Y Roll_12 Part 2208 List of Warran.l,r. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 1st, 1895. To the Honorable Mayor of the City of Dubuque: The following 1s a complete list of warrants drawn during the month of Name. For What Purpose. Amt Peter Olinger, salary for June $125 00 H B Gniffke, city treasurer 208 30 T J Cooney, city recorder 116 70 M M McCarten, oity auditor . • . 125116 70 00 J F Stem�rn, city assessor 150 00 Jas E Knight, city attorney 150 00 Edw•. Morgan. marshal .. • • • • 100 00 Joe Reinfried. fire chief Jno Carter. street commissioner91 65 1 35 Jno O'Connell. clerk W H Knowlton. city engineer .... 200 00 Jas Boyce, assistant engineer .... 100 00 E S Hyde. assistant engineer .... 100 00 0 00 75 00 60 00 50 00 45 00 50 00 20 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 GO 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 5000 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 5 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 5000 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 100 75 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 28 05 50 00 50 00 46 70 51 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 38 45 Henry Glab, assistant engineer Geo Osborne. electrician Chas Hillery, sewer inspector Jos P Trani. market master Henry Henge, park custodian Dr. Wieland. health officer Thos Jess, wood measurer M' Eitel. fireman J Essman. fireman A Duceini. fireman J Flynn. fireman J Wiltse. fireman C Specht. fireman J Tachudi. fireman ........ .... Edw Keas. fireman Jas Daily, fireman Job Barnes. fireman A McDonald. fireman JMurphy. fireman ........ .... .. Wm Ducy. fireman ........ .... .. Shctoi berger. fireman Tom Ryder. fireman M Fahey. fireman ........ ..... D Ahearn. fireman T Walker. fireman F Ganahl. fireman Geo Girke, fireman Geo Helmr,ch. fireman W. Williams. fireman Win Hipimaan, fireman FEssman. fireman ........ T Flynn, fireman Jas Rooney. fireman F' Kennealy. fireman C Kanatolt, fireman ........ .... Jas Allen. flreman Wan McBride. fireman R Weston. fireman ........ .... Thos Sweeney. fireman 3 3 Murphy, police Jno Raesle, police F Carney, police B Cain, police J Loetsoher, police P McNerney, police Toni Reilly, police J Fitzpatrick, police D Norton, police Jas Allen, police Jno Rueter, police J Flynn, police Edw Moore, police ........ .... .. M Kelty, police P Sutton. police M Cranngh, police J Hoffman, police P Sullivan, police P Powers, police F Rhomlberg, police Jas Rooney. police I Manhoff, police Wm O'Brien, police 1 O'Halloran, police 1 Lonergan, pollee J Ellison, police J Murphy, police J Noel. police W Hennessy, police Jas Carter, police Sam Elmer, police ........ .... P Scharf. police P McCollins. police Joe Secrest, police P Hanlon, police Wm Howard. police D Lavery, police Wm Frith, police John Pullens, pound master Gott Gmehle. assistant assessor200 00 Geo Bennett. assistant assessor200 00 Rob; McGivern. health officer Wm Geis'heker, assistant engineer John Farley, assistant engineer Jas Morgan, assistant engineer M Igo, assistant engineer John Brady. assistant engineer J C Dwyer. assistant engineer A C Knowlton assistant engineer A Boyce. assistant engineer A libel. laborer T Ahearn. laborer A Alderson. laborer C Beyer, laborer H Beckett. laborer P Brady. laborer Chris Buse. laborer Chas Buse. laborer P Becker. laborer K Berry, laborer C Brandt. laborer ii Beckus, laborer I Beekman. laborer Chas Beyers. laborer J Brown. laborer J Buechler. laborer Jas Bennett. laiborer J Byrne. laborer T Barrett. laborer J Bottoms. laborer J Blocklinger. laborer P Burke. laborer Jas Butler. laborer J Boetke. laborer M Carmodey. laborer T Cudmore. laborer Wm Cromwell. laborer J Cushing, laborer L Corcoran. laborer Jas Connolly, laborer J Corooran; laborer M Coyle, laborer M Cralhan. laborer Jas Cahill. laborer John Corbett. laborer Wm Carter laborer L Cahill. laborer J Callihan. laborer D Crotty. laborer Steve Cain. laborer P Clark. laborer J Dittman, laborer M Differding, laborer P Doyle, laborer M Murphy, laborer J Dougherty. laborer B Donahue. laborer J Driscoll. laborer C Dillon. laiborer Jas Doyle. lalborer . P Dafontafne. laborer Jno Eagan, laborer C Frohs, laborer M Fitschle. laborer L Fritz. laborer 50 00 50 On 60 00 51 65 60 00 50 00 51 65 25 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 55 00 37 50 50 00 43 50 37 50 45 00 12 60 6 00 7 50 17 55 16 55 29 26 6 75 11 85 10 15 17 25 7 80 8 45 7 80 5 10 21 60 6 75 8 10 4 40 34 60 6.75 3 40 8 00 16 20 7 45 12 00 1 05 14 85 13 90 9 15 5 10 11 60 13 85 13 85 14 55 8 10 14 85 17 55 58 50 1 35 16 20 10 80 8 10 4 05 10 15 9 15 15 20 12 85 20 25 1 35 27 75 3 75 19 90 8 10 24 30 8 45 9 15 17 90 • L,i.Nt c:f Warrant*. M Fagan, laiborer Dan Fox. laborer P Fury. laborer C Fischer. laborer P Fitzgerald. laborer Jas Gillespie, laborer 14 Gross. laborer P Ginter. laborer Jno Giesales. laborer J. Grab. laborer Jos Ginter. laborer C Gruwzig, laborer J M Garrison. laborer Geo Gow. laborer P Gregory. laborer A H Greatlbach, laborer 11: Galena.. laborer M Hardie. laborer H Haas. laborer N Hi!ger. laborer F Herzog, laborer Jas Hird. laborer M Houpes, laborer Dam Harman. laborer John Hafey, laborer A Hird. laborer C Heck. laborer A Johnson. laborer R Jacobi. laiborer A Jaeger. laborer Wm Juerges. laborer J Kinsella. laborer J Kraus. laborer E S King, laiborer C Kampman, laborer F Kreeger. laborer J Karsch. laborer Tim Kelley, laborer John Kelly. laborer P Kiese, laborer A C Knopp. laborer P Kinney, laborer M Kllene. laborer John Lavin. laborer C Liecheimer. laborer J Leidinger, laborer H Luck. laborer H Lemibke, laborer J Lembeck. laborer M Lilack. laborer Wm Lonergan, laborer M Lues. laborer T Meggison, laiborer T Mullqueeney. laiborer T Murrey. laborer L Meurrisse. laborer J Mellon, laborer P Mohan. laborer M Murphy, laborer M Michel, laborer P Melchior. laborer C Mackelberg, laborer J Maroney. laJborer C Madden. lalberor J Mullen. laborer J Maloney. laborer Toney Meyer. laborer M Mahoney. laborer P Moran. laborer M McCone. laborer B McCaffery. laborer J H McDonnell. laborer M McNamara. laborer B McCormack. laborer Jan McCormack. laborer M McCarten. laborer Wm McClain. laborer P McCarten. laborer P McMullen. laborer A McGuan. laborer T McDonnell. laborer L McEvoy, laborer M Nolen. laborer F Oswald. laborer 209 4 45 P O'Brien, Jr. laborer 13 50 75 P O'Brien, Sr, laborer 17 80 4 5 0 M O'Shea, laborer 9 80 12 85 F Pebz, laborer 10 6 75 D Powers. laborer 15 50 ]1 85 Jas Powers. laborer 80 3 80 I Jas Purcell. laborer 1974 20 10 80 P Quinn, Sr, laborer 10 15 12 15 Jno Quail. laborer 13 50 12 16 Chas Reilly. laborer 9 46 15 20 F Rieger, laborer. 1 35 9 16 R Reinell. laborer 8 10 19 60 John Raetz. laiborer 30 40 8 40 Geo Helder. laborer 7 80 16 054000 0 Adam Reuter. laborer5 40 6 00 M Raen. laborer 5 10 5 40 John Ryan, laborer 11 16 1956 9 5 1' Re1i11y, laborer 13 85 17 565 M Reiseck, laiborer 33 75 1 35 J Schroeder. laborer 14 20 '' 40 S Schaetzle. laborer6 10 15 20 Wm Schwagler, laborer 10 80 15 20 L Stein, laborer 112850 16 16 90 J Steffes, 45 16 55 J Spahn, laborer 10 4o A Schmidt. laborer 6 45 8 15 Geo Sutter. laborer 50 12 a5 60 Jas Stadl. laborer 4 05 18 1215 Jas Schmidt, laborer 10 5120 M Shay. laborer 05 N Sweeney, laborer 1732 85 0 50 J Sullivan. laborer 8 10 1 15 90 1 35 J B Stevens. laborer 21 30 laborer 16 20 P Scoffer. laborer 19 50 11 50 Wm Spensley. laborer 69 50 14 30 A Stevenson, laborer 25 00 11 15 J Seik, laborer 4 40 Metering. 55 Dan Sheean, laborer 5 10 21 00 Aug Soyke, laborer 80 16 20 F etering. laborer 6 80 32 40 6 Wm Thompson. laiborer 31 60 31 75 Wm Terry, laborer 10 80 F Voelscher, laborer . , • • • • • • "' • 6 10 16 85 8 10 Edw Welsh, laborer 19 25 H Weidenbach. laborer 7 10 17 55 8 80 John Wolf. laborer 0 8 80 J Weitz. laborer 13 3 5 60 18 40 N Waurpach. laborer 20 60 6 75 M White. laborer 1 70 10 50 J Walsh. laborer 6 10 31 75 M Wtampeck, laiborer 46 75 16 25 R Wittkamp. laborer 37 50 14 56 Wm Warring, laborer 40 00 9 80 P Wertin. laborer 10 50 4 75 Con Welsh. laborer 019 5010 8 10 W Zavhina. laborer 15 90 Geo Zumhoff. laborer 23 65 12 50 P Ahearn. team 62 10 6 75 R Bennett. team 15 55 5 40 C A Bakes. team 5 40 9 80 F Beekman. team 2 40 7 80 F Burns. team 20 25 34 50 N Brand. team 13 50 24 75 Ben Jess. team 26 35 5 40 Tim Byron. 'team 4 75 6 75 J Bradley, team 63 45 6 10 T B Cain. team 12 85 13 50 W Cook, team 12 15 22 90 Jas Casey, team 25 00 19 25 Bart Cain. team 2 70 11 15 P Clancy. team 20 20 13 20 J Duggan, team 20 20 4 05 W Ellis. team 13 50 15 20 T Elliott. team ""•' • 20 25 23 25 R Fu'hrman. team • • • • • • • • • 19 60 6 75 N Frith, team 17 20 70 P C Foley. team 8 80 J Carrigan. team 20 25 70 14 20 3 Graham. team . 6 75 M J Hannon. team 31 75 13 60 17 55 P J Jardin. team 18 90 6 10 J Jockum. team • • • • • . 1 35 9 45 Jos Kelly. team 210 List If lVat'reiiltx. H King. team ... 13 50 P Kenneally. team 39 15 J Long, team 16 20 P Linehan. team .: 19 60 R Mathis. team 7 45 Mrs. Melloy. team 25 65 C Messerknecht, team 12 15 F Mathis. team 15 55 Jeff McGrath. team 11 50 Jahn McGrath. team 2 70 Wm McGrath. team 16 20 Wm McDermott. team 2 05 J Meconins. team 20 25 Jno O'Dea. team 22 95 L Ott. team 18 25 J Parker. team ... 29 70 Mrs Quinllan. team 39 85 Geo Reynolds. team 15 55 Wm Ruek. team 6 10 D Sutherland. team 22 30 H Strotz. team 8 10 F Schultz. team 18 90 H Schmidt. team 18 25 Edw Seeley ,team 25 65 T Siege. team 20 25 J Savage. team 16 20 Cath Tobin. team 43 55 J Terry. team 47 95 J Von Holten. team 4 05 A Wolter. team 7 45 Geo Wetter. team 15 55 W Withrow. team 16 90 John Hillery. sewer 45 35 F Schilling. sewer 21 00 Steve Rovsch, sewer 42 00 Jos Rooney. sewer 37 50 Chas F Hillery. sewer 34 50 M Quinlan. sewer . 00 A Hird. sewer 1 50 Edw Littlefield. sewer '1 00 Theo Bosh/flan. sewer 1 50 J McCollins. sewer 10 15 D Sutherland. sewer 70 Jos P Traut, board of prisoners 32 60 Adam Jaeger. cleaning city hall 21 82 Ohas Buckha.rtfi aasistanh park custodian 37 50 Mrs Koenig. Janitor 20 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., Im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., Im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co„ im- proving Clay street 500 00 Key City Gas Co, gas ftre, coal 64 89 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street 366 00 Kennety & McCann, improving Clay street .. ...500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 600 00 Kennety & McCana, improving Clay street 500 00 Kennety & McCann, improving Clay street 500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 500 O0 500 00- 332 00 100 00 136 81 33 50 17 25 40 32 500 00 100 0t , 111 S Kennett & McCann. improving Clay street Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street M Connolly. ounstr ueting sewer... Bryan Donahue. constructing side walk Hugh Keenan. constructing sewer A Schnee, macadam J P Schroeder. tile pipe N H Schilling, constructing new vaults N H Schiliiatg, constructing new vaults Jags Hind & Son. constructing sew- ers John McCoy. constructing .hie - walk Peter Horch. improving Merz street Peter Horch. macadam Peter Horch, improving street Altman & Taylor, improving Low- ther avenue Altman & Taylor. improving Law - tiller avenue Peter Horch, impro vin ; W hate street Peter Horch, improving White street Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Fremont avenue Steuok & O'Farrell. improving •Fremont avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Fremont avenue Steuok & O'Farr Fremont avenue Steuck & ()'Farrell. 'improving Fremont avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Fremont avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. bminoving Fremont avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Fremont avenue Sbeuok & O'Farrell. mproving Fremont avenue Con Ryan, Jr. improving Southern avenue Con Ryan. macadam Con Ryan. improvingimprovingSouthern avenue Con R avenue 1%14.17, 34 100 12 126 115 173 500 300 500 01 0:+ 94) xa 84 71 al 00 00 500 00 � 500 00 e11, improving 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 i 275 00 354 16 32 70 500 00 yon. improving Southern 180 34 John Tlbey, rip rap at 7th street27 75 John Deggendorf, macadam 48 75 Wall Street Daily News. advertis- ing of bonds 20 00 Peter Hansen, hay 3 00 Barnard. Walker & Clewell, sta- tionery 87 30 F Merz, repairing harness 3 15 Palmer, Winall Co.. stationery 12 00 J Sullivan, pine wood 3 50 P Horch, improving Humboldt avenue 18 33 P Herch. maoadam 30 57 John Field, tile for vault floor 38 00 N P Nicks, sale of wagon .. 40 00 P Clancy, team Mem. Day 2 00 Smith, Perry Printing Co.. Blank stationery 25 00 Headford Bros. rail chairs Clay street 403 29 P H Halpin, brushes, brooms, etc6 85 Christman & Healey, hardware 1 90 J Mullen. harness oil 4 60 Bailin Hat & Glove Co. hats for firemen 24 75 I,i,vt or Wa'rruntx. Dubuque Specialty Wks., repairing engines Frecl Sohloz, repairing tools W H Duggan, matches, soap, etc 13 E Lineham. white waste Calling & Wilkinson. horse shoe- ing Diamond Jo Line Steamers, 3 1-4 yds ducking Mrs Bucholtz. washing blankets Dubuque Cabinet Makers Associa- tion. 1-2 dozen chairs 3 01) Chas Atkinson. painting town clock 224 15 F W Coates, repairing roof on town clock 86 Dubuque Cabinet Makers associa- tion„ repairing; chairs city hall1 60 Shiipplev & Bauman. veterinary services 10 95 Dubuque Telegraph, blank station ery 32 50 N H Sahi114ng, repairing on sewers 17 30 Headford Bros & Hitchins, grate for manhole 4 20 .Jas Kelly & Son. stationery 22 70 Peter Kien. labor 9 00 Dubuque Woodenware Co. lumber 13 73 'Christman & Healey, hardware 5 55 Duggan & Kane. ma,tohes, soap, etc 5 25 Husman & Lies. grind stone 2 45 Ross McMahon. labor 10 00 Svendsen & Ott. lumber 45 96 T J Conlin, livery for comm. 11 00 Jos Geiger. repairs around city hall 27 10 Portland Paving Co. repairing side walk 3 75 McDermott & Gow. repairing foun tains 10 60 F E Joseph. disenfectent 13 00 Trenk Wire Works. tree boxes for Jackson park ,. 2 50 Montiet:h, Dempsey & Co., repair- ing fountains. etc 83 50 0 E Guernsey, repairing on horse roller 11 14 E E Frith. removing deed animals 222 50 Fratz & Clark, drugs 26 55 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, diose for ixtrks. 3 coats, 6 dozen rings Novelty Iron Works. repairing on horse roller 17 88 Reinfried & Jaeger, tin cups, pad - looks and hardware 3 15 J Hayes, hauling around city hall13 00 Dubuque Water Co, pipe for storm water sewer 13 00 Dubuque Water Co. 305 hydrants for June 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 305 hydrants for June 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 305 hydrants for June 272 50 Svendsen & Ott. lumber 8 40 J H Greene. testimony in Bruns - kill case 15 00 Globe Light & Heat Co. 100 lamps for May 166 67 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for June ............. .... .... 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc Lights for June ............. . .... 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for June . 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for June .. 125 40 Headford Bros & Hitchins, man- hole and cover 4 50 Metropolitan Electric Co. electric - ban supplies 7 30 21! 26 6 2 7 55 85 55 00 50 50 50 42 95 211 Baumgartner & K1eJ,h, hardware. National Demokrea. advertitotng The Times, advertising Phe Telegraph, advertising The Globe, advertising The Herald. advertising 11 B Gniffke, refunding excavation H B Gniffke, interest paid on war- rants H B Gniffke, interest paid on war- rants H B Gniffke, refunding saloon li- cense H B Gniffke. see stub exp. $33.331 hay and oats fire 4112.25 Phil Ryder, money loaned the city Phil Ryder, money loaned the city Phil Ryder, money loaned the city Phil Ryder, money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Iowa Trust Bank. money loaned the city Catii. Birmingham. money the city Cath. Binningham, money loaned the city John Hayes, cleaning around the city hall A L Dean & Co. vault doors Jno McCoy, repairing engine house E J Evans, repairing sidewalk in jerk M Connolly. sewer in West 5th St D W Linehan, sewer in West 8th street D W Linehan. sewer in West 8th street Fred Schloz. anchors for vaults Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street Kennett & McCann. improving Clay street Kennett & McCann. improving Clay street Loaned • Kennety & McCannimproving Clay street Kennety & McCann Clay street Kennety & McCannimproving Clay street Kennett & Clay street Kennett & McCann. Clay street Kennett' & Clay street KennetY & Clay street Kennett' & McCann. improving improving McCann, 5 56 60 00 29 15 76 00 29 16 76 00 260 00 500 00 250 87 383 65 315 58 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 134 00 166 00 40 00 267 50 76 25 76 00 80 34 17 60 124 50 450 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 . 500 00 improving 500 00 improving 500 00 McCann. improving McCann. improving 600 00 500 00 21.2 >;,re. „r it Clay street Dubuque Construction proving Clay street Dubuque Construction proving Clay street Dubuque Construction proving Clay street Dubuque Construction proving Clay street Dubuque Construction proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Co., proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Co proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Co, proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Co, Im- proving Clay street Dubuque Construction 0o, proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Co., proving Clay street Dubuque Construction Oo., im- proving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Clay street ........ 500 00 Dubuque Construction Go., im- proving Clay street 91 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of warrants drawn during the month of July. 1895. T. T. COONEY, City Recorder. 38 00 Co., im- 500 00 Co., lin- 500 00 Co., im- 500 00 Co., im- 500 00 Co„ i m- im- im- im- im- 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 im- 500 00 CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 1st, 1895. To The Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—The following Is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1895: Name. For what purpose. Amt. P Olinger, salary for month of July $125 00 H Gniffke, salary for city treas- urer .. 208 35 T J Cooney, salary for city re- corder 116 65 M M McCarten, salary for city au- ditor 116 65 J F Stemm, salary for city asses- sor 126 00 Jas E Knight, salary for city attor ney 150 00 1 dw Morgan, salary for city mar- shal 100 00 Joe Relnfried. salary for fire chief100 00 John Carter, salary for street com- missioner 91 60 John O'Connell, salary for commit- tee clerk . 83 80 W H Knowlton. salary for city en- glneer 200 00 Jas Boyce, salary for assistant en- glneer 100 00 E Hyde, salary for assistant engi- neer 100 00 Henry Glab, salary for assistant engineer 50 00 Geo Osborn, salary for city elec- trician 75 00 Chas Hillery, salary for sewer in- spector 66 00 Joe P Traut, salary for market master 50 00 Henry Henge, salary for park cus- todian 46 50 Thos Jess, salary for wharf master 20 00 Dr. F. W. Wieland. salary for health officer 50 00 M Eitel. fireman ........... 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Ducctnni, fireman 50 00 -27 J Flynn, tireman60 f., Jno Wiltz. fireman 60 00 Edw Keas. fireman 44 45 C Specht. fireman 50 00 J Tschudi. fireman 10 00 Jas Daily. fireman 60 00 Job Barnes. tireman ........ 75 00 A McDonnell. fireman 60 00 J Murphy. fireman 60 00 W Ducey. fireman 60 00 J Schonberger. fireman 50 00 Tum Ryder. fireman 50 00 M Fahey. fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T Walker. fireman 60 00 W Hippuran, fireman 60 00 F Ganahl, tireman 50 00 (leo Girke. fireman 50 0u Geo Helmrich. fireman 50.00 W Williams. fireman 38 00 1!' Essman. fireman 60 00 T Flynn. fireman 60 00 las Rooney. fireman 50 00 F Kenneally. fireman 50 00 C KannoIt. firrman 60 00 Jas Allen. fireman 60 00 R Weston. fireman 50 00 Wm McBride. fieman 50 00 Thos Swenev, fieman 12 00 John Bauman. fireman 11 95 J J Murphy. police 75 00 Jno Raeli, police 75 00 Frank Carney, police 51 65 13 Cain. police 48 35 Jno Loetseher, police 50 00 P McNerney, police 50 00 Thos Reilley, police 50 00 J Fitzpatrick. police ..... 50 00 Dan Norton, police 50 04) Jas Allen, police 50 00 Jno Reuter, police 50 00 J Flynn, police 5000 Edw Moore. police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 P Sullivan, pblice 50 00 P Sutton. police 50 00 M Craugh, police 50 00 P Powers, pollee 50 00 Frank Rhomberg, uolice 50 00 Jas Rooney, police 50 00 I Manhoff• police 50 00 Wm O'Brien, police 50 00 Jas O'Halloran. police 50 00 Jas Lonergan, police 48 30 Jno Hilson, police 50 00 Jno Murphy, police 50 00 J Noel. police 50 00 Wm Hennessy, police 50 00 Jas Carter, police 50 00 P Scharf, police 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 Joe Secrest, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 51 65 Dan Lavery, police 50 00 Wm Frith, police 50 00 Wm Howard, pollee 60 00 Jno Pullens, pound master 50 00 Frank Keachie, repairing offices at city hall 113 60 Tom Ahearn. labor 15 55 John Buechler, labor 8 45 45 P Ahearn, labor P Burke. labor 1512 85 75 Jas Butler. labor 36 00 Jas Bennett. labor on bridge8 10 John Byrne. labor ' • 10 80 H Beckett. labor Chas Beyer. labor on bridge .. 36 00 John Bottoms. labor on bridge 4 00 P Brandenburger, labor 1755 J Bergman, labor 9 45 Chas Beyer, labor 2 70 J Rrochtnhroch.labor 13 50 s lie List i y- 'Tarpon's. J Brick. labor C Brandt. labor J Botke. labor 1 Beektnan, labor on bridge Val Burns. labor T Bushman. labor on bridge Chas Buse. labor M Beckus. labor 11 Berry, labor J Hoelscher. labor Wm Brown. labor John Corbett. labor T Cudmore. labor ,Las Connelly. labor .1 Corcoran. labor M Coyle. labor M Crahin, labor Wm Carter. labor M Carmody. labor Jas Cahill. labor L Corcoran. labor Wm Crumpwell. labor J Cushing. labor \1 Dumphey. labor .las Doyle. labor P Dafontin. labor J Driscoll, laouu• P Doyle. labor M Ditterding, labor J Dittman, labor P Detnpsey. labor J Dittman. Jr. labor \Vm Erwin. labor .1 Evert. labor John Lagan. labor Dan Fox. labor C Fisher. tabor L Fritz. labor M Fetschle. labor M Fagan. labor M Farrell. labor P Fitzgerald, labor Edw Frith. labor Geo Gow. labor Jas Gillespie. labor P Gregory. labor John Giessler. labor J Grab. labor C Gross. labor C Grunzig. labor P Ginter. labor Joe Ginter. labor Joe Genzel. labor H Gallie. labor M Hardie. labor Jas Harker. labor John Hafey. labor D Harman. labor C Heck. labor Jas MIL labor M Houpes. labor G Hird, labor G Hart. labor N Hilger. labor F Herzog. labor 9 45 2 70 9 45 43 00 1 35 18 00 7 46 5 40 4 05 2 70 3 75 21 95 15 40 15 20 13 85 13 50 11 Klass. labor 1' Kearney, labor P Kien. labor .1 Kent. labor M Kilburg, labor Jno Lavin. labor 11 Lembke, labor M Lilack, labor H Luck. labor C Lohrma.n, labor M Loes, labor 21:3 1 35 5 40 28 50 1 35 4 05 11 50 19 50 1620 20 25 18 0005 18 25 F Lassalse. labor 4 Jas Melloy, labor 3 40 T Murrey. labor 15 55 C Mackelburg, labor 12 15 M Mahoney, labor 14 85 16 30 1' Moran. labor 20 25 46 50 C Madden. labor on bridge 36 00 11 50 ' John Mullen. labor 15 00 10 80 I' Mahon. labor 20 25 6 75 T Mulqueeney. labor 18 23 S1 "5 M Murphy. labor 45 4 05 .1 5leiser, labor 50 1 s:, 11 Mack. labor 117:;3; 50 21 00 Ernest Mickes.. labor 11 50 16 20 L Mcurisse, labor 10 15 6 MI M Mitchell. labor 4 05 20 Jacob Mathis. labor 1 35 19 6o T Meggison. labor 540 1' Murphy, labor on bridge 6 00 4 ,i:, 1) M• iner. labor 4 05 1 \1 11 Namarr_r, labor 19 25 9 45 i : McCafferey. labor 13 85 4 p,-, 11 McCormack. labor 16 90 IS M M McCone. labor 18 75 00 95 Jas McCormack. labor 18 90 10 50 L McEvoy, labor 13 50 21 60 M M McCarten. labor 19 10 20 25 A McGuan. labor 17 55 2 70 .1 H McDonald. labor 7 45 1 35 'Phos McDonald. labor10 SO 7 10 John JIcNu1ty, labor 5 40 1 35 1' McNulty. labor 21 00 16 90 P McMullen. labor 14 20 18 90 Anton Nick. labor 4 75 14 85 M Nuten. labor 15 55 20 25 Tom Nevin. labor 2 70 18 90 P O'Brien, Jr. labor 10 lb 1 35 P O'Brien. Sr. labor 21 60 12 15 F Oswald. labor 18 90 8 05 14 85 P Oswald. labor 20 25 D Powers. labor 15 55 .7 80 Jas Powers. labor 15 56 4 05 Jas Purcell. labor 18 90 19 90 John Quail. labor 10 15 18 60 A Reuter. labor 13 50 T Reilley. labor 14 20 John Ryan. labor 6 10 John Raetz. labor 27 75 P Reiger, labor 20 25 Geo -Raider. labor 14 20 M Reiseck. labor 35 10 John Schroeder. labor 21 30 L Stein. labor 22 95 Joe Stadl. labor 14 85 Joe Schmidt. labor 10 80 Geo Sutter. labor 13 85 W H Stevenson. labor 2 70 M Shay. labor 12 85 J Sullivan. labor 14 20 Dan Sullivan. labor 27 00 N Sweeney. labor 25 65 Wm SpenseleY, labor 19 50 J B Stevens. labor ........ 11 50 Wm Swagler, labor 18 90 13 50 20 25 25 00 60 00 4 055 2 70 1 35 2 70 15 20 16 20 16 20 12 75 11 50 11 50 10 15 16 20 21 95 :1 40 7 10 1 05 12 15 17 55 14 20 20 25 4 05 24 30 16 90 20 25 T ;telly, labor ...... 10 15 A Knapp. labor C b ampman, labor F Hobenecker. labor H Haas. labor C Hagarty. labor G Johnson. labor P Jacobi, labor A Jaeger. labor Wm Juergens, labor Jas Jecklin. labor }' Kreeger. labor E 1 King, labor J Karsch. labor .i Kraus. labor J Kinsella. labor on bridge P Kinney. labor w1 Kline. labor 14 20 20 25 18 25 ., 50 00 35 10 34 45 J Steffes. labor P Stoffer. labor Joe Belk, laibor A R Stevenson. labor John Saunders. labor Anton Schmidt. labor 5 Schaetale, labor Dan Sullivan. labor '214 List of Warrants. C Schaetzler, labor P Schilz, labor F Theiering. labor Wm Thompson, labor Wm Terry. labor on bridge M Mampeck. labor .1 Wolfe, labor P Wagner, labor P Wertin, labor on bridge Con Welsh. labor on bridge Wm Warring, labor R Wittkamp, labor J Welsh. labor J Whelan, labor H Weidenbeck. labor R Wiederman. labor W Zaohina. labor Geo Zumhoff. labor C 0 Baker. team N Brand. team T Byron, team R Bennett. team J Beekman. team W Cook. team B Cain. team John Duggan, team T Elliott. team P C Foley .team R Fuhrman. team N Frith. 'team Jas Fitzgibbons. team Jas Graham. team J Garrigan, team M J Hannon. team J Hoffmeyer. team ........ ... R,Jardin. team H King ,team P Kenneally. team Mrs. Kelly. team John Long. team C Lelcht. team Wm Lowry, team P Linehan. team R J Love. team C Lembke. team Mrs Melloy, team F Mathis. team J G Moore. team C Messerkneoht, team R Matthls. team J McCollins. team Wm McGrath. team John McGrath. team Jeff McGrath. team L Olt. team J Parker. team G Paley, team Mrs Quinliven. team Geo Reynolds. team D Sutherland. team Edw Seeley, team John Savage J Strotz, team H Schmidt. team F Schulz, team F Siege, team Cath Tobin, team M Tice. team J Terry, team Geo Welter. team J Williams. team A Wolter. team John Hillery, sewer Steve Rcesoh, sewer F 5 Schilling, sewer Jas Rooney. sewer Chas Hillery. sewer 4 05 3 75 11 60 12 85 36 00 7 45 19 60 20 25 40 00 31 50 39 00 39 00 5 40 3 40 4 75 5 40 17 55 22 50 18 25 24 30 43 90 37 80 10 80 22 95 25 65 15 55 27 70 17 55 16 20 12 85 4 05 16 20 8 10 10 80 10 85 36 45 29 70 52 00 8 80 8 10 10 80 5 40 43 20 43 20 8 10 25 65 21 60 12 15 2 70 2 70 39 15 28 35 25 65 18 90 14 85 30 40 9 45 32 40 42 55 10 15 39 15 11 50 21 60 27 00 10 80 8 80 5 40 10 80 49 95 17 55 2 70 6 10 48 10 . 45 50 12 25 39 25 36 75 John McCollins. sewer 5 40 J Terry. sewer 40 Adam Jaeger. sewer 1 50 John O'Neill. sewer 50 J P Traut, board of prisoners17 60 Geo Bennett. assistant assessor100 00 Gothf. Gmehle. assistant assessor. 100 00 Robt McGivern. sanitar patrolman 60 00 Mrs Kien, scrubbing around hall4 40 Mrs Koenig, janitor. $25.00; wash- ing towels. etc. $5.45 Adam Jaeger. labor at city hall Chas Burkhart. asststant park cus todian 40 40 Wm Geisheker, rod man 55 00 John Farley. chain man 37 60 Jas Morgan, brick inspector 50 00 Dan Sheean, brick inspector 40 25 John Brady, brick inspector 37 50 J C Dwlre. assistant engineer 45 00 W C Knowlton. assistant engineer 30 00 A Boyce, assistant engineer 18 00 Chas Atkinson. painting and pa- pering city hall 151 00 Excelslor Brass Works. dog tax, $7.02; repairing engines. $7.60; bill for patrol. $5.02 88 28 Hardie & Scherle. blank stationery 47 50 E J Hilkin Co. toweling. police E J Hilkin Co. toweling. $4.90; po- lice gloves. $3.50 8 40 P Hanson. oats 3 35 Chas Oswald, supply for calaboose 9 60 Con Ryan, Jr. improving Southern avenue 354 16 Con Ryan, Jr. improving Southern avenue 32 70 Con Ryan. Jr. improving Southern avenue . 201 20 Kenety & McCann, improving Clay street ...... .......... ..... 500 00 Kenety & McCann, improving Clay street 500 00 Kenety • & McCann. improving Clay street 500 00 Kenety & McCann, improving Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv ing Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv ing Clay street ........ 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co. Improv ing Clay street 600 00 Dubuque Construction Co, irmprov Ing Clay street 500 00 Jas Hird & Son. sewers in Wilson avenue 11 34 O G Kringle. sewers in Seminary street street 500 00 O G Kringle. sewers in Seminary 235 00 P Horch, improving White street 68 80 P Horch, improving White street. 137 59 P Horch, grading White street 110 66 Barnard. Walker & Clewell, sta- tionery 29 50 E EFrith, removing garbage 240 30 Palmer. Winall & Co. blank sta- tionery 7 00 Hart E Linehan, tile pipe 50 17 Standard Lumber Co. lumber 33 63 J P Schroeder, tile pipe 8 12 The Police Telephone & Signal Co, electrician's supplies .......31 00 Wm Marshall. doors far vaults ... 40 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel. soap, matches etc 2 50 Fratz & Clark, drugs 4 10 Key City Gas Co. coal and coke 13 78 J P Schroeder. hay 26 00 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing .,, 13 75 Eliwanger Bros, repairing harness 4 05 Lear & Pflffner. horse shoeing 10 50 John Butt, repairing hook and lad der truck 13 45 Shvicesipley & Bauman, veterinary ser 10 95 Joe Trudell, repairs on hose wagon 5 76 P B Hoffman. 1 box matches 1 25 25 45 12 15 Lie: qf` "Warm '315 McDertnott & Gow. plumbing 10 55 Smedley Mfg. Co. repairing on en- gine W S Moll), (plumbing Standard Lumber Co. shavings A L Strain, pasturing horses Duggan & Kane. matches, soap etc Bart E Linehan. cement Mulgrew & Phillips, cement J P Schroeder. cement Key City Gas Cu. coke for steam roller Henry Richtercover for patrol wagon 60 00 Standard Dumber Co. lumber 69 52 John Butt, repairing tools .. 3 65 Diamond Joe Line Steamers. white waste (steam roller) 8 96 Little. Bruce & Co. lanterns 1 80 A E Bradley. street signs 2 00 Novelty Iron Works. repairing stetum roller 4 ri J P Schroeder. cement 4 80 Christman & Healy. macadam forks rakes etc 14 95 B D Linehan. repairing tools 6 85 Lear & I'tilTner. horse shoeing 19 00 b;llwanger Gros. harness for car- penter wagon. $28,85: repairing harness for police patrol. $6.40 Joe Trudell. repairs on patrol wagon7 nu 0..0111ns & Wilkinson. horse shoe- ing Wm S Molio, plumbing around city hall 62 95 C 0 D Laundry, cleaning matting 20 40 Bryan Donahue. sidewalks on Pine street and Couler revenue 103 50 J F McCarthy. operation in J H Hoffman case 10 00 i S Bigelow. operation in J H Hoffman case 10 00 John Maclay, costs in city cases9 75 E J Ryan, carriage hire for com- mittee 4 00 Dubuque Telegraph. blank station ery 27 0 Smedley Mfg Co. repairs on steam roller 33 85 Dubuque Rubber Co. hose etc. for parks, $11.47: rubber boots. $4.5016 97 Relnfried & Jaeger, nails 2 75 Key City Iron Works. repairs on engines 33 83 Dubuque Water Co. 306 hydrants for July 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 306 hydrants for July 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 306 hydrants for July 292 77 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights in July 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights in July 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights in July 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights in July 125 40 The Telegraph, advertising June 75 00 The Herald, advertising for June75 00 The Globe. advertising for June 29 15 The Timers. advertising for June 29 15 German Catholic Printing Co, ad- vertising for three months 50 00 Dubuque Construction Co, work on 14th street sewer 141 80 W H Knowlton. street car fare, 4 70 April, May and June Novelty Iron Works. repairs on steam roller 70 06 1 27 2 65 5 ;35 6 00 6 75 2 90 4 40 6 40 6; 10 ;122: 1 2_ for John Malone. macadam . 43 20 Roy & Otto Bros. macadam . 184 57 A 11 Stevenson. salary for labor.. 45 00 Paul Schlenker. supplies for steam roller 1 80 Dubuque Water Co. water 30 00 Key City Gas Co. coke 10 62 H 13 Gniffke. refunded excavation 355 00 H 13 Gniffke, interest paid on war- rants 500 00 H 13 Gniffke. interest .paid on war- rants H 13 Gniffke, freight charges. $25.- 63; oats anti hay. $168.90; refund- ed tax, refunded saloon. $50275 78 H 11 Gniffke. commission on sale of improvement bonds 450 00 Firemen's Ben. Society, money Loaned the city 200 0 Rev. J. P. Carroll. money loaned the city 500 0 Geo. I). Scott, money loaned the city 275 00 German Yank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Bank. money loaned the city 50 00 Margaret Cooney. money loaned city 500 00 Margaret Cooney. money loaned the city 200 00 Margaret Cooney. money loaned the city 200 00 Margaret Cooney. money loaned the city 300 00 Jas J. Dunn. juror on High Bluff street Chris A Voelker• juror on High Bluff street 200 P H Halpin. juror on High Bluff street 2 00 H Nagiemaker, juror on High Bluff street 2 00 P H E Summerfeld. juror on High Bluff street 2 00 1 Ellwanger, juror on High Bluff street 2 no Chris Capritz. juror on Iiigh Bluff Street Joe L Horr, juror on High Bluff street N H Schilling, juror on High Bluff street John Trexler. Sr. juror on High Bluff street 2 00 J P Schroeder, juror on High Bluff street J M Kenety, juror on High Bluff 2 00 street J H Lucas, repairs on city scales.. 50025 00 00 Grand view avenue P Horch, improving on 5th avenue 500 00 P Horch, improving 5th avenue 500 00 Altman & Taylor, improving 50 00 Grand view avenue Altman & Taylor. improving Altman & Taylor, improving 500 00 Grand view avenue ...... Altman & Taylor. improving 285 00 Grandview avenue John Tibey, improving Curtis 500 00 street John Tibey, improving Curtis street John Tibey, Improving Curtis street John Tibey street John Tibey, improving Curtis street Steuck & O'Farrell. grading Fre- 281 78 200 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 improving Curtis 500 00 600 00 600 00 385 00 21(i (Ficial. Notices. mnt avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. gradin„ 1490; improving, 110 500 00 John Driscoll. brick inspection on Clay street 6 00 Jos Geiger, repairs around city hall .. 16 20 Kennety & McCann. overhauling, 148: extra curb. 88.36; man holes and basins on Clay street 195 39 Mercy Hospital, board hill for J Hoffman 19 82 John Hoffman. salary ........ 50 00 Jas Hayes, cleaning around hall1 25 Jas Hayes, cleaning around hall20 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of warrants issued during the month of Juh•. 1895. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of the City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting 5th avenue from end of improvement to north line lot 6 Pell's add: 15th st. from Main street to Locust street: 16th street from Main street to Locust street; alley from Johnson avenue to Windsor avenue between Garfield ave- nue and Rhomberg avenue and to any person or persons or company having any interest in said real estate: You are herby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder. of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city. showing the several lots or parcels of ground. abutting on said streets and alleys, sub- ject to special assessment for paving, guttering and macadamizing of said streets and alleys. and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amount as- sessed against each lot, or parcel of ground, and for the inspection of any person, firm or company interested in any manner in said real estate, and that such person, firm or company having objection to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat. may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing at or before next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet nn the 4th day of November, 1895. W. H. KNOWLTON, 10-21-10t. City F1nglnt•er. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubu- que, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, Nov. 18, 1895, for furnishing all material and constructing pipe sewers as follows, according to plans and specifications on file in said office: An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Clark street and West 17th street from West Locust street to Catherine street. Estimate length, 1.000 feet. Five manholes. Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 11-8-10t W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Third Ward. First Precinct -9th street engine house. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct -1697 Clay street. Fourth Ward. First Precinct—Coates building, 53 8th street. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Ryan's Livery Barn. Fifth Ward. First Precinct—Schmid's Brewery. Second Precinct—Henry Mueller's. Third Precinct—Chris. Caprltz's. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's, 23d and Jaeksnn streets. Attest: Seal.) 10-25-tf. P. OLINGER, Mayor. T. .1. COONEY, p=ity Recorder. NOTICE OF SALE! I will sell at public auotion to the best bidder for cash. on Monday the 18th day of November, 1895. at 2 o'clock p. m. at the public pound of the City of Dubuque, on Elm street. between 14th and 15t1% streets. the following impounded ani- mals. to -wit: One black mare. 15 hands high, weight about 1,200 pounds. about 9 years bid, white stripe in forehead. 2 hind feet white to fetlocks. 11-13-5t. F1D. MORGAN. City Marshal. Dubuque. November 19th, 1895. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing places have been selected for the polling places for the fall election Nov. 5th, 1895: First Ward. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, So. Locust street. Second Precinct—Lucas Building, lat and Locust streets. Second Ward. First Precinct—Court House. Second Precinct -4th street engine house. SEWERAGE CONNECTION NOTICE. To W. & D. Brunskill: In accordance with a resolution adopt- ed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, October 28th, 1895, you are hereby notified to make the proper sewer connection with lot No. 627 in city, with- in 30 days of this notice. A failure to make the sewer connection as herein directed, then the City of Dubuque will have same done and the expense thereof shall be assessed against the property thus connected. Witness my hand this 29th d'y of Oc- tober, 1895. T. J. COONEY, 11-2-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the •City of Dubuque, held on October 7th, 1895, the following special assessments were levied un the real estate herein- after described, and that in case of fail- ure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become de• Unguent and subject to collection by •distress and sale. HENRY 13. GNIFFKI:, For alley first north West Third street, west of Hill street, from end of present improvement west .and north to West Fourth street and Pauline. street. City Treasurer. A W Kemler Est, McCoy's sub, lot 1 $ 28 12 W S Beans, McCoy's sub, lot 2.... 25 95 A W Kemler Est, McCoy's sub, e 35 deg, lot 3 31 00 I Cleminson, McCoy's sub, w 15 deg, lot 4 17 33 I Cleminson, McCoy's sub. lot 536 57 I Cleminson, McCoy's sub, lot 631 82 •C Seeger, Deming & Horr's add, lot 18 66 90 •C H Eighmey et al, Denting & 9 86 Horr's add, lot 17 105 95 9 Eliza Williams, Deming & Horr's 85 add, s 1-2 add, lot 16 22 73 •C H Eighmey et al, Deming & lot 53 9 85 Horr's add, lot 15 20 73 Raphael Juen, Cook's add, lot 64.. 19 70 E Langworthy Est, Pauline Lang- Rosa Duertscher, sub 55, Cook's worthy's sub, lot 1 74 80 add, lot 2 9 85 For improving Fourth street from Frank Duertscher, sub 55, Cook's Main to White street. add, lot 1 9 86 24Frank Duertscher, Cook's add, lot W H Peabody, city n deg, $336 57 56 23 03 Chas Kuttler. Dreibilbies' add, lot 18 70 17 Chas Kuttler, Dreibilbies' add, lot 17 80 18 Chas Kuttler, Dreibilbies' add. lot 17 80 19 Albert BauernschTnidt, Dreibilbies' 17 60 add, lot 20 Albert Bauernschmldt, Dreibilbies' 17 60 217 Chas Nead, Cook's add, lot 38 19 70 Theo Buse, Cook's add, lot 89 19 70 Philip Miller, Cook's add, lot 4019 70 Philip Miller, Cook's add, s 1-2, lot 41 986 Fredolin Oerthle Est, Cook's add, n m 1-4, lot 41 4 92 1 Fred Jenni, Cook's add, n 1-4, lot 41 492 Otto Hess, Cook's add, lot 42 20 80 Mrs Michael Lehman Est, Cook's add, n 34 deg, lot 43 13 87 Peter Weitz, Cook's add, s 18.4 deg lot 43 6 93 Peter Weitz, Cook's add, lot 4419 70 j Geo Kaiser. Cook's add, lot 4519 70 • Conrad Schmied Est, Cook's add, lot 46 19 70 Conrad Sehmied Est, Cook's add, lot 47 19 70 George Ragatz, Cook's add, lot 48 19 70 Jacob Grill, Cook's add, lot 4919 70 Henry Suverkrup. Cook's add, lot 5n 19 70 Henry Schmitz, Cook's add, lot 19 70 l to Reinfried, Cook's add, n 1-2, lot 52 Mary Naber, Cook's add s 1-2, lot 52.... Mary Naber, Cook's add, n 1-2, lot 53 Raphael Juen. 985 L lot 12 P Kiene, Sr, city lot 13 334 88 James Forester, city lot 188 442 44 E C Peasle, city lot 189 484 21 Robert Waller Est, city lot 233429 15 Robert Waller Est, city lot 34309 03 J. P. Wagner, city lot 523 b. 442 02 •Geo Rebman, city lot 523 a 272 58 Anna. Shea, city s 1-2 lot 303 291 39 J P Pa sub 304 lot 3 153 68 Cook's J P Page,, sub 304. lot 2 a Page, 123 87 add, lot 21 C M & St P Ry Co, sub 304, Mina Quade, lot 1 47 54 22 C M & St P Ry Co, sub 304, Geo Gartner, lot 747 535 08 23 lot For improving alley from Johnson Geo Gartner, 19 06 avenue to Humboldt between Lincoln 24 Dreibilbies' add, and Rhomberg avenues. John Strazinsky, 19 05 Herman Bischoff, Cook's add, lot lot 25 $23 00 John Strazinsky, Dreibilbies' add, 29 17 Mary Loetscher, Cook's add, lot n 16 deg, lot 26 6 30 1970 Frank Angster, Dreibilbies' add, Rudolph Jones, Cook's add, lot 31. 19 70 s 34.4 deg lot 26 11 43 M J Loes, Cook's add, lot 32 .. 19 70 John Sehweigler, Dreibilbies' add, 17 60 Chas Giessler, Cook's add, lot 33.. 19 70 lot 26 Dreibilbies' add, lot Chas Giessler, Cook's add, lot 34 .. 19 70 Louis Nipp, 17 60 Simon Brada, Cook's add, s 1-2, 29 .. lot 35 9 85 Phebe Ehner, Dreibilbies' sub, lot 17 60 Wm Guderlan, Cook's add, n 1-2, 30 • lot 35 9 85 Richard Fengler, Cook's add, lot• 19 70 36 Herman Hahn. Sr, Cook's add, lot 19 70 37 Dreibilbies' add, lot Dreibilbies add, lot 17 60 17 60 Dreibilbies add, Mary Hogreffe Dreibilbies' add, lot 31 Mary Hogreffe, Drei'bilbtes' add, lot 32 18 70 John Vandenberg, Dreibilbies' add, 17 60 218 Official Not icee n 24 deg, lot 27 John Schweigler, Dreibilbies' add, s 22.4 deg, lot 27 8 58 For Improving Curtis street from South Dodge street to Malady street: Mich Carrot. sub of ht m lot 149. lot 16 $70 85 Pat Scanlon. m lot 149. lot 15 99 33 Pat Scanlon. m lot 149. lot 14 99 33 Stephen Downes. m lot 149, lot 13134 53 Mich Farrell. m lot 149, lot 12 135 21 Mich Farrell. m lot 149, lot 11 99 33 Michael McMahon. m lot 149, lot 10. 99 33 Michael McMahon. m lot 149, s 1-4, lot 9 135 76 Michael McMahon. MoMahon's sub lot 1 81 75 Michael McMahon. McMahon's sub lot 2 47 49 Michael McMahon. McMahon's sub lot 3 47 49 Michael McMahon. McMa.hon's sub lot 4 47 49 Michael McMahon. McMahon's sub lots 4749 W P Strain. McMahon's sub. lot 647 49 M M McCarten. Bonson & Stew- art's sub. lot 8 198 74 Hugh McCarten. Bonson & Stew- art's sub. lot 23 188 30 John Byrne. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 24 124 47 P Eisbach. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 26 24 97 P Eisbach. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 1 188 73 P Eisbach. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 2 49 67 P EiSbach. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 3 49 67 P Eisbach. Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 4 49 67 Thos Hackney, Bonson & Stewart's sub. lot 5 . 50 09 F B Spielman. Bonson & Stewatr's sub, lot 6 67 55 M M McCarten. Bonson & Ste - art's sub. lot 7 296 69 M McMahon. Stewart's sub, lot 2768 19 Roger McPoland, sub of pt m lot 149 lot 24 283 10 M McMahon, sub of pt m lot 149, lot 23 .142 35 Victor Nelles, sub of pt m lot 149, lot 22 812 64 Pat Scanlon, sub of pt m lot 149. lot 17 197 25 Far improving Clay street from 13th street to 18th street. 18th street from Clay to Couler avenue and Couler avenue from 18th street to Eagle Point avenue: John Bell, city, s 2-5, lot 449 301 96 11 Ziepprecht Est., city, n 1-5, lot 449 94 61 Chas Luther, city, s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot 449 54 45 John Krayer, city. n 1-5 and n 1-2 n m 1-5. lot 449 251 94 C A Voelker. sub s 2-5 lot 444, city, lot 1 173 26 C A Voelker, sub s 2-5 lot 444, city, lot 2 . 59 54 Jos Traut Est.. sub s 2-5 lot 444, clty, lot 3 Thos Allen. sub 4 s 24 of 444, city, lot 1 Thos Allen. sub s 78 ft n 2-5 of 444, city, lot 3 5 42 Schneider and Kleth. sub s 78 ft n 2-5 of 444, city, s 24 d, lot 2 44 73 A R Staufenbeil, sub s 78 ft n 2-5 of 444, city, n 16 d, lot 2 29 96 A R Staufenbeil. sub s 78 ft n 2-5 9 02 49 65 48 11 of 444, city. lot 1 70 6i Thos Allen. sub 4 s 2-5 of 444, city, lot 2 it g•2 Paul Schlenker.' city. s 25.6 n 75.6, lot 444 41 35 Gaibrlel Wels, city n 50 d, lot 444..,194 51 Wm Recite Est, city s 31.5 s 1-4, lot 443 155 58 A R Staufenbeil, city n 19.7 s 1-4, lot 443 „ 3;, 46 C G Kretschmer, city s m l-4, lot 443 108 54 Mary Thomson, city n m 1-4, lot 443108 54 C W Blttman, city n 1-4. lot 443108 54 Wm F Allen. sub 443a. city, lot 249 18 Jos Jaeggi, sub 443a. city, lot 1 160 50 E P Ternes, city. s 1-5, lot 450 197 31 J P,Finaier, city s m 1-5, lot 450 108 54 John Sohl, city, s 1-11 in 1-5, lot 45050 54 O B Albrecht, city. n 1-2 m 1-5, lot 450 48 80 Mrs A Shea, city. n m 1-5. lot 450108 54 Thos Keliey, city s 1-2 n 1-5, lot 45053 64 M M Hoffmann, city, n 1-'2 n 1-5, lot 450 147 88 M Buckmann, city. s 1-5, lot 44'2...,190 04 M Michels, city, s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 442 47 55 John Pilmaier, city, m 1-5 and n 1-2 s m 1-5. lot 442 142 63 Peter Meyer. city s 1-2 n m 1-5. lot 442 . 54 48 Jos Simones Est. city n 3-10, lot 442.225 28 B W Lacy, city, s 1-5, lot 451 173 59 John Pilmater, city s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 451 47 55 Geo Albrecht. city. n 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 451 47 54 Henry Richter, city, s 28 d m 1-5, lot 451 . 51 98 John Pilmaler, city. n 23.2 in 1-5, lot 451 48 44 Gehr Tenhof, city, s 1-2 n m 1-5, lOt 451 47 54 Paul Traut, city n 1-2 n m 1-5, lot 451 ... 48 95 Wim Schaefer, city s 1-2 n 1-5, lot 451 47 54 A Matthews, city n 1-2 n 1-5, lot 451.138 24 Henry Hoffmann, city. s 1-2 s 1-5, lot 441 .. 127 21: R 11 Heller. city n 1-2 s l5,lot 4414607 Mary Lorez, city. s 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 441 46 07 Fred Weiermiller, city n 1-2 s m 1-5, lot 441 46 07 Chrst Jungk, city, m 1-5, lot 441 92 15 Frank Lenz„ city, s 41.2 n m 1-5 lot 441 74 15 B Westercamp, city n 1-5 n -0 ft n m 1-5. lot 441 216 64 N Schroeder Est, city s 31.2, lot 452140 88 J P Ferring, Est, city n 20d s 1-5 s 1-2 1-2 s m 1-5. lot 452 96 67 Christ Jungk. city m 1-5 and n 1-2 sm 1-5. lot 452 162 82 Eli Cole, city n m 1-5, lot 452 108 53 Fred Kennicker, city, n 1-5, lot 452204 58 Rider & Lacy, city s 1-5 and s 14 ft s m 1-5. lot 440 211 14 Ferd Nester, *city n 37.2 s m 1-5, 101 440 67 13 Anton Theilan Est. city m 1-5, lot 440 108 02 Frank Weidlich, city s 1-2 n m 1-5, lot 440 . 46 26 G F Thorman, city n 1-2 n m 1-5 w 40 ft n 1-5. lot 440 341 58 Peter Holz, city e 60d n 1-5, lot 440250 05 -John Schrup, city n 2-5, lot 435 49 34 Adam Vogel. sub 675. city, lot 6 228 96 E Muntz, sub 675. city, lot 5 148 24 Nie and Frank G1ab. sub 675, city s 22 1-2d, lot 4 47 90 Notices. T limber Est. sub 675. city, n 17.4, lot 4 37 31 T Gruber Est, sub 675, city s 15.81-2, lot 3 33 50 Joseph Hahn. sub 675. city, lot 2 84 14 W Gruber. sub 675. city, n 27.8, lot 3 58 94 Mary Newhaus. sub 675. city, lot 193 30 City of Dubuque. sub of 438, 439 and pt 676, city. lot 10 863 21 Henry Pfotzer, sub of 438 and 439, and pt 676, city, lot 9 51 25 John Greiner Est. sub of 438, 439 and pt 676. city. lot 8 39 59 Peter Holtz. sub of 438. 439 and pt 676, city. lot 7 136 91 Conrad Lange, sub of 438, 439 and pt 676, city. lot 6 .61 23 Henry Gatena. sub of 438, 439 and pt 676. city. lot 5 82 26 Mart' : Jacquinott. sub 4 of 439 and an of 676, city. lot 1 90 30 John Osthoff. sub 4 of 439 and pt 676 city. lot 2 2 97 Frank ScKnidt. sub 4 of 439 and pt 676, city, tot 2 213 62 John Osthoff. sub 4 of 439 and pt 676, city, lot 3 106 81 D Rhomberg. sub 4 of 439 and pt 676, city, s 1-2. lot 1 100 17 F W Wetlandfl sub 4 of 439 andh pt 676, city. n 1-2. lot 1 92 22 Nic Palen, city s 1-5. lot 436 310 78 Wim Juergen, city s m 1-5, lot 436116 18 B Hob} Est. clty s 1-2 m 1-5, lot 436 . 46 26 11 Dement. city. n 1-2 m 1-5, city lot 436 46 26 Wm F Coates Est. city n 2-5, lot 436.311 60 Frank Jaeger. city s 2-5. lot 437 288 71 Geo Kummerle Est. city, m 1-5 and s 250 n m 1-5. let 437 165 25 Anton Vogler, city. n 26.2 n m 1-5 and city s 1.2 n 1-5. lot 437 183 55 Aug \Vunderlich. Stiner's add s 20d, lot 1 114 12 Gottlieb Wunderlich. Stiner's add, s m 20d. lot 1 42 40 Peter Scharf. Stiner's add, n 27.6. 5 lot 1 R 51 Mrs Anna Schaetzel. Stiner's add. 9 lot 2 3 4! Valentine Luck. Stiner's add, lot 3. 46 64 Valentine Luck. Stiner's add, lot 4. 46 64 Valentine Luck. Stiner's add, lot 5. 46 64 John Grutzmacher. Stiner's add. lot46 64 6 Martin Wagner, L 11 Langwortby's 54 06 add. s 1-4. lot 14 Peter Sahm. L H Langworthy's �a 96 add, s m 1-4. lot 14 David Lorenz. L H Langworthy's 54 06 add. n m 1-4. lot 14 Chas Jabrie. L H Langworthy's 54 06 add. n 1-4. lot 14 Mary A Doft. L H Langworthy's 53 00 add. s 1-4. lot 13 219 Cath Heeb, L H Langworthy's add n 1-2, lot 10 94 79 Gregory Reinfried, sub 9, L 11 Lang worthy's add, lot 4 97 52 Chas Klingenberg, sub 9, L H Lang worthy's add. lot 3 65 72 Wm Hollnagle, sub 9 L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 2 29 60 Wm Hollnagle, sub 9 L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 1 12 95 Wm Hollnagle, sub 9 L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 9a. 159 70 Peter Specht, sub 9 1. H Lang - worthy's add. lot 9b 97 09 N H Schdlling, L 11 Langworthy's add, s 2-3. lot 1 126 68 C B Keesecker. L H Langworthy's add, lot 2 209 79 J J Linehan Est, L H La.ngworthy's add. lot 3 184 65 Peter A Schuler. L H Langworthy's add n 1-3. lot 1 62 41 C B Keesecker. L H Langworthy's add. lot 4 98 78 Conrad Kohlman. L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 4a 106 00 Conrad Kuhlman. L H Lang - worthy's add, s 1-3, lot 5 71 73 Fred Dehling, L H Langworthy's add, s 1-2 m 1-3. lot 5 30 81 Julia Bauch. L H Langworthy's add, n 1-2 m 1-3. lot 5 32 61 Nicholas Gonner Est. L H Lang - worthy's add n 1-3, lot 5 61 60 Ben D Heeb. L 11 Langworthy's add. s 1-2 lot 6 92 50 Dubuque Malting Co, L H Lang - worthy's add, n 1-2. lot 6 91 90 Dubuque Malting Co, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 7 196 01 Dubuque Malting Co. L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 8 182 30 Dubuque Malting Co. L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 8a 163 0 Henry Wunderlich. Tivoli add, s 1.-2 lot 1 95 14 Dubuque Light & Traction Co 117 60 Dubuque Street Railway Co 7995.89 Cath Kaufmann. L H Langworthy's 126 22 add, s m 1-4. lot 13 E H Sheppley, L H Langworthy's add, s 42d. lot 12 162 14 Anna M Ba.ventheck. L H Lang - worthy's add. n m 21. lot 1244 52 Eliza Vogt. L H Langworthy's add. n 37d. lot 12 78 4T4 Eliza Vogt, L H Langworthy's add, 10 60 s 6d lot 11 Phillip Jungk. L H Langworthy's 55 60 add s m 30d. lot 11 C_ A Waiter. L H Langworthy's 137 INadd. n 65d. lot 11 Carolina Tschudi. L H Lang- worthy's50 add, s 1-2. lot 10 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that a. the session of the City Council of tlbe city of Dubuque. held on the 7th day of October, 1895. the following special an- aessments were levied on the real es- tate hereinafter described. And that in case of failure to nay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the de- linquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque the 30th day of Oc- tober, A. D.. 1895. HENRY B. GNIFFKE. Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For constructing a sidewalk on Bluff street: Thos Galloway. city sub 1 of 598. lot E18 72 1 Mhos Rawson, city sub 1 of 598. lot 2 40 2 For repairing sidewalks on various streets: Win G Watters, Dubuque Harbor 1 Co's add, lot 1. block 11 Ed 00 Langworthy. Pauline Lang's sub, lot 6 Clifford D. Ham. Davis Farm add, lot 370 Geo. W. Works. Davis Farm add, s 1-2. lot 256 60 50 2 76 220 Ornr..al .v(Iti(Y'N . REGISTRATION NOTICE. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 15. 1895. Mayor's Office, Notice is hereby given that the regis- ters of election duly appointed to reg- ister voters in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, for the ensuing year, will be in attendance in the places hereinbelow mentioned for the the purpose of pre- paring a new registry list from the poll books of the last general election, copying all names therein, including all names registered and voting at any subsequent, special or municipal elec- tion, and entering the facts showing the qualifications of each voter as it appears on the last preceding registry list. k Said registers will meet in their re- spective places Thursday and Friday, October 24th and 25th, 1895, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will therafter meet on Saturday, November 2d, 1895, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. of said day for the pur- pose of correcting the list and adding thereto such as maentitled to vote. Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, November 5th, 1895, (election day) and be in session from the time the polls are open until they close and register only such voters as were ab- sent from the city during the preced- ing days that the board was in session; also such voters as did not become clti- zens until Tuesday, November, 5th, 1895. Any person applying for registration in any precinct, who is registered in another precinct, shall before being reg- istered procure a certificate from the board ,of registration where his name is so registered, stating that the same has ben stricken from such registry list. The place of registration in the several wards and precincts of said city are as follows: First Ward. First precinct—Rafferty's Place, South Locust street. Second precinct—John Jess' stor.., 1st street t eivtsen Main and Locust. Second Ward. First prec1ect—Court House. Second prec.w.t—Fourth street 11nF to . House. Third Ward. First precinct—Central Engine House. Second precinct—City Hall. Third precinct -18th Street House. Fourth Ward. First preclnet—Lorimier House. Second precinct—Western Brewery. Third precinct—Kenyon's barber shop, West Locust street. Fifth Ward. First precinct—Meyer's Livery, 2293 Couler avenue. Second precinct—Mrs, E. Mueller's Eagle Point Avenue. Third precinct—Val. Linecln Avenue. Fourth precinct—Jacob Berg's, 23rd and Jackson streets. Engine Mackert's, 1327 .\.11 qualified voters of said city who failed to have their names on last spring's registry list are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time here- inbefore mentioned they will be debar- red the privilege of voting at said election. P. Oi INGER, (Seal.) Mayor. Attest: T. .1. COONEY, City lteeerder. 10-111 tf. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received at the Pity engineer's office. city of Dubu- que. Iowa. up .to 4 o'clock p. m. Satur- day. Nov. 16th. 1895. for fernlshing all material and labor and constructing pipe sewers as follows. according to the plans spec'.flcat°ons on fl1e in said of- fice: An R inch tale pipe sewer In West 5th street. from muff street to Summit street. Estimated length, 1.700 lineal feet; 6 manholes. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with eaeh bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. 11. KNOWLTON, lot City Engineer. Dubuque. Nov. 5th. 1895. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance relating to the can- cellation of taxes on property situated in the city of Dubuque. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That. Whereas, numerous petitions for the remission and cancel- lation of taxes on property situated in the city of Dubuque are presented each year to the city council. and by said body allowed, and Whereas. such property is afterwards disposed of without the city being relm Nursed for said taxes, therefore, he Resolved, By the city council of city of Dubuque: That hereafter city council of the city of Dubuque may refuse to cancel taxes against property situated in said city, or allow said taxes to remain a lien upon said property un- til paid. Section 2. That the city council may in any case where they see fit to refuse the cancelation of taxes. to have the same remain a lien upon the property until paid, and direct the city treas- urer not to sell said property on ac- count of said unpaid taxes. unless so ordered by the city council. Adopted Oct. 7, 1895. Approved: P. OLINGER, Attest: Mayor. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. 1 /) ie ,Vet ;q•,R. AN ORDINANCE. An o•dianance for the vacation of Huff street and alley in block 29 in Du- buque Harbor Co.'s addition to the city of Dubuque. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sect. 1. That whereas, Svendsen & Ott,.operating alarge saw mill and hav- ing extensive lumber yards situate and surrounding Huff street between block 29 and 30 of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addi- tion and alley in block 29 of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addition to the city of Du- buque and needing said portion of above named street and alley for the further extension of their business. Therefore the City Council hereby va- cates and annuls that portion of Huff street being and situate between blocks 29 and 30 and that of the alley being and situate in block 29 of the Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addition to the City of Du- buque. and the said Svendsen & Ott. their successors or assigns are hereby permitted and authorized to fill, grade and improve and 115P said Hart of said street tend alley so vacated in connec- tion with operating a saw mill and lum- ber yard; and such authority is con- ferred as fully and effectually as the City Council has the power to grant the same. Sect. 2. That portion of said street and alley so vacated whenever discontinued for lumber yard or saw mill purposes shall revert to the city. of Dubuque, and the city shall not be required or expect- ed to compensate said Svendsen & Ott, their successors or assigns. for the fill- ing or other improvements on same. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its plssage and publica- tion in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph of the city and its acceptance in writing by said Svendsen & Ott. Adopted Oct. 7. 1895. Approved: P. OLINGER. Attest: Mayor. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. NOTICE, TG SIDEWALK CnNTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received a the City Engineer's office. city of Dubu- que, uuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Sat- urday, Nov. 2. 1895. for constructing sidewalks of brick. stone or cement where not already laid. as follows, viz: 8 feet wide on east side of Bluff street between Third street and Fourth street. 8 feet wide on east side of Bluff street hetwee,l Seventh street and Eighth street. 8 feet wide on east side of Bluff street between Ninth street and Tenth street. 8 feet wide on north side of Tenth street between Clay street and White street. Also for the construction of plank side- walks where not already laid, as follows. viz: 4 feet wide on both sides of Vernon street between Alta Vista street and 04.1 hest end. 4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi street between Asbury street and .Cen- ter street. 4 feet aide. on east side of St. Ambrose street between Arch street and Green street. 6 feet wide on west side of Jackson street between Ninth street and Tenth street. 6 feet wide on east side el Jackson street between Eighteenth street and Nineteenth street. .6.feet wide on east side of .W.asllipgton street between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street. 6 feet wide on south side of Thirteenth street hetween,Jackson street and Wash- ington street. 8 feet wide on south side of Tenth street between White street and Rick - son street. :111 in accordance with specifications .n tilt in said office. A .bond of 8100 will he reguiredl with o-•ach bid. "rhe cit• reserves th.• right to reje'' r, ny and till bids. 10-21-101. W. H. KNOWLTON. City Engineer AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance granting to the C., M. 8s St. P. Railway Co. the right to construct and maintain a side track over and across Twelfth street in the city of Dubuque. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: sec. 1. That the right of way over and across Twelfth street in said city, nec- essary for the C., M. & St. P. Railway Co. to maintain and operate a side track from its tracks west and south of 12th street to the A. Y. McDonald & Mom- son Mfg. Co. on the north side of 18th street from Pine to Sycamore street,. be and is hereby granted to said railway company. Sec. 2. That the said railway cotn- pany in the use of said right of way herein granted shall conform to the gradesof thesaid city as •now or may be hereafter established by said city, and provided further that the said rail- way company shall in all cases of claims for damages made by private property owners and holders on said street used and occupied by said company, protect and save the city from damages there- for by reason of this ordinance. Sec. 3. That all other railroad own- ing or operating lines or tracks in the city of Dubuque shall, on the payment of 412 on each car, to the C., M. & St. P. Railway Co., have the privilege of switching cars on above named nide track belonging to the C.. M. & St, P. Railway Co. Adopted Oct. 7. 1895. Approved: P.OLINGER, Attest: Mayor. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. t+� 222 (tgiciat Novice., NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa., Oot. 1I 1895. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, November 2d, 1895, for the improvement of the following streets according to plans and specifications now on file In my office: Shiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to High Bluff street. New curbing set, 300 lineal feet. Guttering, 100 square yards. Telford macadam, 150 square yards. Earth filling 250 cubic yards. High Bluff street from Schiller ave- nue to Middle avenue. New curbstone set, 750 lineal feet. Guttering, 300 square yards. Telford macadam. 870 square. yards. Earth filling, 900 cubic yards. Cutting, 50 cubic yards. Bidders must state the price per lin- eal toot for curbing, price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing. Grading to he bid In total. Bidders must furnish a gond and suf- ficient bond of 8200 that contract will be ntered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted or, at a meet- ing of the eounctl to he held Nov. 4. 1895. Above work to be completed on or be- fore Deo. 1st. 1895. Blanks for bidders will he furnished by the city recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any and all blds. T. J. COONEY. 10-17-15t. (lty Reeorder. I will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on Saturday, the End day of November, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. in., at thet public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between 14th and 15th streets, the following impound- ed animals, to -wit: One snow white horse, main roached, about 12 years old, weight about 1,000 pounds. One shoe right hind foot. No other marks. FD. MORGAN, City Marshal. 10-29-10t. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance relating to the height of awnings above sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sect. 1. That that portion of Section 5 of Chap. 41 relating to the height of awnings above top of sidewalk be here- by amended and changed to read seven feet instead of eight feet as heretofore. On motion the ordinance was adopt- ed. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read the second time and placed on its final passage. Adopted Oct. Approved: Attest: 7, 1896. P. OLINGER, Mayor, T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Satur- day, November 2nd. 1895. for new street sweeper of modern design. Bidders must state the price for street sweeper, delivered in Dubuque. Iowa, and put In working order. The city reserves fti right to reject any and all bids. 10-17-15t. T. J. COONEY, .1v';"111'11,'ri ilr yrl�n;• (ATI COUNci ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION NOVEMBER 18, 1895. (OFFICIAL) Council met at 7:50 p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aldermen, Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. On motion bids for the construction of sewers were ordered opened and re- ferred to the engineer for computation. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Chas. Van Horn asking to extend the time for the removal of building to sixty days from date of ser- vice. Petition of Susan Hune et al. asking that the improvement of Angella street he extended to Cox street. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, .By the City Council of the City of Duhuque that the sum of $550 be accepted from the Dubuque Fire & Marine Insurance Co. in full payment for the taxes of said company for the year 1894 and that the city treasurer he instructed to cancel all taxes due from said oomiiany for said year in ex- cess of the sum of five hundred and fiftydollars, d that he execute a re- in regard to the grades of A.ngetla and Catherine streets was re- ferred to the street committee. The petition of the High School Cadets for the use of the 3rd story of the city hall to drill in was referred to the mayor with power. The report of the engineer in regard to storm water pipes delivering water onto the grounds of A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co. was adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee offered the following: Resolved, Ily the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city treas- urer be instructed to call in improve- ment bond to the amount of $l3,500.00, Ila,ted August 15th ,1894, and numhering 4.39 to 465 inclusive. Adopted. Ald. Ryder offered the following: -Resolved. Py the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That the finance committee be instructed to exchange $5.000 of new improvement bonds dated Nov. 18. 1695, for $5.000 of improvement bonds .fated lithe 1, 1895. thus saving the necessity of sending the money hack and fol weard between here and' Chicago. Carried. Ald. Ryder offered the foil ,wind: Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the mayor is - hereby authorized and required for the purpose of providing for the cost and expense of improving the following o ars, an streets and alleys. to -wit: celpt to said company for said sum for T.iebnitz street from Harold st. to$ the taxes of 1894. Abbott street. The petition of T enety & McCann et Woodworth street from Seminary al. asking to be paid the 5 per cent. re- street to Leibnitz street Paul street from Seminary street to Leibnitz street South Bluff street from Dodge st. tained on their contracts, they agreeing to give bonds for double the amount was referred to the enmmittee of the to "00 feet south whole. The proposition of John Jansen that Southern Avenue from Rowan st. in consideration of $10.00 agreeing to to west line of lot 10 Southern give the city a strip of ground on 5th , Ave. addition avenue and in full compensation for re- Garfield avenue from Ann avenue moving fences was accepted and re- to Dock avenue ferred to attorney to get deed and a Schiller avenue from Lincoln to warrant ordered drawn to pay for same. . High Bluff street The petition of Thos. McMahon et al. High Bluff street from Schiller ave. remonstrating against construction of to Middle avenue sewer in Clark and West 17th street, was Alley east of Stafford avenue fmm received and filed. Merz street to Pauline street Petition of Chas. Mehl et al. asking Alley from Schiller avenue to Mid - that the sewer in West 5th street be ' dle avenue between Lincoln ave. constructed as soon as possible. Ald. and Rhomberg avenue 206 To issue under the provisions of the he Shea moved that petition be grant- ordinance adopted August 9th, ed. council of the city of Dubuque, Ald. Ryder moved as an amendment the city that the construction of same be post- bonds to the amount of $6,500 as follows: poned until March 1, 1896. Carried by ' Six bonds for the denomination of $1,00o numbered from t 130 inclu- 2950' 600' 400 550 900 56 150 600 100. the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Nayes--Ronson, Bauer, Schulte and Vogler. Petition of Geo. B. Seward & tar publishers of the Monday Morning in regard to printing official tee to was referred to the printing commi report at the next regular. meeting. The communication of Engineer each.125 o sive. and one bond of the denomination of $500 to he numbered 131, all dated Nov. 18th, 1895, payable seven years af, ter date, or at any time before said d to at of t the option of the city hearing interest at the rate live per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually, both principal and Interest paya- ble at the National Bank of the Repub- lic in the city of New York. 124. dehjnuwi,'r/ Seereiun, .%'epi' lb', lbi:►:i. When said bonds are issued and regis- tered they shall be delivered to the fi- nance committee who shall deliver the same to Parson, Leach & Co., Chicago, 211., in accordance with their contract with the city, and said committee Is in- structed to pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer to be applied by him in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894, and said committee is to report its do- ings hereunder to the city council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer. Ronson, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Sehul- te and Vogler. Aid. Halpin moved that the commit- tee of the whole report in regard to the petition of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. for right of way from over certain streets and alleys. Carried. Aid. Vogler, chairman of the comtnit- tee of the whole report in favor of granting the petition of the Illinois Cen- tral R. R. Co. asking for right of way for a railroad track from the Dunleit.h & Dubuque Co.'s track along Cypress street to 7th street. thence from 7th street to Cedar street and along Cedar street to the south line of t„h street. Ald. Kaufmann moved that action he deferred on above until May Ist. IROS. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Ronson. Kaufm inn, Ryder. Shea.. Schulte and Vogler. Nayes—Ald. Cullen and Halpin. Ald. Halpin moved that the action of the council on postponing action for con- struction of sanitary sewer in West 5th street be reconsidered and that con- tract be awarded to O. G. Kringle, the work not to be commenced until Mnrch 1, 1896, providing O. 0. Kringle accepts the same, Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the treasurer be instructed not to sell the D. Grant property until further notice. Carried. Engineer Knowlton reported on the bids for the construction of sewers as follows: Sewer In Clark and West 17th streets. Steuck & O'Farrell $ 610 J. and E. Blake 570 Kenety & McCann 445 O. G. Kringle 535 B. Donahue 835 Dubuque Construction Co 510 On motion Kenety & McCann being the lowest bidders were awarded the con- tract. Bids for the sewer in West Fifth street: B. Donahue O. G. Kringle Dubuque Construction Co J. & E. Blake Steuck & O'Farrell Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Angella street between Pier st. and Cox street, be graded. guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. E 1437 945 1023 1887 1027 20 That the city engineer be and 1s hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be done in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Ronson, Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schul- te and Vogler. Nayes—None. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on the east side of Broad- way street between Blocklinger's Lane :urd Diagonal street. -' feet wide on the north side Block- linger's Lane between Couler avenue and Broadway street. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Ronson. Cullen. Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea, Schul- te and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Ronson moved that one alderman from each ward be appointed by the rnayor, he to act as chairman, to confer with the Board of Trade and the offloials of the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Co. in regard to having the same ex- tended to and through the city of Du- buque. Carried. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. 41 fat: Reeordrr -4pprored Mayor. 1,ist of Ira rottoix, •x•725 CITY W A R R,A N I'S, CITY ILILCORDEH'S OFFICE, Dubuque. Iowa, )Pt. 1, 1895. The following is a complete list of war- rants issued by me during the, month of September. 1895: F Olinger, salary for month of August $125 00 11 B Online, salary for city treas- urer 208 10 'I' J Cooney, salary for city re- corder 116 70 M M Nlc:'arten, salary for auditor116 70 .1 F Stemin. salary for assessor125 00 Jas i ICnight, salary fur city at- torney 150 00 Edw Morgan, salary for marshal100 00 Joe Reiufried, salary fur fii•echief 100 00 John Carter, salary for street com- missioner 91 65 John O'Connell. salary for commit tee clerk 83 35 Wm H Knowlton. city engineer200 00 Jas Boyce. assistant engineer 100 00 S Hyde, assistant engineer 100 00 Henry l*lab. assistant engineer 50 00 lief Osborne. ally electrician 75 00 Chas Hillery. ~ewer inspector 1:!14), W Joe 1' Tract. market master 50 1-1 Bengt!. park custodian 'SU 00 1' Jess. wharf master Ur F W Wieland. health officer6050 00 00 M Eitel. fireman John Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini. fireman 50 00 J Flynn. fireman .. 60 00 J Wiltse. fireman C Specht. fireman J Tschudi. fireman Ldw Keas, tireman Jas Daily. tireman Job Barnes. fireman -.• A McDonnell. fireman J Murphy. fireman \V Ducey, fireman 1 Sehonberger. fireman 1' Ryder. fireman NI Fahey, fireman D Ahearn. fireman '1' Walker. fireman Wn► Hippuran, fireman t' t.lanahl. fireman lieu Oir'ke, fireman Geo Reimlck. fireman W Williams. fireman T Flynn. fireman 9 Essman. fireman .1 Rooney. fireman f' Kenneally, fireman Chas Kannolt. fireman .las Allen. fireman Wm McBride, fireman R Weston, fireman Wm Lempke, flrelnan P Maas. fireman John Becker. fireman Chas Huber. firemen C Yoan. fireman Wm Len>,pke. fireman i\tax Rich. fireman Jas Barker. fireman .............. Wm Klefs. fireman ................ Ja.ck Brode. fireman Jas Agnew. fireman ..r .1 .1 Murphy. police John Raesle. Police F Carney. notice 'Phomas Reilly, police 1 Fitzpatrick, police Dan Norton, police Jas Allen, police I Reuter, police J Flynn, police 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00' 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 45 05 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 14 20 \ .Vdcrson. laborer 7 80 \l Becklus. laborer 4 05 11 Berry. laborer 3 40 Chas Buse, laborer 202 95 Chas Boetke. laborer 8 10 P 13randenberger, laborer008 John Bot.oms, laborer 11 8 80 7 45 8 10 21 00 11 50 11 35 10 15 9 80 :17 50 37 50 Jas Cahill. laborer 10 50 John Corbett. laborer 25 35 John Cushing. laborer 7 45 Wm CrumPa'ell, laborer 15 55 \\'m Carter. laborer 70 50 8 45 8 10 8 10 26 35 6 75 20 95 8 10 6 45 8 10 8 10 7 45 15 90 9 15 54 00 2 05 25 50 Edw Mor.re, police 11 Kitty. police 1' Sutton. police M Craug'h, police 1' Sullivan, police 1' l'on'ers. police F Rhombi rg, police J Rooney. police I .\l:tnhoff, police \V m 4 rltrlen. police .Lis ti'Halloran, Police Jas Lunergan, police .1 Hilee n, police .1 Murphy. Police .1 Noel. police Wm Hennessey, police .1as Carer. police 1' Scharf, police 1' McC.ollins, pollee .fur Sec;, police r Hanlon. Police Il Lavery. police Win Frith. pollee \\'m Howard, police John Pollens. pound toaster 1' Ahearn. laborer l' Burke. laborer 60 1:),," Val Burns. laborer 11 l:in,rs. laborer 50 00 Jas Butler. laborer J.. 30 11 Beckett. laborer GO 00 J Brachtobrack. laborer 60 00 Phil Becker. laborer 60 00 .1 Byrne, laborer Ja4 Bennett. labor on bridge • 60 00 Bushman laborer 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 B Cain. uolice t John Loetscher, police . • • • • • ' • P 17cNerney, police ,..•........... 60 00 00 \1 Coyle. laborer John Corcoran. laborer U 48 3., a I, Cahill. laborer -0 00 44 85.I••rry Cahill. laborer 60 00 .1 rase. laborer 60 00 NI Carmody, laborer "U 00 I; Conlin. laborer "0 00 Nl Crahin. laborer 0U UO ,las Connelly, laborer 60 00 1 Coyne. laborer 50 00 Pat Dempsey. laborer 50 Oil '1 Differding, laiborer 2410 1 Dittman. laborer DumPhey, laborer 00 .::1 . Dovla r• labo.' • 6 65 .I Driscoll labor 2 00 2 00 Pat Doyle, la'b'orer on bridge • • • . , 31 60 1 40 200 Dafon cin. laborer ......• ........ 3 40 2 00 ("has Dillon. laborer ...... • 2 00 .las Dixon. laborer ......... ... • •. 5 405 40 laborer .......... 2 00 calif Balding,5 40 2 00 J Dougherty, lalborer • • • • • • • • • ... 5 00 75 00 2 00 � 11 Donahue, laborer ............... 13 20 borer 7500 50 00 50 0050 00 John Evert 1 . a 8 10 Wm Erwin. laborer . • • • • " • 14 85 .1 Eagan. laborer ................. 4 85 .1 Fix. laborer 5 10 P Fitzgerald, lalborer ...... .. 15 90 50 00 \1 Fetshhie, laborer ... 226 List of Warrant . L Fritz. laborer C Fisher. laborer Dan Fox. laborer Geo GOA'. laborer John Glessler. laborer Joe Genzel. laborer P Ginter. laborer Aug Goss. laborer J Grab. laborer C Grunzig, laborer Joe Ginter. laborer 13 Gloss. laborer Jas Gillisple, laborer J M Garrison. laborer P Gregory. laborer H Gollie. taborer M Hardie. laborer Dan Harman. laborer H Haas. taborer F Herzog, laborer John Hafey, laborer Jas Hird, laborer Jas .Harker. laborer A HIrd. laborer Jas Houten. laborer M Hopes, laborer C Heck. laborer J Handley. laborer Geo Reiss. laborer Joe Jecklin. laborer A Johnson. laborer A Jaeger, laborer P Jacobi. laborer Wm Juneens. laborer C Kampman. laborer F Kreeger. laborer J Karsch. laborer F S King, laborer .1 Kraus. laborer F Kornecker. laborer John Kelly, laborer P Kearney. laborer A Kapp, laborer John Kinsella. laborer on bridge P Kinney. laborer Mat Kline. laborer T Kelly, laborer Wm Leicht. laborer H Luck. laborer J Lavin. laborer H Lembeek. laborer M Loes. laborer b` Lassance, laborer J Mullen, laborer T Meggbson, laborer R Mack, laborer T Murry. laborer T Mulqueeney. laborer E Meeker, laborer D Miner, laborer L Meurisse, laborer M Mickes. laborer C Mackelberg,laborer P Moran. laborer P Murry. laborer M Mahoney, laborer Jas Messer, laborer M Murphy. laborer P Mohan. laborer P Murphy, laborer on bridge J Maroney, laborer Wm Miller, laborer Jas Melloy, laborer C Madden. laborer on bridge B McCormack, laborer M MeCone, laborer M McCarten,laborer Wm McDermott. laborer L McEvoy, laborer J McNulty, laborer P McMullen, laborer M McNamara. laborer T McDonnell. Laborer 14 55 10 80 16 20 12 15 11 50 4 05 7 45 11 15 20 95 20 95 16 20 9 45 4 05 2 05 1 35 6 75 27 00 17 55 7 45 1755 10 15 , 29 60 14 55 5 40 7 80 12 15 10 15 5 40 6 45 8 SO 19 95 3105 18 00 12 15 18 90 14 20 6 75 1 35 11 85 12 15 19 95 4 05 9 45 50 00 35 10 22 96 4 75 2 05 7 45 7 80 11 60 35 10 5 10 2 70 19 25 16 90 2 05 16 25 24 30 5 40 13 50 1 35 17 55 3 40 3 40 3 40 9 45 8 10 7 80 50 00 4 05 8 80 2 70 37 4 13 12 11 3 20 8 14 12 50 05 60 75 50 40 25 10 65 15 A McGuan. laborer Jas McCormack. laborer P McNulty, laborer 13 McGaffery. laborer Adam Nick. laborer A Neddd. laborer M Nuten. laborer John O'Dea. laborer 18 90 11 16 9 00 6 45 4 05 1 35 4 05 Pat O'Brien. Sr. laborer 9 40 F Oswald. laborer 11 36 1 36 Jas Purcell. laborer 8 80 D Powers. laborer 9 45 J Powers laborer 8 80 J Perryon. laborer 1 35 3 Quail. laborer 70 J Raetz. laborer 34 50 F Rieger. laborer 6 76 A Reuter. laborer 18 25 T Reilly, laborer 4 06 M Reiseck, laborer 35 10 Chas Reilly. laborer 9 45 C Schaetzle, laborer G 40 John Manders. laborer 3 40 John Schroeder, laborer 11 50 L Stein, laborer 70 L Stein. laborer 12 15 Wm Schwagier. laborer 7 45 1-' Sehiltz. laborer 1910 John Serres, laborer 12 50 P Sl,,tier.,.laborer 1216 John Spahn• laborer 19 50 \I Shay. laborer 3 40 .1 Sullivan. !taborer 7 45 Wm Spensley. laborer 1310 J It Stevens. laborer 21 30 J F. Sullivan, laborer 7 80 A It Stevenson. laborer 75 00 Joe Seik. laborer 25 00 ,Iaool, Schreier, laborer 6 45 J I. Sullivan. laborer 6 45 M Specht, laborer 4 75 Nie Sweeney. laborer 8 10 NI Sullivan, laborer 6 75 .1 Mtadl, laborer 2 05 I ►ennis Sullivan. laborer Wm Thompson, laiborer 0' Theiering, laborer Wm Terry, labor on bridge J Weitz. laborer F.d Welsh. laborer 01 Weldenbacher, laborer John Whelan. laborer P Wagner. laborer John Wolfe. laborer Joe Welty, laborer J Welsh. laborer Geo Willman. laborer Con Welsh. laborer on bridge P Wertin. laborer on bridge R Wittkamp, laborer M White, laborer N Wickham. laborer W Zach'ina, laborer Geo Zumhoff. laborer R Bennett, team N Brand. team T Byron, team C Baker. team F Burns. team I Beekman, team 13 Cain. team W Cook. team T B Cain. team John Duggan, team. T Elliott. team J Fitzgibbons. team N Frith. team J Garrlgan, team J Geary, team T Hines, team P Horsch, team P Jardln, team T Kane, team 2 70 8 80 5 40 37 50 70 2 40 6 10 3 40 8 80 20 25 8 80 10 80 2 70 40 00 40 00 46 50 6 75 13 50 13 50 30 75 42 55 5 40 22 95 10 80 4 05 6 75 21 60 13 50 16 20 25 65 30 40 8 10 27 00 14 85 7 45 16 20 1 35 20 25 8 10 Lid Ur ii'iWI ants. Dr Henry Kinin, team 20 25 P Kenneally, team 22 95 Mrs Kelly. team 17 55 R Love, team 64 80 C Lelcht, team 17 55 .0 Lempke. team 14 85 J Long. team 33 75 W A Lowry, team 23 65 A Leik. team 2 70 P Linehan. team 2 70 J G Moore. team 26 35 F Mathis :team 37 15 Mrs Molloy, team 8 10 R Mathis. team 15 55 C Messerknecht, team 13 50 John McGrath. team 27 70 Wm McGrath. team 18 90 Jeff McGrath. team 28 35 C McEhfth. team 17 55 J J McCollins. team 37 15 C M McGovern. team 12 85 S Norton. team 13 50 J Baker, team 33 10 A Paley. team Mrs Quinlivan, team Geo Reynolds. team H Schmidt. team J Strotz. team F Schulz. team Edw Seeley, team J Savage. team D Sutherland. team J Sutherland. team J Terry. team M Tice. team Cath Tobin. team J Von Holten. team Geo Wetter. team J Williams. team A Waller. team John Hillery. sewer Steve Rousch. sewer Joe Rooney. sewer Chas F. Hillery. sewer 8 J McCollins. team for sewer 25 J P Traut, hoard of prisoners Edw Daily. removing records and 5 safes 11 H Geiger, repairs around !hall Mrs. Koenig,. Janitor. $20: scrub- 35 ming, 315.05 15 Mrs Kien. scrubbing offices 45 P A Rose, catching doge Chas Atkinson. painting and paper 83 hanging A Jaeger, labor around city hall6 John Hayes, cleaning around mar 21 ket . 'R McGivern, sanitary patrolman50 Wm Gedsheker. assistant engineer 55 37 22; Clay street !63 69 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street .. 500 00 Kennety & McCann. improving Clay street 159 78 Dubuque Construction Co. improv ing Clay street 600 00 Dubuque Construction Co, improv ing Clay street.... .... 280 00 Dubuque Construction Co, improv ing Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, improv ing Clay street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, improv ing Clay street r)00 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv Mg Clay street 400 00 Dubuque Construction Co, con- structing sewer 144 00 John Tiibey, grading Curtis street. 500 00 John Tibey, grading Curtis street. 400 00 J J McCollins, filling on 4th street extension 10 20 6 75 N H Schilling, repairing sidewalk, 8 25 50 65 John Tdbey. stone for crossing.,,, 36 30 20 25 Wm Scharf. macadam 26 60 27 00 P Quinn. macadam 26 30 5 40 Del Gagne & Son. macadam 39 30 4 05 Geo W Farley. filling on 4th street 28 35 extension 7 56 8 10 .1 1' Schroeder. tile pipe 20 25 23 65 Harger & Blish. stationery 15 23 70 Frank Burns. cleaning vaults 36 24 70 Headford Bros & Hitchins, rail 16 20 chairs for Clay street 123 114 26 35 The Telegraph. blank stationery•. 40 25 24 30 W W Wormood. winding town 20 25 clock ••72 00 8 20 10 G 13 Grosvenor. stationery 4 05 Union Printing Co blank station- 7 47 40 ..ry 60 46 40 Western Electric Supply Co, elec- 39 1 08 00 tris supplys 37 00 Palmer, Winall Co, postal cards.. 1 76 10 Shipley & Bauman. veterinary ser 20 vices 20 15 E E Frith, hauling garbage etc 240 3300 00 Geo W Wunderlich. drugs 40 Trenk Wire Works. wire desk for treasurer 05 Peter Hansen. hay and oats 00 Aug Fetter, white washing and 00 plastering P Klauer, water cooler and sup - 20 plies 75 Aug Brown, repairing sewer scrap John Farley. rod man 50 Jas Morgan. brick inspector 37 John Brady. brick inspector 45 J C Dwire. rod man 15 W C Knowlton. rod man 18 A Boyce. rod man M Lavin. construction of sewer100 G G Seward, Monday Morning Star paper Chas Burchard. assistant park cus 4 todian .... 3 Wm Harring. laborer 2 Chas Beyer. laborer John McCoy, construction of side- 2 walk 01 Kringle. construction of sewer. 17 Kennety & McCann. improving 60 Clay street •• •••• . ....roving 50 Kennety & McCann, imp Clay street • • • • • ,..•' Kennety & McCann. improving 60 Clay street .... . ....roving Kennety & McCann. imp ers 60 Albert Gasser. brick for manholes 00 Dubuque Water Co. changing hy- 00 drant 50 Dubuque Woodenware Co. lumber 00 Dubuque Water Co. moving hy- 47 15 60 drant 715 00 M Brown & Son, hay 00 John Essman, repairs on harness1 26 00 Dubuque Water Co. 314 hydras 500 00 On for August Dubuque Water Co. 314 hydrants 500 for August 00 Dubuque Water Co. 314 hydrants 308 33 for August 2 33 Merkes & Hassler. bran Ryder Bros, six kegs of soda 30 0000 Chas E Berry, harness 436 00 B D Linehan, repairing tools Key City Gas Co. coal and coke . 29 79 Farley Loetscher & Co. repairingg 86 ladder 3 85 Geo W Wunderlich. drugs 20 10 Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing • • Torn Connolly. new wheels for 60 00 hook and ladder Diamond Jo Line Steamers, can - 1.0 00 31 40 10 25 15 25 1 50 3 26 25 20 21 58 gai 3 00 0 30 9 00 7 75 1 12 6 30 000 0 00 0 00 s 228 Li8t, (f' 1Varrvriits. Mas apron E C Porter, drugs Dubuque 011 Tank Dine, oil P Hansen, hay Svendsen & Ott. lumber Jos A Palen. drugs McCarten Bros. water pails Dubuque Wagon Co, repairing tools Dubuque Woodenware Co. lumber G B Grosvenor. stationery E F Sprengelmeyer, cuspidors glasses Al J G La Nicca. oil Svendsen & Ott. lumber L Lindenberg, nails McCarten Bros. matches. soap etc C N Dohs, copying transcript In Brunskill case N H Shilling, cutting doors in cellar B E Linehan. cement Jordan & Jordan. lumber and grad ing Geo Clark. work on vaults Farley. Loetscher & Co. mould- ings etc for vaults Hardie & Seharle. blank station- ery 206 90 Reinfried & Jaeger, nails 15 N M O'Neill, hay 118 10 Dubuque Rubber & Bite Co, hose for patrol house 6 50 Fratz & Clark, drugs 26 10 Fred Schloz, repairing tools 26 65 Baumgartner & Kleth, hardware42 00 Mullen Bros. repairing fountains and plumbing at engine house4 60 Collins & Wilkinson. horse shoe- ing 15 50 Duggan & Kane. matches, soap etc 3 45 J P Schroeder. cement 2 15 J Kaufman. services on equaliza- tion board 50 00 W W Bonson. services on equaliza tion board 50 00 John Schulte. services on equalizes tion board 50 00 T .7 Shea. services on equaliza- tion board 50 00 A A Cullen. services on equalize - don board 50 00 John F Stemm. services on equali- zation board 50 00 M M McCarten. services en equali- zation board 50 00 0 E Guernsey. repairs on steam roller 3 33 Globe Light & Heat Co. 100 lamps for June and July 333 34 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, re- pairs on hose 25 The Telegraph. advertising for July 75 00 The Herald, advertising for July75 00 The Globe. advertising for July29 15 The Times, advertising for July29 15 B Lagen, carriage hire on Decora- tion Day 4 00 and 200 5 70 16 90 13 55 6 22 15 GO 1 20 2 90 27 06 35 95 950 1 00 37 99 8 60 7 25 45 00 10 00 95 3 76 9 77 905 Trexler Bros, carriage hire on Dec oration Day 9 00 American Fire Engine Co, repair- ing Steamer Linehan 500 00 American Fire Engine Co, repair- ing Steamer Linehan 500 00 American Fire Engine Co, repair- ing Steamer Linehan 500 00 American Fire Engine Co, repair - Ing Steamer Linehan 500 00 American Fire Engine Co, repair- ing Steamer Linehan 100 OV J 11 Green, consultation in Bruns - skill case 35 00 Key City (;as Co, gas, coke etc 157 74 Wm Spensley, opening Fremont avenue 30 00 H 13 Gniffke. refunded excavation 145 00 H 13 Gniffke, Interest paid on war- rants ar- rants 500 00 H 13 GTniffke, interest paid on war- rants ar- rants 500 00 H B Gnift'ke. interest paid on war- rants 34 65 11 B Gniffke, stamps. $10; expense on bonds. $2.45: commission on on bonds. $210: expenses, $21,80, $304.25. refunded tax. $1.65; re- funded team license $10; dam- ages. $1.00. $12.65 116 90 G G Scott, money loaned the city.. 500 00 G G Scott, money loaned the city.. 500 00 G G Scott, money loaned the city. 500 00 Tim Shea, money loaned the city.. 500 00 F H Iilnke, money loaned the city. 500 00 F H Finke, money loaned the city. 100 00 Julia Connelly, money loaned the city .. 150 00 0 0 Kringle, constructing sewer.. 73 13 M McMahon, opening Curtis St .. 15 00 Steuck & O'Farrellirnproving 4th street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving 4th street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving 4th street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. Improving 4th street , 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, Improving 4th street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving 4th street 455 00• Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving West Fktgle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving • West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. Improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue Altman & Taylor. imp Grand View avenue Altman & Taylor, improving Grand View avenue Altman & Taylor, Improving Grand View avenue Altman & Taylor, improving Grand View avenue 500 00 500 00 ' 380 00 roving 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 Altman & Taylor, improving Grand View avenue Peter Hursch, improving 5th ave- nue Peter Horsch, Improving 5th ave- nue Peter Horsch, itnproving 5th ave- nue Johnstreet Tibey, improving Curtis JohnStreet Tibey, improving Curtis Phil Doerr, Improving alley Geo W Farley, improving alley... Jos Herod, Juror M Carney ,Juror M Luedescher, Juror Peter Specht, furor 130 00 500 00 500 00 190 00 500 00 134 00 465 00 400 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 .11 Lit of Warrant,, 229 Paul Bewer. Juror 4 00 J W Norton..iuror 4 00 Richard Bennett. Juror 4 00 John Jess. Juror 4 00 M Brown, Juror 400 Edw Starr, Juror 4 00 J Zangmelster. Juror 4 00 J Eichhorn. Juror 4 00 Brick & Schon & Schnieder, mac - 132 60 adam Chris Frohs. macadam 32 92 M Farrell. macadam 12 75 Nick Webber. macadam 12 52 I hereby certify that the foregoing 1s a correct list of warrants issued by me during the month ofSeptCOONEY95. T.City Recorder. P CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR SESSION DEC. 2, 1895. (Official.) The council met at 9:40 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aid. Bauer, Ronson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Ryder moved that the minutes as printed be corrected as on page 205 the paragraphs have been misplaced and should read as follows: The committee of the whole report: In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of Hubert O'Donnell 'against special tax for repair of sidewalks. In favor of having the steamer Peter Olinger prepared for service and that a competent engineer be employed to take charge of her and that the chemical en- gine company be directed to take charge of said engine In case of necessity. Yyur committee of the whole to which was referred the petition of the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Company, respect fully recommend the adoption of the fol- lowing preamble and resolution: Whereas, The construction of a high- way and wagon bridge across the Mis- sissippi river at Eagle Point is an enter- prise which will greatly promote the growth and prosperity of the city and the comfort and convenience of its citi- zens. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That for the purpose of aiding and encourag- ing the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge company in the construction of such bridge, the city council hereby agrees to appropriate and pay to said bridge company from the bridge fund in the city treasury the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. to be used for the construction of the approach to the west erly end of said bridge, within the limits of the city of Dubuque. One -halt of said sum to be paid to said company, when it shall be made to appear to the city coun- cll from the certificate of the engineer in charge of the work, examined and ap- proved by the city engineer, or other person experienced in the construction of such bridges, selected by the city coun- cil for that purpose, that the work of constructing the said bridge including the westerly approach to the same is fully one-half completed, and the re- maining one-half of said sum when sald bridge shall be fully completed and ready for travel. But no portion of said appropriation shall be paid until it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the council, that all the funds necessary to enable said bridge company to com- plete and pay for the construction of said bridge. including the amount to be contributed by the city, have been fully secured or provided for. Said install- ments .to be paid from the bridge tax collected, in two consecutive years; and 11,1.,-)0),,r 2, 189r. 2i31 -------- - on the further express condition, that no portion of the money appropriated by the city shall be expended outside the limits of the City of Dubuque, and all that the plans for the construction of said bridge shall be submitted to, and approved by the city council. Resolved further, That the necessary conditions additional to the foregoing, .on which the City of Dubuque will aid the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge com- pany in the construction of the proposed bridge, be embodied in an ordinance to be adopted by the city council which in its terms and conditions shall be substan tlally the same, so far as applicable, as the ordinance adopted by the council August 2nd, 18S6, authorizing and pro- viding for aiding the Dubuque Pontoon Bridge company in the construction of a wagon and foot bridge across the Mis- sissippi between the city and Last Du- buque. with the following modifications: (1). That the provision of Sec (5) of said ordinance relative to the exemption of the bridge from city taxation, be so changed that such exemption shall con- tinue only until the revenues derived frnm operating said Eagle Point bridge, shall be sufficient to pay a net annual dividend of six per cent., instead of eight per cent., as in the existing ordinance. 2). Also, that section seven (7) of the Pontoon ordinance be changed in the• new proposed ordinance, that the city, at its option, shall have the right to take said bridge into its own possession and control for the purpose of making it free of toll, by paying the net annual interest (or rental) of five (5) per cent. on the actual cost of constructing said bridge and its approaches, less the 125,- 000 contributed by the city, instead of eight (8) per cent as provided in said Pontoon ordinance. Resolved further, That the City Attor ney be instructed to prepare and report an ordinance comprising and embodying the foregoing terms and conditions. Report adopted. The following bills were ordered paid: Name. For what purpose Amt. G. F. Kleih, supplies 1 .50 Jerry Murphy, supplies for patrol house 4 00 Jno. Ernsdorff & Sons, oak lum- ber 1 20 P Klauer, stove for market master etc 33 56 A. Vogel & Son, supplies for patrol wagon Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- i 1 50 ng Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing8 00 Fred Scholz, repairs for city hall3 55 J. Sherman, supplies for calaboose 9 00 Jos. Geiger, carpenter work around 6 13 city hall 18 45 Mrs. Koenig, jaitress 20 00 Andy Johnson, sawing wood, etc5 00 4 75 Adam Jaeger, to labor J. P Traut, to meat tag, hooks, etc 3 75 G. F. Klelh, to meat tag, hooks, etc 2 85 Key City Gas Co., to coke for steam r .23'2 J i J l,< 1.J'c.60t; , Pero In 1' 2. roller 4 50 B. Hayes, to exrpessman, etc21 75 J. P. Schroeder, to cement, etc17 70 John Butt, to sharpening tools4 16 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, to grates, 400 at 2c 8 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, to one man hole casting 22 80 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, to one man hole casting 12 50 McCarten Bros., supplies 13 00 Dubuque Construction Co., improve- ment of Clay street 57 62 Dubuque Construction Co., sewer in alley from llth to 19th street1083 50 Ryan Bros, improvement of Alpine street 224 22 Ryan Bros., grading Alpine st585 00 P. Horsh, improvement of Fifth avenue 905 00 P. Horsh, grading Fifth avenue 250 00 D. W. Linehan. grading Middle avenue 54 00 D. W. Linehan, improvement of Fengler avenue 17 67 D. W. Linehan, grading Fengler avenue 108 00 D. W. Linehan, improvement of Middle avenue S 66 John Blake, constructing sewer in Fenelon Place 722 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading West Eagle Point avenue 1170 00 Phil Doerr, improvement of alley east of Stafford avenue 15 22 Phil Doerr, improvement of alley from Merz to Ries 15 24 Phil Doerr, work on Liebnitz west to North Main street 150 00 John Pickley, grading Schiller ave. 72 00 John Pickley, improvement of Schil- ler avenue 109 48 John Tibey, improvement of Rush street 207 17 John Tibey, grading Rush street400 00 Wm. Dodson, stone 59 50 John Tibey, stone 24 00 W. Cook, improvement of alley from Schiller avenue to Middle21 59 Wm. Gueicker, level man 55 00 John Farley, rod and axeman40 00 Altman & Taylor, improvement of Grandview avenue 839 17 W. C. Oastler, street scraper 349 37 Seuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, fm provement of Locust street from 10th to 17th 614 59 N. H. Shilling, brick, cement, etc.150 50 Thomas Hossut, improvemnt of South Bluff street 378 00 Thomas Hossut, grading South Bluff 75 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement of West Eagle Point avenue366 57 Geo. W. Farley, grading Rebecca street 85 00 Peter Hansen, supplies for roller Peter Hansen, supplies for patrol house 4 20 O. E. Guernsey, supplies for steam roller 18 22 O. E. Guernsey, supplies for sewers 1 75 John Harney, repairs for street4 50 steam 2 55 Smedley Mfg. Co., repairs on steam roller Hassman & hies, 'supplies for streets Dr. Wieland, supplies for health department 8 12 .1. Sherman ,table for health dept75 Evens & Fuchs, wood for city hall 15 00 lteinfried & Jaeger, supplies to mar- ketmaster 1 15 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplied to park custodian. 1 65 Frank Keachle, labor In Mayor's office 14 50 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 116 71 A. Wunderlich. horse shoeing 14 70 John Gust. basket for fire dept3 00 Dubuque Water Co., hydrants in Milwaukee yards 200 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., fire- wood 3 00 Key City Gas Co., coal for fire dept 8 85 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire dept 8 45 T. W. Ruete, supplies for fire dept. 39 20 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, sup- plies for sewers 22 80 Excelsior Brass Works. supplies for lire dept. 37 60 P. H. Halpin, supplies for fire dept 6 60 Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoeing fire dept 7 00 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing, fire dept 8 00 John Butt, repairs for fire dept3 90 Dubuque Water Co., rent of hy- drants 1325 00 Dubuque Herald, balance on print- ing for Sept 7 50 F. Scholz, repairs for sewers 13 85 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, re- pairs for sewers 75 Dubuque Telegraph, printing 19 00 E. E. Frith, hauling garbage, etc204 70 Harger & Blish, books and station- ery 54 45 Maggie Murray, typewriting 50 Jones & Christman, supplies 1 25 Geo. W. Schrup, copies of session laws 1 50 Wm. H. Kaep, service as clerk50 00 Ham & Carver. 100 books 30 00 M. Brown & Son, hay for patrol and pound 5 50 Headford Bros., greaes, etc 800 Fred Scholz, repairing tools 15 85 Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing M. J. G. La Nicca, to drugs C. W. Purcell, oil, etc G. F. Kleih, hardware, etc McElrath Teaming Co, to team labor day 2 00 Jacob Traut, one pair rubber boots 4 50 Gotf. Gemehle, work on tax books100 00 Jos Reinfrled, to railroad fare to Atlanta and return 66 00 Robs. McGivern, sanitary police service 50 00 The following were referred to the Pi' - lice and light committee: Key City Gas Co .... .... $ 97.6;; Globe Light and Heat Co 170 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on fire and water: 90 35 3 00 30 2 20 30 /4f/f// ,1essorlll, bee 'rrebel ' 2, J . Dubuque Water Co. for flush tanks *562 50 For horse drinking fountains 584 45 W S Nutt Company. for hose 1300 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings: Policy of the Key City Fire Insur- ance Co.. on Central engine house. amount 8000 00 Premium 162 00 Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins. Co., for insurance on engine house on 18th and Clay ........ 2000 00 Premium 37 50 The following bills were referred to the city attorney: Bill of John Jansen 35 00 Bill of John Maclay 3 25 The bills of the Dubuque Telegraph of 375.00 and of the Herald of $67.50 for of- ficial printing were referred to the print- ing committee. The following bills were referred to the sewer committee. B Donahue. for newer in Alpine street 100 00 Dubuque Water Co.. labor on 3 50 Grove Terrace The bill of W. H. Knowlton of $1.95 was referred to the committee on sup- plies. The bill of the Key City Gas Co. for pipe for $23.75 was referred to the sewer committee. Bill of Steuck & O'Farrel and Line- han for 3590.87 for extra work and mater- ial on Fourth and Locust streets was referred to the paving committee. Petitions. The following petitions referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of John Burke asking for dam ages on account of improvement of Object!on of Julius Otto against as- special assessment for Improvement of Grandview avenue. sessment fur improvement of West West f:rd street. Eagle Point avenue, Fagle Point avenue. and tiled Grandview avenue, was Mrs. Maurice O'Regan asking to have receivedPetition of Carl Spiegelhalter asking special assessment for the improvement to be given any kind of work by the clay, of Grandview avenue remitted. Petition of John Jansen asking to be was granted if any was to be had. recompensed for strip of land taken Petition of Eliza Hoey asking for an by the city. extension of time in which to connect • Petition of' M. H. Moore in relation to with the sanitary sewer, was granted the opening of a street from Grandview and time extended to spring. avenue to Southern avenue across min- City Auditor Reports of Ofa.rten cern. as fol - laws: lo eral lots 38 and 60a' Petition of Henry Glab to be rein- ce cawh on hand Nov 1, stated as an assistant in the engineer's laan$24,52095 89 department. during the month of Collections The petition of Jacob Welty asking 58,906 44 November for compensation ontHi for property alleged 383,427 33 to he taken High Inuit between Sehil- rota) ler and Middle avenues by a change of Disbursements dung month of 57 349 63 line of street. November On motion the rules were suspended . and all parties that wished to address . 6,077 80 the council were parties addressed the Ato do so. l o reported $1.956.55 amount sh on hand Dec. 1st. 1895 required The following g T council objecting' to the assessment for to pay c11896fficers for the month of No - the paving and improving the following v er. council of both 233 for paving Locust and also in behalf of the Theological college on 17th and Sem- inary street for paving 17th street. The following petitions remonstrating against the paving of 17th were also re- ferred to the same committed. Est. of G. L. Torbert. F. B. Daniels. Mrs. F. 13. Daniels. H. Rose. A. Vogel. 1'. W. Crawford. The assessment levied to pay for surer in Grove Terrace from llth street to Wil- ber Lane was also referred to the com- mittee of the whole and engineer. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee. F. Hitohins. Wm. Ziepprecht. C. H. Tice. The following petitions were granted: Petition of John Flynn asking to hav- ing special assessment for repair of sidewalk as the same was broken by city teams. Petition of J. L. Bunting & Co., allow- ing him to place a automatic fire and burglar alarm in the city hall without cost to the city. The following were referred to the street committee and engineer: Petition of T. E. Rhomgerg protesting against assessment being levied against lot 39 McCraney's 2nd addition. that Petition of John Kapp et al asking Willow street be extended east to West Locust street. The petition of John Terry asking the city to pay doctor bill against him on account of the accident that happened him while driving the stt'eet roller, was referred to the committee on claims. Petition of Wm. Hlntrager objecting to streets:Also presented 'a list of coupons redeem D.C. D. against pCramaying addressed the etAlso s itng November. 1895. recommended that the city re - West paying dor assessment re - West Locust and 17th streets. deem $10.000 worth more of improvement D. K. Lyon on behalf of the Congrega- Report received and warrants ordered meationt church against paying for assess dr,awn'to pay city officers and report re- H.ment for Locust street. Street Commissioner Carter reported O'Donnell objected on behalf of ferred to finance committee. assessment E. churchment for on 77th and Iowa irovementt.• . there was due for labor on streets $2, - Prof. 17th street imp Prot Bayless objected to assessment 735.65 and presented statement where December 2, 1895 Work had been performed. Warrant ordered drawn to pay for labor and report referred to street com- mittee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,740, amount required to pay firemen for the month of November. 1895. Warrants ordered drawn •to pay fire- men and report referred to the fire com- mittee. Marshall .Morgan reported $1,885.25, amount due police for November, 1895. Also reported 80 arrests .during No- vember. fines and cost paid. $101; fines collected for impounded, $5.50; and pre- sented receipt for $5.50. Warrants ordered drawn to pay police and report referred to committee on po- lice and light. • Sewer inspector Hillery reported $159.- 50,antount due for labor on sewers. Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor- ers and report referred to the sewer committee. Market Master Traut presented treas- urer's receipt for *20.45 armount received from scales. Also reported $38.40 amount due for feeding prisoners during November. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. Woodmeasurer Jess presented treas- urer's receipt for *3.90 per cent due the city for wood measured during Novem- . ber. Report adopted. City Electrician Osborn reported that *22.41 be reduced from the Star Electric Co. for lamps reported out during No- vember. Adopted. The reports of Weighmasters Chars. Pitschner, Jos Straney and J. P. Schroe- der were received and filed. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn to 2. p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:10 p. .m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Bonson. Crawford, Cul- len, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Reports of Committees. Ald'. Bonson: chairman of the ordi- nance committee. presented and read for the first time the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to revoke licenses issued by the City and providing a penalty for carrying on any ibusiness or occupation after a 1i - cense is revoked. • Be it ordained by the City Council of the CIty of Dubuque, Sec. 1. That authority be and is here- by given the mayor whenever in his judg ment the public interests require it to re- voke any license issued by the city by filing a written revocation thereof with the city recorder and the service of a copy of the same on the licensee or if he cannot be found in the city on any of his employees or agents and from the date of the filing and service of such written revocation as aforesaid: the license so revoked shall be of no effect whatever. Sec. 2. That any person whose license has been revoked as aforesaid may file a written protest against such revoca- tion with the city recorder within two days after such revocation and such per- son shall be heard in support of such pro- test at any regular or special meeting of the council. and 4n case the council sees fit to continue the license of such person it shall do so by a majority vote of all its members and the license of such per- son shall continue for the period stated therein. Sec. 3. That any person having obtain ed a license from the City of Dubuque to conduct any .business or occupation who shall continue to conduct such business or occupation after the license issued to him therefor has been revoked by the mayor Shall. on, conviction, thereof be fined in a sum not to exceed Twenty Five Dollars for each and every day he con- tinues in said business or occupation. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in ef- fect from and after its passage and one publication In the official papers of the city. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bonson. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Noes—Aid. Crawford. Aid. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended grid the ordinance read by its title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—_Ads. Bonson. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann• Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Noes—Aid. Crawford. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bonson. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann. Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Noes—Ald. Crawford. Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance committee. reported infavor of having warrants drawn for the city treasurer for money advanced during the month of November: also that loan warrants be drawn for the several parties as shown by the report. of the treasurer. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the commit- tee on claims, reported as follows: In favor of allowing Wm. Rieman 630 in full of all claim against the city for injury received by him. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Mary and Nettie .Blake for al- leged damages to their property on Foye street. Also report adverse to the claim of Carl Nank for alleged damages to his property on Middle street. Report adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman on streets, reported as follows: Your commIttee report In favor of ap- proving of the recommendation of the city engineer in relation to change of grade on Amge7Ia and Catherine streets' and recommend that he be di- rected to prepare profiles of change of grade in accordance therewith. Also report in favor of instructing J. H. hoznberg to aveneon or betoe remove the rnJan HighBridge n. 5th, 1896, and that no saloon will be al- lowed to run on said premises after De- cember 31st• 1895. as the land is city property: Also report in favor of granting the within petition of F. W. Kringle for the improvement of Catherine street as the same has been ordered by the council. Also report adverse to the petition of C. Hertner in relation to special assess- ment for the improvement of 5th avenue. Also report in favor of accepting the within proposition of Jessie Venn for doing filling on High Bridge avenue at 10 cents per yard under the supervision December 2. 1895 of the city engineer providing said till - Ing is not taken from city property. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Ed. Conlin et al, so far as it relates to laying 4 toot walk on Rush street, but report adverse to balance of petition in regard to retaining wall on sidewalk. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the within petition of Maria Kemp et al in relation to grade of Southern avenue. • Also report in favor of paying the fol-• lowing bill: Key City Gas Co.. coke for steam rol- ler. $67.38. Report adopted. ' Ald. Crawford. chairman of the har- bor committee. reported in favor of in- structing the city engineer to divide the dee harbor in two parts for skating rink purposes. In accordance with the resolu- tion of the council' passed May 7th, 1894, and that Mr. Bohn be allowed to use the portion on the north side o; the harbor for said purposes. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the commit- tee on supplies. reported in favor of al- lowing the following bills: Martin & Strelau. $21.21. Trexler Bros.. $4.00. B. Dagen. $3.00. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder and Bauer arrived at 2:50 p. m. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police and light 'committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Star Electric Co $1625 40 Globe Light & Heat Co 17.0 00 'Globe Light & Heat Co 170 00 Key City Gas Co 80 10. Also recommend that an electric light be placed at the intersection of 17th and Iowa streets, as there are two churches at said point. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the cum- mittee of the whole, reported as follows: Adverse to the petition of contractors asking that they be paid the 5 per cent balance on their contracts retained for one year as the same is a part of the specifications under which the contracts were let. Also recommend that the Illinois Cen- tral R .R .Co. be requested to cover the sawdust and debris on their property south of Railroad avenue with sand or earth filling so as to prevent said saw- dust and debris from catching fire so easily, and that said Company be noti- fied to perform work as soon as practi- cable. Also reoommend that an electric light be placed in front of Finley Hospital on Allison Place as the same is a public necessity. Also recommend that the ordinance committee and city attorney be instruct- ed to draft an ordinance amending the ordinance in relation to "out and inside electrical construction, embodying such features as are feasable that are con- talned in the, Davenport ordinance. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the print - 2,1,8' 9;). • ing committee, reported in favor of al- lowing $67.50 on the bill of the Herald for printing during October, 1895. Report adopted. Also reported having considered the petition of the publishers of the Morning Star, asking that that paper be made one of the official papers of the city, re- spectfully recommend that the question of employing official papers be post- poned until next spring. Ald. Shea moved as an amendment that said paper be allowed $10.00 per month for publishing official notices. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Noes—Aid. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford, Halpin, Schulte and Vogler. The vote recurring on the report of the committee was adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford, Halpin, Schulte and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported in favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. David Grant on her homestead for 1894. • Report adopted. Ald. Schulte, chairman of the sewer committee, reported as follows: In favor of instructing M. Tschirgi, Jr., to construct man holes in the middle of each block in the alley between Main and Locust and 1st and 8th streets, and that the sewer in said alley be kept properly cleaned, and free from all ob- structions, and in case of failure of said M. Tsohirgi, Jr., to keep said sewer properly operated, theft the city will take such steps as may be necessary to abate the same as a nuisance. In favor of delaying action on the within remonstrance of property hold- ers, abutting alley between Main and Locust and 1st and 8th streets, against construction of new sanitary sewer in said alley. Report adopted. The following petitions were granted: Petition of John Welty, et al, asking to be allowed to open well now on High Bluff street between Middle and Schiller streets, and put in pump on same. Petition of M. Mejurus, et al, asking that Mr. T. Shea be allowed to ereot a frame building in rear of his premises on Orth and Clay streets. Petition of Hon. Fred O'Donnell ask- ing that an electric light be placed In front of Finley hospital. Communication of City Engineer Knowlton in relation to repair of Union avenue was received and filed. On motion bids for furnishing heater for fire engine were opened and read as follows: Wm. Marshall $120 00 Morrison Bros 155 00 Mullen Bros 375 00 Wm. Marshal being the lowest bidder, was on motion awarded the contract. :r. December 2, 1895 On motion the recorder was instruct- ed to give notice that hereafter all mat- ters to come before the council must be in writing. Objections of Mr. Spielman to Improve ment of Rush street was referred to the street committee and engineer. On motion the name of Kaufmann avenue was changed to Bauer avenue. Ald. Bauer moved that John Hoffman be allowed $35 per month as assistant market master. Carried. On motion the city attorney was in- structed to give his written opinion in regard to making sewer connections. Communication of City Engineer Knowlton recommending that Union avenue be improved on its present line and grade was approved. On motion the action of the council in granting the petition of John Welty et al for pump on High Bluff street, was recon sidered and the matter was referred to the streot eomimittee. Resolutions. Ald. Shea offered the following reso- lution: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque has notified the owners of the following described premises to make the proper sanitary sewer connec- tions with same where not already done, and Whereas, The time so given has ex- pired. therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby Instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for doing said work and submit same to the council, and when said plans and speci- fications are approved by the city coun- cil, the city recorder is directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for doing said work, the cost and ex- pense of constructing said oonnecting sewers to be done at the expense of the property so connected. Mrs. M. J. Sullivan, city lot 127. Geo. Richardson, city lot 128. John Bell, s 2-3 city lot 112. Emerette Randall, s 1-3 city lot 112. P. F. Coates, city lot 111. C. Fischer, City lot 110. C. Fischer, city lot 109. D. V. Wilson, city lot 129 Robert Jess, city lot 130. Cath. McCann, s 33.6 ft e 1-2 city lot 131. Jas. T. Wood, s 24 ft n 31 ft city lot 131. Fanny Wood, n 7 ft city lot 131. Fanny Wood, s 17.3 ft city lot 132. B. Lagers, s m 26.6 ft city lot 132. Jas. Kelly, n 21.3 ft city 1ot 132. City of Dubuque, s 44.6 ft city lot 108. Job Barnes, n20ftcltylot. 108. Job Barnes, s 25.6 ft city lot 107. W. E. Hunt, s 1-2 39 ft city lot 107 Eva L. Hunt, n 1-2 n 39 ft city .lot 107. Dr. J. H. Greene, city lot 106. Dr. .1. H. Greene, s 40.8 ft city lot 105. McMahon, Michael, city s 21.8 ft of lot 1. Simplot, Chas., city, m 21.8 ft of lot 1. Coates, Frank, city, n 1-2 of lot 3 a. Albee, E. W., city lot 4. Dillon, Timothy, city lot 10. Bonson, R. Est., city s 2-5 of lot 11. Waller, 11. Est., city n 1-3 of lot 11. Ronson, R. Est., city s m 20 ft of lot 12. Gmehle, Amelia, city n 20 ft of lot 21. Oglesby Est.. city n 1-2 of lot 22. Bush, Anna M., city s 37.6-12 of lot 26. Bider, John V., city n 33 ft of lot 27. bider, John V., city lot 2R. Hanson, Ira, city lot 40a. A. & C. Simplot, city ion 530. E. W. Albee, city lot 198. Anna. M. Rush, n 2-3 city lot 195. A. A. Cooper, n 60.4 ft city lot 197. James Mullin, city Tots 181, 182, 183a. Butt Bros., n 35.5 ft city lot 179. Tom Connolly. city lots 177 and 178. W. L. Bradley, city lots 176a, n 25 ft 174. • W. L. Bradley, c i t y l i t m 22.6 ft 17* Cath. Glenn. w 24 -ft city lot 120, Itobt. "aIler, city loot 119. A. A. Cooper. S 1-2 city Lot 118. John Hickey. n 1-1 city lot 118. P. J. Burke. n 4:1.9 ft city lot 117. N. C.. Ryan, city lot 121. Mary Uonahue. s 16 ft city lot 122. Thos. 1:. Rafferty. s 16 ft n 48.9 ft city lot 122. Frank Ttafferty Est.. n 32.9 ft .'ity lot 122. Mike Ahern. n 1-2 city lot 123. Gerald F. Ryan. Est.. s 1-2 city lot 123. Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, city lot 124. A.A. Cooper, city lot 116. Felix Agnew. Est., city lot 115. Rt. Itev. John Hennessy, city lot 114. Wm. Powers, city lot 113. Rt. Rev. John Ilonnessv, city lot 126. Mary and Julia. Flannery, s 1-2 city lot 126. John Cocroran. n 1-2 city lot 126. Jas. P. Donahue. n 23.10 ft city lot 105. Laura M. Knowlton. a 1-2 city lot 133. H. A. Knowlton. S 1-:3 city lot 134. Jas. Harragan. m 1-3 city lot 134. H. A. Knowlton. n 1-3 city lot 111. Frank Kirk. s 1-2 city lot 135. A. C. Kline- n 1-2 city lot 135. J. H. Thedinga Est., city lot 136. alIIsnn & Bradley. city lot 104. Allison & Bradley. s 34.6 ft city lot 103. M. & A. 'Rogers. n 30 ft city lot 103. M. & A. Rogers. s 8 ft city lot 102. Sarah Sprague, s m 38.6 ft city lot 102. J. R. Goodrich. n 18.6 ft city lot 102. J. R. Goodrich, city lot 101. A. A. Cooper, city lot 137. A. A. Cooper, city lot 138. A. A. Cooper. city lot 139. John R. Waller Est.. city lot 140. A. W. Herford. city lot 623. David Grant Eat.. city lot 624. Jas. Howie, city lot 625. Eliza Hoey, city lot 626. W. & D. 1runs7till. city 101 627. Mrs. F. S. Cummings, e 1-2 city lot 652. Mrs, F. S. Cummings. e 1-2 city lot 651. Jac. Christman. s 36.3 ft city lot 650. Anna M. Bush. n 15 ft city lot 650. Anna M. Bush. city lot 649. Anna M. Bush. clty lot 648. Ronson & Coates. ciW lot 628. R. Ronson Est.. W. & D. Brunskili, ci:y lot 629. E. R. Jackson, s 1-2 city lot 630. RiveS,8.Neon, December 2. 1895. 237 M. O'Rourke. n 1-2 city lot 630. Wm. Bothwell Est.. city lot 631. E. R. Jackson. city lot 632. Wm. F. Coates. city lot 647.$ Wm. F. Coates. city lot 647. A. W. Kemler Est.. city lot 645. A. W. Homier. n 2 ft city lot 646. A. W. Kemler, city lot 644. J. E. Fairbanks Est.. 33.6 ft city lot 643. Dr. Brownson, city lot 634. Martin. city lot 635. A. Tredway and Grace A. Provost, city lots 635 and 637. I. O. O. F.. city lot 633. P. W. Crawford. city lot 642. P. W. Crawford. lot 2 of city lot 641. Conrad 13. Soherr. s 25.7 1-2 ft of lot 1 of city lot 641. Jno. Phelan. lot 1 sub s 39.4 ft of city lot 641. John Phelan (lot 1 sub s 39.4 ft of city lot 640. O. Holland. lot 1 sub n 11.8 ft city ldt 640. O. Holland. lot 2 sub s 39.4 ft of city lot 640. Mrs. A. Kaiser Est.. lot 2 sub n 11.8 ft city lot 640. Mrs. A. Kaiser Est.. s 23.3. city lot 639. Helmuth Butt. n 28 ft city lot 639. Universalist Church. city lot 638. S. Hosford. city lot 656. . Grace A. & Sarah M. Provost, a 1 ft city lot 658. Grace A. & Sarah M. Provost, city lot 657. John Lagen. s m 33 ft city lot 658. Nellie G. Provost. n 17.2 ft city lot 658. • Nellie G. Provost. s 16.5 ft e 1-2 city lot 659. H. & N. Hill. s 21 5-12 ft n 35.2 ft e 1-2 city lot 659. S. G. Wells & R. H. Ham Est., n 13.2 ft e 1-2 city lot 659. E. G. Wells & R. H. Ham Est., s 8 ft e 1-2 city bot 660. First Presbyterian church, w 43 ft e 1-2 city lot 660. Jas. Rowan, city lot 656a. Jas. Rowan. lot 2 city lot 657a. Thos. J. Quinlan. lot 1 city lot 657a. Grace A. Provost. city lot 658a. Grace A. Provost. s 16.2 ft w 1-2 city lot 659. Sylvia L. Scott. n 35 ft w 1-2 city lot 659. Sylvia L. Scott. lot 2 w 1-2 city lot 660. Ed. Muggll Est.. lot 1 w 1-2 city lot 660. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Crarwford was excused from vot- ing. Ald. Schulte offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That rule No. 11 of the Rules of order of the City Council bei strictly adhered to. and ail persons or parties desiring to address the council shall do so in writing. as at present the mode of procedure of the city council in suspending the rules to allow persons ero to address the council in person, the council to such an extent that such matters do not receive the consideration they would: if same was presented by petition and referred to a committee for consideration where such parties could appear and explain the merits of their petition. Aid. Halpin offered the following. which was unanimously adopted: Whereas Jerry Murphy, driver of the fire steamer J. J. Lenehan has been in active service on the fire deparunent of this city for twenty-one years, and Whereas said Jerry Murphy has al- ways been faithful to his trust and grown old in the service of the depart- ment, therefore. Resolved. That in recognition of the long and faithful services performed by him, that he be honorably retired front active service on the fire department and hereafter that he be stationed at the Central Engine house as night watch- man. and to continue in such service so long as he Is able to fulfill the same. Ald. Shea offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the privy vaults on the following described premises be cleaned to -wit: John Spear. s 105 ft. lot 2 and 5, 84.3 ft of lot 3 of sub 18. 19 and 20, in Kelly's "'Thos. Thos. Shea. lot 17. O'Neill's sub, No. 2. Mrs. B. O'Farrell. lot 110 and n 1-2 of 111, East Dubuque add. and the city en- gineer is directed to prepare the neces- sary plans and specifications for doing said work and the city recorder directed] to prepare the necessary plans and spec- ifications for doing said work and the city recorder directed to give thepropetl notice for bids and proposals for doing said work. said work to be all done at the expense of the owners of said prop- erty. Aid. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque Whereas. the street formerly called West Eagle Point avenue. and recently changed to Elmdale avenue, has within the past fifteen months. for a distance of one and a half miles been improved in a most thorough and creditable man- ner and where the unsightly and danger- ous ditch which extended nearly its en- tire length, there is now a beautiful drive way and whereas the credit far this much desired improvement is due to the energy and perseverance of the effic- ient chairman on streets. therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That in a measure to express the appreciation of the valua- ble services thus rendered the city that the name of said street be changed to Kaufmann; avenue from Couler avenue west to the city limits. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: . Be it resolved by the mayor and city council. that whereas making certain sewer and other assessments the prop- erty was described as a part of a certain lot without giving the number of feet or definitely describing said part there- fore the engineer be instructed in all such cases to correct said assessments Immediately so as to definitely describe the part of the lot against which the as- sessment was levied. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city treasur- er be instructed to call in improvement 23s I e tIffr .1'vwsioY1. Dev.,,mber 2, 189. botkis to the amount n6 310,000 number- ed from 154 to 173 inclusive, and dated December 31st. 1892. All. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the Clity Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for Lo- cust and West Locust street from Tenth to Seventeenth street ov Steuck O'Farrell and Linehan. contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set apposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2. 1895. Geo. Willging, city, lot 155, 10.5 lin ft curbstone at 23e. $2.94;. 71.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 878.22 $ 81 16 A Tredway, city, and 1-2, lot 637, 7.5 lin ft curbstone at 23c. 82.10; 2 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $0.12; 35.55 sq yds brick paving at $1.10, 339.10 41 32 Grace A Provost. city and 1-2, lot 637. 7.5 lin ft curbstone at 281&, 32.10; 2 lin ft curbstone re set at 6c, 30.12: 35.55 sq yds brick paving at 31.10. 3839.10 41 32 S Hosford, city. lot 656. 78.5 lin it curbstone at 28e, 321.93; 212.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.10, $233.44 255 42 Grace A Provost. city and 1-2. lot 657. 25.7 lin ft curbstone' at 28c, $7.20; 56.94 sq yds brick pay Ing at 31.10. $62.63 .......... 69 83 Sarah M. Provost. city and 1-2. lot 657. 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 17.20; 56.94 sq yds brick pay ing at $1.10. 862.63 69 83 Grace A Provost. city and 1-2 s 1 d, lot 658. .5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $0.14; 1.10 sq yds brick pawing at 81.10. $1.21 1 35 Sarah M Provost. and 1-2, s 1 d. lot 658. 5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $0.14, 1.10 sq yds brick pay ing at $1.10. 31.21 1 35 John Lagen, city s m 33 d, lot 658. 33.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $9.30. 73.04 sq yds brick pav- Ing at $1.10. 280.34 89 64 Nellie G Provost, city s 16.6 e 1-2, lot 658. 117,3 iJn ft curbstone at 28c, 34.84; 38.06 sq Yda.bs4ck pay Ing at 11.10, 341.87 46 71 Nellie G POovost, city s 16.5 e 1-2, lot 659, 116 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 84.65; 36.33 sq yds brick pav Ing at $1.10. $39.96 44 61 N and H Hill. city 21,5d, n 35.2, e 1-2, lot 659. 21.6 lin ft curb- stone at 28c. 36.05; 47.23 sq yds brick paving at 31.10, 852.00 58 05 S G Well & R M Wells Est, city n 13.2, e 1-2, lot 659. 13.3 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 33.72: 29.11 sq yds 'brick paying at 81.10, 332.02. 35 74 8 G Well & 11 M Wells Est, city s 8d, e 1-2. lot 660. 8.1 lin ft curb- stone at 28c, 32.27: 17.64 sq yds brick paving at 81.10, 419.40 21 IT First Presbyterian Church, city n 43d, lot 660. 67 lin ft curb- stone at 28c. $18.76; 191,76 sq 94 yds brlok paving at $1.10, 3210.- 229 First Congregation church, city, 70 • w 84d, lot 156. 50.S lin ft curb- stone at 28c. 114.22; 212.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. =233.41 247 First Congregational church, city w 84d, lot 157. 51,5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.4.2; 113.87 sq yds brick paving at 81.10, $125.26 139 68 Wm B Allison, city s 1-2, lot 158. 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 8c, $7.20. 56.54 80 yds brick pay Ing at 11.10. $62.19 69 39 Frank H Amsden, city n 1-2, lot lot 158. 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 2Sc, $7.20; 56.54 sq yds brick pay Ing at 11.10. $62.19 69 35 Miss M DeLorimier. city s 16(1, lot 159. 