work 13 75
Mrs. Koenig, janitor at hall 20 00
Jas. Moore, janitor at hall 20 00
Robt. McGivern, sanitary police50 00
The following bills were referred to the
police and light committee: 67 95
Key City Gas Co 167 67
Globe Light and Heat Co 10 00
C. Boehart
The following bills were referred to the
printing committee: 29 15
Dubuque Telegraph 29 15
Globe 75 00
The Herald
Bill of Duggan & Sullivan of 13.75 was
referred to the committee on claims.
Ald. Crawford moved that the registers
of elections be pa.d$10 each and the judges
and clerks 15 each for their services. Car-
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the delinquent tax
committee; Carolina Mathis, Martin Dum-
phy, Louis Tempus, Fenelon Place Eleva-
tor company, Margaret Mulqueeney, Hat-
tie Conigisky, Charles J. W. Saunders,
Mary Ballard, George B. Burch, Adolph
Artes and Nicholas Reisch.
Petition of Charles Klingenberg and
Dan Moore, asking for grade stakes on
Klingenberg terrace, was granted.
Petition of John Althauser et al. for
water mains on Mertz street, between
Windsor and Althauser avenues, was
The following bills were referred to the
street committee:
Petition of Nicholas Mettel in relation
to the drainage of Windsor avenue near
Burden street.
Petition of Thomas Dorsey, claiming a
48 Special Session April 4, 1895.
balance due for macadam purchased by
the city.
Petition of D. Rhomberg, asking that
grades be established on English Lane,
Nightingale and Sullivan streets in Rose
Hill addition was referred to the street
committee and engineer.
City Auditor McCarten presented the
Cash on hand March 1. 1895 $ 8,954 93
39,848 15
$48.802 08
Disbursements 32,592 59
Cash on hand April 1, 1895 $16,209 49
Of this cash on hand there belongs to
the improvement bond fund $5,600.87.
There also belongs to to the improvement
fund $2,566.10, making a total of $8,186.97.
Leaving a.balance to the credit of the city
of $8,022.52.
Also report $2,023.00 amount required to
pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during the month of March, 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay city
officers, and report referred to finance
John Carter, street commissioner, re-
ported $695.40 amount due for labor during
the month of March. Warrants ordered
drawn to pay laborers and report referred
to the street committee.
Fire Chief Joe Reinfred reported $1,747.-
35, amount required to pay police for the
month of March, 1895. Warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen and report referred
to committee on fire and water.
Marshal Raesle reported $1,906.50,
amount required to pay police for March,
1895. Also reported 50 police cases during
the month of March.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay police
and report referred to Police and Light
Michael Igo, sewer inspector, reported
$110.00, amount required to pay for labor
on sewers during the month of March,
Warrants ordered drawn to pay for
labor and report referred to sewer com-
Engineer Knowlton presented plat of
proposed street between West Eagle Point
ave. and Valeria strreet, also returns of
notices served on property owners. Re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Also presented a statement of macadam
for the month of March, showing the
amount due on the basis of twenty yards
to each man, total amount, $2,247.40.
Adopted and warrants ordered drawn to
pay for macadam.
Engineer Knowlton and Chief Reinfried
reported that the hydrant complained of
by E. H. Sheppley, should be moved
around the corner on Lincoln ave. and
placed 12 feet from the curb line of Coulee
avenue. Adopted.
Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 556
cords of wood measured during March
and presented treasurer's receipt for $2.00,
amount due city for same. Received and
The reports of city weighers Jas. Doyle,
T. J. Donahue and Chas. Pitschner were
received and filed.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report that they are in
favor of directing the chairman to appoint
an engineer of the steam roller tempor-
arily if required, until such time as the
council desires to appoint one permanent.
In favor of referring the petition of John
Leierer and F. W. Altman in relation to
cleaning snow from the sidewalks to the
street commissioner and engineer.
In favor of instructing the engineer to
correct the assessment of J. J. Murray for
the improvement of Piekett street and re-
port same to the council.
In favor of instructing the street com-
missioner to have the alley repaired abut-
ting the property of Mrs. John Imes.
In favor of referring the petition of
John Hickey in relation to change of line
of East Grandview avenue to city engineer
and street commissioner.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the street commissioner for Febru-
ary, 1895.
In favor of allowing Richard Bennett
$18 to defray the cost of raising cement
sidewalk abutting his property on South
Main street.
In favor of approving of the recom-
mendation of the city engineer in relation
to the construction of sewer on Dodge
street. Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing
committee, reported in fa /or of paying
the following bills:
Dubuque Telegraph $29 15
The Herald 75 00
The Times Co 29 15
The Globe 29 15
German Catholic Printing Co 50 00
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of approving
of the treasurer's report for the month of
March, 1895. Report adopted and ordered
In favor of paying bill of Smith -Perry
Printing Co. of $72.70 for printing finance
report. Adopted.
Ald. Lillig, chairman of police and light
committee, reported in favor of paying
the following bills:
Globe Light and Heat Co. $333.34 for
gasoline lights for December, 1894, and
February, 1895.
Key City Gas Co., $83.85.
Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of refer-
ring the proposition of N. H. Faust in re-
lation to rodding the Central engine house
to the new council.
In favor of allowing M. Lavin $66.00 as
payment in full of all claims on account of
the construction of sewer in alley between
Jackson and Washington streets.
In favor of putting on a jury to condemn
the necessary ground for the proposed
widening of High Bluff street from Schil-
ler to Fengler streets.
Also recommend that the American Fire
Engine company be paid $3,650, less 2 per
cent discount for cash, on new fire engine
"Peter Olinger."
In favor of refunding $7.5D to Jos.
In favor of instructing the city attorney
to procure a written agreement from the
Dubuque Fire and Marine and the Key
City Fre Insurance Co. in regard to their
assessment as proposed by the council.
Your committee of the whole would
most respectfully recommend that the
salary of mayor be fixed at 11,500. said
amount being the amount allowed by
statute. Report adopted.
Alderman Crawford, chairman on Fire
and Water committee, reported in favor
of allowing bill of Edward Keas of $11.60,
being amount deducted on account of
sickness. Adopted.
Regular Session April 4, 1895. 49
Ald. Shea, chairman of public grounds
and building presented the following
which was adopted:
To the ]fon. Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN:—Your committee on pub-
lic grounds and buildings would most
respectfully report that they have exam-
ined the patrol house, and found that the
same needed some repairs, and would
recommend that a brick floor be laid in
same, also that the walls and ceiling be
repaired and whitewashed, also that a cir-
cular piece of wood ceiling be put over the
swinging harness, so as to protect the
ceiling from damage. We have also ex-
amined the central engine house, and find
that the ceiling and walls are in need of
repairs, and would recommend that same
be put in good shape.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing
an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West Fourth
street from Bluff street west, by M.Laven.
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied onthe several lots and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Mary Ryan. city lot 610, 64.60 sqr
feet area, at 4 mills $25 84
Jos. S. Morgan, s 64.4 ft city lot 612,
78 sq ft area at 4 mills 31 20
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald.Butler. Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for a 6 foot wide
plank sidewalk on east side Ann avenue
from Lincoln avenue to Garfield avenue,
by John McCoy, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named,situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Allen Schumacher, MoCraney's 1st add,
lot 88:
144 lineal feet sidewalk at 22c 31 68
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,
Shea, Vogel.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement
of Holly street from Cleveland avenue to
Rush street, by Altman & Taylor, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate herein-
after named. situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Bridget Whittemore, Union add lot 83:
199.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 59
26 60
88.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 111 86
329 sq yds macadamizing at 34c
Total $198 31
Alice Garrity, Union add, n 50 ft lot 137:
50 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c....$ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at30c 26 45
77.78 sq yds macadam at 34c
$ 48 12
Mathew Maher, Union add, excepting n
50 ft, lot 137:
136.2 lin ft curbstone set at 30c $ 40 86
60.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 18 20
212.33 sq yds macadam at 34c 72 19
Wm. Byrnes, Union add, lot 82:
196.5 lin ft curbstone set at 30c
92.9 sq yds guttering at 300
131 25
$ 58 95
27 88
329 sq yds macadam at 34c 111 86
Total $198 69
Rev. John Fogarty, Union add, lot 138:
187 5 lin. feet curbstone set at 30c$ 56 25
83.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 25 00
291.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c99 17
Total $180 42
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,,
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for construct-
ing an 8 and 10 inch tile pipe sewer in alley
from 23rd to 27th between Couler ave. and
Jackson st. by M. Laven, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Peter Wanderschied Jr., Davis
Farm add., lot 267, 6000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills $ 24 00
A. Lang, Davis Farm add., lot 268,
6000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
Jacob Abroesch, Davis Farm add,
s X lot 269, 3000 sq ft area, at 4
mills 12 00
Christena Feller, Davis Farm add,
n lot 269, 3000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm add., lot
270, 6000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farni add., lot
271, 6000 sq ft. area at 4 mills 24 00
A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm add., lot
272, 6000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
John Roeth, Davis Farm add., lot
273. 6000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Fred Lensing est., Davis Farm add,.
s M. lot 274, 3000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Kate Vogel, Davis Farm ad., e ?
n lot 274, 2700 sq ft area at 4
Herman Kuehnel, Davis Farm add,
lot 275, 6000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Jacob Handershield, Davis Farm
add., lot 276, 6000 sq ft area, at 4
Chas Krentz, Davis Farm add., lot
367, 6000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Mrs. Fred Huenings, Davis Farm
add., lot 368, 6000 sq ft area, at 4
Kate Vogel, Davis Farni add., lot
369, 6000 sq ft area, at 4 mills
Clifford D. Ham, Davis Farm add,
lot 370, 6,000 square feet area at 4
mills 24 00
Paul Traut, Davis Farm add, lot
371, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
M. M. Hoffmann, Davis Farm add,
lot 372, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills.. 24 00
Eliza Bisanz, Davis Farni add, n 24
ft lot 373, 2,100 sq ft area at 4 mills 9 60
P. W. Lenz, Davis Farm add, s 36
ft lot 373, 3,600 sq ft area at 4 mills 14 40
P. Utzig, Davis Farm add, n 24 ft
lot 374, 2,400 sq ft area at 4 mills.. 9 60
10 80
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
50 Regular Seg8ion, April 4, 1895.
J. R. Flick, Davis Farm add, s 36 ft
lot 374, 3,600 sq ft area at 4 mills14 40
A. Glab estate, Davis Farm add, lot
875, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Adam Stoltz, Davis Farm add, w 80
ft lot 376, 4,800 sq ft area at 4 mills 19 20
Jac Marshall, Davis Farm add, lot
277, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Fred Leight, Davis Farm add, lot
278, 6.000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Wm. Tuegel, Davis Farni add, lot
279, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Louis Doerfler, Davis Farni add, lot
280, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jacob Nagel, Davis Farm add, s
lot 281, 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills12 00
John Deville. Davis Farm add, n
lot 281, 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills12 00
Henrietta Tenhoef, sub 282, Davis
Farm add, lot 1, 4,500 sq ft area at
4 mills 18 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, sub 282, Davis
Farm add, lot 2, 1,500 sq ft area at
4 mills 600
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
s lot 283, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mils 1200
Louis Bennecker, Davis Farm add,
n X lot 283. 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Peter Mihm, Davis Farm add, lot
284, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gottfred Ganahl, Davis Farm add,
lot 285, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Herman Ellwanger, Davis Farni
add, lot 286, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 357, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 358, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 359, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Louis Doerfler, Davis Farm add, lot
360, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Neubauer, Davis Farm add,
lot 361, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
C. Fischer, Davis Farm add, lot 362,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
C. Fischer, Davis Farm add, lot 363,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
C. E. Handenshield, Davis Farm
add, lot 364, 0,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Leo Trentlein, Davis Farm add, lot
365, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Leo Trentlein, Davis Farm add, lot
366, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Mich Schunk Est., Davis Farm add,
lot 287, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Wm. J. Long, Davis Farm add, lot
288, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 25 00
Anna Galle, Davis Farm add,
lot 289, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Augusta Janggen, Davis Farm add,
lot 290, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Rudolph Birner, Davis Farm add,
lot 291, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Wm. Rieman, Davis Farm add, lot
292, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
George G. Perry, Davis Farm add,
lot 293, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Jacob Berg, Davis Farm add, lot
295, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Simon Meyers, Davis Farm add, lot
294, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jacob Kessler, Davis Farni add, lot
296, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nie and Frank Glab. Davis Farni
add, lot 347, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Nic and Frank Glab, Davis Farm
add, lot 348, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Nic and Frank Glab, Davis Farm
add, lot 349, 6.000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
24 00
24 00
Catharine Reuter, Davis Farni add,
lot 351, 6,010 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
A. Loetscher, Davis Farm add, lot
352, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
John Bell, Davis Farm add, lot 353,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Catharine Peed, Davis Farni add,
lot 354, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
John Pilmaier, Paul Traut's sub,
lot 4, 3,500 sq ft area at 4 mills14 00
Michael Apple, Paul Traut's sub,
lot 5, 3,500 sq ft area at 4 mills14 00
John J. Schuler, Davis Farni add
n %, lot 350, 3.000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Nicholas Schuler. Davis Farm add,
s %, lot 350, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Nic Jochum est, Davis Farni add,
lot 297. 6,0(8) sq ft area, at 4 mills. 24 00
Geo. Kura, Davis Farni add, 1ot298,
6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Noel, Davis Farm add, lot 299,
6.000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Vyverburg etate, Davis Farm
add, lot 300, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills. 24 00
Jno. Vyverburg estate. Davis Farni
add, lot 301, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills 24 00
Fred Ludwig, Davis Farni add, s
lot 302, 3.000 sq ft area, at 4 mills12 00
Dorothea Kautz, Davis Farni add, n
X lot 302, 3,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills 1.2 00
Anton Imhoff estate, Davis Farni
add, lot 303, 6,000 sq ft area. at 4
mills 24 00
Jno. Kaep, Davis Farm add• lot 104,
6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 CO
C. A. Walter, Davis Farni add, lot
305, 6.000 sq ft area, at 4 mills24 00
C. A. Walter, Davis farm add, lot
306, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
N. W. Kimball. Davis farm add, lot
337, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nich Graff, Davis farm add, lot 338,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Ziegler, Davis farm add, n Ia,
lot 339. 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills. 12 00
Paulina Jecklin, Davis farm add s
X. lot 339, 3.000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Agnes Pitschner,Davis farm add,lot
340, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Agnes Pitschner, Davis farm add,
lot 341, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
M. Majerus,Davis farm add, lot 342,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
M. Majerus,Davis farm add, 1ot343,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jas. 0. Farrell. Davis farm add, lot
344. 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nic Mueller estate, Davis farm add,
lot 345, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Nic Mueller estate, Davis farm add,
lot 346, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel.
Nays -Aldermen Kaufmann, Lillig.
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing
a 12 -inch tile pipe sewer in White street,
from Sanford street to twenty-third street
by M. Laven, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named. sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate. as follows:
Jno. Knoernschild. J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, lot 170, 6,000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills $ 24 00
Regular Session, April 4, 1895.
Jno. Knoernschild, sub 171 J. H
Langworthy's add, lot 1, 3300 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
Herman Fischer, sub 171 J. H.Lang-
worthy's add, ot 2, 5,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Dubuque Street R'y Co., J. H. Lang -
worthy's add lot 172, 6,000 sq ft
area. at 4 mills
Chas. Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and % lot 187, 3,000 sq
ft area, at 4 mils
Frank Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and % lot 187, 3,000 sq
ft area, at 4 mills
Frank Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and X lot 186, 4,750 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
Chas. Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and jf lot 186,4,750 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
Louis Reineke, J. H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 185, 5,100 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
Louis Reineke, J, H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 184, 5,100 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Louis Reineke, J. H. Langworthy's.
add, w 95 ft lot 183, 5,100 sq ft area,
at 4 mills
Louis Reineke. J. H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 182, 5.100 sq ft area
at 4 mills
J. H. Rhomberg, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, lot 181, 6,000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 14, 5,300 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 13, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman. Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 19, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 11, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Erank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 10, 2,180 sq ft ares
at 4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 9, 2,250 sq ft area at
4 mills
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 8, 2,250 sq ft area at
4 mills
Jos Marra, Olinger's sub, lot 5,
8,400 sq ft area at 4 mills
F. Hinze, Olinger's sub, lot 4, 3,900
sq ft area at 4 mills
Chas. Lutz, Davis Farm add, lot
226, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Dietrich Maner Est., Davis Farni
add, lot 228, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Dietrich Maner Est., Davis Farm
add., lot 227, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Jno. Bulow, Jr., Davis Farm add,
lot 229, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Gab Baumgartner, Davis Farm
add, lot 230, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Wm. Springborn, Davis Farm add,
lot 231, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Wm. Springborn, Davis Farm add,
lot 232, 8,700 sq ft area at 4 mills
Ind. School Dist of Dub., Davis
Farm add, lot 233, 6,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Ind. School Dist. of Dub„ Davis
Farm add, lot 234, 6,000 sq ft area
Ind. School Dist. of Dub., Davis
Farm add, lot 235, 6,000 sq. ft area
at 4 mills
13 20
20 00
24 00
12 00
12 00
19 00
19 00
20 40
20 40
20 40
20 40
24 00
21 20
16 80
16 80
16 80
8 72
9 00
9 00
13 60
15 60
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
34 80
24 00
24 00
24 00
Benedict Nickles Est., Davis Farm
add, s 4 lot 236, 3,000 sq ft area at
4 mills 12 00
Wm. Ohnesorge, Davis Farni add,
n j( lot 236, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
James Levi, Davis Farni add, lot
237, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
James Levi, Davis Farm add, lot
238, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
H. W. Butler, Davis Farm add, lot
213, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Mary E. Haggerty, Davis Farm
add, lot 214, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Mary E. Haggerty, Davis Farm
add, n 20 ft lot 215, 2,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 8 00
E. E. Frith, Davis Farm add, s 40 ft
lot 215, 4,000 sq ft area at 4 mills16 00
E. E. Frith, Davis Farm add, n 40
ft lot 216, 4,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 16 00
F. J. Cosley, Davis Farm add, s 20
ft lot 216, 2,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 8 00
F. J. Cosley, Davis Farm add, n 20
ft lot 217, 2,000 sq ft area at 4
mills. 8 00
A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm add, s 40
ft lot 217, 4,000 sq ft area at 4
mills.. 16 00
A. H. Price, sub 218 and 219, Davis
Farm add, lot 4, 4,200 sq ft area at
4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farni add, lot 3. 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farm add, lot 2, 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farm add, lot 1, 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Adolph Dapfoten, Davis Farm add,
lot 220, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
J. A. Rhomberg. Davis Farm add,
lot 221, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Louis Manahi,Davis Farm add, n
lot 222, 3,000 sq ft area at 1 mills12 00
Mary Osterberger,Davis Farm add,
s 4, lot 222, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
12 00
mills.. •
Herman Knoernschild, Davis Farm
add, lot 223, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Herman Knoernschild, Davis Farm
add, lot 224, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
J. H. Rhomberg and Jos. Meuser,
Davis Farm add, lot 225, 6,000 sq 24
ft area at 4 mills
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea
and Vogel.
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing
a 20 foot tile pipe sewer in alley from
Seventeenth to Sanford, between Wash-
ington and Jackson, by M. Laven, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate as follows:
John 31.2, lot36, Dubuque East
'3,120 q farea at 4
mills 12 48
Chas. Luther, East Dubuque add,
n .20, lot 36, 2,000 sq ft area at 4 8
mills 00
24 00
50 Regular Session,
April 4, 1895.
J. R. Flick, Davis Farm add, s 36 ft
lot 374, 3,600 sq ft area at 4 mills14 40
A. Glab estate, Davis Farm add, lot
375, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Adam Stoltz, Davis Farm add, w 80
ft lot 376, 4,800 sq ft area at4 mills 19 20
Jac Marshall, Davis Farm add, lot
277, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Fred Leight, Davis Farm add, lot
278, 6.000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Wm. Tuegel, Davis Farm add, lot
279, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Louis Doerfler, Davis Farm add, lot
280, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jacob Nagel, Davis Farm add, s
lot 281, 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills12 00
John Deville. Davis Farm add, n
lot 281. 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills12 00
Henrietta Tenhoef. sub 282, Davis
Farm add, lot 1, 4,500 sq ft area at
4 mills 18 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, sub 282, Davis
Farm add, lot 2, 1,500 sq ft area at
4 mills 600
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
s lot 283, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mils 12 00
Louis Bennecker, Davis Farm add,
n lot 283. 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Peter Mihm, Davis Farm add, lot
284, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gottfred Gauahl, Davis Farm add,
lot 285, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Herman Ellwanger, Davis Farni
add, lot 286, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 357, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 358, 0,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm add,
lot 359, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Louis Doerfler, Davis Farm add, lot
360, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Neubauer, Davis Farm add,
lot 361, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
C. Fischer, Davis Farm add, lot 362,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
C. Fischer, Davis Farm add, lot 363,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
C. E. Handenshield, Davis Farm
add, lot 364, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Leo Trentlein, Davis Farm add, lot
365, 6.000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Leo Trentlein, Davis Farm add, lot
366, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Mich Schunk Est., Davis Farm add,
lot 287, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Wm. J. Long, Davis Farm add, lot
288, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 25 00
Anna Galle, Davis Farm add,
lot 289, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Augusta Janggen, Davis Farm add,
lot 290, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Rudolph Birner, Davis Farni add,
lot 291, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Wm. Rieman, Davis Farni add, lot
292, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
George G. Perry, Davis Farm add,
lot 293, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Jacob Berg, Davis Farm add, lot
295, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Sinton Meyers, Davis Farm add, lot
294, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jacob Kessler, Davis Farm add, lot
296, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nic and Frank Glab. Davis Farm
add, lot 347, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Nic and Frank Glab, Davis Farm
add, lot 348, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Nic and Frank Glab, Davis Farm
add, lot 349, 6.000 sq ft area at 4
24 00
24 00
24 00
Catharine Reuter, Davis Farm add,
lot 351, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
A. Loetseher, Davis Farm add, lot
352, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
John Bell, Davis Farm add, lot 353,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Catharine Peed, Davis Farni add,
lot 354, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
John Pilmaier, Paul Traut's sub,
lot 4, 3,500 sq ft area at 4 mills14 00
Michael Apple, Paul Traut's sub,
lot 5, 3,500 sq ft area at 4 mills14 00
John J. Schuler, Davis Farni add,
n !la, lot 350, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
Nicholas Schuler. Davis Farm add,
s i6, lot 350, 3,000 sq ft arca at 4
mills 12 00
Nic Jochum est, Davis Farm add,
lot 297, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills. 24 00
Geo. Kura, Davis Farm add, 1ot298,
6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Noel, Davis Farni add, lot 299,
6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Vyverburg etate, Davis Farm
add, lot 300, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills. 24 00
Jno. Vyverburg estate, Davis Farni
add, lot 301, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills. 24 00
Fred Ludwig, Davis Farm add, s
lot 302, 3,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills12 00
Dorothea Kautz, Davis Farni add, n
14 lot 302, 3,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills 12 00
Anton Imhoff estate, Davis Farm
add, lot 303, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4
mills. 24 00
Jno. Kaep, Davis Farni add, lot 304,
6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 CO
C. A. Walter, Davis Farm add, lot
305, 6.000 sq ft area, at 4 mills24 00
C. A. Walter, Davis farm add, lot
306, 6,000 sq ft area, at 4 mills 24 00
N. W. Kimball, Davis farm add, lot
337, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nich Graff, Davis farm add, lot 333,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jno. Ziegler, Davis farm add, n I/,
lot 339. 3,000 sq ft area at 4 mills. 12 00
Paulina Jecklin. Davis farm add s
%, lot 339, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Agnes Pitschner,Davis farm add,lot
340, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Agnes. Pitschner, Davis farm add,
lot 341, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
M. Majerus,Davis farm add, lot 342,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills . 24 00
M. Majerus,Davis farm add, lot 343,
6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Jas. 0. Farrell, Davis farm add, lot
344. 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Nic Mueller estate, Davis farm add,
lot 345, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Nic Mueller estate, Davis farm add,
lot 346, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel.
Nays -Aldermen Kaufmann, Lillig.
Ala. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing
a 12 -inch tile pipe sewer in White street,
from Sanford street to twenty-third street
by M. Laven, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named. sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
Jno. Knoernschild. J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, lot 170, 6,000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills $ 24 00
Regular Session,
April 4, 1895.
Jno. Knoernschild, sub 171 .1. 11
Langworthy's add, lot 1, 3300 sq ft
area, at 4 mills 13 20
Herman Fischer, sub 171 J. H.Lang-
worthy's add, lot 2, 5,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 20 00
Dubuque Street R'y Co., J. H. Lang -
worthy's add lot 172, 6,000 sq ft
area. at 4 mills 24 00
Chas. Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and lot 187, 3,000 sq
ft area, at 4 mils 12 00
Frank Fosselmann, J. 11. Langwor-
thy's add, and % lot 187, 3,000 sq
ft area, at 4 mills 12 00
Frank Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and ;4 lot 186, 4,750 sq ft
area, at 4 mills 19 00
Chas. Fosselmann, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, and 34 lot 186,4,750 sq ft
area, at 4 mills 19 00
Louis Reineke, J. H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 185, 5,100 sq ft
area, at 4 mills 20 40
Louis Reineke, J, H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 184, 5,100 sq ft area
at 4 mills 20 40
Louis Reineke, J. H. Langworthy's.
add, w 95 ft lot 183, 5,100 sq ft area,
at 4 mills 20 40
Louis Reineke. J. H. Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 182, 5.100 sq ft area
at 4 mills 20 40
J. H. Rhomberg, J. H. Langwor-
thy's add, lot 181, 6,000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills 24 00
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 14, 5,300 sq ft area
at 4 mills 21 20
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 13, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills 16 80
Frank Fosselman. Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 12, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills 16 80
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 11, 4,200 sq ft area
at 4 mills 16 80
Frank Fosselman, Erank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 10, 2,180 sq ft ares
at 4 mills 8 72
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 9, 2,250 sq ft area at
4 mills 9 00
Frank Fosselman, Frank Fossel-
man's sub, lot 8, 2,250 sq ft area at
4 mills 900
Jos Marra, Olinger's sub, lot 5,
8,400 sq ft area at 4 mills 13 60
F. Hinze, Olinger's sub, lot 4, 3,900
sq ft area at 4 mills 15 60
Chas. Lutz, Davis Farm add, lot
226, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Dietrich Maner Est., Davis Farm
add, lot 228, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Dietrich Maner Est., Davis Farm
add., lot 227, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Jno. Bulow, Jr., Davis Farm add,
lot 229, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Gab Baumgartner, Davis Farm
add, lot 230, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Wm. Springborn, Davis Farm add,
lot 231, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Wm. Springborn, Davis Farm add,
lot 232, 8,700 sq ft area at 4 mills34 80
Ind. School Dist of Dub., Davis
Farm add, lot 233, 6,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 24 00
Ind. School Dist. of Dub„ Davis
Farm add, lot 234, 6,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 24 00
Ind. School Dist. of Dub., Davis
Farm add, lot 235, 6,000 sq. ft area
at 4 mills 24 00
Benedict Nickles Est., Davis Farm
add, s X lot 236, 3,000 sq ft area at
4 mills
Wm. Ohnesorge, Davis Farni add,
n X lot 236, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
James Levi, Davis Farni add, lot
237, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
James Levi, Davis Farni add, lot
258, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
H. W. Butler, Davis Farm add, lot
213, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
Mary E. Haggerty, Davis Farni
add, lot 214, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
Mary E. Haggerty, Davis Farm
add, n 20 ft lot 215, 2,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills
E. E. Frith, Davis Farm add, s 40 ft
lot 215, 4,000 sq ft area at 4 mills
E. E. Frith, Davis Farm add, n 40
ft lot 216, 4,000 sq ft area at 4
F. J. Cosley, Davis Farm add, s 20
ft lot 216, 2,000 sq ft area at 4
mills.... 800
F. J. Cosley, Davis Farm add, n 20
ft lot 217, 2,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 8 00
A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm add, s 40
ft lot 217, 4,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 16 00
A. H. Price, sub 218 and 219, Davis
Farm add, lot 4, 4,200 sq ft area at
4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farm add, lot 3. 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farm add, lot 2, 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and
219, Davis Farm add, lot 1, 4,200
sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80
Adolph Dapfoten, Davis Farm add,
lot 220, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
J. A. Rhomberg. Davis Farm add,
lot 221, 6,000 sq ft area at 4 mills24 00
Louis Manahi,Davis Farm add, n I/
lot 222, 3,000 sq ft area at t mills12 00
Mary Osterberger,Davis Farm add,
s %, lot 222, 3,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 12 00
Herman Knoernsehild, Davis Farm
add, lot 223, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
Herman Knoernschild, Davis Farm
add, lot 224, 6,000 sq ft area at 4
mills 24 00
J. H. Rhomberg and Jos. Meuser,
Davis Farm add, lot 225, 6,000 sq
ft area at 4 mills 24 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea
and Vogel.
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing
a 20 foot tile pipe sewer in alley from
Seventeenth to Sanford, between Wash-
ington and Jackson, by M. Laven, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate as follows:
John Trexler, East Dubuque add, s
31.2, lot 36, 3,120 sq ft area at 4 12 48
Chas. Luther, East Dubuque add,
n .20, lot 36, 2,000 sq ft area at 4 8 00
12 00
12 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
8 00
16 00
16 00
52 Regular Session April 4, 1895.
Chas. Luther, East Dubuque add, s
Xlot 35, 2,560 sq ft area at 4
Geo. Roepsch, East Dubuque add,
n 36 lot 35, 2,560 sq ft area at 4
Anton Manohl, East Dubuque add,
lot 34, 5,120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
C.W. Schreiber. East Dubuque add,
s 34 lot 33, 2,560 sq ft area at 4
Pauline Strieeber, East Dubuque
add, n 34 lot 33, 2.560 sq ft area at
4 mills 10 24
Anna Baynes, East Dubuque add, s
1ot32, 2,560 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 24
Margt. Lear, East Dubuque add, n
34 lot 32. 2,560 sp ft area at 4 mills 10 24
Anna Siege, East Dubuque add, lot
87, 5.120 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 48
E. Langworthy estate, East Du-
buque add, lot 88. 5,120 sq ft area
at 4 mills 20 48
Peter Oeth, East Dubuque add, lot
89, 5,120 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 48
German Bank, East Dubuque add,
lot 90, 5,120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
German Bank, East Dubuque add,
lot 91. 5.120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
John Wolff, East Dubuque add, lot
31, 5120 sq ft area at 4 mill 20 48
John Wolff, East Dubuque add, lot
36, 5120 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 48
Dora Siege, East Dubuque add, s 34
lot 29, 2560 sq ft area at 4 mills10 24
Ida Siege, East Dubuque add, n 34
lot 29, 2560 sq ft area at 4 mills10 24
Joe Mathis, East Dubuque add, s Xi
lot 28, 2560 sq ft area at 4 mills10 24
Rosina Lorenz, East Dubuque add,
n 34 lot 28,2560 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 24
Rosina Lorenz, East Dubuque add,
lot 27, 5120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
Henry Huber, East Dubuque add,
lot 92, 5120 sq ft area at 4mills20 48
Geo. Weidner, East Dubuque add,
s 34 lot 93,2560 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 24
W. J. Picklev. East Dubuque add,
n 34 lot 93,2560 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 24
J. M. Werner, East Duquque add,
lot 94, 5120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
Fred Doerrer, East Dubuque add,
lot 95, 5120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
Fred Doerrer, East Dubuque add,
lot 96. 5120 sq ft area at 4 mills20 48
Frank Fosselmann, min. lot 100, lot
4, 5150 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 60
Joseph Fritsche, min lot 100, s 3
lot 3, 2575 sq ft at 4 mills 10 30
Wm. Duenser, min. lot 100, n 34 lot
3, 2575 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 30
Peter Meyer,sub 2 min lot 100, lot 2,
3150 sq ft area at 4 mills 12 60
Mary Schaffner, sub 2 min lot 100,
lot 1, 2000 sq ft area at 4 mills8 00
Mary Schaffner, min lot 100, lot 1
5150 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 60
Andrew Bauer, min lot 100, lot 6,
2070 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 28
Mrs. Joseph Leute, min lot 100, lot 5:
5,450 square feet area at 4 mills 20 60
Mrs. A. L. Trilk, min lot 100, s 25 feet
lot 7:
2,500 square feet area at 4 mills10 00
Elizabeth Bauer, min lot 100, n 75 feet
lot 7:
7,500 square feet area at 4 mills30 00
Elizabeth Bauer, min lot 100, s 1 foot
lot 8:
100 square feet area at 4 mills 40
P. J.Ruegauier et al,min lot 100,n 49 feet
lot 8:
4,900 square feet area at 4 mills19 60
Herman Mauer, Sr., Steiner's add,lot 18:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
10 24
10 24
10 24
F. H. Finke, Steiner's add, lot 17:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
John Wiegand, Steiner's add, lot 16:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
Mike Wilky, Steiner's add, lot 15:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
Peter Schiltz, Steiner's add, lot 19:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
Peter Schiltz, Steiner's add, lot 20:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills 20 00
Martin Wagner, Steiner's add, lot 20:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills 20 00
Mathias Nesler est, Steiner's add, lot' 21:
5,000 square feet area at 4 mills20 00
F. P. Kutsch, L. 11. Langworthy's add, s
34 lot 45:
3,200 square feet area at 4 mills12 80
Mathias Imhoff, L. H. Langworthy's
add, n 34, lot 45, 3,200 sq ft area at
4 mills 12 80
Mathias Imhoff,L. H. Langworthy's
add, s 17 ft, lot 46, 1,700 sq ft area
at 4 mills 6 80
Nicholas Heinz,L. H. Langworthy's
add, n 60 ft lot 46, 6,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 24 00
Mrs. Lizzie Tuegul, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, s 42 ft lot 47, 4,200
sq ft at 4 mills 16 80
Joseph Kutsch, L. H. Langworthy's
add, s 50 ft lot 94. 5,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 20 00
George Weidenmaier, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 1234 ft lot 94, 250
sq ft area at 4 mills 5 00
George Wiedenmaier, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, s 834 ft lot 93, 850 sq
ft area at 4 mills
John Westereamp, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 79 ft lot 93, 7,900
sq ft area at 4 mills 31 60
L. Meyer, L. H. Langworthy's add,
s 42 ft lot 92, 4,200 sq ft area at 4
mills 16 80
Jacob Roesner, Jr., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 46 feet lot 48, 4-
600 sq ft area at 4 mills 18 40
Mathias Groff estate, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 49, 6,400 sq ft
area at 4 mills 25 60
Joseph Geisler, L. H. Langworthy's
add, s 32 ft lot 50, 3.'200 sq ft area
at 4mills 12 80
Jacob Roesner, Sr., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 32 ft lot 50, 3.200
sq ft area at 4 mills 12 80
Jacob Roesner, Sr., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 51. 6,400 sq ft
area at 4 mills 25 60
Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's
add, s 40 ft lot 52, 4,000 sq ft area
at 4 mills 16 00
George Wiedmer, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 24 ft lot 52, 2,400
sq ft area at 4 mills 9 60
George Wiedmer,/ L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, s lot 53, 3,200 sq
ft area at 4 mills 12 80
Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's
add, n e lot 53, 3,200 sq ft area at
4 mills 12 80
Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 54, 6.400 sq ft area at 4
mills 25 60
Peter Lies, L. H. Langworthy's
add, n 46 ft lot 91, 4,600 sq ft area,
at 4 mills 18 40
John Fix, L. H. Langworthy's add,
s 34 lot 90, 3,200 sq ft area, at 4
Nicholas Kutsch, L. H. Langwor-
thy's add, n 34 lot 90, 3,200 sq ft
area, at 4 mills 12 80
Jacob Roesner, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 89, 6,400 sq ft area, at 4
3 40
12 80
25 60
Regular bye. ion, April 4, 1S05.
Elizabeth Jungblut, sub 87 and 88
L. H. Langworthy's add, s lot 5
2,560 sq ft area, at 4 mills
Emma Kleas, sub 87 and 88 L. H
Langworthy's add, n j4 lot 5, 2,560
sq ft area, at 4 mills
Emma Kleas, sub 87 and 88 L. H
Langworthy's add, lot 4, 2,500 sq
ft area, at 4 mills
Margaret Graff estate, sub 87 and
88, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 3,
2,600 sq ft area, at 4 mills
D. Sauer, sub 87 and 88 L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot2,2310 sq ft area,
at 4 mills.
D. Sauer, sub 87 and 88, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 1, 250 sq ft area,
at 4 mills
D. Sauer, sub 86 L. H. Langwor-
thy's add, lot 2, 5,870 sq ft area, at
4 mills
Sarah E. Deggendorf, sub 86 L. H.
Langworthy's add, lot 1, 1,530 sq
ft area, at 4 mills
Sarah E. Deggendorf, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, s 9.8 ft lot 85. 980 sq
ft area, at 4 mills....
T. E. Frith, L. H. Langworthy's
add, n 54.2 ft lot 85, 5,420 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
John Fosselman, L. H. Langworthy
add., lot 55, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
John Fosselman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., s36, lot 56, 3600 sq
ft area, at 4 mills
Michael Adam, L. H Langworthy's
add., n 28, lot 56, 2800 sq ft area
at 4 mills
Michael Adam, L. H. Langworthy's
add., 1 of 57, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
Eliza Vogel, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 58, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
Mrs. J. Kreis, L. H. Langworthy's
add., s34ft, lot 59, 3400 so ft area,
at 4 mills
Andrew Streinz, L.H. Langworthy's
add., n30ft, lot 59, 3000 sq ft area,
at 4 mills
Andrew Streinz, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, s28 ft, lot 60, 2800
sq ft area, at 4 mills
Fred Holtman, Langworthy's add ,
n36ft, lot 60, 3600 sq ft area, at 4
John Stuber, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 61, 6400 sq ft. area, at 4
Anna Kenikner, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 62, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
J. Pals, L. H. Langworthy's add,
lot 63, 6400 sq ft area, at 4 mills
P. H. E. Sommerfleld, Langworthy's
add., s% lot 64, 3200 sq ft area at 4
m ills
Henry Mueller, L. H. Langworthy's
add., nA lot 64, 3200 sq ft area, at
4 mills
Chas Fosselmann, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 65, 6400 sq ft
area, at 4 mills
Emil Koch, L. H Langworthy's
add., lot 66, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
Fred Hollnagel, L. H. Langworthy
add., lot 67, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
Fred Hollnagel, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 68, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
Anna Wiehl L. H. Langworthy's
add. lot 69, 6400 sq ft area, at 4
10 24
10 24
Henry J. Osar, L. H. Langworthy's
add. lot 54, 611)0 sq ft area,at'4 nulls 25 60
Fred Rieger. L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 83, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills
Fred Rieger, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 82, 6,40J square feet area
at 4 mills
Gerhard Wolldorf, L. H. 10 00 Lang -
worthy's add, lot 81, 6,400 square
feet area at 4 mills
10 48 Fred Mertz, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 80, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills
9 24 Fred Burdt,Jr.,L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 79, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills
100 F. Kadow estate, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 78 6,400 square
feet area at 4 mills
John Theis, L. H. Langworthy's
add. lot 77 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills
W. Graff, L. H. Langworthy's add,
s 3 lot 76, 3,200 square feet area
at 4 mills 12 80
Henry Fischer, L H. Langworthy's
3 92 add, n ,l lot 76, 3,200 square feet
area at 4 mills 12 80
John Brackenbock, L. H. Lang -
21 68 worthy's add, s 48 feet lot 75, 4,800
square feet area at 4 mills 19 20
Adam Wiehl, L. H. Langworthy's
25 60 add, n 16 feet lot 75, 1,600 square
feet area at 4 mills 6 40
14 40 Adam Wiehl, L H. Langworthy's
add, s 48 feet lot 74, 4,500 square
feet area at 4 mills 19 20
11 20 John Jehring, L. H. Langworthy's
add, n 16 feet lot 74, 1,600 square
feet area at 4 mills 6 40
John Jehring, L H. Langworthy's
20 60 add, lot 73, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills 25 60
Arnold Kemps, L. H. Langworthy's
25 60 add, lot 72, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills 25 60
Arnold Kemps, L. H. Langworthy's
13 60 add, lot 71, 6,400 square feet area
at 4 mills 25 60
John Bohn, L. H. Langworthy's
12 00 add, lot 706,400 square feet area 25 60
at 4 twills
Adopted by the following vote:
11 20 Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal-
pin, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogel.
Naves -Aldermen Kaufmann and Lillig.
14 40 Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying an 8-
25 60 foot wide sidewalk on south side of Julien
avenue from West Eighth street to Wilson
Robt. E. Lee, contractor, in front of
25 60 and adjoining the same, a special tax be,
and is hereby levied on the several lots
25 60 and parts of lots, and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
12 80 opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
E. Guthrie, lot 4, Kelly's sub, 26 lin-
12 80 eal feet plank sidewalk at 28t/c7 35
Mike Doyle, lot 14, Kelly's sub 50
lineal feet plank sidewalk at 284c 14 12
25 60 Wm. Leahy, lot 14, Kelly's sub, 51
lineal feet plank sidewalk at 284c 14 41
A.W. Kemler, lot 15, Kelly's sub, 58
25 60 lineal feet plank sidewalk (extra 16 38
plank on driveway) at 28yc
Adooted by the following vote:
25 60 Ayes -Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauf-
mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel.
On motion the special assessment levied
25.60 against Mike Doyle for sidewalk was
rescinded and referred to a special com-
mittee consisting of Ald. Crawford, Shea
25 60 and Vogler to inquire into the matter.
19 48
6 12
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
54 Ieegular Session, April 4, 1895.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 12 -
foot wide brick sidewalk on both sides of
Clay street, between Fourteenth and Six-
teenth streets, by Robert E. Lee, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
S. Korman, nm 1-5 lot 450 city, 55.5
sq yds brick sidewalk at 57yc4 31 77
Mrs. M. Cooney, 63 sq yds brick
sidewalk at 57 (c 36 07
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,
Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,
Vogel and Vogler.
Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city recorder be
and is hereby directed to issue a venire to
the city marshal commanding him to sum-
mon a jury of twelve free holders. citizens
of said city to assess the damages that
may be caused by reason of the proposed
widening of High Bluff street, between
Schiller and Fengler street, as shown by
plat prepared by the city Engineer.
Ald. Ryder offered the following which
was adopped:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the storm water sewer
on West Fifth street be extended about 50
feet towards Roberts avenue and the proper
catch basin be put in, so that the water
coming down said Roberts avenue, will be
carried in said sewer.
Ald. Vogler offered the following which
was adopted: •
Resolved, That the settlement made by
the committee on claims with Duffy & Mc-
Guire, attorneys for Wm. Whelan be ap-
proved and confirmed and that a warrant
for the amount, 4400.00 be drawn in favor
of said Duffy & McGuire.
Ald. Powers moved that the votes cast
at the last election be canvassed. Carried.
On motion the mayor was directed to
appoint two tellers.
Ald. Kaufmann and Shea were appointed
Ald. Powers moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p. m. Carried.
Afternoon Session.
Council niet at at 2:20 p. m., Mayor
Olinger in the chair. Present, Ald. But-
ler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers,
Ryder, Shea and Vogel.
The petition of Kiene & Altman, et al.
in relation to building a well on the side-
walk in front of lot 48, McDaniel's add,
was referred to the street committee and
city attorney.
The petition of P. McNerney, asking to
be given the correct line of Pierce street,
was granted.
The result of the vote as canvassed is as
For Mayor.
First Ward— Olinger.
First precinct
Second precinct
Second Warci—
First precinct
Second precinct
Third ward—
First precinct 238
Second precinct 296
Third precinct 315
Fourth Ward—
First precinct 273
Second precinct 142
Third precinct 368
Fifth ward—
First precinct 239
Second precinct 346
Third•precinct '329
Fourth precinct.... 173
Total.... 3597
Olinger's majority 1827
For Recorder.
First Ward— Cooney. Sullivan.
First precinct 100 278
Second precinct :19 2:11
Second Ward—
First precinct 93 1811
Second precinct 348 178
Third Ward—
First precinct 2111 121
Second precinct 195 177
Third precinct 178 209
Fourth Ward—
First precinct 314 120
Second precinct 147 85
Third precinct 232 166
Fifth Ward—
First precinct 185 116
Second precinct 229 220
Third precinct 209 188
Fourth precinct 140 100
Total 2675 24.29
Cooney's majority 246
For Treasurer.
First Ward— Gniffke. Glab.
First precinct 181 183
Second precinct 127 251
Second Ward—
First precinct 96 170
Second precinct 322 193
Third Ward—
First precinct 207
Second precinct 206
Third precinct 197
Fourth Ward—
First precinct 300
Second precinct 153
Third precinct 259
Fifth Ward—
First precinct 177
Second precinct 242
Third precinct 239
Fourth precinct 134
Total 2840
Gniffke's majority 599
For Attorney.
First Ward— Knight. Powers.
First precinct 259 114
Second precinct 293 195
Second Ward—
First precinct 210
Second precinct 277
Third Ward—
First precinct 163
Second precinct 209
Third precinct 244
Fourth Ward—
First precinct 201
Second precinct 117
Third precinct 199
Fifth Ward—
First precinct 139
197 96 Second precinct
267 243 Third precinct
Fourth precinct
Knight's majority 716
Regular Session April 4, 1895.
First Ward— Cullen.
First precinct 283
Second precinct 317
Total 600
Cullen's majority 416
Second Ward— Ryder.
First precinct 185
Second precinct 368
Total 553
Ryder's majority 266
Third Ward— Schulte.
First precinct 219
Second precinct 216
Third precinct 161
Schulte's majority 103
Fourth Ward— Bonson.
First precinct 222
Second precinct 145
Third precinct 194
Total 561
Bonson's majority 24
Fifth Ward— Bauer.
First precinct 120
Second precinct 272
Third precinct 198
Fourth precinct 143
Total 733
Bauer's majority 41
Ald. Crawford moved that the parties
receiving the majority of votes be declared
elected. Carried.
Ald. .Crawford moved that the mayor
aldermen -elect be sworn in. Carried.
Ald. Crawford administered the oath of
office to Mayor -elect Olinger.
Aids. Lillig, Vogel and Powers address-
ed the council, thanking the members
thereof for the many courtesies extended
to them during their term of office.
Ald. Ryder, in behalf of the council, ex-
tended the thanks of the council to the re-
tiring members, and wished them good
success in the future.
The aldermen -elect, Alds. Ryder, Bonson
Schulte, Cullen and Bauer, were sworn in.
Mayor Olinger then read the following
inaugural message.
To the City Council:
GENTLEMEN—Having been called upon
again to assume the responsible posi-
tion of mayor of our city, I do so with that
spirit of patriotism that prompts all good
citizens, and shall try to fulfill the duties
imposed upon me faithfully and impar-
tially. The coming year will be a notable
one in the hiytory of this city as we will
be compelled to refund over $200,000 of
our old outstanding bonds. To do this we
must act discreetly and for the interest of
the citizens and taxpayers. We must try
and lighten the burden of an already
heavily taxed people. and show our suc-
cessors an example of managing city
affairs on business principles. The re-
funding of the above bonds will take a
great deal of time and labor so that the
city may receive all that said bonds are
worth, and a certain percentage of them
should be redeemed every year. If we
refund the old bonds for new ones at 4
per cent, the city should create a sinking
fund of the interest thus saved and apply
same on redemption of said bonds from
year to year. By so doing we will be re-
deeming our bonded debt, and that too
without increasing the burdens of the tax-
All the departments of the city are in
very good condition, but I desire to call
your attention to some of them.
We have a very good system of sanitary
sewerage, and that at quite a cost to the
taxpayers. By examination I find that
the system is used very little, and pro-
visions should be made to have all persons
make the proper connections with the
sewerage system wherever the same is
practicable. Besides it would add to the
general health of the city, and contagious
and infectious diseases would be greatly
Some attention should be given to some
modern improvement of our streets. Ma-
cadamized streets are a source of con-
tinual expense to the city and something
should be done to stop this continual
drain on the treasury. Brick paving has
been tried and has given general satisfac-
tion, and I believe the city should pave
our principal thoroughfares with brick,
on a concrete foundation. The city should
dispose of the surplus macadam to con-
tractors for the concrete foundation and
by so doing could give the needy laborers
employment during the winter breaking
The street work should be systematized
so that the old and needy should be given
preference for work during the summer,
as most of them are unable to work during
the winter.
Special attention should be given to the
light department during the corning year.
The cost now is above the limit, and when
new lights are ordered they should be
taken from places where they are at pres-
ent thickly located.
The fire department is well equipped at
present, but all has been done at a heavy
expense, and care should be taken that no
unnecessary expense should be added other
than what is necessary to meet the needs
of the department as now equipped.
The supply• department of the city
should be run on business principles, and
by so doing I think the city could save
several thousand dollars a year. For in-
stance, when the fire department is in
need of hose the fire chief could be in-
structed to write the different hose com-
panies and ascertain their bids on the hose
required. That would save the agent's
traveling expenses to and from here, con-
sequently the hose could be sold a good
deal cheaper than if bids are advertised
for and agents are put to the expense of
coming here.
Provisions should be made to protect
the records of the city, as at present the
records are exposed to the dangers of
fire that might happen at any time. By
putting in a couple of vaults for the safe
keeping of the records the interests of the
city would be protected in the future, and
might be the means of saving thousands
of dollars to the city.
The disbursement of the city's funds
should be carefully scrutinized, and the
different departments should be conduct-
ed on a business basis and in as economi-
cal a manner as possible without crip-
pling their efficiency.
I shall from time to time make such
recommendations as may be deemed
proper, and with your favorable approval,
the interests of the city will be protected,
and when the time comes to make an ac-
counting for our acts to our successors,
our record will be such that the people of
this city will say, you have performed
your duties honorably and well.
Trusting that we may be able to work is
harmony for the best interests of the city,
I am most respectfully yours,
Regular Session
Mayor Olinger appointed the following
standing committees for the ens g year :
Finance—Ryder, Bonson, Vogler..
Ordinances—Bonson. Ryder, Halpn.
Claims—Vogler, Crawford, Halpin.
Streets—Kaufmann, Schulte, Bonson,
Rvder, Cullen.
Harbors — Crawford, Bauer, Schulte,
Halpin, Shea.
Supplies—Vogler, Cullen, Shea, Bonson,
Markets—Bauer, Shea, Crawford.
Public Grounds and Buildings—Shea,
Cullen, Bonson, Kaufmann, Vogler.
Fire—Halpin, Ryder, Schulte, Kauf-
mann, Bonson.
Police and Light—Bauer, Vogler, Ryder.
Printing—Crawford, Bauer, Ryder. Vog-
ler, Halpin.
Delinquent Tax—Cullen, Shea, Kauf-
mann, Bonson, Schulte.
Sewers—Schulte, Kaufmann, Shea.
Board of Health—Shea, Bauer, Michel
Electrical Construction—Cullen, Bauer,
Schulte, Crawford Ryder.
On motion the council proceeded to elect
a mayor pro tem.
Aids. Vogel and Ryder were placed in
Ald. Vogler having received a majority
of the vote on the second ballot was de-
clared elected.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Clay street from Third
to Eighteenth streets, and Eighteenth
street to Cooler avenue, and Couler avenue
from Eighteenth street to Eagle Point ave
be curbed and paved with brick in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject; that the city engineer be and is here-
by directed to make the necessary plans
and specifications for said improvement,
and the city recorder is directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work, the curb-
ing and all of the paving, except such por-
tions of the same as the several street
railway companies occupying portions of
said street with their tracks, are bound by
law or by virtue of the provisions of their
contract or ordinance of the city under
which said street railways have been con-
structed and maintained, are bound to
pave at their own cost, to be done at the
expense of abutting property.
That the Dubuque Street Railway com-
pany, Dubuque Light and Traction com-
pany and the Eighth Street and West Du-
buque Street Railway company be each
severally directed to pave such portions
of said street in accordance with plans
and specifications to be prepared by the
city engineer, as they are severally legally
bound to do by law or ordinance; and the
said street railway companies are hereby
required to notify the city recorder in
writing within ten days after service of
copies of this resolution on said street
railway companies, whether or not, they
or either of them propose and desire to
do said paving themselves. and in case of
their failing to so designate their wishes,
within said ten days, it will be presumed
that said street railway companies do not
wish to make the improvements them-
selves, and that the city will then be at
liberty to make the improvement as con-
templated by law, at the expense of the
several street railway companies, said
work not to be commenced sooner than
April, 1895.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
April 4, 1895.
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte, Vogler.
Ald. Vogeloffereil the following:
Roeleed, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of brick, stone or cement, be, within 20
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the north side of
Eighteenth street and west side of Couler
avenue abutting lot 10 sub of lots 4:38, 439
and part of 1376, city, abutting city 436,
where not already laid. also new curbing
and re -setting of old curb as nuty be nec-
essary, all at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf-
mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel
and Vogler.
Ald. Vogel moved that when the council
adjourn it does so to meet April 15 at 7:30
p. m. Carried.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest: p
pprOved.___- 1895.
Special Session, April 8, 1895.
Council met at 7:50 p. In. Mayor
Olinger in the chair.
Present, Aldermen Bauer, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Mayor Olinger stated that the object
of the meeting was to take action in re-
gard to saloon licenses and such other
business as necessary.
Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol-
lowing resolution which was unanimously
Be it resolved by the city •eouncil of the
city of Dubuque, That saloon licenses be
and the same are hereby fixed for the cur-
rent year at two hundred dollars for each
saloon, and that said amount shall be col-
lectected in quarterly installments of fifty
dollars each and that the first installment
shall be payable on the first day of April;
the seeond on the first day of July ; the
third on the first day of October, 1895; and
the fourth and last on the first day of Jan-
uary, 1896.
Resolved further, That when any person
shall present to the city treasurer a re-
ceipt of the treasurer of this county, show-
ing that such person has paid into the
county treasury any sum of money as part
of the sum of six hundred dollars pre-
scribed to be paid by chapter 62 of the laws
of the twenty-fifth general assembly
known as the mulct law and it shall ap-
pear that such payment was made because
of such person having kept a place in this
city for the sale of intoxicating liquors as
Special Session, April 8, 1895.
provided in said act and it shall further
appear that such person has paid a saloon
license to the city for the same period of
time covered by the payment of said mulct
tax to the county treasurer and that such
payment so made to the city equals one-
third of the amount so paid by such person
to the county treasurer, the city treasurer
shall pay to such person a suns equal to
one-third of the amount so shown to be
paid by such person to the county treas-
urer as a refund of payment for license
made by such person as aforesaid.
•Ald. Kaufmann moved that all macadam
required in the concrete, or in foundation
below same, which is not supplied by the
old macadam on the street, will be fur-
nished by the city of Dubuque; the con-
tractor to choose same from piles (except
on hay market) now or hereafter owned by
city. and said contractor to do all hauling
and necessary handling of same at his own
expense. And the city of Dubuque shall
retain from money due the contractor as
compensation for said macadam furnished
at the rate of 00 cents per cubic yard, and
the same be inserted in the plans and
specifications. Carried.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the con-
struction of vaults for the public records
in the city hall now under consideration
be referred to the committee on public
grounds and buildings and city engineer:
the city engineer to prepare plans and
specifications and the committee to adver-
tise for bids for building the same. Car-
Ald Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest f7
Ald. Vogler offered the following:
Resolved, That the Chicago Great West-
ern and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
railroad companies be and are hereby in-
structed t( lay u plank walk 6 feet wide on
the north 5171 aides of Fifteenth and Pine
streets, between their tracks and rails
within ten days of this notice. Failure
on their part to comply with the above
the engineer is to advertise for bids for
doing said work, all to done at the expense
of the above railroad companies respect-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Aid. Ryder moved the resolution order-
ing the paying of Clay street, passed
April 4, be rescinded. Carried.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Be it Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque that Clay street from
Third street to Eighteenth street, that
Eighteenth street from west end to the
east line of Couler avenue projected south,
and that Couler avenue from Eighteenth
street to Eagle Point avenue be curbed
with stone, paved with brick and other-
wise improved, and the city engineer is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
Resolved further, That the city recorder
be and he is hereby directed to give the
proper notice for bids and proposals for
doing of all of said work, except such
parts thereof as are to be done by the
street railway companies as hereinafter
Resolved, That the Dubuque Street Rail-
way company, the Dubuque Light and
Traction company and the Eighth Street
and West Dubuque Railway company be,
and each of them is hereby notified to
pave with brick and improve in accord-
ance with the plans and specifications of
said engineer all parts of any of said
streets and of said avenue above ordered
to be improved on which any of its track
or tracks is laid, from a point midway be-
tween the rails of its track or tracks to
the width of three and one-half feet each
way therefrom; and each of said compan-
ies is hereby ordered and directed to com-
mence said work not later than the first
day of May, A. D. 1895, and to prosecute
the same with diligence after it is com-
menced, and to complete the same not
later than the 15th day of October, A. D.
Resolved further, That a copy of these
resolutions be served on each of said
street railway companies, and that each of
said companies be required to elect in
writing, and tile such election with the
city recorder within ten days from the
date of the service of these resolutions
upon it whether or not it proposes to do
said work itself or leave it for the city to
do, and that in the event of the failure of
any such company to make such election
as aforesaid, it will be understood that
such company does not elect to do said
work itself at.d the city shall do it, as pro-
vided by law and the city ordinance, and
the costs of said work shall be ascer-
tained, apportioned and assessed by the
city council against such company.
Adopted by the following vote:
Aves—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Shea moved that when the council
acjourns it does so to meet April 24, at 7:30
p. m. Carried.
- Mayor.
Special Session, April ii, 1895.
Council met at 4:30 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Cul-
len, Crawford, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Mayor Olinger stated that the object of
the meeting was to take action and correct
if necessary. the resolution ordering the
paving of Clay street, and any other mat-
ter that required immediate attention.
Ald. Crawford moved that all bids for
the construction of sewers be opened and
referred to the engineer for computation.
Bids were opened and referred to the
The petition of the Dubuque Base Ball
association, asking for the privilege of
enclosing Elm street, between Twenty-
third and Twenty-fourth streets. tempo-
rarily, was referred to the aldermen of
the Fifth ward with power.
58 Special Se8sion, April 11, 1895.
The bill of T. B. Cain of $63.00 for filling
was ordered paid.
Engineer Knowlton reported as follows
on bids:
For sewer in alley between Walnut and
Race streets.
O. G. Kringle
Richard Bennett
Dennis McGuines
D. W. Linehan
Jas. Hird & Son
Michael Bechus 120 00
On motion, Jas. Hird & Son being the
lowest bidders, were awarded the contract.
For sewer in alley east of Grant avenue:
0, G. Kringle $329 50
Michael Bechus
Jas. Hird and Son
Denniss McGuiness
D. W. Linehan
Richard Bennett
$142 00
87 60
136 80
109 00
72 60
251 50
159 95
183 00
247 50
219 60
On motion, Jas. Hird & Son, being the
lowest bidders, were awarded the con-
For sewers on West Third street from
Hill street to Alpine street:.
O. G. Kringle $415 00
Richard Bennett
Hugh Keenan
Michael Bechus
D. W. Linehan
Jas. Hird & Son
389 00
330 00
503 00
491 00
352 50
Denniss McGuiness 423 00
On motion, Hugh Keenan being the
lowest bidder, was awarded the contract.
Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried.
- Mayor.
Issued by the City Recorder During
August. 1894.
DUBUTo the Honorable Mayor and Iowa,
CitSey Count. 1,cil:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of August, 1894:
For Wat Purpose. Amount.
11 B Gni ffke, salary for June, treasurer$275 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder 150 00
11 Id Me0erten, do do auditor 150 00
J 1' Stemm, do do assessor 125 00
J E Knight, do do attorney 125 00
John Rae -le, do do mar -hal 100 00
J Reinfried, do do fire chief 83 30
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200 00
E S Hyde, do do asst. do 100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do do 100 00
H Glab, do do do do 50 00
G Osborne, do do electrician 75 00
DI Igo, do do sewerinspec'r 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 46 50
Jac Klein, do do market master 50 00
F' W Wieland, do do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do do street com'r 83 30
J O'Connell, do do clerk 83 30
J J Hannon, do do wharf master 20 00
J Murphy, police
Bart Cain, 78 5
Win Hennessy,do """ "' b1 65
do 51 65
Win Fr th, do 51 65
John Litscher, do 51 65
P McNerney, do 51 65
T Reilly, do 51 65
J Fitzpatrick, do 51 65
Dan Norton, do 50 00
James Allen, do 61 65
J Renter, do .............. 51 65
Jame- Flynn, do .................. 51 65
Ed Moore, do .................. 51 65
DI 'City, do ........... • ...... 51 65
P eutton, do 51 65
M Craugh, do 51 65
J Hoffmann, do 51 65
P Sullivan, do 51 65
John Hilson, do 51 65
P Powers, do 51 65
F Rhomberg, do ........ 51 65
F Carney, do 50 00
Jas Rooney, do 51 65
Isaac Manhoff, do 51 65
J Secrest, do 50 00
James Carter, do 50 00
Sam Elmer, do 60 00
P Scharf, do 50 00
P McCollins, do .... 50 00
P Hanlon, do 50 00
J Murphy, do • . • • • • • • 48 00
Wm O'Brien, do 38 20
Wm Howard, do 16 00
Dl Louergan, pound master50 00
M Eitel, fireman 60 00
JEssman, (10 76 00
A Duccini, do 50 00
J Flynn, do
J Wiltse, do 60 00
C Specht, do 50 00
J Tschudi, do 50 00
Ed Keas, do 50 00
James Daly, do 60 00
Job Barnes, do ....... • • .. 75 00
A McDonnell, do 60 00
J Murphy, do 60 00
Wm Duey, do 60 00
J Schonberger, do 50 00
DI Fahey, do ... 50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
Dave Ahearn, do 60 00
F Walker, do 60 00
Wm Hinpmann. do 60 00
F Gandhi, do 50 00
43 15
50 00
50 00
6 65
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
21 60
do 39 25
do 2 40
do 15 20
do 33 00
do 17 55
co 15 55
do 6 75
do 16 50
do 8 80
do 16 00
do 4 75
do 8 10
do 9 45
do 7 45
do 28 05
do 27 00
do 10 50
do 16 90
do 4 05
lieu Gerke, do
Geo Heinrich, do
Wm Williams, do
H Ternes, do
F Essman, do
T Flynn, do
A Straney, do
Jas Rooney, do
C Kannalt, do
James Allen, do
R Weston, do
Wm McBride, do ...........
M Abbitz, laborer
P Ahearn,
T Ahearn,
John Byrne,
Jas Bennett,
R Burns,
P Burke,
Geo Boyd,
John Sewer,
John Boetke,
John Bottoms,
C Buse,
J Brochtobrock,
John Boetseher,
W Crumpwell,
Sam Collins,
J Corbett,
DI Crahin,
M Coyle,
B Conlin,
John Corcoran,
L Corcoran,
Wm Carter, mason
Tom Connelly, laborer
DI Carmody, do
T Caffrey, mason
J Collins, laborer............
J Case, do
M Dieferding, do ....
DI Dumphy, do
JDriscoll, mason ......................
do do
DI Dorsey, do
J Dougherty, do ...... • • • • • •
John Egan, do
PFury, do
Wm Flinn, do
C Fischer, do
17 55
17 55
51 75
10 15
7 45
6 00
2 70
7 45
14 20
95 25
2 25
2 05
9 40
10 15
37 50
24 00
6 10
List of City Trarrants.
M Fagan, do
L Fritz, do
FFaber, mason ..... ..........„
Dan Fox, laborer
J Farley, do
J Ginter, do
J Geissler, do
J 11 Garrison, do
C Grunzig do
J Grab, do
Ed Grew, do
0 A Gutberlett, do
B Gerns, mason
Ed Hacket, laborer
S Harman, do
C Hillery, foreman ..... ........
0 Henekling, laborer
M Hardie, foreman
Jaw Harker, laborer
F Herzog, do
Aug Hotfertnan, do
John Hafey, do .... ...... .... • . • •
11 Heneke, engineer steam roller
Nic Hilger, laborer
MHoupes, do ...........
P Jacobi, do
A Johnson, do
A Jaeger, do
P Kinney, do
Jacob Karch, do
JKearney do ........
C Kampurann, do
J Koyne, do
J Kinsella, carpenter
F Kreeger, laborer
M Kline, do
J Kelly, do
A Knapp, do
H Luck, do
M Loes, do
John Lacy do
M Lilack, do
John Lavin, do
II Lempke, do
Wm Lonergan, do
P Lynch, do
J Moroney, do
T Mulqueeney, do
R Mack, do
L Meurise, do
P Moran, do
A Manderscheid, do ..........
M Mahoney, foreman
PMoore, engineer .... ..........
FMathis, laborer ..........
Jas Melloy, do
C Maekelberg, do
J Mullen, do ......
M Murphy, do
A McGuan, do
B McCormack, do
P McNamara, do
M Weal ten, ' do
L McEvoy, do
_Win McCraney, do
MMeCone, foreman.... ............ ....
J McNulty, laborer .... ........
W McLain, do ........ ...... ....
M Nuten, do
L Nipp, do
P O'Brien, do
P O'Toole, do
F Oswald, do
J Osner, do
Wm Pickley, foreman
D Powers, laborer
Jas Powers, do .... ......
Jas Purcell, 40
.7 Perryon. do ......
John Quail, e..o
Jos Rooney, do
John Raetz, foreman
Wm Rieman, laborer
T Reilly, do
F Rieger, do
John Ryan, Jr, do
M Raen, do
C Reilly, do
John Ryan, Sr, do
M Reisek do
L Stein, do
P StotTer, do
PI Specht, do
Joe Sohl, do
DI Sullivan, do
N Sweeney, do
J Spies, do
Joe Siege, do
J Schieles, do
11 Shay, do
J B Stephens, do
........ ..........
. • ........ • • • • • • • •
16 90
3 40
11 25
10 80
13 50
13 50
14 85
6 75
8 80
21 60
15 55
7 10
11 25
20 25
15 90
37 65
14 20
22 00
15 55
12 15
8 80
16 90
5 00
3 40
18 90
7 45
21 30
27 00
6 75
22 50
8 10
4 05
50 00
10 80
6 10
2 05
6 10
12 85
20 90
6 45
9 80
17 55
7 50
9 00
5 40
26 70
1 35
6 75
2 40
7 45
25 65
36 00
4 75
2 70
12 15
1 35
2 05
13 60
6 10
11 50
16 90
18 25
1 50
18 40
5 40
13 50
7 45
6 00
17 25
5 40
11 50
5 40
7 20
12 85
11 50
16 20
14 55
21. 60
24 00
36 80
18 25
9 45
11 85
23 25
9 15
9 45
8 80
6 75
13 20
20 95
13 20
3 40
14 20
16 20
1 35
25 00
10 15
4 05
3 40
Jos St raney,
Geo Sutter,
D Sullivan,
Wm Terry,
Wm Thompson, (loo
Theo Thill,
P Wagner,
II Weidenbach, do
John Wolf,
Jos Wilmon,
Wm Warring. do
J Weitz, do
W Zachlna,
Geo Zumhoff, foreman
N Brandt, team ........ ...... . • • .
Geo Butler,
T Byron,
C 0 Baker,
P Clancy,
B Cain, do
W Cook, do
W Casey, do
T J Donahue, do
J Duggan,
T Elliott,
R Fuhrinan,
N Frith,
P C Foley,
Thos Heins,
J Hoffman. do
M .7 Hannon, do
II King, do
P Linehan, do
John Long, do
C Messerknecht, do
J McCracken, do
Jeff McGrath, do
Joan McGrath, do
John MeCollins, do
J Parker, do
Mrs Quinlivan. do
Geo Reynolds, do
J Steffes, do
H Sehmi,z, do
J Savage, do
D Sutherland, do
Ed Seeley, do
Cath Tobin, do
L Taylor, do
J Williams, do
Geo Wetter, do
Martin Hayes, do
P 3IeNulty, labor
F Schilling, do
B Rawson, do 37 00
L Cahill, do 18 75
T Ryan, do
John Eagan, do .. ........ •
Nic Sweeney, do
J Erskin, do
•••• • ••• • • • • • ......
.......... ........
16 20
14 55
2 05
36 75
8 10
6 10
14 20
16 20
6 00
37 50
14 20
7 45
26 40
13 50
........ 13
............ ...... 27
...... 5
............ ...... 4
............ ...... 37
...... ........ 36
............ ...... 21
............ ...... 25
..... ...... 13
...... 1
.......... ........
43 75
40 25
2 25
6 00
6 00
J Klein, boarding prisoners ............ 38 40
G H Ghmele, assistant assessor 100 00
Geo Bennett, do do 100 00
R McGivern, sanitary officer40 00
do do do 50 00
Wm Geisheker, rodman. ..... .... ..... 40 00
Geo Wertin, labor in parks ...... ..... 10 50
L Daly. cleaning around city hall 92 65
Mrs Koenig, janitor services 23 00
Atkinson & Olotf, improving Main et 500 00
do do do do 28 36
Nic Carroll, labor 10 50
Thos 1,,,nergati, labor ...... 10 00
Arthur Carlyle, catching dogs ..... 33 00
C Weidemann & Co, repairing chairs1 00
Morrison Bros, repairing steam roller287 57
John Egan, labor 2 05
A Johnson, " 2 05
John Hartig, repairing lock 1 50
E E Frith, removing garbage 232 70
P O'Meara, pine wood.... ...... .. ..... 5 25
0 W Wunderlich, drugs 8 57
Hussman & Lies, hardware 85
Harger & Blish, stationery 1 80
Dub Telegraph, print'g and bl'k stat'y 16 00
Barnard, Walker & Clewell, station', y 6 00
Ham & Carver, blank stationery 10 00
Hardie & Seharle, do 90 50
Palmer & Winall, do 29 00
Jas Kelly & Son. stationery 10 15
BItillen Bros. plumbing ............ 36 15
W Marshal, repairing roller 26 82
J Harnoy, sharpening, tools 6 10
Morrison Bros, repairing engine 13 25
Joe Cahill, pine wood ....... 3 50
B D Linelrtn sharpening tools 5 00
John McEvoy & Son. labor.. — .... o 00
Headford Bros & Hitchens manhole
covers 6 00
do do do 6 00
B Hayes, work in park ............ 7 50
List of City Warrants.
A Levi & Co, towels
2 35
Dub Rubber and Belting Co, huditor's se 7 85
McCloskey & Son, painting
9 10
Kohler. Hayssen & fountain.ebdinking 65 00
1 50
5 25
2 00
3 05
6 95
2 65
6 05
2 80
T E Joseph. disinfectant
Bailin Hat Co, bats
Al A Hauser, repairing indicator
Merkel & Hassler, hay............
Fraatr. & Clark, drugs
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardtvare.....
McDermott & Gow, plumbing
McDonald & Morrison Co, nozzle
Thos Collins, horse shoeing
Diamond Jo line steamers,white waste 10 17
0 50
John E-sman, repairing engine
G W Wunderl ch, drugs 9 85
19 00
J Sievers, lunch for firemen
G Jel roy & Son, rep. chemical engine 1 1 0010
Merkes & Hassler, bran. etc
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services 1435 60
Mrs C Jacobi, chairs, etc1 35
0 N Raymond, baskets
Excelsior Brass Works, rep. engines1117 78
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing
P Bewer, bed spreads and pillow cases 9 20
1 10
3 50
4 65
1 00
Jos A Palen, drugs
P H Halpin, bran, etc
L Lindenberg, handsaw and nails
L J Baumhover, gloves
Lear & Ptiffner, horseshoeing..... 800
Standard Lumber Co, lumber20 09
Duggan & Kane, oil and matches 3 60
Svendsen & Ott, lumber 110 92
Novelty Iron Works, repairing rollers42 71
John Butt, repairing wagon 11 40
Key City Gas Co, coal and coke 20 66
D W Linehan, grading Glen Oak ave 152 28
do improv'g do 500 00
do do do 208 72
do do Booth street 500 00
do do do 500 00
' do do do 500 00
do do do 303 70
J O'Brien, imp. alley bet. Ellis and Foy
streets 156 40
Dodson & Cousin, imp. Forest Lane500 00
do do do 70 44
D W Linehan, rolling Glen Oak ave107 95
Dub Construction Co, imp. Fifth ave 500 00
do do do 459 40
Frank Bentin, imp. Ann ave 427 50
Treater Bros, gravel 121 10
Aug. Bracher, macadam 19 12
J R Riley, gravel 18 75
R E Lee, improving sidewalk 88 20
Geo W Farley, resetting curb2 25
J It Riley, gravel 201 60
Brown & Brown, imp. Wilde street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 231 60
Con Ryan, impprov'g Lemon street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 52 50
Peter Borsch, improving 23d street463 20
M Tschirgi, Jr, imp. Rush street 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 377 85
Dan Sheehan, laying sidewalk31 50
Altman & Taylor. imp. W 14th street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 157 40
Corrance & Lavin, imp. alley east of
Wilson ave 124 35
do do do 60 05
Thos Dorsey, eonst'g sewer Julien ave 329 05
M Lavin, do do Hill street 100 00
do do do do 100 00
do do do do 100 00
do do do do 100 00
do do do do 100 00
do do do do 100 68
B Hobi, sewer in Julien ave 68 59
Jos Trleb, constructing sidewalk 49 14
Steuck & O'Farrell, grad'g Stafford av 500 00
do do do 353 95
do imp. White street 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 9.742
dodo do 66 28
do Stafford ave.. 330 61
do do .. 392 70
do High Bluff At 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 119 60
John Tibey, improving Pauline street 420 10 00
do stone
do do 57 00
do da 8 85
Cushing & O'Malia, `mop. 3d avenue . • • . 415 80
15 80
Phil Doerr, imp. alley from
r fill Schiller Humboldt
to streets 12 79
do do do ao 38 43
do do Eagle Point avenue 384 00
do do Providence street.. 500 00
do do do do .. 500 00
do do do do .. 100 00
N H Faust, lightning rods and points
for town clock
Frank Keache, book case
C Oswald, repairing roof of town clock
McDermott & Gow, plumbing
Weston Electric Co, electrical supplies
Tne Telegraph, advertising
The Herald, do
The Globe, do ••••••
The Times, dd
Globe Light & Heat Co, gasoline lights
Star Electric Co, electric lights,
do do do
do do do ••••
Key City Gas Co, gas
Wm Meyer, room rent for election
Mrs E Mueller, do do
Trexler Bros, livery hire
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, nails,etc
Wm G Waters, hay
Merkes & Hasler, oats
Reinfrfed & Jaeger, hardware.........
H B Gniffke, money advanced.........
do do do
do do (10
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
Mrs M Callahan, loan
H Sussman, do
do do ..................
Tim Shea, do
Miss T McDonnell,do
MissM do do
Miss K do do ............
Dubuque Firemen's Ben. Ass., loan
Citizens' State Bank, loan
(10 do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
John McFarland, do
S J Melvin, do
Citizens' State Bank, loan
do do
33 85
46 00
6 75
89 10
37 26
75 00
68 30
29 15
29 15
263 33
500 00
500 00
490 40
107 50
10 00
10 00
11 00
3 00
104 55
2 25
2 00
240 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
600 011
271 78
280 50
100 00
500 00
300 00
300 00
200 00
250 00
100 00
100 00
600 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
100 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
do do ▪ 500 00'
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do III500 00
do do ▪ 500 00
do do • b00 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do ▪ 500 00
do do 500 00
do do • 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do (10 600 00
Dubuque Rubber Co, hose450 00
Haney & Campbell, do
M Lavin, tile pipe ....................... 100400 00 00
P H Murray, horse.. .......... .......... 100 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of August, 1894.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
.Ait journed Regular Session, April 15, 1895.
Adjourned Regulal Session, April
15, t895.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
The bill of the Dubuque Water com-
pany of $1,236.80 for hydrants for the
month of February was ordered paid.
The invitation of the Grant Birthday
association to attend the celebration at
Galena April 27, 1895, was accepted. and
the recorder ordered to acknowledge the
The petition of A. Ney, asking to have
the engineer give the correct line and
grade for curbing and guttering the south
side of Second street west from Main to
the alley, was granted.
Ald, Orawford moved that the engineer
be also instructed to give Bell & Provost
the same on Locust and Fourth, abutting
their new building. Carried.
Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance
committee, offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the city treasurer be
and is hereby instructed to call in im-
provement bonds to the amount of $5,000,
dated October 1, 1892, and numbering from
130 to 139 inclusive, said bonds being sold
to C. H. White & Co.
Ald. Shea. offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the board of health be
instructed to advertise for bids for haul-
ing garbage and dead animals for the sea-
son of 1895, and award the contract for
same to the lowest and best bidder, if
deemed advisable, and report its doings
hereunder to the council.
Ald. Crawford moved that the plans and
specifications for paving Clay street from
Third to Eighteenth, Eighteenth street
from Clay to Couler avenue, and Couler
avenue from Eighteenth to Eagle Point
avenue as prepared and presented by the
engineer be approved. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that they proceed to
ballot for the city officers.
Ald. Crawford moved that the roll be
called and each alderman vote for the man
of his choice as his name was called.
Ald. Halpin moved to amend that they
proceed to vote by secret ballot. Carried
by the following vote :
Ayes—Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann, Ry-
der, Shea and Vogler.
Nays—Bonson, Bauer, Crawford and
Mayor Olinger appointed Aldermen
Shea and Bonson as tellers.
Morgan received 6 votes and Raesli 5 on
the first ballot. Morgan receiving the
majority of the votes was declared elected.
On the seventh ballot, Carter received 5
and Haggerty 5 votes. The mayor voted
for Haggerty. The mayor asked to change
his vote on the above, as he had made a
mistake. On motion. the council proceeded
to take another ballot, which resulted as
follows: Haggerty 5, and Carter 5. The
mayor voted for Carter.
Carter having received the majority of
votes was declared elected.
Joe Reinfried received 9 votes and Jos.
Trieb received 1 vote. on the 1st ballot.
Reinfried was declared elected.
Chas Hillery received 7 votes and
Michael Igo received 4 votes on the 4th
ballot. Chas Hillery having received the
majority of votes was declared elected.
H. Kombacker received 1 vote, J. P.
Traut received 8 votes, Neseu received 2
votes on the 6th ballot. J. P. Traut re-
ceiving the majority was declared elected.
W. H. Knowlton received 6 votes, Blake
received 2 votes, Royce received 1 vote,
Anderson received 1 vote on the 1st ballot.
W. H. Knowlton having received the
majority of votes was declated elected.
John O'Connell received 7 votes ; Woods,
3 votes; Smith, 1 vote, on the first ballot.
O'Connell receiving the majority of
votes, was declared elected.
Henry Henge received 6 votes ; M. O'Con-
nell, 1 vote; T. O'Toole. 3 votes on thefirst
Henge having received the majority of
votes, was declared elected
Peter Werten received 4 votes. and T. L.
Jess 7 votes on the eighth ballot.
T. L. Jess receiving the majority of votes
was declared elected.
Straney received 6: Doyle, 2, and Ryan 1
vote on the first ballot.
Ald. Ryder moved that the council pro-
ceed to take another ballot. Lost by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Cullen, Halpin, Ryder.
Nayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Kaufmann. Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that Mr. Straney
having received the majority of votes be
declared elected. Carried.
Chas. Pitschner at West Dubuque, Mrs.
Deckert at Eagle Point and Mr. Rieman
at Couler avenue were re-elected by ac-
Geo. L. Osborne received 8 votes and J.
L. Bunting 3 votes on the first ballot.
Osborne having received the majority of
votes was declared elected.
Mr. Pullens was elected on the third
ballot, the vote being, Pullens 6, Loner-
gan 4, Offerman 1.
Stevenson received 6, Linehan 1 and
Beyer 3 votes on the third ballot.
Stevenson having received the majority
of votes was declared elected.
Ald. Bonson moved that the fixing of
salaries and bonds for the officers elected
be referred to the committee of the whole,
to report on same at the next meeting,
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest :
_ 1895.
62 Adjourned Regular Session,, April 24, 1895.
Adjourned Regular Session, April
24, 1895.
Council met at 8:45 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Cul-
len, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder moved that the bids for the
paving of Clay street, Eighteenth street
and Couler avenue be opened and referred
to the engineer for computation. Carried.
Bids were opened and read and then re-
ferred to the engineer.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of John Powers asking that the
engineer give him the grade lines in front
of his premises on West Locust street.
Petition of James Farrell et al asking
that a sidewalk be ordered on the south
side of West Seventh from the corner of
Needham place to Hill street.
Petition of Jas. P. Donahue for per-
mission to repair the sidewalk abutting
his lot on Fifth and Iowa streets.
Bill of Portland Paving company of $18
for relaying cement sidewalk in front of
the Bennett house was ordered paid.
Petition of H. C. King asking that team
license be remitted was referred to the
mayor with power.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition of James Farrell et al. asking
that a stairway and sidewalk be placed on
the north side of twenty -foot strip owned
by the city and adjoining lot 6, running
from Needham Place to Hill street.
Petition of Thoq. McDonald asking for
position of foreman on streets.
The communication of . Hoffmann et
al. in relation to paving ofHClay street and
Couler avenue was ordered filed.
Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Cantillon, attorney for
Mr. in relation on to be owed to claimo against the
Mr. Cantillon addressed the council in
relation to the same.
Ald. Ryder moved that Mr. Lavin pre-
sent his claim in writing. Carried.
Ald. A. Vogler, chairman of the commit-
tee of the whole, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
GENTLEMEN - Your committee of the
whole would most respectfu,ly recommend
that the following eases against the city
be settled, as foll..ws:
Catherine Welsh vs. City of Dubuque,
$50, and costs, 838.70; total, $88.70.
Christian Spoerl vs. City of Dubuque,
$200, and costs, *7.25; total, 8207.25.
Mary Zugenbuehler vs. City of Dubuque,
$200—plaintiff to pay all costs, doctor's
bill and attorney's fees.
First National Bank vs. City of Du-
buque, 8247.50 and costs, $34.30; total,
Also reported as follows:
Your committee of the whole, to whom
was referred the matter of bonds and sal-
aries for the ensuing year, would most re-
spectfully report as follows:
Bond. Salary.
Treasurer 875,000 2.5100
Recorder 5,000 1,400
Auditor 5,000 1,400
Assessor 5,000 1,500
Attorney 5,000 1,810
Marsl'ai 5,000 1,200
Fire chief 5.000 1,200
Street commissioner 1,000 1,100
Committee clerk .. 1,000
Engineer 5,000 2,400
Electrician ..WOSewer inspector 500 720
Marketmaster 500 b10
City physician 500 600
Poundmaster 600
Wharfmaster $20 per mo.during navigation
Park custodian • $1.50 per day.
Engineer steam roller $63 per month while
running roller.
Sanitary sewermen $1.75 per day
$1.35 per day
$1.60 per day
$2.70 per day
Ald. Vogler moved that the report be
Ald. Bonson moved as an amendment
that the salaries of the aldermen remain
the same as last year. Lost by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson and Ryder.
Nays—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte, Vogler.
The vote recurring on the original no-
tion was adopted.
The following officers were sworn in by
the mayor and bonds approved and ac-
T. J. Cooney, recorder.
Jas. E. Knight, attorney.
H. B. llniffke, treasurer.
Ed Morgan, marshal.
Jos. Reinfried, fire chief.
John Carter, street commissioner.
W. H. Knowlton, engineer.
Geo. Osborn, electrician.
Chas. Hillery, sewer inspector.
Jos. P. Traut, marketmaster.
Dr. F. W. Wieland, city physician.
Ald. Schulte moved that the Des Moines
repressed brick be used for paving Clay
street, Eighteenth street and Couler av-
enue. Carried. Engineer Knowlton re-
ported as follows on bids referred to him.
From Third to Thirteenth streets Ken-
ety & McCann were the lowest bidders as
Des Moines repressed bricks and filling
at 81.37 per square yard, with 11 cents per
square yard if composition filling is
Aldermen, per annum
Curbing, reset 8c per lineal foot.
Curbing, new 34c per lineal foot.
Macadam under concrete foundation,
35e per square yard.
On motion Kenety & McCann being the
lowest bidders were awarded the con-
From Thirteenth to Eagle Point avenue
the Dubuque Construction Co. were the
lowest bidders as follows:
Des Moines repressed brick, sand fill-
ing at 81.39 per square yard, with 15c 13er
square yard if composition filling is used.
Curbstone, reset 5c per lineal foot.
Curbstone, new 32c per lineal foot.
Macadam under concrete, 20c per square
On motion the contract was awarded the
Dubuque Construction Co. they being the
lowest bidders.
Ald. Schulte, chairman of the sewer
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee would respectfully re-
port in favor of having the sewer on West
List of City 'Warrants.
Fifth street extended from its present
terminus near Roberts avenue to Winona
avenue and along Winona avenue from
West Fifth street to West Third street.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer be
constructed on West Fifth street from
Roberts avenue to Winona avenue and
along Winona avenue to West Third street,
and the city engineer is hereby instructed
to prepare the necessary plans and specifi-
cations for said improvement, the cost of
constructing said sewerage to be done at
the expense of the owners of adjacent
property in accordance with the ordinance
on that subject. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote: -
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Nayes—Ald. Halpin.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
Atteestt ®'
roa ed
Issued by the City Recorder During
September. 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of September, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gniffke, salary Septem'r treasurer$200 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder 116 70
M M McCarten,do do auditor 116 70
J W Stemm, do do assessor 1e5 00
J E Knight, do do attorney 125 00
John Raesle, do do marshal 100 00
3 Reinfried, do do fire chief 83 30
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200 00
E S Hyde, do do asst. do 100 00
Jae Boyce, do do do do 100 00
H Glab, do do do do 50 00
G Osborne, do do electrician 75 00
M Igo, do do sewer inspec'r 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 46 50
Jac Klein, do do market master 50 00
F W Wieland, do do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do do street com'r 89 30
.7 O'Connell, do do clerk 83 30
J J Hannon, do do wharf master 20 00
J Murphy, police .......... 75 00
Bart Cain, do 46 70
Wm Hennessy, do 50 00
Wm Fath, do 50 00
John Litscher, do 50 00
P McNerney, do 48 35
T Reilly, do 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, do 50 00
Dan Norton, do 50 00
James Allen, do 50 00
J Reuter, do 50 00
James Flynn, do 50 00
Ed Moore, do 50 00
M Kilty, do 50 00
P Sutton, do 50 00
M Craugh, do 50 00
J Hoffmann do 50 00
P Sullivan, do 50 00
John Hilson, do 50 00
P Powers, do
F Rhomberg, do
F Carney, do
Jas Rooney, do
Isaac Manhoff, do........
J Secrest, """
James Carter, do do
Sam Elmer, do .......
P Scharf, do
P McCollins, do
P Hanlon, do
Wm O'Brien, do
Wm Howard, do
M Lonergan, pound master
M Eitel, fireman
JEssman, do
A Duccini, do ...
J Flynn, do
J Wiltse, do
C Specht, do
.7 Tschudi, do
Ed Keas,
James Daly, ddoo
Job Barnes, do
A McDonnell, do
JMurphy,do ......••••
Wm Duey, do
.7 Schonberger, do ••.....•
M Fahey, do ............
Tom Ryder, do
Dave Ahearn, do
F Walker, do
Win Hiopmann. do
F Ganahl, do
Geo Gerke, do
Geo Helmrich, do
Wm Williams, do
H Ternes, do
F Essman, do
T Flynn, do
A Straney, do
Jas Rooney, do
C Kannalt, do
James Allen, do
R Weston, do
Wm McBride, do
C Schubert do
N Nessler, do
P Ahearn, laborer
T Ahearn. do
Jos Abhardt, do
J Albrecht, do
John Byrne, do
Jas Bennett, do
R Burns, do
P Burke, do
Geo Boyd, do ••••••..........••
John Boetke, do
John Bottoms, do
C Buse, do
.7 Brochtobrock, do
John Boetscher, do
P Carney, do
J Callahan, do
Wm Coughlin, do
J Coyne, do
M Clark, do
L Cahill, do
T Conroy, do
Jas Bakey, do ....
Chas Beyer, do ..................
.7 Blocklinger, do
J Boyd, do
W Crumpwell, do
Sam Collins, do
J Corbett, do
Df Crahin, do
M Coyle, do
John Corcoran, do ............ • • • • • •
L Corcoran, do
Win Carter, mason....
M Carmody, laborer
T Caffrey, mason
J Co1Hns, laborer
J Case, do
Steve Cain, do
B Conlin, do
J Cahill, do
D Corcoran, do
Jas Connolly, do
Jerry Cahill, do
M G Carroll, do
DS Dieferding, do
DI Dumphy, do
J Driscoll, mason........
MDorsey, laborer ..................
P Fury, do ..................
John Egan,
Win Flynn, do
C Fischer, do
(10 ..................
M Fagan,
48 35
50 00
50 00'
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
46 05
50 00
50 00
8 80
60 00
60 00
43 30
48 30
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
2 00
2 00
40 00
13 50
20 25
7 45
9 15
29 25
16 25
18 90
17 90
6 75
20 50
17 55
10 80
19 50
11 15
14 55
6 45
22 95
6 75
6 75
5 40
12 85
4 50
8 10
3 40
12 15
14 50
15 20
13 20
16 90
18 90
16 20
33 00
20 60
9 00
12 85
5 10
13 20
7 45
8 10
17 55
20 25
17 90
14 85
13 50
2 70
3 00
13 85
22 95
99 00
3 00
6 75
22 30
List of City Warrants.
L Fritz, do 17 90
P Fitzgerald, do 8 10
M Farrell, do 14 55
C Frisch, do 4 05
F Faber, mason ....... 2 25
Dan Fox, laborer 21 60
J Farley, do 39 00
P Fury, Jr, do ........ 6 75
J Ginter, do 9 80
P Ginter, do 1 35
J Geissler, do 6 75
C Grunzig do
J Grab, do 6 75
Ed Grew, do 18 60
0 A Gutberlett, do 3 05
Wm Griffin, do 1 35
B Gnenthers, do 9 45
P Gregory, do 6 10
B Gerns, mason 15 75
Ed Hacket, laborer 14 20
S Harman, do 18 90
C Hillery, foreman................. 37 20
G Heuckling, laborer 15 90
M Hardie, foreman 31 60
Jas Harker, laborer 28 05
F Herzog, do 6 75
John Hafey, do 17 25
Nic Hilger, laborer 14 20
M Houpes, do .... 20 95
Jag Hooten, do 8 10
J Hanley, do 3 05
P Jacobi, do 6 45
A Johnson, do 16 55
A Jaeger, do 6 10
P Kinney, do 35 10
Jacob Karch, do .. 17 90
J Kearney do 22 50
C Kampmann, do 8 10
J Kinsella, carpenter 50 00
F Kreeger, laborer 14 20
M Kline, do 35 10
J Kelly, do 20 9b
A Knapp, do 20 95
E S King, do 6 75
J Karney, do .......... 22 20
M Kilburg, do 6 75
H Kehr, do 7 45
T Kelly, do 11 50
M K,rk, do 24 00
M Loes, do 22 95
John Lacy do 22 65
M Lilack, do 14 20
John Lavin, do 12 50
Wm Lonergan, do 21 50
P Lynch, do 19 95
J Lenz, do 17 25
J Moroney, do 9 45
T Mulqueeney, do 20 95
R Mack, do 14 20
L Meurise, do 16 90
P Moran, do 21 95
M Mahoney, foreman 35 20
P Moore, engineer....... 60 00
Jas Meloy, laborer 14 20
C Mackelberg, do 11 15
M Murphy, do 10 80
T Murray, do 5 40
L Maher, do 2 40
A McGuan, do 15 90
B McCormack, do 6 75
P McNamara, do 18 25
M McCa, ten, do 16 90
L McEvoy, do 12 85
M McCone, foreman....30 40
J McNulty, laborer.... ...... 19 25
W McLain, do 13 50
T McDonald, do 8 80
B McCaffrey, do 9 80
P McMullen, do 23 30
Wm McDermott do ••••7 10
J McCarron, do 7 45
P McPoland, do 4 75
M Nuten, do 11 5U
P O'Brien, do 17 90
F Oswald, do 16 20
J Osner, do 15 55
P O'Brien, Jr, do 17 40
B Oswald. do 33 00
Wm Plekley, foreman 16 00
D Powers, laborer 14 55
Jae Powers, do 8 80
Jas Purcell, do 10 80
J Perryon, do
John Quail, do 9 45
Jos Rooney, do 28 35
John Raetz, foreman "" """ 34 50
34 80
Wm Rieman, laborer
T Reilly, do 14 20
F Rieger, do 7 45
John Ryan, Jr, do " "" 7 45
M Raen, do 7 80
9 80
C Reilly, do 10 80
John Ryan, Sr, do 21 30
M Reisek, do 23 65
J Ragan, do 15 90
L Stein, do 18 90
P Stoller, do 17 90
M Specht, do 9 45
11 Sullivan, do 20 25
N Sweeney, do 16 20
John spar, do 10 80
Wm Swaegler, do 14 85
J Sullivan, do 5 10
D Sheehan, do 9 50
.7 Steffen, do 10 80
Joe Siege, do 2b 00
M Shay, do 10 50
J B Stephens, do 20 9b
Jos Straney, do 31 05
Geo Sutter, do 6 10
D Sullivan, do 20 25
Wm Terry, do 39 00
Wm Thompson, do 7 45
Theo Thill, do 6 75
J Taschner, do 13 50
P Wagner, do .......... 9 50
H Weidenbach, do 17 55
John Wolf, do 13 50
Wm Warring, do .................. 39 00
M White, do 8 10
W Zachina, do 7 45
Geo Zumhoff, foreman 28 80
N Brandt, team 16 20
Geo Butler, do 70 70
T Byron, do 9 45
C 0 Baker, do 30 40
R Bennett. do 26 00
J Beacom, do .................. 12 15
P Clancy, do ........ 7 45
B Cain, do ... 31 05
Mrs Costello, do 8 10
W Casey, do 16 90
T J Donahue, do 25 80
J Duggan, do 18 90
J Dunkley, do ........... 16 20
T Elliott, do 41 86
R Fuhrman, do 2 70
N Ftith, do ........ 29 70
P C Foley, do 50 65
J Geary, do 24 30
M Gantenbein, do ........... 9 46
Thus Heins, do 2 70
J Hoffman. do 18 90
M J Hannon, do 42 55
P Jarden, do 5 40
H King, do ........ 32 40
N Kintzinger, do 10 80
F Kenneally, do 4 75
T Kane, do 16 20
J La Chappelle, d• 17 55
P Linehan, do 18 25
John Long, do 10 80
C Messerknecht, do 5 40
R Mathis, do 16 20
F Mathis, do ............ 16 20
P Melloy, do .................. 21 60
J McCracken, do ........... 29 70
Jeff McGrath, do .................. 14 85
John McGrath, do .................. 20 95
John McColllns, do 45 90
Wm McGrath, do 16 20
J O'Dea, do 18 90
J Parker, do ........... .. 22 95
Mrs Quinlivan, do ... 42 20
Geo Reynolds, do .......... 18 25
M Reddin, do .......... 5 40
H Schmitz, do ........... 30 40
J Savage, do 14 20
D Sutherland, do 43 20
A Siege,do 17 85
FSchulz, do 12 15
J Strotz, do 13 50
Cath Tobin, do 39 15
L Taylor, do 41 85
M Tice, do 2 70
J Williams, do 34 45
Geo Wetter, do 32 40
P McNulty, labor 44 65
F Schilling, do 44 65
B Rawson, do 49 95
J Erskin,do 6 00
J Hillery
Y, do 46 40
T Byron, do 1 50
J McCracken, do 3 00
J Klein, boarding prisoners33 00
R McGivern, sanitary officer 50 00
Wm Geisheker, rod man 40 00
Geo Wertin, labor in parks41 50
Mrs Koenig, janitor services 40 00
J McCaffrey, labor 7 45
W W Wormood, caring for town clock 72 00
List of City Warrants.
q' Connolly, labor
A Gratz, costs in city ordinance cases.
F W Wieland, disinfectant powder
Af.1 McCullough, session laws
T J Conlin, livery hire
E E Frith, removing garbage
Jas Kelly & Son. stationery
Dubuque Herald, blank stationery
Barnard, Walker & Clewell, statlon'i y
Hard le & Scharle, do
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services
Mullen Bros, plumbing
Wm S Moto. d0
Monteith, Dempsey & Horner, plumb'g
Jos Geiger, labor....
do do
M Hayes, do
Star Electric Co, electric lights........
do do do
(10 do 110
B Lagen, livery hire
Fraatz & Ciark, (]rugs
Diamond Jo line steamers, oakum
Jas Doyle, repairing scales
Merkel & Hassler, hay
Eichhoru & Bechtel, brooms and soap
6 75
13 00
23 86
10 00
7 0(1
241 65
16 75
11 00
3 75
39 00
12 5(1
500 00
500 00
490 40
8 00
2 60
1 80
3 60
1 75
Mrs J S Randall, safe for assessor's
office 15 00
Standard Lumber Co, shavings 1 00
Bart E Linehan, cement 9 50
Chas Kulow, pine wood 5 25
John Drehouse, moving safe 20 00
Diamond Jo Line Steatners,whitewaste 10 70
F Schloz, sharpening tools........ 25 30
Dub Wooden Ware Co, lumber.... 33 70
G W Dakin, repairing steam roller1 00
Knapp, Stout & Co Co, lumber77 87
Morrison Bros, repairing steam roller12 50
B D Linehan, sharpening tools 8 25
Ellwanger Bros, repairing harness6 70
Lear & Ptiffner, horse shoeing4 50
Fraatz & Clark, sponges, etc 3 30
Byrne Bros, livery hire 30 00
Bewer Bros, pillow slips 4 20
Jas Kelly & Son, stationery 9 00
Smedley Mfg Co, repairing engine88
Merkes & Hassler, bran 90
Key City Gas Co, coke 7 50
Fraatz & Clark. lamp wicks 30
Standard Lumber Co, shavings 12 00
Ellwanger Bros, repairing harness13 70
Erwin & Wood, lumber. 30 04
Cooper Hose Leak Co, leak stops 125 00
A Wunderlich. horse shoeing.....,5 25
Wm S Molo. lawn sprit kler 30
Lear & Pfiffner. horse shoeing10 50
Kannalt & Powers, (10 14 25
Diamond J Line Steamers, waste 10 80
B E Linehan, sewer pipe 1 80
Nessler & Jungk, repairing fountains4 80
do putting in flush tank 12 45
The Telegraph, blank stationery 45 25
W W Wormood, repa'ng seal and stamp 4 0(1
J E Knight, expense it. Hunt case 19 06
R Fuhrmann, stone 9 00
McDermott & Gow, plumbing 16 00
Reintr ied & Jaeger, hardware3 55
Baumgartner & Meth, do 21 911
Peter Borsch, improving23d street4 00
do do do 43 79
D W Linehan, improving Booth street 217 87
do do do 150 61
do do Lincoln ave 5 90
P Borsch, do Elm street500 00
do do Lincoln ave 382 00
D W Linehan, grading Booth street263 91
M Lavin, const'g sewer W Third street 500 00
do do do do 63 60
do do Julien avenue173 25
Con Ryan, Sr, grading Lemon street53 00
do improv'g do 33 04
do do do 166 23
Steuck & O'Farrell, resetting curb28 76
do imp. High Bluff st 17 03
do do 98 00
do grad'g do 53 71
Jas Street, street crossing stone....... '15 71
John Tibey, grading Pauline street... 114 53
do improv'g do do 23 24
do do do do ... 29 36
do rock 34 50
M Tsehirgi, Jr, imp. Rush street 55 42
do do do 217 80
do do do 500 00
do do do 133 00
do grading do 326 10
Altman & Taylor. imp. W 14th street500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 149 80
Frank Bentin, imp. Lincoln ave 500 00
do do do 124 00
Brown & Brown, resetting curb8 50
do grading Wilde street 500 00
do (10 do 483 48
do improving ' do 183 86
i10 do (10 360 61
Peter Borsch, grading 23(1 street 20 00
Dn iDn Cr COnstmet inn Co, imp. 5th ave37 76
do (10 grading 5th are 116 79
Philip Doerr, grading Providence st3 00
Dodson & Cousin, grading Forest Lane 168 92
Philip Doerr, imp. Providence street25 3(1
do (10 do 80 03
Dodson & Cousins, imp. Forest Lane12 24
do do do 116 15
Cushing & O'Malia, graving Reed ave 131 30
do improv'g do 41 61
do (10 do 40 25
do imp. Lincoln ave 500 00
do do do 391 00
do do Second ave 45 93
do do (10 46 53
do (10 Third ave55 89
do do do 46 53
Thos Dorsey, const'g sewer Walnut st 256 50
Alois Lang, improving First avenue363 00
J O'Brien, constructing sewer W 5th st 235 00
do imp. alley bet. Ellis and Foye 53 07
do do do (10 do 102 96
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, glass 2 75
E Dietzen, profile paper....... ... 15 30
Key City Gas Co, coke 12 99
do do coke and gas42 27
Globe Light & Heat Co. globe lights263 33
The Telegraph, advertising 75 00
The Times, do 29 15
The Herald, clo 29 15
H B Gniffke, money advanced.... 185 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do (10 b00 00
do do do. 500 00
do do do .... 146 60
do do do 47 83
Tim Shea, loan 300
do do 200
Augusta Langworthy, loan 500
Miss Eliza McDonnell, do 235
M Ahearn, do
D McGrath, do
James McDonnell, do
Getman Trust and Saving Bank. loan
do do do
do do do
200 00
600 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
600 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
150 00
234 00
500 00
500 00
187 31
77 86
52 40
do (10
do do
Denis Powers, loan.........
do do .........
RoseBrown, do ................
Dubuque Water Co, water
do do do .............
do do do
Dub Construction Co, imp. Fifth ave
V H Oswald, cleaning vaults...........
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do (10
do do
do do
do do
do do
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants Issued by me during
the month of September,
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received at the office of the City
Engineer, Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m.
Saturday, April 27, 1895, for constructing two
double fire -proof vaults in accordance with
plans and specifications now on tile in said
office. Bids will be received separately for the
vault doors.
Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient
bond of $200 that contract will be entered Into
if awarded.
The city reserves the right to KNOW any
all bids.
61; List of City TFzI'rant$.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of October, 1894.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Nov. 1, 1894. f
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of October, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount,
P Olinger, mayor $260 00
HB Guiffke, salary Sept'ber, treasurer 200 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder116 70
M M McCarten, do auditor116 70
J F Stentm, do do assessor,125 00
J E Knight, do do attorney125 00
John Raesli, do do marshal100 00
J Reinfried do do fire chief75 00
G Osborn, do do electrician 75 00
W H Knowlton, do engineer 275 00
E S Hyde, do do asst eng'r. 100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do 100 00
Henry Glab, do do do 50 00
M I• o, do do sewer insp'tor 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 45 00
Jac Kleine, do do market master 50 00
F W Wieland, do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do do street comm'r, 91 65
J O'Connell, do do clerk 83 35
J J Hannon, wharf master 20 00
James Daly, fireman 60 00
Job Barnes, do 75 00
J Murphy, do 60 00
Wm Duey, do 60 00
A McDonald, do 60 00
J Schonberger, do 50 00
Ed Keas, do 50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
M Eitel, do 60 00
J Essman, do 75 00
A Duccini, do 50 00
J Flynn, do 60 00
J Wiltse, do 60 00
T Walker, do 50 00
C Specht, do 50 00
J Tschudi, do 50 00
D Ahearn, do 60 00
J Allen. do 60 00
W Hippman, do 60 00
C Kannalt, do 50 00
F Ganahl, do 50 00
J Ward, do 50 00
Geo Girke, do 50 00
Geo Wilmon, do 10 80
F Essman, do 60 00
T Flynn, do 60 00
A Straney, do 50 00
J Rooney, do 50 00
John Brode, do 300
Wm Kleis, do 3 00
Ed Young, do 3 00
F Harber•ger. do 3 00
C Huber, do 9 50
J Bauman, do , 8 50
Wm Keas, do 8 60
J Williams, do .......... 3 00
J Murphy, police 75 00
Bart Cain,do••••• 50 00
Wm Hennessy, do 50 00
Wm Frith, do 50 00
John Witcher, do 50 00
P McNerney, do 50 00
T Reilly, do ••••50 00
P Dunnegan, do
P Kearney, do 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, do 50 00
D Norton, do 50 00
Jas Allen, do 50 00
John Reuter, do 50 00
Jas Flynn, do 50 00
Ed Moore, do50 00
M Kilty, do 50 00
P Sutton,50 00
M Craugh,d0 50 00
J Hoffman, dO 60 00
P Sullivan, dOdo 60 00
John Ellison, to """ "" •• 50 00
P Powers, do 50 00
JSecrest, do •••.•••••.•.•50 00
J Murphy, do 50 00
Sam Elmer, do 50 00
P Scharf, do 50 00
P 1•IcCollins, do 50 00
11' Rhomberg, do 50 00
50 00
F Carney, do 50 00
Jas Rooney, do 50 00
I Manhotf, do 50 00
Win O'Brien, do 50 00
P Hanlon, do 50 00
Jas O'Halloran, do 50 00
Wm Howard, do 60 00
Jas Lonergan, do 50 00
M Lonergan, pound master 50 00
P Ahearn, laborer 40 00
J Albrecht, do 12 15
M Abbitz, do 4 75
T Ahearn, do 8 10
J Abehardt, do 10 80
Jas Bennett, do 30 00
M Beckus, do 8 10
J Brochtobrock, do 8 45
H Berry, do 6 75
H Beckett, do 8 10
J Boetke, do 16 90
P Brandenberger, oo 16 20
Chas Buse, do 14 20
Geo Boyd, do 2 70
P Burke, do 11 50
R Burns, do 14 20
J Byrne, do 8 10
J Boetscher, do 10 15
John Bottoms, do 12 00
Tom Connolly, ao 8 10
John Corbett, do 24 30
Sam Collins, do 24 30
M Crab in, do 20 60
T Caffrey, mason 34 50
W Crumpweil, laborer 17 90
T Carmody, do 70
D Corcoran, do 8 80
L Con oran, do 14 20
Jay Cahill, do 7 45
M Carmody, do 8 10
BConlin, do ,.. 8 10
L Capritz, do 3 75
Wm Coughlin, do 18 25
M Coyle, do 16 90
J Corcoran, do 16 90
J Callahan, do ••••14 20
Y Carney, do 12 85
Jerry Cahill, do 4 05
John Collins, do 20 95
John Coyne, do 8 10
L. Cahill, do 6 10
J Case, do 8 10
Wm Carter, mason 38 25
J Driscoll. do 16 50
M Dorsey, laborer 8 10
P Dempsey. do 14 20
M Dfeferding, do ,,,,., •.,. 13 85
M Dumphy, do 6 10
J Dittman, do 4 05
J Eagan, do ...... 21 60
P Fury, dr, do 36 00
PFury,Jr, do ,. 5 25
Wm Flynn, do 6 40
F Faber, mason 10 50
Wm Flannagan, laborer' ........ ..... •. • 8 80
C Fischer, do 3 40
L Fritz, do 14 20
Dan Fox, do 16 90
M Fagan, do 12 85
M Farrell, do 12 15
John Farley. do 39 00
P Farrell, do 4 05
B Gems, do 24 00
Jos Ginter, do 16 90
L Gross, do 3 75
C Grunzig, do 4 0.5
Joe Grab, do 19 25
John Messier, do 18 90
P Ginter, do 12 85
Wm Grose, do 8 45
Jas Gillaspie, do 4 40
Ed Grew, do 16 55
J M Garrison, do 1 35
PGtegory, do 17 25
Dan Harman,12 50
Geo Heuckling, do
M Hardie, foreman 4 05
5 20
Jas Harker, laborer•.. , • .. , . , .... , , 19 95
Chris Hack, do 10 15
C Hillery, foreman 33 40
Ed Hackett, laborer 8 10
M Houpes, do 8 10
Jas Hooten,
Nic Hilger, do 8 7510
F Herzog, do6 75
Aug Hofferman, do 16 90
John Hafey, do7 20
P Hanephau, do 16 20
A Aird, 2 70
John Hillery, do o 8 10
A Johnson, 8 10
A Jaeger, do 14 40
do 18 90
Listf; f City Warrants.
P Jacobi, do
.1 Kinsella, carpenter
M Kline, do
Phil Kidney, do
3 ICraus, do
E S King, do
J Kelly, do
A Knapp, do
J Karrh, do
F Kreeger. do
C Kam pman, do
H 11 Kehr, do
Tim Kelly, do
Joe Kenzel, do
Wm Lonergau, do
M Loes, do
11 Lempke, do
PLynch. do
John Lavin, do
31 Lilack, do
CLeirheimer, do
JLacy, foreman ....
P Moore, engineer steam roller
J Melone, laborer
PMohan, do
M Murphy, do
D Miller, do
J Moroney, do
T Mulqueeny, do
J Mullen, do
L Meurise, do
C Mackelberg, do
P Monte}, do
PMoran, do
TMurrey, do
M Mahony, foreman
Jas Melloy, laborer
P Melchoir. do
R Mack,
M McNamara, do
B McCaffrey, do ....
P MePoland, do
A McGuan, do
T McDonald, do
B McCormack, do
M McCone, foreman
John McCarron, laborer
L McEvoy, do
3 McNulty, do
M MeCarten. do
P McMullen, do
Wm McDermott, do
P ifeCarten, do
M Nuten, do
A Nicks, mason
Louis Nipp, do
J Osner, laborer
F Oswald, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
Bert Oswald, mason
P O'Brien, Jr, laborer
G Parr, do
Wm Plekley, foreman
J Pe•ryon, laborer
F Pelz, do
J Pfeiffer, do ............••••
DPowers, do
Jas Powers, do
las Purcell, do
John Quail. do
Jos Rooney, do
31 Reisek, do
M Raen, do
Jas Ragan, do
John Ryan, Sr, do
F Rieger, do
C Roselip, do
Wm Rieman, do
F Remus, do
John Raetz, foreman
T Reilly, laborer
Chas Reilly, do
Nic Ries, do
J Sill, do
111 Specht, do
Geo Sutter, do
J B Stevens, do
D Sullivan, do
Win Spensley, do
Peter Stoffer, do
L Stein, do
Jos Schmidt, do
Wm Swaegler, do
Geo Sutter, do
Nie Sweeney, do
J Sullivan, do
Dan Sheehan, do
M Shay, do
M Sullivan, do
Joe Seig, do
John Steffes, do
14 20
50 00
32 40
32 40
6 45
13 60
14 20
8 10
16 20
15 55
19 25
5 40
5 40
3 40
22 50
9 80
13 20
6 75
10 15
6 75
18 90
17 55
60 00
12 15
10 15
8 10
1 35
6 75
22 30
8 10
10 15
12 85
5 40
10 80
10 15
26 80
6 10
6 75
8 10
11 15
13 50
14 20
16 85
8 10
8 80
33 60
8 80
17 55
10 80
11 85
15 90
17 55
7 45
6 75
12 50
6 00
4 40
10 80
24 30
14 25
1 35
13 85
18 40
10 50
14 20
13 50
18 25
17 90
18 25
7 80
15 50
15 55
12 15
13 85
11 55
4 Ou
14 85
8 85
32 00
6 70
7 45
6 10
8 10
17 55
8 45
8 10
8 10
12 85
15 55
11 50
8 80
14 55
1 35
12 15
9 45
30 75
7 45
15 90
25 00
1 35
Wm Terry, do 36 00
F Theiring, do 2 05
J Taschner, do 8 10
Win Thompson, do 12 85
F Voelcher, do 8 10
T Welsh, do 6 75
John Welsh, do 8 10
R Wiederman, do 8 10
M Wampeck, do 15 55
J Whitney, do 17 90
Wm Warring, do 36 00
Ed Welsh, do 6 75
W D Wilmer, do 4 05
3 Zachina,do ............ 8 80
W Zachina, do ............11 15
Geo Zumhoff, foreman............ 29 20
N Brandt, team 40 50
R Bennett, do 13 50
T Byron, do 22 95
J Beacom, do 22 25
C 0 Baker, do 14 85
I Beekman, do 22 95
Geo Butter, do 14 85
Wm Casey, do 26 35
W Cook, do 14 85
1' Clancy, du 8 10
B Cain, do 42 55
T B Cain, do 16 20
J Duggan, do 12 15
T Elliott, do 31 05
R Fuhrman, do 29 05
J Fhzgibbons, do 16 20
P C Foley. do 13 50
M Gantenbein, do 11 55
J Geary, do 20 25
J Graham, do 16 20
31 J Hannon, do 16 20
J Hofferman, do 31 75
P Jarden, do 10 80
T Kaue, do 25 65
H King, do 32 40
P Linehan do 13 50
John Long, do 13 50
F Mathis, do 27 00
Phil Melloy, do 18 25
R Mathis, do 16 20
John McGrath, do 17 55
Win McGrath, do 31 05
Jeff McGrath, do 29 70
J McCracken, do 34 45
J McCollins, do 18 90
M McElrath, do 1 35
J O'Dea, do 37 15
Mrs Quinlivan, do 31 05
J Riordan, do 12 15
Geo Reynolds, do 21 60
D Sutherland, do 43 20
J Sutherland, do 7 4515
P Shay, do
11 Schmidt, do 31 75
H Strotz, do 14 85
J Savage, do 21 60
Ed Seeley, do 29 05
Cath Tobin, do 41 20
L Taylor, do ........:16 20
31 Tice, do 4 05
Geo Wetter, do 36 45
H Webber, do 27 00
J Williams, do 6 75
P McNulty, labor 40 25
F Schilling, do 36 75
B Rawson, do 41 65
J Hillery, do .... 16 65
J O'Grady, do 15 75
L Cahill, do J9 00
D Sullivan, do 7 50
J Perryon, do 9 00
J Kenneally, do 3 75
Wm McGrath, do 90
Cath Tobin, do 90
L3Do mason 9 00
T J Donahue, do 4 50
J O'Neill, team... 40 00
Wm Geisecker, rodman
Robt McGivern, sanitary inspector50 00
C Splegelhalter, asst. park master35 00
Mrs Kien, scrubbing at city hall
Mrs Koenig, janitor at city hall33 75
L Daly. cleaning around city hall 50 00
WmGWatters, hay ............ •••••••• 167 52
Excelsior Brass Wks, rep. engine 4 00
5 75
Fitzpatrick & Co. horse shoeing
Diamond Jo line steam's, jug and paint 1 20
A Schwarz, repairing clock............ 1 00
Bailin Hat Co, new hat • • • 4 75
John Mullin. oil... ....................
Chandler & Rolf Co, one gong......... 125 00
Fire and Water advertising 9 00B 50
T W Reute, drugs
Iowa Iron Works, repairing engine75 00 75
E E Frith, removing garbage
List of City Warrants.
Chas Atkins, painting and papering at
city hall
Martin Hayes, hauling hose
Christman & Healey, hardware
Dubuque Water Co, water
Mullen Bros, repairing engines
Merkes & Hasler corn
Ryder Bros, soda
Thos Collins, horse shoeing
T W Trudell, repairing chem. engine
Key City Gas Co, coke
T kV Ruete, oil
Dubuque Mattress Co, mattresses
R H Stewart, repairing chairs
P Kien, cleaning matting
Tom Connolly, cleaning market house
Matt Loes, sawing wood
Duggan & Kane, soap and brooms
J Geiger, repairing at city hall
Merkes & Hassler, hay
J W Trudell, repairing patrol wagon
P R Martin, metal polish
T J Conlin, livery hire
W H Knowlton, expense to Les Moines
C 0 D laundry, cleaning carpets
Harger & Blish, stationery
Callaghan & Co, code of Iowa
James Kelly & Son, erasers
Ham & Carver, stationery
Carr, Ryder & Englot-, lumber
Diamond Jo line steamers, waste
J 11 Greene, fees in Hunt case
F W Wieland, expense to Des Moines
M Hayes, expressing
Excelsior Brass Wks, drink'g fount'ns
Christman & Healey, nails
Bock & Reed, new wheel for coal cart.
Duggan & Kane, oil
Smedley Mfg Co, pumps for roller
Tom Collins, horse shoeing
14 Brandt, gravel .
Morrison Bros, repairing roller
Wm McDermott, macadam
S Southwell. macadam
J A Palen, drugs
Chas Oswald, hardware
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for
pest house 1
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware1
F Graff, nursing small pox patient15
I S Bigelow, medical services10
J Sherman, furniture 19
F W Wieland. medical services........ 30
Dubuque Water Co, water 500
do do 500
do do 204
Aug Lang, improving First ave45
do do ao 27
M Tsehirgl, Jr, imp. Rush street 500
do do do 356
Frank Bentin, imp. Lincoln ave78
do do do 154
Cushing & O'Malia, imp. Lincoln ave 90
do do do 14
Robert E Lee, laying sidewalks 29
Aug Lang, improving Pickett street430
Phil Doerr, imp. Eagle Point ave 20
Altman & Taylor Imp. around engine
John Tibey, imp. Grove Terrace 500
do do do 82
J Hird & Son, constructing sewer46
D W Linehan, do do 192
Thos Dorsey, do do 156
P Borsch, imp. Elm street 441
Phil uoerr, imp. Eagle Point avenue 30
do do do 96
Altman & Taylor, imp. W 14th street 460
do (lo do do 165
Jas Street, stone 88
Thos Dorsey, constructing sewer 148
John O'Brien do do 48
M Lavin, do do 234
John O'Brien, imp. Dell street... 80
Dan Sheehan, laying sidewalk33
Bryan Donahue do
Jos J Rowan, juror
V Keppler, do
C Steuck, do
L C Fuller, (lo
O Jeffroy, do
J Trexler, Sr. .lo 6
14 50
9 50
3 81
20 00
1 10
35 84
11 00
2 50
18 42
1 80
18 00
1 0(1
3 00
4 75
6 10
5 65
2 10
3 00
1 00
3 00
8 25
20 80
2 50
12 00
5 00
13 75
4 35
10 80
50 00
14 00
3 50
225 00
1 35
4 50
1 80
40 50
1 00
2 80
5 98
7 50
24 00
6 95
2 05
John Jess, do 6
MBrown, clo 6
J H Carroll, do 6
John Pier, do 6
JW Norton, do6
C A Voelker, do 6
Smedley Mfg Co, repairing steam roller 248
T J McCloskey, personal damages3
Key City Gas Co, gas 47
Globe Light and Heat Co, gasol'e lights 263 33
Stado Electric Co, electric lights 500 00
do do
50(1 00
do do do 490 00
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement 4 1)1
W J Burns & Co, do 4 27
Central Union Tel. Co, telephone rent117 (10
The Herald, advert'sing 75 (111
The Globe, do 58 30
The Times Co, do 29 15
The Telegraph, do 29 15
Wm Graff, cleaning vaults 73 60
V H Oswald, .lo 154 3(1
J W Halpin, committee set vices 5(1 110
T J Shea, do do 50 00
A Vogler, do do 50 00
P W Crawford, do do 60 00
J Kaufman, do do b0 00
H B Uniffke, money a.lt-aneed.... 110 00
.10 do do 500 00
do do od do 500 00
d 490 70
do do do •182 05
Fred Weigel, loan ................ 400 00
Miss K Crotty, do • 320 00
J McDonnell, do ..................... 500 00
G G Scott, do 109 50
do do 150 00
Phil Ryder, do ... 500 00
(lo do 500 00
do do 500 00
.lo do 500 00
Mrs J Jacobi, do 500 00
D G Scott, do 200 00
Elizab'h Walser,do 400 00
Blackmer & Post, the pipe........ 31? 85
Parker & McGrath, imp. Wilde street 264 50
Aug Lang, imp. Pickett street5 59
do do do 118 60
Con Ryan, Jr, tilling Fourth street 900 00
M Lavin, constructing sewer.......... 500 00
do do do 75 00
Aug Lang, imp. Pickett street 30 27
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of October, 1894.
City Recorder.
Notice to Saloon -Keepers.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 9, 1895.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council the first installment of your
license, $50, is now past due, and must
be paid at once. Failure on your part
to procure your license immediately
will subject you to the penalties of the
ordinance on that subject.
JoHx RAESLI, City Marshal.
Special Assessment Notice.
To ALICE GOLDTHORPE: You are here-
by notified that in accordance with a resolu-
tion of the city council of the city of Dubuque
for the repairing of sidewalk, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense thereof
at the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lot 3 of city 741, owned
by you, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on the 6th
day of May, A. D. 1895, and show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment should not
be levied. -
25-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
To THOMAS KELLY: Yotu are0 hereby
notified that In accordance with a resolution of
the City Council of the City of Dubuque for
the repairing of sidewalk, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the City Council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot nw 34 of 39, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be
held on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1895, and
show cause, If any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
25-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Special Session, May 1, 1395.
Special Session, May 1, 1895.
The city council met at 4:20 p. m., Mayor
Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte, and Vogler.
Mayor Olinger stated that the meeting
was called for the purpose of taking action
in relation to the matter of the brick to be
used in paving Clay street and Couler
Ald. Shea moved that the rules be sus-
pended. Carried.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the action of
the council in selecting and requiring Des
Moines repressed brick to be used in pav-
ing Clay street, Eighteenth street and
Couler avenue be reconsidered. The
change in said brick to be made with the
consent of the contractors, Kenety & Mc-
Cann and the Dubuque Construction com-
pany, to whom were awarded the con-
tracts for the doing of said work.
The contractors, Kenety & McCann and
M. Tschirgi, Jr.. president of the Dubuque
Construction company, to whom said con-
tracts were awarded, being present in the
council. and then consenting to said
change in the brick and price thereof.
The motion was carried.
Alderman Kaufmann moved that the
Des Moines Standard brick be substituted
for, and used in place of Des Moines Re-
pressed brick for the improvement of said
streets. The price of said brick to be ac-
cording to the lowest bid for Des Moines
Standard brick made in the contracts of
both Kenety & McCann and the Dubuque
Construction company for their particular
portion of the work. Carried.
The petition of A. Y. McDonald & Mor-
rison Manufaeturing company asking for
the vacation of the following streets and
Alley between 12th and 13th streets and
between Maple and Pine streets. Alley
between 12th and 13th streets and between
Maple and Cedar streets. Alley between
12th and 13th streets and between Cedar
and Sycamore streets. Maple street be-
tween lith and 13th streets. Cedar street
between 12th and 13th streets; and that
the city till 12th and 13th streets to Syca-
more street; that the city give a right of
way for railway tracks on 12th street from
Pine to Sycamore street with branches
running north on the streets and alleys to
13th street; that a fire plug be placed on
the corner of 12th and Maple streets, and
that the taxes on these lots shall remain
as they now are and shall not be increased
for a period of ten years.
Referred to the city attorney to look up
the city's rights in said streets and alleys
and report the same to the city council at
its meeting on Monday, May O.
Alderman Ryder moved that Kenety &
McCann and the Dubuque Construction
company be required to execute a stipula-
tion in writing accepting the substitution
of Des Mo'nes Standard Brick for Des
Moines Repressed Brick, is which shall
be stated the price per square yard said
contractors are to receive for said Des
Moines Standard Brick, as changed by
the city council, and that said stipulation
shall be signed by the mayor, and attach-
ed to each original contract executed for
said work and be made a part thereof.
Alderman Vogler moved to adjourn.
Attest: p‘
pp oved.__. (yl 1895.
c G__ifY Mayor.
Regular Session, May 6, 1895.
Council met at 10 o'clock a. m., Mayor
Olinger in the chair.
Present: Ald. Bauer, Ronson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Schulte moved that the minutes of
the last session be approved as printed.
Ald. Vogler moved that the places rent-
ed for the last election be fixed at $10 each
and the places of registration be fixed at
$5. Carried.
The following were ordered paid:
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for hall..$ 15 16
Diamond Joe Line steamers, sup- 1
plies for hall 00
E.E. Frith, removing dead animals 17 50
John McClay, justice of the peace, 5
fees 25
Harger & Blish, numbering ma-
chine and stationary 30 00
G. A. Horner, supplies 7 60
Palmer & Winall, printing 16 25
Gott. Gmehle, assisting assessor, 2 200
George Bennett,assisting assessor, 200 00
2 months
Pope & Jacquinot, plumbing 12 45
J. J. Hannon, wharfmaster, 13
- months 30 00
L. Daily, cleaning around market12 50
C. D. Hayden, insurance 39 50
American Insurance Co., insur- 2512
Iowa Mutual Building & Loan as-
sociation,00 insurance
Dubuque Fire and Marine, insur- 37 50
Peter Kiene & Son, insurance 75 00
Key City Fire Insurance company, 85
insurance 65
John H. Herancourt, insurance37 50
J. P. Stendebach, insurance 37 50
McDermott & Gow. plumbing 4 00
W. E. Schmidt, blacksmithing 1 50
Hardie & Scharle, printing 24 N5
Dubuque Telegraph. printing 175 50
Mullen Bros., plumbing 6 85
B.E. Linehan, sewers 2 90
Cl & lumbin,1 15
Cleaver McCarten, v 2 80
Duggan & Kane, supplies fire de-
& Hasler, supplies;2
J. McKenzie, labor, fire depart-
4 10
70 Regular Se8szon, May y 6, 1S95.
Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies, fire
Lear & Pfiffner, supplies, fire de-
Thos. Hill, supplies, fire depart-
Fraatz & Clark, supplies, fire de-
John Butt, supplies and labor, fire
Mullen Bros., plumbing, fire de-
Jeoffroy & Son, labor, fire depart-
Dubuque Water Co., water, en-
gine houses
Standard Lumber Co., lumber, en-
gine houses
P. Klauer, repairs engine houses
Revere Rubber Co., hose
A. Wunderlich, horseshoing
Kannolt & Powers. horseshoeing
Van Volkenburg & McEvoy, re-
pairs, fire department
Byrne Bros., horse and wagon, fire
Pursel, oil, fire department
Thos. Collins, horseshoeing
Phil Pier, Jr.. coal
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser-
4 03
3 00
7 05
9 65
14 00
1 90
2 00
40 00
1 00
19 15
638 00
7 25
14 00
9 00
2 30
3 00
27 77
10 95
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies 5 35
Joe Norton, planting trees 33 00
Ed. Collins, labor around hall5 40
Jos. Geiger, labor around hall40 80
B. McCormick, labor around hall1 35
P. Klauer, labor and supplies 31 90
Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 7 00
Peter Kien, labor around hall 3 00
H. Finke, team license tags 14 00
Duggan & Kane, supplies 60
J. McKenzie, labor for street de-
partment 1 05
Fred Scholz, labor for street de-
partment 12 00
Chas. Oswald, labor at hall 15 00
Ham & Carver, printing 34 00
Star Electric Co., arc lights 1,609 20
Standard Lumber Co., lumber 23 48
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum-
ber 14 22
Byrne Bros., sprinkling street 68 50
J. McKenzie, repairing harness1 50
Adams & Co., supplies for parks20 00
Farley Loetscher Mfg. Co., sup-
plies for parks 46 05
Chas. Atkinson, painting for parks 7 90
Mrs. Koenig, janitor services 20 00
Byrne & Saul, filling on 4th street 181 26
Geo. W. Farley, filling on 4th street 144 26
Andy Leik, filling on Fourth street 7 00
M. McDermott,filling on Fourth st 3 24
John Tibet', filling on Fourth st144 36
N. H. Schilling, tilling on 4th at3 24
McElrath Teaming Co., filling on
4th street 2 25
Richard Bennett, tilling on 4th st7 80
Wnt. Sengreen, filling on 4th st13 23
B. Gierens, gravel 9 90
John McCoy, laying sidewalk 19 13
Carr, Ryder & Engler, supplies
for engineer 12 75
John Farley, services as axntan7 50
Wnt. Geisicker, services as rodntan 22 67
Janes Hird & Son, constructing
sewer in alley east of Grant 100 00
Steuck & Farrell, improvement of
White street 1,400 00
Peter Horsch, improvement of
Merz street 1,080 00
George W. Farley, improvement of
Julien avenue, from Walnut to
Grant avenue 300 00
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Asso-
ciation, rent of tables and chairs
for election
5 25
Van Valkenburg & McEvoy. rent
of stove, etc 3 00
James Lyon, rent of stove and
lamp. etc 4 00
Bros , rent team distribu-
ting stationery for election 3 00
Morris Quinlan, sodding park 23,50
The following bills were referred to this
street committee:
Novelty Iron Works $155.00
Wm. Marshall 144.67
The following were referred to the police
and light committee:
Globe Light & Heat Co allili.67
Key City Gas Co 81.66
Bills of Dubuque Water Co. for rent of
hydrants for April of $1.941.66 was referred
to fire and water committee.
Bill of Alphonse Matthews for assisting
city attorney was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole and city attorney.
The following bills were referred to the
Electrical Construction Co.
Central Union Telephone Co $50:::5
Reinfried & Jaeger •25
Reinfried & Jaeger, bill of 15c referred
to engineer.
Bills of Dubuque Telegraph. $29.15• Du-
buque Herald, $75.00, were referred to the
printing committee.
Bills of Dr. Connolly of $50.00 and Mar-
shall Waples of $15.00 were referred to the
finance committee and attorney.
Bills of A. R. Staufenbeil of $11.00 and
Standard Lumber Co. of $1.50 were re-
ferred to the committee on public grounds
and buildings.
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee:
Mary D. Lorimier, Cath. McPoland,
Susan Dress, Harris Kochnlin, Michael
Parker, Mary A. Kemler, Mrs. O. Farrell,
Mrs. L. M. Clark, Mrs. Margt. A. Dona-
hue, Eva Meyer, Elizabeth Bisanz.
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of N. Frith for position as
street carpenter.
Petition of Geo. J. Hendricks for posi-
tion as driver of city horse used for city
carpenter work.
Petition of Geo. E. Davis, in relation to
streets and alleys in O'Hare's addition to
the city of Dubuque. •
Petition of J. V. Rider, et al., to have
Leibnitz street from Harold to Abbot
street improved.
Petition of Henry Saunders, for the
privilege to erect a sign post on the side-
walk near the curb in front of restaurant.
Petition of W. J. Bean and Mrs. C. Seeg-
er for the improvement of alley abutting
lots 2 and 3 in McCoy's subdivision.
Petition of Matt Loes for position of
caring for the Fourth and Sixth street
Petition of Chris. A. Voelker for the im-
provement of Atlantic and Audubon ave-
nues, from Fourteenth street to Dexter
Application of Peter Mersch for the po-
sition of city carpenter.
Petition of J. Beacons et al. as to the
condition of the terminal of Oak street
was referred to the street committee, and
they were instructed to see Mr. Robison
in regard to a piece of ground abutting.
Petition of Sarah Donnelly asking for
the opening of alley from the western end
of Chestnut street extension to Fourteenth
street was referred to the street commit-
tee and the engineer to prepare plat of
Petition of M. Mahoney to have the en-
gbineerroken. measure his macadam he had
Regular tiSemion, May 6, 1S1)5.
Petition of Thos. Kenneally et al. to
have Rush street from Quince street to
Villa street improv;;d.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Petition and ordinance of the Dubuque
Street Railway company for extension of
Proposition of P. C. Foley for cleaning
Main street, Ninth and Bluff streets with
a sweeper.
Petition of ex -Sewer Inspector M. Igo,
asking to be allowed the difference paid
hint and his predecessors.
Petition of board of Charles Mix county,
South Dakota, asking for aid, etc.
Communication of Trades and Labor
Congress, objecting to the exemption from
taxation of the new Office Building or any
other that discriminates against union
Petition of A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Manufacturing company for the vacation
of certain streets and alleys.
Petition of Dubuque city teamster-, ask-
ing that the team license be reduced from
$10 to $5 per year.
Petition of police force of Dubuque for
an increase of salary.
Petition of Friederick Schulz et al., ask-
ing that West Eagle Point avenue from,
Kane street to incorporation line be im-
proved. Referred to committee of the
whole and the engineer, to prepare an esti-
mate of the cost of same.
Claim of M. Lavin for extra work was
referred to committee of the whole, engi-
neer and city attorney.
Communication of J. F. Stemm, in rela-
tiEn to an order passed at January session
extending the water limits to 1,500 feet by
traveled streets, referred to committee of
the whole.
The following were referred to the city
Report of county auditor's statement of
the assessment and valuation of railroads
in the city of Dubuque.
Communication of the Dubuque Fire and
Marine Insurance company, referred to
assessor and attorney, and to proceed in
accordance to law in relation thereto.
The following were granted:
Petition of Catherine Schroeder, for the
extension of water mains in alley be-
tween Clay and Iowa and 14th and 15th
Petition of E. C. Blake and John
Schmidt, asking that East street be open-
ed to West 14th, granted and the marshal
instructed to open the sante.
Petition of John Lochner et al., asking
for the grade or the establishment of one
on Angella street from Pearce street to
Cox street; engineer instructed to give the
The invitation of the committee of the
G. A. R. veterans to assist in the observ-
ance of Memorial day was accepted and
the recorder instructed to acknowledge
the same.
The following petitions were referred to
the harbor committee:
Petition of Hanley Bros. & Hollinshead
for permission to erect a small wharfhouse
on the levee.
Petition of John Keckevoet for lease of
ground to erect a boat house near the ice
The following petitions were referred to
the sewer committee:
Petition of J V. Rider et al., asking for
a sanitary sewer in Seminary street.
Petition of Mrs. C. Keogh and J. Bell to
have sewer laid in street between West
Eighth and Julien avenue on Wilson ave
Petits n of Fred Bell to have water
mains extended along West Third from
James to Hill street.
The following petitions were referred to
the board of health :
Petition of Lawrence Daily in relation
to the contract for removing garbage.
Petition of J. J. McCarthy asking that
the city make the proper sewerage con-
nection with lot 12 of sub. of out lot 703,
and have the sante charged against the
The following petitions were referred to
the mayor:
Petition of John Glab asking that the
unexpired saloon license be refunded to
Petition of Henry Richards asking to
be appointed on the police force.
Petition of residents on the hill, as to
the accommodation furnished by the
Eighth Street Hill & West Dubuque Rail-
way company.
Petition of Lawrence Daily asking the
council to advertise for bids for cleaning
around market was referred to the market
Petition of Lookout Post No. 70, asking
for the use of room in the city hall as a
G. A. R. post hall was referred to the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings
with power.
Petition of John Mundt for damage for
personal injury to wife was referred to
the committee on claims and city attor-
Petition of the Chicago Great Western
railway, asking for the removal of an are
light near the corner of their freight depot
was referred to the police and light com-
mittee with power.
Ald. Halpin moved that opening of the
bids for lighting the city buildings be
postponed, and the eity recorder be in-
structed to advertise for the same. Car-
Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p. m. Carried.
Afternoon Session.
Council met at at 2:10 p. m., Mayor
Olinger in the chair.
Present, Ald. Bauer. Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Reports of officers.
The city auditor reported as follows:
Cash on hand April 1, 1895 $ 16,209 49
Receipts during April, 1895 22,797 48
Total $ 39,006 97
Disbursements during April,
1895 $ 26,328 40
Bal. cash on hand May 1, 1895..$ 12,678 57
Also report due city officers for the
month of April, 1895, $1,896 75.
Also presented a list of coupons redeem-
ed during the month of April.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay city offi-
cers, and report referred to the finance
Street Commissioner Carter reported
du63.30 ring April, pp189a.ants
due f Warrr laor nstreets
drawn and report referred to the street
Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,763.77,
amount due to pay the firemen for April,
1895. Warrant ordered drawn to pay fire-
men and report referred to the committee
on fire and water.
Marshal Raesle reported $1,903.80,
amount due the police for the month of
Special Session, May 6, 1895.
April, 1895. Also reported 48 police cases
during the month.
Also reported and presented treasurer's
receipt for $8.00 collected from city pound.
Warrants ordered drawnito pay police and
report referred to Police and Light com-
City Treasurer Gniffke reported amount
of business transacted in the treasurer's
office and also that warrants be drawn to
the amount of $15,200 for money borrowed
during the month of April, 1895.
Also the warrants be drawn in favor of
city treasurer for money advanced during
the month of April, 1895. Warrants
ordered drawn for the different parties
and report referred to the finance com-
Sewer Inspector Igo reported $74 60
amount due laborers for April, 1895. War-
rants ordered drawn and report referred
to the sewer committee.
Woodmea,urer Hannon presented treas-
urer's receipt for 50 cents, amount due the
city for wood measured during April.
The reports of City Weighers T. J.
Donahue, Cnas. Pitschner and Mrs. C.
•Deckert, treasurer's receipt for amount
due city being presented the reports were
Marketmaster reported the number of
drafts weigned on market house scale
from April 27 to May 1 and presented
treasurer's receipt for $3.20 amount due
the city; also presented bill of $5.40
amount due for feeding prisoners.
Report adopted and warrant ordered
drawn to pay for feeding prisoners.
The report of captains of the several
engine houses of the city as to the amount
of gas consumed in each were referred to
the committee on police and light.
City Engineer Knowlton reported the
amount of grading required for the im-
provement of 5th avenue from the end of
the present improvement a distance of
1,300 feet would be about $175.00.
Also presented plans and specifications
for a sewer in West Fifth street from
Roberts avenue to Winona avenue. Ap-
Plat of Dedrick Muggenberg dedicating
part of his land for street purposes was
referred to the street committee.
The petition of E. C. Blake et al. for the
improvement of West Locust street, which
was referred to the new council, was re-
ferred to the street committee and en-
gineer, and that plans and estimates for
same be made by the engineer.
A1d. Cullen, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
Your committee reported in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the petition of Adolph
Artus asking for reduction of taxes for
In favor of allowing Mary Driscoll to
pay one-half of her taxes on lot 146 East
Dubuque add as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of accepting the proposition of
Nic Reish in relation to giving city the
'necessary ground for alley between Hum-
boldt an$ Schiller streets. and the city at-
torney is instructed to procure the proper
deed from said Nic Reish, and the treas-
urer is directed to refund $2.45 to said Nie
Reish, amount paid to city on imorove-
ntent of said alley.
In favor of canceling the taxes of Anna
Madel on lot 249 in Davis Farm add for
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Michael Ludwig asking for cancel-
lation of taxes on personalty for 1894.
In favor of canceling the taxes of Caro-
line Mathis on lot 32 Marsh add for
In favor of referring the petition of
Chas. J. W. Saunders in relation to special
tax for cleaning snow from sidewalk to
the street commissioner.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of Hattie Conigisky for cancellation
of taxes on moneys and credits for 1594.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of the
Dubuque Paper Mill Co. on personality
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Hen-
rietta Wolf on lot 6 Marsh's Dubuque for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Chas.
Blitsch on his homestead for 1804.
Report adverte so the petition of Caro-
line Krisehe for cancellation of personalty
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mar-
garet Mulqueeney for 1894.
In favor of receiving and filing the pe-
tition of John Kieffer for reduction of as-
sessment for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
Fred Baier on lots 17 and 18 in Ann
O'Hare's sub to $800.00 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Bridget Brennan on lot 6 in Quigley's sub
for 1894.
In favor of allowing Mrs. Jno. Marsh to
pay one-half her taxes on lot 4 in Mc-
Craney's second add as payment in full for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mathias Reisek for 1894.
In favor of instructing the city treasurer
not to sell the property of Martin Duniphy
for taxes of 1894.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of George Weitsel for reduction of as-
sessment for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of the
Fenelon Place Elevator company for can-
cellation and reduction of taxes.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Solo-
mon Rupprecht, on lot 446, Ham's addition,
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Henry Strellers on lot 19, South Park Hill
addition, for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
John Zoerr on lot 21, Stine's sub. for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of Louis
Temphus for reduction of taxes for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
John Silzer on lot 49, Cox's addition, for
In favor of cancell`ng the taxes of Mary
Ballard on lot 3 of min lot 149 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling. the taxes of Wm.
Kallenberger estate, on lot 218, Glendale
addition, for 1894.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Chas. Anderson, asking for cancel-
lation of water taxes for 1804.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Caro-
lina Lenzing on lot 294 Davis Farm addi-
tion for 1894.
Report adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the petition of M.
Tsuhirgi, Jr., in relation to extra pay for
grading on Rush street as he was awarded
the contract for being the lowest bidder at
the price given in his proposal.
Report in favor of having steps built on
the 10 -foot strip leading from Needham
Place to Hill street and the engineer is
hereby instructed to prepare plans and ad-
vertise for bids for doing the said work.
Report in favor of receiving and tiling
Regular SesRion, May 6, 1895.
the petition of Thos. Dorsey asking to be
allowed $1.00 per yard for macadam as the
city has not paid more than 75 cents per
yard for the last year.
"'2n favor of instructing the city engineer
to prepare profiles of grade of English
Lane, Sullivan and Nightingale streets,
and submit same to the council.
-^-favor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the street commissioner for the
month of March, 1895.
In favor of instructing the engineer to
devise some plan for carrying the water
that crosses from Linwood cemetery so
that the same will flow clown Windsor
In favor of improving Fifth avenue
from end of present improvement north-
westerly to the northwest line of lot 6 in
Peil's sub.
Report in favor of dividing the city into
14 road districts, as shown in the plat as
prepared by the engineer, and that each
district is placed in the hands of a com-
petent man who shall be held responsible
for the faithful performance of doing the
necessary repairing and cleaning, under
the supervision of the street committee
and street c ,mmissioner. Report adopted.
Your committee would most respectfully
recommend that the city purchase a Bar-
nard Castle road scraper, as the same can
be used for cleaning both brick and ma-
cadamized streets. On motion the matter
was referred to the committee of the
Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police and
light committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
Globe Light atd Heat company, $166.67
for gasoline light during the month of
March, 1895.
Key City Gas company, $67.95 for gas.
Report adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the commit-
tee on printing, reported in favor of pay-
ing the following bills for printing for
March, 1895:
Herald $75 00
Times 29 15
Globe 29 15
Telegraph - 2915
Report a opted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
on claims, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the bill of Mathis Bros.
against a city employe.
Also recommend that the claim of
Sneider Bros. against one of the firemen
be referred to the fire chief.
Also in favor of paying claim of Miss
Keachie of $50 for personal damages sus-
tained by falling on the steps on North
Main street.
Report adopted.
Ald. Schulte, chairman of the sewer
committee, reported in favor of receiving
and filing the report of the sewer inspector
for March, 1895. Report adopted.
Ald. Bauer, chairman of the market
committee, reported amount due to Jacob
Klein, market master, to be $83.55. Report
Ald. Halpin, chairman of the committee
on fire and water, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of receiv-
ing and filing the report of the fire chief
for the month of March, 1895.
Your committee on fire would most res-
pectfully recommend that the tire chief be
given full charge over the firemen with
the right to discharge or suspend any of
them that violate the rules of the depart-
ment. Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
of the whole, r. -ported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the engineer to prepare the plat
of the proposed change of location of
Union avenue and then get relinquishment
from owners of property willing to give
same and report to the council. Also re-
port in favor of receiving and filing the
petition of D. Muggenberg in relation to
line of Broadway extension. Report
Aid. Bauer, chairman of the police and
light committee, reported in favor of pay-
ing the bill of M. Bochart of $10.00 for
part payment on police overcoat as per
agreement. Report adopted.
On motion the bids for the building of
safety vaults in the city hall were ordered
opened and read. The same were then re-
ferred to the engineer for computation.
On motion they were referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
ings with power.
The petition of the firemen of the Du-
buque fire department that the position of
firemen be made permanent during good
behavior, was referred to the ordinance
The report of City Attorney Knight in
relation to the petition of Martha J. Pal-
mer, as to assessment of bank stock and
bonis was referred to the city assessor.
The communication of Engineer Knowl-
ton in relation to a combined sewerage
system from Sanford street north was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance com-
mittee, reported in favor of receiving and
filing the report of the city auditor for
March, 1895. Adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
on supplies, reported in favor of paying
bill of Duggan & Sullivan of $3.75.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
as follows:
I would recommend that the petition of
Frank W. Altman be granted, as upon
examination I find that the abutting prop-
erty described has not been cleaned of
snow by the city.
Also report that upon examination I find
that the sidewalk abutting the property
of John Leirer has not been cleaned of
snow by the city and therefore recommend
that said tax be cancelled. Report adopted.
Engineer Knowlton presented the fol-
There are quite a number of unimproved
alleys that should be improved at once, as
their present condition is ameen acett s
public health. In my j gm
should be done before the excessive hot
weather of the summer begins. Referred
to the street committee and engineer.
Ald. Ryder offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be
and is hereby instructed to call in im-
provement bonds to the amount of $2,000,
said bonds numbering from 140 to 143 in-
clusive and dated Oct. 1, 1892.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the city
ofDubuconstructed Thatue:
ued in Wilson avenue, between
West Eighth street ander beJuliend n avenue,
and that the city engineer
to prepare plans and specifications for
said improvement, all of said work to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
adjacent property in accordance with the
or Adopted by the following vote:
74 Regular Senion, .May 6, 1895.
Ayes—Aid. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Be it resolved that J. J. Murray be al-
lowed 65.28, the same to apply on the
special assessment of said J. J. Murray,
on lot 3, sub of s part of 884 city for im-
provement of Pickett street.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing
a 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north side
of Nineteenth street, between Elm and
Pine streets, by Bryan Donahue, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named. sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate. as follows:
Chicago Great Western R. R.. East Du-
buque add, lot 13, 71 feet 6 -ft wide side-
walk, at 2'4‘c per lineal foot, 615.97.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing
a 4 -foot wide sidewalk on the north side of
Peru road from Jackson street to Chicago
Great Western R. R., by Bryan Donahue,
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Chicago Great Western R. R., sub 1 of
main lot 363, lot 2, 460.0 lineal feet sidewalk
at 14% cents per lineal foot, $68.13.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing
a 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the west
side of Alta Vista street from West Four-
teenth street to lot 3 of 3 min lot 91, by
Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
S. Gillmore. Levin's add, lot 30, 59.8 lin-
eal feet sidewalk, at 2Nc per lineal foot,
E. C. Blake, Levin's add, lot 41, 60.0 lineal
feet sidewalk, at 2N cents per lineal foot,
M Blake, Levin's add, lot 42, 50.0 lineal
feet sidewalk, at 22X cents per lineal foot,
M. Blake,
feet sidewalk, at
14 cents pin's add, loter' lineal foot58.4 ,
Total number of lineal feet, 228.2.
Total amount of tax, $51.34.
Adopted by the following vote:
n, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
Resolved: By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water
Co. be and are hereby ins$ rusted to extend
their mains on and along Hill street from
West 3rd street to Dodge street, the city
of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Water
Co. a sum of money therefrom sufficient to
pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on
the cost of pipe so required to be extended
and that fire plugs be located as directed
by the fire chief and committee.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Re-so/red: By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby
authorized and required, for the purpose
of providing for the payment of the cost
and expense of improving Clay street from
3rd to 18th street, 18th street from Clay to
the east line of Couler avenue, and Couler
avenue from 18th street to Eagle Point
avenue, to issue, under the provisions of
the ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894,
bonds to the amount of 645,000.00 of the de-
nomination of $500.00 each, numbering
from 1 to 90 inclusive, and dated June 1st,
1895, payable seven years after date and
redeemable at any time before said date at
the option of the city, and bearing interest
at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum pay-
able semi-annually, both principal and in-
terest payable at the office of the city
treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa.
When said bonds are issued and regis-
tered they shall be delivered to the finance
committee, and said committee is hereby
authorized to negotiate said bonds to the
best interest of the city at not less than
par, in such amounts as may be required .
from month to month on estimates of the
city engineer of the amount of work done
on said streets, and pay the proceeds of
same to the city treasurer, to be applied
by hint in accordance with the provisions
of the ordinance adopted August 9, 1894,
and said committee is to report its doings
hereunder to the city council.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
Co. be and are hereby instructed to ex-
tend their water mains on West Third
street from James to Hill street, the city
of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Water
Co. a sum of money sufficient to pay inter-
est at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of
pipe so required to be extended.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid
across the alley, on both sides of Seventh,
between Main and Iowa streets, and the
engineer is directed to advertise for bids
for doing sante.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the street commissioner
be instructed to repair the alley between
Third and Fourth streets and Main and
Iowa streets, and the engineer is instruct-
ed to give the necessary grade lines for
said repairing.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
WHEREAS, Mr. F. A. Rumpf, during 1894,
did at his own expense repair and fix up
West Fourteenth street near his premises ;
WHEREAS, The late storms have washed
out said work, leaving the street in a very
poor condition ; and,
WHEREAS, Said F. A. Rumpf is desirous
of doing said work again in a satisfactory
manner to the city; therefore,
Resolved, That the street committee and
engineer be and are hereby instructed to
examine said street and allow said F. A.
Regular Session, May 6, 1895. 75
Kumpf to do the necessary repairing as
they may deem sufficient and to the satis-
faction of the parties interested.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid
across alley on the north side of Rhom-
berg avenue, between Jackson and Wash-
ington streets, and the engineer is
directed to advertise for bids for doing
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Seventeenth street
from Clay street to West Locust street be
curbed and paved with brick in conform-
ity with the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement and
the city recorder is directed to give the
proper notice. for bids and proposals for
the performance of the work, the curbing
and all paving to be done at the expense
of abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer. Bonson, Craw-
ford, Halpin. Cullen. Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Engineer Knowlton presented communi-
cation in relation to the four -foot sidewalk
laid on Grandview avenue and for which
the abutters refused to pay.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following in
relation to same:
Resolved by the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of
good two -itch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the both sides of Grandview avenue, abut-
ting lot 1 of 2 mineral lot 46; lots 1 to 12
including Grandview avenue addition; lot
19, O'Hare's sub; lots 1 to 11, including
Stewart sub; lots 2 and 2 of 3 mineral lot
150; lots 2 to 14 including Grandview
Place; lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12, Whelan's sub,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alas. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Vogler offered the following res-
olution, which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the committee on sup-
plies be authorized to procure hats for the
members of police and fire departments as
the hats now used are old and worn out.
Also presented the following: Your
committee of the whole would respectfully
recommend that the treasurer be instruct-
ed to accept $100 as payment in full for
taxes on Wengel Miekes estate for the
years 1889, 1890 and 1891 and the treasurer
be directed to cancel the balance of taxes
for said years. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city engineer be
and is hereby instructed to give an esti-
mate to the council at its next meeting of
work done by Contractor Ryan on South-
ern avenue.
Ald. Bonson offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be laid
on West Eleventh street, from the north-
west corner of Grove terrace to southeast
corner of said Grove terrace, so as to lead
to the steps on said West Eleventh street.
Ald. Schulte offered the following,which
was adopted:
Resolved, by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque. That the Dubuque Water
company be and are hereby instructed to
extend their water mains in the alley be-
tween Iowa and Clay streets from Four-
teenth to Fifteenth streets, the city of Du-
buque guaranteeing to said Water compa-
ny a sum of money therefor sufficient to pay
interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the
cost of pipe so required to be extended.
Ald. Crawford offered the following res-
olution, which was adopted:
WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable by the
city council of the city of Dubuque to an-
nul and vacate the following public high-
ways in the city of Dubuque, to -wit:
Maple street, between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets.
Cedar street, between Twelfth and Thir-
teenth streets.
The alley between Pine and Maple and
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
The alley between Maple and Cedar and
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
The alley between Cedar and Sycamore
and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
Therefore resolved that the city engi-
neer is hereby directed to make a survey
and plat of said portions of said streets
and alleys, and file the same in his offie
for public inspection.
Also that the engineer be instructed to
give the personal notice in writing pro-
vided for in section two (2), and also the
notice by publication required by section
eight (8) of chapter thirty (30), of the re-
vised ordinances of 1893, and that the engi-
neer report to the council at its next ses-
sion his doings under this resolution.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable to lay
out and open a street fifty (50) feet wide
through the properties of F. A. Rumpf, E.
M. Dickey, James Forester, M. M. Walker
and others, from West Eleventh street to
Wilber Lane, according to the plat and
survey of said street, prepared and re-
ported by the city engineer: therefore
Resolved, That the city recorder be in-
structed to issue a venire to the city mar-
shal commanding him to summon a jury of
twelve freeholders having the qualifica-
tions required by ordinance for the pur-
pose of assessing any damages, which may
be sustained by reason of laying out and
opening of said street, by any owner of the
property proposed to be taken for said
street who have not agreed to relinquish
the right of way without compensation, all
of the proceedings under this resolution to
be taken in accordance with the charter
and the provisions of chapter 30 of the re-
vised ordinances of 1893.
Ald. Shea offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
WHEREAS, The city council of the city of
Dubuque deems it expedient that the fol-
lowing described property, lots, and parts
of lots should be connected with the sani-
itary sewer adjacent thereto, for the pur-
pose of house drainage, etc. ; tnerefore
Resolved, That Henry Guerdet, owner of
the following described property, respect-
ively, lot 12 of sub out lot 703, be instruct-
ed to make proper sewer connections
therewith, saicl rk to be
Live days from this odate. In casewithine
of e
neglect of the owner of above described
property •to make the proper sewerage
connection by the time above specified, the
sane will be done by the city,
76 Regular Session, Mag 6, 1895.
costs thereof assessed against and be a
lien upon said property.
The petition of C. T.Hancock asking
that a small mound south of his property
on Eleventh street be removed was re-
ferred to the street committee.
Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of
purchasing a new steam roller be referred
to the street committee. Carried.
Ald. Shea moved that repairs be done at
the patrol house, the engineer bein-
structed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for same, and bids be advertised for.
Ald. Ryder moved that the amount due
Mr. J. Reagan from city for labor be paid
to F. Ludescher, he to give a receipt for
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That White street, between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets,
be graded, guttered. curbed and macad-
amized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for
bids and proposals for the performance of
the work; the guttering, curbing and
macadamizing to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Fifth avenue from end
of present improvement to the north line
of lot 6 in Peil's addition be graded, gut-
tered, curbed and macadamized in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property; grading to be bid
in a gross sum.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That West Locust street, be-
tween Hodgdon avenue and west line of
Blake's sub, be graded, guttered, curbed,
and macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance on the subject; that the city en-
gineer be and is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement, and the City recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be clone at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in a gross sum.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte, and Vogler.
Resolved, t following:aufmann offered the
eed,by the City Council of the ity
of Dubuque, That Humboldt street, be-
tween Lincoln avenue and High Bluff
street be graded, guttered, curbed, and
macadamized in conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subject; that the city en-
gineer be and is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing, and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in gross sum.
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resotved by the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That Fremont avenue, between ✓
Grandview avenue and Cascade road, be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadamiz-
ed. in conformity with the ordinance upon
that subject. That the city engineer is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That South Main street, be-
tween Charter and Railroad avenues, be
curbed and paved with brick, in conform-
ity with the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement, and
the city recorder directed to give the
proper notice for bids and proposals for
the performance of the work ; the curbing
and paying to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Alpine street, between
West 3rd and Dodge street, be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property.
Referred to the street committee and
Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Grandview avenue, be-
tween Southern avenue and its eastern
terminus, be graded, guttered, curbed and
macadamized, in conformity with the or-
dinance upon that subject. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, the mac-
adamizing to be 40 feet in width from
csunt.urb to curb, grading to be bid in a gross
Regular Session, .May 6, 1895.
Ayes --Aids. Bauer,Bonson, Cullen, Hal-
pin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Nays—Ald. Crawford.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That West Eighth street,
between Hill and west line of Roger's sub.,
be graded, guttered, curbed and macada-
mized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the neces-
sary plans and specifications for said im-
provement, and the city recorder directed
to give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work ;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property, grading to be bid
in a gross sum,
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That West Locust street, be-
tween Seminary and St. Ambrose streets,
be graded, guttered, curbed and macad-
amized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be clone at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in a gross sum.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Curtis street, between
South Dodge and Malady streets, be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
izing to be done at the expense of the own-
ers of the abutting property, grading to
be bid in a gross sum.
Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within fifteen days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on both aides of Kniest iitreet, be-
tween Rhomberg avenue and Eagle Point
avenue where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote :
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within fifteen days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of Rhomberg ave-
nue, abutting lot 35, Cook's addition,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
n Crawford, Culln, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
AlLtesolueoffered. Kaufmann
l,B, the itycconl of the i following: the of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment. be, within six days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Lincoln avenue, abutting
lot 1 of 4, L. Kniest sub., where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote :'
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resnlved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within fifteen days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the east side of White street.be-
tween Rhomberg avenue and Eagle Point
avenue; also abutting lot 35, L. H. Lang -
worthy's addition, on Eagle Point avenue,
where not already laid, at the expense 'of
abutting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or
cement, be. within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Lincoln avenue, abutting
lot 10, Wick's add, where not already laid,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford. Lullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Hill street, between West
Fifth street and West Third street where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Benson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone, or ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Summit street. between
West Third street and Fenelon place,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte, and Vogler.
Ald. Ruder offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone, or ce-
ment, be, within fifteen days of this notice,
78 .Regular Session, May 6, 1895.
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of West Seventh street, be-
tween Needham place and Hill street,
where not already Laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Vogler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Nineteenth street, abut-
ting lot 97, East Dubuque add., where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Vogler offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the east side of Jackson street, abutting
lot 39, East Dubuque add., where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufinenn, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Southern avenue, between
L C. line and Rowan street, where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cul1en,Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolvede city
of Dubuqu By That a the city
council idewalk8 feeof t wide
of brick, stone or cement, be, within 20
days of this notice, constructed and laid
inconformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the south side of
Tenth street, abutting lot 46, where not
already laid; also new curbing and re -set-
ting of old curb as may be necessary, all
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bauer
Resolved, By offered
city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Lincoln avenue, between
Couler avenue and White street where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Aves—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the cit council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
Jackson and Eagle Point avenue, abutting
lots 48 to 54, inclusive, L. H. Langworthv's
addition, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolred,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or
cement, be, within fifteen days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of West Locust
street, abutting lots 6 and 7, Ellen Blake's
addition, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be. within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Dodge street, between
Bluff street and Peabody avenue where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Ald.s Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin moved that the council eleet
the official paper for the following year.
A Id. Ryder moved the remaining papers
be allowed to publish all official notices,
etc., and receive the same compensation
as last year. Carried.
Alds.Halpin andjsohulte were appointed
The ballot resulted as follows:
Telegraph, 7; Times, 2, and Globe, 1.
The Telegraph having received the
majority of the votes cast, was declared
the official paper.
Ald Halpin moved to adjourn to May
18, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
Attest: oc
DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 7th, 1895. j
Notice is hereby given to all parties requir-
ing a city license for 1895 that the same is now
past due and must be paid immediately, and in
ease of failure SO to do, you will be prosecuted
in accordance with the ordinance on that sub-
the owners of
c resorts,
hotelkeepers , boarding houses, butchers,
liveries, teamsters, expressmen, pool and bill-
iard halls, boat houses, auctioneers, brokers,
hotel runners, theaters, vault cleaners, peddlers
ems' ED. MORGAN, City Marthal.
Adjourned Regular Session, .314 18, 1895.
Adjourned Regular Session, rlay
18, 1895.
Council met at 8:50 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present: Alds. Crawford, Bauer, Bon -
son, Cullen. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
On motion bids for the improvement of
streets and alleys that had been received
as advertised for were ordered opened.
Ald. Shea moved to suspend the rules
and that all parties that desired to ad-
dress the council be allowed to address
the same.
Mr. Paisley and others addressed the
council, objecting to the improvement of
West Locust. On motion the opening of
bids for the improvement of said street
was postponed.
Mr. Hickey and others presented a pe-
tition and addressed the council, objecting
against the improvement of Curtis street
and Grandview avenue, from the end of
the present improvement to its eastern
On motion the opening of the bids for
the improvement of said streets was
postponed and the same referred to com-
mittee of the whole.
Dr. Kempf addressed the council in re-
lation to the matter of the drainage of
Southern avenue. Referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Mrs. Anna Siege, objecting to the im-
provement of West Locust street.
Resolution for the improvement of West
Eagle Point avenue, from Kane street to
the incorporation line.
The profile and estimate for the im-
provement of Alpine street from West
Third to Dodge street.
Petition of Joseph Herod et al., remon-
strating against the improvement of West
Locust street.
The bids for lighting the public build-
ings were opened and referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
The report of the engineer showing the
present filling of South Main street, south
of the end of present improvement. The
following were referred to the street com-
mittee :
Communication of the engineer in re-
lation to the drainage of Windsor avenue.
Communication of engineer in relation
to grade of West Locust streetf from
Seminary street to St. Ambrose.
Petition of Fenelon Streei►Blevajpr com-
pany et al. in relation to the line of said
Fenelon street extension.
The petition of J. S. Garrigan remon-
strating against the laying of a sidewalk
on West Seventh, as al present the said
sidewalk as used is over the line and en-
croaches on his property. He therefore
asks that same West Seventh be improved
before the sidewalk is laid.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Altman & Taylor, for improving Lawther
avenue, $705,00; Con Ryan. jr., for improv-
ing of Southern avenue from R. R. avenue
to Rowan street, $2,455.00.
Robert Hay, for painting roofs of engine
houses, $130.
The petition of F. W. Altman et al.re-
mons rating against the laying of a 0-, foot
sidewalk on Grandview avenue, was re-
ferred to the city engineer and attorney
with power.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
Rexdred, That the city recoreer be and
is hereby instructed to issue a venire to
the city marshals, commanding him to
summon a jury of twelve freeholders hav-
ing the qaulifications required by ordin-
ance, to assess the damages which any
persoa may sustain by reason of the laying
out and opening of Glen Oak avenue, from
Julien avenue to Fourteenth street, accord-
ing to the plat of said street now on file.
All the proceedings under this resolu-
tion to be carried out in accordance with
the provisions of chapter thirty (30) of the
Revised Ordinances of 1893. Adopted.
Ald. Shea offered the following:
T i O:tI.
WHEREAS, The city council of the city of
Dnbuque deems it expedient, that the fol-
lowing described property, lots, and parts
of lots should be connectewith the sani-
tary sewer adjacent thereto, for the pur-
pose of house drainage, etc., therefor be it
Resolved, That A. Hobb, W. J. Per.ett,
Ira Hansen, M. Liddy, M. H. Waples, D.
S. Wilson est., Garrett Flemming and
Moser & Johnson, owners of the
following described property, respect-
ively, lots 17, 18 and 30 in Wilson's
sub lots 40, 40 A section 49, .2 feet
and south middle 1-5 of city 455, n% city
lot 47, s3 city lot 22 and city lot 21, be in-
structed to make proper sewer connections
therewith. said work to be done within
fifteen days from this date. In case of the
neglect or refusal of the owners of above
described property to make the proper
sewerage connection by the time above
specified, the same will be done by the
city, and the costs thereof assessed against
and be a lien upon said property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Rider, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler,
Ald. Shea, of the board of health, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the petition of L. Daily
in relation to hauling garbage, as the con-
tract has been awarded to a competent
plan who is performing the work in a sat-
isfactory manner. Adopted.
Ald. Shea presented the following:
Your committee on public grounds and
buildings would most respectfully report
in favor of giving E. J. Evans $150 for
repairing and putting in good condition
the sidewalks in Jackson and Washington
parks, said work to be done to the satis-
faction of the ccmmittee before acceptance
of same. Adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved that the town
clock tower be painted and that the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings
advertise for bids for doing same.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed on West Eighth street, from Hill
street to alley east of Wilson avenue, and
the city engineer be and is hereby in-
structed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications for said work, to be
done at the expense of the adjacent prop-
erty, in accordance with the ordinance on
that subject.
Adopted by the following vote:
80 Adjourned Regular Session, May 18, 1895.
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufman offered the following,
which was adopted: •
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be and is hereby instructed to
extend its water mains on and along alley
from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street
between Washington and Jackson, and
that fire plugs, if required, be put in under
the supervision of the fire commettee and
fire chief, the city of Dubuque guarantee-
ing to said water company a sum of money
therefor sufficient to pay interest at the
rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so re-
quired to be extended.
Ald. Rider moved that the city marshal
open up all public streets and alleys in the
vicinity of Grandview avenue which are
alleged to be fenced up by private parties.
Engineer Knowlton presented plans and
specifications for 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in
Wilson avenue from Julien to West Eighth
street; also plans and specifications for 8 -
inch pipe sewer in Seminary street from
Seventeenth to Paul strret. Approved.
Ald. Bonson offered the following;
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That in comtemplation of the
paving with brick of Locust street from
Tenth to Sixteenth street and West Lo-
cuft from Sixteenth to the northwest side
of Seventeenth street, that the city engi-
neer be and is hereby instructed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote:Ay
Cullen, Ryder, SheCrawford,
and Vogler.
City Engineer Knowlton reported on
bids for street improvements as follows:
West Eighth street—
John Blake 8800 00
Hassett & Riley 920 00
D. W. Linehan 894 00
Geo. W. Farley 895 00
John Tibey 782 00
On motion John Tibey was awarded the
contract, he being the lowest bidder.
Humbold street—
Steuek & O'Farrell $270 00
Peter Horsch 250 00
E. E. Frith 324 40
Phil Doerr 291 80
M. Bickens 937 10
G, W. Farley 376 10
John Pickley 268 50
N. Fischer 257 10
Fremont avenue—
Steuck & O'Farrell $5,740 00
Ryan Bros 6,277 50
Brown & Brown 5,970 00
J. Kintzinger 6,690 00
Kenety & McCann 6,605 00
Dubuque Construction Cq 7,525 00
John Blake 5,9329 00
Altman & Taylor
O. Kringle 6,830 0000
D. W. Linehan ......
Thos. Hassett .................'••• 6,165 00
On motion the contract was awarded Otoo
Steuck & O'Farrell, they being the lowest
White street—
Steuck & O'Farrell$1,382 00
Brown & Brown.. ......
John Piekley...... " ••• 1,486 00
P. Horsch.. 1,486 00
Geo. W. Farley 1,595 00
E. E. Frith.. 1,313 00
............. 1,313 00
M. Beckus 1,552 00
On motion Peter Horsch was awarded
the contract, he being the lowest bidder.
Fifth avenue—
D. W. Linehan $2,892 50
M. Beckes. 2,899 50
P. Horsch 2 088 00
Steuck & O'Farrell 2,745 00
On motion Peter Horsch was awarded
the contract, he being the lowest bidder.
On motion the bids for the improvement
of Grandview avenue, West Locust and
Curtis strehts were referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
City Engineer Knowlton also presented
bids for the construction of sanitary sew-
er on onnoll
being the lowest biddeinona r, waS awaM. rded ded the
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
I c-enc
roved 1895.
To the property owners on Clay y etre eat 3, from 17th
street to 18th street, from 18th street to Couler
avenue and from Couler avenue to Eagle Point
avenue, and the Key City Gas Co.
You and each of you are hereby notified that
the work of paving the above named streets
will commence on Monday, May 6th, 1895, and
you are hereby notified to make the necessary
extension to connect with the sanitary sewers
on said streets or with the gas mains laid there-
on. The said connections to be extended in-
of said streets, as
l not allow said streets to btornrt up for
said puposes after the same are paved.
Vacation Notice.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 8, 1895. j
Notice is hereby given that there is now in
my onald &
Morrison Manufacturing Company, asce the petition of the A. Y. kingg that
the following streets and a.leys be vacated and
annulled for public use.
Maple street between 12th and 13th streets.
Cedar street between 12th and 13th streets.
Alley between Pine and Maple and 12th and
13th streets.
Alley between Maple and Cedar and 12th and
13th streets.
Alley between Cedar and Sycamore and 12th
and 13th streets.
All persons having objections to said proposed
vacations must file their claims for damages in
my office on or of the council, which rew will be heldregulare next oJunee 3rd
1895. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
I will sell at plNotice c auction
the best bidder
for cash, on Monday, the L13th day of May, 1895,
at 2 o'clock p. m. at the public pound of the
city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between 14th
and 15th streets, the following impounded
animals, to -wit: One bay mare about 16 hands
high, 10 years old, black mane and tall and
both hind feet white, up to the fet locks.
ED. MORo N, City Marshal.
Dubuque, May 7th., 1895.
Last of Cit/ Warrants.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of December. 1894.
Di:BogeE, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1895. j
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
December, 1894:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gniffke, salary Nov'ber, treasurer$200 110
H B Gniffke, clerk hire 50 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder116 70
M M McCarten, do auditor116 70
J F Stemm, do do assessor125 00
.7 E Knight, do do attorney125 00
John Raesli, do do marshal100 00
J Reinfried do do tire chief75 00
G Osborn, do do electrician 75 00
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200 00
E 8 Hyde, do do asst eng'r100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do 100 00
Henry Glab, do do do 50 00
DI Ilio, do do sewer insp'tor 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 45 00
Jae Kleine, do do market master 50 00
F W Wieland, do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do do street comm'r. 91 65
J O'Connell, do do clerk 83 35
J J Hannon, do do wharf master 10 00
M Eitel. fireman ... 60 00
.7 Essman, do 75 00
A Duccini, °0 50 00
.7 Flynn, do 60 00
J Wiltse, do 60 00
C Specht, do 50 00
.7 Tschudl, do 50 00
Ed Keas, do 50 00
James Daly, do 60 00
Job Barnes, do 75 00
A McDonnell, do 60 00
J Murphy, do 60 00
Wm Duey, do 60 00
J Schonberger, do 50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
DI Fahey, do.......... . 60 00
D Ahearn, do 60 00
T Walker, do 60 00
W Hippman, do 60 00
F Ganahl, do 60 00
Geo Gerke, do 6 25
G Helmrich, do 50 00
W Williams, do 50 00
Tom Sweeney, do 50 00
F Essman, do 60 00
T Flynn, do 60 00
A Straney, do 48 30
J Rooney, do 60 00
John Bannon, do 1 65
C Kannolt, do 60 00
J Allen. do 60 00
Wm McBride, do 60 00
It Weston, do 50 00
.7.7 Murphy, police 75 00
Bart Cain, do 50 00
Wm Hennessy, So 50 00
Wm Frith, do 50 00
John Loetscher, do 50 00
P McNerney, do 50 00
T Reilly, do 50 00
.7 Fitzpatrick, do 50 00
D Norton, do 50 00
Jas Allen, do 50 00
John Reuter, dos 50 00
Jae Flynn, do 60 00
Ed Moore, do 61 65
M Kilty, do 50 00
P Sutton, do 50 00
M Craugh, do 50 00
J Hoffman, do 50 00
P Sullivan, do 50 00
50 00
F R Powers,
g, dodo 50 00
F Carney, do .. 50 00
Jae Rooney, do 50 00
I Manhotf, do 50 00
Wm O'Brien, do 50 00
Jas Hilsooran, do 50 00
John Hilson, do 51 66
Jas arter,Lonergan, do 50 00
Jas Carter, do 50 00
Sam Elmer, do 50 00
P Scharf, do 50 00
P McCollins, do
.7 Secrest,
H+inlon, do
Wm Howard, ....
do ................
J Murphy,
Df Lonergan, pound master............
P Ahea'n, laborer
M Abbitz, do
T Ahearn, do
W Bennett, do
Buse, do
J Broehtobrock, do
31 Beckus, do
P Brandenberger, do
J Boetscher, do
J Byrne, do
C Brandt, do
H Beckett,
P Burke,d°
P Brad
R Burns, do ................
Jac Becker, carpenter
do3 00
mason 7 00
do 6 75
do 6 10
do 10 15
do 7 10
do 13 50
do 70
do 6 75
do 6 45
do 9 80
do 16 20
do 10 80
do 24 30
do 1 35
do 15 55
dodo 8 10
2 70
mason.-- ....... 6 00
laborer 1 35
3 40
8 10
6 75
25 50
2 05
do 1 35
do 18 90
do 15 00
do 2 05
do 5 75
do 4 05
do 9 45
do 34 50
do 8 80
do 23 30
do 70
do 9 45
do 4 75
do 5 40
do 39 00
do 13 50
do 10 80
do 6 75
do 7 10
do 7 10
do 18 60
do 10 15
do 19 15
do 70
do 3 40
do 2 05
do 4 05
do 4 05
do 70
Chas Beyer,
John Bottoms,
John Collins,
W Crumpweil,
L Cor oran,
B Capritz,
31 Crahin,
Tom Connolly,
B Conlin,
J Cushing,
Jay Cahill,
DI Carmody,
John Corbett,
Sam Collins,
.1 Coyne,
31 Clark,
J Corcoran,
DI Coyle,
D Crotty,
T Caffrey,
Jerry Cahill,
L Cahill, do
31 Dorsey, do
31 Dudinsky, do
J Driscoll. mason
31 Dieferding, laborer
.7 Deggendorf,
M Dempsy.
Chas Dillon,
.7 Dougherty
J Eagan,
John Everet,
.7 Eberhardt,
P Fury,
J Fitzpatrick,
Wm Flynn,
L Fritz,
C Fisher.
P Farrell,
P Fitzgerald,
M Farrell,
John Farley.
Dan Fox,
M Fagan,
J 31 Garrison,
Jos Ginter,
Joe Grab,
John Giessler,
Ed Grew,
P Grew,
J Grode,
Jas Harker,
Chris Hack,
F Hartman,
F Herzog,
Nic Hilger,
A Haas, do
0 Hillery, foreman.... ........
MHoupes, laborer.... ........
Dan Harman, do
Ed Hackett, do
John Hafey, do
H Hencke, do
A Jaeger, do
P Jacobi, do
A Johnson, do
JKinsella, carpenter
M Kline, laborer
P Kremer,
J Kareb,
J Korman,
P Kien,
C Kampman,
A Knapp,
.7 Kelly,
Phil Kinney,
E S King,
P Kearney,
D Kiene,
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
41 65
50 00
40 00
4 05
9 45
34 50
15 90
2 70
5 40
4 05
6 75
6 40
6 75
6 75
9 45
8 10
6 75
11 26
7 50
12 50
28 60
12 50
10 15
5 40
19 60
20 60
4 05
9 45
50 00
10 15
7 10
9 45
8 80
19 10
7 45
7 10
9 80
29 05
5 40
10 80
List of City T6'ccrrants.
T Kenneally, do
Wm Lonergan, do
A Lundy, do
M Lllach, do
C Leirheimer, do
H Luck, do
H Lempke, do
F Long, do
M Loes, do
J Lacy, do
John Lavin, do
J Leiden ge,, do
Jas Melloy, do
Jolla Maas, do
R Mack, do
T Murrey, do
D Manning, do
Ed Murray, do ........
P Murray, do
J Moery, do
T Meggison, do
M Mahony, do
P Moran, do
T Mulqueeny, do
Phil Melloy, do
PMihm, mason •.....•.......
M Murphy, laborer
MMcNamara, do ....,,.•....,•
P McPoland, do
T McDonald do
Jas,Mckvoy, do
P 'tcCarten, do
P McMullen, do
A McGuan, do
L McEvoy, do
M McCone, foreman
M McCarten, laborer
J McNulty; do
Wm McDermott, do
B McCormack, do
M Nuten, do
P O'Toole. do
John O'Dea, do
Bert Oswald, mason
F Oswald, laborer
P O'Brien, Jr, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
Wm Pickley, foreman
J Pe•ryon, laborer
J Pfeiffer, do
Jas Purcell, do
DPowers, do
John Quail. do
Wm Rieman, do
M Raen, do „
John Raetz, foreman.....
Chris Reager, laborer........ •
F Rieger, do ....
T Reilly, do
John Ryan,
Chas Reilly, do
Wm Swaegler, do .•
L Stelae, " "" """'
Geo Sutter, do •...
Dan Sheehan, foreman........
Chas Steiner, laborer "" ""
14 Specht, do
John Steffes, do
Peter Stoffer,
J B Stevens,
Wm Spensley,
Joe Seik,
John Sullivan,
Mc Sweeney,
M Shay,
Aug Seik,
Jos Schmidt,
D Sullivan,
Wm Terry,
J Taschner,
Geo Taylor,
L Travis,
Vic Travis,
Theo Thill,
Win Thompson,
Joe Ude',
John Wolf,
Ed Welsh,
R Wiederman,
P Wagner,
T Welsh,
)M Wampeck,
J L Whitney,
H Weldenbeck,
Wm Warring,
John Walsh,
,n vrmte, do
W Zachina, ""•'••
Geo Zumhoff,foredo
I Beekman,
'1' Byron, teom..•
34 50
6 75
3 10
4 05
4 05
17 25
2 05
10 80
10 80
8 10
20 10
11 50
1 35
8 10
1 95
13 50
.8 10
4 40
3 75
5 40
12 00
11 15
4 75
1 35
8 10
1 35
6 10
4 40
10 15
6 75
16 20
13 85
7 45
10 15
24 40
8 10
13 85
9 45
8 10
8 80
18 00
20 96
28 50
14 55
9 46
15 55
10 00
4 40
6 10
13 20
11 50
1 35
9 80
32 80
2 70
8 10
5 10
2 05
1 35
9 7 45
83 75
12 00
7 45
7 10
11 85
12 50
9 80
255 00
9 45
9 45
2 70
5 15 00
34 50
1 35
20 25
4 05
6 10
5 40
8 10
6 75
6 75
10 80
4 40
4 40
8 10
5 40
8 80
86 00
6 05
8 05
20 40
41 85
R Bennett,
N Brandt,
C 0 Baker,
B Cain,
W Cook,
T Donahue,
M Duggan,
T Elliott,
P C Foley,
J Fitzgibbons,
R Fuhrman,
N Frith,
J Graham,
J Geary,
J (rarragan,
J Hoffmeyer,
J Hoffmeyer,
P Horse'',
M J Hannon,
T Heins,
P Jarden,
T Kane,
H King,
T Kenneally,
N Kintzinger,
P Linehan,
C Lempke,
John Long,
F Mathis,
Mrs Phil Melloy,
R Mathis,
Joe Moore,
J McCracken,
John McGrath,
Jeff McGrath,
Wm McGrath,
J McCollins,
J Nagle,
John Parker,
J Phillips,
Mrs Quinlivan,
Geo Reynolds,
D Sutherland,
11 Strotz,
H Schmidt,
J Singreen,
F Schluz,
Ed Seeley,
M Tice,
Cath Tobin,
L Taylor,
Geo Wetter,
11 Weber,
P McNulty,
F Schilling,
B Rawson,
J Hillery,
L Cahill,
J Erskin,
F Fagen, do
Martin & Strelau, team
R Love, do
A Woller, do
C McElrath, do
C Wilde,
J Taylor, mason
J Klein, boarding prisoners
Wm Geisheker, rodman
R McGivern, sanitary inspector
Mrs Koenig, janitor city hall
P J Moore, engineer
John McCoy, repairing city hall
P Lynch, laborer
Jas Ragan, do
G Wilmon, do
Phil Pier, coal
Wm G Watters, hay
Reinfried & Jaeger,
Jos A Palen, drugs
Ryder Bros, soda
Frank Melvin, box
Key City Gas Co, coke ..................
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' association,
bed casting
P H Halpin, corn and bran
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing........
Dubuque Water Co, water
do de do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do do
do do
Jas Kelly, stationery do
Dub Wooden Ware Co, pine wood
Jos Geiger, repairing city hall...:
Harger & Bilsh,stationery
J T Kearns, recording deeds
G.A Hoerner, brush
Hardie & Scharle, blaak stationery
do ................
8 10
16 20
16 20
21 60
1 35
10 80
10 W0
22 95
33 10
9 45
16 20
9 45
13 50
32 40
8 10
1 35
8 10
7 45
10 80
16 20
e 10
18 90
16 20
9 45
13 50
35 10
9 45
34 45
16 20
13 60
19 60
18 90
17 55
20 25
22 30
25 00
26 35
8 10
13 50
5 40
25 00
8 10
16 20
9 45
6 75
2 70
31 05
22 96
10 80
23 66
13 50
13 50
10 16
40 25
40 25
24 05
28 90
8 25
14 90
1 00
7 00
28 00
40 00
60 00
20 00
60 00
2 70
2 70
9 80
85 16
117 12
15 30
26 88
19 24
2 00
List of City Warrants.
E E Frith, removing garbage1 50
Phil Pie ice 5 50
Shipley&Bauman, veterinary services 22 00
Western Electric Co, supplies 66 31
W Wasburn, papering at city hall . 6 25
N 19 Faust, rodding engine house 65 00
E E Frith, removing garbage... 116 35
O Gmehle, assistant assessor100 00
Aug Feller, whitewashing 7 00
W H Knowlton, express charges on
transit .......
Young & Sons, repairing transit
Key City Gas Co, coke
Jas Cushing, stone .....................