16.1 lin ft curbstone at 2Sc, $4.50; 35.24 so yds •brick paving at $1.10. $38.76 43 26 lemma Clark, city n 22.24, lot 159. 22.3 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 36.24; 48.81 sq yds brick pav- ingat$ 5993 H 13 Glover, city n 134, lot 159, 13.1 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $3.67; 28.67 sq yds brick pav- ing at $1.10, $31.54 35 21 H B Glover, city. lot, 160. 74.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $20.86; 209.- 40 sq yds brick paving at 81.11, 1230.34 251 II F D Stout, city s 78d, lot 661, 98.7 lin ft curbstone reset at 6e, $5.92; 266.76 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 6293.44 299 36 H L Stout, city n 57.8d, lot 561, 57.9 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $3.47; 124.81 sq yds brick paving at 61.10. 8137.29 140 76 James Beach, city n 120.4d, lot 661, 6.8 lin ft curbstone at 28e, $1.90; 137.6 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $8.26; 355.89 sq yds brick paving at 61.10. 8391.48 401 54 Congregational church, city, s 1-5 s 2-5, lot 478. 43.9 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 812.29; 141.74 sq yds brick paving at $1.10, $155.91 168 20 E A Engler, city s m 1-5 s 2-5, lot 478. 20.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $5.77; 44.63 sq yds brick paving at 81.10. $49.09 54 86 S Hosford, city m 1-5 s 2-5 lot 478, 20:6 lin ft curbstone at 28e. $5.77; 44.63 sq yds brick paving at 81.10, $49.09 54 86 Wm 13 Allison, city n m 1-5 s 2-5 lot 478. 20.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $5.77; 44.63 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. $49.09 54 86 Wm B Allison. city n 1-5 s 2-5, lot 478, 20.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 85.77; 44.63 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. $49.09 54 86 Wm 13 Allison, city s 26.24, m 1-5 lot 478. 26.3 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $7.36; 56.69 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. $62.36 69 72 A Tredway, city n 25 m 1-5, lot 478. 25.1 lin ft curbstone at 28e, $7.03; 54.10 sq yds brick paving at 81.10. $59.5166 54 A Tredway, city n m 1 -, lot, 478, 61.4 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.39; 110.22 sq yds brick paving at 21.10. 2121.24 135 63 F Weigle, city, n 1-5, lot 478, 75.7 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $21.20; 207.07 sq Yds brick paving at 81.10. 2227,78 248 98 J P Scott, city s 51d. lot 477a, 75.4 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $21.11; /iegnl,i). ,1•rxxi„». December 2, 1895. 205.93 sq yds brick paving at $1,10. 2226.52 247 63 Geo M Staples 1st. city s 1-2 n 64d, lot 477a, 32.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $9.02: 68.69 sq yds brick paving at 21.10. 875.56 ..... 84 58 Geo M Staples Est, city, n 32d, lot 477a. 32.2 lin ft curbstone at 28e, $9,02; 68.69 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 875.56 Wm 1, Bradley, city s 66d, lot 477, 66.4 lin tt curbstone at 28c, $18.59; 140.91 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 2156.00 173 59 Mrs Geo D Wood. city s 20d, n 75d, lot 477. 20.2 lin tt curbstone at 28e. 86.66; 42.64 t yds brick pav ing at $1.10. 246.90 52 66 . E C Clark, city ri 20d, n 75d, lot 477, 20.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $5.66; 42.64 sq yds brick' paving at $1.10. 846.90 52 66 J 11 Shields, city n 35d, lot 477, 59.8 Iip ft curbstone 8,t 28c. $16.74; 170.75 sq yds brick paving' at 31.10. 8187.82 . 204 56 1) 3 Wilson, city, lot 662a. 141.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $39.62; 342.89 sq yds brick paving at 21.10. $377.18 416 80 E W Mitchell, city s 1-2 s 51d. lot 662. 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 37.20; 64.54 sq yds brick paving at 81.10. 859.90 67 19 Mary Westphal. city n 1-2 s 51d, lot 662. 25.7 lin tt curbstone at 28c, $7.20; 54.51 sq yds brick pav- ing at $t.10. $59.99 67 19 Thos Hardie, city n m 38d, io t 662, 38.2 lin R curbstone at 28c, 110.69; 80.64 sq yds brick paving at 11.10, 288,70 99 39 Second Presbyterian church. city, n 52d. lot 682. 75.4 lin ft curbstone • • at 28e, 821.11; 206.64 sq yds brick Paving at $1.10. $227.30 . 248 41 O 13: Guernsey. city s 62.2d, a 11d, lot 663, 8.4.9 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $23.77: 228.18 su yds brick paving at $1.10. 8251.00 ...... 274 77 AI Matthews. city. n 40d, e 1111, iot 66:3. 40 lin ft curbstone at 28e, 111.20; 84,44 sq yds brick paving at 81.10. 392.88 •104 08 Catherine c` Ryan. city m 1-5. lot 663. 51..3 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 314.36; 1(38.:0) sq yds brick pav- Ing :tt $1.19. 8119.13. :. 133 49 Catherine 4' Ryan. city s 40d. n m 1-5. Int 66:3. 40.9 lin ft curbstene at 28c, 111.45; 86.34 sq yils brtak paving at $1.10, $94.97 .. 106 42 Anna R Ryan. city, n 10.4d. n til 1-5, lot 663. 10,4 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $2.91: 20.84 so yds brink r paving at 31.10. $22.92. . 25 83 Anna R Ryan. city. n 1 5, lot 6Ut, 73.7 lin ft curbston. at 28c. 21.20: 24)4.74 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 8225.21 266 41 E M Wo,,,lw•orth, city. s 1-3, lot 476. 75 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 321.00; 201.74 sq yds brick pav- Ing at 31.10. $2225.21 • 246 21 Mary N. Lull. city s in 1-5. lot 476, 51.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 314.34; 108.30 sit yds Krick pav- 133'• 4 47 ing at 81.10. 8119.13 Ryder Bros, city. s 1-2 m 1-5. lot 476. 26.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $7.171 54.04 so yds brick paving at 81.10. 239.44 • 66 61 Chas El Wales. city. n 1-2 m 1-5, 84 68 lot 476. 25.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $7,17; 54.04 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 859.44 66 61 D N Cooley Fst, city, n 2-5, to' 476. 126 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $35.28; 313.04 sq yds brick pav- ing at $1.10. 5344.34 379 6:: A M Hoclgdnn, city, s 2-5, lot 664. 129.3 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $36.20, 312.61 sq Y.ds brick paving at $1.10. 8343.83 380 (1.4 A H Wellington, city. m 40d, lot 664. 1.5 lin ft curbstone at 28e, $0.42; 38.5 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, 32.31: 81.44 sq yds brick paving at. $l.iu, $92.88 Mrs N C itya •r, city, n 113d, lot 664. 129.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 8:16.13; 11.2 lin f;. curbstone re- set. at 6c., 50,67: 336.26 sq yds brick paving at 31.10. $369.83 406'7' W H Peal)irly. city. s 2-5, lot 475. 126.3 lin ft cu rhstone at 280, 335.- 36; 312.62 ,, yds brick paving at $1.10. $343 84 379 24 John Flanagan, city, m '1-5, lot 475, 51.2 lin ft curbstone at 28C, 114.34; 108.09 sq yds brick pa.v- ing at $1.10. 3118.90 . 133 14 Amelia M Hodgdon, city. s 1-5, n m 1-5, lot 475. 25.6 lin ft curb- stone at 28c. 87.17: 54.04 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. $59.44 , 66 61 CWhitaker, Nast. city, n 1-3, n m 1-5, lot 475. 25.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 37.17; 54.04 set yds brick pav Ing at $1.10, 359.44 66 61 R 13 Richards. city, n 1-5, lot 475, 76.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 321.- 42; 204.53 sq yds brick paring at 81.10, $224.93 246 40 Dubuque High School, city s 2-6, lot 474, 2.0 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $0.56; 102 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $6.12; 312.62 sq .yds brick pav ing at 11.10. 8343.88 350 54 J Marsch, city. ,+ 1-2 s 41.2d, m 1-5 lot 474. 20.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 35.77; 43.49 sq yds brick pav- ing at $1.10, 347.84 .... 53 63 Eliza P ]latch. city. n 1-2 s 41.2d, rn 1-5, Int 474. 20.6 lin tt curb- stone a: 2Rc. $5.77; 43.49 sq yds brick paving at 21.10, 347.84.,.. :1 J Parker, city. n 10d, m 1-5. lot 474. 10 lin ft curbstone at 28e, 32.80; 21.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 323.22 1 16 02 A J Parker. city, .s 33.2d. n m 1-6, lot 474•' 33.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c, 39.29; 70.09 so yds brick pav ing at 31.10. 377.10 Mrs A H Peaslee. city, n 183 n m 1-5, lot 474. 18 lin ft curbstone at 2Rc, 35.04: 38 sq yds brick pav- 46 84 Ing at $1.10. $41.80 .. ... • Mrs.A H Peasiee. city. s 1-2 n 1-5. lot 474. 25.6 lin ft curbstone at ''8e, $7'.17; 54.0.4 sq yds brick pav- Ing at $1.10, 359.44 Annie A Scars. clty, n 1-2 n 1-5, lot 474, 48.7 lin ft curpstnne at 28e, $13.64; 150.49 sq yds brick pav- Ing at 31.10. $165:54 .. 179 18 WS 2 lino ft c 413, curbstone at 28e, 5812: 11 lin ft curbstone reset paat 6c, 30.66: 1^.11 so yds brick ying ar si in. 814n.92 149 70 S M"lo, city. lat 1 and 1-2 nub of int 671. 15 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 34.20; 28.59 so yds brick paving 36 55 at $1.10. $31.15 96 61 53 4l 86 39 6661 Vie. 240240 h' ediOn, c/ rlrrr• December 2, 18':1. (J J Lesure, city, lot 1 and 1-2 sub of lot 671. 15 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $4.20; 28.50 Of yds brick pav ing at 11.10. 131.35 35 55 C J Lesure, city. lot 2 and 1-2 sub of lot 671. 64 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 117.92: 135.83 sq yds brick paving a: 11.10. 8144.40 167 32 C J Lesure, city.. lot 3 and sub or lot 671, 61 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 117.92; 135.53 sq yds brick pav ing at '11.10, 1150.18 168 10 Mary W.estphal,• lot 4 and 1-2 sub of lot G71. 64.iln ft curbstone at 28c, 117.92: 137.24 sq yds brick paving at 11.10. 5150.96 168 88 W W Carr. lot. 5 and 1-2 sub of lot 671. 76.6 lin ft curpstone at 28c, 121.45: 16 lin ft curbstone re- set at 6c, 10.96: 297.67 sq yds brick paving at 11.10. 1327.44 349 85 Mrs J Corney. Cooley's subdn, lot 7, 77.77 sq .yds brick paving at $1.10. $85.55 85 55 Geo M Staples Est., Cooley's subd lot 8, 77.77 sq yds brink paving at $1.10. 185.55 85 55 C Bayless. sub 9. Cooley's subdn, lot 3 .3.4 lin ft curbstone at 28e. 10.95; 108.89 sq yds brick pav- ing at 11.10. $119.78 120 73 C Bayless. sub 10 and 11. Cooley's subdn, lot 1. 17 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 14.76: 35.4 lin ft curb- stone reset. at 6 12.12; 118.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.10, 1130.04 136 92 First Presbyterian church, sub 10 and 11, Cooley's subdn, lot 2, 24 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, 11.44; 50.66 sq yds brick paving at 11.10. 155.73 57 17 First PrestbYterian church, sub 10 and 11, Coolev's subdn, lot 3, 16 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c. 10.96; 33.84 sq yds brick paving at 11.10. 137.22 $8 18 Ella E Addensell. sub 10 and 11, Cooley's subdn. lot 4. 29 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c. $1.74; 61.54 sq yds 'brick paving at 11.10, $67.69 .. 69 43 J G Peterson. sub 10 and 11, Cooley's subdn. lot 5. 5 lin ft curb • stone at 28c. $1.40.; 10.61 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 811.67 13 07 J G Peterson. Cooley's subdn, lot 12. 38 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 110.64; 12 lin . ft curbstone re- set at 6c. 10.72: 106.66 sq yds brick paving at $1.10, 1117.33128 69 J G Peterson. Coolel's sub, lot 13, 50 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $3.00; 107.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.10 1117.94 120 94 J G Peterson, Cooley's sub, lot 14, 50 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $3.00; 107.78 sq yds brick paving at 11.10. $118.56 121 56 J G Peterson. Cooley's sub, lot 15, 7 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $1.96; 60.1 lin ft curbing reset at.6c, $3.61; 17$.50 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. 1196,36 201 92 Olty of Dubuque, Grant Park, 123.8 Iln• ft curbstone at 28c, 134.66: 64.6 lin ft curbstone reset at 6e, 13.88; 1097.94 80 yds brick paving at $1.10. $1207.73 1246 27 D C Cram, sub 672a, city, lot 1, 14.6 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $0.87. 120.90 sq yds brick paving • at $1.10, $132.99 .. 133 86 Winnie Hamel. sub 2 of 670, city, lot 1. 19.5 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c. 81.17: 120.90 sq yds brick paving at $1.10. $132.99 134 16 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Craw- ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for Im- proving of 17th street from Clay to West Locust streets, brick pavement, by Du- buque Construction Co.. contractors, In front of and adloining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and 'owned. and for the several amounts set o.t*posite each tot or parcel of real estate. as follows: D C Cram. sub 672a. city. lot 1, 15.3 lin ft cubs•tone reset at 5c. 1.77; 57 78 sq yds brick paving at 96c, $55.47 56 24 Annie 1; McGovern. sub 672a, city, lot 2. 48.5 lin ft curbstone re- set a t 5e, 12.42; 107.78 sq yds brick paving at9c. $103.47 • 105 89 Annie Wickert. sub 672a, city. lot 4. 86 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c. 14.30; 206.67 so y is brick paving at 96c. 5198.40 202 70 Annie Backert. 1.1th 673a. city, lot 2. 102.2 2sq yds brick paving at 96c. $98.14 98 14 A F Heeb. sub 1 of 673a. city, lot 1. 30 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, $1.50; 66.67 sq yds brick pav• ing at 96c. $64.00 65 50 1-I 0 Rose. sub 1 of 673a. city, iat 2. 27 lin ft curbstone at 5c, =1.35, 60 sq yds brick paving at 96c. $57.60 58 96 H 0 Rose, sub 15 of Dorgan's sub, lot 2. 3 lin ft curbstone reset at 5e, $0.15; 6.67 sq yds brick paving 96e. $6.40 6 55 L King, Dorgan's sub. lot 14, 50 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, 12.50; 141.11. sq yds brick paving at 96c. 1135.47 137 97 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673, city, lot 3, 101.11 sq yds 'brick pav- ing at 96c..197.07 97 07 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673, city, lot 2." 71.11 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 368.27 68 27 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673. city, lot 1, 206.67 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 1198.40 198 40 J F Stampfer, sub 1 of 674, city. lot 1, 260.63 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 8260.21 250 24 James Cushing. sub 2 of 674, city lot 1, 111.59 sq qds brick paving at 96e. 1107.13 107 13 F B Daniels. sub 674. city w 88d, lot 3, 190.66 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 3183.04 „- 183 04 A Tredway, sub 674 city, e 40d, lot 3, 86.67 sq yds brick paving at 96c. $83.20 83 20 Ger. Pres. Theo. School of the N. W.. 675, city, lot 7. 387 sq yds yds brick paving at 9&c. $66.56 66 56 Ger. Pres. Theo. School of the N. W., sub 675. city. lot 7. 387 sq yds brick paving at 96c, 8371.52 371 52 A Vogel, sub 675. city lot 6, 171.66 sq yds brick paving at 96c, 4 11,v other .1•8.,siun., neve no. lar !, 1.895 ''41 $164.80 164 80 Fred Kennicker• city, n 1-5, lot 452, 246.67 sq yds brick paving at 96e. $236.89 236 80 Ger. Presb. Church. city, n 3-10, lot 453, 343.11 sq yds brick paving at $329.39 329 39 Ger. M. E. church. city, n 50d e 1-2, lot 746, 374.44 sq yds 'brick paving at 96c. $359.46 359 46 deo L Torbert Est. city, n 5ta w 1-2, lot 746. 390.62 sq yds brick paving at 96c. $375 Joseph Herrod. city. n 1-5, lot 472, 397.78 so yds brick 'paving at 96c. $381.87 381 87 Jas McCann, city. n 2-5, lot 473, 30 lin ft curbstone reset at 6c, $1.50; 242.22 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 3232.54 234 04 Jas McCann. sub 671. city lot 6, 57.78 sq yds brick paving at 96c, $55.47 55 47 Mary Westphal. sub 671. city lot 4, 75.55 sq yds brick paving at 96c, $72.53 72 53 W W Carr, sub' 671. city lot 5, 17 lin ft curbstone reset at Sc. $0.85; 335.55 sq yds brick paving at 96c. 3322.12 322 97 Adopted by the followipg vote: • Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Crawford was excused from vot- Ing. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Rush street from Quince street to Villa street, by John Tibey, contrac- tor. In front of and adjoining the same, a stpecial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots,. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Dennis Ryan. Union add, Int 186. 148.2 fin ft curbstone at 30c, 344.- 46; 74.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $22.27; 261.77 sq yds macadamiz tog at 33c. 386.38 153 11' I Plamondon. Union add. 1 of 2 lot 189. 169.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 350.82; 83.11 sq yds gutter- ing at 30e. $24.93; 290.9 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 396.00 171 76. Wm HIntrager. Union add. lot 190. 90.8 lin. ft curbstone at 30c, 327.- 24; 48.90 sy qds guttering at 30c. $14.67; 171.11 sq yds macadamia ing at 33c. 356.46 98 37' E Conlon. Union add. lot 191, 60 lin ft curbstone M 30c, $18.00; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30e, $>l.00; 93.33 so yds macadamiz- ing at 33e. 330.80 E Conlon. Union add. lot 192. 59.5 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 317.85: 30.49 sq yds guttering at 30c, 89.12; 83.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 830.80 56 80, E Conlon. Union add. lot 193, 60.0 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 318.00; 30.92 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.28; 93.33 so yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. $30.80• John Specht. Union add. lot 194. 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $18.00; 38.00 98.88 sel yds macadamiz- 56 80 Ing at 33c. 330.80 John Specht. Union add. lot 195. 55 375 00. 58 08 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $16.50; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30e, 38.00; 93.33 sq ,yds macadamiz- ing at 33c, $30.80 A S and E Heacock. Union add, lot 196. 57 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $17.10; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.00; 98.88 sq yds macadam izing at 33e. $32.63 T J Donahue. Union add. w 50d, lot 197. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 ;uttering at 30c, $6.67; 77.77 sq yds tnacada:niz- ing at 33e. 325.66 S J Patch. Union add. e 10d, lot 197. 10 ;in rt curbstone at 30e, 3:3.00; 4.41 so yds guttering at 30c, 31.33; 15.53 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 35.31 S J Patch. Union add, lot 198, 60 lin ft curbstone at 30 , 318.00; 26.67 sq yds gutter%ng at 30c, 38.00; 933.::3 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33e. 330.80 56 80 S J Patch. Union add, loot 199, 71 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 321.30; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.00; 93.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c, 3:10.80 60 10 W J Woods. Union add, lot 200, 696 • lin ft curbstone at 30c. 320.88; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.00; 93.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. $30.80 59 68 W J Woods. Union add. lot 201, 60 1ln ft curhstote at '30c. 318.00; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c. 38.00; 93.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 330.80 56 30 W J Woods. Union add. lot 202; 60 fin ft curbstone at 30e. 318.00; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.00; 93.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 330.80 .......... 56 80 W J Woods. Union add. lot 203, 602 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $18.06; • 26.67 so yds guttering at 30c, $8.00; 99.44 sq yds macadamaz- ing at 33c. 332.81 58 87 Mike Mahoney. Union add, lot 204, 53.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.- 46; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.00; 99.44 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. $33.81 58 27 Henry Stephenson. Union add, lot 901. 60.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.06; 28.15 so yds guttering at 30c, 38.44; 93.33 sq yds macadam- izing at 33c. 330.80 ........ 57 30 Henry Stephenson. Union add, lot 206. 58.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.52; 28.72 so yds guttering at 30c, 38.62; 93.33 sq yds macadam- izing at 33c. 330.80 66 94 I. J Lobdell, Union add. lot 207, 676 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 317.26; 29.43 sq yds guttering at 80c, $8.83; 93.33 so yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 330.80 I2 Ronson Est. Union add. lot 208, 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.00; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.00; 93.33 sq yds macadam- izing at :33c. $30.80 56 99 R Ronson Est. Union add. lot 209. 93 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 327.90; 41.33 sq Yds guttering at 30c, 312.40; 144.67 so yds macadamiz- 88 04 fog at 33e. $47.74 R Ronson Est. Union addlot 210, 99 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 329.70; 44 sq yds guttering at 30c, 313.20; 154 sq yds macadamizing at 33o, 57 13 5773 47 33 9 64 56 $8 242 L','grcl,ir .`rsxaoa't, )err<N1Lrr 2. 1616. $50.8" R Bonson Est. Union add. lot 211, 68.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 320.- 61; 32A4 sq yds guttering at 30c, *73; 93.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. $30.80 6I 14 R Bonson Est. Union add. lot 212, 24.3 tin ft curbstone at 30c, 37.29; 12.44 sq yds guttering at 30e, 33.73; 114.141 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c. 337.68 48 70 R E Sple!Man. inion add, lot 185. 152 lin tt curbstone at 30c, 345.60; 67.55 sq yds guttering at 30c, $20.- 26; 236.44 set yds macadamizing at 33c. 378.02 143 88 N Linden. Union add. lot 116, 7.11 sq yds guttering at 30c. $2.13; 40.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c. 313.50 15 63 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: ' Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Alpine street from West 3rd street to Dodge street by Ryan Bros.. contractors. in front of and adjoining the same. a. special t::s be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, herein- after named. situ.tte and owned. and for the several amounts set apposite each lnt.or l.arcel of real estate, as fol- lows: ..Sarah F. Dean. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 5. 104 lin tt curb stone at,30c. 331.96; 48.44 sq yds guttering at 30c. 314.53; 152.77 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $45.83 $ 91 62 Samuel Smith. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 11. 65 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $19.50; 28.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, 38.67; 90.28 sq yds macadamizing at 30c,. 327.11 55 25 Samuel Smith. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 10. 84.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 325.35; 44.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. 313.27; 136.- 61 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 340.98 79 60 Julia Rhomberg. Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 8, 71.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 321.57; 38.67 sq yds guttering at 30c. 311.60; 118.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. 835.56 68 73 Julia Rhomberg, Guernsey and Langworthy's add, lot 7, 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.60; 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, 36.93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $21.67 44 20 F W Langworthy, Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 6. 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.60; 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, 36.93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. 321.67 S A Storey. Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 5, 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15.60; 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6:93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. 321.67 44 20 James Howie. Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 4. 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.60; 23.11 93 72 44 20 sq yds guttering at 30c, 36.93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $21.67 . 44 2e James. Howie. Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 3, 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 315.60; 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, 36.93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. 321.67 T F Kennedy, Guernsey and Langworthy's add, lot2, 49 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 314.70; 26.11 sq yds guttering at :i0c, 37.83; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $21.$7 44 26 P W Harris. Guernsey and Lang - worthy's add, lot 1. 70 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 321.00; 37.78 sq yds buttering at 30c, $11.33; 118.- 64 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $:;5. 67.92 Mary59 hunting, Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 49. 72.20 iln ft curbstone at 30c. 321.66; 38.67 sq yds guttering at 30e, $11.60; 119.- sq 19:sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $35.71 L 68 97 S M angworthy. Julia Lang- worthy's a.1.1, lot 50. 5o lin ft ' Curbstone at 311r. 315.00: 22.22 sq yds gu:tering'at 30e. 36.67; 69.44 sq y'is macad.tmizing .c: 30c, $20.83 42 50 Julia 1.angw,rthy, Julin Lang - worthy's add. lot 51, r., lin ft cu n1>stone at 3uc•. 315.00: 22.22 sq. yds guttering at 30c. 36.67: 69.44 • sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $20.88 .. 42 50 •Foxes: Langworthy. Julia Lang- . yy'rthy's add. lot 52. 5O lin ft ourbstone at 30c. 315.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $2 42 50 .J S Stephens, Julia Langworthy's add, lot 53. 69.5 lin ft ctrbstone at 30c, 320.85: 27.55 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $11.26: 116.38 sq yds macadamizing at 10c, 334.71 67 01 Forest Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's add. int 21. 91.6 lin ft curbstone at 30::. 327.48;, 47.38 sq yds guttering at 30c, $14.21. 146.- 94 sq ycls macadamizing at 30c, $44.08 85 77 Mary Bunting, Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 20. 72 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 321.60:.12 s y guttering at 30c, 39.60: 100 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $30.00 61 20 S M Langworthy's Julia Lang - worthy's add, lot 19. 72 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 321.60; 32 s y guttering at 30c. 39.60; 100 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 330.00 61 90 J S Stephens. Julia Lang - worthy's add, lot 18, 72 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 321.60; 32 sq guttering at 30c. 39.60; 100 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. 330.00 61 20 Julia Langworthy's Julia Lang - worthy's add, lot 17. 95.1 lin tt curbstone at 30c. $28.53; 44 sq yds guttering at 30c. 313.20; 125 sq yds macadamizing at 300, $37.50 79 113 Julia Langworthy. Julia Lana - worthy's add.' lot 1, 277.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 383.34; 125.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, 137.60: 384.72 sq yds macadamizing at 44 20 Regular &'x. on, December 2, 189?; . 30c. 5116.42 236 Julia Langworthy, Julia. Lang - worthy's add. lot 2. 5u lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.00; 22.22 sq, yds guttering at 30c, 56.67; 69.44 sq yds macadamizing a; ,:oc. 520.83 Julia Langworthy. Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 3. 70 lin ft curb stone at 300. 521.00; 37.78 sq yds guttering at 30c. 511.33; 117 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 535.10. 67 43 36 42 50 Julia Langworthy. Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 4. 70 lin ft curb , stone at 30c. 521.00: 37.78 sq yds guttering at 30c. 511.33; 117 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $35.10. 6? 43 Mary Bunting, . Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 5. 60 lin ft curb- stone at 30e. 515.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 69.44 sq •yds macadamizing at 30c, $20.8342 50 J S Stephens. Julia , Lang - worthy's add, lot 6. 50 lin ft curb stone. at 30e. 515.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. 56.67; 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $20.8342 50 .Julia l:angw.crthy, Julia Lang- ' worthy's arid. lit 7. 50 lin ft curb stone a: 30c. $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at ::oc. 56.67; 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $20.83...42 50 Forest Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's add. .ot 8. 75.3 lin ft curbstone at ; u.. $22.59; 40.13 sq yds guttering .. 30e. $12.04; 121.- 86 sq yds mzc..Jamazing at 30c, 336.56 71 19 S M Langworthy, Lois Lang - worthy's add. lot 1. 68.7 lin ft curbstone at 30e. 520.61; 37.20 sq yds guttering at 30c, $11.16; 117 sq yds ,macadamizing at 30c,. 66 • 536.10 S M Langworthy. Lois Lang- wortlty's add.• lot 2. 52. lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.60: 23.11 sq ' yds guttering at 30c. $6.93; 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 44 331.67 Fred C Nhare. Lois Langworthy's add. lot 3. 48.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.61; 26.21 so yds guttering at 30c, .17.86: 72.22 so yds macad- amizing. at 30e. 821.67 44 Mathias Horey. Lois Lang - worthy's add. lot 4. 52 lin ft curbstone at 300. $15.60; 23.11 sq • yds guttering[ at 30c. 36.93; 72.22 HQ yds macadamizing at 30c, $21.67 ........ . ..,.. . 44 James Howie. Lois Lang - worthy's add, .lot 5. 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 315.60; 23.11 sq Yds guttering at 30c. $6.93. 72.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30,c, 44 321.67 ........ .. 'James Howie. Lois Lang - worthy's add. lot 6. 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 215.60; 23.11 sq so s vdsa guttering 6 g3; at 730e, • 44 John T McGauran. Lois Lang - worthy's add. lot 7. 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15.60: 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.93; 72.22 act yds macadamizing at 30e, 4 121.67 M Langworthy Est, Lois Lang - worthy's add. lot 8. 72.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 321.81: 41.64 sq yds guttering at 30e, $12.49; 123. 87 20 14 20 20 20 4 20 '43 33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 537.00 Frank Lauser. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 12, 84.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 325.38; 44.27 sq yds guttering at 30e. 513.28; 132.22 sq Yds macadamizing at 30c, 511.17 Mrs. Mary Morgan. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 13. 73.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, S22.05: 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, 310.00; 113.06 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 533.91 Mrs. Mary Nelson, Reeder Lang- worthy's add. lot 4. 104.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 331.47; 48 sq yds guttering at 30c. $14.40; 153.33 sq yds niaacadamizing at 33c, 546.00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Bauer Ronson, Craw- ford, Callen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the, City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Grandview Avenue from South- ern Avenue to eastern terminus, by Alt- mann & Taylor, contractors, In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parte of lot and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: mizirig at 34c, $33.24 146 22 Jas O'Connor, Summer Hill add, lot 8, 85.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $25.74; 43.78 sq yds guttering at 30e. $13.13; 168.90 sq yds mlcada- mlzing at 34c, $57.43 90 30 W P Carter, Summer Hill add, lot 7, 82.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 324.87; 44.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $13.40; 170.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $58.03 90 30 Mike Duggan,: Summer Hill add, lot 6. 89.0 sq yds curbstone at 30c, • $26.70; 44.67 sq yds guttering at• 30c, $13.40; 170.67 sq yds macada- Special assessment submitted Dec. 2d, 1895. H L Vaughan, mineril lot No. 20, lot 5, 30.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $9.12; 15.11 sy yds guttering at 30c, 54.53; 97.78 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $58.03 98 13 Catherine Carter, Summer Hill add lot 5. 86.0 lin ft curbstone at 300, 325.80: 44.67 sq yds guttering at 30c. 513.40; 170.67 sq yds macada- mfzing at 34c. 358.03 97 2 "'art Cain, Summer Hill add, lot 4, 83.8 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $25.14: 42.22 sq yds guttering at lOc. $12.67; 154.67 sq yds macada- 4 mizing at 34c. 552.59 Wm Hintrager. Summer Hill add, lot 14, 187.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 556.10: 83.12 sq ydc glittering at 30c. 524.94: 333.33 sq Yds ma- cadamizing at 34c. 3113.33194.37 Wm Hintrqger. Summer Hill add, lot 15, 199 lin ft curbstone at 71 341 79 83 66 96 91 87 0 244 l 'eg►r Nl' ,Cp.csrn►t., Ue-'e'mG,'r 2, 1895. 30c, $59.70; 88.44 sq yds guttering at 30c, $26.53; 353.77 sq yds ma -206 51 cadamizing at 34c, Wm Hintrager, Summer Hill add, lot 16, 100 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 860.00; 88.88 sq yds guttering of 30e, $26.66; 355.56 sq yds, macad- amizing at 34c, $120.88.. 207 64 iohn Hickey, Summer Hill add, lot 17, 307.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c $92.28; 140.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, $42.27; 545.77 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, 3185.56 John Hickey, Summer H311 Ldd, lot 18. 318.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $95.40; 145.90 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $43.77: 581.45 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. 8197.70.... 336 87 T Dillon, Linheim's add, lot 2, 266.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $79.96; 125.00 sq yds guttering at 30c, $37.50; 487.11 sq ycls macadamiz- ing at 34c, $165.62 283 07 P S Webster, Linheim's add, lot 3, 279.1 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $83.73; 132.00 sq yds guttering at 30c, $39.60; 525.34 sq yds macada- mizing at 34e, 3178.62 301 95 Alfred Herron. Linheim's add, lot 6, 195.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $58.50; 104 sq yds guttering at 30c, $31.20; 381.34 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, 3129.66 219 36 Henry Cannon. Sub Mineral lot 18, lot 2, 522 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 1156.60; 238.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 371.60; 931.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $316.73 544 93 Ellen Quinlivan, sub Mineral lot 18, lot 1, R70.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $261.21; 386.88 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $116.06; 1534.23 sq yds macadamizing at 14c, 8521.64 898 91 Ellen Quinlivan, •Linheim's add. lot 12, 148.8 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $44.64; 74.44 sq yds guttering at 30c. 822.33; 284.44 so yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, 896.71 .. 163 68 John Burke, Linheim's add. lot • 11, 148.5 lin ft curhstone at 30c, $44.55; 70.80 sq yds guttering at 30c, $21.24; 269.87 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $91.76.. 157 55 John Burke, Linheim's add. lot 10, 145.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $43.65; 64.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $19.40; 258.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $87.95.. 151 OQ John Burke, Linheim's add, lot 99, 145.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $43.74; 65.91 sq yds guttering at . 30c, $19.77; 259.20 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $88.13 151 64 Wm Hintrager, Summer Hill add, lot 13, 90 lin ft curbstone at 30c. *27.00; 40 sq yds guttering at 30c, $12.00; 164.44 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 34c, $55.91 J H Shields, Sumner Hill add, lot 12, 96 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $28.80; 42.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 812.80; 170.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $58.03 Martin Caloin, Summer Hill add, 94 91 99 63 lot 11, 85.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 326.65; 44.90 sq yds guttering at 300, 313.47; 170.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, $58.03 97 15 John .Carter. Summer Hill add, lot 10, 86.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 825.86; 44.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, $13.47; 170.67 sq yds ma- cadamazing at 34c, $58.03 97 36 John Crunion, Summer H111 add, lot 9, 92.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $27.84; 43.11 sq yds guttering at 30e, 312.93; 183.44 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $62.37 103 14 John Barrett. sub min lot 24. lot 5, Kavanaugh & Rarry's sub, lot 6, 102.6 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $30.78; 47.55 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $14.27; 172.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $58.63103 68 John Barrett, Kavanaugh & Bar- ry's anti, lot 4, 100.2 lin ft curb- stone at 30e, 330.06; 44.53 sq yds guttering at 30c, $13.36: 178.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, 360.56. 101 9R 10 J Delehanty. Kananaugh & Bar- ry's sub, lot 3, 90.4 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, 327.12; 46.75 sq yds guttering at 30c, *14.03; 178.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, 160.56 101 71 E J Delehanty. Kavanaugh & Bar- ry's sub, lot 2. 100.2 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $30.06; 44.53 sq yds guttering at 30c, $13.36: 178.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34e, $60.56..103 98 Rosa Hines IOst., Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 1, 90.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $27.00; 46.75 sq yds guttering at 30c, 314.03; 178.11 sq yds macadamizing at :34c, 360.56 101 69 John Barry. Kavanaugh & Bar- ry's sub, lot 8, 391.0 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $117.30; 180.35 sq yds guttering at 30c, 354.11; 712.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c 3242.23 413 64 T. Dillon, Mineral lot No. 12, 739.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $221.94; 3:32.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, 199.87; 1364.78 sq yds macadamia - Ing at 34c, 1464.03... 786 34 Thos. Kavanaugh Est, sub min lot No. 24; lot 4 and Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 7, 493.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 3148.14: 221.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. 366.36; 880 sq yds macad imizing at 34c, $299.20 513 70 Thos Kavanaugh Est, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 9a, 83.0 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 124.90; 37 sq yds yds guttering at 30c, $11.10; 147.55 sqyds macadamizing at 34c, $50.17 86 17 Maurice O'Regan, sub min lot 21, lot 3, 110.5 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 833.15; 51.78 sq yds guttering at 30c, 115.53; 212.44 sq yds macada- mizing at 34e, 372.23 120 91 W J Brown, sub min lot 21, and 1-2, lot 4, 165 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 349.50; 76.90 sq yds guttering at n Ropetrtl' ScNsio t, Decent/we 2, 18 i5. 30c, $23.07; 301.61 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $102.55 175 12 John Deery, sub min lot 21, and 1-2, lot 4, 165 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $49.60; 76.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, $23.07; 301.61 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, 1102.55 175 12 Ross McMahon, sub min lot 21, lot 5, 571 lin ft curbstone at 30e, ..171 30, 255.72 sq yds guttering at 30c, $77.62; 1076.04 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, $365.85 614 77 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Ronson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Alley from Merz to Reis streets, between Windsor and Stafford avenues, by Philip Doerr, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, for- the several amounts set' opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec, '2,, 1895. John Bohn, sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 5, 55.55 sq yds macadamiz- ing, at 33c, $18.33 $ John Bohn. sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 4, 65.55 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c, $18.33 $ Earnest Vogenthaler, sub 3 Gei- ger's sub, •lot3, 55.55 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 33c, $18.33' Mary Geiger, sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 2, 44.44 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c, $14.66 Mary Geiger,sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 1, 38.89 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 33c, $12.83 Wm. Mehl, sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 8, 122.22 sq yds macadamizing at 38c, $40.33 F. W. Karsch, sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 11, 50.44 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $16.64 Raymond Fessler, sub 3 sub, lot 12, 39.3? ail yds mizing at 33c, $12.98 Raymond Fessler, sub 3 sub, lot 13, 39.33 sq' yds mizing at 33c, $12.98 Cfiristina Schmitz, sub 2 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 1, 55.55 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 33c, $18.33 Sevin Hug, sub 2 Geiger's sub, e one-half. lot 1. 55.55 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 33c, $18.3318 33 Christina Schmitz, sub 2 Geiger's sub, lot 2, 71.11 sq yds'macada- mizing at 33c, 123.46 Frank Baumhauver, sub 2 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 3, 27.73 sq yds ma- . cadamizing at 33e, $9 17 • 9 17 Chas, Baumhauver. sub 2 Geiger's sub, e 1-2, lot 3, 27.78 sq yds ma- cadamising at 33c, $9 17 18 33 18 33 18 33 GeIger's macada- Geiger's macatia- 14 66 12 83 40 33 16 64 12 98 12 98 18 33 245 John 13erringer, sub 2 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 4, 27.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 33c, 19 17 John Ruebing, sub 2, Geiger's sub, e 1-2, lot 4, 27.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 33c, $9 17 Josephine RIs, sub 1 Geiger's sub, lot i, 150.55 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 149.68 John Ruebing, sub 1 Geiger's sub, Int 2, 13.44 sq yds macadamiz- ing, at 33c, $4.33 M. R. Stendebach, sub 1 Geiger's sub, lot, 3, 44.78 sq yds macada- mizing at 33c, $14.78 ' John Huber, sub 1 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 4, 44.78 sq yds macada- mizing at 33c, $14.78 John Huber, sub 1 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 5, 47.55 sy yds macada- mizing at 33c, $15.69 16 69 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque:. Tha, to pay for im- proving Schiller avenue from LIncoln avenue to Peosta street by John Pickley, centractor.•in front or and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of -real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: August Bistram. M Cranney's 2nd • add. lot 16. 151.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $45.54: 69.11 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $20.73: 196.72 sq yds macadamizing at 350, $68.85.....$135 12 ''osa. Fengler, McCranney's 2nd add. lot'15. 148.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $44.52: 69.11 sq yds gutter ing at 30c, $20.73: 189.40 sq yds • macadamizing at 35c. $66.29 .... 131 54 Trangott Fengler. McCraney's 2nd add, lot 6. 19.11sq linft curbstone yds gutter- ing$44.34; 66 at 30c. 320.73; 195 sq yds mac adamizing at 35c. 368.25 Daniellot 5. 154.9 lin ft curbstone at 30Ruff. McCraney's 2nd c, $46.47; 70.90 sq yds guttering at 39c; $21.27; 206 sci yds macadam- izing at 35c. 372.10 C Fischer. McCr fteY'S 2nd dnadd, lot 38. 131.5 lin e at 30c, $39.45; 63.11 su yds guttering at 30c, 318.93; 184.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 35c. $64.44 122 82 C Fischer, McCranev's 2nd add, w 2-3. lot 45. 72.2 lin ft 30c, $21.66; 3 sq yds gu curbstone ering at 30c, $9.90: 101 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 35c. 335.35 .. •• • • H Hafner, Hooper's add, lot 22. 150.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $45.18; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 300, $20.73; 201.17 50 Yds macadamiz. 136 Si ing at 35c. $70.41 Wm Denten. Hooper's add. lot 21, 148 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $44.40; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, $20.- 73; 193.83 50 yds 'macadamizing 132 97 at 35c. $67.84 .. •• ••••• E H Shepley. Hooper's add, lot 8, 149 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $44.70; 9 17 9 17 49 68 4 43 14 78 14 78 133 33 139 84 244; Regular ,Neewin, De#'ember 2, 1995. 69.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, 320.- 73; 19r sq yds macadamizing at 35c. $68.25 131 88 Robt Beckley, Hooper's add, lot 7, 147.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $44.22; 70.9 sq yds guttering at :30c, $1.- 27; 206 sq yds macadamizing at 35c, $72.10 137 59 T E Rhomberg, McCraney's 20J add, lot 39. 132.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $39.87: 63.11 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. 318.93; 181.33 sq yds macadamizing at 35c. $63.47 .. C, M & St P Ry Co, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 44. 72 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 321.60: .33 so yds gutter- ing at 30c. $9.90: 98.22 so yds mac adamizing at 35c, $34.37 65 37 Adopted by the following vete: lyes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halmin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council cif the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Fengler avenue from Peosta street north terminus: by D. W. Linehan contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tak be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herinafter named. situate and awned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Int or pa:reel of real estate. 'as follows: J Frommelt. Fengler's .add, lot 12; • 130.3 lin ft cilrbstone at 28c. 336.- • 48; 63.89 sq yds guttering at 28c, 17.89; 175.69 sq ?vds macadamiz- ing at 32c, $56.22 *110 59 J Frominelt, Fengler's add, lot 39, 137.4 lin ft cilrbstone at 28c, 338.- 47; 62.84 sq yds guttering at 28c. $17.59; 193.9 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32d. 162.05 ....'.. 118 11 John Dietrich. Fenglers' add, lot 9, 146.8 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 341.10 73.95 sq yds guttering at 28e, $20.71; 203.38 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c. $65.08 126 89 Wm Lippslock, Fengler's add, lot 38. 153.0 li ft curbstone at 28c, $42.84; 73.07 so yds guttering at 28c, $20,46; 218.77 sq yds macadam 'zing at 32e. 170.01 133 31 G Kuntz Est: Fengler's add, lot 8, 148.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 341.- 61; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, 319.35; 201.16 sq yds macadatniz- ing at 32c. $64.37 125 33 T L Lippstock, Fengler's ad, lot 31. ' 149 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $41.72; 69.11 sqyds guttering at 28e, $19.35; 201.16 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c, 164.37 .. • 136`•44 T H Varley, Fengler's add, lot 5, 148.9 Un ft curbstone at 28e, 341.69; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, $19.- 35; 201.16 sq yds macadamizing at 32c. $64.37 125 41 P Beusch, Fengler's add, lot 30 147.2 lin et curbstone at 28c, 341 22; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, $19.35; 201.16 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c. $64.37 124 94 M Kurt,'Fengler'? add. lot 4, 1465 lin it'curbstone at 28e. 141.02; 69- 11 sq yds guttering at 28c, 319.35. 201.16 sq yds •mbcadamizing at 32c. $64.37 124 74 John Wendel. Fengler's add. lot 23, 147.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 341.- 33; 69.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, 122 27 319.35; 201.16 sq yds macadai» %z- ing at 32c. $64.37 125 q; Max Kistler, Fengler's add, lot 1, 145.1 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $40.- 63; 65.2 sq yds guttering at 28c, 318.26; 190.41 so yds macadamiz- ing at 32c. $60.93 .... . 119 82 Frank Jaeger. Jaerger's sub, lot 1, 146.9 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 341.- 13: 66.22 sq yds guttering at. 28e, 318.54; 193.83 so yds macadamiz- ing at 32c. $62:03 .. .. .. 121 7* Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's sub, lot 13, 235.1 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 365.- 83; 105.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $29.49; 286.84 sq yds •macadamis- ing at 32c. $91.79 187 11 Frank Jaeger. Jaeger's sub, lot 12. 234.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c. 365.- 69. 105.15 so yds guttering at 28c. 329.44; 286.62 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c. $91.72 186 85 (`. M & St P Ry Co. south part 'i let 13 and unnunvbQred lot In Fen gler's add. 51.1 so yds macadam izing at 32c. $16.35 16 36 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bunsen, Craw- ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kauftn.utn, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the Qity. Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving alley from Schiller to Middle between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues, by Wilber Cook. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tar be and is. hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereimitter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts. set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows; Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2. 1395. August Biskram, McCraney's 2nd add, let 16, 43.78 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $13.13; 15.60cu yds. grading at 9c. $1.89 • $ 14 52• August Bistram, MnCraney's 2nd add, lot 17, 65.56 sq yds Inacadar mining at 30c, 16.66; 21.00 cu yda grading at 9e, $1.89 18 56_ George Deckert, McCraney's 2nd add lot 18. 55.65 sq yds macada- mizing at 30e, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, 31.89 18 66 Frank Frommelt, McCraney's 2nd add. lot 19, 56.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 30e, 16.66: 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, 31.89 18 55 Albert Curtis. . McCraney's 2nd add, lot 20. 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 30e, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, 31.89 18,55 J. Scheldecker, sub 9-11-13 Wick's add, lot 2, 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 30e, 16.66: 21.00 cu yda grading at 9c, 31.89 ... 18 55 Jacob Welty, sub, 9-11-13 Wick's add, lot 1, 65.55 sq yds macada- itfising at 300, 16.66: 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, $1.69 18,56 M. Muschltach, Wick's addition, lot 16, 65.65 sq yds macada- mizing at 30e, 16.66: 21.00 cu yds „•q1,1,,, N, xxien, Decerralhci' 2 189+5. '24'7 • grading at 9c, 51.89 M. Muschttsch, Wick's addition, lot 15, 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing.,at.30c, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, 51.89 Val W Muschitsch, McCraney's 2d add, lot 11, 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, 51.89 Henry Wagner, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 12, 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, $1.89... R Jones, McCraney's Second add, 100 13. 55.55 so yds macada- mizing at 30c, 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, $1.89 18 55 R Jones, McCraney's Second add, lot 14, 55.55 sq yds macada- miziflg at 30c. 16.66; 21.00 cu yds grading at 9c, $1.89... 18 55 R Jones, McCraney's 2d add, n e 3 4-10 lot.15,.0.78 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, 51.13; 1.50 cn yds grading 'at' 9c, 5.13 1 26 Rosa Fengler, McCraney's 2d add, •s 32 feet lot 15, 40.00 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, 512.00; 14.00 cu yds grading at 9c, $1.26 13 26 Adopted by the following vote; Ayes -Aid; Dauer, Ronson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: •Resolved • by the City Council • of the City . or Dubuque: That to pay for improving Middle avenue from Ems- ley's alley to Garfield avenue, .by D. W. Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on ;he several lots, and parts of lots, and p,roels of real •estate hereina[ter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2, 1895. Chas. Nank,• Wick's add., lot 2, 138.4 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 540.13; 48.00 sq yds guttering at 28c. 513.41; 161.33 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $48.40 5101 97 Andrew Vaiiister, Wick's add lot 3 •140.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c 540.80; 48.67 sq yds guttering at 28c. $13.63; 161.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, 548.40 . 102 83 Jacob Kuntz, Wick's add, sub of•6, 8 & n 7 ft of 10, lot' 1, 153.2 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 544.43; 52 sq yds guttering at 28c, 514.56; 166.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $550.00 108 99 J. A. Welty, Wick's add, sub of 5, 7 & n 7 ft of 9, lot 1, 154.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 544.86; 62.33 sq yds guttering at 28c. 514.65; 166.67 sq yds macadamizing at 109 51 30e, 550.00 J. A. Welty, Wick's add, sub 9- 11-13, lot 1, 144.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 541.90; 51.83 sq yds gutter - 18 55 18 55 18 55 18 55 Ing at 28c, 514.51; 144.90 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 543.479988 John Niedermeyer, Wick's add, s 7-10 lot 10, 19.1 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 55.54; 8.50 sq yds guttering at 28c. $2.38; 22.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $6.80 14 72 John Niedermeyer, Wick's add, lot 12, 75.0 lin ft curbstone at 29c. 521.75; 25 sq yds guttering at 28c, 57.00; 66.67 sq yds macada- mizing at 311c. 520.00 48 75 John Niedermeyer, Wick's add, lot 14, 49.4 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 814.3:1; 1S, sq ids guttering at 2Se, 55.13; 55.55 sq yds macada- mizing at no, 516.66 3612 M Slischetisch. Wick's add, lot 17, 142.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 541.38; .51..`t3 sq yds guttering at 28c, 514.51; 144.90 sq yds macad- amizing At 30e. 543.47 99 36 J. Woodrich. Wick's add, lot 17, 142.6 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 5.41.25; 51.83 sq yds guttering at 28c, $14.51; 144.90 sq yds macada- mizing st 30c. 543:47 99 33 F Woodrich Est, Wick's add, lot 20. 74.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 821,60; 15.50 sq yds guttering at 28e, $7.14; 68.90 sq yds macada-• • mizing at 30c, $20.67 49 41 F Woodrich Est, Wick's add, lot 22. 66.4 lin ft curbstone at 29e, 519.25; 23.50 sq yds guttering at. 28c. 56.58; 72.90 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, 521.87 47 70 W Loeffler. Wick's addition, lot 19, 74.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 521.60: 25.50 sq yds guttering at 28c, 57.14; 68.90 sq yds macada- mizing at'30c. 520 67...... 49 41 W Loeffler, Wick's addition; lot 21, 67.4 lin ft curbstone'st 29c. 519.54; 23.50 sq yds guttering at 28c, 56.58; 72.90 sq yds macada- .mizing at 300, $21.87 47119• 7 M Boltz. Wick's add, lot 24,1433 lin ft curbstone et 29c,.241:55; 53.17 sq yds guttering at 28c, 514.89; 148.44 sq yds macadamiz- , ins at 30c, 544.53 100 97 Chas Hunze, Wick's add, lot 25, 142.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 541.38; 53.17 sq yds guttering•at 28c, 514.89; 148.44 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c. 544.53 • 100 80 Adopted by the following vete :Lyes -Aid. Bauer, Hanson, Crawford. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following' resolUtion: Resolved by the City Council• of the City of Dubuque: That to pay` for improving alley from Merz to b a llna street east of Stafford avenue, Y Phil- ip Doerr, contractor, In front of and ad- joining the same; a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots. parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter 'named, situate and owned: and for the several amounts set opposite each int or parcel of real estate, as fol- Rey'11/4 /' .s.sion, December 2, 189 5. lows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2, 1895. Martin Gabriel, Stein's add, lot 1. 32.8 sq yds macadamizing at 35e. 811.48; 17 cit yds grading at 2e. 8.74 A' M J IIemmelder, Stein's add. lot 2, 46.0 sq yds macadamizing at 35e, $16.10: 51.5 cu yds grading at 2e, $1.02 17 13 Fred Brantel. Stein's addition, lot 3, 46.0 sq yds macadamizing at 35c, 816.10; 51.5 cu yds grading at 2c, $1.03 17 13 Geo Gruber, Stein's add, lot 1 of 4, 46.5 sq yds macadamizing at 35c, $16.27; 51.5 cu yds grading at 2c, 81.03 17 30 Frank Stifles, Stein's add, lot 5, 167.0 sq yds macadamizing at at 35c, 858.45; 187.5 cu yds grad - at 2c, $3.75 62 20 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Alda Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a 12 -inch pipe sa.n:tars sewer In South Locust street from Dodge street to south line lot 6, sub 579 city, by M. Laven, contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel or real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2, 1896. James" Beach & Son, city lot 580, 7,600 sq ft at 4 mills, $30.40......$ 30 40 James Beach it Son, city lot 581, ' 10,100 sq ft at 4 mills, $40.40 40 40 James Beach & Son, city lot 582, 11,500 sq ft at 4 mills, 846.0046 00 James Beach & Son, city lot 583, 3,000 sq ft at 4 mills, 812.00 12 00 J. H. Thedinga Est, city s 100 ft lot 552a, 7,000 sq ft at 4 mills, $28.00 28 00 James Allen, city n 50 ft lot 552 a, 5,000 sq ft at 4 mills, $20.00 20 00 S P Wadley, city lot 1 sub lot 552, 4,700 sq ft at 4 mills 818.80 18 80 Ifey City Gas Co., city lot 2 sub lot 552, 4,700 sq ft at 4 mills, 818.8018 80 Key City Gas Co., city lot 3 sub lot 552, 4,700 sq ft at 4 mills, 818.8018 80 Key City Gas Co., city lot 4 sub lot 552, 4,700 sq ft at 4 mills, 818.8018 80 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for an 8 -Inch pipe sanitary sewer In Grove Terrace south from West Eleventh street 12 22 to Wilbur Lane by D. W. Linehan, con- tractor. In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate .hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 2nd 1895. H F C Schneider. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 1, 12500 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills $ 50 00 H F Reynolds. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 2. 5000 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 20 00 H F Reynolds. Ellen Corkey's sub, n 1-2 lot 3, 2500 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, s 1-2, lot 3. 2500 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 4, 5000 so ft sanitary sewer, at4mills $000 Wm F Woodrich. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 5, 4800 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 18 40 C N Baird. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 6, 4500 sti ft sanitary sewer at4mills 1800 C A Wilber. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 7, 2380 so f: sanitary sewer at 4 mills 952 Fred Weigel. sub of 687 city, lot 4, 18000 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 72 00 F A Rumpf, sub of 678 city, lot 5, 20000 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 80 00 Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: • Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 6 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln avenue from Jackson street to Reed ave by John McCoy, con- tractor. in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and Is hereby lev- ied on th8 several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 2nd 1895. Frank Angster. Drelbilbies add. s 30.4 lot 26 30.5 lin ft sidewalk at 22c $6 71 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying the cement sidewalk on Main: St. In front of the n 53 1-2, city lot 466 by N. H. Schilling, con- trattor. In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and Is hereby lev- led on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 2nd 1895. First Baptist Church. city, n 531-2 ft, lot 466, lowering cement Sexs#oll, December' 2, 14tLi . sidewalk $ 33 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a 12 -inch pipe sanitary sewer in West Lo cust street. from West 17th street to Clark street. by M. Connolly, con- tractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several tots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Dee. 2nd 1895. Mrs. Winnie Hamel. lot 1 of 2 of sub 670. city. 12500 sq ft sanitary sewer at 4 mills 50 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Ronson. Craw - lord, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City 'Council of the 'City of Dubuque: That to pay for Improving Garfield avenue from Ann to Dock avenue. by Steuck & O'Farrel, con- tractor. in front of and adjoining the same,.a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 2nd' 1895. • Albert Lel. ht. McCraney's 1st add, lot 10. 13.3 sq yds guttering at 29 33.86; 16 sq yds macadamizing . at 30c. $4.80: 30 lin ft curbing re- set at 6c. 31.80 $ 10 46 Albert Lelcht. McCraney's 1st add, lot 11, 22.2 sq yds guttering at 29c, $6.44; 47.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. 314.16: 50 lin ft curb- 23 60 ing reset at 6c. 33.00 Albert leicht. McCraney's 1st add, lot 12. 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 29c. at $6.4;27.2 sq yds guttering miz ing at 30c. 38.16; 2.2 lin 2t curbing 28 47 reset at 6c. 30.12 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea. Schulte. and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving West Eagle Point avenue from Kane street west to the city limits by Steuck & O'Farrel. contractors, in front of and adjoining the same. a special sev- eraltax be and is hereby lots, and parts of levied the lots, andparcels of real estate hereinaftetr named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate. as follows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2nd. 1895. 3 add,t1 sub 159. 249.2lin el ter1aoyft curbstone at 30c. $74.76: 167.33 sq yds guttering at 280, 346.85; 316 sq • :2,x..1 yds macadamizing at 29c, $91.64..$213 25 F H, Frank. L H Langworthy's add lot 161. 174.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 352.32: 12.8.88 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c. 5,36.09: 233.31 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. 367.67 ..... 156 08 J K Kaufmann. L 11 Langworthy's add, sub 164 and 166a. lot 1. 58.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 317.52; 50.- 22 sq yds guttering at 28c, 314.06; 76 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 322.04 53 62 J K Kaufmann. L 11 Langworthy's add. sub 161 and 166a. lot 2, 47 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 314.10; 31.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 38.77: 62.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $13.l7 41 04 J K Kaufmann. L 11 Langworthy's add. sub 161 and 166a. lot 3, 47 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 314.10; 31.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.77; 62.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $15.17 41 04 J K Kaufmann. L 11 Langworfhy's add. sub 164 and 166a. lot 4, 47 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $14.10; 31.33sq ydsguttering at 28c, 38.77; 62.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. 318.17 • 41 04 Andreas Mareske. L 11 Lang - worthy's add. sub 164 and 166a, lit 5. 47 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $14.10; 31.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 38.77; 62.66 sq yds macadam- izing at 29e. 318.11 41 04 Wm Petsch. L H Langworthy's add. sub 164 and 166a. lot 6, 58.3 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 317.49; 42.- 33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.85; 70.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 320.49 49 83 Chas. Simon. L H La.ngworthy's add. lot 166. 207 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 362.10; 155.44 sq yds gutter Mg at 28e. 343.52; 270.66 sq yds' macadamizing at 290, $78.49 ..... 184 11 John Kemps. L H La.ngworthy's add, lot 167. 254.7 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 376.41: 173.44 sq yds gutter ing at 28e. 348.56; 320 sq yds mac adamazing at 29c, 392.80 217 77 John Kemps. L H Langworthy's add. lot 169. 266 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 379.80: 180 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, 350.40: 354.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. 3102.85 233 05 Chas 1i' Rornheiser. Burton's add, lot 57. 6.3 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.90; 42 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.76; 84 sq yds macadamizing at 29e. 324.36 55 02 Chas F Bamheiser. Burton's add, lot 56. 63 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.90; 42 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.76; 84 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $94.36 55 02 John Spiering. Burton's add, lot 55. 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 318.00; 40 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.20; 80 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $23.20 52 40 John Spiering. Burton's add. lot 54. 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.00; 40 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.20; 80 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $23.20 .:.... .... .. 52 40 John Spiering. Burton's add, 1ot55. 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $18.00; 40 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.20; 80 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $23.20 ...... ... .. 52 40 John Spiering, Burton's add. '25(I %'c /U/('l' Ses.sleo. Awe/awl' 2. lot 52. 57.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.34; 60.44 sq yds guttering at 28c, 316.92; 98.66 sq yds macadam ging at 29c. 828.61 62 87 Nick Steiner Est. Burton's add, sub 1 of 51. lot 1, 36.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $11.04: 43.58 sa yds gutter- ing at 28c. 312.20: 64 so Yds mac- adamizing at 29c, ,.$18.56 41 80 Nick Steiner Est. Burton's add, lot 50. 61.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $18.42; 40.93 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.46; 81.81 sq yds guttering a izing at 29c. 823.71 53 62 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add. lot 49. 91 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 327.- 30; 60.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, $16.98; 121.22 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $35.15 79 43 John Jennie. Burton's add, lot 48, 57.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17.25; 38.33.sq. yds guttering at 28c, 310.- 73; 76.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 322.23 50 21 John Jennie. Burton's add, lot 47, 57.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317,31; 51.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, 314.- 46; 76.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $22.23 54 00 John Jennie. T3urton's add, lot 46, 58 din ft curbstone ;z; 30c, $17.40; 38.66 sq yds gut tering at 28e, 310.82; 77.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $37.43 ,. 50 65 John Jennie. Burton's add, lot 45, 58 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.40; 38.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, .310.82; 77.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $22.43 50 65 John Jennie, Burton's add. lot 44, 58 lin ftcurbstone at 30c, 317.40; 38.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, $10.82; 77.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 822.43 50 65 John Jennie. Burton's add. lot 43, 59 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.70; 39.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.01; 78.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 322.81 51 52 John Jennie. Burton's add, lot 42, 59 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17.70; 39.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.01; 78.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 822.81 51 52 John Jennie. Burton's add. lot 41, 61 lin ft curbstbne at 30e. 318.30; 40.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.38; 82.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 323.97 53 65 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 40, 61 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 318.- 30; 40.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, 311.38; 82.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c, 823.97 .. , , . , 53 65 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 39, 51 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 315.30; 36.72 sq. yds .guttering at 28c, $10.28; 69.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 320.11 45 69 David Lorenz. Burton's add, lot 38, 73 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 321.90; 48.66 sq yds guttering at 2Sc, $13.62; 98.67 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c, $28.61 64 13 Wm Manning, Burton's add, lot 37, 65 lin ft, curbstone at 30c. 319.50; 43.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 312.13; 86.67 sq yds macadamiz- , ing at 29c. $25.13 Wm Manning. Burton's add, lot 36, 65 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 319.50; 43,33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.13; 86.67 sq yds macadamiz- 56 76 Ing at 29c. 325.13 56 76 Clara C Miller. Burton's add, lot 35, 65 lin ft curbstone at 3Oc, 319.50; 43.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 312.13; 86.67 sin yds macadamiz- ing a: 29c. $25.13 56 76 Ignatz Seeger Est. Burton's add, lot 34. 66.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 319.92; 44.27 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.40; 88.53 sq yds macad- amizing at 29c. $25.67 67 99 • North Side: Wm B Allison. Burton's add, lot 33, 161 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $45.30; 116.89 sq yds guttering at 28c, 332.73; 224 sq yds macadamiz ing at 29c. 864.96 ...... ........ 145 99 Wm 13 Allison. mineral lot. lot 342, 485.1 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 3145.- 53; 325.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, 391.09; 626.67 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $181.75 418 37 John Becker. mineral lot, both sides,• lot 337, 619.2 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $185.76: 441.17 sq yds guttering at 28c, $123.53; 886.88 sq yds .• macadamizing at 29o,,. $257.19.•566 48 Peter Mehen. mineral lot sub of 340, lot 1..767.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $230.34; 527.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c. $147.65; 1074.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 3311.65 689 64 South ,Side: Melchoir Sehlagt 1. L H Lang - worthy's add. Lot 154. '31 lin ft curbstone at 30c..39.30; 20.67, sq yds guttering at 28c. $5.7S; 42.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c. $11.98 , ... 27 06 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 158a. 146 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $43.80: 97.33; sq yda•guttering at 28c. 327.25; 194.- 66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 856.45 -. 127 60 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 158. 164 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 349.20; 109.33 sq yds guttering at 28c. 330.61; 218.- 66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $63.41 143 22 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 160a. 195 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $58.50; 130 aq yds guttering at 28c. 336.40; 260 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $75.40. 170 30 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add,. lot 160, 133.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 840.05; 89 sq yds guttering at 28c, 324.92; 178 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $51.62 116 59 Melchoir Schlagel. L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 1,60c. 84.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $25.35; 56.33• sq yds guttering at 28c. 315.77; 112.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 562.67 73 79 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 162. 83 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $24.90; 55.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $15.49; 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $32.09 .. .... 73.48 Melcholr Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 162a, 83 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $43.50: 96.66 sq yds guttering at 28c, $27.07; 193.- 33 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $56.06 126 63 Melchoir Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 165. 228 11n ft /ier/nlar ,1't.'x;on, Dec,' bel' 2, 189:2. curbstone at 30c. $68.40; 152 sq yds guttering at 28c. $42.56; 304 s yds macadamizing at 29c, $88.16 199 13 John Witt. L: H. Langworthy's add, 1 of sub of 168., lot 2, 36 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $10.80; 24 sq yds guttering at 2Sc, 16.72; 48.40 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 814.03 Julius Otto. L H Langworthy's a.dd, 1 of sub of 168. lot 1, 31.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $9.42; 27.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, $7.59; 48.- 67 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $14.11 31 12 Julius Otto. L H Langworthy's add. 1 of sub of 168. lot 2, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15.15; 34 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.52; 70.67 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $20.49 45 16 Esther Provenchor. L 14 Lang - worthy's add. 1 of sub of 16S, lot 3, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30e. .115.15; 34 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.52; 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $21.26 45 93 Esther Provenchor. L H Lang - worthy's add. 1 of sub of 168, lot 4. 50.5 lin ftcurbstone. at 20c, *15.15; 34 so Is guttering at 28c, $9.52; 73.33 q yds macadam- izing at 29e, $21.26 $45 93 WM Hintrager. Burton's add, lot 1, 58 lin ft curbs:,•ne at 30c. $17.40; 38.67 so yds :•uttering at 2810, *10.82; 77.33 •,t yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 222.43 .. 50 65 H Hurne Est. Burton's add, lot 2 58 1111 ft curbstone at 30e, 117.40; 38,27 sq yds guttering at 28c; *10.82; 77.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. *82.48 50 65 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 3, 68 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $17.40; 38.69 sq yds guttering at 2 8c, *10.82; 77.13 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29e. 12.43 50 65 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 4, 58 lin ft curbstone at 30c, *17.40; 38.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, *10.82; 77.33 so yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. *22.43 50 65 Wm Hintrager, Burton't add, lot 5, 59 lin. ft curbstone at 30c. 117.70; 39.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.01; 77.33 sq yds macadamia- ing at 29c. *22.43 51 14 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 6, • 59 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 117.70; 39.33 sq Yds guttering at 28c. 111.01; 75.69 s*• :Ids macadamiz- ing at 29c. 122.81 51 52 Casper Metz Est. Burton't add, lot 7. 57 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17.- 104 88 sq yds guttering at 28c, 310.64; 76 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $22.04 Casper Metz Est, Burton't add, lot S. 47.1 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.13; 42.44 sq yds guttering at 28c, 111.88; 76 sq yds macadam- izing at 29c. $22.04 • A Leik. Burton's add. lot 9, 57 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $17.10; 88 aq yds guttering at 28c, *10.64; 76 aq yds maeadamazing at 29c, $22.14 Chris Leik. Burton's •add, lot 10, 58.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, *16.11; X38 sq yds guttering at 28c, 110.64; 76 sq yds macadamising at 29c, $28.04 31 55 49 48 7S 05 49 78 48 79 Chris Leik, Burton's add. lot 11, 57 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 117.10; 38 sq yds guttering at 28e, 110.64; 76 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $22.04 ............ 49 78 Chris Leik, Burton's add. lot 12, 59 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17,70; 46 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.88; 76 sq Yds macadamizing at 29c, $22.04 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 13, 57.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17.25 38.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $10.73; 76.67 sq yds macadam- izing at 29c. $22.23 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 14. 57.5 lin ft curbstone a.t 30c, $17.25; 38.33 sq yds.guttering at 28c, $10.73; 76.67 so yds macadam- izing at 29c, $22.23 50 21 Glen Brown. Burton's add, lot 15, 57.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $17.25; 38.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $10.73; 76.67 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. $22.23 ........ 50 21 Glen Brown. Burton's add, lot 16, 57.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 317.25; 38:33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $10.73; 76.67 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. 122.23 50 21 Dubuque Water Co. Burton's add, lot 17. 35.7 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $10.71; 39.11 sq yds guttering a.t 28c, $10.95; 83.56 sq.yds macadam *zing at 29c. 124.23 . 45 89 Dubuque Water Co. Burton's add, lot 18, 64 lin ft curbstone at 30c,- $19.20; 42.66 aq .yds guttering at 28c, $11.94; 84 sq yds macadamia-. ing at 29e, $24.36 , . , , .. 55 50 M C • Munsell. Burton's add, lot 19. 64 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 119.20; 42.66 sq yds guttering at 28e, $11.94; 84 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c. *24.36 .... .. 55 50 M C Munsell. Burton's add, lot 20. 64 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 119.20; 42.66 so yds guttering at 28c, $11.94; 84 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 29c, 124.36 .... .. . 55 50 M C Munsell. Burton's add, lot 21, 67.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.-' ' 25; 45 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.60; 89.33 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $25.91 58 76 John F Hamman. Burton's add, lot 22. 64 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $19.20, 42.6G sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.94: 85.33 sq yds macadam izing at 29c. $24.75 55 89 Dubuque Water Co, Burton's add lot 23. 65 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $19.50; 43.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.13: 86.67 sq yds macadam *zing at 29c. $25.13 .... 56 76 Oriental Powder Co. Burton's add, lot 24, 65 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $19.50; 43.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.13; 86.67 sq yds macadam izing at 29c. $25.13 56 76 William Manning, Burton's add, lot 25. 65 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $19.50y 43.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.13; 86.67 sq yds macadam izing at 29c, $25.13 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 26. 105.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $31.74; 83.11 sq yds guttering at 280, 123.27; 168.55 sq yds Macad- amizing at 29c. $48.88 103 89 Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot 32, 293.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $88.14; 203.11 sq yds guttering at 52 62 50 21 56 76 Bey filar Stwclou, Do•elttbr-t' '2, 1895. 28c, $56.87 i 428.55 sq yds macad: • -69 q amizing at 29c. $124.28 ...... . Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot 31. 173 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $51.90; 116 sq yds guttering at 28c, $32..48; 233.33 sq yds macad: 152 06 'zing at 29c, $67.67 .... .. Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot lot 30. 256.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $77.01; 174.66 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c. 548.90: 359.22 sq yds r macadamizing at 29c, 3104.17 ... 2'10 ,) 08 Bonson Bros.. sub of mineral lot 340. lot 2. 434.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $130.38: 289.33 sq yds gut- tering at 28c. 381.01; 578.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $167.81... 379.20 Bonson Est. sub of mineral lot 340, lot 3. 80 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $24.00; 53.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c. $14.93: 106.66 sq yds macadamizing at 29c. $30.93..... 69 86 Wm Hintrager, sub of mineral lot 270, and 2-3. lot 2. 185 lin ft curb stone at 30c. 355.50; 145.33 sq yds guttering at 28c. $40.69; 259.55 sq . yds macadamizing at 29c, $75.27. 171 46 Chas Klingenberg, sub of mineral lot 270, and 1-3, lot 2. 92.5 lin ft curb shote at 30c. $27.75: 72.66 sq yds guttering at 28c. 320.34; 129.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, $37.64. 85 73 , Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Haipin,Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. AAd. Kaufmann offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing sidewalk by contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and yawned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate. as follows: Chris Jungk. lots 54 ;tnd 55 McCraney's 1st add. 35 cents. J. H. Shields. lots 8 of blk 1 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. 40 cents. Hughes & Blake. lot 27. Blake's add, 50 cents. John Gillis. lot 21. West's add, $1.25. ITFnry Guerdet. slit, city lot 703, lot 12, 30 cents. Walter Cox. lot 2 mineral lot 90, 45 cents. Rt. Rev. Hennessey. clty lot 726, 40 cents. H. W. Butler. lot :313 Davis Farm add, 15 len' s. J. A. Rhomberg. lot 427 Ham's add, 20 cents. J. W. Davis. lot 80 McCraney's 1st add, 15 cents. Allen Schumacher. lots 77 and 78, Mc- Craney's 1st add. 45 cents. Pat. Hughes, lot 2 of 2 of 8, Ellen Blake's sub. 25 cents. John Pier. city lots 678a and 678, $1.40. J. M. Werner. lot 94, East Dubuque, 70 cents. Jas. Beacn. city lot 583, 70 cents. John Welsh. sub 1 of 5 11, 12, 13, n e 1-4 sec, 13-89-2 e. 45 cents. • Glab Bros.. lot 336 Davis Farm add, 20 cents. Dubuque Investment Co., lot 8, Line- han Park add. 50 cents. J. H. Rhomberg. lot 181, L H Lang's add, 30 cents. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A.lds. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following. which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the resolu- tion ordering a four -foot sidewalk laid on Grandview avenue between Southern avenue and end of street be amended so that the time may b' extended until April 1st. 1896. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Be it resolved that the special assess- ment for laying a 6 -feet wide plank side- walk on Lincoln avenue by John Mc- Coy, contractor. abutting the n 16 ft of Int 26 and lot 25 Dreibllbe's add, (John Strazinskyl assessed Nov. 4th. 1895, be hereby canceled. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: Approved Reef carte .. Mayor. LIST OF WARRANTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 1st, 1895. The following le a complete list of war- rants issued by me during the month of October, 1895: .Name. For what purpose. Amit. Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street . 500 00• Steuck & O'Farrell. Improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. Improving Locust street • 355 00. LW of 'Warm tits . :253 •Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 242 00 D \V Linehan. improving Middle avenue 500 00 D W Linehan, improving Middle avenue 490 00 Ryan Bros. improving Alpine street 500 00 Ryan Bros, improving Alpine street Phil Doerr, improving alley John Tibey, improving Rush street. 500 00 John Tibey, improving Rush street 196 00 B Donahue, improving sewer 278 00 P Borsch, improving 5th avenue500 00 P Horsoh, Lmniroving 5th avenue280 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv 500 00 ing 15th street Dubuque Construction Co. improv 500 00 Ing 15th street Dubuque Construction Co. improv 411 00 182 50 ting 15th street 125 00 Dubuque Construction Co, Improv ing 16th street 500 00 Dan Norton. policee ing 16th street Jas Allen, Dubuque Construction Co, improv 500 J Reuter, police Dubuque Construction Co, improv Edw Moore. police Job Barnes. fireman A McDonald. fireman J Murphy. fireman Wm Ducey. fireman J Sohonberger, fireman T Ryder. fireman M Fahey, fireman D Ahearn. fireman T Walker, fireman W Hippman. fireman F Gahahl. fireman Geo Girke. fireman 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 17 00 71 50 77 50 Geo Helnu•ich. fireman W Williams. fireman F Essman. firemar T Flynn, fireman Jas Rooney, fireman F Kenneally. fireman Chas Kannolt. fireman Jas Allen. fireman , Wm McBride. fireman ., Il Weston. fireman. Wm Lempke. fireman 3 J Murphy, police John Raesle, police Frank Carney, police 51 65 B Cain, police .......... ... 53 30 J Loetscher, police 51 66 P McNerney. police 51 65 T Riley. police• 51 65 J Fitzpatrick, police 51 65 51 65 53 30 51 65 61 65 53 30 50 00 51 65 51 65 51 65 61 65 51 65 50 90 46 70 51 65 48 35 51 65 51 65 53 30 50 00 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 65 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 ing 16th street 126 00 Jahn Pie kley, 1.n proving Schiller 500 00 avenue .. • John PickleY, improving Schiller 365 00 14 62 15 67 2 00 , 0000 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 J R'' Norton. juror 2 00 J Zangmeister. juror . • .. • • • • • 2 UO2 00 Jas McDonald. juror 125 00 P Olinger, salarY 125 00 H B Gnitfke. salary • • • • • • • ... •. 208 65 T J Cooney, salary .•••.. ••"' 116 65 M M McCarter. salary . . 116 • • • • • 126 00 J Stamm, salary ............. 125 00 Jas E Knight. salary 150 00 Edw Morgan. salary ...........100 00 Jos Reinfried. s.aarY 00 60 John Carter, salary ••••••••..•' 9160 John O'Connell. salary • • • • • • 283 00 W H Knowlton. salary • • • • • 200 00 J Boyce, salary ............... E S Hyde, salary- 100 00 ............ 50 00 H Glab, salary • • • 75 00 60 00 50 00 45 00 avenue Wim Schwagler. macadam Jno Koehler. macadam E C Young, juror Jos Herod. juror M Ca,cuey, juror Peter Specht. juror L Reinecke. juror M Ludescher. juror Jno Jess, juror ,Chris Copritz. juror M Brown, juror • Geo Osborn. salary ...... • • • • Chas Hillery, salarY ••••••••••.. J P Tract, salarY • • • • • • . .. HHenge, salary ........•........ TJess, salary ................... Dr Wieland, salary ....... • • • • ".. M Eitel, fireman . • • • • • • • • • 3 Eiseman. fireman....... A Ducctnt. fireman . • • • • • ... J Flynn. fireman ...... J Wiltse. fireman ....... • . • ".. C Specht. fireman ................ J T Schneider. fireman . • . • • • • • Edw Keas. fireman . .......... • Jas Daily, fireman ............... 20 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 32 05 60 00 M Kitty, police P Sutton. police M Craugh. police T Sullivan. police P Powers, police F R'homf>erg, police J Rooney, police I Manhoff, police Wm O'Brien, pollee J O'Halloran. police Jas Lonergon, police J Hilson, police Jas Murphy, it>o11ce Jno Noel. police Wm Hennessy. aolice Jas Carter. police Peter Scharf, police P McColilns. police Joe Seecrest. police P Hanlon, police Dan Lavery, police Wm Frith, police Wm Howard, police 60 00 Jahn Pullens, pound master J P Traut. board of prisoners • • •21 20 1 20 M Abitz. laborer 11 25 1' Ahearn. laborer 14 20 A. Alderson. laborer 35 20 Jas Bennett. laborer8 45 J Brochtobroch. laborer 12 15 M Beckus. laborer 16 90 John Boetke. laborer 22 30 Gras Buse. laborer 17 90 P Becker. laborer 48 00 C Beyer. laborer 18 60 J Byrne. laborer 19 25 R Burns. laborer 15 20 19 25 P Burke, laborer ........ Val Burns. laborer 5 20 H Beckelt. laborer 1 13 75 Jas Butler. laborer 352 60 T Bushman. laborer5 00 J Bottoms. laborer 10 00 W Crumpwell. laborer 25 35 J Corbett. laborer 12 50 M Carmody. laborer 16 55 Jas Cahill. laborer 72 00 Wm Carter. laborer piiiiiii.1111111111111111.111111.1111111111111111111.111_. 264 • Lit of Mil frani8. B Conlin. laborer 12 85 C Madden. laborer M Coyle, laborer 19 26 T Meggison. laborer 19'2. D Crotty. laborer 13 85 B. Mack. laborer 12 50 L Cahill. laborer 18 60 T Mullqueeney. laborer 21 91. Jaa Connelly. laborer 9 80 P Mahon. laborer 17 25 John Coyen. laborer 6 75 J Maronu. laborer 9 15 E Dahling, laborer 5 40 D Meiner. laborer 5 40 M Differding, laborer 12 15 C Mackleberg, laborer 14 20 J Driscoll., laborer 72 00 I. Meurisse. laborer 14 2e 1? Dempsey. laborer 1 35 J Meisel'. laborer 11 5o J Daugherty, laborer 14 55 M MahonY. laborer 21 95 M Dumphy. laborer 13 20 P Moran. laborer 19 25. J as Doyle. laborer 31 90 51 Mullen. laborer 42 le P Datontin. laborer 19 liu T Murry, laborer 8 10 P Doyle. laborer 35 63 E Meeker. laborer 32 10 Ed Dailey, laborer 21 40 II Miller, laborer 7 84) John Evert. laborer 20 60 P Murry. laborer 11 85 Wm Erwin. laborer 18 25. M Murphy. laborer 3 40 John Eagan, laborer 18 25 31 NICISianlant. laborer 23 30 John Fix. laborer 20 25 B McCaftry, laborer 15 50 C Fischer. laborer 18 90 J H McDonald. laborer 13 83 M Fetschle. laborer 14 85 B McCormack. taborer 13 50 L Fritz. laborer 16 55 T McCarten. laborer 5.05. Dan Fox. laborer 20 95 T McDonald. laborer 12 85 P Fitzgerald. laborer 8 80 M McCone. laborer 22 la M Flynn. laborer 3 40 31 McOarten. laborer, 22 90 J Gettgler. laborer .6 75 L McEvoy. laborer 23.30 J Gillespie. laborer 20 95 A MoGuan. laborer 14.20 J Giessles. laborer 14 85 P McNulty. laborer 5 60. J Grab. laborer 15 90 J McNulty:- laborer 22 30 P Ginter, laborer 18 23 Jas McCormack. laborer 19 25 13 Glass. laborer 9 80 Wm McDermott. laborer 169e. 11 Gollie. laborer 16 20 M Nutten. laborer 9 15 ✓ Grunzig, labore r 12 15 F Oswald. laberer, 16 90 Joe Ginter. laborer 23 30 John O'Dea. laborer 22 90 P Gill. laborer 29 25 Sas 0.Dotuiell. laborer 5 1,0 'P Gregory. laborer 6 45 ! P O'Brien. Sr.. laborer .25 35. W.m GaskIn. laborer 2 05 J Perryon. laborer 13 .50, A Hird. laborer . • . 1 35 D Powers. laborer .. . 19 25 J Hoffman. laborer 19 60 Jas Pudeell. laborer 19 X), C Hillery. laborer 4 44) Jas Powers. laborer 19 25. M Hardie. laborer 25 10 11 Quinlan. laborer 6 I0 Jas Harker, laborer 18 9t) M Reiseek. laborer 32 44) 11 Hass. laborer ..... . • • • . ........ 18 90 Jno Raetz. laborer 28 10 A Hoffman. laborer 15 55 J Roesner. laborer 21 30, F Herzog, laborer 14 20 Chas Riley. laborer 21 95, N Hilger. lalborer 9 15 F Rieger. laborer 6 75 M Houpes. laborer 17 55 A Reuter. laborer 8 45. Jas Hooten. laborer 5 10 T Riley. laborer 19 25 John Hafey. laborer 21 95 Jas Rooney. laborer 1 35. Chris Heck. laborer 12 50 Joe Seik. laborer 25 00 Jas Hind. laborer 24 40 A 11 Stevenson .laborer 75 00 Dan Harman. laborer 16 90 M Specht. laborer 18 23 Win Juergens, laborer 14 20 J Sehroeder. laborer 19 25 A Jaeger. laborer 5 40 J Scheirer. laborer • 13 20 J Jecklin. laborer 15 90 Wm Schwa.gler. laborer 8 10 P Jacobi. laborer. 18 60 Jno Steffe. laborer 13 85. A Johnson. laborer 12 50 .1 Sanders. laborer 11 70 Aug Sass. laborer 6 75 P Schultz. laborer 18 00 John Kinsella. laborer 50 00 J Schmid. laborer • 16 20 P*Kinney. laborer 33 10 J L•Sullivan.• laborer 15 20 C Kampman. laborer 20 60 C Schaetzle. laborer 4 05 J Kraus. laborer 12 60 13eo Sutter. laborer 8 80 M Kline. laborer 15 20 P Stoffer. laborer 24 00, F Kreeger. laborer 12 50 Joe Stade. laborer 14 55 J Karsch. laborer 11. 83 L Stein. laborer 14 55 E 5 King. laborer 10. 80 J Spam. laborer 38 25 P Klein. laborer 24 00 Wm Spensley. laborer 21 75. A Knapp. laborer 18 25 M Sweeney. laborer 28 35 T Kelly. laborer 19 25 .M Shea. laborer 14 55. F King. laborer 9 15 M Sullivan. labOrer 6 75 J Kelly. laborer 1520 J 13 Stevens. laborer 15 90 J Kiest. laborer 5 40 .1 Sullivan. laborer 20 95 Matt Imes. laborer 29 05 B Sbhub. lalborer 18 25 A Lundy. laborer 5 10 T Sullivan. laborer 2.05 J Lavin laborer. 14.85 'Wm Terry. laborer 35 60 F Lassance. laborer 15 90 F Theiring. laborer 12.80 M Lilac. laborer 16,90 Wm Thompson., laborer 15'90 H Luck. laborer 6.75 P WE rim, i.aborer. .40 00 H Lembeck. laborer 21 00 Con Welsh. laborer, 40.00 C Lohrman laborer 7 50 R Wittkomn, laborer 8975 M Lavin. laborer 9 80 Wm Warring. laborer 36 OD. P Murphy, laborer 50 00 John Wolff...laborer 17 25. ••• List nt Nriir uut r. P Wagner, laborer P Weiat. laborer H Weidennach, laborer Mrs Kien. scrubbing offices Mrs Koenig. Janitor M White, laborer J Whelan. laborer J Welsh. laborer 11 Weber. laborer W Zac:hina. laborer Geo Zumhoff. laborer C 0 Baker. team R Bennett. team T Byron. team T Crahln. team Wm Cook. team 11 Cain. team T B Cain, team T Elliott. team P C Foley .team J Garrigan. team J P Jardin. te: rn H King. team Ii Kenneally. team Chris; I.empke, team Wan- Lowery. team P J Love. team P Linehan. team C Meniserknecht. team J J More. team Mrs,Melioy, team McGrath. team Jeff McGrath. team Jno Corcoran. laborer J McCollins. team 5 Norton. team J Parker. team Mrs Quinliva•n. team Geo Reynolds. team H Schmid. team H Strotm, team D E Sutherland. team Jno Savage. teams Ed Seeley, team M Theis. team P Turhan. team Cath Tobin. team J Von Holten. team Jesse Veaun, team A Walker. team Goo Wetter. team J Williams. team W Withrow. team Jno Hillery. laborer Steve }ousels. laborer F Schilling, laborer Joe Rooney. laborer C T Hillery. laborer J McCollins. laborer. Jos Geiger. keys. etc Chas Burchard. assistant park 31 20 custodian A Mendell. assistant electrician2 00 Fred Burch. assistant treasurer13 25 Dr Michel. board of health 15 00 J Hayes. cleaning around city hall 20 75 Robt Mct,ivern. board of health50 00 A. Jaeger, laborer 2241 10 l 30 Beekman. laborer 3 10 ''an Abell, cards F Keaohiie, repairs around city 184 50 hall. etc Chas Atkinson. repairs around city hall 81 00 Wm Ge1=heker. assistant engineer 55 00 Jno Farley. assistant engineer 40 00 Jas Morgan, assistant engineer50 00 Jno Brady, assistant engineer37 50 J C Dwyer. assistant engineer45 00 Dan Cheean. assistant engineer24 60 4 47 Jno Jenni. macadam 8 80 M Carmody. laborer M Lavin. construction of sewer19 65 • 10 80 70 14 55 5 00 20 00 8 1U 915 13 20 15 55 18 90 33 60 10 15 4795 46 60 9 45 15 55 37 80 14 85 60 10 2 70 6 75 8 75 33 75 14 85 35 10 26 35 56 05 4795 22 30 30 40 33 75 13 50 35 80 19 25 46 60 5 40 35 80 50.65 23 65 66 05 27 00 18 25 3105 50 65 16 10 8 80 29 70 12 15 25 00 29 05 4390 2 70 10 15 44 40 41 15 22 75 11 15 26 25 2 70 100 1 M Lavin. construction of sewer59 25 C 0 D Laundry. cleaning carpets13 65 Star Electric Co. arc lights 500 00 Star Electric Co. are lights 500 000 Star Electric Co. arc lights 500 00 Star Electric Co. are lights 125 40 Standard Lumber Co. shavings1 00 Fred Schloz. repairs 7 50 B Linehan. cement 2 07 Standard Lumber Co. lumber 23 62 0 E Guernsney, steam roller 2 37 A D Linehan, repairs 5 40 Wm Schmitt. repairs 50 Bock & Reed. ihurse shoeing 12 40 .Ino Butt. repairs 7 50 Fred Schloss repairs 1'4.00 Hussman & Lies, supplies 1 50 C (1 D iauniry, cleaning carpets5 80 J M Wittmer. supplies 4 25 Louie Lindenberg, supplies 1 25 Standard Lumber Co. shavings1 75 J 5 Garrig.in. team labor day 2 00 1' Clancy, t'am labor day 2 00 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 11 00 Peter HntTman. 1 barrel of salt1 10 Ratters & Dennis. hay 15 70 Harger & Blish, fiags and hunting 10 55 John Butt, repairs for engine house 2 -90 Kannolt & Powers• horse shoeing17 60 Engler & Frudden Co, lumber 6 00 John Neuman & Son. reip:atrs on• engine 10 00 Dubuque Water Co, 314 hydrants for September 500 00 Dulbuque Water Co. 314 hydrants for September 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 314 hydrants 308 33 6 00 50 25 2 50 60 01 1 00 5 30 30 60 73 5(1 for September Lear & Pfiffner. horse shoeing Carr, Ryder & Wheeler. lumber Gen G Perry. matches P Breithaupt, labor Harger & Blissh• stationery Jones & Christman. soap etc I W Wittmer, soap. etc Walton & Bieg, stationery Ham & Carver. blank stationery Shipley & Bauman. veterinary ser vices • ' 10 95 Mullen Bras, plumbing 41 75 Key City Gas Co. opal and coke 33 22 N H Schilling, repairing side -walk 140 16 F.xcelsior. Brass Warks. repairing street roller, engines. exp rings, 38 77 etc W H Knowlton. expense to Cin- cinnati convention D W Linehan, conrteuoting sewer 450 6600 Geo Farley, improving alley 50 Geo Farley. improving alley 17 79 Specialty Mfg Co. metal shelving 500 00 for vaults Specialty Mfg Co, metal shelving 292 72 for vaults Police Telephone & Signal Co, sup 21 00 plies for electrician E E Frith, removing dead animals 222 50 J P Schroeder, tile pips' 23 5 Dubuque Construction Co, con- 00 • .tructng sewer 00 Phil Doerr. improving alley 248 70 Phil Doerr. macadam8 22 Phil Doerr. macadam.. John Tibey. improving Curtis street John Tibey, improving Curtis street 269 54 John Tibey, improving Curtis 1 street 27 36 John McCoy, constructing side- 56 walk 10 N H Schilling. catch basins 193 53 Blackmer & Post. sewer pipe 139 80 125 25 52 50 251 i Ds/. j 11'(,/(futs. Atknan & Taylor, improving Grandview avenue 500 00 Adman & Taylor. improving 271 00 Grandview avenue W H Knowlton. street car fare 5 50 N H Schilling. storm water sewer33 97 N li S, hilling, building vaults at city hall 109 80 J McColltns. hauling 'tile pipe 9 45 Dubuque Ccn:F:ruction Co, con- structing sewer 22 60 Dubuque Construction Co, con- structing sewer 26 56 Dubuque Construction Co. improv- ing 16th street • 200 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv ing 15th street 200 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving 4tth street 180 65 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving 4bh street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving 4th street 355 74 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Fre mont avenue 451 SI Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Fre mont avenue 297 19 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, con- structing sewer 98 00 B Donahue. constructing sewer222 00 Geo G Wiedner. railroad iron for covering sewer 17 10 N H Schilling. repairing around engine house 40 59 I C Chamberlain. rex refunded 36 36 'Dubuque Telegraph. Blank station ery 98 00 Hardie & Seharle. blank station- ery • 56 75 Jno T Kearns. recording deeds 8 25 T J Conlin, livery for committee8 00 ' Key Oity Gas Co, gap 46 65 Central Union Telephone Co, rent of phones 45 50 Globe Light & Heat Co. 102 lamps for August 170 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for August 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for August 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for August 500 00 Star Electeic Co. 301 arc lights for August 125 40 The Herald. advertising ,for Au- gust 75 00 The Telegraph, advertising for Au gust 75 00 The Globe. advertising for Au- gust • 2915 The Times. advertising for Au- gust 29 15 H B Gniffke. refunded excavation 145 00 H B Gniffke. interest paid on war - Wm McGrath. team 19 60 rants 500 00 H B Gniffke, interest paid on war- rants 500 00 H B Gniffke, interest paid on war- ' rants 29517 H B Gniffke, refunded tax, $1.13; redemption tax sale. 134.80 35 93 H B Gniffke, opening street be- tween West Eagle Point avenue and Valeria street 500 00 H B Guiffke, opening street be- tween West Eagle Point avenue and Valeria street 500 00 H B Cniffke, opening street be- tween West Eagle Point avenue and Valeria. street 295 00 H 13 Gniffke. commission. 13201 hay $24.96; refunding saloon license, $3.00; expense on bonds; $3.15431 11 H B Gniffke, postage, $11; ex- change bond. $2.00; freight charges on vault shelving, $39.98; hay. $120.12; freight charges on sewer pipe, $192.10 275 10 John Mulkern. money loaned the city 500 00 John Mulkern.money loaned the oitty 500 00 John Mulkern. money loaned the city 400 00 J L Horn money loaned the city300 00 D Forrett, money loaned the city600 00 D Forrett, money loaned the city500 00 D Forrett, money loaned the city500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city . 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 600 00 German Trust & Savin_s Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money Loaned the city 500 00 German Trust & Savings Bank, money loaned the city 500 00 Harry Clark, money loaned the city 100 00 Dr I3rownson. consultation small pox case 50 00 Dr Wieland. consultation small pox case 30 00 Chas Karsoh & Son.macadam... 87 60 John Evert. macadam 8 10 Parker. Bird & Otey. macadam. , . 38 62 Mrs C D Sullivan. macadam 30 00 Bakey. Bird. Cane & Cornish, mac- adam 57 30 Peter Jacobi, macadam 9 4i Theo Ra'tterman.macadam 41 25 1' Olinger. chairman board of health 500 00 T Shea. com• mittee board of health 100 00 Theo Bauer, committee board of health 100 00 B Michel. ass=stant health officer200 00 T J Oooney, clerk of board of health 300 00 F W Wieland. expenses to Denver 30 00 M Lavin. construction of sewer100 00 M Connolly, construction of sewer 12 25 M Connolly construction of sewer 128 35 Dubuque Construction Co, im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, Im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, Im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, im- provement of 17th street 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co, im- provement of 17th street 456 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improvement of Locust street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. improvement of Locust street 500 00 Steuok & O'Farrell. improvement of Locust street 500 00 Steuok & O'Farrell, of Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell, of Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell of Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell of Locust street Steuok & O'Farrell of Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell of Locust street . Steuok & O'Farrellimprovement of Locust street Steuok & O'Farrell. improvement of Locust street 190 00 Fred Scharf. macadam 75 80 Pat CAN. macadam 25 88 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of warrants issued by me • during the month of October, 1895. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. Official Notices. Improvement Improvement improvement improvement imzrovemen. tmDrovement 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to , revoke licenses issued by the City and providing a penalty for carrying on any business or occupation after a li- cense is revoked. Be it ordained by the CIty Council of the City of Dubuque, ' Sec. 1. That authority be and is here- by given the mayor whenever in his judg ment the public interests require it to re- • voke any license issued by the City by filing a written revocation thereof with the City Recorder and the service of a copy of the same on the licensee or if he cannot be found in the City or any of his employees or agents and from . the date of the filing and service of such written revocation as aforesaid the cense so revoked shall be of no effect whatever. Sec. 2. That any -person whose license has been revoked as aforesaid may file a written protest against such revoca- tion after such revocation and such per- son shall be heard in support of such pro test at any regular or special meeting of the council. and in case the council sees fit to continue the license of such person it shall do so by a majoriv vote of all its members and the license of such per- son shall continue for t. period stated therein. Sec. 3. That any person having ob- tained a license from •the city of Du- buque to conduct any business or occu- pation who shall continue to conduct suoh business or occtnpatlon after the li- cense issued to him therefor has been re- voked by the mayor or shall on convic- tion thereof be tined in a sum not to ex- ceed Twenty Five Dollars for each and every day he continues in said business or occupation. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in ef- fect from and after its passage and one publication in the 1 ER Oial LIN ER the city. Mayor. Attest: T.J. COONEY,iy Recorder. 19-4-1t NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Thursday. December 5th, 1895, for 2:i7. constructing plank sidewalks where not. already laid as follows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Grandview avenue between South Dodge street and Eeast end of the street. 4 feet wide on north side of Bennett street between East street and east line of Griggs sub. 6 feet wide on north side of Seminary street between North Main street and Clifford street. 4 feet wide n both sides of Mer', street between Stafford avenue and Althauser avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of Queen street between Edward street and north end of street. all in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be requited with each bid. . The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids, 11-25-10t. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Dubuque. November 25th, 1895. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at thesession of the City Council of the • City of Dubuque, held on Nov. 12th, 1895, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herein after described. and that in case of failure to pay the one seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKF, City Treasurer. Sixteenth street from Main street to, Locust street: Owner: Description Amt. J & D Olinger, s 1-5 of 472 city$365 39 Wm S Molo. s 1-5 473 city 374 48 Anna A Sears. n 1-2 n 1-5 474 360 06 W H Peabody, n 1-5 471 358 40 For Fifteenth street from Main street to Locust street: D D Meyers. s 96.10 of 471, city$387 44 Independent School District of Du Buque. s 2-5 of 471. city 350 35 11 B Richards. n 1-5 of 475, city387 34 Mrs. Elizabeth Young. n 1-4 of 470a, city 367 42 For improving alley from Johnson ave nue to Windsor avenue between Garfield .avenue and Rhomberg avenue: R W Lange. Cook's add. lot 1$ 25 79 M Hanson. Cook's add. lot 2 22 61 John F Luck. Cook's add. lot 322 61 Wm Kanive. Cook's add, lot 422 61 F B Welton. Cook's add. s 1-2, lot 5 11 ;1. J Muller. Cook's add. n 1-2, lot 511 80 John Berry, Cook's add. lot 6 22 Justine Holtzman. Cook's add, s 1-2, lot 7 11 30 Gandez Truog, Cook's add, n 1-2 11 31 lot? M Hoerner, Cook's add. lot 2222 61 Luisa Weglau. Cook's add, lot 2322 61 Frank Giessler, Cook's add, lot 2422 61 Jos Cleman. Cook's add, lot 2522 61 Jos Cleman. Cook's add. lot 2622 61 Nic Schmidt. Cook's add. lot 2722 61 Nic Ley. Cook's add. lot 28 25 72 For improving Fifth avenue from end of improvement to north line of lot 6 Peil')s addition: H Krems. Johnstone sug. lot 1$ 14 30 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 1 66 13 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 2 46 50 . rrtit'i'N. Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 3 46 50 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 4 46 50 Rudolph. Jones. Jansen's sub,. lot 5 46 50 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 6 46 50 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 7 46 50 Rudolph Jones. Jansen's sub, lot 8 57 7.7 John Jansen. Jansen's sub. lot 13603 72 Thos Barry, sub lot 2 of the sub of 2: 3 and 4 ane 1 of 5 of m lot 307a, kit I 391 78 John Berwanger, sub lot 2 of the sub of 2. 3 and 4 and 1, of 5 of m • lot 307a. lot 2 69 61 Lizzie Schnee. Peii's sub. lot 646 50 Lizzie Schnee: Pell's sub. lot 546 60 Iezzie Schnee. Peil's sub. lot 446 50 Lizzie Schnee. Pell's sub. lot 346'50 Chris Hertner. sub 1 m lot 307a, lot a 93 00 Lizzie Schnee. Peii's sub. lot 2:46 50 Lizzie Schnee. Pell's sub. lot 1106 95 August Roeber. min lot 307. lot 21038 27 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on Nov. 12th, 1895, the following special assessments we're levied on the real estate herein after described. and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the erd4nance governing same, will become • delinquent and eub.iect to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For laying a 6 foot sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln avenue from.: Jackson street to Reid avenue: J F Kruger, Cook's add. lot 59$ 11 66 JohnStra,Mnskey, Dredbilbies': add add. lot 25 3 19 John StraizinskeY. Dreibilbie's add n•16 ft. lot 26 3.52 John Nieder.meyer Fest. Hooper's add. lot 29 13 53 Henry Hainer, Hopper's add, lot 22 13 64 Henry Hefner, Hooper's add, lot 23 11 50 C G Western Ry Co, sub 10. L Kniest's sub. lot 2 3 52 Geo Deckert. McCraney's 2nd add, lot 18 11 00 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sew er in Hill street from West 3rd street to Langworthy avenue: H Jones. sub lot 8 min lot 73, lot 4$ 20 00 Ed Young, sub lot S min lot 73, lot 5 20 00. Ernest Young, sub lot 8 min lot 73, lot 6 20 00 Henry Young, sub 2 of 2 of 9 of min lot 73. lot 3 20 00 Ernest Young, sub 2 of 2 of 9 of min lot 73, lot 2 20 00 . James McCann. sub 2 of 2 of 9 of min lot 73. lot 1 20 00 O S Lengw'ort'hy, Mrs L H Lang - worthy's sub, lot 8 36 00 E A Langworthy. Mrs L H Lang - worthy's sub. lot 4 69 80 For constructing an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in alley east of Centel Place from Julien avenue to West llth street: Joseph Botts. sub 4 McNulty's sub. lot 1 Josepih Botts, sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc- Nulty's sub. lot 7 Joseph Botts. sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc- Nulty's sub, lot 6 J J McCarthy, sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc- Nulty's sub. lot 5 20 00 19 40 60 52 J J McCarthy, sub 5, ''8 and 9, Mc- Nulty's sub. lot 4 19 00 J J McCarthy, sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc- Nulty's sub, lot 3 1 28 Wni Beck. sub 5. 8 and 9, Mc- Nuity's sub, lot 1 H Wilmers. Cain's sub, lot 9 18 80 13 88 E H Headford. Cain's sub. lot 1013 72 Mrs Jno McCloskey. Cain's sub, lot 11 15 52 A W Hosford. Cain's sub, lot 1215 32 H Thompson. Cain's sub, lot 13.. 15 04 For constructing an 8 inoh tile pipe sewer in alley east of Center Place in Rose street: Simon Treanor sub 13. McNuity's sub. lot 1 $ 17 60 Wm Hopkins, rub 13 McNulty's sub. lot 2 2 40 Wm Hopkins. McNulty's sub, lot 16 16 00 Wm Hopkins. sub 2 min lot 88, lot 1 20 00 John E Standacher. sub 2 min lot 88. s 1-2. lot 2 12 00 Eliza Kennedy. sub 2 min lot 88 n 1-2: lot 2 12 00 Jno D Wade. sub 2 min lot 88, lot 3 10 00 Annie Gill. sub 2 min lot 88, lot 410 00 James Mullin. sub 2 min lot 88, lot 5 16 00 A W Hosford. Cain'ssub. lot 1421. 84 A W Hosford. Cain's sub, lot: 1719.20 A W Hosford. Cain's sub. lot 1832 80 A W Hostord. Cain's sub: lot 19... 21 84 James Sellers. Cain'ssub. lot 2021 84 Mrs A Cummins. sub 7 of main lot 88, lot 1 60.00 Mrs A Cummins. Cummin's sub,. lot 18 22 00 Jno Reed. Cummin's sub. lot 1922 00 Wm Gilliam, Cummin's sub, Iot20... 22 00 J P Earley. Cummin's sub, lot 2122.00 J leEtteley. Cummin's snb. lot 2229 00 NOTICE OF VACATION. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia:, Nov. 13, 1895. Notice is hereby given that it is the intentionof the City Council of the City of Dubuque at its next session to be held December 2d, 1895,. to pass an or- dinance vacating certain streets and al- leys in the Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's addition, as specified in said ordinance, and shown by plat now on file in my office. All persons having objections thereto must file their claim for damages in my office on or before December 2d, 1895. T. J. COONEY, 11 -14 -to Dec. 2d. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John F. Hammen:— You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council if the City of Dubuque for the improvement of West Esg1e Point ave- nue from Kane street to city limits, adopted on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1895, a special assessment will levied for the expense thereof at the next reg- ular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 22 in Burton's add., owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are s notified to appear at slid meeting of (/idol, _1 ut lees, the Council, to be held on the 2nd day December, A. D. 1895, and show cause if' any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-25-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Esther Provenchor: 'You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the tmprovemenf of West Eagle Point ave- nue. from Kane street to City Limits, adapted on the 4th day of November.. A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement. lot 1 of 168 and 4 of 168 in L H Langworthy's add owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd clay of December, A. D.. 1895. and show cause if any you have, why sail assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Oriental Powder Co.: You are 'hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Councilof thy City of Dubuque for the improvement of West Eagle Point ave- nue from Kane street to city limits, adopted on the 4th day of Nnve?nber, A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at • the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutt- ting on said improvement, lot 24 in Bur- ton's add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear atsaid meeting of the•Counoll. to be held on the 2nd day of December. A. D.. 1895. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. 11-27-10t. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To E14za P. Patch: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Locust and West Lo- cust streets. fn._a Tenth street to Sev- enteenth street. adopted on the 4th day of November. A. D.. 1895, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot n 1-2 of s n 2-10 of m 1-5 of 474 in city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December. A. D.. 1895, and show cause if any you have. why sail assessment should not be levied. 11-27-10t. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To E. W. Mitchell: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City 2511 Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Locust and West Lo- cust streets. from Tenth street to Sev- enteenth street. adopted on the 4th day of November. A. D.. 1895, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting or City Council upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said Improvement, lot s 1-2 of s 51 ft of 662 in city, owned by you being subiect to such specialassess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be helil on the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1895. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 11-27-10t. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To William Manning:— You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque i•,r the improvement of West Eagle Point ave- nue from .Kane street to city liirtits. adopted on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1895, a special assessment wits be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City C.ruiwil upon all lots and parcels of land' obut- ting on im wewereenthe ugegs ' ting on said improvement, lot's 28, 38 and 37 in Burton's add owned by you being subject to such special assessment, And you are noti`ea to appear at said meet• ing of the ^•onr,cil, to be held' bit Hie 2d day of I)e.semoer A. D. 1895,' and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Clara C: You are .are hereby notified . that' hi ac- cordance with a resolution of the City 'ouneil of the City of Dubuque far the improvement of West Eagle Point ave- nue from Kane street to city limits, adopted on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Cogn- cll, upon all ots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 85 in Burton's addition, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you arsnotified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2d day of December, A. D. 1895, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-23-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. City Engineer's Office. Dubuque, Iowa. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting: Locust and West Locust street from 10th to 17th streets. Seventeenth street from Clay street to West Locust street. Grandview avenue from Southern ave. to easterly terminus. Rush street from Quince street to Villa street. • Alpine street from West 3d street to ' Dodge street. 060 • 7 Not O ie al (C s Schiller avenue from Lhncoln avenue to Peosta avenue. Middle avenue from Emsley alley to Garfield avenue. Fengler avenue from Peosta avenue t0 northern terminus. Garfield avenue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue. West Eagle Point avenue (now Elm - dale avenue) from Kane street to city limits. Alley from Mertz to Rise between Windsor and Stafford avenues. Alley east of Stafford avenue from Mertz to Pauline street. Alley from Schiller to Middle avenues between Lincoln and Rhomberg avenues And to any person or persons or com- pany having any interest in said real estate, you are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of ground abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special assessment for paving. guttering, curbing and ma- cadamizing of said streets and alleys and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate a,nd the amount assessed against each lot, or parcel of ground, for the inspec- tion of any person, firm or company in- terested in any kind in said real estate, and that such firm or company having objection to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet the 2d day of December, 1895. W. H. KNOWLTON, 11-19-10t. City Engineer. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Jacob Kuntz: You are hereby notified that in ac- oordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of -Middle avenue from Emsley's alley to Garfield avenue, adopted on the 4th day of November„ A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said Improvement, lot 1 of sub 6 of 8 in Wick's add, owned by you being subject to such st1ecial as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D.. 1895. and show oause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John Wendel: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Fengler avenue from Peosta avenue to northern terminus, adopted on the 4th day of November„ A. D.. 1895. a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council,. upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting yin said Improvement, lot No. 23 in Fengler's add. owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D.. 1895. and show cause If any you• have, why said assessment should not. be levied. T. .T. COONEY, 11 -2G -10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF SALE. I will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash. on Monday the 16th•. day of December. 1895. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the public pound of the City of Du- buque. on Elm street. between 14th and 15th streets. the renewing impounded, animals. to -wit: One white horse. weight between 1400•. and 1500 lbs. about 16 hands high, age about 12 years. ED. MORGAN, City Marshal. .. Dubuque. Dec. 10th. 1895. SIDEWALK NOTICES. That sidewalks of good two -Inch planl brick, stone or cement. be. within 10 day: of this notice. constructed and laid it: conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to. sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Grandview avenue between South Dodge street and' East end of street. 4 feet wide on north side of Bennett street between East street a.nd east line of Grigg's sub. 6 feet wide on north side on Seminary street between North Main ;street ands Clifford street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Mertz street between Stafford street a.nd Althauser avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of Queen street between Edward street and north end of street. 11-11-10t. T. J. COONEY, . Recorder. NOTICE TC) CONTRACTORS. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Nov. 20th, '95. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Sat- urday, Nov. 23d, for laying a 20 inch pipe in the alley from 13th to 14th streets, between Elm and Pine streets, In acocrdance with plans and specifica- tions on file in said office. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Bidders to furnish bond of 8200 with each bid that contract will be entered into If awarded. W. H. KNOWLTON. 9-19-4t City Engineer. • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTTCl . To E T T Delehatnty : You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Grandview avenue from Southern ave to east end of St., adopted on the 4th day of November„ A. OXelia.l _%uti.('c8. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, lot 3 and 2 in Kavenaugth & Barry's sub owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on rhe 2nd day of December, A. D., 1895. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should hot be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-101. City Recorder. To H. L. Vaughan: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Grandview avenue from Southern avenue to eastern terminus, adopted on the 4th day of November, A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abut ting on said improvement, lot 5 min lot 20 owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fled to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1895. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should no: be levied. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To L. King: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Seventeenth street,. - from Clay street to West Locust street, adopted on the 4th day of November., A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting said improvement, lot No. 14, in Dorgan's sub owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D.. 1895. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Henry Cameron: You are hereby notified that ih ac; cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Grandview avenue from Southern ave to east end of St., adopted on the 4th day of November„ A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, lot 2 sub mineral lot 18. owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to he held on the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1895. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. .T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. 213-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Mathias Hovey: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Alpine street, form West Third street to Dodge street, adopted on the 4th day of November„ A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, lot 4, in Lois add. owned by you being subiect to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1895. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Wm. Mehl: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance wibh a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of the alley from. Merz street to Reis streeet adopt- ed on the 4th day of November, A. D., 1895. a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, -lot No. 6 of sub 3 in Geiger's sub, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D.. 1895. and show cause if . any yon have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 11-26-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of•Dubuque: That a sidewalk of good two-inch plank. brick, 'stone, or cement, be. within ten days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: Six feet wide on east side of Broadway street between Blocklinger Lane and Diagonal street. Two feet wide on north side of Block - linger lane between Couler avenue and Broadway street. 11-25--10t. T. .I. COONEY, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Frank Peterka: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for the con- struction of lateral sewerage in the alley between Washington and Elm from 11th to 19th streets. adopted on the 2nd day of Dec.. A. D. 1895. a special assessment will he levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all Lots and pacels of land adjacent to said sewerage. lot south 1 of lot 134 in East Dubuque add owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 6th way of January, A. D. 1896. and show cause. it any you have, why said assessment should not be levi- ed. .T. C. COONEY. 12-13-10t. City Recorder. End of Book No. 25 December 2, 1895 City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 26 January 6, 1896 - December 24, 1896 .I�yP I'f 5 . i • • OrrICIAi_ PROCEEDINGS or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE • • DUBU U CITY OF r012 THF YEAR 1096. DU•UQUC TCLCGNAPN PNINTC NS AND DIN DONS 1597. • CITY OFFICER~ FOR 1596. Mayor—T. T. DUFFY. Recorder—L. M.LANGSTAFF. Auditor—M. M. Mc('ARTEN. Treasurer—H.B.GNIFFKE. Attorney—.IAS. E. KNIGHT. Assessor—J. F.STEMM. ALDERMEN. FIRST WARD THIRD WARD A.A. CULLEN. J. W. McEVOY. THEO.ALTMAN. G. B. AMilt E('IIT. SECOND WARD FOURTH WARD PAIL.F. RYDER. B. LAGEN. W. W. BONSON. C. 11. I3ERG. FIFTH WARD THEO. BAUER. FRANK DENNERT. i_: APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Committee Clerk—JOHN O'CONNELL. Engineer—W. H. KNOWLTON. Sewer Inspector—PHIL DOERR. Marshal—ED. MORGAN. Wood Measurer—TILOS.JESS. Street Commissioner—T. W. BAGEL{TY. Market Master—J. P.TRACT. Fire Chief—JOS. REINFRIED. Park Commissioner—C. BURKI1A81). Electrician—GEO. OSBORNE. Health Officer—S.S. LINDSAY. STANDING COMMITTEES• • Mayor Pro Tem—W.W. BONBON, FINANCE. FIRE RYDER, BONBON, DENNERT. CULLEN, RYDER, ALBRECHT, BONSON, BAUER. ORDINANCE. • BONSON, RYDER, McEVOY. POLICE AND LIGHT. LAGEN, BERG, ALBRECHT. CLAIMS. BAUER, ALTMAN, LAGEN. PRINTING BERG, DENNERT,ALTMAN, LAGEN. STREETS. McEVOY. ii BONSON, ALBRECHT, BAUER, DELINQUENT TAX. P' i LAGEN, CULLEN. ALBRECHT, McEVOY, LAGEN, BERG, BAUER. HARBORS ALTMAN,BEMW, DENNERT, LAGEN SEWERS McEVOY. ALTMAN, DENNERT, BERG, LAGEN McEVOY. SUPPLIES. BOARD OF HEALTH. • CULLEN, RYDER, ALTMAN, BERG, BERG, BAUER, DRS. S. S. LINDSAY, BAUER. F. W. WIELAND. MARKETS ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. • CULLEN, ALBRECHT, BEItG. DENNERT, BERG, ALTMAN. LAGEN CULLEN. PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. DENNE• RT, BONBON, McEVOY, 1{Y DFPAVING ALBItF.CI1T, RYDER, ALTMAN, CULLEN. BONBON, D)':NNERT. , Regular Meetings of the Council are held on the first Monday of each month. • i r..i • INDEX--Book 26. 1$96. I SUBJECT. A —-- — — I Pccc i .lan. 0 Angella at. profile of grade of(p 30,45, 78, 135, 291) 3 " 6 Audcbon ave.from West 14th st.to Dexter ave. accepted (34-5) 4 Feb. 3 Adams axes 49) 29 3 Alley bet.Co.,G (arfieldand Rhomberg and 5th and 6th ayes.,pet. of Aug. Roeber in rel. to vacation of(49) 29 " 3 Audubon ave., Ryan Bros paid partial payment on 31-57 Mich. 2 Ahearn,Mrs.Jno.taxes 48 Apr. 9 Aldernien sworn in 74 " 20 Albert G. W., allowed to break macadam.. 78 " 20 Alderman Schulte,resolution rel.to death of his child 97 " 20 Alderman Schuelte.resignation tendered and accepted 97 " 20 Altman Theo.,elected to fill vacancy 97 May 4 Angella st., pet. for imp.of(p.232,266) 99 4 Alley bet. Rush et.and Cleveland ave. and Mountain Lane, pet for opening of(p.220,262, 275. 285,287, 288) 99 " 4 Audubon ave.,sidewalk ordered on 103 " 4 Alpine st., sidewalk ordered on 103 " 4 Arlington et.,sidewalk ordered on 103 June 1 Alpine st.,remonstrance against imp.thereof(137, 167, 191) 124 " 1 Alley bet. Clifford at.and Schroeder ave., pet.fur grade on 124 " 1 Alley bet. 17th and 18th and Elm and Pine sts ordered improved • 173, 174,222 129 " Alpine st., bet. West 5th st. and Julien ave., sidewalk ordered on.. 134-173 " 9 Alley west of Booth st. and south of West 3rd st., extension of 164,168, 188 136 " 22 Alley bet. 14th and 15th sts.and Pine and Maple Ms. ordered im- s proved(222, 267-8 138-174 " 22 Alley bet. 16th and 18th ate.and Maple and Cedar sts.ordered im- a proved(290) 138-268 L July 6 American Fire Engine Co.,communication of in rel.to repair fire ) engines(222) 162-187 6 Alley North of Eagle Point ave., from Prince et.to C.and Q. W R. R. Co., ordered improved(222,268 9) 169-204 Aug. 3 Assessment Roll for 1896,completed 187-286 " 3 Allison Place,from Delhi to College ave.,ordered improved (265) 191-261 " 3 Alley bet. Clifford and Schroeder ayes.,ordered improved 192 Sept. 8 Alley bet. Rebecca st.and Anna Place,laid out. 220 Oct. 5 Alley Wet of Bluff st. bet.9th and llth sts.,remonstrance against closing of 260 Nov. 9 Aldermen,ordered paid 291,2-3 . Dec. 7 Alley from 16th to 18th sts.bet.Maple and Cedar sts.,remonstrance against special assmt. (318-19) 309 ---'r', 7 Alley from Almond to Rebecca sts.,pet. for stairway on 309 " 7 Adams Co., taxes :3114 " 7 Alley bet. Rush et.and Cleveland ave.,pet. of Barney May In rel to 310 . 1 1 INDEX---Book 26. 191id-I --- ---- SUBJECT. I PAGE B Jan. 1; Bills allowed 1 " 6 Iluehlman Henrietta,taxes 2_49 " 6 Brown Sc tions,claim of against .inn. Malone 2 " 6 Breen, Mrs. Mary A.,pet.of in rel. to special tax for cleaning vault 2.49 " 6 Brunskill Ella S., vs. City,agreement for settlement of case... 3, 5, 33 " 11 Bannon Mrs. Kate, taxes 4 6 Bahl Cornelia, taxes 4 " 6 Bennett st., bet. Grand View ave. and East st., resolution in rel. to improvement of 5 " 28 Bonds, resolution in rel.to sale and issue of(36,37,38) 27-8 Feb. 3 Bills allowed 28.9 3 Burke Julia, taxes 29-49 3 flush ('. .1.,taxes • 3 Blitsch Mrs. Anna,taxes 29-49 ' " 3 Brennan Bridget, taxes 29-48 " 3 Bosteld Johanna, taxes 29-49 3 Bush Anna M., pet. of in rel. to sewer connections 29 3 Bohn Ernst, pet.of refunding money for skating rink license.. 80 " 3 Booth C. H., pet.of in rel. to payment of taxes ., „ 30.55 " 3 Bonds, Imp. ordered called in 36 " 12 I Bonds Refunding ordered issued(46-47) 31i 7-8 " 12 I Bonds Refunding, contract for sale cf ordered 38 26 i Bonds Refunded,sold 43,54-5 Mar. 2 Bills allowed 43-4 `' 2 Brunskill Ella S. vs.city -14-5 " 2 Bennet St.remonstrance of Mary J. Corbett against improvement of '..1. A,.,-,.- 2 i Burden and 1.awther,add. in rel.to filling lots in 1 15 2 Blake Mary and Nettie,claim of -19 " 2 Breen Mrs. D.,permission to place pump on sidewalk 55 April 9 Bills allowed 65 • " 9 Bennett st., profile of grade of(104-122) 6; " 9 Bennett st ordered ordered improved(101, 136-7, 222, 272-3) 70-71 " 9 Bush Anna M. vs.city,settled (101-131). 72.i8 " 20 Bennett at., pet. in rel.,to widening of(103.122-125) 1 1/ May 4 Bills allowed 98-99 • 4 Burke Jno.,claim of(162-286).... 99 " 4 Broadway Ext.,claim of D. Mueggenburg on account of change of ., line(130-162) t, • 4 Bnrnheiser Susan,taxes ltl0 127 " 4 Bonds Refunding, matter of sale of (321-2-3) 10„ " 4 Bonds Improvement,called in 10,E E':, " 4 Bluff st. bet.12th and 13th, sidewalk ordered on .lune 1 Bills allowed 104 `., 1 Burden Geo. H. pet. asking that he be refunded the amount paid 5 .. for sewer (167) 122 1 Bonds Improvement, ordered issued. 127-8 44 1 Burch st. bet. West 5th et.and Fenelon Place, sidewalk ordered on 134 July 6 Bills allowed(171-173) 161 8 ( " 6 Bluff at.,sidewalks on ordered laid to grade.. • 22 Bonds Improvement,ordered exchanged 17 Aug. 3 Bills allowed g 172 " &Berwanger Jno., pet. in rel.to special assessment 185-6" 3 Ballard Mary,taxes 1813-2 " 3 Bennett st. bet. Grand View Ave. and East st., sidewalk ordered 190 on Sept. 81 Bills allowed217-18 l• la.,`; pb -__--_ --- -- x■ INDEX--Book 26. 1896. SUBJECT. PAG[ B Sept. 8 Bonds Impr'veu►ent,ordered issued (265,293-4) 233 8 Bridge fuud Board of Supervisors to levy tax for 234 Oct. 5 Bills allowed(261) 259-60 " 5 Bonds Improvement,ordered redeemed(290-1) 265 " 5 Breitschut W.,claim of(285) 266 Nov. 2 Bills allowed (289-90) ......... 