Dubuque Specialty Machine Co, re-
Phil Pier, ice 15 60
Eichhorn & Bechtel, washing powder
and soap 1 40
Duggan & Kane,washing powder, soap 4 50
0 A Hoerner, lantern burners60
Pure Petroleum Produce Co, oil 35 75
em Mohr, pine wood 3 60
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lumber19 74
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware2 55
Jos Simonet' & Co, carpet 52 20
J Becker. lumber 48
Jos A Palen, drugs 1 00
Mullen Bros, plumbing 17 30
Chas Atkinson, painting 76 85
L Daily. cleaning around city hall 16 00
Jas Levi & Co, matting and shades13 60
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware 14 35
Star Electric Co, electric light.... 500 00
r do do 500 00
do do do 50 00
do do do 31 62
Frank Bentin, grading Lincoln ave2 50
Jas Street, stone crossings 16 53
John Tibey, tilling Fourth street 195 00
Frank Beni in, grading Ann avenue63 33
Parker & McGrath, grading Wilde st 20 00
J Williams, grading W Eagle Point av 500 00
do do do 60 00
do do do 300 00
do do Fourth street37 95
John McCoy, constructing sidewalk58 09
Brown & Brown, grading Southern ay. 345 00
do ripraping do 100 10
M Lavin, constrnstiug sewer 500 00
do do do 270 40
J Brick, macadam 22 00
Con Ryan, filling Fourth street .... 360 00
Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, brick 15 00
M Tschirgi, jr, grading Rush street183 51
Phil Doerr, grading Eagle Point ave41 27
Steuck & O'Farrell, grading Dorgan
Place 35 10
Steuck & O'Farrell, constructing storm
sewer 179 78
Blackmer & Post, tile pipe 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 73 92
John Tibey, stone 11 00
D W Linehan, grading Alta Vista st 500 00
do do do 300 00
do improving do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 22 62
do do do 325 75
Steuck & O'Farrell, imp. Dorgan Place 600 00
do do do 21 45
do do do 67 91
Frank Bentin, improving Ann avenue 57 88
do do do 79 44
Parker & McGrath, imp. Wilde street 15 94
do do do 23 60
Frank Bentin, improving Lincoln ave 4 39
do do do 18 24
Con Ryan, improving Southern avenue 500 00
do do do 50 00
do do do 8 00
Wilber Cook, improving alley4 33
do do do 33 60
3 Williams, Imp. West Eagle Point ave 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 60 00
do do do 98 00
Globe Light and Heat Co, globe lights 260 00
Phil Pier, coal and coke 97 69
Key City Gas Co, gas 79 20
The Herald, advertising • 76 00
The Globe, do58 30
The Times, do 58 30
The Telegraph, do29 15
The Western, do50 00
H B Gniffke, money advanced.... 352 00
485 11
do do 500 00
Kate Morris, loan
do do 300 00
1 75
68 00
71 45
20 40
2 35
D Lavery, watching small pox patient 7 50
J O'Brien, de do do 7 50
5 Lavin, constructing sewer 50 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of December, 1894.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 4th day of April, 1895, the
following special assessments were levied on
the real estate hereinafter described, and that
in ease of failure to pay the same within thirty
days from this date, the same shall become de-
linquent and bear interest thereafter at the
same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 18th day of April,
City Treasurer.
For the construction of a sidewalk on Ann
Owner. Description. Lot. Am't.
A Schumacher, McCraney's 1st add 88 $31 18
For the construction of a tile sewer in West
Fourth street.
Owner. Description. Lot. Am't.
Mary Ryan, city, 610 $25 84
Jos S Morgan, city, s 64.4 612 31 20
For the construction of a tile sewer in White
Owner. Description. Lot. Am't.
J Knoernschild, J H Langworthy's
add, 170 $24 00
do sub 171 J H Lang -
worthy's add 1 13 20
H Fischer, sub 171,do do 2 20 00
Dub St Ry do 172 24 0
C Fosselmann, do and ya 187 12 00
1$' Fosselmann, do do 187 12 00
do do do 186 19 0
C Fosselmann, do do 186 19 00
L Reineke, do w95ft 185 20 40
do do do 184 20 40
do do do 183 20 40
do do do 182 20 40
J H Rhomberg, do 181 24 00
F Fosselmann, F Fosselm'n's sub 14 21 20
do do do 13 16 80
do do do 12 16 80
do do do 11 16 80
do do do 10 8 72
do do 0
do do do 9 9 do 8 9 00
Jos Marra, Olinger's sub, 5 13 60
F Hinze, do 4 5 60
Charles Lutz, Davis Farm add 226 4 0
Dietrich Mauer est do 227 24 00
do do 228 24 00
John Bulow, Jr, do 229 24 00
0 Baumgartner, do 230 24 00
Wm Springborn, do 231 24 00
do do 232 34 80
Ind School Dist Dub do 233 24 00
do do 234 24
do do 235 24 00
B Nickles est, do sy 236 12 00
Wm Ohuesorge,do n 296 12 00
James Levi, do 237 24 00
do do 238 24 0
N W Butler, 213 24 00
do 214 24 00
Mary E Haggerty, do n20ft 215 8 00
`rn do s4Oft 215 16 0
E E Frith, do n40ft 216 16 00
do 0o s20ft 216 8 0
F J Cosley, do n20ft 217 8 00
A F Jaeger, do s4Oft 217 16 00
A H Price, sub 218-219 Davis 4 16 80
Farm add 3 16 80
do 2 16 80
do 1 16 80
do 220 24 00
do 221 24 00
do nya 222 12 00
Mary ser do s 222 12 00
H Knoernschlld, do 223 24 00
do do 224 24 00
J H Rhomberg and Jos Meuser,
Davis Farm add 225 24 00
For e sewer in the
alleyefrom sTwenty-third ttruction of a o 1Twenty-seventh
A McDonnell,
A Dapfonten,
J A Rhomberg,
Louis Monolie,
O t berger
Ucial Notices
street, between Couler avenue and Jackson
Owner. Description. Lot. Am't.
P Wanderscheid,Jr. Davis Farm
add 267 524 00
A Lang, do 268 24 00
Jacob Abresch, do s4 269 12 00
Christena Feller, do nys 269 12 00
do 270 24 00
do 271 24 00
do 272 24 00
do 273 24 00
do s14 274 12 00
do e'/snys 274 10 80
do 275 24 00
do 276 24 00
do 367 24 00
do 368 24 00
do 369 24 00
do 370 24 00
(10 371 24 00
do 372 24 00
do n24ft 373 9 00
do s36ft 373 14 40
do n24ft 374 9 60
do s36ft 374 14 40
do 375 24 00
do w80ft 376 19 20
do 277 24 00
do 278 24 00
279 24 00
280 24 00
s/ 281 12 00
n / 291 12 00
1 18 00
2 6 00
8'/ 282 12 00
n`/s 283 12 00
284 24 00
285 24 00
286 24 00
357 24 00
358 24 00
359 24 00
360 24 00
361 24 00
362 24 00
363 24 00
364 24 00
365 24 00
366 24 00
287 24 00
288 24 00
289 24 00
290 24 00
291 24 00
292 24 00
293 24 00
294 24 00
295 24 00
296 24 00•
347 24 00
348 24 00
349 24 00
351 24 00
352 24 00
353 24 00
354 24 00
14 00
12 00
12 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
12 00
12 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
12 00
12 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
A F Jaoger,
John Roeth,
Fred Lensing est,
Kate Vogel,
H Kuehull,
J Handenshield
Chas Kreetz,
Mrs F Hennings,
Kate Vogel,
Clifford Ham,
Paul Traut,
M M Hoffmann,
Eliza Bisanz,
P W Lenz,
B Utzig,
J R Flick,
A Glab est,
Acorn Stoltz.
J Marshall,
Fred Leight,
Wm Tuegel, do
Louie Doerfler, do
Jacob Nagel, do
Jahn Deville, do
H Tenhaaf, sub 282 do
G Tenhaaf, do do
do do
L Bennacker, do
Peter Mihm, do
O Ganahl, do
H Ellwanaer, do
Gerhard Tenhaaf, do
de do
do do
Louis Doerfler, do
John Neubauer, do
C Fischer, do
do do
C E Handenshield, do
Leo Trentlein, do
do do
Mich Schuuk est,
Wm J Long,
Anna Galle,
A Janggen,
A Birner,
Wm Rieman,
Geo G Perry,
Jacob Berg,
Simon Meyer,
Jacob Kessler,
Nic and Frank Glab, do
do do
Cath Reuter, do
A Loetscher, do
John Bell, do
Cath Peed, do
Jno Piemaier, Panl Traut's sub 4
Mich Apple, do 5
J J Schuler, Davis Farm add, n'/ 350
N Schuler, do sys 350
N Jochum est, do 297
Geo Kura, do 298
John Noell, do 299
J Vyverburg est, 300
s'/ 302
nye 302
n'/ 339
eye 339
do 341
do 342
Jas O'Farrell, do 343
Nic Mueller est, do
do d 84b
Fred Ludwig,
D Kautz,
A Imhoff est,
John Kaep,
C H Walter,
N W Kimball,
Mich Groff,
John Zeigler,
Pauline Jeckiin,
Agnes Pitschner,
M Majerus,
For .the construction of a tile se46
wer in the
alley from 17th to Sanford streets, be-
tween Washington and Jackson streets.
Owner. Description. Lot. Ain't.
John Trexler, E. Dub add, s31.2 36 $12 48
Chas Luther, do n20 36 8 00
do do s''/s 35 10 24
Geo Roepsch, do
A Mona he, do
C W Schreiber, do
Pauline Strueber, do
Anna Baynes, do
Bargt Lear, do
Anna Seige. do
E Langworthy est, do
Peter Oeth, do
German Bank, do
do do
John Wolf, do
do do
Dora Siege, do
Ida Siege, do
Jac Mathis, do
Rosana Lorenz, do
do do
H Huber, do
Geo Wiedmer, do
W J Plckley, do
J M Werner, do
Fred Doerrer, do
do do
Frank Fosselman, min lot 100
Jos Fritsche, do s 4 3
Wm Duenser, do nyi 3
Peter Meyer, sub 2 min lot 100 2
M Schaffner, do do 1
do min lot 100 1
A Bauer, do 6
Mrs Joseph Leute, min lot 100 5
Mrs A L Trilke, do s25ft 7
Elizabeth Bauer, do n75ft 7
do do slft 8
P J Ruegameret al, do n49ft 8
Herman Mauer, Sr, Steiner's add 18
F H Finke, do do 17
John Wiegand, do do 16
Mike Wilky, do do 15
Peter Schiltz, do do 19
do do do 20
Martin Wagner, do do 21
M Nessler est, do do 22
F P Kutsch, L H Langw'hy's add Sys 45
M Imhoff, do n14 45
do do sl7ft 46
Nicholas Heinz, do n60ft 46
Mrs L Tuegel, do e42ft 47
Jos Kutsch, do
G Wiedenmaler, do
do do
John Westercamp, do
L Meyer, do
J Roesner, Jr, do
Mathias Graff est, do
Jos Geisler, do
Jac Roesner, Sr,
Peter Oeth,
Geo Wiedmer,
Peter Oeth,
Peter Lies,
John Fix,
N Kutsch,
n yes
n ys
Jacob Roesner, do
E Jungblut sub 87.88
Emma Kleas, do
do do
M Graff est, do
D Sauer, do
do do
do sub 86
Sarah E Deggendorf, sub 86, 1
do 8 H Langw'hy's
add 89.8ft 85
T E Frith, do n54.2 85
J Fosselmann, do 55
do do s36 56
M Adam, do n28 56
do do 57
Eliza Vogel, do 58
Mrs John Kreis, do e34ft 59
A Streinz, do n30ft 59
do do s28ft 60
Fred Holtman, do n361't 60
John Stuber, (10 61
Anna Keinkner, do 62
J Pals, do 63
P H E Sommerfleld,do s% 64
H Mueller, do n/ 64
C Fosselmann, do 65
Emil Koch, do 66
Fred Hollnagel, do 67
do do 68
Anna Wiehe, do 69
Henry J Osar, do 84
Bred Rieger, do 83
do 82
s50ft 94
nl2l4ft 94
s81/4ft 93
n79ft 93
s42ft 92
n46ft 48
s32ft 50
n32ft 50
s40ft 52
n24ft 52
E ' 53
n ys 53
n46ft 91
s'/s 90
nys 90
s489 5
nya 5
10 24
20 48
10 24
10 24
10 24
10 24
20 48
20 48
20 48
10 24
10 24
10 24
10 24
10 24
10 24
20 48
20 48
20 60
10 30
10 30
12 60
8 00
20 60
10 28
20 60
10 00
30 00
19 60
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
12 80
12 80
6 80
14 00
16 80
20 00
5 00
3 40
31 60
16 80
18 40
25 60
12 80
12 80
25 60
16 00
9 60
12 80
12 80
25 60
18 40
12 80
12 80
25 60
10 24
10 24
10 00
10 48
9 24
6 12
3 92
21 68
25 60
14 40
11 20
25 60
25 60
13 60
12 00
11 20
14 40
25 60
25 60
25 60
12 80
12 80
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
25 60
Oficial Notices.
O Wolldorf, do 81 25 60
Fred Mertz, do 80 25 60
Fred Burdt, Jr, do 79 25 60
F Kadow est do 78 25 60
John Theis, do 77 25 60
W Graff, do sy 76 12 80
Henry Fischer, do ni/z 76 12 80
J Brachenbach, do s48ft 75 19 20
Adam Wiehl, do nl6ft 75 6 40
do do s4Hft 74 19 20
John Jehring, do nl ift 74 6 40
do do 73 25 60
A Kemps, do 72 5 60
do do 71 25 60
John Bohn, do 70 25 60
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks on both bides of Kniest
street, between Rhomberg avenue and Eagle
Point avenue, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity a ith the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the south side of
Nineteenth street, abutting lot 97, East Du-
buque add, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Lin-
coln avenue, between Cooler avenue and White
street, where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property.
Resolved, ,By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Sum-
mit street, between West Third street and Fen-
elon Place, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the west side of
Southern avenue, between O. C. line and Rowan
street, where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property_
Resolved, Be the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Lin-
coln avenue, abutting lot 10 Wicks add, where
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
Resolved, ,By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of
White street, between Rhomberg avenue and
Eagle Point avenue; also abutting lot 35 L. H.
Langworthy's add. North Eagle Point avenue,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: Taat a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within six days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Lin-
coln avenue, abutting lot 1 of 4, L. Kniest
add., where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of
Rhomberg avenue, abutting lot 35 Cook's add.,
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved. By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct -
en and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on Jaekson street and
Eagle Point avenue, abutting lots 48 to 54, in-
clusive, where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or. cement,
be, within fifteen days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks. on the south side of
West Seventh street, between Needham Place
and Hill street, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Resolved, Be the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk eight feet wide, of
good two inch plank. brick, stone or cement,
be, within twenty days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance 111 relation to sidewalks, on the south
side of Tenth street, abutting lot 46 city, where
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the erdinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Jack-
son street. abutting lot 39 East Dubuque add.,
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Hill
street, between West Fifth and West Seventh
streets, where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted May 6, 1895.
may19-10t Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To THOMAS KELLY: You are hereby
notified that in accordance with a resolution of
the City Council of the City of Dubuque for
the repairing of sidewalk, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the City Council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot nw 51 of 39, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be
held on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1895, and
show cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
25-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
List of City Warrants.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of January, 1895.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Feb. 1, 1895.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of January, 1895:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
P Olinger, mayor .$250 00.
H B Gniffke, salary Dec'ber, treasurer. 200 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder116 70
M M McCarten, do auditor116 70
J F Stemm, do do assessor125 00
J E Knight, do do attorney125 00
John Raesli, do do marshal100 00
J Reinfried do do fire chief75 00
G Osborn, (10 do electrician 75 00
W H Knowlton, do engineer 278 00
E S Hyde, do do asst eng'r. 100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do 100 00
Henry Glab, do do do 50 00
M I. o, do do sewer insp'tor 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 45 00
Jac Kleine, do do market master 50 00
F W Wieland, do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do do street comm'r. 91 65
J O'Connell, do do clerk 83 35
James Daly, fireman 60 00
Job Barnes, do 75 00
J Murphy, do 60 00
Wm Duey, do 60 00
A McDonnell, do 60 00
J Schonberger, do 50 00
Ed Keas, do 50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
51 Eitel. do 60 00
J Essman, do 75 00
A Duccini, ao b0 00
J Flynn, do 60 00
J Wiltse, do 60 00
T Walker, do
50 00
C Specht, do 50 00
J Tschudi, do 50 00
D Ahearn, do 60 00
W Hippman, do 60 00
J Allen. do60 00
C Kannolt, do 60 00
F Ganahl, do 50 00
J Warde, do 50 00
Geo Girke, do 35 46
Geo Willman, do 10 80
F Essman, do 60 00
T Flynn, do 60 00
A Straney, do
50 00
J Rooney, do 50 00
Tom Sweeney, do 14 50
Wm McBride, do 50 00
k Weston, do 60 00
J Williams, do 5U 00
J Murphy, police 75 00
Bart Cain, do .... 50 00
Wm Hennessy, do50 00
Wm Frith, do ...• 50 00
John Littcher, do b0 00
P McNerney, do 50 00
P Dunnegan, do b0 00
T Reilly, do
50 00
P Kearney, do 50 00
3 Fitzpatrick, do 50 00
D Norton, do 50 00
Jas Allen, do 5U 00
John Reuter, do b0 00
Jas Flynn, do 50 00
Ed Moore, do
50 00
51 Kilty, do 50 00
P Sutton, do
50 00
M Craugh, do 50 00
J Hoffman, do 50 00
P Sullivan, do 50 00
John Hilson, do bU 00
P Powers, do b0 00
J Seerest, do 50 00
J Murphy, do 5U UU
Sam Elmer, do 50 00
P Scharf, do .... 50 00
P DicCollins, do bU 00
F Rlrombetg, do 50 00
F Carney, do 50 00
Jas Rooney, do 60 00
I Mauhoff, do 50 00
Wm O'Prien, do 50 00
P Hanlon, do ••50 00
Jas O'Holloran, do 50 00
Wm Howard, do 60 00
Jas Lonergan, do 50 00
DI Lonergan, pound master 50 00
P Ahea o, laborer 40 00
T Ahearn, do 2 70
Wm Bantling, do 70
J Broehtobrock, do 8 10
J Boetke, do 6 10
Chas Beyer, mason 9 00
M Brown, laborer 13 50
u; Buse. do 5 10
P Brady, do 4 05
R Burns, do 12 15
P Burke, do 12 85
J Byrne, do 6 75
B Berg, do 10 15
John Boetcber, do 3 05
P Brandenberger, oo 3 75
C Brandt, do 6 75
K Capritz, do 19 95
D Cor oran, do 20 95
L Cahill, do 24 30
J Coyne, do 25-65
J Corcoran, do 16 20
J Callahan, do 7 45
BConlin, do 10 80
Steve Cain, do 70
Jerry Cahill, do 3 75
John Cahill, (10 3 00
Wm Carter, do 10 60
M Dorsey, do 1 35
J D,,ugherty, do 8 80
P Dempsy. do 2 70
J Eberhardt, do 11 50
J Eagan, do 11 15
John Everet, do 4 05
C Fisher. do 6 75
N Fritz, do 6 10
Wm Flynn, do 22 95
P Farrell, do 13 50
L Frith, do 6 45
Dan Fox, do 13 50
51 Fagan, do 13 85
P Fury, Sr, do 16 20
51 Farrell, do 7 10
John Farley. do 33 00
Joe Grab, do 15 90
M Groff, do 8 10
Ed Grew, do 14 85
Jos Ginter, do 7 45
John Hafey, do 10 80
C Hillery, foreman 20 00
M Houpes, laborer........... 14 55
Jas Harker, do 3 40
G Hartman, do 2 70
Aug Hoffman, do 3 40
Dan Hartman, do 70
A Jaeger, do 14 85
J G Jones, do 13 50
A Johnson, do 6 45
J Kinsella, carpenter 50 00
C Kampman, laborer 8 45
P Kinney, do 25 35
51 Kline, do 13 50
J Kelly, do 1 35
J Kraus, do 4 40
Aug Hotferman, do 3 40
51 Loes, do 11 15
A Lundy, do 8 45
J Lacy, do 8 10
H Lange, do 2 40
D Minnie, do 6 45
D Manning, do 2 70
J Moroney, do 6 75
PMilligan, do 12 15
P Moran, do 12 15
P Murray, do 3 40
C Mackelberg, do ... 2 40
P Moore, engineer... 40 00
1 50
John Melone, laborer 14 85
B McCormack, do 16 40
M McCone, foreman 14 55
J McNulty, laborer 14 55
L Mclivoy, do 6 75
J McGee, do 640
DI McCarten, bo 78 85
P ncCarten, do 7 10
Wm McDermott, do 3 40
B McCoy. do 3 00
J McCune, do 3 40
Wm McClain, do 8 10
Nic Otterman, do 7 50
P O'Toole, ado 10 50
Bert Oswald, mason... 17 55
P O'Brien, Sr, laborer 20 00
John O'Dea, do 12 15
Jas Purcell, do 13 20
D Powers, do
Li8t of City Tf arrange.
Jas Powers, do 7 45
J Pe ryon, do 3 75
John Raetz, foreman 36 40
N Rets, laborer 24 65
F Rieger, do 8 10
John Ryan, do 10 80
Wm Rieman, do 6 45
M Raen. do 2 70
T Reilly, do 2 05
Wm Rehfelt do................ 2 40
John Steffes, do 18 90
M Specht, do ... 8 10
FSchiltz, do 8 80
Peter Stoffer, do 6 45
Dan Sheehan, do 31 50
J B Stevens, do 15 20
D Sullivan, do 6 75
Smedley Mfg Co, repair'g steam roller 7 57
Christman & Healey, ha, dware3 30
Hussman & Lies, hardware 12 50
F Schloz, repairing tools 17 50
Standard Lumber Co, lumber 32 58
John Williams, rent for wheel scrapers 10 00
St. Louis Machine Oil Co, oil21 72
Shipley&Bauman, veterinary services 10 95
Key City Iron Works, repairing snaps. 3 63
Key City Gas Co, coke 29 54
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing 15 25
J Ernsdorf & Son, hardware 1 66
J M McKenzie, repairing harness... ,3 25
Fraatz & Clark, drugs 70
do do 1 90
P Klauer, moving and cleaning stoves 53 30
J Trudell, repairing patrol wagon 75
0 Parr, sawing wood 4 50
Merkes & Hassler, hay ............ 6 00
Phil Pier, Jr, coal 55 70
Dodson & Cousin, wood 31 43
Peter Klauer, moving stoves 6 00
Dub Cab Makers' Ass'n, furniture24 00
F Schloz, wagon tongue 1 50
Kannall & rowers, horse shoeing 13 00
CW Pureel, oil 3 75
Joe Reinfried, freight charges.... 9 50
Jos Trudell, repairing wagon25 40
Phil Pier, Jr, coke and coal72 88
Dodson & Cousin, wood 80 82
Jas Kelly & Son, stationery10 50
John Hartig, making keys 2 25
J Ernsdorf & Son, hardware 60
Standard Lumber Co, shavings50
ARuh, matches and soap 6 05
JZangmeister, oil........ ...... 1 25
W H Torbert, drugs 6 40
Standard Lumber Co, shavings, 60
The Telegraph, stationery 76 50
J J Rowan, oil cloth 60
Wm M Greenhow, supplies 4 00
E E Frith, removing dead animals 5 50
Barger & Blish, stationery 4 90
Jos Geiger, repairing around city hall 19 00
Ham & Carver, blanit stationery 22 25
A Baurnhover, repairing Central En-
gine house 76 87
F Schloz, repairing tuhs and scrapers3 15
Ferguson Bros, repairing fountains8 90
Diamond Jo Line Steamers, twine15
B E Lenlhan, cement and sewer pipe26 12
N P Nicks, repairing engine house18 30
F J Stoltz, repairing ladders 8 90
Butt Bros, bolts and hooks14 60
John Butt, repairing wagons11 90
Star Electric Co, electric light500 00
too do do 500 00
do dodo 500 00
do do
do 109
Brown & Brown, improg Southern av 52 71
Jas Ryan, tilling Fourth street13 65
Jordan & Jordan. map stretchers 1 00
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, map rollers
and frames 30 00
E J Evans, tilling Spring street 3 30
M Lavin, constructing sewer68 38
do do do 35 10
do do do 115 09
do do do 318 40
Altman & Taylor, improving Lawther
J Hartig, repairing compass and tape 382 00
lines4 00
Frank Bentin, grading Ann avenue13 34
D W Linehan, grading Lincoln avenue 9 64
John McCoy, constructing sidewalk31 68
J Watry, tilling Fourth Street........,1 80
Brown & Brown, imp. Southern avenue 152 48
J Williams, imp. West Eagle Point ave 287 86
do do do do 319 96
Altman & Taylor, imp. Holly Street61 99
do do 500 00
do do do •464 80
Geo W Farley, filling Fourth street58 14
Key City Gas Co, gas 84 30
Globe Light and Heat Co,gas'linelights 228 89
Western Electric Co, supplies16 86
Byrne Bros, sprinkling around city
property 225 00
Baumgartner & Kielh, hardware 2 30
B E Linehan, cement 11 60
Reiufried & Jaeger, supplies....,, .. 60
The Herald, advertising ... 75 00
The Globe, do 29 15
The Times, do 29 16
The Telegraph, do 29 15
H B Gniffke, money advanced125 00
do do 500 00
do do .... 500 00
0o do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do .•.•500 00
do 296 56
do do 285 10
do do
Mrs Catharine Ward, loan 300 00
••••200 13
Firemen's Benefit Ass'n, loan500 00
do do do 100 00
Nick 11srphy, loan .. 400 00
las Moore, janitor ...................... 20 00
Geo W Farley, stone 4 50
Con Ryan, Jr, tilling Fourth street 274 63
C Oswald, cleaning chimney city hall14 00
Hardie & Scharle, printing and sta-
tionery 170 50
H S Moore, fees in Hunt case 40 00
M Shay, laborer 4 05
Aug Seik, do 2 70
Jotu Sullivan, d0 14 85
Nit! Sweeney, do .. 13 85
Joe Seik, do 25 00
TheoThill, do 6 10
John Twigg, do 2 40
N Wagner, do •26 70
Aug Wittee, do8 10
John Wolf, do 6 10
T Welsh, do 4 75
M White, do 1170
Ed Welsh, do ................ 2 40
Wm Warring, do 37 50
J Yarding, do 6 75
Geo Zittman, do 1 05
W Zachina, do 6 75
Geo Zumhoff, foreman.. ...... ........ 2 80
P Apple,
T Byron, ea team 16 20
47 25
R Bennett, do 8 10
1 Beekman, do 5 40
Mr, Costello, do 4 05
Wm Casey, do 12 15
A Conrad, do 20 25
B Cain, do 27 00
P Clancy, do 25 65
Wm Corcoran, do
P Doerr, do 414 0585
T J Donahue, do 5 40
T Elliott, do 29 05
R F nn, do 25 00
N Frithith,, do 8 10
P C Foley, do 51
J Fitzgibbons, do 2 7030
J Geary, do 24 30
J Garragan, do 5 40
T Heins, do 27 00
Haggerty Bros, do 29 70
P Jarden, do 12 15
T Kane, do 18 90
P Linehan, do 37 80
C Lempke, do 8 10
C Leicht, 15 55
John Long, do
Joe Moore, 14 85
Mrs Phil Melloy, do 117 55
J McCollins, "" •'
Wm McGrath, do 29 05
John McGrath, do 30 40
J McCracken, do 6 75
P O'Meara, 9 45
A Paley, do 8 20
John Pickley, do 2488 35
John Parker, 05
Mrs Quinlivan, do 10
H Schmidt, 21 60
A Siege, do ...... o 22 90
H Seeley,, do 12 90
Ed do •. 2 05
J Sullivado 24 30
D Sutherland, do 21417 70
P Shay, do 60
John Savage, do 45
M Tice, 12 85
Cath Tobin, do 05
L Taylor, do 8 10
J Williams,
H WebeWeber,d
do 8 10
do 412 159 95
List of City Warrants.
T Woltie, do 4 73
A Walker, do 2 70
F Schilling, laborer 28 00
1' McNulty, do 42 00
J Hillery, do 31 10
J Erskin, do 7 00
do 13 50
P Fury,
T Fagan, do 21 00
D D Nitterrauer,express 50
M Higgins, do 5 25
Jett McGrath, team 10 80
Wm Gan, laborer 9 75
J Remus, do 9 00
H Weber, team 2 70
T Bannon, laborer 6 00
W Breen. do 1 50
John McGrath, team ................ 1 50
ANicks, mason 10 00
C Hillery, laborer 2 25
p clinger. salary 250 00
Mrs Koenig, janitor ................... 23 00
Jas Moore, assistant market master20 00
Tom Connolly, sawing wood.... 16 50
Wm S Molo, torch 5 00
Merkes & Hassler, bran and corn 2 20
Wm Marshall. repairing steam roller13 19
Palmer, Wivall & Co, blank stationery 16 50
Jas Tobin, hauling ashes 1 50
J Zangttteister, oil ............
.1 McKenzie, repairing tools2 15
John Drehouse, timbers.... 1 00
Van Horn & Scherr, horse shoeing4 00
7 50
11 Lempke, stone
I Beekman, stone............ 37 24
B Van Walling, stone............ 17 00
John Leicht, sand 3 00
Key City Gas Co, coke........ 80 73
0 11
C Beyer macadam.... 3 00
Walton & Bieg, blank stationery
Barnard, Walker & Clewell, blank sta-
tionery ...
H Turner, cleaning vaults
Standard Lumber Co, lumber..........
Paul Schlenker, hardware ............
Fred Lange, macadam
Claus Hagge. do
C Brandt, do
M Adam, do •
V Lange, do
do do
ASchweagler, do
C Vincent, do
W Schweagler, do
Woodrich & Schmeid, macadam
A Immisch, do
P Ginter, do
Geo Heuser, do
Wm Sehweagler, do
C Ga tenbein & Son, macadam
CBeinkeff. co ••••
H Berry, do
C Karsch & Son, do
T Rstterman, do
Fred Mensel & Co,do
Wm Scharf, do
C Luekterhand, do
John Spies, do
John Woodrich, do
Fred Scharf, do
F T Radlotf, do
E Winlcleman and F Barns, macadam
C Mecklinberg, do
C Henning and J Ziedman, macadam.
F Kaufman, do
J Albrecht & Co, do
J Bruck, G Schon,T Schneider,mac'd'm
Frank and Herman Dax, macadam
J W Howe and T Meggison, macadam.
Wm Kronfeldt, do
Henry Luck, do
H Kronfeldt, do
P Braudenberger, JBlerion, macadam
A Kaufman, C Mecklenber•g, macadam
Chas and Wm Rehfeldt, macadam
John Tweig, macadam
P Bever and N Steffen, macadam
John Sand, macadam
Fred Redpath, do
Fred Fellbaum, do ...
Fred Remus, do
C Messerknecht, Sr, tnacadam
A Albrecht, C Kronfeldt, macadam
Otto Riss, macadam.— .• • • ••• • • •••
C Burkhard, do
C and Herman Dieckleuberg, macadam
Fred Zierzow, macadam
A Haforman, do
Chas Bremer, do
Fred Conrad, do
A Schilskie, do •
Theo and Wm Grobe, macadam
Chas Knaber, Chas Kulow, macadam. 19 05
H Tippe &Sun, macadam 30 00
E Frith, do 10 20
C Buelou, do 15 00
Fred Trapf, do 2 45
1I Kilburg, M Adam, macadam21 455
L and R Hang and C Kaiser, macadam 49 25
J Nickels & Co, macadam4 25
Nick Adam,do 16 95
L Schilhavie. do 15 00
H Guile, M Winget, V Wallig, macadam 33 75
John Meim, macadam 15 00
Simon Meyer, do 14 60
Wm Greve and 11 Wanger•, macadam30 00
Joe Lawland, macadam .......... 15 00
Wm Vogt and P Wagner, macadam... 15 00
John Fix, macadam................ 4 05
John Evert, do................15 45
John Steffen, do 5 85
Peter Jacobi, do ................15 00
J Schurer, C Clemens, macadam 18 30
R Eckert, macadam 5 85
F Callow. do15 00
F Hilbert, do 14 90
J Leidinger &Son,do 22 95
Nie Weber, do14 90
B Wallig, do 15 00
H Lembke, do 4 50
C Frohs, do 15 00
M Bakula, P Krowcheskie, macadam. 10 00
M Specht and Joe Wedner, do 24
1I Specht and M Helwig, do 45 00
Geo Muekel, macadam 17 85
J E lermanns, do 15 00
S Sommer, do
J Koehler, do 15 0015 00
A Mareske, do 8 60
John Witt, do 9 65
J Ceisler, do
J Beyer and Ed Geisler, macadam 30 00
6 55 H Mans, macadam ..............•• 15 00
15 00
12 92 John Bottoms, do ...
10 70 M Gloden and M and P Stuhl, macad'm 25 50
2 50 A Jaeger and J Kraus, macadam16 40
17 70 L Grassell, macadam15 00
15 60
15 00 HCobb, •-• ••••••••••
6 80 E Brunskill, J Tobin, macadam........ 24 45
99 80 B Fern & Sons, 5
30 00
14 00 J Corbett & Son, do "" "" 30 00
6 00 A Hird & Son, d° "" ""
5 25 John and Jas McEvoy, do ••••'^'20 60 15 00
15 00 Mike Corbett, "" "" 7 20
15 00 A 5 Knapp and L Crull, do 6 95
30 00 Wm and Chas Corbett, do 30 00
18 35 J Case and Wm Blocker, do ........
12 75 B Fern & Sons and G Sails, macadam. 1616 700
3 00 B Donahue & Sons, do
15 00 Geo Willman, macadam •• 15 00
15 00
10 65 M McCune, do
19 95 M Quinlan and 1I'g,t Flynn, macadam 25 25
6 95 Wm King., macadam.— ...• ••...... 2 25
22 90
30 00 Jas Cahill & Son, do
15 00 A Horzfal and J Schlosser, macadam. 8 10
30 00 T Butcher & Co, macadam ........ 22 10
22 10
15 00 11 Ferris, d° .....""" 15 75
15 00 F Kruse, do
15 00 H Busman, A Froebel, A Mines and 33 20
15 00 R Dietrich macadam 13 55
15 00 J and F Toll, do 15 00
36 30 Anto Velu, do 15 00
2 40 D Sutherland, do macadam 33 00
9 00 J Glorckner and J Gregory, 33 00
19 35 PFitzgeralc, macadam ...........
15 00 Mat Mabe and Pat Hanifan, macadam 14 45
14 00
16 20 Neil McPoland, macadam...........
45 00 M and J Burkhardt, macadam19 20
5 25 Nick Martin, macadam 19 00
3 45 C Learheimert do
13 55 F Faber and E Gressinger, macadam.
16 20
16 95
15 00 E and 11 Egan, W Bird, S Oatey,
16 55 J Parker, W Hied, 5 Oatey, macadam15 00
24 00 P Dempsey, J Gillespie
wesi dam d J Parker, 51 65
18 90 macadam 28 80
21 5 J Parker and Ed Egan, do 30 00
13 65 J Cahill, Sr & Son, do 16 85
30 00 M and J Boyle, 7 65
16 85 J Pregler and J Jellison, do
10 85 W McLaughlin, J Jellison, do •••.'0
10 65 Pat Gill, macadam ............... 22 00
1 1
15 00 Gus Schultz, Jas McLaughlin, P Sad- 60 00
17 30 ler and Nix:Hormes, macadam 15 00
31 40 Chas Reilly, macadam 2 60
15 00 Pat Flynn, (lo .. •.35 00
15 00 T O'Connor and W Maxwell, macadam 35 00
90 00 Dell Gagne & Son- macadam . • •... 30 00
6 45 F Roy, C, F and J Otto, do 60 00
8 30 M Michel, macadam—. ..........
15 50 Joe Seig, do ;;;, 12 20
15 00 F Hami1, do 12 00
15 00 J Malone, Jr, do ......... ...... 30 00
17 25 J Malone, Sr, &Son . • •
List of City Warrants.
J Deggendorf and J Graham, maeac'm
Mrs C D Sullivan, macadam
Wm Wens, do
J Spear and M Hines. do
Sam Allen, do
John Kelly. do
B Connolly, d0
M Graham, do
Pat McPoland, do
J O'Donnell, do
J Southwell, do ...
P Mohan, do
John, Joe and Jas Fitzgibbons, m'd'm
T Dorsey, 11 Mullen T Gibbons, m'd'm
J Baker, S Sullivan, 11 Cain and Cor-
nish, macadam .....
P Kremer, A Sehall, J Nies, macadam
J and N Sweeney, macadam
Wm Ahern, do
do do
Geo Rudd, do
John McNulty, do
J Schroman, do
M McCarter, do
J Wall, do
Wm McClain and Wm McDermott,
macadam.. ..... ..... .....
P Carney & Son, do ...........
S Cain, M White, T Vollinger, mac'd'm
Ruben Grimes, macadam
M Carney, do
TKenneady, do
Jand P Whelan, do
M McCune, do
J McCune,
R McMahan,
J Purcell,
M O'Shea,
P Quinn, Sr, do
P Quinn, Sr, M Burns, J Royce, mc'd'm
P Quinn, Sr, and M Burns, do
Jas O'Shea. do
P Quinn, Sr, and P Murry, macadam
P Quinn, Jr, L McEvoy and P Moran,
John Hill and lI Bu• ke, Jr, macadam
M Sullivan & Son, macadam
Mike Burke, Sr, do
if Mahony & Son, do .;
W Connell, do
B M Norman and W Emmert, mac'd'm
C McDonough and J Willmann, do
JLukins, macadam
J F Kringle, do
A Hefte, do
M Gant.nbein, do
Geo Ciross, do
Wm Gross and P Wiest, macadam
N Cameron, macadam
C Beyer, do
D Gantenbein, do
J Dashek, do
Fred Remus, do
F Conrod, C Fenslow & Co, macadam.
A Finke, macadam.......
J Stevens and A Doty. macadam
Fred Nank and R Flick, do
Henry Ehlers, macadam
P Kiene, J Bender and P Wilbert, ma.
Jos Ginter, macadam
C Ellerman, do
J G and A Muekel, do
M Nevens and N Grandgenet, mac'd'm
A Brebe, macadam
11 Brehm, do
A and E Chermeny and M Specht, ma-
daman 6
M Specht, macadam .... 3
S Allen, P Mohan, do 25
H Keenan and P Connolly, macadam15
John and Jas Carroll, macadam 22
Thos Hird & Son, do 21
John Connolly, do 8 70
John Carney, do 13 65
D Connolly and J Wall, do 22 20
Joe Wall. do 3 35
J McGrath and J Ahern, do 12 80
Mike Higgins & Co, do 30 00
PQuinn, Sr, and MKiefer, do 15 00
P Quinn, Sr, and J Ritter, do 15 00
Joe and Mrs J Kelly, do 30 90
J W Bottoms, macadam 16 7U
M Doyle, do• 15 00
Jas Donahue, do
H Droese and A Seiger, macadam 5 90
Fred Berg, macadam....... •
25 90
J Nickolas, ... 15 00
N and DCameron, do '" 4 95
Peter Mihm, 2 75
Geo Farley, do 9 80
10 80
28 50
30 95
45 00
19 50
23 85
14 40
30 30
3 45
11 00
20 25
10 40
5 55
18 95
21 35
13 55
15 00
3 80
A S Knapp, do
P Smith and J Deggendorf, macadaut.
A Doty and 0 Farley do
W Burke, macadam ................
0 Schafetel, do
E Ospelt. do
C Budde, do
D Gantenbein. do
A & W Sehnll, do
T llulqueeuey, do
Robert McGivern, sanitary inspector..
5 25
3 05
10 50
9 15
13 05
5 45
12 60
20 15
12 30
22 95
50 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of January, 1895.
City Recorder.
Issued by the City Recorder During the
Month of February, 1895.
DunuQu , Iowa, March 1, 1895. '
To the Honorable Mayor and City Couneil:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of February, 1895:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gniffke, salary Jan'y treasurer ...$ 175
T J Cooney, do recorder .... 116
M M McCarten, do auditor 116
J F Stemm, do assessor 125
J E Knight, do attorney 125
John Raesli, do marshal 100
J Reinfried, do tire chief75
Geo Osborne. do electrician 75
19 50 W H Knowlton, do engineer 200
6 60 E S Hyde, do ass't engin'r 100
30 00 Jas Boyce, do do 100
15 00 Henry Glab, do do 50
30 00 M Igo, do sewer insp'r 60
9 45 sto'n 45
20 75 JKlein, do e, do mark'tark tmas'r 50
29 00 F W Wieland, do health officer 50
17 45 John Carter, do street com'r. 91
5 60 3 O'Connell, do clerk 83
17 10 J J Hannon, do wharf mast'r 10
12 20 li Eitel, fireman 60
8 55 J Essman, do 75
18 30 A Duccini, do 50
11 40 John Flynn, do 60
19 20 John Wiltse, do 60
16 10 C Specht, do 50
4 35 J Tschudi, do 50
9 60 Ed Keas, do 50
15 00 Jas Daly, do 60
6 60 Job Barnes, do 75
32 70 A McDonnell, do 60
19 35 J Murphy, do 60
6 15 Wm Duey, do 60
45 00 J Scuonberger, do 50
6 45 Tom Ryder, do 50
31 Fahey,do 50
22 45 D Ahearn,
4 85 T Walker, do 60
10 40 F Ganalh , do 60
8 45 do 506
Geo Gerke, do 6
Geo Helmrich, do 50
05 W Williams, do 50
35 T Sweeney, do 50
10 F Essman, do 60
75 T Flynn, do 60
05 A Straney, do 48
20 Jas Rooney, do 50
John Bannon, do 1
C Kannolt, do 60
J Alien,
W McBride, do 50
R Weston' do 50
J J Murphy, police 75
B Cain, do 50
Wm Hennessy, do 50
Wm Frith, do 50
J Loetacher, do 50
P McNerney, do 60
T Reilly, do 50
J Fitzpatrick, do 50
Dan Norton, do 50
Jas Allen, do 50
John Reuter, do 50
Jas Flynn, do 50 0 -
Ed 3Ioore, do 50 00
List of City Warrants.
M Kilty, do
P Sutton, do
M Crangh, do
J Hoffmann, do
P Sullivan, do
P Powers, do
F Rhomberg, do
F Carney, do
Jas Rooney, do
I Manitof", do
Wm O'Brien, do
Jas O'Halloran, do
Joni Hllson, do
Jas Lonergan, do
Jas Carter, do
Sam Elmer, do
P Scharf, do
P D1cColllns, do
J Secrest, do
v. m Hanlon, do
Wm Howard, do
John Murphy, do
M Lonergan, pound master
PAhearn, laborer
J Adams, vo
C Buse, do
P Brandenberger, do
C Brandt, do
J Becker, do
John Cahill, do
H Connell, ao
J Compton, do
Steve Cain, do
J Callahan, do
D Corcoran, do
DI Dieferding, do
J Dougherty, do
Frank Dickens, do
John Driscoll, do
J Eberhardt, do
John Egan, do
John Fix, do
Dan Fox, do
John Farley, do
Wm Flynn, do
31 Groff, do
Ed Grew, do
P Grew, do
M Heivick, do
A Berman, do
Chas Hillery, foreman
John Hafey, laborer
Thos Hird, do
GHendricks, do
John Kinsella,carpenter........
J Kraus, laborer..........
P Kinney, do
M Kline, do
P Kearney, do
Geo Lutz, do
John Lacy, do
J Moroney, do
J Melone, do
Jas Morrill, do
T Mulqueeney, do
J McNulty, do
P McMullen, do
T McDonnell, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
J Perryon, do
J Raetz, foreman
Wm Rieman, laborer
\Vm Swaegler, do
Dan Sheehan, do
N Schroeder, do
John Steffes, do
M Specht, do
31 Scheirock, do
N Sweeney, do
8 Sullivan, do
P Stoller, do
J Seik, do
A Wittee, do
Wm Warring, do
J Weisheit, do
N Yarden, do
G Eumhoff, foreman
I Beekmann, team
T Byron, do
It Bennett, do
P Clat.cy, do
ht Cushing, do
A Conrad, do
J Duggan, do
T Elliott, do
N Frith, do
J Geary, do
DI J Hannon, do
P Jorden, do
J Long, do
C Leik, do
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 05
50 00
51 60
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
40 00
1 05
2 70
5 40
2 05
7 50
4 10
1 35
4 05
3 40
3 75
8 10
2 70
4 05
2 70
8 10
1 05
3 75
4 05
1 50
2 70
2 70
4 75
1 70
2 05
1 35
1 60
3 75
3 40
2 70
50 00
3 05
22 95
7 80
3 40
1 35
4 80
2 70
3 75
3 75
10 15
4 05
5 40
2 70
7 10
3 75
14 40
1 70
4 50
2 70
7 10
4 05
2 40
4 75
25 00
2 70
39 00
2 40
4 75
3 20
5 40
16 20
16 20
8 10
5 40
13 50
5 40
6 75
2 70
4 05
8 10
6 75
5 40
5 40
C Messerknecht, do,
J McColllns, do
S Norton, do
J Strotz, do
D Sutherland, do
A Siege, do
P Vogel, do
J Williams,
P McNulty,
F Schilling,
J Erskin,
T Faean,
3 Driscoll,
Wm Flynn,
P Fury
J Breen, do 13 50
Geo Wetter, do 12 90
It McGivern, sanitary inspector 50 00
.las Moore, janitor 20 00
Mrs Koenig, janitor 20 00
Geo Bennett, assistant assessor 80 00
Gott Gmehle, do do 80 00
Ellwanger Bros, repairing harness16 85
Svendsen & Ott, lumber....... 21 23
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware 7 10
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware2 20
J T Kearns, recording plat 3 00
J Harney, repairing tools 2 00
Excelsior Brass Wks, repairing rmler. 6 65
G W Farley, filling Fourth street
Reinfried & Jaeger, rip saw
Nes,l-r Bros. repairing steam guage.
E E Frith, removing dead animals
Ham & Carver, blank stationery
Dubuque T legraph, stationery
Jas Kelly & Son, stationery
Harger & Blish. stationery 4 85
0 Wertin, caring for pe.t house 15 00
Ernest Bowen, caring for pest house10 00
B D Linehan, repairing tools 3 20
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches and soap 6 05
C Oswald, ash pans and stove pipe11 20
Mullen Bros, plumbing 15 75
Butt Bros, repairing hose truck 5 25
P H Halpin, bran and salt 7 CO
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, hose
washer 5 85
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing.... 12 00
J F Ris & Co, hardware 80
Thos McDonnell, labor 3 25
T C Murphy, fees in city ordin'ce case 60 50
C Bochart, police overcoats220 00
Headford Bros & Co, manhole castings 30 00
Pall Pier, coal and coke 209 99
W H Torbert, drugs 19 35
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil4 20
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing22 20
Thos Collins, horse shoeing25 50
Standard Oil Co, oil 4 00
Diamond Jo Line Steamers, oak lum-
um- 6 07
ber..................................... 22 29
Bart E Linehan, rope
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services 10 95
Noonan Bros, livery hire 12 00
Wm Groff, cleaning vaults 24 20
V A Lieben, fees in Hunt case80 00
Smedley Mfg Co, repairing roller 4 85
Key City Gas Co, gas......... .. 107 05
Star Electric Co, electricolights ...... 500 00
do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 109 20
Dubuque Water Co, water 500 00
do (10 500 00
do do 240 00
do do 500 00
do do b00 00
do do 241 66
do do 500 00
do do 112 50
do do 426 35
do GO 30 00
do do 200 00
do do . 400 00
J & A M Trexler, bran and salt18 20
Central Union Tel Co, rent58 60
Wm Greenhow, repairingpflush tanks. 10 35
Western Electric Co,electrical supplies 20 00
Brown & Brown, imp. Seminary street 49 50
Williams & McCann, imp. Dodge street 50 00
D W Linehan, grading Alta Vista st180 05
Iowa Iron Wks. repairing steam roller 117 58
100 00
11 B Gnilfke, money advaanced.... ••• 500 00
do do ....... 500 00
do do 453 14
do do do ...... . 323 45
do do do
100 00
Kittle McDonnell, loan 150 00
J & H Specht, donation for ferry 1b0 00
R Kimball, donation for ferry.... . 75 00
A Siege, grading Blake street
laborer 37 60
do ........ 12 25
do 28 85
do 15 75
do 15 00
4 05
6 75
6 75
9 45
4 05
2 70
8 10
5 40
1 10
1 50
6 50
4 50
21 00
12 25
92 List of City Wotrrant8.
Thos Connolly, labor . . .... . .. . ... . ... . . 12 40
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
February, 1895. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Issued by the City Recorder During the
Month of March, 1895.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 1, 1895. }
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete List
of all warrants issued by me during the mouth
of March, 1895:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
H B Gniffke, salary Feb'y treasurer ..4200 00
do do clerk hire,.. 50 00
T J Cooney, do recorder ,... 116 70
M M McCarten, do auditor 116 70
J F Stemm, do assessor 125 00
J E Knight, do attorney ,125 00
John Raesli, do marshal 100 00
J Reinfried, do fire chief75 00
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200 00
Geo Osborne, do electrician 75 Ou
E S Hyde, do ass't engin'r 100 00
Jas Boyce, do do 100 00
Henry Glab, do do 50 00
M Igo, do sewer insp'r 60 00
H Henge, do park custo'n 45 00
J Klein, do mark't mas'r 50 00
F W Wieland, do health officer 50 00
John Carter, do street com'r. 91 65
J O'Connell, do clerk83 35
M Eitel, fireman 60 00
Jas Daly, do 60 00
Job Barnes, do ...,,, • • •• 75 00
JMurphy, do ..,,,,,,•• 60 00
Wm Duey, do ...... •••. 60 00
A McDonnell, do 60 00
JSc••onberger, do 50 00
Ed Keas, do •50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
J Essman, do ...,,, •••• 75 00
A Duccini, do 50 00
John Flynn. do 60 00
John W iltse, do 50 00
T Walker, do 60 00
C Specht, do 50 00
J Tschudi, do ••••50 00
D Ahearn, do 60 00
J Alien, do 60 00
W Hippman, do 60 00
C Kannalt. do 60 00
F Ganahl, do 50 00
J Warde, do 50 00
Geo Girke, do 35 46
Geo Willman, do 10 80
F E-aman, do 60 00
T Flynn, do 60 00
A Straney, do 50 00
Jas Rooney, do 50 00
T Sweeney, do 14 50
W McBride, do 50 00
R Weston, do 50 00
J Williams, do 50 00
J Murphy, police 75 00
B Cain, do 50 00
Wm Hennessy, do 50 00
Wm Frith, do 50 00
J Litscher, do 50 00
P McNerney, do 50 00
P Dunnegan, do 50 00
T Reilly, do 50 00
P Kearney, do 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, do 50 00
Dan Norton, do 50 00
Jas Allen, do 50 00
John Reuter, do 50 00
Jas Flynn, do 60 00
Ed Moore, do 50 00
M Kitty, do 50 00
P Sutton, do ""
DI Craugh, do50 00
JHoffman, do •• •^••• 50 00
P Sullivan, do 50 00
John Hilson, do 50 O0
P Powers, do 50 00
J Seerest,do 50 00
J Murphy, do 50 00
50 00
Sam Elmer, 50 00
P Scharf, do 50 00
P McCollins, do 50 00
F Rhomberg, do 50 00
F Carney, do 50 00
Jas Rooney, do 50 00
I Manhoff, do 50 00
Wm O'hrien, do 50 00
P Hanlon, do 50 00
Jas O'Holloran, do 50 00
Wm Howard, do 60 00
Jas Lonergan, do 50 00
M Lonergan, pound master.... 550 00
Bay State National Bank, loan 600 00
ao do do 5500 00
do do do 600 00
do do do 600 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 600 00
do do do ..,,,,,, 600 00
do do
do do 5500 00
do 600 00
do do do ......., 5500 00
do do do .... ,.,. 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do 5500 00
do do do .,., 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do .,....., 500 00
do do do .....,,, 5500 00
J 1oel, police 19 60
R McGivern, sanitary inspector 50 00
H B Gniftke, extra work oa books 50 00
John McKinley, extra work on books50 00
J F Stemm, extra work on books 50 00
John O'Connell, salary 100 00
Mrs Koenig, scrubbing city hall 21 50
Mrs Connolly, do do 3 00
C Buse,
P Aharn, laborer 24 50
P Brandenberger, do' 13 5011 50
C Brandt, do 1 35
F Bieger, do 70
H Berry, do 1 35
J Boetke, do 1 05
J Bottoms, do 70
J Byrne, do 2 40
P Brady, do 1 05
D Cor. oran, do 15 9
J Callahan, do 6 100
Steve Cain, do 2 70
M Corbett, do 3 40
J Corbett, do 3 40
.1 Coyne, do 13 15
F Dickens, do 2 70
J Driscoll, do 16 20
P Dempsy. do 70
J Eagan, do 4 75
J Eberhardt, do
J Klithorpe, do b14 20
P Fury, do 6 75
John Farley. do 16
Wm Flynn. do
John Fix, do 1 3580
F Fiedler, do 15 1 55 35
N Fritz, do 70
P Farrell, do 2 70
Dan Fox, do 7 46
M Groff,
Wm Flannagan, do do 4 05 1 05
Joe Grab, do 7 45
F Fengler•, do 3 40
J M Garison, do 1 35
Jos Ginter, do 1'35
Ed Grew, do 6 10
P Grew, do 2 05
C Hillery, foreman ............. 2 80
J Howard, laborer........ 6 40
F Rains, do 4 05
T Hird, do 2 70
5 10
John Hafey, do
Geo Hendricks,do
M Helvick, 2 70
do 3 40
P Jacobi, do 7 45
A Johnson, do 2 70
J Kinsella, carpenter 50 00
J Korman, laborer.......... 5 40
J Kraus,do
M Kline, do 14 40
JKunz, do
L Karn, 1 35
do 1 35
P Kinney,
•.••.••••.• do ,15 20
Kearney, do 2 20
M Loes,do ........ 10 80
Geo Lutz, do
H Lempke, do
J Lacy, do
T Dfulueeny, do
J Moroney, do
M Mecklenberg, do
J Morrell, do
B McCoy, do
P McMullen, do
J McNulty, do
L McEvoy,
T McDonnell, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
P O'Toole,
John O'Dea, do
J Perryon, do
J Ptiffner, do
J Pullen, do
M Petitte, do
John Raetz. foreman ,
W Rieman, laborer
M Ryan, do
John Ryan, do
31 Scheiroek, do
John Steffes, do
Jae Scherr, do
P Stoller, do
M Specht, do
P Smith, do
A Schmidt, do
Geo Stephens, do
13 Sviceeney, do
Joe Leik, do
A Tillman, do
V Weisheit, do
John Wolfe, do
Aug Wiederman, do
Ed Wiederman, do
John Welsh, do
Wm Warring, do
J Yurgen, do ... •
Geo Zumhoff, foreman
T Byron, team
R Bennett, do
N Brandt, do
MCushing, do
J Duggan, do
T Elliott, do
N Frith, do
P Horsch, do
M Hannon, do
C Leik, do
John Long, do
C Messerknecht, do
J Moore, do
J McCollins. do
S Norton, do
Mrs Quinlivan, do
H Strotz, do
D Sutherland, do
A Siege, do
John Terry, do
P Vogel, do
11Weber, do ..•.•.•...••••••
P McNulty, laborer ••••
F Schilling, do
George Wetter, team
F Lange, macadam
C Hagge, do
C Brandt, do
M Adam, do
V Lange, do
A Swaegler, do
C Vincent, do
Woodrich & Fcbmidt, macadam
Aug Immish, macadam ..••••••••
P Ginter, do
G Hauser, do
Win Swaegler, do
C Gantenbein & Son, macadam
D Blinkert, macadam
H Berry. do
C Karch & Son, do
T Botterman, do
F Menzel & Co, do
Wm Scharf, do
C Lueherhand, do
J Spies, do
J Woodrich, do
F techarf, do
T & F Raedloff, do
Muekelman & Karns, macadam
C Mecklenberg, macadam
Henning & Zeidman, macadam •.•. •.••
F Kauftnann, macadam
J Albrecht, do
Brick, Schon & Sneider, macadam
F & H Dax, macadam
Howe& Meggison,do
Wm Crumpl'elt, do
H Luck, do
List V City Warrants. 93
4 75 H Crumpfelt, do 16 65
8 45 Brandenberger& Perryon, macadam24 00 ,
11 15 Kauffman & Mecklenberg, do 13 90
7 45 C & W Raefelt, macadam 21 05
2 40 J Twigg, do 13 65
1 35 T Bever & Steffen, do 30 00
21 50 John Sand, do 16 85
9 75 F Redpath, do 10 85
13 85 F Felbaum, do 10 65
70 F Remus, do •... 15 00
4 05 C Messerknecht, do ••..• 17 30
2 40 Albrect & Crumpwell, macadam 31 40
4 75 Otto Ries, macadam 15 00
2 05 C Burchard, do 15 00
1 35 C & H Mueggenburg, macadam30 00
11 85 FZerzow, macadam 6 45
1 36 A Hofferman, do 8 30
1 35 C Bremer, do 15 50
10 80 F Conrad, do 15 00
23 20 A Schiltzy. do 15 00
6 05 T & W Grone, do 17 25
70 H Tippe & Son, do 30 00
1 35 E Frith, do 10 20
8 10 0 Buelow, do 15 00
10 15 F Tropf,do 2 45
8 10 M Kilburg & M Adam, macadam 21 45
6 45 Hang & Kaiser, macadam 49 25
7 10 J Nickols & Co, do 4 25
35 N Adam, do 16 95
3 40 L Schelhavie, do 15 00
5 40 Gollie, Wingert & Wolb, macadam •.•• 1633 75
6 45 J Heim, do
25 00 F Meyer, do .... • 14 60
1 35 Greve& Wagner, do 30 00
8 10 3 Lawand, do 15 00
15 00
8 80 Wm Vogt, do
1 35 John Fix, do 4 05
1 35 J Evert, do 15 45
3 40 J Steffes, do 5 85
36 00 P Jacobi, do 15 00
4 75 J Scherr & Co do 18 20
1 60 11 Eckert, do 5 85
27 00 F Callow, do •' "" 15 00
5 90
10 80 F Hilbert, _ do 1 14 95
1 35 JLeidenger &Son,do 222 90
5 40 U Weber, do 15 00
5 40 B Wallig, do ••....••••
5 40 H Lempke, do 4 60
5 40 Bakuta & Krocheski, 30 00
5 40 C Frohs, do 15 00
5 40 M Speeht & Co. do 24 00
4 05 Specht & Helwig, do 25 20
5 40 Geo Winkel, do 15 00
5 40 J Ellerman, do 17 85
5 40 S Sommers, do 15 00
5 40 J Kohler, do 15 00
2 70 A Mereska, do 15 00
9 45 J Witt, do 8 60
5 40 J Giessler, do 9 65
4 75 Beer & Giessler, do 30 00
5 40 H Hans, do 15 00
15 00
16 20 J Bottoms, do 16 40
5 40 Jaeger & Klaus, do 25 50
5 40 Glodden & Stuhl, do 16 00
42 00 L Cassel, do 14 60
42 00 H Coob, do24 45
5 40 Brun.kill&Tobin,do 27 95
17 70 B Fern & Son, do 30 00
15 00 J Corbett & Son, do 30 00
6 80 A Bird & Son, do 20 60
9 80 J & J McEvoy, do 18 00
5 85 M Corbett, 7 20
5 25 A Knapt & Co, do 6 95
15 00 Corbett Bros, do 30 00
30 00 Case & Bloekner, do
Fern & Faler, do 16 00
18 35 .....
B Donahue & Son,do 30
12 75 ""
10 50
7 00
3 00 (i tiilmon, do ............
15 00 3131cCone, do """' 25 25
10 65 Quinlan & Flynn, do 2 25
19 95 Win King',•"••' ....
2g 90
6 95 Cahill & Son, do 8 10
30 00 Horsfelt & Slosser, 22 10
15 00 Butcher & Co, do 15 00
30 00 H Ferris, do 15 75
15 00 F Kruse, 33 20
15 00 Buseman & Co, do 13 55
15 00 J & F Tool, do 15 00
15 00 F Vein, 15 00
15 00 D Sutherland, do 33 00
36 30 Glokner & Gregory, 15 00
2 40 P Fitzgerald, do 14 45
9 00 Mabe & Hanafen, do 15 00
19 95 DI McPoland, do 19 20
15 00 M & J Burchard, du 1 05
16 20 N Martin, 15 00
45 00 C Leirheimer, do 16 95
b 45 Faber & Co, do 64 20
3 45 Eagan & Co, do 15 00
13 55 Parker &Co, do 57 65
15 00 Dempsey & Co, do ••••••••••••
List of City Warrants.
Parker & Eagan, do 28 80
Cahill & Son, do 30 00
M & J Boyle, do 16 85
Pregler & Jellison, 7 65
McLaughlin & Co,do 22 10
P GUI, do 15 00
Schill & Co, do 60 00
C Reilly, do 15 00
P Flyun, do 2 60
O'Connell & Maxwell, 35 00
D Gogi>,e & Son, do .......... 30 00
Roy & Otto Bros, do 60 00
31 Michel, do 5 110
J Lenz, do 15 00
F Hammell' do ... 12 20
J Melone, Jr, do 15 00
J Melone, Sr, & Son, 30 00
Deggendorf & Graham, 28 05
Mrs C D Sullivan, do 15 00
Wm Wells, do 8 85
Spear & Heinz, do 26 60
S Allen, do 3 00
J Kelly, do 12 15
BConlin, do 2 10
M Craiin, do 13 10
P McPoland, do 2 90
Jas O'Donnell, do 12 30
P Mohan, do 15 00
J Soutnwell, do 15 00
Fitzgibbons Bros, do 44 90
Dorsey & Co, . do 26 90
Bakey & Co, do 60 00
Bremer & Co, do 35 75
U Sweeney & Son,do 40 00
Win Ahearn, do 15 00
Geo Mudd, do 8 45
J McNulty, do 15 00
J Schromen, do 6 65
MMcCarten, do 3 00
Jos Wall, do 1 80
McClain & McDermott, 28 50
P Carney. do 30 95
Cain & Co, do 45 00
R Grimes, do 19 50
M Carney, do 23 85
T Kenneally, do 14 40
J & P Whelan, do 30 30
31 MeCone, do 3 45
J McDone, do 11 00
R McMahon, do 20 25
J Purcell, do 10 40
M O'Shea, do 5 55
P Quin., Sr, do 18 95
Quinn & Co, do 21 35
Quinn & Co, do 13 55
J O'Shea, do 15 00
Quinn & Murrey, do 3 80
Quinn & Co, do 19 50
Hill & Burke, do 6 60
M Sullivan& Son, do 30 00
31 Burke, Sr, do 15 00
Mahony & Son, do 30 00
W Connell, do 9 45
Norman & Emmert, 20 75
McDonough & Co, do 29 00
J Lukens, do 17 45
J F Houngle, do 5 60
A Hefti, do 17 10
M Gantenbein, do 12 20
Geo Gran, do 8 55
Wm Gros, & Co, do 18 30
N Cameron, do 11 40
C Beyer, do 19 20
D Gantenbein, do 16 10
Jos Dushek, do 4 35
Conrad & Co, do 15 00
A Flake, do 6 60
Stevens & Doty, do 32 70
Nauk & Flick, do 19 35
H Ehlers, do 6 15
Kleine & Co, do 45 00
Jos Ginter, do 6 45
C Elierman, do 2 45
Nevens & Co, do 4 85
Aug Prebe, do 10 40
H Breene, do 8 45
A & D Clements, do 6 05
M Specht, do 3 35
Allen & Mohan, do25 10
Keenan & Connolly, 15 75
John and Jas Carroll, 22 05
T Hird & Son, do 21 20
J Connolly, do 8 7U
J Carne do 13 65
Connolly & Wall, do 22 20
J Wall, do 3 35
Grath & Ahearn, do 12 80
31 Higr ins & Co, do 30 00
Quills & Co, do 15 OU
Quinn & Co, do 15 00
J Kelly & Co, do 30 90
J Bottoms, do 16 70
31 Doyle, do 15 (10
Jas Donahue, do 5 60
Groes & Co, tido()
o 21 90
F Berg, do 15 00
N & J Cameron, d0 2 75
P Mihm, do 9 80
Geo Farley, do 10 80
A Knapp, do 5 25
Smith Deggendorf, 3 05
Doty & Farley, do 10 50
Geo Rchossel, do 12 (15
E Ospelt, (10 6 45
G Bady, do 12 60
T Andres, cleaning around city hall7 75
P Farrell, sawing wood 8 00
C Herzog, do do 9 60
G Gmehle, assistant assessor.......... 100 00
G Bennett, do do 1(10 00
Jas Moore, Janitor
20 00
Knabe & Kulow, macadam19 05
Wm Ahearn, do 14 35
W Burke, do 9 15
A & W Schnee, do 12 30
J Nickols,
do 4 95
D Gantenbein, do 20 15
John A McFadden, loan 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
Mathias Flaherty, do 500 00
do do do ............. 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 200 00
Cath Stafford, do 100 00
31 Ahearn, do 100 00
Kate Morrison, do 500 00
Maggie McDonnell, do 265 00
Michael Flynn, do .......... 100 00
D Ahearn, do 200 00
H B Gniffke, money advanced20 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 500 00
no do .... 500 00
do do 481 73
do do .......... 310 43
Jas Kelly & Son, stationery 20 00
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, lumber 11 40
Standard Lumber Co, lumber7 78
F Keachie, repairing engine house3 75
Hardie & Scbarle, stationery 13 5l)
J Wittmer, drugs 1 7U
R D Kirmse, clock 5 50
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 5 75
W 0 Watters, hay 49 29
Jos A Palen, drugs.......... 4 90
Lesure Lumber Co, shavings75
Phil Pier, coal 64 25
Taos Collins, horse shoeing 4 UO
J & A 31 Trexler, corn and brooms 3 10
Thos Mulqueeny, macadam 22 95
McDermott & Gow, plumbing4 15
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, rubber
coats 32 50
J W Wittmer, drugs 5 20
Carr, Ryder & Engler, lumber 7 60
John Butt, repairing hook and ladder4 15
Dubuque Tank Line, oil 3 5l)
Key City Gas Co, coke 15 33
John T Kearns, recording deeds 10 50
C H Altona, repairing robe 1 60
E E Frith, removing dead animals 4 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches and soap 2 45
Jas Tobin, hauling ashes 4 00
J W Wittmer, drugs 1 60
Wm G Watters, hay 9 42
D Bochart, police overcoats 30 00
Dubuque Wosdenware Co, lumber 13 96
Chas Oswald, pails, etc........... 16 45
J P Schroeder, straw 1 80
J C 4lthauser, brooms and dusters4 56
Phil Pier, coal and coke 5421 47
A Vogler, rubber boots 65
W J Burns, cement. 84
W W Wormood, caring for town clock72 00
Harger & Blish, stationery 5111211
1 15
Ham & Carver, blank stationery 12 80
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services 111 45
Dtullen Bros, plumbing 11 45
Duggan & Kane, soap and matebes5 75
Standard Lumber Co, lumber50
FSchloz,repairingtools 17 65
Baumgartner & Klelh, hardware.... . 4 65
Steuek & O'Farrell, grading Reis street 24 00
Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, brick 15 00
Brown & Brown, grading Seminary St, 125 00
Key City Gag Co, gas 101 55
Globe Light & Heat Co, globe lights166 67
Montieth, Dempsey & Co, plumbing1 60
The Herald, advertising ... 150 00
The Times, do 58 311
The Globe, do 5H 30
The Telegraph, do •• ••••• 58 30
The National Democrat, advertising... 511 00
J O Meukel, macadam
Dubuque Telegraph, stationery. 24 25
Palmer, Winall & Co, do 2 75
Star Electric Co, electric lights 5181 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 109 20
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of March, 1895•T. J. GOONEY,
1gfiAL] City Recorder.
Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
The city council met June 3, at 9:20 a.
m., Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Vogler moved that the minutes of
the last session be approved as printed.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Name. Purpose. Amount.
John Butt, hydrant key sewers$ 2 00
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies3 10
Monteith, Dempsy & Hoener,
plumbing 22 25
Curtis Bros., Plumbing 1 00
Mullen Bros., plumbing 7 35
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks 11 00
Reinfred & Jaeger, hardware 1 00
Dr. Connolly, testimony in Bruns -
kill case 25 00
Dr. Waples, testimony in Bruns -
kill case 15 00
Dr. Slattery, testimony in Bruns -
kill case 25 00
Butt Bros., fire department 6 70
Collins & Wilkinson, fire depart-
ment. 50"5
Reinfred & Jaeger, fire depart-
ment supplies 2 SO
Mullen Bros., fire department
plumbing 8 20
Tom Connolly, fire department
repairs 5 00
Peter Hoffmann, fire department
supplies 3.85
Baumgartner & Kleih, fire depart-
ment supplies 4 20
Excelsior Brass Works, fire de-
ment supplies 26 00
A. Wunderlich, fire department
horse shoeing 6 00
Ellwanger Bros. fire deparment-
meat repairs 15 35
McCracken & Wehrley, fire de-
partment supplies 60
Dubuque Water Co., fire depart-
ment water 1261 65
Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery 5 60
E. E. Frith, removing garbage240 30
Robert McGivern, sanitary officer,
two months 100 00
Mrs. Kiene, cleaning hall 26 25
Mrs. Koeing, cleaning hall and
towels N3 00
Jas. Tobin, hauling ashes
D. E. McCabe, repairing scales
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for election
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for police
Hardie & Scharle, bonds and
Harger & Blish, stationery
Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery
Adapt Jaeger, cleaning cala-
C. E. Bradley, picture frame
Standard Lumber Co., lumber.. 1 50
Headford Brus. & Hitchins, rail
chairs 140 91
Star Electric Co., arc lights 1618 40
Mrs. Koenig, janitor services 20 00
Dubuque Rubber Co., stamp and
die 1 25
Ellwanger & Co„ supplies and re-
M. Brown & Son, supplies 5 50
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for patrol house 1 65
Excelsior Brass Works, dog tags22 42
J. A. Voelker, gloves 1 20
Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for
police 8 25
Telegraph, printing health report. 10 25
Jas. Sloan. plastering 6 25
Reinfried & Jaeger, parks 9 60
Baumgartner & Kleih, parks 3 85
Chas. Buckard, assisting park
custodian 32 50
Joe Norton, removing trees from 4
Mullen Bros., plumbing 16 70
Jos. Geiger, carpenter work 26 10
Lorenz Eberhardt, carpenter work 11 50
and lumber
John Tibey, stone, streets 3 60
John Ganahl, repairs, streets .. 18 00
B. D. Lenehan, repairs, streets.... 111 665
5 00
8 75
10 95
1 75
74 25
4 80
12 20
17 00
4 00
14 15
John Butt, repairs, streets
Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies 3 50
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies, 6
A. E. Bradley, signs for streets1 50
Mulgrew & Phillips, supplies for 16 65
Excelsior Brass Works, suppliesg 10
for streets 1 70
Wm. Marshall. supplies
C. J. Heller, police hate and belts152 902
Dubuque Herald, paper
Dan Soeehan, sod work on Phoenix 132 85
Altman & Taylor, improving Law- 349
ther avenue
Geo. W. Farley, improving Julien 98
P. Horsch, improving Humboldt
avenue 200 00
C. Horschrz street. 350 00
on.Ryan,Jr..,, improving proving eSouthern
avenue 1,500 00
Steuck & O'Farrell, improving
White street 55 42
aid for
W. H. Knowlton, cash p 10 70
supplies sidewalks 5133
Bryan Donahue, laying
Hugh Keenan, laying sewer in
West Third street 300 00
J. Hird & Son, laying sewer in 71 05
alley to Rose street sewer in
.1. Hird & Son, laying
alley east of Grant avenue
John McCollins, filling on
street. • • ..Fourth
Martin Hayes, filling on
street . ...flll.. on
George W. Farley, g
Fourth street .............•••••
65 45
11 00
61 56
96 Regular Session, June 3, 1895,
John Tibey, filling on Fourth st 68 76
D. W. Lenehan, grading Alta Vista
John McCoy, laying sidewalk on
Rush street
Frank Bentin. gravel
Wm. Geisecker, services as rod -
61 67
man 8 75
M. Igo, help on Clay street. .
J. Morgan, help on Clay street8 25
J. Brady, help on Clay street 4 50
J. C. Dwire, help on Clay street17 40
John Farley, help on Clay street16 50
Barnard, Walker & Clewell, sta- 51 95
tionery and book
The following bills were referred to
the printing committee:
National Demokrat
The Telegraph
The Times
The following bills were referred to the
committee on fire and water:
Dubuque Water Co $ 45 20
The following bills were referred to the
committee on police and light:
Globe Light and Heat Co $ 16666 67
Key City Gas Co
The following bills were referred to the
committee on supplies:
Metropolitan Electric Co $ 7 30
Baumgartner & Kleigh $ 5 55
Bill of Dubuque Construction Co. $141.80
was referred to the street committee:
Bill of Headford Bros. & Hitchings of
$4.50 was referred to the sewer committee.
Bill of Coates & Robinson of $75.00 was
referred to the committee on public
grounds and buildings.
Bill of E. J. Evans of $150.00 for repair-
ing park walks was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Bill of Dr. J. H. Greene of $50.00 for
witness in the Brunnell case was referred
to the city attorney and committee on
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of T. Fritschel et al. that the
water mains be extended on Fremont ave-
Petition of H. Schneider et al. for the
extension of water mains on Grove Ter-
race, south.
Petition and statement of the Dubuque
High Bridge Co. as to their receipts and
disbursements for the fiscal year, and
asking that their taxes be in accordance
with ordinance.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Peter Kremer et al., remon-
strating against sewer in West Eighth
Petition of Illinois Central railroad
company for permission to lay down a
track from Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge
Co.'s track to Seventeeth street.
Petition of Wm. Young et al. remon-
strating against the laying of sewer on
Seminary street from Paul street east.
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the delinquent tax
Susan Denell, Mrs. Johanna McNally
and Mrs. Lizzie Walters.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Petition of M. Mahoney et al. asking
for an electric lamp on South Locust
street at or near the residence of M. Ma-
Petition of D. S. Cameron et al. for side-
walk and light on Pine street between
Twenty-fifth and Twentw-sixth streets.
Petition of Jacob Michel et al. for light
to be placed on West Fifth street between
78 20
46 55
14 40
$ 50 00
75 00
58 30
75 00
Cooper's barn and C. Collin's house.
The following petitions were referred to
the tire committee:
Petition of E. W. Albee et al. asking to
have frame buildings between First and
Second condemned.
Communication of Joseph Reinfried,
chief, in relation to the inadequate supply
of water in case of emergency.
The petition of Mrs. Ellen Quinlevan
objecting to the improvement of Grand
View avenue was referred to the street
The foollowing, petitions were referred to
the street committee and engineer :
Petition of Catherine Keepers asking
that work done on Almond and Ellis
streets be re -measured.
Petition of Frank H. Mindorfer et al.,
asking that Paul street from Seminary
street to Leibnitz be improved.
Petition of C. A. Noyes in relation to
sidewalk repaired and assessed to him,
was referred to street committee and car-
Petition of Alfred Hobbs asking for fur-
ther time to connect with sanitary sewer,
was referred to the sewer committee.
Petition of Mary Mullen asking that
money due her for party teaming for the
city be retained for her, was referred to
the committee on claims.
Petition of M. M. Walker et al. that the
Star Electric Co. be allowed to place poles
on the east side of Highland Place, south
of Eleventh street, was referred to the
electrical construction committee.
Petition of Peter Kiene asking to have
obstructions removed in the alley between
Seventeenth and Eighteenth and Syca-
more and Lynn, referred to engineer and
attorney to have sante opened if lawful.
Communication of Engineer Knowlton
in relation to grade for Angella street,
was referred to engineer to prepare a
suitable one.
Petition of Joseph Bott, asking that an
alley laying west of his lot on Rose and
east of Alta Vista be opened as shown on
plat. Referred to marshal and engineer
with power.
Petition of Wm. Watson, et al., property
owners on Locust street, remonstrating
against paving from Tenth to Seventeenth,
was referred to the paving committee.
City Auditor McCarten reported as fol-
Cash on hand May 1, 1895 $12,678 57
Receipts during May 28,145 49
Total.... $40,824 06
Disbursements during May, '9528,494 62
Balance cash on hand June 1,
1895 $12,329 44
Also reported $1,968.05 amount required
to pay city officers: also presented a list
of coupons redeemed during the month of
Warrants ordered drawn to pay city
officers and report referred to the finance
Street Commissioner Carter reported
*4,235.45, amount required to pay for labor
on the streets during the month of May.
Warrants were ordered drawn to pay
laborers and report referred to street com-
Chief Reinfried reported $1,767.95 amount
required to pay firemen for the month of
May. Warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen and report referred to committee
on tire.
Sewer Inspector Hillery reported $237.40
amount required to pay for labor on sew-
Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
ers during May. Warrants ordered
drawn to pav laborers and report referred
to sewer committee.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
Amount due police for May, 1895,
Also reported 77 arrests during May.
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
$8, amount collected for fines.
Also treasurer's receipt for $54, amount
of pound receipts for May.
Market Master Traut reported as fol-
Amount from scales during May, $17.50.
Amount collected for rent of stands
around market, $241.50.
Also reported $12.80, amount due for
feeding prisoners during May.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay for
feeding prisoners and report referred to
market committee.
The reports of city weighers, Joseph
Straney, Charles Pitschner and J. P.
Schroeder were received and filed.
Woodmeasurer Jess reported 340 cords
of wood measured during May and pre-
sented treasurer's receipt for $34.50,
amount due the city.
The reports of the captains of the dif-
ferent engine houses as to the amount of
gas consumed, was referred to the com-
mittee on police and light.
Engineer Knowlton recommended that
a resolution be passed correcting sewerage
against Mrs. Elizabeth Bauer, as same
was overestimated. Approved and engi-
neer ordered to prepare a resolution cor-
recting the same.
Also presented a communication in rela-
tion to abandoned sewer connections. Re-
ferred to sewer committee and engineer,
Engineer Knowlton and chairman on
streets reported as follows;
Your committee would most respectfully
report that they are in favor of allowing
C. H. Fischer $25 for filling done on east
10 feet of lot 2 of lot 171,L.H.Langworthy's
add, same to be applied.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for the cleaning
of snow from sidewalks during the month
of February, 1895, by city of Dubuque, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
Couler avenue, Dubuque Street Railway
Company, lot 173 Davis farm add, 10lineal
feet at 34 -cent, $b 05.
Couler avenue, James Levi, lot 257,Davis
farm add, 60 lineal feet at M -cent, $0.30.
Couler avenue and Twenty-third street,
James Levi, lot 238 Davis farm add, 140
lineal feet at %-cent, $0 70.
Couler avenue, A. F. Jaeger, lot 270
Davis farm add, 50 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, A. F. Jaeger, lot 271
Davis farm add, 50 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, A. F. Jaeger, lot 272
Davis farm add, 50 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, John Heim estate, lot
316 Davis farm add,50 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, John Heim ec*.ate, lot
317 Davis farm add, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, $0.25.
Couler avenue, M. M. Hoffmann, lot 266
Davis farm add, 60 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, Charles Schultz, lot 3
West's add, 60 lineal feet at, -cent, $0.30.
Couler avenue, George Salot, lots 15 and
16 West's add, 120 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Couler avenue, G. G. Perry, lot 293,
West's add, 45 lineal feet at 34 -cent, $0.22.
Peru road, Dubuque Improvement Co.,
lot 8, Linehan Park add, 46 lineal feet at
%-cent, $0.23.
Peru road. Dubuque Improvement Co.,
lot 7, Linehan Park add, 46 lineal feet at
-cent, $0.23.
Peru road, Dubuque Improvement Co„
lot 6, Linehan Park add, 46 lineal feet at
34 -cent, $0.23.
Peru road, Dubuque Improvement Co.,
lot 5, Linehan Park add, 46 lineal feet at
%-cent, $0.23.
Peru road, Dubuque Improvement Co.,
lot 4, Linehan Park add, 16 lineal feet at
M -cent, $0.08.
Jackson street, N. W. Kimball, lot 337
Davis farm add, 200 lineal feet at 3 -cent,
Jackson street, John Doherty, lot 10
Glendale add, 50 lineal feet at %-cent,$0.25.
Jackson street, John Doherty, lot 11
Glendale add, 50 lineal feet at 3-cent,$0.25.
Jackson street, M. Majerus,lot 343 Davis
farm add, 50 lineal feet at 34 -cent, $0.25.
Jackson street, James O'Farrell, lot 344
Davis farm add, 60 lineal feet at 34 -cent,
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
153 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, 0.25.
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
154 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at /-
cent. $0.25.
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
223 Glendale add No. 2, 60 lineal feet at 34 -
cent. $0.30.
Jackson street, R & E. Langworthy, lot
224 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, $0.25.
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
225 Glendale add avo. 2, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, $0.25.
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
226 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, $0.25.
Jackson street. R. & E. Langworthy, lot
227 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at %-
cent, 0.25
Jackson street, R. & E. Langworthy, lot
228 Glendale add No. 2, 50 lineal feet at 34 -
cent, $0.25.
Jackson and Twenty-fifth streets, Paul
Traut, lot 3 Paul Traut's sub, 40 lineal
feet at 34 -cent, $0 20.
Jackson and Twenty-fifth street, Paul
Traut, lot 2 Paul Traut's sub, 40 lineal
feet at 34 -cent. $0.20.
Jackson and Twenty-fifth streets, Paul
Traut, lot 1 Paul Traut's sub, 120 lineal
feet at 34 -cent. $0.60.
Jackson and Twenty-fifth street. An-
drew McDonnell, lot 3, sub of 218 and 219,
Davis Farm add, 40 lin ft, at 34c $.20.
Jackson street. Andrew McDonnell,
lot 2, sub of 219, Davis Farm add, 40 lin ft
at %c, $.20.
Jackson street. Andrew McDonnell,
lot 1. sub of 218 and 219, Davis Farm add,
40 lin ft at %c, $.20.
Windsor avenue. JohnWas ,lin 1of ft a5
sub of 11, 12, 13, ne34,
see t
i4c, $.25.
Windsor avenue. John Walsh, lot 4ioff1
f 1
of 5. sub of 11, 12, 13, ne34 sec 13,
40 at 34c, 1.22. 3 of
Windsor avenue. John Walsh,sec lot
1 of 5, sub of 11, 12, 13, ne %, 13,
ft, at 34c. $.23.
Windsor avenue. B. Zugenbuehler, lot
2 of 1 of 5, sub of 11, 12, 12, ne% sec 13, 45
lin ft at 34e, $.22
98 Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
Windsor avenue. B. Zugenbuehler, lot
1 of 1 o 5, sub of 11, 12, 13, net sec 13, 45
lin ft, at %c, $.23.
Windsor avenue. Geo. Burden estate,
lot 4 Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
%c, $.25.
Windsor avenue. Geo. Burden est, lot
5, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
%c, 1.25.
Windsor avenue. Geo. Burden est, lot
6, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
3c, 1.2,5.
Windsor avenue. Ryder & Lawther, lot
7, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
%c, 1.25.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
8. Burden & Lawther's add, 5u lin. ft., at
34c, $.25.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
9, Burden & Lawther's add., 50 lin. ft., at
Mc, 1.25.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
10, Burden & Lawther's add., 50 lin. ft..
at Mc, 25c.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
11, Burden & Lawther's add., 43 lin. ft.,
at Mc, $.21.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
12, Burden & Lawther's add., 40 lin. ft.
at Mc, 1.20.
Windsor avenue, Ryder & Lawther, lot
13, Burden & Lawther's add., 17 lin. ft.,
at Mc, $.08.
Burden avenue, H. Dement & E. O.
Duncan, lot 74, Burden & Lawther's add.,
50 lin. ft , at Mc, $.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement & E. O.
Duncan, lot 75, Burden & Lawther's add.,
50 lin. ft., at Mc, $.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement & E. O.
Duncan, lot 76, Burden & Lawther's add.,
50 lin. ft., at %c, $.25.
Burden avenue, Geo. Eichhern, lot 77,
Burden & Lawther's add., 50 lin. ft., at
Burden avenue. Geo. Eichhorn, lot 78,
Burden & Lawther's add., 50 lin. ft.,•at
Mc, $.25.
Burden avenue, George Eichhorn, lot 92
Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at Mc,
Burden avenue, George Burden est., lot
79, Burden & Lawther's add, 501in ft at %c
Burden avenue, George Burden Est., lot
80, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft Mc,
Burden avenue, George Burden Est., lot
81, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
Mc, $0.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement & E. O.
Duncan, lot 83, Burden & Lawther's add,
50 lin ft at Me, 10.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement and E. O.
Duncan, lot 84, Burden & Lawther's add,
50 lin ft at %c, *0.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement and E. O.
Duncan, lot 85, Burden & Lawther's add,
50 lin ft at %e, $0.25.
Burden avenue, H. Dement and E. O.
Duncan, lot 86, Burden & Lawther's add,
50 lin ft at Mc, $0.25.
Burden avenue, George Burden Est., lot
89, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
surden avenue, George Burden Est.,
lot 90, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft
at Mc, $0.25.
Burden avenue, George Burden Est., lot
91, Burden & Lawther's add, 50 lin ft at
%c, 10.'25.
Burden avenue, B. J. O'Neill, lot 16,
O'Neill'. Riverview, 135 lin ft at 34e,
Burden avenue, B. J. O'Neill, lot 60,
O'Neill's Ri"erview, 135 lin ft at }4e, 1.68
on his city taxes.
Queen street, H. W. Kruse, lot 28, San -
ford's sub, 50 lin ft at Me, 1.25.
Queen street, H. W. Kruse, lot 29, San -
ford's sub, 50 lin ft at ?ye, $.25.
Queen and Regent streets, P. J. Re -
flier's lot 30, Sanford's add, 150 lin ft at
%c $.75.
Broadway street, F. W. Altman, west
M lot 12, King's 1st add, 100 lin ft at Me,
Broadway, J. Zimmerman, lot 16, King's
1st add, 50 lin ft at %e, 1.25.
Broadway, C. W. J. Saunders. 2 of 1 of
18, King's add, 50 lin ft at Mc, $.25.
Broadway, J. Frenzel, s % of lot 8,
King's 1st add, 50 lin ft at Me, $'25,
Broadway, P. Kiene, Jr., nw 3 lot 8,
King's 1st add. 25 lin ft at Mc, 1.12.
Broadway, Mrs. U. Blocklinger, lots 1,
3, 5, 7, King's 1st add, 350 lin ft at Mc,
Broadway, Chas. Meyer, lots 1, 2, 3,
and 5, King's Grove add, 200 lin f t at %c,
Broadway, John Leierer, lot 1, Wm. Reb-
man's sub, 50 lin ft at Mc. 1.25.
West Locust street, E. F. Callaghan, lot
14, Quigley's sub. out lot 710 city, 50 lin ft
at %c, 1.25.
West Locust street, Wm. Hintrager, lot
15, Quigley's sub, out lot 710 city, 42 lin ft
at %c, $.21.
West Locust street, Pat Hughes, lot 2 of
2 of 8, Ellen Blake's sub, 150 lin ft at Mc,
West Eighth street, Mary Hadley, e y
lot 43, Kelley's sub, 68 lin ft at Mc, $ 34.
Second street. John Hennessy, lot 124
city, 114 lin ft at Me, 1.57.
Second street, P. J. Burke, n 43 9-10
lot 117 city, 114 lin ft at ?>c, 1.57.
South Locust street, John Pier, lot 578
city, 50 lin ft at Mc, 1.25.
South Locust street, J. B. Ricketts, lot 5
sub 578a and 579 city, 64) lin ft at 4c, 1.30.
Julien avenue, W. M. Hetherington, lot
3 Milligan's sub., 50 lin. ft., at 34c, 1.25.
Julien avenue, W. M. Hetherington, lot
5 Milligan's sub., 50 lin. ft., at Mc., 1.25.
Julien avenue, Loetscher & Buol, lot 13
Loetscher & Trueb's sub., 50 lin. ft., at
%c., 1.25.
Julien avenue, Loetscher & Buol. lot 14,
Loetscher & Trueb's sub., 50 lin. ft.. at
Mc., 1.25.
Julien avenue, Loetscher & Buol, lot 12
Loetscher & Trueb's sub., 52 lin. ft., at
Mc., 1.26.
Julien avenue, Loetscher & Buol, lot 11
Loetscher & Trueb's sub., 53 lin. ft., at
4c., 1.26.
Julien avenue. W. H. Doane, lot 3 of 12
min lot 172, 39 lin. ft., at Mc., 1.19.
Julien avenue, W. H. Doane. lot 2 of 12
min lot 172, 39 lin. ft., at 34c.,1.20.
Julien avenue, W. H. Doane, lot 1 of 12
of min lot 172, 39 lin ft at %c, 19c.
Julien avenue, M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 19
Moreheiser's sub, 44 lin ft at %c, 22c.
Julien avenue, M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 18
Moreheiser's sub, 44 lin ft at Mc, 22c.
Julien avenue, J. W. Stewart. lot 16
Moreheiser's sub,44 lin ft at Mc, 21e.
Julien avenue nd Delhi, John Schwind,
lot 11 Moreheiser's sub, 90 lin ft at %c, 45c.
Julien avenue and Delhi, John Schwind,
lot 12 Moreheiser's sub, 130 lin ft at
Mc, 65e.
Delhi street, W. J. Thorpe, lot 13 Rich's
sub, 50 lin ft at %c, 25c.
Prairie street, John Hennessy, lot 821
A. McDaniels' sub, 90 lin ft at Mc, 45c.
Julien avenue and Alta Vista street,
John Hennessy, lot 1 Levins add, 450 lin.
ft., at Me, 1`2.25.
Regular ,Session, June 3, 1895.
Alta Vista street, John Hennessy, lot
2, Levins add, 50 lin. ft., at Mc, 25c.
Alta Vista street, John Hennessy, lot
3, Levins add, 50 lin. ft., at ;ac, 25c.
Alta Vista street, John Hennessy, lot
4, Levins add, 50 lin. ft., at Vic, 25c.
Alta Vista street, John Hennessy, lot
5, Levins add, 50 lin. ft., at Mc, 25c.
Alta Vista street, John Hennessy, lot
6, Levins add, 50 lin. ft., at 3§c, 25c.
Alta Vista street, W. G. Cox, lot 14,
Levins add, 67 lin. ft., at Me, 33c.
West Fourteenth street, W. G. Cox, lot 3,
min. lot 90, 990 lin. ft., at Mc, $4.95.
West Fourteenth street, W. G. Cox, lot
2, min lot 90, 860 lin ft, at 1-2c, $4.30.
West Fourteenth street, Mrs. A. Gold-
thorpe, lot 3, outlot 741, 93 lin ft at 1-2c,
Bennett street, Sarah W. Stewart, lot
17 Hodge's sub, 44 lin ft, at 1-2c, 22e.
Bennett street, Sarah W. Stewart, lot
16; Hodge's sub, 44 lin ft, at 1-2c,•22c.
Bennett street, L. Brin, Jr, lot 15,
Hodge's sub, 44 lin ft, at 1-2c, 22c.