283-4 " 17 Bonds Refunding, finance com.to procure opinion of Judge Dillon on (296) 293 " 24 Beversdorf Mrs. Bertha,taxes 295 Dec. 7 Bills allowed (319) 307-8 " 7 Bernhart Rudolph,pet.of in rel. to Impt. of Strauss & Hedley court 309 " 7 Booth C. H., taxes 309 - 1 ' INDEX—Book 26. 1898. SUBJECT I Pati c Jan. 6 Corbett Mary,taxes 2_3:3 " 6 Cheetham Mr.Jno.,taxes 2_82 " 6 Cadman Mrs. Rosa, taxes 2_82 " 6 Curtis st., pet of Peter Eisbach in rel, to special ass'mt 2_80 " 6 City Electrician,application of()scar A.Temple 2_83 " 6 Clifford st. profile of grade of 8_30 ! " 6 Catherine st. profile of grade of 3-30 i " 6 Carney Jas.,taxes 4 " 6 Committee on Legislation appointed ;, i 6 Cox st from West 14th to Julien Ave,,Engineer to prepare profile of grade of 5 1 " 6 College Ave. from West 3rd to West 5th sr.,sidewalk ordered on I East side of ;► I1 " 6 Clay at. from 3rd to 18th sts.,special assmt. levied for sidewalk... 5 1 i 6 Cornell st.from West 14th to May Place,ascot.levied for sidewalk 5 " 6 Catherine st.,assmt. levied for sidewalk 5 Feb. 3 Canovan Marv,taxes 29 49 " 3 Carney Mrs. Mary,taxes 29-48 " 3 Couler Creek, pet.of Jno. Kiepper et al,in rel to 29 " 3 Cholvin Martha,pet.in rel. to special assessment N9.49 Mar. 2 Cantwell Mrs. B.,taxes .. •44-113 - l 2 Cox st.,communication in rel.to grade of .. 44.67 " 2 Catherine st., pet. of Ed. Milligan et al. asking for a dividing grade (56,66,113) 44-46 " 2 Couler ave., pet.of Jos. A. Palen in regard to paving 45 " 2 Clark E. M.,taxes 49 " 2 Carmody M. Est.,taxes 49 6. 2 Chestnut st. bet. Prairie and Walnut,ordered improved (72-167)... 50-1 " 2 Cushing ave.,ordered repaired 51 " 16 Cooper A. A.,pet. iu rel.to street bet.West 5th and Fenelon Place. 55 ' " 16 Chestnut st.bet. Prairie and Walnut st., profile of grade of (67, 195.6. 56 ,- April 9 Clay st.,resolution to pay Kenety & McCann for Imp.of 69 " 9 Clifford st.,ordered improved(102;190,226) 611 • " 9 Clinton ave.,ordered Improved(102, 167,200-1) 69 " 9 Coates ave.,ordered improved (79, 100-1,190, 230-1-2,264, 273-4)... '11 • " 9 Committee's appointed 75 " 20 Catherine et.,commissioners appointed for change of grade (104, • 113, 135). 18 " 20 Cahill Thos.,appointed Park Custodian 811 }',,, " Nlay 4 Catherine at.,pet. for impt. of(232,266) 99 4 Curtis st,sidewalk ordered on 108 4 Caledonia Place,sidewalk ordered on 115 1 June 1 Cunningham& Walsh,taxes(165) 122 1 Clay st.and Cooler ave.,contractors to complete contract(193)..... 127 .Y ', " 1 Contracts to be advertised for at least 5 days 133 i. ., 1 City Offices,committee appointed to investigate help in .. 13.5 " 9 Cornell et., pet.of Dubuque Construction Co,to excavate in(166).. 136 " 9 C. M.& $t.P. R. R. Co., pet. to remove frame building (167) 136 " 9 City Laborers,allowed to work pay day 137 .f." July 6 Coates ave., pet.in rel. to vacate 10 feet of 666 Couler Creek, 163 pet. iu rel.to condition of 1116.33 " 6 City Recorder T.,1. Cooney, resolutions on death of 172 Aug. 3 City Engineer Knowlton,to survey a disputed piece of ground 187 " 3 College ave.,ordered improved(261, 265) " 3 Coates ave.,sidewalk ordered on (205,222,262) 192 " 3 Clifford st.,sidewalk ordered on " 3 Cooler ave.bet.23rd and 24th sts.,sidewalk ordered on 192 9.2 ; • i INDEX---Book 26. 1896. SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 8 Clifford st., pet. in rel.to widening of(222, 262) 220 " 8 Cox st.,ordered improved (266) N32 " 8 Clifford et.,sidewalk ordered on 233 " 8 City Recorder's office,opinion of City attorney Knight on vacancy of 237 " 8 City Recorder Capt. L. M. Langstaff, appointed 237 Oct. 5 Carroll J. 11., pet. in rel.to special assmt. of 259-60 " 5 Clancy P.,allowed 17% cents per yard for cinders 266 Dec. 7 College ave., pet.Jno. L. Buettell et al, for permission to use part of sidewalk 309 " 7 Cheetham Mrs. Ben,taxes 311 • • ? I INDEX--Book 26. 1898. I SUBJECT PAG[ D Jan. 6 Dodge st., pet.of Mrs.Ahearn for ext.of time to pay special assort (26,30) 2 Feb. 3 Donahue T..1.,taxes (49) 29 " 3 Dumphey Martin,taxes(48). I 29 3 Dubuque Turbine Roller Mills, taxes(48) 29 3 Donahue Bryan,claim of for extra work on storm sewers (47) 29 " 3 Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co.,ordinance in rel. to 33 Mar. 2 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., taxes (112) 44 " 2 Dempsey Mrs. Sophia,taxes(112,220, 282) 44 " 2!Dubuque Malting Co.,taxes(68,72, 73) 44 " 9 Davis Wro. M.and Geo. F.., pet. in rel. to retaining wall Pearl at. and Grove Terrace(68,263) 44 2 Drehouse Jno.,against City (55, 126,220). 45 Driscoll Mrs. Mary.taxes 48 " 2 Deckert Mrs. Henry,taxes(100, 127) 48 May 4 Dennel Mrs. Susana,taxes(127) 109 " 4 Dougherty Jno.,claim of (126) 100 " 4 Dubuque Turn Verein,taxes 112 " 4 Davis Farm Add.,lot in ordered filled 118 " 4 Dee Geo.&Sons,committee to investigate factory (127,187) 117 June 1 Dubuque High Bridge Co.,taxes (165) 122 " 1 Dubuque Fruit Produce Co., pet. asxing for charter to run ferry (136). 122 " 1 Dubuque Opera House Co., pet, for permission to erect portico (167, 188) 122 1 Duggan Michael, pet.in rel.to his claim of $300 1.2.2 e 1 Dodge st.,pet.of E. E.McClain in rel. to line of 124 1 Dubuque Construction Co..claim of 126 Aug. 3 Dubuque Casket Co.,taxes (190) 163 3 Dubuque Cabinet Makers Association, taxes 187 • " 3 Dodge st. bet. Vine and South Dodge st., sidewalk ordered on 1931 • Sept. 8 Drees SUsana,taxes (262) 220 " 8 Dubuque Harbor Imp.CO's,,lots in ordered filled 2$4 Oct. 5 Donavan M.J.,taxes(286) 259 'NV,;.. " 5 Delhi at.,sidewalk ordered on " 12 Dubuque Light&Traction Co., pet. in rel. to special taxes (295, b 3 319). 266 Nov. 2 DeLorimier Mrs. Mary,taxes(311) 02 Dubuque Improvement Co.,taxes(290) X285 Dec. 7 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co.,taxes 3309 " 7 Dubuque,Sioux City R. R.Co.,taxes. 309 , 7 Donahue Mrs. Margaret,taxes :F, 311 1 t I 1 $f I ` I 1 1 INDEX—Book 26. 1897. SU BJ ECT Past E Jan. 6 Eagan Jno.,taxes (33, 44, 112) 2 " 6 Electric Light, pet.for on Grand View ave 2 " 6 Eagle Point ave., pet. for ext.of to Middle st. (31,46) 3 " 6 Evans E.J.,claim of (33) 4 " 6 Engineer's Office, pet. of H. Glab for position in 5 " 6 Electric Light, per. for on Rebecca st ... 29.30 " 6 Engineer's Office,committee appointed to investigate(50) 34 Mar. 2 Eighmey C. H.,taxes (122, 165) 44 " 2 Electric Light, pet. for in rel.to on West 5th st 45 " 2 English Lane,pet. for improvement of 45 " 2 Elm st.,Engineer to prepare plat showing extfrom Eagle Point ave,to Sanford sr. (101, 116, 125, 169, 188,204-5 47-56-68 " 2 Edward st. bet. Windsor ave.and Queen st., sidewalk ordered on (132) 51 " 2 English Lane,Engineer to prepare plat showing widening of 52-56 " 2 English Lane bet.Southern ave.and Wilde st., sidewalk ordered on 52-56 " 2 Election Judges and Clerks appointed. .... 56-69 April 9 English Lane,pet. in rel.to widening and improving of (77, 99, 103) 66-68 " 9 Election, votes canvassed 73 " 20 Electric Light, pet.for on Cardiff st -. 78 • May 4 Electric Light, pet. for on Washington st.bet.Sandford and 23rd sts 100-165 " 4 Eighteenth st.,contract for lowering gutter awarded 103 " 4 Eagle Point ave.,sidewalk ordered on 104 " 4 Engineering Department,allowed a horse and wagon 104 June 1 Equalization Committee for 1896,appointed 125 " 1 Edison st. bet. Stafford and Althauser ave., ordered improved (191,290,314) 128 " 1 Emsley Alley and Eagle st. bet. Middle and Althauser ave.,ordered improved [191,310] 129 • " 1 Ellis st. bet.We,t Locust and Dorgan Place,sidewalk ordered on. 134 July 6 Elm st.,remonstrance against special assessment for improvement of(218,219) 162 " 6 Electric Light, ordered on Grandview ave 165-262 " 6 East Dubuque add., lots in ordered filled (193, 194) 171 • "° 14 Eleventh st.Elevator Co., pet.in rel.to plans,etc. for lowering of172 Aug, 3 Elm st.from Eagle Pt.ave. to Sanford at.ordered improved. 191 " 20 Ernsdorf.iz Sons, pet. in rel.to grade 204 Sept. 8 East Dub. Add., pet. for filling Lots in (234-5) 219 " 8 Engels E. W.,taxes 220 " 8 Eddy R. T.,claim of against B.Donahue 220 " 8 Edison st., sidewalk ordered on. 233 Oct. 5 Eagle st., remonstrance against change of grade on 260 " 5 Electric lightordered in Woodlawn Park 262 " 5 Engels Mrs. Francis,taxes 262 " 5 English Lane,sidewalk ordered on 264 " 5 Electric light, pet. for on Wilson ave. (310) 284 Nov. 2 Electric light ordered on Ilign Bridge ave 287 " 24 Electric light, pet. for on 26th st 295 Dec. 7 Eagle st., remoust. of Chas. Schmitt, et al., against change of grade on 309 " 7 Excelsior Brass Works, taxes 309 " 17 Electric light, resolution for on 12th and Clay sts :119 I I' • INDEX• --Book 26. 1896 SUBJECT PAGE F Jan, 6 Froehlich Mrs. Mary,taxes(33,55, 113) 2 6 Fiftti ave.,remonstrance against special assint. for imp.of(30,68) 2 6 First Baptist Church, pet. in rel.to special tax for sidewalk(31)... 2 6 Fifteenth st. bet. Maple and Cedar sts., pet. for sidewalk on (4,6).. 2 " Fifth ave.,Jno.Johnson allowed$35.00 for right of way on 5 6 /Fifth ave., special a=s'ntt for imp. of relerred (31-2) 10 " i Ire limits tixed 11 Feb. 3 Flynn Mary,taxes 29-48 " 3 Flanagan Mrs. Dennis,taxes • 29-49 j " 3 Freiburg.Ino.,taxes (100, 127,311) 29-49 I " 3 Fosselman Jno.,taxes 29 " 3 Foye st.,pet.of Mary and Nettie Bake in rel.to(66-7) 29 " 3 Foye st.,award of Jury on opened[45,49,66-7] 30 Mar. 2 Flynn Mrs P.,taxes 44 lI " 2 Fifth ave.,pet.of.1. A. Rhomberg et al. remonstrating against I Ispecial ass'mt[122-131, 162 44 91 " 2 First German Presbyterian Church, pet. asking to be allowed part of sidewalk on 17th st 45 " 2 Flick A. D.,taxes 49 1 " 2Fire Alarm Box, ordered on Hester and Wilde sts 52 " 2'Fire Alarm Box, pet. for West of Bluff st. bet. West 140h and West 17th sts..... 53-112 April 9 Foye st.,ordered improved[102, 190, 228] 69 11 9 Fremont ave.,ordered improved[104, 123, 172, 186,205,219,2891... 119 20 Fountain,ordered on S. W.corner of Hay Market 79-165 I I May 4 Flynn Mrs. Margt., pet.of in rel.to special ass'tnt. [112,1311 99 1i " 4 Flanagan Mrs. Dennis,:taxes [127] 100 1' " A- Fifth ave.,sidewalk ordered on [220] 1113 " 4 Fengler sr.,sidewalk ordered on 103 " 4 Fox Mrs.Mary, taxes 122-165 •' June 1 Foye st.,claim of Mary and Nettie Blake on account of grade 122 " 1 Fountain,ordered removed on Hill and West 5th sts 123 " 1 Frohs Mrs. Eliz., claim of 124 161 " 1 Fischer& Co.,pet. for permission to erect scales on 3rd and Iowa sts 124 • " 1 Fifth ave. bet. Rhomberg ave and Peosta st., ordered improved... '128-138 . " 1 Fifteenth at. bet.Alley East of Elm and Pine fits.,ordered improv • - ed [174,222,269-70] . 129 " 1 Fifth ave.,action of the street committee in awarding contract in ?'`" P repairing approved 130 re J " 1 First ave.bet.Rhomberg ave.and Lincoln ave.,sidewalk ordered s on 134 July 6 Fire Chief Reinfried,allowed to attend Am. Ass'm of Fire Engr's 163 6 Fire Depmt„bid for supplies ordered 168 { Aug. 3 First st. bet. Locust Bluff,sidewalk ordered on 192 - • 3 Fourteens st. bet. Iowa and Clay sts., sidewalk ordered on192 " 3 Fourteenth st.bet.Washington and Alley East,sidewalk ordered on 192 3 Foye st. bet. West Locust and Seminary st.,sidewalk ordered on192 " 3 Fountain on Rhomberg and Windsor ave.,drainage of 193 l,, Sept. 8 Fremont ave., pet. in regard to line of 222 8 Fire Plug on West 8th st..ordered removed. 222 1 8 Fremont ave.,sidewalk ordered nn [239] 233-N36 • " 8 Fuel bids advertised for • 236-286 Oct. 5 Fuchs Jno., taxes 259 1 " 5 Fifteenth st. bet. Main and Locust, accepted 263 I 5 Fourth st. bet.Main and White sts.,accepted 263 I " 5 Finn Thos., taxes 266-286 f t iii I` INDEX---Book 26. 11196. SUBJECT. PAGE F Nov. 2 Fenelon Place, pet. for establishing grade on L310] 285 " 9 Forrester Jas.,claim of 288 " 13 Fire Department, Fire chief to purchase 3 horse kitch 293 " 24 Fenelon Place,grading of • 295 " 24 Foley P. C., claim of 295 " 24 Fenelon Place,resolution for .[rapt. of 295 Dec. 7 Farrell Mrs. B., taxes 311 " 17 Fountain on Cleveland ave.,matter of draining of 320 1 • !AI 31 INDEX--Book 26. — P 1696. SUBJECT. AGC G Jan. 6 Grain; View ave, Engineer instructed,to give estimate to Altman 1 &Taylor fur work on o 6 Grand View ave., pet.of Maurice O'Itegan in rel.to special assort for improvement of 5 " 6 Grand View ave.,claim of Jno. Burke on (31-131) :I 6 Grace st. between Grand View ave.and East st.,resolution in re- : lation to imp. of 5 6 Grand View ave., Engineer instructed to examine assessment of Mary Wilde (30) 10 Feb. 3 Grand View ave., pet. of Altman& Taylor in rel.to grading of29 Mar. 2 Grand View ave., pet.of Jno. Hickey in rel. to special ass'mt on44 " 2 George st., pet. for opening of 45 " 2 Goethe Ave.,res.for impt.of(56,70, 102,190,226,227-8 52 " 16 Glenn&Coleman, pet. to put up thermometer sign on city hall... 55-6 • April 9 Grand View ave., pet. in rel.to width 01 sidewalk[102] tit; •• 9 Grace st., protlle of grade of[104,122, 166] 67 " 9 Grace st.,ordered improved[100,101,102,166,220-30] 70 May 4 Grand View ave.,remonst.of J. T. Hancock and others against paying special ass'mt 94 I " 4 Grove Terrace,sidewalk ordered on 10:1 • " 4 Guderian Mrs. Wm.,taxes 113 " 4.Garfield ave.bet. Dock and First ave.,ordered improved 1122. 123, 190,228.9] 116 June 1 Grigg J.J.,prop.of to run street through his property 1205,2221122 i, " 1 Gray James,claim of[221] 122 " 1 Grand View ave., Engr.to prepare plans and estimates fur impt of[187,2231 131 July 6 Governor Greys,pet.asking for new lease of armory[266] 162 " 6 George st.,remonst.against ext.of[191] 163 Aug. 3 Grace st. bet. Grand View ave.and East st., sidewalk ordered on • [205,222] 192 Sept. 8 Goethe ave.,sidewalk ordered on 232 " 8 Grand View ave.,sidewalk ordered on ... ..... 233 " 8 Grove Terrace. Engr. to prepare plans for ext. of wall on 1238, 291,3111 236 Nov. 24 Grand View ave.,Treasurer to advertise property for costs of imp't•of 295 Dec. 7 Goodhoase J. C•,taxes 3119 ', 7 Grand View ave.,pet.of Ella Quinlivan in rel. to special ass'mt.... 309 " 17 Gas Lamp Poste,reeol•in rel. to removal of 320 — e„ , t.. Al A. ;I ,rt., 'j 1 I ! f 11.., .+ W. INDE)t—Book 26. 1888. SU BJ ECT I PA6t •H .lan. 6 Hill Ella F. et al., taxes[33] 2 6 Holt Chas. C., pet, asking to be refunded saloon license " 6 High Bluff st., pet.of J. Welty and others to put pump on-granted 3-4 " 6 Hitchens Frank,taxes [44,112] 4 '• 6 High Bluff et.from Schiller to Middle ave., special ass'mt. levied for int pt.o " 6 Busted Judge,res. in rel. to charges of 11 Feb. 3 Herzog Eliza,taxes[48,190] 29 " 3 Highland Place,ext..Jury ordered on[49,50] 30 " 3 High Bridge ave.,deed for right of way present*-d 36 Mar. 2 Huber Mrs. Anna,taxes [113] 44 " 2 Hart at,res.in rel. to impt.of [56,70,102.222,2701] 51 2 Hedley Court,ordered improved[56,70, 102,167,200] 52 " 2 Hune Susan,taxes April 9 Hickey Jno•,pet. in rel.to renumbering his property [102-3, 162] 96 " 24 High Bluff st.,Engr.to prepare plat for ext.of [125, 169, 188] May 4 Hart st.,remonst. W.I. P.Schsrle against change of grade on[123] 999 " 4 High Bluff sr.,sidewalk ordered on 1120 " 4 Hickey.lno.,taxes[223] 113 4 Hodges Sub. No. 2, plat.of[162,266,286,291] " 4 High Bridge ave., Mr.Rhomberg ordered to remove obstructions 117 on [122] Aug. 8 High Bluff st. from Fengler to Middle ave.,ordered improved...... 191 " 20 Hawkeye Cycle Exhibition Co., pet. of in rel.to Bicycle ordinance 206 " 20 Will st. bet. Delhi and Grace et.,ordered improved 233 Sept. 8 Hedley Court, sidewalk ordered on 233 " 8 Hart st.,sidewalk ordered on 260 Oct. 5'Harris M.W.,taxes [286] 260 " 5 I Helena st.,Engr.to prepare profile of grade of[310] 264 5 Henion at.,Engr.to prepare profile of grade of 264 Nov. 2 Heins Mrs.Johanna,taxes [311] 309 Dec. 7 Hassett T. J., claim of 309 " 7 High Bridge ave.,pet.of J.A. Rhomberg for survey of 309 " 7 Haney, Campbell Mfg. Co.,taxes ' t;, 4 .. INDEX---Book 26. 1898. SUBJECT. Paot Jan. 6 Ice Dealers,instructed not to cut ice in sloughs 4 April 9 I. 0. 0. F.,taxes 66 " 20 Iowa st.,abutt'g M. 1-5 city lot 454,sidewalk ordered on 79 May 4 Iowa st.,abutt'g city lot 219,sidewalk ordered on 104 1 June 1 Iowa et.,pet.of J.C. Longueville asking the same to be repaired.. 122 Aug. 3 Ida st.,pet. in rel.to change of[222,266,310] 186 Sept. 16 Ice Harbor,pet.in rel,to sand bar at mouth of 239 Oct. 5 Ice Harber, bide ordered advertised for skating rink purposes [286-7] 264 } A.. • ' III III I ' • •a4 • • • INDEX---Book 26. • 1898• SUBJECT Paoc .Ian. 6 .Johnson Mary A.,taxes (33) 2 " 6 Jackson E. It.,pet. in rel.to sewer connections 2 " 6 Julien Hotel Co., taxes 2 Feb. 3 .loseph Mary,taxes(48). 29 " 3 .loeffroy Jos.,taxes (48) 29 " 3 Jones st. from W. Main st.to Levee,resolution in rel. to impt. of (45,52,53,66,72,113,133,286,290,313) 33 Mar. 2 John at.,pet.in rel.to opening Of 45 " 2 Jones st,communication in rel.to grade of (56, 100,168,205) 46 April 20 Jackson at..sidewalk ordered on 79 May 4 Jones.lane, pet.asking to be refunded $75.00(126) 101 June 1 Julien ave. bet..Rock and Spruce sts., gutter ordered repaired 128 .I my 6 .Julien ave.,pet.of Jno. McCollins in rel.to special assmt.for impt of(189) 162 " 23 Jones Genf. Geo.W.,resol. in regard to death of 183 Sept. 8 Jackson st.,sidewalk ordered on 288 Oct. 5 Jones st.,sidewalk ordered on.. 264 INDEX---Book 26. 1896. SUBJECT PAGE K Feb. 3 Kopsa Mary,taxes (48) ••• 29 " 3 Kniest st., pet.of henry Miller in rel. to curb on " 3 Klingenberg Terrace, pet. of Ilenry Triller in rel.to 29 " 3 Kauffman ave., pet.of Jos. K. Kauffman iu rel. to line of OM 29 " 3 Kaiser Mrs., taxes 33 Mar. 2 Kauffman ave.,pet. of F. Oswald in rel.to line of 47 April 9 Kress Eliz.,taxes (113) 66 11) Keckevoet.Tno.,pet. of in rel. to building clock in Ice Harbor 66 " 20 Klingenberg Terrace,pet. of in rel.to grading thereon 77 " 20 Kauffman ave.,sidewalk ordered on 79 May 4 Kempf Mrs. Maria,et al.,claims of(100, 131) 99 4 Kimbal H. pet.asking for$100.00 per month (131) 101 " 4 Killeen Place,Engr.to prepare plat for ext. of(124-5) 115 June 1 Kietzman Henrietta, taxes(165,250,286) 122 " 1 Kniest st.Engr.to prepare plans for lowering surface of (186, 138 189) 129 " 1 Kauffman ave.,action of st.coin.in having same repaired approved 130 July 6 Kringle O. G.,claim of for grading sts.in Woodlawn Add. (221) 163 Sept. 8 Kniest st.from Garfield ave.to Cedar st.,communication in rel. to Ext. of 219 " 8 Kleeberger A. F.,pet.of in rel.to special asswt 220 " 8 Key City Fire Insurance Co.,taxes(294) 223 ; Nov. 27 Kallenberger Mrs.,taxes 296 • • • • II; [ 1 III iyl ; • INDEX—Book 26. 1898. SU BJ ECT PAGE --I L .1 an. 6 Liebe Fred,taxes(33) 2 " 6 Lippstnck Henry M.,taxes (33) 2 " 6 Livestock, pet. for Insp. of(4,5,33) 9 " 6 Locust st. from 10th to 17th sts., bill of Steuck Si O'Farrell allowed " 6 Locust st. pet.of Mary DeLorimier in rel.to special assmt........ 5 Feb. 3 Leppert Theresa,taxes (48) 29 Mar. 2 Lenzing Caroline,taxes(113) 44 " 2 Leute Eliz,taxes(112) 44 " 2 Lincoln ave. het. White and Jackson sts.,pet. for opening of (68, 71,97,125,167, 171) 44 April 9 Leibnitz st.,profile of grade of(71) 08 " 9 Linehan B.E., granted permission to erect coal dock on Levee..... 68 " 20 Langstaff L. M.,Recorder pro tem sworn in 79 .Tune 1 Leibnitz st.,retaining wall contract awarded 123 July 6 Leibnitz at,accept. (196-7) 167 Aug. 3 Leibnitz et. bet. Harold and Abbott at.,sidewalk ordered on 192 " 20 Labor I)ay Celebration,invitation to attend accpt 205 Sept. 8 Lawther ave.,sidewalk ordered on 232 8 Langworthy's E.Add., lots in ordered filled 235 Oct. 5 Lavin M. claim of(286) 259 " 5 Lehigh Bridge &Tile Alanf'g. Co., prop.of accpt 260 " 5 Locust st.from 10th to 17th sts., accept 263 Dec. 7 Leibnitz at.,pet.for guard rail on j 309 • D I,C• .y (r u l,. 17. A INDEX--Boek 26. 1896. SUBJECT. PAoc M ,Ian. 6 Margaard Mrs. M.,taxes (33) 2 6 3Ickeowen Mrs. Cath.,taxes(33) 2 I , 13 McMahon 3lichael, taxes (33) 2 " 6 Meat Insp.,application of Dr. Mullaney Ior(29,331 2 " 6 Macadam, Engineer instructed to measure 4 • Feb. 3 Markey Mary,taxes(48) •.):1 " 3 McCann Catli.,taxes (49) =11 " 3 McEvoy Jno. A., taxes 7 1 I 26 Mnlgrew.1. Phillips, pet. of to build coal docks on levee (49,68)... •18 Mar. McPoland Mrs.,taxes (11'1) 11 2 Mertz st., pet. for sidewalk on (51) 1. 1 " 2 Main st. bet.Charter st.and K. K.ave.,sidewalk ordered on 51 1 " 2 Malady st.,ext.Jury ordered on(134,191,259, 286) 5', I " 2 Mt. Carmel ave.,Juryordered on (125,134,167) 52 " 2 McDonald A. Y.d; Morrison Co.. pet.in rel. to tilling(67, 68). 5:1 " 16 McMahon Ross, pet. in rel. to macadam. 55 " 16 Marsh Mrs.F., taxes(112) .1,, I " 16 Main st. from Seminary st. to Lot 33 in L. 1I. Langworthy's Add., ordered improved(72, 167, 194) 57 ' April 9 Mandel Mrs.G.,taxes (119) 66 " 9 Mertz st., pet.for impt. of 68 t " 9 Matthews Alph., Bill of(80, 131,223) 69 ,j 9 Mayor Olinger, valedictory (98) 1 73.4 • " 9 Mayor Duffy,sworn in I 74 " 9 Mayor Duffy,inaugural I 74-5 " 9 Mayor pro.tem.,Ald. Bonson appt 75 " 20 McMahon M.,claim of(103,221) 77 • " 20 Mathis Mrs.Caroline,taxes (112)... F' - May 4 McMahon Ross,pet.of in rel.to retaining wall on Brand View ave. 11301 10u " 4Mc('ormack Mrs.,taxes 1126] lou " 4 McNally Mrs.Johanna,taxes 11271 100 " 4 McLoughlin.1 no. V.,claim of 1163, 2211 100 " 4 Meehan Mrs.,claim of 1122, 167] 103 4 Mayor Duffy,message of in rel.to permits issued by Mayor Olinger 113-1 5 Jnne 1 Marshal Asst., pet.of Jno. Hoffman for 1131, 1611 122 " 1 Meukel Frank, vs. city 126 " 9 Malloy Bros., taxes 1:36 July 6 Merchants Lane,pet.of ext. of 1193,220,238,263, 9641 162 " 6 Mahan Mrs.M.,taxes 1190] 163 " 6 Modern Woodmen,pet. for use of 26 Electric Lights 163 4 " 6 Marshal Deputy,,las. Agnew appt 164 -` " 22 Mt.Carmel ave.,1'ugineer to prepare profile of grade of 17:1 Aug. 20 Modern Woodmen,allowed use of:3rd floor city hall 2(16 it) Sept. 8 Muntr.Jno.,taxes 12(21 220 OA •.s, 6i8 Market Master Ass't., pet. for 12621 2211 " 8 McQuade Mrs, Anna, taxes 223 Oct. 5 Maul Anna,taxes 260 .y .;;; ,..-15: Nov. 2 Macadam,pet. of Peter Jacobi et al. for payment thereon 28.1 « 2 Methodist Episcopal Church,taxes L8i; r •' 2 Madl Mrs.Anna, taxes •186 i1 Dec. 7 Mullqueeney Mrs.,taxes ... 3117 " 4 Macadam,Engineer to issue premit for breaking of 31(1 Y'''d +' " 17 McDonald Jas., pet. for permission to erect frame dwelling 319 xr " 22 Mulgrew& Phillips, granted premission to fill Charter and Water I sts 321) II.. INDEX---Book 26. 1896. SUBJECT. PAGE • N .lan. 6 Napier st.,profile of grade of Feb. 3 Neumiller Cath.,taxes [48] 29 Mar. 16 Nank Carl,claim of[68] 55 April 9 Needham Place,ext. plat of[103, 131] 67 " 20 Nevada st.,sidewalk ordered on S9 May 4 Nellie Jno.11.,claim of 100 .lune 1 Ninteenth st.,Engr.to prepare plans to lower surface of[136] 129 9 Nineteenth st.bet.Pine at.and East line of East Dubuque Add, ordered improved[173,222,269] 138 Oct. 5 Noonan Mrs.M.,taxes [286] 259 Nov. 2 North Cascade Road,repairing of 287 ..1 INDEX--Book 26. 1898. I SUBJECT. PA6t 0 o Jan. 6 Oak st.,claim of Kane & Kenueally for work on 141 .... 2i " 6 Ordinance in rel.to distributing advertising matter,pet. for..... ... " 6 Officers, reports of 2-i1 Feb. 3 Officers,reports of 311 " 3 O'Shea Jas. Est.,taxes .s-' " 3 Ordinance,vacating certain sts.and alleys to Standard Lumber Co. 1' [50] ;l11 Mar. 2 Officers,reports of I -15 2 Ordinance,granting to Mulgrew & Phillips East part of Levee..... I lr, Ordinance,granting Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co. a fran- chise 47 1 " 2 O'Farrell Mrs. 13.,taxes 10 1 • " 2 Ordinance,in rel.to team license amended 5:-) " 16 Officers,annual reports of... all ! I " 16 Ordinance,in rel.to cleaning snow from sidewalks 57 t April 9 Officers, reports of ••.• 117 " 9 Ordinance,granting Svendson& Ott certain privileges[1011 67 " 9 Officers,appt 76-7 " 9 Officers, Bonds and Salaries of[79,80, 971 7 7 May 4 Officers,reports of 10 i June 1 O'Halloran Mrs. Ellen,taxes[165] 122 " 1 Officers,reports of 124 " 1 Official Papers, appt 126 " 1 Ordinance fixing the ass'mt.of the Dubuque M'ltg. Co 129-30 " 1 Ordinance,fixing the ass'mt.of the Haney,Campbell Mfg. Co 130 t " 1 Olinger Jno.,pet. in rel.to special tax for rep. sidewalk 131) I. " 9 Oak st.,sidewalk ordered on[168, 193] 137 i July 6 ODea, Jno.F.,taxes 190-163 " 6 Officers, reports of 161 " 6 O'Reagan,Mrs. petition in rel.to special assessment[2051 .... 164 Aug. 3 Officers, reports of1 87 Sept. 8 Officers, reports of 220 " 8 Ordinance granting to Geo. B.Burch certain rights,[263] 220 Oct. 5 Officers,reports of I 261 2 Nov. 2 Officers,reports of. 285 Dec. 7 Oak street,petition for extension of 309 " 7 Officers,reports of 309-10 x` " '7 Ordinance granting Dubuque Imp'ment Co.remission of taxes..... 31(1 • I . . III, INDEX--Book 26. 1896. I SU BJ ECT PAG[ P Jan. 6 Pickett street,com'tion of eng'r in rel. to location of[83-45] 3 " 6 Police matron,salary fixed. 10 Feb. 3 Parker, Mary 1-l.,taxes,[100,127,49] 29 "• 3 Perritt, Mary,taxes,[122, 165] 29 " 3 Prange,Maria,taxes •••• 32 Mch. 2 Pochter, Louis,taxes,[1121 45 " 2 Plumbing pet. in rel.to 147] 45 2 Parks,pet. of 11. Henge in rel.to benches in 45 " 16 Powers,J. B., bill of[68] 55 " 16 Pickett street, pet.of F. G.biniffke in rel.to claim of [68] 55-6 May 4 Park,pet.for dedication of on West Fifth and College Ave 100 " 4 Prairie St., sidewalk ordered on 103 " 4 Peabody Ave.,engineer to prepare plat and profile of grade of [125,129] 115 " 4 Police patrol boxes ordered 116 July 6 Pickwick St.,eng'r ordered to prepare profile of grade of[187]..... 168 Sept. 8 Pfiffner &Co.,taxes 220 " 8 Petition asking change of name to Bellmound Ave 220 " 8 Paul.'t.,from Leibnitz to Seminary accepted,[269] 222 " 8 Paul St., from Seminary to Leibnitz,sidewalk ordered on 233 Nov. 2 Page,John,pet. in rel. to special assessment 2841D I INDEX---Book 26. 1896 SUBJECT PAGE Mch. 2 Queen St.,resolution for improvement of [56-173 51 2 Quince St.extension,jury ordered on,11351 52 April 9 Queen St., petition in rel.to straightening of, 1103, 125, 187,2.20, 233,260,266 66 " 9 Queen St.,engineer to prepare profile of change of grade on 179-1691 66 June 1 Queen St.,ordered improved, 1290,315,16, 17, 181 133 July 6 I Qulnlivan, Mrs. pet.in rel.to special assessment,[220 . 164 " 22 Queen St.,engineer to prepare plat for extension of,1187,220, 222, 263, 310 172-3 " 22 Queen St.. from Clinton to north end, ordered improved, 261, 2,3, 4,5] 173 ' Sept. 8 Queen St.,sidewalk ordered on j 233 Oct. 5 Queen St.,pet. of Francis.Jaeger for use 4 ft.of sidewalk on 1283, 286 260 Dec. 7 Queen St.pet. of Henry Pfotzer et al. in rel.to grade of 309 e. 4 • f, 1 e• •C• INDEX--Book 26. • 1996• I SUBJECT PAG[ R Jan, 6 Reynolds, Mary taxes,1321 2 6 Rosedale,add. plat of approved 4 " 6 Rebecca St., from Thomas to Anna Sts.,accepted,[34[ 4 " 6 Rieman, Wm. taxes, (49) 29 Feb. 3 Ryan, S. 1). taxes,(44, 112) 33 Met'. 2 Ragatz,Paul Mrs.taxes,(112) 44 2 Ruprecht,Solona taxes,(112). 44 " 2 Ries St.,pet for improvement of 44 •• 2 Ryan, S. D. pet. of for track on levee 45 2 R. R. Ave.,bet.Main St. and So. Ave.,sidewalk ordered on 51 •• 5 Ries St.,resolution in regard to impr't of (56, 129, 173,222,271,2 51 April 9 Rush St.,claim of M.Tschirgi,.1r.,for grading on 68 • 9 Rigi St.,plat of ext.,(125) 68 .1 9 Rush St.,assorts. for imp't of corrected 77 May 4 Reynolds,Mary claim of,(131) 99 4 Roberts, B'trbara pet.of against special assmt 99 « 4 Rawlings,Mrs. Belle taxes,(127) 100 41 Rieman,Wm.claim of 100 " 41 Rebecca St.,sidewalk ordered on 103 14 4 I Rush St., sidewalk ordered nn 103 • 4;Ruh, Hugo taxes 112 4 Regal z,Geo.taxes 113 ,lune 1 Roach, Wm. est. taxes 122 1 Reifsteck, C, pet.of to erect stairway,(167) .. 124 1 Riede, Matt.taxes.(163,189) 127 « 1 Reed Ave.,bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes,sidewalk ordered on 163134 July 6 Reynolds,Geo.refund $10 for team license 165 t{ 6 Reche est.,taxes ' Sept. 8 Rebecca St., pet.of Phil Sage in rel.to retaining wall on 220 " 8 Registers of election appointed 220 • 8 Rubeck,Mrs. Mary taxes 223 " 8 Ries St.,sidewalk ordered on 283 44 8 Reche's sub., lots in ordered filled, (264,266,311) 235 95 Nov. 17 Railroad Ave. ordered widened,(310) 2294 • 17 Richardson, Geo.taxes, it - • INDEX--Book 26. 1996. SUBJECT. -- I PAGE s Jan. 6 Specht Bros. pet.of asking for donation to run ferry,(38,46, 102, 131, 164,266, 290) " 6 Shaw,Steph. pet.of in rel.to building terry dock in ice harbor, 1 (33,44, 68,) 2 2 " 6 Skating rink,petition of John Keckevoet for permission to run... " 6 Seventeenth St. pet. of Henrietta Keniker in rel.to special assess- 2 ment, (51 " 6 St. Ambrose St., from Arch St.to Asbury St.,sidewalk ordered on 5 " 6 Southern Ave.,claim of Con. Ryan for extra work on 3 4 t, ` 6 Smith,Geo. F. taxes.... 6 Schuler,Cath.taxes 4 ` 6 Street from So.Ave. to Herron Place, attorney to procure deed for opening of 5 t,' " 6 Sewer in Grove Terrace,special assmnt. levied for,(10) 5 • " 6 Schiller Ave. from Lincoln Ave.to I ligh Bluff St.,special assmnt levied for 6 " 6 So. Bluff St. from Dodge St. soth, special assmnt. levied for, 7 (113,130) " 6 Sewerage in Fenelon Place,special assmnt.levied for 7-8 " 6 Sewerage in alley bet. llth and 19th and Wash. and halm Sts., special assmnt. levied for 8-9- 10 Feb. 3 Strobel, Boeing taxes,(49) 29 " 3 Seward,Mary F.taxes,(49) ... 29 " 6 Schiel,Anna taxes,(49) 29 • " 6 Spahn,Anna M. taxes,(49) 9 " 6 Stewart,Wm.G. proposition of for burglar proof safe 29 1. " 6 Sewerage in West llth St. and alley W. of Bluff, plans for sub- 3.I mitted 30` d Strinsky,Jos.taxes 33 " 6 Sewer,storm water on Dodge 8 .,contractor to sign contract 32 Melt. 2 Streller, Mrs. Henry taxes, (112) 44 I " 2 Sidewalk,pet.of L.J. Baumhover et al. in rel.to obstruction of. . 44 ! " 2 Svendson & Ott,pet. of for filling streets and alleys 44 " 2 Snow cleaning, remonstrance against special assmntfor (67, 'S, 103,104,111, 266) 44 1' " 2 Security Building, plans of approved 4i, • 4., " 2 Sewerage,pet.of John Philips asking to construct manhole in W. 1 5th St., (113) 45Kt " " 2 Sewerage, pet.of Anna M. Bush in rel.to making connect'n with 47 ' " 2 Sullivan,T. 0.taxes 49 a., " 2 Sewerage,connection pet.of E. It. Jackson in rel. to 49" 2 Sewerage in alley bet.Jackson and Wash. from Sanford to 27th Sts.,engineer to prepare plans for, (56) 51 : ' " 2 Sheridan Sr.resolution in rel.to improvement of,(56, 199) 51 t " 2 Strauss Ave.,resolution in rel.to improvement of,(56, '70,102, 167, 199, 200 52 :*' ' ! " 2 Street Commissioner,John Carter, resolution to pay for extra Il services, (69) 5 o. " 2 Samuel St.extension,jury ordered on, (134, 191) 52 April $ Sewerage in alley from Sth to 9th Sts., bet. Main and Iowa, change of 64% " 8 Street Sweeper purchased 0417i " 9 Silver,Mrs..1.C.taxes,(112,205, 223) lih " 9 Stelmore St.,plat of, (125) 68 " 9 Sheridan St.,ordered improved,(102, 167) '70 ax. i " 9 Sewerage in Chestnut St.ordered 71 04> I; " 9 Sewerage in 27th St. ordered,(79, 203) 71 If=,.. if' " 9 Sidewalks,resolutions in rel. to construction thereof 71-2 { " 20 Sewerage, pet. for in Seminary and Foy Sts., (1011. 113, 116, 117, 123, 124, 223) 77 . ' i '' 1 . INDEX---Book 26. 1896. - ------ SUBJECT, I PAGE s April 20 Sewerage, pet.for in Cornell St., (113, 116, 117, 123, 202,232) 77 " 29 Sewerage,3pet.for in Avon Place and alley east,(113, 116, 117, 123, 04 77 " 20 Swenk, John claim of,(131) 78 " 20 Sixteenth and Jackson crossing ordered repaired 79 " 20 Seminary St. sidewalk ordered on,(124, 132, 169, 172) 79 May 4 St. Mary's St.,remonst.against impt.of,(116 123, 238,290,315) 100 " 4 Street sweeping contract awarded 101 4 Schiller St.,sidewalk ordered on 103 " 4 Sanford St.,sidewalk ordered on. 104 " 4 Sewer in Dodge and Locust Ste.ordered enlarged 115 " 4 St. Mary's St.,engineer to prepare plat of extension of 115 .. " 4 Sewer, storm water,ordered constructed in So. Dodge St.,(123) 117 June 1 Sewerage in W. 17th St.,remonst.against paying for,(132, 133) 122 " 1 Seminary St., pet. in rel. to retaining wall on,(124,286) 123 " 1 Sewer,storm water, in 9th Ave123 " 1 St. Ambrose St., remonst. against paying special assmnt. for side- walk,(131-2, 167) 124 1 Sewerage in alley bet. alley and W.14th St., from Prarie to Dell . St., (205, 311,286,266,204, 272,168) 124 • " 1 Sewer, men to pay for rubber boots 124 " 1 South Main St.,engineer to advertise for bids of grading of (139, 174, 239) -. 128 " 1 State St.,engineer to prepare plat for extension of,(293, 164,168, 128 223) " 1 Seventeenth St.,culvert under R, R.tracks ordered enlarged 129 " 1 Sidewalks,special assessment levied for repairing of 130-1 " 1 South Main St.,special assessment levied for sidewalk on 132 " 1 St. Ambrose St.,bet.Willow and Green St.,sidewalk ordered on134 `. " 1 Seventeenth St:abutting lot,city,746,sidewalk ordered on 134 1 Sewerage,pet.of J. Bott et al. for construction of in alley west of • Center Place, (312,238,205,204,172, 168 135 • " 22 Sewerage in alley bet. Main and Locust Sts. from 1st to 8th Ste. 139 condemned 162 July 6 So. Ave., pet.of .1. F.Gandolfo in rel.to line of 162 " 6 Sewerage, pet.for in Caledonia Place(192,205,220) , " 6 Sewerage,connections ordered, (169,70) 16 166 So. Ave.accepted,(201) " 6 St. Mary's St.,proposed vacation of strip of land on 171, 187-8, 167 206, 238, 266 1 68 4, 8 Sidewalks,obstructions on ordered removed " 6 Steam roller,stoker of salary fixed 168-9 • " 6 Sewer,storm water, bet.5th and 6th Ayes.,extension of 169 " 6 Sewer pipe,contract awarded 171 " 11 St. Mary's St.,width of sidewalk on W. side of ordered fixed, 173, 172 1'1'3' ucted to draft ordi " 22 Street sprinkling ordinance,committee instr 173 name in rel.to,221,263, 319 174 " 22 Sewer in Dodge St Aug. 3 Sewerage,net. of M. C. Munsell for extension of in Prospect St., 186 223,`236, 239, 265, 283 186 " 3 Sheppley, E. H.claim of,221 " 3 S-•werage, I. C. R. R.to connect with, 193 190 •• 3 So. Ave. bet.Rowan St. and English Lane,sidewalk ordered on1211192 " 3 Sewerage in West 5th St., special assessment levied " 20 Sewerage in Chestnut tit., pet. of C. A. Moyes in rel.to, '223.. 205 " 2 Sewer in Broadway and Diagonal Sts.,engineer to prepare plan • (1 of, 236, 238, 261, 263, 266-7 2111 - ----------- l t • INDEX—Book 26. ' 1 i 18915. I SUBJECT. 1 PAG[ , s I Aug. 20 Sewer in Broadway,Engr. to prepare plan of(236,238, 261, 263, 266-7 206 Sept. 8 Seventeenth St.,bet.Clay and West Locust, remonstrance against special assessment(263) • `219 1„ ,, 8 Simplot,Chas.and Alex.,taxes(262) • 220 8 Sidewalks,special assesstnent levied for, 223-4-5, 267, 288-9 223 8 So. Avenue, sidewalk ordered on,264-5,284,287 232 " 8 Sheridan St.,sidewalk ordered on 232-3 " 8 Sidewalks,obstructions on ordered removed 2333 " 10 Sewerage to Fulton school 238 " 16 Smedley Steam Pump Manufacturing Co.,taxes, 263 239 ,, Oct. 5 Sewerage,pet.of for extension in Pickett St.,266, 286,287-8 260 " 5 Schneider, H.F.C.,pet.of in ret.to grade on W. llth St 260 5 Schaefer,Mrs. Cath.,taxes 262 " 5 Sewerage,storm water,on Dodge St 263 5 Seventeenth St.,bet. Clay and West 17th Sts.,accepted 263 " 5 Sixteenth,bet. Main and Locust Sts.accepted 263 ' 5 Sanitary Inspector Starr allowed $5 per mouth for use of horse2u3 5 Sewerage ordered in W.5th St.,bet. Winon t and Nevada S .,2 75, 265 ,, Nov. 2 Stairway bet. Eagle Point Ave. and Napier St., pet. for 284 " 2 Spear,John A. taxes, 311 284 " 9 Sewerage in Clark St.,engineer submitted statement for balance due on 291 " 17 South Main St., repairing of,295 293 Dec. 7 Specht,claim of 309 " '7 Streets, pet.of J.A.Rhomberg for removal of buildings from 309 " 7 Smith, Sam. claim of 309 " 7 Seminary St.,from 17th St.to Heeb's alley,pet.of in rel.to condi- tion of 309 " 7 Skating tines, matter of license 811 . `° 17 Streets abutting places of amusement to be kept clear 320 e ra.„ j! L. 'fi i . INDEX--Book 26. 1898 I SOBJECT Piot T Jan. 6 Tice;J. H.taxes. 4 Feb. 3 Tremplar,Mary taxes,49 29 3 Taxes,rate of interest for on property given time 29 Mch. 2 Turner Hall society taxes 44 " 2 Twenty-sixth St., pet.of Wm. Lawther et al. for extension of, 134, • 116, 113,104, 67, 66, 56 44 " 2 Taxes on property ordered not sold. Interest fixed 49 2 Twenty-sixth St.,resolution for impt. of 67, 133,266 51 April 20 Twenty-seventh St., engineer to prepare profile and grade on,97, 79 May 4 Thirteenth St.,sidewalk ordered on 115 " 4 Trees ordered trimmed 116 lune 1 Telephones ordered, 275 129 " 1 Twenty-sixth St.,engineer to prepare plans for grading of. 133 " 1 Twelfth Sr.,bet. Main and Iowa Sts,sidewalk ordered on 134 22 Twenty-sixth St., grade established, 187, 193 138 Aug. 20 Twelfth St., bet. Main and Locust Sts., ordered unproved, 237, 2,6,290, 312 206 Sept. 8 Thomas and Franklin Sts. ordered improved.260 239 8 Thirteenth St., from Main to Iowa St.,sidewalk ordered on 233 " 8 Tax levy for 1896 fixed 234 Oct. 5 Twenty-seventh St. contract awarded,310, 261-5 Nov. 49 Treasurer, resolution in rel.to payment of salary 2145 • Dec. 7 Treasurer's office,proposal for safe in 309 .t • 4 X;a. INDEX—Book 26. 1896• SU BJ ECT PAOt 1 U Jan. 6 Union Ave., pet. of .1. A. Rhomberg in rel.to grade of, 30,33 2 6 Union Ave.,bet. W.Locust and Alta Vista Sts.,resolution in rel to improvement of 50,66,72, 167, 197-8-9 b-6 Mch. 2 Union Ave.,estimate of cost of grading on 44 May 4 Union Ave., pet.of Wm. McGrath in rel. to strip of land, 130 99-100 June 1 Union Ave.,sub plat of,138 124 Sept. 8 Union Ave.,sidewalk ordered on 23; IA II { I i l 1 ' • 1 INDEX—Book 26. 1898. I SU BJ ECT Pcoc V Jan. 6 Vaults,contract for cleaning awarded 4 Feb. 3 Vernon St., from Alta Vista St.west,special assessment levied for sidewalk ... 34 June 1 Vaults ordered cleaned .. 127 Sept. 8 Valley Street,sidewalk ordered on,239 232 " 8 Verterinary surgeon; bids for ordered advertised, 261. 236 ( • 3; • INDEX--Book 26. 1096. SUBJECT I PACE YY Jan. 6 Wolf Mary,taxes[32]. 2 " (3 Wormood W. W., pet. of to put up sign post on Nth and Main sts, 31 2 " 6 Water mains, pet. for ext. of on Arlington and Grove Terrace 2 ' " 6 West 17th st.,communication of Engr. in rel. to drainage of 13113 " 6 Willow st.. pet. of Jno. Kapp et al. for ext. of granted 1.2231 4 " 6 Wells condemned 4 i " 6! West Eagle P.int ave.,remonst.of Julius Otto against ass'int of I129[ 5 " t Willow st. from Alley east of St. Ambrose st., Engr. to prepare plat of[30, 133, 162, 164,167] 5 " 6 West 5th st.. front Glen Ork ave. to Booth at.,sidewalk ordered on 'h South side of 5 Feb. 3 Water mains, pet.of J.J.l3,•igg et al. in rel. to ext. of .. 30 " 3 Watters Mrs. Michael,taxes 82 " 3 West Main st. from -Min to Jones st., resolution in rel. to imp't of rescinded 33 " 3 West Main at. from Main to.Jones st., ordered improved 152, 53, 72,240'263,290, 312-131 33 Mar. 2 Wolf J. F.,taxes[112] 44 " 2 West 17th st. from Clark to Cox sts., pet.asking that same be itn- r,4-t • proved[50, 77, 103, 133,223, 2861 45 " 2 West 8th st. bet. Hill and Air Hill st.,sidewalk ordered on. 51 " 2 West Main st.,communication of Engr. in rel. to grade of 156, 100, 126, 168, 205 46 " 16 West 17th st. from West Locust to Cox st., profile of change of grade on[68, 1691 56 t April 9 Woll W., taxes 61c " 9 West14th st.,pet.of Henry Rose in rel. to line of 177, 103, 123, 125, 168, 188, 223] 66 " 9 Woodworth st., profile of grade of[711 6s ' " 9 West 8th st.,resolution in rel.to impt. of 1104, 123, 167, 222, 270171 " 20 Wieland F. W.,taxes[112] 11 " 20 Water main,pet. for in Grove Terrace south 78 " 20 Water main,pet. for in Arlington st 78 " 20 West 11th and Grove Terrace, Engr. to prepare plans to build wall 7. l on[169] May 4 Wieland F. W, pet. in rel. to stairway 1130, 1671 79 w:= " 4 Weights and Measures,application of 11.Wybrant fur insp.of 1111, g::. . 165] ;:' " 4 Water mains,pet. for along S-urinary st.11261 1, !` ! {, 4 West 14th at.,sidewalk ordered on Ullu ! 104 3 4 White st.,sidewalk ordered on lit ''` 1 • ` ' 4 Wolf Henrietta, taxes 112 lJune 1 Walker M. M., pet.for permission to put up awning 11671 122 " 1 Water main, pet.for ext.of on Clifford st. 11681. 124 ° . 1 Water plug, pet. of J. P. Donahue for removal of 124 " 1 Water main in alley bet. White and and.Jackson from Nth to 11th sts.,ordered extended 128 " 1 Water main from 1st to 16'h on Bluff st.,ordered extended 12'8 II I, « 1 West 3rd s•. bet. Booth and Walsh.ordered improved 113611:a I I ' 1 West 5th st. bet. Booth and College ave.,sidewalk ordered on 134 1 West Locust st. bet. Foy and liodgdon ave.,sidewalk ordered on13.1 1 West 14th at.bet. Dell and Prairie sts.,sidewalk ordered on 13.1 9 Water main,pet. for ext.on Fremont ave.[2061 136 li''l' " 22 Water main,ordered extended on Dodge st 13't ,,c ' i' « 22 West 14th at. gutters on, ordered repaired 13tr K` West 5th st.gutters on,ordered repaired " 22 Wells impure,condemed 11.19 1U,, III i" i• INDEX—Book 26. 1898. SU BJ ECT PAGE w July 6 Woodworth ave.,accepted [201-2] 167 " 6 West Eagle Point ave.,special a-s'mt cancelled 167 Aug. 3 West 3rd st.bet.Alpine and College ave.,ordered improved[261.5] 191-2 3 West 7th st. bet. Needham Place and Hill.st., ordered improved [266,274,284] 192 " 3 Woodworth st. bet. Leibnitz and Seminary st.,sidewalk ordered on 192 " 3 Washington st. bet. 13th and 14th sts.,sidewalk ordered on 199 \! 3 West 8th st.bet. Hill st.and Wilson ave.,sidewalk ordered on 193 " 3 White st.bet.Rhomberg and Eagle Point ayes.,sidewalk ordered on 193 " 3 Wilson ave. bet.West 5th st. and Julien ave.,sidewalk ordered on 193 " 3 Water mains in Winona ave.,ordered connected in West 5th st. mains 193 " 3 West 8th st.,special ass'mt for itnp'mt of 195 Sept. 8 Welsh Cath,E.,taxes [2621 220 " 8 Wolf Chas.,taxes 220 " 8 Welsh Cath.,claim of 221 " 8 West 8th st.,sidewalk ordered on 233 " 8 West Main et.,sidewalk ordered on[239,240,285, 288] 233 " 21 West 17th-st.,contractor to haul surplus material to 4th st. ext 239 Oct. 5 Wilberding Henry,claim of [285] 259 " 5 West 11th st.,sidewalk ordered on 264 " 5 Water mains,ordered extended from Burch t t Summitt on West 3rd st 264 " 12 Water mains,ordered extended on Grand View ave. from South 275Dodge st.to MtCarmel ave Nov. 9 Wilber Lane,imp't.accepted (313-14) 290 " 9 Weighers,City not to weigh any person on their loads 291 Dee. 7 Wilber Lane, pet. of Jas.Forrester in rel.to special ass'mt(311) 309 Kile,r-e107 . / INDEX—Book 26. 1996. SUBJECT. I PAGE Y Mar. 2 York st., pet.of R. W. Stewart asking same to be graded j67J .}a Oct. Y. M. C. A., taxes(288) ; 259 it lil i ,yA I I • IIS I III !Ilni it INDEX—Book 26. 1896. SUBJECT. P*ac z Jan. 6 Ziepprecht Wm.,taxes 2 • Re'/alar .tie8810 n. Jan►jcr./ 6, 1896. 1 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session. Jan. 6th, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:15 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Cullen, Kautman, Ryder. Shea and V,,b'er. The fol owing bills were allowed: Name. Purpose. Ham & Carver. blank book $ 8 00 Ellwanger Bros repairing ham s 17 30 G F Kleih, scoop shovel 85 G Parr, sawing wood . ........ .. 7 87 Engler, Frudden Lumber Co, shay ings 1 00 Fratz & Clark, supplies for patrol house 4 45 Mu!1en Bros, plumbing 4 75 R E Butler, hay for pound ... 6 00 E J Carpenter, expressing .. 50 Brown & Lous. hay 4 95 C H Whitwell, veterinary services 4 50 E E Frith, hauling dead animals20 50 Lear & Pflffner. horseshoeing ..... 5 00 Carl Bochert, police overcoats .... 50 00 R Lorenz. pollee overcoats 10 00 Brown & Sons, hay 5 00 Fischer & Co. ice 17 40 Duggan & Co. soapine. 80 Jos A Palen, drugs 60 Duggan & Kane. salt and soapine1 70 Philip Pier, fuel 11 53 G F Iileth. hardware 4 25 E Slprenglomeyer, supplies 6 80 G F Kleih. lock 75 Dubuque Cabinet Makers Assn, ahigh chairs 9 50 Reinfried & Jaeger. hardware 1 30 Even & Fuchs. wood 115 50 Chas Atkinson. painting and pa- pering city hall 21 50 Mullen Bros, plumbing city hall15 65 Jos Geiger, repairing city hall1 25 Jos A Palen drugs 70 Reinfried & Jaeger, snow shovels2 04) John Butt, sharpening tools 1 85 G F Kleih, supplies for parks 1 25 Frank Kechie. repairing matron's room 114 35 Geo F Kleih. hardware 1 95 John Ganahl, repairing tools 11 45 Key City Gas Co. coke for roller6 98 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber 26 74 B D Linehan, repairing tools 6 05 Duggan & Kane. salt 1 20 John Ganahl. horseshoeing 4 00 Knapp. Stout & Co. Co.. lumber60 24 Reinfried & Jaeger. nails. etc 3 85 J P Sdhroeder & Co. cement 1 65 W B Baumgartner. lines 1 30 Wm Marshall, repairing steam rol ler 66 44 Ald. Schulte arrived at 9:30 a. m. Duggan & Kane, oil 65 Bart E Linehan. cement 33 83 Headford Bros and Hitchins Co, manhole castings 27 00 Mrs: Kiene, scrubbing city hall 17 50 Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing oity hall18 00 Palmer. Wi►iall & Co. blank book21 00 John Hoffmann. janitor city hall n 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, water hose 30 Hardie & Scharle. blank stationery 78 75 Harger & Blish. stationery 2 10 Mrs. Koenig, Janitor city hall 20 00 Wm Kaep, clerk recorders office.. 50 00 Robert MoGivern. sanitary in- spector 50 00 B Hayes, cleaning around city hall 22 25 Maggie Murrey. type -writing .. 12 50 John Maclay. fees city ordinance case 3 25 John T Kearnes. reoording deeds and plats 8 25 John Blake. sewer Fenelon Place176 00 P Horsch, improving 5th avenue678 40 Ald. Crawford arrived at 9:50 a. m. Geo W Farley, improving Rebec- ca street 80 49 Geo W Farley, grading Rebec- ca street 74 00 Phil Doerr, improving Schiller ave nue 160 68 Phil Doerr, improving High Bluff street 460 11 Thos Hassett. improving South Bluff street 37 24 'Phos Hasset. grading South Bluff street 62 60 D W Linehan, grading Fengler avenue 94 47 D W Linehan, grading High Bluff and Shiffler avenue ..... ... 106 10 D W Linehan. constructing sewer in Hill street 32 50 Ryan Bros, grading Alpine street 269 00 Dubuque Construction Co. improv Ing 17th street 78 14 Dubuque Construction Co, con- structing sewer 383 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. grading West Eagle Point avenue .. 130 00 John Tibey, improving West 8th street 317 00 John Tibey, improving West 8th street 250 00 John Tibey, grading Rush street 107 80 John Tibey, grading Curtis street 148 25 Wm Geisicker. assistant engI» neer 55 00 John Farley. rodman 7 00 D Sheehan, sewer inspector . 20 00 W H Knowlton. car fare . .. 3 55 Evens & Howard. tile pipe .. 61 28 Jessie Venn, grading High Bridge avenue . 81 60 B Donahue. constructing side- walks 62 56 The following bills were referred to the street committee: P Horsch, improving 5th avenue539 70 P Horsch, grading 5th avenue 142 50 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, lum- ber .. 20 Byrne Bros, sprinkling 30 00 W W Wormood. repairing steam gauge 1 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: Dubuque Oil Tank Line. oil 6 00 Byrne Bros, carriage hire .. 9 00 Byrne Bros. sprinkling ... 250 00 Phil PIer, coal city hall 195 45 F E Joseph, disenfectant 10 00 The following bills were referred to the printing committee: The Globe $135 00 The Times ........ .... ..... ... 58 30 The Globe • • 67 50 The Times 29 15 The Telegraph ..... .... ...... 100 00 The Herald 75 00 The Telegraph .. 46 50 The following were referred to the committee on police and light: Globe Light and Heat Co. $166.67. • • w J'ey,Jar Sess.'on, January 6, 1896.. . Key City Gas Co.. 399.50. BM of Central Union Telephone Co., 346.50. was referred to the committee on electrical construction. Bill of John Klein of $10.00 as part payment for overcoat for market mas- ter was referred to the committee of the whole. The following bills were referred to the committee on fire and water. W. S. Knott Co.. 313.00. Dubuque Water Co.. 330. Dubuque Water Co,. 31,341.65. Jas. Beach. & Son. 35.15. Central Union Telephone Co., $5.00. Harger & Blish. 33.35. Van Valkenberg and McEvoy, 50 cents. John Ganahl. $14.65. Merkes & Hassler. 32.75. Jos. J. Rowan. 811.55. Geo. F. Kleih, 31.45. Andrew Ruh, $10.10. A. Wunderlich. 312.95. Key City Gas Co.. $6.74. Key City Gas Co.. $9.68. A. Y. McDonald. Co.. 20 cents. Lagen & Sloan. $13.50. Jos. A. Palen. 310.45. Farley, Loetseher'Mfg. Co., $1.25. John Hartig, 50 cents. Robert Ward. 37.00. Mullen Bros.. 82.35. Fratz & Clark. $20.90. Kanalt & Powers. 39.50. Engler. Fruden Lumber Co:, 318.61. E. C. Porter. 34.85. H. Hubert & Son. $1.00. W. H. Torbert. 327.44. Reinfried & Jaeger. $4.27. Ellwanger Bros., 35.55. Phil. Pier, 351.44. Butt Bros., 92.15. Dubuque Light and Traction Co., 35.00. Dubuque Rubbsr and Belting Co., 39.00. C. H. Whitwell. 326.75. • PETITIONS. The following petitions in relation to tastes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mary J. Corbett. Ella F. Hall and Eli-,. zabeth M. ReedyMrs. Minnie Markward, Mary Reynolds., Mrs. Mary Frehlich, v Mrs. Catherine McKeown, ' Mrs. Hen- rietta Buehlman.tMrs. John Cheetha.m; Mary A. Johnson. John Eagan,✓Michael" MicMahon.vFred Leibe, vRosa Cadman, v Mary Wolfe And Henry N. Lippstock. v The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of Kane and Kenneally, ask - Ing to be paid for work done on Oak street. Petition of A. L. Rhomberk, J. H. RhombergRhontberg, Julia Rhomberg remonstrating specand J. - ial.assessment for the improvement of Fifth avenue. Petition of W. W. Wonmood asking to be allowed to put up sign on corner of Eighth and Main streets. Claim of M. Brown & Sons against John Melone. Petition of Peter Eisbach in relation to wrong assessment for the improve- ment of Curtis Street. Petition of Mrs. Ahearn, asking for an extension of time to pay for the im- peet. rovement Petitionof tof he FirstBaptistchurch in relation to special tax for raising sidewalk on Twelfth and Main streets. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of the butchers and citizens, asking that a live stock inspector be ap- pointed to inspect all animals before the same are slaughtered for use in the city. Petition of Specht Bros., asking that they be allowed 6200 for assistance In running the steamer Teal. Application of Dr. Mullaney for the position of meat. inspector. Petition of Stephen Shaw, asking that he be allowed to construct a small dock in the ice harbor a: the foot of First street for use in landing his ferry. Remonstrance of .T. A. Rhomberg against the improvement of Union ave- nue on the present established grade. The following petitions were referred to the board of health. Petition of Mary A. Breen 1n relation to special tax for cleaning vault. Petition of E. R. Jaokson in relation to making sewer connections. Petition of Alfred Herron, et al, ask- ing for an electric light on Grandview avenue.between SouLthern avenue and Rowan street. Referred to the committee on police and light. Petition of J. D. Laurence, asking that an ordinance be drawn. regulating the distributing of a:1 advertising matter, was referred to the ordinance commit- tee. Application of Oscar A. Temple for the• position of electrician. was referred to the ordinance committee. Petition of Chas. C: Holt, asking that he be refunded 350.00 paid for saloon li- cense was referred to the mayor. The following petitions were receiv- ed and filed: Petition, asking that John Keckevoet be allowed to run a skating rink in .the ice harbor. Petition of Henrietta Kennicker, re monstrating against special tax for the improvement of 17th street. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Geo. B. Burch, asking that the assessment on the Hotel Julien be placed at 350.000, as per agreement with the city. Petition of Wm. M. Davis, et al, ask- ing that the water company be directed to extend their water mains froth High land Place and Arlington St down to Grove Terrace, thence along Grove Ter- race to Pearl Street. Petition, asking that a sidewalk be ordered laid on the north side of Fif- teenth street between Maple and Cedar street. OF CERS. City Auditor REPORTS enI reported as follows: Cash on hand Dec. 1st '95 ....326,077 80 Collections during month .... 44,205 86 3 6 Dlabursments during month ..31,270 71 Balance cash on hand 339,012 95 cersso for month oorted ff1Descembere 1895;duoffi- also reported warrants to the amount favor of of 433,11 aving duplicate onccelt ed; also presented list of coupons re- deemed during the month. Report adopted, and warrants ordered drawn to pay city °dicers, and report referred to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported 31,834.43 due firemen for the month of December, 11, ['Oar Seeelion, January 6, 1896 . 1895. Warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and report referred to the comr mlttee on fire. Joliet Carter. street commissioner, re- ported $633.45 due for labor during De- cember. 1895. Warrats ordered drawn to pay labor- ers and report referred to the street committee. Chas. Hillery, sewer inspector, report- ed $165.75 due for labor during Decem- ber. 1895. Warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor and report referred to the sewer committee. Ed. Morgan, city marshal, reported $1,950.10 due police during Decemlber, 1895; also reported 98 police cases during the month; also reported having collect- ed $11 fines in city ordinance case, for which treasurer's receipt was attached; also reported $4 collected for pound re- ceipts. Warrants ordered drawn to pay police and report referred to the committee on police and light. • City Attorney Knight presented an agreement for settlement of the case of Ella S. Brunskill vs the city, which was referred to the committee of the whole. City Electrician Osborn reported $29.- 58 due from Star Electric Co. for rebates during December. 1895. Report adopted. City Engineer Knowlton presented a plat and communication in regard to opening up a lane north of High Bluff street from Eagle Point avenue to Mid- dle street. which was referred to the street committee: also ,presented a com- munication in regard to drainage on West Seventeenth street. which was re- ferred to the street committee. Also presented 'profiles of grade of the following streets. which were referred to the street committee. Clifford street. Napier street and Cath- erine street also profile and change In Angella street. Also presented the following in rela- tion to the location of Pickett street; al- so.plats of said street. which were re- ferred to the committee of the whole. To the Honorable Mayor and CIty Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen:— In the !natter of the location of Pickett street I would respectfully re- port as follows: Yates and Picketts stih (bt. Q. Pg. 512) which joints out lot 667 on the west shows Pickett street ex- tending into out lot 667 as shown by the red lines on the aocompanying blue print copy of the original plat of Yates and Piokebts' sttb at a point 143 feet north of West 14th street. The street Is shown 20 feet wide and when Morgan's sub was laid out on the north 20 feet was left. making Pickett street 40 feet wide. This plat Shows Mrs. Yates alley the deed for which calls for a width of 10 feet and running back 143 feet to Pick- ett street. 4 1-2 d of the alley being in out lot 667 and 5 1-2 feet in 684, Yates and Ploketts' sub was recorded August 6th, 1856. Out lot 667 was platted and numbered for this purpose of assessment In 1873 by W. H. Evans. under the law which provides that plats may be placed on • .3 • record for that purpose. After the re- corded deeds had been drawn three ad- ditional lines are drawn marked: A. 13. and C. That portion of out lot 667 north of line A. is numbered 8. and that por- tion between the deeds of Wybrant and Gniffke and lines B. and C. is 'numbered 7. I can find no authority whatever for lines A. B. and C. and' Mr. Evans had no authority to place lines on the plat that were not of record. Many of these plats placed on record for assessment purposes were carelessly • drawn. To illustrate -the six lots be- tween W. 14th street and Pickett street immediately west from Mrs. Yates al- ley drawn by Mr. Evans are shown to be 143 feet deep. making the south line of Pickett street a continuous straight line; while the original plat shows that at Cornell street there is an offset of 14 feet and the lots are only 129 feet deep west of Cornell street. As out lot 667 was never platted by the owners as a regular subdivision no streets were laid out and dedicated for public use as is usually done, but when land was sold as in the case of Philip Sage, 40 feet was left between the land deeded and the adjoining property which has always been used for street pur- poses. So far as I can learn from the records and otherwise. the intention was to have the street where it has been used for the past thirty years or more. There is no evidence to the contrary so far as I have been able to find. The Evans' plat is incorrect and without authority. The street in my judgment is improved where it properly belongs. Respectfully submitted, W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Market Master Traut reported $16.90 due city for scale receipts; also report- ed $42.f.0 due him for board of prisoners. Repbrt adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. The reports of the following city weigh ers were received and filed: Chas, Pflffner. Joseph Straney, T. J. Donahue and Chas. PItchper. The report of T. L. Jess. wood meas- urer. was received and filed. Ald. Ryder moved that the city engi- neer be instructed to give an estimate to Altman and Taylor at the next meeting for work done on Grandview avenue. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTES. AId. Ryder. chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of having warrants drawn in favor of the treasurer for money advanced during December, 1895; also that warrants be drawn in favor of the several parties for money borrowed during December, 1895. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the commit- tee on claims. reported In fay.or of pay- ing John Terry $40, providing he ac- cepts same as payment in full for all claims against the city. Adapted. Ald. Kaufman. chairman of the street committee. reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Con. Ryan for extra compensa- tion for work on Southern avenue, as he has been paid In full. as estimated by the city engineer. In favor of granting the petition of • 4 Ilejula>' SeQs,'wt, January (i. 18!!(; . John Welty et al. asking to be allowed to put on pump in well on High Bluff street, said permission to be given dur- ing the pleasure of the council, and the owner of abutting property. In favor of granting the petition of Jahn Kapp, et al. for the extension of Willow street east to West Locust street provided the necessary land is given free of cost to the city. In favor of granting the petition of Stephen Bengel et al. in relation to lay- ing sidewalk on the north side of Fif- teenth street between Maple street and Cedar street. In favor of paying Kenneally and Kane $30.00 for grading Oak street from Rising avenue to the easterly end. In favor of approving of the plat of Rosedale addition. Would also recommend that the city engineer he instruc:ed to measure, not to exceed 20 yards of macadam, for each person that has obtained a permit to break macadam and submit said amounts to the city recorder, who is di- rected to draw warrants for same, to be payable on Saturday. January 18th, 1896. AIso reported that the following streets have been accepted: Audubon avenue from West Four- teenth street to Dexter avenue. Rebecca street from Thomas street to Anna stree'. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chtairman of the commit- tee on supplies. reported in favor of pay ing the bill of W. H. Knowlton of $3.93 for supplies for engineer's office. Adopted. Ald. Shea. chairman of committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: In favor of paying Jno. P. Quigley $20 for insurance in the Mechanic's Insur- ance Co. In favor of paying the Key City Fire Insurance Co. $160.00 for insurance on the Central Engine house. In favor of paying Peter Kiene & Son $48.00 for insurance in the National Fire Insurance Co. In favor of paying Jos. Needham *20.00 for insurance in the American Insur- ance Co. In favor of paying the Lull-Heran- court Agency *16.00 for insurance in the Home Insurance Co. In favor of paying the Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Co. $130.00 for in- surance on Central Engine house. In favor of paying Jos. Needham $20.00 for insurance In the Reliance Insurance Co. In favor of paying Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Co. $37.50 for insurance on the Eighteenth Street Engine house. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of E. J. Evans of $75.00 alleged to be due for repairing sidewalks In parks. as he has not completed said work as agreed. In favor of paying K. Knight $2.00 for repairing Delhi street engine house, In favor of paying N. H. Faust $5.20 for sash look stops and anti -rattlers. Report adopted•. Ald. Bauer. chairman of the commit- tee on police and light, reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the bill of the Star Electric Co. of $1.643.95 for electric lights during December. 1895. In favor of paying the hill of the Globe Light and Heat Co. of $170 for gasoline lights during November. 5, and would also recommend that the189gagollne lamp on English Lane near Southern avenue be removed. In favor of paying the bill of the Key City Gas Co. of $97.65 for gas in city buildings. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford. chairman of the print- ing committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bills of the Herald of *75 for official printing; also bill of the Telegraph of $75 for official printing. Report adopted. Aid. Cullen, chairman of the delinquent tax commute, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Kate Bannon for taxes for 1895. and the same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of allowing the taxes of Cor- nelia Bahl. on lot 25 Hooper's add, to retrain a lien on said property for 1895, and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said iproperty for taxes of 1895, if same is not paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Geo. F. Schmidt for taxes of 1895. but the same to remain a lien on said property if not paid. In favor of cancelling the assessment of Jas. Carney of *200 on personalty for 1895. Also report adverse to the petitions of Wm. Ziepprecht, J. H. Tice, Frank Hitchens and Catherine Schueller In re- lation to taxes. Report adopted. Aid. Shea. of the botlyd of health, re- ported as follows: In favor of awarding the contract for cleaning vaults on the premises of John Spear, Thos. Shea and Mrs. B. O'Farrell to Frank Burns. provided said parties do not clean their vaults inside of five days. Also report that they have notified the different ice dealers of the city, not to cut any ice in the sloughs adjacent to the city, that is to be used for family purposes, and if they do, the same will be oondemned. Also recommend that the vault on city lot 130 owned by Robert Jess, and vault on E 1-2 lot 35. L. H. Langworth's add, be cleaned, and that the city recorder is directed to advertise for bids and pro- posals for doing said work, the cleaning of said vaults to be done at the expense of the owners thereof. Also recommend that the wells on the following described premises be con- demned and abated as a nuisance, as the water in same is detrimental to the pub- lic health: The well on lot 92. East Dubuque add, owned by H. Huber: also the well on the west 87 feet of the n 1-2 lot 1 Kniest's sub and that the city marshal is direct- ed to see that the above order is com- plied with. Also recommend that a resolution be passed by the ,city council, asking tlhe legislature at its next session to pass a law to appoint a live stock inspector to inspect all stock before the same is killed for consumption within the state, and that no meats of any kind whatever In favor of the adoption of the resolu- tion levying a special tax for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer In Grove Terrace south. Also recommend that the finance com- mittee and city attorney be directed to settle the case of Ella S. Brunakill vs the City of Dubuque in an amicable man ner, and to the best interest of the city, and report to the council. Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Co. be and is hereby ordered to extend its mains from its intersection at Highland Place and Arlington street, east on Arlington street to Grove Ter- race south on Grove Ter- race to lot 7-65. A. McDaniel's sub, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company the use of such quantity of water along the line of said street, sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe required to be so extended. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city en- gineer be and is hereby instructed to sub mit a profile and grade of Cox street from West 14th street to Union avenue. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was referred to the street com- mittee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Grace street. between Grandview avenue and East street. be graded, gut- tered. curbed. macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subJedt. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement. and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Ald. Bonson offered the following,. which was referred to the street com- mittee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Bennett St. between Grandview avvenue and East street, be graded, gut tered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement. and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was referred to the street com- mittee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Union Ave. between West Locust and Alta Vista street. be graded, gut- tered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance on that subjeot. That the city engineer be and lier,u/'tr. Sermon, January 6, 1896. J be allowed to be sold or offered for sale for human food, un4ess the same has been previously inspected, and found healthy for human use. Report adopted. Ald. Shea offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city attor- ney and ordinance committee be in- structed to draft a bill to be presented to the next legislature, relative to ap- pointing a live stock inspector; also the inspection of all food used for human use, and that copies of same be sent to our representatives. and that they be directed to use their utmost endeavors to have same or a similar bill passed. Ald. Ryder moved that the mayor be instructed to appoint a special commit- tee on legislation. to consist of the mayor and three aldermen. Carried. Ald. Shea. chairman of the paving com mi'ttee, reported in favor of paying the bill of Steuck. O'Farrell and Linehan of S590.87 for extra work done on Fourth street from Main street to White street, and on Locust street from Tenth street to Seventeenth street. Adopted. • Alderman Vogler. chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Henry Glab, asking to be re- instated in the city engineer's office. In favor of allowing John Jansen $25 for strip of ground on Fifth avenue; al- so $10.00 for removing fence from same, In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Mrs. Maurice O'Reagan, asking that.the special tax against her property for the improvement of Grandview ave- nue be cancelled. In favor of instructing the city attor- ney to procure deeds of relinquishment to property for the proposed street from Southern avenue to Herron Place, as shown by plat prepared by the city en- gineer. said land to be given without expense to the city. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance of A. -Vogel against spec- ial assessment for improvement of Sev- enteenth street. , In favor of referring the claim of Jno. Burke to the street committee and city attorney. In favor of receiving and filing the notice of Julius Otto in relation to the improvement of West Eagle Point ave- nue. In favor of paying the bill of the Du- buque Rubber & Belting Co. of $5.00 for dating stamp for meat inspector. In favor of, receiving and fllirfg the petition of Mary De Lorimier asking that the special tax against her prop- erty for improving Locust street be can- celled. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of C. Bayless et al, against a full assessment for the improvement of West Locust street between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. Also report as follows on the petition of Geo. L. Torbert Est.. et al, remon- strating against special tax for the im- provement of Seventeenth street from Clay street to West Locust street. In favor of taking up the brick paving on said street providing the abutters do not agree in writing according to the ordinance on that subject. 6 January 6, 1896 is hereby directed to make necessary plane and specifications for said im- provement. and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be clone at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total and the engi- neer to submit an estimate of the cost. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engi- neer.be and is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat showing the proposed exten- sion of Willow street from alley east of St, Ambrose street to Rosedale avenue and submit same to the Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph's academy for their approval. Abd. Kaufmann offered the following: Ree vwi by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-:nch plank, brick, stone or cement. be, within 10 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on south side of West 5th street from Glen Oak street to Booth street. 4 feet wide on east side of College ave- nue from West 3rd street to West 5th street. 4 feet wide on north side of 15th street from Maple street to Cedar street. 4 feet wide of west side of St. Ambrose street from Arch street to Asbury street. where not already laid, also new curb- ing and re -setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting Properly. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes ---Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen. Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. ,Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved.by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 12 foot wide brick sidewalk on both sides of Clay street from Third street to Eighteenth street, by E. J. Evens. contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel'of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6. 1896. Wm. Griffen, city, n 23 d, lot 263, 45.4 sq yds brick sidewalk at 51c$ 23 15 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufimann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on west side of Cornell street from W. 14th street to May Place, by Bryan Dona- hue, contractor. In front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th. 1896. John Harper. Yates and Pickett's sub, s 1-2. lot 11. 50 lin ft side- walk at 15c. $ 7 50 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte - and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk oh north end of Catherine street abutting lot 16, Quigley's sub outlot 710, by Bryan Danohue, contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and. parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site eavh lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Ellen T. Callahan. Quigley's sub out lot 710. lot 16. 26 hn ft at 15c $ 39+) Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alis. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to High Bluff street, by Phil. Doer, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th, 1896. M. C. Munsell. Hopper's add, lot 35, 160.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c, $41,65; 55.77 sq yds guttering at 24c, $13.38; 116 sq yds macadam- izing at 28c. $32.48 $ 87 61 Christ Loetscher. 'MeCraney's 2nd add, lot 25. 152.6 lin ft curbstone at 26c, $39.67; 52.67 sy qds gutter- ing at 24c. 812.64: 11.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28e. $31.17 83 48 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on west Astbury Street from Deihl street to west city limits. by Bryan Done ahue, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January - 6th, 1896. Jas Kurz Est, Finley's add, lot 129, 86 lin ft sidewalk at 15c. $ 12 90 German R. C. Orphan Asylum, Finley add, lot 130. 66 lin ft side- walk at 15c • 990 German R C Orphan Asylum, Fin ley add, lot 131. 76 lin ft side- walk at 15 11 40 Mary Simplot, Finley add, lot 139, 41, Iaeyethrr' Se8sion, .Janumr!/ 6.1896. 93 lin ft sidewalk at 15c 48 15 Adapted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Ronson, Crawford, Cullen, Kauffman. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vog er. Ald. Kaufmann offeredthe following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for Dodge improvingstreet Street o South 300 feet south by Thomas Hassett, contractor. 1n front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and jl parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as I foUOws: Special assessment submitted January 6th. 1896. Jae Walsh Est. Newman Cooper and Smyth's sub. lot 1. 96 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 828.80: 47.10 sq gutteringyds $14.13; 1 33 sq ydsmacadamizing at 34c, $41.26 $ Jas. Walsh Est. Newman Cooper and Smyth's sub. lot 15. 26 lin ft curbstone 30c. at 30c, $3.46 530.33 yds5 sq guttering sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $10.31 James Beach & Son. Newman Cooper and Smyth's sub, lot 16, 58 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $17.40; 25.78 sq yds guttering at 30c, $7.73; 67.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 34c. $23.00 James Beach & Son. city, lot 583, 85 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $25.50; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 88.66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 34c. $30.14 James ncity. ft curbstone one at30c, $34.80;.ot 116i 51.46 sq yds guttering at 30c, $15.- 46; 135.33 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $46.01 James Beach & Son. city, lot 581, 18 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $5.40; 8 sq yds guttering at 30c, $2.40; 21 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $7.14 A8 lin r curbstone attYlot 30c.$41.40 695. 361.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $18.40; 161 aq yds macadamizing at 34c, $54.74 114 54 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving High Bluff street from Schil- ler avenue to Middle avenue, by Phil Doerr, contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and Is hereby levied an the several lots, and Parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and towned, and for the several amounts set oppo- elite each lot or parcel of real estate, as. follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th. 1896. August Immisch. Hooper's add, n e 48.8, lot 36. 36.68 sq yds macad- amizing at 26c, $9.54.. ...... A ust add, lot 26.154 lift curbsone at 28, $15.12; 24 sq yds guttering at 25c, $6.00; 66 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 26e. $1716 38 28 Carl Preibe. McCraney's 2nd add, lot 27, 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25c, $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 26c, 815.89 Chas Blencher. Sr.. McCraney's 2d add, lot 28. 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25e, $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macadam !zing at 26e. 815.89 Chas Bleucher. Sr., McCraney's 2d add, w 1-2. lot 29. 25 lin ft curb- stone at 2Sc $7.00: 11.11 sq yds guttering at 25c. $2.78; 30.55 sq yds macadmizing at 26c, $7.94... F C T Bleucher. McCraney's 2d add, e 1-2, lot 29. 25 lin ft curb- stone at 28c• $7.00: 11.11 sq yds guttering at 25e, 82.77; 30.56 sq yds macadmizing at 26c, $7.95... 17 72 F C T Bleucher. McCraney's 2d add, w 12.6, lot 30. 12.5 lin ft curb stone at 28c, $3.50: 5.55 sq yds gut- tering at 25c. 81.38: 15.28 sq yds 84 18 macadamizing at 26c, $3.97 8 86 Fred Grobe. McCraney's 2d add, e 37.6, lot 30. 37.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $10.50; 16.67 sq yds gutter- ing at 25e, $4.17; 45.83 sq yds mac adamizing at 26c. $11.92 26 69 21 57 John Welty. Wick's add. lot 4, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25c, $5.55 61.11 sq yds macadaanazing at 26c. $15.89 Andrew Vallaster. Wick's add, lot 48 13 34.00; 250 22 11n ft curbstone at 28c, sq yd guttering at 25c,1$5.55 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 26c. $15.89 J A Welty. Wick's add. sub 5, 7 1. 49.5 lin ft curb 65 64 and stone at 28c.1ot $13.86; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25c. $5.55; 61.11 sq yds •macadamazing at 26c, $15.89 35 30 J A Welty, Wick's add. sub 5, 7 96 27 lot 2. 50 lin ft curb- stone at 28c. 814.00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25c• $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 26c, $15.89 36 44 H Kaiser. McCraney's 2d add, lot 14 94 21. 50 lin ft curbstone at $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering 28c,t 25c, $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macadam- 36 44 !zing at 26c. 815.89 Fred Grobe. McCraney's 2d add, lot 22. 50 lin ft curbstone atg8c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yd s g at 25c, $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macadam - 35 44 !zing at 26c. $15.89 Christ Loetscher, McCraney's 2d add, lot 23. 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 25c, $5.55; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 26e. $15.89 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2d add, lot 24. 50 lin ft curbstone at 28atc25c4$5 55; 6111psgdyds s umacad macad- amizing at 26c. $15.89 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2d • add, lot 25. 55.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $15.54; 28 sy qds guttering at 25c, $7.00; 77 sq yds macadam- 42 56 !zing at 26c, 820.02 Adapted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for 21 44 35 44 17 72 36 44 36 44 36 44 35 44 Regular Janudri/ 6, 159(1. constructing an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Fenelon Place, by John Blake, contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and fot' the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th. 1896. Leathers & Trewin. Prospect Hill add, lot15, 5.000 so ft sewer at 4 m E 20 00 heathers & Trewin. Prospect Hill add, lot 16, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4m 2000 John W. Markle. Prospect Hill add, lot 17, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 JamesC IFlanaan, Prospect Hill add, lot 18. 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4m 2000 E Earle, Prospect Hill add, lot 27, 4,100 sq ft sewer at 4 m 16 40 E Earle, Prospect Hill add, lot 23, 4,100 sq ft sewer at 4 m 16 40 Pales Wood, Prospect Hill add, lot 29, 5,000 sq ft sewer at i m 20 00 T A Hooper, Prospect Hill add, lot 30, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 Geo M Raymond. Prospect Hill add, lot 31, 5.000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 C H McArthur. Prospect Hill add, lot 32, 5.000 sq ft sewer at 4m 2000 C H McArthur. Prospect Hill add, w 1-2. lot. 33, 2,500 sq ft sewer at 4 to 10 00 Warren McArthur. Prospect Hill add, e 1-2, lot 33, 2.500 sq ft sew- er at 4 m 10 00 Warren McArthur. Prospect Hill add, lot 34. 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 C F Markle, Prospect Hill add, lot 35, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 C F Markle, Prospect Hill, add, w 1-2 lot 36,2,500sgftsewer at4m 1000 H E Tredway, Prospect Hill add, e 1-2, lot 36, 2.500 sq ft sewer at 4m 1000 H E Tredway, Prospect Hill add, lot 37, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m .. 20 00 Lucy C. Graves Est. Prospect Hill add, lot 38, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 Lucy C. Graves Est, Prospect Hill add, w 64 d, lot 39. 6.400 sq ft sewer at 4 m 25 60 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect Hill, add, e 56 d. lot 39, 5,600 sq ft sewer at 4m 22 40 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect Hill add, lot 41. 9,000 sq ft sewer at4m 3600 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect Hill add, lot 41a. 2.000 sq ft sewer 'at4m 800 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for construoting an 18 and 15 inch tile pipe sewer in alley from 11th to 19th streets between Washington and Elm streets by Dubuque Construction Co., contractor, In front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th, 1896. Nic Kauffman, sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 1. 7.000 sq ft sewer at4m $ 28 00 H Lembeck, sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 2, 3.240 sq ft sewer at 4 m . 12 96 Chas Newman. sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 3. 5.120 sq ft sewer at4m 2048 J Wittmer, sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 4, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4m 1024 G Jeoffroy, sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 5, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4m 1024 Cryprian Kopp, sub w 1-4 out lot 500, city, lot 6. 5.120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Mich Majerus, n 2-5 w m 1-4, city, lot 500, 10,240 sq ft sewer at 4 m40 96 Rosina Strobel. m 1-5 w m 1-4, city, lot 500, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Math.Archer, n 24 d s m 1-5 w m 1-4, city, lot 500, 2,400 sq ft sewer at4m 960 Leo Perleth. s 26 s m 1-5 w m 1-4, city, lot 500, 2,600 sq ft sewer at4m 1040 Frank Hitchins. s 1-5 w m 1-4, city lot 500, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Mrs. C Wellefer, E. Dub. add, lot 97, 5.120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 43 R A Butler. E. Dub. add, n 1-2, lot 98, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m.., 10 24 Wm. Beddolph, E. Dub. add, s 1-2, lot 98, 2,560 so ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Wm Beddolph, E. Dub. add, n 1-2, lot 99, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Rider Walsh, E. Dub. add, s 1-2, lot 90, 2,560 sq ft sewer at4m1024 Pat Walsh Est, E. Dub. add, lot 100, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Jno Pilmaier, Jr, E. Dub. add, lot 101, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 German Bank. E. Dub. lot 102, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 German Bank, E. Dub. add, lot 103 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20.48 Anton Whitting, E. Dub. add, lot 104, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 in 20 48 Elizabeth Kurt, E. Dub. add, s 1-2, 105, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Ambrose Mai, E. Dub. add, n 1-2, lot 105, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m ,. 10 24 Nic and Frank Glab, E. Dub, add, lot 106, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m ,. 20 48 Jac Weber. East Dubuque add, lot 107, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m .,20 48 Jas Crawford Est. East Dubuque add, lot 108. 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Jas Crawford Est, East Dubuque add, lot 109, 5420 sq ft sewer at 4 m. 20 48 Bridget O'Farrell, East Dubuque add, lot 110, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Bridget O'Farrell, East Dubuque add, n 1-2. lot 111. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Mrs, B. Maloney. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 111. 2.560 sq ft sew- erat4m 1024 Mich. Hardy, East Dubuque add, Regular Beaeion, January 13,.18L6. 9 lot 112, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 Jas Crawford Est. East Dubuque add, lot 113, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4m C Ryan, East Dubuque add, lot 114, 5,120 sq ft sewer at m 20 48 M Corbett, East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 115. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 J F and E E Farley. East Dubu- que add. s 1-2. lot 115. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 John Farley. East Dubuque add, n 31 d, lot 116. 3.100 sq ft sewer at 4 m 12 40 John Reesle. East Dubuque add, s 18.11, lot 116, 1.890 sq ft sewer at m 756 Chas Bruhn. East Dubuque add, lot 117, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 Chas Bruhn. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 118. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Anna Wachl. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 118, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 M Brown, East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 119, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4'm 10 24 C Vogenthaler. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 119, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 P Hansen. East Dubuque add, lot 120, 5,120 so ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 John Pickley, East Dubuque add, lot 121, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 P Hansen. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 122, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Jos Kessler. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 122, 2.560 sq ft sewer at . . 4m 1024. Jos Kessler. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 123, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Justus Bechtel Est. East Dubuque 'add, s 1-2, lot 123. 2.560 sq ft sew- er ew- 10 24 erat4m Justus Bechtel Est. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 124. 2,560 sq ft sew- erat4m 1024 Nic Brandt. East Dubuque add, s 31.2, lot 125. 3.120 sq ft sewer at 4m P Hansen. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 124, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4m P Hansen. East Dubuque add, n 20 d. lot 125. 2,000 sq ft sewer at 4m Nic Kauffman. East Dubuque add n 12.10, lot 126. 1,280 sq ft sewer at 4 m ..... .... ..... City of Dubuque. East Dubuque add. s 38.2. lot 126. 3.820 sq ft sewer at 4 m .. H N Naglemaker. East Dub. add, lot 127, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m H Naglemaker, East Dubuque add lot 128, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m J Garard. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 129. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4m J Poshter, East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 129. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m Emeran Schmid. East Dubuque add, n 1-2. lot 130, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m .... .. .. B Gantert Est. East Dubuque add, a 1-2, lot 130. 2.560 sq ft sewer .at4m John Hartman. East D buque 20 48 12 48 10 24 8 00 5 12 15 28 20 48 20 48 10 24 10 24 10 24 10 24 add, lot 131. 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m Stephen Steible. East Dubuque add, Int 1325,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m Mrs J Eberhardt. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 133. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Ludwig W Litman. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 133. 2.560 sq ft sew erat4m 1024 Frank Peterka. East Dubuque add s 1-2, lot 134. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4m B Schulte. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 134, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4m 1024 Frank Beller. East Dubuque add, lot 135, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m.. 20 48 Alois Frick. East Dubuque add, lot 136, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m.. 20 48 Nic Kauffman. East Dubuque add lot 137, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m.. 20 48 Peter Welter. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 138. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Geo F Billarch. East Dubuque add, n 1-2. lot 138. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Mich Eitel. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 139, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Theresa Eitel. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 139, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 J B Joseph. East Dubuque add, lot 140, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 Wm H.elem. East Dubuque add, lot 141, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 •m 20 4S J F Ackerman. East Dubuque add, s 31.2, lot 142. 3.120 sq ft sewer at 4m 1248 Fred Michel. East Dubuque add, n 20, lot 142, 2.000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 8 00 Mich Klein. East Dubuque add, s 2-3, lot 143. 3.410 sq ft sewer at 4 m 13 64 Fred Pegel, East Dubuque add, n 1-3, lot 143, 1.710 sq ft sewer at 6 84 4m Fred Pegel, East Dubuque add, s 1-3, lot 144, 1.710 sq ft sewer at 6 84 4m Samuel Heinkel. East Dubuque add, n 2-3, lot 144. 3,410 sq ft sew- er ew- 13 64 erat4m Hannah Lonergan. East Dubuque add, lot 145, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 20 48 4m Mary Driscoll. East Dubuque add, lot 146, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 Mrs M Everett. sub s 1-2 147, East Dubuque add. lot 1, 1,870 sq ft 7 48 sewer at 4 m John F Farley. sub s 1-2, 147, East Dubuque add. lot 2. 690 sq ft 2 76 sewer at 4 m John F Farley. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 147. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4m Albert Gasser. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 148, 2,560 sq ft sewer 10 24 at4m... Honora Martin. East Dubuque add n 1-2, lot 148, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m' Bridget McNamara. East Dubu- que add, lot 149, 5.120 sq ft sewer at 4m Geo Salot. East Dubuque add, lot 150, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 48 Jas O'Halleran, East Dubuque add, 20 48 20 48 10 24 10 24 10 24 20 48 10 Regular Session, January (3, 1896. lot 151, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 Mich Flynn, East Dubuque add, lot 152, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 98 Mich Fylnn, East Dubuque add, lot 153, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4 m20 48 B W Jones. East Dubuque add, lot 164, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 9 m 20 48 J A Essman, East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 155, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4m 1029 John Flynn. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 155. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4m 10 24 Peter Schetgen, East Dubuque add, s 22d, lot 156, 2,200 sq ft sewer at 4m 880 John Everet, East Dubuque add, n 29.2 d, for 156. 2.920 sq ft sew- erat4m 1168 Jac Spoo, East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 157, 2,560 so ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 :Vic Derneden, East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 157, 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4m 1024 Eliza Sill. East Dubuque add, s 1-2, lot 158, 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Chas Randall. East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 158. 2.560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 24 Killian May, East Dubuque, add, lot 159, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 9 20 48 Steuck & O'Farrell. East Dubu- pue add. lot 161. 5.120 sq ft sewer at4m 2048 Steuck & O'Farrell. East Dubu- que add, lot 160. 5,120 sq ft sewer at4m 2048 P H Summerfleld. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 162. 2.560 sq ft sew- erat4m 1029 Wm Snyder, East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 162. 2,560 sq ft sewer at 4 m 10 Christian Kleih, East Dubuque add, lot 163. 5.120 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 Pat Walsh Est. East Dubuque add, lot 164, 5,120 sq ft sewer at 4m 20 48 Pat Walsh Est. East Dubuque add, lat 165, 5.120 sq ft sewer at 4m 2048 T+'ldel Duenser, East Dubuque add, lot 166, 6,120 sq ft sewer at 4 ln20 48 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for an 8 inch pipe sanitary sewer in Grove Terrace south from West llth street to Wilbur Lane. by D. W. Line- han, contractor. in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Decem- ber 2nd. 1895. H F C Schneider. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 1, 12,500.sq ft sewer at 4m $ 50 00 H F Reynolds, Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 2, 5,000 ea ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 H F Reynolds, Ellen Corkey's sub, n 1-2, lot 3, 2.500 sq it sewer at 4 m 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corker's sub, s 1-2, lot 3 2,500 sq ft sewer at 4 m, 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 4, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m , , , , 20 00 Wm F Woodrich. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 5. 9,600 so ft sewer at 4m 1840 C N Baird, Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 6, 4,500 sq ft sewer at 4. m 18 00 C A Wilber. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 7, 2.380 sa ft sewer at 4 fn9 52 Fred Weigel. sub of 687. city, lot 4, 18,000 so ft sewer at 4 m 72 00 F A Rumpf, sub of 687, city, lot 5, 20,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 80 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Monson, Cullen, Kaufmann, Ryder. Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Nayes—Aid. Crawford. The special assessment for the im- provement of Fifth avenue was referr- ed to the street committee. Ald. Ryder moved that the police .mat- ron be paid at the rate of 850 per month. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the city engi- neer 'be instructed to examine and re- port whether the special assessment of Mary Wilde for the improvement of Grandview avenue at its intersection with South Dodge street is correct and just. Carried. Ald. Shea moved to ad.iourn. Carried. • Attest: /1/ a Recorder'. log Approved 1896. NOTICE OF SALE. I will sell at Public Auction to the best bidder for cash, on Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1806, at 2 o'clook P. m. at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between 14th and 15th streets, the following im- pounded •animals, to -wit: One bay mare, 14 hands high, weight 1100 ponds, age 12 years. One dark Sorrell mare, 16 hands high, weight 1400 pounds, 13 years old, white stripe on forehead, left hind foot white between fetlock and hoof. One bay mare 12 hands high, weight between 900 and 1000 'minds, aged 10 years. ED. MORGAN, 1-16-6t. City Marshal. Special Sermon, Jan furry 7, 1896. 11 CITY COUNCIL, Special Session. January 7th, 1896. (Oficial.) Council met at 2:55 gyp. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. :Present—Aids. Bauer. Ronson, Craw- ford, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vog- ler. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to take action in fix - Ink fire limits for 1896. and such other btUMiness as the council may deem proper Ald. Ryder offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved. That the fire limits for 1896 shall extend 1500 feet from any fire plug or hydrant and the city engineer is di- rected to furnish the city assessor with a map showing said fire limits. Ald. Shea offered the following: ,Whereas. We have learned by report and through the newspapers of the city that on yesterday while charging the grand jury. in the district court of this county Judge Husted took ocasion to at- tack the mayor and aldermen in their management of city affairs, and attempt ed. to smirch the character of these of- ' ricers because of what was done in pay- ing the salaries of the mayor and alder- men: and. 'Whereas, The present time is a criti- cal period in our municipal affairs in this that we have negotiations pending with a view to refund a large portion of the city indebtedness at the rate of 4 per cent. interest per annum which if suc- cessful will result in a great saving to the taxpayers in the reduction from 6 to 7 per cent.. they rates the indebtedness we are now 'seeking to refund bears; and. 'Whereas. Such an intemperate, un- warranted and wholly groundless attack as that made yesterday by Judge Hust- ed in his charge to the grand jury on the management of city affairs will have a tendency to 'make investors appre- hensive of our securities and impede and prevent the carrying out of the refund- ing scheme now in such n favorable con- dition: and. Whereas. The charges made against this council should be fully and prompt- ly investigated. that the city council is not only willing but anxious that such an investigation should be fairly, fully and intelligently made. conscious as we are that such an inquiry will brand Judge Husted as a defamer of the mayor and council and demonstrate that in making such an unjust and unwarrant- ed attack on them he was actuated 'by a feeling of personal spite and not for any genuine desire for the public good, therefore be it Resolved. That the people of the city be and hereby are called upon to at once make provision for a thorough in- veatigation of this matter, as well as •any other matter they may deem fit to look into. so that it may be made to ap- pear whether this attack made by Judge Husted has any support in fact. Resolved further. That the city of- ficers be directed one and all to affor every facility for the making of su an examination. Resolved further. Judge Husted to t contrary notwithstanding, that there is no Paw or ordinance and there never has been any law or ordinance In force in this city which makes the mayor and al- dermen criminally liable for voting to themselves the salaries in question, or for accepting the salaries so voted. Resolved further, Judge Husted to the contrary' notwithstanding. that when it is well known and consldered that•Mayor Olinger has necessarily devoted his whole time to the .business of the city, which is increasing In volume every year, that a salary of $1,500 a year is not too much to pay him for such ser- vices. nor is it too inch to pay him an additional 8500 for his Services on the board of health. and on these facts we appeal to . the good sense and fair judg- ment of the people of the city to say whether in the aggregate 12,000 is too much money to pay the mayor of the city for all his services for an entire year. Resolved further. Judge Husted to the contrary notwithstanding, that ;600 a year. the amountpaid to .each alderman for his services. is not too much, espec- ially when it is considered that, unlike • other cities where there are police boards, boards of public works, water commissioners. park commissioners and other bodies among which is distribut- ed a part of the city work, there are no such bodies in Dubuque causing the city expense. but all the work is done by the council. and we respectfully appeal to the people of this city who are perma- nent -residents here. who have lived with many years. who have grown up the city, who have helped to develop it. who pay taxes and who have in mind its future welfare. whether under the cir- cumstances the sum of 8500 a year is too much to pay each alderman for the ser- vices he renders the city. Resolved further. That while Judge Husted has nothing to lose by such an attack as .that made by him on the city's credit it is important to the permanent residents and tax rs of the city that this matter should notTgo unheeded, but that it should be promptly investigated; and in this connection we desire the full- est investigation of our management of the city's affairs. and we are confident that such an investigation will not in the least particular the management of reflect t r good faith ofthis council, but on other will provethe hand beyondquestiona comiplete vindication of the mayor and council from ful attack cke nntadeuuponrand them byJuite- dge Husted and bring to the attention of the citizens of Dubuque the intense blas aneddtorm keethe charHust- ed referred to, which at this time are calculated to do the city irreparable injury. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Shea and Vogler. Noes—Alds. Bonsor. Crawford, Kauf- mann and Ryder. Ald. Shea moved to adiourn. arried. ....... . . . . .5-kY-X ecortL4 ,1896 may, Mayor. e: : Appro • 12 IlBt f W.r#'rant8. CITY WAKRANT . CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Ia., Dec 1, 1895. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: The followii,g is a complete list of warrants issued by me for the month of November, 1895. Nov. 1, 1895. Name. Purpose. Amt. C Luchterhand, macadam $ 24 15 P Gill, ,macadam 13 30 P Olinger. salary 125 00 H B Gniffke,•salary 208 30 T J Cooney, salary 116 70 M M McCarten, salary 116 70 J F Stemm salary 125 00 Jas E Knight, salary 150 00 Edward Morgan, salary 100 00 Joe Reinfried, salary 100 00 John Carter, salary 91 65 John O'Connell, salary 83 35 W H Knowlton, salary 200 00 Jas Boyce, salary 100 00 E S Hyde, salary 100 00 H Giab, salary 50 00 Geo Osborne, salary 75 00 Chas Hillery, salary 50 00 J P Trani, salary 50 00 A Henge, salary 46 50 T Jess, salary 20 00 Dr. Wieland, salary 50 00 M Eitel, fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccin:i, fireman 50 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00 J Waltz, fireman 60 00 C Specht, fireman 50 00 J Schudi, fireman 50 00 E Keas, fireman 50 00 Jas Dailey, fireman 60 00 Job Barnes, fireman 75 00 A McDonald, fireman. , 60 00 J Murphy, fireman 60 00 W Ducy+, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 50 00 T Ryder, fireman 50 00 M Fahey, fireman • 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T Walker, fireman 60 00 W Hippman, fireman 60 00 F GanieIhl, fireman 50 00 Geo. Gerke, fireman 46 70 W Williams, fireman 50 00 Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00 F J •Essman, fireman 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Jas Rooney, fireman 50 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 C Kanna1t, fireman 60 00 Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 R Weston, fireman 50 00 Wm. McBride, fireman 50 00 H Ternes, fireman' 3 30 J J Murphy, policeman 75 00 John Raeele, policeman 75 00 Frank Carney, policeman 61 65 Bart Coin, policeman 60 00 J Loetscher, policeman 50 00 P McNerney, policeman 50 00 Tom Rellly, policeman 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, policeman 50 00 D Norton, policeman 50 00 Jas Allen, policeman 50 00 John Rueter, policeman 50 00 James Flynn, policeman 50 00 Ed Moore, policeman, 51 65 M Kilty, policeman 50 00 P Sutton, policeman 50 00 M Graw, policeman 53 30 P Sullivan, policeman 50 00 P Powers, policeman, 50 00 F Rhomberg, policeman 46 05 Jas Rooney, policeman 50 00 I Manhnff• policeman 50 0(1 \V O'Brien. policeman 50 00 J O'Halleran, policeman 36 30 Jas Lonergan, policeman 50 00 50 00 John Hilson, policeman John Murphy, policeman 50 00 50 00 John Noel, policeman Wm Hennessy. policeman 51 65 Jas Carter, policeman 50 00 P Scharf, policeman 51 65 P McCollins, policeman 50 00 J Secrets, policeman 51 65 P Hanlon, policeman 50 00 D Lavery, policeman 51 60 Wm Frith, policeman 50 00 Wm Howard, policeman 60 00 Matt Oleson, policeman 18 00 John Pullens, ,pound master 50 00 Tom Aheran, laborer 13 85 A Aderson, laborer 15 20 C Burchard. laborer .. 9 45 Chas Buse, laborer 10 80 J Brocktobrock. laborer 7 10 M Bechers, laborer 6 45 P Becher, laborer 14 85 John Boetke, laborer 5 40 P Burke. laborer 15 20 R Burns, laborer• 16 90 John Burnes, laborer 6 75 J Burke, laborer 4 05 J's Butler, laborer 23 25 Wm Bennett, laborer 39 75 J Buschman, laborer 39 75 J Beekman, laborer 6 10 Wm Brown, laborer 2 40 John Corbett, laborer 23 30 M Crahin, laborer 16 20 Wm. Crumpwell 8 80 J. Corcoran 23 95 M. Coyle 14 85 Jas. Cahill.. ... ... ... 7 45 M. Clarke 14 20 L. Calhill 12 85 M. Carmody.... ...... .... 18 25 D. Crotty ..... ... ... ... 6 75 Jas. Connolly , .. 2 70 Wm. Carter ..... ... ... ... ...... 81 00 Jerry Cahill 6 75 M. Diferding..... ... ... ... 7 47 P Dempsey, labors r 6 75 Jas Doyle, laborer 31 50 P Dafourvtain, laborer 14 20 J Dougherty, laborer 9 45 Ed Daily, laborer 39 75 P Doyle, laborer 36 75 J Everett, laborer 9 45 John Driscoll, laborer 81 00 John Egan, laborer 15 55 John Fix, laborer 10 80 M Fetschler, laborer 10 80 F Faber, laborer 33 75 C Fischer, laborer 4 75 D Fox, laborer M Fagan, laborer L Fritz, laborer J Geissler. laborer J Grab, laborer P Ginter, laborer H GoUle, laborer Joe Gullet, laborer C Grunzlg, laborer P Gill, laborer Jas Gellaspi, laborer P Gregory, laborer H Hencklin, laborer H Haas, laborer Jas Harker, laborer F Herzog, laborer L;.Nt of ll"oProofs. 13 Aug Hofferman, laborer Jos Hafey, laborer Jas Hird, laborer M Houpes, laborer Dan Harmon, laborer Jas Hooton, laborer C Heck, laborer John Hayes, laborer M Hardie, laborer A Jaeger, laborer Wm Juergens, laborer P Jacobi, laborer Aug Jess, laborer A Johnson, laborer J Kinsella, laborer J Kraus, laborer C Kampman, taborer M Klein, laborer P Kearney, laborer T Kelley, laborer M Kirk, laborer P Kinney, laborer A C Knapp, laborer E S King, laborer J Kelly, laborer P Kien, laborer M Lilac, laborer H Luck, laborer 19 60 15 55 980 14 85 17 55 F Lassance, laborer M Does, laborer J Lavin, laborer H Limbeck, Iaborer P Murphy, laborer C Madden, laborer T Meggigson, laborer J Moroney, taborer L Mefurise, laborer R Miller, laborer 7 45 7 45 11 50 6 75 40 50 14 20 70 7 45 4 05 P Quinn, Sr., laborer 20 95 J Quail, laborer C Mackelberg, laborer P Moran, laborer M Ma.hony, laborer Jae Me11oy, laborer E Meeker, laborer T Murrey, laborer P Mohan, laborer J Meuser, laborer J Mullen, laborer P McMullen, laborer P McNulty, laborer 9 45 24 00 M McNamara, laborer 18 90 M Nuten, laborer 4 05 P O'Brien, Sr., laborer 19 60 John O'Dea, laborer 15 75 Jas Phelan, laborer 4 05 J Pfeiffer, laborer 15 55 J Peryon, laborer 15 55 Jas Powers, laborer 1690 P Powers, laborer 16 90 Wm Quinlan, laborer 10 80 9 45 6 10 3645 27 00 4 05 8 10 16 20 J Ryan, laborer 7.10 Ch. Reilly, laborer 23 65 A R Stevenson, laborer 75 00 J Schroeder, laborer 19 60 J Steffes, laborer 28 05 M Speciht, laborer 14 85 P Schlitz, laborer 16 90 L Steir, laborer 6 75 Joe Schmidt, laborer 6 75 Geo Sutter, laborer 6 75 P Stoffer, laborer 1155 M Shay, laborer 11, 55 Wm Spensley, laborer 24 40 J Seik, laborer 25 00 J B Stevens, laborer 20 25 J Sullivan, laborer 14 20 N Sweeny, laborer 16 20 W H Stevenson, laborer 1 35 Wm Terry, laborer 39 75 Wm Thompson, laborer 21 95 F Theiring, Laborer 15 20 Jos Tally, laborer 1420 Con Walsh, laborer 2 40 Pete Werton, laborer 2 40 R Wittkamp, laborer 43 50 W Warring, laborer 40 50 J Wolf, laborer 6 75 P Weist, laborer 29 95 J Whelan, laborer 5 40 H Weiderbeck, laborer 12 50 J Welsh, laborer 14 85 M White, laborer 2 70 W Zahchine, laborer 710 Geo Zaun'hoff, laborer 16 50 C 0 Baker, team 4 75 J Beekiman, team 19 60 T Byron, team 4 50 F Burns, team 10 80 R Bennett, team 37 80 T Crohin, team 31 70 J Corcoran, team 1 35 B Cain, team 35 10 Wm Crunion, team 12 15 J Decker, team 13 50 T Elliot, team 32 40 N Frith, team 28 35 14 85 12 15 10 80 35 80 4 05 P Kennealley, team 5 40 R J Love, team 54 90 C Lembke, team 24 30 P Lenehan, team 36 45 T Mulqueeny, laborer 13 McCormack, laborer M McCone, laborer M McCarten, laborer L McEvoy, laborer J McGee, laborer A McGuan, laborer J H McDonald, laborer T McDonald, laborer Jas McCormack. laborer J McNulty, laborer 6 75 M Reisek, laborer 4 Y5 John Raetz, laborer F Reiger, laborer J Raesnor, laborer T Reilly, laborer 19 60 24 40 11 50 14 20 11 50 4 05 21 75 29 25 4 75 21 95 16 20 10 50 13 50 50 00 7 15 7 45 1 70 6 75 10 80 10 SO 36 45 12 85 13 50 16 90 3 00 6 10 4 75 5 40 36 45 15 55 7 50 50 00 13 50 8 50 6 75 7 10 4 05 4 75 16 91) 18 90 19 60 36 45 10 80 9 45 12 85 7 50 24 30 7 45 25 50 19 50 16 20 6 75 11 50 7 45 7 80 20 95 15 55 E Gantenbein, team T Heins, team P Jordon, team H King, team Mrs Kelly, team 14 ,t 1! ,7/''it ;IIs. F Mathis, team 15 50 Mrs Maloy, team 27 00 J Murray, team 3 40 R Mathis, team 4 05 J J Moore, team 21 60 J McCollins, team 35 75 Jeff McGraw, team ,29 00 Wm McGraw, team 17 55 J McCracken, team 26 30 John McGraw, team 21 60 S . Norton, team 16 20 J Parker, team 36 45 Mrs Quileven, team 44 55 Geo Renolds, team 33 75 H Schmidt, team 3105 D Sutherland, team 31 70 J Sullivan, team 1 35 J Savage, team 31 70 E Sweley, team 35 10 M Tice, team 13 50 Cath Tobin, team 14 85 Geo Wetter, team 32 40 Wm Kaep, clerk 26 50 John Hillery, team 47 50 S Rouseh, laborer 47 25 C Hillery, laborer 47 25 F Schilling, laborer 38 50 J .Rooney, laborer 6 75 J McCollins, laborer 3 40 R J Love, laborer 50 Chas Burchard, assistant park custodian 26 00 G Parr, sawing wood 1 50 B Hayes, cleaning around hall21 75 A Jaeger. cleaning around hall 34 42 A Johnson, sawing wood 2 25 C H Whitwell, vet services 33 00 J Hoffmann, asst janitor 1 35 Mrs Koenig, asst janitor 20 00 R McGivern, sanitary patrolman 50 00 J Geiger, repairs city hall 6 25 Maggie Murry, typewriting 9 75 F Keatchle, carpenter work 151 85 Chas Atkinson, painting and pa- pering 40 00 J Drehouse, use of block and tackle 2 50 C Lohman, macadam 8 00 Wm Geisehker, rodman 55 00 John Farley, rodman 40 00 Jas Morgan, brick inspector 19 30 John Bradley, brick inspector29 00 J Hoffman, brick inspector 20 55 Dan Sheean, brick inspector 37 50 J Malone, macadam 10 63 M Lavan, sewer 104 44 Peter Stohl, laborer 4 05 bi Dumphy, laborer 10 15 P W Crawford, salary as alder- man .. 500 00 J W Halpin, salary alderman ... 500 00 A A Cullen, salary alderman .... 500 00 Phil Ryder, salary alderman .... 500 00 T J Shea, salary alderman 500 00 A Vogler, salary alderman 500 00 J Schulte, salary alderman 500 00 W W Bonson, salary alderman500 00 Joe Kaufmann, salary alderman, 500 00 F Burch, clerk hire 50 00 Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing 500 Standard Lumber Co., lumber ... 11 10 Key City Gas Co, coke .. 47 25 Bart E Linehan, rope 92 Ellwanger Bros, rep of harness4 10 Peter Hoffman, axle grease Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery Union Printing Co., stationery Dubuque Telegraph, stationery Pape & Jacquenot, plumbing Brown & Brown, hay Chas Oswald, repairs and setting up stove .To Trudell, rep of patrol wagon Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing, Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoo- ing Phil Pier, wood and . ice M Brown & Son, 1baY F J Hilkins & Co, blankets Phil Pier. coal • Dubuque Telegraph, advertising M Czizek, papering E E Frith, hauling garbage Police Telephone & Signal Co, electrical supplies Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplles for hall Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing Dubuque Water Co, water Dubuque Water Co, water Dubuque Water Co, water Dubuque Water Co. water Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing... Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., lum- ber Morrison & Bros, grate bars..... Dubuque Wooden Ware Co.. lum- ber Standard Lumber Co., shavings. Pape & Jacquinot. plumbing .... Vogenthaler & Ragatz, repairs on engine 1 44 Martin & Strelau, coal 157 95 13 E Linehan, wire rope 35 75 Headford Bros & Hltchens Co, gra tes Harger. & Blish, stationery Ham & Carver, stationery J T Kearns, recording deeds Hardie & Seharle, stationery .... Vogenthaler & Ragatz, casting.. A Wunderlich, horse shoeing.... Barnard, Walker & Clewell, sta- tionery G N Raymond, baskets Joe Trudell, rep on engine Duggan & Kane, matches, etc Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware Svendson & Ott, lumber Fraatz & Clark, drugs Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware P Klauer, stoves G F Kleih, rope, etc Ellwanger Bros, rep on Phil Pier, coke Jas Kelly & Son, stationery Evans, Howard & Co., sewer pipe Vogenthaler & Ragatz, rep on en- gines 6 Key City Gas Co., coke .. 6 Dubuque Water Co., water 40 Byron Donahue, storm water sew- er 500 Byron Donahue, storm water sew- er 239 59 Byron Donahue, storm water sew- er 31 10 35 11 00 4 75 51400 4 35 3 00 30.00 5 50 10 50 2 00 21:00 3 00 19 Si) 60 45 15& 60 10 50 240 30 3 00 4 20 13 00 500 00 500 00 227 85 86 30 12 04) 30 2 20 51 30 1 20 30 11 42 70 37 90 90 2 00 22 25 2 75 7 00 5 50 125 28 25 6 90 8 64 62 72 10 65 5 70 101 63 1 95 harness. 8 80 515 650 77 98 54 12 00 no I,;.s•t 01- 11-11 IVO / dm. 1., Byron Donahue, laying sidewalk72 45 J 'P Schroeder, cement 11 00 N %Schilling, repairing sidewalk32 00 J Williams, stones 10 30 E J •Evans, constructing sidewalk 23 15 N'H SchUling, storm sewer 90 05 Byron Donahue, storm sewer34 60 John McCoy, laying sidewalk11 00 Dubuque Construction Co., con- structing sewer 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co., con- structing sewer 230 00 Ryan Bros., imp. Alpine street500 00 Ryan Bros., imp. Alpine street500 00 Ryan Bros., imp. Alpine street.. 155 00 Willmer Cook, imp Alley 117 00 G W Farley, imp Rebecca st300 00 Dubuque Construction Co., con - 43 20 structing sewer Dubuque Construction ,Co., con- structing sewer Dubuque Construction Co., imp Clay street Dubuque Construction Co., imp 17th street Dubuque Construction Co., imp 17th street Dubuque Construction Co., imp 15th street 61 47 Dubuque Construction Co., imp 21 96 41 67 82 68 15 91 182 00 60 00 21 28 393 80 500 00 127 00 lth street Fri] Doerr, improving alley Phil Doerr, improving alley Phil Doerr, improving alley Phil Doerr, improving alley Phil Doerr, improving alley Ryan Bros, improving Audubon avenue 500 00 Ryan Bros, improving Audubon 2 avenue 56 00 Peter Horsch, improving 5th ave 201 90 Peter Horsch, imp 5th ave 160 60 Peter Horsch, Imp 5th ave 41 91 D W Linehan, constructing sew - 26 85 er D W Linehan, constructing sew - 126 15 er D W Linehan, improving Fengler avenue 500 00 D W Linehan, Improving Fengler avenue 500 00 D W Linehan, improving Fengler avenue 413 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving W 500 00 Eagle Point avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving 120 00 W EaglePoint avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving 500 00 Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell, improving 500 00 Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Locust street Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Garfield avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Garfield avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Garfield avenue Dubuque Construction Co., imp 16th street 61 64 Peter Horsch, imp 5th street 500 00 Peter Horsch, imp 5th street 440 00 J Pickley, imp Schiller avenue180 00 Jno Tibey, imp Rush street 500 00 Jno Tibey, imp Rush street 347 00 Altman & Taylor, imp Grandview avenue 500 00 Altman & Taylor, imp Grandview avenue 500 00 Altman & Taylor, imp Grandview avenue .... 500 00 Altman & Taylor, imp Grandview avenue 500 00 Altman & Taylor, imp Grandview avenue 290 00 J. P. Traut, board of prisoners20 40 German Cath P Co., advertising50 00 National Democrat, advertising. 50 00 75 00 317 00 4 50 9 06 49 06 Telegraph, advertising Herald, advertising 67 50 Globe, advertising 67 50 Times, advertising 2915 0 E Guernsey, repairing horse roller 80 40 Jos Hug, daimages to property100 00 Central Union Telephone Co., tel- ephone rent 46 50 Star Electric Co., arc lights 500 00 Star Electric Co., arc lights 500 00 Star Electric Co., arc lights 500 00 Star Electric Co., arc lights126 40 Key City Gas Co., gas - 75 90 H B Gniffke, money advanced288 77 H B Gniffke, money advanced .. 314 96 H B Gniffke, money advanced... 455 00 H B Gniffke, money advanced ... 266 60 H B Gniffke, money advanced ... 446 00 Mrs. Ellen Rowen, loan 500 0000 00 Mrs. Ellen Rowen, loan John Terry, loan . 500 00 John Terry, loan 600 00 M Mahoney & Son, macadam.... 67 60 John Woodrick, macadam 12 23 M Lavin, sewer S Locust street17 90 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of warrants Issued by me during the month of December, 1895. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. NOTICE. The undersigned is now ready to re- 18the reHENRYular city B. GNIFFKE year 1895. 12-10-1m. City Treasurer. Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 1st, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the rn nth of De ::nib:;: 1595. Name. Purpose. EA 't. Peter Olinger, salary 208 000 H B Gniffke, salary 11; jixt of TT arv' rrtt. . r J Cooney, • F.lary 11t 15 M M McCarten. salary 110 65 J F Sternal, salary 125 00 Jai 'E Knight. salary 150 0) Edw Morgan, salary 100 00 Joe Reintried, salary 100 00 John Carter, salary 91 60 John O'Connell. cammitte clerk 83 30 Fred Burch, salary as assistant committee clerk 50 00 W H Knowlton. salary as city en - neer 200 00 Jas Boyce, salary as assistant en- gineer d.. .... 100 00 E S Hyde, salary as assistant en- 100 00 en- gineer Geo Osborn, salary as electrician75 00 Chas Hillery, salary as sewer in- spector J P Traut, salary as market mas- ter 50 00 H Henge, salary as park custodian 45 00. Dr Wieland, salary as health phy- sician 50 00 Y Jess, sa'a:.y a. wharf mas:•..r10 00 M Eitel. fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 50 00 J A Flynn. fireman 60 00 J Wlitse, fireman 60 00 C Specht. fireman 50 00 J Tschwdi. fireman 50 00 Etlw Keas. fieramn 50 00 Jas Daley, fireman 60 00 Job Barnes. fireman 75 00 A McDonald, fireman 60 00 Jerry Murphy. fireman ...... 60 00 W Ducey. fireman 60 00 J Schonberger. fireman ...... 50 00 Tom Ryder. fireman ........ 50 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn. fireman 60 00 T Walker. fireman 60 00 W Hippman. fireman 60 00 F Ganahl. fireman 50 00 G Girke, fireman 50 00 Geo Helmrich. fireman 50 00 W Williams. fireman 50 00 F Essman. fireman 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Jas Rooney, fireman 50 00 F Kenneallyq, fireman 50 00 C Kannolt. fireman 60 00 Jas Allen. fireman 60 00 Wm McBride. fireman 50 00 Robt Welty. fireman 50 00 J J Murphy, policeman 75 00 John Raeele, police 75 00 F Carney, police 60 00 B Cain, police .. 51 65 J Loetscher. police .... ............ 50 00 P McNerney, police ...... ... .... 50 00 Tom Reilly, police 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Dan Norton, police 50 00 Jas Allen, police 50 00 Jno Reuter, police 50 00 J Flynn, police .... 50 00 Edlw Moore, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 P Sutton, pollee .. 50 00 M Craugh, police .... ..... ... 35 65 P Sullinvan. police 60 00 PPowers, police 50 00 F Rhomlberg, pollee 50 00 J Rooney, police 60 00 I Manhoft, pollee 50 00 Wm O'Brien, pollee 60 00 James O'HallOran. pollee 18 15 James Lonergan, police 60 00 J Hiison, police 50 00 J Murphy, police 50 00 John Noel, police 50 00 Wm Hennessy, police 50 00 Jas Carter, police Peter Scharf. police P McCollins, police Jos Secrest. police ........ P Hanlon, police D Lavery, police Wm Frith, police Wm Howard, police John Driscoll, police John Fanning, police John Pullens. pound master A Alderson. laborer T Ahearn. laborer J Brachtobroch, laborer P Becker. laborer Chas Buchard. laborer J Bottoms. laborer Chas Buse. lal“"•er ...... John Byrne. laborer Chas Beyer. laborer R Burns. laborer P Burke. labore Jas Butler. labore Jas Bennett. labor on bridge T Buschman. labor bridge H Beckett. laborer M Crahin. laborer W Crumpwell. laborer Jno Corbett. laborer M Carmody. laborer Wm Carter. laborer D Crotty, laborer M Clark. laborer ....... .... John Cooney. laborer Jas Connolly. laborer J Corcoran. laborer D Corcoran. laborer L Cahill. laborer M Coyle. laborer J Coyne. laborer Jerry Cahill. laborer John Callaghan. laborer James Cahill. laborer M Diferding. laborer J Dittman. laborer ..... .... J Driscoll. laborenr Jas Doyle. labore P Dafontin. laborer M Dutnphy, laborer Ed Daly. laborer P Doyle, laborer John Degman. laborer J Dougherty. laborer Jahn Evert. laborer John Eagan, labore L Fritz. labore John Fix. laborer F Faber. laborer P Fitzgeald. laborer M Fagan, ,abor. r 50 00 51 65 51 65 61 65 61 65 60 00 50 00 60 00 1 65 165 50 00 12 60 6 10 13 20 2 05 15 20 10 15 15 20 6 75 15 00 6 75 540 4 60 21 40 18 40 13 20 3 75 11 50 18 60 11 85 32 25 4 75 7 45 2 05 6 75 6 75 13 20 675 6 75 4 05 8 10 70 6 10 4 0:. 12 1;. 32 25 21 00 5 40 5 40 17 60 18 40 7 90 1 70 8 10 14 20 10 50 12 85 10 50 110 15 10 15 Dan Fox. laborer 13 85 M Fetskchle, laborer 6 10 Wm Flanagan, laborer 1 05 J Grab. laborer 12 50 B Glass. laborer 2 40 J Giessler. laborer 7 10 P Ginter. laborer 6 75 Jos Ginter. laborer 12 15 P Grew. laborer ........ .... 9 15 Jas Gillaspie, laborer 6 75 Geo Henoklln. laborer ...... 12 60 H Haas. laborer 12 50 M Hardie. laborer 17 60 Jas Harker. laborer 12 60 D Harman. laborer 16 55 F Herzog. laborer 6 10 A Hoffman. laborer 6 10 John Hafey. laborer 6 75 James Hird. laborer 13 90 M Houpes, laborer 6 10 Wm Juergens, laborer 22 30 A Jaeger. laborer S le. P Jacobi. laborer 8 45 Aug Joos. laborer 6 75 J 8t of 17 . 17. A Johnson. laborer Jacob Krans. laborer Peter Kien. laborer C Kampman. laborer M Klein, laborer F Kreeger, laborer E S King. laborer M Kirk, laborer J Kelly. laborer Chas Krans. laborer A C Knapp, laborer P Kinney, laborer John Kinsella. laborer ...... T Kelly. laborer . • .... ...... ... M Lilack. laborer F Lassance. laborer C Lieheimer. laborer John Lavin. laborer M Loes. laborer D Miner. laborer T Meggihon, laborer ........ ... . J Moroney, laborer T Mullqueeney. kubcrer C Mackelberg. laborer T Murrey. laborer M Mahony. laborer Jac Messer. laborer P Mohan. laborer J Mullen. laborer E Meeker. laborer P Murrey. laborer P Moran. laborer P Murphy, laborer ......... B McCormack. laborer M McNamara. laborer J H McDonald. laborer M McCone. Taborer M McCarten. laborer P McMullen. laborer Jas McCormack. laborer . P McNulty. laborer A McGuan. laborer B McCaffrey. laborer J McGee. laborer L MoEvoy. laborer T McDonald. laborer M Nuten. laborer John O'Dea, laborer F Oswald. laborer P O'Farrell. laborer P O'Brien. Sr. laborer J Pfeiffer. laborer J Perron. laborer D Powers. laborer Jas Powers. laborer Jas Purcell. laborer Jas Phelan. laborer Wlm Quinlan. laborer Morns Quinlan. laborer F Rieger, laborer J Raetz. laborer J Roesner. laborer F Rehder. laborer .... ........ Chas Reilly. laborer Jno Ryder. laborer T Reilly. laborer M Reisck. laborer P Sehlltz. laborer Jas Schreier. laborer Wm Schwasgler. laborer P Stofter. laborer John Steffes. laborer M Specht. laborer J Schroeder. laborer Jos Schmidt. laborer Geo Sutter. laborer Nic Sweeney. laborer M Shollard. laborer Wm Spensley. laborer M Shay. laborer J Sullivan. laborer J B Stevens. laborer A R Stevenson. laborer 8 80 J Leik. laborer 14 83 12 55 10 50 4 05 12 to 5 40 3 00 11 85 2 11 05 85 24 30 50 00 6 10 12 50 11 50 6 75 8 80 20 20 T CraInn. team 8 10 B Cain. team S 10 P Clancy, team 7 45 Wm Casey, team 21 30 6 10 4 05 7 45 8 45 9 45 J Garragan. team 4 50 I P Jardin. team 20 25 J J-whtun. team 7 H King, team 10 6 10 P Kenneally, team 1501 00 ms R J Love. tea 11 90 P Linehan. team 15 9015 John Long. team 12 W Le+icht. team 3 76 16 90 12 85 18 40 15 90 11 50 7 45 6 10 3 40 6 10 9 75 11 15 1 35 6 75 8 80 4 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 18 40 13 50 1 35 A Turner. team It 85 Cath Tobin. team ......•• 20 25 I Jessie Vann. team 8 10 1 35 Gen Wetter. team 13 20 J Williams, team 3 05 1 W \Vltthrow. team 3 75 John Hillery, laborer Steve Rousch. laborer 16 10 Chas F Hillery. laborer 16 10 F Schilling, laborer 4 05 4 05 J McCollins, laborer Robt Love. laborer 6 00 14 20 M Lavin, laborer 38 00 1 80 J P Traut, board of prisoners .• 111 50 Wm Kaen, clerk in recorder's of - 50 00 11 70 6 10 fireGotf. Gmehle, assistant assessor.. • 100 00 6 10 Jos Geiger, repairing around city 18 45 10 80 hall ........ ...... . .. . . ... 13 10 A Jaeger. labor around city hall.. 44 76 10 A Johnsen, sawing wood 3 00 8 10 J P Traut, meat tag hooks ... • , 5 75 B Hayes, cleaning around city 21 75 6 10 hall ........ ...... .....• 75 00 Robt McGivern. sanitary patrol - Wm Thompson, laborer Wm Terry. laborer Jas Talty, laborer 1' Weist. laborer John Wolf. laborer J Welsh. laborer P Wertin, laborer 26 00 4 06 22 10 4 40 9 15 14 25 12 50 40 00 40 00 37 50 37 50 1 35 13 60 4 05 31 05 27 00 2 70 25 00 12 15 14 85 4 05 14 85 16 20 28 35 8 10 13 59 31 75 27 70 9 45 10 15 18 90 22 30 28 35 2 70 2 70 2 70 6 13 50 12 15 24 30 A Mink. team 9 45 J McCracken. team 14 85 Wm McGrath. team 12 15 Wm McGrath. team 12 16 J atcCollins. team 24 30 Jeff McGrath. team 7 45 Edw Norton, team 19 60 S Norton. team ........ ... :0 40 P 0 Meara. team 6 75 John Parker .team 22 95 Mrs Quinlivam. team 23 65 F Ryan. team 8 10 Geo Reynolds, team 20 95 H Schmidt. team 18 90 D Sutherland. team 4 05 F Siege, team 20 95 13 50 18 25 5 40 21 60 13 50 16 90 2 05 20 95 35 00 40 25 35 00 39 36 3 40 50 Con Welsh. laborer Wm Warring, laborer 11 Wittkamp, laborer H Weidenbeck. laborer \' Bachina. l:bu«r Geo Zumhoff. laborer . • . „... I Beekman. team T Byron. team R Bennett. team Frank Brown. team J Duggan .team T I711iott, team N Frith. team P C Foley. team J Geary, team F Mathis. team R Mathis. team Mrs Melloy, team J G Moore. team Edw Seeley. team N H Schilling, team 18 Litt nt li VtrpiillX. Iran 50 00 Joe •Relntried. expenses to Atlan- ta. Ga c1so;W Schrup. 3 session. laws .... 1 50 Maggie Murray, typewriting .... 50 Dr F W Wieland. supplies for 10 77 health office FnKeachie. storm sash and fitt- ing same W• Ge'isheker. rodman 55 00 John Farley. rodman 40 00 John Hoffman. assistant janitor35 00 Edw Blake. constructing sewer500 00 Edw Blake. constructing sewer222 00 Mrs Koenig. janitor 20 00 Joe Sauerwein. laborer 9 00 Fred Renus. linger ...... .... . 9 Go P Dempsey, laborer.. ........ 2 70 Jas Graham. laborer 14 85 Collings & Wilkinson. horse shoe ing 3 00 M J G La Niece. oil ... 30 C W Purcell. oil 2 20 G F Kleih. hardware .. 30 Collings & Wilkinson. horse shoe ing 700 Jacob Trani. rubber boots 4 50 ,1cElrath Teaming Co, team on . Labor Day 2 00 John Butt, repairing tools 4 16 Lear & Pfiffner. horse shoeing 8 00 J P Schroeder. cement 17 70 P H Halpin. bran. etc 6 60 P Hansen. matches. candles etc2 55 Evens & Fuchs. wood 15 00 J Sherman. table for health officer 75 Hussman & Lies. fuse 35 Smedley Mfg Co, repairs on steam roller 90 O E Guernsey, repairs on steam roller 52 John Harneyrepairing tools .... 4 50 O E Guernsey, repairs on steam rotler .. . 19 45 T W Reute. blue storedings 39 20 Key City Gas Co. coal and coke17 30 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, pine wood 3 00 Dubuque Water Co. 8 hydrants in C, M & St P yards . 200 00 John Gurst. baskets 3 00 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 14 75 Knapp Stout & Co. lumber 116 71 Peter Hansen. corn and oats 4 20 McCarten Bros. matches. soap etc 13 00 E E Frith, hauling garbage 204 70 Dubuque Telegraph, blank sta- tionery . 17 00 Dubuque Water Co. 318 hydrants for November 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 318 hydrants for November 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. 318 hydrants for November 325 00 John Butt, repairs on engines 3 90 Hiarger & Blish. stationery 54 45 Haan & Carver. blank stationery30 00 Jones & Christman. soap etc 1 25 Brown & Sons. hay 2 50 Key City Gas Co. hauling coke for steam roller 4 50 G F Kleih. hardware ' 2 85 J Sherman.'•matresses for cala- boose ... 900 Lear & Pfiffner. horse shoeing ... 8 00 Collings & Wilkinson. horse shoe ing 1 50. A Vogel. fiynets and whip 6 13 P Mauer. stove and pipe for mar ket master 33 55 John Ernsdorf, lumber ... 1 20 Jerry Murphy, snaps for patrol house 4 00 Headfori•Bros & Hitchins• storm water grates 52 05 Baumgartner & Kleih. hardware1 65 Excelsior Brass Works. repairs on engine 37 62 Reinfried & Jaeger. lawn rake etc for park 1 65 FSehloz, repairs on tools ..... 19 40 John Tibey, improving Rush street 160 53 John Tibey, improving Rush street 207 17 John Tibey, grading Rush street400 00 John Tibey, storm sewer in 17th street 24 00 Dubuque Construction Co, im- proving 17th street. 232 77 Dubuque Construction Co, im- proving Clay street 2 40 Dubuque ConstrUction Co, im- proving Clay street 57 62 Dubuque Construction Co. sewer in alley 500 00 Dubuque Construction Co. sewer in allev 500 00 Dulbuque Construction Co. sewer in alley 83 50 Phil Doerr, improving alley 33 84 Phil oDerr, improving alley 16 92 Phil Doerr, Improving alley 15 22 Phil Doerr, improving alley 109 57 Phil Doerr, improving alley 54 78 Phil Doerr, improving alley 15 24 Phil Doerr, grading Leibnitz street 207 60 John Pickley, improving Schiller avenue 107 39 John Pickley, improving Schiller avenue 109 48 John Pickley. improving Schiller avenue i ... 72 00 D W Linehan. grading Fengler avenue 108 00 D W Linehan. improving Fengler avenue . 300 00 D W Linehan, improving Fengler avenue 150 37 D W Linehan, improving Fengler avenue 17 67 D W Linehan, grading Middle ave- nue ... 54 00 D W Linehan. improving Middle avenue 132 60 D W Linehan, improving Middle avenue ................ 90 80 D W Linehan, improving Middle avenue 8 66 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagl. i i..rtt avenue 500 00 Steuok & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 246 23 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving West Eagle Point avenue 366 57 Steuck & O'Farrell. grading West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. grading West Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading West Eagle Point avenue 170 00 Steuok & O'Farrell. improving Locust street .. 500 00 Steuok & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 78 94 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 500 00 Steuok & O'Farrell. improving Locust street 114 59 Geo W Farley, grading Rebecca street 85 00 Thos Hassett. improving South Bluff street 378 00 Thos Hassett, grading South street •. 75 00 List of Walv Uft W Cook, Improving alley W Cook, improving alley W Cook, improving Altman & Taylor. Improving ave nue Altman & Taylor. improving Grandview avenue Altman & Taylor. improving Grandview avenue .... .. 500 00 Altman & Taylor. improving Grandview avenue 339 17 Wm Dodson. stone crossing on 171th _street 59 50 W C Oastler, road scraper . 349 37 N H Schilling, manholes in storm sewer .. . 1;,0 i.0 P Horch, grading 5th avenue , 250 00 P Horch, improving 5th avenue .. 500 00 P Horch, improving 5th avenue .. 405 00 Ryan Bros, improving Alpine street 208 07 Ryan Bros. improving Alpine 224 street 22 Ryan Bros. grading Alpine street. 500 00 Ryan Bros. grading Alpine street. 85 00 The Herald. advertising for Octo- ber 67 50 Wm Rieman. personal damages 30 00 Martin & Strelau. wood for city hall 15 00 Martin & Strelau. coke for steam 6 21 roller B Lagen. team and carriage La- bor Day Trexler Bros. team and carriage 4 and saddle horse 00 Key City Gas Co. coke for steam 62 88 roller 80 10 Key City Gas Co. gas Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for 500 00 November Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for 500 00 November Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for 500 00 November Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for 125 40 November Globe Light & Heat Co. 102 lamps September and October 340 00 H B Gniffke, refunding permits, $106.00; postal cards. 25c; stamps $12.00: refunding special bond 122 92 tax, $5.67 H B Gniffke, interest paid, $303; re funding' butchers license, $10.44... 313 44 H B Gniffke. damages to property 40 00 Mrs. Thomas Carey. money loaned 300 00 the city Dennis Mahoney. money loaned the city Dennis Mahoney. money loaned the city Dennis Mahoney. money loaned the city Dennis Mahoney, money loaned the city .............. .... Regina Friedrich. money loaned the city Regina Friedrich. money loaned the city Regina Friedrich. money loaned the city Regina Friedrich. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money 75 42 37 70 21 59 500 00 238 61 loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city .......... ........ 