Bennett street, C. A. Voelker, lot 3 of 7,
Ann O'Hare's sub, 45 lin ft, at 1-2c, 22c.
Bennett street, Mary A. Kemler, lot 2
of 4, Ann O'Hare's sub, 75 lin ft, at 1-2c,
Grace and Grandview avenue, H. Gi•
rard, lot 5 Hodge's sub, 225 lin ft at Mc,
Delhi street, Fred Boxleiter, se 3 lot 4
Hugh's sub, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25c.
Delhi street, Anton Trueb, lot 3 Hugh's
sub, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25e.
Delhi street, W. Kruse, lot 2 Hugh's sub,
50 lin ft at Mc, 25c.
Julien avenue, W. G. Watters, lot 4 S.
M. Langworthy's add, 25 lin ft at Me, 12c.
Julien avenue,W. G. Watters, lot 5 S. M.
Langworthy's add, 25 lin ft at Mc, 12c.
Julien avenue, W. G. Watters, lot 5 S.
M. Langworthy's add, 25 lin ft at Mc, 120.
Julien avenue, Thos Hill, lot 52 S. M.
Langworthy's add, 15 lin it at 31c, 7c.
Glen Oak avenue. Mrs. J. McLeran, lot
4 Cleminson's sub, 100 ,in ft at Mc, 50c.
Mount Pleasant avenue, R. Schmidt, lot
6 Home add, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25e.
Mount Pleasant avenue, Key City Elec-
tric Street Ry Co, lot 6 Oakland Park add,
45 lin ft at Mc, 22e.
Mount Pleasant avenue, Key City Elec-
tric Street Ry Co, lot 6 Oakland Park add,
45 lin ft at 34c, 22c.
Mount Pleasant avenue, Anna Graham,
lot 7 J. N. Hill's sub, 52 lin ft at 3. c, 26c.
Mount Pleasant avenue, Leathers &
Trewin, e 110 lot 1 Oakland Park add, 52
lin. ft. at Mc, 26c.
West Eighth street, J. C. Cummings,
lot 24 G. W. Roger's sub, 24 lin. ft. at Mc,
West Eighth street, J. C. Cummings,
lot 23 G. W. Roger's sub, 24 lin. ft at Me,
West Eighth street, B. J. Hartig, lot 25
G. W. Roger's sub, 24 lin ft at ;Mc, 12c.
West Eighth street, Wm. Guderian, lot
26 G. W. Roger's sub, 24 lin ft at Mc, 12c.
West Eighth street, A. Seheffie, lot 27
G. W. Roger's sub, 24 lin ft at Mc, 12c.
Rhomberg avenue, E. H. Scheppley, lot
8 Hooper's add, 50 lin ft at Me, 25c.
Garfield avenue, Mrs. 13. Kuegamer, lot
33 McCraney's 2d add, 60 lin ft at Me, 30e.
Garfield avenue, F. Jaeger, lot 1 Jae-
ger's sub, 46 lin ft at Mc, 23c.
Garfield avenue, F. Jaeger, lot 2 Jae-
ger's sub, 46 lin ft at 1-2c, 23c.
Garfield avenue, F. Jaeger, lot 3 Jae-
ger's sub, 46 lin ft at 1-2c, 23c.
Garfield avenue, F. Jaeger, lot 4 Jae-
ger's sub, 18 lin ft at 1-2c, 9c.
Lincoln avenue, J. A. Rhomberg, lot 111
McCraney's 1st add, 50 lin ft at 1-2e, 25e.
Lincoln avenue, J. A. Rhomberg, lot 112
McCraney's 1st add, 14 lin ft at 1-2e, 7c
Lincoln avenue, .T. H. Rhomberg, lot 76
McCraney's 1st add. 50 lin ft at 1-2c, 25c.
Lincoln avenue, P. Rhomberg, lot 451,
Ham's add, 50 lin ft at %c, 25c.
Lincoln avenue, P. Rhomberg, lot 452,
Ham's add. 50 lin ft at Me, 25c.
Lincoln avenue, P. Rhomberg, lot 456,
Ham's add, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25c.
Lincoln avenue, J. A. Rhomberg, lot 455,
Ham's sub, 50 lin ft at %e, 25c.
Lincoln avenue, J. Ruegamer, lot 454,
Ham's add, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25e.
Lincoln avenue, J. Ruegamer, lot 453,
Ham's add. 150 lin ft at Mc, 75c.
Stafford avenue, L. Witter, lot 4, Kruse's
sub, 40 lin ft at Mc, 20c.
Stafford avenue, M. R. Stendaback, lot 3
sub 1, Geiger's sub, 40 lin ft at %c, 20c.
Stafford avenue, M. R. Stendaback, e3
lot 4 sub 1, Geiger's sub, 40 lin ft at Mc.
Stafford avenue, M. R. Stendeback, eM
lot 5 sub 1, Geiger's sub, 40 lin ft at Mc.
Stafford avenue, Jacob Kurz estate, lot
21, O. Taylor's sub, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25c.
Stafford avenue, Jacob Kurz estate, lot
20, O. Taylor's sub, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25e.
Rhomberg avenue, Patrick Walsh estate,
McCraney's First add, lot 71, 90 lin ft at
Mc, 45c.
Rhomberg avenue, Christian Jungk, Mc-
Craney's First add, lots 54 and 55, 100 lin
ft at 34c, 50c.
Rhomberg avenue, Nic Ley, Cook's add,
lot 28, 189.5 lin ft at Mc, 94c.
Rhomberg avenue, Nic and Frank Glab,
Ham's add, lot 261, 60 lin ft at Mc, 30c.
Garfield avenue. Mercy hospital, High
Street add, lot 2 of 2, 45 lin ft at Mc, 22c.
North Main street. Arnold Nicks,
Marshall's add, lot 51, 50 lin ft at Mc,
North Main street. Sam. P. Rider, L.
H. Langworthy's sub lot 1 of 2 of 20,
Marsh add, lot 52, 200 lin ft at %c, $1.00.
North Main street. A. Heeb est, Marsh's
add, lots 5 to 9 inclusive, and 22, 23, 26 and
30`1 lin ft at Me, *1.50.
No' h Main street. Bertha Baumho-
ver, Marsh's add, lots 24 and 25, 100 lin ft
at Mc, 50c.
North Main street. John Kleinschmidt,
Marsh's add, e 100x50 of 45, 100 lin ft, at
Mc, 50c.
Lincoln avenue. C H. Meyer, Frische's
sub lot 1, 1551in ft at Mc, 77c.
Lincoln avenue. Henry Hafner, Hoop-
er's add, lots 22 and 23, 60 lin ft at %c,
Windsor avenue. Sacred Heart church,
Sanford sub, lot 11 to 19 inclusive, 250 lin
ft at Mc. $1.25. Great Western
Prince street. Chicago
railway, Sanford sub, lots 60 and 61, 150
lin ft at jfc, 75.
Madison street. Nick Kolf, Cox's add,
lot 2 of 92, 90 lin ft at %c, 45e.
Seminary street. Walter Cox, Cox's
add, lot 73, 50 lin ft at Mc, 25c.
V. A. Langworthy, lot 4. Mrs. L. H.
su201 lin
tPor er's 10 .
V. A. Langworthy, lot
63 lineal feet, at Mc,
Rt. Rev. John Hennessey, lots 725 and
726 city, 150 lineal feet, at o
R. Bonson est., lot 731 city, 245 lineal feet
at Mc, $1.92.
Mercy Hospital, mineral lot 66, 500 lineal
feet, at Mc, $2.50.
Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, lot 607 city, 237
lineal feet at Me, *1.19.
100 Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, lots 6 and 7
Mobley's Dub.. 74 lin ft, at Xc. 37c.
D. J. Hennessy, lots 1 and 2 Kelly's sub,
100 lin ft, at 34c, 50e.
D. J. Hennessy, lot 2 of sub city lot 724,
100 lin ft, at 1/./c, 50c.
Catherine O'Brien, lot 11 Prospect Hill
add, 50 lin ft. at 1/c. 25c.
Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3 of sub city 741, 93
lin ft at %c, 46c.
J J Murray, lot 1 of sub city 741, 163 lin-
eal feet at Slc.
James Levi, lot 456 city, 50 lin ft, at ? e,
W. G. Cox, min lots 90 and 91, 1340 lin ft
at Vie, $6.70.
W. G. Cox, lot 14 Leven's add, 76 lin ft
at 34c, 38c.
R. Waller est., lot 8, Prosper; Hill add.,
50 lin. ft., at 34c, 25c.
J. Harris, et al.. lot 1 Prospect Hill add.,
102 lin ft., at 34c, 51c.
M. Brady, lot 1 Fortune's sub., 50 lin.
ft., at 3c, 25c.
John Quinlan. lot 16 of sub. 724 city, 56
lin. ft. at 34e., 28c.
Wm. Nolan, lot 17 of sub. 724 city, 56 lin.
ft. at 34c., 28c.
A. F. Frudden, lots 1, 2 and 3 of sub. 8
of min. lot 73, 150 lin. ft., at 34c, 75c.
Rev. P. Burke. lot 78a city, 21 lin. ft., at
34c, 10c.
Thos. Cavanaugh est., lot 78 city, 22 lin.
ft., at 3 c, 11e
Amelia Hodgdon, lot 811 A. McDaniel's
sub., 46 lin. ft., at 34c, 23c.
Rt. Rev. John Hennessey, lot 820 and
821 A. McDaniel's sub., 125 lin. ft., at 34c,
62 cents.
R. H. Collier, lots 5 and 6 Mrs. L. H.
Langworthy's add., 200 lin. ft., at 34c.,
S. M. Langworthy's est., lots 9 and 10
S. M. Langworthy's add., 207 lin. ft., at
Xe., $1.03.
J. S. Sterans, lots 1 and 2 S. M. Lang -
worthy's add., 73 lin. ft., at 34c., 36e.
C. H. Eighmey, part min. lot 159, 70 lin. '
ft., at %c, 35c.
John T. Hancock, lot 6 of part mineral
lot 158, 200 lineal feet at %e, .1.00.
Wm. Bothwell est, lot 8 of part mineral
lot 158, 350 lineal feet at 4c, $1.75.
James Needman, lot 5 of sub 38 and 39
Quigley's sub, 50 lineal feet at yc, 25c.
C. H. Henderson est. part lot 30 Ann
O'Hare's add, 64 lineal feet at Xe, 32c.
Chas. Thill. lots 8 and 9 Sister's add, 200
lineal feet at Xc, $1.00.
Allison & Bradley, s 20 feet lot 33 city,
100 lineal feet at 34e, 50e.
R. Nolte est, lot 176 city, 70 lineal feet
at 1-2e, 35c.
Peter Kiene, Sr, lot 13 city, 114 lineal
feet at 1-2c, 57c.
Philip Sage. lot 9 of lot 667 city, 30 lineal
feet at 1-2c, 15c.
John Butt, east 47.4 feet, south 62 feet, s
215, 465 city; 42 lineal feet at 1-2c, 21c.
C. H. Meyer, lot n 1-2 lot 235 city, 25 lin-
eal feet at 1-2c. 12o.
Josephine Boyne, lot and % 252, 252a and
253 city, 68 lineal feet at 1-2c, 34c.
Mary Ritchie, lot and 3f 252, 252a and
253 city, 34 lineal feet at 1-2c, 17c.
Dr. Asa Horr, lot 173 city, 100 lineal feet
at 1-2c, 50c.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler
Ald. Report yder, chairman of me finance
warrants committee, o
rawnin favor oford in vthe treaor of surer
for money paid out during May; also that
loan warrants be drawn in favor of the
several parties loaning sane to the city,
and the treasurer's report be referred to
the finance committee. Adopted.
Ald. Bonson, chairman of the ordinance
committee, presented the following:
"An ordinance relating to the chief of
the tire department of the city of Du-
buque," which was read for the first time,
and referred to the committee of the
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee report that the follow-
ing streets have been accepted for pur-
pose of special assessment:
Mertz street, from Windsor avenue to
Althauser avenue; Lowther avenue, from
Windsor avenue to Burden avenue; Hum-
boldt avenue, from High Bluff street to
Lincoln avenue; White street from Twen-
ty-second to Twenty-third streets; Julien
avenue from Walnut street to Wilson
avenue; Southern avenue from Railway
avenue to Rowan street.
Also in favor of paying the following
Wm. Marshall $144 67
Novelty Iron Works 85 00
Report in favor of the proposed change
of line of Fenelon Place and Fourth street
as shown on within plat, and the city at-
torney is directed to draw up the neces-
sary papers for said proposed change and
report to the council.
Report adverse to the petition for the
extension of Oak street, but report in
favor of putting the street leading to the
terminus of Oak street in a passable con-
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of M. Loes for a position on the
Fourth and Sixth street dumps.
In favor of granting the petition of W.
J. Bean et al. for the improvement of
alley abutting lots 2 and 3, McCoy's sub.
In favor of granting the petition of C. A.
Voelker in relation to the improvement of
Atlantic and Audubon avenues.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Geo. Ferris in relation to the
change of grade on Ellis street.
In favor of instructing the engineer to
submit an estimate of the amount of grade
required to grade Leibnitz street from
Harold to Abbot streets.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion for the opening of an alley from the
west end of Chestnut street to West Four-
teenth street.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Henry Saunders for permission to
erect a sign post on Main street, and the
city marshal is directed to have all sign
posts removed that are put up that are
contrary to ordinance on that subject.
In favor of referring the petition of M.
Mahoney in relation to purchase of mac-
adam, to the city engineer to measure the
same when the city needs it in the imme-
diate vicinity.
In favor of receiving and filing the ap-
plication of Peter Mersch for the position
of city carpenter.
In favor of receiving and filing the ap-
plication of Geo. Hendricks for .driver of
carpenter wagon.
In favor of receiving the application of
N. Frith for position of city carpenter.
In favor of the proposed extension of
Louisa street providing the property hold-
ers interested are willing to help the city
defray the cost of paying for the neces-
sary land required for said extension.
In favor of improving West Eleventh
Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
street between Grove Terrace and Weigle
In favor of having the sidewalk on West
Seventh street laid in its proper place and
if tilling is necessary to lay said walk,
that said filling be done.
In favor of instructing the city engineer
to prepare an estimate of the amount of
grading required to grade Rush street
from Quince to Villa street, and report to
the council.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of R. Kimball asking for a donation
of *50 per month to help run the Eagle
Point ferry. Report adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the commit-
tee on harbors, reported as follows:
Your conunittee report that they deem
it inadvisable to grant John Keckevoet
permission to erect a boat house on the
northwest corner of the ice harbor, as we
believe in time that Second street will be
extended through said premises to the
outer levee.
Your committee to whom was referred
with power the petition of the steamer
Lily Turner asking to be allowed to build
a small warehouse on the levee, beg leave
to report that we have agreed to allow
them to erect said building south of the
south side of Jones street and keep the
same there during the pleasure of the
council. Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder, of the committee on fire, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee report that upon exami-
nation we find that it is inadvisable to ex-
tend the water mains along Merz street
from Windsor to Althauser avenues, as
the water company has not pressure
enough to force the water through the
pipes if laid on saki street.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
port of the fire chief for April, 1895.
In favor paying bill of the Dubuque
Water Co. for rent of hydrants for April,
$1,241.66. Report adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman on printing,
reported in favor of paying the following
Times Co *39 15
Globe 29 15
Telegraph 29 15
Herald 75 W
Globe, for blank stationery for engineer
*4.75. Report adopted.
Ald. Bauer, chairman of police and
light, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and tiling the report of the city
marshal for April, 1895.
In favor of paying the following bills:
Globe Light and Heat Co *166 67
Key City Gas Co 81 66
In favor of receiving and tilling the re-
ports of the captains of the engine houses
as to the amount of gas consumed during
April, 1895.
Report that they have ordered the elec-
tric light on Ninth street, near the Chi-
cago Great Western depot, removed as
petitioned for. Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
on claims, renorted in favor of receiving
and filing the claim of John Mundt of
*1,000 for personal damages to his wife.
Report adopted.
Ald. Schulte, chairman of the sewer
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of grant-
ing the petition of •Fred Bell et al, for the
extension of the water mains on West
Third street from James to Hill streets.
In favor of granting the remonstrance
of J. V. Rider et al, against the laying of
sewer in Seminary street west of Madison.
Would also report that the sanitary sew-
er has been extended on Wilson avenue •
from Julien avenue to West Eighth street.
Report adopted.
Aid. Vogler. chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of ap-
proving of the red line as shown on the
within profile, as the official grade of Al-
pine street from West Third street to
Dodge street; also that said street be im-
Also recommend that as the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph has been appointed the
official paper, that it act as such and that
the Dubuque Herald be allowed to com-
plete the time for which it was appointed,
and that it be furnislied copies of the pro-
ceedings as published in the Telegraph.
R''port adverse to the petition of police
for increase of salary, as the financial
condition of the treasury does not warrant
it at the present time,but we would recom-
mend that efforts be made at the next
meeting of the legislature to have them
pass a law bringing the police under civil
service rules.
In favor of granting the petition of the
city assessor in relation to the boundaries
of the water limits would recommend that
the water limits extend 1,500 feet beyond
any plug or hydrant.
In favor of receiving and filing the pe-
tition of the Teamsters' union for reduc-
tion of team license.
Also recommend that the city engineer
be instructed to ascertain and find out if
W. C. Ostler will send a Barnard Castle
scraper on trial to enable the city to tell if
the machine will work satisfactorily.
In favor of filling South Main street to
grade, said filling to be taken from Grand-
view avenue and such other streets as
may be improved in the lower portion of
the city.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion remonstrating against the improve-
ment of West Locust street.
Report adverse to the petition of M. Igo,
asking for additional salary for the past
In favor of receiving and filing the
claims of M. Lavin for extra payment for
constructing sanitary sewer.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of John Hickey asking that the line
of Grandview avenue be changed abutting
his property.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of the Trade and Labor Congress in
relation to the taxation of the new office
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of the township board of Jackson
township. Charles Mix county, S. D., ask-
ing for aid to procure seed.
In favor of approving the report of the
street committee in relation to the con-
struction of stone crossings that the same
be laid under contract to the lowest
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition and ordinance of Dubuque Street
Railway company asking for the extention
of franchise to 1994.
In favor of awarding the contract for
improvement of Curtis street to John
Tibey, he being the lowest bidder. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of can-
celling the taxes of Mrs. Mary Flynn on
the 16 feet of lot 81, East Dufuuque add.,
for 1894.
In favor of allowing Elizabeth Bizang to
102 Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
pay one-half her taxes on the n24 feet of
lot 373 in Davis Farm add., as payment in
full for 1894.
In favor, of cancelling the taxes of
Susan Dress on lot of the sub. of lots 135
and 136, Mechanic's add., for 1895.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Maurice O'Reagan, on her homestead,
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes on lots
24 and 25 in Finley, Waples and Burden's
adds., and lots 165 and 166 in Union add.,
for 1894.
In favor of allowing Catherine McPo
land to pay one half her taxes on lots 207
and 208, Finley's add, as payment in full
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary
De Lorimier on her homestead (Inc for
Report adverse to the petition of Mary
A. Kemler in relation to assessment on
moneys and credits for 1895.
Report adverse to the within petition of
Mrs. B. O'Farrell for reduction of taxes
for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
M. L. Clark on lot 23, Blake's add, for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Margaret Donahue for 1894 on her home.-
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Eva
Meyer on team and wagon for 1894, also
reduce taxes on lot 3 of min lot 303, to
$600 for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mrs. Patrick Flynn on city lot 576a for
Report adverse to the petition of Mrs.
B. O'Halloran for reduction of taxes for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of Lizzie
Conlin on the se % of lot 28 in Kelly's sub
for 1894.
In favor of allowing Mary Rubeck to pay
one-half her taxes on the n% of the ml -5 of
city lot 496 as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
Michael Parker on lots 22 and 23, Kelly's
sub, to $51,400 for 1894.
Report adopted.
Ald. Cullen. chairman of the electrical
construction committee, reported in favor
of paying the following bills:
Reinfried & Jaeger $ 25
Central Union Telephone Co..., 50 75
Report adopted.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock
p. m. Carried.
Afternoon Session.
Council met at 2:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Crawford,Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog-
The petition of John Becker asking to
be allowed to furnish macadam, curbing
and all material for the improvement of
West Eagle Point avenue was referred to
the committee of the whole.
The communication of the engineer in
relation to the order to have the Guerdet
property on Julien avenue connected with
the sanitary sewer, and the following res-
Dubuq e, That the the
council of the city
ofcity engineer be and
is hereby instructed to advertise for bids
for disconnecting the sewer pipe in the
building of H. Guerdet, located on lot 12
of the sub of lot 703, from the storm water
sewer and connecting the same with the
sanitarysewer, said work to be done to
the satisfaction of the committee on sewers
and the city engineer. was adopted.
The communication of the American
Fire Engine company in relation to pay-
ment for tire steamer was referred to the
city auditor.
Aid. Shea, chairman of the public
grounds and buildings committee, reported
as follows on the bids for the painting of
the town clock:
Your committee on public grounds and
buildings would respectfully report in fa-
vor of awarding the contract for painting
the town elock to Chas. Atkinson or $21o,
he being the lowest bidder, and to receive
such price for painting the dial as the
committee may deem just and right, or
for $15. Adopted.
Ald. Vogler, of the committee of the
whole, reported as follows:
In favor of granting the petition for the
improvement of West Eagle Point avenue
to the city limits. Adopted.
In favor of refering the bids for light-
ing the city buildings to the committee on
police and light.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of
lighting the public buildings be indefinite-
ly postponed. Carried.
In favor of postponing action on plans
and specifications for improving Seven-
teenth street from West Locust street to
Clay street.
In favor of receiving and filing the bids
for the improvement of West Locust street
from Hodgdon avenue to west line of
Blake's addition. Adopted.
In favor of approving of the plans and
specifications for the paving and curbing
of South Main street, but that the work
be not commenced until such time as all
the grading is done and completed, so that
the paving can be laid in a substantial
manner. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann. chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets would most
respectfully report that foremen for sev-
eral road districts have been appointed as
ordered by the council, and we would re-
commend that they be paid at the rate of
$1.50 per day. Adopted.
In favor of paying the bill of D. W. Lin-
ehan, $15.00, for curbstone furnished on
Booth and O'Neill streets. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Denlinger and others who
wished to address the council be allowed
to do so. Carried.
Mr. Denlinger addressed the council
stating he had always been willing to pay
for the four -foot sidewalk on Grandview
avenue laid by the city, and asked to have
the same remain abutting his property.
Ald. Ryder moved Mr. Denlinger be
allowed to pay for a four -foot sidewalk.
Mr. Weigel addressed the council in re-
gard to Wilber Lane.
On motion the matter was referred to
the committee of the whole and city at-
Mr. Morrison addressed the council in
relation to the vacation of certain streets
and alleys to the A. Y. McDonald -Morri-
son Manufacturing company.
Ald. Crawford moved that the prayer of
petitioners as asked for and referred be
granted, and that the ordinance commit-
tee and city attorney draft an ordinance
covering the same. Carried.
Ald Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be and are hereby instructed to
extend their water mains on and along
Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
Fremont avenue, from Grandview to Lull
street, and that tire plugs as required be
located by the fire committee and fire
chief, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing
to said water company a sum of money
sufficient to pay interest at the rate of '7
per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to
e extended.
Ald. Shea offered the following, which
was adopted:
Rcsolvcd, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the city marshal be in-
structed to remove all obstructions on
Fourth street extension in accordance
with the ordinance on that subject.
Ald. Shea, chairman of the committee
on public grounds and buildings, sub-
mitted the following, which was adopted:
Your committee would most respectfully
recommend that the necessary repairing
be done on the Delhi street engine house,
and that the necessary paint for painting
said work be bought by the city and the
firemen to do said painting.
Ald. Schulte offered the following which
was adopted:
WHEREAS, The water pipe connection
with the Eighteenth street engine house is
to supply the water required for said
house; therefore,
Resolved, That a larger pipe be put in
leading to said house before the paving is
done on the street, said work to be done
under the supervision of the committee on
public grounds and buildings and engi-
Ald. Schulte offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuqe, That the Dubuque Water com-
pany be and are hereby instructed to ex-
tenci their water mains on West Third
street from James to Hill street, and that
water plugs, if required, be put in under
the direction of the fire committee and
chief, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to
said water company a sum of money suf-
ficient to pay 7 per cent. on the cost of
pipe so required to be extended.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That - West Eagle Point
avenue, between Kane street and
corporation line be graded, guttered,
curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon
that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the neces-
sary plans and specifications for said im-
provement, and the city recorder directed
to give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property, grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, •Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the alley north of West
Third street and west of Hill street, from
the end of present improvement west and
north of the intersection of West Fourth
and Pauline streets, be graded and macad-
amizeti in conformity with the ordi-
nance uon the subject; that the city en-
gineer be and is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the grading and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte, and
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
ftesolred: By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the alley between
Johnson and Humboldt avenue, and Lin-
coln and Rhomberg avenue, be graded and
macadamized, in conformity with
the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the grading and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog-
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Fourth street be-
tween Main and White streets, be
paved with brick and curbed with
curbstone, in conformity with the or-
dinance upon that subject. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to make
the necessary plans and specifications for
said improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the paving and curbing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte, and
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was referred to the committee of
the whole:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That w est Eleventh street,
between Grove terrace and Weigel alley,
be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work ; the guttering, curbing and macad-
izing to be done at the expense of the own-
ers of the abutting property, grading to
be bid in a gross sum.
Referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Bluff street, abutting city
lot 598, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
ufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog-
Ald. Vogler offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the northside of Eighth
street, abutting city lot 172, where not al-
104 Regular Session, June 3, 1895.
ready laid; also new cul bing and resetting
of old curb as may be necessary, all at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Vogler offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet
wide, of brick, stone or cement,
be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Twelfth street. abutting
city lots 498 and 500, where not al-
ready laid, also new curbing and resetting
of old curb as niay be necessary, all at the
expense of abuttingproperty.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Windsor avenue, between
Sanford street and Edward street where
not already laid, also new curbing and
resetting of old curb as may be necessary,
all at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of brick, stone or cement, be,
within twenty days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of Fourteenth
street, between Clay and White street,
where not already laid, also new curking
and re -setting of old curbs as may be
necessary, all at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of brick, stone or cement, be. within 15
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Pine
street. between 24th street and 26th street,
where not already laid, all at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
len, Kau mann, Ryder,l Shea, Schulte and
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within ten days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on Bluff and Dodge streets, abutt-
ing city lots 584, 585b, and 585e, where not
already laid, also new curbing and reset-
ting of old curb as may be necessary, all
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Rcxoired,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or
cement, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side_
walks, on the west side of Couler avenue,
abutting lot 9, L. H. Langworthv's
addition, and lot 266 Davis Farm addi-
tion, where not already laid, all at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and
Ald, Kaufmann moved that when the
council adjourn it does to meet at 7:30
o'clock, June 17. Carried.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
* - - Recorder.
o ved .-__. 1895.
Special Session, June 7, 1895.
Council met at.7:50 p.m. Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Aids. Bauer, Crawford,Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Schulte, and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that the report of
the engineer be presented. Carried.
For the improvement of Grandview ave-
Kenety & McCann $11,S55
D. W. Linehan 10,715
Altman & Taylor 10,010
Brown & Brown 10,670
O. G. Kringle 11,930
John Blake 10,535
Steuck & O'Farrell 11,010
Ryan Bros 12,145
Dubuque Construction Co 14,850
On motion the contract was awarded to
Altman & Taylor, the surplus material to
be hauled to South Main street.
For sanitary sewer in Wilson avenue,
from Julien avenue to West Eighth street:
Hird & Son. $173 90
O. G. Kringle 198 90
D. W. Linehan 200 60
Keare O'Brien 191 56
On motion the contract was awarded to
Hird & Son, they being the lowest bidders.
Ald. Ryder moved that the contract for
sewer on West Eighth street, from Hill
street west, be set aside, and that new
bids be advertised for anew. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of
change of grade of Union avenue be ac-
cepted, provided Mr. J. Loringett accept
the amount awarded him, and Mr. Seige
waives all objections to the same. Carried.
Ald. Bauer moved that the improvement
of Fifth avenue be suspended for the pres-
ent. Referred to the alderman of the
Fifth ward.
Special Session, June 10, 1895.
Ald. Schulte offered the following reso-
Resolved, By the city council that per-
mission is hereby given to the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St Paul railway company
to lay a track along the north side of
Twelfth street from Pine street to Cedar
street and to lay necessary spur tracks be-
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets,
said track for the accommodation of A. Y.
McDonald --Morrison Manufacturing com-
pany. Referred to the committee of the
Aid. Vogler moved to adjourn. Carried.
y1 y Mayor.
Special Session, June 10, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present — Aldermen Bauer, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog-
The mayor stated that the object of the
meeting was to take such action as was
necessary in relation to the sale of the re-
funding bonds, as advertised by the fi-
nance committee.
Alderman Ryder offered the following,
which was adopted:
WHEREAS, the bonds of this city in the
sum of $200,000 will mature on the first
day of January, 1896,
WHEREAS, The city will not be in a con-
dition to pay and take up said bonds; and,
WHEREAS, It will be necessary to refund
and extend the time for the payment of
said bonds ; and,
WHEREAS, Advertisement has been made
for offers to procure and surrender the
bonds so to mature and to take in ex-
change therefor new bonds to be issued to
refund and extend the payment of the
same; and,
WHEREAS, N. W. Harris & Company, of
Chicago, have proposed to procure and
surrender said $200,000 in amount of the
bonds so to mature and to accept instead
thereof new bonds to be issued to refund
and extend the same; and,
WHEREAS, The bonds so to mature bear
interest semi-annually at the rate of 6 per
cent; and,
WHEREAS, Said Harris & Company pro-
pose to accept such new bonds to be issued
to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent,
payable semi-annually, and to pay the city
eight thousand six hundred and eighty
dollars for the privilege of being permit-
ted to make such exchange, and,
WHEREAS, After considering the said
proposition of said N. W. Harris & Com-
pany in connection with other proposals
made by other parties for the refunding
of sald maturing bonds, it appears to the
council that the proposal of N. W. Harris
& Company is the best and most advan-
tageous offer that has been made for the
refunding of said bonds, therefore, be it
Resolved, That said proposal of said N.
W. Harris & Company be and the same is
hereby accepted by the city, and the
mayor and finance committee are hereby
authorized and empowered to enter into a
contract with proper provisions for safe
guarding the interests of the city, with
said N. W. Harris & Company for the re-
funding of the bonds to mature, on the
terms hereinbefore expressed, proper pro-
vision to be made when and how said
premium shall be made and as to the
carrying out of the exchange of the new
bonds to be issued for the old ones to be
surrendered as aforesaid, and to provide
in said contract that said new bonds to be
issued and the interest thereon shall be
made payable in gold coin of the present
standard weight and fineness ai some
bank in either New York or Boston, as
may be agreed upon in said contract.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That for the purpose of re-
funding city bonds to the amount of $201,-
926.63, maturing on the 1st day of Jan-
uary, 1896, the city shall issue 400 twenty-
year gold bonds in denominations of $500
each, numbered from 1 to 400, inclusive,
and bearing interest at the rate of 4 per
cent. per annum, payable semi-annually,
both principal and interest of said bonds
to be payable at the city of New York, in
the state of New York, or at the city of
Boston in the state of Massachusetts, at
the option of the holder, as may be provid-
ed in the contract, this day authorized to
be made with N. W. Harris Co. for the
exchange of said bonds for old bonds to
be surrendered.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn.
Attest :_
106 Adjoupned regular Ses8ion, June 17, 1895
Adjourned Regular Session, June
17, 1895.
Council met June 17, 1895, at S o'clock
p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
On motion bids for the improvement of
streets, alleys and sewers were ordered
opened, and the same referred to the en-
gineers for computation.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition of Chas. Klingenberg et al., to
repair Liebnitz street.
Petition of R. T. Eddy, remonstrating
against the assessment for the improve-
ment of Julien avenue, was referred to the
street committee and attorney.
The following were referred to the street
The communication of the city engineer
in relation to the purchase of a road
Also an estimate of grade at Rush street
from Quince to Villa street.
Also estimate of grade on Leibnitz street
from Harold street to Abbott street.
The resolution for the improvement of
Middle avenue from Garfield to High
Bluff street and resolution for the im-
provement of Schiller avenue between
Garfield and High Bluff.
Also the report of the committee on pub-
lic grounds and buildings, recommending
the paving of sidewalk in front of the
Eighteenth street engine house.
The following were referred to the
street committee and engineer:
Petition of C. H. Hyde et al. for the im-
provement of Rebecca street.
Petition of E. H. Sheppley in relation to
the width of sidewalk on Lincoln avenue
between Couler avenue and White street.
On motion the rules were suspended and
Mr. Sheppley was allowed to address the
Mr. Sheppley addressed the council in
relation to the above sidewalk.
Petition of Wm. F. Woodrich et al in
relation to the rebuilding of the retaining
walls at a point where Grove Terrace in-
tersects Eleventh street was referred to
the street committee and engineer.
The communication in relation to ob.
struction in alley between Sycamore and
Lynn and Seventeenth and Eighteenth
streets, was referred to the street com-
The engineer reported as follows in re-
lation to the petition of Catherine Keepers
to have improvement on Almond street
remeasured: Would report that there is
no record in this office of any one by the
name of Keepers owning any property on
Almond street. Referred to the committee
on claims.
The petition of E. Laneworthy's estate
asking that assessment for laying sewer
in West Third street from Hill to Alpine
be cancelled, was received and filed.
The petition of James Forester et al, re-
monstrating against the paving of Fourth
street as ordered, was referred to the
paving committee.
The petitions of Frank Roy and John
Malone and son were referred to the engi-
neer to make an estimate as to the amount
of the balance due on the macadam owned
by then and present the same to the
The petition of Wm. Lawther to have
electric light poles removed was granted.
The petition of Thos. F. Phillips and J.
M. Kenety asking for the use of the
armory for the Sisters of the Visitation
was read.
Ald. Crawford moved that if the Gov-
ernor's Greys, having a lease of the same,
have no objection, the Visitation Sisters
be allowed to use the hall.
Ald. Cullen moved that a committee be
appointed to wait on the Governor's Greys
to obtain their consent for the use of the
armory hall.
Ald. Cullen, Vogler and Bonson were
appointed to act as said committee.
Ald. Ryder moved that the committee
on public,grounds and buildings be em-
powered to examine the condition of the
armory hall and require the Governor's
Grays to have the sante put in its proper
Ald. Crawford moved that all obstruc-
tions on Kane street be removed. Referred
to the street committee.
The petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul for permission to ay traek on
Twelfth street from Pine to Sycamore
street, was referred to the committee of
the whole.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Dubuque Construction company, for
paving Clay street, 14,567.00.
Kenety & McCann for paving Clay
street, $4,330.00.
Mike Connolly for construction of sewer
in West Fifth street and Winona avenue,
Ald. Bonsai' presented and read for the
first time an ordinance entitled:
An ordinance for the vacation pf the
alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
and between Maple and Pine streets, alley
between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets
and between Maple and Cedar streets;
alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets between Cedar and Sycamore
streets ; Maple street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets, and Cedar street be-
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
DAlcl. Ryder moved that the rules be sus-
pended and ordinance read by its title and
placed on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea,
Schulte and Vogler
The ordinance was then read by its title
and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schule
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford offered the following res-
Rcnolved, That the city assessment for
taxation of lots numbers 267 to 276, 331 to
340, and 393 to 402, all inclusive, in East
Dubuque addition No. 2 to the city of Du-
buque, including buildings and improve-
ments thereon, shall be fixed at and re-
main $8,100 for ten (10) years, commencing
with the year 1895, providing said real
estate shall be used during that time by
the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Manufac-
turing company, its successors or assigns,
exclusively for manufacturing purposes.
Resolved -further, That the machinery and
tools and all materials and stock used in
Adjourned Regular Session, June 17, 1895. 107
the manufacturing plant to be constructed
on the real estate above described by said
company. and all merchandise manufac-
tured and produced therein, while remain-
ing on the premises unsold, shall be ex-
empt from city taxation for the same
Referred to the committee of the whole.
On motion of Ald. Kaufmann, chairman
of the street committee, the following
streets, sewers and sidewalks were ac-
Sanitary sewer in West Third street
from Hill to Alpine streets.
Sanitary sewer in alley east of Grant
Sanitary sewer in alley between Walnut
and Rose streets.
Sidewalk on both sides of Rush street
from Apple to Quince streets.
Sidewalk on north side of West Eagle
Point avenue between Francis and Valeria
Curb and guttering on Julien avenue
between Walnut street and Wilson avenue.
Curb, guttering and macadamizing
Lawther avenue between Windsor and
Burden avenues.
Curb, guttering and macadamizing
White street between Twenty-second and
Twenty-third streets.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the City
of Dubuque. That to pay for constructing
sewer in West Third street from Hill street
to Alpine street. by Hugh Keenan, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
W. C. Beans, McCoy's sub, lot 2, 42
sq ft sewer at 4 mills $ 16 80
A. W. Kemler est, McCoy's sub, e
35 degrees lot 3, 35 sq ft sewer at 4
mills 14 00
A. W. Kemler est, McCoy's sub, w
135 feet, lot 4, 15 sq ft sewer at 4
mills 6 00
A. W. Kemler est, McCoy's sub, lot
5, 50 sq ft sewer at 4 mills 20 00
A. W. Kemler est, McCoy's sub, lot
6, 50 sq ft sewer at 4 mills 20 00
E. Langworthy est, Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 1, 120 sq ft sewer
at 4 mills 48 00
Rieder Langworthy, Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub. s34i lot -, 120 sq ft
sewer, at 4 mills 48 00
E. Langworthy est, Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 3, 110 sq ft sew-
er, at 4 mills 44 00
E. Langworthy est, Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 4, 224 sq ft sewer
at 4 mills 89 60
Julia Langworthy, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 1, 150 sq ft sewer
at 4 mills 60 00
R. H. Collier, Mrs. L. H. Langwor-
thy's sub. lot 5, 160 sq ft sewer
at 4 mills 64 00
R. H. Collier. Mrs. L. H. Langwor-
thy's sub, lot 6, 163 sq ft sewer at
4 mills 65 20
Bernice McFadden, Mrs.L H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 7. 163 sq ft sewer
at 4mills 65 20
O. S. Langworthy,Mrs. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lo8, 178 sq ft sewer
at 4 mills 71 20
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte,
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for construct-
ing sewer in alley east of Grant avenue
from Julien avenue to West Eleventh
street, by James Hird & Son, contractors,
in front of and adjoining the sante, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts o' lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Frank Duggan, Cain's sub, lot 2,
35 sq ft sewer, at 4c mills $ 14 00
G. H. Davis, Cain's sub, lot 3, 35 sq
ft sewer, at 4 mills
Eliz . Taylor, Cain's sub, lot 4, 35 sq
ft sewer, at 4 mills
John Hier, Cain's sub, lot 5, 39.6 sq
ft sewer, at 4 mills
A. W. Hosford, L ain's sub, lot 6, 39.6
sq ft sewer, at 4 mills
A.W. Hosford, Cain's sub, lot 7, 37.6
sq ft sewer, at 4 mills
Andrew Drees, sub of 738 city lot 1,
132 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills
Kate E. Sullivan, sub of 2 of 3 of 738
city lot 1, 114 sq ft sew er,at 4 mills
Jennie West, sub of 2 of 3 of 738 city
of 4, 12.5 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Ales. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for construct-
ing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley be-
tween Walnut street and Race street from
end of sewer to Rose street, by James
Hird & Son, contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
James Howie, Cummin's sub, lot 8,
55 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills $ 22 00
Stephen Harriety, Cummin's sub,
lot 9, 55 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills22 00
L. A. Wood, Cummin's sub, lot 10,
36 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills 14 40
Wm. Wilkinson, Cummin's sub, s 19.
ft lot 10, 19 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills7 60
Martin Kerwin, Cummin's sub, lot
15, 55 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills 22 00
C. Vath, Cummin's sub, s X lot 16,
36.67 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills 14 67
I, Cleminson, Cummin's sub nl-3,
lot 16, 18.83 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills. 7 33
I. Cleminson. Cumming's sub, s1-3,
lot 17. 18.33 sq ft sewer, at 4 mills 7 33
lra Hanson, Cummin's sub, n2-3, lot
17, 36.67 sq ft sewer at 4 mills14 67
Adopted by the lollowing vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque. That to pay for laying a 4
foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of
Rrush street between Apple and Quince
streets by John McCoy, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Geo. Savory, Union add, lot 120, 60
lin ft sidewalk, at 14c $ 840
Geo. Savory, Union add, lot 121, 9 87
70.5 lin ft sidewalk, at 14c
14 00
14 00
15 84
15 84
15 04
52 80
45 60
5 00
108 Adjourned Regular Session, June 17, 1895.
John McQuillen, Union add, lot
183, 55.5 lin ft sidewalk. at 14c7 77
John McQuillen, sub 184,Union add,
lot 1, 56.5 lin ft sidewalk, at 14c7 91
Julia Ahern, sub 184, Union add, lot
2, 90 lin ft sidewalk, at 14c 12 60
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a four -
foot wide sidewalk on north side of West
Eagle Point avenue, between Francis and
Valeria streets, by John McCoy, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21, 127.5
lineal ft sidewalk, at 15c $ 19 13
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
Julien avenue from Walnut street to Wil-
son avenue by George W. Farley, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
John Nagle, sub of out lot 738 city lot:
18 lin ft of curbing at 30e 5 40
6.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 1 87
Total 7 27
John Nagle,sub of out lot 738, city lot 45:
83 lin ft guttering at 30c 24 90
35.55 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 66
Total 35 56
Alphonse Matthews, sub of out lot 738,
city lot 6:
81.5 lin ft curbing at 30c 24 45
36.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 86
Total 35 31
Mary M. Thomas, sub of out lot 738, city
lot 7:
20 lin ft curbing at 30c 6 00
8.89 sq yds guttering at 30c 2 67
8 67
Kate E. Sullivan, sub of out lot 738 e 20
ft city lot 8:
23 lin ft curbing at 30c $6 90
8.89 sq yds guttering at 30c 2 67
Total $9 57
J. W. Parker est, sub of out lot 738, w 3
ft city lot 8:
3 lin ft curbing at 30c
1.33 sq yds guttering at 30c
Total $1 30
M. Stockley et al, sub of out lot 738, city
lot 9:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
Total $21 67
J. W. Parket est, sub of out lot 738, city
lot 9:
50 lin ft curbing at 30 c
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c
$15 00
6 67
$21 67
Jennie West, sub of out lot 738, city lot
61 lin ft curbing at 30c
26.89 sq yds guttering at 30e
Wnt, Headford, Cain's sub, lot 1:
93 lin ft curbing at 30c
46 sq yds guttering at 30c
6 lin ft curbing reset at 10c
R. T. Eddy, Mobley's Dubuque.
lot 5:
18 sq yds guttering at 30e
40 lin ft curbing reset at 10c
$18 30
8 07
$26 37
$27 90
13 80
$42 30
n 70 ft
$5 40
4 00
Total $9 40
Rev John Hennessy, Mobley's Dubuque,
lot 6:
8 lin ft curbing at 30c
17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c
32 lin ft curbing reset at 10c
$2 40
5 33
3 20
Total $10 93
Rev. John Hennessy, Mobley's Dubuque,
sub lot 7:
15.33 sq yds guttering at 30c $ 4 60
34.5 lin ft curbing reset at 10c 3 45
Total. 8 8 05
D. J. Hennessy, Kelly's sub, lot 1 :
8.4 lin ft curbing at 30e $ 2 52
22.35 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 70
42 lin ft curbing reset at 10c 4 20
Total is 13 42
D. J. Hennessy, Kelly's sub, lot '2:
22.35 sq vds guttering at 30c 8 6 70
50.3 lin it curbing reset at 10e 5 03
Total 8 11 73
F. D. Collet, Kelly's sub. lot 3:
22.35 sq yds guttering at 30c $ 6 70
50.3 lin ft curbing reset at 10c 5 03
Total $ 11 73
E. Guthrie, Kelly's sub, lot 4:
4 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 1 20
22.35 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 70
46.3 lin ft curbing reset at 10e .. 4 63
Total 8 12 53
A. Heinz, Kelly's sub, w28ft lot 5:
28 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 8 40
12.53 sq yds guttering at 30c 3 76
Total 8 12 16
F. Freiberg, Kelly's sub e22ft lot 5:
9.82 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 2 95
22.1 lin ft curbing reset at 10c 2 21
Total $ 5 16
Fred Freiberg, Kelley's sub, lot 6:
9.0 lin ft curbing, at 30c 2 70
22.35 sq yds guttering. at 30c 6 70
41.3 lin ft curbing reset. at 10c 4 13
Total 13 53
John Nagle, Kelley's sub, lot 7:
22.35 sq yds guttering, at 30c 6 70
C0.3 lin ft curbing reset, at 10c• 5 03
John McCollins, Kelley's sub, lot 8:
22.35 sq yds guttering, at 30c
42 lin ft curbing reset, at 10c
11 73
6 70
4 20
Total 10 90
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for improve-
Adjourned Regular Session, June 17, 1895
went of Lawther avenue from Burden
avenue to Windsor avenue by Altman &
Taylor, contractors, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
tarts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate as fol-
Lawther and Ryder, Burden-Lawther's
add. lot 11:
129.6 lin ft curbing, at 30e $ 38 88
60 sq yds guttering, at 30e 18 110
172.78 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c58 74
Total 115 62
Wm. Lawther, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 38:
58.6 lin ft curbing, at 33c 17 58
26.67 sq yds guttering, at 30e 8 00
81.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34e27 58
Total 53 16
Wm. Lawther, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 39:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30e. 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering, at 30e 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c211 78
Total $ 42 45
Wm. Lawther, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 40:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 15 00
22.23 sq yds guttering. at 30c 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34e20 78
Total $ 42 45
Wm. Lawther, Burden -La wther's add,
lot 41:
50 lin ft curbing at 30e $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering, at 30c 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c20 78
Total $ 42 45
Wm. Lawther, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 42:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering, at 30c 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c20 78
Total $ 42 45
Lawther & Rider,Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 43:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering, at 30e 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c20 78
Total $ 42 45
Lawther & Rider,Lawther-Burden's add,
lot 44:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering, at 30c. 6 67
61.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c20 78
Total $ 42 45
M. Eichhorn, Lawther-Burden's add,
lot 45:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
2222 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c20 78
Total 42 45
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Lawther's
add, lot 46:
72 lin ft curbing at 30c 21 60
33.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 13
115.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c39 29
Total 71 02
Coyle and Ellis, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 101:
126.1 lin ft curbing at 30c 37 83
57.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 17 33
233.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c79 26
Total 134 42
Dement and Duncan, Burden -Law ther's
add, lot 83:
109.6 lin ft curbing. at 30e
51.55 sq yds guttering at 30c
149.45 sq yds macadamizing at 34c
Total 99 19
F. A. Bisping, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 82:
109 lin ft curbing at 30e 32 i0
51.55 sq yds guttering at 30e 15 46
149.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c50 85
Total 99 01
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Lawther's
add, lot 47:
194.3 lin ft curbing at 30c 58 29
88.59 sq yds guttering at 30c 26 66
271.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c92 40
32 88
15 46
50 85
Total 177 35
E. Kahenstein, Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 55:
129.6 lin ft curbing. at 30e $ 38 88
(10 sq yds guttering, at 30e 18 00
180.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c61 24
Total $118'12
Lawther & Rider,Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 56:
1.27.9 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 38 37
58.22 sq yds guttering, at 30e 17 47
181.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c61 65
Total 5117 49
Lawther & Rider,Burden-Lawther'sadd,
lot 65:
128.3 lin ft curbing, at 30e $ 38 49
59.11 sq yds guttering, at 30e 17 73
181.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c61 65
Total $117 87
Lawther& Rider,Burden-Lawther's add,
lot 10:
127.41in ft curbing, at 30c R 38 22
6u sq yds guttering, at 30c 18 00
172.78 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c58 75
Total $114 97
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Alpine street, between
West Third and Dodge street, be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property. Grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-A1ds. Bauer, Bonson. Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
ofo Dubuque, That Locust street, be-
tween Tenth street and Sixteenth street,
and West Locust street between Sixteenth
street and Seventeenth street, west side,
be graded, curbed and paved with
brick, in conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and
the same
beenmsubntitt d,, the
110 Adjourned Regular Session, June 17, 1895
city recorder is directed to give the
proper notice for bids and proposals for
the performance of the work ; the curbing
and paving to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
Grading to be bid in a gross sum.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte, and
Nays—Aid. Crawford.
Ald. Kaufmann presented the following:
To the Honorable Mayor aim City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
GENTLEMEN— Your committee on streets
would most respectfully recommend that
the grade of Grandview avenue between
Southern avenue and its eastern terminus
be changed so as to correspond with the
red line as shown on the accompanying
profile, which will reduce the amount of
grading to about one-half of what it was
before, and reduce the cost of same to
about one-third of the original cost, towit:
123. cents per yard. All of which is re-
spectfully submitted.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city recorder be and
is hereby instructed to give the proper
notice for the proposed change of grade
on Grandview avenue, as shown by profile
now on file in the city recorder's office,
said notice to be in compliance with the
ordinance on that subject. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann submitted the follow-
Your committee on streets would most
respectfully recommend that in view of
the large number of sidewalks out of re-
pair in different portions of the city, that
another one-horse wagon be put on to do
said work, the same to be under the super-
vision of the street committee and street
commissioner. Adopted.
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the mayor be and is
hereby directed to appoint a new special
committee to confer with the Standard
Lumber company in regard to the award
of the jury for the extension of Fourth
street. Adopted.
The mayor appointed Aids. Shea. Kauf-
mann and Crawford to act as said com-
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby a a-
thorized and required for the purpose of
providing for the cost and expense of im-
proving the following streets and alleys,
to -wit:
Dorgan Place and alley from Sel an-
teenth to Ellis street, $500.
Holly street from Cleveland avenua to
Rush street, $800.
Lawther avenue from from Windsor to
Burden avenue. $1,500.
Merz street from Windsor to Althauser
avenue, $1,800.
Julien avenue from Walnut to Wilson
avenue, $300.
'Wilber Lane from Weigel alley to Olive
street, $500.
Humbolt avenue from Lincoln to High
Bluff street, $200.
White street from Twenty-third to
Twenty-fourth street, $1,300.
Fifth avenue from end of present im-
provement to north line of lot 6 in Peil's
sub., $2,000.
West Eighth street from Hill street to
west line of Rogers' sub., $700.
Fremont avenue from Grandview avenue
to Cascade road, $5,000.
Curtis street from South Dodge street
to Malady street, $3,500.
Grandview avenue from Southern av-
enue to east end of street, $8,900.
To issue under the provisions of the or-
dinance adopted August 9, 1894, by the
city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds
to the amount of $27.000, of the denomina-
tion of $500 each numbering from 91 to 144
inclusive, to be each,
July 1, 1895, payable
seven years after date, or at any time be-
fore said date at the option of the city of
Dubuque, bearing interest at the rate of 5
per cent per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, both principal and interest paya-
ble at the office of the city treasurer in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa.
When said bonds are issued and regis-
tered, they shall be delivered to the finance
committee, and said committee is hereby
authorized to deliver said bonds to Robert
& Co. in accordance with their proposal
for said bonds, and pay the proceeds of
same to the city treasurer, to be applied by
him in accordance with the provisions of
the ordinance adopted August 9. 1894, and
said committee is to report its doings
hereunder to the city council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
City Engineer Knowlton reported as
follows on bids referred to hint for compu-
Improvement of West Eagle Point
Steuck & O'Farrell $12.763
Ryan Bros 12,999
J. Pickley 14,109
E. E. Frith 13.497
Brown & Brown 13,865
D. W. Linehan 14,031
John Blake 1'1,,990
On motion Steuck & O'Farrell being the
lowest bidders were awarded the contract.
Alley between Lincoln and Rhomberg
and Humboldt and Johnson avenues:
George W. Farley $1,050
D. W. Linehan 904
W. Cook 972
Brown & Brown 950
Phil. Doerr 814
John Parker 1,054
Steuck & O'Farrell 823
On motion Phil. Doerr was awarded the
Sewer in West Eighth street:
John Howe $116 25
Hird & Son 183 75
D. W. Linehan 92 00
R. T. Eddy 120 00
On motion D. W. Linehan was awarded
the contract.
Sewer in the alley north of West Third
street between Hill and Pauline street—
John Tibey $450
Geo. W. Farley 440
Steuck & O'Farrell 460
On motion, Geo. W. Farley was awarded
the contract.
Sewer in Seminary street from Seven-
teenth street to Madison—
D. W. Linehan, sewer per foot, 85e ;
manhole. $22.
O. G. Kringle, sewer per foot, 55c ; man-
hole, $25.
On motion, O. G. Kringle was awarded
the contract.
Ald. Crawford moved that the recorder
issue a venire to the city marshal for the
List of City -Warrants.
opening of Glen Oak avenue from Four.
teenth to Julien avenue. Carried
Ald. Vogler moved to adjourn. Carried.
roved 1895.
Are,"-- Mayor.
Issued by the City Recorder During
the Month of April, 1895.
DuauQuE, Iowa, May 1, 1895. 1
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of April 1895:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
P Olinger, salary for January, Feb-
ruary and March, mayor.$250 00
H B Gniffke, sal:u•y March, treasurer200 00
T J Cooney, do do recorder116 66
M JI McCarten, do auditor116 65
J F Stemm, do do assessor125 00
J E Knight, do do attorney125 00
John Raesli, do do marshal100 00
J Reinfried do do fire chief83 30
John Curter, do do street comm'r91 60
J O'Connell, do do clerk .63 30
W H Knowlton, do engineer 200 00
E S Hyde, do do asst eng'r100 00
Jas Boyce, do do do 100 00
Henry Glab, do do do 50 00
G Osborn, do do electrician 75 00
M II o, do do sewer insp'tor 60 00
H Henge, do do park custod'n 46 50
Jac Kleine, do do market master 60 00
F W Wieland, do health officer 50 00
Mr Eitel, fireman 60 00
J Essman, do 75 00
A Duccinl, do 50 00
John Flynn. do 60 00
John Wiltse, do 60 00
C Specht, do 50 00
J Tschudi, do • 5O 00
Ed Keas, do 30 65
Jas Daly, do 60 00
Job Barnes, do 75 00
A McDonnell, do 60 00
J Murphy, do 41 00
Wm Duey, do 60 00
J Seuonberger, do 50 00
Tom Ryder, do 50 00
M Fahey, do 50 00
D Ahearn, do 60 00
T Walker, do 60 00
W Hippman, do 60 00
F Ganahl, de 50 00
Geo Girke, do 50 00
G Helmrich, do 50 00
W Williams, do 50 00
F Essman, do 60 00
T Flynn, do 60 00
A Straney, do 60 00
Jas Rooney, do 50 00
C Hannah, do 60 00
J Alien, do 6000
W McBride, do 50 00
R Weston, do 50 OO
J Sweeney, do 15 75
H Ternes, do 11 60
J Bauman, do 12 50
F Hartmann, do 6 85
J Murphy, pollee 75 OO
B Cain, do 50 00
Wm Frith, do 50 0O
J Litscher, do50 OO
P McNerney, do 60 00
T Reilly, do
J Fitzpatrick, do
Dan Norton, ' do
Jas Allen, do
John Reuter; do
las Flynn, do
Ed Tore, do
M Kilty, do
P Sutton, do
DI Craugh, (10
J Hoffman, do
P Sullivan, do
P Power's, do
F Rhomberg, do
F Carney, do
Jas Rooney, do ...,,,
I Manhoff, do """
Wm 0' mien, do
Jas Lonergan, do
John Nilson, do
J Murphy, do
J Noel, do
Wm Hennessy, do
Jas Carter, do
Sam Elmer, do
P Scharf, do
P McCollins, do
J Secrest, do
Wm Howard, do
Dan Lavery, do
JI Lonergan, pound master
P Ahearn, laborer
FBeyer, engineer
C Brandt, laborer
J Bonder, mason
J Brochtobrock, laborer
C Buse, do
P Becker, do
John Beyer, do
Jas Bennett, do
J Corbett, do
J Callahan, do
J Driscoll, do
J Eagan, do
J Erskin, do
J Eberhardt, do
John Everet, do
Wm Flynn, do
John Fix, do
L Fritz, do
F Faber, do
John Farley. do
P Fury, do
AI Fagan, do
Wm Flannagan, do
F Gengler•, do
Joe Grab, do
M Groff, do ....
C Hillery, foreman
A Hird, laborer
J Hillery, do
D Harriman, do
M 'loupes, do
A Johnson, do
AJaeger, do ................
Wm Juergens, do ....
P Jacobi, do
P Kien, do ...
JKraus, do ................
J Kinsella, carpenter. — ..—..—..—
P Kinney, laborer
J Kelly, do
M Kline, do
M Lilach, do
Wm Lonergan, de
J Lambert, do
A Lang, do
J Moroney, do
T Mulqueeny, do
T Meyer, do
J Morrell, do
P Moran, do
P Mobon, do
T McDonnell, do
Al McCune. foreman
J McNulty, laborer
P McMullen, do
P O'Brien, Sr, do
P O'Brien, Jr, do
B O'Neill, do
do .•••
J Perryon,
D Powers,
Jas Powers,
John Raetz.
Nic Ries,
DSufi' van,
Geo Schulz,
A Schmidt,
John Steffes,
31 Scheirock,
Joe Seik,
foreman ................
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
25 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
46 60
50 00
40 00
15 00
5 40
16 00
3 40
3 40
2 40
2 25
7 45
9 45
1 35
3 40
9 45
4 05
1 35
4 75
11 50
3 40
1 70
3 00
4 05
7 45
1 35
1 35
1 05
2 70
1 05
11 20
8 80
6 75
6 75
8 10
9 45
1 70
1 35
4 75
19 50
1 70
60 00
11 50
8 10
7 45
1 70
4 05
2 70
1 70
6 75
7 45
6 75
2 70
2 70
5 40
1 60
1 35
2 05
10 15
1 35
5 40
1 95
3 40
1 95
17 20
1 05
1 35
2 40
8 45
1 05
1 35
25 00
112 List of City 1f frrffnts.
31 Sullivan, do
P Stoffer, do
J B Stevens, do
N Sweeney, do
Wm Terry, do
Geo Vogt, do
M Wampeck, do
Wm Warring, do
3 Zerbes, do
W Zachina, do ..........
Geo Zumhoff, foreman
Wm Bentin, team
1 Beckmann, do
R Bennett, do
A Conrad, do
J Costello, do 1 35
B Cain, do 1 35
P Elliott, do 2 05
N Frith, do 2 70
J Geary, do 2 05
M 3 Hannon, do 2 70
T Heinz, do 18 90
P Jardin, do 2 05
H King, do70
John Long, do 2 05
R Mathis, do 2 70
Mrs Phil Melloy, do 2 70
J McCracken, do 18 90
J McCollins. do 18 90
Mrs Quinlivan, do .......... 8 10
Geo Reynolds, do 8 10
D Sutherland, do 2 70
Ed Seeley, do 2 70
L Taylor, do 3 40
31 Theis, do 2 05
Cath Tobin, do 20 95
H Weber, do 2 70
J Williams, do 2 70
P McNulty, laborer 45 50
F Schilling, do 45 50
PLinehan, team.... ............ 2 70
L Cahill, laborer 4 50
WAhearn, laborer 4 50
RFuurmann, team 3 40
F Frich, laborer 4 00
R McGivern, sanitary inspector50 00
Mrs Koenig, janitor .............. 20 00
Jae Moore, janitor...... 20 00
Westercamp & McQuillan, putting up
booths.. ... ......................... 32 00
J Becker, repairing city hall 13 75
Wm Flynn, sawing wood........ 3 00
L Daly, hauling booths 13 50
J Farley, rodman ........... 18 75
Df Loes, sawing wood........... 2 00
Duffy & Maguire, personal damages... 400 00
M Lavin, constructing sewer 66 00
G F W od, clerk of election 5 00
R F Curran, do do 5 00
8 M Langworthy, do do 5 00
Ed Redden, do do 5 00
John McGarry, do do 5 00
11 Kombacker, do do 5 00
I Clemingon, do do 5 00
F Melvin, do do 5 00
F H Carberry, do do 5 00
P Hoffmann, do do 5 00
C E Kleis, do do 5 00
T J Conlin, do do 5 00
Wm Kretschmer, dodo 6 00
Ed Muntz,
R E Butler, dodo do 5 00
do 5 00
F Flynn, do
W H Tomlinson, do do 5 00
J W Coy, do do 5 00
do 5 00
E C Blake. do
do 5 00
J M Kenety, do
do 5 00
IC O Duncan, do
L Gonnet•, do doo 5 00
O P Hughes, do do 5 00
F Duertscher, do do 5 00
J Spielman, do do 5 00
Otto Hess, do do 5 00
Otto Geiger, do do 5 00
H Kruse, do do 5 00
Tony Stoltz, do do 5 00
Phil Pier, judge of election 5 00
T J Donahue, do do 5 00
Jos Straney, do do • • • • • • 5 00
Geo Barnes, do do b 00
Geo Lucas, do do 5 00
5 00
5 00
• 5 00
5 00
▪ 5 00
6 00
6 00
• 6
▪ 5 00
5 40
4 75
8 11)
2 05
7 45
9 45
1 35
39 00
1 35
6 40
2 70
6 10
10 80
2 05
James Butler, do
C B Miller, do
E B Hoffmann, do
T J Shea, do
J McCoy, do
J Spear, do
John Pier, do
A Voelker. do
Jos L Horr, do
J Kleinschmidt, do
13 W Jones, do do 6 00
H Nagelmaker, do do 6 00
A Vogel, do do 6 00
A Vogler, do do 6 00
N Palen, do do 5 00
E Anderson, do tlo 6 00
NN Kaufmann, do do
R L Goodwin, do do 5 00
B J Schwind, do do 5 00
E J Royce, do do 5 00
P Geisheker, do do 5 00
James Lee, do do 5 00
J R Clark, do do 5 00
C A Voelker, do do 5 00
N HSchilling, do do 5 00
D Hoffmann, do do 5 00
Jos Kaufmann, do do 5 00
F St •itz, do do 500
N P Nicks, do do 5 00
I Beekman, do do 5 00
Chas Elmer, do do 5 00
W Eichmann, do do 5 0
A H Hemmelder, do do 5 00
J Kessler, do do 5 00
H .Pfotzer, do do 5 00
J Flick, do do 5 00
James O'Shea, register of election 10 00
H Kiley, do do 10 00
H Lucas, do do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10
0 00
do 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00 •
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
do 10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
18 05
15 16
12 35
17 70
30 00
15 00
30 00
15 00
15 00
23 90
15 00
15 00
24 30
45 00
1 35
13 55
30 75
18 05
14 55
15 00
92 75
27 45
9 15
37 70
9 30
15 00
41 25
15 00
16 90
5 75
28 55
15 00
3 65
13 95
14 45
14 60
14 75
13 65
38 70
16 10
15 00
17 90
20 10
Ja.4 O'Connor, do
P G Altman, do
John Showers, do
W S Couch, do
J PQuigley, do
A Jeifroy, do
F O Udall, do
Wm Kaep, do
Otto Ternes, do
A Doerr, do
Leo Palen. do
Dan Riordan, do
0 R Foster, do
P Cieisheker, do
John Hillery, do
James Norton, do
James Herod, do
E A Fretizel, do
C J W Saunders, do
H Brinkman, do
Wm Pule, do
P Doerr, do
0 Gmehle, do do
A Pfotzer, do do
N Engel, do do
Claus Hagge, macadam ................
C Vincent, tlo
W Sehweagler, do
Woodrich & Co, do ................
C Karsch & Co, do
T Rotterman, do
Fred Mensel & Co, do
Wm Scharf, do
C Luckterhand, do
John Spies, do
John Woodrich, do
Fred Scharf, do
J Albrecht & Co, do
Brick & Co, do
Howe & Meggison,do
Henry Luck, do
Beyer & Co, do
Fred Remus, do
Otto Reis, do
C Burchard, do
C & H Mueggenberg,
Fred Conrad, do
A Schiltzy, do
A Tippe & Son, do
C Buelow, do
L Schilave, do
Goilie & Co, do
John Heim, do
Greve & Wanger, do
Joe Lawnden, do
Vogt & Co, do
John Evert, do
J Brocittobrock, do
P Jacobi, do
F Gallow, do
Luch terhand & Co,
B Walling, do
C Probe, do
M Bakula & Co, do
G Meukel, do
S Sommer. do
J Kohler, do
A Mareska, do
Beyer & Giesler, do
H Maas, do
J Bottoms, do
D Grassier, do
7 80
13 35
8 85
List of City Warrants.
Brunsklll & Co, do 80
B Fern & Co. ' do 60
J Corbett & Son, do
1213 05
A Hird & Son, do 25 05
111 Corbett, (l0 80
Case & Co, do 30 15
Fern & Son, do 11 90
B Donahue & Co, do 39 45
Goo Wilmon, do 20 10
H Ferris, do 8 70
F Kruse, do 5 10
A Velu, do 12 05
A Sutherland, do 4 95
D Sutherland, do 15 60
Cllockuer&Co, do 26 55
P Fitzgerald, do 11 00
Mabe & Hanifan, do 13 40
N McPoland, do 15 80
C Leirheinaer, do 25 70
Parker & Co, do 45 00
J Cahill & Son, do 32 60
P Gill, do 15 00
Schultz & Co, do 18 95
C Reilly, do 13 65
D Gauge & Co, do 30 00
Roy & Otto, do 60 00
M Michel, do 2 45
J Siege. do 12 00
J Melone, Jr, do 7 50
J Melone & Son, do 30 00
Deggendorf & Co, do 2 00
Mrs C D Sullivan, do 15 00
P MePoland, do 2 85
P Mohan, do 8 00
J Southwell, do 15 00
Bakey & Co, do ........••••••60 00
Kremer & Co, do 12 60
U Sweeney, do 14 70
J McNulty, do 17 00
M McCardn, do 12 05
DI Farrell, do 15 00
McClain & Co, do 20 45
Cairo & Co, do 47 40
51 Carney, do 5 55
P Q inn, do 21 20
JO Shea, do 21 00
M Sulli van & Son, do 33 75
M Burke. Sr, do 22 70
DI Muhony & Son, do 30 00
Norman & Emmert, 26 10
A Hefti, do 2 25
Conrad & Co, do ........ 5 75
F Remus, do 15 00
H Ehlers, do 6 75
N Weber, do 15 00
Kien & Co, do 51 90
J G Muekel, do 15 30
Higgins & Co, do30 00
PQuinn & Co, do
P Quinn & Co, do 11 1515 50
M Doyle, do 17 15
F Berg, do 10 85
A S Knapp, do 5 10
Doty & Farley, do 14 30
J Corbett & Co, do 22 95
.1 Adams, do 9 95
F Kuehl, do 12 60
Duachek & Co, do 13 25
M Kilbur'g, do 5 25
C Beyer, do 6 60
G Wett• r,do 6 65
M Crahln• do 11 25
J McCaffrey, do 3 35
Cath Theis, do 15 20
J Kenneatl!y. do 9 60
R Grimes,do 4 35
J Purcell, do 14 45
B Cregan, do 3 00
51 O'Shea, do 9 00
N Theis, do 14 30
M Qv inlan, do 3 00
H Herro., do 4 25
Win Schelis. do 13 05
J Deggendorf, do 30 00
B Donahue, laying sidewalk 135 44
J Tibey, tilling Fourth street 9 36
J Tibey, gravel 55 20
J J McColains, filling Fourth street 5 94
Geo Far1e v, filling Fourth street 189 00
W H Knowlton, supplies 14 00
E C Porter, drugs 6 70
Van Valkenberg & Co, repairing stoves 1 25
Wm G Waters. hay 15 06
Cleaver & McCar en, plumbing54 14
J T Kearns, recording deeds 1 50
Ham & Carver, atatioarery 248 65
Geo Fengler, filling on Lincoln ave.... 17 60
Dubuque Telegraph, blank stationery. 126 50
Barger & Blish, do do 13 55
G B Grosvenor, do do 10 55
Barnard, Walker&Co, do do 10 50
J P Schroeder, straw 4 20
Lear & Ptiffner, h rse shoeing10 05
P Hansen, corn and bran •4 05
H Naglemaker, matches, etc ....... ,•„ 2 75
D Nitterrauer, express 25
F Siege, express 22
Duggan & Kane, oil........ 1 00
(: N Raymond, lamps 12 90
Jas Kelly & Son, stationery 38 22
E J Carpenter, express... 25
D Parker, oil......... 50
J Trudell, repairing wagon ,,,, ,,.. 23 25
Wm 0 Watters, hay 25 20
Standard Lumber Co, lumber 1 50
Theo Bauer, room rent 15 50
Dlerkes & Hasler, hay ................... 1 60
Dubuque Oil Tank Co, on 03
J Trudell, repairing engine ...... 11 50
Wm Marshall, repairing engine 1 65
W S Dlolo, lead pipe ............ 1 35
H Wiley, hauling engine 1 50
Wm Marsh -II. stovel 1 25
Dubuque Cabinet Makers, repairing
chairs 2 50
JGerat, baskets... ...... .. ...... ........ 2 25
Bewer Bros, bedding .................... 6 00
P H Halpin, bran and salt .............. 10 30
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services 10 45
Phil Pier, coal ................. . 105 00
Scherr & Wolff, horse shoeing.......... 4 00
Merkes & Hasler, bran and corn 3 15
Collins & Wilkinson, ho se shoeing6 75
Lagen & Sloan, do do 18 50
Lear & Ptiffner, do do 6 00
A Wunder.ich, do do 6 25
Standard Lumber Co, shavings4 50
G N Raymond, brushes9 60
Mullen Bros, plumbing 8 55
Chas Atkinson, painting benches 43 20
J O'Neill, cleaning vaults 100
Dodson & Cousins, wood ................ 53 88
Wm M Greenhow, supplies ............. 3 25
13 D Linehan, repairing tools. ...... .... 5 30
Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoeing.... 50
F Robinson, repairing steam roller.... 5 25
Norweigan Plow Co, repairing plow... 6 00
Knapp, Stout & Co lumber40 49
P Hansen. matches and soap 1 60
E E Frith, removing dead animals10 00
Little, Bruce & Co, lanterns 4 40
Mullen Bros, plumbing2 00
Duggan & Kane, matches and soap2 70
LDaly. ex Dress 4 50
Carr, Ryder & Engler, lumber70
Dubuque Rubber Co, hose 4 30
Key City Gas Co, gas 32 48
Star Electric Co, electric lights 500 00
do do do 600 00
do do do 500 00
do do do 109 20
Dubuque Water Co, water........ 500 00
do do 500 00
do do 241 66
R Bennett, sidewalk repairs 18 00
Smith -Perry Printing Co, printing re-
ports 72 70
The Globe, advertising 29 15
German Catholic Printing Co. adver-
tising 50 00
The Tianes. advertising............ 29 15
The Herald, do 75 00
The Telegraph, do 29 15
Jos Herod, refunded tax 7 50
Ed Keas. salary 11 60
Globe Light and Heat Co, lamps 333 34
Key City Gas Co, gas 83 85
American Fire Engine Co, new fire en- b00 00
American Fire Engine Co, new fire en- 500 00
American Fire Engine Co, new lire en-
gine. ..... .... ...... .• • . • •
gine......................500 00
American Fire Engine Co, new fire en- 500 00
American Fire Engine Co, new fire en-
gine. ........... ........... ..... n -
gine500 00
American Fire Engine Co, new fire en-
gine 500 00
Ameriean Fire Engine Co, new fire en-
gine 500 00
11 B Gniffke, money advanced500 00
do do do
do do do 500b00 0000
do do
do do
do do
do do
T J Shea, loan
H Clark, do
Z F Smith, do .......
do do ..............
500 00
du ,,,, 500 00
do •••. 400 09
do 138 92
200 00
250 00
500 00
500 00
114 List of City Warrants
do do 500 00
do do . ....... 500 00
(10 do 500 00
JP Scott, do 500 00
do do ... ... ..... 500 00
do do ....... 500 00
do do 500 00
do do . 500 00
T B Cain, tilling Fourth street 63 00
Dubuque Water Co, water 500 00
do (10 . 500 00
do do 236 80
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect list of all warrants issued by me during
April, 1895. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, June Is, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at my office
up to Monday, July 1, 1895, for improving
Alpine street from West Third street to Dodge
street according to plans and specifications
now on file in my office.
The following is the extent of the work:
Curbing, 2,800 lineal feet.
Guttering, 1,300 square yards.
Macadam, 4,000 square yards.
Grading: Fill, 450 cubic yards; cut, 7,800
cubic yards.
Said work to be completed on or before Sep-
tember 15, 1895.
Bidders must state the price per lineal foot
for curbing, the price per square yard for gut-
tering and macadamizing, grading to be bid in
Bidders must furnish a
bond of 8200, that contractgv e
ill be enterod and ed
if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at a meeting of
the council to be held July 1, 1895.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the
The city reserves the right to reject all bids.
T. J. COONEY', City Recorder.
d18 -10t
Notice to Contractors.
DusuIowa, June 18,
Sealed proposalsIIwill be received at m8y offl:e
up to for
curbing and paving Julyat the followingtreetss a. with
brick, in accordance with plans and speciflca-
tions now on file in my office:
Fourth street, from Main to White street.
The extent of the work is as follows:
Brick paving on macadam groute founda-
tion, 3.300 square yards.
New curbing, 1,000 lineal feet.
01(1 curbing reset, 500 lineal feet.
Said work to be completed on or before Sept.
15, 1895.
Locust street, from Tenth to Sixteenth street,
and West Locust street from Sixteenth to
north line of Seventeenth street.
The extent of the work is as follows':
Brick paving on macadam groute founda-
tion, 11,000 square yards.
New curbing, 3,600 lineal feet.
01(1 curbing reset, 1,200 lineal feet.
Said work to be completed on or before Octo-
ber 15, 1895.
Bidders must state the price per lineal foot
for new curbing, also old curbing reset, the
price per square yard for paving or macadam
grouts foundation.
Proposals must be accompanied by a certi-
fied check on some Dubuque bank for 8500,
payable to the order of the city of Dubuque in
case the party to whom the contract is award-
ed shall fail to execute the contract so award-
ed within five days after such contract is
Prothe council to willbhelbe d Juelyo1, 1885 meeting of
Copies for bidders will be furnished by the
city recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject al] bids.
d18•l0t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
An Ordinance.
AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of the alley
between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets and
between Maple and Pine streets, alley be-
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets at (I be-
tween Maple and Cedar streets, alley between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets and between
Cedar and Sycamore streets, Maple street be-
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, and
Cesar street between Twelftn and Thir-
teenth streets.
Whereas, The A. Y. McDenald & Morrison
Manufacturing Company, a corporation organ-
ized under the laws of Iowa, has petitioned
the city council of the city of Dubuque for the
vacation of the alley between Twelfth an,
Thirteenth streets, and bet ween Mitpl. and
Pine streets, alley between Twelfth and Thir-
teenth streets and between Maple and Cedar
streets, alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets and between Cedar and Sycamore
streets, Maple street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets, and Cedar street between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets; and,
Whereas, The A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Manufacturing Company is the owner in fee
simple of the real estate bounding or abutting
the streets and alleys above designated: and,
Whereas, Notice of the application of the
said A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mauufaetur-
ing Company for the said vacation has been
published for ten days in the official papers of
the city; and
Whereas, It appears that no valid objections
have been made to said application for said
vacation. and said above described streets and
alleys are not required for street or alley pur-
poses; therefore,
Be it Ordained by the eity council of the city
of Dubuque, that the alley between Twelfth
and Tnirteenth streets and between Maple and
Pine streets, alley between Twelftn and Thir-
teenth streets And between Maple and Cedar
rtreets, alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets and between Cedar and Sycamore
streets, Maple street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets, and Cedar street between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, be, and the
same are hereby vacated, and the use of said
streets and alleys is hereby granted to the A.
Y. McDonald & Morrison Manufacturing Com-
pany on which to erect, maintain and operate
factory buildings: provided, that if at any time
the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Manufa'-tur-
ing Company, or its successors, should cease
so to use the premises above vacated for any
different purposss, then the said streets and
alleys so vacated shall revert back to the city
of Dubnbue, and this ordinance shall be null
and void.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its passage and
publication one time in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph and the Dubuque Daily Herald, offi-
cial papers of the city of Dubuque.
Adopted June 17, 1895.
Attest: T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Regular &Recon, July 1, 1S95.
Regular Session, July 1, 1895.
Council met at 9:45 a.m. Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present: Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte,
and Vogler.
Aid. Crawford moved that the minutes
of the June sessions be approved as
The following bills were ordered paid:
Name. Purpose. Amount.
Peter Kien, macadam $ 9 00
J. Hayes, express 2 25
Adam Jaeger, labor 21 82
Montieth, Dempsey & Hoener, sew-
ers 34 85
Montieth, Dempsey & Hoener, sew-
ers 48 35
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose, etc 24 95
Chas Burchard, labor at parks 37 50
Montieth, Dempsey & Honer, for
parks 7 80
Trenk Wire Works, for parks 2 50
F. E. Joseph, disenfectant 10 00
Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for
parks 30
Jos. Geiger, carpenter work 27 10
Portland Paving Co., repairing
walks 3 75
McDermott & Gow, repairing foun-
tains 10 60
T. J. Conlin, livery for Decoration
Day 11 00
Mrs, Buchholtz, washing blankets. 50
Mrs. Koenig, janitor services 20 00
Diamond Jo Line steamers, 33 yds.
of duck 50
Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoeing 7 50
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
expansion rings 12 00
Fraatz & Clark, supplies fire de-
partment 25 55
Dubuque Water Co, hydrants 1272 50
Dubuque Specialty Co, supplies for
fire department 21 55
Dubuque Cabinet Makers, chairs
and repairing chair 4 50
Ballin Hat and Glove Co, hats fire
de rtment. 24 75
J. Mullen, harness soap fire depart-
ment 4 `0
Svendsen & Ott, lumber for fire de -
1 partment 8 40
Christman & Healey. hardware1 90
P. H. Halpin, supplies for fire de-
partment 5 85
Reinfried & Jaeger. supplies for 1 35
fire department
Headford Bros. & Hitchens, rail
chairs for Dubuque Street Rail-
way company 403 29
The Tribune company, advertising
sale of bonds 16 00
Wall Street Daily News. advertis-
ing sale of bonds 20 00
John Deggendorf, macadam 48 75
Dubuque Water company, cutting
Chas1 13 00
. Atkinson, painting town
clock tower 225 00
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser-
vices 10 95
Dubuque Telegraph, printing 36 00
Ross McMahon, removing fence10 0.0
N. H. Schilling, work on sewers17 30
Headford Bros. & Hitchens, grate
and material 4 20
E. E. Frith, removing garbage, etc22'2 50
Jas. Kelly, stationary 22 70
Jones & Christman, soap for hall1 00
O. E. Guernsey, trustee, repairs on
roller 11 14
Novelty Iron Works, repairs on
roller 17 88
Svendson & Ott, lumber 45 96
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lumber 13 13
Hussman & Lies, grind stone 2 45
Duggan & Kane, supplies for sew-
ers 5 25
Christman & Healey, hardware5 55
N. P. Nicks, wagon for city 40 00
John Field, tile for floors 38 00
Fred Scholz, repairs for engineer6 40
Fred Scholz, repairs for roller 18 95
Jerry Sullivan, pine wood 3 50
Palmer, Winall & Co., printing for
engineer and police 28 00
Ferd Mertz, repairs for police 3 15
Fred Scholz, repairs for police 1 50
Bart E. Linohan, white waste 2 00
W. H. Duggan, supplies for hall6 55
Robert McGivern, sanitary officer50 00
Wm. Geisicker, assisting engineer55 00
John Farley, assisting engineer37 50
James Morgan, assisting engineer
on Clay street 50 00
M. Igo, assisting engineer on Clay
street. 43 50
John Brady, assisting engineer on
Clay street 37 50
J. C. Dwyer, assisting engineer on
Clay street 45 00
W. C. Knowlton, assisting engineer
on Clay street 12 50
A. Boyce, assisting engineer on
Clay street 6 00
Peter Hansen, hay 3 00
John E. Hartig, repairing locks5 55
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
Eclipse coolers 6 00
Reinfried & Jaeger, padlocks 1 50
Barnard,Walker & Clewell, station-
ery 27 30
James Hird & Son, laying sewer in
Wilson avenue 159 52
John Tibey, rock 27 75
Con. Ryan, Jr., improving Southern
avenue 680 34
Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Fre-
mont avenue 4275 00
Peter Horsch, improving ,White
street 800 00
Altman & Taylor, improving Law-
ther avenue 173 71
Peter Horsch, improving Merz 126
Dubuque Construction Co., improv-
ing Clay street from Thirteenth
street to Eagle Point avenue 4866 00
Kenety & McCann, improving Clay
street from Thirteenth street to
Third street ,
M. Connelly company, laying sewer 100
in West Fifth street 00
Bryan Donahue, laying sidewalk136 81
Hugh Keenan, laying sewer in West
33 50
Third street 17 25
A. Schnee, macadam 40 32
J. P. Schroeder, tile pipe
N. H. Schilling, constructing two
600 00
John McCoy, laying sidewalk on
West Eagle Point avenue 24 01
Smith, Perry Printing Co., print- 25 00
P. Clancy, one team on Decoration 2
The following bills were referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
$ 50 00
J. J. Brownson
116 Regular Session, July 1, 1895.
Paul Schlenker
Dubuque Water company
Fred Schloz
A. L. Dean & Co
Svendsen & Ott
John McCoy
Bill of the Metropolitan Electrical com-
pany of $7.60 was referred to the commit-
tee on electrical construction.
Bills of Key City Gas Co , $40.05.
Globe Light ane'[ Heat Co., $166.67.
Referred to the committee on police and
Bills of the German Catholic Printing
Co., $50.00; Times, $58.30; Globe, $58.30;
Telegraph, $75.00; Dubuque Herald, $75.00,
referred to committee on printing.
Bills of Key' City Gas Co., $10.62 referred
to fire committee.
Bills of Key City Gas Co. of $70.27 and
W. H. Knowlton, *4.70, referred to street
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of Robert S. Walker for con-
struction of sewer on South Grove Ter-
Petition of S. W. Upton, et al., for laying
of water mains on Winona avenue from
West Fifth street to West Third street.
Frank Nejedley for permission to have
a dance in his place July 3d.
Petition of T. Liebe et al., to have water
mains extended along Jackson street from
Twenty-seventh street to Peru road.
Petition of Thomas Mulqueeney et al.
that the water mains be extended along
Dorgan Place and alley.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition of Dan. D. Norton et al. to im-
prove Foye street.
Petition of Rebecca J. Farley to post-
pone the improvement of Rebecca street
for a few months.
Petition of Dr. Otto Kempf et al. pro-
testing against the assessment for special
assessment for the improvement of South-
ern avenue.
Petition of Theo Trieloff et al. asking
for the improvement of Coates avenue
from Fremont to Cross street,
The followingetitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Petition of John Collins et al. to have
old brewery on South Locust street re-
Petition of J. A. Rhomberg for exten-
sion of charter for operating street car
Ald. Ryder arrived at 10:30 o'clock.
Petition of W. E. Massey in relation to
the vacation of east alley next east of and
.parallel to Alta Vista street. Referred to
the committee of the whole.
The following petitions were referred to
delinquent tax committee:
Carolina Kirsche, Mrs. E. McCeney.
The following petitions were referred to
the city engineer:
,Petition of George A. Ferris in relation
to the amount allowed for the change of
Petition of E. C. Young et al for the con-
struction of a sewer from West Third to
highest point on Hill street. Referred to
the sewer committee.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Petition of Thomas Mulqueeney et al
that an arc light be located at Dorgan
Petition of Emil Nigg et al asking for
an electric light and fire alarm box on
Lowther or Burden avenue.
The following petitions and communica-
tions were referred to the engineer:
1 80
10 00
267 50
35 62
76 25
Petition of C. Reifsteck et al in relation
to the amount of damages allowed George
Ferris on account of change of grade of
Ellis street.
Petition of John McGee in relation to
assessment against lot 37 of nein lot 39 for
improvement of Southern avenue.
Petition of John and H. Specht asking
for a donation of $50.00 per month for run-
ning steamer Teal was received and filed.
Fetition of Jos. Gehrig estate, et al.
asking for the statement of sawdust and
whistle nuisance was referred to a special
Ald. Ryder moved that a committee of
three be appointed to investigate sante.
The mayor appointed Aids. Ryder,
Kaufman and Crawford on said committee.
The communication of the American
Fire Engine company in relation to
alleged balance due on fire engines was
referred to the committee on fire and
Mayor Olinger appointed Ald. Crawford
to act in Ald. Halpin's place during his
Bill of Dr. Greene of $50 for services in
preparing for trial of Brunskill case.
Fifteen allowed on sane.
The communication of Dr. Wieland in
relation to a pool of stagnant water on
city lot 544 was referred to the board of
Reports of Officers.
City Auditor McCarten reported as fol-
Balance cash on hand June 1,
1895 $12,329 44
Receipts for June 17,346 68
$29.676 12
Disbursements 20,324 91
Balance cash on hand $ 9,351 91
Also reported $1,966.70 amount required
to pay city officers.
Also reported amount and list of cou-
pons redeemed during June. Warrants
ordered drawn to pay city officers and re-
port referred to the finance committee.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
$3,611.90 the amount required to pay for
labor on streets. Warrants ordered drawn
to pay laborers and report referred to
street committee.
Sewer Inspector Hillery reported $200.20
the amount due for labor on sewers dur-
ing June, 1895. Warrants ordered drawn
to pay laborers and report referred to
sewer committee.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
Amount required to pay police for June,
1895, $1,956.45.
Also reported 85 arrests during the
month of June.
Also presented treasurer's receipt of
$5.00 for fines collected in above cases.
Also treasurer's receipt for $31.50 as
pound receipts for June. 1895.
Also $20 receipt from treasurer for re-
lease of Star machines. Report adopted.
Marketmaster Traut reported and pre-
sented treasurer's receipt for $35.00 re-
ceived from scales and market stands.
Also reported $32.60 amount due for
feeding prisoners during June. Report
referred to the market committee and
warrants ordered drawn to pay for feed-
ing prisoners.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,741.00
the amount required to pay firemen dur-
ing the month. Report referred to the
fire committee and warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen.
Regular Session, July 1, 1895
Woodmeasurer Jess reported 721 cords
of wood measured during June, and pre-
sented treasurer's receipt for $1.35,amount
due city. Report adopted.
The reports of the following city weigh-
ers were adopted: Jos. Straney, J. P.
Schroeder Si Co. and Chas. Pitschner-
Reports of Committees.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of having
warrant drawn in favor of the treasurer
for money paid out by hint during month
of June; also that warrant be drawn for
money borrowed during month of June,
and treasurer's report referred back to
finance committee. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of de-
ferring action on the opening of the alley
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth "
street, between Sycamore and Lynn
Report in favor of receiving and filing
the petition of R. T. Eddy remonstrating
against paying for curbing and guttering
on Julien avenue between Walnut street
and Wilson avenue.
In favor of instructing the engineer to
notify W. C. Ostler to send a Barnard
scraper machine here on trial.
In favor of improving Rush street from
Quince to Villa street as a majority of the
property holders along said street are
anxious to have the same done.
In favor of improving Leibnitz street
from Harold to Abbott street.
Also Woodworth street from Seminary
to Leibnitz street as sante will be of the
greatest benefit to the owners of abutting
In favor of receiving and filing the pe-
tition of E. H. Sheppley in relation to
width of sidewalk on Lincoln avenue bet-
ween Couler avenue and White street.
In favor of granting the petition of
Frank Mindorfer et al for the improve-
ment of Paul street.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
monstrance of C. A. Noyes against special
assessment for repairing sidewalk.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
monstrance of Ellen Quinlivan against the
improvement of Grandview avenue.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city of
of Dubuque. That to pay for improving
Humboldt avenue from Lincoln avenue to
High Bluff street by Peter Horsch, con-
tractor, in front o1? and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named, situ-
ate and owned, for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
J. F. Wolf, Dribbilbies' add., e%, lot 40:
72.3 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 21 69
34.13 sq yds guttering. at 29c 9 90
93.86 sq yds macadamizing, at 29c27 22
Total 58 81
Felix Hasler, Dribbilbies' add., w X, lot
69.2 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 20 76
32.54 sq yds guttering, at 29c 9 45
89.47 sq yds macadamizing, at 29c25 95
Total $56 16
Felix Neidermeyer est., Hooper's add.,
lot 29:
140.5 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 42 15
86.87 sq yds guttering, at 29c 19 33
183.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 29c 53 17
Total $114 85
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Reaolred, by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to
Rowan street, Con Ryan, Jr., contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
John McGee, min lot 39, lot 38:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $
44.44 sq yds guttering, at 40c
66.67 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c
15 00
17 78
30 00
Total $ 62 78
John Deery, min lot 39, lot 39:
50 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 15 00
44.44 sq yds guttering, at 40c. 17 78
66.67 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c30 00
Total $ 62 78
John Deery, min lot 39, lot 40:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 78
66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00
Total 62 78
J. S. Randall est, sub 1 of 55, min lot 39,
lot 1:
516.21in ft curbing at 30c 154 86
47L11 sq yds guttering at 40e 188 44
690.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c310 50
Total $653 80
J. S. Randall est., sub 1 of 55 min lot 39.
lot 2:
84.7 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 25 41
92 sq yds guttering, at 40c 36 30
133.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c60 00
Total $122 21
J. S. Randall est., sub 2 of 55, min lot 39,
lot 2:
387.6 lin ft eurbing. at 30c $116 28
375.55 sq yds guttering, at 40c 150 22
553.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c249 00
Total $515 50
J. S. Randall est., sub 1 of 55, min lot 39,
lot 54: 25 50
85 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 11
37.78 sq yds guttering at 40c
151.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c68 00
Total 108 61
J. S. Randall est., sub 1 of 55 min lot 39,
lot 53: 10 50
35 lin ft curbing at 30c 6 22
15.55 sq yds guttering at 40c
62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c28 00
Total 44 i2
J. S. Randall est., sub 1 of 55, min lot 39,
lot 52: 79 20
264 lin ft curbing at 30c 46 93
117.33 sq yds guttering at 40c
469.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c211 25
Total 337 98
J. S. Randall est., sub 1 of 55 min lot 39,
lot 51e 24 30
81 lin ft curbing at 30c 14 40
36 sq yds guttering at 40c
144 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 64 80
Total 103 59
Regular Session, July 1, 1895.