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city 00 Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city 00 Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Cath Ward, money loaned the city 300 00 Second National Bank. money 500.00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 300 00 loaned the city I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of December, 1895. Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 250 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of the City Engineer, Dubuque, Iowa. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting 5th avenue from Rhomberg avenue to end of improvement. HIgh Bluff street, 'from Schiller avenue to Middle avenue, Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to High Bluff street. S. Bluff street from anyD3 p persons 0 et south and to erson ore or company hay ing any interest In said real estate: You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of ground, abutting on said streets and alleys, sub- ject to special assessment for paving, guttering and macadamizing the not said streets and alleys, as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amountas- sessed against each lot. or parcel ground. and for the inspection of any person. firm or company interested in nd that umanner Infix m ora company having suchobjection person, tbjo betiassessed hase sshown by special tax aid plat, er his or their objection in writing may file with the city catdor before next of ing of the city et which ewill emeet theil of city on Ja the 6th day of W. H. I=NOWLTON, City Engineer. 12-20-10t. 20 (Yie ial Notice NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city conucil of the city of Dubuque. held on December 2nd, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the read estate hereinafter des- cribed, and that in case of failure to pay the one seventh part • within the time Prescribed by the ordinance governing same. all will become delinquent and sub ject to collection ess and sale. HENAYtrGNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For improving Grand View avenue from Southern avenue to eastern termi- nus: H L Vaughan. mineral lot 20, lot ;46 39 5 Jas O'Connor. Summer Hill add, 30 lot 8 96 W P Carter. Summer Hill add, 30 lot 7 96 Mike Duggan, Summer Hill add, 9 lot 6 8 13 Catherine Carter. Summer Hill 97 23 add. lot 5 Bart Cain. Summer Hill add, lot 90 40 4 Wm Hintrager. Summer Hill add194 37 lot 14 Wm Hintrager, Summer Hill add, lot 15 206 51 Wm Hintrager, Summer Hill add, lot 16 207 54 John Hickey. Summer Hill add, lot 17 320 11 John Hickey. Summer Hill add, lot 336 87 18 T Dillon. Linheim's add. lot 2 .... 283 07 P S Webster. Linheim's add, lot 3. 301 95 Al. Herron. Linheim's add. lot 6.. 219 36 Henry Cannon. sub mineral lot 18, 544 93 lot 2 Ellen Quinlvan, sub mineral lot 18. lot 1 898 91 Ellen Quinlvan. Linheim's add, lot 12 163 68 John Burke. Linheim's add, lot 11157 65 John Burke. Linhelm's add, lot 10 161 00 Jahn Burke. Linheim's add, lot .9151 64 Wm Hintrager, Summer Hill add, 94 91 lot 13 J H Shields. Summer Hill add, lot 99 63 12 Martin Galoin. Summer Hill add, 97 15 lot 11 John Carter. Summer Hill add, lot 3 10 97 6 John Crunion. Summer Hill add, 103 14 lot9 ,,. John Barrett. sub mineral lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 103 68 5and 6 John Barrett. sulb mineral lot 24 Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 4 103 88 E J Delahanty. sub mineral lot 24 Kavanaugh & Barry's sub lot 3 101 71 E J Delahany. sub mineral lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 2. 103 98 Rosa Hines Est. sub mineral lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 1. 101 59 John Barry. sub mineral lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 8. 413 64 Dillon, mineral lot No. 12, lot 4.. 785 84 Thos Kavanaugh Est, sub min lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 7 513 70 Thos Kavanaugh Est. sub min lot 24, Kavanaugh & Barry's sub, lot 9a 86 17 Maurice O'Regan. sub min lot 21, lot 3 W J Brown. sub min lot 21, and 1-2, lot 4 John Deery. sub min lot 21, and 1-2. lot 4 Ross McMahon. sub min lot 21, lot 5 120 91 175 12 175 12 614 77 For the improvement of Locust and West Locust streets from Tenth to 17th streets: Geo. Willging, city. lot 155 $ 81 16 A Tredway, city, and 1-2, lot 63741 32 Grace A Provost, city, and 1-2, lot 637 41 32 S Hosford. city, lot 656 255 42 Grace A Provost. city. and 1-2, lot 657 69 83 Sarah M Provost. city, and 1-2, lot 657 69 83 Grace A Provost. city. and 1-2 s 1 ft. lot 658 1 35 Sarah M Provost. city, and 1-2 s 1 ft. lot 658 1 35 John Lagen, city. s m 33 ft, lot 658 89 64 Nellie G Provost. city, n 17 2-10 ft, lot 658 46 71 Nellie G Provost. city. s 16.5 e 1-2 lot 659 44 61 N and H Hill, city. s 21.5 ft n 35.2 e 1-2. lot 659 58 05 S G Wells and M Wells Est, city, n 13.2 e 1-2. lot 659.. 35 74 S G Wells and R M Wells Est, city, s8ftel2.lot 660 2167 First Presbyterian church, city, n 43 ft. lot 660 .. 229 70 First Congregational church, city, w 84 ft. lot 156 247 66 First Congregational church, city, w 84 ft. lot 157 139 68 Wm B Allison, city. s 1-2, lot 158. 69 39 Frank H Amsden.-city. n 1-2, lot 158 69 39 Miss M De Lorimier. city, s 16 ft, lot 159 43 26 Emma Clark, city, n 22.2 ft, lot 159 59 93 H B Glover, city, n 13 ft. lot 15935 21 H B Glover. city, lot 160251 20 F D Stout, city. s 78 ft, lot 661 299 36 H L Stout, city. n 57.8 ft, lot 661140 76 James Beach, city. n 120.4, lot 661401 54 Congrogational church. city, s 1-5 s 2-5. lot 478 168 20 E A Engler. city, s m 1-5, s 2-5, lot 478 64 86 S Hosford, city, m 1-5. s 2-5, lot 478, 54 86 Wm B Allison, city. n m 1-5, s 2-5, lot 478 54 86 Wm B Allison, city, n 1-5, s 2-5, lot 478 54 86 Wm B Allison, city, s 26.2 ft, m 1-5.lpt 478 69 72 A Tredway, city, n 25 ft, m 1-5, lot 478 66 54 A Tredway, city, n m 1-5, lot 478135 63 F Weigle, city, n 1-5. lot 478 248 98 J P Scott, city, s 51 ft, lot 477a 247 63 Geo M Staples Est, city, s 1-2 n 64 ft, lot 477 a 84 58 Geo M Staples Est, city, n 32 ft, lot 477a . 84 58 Wm L Bradley. city, s 66 ft, lot 477 173 59 Mrs. Geo D Wood. city, s 20 ft n 75 ft. lot 477 52 56 E C Clark, city, n 20 ft n 75 ft, lot 477 52 56 J H Shields, city, n 35 ft, lot 477204 56 D 5 Wilson, city, lot 662a 416 80 E W Mitchell. city. s 1-2 s 51 ft, lot 662 67 19 O./fie/at .Notiees. Mary Westphal. city, n 1-2 s 51 ft, 67 19 Lot 662 Thos Hardie, city. n m 38 ft, lot 99 39 662 Second Presbyterian Church, city, 248 41 n 62 ft. lot 662 0 E Guernsey. city, s 62.2 ft e 111 274 77 ft. lot 663 Al Matthews, city. n 40 ft e 111 ft, 104 08 lo: 663 Catherine C Ryan. city, m 1-5, lot 133 49 663 Catherine C Ryan. city. s 40 ft n m 1-5. lot 663 106 42 Anna B Ryan, city, n 10.4 ft, n m 25 83 1.-5. lot 663 Anna B Ryan. city. n 1-5, lot 663246 41 E M Woodworth. city. s 1-5, lot 246 21 476 Mary E Lull. city, s m 1-5, lot 476. 133 47 Ryder Bros, city. s 1-2 m 1-5, lot 66 61 476 Chas E Wales. city, n 1-2 m 1-5, lot 476 66 61 D N Cooley Est. n 2-6. lot 476379 62 A M Hodgdon, city. s 2-5, lot 664380 08 A H Wellington, city. m 40 ft, lot 95 61 664 Mrs. N C Ryder, city, n 113 ft, 406 73 lot C64 W H Peabody, city. s 2-5. lot 475379 24 John Flanagan, city. m 1-5, lot 475 133 24 Amelia M Hodgdon, city, s 1-5, n 66 61 m 1-5. lot 475 C Whitaker Est. city, n 1-2 n m 66 61 1-5. lot 475 B B Richards, city. n 1-5, lot 475246 40 Dubuque High School, city, s 2-5, 350 56 lot 474 J Marsch. city. s 1-2 s 41.2 ft, m 53 1-5. lot 474 Eliza P Hatch. city, n 1-2 s 41.2 ft 53 m 1-5. lot 474 A J Parker. city. n 10 ft m 1-5, lot 474 26 A J Parker, city, s 33.2 ft n m 1-5, 86 lot 474 Mrs A H Peaslee. city, n 18 ft n m 46 1-5. lot 474 Mrs A H Peaslee. city. s 1-2 n 1-5, 66 lot 474 ..... .. Annie A Sears. city. n 1-2 n 1-5, 179 lot 474 W S Molo, city, s 1-5. lot 473 149 W S Molo, city. lot 1 and 1-2 sub 35 of lot 671 C J Lesure, city. lot 1 and 1-2 sub 35 of lot 671 C J Leanne, city, lot 2 of lot 671 1676 of lot 671 7 C J Leeure, city. lot 3 of lot 671168 Mary Westphal, lot 4 of lot 671 168 W W Carr, lot 5 of lot 671 349 Mrs J Cooney. Cooley's sub, let 85 7 Geo M Staples Est, Cooley's sub, 8 lot 8 C Bayless, sub 9 Cooley's sub, lot 12 3 .. C Bayless, sub 10 and 11 Cooley's 13 sub. lot First Presbyterian church, sub 10 5 and 11 Cooley's sub. lot 2 First Presbyterian church. sub 10 3 and 11 Cooley's sub, lot 3 Ella E Addensell. sub 10 and 11 6 Cooley's sub. lot 4 J G Peterson. sub 10 and 11 Cool- ey's sub. lot 5 J G Peterson. Coolev's sub, lot 1212 J G Peterson, Cooley's sub, lot 1312 3 G Peterson. Cooley's sub, lot 1412 J 0 Peterson. Cooley's sub, lot 1520 City of Dubuque. Grant Park 124 21 D C Cram, sub 672a. city, lot 1133 86 Winnie Hamel. sub 2 of 670, city, lot 1 134 16 For improving Alpine street from West Third street to Dodge street: Sarah E Dean. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 5 $ 91 62 Samuel Smith. Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 11 55 25 Samuel Smith, Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 10 79 60 Julia Rhomberg, Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 8 68 73 Julia Rhorberg, Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 7 44 20 F W Langworthy. Guernsey and Langworthy's add. lot 6 44 20 S A Storey, Guernsey and Lang - worthy's add. lot 5 44 20 James Howie. Guernsey and Lang worthy's add. lot 4 44 20 James Howie. Guernsey and Lang worthy's add. lot 3 44 20 T F Kennedy, Guernsey and Lang worthy's add. dot 2 44 20 F W Harris, Guernsey and Lang - worthy's add, lot 1 67 92 Mary Bunting, Julia Langworthy's add. lot 49 68 97 S M Langworthy. Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 50 42 60 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 51 42 50 Forest Langworthy, Julia Lang- wrthy's add. lot 52 42 60 o J 5 Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 53 Forest Langworthy. Julia Lang - worthy's add. lot 21 85 77 Mary Bunting, Julia Langworthy's 61 20 61 add. lot 20 S M Langworthy. Julia Lang - 61 worthy's add. lot 19 61 20 J. S Stephens. Julia Lang - 02 worthy's add. lot 18 61 20 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang- 79 23 39 worthy's add. lot 17 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang- 36 84 worthy's add. lot 1 236 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang- 42 50 61 worthy's add. lot 2 Julia Langworthy. Julia Lang- 67 43 18 worthy's add. lot 3 70 Julia Langworthy. Julia Lang- 67 43 worthy's add. lot 4 55 Mary Bunting. Julia Lang- 42 60 worthy's add. lot 5 55 J S Stephens. Julia Lang- 42 50 32 worthy's add, lot 6 32 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang- 42 60 10 worthy's add. lot 7 88 Forest Langworthy, Julia Lang- 71 19 85 worthy's add. lot 8 S M Langworthy. Lois add, lot 1 66 87 55 5 M Langworthy,' Lois add, lot 244 20 Fred C Nhare. Lois add. lot 3 44 14 5 55 Mathias Horey. Lois add, lot 444 20 James Howie. Lois add. lot 5 44 20 0 73 James Howie. Lois add. lot 6 44 20 John T McGauran. Lois add, lot 7. 44 20 6 92 S M Langworthy Est, Lois add, 71 30 lot 8 7 17 Frank Lanser. Reeder Lang- 79 83 worthy's add. lot 12 8 18 Mrs Mary Morgan. Reeder Lang- 65 96 worthy's add. lot 13 9 43 Mary H Nelson. Reeder Lang- 91 87 worthy's add. lot 4 3 07 For improving Rush street from Quince 8 69 to Villa' Streets. 194 Dennis Ryan. Union add. lot 56 1 Plamondon. Union add. 1 of 2, to $163 11 171 75 1 92 189 6 27 Wm Hlntrager, Union add, lot 190. 98 37 22 Oeai Vote's. E Conlon, Union add. lot 191 56 80 E Conlon. Ifhton add. lot 192 57 77 E Coo Ion. Union add. lot 193 68 08 John Sbecht, Union add. lot 19458 80 John Specht. Union add, lot 195 67 13 A S and E Heacock. Union add, lot 196 57 73 T J Donahue. Union add. w 50 d lot 197 47 33 S J Patch, Union add. e 10 d, lot 197 9 64 S .1 Path, Union add. lot 19856 80 S J Patch. Union add. lot 199 60 10 W J Woods. Union add. lot 200 59 68 W J Woods. Union add. lot 201 56 80 W J Woods. Union add. lot 202 56 80 W J Woods, Union add. lot 203 58 87 Mike Mahoney. Union add, lot 20458 27 Henry Stephenson. Union add, lot 201 57 30 Henry Stephenson. Union add, lot 206 56 94 L J Lobdell. Union add. lot 207 56 88 R Bonson Est. Union add, lot lot 208 56 80 R Bonson Est. Union add, lot lot 209 88 04 R Bonson Est. Union add, lot 210 93 72 R Bonson Est. Union add, lot 211 61 14 R Bonson Est. Union add, lot 212 . 48 70 F E Spielman. Union add, lot 185143 88 N Linden. Union add. lot 116 15 63 For the improvement of Seventeenth street from Clay to West Locust streets: D C Cram. sub 672a, city, lot 1$ 56 24 Annie E McGovern: sub 672a, city, lot 2 105 89 Annie Backert. sub 672a. city, lot 4 202 70 Annie Backert, sub 673a. city, lot 2 98 14 A F Heel), sub 1 of 673a. city, lot 1 65 50 H 0 Rose. sub 1 of 673a. city, lot 2 58 95 H 0 Rose. sub 15 of Dorgan's sub, lot 2 ..... 6 55 L King, sub 15 of Dorgan's suib, lot 14 137 97 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673, city, lot 3 97 07 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673, city, lot 2 68 27 P W Crawford. sub 2 of 673, city, lot 1 198 40 J F Stampfer. sub 1 of 674, city, lot 1 250 21 James Cushing. sub 2 of 674, city, . lot 1 107 13 ▪ F B Daniels. sub 674. city, w 88 ft, lot 3 .. ..... 183 04 A Treadway. sub 674, el ... e 40ft, lot 3 83 20 German Presbyterian Theological School of the North West, sub 674, city. lot 4 66 66 German Presbyterian Theological school of the North West, sub 675, city. lot 7. 371 52 A Vogel, sub 675. city. lot 6. .. 164 80 Fred Kennicker, city. n 1-5, lot452 236 80 German Presbyterian Church, city, n 340. -lot 458 329 39 German Presbyterian Church, city, n 50 ft. e 1-2. lot 746 359 40 Geo. L. Torbert Est.. city, n 57 ft, w 1-2. lot 746 375 00 Joseph Herrtid, city. n 1-5, lot 472. 381 87 Jas McCann, city. n 2-5, lot 473234 04 L Jas MOCann. aub 671, city, lot 6... • 65 47 Mary WestPhall. sub 671, city, lot 4 72 53 W W Carr. sub 671. city, lot 5322 97 For improving alley from Mers to Ries streets between Windsor and Staf- ford avenues: John Bohn, sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 5 18 33 John Bohn, sub 3. Geiger's sub, lot 4. 18 33 18 33 Earnest Vogenthaler, su,b 3, Gei- ger's sub, lot 3 Mary Geiger, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 2 Mary Geiger. sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 1 WMehl. sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 6 F W Karsch. sub 3 Geiger's sub, lot 11 Raymond Fessler. sub 3 Geiger's sub. lot 12 Raymond Fessler. sub 3 Geiger's sub. lot 13 Christian Schmitz sub 2 Geiger's sub, w 1-2, lot 1 Sevin Hug, sub 2 Geiger's sub, e 1-2, lot 1 Christian Schmitz. sub 2 Geiger's sub, lot 2 Frank Baumhover. sub 2 Geiger's sub. w 1-2. lot 3 Chas Baumhover. sub 2 Geiger's sub, e 1-2. lot 3 John BerrInger. sub 2. Geiger's sub, w 1-2. lot 4 9 17 John Reuibing. sub 2 Geiger's sulb( e 1-2. lot 4 ........ 9 17 Josephine Ris. sub 1 Geiger's sub, lot 1 49 68 John Ruebing, sub 1 Geiger's sub, Iot2 4 43 M R Stendeback. sub 1 Geiger's sub, lot 3 14 7S John Huber, sub 1 Geiger's sub, w 1-2. lot 4 14 78 John Huber, sub 1 Geiger's sub, w 1-2. lot 5 1569 For improving Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to Peosta street: August Bistram, McCraney's 2nd add. lot 16 $135 12 Rosa Fengler, McCraney's 2nd add. lot 15 131 54 Trangott Fengler, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 6 133 32 Daniel Ruff, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 5 139 84 C Fisher, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 38 122 82 C Fisher, McCraney's 2nd add, w 2-3. lot 45 H Hafner, Hooper's add, lot 226631. 136 32 Wm Bentin, Hooper's add, lot 21132 97 E H Shepley, Hooper's add, lot 8133 68 Robt Beckley, Hooper's add, lot 7137 59 T E Rhomberg, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 39 add, lot 44 2na 122 27 C, M & St P. McCraney's 6 For improvinFr West Eagle Point a58ve7- nue from Kane street west to City Lim- its: J H Jecklin L H Langworthy'a add, lot 159 $213 25 F H Frank. L H Langworthy's add, lot 161 156 08 J K Kaufmann, L H Langworthy'a add, sub 164 and 166a. lot 1.... 53 62 J K Kaufmann, L H Lang - worthy's add. sub 164 and 166a, lot 2 41 04 14 66 12 83 40 33 16 64 13 93 12 93 18 3: 18 33 23 46 9 17 9 17 Official Yotce.. .;3 J .K Kaufmann. L H Lang - worthy's add. sub 164 and 166a, 4 lot 3 1 04 J K Kaufmann. L H Lang - worthy's add. sub 164 and 166a, 4 lot 4 1 04 Andres Mareske. L 11 Lang - worthy's add. sub 164 and 166a, 4 lot b 1 04 Wm Pelsch. L H Langworthy's add. sub 164 and 166a. lot 6 49 83 Chas Simon. L H Langworthy's 184 11 add. lot 166 John Kemps. L 11 Langworthy's 217 77 lot 167 John Kemps. L H Langworthy's 233 05 add. lot 169 Chas F Bernheiser. Burton's add, 65 03 lot 57 . Chas F Bornheiser. Burton's add, 55 02 lot 56 John Splering, Burton's add, lot 52 40 55 John Spiering, Burton's add, lot 52 40 54 John Splering, Burton's add, lot lot 53 52.40 John Splering, Burton's add, lot 6 87 lot 52 Nick Steiner Est. Burtn's add, 4180 sub 1 of 51. lot 1 Nick Steiner Est. Burton's add, 53 62 lot 50 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 79 43 49 John Jenne. Burton's add. lot 48 50 21 John Jenne. Burton's add. lot 47 54 00 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 46'50 65 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 45... 50 65 John Jenne. Burton's add. lot 4450 65 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 44 50 65 John Jenne. Burton's add. lot 43 51 52 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 4251 52 John Jenne. Burton's add, lot 41.. 53 65 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 63 65 40 John Jenne. Burton's add. lot 3945 69 David Lorenz. Burton's add, lot 38 64 13 Wm Manning. Burton's add, lot 56 76 37 Wm Manning, Burton's add, lot 76 lot 36 66 Clara C Miller. Burton's add, lot 35 56 76 Ignatz Seeger Est. Burton's add, 57 99 lot 34 Wm B Allison. Burton's add, lot 145 99 33 Wm B Allison. Mineral lot. lot 342 418 37 John Becker. mineral lot, both 566 48 sides. lot 337 J C Fitzpatrick. mineral lot, both 1332 46 sides. lot 210 .......... . Peter Mihm. mineral lot, both 689 64 340. lot 1 Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 154 Melchior Schlagel. L H Lang - worthy's add lot 158a Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 158 Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 160a Melchior Schlagel, L . H Lang- worthy's59 add. lot 160 Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 160a . Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 163a 72 48 Melchior Schlagel, L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 162 126 63 Melchior Schlagel. L H Lang - worthy's add. lot 165 John Witt. 1 of sub of 168, lot 231 65 Julius Otto. 1 of sub of 168. lot 1 .. Julius Otto. 1 of sub of 168. lot 2 .. Esther Provenchor. 1 of sub of 168, lot 3 Esther Provenchor. 1 of sub of 168, lot. 4 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 1 199 12 31 12 45 16 45 93 45 93 50 65 Henry Hurne Est. Burton's add, lot 2 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 3 Wm Hintrager. Burton's add, lot 4 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 5 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 6 Casper Metz Est, Burton's add, lot Casper Metz Est. Burton's add, lot 8 A Leik. Burton's add. lot 9 Chris Leik. Burton's add. lot 10 Chris Leik. Burton's add, lot 11 Chris Leik. Burton's add. lot 12 Wm Hintrager: Burton's add, lot 13 • Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 14 Glen Brown. Burton's add, lot 15 Glen Brown. Burton's add, lot 16 Dubuque Water Co. Burton's add, lot 17 • •• 45 89 Dubuque Water CoBurton's add, lot 18 55 60 M C Munsell. Burton's add. lot 1955 50 M C Munsell, Burton's add, lot 2055 M C Munsell. Burton's add, lot 2158 76 John F Hamman, Burton's add, lot 22 55 89 Dubuque Water Co. Burton's add, lot 23 56 76 Oriental Powder Co. Burton's add, lot 24 56 76 Wm Manning. Burton's add, lot 25 56 76 Wm Hintrager, Burton's add, lot 26 103 89 Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot 32. 269 29 Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot 31. 152 05 Felix Oswald. Burton's add, lot 30. 230 08 Bonson Bros. sub of lrnineral lot 379 20 340. lot 2 Bonson Est. sub of mineral lot 340. 6 lot 3 9 86 Wm Hintrager. sub of mineral lot 270, and 2-3. lot 2 171 46 Chas Klingenberg, sub of mineral lot 270, and 1-3. lot 2 . 85 73 For Improving Fengler avenue from Peosta street north to terminus: J From:melt, Fengler's add, lot 12.3110 59 J Frommelt, Fengler's add, lot 39118 11 John Dietrich, Fengler's add, lot 126 89 9 Wm Lippstock, Fengler's add, lot 133 31 38 G Kuntz Est, Fengler's add, lot 8. 125 33 T Lippstock, Fengler's add, lot 31. 125 44 T H Varley, Fengler's add, lot 5... 126 41 P Beusch, Fengler's add, lot 30... 124 94 M Kurt, Fengler's add. lot 4 ...... 124 74 John Wendell, Fengler's add, lot 126 06 23 Max Kistler, Fengler's add, lot 1119 82 Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's sub, lot 1121 70 Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's sub, lot 13187 11 Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's sub, lot 12186 85 C, M & St P Ry Co, south part of lot 13 and unnumbered lot in 16 35 Fengler's add Improving alley from Schiller to Mid- dle street between Rhomberg and Lin - 50 65 50 65 50 65 51 14 51 52 49 78 48 05 49 78 48 79 49 78 52 62 50 21 50 21 60 21 50 21 24 .ut re..1. coin avenues. August Bistrum, McCraney's 2nd add. lot 16 $ 14 52 August Bistrum. McCraney's 2nd ' add. lot 17 Geo Deckert, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 18 Frank Frommelt. McCraney's 2nd add. lot 19 . 18 56 Albert Curtis. MoCraney's 2nd add lot 20 18 55 Jacob Scheidecker. sub 9, 11 and 13 Wick's add. lot 2 18 55 Jacob Welty, sub 9, 11 and 13, Wick's add. lot 1 18 M Muschitseh. Wick's add. lot 1618 M Muschitsch. Wick's add, lot 1518 Val W., McCraney's 2nd add, lot 11 18 Henry Wagner, McCraney's 2nd add. lot 12 18 R Jones, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 13 18 R Jones, McCranev's 2nd add, lot 14 18 55 R Jones, McCraney's 2nd add, n e 3 4-10. lot 15 1 26 Rosa Fengler, McCraney's 2nd add s 32 ft. lot 15 ,.... ..... 13 20 For improving Middle avenue from Emsley's alley to Garfield avenue: Chas Nank. Wick's add. lot 2 .....8101 97 Andrew Vallister. Wick's add, lot 3 102 83 Jacob Kuntz. Wick's add. sub of 6, 8 and 7 ft of 10. lot 1 108 99 J A Wetty, Wick's add, sub of 5, 7 and n 7 of 9. lot 1 10961 J A Wetty, Wick's add. sub 9, 11 and 13, lot 1 99 88 John Niedermeyer. Wick's add, s 7.10, lot 16 14 72 John Niedermeyer, Wick's add, lot 12 48 75 John Niedermeyer. Wick's add, lot 14 ' 36 12 M Mischetisch. Wick's add, lot 16. 99 36 J Woodrich. Wick's add. lot 17 99 83 F Woodricij Est. Wick's add, lot 20 49 41 F Woodrich Est. Wick's add, lot 22 47 70 W Loeffler, Wick's add. lot 19 49 41 W Loeffler. Wick's add, lot 2147 99 Chas Hunze. Wick's add. lot 25 100 80 J M Boltz. Wick's add. lot 24 100 97 For improving alley from Men to Pauline streets east of Stafford avenue: MartinGalbriel. Stein's add, lot 1 8 12 22 A M J Hemaielder, Stein's add, lot 2 17 13 Fred Brantel, Stein's add, lot 3 17 13 Geo Gruber. Stein's add, lot 1 of lot 4 17 30 Frank Stines, Stein's add. lot 5 62 20 For improving Garfield avenue from Ann to Dock avenues: Albert Leicht. McCraney's lst add. lot 10 t 10 46 Albert Lelcht, McCraney's 1st add, lot 11 . 23 60 .Albert Leicht, MeCraney's 1st add, lot 12 28 47 18 65 18 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on December 2, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herein af. ter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will be- come delinquent and subject to collec- tion by distress and sale, HENRY B. GNIFFKE. City Treasurer. For lowering cement sidewalk on Main street: First Baptist Church. city, n 531-2 ft, lot 466 ...1 32 06 For laying plank sidewalk on Lincoln• avenue: Frank Angster. Dreibilbies' add, s 30.4. lot 26 1 6 71 For laying sanitary sewer on South Locust street: James Reach Son. city. lot 580 .,.8 30 40 James Beach & Son. city, lot 58140 40 James Beach & Son. city. lot 582 46 00 James Beach & Son. city, lot 58312 00 J H Theddnga Est. city, s 100 ft, lot 552a 28 00 Jas. Alien, city. n 50 ft. lot 552a, 20 00 S P Wadley, city. lot 1 sub lot 552. 18 80 Key Ctty Gas Co. city. lot 2 sub lot 552 18 80 Key City (:as Co. city. lot 3 sub lot 562 . 1880 Key City Gas Co. lot 4 sub of lot 55.2 18 80 Laying•sanitary sewer from terminal south from West llth street to Wilber Lane: C F C Schneider. Ellen Corkey's sub. lot 1 $ 60 0$ H F Reynolds, Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 2 2009 H F Reynolds. Ellen Corkey's sub, n 1-2, lot 3 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, s 1-2, lot 3 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 4 .. 20 00 Wm F Woodrich. Ellen Corkey's sub. lot 5 18 40 C N Baird. Ellen Corkev's sub, lot 6 1800 C A Wilber. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 7 9 62 Fred Weigel, sub of 687. city, lot 4 . 72 00 F A Rumpf, sub 6 of 687. city, lot 80 06 For laying sanitary sewer in West Lo- custstreet: Mrs Winnie Hamel. lot 1 of 2 of sub 670, city, 1 50 00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Aug. Hapelt: You are hereby notified that In ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Rebecca street, from Thomas street to south end of street, adopted on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil. upon all Tats and parcels of real estate abutting on said improvement, lots No. 16 and 17 in Fairview sub. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 1rd day of February A. D. 1896, and show cause, it any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 1-18-10t, City Recorder. O fflcial Nuticex. SIDEWALK RESOLUTIONS. Resolved by the City Council of the• City of Dubuque, That sidewalks of brick, stone or cement be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in comformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on west side of St. Am- brose street from Arch street to Asbury street. • 6 feet wide on south side of West 5th street from Glen Oak street to Booth street. 4 feet wide on east side of College ave- nue from West 3rd street to West 5th street. 4 feet wide on west side of Fifteenth street from Maple street to Cedar street. Adopted January 6th, '96. 1-7-10t JOHN O'CONNELL, City Recorder Pro Tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Emil Feigner: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Rebecca street from Thomas street to south end of street, adopted on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expenset hereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvements, lots Nos. 16 and 17 in Fairview sub. owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be.held on the 3rd day of February A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assesment should not be lev- ied. T. J. COONEY, 1-13-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO VAULT CLEANERS. Dubuque, Jan. 8, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock P. in., January 161h, 1896, for cleaning vaults on the following described prem- ises. to -wit: City lot 130 and E 1-2. lot 35, L. H. Langworthy's addition. Bidders must state the price per cubic foot for doing said work, and said work must be done to the satisfaction of the Board of Health. and in accord- ance with the ordinance on that sub- ject. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. 1-8-7t. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tem. NOTICE TO VAULT CLEANERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my offlc up to 3 o'clock p. m. of Friday. January 3rd. 1896. for cleaning the vaults on the following described prem - 25 ises. to -wit: s 105 ft lot e and s 84.3 ft lot 3 of sub 18. 19 & 20 Kelly's sub, owned by John Spear. Lot 17 O'Neill's sub No. 2, owned by Thos. Shea. Lot 110 and n 1-2 111 East Dubuque add owned by Mrs. B. O'Farrel. Bidders must state the price per cubic/ foot for doing said work, and must com- ply in all respects to the city ordinance and rules of the hoard of health, if said work is let. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. T. J. COONEY, 12-28-5t. •City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To S. E. Smith: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Audobon avenue from West 14th street to Dexter avenue, adopted on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 98 in Woodlawn Park addition, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY, 1 -13 -lot. City Recorder. • ,Special ,Sexviun, January 28, 1896. 27 CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL SESSION JANUARY 28, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 2:20 p. m. Present—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford. Halpin, Shea. Schulte and Vogler. The mayor stared that .t.e eject of the meet.ng was .o make arra .gements with E. D. Shephard & Co.. about closing deal for $96,000 refunding bonds. Ald. Bon - son moved to rescind all former action of the council in relation to sale of $200,- 000 refunding bonds to Harris & Co. Carried. Ald. Cullen and Kaufmann arrived at 2:25 p. m. Aid. Bonson offered the following: Whereas the bonds of th:s city In the sum of $96.000 will' mature an the first day of February. 1896. Whereas, The city will not be in a condition to pay and take up said bonds; and. Whereas, it will be nt,c_ssary to refund and extend the time for the payment of said bonds: and Whereas. offers have been made to pro cure and surrender the bonds so to ma- ture and to take in exchange therefor new bonds to be issued to refund and ex- tend the payment of the same; and. Whereas. E. D. Shepard& Co., of New York, have proposed to procure and sur- render said 896.000 in amount of the bonds so to mature and to accept instead thereof new bonds to be issued to refund and extend the same: and Whereas. The bonds so to ma:ure bear Interest semi-annually at the rate of 6 Per cent.: and. Whereas, said Shepard & Co. propose to accept such new 'bonds to be issued to bear interest at the rape of 4 per cent. csemi-annually, city $130 for the privilege legentod of being per- mitted to make such exchange, and, Whereas. after considering the said proposition of said E. D. Shepard & Co., in connection with other proposals made by other parties for the refunding of said maturing bonds. it appears to the coun- cil that the proposal of E. D. Shepard & Co. is the most advantageous offer that has been made for the refunding of said bonds. therefore. be it Resolved. That said proposal of said E. D. Shepard & Co. be and the same is hereby accepted by the city, and the mayor and finance committee are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into a contract with proper provisions for safe guarding the interests of the clty with said E. D. Shepard & Co. for the re- funding of the bonds to mature on the terms herein before expressed proper provisions to be made when and how said premium shall be made and as to the carrying out of the exchange of the tto beew b surrendr ed gas aforesaid ds to isued for the 1 onesd and to provide in said contract that said new bonds to be issued and the interest there on shall be made payable in gold coin o1 the present standard weight and fine- ness at some bank in either on in sold est York or Boston, as may be agreed up ^ontract. Adopted by the fallowing vote: ,Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufman, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Bonson offered the following, Resolved. By tihe City Council of the City of Dubuque, That for the purpose of refunding oily bonds to the amount of $96,000 maturing on the 1st day of February, 1896. the city shal Ilssue 896,- 000 96;000 twenty year gold bonds in denomina- tions of 81.000 each dated February lat, 1896. numbered from i to 96, inclusive, and bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum. payable semi-an- nually both principal and interest of said bonds to be payable at the City of New York. in the state of New York, or at the City of Boston in the state of Massa- chusetts, at the option of the holder, as may be provided In the contract, this day authorized to be made with E. D. Shepard & Co.. for the exchange of said bonds for old bonds to be surrendered. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Noe:—Nene. On motion the matter of personal tax of James Herron was referred to the de- linquent tax committee. Ald. Shea moved to adiourn. Carried. Attest : Approved 1896. 'Mayor. b'pecial ,1es8torr, 'c<br•tc<frJ 1. I896. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session, February 1st, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 4:00 p. m. Mayor pro tem Vogler in the chair. Present—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Ryder and Shea. The chair stated that the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to new refunding bonds. Ald Bonson moved that the action of the council Jan. 28, 1896, in relation to sale of refunding bonds to E. D. Shep- ard & Co., New York, and the resolution In regard to issue of same be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Bonson of the committee of the whole reported as follows, which was adopted: Your committee would recommend that the mayor, city attorney and fin- ance committee be empowered to make contract with Farson, Leach & Co. for negotiating 4 per cent refunding bonds to take up city indebtedness now due and becoming due. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: 0'ti . ft.- 24 . Recorder. .Approved Lsoti. Mayor. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Ses._ton February 3rd, 1896. (Official.) Council met +it 9:25 a. in. Mayor Olinger In the chair. Present—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen, Hatpin, Kaufman. Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Bonson moved that the minutes of the December and January meetings as printed be approved. Carried. Aid. Crawford arrived at 9:30. The following bills were allowed. Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall $ 14 88 E. E. Frith. removing dead ani- mals U 60 Jos Geiger, repairing engineer'aof- flce 75 Altman & Taylor. over charge on macadam 6 60 Altman & Taylor. extra work on Grandview avenue 10 00 Duggan & Kane. wash tubs and hoard 3 20 Duggan & Kane. oil ... ... 66 Duggan & Kane. supplies for matron 3 10 Peter Hansen. oil and candles for roller 1 25 Lempke Bros., repairing harness3 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel. washing pow der Mrs. Kien, scrubbing at city hall Mrs. Koenig, janitor city hall C. O. D. Laundry. washing tow- els, etc J. & A. M. Trexler. bran for patrol house Peter Klauer, supplies for matron J. W. Wittmer. drugs Lear & Pflffner. horse shoeing Elohhorn & Bechtel. salt, etc P. Hansen, hay M. Brown & Sons. hay Peter Klaur, repairing stoves etc J. W. Wittmer, drugs Jos. Trudell, repairing chains Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing F. Mertz, repairing harness Standard Lumber Co.. shavings Albert Gasser. brick for sewer J. W. Wittmer, oil. etc William Marshall, repairing steam roller J. & A. M. Trexler. oil F.Lagen & Sloan. horseshoeing .. F. Schloz, reairing tools John Driscoll. cutting stepping • stones Jos Trudell, repairing street scraper Collins & Wilkinson. horse shoe- ing Standard Lumber Co. lumber Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber Svendsen & Ott. lumber ... F Schloz, sharpening tools F J Hiikin & Co: toweling John Hoffmann, panitor Frank Sieg, expressing ...... Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, lumlber Pure Petroleum Produce Co, oil Jos Trudell, repairing engines William Marshall. repairing en- gines... ... ..... ... William Marshall. steam boiler 1 2 20 00 50 00 6 14 8 00 4 20 7 10 6 00 50 3 00 9 20 9 20 66 4 60 626 2 00 60 6 76 1 40 10 60 50 1 60 2 45 27 00 1 00 2 00 6 35 20 66 16 93 14 45 7 25 3600 50 20 21 75 38 76 . 13 26 February 1, 1896 and heater ..... ... 120 Pur&el & Moloneyoih for engine house Svendsen & Ott. lumber for en- ginehouse ..... ....... W. H. Torbert, supplies for engine house John E Hartig, sharpening lawn mower Dubuque Wooden Ware 'Co, pine wood Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing A. Wunderlich. horse shoeing Tom Connolly, repairing wagon Collins & Wilkinson horse shoeing Collins and Wilkins. horse shoeing Vogenthaler & Ragatz. repairing engine ..... ...... . B Hayes. hauling ashes .... John T Kearns. recarding, deeds and plats Union Printing Co.. blank station- ery Maggie Murrey. type writing John Maclay. fees in ordinance case . . 3 25 Geo Bennett .assistant assessor100 00 G Gmehle. assistant assessor 100 00 Robt MeGlvern. sanitary inspec- tor 50 00 Wililam Kaep, clerk ..... 50 00 John E Hartig, repairing steel tapes........... 6 70 Eichhorn & Bechtel. rope 25 Bryan Donahue. construc:ing sew- er 100 00 Jessie Venn. filling 4th street ex- tension 15 66 WIIliann Gelsheker. rod man 65 00 Phil Doerr. improving Leibnitz street 19 84 F Schloz. sharpening tools ..... 5 70 Md. Ryder arrived at 9:50. The following bills were referred as fol laws: To police and light commottee: Star Electrict Co. ........ $1646 80 Key Ctty Gas Co 100 50 To street committee: Vogenthaler & Ragatz Bock & Reed To committee on supplies: Ham & Carver ..... ... . . ..$ Martin & Strelau ...... Dubuque Cabinet Makers Assn .. Harger & Blish Hardie & Scharle Homan & Roehl Martin & Strelau J W Wittmer To the board af health: F W Wieland J W Wittmer To committee buildings: Chats Atkinson F Keachie A Reilly To committee on fire and water: Dubuque Water Co ...... ....$1341 00 To committee on printing: Dubuque Telegraph ..... • . ...$193 00 National Demokrat 50 00 The Globe 67 50 The Times 29 15 Thte Herald 67 50 To paving committee: Dubuque Construction Co . To sewer committee: John O'Brien To committee on claims: Dubuque Construction Co To committee of the whole: 00 1 50 43 48 11 48 100 1 50 12 75 8 25 100 6 50 9 80 92 200 4 58 2 50 22 00 $149 88 1 10 18 00 81 65 13 65 18 12 30 75 26 00 22 03 2 45 55 00 Costs in ease of W A Harkett, et al, vs. City of Dubuque .... ....$ 56 00 Petitions. On motion the petitions of the follow- ing parties were referred to the delin- quent tax C0171Mi tyee: T. J. Donahue/Mary Flynn,,VMary ParkereCatherine KopsatiMary Markey,-'" Julia BurkeMary CanavartyThe Adams e- Company/Mary JosephrRosina Strobel, Mary F. SewardoiNfarta. Thereala Lep- pert, Anna M. Schielod'ohanna Roesvekl,u' Mary Trampler. vMary Carneye, Mrs. Dennis Flannagan, Mrs. B. Farrell," -C. v T. BushragenteAnna Blitsch;Iohn burg,/Cath. McCann!' Martin Dunphy..' Joseph JeffroyeWm. Riem3noCa,:h. Neu - miller, Mary PerrotteElizabeth Herzog,' Bridget Brennan.eJohn FosselmamiDu- buque Turbine and Roller Mill Co.va,nd Anna. N. Spahn. - Petition of John Kiefer et al in rela- tion to overflow from Collier creek was read. Ald. Kauffman moved that the rules be suspended. and that John Kiefer be al- lowed. to address the council. Carried. John Kiefer addressed the council Fir relation to the matter. On motion the petition was referred to the street come mittee: The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of Felix Oswald In relation to the improrvement of West Eagle Point avenue. Petition, of Bryan Dona.hue, asking the city to tpurohase his macadam. Petition of Henry Mueller, asking that. curbing be ordered laid abutting his property on Kniest street. so that he can lay his sidewalk of uniform width. Petition of Henry Trifler in relatiom to grade lines. wall. ect, abutting his property on Klingenberg Terrace. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Altman & Taylor in rela- tion to claim for grading on Grandview avenue. Petition of Martha. Cholvin to measurement of her property for spec- ial tax. Petition of MarY C. and Nettle Blake in relation to Foye street. Petition of August Roeber ii relation to vacation of alley between Garfield and Rhomberg avenue from 5th to 6th ave- nues. Petition of Jos. K. Kauffman in rela- tion to the line of Kaufmann avenue, and claiming the same had taken a strip of his property was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. to employ a compe- tent outside. engineer to survey said street adjacent to the property and re- port as soon as possible. The following petitions were referred to the sewer committee: Petition of Anna M. Bush in regard to marking sewerage connection. Petition of Bryan Donahue in regard to claim for extra work on 5th and 7th street storm sewers. Application of Wm. A. Irwin for meat inspector was referred to the board of • health. Petition of W. G. Stewart, agreeing to, sell the city a burglar proof safe was re, ferred to the committee on public) grounds and buildings. Petition of George Falkeinhainor et al, asking that an electric light be placed at ... 1 00 - on public grounds and .$ 19 00 110 50 20 00 23 84 $ 35 00 $ 05 00 February 3, 1896 eolith end of Rebecca street. The following petitions were gt'anted: Petition of Ernest Bohn asking that he be refunded $60 paid for skating rink • incense. Petition of C. H. Booth, asking that lz warrant for $425.70 be drawn in his fanror froan his filling account with the .pity, to pay is taxes for 1896. Petition of J. J. Grigg, welting that Water mains be extended in alley abut- 4ting lot 366, and Water Co, directed to extiend water maims as asked for. 'atsol80 pr) sidoden City Auditor McCartren reported cash an hand last report $39,012.95. Collec- bens during the month *84,431.66. Total , • 123.44:50. Disbursements during the mouth $81,406.03. Balance ca.sh on hand 142,038.47; also reported *1,948.45 due oily •officers for the month of January, 1896. Warrants ordered drarwn to pay city officers and report referred to the finance committee. Fire Qhtef Rei,nfried reported $1,795.65 . due firemen for month of January, 1896. Warrants ordered drawn to pay fire- men and report referred to fire commit - .tee. •.Marshal Morgan reported $1,975.65 due police during January, 1896; also that 77 ari'eOts had been made: also reported 14.00 collected for pound receipts. . Warrants ordered drawn to -pay police said sort referred to committee on po- lice and light Street Commissioner Carter reported • $704.15 due laborers during month of Jan- uar-A.1896; 1896; also submitted itemized state- ment of expense during the month. Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor- ers, and report referred to the committee on streets. Sewer Inspector Hillery reported *179.- 75 due for labor on sewers during Jan - eery, 1896; also subm tted itemized state- ment of expenses during the month. Warrants ordered drawn to pay labor- ers, and report referred to sewer ccnn- ,ntttee. Market Master Traut reported $14.85 scale recei4pts during January, 1896; also reported *40.80 due for board of prison- ers. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. The reports of the following city weigh ers were received and flied. T. J. Donahue. Chas. Pitschner, Jos. Straney and J. P. Schroeder & Co. Wood Measurer Jess reported 2,500 cords of wood measured during January, 1896. Report received and filed. City Electrician Osborn reported *11.17 due from Star Electric Co. as rebate on lights. Report approved and auditor instruct- ed to collect same. City Engineer Knowlton submitted a. plat showing the proposed extension of Willow street. which was referred to the street committee. Also presented plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in 11tih street from Bluff street to alley west, thence south to southern terminus. which was referre- ed to the sewer committee. Mao presented profile of grade of Union avenue showing red line as pro- posed grade; also plat showing change til location of said street. which were rep - proved. Ateo reported having examined the as- sessment of Mrs. Geo. Wade for the Nm- provement of Grandview avenue and could not find that she had been over assessed. Adopted. Ald. Bonson moved that the award of the jury for widening Foye street, acre} for opening street through lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of lot 687 be opened, and read. Carried. The following is the report of the jury : To The Mayor and City Council of Du- buque: We, The underetgned jurors appointor to assess the datnages for the proposed opening of Foye street. assess the dam- ages on same at the sum of *1,300, also for the opening of a street through lots 1, 2, 3. 4, and 5 of 687. assess to the owner of lot 4. $500, and to the ownere c let, 1, 2.3and 5the sumof*1 a4 JOS. L. HOR DAN RIORDAN. CHRIS. CAPRITZ, JOHN COLEMAN, MICHAEL BROWN. P. H. MCCAN'N, DENNIS POWERS, ED. BURKE. JOHN ODEA. CHRISTIAN JANSEN, JAS. KANE. JAMES QUINN. , On motion warrants foe two dollars each was ordered drawn in favor of the} jurors, and report referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Reports of Committees. Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance cemmlttee, reported In favor of having warrants d•rwtwn in favor of the treasurer for money advanced during Jan., 1896: also that loan warrants be drawn for •the several parties as shown on the re- port of the treasurer. Adopted. Aid. Kauffmann. chairman of the street conunittee, reported as follows: In favor of Instructing the engineer to correct special assessment of Peter Ekibach for the improvement of South Dodge street and Curtis street. In farvor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Mrs. Ahearn. In relation to spec- ial assessment for improvement o:' Dodge street. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of J. A. Rhomberg against paying apectai tax for the improvement of Fifth avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of Julia. Rhotniberg against paying special tax for the Improvement of Fifth avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of A. L. Rhamberg against paying special tax for the improvement of Fifth atvenue. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of J. H. Rhomberg against levying especial tax for the improvement of Ftfth avenue. In favor of the adoption of the reef line as the official grade of Clifford street as shown on wibhJn plat. In favor od the adoption of the recd lane as the proposed change of grade on Catherine street, as the City Recorder is instructed to give the proper notioe as required by ordinance on account of such proposed change. In favor of bhe proposed change in line of Angefla street as shown on ac- Regular Session, February 3, 1896 companying plat, also in proposed change of grade of said street as shown by the red tine and the city recorder Is directed, to give the proper notice as required by ordinance on account of said proposed change of grade. In favor of the adoption of the resolue tion levying special assessments for the Improvement of Fifth avenue. In favor of wppreving of the plan for the drainage of water on Rest Seven- teenth street. In favor of instructing the engineer to preipare a plat showing a lane 30 feet wide running easterly from Eagle Point avenue to Middle street showing all ob- structions that may be located thereon, showing the quantity of land proposed to be taken. the names of the owners thereof, and proceed In accordance with adamizing at 3Sc 814.78 A L Rhomberg, Fifth avenue add. lot 2. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c, $6.67; 38.90 sq yds mae- amizing at 38c 814.78 .... ....... A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 3. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40e $6.67; 38.90 an yds macad- amizing at 38c 814.78 .... .. A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 4. 39.5 lin ft curbstone. at 30c, $11.85; 26.66 sq yds guttering at 40c, $10.66; 74.44 sq yds mac- adamizing at 3Sc $23.28 .... 50 79 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 5. 37 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $11.10; 23.33 so yds guttering at 40c, $9.33; 66.66 sq yds macad- the ordinance on that sublet t. izing at 38c 825.32 .... .... . 45 75 In favor oD reporting adverse to claim A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, of John Burke for damages to his prop- I lot 6. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 so yds guttering •at 40c $6.67; 38.90 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c 814.78 .... ....... 28 95 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 7, 25 iln ft curbstoneae 30c, 28 95 28 95 28 95 erty on Grandview avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of cite First Baptist church in rela- tion to special tax for raising sidewalk. In favor of receiving and tiling the pe- thion of W. W. Wearmood asking per- I $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at mission to put up sign on the drinking i 40c $6.67; 38.90 sq yds maead- a.mizing at 38c $14.73 .... ... 28 95 L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 8. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67; 38.90 sel yds macad- amizing at 38c $14.73 .... .. A L Rhomberg.' Fifth avenue add, lot 9. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering .at 40c $6.67; 33.90 so yds maca,d- a.mlzing at 38c 814.78 .... .. A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 10. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67; 38.90 sq yds ma.cad- 33 95 amizing at 38c $14.75 .. A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 11. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 87.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 4ec $6.67; 38.90 so yds macad- amizing at'38c $14.75 .. 28 95 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 12. 'S5 lin ft curbstone at 300, $7.50: 16.07 sq yds guttering at 40e $6.67; 38.90 eq yds macad- amizing at 3Sc $14.78 ....... 28 95 fountain corner Sth and Main street. In favor of allowing the following bills: John Melone. 863.85. Byrne Brod.. 830.00. W. W. Wormood. $1.00. P. Horth, $539,70. P. Horch. $142.50. Report adopted. In favor of allowing Ryan Bros. *9.00 as partial payment for the improvement of Audubon avenue. Ald. Crawford moved ;hat they be paid 8980.25. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford. Halpin- Kauf- mann, Ryder and Vogler. Noes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen and Schulte. Aid. . Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Fifth avenue from Rhomberg avenue to end of improvement by P. Horsoh. contractor. Ln front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Specled assessments submitted. Jan- uary Oth. 1896. Julia Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 410, 109.9 lin St curbstone at 30c, $ sq yds guttering at 40c, $33.33; 199.67 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c. $75.87 $142 17 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 485, 130.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $39.15; 103.33 sq yds guttering at 40c, $41.33; 254.78 sq yds macid- aida.mizing at 38c. $96.82 177 30 Ellen Collins, sub 537a. Ham's add, lot 1. 138 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 104.66 40c $41.86; 249 55 sq yds guttering acad- amizing at 38c $94.83 178 09 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 1. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 87.50; 16.67 sq yds $6 67;; 38.90 so guttering mac - 28 40 23 95 28 95 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, dot 13. 25 din ft curbstone art 30c, 87.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 400 $6.67; 38.90 so yds mac.'td 28 amizing at 38c $14.78 .. A 95 L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 14. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67; 38.90 so yds macad- amizing at 38c $14.78 .... ....... 28 95 fth a,venue add, Alot 15.2 lin ft curbstone at 0c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 400 $6.67; 38.90 so Yds m`cad- 28 95 amizing at 38c $14.78 .... ....... A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 16. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67; 38.90 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $14.78 .... ..... 28 95 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 17. 25 lin ft curbstone at 300, $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67; 38.90 so yds macad- amizing at 3Sc $14.75 .. . • 28 95 A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 18. 25 lin ft curbstone at 30e, 32 llegottai; ,1'rrxaiaf, February 3, 1896 $7.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c $6.67: 38.90 sq yds macad- 28 95 •• amazing at 38c $14.78 .••• A L Rhomberg. Fifth avenue add, lot 19. 80.8 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $24.24' 56.66 sq yd.s guttering at 40c $22.66; 148.90 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $56.58 ...... . H Groppe, Sr. Johnson's sub, lot 1, 6.66 sq yds guttering at 40c, $2.66; 24.44 sq yds macadamizing 11 94 at 38c. $9.28 J lot2h167.6 lin ft curbstone ata 30c,omberg, sub 1 min $50.25; 140.90 sq yds guttering at 40c, $56.36; 306 sq yds macadam- izing at 38c, $116.28 222 89 Charlotte Biehle. Ham's add, lot 615. 50 lin ft curbstone at 0c. $15.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c $13.33; 77.77 sq Yds macad- amizing at 38c $29.55 Charlotte Biehle. Ham's add, lot 614.. 62 lin ft curbstone at 30c $18.601 41.33 mi Yds guttering at 40c $16.53; 96.44 sq yds macad- 71 77 amazing at 38c $36.64 .. J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 613. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c, $13.33; 77.77 so yds macad- amizing at 38c *29.55 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 612. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $16.00; 33.33 sq Yds guttering at 40c, $13.33; 77.77 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $29.55 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 611. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c $15.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c, $13.33; 77.77 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $29.55 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 610. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, *16.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c, $13.33; 77.77 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $29.55 57 88 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 609. 71.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $21.51; 55.33 sq yds guttering at 40c $22.13; 131.33 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $49.90 ..... 93 54 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 538. 14i lin ft curbstone at 30c, $43.50;415.33 sci yds guttering at 40c, *40.00; 248.78 sq yds macad- amizing. et BSc *105.80 196 43 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 484. 126.2 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $37.86; 100 sq yds guttering at 40c *40.00; 248.7 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $94.54 172 40 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot. 411. 105.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $31.65; 81.33 sq yds guttering at 40c $32.53; 205.90 sq yds macad- amizing at 38c $78.24 142 42 Adopted by the following vote Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Ranson, Cullen, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the commit- tee on supplies. reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: F. E. Joseph. $10.00. Byrne Bros.. *250.00. Phil. Pier. $195.45. Also reported to favor of allowing Byrne Bros. $8.00 for livery hire. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin. chairman of the commit- tee on fire, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bilis: Butt Bros •••$ ButtBros ........ ...... .... Phillip Pier Dubuque Light & Traction Co Eltwanger Bros. • • . • . • ..... , ... H Huber & Son E C Porter Engler Frudden Lumber Co •. Dub. Rubber & Bltg. Co Kannolt & Powers C H Whltwell Relnfried & Jaeger W H Torbert Jas. Beach & Son Central Union Telephone Co Harger & l31lsh Van Valkenburg & McEvoy John Ganahl ...... ...... .... ... Merkes & Ha_sier Jos J Rowan Ageo F Kleih .... ...... ... ndrew Ruh A Wunderlich Key City Gas Co John Butt Key City Gas Co A Y McDonald Co Lagen & Sloan Jos A Palen John Hartig Farley. Loetecher & Robt Ward . , Mullen Bros Fratz & Clark Fra.tz & Clark Dub. Water Co Dub. Water Co Report adopted Ald. Bauer. ohairman of the COMM t - tee on police and light. reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the following bilk Globe' Light & Heat Co $166 66 67 Key City Gas Co Report adopted. Aid. Cullen. chairman of the commit- tee on delinquent taxes, reported as fol- lows: In favor of instructing the treasure)' not to sell the N. 25 feet City lot No. 565 assessed to Jas. O'Shea Est, for taxes of 1896. but same to remain a Hen on said property until paid. In favor of cancelling the personal taxes of Maria Prange of $2,000 for 1895. In favor of cancelling the personal taxes of Joseph Strinzsky of $100 for 1895. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Michael Watters for taxes of 1895 but that said tax remain a. lien on said property until paid. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Benj. Ohetham on N. 50 ft, lot No. 38. Wilson's sub. for 1895. as the same is the support of two small orphan chil- dren. In favor of allowing Mrs. Mary Wolf to pay one-half her taxes on lot 3 0 sub min lot No. 470. as payment in full for 1895. Report adverse to the petition of Isar`' J. Corbett for cancellation of one-half of her taxes for 1895. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell e 1-2 lot No. 33. Cox's add, as- sessed to Rosa Cadman for 1895, bur said tax to remain a lien on said pr0r- erty until paid. Report adverse to the petition of Mar) - Reynolds for oancellation of :axes r•o: 1896. 1 45 75 51 44 500 5 55 1 0) 4 85 18 61 9 00 9 50 26 75 4 27 27 44 5 15 5 0) 3 3u 50 14 65 2 75 11 55 1 45 10 U) 12 95 6 74 75 9 6s `1) 13 50 10 45 50 Co ...... 1 25 7 00 2 35 16 90 4 01 1 341 65 30 00 1 /tt'gfctar Ss ivn, Fchr re/ 33, 1806. 33 In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell let No. 24. Cox's add, assessed to Minnie Maritward for taxes of 1895, and same to remain a lien on said prop- e erty until paid. Report adverse to the petition of John rvvlthin petition ragas for cancellation of taxes for 1895. Report adverse to the petition of Cath. McKeown in relation to taxes of 1895. Report adverse to the petition of M. McMahon for cancellation of taxes for 1895. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of James A. Mc. Evoy far taxes of 1895. but same to re- main In ntil paid. favor ofninstructingrthe ty utreasurer fiat to sell lot No. 31. Fengler's add, as- application of T. F. Rogan for the posf- sessed to Henry A. Llppstaok, for tastes ,{ of 1895. but same to remain a lien on said I tion of meat inspector. property until paid. In favor of referring the aecompany- In favor of receiving and filing the pe- ing plat of Pickett street to the city at.; tition of Fred. Liebe in relation to taxes. ` iorney and city engineer. In favor of instructing; the treasurer In favor of allowing E. J. Evans $50.00 not to sell the property of Mary A. John- as payment in full for all work done on son for taxes of 1895. but same to remain walks in parks. Ald. Kaufmann presented "An Ordi- a lien on said property until paid. twee„ granting the Dubuque and Wis- In o sell of instructing the treasurer ' consln Bridge company the right to con Wis- to sell the property of E. L Hall struct a wagon bri d.ge at Eagle Paint• On motion tihe same was referred to the ordinance committee and two new members. The mayor appointed Aids. Kaufmann and Crawford to act with said commit- tee. Aid. Shea arrived at 11:30. Ald. Halpin moved that all actions heretofore taken in regard to paving Jones street and West Main street be re- scinded. Carried. Resolutions. Aid. Halpin offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of \ the City of Dubuque: That West Main street from Main to north line of Jones streets. and Jones street from the west line of West Main street to the levee be curbed with stone, paved with brick and otherwise Improved according to the plans and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the city engineer which have heretofore been adapted by the council. Resolved further. That the city recor- der be and is hereby directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the doing of all of said work done except bysuch parts the companies as thereinafter pare to ro vided. Resolved. Phat the Dubuque Street Railway company, The Chicago, Milwau kee and St. Paul railway company, The Illinois Central railroad company, and the Duluth and Dubuque Bridge com- pany be and eachof them is hereby noti- fied to pave with brick and improve in ance with the plans and specifics., bions of the city engineer all pars of a ny of proved oneets which ove ordered to be any of its tra.ck.i or tracks are laid from a point midway be- tween the rails of the track or tracks to the width of three and one-half ft each way therefrom and each of said compan- ies is hereby ordered to commence said work not latter than the 15th day of April. A. D.. 1896. and to prosecute the same end- ed andlth to complete e atherit is samecnoot later than Resolvedthe tfurther.h day f That a89opy of these pump now stands. and sign a plat to such effeict on or before 4 o'clock p. m. January 16th. 1896. and the city will proceed to let Union avenue on that grade. In favor of receiving and filing the of the butchers et al for the appointment of a meat and live stock inspector, as the legislature will be ask- ed to pass a law for the appointment of state inspectors. In favor of receiving and filing the application of Dr. T. F. Mullaney for the position of meat inspector. In favor of receiving and ming the application of J. W. Connell for the posi- tion of meat inspector. In favor of receiving and filing the nay and E. M. Reed for taxes of 1895 but same to remain a lien on said property until pauid. Report adverse to the petition of Mary FrehQich asking that the taxes on her property for 1894 be refunded. Report adverse to the petition of S. D. Ryan for reduction of assessment for , 1895. In favor of cancelling assessment of Mrs. Kaiser of 910.000 on moneys and -`credits for 1895. Report adopted. On motion the delinquent tax commit - fee were instructed to recommend the rate fonterest to property et that treasurer d for e surernpanil was instructed not to sell. - Ald. Cullen. chairman of the commit- tee on electrical construction, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of the Cen- tral Union Telephone Co. of $46:50 for telephone rent. In favor of receiving and filing the application of Oscar A. Temple for the position of electrivian. Report adopted. tee ,Ald. the whole.areportedf commit- tee follows: In favor of receiving and filing the hill of Jahn Klein of 910.00 as part pay- ment for overcoat. In favor of approving of the within agreement far settlement of the case of Ella S. Brunskill against the City, pay- ment of same not to be made sooner than the first pay day in March. In favor of allowing Stephen Shaw to ' construct a dock in the Ice Harbor op- posite the Pacific house. during the pleas ure o•f ,they council. said right not to be exclusive. In favor of allowing John and Henry Specht 9150.00 towards defraying ex- penses In operating the steamer Teal between Dubuque alnd Potosi, Wis. Referred to the finance committee and at t orney. In favor of changing the gradeRhof Union avenue. providing J. berg wil iconsemt to an almost uniform :;rade making a cut of about 3 feet 6 inches at the spot where Mr. Siege's 34 Regular Sar,riurt, I''t1i ii'tri/ 3, 1,00. resolutions be served on each of said enamed be requirednies, and at each fdcompaniesto elect In writing and to file such election with the city recorder within 10 days from the date of the service of these resolu- tions upon it whe:her or not it proposet to do said work itself or leave it for the city to do and in the event of the failure of any such company to make such elec- tion as aforesaid it will be understood' that such company does not elect to do said work itself as provided by law and• the city ordinance and the cost of said work shall be ascertained apportioned and assessed by the city council against. such company. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufman, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Noes -None. Alt.. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, It is alleged by many citizens who have business with the city engi- neer's office that they have suffered great injustice at the hands of said city engineer and his assistants, and, Whereas. at this season of the year when so little work is being done, the ex pense of said office is extremely costly, therefore Be it resolved that the mayor appoint a special committee of one alderman from each ward. whose duty it shall be to investigate said charges and also to report if a reduction of the force in his office can not be made. That said com- mittee have power to send for and exam- ine witnesses and make a written report to the city council at tht regular March session.. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, At a regular session of the city council September 4th, 1895, a con- tract for the building of a storm water sewer on Dodge street was awarded to John Tibey. contractor. and,. Whereas. Said contractor has filed a. bond of 8200.00 that he would enter into contract if the work was awarded to him and. Whereas. Said contract has not been entered into. there fore. be it Resolved by the City Council that the proper officers be and are hereby in- structed to enter into said contract at once on behalf of the city, and in case of the refusal of said John Tibey to enter into said contract that the said $200.00 check be declared forfeited to the city of Dubuque and the money paid into the city treasury. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 4 -ft wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Vernon street from Alta Vista street to west end. by B. Dona- hue. contractor. in • front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels or real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Feb- ruary 8. 1896. Mrs. S. Gillmore. Levin's add, lot 30 180 Hn ft sidewalk at 160 ....$ 27 00 M Dempsey. Levin's add, lot 40, 45 lin ft sidewalk at 15c 6 75 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Rebecca street from Thomas street to south end of street, by Geo. W. Farley, contractor. in front of and adjoining she sane. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots.. and parcels ofreal estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for thoseveral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Feb- uary 3. 1896. A A Loetscher. Fairview sub, lot 11. 49 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.70; 21.80 sq yds guttering at 29c, $6.32; 41.80 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. 812.54 $ 33 56 Chas Wilmott. Fairview sub, lot 12. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 815.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 29c, $6.44; 44.44 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $13.33 . 34 77 M J McCullough, Fairview sub, lot 13. 50 fin ft curbs:one at 30c, $15.00; 29.22 sq. yds guttering at 29c, 16.44; 49.44 sq yds macadam- izing at 303. 813.33 34 77 M J Willard. Fairview sub, lot 14, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 315.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 29c, 86.44; 44.44 sq yds macaad- amizing at 30c. 813.33 34 77 Rebecca J Farley, Fairview sub, lot 15. 84.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 325.35; 45 sq yds gu:tering at 29c, 313.05; 86.22 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. 825.87 M Willard, et al. Fairview sub, s 10 ft. lot 16. 6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 31.80; 4.45 sq yds guttering at 29c, 81.29; 7.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. 82.13 22 Aug. Haplet. et al. Fairview sub, except s 10 ft. lot 16. 44 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $13.20; 19.55 sq yds guttering at 29c. $5.67; 39.11 sq yds macadamizing at 29c, 30 61 811.74 Aug. Hapiet. et al. Fairview sub, lot 17. 50 lin ft curb stone at 30c, $15.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 29c. $6.44; 44.44 sq yds ma.cadamizing at 30c, $13.33. 34 77 Emma J Hyde. sub 2 of 2 of sub 18, 19 and 20. Fairview sub, lot 1, 68 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $20.40; 30.22 sq yds guttering at 29c, $8.76; 60.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.13 47 29 Rebecca J. Farley. sub 2 of sub 18, 19 and 20. Fairview sub, lot 1, 125.5 Lin ft curbstone at 30c, 337.65; 54.07 sa yds guttering at 29c, $15.86; 110.22 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c. $33.07 86 57 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Bauer. Bonson, (Crawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Audubon avenue from the West lith street to Dexter avenue, by Ryan Bros.. contractors, in front of and Reyutur Se88iun, February 3, adjoining the same, a special tax be and its hereby levied on the several lots, and parts at lots,. and parcels ofreal estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or nlrcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Slpercittl assessment submitted Feb- ruary 3rd. 1896. C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, last 52. 104 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $31.20; 45 sq yds guttering at 30c, $13.50; 123.44 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. 337.03 $ 81 73 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 53. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $16.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- ising at 30c. $18.33 40 00 C A Voe}ker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 54. 50 Mn ft curbstone art 30c, 315.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 •C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 55. 68.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.46: 32.30 sq yds guttering at 30c, $20.46; 108.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c. $32.6; 62 78 'C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 56. 68.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.52; 32.30 sq yds guttering at 30c, 320.52; 108.78 si yds macad- amizing at 30c. $32.63 62 84 •C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 57. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. 318.33 40 00 1 M 13 and L. Ass'n. Woodlawn Park add. lot 58. 50 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 Thos McDonald. Woodlawn Park add. lot 59. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67: 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 30e. *18.33 40 00 C A Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 60. 68.4 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.52; 32.30 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.69; 108.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c. $32.63 C A Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 61. 69.3 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.79; 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadam- ' izing at 302. $32.63 63 23 'C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, • lot 62. 50 11 ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- 00 izing at 30c. $18.33 40 C A Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 63. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq; yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. 318.33 Fritz Kruse. Woodlawn Park add, lot 64, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 315.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $18.33 ......... 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 65. 69.2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.76; 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $32.63 ........ .. •C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 66, 69.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.91; 32.70 sq yds guttering at .10c, $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadam 40 00 63 20 35 izing at 30c $32.63 63 36 C A Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 68. 50 11n ft curbstone at 30c. $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $18.33 ......40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 69, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. 318.33 .......... 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 70. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22.sq yds guttering at 302, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 70. 69.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.88; 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.81; 73.33 sq ydsmacadam izing at 30c. $22.00 .... ...... ' 52 69 Jno Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add, lot 99. 100 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 330.00; 45 sq yds guttering at )0c. 313.50; 123.44 sq yds mac ad.amizing at 30c. $37.03 80 63 J Kleinshcmidt. Woodlawn Park lot 97. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at '30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 300. $18.33 40 00 J Kleinshemidt. Woodlawn Park lot 96. 70.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $21.18; 33.15 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.94; 108.78 sq yds macadam izing at 30c. $32.63 63 75 J Kleinshcmidt. Woodlawn Park lot 95. 69.6 lin ft•curbstone at 30c, $20.88; 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadam izing at 30c. $32.6363 32 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 94. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67 61.111 sq yds macadam izing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 Theresa Keimpf. Woodlawn Park add, lot 93. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macad 40 00 amizing at 30c. $18.33 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 92. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 35.00; at 0c $6.67; 612.22.111 sq yds ydstmacadam izing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 91, 69.6 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.88; 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadam 63 32 izing at 30c, $32.63 Sherr Hoffman & Co.. Woodlawn Park add, lot 90. 69.5 lin ft curb stone at 30e. $20.85: 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c. $9.91; 108.78 sq ,Shyds err Hoffmamacadamizing Co. Woodlawno6329 Park add, lot 89. 50 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33. 40 00 Sherr lawn Park add. lot 8. 50 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $15.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 61.11 sq ds Sherr Hoffman j&nat Co Woodlawn 418.33 0 00 awn Park add. lot 87. 50 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $15.00; 2 guttering at 30c $6.67; 61.1 y 1sq ds macadamizing her Hoffman, & Co.t 3 .SWoodlawn Park add, lot 86, 69.5 lin ft curb- :36 Special Se.Q,violt, February 12, 1896. .stone at 30c. $20.85: 32.70 sq yds guttering at 30c. $9.81; 108.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $32.6363 29 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 85. 68.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.61; 32.30 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.69; 108.78 sq yds macadam izing at 30:. 832.63 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 84. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $16.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam 40 00 izing at 30c. $18.33 C A Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 83, 60 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00;. 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c. $18.33 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 82. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadam izing at 30c. 818.33 ........ .... 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lat 81. 68.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $20.61; 32.30 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.69; 73.3 3sq yds macadam izing at 30c. $22.00 52 30 Adopted by the following vote: (Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Shea, Siehulte and Vogler. Ald. Shea presented a deed from the Standard Lumber company to city for right of way for High Bridge avenue. On motion the same was referred to the ordinance committee and two new mem- bers 'heretofore added to. draft the proper ordinance and resolution as hereinbefore agreed to. far the vacation of certain streets and alleys to the Standard Lum- ber company. City Auditor McCarten recommended that the following described improve- ment bonds dated Dec. 1st, 1892, sold to C. H. White & Co.. New York, number- ed from 174 to 197 inclusive, amounting to 812.000.00 and bonds dated August 15th, 1894. numbered from 469 to 518 inclusive, Amounting to 85.000.00. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Curled. 62 93 Attest: • Recorder. Approved 1S96. .. i Mayor. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION FEBRUARY 12TH, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 5:45 p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Bonson. Crawford, Cul- len, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was ..o take action in regard to sale of. bonds. Ald. Bonson offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That all actions of the council heretofore taken in regard to sale or exchange of rufunding bonds. be re- scinded. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alis. Bonson, Crawford, Cul- len, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea, Schulte and, Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following: A Resolution to Provide for the Issuance of Refunding Bonds.of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. for the Purpose of Refund ing Certain Outstanding and Maturing Bond.: and Reducing the Rate of In- terest Thereon. Whereas, The City of Dubuque, Iowa, is justly and legally indebted on its eel.- . Lain vans outstanding Ponds to an amount. exceeding Ninety six thousand dollars, which outstanding bonds were heretofore legally issued by the said City under a resolution duly and legally passed by the CIty Council thereof In the year 1871, and which outstanding bonds bear interest. at the rate of Six per cent per annum, and became due and payable on the first day of February, A. D., 1896, said out- standing bands having been issued to re- fund and pay certain other valid out- standing bonds of the said City thereto- fore issued to pay valid indebtedness of the said City contracted and Incurred prior to the adoption of the present Con- stitution of the said State of Iowa, and, Whereas. the said outstanding bonds which so became due on February 1st, 1896, are in all respects regular, legal and) valid. and the interest thereon hav- ing been regularly paid by the said City during all the time they have been so outstanding, and. Whereas. the said bonds can be re- funded at a less rate of interest and to the advantage ef. the said City, and it deemed for the public interest to refund thesame. and. Wereas. The City has full power and authority under the laws of the sail' State of Iowa to issue bonds as herein- after nrovided to refund the said out- standing bonds so due. now therefore, Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, more than two- thirds of the members of the said Council concurring therein. Section 1. That there are hereby au- thorized and directed to foe issued by and in behalf of the said City of Dubuque its refunding bonds according' to and of thel form hereinafter contained. to the amount of Ninety Six Thousand Dollars. ($96.000.00). under date of February 1st. 1896. In denominations of Five Hundred Dollars. ($600.00). each. payable twenty February 12, 1896 years from date. bearing interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum payable semi-annually on the first day of Au- gust and February during said terms, to he evidenced by Interest coupons at- tached to the saki bonds. I3oth interest and principal of the said bonds to be made payable in lawful gall coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the National Bank of the Republic in the City and State of New York. The said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Auditor of the said City under its corporate seal• and the interest coupons to be thereto attached shall be signed by the City Auditor and his signal ture to such coupons may be lithographed Section 2. The said bonds shall be as nearly as practicable of the following form, subject to the necessary changes as to numbers. maturities of coupons and other. necessary variations therein:— United herein:United States of America. State of Iowa. County of Dubuque. City of Dubuque. Four Per Cent. (=old Refunding Bond. No. $500.00 Know all men by these presents• that the City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa is justly indebted and for value receiv- ed hereby promises to pay to}bearer on. the first day of February, A. if., 1916, the principal sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of Four per cent. per annum. payable semi-an- nually. on the first day of August and of February in each year, as evidenced by and on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both (principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful gold coin of the United States of America of the present stand- ard of weight and fineness, at the Na- tional Bank of the Republic in the City and State of New York. This bond is one of a series of One Hun dred and Ninety Two bonds of like date, tenor and amount. numbered from 1 to 192 and aggregating Ninety Six Thou- sand Dollars. (196.000.00)„ issued by the CIU* Council of the said City under the provisions of Chapter 58 of the Session Laws of the 17th General Assembly of the said State of Iowa. as amended by Chap- ter 140 of the Session Laws of the 18th General Assembly of the said State, with the other amendments. thereto and other statutes of the said State in such cases made and provided. and in strict conform ity with a resolution of the said City Council dated, passed and approved the ay of February. 1896. It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds Is issued for the purl pose of refunding other valid bonds of the said City which became due at the date hereof. and which had been hereto- fore legally issued for the purpose of re- funding, funding and paying valid in- debtedness of the said City. legally in-, curred before the adoption of the present Constitution of the said State of Iowa. It is further certified that this series"of bonds and the bonds hereby refunded •have been issued in strict compliance with and conformity to the laws and Con stitution of the said State of Iowa, and• that all acts.. conditions and things re- gUired to recedent to and in the issuanethis series done issuance off bonds and of the • bonds hereby refunded. and in the incurr !rig of the original indebtedness represent :) i ed thereby, were and have been legally had, done and performed; and that due and legal provision has been made for the assessment, levy and collection from year to yar of an annual tax on all of the taxable property of the said City of a. sufficient sum to pay the interest on the said series of bonds as the same becomes' due, and to provide for the payment of the principal thereof at maturity. In testimony Whereof the said City Council of the City of Dubuque has caus- ed this bond to be signed by its, Mayor, and attested by its Auditor, and its cor- porate seal attached hereto, and the in- terest coupons hereto annexed to be signs ed with the lithographed signature of the said City Auditor. all as of the date of the first day of F--ehrulrv, A. D., 1896. • (Seal) Attest: Mayor. City Auditor, (First coupon). No. •1. $10.00 The Treasurer of the City of Dubnque; Iowa, will pay to the holder hereof on the 1st day of August. 1896. at. the Na- tional Bank of the Republic, New `York, the sum of Ten Dollars in gold coin as Provided, in. and for the semi-annual in- terest on. the said City's Refunding Bond No. . dated February 1st, 1896, is- sued under the provisions of chapter 58 of the Session Laws of the 17th General Assembly, amendments thereto, and other statutes of the said State of Iowa. City Auditor. Section 3. The said bonds shall be sold, exchanged or substituted for the said cutstanding Six per cent. bonds, which so became due on February 1st, 1896, but in no case at less than the par value thereof. nor shall the said bonds author- ized by this resolution, nor the proceeds thereof. be used for any other purpose than for paying, redeeming and refund- ing the said described outstanding Six per cent. bonds. Seettn 4. The City Council of the City; of Dubuque shall each year, at the time of levying the City taxes. cause to be as- sessed and levied upon all of the prop- erty within the said City of Dubuque sub ject to taxation. a sufficient tax to meet the payment of the interest on the bonds hereby auhorized to be issued, as the same from time to time becomes due, and also before the maturity thereof, to provide for the levy and collection of a sufficient tax to pay the principal of the said bands at such maturity, and the said tax shall be continued from year to year so long as the same shall be necessary to meet the payment of the said interest or principal of the said bonds. Should the•. City Council fail to make or provide for the levy of a sufficient tax to pay such bonds or interest coupons, or any or either of thein. at maturity and the same shall be•presented to the City Treasurer and payment of any such bond or coupon be refused. theowner thereof may file such bonds and coupons, or any of them, with the Auditor of the said State of Iowa and the Executive Council may thereupon levy or cause to be levied a tax sufficient to pay such bonds and cou- pons. or any or either of them, as au- thorized by and in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided. °pita 1VUticr'.%. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bonson. Crawford, Cul- len, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea, Schulte and Vogler. Noes—None. Aid. Ryder moved that the mayor and finance committee be instructed to enter into contract for the refunding of $96,- 000.00 of -city bo ds. Carried. Aid. Bonson ," o1 ed adjourn. ar- ried. Attest: A . IN O'CONNELL, ecorder Pro Tem. NT NOT tCES. SPECIAL ASSESS To 111. and F. Kyan: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with. a resolution of the City Conn - ill of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land .abutting on said improve- ment, lot No, 7, in Hill's sub, owned by you being subject to such assessment. And you. aee notified to appear at said meeting of the .Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896, and show 'cause lf,any you.have, why said assess ment should not be levied. To Anna Kelly: • • You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the'City of •Dubuque for cleaning now from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1S96, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the. City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said Improve- ment, lot 3 of 6 and 3 of 7, in G. D. Wood's add. owned by you being sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing.of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D.. 1896, and show cause, if any you have. why said assess- ment should not be levied. To J. Zimmerman: . You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, . a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at :the next re;ular meeting of ' the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 16. In King's add, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D.., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. To J. Vyverberg Est.: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lots 300 and 301 in Davis Farm add, owned by you being subject to such spec lal assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. To Mr. Smith: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896. a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon ail lots and par- cels of land abutting on said itnprovo- ment, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 3. in Robt. Browns sub, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fled to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D.. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To Mrs. A. Elliott: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- • oil of. the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 1. in Harper's sub, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Connell, to be held on the 2nd day of March; A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. To Wm. Strinsky: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun-' oil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk, adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a spectal assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 19. in Deming and Horr's sub, owned by you being subject to suet:), special assessment. And you are notli- fled to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day;of March, A. D.. •1896. and show cause 'it any .you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To A. Shoemacher: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk, adopted on the.3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 52. in McCraney's 1st add, owned by you being subject to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, and show cause 1f any you have why said assessment should not be lev- led. To F. Swanson: You are hereby notified Chat in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a special ;aeea. assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land lot No. 39.tIn O'Neill'sdRiverview add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of ,the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D.. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To C. F. Gassman: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all Iota and Par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lots 1 and 2 sub of lots 30 and 31, in Littleton's and Sawyer's add, owned ,by you being subject to such special assess- ment, And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to 'be held on the 2nd day of March, A: D:, • 1896. and show cause. if any you have; why said assessment should not be levied. Z.1 To Geo. Gray Est.: You are hereby notified ilia; i:, :..eord- ance with a resolution of the Cay Coup - ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of •land abutting on said improve- ment, lots 2. 3. 4 and 5. in Gray's sub, own ed by yeti being subject to such special assessment. 'And you are notified to:ap- pear at said meeting of the'Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. To John McDonald: You are hereby entified that to accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun-• •ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on.the 3rd day of February:. A. D.. 1896, aspecial 'assessment will be levied for the expenise thereof at the next regular meeting 'of the City Council. upon all lots and .par- cels of land abutting on said improle- mens, lot s 89 ft of. lot 2. in' McNulty's sub, owned by you being subject to sueh special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of.,the Council. to be held on` the 2nd day, of March, A. D.. 1896. and show cause,.if any you have. why said assessmeht should not be levied. To O.' Reinecke: . You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a restlution of the City Coun- cil.of the City cr Dubuque for. cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day' of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense theredf at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot No. 13. in Newburg. and Hales stab, owned by you being.subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held en the 2nd day of March. A. D.. 1896. a;td show cause, if any you' have. why said assessment should not be Levied. To A. C. Wolcott._ Est.: You are hereby, notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the• 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lots 262. 263. and 264, in Ham's add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fled to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd •day of March, A. D.. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To C. L. Pritchard: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the • next regular. meeting. of the City Council. upon all lots and .par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 12 sub \V 1-2 bik 1, in .Du- buque Harbor Co.'s add. owned t y you being subject to such special assessment.: And you are notified to appear at said; meeting.of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A, D.. 1896, and show. cause If any You have.. why said assess- ment should not be levied:. To J. H. Berry Est.: You are hereby notified that.in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun= ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense. thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 2 and 2 of 1 of 1 of 3, in Robt. Brown's sub. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D.. 1896. and show cause If any you have. why said assesment should not be levied. To John Koch: You are hereby notified that in accord- . ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot No. 16. In Cox's add, owned by ,vou being subject to such special ansa- ment. And you are notified t. at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To C. Shannon: You are hereby notified that in accord- ane Coun- c icofRthe City ith a sof Dubuque forolution, of the cleaning' snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assess,ment ense thereof atthe next Ivied the nextregular meeting o the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve - 2 Park and lot?49 0inaOak and Park ads 41l Oiici.al Notic'm owned by you being subject to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. To F. A. lisping: You are hereby notified that in accord - once with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot No. 116. in O'Neill's Riverview add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear aft said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D.. 1896. and show cause, if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. To John Walsh: You are hereby notified that in accord- an:e with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lots 3. 4 and 5 sub of 1 of 5 of the sub of lots 10. 12 and 13 of n e 1-4, sec 13, 89-2 east, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D.. 1896. and show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To Wm. Fuller: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3-d flay of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lots 153 aad1 4. in Woodlawn Park add, owned by pou'being subject to such special assesam nt. An 1 you are noti- fied to appear. at said meeting of the Council. to .be held on the 2nd day of March, A. •).. 1896. and show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. To W. J. Dolan: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk, adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at' the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said Improve- ment, lot No. 8. in Levi's add, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896. and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. To Jas. Marshall. 11. W. Butler, Mauer Est., and M. Kamer Est,: You are hereby notified that in accord - once with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of lne City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted en the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon ail lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lots 277. 213. 227 and 228 and w 1-2 252 in Davis Farm add. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. To I1llen Gleason: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolutionof the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896. a specia, assessment will be levied for the expens, thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 2 of sub 229, in Union add. owned by• you being subject to sucl, special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of tht Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896. and show cause it' any you have. why said assessmen: should not be levied. To F. Freiburg: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution. of the City Coun ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk, adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896. a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting or the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot e 22 of lot 5 and lot 6 In Kelly's sub. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D.. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessmen: should sot be levied. To T. Dolan: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1896, a specia' assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot n m 20 feet of lot 83 In City, own ed by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to ap pear at said meeting of the Council, b' be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1896. and show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be lev- led. To Marg. Lawhan: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rcl day of February, A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all hots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 4 of lot 601. In CIty, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear (IieNoticea. 11 at said meeting of the Council, to be heli on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assess vent should not be levied. To M. O'Cc Iner's Est.: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the C.ty of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sldewalk. adopted on the 3rd - day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment isill be levied for the expense thereof at the, next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said Improve- ment. lot No. 590. in City owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896, and show !•ause if any you have why said as- sessment should not be levied. To C. Henitz: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with a resolution of the City Conn- ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot 147 In L. H. Langworthy's add, owned by you being subirc: to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896. and show cause 1f any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. ial assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council. upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said Improve- ment. Lots n 1-2 293. 3 of sub 703, 3 of out lot 741, n 38.6 ft. 219. 211, 324, 610 and 5 of sub of 578a and lot 552, In City, own- ed by you, being subject to special as- sessment, you may appear at said meet- ing, to be held on the 2nd day of March, 1896. and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. JOHN O'CONNELL, 11-10t. City Recorder Pro Tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Thos McDonald: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution o! the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Audobon avenue, from West 14th street to Dexter avenue. adopted on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting said improvement, lot No. 59 in Woodlawn Park addition owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3d day of February, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. T. J. COONEY, • 1-14-10t City Recorder. To Eliz. Doyle: You are hereby notified that in ace.vd- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D.. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council. upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement. lots e 1-2 of lot 3 and w 10 ft of lot 2 in Newman's sub. owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear al said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To C. Flanders: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque for clean- ing snow from sidewalk adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a spec- ial assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot No. 81. in City. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council. to be held on the 2nd day of March. A. D.. 1896, and show cause. If any you have. why said assess- ment should not be levied. To Schmidt and Kuehule. Nic, Each, Mrs Alice Goldthorpe. A. Goldthorpe. =.i. E. Chatfield, B. J. Goldthorpe, Matz Ry- an. and J. B. Ricketts: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for clean- ing snow frnid sidewalk. adopted on the 3rd day of February. A. D., 1896, a vet - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. City Engineer's Office, Dubuque, Iowa. To the ower or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting: Audubon avenue from West 14th st. to Dester avenue. Rebecca street from Thomas street to south end of street: And to any person or persons of com- pany having any Interest in said real estate, you are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of ground abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special assessment-g a for paving, guttering, d ma cadamizing of said streets and alleys and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amount assessed against each lot, or parcel of ground. for the inspee- tic n of any person, firm or company in- terested in any kind In said real esta e. and that such firm or comp y g osed to be assesseshe special tax as shown by slp to aidplat, may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing at orbc!ore :he next meeting of the city couccil of the city of Dubuque, which will nice,. the 2r.t day of February. 1b)i. W. H. KNORLCOX. 1 1: l 16t. City r4.;in,24:.. 4:2 Otlicia1 _Notices. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Du- buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Mon- day, Feb. 10th, 1896, for constructing sidewalks of plank as follows, where not already laid: via A 2 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Blocklinger Lane, betdreen Couler avenue and Broadway. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side St. Ambrose street from Arch street to Asbury street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on east side of College avenue from West Third street to West Fifth street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on north side 15th street from Maple street to Cedar street. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on south side of West 5th street from Glen Oak ave- nue to Booth street. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk en east side of Broadway from Blocklinger Lane to Diagonal. All in accordance with specifications on file In said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 1- 27-10t. City Engineer. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given to all persons, who have failed to pay their city license, that if the same is not paid at once, pro- ceedings will be brought against such parties. and they will be• prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ED. MORGAN. 2-6-3t. City Marshal. Special Session, February 26, 1896. 43 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 5:10 p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufman, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to hear a proposition from Farson, Leach & Co. In regard to sale of refunding bonds. The following proposition was present- ed. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Whereas. Your city has certain outstanding bonds maturing Sep tember 1, 1896, amounting to $105,000. We herewith submit you the following proposition to refund said outstanding bonds: We will take refunding bonds of the city of Dubuque in an amount equal to above described bonds, said bonds to be dated April 1st, 1896 and mature 20 years from date without option of prior payment. Bonds to bear 4 per cent. interest from date payable semi-annually. Principal and interest payable at some bank In New York, and we agree to take up said bonds at the National Bank of Illinois, Chicago, at par and accrued in- terest as fast as old bonds can be call- ed and presented at said bank for pay- ment. The city will agree to issue a call for said bonds stating that said outstand- ing bonds will be paid by Farson, Leach & Co. at par and accrued interest, and in addition thereto a premium of 1-2 per cent. Said exchange to be effected at Nation- al Bank of Illinois, Chicago. We hereby agree to pay said 1-2 per cent., city to pay accrued interest to date bonds are presented for payment, when presented prior to September, lst, 1896. Said call also to limit this option of re- demption at 1-2 per cent. premium to bonds presented on or before June 1st, 1896. We agree to pay the city an am- ount of money equal to one-half the dif- ference between interest accruing on the 4 per cent bonds between June 1st, 1896, and September 1st, 1896, and interest ac- cruing on 6 per cent. bonds between same time on all six per cent bonds not pre- sented before June 1st, 1896. We also agree to furnish blanks free of expense to the city. Very Respectfully, FARSON, LEACH & CO. Ry G. G. Olmstead. Noes—None. Petition of Mulgrew & Phillips, ask- ing for permission to build and maintain coal docks on the levee, and extend track to same, was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Shea m. Carried. •es to s our, • CI iY i 1 Regular session March 2nd, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:40 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—A]ds. Bonson, Cullen, Hal- pin, Kauffman, Ryder, Shea and Vog- ler. Ald. Bonson moved that the minutes of the last meeting as printed be approv- ed. Carried. The following bills were allowed. Dubuque Cabinet Makers' asso., matress, etc., Central engine house $ W M. Greenhow supplies for fire alarm system E. E. Frith removing dead ami - mals... ••••• M. Mullen plumbing at city hall Reinfrled & Jaeger supplies for fire department A. Tredway & Sons springs for fire department Phil Pier coil for ment Dubuque Oil Tank line, oil for fire department Christman & Healey, hardware for fire department J. F His & Bro., supplies for fire department F. A. Miller, brooms and dusters.. F A Huber & Son, turning pul- ley John Butt, repairing engine137 05 5 W. H. Torbert, sponges5 20 P. H. Halpin, bran, salt, etc 8 20 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing Key City Gas Co., coke for engine 29 17 houses Wm Marshall repairing engines10 09 Central Union Telephone Co. ex- 5 00 tension bell engine house Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, supplies for fire department.... 6 77 Dubuque Water Co, 321 fire hy- 1337 50 drants John Butt, repairing wagon and scraper.— Christman & Healy, wheelbar- rowsa& Sullivan, nails etc..... Duggan n McCarten & Leahy. oats........ Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing.... Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for police department .......... Phil Pier, wood........ ..•••• ... . Peter Hansen. hay ................ M. Brown & Sons, hay • • ....... " Aid. Halpin moved that the above proposition be accepted and that the Fin ance committee and mayor be authorized to enter into a contract, according to said proposition. vote: Carried by the following Ayes—Ald. Barer, Bonson. Crawford, Cullen. Halpin, Kauffman, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. fire depart - 4.50 2 88 11.50 11.80 7 45 1 25 20 19 5 40 7 75 3 20 13 75 1 00 4 95 6 60 3 40 24 95 12 50 3 15 9 00 3 00 3 00 44 Regular Session, March 2, 1896 M. Brown & Sons, hay, straw and oats G A. Thorman, supplies for pollee matron Chris Schmidt, supplies for police matron Duggan & Kane, supplies for po- lice matron Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing Harger & Blish, blank stationary Young Bros., towels and racks W. W. Wormood, caring for town clock Barnard, Walker & Clewell, blank stationary J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement and pipe Peter Eisbach, overcharge on Cur tis street improvement • M. Brown & Co., grading Queen street Peter Klauer, work and material engineer's office Duggan & Kane, matches, etc McCarten Bros, brooms and matches Phil Peer, wood city hall Excelsior Brass Works, repairs en engines Chas Atkinson, papering painting ....... .... ..... .... .. John Hoffmann, janitor city hall Adam Jaeger, sawing wood Maggie Murrey, type writing.... 4 00 Jac Sherman, furniture city hall. 251 00 Frank Keachie, carpenter work city hall 110 50 George Bennett, assistant asses- sor 100 00 Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor100 00 Jas. E. Knight, expense to Des Moines Wm. Geiscker, assistant in engin- eer's office Robert McGivern, sanitary inspec tor 50 00 Mrs. Koenig, anitor ctiy hall 02 00 Wm. Kaep, clerk recorder's office50 00 The following bills were referred: To committee on police and light: Star Electric Co., $1647. Key City Gas Co $97.15. Globe Light and Heat Co $166.67. To the committee on printing. The Herald $135.00. The Telegraph $75.00. The Globe $67.50. The Times Co, $29.15. Bill of Jas A. Palen of $4.95 was re- referred to the board of health. Bill of M. Tschirgi, Jr., of $181.29 was referred to the street committee. Bill of Dubuque Construction Co of $307.61 was referred to the paving com- mittee. Statement of judgment and cost in case of Ella S. Brunskill vs. the city was referred to the finance committee, mayor and city attorney, with power. Ald. Crowford arrived at 10:05 a. m. Petitions. 28 90 70 2 40 5 25 5 50 2 00 6 00 72 00 57 55 9 S5 6 08 150 00 and 85 92 1 10 13 00 45 00 42 66 19 00 35 00 10 00 20 40 55 00 The following petitions in relation to • taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee. r Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., Mrs. Pat-✓ paying special tax for cleaning snow rick Flynn, Mrs. Anna Luber, Caroline Lenzing, C. H. Eighmey for Main street Methodist church, John F Wolf, Mrs. Paul Ragatz, firs. Henry Streller, Louis %. iPochter, Elizabeth Leuteli$ophia Demp- sey, %Bridget Cantwell, Turner Hall so- ciety, Mrs. McPoland 'John Egan,':lolo- .na Rupprecht, S. Douglas Ryan rand t Frank Hitchens. v The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Dubuque Malting Co. In re- lation to taxes. Remonstrance of J. A. Rhomberg, et al against paying special assessment for improvement of 5th avenue. Petition of John Hickey in relation to special tax for improvement of Grand- view avenue. Petition of C. Loetscher et al, asking that Lincoln avenue between White and Jgpkson streets toe opened. Petition of Stephen Shaw, asking that he be given the exclusive right for a ferry dock in the Ice Harbor opposite the Pacific house. Petition of L. J. Baumhover et al, ask- ing - that the public sidewalks be kept open for travel during the construction of buildings adjacent thereto. The following petitions were referred to the street committee. Petition of Svendson & Ott, asking that they be allowed compensation for filling done on streets occupied by them when the city hall require said streets for public use. Petition of Klaus Hegge, asking the city to purchase his macadam Petition of R. W. Stewart, askng that York streets be graded. Petition of Fred Galow, asking that the city purchase his macadam. Petition of Ernest Dettimann, asking that Ries street' be graded for the pur- pose of improving the same. Petition of Wm. M. and Geo E. Davis, asking the city to construe: a retaining wall adjacent to their property on Pearl street and Grove Terrace. Remonstrance of Mary J. Corbett', et al, against the improvement of Bennett street. Petition of Wm. Lawther, et al, ask- ing that 26th street' from its present ter- minus to Lawther avenue be opened up. Communication of W H. Knowlton, city engineer in relation to grade of Cox street. Estimate of the cost of grading Union avenue, on old established grade: also on new proposed grade. Petition of Ed. Milligan et al, askng that a divided grade be established on Catherine street from W. 17th street to alley north. Engineer Instructed to prepare profile showing proposed divid- ed grade Remonstrances of J A Rhomberg, A W Kemler Est., Mrs M Muntz, T Wilson. E H Sheppley, Valentine Keppler, M E Connolly, T J Paisley, G G Weaver, Frank Lanzer, James Beach & Son, Chas Stillman and C Jungk, against Regular Session, _March 2, 1896. 45 from sidewalk. Petition of Bart E Lnehan, et al, ask- ing that the council stop the brick pav- ing at the east line of the I. C. railroad tracks near the depot, was referred to the city attorney to examine and see if same could be done on former resolu- tions of the council, and report at the afternoon session. Petition and ordinance fixing and regu lating the use of sewers, private drains, plumbing and drainage work in the city of Dubuque, was referred to the ordin- ance c,mmittee. sewer committee and engineer. Petition of F A Gniffke In relation to the location of Pickett street was re- ferred to the city attorney and Engin- eer. Petition of Ells S Brunskill in relation to her claim against the city was referr- ed to the finance commttee, mayor and city attorney with power. Claim of John Drehouse vs the city was referred to the city attorney and committee on claims. • Petition of Jas. A Palen in regard to paving on 18th street and Couler avenue was referred to the committee on pav- Ing. Petition of Chas Mehl et al, asking that the arc light on W 5th street be removed back to W 5th and Prospect street, was referred to the committee on Police and light with power. Petition of Gott Knoeinchild et al, asking that lots 142 and 143 in Burden and Lawther's add, be filled to grade to prevent stagnant water lying thereon was referred to the aldermen of the 5th ward to prepare the proper resolution In relation thereto. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Ross McMahon et al, in re- gard to the improvement of English Lana and the aldermen of the 1st ward direct- ed to offer the proper resolution in re- lation thereto. Petition of the trustees of the First German Presbyterian church, asking to be allowed to use 12 inches of the side- walk on 17th street for the 3 buteresses to be used in the construction ofthelr new church, as shown by the plan at- tached. Petition of J Huber, asking that side- walks be ordered laid on both sides of Merz street between Windsor and Staf- ford avenue. Petition of J F Teal et al, asking that 17th street from Clark to Cox street be improved. Petition and plans of Security Building were presented and approved. Petition of Henry Henge In regard to benches and trees in parks was granted, and the matter referred to the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings. Petition of Margaret Alderson, asking that John and George streets be opened up for travel was granted, and the mar- shal and engineer directed to have same opened. Claim of Frank Nejedly against John Pollens was referred to the committee on claims, also claim of C Rowland against same party; also claim of Con- rad Haffner against Peter Wertin. Claim of John H. Nehls was referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Petition of John Phillips, asking to be allowed to construct man hole In sani- tary sewer In W 5th street, was referred to the sewer committee and engineer. The following petitions were received and filed. Petition extension levee. Petition of Mary and Nettie Blake agreeing to accept the award of the jury on Foye street. Petition of Thos. McDonald et al, ask- ing for grade stakes in front of their property on W 3rd street. Petition and claim of J M Kenety on account of change of grade on Angella street was filed for future reference. Aid. Bauer arrived at 10:20. Report of Officers. City Auditor McCarten reported $1945,- 03 due city officers for month of Feb., :S96. Report adopted, and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers, and report re- ferred to the finance committee. Jos. Reinfrled, fire chief reported $1864, 65 due firemen for the month of Feb.. 1896. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen and report rciezred to the tire committee. City Marshal Morgan reported 165 po- lice cases during the month of Feb. 1896; also reported $46.15 collected from the va- rious sources during the month; also re- ported $1971.50 due police for month of Feb. 1896. of S. D. Ryan In relation to of railroad tracks on lower Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn ` • pay police and report referred to committee on police and light. Street Commissioner Carter reported $729.15 due for labor on streets during Feb. 1896; also presented itemized state- ment of expenses for same. Report adopted and warrants ordered d:awn to pay for labor and report re- fered lo the street committeee. Sewer inspector Hillery reported $173,- 50 due for labor on sewers during Feb. 1896; also itemized stitement of expenses for same. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn for labor and report referred to the sewer committee. Market Master Traut reported $12.90 due city for scale receipts during Feb. 1896, also .reported $55.20 due for board of prisoners during Feb. 1896. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. City Electrician Osborne reported $15,- 66 due from Star Electric Co.. for lights not properly lit during Feb. 1896. Report adopted and auditor instructed to collect same from Star Electric com- pany. The report of the following city weigh- ers were received and filed: 46 Regular Session, Marc/ 2, MK. Chas. Pitschner, Jos. Straney and Mrs. C. Deckert. The report of Thos, Jess, wood measur- er, was received and filed. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and all persons desiring to, be allowed to address the council. Carried. E. H. Sheppley et al, ddressed the council, remonstrating against paying special tax for clearing snow from side- walks. On motion all remonstrances against paying special tax for cleaning snow from sidewalks were referred to the street committee. City Engineer Knowlton reported $4,- 139 due for macadam measured during Feb. 1896. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for same. Ald. Shea moved that Bryan Dona- hue be allowed measurement on macad- am the same as other parties. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, -Cullen, Hal pin, Ryder and Shea. Noes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Kauffman, and Vogler. Ald. Kauffman moved that when the council adjourns for the day that it does so to meet March 16th, 1896 at 7:30 p. m. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows: That the grade at West Main street and Jones street had not been changed to cor- respond with the improvement of Main street. On motion the engineer was in- structed to prepare a. profile showing such proposed change. Also presented plat showing extension of Eagle Point avenue from Stafford ave to Middle street, which was referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented profile of change of grade on Catherine street. and, a.skel that same be substituted for profile In the recorder's office. Adopted. Also presented statement showing the amount and cost of filling done on 18th street and High Bridge avenue. Approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for same. Fire Chief Re:nfried recommended that he be allowed an extra man during the firemen's vacation. Referred to the committee on fire with power. On ordinance granting to T. J. Mul- grew and T. T. Phillips, their heirs, suc- cessors and assigns the right to build establish and maintain a coaling station and ylard on the levee. easterly and in front of block 7 in Dubuque Harbor Co's ajd to the city of Dubuque, was referred to the committee of the whole. An ordinance grnting to T. J. Mul- grew and T. J. Phillips, their heirs, suc- cessors and assigns the right to build and maintain a railroad track on Dodge street and the levee, was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn to 2:00 p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION, Council met apt 2:30 p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder and Vogler. Reports of Committees. AId. Ryder. chairman of the flnance committee, reported in favor of approv- ing of the report of the treasurer for February, 1896, and that warrants be ordered drawn in his favor for money advanced for interest. etc. Report adopted. Alos reported as follows on the peti- tion of John and Henry Specht, asking that they be allowed $150 towards defray ing expenses of operating the steamer Teal. After Investigating the matter we find) the council has no right to appropriate money for any such purpose. Referred to the committee on finance and city at- torney. Aid. Ryder offered the following: A Resolution. To amend a Resilution passed February 12. 1896, entttl d "A resolution to pro- vide for the issuance of refunding bonds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose o•fi refunding certain outstand- ing and maturing bonds, and reducing the rate of interest thereon." Whereas on the 12th day of February, 1896, this Cgpncil passed a resolution au- thorizing and directing the issue of $96,- 000 of refunding bonds of this city for the purpose of refunding and paying an equal amount of certain valid outstand- ing bands of this city theretofore issued and which became due February 1, 1896, and Whereas the said $96.000 of bonds so outstanding and which became due Feb- ruary, 1. 1896. are still unpaid, being held by the Banks of this. city for collection for acount of their clients until new bonds can be prepared and exchanged for the same, and Whereas it is desired to make the prin- cipal and interest of the said bonds so to be issued payable In lawful money of the United States of America, instead of lawful gold coin of the United States of America, as was provided in said resolu- tion of February 12. 1896, and to make the said bonds in denominations of $1,000 instead of in denominations of *500: Now •therefore resolved. That the said $96,004 of bonds authorized to be issued by the said resolution of February 12, 1896, as aforesaid. for the purpose there- in mentioned. be issued in substantially the following form. to -wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Iowa. County of Dubuque. City of Dubuque. Four Per Cent. Refunding Bond. NO• $1,000. Know all men by these presents that the clay of Dubuque In the State of Iowa is justly indebted. and for value received hereby promises to pay, to bearer, on the first day of February. A. D., 1916, the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars, wllth interest thereon at the rate of Fowl per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually, on the first day of August and of February In each year, as evidenced by and on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. at the National Bank Regular Session, March 2, 18E6. 47 of the Republic. In the city and State of New York. r''his bond is one of a series of Ninety- six ate. tenor numb2 ed 1 to 96.and aggregating Nine- ty-six Thousand Dollars ($96,000), issued by the City Council of the said city un- der the provisions of chapter 68 of the Session, Laws of the 17th General Assem bly of the said State of Iowa, as amended by chapter 140 of the Session Laws of the 18th General Assembly of the said State, with other amendments thereto, and other statutes of the said State, in such cases made and provided, and in strict conformity with 3resolution of the said City Council, dated, passedandlapproved 6, d the 12th day of February, amendments thereto. It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds is issued for the purpose of refunding other valid bonds of the said city which became due at the date hereof. and which had been hereto- fore legally issued for the purpose of re- bt funding. funding ofthensaid city cityaying incuid rred before the adoption of the present Con- stitution of the+ said State of Iowa. It is further certified that this series of bonds and the bonds hereby refunded have been issued in strict compliance with and sti ution of the conformity he said State of Iowa, and that all aots. conditions and things re- uired to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this series M bonds and of the e incurring of the original eby dindebtedness represented legally had. done yare and have b ndperformed,a d that due and legal provision has been made far the assessment. levy and col- lection from year to year of an annual tax on all of the taxable property of the said city of a sufficient sum to pay the interest on the said series of bonds as the same becomes due. and to provide far the payment of the principal thereof at maturity. In testimony whereof the said City Council of the city of Dubuque has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, and attested by its Auditor and Recorder. and its corporate seal attach ed hereto. hinterest ns heretoannexed t besign d with the lithographed signature of the said City Auditor. all as of the date of the firsb day of February. A. D., 1896. Mayor. Attest: City Auditor. ----City Recorder. (FIRST COUPON.) $20. NO. 1. of Dubu- que,The Iowa, awill epay tor of hthe e iholder ereof on the 1st day of August, 1896, at the National Bank of the Republic, New York. the sum of Twenty Dollars in law- ful money as provided in and for the semi-annual interest on the said city's the proper officers thereof. shall be deliv- ered in exchange for the $96,000 of bonds due February 1, 1896, as aforesaid, and the said $96.000 of bonds due February 1, 1896, shall, upon being received by the city, be cancelled by the City Treasurer and the City Auditor. and afterwards wholly destroyed by burning, and a re- port of the delivery of the said new bonds in exchange for the said old bonds and of the cancellation and destruction of the said old bonds as aforesaid snail be made to this Council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, and Vogler. Noes—None. An ordinance granting the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge company the right of a. highway bridge at Eagle Point, wase ' referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Shea arrived at 3:40 p. m. Ald. Kauffman chairman of the com- mittee on streets reported s follorschw$45.00s: In favor of paying for removing 600 cubic yards of grading from 5th avenue. In favor of allowing G. W. Farley 121 cents per cubic yard for all filling he main deliver from Wilber Lane on High Bridge avenue. In favor of paying Vogenthaler & Ra - gat for repairs on Steam Road roller $84.85. In favor of paying Brock & Reed $1.10 for repairing tools. Report adverse to bill of J. J. Mc - Collins to amount of $4.10 for filling done on 4th street. Report in favor of instructing the city engineer to prepare plat showingrba street 30 feeet in width running h from Kniest street to Sanford street. Report adverse to the petition of Hen- ry Triller asking for grade and lines on Klingenberg Terrace. the In favor of receiving and filing changepetition of of line eof Kauffman avenlix Oswald in ue. to In favor Henrydeferring Trillerasking thathe pe - tion of nr Klin- genberg Terrace be graded abutting his property. Report adopted. refunding — dated Feb- ruary 1. 1896. issued under the provisions of chapter 58 of the session laws of amendment 17th' Genera 1 Assembly, thereto, and other statutes of the said State of Iowa: City Auditor. Resolved further. That the said $96.- 000 of bonds so to be issued, upon being executed seal ofvthe city and being signedaffixing thereto the by Ald. Kauffman, of the sewer commit- tee, reported as follows: Would most respectfully recommend that an ordinance in relation to plumb- ing be passed and would recommend that the within ordnance on the subject be referred to the ordinancegintee, sewer committee, attorney and en to examineand make gu h alterations as d they may mof anting the petition of Anna M. In favM. Bush, asking that she be not compelled to make sewerage connection 2-3 of city lot 195, as with n warehouse purpose. property favor of used for w Donahue In of allowing Bryan $29.39 as payment in full for extra work on 7th and 5th street star O'ewers. n E300 In favor of allowing as payment in full for extra work on sewer in W 5th street. Report adopted. 48 Regular S& scion; :Marcie 2, 1896. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the following. The Martin, Strelau Co $93 68 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Ass'n • • 13 65 30 75 26 00 18 12 18 00 1 00 Hardie & Scharle Homan & Roehl Hanger & Blish Ham & Carver J. W. Wittmer Report adopted. Ald. Shea chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings report- ed as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of W. G. Stewart in regard to sale of burglar proof safe to city. In favor' of cancelling the policy of the Trades Insurance company of $1000 on Central engine house as we believe there is too much insurance on said building at present. In favor of paying the premium of 831.25 of Iowa State Insurance company for insurance on Delhi street engine house. In favor of paying the premium of $31.25 of Key City Insurance company +or insurance on Delhi street engine house. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin chairman of the commit- tee on fire and water reported in favor of paying the following bilis: Key City Gas Co $ 14 21 Watters & Denis, hay.. .... .. 105 SO Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing10.50 J. W. Wittmer, blue vitrol13 76 Dubuque Water Co, water 1337 50 W. S. Knott Co, hose.. ........ 1300 00 Payable April 1st, 1896. Dubuque Water Company. flush tanks $562 50 Dubuque WRter Co. drinking foun- tains 400 00 Dubuque Water Co. horse foun- tains 584 43 Also report adverse to bill of Dubuque Water Co. of $3.50 for repairing water pipe on Grove Terrace. Report adopted, and fire and water committee instructed to make arrange- rnents for price to be paid in future for flush tanks, and fountains. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police and light committee reported in favor of pay ing the following bills: Key City Gas company,gas $ 100 50 Globe Light and Heat company, gasoline lights .. .. .... 166 67 Star Electric company, electric lights 1646 80 Report adopted. Ald. Crawford chairman of the print- ing committee reported in favor of pay- ing the following bills: Dubuque Telegraph official print- ing.. Dubuque Telegraph Job work The Herald official printing 175 00 164 50 135 00 The Times Co. official printing116 60 The Globe official printing 170 00 National Demokrat official print- ing Report adopted. Aid. Cullen. chairman of the committee on taxes, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of in- structing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mary Joseph ,lot No. 140, East Dubuque add, for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Bridget Brennan for taxes of 1895. but same to re main a lien on said property until paid In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Anna Blitsch for taxes of 1895. but same to re- main a lien on said property until paid. In favor of int.trurting the treasurer not to sell the property of Mary Canavan for taxes of 1895. but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mary Carney for taxes of 1S95. but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of cancelling the assessment of the Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co. on improvements and personalty, and that the assessment on realty be plac ed at $5.700 for 1895. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Martin Dum- phy for taxes of 1895. but same to re- main a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Mary Driscoll for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not not to sell the property of Mrs. Henry Deckert for tax of 1895. but the same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mrs. Mary Flynn, N 16 ft of lot 81. East Dubuque add, for tax of 1895. but same to remain a lien on said propertq until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Elizabeth Her- zog for taxes of 1895. but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell .the property of Mrs. John Ahern, lot 19. S. M. Langworthy's add, for taxes of 1895. but same to be a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Jos. Jeffroy lot 10 Burton & Finley's add. for tax of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said proper- ty until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer nut to sell the property of Cath. Kopsa S 1-2 lot 317 East Dubuque add, for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Maria Ther- esia Leppert N 126 feet lot 19, Littleton & Sawyer's add, for 1895. but same to re- main a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Mary Markey, lot 6 of min lot 79 for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. to In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Cath. Meumil- ler lot 17, Quigley's sub, of out lot 712, for taxes of 1895. but same to remain a lien on sald property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer Regular Session, March 2, 1896. 49 BMaTrem- ert for'taxtof 895.elot 5fHughes' sub, but same to remain a lien on said proper- ty until paid. In• favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Anna M. Scheel 1ot 43 L H o e 1895. but sameremain add, for taxafto lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Anna M Spahn for taxes of 1895. n 1-2 of s 3-4 of lot 19, L. H. LangworthY's add for 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer nat to F. and w 30lt fhe lot property f out lot 703yfor axes of 1895. but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. in favor of instructing the treasurer mat to sell the property of William Rie- man lot 292 Davis Farm add, for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer 1not to the -2 of lot) 1 Cox'spertY add. for oftx. M.Cofr1895 but same to remain a lien on said prop- erty until paid. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Henrietta Bueh Liman for taxes of 1895. but same to re- main on said property until paid. In favor nof cancelling the assessment of the Adams Cq. on improvements and personalty andat the assessment on realty to be placed at $3.150 for 1895. In favor of instructing the treasurer not to sell the property of Michael Par- ker estate for taxes of 1895, but same to remain a lien on said property until paid. Also report adverse to the following) 'Petitions in relation to taxes: A. d. Flick. C. I. Bush. Agent. • 'Mrs. B.OFarrell. T. J. Donahue. v Cath. 0. Sullivan. tifostna Strobel. M. CarmodY Est. Julia Burke. John Freiburg. Mrs. Dennis. Flanagan. /Johanna Boeswell. In favor of fixing the. rate of interest at 4 per cent. per annum on all property ordered not to be sold for taxes. Report adopted. Ald. Shea. of .the Board of Health, re- ported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of ary Breen asking for cance- lation of special tax for cleaning vault. In favor of granting the petition of E. to Jackson for extensn of time make sewerage connectiowith his propertY. In favor of receiving and filing the ap- ppi n eatifon of WilitamoIrwin for the posi- In favor of paying the bill of J. W. Wittmer of *1.00. In favor of paying the bills or F. W. Weiland and Dr. Connolly of $55, for gr tending small pox patient, same to collected from the countY. In favor of paying bill of Ernst Bohn ame to be shouse,t s collected the county. adopted. Ala. Shea. chairman of the paving corn mittee, reported in favor of paying the bill of Dubuque Construction Company of $23.84 for extra work on 15th and 17th street paving. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the com- tee of the whale, reported as follows: Report adverse to the pe`tttion of Mary Blake and Nettie Blake in regard to their claim against the city. Also report adverse to the petition of August Roeber. asking that the alley be- tween 5th and 6th avenues and Rhom- berg and Garfield avenues be vacated. In favor of paying Altman & Taylor 15 cents per cubic yard as per estimate of the city engineer for grading Grandview avenue. less 5 per cent. to be retained un- til final completion of said grading. In favor of allowing Mrs. John Kaep $300 as payment in full of all claims against the city for personal damages caused by a defective apron. In favor of granting permission to Mulgrew & Phillips to erect a coal dock on the levee. also to extend track along andock Dodge street and levee i the ordinance instd coal ruct- ed to draft an ordinance with proper re- striction granting above rights. Also report adverse to the petition of Martha Cholvin in relation to measure- ment of lots for special assessment. Also report in favor of rejecting the award of Foye street.1e jury Report or the widening of adopted. d Also reported in favor of accepting the award of the jury for the opening n of out street through lots 1. 2. 3. 4, and lot 687, provided the owner of lots, 1, 2, 3, and 5 give the required right of way without cost to the citY. The following communication in rela- tion thereto was presented: To the City Council of the City of Du - In consideration that the city counctbuque: will open and establish a street fifty feet wide from West 11th street to Wilber Lane through out lot 687. according to the survey and plat of said proposed) street, now on file the office. and secure the remainder of the necessary right of way for said street from the art of said out loer of the ts 6871f of the by pay- eastei+ly P the to the owner ofsaid reale estate The. undersigned, the owners of the re- maining portion of the ground or parcels of lots along the line of t'he said pro- posed highway propose and hereby agree to give and release to the City of Du- buque the ground required for the right of way for said proposed street through byduwned s respectively. provided thethe lots and realestate a street is opened • and work completed during this year of 1896. Dubuque, AMES 12th. F.A. BUMPH. ANNA R. L. LINDENBERG, MRS P. F. WALKER. Sir. James Forrester signs onIY on con dation that the grade is divided one-half th his lot on south side.vthe otherhalf levelbe t to intersect Wilber g neasudestod by Mayor and City e1'96. James Forrester. Al& Crawford to the forfered thefollowing r !Sl 50 Regular Ses4021, Oil, Illarch 2, 1896. Resolved, That the report of the com- mittee of the whole. recommending the approval and acceptance of the award of the jury summoned to appraise the damages caused to the abutting property owners by reason of the opening and lay ing out of a street from W llth street to Wilber Lane through out lot 687 be adopted and the amount of the award of the jury be set apart in the city treasury to be paid to the party entitled to same and that the written release of the right of way for street by F. A. Rumpf, Anna R. Dickey. L. Lindenberg and Mrs. F. F. Walker be accepted, but that the city council declines to accept the release of right of way proposed by James Forres- ter on the conditions named by him. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. Aid. Vogier submitted the fallowing: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petttion of Jos. Kauf- mann in relation to line of Kaufmann ave nue, would most respectfully report that Eugene Anderson. civil engineer has sur- veyed said street. and his report with plat attached is hereby submitted and would recommend that same be made a matter of record. Dubuque. Iowa, Feb. 28 1896. The following is Engineer Anderson's report. To the Honorable City Council of the the City of Dubuque, Iowa: GENTLEMEN: According to in- structions from your honorable body to make a survey of Kaufmann avenue, formerly called Eagle Point avenue, in front of lots 164 and 166a of L. H. Lang - worthy's addition to Dubuque and their subdivision and see if the above named street was improved as originally laid out. Will say that I did make such sur- vey and find that lots one (1) to six (6) inclusive of the subdivision of lots 164 and 166a of L. H. Langworthy's addi- tion to Dubuque, as staked out on the ground the street as now improved cuts off 5 fee/ of the southeast end of the new addition and 1 foot at the southwest end of the addition. The annexed plat shows the street as originally laid out, and as now improved. Very respectfully, EUGENE ANDERSON, Civil Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 28th, 1896. I hereby testify that plat made in con- nection herewith is a true and correct plat of lots 164 and 166a of L. H. Lang - worthy's addition to Dubuque, also the subdivision of lots 164 and 166a of L. H. Langworthy's addition to Dubuque; the black line shows Kauffmann avenue, formerly Eagle Point avenue, as orignal- ly located: the red line as the new sub- division was staked out, and blue line as the street is now Improved. All of the above I certify to from an actual survey made by me. EUGENE ANDERSON, Civil Engineer. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the special committe on engineer's office, submitted a report on same. Aid. Bonson moved that the report be laid on the table without reading. Ald. Crawford moved to amend that presentation of report be postponed un- til a majority of the committee sign the report. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Ald. Ronson. Aid. Crawford of the special committee on securing right of way for the opening of High Bridge avenue. presented and read for the first time an ordinane, ens titled, An Ordinance. Providing for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement com- pany's addition to the city of Dubuque, in accordance with the provisions and conditions of a resolution adopted by the city council of the city of Dubuque with reference to rhe same on the 7th day of October. 1895. Aid. Shea moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance read by its title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the foliowing vote: Ayes—Alis. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen. Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogier. Noes—None. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kautmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Union street. betweeen West Lo- cust and Alta Vista. street, be grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Bonson offered the following. which was referred to the engineer to submit plans and estimate of grading: Resolved by the City Council of the City tf Dubuque: That 17th street, between West Lo- cust street and Cox street, be grad- ed, guttered.. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the wurk: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council—of the City of Dubuque: That Chestnut street. between Prairie and Walnut street. be grad- Regular Session, Mai ch 2, 1896. 51 ed,ereutt d. curbed and macadamized, I in conformity with the Ordinance upon that subiect. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, said block to be im- v remaining portion on ofesaid streeth between ts as the Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A:ds. Bauer. Banson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kauffmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. ResolvedAid. Kauffmann bytheCityaCouncilthe l of i thge City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of gond two-inch plank. sone c.: cement. be, within 1e days of this notice. constructed in conformity with the ordinance nand re- lation to sidewalks as follows: Four feet wide on east side of Main street between end of improvement and Railroad avenue. Four feet wide on south side of Rail- road avenue between West Main street and South Locust street. Four feet wide on the north side of West 8th street between Hill street and( Air Hilistreet. Four feet wide on north side of Edward street between Windsor avenue and Queen street. Four feet wide on both sides of Mertz streeet between Windsor avenue and Alt- hauser avenue. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the foliowing vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Bonson•, Crawford, CUllen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council City of Dubuque: That the street committee be and are i ons on Cuoshing avenueand remove ll obstruc- make the street passable for public travel. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the TCi yt Counhe cil y of the er City of Dubuque. be and is hereby instructed to prepare Aims and specifications for a sanitary sewer from Sanford street to Twenty - Seventh street in the alley between Jack son and Washington streets, a sub- mitnd the same to the city cauoil for ap- proval. Adoped by the followig vote: Ayes—Aids. Bauer. Bonson. Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None: Ald. Kaufmann presented a resolution for levying special tax for cleaning snow from sidewalks. which. upon his motion, was referrred to the street committee. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following resolutions. which were referred to the street committee. and the city engineer directed to submit estimates of the cost of grading for same: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Hart street. between Couler avenu.e and Valeria street, be grod- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon - that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. grading to be bid in total. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Ries street. between Windsor avenue and Stafford avenue, be grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subiect. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said 'improvement. . and • • the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work. the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid In total. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Sheridan street. between Grove - land Place and Lawther ave be grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subiect. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- fermance of the work: the guttering, atng to r the and expense. of hezlownersb done ofthe abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Queen street. between Sanford and Clinton street. be grad- ed. guttered, curbed and macadamized. in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subiect. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing- and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the ng ters ofo bid he e abutting property.• P eli total. Council of the Resolved by the City Cttr of Dubuque: of the That :36th street. between the present • terminus and Burden avenue, the grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subiect. That the City eer be and is hereby direcctedl to oatio Take tte s necessary plans andthe City Re - said improvement. the the proper recorder directed to K no- tice for bids and proposals for theeper- formance of the work: , curbing and macadamizing to beet donei ni abutting the property. of the owners of the at the expense total. 52 Regular ,Session, March, 2, 1896. Resolved by the Cty Councl of the Ctty of Dubuque: That Goethe avenue. between Bur- den and Windsor avenue, be grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing an 1 macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Hedley Court between Strauss and Lawther avenues. be grad- ed, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in comformity with the Ordinance upon that subieet. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the City Re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque: That Strauss avenue between Burden and Windsor avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized, in conformity with the ordin ance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the City Recorder directed to give the pro- per notice for bids and proposals for the perfomance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut ting property, grading to be bid in to. tal. Ald. Cullen offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole. Whereas John Carter street commis- sioner in addition to the duties imposed otthim, has performed the duties of su- perintending the cleaning and repair- ing of all storm water sewers in the city during the past year, and Whereas, As such superintendant, he has performed said duties in a very sat- isfactory manner, saving many thousand dollars to the city, therefore Be it Resolved, That said John Carter be allowed $150.00 as compensation for said services, and that a warrant for said amount be drawn in his favor. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Fire alarm box be placed at the intersection of Hester and Wilde streets, as the nearest box to •this section of the city is fully one-half mile from this point. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: 'Resolved, That the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a plat of English Lane showing the width of said lane to be 40 feet wide and submit same to the city council. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Be It Resolved, By the city council, , that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, be within 20 days of this notice laid on the west side of English Lane, between Southern ave- nue and Wilde street, to be laid at a temporary grade. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes. Aids. Bauer, Bonson. Criwford, Cullen, Halpin, Kauffman, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engin- eer be and is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of the property of the city, now located between Railroad ave- nue, running north to a point near the in- tersection of Salina street and contain- ing 5 1-2 acres. more or less. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. By the City Council: That the City Recorder be and is hereby in- structed to issue to the City Marshal commanding him to summon a jury to assess the damages if any that may be caused by the opening or widening of the following streets in the city of Dubuque according to the plats of said 'streets now on file in the office of the city engineer. Malady street from Curtis street to Grandview avenue. Quinn street from Rush street to Valley street, Samuel street from Southern avenue to Wilde street, South Locust street from Rail- road avenue to Herron place and the widening of English Lane between South ern avenue and WIlde street to a uni- form width. Ald. Halpin moved that the fire com- mittee be authorized to purchase two additional horses for the fire department. Carried. City Attorney Knight to whom was re- ferred the matter of stopping the paving ;of Jones street at or near the I. C. rail- road tracks near passenger depot, un- der former resolution of the council re- ported as follows: In the matter referred to me would state that the resolution ordering said work orders the improvement of Jones street to the Levee. That if you desire to leave out the part of said street from I. C. railroad tracks to levee, this reso- lution must be rescinded, and bids for for the work again advertised for under the ordinance. Ald. Halpin moved that all former ac- tion of the council in relation to impro- vement of Jones street and West Main street be rescinded.. Carried. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Be It Resolved,' By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That West Main street front :Bain to north line of IReqular Session, March 2, 1896. Jones streets, and Jones street from the west line of West Main street to the east line of I. C. railroad tricks at passenger depot be curbed with stone, paved with brick and otherwise improved according to the plans and specifications for such `improvement prepared by the city engin- eer which have heretofore been adopted by the council, Resolved, Further, That the city re- corder be and is hereby directed to give the proPer notice for bids and proposals for the doing of all of said work except such parts thereof as are to be done by the companies as hereinafter provided. Resolved, That the Dubuque street ra' Way company, the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul railway company, the Illin Central railroad company, and the Dun- leith and Dubuque Bridge company be and each of them is hereby notified to pave with brick and improve in accord- ance with the plans and specifications of the city engineers all parts or any of said streets above ordered to be improv- ed on which any of its track or tracks are laid from a point midway between the rails of the track or tracks to the width of three and one-half feet each way there from and each of said companies is here- by ordered to commence said work not later than the 15th day of April A. D. 1896, and to prosecute the same with di- ligence after it is commenced and to complete the same not later thin the 15th day of. June, 1896 A. D. Resolved, Further, That a copy of these resolutions be served on each of said above named companies and that each of said companies be required to elect in writing and to file such election with the city recorder withing 10 days from the date of the service of these resolutions upon it whether or not it proposes to do said work itself or leave it for the city to do and in event of the failure of any such company to make such election as aforesaid it will be understood that such company does not elect to do said work itself as provided by law and the city ordinance and the cost of said work shall be ascertained, apportioned and assessed by the city council against such com- pany. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kauffman, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. Petition of Coates & Robinson in rela- tion to Insurance on City Hall, was re - erred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Petition of the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co. in relation to filling done on 13th street between Maple and Cedar street was referred to the street com- mittee. Petition of C. W. Chapman, et al, ask- ing that a fire alarm, box be place in the district between W 14th and W 17th streets and Blu ffstreet and St. Joseph's College was referred •to the committee on fire. Petition of Susan Hune as%ing that tha 53 ssessment of 82.000 on monies and credits assessed to her be cancelled, was grant- ed. Aid. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried. Altera: eyfrwadt_ kiNiv;r. der. Pn face Approved .. Magor u4 Special Session, Ifarch 3, 1896. CI'T'Y COUNCE[). SPDCIAL SESSION. MARCH 3RD. (Official.) Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder and Shea. The mayor stated the object of the meet Ing was to take action in relation to sale of the $105.000 refunding bonds, also on Petition of F. A. Gniffke in relation to location of Pickett street. Aid, Bonson moved that Mr. F. A. Gniffke be allowed $150 as payment for any damages caused to him by the pres- ent location of Pickett street. Carried. Ald. RYder offered the following resolu- tion A RESOLUTION. A Resolution to provide for the issuance for refunding bonds of the City of Du- buque, Iowa. for the purpose of re- funding certain outstanding and ma- turing bonds and reducing the rate of irrtterest thereon. Whereas the said City of Dubuque did heretofore under date et June 1, 1872, le- gally issue its bonds to the amount of One Hundred Five Thousand, Three Hun dred and Nine Dollars and Thirty Seven Dents( $105,309.37). to fund and pay cer- tain judgments and other valid obliga- tions theretofore legally incurred by the said City of Dubuque, Which bonds so is- sued are by their terms soon to become due and payable. and Whereas the said outstanding bonds were in all respects regularly and legally issued and bear interest at the rate of six per cent. (6) per annum, which inter- est thereon has been regularly paid in by the said City of Dubuque during all the time the same have been outstanding and as the said bonds can:stitute legal an valid obligations of the said City of Du- buque, and are still unpaid and can be refunded at a less rate of interest and to the advantage of the salad City of Dubu- que; now therefore. Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque; Seotion 1. That there is hereby author ized and directed to be issued in behalf of the said City of Dubuque, One Hun- dred and Five (105) Refunding Bonds of One Thousand Dollars (1,000) each for the purpose of paying and refunding that amount of outstanding bonds. Said Re- funding Bonds shall be dated April 1st, 1896, and bear interest at the rate of four per cent. (4 per cent.) per annum, paya- ble semiannually on the first day of April and of October. in each year, to be evi- denced by interest coupons attached to aald bonds. The printipal of said bonds shall be made payable on the first day of April, 1916, and the said bonds and in- terest coupons shall be made payable at the National Bank of the Republic in the City and State of New York, and the bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clay Auditor and City Re corder under the corporate seal of the said city, and the interest coupons shall be signed with the lithographed signature of the said City Auditor. Section 2. The said bonds shall be is- sued in substantially the following form, to -wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF IOWA. COUNTY OF DU- BUQUE. CITY OF DUBUQUE. FOUR PER CENT. REFUNDING BOND. No. 81,000 Know all men by these presents, that the City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa Is justly indebted. and for value received hereby promises to pay, to bearer, on the first day of April. A. D., 1916, the princi- pal sum of One Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of four per cent. per annum. payable semi-annually, on the first d'ay of October and April, as evidenced by and on presentation and surrender of the in'teres't coupons hereto attached% Bath principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Na- tional Bank of the Republic, in the City and State of New York. This bond is one of a series of One Hun dred and Five (105) bonds of Like date, tenor avid amount. numbered 1 to 105, and aggregating One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars. ($105.000.00) issued by the City Council 02 the said City under the provisions of chapter 58 of the Ses- sion Laws of the,17th General Assembly of the said State of Iowa. as amended by chapter 140 of the Session Laws of the 18th General Assembly of the said State. with the other amendments here- to, and other statutes of the said State, in such cases made and provided, and in strict conformity with aresolution of the said City Council dated, passed and approved tate 3rd day of March, 1896. It is hereby recited and certified that this series of bonds is issued far the pur- pose of refunding other valid bonds of the said city hertotfore legally issued for the purpose of funding and paying valid indebtedness theretofore legally Incurred by the said City. It is further certified that this series of bonds and the bonds hereby refunded have been issued In strict compliance with and conformity to the la.ws and Con stitution of the said State of Iowa, and that all acts. conditions and things re- quired to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this series od bonds and of the bonds thereby refunded, and in the incurring of the original Indebtedness represented thereby. were and have been legally had. done and performed, and that due and legal provision has been made for the assessment. levy and col- lection from year to year of an annual tax on all the taxaible property of the said city, of a sufficient sum to pay the interest on the said series od bonds as the same becomes due. and to provide for the taayment of the principal thereof a) maturity. For the payment of both principal and interest hereof the full faith. credit and resources of the said city are hereby irrevocably pledged. In testimony whereof the said City Council of the City of Dubuque has oaus ed this bond to be signed by its Mayor, and attested by its Auditor and Recorder and corporate seal attached hereto, and the Interest coupons 'annexed to be sign- ed with the lithographed signatures of the said City Auditor. this first day of April. A. D.. 1R96. Mayor. Attest City Auditor. —City Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, _March 16, 1896. 55 (FIRST COUPON.) x20.00 No. 1 The Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, :Iowa, will pa.y the holder hereof on the lst day of October. 1896. alt the National Bank of the Republic, New York, the sum of Twenty Dollars. being the semi- annual Interest on the dsaid dcity's lRefund ing Bond. No. 896, issued under the provisions of Chapter 68 of the Session Laws of the 17th General .Assembly, amendments hereto, and other pay the principal of the said bonds at statutes of the said State of Iowa. sufficient to meet the payment of the or cause to be levied and collected the tttorized and directed to be levied and col- lected from year to year, an annual tax of the proper officers to levy and collect, 'maturity, and it is hereby made the duty interest on said bonds as the same shall said tax in due and apt time to meet the Section 3. There is also hereby au - City Auditor. payment of the said interest and princi- pal as the same shall become due. Section 4. The said bonds hereby au- thorized to be issued shall be exchanged for that amount of the said outstanding bonds heretofore issued under date of June 1, 1872. and the said exchange may be made from time to time as the said outstanding bonds may be presented or such exchange can be effected. The said outstanding bonds for which the bonds hereby authorized shall be exchanged. on such exchange being made, shall be cancelled by the City Treasurer and filed with the City Auditor of the City of Du- buque until the full exchange of the bonds bonds socby cancelled authorized, filednwithe etid he City Auditor, may be wholly destroyed by theburning. and a. report thereof l.by said City Auditortoth s Council. cil. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer. Benson, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann. Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. _ Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest : CITY COUNCIL. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 16TH. 1896. Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Pro Tem Vogler in the chair. Present: Aids. Bauer. Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin. Ryder and Shea. Petitions. Petition of Ross McMahon asking the city to purchase his macadam, and same to apply on his special tax for the im- provement of Grandview avenue. On motion he was allowed an estimate of 20 yards per month. Petition of C. H. Booth, asking that warrant for $34.65 be drawn in his favor to pay taxes on his lots in Booth's addi- tion in accordance with his contract with the city. Granted. Petition of A. A. Cooper asking the city to open a street running south from; West Fifth street to Fenelon Place, he agreeing to give the necessary ground for same in va- cating John streeterathe city re- lationva- Grantedtito above whchhwwas e lad adoptied. Resolved by the City Council of the city engineer tinstructed to preparea beplat showing where the street is to be located an. land taken by the opening of said street. Petition of Mrs. Daniel Breen asking permission to put in a drive well near the curb abutting her premises was granted. The petitions of Frederica Marsch and Mrs. John ich in relation to were referred toltaxes the delinquent tax dcom- mittee. Petition of Geo. E. Davis, et al, asking street be wened and im- pov d wasBennet rt eferred to t he street commit Petition of John A. Lutz. et al, in rela- tee. tion rr eto the d to the streeeet t committee.ns on was re Claim of Carl Nank for damages on ac count of water overflowing his premises was referred to the street committee, en- gineer and city attorney. Bill of J. B. Powers of $100.00 for ser- vices rendered in the matter of obtaining grant of Lake Peosta was referred to the committee of the whole and mayor. City Marshal Morgan recommended 1 that paragraph "b" of sectio hap - ter 27 of the revised ordinances of 1893 be amended so as to read as follows: which was adopted. "That the owner of every single horse or team licensed. as aforesaid shall cause the number of his license tag to be plain- ly attached to some conspicuous place on the harness of said horse or under a penalty of one edollar fort eamea h day he shall fail to have said license num ber City A Cttached. ityttorney Knight reported adverse' to the uaby rhim sfor in falling eged injuries sustained g in a Report adopted. t areet. Petition of Glenn &Coleman pemmissionto put p remomter board on city hall was presented. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus pended and that 'Glenn & Coleman be al- QZOwtaif •Recorder. frm Approved 1896. Mayor. 56 Adjourned Regular Session; Marchi 16, 1896. lowed, to address the council. Carried. Mr. Coleman then addressed the council In relation to the matter. On motion the petition was granted during the pleasure of the council. AId. Kaufmann arrived at 8:30 o'clock. Henry Michel also addressed the coun- cil in relation to claim of F. A. Gniffke on account of the location of Pickett street, and agreed to accept 3350 as pay- ment in full for all claim against the city. Referred to the committee of the whole. City Engineer Knowlton submitted estimates for grading on the following streets. which were referred to the street committee. f Goeth avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue: Fill -3.643 cubic yards. Cut -1,539 cubic yards. v Strauss avenue from Burden avenue to vfindsor avenue: Fill -2.600 cubic yds. ( ut-1,200 cubio yards. ✓ Sheridan avenue from Groveland Place 1 Lawther avenue: Fill -50 cubic yards. Cut -1,000 cubic .yards, v Hedley Court from Lawther avenue to Strauss avenue: Fill -100 cubic yards. Cut 650 cubic yards. Estimated cost of grading, 3..639.30. Hart street from Couler avenue to Val- arie street: Cut -2.300 cubic yards. De- livered on Cedar street south of 17th street. estimated cost 3345. Ries street from Windsor to Stafford avenue: Fill -750 cubic yards. Estimat ed cost. 375. Queen street on feasable grade: Cut - 15,000 cubic yards. Fill -2,500 cubic yds, Estimated cost 31.050. Also presented plan for extension of 24th and 26th streets. On motion the plan for the extension of 26th street was approved and engineer instructed to pre -i pare a plat and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Also presented plat showing the extene sion of Elm street from Eagle Point ave- nue to Sanford street. Referred to the street committee. Also presented a plat showing the wid- ening of English Lane. Referred to the street committee. Also1 presented pro4ile of change of grade of West 17th street from West Lo,- cust to Cox street. Referred to the street committee. Also presented profile showing a divid- ed grade on Catherine street from West 17th street to alley north. Referred to the street commitee. Also presented profile of change of grade on Jones and West Main streets, which was referred to the street commit- tee. Also presented a profile of grade on: Chestnut street between Prairie and Wal nut street,• which upon motion was ap- proved and adopted. Also presented rplans and specifica- tions for a sanitary sewer in alley from Sanford to 27th street between Jackson and Washington streets which were ap- proved. he milt ed andareferred4 b hicers were sub e finance com- mittee and printing committee to have same printed in pamphlet form. The following were appointed judges and clerks of eletion in the various pre- cinobs for the city election to be held April 6: FIRST WARD. First Precinct. Judges—M. J. Powers, James Ryder,l/ Dr. Kempf. Clerks --.1. J. Cavanaugh, Fred Spe'.11 man. Second Precinct. Judges—J. W. Halpin, A. A. Cullen,, {/ Henry F. Trenk, Clerks—James Agnew, George Barnes, SECOND WARD. First Precinct. Judges—P. H. Sommerfield, Tim ✓ Shea, John Wagner. Clerks—John Forrester, Char:es Adams. Second Precinct. Judges—C. D. Hayden, Phil. Ryder, % J. J. Dunn.. Clerks—Vincent Lagen, Isaiah Clem - Inson . THIRD WARD. First Precinct. Judges—J. Schulte, A. Voelker, Fred Herbst. Clerks—P. Hoffmann, J. L. Horr. Second Precinct. Judges—W. H. Duggan AAl Walters, B. W. Jones. Clerks—Al Pier, Alex Gratz. Third Pree act. Judges—N. Palen, Anton Vogler, H. Dement. Clerks—John Butler, Ed. Muntz. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct. Jgdges—P. W. Crawford, Ed C Peas -t/ lee, W. W. Bouson. Clerks—F. M. Moser, W. H. Tom- linson . Second Precinct. Judges—Peter Geisecker,d. Royce, Richard Wallace. Corks—J. W. Coy, Ed Blake. Third Precinct. Judges—Henry Wybrant, John W Lee, J. M. McKenzie. Clerks.. -J. M. Kenety, Nathan Sears. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct. Judges N. H. Schilling, Dominick I Hoffman, J. K. Kaufman. Clerks—E. A. Blocklinger, L. Gun- ner, Second Precinct. Judges—John Meyer, Nick Nicks, u". Peter Oeth. Clerks—E. A. Sommerfield, Frank Duertscher. Third Precinct. Judges—J. A. Lillig, Jos Woodrick, v Joe Ruegamer. Adjourned Regular Session, March 16, 1896. 57 Clerks—A. H. Hemmelder, Walter Bachman. Fourth Precinct. Judges—Louis Doerfler, Sr., Theo.✓ Bauer, Anton Stoltz. Clerks—Chas Pitschner, Paul Bewer. On motion bids for burglar proof safe were referred to the committee of the whole. Aldi. Crawford presented an ordinance, entitled "An ordinance to amend section two and three of chapter 42 of the 'Rev ed Ordinance of 1893. " the same being ordinance providing for the removal snow and ice from sidewalks, and the manner of assessing the expense thereof on the property in front of which said snow or ice shall have been removed, which upon his motion was read for the first time by its title. and adopted by the following vote Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended. and the ordinance read by its title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—A]ds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann. Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. The ordinance was then read by its tieleands—Ads. tBauer t following Bonsn, AeCrawford, Cullen, Halpin. Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. Aid Bonson offered the following: Ayes—Aida. Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Ryder and Shea. Noes—Alda. Bauer. Bonson and Kauf- mann. Ald. Bonson moved) to adjourn. Carried. Attest: Resolved by the City Council of the Citbe- tween Seminary street a dof Dubuque: That Main southeline of lot 33, L. H. ed, guttered. curbedand r s d macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city, recorder oe instructed in to warrant f Ryan Bros..ont actors, foronefavor hun- dred dollars to apply on account of grad ing on Audubon avenue. Ald. Halpin moved that the resolution be adopted. Ald. Bonson moved to amend that the resolution be referred to the street com- mittee. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer. Bonson and Kauf- mann. Noes--Alds. Crawford. Cullen, Halpin, Ryder and Shea. The mo- tion was carried by the followinginal vote: Approved Cr AIN ORDINANCE. Jam'' To amend sections two and three of Chap '+ ter 42 of the "Revised Ordinances of z 1893," the same being "An Ordinance providing for the Removal of Snow and • Ice from sidewalks. and the manner of assessing the expense thereof on the y property in front of which said snow or ice shall have been removed:" Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Section 1. That Sections Two (2) and Three (3) of Chapter 42 of the Revised Ordinances of 1893. be and the same .are hereby amended by striking out in said sections wherever they occur the words "one and one half. (11/2) cents per lineal front foot" and inserting in lien thereof the words "one half cent per lineal front v foot." "` 1 L SSection 2. That the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all special assess es ,w ments for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks in the City of Dubuque subse- '" quent to the first day of December, 1895. kt Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af- ter its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph newspaper. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Adopted Mareh 16th. 1896. (Seal) Recorder Pro Tem. ., - ( h Approved March 18th. 1896. PETER OLINGER, Mayor. (. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- -- graph March 18th. 1896. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Street Commissioner's Office, Dubuque. Iowa, Feb. 12, 1896. Notice is hereby given to all parties in- terested that upon failure on their part toremove all snow d ice from sidew walks abutting their property within 15 hours after said snow has accumulat- ed, the city will do said work at the ex- pense of the owner thereof in accordance with the ordinance JOHNthat CARTER, Street Commissioner. 2-12-30t. 58 Official Notices. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on January 14th, 1896. the following special assessments were levled on the real estate herein after des- cribed, and that in case of failure to pay the one seventh part within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection bYess and sale. HT l\RY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For Improving High Bluff Street from Schiller street to Middle avenue. August Immisch. Hooper's add, n e 48.8 lot 36 $ 9 54 August Immisch. McCraney's 38 28 2nd add, lot 26 Carl Preibe, McCraney's 2nd 2144 add, lot 27 Chas Bleucher. Sr. McCraney's 35 44 2nd. lot 28 Chas Bleucher. Sr. McCraney's 2nd add, w 1-2, lot 29 17 72 F C T Bleucher, McCraney's 2nd add, e 1-2. lot 29 17 72 F C T Bleucher. McCraney's 2nd add, w 12.6. lot 30 ........ . 8 85 Fred Grobe, McCraney's 2nd add, e 37.6. lot 30 26 59 John Welty. Wick's add, lots 435 44 Andrew Vallaster. Wick's add, lot 35 44 3 J A Welty, Wick's add. sub 5, 7 and n 7 of 9. lot 1 3530 J A Welty. Wick's add. sub 5, 7 and n 7 of 9. lot 2 3544 H Kaiser, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 21 35 44 Fred Grobe. McCraney's 2nd add, lot 22 35 44 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2nd, add, lot 23 35 44 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2nd add. lot 24 35 44 add. lot 25 42 56 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2nd For improving Schiller avenue from Lin- coln avenue to High Bluff street. M C Munsell, Hooper's add, lot 35 $ 87 61 Christ Loetscher. McCraney's 2nd add. lot 25 83 48 For Improving South Bluff street from Dodge street to 30u feet south. James Walsh Est. Newman Coop- er and Smyth's sub, lot 1 $ 84 18 James Walsh Est. Newman Coop- er and Smyth's sub, lot 15 21 57 James Beach & Son. Newman Cooper and Smyth's sub, lot 16. 48 13 James Beach & Son, City, lot 683. 65 64 James Beach & Son. City, lot 582. 96 27 James Beach & Son. City, lot 581. 14 94 A. A Cooper, City, lot 695 114 54 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on January 14th, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter de- scribed. and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordi- nance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B.GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. To pay for constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Fenelon Place: Leathers and Trewln. Prospect Hill add, lot 15 $ 20 00 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect Hill add, lot 16 20 00, John W. Markle. Prospect Hill add, lot 17 20 00. James C Flanagan. Prospect Hill add. lot 18 20 00 E Earle, Prospect Hil l add, lot 27 . 16 40 E Earle, Prospect Hill add, lot 28 16 4O Fales Wood, Prospect Hill add, lot 29 20 00. T A Hooper, Prospect Hill add, lot 30 20 00 Geo M. Raymond. Prospect Hill add. lot 31 20 00. C H McArthur. Prospect Hill add, lot 32 20 00` C H McArthur, Prospect Hill add, w 1-2. lot 33 10 00 Warren McArthur. Prospect Hill add, e 1-2, lot 33 10 00 Warren McArthur. Prospect Hill, lot 34 20 00 C F Markle, Prospect Hill add, lot 35 20 00 C F Markle, Prospect Hill, w 1-2, 10 00 lot 36 H E Tredway, Prospect Hill add, e 1-2. lot 36 ............... 10 00 H E Tredway, Prospect Hill add, lot 37 20 00 Lucy C Graves Est. Prospect 20 00 Hill add, lot 38 Lucy C Graves Est. Prospect Hill add. w 64 ft. lot 39 25 60 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect Hill add, e 56 ft. lot 39 22 40 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect 36 00 Hill add. lot 41 Leathers and Trewin. Prospect 8 Hill add, lot 41a 00 To pay for constructing an 18 and 15 inch tile pipe sewer in alley from llth to 19th streets' between Washington and' Elm streets: Nic Kauffmann, sub w 1-4 out lot , 500, city, lot 1 ....... ....E 28 00 H Lembcke, out lot 600, city, lot 2 12 96, Chas Newman. sub out lot 600, city lot 3 20 48, J Wittmer, sub out lot 500, city, lot 4 10 24 G Jeoffroy, sub out lot 500, city, lot 5 10 24' Cryprian Kopp, sub out lot 500, city 2 lot 6 0 48 Mich Majerus. n 2-5 w m 1-4, city, 40 96 lot 500 Rosins Strobel. m 1-5 w m 1-4, 20 48 city. lot 500 Math Acherer. n 24 ft s m 1-5 w 9 60 m 1-4, city. lot 500 Leo Perleth. s 26 s m 1-6 w m 1-4, 10 40' city, lot 500 Frank Hitchins. s 1-6 w m 1-4, city lot 500 20 48: Mrs C Wellhefer. East Dubuque add. lot 97 20 48 R A Butler. East Dubuque add, n 1-2. lot 98 10 24 10 24 Wm Beddolph. East add, s 1-2. lot 98 Wm Beddolph, East Dubuque add, n 1-2. lot 99 Hitler Walsh. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 99 Pat Walsh Est. East Dubuque add, lot 100 Jno Pilmaler, Jr, East Dubuque Dubuque 10 24 10 24 20 48 Official Notices. 59 add. lot 101 20 48 German Bank. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 102 German Bank. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 103 Anton Whitting. East Dubuque 20 48 add. lot 104 Ambrose Mal. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 105 Elizabeth Kurt. East Dubuque 10 24 add, s 1-2. lot 105 Nic and Frank Glab. East Dubu- que add. lot 106 Tac Weber. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 107 Jas Crawford Est. East Dubuque 20 48 add. lot 108 Jas Crawford. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 109 Bridget O'Farrell. East Dubuque 20 48 add. lot 110 Bridget O'Farrell. East Dubuque 10 24 add. n.1-2. lot 111 Mrs B Maloney. East Dubuque 10 24 add, s 1-2. lot 111 Mich Hardy. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 112 Jas Crawford Est. East Dubuque 20 48 add, lot 113 C Ryan. East Dubuque add, lot 20 48 114 M Corbett. East Dubuque add. 10 2 n 1-2. lot 115 J F and E E Farley. East Du- buque add. s 1-2. lot 115 John Farley. East Dubuque add, 12 4 n31ftlot 116 John Raesle. East Dubuque add, 7 5 s 18.11 ft. lot 116 .... .. Chas Bruhn. East Dubuque add, 20 4 lot 117 Chas Bruhn. East Dubuque acid, 10 n 1-2. lot 118 Anna Wache. East Dubuque add, 10 s 1-2. lot 118 M Brown. East Dubuque add, n 10 1-2. lot 119 C Vogenthaler, East Dubuque add, 10 s 1-2. lot 119 P Hansen, East Dubuque add, lot 20 120 John Piokley. East Dubuque add, 20 lot 121 P Hansen. East Dubuque and, n 10 1-2. lot 122 Jos Kessler. East Dubuque add, 10 s 1-2. lot 122 ....... . • • Jos Kessler. East Dubuque add, n' 10 1-2. lot 123 Justus Bechtel Est. East Dubu- que add. s 1-2. lot 123 Justus Bechtel Est. East Dubu- que add, n 1-2. lot 12410 Nic Brandt. East Dubuque add, 12 s 31.2. lot 125 P Hansen. East Dubuque add, 1 s 1-2. lob 124 .•••. ...... n P Hansen. East Dubuque 20. lot 125 Nic Kauffman. East Dubuque add, n 12.10 tt. lot 126 City of Dubuque. East Dubuque 338.2 ft. lot 126 ...... ............ 1 H Naglemaker. East Dubuque 2 add, lot 127. .... Dubuque H Naglemaker. East add. lot 128 . .....add, J Garard. East Dubuque n 1-2. lot 129 .... add, s J Poshter. East Dubuq 1-2 lot 129.. • .. Emeran Schmid. East Dubuque add n 1-2. lot 130 ......•.. B Gantert Est. East add, s 1-2. lot 130 John Hartman. East add. lot 131 Stephen Steible. East add. lot 132 Mrs! J. Eberhardt. East add, s 1-2. lot 133 Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque Dubuque 10 24 20 48 20 48 10 24 Ludw'.g W Litman. East Dubuque add. n 1-2, lot 133 .... ..... .. • 10 24 Frank Peterka. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 134 10 24 B Schulte, East Dubuque add, n 1-2, lot 134 Frank Beller. East Dubuque add, lot 135 Alois Frick. East Dubuque add, lot 136 Nic Kauffman. East Dubuque add, lot 137 Peter Welter. East Dubuque add, 10 24 s 1-2. lot 138 Geo F Blllarch. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 138 Mich Eitel. East Dubuque add, s 10 24 1-2, lot 139 Theresa Eitel. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 139 J B Joseph, East Dubuque add, lot 20 48 140 Wm Helm, East Dubuque add, lot 20 48 141 4 J F Ackerman. East Dubuque add, 12 48 s 31.2 ft. lot 142 4 Fred Michel. East Dubuque add, 8 00 n 20 lot 142 .. 0 Mich Klein. East Dubuque add, 13 64 s 2-3. lot 143 .. .. •• 6 Fred Pegel• East Dubuque add, n 1-3. lot 143 ............ ........ 6 84 8 Fred Pegel, East Dubuque add, 6 g4 s 1-3. lot 144 24 Samuel Heinkel, East Dubuque 13 64 add, n 2-3, lot 144 24 Handal Lont 145 rgan, East Dubuque 20 48 24 Mary Driscoll. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 146 24 Mrs M Everett. sub s 1-2 147 east '7 48 Dubuque add, lot 1 48 Johnti Farley. ey.addsubt s 1-2 147, EastD2 2 76 48 John F Farley, East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 147 24 Albert Gasser. East Dubuque add, 10 24 s 1-2. lot 148 24 Honora Martin. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1--2. lot 148 . • •ubu ue 24 Bridget McNamara. East D q 20 48 add, lot 149 ........ .. 24 Geo Salot, East Dubuque add, lot 20 48 150 ......... add, 24 Jas O'Halleran. East Dubuque20 48 lot 151 ••••"'" 48 Mich Flynn. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 152. . ..,...ue add, 0 24 Mich Flynn, East Dubuque 20 48 lot 153 . 8 00 13 W Jones. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 154 add, 5 12 J A Essman. East Dubuque10 24 s 1-2. lot 155 ...... 5 28 John Flynn. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 155 ...... .. 0 48 Peter Schetgen, East DubugUe g 80 add, s 22 ft. lot 156 ............ 20 48 John Evert. East Dubuque add, n 11 68 29.2 ft. lot 156 .• ..' 10 24 Jac Spoo, East Dubuque add, s 1-2, 10 24 lot 157. .......... add, 10 24 Nic Derneden. East Dubuque10 24 n 1-2. lot 157 .. •••... .." 10 24 Ellza Sill. East Dubuque add, s 10 24 20 48 20 48 20 48 60 Official LVotiCO8. 1-2, lot 158 10 24 Chas Randall. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 158 .... • ... .... ...... Killian. May, East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 159 S teuck & O'Farrell. East Dubuque 20 48 add. lot 160 Steuck & O'Farrell. East Dubuque 20 48 add. lot 161 P H Summerfleld. East Dubuque add, s 1-2. lot 162 10 24 Wm Snyder. East Dubuque add, 10 24 n 1-2. lot 162 .... .. Christian Kleih. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 163 Pat Walsh Est. East Dubuque 20 48 add, lot 164 Pat Walsh Es:. East Dubuque 20 4S add. lot 165 Fidel Duenser. East Dubuque add, 20 48 lot 166 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on west Asbury street from Delhi street to west city limits. Jas Kurz Est, Finley add, lot 129 12 90 German R. C. Orphan Asylum, Fin 9 90 ley add, lot 130 German R. C. Orphan Asylum, Fin ley's add. lot 131 11 40 Mary Simplot. Finley's add, lot 139 .... .... .... ........ 13 95 John Harper, Yates & Pickett's sub, s 1-2. lot 11 $ 7 50 For laying a 12 -foot wide brick sidewalk on Clay street from Third street to EIghteenth street: Wm Griffin, City. n 23 ft. lot 263$ 23 15 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north end of Catherine street. Ellen Y Callahan, Quigley's sub, out lot 710. lot 16 $ 3 90 For the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe `sewer in Grove Terrace south, from West llth street to Wilber Lane: H F Schneider. Elle n Corkey's sub, lot 1 ......................$5000 H F Reynolds. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 2 20 00 H F Reynolds. Ellen Corkey's sub, n 1-2. lot 3 10 00 W S Knott. Ellen Corkey's sub, s 1-2. lot 3 ........ .... 10 00 W S Knott( Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 4 20 00 Wm F Woodrich. Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 5 . 1S 40 C N Bird, Ellen Corkey's sub, lot 6 ...... ...... ...... ... ... 18 00 C A Wilber,E11en Corkey's sub, lot 7 9 53 Fred Weigel, City, sub 687, lot 4.. 72 00 F A Rumpf. City, sub 687, lot 5 .. 80 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 53 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 54 ........ 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 55 62 78 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 56 62 84 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 57 .... 40 00 I M B and L Assn. Woodlawn Park add. lot 58 40 00 Thos McDonald. Woodlawn Park add. lot 59 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 60 62 84 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 61 63 23 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 62 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 63 ...40 00 Fritz Kruse. Woodlawn Park add, lot 64 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 65 .. 63 20 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 66 63 35 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 67 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 68 . 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 69 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 70 . 52 69 Jno Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add. lot 99 80 53 S E Smith. Woodlawn Park add, lot 98 40 00 Jno Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add. lot 97 40 00 Jno Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add. lot 96 63 75 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 94 .... .. ...... .... 40 00 Jno Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add. lot 95 63 32 Theresa Kempf. Woodlawn Park add. lot 93 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 92, 40 00 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 91 .. 63 32 Sherr Hoffman & Co. Woodlawn Park add, lot 90 63 29 Sherr Hoffman & Co. Woodlawn Park add. lot S9 Sherr Hoffman & Co. Woodlawn Park add. lot 88 Sherr Hoffman & Co. Woodlawn Park add. lot 87 .. Sherr Hoffman & Co. Woodlawn Park add. lot 86 . . . C A Voelke. Woodlawn Park add, lot 85 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 84 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 83 C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 82 0 A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 81 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session • of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on the 3rd day of February, 1896. the following special as- sessments were levied on the real estats 'herein after described. and that In case of failure to pay the one seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordi- nance governing same. all will become de linquent and subject to collection by dis- tress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For improving Audubon avenue from West 14th street to Dexter avenue: C A Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 52 $ 81 73 NOTICE. 40 00 40 00 40 00 63 29 62 90 40 00 40 00 40 00 52 no Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque held on the 3rd day of Feb.. 1896 the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herein after descri'bt d. and that in case of fail- Oficial Notices. 61 ure to pay within the time prescribed by the Ordinance governing same, will be- come delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For construction of a sidewalk on Vernon str et. Mrs. S. Gilmore. Levensadd, lot $ 27 00 30 M DampseY. Leven's add, lot 40.. 6 75 For improving Rebecca street from Thomas street to south end of street. A A. Loetscher, Fairview sub, lot $ 33 66 11 Chas Wilmott. Fairview sub, lot 34 77 1'L M J McCullough, Fairview sub, lot 34 77 13 . .. .... M J Willlard, Fairview 14 Rebecca J Farley, lot 15 M Willard. et al s 10 ft. lot 16 Aug Haplet, et al. Fairview except s 10 ft. lot 16 EmmaaJHyde. sub 2 of 2 ll1 of sub 18, 19, 20. Fairview sub, lot 1.. Rebecca J Farley. sub 2 of 18, 19, 20, Fairview sub. lot 1,.,...... 86 57 For improviberg avenueitoh end ofimprove- ment. .Re- ment. Julia Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot $142 17 410 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 485 177 30 Olen Collins, sub 537a. Ham's add, 178 09 lot 1 A. L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 2 lot 1 8 9b A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 90 lot 2 A L Rhomberg, Fif:h Avenue add, 2 lot 3 8 95 A L Rhumberg, Fifth Avenue add, 60 79 lot 4 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 45 76 lot 6 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 95 lot 6 A L Rhomberg. Fifth Avenue add,28 95 lot 7 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 95 lot 8 A L Rhomberg. Fifth Avenue add, lot 9 8 96 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 95 lot 10 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 96 lot 11 . A L RhombergFifth Avenue add, 28 95 lot 12 A L RhombergFifth Avenue add, 98 95 lot 13 "" A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, r8 95 lot 14 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 23 95 lot 15 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 28 95 lot 16 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, .8 95 lot 17 "' "' A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 08 95 lot 18 A L Rhomberg, Fifth Avenue add, 1ot19 103 48 H Grappe, Sr. Johnstn's sub, lot 11 94 1 J H Rhomberg, sub 1 min lot 304, 222 89 luta sub, lot Fairview add, Fairview add, sub, 34 77 64 27 5 22 30 61 34 77 47 29 Charlotte Biehle. Ham's sub, lot 615 Charlotte Biehle. Ham's add, lot 614 ... J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 613 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 612 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 611 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add lot 610 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 609 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 538 195 J A Rhomberg. Ham's add, lot 17 484 .... . 2 J A Rhomberg, Ham's add, lot 142 411 . 57 88 71 77 57 88 57 88 57 88 57 88 93 54 43 40 42 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque. Ia., Feb. 8:h, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to Saturday, Feb. 29th, 1896 for curbing and paving the following streets with brick according to plans and specifications now on file in my office: West Main street from Main street to north line of, Jones street. The extent of the work is as follows: New curbing. 300 lineal feet. Old curbing reset. 200 feet. Brick paving groute foundation, 1,600 square yards. Jones street from west line of West Main street to levee: The extent of the work is as follows: New curbing, 1,000 lineal feet. Old curbing reset. 500 lineal feet. Brick paving, groute foundation, 5,500 square yards. Ali of above work to be completed on or before June 15th. 1896. Biddet c must state the price per lin- eal feet for new curbing. also olr curb- ing reset, and the price per square yard for paving. Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check on some Dubuque bank for $500.00 payable to the order of the City of Dubuque in case the party to whom the contract is awarded, shall fall to execute the contract so awarded with- in five days after such contract is awarded. Proposals will be acted on at a meet- ing of the council to be held March 2nd. 1896. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the city recorder. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL. 2-10-17t. Recorder Pro Tem.. NOTICE. Dubuque, Iowa, March 5, '96. Sealed proposals will be received at the office to o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 14th, 1896, for a burglar proof safe and time lock. Bids will be received on both new and second hand safes. Bidders must state the dimensions of safe; also the net price delivered in city treasurer's office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Per order of the committee on public grounds and buildings. T J. Shea, Chairman. 3-6-8t. 11 fit Official Notices. AN ORDINANCE. Providing for the vacation of parts of certain streets and alleys in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's addi- tion to the City of Dubuque in accord- ance with the provisions and conditions of a resolution adopted by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque with refer- ence to the same on the 7th day of Oc- tober. 1895. Be :t ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That the following streets and alleys situate in the Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's addition to the City of Dubuque, viz.: Washington street and the alley between Washing- ton and Wall streets from High Bridge avenue to Bell street streets. from Bell street to Tower street. also' the portions of Sev- enth and Commercial streets north and abutting lot Fifteen (15) of block Thir- teen (13) also the portions of Bell and Mar ket streets north of Commercial street and the alley in blocks eight (8) and nine (9) be and the same are hereby va- cated annulled and abandoned as public highways in favor of the owner or own- ers of the lots or parcels of ground abut- ting thereon. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph, official paper of the city. Adopted March 2nd. 1896. pproved. March 4th. 1896. PETER OLINGER, Mayor. Attest: (Seal.) JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tem. -" Published in Dubuque Daily Telegraph March 4th. 1896. S EWALK RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement. be, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: Four feet wide on cast side of Main street between end of improvement and Railroad avenue. Four feet wide on south side of Rail- road avenue between West Main street and South Locust street. Four feet wide on north side of W Stii street between Hill street and Air Hill street. Four feet wide on north side of Ed- ward street between Windsor street and Queen street. Four feet wide on both sides of Mertz street between Windsor street and M- thauser avenue. Four feet wide on west side of English Lane between Wilde street and Southern ave where not already laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted March 2nd, 1896. JOHN O'CONNELL, 3-6-lOt. Recorder Pro Tem. NOTICE CHANGE OF GRATE. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 4, 1896. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office profiles showing proposed change of grade on Catherine and Angella streets. which will be con- sidered by the city council March 2nd, 1896. All persons having objections thereto must file their claims for damages in my office on or before the 29th day of ''eb- ruary, ]896. 2-4-25:. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Teta. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICES. To Jos. Zimmermann: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk, adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1896, a. special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all tots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 16 in King's 1st add owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause If any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To D. H. Price: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessmeunt will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regu lar meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 4, sub 218 and 219 in Davis' Farm add owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the Cita' Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 18961, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 3 of out lot 741 in city owned by you and being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th Official ficial Notices. 63 day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assess ment should not be levied. To C. Delinger: You are hereby, notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 51 in MoCra- ney's 1st add owned by you and being subject to such assessment. And you- are ouare notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be eld ,on and 9 h day of April, A. D., cause if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. To D. A. Mahoney Est: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, of2 of subject min such 193 owned by you being special assessment. And you, are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, nd show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Allen Schumacher: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1895, a special assessment will be levied fo r the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels ofland abutting on said improvement, lots 52, 69, 77 and t8 in McCraney's 1st add owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe: that in You are herebynotified ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot n 38 6ft of Int 219 in city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. and you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. To J. H. Berry Est: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopt..'d on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1596, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 2 of 3 Brown's sub owned by you being subject to such! special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show owacause e if any you have, why t should not be levied. To August Janggen: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for clean ung snow from sidewalk a1op ed td onspthe 2nd day of March, A. cial assessment wi'.1 be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said impro- vement, lot 290 in Davis' arm ro suchadd owned by you being subject speciala pmnd you r noti- fied of the to appear at said meeting council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, andd owassessmentcule if any you have, whys should not be levied. To W. H. Butler: You are hereby notified that In accor- dance with a resolution of the City Council of City ng snow from sidewthk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, lot 213 in Davis' Farm add owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you aro notified to appear at said meet- 64 Official Notices. ing of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. To S. J. Goldthorpe: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for clean ing snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of :and abutting on said impro- vement, lot 324 in city owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D.. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Jno. McDonald: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Coun cil of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said impro- vement, lot s 89 ft lot 2 in McNulty's sub owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To S. Suilderhaft: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Coun ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said impro- vement, lot w 63 ft of lot 643 in city owned by you and being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To Mary Wienecke: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Coun ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of :and abutting on said impro- vement, lot 479 in city owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of Apr:1, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. JNO. O'CONNELL, 3-10-10t. City Recorder, Pro Tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To M. Kraurer: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City ounci: of the City of Dubuque for clean- ing snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will he levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of th city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said impro- vement, lots 253 and n '/z 252 in Davis' Farm add owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 3-10-10t JNO. O'CONNELL, City Recorder, pro tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To L. King: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for clean ing snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense threof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said impro- vement, lot 14 in Dorgan's sub owned by you being subject to such assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. JNO. O'CONNELL, 3-10-10t. City Recorder, pro tem. , 'pecial Session, April 8, 1896 7 / "CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL SESSION, APRIL 8, 1896. [Official.] Council met at 10 o'clock a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Kaufman, Shea and Vogler. The mayor stated tto take up such mattersc t of .the meeting as they deem proper. City Engineer Knowton submitted the following: '1'o the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—In reference to the mat- ter of moving the sanitary sewer in the alley from 8th street to 9th street between Main and Iowa street i nothe rear of the Security Building, most respectfully report that there is no objection of changing thelocation new the east side of the alley, provided manholes are constructed and proper- ly located. On motion said report was approved, said work to be done at the expense of the owners of the Security Buiding un - he city engineer. dEthAldeShea, chaormann of tof the committee on paving, reported as follows: Your committee on paving would most respectfully recommend that the Austin Street Sweeper be purchased by the city, as we find said machine to be a practical one for street cleaning. Report approved, and the city attor- ney and city engineer instructed to draw up a contract with said company in regard to purchase of brushes in the future. The bill of the F. C. Austin Manu- facturing company of $450.00 for street sweeper was ordered paid. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police and light committee, reported as fol- low: bill of the In favor of paying ' Star Electric Co. of $1,6418 foor electric lights during Feburuary, In favor of paying the 18 bill of the Star Electric Co. of $1,647 for electric lights during March, 1896. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Atttest: Recorder ProL City Tem. Regular Se Bion, April 9, 1896. 65 ('(ii'\ci i . REGULAR SESSION APRIL 9, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:35 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present, Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Cullen Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Vogler moved that the minutes of the last meetings be approved as printed. Carried. The following bilis were allowed: Name. Purpose. Am't. E. F. Sprengelmeyer, supplies 9 45 for city hall $ J. P. Shroeder, wood for city hall Duggan & Kane, soap Eichhorn & Bechtel, city hall Wateers & Dennis, hay • trol house Excelsior Brass Works, and dog checks C. H. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices Fratz & Clark, drugs M. Mullen, plumbing city hall H. Nagelmaker, supplies for ptarol house Gerhart Parr, sawing wood.... Joseph J. Rowan, supplies for matron room Mr. Tropp, sawnig wood.. Chas Oswald, repiring stoves, etc Chas. Oswald, supplies for ma- tron's room Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron's room.. . Jacob Spielmann, room rent for police.. •• R. D. Kirmse, repairing clocks Key City Gas Co., gas for city buildings ...... .. .. ........ John Tibey, stone Richard Butler, stone Peter Kien stone matches and soap for for pa - team 45 00 1 00 3 00 41 OS 36 40 6 75 1 40 90 6 35 1 50 8 18 1 50 19 65 12 50 12 50 25 00 4 00 97 15 9 25 66 50 • ing for road department 3 25 J. C. Althausers, dusters 1 68 W. S. Molo, plumbing at 4th street engine house.. .. 5 50 Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing 15 50 W. H. Torbert, drugs 10 50 Standrd Lumber Co., shav- ings 3 50 W. S. Knott & Co., fire bell18 00 Excelsior Brass Works, repair- ing engines 5 25 J. H. Rhomberg, front running gear of wagon 10 00 Phil Pier, coal 9 00 Peter Klauer, repairing stoves, , 75 196 90 5 50 Pat Quinn, stone.. .. 3 75 Mullen Bros., plumbing in city 22 80 buildings.. .. .. .... ...... . Merkes & Hassler, bran.. 1 60 Dubuque Water Co., hydrants..1,337 1 50 0 John Butt, repairing tools.. • • • . 2 85 5 J. P. Shroeder, cement Headford, Bros. & Hitchens, 2 70 supplies for steam roller.. F. Lindenberg, nails for road 8 15 department . Standard Lumber Co., lumber 3 65 for road department.. . Diamond Jo. Line Steamers, supplies for steam roller R. J. Love, pine wood.. . J. M. McKenzie, repairing tools Collins & Wilkinson, horseshoe- ing for road department .. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., lum- ber.. Western Electric Co., wire.. . Collins & Wilkinson, horseshoe - 2 31 1 50 20 9 20 25 49 19 etc Watters & Dennis, oats.. Fratz & Clark, drugs C. H. Whitwell, veternary vices Key City Gas Co., coke J. F. Ris & Bro. pipe.. J. M. McKenzie, repairing en- gines Waters & Dennis, hay.. Peter B. Hoffmann, axle greese Martin, Strelau Co., coal.. .. . John Butt, repairing wagons W. S. Molo, pipe.. John McCollins, filling on 4th street Mullen Bros., globes for city hall E. E. Frith, removing dead ani - male The Telegraph, blank station- ery Geo. Bennett, assistant assessor Got. Gmehle, assistant assessor Adam Jaeger, sawing wood.... John Hoffmann, janitor city hall.. • Adam aJeger. labor at cityhall. . Baumgrtner & Kleih, lanterns.. Union Printing Co., blank sta- tionery }larger & Blish, stationery Dubuque Telegraph, blank sta- tionery.. ..... .. Mrs. Koenig, janitor at City hall.. .... .. 20 00 B. Hayes, expressing 3 50 James Kelly & Son, stationery 30 80 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co. 2 80 rubber stamps . Eugene Anderson, surveying 10 00 Kaufman avenue.. Union Printing Co., blank sta- tionery J. C. Alhauser, supplies for city hall.. .... Jas. Kelly & Son, supplies for election The Herald, blank stationery Duggan & Kane, lamps, etc. for election booths.... .. binet Makers' As - Dubuque sociation,arent of chairs and tables.. M. S. Hardie, blank stationery Robt. McGivern, sanitary in- spector.... .. .. •••.•••• Sam. Boyle, putting up election booth.. .....s ........ ser - 38 25 23 60 30 7 90 36 41 35 102 18 4 15 9 95 4 05 4 50 14 50 26 00 100 00 100 00 8 00 35 00 5 40 1 50 5 00. 12 05 6 50 3 50 6 86 3 60 34 00 28 04 3 25 55 50 50 00 20 00 6'; Reyular Ses,i" n, April 9, 1896 John Westercamp, putting up election booth 20 00 John Garragn, hauling election ]5 00 boths.. Byrne & Saul, filling High 68 00 Bridge ave.. .Tohn Tibey, filing High Bridge 357 80 ave George W. Farley, filling High Bridge ave. 13 25 Jessie Venn, filling High Bridge 7 Ja ave McFauuen Coffee and Spice Co00 sacks 24 00 John Singreen, gravel Wm. Geishe.ker, rod man 55 00 Adams Co., Iron legs for set- ters Hendford Bros. & Hitchens, manhole covers M. Czizek, glazing John McEvoy, repairing pago- das Martin Frank. opening ballot box Joseph Geiger, reparing of city hall Chas. Atkinson. painting pa- godas 15 00 permission to construct ferry dock in A. V. Olds, watching pest house ice harbor. $18, and same ordered collected from Petition of Juli Rhomberg asking the county. that English Lane be widened and im- The folowing bias were referred to proved as contemplated. committee on similes: The petition of I. O. O. F. asking that Noonan Bros., $5, Dubuque Rubbber the taxes on city lot 633 be cancelled, and Belting Co., 65 cents.i in accordance with agreement with city To Committee on Police and Light: was granted. Globe Light and Heat Co 166 67 The petition of the I. C. R. R. re - Key City Gas Co. 81 45 monstrating against paving Jones To Committee on Printing. street was laid on the table. 67 50 Petition of Jeff McGrath et al., re - 75 00 monstrating against the improve - 67 50 ment of Union avenue was read. 29 15 On motion the rules were suspended and J. A. Rhomberg addressed the council, protesting against improving said street at present. On motion the petition was laid on the table by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, Halpin and Ryder. Noes—Alda. Crawford, Kaufmann, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Shea moved that bids for street improvements be opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Kaufmann moved as an amend- ment that bids for the improvement of Union avenue be not opened. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Alds. Bauer, Halpin and Ryder. The vote recurring motion was carried. On motion the rules were suspened and Miss Blake was allowed to address the council in relation to the award of the jury for the widening of Foye street. Petition of F. W. Kringle remonstrat Ald. Crawford moved that the action 16 80 against special tax for cleaning snow 4 50 from sidewalk. 2 25 Petition of Henry W. Kruse et al., asking that Queen street be straight - 48 25 ened. The following petitions were refer - 50 red to the new council: Petition of Col. Henry Rose in rela- 50 tion to the line of W. 14th street. Petition of John Keckevoet asking ine street. Petition of John Heidenger remon- strating against change of grade on Catherine street. Petition of Alfred Herron et al., ask- ing that the sidewalks on Grandview avenue from Southern avenue to east- ern terminus be widened to ten feet. Remonstrance of Julia L. Lang- worthy against proposed extension of 26th street to Burden avenue. Petition of John Hickey asking that his property on Grandview avenue be divided and numbered for the purpose of special assessment. The following petitions were refer- red to the street committee: Remonstrance of Margaret Mahony The Herald, The Telegraph The Globe The Times German Catholic Printing Co. To Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carr. Ryder Engler Co. 3 30 Mechanics Insurance Co. 37 50 Bill of M. M. McCarten of $100 was re- ferred to the Finance committee. Bill of Martin, Strelau Co. of $79.18 was referred to the Fire committee. Bill of C. O. D. laundry of $6.28 was referred to the committee on markets. Cliam of Michael Lidy against D. Lavery was referred to the committee on claims. Bill of Altman & Taylor of $92.25 for grading on Grandview avenue was re- ferred to the street committee. Bill of Central Union Telephone Co. of $46.50 was referred to the committee on electrical construction. PETITIONS. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the commit- tee on delinquent taxes: Elizabeth Kress, Henrietta W. Woll, Mrs. G. Mandl, and Mrs. J. C. Silzer. The following petitions were referred to the commmittee of the whole: Kaufmann, Bonson, Cullen, on the original ing against change of grade on Cather- 1 of the council in rejecting the award Jieonlop• Session, April 9, 159(1. fi7 of the jury for the widening of Foye street be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the award of the jury for the widening of Foye street be accepted and the amount so awarded be set aside in the treasury to be paid the proper parties on pre- sentation of deed for same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported on hand March 1st, 1896, $14,220.--. Col- lections during the month $36,610.23. Total $50,830.34. Disbursements dur- ing the month $25,533.44. Balance on hand April 1st, 1896, 25,296.90; also re- ported $1,948.20 due city officers for month of March, 1896, also presented statement showing amount of coupons nut street between Prairie and Walnut paid during the month. streets be approved and said street be Report approved and warrantsImproved in accordance therewith. dered drawn to pay city officers,anndd Carried. report referred to the finance commit- REPORTS OF COMMIT'1•EES. tee. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance City MarshalcasesduringMorgan reported 69 March,pcommitttee, reported in favor of ap- 1896;ice lo reported the 00mpoundu tproving of the report of the treasurer collected oduringthe$`2.00 month,;realsoo for the month of March, 1896, and that repopast thwarrants be drawn in his favor for monthptteo $1 a ch, due Reportor for the money advanced; also that loan war- ednof March, ordered1896. approv- rants be drawn in favor of the several police,d and warrantsr drawnh to pay parties as shown in said report. and report referred to the police i Ado t d and light committee. Street Commissioner Carter reported $773.65 due for labor during March, 1896, Report approved and warrants make an estimate of the amount and ordered drawn to pay for labor and re- cost of grading York street. In favor of allowing Fred. Gelow an estimate of 20 yards of macadam for March, 1896, also would recommend feet wide between curbs, which was approved and adopted. Also presented list showing $2,421.75 due teams for filling on 18th street. Approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Woodmeasurer Jess reported $2.10 due city for month of March, 1896. Re- ceived and filed. The reports of city weighers Jos. Straney, Chas. Pitschner and J. P. Schroeder were received and filed. Police Justice Maybanks reported $13.25 due in city ordinance cases. Re- port approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for same. City Engineer Knowlton submitted a plat showing the lines for the improve- ment of Chestnut street between Prairie and Walnut streets. Ald. Crawford moved that the plat presented by the city engineer showing the lines of the improvement of Chest - p e . Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to port referred to street committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,865 due firemen for month of March, 1896. Report approved and warrants ordered that the engineer be instructed to re - red to pay fiemen, and report refer- turn an estimate of 20 yards for all per - red to the fire committee.sons not having permits. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a profile showing a proposed change of grade on Cox street so that Sewer Inspector Hillery reported $208.75 due for labor on sewers during March, 1896. Report approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for la- said street can be properly drained. bor and report referred to the sewer In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing a feasible street running from or near 26th street to Burden avenue and submit same to the council. In favor of instructing the city at- torney to draft an ordinance amending the ordinance granting to Svendson & Ott the use of certain streets and alleys in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. so that said Svendson & Ott shall be paid 121E t per cubic yard for all filling put committee. Marketmaster Traut reported $10.50 scale receipts during March, 1896. Re- ceived and filed. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follow: Presented plat showing proposed ex- tension of Needham Place from W 5th street to Fenelon Place. Referred to the street committee. Also presented list of special assess- ment for cleaning snow from sidewalk. on said streets, and the city engineer Referred to the street committee. is instructed to cross section said Also presented profile showing pro- ground so that the amount of tilling put posed change of grade on Grace and on same can be estimated at any time Bennett streets. Referred to the street in the future. In favor of allowing the A. Y. Mc- Donald Mfg. Co. 10 cents per cubic yard fOMfilling le and Cedar 13st Qets, a d committee. Also presented plat showing pro- posed extension of 26th street, also plan for improvement of said street 32 r fib h'ejular Session, April 9, 1896. the engineer is directed to measure and submit estimate of same. In favor of granting the peition of M. Zwack et al. for the improvement of Merz street. In favor of granting the petition of Wm. M. Davis and G. E. 'Davis in re- lation to construction of retaining wall on Grove Terrace and Pearl street, and the city attorney and engineer are in- structed to draw up a contract with them to protect the interests of the city. In favor of referring the within peti- tion of John A. Lutz et al. in relation to street signs to the city engineer. In favor of referring the within claim of Carl Nank to the new council. In favor of receiving and filing the within estimates of the engineer for grading Hart street. Reis street, Hedley Court, Goethe avenue, Strauss avenue and Sheridan avenue. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a profile showing a pro- posed change of grade on Queen street •from Edward to Clinton street. Report adverse to the claim of M. Tschirgi Jr., of $181.29 for grading on Rush street. in favor of referring the special ass- essment for cleaning snow from side- walks to the new council. Would also recommend that the plat showing the proposed extension of Rig' and Stelmore streets be approved and the engineer is directed to give the proper notice to the owners of property so required to be taken Your committee report in favor of instructing the engineer to confer with the officers of the Chicago Great West- ern Railroad Co. in regard to extension of sewer from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street, also the proposed exten- sion of Elm street from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street. Your committete report in favor of approving of the within profile of change of grade on W. 17th street and the recorder is directed to give the proper plans in regard to same. In favor of instructing the engineer to give the proper notice to the owners of property on account of the proposed widening of English Lane as shown by plat. Report adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, of the special com- mitte, to whom was referred the peti- tion for the opening of Lincoln avenue between White and Jackson streets, would most respectfully report that we have seen all parties interested, and as some are asking an enormous price, while others are reasonably fair, we would recommend that the city council order a jury summoned to as- sess the damages that may be caused by the opening of said street. Adopted. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the police and light commmittee, reported in fa- ror of paying the bill of the Globe Light and Heat Co. of $166.67. Report adopted. City Engineer Knowlton presented profile of grade on Leibnitz and Wood- worth streets. which upon motion were approved and adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on printing, reported in favor of paying the following bills: The Herald, $67.50. The Globe, $67.50. The Times, $29.15. The Telegraph, $75.00. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: In favor of referring the bids for burglar proof safe to the new council. In favor of granting the petition of B. E. Linehan, asking for the privilege of maintaining and operating a steam boat coal yard on levee, said permis- sion to be granted for a period of five years, said B. E. Linehan to remove said coal yards after said date upon be- ing given six months notice so to do, and the city attorney is instructed to draft an ordinance to protect the in- terests of the city. In favor of granting permission to Mulgrew & Phillips to maintain and operate a coal dock on levee for a per- iod of five years, same to be removed after said date upon six monts notice, from the city so to do and the city at- torney is directed to draft an ordinance accordingly to protect the interests of the city. In favor of granting the petition of Stephen Shaw, asking for permission to build a ferry landing in the ice har- bor, said permission to be at the pleas- ure of the council. In favor of referring the petition of J. A. Rhomberg et al. remonstrating against special tax for the improve- ment of 5th avenue to the city attor- ney. In favor of referring the petition of L. J. Baumhover et al., remonstrating against obstruction of sidewalks to the mayor and marshal. In favor of fixing the valuation of the Dubuque Malting Co. on lots 7 and 8 of lot 3 of sub min. lot 322, and lot 9 of Liebe's sub at $50,00(: per year, for a period of five years commencing with 1896, and that the valuation for the next succeeding five years be placed at $75,000 per year. In favor of paying the bill of costs in the case of W. A. Harkett, et al, vs the City amounting to $56. Report adverse to claim of F. A. Gniffke on account of location of Pic- kett street. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of paying the bill of Powers, Lacy and Brown of $100 for services rendered in obtaining Lake Peosta grant. Adopted by the following vote: Regular Session, April 9, 1896. (;!I Ayes—Alda. Bonson, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes.—Alda. Bauer and Crawford. Also reported in favor of allowing John Carter $100 as compensation in full for services rendered in superin- tending storm water sewers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Cullen, Halpin, Kauf- mann, Ryder, Shea, and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Bauer, Bonson and Craw ford. Also reported as follows on bill of Alphonse Matthews: We find some of these services charg- ed for were rendered at the request and with the approval of the city officers and members of the council, and the balance under a resolution of the coun- cil. The city received full benefit, the charges are reasonable, and we would recommend the bill be allowed and war rant drawn in favor of Mr. Matthews for $925.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Crawford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Bonson and Ryder. Resolutions. Ald. Crawford offered the following: I Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Foye street between West Lo- cust street and Gold street be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,. and the city recor- der directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per corm: ance of the work; the guttering, ing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Bonson. Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ry- der, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was referred to the committee on streets* Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Fremont avenue between North Cascade road and Atlantic street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam - lied in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the City engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and for said improvement and the city re- corder directed to give the proper no- idand proposals for the per- Ald. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That warrants be drawn in favor of the judges and clerks of election for five dollars each, and for register clerks for the amount allowed last year, also for election and registration places at $10 and $5.00 respectively. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council: That warrants be drawn in favor of Kenety and McCann to the amount of $1,090.91, this being the amount due them for the improvement of Clay street, and was retained as 5 per cent. of the total. And the said Kenety and McCann do hereby agree to fulfill and perform any further repairs according to their contract and their bond now on flle with the city recorder for $5,000.00 shall be continued in force as such se- curity. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Shea. Nayes—Alds. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kauffmann, Ry- der and Vogler. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn to 2:00 o'clock p. in. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:10 p. m. Mayor Oi nger in the chair. Preapnt—Al'1s. Baur, Ronson, Craw- ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder and Shea. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Clifford street, bet- ween Seminary street and Napire street, be graded, gu:tcred, curbed and macad- cm:zed, in conformity with the ordin- ance upon tat subject. That the city ty engineer be and .s hereby make the necessary plans and specifica- tions Por said improvement, and the c:'ty recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propoaals for the formance of the work; the guttering, curbing and se of the owners tof. the abut o be done at the dRp- tin.g property. - Groding to be bid in total. Adapted by tre f'o:owV.ring vote: Av-s—Aldermen Rang. BOns'n. Craw ford, Cullen„ Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder Shea. Ald. Kaufmann 1off r d the followiof ng: Resolved by e city' of Dubuque' That Clinton ave, bet ween Qlle'e guttered, curbed anstreet and d macad- amized, ai d - or ave, amizeded, with the ordin- am,°led, in conformity a.nce upon fiat subject. That he city hereby tics for bids plans and sp formance of the work; the guttering, engineer b' an •s the ea - curbing and macadamizing eowners of be the ne lone for saidake the si provement, and the at the expense o ro sale for the per abutting property. Grading to be bid I city t o for bidsamidp d topo ave the pro pe in total. 70 Rer/ular Session, April 9, 1896. formance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense cf the owners of the abut ting property. Grading to be b:d is total. Adapted by ti e fa:owing vote: AVcs—A:derme', P,,,°:r. Ronson. Crn.w ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder Shea. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Hart s:reet, bet- ween Couler avenue and Valeria street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macad- am'zed, in conformity with the ordin- ance upon t: at subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary pans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice far bids and proposals for the per formance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the Eigpanse cf the owners of the abut ting property. Grading to be bid in tots.. Adopted by the folowling vote: y?s—A:der..,e.^ Ban -r. Ronsrm Cr'w ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder Shea. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Hedley Court, between Strauss and Lawther ave, be graded. guttered, curbed and macad- am:zed, in conformity with the ordin- ance upon ti at subject. That the city engineer be and :s hereby directed to make the necessary pans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the ety recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per formance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done et the ixpense of the owners of the abut ting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by ere fo:owing vote: Aves—A:dermen Bauer. Ronson. Craw ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder Shea. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Sheridan St. bet- ween Groveland Place and Lawther ave, be, graded, guttered, curbed and macad- am:zed. in conformity with the ordin- ance upon ti: at subject. That the city engineer be and :s hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the dty recorder directed to give the nroper notice far bids and proposals for the per formance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the elxperse of the owners of the abut ting, property. Grading to be bid in total. Adcpted by ti -e fa:ow'ne vote: Ayes--Aldermmen Bauer, Ronsnn, Craw ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kauffman. Ruder Shea. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved by the city council ofthe city of Dubuque: That Goer` a ave bet- ween Burden and Windsor ayes, be graded, guttered, curbed and ma,cad- am:zed, im conformity with the ordiat- a.nre upon e. at subject. That the city engineer be and :s hereby directed :o make the necessary prams and speoifiea- ttons far sill improvement. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notroe far bids and proposals for the per formance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done rt the ilxpesre of the owners or the aim: ring property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by tl'e fo:cw'ng vote: Ayes—A:dermen Bauer. Ronson. Craw ford, Cullen, Ha1p:n, Kauffman, Ryder Shea. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Strauss avenue between Bur- den and Windsor avenues be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the City Record er directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson. Craw ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Ald. Kauffmann offered the follow- ing: Resolver by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Grace street, between Grand View Avenue and East line of lot 8, O'Hare's sub. be graded, guttered, cur- bed and macadamized. in conformity with the ordinance upon the subject. That the City Engineer be and is here- by directed to make necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the City Recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and ma- cadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson. Craw ford, Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Aid. Kaufmann offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Bennett street, between Grand View avenue and East line of lot 8 O'Hare's sub. street be graded, guttered curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. I lt'egaGlCll' Session, April 9, 1896. 11 That the City Engineer be and is here- hy directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the City Recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and ntacadimizing to be clone at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Bauer, Bonson, Craw ford. Cullen, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Coates avenue, between Fre- mont avenue and Cross street, be grad- ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the City Record- er directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the perfor b curb- That the street commissioner be in- structed to lay a stone crossing on the corner of Summitt and West 3rd streets. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the red grade line as shown on profile, of Leibnitz and Woodworth streets be declared the official grade of said streets. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is here by instructed to prepare plans and spec ifications for a sanitary sewer in 27th street from alley west of Jackson street to alley east of Jackson street, and sub- mit the same to the city council for approval. City Engineer Knowlton presented plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in 27th street from alley west of Jackson street to alley west of Jackson street, which upon motion were approv That ance of the work; the guttering, ur ed and adopted. ing and macadimizing to be done at the I Ald. Kaufmann offered the following, expense of the owners of the abutting resolution which was adopted: property. Resolved, That the city recorder be Grading by be the f In total vote: and is hereby instructed to issue a yes—Alopted er following venire to the city marshal commanding fordAyes—Aldermen n, Bauer. Bonson. Ryder, him to summon a jury of 12 freehold - She Cullen, Halpin,ers, citizens, to assess the damages that Shea. Ald. Crawford offered the Lollowing I may be caused by the opening of Lin - resolution, which was referred to the it coin Jackson sue, teas en White a plat pestreet d street committee: city Resolved ubyq the City Council of the pared by Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol- Thater. City of Dubuque: the which was referred to the street West Eighth$ street, Air nHill committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, stone, or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on west side of Rebecca street between Thomas street and So. end of street. 4 feet wide on east side of Audubon avenue between West 14th street and Dexter avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Curtis street between So. Dodge street and Malady street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Rush street between Quince street and Villa street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Alpine street between West 3rd street and Dodge street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Schuller, west line of Roger tittered, curbed and street, be graded, g macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is herebY directed I' to make the necessary plans andspec i- fications for said provement, and the city recorder directed ivd to give the proper notice for bids and proposals r the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Chestnut street from Prairie street one hundred feet west, at the expense of the abutting property. That the city engineer is hereby in- structed to prepare the necessary plan - and speciflcations, and advertise for pro Adopted by the following vote: posals for doing the work. Middle and Fengler avenues be Garfield avenue and High Bluff street. Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Bonson, Craw- 4 feet wide on both sides of Grove F 114h ford, Cullen, Halpin, Ryder an Ald. Shea offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council: Terrace south between Wes street and Wilber avenue. where not already laid at the expense Regular Session, April. 9. 1896. of abutting property. Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol- lowing which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks as follows: 8 feet wide on north side of Arlington street between Grove Terrace and Prairie street. 6 feet wide on east side of Prairie street between West llth street and Chestnut street. 6 feet wide on north side of White street between Lincoln avenue and E. Pt. avenue. 6 feet wide on north side of West 14th street between Walnut street and Cox street. 6 feet wide on north side of Eagle Point avenue between Jackson street and Washington street. 6 feet wide on north side of Sanford street between Jackson street and Wash ington street. 6 feet wide abutting lot 1 Mattax sub. 4 feet wide on east side of 5th avenue between Rhomberg avenue, north end of improvement. 4 feet wide on north side of I-Iigh Bluff street between Schiller avenue and Fengler avenue. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol- lowing, which was referred to the street committee: That sidewalks of brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on Iowa and 7th street abutting lot 219 city. 10 feet wide on west side of Bluff street between 12th street and 13th street. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for street improve- ments: Union avenue from West Locust street to Alta Vista street— Taylor & Becker.. .... .,$4,281 40 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan3,560 80 Con. Ryan, Jr.... ..... 4,168 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. ..4,408 60 John Pickley.. 4,740 20 Kenety & McCann 5,273 20 Brown & Brown 4.046 40 Parker & Peterson ...... ... 4,736 00 Steuck O'Farrell & Linehan being the lowest bidders, were on motion award- ed the contract. Chestnut street from Pairie to Wal- nut street— John Pickley 464 60 Taylor & Becker 467 20 Dubuque Construction Co.. ... 382 4n Steuck & O'Farrell 389 90 Geo. W. Farley .... .. .. ......399 90 The Dubuque Construction Company being the lowest bidders were on mo- tion awarded the contract. North Main street from Seminary street south— Peter Horsch.. .... $646 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 647 50 Taylor & Becker 838 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. 915 00 Geo. W. Farley.. 735 00 John Pickley 758 00 Peter Horsch being the lowest bidder was on motion awarded the contract. West Main street from Main to Jones street. • Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan ..$2,030 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. .. 2,103 00 Kenety & McCann 2,188 00 J. H. McDonald .. .... 1,946 00 J. H. McDonald being the lowest bid der was upon motion awarded the contract. Jones street from West Main street to east line of Illinois Central tracks. Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan $3,175 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. 3,002 00 Kenety & McCann 3,425 00 J. H. McDonald, 3,047 00 The bid of the Dubuque Construction Co. being irregular was rejected, and on motion the contract was awarded to J. H. McDonald, he being the lowest bidder in accordance with the plans and specifications. Petition of Wm. Ohnesorge asking that s 1-2 of lot 236 Davis Farm add, be filled to grade so as to prevent stag- nant water from lying thereon was re- ferred to the Board of Health. City Attorney Knight reported that he had settled the case of Anna M. Bush vs. the City of Dubuque for $200 and costs taxed at $21.10. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts. The following bills were allowed: Coates & Robinson, insurance, $75.00. Jos. A. Palen, supplies, $4.95. Thos. Hassett, grading South Bluff street, $23.60. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg et al., In regard to gutter on White street, south of Eagle Point avenue, was re- ferred to the committee on streets. Ald. Bonson presented the following which was adopted: In the matter of the application of the Dubuque Malting Co. to fix the assessed valuation for new brewery property, and to fix the assessments on the old brewery properties, the com- mittee of the whole having reported in favor of fixing the value of new brew- ery; Resolved, That the matter of flx- 14',':/"tbo' Sc.•.,;on, .1 pr;l 9, 1895. ing the assessment on the old properties be referred to the ordinance committee with power and such com- mittee be instructed to report at next meeting of council on ordinance or res- olution carrying into effect the report of the report of the commmittee of the whole and this resolution. Ald. Halpin moved that council pro- ceed to canvass the vote cast at the election. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved that the mayor appoint the tellers. Carried. The mayor appointed Alds. and Crawford. The result of the vote is as follows: Mayor -- Peter Olinger, First Ward, First pre- cinct, 104; Second precinct, 151. Sec- ond ward, First precinct, 168; Second precinct 170; Third ward, First pre- cinct, 170; Second precinct, 175; Third precinct, 226; Fourth ward, First pre- cinct, 110; Second precinct, 75; Third precinct, 119; Fifth ward, First pre- cinct, 178; Second precinct, 258; Third precinct, 254; Fourth precinct, 141. Total, 2.299. T. T. Duffy, First ward, First pre- cinct, 356; Second precinct, 292; Second ward, First precinct, 184; Second pre- cinct, 467; Third ward, First precinct, 211,; Second precinct, 247; Third pre- cinct, 252; Fourth ward, First precinct, 401; Second precinct, 191; Third pre- cinct, 325; Fifth ward, First precinct, 200; Second precinct, 306; Third pre- cinct, 283; Fourth precinct, 185. Total 3,900. Majority, 1,601. For Auditor— M. M. McCarten, First ward, First precinct, 437; Second precinct, 410; Second ward, First precinct, 360; Sec- ond precinct 499; Third ward, First precinct, 371; Second precinct, 411; Third ward, First precinct, 371; Second precinct, 411; Third precinct, 465; Fourth ward, First precinct, 502; Sec- ond precinct, 212; Third precinct, 439; Fifth ward, First precinct, 382; Second precinct, 534; Third precinct, 522; Fourth precinct, 323. Total, 5,887. For Assessor— adverse circumstances. caused by the Jos. Ruegamer, First ward, First hard times, which has been general alt over the country, I am proud to say that our city has kept pace with all cities in the west and has been excelled by none. tinct, 242; Fourth ward, First pre- cinct, 389; Second precinct, 194; Third precinct, 325; Fifth ward, First pre- cinct, 199; Second precinct, 247; Third precinct, 229; Fourth precinct, 161. Total, 3,505. Majority, 969. Aldermen— First Ward— John McEvoy, First precinct, Second precinct, 216. Total, 555. jority, 28. J. W. Halpin, First precinct, Second precinct, 216. Total, 427. Halpin Dennis Smith, First precinct, 1; Sec- ond precinct, 2. Total, 3. Alderman Second Ward— B. Lagen, First precinct 200; Second Second precinct, 305; Total, 505. Ma- jority, 24. .I. R. Lindsay, First precinct, 152; Second precinct, 329. Total, 481. Alderman Third Ward— A. Vogler, First precinct, 157; Sec- ond precinct, 149; Third precinct, 193. Total, 499. G. F. Albrecht, First precinct, 219; Second precinct, 268; Third precinct, 283. Total, 770. Majority, 271. Alderman Fourth Ward— C. H. Berg, First precinct, 482; and precinct, 215; Third precinct, Total. 1,051. Alderman Fifth Ward— Frank Dennert, First precinct, 135; Second precinct, 348; Third precinct, 293; Fourth precinct, 117. Total, 893. Majority, 8. Jacob Haudenschield, First precinct, 235; Second precinct, 210; Third pre- cinct, 235; Fourth precinct, 205; Fourth precinct, 205. Total, 885. On motion the parties receiving the majority of votes were declared elected. Mayor Olinger then read the fol- lowing valedictory: To the City Council of the City of Du- buque. Gentlemen:— According to custom I beg leave to submit to you a statement showing the progress of our city dur- ing the past year, which has been one of prosperity for our fair city. While we have had to work under 239; Ma - 211, Sec - 354; precinct, 174; Second precinct, 201; Sec- ond ward, First precinct, 161; Second precinct, 204; Third ward, First pre- cinct, 178; Second precinct, 157; Third precinct, 229; Fourth ward, First pre- cinct, 118; Second precinct, 67; Third precinct, 118; Fifth ward, First pre- cinct, 170; Second precinct, 300; Third precinct, 305; Fourth precinct, 154. Total, 2,536. O. E. Duncan, First ward, First pre- cinct, 264; Second precinct, 204; Second ward, First precinct, 181; Second pre- , 197; Second precinct, 256; Third pre- , has been reduced over $11,000 an cinct. 417; Third ward, First t recinct Finances. From said time until the present the city has been paying from 6 to 10 per cent interest on its bonded indebted- ness, whereas during the past year over $200.000 of said debt hss been refunded at 4 per cent interest, and all of our debt,if same was due,could be refunded at the same rate. During the past year over $7,500 of bonded debt has been aid off, and the floating indebtedness 0 74 Regular Se8sion, April 9, 1896 . terest on same reduced from 7 to 6 per cent, which has made quite a saving to the city. During the coming year over $?50,000 of our bonded debt, bearing 6 per cent interest, becomes due, and immediate action should be taken to refund same at a lower rate of interest. When same is done the interest levy can be materially reduced, which will be a. great saving to the city. The financial condition of the city has not been better for over forty years. Streets. During the past year over eight miles of new streets were constructed in the city costing over $150,000, also repairs. on old streets costing over $30,000, all of which gave a large amount of work to our laboring men. Fire Department. The fire department of tue city is in better condition at t he present time than in the history of the city, and the council has spared no pains to make it such. With the efficiency of the fire chief, it is on par with any fire com- pany in the country. Police. The police force, under the able sup- ervision of City Marshal Morgan. have ever been on the alert. and I can safely say that the criminal class have been very quiet during the past year, as they knew the eagel eye of Marshal Morgan and his men were always watching them. I have had less complaints in regard to the police the past year than has been known in the history of the city, which shows that they have been attentive to duty. Paving. During the past year about three miles of brick paving have been con- structed in the city, which is a per- manent imnrovement, and whi'.e it has been a hardship on some people to pay for same, still in the end I think they will feel satisfied that the money has been well spent. There has been many statements made in the newspapers. reciting that the financial accounts of the city were being falsely made by the city treasurer and city auditor. As far as I know the same is untrue. as I believe that City Treasurer Gniffke and City Auditor McCarten are too honorable to do such a thing. and would have no object for doing it. I would recommend to my successor that sufficient appropriations he made to give the needy laborer s a sufficient amount of labor during the coming year, as it has been a hard winter on a good many of them. I desire to return my sincere thanks to the several aldermen and city offi- cers, who have always both by word and actio ns assisted me in promoting the welfare of the city. While there has been the most vile statements and mis-representations pub Hshed during the past month in regard to the past year's administration, and the same sanctioned by a membri' of the council, whose time will not exp're for one year more. but as he is well known and h:s reasons for so doing being of such a nature that I shall no: say more, only trusting that in tl'e future he may :earn to tell the truth and become res- pected by his fellow -men. In conclusion I hope and wish that my successor and his associates shall have a prosperous year, and in a year from now can show the citizens of Du- buque that they have done as well as their predecessors. PETER OLI\GER, Mayor. Mayor Olinger then delivered the oath of office to Mayor Duffy. The following aldermen elect were tf.-en sworn in by Mayor Duffy. Alds. McEvoy, Lagen, Aibrecht,•Berg and Dennert. Mayor Duffy read the followLng inau- gural addresss: Gentlemen of the City Council: It is customary on occasions of this kind when those to whom. the people have delegated :he power to control mu- nioipal affairs and take charge of t e interests of our city have assembled for the purpose of entering upon the dis- charge of their official duties. for the one on whom it devolves to preside over your deliberations to speak to you a few thoughtful words of encouragement and possib:y present to you a suggestion or two in reference to the performance of our off:cia: duties vwaich may not be witnout value. From among the :housands of worthy men in our city our fellow citizens have chosen us as their trusted agents to look after their interests. They have honor- ed us by such expression of their confi- dence, for by designating me as the per- son worthy to occupy the executive chair in this chamber, and you as per- sons trustwor:hy and competent enough to properly protect and foter their in- terests t: at they may prosper. It is an honorable trust that the people have confided to us. and :t should be and is a sacred :rust that we owe to those who so trust us to see that no act of ours may ever make them feel t^aa their faith in us has been misplaced, and their confidence illy roundel. abused, or be- trayed. A statesman who has outgrown •narrow partisan lines whom the people of this great :and have delighted to 1 onor, s:ruck the key note of official duty. condensed all the rules that relate to the obligations of public officers to the people and to themselves within a few pregnant words. and concentrated their essence in one singularly short and strikingly strong declaration. ,which has crystalized into an axiom Oat ail rigth- minded people approve and applaud. "A public office is a public trust." I•t is for us in the discharge of our of- ficial obligations to prove that we recog- nize and endorse that golden truth. We Regular Semen, April 9, 1896. 75 can only give evidence of this by fidelity 1 city so dear to us and ours. I shall feel to the interests of all the people. ,ti at we are enlisted in one common, sa- The safety of the people is the supre- I cred cause the welfare of the people of me law—ins a principle rooted in political iour city, and shall give to each and all economy ages ago. With us let the of you all the assistance in my power, same principle find expression in the de- and ask of you in return, what I aim con cleration that "The welfare of our whole fident you will accord to me, your coun- city and the interests of all. our people se: and support, to the end that by work shall be our first thoug:: t and firm res- ine ' in ncomplish smony togng substantialter we maw se - the olution. We must bear in mind that for the' public good. Let us guard the monetary interests of the people. Let us shield the time being, a brief year roe me, a year homes of our people from harm. Let us affaior two for you, the maich withinnent of the protect the young from the snares than yeavrs of this city, which a few may be laid in the pathway of unsus- yeans past has made supe mfrsuch pus ad petting, unguarded, innocent boys and and substantial and reached such marked girls, and if we see evils that menace and substantial prosperity, has been en- the pence of our homes„let us with de trusted to our hands, and earnest, expected n - ;ermined hand rote them out. In short, est, faithful work is rightfully expected le' us do our whole duty to the people from us. We should appreciate the fact and trust to them confidently far ap- that we are here to guard and forward • nrova: of our work. And now, in the the interests of the entire city. In our ; r,gn.1ge of the loftiest-sauled. broad - minds there should, In language that e.etm,nded noblesthearted statesman the finds a responsive endorsement in the world has ever yet known, "with malice parotic thong:tall citizens of this towa,ree none and charity towards all" land, when applied to the country at let tus enter upon the discharge of our large be no north, no south, no east, no duties the grave responsibilities of west. Let each of us feel that every dol- lar that is expended for any purpose whatsoever is as seed planted that it may bring forth fruit for all the people. There should be no rivalry between the different wards of our city, no efforts made to bring about the expenditure of money in one section of the city because expenditures have been made in an- other. Let necessity for the work that involves the outlay of the people's money be the test of our action and if the general interests are not to be pro- moted by such outlay justice to the peo- ple would dictate that it should not be made. Every unnecessary expense should be avoided. We should not and must not attempt to throw obstructions in the way of progress. Extra.vagance is a prime. Parsimony is not always economy. It is the extremes that it be- hooves us to avoid. Every dollar that is unnecessarily expended is a mortgage placed by us on the property of the well- to-do citizen. alien upon the home of the poor man. The former, while he feels the burden, can free himself from it: the latter bends under his his heavy load and suffers be- cause of his helpless condition. It is an injustice to the wealthy to place unnecessary burdens upon them. It is a crime against the poor in times line these when so much distress prevails among the toilers everywhere, to add anythimia that may be •iva:dee to the cares that afflic_ them now so heavV-y. Let us lock frrweri with determina- tion to accomplish good work. if we leek backward. let it be solely for the purpose of eva'ding any errors that my have been made. The wise do this hop- ing to profit by it.Let each of us p:iglut our faith to assist the other in our ef- forts to promote the prosperity of the which I am painfully sensible of and you appr=ciate. hoping and hopeful that when our record is written, and read one year hence. the generous people who have pl'ced the trust in our hands may not have reason to feel that they placed it there in vain. Mavor Duffy appointed the fallowing standing committees for the ensuing Finance—Ryder, Bonson, Dennert. Ordinance—Bonson, Ryder, McEvoy. Claims—Bauer, Schulte, Lagen. Streets—Bonson, Albrecht, Bauer, La gen, Cullen. Dennert, Harbors—Schulte, Berg, Lagen, McEvoy. Supplies—McEvoy, Ryder, Schulte, Berg, Bauer. Markets—Cullen, Albrecht, Berg. Public Grounds and Buildings—Den- nert, Bonson, Ryder, en. Fire—Cullen, Ryder,c Albrecht,1on- son, Bauer. Police and Light—Lager, Berg, Al- brecht. Printing—Berg, Lennert, Schulte, La - gen, McEvoy. Delinquent Taxes—Albrecht, Mc- Evoy, Lagen, Berg, Bauer. Sewers—Schulte, Dennert, Berg, Lagen, Cullen. Board of Health—Berg, Bauer, Dr. S. S. Lindsay, Dr. F. W. Wieland. Electric Construction — Dennert, Berg, Schulte, Lagen, Cullen. Bonson, Dennert. On motion the council proceeded to elect a mayor pro tem. Ald. Bonson was elected mayor pro tem by acclamation. Ald. Bonson moved to proceed to elect officers for the ensuing year by open ballot in the order shown on list Regular Session, April 9, 1896. having received all the declared elected wood presented by him. Ald. Ryder moved as an amendment that action on same be postponed un- til Monday, April 13th, 1896. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, and Denert. The vote recurring on the original motion was carried. The council then proceeded to elect officers as follows: For City Engineer. The vote resulted as follows: For W. H. Knowlton, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. W. H. Knowlton having received all the votes was declared elected city engineer. For Marshal. The vote resulted as follows: For Ed. Morgan, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ed. Morgan having received all the votes cast was declared elected mar- shal. For Street Commissioner. For Hagerty, Alds. Albrecht. Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Dennert and Lagen. For John Carter, Alds. Cullen and Ryder. For John Duggan, Ald. McEvoy. Thos. Haggerty having received a majority of all the votes cast was de- clared elected street commissioner. For Sewer Inspector. For Phil Doerr, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer Berg, Bonson, and Dennert. For John O'Brien, Alds. Cullen, Lag - en and McEvoy. For B. Rawson, Ald. Ryder. Phil. Doerr having received a ma- jority of all the votes cast was declared elected sewer inspector. For Park Custodian. For Chas. Burkhardt, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, and Dennert. For Thos. Cahill, Aids. Cullen and Ryder. For R. Fuhrman, Alds. Lagen and McEvoy. Chas. Burckhardt having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected park custodian. For Pound Master. For Carl Spiegelhalter, Alds. Al- brecht; Bauer, Berg, Bonson and Den- nert. For Nic. Sweeney, Alds. Cullen and McEvoy. For Martin Lonergan, Alds. Lagen and Ryder. Carl Spiegelhalter having received a majority of all the votes cast was de- clared elected. For Wood Measurer. For Tom Jess, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, D ennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Tom Jess votes was measurer. On motion wharf master igation. Tom Jess was elected during the season of nav- For City Electrician. For George Osborn, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. George Osborn having received all the votes was declared elected city electrician. For Market master. For .T. P. Tract. Alds. Albrecht, Bauer Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. .T. P. Tract having received all the votes cast was declared elected Market - master. Engineer Steam Roller. For A. R. Stevenson. Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. A. R. Stevenson having received all the votes was declared elected engineer of the steam roller. For Committee Clerk. For L. M. Langstaff, Alds. Albrecht. Bauer, Berg, Bonson and Dennert For John O'Connell. Alds. Cullen, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. L. M. Langstaff having received a majority of all the votes cast was de- clared elected committee clerk. For Weighmaster 1st Ward Scales. For Joseph Straney, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Dennert, Lagen and McEvoy. For John Mahoney, Ald. Cullen. For Jas. Doyle, All. Ryder. Joseph Straney having received a majority of all the votes cast was de- clared elected weighmaster of the 1st ward scales. For Weighmaster West Dubuque Scales For Chas. Pitschner, Alds. Albrect, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Chas. Pitschner having received all the votes was declared elected weigh - master of the West Dubuque scales. For Weighmaster 5th Ward Scales. For Mrs. Deckert, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Mrs. Deckert having received all the votes cast was declared elected weigh - master of the 5th ward scales. Ald. Bonson moved that the election of committee clerk be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved to elect a city re- corder pro tem. Carried. For City Recorder Pro Tem. For L. M. Langstaff, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Dennert and Mc- Evoy. For J. W. Halpin, Alds. Cullen, Lagen and Ryder. Adjourned Regular Se8sion, April 20, 18'96. 77 L. M. Langstaff having received a majority of the votes cast was declared I -elected city recorder pro tem. Ald. Bonson moved to proceed to •elect a committee clerk. Carried. For Committee Clerk. For Adam Crawford, Alds. Albrecht, Bauer and Bonson. For John O'Connell, Alds. Berg, Cul- len, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. John O'Connell having received a majority of all the votes cast was de- clared elected committee clerk. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the special assessment for the improvement of Rush street from Dodge street to Ap- ple street by M. Tschirgi, Jr., contrac- tor, be corrected as follows: Frank McGinniss, lot 153, Union add., (except e 12 feet). Original amount $176.11, corrected to $169.35: Jas. Collinson Est., lot 154 Union add, original amount $74.42. Corrected to $67.66. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson moved that the matter of bonds and salaries for the ensuing year be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn to Monday, April 20th, at 7:30 p. m. Car- ried. Attrct : .Approved Adjourned Regular Session, April 20th, 1896. • R'corder. 149 (Official.) Council met at 7:50 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Petitions. The following petitions were referr- ed to the street committee. Petition of Henry Triller in regard to grading on Klingenbett Terrace. Petition of H. W. Schloz et al, ask- ing thaa a sir1 wai% and stairs be laid on south side of Fairview sub from Re- becca w Ahea street;. Petition of Carl Mauk in relation to his claim for damages on account of flood. Remonstrance of Mrs. Rebecca J. Far ley et al against the improvement of West 17th street between West Locust and Clark streets. Petition of C. E. Davis in relation to improvement and widening of Bennett street. Petition of Julia Rhomberg et al in relation to the widening ands i p 1;4414erQve- ment of i14e street. & 14. 4. A. The following petitions ' ere referr- ed to the street committee ith power: Petition of Michael McMahon in re- gard to damages to his barn, also the condition of Curtis street. Petition of Kenneally and Cain, agree ing to put filling on Oak street at the rate of 12 1-2 cents per cubic yard. Petition of David G. Scott, in regard to the condition of West 3rd street. The petition of Col. Henry Rose in re gard to width of sidewalk on West 14th street was referred to the street com- mittee and city attorney. The following petitions were referr- ed to the sewer committee. Petition of J. P. S. Schroeder et al, asking that the sanitary sewer be ex- tended on Seminary street from Paul to Harold street. t; Petition of D. J. Linehan asking tha the sanitary sewer be extended from West 14th street along Cornell street to Anna street. Petition of James Wallis et al asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed along Avon Place to alley east, thence to Chestnut street. The petitions of Caroline Mathis and F. W. Weiland were referred to the committee on delinquent taxes. The application of Alex Gratz for in- spector of weights and measures was referred to the market committee with power. Petition of Claus Andres for position as driver of the patrol wagon was re- ferred to the mayor. 11 rt 1, 78 Adjourned Regular Session, April 20, 1896. Claim of John Swenk for $5,000.00 for alleged personal injuries was referr ed to the committee of the whole and attorneY• Petition of John Keckevoet asking for permission to construct a ferry dock in the ice harbor was referred to the committee on harbors with power. Petition of Dennis Smith asking to be allowed to address the council in re- gard to paving Jones street was read. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and Dennis Smith allowed t address the council on the matter. Car- ried. Mr. Smith then addressed the coun- cil protesting against paving Jones street, unless the improvement was done to the levee. On motion the matter was referred to the paving committee. The invitation from the committee on the 74th anniversary of the birth of Gen. U. S. Grant to be held in Galena April 27th, 1896, was read. On motion the same was accepted, and the mayor directed to return the thanks of the council for same. County Auditor Geo. W. Schrup sub- mitted a statement of the assessment and valuation of railroads in the city which was approved and referred to the assessor. The following petitions were granted Petition of the brick manufacturers of the city asking that the city use home brick in the construction of sew- ers, etc., for the city. Petition of J. Connell et al, against the improvement of York street. Petition of C. T. Hancock et al ask- ing for the extension of Water mains on Grove Terrace south. Petition of J. H. Greene et al asking that Henry A. Knowlton be allowed to construct wood shed in rear of n 1-3 of city lot 134. Petition of W. E. Robinson et al ask- ing that the water mains be extended along Arlington street between Prairie street and Highland Place. Petition of G. W. Albert, asking to be allowed to break macadam on West Lo- cust street, same to be done under the supervision of the street committee and engineer. Petition of John M. Linehan et al ask ing that an arc electric light on south end of Cardiff street, same to be done under the supervision of the committee on police and light. On motion bids for construction of sanitary sewer in 27th street were open ed and referred to the engineer for com putation. Bids for burglar proof safe for city treasurer's office were referred to the committee on public grounds and build- ings. Remonstrances against paying spec- ial tax for cleaning snow from sidewalk were referred to the street committee. On motion Mr. Kimball was allowed to take his ferry boat away from the city on Monday, April 27, 1896, the date of the Grant anniversary. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of granting leave of absence to fireman Ed. Keas be referred to the fire com- mittee and fire chief with power. Car- ried. Resolutions. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city en- gineer be directed to prepare a plan for a culvert to be built across West 14th street from the property of Anna M. Bush and that the city recorder be in- structed to advertise for bids for the do ing of said work. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That James Cushing, John Trexler and Joseph Herod, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to as- sess the damages if any, which may re- sult to any person or persons by rea- son of the change of grade on Angella street from W. Locust street to Pierce and on Catherine street from West 17th street to north end of street. In accordance with the provisions of sections 6 and 7 of chapter 29 of the re- vised ordinance. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Grove Terrace south from Eleventh street to the end of the street, and that a fire plug be placed un- der the direction of the fire chief and committee on fire. The city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Arlington street be- tween Prairie street and Highland Place and that fire plugs be placed un- der the direction of the fire chief and the committee on fire, the city of Du- buque guaranteeing to said water com pany a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to be extended, Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the commmittee on streets be empowered A(.ljourn,ed Regular Session, April 20, 1896. ................ to prepare plans and specifications, bid- derand let for the remodelling of 18th streete contract to the lowest and 19th street between Jackson street and the railway tracks. I street. Ald. BonSOn offered the following, which was adopted: 1 6 feet wide on south side of Seminary Be it resolved by the City Council of street between 17th street and Main the City of Dubuque: That the city not already laid at expense engineer be and is hereby instructed to where 1preadyty. Adoptedttheby the prepare plans for the rebuilding of the of abutting vote: wall on 11th street and Grove Terrace. Aves—Ales. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, 4 feet wide on north side of mann avenue between Francis and Valeria street. 6 feet wide on both sides of Jackson street between 19th street and 27th Kauf- street Ald. Bauer offered the followmg which was adopted: Be Evoy and Ryder. Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, Mc - Be it resolved by the City Council of I Alderman Bonson offered the follow - the City of Dubuque: ins: That the city engineer be and is here- Resolved by the City Council of the by instructed to make a survey and pro of Dubuque: file of 27th street from Jackson street City of, sidewalksbuue:of good brick, stone east to Pine street and submit same to Tor cement, be, within 20 clays of this the city council notice constructed and laid in conform- Ach Bauer was adopteded: ity with the ordinance In relation to which sidewalks as follows: Resolved, That the changed grade as , 12 feet wide on east side of Iowa shown on the accompanying profile of street eaet wid m 1-5 lot 454 city, Iowa Queen street be approved and that the city recorder is instructed to give the here not already laid at the expense of abut - ting property. abutting property owners notice of the Adopted by the following vote: change. Ayes—Aids. Albrecht. Bauer, Berg, Ald. Cullen offered the following, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy, and which was adopted: Ryder. Resolved by the City Council of the der: Knolwton reported as fol- ThatCiof Dubuque: on bids for construct`.on of sanitary a horse drinking fountain be sewer `.n 27th street: placed at the intersection of Valley and I Steuck and O'Farrell .. .. .. ..$197 00 Wilde streets. under the supervision of the committee on fire and water. Dubuque Construction company .204 60 Bryan Donahue ... .. .... .. .. 186 6 80 Ald. Cullen offered the following, M. Connolly .. .... .. .. .. .. 215 20 which was adopted: Bryan Donahue being the lowest bid - Resolved, That Coates avenue from der was on motion awarded the con- remont avenue to Cross street be im- tract. proved 30 feet wide between curb lines. I Bond of L. M. Langstaff, recorder pro Ald. Albrecht offered the following, ! tem elect, was presented and approved. which was adopted: The mayor then delivered the oath of Resolved by the City Council of the office to Mr. L. M. Langstaff. City of Dubuque, That the street com John, O'Connell, committee clerk was missioner be instructed to repair the a:so sworn in. gutter and crossing on 16th and Jack- • B111 of Eugene Anderson of $5.00 for son streets so as to prevent stagnant surveying lot was ordered pard. water from lying on said locality. Ald. Bonson moved that when the Ald. Albrecht offered the following council adjourn, it does so to meet aga- which was adopted: in Friday, April 24th, 1896, at 7:30 p. Resolved by the City Council of the m. Carried. City of Dubuque, That a water foun- Ald. Bonson chairman of the commit- tain be placed at the south west corner tee of the whole reported as follows: of the hay market, for the use of the A To the Honorable ,Mayor and C`-ty Conn - general public, as there is no fountain 1 within half a mile of said locality. Gentlemen:—Your committee of the Alderman Bonson offered the follow- avhole to whom was referred the matter in=: of bonds and salaries of officers for the Resolved by the City Council of the II ensuing year would most respectfully report as follows: Salary• geld 1 City That sidewalks Officer. sidewalks of good two-inch 1 ,500 .. • • plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- Mayor • • • • • • • .....: ...2,500 n 10 days of this notice constructed and Trea nr'e. 1,400 2,000 the following, t laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 8 feet wide on east side of Nevada street between Julien avenue and West 5th street. Recorder.. • •• •• .. Auditor ............... ; 1 ip0 $2,000 Recorder pro tem ...... 1,400 2,000 . 1,00 5,000 Assessor ........... .. 1,500 ,••• Attorney .............. 80 A ljorarnel I?:g,alrar Session, April 20, lti:►i Marsha: 1200 5,000 Fire Chief 1,200 5,000 Street Commissioner 1,100 1,000 Committee Clerk .... 1,000 Electrician 900 Marketmaster 600 500 City Physician ...... 600 500 Poundmaster 600 Wharfmaster, per month during navigation $20 00 Park Custodian, per day 1 50 Teams, per day 3 00 Foreman, per day 1 50 Laborers. per day 1 35 Also that the fixing of ...e salary of sewer inspector be deferred until after the adoption of the plumbing ordi- nance. The foregoing salaries to be in payment in full fur all services ren- dered for the city by the respective officers. Report adopted. "' Mayor Duffy submitted the following: Mayor's Office, , Dubuque, Iowa. To the Members of the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—On the 9th day of April 1896, Alphonse Matthews presented to the city council a bill for the sum of Nine Hundred and Twenty-five ($925.- 00) Dollars claimed to be due from the city of Dubuque for professional ser- vices rendered in assisting the city at- torney from Nov. 1st, 1893, to April 1st, 1895 which bill was approved and al- lowed on the same day and warrants ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Matthews on the city treasury for the full amount of his claim. By virtue of the power vested in me by section one of chapter 192 of the acts of the 20th general assembly I here with return said bill to you for your con sideration, with my disapproval of the ac tion of the council in allowing it and ordering it to be paid for the follows reasons: First—Because said bill was not con- sidered by the council until the 9th day of April of this year and was approved. allowed and ordered to be paid on that day in the closing hours of its last session. Second—Because in my judgment the bill was acted on in a hurry incidental to the closing of the last session of the council and without that careful- ness and deliberation that ought to be exercised in all cases that involve the payment of public money, for the reas- on that the council was about to expire and had many other matters of import- ance before it for its consideration which must necessarily be disposed of before it ceased to exist as a legal body. Third—Because 1 am advised by the city attorney, who is the legal adviser of this body. that said claim is unjust and should not be paid. I express no opinion myself of its justness or unjustness but think it prop er to say that if the claim is Just every cent of it should be paid, if unjust noth ing should be paid. I have therefore deemed it my duty to return to your honorable body said bill for your thoughtful consideration with my veto of the action of the last council allowing it and ordering that warrants be drawn on the city treasurer for its payment. It is proper for me to state further that in compliance with the order of this council, warrants for tie sums res- pectively of $425.00 and $500.00 were drawn on the city treasurer by the re- corder pro tem in favor of Mr. Mathews from which warrants I deemed it my duty as mayor of this city to withhold my official signature until more fully advised in the premises by your honor- able body and directed how to proceed for the best interests of the city. Witness my signature at Dubuque, Iowa, this 17th day of April. A. D.. 1896. T. T. DUFFY, Mayor of Dubuque. Ald. Cullen moved that the above be referred to the committee of the whole. and city attorney. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved that Thomas Ca- hill be appointed park custodian, to have charge of the two down town parks. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder pro tem. :ll test Approved • L (.lirrntilrr ifnr;nr• List of' Warrants. ts. CITY RECORDDR'S OFFICE Jas Lonergan, police ,. Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 1st, 1896. JJno no Hilsonpolice ...... .... —Tothe Honorable Mayor and City Coun- JohNoMurphy, po police • .. viii Gentlemen:—The following is a comWm.n Hennessy, police plete list of all warrants issued by mee Jas. Carter, police during the month of January, 1896: Peter Scharff, police Name. Purpose. Amt. P McCollins, police P Olinger, salary as mayor $125 00 Joe Secrest, police H B Gniffke, salary treasurer •. 208 30 Pat Hanlon, police T J Cooney, salary recorder 116 70 Dan Lavery, police M M McCarten• salary auditor116 70 Wm Frith, police John Stemm, salary assessor .... 125 00 Wm Howard, police Jas E Knight. salary city attorney 150 00 John Pullens. pound Edw Morgan. salary marshal .... 100 00 Jno Jellison, police JoeReinfried, salary fire chief .. 100 00 J M Smith, police John Carter street commissioner, 91 65 Jas Bennett. laborer John O'Connell, committee, clerk 8530., JBuschman, laborer Fred Burch. clerk. 00 W H Knowlton, city engineer . • • 200 00. Jas Boyce. assisting engineer .. • 100 00 J S Hyde, assistingengineer • • • • 100 00 00 Geo Osborne, electrician .. 75 Chas Hillery. sewer inspector . • • 60 00 Jos P Trau:. market master 50 50 0050 H Henge, park custodian Dr.F W Wieland. health officer •• 6050 00 00 M Eitel. fireman 75 00 J Essman. fireman • • • • • • A Duccini, fireman 75 00 M Fagan. laborer ....fireman60 00 J Grab. laborer 60 00 P Grew. laborer 50 00 A Hoffman. laborer 60 00 A Jaeger. laborer 50 00 Geo Jecklin, laborer 60 00 P Jacobi. laborer 75 00 'I F Krueger, laborer •.•• 60 00 1 J Kaisch. laborer.... 57 30 C Kampmn3n, laborer 60 00 P Kinney, laborer 50 00 J Kelly. laborer 50 00 J Kinsella. laborer 38 20 M Loes. laborer • 60 00 I T Mulqueeney, laborer 60 00 i E Meeker. laborer 60 00 C Madden. laborer 50 00 P Murphy, laborer 60 00 J McCarron. laborer 50 00 PT 50 00 P oole. laborer 60 00 J Perryon. laborer 60 00 J Pfeiffer. laborer 60 00 J Raetz. laborer aborer 50 00 Jno Rooney. 50 00 M Reiseck. laborer 60 00 J Schreier. laborer 60 00 Jno Steffes, laborer Y McBride, fireman 50 00 M Specht. laborer 50 00 M Scherrock. laborer Rob: Sweeney fireman Torn Sweeney. fireman ...........12 45 P Stoffel. laborer JnoBauman. fireman .... 36 50 Jno Sullivan. laborer 75 00 J Seik. laborer J J Murphy, pollee 75 00 A R Stevenson. laborer .......... Jno Car, police 60 00 Wm Terry, laborer . • • • • • • • . Frank Cain, police police • • • • • • 50 00 J Whelan. laborer ............... Bart Cats, 50 00 J Wolf. laborer 40 00 Jno Nern her, police 50 00 P Wertin. laborer , • • • • • • • • • • •""' 40 00 T McNe illy. police l .... 50 00 J Welsh, laborer .................. 37 50 Tom Retry. poie 50 00 i R Wlttkam P. laborer •• 84 50 J Fitzpatrick. nolice Warring. laborer ., • • • • • • • pollee •. .•. 50 00 Wm team 25 00 Dan Norton, li 50 00 T Byron. 17 55 Jas Rett police 50 00 R Bennett. team 1 35 Jno Reuter, police Mr; Costella. team 50 00 6 75 JFlynn. nolice 50 00 N Frith, team • • 6 40 Edw Moore, police 50 00 j P Jardln. team • • • • • 12 15 M Kitty. police 50 00 P KenneallY. team 20 25 P Sutton. police 50 00 P Linehan. team 20 85 M Sullivan,,police .. 50 00 J G Moore, team 12 15 olive . P ullivaP .... ........... 50 00 I 5 Morton. team .................. 1 35 F Powers, police 60 00 Wm Singrin. team 5 30 Frank Rooney,police Police . • • • • • • . • • 60 00 I H Weber. team • • • • • 45 85 Jas oney, • • • • • • • 50 00 j Jno Hillery, team 39 40 I Jas O'H ll police lice .. ......... •. Steve Rousch. team •............. 39 40 once 50 00 Hillery. team O' O'Brien,n. P ....,.•., Wm. 'Briepolice ...... ........ 41 75 Chas• T Burke, laborer D Corcoran. laborer J Corbett. laborer ............ •.•• Wm Carter. laborer .... J Driscoll. laborer Ed Daily. laborer J Ever:. laborer .1 Eberhardt. laborer J Fix. laborer P Farrell. laorer master .•.• Wmb Flynn. laborer J Flynn. fireman J Wll•tse, fireman C Specht. fireman J Tschudi, fireman Edw Keas. fireman J Daily. fireman J Barnes. fireman A McDonnell. fireman J Schonberger. fireman W Ducey. fireman F Ryder. fireman M Fahey. fireman T Meehan. fireman D Ahearn, fireman TWalker. fireman W Hippuran. fireman •.,• ..•• •...• F Ganahl. fireman Geo. Girke. fireman Geo Helmrich. fireman W Williams. fireman JMurphy. fireman T Flynn. fireman F Essm.an.. fireman Jas Rooney. fireman P Kenneally. fireman C Kannolt, fireman Jas Allen.. fireman `m 48 30 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 2 00 2 00 16 50 14 25 6 10 10 50 2 05 13 50 15 00 16 50 2 40 4 05 2 05 2 05 6 75 3 40 8 10 10 80 1 35 4 05 70 70 2 70 2 70 2 05 8 80 70 50 00 8 10 8 10 11 50 16 50 50 00 6 10 16 50 6 10 2 05 14 20 15 75 6 10 33 75 5 40 6 10 1 35 2 05 3 40 6 10 25 00 75 00 16 50 19 50 1 50 82 List of Warran'8. Fre/ Schilling, team 37 65 Wm Terry. team ............ 1 75 Jno MoCollins. team .. 4 70 Wm A Keap, clerk in recorder's office Robt McGivern. sanitary patrol- man Frank Keachie. fitting up police 114 36 matron's room Geo Paar, sawing wood 7 87 Mrs Koenig, janitor 20 00 Joe Geiger, repairs around city hall 125 Chas Atkinson, painting police matron's room 21 50 Jos P Traut, board of prisoners 42 80 B Hayes, cleaning around city hall 22 25 John Hoffman. assistant janitor 35 00 Wm Gelsheker. rodman 55 00 John Farley. rodman 7 00 D Sheehan. inspector sewers 20 00 Maggie Murray, type writing 12 50 Evans & Howard. tile pipe 61 28 W H Knowlton. street car fare 3 55 Jessie Venn, filling 4th street 81 60 B Donahue. storm water sewer 27 56 B Donahue, laying sidewalk 35 00 Jno Blake. sewer in Fenelon Place 176 00 P Horch, grading 5th avenue 500 00 P Horch. gradink 5:h avenue 178 40 Geo W Farley. improving Rebec- ca street 80 49 Geo W Farley. improving Rebec- ca street 26 13 Geo W Farley, grading Rebecca street 74 00 Phil Doerr, improving Schiller avenue .. 160 68 Phil Doerr. improving Schiller avenue 11 36 Phil Doerr, improving High Bluff street .. 460 11 Phil Doerr, improving High Bluff street 45 65 Thos Hassett, Improving South Bluff street 37 24 Thos Hassett. Improving South Bluff street 31 26 Thos Hassett, grading South Bluff street . 62 60 D W Linehan. grading Fengler avenue 94 47 D W Linehan, grading High Bluff street .. 106 10 D W Linehan, tile pipe across Hill street 32 50 Ryan Bros, grading Alpine street 269 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. storm water sewer 7814 Dubuque Construction Co, con- structing sewer 383 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. grading West Eagle Point avenue 130 00 Jno Tibey, improving West 8th street 317 00 Jno Tibey, grading Curtis street148 26 Jno Tibey, grading Rush street 107 80 Jno Tibey, improving West 8th street 250 00 Brawn & Sons, hay .. 5 00 E E Frith, removing garbage, etc 20 60 Lear & Pflffner. horse shoeing 5 00 Carl Buckhart. 1-2 pay on police coates .... 50 00 Roman Lorenz, 1-2 pay on police coates .. 10 00 Fischer & Co. Ice at city hall .... 17 40 Duggan & Kane. salt. soapine etc 1 70 Phil Pier. coke 11 53 Geo F Kleih, snow shovels and supplies 50 00 5000 4 25 E Sprengelmeyer. spittoon clean- ers, etc.. Geo F Kleih. 1 lock Dubuque Cabinet Makers. 4 cane seat stools .......• Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies Evens & Fuchs. wood Mullen Bros. plumbing J A Palen, drugs Reinfried & Jaeger. 2 snow shov- els John Butt. repairing snow shov- els Geo F Kleih. brooms. etc Geo F Kleih. hardware John Ganahl. repairing tools Key City Gas Co. coke Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber 13 24 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber 13 60 Duggan & Kane. 1 barrel salt 1 20 Knapp. Stout & Co Co. lumber60 24 Reinfried & Jaeger. hardware 3 85 J P Schroeder. cement 1 65 W B Baumgartner. rope line 1 30 Wm Marshall. repairs on steam roller 66 44 Duggan & Kane. oil 66 Bart E Linehan. 4 barrels asphalt 33 83 Mrs Koenig. scrubbing city hall18 00 Mrs Kien. scrubbing city hall 17 50 Palmer. Winall & Co. blank sta- tionery 21 00 Reinfried & Jaeger. three water hose 30 Headford Bros & Hitchins, man- hole castings 27 00 Hardie & Scharle. blank station- ery 78 75 Barger & Blish. blank stationery2 10 Jno Maclay. costs In city cases 3 25 Jno Kearns. recording deeds 6 00 Jno Kearns. recording plat of Pierce street 1 25 Jno Kearns. recording plat 1 00 Ellwanger Bros, repairs harness17 30 Geo F Kleih. 1 scoop shovel 85 Engler & Frudden & Co, shav- ings 100 Fratz & Clark. paints 4 45 Mullen Bros. pluumbing 4 75 R E Butler. hay • 6 00 F J Carpenter. hauling prisoners. 50 M Brown & Sons. hay 4 95 C H Whitwell. veterinary services 4 50 B D Linehan. repairing tools 6 05 Jno Ganahl. horse shoeing 4 00 Ham & Carver. blank stationery8 00 Kenneally & Kane. grading Oak street .... 30 00 K Knight, repairs on Delhi Street engine house 2 00 Dub. Rubber Co. dating stamp 5 00 Jno Terry. dottor bill for broken arm 40 00 W H Knowlton. supplies for office 3 93 Globe Light & Heat Co. 102 lamps for November 170 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for December 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for December 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for December 500 00 Star Electric Co. 301 arc lights for December 143 95 Key City Gas Co. gas 97 65 Steuck & O'Farrell. extra work on 4th street 500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell. extra work on 4th street 90 87 electrician 6 80 75 9 50 1 30 45 70 15 65 70 2 00 1 85 1 25 1 95 11 45 6 98 List of 'Warrants Jno P Quigley. insurance on Cen- tral engine house 20 00 Key City Fire Insurance Co, in- surance on Central engine house 160 00 Peter Kiene & Son. insurance on Central engine house 48 00 Jos Needham. insurance on Cen- tral engine house 20 00 Lull & Herancourt. insurance on Central engine house 16 00 Dubuque Fire & Marine, insur- ance on Central engine house 130 00 Dub. Fire & Marine Insurance on 18th street engine house 37 60 Joe Needham. Insurance on Cen- tral engine house 20 00 Noah H. Faust. sash locks etc 5 20 The Herald. advertising for Nov75 00 The Telegraph, advertising for 75 00 November H B Gniffke, Exp.. $60; Int., $138- 94; damages. $261 .. ... ...... 459 94 H B Gniffke, Exp., $12.45; bridge, 106 60 $26.40; fire. $76.75 H B Gniffke. refunded tax, $3.20; refunded saloon license. $16.50 19 70 Kate McDonald. money loaned 100 the city 00 Kate Morrison. money loaned the 180 00 city Dubuque Firemen's Benevolent association, money loaned the city 400 00 James McDonnell. money loaned 600 0 the city James McDonnell. money loaned the city . James McDonne4L money loaned 400 the city 00 Johanna Ahearn. money loaned 400 the city 00 Mrs. Mary Aheran, money loaned 200 0 the city Maggie McDonnell money loaned 150 0 the city Theresa McDonald. money loaned 100 0 the city Max Lindeman money loaned the 500 0 city Second National Bank. money 500 0 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second Nasional Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city .• Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 600 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 600 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 loaned the e.tv ................• Second National Bank. money 83 loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National Bank. money loaned the city Second National loaned the city Second National loaned the city Second Na:ional Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second Na.tfonal Bank. money loaned the city 500 00 Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city Second National Bank. money 500 00 loaned the city 7 50 G W Albert. macadam 15 50 Nick Adanis. macadam 14 470 Sam Allen. macadm 14 00 Chas Blichard. Sr. macadam . • • 15 00 0 Mike Burke. macadam 7 00 Chas Blichard. Jr.. maca.d'm Morris Burns & Co macadam • • • 1530 00 00 C D Belden. macadam . Chas Burkhardt & Co. macadam. 30 Chas Beyer. macadam 1516 00 J Brick & Co. macadam8 00 . N Burkhalter. macadam 4 00 0 Thos Butcher. macadam 6 00 Henry Beckett. macadam 6 96 0 Chas Budda. macadam 6 00 W Berthling. macadam .. • • • 0 Jas and Fad Brasher. macadam • • 49 60 00 Chas Buse. macadam 15 00 0 Richard Byrne. macadam 14 25 Mrs. Burkhard. macadam 15 00 0 John Bottoms. macadam5 47 John Boetscher. macadam 5 20 00 Henry Brehm. macadam 8 00 John Borgman. macadam 8 0 00 Anton Boleyn, macadam . _.3 05 John Beyer. macadam •• 10 05 00 Jae Corbill, macadam 15 75 P Carney. macadam23 20 00 00 Conrad. Schelsky & Co. macadam 15 00 John Coyne. macadam 15 00 00 Math Crahan. macadam 15 00 John Cahill. macadam 7 50 00 James Cahill. macadam Dan and J Connolly. macadam 30 00 00 Jno and M Corbett. macadam .•. 18 00 18 00 Mike Carney. macadam • • 45 04) 00 Wm Cahill & Co. macadam 10 00 James Carroll. macadam 1 60 00 Joseph Carpenter. macadam , 110 Mrs M Carpenter. macadam • • 151 00 00 Wm Connell, macadam .. • • • • • . 25 J Callahan & Son. macadam .. . 14 00 15 00 00 I Hugh Connell. macadam •_:::.: 13 55 Pat Dempsey. macadam • • 13 55 00 Aug Duccini. macadam .. •....... 15 00 John Duggan. macadam 8 00 00 John Dougherty. macadam . 15 04) Dominick Frank. macadam . • • 5 80 00 Joe Duscheck. macadam . • • • Jno Deggendorf & Co. macadam . 27 000 00 Dennis Donovan. macadam .dam .... 15 15 00 Christ Ellersma.n• , 15 00 00 Wm Ening. macadam 5 00 R Eckelt. macadam . 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 Bank. money 500 00 Bank. money 500 00 84 List of lVarrnn18. Christ Frohs. macadam 15 00 John Fix. macadam 15 00 Chas Fouslow. macadam 15 00 Fred Fellbaum. macadam 11 25 Wm Flanagan & Co. macadam• 45 00 Pat Furry & Son.. macadam ▪ 21 75 John Pfeiffer. macadam 6 00 Mike Farrell. macadam 15 00 R Flick & Co. macadam 17 25 Christ Fischer. macadam 9 20 Mrs M Flynn. macadam 13 60 H Freres & Co. macadam 21 20 David Frommelt. macadam 7 50 13 50 Wm Gross. macadam R Grines & Co. macadam 30 00 W Grobe & Co. macadam 21 00 D Gantenbe}n. macadam 11 25 Peter Ginter. macadam 15 00 Christ Geissler. macadam 15 00 Jos Ginter. macadam 10 50 20 Pat Grew. macadam James Gillespie. macadam 8 00 Aug Hufferman. macadam 8 00 Pat Hanafin. macadam 10 50 John Hill. macadam 15 00 Andrew Hefte. macadam 5 20 James Heder. macadam 7 60 John Hafey. macadam 12 00 Thos Hackney, macadam .. 15 00 Henry Herzog. macadam 4 00 Jesse Jellison & Co. macadam 27 75 Matt Kiefer. macadam 15 00 Aug anti, F Kauffman. macadam30 00 Frank Koenig. macadam 15 00 Adam Kaesbaum. macadam 15 00 Peter Kelm & Co. macadam 22 50 M Kane & Co. macadam Huber: Kehr. macadam P Krocheska & Co. macadam W Krornfelt & Co. macadam Stephen Kane. macadam Jnhn Kroner. macadam Matt Klein. macadam F Kelly, macadam J Kelly. macadam Louis Kenneally. macadam A C Knapp, macadam P Kenneally. macadam Chas Krantz. macadam Chas Knabel. macadam ...v Chas Lierheimer & Co. macadam. Christ Luch:erhand. macadam .. Fred Lang & Co. macadam Henry Luck. macadam Wm Lavine. macadam M Lavin & Co. macadam M Lilack & Co. macadam P Leidinger, macadam Frank Lee. macadam Jno McNulty, macadam Mike McCarten. macadam Mike McCune. macadam P McDermott. macadam Larry McEvoy. macadam Wm McLain. macadam Ed McDermott. macadam Jno McGee. macadam Wm McDermott. macadam John. M'cCaffreY. macadam B McCoy & Co. macadam Wm McLaughlin. macadam Pat Mohan. macadam H. Minis & Co. macadam James Meloy. macadam Tom Meloy. macadam Chas Mueggenberg. macadam Jas Meloy, Jr. macadam P Moen & Co. macadam Mike Murphy, macadam Jas Maroney. macadam Andrew Metz. macadam 7 50 Henry Maus. macadam 15 00 John Mullen. macadam 15 00 Jno Malone. macadam 15 00 Anton Nigg, macadam 3 60 M Newton & Co. macadam .. 12 40 P J Newman. macadam 15 00 John Noathe, macadam 9 20 James O'Shea. macadam 15 00 Julius Atto & Co. macadam 45 00 Thomas O'Connell. macadam 15 00 ll & M O'Mara. macadam 30 00 John O'Brien. macadam 2 40 Jake Peryon & Co. macadam 22 00 James Purcell. macadam 15 00 Pa: Quinn. Sr. macadam .... 15 00 Wm Quinn, macadam 15 00 Mrs. M Quinlan. macadam 15 00 Wm Quinlan. macadam 400 Pat Ryan. macadam 15 00 Chas Raepetsch. macadam 15 00 Wm Rehfeld. macadam 15 00 Fred Redloff & Co. macadam 16 00 John Rumus & Co. macadam 20 25 Joe Richter. macadam .. 8 40 Frank Reinker. macadam 4 00 Wm Rusch & Co. macadam 800 Geo Henke, macadam 600 Wm Sackett. macadam 11 25 P Stouhl. macadam 13 42 Gus Schulz & Co. macadam 30 00 Mike Sullivan. macadam 15 00 John Slacksmith. macadam 3 20 Nick Steffen. macadam 15 00 Wm Schwaegler. macadam 12 00 S Siebeld. macadam 6 00 Nick Schroeder. macadam 10 40 Aug Schoenleben. macadam 8 80 Nick Sweeney & Son. macadam30 00 30 00 Jas Schier & Co. macadam 27 00 15 00 Matt Specht. macadam 15 00 • • F:0„06., Nick Steifer. macadam 200 • •• 15 0Albert Schuee. macadam 450 11 25 John Shear & Co. macadam 27 67 9 20 Hugh S:raneY. macadam 8 55 6 `° dike Shea. macadam 15 00 10 50 Wm Taylor. macadam 3 60 4 25 John Twigg, macadam 6 00 4 50 Lawrence Frost. macadam 800 12 75 25 Henry Tippe. macadam 15 00 Chas Vincent. macadam 24 75 8 00 15 00 15 00 9 20 15 00 1,0 60 12 00 15 00 4 40 14 00 35 00 17 50 26 5265 65 8 75 37 50 49 00 86 80 33 04 73 50 26 25 50 954 00 150 005 75 1500 3 60 2 40 12 50 5 70 3 60 Anton Velu. macadam 8 00 Louis Wachenheim. macadam 24 7a5 Mike White. macadam 15 00 John Woodrich. macadam ••• 300 00 Wm Wells. macadam 15 00 Geo Wetter. macadam 12 80 Ed Winkelman & Co. macadam 15 00 Joseph Wall. macadam 12 00 John Whalen. macadam 15 00 I Val Weisheit. macadam 15 00 Herman Lempke. macadam 11 25 ' John Spear & Co. macadam 15 00 1 John Leidinger. macadam 14 25 P Kien & Co. macadam 15 00 P Krocheska. & Co. macadam • 15 00 Aug Kiesbauer. macadam 15 00 I Beekman, macadam 15 00 Roy & Reilly. macadam 15 00 J Jellison & Co. macadam 11 25 J Castello. macadam 27 00 B Fern & Co. macadam 12 00 Jas Tobin. macadam 15 00 Dan Sheehan. macadam 19 20 Mike Brown & Co. macadam .• • • • 1 John Byrne. macadam .. • • 15 00 60 Thos Cahill. macadam ▪ 15 00 John Albrecht. macadam 15 00 John Flynn. macadam 30 00 John Braughlauch. macadam 15 00 Adam Jaeger. macadam 10 40 Otto Ries. macadam I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me Lig of Warrants. during the month 1896. JOHN January, Recorder Pro Tem. CITY RtCORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE. Iowa, March 1st, 1896. To the Honorabe Mayor and City Council— GENTLEMEN The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1896. Name. For what Purpose. Am't. P. Olinger, salary for mayor, Jan $125 00 uarY H. 13. Gniffke, salary as treas- 208 35 urer. T. J. Cooney, salary as recorder, 116 55 January– M. M. McCarter'. salary as audit- 116 55 tor, Januar.Y . Jahn F. Stemm. salary as assessor 125 00 January Jas. E. Knight, s• alary as attorney 150 00 January. Ed. Morgan. salary as marshal, 100 00 January Joe. Reinfried, salary as chief, 100 00 January. John Carter, salary as street com: 92 1 missioner• January•• John O'Connell. salary as clerk, 83 4 January•• Fred. Burch, sala• ry as clerk, 50 00 January "' W. H. Knowlton. salary as engi- neer, JanuarY.. • Jas. Boyce. salary as assistant en 100 0 gineer, Jarbuary•• • E. S. Hyde. salary as assistant 100 0 engineer. January.. • Geo. Osborne. salary as electric- ian, JaunarY•••• Chas. Hillery. salary as sewer 60 inspector, January.. . J. P. Traut, salary as market- 50 master, JanuarY•••• H. Henge, salary as park cus- todian, January-- F. W. Wieland, salary as health officer, January.. • • • • • 50 M. Eitel. fireman.. .. t60 John Essmann. fireman. • • • "' 7550 A. Duccini. fireman.. • • 50 John Flynn. fireman.. ••• 60 J. Wiltse. fireman. • . • 'C, Speoht, fireman .,•. •• •• 60 42 Jos. Tschudi., fireman • • 50 60 85 I Fld. Steibley. fireman 14 95 J. J. Murphy, police.. – 75 00 John Raesle, police .... 75 00 F. Carney, police.... B. Cain, police .,.. 1 Jno. Loetscher, police P. McNerney, police Tom Reilly, police. • , J. Fitzpatrick. • .. . Dan. Norton, police Jas. Allen, police.... John Rueter. police.. •.., J. Flynn. police• Ed. Moore, police 50 00 M. Kilty, police. 50 00 P. Sutton, police .... .... ..... 50 00 M. Craugh, police.... 50 00 P. Sullivan, police.. 50 00 P. Powers, police.. .. . 50 00 F. Rhomberg, police. 50 00 50 00 J, Rooney, police .. 50 00 I. Manhoff. police 50 00 Wm. O'Brien. police 50 00 Jas. O'Halloran, police.. ... Jas. Lonergan, police.. .. 50 00 John Hilson, police. 00 John Murphy, police.. 50 50 00 John Noel, police 50 00 Wm. Hennessy. police. 500 00 0 00 0 I Jas. Carter. Police 51 650 P. Scharf, police .. .... 0 P McCollins. Police 50 00 Joe Secrest, police 50 00 P Hanlon • police 50 00 D Lavery, police 50 00 0 Wm Frith, police 50 00 Wrn Howard, police 60 00 0 Miss B F Brennan. police matron. 50 0000 •-- Ernest Miller. labor 0 John Pu1'la.ns, pound master 50 00 AA Farman. labor 22 00 0 00 p Brandenberg, labor •....... 12 40 Wm Bennett. labor ........ 12 40 00 T Buschmann. labor T Burke. labor 1 35 3 00 2 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 61 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 Ed. Keas. fireman.. • Jas. Daly. fireman– Jab. Barnes. fireman.. -- 60 A. McDonald. fireman.. • • • • . 60 W. Duey. fireman.. . • • • • • ......60 J. Schonberger, fireman • • • • "' . 60 T. Ryder, fireman• • • • • • 50 M. Fahey. fireman. , • • .. ........ 5 T. Meehan. fireman.. .. ........ 5 D. Ahearn, fireman.. • • 6 T. Walker. fireman.. • • ........ 6 W. Hippmann. fireman.... •. • 6 F. Ganahl. fireman 5 Geo. Gerke. fireman • • 5 Geo. Helmick. fireman.. Jas. McFarland, fireman.. • • • • • • 6 60 75 OV I Wm Carter. mason I D Crotty, tabor 50 J Coyne. labor 00 I Jerry Cahill. labor 00 L Cahill, labor g 45 00 Dennis Corcoran. labor . • • • • • 69 45 00 , John Driscoll. mason 12 00 00 Ed Daly. labor 3 40 50 J Evert, labor • • • • 4 05 05 J Ehrhardt, labor 18 45 00 Wm. Flynn. laborer 8 35 00 M. Fagan'. laborer.. .. 3 75 00 D. Fox, laborer. • • 3 75 00 ' J. Farley. laborer.. 5 75 J. Fix, laborer .... 2 05 00 •••• 00 I J. M. Garrison. laborer. • 5 40 00 P. Grew. laborer...: 5 40 00 1 J. Grab. laborer ... 5 40 00 I Jac. Howard'. laborer.. 5 80 0 00 A. Jaeger. laborer .... 80 0 00 1 A. Johnson. laborer .. .. 5 70 0 00 Wm. Juergens, laborer.. .... . .. 5 10 0 00 1 P. Jacobi. laborer.. 4 70 0 00 1 Jac. Kraus. laborer. • • , 11 90 P. Kinney. laborer.. .. • • • • • 00 0 00 1 0 00 1 J. Kinsella, carpenter.. •• 50 g 40 18 25 C. Iiawpmann, laborer.... .. 3 0 0 00 Geo. Lutz. laborer.. •: 15 70 0 00 M. Loes. laborer.. .. 5 10 0 00 J. Morony. laborer.. •• 12 00 b0 00 C. Madden. laborer.. • • • • , 12 00 50 00 P. Murphy, carpenter.. . 0 00 60 00 F. Murphy. laborer.. • ... ... 400 60 00 E. Meeker. laborer.. 4 05 50 00 F. Murphy. laborer ..... • ........ l4 05 50 00 P. McNulty. laborer.. ........ 1 75 17 10 J. McCarron. laborer.. •• .1 40 3 30 John lilcGee, laborer., .... J. Murphy. fireman.. • . .......... 6 F. Essma:nau. fireman.. • • • • • • . • .. 6 Thos. Flynn. fireman.. • • • • • • • Jas. Rooney. fireman F. Kenneally. flreman .. . • • • • • • • Chas. Kannalt. fireman......... Jas. Allen. fireman.............. Wm. McBride, fireman.. ...... Robt. Weston. fireman.. • • flreman..., .. A. Herr. • • ' .1 Bauman. fireman • • • • • • • • • • •"' 8G L i vt of Warren's J. McNulty. laborer.. .... ,. •••• 3 40 B. McCormack. laborer.. • • • • •' 3 40 1 35 P. O'Toole. laborer. . .. 6 45 P. O'Brien. laborer 6 10 J. Perryon. laborer.. ..•• •••... .• 11 25 J Phelan. laborer1 35 J. Rooney. laborer .... 8 60 Jahn Raetz. foreman • • • • 38 10 M. Reseek. laborer... ........ .. . N. Sweeny. laborer 3 40 J. W. Sullivan. laborer.. .... 1 35 J. Steffes. laborer .... .... 5 10 M. Spect. laborer.. .... •.., 610 M. Sheisock. laborer.. .. •. 5 75 J. Leik. laborer. 25 00 A. R. Stevenson. engineer .... 75 00 Wm. Terry. laborer.. ...... .. 12 40 bd. Welsh. 'laborer.. .... .. 2 05 Val. Weisheit. laborer.. .... 1 05 P. Wertin. laborer 40 00 Wm. Warring.. laborer.. .. 39 00 B. Wittkamp. laborer.. . • .. 39 00 J. Zuber. laborer.. .... .. 5 40 Geo Zumhoff. foreman 3 40 R. Bennett. team 11 50 W A Hammond, team 1 35 P Jarden. team 1 35 P Kenneally. team 2 70 P. Linehan, team.. .... .. 6 75 J. McGrath. team.... .... 1 35 Jahn Hillery. laborer.. .. 43 75 Steve Rousch. labor.. .... 46 65 F. Schilling. labor .. ...... .. 43 75 Chas. T. Hillery. labor.. .. 42 90 John McCollins. team.. .... 2 70 Wm. A. Kaepfl. clerk in recorder's office 50 00 Geo. Bennett. assistant assessor 100 00 Gott. Gmehle. assistant, assessor 100 00 Robt. McGivern. sanitary inspec- tor...• .... .... 50 00 Mrs. Kien. scrubbing.. . • .. .. 2 50 Mrs. Kcenig. scrubbing 20 00 Wm Geisheker. rodman ...... 55 00 C. O. D. Laundry. laundry work 6 14 Maggie Murray. typewriting 22 00 J. P. Traut. boarding prisoners40 80 .Toh.n Hoffmann. janitor.. •. • 35 00 Frank Setg. expressing.. 50 Thos. Mu'lqueenv. labor .... 9 15 W. William. foreman 11 65 Mary Mundt. personal damages100 00 John Driscoll, cutting stepping stones .... .... .. .... 27 00 B. Hayes, expressing 2 00 C. H. Whltwell. sanitary services 26 75 F.lchbnrn & Bechtel. soap. etc1 75 Jos. W. Wittmer. drugs.. .... 9 05 P. Mauer, supplies for matron's room .. .... .... .... 13 25 Altman & Taylor. extra work Grandview avenue.... 16 60 Jahn Kearns. recording plat 4 50 P. Hansen. oil for steam rolle..r 4 26 Jos. Trudell, repairing engines 44 25 Lagen & Sloan. horseshoeing 20 60 Wm. Marshall, repairing roller 143 86 Duggan & Kane. supplies for matron.. .... .. .•.. 6 95 John Hartig, repairing' tape lines 7 70 J. & A. M. Trexler. oil and bran 8 50 Collins & Wilkinson. horseshoe- ing 18 30 Standard Lumber Ca. lumber6 88 Svendson & Ott. lumber.. 60 41 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber .... .. .... .... .... 22 16 F. Schloz. repairing tools 22 60 Vogenthaler & Ragatz, repairing engines 92 M. Brown & Son.. • hay.. .... •. 9 20 Lembke Bros.• repairing harness 3 25 Jos. Geiger, repairs at city hall 75 E. E. Frith, remofing dead an1- mais. .. . •. . Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall.. Phil. Doerr, improving Liberty street.... 11 50 14 88 19 84 Jessie Venn, filling 4th street .... 15 65 Bryon Donahue. storm water sewer.. .... .. •• .... 100 00 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 6 00 John Maclay. fees In city cases3 25 Union Printing Co., blang sta- tionery.. .. .... .... .. A. Wunderlich. horseshoeing.. W. H. Torbert. drugs.. .. Tom Connolly, repairing chief's wagon 1 00 Pursel & Moloney, oil 1 50 Carr, Ryder & Engler, lumber 20 Pure Petroleum Product Co, oil for engines 21 75 F J Milkins, toweling 7 25 A Gasser. brick 5 75 F Mertz, repairing harness 2 00 Dubuque Water Co. water 500 00 Dubuque Water Co. water 500 00 Dubuqpe Water Co. water 341 65 Fratz & Clark. drugs 20 90 Mullen Bros, plumbinb 2 35 Robt Ward. repairing engine house 7 00 John Hartig• keys 50 Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co, lum- ber .. 1 25 Jos A Palen. drugs 10 45 Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing 13 50 A Y McDonald, repairing engine20 Key City Gas Co, coal and cake 20 93 Butt Bros, repairing engine 2 20 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 12 95 A Ruh. matches• soaps, etc 10 10 Geo F Kleth. hardware 1 45 J J Rowan, bed spreads 11 55 Merkes & Hassler. soap, etc 2 75 John Ganahl. repairs for engine 14 65 Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, re- pairs for engine 50 Harger & Blish, wal 1paper 3 35 Central Union Telephone Co, tele- phone rent 5 00 James Beach & Son. soap 5 15 Jos L Hort, juror on Foye street 2 00 John Coleman, Juror on Foye street .. 2 00 P H McCann. juror on Foye street Chris Jansen, Juror on Foye street Jas Kane, juror on Foye street . John O'Dea,, juror on Foye street Chris Capritz. juror on Foye street Dan Riordan, juror on Foye street Jas Quinn, juror on Foye street Michael Brown. juror on Foye Street D Powers, juror on Foye street Ned Burke. juror on Foye street Kannalt & Powers. horse shoeing Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, buttons. etc tngler, Frudden Lumber Co. lum- ber E C Porter, drugs H Hubert & Son. repair on engine Eliwanger Bros. repairing harness Dubuque Light & Traction Co, sup piles for light John Butt, repairs on engine Phil Pier. coal W H Torbert, drugs Reinfried & Jaeger. hardwtre Ryan Bros, improving Audubon 2 50 8 25 11 48 200 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 200 2 00 9 50 9 18 4 1 5 00 61 85 00 55 5 00 75 514 4427 27 44 List of Warrants. 87 avenue Ryan Bros, improving Audubon avenue Ryan Bros, improving Audubon avenue Ryan Bros, Improving Audubon avenue Peter Horsch, grading 5th avenue 142 50 Peter Horsch, improving 5th ave - 00 nue 00 Peter Borsch, improving 5th ave - 39 70 nue W W Wormood, repairing steam guage John .Melone. macadam Byrne Bros. sprinkling streets .... Altman & Taylor. filling on Rush 15 00 street Globe Light & Heat Co. gasoline 166 67 lamp" 66 00 Key City Gas Co. gas70 0 Key City Gas Co. gas 5 8 00 Byrne Bros, livery F E Joseph, disenfectant 10 00 Byrne Bros, sprinkling city prop- erty 250 00 Phil Pier. coal 5 45 Central Union Telephone Co, tele- 46 50 phone rent C H Booth, filling streets Booth's 425 70 add E J Evens, repairing sidewalks .. 50 00 152 17 18 80 500 00 480 25 1 00 63 85 30 00 H B Gnlfrke. interest paid on war- 500 00 rants ...... . H B Gniffke. interest paid on war- 600 00 rants . D. Ahearn, fireman, H 13 e, interest paid on war- 500 00 i T. Walker, fireman rants is ...... .... .......... H B Gniffke. interest paid on war- I W. Hippman, fireman .... 500 00 F. Ganahl, fireman shal 100 00 Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 00 John Carter. street commis- sioner.. .. .. , ... 91 60 John O'Connell, clerk 83 35 Fred . Burch, clerk 50 00 W. H. Knowlton, engineer200 00 Jas. Boyce, assistant engineer 100 00 E. S. Hyde, assistant engi- nner 100 00 Geo. Osborne, electrician 75 00 Chas. Hillery, sewer inspector60 00 J. P. Traut, marketmaster50 00 H. Henge, park custodian43 50 Dr. F. W. Wieland, health officer 50 00 M. Eitel, fireman 60 00 Jno. Essman„ fireman.. 75 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 43 80 A. Duccini, fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Wiltse, fireman C. Spect, fireman J. Tschirgi, fireman.... • • • • .. 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 Ed . Keas, fireman Jas. Daly, fireman.. Job. Barnes, fireman W. Duey, fireman 3. Schonberger, fireman.. • • .. 60 00 50 00 T. Ryder, fireman 50 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 T. Meahan, fireman 50 00 J. Rooney, fireman 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 rants ...... .. H B Gniffke. interest paid on war- 233 17 Geo. Girke, fireman 50 00 rants Geo. He'misch, fireman.. 95 50 00 J. Murphy, fireman 60 00 H B Gniffke, money advanced ... 475 00 ; J. McFarland, fireman.. ..... i 500 00 500 00 F. Essman. fireman.... • • • • '• 60 000 00 350 00 T. Flynn, fireman 6 60 00 loan 500 00 F. Kenneally, fireman.. • • • ... 550 00 Dubuque Water Co. water 30 00 Geo. Beyer, fireman, 50 00 Peter Horsch. improving 5th ave- C. Cannolt, fireman.... 164 83 Jas. Allen, fireman 60 00 nue 50 00 Phil Doerr, improving Leibnetz 42 Wm. McBride, fireman b0 00 Thos Coptic, livery street 40 Robt. Weston, fireman.. • • • • 50 00 John Corbett, labor 5 00 A. McDonald, fireman.. • • • • . 6 38 I hereby certifytifyhire that the foregoing is e, A. Heer, fireman 75 00 correct list of all warrant issued by me J. Jl Murphy, police.. 75 00 during the month of February. 1896. Jno. Raesle. police.... 75 00 CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, JOHN O'CONNELL. F. Carney, pollee Recorder Pro Tem. Miss B. Brennan, police matron 50 00 45 05 P. McNerney, police 50 00 1896. Tom RRetry, police.. 50 00 50 00 W Dick. loan J W Dick. loan M Flaherty. loan 3 E Rooney. Dubuque, Iowa, April 1st, To the Honorable Mayor and City II Council of the City of Dubuque GENTLEMEN: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March, 1896. 'Name. For What Purpose. Amt. P. Olinger, salary as mayor• • • .$125 00 H. B. Gniffke, salary as asses- sor.... 208 30 ••••.. T. J. Cooney, salary as recor- der.... 116 65 ...... M. M. McCarten, salary as 116 65 au- ditor..... John F. Stemm, salary as 125 00 as as- sessor ... Jas. E. Knight, salary150 00 at- torney • •••. .. Edw. Morgan, savary as mar - J. Fitzpatrick, police.. • • • 45 05 Jno. Loetscher, police.. • • • • .. 55 00 D. Norton, police.... . • • • • ... ' 50 00 Jas. Allen, police.... • • • • • .."' 50 00 John Reuter, police.... • • • ... 50 00 3. Flynn, police.... .......... 50 00 Ed. Moore, police.... • • • ..... 50 00 M. Kilty, police... . ......... • 50 00 P. Sutton police.. 50 00 M. Craugh, police, ..••••••.....50 00 P. Sullivan, police ....... " " .50 00 P. Powers, police . , • • • • • ....... 50 00 F. Rhomberg, police . • • • • .. • .. 50 00 Jas. Rooney, police.. • • • • "" 50 00 I. Manhoff, police.. .......... 50 00 W. O'Brien, police.. • • • • • ..... 50 00 Jas. O'Hallaron, police.. ...... 88 Jar;Lonergan. police. Jno. Hilson, police Jno. Murphy, police Jno. Noel, police Wm. Hennessy, police Jas. Carter, police Peter Scharf, police P. McCollins, police J. Secrest, police P. Hanlan, police D. Lavery, police Wm. Frith, police Wm. Howard, police Tom Sweeney, police Jno. Doherty, police Jno. Pullens, poundmaster J. P. Traut, board of prisoners J. Albrecht, labor Nick Adam, labor J. Eberhart, labor Chas. Buse. labor Tom Burke, labor P. Brandenberger, labor P. Becker, labor Wm. Carter, labor Tom. Conlin labor J. Corbett, labor L. Cahill, labor J. Callehan, labor Jerry Cahill, labor Ed. Daly, labor, J. Driscoll, labor Jas. Doyle, labor J. Doherty, labor P. Defonten, labor J. Eagen, labor J. Everts, labor Wm. Flynn, bridge M. Fetschle, bridge D. Fox, bridge M. Fagan, bridge M. Farrell, bridge J. Farley, bridge J. Fix, bridge P. Grew, bridge Jas. Gillaspie, bridge P. Hanafan, bridge Jac. Howard, bridge John Hafey, bridge A. Jaeger, bridge P. Jacobi, bridge A. Johnson, bridge Wm. Juergens, bridge A. Kaesbauer, labor Phil. Kinney, bridge Jas. Kraus, bridge C. Kampman, bridge F. Krueger, bridge Jno. Kinsella la,bor bridge M. Loes, labor bridge Geo. Lutz, labor bridge F. Murphy, labor brdge Jas. Maroney, labor bridge E. Meeker, labor bridge P. Murphy, labor bridge T. Mulqueeny, labor bridge P. McCarten, labor bridge P. McMullen, labor bridge Wm. McDermott, labor bridge Jas. McCormack, labor bridge .. List of W tr,',rn.'.c. 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 9 90 1 50 50 00 52 20 L. McEvoy, labor bridge 3. McNulty labor bridge J. O'Brien, labor bridge P. O'Brien, labor bridge C. H. Pierce, labor bridge J. Peryon, labor bridge M. Reiseck, labor bridge J. W. Sullivan, labor bridge P. Stoffer, labor bridge N. Schroeder, labor bridge D. Sullivan, labor bridge N. Sweeney, labor bridge J. Steffes, labor bridge J. Sheirock, labor bridge Geo. Steffer, labor bridge Jae. Shrreier, labor bridge J. Seik. labor 1 70 A. R. Stevenson. labor road 3 05 M. White, labor road 3 05 Jno. Welsh, labor road 2 40 Val. Weisheit, labor road 4 05 Wm. Warring, labor road 3 05 R. Wittkamp, road labor 2 40 P. Wertin, labor road 9 00 J. Zuber, labor road 3 40 Geo. Zumhoff, labor road 2 70 2 70 2 05 4 05 75 8 25 4 50 J. Beekhan, team R. Bennett, team T. Byron, team F. Burns, team P. Clancy, team J. Decker,team T. Ellitt. team 2 70 B. Hayes, team 70 W. A. Hammond, team 2 70 P. Linehan, team 3 05 16 10 2 05 7 42 J. G. Moore, team S. Norton. team Ed. Seeley, team F. Sieg, team 1 35 H. Schmidt, team 70 Cath. Tobin, team 7 10 Geo. Wetter, team 5 40 Steve Rousch, sewer 2 10 John Hillery, sewer 2 05 Steve Rousch, team 70 Fred. Schilling, sewer 3 75 Chas. T. Hillery, labor sewer 1 35 John McCollins, labor sewer 13 20 Wm. A. Keap, clerk in recor- 2 40 der's office 50 00 1 35 Robt. McGivern, sanitary pa - 22 95 trolman 50 00 7 50 Mrs. Koenig, janitor 20 00 16 90 Jas. E. Knight, expense to Des 2 05 Moines .... .... 20 40 3 05 Wm. Geisheker, rodman 55 00 70 Gott, Gmehle, assistant assessor 100 00 50 00 Geo R Bennett assistant as - 12 85 sensor 100 00 1 70 F. Keachie. work around city 21 00 hall 110 50 2 05 j Jac. Sherman, furniture for ma - 4 75 tron's room 50 00 Magg Murray, typewriting 9 45 Adam Jaeger, sawing wood 23 70 Jno. Hoffman, assistant janitor 3 40 Chas. Atkinson, painting in ma - 1 35 tron's room 19 00 2 70 G. W. Albert, macadam 70 4 45 20 25 3 40 2 40 2 4., 10 80 12 40 2 05 2 05 2 05 2 70 4 45 70 1 35 25 00 25 00 75 00 2 70 2 70 1 70 37 50 37 50 40 00 1 70 4 50 2 70 8 10 2 70 2 70 2 70 4 75 4 05 75 4 05 6 75 5 40 4 75 1 35 90 4 75 70 1 35 42 00 42 90 42 00 42 00 42 90 2 70 25 00 5 00 10 00 35 00 15 00 List of Warrants. Nick Adams, macadam Sam Allen, macadam Jno. Albrect, macadam Chas. Blichard, Sr M. Burke, macadam Blichard & Bettken, macadam Burns & Coyne macadam C. D. Belden, macadam Burkhardt & Sucht, macadam Chas. Beyer, macadam Brick & Schon, macadam N. Burkhalter, macadam Thos. Butcher, macadam H. Beckett, macadam Chas Budda, macadam W. Barshting, macadam Chas. Buse, macadam Jas. and Ed. Bacher, macadam Rich. Byrne, macadam Mrs. P. Burkhart, macadam Jno. Bottoms, macadam Jno. Boetscher, macadam Henry Brehm, macadam Jno. Bargman, macadam Jno Beyes, A Boyleyn, macadam Mrs. Wm. Burke, macadam Jos. Blochlinger, macadam Thos. Berry, macadam Jno. Bummetz, macadam Mrs. P. W. Benjamin, macadam Wm Burns, macadam Jno. Burns, macadam Jas. Corbett, macadam Peter Carney, macadam Conrad, Schelsky & Co., ma- cadam Jno. Coyne, macadam Matt. Crahan, macadam John Cahill, macadam Dan and J. Connolly, macadam 3I. Carney, macadam Cahill & Kenneally, macadam Jas. Carroll, macadam Jas. Carpenter, macadam Mrs. M. Campbell, macadam J. Callahan & Son, macadam H. Connolly, macadam Carney & Wall, macadam Denis Corcoran, macadam Jno. Corbett, macadam M. Corbett, macadam Carney, Maroon & Co., ma- cadam P. Dempsey, macadam Aug. Duccine, macadam Jo. Duggan, macadam Jno. Dougherty, macadam Joe Duscheck, macadam Deggendorf & Alderson, ma- cadam ............ .. Dennis & Donovan, macadam Duggan, Scollard & Co., ma- cadam ••••• Christ. Elleman, macadam .... Wm. Emms, macadam R. Eckett, macadam Dom. Frank, macadam Christ Frohs, macadam John Fix, macadam 20 46 22 56 15 00 15 00 15 00 28 42 30 00 11 62 30 7 35 1 1 1 Chas. Fauslore, macadam Fred. Felbaum, macadam Flanagan, Kraus & Co., ma- cadam P. Furry & Son, macadam John Feiffer, macadam Mike Farrell, macadam Flick & Nank, macadam 00 Christ. Fischer, macadam 80 Mrs. Wm. Flynn, macadam 00 Frisch &Huber, macadam 1 84 ! D. Frommelt, macadam 5 20 Frank Faber, macadam 2 36 Wm. Flanagan, macadam 4 08 Frick & Horsch, macadam .... 4 80 Wm. Gross, macadam 5 80 I Grimes & Sullivan, macadam .. Grobe & Knabel, macadam .... A. Gantenbein, macadam P. Ginter, macadam C. Geisler, macadam Jos. Ginter, macadam Pat Grew, macadam Jas Gillaspie, macadam Jas. Gerst, macadam Jno. Geisler, macadam Fred. Grewe, macadam Geisler & Schlagel, macadam Pat Hanafan, Aug. Hoffman, macadam Jno. Hill, macadam Andrew Hefte, macadam Jas. Hutter, macadam Jno. Hafey, macadam Thos. Hackney, macadam ... Fred Herzog, macadam 4 12 Jno. Jenni, macadam 16 05 P. Jacobi, macadam 15 00 Matt. Kiefer, macadam 15 00 Aug. and F. Kauffman, ma- 30 00 32 02 cadam.. .... .... 15 00 F. Koenig, macadam 15 00 30 00 A. Kaesbauer, macadam 303 75 00 17 25 Kiene & Wilber 2 52 1 Kane & Kane, macadam 15 07 15 00 19 36 14 02 30 00 1 76 10 24 5 00 89 4 87 6 22 11 55 2 47 3 40 15 00 22 80 5 36 16 00 12 72 11 32 13 60 11 52 30 00 13 77 22 27 2 32 11 18 18 30 12 37 15 67 5 68 14 04 20 60 9 32 4 60 19 42 16 42 10 32 15 00 9 16 11 04 13 48 1 20 9 24 ]7 25 15 00 15 00 2 68 15 00 12 60 14 77 10 35 9 12 9 76 16 00 4 64 16 72 1 20 12 75 3 64 13 12 4 12 7 42 7 35 15 00 32 16 15 04 15 37 15 00 12 36 2 64 24 75 18 30 39 22 15 00 2 62 18 82 13 87 15 00 5 85 H. Kehe, macadam 15 07 Krocheska & Boskula, macadam 30 00 Kronfelt & Albrecht, macadam 158 005 Steph. Kane, macadam 10 20 Jno. Kroner, macadam0 96 Matt. Klein, macadam.... Mrs. J. Kelly & Co., macadam. • 24 5 Jno. Kelly, macadam 10 404 Thos. Kenneally, macadam • • 0 35 A. C. Knapp, macadam 1 5 205 Chas. Krentz, macadam 8 00 Chas. Knebel, macadam Kaesbauer & Leidenger, ma- cadam ..• • 87 Wm. Kulan, macadam ... • • . 310 04 20 Jac. Kraus, macadam 17 56 Peter Kramer, macadam Leisheimer & Martin, macadam 13 87 Chr. Luchterhand, macadam • . 4 330 Lang & Schmidt, macadam • • ' 272 5 00 Henry Luck, macadam . • • • • • 3 64 Wm. Lavine, macadam 30 00 Lavine & Kane, macadam Lilack & Zachina, macadam • • 0 73 046 P. Leidinger, macadam ....... 90 List of 1t arrant.+. Rush & Prieb, macadam J. Leidinger & Son, macadam 2 02 Frank Lee, macadam M. Lang, macadam Pat Lynch, macadam Herm. Lembke, mbacadam F. Lassance, macadam Jno. McNulty, macadam M McCarten, macadam M McCune, macadam L McEvoy, macadam .... Wm. McClain, macadam Ed McDermott, macadam Jno McGee, macadam Wm McDermott, macadam Jno McCaffrey, macadam McCoy & Elliott, macadam Wm McLaughlin. macadam Pat Moan, macadam Mims & Frobel, macadam Thos Meloy, macadam C Mueggenburg, macadam Jas Meloy, Jr., macadam Moen & Murray, macadam M Murphy, macadam A Metz, macadam Henry Maus, macadam Jno. Mullen & Co., macadam Jno. Malone, macadam Wm. McClain & Bro., macadam Robt. Miller, macadam Jno. McCarron & Bro., ma- cadam .... .. .... .......... 10 92 Pat McPoland. macadam 2 25 Jno. McLaughlin. macadam 6 00 Matt. Neyens, macadam 2 40 Anton Nigg, macadam 1 40 Nuten &Zwack, macadam 13 32 P. J. Neuman, macadam 6 60 Jno. Noethe, macadam 2 32 Matt Mabe, macadam 12 60 J. G. Menkel, macadam 30 00 Jno. Mihm, macadam 7 50 Otto Bros., macadam 45 00 Jas. O'Shea, macadam 15 00 Thos. O'Connell, macadam .... 15 00 D. & M. O'Mara, macadam 30 00 John O'Brien, macadam 3 16 Felix Oswald, macadam 3 00 Jno. O'Hearn, macadam 10 24 Peryon & Co., macadam 23 08 Jno. Parker, macadam 15 00 17 02 11 72 19 16 5 85 15 90 15 00 15 00 15 37 15 00 15 00 15 15 15 00 15 00 14 10 16 00 11 20 15 00 14 00 15 30 15 00 15 00 Schroeder & Ritter. macadam.. 17 92 Sullivan & Baker, macadam .... 17 40 Dan Sheehan, macadam 15 00 9 60 30 00 15 00 9 97 8 68 Chas. Riley, macadam Roy & Riley, macadam P. Stouhl, macadam Schultz & Sadler, macadam Mike Sullivan, macadam Jno. Shoektieth, macadam Nick Steffen, macadam Wm. Schwaegler, macadam S. Siebold, macadam Nick Schroeder, macadam Aug. Schoenlebet', macadam N. Sweeney & Son. macadam Scheier, Simon & Frith, ma- cadam .... .. .... 26 47 Matt Specht, macadam 9 60 Nick Steivaer. macadam 6 80 Alb. Scheer, macadam 10 72 Spear. Carney & Co.. macadam 42 90 T. Schilhavie, macadam 28 57 Mike Shea, macadam 15 00 17 64 21 00 19 64 Sam Sumner, macadam 20 72 John Spies. macadam 10 04 John Steffes. macadam 15 00 M. Stouhl, macadam 15 37 Wm. Taylor, macadam 9 92 Jo. Twigg. macadam 8 56 Henry Tippe, macadam 15 00 Theo. Tippe, macadam 8 00 Treutlein & Radusch, macadam 30 00 Vincent & Frank, macadam 21 52 Anton Wehe, macadam 11 52 Louis Wachenheim. macadam 15 00 Mike White, macadam 15 00 Jno. Woodrich, macadam 9 40 W. Wells & Son, macadam 30 00 Geo. Wetter, macadam 6 32 Winkelman & Elleman, ma- cadam .... .... Js. Wall, macadam Jus. Whalen. macadam Val. Weisheit, macadam Warner, Grewe & Co., macadam Wenzel &Zachina, macadm .... Herm. Lembke, macadam Spear, Carney & Co., ma- cadam .... .... Kiene & Wilber, macadam Krocheska & Bakula. macadam 5 47 J. Beekman, hauling macadam 15 00 Roy & Reilly, hauling macadam 15 56 J. Jellison & Co., hauling ma - 14 36 cadam .... .... . 105 00 8 J. Costella, hauling macadam54 16 15 ‘,56,, Fern, Horsefall & Co., hauling 6 82 macadam .... .... .. 105 00 27 60 Jas. Tobin, hauling macadam 37 50 16 96 Dan Sheehan & Co., hauling ma - 15 00 I cadam4 42 162 92 14 12 M. Brown & Co., hauling ma- 37 80 8 36 cadam Leidinger & Kaesbaner, hauling 16 27 macadam 21 00 32 Kearney, Burns & Co., hauling 24 50 4 96 macadam 6 48 Orie Stevenson filling 18th 6 08 street .... .. .... 6 25 13 00 14 20 7 50 5 10 35 03 15 00 8 96 15 00 19 12 1 36 9 64 2 20 30 00 Jas. Purcell, macadam Chas. Priebe, macadam Frank Pilz, macadam D. and J. Powers, macadam Mike Powers, macadam P. Quinn, macadam Wm. Quinn, macadam Mrs. M. Quinlan, macadam Wm. Quinlan, macadam Pat Ryan, macadam Chas. Repsch, macadam Wm. Rehfelc, macadam F. Raedloff & Son, macadam Remus & Gau Bros., macadam Joe Richter, macadam F. Reinker, macadam Geo. Renke, macadam Wm. Roevenig, & Co., macadam 9 96 6 38 17 85 15 00 56 62 3 60 22 40 61 25 17 50 2 27 57 87 61 25 1 i st of Warrant:. :. Geo. Reynolds, filling 18th street Chris. Leek, filling 18th street.. Jesse Venn, filling 18th street Ed. Seedey, filling 18th street Wm. McGrath, filling 18th street John McGrath, filling 18th street Jno. William, filling 18th street J. H. Geary, filling 18th street L. C. McGovern, filling 18th street Toney Wolfle, filling 18th street Thos. Kane, filling 18th street Michael Riordan, filling 18th street Henry Weber, filling 18th street Thos. Heine, filling 18th street John Long. filling 18th street Frank Burns, filling 18th street Thos. Elliott. filling 18th street Albert Conrad, filling 18th street Jesse Venn, filling 18th street . Dub. Water Co., 321 hydrants for month of January 500 00 Dub. Water Co., 321 hydrants for month of January 500 00 Dub. Water Co., 321 hydrants for month of January 337 50 Dub. Water Co., 321 hydrants for month of February 500 00 Dub. Water Co.. 321 hydrants for month of February 500 00 Dub. Water Co., 321 hydrants for month of February 337 Dub. Water Co., flush tanks 500 Dub.. Water Co., flush tanks 62 Dub. Water Co., drinkin foun- tains 400 Dub. Water Co., horse foun- tains .... .... ............. 15 Jas. Cahill, macadam Bryan Donahue, macadam 30 Becker & Becker, macadam .. • 522 11 7 5 25 5 00 4 50 4 50 5 75 5 75 6 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 50 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 00 2 25 1 25 25 50 M. McNamara, macadam Chas. Buelow, macadam Anton Nicks, macadam Ella S. Brunskill, personal dam- 500 ages Ella S. Brunskill, personal dam- 500 ages uquNfl5 ats,l feld= fl.hr TSafl Ella S. Brunskill, personal dam- 500 ages Ella S. Brunskill, personal dam- 500 ages Ella S. Brunskill, personal dam- 141 ages ••• Jas. H. Hayes, cour costs in 13 Brunskill case C. T. Joyce, clerk supreme court 2 P. C. Foley, team 3 M. & J. Mahoney, team 4 $2.40 .... .... ............. Excelsior Brass Works, fire $38.76; police, $1.50: Sewer Phil. Pier, wood at city hall4 'tTeCarten Bros., soap, matches etc.. 1 Duggan & Kane, soap, matches etc.. Peter Klauer, work in engineer's 50 00 50 00 00 37 00 W. H. Torbert, sponges 50 F. A. Huber & Sons, repairs on 1 00 10 engines 02 F. A. Miller, brooms, dusters 13 75 60 J. F. Ris & Bro., repairs around 3 20 engine house.. . . 00 Dubuque Oil Tank Line Co., oil 5 40 A. TredwaY & Sons, seat springs 1 25 a 00 II M. Mullen, plumbing 11 80 hall.... E. E. Frith, removing garbage 00 etc .... 11 60 .. 2 88 W. M. Greenhow, batteries .. 00 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Ass.n, 4 50 mattress .... .......... 23 Mrs. John KeaP, personal.dam- 300 00 ages . .... ........ading 5 00 Altman & Taylor, gl• 500 00 0 75 Grandview avenue .... 5 40 Alman & Taylor, grading 500 00 0 00 Grandview avenue .. ... • • • 2 66 Altman & Taylor, grading 500 00 Grandview avenue .. Altman & Taylor, grading 263 60 5 00 Grandview avenue .. ••••• Dr. F. W. Wieland, consultation 55 00 3 00 in small pox cases .......• Ernst Bohn, repairs and taking 1 10 care of pest house 22 25 Dubuque Construction Co., ex- 91 office .... .. .. 85 Mike Brown & Co., grading Green street Peter Eisbach, rebate on special assessment.... ... 6 08 J. P. Schroeder, cement and pipe 9 85 Barnard, Walker & Co., station- ary W. W. Wormood. winding and taking care of town clock 72 00 Young Bros., washing towels6 00 Harger & Blish, blank station - 2 00 ary Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing7 50 G. F. Thorman, milk at matron's room 70 Chr. Schmitt, meat for matron's 2 room 40 Duggan & Kane, groceries for 5 25 matron's room... . M. Brown & Sons, hay and oats 31 90 Christman & Healy, hardware and tools 14 35 Jno. Butt, repairs, $4.95; re- 12 00 pairs engine, $7.05.... • • . • ' 3 40 Duggan & Sullivan, tools 24 95 McCarthy & Lahey, oats Peter Hansen, hay 3 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 10 60 etc Phil. Pier, coal and wood 29 19 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for fire department6 77 Central Union Telp. Co., housetel5 00 tele- phone 4th street engine Wm. Marshall, repair fire en- gines 29 17 Key iCty Gas Co., coke A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing .. 820 P. H. Halpin, bran, corn, etc15 20 92 1 50 67 55 92 L+61 of Warrants. tra work on 15th and 17th streets National Demokrat, 4 mos, Ooct. Nov. 1895, Dec. and Jan. 1896 The Globe. 4 mos., Oct, Nov, 1895, Dec. and Jan, 1896 270 00 The Times, ! mos, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan., 1895-1896 116 60 The Herald, 2 mos., Dec. and 135 00 Jan. 1895-1896 The Telegraph. 339 50 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 10 50 Watters & Dennis, hay 105 80 Key City Gas Co, coke 14 21 Jos. W. Wittmer, blue vitro]. $13.76; supplies for health of- fice, $1.00 14 76 H. B. Gniffke, re'd excavation35 00 H. B. Gniffke, int. paid on war- rants .... .... .............. 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, int. paid on war- rants 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, int. paid on war- rants 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, int. paid on war- rants 6:i 07 H. B. Gniffke, int.. $20.00: dam- ages to property. $35.00 55 00 H. B. Gniffke, ref, tax. $4.40; ref. skating rink, $50.00 54 40 H. B. Gniffke, post stamps, $12.00; telegrams and express charges. $17.52 29 52 H. 13. Gniffke, judgments. $10.05; Dub. Co., horses, $257.56 . 267 55 horses, $257.56 267 55 23 84 50 00 J. W. Wittmer, brushes etc 2 45 Martin, Streleau Co., fuel 103 68 Hohman & Roehl, mattress and chairs for matron's room 26 00 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn mattress etc. for matron's room 13 65 Harger & Blish, blank station- ery 18 12 Hardie & Scharle, blank station- ery Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil 12 00 Ham & Carver, blank station- ery 30 75 Bock & Reed, rep, tools Vogenthaler & Ragatz, repars steam roller .... Jno. O'Brien, work on sewer on W. 5th street Key City Gas Co., gas for January Star Electric Co., 302 arc lights for January 500 00 Star Electric Co, 304 arc lights for January 500 00 Star Electric Co, 304 arc lights for January 146 80 Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 lamps for January 166 67 Bryan Donahue, extra work on 5th and 7th sewer 29 39 18 00 1 10 84 85 3 00 100 50 500 00 Star Electric Co., 304 arc lights Peter Horeb, grading 5th ave '45 00 Iowa State Ins. Co, insurance on city hall 31 25 Key City Fire Ins. Co, insurance on hill engine house 31 25 Claus Hagge, macadam 15 00 Chas Kirsch, macadam 30 00 Theo Ratterman. macadam 15 00 Del Gague, macadam 15 00 Geo Scherr, macadam 15 75 C H Booth. filling streets and alleys Booth's add 34 65 Ryan Bros, grading Audobon avenue 100 00 Peter Meyer, macadam 6 48 C Meyer, macadam 15 00 Peter Mihm, macadam 18 90 Fred Galow, macadam 15 00 Jno Spies, macadam 15 00 Luchterhand & Buddin, mac- adam 45 00 John Long, macadam 9 00 Nick Stelfer. macadam 4 16 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March. 1896. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tem. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. cNmed proposals will be received at ni-er'. office of Dubuque, • •. ,.'„ p tn. Saturday, ,ie.'ng side- wA :. ,i f:'i ... . Sti C:,, 4i read' ;Aid .. 4 -foot wide 1.1: - —, ween end of :utpr'ti•e......:• ,•,., .c avenue. 4 -foot on south side of Railroad .eve nue between West Main street and south Locust street. 4 -foot wide on north side of W 8th street between H::: street and Air Hill street. 4 -foot wade on north side of Edward street between 'Windsor avenue and Queen street. 4 -foot wide on both sides of Mertz street between Windsor avenue and Al- thauser avenue. 4 -foot wide on west s:de of English Lane between Wilde street and Southern avenue. All in accordance with specifications on file in sa'.d office. A bond of $100 wIll be required w`.th each bid. The city reserves the right to reje^t any or all b'.ds. W. H. KNOWLTON. 3-13-10t. City Engineer. Dubuque, March llth, 1896 Oficial Notices. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CITY RECORDER'S 'OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, March 9th, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office Aril 8thto o'clock ,1896foru bing, and paving the following streets with brick in accor- dance with plans and specfications now or. file in my office. Jones street froth west line of West Main street to east line of Illinois Cen- tral Railroad tracks at Passenger De- pot. The extent the work is as onmacadam grout foun- ows: Brlrick paving: t.tion 2.55.) square yards. New curbing. 500 lineal feet. Old curbing reset. lineal feet. West bfaRi street from Main stree: to Janes street. The extent of the work is as follows: Brick paving quon= macadam grout foun- dation. s. New curbing. 300 lineal feet. old curbing reset, 250 lineal feet. All of above work to be completed on or before June loth. 1896. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for new curbing: also old curbing re- set, and the price per square yard for brick paving on macadam groat founda- tion. .Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check on some Dubuque Bank for City Dubuque incase the party $0 50.00 'eothe ettto whom the contract is awarded shall fail to execute the contract so awarded with- in five days after such contract is award- ed. Proof the Co, .ncilt bletocbedon heldaAprimeet- ing 8th. 1896. Blanks for bidders wil lbu furnished by the City Recorder. The c:tv reserves the right to reiecc all ing a proposed change of gr I 17th street. bids• 3-9-1. objections to said . All persons having City ecor, proposed change of grade, must file their MAYOR'S OFFICE, claims for damages :n my office on or Dubuque. Iowa. March 20th, 1896. before May 4th, 1896. O'CONNELL, Notice is hereby given that the Regis- 4-22-6t. JOHN :era of Election. duly appointed to regis- Recorder pro tem. he voters in the City of Dubuque, 93 FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, South Locust street. Second Precinct—Ed. McDonald's Place, 115 Main street. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Court. House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine House. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Eighteenth Street En gine Hotse. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct--Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Kenyon's Barber -shop No. 146 West Locus: street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Meyer's Livery. Second Precinct—Mrs. E. Mueller's. Third Precinct—Val. Mackert's. 1327 Lincoln avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's, Twenty third and Jackson streets. All qualified voters of said City. who failed to have their names on last fall's Registry list are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the plaices and within the time hereinbefore mentioned for registration they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said electton. PETER OLINGER, Mayor. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, City Recorder Pro Tem. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF GRADE. Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, April 20, 1896. Note is hereby given that there is now on file in my office, a profile show - JOHN O'CONNELL, R der Pro Tem. ter t State of Iowa, will be in attendance at the places herein below mentioned, for the purpose of correcting the Registry List of last fall's election. and adding thereto the names of such electors as may be entitled to vote at the city elec- tion to be held April 6th, 1896. Said Registers will meet at their respective places on Saturday. April 4th, 1896 at 8 o'clock A. M.. and be in session until 9 , o'clock P. M. of said day. Said Registers will thereafter meet on Monday (election day) April 6th, 1896, and be in session from the time the polls' open until they close and register only such voters as were absent from the city on the preceding Saturday during the time the board was in session; also such voters as did not become citizens until Monday. April 6th. 1896. Any person applying for registration inl any precinct who is registered in an- other precinct shall. before being regis- tered c e board of registration where his name iis regis- tered n stricken from such registry list. been The places of registration of voters in The several wards and precincts of the city are as follows: WHOM CONCERNED. Notice to teamsters, hack -men ex- press -men, owners of livery stables, butchers, hotel -keepers, owners of pool and billard tables, ownens tof boaboatefor hotel r hire, bowling alleys. est due and your city license are now p unless paidintothecity aasul96n Irwe- fore the 1st day fthe ety prosecute all delinquents as trouble and or- dinance provides. So avoidoubl F.D. MORAN, 4-6-10t. settle City 1Vlarshal. -- NOTICE OF CHANGE OF GRADE. City Recorder's Office. Dubuque, March 5th. 1896. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a prefile show- ing a proposed change of greed on Cathe rine street• objections thereto All persons having for damages ine my Inust o file tbefore im April 1st, 1896. office on or JOHN O'CONNELL. Itccorder Pro Tem. 94 Official Notice&. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of law and the ordinances of the city. I. Peter Olinger, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim that an election will be holden in said city on Monday, April 6th, 1896, for the purpose of electing A Mayor. An Auditor. An Assessor. Also one Alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will be op- ened at 8 o'clock A. M.. and closed at '6 o'clock P. M.. but may be held open un- til 8 o'clock P. M. on said day provided a proclamation is so made at the open- ing of the polls to receive the votes cast at such election in the following places, to -wit. FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, South Locust street. Second Precinct—Robert Jess' Place First street. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine House. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Nick Palen's Place, 18th and Cooler avenue. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Ryan Livery Barn. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmid't Brewery. Second Precinct—Henry Mueller's, Kntest street and Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Christ. Caprtiz's. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's Place, 23rd and Jackson street. Witness my hand and the seal of said city this 20th day of March, 1896. (Seal.) PETER OLINGER, Mayor. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, City Recorder Pro Tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND. You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Cow, - ell of the City of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March, A. D, 1896, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement lot No. 341 in city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council to be held on the 9th day of April. A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. JOHN O'CONNELL, City Recorder pro tern. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John Walsh: You are hereby notified that in accord once with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow front sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March A. D. 1896, a special as. sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on slid improve- ment, lots 3. 4. 5 of sub. 1 of 5 of lots 11, 12, and 13 of N. E. 1-4 sec. 13-89-2 E. owned by you being subject to such spec 'al assessment. And you are notified co appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on tit.? 9th day of :April, A. D 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said :assessment should not he levied. JOHN O'CONNELL, (''itv Recorder, pro tem. NOTICE TO CLEAN ALLEYS. Street Commissioners Office, Dubuque, Ia., April 11, 1396. All parties are hereby notified to clean the alleys abutting their premises with- in five days of this notice, and in case of failure so to do the city of Duburlu. will clean the same at the expense of the owners of oc^upants of any building abutting on said alley. The city will also remove all ashes or debris found on any street, avenue or lane or other thoroughfare and charge cost ther_of to the owners or occupants of any building abutting thereon. The city will charge seventy-flve cents per load for removing the same. JOHN CARTER, 4-11-10t. Street Commissioner. NOTICE. All parties holding City of Dubuque bonds, which matured on Feb. 1st, 1896 must present them at the city treasure's office immediately. if they desire them paid. They ceased bearing interest on March 12, 1896. 'iENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To J. E. Standacker: You are i:ereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow from sidewalk adopted on the 2nd day of March. A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all :ots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot s % of 2 of 2 of min lot 88 owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1896. and show cause if any you have, why sad assessment should not be levied. JOHN O'CONNELL. City Recorder pro tent. Official Notices. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 9 o'cl jck a. m. of Thursd iy, April 9th, 1896 for improving the follow- ing streets according to plans and speci- fications now on file in my office. Union avenue from West Locust street to Alta Vista street. Curbing 3300 lineal feet Guttering 1460 squire yards Macadam 5100 square yards Grading fill 9700 cubuc yards Grading. cut 9700 cubic yards Said work to be completed June 1st, 1896. Main street from Seminary street to south line of lot 33 L. H. Langworthy's add. Curbing 700 lineal feet Guttering 300 square yards Macadam 900 square yards Grading, fill 50 cubic yards Grading, cut 1650 cubic yards Said work to be completed May 20th, 1896. Chestnut street between Prairie and Walnut street. Curbing 400 lineal feet Guttering 180 square yards Macadam 500 square yards Grading. cut 875 cubic yards Said work to be completed May its, 1896. Bidders must state the price per square yard for macadamizing and guttering, the price per lineal foot for curbing, graiding to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and suffi- cient bond of $200 with each proposal, that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted upon at a meet ing of the council to be held April 9th, 1896. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the city recorder. The city reserves the right to refect all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tem. 95 refusal to remove al lgarbage and dead animals in the respective districts. Bidders wil lbe required to furnish a good and sufficient bond with each pro- posal, and shall enter into contract with the city that they will fulfill con- tract if awarded. The board of health reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL, 4-17 5t. z Clerk. N is.. Office of the Board o: Health. Dubuque, Iowa, March 28th, 1896. At a meeting of the board of health held March 27th, 1896, the following or- der was passed: Ordered, by the Board of Health, that from and after this date, It shall be the duty of the health officer, In cases of recovery in all infectuous diseases to ex- amine the premises in which such cases occur, to have said premises fumigated and cleaned. so that there shall be no liability for further contagion orinfection in such premises. JOHN O'CONNELL, March 3-30-2w. Clerk. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Du- buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Mon- day, April 20th, 1896, for furnishing all material and labor, and construct- ing pipe sewer as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office: A 12 inch tile pipe sewer in 27th street from alley west of Jackson street to al- ley east of Jackson street. Estimated length, 360 lineal feet. Two manholes. Bidders to furnlsn a bond of $200 with each bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves ject any or all bids. Dubuque, Iowa, April 10th, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON, 4-10-9t. City Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of health at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, April 22nd, 1896, for the hauling of garbage and dead animals for the season of 1896, in the districts herein below designated, all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the city dump at the foot of Railroad avenue in the Mississippi river. First District—All territory south of 8th street and Julien avenue. Second District—All territory lying betwten 8th street and Julien avenue and 17th street and West Seventeenth, street. north District—All and West 17th streets.ig of The party that is awarded the con - he rate of two dollars tract ilperl e dayincased at t of neglect or the right to re - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Monday, April 27th, 1896, for relaying gutters on 18th and 19th streets in accordance with specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A bond of $50 will be required with each bid. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. 4-23-3t. _ — --.---- - T Ad journfd Reynlar Session, April 24, 1896. 97 FY ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION APRIL 24, 1896. Council met at 7:45 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg Bonson Dennert and McEvoy. The following officers' bonds were ap- proved and then they were sworn in by the mayor. Ed. Morgan, city marshal. Jos. Reinfried, fire chief. Thos. Hagerty, street commissioner. W. H. Knowlton, city engineer. Geo. Osborne, city electrician. Phil. Doerr, sewer inspector. J. P. Truut, marketmaster. Dr. S. S. Lindsay, city physician. The following officers not requiring bonds were also sworn in. Chas. Burkhardt, park custodian. Thos. Cahill, park custodian. Carl Spiegelhalter, poundmaster. Thos. Jess, wood measurer and wharf master. Jos. Straney, city weigher. Ards. Cullen, Lagen and Ryder ar- rived at 7:50 p. m. Ald. Bonson offered the following res olution which was unanimously adopt- ed. Whereas, It is with deep regret that we have learned of the untimely death of the baby boy of John Schulte, our brother alderman. and. Whereas, we have naught but sorrow to express to him and his family in this, their dire misfortune. Therefore, Resolved by the City Coun cif of the City of Dubuque: That we extend to him and his wife and family our neartfclt sympathy in this their hour of sou ow. Resolved, further, That these reso- lutions be spread upon the records, and au engrossed copy of same be furnished to the family The following presented. Idaville, Colo., April 19, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby resign as al- derman of the Third Ward, as my min- ing interests demand my full attention here in Park county. I beg to remain, Yours very respectfully, JOHN J. SCHULTE. Ald. Lagen moved that his resigna- tion be accepted with regrets. Car- ried. Ald. Albrecht moved to proceed to fill the vacancy by open ballot. Carried by the following vote: Ayes— Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. First ballot— For Adam Crawford—Aids. Albrecht, communication was Bauer, Bonson and McEvoy. For Theo. Altman—Alds. Cullen, La - gen and Ryder. For A. W. Daugherty—Ald. Berg. For A. M. Downer,—Ald. Dennert. Second ballot— For Adam Crawford—Aids. Albrecht and Bonson. For Theo. Altman—Alds. Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson moved that the election of Mr. Altman be made unanimous. Carried. Mr. Theo. Altman was then sworn in by the mayor. City Engineer Knowlton presented profile of grade of 27th street from Jackson street to Chicago Great West - and ern railway,hich was .pr ve adopt .ed. W.A..aac✓ .1 J Be it Resolved, That th:iiity engineer" is hereby ordered to mak a survey and Ct plat of the proposed extension of Lin- coln avenue from White street to Jack- son street, and proceed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 30 of the revised ordinances of 1893, and report same to the city council. Ald. Bauer offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby ordered to make a survey and plat of the proposed widening of High Bluff street from Middle to Fen- gler avenue, and proceed in accord- ance Aid' the provisions of chapter 30 or the revised ordinances of 1893, a.rd report sante to the city council. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: .•Recon er, 744 Approved. al'e • ./ ' ..1896 yor Regular Session, Alai 4. 1896. a REGULAR SES ON, MAY 4. u1n µ N 9 :.Z a . Q N,c [Offic al.] Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that the following part of Mayor Olinger's valedictory be stricken and expunged from the rec- ords. While there has been the most vile statements and mis-representations published during the past month in re- gard to the past year's administra- tion and the same sanctioned by a mem ber of the council, whose time will not expire for one year more, but as he is well known and his reasons for so do- ing being of such a nature that I shall not say more, only trusting that in the future he may learn to tell the truth and becoma respected by his fellow- men." Carried. On motion the minutes of last meet- ings as amended were approved. The following bills were allowed: Name. Purpose. Am't. Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware $ 4 25 G. F. Kleigh, hardware 4 65 Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing 11 00 M Mullen, plumbing 2 65 Fratz & Clark, sundries for patrol house . 1 00 McCarthy & Layhey, oats for pa- trol house . . 19 50 Ellwanger Bros, harness repairs 8 00 M Brown & Sons, straw 1 75 Duggan & Kane, oil and broom. 1 35 Peter Hansen, candles, oil, &c1 75 Louis Lindenberg, nails 3 25 J B Stevens, labor 8 10 John Butt, repairs 2 80 J P Schroeder, cement 15 65 G F Kleih, hardware 7 60 B D Linehan, repairs 3 45 Standard Lumber Co, lumber 11 71 Fred Schloz, repairs 13 80 Otto Meuser & Co. lumber . 49 00 Duggan & Kane, ail and broom . 1 35 P H Halpin, empty barrels and candles for steam roller B E Linehan, cement Albert Gasser, brick G F Kleih, hardware W Baumgartner, hardware for sewer department 1 10 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing 8 07 The Furgeson Supply Co, plumb- er's supplies F Schloz, repairs J C Honer, repairing fountains Mullen Bros, plumbing B Hayes, expressing B Hayes, cleaning John McCollins, saw dust and hauling 4 05 Key City Gas Co, coal tar 25 00 Hardie & Scharle, printing and 3 25 8 50 5 75 1 30 8 85 15 05 8 83 10 35 1 25 10 00 supplies . 70 75 Robert McGivern, salary 50 00 G F Kleih, hardware 6 90 Geo. Bennett, 1 month labor in assessor"s office ..100 00 Gott Gmehle, 1 month labor in as sessor's office . 100 00 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks 6 00 Maggie Murray, type writing 1 50 Harger & Blish, office supplies 71 98 Michael Gloden, labor in park 1 25 Chris Schmitt, meat to matron3 50 N H Schilling, repairing street . 20 75 Dubuque Construction Co, cutt- ing and fitting chains in curb- ing . 6 43 Wm Geisicker, 1 month as rod - man . 55 00 John Farley, 1 month as rodman 40 00 Kenety & McCann, paving brick 11 25 Frank Winters, hauling on 18th and Cedar street 8 75 Jerry Sullivan, hauling on 18th and Cedar street 2 25 Robert Mathis, hauling on 18th and Cedar street 50 James Leahy, hauling on 18th and Cedar street 25 1' J Donahue, hauling on 18th and Cedar street 18 75 Headford Bros &Hitchins, man hole . 4 50 Ed Evans, use tar kitties and work . ... 7 00 Ed Ryan, filling High Bridge ave nue . . 7 60 P Clancy. filling High Bridge ave nue . ..... 10 50 McElrath Teaming Co, filling 4th street extension . 3 55 Bryon & Donahue, for construct- ing sidewalks .... 135 82 John Tibey, filling 4th street ex- tension 222 90 Dubuque Construction Co., con- structing sewer from llth to 19th street .... .. 107 02 Ham & Carver, supplies office (circular letters) 1 75 John Blake, constructing sewer Fenelon Place 42 20 Kenety & McCann, construct- ing sewer Clark and 17th st380 00 Peter Horsch, filling Liberty st.100 00 P. J. Milligan, sonstructing side- 85 00 walk Ambrose st Dubuque Construction Co., filling 100 00 13th street Telegraph Printing Co., blank 60 stationery R. W. Kemler, filling High Bridge 4 60 avenue .... .. ............ . B E Lenehan, cement 8 50 B E Linehan, cement 14 88 Bryon & Donahue, constructing 80 00 sewer 27th street 14 00 B. E. Linehan, cement Dubuque Water Co., constructing Dubuque Water Co., water for 88 engine houses .. .... ...... 40 00 Ileifulur Stasi al, May 4, 1896. •19 Standard Lumber Co., load shav- ings 3 05 Mullen Bros., plumbing05 James Levi & Co Charles Oswald Nesler & Jungk 21 26 4 55 ... 3 40 Fraatz & Clark, oil for engine The following bill was house .. 40 committee on markets: W. M. Marshall, repairs on fire J P Trout .. 5 00 engine 154 27 The bill of Reinfried & Jaeger of 60 P. H. Halpin, suppli es for fire de- cents referred to committee on fire. partment 24 65 I The bill of Charles Hillery of $5.00 re - Lewis Lindenberg, lawn mower.. 4 75 ferred to committee on sewers. J. M. McKenzie, S. wrench 1 50 The bill of M. Schlegel of 60 cents G. F. Kleih, supplies for fire de- referred to city attorney. partment 2 15 PETITIONS. tto Musser & Co., lamer 17 00 The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Maria Kemp et al in re- lation to damages to property from water. Petition of Mrs.. Mary Reynolds in relation to damages to her property on Dodge street, caused by water. Petition of John Burke in relation to damages to his property on Grandview avenue. Petition of the John T. Hancock est. 1 40 et al 1 emonstrating against paying : pec- ial assessment for the improvement of referred to James Levi & Co., sheets central engine house Hug. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 12 50 fire department Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies fire 1 45 department . Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing .. 6 00 E C Porter, supplies for fire de- 2 75 partment . Fraatz & Clark, supplies for fire department Police Telephone & Signal Co, supplies for fire department 125 00 Grandview avenue. n Petition of Margt. Flynn asking that she be given such relief as may be proper to prevent her home from being sold for special tax. Petition of Mrs. Barbara Roberts ask- ing that she be given such relief as may be proper to prevent her home from being sold for special tax. Remonstrance of J. A. Rhomberg et al against paying special tax for the improvement of 5th avenue. The following committees were re- ferred to the street committee: Petition of August Schilling asking that Angella street be improved. Petition of T. H. Schilling et al ask- ing that Catherine and Angella streets be improved. Petition of J. P. Scharle remonstrat- ing against the improvement of Hart street on the present grade. Petition of D. Mueggenberg asking he be paid $150.00 on account of 16 20 Dubuque Water Co, hydrants o 1337 50 streets . Litttle, Bruce & Co, lantern globes for fire department ... 1 50 Ellwanger Bros, harness repairs 17 15 fire department 20 00 Mrs Koenig, cleaning offices • 20 00 Mrs. Kien, cleaning offices .... Mrs. Koenig, cleaning Mrs. Koenig, janitor city hall 20 00 Eichorn & Bechtel, washing pow 1 15 der . 1 00 G F Kleih, supplies .••• .••.... Duggan & Kane, supplies1 05 (matches and lye) • • • • • Frank Stoltz, repairing windows 33 05 and doors in city hall ...... T J Conlin, team and carriage 7 00 and load of shavings .. Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for 1 50 fountains . G F Kleih, supplies for fountains 4 96 line on Broadway e ofextension. Fred Schloz, supplies P. G. & B. 3 20 I pechange geioPhilip Kress et x asking dead Eugene Frith, removing gar33 00 that Adams street be improved. Eugene Frith, removing 15 00 Petition of Joseph Piltz asking that animals he be paid for rock taken from his The following bills were referred to premises and used by the city. the police Light light committee: ..... 166 67 I Petition of Otto Rath et al remon- Key & Heat Co 108 43 strating against the improvement of Key City Gas Co English Lane. The following bills referred to the Petition of F. W. Wieland asking that he stairway etollh se p property d to construct on 8th outside and Bluff streets. Petition of Ellen Loughren ettnalalsask- ing that the city open up ey twenty feet wide in block between Rush street and Cleveland avenue from Mountain Lane to Union street. Petition of John Olinger in relation to special assessment for constructing sidewalks. Petition of Wm. McGrath asking that committee on supplies: James Levi & Co G F Kleih, The following bills were committee on printing: 67 50 The Globe 29 15 The Times . 5 Dubuque Telegraph . • • • • • • • 79 67 1 050 The Herald . ...... The following bills referred to com- mittee on public grounds and build- ings: 29 16 90 referred to 100 Ilejular Se8sion, May 4, .1896. the city take a strip of land belonging to him between Union avenue and Beilvue street, (with power). Petition of Andrew Galliart et al ask- ing that the contractor on Wilber Lane be instructed to finish his contract, (with power.) Petition of Ross McMahon in rela- tion to construction of retaining wall abutting his property on Grandview avenue, (with power). Petition of Chas. Klingenberg ask- ing that Leibnitz street be so paved as to carry off the water that flows thereon. Petition of Maria Kemp et al in rela- tion to damages on Southern avenue was presented. Aid. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and Dr. Kemp allowed to address the council. Carried. Dr. Kemp addressed the council in regard to the damages done his prop- erty by the late storm. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole, city attorney and engineer. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delin- quent tax committee: Susan Bornheiser, John Freiburg, Mrs. Dennis Flannagan, Mary A. Park- er, Mrs. Belle Rawlings, Mrs. McCor- mack, Johanna McNally, Mrs. H. C. Deckert and Susanna Deuel. The following petitions were referred to the committee on claims: Petition of Anna M. Bush claiming damages on account of proposed change of grade on Jones and West Main streets. Claim of John B. McGloughlin on account of damages by flood on West 3d street. Claim of John Dougherty on account of damages by flood on Dodge street. Claim of John H. Nehls for personal injuries received by falling on side- walk. Claim of Wm. Rieman asking that he be al:owed a month's salary on ac- count of injuries received while work- ing for the city. The following communications were referred to the committee on markets: Petition of Henry Wybrandt for the position of inspector of weights and measures. Remonstrance of John T, Hancock & Sons et al against the appointment of an inspector of weights and meas- ures. Communication of Hardie & Scharle in relation to purchase of city director- ies was referred to the committee on supplies. Petition of Teamsters' Union in re- lation to teamster's license was re- ferred to the marshal with power. Petition of F. Heer & Sons et al in relation to poles on Eagle Point and Couler avenues was referred to the committee on electrical construction. Petition of H. O. Rose et al in re- lation to the extension of water mains in Dorgan alley was referred to the x.r y or with power. Petition of Geo. Rath asking that the water mains be extended along Semi- nary street was referred to the commit- tee on fire and water. Petition of A. Pfeffer et al asking that an electric light be placed on Washington street between Sanford and 23d streets was referred to the com- mittee on police and light. Petition of J. M. Orvis et al asking that the city dedicate for a public park the strip of ground at the corner of West 5th street and College avenue, as shown by plat, was granted. Petition of Rt. Rev. Archbishop J. Hennessy et al remonstrating against the improvement of St. Mary's street was read and on motion action on same was deferred. Petition of John McGrath et al re- monstrating against the construction of sanitary sewer in Seminary street between Paul and Harold streets was laid on the table. The following petitions were receiv- ed and tiled: Remonstrance of Ceo. Eichhorn et al againt the improvement of Grace street. Remonstarnce of C. A. Alexander et al against the improvement of Coates avenue. Ald. Cullen moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. Gregory be allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Gregary addressed the council in relation to the condition of Oak street. On motion the matter was referred to the committee on streets with power. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported: Cash on hand last report$25,296 90 Received during month 42,877 27 Total $68,174 17 Disbursements during month$41,358 43 Balance on hand May 1, '96..26,815 74 Also reported $1,996.55 due city offi- cers for the month of April, 1896. Also presented list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers and report referred to the finance com- mittee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1870.00 due firemen for the month of April, 1396. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay firemen and report referred to the fire committee. Marshal Morgan reported 112 police cases during the month of April, 1896. Also reported $2,084.60 due police for month of April, 1896. Report approv ed and orders ordered drawn to pay police, and report referred to the police and light committee. Marshal Morgan presented a common ication stating that the business of his office required a deptuy, and for that purpose recommended J. W. Halpin for the position, which was referred to the committee of the whole. Regular Session, May 4, 1896. 101 Street Commissioner Carter report- o'clock p. m. Carried. edl $8,815.35 due for labor on streets AFTERNOON SESSION. during April, 1896. Council met at 2:35 p. m. Report approved and warrants order Mayor Duffy in the chair. ed drawn to pay for labor and report Present: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, referred to the street committee. Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Sewer Inspector Hillery reported McEvoy and Ryder. $275.40 due sewer men for the month of PetPetition of Chaitis. Messerknecht ask - Report 1896. Report approved, and warrants or- ing that he be refunded $10.00 paid for dered drawn to pay for labor and re- team license, which was referred to the port referred to the sewer committee. mayor with power. City Electrician Osborn reported $26.- Petition of Richard Kimball, asking 19 due from Star Electric Co. Approv- for a donation of $100 per h to run to the ed and city auditor instructed to col- Eagle Point ferry, areferred committee of the whole. Petition of Jane Jones asking that she be refunded $75 paid for strip of ground on Rose street, was referred to the city attorney. On motion bids for street were opened as follows: Isadore Conigisky. $25.00 per week. McElrath Teaming Co., $17.10 per week. T. B. Cain, $27.00 per week. Goodrich & Chatfield. $31 00 per week. Pat Linehan. $27.90 per week. Geo. Reynolds, $23.25 per week. Lawrence Daly. $23.70 per week. The McElrath Teaming Co., being the lowest bidders, were, on motion, award ed the contract, under the supervision of the street committee and engineer. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for street improve- ments: Coates Avenue From Freemont to Cross Street. $4,453 00 Oliver G Kringle Dubuque Construction Co'3,684 50 Steuck, O'Farrell & John Carter Brown & Brown Taylor & Becker Walter McMahon Kenety & McCann C M Blake W Dodson On motion the contract was awarded to W. Dodson, he being the lowest bid- der. 101i4 a+W • City Auditor McCarten recommended that $5,000.00 of improvement bonds be call. Approved and the proper resolu- tion for same ordered. Tom Jess, wood measurer, reported 80 cents due city as tees for wood meas- ured during April, 1896. Received and filed. Market Master Traut reported $3.60 collected as scale receipts during April, 1896, also reported $133.60 collected for rent of huckster stands, also reported $48.60 due for board of prisoners. Re- port, approved and warrant ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. Bill of John Hoffman of $35 for jani- tor at city hall was ordered paid. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows: That he had cross sectioned streets and alleys used by Svendsen & Ott. Re- ceived and filed. Also reported that he had submitted a plat of the proposed extension of Kniest street sewer to the chief engi- neer of the Chicago, Great Western R. R. Co., who has taken the same under advisement. Received and filed. Also submitted a communication in regard to proposed culvert on West 14th street, adjacent to the Anna M. Bush property, which was referred to the committee of the whole, city engi- neer, city attorney and mayor. Also presented a communication in regard to widening lane south of West 11th street, which was referred to the street committee. The reports of City Weighers J. P. Schroeder and Joseph Straney were re- ceived and filed. The bond of City Auditor McCarten was approved and he was then sworn in by the mayor. Ald. Ryder moved that the commit- tee on electrical construction and city electrician be instructed to have all sur plusAld 1 Bons eectric nolmoved that bremoved. ids street improvements be opened and re- ferred to the city engineer for compu- tation. Carried. The bids were then opened and read. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn to 2:00 sweeping Linehan 3,680 00 3,740 00 3,530 00 3,685 00 3,987 00 4,175 00 3,514 00 3,260 00 enue Bennett otastrside of lot 8reet from andO'Hareview s' subdivision. 00 Taylor & Becker $1,700 1,00 00 John Tibet' Ross & McMahon „ 1,629 00 1768 UO Kenety & McCann ..... • • • Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 1,830 00 0 00 O. G. Kringle ....... • .... 1,87064 00 Dubuque Construction Co. 1 564 00 Blake & Blake ....... • . " " . 1,527 00 Geo W Farley ...... • ... On motion the contract awarded to Blake & Blake, theyewas the low- est bidders. Grace street from Grandview avenue to lot 8, O'Hares' subdivision. Geo W Farley ............... $1,876 00 Beck 1,927 00 Taylor & ............... 102 Regular Session, May 4, 1896. Kenety & McCann 2,110 00 O G Kringle ` 2,169 00 Blake & Blake 1,752 00 Dubuque Construction Co. • • 1,790 00 1,715 00 John Tibey Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 1,675 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Strauss street from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. Kenety & McCann $1,471 00 Peter Horch : 1,682 00 J PIckier . 1,356 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 1,298 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Clifferd street from Seminary street to Maple street. John Pickly .• $ 874 50 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan . 1,001 50 Peter Horch . . 854 70 On motion the contract was awarded to Peter Horch, he being the lowest bid- der. Sheridan street from Groveland Place to Lawther avenue. J Pickly . .$ 717 00 Peter Horch . . 751 00 Kenety & McCann . ... 797 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan . 640 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Clinton avenue from Queen street to Windsor avenue. Kenety & McCann . $ 584 00 Peter Horch . . 588 00 Steuck, O'Farrel & Linehan 565 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Headley Court from Strauss avenue to Lawther avenue. Kenety & McCann . .$ 539 00 Geo W Farley . 510 00 John Pickly . . 499 00 Peter Horch .. . 496 00 Stenck, O"Farrell & Linehan . 455 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Kenety & McCann . 1,443 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Brown & Brown, they being the low- est bidders. Goethe avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. John Pickly Taylor & Becker . Kenety & McCann .82.065 00 2,230 00 2,251 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 1,910 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Hart street from Couler avenue to Val- eria street. E E Frith . $ 990 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 996 00 Geo W Farley . 1,048 00 Taylor & Beck 1,182 00 G Galow . 991 00 Peter Horch . 989 00 D Hoffman . 1,233 00 John Pickly . 1,008 00 Kenety & McCann . 1,708 00 Dubuque Construction Co 1,101 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Peter Horch, he being the lowest bid- der. Foye street from West Locust to Gold street. Brown & Brown . .$1,326 00 Stueck, O'Farrell & Linehan . 2,240 00 John Pickly . 1,420 00 Blake & Blake ... 1,522 00 Kenety & McCann .... ...... 1,101 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Brown & Brown, they being the low- est bidders. REPORT OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of ap- proving of the report of the city treas- urer, and that loan warrants be drawn in favor of the several parties as shown therein. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of referring the petition of Specht Bros, asking for assistance to run ferry, to the com- mittee of the whole. In favor of referring the claim of M. M. McCarten to the committee of the whole. Also would most respectfully recom- mend that the matter of sale of im- provement bonds for the ensuing year be referred to the finance committee and mayor with power, also the matter of refunding old bonds becoming due next year be referred to the same com- mittee with power. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city treasurer be instructed to call in improvement bonds described as follows, to wit: Bond., numbered 198, 199 and 200, dated Dec. 31st, 1892, Bonds numbered 466, 467 and 468, dated August 15th, 1894, also bonds numbered from 519 to 538 in- clusive, dated August 15th 1894, amount ing in all to $5,000.00. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare plat showing the proposed widening of the sidewalks on Grand- view avenue from Southern avenue east to 10 feet in width and said engineer is directed to procure the relinquish- ment of right of way for same from such parties as are willing to donate the same. In favor of receiving and filing the pe tition of Margaret Mahoney remonstrat ing against paying special tax for cleaning snow from al iewalks. In favor of receiving and filing the application of J. H. O'Neill for side- walk repairer. In favor of receiving and filing the Regular Session, May 4, 1896. 1113 petition of John Hickey in relation to re -numbering his property for assess- ment purposes. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing the pro- posed vacation of a strip of ground on the west side of Queen street, so that said Queen street will be a uniform width of 50 feet, also that he prepare a plat showing a proposed alley west of Queen street, running north from Sanford street. Also report that the gutter on White street south of Eagle Point avenue is all right only when the same is filled by refuse thrown thereon. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing the proposed widening of W. 14th street, west of Alta Vista street, so as to show a sidewalk 12 feet in width and proceed in accord- ance with the ordinance on that sub- ject. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of David G. Scott in relation to W. 3rd street, as the same has been walk and stairs be laid on south side of Fairview sub. provided the petition- ers will agree to pay the expense for same. In favor of receiving and filing all remonstrances against levying special tax for cleaning snow from sidewalks. Report adopted. In favor of deferring action on the proposed extension of Needham Place to Fenelon Place. Aid. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. A. A. Cooper be allowed to address the council on the matter. Carried. Mr 1 1 Cooper addressed the coun- cil in regard to extending said street. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole. Also reported in favor of the adop- tion of the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this no- tice, constructed and :aid in conformity attended to. with the ordinance in relation to side - In favor of granting the petition of walks as follows: Four feet wide in east side of 5th avenue between Rhomberg avenue and north end of improvement. Four feet wide on the north side of High Bluff street between Schiller ave - and Fengler avenue. Four feet wide on West side of Re- becca street between Thomas street and east end of street. Four feet wide on east side of Au- dobon avenue between W. 14th street and Dexter avenue. Four feet wide on both sides of Cur- tis street between S. Dodge street and Kenneally and Cain, asking that they be allowed to fill Oak street east of Rising avenue at 12 1-2 cents per cubic yard, said amount of filling not to ex- ceed 500 yards. In favor of granting the petition of Julia Rhomberg et al. asking that Eng- lish Lane be widened and improved. , In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare plat showing the proposed widening of Bennett to a 50 foot street, and proceed in accordance with the or- dinance on that subject. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Carl Nank in regard to Malady street. claim for damages on account of Four feet wide on both sides of Rush 'water favor coming down o nvEagand filing the Eagle streeetVilla eeween Quince street and ,petition of Henry Triller in regard to ler, Middle feet ane de on Fboth sidesdeof Sc bll- grading on Klingenberg Terrace. bills s favor of receiving Tay or of $5 foe r filing the i, steet Garfield street and High Bluff f Four feet wide on both sides of Al - grading on Grandview avenue. Also reported that they had awarded the contract for lowering the gutter on 18th street to Peter Horch for 17 cents per square yard, he being the lowest bidder. In favor of referring the petition of Wm. Lawther, in relation to fencing lots adjacent to Waverly avenue, to the city engineer. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Mrs. Meehan on account of damages by flood. In favor of granting the petition of Rebecca J. Farley et al remonstrating against the improvement of W 17th street between West Locust and Clark street. Also report that they are unable to do regard anythingt Michael McMahonsamebarn, as the Isln a private affair. In favor of granting the petition of August Hapelt et al asking that a side - pine street between W. 3rd street and Dodge street. Four feet wide on both sides of Grove Terrace south between W. llth street • and Wilber avenue. Where not alretadvl laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. ted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagers. Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be within 10 days of this notice, constructed and lahe on inld relantiontoosidewalks asrmity with tfollows:ance Eight feet wide on north side of Ar- lington street between Grove Terrace t - and Prairie street. Six feet wide on east side of Prairie street between W. llth street and 101 Regular Session, May 4. 1896. Chestnut street. Six feet wide on north side of W. 14th street between Walnut street and Cox street. Six feet wide on east side of White street between Lincoln avenue and E. P. avenue. Six feet wide on north side of E. P. avenue between Jackson street and Washington street. Six feet wide on north side of San- ford street between Jackson street and Washington street. Six feet wide abutting lot 1, Mattox sub.,. Where not already laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Also reported in favor of the adop- tion of the following reso:ution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That sidewalks of good LJ liallslogli00111111, brick, stone or ce ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity, with the ordinance in relation to side- walks as follows: Twelve feet wide on Iowa street abut- ting lot 219, city. Ten feet wide of west side of Bluff street between 12th street and 13th street. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Ards. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Fremont avenue, between North Cascade Road and Pacific street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized, in conformity with the Ordinance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut ting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That West 8th street, between west line of Roger's sub and Air Hill street, be graded, guttered, curbed and mac- adamized, in conformity with the Or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give tpe proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Also recommended that engineering department be allowed a horse and wagon at an expense not to exceed $10 per month. We believe that with horse and wagon the business of said de- partment will be greatly facilitated and would be for the best interests of the city. Report adopted. City Engineer Knowlton reported that there were quite a number of street signs on hand that have not been put up, but was unable to find any names of streets that have been changed and the old sign still remain. I am unable to find in the directory the names of either petitions. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee also reported as follows: In favor of approving of profiles showing proposed change of grade on Grace and Bennett streets, and recorder directed to give the proper notice in ac cordance with the ordinance on that subject. In favor of approving of the red line and figures as the official grade of Catherine street. In favor of approving of the plat, showing the proposed extension of 26th street. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the cleaning of snow from sidewalks during the month of January 1896 by City of Dubuque, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate as follows: Chicago Great Western Ry, pt of min lot 315, lots 1 and 2 Smed- ley's sub, 150 lin ft .$ 75 Frank Russo, lots 11 and 12, Smed ley's sub, 35 lin ft at 1-2c. 18 L Giesman, lots 21 and 22, Smedley's sub, 60 lin ft at 1-2c 30 H Bishoff, lot 29, Cook's add, 90 lie;/a Se,.'ian, . May 4, 1896 lin ft . , ...1 45 M J Loes, lot 32, Cook's add, 50 25 lin ft . H Hahn, lot 37, Cook's add, 20 10 lin ft I Theo Buse, lot 39, Cook's add, 40 20 lin ft . • E H Shepply, lot 8, Hooper's add, 60 lin ft . 30 A Shoemacher, lot 52, McCraney's 1st add. 60 lin ft at 1-2c 30 Christ Jungk, lots 6 and 7, 25 50 lin ft at 1-2c Aug Jungk, lots 6 and 7, Jungk's 50 add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c D Sauers, lot 45, McCraney's 1st 38 add. 75 lin ft at 1-2c F M Robinson Est, lots 435 to 438, inc, Ham's add, 200 lin ft at 1 00 1-2c . A C Wolcott Est, lots 262, 263, 264, Ham's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c 50 M H McCarthy, lots 36 and 37, McCraney's 1st add, 80 lin ft at 1-2c . 40 Pat Walsh Est, lot 71, McCraney's 1st add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c 30 F Wagner, lot 1, 0 S Lang - worthy's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. 50 T Wilson, lot 66, McCraney's 1st add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c 30 Chicago Great Western Ry, lots 60 and 61, Sanford's sub, 200 lin ft at 1-2c 1 00 M C Munsell, lots 33, 34 and 35, Hooper's add, 150 lin ft at 1.-2c. 75 Jacob Kuntz, lots 1 and 2, sub of 6, 8 and 10. Wick's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c H Auredin, lot 74, McCraney's lst add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c W Hollnagle, lot. 5, min lot 303, 75 lin ft at 1-2c Peter Meyer, lot 4 min lot 303, 100 lin ft, at 1-2c Deming & Kiesel, lot 2, min lot 466, 727 lin ft at 1-2c C, M & St P Ry, lots 9 to 12 inc B 8 Railroad add. 132 lin ft at 1-2c C, M & St P Ry, lots 1 to 3 inc, B 7 Railroad add, 94 lin ft at 1-2c C, M & St P, min lot 107, 636 lin ft at 1-2c Cath Schueller, s 1-2 lot 1 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add, 50 lin ft, at 1-2c . . E Hemmi, n 1-2 lot 1 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c John Walsh, lots 3, 4 and 5, sub 1 of 5 of the sub of lots 111, 12 and 13 of sect 13, 89, 2e, 125 lin ft at 1-2c Peter Hansen, lots 1 and 2, sub 1 of 5 of sub of lots 11, 12 and 13 of n e 1-4 sect 13 89 2e, 90 lin ft at 1-2c Geo Burden Est. lot 6 Burden- Lawther add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 50 30 38 50 3 64 66 47 3 18 25 25 Lawther & Ryder, lots 7 to 16 Inc Burden-Lawther add, 450 lin ft at 1-2c . 2 25 M J Shannon, lot 83, O'Neill's Riv erview add ,100 lin ft at 1-2c 50 J Naubaer, lot 61, O'Neill's Riv- erview add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 B J O'Neill. lot 60 O'Neill's Riv- erview's acid, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 Mrs M Muntz, lot 38, O'Neill's Riv F Swanson. lot 39. O'Neill's Riv- erviews add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. 50 F A Bisping, lot 116, O'Neill's Riv erview add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 W G Cox. lot 111, Cox's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Theo Scharle, lot 109, Cox add. 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 W G Cox. lot 73, Cox add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Mary Schroeder, lot 4, Buettell's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 John Kearney. lot 3. Buettell's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 E L Allen, lot 1, Buettell's sub, 123 lin ft at 1-2c 62 J P Schroeder, lots 3, 4 and 5 and e 27 ft lot 6, Littleton and Saw- yer's add, 147 lin ft at 1-2c .... 74 H W Rust, lot 7 and w 13 ft lot 6. Littleton & Sawyer's add. 53 lin ft at 1-2c . 27 A Herting, lot 8, Littleton & Saw yer's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c 20 C F Gassman, lots 1 and 2 sub of 30 and 31, Littleton's and Saw- yer's add, 82 lin ft at 1-2c 41 D A Mahony Est, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 193, 550 lin ft at 1-2c 2 75 Allen Schumacher, lot 77, McCran ey's lst add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 W G Watters, lots 85 and 86, Mc- Craney's 1st add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 50 W G Watters, lots 96, 97 and 98, McCraney's 1st add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. 75 L Kalfenbach, lot 118. Mechanics add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 C A Voelker, et al, lots 113 to 117 inc, Mechanics add, 250 lin ft at 1-2c . ... 1 25 C A Voelker. lot 32, Schroeder's 60 add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c J P Schroeder, lot 20, Schroeder's 50 add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c J P Schroeder, lot 4, Schroeder's 50 add. 100 ft at 1-2c . C A Voelker, lots 2, 3, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22 and 23, Voelker's add, 500 2 50 lin ft at 1-2c. . P W Crawford, lots 1, 2 3 and 7, sub 2 of outlot 673, city, 239 lin 1 20 ft at 1-2c. St Joseph's Academy, lot 468, city, 258 lin ft at 1-2c 63 45 25 25 1 26 M E Church, n 166 ft lot 467, city, 294 lin ft at 1-2c 1 47 B J O'Neill, lot 46, city, 166 lin 83 ft at 1-2c . 106 Reinlar Session, James Levi, lot 2 sub s 1-2, lot 456, city, 100 lin ft at 1-2c 50 Robt Waller Est, n 34 ft, lot 32, 43 city, 85 lin ft at 1-2c Syndicate Block Co, lots 29 and 10 30, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c John Hennessy, n 28 rt lot 70, 14 city, 28 lin ft at 1-2c A M Bush, m 19 ft, lot 8, city, 10 20 lin ft at 1-2c J Rowan, s 27 ft lot 532a, city, 27 14 lin ft at 1-2c J H Shields, et al, lots 8, 8a and 8b, sub w 1-2 B 1, Dub. Har. Co.'s add, 65 lin ft at 1-2c 33 C L Prichard, lot 12, sub w 1-2 B 1 Dub Har Co's add, 45 lin ft at 23 1-2c . D J Hennessy, n 1-2, lot 536, city, 32 lin ft at 1-2c 16 I C R R, n 38 ft, lot 20, city, 114 ft at 1-2c . 57 P Kiene Sr, lot 13, city, 114 lin ft at 1-2c . 57 N L Alden, lot 232, city, 52 lin ft at 1-2c . 26 R Waller Est, lot 233, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c . 10 J P Earley, lot 230, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 B E Linehan, lot 229, city, 166 lin ft at 1-2c . 83 Bradley & McLean, lots 222 and 223, city, 213 lin ft at 1-2c 1 07 A Goldthorpe, n 38.6 ft lot 219, city, 120 lin ft at 1-2c 60 W G Cox, lot 5 and w 1-2 lot 6, Cox's add, 75 lin ft at 1-2c 38 John Koch, lot 16, Cox add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 Wm Hintrager, w 42 ft lot 15, Quigley's sub, out lot 710, city, 42 lin ft at 1-2c 21 Joe Herod, lot 11, Wm Blake's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 T J Paisley, lots 12, 13 and 14, Wm Blake's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c Jas Traut, lot 15, Wm Blake's add 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Jac Traut, lot 15, Wm Blake's add, Blake's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 Paul Traut, lots 18 and 19, Wm Blake's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 Hughes & Blake, lots 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27, Wm Blake's add, 425 lin ft at 1-2c E H Shepply, lot 3, Cox's add, 62 lin ft at 1-2c Jas McCann, lot 1, Dorgan's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c F Mertz, s 1-2 lot 216, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c Y M C A, lots 168 and 168a, city, 214 lin ft at 1-2c M E Chatfield, lot 211, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Allison & Bradley, s 20 ft lot 33, city, 114 lin ft at 1-2c 57 Mrs. A B Keller, lot 204, city, 116 75 2 13 1 31 25 13 07 25 .)Coy 4, 1896 lin ft at 1-2c 58 A B Ryan, s 52.6 ft lot 460, city, 114 lin ft at 1-2c . 57 John Bell, s 2-5 lot 449, city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c 20 I Boyoiu, lot 253, city, 52 lin ft at 1-2c . 26 A W Kemler Est, lots 281 and 282, city, 75 lin ft at 1-2c 38 John Turner Est, lot 283, city, 31 lin ft at 1-2c . 16 Schmidt & Kuehule, n 1-2, 293, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c . 13 P Kiene, Sr, s 1-2 lot 245, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c . 13 P Mihm, n 1-2 lot 245, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c . 13 Wm Reche Est, s 31.5 ft lot 443, city, 140 lin ft at 1-2c . 70 John McDonald, s 89 ft lot 2, Mc- Nulty's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c.. 50 V Melchoir, lots 57 and 2 of 56, S M Langworthy"s sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Jno Neuman, lots 15, 16 and 17, Nairn's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 52 W S Jackson, lot 13, Deming & Horr's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c .. 25 C 11 Eighmey, et al, lots 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Deming & Horr's add, 380 lin ft, at 1-2c .. 1 90 Wm Strinsky, lot 19, Deming & Horr's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c... 25 Mrs P Mackin, lot 13, S M Lang worthy's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c.. 25 J Zangmeister, lot 14, S M Lang - worthy's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c.. 25 Mrs Ed Blake, lots 1 and 2, S M Langworthy's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 O Reineck ,, lot 13, Newbury & Hale's sub, 48 lin ft at 1-2c 24 Julia Rhomberg, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 of min lot 159, 70 lin ft at 1-2c. 35 O E Guernsey, trustee, s 1-2 of lot 1 of 2 of 8, of min lot 159, 250 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 25 D J Hennessy, lot 3 sub out lot 724, city, 140 lin ft at 1-2c 70 7 Zangmeister, lot 24, S M Lang - worthy's add, 75 lin ft at 1-2c. 38 J Hennessy, lot 2 sub out lot 724, city, 30 lin ft at 1-2c . 15 John Hennessy, lot 723, city, 250 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 25 Wm Hintrager. lot 1 sub outlot 724, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c 10 Mrs R Scott, lot 8, Fortune's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 50 H Congisky, lot 3, Burch's sub, 40 lin ft at 1-2c 20 Jno M Sullivan, lot 19, Wilson's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Wm Hintrager, lot 6 of 7 ofmin lot 79, 80 lin ft at 1-2c 40 JH Berry Est, 2 & 2 of 1 of 1 of 3, Robt Brown's sub, 225 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 13 Smith, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 3, Robt Regular .ti, N•"(1n, _Way -4, 14U1;. Brown's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c25 Mrs Anna Whelan,ift lot 1 2c sub of 13 721, city, Watters & Dennis, 4 of 720, city, 35 70 lin ft at 1-2c Watters & Dennis, lots 1 and 2 of 3 of 720, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c75 W Wunderlich, lot 15, Fortunes sub, 175 lin ft at 1-2c 88 W G Watters, lots 49, 50, 51, S M Langworthy's add, 75 lin ft at 38 1-2c . • D J Hennessy, lots 1 and 2, Kel- ly's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c 50 F Freiburg, lots 6 and e 22 ft lot 5, Kelly's sub, 60 lin ft at 1-2c30 A W Kemler Est, lot 15, Kelly's 17 sub, 34 lin ft at 1-2c Nic Each, lot 13 sub 703, city, 38 19 lin ft at 1-2c . Henry Guerdet, lot 12 sub 703, city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c. 20 Wm Reche Est, lot 17. Reche's sub No. 2, 300 lin ft at 1-2c 1 50 J Schwind, lots 11 and 12, More- heiser's sub, 200 lin ft at 1-2c.. 1 00 F Boxleiter, lots 9 and 10, More- heiser's sub, 90 lin ft at 1-2c 45 M Tschirgi, Sr, lots 18 and 19, Moreheiser's sub, 100 lin ft at 50 1-2c . A W Kemler Est, lot 7, Milligan's sub, 45 lin ft at 1-2c . 23 Wm Hetherington, lot 3, Milli- gan's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Tschirgi & Schwind, lots 246, 202 and 203, Woodlawn Park add, 250 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 25 E Butt, lot 1 of 4 sub 13, min lot 172, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 A W Kemler Est, 1 of 4, Robt Brown's sub, 44 lin ft at 1-2c 22 Geo Gray Est, lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Gray's sub, 200 lin ft at 1-2c .. 1 00 M and F Ryan, lot 7, Hill's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 Key City Elec St Ry Co. lots 5 and 6, Oakland Park add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c C A Voelker, lots 51 and 52, Wood lawn Park add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c J Pecker, lots 151 and 152, Wood - lawn Park add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c Wm Fuller, lots 153 and 154, Woodlawn Park add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c C Shannon, lots 1, 2, 49 and 50, Woodlawn Park add, 210 lin ft at 1-2c C Shannon, lot 20, Oakland Park add, 90 lin ft at 1-2c Hosford & Kemler, n 88 ft lot 783 A McDaniel's sub. 250 lin ft at 1-2c W G Cox, lot 14, Levin's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c James Forester, lot 16, Mt Pleas ant add. 300 lin ft at 1-2c D J Lenehan, lots 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11, Home add, 200 lin ft at 1-2c 50 50 50 50 1 05 111 Jno Hennessy, lots 820 and 821, A McDaniel's sub, 170 lin ft at 1-2c Mich Cosgrove, w 1-8 814 and e 1-2 815, A McDaniel's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Mary Weigel, lot 2 out lot 741, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Mrs Alice Goldthorpe. lot 3 out - lot 741, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c W G Cox, lot 2 min lot 90, city, 835 lin ft at 1-2c W G Cox, lot 3 min lot 90, city, 975 lin ft at 1-2c Dubuque County, lot 320, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Jno Fogerty et al, lot 354, city, 145 lin ft at 1-2c Mrs Jos Foltzer, n 1-2 n 1-5, lot 479, city, 35 lin ft at 1-2c A F Klauer et al, s 2-5, lot 431, city, 158 lin ft at 1-2c 11 J O'Neill, m 1-5, lot 475, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . A L Mathews, n 40 ft e 111 ft s 2-5, lot 663, city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c Tredway & Provost, lots 636 and 637, city, 118 lin ft at 1-2c W L Bradley, lot 150, city, 35 lin ft at 1-2c E R Jackson, lot 632, city, 32 lin ft at 1-2c M O'Rourke, n 1-2 lot 630, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c John Rienecke, lots 89 and 89a, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c . John Lucus Est, lot 566, city, 145 lin ft at 1-2c C Flanders„ lot 81, city, 28 lin ft at 1-2c T Dolan, n m 20 ft, lot 83, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c 45 1 25 25 1 50 1 00 85 25 25 25 4 18 4 86 25 73 18 79 25 20 59 18 16 13 75 73 14 10 20 20 11 13 50 25 80 20 75 58 75 25 5 A M Bush, n 2-3, lot 195, city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c Key City Brl Co, s 2-3, lot 194, city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c Robt Waller Est, lot 234, city, 22 lin ft at 1-2c C H Meyer, n 1-2 lot 235, city, 25 lin ft at 1-2c Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co, lots 357 and 358, city, 100 lin ft at 1-2c John McCabe„ lot 321, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c S J Goldthorpe, lot 324, city, 160 lin ft at 1-2c 40 lin ft R Martin, lot 349, city, at 1-2c Dubuque Cabt Makers Assn, lot 343, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c I H Keepers, lot 339, city, 116 lin ft at 1-2c M O'Connors Est, lot 590, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c Williams Bros, lot 591, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c W J Burns, m 29 ft lot 592, city, 10 lin ft at 1-2c H Kavanaugh,loflo H Kavanaugh, 1 of 600, city, 40 lOs Regular Session, May 4, 1896 lin tt at 1-2c . N C Ryan, lot 121, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c . Marg Layhan, 4 of 601, city, 50 lin 25 ft at 1-2c . St Mary's Academy, 602a and a 1.2 ft 602, city, 280 lin ft at 1-2c 1 40 John Hennessy, lots 124 and 125, 60 city, 120 lin ft at 1-2c M J Sullivan Est, lot 127, city, 65 33 lin ft at 1-2c . Geo Richardson, lot 128, city, 50 25 lin ft at 1-2c John Keenan, w m 100 ft 608, city, 38 75 lin ft at 1-2c . Mary McPoland, s 1-2 e 113 ft, 608, 25 City, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . Mary Ryan, lot 610, city, 40 lin ft 20 at 1-2c . John Hennessy, lots 725, 726, 697 and 1 of 694, city, 720 lin ft at 3 60 1-2c . R Bonson Est, 1 of 731, city, 245 lin ft at 1-2c . . 1 23 Mercy Hospital, 2 of min lot 66, 750 lin ft at 1-2c . 3 07 W G Cox, lot 44, Corriell's sub, 153 ft at 1-2c . 77 J H Rhomberg, lots 47 and 48, Corriell's sub, 120 lin ft at 1-2c 60 J A Rhemberg, lots 42, 43, 50, 51 and 52, Corriell's sub, 280 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 40 E H Shepply, lot 49, Corriell's sub 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 25 Cath Rhomberg, lots 1 to 14 inc, Hill St add, 375 lin ft at 1-2c 1 87 Universalist Church, lot 638, city, 150 lin tt at 1-2c . 75 E H Shepply, lot 767, A McDan- iel's add, 45 lin ft at 1-2c 23 J McKinley, lot 2, McKinley's sub 25 lin tt at 1-2c . 13 Lorimier House Hotel Co, 5 of sub 654 and pt 688, city, 75 lin ft at 1-2c . 38 James Beach & Son, lots 583, 582 581 and 580, city, 300 lin ft at 1-2c Key City Gas Co, loth 2. 3, and 4, sub 552, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. 75 J B Ricketts, lot 5 sub of 578a and 579, city, 65 lin ft at 1-2c 33 J S Randall Est, lots 52, 53, 54 2 of 1 of 55 and 1 of 1 of 55 min lot 39, 625 lin ft at 1-2c . John Deery, lots 39 and 40, min lot 39, 100 lin ft at 1-20 J H Thedinga Est, s 100 ft 552a, city, 100 lin ft at 1-2c James Levi, lots 15 and 16, Le- vi's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c 20 Eliza Doyle, e 1-2 3 and w 10 ft 2, Newman's sub, 33 lin ft at 1-2c John Talty Est, lot 3, Stout's Dub, 47 lin ft at 1-2c W J Dolan, lot 8. Levi's add, 30 lin ft at 1-20 Ellen Gleason, 2 sub 229, Union 20 75 1 50 3 13 50 50 17 24 15 add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c 25 Tom Bryne, lots 12 to 19 inc, Bon son & Stewart's sub, 400 lin ft at 1-2c 2 00 Julia Rhomberg, lots 1, 3 and 5, sub 1 and 2 min lot 62 and pt 149, 250 lin ft at 1-2c 1 25 S J Patch, lots 199, 198 and e 10 ft 197, Union add, 234 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 17 J T Hancock Est, lot 6 min lot 158, 180. lin ft at 1-2c 90 Mrs. A Elliott, lot 1, Harper's sub, 65 lin ft at 1-2c 33 Hall & Reed, e 1-2 105, Union add, 80 lin ft at 1-2c ... .... ....... 40 Rev John Fogerty, 138 and 139, Union add, 380 lin ft at 1-2c ... 1 90 M Maher, lot 137, Union add, 300 lin ft at 1-2c 1 50 J Hennessy, lots 165 and 166, Un- ion add, 120 lin ft at 1-2c . 60 P Rhomberg, w 1-2 of 1, of 2 of 2 1 of 3 min lot 158, 525 lin f; at 1-2c . 2 63 M Green, 78 of 1 of sub 76 and 77, Union add, 100 lin f- at 1-2c 50 Frank Jaeger, s 2-5 437, city, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 50 John Eichhorn, w 1-2 44, L H Langworthy's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c . 20 A M Bavendick, n m 21 ft 12, L H Langworthy's add, 21 lin ft at 1-2c . 11 Mrs E Vogt, n 37 ft 12, L H Lang worthy's add, 37 lin ft at 1-2c . 19 Chas Hollnagel, n 1-2 19 and s 1-2 20, L H Langworthy's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c . 20 W Hollnagel, 9a and n 23 ft 9, L H Langworthy's add, 90 lin ft at 1-2c. . 45 J Zimmerman, 16. King's 1st add, 70 lin ft at 1-2c . 35 D Mauer Est, lots 227 and 228, Davis Farm add, 120 lin ft at 1-2c. 60 Paul Traut. lots 3 and 1, Dunnis sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 60 Kiene & Altman, 1 of 239, Davis Farm add, 220 lin ft at 1-2c 1 10 James Levi, lots 237 and 238, Dav is Farm add, 300 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 50 G Baumgartner, lot 230, Davis Farm add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c 30 A F Jaeger, lots 250, 270, 271 and 272, Davis Farm add, 240 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 20 Mrs M Duscher, lots 251 and s 1-2 252, Davis Farm add, 90 lin ft at 1-2c . 45 Jac Marshall, lot 277, Davis Farm add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. 76 M Kamer Est, lots 253 and n 1-2 252, Davis Farm add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c . 30 J Vyverburg Est, lot 300 and 301, Davis Farm add. 120 lin ft at 1-2c 60 J y',lur .)nasion, May 4, 1896 109 John Kaep, lot 304, Davis Farm Langworthy's add, 47 lin ft at add, 30 lin ft at 1-2c 15 at 1-2c Geo Salot, lots 15 and 16, West St John's Lutherian Church, 1 of add, 100 lin ft at 1-20 Dubuque Investment Co, 2 to 8 inc, Linehan Park ad, 225 lin ft at 1-2c. M Riede, lots 1 and 2, Glendale add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. John Doherty, lots 10 and 11, Glen dale add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c Paul Traut, lots 1 and 2, Paul Traut's sub, 150 lin ft at 1-2c . G Tenhof, lots 357, 358 and 359, Davis Farm add, 210 lin ft at 1-2c• A Glab Est, lot 375, Davis Farm add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c. R and E Langworthy, lots 153 and 154, Glendale add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c. R and E Langworthy, lots 223 to 228 inc, Glendale add, 310 lin ft at 1-2c. Geo Wiedner, lot 234, add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c. D Nickles, lot 232, Glendale add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. H W Butler, lot 213, Davis Farm add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. Adam Jaeger, s 40 ft lot 217, Davis Farm add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c. German Bank, lots 90 and 91, E. Dubuque add, 240 lin ft at 1-2c. -Jno Pilmaier, Jr, lot 101, East Du buque add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c. ... L Meyers, 42 ft of 92, L H Lang - worthy's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. Emma Klaes, 4 and n 1-2 5 sub 87 and 88, L H Langworthy's add 60 lin ft at 1-2c. M Graff Est, lot 3 sub 87 and 88, L H Langworthy's add, 30 lin ft at 1-2c. P G Altman, lots 13 and 14 Dunns sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. C H Meyer, lots 1 to 6 inc and 6a, King's Grove add, 500 lin ft at P W Crawford, lot 778, McDan- 1-2c Arnold Nicks, lots 2, 3 and 4 sub 23, 24, 25 and 26, Wm Rebman's sub, 200 lin ft at 1-2c J H Jecklin, lot 156a, L H Lang - worthy's add, 200 lin ft at 1-2c. C Heintz, lot 147, L H Lang - worthy's add, 165 lin ft at 1-2c. John Spahn, lot 1 sub 146 and 146a L H Langworthy's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c W A Leathers, w 117 ft 45, Marsh's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. Anna Kelly, 3 of 6 and 3 of 7, G D Wood's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c LH Dennert, 2 of 1 of n 1-3 of 99, L H Langworthy's add, 47 lin ft at 1-2c '. E J Schilling, 1 of 1-3 of 99, L H Glendale 50 2 of 2 of 3 of 10, L Kniest's sub, 300 lin ft at 1-2c Aug Gartner, lot 19, East Dubu- 1 13 que add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c . ..... E Langworthy Est, lot 16 and e 50 11 ft 17, East Dubuque add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c 05 Steuck & O'Farrel, lot 172, 173 and 174, East Dubuque add, 225 75 lin ft at 1-2c L Kaltenbach, lots 168 to 171 inc, East Dubuque add, 210 lin ft at 1-2c Jno Wimmer Est, lots 175 and 30 176, East Dubuque add, 210 lin ft at 1-2c . C H Meyer, e 40 ft lot 1 of 4, L 30 Kniest's sub, 160 lin ft at 1-2c Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. 