J. S. Randall est., sub. 1 of 55 min
lot 39 lot 50: 25 lin ft curbing at
30c $ 7 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 00
Total $ 31 94
J. S. Randall est.. sub 1 of 55, min
lot 39, lot 44: 45 lin ft curbing at 30c$ 13 50
40 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 00
60 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 27 00
Total $ 56 50
J. S. Randall est, sub 1 of 55, min
lot 39, lot 43:51 lin ft curbing at 30c$ 15 30
45.33 sq yds guttering at 40c18 13
68 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 33 60
Total $ 64 03
J. S. Randall est, sub 1 of 55 min
lot 39. lot 42:51 lin ft curbing at 30c$ 15 30
45.33 sq yds guttering at 40c $ 18 13
68 sq yds macadamizing at 45e30 60
Total $ 64 03
Dubuque Lumber company, min
lot 39, lot 41:211 lin ft curbing at 30c$ 63 30
195.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 73 22
293.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c132 00
Total .... $273 52
John F. Gandolfo, min lot 39, lot 51:
117.5 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 35 25
54.22 sq yds guttering, at 40c 21 69
245.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 45e110 40
Total $167 34
A. Levi estate, Levi's add, lot 16:
33 lin ft curbing, at 33c $ 9 90
14.67 sq yds guttering, at 40e 5 87
62.22 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c28 00
Total $ 43 77
A. Levi estate, Levi's add, lot 15:
27 lin ft curbing, at 30c
12 sq yds guttering, at 40c
50.67 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c.. 22 80
8 10
4 80
Total $ 35 70
R. Byrnes, Levi's add, lot 14:
27 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 8 10
12 sq yds guttering, at 40c 4 80
50.67 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c22 80
Total $ 35 70
M. Sullivan, Levi's add, lot 13:
27 lin ft curbing, at 30c 8 10
12 sq yds guttering, at 40c 4 80
49.77 sq yds macadamizing, at 45c22 40
Total 35 30
M. Sullivan. Levi's add, lot 12:
11.8 lin ft curbing, at 30c $ 3 54
5.24 sq yds guttering, at 40c 2 10
:0.90 sq yds macadamizing, at 45e9 40
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Reaolred, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque. That to pay for improving
Merz street from Windsor avenue
to Althauser avenue, by Peter
Borsch, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
$ 15 04
Josephine Reis, sub 1 Geiger's sub lot 1:
118.8 lin ft curbing, at 30e $ :35 64
53.78 sq yds guttering, at 30e 16 13
117.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 30c35 20
Total $ 86 9797
John Huber, sub 1 Geiger's sub, w3
lot 5:
49 lin ft curbing at 30 c $14 i0
23.11 sq yds guttering at 30e 6 9:3
55.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e111 53
Total $ 38 16
M. R. Stendebach, sub 1 Geiger's sub,
e4lot 5:
38 lin ft curbing at 30c $11 40
17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 33
33.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c10 13
Total $26 86
John Spies, sub 4 Stines' add, lot 2: •
82 lin ft curbing at 30c 24 60
37.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 11 33
75.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c22 66
Total $ 58 59
George Gruber, sub 4, A. Stines' add,
lot 1:
55.1 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 16 53
25.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 73
59 sq yds macadamizing at 30c 17 70
Total $ 41 96
Frank Stines, sub 4, Stines' add, lot 5:
55.2 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 16 56
26.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 87
60 sq yds macadamizing at 30c 18 00
Total $ 4.2 43
Teresa Lippe. sub 4, Stines' add, lot 6:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Chris Reifsteck, sub 4,Stines' add, lot 7:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizidg at 30e13 33
Total $ 35 00
Carl Albrecht, sub 4, Stines' add, lot 8:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30e 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
M. and T. Rattermai, sub 4, Stines' add,
lot 9:
22.1 lin ft curbing at 30c
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c
50 sq yds macadamizing at 30c
Total $ 35 00
Chas. Moritz, sub. 4, Stines' add, lot 10:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
$ 15 00
6 67
13 30
Total $ 35 00
Henry Wiegreffe, sub. 4, Stines' add., lot
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Henry Wiegreffe, sub. 4, Stines add., lot
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Regular Session, July 1, 1895.
J. J. Welty, sub. 4, Stines' add., lot 13:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30e13 33
Total. $ 35 00
J. J. Welty. sub 4, Stines' add., lot 14:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
J. J. Welty, sub. 4, Stines' add., lot 15:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
J. J. Welty, sub. 4, Stines' acid., lot 16:
72.8 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 21 84
31.55 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 46
65.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 73
Total $ 51 03
John Althauser, Althauser's sublot 9:
106.7 lin ft of curbing at 30c 32 01
46.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 14 00
97.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c29 33
Total 75 34
John Althauser, Althauser's sub, lot 10:
106.2 lin ft curbing at 30e 31 86
48 sq yds guttering at 30e 14 40
103.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c30 93
Total 77 19
John Beatty, A. Stines' add, lot 17:
63.3 lin ft curbing at 30c 18 99
29.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 93
69.44 sq yds macdamizing at 30c20 53
Total 48 45
John Beatty,'A. Stines' add, lot 18:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total 35 00
Henri Wiegraffe, A. Stines' add, lot 19:
50 lin ft curbing at 30e 15 00
22.22 sq vds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total 35 00
Henri Wiegraffe, A. Stines' add, lot 20:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total 35 00
John Zerr est., A. Stines' add, lot 21:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Wm. Bethke, A. Stines' add, lot 22:
50lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
M. Gentenbein, A. Stines' add, lot 23:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30e13 33
Total $8500
C. Robinson, A Stines' add, lot 24:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering st 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Frank Menzel, A. Stines' add, 1ot25:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
$ 85 00
Wm. Levens, A Stines' add, lot 26:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c $ 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $ 35 00
Theo. Ratterman, A. Stines, add, lot 29:
132.2 lin ft curbing at 30c 39 66
66.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 18 67
134.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c40 33
Total - $ 98 66
Rich. Schmidt, sub 5, Stafford's add,
lot 6:
92.8 lin ft curbing at 30c 27 84
43.55 sq yds guttering at 30c 13 06
95.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c28 57
Total $ 69 47
Christ. Hertner, sub 5, Stafford's add,
107.2 lin ft curbing at 30c 32 16
48 sq yds guttering at 30c 14 40
101.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c30 43
Total $ 76 99
Wm. Levens, A. Stines' add, lot 27:
50 lin ft curbing at 30c 15 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 6 67
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c13 33
Total $35 00
Fred Remus. A. Stines' add, lot 28:
55 2 lin ft curbing at 30c 16 56
26.22 sq yds guuttering at 30c 7 87
66.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c18 67
Total $n43 10
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills: $75 00
50 00
29 15
75 00
29 15
National Democrat
Globe, for May
Times Co
Ald. Bauer, chairman on police and
light, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
Globe Light & Heat Co $ 166 8967
Key City Gas Co 64 1664 40
Star Electric Co ]am
In favor of placing a gasolineP on
Twenty-sixth and Pine streets, as asked
for by D. S. Camerom et al.
lamp favor of placing a gasoline on
West Fifth street between Cooper's barn
and Con Collin's place.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
ports of the captains of the engine houses,
in regard to the amount of gas consumed
during May, 1895.
In favor of placing an electric light on
Southern avenue, near M. Mahony's as
soon as the city changes the location of
some of the other lights. Adopted.
Ald. Schulte, chairman of the committee
on sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of refer-
ring the communication of the city engi-
neer in relation to connections with the
sanitary sewerage system to the ordinance
120 regular Sessloll, July 1, 1895.
committee to draft an ordinance in com-
pliance with his recommendation.
Ie favor of paying bill of Headford Bros.
& Hitchens of 11.50. Adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
on supplies, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of the
following bills:
Metropolitan Electric company $7 30
Baumgartner & Kleih 5 55
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
on claims, reported in favor of not giving
M. J. Hannon any more work on the city
, unless he settles the claim of Mary Mul-
len against him for house rent. Adopted.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the committee
on electrical construction, reported as fol-
Your committee to whom was referred
the petition of M. M. Walker and others
asking to allow the Star Electric company
to erect poles and string wires along High-
land Place for the purpose of putting in
electric light, beg leave to report that we
are in favor of granting said petition, the
same to be done in accordance to the
ordinance of the city on that subject.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque,That the Dubuque Water com-
pany be and are hereby instructed to ex-
tend their water mains on and along Dodge
street from Bluff street to Grandview ave•
nue, and that water plugs be located and
put in under the supervision of the fire
committee and chief, the city of Dubuque
guaranteeing to said water company a sum
of money sufficient to pay the interest at
the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe
so required to be extended. Adopted.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed on Grove Terrace south from
Eleventh street southerly to Wilber lane.
That the city engineer be instructed to
prepare the necessary plans and specifica-
tions and to advertise for proposals for
doing the work, the cost of same to be at
the expense of the abutting property,
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte,
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford, of the special committee
in relation to the extension of Fourth
street, submitted the following, which was
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Your special committee appointed to
confer with the Standard Lumber com-
pany with a view to the acquirement by
the city of the right of way through the
lots owned by that company, for the ex-
tension of Fourth street to the westerly
end of the high bridge, would most re-
spectfully report that after a conference
with the officers of said corporation, at
which the subject was fully and fairly
considered, we recommend the acceptance
by the city council of the following propo-
sition, to -wit:
The Standard Lumber company pro-
poses to convey to the city of Dubuque
the ground required for the extension of
Fourth street to the high bridge through
the lots owned by said company, accord-
ing to the plat of said extension last ap-
proved and adoptedb y the city council, in
consideration and on the condition that
the city will vacate, in favor of the com-
pany, the portions of Washington and
Wall streets, and of the alley between said
streets from said Fourth street extension
to Bell street, and from Bell street to
Tower street; also those portions of Sev-
enth street and Commercial street in-
cluded between a line drawn from the
westerly angle of block fifteen (15), in the
Dubuque Harbor Improvement company's
addition, to the southwesterly corner of
block twelve (1.2), in sante addition, and a
line drawn from the easterly angle of said
block tifteen to the southeasterly corner
of said block twelve, according to a map
accompanying this report; the portions of
said streets and alley proposed to be
vacated being shown thereon in red color.
All the ground abutting on said parts of
the streets and alley proposed to be
vacate° is owned by the Standard Lumber
company as stated by its representatives,
and our recommendation for their vaca-
tion is based on that understanding. No
other parties will be affected, and we be-
lieve the interests of the city will suffer
no detriment, but that on the contrary the
arrangement is a very favorable one, and
we recommend the acceptance of the
proposition of the company, and that the
necessary legal steps be taken to carry
the sante into effect. Respectfully sub-
mitted, T. J. SIIEA,
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
WHEREAS, In pursuance of an agree-
ment between the city of Dubuque and
the Standard Lumber company for the
conveyance by said lumber company to
said city of Dubuque of the right of way
through the ground of said company
for the extension of Fourth street to
the high bridge, it is deemed ad-
visable by the city council to annul
and vacate in favor of the said company
Washington and Wall streets and the alley
between said streets, from said Fourth
street extension to Bell street and from
Bell street to Tower street. Also those
portions of Seventh street and Commercial
street included between a line drawn from
the westerly angle of block tifteen (15) in
the Dubuque Harbor company's addition,
to the southwesterly corner of block
twelve (12), in same addition, and a line
drawn from the easterly angle of said
block fifteen to the southeasterly corner of
said block twelve; therefore,
Resolved, That the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make a survey and
plat of the parts of the said streets and
alley proposed to be vacated, and file the
same in his office, and to report same to
the council at its next session. Also to
give the notice of said proposed vacation
required by ordinance. All the proceed-
ings to be in accordance with the provis-
ions and requirements of chapter thirty
(30) of the revised ordinances of 1893.
Ald Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be and are hereby instructed to
extend their water mains on and along
Dorgan Place, and that fire plugs as re-
quired be located by the fire committee
and fire chief, the city of Dubuque guar-
anteeing to said Water company a sum of
money sufficient to pay interest at the
rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so re-
quired to be extended. Adopted.
Ald.adopted: Vogler offered the following, which
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
Regular Session, July 1, 1895.
company be and are hereby instructed to
extend their Water mains on and along
Jackson street from Twenty-seventh street
to Peru road, and that water plugs be lo-
cated under the directions of the fire com-
mittee and chief of the fire department,
the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said
Water company a sum of money sufficient
to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on
the cost of pipe so extended.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved: By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water
company be and is hereby instructed to
extend their water mains on and along
Lincoln avenue from Schiller avenue to
Reed avenue, and that water plugs be lo-
cated under the direction of the fire com-
mittee and chief of fire department, the
city of Dubuque guaranteeing to the said
Water company a sum of money sufficient
to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on
the cost of pipe so required to be ex-
Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn to July 5,
1395, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
proved_________ 1895.
F Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
5, 1895.
Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Crawford and
No quorum being present, the council
adjourned to July 12, 1895, at 7:30 p. m.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
12, 1895.
Council niet at 7:50 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bonson moved that the opening of
bids for the improvement of streets, etc.,
be postponed to July 19. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
M. Connolly, constructing sewer in
Winona avenue and West Fifth
D. W. Linehan, sewer in West
Eighth street
Fred Schloz, hardware 45'1
John McCoy, carpenter work... 76 2.5
John Hayes, hauling garbage 40 00
A. L. Deane & Co., vault fronts267 50
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of John R. Jones et al for ex-
tension of water mains along Alta Vista
street north of Fourteenth street to south
line of Wood's addition.
Petition of Mrs Platt Smith to erect a
brick and frame building on Bluff street
between Ninth and Tenth streets.
Petition of H. H. Mehlhop et al. to have
refuse remaining after late fire removed
was referred to the city attorney with
Petition of E. H. Headford et al. to have
sewer laid in alley east of Center Place
was referred to sewer committee.
Petition of Robert Miller et al. remon-
strating against the change in the grade
of Clay street between Ninth and Tenth
streets on west side was referred to street
committee and engineer.
Petition of Thomas Connolly et al. ask-
ing that Seventeenth street from West
Locust street to Clay street be repaired at
the city's expense was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Petition of John Althauser et al. to have
Althauser avenue put in passable condi-
tion was referred to street committee.
Communication of T. L. Jess, wharfmas-
ter, to have posts for fastening boats put
in south side of harbor was referred to the
harbor committee with power.
The petition of Minnie Geiseman, et al,
to have water mains extended on Julien
avenue from alley above Center place to
Alpine street, was referred to the commit-
tee on fire and water.
The recommendation of the board of
health to have vaults on city lots 590 and
drecitd toadhe city recorder be
adved thatrtise for bids for doing the
said work e
lowest bidder of the same to elet to th
by the board health.
The plans and specifications for the pipe
sewer in Grove Terrace south to Wilber
Lane were approved.
The plat of the extension of Cox street
from Union avenue to West Seventeenth
street was approved.
Also approved of the plat of D. Meggen-
burg's sub.
Report of Committees.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows :
In favor.of receiving and filing the coiu-
$ 80 34
124 50
122 Adjourned Regular Session, July 12, 1895.
munieation of the city engineer in regard
to purchase of sewer pipe by the city, but
would recommend that the engineer be
instructed to insert in the specifications
for the construction of sewers, a clause
describing the kind of standard pipe that
will be used in the construction of sani-
tary sewers.
In favor of granting the within petition
of the C. M, & St. P. R. R. Co., asking for
the right to extend their tracks along the
north side of Twelfth street from Pine to
Sycamore streets, las shown by accom-
panying plat, and the ordinance commit-
tee and city attorney are instructed to
draft an ordinance regulating the use of
In favor allowing E. J. Evans 875.00 as
payment in full for work done in repair-
ing sidewalks in Jackson and Washington
In favor of granting the petition of A.
Y. McDonald & Morrison Manufacturing
company, asking that the Chicago, Mil-
waukee and St. Paul railroad company be
allowed to extend their tracks to their
new factory on Twelfth street.
In favor of postponing action on the
within remonstrance against extension of
sanitary sewer on Seminary street west
of Madison street.
In favor of receiving and filing remon-
strance against construction of sanitary
sewer on West Eighth street.
In favor of adoption of the following res-
That permission is hereby given to the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad
company to lay a track along the north
side of Twelfth street from Pine to Syca-
more streets, and to lay necessary spur
tracks between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets. Said tracks to be for the accom-
modation of the A. Y. McDonald & Mor-
rison Manufacturing company.
In favor of the adoption of the following
Resolved, That the city assessment for
taxation of lots numbers 267 to 276, 331 to
340, 393 to 402, all inclusive, in East Du-
buque addition No. 2 to the city of Du-
buque, including buildings and improve-
ments thereon. shall be fixed at and re-
main 88,100 for ten (10) years, commencing
with the year 1895, providing said real es-
tate shall be used during that time by the
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., its
successors or assigns, exclusively for
manufacturing purposes.
Resolved further, That the machinery and
tools and all materials and stock used in
the manufacturing plant to be constructed
on the real estate above described by said
company, and all merchandise manufac-
tured and produced therein, while re-
maining on the premises unsold, shall be
exempt from city taxation for the same
In favor of granting the petition of the
firemen, asking that the office of fire chief
be made permanent to the occupant during
good behavior. Report adopted.
Also, in favor of the adoption of an ordi-
nance entitled: "An ordinance relating
to the chief of the fire department of the
city of Dubuque."
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the resolution of the
council passed June 17, 1895, in relation to
the issuing of bonds for the improvement
of the following streets, to -wit: Dorgan
Place and alley, Holly street, Lawther av-
enue, Merz street, Julien avenue, W`lber
lane, Humboldt avenue, White street,
Fifth avenue, West Eighth street, Fre-
mont avenue, Curtis street and Grandview
avenue, be changed so as to read bonds of
the denomination of 81,000 each, instead of
bonds of the denomination of *500 each,
both principal and interest payable at the
National Bank of the Republic in the city
of New York.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved,By the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That the resolution Of the
council passed May 6, 1895, in relation to
issuing bonds for the improvement of
Clay street, Eighteenth street and Coulee
avenue, be changed so as to read bonds of
the denomination of $1,000 each, instead of
bonds of the denomination of 8500 each,
both principal and interest payable at the
National Bank of the Republic in the city
of New York.
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be
and is hereby instructed to call in im-
provement bonds numbering from 144 to
153 inclusive, issued Oct. 1, lti92.
Mayor Olinger retired, and Ald. Vogler,
mayor pro teni, took the chair.
Ald. Bonson offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water
company be and are hereby instructed to
extend their water mains on and along
Alta Vista street from Fourteenth street
north to the south line of Wood's addition,
and that fire plugs as required be located
by the fire committee and tare chief, the
city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said
Water company a sums of money sufficient
to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on
the cost of pipe so required to be extended.
Ald. Bauer offered the following, which
was referred to the committee on public
grounds and buildings and engineer to
advertise for bids:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the floor in the patrol
house be repaired and put in good con-
dition as the sane is in a dilapitated con-
dition at present.
Ald. Kaufman offered the following,
which was referred to the street commit-
tee and engineer with power.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That stone crossings be laid
on the north side of Eagle Point avenue
and Jackson street, also on the south side
of Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street,
also on the north side of Twenty-second
street and Couler avenue.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city recorder be and
is hereby instructed to issue a venire to
the city marshal commanding him to sum-
mon a Jury of twelve freeholders,
citizens, to assess the damages that may
be caused by the proposed widening and
extension of High Bluff street from Schil-
ler avenue to Middle avenue, as shown by
plat prepared by the city engineer.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and
is hereby instructed to issue a venire to
the city marshal commanding him to sum-
Adjourned Regular Session, July 12, 1895.
mon a jury of twelve freeholders, citi-
zens, to assess the damages that may be
caused by the opening of a new street
thirty-two feet wide from West Eagle
Point avenue to Valarie street, as shown
by the hereto attached plat prepared by
the city engineer.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Revolved. That the Dubuque Water com-
pany be and is hereby instructed to ex-
tend its water mains on Clark street and
West Seventeenth street from the inter-
section of West Locust street, and that
fire plugs be located by the fire committee
and fire chief, the city of Dubuque guar-
anteeing to said water company a sum of
money sufficient to pay interest at the
rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so re-
quired to be extended.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was referred to the street commit-
tee and engineer with power.
Resolved, That stone crossings be put in
across Elm street on the south side of
Delhi street, and that the street commis-
sioner carry this resolution into effect.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
which was referred to the committee of
the whole:
Resolved, That the street leading wester-
ly from Couler avenue, up Hteb's Hol-
low, generally known as West Eagle
Point avenue, be hereafter known and
designated as Rock Glen avenue.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was referred to the committee of
the whole:
Resolved, That the street commonly
known as Fourth street extension from
White street to the westerly end of the
High bridge, be hereafter designated and
known as Bridge avenue.
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That Middle street, between
Entsley alley and Garfield avenue, be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadamiz-
ed, in conformity with the oroinance upon
that subject ; that the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work:
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property, grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmcnn, Ryder, Shea, and
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Schiller avenue be-
tween Lincoln avenue and Peosta street,
be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the nec-
essary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, and
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
Dubuque, That the alley between John-
son and Windsor and Garfield and Rhom-
berg aventies be graded and macadamized
in conformity with the ordinance upon
that subject. That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to make the neces-
sary plans and specifications for said im-
provement, and the city recorder directed
to give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work ;
the grading and macrdamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford
Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, and
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Fengler avenue froom 14.ff"
Peosta street to its terminus Abe
graded, guttered. curbed and macadam-
ized in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby instructed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement; and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work ; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be Pone at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Barer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and
Alcl. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Paul street, between
Seminary and Leibnitz streets, be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work:
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property, grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—A1ds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, and
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That Atlantic avenue, be-
tween Dexter avenue and West Fourteenth
street, be graded, guttered, curbed and
macadamized, itt conformity with the or-
dinance upon that subject. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to
make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper no-
tice for bids and proposals for the per-
formance of the work; the guttering,
curbing and macadamizing to be done at
the expensef the
tbe bid in the
property, grading
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bon, Shea Crawford,
Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder,
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
avenue and West Fourteenth
street, be graded, guttered curbed and
macadamized in conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subject. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to make
the said improvement. l
and thee specifications
124 Adjourned Regular Session, July 12, 1895.
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Woodworth street be-
tween Seminary and Leibnitz streets be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized in conformity with the ordinance up-
on that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work, the guttering, curbing and mac-
adamizing to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property, grad-
ing to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That Rush street between
Quince street and Villa street be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work,
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property, grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, and
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: '
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Leibnitz street, between
Harold street and Abbot street, be graded,
guttered, curbed, and macadamized, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject: that the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to
be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property ; grading to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. and
Ald Kauffman offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque. That Fifth avenue, between
present improvement and Peosta street,
be graded, guttered, curbed and macad-
amized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject, That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder direct-
ed to give the proper notice for bids and
proposals for the performance of the
work. the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte,: and
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the city council of the eity
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet with;,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be. within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Rhomberg avenue be-
tween Johnson avenue already laid,
Windsor av-
curbing and resetting of old cul
curb as may
be necessary, all at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Halpin, Kaufman, Ryder, Shea and
Ald, Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side abutting lots 5, 6 and 7,Wull-
weber's sub, where not already laid, also
new curbing and resetting of old curb as
may be necessary, all at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
AHalpin, Kaufman, Ryder,es—Alds. Bonson, er,Crawford, Shea,and
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
cil of the city
of Dubuque, That Union avenue. between
Alta Vista and West Locust streets, be
graded, guttered. curbed and macadam-
ized in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject, That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work, the guttering, curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property, grading
to be bid in total.
Referred to the street commissioner and
Ald. Halpin moved that the engineer be
instructed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for the construction of a sewer on
Dodge street from South Locust street to
South Main street, as ordered by the
council. Carried.
Ald. Kaufmann moved to adjourn to
July 19, 1895, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
oved '
:t _Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Se$sion, July 19, 1895.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
19, t895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Adjourned to Saturday, July 20, at 7:30
p. m.
Appr• ed __ 1895.
\/.r d Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
20, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Present— None.
Adjourned to Monday, July 22, at 7:30
p. m.
Attest :
Adjourned Regular Session, July
22, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Adjourned to Tuesday, July 23, at 7:30
p. m.
A . pr red 1895.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
23, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Adjourned to Wednesday, July 24, at
7:30 p. m.
. Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
24, 1895.
Council met at 7:45 p. m.
Adjourned to Thursday, July 25, at 4:00
P. m.
p rov d 1895.
`I Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, July
25. 1895.
Coucil met at 4:15 p. m. Mayor Olinger
in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte, and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder moved that the following
bills for the improvement of Clay street,
Couler avenue, etc., be allowed:
Kenety & McCann$6,5386,591
Dubuque Construction company
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee offered the following:
Reubu q , That the action of the Council of councie l
of Dubuque,
to call in impro ementtbonds numbering
126 Adjourned Regular Session
July 25, 1895.
from 144 to 153, dated Oct. 1, 1895, be re-
scinded and annulled, and in lieu thereof,
That the treasurer be instructed to call
in improvement bonds numbering 144 to
147 inclusive, dated Oct. 1, 1892, and bonds
numbering from 148 to 153 inclusive dated
December 31, 1892, amounting in all to $5,-
000. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder moved that the finance com-
mittee be instructed to have a separate
account kept of the funds for the improve-
ment of the different streets. Carried.
The communication of the Chicago, Mil-
waukee and St. Paul R. R. company and
the Standard Lumber company in relation
to the relaying of railroad track in the
alley between Seventh and Eighth streets,
was referred to the ordinance committee
to draft an ordinance covering the same.
Ald. Bonson moved that the bids for the
paving of Locust street be opened and be
let to the lowest bidder for the Galesburg
repressed brick.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin and Ryder.
Noes—Alds. Bauer, Kaufmann, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
The vote being a tie, the mayor voted
Ald. Bonson moved that action on the
opening of bids be postponed indefinitely.
Ald. Shea moved as an amendment that
bids be opened and contract let.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Noes—Alds. Bonson, Halpin and Ryder.
Ald. Halpin moved that the council se-
lect the kind of brick before the opening
of bids. Carried.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the council
recommend standard brick be used.
Ald. Bonson moved as an amendment
that repressed brick be used.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin and Ryder.
Noes—A1ds. Bauer, Kaufmann, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
The vote being a tie the mayor voted no.
The vote recurring- on the original mo-
tion of Ald. Kaufmann it was adopted.
Ald. Shea moved that bids be opened for
paving ;West Locust and Fourth streets
and referred to the engineer for computa-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Halpin moved that bids for the im-
provement of Alpine street be opened and
also referred for computation. Carried.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed on Hill street from West Third
street south to highest point of said Hill
street and the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to prepare the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment; said improvement to be done at the
in rertaccordan eew with theownersford nancadjacente on that
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed in the alley next east of Center
Place from Julien avenue to West
Eleventh street. That the city engineer
be instructed to prepare the necessary
plans and specifications and to advertise
for proposals for doing the work. The
improvement to be made at the expense of
the abutting property,
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Ronson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald Bonson offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved: By the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water
company be and is hereby instructed to
extend their water mains on and along
Seminary street from Seventeenth street
to North Main street, and that fire plugs
required be located by the fire committee
and chief, the city of Dubuque guarantee-
ing to said Water compfgy . um of money
sufficient to pay interesft at "the rate of 7
per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to
be extended.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for the paving with brick and the
curbing where necessary of Jones street
from Main street to east side of Iowa
street and report the same to the council
at its next meeting.
Ald. Crawford offered the following res-
Resolved, That Fifteenth street from
from Main street to Locust street be
paved with brick and recurbed where
necessary; that the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications and the city recorder
to advertise for proposals for doing the
work, the expense for said improvement
to be paid by special assessment on the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee
of the whole. reported in favor of approv-
ing of the plat of Hill street subdivision.
Report adopted.
Engineer Knowlton reported as follows
on the bids for improving Locust street
with brick from Tenth street to Seven-
teenth street:
Kenety & McCann $14,790 00
James McDonald 13,750 00
E. C. Blake 14,644 00
Dubuque Construction Co 14,524 00
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan13,180 00
John Pickley 16,086 00
On motion, Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan
were awarded the contract.
For the improvement of Fourth street
from Main street to White street:
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan $3,940 00
E. C. Blake 4,343 00
Dubuque Construction Co 4,539 00
James H. McDonald 4,440 00
Kenety & McCann 4,287 00
On motion, Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan
were awarded the contract.
Ald. Crawford moved that the contract-
ors be allowed to use either Des Moines or
Galesburg Standard brick at the lowest
figures bid on the Des Moines Standard
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson, Halpin, Kaufmann, RyderCrawford,
Schulte. ulte
Noes—Alda. Bauer, Shea and Vogler.
The bids for the improvement of Aipine
street were as follows:
Ryan Bros $3209.011
John Tibey 3,352.00,
Dubuque Construction Co 3,456.00
Adjourned Regular Session, July 25, 1895. 127
John Blake 3,321.50
John Pickley 3,250.41
O. W. Linehan 3,930.00
On motion Ryan Bros. being the lowest
bidders, were awarded the contract.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried.
pproved 1895.
_- L.• ts?_= Mayor.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the City
Engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to
4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, July 27. 1895, for
constructing sidewalks of brick, stone, or ce-
ment, where not already laid, and also new
curbing and resetting of old curb, as may be
necessary, as follows, viz:
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of
Eighth street abutting lot 172 city.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Four-
teenth street, between Clay and White streets.
Also for the construction of 2 -inch plank
sidewalks. as follows, where not already laid,
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Pine
street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk abutting lots 5, 6, and
7, Wullwebe.•'s sub.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on south side of
Rhomberg avenue between Johnson and Wind-
sor avenues.
A 6 foot wide sidewalk on west side of Couler
avenue abutting lot 266 Davis Farm add.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on south side of
Twelfth street, abutting lots 498 anti 500, city.
A 6 -feet wide sidewalk on west side of Wind-
sor avenue between Sanford avenue and Ed-
ward street.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Bluff
street. abutting lot 598 city.
All in ac ordance with specifications on file
in said office. A bond of $100 wil be required
with each bid. The city reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
julyl9-d10t City Engineer.
To the Parents and Guardians:
In pursuance of the requirements of the
State Board of Health the laws of Iowa and
in the interest of the public health, you are
hereby notified to be prepay d to furnish evi-
dence of vaccination of each child sent to
school this fall. You will please not allow
yourselves to be prejudiced against this effort
because of some serious results from vaccina-
tion in the past, as our influence will be given
to procure the very be4 material, as that pro-
duced by the Minnesota State Board of Health
and recommended by our State Board of
Health as being entirely the most reliable.
There is not an element of doubt in our minds
but what the excessive imflammation from
vaccination is due to impure material and for
that reason it is our desire that the best vac-
cine lymph to be secured be used, when the
results will be such as to remove the prejudice
from the minds of the most skeptical. You
will, therefore, take due notice and govern
yourself accordingly.
Per order Board of Health.
3t Health Officer.
An Ordinance.
An Ordinance Relating to the Chief of
the Fire Department of the City of
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque.
SECTION 1. That the city council by a major-
ity vote may elect to fill the office of Chief of
the Fire Department of the city of Dubuque a
competent person who shall hold, occupy, anil
continue in said office during his good behavior
a d strict attention to official duties.
SEc. 2. That all appointments to the office of
Chief of the Fire Departme t of the city of Du-
buque shall be made from active members of
the said tire department. Provided, further,
that no member shall be eligible to said office
who shall not have been an active member of
the said department for the two years preced-
ing his election.
SEC. 3. That if the city council have good
cause to believe the occupant of the office of
Chief of the Fire Department Is not paying
strict attention to his official duties, or is not
conducting himself in a manner becoming an
official of the city, they may, by a majority
vote of the entire council, remove said occu-
pant of the office of Chief of the Fire Depart-
ment from said office.
SEc. 4, That when a vaeaney In said office
occurs from any cause whatsoever, it shall be
the duty of the city council to fill the same im-
SEC. 5. That so much of Sec 4 of Chapter 54
of the Revised Ordinances, as confict with the
above ordinance is hereby repealed.
T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Herald July 19,
Notice to Contractors.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, July 17, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at my office
up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Aug. 3. 1895, for the
improvement of the following streets and
alleys in accordance with plans and specifica-
tions now on file in my office:
Fifth avenue from end of present improve-
ment to Peosta street—Curbing, 3,200 lineal
feet; guttering, 2,100 square yards; Telford
macadam, 500 square yards: grading (cut)
21.300 cubic yards. Said work to be com-
pleted on or be ore Sept. 1, 1896.
Leibnitz street from Harold to Abbott street
—Curbing, 2,300 lineal feet; guttering, 1,000
square yards; Telford macadam, 3,600 square
yards; grading (fill] 8,500 cubic yards, (cut)
6,400 cubie yards. Said work to be completed
Oct. 15, 1895.
Woodworth street from Seminary street to
Leibnitz street—Curbing, 800 lineal feet; gut-
tering 400 square yards; Telford macadam,
700 square yards; grading (cut), 1 000 cubic
yards. Said work to be completed on or be-
fore Sept. 10, 1895.
Rush street from Quince to Villa street—
Curbing, 1,900 lineal feet; guttering, 850
square yards; Telford macadam, 3,000 square
yards; grading (fill) 5.000 cubic yards, (nut)
5,000 cubic yards. Said work to be completed
on or before Oct. 1, 1895.
Paul street from Seminary to Leibnitz street
—Curbing, 500 lineal feet; guttering 200
square yards; Telford mazadam, 600 square
yardswork '
tohe eomcomd p orbefore
(cutp ete800 bic ds. Said
Set. 1,
1895 -
Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to
Peosta street—Curbing, 1,800 lineal feet; gut-
tering, 800 square yards; Telford macadam,
2,200 square yards; grading (fill) 433 cubic
yards, (cut) 2,044 cubic yards. Said work to
be completed on or before Sept. 10, 1895.
Fengler street from Peosta street to its ter-
minus west—Curbing, 2,300 lineal feet; gut-
tering, 1,000 square yards: Telford macadam,
square yards;
yards, (ut)2,00cubcyasSaidwork to
be completed on or before Sept. 10. 1895.
Atlantic ave'ue from West Fourteenth street
to Dexter avenue—Curbing, 2,300 lineal feet;
Official Notices.
guttering, 1,000 square yards; Telford mac-
adam, 9,000 square yards; grading, (811) 300
cubic yards, (cut) 900 cubic yarns. Said work
to be completed on or before Oct. 1, 1895.
Audubon avenue from West Fourteenth street
to Dexter avenue—Curbing, 2,300 lineal feet;
guttering, 1,000 square yards ; Telford macad-
am, 9,000 square yards; grading, (fill) 900
cubic yards, (cut) 900 cubic yards. Said work
to be completed on or before Oct 1, 1895.
Middle avenue from Emsley's alley to Gar-
field avenue—Curbing, 1,8110 lineal feet; gut-
tering, 800 square yards; Telford macadam,
1,400 square yards: grading, (811) 300 cubic
yards, (cut) 1,900 cubic yards. Said work to
be completed on or before Sent. 10, 1895.
Alley from Johnson to Windsor avenue be-
tween Garfield and Rhomberg avenue—Telford
macadam, 800 square yards; grading, (cut)
450 cubic yards. Said work to be completed
on or before Aug. 1, 1895.
Bidders must state the price per lineal foot
for curbing, the price r er square yard for gut-
tering and macadamizing, grading on streets,
to be bid in total on alley by the ubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient
bond of $200 with each proposal that contract
will be entered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at a meeting of
the council to be held Aug. 5, 1895.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the
The city reserves the right to reject all bide.
7-20-6t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Sidewalk Notices.
Resolved, by the City Council of •the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide of good
2 -inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, with-
in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance relating to
sidewalks, on the west side of Couler avenue,
abutting lot 9, L. H. Lang worthy's addition,
and lot 266 Davis Farm addition, where not
already laid; all at the expense of abutting
Resolved, by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide of good
2 -inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, with-
in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the west side of Windsor avenue
between Sanford avenue and Edward street,
where not already laid; also new curbing and
resetting of old curb as may be necessary; all
at the expense of the abutting property.
Resolved, by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of
this notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Twelfth street, abutttng city
lots 498 and 500, where not already laid; also
new curbing and resetting of old curb as may
be necessary, all at the expense of abutting
Resolved, by the City Council of the Clty of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide of
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of
this notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Fourteenth st., between Clay
and White streets, where not already laid;
also new curbing and resetting of old curb as
may be necessary, all at the expense of aunt -
ting property.
Resolved, by the City Council of the Clty of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of
thls notice constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side o1 Pine street, between Twenty-
fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, where not al-
ready laid, all at the expense of abutting prop-
Resolved, by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of
brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days
of this notice, constructed and laid in conform-
ity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks,
on the north side of Eighth street, abutting
citcurb ng anlot d resetting of where net old curb laid;
may be
necessary, all at the expense of abutting prop-
Resolved, by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque. That a sidewalk 8 feet wide of good
2 -inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within
ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street
abutting city lot 598, where not already laid,
all at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved. by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of good
2 -inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within
ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in
cenformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the west side, abutting lots 5, 6
and 7, Wullweber's sub, where not already
laid; ai-o new curbing and resetting old curb,
as may be necessary, all at the expense of
abutting property.
10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
leaf/l(le7' S scion, Aat,f,Rt 5, 18.95.
Council met at 9:30 a. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alda. Bauer, Crawford, Cul-
len, Halpin, Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the min-
utes of the last meeting were corrected
so as to read as follows:
That in the report of the special
committee and also the resolution of-
fered by Ald. Crawford on page 120 it
shall read lot 15 of block 13 instead of
block 15 as appears in report of said
committee and resolution.
Ald. Ryder arrived at 10 o'clock a.
The following bills were referred to
the printing committee:
The Globe, $58.30.
The Times, 58.30.
Dubuque Telegraph, $75.00.
Dubuque Herald, $75.00.
The following bills were referred to
committee on police and light:
Key City Gas Co. $51.00.
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 25c.
Gloge Light and Heat Co., $166.67.
The following bilis were referred to
the committee on supplies:
Trexler Bros $10 00
Barney Lagen 5 00
Bill of O. E. Guernsey, trustee, of
33.33 was referred to the street com-
Bill of Headford Bros. & Hitchins
of $123.84 was referred to the paving
The following bills wer ordered paid:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber..$ 33 62
Bart E. Linehan, sewer pipe.... 50 17
Mrs. Kiene, extra work around
City Hall. 4 40
Palmer, Winall & Co, lot book7 00
E. E. Frith, removing garbage,
etc. 240 30
Barnard, Walker & Clewell, sta-
tionery 29 50
Hardie & Scharle, bonds and
printing 47 50
Hilkin & Schaffart, gloves and
toweling 8 40
P. Hanson, oats, etc 3 35
Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
ing 1 25
Jos. Trudell, repairs on patrol
Excelsior Brass Works, dog tags
and repairs
Ellwanger Bros., repairs on har-
ness, etc
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
Adam Jaeger, labor
B. D. Linehan, blacksmithing
Reinfried & Jaeger, nails
Christman & Healey, hardware,
J. P. Schroeder, cement
Novelty Iron Works, repairs on
A. E. Bradley, sign boards
Little, Bruce & Co., lanterns
7 00
12 22
32 25
19 00
12 15
6 85
2 10
14 95
4 80
4 05
2 00
1 80
Diamond Jo Line steamers, white
Smedley Mfg. Co., repairs on
seam roller
'8 96
33 40
John Butt, repairs on tools 3 65
Standard Lumber Co., lumber69 52
Henry Richter, top for patrol
Key City Gas Co., coke
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hip boots sewers
J. P. Schroeder, cement and sew-
er pipe
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement and
sewer pipe 4.40
l3art E. Linehan, cement and
sewer pipe 2 90
Mrs. Koenig, hemming and clean-
ing towels 1 00
Duggan & Kane, M. T. Boxs and
supplies for hall 6 75
Chas Osward, tinware, repairs,
etc 9 60
Dubuque Telegraph, printing27 00,
E. J. Ryan, one carriage 4 00
John Maclay, justice fees 16 25
Mrs. Koenig, janitor services20 00
Dr. Bigelow, assisting Dr. Wie-
land amputating arm 10 00
Dr. McCarthy, assisting Dr. Wie-
land amputating arm 10 00
Smedley Mfg. Co., supplies for
fire dept 1 72
Excelsior Brass Works, supplies
for fire dept 76 06
A. L. Strain, pasturage for fire
horse 6 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
fire dept. 5 35
Key City Iron Works, supplies
and repairs for fire dept 33 83
W. S. Molo, waste, etc. fire dept. 2 65
McDermott & Gow, plumbing,
etc., fire dept 10 35
Peter Hoffmann, matches, fire
Jos. Trudell, repairs for fire
Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies fire
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary
John Butt, blacksmithtng fire
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
fire dept
Ellwanger Bros., harness repairs
etc. fire dept
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing
fire dept
J. P. Schroeder & Co., hay fire
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
fire dept
Fraatz & Clark, supplies, etc. 4 10
fire dept
Dubuque Water Co., water 1292 77
Etchhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
city hall 2 50
Geo. Bennett, asst. assessor 100 00
Gotf. Gmehle, asst. assessor100 00
Dubuque Rubber Co., stamp50
Robt. McGivern, sanitary patrol -
50 00
60 00
69 60
4 50
6 40
1 25
5 75
13 75
26 00
13 78
Regular Sexxiu n, a lu/itxt 5. 1:
Wm. Marshall, steel plates and
Police Telephone and Signal Co.,
standard zinc's
J. P. Schroeder & Co., sewer
Jas. Hird & Son, laying sewer on
Wilson avenue
O. G. Kringle, laying sewer in
Seminary street
Dubuque Construction Co., im-
provement of Clay and Couler
avenue 2000 00
Kenety & McCann, improvement
of Clay from 3rd to 13th st2000 00
P. Horsch, improvement of White
street, from 22d to 23d st 110 66
Con Ryan, Jr., improvement of
Southern avenue 201 20
Frank Keachie, carpenter work
etc 113 60
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
hose, parks 3 92
Chas. Atkinson, painting and
papering hall 151 00
W. S. Molo, plumbing 62 95
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
hose, parks 7 00
Chas. Burchard, assisting park
custodian 40 40
C. O. D. Laundry, cleaning and
laying carpets 27 50
Jas. Morgan, inspector and as-
sistant on Clay street 50 00
D. Sheehan, inspector and as-
sistant on Clay st 40 25
John Brady, inspector and as-
sistant on Clay st 37 50
J. C. Dwine, rodman 45 00
W. C. Knowlton, axeman, etc30 00
A. Boyce, axeman, etc 18 00
Wm. Geisicker, leveler 55 00
John Farley, axeman 37 50
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of F. A. Gniffke in relation
to line of Pickett street.
Petition of Carl Nauk asking for dam-
ages done him by the last storm on
lots 1 and 2 Wick's add.
Petition of M. McMahon claiming
that by improving Curtis street the
city has taken a piece of his property
and ask for compensation for same.
Petition of Henry Riker, et al, ask-
ing to have Wilde street extended down
to Southern avenue.
On motion rules were suspended and
Mr. Stewart was allowed to address the
Mr. Stewart addressed the council
in relation to the assessment for im-
provement of Fremont avenue, referred
to street committee.
Petition of John Hickey in relation
to moving fence on Grand View ave.
Petition of Andrew Minges asking
that West 7th street from Hill street
to Needham Place be improved.
Petition of J. S. Randall Lumber Co.
claiming damages caused by flood on
Southern avenue and Valley street.
Petition of Christ. Frohs asking to
be paid for macadam broken on Valaria
40 00
21 00
8 12
11 34
737 00
and used by city.
Petition of Joe Noel, et al, asking that
Eagle Point avenue be extended in a
northeasterly direction to middle street.
Petition of A. H. Hemmelder asking
to have alley east of Stafford avenue
between Merz and Pauline streets made
Petition of John Burke claiming dam-
age by change of grade on Grand
ew avenue.
On motion the engineer was instruct -
red not to take any property for a
change of line of any street.
Petition of E. H. Shehpley objecting
against special assessment for repair
of sidewalk.
Petition of Joseph Gunther et al. ask-
ing to have Eagle street improved
from Middle street to Riverview street.
Petition of Ross McMahon asking
that a retaining wall be built and
making an offer to do the same.
Petition of Rose O'Hare asking for
recompense for damage to her prop-
erty on account of flood.
Objection of J. B. Murray against
assessment for repair of sidewalk.
Petition of J. F. Gandolfo in rela-
tion to property taken for street pur-
poses on Southern avers e, referred to
street committee, attotey and engi-
Petition of Andrew Oeth to have
obstruction removed from Klingenberg
Terrace referred to street committee
with power.
Communication of J. E. Knight stat-
ing that the settlement of the Cath.
Welch ear; against the city, it was
agreed to repair South Bluff street so
as to divert the surface water from her
premises. referred to street commit-
The following bills were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Communication of J. H. Greene in re-
lation to claim against city in the
Brunskill case.
Petition of Wm. Hintrager requesting
that 5th avenue from Garfield avenue
to Lake Peosta be not improved at the
present time.
Petition of Dominic Rhomberg, et a1,
protesting against 5th avenue being
made a water way.
Petition of J. A. Rhomberg request-
ing that the buildings standing in
Lynn between 18th and 19th, Railroad
addition be removed.
Petition of Louis Trapp, et al, pro-
testing against the improvement of
5th avenue.
The following petitions were referred
to the fire committee.
Communication of F. W. Wieland
asking council to retain amount of his
bill from the salary of Frank Essman.
Petition of James Wallis, et al, to
have the water mains continued along
Prairie street from Chestnut to llth
Petition of J. A. Rhomberg in relation
to the award of jury for the vacation
Reptlor Sessio, Auglust 5, 1895.
of an alley between Julien avenue and
West 7th street, of $100 awarded Joseph
Hug, was referred tothe finance com-
mittee and attorney.
The following petitions were grant-
Petition of William Coughlin, et al,
asking that the water company extend
their water mains from Grandview
avenue on Dodge street to Bluff.
Petition of R. W. Lange that the al-
ley between Gat•fleld and Rhomberg
and Johnson and Windsor avenues be
not improved at present.
Petition .of T. H. Clark et al, asking
to extend their present water mains
on West 14th street from 100 feet east
of Cornell street to Bluff street.
Petition of Svendsen & Ott asking
for the privilege to occupy streets
and alleys situated between blocks 29
and 30 in Dubuque Harbor Company's
addition as shown by the plat, for a
term of 20 years, was granted at pleas-
ure of the council• and the ordinance
committee instructed to draft an ordi-
nance in compliance therewith.
Petition of John Kieffer, et al, asking
the council to protect their property
from the `overfioiv 'of Coaler Creek,
between -Eagle Point 'avenue and San-
ford gfttiet, was referred to the alder-
men of ttbe 5th ward.
The ctmmunicatfon of Dr. F. W.
Wieland lit regard to the . old brewery
on Soetlt"Locust street was received,
and on' motion Mr. Pier be notified to
close up all windows and doors in
Petition of Ellen O'Holloran in rela-
tion to taxes was referred to the de-
linquent tax committee.
Petition of William Hintrager ob-
jecting to the contemplated vacation
of any of the streets and alleys abut-
ting on blocks. 22 and 26 in Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Company's ad-
dition, was referred to the special com-
mittee on that subject.
Communication of John Carter,
street superintendent, in relation to
Russian and Canadian thistles grow-
ing on private property, was referred
to the • mayor with power.
City Auditor McCarten reported as
Balance cash July 1, 1895$ 8,763 71
Receipts during July, 1895 74,671 51
Total $ 83,435 22
Disbursements during July59,687 90
Balance cash Aug. 1st. $ 23,747 32
Also reported $1,968.05 amount re-
quired to pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during July. Warrant ordered
drawn to pay city officers and report
referred to finance committee.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
$3,698.25 amount required to pay for
labor and teams on the streets. War-
rants ordered drawn to pay laborers
and report referred to street commit-
Sewer Inspector Hillery reported
$189.95 amount required to pay laborers
on sewer. Warrant ordered drawn to
pay laborers and report referred to
sewer committee.
Chief Reinfried reported $1,746.40
amount due firemen for the
month of July. Warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen and report refer-
red to fire committee.
Marshal Morgan reported $1,910.00
amount due police force for the month
of July.
Also reported 84 arrests during the
month and treasurer's receipts as fol
Amount received for impounding an-
imals $24.00.
Amount collected for feeding same
Amount collected for fine for violat-
ing city ordinance $1.00.
Warrant ordered drawn to pay police
and report referred to committee on
police and light.
Marketmaster Traut reported $15.80
amount received from scales and pre-
sented treasurer's receipt for same.
Also reported $17.60 amount due for
feeding prisoners.
Warrant ordered drawn to pay for
feeding prisoners and report referred
to committee on markets.
Wodd Measurer Jess reported 435
cords of woad measured during July
and presented treasurer's receipt for
85 cents. per cent due city. Received
and filed.
The reports of City Weighmaster.st
Jos. Straney, Mrs. Deckert and J. P.
Schroeder were received and filed.
Engineer Knowlton presented a pro-
file of grade of English Lane. Refered
to street committee.
Also presented grade of Cox street •
and Angella street. Referred to street
Also reported that in improvement
of Locust street provisions should be
made for extending the storm water
sewer along 14th street from Main to
the west side of Locust street. A 30
inch sewer or a double line of 20 -inch
pipe would be sufficient and would cost
approximately $375. Was referred to
paving committee.
A ssistant Engineer Boyce stated he
had given the proper instruction and
grade on Ellis street abutting Mr.
Ferris' property. which had been care-
fully done, to the jury.
Engineer Knowlton reported that the
statement of Mr. Boyce is in strict ac-
cordance with his instructions to him
at the time the jury went on the prem-
ises, and I was informed were fully
carried out. An instrument and rod
was used in addition to having both the•
old and the new grade marked on the
fence, and as full information as pos-
sible was given the jury in order that
no mistake be made as the matter of
change of grade had been in dispute
for a long time. Report adopted.
1:32 Ileyabre SeMion, .lugre. t ii. "895.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn to
2 o'clock p. m. Carried.
Council met at 2.10 p, m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cul-
len, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of having
warrants drawn in favor of the treas-
urer for money advanced for interest,
etc., during July, 1895. Also that loan
warrants be drawn in favor of the
several parties for money borrowed
during July, 1895. Report adopted.
Also reported in favor of approving
of the auditor's report for the month of
June, 1895. Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, reported in favor
of paying the bill of Paul Schlenker
of $1.80 for tools for road roller. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the
street committee reported as follows:
In favor of approving of the report
of the stheet commissioner for the
month of June, 1895.
In favor of granting the petition of
C. H. Hyde et al for the improvement
of Rebecca street.
In favor of instructing the engineer
to devise some plan for the repair of
Leibnitz street, so that said street will
carry all water that flows on same.
In favor of furnishing the sand re-
quired to raise sidewalks on Clay
street between 9th and 10th streets.
In favor of instructing the engineer
to make an estimate of the amount and
cost of grading required on Coates
avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross
In favor of receiving and filing the
remonstrance of Rebecca J. Farley
against the improvement of Rebecca
In favor of having stone crossing put
on the north and south side of Eagle
Point avenue and Jackson street, also
on the north side of 22d street and
Cooler avenue.
In favor of referring the resolution
for stone crossing on East street, Louisa
street and Hall street to the city en-
gineer and street commissioner to ex-
amine and have same put in if neces-
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of J. P. Schroeder & Co. ask-
ing that they be refunded special tax
paid for the construction of sidewalk.
In favor of postponing action on the
within petition of James Cunningham,
et al, for the improvement of Foye
street until said street is opened full
In favor of receiving and filing re-
monstrance of Otto Kemp, et al, against
levying special assessment for the im-
provement of Southern avenue.
In favor of instructing the street
commissioner to do the necessary re-
pairing on Althauser avenue so as to
make the same passable for public
In favor of instructing the engineer
to measure the macadam belonging to
Bryan Donahue and John Melone, when
the city needs the same.
In favor of paying the following
Dubuque Construction Co $ 141 80
W H. Knowlton 4 70
John Melone and Son 4:: 2
Roy & Otto Bros 184 57
Novelty Iron Works 70 06
In favor of referring the hill of the
Key City Gas Co.. of $70.29 for coke to
the committee on supplies.
Report adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the
street committee. also made the follow-
ing recommendations:
Recommend that a storm water sewer
be constructed on 5th street from Main
west to angle in said street. and the
engineer be instructed to prepare the
necessary plans and specifications for
said work and advertise for bids for
doing the same.
Also recommend that as fast as wood-
en aprons on street crossings are worn
out, that stone steps he substituted
therefor. and that the city engineer he
directed to advertise for bids for the
proper stone for said purpose.
Also recommend that A. R. Stevenson
be allowed at the rate of $75.00 per
month from the 1st day of May. 1895,
as engineer of the steam roller, on
account of the efficient services per-
formed by him. Adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the print-
ing committee, reported in favor of
paying the following bills:
The Herald
The Telegraph
The Globe
The Times
The German Catholic Printing
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mary Carny on her homestead for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Lizzie Walter on her homstead for
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Johanna McNally on lot 574 a for
in favor of allowing Susanna Denell
to pay one-half her taxes on the north
I/ lot 47 and s% lot 48 in Staffords add.
as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Casper Kampman and Caroline Krische
on personalty for 1894.
Also report adverse to the
petition of Mrs. E. McCeneY
and Louis Trexler for re-
duction of assessment for 1894. Report
Also would most respect-
$ 75 00
75 00
29 15
29 15
50 00
Cullen, chairman of the delin-
tax committee, reported as fol-
_ egular Session,
August 5, 1895. 133
fully recommend that the or-
dinance committee be instructed
to draft an ordinance reciting
that hereafter the city will not can-
cel the taxes on any property, but in
lieu of that allow the taxes to remain
a lien on the property until paid. and
said property shall not be sold by the
treasurer for said unpaid taxes. un-
less so ordered by the council. Adopt-
Ald. Vogler. chairman of the com-
mittee on supplies, presented the fol-
lowing, which was adopted:
Your committee nn supplies would
most respectfully recommend that the
committee on supplies he instructed to
advertise for bids for coal and coke for
the city's use up to April 1st, 1896. to
be delivered in such quantities and at
such places from time to time as the
city may require. Adopted.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit-
tee on electrical construction, reported
in favor of receiving and filing the bill
of the Metropolitan Electric Co. of $7.20
as the same has been paid. Adopted.
Ald. I3auer, chairman of the market
committee. presented a hill of J. H.
Lucas of $25.00 for repairing First Ward
scales, which was referred back to the
Market committee.
Ald. Halpin, chairman of the fire com-
mittee, reported as follows:
In favor of receiving and filing the
reports of the fire chief for May and
June, 1895.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of E. W. Albee, et al, in re-
lation to building on Iowa street be-
tween 1st and 2d street, as your com-
mittee have no power to condemn said
In favor of granting the petition of
Minnie Gieseman, et al, asking that
the water mains be extended along
Julien avenue from alley west of Cen-
ter Place to Alpine street.
In favor of instructing the Water Co.
to put in fire gongs in each of their
pumping stations, so that in case of
fire they can be prepared to supply a
sufficient amount of water, and in case
of failure on their part to supply said
water when required, the city shall re-
fuse to pay the rent for hydrants.
In favor of paying the bill of Amer-
ican Engine Co. of $2,100 for repair of
old engine, said company agreeing to
put a relief valve on said engine as per
their agreement
In favor of paying the bills of the
Key City Gas Co. of $20.62 and Du-
buque Water Co. of $20.00. Report
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
In favor of postponing action on the
petition of the I. C. R. R. Co. asking for
right of way up to 17th street, until
said company obtains the written con-
sent from the abutting property owners
up to 13th street.
In favor of approving of the recom-
mendation of the engineer in relation
to construction of sewer on Sanford
street, also north of Sanford street to
27th street.
In favor of changing the name of
West Eagle Point avenue to Elm Dale
avenue, and that Fourth street from
White street to the western terminus
of the High Bridge be hereafter known
as High Bridge avenue.
In favor of referring the petition
of Con Collins. et al, in relation to con-
demning the old Pier Brewery on South
Locust street, to the board of health.
Report adopted.
Also reported in favor of paving 17th
street from West Locust to Clay street
with brick, and that one-half the cost
of same be assessed to the abutting
property owners, and paid by them,
the balance of said cost to be paid by
the city.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Bauer, Crawford, Kaufmann,
and Vogler.
Noes—Cullen, Halpin, Ryder, Shea
and Schulte.
Ald. Vogler also presented the fol-
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the petition of the Du-
buque Street Railway Company, ask-
ing for an extension of their present
charter. beg leave to submit the fol-
Resolved: That it is the sense of the
members of this committee, that as a
preliminary. and as a prior condition
to the favorable consideration of the
petition of J. A. Rhomberg, president
of the Dubuque Street Railway Co.,
for an extension of the franchise of
said Railway Co.. that said Rhomberg
should, by binding written stipulation,
make certain concessions; among which
are the following:
1. The dismissal of his suit against
the city connected with the paving of
Clay street.
2. That he will repay the amount ex-
pended by the city for the iron chairs
used in relaying the Street Railway
Co.'s tracks on Clay street.
3. That whenever the city shall be
ready to improve High Bridge avenue
for public travel, he will cause the
building now on the right of way, op-
posite the west end of the High Bridge,
to be promptly removed without ex-
pense to the city.
4. That any ordinance extending the
charter of said Street Railway shall
contain as one of the conditions of
such extension, a stipulation pro-
viding for the permanent contin-
uance of the present half fare
arrangement for the benefit of the
working class every morning and even-
ing. and that such arrangement be
provided for by separate written stip-
The foregoing conditions to be inde-
pendent of any other and further
ulations that the council may deem
wise and proper to adopt as conditions
134 Regular S'tssinn, Anylist 5, 1895.
of the proposed extension of charter.
Also that the council shall impose a
license of $1,000 per year on said Du-
buque Street Railway Company, its
successors or assigns. after the expira-
tion of its present charter, the first pay-
ment of said $1,000 to be made on the
26th day of April, 1915. and every year
thereafter on the same date during the
continuance of this charter. Should
the Dubuque Street Railway Company,
by its proper officers file its written ac-
ceptance of the above with the City
Recorder, then the ordinance commit-
tee and the City Attorney are hereby
directed to draft an ordinance in com-
pliance herewith, and submit same to
the city council. Adopted.
Ald. Vogler moved that the mayor
appoint two members of the council
to act with the ordinance committee
with regard to the above. Carried.
Mayor Olinger appointed Alds. Kauf-
mann and Vogler.
Ald. Ryder offered the following
which was adopted:
/ Resolved by the City Council of the
City- of Dubuque: That the mayor is
hereby authorized and required for the
purpose of providing for the cost and
expense of improving the folowing
streets and alleys, to -wit:
Fourth street from Main to
White street $ 3,800 00
Locust street from 10th to 16th
street, and W. Locust street
from 16th to 17th streets 13,000 00
Alpine street from W. Third
to Dodge street 2,500 00
West Eagle Point avenue from
Kane street to city limits11.500 00
Alley between Rhomberg and
Lincoln and Johnson and
Humboldt street 800 00
Alley first north of W. Third
street, West of Hill street
from end of present improve-
ment west to the intersection
of W. 4th street and Pauline
street 400 00
to issue under the provisions of the or-
dinance adopted August 9th, 1894, by
the city council of the city of Dubuque,
bonds to the amount of $32,000, of the
denomination of $1,000 each, numbering
from 73 to 104, inclusive, to be dated
August 13, 1895, payable seven years af-
ter date, or at any time before said date
at the option of the city of Dubuque,
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable semi-annual-
ly, both principal and interest payable
at the National Bank of the Republic
in the City of New York.
When said bonds are issued and re-
gistered they shall be delivered to the
finance committee, who shall deliver the
same to Parson, Leach & Co., Chi-
cago, Ill., in accordance with their con-
tract with the city, and said committee
are instructed to pay the proceeds of
same to the city treasurer, to be ap-
plied by him in accordance with the
provisions of the ordinance adopted
August 9th, 1894, and said committee
is to report its doings hereunder to
the city council.
The awards of the jury for the open-
ing of North Glen Oak avenue from
Julien avenue to West 14th street, also
for the widening of High Bluff and the
opening of a street between West Eagle
Point avenue and Valaria street, were
opened and referred to the committee
of the whole.
Communication of Chas. Klingenberg
and Bertha A. Beversdorf in relation
to the award of jury for opening of
street between West Eagle Point ave-
nue and Valaria street was referred to
the committee of the whole.
City Assessor Stemm stated that the
assessment roll for 1895 was complete
and ready for the equalization board.
On motion the mayor appointed the fol-
lowing to constitute the equalization
committee: Aids. Kaufmann, Schulte,
Ronson, Shea and Cullen.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks by the city of Du-
buque, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Thos. Zeinn. n 25 ft lot 44 and s 15
ft. lot 45. E. Langworthy's addi-
tion $ 60
Walter G. Cox, lot 14 Levin's addi-
tion 1 25
W. H. Salot, lot 4. Finley's addi-
tion 50
Louise Meyer, s 42 ft. Int 92. L. H
Langworthy's add 50
John Olinger, lot 23 Boulevard ad-
dition 50
B. W. Jones, lot 154. East Du-
buque add 75
Glab Bros., lote 347, 348 and 249,
Davis, Farm add 50
Rt. Rev. John Hennessey, lot 21
Finley's add 2 60
Geo. Burden Est.. lot 6, Burden
& Lawther's add 50
Wm. Lowther and J. V. Ryder,
lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 17. 18 and 19, Bur-
den & Lawther's add 4 10
Ed. Langworthy, lots 177 to
181. inclusive, East Dubuque ad-
dition 75
Chris. Loetscher, lots 23. 24, and 25
McCraney's Second add 40
Jacob Kuntz Est., s 6-8 and n 7-1
Wick's add, lots 1 and 2 30
A. Schlenker, lot 141, Burden &
L9wther's add 50
G. M. Orris, lots 5 and 6 in Finley
Home add 50
1f. Tschirgi, Sr., e 3t lot 1. Sum -
mitt add 1 60
Jacob Marshall, lot 277, Davis
Farm add 50
Phillip Jungk, lot 46, East Du-
buque add 35
Steuck & O'Farrell, lots 172. 173
and 174, East Dubuque add 40
Refit( /(rr Sev8i(.4, Auguxt :5, 1895.
John V. Ryder, lot 11, L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub
Herman J. Roesche, lots
Broadway add
James Levi, lot 238, Davis Farm
W. H. Butler, lot 213, Davis Farm
E. Langworthy, lot 181, East Du-
buque add
C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., lot 251,
East Dubuque add
Herman Bischoff, lot
Louis Gieseman, lots
High street add
Mary A. Hodel, lot 15 and n 1/z 14, 1 00
Bissell's Dubuque
Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 of Min. lot
4661 50
Nick Schmidt, lot 27, Cook's addd60
V. A. Langworthy. 1 00
Dubuque add
Dubuque Butchers' Association, lot 1 25
423, East Dubuque add lot 1,
Rt. Rev. John Hennessey, 4 75
Levin's add
Mrs. J. Marsh. part Min. lot 1741 25
Paul Traut, lot 2 of Paul Traut's 50
E. H. ShepPley. lot 3, Cox's add30
Giab Bros., lots 347, 348 and 349, 4 80
Davis Farm add
Caroline Fischer, lots 362 and 363, 1 50
Davis Farm add
Jas. Rowan, lot 12, Bush's sub1 70
John B. Murray, lot 69, East Du-
buque add ote:
Adopted by the following vCrawford,
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer,
Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that the tak-
ing care of storm esewers
placed under the charge of the sewer
inspector and sewer committee. Refer-
red to street committe and sewer com-
mittee. On motion the police are to be
notified to report all lights out and de-
On motion the special assessments
for the following were referred to the
street committee:
Improvement of Fremont avenue.
White street from 23d to 24th street.
Constructing sewer in Wilson avenue
from Julien avenue to West Eighth
2 to 5,
29, Cook's
21 and 22,
1 10
1 50
4 40
Constructing sewer in
and Winona avenue. Southern ave.
Laying sidewalk on
Laying sidewalk onW. Eagle Point
Laying sidewalk on West and street
between Needham Place
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That 16th street
from Main to Locust street be curbed
with curbstoneandthe eordinancewith rlck
conformity engineer is
that subject, and the city
West Fifth
hereby directed to prepare the neces-
sary plans and specification for said
improvement, and the city recorder is
directed to give the proper notice for
bids and proposals for the performance
of the work, the curbing and paving
to be done at the expense of the owners
of abutting property. The work to be
advertised and let in the same con-
tract with 15th street between Main
and Locust.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cul-
len, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Engineer Knowlton presented plans
and specifications for a sewer in Hill
street from West 3d to Langworthy
avenue, which were approved.
Also plans and specifications for a
sewer in the alley from Julien avenue
to West llth street between Center
Place and Grant avenue, which were
Also plans and specifications for a
storm water sewer from end of present
sewer on Dodge street to South Main
street, which were approved.
Also presented plans and specifica-
tion for paving with brick the follow-
ing streets:
17th street from Clay street to West
Locust street.
16th street from Main street to Locust
15th street from Main street to Locust
Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police
and light committee, reported in favor
of paying bill of the Star Electric Co.
of $1625.40 for electric lights. Report
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved: That stone crossings be
put in across Louisa street and Hall
street on the south side of Delhi street,
and across the alley west of Mount
Pleasant avenue running north from
14th street, that the street commissioner
be charged with the carrying out of
this order.
Ald. Halpin offered the following res-
olution which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council:
That the city engineer be and is hereby
directed to prepare a plan to take care
of the water on Valley street at the in-
tersection with Southern avenue, and
the work to be performed by the street
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the city
recorder be and is hereby directed to
advertise for bids and proposals for
the construction of a
on Dodge street fromstorm e
its present terr
minus to a connection with the sewer
now constructed
acc according under plansacross
street, speci-
ftcations on file in the office of the city
136 Regular Session,
August 5, 1895.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water Co. be and are hereby instructed
to extend their water mains on Alpine
street from West 3rd street to Dodge
street and that water plugs be located
under the direction of the fire commit-
tee and fire chief, the city of Dubuque
guaranteeing to said Water Co. a sum
of money sufficient to pay interest at
the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of
pipe so required to be extended.
Aid. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Samuel street
from Southern avenue north as survey-
ed and platted by W. H. Knowlton,
city engineer, be and is hereby declared
a public highway and the city engineer
is directed to have said plat recorded,
and that the street commissioner be in-
structed to put the same in passable
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Quinn street
between Rush and Valley streets, as
surveyed and platted by W. H. Knowl-
ton, city engineer, be and is hereby de-
clared a public highway and the en-
gineer is directed to have said plat re-
Ald. Schulte offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a storm water
sewer be constructed on 7th street from
Jackson to Washington streets, and
that the city engineer be and is hereby
directed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications for said work and ad-
vertise for bids for doing same.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sanitary
sewer be constructed on 4th street from
end of present sewer west to Fenelon
Place. thence along Fenelon Place to
Summitt street, and the city engineer
is hereby directed to prepare the neces-
sary plans and specifications for said
improvement and submit same to the
council, said work to be done at the
expense of the owners of adjacent
property in accordance with the ordi-
nance on that subject.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Shea offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That' the Dubuque
Daily Herald be and is hereby author-
ized to continue the publication of the
official proceeding of the city council
for the balance of the current year, and
receive as compensation therefor the
same as received heretofore.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a warrant for
$2.20 be drawn in favor of Patrick
O'Toole as refunded interest, erroneous-
ly assessed to him, and paid by him
under protest.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved: That the city engineer be
instructed to report a proper plan for
the sanitary drainage of the portion of
the alleys on the east and west sides
of Center Place, north of the summit
of said alleys.
Alderman Shea offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water Co, be and are hereby instructed
to extend their hill mains on West 14th
street from end of present extension
east of Cornel street, to Bluff street,
the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to
said Water Co. a sum of money suffi-
cient to pay interest at the rate of
7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so re-
quired to be extended.
Alderman Ryder offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water Co. be and are hereby instructed
to extend their water mains on Julien
avenue from the alley west of Center
Place to Alpine street. the city of Du-
buque guaranteeing to said Water Co.
a sum of money sufficient to pay inter-
est at the rate of 7 per cent. on the
cost of pipe so required to be extend-
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee, submitted the following re-
port which was approved:
Your committee on finance would
most respectfully report that we have
sold all improvement bonds to be issued
this year, to Parson, Leach & Co., of
Chicago, at par. less one per cent. com-
mission to be paid said Farson, Leach
& Co. for attorney's fees. etc.
Ald. Shea. chairman of the paving
committee. reported as follows, which
was adopted:
Your committee on paving would most
respectfully report that they have ex-
amined the brick paving on Clay street
betwene 13th and 3rd streets, done by
Kenety & McCann, and report in favor
of accepting said work, said Kenety &
McCann to be allowed payment in ac-
cordance with their contract
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the special
committee in repard to sawdust nui-
sance, submitted the following, which
was adopted:
Your committee report that they have
examined into the sawdust nuisance
at the Farley_Loetscher Mfg. Co., and
after a conference with the officers of
said company they assured us that they
were taking such measures as were pos-
sible for them to take to abate same
Iie(Jui(tr Se.•x%on.:ll'ryn.•t 5, 1893. 1:37
so that if said nuisance 1s not abated,
we would recommend that such meas-
ures as are lawful be taken to abate
said nuisance, as adjacent property
holders and dwelers complain very seri-
ously about said nuisance.
Ald. Shea submitted the following,
which was received and filed:
Your special committee to whom was
referred the matter of the alleged nui-
sance caused by hay and other material
being allowed to remain on the Line-
han property at the corner of Second
and Iowa streets, would report that
the same is being removed and will be
cleared away in a few days.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Rebecca street
between Thomas street and its south-
ern terminus. be graded. gut-
tered. curbed and macadamized
in conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and spec-
fications for said improvement. and the
city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work; guttering.
curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property. grading to be bid in
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
of D buque, the }1ey be-
"and siirwts be graded and
macadamize in conformity with the
Ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and spec-
flcations for said improvement. and the
'ity recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work; the grading
and macadamizing to be clone at the ex-
pense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer. Crawford,
Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann.Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice. constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, nn the both sides
of Washington street. between Rhnm-
berg and Eagle Point avenue, where
not already laid at he expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow -
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the north side of
Sanford street, between Jackson street
and Washington street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick..
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidwalks, on the west side of
Broadway street, between Blockling-
er's Lane and Diagonal street where not
already Laid at the expense of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 10
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, he, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks. abutting lot 2 of Min.
lot 113 a where not already laid at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide of good two-inch
htfllank, 10 brick,
stone or cement, be,
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the east side of
Jackson street, between 22d and 24th
streets where not already laid at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, . Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
ing' Council of the
ReSolved by the City
Cityof Dubtwo
hat a sidewalk
ff wide of goodinch plank, brick,
s oone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid In
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
188 Regular Se. wion, Atiyust 5, 1895.
tion to sldwalks, on the both sides of
Eagle Point avenue, between Jackson
and Kniest streets where not already
laid at the expense of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide of good two-inch plank. brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the both sides of
Lincoln avenue, between Jackson street
and Reed avenue where not already
laid at the expense of the abutting
property. •
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Aid. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide of good two-inch plank. brick,
stone or cement, be. within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on both sides of
Rhomberg avenue, between Couler ave-
nue and Middle avenue where not al-
ready laid at the expense of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer. Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Alderman Schulte offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice. constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the west side of
Washington street abutting lot 64, E
Dubuque add. where not already
at the expense of the abutting p
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea Schul-
te and Vogler.
Alderman Schulte offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidwalks, on the both sides of
14th street, between Jackson and Elm
streets where not already laid at the
expense of the abutting properey
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Alderman Schulte offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
Cty of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide of brick. stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of 15th street, between
Iowa and Clay streets where not al-
ready laid at the expense of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks. on the both sides of
Locust street between 1st and Jones
streets where not already laid at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer. Crawford,
Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann,Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that when the
council adjourns it does so to meet
again August 16, 1895, at 7:30 p. m.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the con-
tract for veterinary surgeon be left to
the committee on fire with power
On motion the council adjourned.
(Corrie t'.
. May/or.
All persons holding city warrants paY
able out of the "Special Bonded Assess-
ment" fund, must present them for
payment on or before Saturday, July
27, 1895. Interest on said warrants will
cease with that date.
7-25-6t. City Treasurer.
Adjourned 1?eyular Session, august , 1895. 139
Council met at 7:45.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that the bids
for the improvement of 17th street be
not opened. Carried.
On motion bids for the improvement
of the following streets were to be op-
ened: Woodworth avenue. Paul street,
5th avenue, Atlantic avenue and Lieb-
nitz street.
On motion the bids for the remain-
ing streets and alleys were referred to
the city engineer for computation.
The following bills were ordered paid:
J. Hayes, expressage $ 1 25
Kenety & McCann. street 195 39
John Driscoll, labor 6 00
Jos. Geiger, labor and material.. 16 20
John Tibey, improvement of
Curtis street 2,385 00
Steuck & O'Farrell, improve-
ment of Fremont avenue 1 000 00
Altman & Taylor, improve-
ment of Grandview avenue1,785 00
Peter Borsch, improvement of
Fifth avenue 730 00
J. H. Lucas, repairing scales25 00
The following petitions were referred
to the sewer committee:
Petition of C. N. Bird, et al, for sewer
in lane east abutting on property on
Grove Terrace South.
Petition of the Dubuque Casket Co.
for extension of sewer to corner of
18th and Washington streets.
The plat presented by Engineer
Knowlton of the sanitary sewer con-
structed in the vicinity of Center Place
and .Tulien avenue.
Petition of John D. Wade. et al, for
sewer in alley east of Center Place.
Petition of Mrs. Pat. Hamell asking
to have sewer extenden on West Locust
street from 17th street to Clark street.
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of Patrick Quinn in rela-
tion to the declaring Quinn street a
Public highway
Petition of F. W. Altman calling the
council's attention to the condition of
Muscatine street
The communication of Engineer
Knowlton as to the cost of grade of
Coates avenue.
The following communication from
the Eagle Point bridge company was
read and referred to the committee
of the whole.
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen: The Dubuque and Wis-
consin Bridge Company respectfully
represents to your hanorable body that
the plans
int and specification of the
Eagle Pobridge, together with the
necessary preliminary surveys, meas-
urements and soundings have been
completed and perfected, and the maps
and profiles oP the same flied in the
office of the secretary of war at Wash-
ington for approval by the war depart-
ment; that an officer of the engineer
corps is expected to arrive in Dubuque
within a short time for the purpose
of inspecting the location and verify-
ing the surveys, plans and estimates;
that it is expected that arrangements
for the commencement of the work of
construction will be perfected in the
near future.
The said Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge company therefore respectfully
solicits the appropriation by the city
council of the sum of $25,000 in aid of
the construction, to be used in the
building of the approaches on the
Iowa shore, within the limits of the
city of Dubuque, and to be contributed
to the enterprise on substantially the
same terms and conditions as the form-
er appropriation in aid of the high
bridge between the city and East Du-
Believing that your honorable body
will not fail to fully appreciate the
great importance of the proposed
bridge to the trade, commerce and
general business interests of Du-
buque, we respectfully solicit speedy
and favorable action on the subject
by the city council.
Very respectfully,
The Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge Co.
By J. J. Dunn, M. M. Walker, Paul
Praut. J. A. Rhomberg, George Fengler,
W. Coaes, John Morrison, C. g.
Meyer, Michael Kirchberg, Geoe
Keller and John Longbotham,
J. A. RHOMBERG, President.
C. H. MEYER, Secretary.
Communication of City Engineer
ment of Leibnitz street to
streetso as astop
all water on said street,
extenl n lof the
strafingg a
charter of the Dubuque Street Railway
was granted.
YourAld. Bonson committee ed nheordinance e to
whas ingoarnw rdinancedfor cmatter
the extension of
the franchise of the Dubuque Street
Railway company for a term of ninety-
nine years. beg leave to report that
after a careful consideration of the mat
ter, we deem it inexuedlent at the pres-
ent time to draft aid ordinance,
of attthe said
company present
time s as the nearlY twenty years to
rumpany senti-
mentyet, and on account a against said
of the public being g
hen large
ofnurmbeisof as rotestsCefiled.
the barge
tFurthermore. your hat they could not draft an ordinlance
pthat would meet ublic twenty yearshan hence. Signed bye
140 Adjourned Regular Se8sion, _1y i.'t 16, 1895.
Alds. Ronson. Ryder. Halpin, Kaufman
and Vogler.
Alderman Ronson then read a resolu-
tion asking that the Globe -Journal be
permitted ,to share equally with the two
other papers in publishing the council
proceedings and be paid the amount of
$75 per month for the same. After
adopting this resolution. the matter of
of printing in pamphlet form was re-
ferred to the committee on printing.
A communication from the labor con-
gress asking the council and fire depart-
ment to turn out on labor day was ac-
cepted, the mayor to make the neces-
sary arrangements.
A petition from Haney. Campbell &
Co.. who are about to erect a factory
in the lower part of the city. asking that
taxes be remitted on property and stock
for a period of ten years, was granted
and the ordinance committee to draft
ordinance covering the same.
A letter from Policeman Hoffman.
who lost his arm by accident while on
duty. asked that the hospital expense
which followed. amounting to $18, and
salary from July be paid by city, which
was so erdered paid.
Ald. Halpin presented an ordinance
entitled "An ordinance granting to the
Illinois Central Railroad company, its
successors and assigns. the right of
way over and across certain streets in
the city of Dubuque," which was read
for the first time and referred to the
ordinance committee.
The communication of Engineer W. H.
Knowlton in regard to the sewerage
system along 8th street referred to the
committee of the whole.
Also communication with reference to
drainage at Valley street and Southern
avenue was received and filed.
Petition of Richard Fuhrman asking
that team licenses be refunded was re-
ferred to the mayor.
Plans and specifications for an 8 -inch
pipe sewer in West 4th St. and Fenelon
Place from end of present sewer to Sum-
mit street were referred to the sewer
Also plans and specifications for a 12 -
inch tile pipe sewer in West Locust
street from 17th street to Clark street
was referred to the sewer committee.
The following resolution was adopted:
Whereas, Policeman J. Hoffmann has
had the misfortune to lose an arm, while
on his way to the city hall to report for
duty, therefore
Resolved. That said John Hoffmann
be allowed a month's salary for the
month of July. 1895.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be
constructed in the alley next east of
Center Place from West lith street to
Rose street thence easterly along Rose
street to the alley next west of Race
street, thence southerly In the alley next
west of Rose St. to W. llth St. that the
engineer be instructed to prepare the nec
essary plans and specifications and to
advertise for proposals for making the
improvement, the expense to be paid by
assessment on the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Ronson, Craw-
ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That West Main St.
between Main street and Jones street,
be curbed with curbstone and paved
with brick In conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subiect. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to,
make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and the
city recorder direcomi to give the proper
notice for bids and propcsals for the per-
formance of the work: the guttering,
curbing and macadamizing to be done at
the expense of the owners of the abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Ronson. Craw-
ford. Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder,
Shea. Schulte and Vogler.
City Engineer Knowlton reported on
bids for street improvements and con-
struction of sewer: as follows:
Fifteenth street from Main to Locust
Steuck & O'Farrell $1,525.50
Dubuque Construction Co 1,444.00
'Kenety & McCann 1.606.00
The Dubuque Construction Co. being
the lowest bidders. were on motion,
awarded the contract.
Sixteenth street from Main street to
Locust street:
Steuck & O'Farrell $1,596 00
Dubuque Construction Co. 1,501 00
Kentey & McCann 1,672 00
The Dubuque Construction Co., being
the lowest bidders. were on motion,
awarded the contract.
Schiller street from Lincoln avenue to
Peosta street:
Steuck & O'Farrell $1,842 00
Geo. W. Farley 1.996 00
John Pickley 1,630 00
Phil Doerr 1,994 00
P. Horsch 1,995 00'
Kenety & McCann 1,642 00
John Pickley, being the lowest bidder,
was on motion. awarded the contract.
Fengler street from Peosta street to
P. Horsch $2,774 00
Geo. W. Farley 2,603 00
John Pickles 2,140 00
Phil Doerr 2,664 00
Steuck & O'Varrell 2,43E 00
Kenety & McCann 2.146 00
D. W. Linehan 2,004 00
D. W. Linehan, being the lowest bid-
der, was on motion. awarded the con-
Middle avenue from Emsley alley to
Garfield avenue:
Geo. W. Farley $1,635 00
Steuck & O'Farrell 1,514 00
John Pickley 1,320 00
D. W. Linehan 1,226 00
Peter Horsch 1,528 00
Kenety & McCann 1,353 00
Phil Doerr 1,535 00
D. W. Linehan. being the lowest bid-
der, on motion. was awarded the con-
Alley from Johnson to Windsor be-
tween Garfield and Rhomberg avenue:
Geo. W. Farley $351 00
Phil Doerr 302 50
Phil. Doerr, being the lowest bidder,
was on motion. awardede the contract.
Rush street from Quince street to
Villa street:
E. C. Blake $2,394 00
John Tibey 2,215 00
Dubuque Construction Co. 2,411 50'
L --
Adjourned Regular Session, August 16, .1895. 141.
Ryan Bros. .2,600 00
John Tlbey. being the lowest bidder,
was on motion. awarded the contract.
Audubon avenue from West 14th
street to Dexter avenue:
Geo. W. Farley $2,35 00
Ryan Bros. 1,990 00
John Blake 2.046 00
Dubuque Construction Co. 2.140 00
Kintzinger & Parker 2,350 00
Steuck & O'Farrell 2.310 00
KenetY & McCann 2,100 00
Ryan Bros.. being the lowest bidders,
were on motion. awarded the contract.
Sanitary sewer in Grove Terrace south
from West llth street to Wilber Lane:
D. W. Linehan $6166 00
Dubuque Construction Co 707 50
D. W. Linehan. being the lowest bid-
der. was. on motion. awarded the con-
Sanitary sewer in Hill street from
West Third street south to Summitt
Dubuque Construction Co. $192.50
Bryan Donahue 231 50
The Dubuque Construction Co, being
the lowest bidders. were, on motion,
awarded the contract.
Sanitary sewer in alley between Cen-
ter Place and Grant avenue, north of
Julien avenue:
M. Lavin $169 00
Bryan Donahue 232 50
Dubuque Construction Co. 175 20
M. Lavin, being the lowest bidder, was
on motion. awarded the contract.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Be it tesolved by the city council of the.
city of Dubuque. That Jones street
from the west line of West Main street
to the levee he curbed with stone. pav-
ed with brick and otherwise improved
according to the plans and specifica-
tions for such improvement prepared by
the city engineer which have heretofore
been adopted by the council.
Resolved further. That the city re-
corder be and he is hereby directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the doing of all of said work.
Resolved. That the Dubuque Street
Railway company. the Chicago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul Railway company. the
Illinois Central Railway company and
the Dubuque & Duluth Bridge company
be and each of them is hereby notified
to pave with brick and improve in accor-
dance with the plans and specifications
of the city engineer all parts of any of
said streets above ordered to be im-
proved on which any of its track or
tracks are laid. from a point midway be-
tween the rails of its track or tracks to
the width of three and one half feet
each way therefrom and each of said
companies is hereby ordered to com-
mence said work not later than the sec-
ond day of SeptF1mber, 18f5, and to prose-
cute the same with diligence after it is
commenced, and to complete the same
not later than the first day of Novem-
ber, 1895.
Resolved further. That a copy of these
resolutions be served on each of said
above named companies and that each
of said companies be required to elect in
writing and file such election with the
city recorder within five days from the
date of the service of these resolutions
upon 1't whether or not it purposes to do
Bald work itself or leave it for the city
to do. And in the event of the failure
of any such company to make such elec-
tion as aforesaid it will be understood
that such company does not elect to do
said work itself, and the city shall do
it as provided by law and the city ordi-
nance, and the cost of said work shall
be ascertained, apportioned and assess
ed by the city council against such com=
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes.—Alds. Bauer. Bonson. Craw-
ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea. Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Shea moved to aclinurn. Carried.
di* proved
Council met at 10:40 a. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds Bonson. Crawford, Hal-
pin, Kauffmann. Ryder. Shea and Vog-
Mayor Olinger stated the meeting was
called to consider the manner in which
the sidewalk was being laid around and
in front of the Bank & Insurance build-
The Bank & Insurance building com-
pany presented the following obligation
to the city of Dubuque:
Dubuque. Ia.. Aug. 19th, 1895.
Whereas. The Bank & Insurance
Building Co. of Dubuque and Messrs
Cox & Loftus are about to construct the
sidewalk on the outer edge thereof in
front of their buildings now being con-
structed on the n e corner of Main and
Ninth streets so as to leave said side-
walk about twelve (121 inches above the
level of the brick pavement on Main
street and so maintain the same, now in
consideration of said company being al-
lowed to so construct said sidewalk and
so maintain the same the said Bank
& Insurance Building Co. hereby acknowl
edge itself indebted to said city
buque in the sum of fifty thousand dol-
lars. or to any person. firm or corpora-
tion interested therein. on the following
conditions: If all damages to said city
of Dubuque or any person interested as
aforesaid shall be paid. and said city
hion to be thisd entirely harmless. then
void otherwise of noforiga-
Ald.13y THOS. CONNOLLY, o.
Bonson moved that the proposi-
tion be accepted. Carried.
given permission to paer rthat
parties to carryon
dances. etc. and that the marshal paid
no heed to the same.
On motionsue the mayor permits had fwhere she
thouny to
thought correct. and that the marshal
be instructed to observe the issue of the
142 Special Session, lAugust 19, 1895
The bill of J. Haves for cleaning
around the city hall for $20.00 was order-
ed paid.
The plans and specifications for an
8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley east of
Center Place from West llth street to
Rose street. in Rose street from said al-
ley, to alley on oc line. in alley on oc
line from Rose street to West llth
street were presented by Engineer
Knowlton and on motion were approved
Ald. Vogler moved to adjourn. Car-
Attest: T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Council met at 11:50 a. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Aid. Bonson, Cullen, Kauf-
mann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog-
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the award
of the Jury for the widening of High
Bluff street be opened. Carried.
The award of the jury was as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, April 29, 1895.
We, the undersigned jurors, duly ap-
pointed to assess the damages than
may be caused by the proposed widen-
ing of High Bluff street between Schil-
ler and Middle streets, as shown by plat
prepared by W. H. Knowlton, hereby
report as follows:
Christ Loetscher, lot 25 McCran-
ey's add $ 140 00
Christ Loetscher, lot 24 McCran-
ey's add 135 00
Christ Loetscher, lot 23 McCran-
ey's add 125 00
Fred Grobe, lot 22 McCraney's
add 145 00
A. Kaiser, lot 21 McCraney's
add .. 125 00
Chairman of Jury.
On motion the award was approved,
and the money oredered set aside in
the treasury for said purpose.
On motion the jury was ordered paid
the sum of $2.00 each per day.
Ald. Shea moved that the marshal be
instructed to have fences and obstruct-
ions removed on High Bluff street.
Ald. Kaufman moved to adjourn. Car-
To G. M. Orris:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
repairing of sidewalk adopted on the 1st
day of July, A. D.. 1895, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the City Council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment. lots 5 and 6 in Finley Home add,
owned by you being subject to sunk
special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
Council. to be held on the 5th day of
August, A. D.. 1895. and show cause if
any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied.
8-1-5t. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
To mhos. Zeinn:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
repairing of sidewalk adopted on the 1st
day of July. A. D.. 1895. a special a.ssPss-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the City Council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot n 25 ft. lot 44 and s 15 ft 45 in
E. Langworthy's add, owned ')y you
being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the Council to be
held on the 5th day of August. A. D..
1895. and show cause if any you have.
why said assessment should not be lev-
S -1-5t. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
DUBUQUE, August 10th, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the committee on supplies at the city
recorder's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of
August 22, 1895, for all coal and coke
needed by the city of Dubuque up to
April 1st, 1896, said coal and coke to
be delivered in such quantities and at
such places as the city may need the
Bidders must state the price per ton
and kind of coal and coke they propose
to furnish.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. A. VOGLER,
Chairman of the Committee on Sup-
plies. 8-10-10t
The city council of the city of Du-
buque has levied the following special
assessments ataainst the property here-
inafter described. said assessments be-
come delinquent thirty days from date
of this notice. and will then bear inter-
est at the same rate as the delinquent
annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 19th day of
August, 1895. HENRY B. GNIFFKE.
Treasurer 'of City of Dubuque.
For sewer in West Third street from
Hill street to Alpine:
W C Beans. McCoy's sub. lot 2. $16.80.
A W Kemler est. McCoy's sub e 35ft.
lot 3 814.00.
I Cleminson. McCoy's sub. w 15ft, lot
. otit'eR.
4. $20.00.
I Cleminson. McCoy's sub, lot 5, $20.00.
I Cleminson. McCoy's sub, lot 6, $20.00.
E Langworthy est. Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub. bit 1. $48.00.
Rieder Langworthy Est, Pauline Lang
worthy's sub. s lot 2. $48.00.
E Langworthy Est. Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 3. 144.00.
E Langworthy Est, Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 4. $89.60.
Julia Langworthy, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add. lot 1. $60.00.
R. H. Collier. Mrs. L H Langworthy's
sub. lot 5. $64.00.
R H 'Cotler. Mrs L H Langworthy's
sub, lot 6. $65.20.
Bernice McFadden. Mrs L H Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 7. $65.20.
O S Langworthy. Mrs L H Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 8. $71.20.
For sewer in alley between Walnut
and Race street from end of sewer to
Rose street:
James Howie. Cummin's sub, lot 8,
Stephen Harriety. Cummin's sub, lot
9, 122.00.
L A Wood. Cummin's sub. n 36, lot 10,
Wm Wilkinson. Cummin's sub, s 19,
lot 10. $7.60.
Martin Kerwin. Cummin's sub, lot 15,
C Vath. Cummin's sub. s 2-3, lot 16,
I Cleminson. Cummin's sub, n 1-3, lot
16. $7.33.
I Cleminson. Cummin's sub, s 1-3 lot
17. $7.33.
Ira Hanson. Cummin's sub. n 2-3 lot 17,
Constructing sewer in alley east of
Grant avenue from Julien avenue to
West llth street:
Frank Duggan. Cain's sub, lot 2, $14.00.
G H Davis. Cain's sub. lot 3, 314.00.
Eliza Taylor. Cain's sub, lot 4, 314.00.
John Hier. Cain's sub. lot 5, 315.84.
A W Hosford. Cain's sub, lot 6, 315.84.
A W Hosford. Cain's sub, lot 7, $15.04.
Andrew Drees. sub of 738 city lot 1,
Kate E Sullivan. sub of 2 of 3 sub of
738 city lot 1. $45.60.