1 05 1 55 24 1 50 25 75 1 13 1 05 1 05 80 30 Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved , By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 25 75 That to pay for the cleaning of snow from sidewalks during the month of February, 1896, by the City of Dubuque 20 a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real es- t 20 tate herein after named situated and owned, and for the several amounts set 30 opposite each lot or parcel of real ea - tate as follows: 76 Chicago Great Western Ry, lot 10 East Dubuque add, pt of min lot 315 lots 1 and 2 Smedley's sub, 2 of 10 L. Kniest's sub, 300 30 lin ft at 1-2c . $ 1 50 Chicago Great Western Ry, lots 60 and 61, Sanford's sub, 200 lin 1 00 15 ft at 1-2c . • Adam Jaeger, 5 of 11, L Kniest's 38 50 sub, 75 lin ft at 1-2c. C,M&StPRy, 9to12inc, BS, Railroad add, 132 lin ft at 1-2c. 66 Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 of min lot 3 64 2 50 466, 727 lin ft at 1-2c Peter Meyer, 4 of min lot 303, 100 50 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 00 Allen Schumacher, lot 52, Mc- Craney's 1st add, 50 lin ft at 1 00 1-2c . C Denlinger, lot 51, McCraney's 83 1st add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c . .... Allen Schumacher, lot 69, Mc- Craney's 1st add, 50 lin ft at 25 50 1-2c . M H McCarthy, lot 37, McCraney's 25 50 1st add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Allen Schumacher, lots 77 and 78, McCraney's 1st add, 90 lin ft at 45 50 1-2c. R Jones, lot 81, McCraney's 1st 50 add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 24 W G Waters, lot 82, McCraney's 75 1st add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c 25 75 110 Reyular Session, W G Waters, lots 85 and 86, Mc- CraneY's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. Jacob Kuntz, 1 and 2 sub of 6, 8 and 10, Wick's add, 90 lin ft at 1-2c . M C Munsell, lots 33, 34 and 35, Hooper's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. Wm Guderian, n 1-2 lot 35, Cook's add, 140 lin ft at 1-2c. J Fritsche, lots 3 and 4 sub 5, Staf ford's add, 60 lin ft at 1-2c E C Horning, e 1-2 lots 4 and 5 sub 1, Geiger's sub, 110 lin ft at 1-2c M R Stendeback. lot 3 sub 1, Gei- ger's sub, 40 lin ft at 1-2c Linwood Cemetery Ass'n, 4 sub min lot 472, 150 lin ft at 1-2c .. Wm Hintrager, lots 22, 23 and 24, O'Taylor's sub, 150 lin ft at 1-2c Theo Scharle, lot 109, Cox's sub, 50 lin ft at 1-2c W G Cox, lots 73 and 111, Cox's sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c G R Clark, lot 5, Porter's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c D A Mahony Est, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 193, 150 lin ft at 1-2c A W Hosford, lot 57. Littleton & Sawyer's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c Wm Young, lot 3 of 2, G D Woods sub, 34 Voelker's add, 90 lin ft at 1-2c C A Voelker, lots 2. 3 and 33, Voelker's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. A Heeb Est, lot 30, Marsh's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c . A L Mathews' n 40 ft e 111 ft s 2-5 lot 663 city, 40 lin ft at 1-2c S Hosford, lot 656, city, 115 lin ft at 1-2c Tredway & Provost, lot 637, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c Jno Babcock, n 21.7 ft lot 90 and s 28 1-2 ft lot 91, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. John Reinecke, lots 89 and 89a, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c John Bell, s 2-3 lot 112, city, 142 lin ft at 1-2c John Hennessy, lot 114, city, 20 lin ft at 1-2c P .T Burke„ n 43.9 ft, lot 117, city. 90 lin ft at 1-2c S J Goldthorpe, lot 324, city, 125 lin ft at 1-2c. Jno Fogerty et al, lot 354, city, 145 lin ft at 1-2c John Faust Est, lot 341, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c Mrs J Pau, s 2-5 lot 482, city, 38 lin ft at 1-2c Mary A Thomas et al, n 1-$5 lot 483, city, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. Mary Wienecke, lot 479a, city, 75 lin ft at 1-2c . J F Ackerman Est, s 31.2 ft lot 142, East Dubuque add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. John Hennessy, lots 820 and 821, 50 45 75 70 30 55 20 75 75 25 50 25 75 20 45 75 20 20 58 10 25 25 71 10 45 63 73 25 19 75 38 50 31-a y 4, A McDaniel's sub, 175 lin ft at 1-2c. 88 iels',sub 6 Hetherington sub, 125 lin ft at 1-2c. 63 J G Bailey, lots 799 and 800fl A McDaniel's sub, 80 lin ft at 1-2c 40 J J Rowan, lots 792 and 793, A Mc Daniel's sub. 75 lin ft at 1-2c . 38 Mary Weigel, lot 2 of out lot 741, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. Mrs Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3 of out lot 741, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c25 W G Cox, lot 3 of min lot 90, city, 925 lin ft at 1-2c 4 63 W G Cox. lot 2 of min lot 90, city, 300 lin ft at 1-2c 1 50 Jno Hennessy, lots 1 to 8 inc, Lev in's add, 825 lin ft at 1-2c. 4 13 Jno McDonald, s 89 ft lot 2 McNul ty's sub, 100 lin ft at 1.-2c 50 St Joseph Academy, lot 468, city, 270 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 35 J H Thedinga Est, n 2-5, lot 461, city, 155 lin ft at 1-2c. 78 L King, lot 14, Dorgan's sub, 25 lin ft at 1-2c. 13 P W Crawford, lots 1, 2, 3 and 7 sub 2 of 673, city, 240 lin ft at 1-2c . 1 20 W G Cox, lots 38, 39 and 40, Cox's add, 248 lin ft at 1-2c. . 1 24 W G Cox, lots 34 and 35, Cox's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. 50 W G Cox, lot 54, Cox's add, 40 lin ft at 1-2c . . 20 W G Cox, lots 59, 60 and 61, Cox's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. 75 T J Paisley, lots 12, 13 and 14, Blake's add, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. . 75 Jac Traut, lot 15, Blake's add, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. 25 Jos Traut Est, lots 16 and 17, Blake's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c50 Paul 'l'raut, lots 18 and 19, Blake's add, 100 lin ft at 1-2c. 50 B B Richards, n 1-5 lot 475, city, 100 lin ft at 1-2c . 50 Ryder Bros, s 1-2 m 1-5 lot 476, city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. 25 Paul Traut, lots 3 and 4, Dunn's sub, 100 lin ft at 1- 2c 50 Kiene & Altman, 1 of 239, Davis Farm add, 200 lin ft at 1-2c1 00 James Levi, lots 237 and 238, Davis Farni add, 300 lin ft at 1-2c. Aug Jauggen, lot 290 Davis' Farm add, 60 lin feet at Y2c.. .. 30 Geo Salot, lots 15 and 16, West's add, 100 lineal feet at %c 50 John Gillis, lot 21 West's add, 60 lin feet at %c, , Chicago Great Western railway, 2 of 1 min lot 363, 200 lin feet at 25 1 50 M. Riedi, lots 1 and 2 Glendale add, 100 lin feet at %c.. John Doherty, lots 10 and 11 Glen dale add, 100 lin feet at 1c.. .. 50 R & E Langworthy, lots 153 and 154 Glendale add, 60 lin feet at 30 1 00 50 1 Reyalar Session, May 4, 1896. 30 city, 32 lin ft at 1-2c %c•• •• •' "" I Paul Traut, lots 1 and 2 Paul T Rafferty, e brt' s16Etn48.9 , ft lot 123, Traut's sub, 150 lin feet at%c .. 75 I city, 16 lin ft at 1-2c i N C Ryan, lot 121, city, 155 lin ft D. Nickels, lot 232 Glendale add, 50 lin feet at 1,%c ............25 • at 1-2c. Glab Est, lot 375 Davis' Farm ;Shields Sc Watters, lots 8, 8a and d 60 lin feet at %c • . . .. 30 ' 8b, sub w 1-2 b 1 Dubuque Har- , bor Co's add, 64 lin ft at 1-2c 80 W L Bradley, et al, lot 1 of 1 sub w 1-2 B 10, Dubuque Harbor 20 Co's add• 144 lin ft at 1-2c Amelia Hodgdon• m 19 ft lot 8, city, 19 lin ft at 1-2c Staples. Phelan Sr Wilson, n 2-3 lot 16, city. 100 lin ft at 1-2c ... Mrs Alice Goldthorpe, n 38.6 lot 23 219, city, 120 lin ft at 1-2c ..... M Flick Est, m 1-5 lot 454, city, 50 51 lin ft at 1-2c C Jungk, n 50.2 s m 1-5 lot 460, 90 city, 50 lin ft at 1-2c. Adopted by the following vote: 25 Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. B•onson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, 50 McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit- tee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paying bill of Noonan Bros., $5.00. In favor of paying bill of Dubuque Rubber and Belting company of 65c. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit - H. 3 add, 160 lin feet at%c.. Farm . 7 Adam add add, 5 40 of lin feetlDavis' at AMcDonald, lots 1, 2 and 3 sub 218 and 219 Davis' Farm add, 135 lin feet at %c... • • b D Davis' rFarm addice, lot 4 , 45 218219 45lin feet at C. J. Peterson, lot 1 Olinger's sub, 100 lin feet at 1cc.. .. C. H. Meyer E 40 feet lot 1 of 4, L Kniest's sub. 180 lin feet et 8 King's c. Johanna Frenzel, S % 1st add, 50 lin feet at %c.. .. . . Jos Zimmerman, lot 16 King's 1st add, 100 lin feet at 1/zc • • .. • . • • t 1 to 6 inc and 6a CK. ing's Grove oadd, 500 lin feet at 2 50 John Walsh, lots 3, 4 and 5 sub 1 of 5 of lots 11, 12 and 13ne1/4 scet 13. 89, 2e, 140 lin feet at %C. 70 John J. Sheriden, lots 1 to 12 inc 68 111 16 08 78 32 72 10 50 60 26 25 Sheriden's add, 200 lin %c . 1 00 tee on markets, reported as follows: Lawther and Ryder, lots 7 to 19 I Your committee to whom was refer- inc, Burden & Ryder add, 500ollored the 50 i application inspector fweights Alex Gratz and measures feet at 1/zc John Wimmer Est, lotsd,175 and I thatltheordinance inurelation orecommend fees 176E Dubuque add, 200 in feet at bac• • 1 00 for inspecting scales be amended so as German about one-half the present am - b que add, 240ts lin feet at 1and 91 E Du- 1 20 I aunt and that the attorney be directed B. J. O'Neill. lot 60 O'Neill's to draft an ordinance accordingly. iety Riverview add, 150 lin feet at 75 ; of havThe inganinspector of weightsn arose as to the and Elizabeth . E que h K5 li lot S 1/z 105 E Du- 13 I% measures. Ald. Cullen moved to call the ayes que add. 25 lin feet at 54 Thill and Posts lot 254 Davis',,1 and noes on the matter, which resulted Farm add, 60 lin feet at 1/2c•• • . 3 I as follows: Wm Hopkins, lot 16. McNulty's 1Noes—Alda. Albrech , Altman, l m n, Ba - subb 1 of 2 min lot 88. 100 lin ft 5,," i er, Berg, BOnson, u ' Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. hairman of the com- at 1-2c. . M K Reynolds, a 1-2 2 of 2, min 13 lot 88. 25 lin ft at 1-2c .... • • • A W Hosford. lots 18 and 19, Cain's sub, 80 lin ft at 1-2c . • •the following John Hennessy• los 1 and . Mob posals for burglar proof sa es. ley's Dubuque. 100 linaa ft at 1-2c 50 In favor of paying 3.30 J H Berry Est. lot 2 of 3. Brown's 50 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co. $4 50 sub, 100 lin ft at 1-2c i ., sub, ! Mechanics Insurance Co. .... Also most respectfully would acom- the Ald. Dennert, mittee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: 40 , In favor of deferring action on pro - W G Cox. lot 44. Corr e.- 75 150 lin ft at 1-2c • • • ... :Ino McKinley. lot 2. McKinley's 13 sub, 25 lin ft at 1-2c . ........ Universalist Church, lot 638, citY, 150 lin ft at 1-2c. ••• S Sunderhalt. w 63 ft, lot 643, city, 59 lin ft at 1-2c • • ...city, Fanney Wood. n 7 ft lot 131, s 17.3 ft lot 132, city, 24 Iin ft at 12 1-2c ......... Mrs M J Sullivan Est, lot 127, 75 30 mend that the drive way eas brick as when same is done it will make 18th street engine house be paved with a good driveway ond at e of the same e ti me y answer the purpose r draining off the water that falls from the engine use, as at present said wa ter runs into othe adjacent property and creates a nuisance. Report adopted. 112 Regular Semon, May 4. 1896. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit- tee on fire, reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition ask- ing for a fire alarm box on the hill west of Bluff street and north of West 14th street, same to be located by the fire chief. Also reported in favor of paying bill of Martin Strelau Co, $79.98 for coal. Report adopted. Aid. Lagen, chairman of the commit- tee on police and light, reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the following bills Globe Light & Heat Co $166 67 Star Electric Co 1,647 00 Key City Gas Co 81 45 Report adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- tee on printing, reported the following bills: The Globe ...$67 50 The Times 29 15 The Herald .. 67 60 The Telegraph . 50 00 German Catholic Printing Co 50 00 Report adopted. Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported as fol- lows: In favor of allowing the taxes of Frederick Marsch on lot 4 in McCran- ey's addition to remain a lien on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Caroline Mathis on lot 32 in Marsh's addition to remain a lien on said prop- erty for the year 1895 and the city treas urer is instructed not to sell said prop- erty until further orders from the coun- cil. In favor of the within petition of F. W. Weiland of reducing the taxes on lots 7 and 7a of city lots 653 and 653a to 6.750 for 1895. In favor of allowing the taxes of John Wolf on east 1-2 lot 40 in Drei- belbis' addition to remain a lien on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of reducing the amount of the Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. for the year, 1895 to $2,180 as for agreement with the city. In favor of allowing the taxes of John Eagan on lots 14 and 15 part of mineral lot 79 Kelly's addition to re- main a lien; on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is in- structed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Sa- lone Rupprecht on lot 446 Harris' ad- dition to remain a lien on said proper- ty for the year 1895 and the city treas- urer is instructed not to sell said prop- erty until further orders from the coun- cil. In favor of allowing the taxes of Hen rietta Wolf on lot 6 Marsh's addition to remain a lien on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is in- structed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of the petition of Dubuque Turners Society asking that their as- sessment be made the same as former years which is $6.200. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. G. Mandel on lot 1 of suh 9, Kniest sub to remain a lien on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property un- til further orders from the council. Report adverse on the petition of Mrs Elizabeth Leute asking for s reduction of taxes on lot 282 East Dubuque addi- tion. Adverse on petition of Louis Pochter for reduction of assessment for 1895. Adverse on petition of F. Hitchins for , reduction of taxes for 1895. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Patrick Flynn on s 25 feetcity lot 576 to remain a lien on said property for for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs Henry Strellar on lot 18 south Park Hill addition to remain a lien on said prop- erty for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Paul Ragatz on lot 9 in South Park Hill addition to remain a lien on said prop- erty for the year 1895 and the city treas urer is instructed not to sell said prop- erty until further orders from the coun cil. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. McPoland on lot 7 and 8 Finlely's addi- tion to remain a lien on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. Report adverse on the petition of Sophia Dempsey asking for a reduction of taxes on lot 2 of lots 33 and 34 Lewis addition for 1895. In favor of the petition of S. D. Ryan asking that the assessment of 1895 on block 7 and 8 and lot 5 of block 4 in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addition be re- duced to $33.00. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Hickey in relation to t special assessment for improving streets. In favor of allowing Mrs. J. C. Silzer to pay $6.00 in full for taxes on lot No. 47 in Cox's addition for 1895. In favor of the petition of Hugo Ruh IRey,'tor Session, May 4, 1896 to have his personal tax of 1895 reduc- ed to $3.00. In favor of the petition of Mrs. Wm. Guderian asking that the special tax of 12 cents against her property for clean- ing snow be cancelled as she has paid the same. In favor of the petition of Geo. Ra- gatz asking to have his assessment against lot 48 Cook's addition reduced to $34.00 for 1895. In favor of allowing the taxes of Car- oline Lenzing on lot 274 Davis Farm ad- dition to remain a lien on said proper- , ty for the year 1895, and the city treas- urer is instructed not to sell said prop- erty until further orders from the coun- cil. In favor of allowing the taxes of Eli- zabeth Kress on lot 579 Harris addition to remain a Hen on said property for the year 1895 and the city treasurer is Petition of Thos. Hassett, asking that he be not charged for rolling on South Bluff street was referred to the street committee. Plat of Louis Brin, Jr., of Hodge's sub No. 2 was referred to the street commit- tee and engineer. Ald. Altman, chairman of the commit tee on sewers reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of J. P. Schroeder et al for a sanitary sewer in Seminary strcet from Madison street west. In favor of granting the petition of Jas. Wallis et al for a sanitary sewer in Avon street. In favor of granting the petition of D. J. Linehan for the extension of a sanitary sewer in Cornell street. In favor of granting the petition of Pohin Phillsps for permission to con- struct manhole on West 5th street un- der the supervision of the city engineer. instructed not to sell said property un- Also would respectfully recommend til further orders from the council. that the salary of sewer inspector be In favor of the petition Mrs. Anna fixed at $900.00 for the ensuing year, Huber asking to cancell her taxes on said sewer inspector to procure at his own expense a horse and wagon to do all hauling that may be required in his department. lot 30 McDaniel's Park Hill addition for 1895. In favor of allowing Mrs. John Freh- Lich to pay $11.50 for taxes in full for i Report adopted. 1895 on lot 801 McDaniel's sub. Mayor's Message. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Mayor Duffy submitted the following, Bridget Cantwell on lot 2 and 3 in Fin- which was referred to the finance cont.: ley Burton's addition to remain a lien mittee, mayor and attorney: on said property for the year 1895 and Mayor's Office, the city treasurer is instructed not to May 4th, 1896. sell said property until further orders To the Honorable Council of the City from the council. of Dubuque: Report adopted. Gentlemen: I had reason to believe Ald. Bonson, chairman of the commit before I was elected to the office of tee of the whole, reported as follows: mayor of the city that Mr. Olinger, my In favor of the adoption to the divid- predecessor, had issued permits in lieu of licenses to parties in this city to ped dle for which money was piad to him by them and not paid into the city treasury by Mr. Olinger. After being elected and installed in office, I deemed it my duty to the peo- ple to investigate the matter as well as I was able to do, and as a result of that investigation I ascertained that the fololwing permits were issued, that they were paid him for the same sums of money set out herein, with the date of issue, name of party to whom issued, and time for which issued. They are as follows: May 2, 1895, V. Remy, 30 days; paid $3.00. May 28, 1895, Mr. Strayer, to July 1; paid $3.00. June 5, 1895, V. RemY, 14 days; paid $1.50. June 5, 1895, Mr. Budweiser, 30 days; paid $3.00. August 7, 1895, V. Remy, 14 days; paid $1.50. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the paving August 7, 1895, H. Budweiser 14 days; committee. reported adverse to the pe- paid $1.50. Budweiser, 2 tition of Denis Smith remonstrating i September 3, 1895, — against paving Jones street. I weeks; paid $1.50. Remy,2 weeks; Report adopted. September 4, 1895. V. ed grade on Catherine street from West 17th street to alley north as shown on profile. In favor of receiving and filing re- monstrance of Julia L. Langworthy against the proposed extension of 26th street. In favor of remonstrance against street. In favor of receiving and tiling the remonstrance of F. W. Kringle against change of grade on Catherine street. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance of John Heidinger against change of grade on Catherine street. Report adopted. Ald. Dennert, chairman of the com- mittee on electrical construction, re- ported in favor of paying the bill of the Central Union Telephone Co. of $46.50 for telephone rent. receiving and of George change of grade on filing the Schreiner Catherine Repore adopted 114 Regular Session, May 4, 1896. paid $1.50. October 10, 1895, V. Remy, 3 days; paid Mr. J. J. Strayer, who says he paid for this permit, says he thinks I erred In copying the number of days from the permit, and that it should be 30 days instead of 3 days, for which reason the price paid is not carried out, which, if for 30 days, would be $3.00. I have been unable to verify this item for a reason which will appear later. October 24, 1895, V. Remy, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. October 24, 1895, W. J. Budweiser, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. November 11, 1895, J. Strayer, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. November 14, 1895, V. Remy, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. December 19, 1895, V. Remy, to De- cember 21; paid 75 cents. January 19, 1896, V .Remy, 2 weeks: paid $1.50. January 14. 1896, Mr. Budweiser, 1 month; paid $3.00. February 4, 1896, V. Remy, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. February 24, 1896, Mr. Sanborn, 2 weeks; paid $1.50. February 28, 1896, J. Steinberg, to April 1st; not certain about amount paid. April 3, 1896. Leo Rizento, one year; paid $10.00. April 7, 1896, F. Sanborn, 60 days: paid $1.00. April 7. 1896. F. Budweiser, 60 days; paid $1.00. Mr. Strayer says that the last two permits Mr. Olinger tendered to him for his agents, Sanborn and Budweiser. on the 7th day of April last, the day atter the election, as a present not to be paid for, and the two dollars paid by Mr. Strayer for them was not de- manded by Mr. Olinger. I requested Treasurer Gnitfke to make an examination of his books and ascertain if any money had been paid into the treasury by or for the above named parties. He informed me that he could find only the sum of $5.00 credited on April 3, 1896, to Leo Riz- ento, and the probability seems to b?, that this payment is part for the per- mit for one year issued on that day to Mr. Leo Rizento. Among these permits was the memorandum of the name of a man who claims to have paid $2.00 for a permit to peddle peanuts, and with- in a month or so procured a license for which he had to pay the usual fee of $10.00, getting no allowance for the 32.00 previously paid for the permit. Since the 23rd of April I have pro- cured two more permits -one issued September 3, 1895, to A. F. More for two weeks, and one May 28, 1895. to the same party, to June 28. 1895, which, it is olatmedwere paid for at the same rate as others of a similar character. The parties to whom these permits were issued I think are all in the city now. Mr. Strayer, who paid for nearly all these permits, informs me that these mentioned herein are not all that he has paid for, for the reason that after they have served their purpose of pro- tecting the agents there is no object in preserving them and they are carelessly laid aside and frequently thrown away. I know of no authority under the city ordinance for the issuance of these per- mits, and there surely is no authority granted anywhere to the mayor to charge for them. It is needless to re- mind you that if money has been ob- tained on them that its proper place is in the city treasury. I can see that there are cases where it would be hu- mane to grant a permit to one who was crippled or otherwise unfortunate to peddle to support himself, as is done in other cities by the mayor. This privi- lege is lodged in the mayor for merciful not mercenary purposes. If this coun- cil will consent that I may exercise that discretion I will do so cheerfully. Otherwise I will not. How many of these permits have been issued, I have no means of discovering even proximately. They are supposed and designed to .je numbered consecu- tively to correspond with the stubs left in the book from which they were taken. No number appeals on any of the permits I have found. It is im- possible to say whether one, one hun- dred or more have been issued. I have not been able to find any stub book in the mayor's office from which they were taken. I found in the office four of these permit books containing one huh- dred blanks each, none of which had been used, but no books from which any permits had been detached. I think it proper here to say in this suggestive connection that the council should require all stub books used by all city officers to be deposited in the office of the city treasurer as fast as used, and at the expiration of an offi- cer's term in all cases. There are many reasons why this should be done, none to the contrary. On the afternoon of the 23rd of last month efforts were made to induce a party to see me for the purpose of in- fluencing me to keep the matter quiet, which failed. That night my office was entered, my desk unlocked and these permits, which I had placed in one of the small drawers of the desk were all stolen, together with a list of those who had paid license during the yeasr 1895, a list of the city police, the names of some of whom I had marked for in- quiry, several slips of paper on which I had written the names of parties who came without formal application for appointment on thep olice force and a small sheet of postage stamps which the treasuer had furnished me for of- Regular Session, May 4, 1896 ficial business. Everything in the na- ture of paper had been taken from that drawer, except one stamp which had been torn from the sheet. The burglar and thief was not in search of anything of money value evidently, for he left unmolested a smaa box of letters which I kept for my private correspond- ence, some new lead pencils and a full box of steel pens. Gain was certainly not the aim of the party who did the work. Nothing in the other drawer of the desk or elsewhere was disturbed. Mayor Olinger knew I had these per- mits in my possession. By whom this double crime of bur- glary and larceny was committed or at whose instigation and procurement or for whose benefit it was done is a mat- ter for your careful inquiry. The key of the mayor's desk was never deliver- ed to me by Mayor Olinger and has never come into my possession. I have entered into this matter fully because I thought it due to the public interests, to thep rotection of the peo- ple from such wrong and to the cause of justice that you should know all the facts in the case and that you may dili- gently inquire into the matter and if you find that money has been wrong- fully received by Mr. Olinger and con- verted to his own use that you take such,action as you may deem best to recover it from him and place it where it rightfully belongs—in the city treas- That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: Six feet wide on west side of Cale- donia Place between Iii11 street and W. 8th street. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 20 day of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: Twelve feet wide on south side of Thirteenth street between Main street and Iowa street where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council, That the street commissioner be and is ury—and further that you use all the hereby instructed to enlarge the cross means and efforts at your command to storm water sewer at the intersection of Dodge and Locust streets as the pres ent sewer is to small too carry off the water of ordinary storms thereby caus- ing serious damage to surrounding property. Ald. Cullen offered first. was adopted: failed, for I had the list presented here- Be it resolved by the City Council. in in my pocket. In a case as serious That the city engineer be and is here - as this there is but one thing before by instructed to make a survey and plat us, to know our duty to the people and of the proposed extension of St. Mary's then do it I have done mine. I have street between Emmett street and Pea- body avenue together with the names of the owners of the abutting property proposed to be taken for,said exten- sion. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted. Be it resolved by the City Council, That the city engineer be and is here- by instructed to prepare a plat and pro- file of a grade of Peabody avenue be- tween Dodge and James streets togeth- Resolutions. er with an estimate of cost for grading Ald, Bonson offered the following: the same. Ald. which was adopted: Cullen offered the following, Resolved that a warrant for $325.00 in which was adopted: favor of Mr. Lorngette be drawn in pay Be it resolved by the City Council, ment of that portion of his lot taken by That the city engineer be and is here - the city for the improvement of Union by instructed to prepare a profile and plat of a proposed street running south from Southern avenue to Grandview avenue along the line of what is known as McMahon Place abutting the prop- erty of Capt. John Killeen and Ross Mc Mahon together with the names of the ferret out the guilty party, who, in the hope of getting possession of the evi- dence that he feared might furnish con- vincing proof of the commission of one crime, by deliberately and wickedly per petrating under the cover of darkness, two more crimes as grave in the eye of the law as the fi t. Fortunately he the following, firm faith that you, gentlemen of the council, will also do yours. To that end I would suggest here that you commit the matter herein referred to, to the finance committee and city attorney for investigation, with instruc- tions from you to investigate other matters, -.:re appear any cause to do so, pertaining to the mayor's office. Respectfn •y submitted, T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. avenue. The warrant to be delivered on re- ceipt of a deed to the property. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 116 Regular Session, .May 4. 1896. owners of the balance of the property to be taken, said street to be laid out at a uniform width of 40 feet. Ald. Cullenn offered the following. which was adopted: Resolved, That the police and light. committee be instructed to have a po- lice patrol box placed on the corner of West llth and Walnut street. Also one on the corner of Rhomberg and Windsor avenue as recommended by the city marshal. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That St. Mary street, between Em- mett and West 3rd street, be graded, curbed, and macadamized, in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamazing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer. Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Altman offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Cornell street to May Place and the city engineer is directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, the cost of construct ing said sewer to be done at the expense of the owners of adjacent property. Ald. Altman offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Foy street from West Locust street to and in Seminary street, thence along Seminary street from Paid to Harold street, and the city en- gineer is directed to prepare plans and specifications for doing said work, the cost of constructing said sewer to be done at the expense of adjacent prop- erty. Ald. Altman offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be constructed in Avon street from West- ern terminus to alley east, thence north to Chestnut street and the city engineer is hereby directed to prepare the neces- sary plans and specifications for said 1m provement the cost of constructing said sewer to be done at the expense of the owners of adjacent property. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on public grounds and buildings be in- structed to have a stairway leading from the inside of the police headquar- ters to the city jail so that prisoners can be taken from the said jail to the police court without having to be taken out on the street. Ald.. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city recorder be instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve free holders, citizens of said city. to assess the damages that may be cans ed by the proposed extension of 26th street as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Dennert offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Garfield avenue, between Dock avenue and First avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved that the city engineer is hereby ordered to make a survey and plat of a proposed extension of Elm street from Eagle Point avenue to San- ford street, the same to be 25 feet wide along the west side of the right of way of the Chicago Great Western railway, and proceed in accordance with the pro- visions of Chapter 30 of the revised or- dinance of 1893 and report the same to this council. Ald. Lagen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city electrician be instructed to have all trees in the city trimmed in accordance with the or- dinance on that subject, said work to be done at the expense of the owners thereof. Ald. Berg offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, the south 1-2 of lot 236, Davis Farm addition, is low and sub- ject to having stagnant water lying thereon, therefore, Resolved, That the owner thereof be instructed to fill said property within 30 days from this date. Failure on his part so to do will cause the city to do the same at his expense. Regular Session, May 4, 1896 Ald. McEvoy offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a storm water sewer be con- structed along South Dodge street from east side of Dodge street to west side of Curtis street, and that the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to pre- pare the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said work and advertise for bids for doing same. Ald. Albrecht offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the mayor appoint a special committee to examine and investigate if Geo. Dee is fulfilling his contract with the city, and report to the council as soon as possible. Aids Bauer, Lagen and Albrecht were appointed such committee. On motion the mayor was added to the committee. Ald. Bonson moved that City Engi- neer Knowlton be given permission to attend the meeting of the State Board of Health at Davenport. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton presented plans and specifications for sanitary sewers, as follows: Cornell street from West Fourteenth street to May Place. Avon street and alley to Chestnut street. Foye street from Almand street to Seminary street and in Seminary street from Harold street to Paul street, which were approved and adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that Mr. Rhom- berg be given ten days time to remove his building from High Bridge avenue, and if he does not comply with said or- der, the fire department is instructed to remove the same. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Carried. 117 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m., of Thursday, May 21st, 1896, for furnish- ing and laying stone crossing walks in accordance with plans and specifica- tions on file in said office. Bidders will furnish a bond of $200, that contract will be entered into if awarded. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. W. H. KNOWLTON, 5-17-5t. City Engineer. Dubuque, Ia., May 16th, 1896. SIDEWALK RESOLUTION. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement. be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: Eight feet wide on east side of Ne- vada street between Julien avenue and West Fifth street. Four feet wide on north side of Kauf- mann avenue between Francis street and Valarie street. Six feet wide on both sides of Jack- son street between 19th and 27th streets. Six feet wide on south side of Semi- nary street between 17th street and Main street. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the city council April 19th, 1896. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tem. 4-23-10t. SIDEWALK RESOLUTION. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: Twelve feet wide on east side of Iowa street abutting m 1-5 lot 454 city, here not already laid 'at the expense abutting property. Adopted by the city council April 20, 1896. JOHN O'CONNELL, 4-23-10t. Recorder Pro Tem._ NOTICE TO CARPENTERS. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 4:00 o'clock p.m. of y 14. 1896, for construct !ng austairway rsday, aleading from the cala- boose up to the city marshal's office, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions now on file at this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bide. W. H. KNOWLTON. TON.ty . 5-11-4t. Dubuque, May 11, 1896. 118 Oficial Not rex. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, p,11mq::e, Ia., April, 18th, 1896. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of May 2d, 1896, for the improvement of the following streets in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in my office: Bennett street from Grandview ave- nue to east line of lot 8, O'Hare's sub. Grading cut, 1,075 cu. yds, fill 810 cu. yds. Curbing, 2,000 lineal feet. Guttering, 900 square yards. Macadamizing, 1,800 square yards. Strauss avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. Grading cut, 1,200 cu. yds; fill 2,050 cu. yds. Curbing, 1,300 lineal feet. Guttering, 600 square yards. Macadamizing, 1,600 square yards. Clinton avenue from Queen street to Windsor avenue. Grading, fill, 1,180 cu. yds. Curbing, 500 lineal feet. Guttering. 200 square yards. Macadamizing, 600 square yards. Sheridan street from Groveland Place to Lawther avenue. Grading cut, 1,000 cu. yds; fill 50 cu. yards. Curbing, 700 lineal feet. Guttering, 300 square yards. Macadamizing, 800 square yards. Hedley Court from Strauss avenue to Lawther avenue. Grading cut, 650 cu. yds; fill 100 cu. yards. Curbing, 500 lineal feet. Guttering, 200 square yards. Macadamizing, 600 square yards. Coates avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross street. Grading cut, 6,500 cu yds; fill 6,500 cu. yards. Curbing, 3,600 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,600 square yards. Macadamizing, 4,400 square yards. Clifford street from Seminary street to Napier street. Grading cut, 1,380 cu. yds; fill 270 cu. Yards. Curbing, 1,300 lineal feet. Guttering, 580 square yards. Macadamizing, 650 square yards. Goethe avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue, grading cut, 1,540 cubic yards: filling, 2,690 cubic yards; curbing, 2,100 lineal Leet; guttering, 900 square yards, macadamizing, 2,500 sq yards. Grace street from Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8 O'Hare's sub, grad- ing cut, 2,100 cubic yards; fill, 1;920 cu- bic yards; curbing, 1.900 lineal feet; guttering, 850 square yards; macadam- izing, 2,800 square yards. Foye street from West Locust street to Gold street, curbing, 1;800 lineal feet; guttering, 800 square yards; macadamiz ung, 1,600 square yards; cut, 1,600 cubic yards; fill, 1,600 cubic yards. Hart street from Couler avenue to Valeria street, grading, 2,300 cubic yds; curbing. 1.100 lineal feet; guttering, 600 square yards: macadamizing, 1,200 sq. yards. Bidder's wi11 be required to furnish bond of $200.00 guaranteeing that the contract will he entered into if awarded. Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on at a ses- sion of the council to be held May 4th, 1896. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL, 4-18-10t. Recorder Pro Tem. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Dubuque. Iowa. April 22, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned comrn'ssloners, duly appoint- ed by the city council of the city of Du- buque, to assess the damages that may be caused by the proposed change of grade on Angella street and Catherine streetwill meet at marshal's office on Thursday, at 9 a in, May 21st, 1896, for the purpose of view- ing sad premises and making the as- sessments of damages if any that may be caused by said proposed change. JAMES CUSHING, JOHN TREXLER. J. HEROD. 4-24-3w. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Street Sweeping. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 2 o'clock p. m. of Monday, May 4th, 1896 for sweeping the brick pavements in accordance with specifications now on file at said office. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 4-80-4t. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, April 80 1896. NOTICE. Dubuque, May 16th, 1816. Sealed proposals will be received at the city recorder's office up to 4 o'clock p, m. of May 25th, 1896, by the commit- tee on police and light for the con- struction of two police patrol boxes, same size. style and make as those now in use, and completed in the same man- ner as when new. The contractor must furnish all ma- terial and labor and erect said boxes where directed by the committee. The committee reserves the right to reject all bids. B. LAGEN. Chairman of the Committee on Police and Light. 5-16-10t. 111i0iR% LVOt2CeR. 119. NOTICF OF CHANGE OF GRADE. Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, April 20, 1896. Notice is hein ygiven that there iso now on file in myffice a profile show- ing a proposed change of grade on Jones street and West Main street. All persons having objections thereto must Me their claims for damages in my office on or before May 4th, 1896. 4-22-12t. JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder pro tem. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF GRADE. Recorder's Office, Dubuque. Iowa, April 20, 1896. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a profile show- ing a proposed change of grade on Queen street from Edward to Clinton street. All persons having objections thereto must file their claims for damages in my office on or before May 4th. 1896. 4-22-12t. JOHN O'CONNELL Recorder pro tem_ SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone or cement. be. within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re lotion to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on Iowa and 7th street, abutting lot 219 city. 10 feet wide on west side of Bluff street between 12th streett and lath L. sstreet. 5-16-10t. City Recorder pro tem. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF GRADE. Notice is hereby given that- there is now on file in my nfilee profiles show- ing a proposed change of grade on Grace aril Kennett strPPt5. AU persons having objections there- to, must file their claims for damages in my office 011 or l fore June lst 5-16-12t. City Recorder Pru tem. SF'.CIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To F. W. Kringle: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the constructing of a side walk, adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D.. 1896, a spec- ial assessment will be levied for the ex pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council, upon all lots, and parcels of land abutting on said im provement. Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 sub lot 128 in Finley's add, owned by you being sub- ject to such assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 1st day of June, A. D., 1896, ands o assessment cause, I 'any you have, why a should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-14-10t. City Recorder Pro Tem. liequlter bcv,vtau-, June 1, 1'(06. CITY l'UU'NCIi. REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1, 1896. Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. On motion the minutes of last meet- ing were approved as printed. The following claims allowed: To whom allowed. Purpose. 12 Amt. B Lagen, livery $ W J Knight, expense in Hunt 22 50 case . Wm Jellison, repairing Wash- ington60 park . Wm Jellison, repairing Wash- ington park . L Roehl & Co, repairing city hall 44 30 Ryder Bros, material for chem- 30 63 cal engine . . 35 70 James Street, street curbing . . John Harney, sand account of road 2 40 Collings & Wilkinson, horse 0 shoeing . 1 30 5 580 Kenneally & Cane, street filling . E E Frith, removing garbage . . 214 50 John Steffens, labor at city hall. 2 00 Adam Jaeger, labor at city hall. 2 0 Geo. Sutle, labor at city hall John Brachtenback, labor at city 2 00 hall • . • • • • • Lembke Bros, supplies and re- 3 pairing fire department . . 3 B Hayes, expressing . . Gott Gmehle, assisting assessor 100 Telegraph Printing House, office blank: 22 B Hayes, cleaning city hall 20 Jacob Zevis and others, labor in 9 park . B D Linehan, repairing for road. 5 Key City Gas Co, coke for steam 86 roller . Mrs A Kien, scrubbing city hall. 5 Mrs. H Koenig, scrubbing city hall 5 Mrs. H Koenig, janitor city hall. 20 Harger & Blish, office supplies . 34 Geo Bennett, one month salary as assessor . . 100 Wm Jellison, repairing Main street park . 8 Wm Jellison, repairing flat iron, park . 26 Hardie & Scharle, printing 72 G B Grosvenor, office supplies . . 6 John T Kearns, county recorder _ 8 Duggan & Kane, brooms, soap, etc . 7 Stahl Salter Lubricating Co, har ness soap for fire dept. 4 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 9 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing and repairing fire dept 21 Engler, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for fire dept . 1 50 Grant Galena Co, hose casting5 00 Phil Pier, coal fire dept 11 90 Dubuque Water Co, water ac- count . . . . . . . .1337 50 Dubuque Linseed Oil Co, for fire department . . . 1 50 Key City Gas Co, gas account fire dept . 19 48 C H Whitwell, services and drugs fire dept . 27 00 P H Halpin, supplies for fire dept . . 2 80 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoeing fire dept . . 10 50 Excelsior Brass Works, repair- ing fire engines . 85 25 Peter Kien, cleaning and haul- ing W H Torbert, supplies . 32 84 Ham & Carver, blanks for audi- tor . 2 50 A Y McDonald & Morrison Mfg supplies 6 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, Co, supplies and labor . 4 40 A J Krise, repairing and white- washing city hall . . 14 75 James H Hunt, judgment, $3200 interest 6 per cent. $405.33; cost in district, $13,690; cost in supreme court, $3,575; total ..3777 98 3 50 0 T L Jess, wharfage . 30 00 0 The following were referred to com- mittee on printing: Dubuque Telegraph The Herald . . . The Times The Globe . National Demokrat . The following were referred to city 75 attorney: T C Murphy, justice . 19 25 00 Paul Ilg . . 10 50 William Maybanks . .. . 15 75 60 Following were referred to commit- tee on streets: 14 00 John A Kenneally . $ 48 R J Love . 1 50 60 McElrath Teaming Co . . 59 85 Standard Lumber Co . . 18 31 00 Wm Marhall . 13 60 00 90 The following were referred to com- mittee on police and light: Globe Light & Heat Co . $166 67 00 Western Electrical Supply Co . . 4 85 Key City Gas Co . 70 35 00 The following were referred to cotn- mittee on supplies: .$ 1 85 00 G Hall .00 00 Frank A Frommelt . 3 1 00 18 Mrs C Deckert . 25 The following were referred to com- mittee on Public grounds and build - 80 ings: M Muller . $ 20 10 00 L Roehl . 8 35 75 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum- ber Co 2 7 40 00 J C Honer . The following were referred to com- 25 00 00 $ 75 00 67 50 29 15 67 50 . 50 00 00 V 122 Regular Se8810n, Julie 1, 1896. mittee on sewers: Theo Schroup Bryan & Donahue . . Petitions. The following were referred to the de- linquent tax committee: Mary Perrott, remission of taxes for 18$5. Ellen M O'Hallorhan, reduction of taxes. C. H. Eighmey, cancellation of taxes on north sixty six (66) feet on south west corner of Twelfth and Main street. Mary Cunningham and Mary Walsh, reduction of taxes for 1895. Mrs. Mary A Fox, remission of taxes for 1895. Wm Roche Estate, reduction of taxes for 1895. Henrietta Kietzman, remission of taxes for 1895. The Dubuque High Bridge Co, can- cellation of taxes for 1895. The following referred to the com- mitttee of the whole: The petition of Dubuque Fruit Pro- duce Co., asking for a charter to trans- port passengers and teams across the Mississippi from Eagle Point to the Wis consin short with a two -horse ferry. The petition of Airs. Mary Meehan, for $3,000 damages to property caused by flood, the night of May 24th, 1896. The petition of Dubuque Opera House Co. asking for permission to erect a porch or awning similar to that in front of Grand Opera house, in front of the Duncan & Waller Opera house. Petition of John Hoffman asking for the appointment of assistant to the city marshal. The following were referred to the committee on streets and city engineer. Petition of Joseph L. C. Roberts, for .damages to property by the change of grade on Grace street. Petition of John S. Sweeney, for dam- age to property by change of grade on Grace and Bennett streets. Petition of Mrs. O. F. Hodge, protest- ing against change of grade and widen- ing of Bennett street. Petition of John O'Halloran, for eras- ure of name on petition signing right of way off his lot for the purpose of widening Bennett street, as he signed It under a juristatement of facts. Petition of Carl Nank, for improve- ment of Middle street. Petition of M Tschirgi for cancella- tion of taxes for cleaning snow. Petition of Mrs. Mary C. and Nettie Blake for damages in change of grade on Foy street. Petition of Geo. Noel, et al, for the opening and grading of Emsley street. Petition of James E. O'Hara, et al, protesting against macadamizing Grace street any further west than lot 8 in Ann O'Hare's subdivision; also against $ 15 90 176 30 any change hi grade -in said Grace street Petition of James E. O'Hare object- ing to macadamizing of Bennett street any further west than lot 8 in Ann O'Hare's subdivision; also object to widening said Bennett street. The following were referred to com- mittee on police and light: Petition of Geo. W. Smith et al for electric light in Woodlawn Park addi- tion. Petition of Peter Specht et al for the removal of arc light located at head of Kliene street and Leibnitz street. The following were granted: Petition of Hammell, Henker & Co. for the grading and macadamizing the alley between 17th and 18th street and Elm and Pirie street. Petition of Michael Duggan for $300 damage to apply on special assessment for improvement of Madison street from date of levy. Petition of Larance McEvoy asking the city to purchase macadam to apply on special assessment on street im- provement. Petition of M. M. Walker & Co., for permission to put up a wood awning on west of their building, corner of Main and Jones street. Petition of J. C. Longueville in ref- erence to repairing Iowa street refer- red to street commissioner with in- structions to repair• the same. Petition of Geo. A. Burden to be paid for construction of sewer in accordance with an agreement with the former council referred to the city engineer. The petition of E. Milligan and Mrs. Anna Morrow, protesting against pay- ing for sewer on West 17th street, re- ferrred to the mayor with power. The following petitions were received and filed. Petition of Geo. W. Farley to be al- lowed to deposit rock for macadam on some vacant lot. The petionof of W. A. Leathers et al. remonstrating against the improvement of Garfield avenue between Dock and Reed street. Petition of J. H. Rhomberg in refer- ence to the moving of the building on Fourth street extension near the high bridge. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg et al. remonstrating against paying special assessment for the improvement of 5th avenue. Proposition of J. J. Grigg extending street through his property from Grace street to Bennett street. Protest of J. A. Rhomberg et al. against the improvement of Garfield avenue between 1st avenue and Reed street. Proposition of James Gray comprom- ising his claim against the city for $500 was referred to committee on Regular Session, June 1, 1896. 123 claims and city attorney. ed the contract, he being the lowest On motion the rules were suspended bidder. and all persons desiring to were al-ImNorthproving CascgdeF emont ad tto Pacific ne etreefrom lowed to address the council. I Dubuque Construction Co. . $2,494 00 et. Miss Meehan addressed the council 2,116 00 in relation to damages by flood on ' M. BlaStuck a O'Farrell. Dodge and South Locust streets. Brown & Brown. Miss Allen addressed the council in Wm Dodson relation to retaining wall on Seminary Taylor & Becker. street adjacent to her brother's pro - On motion Wm. Dodson was awarded perty. the contract, he being the lowest bid - B. Powers also addressed the coun- der. cil in relation to the matter. On mo- Constructing sanitary sewer tion the same was referred to the com to Chestnut street. mittee of to whole. Byran Donahue. Mrs. Corbett addressed the council, O. G. Kringle. remonstrating against widening Ben- Hillery & Sons. nett street. Michael Connolly. Mr. Hill also addressed the council in ' Dubuque Construction relation to the same matter. On motion contract John --- et al addressed the coun- ell in relation to overflow from Couler Creek and condition of same. J. J. McCarthy, representing J. P. Scharle, addressed the council in re- lation to the change of grade on Hart street. H. Fulmer and Col. Henry Rose ad- dressed the council, remonstrating against the widening of West 14th, abutting their property. On motion bids for street improve - were opened and read and re - to the engineer for compute - 2,514 00 2,087 00 1 961. 00 2,048 00 on Avon $500 00 250 00 212 00 178 00 Co. 178 00 was awarded to ments (erred tion. Ald. p. m. Cullen moved to adjourn to 2 Carried. Afternoon Session. Council met at 2:15 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aldermen Albrecht, Alt- man, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Den- nert, Lagers. McEvoy and Ryder. City Engineer Knowlton reported as street and other follows on bids for improvem an ts. Improving Garflcla to First avende Geo. W. Farley. Brown & Brown. Steuck, O'Farrell & Pet }Io sch. Taylor d: 13eeker. \V iltnler C:c•c l.. Dubuque Construction Co.. .. 1,977 00 On motion Willmer Cook was award- ed the contract reserving the right to stop the improvement at Reed street. Improving St. Mary's from West 3d street to Emmett street. $1,977 25 2,100 30 1,979 90 1,775 75 avenue from Doc': $2,535 00 2,054 00 Lenehan. 2,250 00 2,236 00 2,331 00 1.'650 00 Byrne & Saul. John Farley. John Carter. Ross McMvyion On motion Ross McMahon was award- ed the contract, he being the lowest bidder. Improving West om west :ins of Rogers sub ihstreetth r oAirHillstreet. Geo. Farley $249 00 John Tibet'.. . 279 00 On motion Geo. W. Farley was Aram - Michael Connolly. Constructing sanitary sewer in Cor- nell street from West 14th street to May Place. $540 UO Bryan Donahue. 280 00 O. G. Kringle Dubuque Construction Co. . 228 00 On motion the Dubuque Construction Co. was awarded the contract, they be- ing the lowest bidders. Constructing storm sewer in South Dodge street from Dodge street to Cur- tis street: Byrne & Saul. Ross McMahon John Tiby $250 00 180 00 175 00 On motion John Tiby was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bid- der. Constructing a sanitary sewer in Foy from Seminary street to Almond street: Bryan Donahue. • • ' '...$1,360 00751 00 Dubuque Construction Co. . .51 00 P. McCarten. • ••••••..... 1, 1, 7242 00 Blake & Blaks. . ...... • " " . 1,000 00 O. G. Kringle. . . ......... Was referred to the sewer committee with remonstrance. Repairing Ninth Avenue sewer: John Tibet' being the lowest bidder, the contract was awarded to him as follows: $0.75 per square yard for paving and $3.50 per cubic yard for masonry, the city to furnish centers. • Building retaining wall on Leibnitz • street. John Tibet' being the only bid- der the contract was awarded to hint according to his bid as fol:ows: $3.25 per cubic yard. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and that R. J. Love be al- lowed to address the council. Carried. R. J. Love addressed the council in drink- ing tfountainheone Hillalhorse and to West Fifth streets. On motion of Ald. Ryder the motion was referred to the aldermen of the Second ward to secure a location for same. v 124 • Regular Se. on, June. 1. 1896. Petitions. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of C. Reifsteck for permis- sion to erect an iron stairway on east side of his store building between Gar- field and Rhomberg avenues. Petition of J. B. Powers asking the postponement of save of lot one (1) iu Cox's addition, Buettell's sub., belong- ing to Mr. Kohler, for special taxes. Petition of Fred Wunderlich asking for the removal of the retaining wail on Seminary street. Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Frohs ask- ing for damage for injury received on broken sidewalk on Main street near Eagle Point avenue on May 23, 1896. Protest of Mrs. G. H. Wolff et al., against improving Alpine street. Remonstrance of Anton Fritsche against levying special assessment for sidewalk on St. Ambrose street. Remonstrance of H. Klinkhamtner against levying special assessment for sidewalk on St. Ambrose street. Remonstrance of John Kleinschmidt against levying special assessment for sidewalk on St. Ambrose street. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of G. D. Bennett for damage on account of the proposed change of grant. on Grace and Bennett streets. Petition of H. Grosstick for retaining the present grade on Seminary street in front of his lots 52 and 53 Littleton & Sayers' addition. Petition of E. E. McClain against im- provement on Dodge street on line now established. Petition of Thos. L. McDonald for pay for work done in the month of Novem- ber, 1895. Petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al. for a sidewalk on south side of Sem- inary street on mineral lots 187 and 191. The following petitions were referred to the committee on sewers: Protest of Jerry Anglin et al. against the construction of a sanitary sewer in Foy street. Petition of W. E. Robinson et al. for the construction of a sanitary sewer in the alley between Arlington and 14th streets, from Prairie street to Dell street, and on Dell street to 14th street to connect with sewer on said street. The following petitions were grant- ed: The petition of E. Mulligan et al for the grading, curbing and macadamiz- ing of West 17th street from Clark street to Cox street. The petition of Fisher & Co. for the erection and maintenance of weighing scares on the sidewalk on Third street adjoining their office. Petition of J. P. Schoeder for the es- tablishment of a grade on alley between Clifford and Schroeder avenue. Petition of John Malone for the measurement of macadam on West 17th street. Protest of Mrs. Maurice O. Regan et al. against proposed extension of Kil- lene avenue. Petition of J. P. Schroeder et al. ask- ing that the water mains be extended on Clifford street was referred to the fire committee. Action on the following petitions were deferred: Petition of F. H. Weihe et al asking that Needham Place be extended. Petition of H. Fulmer et al. asking that West 14th street abutting their proi.erty be not widened. l etition of F. D. Schar:e in relation to change of grade on Hart street. Protest of Wm. Hintrager against pro posed extension of Stilmore street. Ordered received and filed: Petition of the Iowa Coffin Co., in re- lation to drainage on 15th street was granted and the engineer instructed to prepare the proper plans in relation to same. Petition of J. P. Donahue in relation to water plug near his premises was granted and the Water Company di- rected to remove said plug to such place as directed by the fire chief. Bill of Philip Lenz of $2.50 for rent of room for registrars was ordered paid and Jacob Berg to return said amount to the city overpaid to him. Alderman Altman moved that the bill of Theo. Schrup of $15.90 for rubber boots for sewer men be paid and said amount to be deducted from sewer men receiving boots. Carried. Prat of Union avenue sub was refer- red to sewer committee. Report of Officers. City Auditor MoCarten report- ed cash on hand last report. $26,815.76 Receipts during the month... 33,516.31 Total .. .. .. .. .. .... .... $60,332.05 Disbursements during the month .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,386.46 Balance on hand June 1st. 1896.. .. .. $34,945.59 Also reported $2,056.65 due city of- ficers for the month of May, 1896; also presented list of coupons redeemed dur ing the past month. Warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers and report referred to the fin- ance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1915 due Miremen for the month of May, 1896. Warrants ordered drawn to pay fire- men and report referred to the fire com- mittee. Marshal Morgan reported 87 police eases during the month of May, 1896; also reported 121 patrol runs; also re- ported $22 pound receipts during the month; also reported 82052 due police during May, 1896. Warrants ordered drawn to pay po- lice and report referred to the commit- tee on police and light. Street Commissioner Hagerty report r 1i, qulnr/' Se88/on, June 1, 18LG. 125 ed $9,465.10 due for labor during May, The following bills were ordered 1896. paid: Warrants ordered drawn to pay for la To whom. For what puropse. Amt. bor and report referred to street com- Butt Bros, repairing for road de- mittee. partment.. ..$ 6.90 Sewer Inspector Doen reported $905.- Butt Bros, repairing engines .. 30.90 90 due for labor on sewers during May, W. H. Schilling. repairing 8th 1896.street seer. .. .. .. .. 20.35 Warrants ordered drawn to pay for M . ulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe. 37.00 labor and report referred to sewer com Farley & Loetscher Mfg. com- pany, lumber 2.35 Smith -Perry Printing Co blanks stationary .. .. .. .. .. .. 16.10 Wm. Seisicker, engineer's of- fice.. .. 65.00 John Farley, engineer's office40.00 Joseph Murphy. engineer's of- fice. .. f- fice.... ... ... .... ... 22.60 Dan Sheean, inspector.. ... . 37 50 O. G. Kringle. constructing sewer W 5th street... .. .. 740.00 Stueck, O'Farrell & Linehan, im proving Union ave.. .. .. 1140.00 Stueck, O'Farrell & Linehan. re- pairing 27th and Jackson St. 40.85 Peter Horsch, relaying gutter on • a4.74 18th street... • '• •• again Peter Horsch, improving 540 00 street tile Dubuque pipe Dubuque Construction Co, im- proving Chestnut street.. .. • John Pickley, improving Liber -1220.00 ty street..... John Tibey, improving W 8th °00 00 street.. .. II Ed. Blake, improving Wood- worth street .. constructing Byron Donahue, 115.62 sewer in 27th street.. • • Win. Dodson, improving Coates 600.00 avenue.. . . • . • . Thos. Hessett,Tfillin Taylor, aSt.. tng 6.72 Altman & 78.25 Grandview ave.. • • improving Theo. Altman, 800.00 Southern ave .. • • • • Bills for filling on High Bridge ave amounting to $161.45 were ordered p Bill of city against Stueck, O'Farrell & Linehan of $148.20 for macadam was ordered collected by the auditor. Mayor Duffy namedfollommitte- dermen for the equalization Albrecht, Lag - for 1896. Alds.-Dennert. Berg• A en and McEvoy. Aid. Cullen moved to adjourn to 7:30 p. in. Carried. mittee. City Electrician Osborn reported $52.20 due for labor trimming trees; also submitted list of amount to be col- lected from different parties for same; also reported $23.86 due from Star El- ectric Co. for rebate on lights. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay for labor trimming trees, and city electrician to collect cost of trimming trees as shown on list and the auditor instructed to collect re- bate on lights from Star Electric Co. Marizet Master Traut reported $3.80 scale receipts for May. 1896, also report ed $37.40 due for board of prisoners dur ing May• 1896. Report approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. Wood Measurer Jess reported 85 cts as fees for May, 1896. Received and filed . The report of city weighers, Geo. A. Pfiffner. Mrs. C. Deckert, Joseph Stra- ney and Chas. Pitschner were received and filed. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows: Presented plat showing proposed wid- ening of Bennett street which was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Also presented plat showing propos- ed extension of Lincoln avenue between White and Jackson streets. Referred to the street committee. Also presented plat showing proposed vacation of part of Queen street north of Sanford street: also alley west of San ford street which was referred to the street committee. Also presented plat showing proposed widening of W 14th street. which was referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented plat showing the pro posed extension of Elm street from Ea- gle Point avenue to Sanford street which was adopted. Also presented plat of Mt. Carmel street, which was referred to the street committee. proposed Also presented plat showing Pro P extension of Killeen Place, which was laid over. Also presented plat of propgsed erten sion of Stelmore and Ridge which was approved. Also presented plat showing the pro posed widening of High Bluff street, which was approved. Also presented communication in re gard to grade of Peabody avenue which was received and filed. Construction Co., 24 23 270 00 EVENING SESSION. Council met at 8:00 p. m. the Mayor Duffyds. Altman, Bauer, Berg. Present: 'Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Reports of Committees. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of app 12(; Regular Session, June 1, 1896. ing of the report of the treasurer for the month of May 189G, and that loan war- rants be drawn for the several amounts as shown therein. Report adopted. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the commit- tee on claims, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing claim of Wm. Rieman. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of John Dougherty on account of damages by storm water. In favor of receiving and filing the claims of C. Rowland. Frank Nejedly, Michael Liddy and Conrad Hafner against city employes. In favoring of receiving and filing the claim of Anna M. Bush on ac- count of change of grade on Jones and West Main street. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of John B. McGloughlin on ac- count of damages by storm water. In favor of referring claim of Dubu- que Construction Co. to the street com- mittee. Also, we would respectfully report that we have settled the following cases Thos. J. Donahue vs.' City. This was an action to recover Five Hundred and Seventy Five dollars for work done on South Dodge street. The case has been pending for several years There can be no question but that Dona hue did the work and the City receiv- ed the benefit of it. The only question in the case and the only defense the City had was that the work was order- ed done by the street committee with- out authority from the council. We have settled this case for three hundred and twenty-five dollars and costs ($325.00.) Jane Jones vs. City. This was an action against the City for failure of warranty in a deed to land executed by the City to Mrs. Jones. The City sold a piece of property to Mrs. Jones for seventy five dollars and it was afterwards discovered that the City had no title to the property. Mrs. Jones entered suit against the City to recover the seventy five dollars she paid and interest. thereon besides claiming damages in the sum of twenty five dollars. We have settled this case for seventy five dollars and costs ($75.00). Frank Menkel vs. City. This was an action to recover $5,000 for injuries alleged to have been receiv- ed by plaintiff in being thrown from a wagon by driving into an obstruction in the street on West Eagle Point ave- nue, and plaintiff's arm was broken and he was otherwise hurt. He was laid up for six or seven weeks and prevent- ed from working at his trade that of a market gardner. We have settled this casR including doctor's bill, for fifty dollars and costs, ($50.00). We would respectfully recommend that warrants be drawn payable to Jas. A. Hayes, clerk of the district court in cases named for the amounts above stated and costs. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the com- mittee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of purchasing twelve city di- rectories for the use of the city. In favor of paying bill of James Levi & Co. of $29.16. In favor of paying bill of G. F. Klein of 90 cents. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the fire com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of paying bill of Key City Gas Co. of $22.03. In favor of paying bill of Reinfried & Jaeger of 60 cents. Also report that water mains have been ordered extended on Seminary street July 25th. 1895, as prayed for by Geo. Rath, and the Dubuque Water Co. instructed to extend said mains as soon as possible. Report adopted. Ald. Lagen, chairman of the commit- tee on police and light, reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the following bills: Duggan & Kane . $ 10 15 Key City Gas Co . 86 40 Star Electric Co . 1647 00 166 67 17 68 4 50 Ferguson Supply Co . 130 00 Excelsior Brass Works . 3 25 Standard Lumber Co . . 1 20 Printing Globe Light & Heat Co C J Heller C H Whitwell Report adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the committee. reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Telegraph . $ 75 00 The Herald The Journal The Times Co 67 50 67 50 29 15 Also would most respectfully recom- mend that the official printing for the ensuing year be left the same as last year, with the exception that the coun- cil select one paper to publish all of- ficial proceedings, notices, etc.. and fur- nish 75 copies of the council proceed- ings in pamphlet form each month, and for all said work shall receive $75 per month. The other papers to receive same compensation as paid last year for same work as was done by them. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that the Dubuque Daily Telegraph be appointed the offic- ial paper in accordance with above re- port. Carried. Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported as fol- lows: In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. McCormack to remain a lien on lot 813 Regular Session, elune 1, 1896. 127 Mcpaniel's sub for 1895 and treasurer instructed not to sell same until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Belle Rawlings to remain a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Johanna McNally to remain a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Susan Bornheiser to remain a lien on lot 288 East Dubuque add, for 1895, and treasurer instructed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Susana Denell to remain a lien on lot 48 Stafford's add, and treasurer in- structed not to sell said property until further orders from the council. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mary A. Parker to remain a lien on lots 3 and 4 Kelly's sub for 1895, and treas- urer instructed not to sell said prop- erty until further orders from the coun- cil. In favor of reducing the assessment L of Matt Reide on lots 1 and 2 in Glen- dale add to $600 for 1895. Also report adverse to the petitions of Mrs. Dennis Flannagan, Mrs. H. C. Deckert and John Freiburg for reduc- tion of taxes for 1895. Report adopted. Ald. Altman, chairman of the sewer committtee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: a er au 5 00 I streets, to wit: Dugga k Bros . 4 50 Hart street from Couler avenue to Duggan & Kane . 00 Valaria. $1,000 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co . 4 00 Foy street from West Locust J P Schroeder & Co . street to Gold street. . 1,200 00 Also report adverse to the bills of Strauss street from Burden Chas. Hillery of $5.00 and Dubuque Rub nue to Windsor avenue 1,000 00 ave- ber a Belting Ce.. $3.50. Goethe avenue from Burden Report adopted. avenue to Windsor avenue1,600 00 Ald. Berg, of the board of health, re- Sheridan street from Groveland ported Wouldas follows: Place to Lawther avenue th most respectfully 20 ofre6 f Hedley Court from Strauss ave- outmend that the vault on e 20 ft lot 6 of nue to Lawther avenue lot 703 be cleaned, as the same is a Queen street nuisance; also that the well of M. Wag- Clintonin on ave. from Queen n .. ner on lot 8 1-4 lot 14 L.- H. Lang- Beonnett avenue from Grand - worthy's addition, be condemned and vine avenue a east line of lot 1,500 00 Grand - abated as a nuisance, health the same is 8 O'Hare's sub. • • • • • whoimenth to the from the people Grace street from Grandview or the water said well. avenue to east side of lot 8 1,500 00 Report adopted. O'Hare's sub. . Alda McEvoy, chairman of the pav- Clifford street from Seminary ing committee, reported as follows: street to Napier street...... 700 00 Your committee on paving would Coates avenue from Fremont 2600 00 most respectfully report that we have avenue to Cross street. .. examined Clay street and Couler ave- Union avenue from West Lo - nue paving and found same in poor con- cust street to Alta Vista st.. 2,700 00 dition in several places and would rec- Chestnut street from Prairie st. 300 00 mmend thatf the avingccoommitt cothe to Walnut mmittee Jones street sfrom West Main direction of the paving engineer, be instructed to repair said streets in such places as directed by the paving committee and engineer, in ac- cordance with their contract with the city. Report adopted. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the special committee, appointed to investigate the factory of Geo. Dee & Sons, reported as follows: Your committete would most respect- fully report that they visited said fac- tory twice. The first time we found two girls in the factory, but could not say whether they were working or not. The second time we found nobody in the factory, and from the information we could get there has not been any- body employed in the basket factory for the past six months, and only a few off and on in the lye works, and we leave it to your Hon. Body to take such action as you may deem proper in the premises. On motion and referred whole. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of pay City Recorder T. J. Cooney be re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the city en- gineer furnish a copy of the city map to the aldermen that have none. Car- ried. the report was approved to the committee of the Resolutions. Alderman Ryder offered ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby authorized and required for the purpose of providing for the cost and the follow - Walter Baumgartner $ 1 35 expense of improving the following 500 00 400 00 400 00 12 'leg tlai' .\'e ;Otz, Jane 1, 1896. street to east line of Illinois Central track. . 3,000 00 West Main street from Main st. to Jones street. 2,000 00 Main street from Seminary st. to south line of lot 33 L. H. Langworthy's sub. 600 GO To issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted August 9th. 1894, by the city council of the city of Dubuc) r bonds to the amount of $21,000.00 of the denomination, $1,000 each num- bered from 1 to 21 inclusive, all dated June 1st, 1896, payable seven years af- ter date, or at any time before said date at the option of the city of Du • buque, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and in- terest payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When these bonds are issued and reg- istered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer to be applied by him in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted August 9, 1894, and said com- mittee is to report its doings to the city council. Alderman Ryder offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the street com- missioner be instructed to raise and replace the gutter on the north side of Julien avenue between Rock and Spruce streets, as the same is in an impassable condition. Alderman Ryder offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Res. hed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Company be instructed to extend their water mains in the alley between White and Jackson streets from 8th to 91th streets, the city of Dubuque guar- anteeing to said Company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe required to be extended. Alderman Ryder offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of Um City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Company be instructed to extend their water mains on Bluff street from 1st to 16th street, where not already laid, and that fire plugs be located under the supervision of the fire committee and fire chief, the city of Dubuque guar- anteeing to said Water Company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of seven per cent. on the cost of pipe required to be extended. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That South Main street, between Charter street and Rail- road avenue, be graded to proper grade. The grading to be taken from Mount Carmel street, and the city engineer to make the necessary plans and speci flcation and advertise for bids for said. work. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city en- gineer be and is hereby instructed to - prepare a plat showing the proposed.. extension of State street to Curtis street, showing land which sane is pro- posed to run through; the name of owner thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken, and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Aderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the• City of Dubuque: That West Third street between Booth and 'Walsh street, be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the - said city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work. The guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albright, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy, and Ryder. Alderman ,Dennert offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Fifth avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Peosta street be graded. curbed and paved with stone in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Dennert offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Edison street, be tween. Stafford and Althauserd ave be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam ized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the ab- Regular Sc8sion, June 1. 1896. utting property; the grading to be bid I and Althauser avenue, be graded, gut- inthe total. tered, curbed and macadamized, in con Adopted by the following vote: formity with the ordinance upon that Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy ss herebyjct. That the directed Ito make the neceer be and and Ryder. Ald. Dennert offered the following: ary plans and specifications for said Resolved by the city council of the improvement, and the city recorder di - city of Dubuque: That Ries street bet- rected to give the proper notice for bids ween Stafford and Windsor avenue, be and proposals for the performance of graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- the work; the guttering, curbing and ized, in conformity with the ordinance macadamizing to he done at the ex - upon that subject. That the city en- pense of the owners of the abutting gineer be and is hereby directed to property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a re- survey of Peabody avenue and St. Mary's street, so that a suitable grade may be obtained on Peabody avenue, and submit same to the city council. Ald Bonson arrived at 9:05 P • m. n Ald. Cullen offered the following, . I Ald. Albrecht offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the it of Dubuque: That the alley bet- . 1`29 make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the ab- utting property; the grading to be .bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bat} r, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. which was adopted: Be It Resolved, By the city council c yof the city of Dubuque: That the Tele ween 17th and 18th and Elm and Pine phone company be and is hereby in - streets be graded and macadamized, in structeenient placeafor the chairman of the committee on fire, also one for the chairman of the committee on streets, at the expense of the city. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was referred to the board of health: Resolved. By the city council: That steps be taken at once to procure a pest house and that a committee be appoint- ed to confer with the board of supervis- ors on that subject. Ald. Dennert offered the following, McEvoy and Ryder. which was adopted: Ald. Albrecht offered the following: Resolved, That the Chicago, Great Resolved by the city council of the Western railway company and the C.. city of Dubuque: That 15th street, be M. & St. P. railway company be noti- tween alley east of Elm street b dPine and fieening under their tracks at the crusd to widen and elarge the t conformityy with the ordinance up that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadam- izing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, street, be graded guttered. macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and speci- fications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals gufort theg performance of the work; to be done curbing and macadamizing at the expense of thee grading to wners of the bid ab- utting property;h in the total. vote: Adopted by the following Bauer, Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Lagen, Berg, Bonson. Cullen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Emsley alley and 'Bagel street, between Middle avenue op ing of 17th street with their tracks. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. BY the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for lowering the surface of Kniest from Eagle Poine avenue, east to the east line of Garfield avenue and advertise for bids for doing the work. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare the specifications for necessary plans and sp.P. lowering 19th street from Jackson St. to the e for doing theworeet. k dd advertise for bid Md. Bonson presented and read for 1:3()' I�, yn!,re Sc.gsr.att, the first time an ordinance, entitled, "An ordinance fixing the assessed value tion of the real estate in the city of Du- buque assessed to the Dubuque Malt- ing company and to provide for future assessment thereof." Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. Noes —Ald, McEvoy. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance read by its title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote. Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Callen, Dennert Lagen and Ryder. Noes—Ald. McEvoy. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. Noes—Aids. McEvoy. Ald. Bonson presented and read for the first time "An Ordinance in relation to taxes of Haney & Campbell Mfg. Co. of Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance read by its title and adopted by the following title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes.—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted%by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Alblecht Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson; Cullen, Dennert, ✓ Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of T. H. Schilling et al asking that Catherine and Angella streets be improved. In favor of instructing the engineer to submit an estimate of the cost of grading Adams street. In favor of granting the petition of August A. Schilling asking that An- gella street be improved. Report adverse to the proposition of Ross McMahon agreeing to sell a strip of land for the .widening of Grandview avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Olinger in relation to special tax for repairing sidewalks. In favor of receiving and filing the "Rebellion" of Otto Rath, et al, against the improvement of English Lane. In favor of notifying Geo. W. Farley to complete his contract on Wilber Lane as soon as possible. Report adverse to the ' petition of June 1, .1896. Thos. Hassett asking that he be allowed the amount charged for rolling South Bluff street. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance of J. P. Scharle against the improvement of Hart street on the present grade. In favor of receiving and filing the bill of Joseph Pitz for stone. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of D. Mueggenberg in relation to line of Broadway extension. Also report that they have settled the matter of Wm. McGrath in relation to the improvement of Union avenue at its intersection with Bellevue street. Also report that Oak street has been repaired in a satisfactory manner. Report adopted. Also report adverse to the petition of F. W. Weiland asking that he be allow- ed to construct an outside stairway on Eighth and Bluff streets. as he has built said stairway without permission from the council and that he be notified to remove same at once. Referred to the committee of the whole. . Ald, Bonson moved that the action of the street committee in awarding the contract for the repairing of Kaufmann avenue and Fifth avenue be approved. Carried. Also reported in favor of the -adop- tion of the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks, by said City of Dubuque, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- , tate hereinafter named, situate and own ed. and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: C G Wullweber, lot 62, East Du- buque add . $ 1 80 Wm Hintrager, lot 13 sub 724, city 40 Glab Bros, lot 135, Finley, Wap - les & Burton's add . 75 John Olinger, lot 23, Boulevard add 35 Joseph Battro, lot 3, Glendale add . . . . . . . . . 30 R & E Langworthy, lot 228, Glendale add . 65 C L Prichard, lot 12 sub w 1-2 B 1 Dubuque Harbor Co. add ... Gilbert Perry, lot 22, Nairn's add 35 Theo Merritt, lot 6, S M Lang - worthy's sub P W Crawford, lot 5, Hethering- ton sub . , Alois Glab, lot 333, Davis Farm add A W Kemler Est, lot 16 sub 703, city Wm Schumm, lot 12, Grandview Place 50 85 25 25 45 1 10 Rey rib/ Sesrtnn, June 1, 1896. F M Ellis, lot 11. Grandview Place . Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 of min lot 466, Grandview Place Arnold Kemps. lot 101, L H Langworthy's add . . . Rhomberg & Meuser, lot 225, Davis Farm add Wm Zeipprecht, lot 23, Nairn's add Jno Koch, n 41.4 ft lot 268, city . Francis Chapin, lot 106, E. Du- buque add . Glab Bros, lot 106, East Dubu- que add A F Jaeger, lot 270, Davis Farm add Chas Steuck, w 97 ft lot 5, Frisch's sub Theo Bauer, lot 3, P Traut's sub W G Cox, lot 2 of min lot 90 . . W G Cox, lot 3 of min lot 90 . . James Forrester, lot 16, Mt Pleasant add Thos Kelly, n w 1-4 lot 39, L H Langworthy's add . . Mary Haggerty, lot 214, Farm add Clifford Ham, lot Farm add Chicago Great Western Ry, lot 2 of 1 of min lot 363 . Marg Linehan, w 79 ft lot 20a, L H Langworthy's add . . J A Rhomberg, lot 51, Correll's sub Henry Heroncourt, lot 1, B 5, Grandview Park add . Mercy Hospital, lot 2 of min lot 66 Otto Reinecke, lot 13, Newbury & Hale sub Martin Buol, lot 12, Loetscher & Trueb's sub F Wagner, lot 1, 0 S worthy's sub . . Paul Traut, lot 35. Farley's sub . Herman Roesch, lot 2, Broadway add Tim Dillon, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 46 . Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the commit tee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare profile, plan and esti- mate for the re -improvement of Grand- view avenue between Delhi street and South Dodge street. In favor of receiving and filing the pe tition of Maria Kemp et al., in relation to grade of Southern ave. In favor of receiving and filing the claim .of Maria Kemp et al., for dam- ages on account of flood . In favor of r•eceiveing and filing the claim of John Burke on account of dam ages alleged to have been sustained by Davis 370, Davis Lang - 1 10 25 50 40 45 40 40 40 30 75 25 75 50 30 40 40 GO 60 1 20 25 30 35 25 50 25 75 75 1:t1.. the improvement of Grandview ave. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Captain Kimball. asking the city to donate $l00 per month to help run the Eagle Point ferry. Report adverse to allowing Specht Bros. $200 for running the steamer Teal. In favor of referring the communica- tion of City Engineer in regard to cul- vert on W 14th street to the city attor- ney. In favor of receiving and claim of John Swenk. In favor of receiving and claim of Mary Reynolds on damages by flood. In favor of referring the W. C. Harley in regard to peddling to the mayor with power. In favor of receiving and filing the re monstrance of J. A. Rhomberg et al., against levying special assessment for the improvement of 5th avenue. Report adverse to the within recom- mendation of City Marshal Morgan ask- ing that J. W. Halpin be appointed Deputy Marshal. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Marg't Flynn in relation to special tax for the improvement of street. Also report that they have instructed the engineer to prepare a plat showing a proposed street from Cooper street to Fenelon Place near head of Elevator, which is hereto attached, and would re- commend that the same be approved and engineer instructed to proceed in ac cordance with the ordinance in relation to opening streets. Also report in favor of sustaining the mayor in his veto of the bill of Alphon- I se Matthews, and that the bill be re- ferred to committee of the whole. Report adopted. Also report adverse to allowing the M. M. Walker Co. to construct a wooden awning on their building on Jones and Main street. Referred back to the com mittee of the whole. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for lay- ing a 4 feet wide sidewalk on west side of St. Ambrose street between Arch and Asbury streets, by P. J. Milligan, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 50 filing the tiling the account of petition of permit for Chas Mettle, John F Klein- schmidt's sub, lot 1, 38.5 lin ft $ 5 73 at 14 7-8c . Anton Fietschie, John F Klein- schmidt sub, lots 2 and 3, 99.0 14 73 lin ft at 14 7-8c . . Jno Kleinschmidt, John F Klein 132 Beijc,9s,'on, Jun 1, 189(i. schmidt sub, lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, 202 lin ft at 14 7-8c 30 05 Herman Klinkenheimer, John F Kleinschmidt sub, lot 8, 52 lin ft at 14 7-8c F W Kringle, sub 128, Finley's add, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, 243 Un ft at 14 7-8c. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg; Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on north side of Edward street between Queen and Windsor avenue. by Bryon Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted June 1, 1896: Ida Dement, Stafford's add, lot 31, 103 lin ft at 15c, $ 15 45 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying 6 -ft wide plank wide sidewalk on east side of South Main street between end of improve- ment and Railroad avenue, by Bryon Donahue, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessments submitted June 1, 1896: G W Kiesel, block 19, Dubuque Harbor Company's add, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, 174 lin ft at 15c . . .$ 26 10 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 6 foot wide sidewalk on north side of Seminary St, from North Main street to Clifford street, by Bryon Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam - 7 74 36 15 ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessments submitted June 1, 1896: Ann Kelly, Cox's add, lot 99 and 100, 98 lin ft at 22 1-2c $ M Brown Est, Cox's add, lot 108, 60 lin ft at 22 1-2c . 13 50 J P Scharle, Cox's add, lot 109, 50 lin ft at 22 1-2c . 11 25• Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing 8 inch tile pipe sewer on Clark street and West 17th street from West Locust to Cather- ine street, by Kenety and McCann, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a .special tax be and hereby lev- ied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessments submitted June 1, 1896: John Deery, sub lot 670, city, lot 3, 6000 sq ft at .004c $ 24 00 F Hamel, sub 2 of 670, city, lot 2, 8,800 sq ft at .004c 35 20 Jno Hier, sub lot 682, city, e 51 ft, lot la, 2,500 sq ft at .004c 10 00 H Tepe, sub lot 682, city, w 144 ft, lot la, 2,600 sq ft at .004c . 10 40 Chas Reiley, spb lot 682, city, lot 1, 5,400, at .004c . 21 60 J M Kenety, sub lot 682, city, s w 1-2, lot 2, 2,500 sq ft at .004c. 10 00 Wm Grings, sub lot 682, city, n e 1-2, lot 2, 2,500 sq ft at .004c 10 00 Jno Clark, sub lot 682, city, lot 3, 5,000 sq ft at .004c . 20 00 Jno Clark, sub lot 682, city, lot 4, 2,500 sq ft at .004c . 10 00 Thos Reiley, sub lot 682, city, lot 4a, 2,500 sq ft at .004c . 10 00 J M McMahon, sub lot 682, lot 5, 5,000 sq ft at .004c . 20 00 M P Gill, sub lot 682, city, lot 6, 5,000 sq ft at .004c . 20 00 John Deery, sub lot 682, city, lot 8, 5,000 sq ft at .004c . . 20 00 J M Kenety, Quigley's sub sub uotlot 709, city, lot 1, 5,750 stl ft at .004c . 23 00 J M Kenety, Quigley's sub, out - lot 709, city, lot 2, 5,050 sq ft at .004c . 20 20 Cath Weber, Quigley's sub, out - lot 709, city, lot 3, 5,050 sq ft at .004c . 20 20' Cath Weber, Quigley's sub, out - lot 709, city, lot 4, 5,050 sq ft at .004c . Cath Weber, Quigley's sub, out - 22 05 20 20 1_ I?egular Ses8#on, June1, 18513. 133 lot 709, city, lot 5, 5,050 sq ft at .004c 20 20 Annie McAllister, Quigley's sub, out lot 709, city, lot 6, 5,050 sq ft at .004c . 20 20 Edward Milligan, Quigley's sub, out lot 709, city. lot 7, 5,050 sq ft at .004c . 20 20 J S Morgan, Morgan's sub, lot 21, 4.000 sq ft at .004c . 16 00 Marg Roy, Yates' sub, lot 1, 4,750 sq ft at .004c . . 19 00 Dolpher Gagne, Yates' sub, lot 2, 4,750 sq ft at .004c Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' lot 3, 4,500 sq ft at .004c Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' lot 4. 4,500 sq ft at .004 Heirs of Yates Est. Yates' lot 5, 4,500 sq ft at .004c Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' lot 6, 4,500 sq ft at .004c Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' lot 7, 4,500 sq ft at .004c Heirs of Yates Est. Yates' lot 8, 4.500 sq ft at .004c Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it, Resolved that the city engineer • be and is hereby ordered to make a sur- vey and plat of a proposed extension of Willow street to connect with Rosedale avenue and proceed as required by chap ter 30 of the revised ordinances of 1893. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That West 17th street, between Clark street and Cox street, be graded, gutter- ed, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer ue and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That no contract be let in the future unless advertised for at least five days. Ald. McEvoy moved that the time for completing the paving on Jones street and West Main street be extended to October 1st, 1896. Carried. Ald. Bauer offered the following: sub, sub. sub, sub, sub, sub, Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is here- by instructed to prepare plans and specifications and advertise for bids for grading 26th street extension from Pine street to Burden avenue so as to open the street for travel. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That 26th street, between Jackson ann Pine street, be graded, guttered, 19 00 curbed and macadamized, in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that sub - 18 00 ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary 18 00 plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder direct - 18 00 ed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the 18 00 work; the guttering, curbing and mac- adamizing to be done at the expense of 18 00 the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. 18 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Queen street, between Sanford and Clinton street, be graded, gutter- ed, curbed and macadamized. in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vete: Ayes—Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Communication of the city engineer in relation to change of location of llth street elevator and extension of street south of Grove Terrace was re- ferred to the street committee. Communication of the city engineer in regard to change of grade and im- provement of Grandview avenue was re ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Bonson moved that the action of Capt. Kimball in taking his ferry boat to Galena be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with 131- Ropily/ /' .s'e,MxeoJ?, .lune 1, 1896. the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: Four feet wide on both sides of First t., avenue between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues. Four feet wide on both sides of Reed street between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues. Six feet wide on south side of West • Fifth street between Booth street and Co:lege avenue. Six feet wide on east side of Alpine V street between West Fifth street and Julien avenue. Four feet wide on east side of St. " Ambrose street between Willow and Green streets. Six feet wide on north side of West i Locust street between Foye street and Hodgdon avenue. Six feet wide on east side of Ellis ✓ street between West Locust street and Dorgan Place. Eight feet wide on south side of West allailligNi& street between Dell street and Prairie street. Twelve feet wide on east side of South Locust street between First and Jones streets. Six feet wide on east side of Burch street between West Third street and Fenelon Place. Where not already laid at the ex- pense c,f aLutting property. Ad-pted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Albrecht, Altman, Bauer , Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on both sides of 12th street between Main and Iowa streets. 12 feet wide on Seventeenth and Iowa, abutting city lot 746. Where not already laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer moved that the award of jurors on the several streets be opened. Carried. The awards were opened as follows: We, the undersigned jurors, summon- ed to assess the damage ,if any, caused by the opening of Samuel street be- tween Southern avenue and Esther street report as follows: Lot 1, of M. O'Hare's sub A. Wender owner, we assess the damage at $150.00. J. HEROD, J. W. HALPIN, M. CARNEY, M. J. MULGREW. CHRIS. JANSSEN, ROBERT JESS, M. BROWN, JAMES HAYES, ED. RYAN, THOS. KENNEALLY, JAMES McDONNEI.L, J. W. NORTON. Dubuque, April 28th, 1896. 1. W. Halpin, Clerk. Referred to the committee of the whole. Award of Jury on 26th Street. Dubuque. May 28, 1896. We, the undersigned jurors. find dam- age to the parties named as follows on the proposed extension of 26th street: Fred Nohls. $ 25 00 Char:es Fanlon. 25 00 Julia L. Langworthy. 200 00 Geo. Burden 30 00 Total. $280 00 JOHN P. QUIGLEY, Ch. E. O. Duncan, Sec. J. W. COY, B. WESTERCAMP, OTTO ELWANGER, CHRIS. JANSSEN. A. M. DOWNER. H. NAGELMAKER, PETER SPECHT, JAS. KANE. JAS. McCOLLINS, CHRIS. A. VOELKER. Ald. Bauer moved that the award of the jury be accepted and the several amounts set aside in the treasury for the parties interested, and that the street be declared a public highway. Carried. Award of Jury on Mt. Carmel Street. We, the undersigned jurors, summon- ed to assess the damage, if any, caused by the opening of Mount Carmel street from Southern avenue to Herron Place, beg leave to make the following re- port: Min. lot 50 and 50a and lot 47 of min lot 39; we assess the damage at one dollar, with the understanding that abutting property shall not be charged for any special assessments for v improving the said avenue, for the next ten years, unless by request of the abutting property owners. Lots 48 and 49 of min lot 39 at $5.00 for 48 and $10.00 for lot 49. .T. HEROD, J. W. HALPIN. M. BROWN, M. J. MULGREW, ROBERT JESS, JAMES McDONNELL, .TAMES HAYES. F.D. RYAN, M. CARNEY. JOHN W. NORTON, THOS. KENNEALLY, CHRIS. JANSSESN. Alderman Cullen moved that the award be accepted and the several amounts set aside in the treasury for the parties interested, and that the• street be declared a public highway. Carried. .44% Award of Jury on G'o,.m Street. l34' : k ., a i': IReimlar Session, June 1, 18:11i. 1+3.5 We, the undersigned jurors, summon- suspended and that Mr. Schreiner be ed to assess the damage, if any, by allowed to address the council. Car - the opening of Malady street from Cur- ' ried. tis street to Grandview avenue, beg 1 Mr. Schreiner addressed the council leave to make the following report: objecting to the change of grade on Timothy Dillon, part of lot 1, Stew- Cathenhie street and the award of the commissioners thereon. On motion the matter was referred to the street commmittee and engineer. Ald. Ronson moved that the several jurors be paid $2.00 per day for their services. Carried. Ald. Bauer moved that the mayor appoint a committee of five to investi- gate if too much help is employed around the city hal:. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved- that when the city council adjourns, it does so to meet again June 9th at 7:30 p. m. Car- ried. Ald. Bonson moved that the city marshal be instructed to submit an- other name for deputy marshal to the council at its next meeting. Carried. Ald. Ryaer moved that the paving committee be instructed to purchase brick paving for repairing paved streets. art's sub $320.00. .1. HEROD. .T. W. HALPIN, ED. RYAN, ROBERT JESS, THOS. KENNEALLY, CHRIS. JANSSEN, M. J. MULGREW, JAMES HAYES, M. BROWN, JAMES McDONNELL, M. CARNEY, JOHN W. NORTON, Dubuque, April 27, 1896. Referred to the committee of the whole. Award of Jury on Vav Street We, the undersigned jurors, summon- ed to assess the damage, if any, by the opening of Quinn street from Valley street to Rush street; beg leave to make the following report: Carried. P. Quinn, Jr., lot 1 of 2 of 33 ....$100.00 Jerry Sullivan, lot 2 of 2 of 33.. 75 00 I, Petition of G. E. and W. M. Davis P. Quinn. Sr., lot 1 of min lot 33.. 25 00 in relation to extension of water mains J. HEROD, on Grove Terrace was referred to the J. W. HALPIN, ROBERT JESS, THOS. KENNEALLY, CHRIS. JANSSEN, JOHN W. NORTON, JAMES McDONNELL, ED. RYAN, M. CARNEY, JAMES HAYES, M. BROWN, M. J. MULGREW, Dubuque, April 27, 1896. Referred to the committee of the whole. Award of Commissioners on Grade of Catherine and Angella Streets. Dubuque, May 21, 1896. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gents: We, the undersigned com- missioners duly appointed and quali- fied uaali- fied to assess the damage if any, may be caused by the proposed change of grade on Catherine and Angella streets, would respectfully report as follows: l a.therine Street. Geo. Schreiner lots 17 and 18 Quig- ley's sub out lot 710, nothing. John Heidenger, north 50x150 feet lot 1 Quigley's sub out lot 712, nothing. F. W. Kringle, lot 14, Quigley's sub 'out lot 712, nothing. Angella Street. J. M. Kenety, lots 13 and 14, Quigley's sub. out lot 709, nothing. HEROD, JAMES CUSHING, JOHN TREXLER. Bonson moved that the award commissioners be approved. Ald. of the Carried. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be mayor with power. Petition of Joseph Bott et al asking that the sanitary sewer be extended in alley west of Center Place to Rose street, was referred to the sewer com- mittee. Petition of Wm. Schumm, remonstrat ing against paying special tax for re- pairing sidewalk was referred to the street committee. Application of J. P. Cooney for. the position of deputy marshal was re- ferred to the marshal. The mayor appointed the following aldermen as a committee to investigate the matter of extra help around the city hall. Aldermen Bauer, Cullen, Ryder, Altman and Berg. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Atte. f: [� `!.....189.�p Approved... ... /J j 1 136 Adjourned IReprelar Se8$ion, June 9, 1696, ADJIOUR.NED REGULAR SESSION JUNE 9th, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 7:50 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Petitions. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Vet:, ion of S. W. Upton in relation to curb on east side of Pauling street. Petition of T. J. Paisley asking that crossing in the alley on north side 'of 13th street between Locust and Main streets be repaired. Petition of Anna Stumpf et al asking that 14th street between Pine and Maple streets be repaired so as to drain the water. Petition of Dubuque Construction Co. asking to be allowed to excavate for m..lerai on Cornell street was referred to the street committee and attorney. Petition of Richard Corrigan asking that he be allowed to sell books with- out a license was referred to the mayor with power. Ald. Dennert moved that all petitions of same nature be referred to the mayor with power. Carried. Claim of Thos. McDonald of $2.70 was referred to the committee on claims with power. The following petitions were grant- ed: Petition of Meloy Bros. asking that the assessment on Block 5 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s add be can- celled. Petition of the. Wartburg Seminary asking that the water mains be extend- ed along Fremont avenue to the $em- inary. The following petitions were received and $lec'1' ton of It. 1'. Eddy in regard to being 1;rosocl.ted for violating a city ordinance. Petition of Mat Elgin asking that he be refunded $5.00 paid for releasing impounded animals. Ald. Dennert of the special commit- tee on the petition of Dubuque Fruit & Produce Company asking for franchlse to run a horse ferry at Eagle Boint re- ported adverse to same. Report adopt- ed. Petition of C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co. et al, asking that the C. M. & St. P. R. R. C. be allowed to move frame build- ing on Jackson street was .read. Ald. Cullen moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Johi , Pier be allowed to address the council on the matter. Carried. Mr. Pier addressed the council, ob- jecting to allowing the C. M. & St. P. R. R. C. to remove their building as pe- titioned for. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole with power. On motion bids for the lowering of Kniest street and 19th street were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. On motion the rules were suspended and parties desiring to were allowed to address the council. Mr. Zangmeister addressed the coun- ci: in relation to the proposed im- provement of West Third street and objected to same as proposed by the council Hugh Talty also addressed the coun- cil in regard to the improvement of West Third street. Ald. Cullen moved to postpone action on the imrrovement of West Third un- til the matter of the proposed change in Grandview avenue be settled. Car- ried. Engineer Knowlton reported as fol- lows on bids for lowering Kniest street and 19th street. Kniest Street. Steuck & O'Farrell. $614 00 Peter Horsch 671 40 Steuck & O'Farrell being the :owest bidders were on motion awarded the contract. 19th Street. Steuck & O'Farrell. $378 00 Peter Horsoh 448 56 E. C. Blake. 443 52 Steuck & O'Farrell being the lowest bidders were on motion awarded the contract. The following bilis were ordered paid: Chicago times -Herald $ 4 60 B. Lagen 7 00 P. Linehan 22 50 Alderman Lagen moved that the en- gineer prepare a plat showing the pro- posed opening and extension of alley west of Booth street, and south of W. Third street. and proceed in accord- ance with the ordinance on that sub- ject. Carried. City Marshal Morgan submitted for approves: for deputy marshal the name of James Agnew. On motion action on same was post- poned until the next regular meet- ing. Petition of Mrs. A. C. Wolcott ask- ing that special tax for cleaning snow from- sidewalk be cancelled was grant- ed. Ald. Albrect moved that matter of sidewalk of Sisters on West Locust street be referred to the street commit- tee with power. Carried. Alderman Cullen moved that Ben- nett street be improved at a widTh of 50 feet. ,Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Den nert and, Ryder. Noes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Lagen and McEvoy. .ji%jni(!J , I',,• es. ni7, Jtine 9, lN,lli. On motion the rules were suspended and abutters on Alpine street were al- lowed to address the council. Mr. Dean and others addressed the council ob- jecting to the improvement of said street at the present time. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Be it Resolved, By the the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Alpine street between Julien avenue and W. 3rd street be graded, curbed, guttered and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. and the city engineer is directed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, the curbing. gut- tering and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of abutting property, and the 8th street and West Dubuque street railway. That when said plans and specifications are approv ed by the city council the city recorder shall advertise for bids, for doing the work: Resolved, further: That the 8th street and West Dubuque street railway com- pany be notified to improve and macad amize in accordance with the plans and specifications of the city engineer, all parts of any of said street above order- ed to be improved, on which any of its track or tracks are laid from a point midway between the rails of the track or tracks to the width of three and one- half (3%) feet each way therefrom and said company is hereby ordered to tom mence said work not later than the 15th day of July A. D. 1896, and to prosecute the same with diligence after it is com- menced and to complete the same not later than the 1st day of September. A. D. 1896. Resolved. further: That a copy of these resolutions be served on said com pany above named,• and that said com- pany be required to elect in writing, and to file such election with the city recorder within ten (101 days from the date of the service of these resolutions upon it whether or not it proposes to do said work itself or leave it for the city to do and in event of the failure of said company to make such election as aforesaid it will be understood that ° said company does not elect to do said work f as provided by law and the city ordinance nce and the cost of said work shall be ascertained, apportioned and assessed by the city council against said company. Lost by the following vote: Ayes.—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Ban- I er, Cullen Dennert, Lagen and McEvoy. Noes.Alds Berg and Ryder. 1; i and Dennert. Ald. Berg moved to reconsider the ac tion of the council in ordering Bennett street improved 50 feet in width. Car- ried. Ald.Berg moved that Bennett street be improved 40 feet in width. Car- ried. Ald. Cullen moved that the engineer be instructed to notify the abutters on Oak street to lay their sidewalks. Car- ried. Ald. Bauer moved that John Olinger be given ten days notice to relay his sidewalk abutting Boulevard addition. Carried. Aid. Cullen moved to rescind the ac- tion of the council ordering sidewalks laid on Oak street. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the city. pur chase two car loads of Galesburg brick. Carried. Ald. Altman moved that the city purchase two car load of tile pipe. On motion the matter was referred to the sewer committee to advertise for bids. Ald. Ryder moved that the resolu- tions for the improvement of Alpine street be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved to Carried. Vest: — Aid. Cullen moved that the city dla - borers be allowed to work on pay and that they be allowed time while get ting their pay on said day. Ayes—Alda. Berg, Cullen, Lagen, Mc - Carried by the following vote: 'Evoy and Ryder. Noes --Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer Apr rl'e'd adjourn. {erarrle l v !S96 actor 138 0 CC Spee it/ Session, June 22, 1.896. SPECIAL SESSION JUNE 22, 1896. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 2:35 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aldermen Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Bei g, Dennert, Lagen, M'Evoy and Rider. City Eng:iEer Knowlton recommend- ed .hat .1 glade be established )a 361,;i street between Jack§on and Pine streets Approved. Ald. Albrecht of the street commit- tee reported in favor of approving of the plat of Union avenue sub division. • Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS.' i Aid. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The Dubuque Water Co. has heretofore been ordered to extend their mains on Dodge street from Bluff street to Grandview avenue, and W'Vheicas, In making said extension it was the intention of the council that said extension was to connect with the mains on Grandview avenue, therefore Resolved, That the Dubuque Water Co., in making said extension shall connect the same with their mains on Grandview avenue, and in case of fail- ure of said sompany to make said con- nection the city will refuse to pay tor any water plugs along said street. Aid. Bauer moved that Mr. J. A. Rhomberg be allowed to put in cinder sidewalks on 5th avenue. Carried. Ald. Dennert moved to reconsider the action of the council at its last meeting in ordering 5th avenue improved. Car- ried. Alderman Dennert offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That 5th avenue, be- tween Rhomberg avenue and Peosta street, be graded, guttered. curbed and macadamized. in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby instruct- ed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners pf the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrect, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Chicago Great Western Railway Co. be in- structed to make the necessary open- ings at 19th street and Garfield avenue and to lower their track to grade at Kniest street in accordance with plans proposed by the city engineer, the work to b edone under the direction of the committee on streets and engineer. • Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city en- gineer be instructed to make profile and submit grade of 26th street from Jack- son street to Pine street. Ald. Albrecht offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the alley be- tween ]4th and 15th and Pine and Maple streets be graded and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice_for bids and proposals for the performance) of the work; the grading and macada- mizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy and Ry- der. Ald. Albrecht offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the alley be- tween 16th and I th and Maple and Cedar streets be graded and macada- mized in comformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and speci- fications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be cloen at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ry- der. A:d. Albrecht offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That 19th street, between west line of Pine street and east line of East Dubuque add.. be graded, curbed and macadamized in confdrmity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city record- ed directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to be done' at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid In the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ry- der. On motion W. M. Greenhow and M. Mullen were directed to furnish new bondsmen on their plumber's bonds. Ald. Ryder moved that the city of- fices be closed on Wednesday afternoon so as to allow the officers to attend the races. Carried. 4. Special, Session, Jayne 22, 1896. Ald. McEvoy offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved; That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for grading South Main street from Charter street to Railroad avenue in accordance with plans and specifi- \ cations. Ald. McEvoy offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a stone cross- ing be laid across Peabody avenue and Vine street. Ald. Dennert moved that the sewer in the alley between Main and Locust and 1st and 8th streets be condemned as a nuisance, and that Mr. Tschirgi be di- rected to put in a larger sewer and also :ower the same. Ald. McEvoy moved as an amend- ment, that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole and engi- neer with power, and to notify Mr. Tschirgi to appear at the next meeting of the council and show cause why it should not be condemned if found as stated. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Berg, Lagen and Mc- Evoy. Noes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Den- nert and Ryder. The vote recurring on the original motion was carried by tile following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Den- nert, Lagen and Ryder. Noes—Alds. Berg and McEvoy. AM. Ryder moved that the matter of cleaning Cooler Creek be left to the sewer committee, engineer and sewer inspector with power. Carried. On motion the matter of repair of West Chestnut street was referred to the street committee. Ald. Berg moved that the marshal be instructed to have obstruction re- moved on Spring street. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the police and light committee and mayor be author- ized to sell old lamps in cellar at city hall. Carried. Ald. Berg moved that the street com- missioner and engineer be instructed to repair and raise gutters on West 14th sweet, from Bluff street to Prairie street, also to repair said street. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of repairing West 5th street be referred to the street committee with power. Car- ried. Ald. Dennert moved that the matter of license for selling patent medicine be referred to the mayor and attorney. Carried. On motion the ordinance in relation to discharge of fireworks on the 4th of July was suspended. Ald. Berg moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest : Atmore• 1:39 SIDEWALK RESOLUTIONS. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on both sides of First avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Reed ave- nue between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues. 6 feet wide on South side of West 5th street between Booth street and Col- lege avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of Alpine street between West 5th street and Jul- ien avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of St. Am- brose street between Willow street and Green street. 6 feet wide on north side of West Lo- cust street between Foye street and Hodgdon avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of Ellis street between West Locust street and Dorgan Place. 8 feet wide on south side of West 14th street between Dell street and Prairie street. 12 feet wide on east side of South Lo- cust street between First street and Jones street. 6 feet wide on east side of Burch street between West Third street and Fenelon Place. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted June MB96. LANGSTAFF, 6-10-1Ot. L. Recorder Pro Tem. 141 List of Warrant ;. CIT WARRANTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, June lst, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May 1896: Name Purpose. A'mt. T T Duffy, salary mayor . . $125 00 H G Gniffke, salary treasurer .. 208 30 T JCooney, salary recorder 116 65 M M McCarten, salary auditor .. 116 65 John F Stemm, salary assessor. 125 00 Jas E Knight, salary attorney . 150 00 Ed Morgan, salary marshal 100 00 Jno Carter, salary street commis sioner . . 91 60 Jos Reinfried, fire chief . 100 00 Jno O'Connell, clerk . 88 35 Wm A Keap, clerk in recorder's office . . 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk in treasurer's office 50 00 W H Knowlton, city engineer 200 Jas Boyce, assistant engineer 100 E S Hyde, assistant engineer 100 Geo Osborn, city electrician 75 Chas Hillery, sewer inspector . Jos P Traut, market master Dr F W Wieland, health officer Henry Henge, park custodian M Eitel, fireman Jno Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman . . Jno Flynn, fireman J Wiltse, fireman . . Jos Tschudi, fireman Ed Keas, fireman C Gate, fireman Jas Daly, fireman Job Barnes, fireman Tom Ryder, fireman . . . W Ducey, fireman J Schonberger, fireman M Fahey, fireman . T Meehan, fireman Jas Rooney, fireman . . D Ahearn, fireman T Walker, fireman W Hippman, fireman . . . F Ganahl, fireman Geo Girke, fireman Jas Helmrick, fireman Jas McFarland, fireman J Murphy, fireman . . A McDonald, fireman F Essman, fireman Thos Flynn, fireman . F Kenneally, fireman . . . Geo Beyer, fireman Chas Kannolt, fireman Jas Allen, fireman . Wm McBride, fireman . Robt Weston, fireman . . A Heer, fireman Jno Bauman, fireman J J Murphy, police 00 00 00 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 45 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 22 85 50 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 17 60 14 55 75 00 Jno Raesle. police 75 00 Frank Carney, police . 62 00 B Brennan, police 50 00 Bart Cain, police 34 65 Kate Hibbe, police matron . 39 60 Jno Loetscher, police 51 65 P McNerney, police . . 51 65 Tom Reilly, police ... . 51 65 J Fitzpatrick. police . . . 51 65 Dan Norton, police . . . 51 65 Jas Allen, police 51 65 John Reuter, police . 51 65 J Flynn, police 51 65 Edw Moore, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 51 65 P Sutton, police 51 65 M Craugh, police 50 00 P Sullivan, police . . 51 65 P Powers, police . . 51 65 Frank Rhomberg, police 51 65 Jno Rooney, police . 51 65 I Manhoff, police 51 65 Wm O'Brien, police . . 50 00 Jas O'Halloran, police . . . 51 65 Jno Hilson, police .. 51 65 Jno Murphy, police . 51 65 Jno Noel, police 51 65 Wm Hennessey, police 51 65 Jas Carter, police 51 65 Peter Scharf, police ... 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 Jos Secrist, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 P Hanlon, podice . 50 00 D Lavery, police . 50 00 Wm Frith, police 51 65 Tom Sweeney, police . 50 00 Wm Howard, police . . . 60 00 Jno Pullens, pound master . 50 00 Thos Ahearn, laborer . 22 30 M Abitz, labor . 17 25 J Albrecht, labor . 20 25 M Arthofer, labor . . . 17 55 A Alderson, labor . 10 15 Sam Allen, labor . 19 25 M Ahearn, labor . . 10 80 Nick Adam, labor . 19 60 Ernest Ament, labor . 5 40 M Brady, labor . 1 35 Jno Byrne, labor .. 19 95 Wm Brackett, labor . . 3 40 Chas Blicher, labor . . 4 05 Chas Bremer, labor . . . . 7 45 A Boleyn, labor . 2 70 H Berry, labor . 10 15 Jac Brick, labor . 23 55 Paul Becker, labor . . . 22 30 P Brandenberger, labor 10 80 Chas Buse, labor . 23 30 John Boettke, labor . . 1 35 H Brennan, labor . 8 80 Chas Burkhart, labor . 23 30 Fred Buelow, labor . 1 35 Ed Behrens, labor . 70 M Beckius, labor . 10 15 Jac Bruner, labor . 6 10 J Brochetbrach, labor . 7 45 Ernst Behrens, labor . 6 75 F Belz, labor . 7 10 A Becker, labor . • 5 75 Fred Bauman, labor 2 40 ixt int (lrotittR. H Bren, labor J Brown, labor Jas Butler, labor . Jno Burke, labor . P Burke, labor . Jos Blocher, labor P Breen, labor . J Baumgartner, labor J Bechtel, labor . R Burns, labor . Thos Boyce, labor Chas Beyer, labor Jas Bennett, labor . H Breen, labor . Jas Boyd, labor . C Buelou, labor . Frak Bieger, labor D Corcoran, labor M Carmody, labor Jas Cahill, labor Jno Corbett, labor L Corcoran, labor F Cherry, labor . W Crumpwell, labor Geo Curry, labor . . . M Cunningham, labor . Coppersmith, labor P Capritz, labor Wm Coughlin, labor . . J Callahan, labor J Coyne. labor Steph. Cain. labor Jas Connolly, labor Jerry Cahill ,labor M Coyle, labor Jas Carville. labor Theo Cole, labor Thos Cahill. labor H Connell, labor Wm Cunningham, labor B Conlin, labor R Corrigan, labor M Crahan, labor M Collinson, labor Thos Corvill, labor Wm Carter, labor C Clements. labor Dave Crotty, labor P Dempsey, labor M Dudursky, labor J Dittman, labor 141 21 60 Christ Fischer, Jr, labor . 4 05 Christ Frohs, labor . . . .. . 19 10 ' P Farrell, labor . 21 60 Christ Fischer, Sr, 22 95 P Fitzgerald, labor . 11 50 R Flick, labor . . 9 45 J Flicklicker, labor . . 3 10 J Fix, labor 2 70 M Fetschdle. labor . 19 25 P Tasselius, labor . 10 50 Emil Flutschinger, labor . . 6 00 John Flutschinger, labor . 38 25 Dan Fox, labor . . 1 35 M Fagan, labor . . 24 30 M Farrell, labor 9 45 Adam Fluetsch, labor . 4 75 H Fries, labor 22 30 16 55 20 30 21 95 11 50 B Glass, labor . . 8 10 Jos Genzel, labor 16 55 Geo Gow, labor 2 70 Jos Ginter, labor 9 45 J M Garrison, labor 1 50 Wm Grobe. labor . 2 40 Wm Gow, labor 24 65 H Galle, labor 24 00 C Grunzig, labor J Grab, labor H Grade. labor . Wm Gross, labor John Gehr, labor H Gherst, labor P Ginter, labor M Differding, labor Jac Driscoll, labor Jas Doyle, labor Jno Dougherty, labor . Ed Desmond, labor . . M Dumpily, labor Ed Daley, labor Dan Donovan, labor Ed Dilger, labor JC Dopler, labor Jno Donaldson, labor . P Dafontin, labor J Dixon, labor Jno Everett, labor Chas Ellerman, labor Steph Eustis, labor Jno Eagan, labor Jno Enright, labor L Fritz, labor Louis Tenner, labor . . 8 80 13 50 21 30 28 35 19 25 1 35 8 10 12 15 21 30 12 15 4 40 2 70 24 65 27 35 23 65 16 90 2 05 . 38 25 22 95 22 95 5 75 15 90 17 55 17 25 21 60 23 30 9 45 8 45 10 15 13 20 24 00 19 60 12 50 70 70 9 15 11 85 24 30 21 60 4 05 18 60 70 21 95 70 2 40 19 25 .25 90 15 55 19 95 10 15 4 05 18 90 19 95 F Herzog, labor 19 95 A Hoffman, labor . 9 80 Adam Hart, labor 12 15 John Hayes, labor 23 60 C Hennings, labor 1 35 Geo Hughes, labor 9 45 Chas Heck, labor 19 95 A Henderson, labor 1 35 F Hardie, labor 22 75 Jerry Hogan, labor 22 95 J Hafey, labor 24 30 M Houhes, labor . 14 85 M Hanley, labor 19 95 J Hanley, labor 20 25 Jas Hird, Sr, labor 20 25 14 20 4 76 9 80 P Furry. labor . . Wm Flanagan. labor R Fuhrman, labor Dom Frank, labor 24 30 4 75 24 30 20 95 22 30 2 05 22 95 P Greden, labor 21 60 Jas Gillaspie, labor 19 60 • P Grew, labor . Jos Greenwood, labor • Wm Granfield, labor John Giessler, labor Reuben Grimes, labor T Groner, labor P Greason, labor John Gherst, labor . M Hardie, labor H Henkel, labor D Hamen, labor 3 Huber, labor N Hilger, labor 19 95 18 90 5 40 21 60 22 65 20 60 54 00 16 55 18 25 19 25 16 20 10 15 22 65 65 25 30 00 24 65 17 55 17 25 25 50 ' 16 20 8 80 2 70 4 00 5 40 15 90 8 10 17 55 8 10 22 95 3 90 19 60 17 90 Geo Hencklein, labor H Haas, labor Jas Hird, Jr, labor Ambrose Hird, labor . Jas Hooten, labor . 112 List of 11'(Prrom's. Jas Hayes, labor . A Holmes, labor . . Matt Helwig, labor . Jno Henikel, labor . Ellis Joyce, labor . A Johnson, labor . P Jacobi, labor . Wm Juergens, labor . E S King, labor . L Knoche!, labor . C Kaufman, labor . J Karsch, labor . M Klein, labor . J Kremer, labor . C Knabel, labor . . Wm Koehler, labor . Theo Klasky, labor Chas Karus, labor . H Kertz, labor C Kerchon, labor . M Kessler, labor F Kaufman, labor P Krocheska, labor . . M Kass, labor . . M Karsch, labor . J Knees, labor Fred Kruse, labor . Jac Kruse, labor John Kinsella, labor Peter Kien, labor H Kehr, labor . . Tim Kelly, labor . . H Kremps, labor Chr. Kauffman, labor John Kelly, labor . . P Kinney, labor . . N Koner, labor F Krentz, labor Jos Krentz, labor M Korscheik, labor A C Knapp, labor . Peter Kremer, labor . . F Kummurle, labor Chas Krentz, labor Fred Krueger, labor Wm Leik, labor . . M Leilack, labor . . Jo Lavi, labor Carl Lierheimer, labor . . Geo Lutz, labor C Luchterhand, labor . . Wm Lavine, labor . J Lutz, labor . . H Luchterhand, labor F Lassance, labor H Lembke, labor H Luck, labor F Liederman, labor . . F Luchterhand, labor John Leidinger, labor . M Loes, labor P Leidinger, labor . . Pat Lynch, labor Aug Lange, labor Jas Maroney, labor Thos Mullqueeney, labor Jas Meley, Sr, labor Thos Murray, labor . J Moslin, labor . Jos Martinette, labor Robt Miller, labor 17 25 A Manderscheit, labor . 15 20 24 30 15 90 M McCone, labor . 10 80 9 80 Ernst Meeker, labor . 21 60 4 75 H Miller, labor 21 95 F Mink, labor . . 21 60 1 05 21 60 ' L Meurisse, labor . 16 55 26 00 T Meloy, labor . 35 10 Jas Meloy, Jr 21 60 9 15 Jno Maas, labor . . 5 10 18 90 Thos Meggison, labor 15 20 29 40 H Mareska• labor . 2 05 16 55 P Murphy, labor 53 50 j7 25 F 14lurphy, labor . 27 75 8 10 P Murray, labor 23 65 2 70 P Moran, labor 24 30 15 20 Carl Meckelburg, labor 5 40 11 15 Jac Meuser, labor 13 51) 8 80 M Mahoney, labor . 24 75 10 80 1. Maher, labor . 2 05 1 35 Jno Mullen, labor 21 75 8 80 P Mohan, labor 22 95 1 05 M Murphy, labor 22 30 18 60 M Maher, labor . 12 15 9 45 M McNamara, labor . 21 95 1 35 A McGuan, labor . 22 95 22 65 Thos McDonald, labor . 22 30 22 30 J H McDonald, labor 16 20 7 45 J McCaffrey, labor . 6 75 51 00 B McCormack, labor . .. 23 65 43 35 B McCaffrey, labor 22 30 25 00 J McQuillan, labor 22 75 6 10 P McMullen, labor 24 30 12 85 Wm McDermott, labor . 26 00 5 40 J McCormick, labor 24 30 15 90 M McCone, labor 42 30 35 10 J McNulty, labor 24 30 5 75 L McEvoy, labor 24 30 5 75 J McCarron, labor . 22 95 5 10 F McCarron, labor . 5 40 5 75 P McPoland, labor . 15 20 14 20 P McNulty, labor . 18 90 19 25 M McCarten, labor . 25 50 4 05 B McCoy, labor . 70 4 40 P McCarten, labor . 11 50 6 10 J McGee, labor . 24 30 4 75 M Nuten, labor . 17 55 17 25 F Nink, labor . 11 50 17 25 H Nank, labor . . 70 15 20 Jno Nutz, labor . 21 95 19 60 Wm Nolan, labor . 5 75 14 20 Phil Newman, labor . 3 40 9 80 Jno Nagle, labor 2 70 4 40 Jno O'Halloran, labor 6 10 14 20 Chas Otto, labor . 17 25 12 15 Fred Otto, labor . 7 80 17 90 Julius Otto, labor 13 20 17 55 F Oswald, labor . 19 25 7 10 M O'Connell, labor . 16 65 1 05 Jno O'Brien, labor . 7 45 29 95 P O'Brien, labor . 24 65 29 40 Jas O'Shea, labor . 11 15 2 05 M O'Marra, labor . 12 15 19 25 C B O'Neill, labor . 24 30 19 60 Jno O'Dea, labor . 26 25 21 95 Jas O'Brien, labor 33 00 21 95 M Prosser, labor . 9 15 1 05 C H Pierce, labor . 17 90 14 55 Anton Peter, labor . 11 85 70 Jac Peryon, labor . 12 50 9 80 Wm Papentein, labor 8 80 11 50 J Pfeiffer, labor . 22 95 List of 1I Vll'l null•,'. Nick Petz, labor . G Paar, labor Herm. Price, labor . . M Pettite, labor Chas Prieb, labor .Tos Phelan, labor on bridge Fred Pelz, labor Jas Powers, labor .Tas Purcell, labor D powers, labor Wm Quinlan, labor Jas Quinn, labor P Quinn, Sr J Remus, labor F Remus, labor F Radloff. labor Wm Rehfeld, labor Fred Rieger, labor A Reuter, labor Wm Rieman. labor Geo Rink, labor John Raetz, labor • Thos Ryan, labor . Chas Reibesch, labor Otto Ries, labor Ed Rittenberg, labor Jac Roesner, labor Henry Rink, labor . . Matt Reiseck, labor Wm Rousch, labor Wm Raymond, labor T Reilly, labor Chas Reilly, labor M Reinhart, labor . . P Smith, labor D Sullivan, labor . . ...... Jno Sanders, labor Otto Schlaegel, labor . . . J Schemmel, labor . Nick Schroeder, labor . . Jos Stadl, labor . . • • • • • Peter Schiltz, labor . . Jos Schmitt, labor . Chas Schaetzle, labor • 'Wm Scharf, labor . F Selle, labor . . A Schmidt, labor . . L Steines, labor . . Jno Steffes, labor . . Geo Sutter, labor . . Aug Schelsky, labor . . Peter Stoffer, labor . . Simon Schaetzle, labor . Steph Steible, labor . . . Aug Seik, labor J L Sullivan, labor . • J Schroeder, labor . Gust Schulz, labor , . M Scheirock, labor 'Geo Sohon, labor M Specht, labor J Scheidecker, labor . , Geo Schnee, labor 'Geo Schlaegel, labor . , Fixdore Schanker, labor Wm Schwaegler, labor 2 05 i' J Spies, labor . 2 70 1 35 i Nic Sweeney, labor . . 22 95 5 40 M Sullivan, labor 24 30 1 35 1 F Strommeyer, labor . 21 60 2 70 I Mile Shea, labor . . 22 30 24 00 M Schollard, labor . 22 95 70 I Wm Spensley, labor . 14 25 24 30 Jno Sackman, labor . 5 40 22 30 .T Stephens, labor . 8 80 24 30 j P Sadler, labor . 5 75 18 60 I \Vin Sheehan, labor . . 18 00 5 40 , J Sullivan, labor . 