Jennie West. sub of 2 of 3 sub of 738
city lot 4. $5.00.
For a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on
both sides of Rush street between Ap-
ple and Quince streets:
Geo. Savory, Union add, lot 120, $8.40.
Geo Savory, Union add, lot 121, $9.87.
John McQuillen. Union add, lot 183,
John McQuillen. sub 184 Union add, lot
1. $7.91.
Julia Ahern. sub. 184. Union add, lot
2, $12.60.
For a 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north
side of West Eagle Point ave. between
Frances street and Valeria street:
Geo Salot. Tivoli add. lot 21, $19.13.
For a sewer from 17th street to San-
ford street between Washington and
Jackson streets.
John-Trexler. East Dubuque add, s
11.2 lot 36, $12.48.
Chas Luther. East Dubuque add, n 20,
lot 36. $8.00.
Chas Luther. East Dubuque add, s
lot 35, $10.24.
Geo Roepsch. East Dubuque add, n
lot 85, $10,24.
Anton Manahl. East Dubuque add, lot
34, $20.48.
C W Schreiber. East Dubuque add, s
%. lot 33. $10.24.
Pauline Stelber. East Dubuque add, n
1-2 lot 33. 110.24.
Anna Baynes. East Dubuque add, s 1-2
lot 32. 310.24.
Margt Lear• East Dubuque add, n 1-2
lot 32. $10.24.
Anna Siege, East Dubuque add, lot 87,
E Langworthy Est. East Dubuque
add. lot 88. $20.48.
Peter Oeth. East Dubuque add, lot 89,
German Bank, East Dubuque add, lot
90, 120.48.
German Bank. East Dubuque add, lot
91. 120.48.
Jno Wolff. East Dubuque add, lot 31,
Jno Wolff. East Dubuque add, lot 30,
Dora Siege. East Dubuque add, s 1-2
lot 29, $10.24.
Ida Siege, East Dubuque, n 1-2, lot
29, $10.24.
Jac Mathis. East Dubuque add; s 1-2,
lot 28. 310.24.
Rosana Lorenz. East Dubuque add, n
1-2 lot 28. $10.24.
Rosina Lorenz. East Dubuque add, lot
27, 120.48.
Henry Huber. East Dubuque add, lot
92. $20.48.
Geo Wiedner. East Dubuque add, s 1-2
lot 93. 110.24.
W J Pickley. East Dubuque add, n 1-2
lot 93. $20.48.
J M Werner. East Dubuque add, lot 94,
Fred Doerrer. East Dubuque add, lot
95, 120.48.
Fred Doerrer. East Dubuque add• lot
96. 120.48.
Frank Fosselman. min lot 100, East
Dubuque add. lot 4. 320.60.
Joseph Fritsche. min lot 100, s 1-2, lot
3, 310.00.
Wm. Duernser. min lot 100, n 1-2 lot 3,
310.30 p
Peter Meyer. sub 2. min lot 100, lot 2,
Mary Schaffner. sub 2. min lot 100, lot
1, $8.00.
Mary Schaffner. sub 2. min lot 100, lot
1.120.60. Andrew Bauer. min lot 100, lot 6, 310.28.
Mrs Joseph Leute. min lot 100, lot 5,
Mrs A L Trilk. min lot 100, s 25 ft, lot
7. $10.00.
Elizaibeth Bauer. min lot 100, n 75 ft,
lot 7. $30.00.
Elizabeth Bauer. min lot 100, s 1 ft, lot'
8, $0.40.
P J Ruegamer. et al. min lot 100, n 49
ft, lot 8. 319.60.
Herman Mauer. Sr.. Steiner's add, lot
18. $20.00.
F H Finkc. Steiner's add, lot 17, 320.00.
John Wiegand, Steiner's sub, lot 16,
Mike WilkY. Steiner's sub, lot 15, 320.00.
Peter Schiltz. Steiner's sub, lot 19,
Peter Schiltz. Steiner's sub, lot 20,
Martin Wagner. Steiner's sub, lot 21,
Mathias Nesler. Est, Steiner's sub, lot
22, $20.00.
ficial Not keg.
F P Kutsch. L H Langworthy's add,
s 1-2, lot 45. *12.80.
Mathias Imhoff. L H Langworthy's
add, n 1-2 lot 45. *12.80.
Mathias Imhoff. L H Langworthy's
sub. s 17 ft lot 46. $6.80.
Nicholas Heinz. L H Langworthy's
add, n 60 ft lot 46. $24.00.
Mrs Lizzie Tuegel, .L H Langworthy's
add, s 42 ft lot 47. *16.80.
Joseph Kutsch, L H Langworthy's
add, s 50 ft Ito 94. 320.00.
Geo Wiedemaier. L H Langworthy's
add, n 12 1-2 ft lot 94. $5.00.
Geo Wiedemaeir, L H Langworthy's
add, s 8 1-2 ft. lot 93. $3.40.
John Westercamp, L H Langworthy's
add. n 79 ft lot 93. $31.60.
L Meyer. L H Langworthy's add,
s 42 ft lot 92. $16.80.
Jacob Roesner. Jr.. L H Langworthy's
add, n 46 ft lot 48. $18.40.
Mathias Groff. Est, L H Langworthy's
add, lot 49. $25.60.
Jos Geisler. L H Langworthy's add,
s 32 ft lot 50. $12.80.
Joe Roesner. Sr. L H Langworthy's
add, n 32 ft lot 50. $1.2.80.
Joe Roesner, Sr. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 51. $25.60.
Peter Oeth, L H Langworthy's add,
s 40 ft lot 52. 316.00.
Geo Wiedner. L H Langworthy's add,
n 24 ft lot 52. $9.60.
Geo Wiedner. L H Langworthy's add,
s 1-2 lot 53. $12.80.
Peter Oeth. L H Langworthy's add, n
1-2 lot 53. $12.80.
Peter Oeth. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 54. $25.60.
Peter Lies. L H Langworthy's add, n
46 ft lot 91. $18.40.
John Fix. .L H Langworthy's add, s 1-2
lot 90, $12.80.
Nicholas Kutsch. L H Langworthy's
add, n 1-2 lot 90. $12.80.
Jacob Roesner. L H Langworthy's add
lot 89, $25.60.
Elizabeth Jungblut, sub of 87 and 88,
L H Langworthy's add, s 1-2 lot 5, $10.24.
Emma Kleas, sub of 87 and 88, L H
Langworthy's add. n 1-2 lot 5, $10.24.
Emma Kleas. sub of 87 and 88, L H •
Langworthy's add, lot 4, $10.00.
Margarat Groff, Est, sub of 87 and 88,
L H Langworthy's add, lot 3, $10.48.
D Sauer. sub of 87 and 88, L H Lang -
worthy's add, lot 2. $9.24.
D Sauer. sub of 87 and 88, L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 1. $1.00.
D Sauer, sub 86. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 2, $19.48.
Sarah E Deggendorf, sub 86, L H Lang
worthy's add, lot 1. $6.12.
Sarah E Deggendorf, L H Lang -
worthy's add, s 9.8 ft lot 85, 33.92.
T E Frith. L H Langworthy's add, n
54.2 ft lot 85. $21.68.
John Fosselmann. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 55, $25.60.
John Fosselmann, L H Langworthy's
add, s 36 ft lot 56, $14.40.
Michael Adam, L H Langworthy's
add, n 28 ft lot 56. $11.20.
Michael Adam. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 57, *25.60.
Eliza Vogel. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 58, $25.60.
Mrs Jno Kries, L H Langworthy's add,
s 34 ft lot 59. 313.60.
Andrew Streinz, L H Langworthy's
Andrew Streinz. L H Langworthy's
add, s 28 ft lot 60. $11.20.
n 36 ft lot 60. $14.40.
Jno Stuber. L H Langworthy's add,
lotAn6n1na $25.60.
Keinicner. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 62. $25.60.
J Pals, L H Langworthy's add, lot 63,
PHE Sommerfleld, L H Langworthy's
add, s 1-2 lot 64. $12.80. •
Henry Muller, L H Langworthy's add,
n 1-2 lot 64. $12.80.
Chas Fosselmann. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 65. $25.60.
Emil Koch. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 66. $25.60.
Fred Hnllnagel, L H Langworthy's
add. lot 67. $25.60.
Fred Hnllnagel, L H Langworthy's
lot 68. *25.60.
Anna Wieh e. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 69. $25.60.
Henry J Osar, L H Langworthy's add,
lot 84, $25.60.
Fred Rieger. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 83. $25.60.
Fred Rieger. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 82. $25.60.
Gerhard. Wolldorf. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 81, $25.60.
Fred Mertz. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 80. $25.60.
Fred Burdt. Jr.. L H Langworthy's
add. lot 79. $25.60.
F Kadow Est. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 78, $25.60.
John Theis. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 77. $25.60.
W Graff. L H Langworthy's add, s
1-2 lot 76. $12.80.
Henry Fischer. L H Langworthy's add
n 1-2 lot 76. $12.80.
John Brachenbock. L H Langworthy's
adcl, s 48 ft lot 75. *19.20.
Adam Wlehe. L H Langworthy's add,
n 16 ft lot 75. $6.40.
Adam Wiehe. L H Langworthy's add,
s 48 ft lot 74. $19.20.
John Jehring. L H Langworthy's add,
n 16 ft lot 74. $6.40.
John Jehring, L H Langworthy's add,
lot 73, $25.60.
Arnold Kemps. L H Langworthy's
add. lot 72. 325.60.
Arnold Kemps, L H Langworthy's
a 'd, lot 71. $25.60.
John Bohn. L H Langworthy's add,
lot 70, $25.60.
For a sewer in alley from 23rd street
to 27th street between Couler avenue
and Jackson street:
Peter Wanderscheid, Jr., Davis Farm
add, lot 267. $24.00.
A Lang. Davis Farm add, lot 268, $24.00
Jacob Albresch.Davis Farm add, s 1-2
lot 269, $12.00.
Christena Feller, Davis Farm add, n
1-2 lot 269. $12.00.
A F Jaeger. Davis Farm add, lot 270,
A F Jaeger. Davis Farm add, lot 271,
A F Jaeger. Davis Farm add, lot 272,
John Rath. Davis Farm add, lot 273,
Fred Lensing Est. Davis Farm add, s
1-2 lot 274. $12.00.
Kate Vogel. Davis Farm add, e 1-2 n
1-2, lot 274, $10.80.
Herman Kuehuel, Davis Farm add,
lot 275, $24.00.
Jacob Haudenschield. Davis Farm add
Of%G(ial Noe.ee,4.
Fred Holtman, L H Langworthy's add
lot 276. 824.00.
Chas Krentz. Davis Farm add, lot 367,
Mrs Fred Heuntngs, Davis Farm add,
lot 368. $24.00.
Kate Vogel. Davis Farm add, lot 369,
Clifford Ham, Davis Farm add, lot 370,
Paul Traut, Davis Farm add, lot 371,
M .M Hoffmann. Davis Farm add, lot
372. $24.00.
Eliza Bisanz. Davis Farm add, n 24 ft
lot 373. $9.60.
p W Lenz. Davis Farm add, s 36 ft
lot 373. $14.40..
B Utzig, Davis Farm add, s 36 ft, lot
374. $9.60.
.1 R Flick. Davis Farm add, s 36 ft
lot 374. $14.40.
A Glab Est. Davis Farm add, lot 375,
Adam Stoltz. Davis Farm add, w 80 ft
lot 376. *19.20.
Jac Marshall. Davis Farm add. lot 277,
Fred Leight, Davis Farm add, lot 278,
Wm Tuegel, Davis Farm add, lot 279,
Louis Doerfler. Davis Farm add, lot
280. 824.00.
Jacob Nabel. Davis Farm add. s 1-2
lot 281. 812.00.
John Deville. Davis Farm add. n 1-2
lot 281. 812.00.
Henrietta Tenhoff. sub 282, Davis
Farm add. lot 1. $18.00.
Gerhard Tenhoff. sub 282, Davis Farm
add. lot 2. $6.00.
Gerhard Tenhoff, Davis Farm add. s
1-2 lot 283. 812.00.
Louis Bennescker. Davis Farm add. n
1-2 lot 283. 812.00.
Peter Mihm. Davis Farm add, lot 284.
Gottfried Ganahl. Davis Farm add. lot
285. 824.00.
Herman Ellwanger. Davis Farm add,
lot 286. *24.00.
Gerhard Tenhoff. Davis Farm add, lot
357. $24.00.
Gerhard Tenhoff. Davis Farm add, lot
358. 824.00.
Gerhard Tenhoff. Davis Farm add, lot
359. *24.00.
Louis Doerfler. Davis Farm add, lot
360. 824.00.
Jno Neubauer. Davis Farm add, lot
361. 824.00.
C Fischer. Davis Farm add, lot 362,
C Fischer. Davis Farm add. lot 363,
C E Haudenscheild. Davis Farm add,
lot 364. 824.00.
Leo Treutlein. Davis Farm add, lot
365, $24.00.
Leo Treutlein. Davis Farm add, lot
366, $24.00.
Mich Schunk Est. Davis Farm add, lot
287. $24.00.
Wm J Long. Davis Farm add, lot 288,
Anna Galle. Davis Farm add, lot 289,
Augusta Janggen. Davis Farm add,
lot 290, $24.00.
Rudolph Blrner, Davis Farm add, lot
291. 824.00.
Wm Rieman, Davis Farm add, lot
292, 824.00.
Geo G Perry. Davis Farm add, lot 293,
Jacob Berg, Davis Farm add, lot 294.
Simon Meyer. Davis Farm add, lot
295. $24.00.
Jacob Kessler. Davis Farm add, lot
296, 824.00.
Nic and Frank Glab. Davis Farm add,
lot 347. $24.00.
Nic and Frank Glab. Davis Farm add,
lot 348, $24.00.
Nic and Frank Glab. Davis Farm add,
lot 340. $24.00.
Cath Reuter, Davis Farm add, lot 351
A Loetscher. Davis Farm add, lot 352,
Jno Bell, Davis Farm add, lot 353,
Cath Peed. Davis Farm add, lot 354,
Jno Pilmaier. Paul Traut's sub, lot 4,
Mich Apple, Paul Traut's sub, lot 5,
Jno J Schuler. Davis Farm add, n 1-2
lot 350, 812.00.
Nicholas Schuler. Davis Farm add, s
1-2 lot 350. 812.00.
Nic Jochum Est. Davis Farm add, lot
297. $24.00.
Geo Kura. Davis Farm add, lot 298,
Jno Noel. Davis Farm add, lot 299,
Jno Vyverberg Est. Davis Farm add,
lot 300, $24.00.
Jno Vyverberg Est, Davis Farm add,
lot 301. *24.00.
Fred Ludwig, Davis Farm add, s 1-2
lot 302. *12.00.
Dorthea Kantz. Davis Farm add, n 1-2
302. 812.00.
Anton Imhoff Est. Davis Farm add.
lot 303. $24.00.
Jno Kaep, Davis Farm add, lot 304,
C A Walter. Davis Farm add, lot 305,
C A Walter. Davis Farm add, lot 306,
N W Kimball. Davis Farm add, lot 337
Mich Graff. Davis Farm add, lot 338,
Jno Zeigler, Davis Farm add, n 1-2
lot 339. $12,00.
Paulina Jecklin. Davis Farm add, s 1-2
lot 339. $12.00.
Agnes Pitsehner. Davis Farm add, lot
340. $24.00.
Agnes Pitsehner. Davis Farm add, lot
341. $24.00.
M Maierus, Davis Farm add, lot 342,
M :Maierus. Davis Farm add, lot 343,
Jas O'Farrell. Davis Farm add, lot 344,
Nic Mueller Est. Davis Farm add, lot
345. $24.00.
Nic Mueller Est, Davis Farm add, lot
346, $24.00.
For sewer in White street from San-
ford street to 23rd street:
Jno Knoerhschild. J H Langworthy's
add, lot 170. $24.00.
Jno Knoernschild. sub 171, J H Lang -
worthy's add, lot 1, $13.20.
Herman Fischer. sub 171, J H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 2. $20.00.
Official Notice*.
Dubuque Street Railway Co., J. H
Langworthy's add. lot 172, $24.00.
Chas Fosselmann. J H Langworthy's
add, and 1-2 of lot 187. 812.00.
Frank Fosselmann. J H Langworthy's
add. and 1-2 of lot 187. 812.00.
Frank Fosselmann. J H Langworthy's
add. and 1-2 of lot 186. $19.00.
Chas Fosselmann. J H Langworthy's
add. and 1-2 of lot 186. 819.00.
Louis Reinecke. J H Langworthy's
add. SV 95 ft lot 185. $20.40.
Louis Reinecke. J H Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 184. 820.40.
Louis Reinecke. J H Langworthy's
add, n 30 ft lot 59, 812.00.
Louis Reinecke. J H Langworthy's
add, w 95 ft lot 183. $220.40.
J H Rhomberg. J H Langworthy's add
lot 181, 824.00.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub. lot 14. 821.20.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub. lot 13. 816.80.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub. lot 12. 816.80.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub. lot 11. $16.80.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub. lot 10. $8.72.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
mann's sub, lot 9. 89.00.
Frank Fosselmann. Frank Fossel-
rnann's sub, lot 8. 89.00.
Jos Marra. Olinger's sub, lot 5, $13.60.
F Hinze, Olinger's sub. lot 4, $15.60.
Chas Lutz. Davis Farm add, lot 226,
Dietrich Mauer Est. Davis Farm add,
lot 227. 824.00.
Dietrich Mauer Est. Davis Farm add,
lot 228. $24.00.
Jno Buelow. Jr. Davis Farm add, lot
229. $24.00.
Got Baumgartner. Davis Farm add,
lot 230. $24.00.
Wm Springborn. Davis Farm add, lot
231. $24.00.
Wm Springborn. Davis Farm add, lot
232. $34.80.
Ind. School Dist of Dub., Davis Farm
add, lot 233. $24.00.
Ind. School Dist of Dub., Davis Farm
add, lot 234. $24.00.
Ind. School Dist of Dub., Davis Farm
add, lot 235. $24.00.
Benedict Nickles Est. Davis Farm add,
s 1-2 lot 236. $12.00.
Wm Ohnesorge. Davis Farm add, n 1-2
lot 236. 812.00.
James Levi. Davis Farm add, lot 237,
James Levi. Davis Farm add, lot 238,
H W Butler. Davis Farm add, lot 213,
Mary E Haggerty, Davis Farm add,
lot 214. $24.00.
Mary E Haggerty, Davis Farm add,
n 20 ft lot 215. 88.00.
E E Frith. Davis Farm add, s 40 ft
lot 215. $16.00.
E E Frith. Davis Farm add, n 40 ft
lot 216. $16.00.
F J Cosley. Davis Farm add, s 20 ft
lot 216. 88.00.
F J Coslev. Davis Farm add, n 20 ft
lot 217. 88.00.
A F Jaeger, Davis Farm add, s 20 ft
lot 217. 816.00.
A H Price, sub 218 and 219, Davis Farm
add, lot 4. $16.80.
Andrew McDonnell. sub 218 and 219,
Davis Farm add. lot 3. $16.80.
Andrew McDonnell, sub 218 and 219,
Davis Farm add. lot 2. 816.80.
Andrew McDonnell. sub 218 and 219,
Davis Farm add. lot 1. 816.80.
Adolph Dapfonten. Davis Farm add,
lot 220, $24.00.
J H Rhomberg, Davis Farm add, lot
221. $24.00.
Louis Manahl. Davis Farm add, n 1-2
lot 222. 812.00.
Mary Osterberger, Davis Farm add,
s 1-2 lot 222. 812.00.
Herman Knoernschlld, Davis Farm.
add, lot 223, $24.00.
Herman Knoernsehild. Davis Farm
add. lot 224. $24.00.
J. H. Rhomberg and Joseph Meuser,
Davis Farm add. lot 225. $24.00.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of Rhomberg avenue between
Couler avenue and Middle avenue where
not already laid at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of Lincoln avenue between
Jackson street and Reed avenue, where
not already laid at the expense of the
abutting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
east side of Jackson street, between
22nd street and 24 th street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. he. within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con
formlty with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of Eagle Point avenue be-
tween Jackson street and.Kniest street
where not already laid at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, Jn the
both sides of Washington street, be-
tween Rhomberg avenue and Eagle
Point avenue where not already laid at
the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 10
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be, within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con
fortuity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
abutting lot 2 of Min. lot 113 a, where
not already laid at the expense of abut-
ll cial V atices,
ting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con
fGrmity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
west side of Broadway street. be-
tween Blocklinger Lane and Diagonal
street where not already laid at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewa4k 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks. on the
north side of Sa.eford street, be-
tween Jackson street and Washington
street where not already laid at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide of brick. atone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of 15th street. between lowa
street and Clay street where not already
laid at the expense of abutting prop-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. witnin 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of 14th street. between Jack-
son street and Elm street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide. of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con
Permits with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks. on the
west side of Washington street. abut-
ting lot 64. East Dubuque add where not
already laid at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con
formity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of Locust street, between 1st
street and .Tones street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of abutting
Adopted August 5th. 1895.
Attest: T. J. COONEY♦
8-16-10t. City Recorder.
To Geo. Martin:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
corncil of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street. from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve -
meat, lot s 22 ft 242 in City owned by
you being subiect to such special as-
sessment. And YOU are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 2nd day of September, A.
D., 1895, and show cause if any you have
why said assessment should not be lee -
To Mary Retchie:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the•
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-,
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot and 1-3. 252. 252a & 253 in city
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 2nd day of.,
September. A. D.. 1895. and show cause
if any you have, whysaid assessment.
should not be levied.
To Jas. Reilly Est:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay. street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D., 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of.
the city council, upon all lots and par
cels of rand abutting on said improve-
ment. lot 294 in City. owned byyou.
being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear.
at said meeting of the council, to be,
held on the 2nd day of September, A.,
D., 1895. and show cause if any you have
why said assessment should not be ley -
To A. Cain:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city.
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to lath street. adopted on the 5th
day of august. A. D., 1895, a special as-
sesement will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment. lot 292 in City. owned by you be-
ing subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council. to be held on the
2nd day of September. A. D., 1895, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
To Josephine Boyne:
You are herebv notified that In 'ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of Augu:rt. A. D.. 1895, a
sessment will be levied for thespecial expenseas-
thereof at the next regular meeting of
cels the col land abuttingupon onall saidlots improve-
ment, lot and 2-3 252. 252a and 253 in
City ownyu inubject to
such specialed assessmeonbet. And
you are
notitied to appearby at saidg meeting of
the council. b2nd
September. A. D.e. 1895held, on andthe show day causeof
have. why said assessment
shouldifany not
you be levied.
To Mary Lararce:
Oficial Notice8.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, unon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment. lot e 53 ft 244. In City owned by
you being subiect to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the council, to be held
on the 2nd day of September, A. D.. 1895,
and show cause if any you have. why
said assessment should not be levied.
To Wm. Griffin:
You ars hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will he levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment. lot n 23 ft. 263 in City, owned by
you being subiect to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 2nd day of September. A.
D., 1845. and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
To Barbara Meyer Est:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August, A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said Improve-
ment, lot 248 in City owned by you be-
ing sublect to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council. to be held on
the 2nd day of September, A. D., 1895,
and show cause if any you have. why
said assessment should not be levied.
To Schmidt and Kuehule:
You are hereby notlfled that in ac-
cordar.ce with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
in provemerr of Clav street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next Leguiar meeting of
the city council. u;,on all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot n =iz, 293 in City owned by you
being subject to such special assessment
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council. to be held on the
2nd day of September. A. D., 1895, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not he levied.
To John Lyons:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 3rd
street to 13th street. adopted on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot n 40 1-2 ft. 258 in City owned by
you being subiect to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the council to be held
on the 2nd day of September, A. D..
1895. and show cause 1f any you have
why said assessment should not be lev-
ied. T. J. COONEY.
8-22-10t. City Recorder.
To Eliza Meyers Est:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the Ci
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street. from 3d
street to 13th street, adopted on the•
5th day of August A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular mee'
ing of the City Council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on sai
Improvement. lot s 28 2 feet. 271 in city.
owned by you subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council.
to he held on the 2d day of September
A. D.. 1895, and show cause. if any you
have. why said assessent should not be
levied. T. J. COONEY.
8-22-10t CIty Recorder.
To John Koch:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
Improvement of Clay street, from 3d
street to 13th street, adopted on the
5th day of August A. D., 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
penses thereof at he next regular meet-
ing of the City Council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement. lot n 41 4 feet 268 in city
owned by you being subject to such
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council.
to be held on the 2d day of September
A. D. 1895, and show cause, if any you
be levied.
why said assessment should not
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the county auditor's office. Dubuque.
Iowa. up to 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday.
August 31st. 1895. for furnishing all ma-
terial and labor and construction of
pier, wingwalls and filling at Dyersville
mill pond bridge. Dyersville, Iowa, ac-
cording to plans and specifications on
file In said office.
Bidders to furnish bond of $100.00 with
each bid that contract will be entered
into if awarded.
Ujicial Notices.
The county reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. THOS. DUNN,
Chairman of Committee. on RoBt.
ad band
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock
p. m. Saturday, August 31st, 1895, for
constructing storm water pipe sewers
as follows:
In Fifth street from Main street to
the angle west of Bluff street.
Also, in Seventh street from Jackson
street to Washington street.
Work to be done in accordance with
plans and specifications on file in this
Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with
each bid that contract will be entered
Into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
8-20-10t. City Engineer.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office. city of Du-
buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Sat-
urday, August 31, 1895, for furnishing
all material and constructing pipe sew-
ers as follows. according to plans and
specifications on file in said office:
An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley easy
of Center Place from West llth to Rose
street, in Rose street from said alley
on "0. C." line and in alley on "0. C."
line from Rose street to West 11t1'
Estimated length. 800 lineal feet. 3
Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with
bid that contract will he entered int('
1f awarded.
Tne city reserves the rieht to reject
any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON.
8-19-5t City Engineer.
To the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting
Clay street from 3d street to 13th
street 1n the city of Dubuque. Iowa:
and of any railway companies oc-
cupying with its tracks a portion of
said streets, and to any persons or
company having any interest in said
real estate or said railways:
You are hereby notified that there is
on file in the office of the city recorder
of Dubuque a plat of said above named
streets in said city. showing the several
lots or parcels of ground, abutting on
said street, and the tracks of said rail-
ways laid thereon subject to special
assessment for paving and curbing of
said streets and the names as far as
practicable of the owners of said abut-
ting real estate and of said railways,
and the amount assessed against each
lot, or parcel of ground, and against
said railways, for the inspection of any
person, firm or company interested in
and kind in said real estate, or to said
railways, and that such firm or com-
pany having objections to the special
tax proposed to be assessed as shown
by said plat. may file with the city
recorder his or their objection in writ-
ing at or before the next meeting of
the city council of the city of Du-
buque, which will meet on the 2d day
of September, 1895.
Aug. 19. 1895. City Engineer.
City 'Engineer's Office, Dubuque, Aug.
20th. 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office un to 4 o'clock p. m. of Satur-
day, August 31st. 1895. for improving
the following streets and alleys accord-
ing to plans and specifications, now on
file in my office.
Rebecca street from Thomas street to
south enil of street:
Curbing. 600 lineal feet.
Guttering. 250 square yards.
Mf a.c:i iia m. 500 square yards.
Grading. cut. 850 cubic yards.
Said work to be completed on or be-
fore October 15th. -1895.
Alley from Merz street to Ries street
between Windsor avenue and Stafford
Macadam. 1.000 square yards.
Grading. fill. 120 cubic yards: cut. 9(
cubic yards.
Said work to be completed on o: before
October. 15th. 1895.
Bidders must state the price per
square yard for macadamizing and gut-
tering. the price per lineal foot for curb-
ing. grading on street to be bid in total
and on alley by the cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a good and suf-
ficient bond of 8200. with each proposal
that contract will be entered into. if
Proposals will be acted on at a meet-
ing of the council to be held September
2nd. 1895.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished
by the city recorder.
The city reserves the
right to reject
all bids. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, city of Du-
buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m.
Saturday, August 31st, 1895, for con-
structing sidewalks of brick, stone or
cement where not already laid, as fol-
lows, viz:
A 12 foot wide sidewalk on the south
Also for the construction of 2 inch
plank sidewalks, as follows, where not
already laid. viz:
A 4 foot wide sidewalk on
thetwee the west
side of Broadway
A 6 ft wide sidewalk on both sides gonal eof
Oficial Notices.
Washington street between Rhomberg
avenue and Eagle Point avenue.
A 6 ft. wide sidewalk on the west side
of Washington street abutting lot 64
East Dubuque add.
A 6 ft. wide sidewalk on north side
of Sanford street between Jackson and
Washington streets.
A 6 ft. wide sidewalk on both sides of
of Lincoln avenue between Jackson
street and Reed avenue.
A 6 ft. wide sidewalk on both sides of
of Rhomberg avenue between Couler
avenue and Middle avenue.
An 8 ft. wide sidewalk on both sides
of Eagle Poine avenue between Jack-
son and Kniest streets.
An 8 ft. wide sidewalk on the east
side of Jackson street between 22d and
24th streets.
A 10 ft. wide sidewalk abutting lot 2
of min. lot 113 a.
A 12 ft. wide sidewalk on both sides
of 14th street between Jackson and Eim
A 12 ft. wide sidewalk on both sides
of Locust street between 1st street and
Jones street.
All in accordance with specifications
in file in said office..
A bond of $100 will be required with
each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
8-19-10t. City Engineer.
To Mary A. Hodel:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
repairing of sidewalk adopted on the 1st
day of July. A. D.. 1895. a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the City Council. upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment. lot 15 and n IA 14 in Bissell' Du-
buque. owned by you being subject to
such special assewenent. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of t'he
Council. to be held on the 5th day of
August. A. D.. 1895. and show cause if
any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied.
8-1-5t. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
To the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting:
White street from 23rd to 24th streets,
Fremont avenue from Grand View av-
enue to Cascade Road
And to any person or company hav-
ing any interest in said real estate:
You are hereby notified that there
is on file in the office of the city re-
corder of Dubuque a plat of said above
named streets and alleys in said city,
showing the several lots or parcels of
ground abutting on said streets and
alleys, subject to a special assessment
for paving, guttering and macadamiz-
ing of said streets and alleys, and the
names as far as practicable of the
owners of said abutting real estate,
and the amount assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, and for the in-
spection of any person, firm or company
interested in any manner in said real
estate, and that such person, firm or
company having objection to the spec-
ial tax proposed to be assessed as shown
by said plat, may file with the city re-
corder his or their objection in writing
at or before the next meeting of the
city council of the city of Dubuque,
which will meet on the 5th day of
August, 1895.
7-22-10' City Engineer.
To 11. W. Butler:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
repairing of sidewalk adapted on the
ist day of July. A. D., 1895, a special
• assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the City Council. upon all rots
and parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement. Int 213 Davis Farm add, own
ed by you being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to,
appear at said meeting of the Council
to be held on the 5th day of August, A.
D.. 1895. and show cause if any you
have. why said assessment should not
be levied.
7- 23- 10t. T. J. COONEY.
City Recorder.
To Dennis Carney:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
improvement of Fremont avenue from
Grandview avenue to Cascade road.
adapted on the 1st day of July. A. D..
1895, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next reg-
ular meeting of the City Council. upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement. lot 4 of min lot 144.
owned by you being subject to such sone
Jai assessment. And you are noticed
to appear at sari meeting of the Coun
cll, to be held 7n the 5th day of Angus'
A. D.. 1895. and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied. T. J. COONEY,
7-26-10t. City Recorder.
To Eliza Williams:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
laying of sewer in West 5th street and
Winona avenue. adopted on the 1st day
of July A. D.. 1895. a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the City
Council. upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement, lot
16 in Demming and Horr's add, owned
by you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to al) -
pear at said meeting of the Council, to
be held on the 5th day of August, A. D..
1895, and show if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
7- 23- 10t. T. J. COONEY.
City Recorder.
iiiif';ai Notices.
To M. Fenton:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
laying of a sidewalk on Southern avenue
adopted on the 1st day of July, A. D.,
1895, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next reg-
ular meeting of the City Council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement. lot 9 and n 15 of 10 in
Levi's add. owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the Council. to be held on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895. and show
cause if any you have. why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
7-23-10t. T. J. COONEY.
City Recorder.
To Ellen Gleason:
You are herepy notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
laying of a s'.dewaik on Southern avenue
adopted on the 1st day of July. A. D..
1895, a special assessment will he levied
for the expense thereof at the next reg-
ular meeting of the City Council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement. lot 2 of 229 in
Union add. owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the Council, to be held on the 5th
day of August. A. D.. 1895, and show
cause if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
7-23-10t. T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, city of Du-
buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Sat-
urday, August 3d, 1895, for furnishing
all material and labor and constructing
pipe sewers as follows, according to
plans and specifications on file in said
An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Grove
Terrace South, from West llth street
to Wilbur Avenue.
Estimated length, 550 feet; 3 man-
Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with
each bid that contract will be entered
into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
7-23-10t. City Engineer.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1895.
Council met at 9 o'clock a. m.
Adjourne 5ept. 3d, at o'clock
a. m.
Attest: %% T ,J COONEY,
ity Recorder.
SEPTEMBER 3, 1895.
Council met at 9 o'clock a. m.
Ad journee o Sept. 4,
1895 a
ity Recorder.
1• -•;
SEPT. 4, 1895.
Council met at 9:25 o'clock a. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cul-
len, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the min-
utes of the August meetings be approv-
ed as printed.
The following bills were ordered
Name. What purpose Amt.
Frank Burns, cleaning vault on
Campbell est. $ 36 24
Headford Bros. & Hitchens, iron
chairs 123 84
Ed. Daily, removing records and
safes 5 00
Geo. G. Seward & Co., Morning
Star 3 00
The Telegraph, printing 40 25
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware,
Fred Schloz, repairs
W. W. Wormood, caring for city
clock 72 00
G. B. Grosvenor, stationery 39 15
Robert McGivern, sanitary ser-
John Hayes, removing g'irbage
Harger & Blish, stationery
Union Printing Co., deeds for
Western Electric Supply Co,
Palmer, Winall & Co., postal
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary
Adam Jaeger. labor
Fraatz & Clark, supplies for the
Chas. Burchard, assisting park
custodian .
3 20
1 00
50 00
21 50
15 23
7 00
1 08
5 75
10 95
6 75
1 70
40 30
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for parks
E. E. Frith, hauling garbage, etc 240 30
Geo. Wunderlich, bottles for Dr
Trenk Wire Works, railing for
Baumgartner & Kleih, hooks,
etc, for treasurer
Mullen Bros., plumbing
Chas. Atkinson, painting at city
Peter Hanson, feed patrol house 31 40
A. Felter, whitewashing patrol
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
Baumgartner & Kleih, screen
wire, patrol house
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for marshal
Collins & Wilkinson, horseshoe-
P. A. Rose, catching dogs 43 00
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for market 6 30
P. Klauer, supplies and labor,
city hall 15 25
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
for sewers 7 75
Augustus Brown, supplies for
sewers 1 50
Hardie & Scharle, bonds and
printing same 6150
Albert Gasser, brick for sewers 3 25
Fred Schloz, labor for sewers2 35
Mullen Erns., repairing fount-
ain 2 65
Duggan & Kane, lamp wick 25
Dubuque Water Co., water pipe
and labor 25 20
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum-
ber 21 58
Dubuque Water Co., material and
labor removing hydrants 47 15
M. Brown & Sons, hay 7 30
Mrs. Kiene, cleaning city hall15 00
John Essman, material and labor 1 25
Dubuque Water Co., hydrants for
1308 33
Merkes & Hasler, bran 2 55
30 00
1 50
4 00
10 00
83 20
10 25
6 50
14 60
N. M. O'Neill, hay
der Bros., soda
Fraatz & Clark, supplies
fire dept
Mullen Brs.,
supplies for
Key City Gas
24 40
1 60
Co., coke for fire
29 79
Farley, Loetscher & Co., ladder
for fire dept
Geo. W. Wunderlich, horse shoe-
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing20 75
Tom Connolly, repairing hook
and ladder truck
Diamond Jo Line Steamers, can-
Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
E. C. Porter, supplies for fire
Dubuque Oil Line Tank Co., oil
fire dept
3 85
4 10
60 00
2 00
10 00
5 70
16 90
154 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1895.
P. Hansen, supplies for fire dept 13 55
Svendson & Ott, lumber for fire
Jos. Palen, supplies for fire dept 14 00
Chas. E. Berry, hames for fire
Jos. A. Palen, oil street dept1 50
J. P. Schroeder, cement street
McCarten Bros., pails street
Duggan & Kane, supplies street
dept .
B. D. Lenehan, repairs street
Dubuque Wagon Co., repairs st.
Fred Schloz, repairs street dept 18 05
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies
street dept 7 50
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., sup-
plies street dept 27 06
M. J. G. LaNlcca, oil street dept 1 00
Svendsen & Ott, lumber street
dept 37 99
L. Lindenberg, mils street dept 8 50
Fred Schloz, repairs at city hall 5 25
E. F. Spregelmeyer, spittoons,
etc., city hall 9 50
McCarten Bros., supplies for city
hall 7 25
H. Geiger, carpenter work city
hall 11 70
Collins & Wilkinson, shoeing
horse 5 00
Mrs. Koenig, janitor services35 05
C. N. Dohs, copying transcript. 45 00
Hardie & Scharle, printing ab-
stract for city attorney 145 40
N. H. Schilling, labor on vaults. 10 00
Jordan & Jordan, labor and ma-
terial for engineer 2 75
B. E. Lenehan, cement 95
Reinfried & Jaeger, brads 15
Geo. B. Clark, mouniding, etc9 77
Farley & Loetscher, moulding
for vaults 9 05
J. P. Schroeder, pipe 20 25
Geo. W. Farley, fl1ll.pg on 4th
street 7 56
Dell Gagne & Son, macadam39 30
P. Quinn, macadam 26 30
Wm. Scharf, macadam 26 60
John Tibey, stone for crossings. 36 30
J. J. Collins, filling to Fourth
street 10 20
N. H. Schilling, repairing side-
John Tibey, grading 9 00
Dubuque Construction Co., con-
structing in Hill street 144 00
Dubuque Construction Co., im-
provement of Clay street, 18th
and Couler ave 1900 00
Kenety & McCann, improvement
of Clay from 3d to 13th 1763 69
O. G. Kringle, constructing sewer
in Seminary street 176 30
John McCoy, laying sidewalk on
west side of Bluff 21 12
Jas. Morgan, inspecting brick50 00
John Brady, inspecting brick37 50
J. C. Dwive, rodman 45 00
W. C. Knowlton, axeman and
6 22
36 00
2 15
1 20
3 20
4 00
2 90
8 25
lapeman 15 00
A. Boyer, axeman and tapeman 15 00
W. Geisecker, levelman 55 00
John Farley, axeman 37 50
The following bills were allowed and
warrants to be issued when the money
for said work was on hand in the treas-
Steuck & O'Farrell, improve-
ment of West Eagle Point ave.$4380 00
John Tibey, improvement of Cur-
tis street 634 00
Phil. Doerr, improvement of al-
ley from Johnson to Humboldt 465 00
Geo. W. Farley, improvement
of the alley north of West 3d
street 400 00
Altman & Tayior, improvement
of Grandview ave 2130 00
Peter Horsch, improvement of
5th ave 1190 00
Steuck, O'Farrell & Lenehan, im
provement of 4th street 2955 00
The following bills were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Globe Light and Heat Co $ 170 00
Central Union Telephone Co.45 50
Key City Gas Co 46 65
Star Electric Co 1625 40
Key City Gas Co 3 50
The following bills were referred to
the printing committee:
The Globe $ 58 30
The Times 58 30
The Telegraph 75 00
The Herald 75 00
The bill of Duggan & Sullivan of $3.40
was referred to .the sewer and street
The fallowing petitions were referred
to the delinquent talc committee:
Mrs. E. Walsh.'+Cath. Walsh,"Harry
Chalders.vSophia Dempsey,V Mary J.
Luke. Mrs. M. M. Noonan /H. G. Knapp.
Johanna Hinz. Mrs. John Ahearn,'/Hen-
rietta Kitzmann.VCharlotte Bengeman,r
G. B. Rand.✓Alex. and Chas. Simplot,
Belle Rawlings and Henrietta Herzog..
The following tax petitions were re-
ferred to delinquent tax committee with
attorney and assessor:
Rev. Father Fogerty, St. Joseph
Mercy Hospital and Louis Coniglskey.
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of Con Rvan in relation to the
change of grading on Southern avenue.
Petition of Hubert O'Donnell in regard
to the assessment for the repair of side-
walk abutting lot 68. East Dubuque.
Petition of Peter Stouhler & Son ask-
ing for grade stakes on Clifford street
and alley west.
Petition of .Ino J. Lundbeck et al ask-
ing that Clifford avenue be improved.
Petition of F. R. Nitzsche, M. D., ask-
ing that macadam be removed from
Diagonal street. Davis Farm add.
Petition of Ludwig Pell et al, to have
the improvement of Fifth avenue ex-
tended to keen the water from their
Petition of Samuel G. Smith et al to
have Reeder street partly graded.
Petition of Johan Jansen et al, asking
for the improvement of Fifth avenue the
full length.
t'lj,Hurn _fi Regular Sessi•>m, 'September 4, 1.895.
Petition of E. D. and W. S. White re-
,5 • monstrating against the collection of
the tax levied against lot 6, sub of min
( lot 159. for the improvement of Booth
street. until same is completed.
Petition of P. S. Webster asking to
ave improved from West Locust street
to Angella street.
Petition of Jacob Jochum et al, for a
stone crossing over Heeb street was re-
ferred to the street committee with
power. •
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of the Dubuque Boating assoc
cation for the remisslo:i of taxes which
now stand against said association.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Wilde, et al, ob-
jecting to the improvement Of Grand-
view avenue from South Dodge street
to Southern avenue. at the present
Petition of H. IJrbach asking that
personal taxes for years 1892, 1893 and
1894 be cancelled.
Petition of August Bestram et al. ask-
ing to have alley between Lincoln and
Rhomberg avenue and Schiller and Mid-
dle avenue graded and macadamized.
Petition of Wm. Rieman Sr., asking to
be allowed to pay sewerage assessment
without interest. thereon.
The following netiticns were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of the Monday Morning Star
to be made an official paper.
Petition of T. M. Wunderlich in rela-
tion` to the condition retaining wall on
Seminary street wanting the same inves
Petition of John Ernsdorff & Sons ask
ing that taxes on their new building
now comtemplated be remitted for a
term of ten gars.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on claims and attor-
Petition of Lyon & Lenehan, attor-
neys for John Atkins.. asking for dam-
ages for iniuries sustained by him from
falling on an alleged defective sidewalk.
Petition of Mrs. M. Kelly asking for
damage by flood to her property on
Southern avenue.
Petition of G. Salot in relation to the
faulty construction of brick pavement
at the intersection of Seventh and Clay
streets. was referred to the paving com-
The application of Shipley & Bauman
for the appointment as veterinary sur-
geons for the city. was referred to the
fire committee.
Petition of Fred O'Donnell et al for an
arc light in front of Finley Hospital
was referred to the committee on police
and light with power.
The statement of .T. E. Ellwanger,
secretary of the Dubuque HIgh Bridge
Co.. was received and taxes for the
Years 1893 and 1894 were ordered can-
The petition of the Standard Lumber
Co. 1n relation to the vacation of certain
streets and alleys in the Dubuque Har-
bor Improvement Co.'s add was re-
ferred to the special committee.
The petition of John Mundt asking
damages for iniury sustained by his
wife. by falling on sidewalk near the
court house. was received and filed.
City Auditor McCarten reported as
Balance cash August lst, 18951..823,747 32
Receipts during August 1895... 44,770 22
Total $68,517 54
Disbursments during 'August35,423 75
Balance cash Sent. 1st $33,093 79
Also reported 81.968.20 amount requir-
ed to pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during August.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay city
officers and report referred to the fin-
ance committee.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
83.733.90 amount required to pay for
labor and team and the locality where
such labor was done on streets.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor-
ers and report referred to street com-
Marshal Morgan reported $1,905.05
amount due police force for the month of
August. 1895.
Also reported 83 arrests during the
month and presented treasurer's receipt
for $6.00 for fines.
Also $14.00 collected for impounded an-
imals and $7.00 for unlicensed dogs.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay the
policemen and report referred to the
committee on police and light.
Chief Reinfried reported $1,757.84
amount due firemen during the month of
August. 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men and report referred to the fire com-
Sewer Inspector Hillery reported 8177.-
90 amount required to pay laborers on
sewers during August. 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor-
ers and report referred to the sewer
Market Master Traut reported $14.00
amount received from Scales and pre-
sented treasurer's receipt for same.
Also reported $25.20 amount due for
feeding prisoners during August, 1895.
Warrant ordered drawn for feeding
prisoners and report referred to the mar-
ket committee.
Woodmeasurer Jess reported 423 cords
of wood pleasured during the month of
August and presented treasurer's re-
ceipt for 75 cents ner cent. due the city
for same.
Report received and filed.
The reports of City Weighmasters
Chas. Pitschner. Jos. Straney and J. P.
Schroeder were received and filed.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance
committee reported in favor of having
warrants drawn in favor of city treas-
urer for money paid out during the
month of August and also loan war-
rants for money borrowed during Aug.
and the treasurer's report referred to
the finance committee. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the
street committee reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the street commissioner to do
the necessary filling and repairing on
Valley street, so as to carry the water
from said street over Southern avenue.
Also in favor of receiving and filing
the petition of John Hickey in relation
J'frxBu;N, September 4, 1895.
to moving fence on Grandview avenue.
In favor of putting in some filling
for John Burke on Grandview avenue
on account of the change of grade on
said street.
In favor of improving South Bluff
from Dodge street south to a point that
will carry all water that flows on it to
Dodge street.
Report, that on examination, that
the sidewalk of J. F. Gandolfo on South
ern avenue is 6 feet wide and would
recommend that, the sidewalk on the
east side of Southern avenue from old
corporation line to Railroad avenue be
established 6 feet in width.
In favor of cancelling the assess-
ment of John B. Murry on lot 69 East
Dubuque addition, for repairing side-
walk as same was erroneous.
In favor of referring the petition of
Anton Sneider, et al., to the engineer
and street commissioner to examine,
and if macadam is used by the city to
report amount due for same.
In favor of instructing the engineer
to prepare a plat showing a proposed
lane, northeasterly from Eagle Point
avenue to Middle street, showing the
names of the owners of property and
amount proposed to be taken and pro-
ceed in accordance with the ordinance
on that subject.
Report adverse to the petition of E.
H. Sheppley asking that a. special tax
be cancelled against lot 3, Cox's add.
for repair of sidewalk.
In favor of instructing the street
commissioner to grade down Klingen-
berg Terrace adjacent to the property
of Andrew Oeth so that the same will
be passable.
In favor of instructing the engineer
to prepare a plat of the proposed ex-
tension of Wilde street to Southern
avenue by the most feasable route.
In favor of improving the alley east
of Stafford avenue between Merz street
and Pauline street.
—1-n-istvor-Of the adoption of the red
lines as the official grade of Sullivan
street, Levi street and Nightingale
street, also approve of the red lines
as the official grade of English Lane,
from Wilde street to Nightingale street
_as shown on profile on file.
In favor of the adoption of the red
line as the official grade of Cox and
Angella streets as shown on profile on
Report adopted.
On motion rules were suspended and
Capt. Kimball was allowed to address
the council.
Mr. Kimball addressed the council
asking that the city to grant an ap-
propriation to assist him in raising
the Eagle Point Ferry.
Aid. Kaufmann moved that $250 be
allowed toward raising the ferry the
same to be placed in the hands of a
special committee and to be used at
their discretion. Carried.
The mayor appointed the following
aldermen to act on said committee:
Ald. Crawford, Schulte, Ryder, Halpin
and Kaufmann.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing a 6 foot wide plank sidewalk
on west side of Couler avenue abutting
lot 266 Davis Farm add. Bryan Donahue,
contractor. in front of and adjoining
the same. a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots. and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named. situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
M. M. Hoffman. Davis Farm add, lot
266. 60 lin ft sidewalk at 22 1-2c, $13.50.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kauffmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in
Seminary street from 17th street to
Madison street by O. G. Kringle, con-
tractor. in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots. and parcels
of lots. and parcels of real estate herein-
after named. situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
German Presbyterian Theological
School of the N. W.. sub out lot 675, city,
lot 7. 32,000 sq ft sewer at $.004, $128.00.
J. H. Trueb. M. A. Rebman's sub, lot
1, 2,500 sq ft sewer at 3.004, $10.00.
A. A. Clark. M. A. Rebman's sub, lot
2, 2,500 sq ft sewer at 8.004, $10.00.
Lena Duncan. M. A. Rebman's sub,
lot 3. 3,900 sq ft sewer at $.004, $15.60.
lot 4, 4.500 sq ft sewer at 3.004, $18.00.
Lena Duncan. sub 4. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 2. 70 sq ft sewer at $.004,
Lena Duncan. sub 3. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 1. 2.600 sq ft sewer at
$.004, $10.40.
Lena Duncan. sub 3. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 2. 5.900 sq ft sewer at
$.004. $23.60.
John V. Rider. sub 3. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 3. 1.400 sq ft sewer at
3.004. 35.60.
John V. Rider. L. H. Langworthy's
sub, lot 2, 7,600 sq ft sewer at $.004, $30.40.
John Smith. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 1, 3,900 sq ft sewer at $.044, $15.60.
John Smith. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 24, 6,300 sq ft sewer at $.004, $25.20.
Dr. E. L. Clark. L. H. Langworthy's
sub, lot 22, 4,300 sq ft sewer at $.004,
Dr. E. L. Clark. L. H. Langworthy's
sub, lot 23, 10.100 sq ft sewer at $.044,
M. Duggan sub of lot 1 of out lot 678,
city lot 2 of 54. Marsh's add, lot 1, 7,600
sq ft sewer at $.004. $30.40.
Ferd. Nester, sub lot 1 of out lot 678,
city lot 2 of 54. Marsh's add, lot 2, 3,800
sq ft sewer at $.004. $15.20.
J. F. Steiner. sub 55 Marsh's add. lot
1, 7,000 sq ft sewer at $.004, $28.00.
J. F. Steiner. sub 1 of 54. Marsh's add,
lot 1, 2,700 sq ft sewer at $.004, $10.80.
Andrew Stroble. sub 1 of 54, Marsh s
Adjourned Regular Se86ion, September 4, 1895. 157
add, lot 2, 3,500 sq ft sewer at $.004,
Andrew Strohle. sub 55. Marsh's add,
add, lot 2, 800 sq ft sewer at $.004, $3.20.
Andrew Strohle. sub 21. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 3. 400 sq ft sewer at
$.004, $1.60.
D. R. Clarke. sub 53. Marsh's add, lot
2, 4,100 sq ft sewer at $.004, $16.40.
Dr. R. Clark. suh 54. Marsh's add, lot
3, 700 sq ft sewer at $.004. $2.80.
Dr. R. Clark. sub 21. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 2. 5,400 sq ft sewer at
$.004. $21.60.
Dr. 11. Clark. suh 20. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 2, 1.500 sq ft sewer at
$.004. $6.00.
S. P. Rider. sub 20. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 1, 3,900 sq ft sewer at
$.004. $15.60.
S. P. Rider. sub 21. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 1. 4.800 sq ft sewer at
$.004. $19.20.
John Moser. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 16, 4,000 sq ft sewer at $.004, $16.00.
John Moser. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 15, 5.300 sq ft sewer at $.004, $21.20.
John Moser. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 14, 5,400 sq ft sewer at $.004, $21.60.
Geo. C. Rath. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 5, 10,500 sq ft sewer at $.004, $42.00.
Geo. C. Rath. L. H. Langworthy's sub,
lot 6, 7,000 sq ft sewer at $.004, $28.00.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kauffmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuoue: That. to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in
Nest Eighth street from Hill street to
250 feet west. by P. W. T,inehan, contrac
tor. in front of and adioining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter nam-
ed. situate and owned. and for the sev-
eral amounts set onnnsite each lot, or
parcel of real estate. as follows:
A. W. Kemler F.st. sub of O. lot 703
city, lot 16, 5,330 sq ft sewer at $.004,
M. McGrath. suh of O. lot 703 city, lot
17, 2,669 sq ft sewer at $.004, $10.64.
Peter Kremer. sub 18 of out lot 703,
city lot 2, 2.340 sq ft sewer at $.004,
James McCool. sub 18 of O. lot 703 city,
lot 1, 320 sq ft sewer at $.004, *1.28.
James McCool. sub 16 Kelley's sub, lot
1, 1,800 sq ft sewer at $.004, $7.20.
D. W. Linehan. Ro er's sub, lot 21,
2,450 sq ft sewer at $.004. $9.80.
D. W. Linehan. Roger's sub, lot 22,
2,200 sq ft sewer at 8.004. $8.80.
Adopted by the followinv vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kauffmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vngte,.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuoue: That. to pay for con-
structing a 4 -ft wide nlank sidewalk on
west side of Pine street between 25th
street and 26th street. by Bryan Dona-
hue, contractor. in front of and adjoin-
ing the same. a snecial tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots. and narcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named. situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or narcel of real es-
tate. as follows:
S. M. Langworthv's Est., Glendale add
No. 2, lot 134. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv
No. 2. lot 135. 50 lin
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv
No. 2, lot 136. 50 lin
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv
No. 2, lot 137. 50 lin
Total 37.50.
S. M. Langworthv
No. 2. lot 138. 50 lin
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv Est.. Glendale add
No. 2., lot 139. 50 lin ftsidewalk at 15c.
Total $7.50.
Forrest Langworthv. Glendale add,
No. 2, lot 140. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv Est.. Glendale add
No. 2. lot 141. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv Est.. Glendale add
No. 2, lot 142. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.
Total 37
S. M.Langworthv Est.. Glendale add
No. 2, lot 143. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.
Total 37.50.
S. M. Langworthv Est.. Glendale add
No. 2. lot 144. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c
Total $7.50.
S. M. Langworthv Est.., Glendale add
No. 2, lot 145. 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c,
Total 17.50
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen,
Crawford, Halpin. Kauffmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kauffmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuoue: That to pay for im-
proving Clav street from Third street
to Thirteenth street by Kenety & Mc-
Cann. contractors. in front of and ad-
joining the same. a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named. situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Independent School District of Dubu-
que. city. sub 2-5 lot 445. 100 lin ft curb-
stone at 34c. $34: 28 lin ft curbing reset at
8c, $2.24; 236.16 ha vds brick paving at
$1.33. $314.09. Total $350.33.
Fred Schloz. city. s 12 m 1-5, lot 445,
6.3 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 82.14;
14 lin ft curbing reset. at $.08, $1.12; 40.57
sq yds brick paving. at $1.33, $53.96. To-
tal. $57.22.
Ellwanger Bros.. city. n 1-2 m 1-5, lot
445. 25.6
reset at
39.90 sq yds brick Paying $1.33, $53.07.
Total $55.12.
A. R. Staufenbeil. city, s 1-2 n m 1-5,
lot 445, 15 lin ft curbstone at $.34, $5.10;
10.6 lin ft curbing reset
sq yds brick paving at $1 33, 39.90
$53 07. To-
tal $59.02.
Chas. Oswald. city. n 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
445. 9 lin ft curbstone at $.34, $3.06; 16.6
ydslin ft brick curbing reset
tatt$1 33, $1.33; 9$53.07. 90 To-
tal $57.46. lot 445, 7.5
John Bell, city s 24.6 n 1-5,
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $2.55; 17.1 lin ft
curbing reset at 8. $1.37; 38.42 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $51.10. Total
Est., Glendale add
ft sidewalk at 15c.
Est.. Glendale
ft sidewalk at
Est., Glendale add
ft sidewalk at 150.
Est.. Glendale add
ft sidewalk at 15c.
158 Adjourned J ulcar SeFaion, September 4, 1895
John EichhOrn. city. n 26.6 lot 445, 3.8
lin ft curbstone at 8.34. $1.29; 26 lin ft
curbing reset at $.08. $2.08; 121.31 sq yds
brick paving at 81.33. $161.34. Total,
Geo. Rath, city. s 1-5 lot 448. 202.63 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $269.50. Total
John Kuntz est. city. s m 1-5, lot 448,
108.30 sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $144.04.
Total 8144.04.
Eugene Hemmi. city m 1-5, lot 448, 20
lin ft curbstone at 8.34. $6.80; 108.30 sq
yds brick paving at $.133, $144.04. Total
City of Dubuque. city, n 2-5, lot 448,
22.5 lin ft curbstone at $.34, $7.65; 11.3 lin
ft curbing reset. at 3.08. $.90; 355.87 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33. $473.31. Total
Anna F. Klauer et al. city s 2-5, lot 447,
118.2 lin ft curbstone ,at $.34, $40.19; 298.09
sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $396.46. To-
tal $436.65.
Independent School District of Dubu-
que, city. n 3-5. lot 447. 176.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 34c. 859.98: 419.23 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. 3557.58. Total $617.56.
Independent School District, city, n
2-5. lot 446. 124.6 lin ft curbstone at $.34,
342.36: 4 lin ft curbing reset at $.08, $.32;
236.15 sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $314.-
08. Total $356.76.
Andrew Voelker, city. n 1-2 m 1-5, lot
446. 25.6 lin ft curbstone at $.34, $8.70; 39.-
90 sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $53.07. To-
tal $61.77.
Geo. Crommiller. city s 1-2 m 1-5, lot
446. 25.6 lin ft curbstone at $.34, $8.70;
39.90 sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $53.07.
Total 361.77.
J. Ernsdorff, city. n 36 s 2-5, lot 446,
36 lin ft curbstone at $.34. $12.24; 57.36 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $76.29. Tu-
tal 888.53.
Theo. .+ltman. city. s 66.4, lot 446, 91.9
lin ft curbstone at 3.34. $31.25; 198.65 sq
yds brick paving at 31.33. $264.21. To-
tal 8295.46.
Carolina Fischer. city lot 264, 74.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34o. 125.36: 179.50 sq yds
brick paving at 81.33. 3238.74. Total
Carolina Fischer. sub 265 city lot 1,
18.4 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $6.25; 33.73 sq
yds brick paving at 81.33. $44.86. Total
Carolina Fischer. sub 265 city, lot 2,
19.2 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $6.53; 35.20 sq
yds brick .paving at 11.33. $46.82. Total
John Moser. sub 265 city, lot 3, 13.7 lin
ft curbstone at 34e. 84.66: 25.11 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. 333.40. Total
John Moser. sub 266 city, lot 1, 5.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 11.90: 10.27 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. $13.66. Total
John Moser. suh 266 city, lot 2, 43.2 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 14.69: 79.20 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. $105.34. Total
Grace A. Provost. sub 266 city, lot 3,
2.5 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $.85; 4.58 sq
yds brick paving at 11.33. $6.09. Total
Grace Provost. city s 40 degree, lot
267, 40.1 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $13.63;
73.52 sq yds brick naving at $1.33, $97.78.
Total 3111.41.
F. R. Nitzsche. city n 11.2 lot 267, 11.2
lin ft curbstone at. 34o. 83.81; 20.53 sq yds
F. R. Nltsche. city s 9.8. lot 268, 9.8 lin
ft curbstone at 34e. 83.33; 17.97 sq yds
brick paving at 81.33. 323.90. Total
John Koch. city n 41.4. lot 268, 64.8 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 822.03: 161.53 sq yds
brick paving at 81.23. 1214.83. Total
H. Hune Est.. city lot 269, 73.8 lin ft
curbstone at 34e. 125.09: 182.83 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. $243.16. Total
Frank Brede. city. lot 270, 51.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 817.44; 94.05 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. 3125.09. Total
John V. Rider. city n 28 degree, lot 271,
28.1 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $9.55; 51.52 sq
yds brick paving at 31.33. $68.52. Total
Eliza Meyers Est.. city s 23.2, lot 271,
23.2 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $7.89; 42.53
sq yds brick paving at. 11.33, $56.56. To-
tal 364.45
Jno. Kreib's & Co.. city n 1-2, lot 272,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 46.93 sq
yds brick paving at 11.33. $62.42. To-
tal $71.1?
brick paving at 11.33. $27.30. Total
yds brick paving at 51.33, $62.42. To-
tal 371.12.
John Michels Est.. city. lot 273, 68.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 823.32: 183.54 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. $244.11. Total
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 46.93 sq
John Michels Est... city. s 1-2, lot 272,
Mrs. C. Fuhrman. city. lot 259, 69 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 323.46; 182.68 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3242.96. Total
John Buckley. city. lot 260, 51.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34e. 117.44: 94.05 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3125.09. Total
Christ Jacobi Est.. city, s 1-2, lot 261,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 47.02 sq
yds brick paving at 81.33. 362.54. Total
Helen Miller. city. n 1-2, lot 261, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34e. 38.70; 47.02 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 362.54. Total
J. A. Fitz. city. s 1-2. lot 262, 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34e. 38.70; 47.02 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $62.54. Total
Jac. Sherman. city u 1-2, lot 262, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 88.70: 47.02 sq
yds brick paving at 31.33. $62.54. Total
1Vlinges Est.. s 28.2 d. lot 263, 28.3 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 39.62: 51.79 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 368,88. Total
Wm. Griffen, city. n 23 d, lot 263, 45.5
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $15.47; 127.70 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $169.84. Total
James Levi, city, n 49.2 d, lot 274, 67.7
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $23.02; 178.53 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33. $237.44. Total
Anna Trexler. city. s 2 d, lot 274, 2 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $.68: 3.67 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. 34.88. Total $5.56.
Anna Trexler. city, lot 275, 37.4 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 812.72; 98.05 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $130.41. Total
Louis Trexler. city. lot 276, 51.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 317.44; 94.05 sq yd`
A journed Regular Session,,
September 4, 1895
4, 1895. 159
brick paving at $1.33. $72.66. Total $82.-
Nic Jungles Est.. city. lot 241, 51.8 lin
ft curbstone at 34e. $17.61; 94.97 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $126.31. Total
Geo. Martin. city. s 22 d. lot 242, 22 lin
ft curbstone at 34e. $7.48: 40.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $53.64. Total
Roman Lorenz. city. n 29.7 d, lot 240,
29.8 lin ft curbstone a 34c. $10.13; 54.63
sq yds brick pavane a $1.33, $72.66. To-
tal $82 79
Jos Wittmer, city, s 22 d, lot 240, 22 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $7.48; 40.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $53.64. Total
John Marxer, city, n 1-2, lot 239, 25.9 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $8.81; 47.48 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $63.15. Total
R. H. Collier, city. s 1-2, lot 239, 47.7
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $16.22; 132.93 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $176.80. Total
James Reilly Est.. city lot 294, 75.7 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $25.74; 180.41 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $239.95. Total
Geo. Schaffhauser. city, lot 295, 3.7 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 81.26; 41 lin ft curb
reset at 8c, $3.28: 98.27 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.33, $130.70. Total $135.24.
Mary Hemmer. city, lot 296, 51.8 lin ft
curbstone at 34c, $17.61; 94.97 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. $126.31. Total $143.92.
Mrs. F. Knoernschild. city, lot 297, 45.1
lin ft curbstone at 34c, $15.33; 98.27 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $130.70. Total
Mrs. M. Rhomberg, city, n 28 d, lot 298,
28.1 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $9.55; 51.51 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $68.51. Total
Nic Jungles Est., city s 23.7 d, lot 298,
47.5 lin ft curb reset at 8e. $3.80; 128.89 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $171.42. Total
fes/? ^.
Thos Melchofr, city, lot 238, 75.6 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. $25.70; 180.40 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $239.45. Total
Thos. Melchofr, city. n 1-2, lot 237, 25.8
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.77; 47.30 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $62.91. Total
John H. Stroble, city, s 1-2, lot 237, 25.8
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.77; 47.30 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $62.91. Total
E. E. Stroble, city, lot 236, 51.6 lin ft
curbstone at 34c, $17.54; 94.60 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33, $125.82. Total $143.36.
C. H. Meyer, city n 1-2, lot 235, 25.8 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $8.77: 49.30 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $62.91. Total
Robt. Waller Est.. city, s 1-2, lot 235,
25.8 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.77; 47.30 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $62.91. Total
Robt. Waller Est., city, lot 234, 73.9 lin
ft curbstone at 34c, $25.13; 4.4 lin ft curb -
reset at 8c, $.35: 180.04 so yd brick paving
at $1.33. $239.45. Total $264.93.
J. J. Linehan. Est.. city, lot 299, 74.8
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $25.43; 180.04 sq
Yds brick paving at $1.33, $239.45. Total
M. Majerus, city, lot 300, 51.6 lin ft
curb reset at 8c, $4.13; 94.60 sq yds brick
Paving at $1.33. *125.82. Total $129.95.
B. Becke, city, lot 301, 51.6 lin ft curb-
stone at 34c, $17.54; 94.60 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33, $125.82. Total $143.36.
Maggie McDonnell, city, lot 302, 51.6
lin ft curb reset at 8c. 84.13; 94.60 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $125.82. Total
B. Becke, city, n 1-2, lot 303, 25.8 lin
ft curb reset at 8c. $2.06; 47.3 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. $62.91. Total $64.97.
Annie Shea, city, s 1-2, lot 303, 12.8 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $4.35; 39.1 lin ft curb -
reset at 8c, $3.13: 132.74 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.33, $176.54. Total $184.02.
Geo. Redman, city, lot 523, 77.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34c, $26.28; 180 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33, $239.40. Total *265.68.
Geo. Redman, sub 524, city, lot 3, 26.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $9.04; 44.33 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33 $58.96. Total
Jac. Michel, sub 524, city, lot 2, 40 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $13.60; 66.67 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $88.67. Total
Jac. Michel, sub 525, city, lot 1, 6.0 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $2.04; 10 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. $13.30. Total $15.34.
Fischer & Co.. sub 525, city, lot 2, 34
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $11.56; 56.67 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $75.37. Total
Fischer & Co., city, lot 526, 53.1 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. $18.05; 88.50 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, $117.71. Total
Fischer & Co., city. lot 527, 48.6 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. $16.52; 3.0 lin ft curb -
reset at Sc, 1.24; 83.33 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.33. $110.83. Total $127.59.
C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., city, lot 747,
213.7 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $72.66; 411.43
sq yds brick paving at $1.33, $547.20. To-
tal $619.86.
Key City Electric St. Ry. Co., 47.06
sq yds brick paving at 81.33, $62.58. To-
tal $62.58.
Dubuque St. Ry. Co., 16,132 cast
plates 1.47-1237.14: 2730,55 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. $3,631.62. Total $3,868
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes. -Bauer Crawford. Cullen, Hal-
pin, Kauffmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p. m.
Council met at 2.20 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present-Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cul-
len, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin of the ordinance com-
mittee presented the following ordi-
nance which which was read for the
second time and placed on its final
Granting to the Illinois Central Rail-
road Company, its successors and as-
signs, the right of way over and across
certain streets in the city of Du-
buque. ( 1J t\QP
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to the (D J
Ilinois Central Railroad Company, its i{ U
successors and assigns, to construct, iU
maintain and operate a side-track, from t
a mint on its Salina street track, a i
shr,rt distance north of Charter street, di
,,nd thence westerly across West Main
160 Adjournen Regnlar Session, September 4, 1895
brick paving at $1.33. 3125.09. Total
H. J. Cooper. city. n 1-2, lot 277, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 47.02 sq
yds Mctal
Weber, elty. s bk paving at 13-2lot 277, 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 38.70; 47.02 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $62.54. Total
C. A. Walter. city. lot 278, 75.5 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 325.67: 179.50 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3238.74. Total
John A. Hauser. city. e 1-2, lot 254, 62
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 321.08; 3.0 lin ft
curb reset at Sc. 3.24; 157.42 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. 3209.37. Total $230.69.
J. P. Hartig. city. lot 255, 51.2 lin ft
curbing at 34c. 317.42: 69.55 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. 392.50. Total 3109.92.
H. P. Bissell Es.. city, lot 256, 51.2 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 317.42: 71.83 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33. $95.53. Total
John Butt. city. s 1-2. lot 257, 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 38.70; 40.53 sq yas
brick paving at 31.33. 353.90. Total
John A. Hauser. city n 1-2, lot 257, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34e. 38.70; 44.80 sq yds
brick paving at 11.33. 359.58. Total $68.28.
John A. Hauser. eitv. s lid, lot 258, 11
lin ft curbing at 34e. 33.74; 20.17 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $26.83. Total
John Lyons. city. n 40.2 d, lot 258, 63
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 321.42; 159.14 sq
yds brick paving at 31.33. 3211.66. Total
Barbara Isborn, city. lot 279, 74.2 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $25.23; 179.31 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3238.43. Total
Robert .Waller. city, lot 280, 1.0 lin ft
curbstone at 34e. $.34; 85.34 sq yds brick
paving at 31.33. 3113.50. Total $113.84.
'A. W. Kemler Est.. city, lot 281, 51.2
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $17.42; 71.83 sq
yds brick paving at $1.33, $95.53. Total
A. W. Kemler Est.. city, lot 282, 51.2
lin ft curb reset at 8c. $4.10; 69.55 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $92.50. Total $96.60.
John Turner Est.. city, lot 283, 62 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 321.08; 157.42 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $209.37. Total
John Pier. city. s 1-2. lot 249, 39 lin
ft curbing at 34c. $13.26; 13.7 lin ft curb -
reset at 8c, $1.10; 132.47 sq yds brick pav-
ing at 31.33. $176.18. Total $190.54.
Geo. Salot. city n 1-2.
lot 249„ 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $62.55. Total $71.25.
Geo. Salot. city. s 1-2. lot 250, 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 38.70; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at $1.33, 362.55. Total $71.25.
L. Berg Est.. city. n 1-2, lot 250, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.70; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $62.55. Total
Mary Riese. city. s 1-2. lot 251, 25.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 38.70; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $62.55. Total
John Moser. city. n 1-2. lot 251, 25.6 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 38.70; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 362.55. Total
Josephine Boyne. and 2-3, city lots 252
and 252a, 34.2 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $11,
63; 62.70 sq yds brick paving at $1.33,
$83.39. Total 395.02.
Mary Retchie. and 1-3. city lots 252
and 252a, 17.1 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $5.81
31.35 sq yds brick paving at 31.33, $41.70:
Total 347.51.
Josephine Boyne. and 2-3, city lot 253,
49.8 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $16.93; 112.26
sq yds brick Ravine at $1.33, 3149.31.
Total 3166.24.
Mary Retchie. and 1-3. city lot 253, 24.9
lin ft curbstone at 34c. $8.47; 56.13 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 374.65. Total
Dubuque Co.. city. lot 284, 172.66 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3229.64. Total
Dubuque Co.. city. lot 285. 96.90 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3128.88. Total
Dubuque Co.. city. lot 286, 96.05 sq yds
brick paving at. 31.33. 3127.75. Total
Dubuque Co.. city. lot 287, 95.19 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 5126.60. Total
Dubuque Co.. city. lot 288, 180.19 sq
yds brick paving at 31.33. $239.65. Total
Barbara Meyer Est.. city, lot 248, 64.4
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 321.90; 7.5 lin ft
curb reset at Sc. 3.60: 179.50 sq yds brick
paving at $1.33. $238.74. Total 3261.24.
Theresa Stoltz. city. lot 247, 51.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 317.44: 94.05 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. $125.09. Total
Theresa Stoltz. city. lot 246, 44.7 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 315.20: 97.23 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3129.31. Total
Peter Mehm. city. n 1-2. lot 245, 25.7
lin ft curbstone at 34e. 38.74; 47.03 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 362.55. Total 371.29.
P. Kiene, Sr.. city. s 1-2. lot 245, 1.4 lin
ft curbstone at 34c. 3.48: 24.3 lin ft curb -
reset at 8c. 31.94; 47.03 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.33. $62.55. Total $64.97.
Mary Largarce. city. e 53 d, lot 244,
75.5 lin ft curbstone a 34c, $25.67; 179.50
sq yds brick pavine at 31.33, $238.74. To
tal 3264.41.
F. Mangold. city. n 50.5 d. lot 289, 178.22
sq yds brick paving at 31.33, $237.03. To
tal 3237.03
Theo. Altman. city s 8 inches, lot 289,
.7 lin ft curbstone at 34c. 3.24; 1.28 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 31.70. Total 31.94.
Theo. Altman. city. lot. 290, 42.6 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 314.48: 97:10 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3129.14. Total
Theo. Altman. city. lot 291, 51.3 lin ft
curbstone at 34c. 317.44: 94.05 sq yds
brick paving at 31.33. 3125.09. Total
A. Cain, city. Int 292. 24.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 343. $8.30: 20.5 lin ft curb reset at
Sc, $1.64; 96.72 so yds brick paving at
31.33, 3128.64. Total 3138.58.
Schmidt and Kuehule. city, n 1-2, lot
293, 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $8.74; 47.03
sq yds yds brick paving at $1.33, $62.55.
Total $71.29
Jac Werner Est.. nits. s 1-2, lot 293, 47.6
lin ft curbstone at 34c. 316.18; 1.9 ft curb
reset at 8c, 14e. 132.47 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.33. 3176.19. Total 3192.51.
E. Hemmi, city. lot. 243. 25.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 34c. $8.64: 49 ft curb reset at 8c,
$3.92; 180.41 sa yds brick paving at 31.33,
3239.95. Total 3252 51.
John P. Page. city. n 29.7 d, lot 242, 29.8
lin ft' curbstone at 34n. 310.13; 54.63 sq yds
Adjourned, fi(rqolcfr Session, September 4, 1895. 161
street, Harrison and South Locust
streets, on to the premises of James
Beach & Co. Said track to cross South
Locust st. at about right angles, at a
point about 270 feet south of the south
line of Dodge street.
Section 2. That the track herein au-
thorized shall be laid to the established
grade of the city, and, should any
grade be changed, at any time, the
said track shall be changed to con-
form to such change of grade.
Section 3. That the Illinois Central
Railroad Company shall switch the cars
of other railway companies owning and
operating railway lines in the city of
Dubuque over this track, at a charge
of not more than two dollars ($2.00) per
to^ded car.
Section 4. That this ordinance shall
take Effect and be in force from and af-
ter its passage and publication one
time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph,
a::3 its written acceptance by the said
Illinois Central Railroad Company
within ten days.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea Schul-
te and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann. chairman of the
street committee reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of
postponing action for the improve-
ment of Coates avenue until next
In favor of instructing the street com-
missioner to repair Muscatine street
and would also report in favor of im-
proving said street next spring.
In favor of instructing the engineer
to secure the necessary right of way
from the property owners on Quinn
street 1•efore taking action on the
petition of P. Ouinn, Sr.
In favor of instructing the city en-
gine,r to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for the repair of Leibnitz street so
as to carry the water, and then adver-
tise for bids for doing the work.
In favor of paying the bill of 0. E.
Guernsey, trustee, of $3.33.
In favcr of receiving and filing the
petition of Rose McMahon in relation
to constructing retaining wall on Grand
View avenue.
Tn favor of accepting the proposi-
tion of John Loringett in relation to
changing the line of Union avenue,
provided J. A. Rhomberg and Jos.
Siege will give the necessary right of
way for changing said street.
In favor of allowing Michael McMa-
hon $15.00 for a strip of ground taken
on Curtis street
Tn favor of instructing the street
eommissioner to repair West 7th street
so as to prevent the water from dam-
aging residents on Hill street.
In favor of granting the petition of
Robert Ttoedell et al. for the improve-
ment of Eagle street, the same to be
done next year.
In favor of referring the claim of
Carl Nauk to the committee on claims
and the city attorney. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the spec-
ial connnittee to whom was referred the
petition of property owners.
Petition of property owners east of
Washington street and north of Eagle
Point avenue in relation to damages
done by storms. would recommend that
Elm street be extended and opened up
between Eagle Point avenue and San-
ford street the property holders to help
defray the cost of said extension.
Ald. Kaufmann. chairman of the
street committee reported that follow-
ing streets and alleys be accepted.
Curtis street from South Dodge street
to Malady street.
Alley from Hill street to Pauline street
between West Third street and West
Fifth streets.
Alley from Johnson avenue to Hum-
boldt avenue between Lincoln avenue
and Rhomberg avenue.
Report adopted.
Ald. Bauer. chairman of the commit-
tee on police and light, reported as fol-
Your committee report in favor of
granting the petition of Emil Nigg et al
for an electric light on Burden ave-
nue the same to be placed there when
one is moved from some other locality.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
ports of the city marshal for months of
May, June and July. 1895.
In favor of granting the petition of
Rev. E. Schutte. D. D., et al, for an
electric light on Seventeenth and Iowa
streets the same to be placed on said
street when one is removed from some
other locality.
In favor of paying bill of Globe Light
& Heat Co. of $166.67 for June and also
$166.67 for July for gasoline lamps.
In favor of having a gasoline lamp
placed in Dorgan alley.
In favor of paying the following bills:
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., $.25.
Key City Gas Co.. $91.95.
Report adopted.
Ald. Schulte. chairman of the sewer
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the remonstrance of
C. N. Bird et al, against the construc-
tion of sanitary sewer in South Grove
In favor of granting the remonstrance
against the construction of sewer in
Fenelon Place and in lieu thereof would
recommend that the sewer be construct-
ed in alley north of Fenelon Place.
In favor of approving of the plans
and specifications for a sanitary sewer
in alley between Center Place and Grant
avenue from Julien avenue to West llth
n favor of approving of the plans
and specifications for a sanitary sewer
in West Locust street from Seventeenth
sweet to Clark street. petition of
In favor of granting the P
Mrs. Hamill for a sanitary sewer along
West Locust street. petition for a
In favor of granting the
sanitary sewer in alley east of Grant
In favor of the recommendation of
162 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1895.
the city engineer for construction of
sewer in alleys east and west of Center
Place and along Rose street.
In favor of granting the petition of
the Dubuque Casket Co., fpr the sani-
tary sewer to be extended to their fac-
tory on Eighteenth and Washington
In favor of the street commissioner of
having jurisdiction over storm water
Report adopted.
Aid. Cullen. chairman of the delin-
quent tax committee reported as fol-
Your committee report in favor of al-
Ellen O'Halloran to pay 1-2 her taxes
on lots 13, 14. 15, 172 and 173 Finley's add
as payment in full for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mrs. Owen Reynolds on lot 89 Union add
for 1894.
Report adopted.
Ald. Crawford. chairman of printing,
reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay
ing the following bills:
The Telegraph
The Herald
The Globe -Journal
The Times
Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com-
mittee on supplies, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of
awarding the contract for hard coal
to Phil Pier at $5.18 per ton and that
the contract for soft coal be awarded
to Martin & Strelau at $3.10, they to
furnish the kind of coal as specified in
their proposals and would ask further
time on awarding contract on coke.
In favor of paying the following bills:
Barney Lagen, carriage, $5.00.
Trexler Bros., carriages, $10.00.
Key City Gas Co., coke, $65.79.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the city attorney to draw up
a new indemnity bond to be signed
by the proper officers of the Bank and
Insurance Building Co. to save the city
harmless from any damages that may
be caused by them raising their side-
walk on Main street between Ninth
and Tenth streets.
In favor of accepting the award of
the jury for the opening of Glen Oak
avenue, providing that the parties ben-
efited thereby will pay one half the
award of, said jury. On motion the
above was amended so as to read that
the abutters pay $100.00 of amount
awarded by the jury for the opening
of said Glen Oak avenue.
The award of the jury was as fol-
Dubuque, July 18, 1895.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—We, the undersigned
jurors, most respectfully report the fol-
lowing damages to property on ac -
$75 00
75 00
29 15
29 15
count of the extension of Glen Oak
avenue, between West 14th street and
Julien avenue:
John Dowling, lot 11, $350, lot 7 $20,
lot 8 $30, lot 9 $75, lot 10 $75, all
in Marsh's add, total. , $ 550 00
John Schmidt, lot 18 1 00
G. Toschner, pt min. lot 175, lot 1 475 00
Respectfully submitted,
J. HEROD, Foreman,
Your committee report in favor of ac-
cepting the award of the jury for the
opening of a street between West Eagle
Point avenue and Valarie street.
The award of jury was as follows:
To the Honorable Mayon and City
Gentlmen:—We, the undersigned jur-
ors, duly appointed and qualified to as-
sess the damages that may be caused
by the proposed widening of High
Bluff street from Schiller to Middle
streets and the opening of a street be-
tween West Eagle Point avenue and
Valarie street most respectfully report
as follows:
High Bluff Street.
Christ Loetscher, lot 25 $ 100 00
Christ Loetscher lot 24 75 00
Christ Loetscher, lot 23 75 00
Fred Grebe, lot 22. 85 00
A. Kaiser, lot 21 75 00
Total $ 410 00
Street between Wiest Eagle Point
avenue and Valarie street.
Bertha Beversdorf, lot 5 $ 500 00
Chas. Klingenberg, lot 2 250 00
Respectfully submitted.
In favor of constructing a sanitary
sewer on 8th street from Bluff street
to the ally east of Jgekeon street.
In favor of accepting the proposition
of Bertha A. Beversdorf for land for
opening street through her property
In favor of filing the petition of Chas.
Klingenberg in relation to the award
of the jury for opening street between
West Eagle Point Avenue and Valarie
In favor of receiving and filing the
petitions of J. A. Rhomberg et al re-
Llj,riirvirr1 /lrvlicl,ir -Session, September 4, 1895. ll;:,
monstrating against the improvement
of 5th avenue.
In favor of accepting the invitation
of the American Society Municipal Im-
provement to be held at Cincinati Sept.
11th, 189;' "and would recommend that
W. H. Knowlton. Cit– Engineer attend
same as a deligate from this city.
Your committee report in favor of
granting the petition of Dr. J. H. Green
asking that he be allowed $50 for con-
sultation in the Brunskell case. and
would recommend that a warrant for
$35 be drawn in his favor.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of J. A. Rhomberg asking that
a frame building be ordered removed
off Lynn street between 18th and 19th
In favor of'placing a drinking fount-
ain on Cleveland avenue next spring.
Report adopted.
Ald. 'Halpin. chairman of the com-
mittee on water and fire, reported as
Your committee on fire wald recom-
mend the purchase of 2000 feet of fire
hose. After a full investigation your
committee find that there is not suffi-
cient good hose to change the same.
In favor of receiving and filing the
claim of F. W. Wieland against Frank
Essman as the same has been paid.
In favor of approving the report of
the fire chief for the month of July,
In favor of granting the petition of
James Wallis et al, for the extension
of water mains on Prairie street from
Chestnut street to West llth street.
Report adopted.
Also report in relation to the matter
of veterinary surgeon, would most re-
spectfully report in favor of the coun-
cil appointing said veterinary surgeon,
and the ordinance committee he in-
structed to draft an ordinance defining
the duties of said veterinary surgeon.
Ald. Kaufmann presented a majority
report in favor of appointing Dr. Whit-
well as veterinary surgeon.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Crawford. Kauf-
mann and Schulte.
Nayes—Ald. Cullen. Halpin. Ryder,
Shea and Vogler.
On motion the matter was referred
back to the fire committee with pow-
• Ald. Chea. chairman of the committee
on public grounds and buildings, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings would most respectfully
recommend that the city purchase
enough lumber to put in a new floor
in the dormitory of the Fourth Street
Engine House, the firemen to do the
Also in favor of purchasing. enough
brick to cover the spsce behind said
engine house. as the plank now there-
in are worn nut and has to be fixed.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the levy
on the taxable property within the
elty of Dubuque be as follows:
Water 1
Paying floating indebtedness
Special interest
Also presented the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the members
of the equalization committee, auditor
and assessor be allowed $50.00 each for
the efficient services performed by them
for the year 1895. Carried.
Also reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of al-
lowing' the Spensley Estate $30.00 for
damages to property on account of the
Improvement of Fremont avenue.
Ald. Shea, chairman of the paving
committee. reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of
approving of the within recommenda-
tion of the city engineer for a storm
water sewer on 14th street from Locust
to Main street, and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications for said sewer and
advertise for bids for doing the work.
Also report that they have examined
the brick paving on 4th street between
Main and White streets, also on Clay
street between 13th and 18th streets,
18th street from Clay to Couler avenue,
and Couler avenue from 18th street to
Eagle Point avenue. and report in favor
of accepting said work. Report adopt-
Ald. Shea. chairman of the board of
health. reported as follows:
Your committee of the board of
health to whom was referred the matter
of the bills against the county for
expenses in the care of small pox
cases. would report that we waited on
the hoard of supervisors, andit was
agreed that hereafter all bills con-
tracted by the city for the care of such
cases be submitted to the board for
payment properly certified by the board
of health. and that the city recorder
be instructed to file without delay with
said board of supervisors all bills now
on file in his office for expenses incurred
in relation to such cases.
1d. Ruder offered the following.
which was adonted:
Resolved. That M. Lavin be allowed
8100 to apply on sewer in alley from Jul-
ien avenue to West Eleventh street. be-
tween 11R CRyderPlace
offered and
the Grant
which was adopted:
Resolved. By the city council of the
Pity of nuhunue: That the Duhugne
Water Company be instructe'1 to ex-
tend their water mains on toch Ashur street
form St. Ambrose
ng Asbury
thstee ewet hence asylum. street
and that water plugs
be located by the fire committee and
1.64 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1893.
chief, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing
to said water company a sum of money
sufficient to pay interest at the rate of
7 per cent on the Cost of pipe so requir-
ed to be extended.
Aid. Shea offered the following, which
was referred to the committee of the
Resolved by the city council Of the
city of Dubuque. That the Monday
Morning Star be and is hereby designat-
ed as an additional official paper for
the publication of the advertisements
and official notices of the city and to
receive the same compensation for such
publications as the other weekly news-
papers of the city receive for the same
Ald. Bauer offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the alley between
Lincoln and Rhomberg and Schiller
and Middle avenues be graded and mac-
adamized, in conformity with the ordi-
nance upon that subject. That the city
engineer be and is hereby directed to
make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper no-
tice for bids and proposals for the per-
formance of the work: the grading and
macadamizing to be done at the ex-
pense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer
be constructed in the alley between
Washington and Elm streets and llth
and 19th streets. and that the city en-
gineer be and is hereby directed to pre-
pare the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and submit
same to the council. the cost of said
improvement to be done at the expense
of the owners of the adiacent property
in accordance with the ordinance on
that subject.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Aid. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer
be constructed on West Fifth street
from Bluff street to alley east of John
street, thence south In alley to alley
north of Fenelon Place. thence west in
alley to Summit street. That the city
engineer be instructed to prepare the
necessary plans and specifications for
said work. the•cost of same to be at the
expense of the adjacent property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Alderman Crawford offered the fol-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone, or cement. be. within 15 days of
tills notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on the west side of Asbury
street between Delhi street and the west
boundary of the city where not already
laid at the expense of abutting proper-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. ( rawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann.. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved: That the street commis-
sioner be instructed to repair Foy street
and put it in a condition suitable for
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Whereas. It Is deemed advisable to
widen Foy street to 40 feet in width
along the east side of lot 1 of Blakes
subdivision of mineral lot ninety-three
(93) by taking fourteen (14) feet from
the easterly side of said lot one (1).
Therefore. Resolved. That the city
engineer be hereby instructed to make a
survey and plat of such proposed im-
provement, showing the land or lots
through or over which the same is pro-
posed to be made. the names of the own-
ers thereof, and the quantity of land pro
posed to be taken. and when such plat
is completed it shall be filed in the en-
gineer's office. and be subject to public
inspection. and Otherwise proceed ac-
cording to the provisions of chapter 30
of the revised ordinance of 1893.
This resolution to supercede all prev-
ious action of the council relative to
widening said street.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was adopted.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the Chicago
Great Western Railway company b' noti
tied to widen the approaches to the over
head bridge on Peru Road, and macad-
amizing the same. Said work to be
done to the satisfaction of the commit-
tee on streets and engineer.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was referred to the committee of
the whole.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the storm water
sewer in alley between Lincoln Ave and
Rhomberg avenue from Fifth to Sixth
avenues be extended from the present
terminus to Fifth avenue. and that the
engineer be instructed to prepare the
necessary plans and specifications for
doing said work.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following.
which was adopted:
Resolved. That the drinking fountain
on the southeast corner of Eagle Point
avenue and Couler avenue be removed
to the south west corner of said streets,
as in its present location it becomes a
nuisance to the adjacent property hold-
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalk by city of Dubuque
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots. and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned. and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate as follows:
B. S. McElheney, lot 68 East Dubu-
que add. $1.25.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen.
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea.
.W j,. r r'nc'(1 Regular Session, September 4, 1895. 165
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide of good two -Inch plank, stone
brick or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north end of Cath-
erine street abutting lot 16 Quigley's
sub of out lot 710, where not already
laid at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on the west side of Cornell
street. between West Fourteenth street
and May Place where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Aid. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on the south side of West
Eighth street. between Caladonia Place
and Wilson avenue where not already
laid at the expense of the abutting prop-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide. of brick. stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice. construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Third street. between Locust
street and Bluff street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. CraWford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of brick. stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks on Bluff
street and Second street. between abut-
ting city lot 125 where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder,
Schulte and Vogler.
AM. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone. or cement. be. within 20 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on both sides of Eleventh
street. between Main street and Iowa
street where not already laid at the ex-
pense of abutting property; also be re-
quired to clear sidewalk fall with on
south side.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick.
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance In relation
to sidewalks. on both sides of Stewart
avenue. between Delhi street and Jul-
ien avenue where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide. of brick. stone or cement, be.
within 30 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks. on the
north side of Fourth street, between
Locust street and alley east where not
already laid at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea.
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on the north side of West
Third street. between Hill street and
Winona avenue where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide. of brick. stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Clay street and Couler avenue
between Third street and Eagle Point
avenue where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann Resolved. offered
BY the city councill of following:
city of Dubuque: That Southern ave-
nue from
end of present
to west line of lot 10 Southern avenue
add, be graded. guttered. curbed and
macadamized. in conformity with the
Ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifl
cations for said improvement, and the
city recorder
notice forbids and s the and propsals fpropere
1(16 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 18.9.1.
performance of the work: theuttering
curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the
owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Hatpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Aid. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That Garfield avenue
between Ann avenue and Dock avenue
be graded, guttered curbed and
macadamized. in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifl
cations for said improvement, and the
city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work: the guttering
curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the
owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That South Bluff St.,
between Dodge St. and 300 feet south
be graded, guttered, curbed and
macadamized. in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifi-
cations for said improvement, and the
gineers office. and be subject to public
notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work: the guttering
curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the abut
ting property, grading to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler..
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the alley
east of Stafford avenue between Merz
and Paulina street. be graded and
macadamized. in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifi-
cations for said improvement, and the
city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work; the grading
and macadamizing to be done at the ex-
pense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city' codncil of the
city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water Co. be and are hereby instructed
to extend their water mains on and
along Prialrie street from Chestnut
street to West Eleventh street, the city
of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water
company a sum of money sufficient to
pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent.
on the cost of pipe so required to be ex-
Aid. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Whereas; At a regular session of the
city council held on the fourth day of
January. 1892. a resolution was adopted
wherein the city was divided into seven
separate districts and
Whereas. Districts six and seven as
designated are at present almost totally
unprotected in case of fire in said dis-
tricts. therefore
Be it resolved by the city counc;l of th?
city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water company be and are hereby di-
rected and required to construct or cause
to be constructed at some point south
of Southern avenue at the highest avail-
able point on Summer Hill, a reservoir
of sufficient capacity to supply the
necessary water for fire purposes. and
to supply the wants of districts five, six
and seven as per resolution above referr-
ed to. and that the committee on lire
and water locate the necessary fire hy-
drants for the better protection in said
districts. and be it further resolved,
That the above requirements be com-
plied with by the Dubuque Water com-
pany as sojn as possible and without
unnecessary delay.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque: That the city engi-
neer be and is hereby instructed to pre-
pare a plat showing the proposed ex-
tension of Malady street to Grandview
avenue, showing the lands or lots
through and over which same is propos-
ed to run. the names of the owners there
of, and the quantity of land proposed to
be taken. and proceed in accordance
with the ordinance on that subject.
Ald. Halpin offered the following.
which was referred to the street com-
mittee with power:
Resolved: That the street commis-
sioner be authorized to expend $150.00
for the repair of Peabody avenue from
Dodge street to James street.
Whereas, The city council has order-
ed the improvement of South Main
'street. and
Whereas. It was deemed expedient
that the grading should be done for
some time before the brick paving
should be placed thereon. and
Whereas, Said grading can be placed
on the street at the present time on fav-
orable terms to the city, therefore
Resolved: That a committee be ap-
pointed to confer with the proper officers
of the I. C. R. R. in relation to doing
said grading of streets in Dubuque Har-
bor Company's addition and report to
the council.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
Be it resolved that the city engineer
is hereby directed to make a survey and
plat of a proposed street from the inter-
section of Southern avenue and Valley
street, by the most practicable and feasi
ble route through mineral lot 50a and 38
to the north end of Herron Place, and
present same to the city council.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 15 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on both sides of Fremont
avenue between Grandview avenue and
Adjourned Regular ,\'e.ysion, September 4, 1895. 167
Cascade road where not already at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement. be. within 20 •days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on both sides of Jones
street .between Harrison street and
West Main street where not already
laid at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Halpin offered the following,
which was adopted:
To J. H. Shields:
You are hereby notified that it is the
intention of the city council of the city
of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its
next regular session. ordering to be
filled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant
water. which lots are numbered and de-
scribed as follows:
Lot 2 of block 9 in Dubuque Harbor
Co.'s add.
You are notified to appear, if you
desire, at the next regular meeting of
the council and show cause, if any you
have, why said resolution should not be
passed, as it is proposed that said fill-
ing shall be at your expense.
The next session of the council will
commence on October 7th. 1895.
City Engineer Knowlton reported as
follows cn proposals for street and
sewer improvements:
Fifth avenue from end of present im-
provement to Peosta street.
Steuck & O'Farrell $5,797 00
Peter Horsch 5,085 00
Dubuque Construction Co. 5,216 00
John Pickley 6,063 00
Peter Horsch, being the lowest bidder,
was, on motion. awarded the contract
to be completed as far as Rhomberg ave-
nue this year.
Seventeenth street from Clay street to
West Locust street:
Dubuque Construction Co. paving per
square yard, 96 cents: curbing per lin-
eal foot. 32 cents: old curbing reset,
Steuck & O'Farrell, paving per squa
yard. $1.12; curbing per lineal foot, 40
cents; old curbing reset, 10 cents.
Kenety & McCann paving per square
yard, $1.38; curbing per lineal foot, 37
cents; old curbing reset, 9 cents.
The Dubuque Construction Co., being
the lowest bidder. were. on motion,
awarded the contract.
Alley between Ries street and Merz
street. and Windsor and Stafford ave-
Phil Doerr
Geo. W. Farley
Steuck & O'Farrell
Phil Doerr. being the lowest bidder,
was, on motion. awarded the contract.
Storm water sewer on Seventh street
from Jackson street to Washington
Dubuque Cpnstruction Co., sewer per
lineal foot, 88 cents.
John Blake. sewer per lineal foot, 89
Bryan Donahue. sewer per lineal foot,
82 cents.
Bryan Donahue. being the lowest bid-
der, was, on motion, awarded the con-
Storm water sewer on Fifth street
from Main street west to angle in the
John Blake. sewer per lineal foot,
Dubuque Construction Co., sewer per
lineal foot, $1.08.
Bryan Donahue. sewer per lineal foot,
81 cents.
Bryan Donahue being the lowest bid-
der, was, on motion. awarded the con-
Sanitary sewer in alley east of Center
Place, east on Rose street and south in
alley to West Eleventh street.
Dubuque Construction Co., sewer per
lineal foot. 32 cents.
John Blake, sewer per lineal foot,
37 cents.
J. McCaffrey, sewer per lineal foot, 40
Bryan Donahue. sewer per lineal foot,
34 cents.
Dubuque Construction Co., being the
lowest bidder. was, on motion, awarded
the contract.
Storm water sewer on Dodge street
from end of present sewer to South
Main street.
Dubuque Construction Co., sewer per
lineal foot. $4.05.
John Tibey, sewer per lineal foot,
John Tibey, being the lowest bidder,
was, on motion. awarded the contract.
Ald. Halpin moved that a committee
be appointed to visit and examine a
stone house on Bluff street near First
Ald. Halpin, Vogler and Schulte were
appointed as such committee.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn.
$333 00
360 00
382 00
168 Special Session, September 20, 1895.
I;ITY ('UI'NCii,.
Council met at 4:45 0. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bauer. Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
On motion City Treasurer Gniffke was
allowed to employ an assistant at the
pleasure of the council at a salary of
$50 per month.
On motion the bids for the improve-
ment of Rebecca street were ordered
opened and referred to the engineer for
On motion it was resolved that the
ordinance in relation to the ordinance
requiring awnings 'to be eight
feet in height be changed so as to read
seven feet in height from sidewalk.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that all parties
that had macadam and the city had
used, the city engineer report the same,
and the said parties be paid.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the jurors
that had been summoned for assessing
damages to property on the following
streets be allowed $2.00 per day.
Street between Eagle Point avenue
and Valarie and Glen Oak avenues.
On motion the following plans and
specifications submitted by the city en-
gineer were approved:
Plans for a 12 -inch tile pipe sewer in
South Locust street from Dodge street
to south line. lot 6 of 579 city.
Tile pipe sewer in alley from Eleventh
street to Nineteenth street between
Washington and Elm streets.
On motion the plans and specifications
for sewer on West 5tb. street and alley
north of Fenelon Place were referred
back to the sewer committee and en-
Ald. Ryder offered the following reso-
Resolved, By the city council of Du-
buque: That the Board of Supervisors
of Dubuque county be and are hereby
direoted to levy a bridge tax of two
mills on the taxable property within
the limits of the cdty of Dubuque for
the benefit of the said city of Dubuque
for the year 1895.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved. That a 12 -inch tile pipe
sewer be constructed in South Locust
street from Dodge street to south line
of lot 6 city 579. That the engineer be
instructed to make the necessary plans
and specifications and to advertise for
proposals for doing said work. Adopt-
ed by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson. Crawford, Cul-
len, Kauffmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution. which was adopted:
Resolved, That the verdict of award
of the jury summoned to appraise the
damages caused by the opening
of North Glen Oak avenue from 14th
street to Julien avenue. be accepted and
approved. and the several amounts of
damages returned by the jury be set
apart in the treasury and paid to p3rues
entitled to the same on their making the
the proper release of the right
of way over their ground taken
and that said street be declared a public
highway. Also that the city attorney
be instructed to procure deeds from the
owners of property taken.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city engineer
be and is hereby instructed to make a
survey and plat of a proposed street
through lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and 5 of the sub of
lot 687 city. between West Eleventh
street and Wilber L'.ne. showing the
names of the owners thereof, the quanti-
ty of the land proposed to be taken and
proceed in accordance with chapter 2
of the revised ordinances of 1893.
Ald. Cullen. chairman of the tax com-
mittee reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the treasurer to mark the sale
of the property of the Sisters of Mercy
illegal on the books and refund to the
purchaser the money paid thereon at 6
per cent. interest. Adopted.
Engineer Knowlton reported on bids
for the improvement of Rebecca street
as follows:
Geo. W. Farley $485
Phil. Doerr 552
J. R. Pickles 522
On motion G. W. Farley was awarded
the contract he being the lowest bidder.
Ald. Sheamoved to adiourn. Carried.
The city council of the city of Du-
buque has levied the following special
assessments against the property here-
inafter described, said assessments be-
come delinquent thirty days from date
of this notice, and will then bear inter-
est at the same rate as the delinquent
annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 19th day of
September, 1895. HENRY B. GNIFFKE
Treasurer of City of Dubuque.
For construction of sidewalk on west
side of Couler avenue:
M M Hoffman, lot 266 Davis Farm
addition $13 50
For constructing a four foot wide
plank sidewalk on the west side of Pine
street between 25th and 26th streets:
S M Langworthy Est. lot 134 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est. lot 135 Glen-
official Notices.
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est. lot 136 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est..lot 137 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est. lot 138 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est. lot 139 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
Forrest Langworthy, lot 140 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est, lot 141 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est, lot 142 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est, lot 143 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est, lot 144 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
S M Langworthy Est, lot 145 Glen-
dale add. No. 2 7 50
For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer in West 8th street from Hill
street to 250 feet west:
A W Kemler Est, lot 16 sub of out
lot 703 city $21 32
M McGrath, lot 17 sub of out lot
703 city 10 64
Peter Kremer. lot 2 sub 18 of out
lot 703 city 9 36
James McCool, lot 1 sub 18 of out
lot 703 city 1 28
James McCool, lot 1 sub 16 Kelley's
sub 7 20
D. W. Linehan, lot 21 Roger's sub9 80
D W Linehan. lot 22 Roger's sub8 80
For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer in Semniary street from 17th
street to Madison street:
German Pres. Theo. School of the
N W, lot 7 sub out lot 675 city..$128 00
J H Trueb, lot 1, M A Rebman's
sub 10 00
A A Clark, lot 2 M A Rebman's
sub 10 00
Lena. Duncan, Iota M A Rebman's
sub 1560
Lena Duncan, lot 4 M A Rebman's
sub 18 00
Lena Duncan, lot 2 sub 4 L H
Langworthy's sub 28
Lena Duncan, lot 1 sub 3 L H
Langworthy's sub 10 40
Lena Duncan, lot 2 sub 3 L H
Langworthy's sub 23 60
John V. Ryder, lot 3 sub 3 L H
Langworthy's sub 5 60
John V. Ryder, lot 2 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 30 40
John Smith, lot 1 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 15 60
John Smith, lot 24 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 25 20
Dr. E L Clark, lot 22 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 17 20
Dr. E L Clark. lot 23 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 40 40
M Duggan, lot 1 sub lot 1 of out lot
678 city, lot 2 of 54 Marsh's
add 30 40
Ferd Nesler, lot 2 sub lot 1 of out
lot 678 city, lot 2 of 54 Marsh's
add 15 20
J. F. Steiner, lot 1 sub 55 Marsh's
28 00
J F Steiner, lot 1 sub 1 of 54
Marsh's add 10 80
Andrew Stroble, lot 2 sub of 54
Marsh's add 14 00
Andrew Stroble, lot 2 sub 55
Marsh's add 3 20
Andrew Stroble, lot 3 sub 21 L H
Langworthy's sub 1 60
Dr. R Clark, lot 2 sub 53 Marsh's
add 16 40
Dr. R Clarke, lot 3 sub 54 Marsh's
add 2 80
Dr R. Clarke, lot 2 sub 21 L H
Langworthy's sub 21 60
Dr R Clarke, lot 2 sub 20 L H
Langworthy's sub
S P Rider, lot 1 sub 21 L H Lang -
worthy's sub
S P Rider, lot 1 sub 20 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 19 20
John Moser, lot 16 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 16 00
John Moser, lot 15 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 2120
John Moser, lot 14 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 21 60
Geo C Rath, lot 5 L 11 Lang -
worthy's sub 42 00
Geo. C Rath. lot 6 L H Lang -
worthy's sub 28 00
For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer in West Fifth street and Winona
Joseph Strinsky, lot 6 Deming &
20 00
6 00
15 60
Horr's add
M. Linehan, lot 7 Deming & 20 00
Horr's add
Bridget Leahy, lot 8 Deming &
Horr's add - 20 00
Jos. Needham, lot 9 Deming & 20 00
Horr's add
S W Upton, lot 11 Deming & 18 80
Horr's add
S W Upton, lot 12 Deming
Horr's add
C H Eighmey et al, lot 13 Deming 20 00
& Horr's add
C H Eighmey et al, lot 14 Deming 20 00
& Horr's add
C H EighmeY et al, lot 15 Deming 20 00
& Horr's add
Eliza Williams, lot 16 Deming
& Horr's add 20 00
C H Eighmey et al, lot 17 Deming 20 00
& Horr's add
C Seeger, lot 18 Deming
& Horr's add
20 00
C H EighmeY ea al, lot 19 Deming 20 00
& Horr's add
C H Eighmey et al, lot 20 Deming
& Horr's add
20 00
C H Eigtlmey et al, lot 21 Deming 19 60
& Horr's add ................
if memos et al, lot 22 Deming
18 00
& Horr's add • •...lot 23 Deming
C H Eighmev et al, 17 60
& H„•r's add ................... .
C H Eighmey et al, lot 24 Deming 16 80
& Horr's s dd
For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer in Wilson avenue from Julien
avenue to West Sth street:
E and H R'armington, lot 5 Mob-
20 00
Oficial Notices.
ley's Dub s 70 $11 20
E and H Warmington, lot 6 Col-
lin's sub 10 08
E and H Warmington, lot 3 sub 2
of 2 min lot 79 1 92
John Bell, lot A Bell's sub 24 40
John Bell, lot B Bell's sub 25 60
John Harris Est, lot 1 sub 3
lin's sub
John Harris Est, lot 1 sub 4 Col-
lin's sub 6 00
John Harris Est, lot 2 sub 9 Col-
lin's sub
I C Cleminson, lot 32 Wilson's add. 14 00
Mrs B Keogh, lot 1 McCollin's
Mrs B Keogh, lot 2 sub 7 Col-
lin's sub
Mrs B Keogh, lot 8 Collin's sub
Mrs. B Keogh, lot 1 sub 9 Collins
Dubuque Water Co, lot 2 Kimball's
sub 22 80
Sarah Chubb, lot 1 Kimball's sub. 3 96
Robt. Armstrong Est, lot 3 Mob-
ley's Dub 9 60
For laying a six foot wide plank
sidewalk on Southern avenue between
O. C. line:
Anna Wallace, lot 1 Southern ave.
add $ 4 84
Maria Kempf, lot 9 Breakey's
add 10 12
Martin Dempsey, lot 4 Breakey's
add 13 31
Martin Dempsey, lot 3 Breakey's
add 13 31
A Wander, lot 1 O'Hare's sub 23 87
A Levis Est, lot 16 Levis' add 7 26
A Levis Est, lot 15 Levis' add:5 94
A Levis Est,. lot 14 Levis' add5 94
M Fenton, lot 9 Levis' add 15 94
M Fenton, lot 10 Levis' add n 153 30
Wm J Dolan, lot 8 Levis' add 5 94
Wm J Dolan, lot 7 Levis' add 2 20
Ellen Gleason, lot 2 sub 229 Union
add 10 78
For laying plank sidewalk on south
side Eagle Point avenue from lot 138
L. H. Lang's add. to Kane street:
J M Spahn, lot 1 sub 146, 146 a
L H Langworthy's add 24 00
For laying plank sidewalk on West
7th street between Needham Place and
Hill street:
Trueb. Southwell & Co, lot 7 sub
2 out lot 720 city $ 5 25
Trueb. Southwell & Co, lot 6 sub
2 out lot 720 city 5 18
For laying plank sidewalk on west
side of Kniest street between Rhom-
berg avenue and Eagle Point avenue:
Adam Jaeger, lot 5 sub 11 L
Kniest's sub $17 05
For repairing sidewalk:
P S McWheney lot 68 East Du-
buque add $ 1 25
Col -
10 00
7 60
20 00
18 40
12 00
4 00
Sealed proposals will be received at
he city recorder's office up to 4 o'clock
p. in September 21st, 1895, for doing
he veterinary work of the city for the
ensuing year.
Bidders must state the price per
horse per year for doing said work, bl-
inding all medicine required.
The city reserves the right to reject
ny or all bids. J. W. HALPIN,
9-9-10t Chairman of Fire Com.
DUBUQUE, Iowa. Sept. 9th, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to Thursday, September
Oth, 1895, for curbing and paving the
ollowing streets with brick, in accord-
nce with plans and specifications now
n file in my office:
Jones street from west line of West
fain street to levee.
Brick paving on macadam groute,
.500 square yards.
New c •rbing, 1,000 lineal feet.
Old curbing reset, 500 lineal feet.
West Main street from Main street
o Jones street—
Brick paving on macadam groute
foundation. 1,600 square yards.
New curbing. 300 lineal feet.
Old curbing reset. 209 lineal feet.
All of above work to be completed on
✓ before November lst, 1895. Bidders
must state the price peg Beal foot for
new curbing, also old curbing reset, the
price per so -- yard for brick paving
on macadam groute foundation.
Proposals must be accompanied by a
ertified check on some Dubuque bank
or $5'-'9.00 payable to the order of the
city of Dubuque, in case the party to
whom the contract is awarded shall
ail to execute the contract so awarded
wi" fin five .lays after such contract is
Proposals will acted on at a meeting
of the council to be held September
Oth. 1895, at 7:30 p. m.
Marks for bidders will be furnished
y the recorder.
The city rese:•ves the r'ght to reject
11 bids. T. J. COONEY,
9-4-10t City Recorder.
Granting to the Illinois Central Rail-
road company. its successors and as-
signs, the right of way over and across
certain streets in the city of Du- '
Section 1. That permission he and
the same is hereby granted to the Illin-
ois Central Railroad Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns to construct, main-
tain and operate a side-track, from a
point on its Salina street track, a shore
distance north of Charter street, and
Ojjirzai Nntu i :.
thence westerly across West Main
street. Hatrlsan and South Locust
streets, on to the premises of James
Beach & Co. Saki track to cross South
Locust street at about right angles, at
a point about 270 feet south of the south
Iir a of Dodge sheet.
Section 2. That the track herein au-
thorized shall be laid to the established
hrade of the city. and. should any grade
be changed. at any time, the said track
shall be changed to conform to such
change of grade.
Section 3. That the Illinois Central
Railroad Company shall switch the cars
of other railway companies owning and
operating railway lines in the city of
Dubuque over this track. at a charge
of not more than two dollars ($2.00) per
loaded car.
Section 4. That th_s ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and af-
ter its passage and publication one time
in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, and its
written acceptance by the said Illinois
Central Railroad Company within ten
Adopted Sept. 4, 1895.
Approved. . OLINGER, Mayor,
Attest: T. J. COONEY.
City Recorder.
Dubuque. Iowa. Aug. 23rd, 1895.
To the property owners on Locust street
between 15th and 17th streets, Du-
buque Water Co. and Key City Gas
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fled that work of paving said street has
been commenced. and you are hereby
notified to make the necessary exten-
sions to connect with the sanitary sewer
on said street or with the gas and wa-
ter mains laid thereon.
Said extensions to extend inside the
curb line of said street. as the city will
not allow said street to be torn up for
said purposes after the same is paved.
8-23-10t. PETER OLINGER,
Dubuque. Aug. 31st, 1895.
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given to the owners
of all awnings that they must raise the
same to a height of eight feet above
the sidewalk. If same is not done im-
mediately I shall be compelled to en-
force the ordinance on that subject and
arrest all persons not complying there-
with. ED. MORGAN.
8-31-10t_ City Marshal.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
city of Dubuque. held on the 20th day
of September, 1895. the following special
assessments were levied on the real es-
tate hereinafter described, and that in
case of failure to pay the one-seventh
within the time prescribed by the ordi-
nance governing same. all will become
delinquent and subject to collection by
distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For the improvement of Clay street
from Third street to Thirteenth
Independent School District of
Dubuque, s 2-5 lot 445, city $350 33
Fred Schloz, s 1-2, m 1-5 lot 445, city
57 22
Ellwanger Bros.. n 1-2, m 1-5, lot,
445, city 55 12
A R Staufenbeil, s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
445, city 59 02
Chas Oswald, n 1-2, n m 1-5, lot 445,
city 57 46
John Bell. s 24.6. n 1-5, lot 445, city55 02
John Eichhorn. n 26.6, lot 445, city164 71
Geo. Rath. s 1-5. lot 448. city 269 50
John Kuntz est. s m 1-5. lot 448,
city 144 04
Eugene Hemmi. m 1-5, lot 448, city.150 84
City of Dubuque, n 2-5, lot 448
city 481 86
Anna F Mauer et al, s 2-5, lot 447,
city 436 65
Independent School District of Du-
buque. n 3-5, lot 447, city 617 56
Independent School District of Du-
buque, n S-5, lot 477. city 356 76
Andrew Voelker. n 1-2. m 1-5, lot
446, clay 6177
Geo Crammiller. s 1-2. m 1-5, lot
446, city 61 77
J Ernsdorff, n 36 d. s 2-5, lot 446,
city 88 53
Theo Altman. s 66.4. lot 446, oity295 46
Carolina Fischer. lot 264. city 264 10
Carolina Fischer. sub 265, lot 1,
city 51 11
Carolina Fischer. sub 265, lot 2
city .. 53 35
John Moser, sub 265. lot 3, city .... 38 06
JohnMoser. sub 266. lot 1, city .... 15 56
John Moser. sub 266. lot 2, city ....120 03
Grace A Provost. sub 266, lot 3, 6
city 94
Grace A Provost. s 40 d. lot 267,111 4?_
F R Nitzsche. n 11.2. lot 267, city.. 31 11
F R Nitsche. s 9.8. lot 268, city... 27 23
John Koch, n 41.4. lot 268, pity 236 86
H Hune Est. lot 269. city 142268 25
Frank Brede, lot 270. city
John V Rider. n 28 d. lot 271. city78 07
Eliza Meyers Est. s 23.2, lot 271, 64 45
Jno Kreibs & Co.. n 1-2. lot 272, 71 12
John Michel's Est. s 1-2. lot 272, 71 12
John Michels Est. lot 273. city 267 43
Mrs C Fuhranan. lot 259. city 266 42
John Buckley. lot 260. city 142 53
Christ Jacobi Est. s 1-2, lot 261, 71 24
Helen Miller. n 1-2. lot 261, city 71 24
J A Fitz, s 1-2. lot 262. city 71 24
Jac Sherman, n 1-2. lot 262, city 71 24
Minges Est. s 28.2 d, lot 263, city 78 50
Wm Griffen. n 23 d. lot 263. city 185 31
James Levi. n 49.2. let 274, city ....260 46
Anna Trexler. s 2 d. lot 274, city..5 56
145 13
Anna Trexler. lot 275. city 142 53
Louis Trexler. lot 276. city
H J Cooper. n 1-2. lot 277, city 71 24
Nic Weber. s 1-2. lot 277. city 26471 24
C A Walter, lot 278. city
John A. Hauser. e 1-2. lot 254, city23O69
JJ P Hartig, lot 255. city •••..
H P Bissell Est. lot 256. city 112 95
John Butt. s 1-2. lot 257. city 62 60
John A Hauser. n 1-2, let 257. city68 28
John A Hauser. s 11 d. lot 258, city30 57
John Lyons. n 40.2. lot 258, city •233 33 718
Robert WaBrbara ller. lot t280. city 113 84
A W Kemler est. lot 281. city 112 95
A W Kemler, lot 282. city 96 60
John Turner est. lot 283. city 230 45
U ieiu! Notices.
John Pier, s 1-2. lot 249, city 190 55
Geo Salot. n 1-2. lot 249. clty 71 25
Geo Salot, s 1-2. lot 250. city 71 25
L Berg est, n 1-2. lct 250, city 71 25
Mary Riese, s 1-2. lot 251, city 71 25
John Moser, n 1-2, lot 251, city 71 25
Josephine Boyne. and 2-3, lot 252 a
252, city 95 02
Mary Retchie, and 1-3. lot 252 a 252
city 47 51
Joseph Boyne, and 2-3, lot 253,
aity 166 24
Mary Retchie. and 1-3, lot 253,
city 83 12
Dubuque Co.. lot 284, city 229 64
Dubuque Co. lot 285, city 128 88
Dubuque Co, lot 286. city 127 75
Dubuque Co, lot 287. city 126 60
Dubuque Co, lot 288. city 239 65
Barbara Meyer Est. lat 218. c.ty ... 261 24
Theresa Stoltz. lot 246. city 142 53
Theresa Stoltz. lot 246. city 144 51
Peter Meh.m, n 1-2. 10t 245, city 71 29
P Kiene Sr, s 1-2. lot 245, city 64 97
Marry Largarce. e 53 d, lot 244, city264 41
F Mangold. n 50.5. lot 289, city 237 03
Theo Altman, s 8 inches, lot 289,
city 1 94
Theo Altman. lot 290, city 143 62
Theo Altman. lot 291, city 142 53
A Cain, lat 292. city 138 58
Schmidt Sr Kuehule. n 1-2, lot 293,
city 71 29
Jac Werner est. s 1-2. lot 293, city192 51
E Hemmi, lot 243. city 252 51
John P Page, n 29.7, lot 242, city 82 79
Nic Jungles est. lot 241. city 143 92
Roman Lorenz. n 29.7. lot 240, city82 79
Geo Martin. s 22. lot 242. city 61 12
Jos Wittmer, s 22. lot 240, city61 12
John Marxe:r, n 1-2. lot 239, city 71 96
R H Collier. s 1-2. lot 239. city 193 02
James Rell'ly, est. lot 294, city 265 69
Geo Schaffhausen. lot 295. city 135 24
Mary Hemmer. lot 296. city 143 92
Mrs F. Nnoernschild. lot 297, city 146 03
Mrs M Rhemberg, n 28 d, lot 298,
city 78 06
Nic Jungles est. s 23.7, lot 298,
city 175 22
Thos Melcheir, lot 238. city 265 15
Thos Melchoir. n 1-2. lot 237, city .. 71 68
John H Stroble. a 1-2. lot 237, city.. 71 68
E E Stroble, lot 236, city 143 36
C H Meyer. n 1-2. lot 235. city 71 68
Robt Waller est. s 1-2, lot 235,
city 71 68
Robt Waller est. lot 234. city 264 93
J J Linehan est, lot 299. city 264 88
M Majerus. lat 300, city 129 95
B Becke, lot 301, city 143 36
Maggie McDonnell, lot 302, city 129 95
B Becke, n 1-2. lot 303, city 64 97
Annie Shea, s 1-2. lot 303, city 184 02
Geo Redman, lot 523. city 265 68
Geo Redman, sub 524. lot 3, city68 00
Jac Michel, sub 524. lat 2, city 102 27
Jac Michel, sub 525. lat 1, city 15 34
Fischer & Co.. sub 525. lot 2, city86 93
Fischer & Co. lot 526, city 135 76
Fischer Sr Co, lot 527, city 127 59
C., M & St. P. Ry Co, lot 747, city619 86
Key City Electric St. Ry Co, city62 58
Dubuque St Ry Co, city 3868 76
For the improvement of White street
from 23nd street to 24th street:
Peter Wanderscheid Jr, lot 267,
Davis Farm add 51 59
A Lang, lot 268, Davis Farm add48 01
Christena Feller. s 1-2, lot 269,
Davis Farm add 24 04
Jacob Abresch, n 1-2. lot 269, Davis
Farm add 24 04
A F Jaeger. lot 270. Davis Farm
add 48 01
A F Jaeger, lot 271. Davis Farm
add 48 01
A F Jaeger, lot 272. Davis Farm
add 48 01
John Roith, lot 273, Davis Farm
raid 48 01
Fred Lensing est, s 1-2, lot 274,
Davis Farm add 24 04
Kate Vogel, e 1-2. n 1-2. lot 274,
Davis Farm add 24 04
Herman Kuehnel. lot 275, Davis
Farm add 48 01
Jacob Haudenshield. lot 276, Davis
Farm add 52 40
Chas Krentz. lot 367. Davis Farm
add 54 11
Mrs Fred Hennings. lot 368, Davis
Farm add 48 01
Wm Conrad. n 1-2. lot 369, Davis
Farm add 24 04
Cath Vogel, s 1-2, 101 369, Davis
Farm add 24 04
Clifford Ham. lot 370. Davis Farm
add 48 01
Paul Traut. lot 37 Davis Farm add 48 01
M M Hoffman. lot 372. Davis Farm
,add 4G 13
Eliza Besanz. n 24 ft lot 373, Davis
Fanm add 19 25
P W Lenz. s 36 ft. lot 373, Davis
Farm add 28 80
P Utzig, n 24 ft lot 374. Davis Farm
add 19 25
J R Flick, s 36 ft lot 374, Davis
Farm add 28 80
A Glab est. lot 375. Davis Farm
add 48 01
Adam Stoltz. w 80 ft. lot 376, Davis
Farm add 48 93
For the improvement of Fremont street
from Grandview avenue to Cas-
cade road.
Benedict Sigg, sub 43, lot 2, Quig-
ley's sub $ll4 00
Albert Gasser. lot 1. Sisters' add ..377 75
Agatha Heim lot 3, .Sisters' add.. 93 56
Agatha Heim, lat 4. Sisters' add ..105 55
John V Rider, lot 5. Sister: add ..105 55
John V Rider. lot 6. Sisters' add ..105 55
John V Rider, lot 7. Sisters' add ..105 55
Chas Thill, lot 8. Sisters' add 105 55
Chas Thi11, lot 9, Sisters' add 139 53
Marton Donavan, lot 4. Babcock's
add 167 55
S Littlefield, n 50 ft, lot 57, Bab -
cock's add 69 82
Chas Vain Horn, s 60 ft lot 57, Bab -
cock's add 112 63
Eliza Newburgh, sub 3. lot 1, Bab -
cock's add 215 19
C A Alexander. sub 3, lot 2, Bab -
cock's add 143 86
Wm Coates est. lot 44. Simpson s
sub 303 19
John Spensley est, sub 45, lot 1,
Simpson's sub 1 289 97
James Woodrawr, sub 64, lot 3,
Simpson's sub 58 17
John Spensley est, sub 64, lot 1,
Simpson's sub 353 03
John Spensley est, sub min lot 144,
lot 1, Simpson's sub 839 27
Sisters of Charity, lot 42, Sister's
add 385 28
Thos O'Shea, sub min lot 144, lot 3,
Sister's add 215 32
Dennis Carney, sub min lot 144, lot
4, Sleter's add 392 50
Thos O'Shea, lot 43, Sister's add
215 60
0fjicial Notices.
. 173
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city recorder's office up to 4 o'clock
p. m. September 28th, 1895, for 2,000
eet of cotton fire hose, to be delivered
In the city of Dubuque.
Bidders must submit samples of ho.3e
bid on with each proposal. The city
reserves the right to reject any or an
bids. J. W. HALPIN,
9-9- 1St Chairman Fire Com.
street where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property; also be
required to clear sidewalk full on south
south side.
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 ft. wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
_to sidewalks, on both sides of Stewart
avenue, between Delhi street and Jul-
ien avenue where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property.
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
12 ft. wide, of brick, stone or cement, be,
within 30 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of Fourth street, between
Locust street and alley east where not
already laid at the expense of abutting
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
12 ft. wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 20 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on both sides of Jones
street, between Harrison street and
West Main street where not alread;-
laid at the expense of the abutting:
Resolved, By the city council of tho
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 ft. wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north side of West
Third street, between Hill street and
Winona avenue, where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
12 ft. wide of brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Clay street and Couler avenue
between Third street and Eagle Point
avenue where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 ft. wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 15 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks on the west side of Asbury
street between Delhi street and the west
boundary of the city where not already
laid at he expense of abutting prop-
Resolved by the city council of the
feet wide of good two-inch plank. brick,
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
stone or cement, be, within 15 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with theonbothinance in relation
sides of Fremont
to sidewalks,
avenue between Grandview avenue and
Cascade road where not already laid at
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 ft. wide of good two-inch plank, stone,
brick or cenment, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north end of Cath-
erine street abutting lot 16 Quigley's
sub of out dot 710, where not already
laid at the expense of the abutting
Resolved, By the city council or the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 ft. wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the west side of Cornell
street, between West Fourteenth street
and May Place where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
6 ft. wide of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the south side of West
Eighth street, between Caladonia Place
and Wilson avenue where not already
laid at the expense of the abutting prop-
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
12 ft. wide, of brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice. construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Third street, between Locust
street and Bluff street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of the abut-
ting property.
Resolved, 13y the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
12 ft. wide of brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on Bluff
street and Second street, between abut-
ting city lot 125 where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
twelve feet wide. of brick. stone
or cement, be, within 20 days of
this notice, constructed and 1^id in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on both sides of Eleventh
street, between Main street and Iowa
r•irrJ Notices.
the expense of abutting property.
9-17-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, city of Du-
buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Tues-
day, Oct. 1st, 1895. for constructing side-
walks of brick. stone or cement where
not already laid, and also new curbing
and resetti:ig of old curb, as may be
necessary, as follows. viz:
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
of Third street between Locust street
and Bluff street.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on Bluff street
and Second street abutting lot 125 city.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
Of Eleventh street between Main street
and Iowa street.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on north side
of Fourth street between Locust street
and alley east.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
of Clay street and Couler avenue be-
tween Third street and Eagle Point ave-
Also for the Construction of 2 -inch
plank sidewalk. as follows, where not al
ready laid. viz:
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
of Jones street between Harrison street
and West Main street.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
of Fremont avenue between Grandview
avenue and Casevade road.
A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on south side
of West Eighth street between Cala-
[Ionia Place and Wilson avenue.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on the north
end of Catherine street abutting lot 16
Quigley's sub outlot 710.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side
of Cornell street between West Four-
teenth street and May Place.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides
of Stewart avenue between Delhi street
and Julien avenue.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side
of West Third street between Hill street
and Winona avenue.
A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side
of Asbury street betvleen Delhi street
and the west boundary of the city.
All in accordance with specifications
on file in said office.
A bond of S100 will be required with
each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
City Engineer.
Dated Sept. 19. 1895. 9-19-10t.
To C. W. Rittman:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 13th
street to 18th street adopted on the 4th
day of September, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot n Y4 443 in city owned
by you being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council
to be held on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1895, and show cause of any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
To M. Michels:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Clay street, from 13th
street to 18th street adopted on the 4th
day of September. A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement. lot s 'Fe s m 1-5 442 in city
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fled to appear at said meeting of the
council. to be held on the 7th day of
October, A. D. 1895. and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
To John Osthoff:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
Improvement of Couler avenue, from
18th st. to Eagle Point avenue, adopted
on the 4th day of Septem-
ber, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 2 of 4 and lot 3 of
sub 438, 439 and pt. 676 in city owned
by you being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council.
to be held on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1895, and show cause 1f any you
have why said assessment should not
be levied. T. J. COONEY,
9-19-10t. City Recorder.
To Eliza Williams:
You are hereby notified that In ac-
cordance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for th'
improvement of alley first north of
West Third street and wes of Hill
street, adopted on the 4th day of Sept.
A. D., 1895, a special "assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcls of land
abutting on said improvement, lot 16 in
Deming & Horr's ub., owned by yon
being subject to tech special assessment
And you are hereby notified to appear
at said meeting of the council. to be
held on the 7th day of Oct. A. D., 189:1.
and show cause, if any you have, wh)
said assessment should not be levied.
9-20-10t City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To the owner or the owners of the
several lots and parcels of ground
abutting Clay street from 13th street
to 18th street, 18th street from Clay to
Couler avenue, Couler avenue from
18th street to Eagle Point avenue, 4th
street from Main street to White street,
Curtis street from South Dodge street
to Malady street. Alley first north of
W. 3rd street from Hill street west and
no'th to W. 4th street and Paulina
treet and alley from Johnson avenue
to Humboldt avenue between Rhom-
berg avenue and Lincoln avenue in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of any rail-
way companies occupying with its
tracks a portion of said streets. and to
any person or company having any ii.-
terest In said real estate or said rail-
You are hereby notified that there is
on file in the office of the city recorder
of Dubuque a plat of said above named
streets in said city, showing the sev-
eral lots or parcels of ground, abutting
on said street. and the tracks of said
railways laid thereon subject to special
assessment for paving and curbing of
said streets and the names as far as
practicable of the owners of said abut-
ting real estate and of said railways,
and the amount assessed against each
lot, or parcel of ground, and against
said railways, for the inspection of any
person, firm or company interested in
any kind in said real estate, or to said
railways, and that such firm or com-
pany having objections to the special
tax proposed to be assessed as shown
by said plat, may file with the city re-
corder his or their objection in writing
at or before the next meeting of the
city council of the city of Dubuque,
which will meet on the 7th day of Oc-
tober, 1895. W. H. KNOWLTON,
9-20-10t City Engineer.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Sept. 18th, 1895.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my offlc up to Saturday Oct. 5th, 1895.
at 4 o'clock p. m. for doing the following
work in accordance with the plans and
specifleat.tons on file in my office:
Alley east of Stafford avenue frc,.n
Mertz, street to Paulina street:
Macadam. 340 sq yds.
Grading cut. 230 cu yds.
Length. 170 lin ft.
South Bluff street from Dodge street
to 300 feet south:
New curbstone set. 600 lin ft.
Guttering, 260 sq yds.
Macadam, 730 sq yds.
Earth filling, 500 cu yds.
Cutting, 200 ell yds.
Length, 300 lin ft.
Southern a venue from Rowan street
to west line. lot 10 South avenue add:
30 -inch new curbstone set, 1,000 lin ft.
Guttering, 700 sq yds.
Macadam, 1,500 sq yds.
Earth filling. 75G cu yds.
Cutting, 1.000 cu yds.
Length, 500 lin ft.
Garfield avenue from Ann avenue to
Dock avenue:
New curbstone set. 100 lin ft.
Curbstone reset, 50 lin ft.
Guttering, 70 sq yds.
Macadam, 150 sq yds.
Alley between Lincoln avenue and
Fhomberg avenue from Schiller avenue
to Middle avenue:
Macadam, 740 sq yds.
Earto filling, 125 cu yds.
foul ting, 1.15 cu yds.
Length. 335 lin ft.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for curbing and price per square
yard for guttering and macadamizing,
grading on streets to be bid in a gross
Grading for alley to be bid by the
cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a bond of $200
that the contract will be entered into if
All work to be completed by Nov. lst,
Proposals will be acted on at the ses-
sion of the council to be held Monday.
Oct. 7th. 1895.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished
by the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
9-17-18t. City Reorder._
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, city of Dubu-
que, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Satur-
day, Oct. 5, 1895, for furnishing all ma-
terial and constructing pipe sewers as
follows according to plans and specifi-
cations on file in said office:
A 12 -inch tile pipe sewer in South
Locust street from Dodge street to
south line lot 6 of 579 city.
Estimated length, 450 feet; two man-
A 15 and 18 inch tile pipe sewer in
alley from 11th to 19th streets, between
Wasb ngton and Elm streets.
Estimated length, 1,400 lin feet of
18 inch pipe sewer. 1,300 lin feet of 15
inch pipa saver; 17 manholes.
Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with
bid that contract will be entered into
if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
City Engineer.
9 -?5-10t
Special Session, October 1st, 1895.
Council met at 4:20 o'clock.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Ronson. Crawford, Cul-
len, Kaufmann. Ryder. Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
The mayor stated that the object of
the meeting was principally to pay con-
tractors for the estimate on street im-
provements reported by the engineer
and anything else at the pleasure of
the council.
Engineer Knowlton presented the fol-
lowing estimates uue contractors which
were ordered paid.
Dubuque Construction Co. $2,250 00
Steuck & 0 Farrell 7,097 00
D. W. Linehan 990 00
John Pickley 865 00
Ryan Faros 911 00
Philip Doerr 182 50
Peter Borsch 780 00
.John Tibey 696 00
B. Donahue ... 278 00
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Resolved. That the resolution of the
council directing the fire committee to
advertise for bids for doing the veterin-
ary work of the city for the ensuing
year, be rescinded. and that any bids re-
ceived therefor be returned unopened.
Auupted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bonson. Crawford, Kauf-
mann. Shea and Schulte.
Nayes—Alds. Cullen. Ryder and Vog-
Ald. Bonson offered the following:
Resolved. That the action of the ma-
jority of the fire committe, ap-
pointing C. H. Whitwell to the office of
city veterinary surgeon be approved and
ratified, and that he be declared said
veterinary surgeon for the year begin-
ning Sept. 4, 1895.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bonson, Crawford, Kauf-
mann. Shea and Schulte.
Nayes—Aids. Cullen. Ryder and Vog-
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the mayor is
hereby authorized and required for the
purpose of providing for the cost and ex-
pense of improving the following streets
and alleys, to wit:
Fifteenth street from Main to Locust
street, $1.400.
Sixteenth street from Main to Locust
street. $1.400.
Audubon avenue froth West Four-
teenth street to Dexter avenue, $1,900.
Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue
to Peosta street. $1.600.
Fengler avenue from Peosta street to
northern terminus. $1,900.
Middle avenue from Emsley alley to
Garfield avenue. $1.200.
Rush street from Quince to Villa street
Fifth avenue from end of improve-
ment to Rhomberg avenue, $2,250.
Seventeenth street' from Locust to
Clay street, $5.500.
Alley from Merz to Flies street, bet-
ween Windsor and Stafford avenues,
m Thomas street to
To issue under the provisions of the
southebendcca ofstse $400.
Alley from Johnson to Windsor bet-
ween Garfield and Rhomberg avenues,
ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894, by
the City Council of the City of Dubuque,
bonds to the amount of $20,000, of the
denomination of 51.000 each, numbering
from 105 to 124 inclusive. to be dated
October 1st, 1895, payable seven years,
after date, or at any time before said
date at the option of the City of Dubu-
que, bearing interest at the rate of five
jer cent. per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, both principal and interest pay-
able at the National Bank of the Re-
public in the city of New York.
When said bonds are issued and regis-
tered they shall be delivered to the
finance committee. who shall deliver the
same to Farson. Leach & Co., Chicago,
Ill., in accordance with their contract
with the city, and said committee are
instructed to pay the proceeds of same
to the city treasurer. to be applied by
him in accordance with the provisions
of the ordinance adopted August 9th,
1894.. and said committee is to report
its doings here under to the city council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson. Crawford, Cul-
len, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved, BY the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer
be constructed on Fourth street from
end of present sewer west to Fer.elon
Place, thence along Fenelon Place to
Summit street and the city engineer is
hereby directed to prepare the neces-
sary plans and specifications for said
improvements and submit same to the
council. the cost of construction of said
sewer to be done at the expense of the
adjacent property in accordance with
the ordinance on that subject.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bonson, Crawford, Cul-
len, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Shea. chairman of the paving
committee, reported that they had exam
fined the brick paving on Locust street
from Tenth to Fourteenth streets; also
Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets between
Locust and Main streets and report in
favor of accepting the same. Report
Alderman Crawford offered the follow
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a k four
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or this notice. cement. d
constructed dand laid in days mity with oo f
on both ordinance
tosides of Vernon
street. between Alta Vista street and
west end t where
laid at the expenseofstreeof abuttingnot proprtyalready.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bonson. Crawford, Cul-
len, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
178 Regular Sesaioi , October 7th, 1895.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution. which was adopted:
Resolved: That the city engineer be
instructed to report a suitable grade for
North Glen Oak avenue from Julien ave-
nue to Fourteenth street.
Also an approximate estimate of the
cost of grading said street preparatory
to paving, curbing and macadamizing
the same.
Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn.
. City Recorder.
Approved 1895.
,.. Uayor
Council met at 9:30 a. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present Ald. Bauer, Ronson, Craw
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Vogler moved that the minutes
of the Sept. sessions be approved as
printed. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus-
pnded and Mr. J. K. Graves be allowed
to address the council In relation to an
equestrian statue at the state capitol
in honor of Major General Herron.
The following resolution was unani-
mously adopted and a copy ordered
sent to the Iowa Soldiers' Monument
commissioners and Governor of Iowa.
Whereas, The state of Iowa is now
completing a massive monument on
the capitol grounds at Des Moines, to
commemorate the patriotic valor and
devotion of the soldiers and sailors of
the state, living and dead, who gave
their services to their country in the
War of the Rebellion. and
Whereas, the commission having said
monument in charge first decided that
an equestrian statue of Major General
F. I. Herron should be placed in that
grand work, and in view of the fact
that General Herron formerly resided
in Dubuque, was the first man in the
Union to tender the services of an or-
ganized company, the Governor's Greys,
of which he was captain, to the presi-
dent of the United States, and Tater
when Fort Sumpter fell and Lincoln's
call for 75.000 to suppress the rebellion,
Captain Heron, at the head of the Gov-
ernor's Greys, marched to the field of
carnage, won undying fine, and Captain
Herron was made Lieut -Colonel of the
9th Iowa Infantry and was soon made
brigadier general and after eighteen
months' service from the time he march-
ed from Dubuque was appointed major
general, the youngest in the United
States, and won additional honors dur-
ing his lung and gallant services, and
now holds the "Medal of Honor" con-
ferred by Congress. and
Whereas, the commission being pri-
vately advised that charges against
Major General Herron had been pre.,
ferred in the Loyal Legion of New
1-nrk. whereupon without giving far:'
er thought the commission took ne
further action. therefore be It
Resolved. By the magnr and al-
derman of the city of Dubuque that our
citizens. in common with the people of
Iowa, feel a deep sense of gratitude
for the brave and brilliant record made
by General Herron and voice the senti-
ment of Dubuque when we tem
thanks to the commission for having
first selected General Herron for a
prominent position in connection with
the monument, and we insist that is
was and is the sacred duty of the com-
mission to at least inquire of the Loyal
Legion concerning the charge, and, if
found that it was inspired by jealousy
and being met by indignation was
withdrawn by its author, or, if in any
event, it cast no shadow on the illus-
trious record of Dubuque's honored son,
thenwebutecho the universal sentiment
of Iowa that the honor originally and
unanimously decided upon by the com-
mission, should be promptly given
Major General Herron, and the citi-
zens of Dubuque especially and those
of the entire state will not rest content
until the commission performs this
sacred duty
We thank the commission for what
it has done, and especially in recog-
nizing Dubuque's illustrious soldiers,
who sealed their devotion to the coun-
try with their lives, but we implore
the commission to round out its duties
by honoring Maj Gen. Herron, as was so
unanimously decided upon in the be -
But two of Iowa's four Major Gener-
el's are living. The features of one will
appear, and the other should certainly
appear unless his absence can be fully
and satisfactorily accounted for to the
people of Dubuque and of Iowa.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Star Electric Co., arc lights 91625 40
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber 1 00
Excelsior Brass Works. dog tags75
5 00
Mrs. Keine, janitor work
Mrs. Koenig, janitor work 20 00
T. J. Conlin, carriages Sept. 2.. 8 00
. Regular Session, October 7th,
1895. 179
Fred Schloz. hiacksmithing
Excelsior I3rass Works. expan-
sion rings 2 40
Bart E. Linehan. bridge 2 07
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber 23 62
O. E. Guernsey. steam roller 2 37
B D Linehan, repairing tools etc5 40
W. Schmidt, repairing tools etc50
Bock & Reed. repairing tools etc 12 40
John Butt, repairing tools, etc 7 50
Fred Schloz, repairing tolls, etc14 00
Excelsior Brass Works. repair
ing steam roller 8 25
Hussmann & Lies. supplies 15U
Chas. Atkinson, papering and
painting 81 00
N. H. Schilling, sidewalk in front
of 18th St. engine house and pa -
140 16
Jos Geiger, keys, etc 1 00
C. O. D. Laundry, cleaning and 140 16
trol house
Mullen Bros., plumbing at patrol
• house 20 40
Chas. Burchard. assistant park 31 20
J. W. Wittmer, supplies to hall4 25
Frank Keachie. carpenter work
and material 184 50
Mullen Bros.. plumbing at hall21 35
Louis Lindenberg. step ladder 1
fire department
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber 1
for fire department
J. S. Garrigan. team for fire de-
P. Clancy. team for fire depart-
A. Wunderlich. horse shoeing fire 11
Peter Hoffmann, supplies for fire 1
Excelsior Brass Works. supplies 16
for fire department
Watters & Dennis. suplies for 15
flre department
Barger & Blish, supplies for fire 10
John Butt, supplies for fire de-
Kannolt & Powers. horse shoe- 17
ing for fire department
Engler. Fruclden Lumber Co,
lumber for fire department 6
John Neuman & Son. repairs and
supplies for fire department 10
J. M. McKinzie. repairs for fire 6
Dubuque Water Co., water hy-
drants for September 1308
Lear & Pfiffner. horse shoeing
for fire department
Carr, Ryder & Engler, lumber for
fire department
Geo. G. Perry Bros., matches
Albert Allendorf. assistant elec-
Fred Burch. assistant treasurer
Dr. Michel. attending small pox
J. Hayes, cleaning around hall
Campbell, signs
Christman & Jones. supplies for
city hall
J. W. Wittmer, Jr.. supplies for
city hall
Phil Breithaup, supplies for
Office Specialty Co.. Chicago,
metal work
Robt. McGivern. sanitary officer.
Police Telephone Co.. and Signal
Co.. zincs
7 60
6 00
2 00
13 25
15 00
20 75
3 60
1 00
5 30
2 50
832 70
60 00
21 00
Adam Jaeger. labor around hall. 24 30
E. E. Frith, removing garbage
Walton & Bieg, stationery March
to September
Shipley & Bauman. veterinary
Ham & Carver, registry books
for county and city eleotion 73 60
Hardie & Scharle, printing attor
ney reply of attorney and city
bonds 56 75
J. T. Kearns. r ecording deeds8 25
Dubuque Telegraph, printing
and tax books 98 00
John McCoy, laying sidewalks 60 56
N. H. Schilling, sewer man holes,
etc 192 33
D. W. Linehan. sewer In West
Eleventh street 450 00
N. H. Schilling, brick for side-
walk in front of Fourth street
engine house 4059
N. H. Schilling, laying sewer
pipe on Tenth street 33 97
N. H. Schilling. final estimate
for constructing fire proof
vaults 109 80
J. McCollins. hauling pipe 9 45
Gteuck & O'Farrell. improvement
of Freemont avenue 297 19
Steil -6c. O'Farrell & Lenehan, lay
Ing pipe on Foprteenth street:. 98 00
Gteuck, O'Farrell & Lenehan, im-
provement of Fourth street 855 74
W. H. Knowlton, expenses to con
vention 34 10
M. Lavin. sewer in alley from
Julien avenue 59 25
Dubuque Construction Co., sew-
er In Hill street 26 55
Dubuque Construction Co., im-
provement of Clay street 1979 80
Dubuque Construction Co., im-
provement of Fifteenth street200 00
Dubuque Construction Co., im-
provement of Sixteenth s trees. 200 00
I. K. Beekman, grading Klingen-
berg street
Geo. W. Farley, improvement of
of alley 1st north of West 3rd 17•
Bryon Donahue. sewer in 5th
street 222 00
J. P. Schroeder. sewer pipe and 23 45
Dubuque Construction Co.. sew-
er in alley east of Center Place. 300 00
Phil Doerr, improvement of alley
from Johnson avenue to Hum-
boldt avenue
John Tibey, improvement of Cur- 127 85
tis street
Altman & Taylor. Improvement 771 00
of Grandview avenue
Blakmer & Post. sewer pipe • • • 139 80
W. H. Knowlton. cash advanced 5 60
for car fare
Geo. J. Wiedner. railroad iron 17 10
W. M. Geisicker. assistant engi- 66 00
John Farley, assistant engineer40 0 00
Jas. Morgan. inspector • • • • • • 37 50
John Brady. inspector
J. C. Devine, inspector and rod -
D. Sheehan, Inspector and rod- 24 80
The following hills were referred:
Key City Gas Co. 170 00
18 15
Globe Light & Heat en.,
The following bills were referred to
the street committee:
222 50
30 60
10 95
45 00
180 Regular Session., October' 7th., 1895.
The Knapp Stout & Co. $116 71
6 88
Key City Gas Co. 807 40
0.' E. Guernsey. trustee ..
The bilis of John Maclay, J. P., of
$7.70 for justice fees were referred to
the city attorney.
The following bills were referred to
the printing committee:
Globe -Journal $150 00
50 30
The Times
The Herald 75 00
Dubuque Telegraph 75 00
National Demokrat 50 00
The bill of T. W. Ruete for supplies
for the fire department for $39.20 was re-
ferred to the fire committee.
The bill of Pape & Jacqunott of $32.95
was referred to the sewer committee.
The bills of the Central Union Tele-
phone company of 846.50 were referred
to the electrical construction commit-
The claim of the city against the Du-
buque Street Railway Co. for removing
poles and wires on 18th street was re-
ferred to the city auditor for collection.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of Chas. Schmidt et al, prop-
erty owners on High Bluff street, to
have same improved from present im-
provement to Middle avenue.
Petition of J. A. Rhomberg et al that
Lincoln avenue between Fifth and Sixth
avenues be improves.
PetItion of D. J. Lenehan et al to have
premises on the lot at the south west
corner of Fourteenth and Cornell street
connected with the sewer on Fourteenth
,Petition of Tom Shea et al to have
action of the council ordering the lay-
ing of a sidewalk on the east side of
Fremont avenue from Grandview ave-
nue to Cascade road.
The petition of the Fenelon Place Ele-
v0.tor Co. in regard to taxes. On motion
the assessment for 1894 was placed at
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee:
Michael Hanly & Co.
Mrs. M. McMahon.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Stephen Shaw for the ex-
clusive right to operate a ferry between
Dubuque and East Dubuque. -
Petition of John and Henry Specht for
a donation to operate the steamer Teal.
The petition of Michael McMahon for
damage by fire to his property as by rea-
son alleged to be caused by sparks from
the city steam roller.
Petition of Mary Mundt for damages
from falling on sidewalk in vicinity of
the court house.
Petition of E. A. Engler et al asking
that the steamer Peter Olinger be
equipped as soon as possible.
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of J. A. Ri:omberg for the Im-
provement of Union avenue from West
Locust to Alta Vista street.
Petition of John Melone asking to be
paid for macadam owned by him.
Petition of John Hickey asking to be
compensated for removing fence and
loss to crops.
Petition of John Althauser to have the
pile of broken macadam removed from
in front of his property.
Petition of John A. Holland et al to,
have a four foot sidewalk laid on south
side of Vernon avenue.
Petition of J. G. Meckel et al asking
to have Kane from the West Eagle
Point avenue to one block north opened
its full width.
The following petitions were referred -
to the committee on claims:
Petition of Wm. G. Heimann to be al-
lowed two months pay toward assisting
Petition of Mary and Nettle Blake ask
Mg damages for alleged changing of
water way.
The petition of Frank Keachle making
a proposition to cell the sidewalks and
ends of the city hall was referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
Warrants ordered (Lawn to pay city
ofii cers.
Also that the auditor be instructed to
cancel the duplicate warrants as per list
presented and the report referred to the -
finance committee.
Street Commissioner Carter reported:
$4.634.90 amount required to pay for
labor on street.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor-
ers and report referred to the street
Fire Chief Jos. Reinfrled reported
81.740.00 amount due firemen for the
month of September.
Warrants ordered drawn and report
referred to the fire committee.
Marshal Morgan reported $1.957.98
amount due police for month of Septem-
ber. 1895.
The communication of the city mar-
shal In regard to a frame structure be-
ing erected on the corner of Fourth and
Clay streets was referred to the fire
committee with power.
Petition of Capt. Mont and Wm. Law-
ther & Co.. in relation to sewer between
First and Eighth and Main and Locusts-
ocustsstreets was referred to the sewer com-
mittee and attorney.
The petition of Simon Sullivan asking
to be paid for macadam was referred to
the engineer.
Reports of Officers.
City Auditor McCarten reported as fol-
Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1895$33,093 79 -
Receipts during Sept. 58,940 22,--
$92,034 01
Disbursements 38,890 05
Balance cash on hand Oct. 1..$53,143 96
Also reported $1.966.55 amount requir-
ed to pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during the monh.
Also a list of duplicate warrants ask-
ing the same to be cancelled.
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
$10.50 collected for impounding animals.
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
$5.00 for fine collected. -
Warrants ordered drawn to pay police
and report referred to the committee on
police and light.
Sewer Inspector Chas. Hillery report-
ed 8148.50 amount due for labor on sew-
Warrants ordered drawn to pay for
for labor and report referred to the
sewer committee.
'regular SeR. ion, October 7th, 1895 .
Woedmeasurer .Tess reported 575 cords
of wood measured during the month and
presented treasurer's receipt for 81.05
per due city.
Report adopted.
The reports of the following city weigh
ers were adopted.
Mrs. Deckert. Chas. Pttschner and Jos
eph Straney.
Market Master Traut presented treas-
urer's receipt for $14.95 amount of scale
Also bill for board of prisoners of
Warrants ordered drawn to pay for
feeding prisoners and report referred
to the market committee.
The report of the captains of the fire
engine houses in regard to the amount
of gas consumed was referred to the
police and light committee.
City Attorney Knight reported in
favor of paying the claim of I. C. Cham-
berlain in relation to lot n 23 ft of 489
which had been sold for rail road taxes.
Ald. Crawford moved that the claim
be allowed after the city attorney had
examined the matter and procured the
necessary release.
Tglneer Knowlton presented a plat
of Malady street which was approved.
Also presented a plat of Foye street
which v. -as approved.
Also presented a profile of North Glen
Oak showing by the red grade. the line
he would recommend which was
The report of city attorney in relation
to the line of Pickett street was referred
to the committee of the whole and engi-
Reports of Standing Committees.
Ald. l3onson of the ftnance committee
reported in favor of havine lrein ee,r-
rants drawn in favor of the several par-
ties from whom money was borrowed
also of having warrant drawn in favor
of the city treasurer for money paid out
during the month.
Report adopted.
•Ald. Bonson. chairman of the ordi-
nance committee, presented and read for
the first time the following ordinance:
An ordinance granting to the C., M. &
St. P. Railway Co. the right to construct
and maintain a side track over and
across Twelfth street in the city of Du-
Be It ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 1. That the right of way over and
across Twelfth street in said city, nec-
essary for the C.. M. & St. P. Railway
Co. to maintain and operate a side track
from its tracks west and south of 12th
street to the A. Y. McDonadl & Morri-
son Mfg. Co. on the north side of 12th
street from Pine to Sycamore street, be
and is hereby granted to said railway
Sec. 2. That the said railway com-
pany in the use of said right of way
herein granted shall conform to the
grades of the said city as now or may
be hereafter established by said city!
and provided further that the said rail-
way company shall in all cases of claims
for damages made by private property
owners and holders on said street used
and occupied by said company, protect
and save the city from damages there-
for by reason of this ordinance.
Sec. 3. That all other railroads own-
ing or operating lines or tracks In the
city of Dubuque shall, on the payment
of $2 on each car. to the C., M. & St. P.
Railway Co.. have the privilege of
switching cars on above named side
track belonging to the C., M. & St. P.
Railway Co.
Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be
suspended and the ordinance be placed
on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alis. Bonson. Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen. Kaufmann. Shea, Schulte and
The ordinance was then read by its
title and on motion of Ald. Bonson was
Ald. Vogler moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p. m.
Council met at 2:45 p. m.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, CraW`-
ford, Cullen. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea;
Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford moved that bids for
streets and sewers be opened and referr-
ed to the engineer for computation.
Bids were opened and referred to the
Ald. Bonson presented the following
ordinance which was read for the first
An ordinance relating to the 'height of
awings above sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Sect. 1. That that portion of Section
5 of Chap. 41 relating to the height of
awnings above top of sidewalk be here-
by amended and changed to read seven
feet instead of eight feet as heretofore.
On motion the ordinance was adopted.
Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be
suspended and the ordinance be read
the second time, placed on its final pass-
age. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Nay es—None.
The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Bonson moved the adoption of
the ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Bonson presented the following
ordinance which was read for the first
An ordinance for the vacation of Huff
street and alley in block 29 in Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s addition to the City of Du-
Be it ordained by the City Council of
City of Dubuque.
Sect. 1. That whereas Svendsen &
Ott, operating a large saw mill and hav-
ing extensive lumber yards situate and
surrounding Huff street between block
29 and 30 of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addi-
tion and alley in block 29 of Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s addition to the City of Du-
buque and needing said portion of above
named street and alley for the further
extension of their business.
Therefore the City Council hereby va-
cates and annuls that portion or Huff
street being and situate between blocks
29 and 30 and that part of the alley being
i82 Regular Se88ion, October 7th, 1895.
and situate in block 29 of the Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s addition to the City of Du-
buque, and the said Svendsen & Ott
their succussors or assigns are hereby
permitted and authorized to fill grade
and improve and use that part of said
street and alley so vacated in connec-
tion with operating a saw mill and lum-
ber yard: and such authority is con-
ferred as fully and effectually as the
City Council has the power to grant the
Sect. 2. That portion of said street and
alley so vacated whenever discontinued
for lumber yard or saw mill purposes
shall revert to the city of Dubuque, and
the city shall not be required or expect-
ed to compensate said Svendsen & Ott
their successors or assigns, for the fill-
ing or other improvements on same.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force
from and after its passage and publica-
tion in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph of
the city and its acceptance in writing by
said Svendsen & Ott.
On motion the ordinance was adopted.
Ald. Bonson moved that the rules
be suspended and the ordinance placed
on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
The ordinance was then read for the
second time.
Ald. BoKnson moved the ordinance be
Ald. Bonson presented the following
ordinance which was read for the first
An ordinance relating to the removal
or change of sewer connections.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 1. That section 20 of chapter 136
of the Revised Ordinances of the City of
Dubuque he amended and revised to
read as follows: No person, company or
corporation shall make any connection
with, or any opening into any public
sewer, or shall remove or change any
previous connection with any sewer, in
any manner whatsoever. without having
first obtained license to do so from the
city engineer.
On motion the ordinance was adopted.
Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be
suspended and the ordinance placed on
its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Bonson moved that the ordi-
nance be adopted.
Ca riled.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the delin-
quent tax committee, reported as fol-
Tour committee report In favor of can-
celling the taxes of Johanna Hinz on
lot 23 and s 1-2 of 22 In E. Langworthy's
add for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Henrietta Herzog on lot 5 of O. S. Lang -
worthy's add for 1895
In favor of cancelling the taxes on
lots 138 and 139 Union add for 1894 as
the same is church property.
In favor of allowing Louis Conigisky
to pay $10.00 as payment In full on per-
sonalty for 1893 and 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Henrietta Katzman on lot 28 Buseman's
sub for 1894.
Report adverse to the petition of H.
G Knapp for cancellation of personal
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mary J. Luke for 1894.
Report adverse to petition of Cunning- ,
ham & Walsh for reduction of assess-
ment for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Sophie Dempsey for 1894.
In favor of allowing Catherine Schaef-
fer to pay one-half her taxes as pay-
ment in full for 1894.
In favor of allowing Harry Chalders
to pay $15.00 as payment in full for
1592 1893 and 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of ✓
Mary Ballard for 1894.
In favor of allowing Catherine Welsh
to pay one-half her taxes as payment L
in full for 1894, provided she accepts
same as payment in full for any dama-
ges she may have against the city.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
the Excelsior Brass Works on person-
alty for 1S91 as per agreement with the
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mrs. M. Noonan on sub 1 of sub city
735 and 735 a for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Charlotta Baugeman on lot 253 East
Dubuque add, for 1894, provided the said
lot is redeemed by her from tax sale.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of G.
B. Rand for personalty for 1893 and
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Belle Rawlings on lot for 1894.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of
Mrs. Blake on lots 1 and 2 in S. M.
Langworthy's add for 1894.
Report adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the
street committee. offered the follow-
ing resolutions:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an 8 ft wide plank sidewalk
on west side Bluff street abutting lot
598 city, by John McCoy, contractor.
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of Ints. and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate as follows:
Thos. Gallway, lot 1 sub 1 of 598
city, 58.5 lin ft at 37e $18 72
Thos Rawson, lot 2 sub 1 of 698
city, 7.5 lin ft at 37e 2 40
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for alley
first north of West Third street, west
Sesg an, October 7th, 1895. .
of Hill street. from end of present im-
provement west and north to West 4th
and Paulina streets, by Geo. W. Farley,
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax he and is hereby
levied on the several lots, parts of lots,
and parcels of real esate hereinafter
named, situate and owned. and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
A W hemler Est. lot 1 McCoy's
sub. 64 sq yds macadamizing at
3Se 824.32; :8 cu yds grading at IOc
$3.80 828 12
W S Beans, lot 2, McCoy's sub, 57.5
sq yds macadamizing at 38c,
821.85; 41 cu yds grading at 10c,
$4.10 25 95
A W Kemler Est, lot 3 Mc Coy's
sub e 35 deg. 75 sq yd macadamiz-
ing at 38c. 828.50, 34 cu yds grad-
ing at 10c. 8:1.40 31 90
I Cleminsnn, lot 4 McCoy's sub w
15 deg. 41.67 sq yd macadamizing
at 38c. $15 83; 15 cu yds grading
at 10c. 81.50 17 33
I Cleminsnn, lot 5 McCoy's sub,
83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 38c
$31 67; 49 cu yds grading at 10c, 36 67
$4 90
I Cleminson, lot 6 McCoy's sub,
70.83 sq yds macadamizing at 38c,
$26 92; 49 cu yds grading at 10c, 3
$4 90 1 82
C Seeger, Int 18 Deming & Horr's
add. 150 sq yds macadamizing
at 38c, 857 00; 99 cu yds grading
at 100. 89 90 66 90
C H Eighmey et al, lot 17 Deming
& Horr's add, 237.50 sq yds ma-
cadamizinz at 38c, $90.25; 149 cu
yds grading at 100, $14 90 105 95
Eliza Williams, lot 16 Deming &
Horr's add, 41.67 sq yds macada-
mizing at 38c, $15.83; 49 cu yds 20 78
grading at 10c, $4.90
C H Elghmey et al, lot 15 Deming
& Horr's add, 41.67 sq yds macad
amizing at 38c, $15.83; 49 cu yds
grading at 10c, $4.90 20 73
E Langworthy Est. lot 1 Pauline
Langworthy's sub, 150 sq yds
macadamizing at 38c, $57.00; 178
cu yds grading a 10c, 817 80 74 80
Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from Main eet&
to White street by Stuck.
Linehan, contractors. in front of and
adjoining the same. 'a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots. and parcels of real
estate iherelnafter named. situate and
owned. and for the several amounts, set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate. as follows:
W H Peabody, city n 24 degree. lot
12. 11.5 lin ft curbing reset. at 6c
69e; 304.44 sq yds brick paving at
335 57
$1.10. 8334.88
P. Kiene. Sr. city. lot 13. 304.44 sq
yds brick paving at $1.10, $334.88;334 88
James Forester, city, lot 188, 402.22
sq yds brick paving at $1.10, $442.
41 442 44
E C Peaslee, city, lot 189, 149.2 lin ft
curbstone at 28 cts. $41.77; 402.22
sq yds brick paving at $1.10,
$442.41 484 21
Robert Woller estate, city, lot 233,
135.9 lin ft curbstone at 28 cts,
$38.05; 355.55 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.10. $391.10 429 15
Robert Woller estate. city, lot 234,
85.1 lin ft curbstone at 2Sc, $23.83
27. 4 lin ft curbing reset at 6 cts,
$1.64; 257.78 sq yds brick paving
at $1.10. 8283.56 309 03
J P Wagner, city, lot 423, 136.0 lin
ft curbstone at 28 cts. $38.08; 367.22
sq yds brick paving at $1.10,$403.
94 442 02
Geo Rebman, city, lot 523 a, 100.5
lin ft curbstone at 28 cts, $28.14;
222.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.10,
$244.44 272 58
Anna Shea, city s 1-2, lot 303, 5.2 lin
ft curbstone at 28c. $1.46; 106.2 lin
ft curbing reset at 6c, $6.37; 257.78
sq yds brick paving at $1.10, $283.56 291 39
J P Page, sub 304. city, lot 3, 8.4
lin ft curbstone at 28c. 82.35; 47.2
lin ft curbing reset at 6c, $2.83;
135 sq yds brick paving at $1.10153 68
J P Page. sub 304. lot 2a, 29.5 lin
ft curbing reset at 6c, 81.77; 111.00
sq yds brick paving at $1.10,123 87
C. ,M & St P Ry Co, sub 304 city
lot 1, 43.22 sq yds brick paving at 47 54
$1.10, $47.54
C, M & St P Ry Co, city lot 747,
143.4 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $40.15;
449.94 sq yds brick paving at $1.10,636 08
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving alley from Johnston avenue to
Humboldt between Lincoln and Rhom-
berg avenues by Phil Doerr, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots. and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Herman Bischoff. Cook's add, lot
29, 68.25 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $22.52: 24 cu yds grading
23 00
at 2c. 8.48
Mary Loetscher. Cook's add, lot
30, 33c5macadamizing8.25 sq yds
$19.2 24 cu ydsgrading at
2c. $.48
R5 dsnm
58.2acadmizing at 33c,
_5 sq sgy
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c 8.48
Msmacadamizing at t 5
sq ys33c,
819.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c, 19 70
Chas Giessler. Cook's arid, lot
58.25 sq yds macadamizing
at 819.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c, 19 70
Chas Messier. Conk's add. lot 34.
at 33c,
$l ; 24cuydsdg aiding 3
$19 22: 19 70
19 70
19 70
184 regular Session, October 71h, 1895.
Simon Brada. Cook's add. s 1-2, lot
35, 29.13 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $9.61; 12 cu yds grading at 2c, 9
$.24 85
Wm Guderian. Cook's add, n 1-2,
lot 35, 29.13 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c, 39.61; 12 cu yds grading at 9
2c. $.24
Richard Fangler. Cook's add, lot 36,
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
319.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Herman Hahn. Sr. Cook's add, lot
37, 58.25 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 319.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Chas Nead. Cook's add, lot 38,
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
319.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Theo Buse. Cook's add. lot 39, 5825
sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 319.-
22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c.
$.48 19 70
Philip Miller. Cook's add, lot 40
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Phil Miller. Cook's add. s 1-2, lot 41
29.13 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
39.61; 12 cu yds grading at 2c. $.24 9 85
Fredoline Oorte Est. Cook's add,
n m 1-4 tot 41. 14.56 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 33c. $4.80; 6 cu yds
grading at 2c. $.12 4 92
Fred Jenni. Cook's add. n 1-1, lot 41,
14.56 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
34.80; 6 cu yds grading at 2c, 3.12,
4 92
Otto Hess. Cook's add. lot 42, 61.58
sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 320.-
32; 24 cu yds grading at 2c, $.48. 20 80
Mrs Michael Lehman Est, Cook's
add, n 34 d. lot 43. 41.11 sq yds
'macadamizing at 33c. $13.57; 15 cu
yds grading at 2c, $.30 13 87
Peter Weitz. Cook's add. s 18.4 ft,
lot 43, 20.47 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c, $6.75; 9 cu yds grading at
2c. $.18 6 93
Peter Weitz. Cook's add. lot 44, 58.-
25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Geo Kaiser. Cook's add. lot 45, 58.-
25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Conrad Schmidt est. Cooks' add lot
46, 58.25 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Conrad Schmied Est. Cook's add
lot 47, 58.25 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c, $19.22; 24 cu yds grading at
2c. $.48 19 70
Gerge Ragatz, Cook's add, lot 48,
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
Jacob Grill. Cook's add. lot 49,
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.48 19 70
Henry Suverkrup, Cook's add, lot
50, 58.25 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $19.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 19 70
Henry Schnitz. Cook's add, lot 51,
58.25 sq Yds macadamizing at 33c,
319.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.48 3 19 17
Joe Reinfried. Cook's add. n 1-2 lot
52, 29.13 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 39.61; 12 Cu yds grading ait 2c,
3.24 9 85
Mary Naber. Cook's add. s 1-2, lot
52, 29.12 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 39.61; 12 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.24 9 85
Mary Naber. Cook's add, n 1-2, lot
52, 29.13 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $9.61; 12 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.24 9 85
Raphael Juen. Cook's add. s 1-2, lot
53, 29.12 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, $9.61; 12 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.24 9 85
Raphael Juen. Cook's add, lot 54,
58.25 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
319.22; 24 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.48 19 70
Rosa Duertscher. sub 55, Cook's
add, lot 2, 29.13 sq yds macadamiz
ing at 33c. $9.61; 12 cu yds grad-
ing at 2c, $.24 986
Frank Duertscher. sub 55, Cook's
add, lot 1. 29.12 sa yds macadam-
izing at 33c. $9.61; 12 cu yds grad-
ing at 2c. $.24 9 85
Frank Duetscher. sub 55. Cook's
add, lot 56, 68.25 sq yds macadam-
izing at 33c. 822.55; 24 cu yds grad
ing at $2c. 3.48 $23 03
Chas Kuttler. Dreilbilbies add, lot
17. 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 318.26; 22 cu yds grading at
2c. $.44 18 70
Chas Kuttler. Dreilbeis' add, lot 18,
52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$17.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.44 17 60
Chas Kuttler. Dreibilbeis' add, lot 19
52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$17.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.44 17 60
Albert Bauernschmidt. Dreilbil-
bies' add. lot 20, 52 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c. $17.16; 22 cu yds
grading at 2c. 3.44 17 60
Albert Bauernschmidt. Dreilbil-
beis' add, lot 21, 52 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c. 317.16; 22 cu yds
grading at 2c. 3.44 17 60
Mina Quade. Dreibilbels' add, lot
22, 52 sq yds macadamizing at 32c,
$17.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.44 17 60
Geo Gartner, Dreibilbeis' add, lot
23,52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$17.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.44 17 60
Geo Gartner. Dreibilbeis' add, lot
24, 56.33 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 318.59; 23 cu yds grading at
2c. $.46 19 05
John Strazinsky. Dreibilbeis' add,
lot 25, 56.33 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c, 318.59; 23 cu yds grading at
2c. $.46 19 05
John Strinzinsky. Dreib.lbeis' add,
n 16 d. lot 26. 18.22 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c. 36.01; 8 cu yds
grading at 2c. 3.16 6 17
Frank Angster. Dreibilbeis' add, s
30.4 ft lot 26. 33.78 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c. 311.15; 14 cu yds
grading at 2c.. $. R 11 43
John Schwelgler, .-)reibilbeis' add,
lot 28, 52 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 317.16; 22 '' yds grading at
2c. 3.44 17 60
Louis Nipp, Dreibilbeis' add, lot 29
52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
$17.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
3.44 17 60
Phebe Ehner. Dreibilbels' add, lot
I?'golite Session, October 7th, 1895.
30, 52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
317.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.44 17 60
Mary Hogreffe. Dreibilbels' add, lot
31, 52 sq yds macadamizing at 33c,
317.16; 22 cu yds grading at 2c,
$.44 17 60
Mary Hogreffe. Dreibilbels' add, lot
32, 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at
33c, 318.26; 22 cu yds grading at
2c. 8.44 18 70
John Vandenberg. Dreibilbels' add,
n 24 d. lot 27. 26.67 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c. 38.80; 11 cu yds
grading at 2c. 3.22 9 02
John Schweigler, Dreibilbels' add,
s 22.4 ft. lot 27. 25.33 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 33c. $8.36; 11 cu yds
grading at 2c. 3.22 8 58
Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Curtis street from South Dodge
street to Malady street. by Jno. Tibet',
contractor. in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is hereby
after named. situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Micheal Carroll. sub of pt m lot 149,
lot 16. 78.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
$23.46; 34.78 sq yds guttering at
30c, 310.43: 102.66 sq yds macad-
amizing at 36c. 336.96 $ 70 85
Pat Scanlon. sub of pt min
lot 149. lot 14. 100.00
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 330.00;
44.44 sq yds guttering at 30c,
313.33; 155.55 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 36c. 356.00 99 33
Pali Scanlon. sub of pt min
lot 149. lot 15. 100.00
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 330.00; 44.44
sq yds guttering at 30c, 3133.33;
155.55 sq Yds macadamizing at 99 33
36c. 356.00
Stephen Downes. sub of pt min lot
149, lot 13. 124 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 337.20; 63.10 sq yds guttering
at 30c. 318.93: 219.33 sq yds macad-
amizing at 36c. $78.40
M Farrell, sub of pt m lot 149, lot 12
124.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 337.32;
63.10 sq yds guttering at 30c,
318.93; 219.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 36c. 378.96
M Farrell, sub of pt m lot 149, lot 10
100 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 330.00:
44.44 sq yds guttering at ^0c. 313.33
155.55 sq ydsmacadamizing at 99 33
36c, 356.00
M McMahon. sub of pt m lot 149, lot
10. 100 lin ft curbstone a 30c, 330.00
44.44 sq yds guttering at 30c,
313.33; 155.55 sq yds macadamiz- 99 33
tng at 36c. $56.00
Michael McMahon. s 1-4. lot 9, 125
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 337.50; 56.88
sq yds guttering at 30c, 317.06;
225.55 Si yds macadamizing at
135 76
36c. $81.20
Mich. McMahon. McMahon's sub,
lot 1. 67 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
320.10; 33.78 sq yds guttering at
30e, $10.13; 143.12 sq yds macadam-
izing at 36e. 351.52
Mich. McMahon. McMahon's sub,
lot 2, 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
314.34; 21.25 sq yds guttering at
30c, $6.38; 74.35 sq yds macadam-
izing at 36c. 326.77
Mich. McMahon. McMahon's sub,
lot 3. 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 30,
314.34; 21.25 sq yds guttering at
30c, 36.38; 74.35 sq yds macadam-
izing at 36c. $26.77 47 49
Mich. McMahon, McMahon's sub,
lot 4, 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
$14. 2q yei
30c,34; $6.38;1.25 74.3s5 sq ydsdsguttmacadamrngat-
izing at 36c, $26.77 47 49
Mich. McMahon. McMahon's sub,
lot 5. 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
314.34; 21.25 sq yds guttering at
30c, 36.38; 74.35 sq yds macadam-
izing a 36c. 326.77 47 49
W P Strain. McMahon's sub, lot 6,
47.8 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $14.34;
21.25 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.38;
74.35 sq yds macadamizing at 36c,
$26.77 47 49
M M McCarten. Bonson & Stew-
art's sub. lot 8. 192.7 lin ft curb-
stone at 30c.. $57.81; 91.11 sq yds
guttering at 30c. $27.33; 315.55
sq yds macadamizing at 36c,
311.3.60 198 74
Hugh McCarten. Bonson & Stew-
art's sub, lot 23. 181 lin ft curb-
stone at 30c. 354.20; 86.66 sq yds
guttering at 30c 326.00: 300 sq yds
macadamizing at 36c, 3108 188 30
John Byrne. Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 24. 135.7 lin ft curbstone
at 30c, 340.71: 53.33 sq yds gutter-
ing at 30c, $16.00: 188.22 sq yds
macadamizing at 36c. 367.76 124 47
P Eis'boch. Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 26. 6 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 31.80; 12.78 sq yds guttering
at 30c, 34.13: 52.90 sq yds macad-
amizing at 36c. 319.04 24 97
P Eisboch. Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 1. 190 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 357.00; 84.44 sq yds guttering
at 30c, $25.33: 295.55 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 36c. 3106.40 188 73
P Eisboch. Bonson & Stewart's
sub. lot 2. 50 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 315; 22.22 so yds guttering at 49 67
30c, 36.67; 77.77 828.00
P Eiis'boch. Bonson & Stewart's
sub. lot 3. 50 lin ft curbstone at
30c. 315: 22.22 sq yds guttering at
30c, 36.67; 77.77 so yds macadamiz
ing at 36c. 328.00 49 67
P Sisboch. Bonson & Stewart's
sub. lot 4. 50 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 315; 22.22 sq yds guttering at
30c, 36.67; 77.77 sq yds macadam-
izing at 36c. $28 49 67
Thos HackneY. Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 5. 48.4 lin ft curbstone at
30c, $14.52: 25.25 sq yds guttering
at 30c. 37.57: 77.77 sq yds macad-
Izing at 36c. 328.00 50 09
F B Spielman. Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 6. 68 lin ft curbstone at
30c, 320.40; 30.22 sq yds guttering
at 30c. 39.07: 105.78 sa yds mac-
adamizing at 36c, 338.08 67 55
M M McCarten. Bonson & Stew-
art's sub, lot 7. 293 lin ft curb-
stone at
guttering at 30c.yds
340.31; 467.99 sq
yds macadamizing at 36c, 3168.48 296 69
MMeMn ft curbstone at 30c, 53.7ub, lot 27,
30c, 316.11;
26.68 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8;
122.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c 68 19
Rof pt m
149. lot er 240 s285 lin foland. sutcurb to'ot at
30c, 385.50; 126.66 sq yds gutter -
18G IReyulcci' Session, October 7th 1895.
ing at 30c, $38: 443.33 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 36c, $159.60 283 10
Michael McMahon. sub of pt
min lot 149, lot 23, 129.7
lin ft curgstOne at 30c. $38.91; 66.-
' 66 sq yds guttering at 30c, $20;
231.78 sq yds macadamizing at
36c, $83.44 142 35
V. Nelles sub of at m lot 149, lot 22,
198.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $59.-
58; 95.55 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$28.66; 345.55 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 36c. $124.40 212 64
Pat Scanlon. sub of pt
min lot 149. lot 17, 198.3
lin ft curbstone at 30c. $59.49; 89.-
33 sq yds guttering at 30e, $26.80;
308.22 sq yds macadamizing at
36c, $110.96 197 25
Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Clay street from 13th street to
18th street, 18th street from Clay street
'to Couler Avenue and Couler Avenue
from 18th street to Eagle Point Avenue,
by Dubuque Construction Co., contract-
ors, in front of and adjoining the same,
;a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
John Bell, city s 2-5, lot 449, 6 lin
ft curbstone at 32c, $1.92: 222.25
sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$300.04 $301 96
H Ziepprecht Est, city m 1-5, lot
449, 51.3 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$2.57; 68.18 sq yds brick paving
. at $1.35, $92.04 94 61
Chas Luther, s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot 449,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $8.19;
34.27 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$46.26 54 45
John Krayer, n 1-5 and n 1-2 n m
1-5, lot 449, 100.6 lin ft curbstone
at 32c, $32.19; 162.78 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35, $219.75 251 94
C A Voelker, sub s 2-5 444 city lot
1, 22.5 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$7.20; 24.2 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.21; 122.11 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $164.85 173 26
C A Voelker, sub s 2-5 444 city lot
2, 24.3 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.22; 43.20 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, 858.32 59 54
Jos Traut est, sub s 2-5 444 city, lot 3
20.9 lin ft curb reset at 5c, $1.05;
36 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$48.60 49 65
Thos Allen, sub 4 s 2-5 of 444 city,
lot 1, 3 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$0.96; 19 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$0.95; 34.22 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, 146.20 48 11
Thos Alien, sub s 78 ft n 2-5 of 444
city, lot 3, 2.6 lin ft curbstone at
32c, $0.83; 3.40 sq yds brick pav-
ing at 81.35, $4.59 5 42
Schneider and Kleih, sub s 78 ft n
2-5 of 444 city, s 24 deg, lot 2,
4.4 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $1.41;
18.5 lin ft curb reset at 5c, $0.93;
31.40 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$42.39 44 73
A R Staufenbeil, sub s 78 ft n 2-5 of
444 city, n 16 deg, lot 2, 5 lin ft
curbstone at 72c, $1.60; 11 lin ft
curb reset at 5c, $0.55;20.60 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $27.81 29 96
A R Staufenbeil, sub s 78 ft n 2-5
of 444 city, lot 1, 12 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c, 53.84; 24.5 lin ft curb
reset at 50, $1.22; 48.60 sq yds
brick paving at $1.25, $65.61 70 67
Thos Allen, sub 4 s 2-5 of 444 city,
lot 2, 12 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$3.84; 3.5 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$0.18; 20.67 sq yds brick paving
at 81.35. $27 90 31 92
Paul Schlenker, city s 25.6 n 75.6,
lot 414, 25.6 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.2S: 34.13 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $46.07 47 35
Gaberiel Weis. city n 50 deg, lot
444, 73 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$23.36; 126.78 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, 2171.15 194 51
Wm Reches Est, city s 31.5 s 1-4 lot
443, 55.4 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$17.73; 102.11 sq yds brick paving
at 31.35, 3137.85 155 58
A R Staufenbeil, city n 19.7 s 1-4 lot
443, 26.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $15.46, . 35 46
C G Kretschmer, city s m 1-4 lot
443, 51.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$16.35; 68.27 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35. $92.16 108 54
Mary Thomson, city n m 1-4 lot
443, 51.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c.
$16.38; 68.27 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $92.16 108 54
C W Rittman, city n 1-4 lot
443, 51.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$16.38; 68.27 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $92.16 108 54
Wm F Allen, sub 443 a city, lot 2,
23.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $7.42;
30.93 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$41.76 49 18
Joe Jaeggi, sub 443 a city, lot 1,
51.1 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $16.35;
106.78 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$144.15 160 50
E P Ternes, city s 1-5, lot 450,
75 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $24,
128.38 sq yds brick paving at 1.35,
$173.31 197 31
J Pilmaier, city s m 1-5, lot 450, 512
lin ft curbstone at 32c, $16.38;
68.27 sq yds brick paving at $1.35
$92.16 108 54
John Sohl, city s 1-2 m 1-5, lot 450,
11.8 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $3.77,
13.8 lin ft curb reset at 6c, $0.69;
34.13 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$46.08 50 54
G R Albrecht, city n 1-2 m 1-5, lot
450, 5.3 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$1.70; 20.3 lin ft curb reset at 50,
$1.02; 34.13 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $46.08 48 80
Mrs A Shea, city n m 1-5, lot 450,
61.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $16.38;
68.27 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$92.16 108 54
Regular Se8Rinn, October 7th, 1895. 187
Thos Kelley, city s 1-2 n 1-5, lot
450, 23.3 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$7.45; 2.3 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$0.11; 34.13 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $46.08 53 64
M M Hoffmann, city n 1-2 n 1-5, lot
450, 20.7 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$6.62; 28.7 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.43; 103.58 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, 8139.83 147 88
M Buckmann, city s 1-5, int 442, 755
lin ft curb reset at 5c, 83.77; 137.98
sq yds brick paving at 81.35,
$186.27, 190 04
M Michels, city s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 442,
25.7 lin ft curh reset at 5c, 81.29,
34.27 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$46.26 47 55
John Pilmaier, city m 1-5 and n 1-2
s m 1-5, lot 442, 77.1 lin ft curh
reset at 5c, $3.85; 102.80 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $138.78142 63
Peter Meyer, city s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
442, 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
88.22; 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. $46.26 54 48
Jos Simones Est, city n 3-10, lot 442,
1.1 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $0.35;
100 lin ft curb reset a t 5c, 85.00;
162.91 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$219.93 225 28
B W Lacy, s 1-5, lot 451, 75.2 lin ft
curbstone at 32c, 824.06; 110.76
sq yds brick paving at 81.35,
$149.53 173 59
John Pilmaier. city s 1-2 s m 1-5,
lot 451, 25.7 lin ft curb reset at
5c, 81.29: 34.27 sq yds brick pav-
ing at 81.35, $46.26 47 55
Geo Albrecht, city n 1-2 s m 1-5, lot
451, 25.7 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.28; 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. 846.26 47 54
Henry Richter. city, s 28 deg m 1-5.
lot 451. 28.1 lin ft curb reset at
5c, 81.40; 37.47 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35. $50.58 51 98
John Pilmaier, city n 23.2 m 1-5, lot
451, 6.5 lin ft curbstone at 32c.
$2.08; 7.4 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$0.37; 34.07 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. $459 48 44
Gerh Tenhof, city s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
451. 25.7 lin ft curh reset at 50,
$1.28; 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. $46.26 47 54
Paul Traut, city n 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
451, 5.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$1.66: 20.5 lin ft curb reset at 50.
$1.03; 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. 846.26 48 95
Wm Schaefer, city s 1-2 n 1-5, lot
451, 25.7 lin ft curb reset at 5c,
$1.28; 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $46.26 47 64
A Matthews, city n 1-2 n 1-5 lot 451,
31 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $9.92;
18.3 lin ft curb reset at 50, $0.91;
94.38 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$127.41 138 24
Henry Hoffmann, city s 1-2 s 1 -slat
441. 94.24 sq yds brick paving at
1.35, 3127.22 127 22
R H Heller, city n 1-2 s 1-5, lot
441, 34.13 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, 846.07 48 07
Mary Lorez, city s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot
441, 34.13 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, 846.07 46 07
Fred Weiermiller, city n 44 sm 1-5 lot
441, 34.13 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $46.07 46 07
Christ Jungk, city m 1-5, lot 441,
68.26 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
892.15 92.16
Frank Lenz, city s 41.2 n m 1-5,
lot 441, 54.93 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $74.15 74 15
B Westercamp, city n 1-5, and n 10
ft n m 1-5, lot 441, 39.8 lin ft
curbstone at 32c, $12.74; 151.04
sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$203.90 216 64
N Schroeder Est, city s 31.2, lot 452
3 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $0.96,
52.1 lin ft curb reset at 5c, $2.61;
101.71 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$137.31 140 88
J P Ferring Est, city n 20 deg s 1-5
s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 452, 45.6 lin ft
curbstone at 32c, $14.59; 60.80 sq
yds brick paving at 81.35, $82.08.. 96 67
Christ Jungk, m 1-5 and n 1-2 s m
1-5, lot 452, 76.8 lin ft curbstone
at 32c, $24.58; 102.40 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35, $138.24 162 82
Eli Cole, n m 1-5, lot 452, 51.2 lin
ft curbstone at 32c, $16.38; 68.26
sq yds brick paving at 81.35,
$92.15 108 53
Fred Kennicker, n 1-5, lot -452, 572
lin ft curbstone at 32c, $18.30; 75
lin ft curb reset at 5c, $0.37;
137.71 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
8185.91 204 58
Rider & Lacy, city, s 1-5 and s 14 ft
s m 1-5, lot 440. 156.40 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35. $211.14 8211 14
Ferd Nesler, city. n 37.2 s m 1-5, lot
440 49.73 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, 867.13 67 13
Anton Theilen. Est. city, m 1-5, lot
440. 49 lin ft curbstone at 37c, 815.-
68; 68.40 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $92.34 108 02
Frank Weidlich. city, s 1-2 n m 1-5,
lot 440. 34.27 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35. $46.26 46 26
G F Thorman. n 1-2 n m 1-5 w 40 ft
n 1-5. lot 440. 35.6 lin ft curbstone
at 32c. $11.39: 17.4 lin ft curbing
reset at 5c. $.87: 243.94 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $329.32. 341 58
Peter Holz, city. e 60 d, n 1-5, lot
440. 68.4 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$21.89; 3 lin ft curbing reset at 5c,
$.15; 168.90 sq yds brick paving at
81.35, 8228.01 250 05
John Schrup. city n 2-5, lot 435, 36.55
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $49.34 49 34
Adam Vogel, sub 675. city lot 6,
169.60 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,2 96
E Muntz, sub 675, city lot 5, 35.5 lin
ft curbstone at 32c. $11.36; 31 lin
ft curbing reset at 5e. $1.55; 100.27
sq yd brick paving at $1.35,
8135.-148 24
Nic and Frank Glab. sub 675, city, s
22 1-2 d. lot 4. 22.6 lin ft curbstone
at 32c, $7.23: 30.13 sq yds brick 47 90
paving at $1.35. $40.67
Regular Session, October 7th, 1895.
T Gruber Est. sub 675. city, n 17.4
d, lot 4, 17.6 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$5.63; 23.47 sq yds brick paving at 37 31
$1.35, $31.68
T Gruber Est. sub 675. oily s 15.8 1-2
d, lot 3. 15.8 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$5.06; 21.07 sq yds brick paying at 33 60
$1.35. 828.44
W Gruber. sub 675. city, n 27.8 d,
lot 3. 27.8 lin Pt curbstone at 32c,
$8.90; 37.07 sq yds brick paving at 58 94
$1.35, 850.04
Joseph Hahn. sub 675. city lot 2,
62.33 sq yds brick paving at $1.35, 84 14
Mary Newhaus. sub 675. city lot 1,
69.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.32, 93 30
City of Dubuque, sub of 438, 439
and pt 676, city. lot 10, 88.5 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 828.32; 618.44 sq
yds brick paving at $1.35, $834.89.863 21
Henry Pfotzer. sub of 438. 439, and
pt 676, city, lot 9. 26.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c, $8.45: 31 70, sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $42.80 51 25
John Greiner Est. sub of 438, 439
and pt 676, city lot 8, 21.4 lin ft
curb reset at 5c 81.07:.28.53 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $38.52 39 59
Peter Holtz. sub of 438. 439 and pt
676, city, lot 7. 57.3 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $18.34 87.83 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $118.57 136 91
Conrad Lange, sub of 438, 439 and
pt 676, city, lot 6. 69 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $22.08; 95.67 sq yds
brick paving at $1.15. $129.15 151 23
Henry Gatena. sub of 438, 439 and
pt 676, city. lot 5. 33 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. 810.56: 3 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5c. $.15; 53 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $71.55 82 26
Martin Jacquinott. sub 4, 459 and pt
676, City, lot 1. 24 lin ft curbstone
at 32c, $7.65: 14.5 lin ft curbing re-
set at 5c. $.72: 00.67 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35. $81.90 90 30
John Osthoff. sub 4. 439 and pt 676,
city, lot 2. 1.4 lin ft curbstone at
32e, $.45; 1.87 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35. 82.52 2 97
Frank Schmidt. sub 4, 439 and pt
676, city, lot 2. 88.2 lin ft curb-
stone at 320. 828.22; 137.33 sq yds
brick paving at *1.35. $185.40 213 62
Jahn Osthoff. sub 4. 439 and pt 676,
lot 3. 44.1 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$14.11 68.67 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. 892.70 106 81
D Rhomberg, sub 4. 439 and pt 676,
city, s 1-2. lot 1. 21.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $6.85; 25.8 lin ft curb-
ing reset at Sc, 81.29; 68.17 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $92.03 100 17
F W Weiland. sub 4. 439 and pt 676,
city, n 1-2, lot 1. 44.5 lin ft curbing
reset at 5c. $2.22: 66.67 sq yds
ft curbing reset at 5c. $1.66; 44.40
Wm F Coates Est. city, n 2-5, lot
436. 103 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$32.96; 206.40 sq yds brick paving
$1.35, $278.64 311 60
Frank Jaeger, city, s 2-5, lot 437,
14.3 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $4.58;
109.8 lin ft curbing reset at 5c,
$5.49; 206.40 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35 8278.64 288 71
Geo Iiummerle Est. city, n 1-5 and s
25 d n m 1-5. lot 437. 22.7 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. $7.26: 45.7 lin ft
curbing reset at 5c. $2.29; 115.33 sq
yds brick paving at $1.35, $155.70165
Anton Vogler. city, n 26.2, n m 1-5 s
1.2 n 1-5, lot 437. 61.89 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35. 883.55 83
Aug Wunderlich. Stine's add, s 20
d, lot 1, 20 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$6.40: 21.7 lin ft curbing at 5c,
$1.08; 79 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. $106.64 114 12
Aug Scharff. Stiner's add. m 27.6 d, '
Gotlieb Wunderlich. Stiner's add, s
m 20 d, lot 1. 20 lin ft curbstone at
32c, $6.40; 26.67 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.35. 836 42 40
lot 1. 27.6 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$8.S3; 36.80 sq yds brick paving
at 81.35. $49.68 58 51
Mrs. Anna Schaetzle. Stiner's add,
lot 2. 44.1 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$14.11; 58.80 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35, $79.38 93 49
Valentine Luck. Stiner's add
lot 3. 22 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$7.04; 29.33 sq yds brick paving
at $1.35. 839.60 46 64
Valentine Luck. Stiner's add
lot 4. 22 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$7.04; 29.33 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. 839.60 46 64
Valentine Luck. Stine's add, city,
lot 5. 22 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
87.04; 29.33 sq yds brick paving at
81.35. $39.60 46 64
John Grutzmacher. Stiner's add. lot
6. 22 lin ft curbstone at 320,
87.04; 29.33 sq yds brick paving at
81.35. $39.60 46 64
Martin Wagner, L H Lang -
worthy's add. s 1-4. lot 14, 25.5 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 88.16; 34 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $45.90 ,,,. 54 06
Peter Sahm, L H Langworthy',
add, s m 1-4. lot 14. 25.5 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. $8.16; 34 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $45.90 54 06
David Lorenz, L H Langworthy',
add, n m 1-4. lot 14. 25.5 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. $8.16; 34 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $45.90 .... 54 06
Chas Jabrie, L H Langworthy',
add, n 1-4. lot 14. 25.5 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 88.16; 34 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $45.90 .... 54 06
Mary A Daft. L. H. Langworthy',
add, s 1-4. lot 13. 25 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $8.00: 33.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $45.00 .... 53 00
Cath Kaufman. L H Langworthy',
add. s m 1-4. lot 13. 25.6 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 88.19; 20.7 lin ft
curbing reset at 5c. $1.04; 86.66 sq
yds brick paving at 81.35, $116.99.126 22
E H Sheppley, L H Langworthy',
add, s 42 d. lot 12. 42 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c, $13.44: 22 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5c. 81.10: 109.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $147.60 ....162 14
Anna M Baventheck. L H Lang -
worthy's add. n m 21 d. lot 12. 21
lin ft curbstone at 32c, $6.72;
brick paving at 81.35. $90 92 22
Nic Palen, city. s 1-5. lot 436, 76.8 lin
ft curbstone at 32c. $24.58; 212 sq
yds brick paving at 81.35, $286.20310 78
Wm Juergens, city, s m 1-5, lot 436,
51.3 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $16.42;
73.9, sq yds brick paving at $1.35,
$99.78 118 18
B Hob! Est. city. s 1-2 m 1-5, lot 436,
34.27 sq yds brick paving at *1.35,
46.26 46 26
H Dement, city. n 1-2 m 1-5, lot
436, 34.27 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35. $46.26 48 26
Regular Se,,,sion, October 7th, 1895.
28 sq yds brick paving at $1.35 44 53
Eliza Vogt, L H Langworthy's
add, n 37 d. lot 12. 37 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. 811.84: 49.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, $66.60 7S 41
add, s 5 d. lot 11, lin ft curbstone
at 32c, $1.60; 6.67 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.35. $9.00
Phillip Jungk• L H Langworthy's
add, s m 30 d. lot 11, 30 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5c. 81.50; 40 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $54 55 50
C A Walter. L H Langworthy s
add, n 65 d. lot 11. 65 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $20.50; S6.67 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35, $117 137 80
Carolina Tschudi. L H Lang -
worthy's add. s 1-2. lot 10, 50 lin
ft curbing reset at 5c. $2.50; 66.67
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $9092 50
Cath Heeb. L H Langworthy's
add, n 1-2. lot 10. 8.5 lin M curb-
stone at 32c. 82.72: 41.5 lin ft curb-
stone at 5c. 82.07; 66.67 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35, 90 94 79
Gregory Reinfried, sub 9. L H Lang
worthy's add. lot 4. 46 lin ft curb
stone at 320. 814.72: 61.33 sq yds 97 52
brick paving at $1.32. $82.80
Chas Klingenberg. sub 9, L H
Langworthy's add. lot 3. 31 lin ft
curbing at 32c. 89.92: 41.33 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35• $55.80 65 72
Wm Hollnagle, sub 9, L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 2. 16 lin ft curb-
ing at 5c, 8.80; 21.33 sq yds brick
paving at 81.35. 828.80 29 60
Wm Hollnagle, sub 9. L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 1. 7 lin ft curb-
ing reset a 5c. 8.35; 9.33 sq ys brick
paving at 81.35. $12.60 12 95
Chas Hollnagle•, L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 9a. 59 lin ft curb
ing reset at 5c. 82.95; 116.11 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $156.75....159 70
Peter Specht. L H Langworthy's
32c, $3.20 3 lin ft curbing reet at
5c, 8.15; 69.44 sq yds brick paving 97 09
at $1.35. $93.74
N H Schilling. L H Langworthy's
add, s 2-3, lot 1. 3 lin ft curbstone
at 320. $.96: 55.7 lin ft curbing re-
set at 5c. 82.78; 91.07 sq yds brick
paving at 81.35. $122.94
C add, en1-3.
s e . L lot 1. 3 lin ft curb-
stone at 32c. $.96: 30.3 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5c. 81.51; 44.40 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $59.94. .... 62 41
add,C B lot 2. 83.5 lin fcurbstone at
32c. $26.72: 15.5 lin ft curbing re-
set at 5c. $.78: 135.03 sq yds brick
paving at $1.35. $182.29 ........... 79
J J Linehan Est. L H Langworthy's
add, lot 3. 6.1 lin ft curds brick
one at
32c. 81.95; 135.33 sq y
paving a t $1.35. 8182.70 . ,k 184 65
'eter A Schuler. L H Langworthy'
add, lot 4. 14.2 lin ft curbstone
%at 32c. $4.54: 30.9 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5e. 81.55: 68.66 sq yds 98 78
brick paving at $1.35. $92.69 .
Conrad Kahlman. L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 4a. 50 lin ft curb
stone at 32c. $16.00: 66.66 sq yds
106 00
brick paving at $1.35. $90.00 .
Conrad Kohlman. L H Lang -
worthy's add. s 1-3. lot 5, 28.4 lin
ft curbstone at 32c. $9.09; 46.40
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $62-
64 71
Fred Dehling, L H Langworthy's
add, s 1-2 m 1••3. lot 5, 16.7 lin ft
curbing reset at 5c. 8.84; 22.20 sq
yds brick paving at $1.35, $29.9730
Julia Banch. L H Langwrthy's
add, n 1-2 m 1-3. lot 5. 6.7 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 82.14; 10 lin ft
curbing reset at 5c. $.50; 22.20 sq
yds brick paving at $1.35, $29.9732 61
Nicholas Gonner Est. L H Lang -
worthy's add. n 1-3, lot 5, 33.3 lin
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $59- 61 00
Ben D Heeb. L H Langworthy's
add, s 1-2, lot 6. 50 lin ft curb-
ing reset at 5c. 82.50: 66.60 sq yds
brick paving at $1.35. $90.00 92 50
Dubuque Malting Co. L H Lang -
worthy's add. n 1-2. lot 6, 38 lin
ft curbing reset at 5c, $1.90; 66.66
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $9091 90
Dubuque Malting Co. L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 7. 27.1 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 88.67: 38.8 lin ft
curbing reset at 5c. 81.94; 137.33
sq yds brick paving at $1.35, $185.-196 01
Dubuque Malting Co, L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 8. 135.03 sq yds
brick paving at 81.35. $182.30 182 30
Dubuque Malting Co. L H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 8a. 24 lin ft
curbstone at 32c. 87.68; 115.07 sq
yds bWunpaving at 51.35. d 163 02
HenrY Wunderlich. li add, s 1-2
lot 1. 14.5 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
curbing reset at 5c,
$.50; 66.67 sq yds brick paving at
$1.35, $90
95 14
D squyds brink paving t and ctatn $1.35, 87 12
117 60
Dubuque Light and Traction Co,
87.12 sq yds brick paving at $1.35,117 60
Dubuque Street Ry Co, cast
plates at $avi g a1.35, $7.564.99 7
yds brick P 995 89
Ayes Cullen,Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea
Schutte and Vogler.
Also reported in favor of changing
the location oimprovement, nt, before of5th avenue north end im-
68 of preresentnt
Pt ing said street. gets*1 tt fir
Also, ;n favor of granting tis° that
a•tprovement o4 Pierce street, street tt
ngella street from Pro
Cntherina sit eel be imPvedthe street com-
favor of instructing
to grade down
at its intersection ll be spine street.
favor of instrluc ing the engineer
-Tisa pug apea2 Jo alpoad a aaedaad of
mate of same on Clifford street.
In favor of improving Clifford street
when Leibnitz street is ordered im-
In favor of instructing the soadam on
missioner to remove e when he has
F. F.. Nitzsche's place
use for same. granting the petition of
In favor of
Johan Janson et al for the improve-
ment of 5th avenue from Rhomberg
avenue to Peosta street, the same to
190 Regular Se88ion, October 7th, 1895.
be done next year.
In favor ieceivfng the petition of E.
D. White et al, In relation to curb on
Booth street until the location of O'Neill
street is settled In court.
Report that they have instructedthe
street commissioner to lay a
crossing across Heeb's alley.
Report adopted.
Aid. Crawford, chairman of the print-
ing committee, reported as follows:
lour committee report in favor of
paying the following bills:
The Telegraph, $75.00.
The Globe, $29.15.
The Times, $29.15.
The Herald, $75.00.
Report adopted.
Aid. Bauer, chairman of police and
light committee, reported in favor of
paying the following bills:
Key City Gas Co., $47.10.
Central Union Telephone Company,
The Star Electric Co.. $1,625.40.
Globe Light and Heat Co., $170.00.
Report adopted.
Ald. Schulte, chairman of the sewer
committee. reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of
receiving and filing the report of the
sewer inspector for August, 1895, and
that he be Instructed to make an item-
ized statement of the amount of work
done by him each month.
Also recommend that a sanitary sew-
er be constructed on Fenelon Place
from a feasable point at its eastern
terminus, thence went along Fenelon
Place to the west line of lot 692 city,
thence south to West Third street pro-
viding the owners of lot 692 will open
an alley along the west line of said
lot 692.
Also report in favor of granting the
petition of C. A. Wilber et al, for the
construction of a sewer on llth street
from Bluff street to alley west of Bluff
street, thence south to end of said alley.
Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
In favor of instructing the printing
committee to make arrangements with
the Herald and Globe Journal for pub-
lishing the proceedings of the council,
and all official notices, except the fur-
nishing of said proceeding in pamphlet
form, and to be paid for at rate of
$60 each per month for doing said
work, and that said papers be required
to copy all proceedings and notices
from the Telegraph without further or-
ders from the city recorder.
In favor of instructing the assessor
to be lenient with the assessment of
the John Ernsdorf & Sons Company on
improvements on their property on
Jones and Main street.
In favor of extending the storm water
sewer in the alley between Lincoln and
Rromberg avenues from 5th to 6th ave-
nues, from its present terminus to 6th
avenue, and that the city engineer be
directed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications for said work, and
advertise for bids for doing same.
Also recommend that the treasurer
be instructed to have the delinquent
tax list published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph, the official paper of the
Also reported in favor of the plat of
5th avenue sub -division, excepting al-
ley shown thereon. Report adopted.
City' Engineer Knowlton reported in
favor of nailing some strips on the side-
walk on Angella street, also that a.
hand rail be put on for a distance of
about 100 feet. Report adopted.
Ald. Ronson, chairman of the ordi-
nance committee, presented and read
for the first time the following ordi-
An ordinance relating to the can-
cellation of taxes on property situated
in the city of Dubuque.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That, Whereas, numerous
petitions for the remission and cancel-
lation of taxes on property situated in
the city of Dubuque are presented each
year to the city council, and by said
body allowed. and
Whereas, such property Is afterwards
disposed of without the city being reim-
bursed for said taxes, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That hereafter the
city council of the city of Dubuque may
refuse to cancel taxes against property
situated in said city. or allow said taxes
to remain a lien upon said property un-
til paid.
Section 2. That the city council may
to any case where they see fit to refuse
the cancellation of taxes, to have the
same remain a lien upon the property
until paid, and direct the city treas-
urer not to sell said property on ac-
count of said unpaid taxes, unless so
ordered by the city council.
Ald. Bonson moved that the rules
be suspended and the ordinance read
by its title and placed on Its final pas-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Patter, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea,
Schulte and Vogler. -9.
The ordinance was then read by its
title and adopted.
The following registers for election
were appointed for the ensuing year:
First Ward.
First precinct—John Kiley, M. Shea.
Second precinct—George Barnes, Jas.
Second Ward.
First precinct—W. S. Couch, P. G.
Second precinct—Z. Hoffman, Cyril
Third Ward.
First precinct—F. O. Udall, Al. Jef-
Second precinct—Otto Terries, Wil--
J eg.tilrti' Sessotl, October 7th, 1895.
Ham Kaep.
Third precinct—Adam
Doerr, Leo
Fourth Ward.
First precinct—Will Woods, Dan Rior-
Second precinct—J. W. Coy, Wm.
Third preclnot—E. 0.1 Duncan, J. P.
Fifth Ward.
First precinct—E. A. Frenzel, Alphonse
Sc amidt.
Second precinct—Wm. Pula, S
Third preclnr •t—Otto
Fourth precinct—L.
Peter Utzig.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That High Bluff
street between Schiller and Middle ave-
nues, be graded, guttered, curbed and
macadamized, in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and Is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and speci-
fications for said improvement, and the
city recorder directed to give proper
notice for bids and proposals for the per-
formance of the work; the guttering,
curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property, grading to be bid in
• total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schul-
te and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Schiller avenue
between Lincoln avenue and High Bluff
street, be graded, guttered, curbed and
macadamized. in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
citwy engineer be and is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and speci-
fications for said Improvement, and the
city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the per-
formance of the work: the guttering,
curbing. and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the abut-
ting property. grading to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, several lots, and parts of iota,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte f l estate hereinafter named, sit -
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following
whie!h was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the city recorder
be in strutted to advertise for bids for a
street sweeper.
Ald Kaufmann offered the following
City of Dubuque: That the bids on
Leibnitz street. Paul street and Wood-
worth street be opened and if let,
the contractor is to receive no pay for
said contracts until May 1st, 1896.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That stepping stones
be put at crossings on both sides of
Hess, Phil.
Elmdale avenue at the intersections of
Hempstead and Kane street.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That sidewalks 8 feet
wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, with-
in 20 days of this notice. constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks as follows:
On east side of Bluff street between
Third and Fourth streets.
On east side of Bluff street between
Seventh and Eighth streets.
On north side of Tenth street between
Clay and White streets.
On east side of Bluff street between
Ninth and Tenth streets.
Where not already laid, also new curb-
ing and re -setting of old curb as may be
necessary, all at the expense of abutting
• Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bonson. Bauer, Crawford,
Cullen.Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as
6 feet wide on west side of Jackson
street between Ninth and Tenth streets.
8 feet wide on south side of Tenth
street between White and Jackson
6 feet wide on east side of Washington
street between Thirteenth and Four-
teenth streets.
6 feet wide on south side of Thirteenth
street between Jackson and Washington
4 feet wide on east side of St. Ambrose
street between Arch and Green streets.
4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi
street between Asbury and Center
6 feet wide on east side of Jackson
street between Eighteenth and Nin-
teenth streets.
Where not already laid at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford,
Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.m
Ald. Ku tfann offered the following:
Resolved oy the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks by city of Dubuque,
in front of and adjoining the same,ha
special tax be and is hereby levied don tar
cels o res
uate and owns opposite each lot ors
amounts set parcel
of real estate. as follows:
Wm. G. Waiters. lot 1, block 11, Du-
buque Harbor Co.'s add. $1.00.
Ed. Langworthy. yot 6 Pauline Lang -
worthy's add. 60 cents.
Clifford Ham. lot 370. Davis Farm add,
Geo. W. Works. s 1-2. cents. lot 256 Davis
Farm add. $2.75.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the recorder be In-
structed to issue a venire to the city mar-
shal commanding him to summon a jury
of twelve freeholders. having the qualift-
192 Regular Session, October 7th, 1895.
cations required by law, for the purpose
of appraising the damages that will re-
sult to the owners of property proposed
to be taken for the widening of Foye
street in the manner shown by the plat
on file in the office of the city engineer.
That all the proceedings under this res-
olution be taken in accordance with the
provisions of chapter 30 of the revised
ordinances of 1893.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved. That the city marshal be
instructed to remove all obstructions
from north Glen Oak avenue from 14th
street to Julien avenue. accordipg to the
plat of said street. as er1re c tly'lkid out,
and that the ginee.t% tructed to
give the stakes sTtowinge 1 e.
Ald. Crawford. of the special commit-
tee on High Bridge avenue extension
presented the following report, which
was adopted:
To the City Council of the City of Du-
Your special committee appointed to
confer with the Standard Lumber Co. in
regard to right of way for High Bridge
avenue over lots owned by that com-
pany, find on further investigation, that
owing to conflicting interests of third
parties, it is impracticable for the city
to vacate any portion of Wall street as
recommended in our report of July 1,
1895, without the payment of damages to
such third parties We therefore
recommend that the vacation of any por-
tion of Wall street be abandoned. The
Standard Lumber Co. now proposes that
in lieu of the vacation of Wall street,
the city shall vacate the parts of Bell
and Market streets north of Commercial
street and also the alley in blocks 8 and
9 in the Harbor Improvement Co.,s addi-
• tion. If the city will do this that com-
pany will release to the city the right of
way for High Bridge avenue across its
In the opinion of your committee the
council can accept the proposition of the
lumber company without detriment to
the interests of the city. If that is done
the arrangement between the city and
the Standard Lumber Co. will be as fol-
In consideration that the City of Di-
buque will vacate that portion of Wash-
ington street. and also of the alley be-
tweeen Washington street and Wall
street, from High Bridge avenue to Bell
street and from Bell street to Tower
street; also that portion of Seventh
street and Commercial street north of
lot 15 of block 13: also those portions
of Bell and Market streets north of Com-
mercial street. and the alley in blocks 8
and 9, in favor of the albutting property,
said Standard Lumber Company will
convey to the city the right of way
through its ground for High Bridge ave-
nue, as the same is now surveyed and lo-
We recommend that the proposal of
of the Standard Lumber Co. be accepted
and the necessary legal steps for the va-
cation of parts of the streets and alleys
above described be taken by the city,
and that the action of the city council in
adopting our report of July 1, 1895, be
rescinded and that recommendations in
report be adopted in lieu thereof.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Ald. Crawford offered 'the following
resolution. which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That in consideration,
that the Stand_trd Lumber Company will
convey to the city of Dubuque the right
of way over and across its lots in the
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's addition required for the estab-
lishment of High Bridge avenue that
the city of Dubuque will vacate in favor of
the auutting property the following por-
tion of certain streets and alleys in said
addition. to -wit:
1. Washington street and the alley be-
tween Washington and Wall streets,
from High BriCge avenue to Bell street,
and from Bell to Tower street.
2 The portions of Seventh and Commer
cial streets north of and abutting lot 15
of block 13.
3. The portion of Bell and Market
streets north of Commercial street; and
also the alley in block' eight and nine.
Resolved further. That the city recor-
der and city engineer be instructed to
give the notices of the proposed vacation
of said streets, required by chapter 30 of
the revised ordinances: and that the
resolution adapted July 1, 1895, on the
above subject be rescinded.
Ald. Ryder offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City at Dubuque: That the tax levy pass-
ed September 4th. 1895. be rescinded and
in lieu thereof the following be adopted
as the tax levy for 1895:
Expense. 6 mills.
Special interest. 3% mills.
Water. 1 mill.
Floating inedebtedness. % mill.
Ald. Ryder offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the city treasur-
er and finance committee be instructed
to call in $5.000 of improvement bonds,
numbering from 1 to 5 inclusive, and
dated June 1st. 1895, and In payment for
same they be directed to exchange $5,000
of improvement bonds numbering from
105 to 109 inclusive. and dated October
lst, 1895.
Ald. Bauer offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That George Pfiffner be
appointed city hog weigher at 25th
street and Couler avenue for the ensu-
ing season.
Ald. Kaufmann. of the Eagle Point
ferry committee, presented the follow-
ing, which was adopted:
Your committee report In favor of al-
lowing 8200 more for raising and repair-
ing the Eagle Point ferry, the said
amount to be final donation.
Ald. Schulte offered the following,
which was adopted:
Reilolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the sewer com-
mittee be authorized to purchase 700
feet 3-8 inch wire rope for use in cleaning
the sanitary sewers in the city.
Ald. Schulte, of the fire committee, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee recommend that 1,000
feet of Eureka double iacket knit hose
Regular Session, October 7th, 1895. 193
be purchased at 65 cents per foot; also
1,000 feet of the Revere Rubber company
of American double jacket knit hose at
68 oats, as we believe that the above hose
is the best and cheapest for the money.
Besides the Revere Rubber Co. agrees
to furnish one shut off nozzle and two
pipes along with said hose, and the
Eureka Fire Hose Company agrees to
furnish one shut off nozzle, said hose to
be paid for on or about April 1st. 1896.
Report adopted.
Aid. Ronson moved that the city treas-
urer and attorney be Instructed to col-
lect all delinquent personal taxes, and
that the treasurer be instructed to make
a list of all delinquents for publication.
Ald. Bonson moved that the attorney
he instructed to look up the matter of
removal of building from High Bridge
City Engineer Knowlton reported as
follows on blds for street and sewerage
Garfield avenue from Dock to Ann
Steuck & O'Farrell $ 97 30
John Pickley 118 60
Steuck & O'Farrel. being the lowest
bidders. were on motion. awarded the
Southern avenue from end of present
improvement west:
Theodore Altman $1,188 00
John Tibey 1336 00
Ross McMahon 1,315 00
On motion the contract was awarded
to Theo. Altman. he to enter into an
agreement to compete the work in thirty
Alley between Lincoln avenue and
Rhomberg avenue and Schiller and Mid-
dle streets:
John Pickley $250 45
Phil. Doerr 244 20
Wm. Cook 233 25
Steuck & O'Farrell 246 80
W. Cook, being' the lowest bidder, was,
on motion. awarded the contract.
Sanitary sewer in South Locust street
from Dodge street south:
Dubuque Construction Co. $389 50
Bryan Donalhue 297 50
M Lavin 266 00
E. C. Blake 271 00
M. Lavin, being the lowest bidder, was,
on motion. awarded the contract.
Sanitary sewer in West Locust street
from 17th to Clark street: $174 00
143 00
145 00
187 50
Ar prayed
Bryan Donahue
M. Connelly
M. Lavin
Dubuque Construction Co
M. Connolly. being the lowest bidder,
was, on motion. awarded the contract.
Sanitary sewer in alley between Wash-
ing and Elm and llth and 19th s $ eets.00
Stew*& O'Farrell 3,071 00
Bryan Donahue . 2,552 50
E. C. Blake 2,418 00
Dubuque Construction Co.
The Dubuque Construction Company,
being the lowest kidder. was, on motion,
awarded the contract.
Ald. Shea moved to adiourn.
To Thos. Galloway:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
laying of a sidewalk 8 ft. wide on Bluff
street, between Jones and Dodge streets,
adopted on the 4th day of September,
A. D. 1895, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcelsof land
abutting on said improvement, lot 1 of
1 of 598 in city owned by you being
subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on
the 7th day of October, A. D. 1895,
and show eause if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
To Geo. W. Works:
You are herby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
repairing of a sidewalk adopted on the
4th day of September, A. D. 1895, a spec-
ial assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot s s/2 256 in Davis Farm
addition owned by you being subject
to such special assessment. And you
are hereby notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on the
7th day of October, A.
D , why sand
1895, and
show cause if any you
assessment should
tC e levied.
T. J
9 -21-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's oce up 89, forck
p. m." Saturday,
structing pipe sewers as follows, ac-
cording to plans and specifications on
file in said office:
A 12 -inch tile pipe sewer in W. Ltpc»4t
street from 17th street
f tot Clark Street.
Estimated length, 250
One manhole.
Bidders to furnish bond of 8200 with
bid that contract will he entered Into if
Official Notice.~.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON,
9- 19-10t City Engineer.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, city of Dubu
que, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday,
Oct. llth. 1895, for furnishing all ma-
terial and labor and constructing pipe•
sewers as follows, according to the
plans and specifications on file in said
An 8- inch tile pipe sewer in West
4th street and Fenelon Place from end
of present sewer to Summit street.
Estimated length, 1,100 lin. feet; 4
Bidders to furnish a band of $200
with each bid that contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or ail bids.
1.0-2-10t City Engineer.
I will sell at public auction to the
best bidder for cash, on Friday, the
11th' day of October, 1895 at 2 o'clock.
p. m. at the public pound of the city
of Dubuque, on Elm street between
14th and 15th streets, the following im-
pounded animals, to -wit:
One black mare about 14 hands high,
weighs afoub 1,000 lbs, 10 or 11 years old,
has small white spot on back (saddle
mark), small white spot behind left
ear, small scar on forehead, slightly
lame in right hind leg, wire cut on
right front foot below fetlock, short
mane and tall.
Dubuque, Oct. 4, 1895. City Marshal.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be. within ten days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks. on both sides of Vernon
street, between Alta Vista street and
West end of the street where not al-
ready laid at the expense of abutting
10-2-10t. City Recorder
Bids will be received at this office
up to four o'clock p. m. of Wednesday,
October 16th for laying the cement
walk in front of the Baptist church on
street in front of north 1-5 of city
lot 466. Bidders to furnish bond of
$100. with bid that contract will be en -
aced Into if awarded. The right is re-
served to reject any and all bids.
W. H. KNOWLTON, City Eng.
City Engineer's office, Dubuque, Iowa,
October llth. 1895. 10-11-5t.
Bids will be received at this office
up to four o'clock p. m. of Wednesday.
October 16th, 1895, for re -setting curb,
and guttering and lowering macadam
on Liebnitz street in accordance with
plans and specifications now in file in
this office. Bidder to furnish bond of
$100 with bid that contract will be en-
tered into if awarded. The right is re-
served to reject any and all bids.
W. H. KNOWLTON, City Eng.
City Engineer's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
October 11th, 1895. 10-11-5t.
To owners of property in alley between
Main and Locust and 1st and 8th
You and each of you that have any
objections to the construction of a san-
itary sewer in said alley, the cost of
said construction to be charged to the
adjacent property are hereby notified
to file your objections to same with
the city recorder on or before Wednesday
October 16th, 1895. Per order of sewer
committee. JOHN SCHULTE,
10-9-7t. Chairman.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the city recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m. of Saturday, October 26th.
1895, for wainscoating and painting the
hall of the city hall on the firs floor,
according) to plans and specifications
now on file in the city recorder's office.
Bidders must state the price for do-
ing said work comnlete. No extras will
be allowed.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
10-23-5t. T. J. SHEA,
Chairman of the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the city recorder up to 4 o'clock
p. m. of Saturday. October 26th, 1895.
for putting in a two-inch water service
pipe into the city hall to connect with the
water pipes now therein.
Bidders must state the price for doing
all of said work complete. including the
furnishing of all pine. etc. required.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
10-23-5t. T. J. SHEA,
Chairman Committe on Public Grounds
and Buildings.
I will sell at public auction to the
best bidder for cash, on Monday.' the
28th day of Oct, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. ni•
at the public pound of the city of Du-
buque, on Elm street, between 14th and
15th streets, the following impounded
animals, to -wit: One hall faced sorrell
O/Lcial Notices.
mare, left front foot white to the knee
both hind feet white; about 9 years old,
14 nands high, weight between 1,000
and 1,100 pounds. Branded on left
front shoulder with an X.
10-22-5t ED. MORGAN,
City Marshal.
Dubuque, Oct. 22, 1895.
To Mrs. D. G. Rogers:
You are hereby notified that in accor-
dance with a resolution of the Clty Cuun
cli of the City of Dubuque for the im-
provement of repairing sidewalk adopt-
ed on the 7th day of Oct., A. D., 1895, a
special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement. lots No. 77 and 78, in Mc-
Craney's first add.. owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council. to be held on the 4th
day of Nov.. A. D.. 1895. and show cause
it any you have. why said assessment
should not be lift led. 10-17-10t.
T. J. COONEY. City Recorder.
To Mrs. John McCloskey:
You are hereby notified that in accor-
dance with a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
improvement of sewer in alley east of
Center Place from Julien avenue to
West llth street. adopted on the 7th day
of Oct.., A. D.. 1895. a special assessment
will be levied fr the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement, lot No.
11 in Cain's sub. owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council. to be held on the 4th
day of Nov.. A. D.. 1895. and show cause
if any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied. 10-17-10t.
T. J. COONEY. City Recorder.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing sidewalk,
adopted on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1995, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lot No. 12 sub city 703, owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of Nov. A. D.
1895, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
To John Gillis:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing sidewalk,
adopted on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1895, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lot No. 21 in West's add, owned by
von being subject to such special as-
sessment. And yon are notified to ap-
near at said meeting of the council, to
he held on the 4th day of Nov. A. D.
1995, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
To J^hn Pier:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing sidewalk,
adopted on the 7th day of October.
A. D. 1895, a sp,..cial assessment will
he levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lots Nos. 678a and 678 city, owned
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of Nov. A. D.
1895, any you
why sais show cause if assessmentshould nota
To Rev. P. J. Burke:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing
adopted on the 7th day of
A. D. 1895, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense t the f at
the next regular meeting
ts and parcels of
land ab• ttingalonlosaid improvement
lot un 1-4 city lot 745, owned by
you being subjecttoTsuce h htifled spetocial
pe ar at s And youof the council, to
pear d said meeting of Nov. A. D.
he held nn the 4th day
1895, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
To John Welsh:
To H. Butler:
You hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing sidewalk,
adopted on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1895, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lot No. 213 in Davis Farm add owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of Nov. A. D.
1895, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
To Henry Guerdet:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of repairing sidewalk,
adopted on the 7th day of October,
A. D. 1895, a special assessment will
he levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lots 4 and 5 of sub 1 of 5 of 11-12-13 n e
1-4 section 13-89-2 e owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
he held on the 4th day of Nov. A. D.
1895, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
To Wolf & Hilkins:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuoue for the
improvement of sewer in alley east of
Center Place in Rose street and in alley
west of Race street, adopted on the
7th day of October, A. D. 1895, a special
assessment will he levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 3 of 2 of min lot No.
88, owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
November, A. D. 1895, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
10-17-1Ot. City Recorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good brick. stone or cement be within 20
days of this notice. constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in re-
lation'to sidewalks as follows:
,8 feet wide on east side of Bluff street
between Third street and Fourth street.
8 feet wide on east side of Bluff
street between Seventh street and
Eighth street.
8 feet wide on nor.h side of Tenth
street between Clay street and White
8 feet wide on east side of Bluff street
between Ninth street and Tenth street.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: T hat sidewalks of
good two inch planks, brick stone, or
cement. be, within 10 days of this notice
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as
6 feet wide on west side of Jackson
street between Ninth street and Tenth
8 feet wide on south side of Tenth
street between White street and Jack-
son street.
6 feet wide on east side of Washington
street between Thirteenth street and
Fourteenth street.
6 feet wide on south side of Thirteenth
street between Jackson street and Wash
ington street.
4 feet wide on east side of St. Ambrose
street between Arch street and Green
4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi
street between Asbury street andCenter
6 feet wide on east side of Jackson
street between Eighteenth street and
Nineteenth street.
Where not already laid at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted October 7th. 1895.
10-17-1Ot. T. T. COONEY,
City Recorder.
October 28, 1895
• Your committee on public grounds and
buildings to whom was referred the mo-
tion of advertising for bids for wainscot -
1895. ing and painting. the hall of the City
Hall beg leave to report that they have
received bids for sante and Frank
Kettohle, being the lowest bidder, we
would recommend that he be given the
contract, his bid for doing said work be-
ing $151.85.
Report adopted. •
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Itesolved. 13y the City Council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city mar-
shal and fire chief be instructed to ex-
amine the, old frame shanty on Clay
street between 4th and 5th streets, and
report as to its safety to surrounding
property in case of fire. Adopted.
Ald. Kaufmann moved that the pro-
posed new street between Elmdale ave-
nue and Valeria be named Cushing ave-
nue. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that the portion of
West Eagle Point avenue not changed
to Elmdale avenue be named Kaufmann
avenue. Carried.
Special Session October 28,
Council met at 2:30 0. m.
Mayor Olinger In the chair.
present -Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Kauf-
mann, Ryder. Shea. Schulte and Vogler.
The mayor stated that the object of the
meeting was to consider the construction
of a sower in Fene1nn Place and allow-
ing previous bill.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved. 13y the City Council of the
city of Dubu.tue: That the city recorder
be instructed to issue a venire to the
city marshal. commanding him to sum-
mon a jury of twelve. freeholders. citi-
zens of said city. duly qualified to assess
damages that may be caused by the pro-
posed opening of a street through lots 1,
2, 3. 4. and 5 of sub lot 687 city, to such
parties as object to the same as shown
by plat prepared by the city engineer, as
ordered by the city council Oct. 1st, 1895.
An agreetnent of Jas. Lee and Thos.
Faherty with the city of Dubuque grant-
ing to the eity the right to construct and
maintain a sanitary sewer along the line
between lot No. 14 Prospect Hill addi-
tion and lot No. 4 of subdivision of lot
672 city and the right to at all times
enter on said property to do any neces-
sary repairs. etc. was accepted and the
mayor and• recorder instructed to sign
W. A. Leathers and Clifton B. Trewin
presented a Plat of lot 41a, Prospect Hill
addition. showing a proposed vacation
and relocation of alley in said Prospect
Approved and recorder instructed to I,
give the proper notice of vacation.
The bids for the construction of sewer
in Fenelon Place were ordered opened
and referred to the engineer for compute
The engineer reported as follows: $1,021
Bryan Donahue 917
John & E C Blake
Messrs. Blake. being the lowest bid-
ders. were awarded the contract.
The following bills were allowed.
Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, $5,190, for
improvement of Locust street from 10th
to 17th streets.
Dubuque Construction Co., $3,456, for
improvement of 17'th street.
M. Connolly, 2128.35. for sewer pipe and
one manhole.
Ald. Ryder moved that M. Lavin be
allowed 2100 on his contract.
Ald. Shea. of the board of health, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee of the board of health
would moat respectfully recommend that
the salaries of the members of the board
of health be fixed and allowed as fol-
lows for services during 1895:
Mayor Olinger, chairman
The two aldermen. each
Assistant physician
Also that Dr. Welland be allowed $30
toward paying his expenses In attend-
ing the meeting at Denver of the Nation-
al Board of Health. Report adopted.
Ald. Shea. chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings, re-
ported as follows:
$500 00
100 00
200 00
300 00
Aid. Shea. ehairmau of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Whereas. The City Council of the
city of Dubuotte deems it expedient that
the following described property. lots,
and parts of lots should be connected
with the sanitary sewer adjacent there-
to, for the purpose of house drainage,
Therefore. Resolved that the owners of
the following property:
Mrs. M. J. Sullivan. city lot 127.
tieo. Richardson. city lot 128.
John Bell. s 2-3 city lot 112.
Emerette Randall. s 1-3 city lot 112.
F. P. Coates. citv lot 111.
C. Fischer. city lat 110.
C. Fischer. city lot 109.
D. V. Wilson. city lot 129.
Robert Jess. city lot 130.
Cath. MoCann. s 33.6 ft e 1-2 city lot
Jas. T. Wood. s 24 ft n 31 ft city lot 131.
Fanny Wood. n 7 ft city lot 131.
Fanny Wood. s 17.3 ft city lot 132.
B. Lager'. s m 26.6 ft city lot 132.
Jas. Kelly. n 21.3 ft city lot 132.
City of Dubuoue. s Job. Barnes. n 20 20 fCt city .6 ft lo ty 108.lot 1
Job Barnes. s 25.6 ft city lot 107.
W. E. Hunt. s 1-2 n :19 city lot 107.
Eva L. Hunt. n 1-2 n 39 ft, olty lot 107.
Dr. J. H. Greene. city lot 106.
Dr. J. H. Greene. s 40.8 ft city lot 105.
McMahon. Michael. city s 21.8 ft of lot 1
Simplot, Chas.. city, m 21.8 ft of lot 1.
Coates, Frank. city. n 1-2 of lot 3a.
Albee, E. W.. city lot 4 .
Dillon Timothy. city lot 10.
Bonsott, R. Est.. city s 2-5 of lot 11.
Waller. R. Hest.. city n 1-3 of lot 11.
,city ft
Gmehle, Einelia,city n 20 ft of lot 21.
Oglesby, Est.. city n 1-2 of lot 22.
Bush, Anna M., city s 37.6-12 of lot 26.
Rider, Jno. V.. city n 33 ft of lot 27.
Rider, Jno. V.. city lot 28.
Hanson, Ira. city lot 40a.
E. W.C. A1c630.
bee. city 198.
Anna M. Bush. n 2-3 city lot 195.
James Mullin. city lots 181, 182, 182a.
Butt Bros.. n 35.5 ft city lot 179.
Tam Connolly. city lots 177 and 178.
W. L. Bradley, city lot 176a, n 25 ft 174.
198 • Special Session, October 28, .1895 .
Gl nn w 24ift city lot 120.ty lot m 22.6 tt 174.
Robt. Waller. city lot 119.
John Cooper.
Hickey. s 1-2 city lot 118.
n 1-2 city lot 118.
John Hickey. s 21 ft city lot 117.
P. J. Burke. n 43.9 ft city lot 117.
N. C. Ryan. city lot 121.
Mary Donahue. s 16 ft city lot 122.
Thos. E. Rafferty. s 16 ft n 48.9 ft city
lot 122.
Frank Rafferty Est.. n 32.9 ft city lot
Mike Ahern. n 1-2 city lot 123.
Gerald F. Ryan Est., s 1-2 city lot 123.
Rt. Rev. John Hennessy. city lot 124.
A. A. Cower. city lot 116.
Felix Agnew. Est.. city lot 115.
Rt. Rev. John Hennessy. city lot 114.
Wm. Powers. city lot 113.
Rt. Rev. Jdhn Hennessy. city lot 125.
Mary and Julia Flannery, s 1-2 city lot
O. Holland. lot 1 sub n 11.8 ft city lot
Mrs. A. Kaiser Est.. lot 2 sub n 11.8 r:
city lot 640.
Mrs. A. Kaiser Est.. s 23.3 ft city lot
Helmuth Butt. n 28 ft city lot 639.
Universalist Church. city lot 638.
S. Hosford. city lot 656.
Grace A. & Sarah M. Provost, city lot
Grace A. & Sarah M. Provost, s 1 ft
city lot 658.
John Lagen. s m 33 ft city lot 658.
Nellie G. Provost. n 17.2 ft city lot 658.
Nellie G. Provost. s 16.5 ft e 1-2 city lot
H. & N. Hill. s 21 5-12 ft n 35. 2 ft e 1-2
city lot 659.
S. G. Wells & R. H. Ham Est., n 13.2
ft e 1-2 city lot 659.
S. G. Wells & R. H. Ham Est., s 8 ft
126. e 1-2 city lot 660
John Corcoran. n 1-2 city lot 126. First Presbyterian church, w 43 ft e
1-2 city lot 660.
Jas. aM.
Donahue.owln . 23.10 ft city lot 105..Jas, Rowan. city lot 656a.
Laura Knowlton- e 1-2 city lot 133. Jas. Rowan. lot 2 city lot 657a.
H.. arra an. s 1-3 city lot 134. Thos. J. Quinlan. lot 1 city lot 657a.
Jas..KnowltO . 1 -3 -city lot 134. Grace A. Provost. city lot 658a.
H. n Knowlton. n it coy lot 134. Grace A. Provost. s 16.2 ft w 1-2 city
Frank Kirk. s 1-2city lot 135. lot 659
A. C. Kline. n 1-2 city lot 130.
J. H. Thedinga Est.. city lot 136.
Allison & Bradley. city lot 104.
Allison & Bradley. s 34.6 ft city lot 103.
M. & A. Rogers. n 50 ft city lot 103.
M. & A. Rogers. s 8 ft city lot 102.
Sarah Sprague. s m 38.6 ft city lot 102.
J. R. Goodrich. n 18.6 ft city lot 102.
J. R. Goodrich. city lot 101.
A. A. Cooper. city lot 137.
A. A. Cooper. city lot 138.
A. A. Cooper. city lot 139
John R. Waller Est.. city lot 140.
A. W. Hostord. city lot 623.
David Grant Est.. city lot 624.
Jas. Howie. city lot 625.
Eliza Hoey, city lot 626.
W. & D. Brunskill. city lot 627.
Mrs. F. S. Cummings. e 1-2 city lot 662.
Mrs. F. S. Cummings. ,e 1-2 city lot 651.
Jac. Christman. s 36.3 ft city lot 650.
Anna M. Bush, n 15 ft city lot 650.
Anna M. Bush, city lot 649.
Anna M. Bush. city lot 648.
Bonson & Coates. city lot 628.
R. Bonson Est.. W. & D. Brunskill, city
lot 629.
E. R. Jackson. s 1-2 city lot 630.
M. O'Rourke. n 1-2 city lot 630.
Wm. Bothwell Est.. city lot 631.
E. R. Jackson. city lot 632.
Wm. F. Coates. city lot 647.
Wm. F. Coates. s 49.3 ft city lot 646.
A. W. Kemler Est.. n 2 ft city lot 646.
A. W. Kemler Est.. city lot 645.
A. W. Kemler. city lot 644.
J. E. Fairbanks Est.. 33.6 ft city lot
843 '
Dr. Brownson. city lot 634.
Martin, city lot 635.
A. Tredway and Grace A. Provost, city
lots 636 and 637.
I. O. O. F.. city lot 633.
P. W. Crawford. city lot 642.
P. W. Crawford. lot 2 of city lot 641.
Conrad B. Scherr. s 25.7 1-2 ft of lot 1
of city lot 641.
John Phelan. lot 1 sub s 39.4 ft of city
lot 641.
John Phelan( lot 1 sub s 39.4 ft of city
lot 640.
O. Holland. lot 2 sub s 39.4 ft of city lot
Sylvia L. Scott. n 35 ft w 1-2 city lot
Sylvia L. Scott. lot 2 w 1-2 city lot 660.
Ed. Muggli Est.. lot 1 w 1-2 city lot 660.
be instructed to make ,proper sewer con-
nections therewith. where not already
done, within 30 days from this date. In
case of the neglect or refusal of the own-
ers of above described property to make
the proper sewerage connection by the
time above specified, the same will be
done by the city, and the costs thereof as
sessed against and be a lien upon said
Adopted by the following vote:
AyRyder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler.uLmaan
Ald. Crawford was excused from vot-
Ald. Shea moved to adiourn. Carried.
Approve(' .... 1895
/leyu/u.l' Se88ion, LVo'reinlwr , 18145.
Regular Session November 4th, 1895.
Peter Klauer, supplies for city en-
gineer 80
M Lavin, sewer on South Locust
street 104 44
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies for
sewers 60
G F Kleih, supplies for sewers 1 96
Bart E Linehan, supplies for sew-
ers '15 75
Martin & Strelau. ooal for fire dept157 95
Mayor Olinger in the chair. Voggenthaler & Ragatz, supplies
Present—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cul- for fire dept 44
len, Kaufmann. Shea. and Vogler. I Dubuque Water Co. supplies for
On motion the minutes of the October fire dept 40 00
meeting were approved as printed. I Key City Gas Co, coke for 18th 6 12
The following hills were ordered paid: street engine house
Name. For what purpose. Ain't. Jos Trudell, repairs for fire dept 28 25
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing $30 10 Geo N Raymond. baskets for fie 7
Fraatz & Clarke, supplies, fire dept 796 department •
Standard Lumlber Co.. shaving1' Klauer, supplies for fire dept 4 00
1 .6
for fire dept Rei-nfried & Jaeger, supplies for fire 50
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co.. lum- I dept
fiber for fire dept 51 30 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing ..... 7 00
4fori.on Taos.. grate fire dept 2 20 Voggenthaler & Iiagatz, supplies
for fire dept 2 73
All. Halpin and Ryder arrived at 9:50
o'clock. Schulte arrived at 10 o'clock.
Union Printing Co. register blanks4 755
Jas Kelly, stationery 11 70
1 0
1, B Grosvenor. Pencils
Barnard. Walker & Clewell. station
6 00
Hardie & Schar•ie, letter
a to
health 28 75
Jahn T Kearns. recording plats .. • 2 00
Ham & Carver. index tabs ... • • • • • 37 9Q
Harger & Blish. stationery
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, grates 22 70
2 50
Jas Kelly & Son. files
Dubuque Wood Ware Co. lumber50 00
Baumgartner & Kleih. supplies for 70
engineer 74 98
Evens & Howard. sewer pipe
Steuck & O'Farrell. improvement of 49 06
Carr, Ryder & Co.. two pieces 30
maple tire department
Lagan & Sloan. horse shoeing for 12 00
fire department
Dubuque Water Co.. hydrants for
r314 11
Collins & Wilkinson. horse shoeing 13 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel. supplies for 1 Nf y
hall 4 20 II H heads for
Police Telephone & Signal Co., elec- 300
and cards for l and of
tric supplies
E. E. Frith, removing garbage 240 30
M. Czlzek, papering room in hall • • 30 130
Svendson & Ott. lumber
P Klauer, storage of stoves and 6 30
Dubuque Telegraph, tax sale list .. 60 40
Phil. Pier. coal
F. J 5
& Co., bla kets polii3 10
dept 19 80
JJllwanger Bros.. supplies and re- Garfield avenue
pairs police dept 8 80 Dubuque avenue
Construction Co., con
M. Brown & Son. hay. (city pound). 300 ti of sewers from llth to
Phil Pier. wood and ice (patrol 21 00
Collins & Wilkinson. horse shoeing. 2 00
Fraatz & Clark, supplies for police 2 70
Lear & Pflffner. horse shoeing 10 5
Jos Trudell, repairs patrol
Chas Oswald, repairs and suppiPs. 300 00
Brown & Son. hay (city pound)
Peter Klauer, supplies and labor street ...............
, 4 35 John Tibet.
improvement of Rush
847 00
(fire dept.) ..... 436 ..... .....
Pape & Coy. lumber
plumbing • • • 35 62 . street . • • • • • • • • • • .
John McCoy lumber fire dept
Phil Doerr, improvement of alley
Dubuque e, stove for ,prints g ..... 50 75 from Merz steeet to Ries street ..182 00
Telegraph. printing • • • • lb )ubuque Construction Co.. improVe 21 96
Re4nfried & Jaeger, twine .... • • • • meet of 15th street
lies improvement o alley
struc on se = 730 00
19th street. •'
Peter Borsch. improvement of 5th
940 00
Bryan Donahue. construction of 34 60
sen Mer Cn 7ty, laying sidewalk ..... 4 00
John McCoy,
Altman & Taylor, improvement of
Grandview avenue ..
Ryan Bros., improvement of Alpine
150 00
Voggenthaler & Ragatz,
for fire dept .
l'eter Hoffman, supplies for fire dpt
r llwanger Bros. supplies for fire
dept .........
1' Klauer, supplies for street •es far
lteinfrted & Jaeger. suPP
street • . . .lies for street
Duggan & Kane, supplies
Reinfried & Jaeger, 05
street ......""•'" 92
Bart E Linehan, supplies for street. 75 50
Key City Gas Co.. coke • • • • ..... or
Standard Lumber Co. supplies11 10
Svendson & Ott, supplies for street. 20 80
Collins & Wilkinson. city carpe- 5 00
ter ................................
lsaumga.rtner & Kleih. supplies7 30
street .............................
6 54
4 10
5 10
3 00
3 80
Phil Doerr,
from Johnson to Windsor avenue 16 96
Dubuque Construction Co..
onClay street and Couler av
e"nue 393 880
B Donahue, laying
Geo W Farley, improvement of Re -300 00
becca street • ..
Dubuque Construction Co., sewer
in alley east of Center Place . • ... 21 28
D W Linehan. sewer in Grove Ter- 126 lb
P Borsch, improvement of 5th ave. 41 911
Bryan Donahue. sewer pieement . a...
Wilmer Cook, imp 00
frome Schiller avenue to Middle: 17 00
J P Schroe,ler, cement ............. •, .624 00
Dubuque Construction Co., Im-
provement 17th street
Phil Doerr, improvement of alley
200 Regular Session, November 4, 1895
east of Stafford avenue 60 00
N H Schilling. toweling cement 32 00
sidewalk 32 30
Jno Williams. sand and rock
E J Evans. sidewalk 10th and Clay23 15
N H Schilling, paving brick, sand 05
Ryan Bros., improvement of Audu-
bon avenue
Byron Donahue. sewer in 6th street739 59
John Pickley, improvement of Schil-
ler avenue
Mrs. Koenig, janitor service 20 00
John Hoffmann. assistant market 1 35
Frank Keachie. carpenter work
and painting
Wm Kaep, assisting removeing rec-
ords in recorder's office
Chas Buchard. assisting park cus 26 00
Wm Geisicker. levelman for engi- 55 00
John Farley. rodman for engineer. 40 00
Jas Morgan. inspector for engineer 19 30
John Brady, inspector for engineer 29 00
John Hoffman. inspector for en-
Dan Sheehan. inspector for engi. • •
neer 37
John Drehouse. use of pulley, block
etc 2 50
Maggie Murry, typewriting and pa-
per 9 75
Jos Geiger, carpenter work 6 25
Chas Atkinson. papering and paint -
40 00
Garret Pan. cutting wood 1 50
Robt McGuire. sanitary officer 50 00
B Hayes, cleaning around hall 21 75
Adam Jaeger. labor at hall '14 42
Andy Johnson. cutting wood 2 25
C H Whitwell. veterinary services 33 00
Steuck & O'Farrell. improvement of
West Eagle Point avenue .3620 00
D W Linehan. improvement of
Fengler avenue 1413 00
Steuck O'Farrel & Linehan, im-
provement of Locust street 1317 00
The following bills were referred to the
committee on police and light:
Key City Gas Co. $80 35
Globe Light & Heat Co 170 00
The following bilis were referred to the
committee on supplies:
Trexler Bros $ 6 00
B Lagen . 400
Martin & Strelau 21 21
The followingbills were referred to the
committee on streets:
Headford Bros ..$44 60
Key City Gas Co 23 75
The following bills were referred to the
oommittee on fire:
HHuber&Son $100
P H Halpin 6 60
G F Kleih 30
The following bills were referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
Reinfrled & Jaeger
Dubuque Water Co
Baumgartner & Kleih 1 65
The following bill was referred to the
ecqmmittee on markets:
G'P Klelh $2 85
The following bill was referred to the
committee on sewers:
Jaoob Traut $4 50
The following bills were referred to the
committee on printing:
Dubuque Herald $76 00
Daily Telegraph
The following petitions were referr •c1
to the committee on streets.
Petition of Maria Kempf and Heirs
in relation to the grade of Southern
avenue claiming damages for alleged
change of grade.
Petition of J. H. Rhomberg referring
to the building on the proposed Fourth
street extension, asking that the sum
of $200 be allowed him for the removal
of same.
Petition of F. W. Kringle asking that
ICatherine street be improved.
Petition of C. H. Ertner asking that
he be exempt from special assessment
for the improvement or 6th ave. until the
same is continued further.
The petition of Jessie Vaun offering
to furnish filling on High Bridge ave was
referred to the street committee with
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee:
Wm. Ryan Packing Co
Cornelia Bahl.
Petition of the Chicago Great West-
ern Ry. Co. in regard to sale of property
owned by them for delinquent taxes was
referred to the delinquent tax committee
and city attorney.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of Messrs. Kenneally and
Kane asking that Ook street from its
connection with Rising avenue be made
Petition of Mrs. H. B. Noyes asking
to be allowed to extend a sewer on •
Chestnut street to her property the
same to be done at her expense.
The following 'propositions to furnish
the city street sweepers were referred
to the paving committee.
A Wander and The F. C. Austin man-
ufacturing company.
The invitation of the executive com-
mittee of the Trans Mississippi Commer-
cial Congress asking the city to send
delegates to the congress to be held at
Omaha was accepted and the mayor
authorized to appoint three•delegates.
The remonstrances of several property
owners between 1st and 8th and Main
and Locust streets against constructing
a sewer in. alley was referred to the en-
gineer and sewer committee.
Petition of Ernest Bohn for use of
part of ice harbor for a, skating rink
was referred to the harbor committee.
Petition of John Kaep asking damages
on account of accident to Mrs. Kaep
caused by the displacement of apron
over crossing was referred to the com-
mittee on claims.
Petition of M. Masuen & Co. asking
that unexpired license be refunded was
referred to the' mayor with power.
The petition of the Illinois Central
Ry. Co. asking the privilege of putting
down a side track over and along the
following streets in the city.
Commencing at a point on the Du-
buque & Dunlelth bridge company's
75 00 track ata point between Washington
1 65
400 00
lieyrrl,i ,.,.Y;„,,. .November 4, 1895. 201
and Wall streets thence northeasterly
along Cypress street, crossing all inter-
vening streets and alleys, to and across
Seventh street to Cedar street, thence
northerly on Cedar street, to south line
of Thirteenth street and crossing all
in terevening streets and alleys, was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Report of Officers.
City Treasure McCarten reported a.s
Cash on hand Oct. 1,
Receipts for October 31,595.58
Total $84,739.54
Disbursements during Oet ....60,218.65
Balance cash Nov. 1. 1895 $24,520.89
Also reported $1,968.20 amount required
to pay city officers.
Also presented a list of coupons re-
deemed during the month of Oct. 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay city
officers and report referred to the fi-
nance committee.
Street Commissioner Carter reported 53-
804.68 amount required to pay for labor
on the streets for the month of October,
Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor-
ers and report referred to the street
Marshal Morgan reported $1,933.55
amount required to pay police for Oc-
Also reported 61 arrests during Oc-
Also reported 52 runs made by patrol.
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
516.00 amount collected for impounded
animals. police
Warrants ordered drawn to pay P
and report referred to the committee
on police and light.
Chief Reinfried reported $1,740.00
amount due fire department for the
month of October, 1895.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay fire
department and report referred to the
committee on police and light.
treasurer's report received and filed.
Ald. Kaufmann. chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report that a sidewalk
has been ordered on Vernon street all
prayed for by John Holland et al.
Ln favor of paying claim of O. E. Guern
sey, trustee. of 580.40.
In flavor of instructing the city engi-
neer to prepare a plat showing the pro-
posed change of location of Union ave-
nue and proceed in accordance with chap
ter 30 of the revised ordinances of 1893.
Report that the macadam has been
hauled from the property of John Alt-
In favor of intsurtcting the street com-
missioner to repair Kane street so that
the same will be passable for public
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Fifth avenue from end of im-
provement to north line lot 6 Pell's addi-
tion by Peter Horsoh, contractor, in front
of and adjolning the sante, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Chas. Hillery, sewer inspector, re-
ported 5190.80 amount required to pay
for labor on sewers.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay lab-
orers and report referred to sewer com-
Woodmeasurer Jess reported 1,350
cords of wood measured. during October
and presented treasurer's receipt for
$3.10 amount due cAty. Report adopted.
Market Master Traut reported $$2005
scale receipts for October and presented
treasurer's receipt or same.
Also reported $20.40 amount due for
feeeding prisoners or October. Report
adopted and warrants ordered drawn to
feed prisoners.
Report in favor of receiving and filing
the petition of John Hickey in relation
to damages to his crops on Grandview
Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor having loan
warrants drawn In favor of the several
parties and also warrants drawn in favor
of the treasurer for money advanced dur-
ing the month of October. 1895, and the
H Krenes. Johnstone sub. lot 1,
8.67 sq yds guttering at 340,
52.95; 34.4 sq yds macadamising
$ 14 30
at 33c, 511.35
Rudolph Jones. Jansan's sub, lot
1, 56.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
hue and Chas. Pitschner were received
and filed.
34c, $14.39! 106.33 sq Yds m'acad-
516.98; 42.33 sq yds guttering at
The reports of city weighers T. J. D
amazing at 330. 534.76 64 13
Rudolph Jones, Jansan's sub, lot
2. 50 lin ft curbstone at 300 515;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 340,
dogt 61
46 50
Rudolph Jones. Jansan's sub, lot
3, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 516;
33.33 sq Yds guttering at 340,
511.33; 61.11 sq yds maeadamdz-
ing at 330. 520.17 48 60
Rudolph Jones. Jansan's sub, lot
4, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 515;
33.33 sq yds guttering art 34c,
511.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ac damiz- 48 60
ing at 33c. $20.17 ................
Rudolph Jones. Jansan's sub, lot
5, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 515;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34c,
511.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- 48 60
ing at 33c. 520.17. .. .... .
Rudolph Janes. Jansan's sub, lot
6, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 515;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34e,
$11.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 520.17 .......... .lot
46 60
Rudolph Jones, Jansen'
s sub, 7, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $167
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34c,
$11.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamia-50
ing at 33c. $20.17 .......... ..
Rudolph Jones. Jansan's sub, lot
8. 56.8 lin ft curbstone at 3 ,
at 30c,
$17.04; 40 sgyds g t
$13.60; 82.22 sq yds macadam's -
ing at 330, $27.13
John Jansen. Jansen's sub, lot 13,
202 Rey/dor •Venni(►?., .L) Velro a i' -i. Ji'95.
622.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $186.
60; 430.2E sq yds guttering at 34c,
1146.27;820.78 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 2270.85
Thos Barry. sub lot 2 of the sub
of 2. 3 and 4 and 1 of 5 of m lot
307a, lot 1. 407.0 lin ft curbstone
at 30c, $120.60: 284.90 sq yds gut-
tering at 34c, $96.87: 528.22 sq
yds macadamizing at 33c, $174-
Thos Berwange'r. sub lot 2 of the
subof2.3and 4and 1 of5of m
lot 307a. lot 2. 59.6 Lin ft curb-
stone at 30c, 217.88: 46.67 sq yds
guttering at 34c. 215.87; 108.67 sq
yds macadamizing at 33c, 235.86. 69.61
Lizzie Schnee, Peil's sub. lot 6, 50
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 215.00;
33.33 sq yds guttering at :34c,
$11.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c, 220.17 46 50
Lizzie Schnee. Pell's sub. lot 5, 50
Iin ft curbstone at 30c. 215.00;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34e,
211.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 320.17 46 50
1Azzie Schnee. Peil's sub. lot 4, 50
lin ft curbstone at 30e. 215.00;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34e,
$11.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. $20.17 46 50
Lizzie Schnee, Peil's sub. lot 3, 50
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 215.00;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 340,
211.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 820.17 46 50
Chris Hertner. sub 1 m lot 907a,
lot 2. 100 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
230; 66.67 sq yds guttering at 34c,
$22.67; 122.22 sq yds ma:cadamiz
ing at 33c, 240.33 93 00
Lizzie Schnee. Pell's sub. lot 2, 50
lin ft curlbstone alt 30c. 815.00;
33.33 sq yds guttering at 34c.
211.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 220.17 46 50
Lizzie Schnee. Peil's sub, lot 1, 115
lin ft curbstone at 30c. 834.50;
76.67 sq yds guttering at 34c,
826.07; 140.55 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c. 846.38 106 95
August Roeber, min lot 307, lot 2,
1063.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c,
1319.02; 734 sq yds guttering at 34c,
2249.66; 1423.33 sq yds macadam-
izing at 33c. 2469.69 1038 27
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin( Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving alley from Johnson ave)nnte to
Windsor avenue between Garfield ave-
nue and Rhomberg avenue by Phil Doerr
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots. and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate, herein-
after named. situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
R W Lange. Cooke add, lot 1,
67.16 sq yds macadamizing at
35c, 823.50; 44.4 cu yds grading at
5c, 22.22 $ 25 72
M Hanson, Cook's add. lot 2, 58.26
sq yds macadamazing at 35c,
$20.39; 44.4 cu yds grading at 5e,
603 72
391 78
22.22 22 6I
John F. Luck, Cook's add, lot 3,
58.26 sq yds macadamizing at
35c, 220.39; 44.4 ou yds grading
at Sc, 22.22 22 61
Wan Kanlve. Cook's add, lot 4,
58.26 sq yds maw,damazing at
35c, 220.39; 44.4 ou yds grading
at 5c. 22.22 22 61
F 23 Welton. Cook's add. s 1-2 lot
5, 29.13 sq yds naacadainazing at
35c, 210.20; 22.2 ou yds gracing
at 5c. $1.11 1I 31
J Muller. Cook's add. n 1-2 lot 5,
29.13 sy yds macadamizing at
35c, 210.19; 22.2 cu yds grading at
5c. 21.11 11 30
John Berry. Cook's add, lot 6, 58.26
sq Yds macadamizing at 35c,
220.39; 44.1 cu yds grading at 5c.
22.22 22 61
Justin Holtzman. Coa)k's add, s
1-2 lot 7, 29.13 sq yds macadam-
izing at 35c. 210.19; 22.2 cu yds
grading at 5c. 21.11 11 30
Gandenz Troug. Cook's add, n 1-2
lot 7 ,29.13 sq yds macadamizing
at 35c. 210.20; 22.2 cu ydts grading
at 5c. 31.11 11 3l
M. Hoerner. Cook's add. lot 22
58.26 sq yds macadamizing at
35c. 220.39: 44.1 cu yds grading
at 5c. 22.22 22 61
Luisa Weglau, Cook's add, lot 23,
58.26 sq yds macadamizing at
36c, 220.39; 44.4 cu yds grading
at 6c, $2.22 22 61
Frank Giessler. Cook's add. lot 24,
58.26 sq yds macadamizing at
35c, 220.39: 44.4 cu yds grading
at 5c. $2.22 22 61
Jos Cleman. Cooks add. lot 25,
58.26 sq yds macadamizing' at
35c, 220.39; 44.4 cu yds grading
at 5c. 22.22 22 61
Jos Cleman. Cook's add. lot 26,
58.26 sq yds macadamizing at
36c. $20.39; 44.4 cu yds grading
at 5c. 22.22.... ........ ..
N1c Schmidt. Cook's acid. lot 27,
68.26 sq yds macadamizing at
35c. 220.39: 44.4 cu yds grading
at 5c. 22.22 22 61
Mc Ley. Cook's add. lot as. 67.16
eY Yds macadamizing at 35c,
223.50; 44.4 cu yds grading at 5c,
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Hairpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Sixteenth street from Main to
Locust street by Dubuque Construction
Oo., contractors. in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a spedial tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots• and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named. situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate. as fol-
J & D Olinger. s 1-5 of 472, city,
29.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c, 29.34;
93.6 lin ft curbing reset at 5c,
24.681 308.22 sq yds brick paving
at 21.14. 2361.37: ..$ 365 c'')
Wm S Moto, 6 1-5 of 473, city, 36
lin ft curbstone at 32c. 811.20;
112.2 lin ft curbing reset at 13c,
22 61
25 72
November 4, 1895 203
Anna A Sears. n 1-2 n 1-5 of 474,
city. 8.4 lin ft curbstone at 32c.
$11.91; 308.22 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.14. $351.37
$2.69; 120 lin ft curbing reset at
5c, $6.00; 308.22 sq yds brick pav-
ing at $1.14. $351.37 ::60 06
W H Peabody. n 1-5 of 471, city,
75.6 lin ft curbstone at 32c. $24.-
19; 426.6 lin ft curbing reset at
5c, $28.66; 1232.88 sq yds brick
paving at $1.14. $1,405.48 1,458 33
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
'City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving- Fifteenth street from Main St.
to Locust street by Dubuque Construc-
tion Co.. contractors. in front of and ad-
joining the same. a special tax be and is
hereby levied on . the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named. situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
D D Myers. s 96.1 of 471. city.
114.4 lin ft curbstone at 32c. $36.-
63: 9.2 lin ft curbing reset at 5c,
$0.46; 307.33 sq yds brick paving at
$ 387 44
11.14. 8350.35
Independent School District of
Dubuque. s 2-5 of 474. city, 307.33
sq yds brick paving at $1.14, 350 35
B B Richards. n 1-5 of 475, city,
114.1 lin ft curbing at 32c, $36.-
51; 9.7 lin ft curbing reset at 50,
$0.48; 307.33 sq yds brick paving 387 34
at $1.14, $350.35
Mrs lizabeth Young. n 1-4 of 470a,
atty. 3.2 lin ft curbstone at 32c,
$1.02; 121.0 lin ft curbing reset at
50, $6.05; 307.33 sq yds brick pay
ing at $1.14, $350.35 357 42
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder. Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in
alley east of Center Place in Rose street
and in alley west of Race street by Du-
buque Construction Co.. contractors, in
front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots. and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named, sit
nate and owned. and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate. as follows:
374 48
Simon Treanor. sub 13. McNul-
ty's sub, lot 1. 44 se ft sewers 1? 60
at 4 mills
Wm. Hopkins, sub 13. McNulty's
sub, lot 2, 6 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 240
Wm Hopkins, McNulty's sub, lot 16, 16 00
40 sq ft sewers at 4 mills
Wm Hopkins, sub 2 min lot 88, lot 20
1, 50 sq ft sewers at 4 mills
John .. Standacher. sub 2 min lot
88 s 1-2, lot 2. 30 sq ft sewers at
4 mills 00
Eliza Kennedy. sub 2 min lot 88, n
1-2, lot 2, 30 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 12 00
Jno D Wade,, sub 2 thin lot 88, lot 18 00
3, 40 sq ft sewers at 4 mills
Annie Gill. sub 2 min lot 88, lot 4,
40 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 16 00
James Mullin. sub 2 min lot 88. lot 16 00
5, 40 sq ft sewers at 4 mills
A W Hosford. Coin's sub, lot 14,
54.6 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 21 84
A W Hosford. Coin's sub, lot 17, 48
sq ft sewers at 4 mills 19 20
A W Holford. Coin's sub. lot 18, 82
sq ft sewers at 4 mills 32 80
A W Hosford. Coin's sub, lot 19,
58.8 sq ft sewers at 4 mills ..... 23 52
Jaynes Sellers. Coin's sub, lot 20,
54.6 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 21 84
Mrs A Cummins, sub 7 of min lot 88,
lot 1, 150 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 60 00
Mrs A Cummins. Cummin's sub, lot
18, 55 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 22 00
Jno Reed, Cummin's sub. lot 19, 55
sq ft sewers at 4 mills 22 00
Wm Gilliam. Cummin's sub, lot 20,
55 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 22 00
.1 P Earley. Cummin's sub, lot 21,
55 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 22 00
J P Earley, Cummin's sub, lot 22,
55 sq ft sewers at 4 mills 22 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the ibllowing:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer is
alley east of Center Place from Julien
avenue to West 11th street by M Lavin,
contractor. in frOnt of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate, herein-
after named. situate and owned, 6d
for the several amounts set oppositec
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Joseph Botts. sub 4 McNulty's sub,
lot 1, 59 sq ft sewers at4mills 2000
Joseph Botts, sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc-
Nul'ty's sub. lot 7. 48.5 sq ft sewers 19 40
at 4 mills
Joseph Botts. sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc-
Nulty's sub. lot 6, 1.5 sq ft sewers
at 4 mills 60
J J McCarthy. sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc-
Nulty's sub, lot 5. 1.3 sq ft sewers 52
at 4 mills
J J McCarthy. sub 5, 8 and 9, Mc-
Nulty's sub, lot 4. 47.5 sq ft sew- 19 00
ere. at 4 mills
J J McCarthy, sub 5, 8 and 9, Mc-
Nulty's sub. lot 3. 3.2 sq ft sewers 1
at 4 mills
Wm Beck. sub 5. 8 and 9. McNul-
ty's sub, lot 1. 47 so ft severs at 18 80
4 mills
H W1lmers. Cain's sub. lot 9, 34.7 sq 13 88
ft sewers. at 4 mills
E H Headfcrd. Cain's sub, lot 10,
Mrs Jno MCC oskY. Cain'ssub, lot 13 72
mills34.3 as ft sewers at 4
11, 38.8 so ft sewers. at 4 mills 15 52
A W Hosford. Cain's sub. lot 12,. 15 32
38.3 sa ft at 4 mills
H Thompson. Cain's sub. lot 13. 376
15 04
sq ft sewers at 4 mills
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch Mile ripe sewer in
Hill street from West Third street to
Langworthy avenue by Dubuque Con-
struction Co.. contractors. in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the s
verr l l ts,
and parts of lots. and pa
204 /?eq't•/ar Se8xinn, November 4, /895.
tate hereinafter named. situate and
,owned. and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
H Jones, sub lot 8 min lot 73, lot 4,
60 sg ft sewer at 4 mills $20 00
Ed. Young, sub lot 8 min lot 73, lot
5. 50 sq ft sewer at 4 mills 20 011
Ernest Young, sub lot 8 min lot 73,
lot 6, 50 sq ft sewer at 4 mills 20 00
Henry Young. Daub 2 of 2 of 9 of min
lot 73, lot 3. 50 sq ft sewer at 4
Ernst Young. sub 2 of 2 of 9 of 'min
of 73, lot 2, 50 so ft sewer ad 4
James MoCann, sub 2 of 2 of 9 of
min lot 73. Idt 1. 50 sq ft sewer at
4 mills20 00
O S Langworthy. Mfrs L H Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 8. 90 sq ft sew -
em, at 4 mills 36 00
V A Langworthy. Mrs. L H Lang -
worthy's sub. lot 4. 174.5 sq ft
sewer at 4 mills 69 80
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Ratter. Crawford, Cullen,
.Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for lay-
ing a 6 -foot wide sidewalk on bath sides
of Lincoln avenue from Jackson street
to Ried avenue by John McCoy, contrac-
tor, in front of and ad.ioining the same,
a speoial tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned. and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of tread estate. as follows:
J F Krueger, Cook's add, lot 59, 53
lin ft sidewalk at 22c $11 66
John Stravinsky, Dreibilbies' add,
lot 25. 14.5 lin ft sidewalk at 22c,3 19
John Strazinsky, Dreibilbles' add,
n 16 ft, lot 26. 16 lin ft sidewalk at
22c 3 52
John Nied.ermeyer Est. Hooper's
add, let 29. 61.5 lin ft sideanalk at
22c 13 53
Henry Ratner, Hooper's add, lot
22, 62 lin ft eldewe:lk at 22c 13 64
Henry Hafner, Hoover's add, lot 23,
52.3 lin ft sidewalk alt 22c 11 50
C G Western Ry. Co., sub 10 L
Kniest's suib, lot 2. 16 lin ft side-
walk at 22c 3 52
Geo Deckert, McCraney's second
add, lot 18. 50 tin ft sidewalk at
22e 11 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the print-
ing committee, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of al-
lowing $67.50 on the bill of the GI
Journal for publishing proceedings of
the council during September 1895.
In favor of paying $67.50 to the Herald
for official printing during September
In favor of allowing $29.15 to The
Times Co, for publishing official notices
during September 1895.
In favor of paying bill of The Tele-
graph for official printing during Sep-
tember 1895.
20 00
20 00
In favor of paying bill of National
Democrat of $50.00 for publishing oMoat
In favor of paying bills of the German
Catholic Printing Co. of $50.00 for pub-
lishing official notices. Report adopted.
Ald. Bauer. chairman of the police and
light committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on police and light re-
port in favor Of paying the bill of the
Star Electric Co. of $ for electric
lights during October 1895.
In favor of paying bilis of the Key
City Gas Co. of 75.90.
Your committee would recommend
that the Star Electric Co. be instructed
to employ enough men to look after the
street lights during the fore part of the
night and see that said lights are prop-
erly lit and cared for. Report adopted.
Ald. Shea. chairman of the paving corn
mittee, reported as follows:
Your committee on paving would re-
spectfully report that they have examin-
ed and accepted the brick paving on
Locust street from 14th street to 17th
street: also 17th street from Clay street'
to West Locust street and have accept-
ed the same. Report adopted.
Ald. Cullen. Chairman of the electrical
construction committee, reported in
favor of paying bills of the Central
Union Telephone Co. of $45.00. Report
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the com-
mittee on delinquent taxes reported
as follows: Your comtnitte reports In
favor of cancelling the taxes of the
Independent School District of Dubuque
on lots 282, 283, 284, 285, 286 and 287
Woodlawn Park add. for 1894, as the
same is used for school purposes.
In favor of oancell.Ing the taxes of
Mrs. John Yoe on lot 4 Boxleiter'e sub.
for 1894; Maurice T. Ahearn to pay one-
half his taxes on part of lot 69, Union
add. as payment in full for 1894; Mrs. M.
McMahon for 1894, C. F. Weidlich on per-
sonalty for 1892 and 1893, Miss Emma
Tippe on the n 1-2 of lot 230 Glendale add.
for 1894.
In favor of Cancelling the taxes of M.
Hanley, et al., on steamer St. Croix
for the year 1893.
Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance
committee, and attorney. reported In re-
gard to $100 awarded Jos Hug in 1888
and never received. and said warrant
was cancelled.
Your committee find the facts are cor-
rect and recommend that the auditor be
Instructed to draw a warrant for $100 in
favor of Jos. Hug. Report adopted.
Ald. Vogler, chairman of the commit-
tee of the whole, reported:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the city engineer to prepare a
plat from actual survey showing the
correct location of Pickett street.
In favor of referring the petition of
Stephen Shaw for franchise to run a
ferry between Dubuque and East Du-
buque to the tatty attorney to examine
and report if the city can give an ex-
clusive charter for running a terry.
In favor of referring the petition of
F. M. Wunderlich in relation to retain-
ing wall on Seminary street to the city
attorney and engineer.
In favor of postponing action on the
November 4, 1895
.1'0 g•r'b, b, l' .1. iw!):i.
petition of Specht Bros. for donation to
their ferry until next summer.
In favor of receiving and tiling the re-
monstrance of Hubert O'Donnell against
special tax for renal)• of sidewalk, as
competent engineer be employ -.•d to take
charge of her and that the chemical en-
gine company be directed to take charge
df said engine in ease of nece,*sity.
In favor of receiving and tiling the pe-
tition of M. McMahon for damages al-
leged to have been sustain•.• I to his prop-
erty by tire.
Your committee of the whole to which
was referred the petition of the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge Company. respect-
fully recommend the adoption of the fol-
1uwing preamble and resolution:
Whereas. The construction of a high-
way and wagon -bridge across the Mis-
sissippi river at. Eagle Point is an enter-
prise which will greatly promote the
growth and prosperity of the city and
the comfort and convenience of its cid-
Therefore by it resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque: That
for the purpose of aiding and encourag-
ing the Dubuque and Wlseensiu Bridge
company in the construction of surh
bridge. The city council hereby agrees
to .appropriate and tray to sold bridge
company from the bridge fund in the
city treasury the sum of Twenty Five
Thousand dollars.. to be used fur the
construction of the approach to the west-
erly end of said bridge. within the limits
of the City of Dubuque, One half of said
sum to be paid to said company, when it
hall be made to appear to the City Coun-
cil from the certificate of the engineer in
charge of the work examined and approv
-ed .by the city engineer, or other person
experienced in the construction of such
bridges, selected by the City Council for
that purpose. that the work of construct-
ing the said bridge including the wester -
rhe same was done by the city.
In favor of having the steamer Peter
Olinger prepared for service and that a
ly approach to the same. is fully one half
completed, and the remaining one half
of said sum. when said bridge shall be
fully completed and ready for public
. tra.vel. But no portion of said appropria
tion shall be paid until it shall be made
to appear to the satisfaction of the coun-
cil, that all the funds necessary to enable
said bridge company to complete and
pay for the construction of said bridge,
including the amount to be contributed
by the city. have been fully secured or
Provided for. Said installments to be
paid front the bridge tax collected in two
consecutive years: and on the further ex-
press condition. that no portion of the
money appropriated by the city shall be
expended outside the limits of the City
of Dubuque. and all that the plans for
the construction of said bridge shall be
submitted to, and approved by the City
Resolved further. That the necessary
conditions. additional to the foregoing,
on which the City of Dubuque will aid
the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge com-
pany in the construction of the proposed
bridge, be embodied in an ordinance to
be adopted by the City Council which in
its terms and conditions shall be substan
tially the same. so far as applicable, as
the ordinance adopted by the council
August 2ncl, 1886. authorizing and pro -
viding for aiding the Dubuque Pontoon
Bridge company in the construction of a
wagon and foot bridge across the MLR-
sissippi between the city and East Du-
buque. with the following modifications:
(1). That the provision of See (i,) of said
ordinance relative to the exemption of
the bridge from city taxation, be so
changed that such exemption shall con-
tinue only until the revenues derived
front operating said Eagle Point bridge.
shall be sufficient to pay a net annual
dividend of six per cent.. instead of eight
per cent., as in the existing ordinance.
(2. Also, that section seven (i) of the
Pontoon ordinance be so changed in the
new proposed ordinance. that the city,
at its option. shall have the right to take
said bridge into its own possession and
control for the purpose of making it
free of toil, by paying the net annual
interest (or rental) of five (5) per cent. on
the actual cost of constructing said
bridge and its approaches, less the $25,-
000 contributed by the city, instead of
eight (S) per cent. as provided in said
Pontoon ordinance,
Itesolved fur. her. 'That. the City f.ttor•
ney be instructed to prepare and report
an ordinance comprising and emlr.rrlytn4
the foregoing terms and conditions.
Report adopted.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved. 13y the City Connell of the
City of Dubuque: That aza.nitary sewer
he constructed on Clark street from West
Locust to Catherine street and the city
engineer is heretby directed to prepare
the necessary plans and specifications
for said improvement and submit same
to be done at the expense of the owners
of adjacent property in accordance with
the ordinance on that subieot.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford. Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder. Shea, Schulte
and Vogler.
Resolved by the City Council of 'the
City of Dubuque: That a sanitary sew-
er be constructed on West 5th street
from Bluff street to Summit street and
the city engineer be instructed to pre-
pare the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement and submit
same to the council, all of said work to
be done at the expense of the owners
of the adjacent property in ac-
cordance with the resolution on that
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Banter, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schul-
te and Vogler.
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sonitary sew-
er be constructed in lith street from
Bluff street to alley west of Bluff street,
thence south to the end of said alley,
and the city engineer Is hereby
to prepare the necessary plans
specifications for said sewer and submit
same to the council, the cost of con-
structing said sewer to be done at the
expense of the adjacent property in ac-
cordance with the ordinance on that
Adopted by the following vote:
20f; Reguhr' Session, November 4 1895
Ayes --Aid. Bauer, Bonson, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder,
Shea, Schulte and Vogler.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved. That the city engineer be In-
structed to examine and report a plan
for turning the storm water which, in
time of heavy rains, runs down Clark
street from Clark street to 17th street,
so that all water falling on West 17th
street or draining into said street
shall be carried east on said 17th street
from its intersection with Clark street,
instead of flowing down Clark street.
Also to report an estimate of the proba-
ble cost of such improvement
Aid. Schulte offered the following
which was adopted.
Resolved. That the marshal be in-
structed to notify J. P. Schroeder & Co.
to remove all the sewer pipe and other
truck from the sidewalk leading down
8th street from White street to Jackson
street, as there are numerous com-
plaints made that the sidewalk is dati-
derous and impassable at night time.
Ald..Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Catherine and
Angelis streets. between Pierce street
and Gilliam's addition, be graded, gut-
tered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the Ordinance upon that
subject. That the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said im-
provement, and the city recorder direct,-
irect•ed to give the proper notice for bids and
Proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering,curbing and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
That the contractor shall have until
Nov. 1st. 1R97 to complete the improve-
ment: and shall also be entitled to all
the rock and other surplus material
not needed for Pierce street. No pay-
ment to be made on same before April
1st, 1896.
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schul-
te and Vogler
Ald. Schulte offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sanitary sew-
er be constructed on Clark street from
West Locust street to West 17th street,
and on West 17th street from Clark
street to Catherine street. And the
city engineer is hereby instructed to
prepare plans and specifications in ac-
cordance with an ordinance on that
subject and report the sante 'to the coun-
ell for their approval. The same to be
paid for by the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin, Kaufrnann, Ryder, Shea, Schul-
te and Vogler.
Ald. Shea offered the following:
Wheras, the city marshal and fire chief
have examined the building on s 1-2 of
lot 239 city and have found the same in
an unsafe and dangerous condition.
Therefore, resolved that the owner of
the building on the above described
property be notified to remove said
buildlnf within twenty days from the
date of this notice, and in case of failure
on the part of the owner of the building
on the above described property to re-
move said building, then the city will
do the same at the expense of the owner
thereof. Adopted.
Ald. Bauer offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the police de-
siring and needing new overcoats be al-
lowed 810.00 each as partial payment for
Ald. Shea offered the following which
was adopted:
Whereas, the city marshal and fire
chief have eximined the building on
lot 301 city and have found the same in
an unsafe and dangerous condition,
Therefore. resolved, that the owner of
the building on the above described
property he notified to remove said
building within twenty days from the
date of this notice and in case of failure
on the part of the owner of the build-
ing in the time above specified, then the
pity will do the sa.me at the expense of
the owner thereof.
Aid. Kaufmann chairman of the street
committee. reported that the following
streets and alleys have been examined
and approved for the purpose of special
v Grandview avenue from Southern ave.
eo easterly terminus.
V Rush street from Quince street to
Villa street.
• Alpines treet from West 3d street to
Dodge street.
V Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue
to Peosta avenue.
Middle avenue from Emsley alley to
Garfield avenue.
ti Fengler avenue from Peosta avenue to
northern terminus.
'• Garfield avenue from Ann avenue to
Dock avenue.
Weste Eagle Point avenue (now'Elm-
dale avenue) from Kane street to city
v Ailey from Mertz to Rise between
Windsor and Stafford avenues.
v Alley east of Stafford avenue from
Mertz to Pauline street.
Alley from Schiller to Middle avenues
between Lincoln and Rhomberg avenues
Report adopted. _
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank, brick. stone or Ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
as foliows:
Pour feet wide on both sides of Grand-
view avenue between South Dodge st.
and east end.
November 4, 1895
Four feet wide on north side of Ben-
nett street between East street and east
line of Grigg's sub.
Six feet wide on, north side of Semi-
nary street between North Main street
and Clifford street
Four feet wide on both sides of Mertz
street between Stafford avenue and Alt-
hauser avenue
Four feet wide on east side of Queen
street between Edward street and north
end of street.
Where not already laid at the expense
of abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen,
Halpin Kaufmann. Ryder. Shea. Schul-
te and Vogler.
The engineer presented plans and spec-
Iflcations for a sanitary sewer in West
5th to Summit which were approved
Ald. Kaufmann offered the following
which was adopted
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a notien be in-
serted in the official papers of the city
notifying all parties who wish to break
macadam for the city that they must
obtain permission from the city en-
gineer and street commissioner's office
and that a written permission shall not
be granted for breaking more than 20
yards to one person each month or more
than forty yards per month to one firm
er family.
The plat of Barry sub was presented
and approved.
The engineer reported as follows on
bids for street improvements:
Woodworth Street—
Geo. W. Farley $ 822
Peter Borsch 922
Steuck & OFarrell 950
John Pickley 722
E. C. Blake 692
E. C. Blake being the lowest bidder
was awarded the contract.
Liebntts Street—
John Blake
Steuck & O'Farrell
John Pickley
J. Pickley being the lowest bidder was
awarded the contract.
Paul Street—
Peter Horsch
John Pickley
Steuck & O'Farrell
John Pickley being the lowest bidder
was awarded the contract.
On motion the recorder was Instructed
to notify the Water Company to con-
tinue laying mains on Wilde street and
inquire the reason of their removing
water pipe from said street to else-
Rules were suspended and Mr. Weigle
addressed the council, objecting to the
opening of a street on Grove Terrace.
Ald. Ryder moved that when the coun-
cil adjourns it does so to meet Nov. 18th,
1895, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Car-
$ 559
1Item l:
.41,10 to red
Special Sessio ' Nov. 7th. 1895.
Mayor Olinger in the chair.
Present—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cul-
len, Ryder. Shea. Schulte and Vogler.
On motion bids for the improvement'of
High Bluff street and Middle street were
ordered opened and referred to the en-
gineer for computation.
Aid. Crawford moved that a crossing
be laid on the south side of Vernon street
across the alley Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that J. Malone be
paid $10.63 for macadam the same being
amount due over an order given on total
amount as per estimate of engineer.
Ald. Crawford moved that Wm. Kaep
be retained as an assistant in the recor-
der's office at the pleasure of the council.
On motion warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the aldermen salaries for
the year.
City Engineer Knowlton reported as
follows on bids referred to him for com-
High Bluff street: $2021
Wilmer Cook 5000
Steuck & O'Farrell
Parker & Lange 240 50240 00
Phil Doerr
On motion Phil Doerr was awarded the
contract, he being the lowest bidder.
Middle street: $569 40
Wilmer Cook 623 10
John Pickles """'62310
Steuck & O'Farrell 465 00
Phil Doerr 586 00
Parker & Lange
On motion Phil Doerr was awarded the
contract. he being the lowest bidder.
Ald. Vogler m, ty adjourn. Oar -
tied. J
Attest: r
Notice is hereby given that there is on
file in my office a petition and plat
showing a proposed vacation of alley in
Prospect Hill addition. All persons hav-
ing objections thereto must file their
claim for damages in my office on or
before Dec. 2, 1895.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
10-30-15t. Dubuque. Oct. 30, 1896.