21 30 5 40 S Sebald, labor 7 10 8 10 j \\"m Travis, labor . 11 50 15 90 Jno Twigg, labor . 17 55 17 55 H Tippe, labor . 14 55 2 70 I Jos Tacke, labor . 8 80 15 55 , 'Theo Thill, labor 23 65 24 30L Trentlein, labor . 21 60 35 Wm Tinkham, labor .. 21 60 11 15 R Tregilgus, labor 1 35 28 90 J Talty, labor . . 22 65 21 60 Win Taylor, labor . 7 SO 5 75 Jas Thomas, labor 13 20 7 80 Chris Underberg, labor 10 80 2 70Chas Vincent, labor 17 55 5 10 Fred Volscher, labor . 18 60 9 ' J Vornhak, labor 7 45 9 45 Peter Weitz. labor . 20 95 2 05 Nick Wombach, labor 15 90 3 05 Aug Witty, labor 20 95 19 60 Ed Winkelman, labor . 17 25 18 90 Peter Weirock, labor . 13 20 4 40 'I Ed Welsh, labor . 15 55 18 90 Peter Wagner, labor 21 30 4 05 AWandraschek, labor .. 8 80 80 17 25 I Jno Welsh, labor . 24 30 1 35 . , , , ., 9 15 Jno Wolf, labor 8 10 Jno Witty, labor 16 55 Nick Wagner, labor . .... • • • • • • 2 705 2 70 17 55 Jno Witt, labor 1 70 , .. , 21 75 Edw Ward, labor .. 17 70 15 55 H Weidenbacher, labor . , , , , .. 15 55 Peter Wertin, bridge labor • • • .. 40 75 5 6 45 Jno Welsh, labor . 25 70 24 65 ...... 8 10 M White, labor . 10 80 , , , 14 85 Jno Welsh, Sr, labor .8 10 . 11 15 C Yoss, labor • • 11 85 , . , 21 30 J Yan, labor 7 45 , 16 80 Wm Yan, labor . 12 15 ....... 3 40 Chr Yust, labor 14 20 • , , , , ., 22 30 Geo Yoos, labor . 2 70 4 75 21 95 Aug Yoos, labor . .... 10 80 I Ziedman, labor . 23 25 18 60 Geo Zumhoff, labor . 12 15 9 45 Jno Zuber, labor 20 95 24 30 W Zachina, labor . 70 14 85 Jos Zuber, labor g 70 12 15 Anton Zach, labor . ..... • • • 2 40 12 15 H Zogg, labor . • ...... • • "' • 123 85 24 65 A Zingel, labor . . ...... • • • • 33 50 19 60 Pat Ahearn, team . . • • • • .. • . ' 38 50 17 60 Theo Altman, team , • • • • • • 13 50 4 40 F Burns, team .............. 29 50 4 40 Byrne Bros, team , • • • • • • ... 17 25 Ike Beekman, team ...........35 50 35 950 2 40 Tim Byron, team . • ...... • • . 0 30 40 R Burns, team , • • • • • • ..... 9 95 . 39 505 25 00 C 0 Baker, team , • ...... " : 38 50 39 00 T F Cain, team . • • • • • • • .. i6 66 75 00 Walter Cook, team . , • • • S Schneider, labor Geo Stevens, labor . . Jos Seik, labor W H Stevenson, labor . A R Stevenson, labor . . List of l{rarr«utx. F Christie, team . 13 50 Wm Casey, team 90 W Costello, team . 4 05 Bridget Costello, team . 4 05 Steph Casey, team . . 37 SO A Conrad, team 12 85 T Crahan, team . 38 50 Bart Cain, team . 39 85 Tom Clancy, team . 16 90 I Dunkley, team . 33 75 Jno Duggan, team 17 55 Wm Dolan, team 2 05 P Dolan, team . 8 10 J Evans, team . 2 70 Thos Elliott, team 39 85 N Frith. team . 37 80 E E Frith, team . 21 60 P C Foley, team 41 20 Matt Gantenbein. team . 15 55 Jos. Grutz, team 18 90 Jno Gearey, team 41 85 Jno Garragan, team . 4 05 M Hammond, team 62 80 H Haggerty, team . 33 75 J Haudenschield, team . 24 30 Tom Heins, team . 10 80 Mrs Haley, team . 37 80 Peter Horch, team 12 85 Peter Jarding, team 41 85 Tom Kane, team . 27 00 H King, team 43 90 T Kenneally, team 30 40 P Kenneally, team 30 40 Wm Lyons, team 28 35 Jno Long, team . 40 50 P Linehan, team 91 80 J G Moore, team . . 85 75 F Mathis, team 25 00 A Mink, team 2 05 Martin & Strelau, team . 13 50 Jno Murray, team 31 05 Wm McGrath, team 41 85 Chas McGovern, team . 21 60 McElrath Teaming Co, team 46 60 Jno McGrath, team .. 38 50 J McCollins, team . 52 65 Jas McCracken, team 37 15 P S Norton, team . 8 10 T O'Brien, team , 5 40 Jno Nagle, team . 5 40 Pat O'Mara, team 9 45 Jno Parker, team . 37 15 Mrs Quinlivan, team . 37 80 Geo Reynolds, team . 41 20 Henry Schmitt, team . . 37 80 Jerry Sullivan, team . . 14 85 John Savage, team . 34 45 Ed Seeley, team . 41 85 J Sutherland, team . 37 15 Matt Theis, team . 40 50 Cath Tobin, team . 40 50 T Wolfe, team . 2 05 J Williams, team . . 41 85 Terrance White, team . 23 65 M Corbett, labor . 8 25 J Pfeiffer, labor , 8 25 T Meloy, team , , 8 25 J Cahill, team , 6 00 Jno Hillery, labor on sealer 45 50 Steve Rouseh, labor on sewer 45 50 C. T. Hillery, labor on sewer 45 50 • F' Schilling, labor on sewer 40 25 B Hayes, cleaning around city hall . . . . . . . . . 11 25 Adam Jaeger, labor on sewer 45 50 Wm Terry, labor on sewer 45 05 Jno McCollins, labor on sewer 8 10 Robt McGivern, sanitary patrol- man . . . . . . . . . 50 00 Geo Bennett, assistant assessor. 100 00 Gotf. Gmehle, assistant assessor 100 00 Maggie Murray, type writing . . 1 50 C 0 D Laundry, washing towels, 6 00 Wm Geisheker, rodman . . 55 00 Jno Farley, rodman . 40 00 Jno McCollins, hauling saw dust 4 05 Frank Winters, filling on 18th street . . . . . . . . 8 75 Jerry Sullivan, filling on 18th street 2 25 Robt Mathis. filling on 18th St50 Jas Leahey. filling on 18th street 25 T J Donahue, filling on 18th St. 18 75 Mrs Koenig, janitor and lean- ing city hall . 40 00 Mrs Kien. janitor and cleaning city hall 20 0 J P Traut, board of prisoners .. 48 60 Pno Hoffman, janitor city hall35 00 Michel Gla den, work around park 1 25 P Hanafan, labor . . 17 60 Wm Wells & Son, macadam 10 00 Albert Gasser, brick . . 5 75 J C Honer, plumbing and flush tanks . 8 83 The Telegraph, election station- ary . . . . . . . . . 122 30 The Telegraph, finance reports.. 91 80 The Telegraph, health report ... 3 50 J P Schroeder, cement, 15 65 W Baumgartner, tools . . 1 10 Key City Gas Co, coal tar for 17th street. 25 00 M Mullin, plumbing at patrol house 2 65 McCarthy & Leahey, oats . ..... 19 50 M Brown & Sons. straw . 1 75 Peter Hansen. oil, brooms, etc. , 1 75 .1 B Stevens, labor . 8 10 Jno Butt, repairing tools . ..... 2 80 B D Linehan, repairing tools 3 45 Ham & Carver, blank stationary. 1 75 P J Milligan, sidewalk on St. Ambrose street . 85 00 Peter Horch, filling on Leibnitz street . . . . . . . . 100 00 R W Kemler, filling on 4th street extension . 4 60 Jno Blake, sewer in Fenelon ,Place . . . . . . . , . 57 30 Jno Blake, sewer in Fenelon Place . . 42 20 Frank Stoltz, repairs around city hall . . . . . . . . . 33 05 Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap, etc 1 15 Little, Bruce & Co, lantern globes . . . 1 50 Police & Telephone Signal Co, weight sector box , 125 00 Wm Marshall, repairing fire en- gines . . 154 27 E C Porter, drugs Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing12 50 Jas Levi & Co, supplies for fire department 16 20 J M McKenzie, repairing engine1 50 T J Conlin, team and carriage 4 00 T J Conlin, hauling shavings 3 00 Jno Tibey, filling on 4th street extension 222 90 P Clancy, filling on 4th street extension 10 50 McElrath Teaming Co, filling on 4th street extension Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing on fountains 8 07 Ferguson Supply Co, tools 8 85 Hardie & Scharle, blang sta- tionary 70 75 Harger & Blish, blank station- ary Headford Bros & Hitchins, man ho -e covers Edw Ryan, filling on 4th street extension Edw Evans. use of tar kettles N H Schilling, repairs on 17th and Clay streets 'Chris Schmitt, meat for police matron •Standard Lumber Co. lumber Lois Lindenberg, nails, $3.25; lawn mower, $4.75 8 00 'Ott Meuser & Co, lumber 66 00 Ellwanger Bros. repairing har- ness Reinfried & Jaeger, tin clips. shovel and nails, $1.50; bas- kets, nails and bolts, $1.45; pad locks, police whistles, etc., $4.25 7 20 Bryan Donahue, sewer in 27th street, $80.00; sidewalks on var ious streets, $24.65 104 65 P H Halpin. water barrels, matches, soap, etc . 27 90 'G F Kleih, hardware 34 55 F Schloz, repairing tools . 32 05 Duggan & Kane, matches, soap, etc, $5.45; supplies for matron. 7 85 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for April 500 00 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for April 500 00 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for April 337 50 Fraatz & Clark, drugs 2 80 Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing . 17 00 E E Frith, hauling garbade, etc . 48 00 Kenety & McCann, sewer in Clark street, brick, $11.25 . .. 391 25 Bart E Linehan, cement . . ..... 31 88 Mullen Bros, repairing fountain, plumbing at engine house .... 13 40 Dubuque Construction Co, sewer in alley from llth to 19th street 136 25 Dubuque Construction Co. filling on 13th street.... . .. 100 00 n Dubuque Construction. sewer in alley 11th to 19th .. 107 02 Dubuque Construction Co. extra LiNt ,)t irarreint.v. 2 75 3 55 71 98 4 50 7 60 7 00 20 75 3 50 12 21 25 15 work on Clay street. .. 6 43 Carr, Ryder, Engler Co, lumber for parks.. .... .... 3 30 Martin, Strelau Co., coal. 79 98 Noonan Bros.:, livery for coron- er... . .. 5 00 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co rubber washers .. .. .. .... 65 Central Union Telephone Co. telephone service.. . . 46 50 German Catholic Printing Co. Jan 1st to May 1st .. .. .. 50 00 The Telegraph, 1 mos advertis- ing.... ... .. 75 00 The Herald. March printing67 50 The Times, March printing.. 29 15 The Globe, March printing... 67 50 Globe Light and Heat Co. 100 166 67 lights 500 00 lights 500 00 arc lights . 500 00 arc lights 14700 lamps for March .. .. .. Star Electric Co, 305 arc for April Star Electric Co, 305 arc for April Star Electric Co, 305 for April Star Electric Co, 305 for April.. .. .. .. Key City Gas Co., gas.... ...... 81 45 Mechanics' Ins. Co, insurance for town clock .. .. .. .. .. ..... 37 50 H. B. Gniffke ref excavation per- mits ... ... ... .. .. 130 00 H. B. Gniffke, interest paid on warrants.. .. .... . 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, interest paid on warrants 142 92 H B Gniffke, stamps. new horse 145 00 H. B. Gniffke. opening Highland 500 00 Place extension.. .. H. B. Gniffke, opening Foye St. 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, opening Foye St. 500 00 H. B. Gniffke, opening Foye St. 300 00 H. B. Gniffke, coat and Vest but- 13 10 tons for police.. .. Citizens' State bank, loan .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State hank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State hank. loan .. .. 5000 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State hank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 55000000 0000 Citizens' State hank. loan .. .. 500 00 5nn 000 .. 500 00 .. 500 00 Citizens' State hank. loan t:.itizens' State hank. loan Citizens' State hank, loan Citizens' State hank. loan Citizens' State hank. loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State hank, loan .. .. +000 On Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 500 00 C1117ens' State hank. loan .. .. 5000 00 r C'lizens' State bank, loan .. : ; 00500 00 Citizens' State hank. loan ..500 00 Citizens' State hank. loan • • 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan • • 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. 50050 00 Citizens' State bank, loan • 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan • 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan • • 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. 10; I, ..t „r' it''reraant8: Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizen:' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank, loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. .. 500 00 Citizens' State bank. loan .. 500 00 Joseph Herod, team.. .... ...... 258 00 J. S. Garragan, team. . .. .. . , 27 00 J. Venn, team.. ...... ... .. .. 14 85 J. Van Holien. team.. .. .... .. 17 55 J. Decker, team .. .. .. .. .... 12 15 J. Murray .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 28 35 M. Hanna, team .. .. .. .... .. 14 85 M. Riordan, team.. .. ... .. .. 27 00 J. Costello, team .. .. .. ..... .. 12 85 C. Messerknecht. team .. .. .... 18 Martin & Strelau, team.. .. .. 12 85 R. Mathis. team .. .. .. .. ..... 20 25 J. Strotz, team .. .. .. .... .... 9 45 Jno. Evans.. .. .. .. .. ........ 4 05 Wm. Warning, labor.. .. .... .. 39 00 Jno. Cahill. macadam.... .. .. 13 72 Louis Donovan. macadam.. ... 14 25 Bryan Donahue, macadam.. ... 19 65 Mike Farrell, macadam.. .... .. 30 00 Claus Hagge. macadam.. .. .... 15 00 Peter Jacobi, macadam .. .. .. 15 O0 Kien & Wilber, macadam.. .. .. 16 27 C. Karsch & Son, macadam .. 30 00 M and J Mahoney, macadam... 30 00 Larry McEvoy, macadam. ... .. 18 30 Jno. McGee, macadam.. .. .... 12 30 Wm. MeDermott macadam.. .. 29 10 Jno Malone, macadam.. ..... 22 05 J. G. Menkels, macadam... .. . 9 45 Thos O'Connell, macadam.. . 18 07 Mrs. M. Quinlivan, macadam... 5 85 Pat Ryan, macadam.. .... ... 12 75 Theo Paterson. macadam,.. .. . 15 00 Mike Sullivan, macadam .... .. 15 00 Schener, Simon & Frith, maca- dam .... .. .. .. .. .... 8 17 L. Schilhave, macadam. 15 00 H. Tippe, macadam .... .. .. 16 35 Trentlein & Radusch, macadam43 50 Dell Gague, macadam .. .. 15 00 Ross McMahon, macadam.. 50 17 Fred Galow, macadam.. .. 21 52 Jno Loringett and wife, damages to property on Union ave 325 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder, Pro Tem. 91 lot ee. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on May 4th, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing sante, all will be- come delinquent and subject to collec- tion by distress and sale. HENRY. B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. Chicago Great Western Ry., part min :ot 315, lots 1 and 2 Smed- 'ley's sub. $ 75 Frank Russo, lots 11 and 12 Smed- ley's sub. 18 L. Gieseman, lots 21 and 22 Smedley's sub 30 H. Bishoff, lot 29 Cook's add45 M. J. Loes, lot 32 Cook's add 25 II Hahn. lot 37 Cook's add 10 Theo. Buse, lot 39 Cook's add20 E. H. Shepply, lot 8 Hooper's add 30 A. Shoemacher, lot 52 McCraney's 1st add 30 Christ. Jungk, lot 8 Jungk's add.. 25 Aug. Jungk. lots 6 and 7 Jungk's add 50 D. Saners, lot 45 McCraney's lst add 38 F. M. Robinsin est. lots 435 to 438 inclusive, Ham's add. 1 00 A. C. Wolcott est, :ots 262, 263 and 264 Ham's add. M. H. McCarthy, lots 36 and 37 McCraney's 1st add.. ... Pat Walsh est., lot 71 McCraney's 1st add F. Wagner, lot 1, O. S. Lang - worthy's sub. T. Wilson, lot 66 McCraney's 1st add Chicago Greatwestern Ry., lots 60 and 61 Sanford's sub M. C. Munsell, lots 33, 34 and 35 Hooper's add Jacob Kuntz, lots 1 and 2 sub of 6. 8 and 10, Wick's add H. Auredin, lot 74 McCraney's 1st add W. Hollnagel, lot 5 min lot 303.. Peter Meyer, lot 4 min lot 303.. Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 min lot 466 3 C. M. & St. P. Ry., lots 9 to 12 inclusive, B. 8 Railroad add C. M. & St. P. Ry., lots 1 to 3 inclusive, B. 7, Railroad add ('. M. & St. P. Ry., min lot 107 Cath. Schuler, s1/2 lot 1 sub of 3 and 4 Stafford's add.... E. Hemmi n 1-2 lot 1 sub of 3 and 4 Stafford's add.... John Walsh, lots 3, 4 and 5, sub 1 of 5 of the sub of lots 11, 12, and 13 of n e 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2e Peter Hansen, lots 1 and 2 sub 1 of 5 of the sub of lots 11, 12 aad 13 of ne 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2e Geo. Burden est, lot 6 Burden & 1 3 50 40 30 50 30 00 75 50 30 38 50 64 66 47 18 25 25 63 45 (*.Ica Yotir,,o . Lawther's add. Lawther & Ryder, lots 7 to 16 in- clusive, Burden & Lawther.'s add 2 M. J. Shannon, lot 83 O'Neill's Riverview add. B. J. O'Neill, lot 60 O'Neill's Riverview add. J. Naubaer, lot 61 O`Neill's Riverview add. Mrs. M. Muntz, lot 38 O'Neill's Riverview add. F. Swanson. lot 39 O'Neill's Riverview add. F. A. Bisbing, lot 116 O'Neill's 50 Riverview add. W. G. Cox, lot 111, Cox's add25 Theo. Scharle. lot 109 Cox's add 25 W. G. Cox, lot 73 Cox's add 25 Mary Schroeder. lot 4 Buettell's 25 sub. John Kearney, lot 3 Buettell's sub E. L. Allen, lot 1 Buettell's sub62 J. P. Schroeder, lots 3, 4 and 5 and east 27 feet lot 6, Little- ton & Sawyer's add. H. W. Rust, lot 7 and west 13 ft lot 6, Littleton and Sawyer's add A. Hefting, lot 8 Littleton & Saw- yer's add . A. Keffler, lot 9 Littleton & Saw- yer's add. C F Gassman, lots 1 and 2 sub of 30 and 31, Littleton and Saw- eyr's add. D. A. Mahony est., lot 1 of 2 of 2 75 min lot 193. Allen Schumacher, lot 77 McCran- ey's 1st add. W. G. Watters, lots 85 and 86 50 McCraney's 1st add . . W. G. Watters, lots 96, 97 and 98 McCraney's 1st add. L. Kaltenbach, lot 118 Mechanic's add. C. A. Voelker et al, lots 113 to 117 inclusive, Mechanic's add1 25 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 32 Schroe- 50 der's add . J. P. Schroeder lot 20 Schroeder's add. J. P. Schroeder, lot 4 Schroeder's add . C. A. Voelker, lots 2, 3, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22 and 33 Voelker's add2 50 P. W. Crawford, lots 1, 2, 3 and 7 1 20 sub 2 of out lot 673 city St. Joseph Academy, lot 468 city. 1 26 M. E. Church, n 166 ft lot 467 1 47 city 47 B. J. O'Neill, lot 46 city James Levi, lot 2 sub s 1-2 lot 456 city. . Robt. Waller est., n 34 ft lot 32 city Syndicate Block Co., lots 29 and 30 city. •• •' John Hennessy, n 28 ft lot 70 city. ....... A. M. Bush, m 19 ft lot 8 city.... J. Rowan, s 27 ft lot 532 a city.. J. H. Shields et al, lots D Dubuque 8a and 8 b sub w 1-2 B, 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 74 27 20 20 41 75 25 50 50 141 Harbor Co. add. C. L. Pritchard, l ort 1'2 sub w 1 2 BCI 1 Dubuque Habor Co. add J. II. Shields et al, lot 2 of 1 sub w 1-2 B 10, Dubuque Harbor Co. add. D. J. Hennessy, n 1-2 lot 536 city R. n 38 feet lotl0 city .. Peter Kiene Sr., lot 13 city N. L. Alden, lot 232 city R. Waller est, Iot 233 city. J. P. Early, lot 230 city B. E. Linehan, lot 229 city. Bradley & McLean, lots 222 and 223 city A. Goldthorpe, n 38.6 ft lot 219 city W. G. Cox, lot 5 and w 1-2 lot 6, Cox's add John Koch, lot 16 Cox's add. William Hintrager, w 42 feet lot 15 Quigley's sub out lot 710 City . Joe Herod, lot 11 Wm. Blake's add. T. J. Paisley, lots 12, 13 and 14 Blake's add. Jac Traut, lot 15 Blake's add Jos. Traut, lots 16 and 17 Blake's add Paul Traut, lots 18 and 19 Blake's add. Hughes & Blake, lots 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 Blake's add E. H. Shepply, lot 3 Cox's add Jas McCann, lotl Dorgan's sub F. Mertz, s 1-2 lot 216 city Y. M. C. A., lots 168 and city M. E. Chatfield, lot 211 city 0tyeet lot Allison and Bradley, s 233 city. Mrs. A. B. Keller, lot 204 city A. B. Ryan, s 52.6 feet lot 460 city John Bell, s 2-5 lot 449 city J. Bogoin, lot 253 city.... A. W. Kemler est., lots 281 and 282 city John 'turner est., tot 283 city.... Schmidt & Kuehule, n 1-2 lot 293 city. P. Kiene, Sr., s 1-2 lot 245 city P. Mihm, n, 1-2 lot 245 city Wni. Reche est., s 31.5 feet lot 443 city. John McDonald, s 89 feet lot 2 McNulty's sub. V. Me:choir, lots 57 and 2 of 56 S. M. Langworthy's sub. . . Jno Neuman, lots 15, 16 and 17 Nairn's add. . • .. .. W. S. Jackson, lot 13 Deming & Horr's add. . . . . ..... C. H. Eighmey, et al., lots 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 Dem- 1 ing&Ilorr'sadd. •••••• Wm Strinsky, lot 19 Deming & Horr's add. . .lot 13 .. M. Mrs. P. Mackin, LangworthY's add. . • • • • • • • • J. Zangmeister, lot 14 S. M. Lang - worthy's add . . . . .......... 50 43 10 14 10 14 33 23 26 16 57 57 26 10 25 83 1 07 • GO 38 23 168a 21 25 75 25 50 50 2 13 31 25 13 1 07 25 57 58 57 20 26 38 16 13 13 13 70 50 • 25 25 25 90 25 25 25 145 U ci(tl Votlices. Mrs. Ed. Blake, lots 1 and 2 S. M. Langworthy's add .. . . . . 0. Reinecke, lot 13 Newbury & Hale's sub Julia Rhomberg, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 of min lot 159 0. E. Guernsey, trustee, s 1-2 lot 1 of 2 of 8 of min lot 159 J. Zangmeister, lot 24 S. M. Lang - worthy's add D. J. Hennessy, lot 3 sub out lot 724 city J. Hennessy, lot 2 sub out lot 724 city Wm. Hintrager, lot 1 sub out lot 724 city. John Hennessy, lot 723 city Mrs. R. Scott, lot 8, Fortune's sub H Conisgisky, 3 Burch's sub Jno M Sullivan, lot 19, Wilson's sub Wm Hintrager, lot 6 of 7 of min lot 79 40 J H Berry Est, lot 2 and 2 of 1 of z 1 of 3, Robt Brown's sub 1 13 Smith, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 3, Robt Brown's sub Mrs Anna Whelan, lot 1 sub of 721, city Watters & Dennis, lot 4 of 720, city Watters & Dennis, lots 1 and 2 of 3 of 720, city 75 W Wunderlich, lot 15, Fortune's sub 88 W G Watters, Lots 49, 50 and 51, S M Langworthy's add 38 D J Hennessy, lots 1 and 2, Kel- ly's sub 50 F Freiburg, lots 6 and e 22 ft lot 5, Kelly's sub 30 A W Kemler Est, lot 15, Kelly's sub 17 Nic Esch, lot 13, sub 703, city 19 Henry Guerdet, lot 12, sub 703, city 20 Wm Reche Est, lot 17, Reche's sub No. 2 . 1 50 J Schwind, lots 11 and 12, More- heiser's sub . 1 00 F Boxleiter, lots 9 and 10, More heiser's sub 45 A W Kemler Est, lot 7, Milli- gan's sub 23 M Tschirgi,. Sr, lots 18 and 19, Moreheiser's sub 50 Wm Hetherington, lot 3, Milli- gan's sub 25 Tschirgi & Schwind, lots 246, 202 and 203, Woodlawn park add . 1 25 E Butt, lot 1 of 4 sub 13 of min lot 172. 25 A W Kemler Est, lot 1 of 4, Robt Brown's sub 22 Geo Gray Est, lots 2 ;3-4 and 5, Gray's sub . 1 00 M and F Ryan, lot 7, Hill's sub 25 Key City Electric St. Ry Co, lots 5 and 6, Oakland Park add .. 50 C A Voelker, lots 51 and 52, Wood lawn Park add J Pecker, lots 151 and 152, Wood ,25 24 35 1 25 38 70 15 10 1 25 50 20 25 25 13 35 50 lawn. Park add Wm Fuller, lots 153 and 154, Woodlawn Park add , C Shannon, lots 1, 2, 49 and 50, Woodlawn Park add . C Shannon, lot 20, Oakland Park add Hosford & Kemler, n 88 ft lot 783, A McDaniel's sub W G Cox, lot 14, Levin's add , James Forester, lot 16, Mt. Pleas ant add D J Lenehan, lots 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11, Home add Jno Hennessy, lots 820 and 821, A McDaniel's sub Mich Cosgrove, w 1-2 814 and e 1-2 lot 815, A McDaniel's sub Mary Weigel, lot 2 outlot 741, city Mrs Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3, out - lot 741, city W G Cox, lot 2 min lot 90, city W G Cox, lot 3, min lot 90, city Dubuque County, lot 320, city Jno Fogerty et al, lot 354, city Mrs Jas Foltzer, n 1-2 n 1-5, lot 479, city A F Klauer et al, s 2-5 lot 431, city F Kennicker, n 1-5 lot 452, city.. 25 D Berry Est, w 1-2 n 1-2 lot 12, Kelly's sub . . 50. B J O'Neill, m 1-5, lot 475, city25 A L Matthews, n 40 ft e 111 ft s 2-5, lot 663, city 20 Tredway & Provost, lots 636 and 637, city . 59 W L Bradley, lot 150, city 18 E R Jackson, lot 632, city 16 M O'Rourke, n 1-2 lot 630, city 13 John Rienecke, lots 89 and 89a, city 45 John Lucus Est, lot 566, city 73 C Flanders, lot 81, city 14 T Dolan, n m 20 ft, lot 83, city.... 10 A M Bush, n 2-3 lot 195, city 20 Key City Brl. Co s 2-3 lot 194, city 20 Robt Waller Est, lot 234, city... 11 C H Meyer, n 1-2 lot 235, city.... 13 Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co, lots 357 and 358, city 50 John McCabe, lot 321, city 25 S J Goldthorpe, lot 324, city 80 R Martin, lot 349, city 20 Dubuque Cabt Makers' Assn, lot 343, city . 75 I H Keepers, lot 339, city 58 M. J. Conner's Est, lot 590 city, 75 Williams Bros.; lot 591 city 25 W. J. Burns, in 29 ft lot 592, city. 5 H. Kavanaugh, lot 1 of 600 city.. 20 N. C. Ryan lot 121 city.. ...... 75 Mary Lawhan, lot 4 of 601, city.. 25 St. Mary's Academy, lots 602a and 81% feet lot 602, city.... .. , 1 40 John Hennessy, lots 124 and 125, city.. 60 M. J. Sullivan Est lot 127, city.. 33 Geo, Richardson, lot 128, city.... 25 50 50 1 05 45 1 25 25 1 50 1 00 85• 25 26 26 4 18 4 86 25 73 18 79 John Keenan, w m 100 ft lot 608 city.. .. .. .. .... 38 Mary McPoland, s 1/2 e 113 feet lot . 608, city.. ................ 25 Mary Ryan, lot 610, city.. .. .... 20 John Hennessy lots 725, 726, 697 and 1 of 694 city .. .. .... 3 60 R. Bonson Est, lot 1 of 31, city... 1 23 Mercy Hospital, lot 2 of min lot 66 .. 3 75 W. G. Cox lot 44, Corriell's sub.. 77 J. A. Rhomberg, lots 47 and 48, and 52 Corriell's sub.. .... .... 1 40 E. H. Shepply lot 49, Corriell's sub.. .. 25 Cath Rhomberg, lots 1 to 14 inc Hill St. add.. . . 1 87 Universalist church, lot 638 city. 75 E. H. Shepply, lot 767 A. McDan- iel's add.. .. • J. McKinley, lot 2. McKinley's sub.. .. .. . Lorimier House Hotel Co. lot 5 g8 sub 654 and pt 688, city.. James Beach & Son', lots 583, 582, 1 50 581 and 580 city.. .. .. . ... Key City Gas Co., lots 2, 3, and 4 sub 552 city.. .. .. 75 J. B. Richetts lot 5 sub of 5 78 a 33 and 579, city.. . • •• J. S. Randall Est. lots 52. 53, 54, 2 of 55 and lot 1 of 1 of 55 min lot 39.. . 3 13 John Deery, lots 39 and 40 min lot 39.. . J. H. Thedinga• Est., s 100 ft lot 552a city.. . James Levi, Lots 15 and 16 Levi's add.. Eliza Doyle, e 1/2 3 and w 10 ft 2, Newman's sub.. •. John Talty Est lot 3 Stout's Dub. W J Dolan lot 8 Levi's add.... 11:1 Langworthy's add.. Wm. Hollnagle, lot 9a and n 23 ft lot 9, L. H. Langworthy's add Chas Hollnagle, n 1/2 lots 19 and s % 20 L. H. Langworthy's add J. Zimmerman lot 16 King's 1st D. Mauer Est. lots 227 and 228 Da- vis Farm add.. .... .. .. .. .. Paul Traut, lots 3 and 4 Dunn's sub.. . Kiene & Altman, lot 1 of 239 Davis 1 10 Farm add .. . James Levi. lots 237 and 238 Davis 1 50 Farm add.. •• • • G. Baumgartner. lot 230, Davis 30 Farm add.. • • • " A. F. Jaeger. lots 250. 270, 271 and 1 20 272, Davis Farm add.. • 23 Mrs. 252, Davis Farm add uscher, lots 251 and s 13 ! Jac add :Marsh. . all. lot. 277, Davis Farm .. .. .. .. .. M. Kamer Est• lots 253 and n 1/2252, Davis Farm add.. ....... . J. Vyverburg Est, lots 300 and 301. Davis Farm add.. .. .... • John Kaep, lot 304, Davis Farm •••add .. . Geo. Salot. lots 15 and 16 West add.. . Dubque Investment Co. lot 2 to 8 inc. Linehan Park d Glendale M. Riede, lots 1 and 2, 50 I add.. • • .. . • John Doherty. lots 10 and 11. 50 Glendale add • . Paul Paul Traut, lots 1 and 20 Tract's sub ..... ' . . . G Tenhof. lots 357, 358 and 359, 17 Davis Farm add . . ......... 24 A Glab Est. lot 375, Davis Farm 15 add ........... R and E Langworthy. lots 153 Ellen Gleason, lot 2 sub 229 union e5 Tom Byrne. lots 12 to 19 inc Boand 154. Glendale add • • • •'•' add.. • ' o R and E Langworthy, lots 223 to Bon 228 inc. Glendale add ... • • • • • • son and Stewart's sub.. • • • • • 2 00 Geo Wiedner, lot 234. Glendale add ......... D Nickles. lot 232. Glendale add. H W Butler. lot 213( Davis Farm add . • • . . an ft lot 217, 45 20 35 60 50 Julia Rhomberg. lots 1. 3 and .) sub 1 and 2 min lot 62 and prt 149.. .. 1 25 J. T. Hancock Est• lot 6 min lot 90 158 .. S. E. Patch. lots 199. 198 and e 10 Adam Jaeger. s 1 1? Davis Farm add . .......... ft 1 A. Union add.. .. German Bank. lots 90 and 91: 1 20 Mr. And R Elliott lot 1 Harper's sub. 33 East Dubuque add • • .. East Hall and Reed e 1/2 lot 105, Union 40 Ino pilmaier. Tr, lot 101, 30 add.. a " Dubuque add Rev. John io Fogertyd... lots 1.. and 1 90 L Meyer. s 42 ft of 92. L H Lang- 75 139 Maher add.. . . • worthy's add . . • • M. Maher lot 137. lots Union add..n• . 1 50 Emma Klaes. 4 and n 1-2 5 sub 87 J. Union 165 and 166. 60 and SR. L H Langworthy's add 30 TTnlon add .. M Graff Est, lot 3 sub 87 and 88, 15 P. Rhomberg. 1/ .. .1and 2 of 2 2 63 I L T3 Langworthy's add ...... 1 of 3 min lot and .. .. . • • P G Altman• lots 13 and 14. Den- 60 M. Green. lot 7R ad 77. Union add • . . of sub 76 nd 50 nis sub . • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' anC H Meyer lots 1 to 6 inc and 6a, 45 75 30 60 30 50 1 13 50 50 75 1 05 30 30 1 55 30 25 75 20 Frank .Taeger, s'2-5 lot 437. city .. John Eichorn. w 1,4 lot 44 L. H. Langworthp's add.. . • • • • A. M Bavendick. n m 21 ft 12 L. TT. T.angworthv's add.. • • . • • • Mrs. E. Vogt, n 37 ft lot 12. L. H. 50 I • .2 50 King's Grove add . ..... 20 Aots 2. 3 and 4 sub rnd 24 1 25 and26, Wm Rebman a 11 sub . 1 00 J H Jecklin, lot 156a, L H Lang- 1. 1 150 0'1101(11 Setioc8. worthy's add , 1 00 Anna B Doller, lot 149, L H Lang worthy's add . C Heintz, lot 147, L H Lang - worthy's add . John Spahn, lot 1 sub 146 and 146a, L H Langworthy's add50 W A Leathers, w 117 ft lot 45, Marsh's add Anna Kelly, lot 3 of 6 and 3 of 7, G D Wood's sub H Dement, lot 2 of 1 of n 1-3 of 99, L H Langworthy's add 24 E J Schilling, lot 1 of m 1-3 of 99, L H Langworthy's add St John Lutheran church, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 3 of 10, L Kniest's sub Aug Gartner, lot 19, East Du- buque add E Langworthy's Est, lot 16 and e 11 ft, lot 17, East Dubuque add . L Kaltenbach, lots 168 to 171 inc, East Dubuque . . 1 05 Steuck & O'Farrell, lots 172, 173 and 174, East Dubuque add . . 1 13 Jno Wimmer Est, lots 175 and 176, East Dubuque add . 1 05 C H Meyer, e 40 ft lot 1 of 4, L Kniest's sub 80 Chicago Greatwestern Ry, lot 10 East Dubuque add, pt of min lot 315, lots 1 and 2 Smedley's sub 2 of 10, L Kniest's sub 1 05 Chicago Great Western Ry, lots 60 and 61, Sanford's sub 1 00 Mrs J P Buehler, lot 3 of 1 of min lot 314. 10 Adam Jaeger, lot 5 of 11, L Kniests' sub . 38 C, M & St P Ry, lots 9 to 12 inc, B 8, Rail Road add . 66 Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 of min lot 466 Peter Meyer, lot 4 of min lot 303,. 50 Allen Schumacher, lot 52, Mc- Craney's 1st add . 25 C Denlinger, lot 51( McCraney's lst add Allen Schumacher, lot 69, Mc- Craney's lst add . 25 M H McCarthy, lot 37, McCra- ney's 1st add . R Jones, lot 81, McCraney's 1st add . Allen Schumacher, lots 77 and 78, McCraney's 1st add . . W G Waters, lot 82, McCraney's lst add . W G Waters, lots 85 and 86, Mc- Craney's lst add Jacob Kuntz, lots 1 and 2 sub of 6, 8 and 10, Wick's add Hooper's add . 75 M C Munsell, lots 33, 34 and 35, Wm Guderian, n 1-2 lot 35. Cook's add 70 J Fritsche, lots 3 and 4 sub 5, Stafford's add . M R Stendeback, lot 3 sub 1, Gel - 50 83 50 50 24 I 1 50 25 75 3 64 75 25 50 45 75 50 45 30 ger's sub Linwood Cemetery Assn, lot 4, E C Horning, e 1-2 lots 425, sub 1, Geiger's sub 55 sub min lot 472, . Wm Hintrager, lots 22, 23 and 24, 0 Taylor's sub . 75 Theo Scharle, lot 109, Cox's add. 25 W G Cox, lots 73 and 111, Cox's add G R Clark, lot 5, Porter's add D A Mahony Est, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 193 A W Hosford, lot 57, Littleton & Sawyer's add . 20 Wm Young, lot 3 of 2, G D Wood's sub, 34 Voelker's add. 45 C. A. Voelker, lots 2. 3 and 33 VoeIker's add. 75 A. Heeb est., lot 30 March's add 20 A. L. Matthews, n 40 feet e 111 ft s 2-5 lot 663 city. 20 S. Hosford, lot 656 city 58 Tredway & Provoost, lot 637 city 10 John Babcock, n 21.7 feet lot 90 and s 28 1-2 feet lot 91 city25 John Reinecke, lots 89 and 89a city 25 John 13e11, s 2-3 lot 112 city71 John Hennessy, lot 114 city 10 P. J. Burke, n 43.9 feet lot 117 city . . . . . 45 .J. Goldthorpe, lot 324 city 63 Jno Fogarty et al, lot 354 city73 John Faust est., lot 341 city 25 Mrs. J. Paw, s 2-5 lot 482 city19 Mary A. Thomas et al, n 1-5 lot 483 city . . . . . 75 Mary Wienecke, lot 479 a city38 J. F. Ackerman est., s 31.3 feet lot 142 E. Dubuque add 50 .John Hennessy, lots 820 and 821 A. McDaniels' sub. 88 P. W. Crawford lot 778 A. Mc- Danie:s' sub and lot 6 Hether- ington's sub. J. G. Bailey, lots 799 and 800 A McDaniels' sub. J. J. Rowan, lots 792 and 793 A McDaniels' sub. Mary Weigle, lot 2 of out lot 741 city Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3 of out lot 741 city W. G. Cox. lot 3 of min lot 90 W. G. Cox, lot 2 of min lot 90 Jno Hennessy lots 1 to 8 inclusive Levin's add Jno McDonald, s 89 ft lot 2 Mc- Nulty's sub Wm. Hopkins, lot 16 McNulty's sub and lot 1 of 2 min lot 88 M. K. Reynolds, s 1-2 2 of 2 min lot 88 A. W. Hosford, lots 18 and 19 Kane's sub. Jno Hennessy, lots 1 and 2 of Mob- ley's Dub. J. H. Berry est., lot 2 of 3 Brown's sub W. G. Cox, lot 44 Corriell's sub.. 20 75 50 25 75 63 40. 38 255 25 4 63 1 50 4 13 50• 50 13 40 50. 50. 75 H1/ici.al N-ntiee8. Jno McKinley, lot 2 McKinley's sub. Universalist church, lot 638 city S. Sunderhaft, w 63 feet lot 643 city Fannie Wood, n 7 feet lot 131 city and s 17.3 feet lot 132 city Mrs. M. J. Sullivan est., lot 127 city T. Rafferty, s 16 feet, n 48.9 feet 122 city N. C. Ryan, lot 121 city Shields & Watters, lots 8, 8a, and 8b sub w 1-2 B 1, Dubuque 32 Har. Co. add. W. L. Bradley et al., lot 1 of 1 sub w 1-2 B 10, Dubuque Harbor Co. add 72 Amelia Hodgdon. m 19 feet lot 8 10 city . Staples, Pelan and Wilson, n 2-3 50 lot 16 city. Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, n 38.6 feet lot 219 city. 60 M. Frick est., m 1-5 lot 454 city26 C. Jungk, n 50.2 feet. sm 1-5 lot 25 460 city St. Joseph academy, lot 468 city. 1 35 J. 11. Thedinga est., n 2-5 lot 461 city . L. King, lot 14 Dorgan's sub13 P. W. Crawford, lots 1, 2, 3 and 1 20 7 sub 2 of 673 city W. G. Cox. lots 38, 39 and 40 1 '24 Cox's add. W. G. Cox, lots 34 and 35 Cox's add. W. G. Cox, lot 54 Cox's add W. G. Cox, lots 59, 60 and 61 Cox's add. J. H. Rhombe g,ts s,47 and 48, 73and 14 T. J. Paisley, lots Blake's add . .lac Traut. lot 15 Blake's add Jos Traut est., lots 16 and 17 Blake's add Paul Traut, lots 18 and 19 Blake's add. B. B. Richards, n 1-5 lot 475 city. Ryder Bros., s 1-2 m 1-5 lot 475 city . 13 75 30 12 16 08 78 78 Paul Traut, lots 3 and 4 Dunn's sub. Kiene & Altman, lot 1 of 239 Davis 1 00 Farm add . James Levi, lots 237 and 238 Davis 1 50 Farm add . " Aug Jauggen, lot 290 Davis Farm 30 add.. Geo. Salot, lots 15 and 16 West's add....... .. John Gillis, Chicago Great Wesdtern Ry, 2 30 of 1 min lot 363 ...... . 1 00 M. Riedi, lots 1 and 2 Glendale 50 add. and 11 Glen John Doherty, lots 10 50 dale add ........ •• •' lots 163 R. and E. Langworthy, 30 and 154 Glendale add .. .. • • .... 30 .... Paul Traut, lots 1 . and 2 Paul 50 Traut's sub .. .. .. .. . D. Nickels, lot 232 Glendale add. A. Glab Est, lot 375 Davis Farm 151 H. W. Butler, lot 213 Davis Farm add.. .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... Adam Jaeger, s 40 ft lot 217 Davis Farm add .. A. McDonald, lots 1, 2( and 3 sub 218 and 219 Davis Farm add D. A. Price, lot 4 sub 218 and 219 Davis Farm add.. .. .. .. C. J. Peterson, lot 1 Olinger's sub C. H. Meyer, e 40 ft. lot 1 of 4, L Kniest's sub.. .. Johanna Frenzel s 1/2 lot 8 King's let add .. .. Jos Zimmermann lot 16 King's 1st add.... .... ... ... ...... C. H. Meyer lots 1 to 6 inc and 6a King's Grove add.. . John Walsh, lots 3, 4. and 5 sub 1 of 5 of lots 11, 12 and 13 of ne 1/4 sect. 13. 89, 2e .. .. .. ...... .. John Sheriden, lots 1 to 12 inc Sheriden's add .. .. .. .. ...... Iawther & Ryder, lots 7 to 19 inc Burden -Ryder add .. John Wimmer Est. lots 175 and 176 E. Dubuque add .. .. .. .... German bank. lots 90 and 91. East Dubuque add.. . B. J. O'Neill, lot 60 O'Neill's Riv- erview add .. . Elizabeth Kurt. s 1/2 lot 105 East Dubuque add .. .... Thill & Patz lot 254 Davis Farm add.. .. ... .... ..... ... ... 20 75 75 25 50 50 50 25 50 NOTICE. 75 25 30 80 20 68 23 50 90 25 50 2 50 70 1 00 2 50 1 00 1 20 75 13 30 Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city (puncil of the city of Dubuque, held on June 1st, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinuent and subject to collec- tion by distress I HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For repairing sidewalk. C G Wullweber, lot 52 E. Dubuque $ 1 80 add. Wm Hintrager, lot 13 sub 724 40 city. Glab Bros.. lot 135 Finley, Wap - les and Burton's add John Olinger, lot 23 Boulevard 35 add. .. Joseph Battro, lot 3 Glendaoe add 30 R and E Langworthy, 8 65 Glendale add. • • • 1 25 Ryder Bros., lot 72a city. . . C L Pritchard, lot 12 sub w 1-2 B 60 1 Dubuque Har. Co. add Gilbert Perry, lot 22 Nairn's add35 Theo. Merritt, lot 6 S M Lang - worthy's sub. . P W Crawford, lot 5 Hethering- 152 Iltji� iai otioes. ton sub. Alois Glab, lot 333 Davis Farm add A W Kerner Est., lot sub 703 city Wm Schumm. :ot 12 Grandview Place F. M. Ellis, lot 11 Grandview Place Deming & Kiesel, lot 2 of min lot 466. Wm and J McLean, lot 2 of min lot 67 Arno:d Kemps, lot 101,L H Lang - worthy's add Rhomberg & Meuser, lot 225 Davis add. Wm. Zeipprecht, lot 23 Nairn's add Jno. Koch, n 41.4 feet lot 268 city Francis Chapin, lot 8 Henson & Baird's sub. Glab Bros., lot 106 E. Dubuque add A. F. Jaeger, lot 270 Davis Farm add Ohas. Steuck, w 97 feet lot 5 Frisch's sub 75 Theo Bauer, lot 3 P. Traut's sub25 W G Cox. lot 2 of Min lot 90 75 W G Cox. lot 3 of Min lot 9050 James Forrester, lot 16 Mt. Pleas- ant add 30 Thos. Ke:Iy. n w 1-4 lot 392 L H Langworthy's add 40 Mary Haggerty, lot 214 Davis Farm add 40 Clifford Ham. lot 370 Davis Farm add 60 Chicago Great Western Ry., lot 2 of 1 of min lot 363 60 Mary Lenehan. w 70 feet :ot 20a L H Langworthy's add . 1 20 .1 A Rhomberg, lot 51 Coriell's sub . . 25 Henry Herancourt, lot 1, 13 5 Grandview Park add . . . 30 Mercy Hospital, lot 2 of min :ot 66 35 Otto Reinecke, lot 13 Newbury & Hale's sub. 50 I' Wagner, lot 1 0 S Langworthy's sub 25 Paul Trant, lot 35 Farley's sub75 Herman Boesch, lot 2 Broadway add 35 Tim Dillon, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 46 50 For laying sidewalk on west side of St. Ambrose street. Chas Mettle, John F Kleinschmidt Jno sub, lot 1.. . .. .... 5 Anton Fietschie, John Klein- schmidt sub, lots 2 and 3.. .... 14 73 Jno. Kleinschmidt, John F.. Kleinschmidt sub, lots 4, 5, 6, and 7.. .. ...... ... ......... 30 05 Herman Klinkheiner, John Klein schmid sub, lot 8.. .. .. ...... 7 74 F. W. Kringle, sub 128 Finley's add, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 36 15 For laying sidewalk on East side of South Main street. 25 45 45 1 10 1 10 25 70 50 40 45 40 40 40 30 73 , W. Kiesel, block 19 Dubuque Harbor Co's. add, lots 5, 6, 7, and 8..... ... ... .. 26 10 For laying sidewalk on north side of Seminary street. Ann Kelly, Cox add, lots 99 and 100.. $22 05 M. Brown Est, Cox add, lot 10813 50 J. P. Scharle, Cox add.. .. 11 25 For laying sidewalk on north side of Edward street. Ida Dement, Stafford's add, lot 31...... .. ... .$15 45 For laying a sanitary sewer in Clark and West 17th street from West Locust to Catharine street: F Hamel, sub 2 of 670, city . 35 20 John Deery, sub lot 670, city, lot 3 . $24 00 F Hamel, sub 2 of 670, city, lot 2 . 35 20 Jno Hier, sub lot 682, city, e 51 ft lot la. .1000 H Tipe, sub lot 682, city, w 144 ft, lot la . 10 40 Chas Reiley, sub lot 682, city, lot 1 . 21 60 J M Kenety. sub lot 682, city, s w l-2, lot 2 . . 10 00 Wm Grings. sub 682, city, n e 1-2 lot 2 . 10 00 Jno Clark, sub 682, city, lot 3... 20 00 Jno Clark, sub lot 682, city, lot 4 10 00 Thos Reiley, sub lot 682, city, lot 4a . 10 00 J M McMahon, sub lot 682, city, lot 5 . . 20 00 M P Gill, sub lot 682, city, lot 6.. 20 00 M P Gill, sub lot 682, city, lot 7.. 20 00 John Deery, sub lot 682, city, lot 8 . . . 20 00 J M Kenety, Quigley's sub outlot 709, city, lot 1 . 23 00 J M Kenety, Quigley's sub outlot 709, city, lot 2 . 20 20 Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out - lot 709, city, lot 3 . 20 20 Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out - lot 709, city, lot 4 . 20 20 Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out - lot 709, city, lot 5 . 20 20 Annie McAllister, Quigley's sub outlot 709, city, lot 6 . 20 20 Edward Milligan, Quigley's sub outlot 709, city, lot 7 . 2b 20 J S Morgan, Morgan's sub, lot 21 16 00 Marg Roy, Yates' sub, lot' 1 19 00 Dolpher Gagne, Yaj,gb' sub, lot 2. 19 00 _Heirs of Yates Es't, Yates' sub, lot3 .1800 Heirs of -D tes Est, Yates' sub, lot4 . . . . 1800 Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' sub, lot 5 . 18 00 Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' sub, lot 6 18 00 Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' sub, lot 7 . . . 18 00 Heirs of Yates Est, Yates' sub, lot 8 . 18 00 -,+-41111 1111111•111111111•11 �(l/ Notice8. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, June 27th, 1896, for constructing side- walks of brick, stone or cement, where not already laid, as follows, viz: 12 feet wide on both sides of 12th street between Main and Iowa streets. 12 feet wide on 17th and Iowa sts., abutting lot 746, city. Also for two inch plank sidewalk where not already laid, as follows, viz: 4 feet wide on both sides of First. avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Reed avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of St. Am- brose street between Willow street and 'Green sheet. 6 feet wide on south side of \Vest 5th street between Booth street and College avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of Alpine street between West 5th street and • Julien avenue. 6 feet wide on north side of West Lo- cust street between Foye street and Hodgdon avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of Ellis street •between West Locust street and Dor- . gan Place. 6 feet wide on east side of Burch street between West 3rd street and Fenelon Place. 8 feet wide on south side of West 14th street between Dell street and Prairie street. 12 feet wide on east side of South Locust setreet between First street and Jones street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with •each bid. The city reserves the right to reject • any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 6-16-10t City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, June 15th, 1896. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, May 27, 1896, for rep'.acing the macadam washed from Kaufman avenue and from 5th avenue in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in said office. Bidders to furnish bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject • any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 5-26-2t. City Engineer. 1:)3 the city engineer's office up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. of Friday, May 29, 189G, for repaving, and repairing the 9th avenue storm water sewer in accord- ance with specifications now on file in this office. Bidders to furnish bond of $200, with bid, that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 5-26-4t. City Engineer. E To CONTRACTOn..; - Sealed l.roposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4:00 p. m. of Friday, May 29, 1896, for relay- ing retaining wall on Leibnitz street in accordance with specifications now on file in this office. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 that eontrac will be enter- ed into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. \V. H. KNOWI:I'ON, 5-26-4t. City Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals wilil be receiived at the city engineer's office, city of Dubu- que, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Satur- day, May 30th, 1896 for furnishing all material and labor, and constructing pipe sewers as follows, according to plans and specifications on file in said office: An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Avon street and alley to Chestnut street. Estimated length 400 lineal feet. 2 manholes. An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Cornell street from W 14th street to May Place. Estimated length 400 lineal feet. 4 manholes. An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Foye street from Almond to Seminary street and in Seminary street from Harold St to Paul street. Estimated length 1600. 7 manholes. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with each bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. KN EWLnON. 5-18-10t, City er NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, June 9th. 1896, for lowering the surface of Kniest street from Eagle point avenue to Garfield avenue and for lowering the surface of 19th street from Washington street to Pine street in ac cordance with plans and specificabond cations on file in said office. A must accompany each bid that contract ciillty reserves the right to reject any or all bids. City Engineer. 6-4-5t. W. H. KNOWLTON, Dubuque, June 4th, 1896. 151 /)(sial Notice.. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubu- que, Iowa. up to 4 o'clock p. m. Satur- day, May 30th. 1896. for constructing sidewalks of brick. stone, or cement, where not already laid, as follows. viz: 12 feet wide on east. side Iowa street abutting m 1-5 lot 454 city. 12 feet wide on south side 13th street between Main and Towa. 12 feet wide on 7th street and Towa street abutting lot 219 city. 10 feet wide on west side Bluff street between 12th and 13th streets. Also for 2 inch plank sidewalks where not already laid. as follows, viz: 4 feet wide on east side 5th avenue be tween Rhomberg and north end of im- provement. 4 feet wide north side High Bluff bet- weetn Schiller and Fengler. 4 feet wide west side Rebeeca bet- ween Thomas and south end of street.. 4 feet wide east side Audubon avenue between W 14th street and Dexter ave nue. 4 feet wide both sides of Curtis street between S Dodge and Malady. 4 feet wide both sides Rush street bet ween Quince and Villa. 4 feet wide both sides Alpine between W 3rd and Dodge. 4 feet wide both sides Schiller avenue between Garfield and High Bluff. 4 feet wide both sides Middle ave- nue between Garfield and High Bluff. 4 feet wide both sides Fengler ave- nue between Garfield and High Bluff. 4 feet wide both sides Grove Terrace south between W llth street and Wil - her avenue. 4 feet wide north side Kauffman ave between Francis and Valeria street. 6 feet wide both sides Jackson street between 19th and 27th street. 6 feet wide south side Seminary street between 17th and Main street. 6 feet wide west side Caladonia Place between Hill and W 8th street. 6 feet wide east side Prairie avenue between W llth and Chestnut street. 6 feet wide north side W 14th street between Walnut and Cox. 6 feet wide east side White between Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point ave. 6 feet wide north side Eagle Point avenue between .Taekson and Washing ton. 6 feet wide north side Sanford het - ween Jackson and Washington. 6 feet wide W 5th and Snmmit abut- ting lot 1 Mattox sub. 8 feet wide north side Arlington bet- ween Grove Terrace and Prairie. 8 feet wide east side Nevada between Julien avenue and W 5th street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dubuque, Iowa, May 18th, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON. 5-18-10t. City Engineer, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE: To Thos Kelley: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the city coun til of the city of Dubuque for the re- pairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1896. a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land on said improvement. lot n w 1/4 in lot 39 L. H. Langworthy's add owned by you and being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 1st day of June A. D. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not he levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To C. L. Prichard: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with a resolution of the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for the re- pairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May. A. D. 1896, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment. lot 12 in sub w 1, b 1 Dubuque Harbor Co. add, owned by yon and be- ing subject to such assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 1st day of June A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. L&NGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. SPECTAT. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Theo Merritt: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with a resolution of the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for the re- pairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May. A. D. 1896. a special assess ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 6 in S. M. Langworthy's add. owned by you and being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tem. f yieictl ..Vu(ieeN, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick. stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 fret wide on both sides of 1211 street between Main street and Town street. 12 feet wide on 12th and Iowa abut- ting lot 746 city. Where not already 1a1.1 at the ex- pense of abuttting property. Adopted Jure 1st. 1896. 6 ]Ot L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder Pro Tem. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of brick, stone or cement, be. within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on south side of 13th St. from Main to Iowa street. 5-18-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pjrom tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Ann Kelly: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with a resolution of the city coun cil of the city of Dubuque for the con- struction of sidewalks adopted on the 4th day of May. A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lots 99 and 100 in Cox's add owned by you and being subject to such special assessment.. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 1st day of June. A. D. 1896 and show cause if any you have. why said assesment should not oe levied . L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Jno, Koch: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the city coon cil of the city of Dubuque for the re- pair ing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May. A. D. 1896, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council. upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot n 41 feet in 268 city owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap Pear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 1st (lay of June, A. D. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not he levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tem. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Martin 13uo1: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a rccoin:ion o; the itv council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1890, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improve- ment, lot 12 in Loets:her & Luebes' sub, owned by you being subject. to such specia: assesment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council. to be held on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tem. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance in relation to the taxes of Hanney & Campbell Manufacturing Co. of Dubuque, Iowa. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Sec 1. That whereas Hanney & Camp bell Manufacturing Co. employing a large force of men have moved their factory from Bellevue, Iowa. to Dubu- que. Iowa, and located same on lot 580 and lot 6 of sub -division of 578 and 579. Therefore be it ordained that for the period of ten years the taxes on the property and stock on above lots of the said Hanney & Campbell Manufactur- ing Co. be remitted and cancelled. Adopted June 1, 1896. Approved June. 3, 1896. T. T. DUFFY, (Seal) Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder pro tem. Published in Dubuque Daily Telegraph June 4th. 1896. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the finance committee at the City Re- corder's office up to 4 o'clock p m of Friday, May 29th, 1896, for sale of Du- buque Improvements Bonds for the en- suing year. Said bonds to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Said bonds to run for 7 years, but redeemable at anytime be- fore said date at the option of the city. Both principal and interest of said bonds payable at the office of the city treasurer, or in New York City, at the option of the bidder. The debt of the city is as follows: $693,273.35 Bonded 220,988.74 Floating . Assessed valuation . . 20,413,235.00 The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. PHIL. F. RYDER, Chairman Finance Committee. 5-12-2w. 15G () oti'e!N• SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Anton Fietschie: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the city coun til of the city of Dubuque for the con- struction of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon ali lots and parcels of land abutting on said im provement. lots 2 and 3 in John F. Kleinschmeidt's sub owned by you be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 1st day of June. A. D. 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. v SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Charles Mettler: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the construction of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1896, a spe- cial assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement. lot 1 in John F. Kleinschmidt's sub owned by you and being subject to such special assess- ment. and you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 1st day of June, A. D., 1896, and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, May 18, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of May 80th, 1896, for the improvement of the following streets, in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in my office: West 8th street from west line of Rog ers' sub to Air Hill. Curbing 300 lineal feet. Guttering, 130 sq yds. Macadamizing, 300 sq yds. Cutting. 200 cu yds. Contract to be completed July 1st, 1896. Fremont avenue from North Cascade road to Pacific street. Curbing, 2200 lineal feet. Guttering, 900 sq yds. Macadamizing, 2700. Filling, 800 cu yds. Cutting, 4100 cu yds. 1896. Contract to be completed August 1st. Garfield avenue from Dock avenue to to 1st avenue. Curbing, 1600 lineal feet, Guttering 700 sq yds. Macadamizing, 2700 sq yds. Cutting 7500 cu yds. Contract to be completed August 1st, 1896. St. Mary's street from Emmett street to West 3rd street. Curbing, 100 lineal feet. Guttering, 3500 sq yds. Macadamizing, 700 sq yds. Cutting, 370 sq yds. Retaining wall, 745 cu yds. Contract to be completed August 1st, 1896. Bidders will be required to furnish bond of $200 guaranteeing that the con tract will be entered into if awarded. Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on at a ses- sion of the council to be held June lst, 1896. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF., 5-19-10t. City Recorder pro tem. RIGHT OF WAY NOTICE. To John Cantleheuer: You are hereby notified, That a prop- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the establishment of a Elm street across land hi which you claim an interest, as follows: S 60 N 90 lot 104, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, City of Dubuque, Iowa, a plat of which proposed improvement has been filed in the office of the City Engineer of said City, and you are no- tified that at a session of the said Coun- cil to be holden at the City Hall of said City, on the 1st day of June, 1896, it will be determined whether said pro- posed improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed improvement should not be made. W. H. KNOWLTON, 5-19-10t. City Engineer. Dubuque, May 16th, 1896. SPECIAL. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Otto Reinecke: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th day of May, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improve- ment, Lot 13 in Newbury & Hale's sub, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tens. Ulric/ AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance fixing the assessed value of the real estate in the City of Du- buque assessed to the Dubuque Malt- ing Company and to provide for the future assessment thereof, Whereas The Dubuque Malting com- pany has by the expenditure of a large amount of money, built and put in ope- ration a large manufacturing plant, giving employment to a large number of men and Whereas, In erecting such plant and carrying on all its business therein it has become necessary to abandon the former plants which have thereby be- come comparatively worthless, and Whereas, The Dubuque Malting com- pany has built and is operating its new plant under the agreement and under- standing with the city authorities that in pursuance of the settled policy of the council to encourage new enterpris- es, a fair and liberal assessment should be made upon the reatl estate of said Malting Company for ten years. Be it ordained, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That the valuation for the purposes of city taxation of the new plant of Dubuque Malting company be- ing lot seven (7) of the sub -division of mineral lot 322 and lot nine (9) inclu- sive of Peterson's subdivision together with the buildings, machinery and im- provements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging be fixed at the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) dur ing the five years beginning with the year 1896 and at Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) for the five succeeding years beginning with the year 1901 and that the city officers are hereby ordered to carry out and enter such value on the assessment rolls and tax books of the city of Dubuque for the period of ten years as above indicated. Sec. 2. That for the period of ten years beginning with the year 1896 the real estate hereinafter described and as sessed to the Dubuque Malting com- pany in the city of Dubuque be assessed and carried upon the assessment rolls and tax lists of the city of Dubuque at the assessed values as follows: Lots ten (10), eleven (11), thirty-six (36). thirty-seven (37). thirty-eight (38), thirty-nine (39), and forty (40) West's addition to Dubuque Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.) Lots five (5). and six (6) Brewery ad- dition and north half (1/2) lots five (5), six (6) and seven (7) Schaffner's addi- tion Seven Thousand Dollars ($7.000). North fifty (50) feet lot (6) and lots seven (7) and eight (Si A (8A) L. H. Langworthy's addition and lots one (1). two (2). three (3). and four (4) and thir- ty-ope (31) Marsh's addition Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15.000). Lots thirty-two (32). thin -t r e (33). thirty-four (34), 157 six (36), thirty-seven (37), forty-one (41), forty-two (42), forty-three (43) and forty-four (44) Moheheiser's addition to Dubuque Three Thousand Dollars ($3,- 000). Sec. 3 If during the period fixed in this ordinance the Dubuque Malting company shall sell or otherwise dispose of either of the parcels of real estate named in Sec. 2 of this ordinance, then this ordinance as to such parcels of real estate shall be null and void and such real estate shall be assessed to the own er thereof in the manner provided by law. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the official papers of the city, such pub lication to be at the expense of Dubu- que Malting company. Adopted June 1st, 1896. Approved June 3, 1896. T. T. DUFFY. Mayor. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder pro tem. Published in Dubuque Daily Telegraph June 4th, 1896. (Seal) Attest: RIGHT OF WAY NOTICE. To J. P. Giesler: You are hereby notified, That a prop- osition is now pending before the, City Council of the City of Dubuque, for streete establishment of a across land in which you claim an in- terest, as follows: Lots 31 and 32. Quig- ley's sub, lot 2 of min lot 157, City of Dubuque, Iowa, a plat of which pro- posed improvement has been filed in the office of the City Engineer of said City, and you are notified that at a ses- sion of the said City Council to be hold- en at the City Hall of said City, on the 1st day of June, 1896, it will be deter- mined whether said proposed improve- ment will be made, and you are here- by notified to appear before said Coun- cil at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed improve- nreent should WH be W. KNOWLTON, 5-19-10t. City Engineer. Dubuque. May 14th, 1896. NOTICE. I3ids will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m, of Monday, June 15th, 1896, for fur- nishing about 75 pounds of ice to the city daily at the city hall during the summer season of 1896. Bidders must state the price per month for furnishing said ice while reouired. The committee reserves the right to reject any and a:l Abids. . A. CULI.EN, Chairman of the Committee on Sup- plies. 6-9-5t. 1:, /tfvi.ctl Voteces. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuqe: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone of ce- ment, be, within ten days of this no- tice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side walks as follows: 8 feet wide on north side of Arlington street between Grove Terrace and Prai- rie street. 6 feet wide on east side of Prairie St between W 11th street and Chestnut street. 6 feet wide on north side of W 14th street between Walnut street and Cox street. 6 feet wide on east side of White St. between Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point avenue. 6 feet wide on north side of Eagle Point avenue between Jackson street and Washington street. 6 feet wide on north side of Sanford street between Jackson and Washing- ton street. 6 feet wide abutting lot 1 Mattox sub. 5-18-10 L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tem. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on east side of 5th avenue between Rhomberg aveuue and north end of improvement. 4 feet wide on north side of High Bluff street between Schiller avenue Fengler avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Rebecca street between Thomas street and south end of street. 4 feet wide on east side of Audubon avenue between W 14th street and Dex ter avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Curtis street between S. Dodge street and Mal ady street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Rush St. between Quince street and Villa street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Alpine street between W :ird street and Dodge street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Schiller. Middle and Fengler avenues between Garfield avenue and High Bluff street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grove Ter race south between W llth street and Wilber avenue. 5 18-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two inch plank, brick. stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on west side of Caladonia Place between Hill stret and W 8th street. 5-18-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder pro tem. SPEC IA I. ASSESSMENT NOTICE To Wm. Schuman: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a ret-olution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the repairing of sidewalk adopted on the 4th clay of May, A. D. 1896. a special as:.essment will be levied for the ex- i;ense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, uuon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement. lot 12 in, Grandview Place ownrd by you being subject to much special assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to he held on the 1st day of June. A. 1). 1896. and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should no be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF', TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. City Marshal's Off'ce, Dubuque, Iowa, April 28, 1896. Notice is hereby given that all per - sins must provide the proper cask or receptacle for the bolding of all garbage for the garbage collector who will be around daily to collect the same. All persons throwing garbage, etc., in any street or alley will be arrested and pro- secuted in accordance with the ordn- ance on that subject. Garbage cards can be procured at the city marshal's office. ED. MORGAN, 4-29-80t. City Marshal. CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA RE- DEMPTION NOTICE. BOND CALL. Notice is hereby given to the holders of certain 6 per cent Funding Bonds of the city of Dubuque. Iowa, aggregating $105,309.27, issued under date of June 1, 1872, and maturing September 1, 1896, that the city of Dubuque by order of its mayor and common council, hereby calls in for payment and cancellation all •af the said issue of bonds. The holders of said bonds are directed to send same for identiflcition to the City Treasurer in said city of Dubuque, who will forward them for payment to the National Bank of Illinois, Chicago. I11. All of said bonds presented prior to June 1, 1896, will he paid in full with accrued interest to date of presentment, and in addition thereto a premium of 1-2 per cent on face value of bonds, and all of said bonds presented nn or after June 1st, will be so paid in fall with accued interest an di premium at the rate of 1 per cent annum on the unexpired time before maturity. Parties desiring information regard• ing the new Refunding Bonds of said city of Dubuque, may obtain full pardon- r)foioa Notices. 159 ]srs by addressing Messrs Farsm, Leach & Co., 2 Wall st., New York, or 115 Dearborn st., Chicago. Dated this 1st day of April, A. D. 1896. PETER OLINGER, mayor. II JOHN O'CONNELL, City Recorder pro tem. 4-1-2m__ Dubuque, Iowa.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 10:00 o'clock a. m. of Monday, June 1st, 1896, for constructing storm water sewer on South Dodge street in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in said office. Bidders to furnish bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 5-26-6t. City Engineer. Regular Session July 6th, 1896. Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that the minutes of last meetings be approved as printed. Carried . The following bills were allowed: E. E. Frith, hauling carbage ..$214 50 Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor. 100 00 Geo. Bennett, assistant assessor. 100 00 Sam Starr, sanitary inspector.. 50 00 Mrs. Koenig, janitor city hall .. 20 00 C. Bayless, engrossing resolu- tions.. .... .. .. .. ...... 7 50 The following bills were referred to the street committee: McElrath Teaming Co.. .. $ 74 10 P. Quinn.. .. .. .. .. 13 20 Smedley Mfg. Co.. .. .. 2 35 Bart E. Linehan.. .. .... 5 16 Vogenthaler & Ragatz .. .. 15 50 O. E. Guernsey 4 90 Taylor & Becker .. .. .. 6 00 F. Schloz 17 20 Theo. Rotterman 1 50 Alfred Herron .. .... ........ 13 35 Bock & Reed.. .. .. .. ...... 3 65 Karl Fatka.. .. .. .. ... ..... 90 Dom. Frank .. .. ...... ... .. 10 80 A. Wunderlich.. .. .... .. ... 1 00 Wm. Marshal .. .. .. ........ 13 60 John Harney .. .. .. .. ...... 2 20 J. M. McKenzie.. .. .... .... 7 50 J. P. Schroeder & Co. .. .. .... 14 20 Dubuque Water Co.. .... 1 65 Trenk Wire Works.. .. ...... 12 00 .Hussman & Lies .. .. .. .. .. 25 Diamond Jo Line Steamers .. 8 22 Peter Horsch.. .... .... .. .. 440 00 Ross McMahon.. .. .. ...... 165 30 John Tibey.:... ... ... ..... 326 00 John Tibey .. .. ...... . ...... 94 00 Steuck, O'Farrell and Line- han.. .. .. .. ........ 300 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan.. 1982 50 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan.. 930 00 M. Connolly.. .. .. ......... 152 82 Brown & Brown.. .. .. ...... 610 00 McElrath Teaming Co.. .. .... 75 F. C. Autin Manufacturing Co 27 25 John Tibey.. .. .. .. ........ 222 30 Wm. Dodson .. .. .. .. . 1400 00 Robt. E. Lee.. .. .. ...... .. 275 00 O. E. Kringle .. .. .. .. ...... 173 50 John Butt 6 20 Hagerty Bros75 Duggan & Kane.. .. .. ...... 50 Standard Lumber Co.. .. .... 18 31 Lagen & Sloan .. .... .... 2 25 F. Schloz.. .. .. .. .......... 34 45 John Leidenger.. .. .. 7 02 G. F. Kleih.. .. .. .......... 58 72 Peter Horsch.. .. .. 86 86 :Ross McMahon.. .. .. 62 50 John Tibet'.... .. .. J. Dunkley.. .. .. .......... Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan . Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan .. Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan . Dubuque Construction Co.. Kenneally & Cain.. .. . . Geo. W. Farley.. .. .. .. .... Theo. Altman .. .. .. ........ E. C. Blake .. .. .. .. .. John Pickley .. .. .. .. . ..... . Bryan Donahue.. .. .. .. .... 123 82 18 19 400 00 300 00 800 00 217 00 62 50 5 00 200 00 230 00 550 00 96 00 McElrath Teaming Co.. ...... 5 75 Purington Brick Paving Co. . 71 25 The following bills were referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings: Peter Kiene & Son $12. Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co. $40.35. Bills of David S. Wilson of $72.30 was referred to the committee on claims. The following were referred to the committee on police and light: Chas. Schmitt.. .. .... ...... $ 5 15 Peter Klauer.. .. .. .... ...... 6 40 A. H. Wagner & Co.... .... .. 1 10 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Asso- ciation .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 38 00 Key City Gas Co.. .. .. ...... 72 65 G. F. Kleih.. .. .. .... ...... 2 20 Globe Heat and Light Co.. .... 500 01 Carl P. Sprugethaler.. .. .. .. 5 75 Vogenthaler & Ragatz.. ...... 79 Reinfreid & Jaeger.. .. .. .... 11 55 D. T. Howie.. .. .. .......... 1 10 L. Roehl & Co... .. 39 00 Jno. E. Hartig.. .. ... ..... 11 70 Karl Fatka .. .. .. .. .......... 1 40 A. J. Kleise.. .... ...... .... 7 00 4 00 5 50 Lagen & Sloan .. .. ........ .. Duggan & Kane McCarten Bros .. .. .. ... 12 60 The following were referred to the committee on fire: Dubuque Water Co.. .. .. $1375 83 G. F. Kleih 10 Reinfreid & Jaeger.. .. .. 1 10 Vogenthaler & Ragatz .. .. 184 95 25 A. 7• • • 37 23 Key City Gas Co Trenk Wire Works.. .. .. 6 00 Dubuque 011 Tank Line.. .. 12 00 Boston One Price Clothing Store 35 00 Pursel & Moloney.. .. .. 2 40 Engle & Fruden Lumber Co • • 2 2 50 Pat Clancy 2 50 0 M. Igo.. .. .. ........ . Lagen & Sloan 21 00 C . H . W'h itewel l .. 12 75 Police Telephone and Signal Co 125 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on printing: S9 25 Dubuque Telegraph.. • • .. ....$89 50 The Times.. .. .. .. .......... The Globe.. .. • • • • • • • • • • 29 15 Ham & Carver .. .... .. 10 50 Hardie & Scharle.. .. ..........61 00 C. K. Mathis bindery.. .• 4 50 July 6, 1896 Palmer, Winall & Co.. .. .. 46 75 Walton & Bieg.. .. .. .... 40 80 The following were referred to com- mittee on claims and city attorney: James A. Hayes, court cost in Hunt case.. .. .. ........ .. $28 30 James A. Hayes, cost in Brunskill case.. ...... .. .... 4 05 John Mclay justice fees .. .. 3 25 T. C. Murphy justice fees.. 1 80 John T. Kearns.. .. .. .. . 1 50 The following were referred to com- mittee on sewers: Mulgrew & Philips $63 60 M. Tschirgi 4 40 F. Schloz.. .. ... 24 15 Hussman Sr Lies .. 4 55 Frank A. Frommelt.. .. .... .. 6 00 Vogenthaler & Ragatz . 2.1 00 Dietrich Bros.. .. .. ...... 7 00 G. F. Kleih 28 18 J. P. Schroeder.. .. .... 18 72 Boek & Reed.. .. .. .. ... 4 25 Theo Schrupp.. .. 2 65 Frank Dennert.. .. .. 8 00 Duggan & Kane.. .. .. 1 30 The following were referred to the committee on market: Philip Pier.. .. .. .. . $ 5 40 John Strotz.. .. 50 Mat Loess.. .. ... .. 75 Peter Weist.. 2 70 B. Hayes . .. 2100 J. P. Trout 37 80 The following were referred to the committee on supplies: Young Bros. . . $ 6 00 J. J. Hoar . 7 Ou Smith -Perry Printing Co 5 00 C. O. D. Laundry Co 6 75 Barnard. Walker & Co. 19 70 .Tames Kelly & Son. 6 00 Dubuque ktibher & Belting Co1 00 P. Halpin 5 00 The following were referred to the cominilt<,e on electrical supplies: The Police Telephone & Signal Company $20 00 Western Electrical Supply Co. 4 85 Central Union Telephone Co. 57 1O Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and persons desiring be a: - lowed to i,ddress the council. Carried. The Sisters of Charity of B. V. M presen:ed a petition against the pro- posed . s:e aioa (f Willow street. Re- ferred to the stet committee. Jchn Hickey piesented a petition and addressed the council in regard to spec- ial assessnici,i foi the improvement of Grand vi ei:ue. Referred to the committee of the whole. J. C. Lo^_°jev ide addressed th.' coun- cil in re,;:•ion to line of Broadway extension abutting property of D. Mueggenberg. Referred to the street committee. Michael addressed ch' min ell in relation to filling on his property abutting Curtis street. On motion the same was received and filed. Ald. Albrecht arrived at 10:45 a. m. On motion the street commissioner was instructed to notify the McElrath Teaming Co. to dump their street clean- ings on the streets in a proper man- ner. Mr. Ferzloff addressed the council in relation to special assessment for the improvement of E:m street, along the right of way of the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. Referred to Lite city attorney. Col. Henry Rose addressed the coun- cil in relation to line of W. 14th street abutting his property. • Mr. Hart addressed the council in relation to excavating on Merchants Lane, and protested against the same. Dr. King addressed the council ask- ing sking that he be given employment our the streets. Referred to the street com- missioner. Mr. Steiner and Mr. Brill addressed the council in relation to plat of Hodge's sub. No. 2. Ald. Ronson, chairman of the street committee. reported in favor of ap- proving of said plat. On motion the plat was referred to the committee of the whole. A:d. McEvoy arrived at 10:55 a. m. PETITIONS. Petition of .T. F. Gandolfo in relation- to elationto line of Southern avenue was received and filed. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of James McGrath, et al, re- monstrating against construction of san itary sewer in Seminary and Foye streets. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg et al re- monstrating again` improving 5th ave- nue between Rhomberg avenue and Peosta street. Petition of Geo. R. Clark et al, re- monstrating against the lowering of Merchants Lane, west to Gold street. Petition of John Burke in relation to damages to his property on Grandview avenue. The fol:owing petitions were referred' to the street committee: Petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al asking that Merchants Lane be extend- ed from Gold to Foye streets. Petition of J. P. Schroeder et al ask- ing that the alley between Schroeder avenue and Clifford street be improved. Petition of G. Rettenmaier et al in relation to special assessment for im- provement of Elm street was referred to the city attorney. Communication of American Fire En- gine Co. in relation to repair of fire engine was referred to the fire com- mittee, fire chief and city attorney. Petition of Governor's Greys asking for new lease on armory was referred to the mayor, city attorney and a spec- ial committee consisting of Aids. Cu: - len, Bauer and Berg. Petition of Jos. A. Enzler et al ask- ing that F. L. Egelhof be given permis- sion to hold a bicycle road race over the principal streets of the city on Regular Sexxiun. JO,1 1. • 1896: 1113 Labor Day, Sept. 7th, 1896, was re- Petition of T. J. Murphy et al asking (erred to the police and light coin- that South Bluff street be in.nroved to mittee and mayor: Petition of Dubuque Casket Co. in re- lation to taxes was referred to the tie- linquent tax committee. Petition of Fire Chief .Jos. Reinfred asking that he be allowed to attend the American Association of Firemen Engi- neers at Salt Lake City, Utah, was :granted, he to submit itemized state- ment of expenses on his return. The following petitions were grant- ed: Petition of Mary McHugh et al ask- ing that the water mains be extended along Henion street. Petition of Geo. Reynolds asking that he be refunded $10.00, amount overpaid for team license. Petition of John Tibey for cancella- tion of team license. Petition of Chas. Messerknecht ask- ing that he be refunded team license •erroneously paid, same to apply on his taxes. On motion bids for sewer pipe were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Ronson moved to agjourii to 7:30 p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSI`.f S Council met at 8 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Albrecht. Altman, Rush street. Petition of Math. Reidi, asking that the sidewalk on Jackson street be eon- strncted in accordance with the plans and specifications. The following petitions were granted: Petition of M. Flynn asking that he he allowed to have a driveway into his premises on Southern ave. Petition of F. W. Coates et al, asking that 5 feet be vacated on each side of Coates avenue. Petition of M. Sullivan asking that the city purchase his macadam. the same to apply on his special assessment for the improvement of Southern ave. Petition of Geo. Meyer et al, asking that a grade be established on Logan ave. a.nd engineer instructed to prepare profile of same. The following petition were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Nic Gla.h et al. asking that something be done with Conler Creek, so as to prevent damages to adjacent proa.ert y. Petition of Margt. Alderson. J. K. Graves and Fenelon Place Elevator Co. remonstarting against the extension of George street. Petitions of Mrs. Michael McMahon and John T. O'Dea were referred to the Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert. Lagen. delinquent tax committee. McEvoy and Ryder. Petition of 0. G. Kringle in regard to PETITIONS. payment for grading treets in Wood - lawn Park was referred to the city en - they tbe not of Byre & pteition Saam asking licensetatgineer, city attorney and committee on claims. was granted. Petition of J. J. Dunn, asking that Ald Dennert moved the matter of all I the sanitary sewer be extended along licenses be referred to the mayor a.nd marshal. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the street committee. Petition of John McCollins in rela- tion to special assessment for the im- provement of Julien ave Caladonia Place was read. Md. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. McCaffrey he allowed to address the council on the matter. Carried. Mr. McCaffray addressed the council rating that said sewer was a public Petition of Joseph A. Perryon et at, li necessity and should be built as the asking that Queen street be improved i cost would be small. compared with the to north line of Mettel's sub. ! beneflt that it would be for the resi- Petition of Joseph A. Perryon et al, asking that some way be devised to carry the water from Burden avenue down Windsor avenue. Petition of Wm. Hos et al. asking that the sidewalk on south side of Oak street be laid. Petition of Martin Heer, asking that the street and alleys abutting lot 41 Reche's sub be graded. Petition of Peter Eisback in relation to extension of State street. askln€ Petition of R. W. Stewart, that York street be improved. Petition of John Thoney et al, asking that Grace street be improved to the west line of lot 30 Reche's sub. Petition of F. Weigel Est. asking that sidewalk on the north westcorner of Sth and Main be repaired. dents living along said street. On motion the matter was referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Specht Bros. asking that they be allowed to construct dock at Eagle Point was referred to the commit tee on harbors with power. Petition of W. A. Hammond in rela- tion to team license was referred to the mayor and marshal. Petition of John B. McGloughlin in regard to damages by storm water was referred to committee on claims. Petition of W. J. Buckler et al, a sk- ing near Julienat aventer ue berg ill street movedRefe ed to committee on fire. Petition of Modern Woodmen, asking that they be given permission to use 26 july 6, 1896 arc electric lights of the city for three evenings at their entertainment was re ferred to the committee on police and light and city electrician. The following petitions were received and filed: Petition of John Deery in relation to special tax and improvement of South- ern avenue. Petition of Specht Bros. asking for a donation of $200 to help run the steam- er Teal. Ald. Bonson arrived at 9:20, REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten report ed cash on hand last report.$34,945.59 Collections during the month. 23,744.04 Total .. .. .. .. ..........$58.689.63 Disbursements during month. 37, 556.02 Balance cash on hand July lst $21.133.61 Also reported $2096.40 due city offic- ers for the month of June, 1896. Also submitted list of coupons re- deemed during the month of June. Report approved, and warrants order ed drawn to pay city officers, and re- port referred to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1938.00 due firemen for the month of June, 1896. Report approved and warrants order ed drawn to pay firemen, and report re- ferred to the fire committee. City Marshal Morgan reported 95 po- lice cases during the month of June, 1896, also reported $21.00 pound re- ceipts, also reported $2,124.05 due po- lice for the month of June. Report approved, and warrants or- dered drawn to pay police, and report referred to the police and light commit- tee. Street Commissioner Hagerty report- ed $532.20 due for labor on streets dur- ing June, 1896. Report approved. and warrants order ed drawn to pay for labor and report referred to the street committee. Sower inspector Doerr reported $998,- .60 due for labor on sewers during June, 1896. Report approved and warrants order ed drawn for labor on sewers, and re- port referred to the sewer committee. City Electrician Osborne reported $11.82 due city from Star Electric Co. for lights not properly lit during June, 1896. Report approved and auditor in structed to collect same. Market Master Traut reported $9.15 due city for scales receipts for June, 1896. Received and flied. Wood Measurer Jess reported 75 cents due city as fees for June, 1896. Re- ceived and filed. The report of Jos Straney, city weigh- er was received and filed. City Attorney Knight reported in fa- vor of referring the petition of J. A. Rhomberg et al remonstrating against special assessment for the improve- ment of 5th avenue. Received and filed. City Engineer Knowlton submitted plat of the proposed extension of Wil- low street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also submitted plat showing proposed extension of State street. Referred to street committee. Also presented plat showing proposed extension of alley west of Booth street between W. 3rd and O'Neill street which was approved. The recommendation of City Marshal Morgan that Jas Agnew be appointed deputy marshal was read. Ald . Bonson moved that the marshal be allowed a deputy. Carried. Aid. Cullen moved that the recom- mendation of the marshal be approved. Carried by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Altman, Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. Noes—Aids. Albrecht. Bauer. Berg and McEvoy. Ald. Cullen moved that the salary of the deputy marshal be fixed at $60 a month. Ald. Dennert moved as an amend- ment that it be flxed at $50 per month. Carried. Ald. Bauer moved that the opening of bids for street improvements be post- poned until next meeting. Carried. —On motion the matter of street ex- penses was left to the street committee. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of grading North Glen Oak avenue be left to the street committee with power: also the matter of filing lot on Union avenue be left to same committee with power. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the com- mittee on finance, reported in favor of approving the report of the treasurrr for June, 1896, and that warrants be drawn in lies favor for money advanced by him, ji<.o that loan warrants be drawn for the several parties from whom money was borrowed, and that the report be referred to the finance commute. Report adopted. Also recommended that the propertY of Mrs. Maurice O'Regan and Mrs. Ellen Qululivan be not advertised for sale for improvement of Grandview avenue before September 1st, 1896. Adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the com- mittee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the bill of Mrs. C. Deckert of $1.60 and G. Hall of $1.85. Report adopted. Ald. Dennert, chairman of the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings, r? - ported as follow: In favor of paying the following regular .Seextntu.July li, 1'396. 165 bills: L. Roehl & Co . . . $8 35 Phil Becker . 6 10 J. Van Holten 3 00 .Adverse to paying bill of J. C. lionc.t of $12.13 and Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. of $27.40. Report adopted. Also report adverse to bills of Ness- ler & .iungk, $3.40; James Levi & Co., $21.26, and Chas. Oswald, $4.55, for labor and material furnished Look Out Post, G. A. R. 011 motion the bills were referred back to the committee. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the fire com- mittee. reported as follows: in favor of granting the petition of J. P. Schroeder et al, asking for ex- tension of water mains in Clifford mittce on delinquent taxes, reported folwws: In favor of allowing the taxes of Mary A. Fox to remain a lien on :ot 49 Union add, for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. I11 favor of allowing the taxes of Mai y Perrott to remain a lien on her proper': for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of t. Ellen M. O'Halloran to remain a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. in favor of cancelling the taxes of the Dubuque High Bridge Co. for 1895, as per agreement with the city. Report adverse to the petitions of Henrietta Keitzmann, Wm. Reche Est. street. and C. H. Eighmey in relation to taxes. Also reported that they have award- , Report adopted. eci the contract for connecting fountains Also report adverse to the petition of on Pear street and Hay Market with Mary Cunningham for reduction of as - the water mains, to John C. Honer at • sessment for 1895. $20 each. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that the assess- Ald. Lagen, chairman of the police went of Mary Cunningham be placed at and light committee, reported as fol- $4,000 for 1895. Carried. lows. Ald. Altman, chairman of the sewer In favor of placing an electric light committe reported as follows: on Grandview avenue between Southern In favor of receiving and filing the avenue and Rowan street. In favor of placing an electric light on Washington street between Sanford and 23rd streets. street. In faor of paying the bill of Western In favor or granting the petition of Electric Supply Co. of $4.85. I, W. E. Robinson et al asking that a san- In favor paying the bill of the Star itary sewer be constructed in a:ley be - Electric Co. of $1,651.40 for electric tween Arlington and West 14th streets and Prairie and Dell streets. In favor of granting the petition of Joseph Bott et al for extension of sewer in alley west of Center Place to Rose street. Report adopted. Also report adverse to the remon- strance of Jerry Ang:im et al. against construction of sewer in Foye street. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen moved that the water cora pany's bill for hydrants be paid. Car- ried. Ald. Berg of the board of health re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Colin cil: Gentlemen:—Your committee of the board of health most respectfully report as follows: In favor of instructing the health offi cer to test the water in all wells sup- posed to be impure. Would also recommend that the wells on the foilos ing described premises be condemned and abated as a nuisance. 1 well on property, 1938 Washington street. 1 well corne 13th and Washington street. 2 wells at 1615 Elm street. 1 well at 1415 Washington street. 1 well on 15th str€•et. between Elm and Maple We would further recommend said pumps be removed. Also recommend that sewerage ccn- as claim of Bryan Donahue for extra pay- ment. for construction of storm water sewers on West Fifth street and 7th lights. lu favor of paying the bill of the Giobe Light and Heat Co. of $166.b7 for gasoline lights. In favor of paying bills of Key City Gas Co. of $70.35 for gas. Report adverse to the petition of Peter Specht et al, asking that an arc sight on Leibnitz street be removed to Klein street. Report adverse to the petition of Chas Mehl et al, asking that the electric light on West Fifth street be removed to West Fifth and Prospect streets. RP. port adopted. Md. Cullen, chairman of the com- mittee on markets reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the application of Henry Wybrant asking for the position of inspector of weights and measures. In favor of granting the remonstrance against appointing an inspector of weights and measures. In favor of referring the bill of J. P. Tract for repairing scales to Franc Altman. Report adopted. A:d. Berg, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Telegraph The Globe The Herald The Times The N tional Democrat rteport adopted. ..irl. Alhreoht, chairman of the coin - ;75 00 67 50 67 50 29 15 50 00 that 111(1 leg etlar Session, July (, 1M,6. vection be made at the following prem- ie Fs. David Lorenze, 1938 Washington street. George Dee, 1511 Bluff street. B. Linehan's, between 8th and 9th on Iowa street. F. Weigel Est.. corner 6th and Main street. Mrs. Buehler, 864 Main street. James Levi, 1057 Main street. P. J. Lee. 641 Bluff street. Also recommend that sanitary in- spector Starr be instructed to confer with Judge Lacy in reference to making necessary out house privileges on prop erty situatel on 15th and Clay street. Also recommend that the health offi- cers investigate the premises occupied by Andrew Weber between 13th and 14th, White and Jackson streets. Also recommend that the health offi- cers investigate the nuisance on 155th and Pine streets. Also recommend that the lots bet- ween 17th and 18th streets and Maple and Cedar streets be ordered filled so as to prevent stagnant water standing thereon. Also lots owned by C. M. ani St. P. R. R. lieing between 17th and 18th streets between Maple street be ordered filled. Also that the sanitary inspector be in structed to investigate and confer with Mr. Russell in regard to the condition of his premises on 14th street. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of James E. O'Hare et al. remonstrating against the improving Grace street west of the west line of lot 8 Ann O'Hare sub. In favor of receiving and filing the re monstrance of G. D. Bennett against change of grade on Grace street. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of Jos. C. Roberts against change of grade on Grace street. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Chas. Klingenberg in relation to construction of water way on Liberty street. Also adverse on claims of $14.00 of John A. Kennedy for grading on Oak street. In favor of paying bill of R. J. Love for $1.50. In favor of receiving and. filing peti- tion of Carl Nauk in relation to repairs of Middle street. In favor of receiving the communica- tion of John O'Holloran in regard to widening Bennett street. Adverse to the claim for sixty-five dollars of the Dubuque Construction company. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of E. E. McClain in relation to improvement of Dodge street. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. Mary C. Blake In re- lation to grade of Foye street. In favor of receiving and filing peti- tion of M. Tschirgi, Sr. asking special tax for cleaning snow off sidewalk be cancelled. In favor of granting petition of Geo. Noel et al asking that Emsley alley be improved. In favor of paying bill of McElrath Teaming company. In favor of receiving and filing peti- tion of H. Grosstick in relation to grade on Seminary street. In favor of granting petition of Chris A. Voelker et al asking that a sidewalk be laid abutting min. lot 187 and 191 on Seminary street. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Thos. I. McDonald. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Ross McMahon in regard to filling and retaining wall on Grandview avenue. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing a proposed alley in block between Rush street and Cleveland avenue from Mountain Lane to Union street, and proceed in ac- cordance with the ordinance on that subject. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance of John Steiner in rela- tion to Hodges' sub No. 2. In favor of granting the petition of James E. O'Hare et al remonstrating against the improvement of Bennett street west of lot 8 Ann O'Hare's sub. In favor of receiving and filing re- monstrance of Mrs. O. F. Hodge against the proposed change of grade on Ben- nett street. In favor of receiving and filing the communication of City Engineer Knowl ton in regard to wall on Leibnitz st. In favor of al:owing Frank Connors to have tour loads of filling on South- ern avenue. In favor of receiving and filing re- monstrance of John Sweeney against change of grade on Grace and Bennett streets. In favor of receiving and filing the communication in regard to repairing West Chestnut street. Also report that 14th street between Pine and Maple streets has been or- dered repaired. Also report adverse to the petition of the Dubuque Construction company for permission to excavate in Cornell street for the purpose of mining. In favor of granting the petition of T. J. Paisley asking that a stone cross- ing be laid on the north side of 13th street between Main and Locust streets. Also report that we do not think that water can pass over the curb on Paul- ine street except there is some obstruc- tion in the gutter or from an extraordi- Regular Se8sion, July 6, 1896. nary hard storm. Also report that we have examined and accepted the following streets for special assessment purposes only. Chestnut street from Prairie street to Walnut street. Main street from Seminary street to south line, lot 33 L. H. Langworthy's sub. West Eighth street from Hill street to west line of Rogers sub. Woodworth avenue from Seminary street to Leibnitz street. Leibnitz street from Harold street to Abbott street. Union avenue from West Locust street to Alta Vista street. Southern avenue from Rowan street to west line of lot 10, Southern avenue sub. Hedley Court from Straus avenue to Lawther avenue. 4 Sheridan street from Groveland Place to Lawther avenue. Straus avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. v Clinton avenue from Windsor avenue to Queen street. In favor of approving of the plat of ✓ Lincoln avenue extension between White and Jackson street . In favor of referring the plat of Mt. Carmel avenue to the city attorney to examine and see if the mortgagee has any title to same. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved, That the following, special assessments passed December 20th, 1894, for improvement of West Eagle Point avenue, by John Williams, contractor, be cancelled, as same was corrected and re -assessed under date of January 7th, 1895. Andrew Ring, 152 Mechanics add, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 66.67 sq yds macadam- izing at 32c, $21.33. $46 33 John Bottoms, lot 2 of 151, Me- chanics' add, 44.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.35; 34.93 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $10.78; 62.00 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $19.84. $43 67 City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the petition of Geo. A. Bur- den in relation to paying for sewer in Chestnut streeet. The conditions of the agreement have been carried out. As to price the con clition named is the cost of extending the sewer along Chestnut street. While the extension has'been made along the alley and Avon street and at a much less cost than for the enclosed bill, it is about the same cost as the sewer in Highland Place built two years prev- ious. It would seem as though a fair c•omuen=at'on should be made to parties as they are out the interest on their money for five years. Approved and 167 engineer instructed to figure out what amount is due. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as foI- lows: In favor of allowing F. W. Weiland permission to put up an iron stairway . on Bluff and 8th street, during the pleasure of the council, provided he re- moves the wooden stairs at once. In favor of granting the petition of John Hoffmann asking that he be ap- pointed assistant around police head- quarters, and that he be paid at the rate of $35.00 per month. In favor of instructing the street com missioner to remove sidewalk on St. Ambrose street, abutting the property of John Kleinschmidt, Anton Fritsche and H. Klinkhammer, as they refuse to pay for same. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Mrs. Mary Meehan on account of damages by flood. In favor of instructing the owners of the Dubuque Opera house to submit plans to the council of the proposed portico that they want to construct in front of their opera house. In favor of referring the claim of Eli- zabeth Frohs to the committee on claims and attorney. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance against improving Al- pine street. I•n favor of allowing C. Reifsteck per mission to construct an iron stairway , along his property on Humboldt ave- nue during the pleasure of the coun- cil. In favor of allowing the M. M. Walk- er Co. to construct and maintain a wood en awning on their building on Main and Jones street during the pleasure of the oouncil. • In Favor of giving permission to the C., M. & St. P.R.R. Co. to remove their frame building to Jackson street be- tween 6th and 7th streets. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of granting the petition of T. J. Cooney, city re- corder, asking that he be allowed his salary from May 1st, 1896. On motion he was allowedohis sal- ary, except $50 per month to he paid Wm. Keep. ✓/ RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Cullen offered the following reso lution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city oouncil of the city of Dubuque: That, whereas it is proposed to vacate 5 feet on the west side of Mary's street at its intersection with West Third street thence running in a straight line south to the original line at its intersection with Emmett street. therefore the city engineer is hereby directed to prepare and submit a plat to the city council with the pro- per line thereon showing the dimen- sions of the strip of land so vacated. 168 Regular Seesiun, Jul,, 6. 1896. Ald. Cullen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the sidewalk be laid, on Oak treet, where not already laid, and the Marshal be and is hereby instructed to notify the abutters of the same. Ald. Cullen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city record er be and is hereby instructed to adver- tise for bids to supply the fire depart- ment with the best hay and oats for one year. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder he and is hereby instructed to issue a ve- nire to the city marshal commanding him to summons a Jury of twelve free holders, citizens to assess damage that may be caused by the proposed exten- sion of alley west of Booth street from We?,` Send street to O'Neill street, as shown by plat proposed by the city en- gineer. Ald. McEvoy offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, 13y the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the following names. Jas McCain, John Ryder and John Sutton be appointed Jurors toas- sess damages in change of grade on W. Main street and Jones from West Main to Locust stret. Aid. McEvoy offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a ve- nire to the city marshal commanding bim to summons a Jury of twelve free- holders, citizens to assess the damage that may be caused by the proposed ex- tension of State street to Curtis St. as t/ shown by plat prepared by the city en- gineer. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, Certain complaints have been made that the grade on Bluff St. is not followed, therefore be it Resolved, That the sidewalks on Bluff street be ordered laid to grade and the city engineer instructed to ascertain what sidewalks are not laid to grade. and the engineer be instructed to pro- ceed according to the ordinance. Ald. Bonson offered the following wh;ch wad adopted: Resolved, •That the marshal examine the streets and sidewalks of the city and all obstructions thereon not in ac cordance to the ordinance or permits be removed at once. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a ve- nire to the city marshal commanding him to summons a jury of twelve tree holders, citizens to assess the damage that may be caused by the proposed widening of West loth street in l.eviu'o add as shown by plat prepared by city engineer. Ald. Cullen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Company be instructed to extend their water mains along Clifford from Seminary st to l.iebnitz s'.• the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company a sum of money suffi- cient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. also that a water plug be located under the supervision of the fire committee and chief. Ald. Altman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sew- er be constructed from present terminus of sewer in alley west of Center Place, north to Rose street and the city en- gineer is directed to prepare the neces- sary plans and specifications for said improvement, the cost of constructing said sewer to be done at the expense of the owners of adjacent property in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson. Cullen. Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy. and Ryder. Ald. Altman offered the following: Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sew er be constructed in the alley between Arlington and West 14th street from Prairie to Dell street, and t; e city en• gineer be and is hereby instrdcted to prepare the necessary plans and speci- fications for said improvement. the cost of constructing said sewer to be done at the expense of the owners of adja- cent property, in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen. Dennert. Lagen and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid across a'.lev on north side of 13th street between Main and Locust street. AI,l. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a profile and grade of Pickwick street and submit the same to the city council. Ald. Lagen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That a stone crossing be laid across the alley on the east side of Burch street between West 5th street and Fenelon Place. Ald. Albrecht offered the following which was adopted: kvitlnr Suction, July (i, 1896. 169 Resolved, That John Bewer, stoker on the steam roller be allowed $50.00 per month from May 1st, 1896, as he Is a competent man and ready at all times to take charge of the roller, in case of sickness of the engineer. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer pre- pare plans, specifications and profile for rebuilding the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, showing the manner in which the elevator may be placed under ground, and bids be advertised for and the matter referred to the street commit tee with power. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Be It Resolved. That the proposed change of grade of West 17th street as shown by accompanying profile on file In engineer's office as shown by a yel- low line from A to B he adopted as the established grade Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Telephone company he and is hereby instructed to place a telephone in the proper place to be used by the chairman on police and light committee at the reduced rates, one-half which is our contract with the Telephone company to the city officers. Ald. Bauer offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder be is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens, to assess the damage that may be caused by the proposed extension of Elm street from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street as shown by plat prepar- ed by the city engineer. Ald. Bauer, offered the following. which was adopt"d: Resolved, That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a ven- ter to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of t n elve free- holders, citizens, to assess the damage that may be caused by the proposed ex- tension of High Bluff from Middle ave- nue to Fenger avenue as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Bauer offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Be it resolved, That the storm sewer in alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenue and 6th and 5th avenues be ex- tended to 5th avenue and thence in 5th avenue to Lincoln avenue. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the alley north of Eagle Point avenue from Prince street to Chicago and Great Western R. R. right of way he graded and macadamiz- ed In conformity with the ordinance hp on that subject. That the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work the grading and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Altman, Albrecht. Bauer Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer offered the following. which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That the full red line as shown on a profile accompany- ing this resolutions and made a part hereof of which profile is hereby adopt- ed and is now on file in the office of the city engineer be approved and adopted as the official grade of Queen street as changed by the direction of the city council. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: 6 feet wide on Seminary street abut- ting min lot 187 and 191, where not al- ready laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque deems it expedient that the following described property, lots, and parts of lots should be con- nected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drain age, etc., Therefore, Resolved that David Lor- enze, owner of the following describ- ed property, respectively, lots 22 and lot 2 of 21, East Dubuque addition, be instructed to make proper sewer con- nections therewith, said work to be' done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners of above described prop- erty to make the proper sewerage con- nection by the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was adopted Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque deems it expedient that the following described property, lots, and parts of lots should be connect ed with the sanitary sewer adjacent 170 llepi(,tr Session, July (i, 1896. thereto, for the purpose of house drain- age, etc., therefore, Resolved that George Dee, owner of the following described property. re- spectively, lots north 48 feet lot 4, Cool- ey's sub, be instructed to make proper sewer connections therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners of above de- cribed property to make the proper sew erage connection by the time above spec ified, the same will be done by the city. and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health, of- fered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque deems it expedient that the following described property, lots, and parts of lots should be connect ed with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drain- age, etc., therefore, Resolved that B. Linehan, owner of the following described property, re- spectively, lots 170, 171 and 172, city, be instructed to make proper sewer con nections therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect or re- fusal of the owners of above described property to make the proper sewerage connection by the time above specified the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg, of the board of health, of- fered the following, which was adopt- ed: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque deems it expedient that the following described property, lots, and parts of lots should be con- nected with the sanitary sewer adjac- ent thereto, for the purpose of house dralnage, etc., Therefore, Resolved that Miss Bueh- ler, owner of the following described property, respectively, lots middle 1-3 lot 31, city, be instructed to make prop- er sewer connections therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. I•n case of the neglect or refusal of the owners of above described property to make the proper sewerage connection by the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof as- sessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg, of the board of health, of- fered the following, which as adopted, Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubugue deems it expedient that the folloing described property, lots, and parts of lots should•'be connect" ed with the sanitary sewer adjacent to, for the purpose of house drainage, etc., thereto, for the purpose of house drain- age, etc. Therefore, Resolved that F. Weigel Est., owner of the following property, respectively, lots south 44 ft lot 21, city, be instructed to make proper sewer con nections therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neg:ec: or refusal of the owners of above described prop- erty to make the proper sewerage con- nection by the time above specified, the same will be clone by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following :vhiOi was adopted; Whereas. The city council of the city of Dubuque Jeen„ :t expedient that the fellowing c.e;cribed property. lots, and parts; cf lots should be connected with the sanitt.ry tower adjacen: thereto, for the purpose of house drainage, etc. Therefore, Resolved that James Levi, owner of the following described prop- erty, respectively, lots north 1-2 lot 43 city, be in structeu to make proper sewer connection therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect or refnsai of the owners of above de- scribed property to make the proper connection ljy the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof attached against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: Whereas. The city eouncil of the city of Dubuque deems it expedient that the following slcs,,'i ,ca: property, lots, and parts of lots should be connected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drainage, etc. Therefore, Resolved that Con Collins owner of the foilawing described prop- erty, respec:tve:•, lots 620 city, be in- structed to make proper sewer con- nections tlinrew.ith, said work to be done with twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect of the owners of above described property to make the proper sewer connections by the time-irc.caLed, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: Whereas, The eity council of the city et Dubuque e. ,mss itexpedient that the following nescri:,ed pi,perty, lots, and parts of lots ste•s,l,i be connected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drainage, ete. Therefore, Resolved, that P. J. Lee, owner of the following described prop- erty, tespectiNely, lots south 46 feet lot 621 city, be instructed to make proper sewer connections therewith, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this (late. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owner of above de- scribed property to make the proper sewerage cwineetion by the time above specified, the same will be done by the Regular $ers8io7i,, eptly li, 1896. city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be. t. lien upon said prop- erty. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: Whereas, The city council of the city of Dubuque deems it expedient that tue following described property, lots, and parts 9f lots should be connected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drainage, etc. Therefore, Resolved that D. H. Con- yngham Est. owners of the following described property, respectively, lots 754 and 755 city, be instructed to make the proper sewer connections there- with, said work to be done within twenty (20) days from this date. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners of above described property w make the • proper sewerage connection by the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the coats thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: To the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R. Co.: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as fol- lows: 212. 243, 244, 245, 246, and 300 and 301, East Dubuque addition. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have why said resolution should not be pass- ed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on Monday, August 3d, 1396. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fored the to:lowing which was adopt- ed: To Poole and Stephens: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to ;pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered as follows: 362, 363 and 364 East Dubuque addition. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill- ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on Monday, August 3, 189G. The following bills were allowed: T. C. Murphy, fees in city ordi- nance cases $ 19 25 Wilt. Maybanks, lees in city ordi- nance cases Jas. A. Hayes, courts Wm. Geisecker, neer 171 11 00 clerk of the . 1332 30 assistant engi- 65 00 John Farley, rod man. . ..... 40 00 Jos Murphy, rodman . . 40 00 John Hillery, inspecting sewers. 43 75 Dan Sheehan, inspecting sewers. 10 00 Mrs. M. Zillig, typewriting 7 50 E. C. Blake, witness feet. . 35 00 John Hoffmann, :abor . . 18 90 C. Bayless, engrossed copy of res- olution . . . . . . . 7 50 Phil Becker, labor 6 10 John Von Holten, .abor. 3 00 P. Clancy, filling on Fourth street . . . . 21 00 George Salot, filling on Fourth street 25 50 Robert Mathis, filling on Fourth street . . 26 00 George Farley, filling on Fourth street . . 67 00 John McCollins, filling on Fourth street 10 2& Cleaver & McCarten, filling on— Fourth street . . 4 50 Plat of proposed extension of Lin- coln avenue was approved. City Engineer Knowlton reported on bids for furnishing sewer pipe to the city, and on motion the contract was awarded to B. E. Linehan. Ald. McEvoy moved that the harbor committee investigate the matter of floating palaces in the ice harbor, and take such action as they may deem proper. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved that the matter of the line of St. Mary's street be re- ferred to the city attorney and engi- neer to prepare the proper resolution in relation to fixing same. Ald. Lagen moved to adjourn. Car- ried. ttest: 172 Special SBesinrr, Jetty 14, 1891 i SPECIAL SESSION, JULY 14TH, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 3:45 P. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Ryder. Mayor Duffy stated the object of the meeting of the council was for the pur- pose of taking action on the death and funeral of City Recorder T. J. Cooney. Alderman Ryder offered the fol:ow- ing resolutions, which were adopted unanimously: Resolved, It has pleased an all wise and Divine Providence to take from our midst, City Recorder Cooney, there fore be it Resolved, That we deeply feel his loss, as a good neighbor, a good citi- zen and an efficient official, Resolved, That we extend to his grief stricken relatives and friends, our deepest sympathy in this, their great grief, especially do we sympath!ze with the heart broken wife in her loss of a kind and affectionate husband, and the children in the loss of a devoted and indulgent father, further Resolved, That as a mark of respect to his memory, that we close the City Hall and attend his funeral in a body. and that his desk in the council cham- ber be draped in mourning for the next 30 days. Resolved further, That an engrossed copy of these resolutions be sent the sorrowing family, and that they be spread upon the minutes of the city council, also that they be pub:ished in the city papers. Alderman McEvoy arrived at 4:00 o'clock p. m. • Ald. Cullen offered the following: resolution which was adopted: , Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the sidewalk be eight feet wide on the west side of St. Mary's street. A communication from James For- rester, president of the Eleventh 4reet Elevator Co., requesting the city engi- neer to furnish plans and specification to the elevator company, on motion of Alderman Dennert was granted. On motion of Ald. Bonson the plans and specification for sewer in Rose street and alley West of Center Place and in alley between West 14th street and. Arlington street were approved. The rules were suspended and Mr. Lutz addressed the council in regard • to the line of Fremont avenue. On motion of Ald. Dennert the matter as referred to the committee of the hole. Ald. Berg moved to adjou • Car- ried. Attest: Approved. . ..... . T 0 ,s Irryf,1, SPECIAL SESSION, JULY 22, 1896. (Official.) Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Batter. Berg, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen and Ry- der. PETITIONS. Petition of John B. Taylor, asking to be allowed to grade alley in F. W. Kringle's sub, was granted. Petition of Geo. Taylor and Wm. Becker, asking that they be allowed $200 for extra grading on Southern avenue was referred to the street com- mittee. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the Oity Council of the City of Dubuque: That the finance committee and mayor be instructed to exchange $21,- 000 of Dubuque Improvement bonds dated June lat. 1896, numbered from 1 to 21 inclusive, for bonds dated Au- gust 15th, 1894, numbered from 539 to 688 inclusive amounting to $15,000, and bonds dated November 1st, 1894, num- bered 699 to 710 inclusive amounting to $6,000 and report to the city council. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the resolution of the council, July 6th. 1896, ordering a sidewalk laid on Seminary street abutting mineral lots 187 and 191 be rescinded, and that the street commissioner be instructed to grade said walk full width, and that the owners he allowed to put down a cinder walk. Ald. Bauer offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved, That the city engi- neer be and is hereby ordered to make a survey and plat of the extension of • Special Sermio►t, July 22, 18111;. 173 Queen street from north end of the ex - 'tension of the same to Burden avenue and proceed in accordance with chap- ter 30 of the revised ordinances of 1893. Aid. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the 'City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is here by instructed to prepare a profile of grade of Mt. Carmel avenue, and sub- mit same at the next meeting of the council. A•]d. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the 'City of Dubuque: That the resolution fixing the width of •sidewalk on west side of St. Mary's street be rescinded. and that width of said walk be fixed at its original width. Ald. Dennert offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the 'City of Dubuque: That the ordinance committee be and is hereby instructed to draft an ordi- nance in conformity with the state law on sprinkling and present it at the next meeting of the council for its approval. Add. Lagen offered the following. which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the 'City of Dubuque: That the street commissioner, under the direction of the street committee is hereby directed to grade and put Mt. 'Carmel avenue in a passable condition, the same to be done by day labor. Ald. Dennert moved that the action of the council in relation to salary of '1'. J. Cooney deceased be reconsider- ed. Carried. Ald. Dennert moved that T. J. Coon- ey be allowed his full salary for the months of May, June and July. Car- ried. Ald. Albrecht moved that bids for street improvements be opened and re- ferred'to the engineer for computation. Carried. Bids were opened and referred ac- eordingly. Ald. McEvoy arrived at 3:10 p. m. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved . By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Queen street, between Clinton avenue and north end of street, be grad ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance up- on that subject. That the city engi- neer be and le, hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve-nent, and the city re- corder directed to give the proper no- tice fcr bilis and proposals for the per formance of the work; the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the •abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalk of good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks as follows: 4 feet wide on west side of Alpine :street between West Third street and Dodge street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adoptee' by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The following claims were ordered paid: Wm. Dodson $1400 00 John Tibey 222 30 Theo Altman . . 200 00 F. C. Austin Mfg. Co 27 25 E. C. Blake 230 00 Geo. W. Farley. 5 00 John Pickley 550 00 Robert E. Lee 275 00 Bryon Donahue . . . . 96 00 0. G. Kringle . . 173 50 Dubuque Con struction Co 217 00 Brown & Brown. . 610 00 Kenneally & Cain 62 50 McElrath Teaming Co. 6 50 Purington Paving Brick Co71 25 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan4,712 50 J. Dunkley 18 19 .Jahn Tibey. 543 82 Peter Horsch. 526 S6 Ross McMahon . 227 80 Bill of M. Connelly of $152.82 for sewer on Avon street was ordered paid when street was put in proper shape. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for street improve- ments: Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton avenue: Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan .$4,146 00 John Pickley. 5,140 00 Brown Bros. 4,741 00 On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck, O.Farrell & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. 19th street from west line of Pine street to east line of E. Dubuque add: 220 00 John Pickley. 239 00 P. Horsoh. Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan 240 50 On motion the contract was let to John Pickley he being the lowest bid- der. Ries street from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue. $453 00 Wilber Cook Steuck. O'Farrel & Linehan... 501 00 484 00 John Pickley. On motion the contract was let to Wil ber Cook, he being the lowest bidder. Alley from 17th street to 18th street between Elm and Pine streets: $248 60 Peter Horsch . 246 00 John Pickley. 174 ,s'jee;ft/ Sere;on..July 22, 1896 Geo. W. Farley 228 00 Frank Benton 250 75 Steuck, O'Farrel & Linehan 228 90 On motion the contract was awarded to George W. Farley, he being the low- est bidder. 15th street from alley east of Elm street to Pine street. $195 20 214 00 Brown & Brown 202 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan . 207 00 On motion the contract was let to John Pickley, he being the lowest bid- der. Alley between 14th and 15th streets from Pine street to Maple street: John Pickley $212 00 Wilber Cook 205 00 Brown & Brown . . .. .. 206 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan210 00 George W. Far:ey. 210 00 Peter Horsch 214 00 On •motion the contract was let to Wilber Cook he being the lowest bid- der. Ald. Bauer moved that 26th street be graded by day labor. Carried. The bids of the following streets were referred to the committee of the whole. West 17th street from Clark street to Cox street. Eagle street and Emsley alley from Middle avenue to Althauser avenue. Fifth avenue from Rhomberg avenue to Peosta street. Edison street from Stafford avenue to Althauser avenue. Also reported on bids for grading South Main street. A:d McEvoy moved that all bids be rejected and all persons desiring be allowed to haul filling in said street at the rate of 19 1-2 cents John Pickley Peter Morch per cubic yards. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved that filling on high Bridge avenue be put in from 6th street east. Carried. On motion the matter of street sprink- ling ahead of the sweeper was refered to the street committee with power. Ald. McEvoy moved that the matter of completing sewer -on Dodge street be referred to the sewer committee with power. Carried. A:d. Ryder moved that the matter of lost dog tags be I with power. Carrie o the mayor Ald. Bauer mov: r that permission be given for a bicy le race on Saturday, July 15th. Carri d. Ald. Cullen m ved that the matter of appointing a a on the dump on South Main street .e left to the street committee with power. Carried. Ald. Lagen moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: A)q►r»vr 1 RIGHT OF WAY. To Peter Eisbach:— You are hereby notified, that a proposition is now pend- ing before the city council of the city of Dubuque, for the establishment of a State street across land in which you claim an interest, as follows: Lots 1 and 2 Bonson & Stewart's sub, lot 6 of min. lot 62 city of Dubuque. a plat of which proposed improvement has been filed in the office of the city en- gineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the said city coun- cil to he he:d at the city hall of said city, on the 6th day of July, A. D. 1890, it wilt he determined whether said pro- posed improvement will be made, and you are h: rebs notified to appear before said council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed improvement should not be made. W. H. KNOWLTON, 6-23-1 Ot. City Engineer. PROPOSALS FOR STONEWARE PIPE Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, June 30, for furnishing the city of Dubuque with stoneware sewer pipe in accordance with specifica- tions now on file in said office. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with their bids that contract will be ne- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 6-17-10t. W. H. KNOWLTDN. City Engineer. By order of committee on sewers, Du- buque, June 16th, 1896. ATTENTION, To butchers, hotel keepers, opera houses, teamsters, owners of billiard halls, bowling alleys, retaurants, etc. You are hereby notified that your licen- se for 1896 is now past due, and if not paid on or before July 1st, 1896, you will be arrested and prosecuted in accor dance with the ordinance on that sub- ject. ED. MORGAN, 6-19-12t. City Marshal. List of IVniv'uuts. CITY WARRANTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, IA., July 1, 1896. 'To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counci:: The following is a complete list of warrants issued by me for the month cof June, 1896: T T Duffy, salary. $125 00 H B Gniffke, salary. 208 35 'L M Langstaff, salary' . 116 70 M McCarten, salary 116 70 Jno. Stemm. salary. 125 00 .Jas E Knight. salary. . . 150 00 Ed Morgan, salary. 100 00 Jos Reinfried, salary. . . 100 00 Thos Haggerty, salary. . . 91 60 Sohn O'Connell, salary. . . 83 35 Wm. A Keap. salary. . . 50 00 Ed Herron, salary.. .. .. 50 00 W H Know:ton, salary. 200 00 Jas Boyce, salary . . . 100 00 S Hyde, salary . . . . 100 00 Geo Osborne, salary . . 75 00 Phil Doerr, salary . . 75 00 Jos P Traut, salary 50 00 Chas Burkhart, park custodian45 00 Thos Cahill, park custodian45 00 Dr S S Lindsay, health officer50 00 M Eitel, salary 60 00 Jno Essman, salary 75 00 A Duccini, salary 50 00 'Jno Flynn, salary 60 00 J Wittie. salary J Tschudi, salary. . . 50 00 Edw Keas, savary. 25 45 C Oatey, salary. . . . Jas Daley, salary. Job arnes, Bsalary W Ducey, salary J Schonberger, salary M Fahey, salary. T Mehan, salary Jas Rooney. salary Jas Rooney, salary D Ahearn, salary. T Walker, salary W Hippman, salary F Ganahl, salary Geo Girke, salary. Geo Helmaich, savary 3 Murphy, salary J McFarland. salary F Essman, salary. Thos Flynn, salary Job Barnes. salary. Y Ryder, salary . F Kenneally, salary. Geo Byer, salary. . Chas Kannolt, salary James Allen, salary Wm McBride, salary. Robt Weston, salary A McDona:d, salary A Heer, salary N Hard, salary Jno Bauman, salary. • J J Murphy, salary. Jno Raesle, salary Jno Loetscher, salary P McNerney, salary 60 00 Torn Reilly, salary J Fitzpatrick, salary. D Norton, salary James Allen, salary .John Reuter, salary .James F:ynn, salary Edw Moore. salary M Kitty. salary P Sutton. salary l Craugh, salary . P Sullivan. salary P Powers, salary I` Rhomberg. salary .Jas Rooney, salary . 1 Manhoff. salary .Tas O'Halloran. salary. . . .James Lonergan,s alary John Hilson. salary John Murphy. salary John Noel. salary Wm Hennessey, salary Jas Carter. salary Peter Scharff, salary . . Pat DlcGollins, salary Jas Secrest, salary P Hanlon. salary Thos Sweeney. salary Wm Howard. salary P Mulligan. salary . . M A O'Connor. salary . . Jno Coady. salary James L Clune, salary Al T. Scheer. salary Aug Pfecer. salary . John Tierney, salary . Henry K Young. clary Alb Meaner, salary . . 51 65 51 65 50 00 6 65 1 65 50 00 50 00 53 30 51 65 50 00 8 30 51 65 53 30 51 65 50 00 6 65 50 00 6 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 28 05 50 00 60 00 50 00 51 65 53 30 50 00 50 00 46 70 45 05 43 45 45 05 Geo Burkel. salary . 36 85 Emil Kahn. salary . . 26 65 50 00 50 00 1 65 1 65 9 45 27 70 16 90 20 25 18 25 29 05 20 95 17 90 22 95 6 75 5 40 18 25 50 00 Miss B Brennan. salary . . 60 00 Miss Kate Hibbe, salary . 75 00 Wm Frith, salary . 60 00 James Holohan, salary . 60 00 Sam Allen, salary . 50 00 Nic Adam. labor 50 00 I T Ahearn, labor . Geo Albrecht, labor . J Albrecht. labor . A Alderson, labor . Morris Ahearn. labor M Arthofer, labor . 50 00 Wm Burns, labor . 50 00 Val Burns, labor . 60 00 , Pat Burk. labor . 50 00 Pat Bell. labor . 60 00 Ed Berry. labor . 60 00 J Brotehobrach, labor 75 00 Jno Bewer, labor . 50 00 Wm Bansfield, labor 50 00 Chas Blecker. labor Chas Brenner, labor . ....... H Berry. labor . Jas Butler. labor . Thos Boyce. labor R Berns. labor . Jno Burk. labor . .Tas Boyd. labor . S Bradford. labor . Wm Burtling. labor Jno Baumgartner, labor . J Betzler. labor ' . Wm Bennett, labor . . . 50 00 M Abitz labor . 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 75 00 16 50 8 05 50 00 80 00 82 50 51 65 53 30 • • 22 6 8 39 5 4 2 2 30 29 26 50 10 80 00 40 05 70 05 75 70 40 25 00 26 40 16 20 14 20 6 10 6 10 6 10 176 Lig of Warrants C Budde, labor 25 65 Charles Buse, labor . . . 28 70 Paul Becker, labor 22 95 J Brown, labor 26 40 H Brennan, labor 10 80 E Behrens, labor 13 85 F Bendel, labor 4 05 C D Belden, labor 15 20 J Boetscher, labor 24 30 H Brennan. labor 17 55 H Brehm, labor 21 00 C Beyer, labor 55 50 J Byrne, labor 8 45 Pat Breen, labor 26 70 M Beckins, labor 8 80 Anton Becker, labor 12 15 Jos Blocher, labor 8 10 Wm Brackebt, labor 1 35 Phil Becker, labor 27 00 Jno Bottoms, labor . 18 75 T Balzer, labor 4 05 A Beyer, labor 3 40 Wm Beyer, labor 2 05 Fred Beyer, Jr, labor 1 35 B Conlin, labor 12 85 .1 Corbett. labor 21 60 M Cormody, labor 27 00 Ch. Clemens, laborer .. .. .. .. 8 10 D. Corcoran, laborer.... ...... 23 65 L. Corcoran, laborer.. .. .. .... 10 80 J. Cherry, laborer.. .. .. .. ... 5 40 J. Coyne, laborer.. .. .. .. , , .. 14 85 M. Coyle. laborer, 14 85 M. Cain, laborer.. .. 22 30 Wm. Carberry, laborer .. 21 60 Wm. Crampwell, laborer.. 21 60 Wm. Conghlin, laborer. , .. 27 70 J. Callahan, laborer.. .. 16 90 Jas. Cahill, laborer.. .. .. 20 95 M. Cunningham, laborer.. 6 75 F. Conrad, laborer. 33 00 H. Haggerty, team.. .. .. ...... 3 00 Ed. Capritz, laborer 4 05 Cas. Coppersmith, laborer.. 4 05 Wm, Cahill, laborer.. .. .. 5 40 Jas. Connolly, laborer.. .. .. 25 00 Jerry Cahillfl laborer.. .. 19 25 L. Cahill, laborer 23 65 Thos. Cole, laborer.. .. .. .. 12 15 M. Crahin, laborer.. .. 16 20 Matt Collinson, laborer .. .. 15 90 Wm. Cunningham, laborer .. 15 90 Jno. Caffrey, laborer.... 4 45 J. Clater, laborer.. .. .... 8 80 F. Cherry, laborer.... .. 5 10 F. Coppersmith, laborer . , . , 2 05 Charles Chatter, laborer.. .. 8 10 Jas. Crawford, laborer.. .... . 50 00 Wm. Chalonpka, laborer.. 1 70 R. Corigan, laborer.. .. .. 3 05 M. Corbett, laborer.. .. ••4 05 Jas. Craig. laborer.. .... 2 70 J. Case, laborer.. .. .. , • , . 4 05 J. Dixon, laborer.. .. .. 15 20 P. Demsey, laborer.. .. 26 70 P. Defontin, laborer.. ., •. Ed. Desmond, laborer.. , 14 60 M. Differding, laborer.. 2 75 .1. Dittman, laborer.. , . ' . • 34 95 Jas Doyle, laborer . • • • 27 80 J. Daugherty, laborer.. , 15 40 15 00 B, F. Darling, laborer.. .. . . 22 90 J. Driscole, laborer.. .. ....... 61 50 M. Dumphey, laborer.. .. .. .. 16 90. Wm. Erwin, laborer .. .... .... 23 65 C. Elmo, laborer.. .. .. .... .. 2 i0 J. Egan, laborer.. .. .... 24 00 L. Fritz. laborer.. .. .......... 22 65 L. Fenner, laborer.. .. .. .... 2 i0 M. Fetschle, laborer.. .. ...... 28 35 M. Fagan, laborer.. .. .. .. .. 21 60 C. Fischer, Jr.. laborer.. .... . , 8 80 P. Finland. laborer.. .. .. .... 29 05 D. Fox, laborer.. .. ........ .. 26 35 L. Flickakel, laborer.. .. .. .... 6 75 P. Fitzgerald. laborer .. ...... 6 75 P. Faselins, laborer.. .. ...... 27 70 R. Fuhrman, laborer.. .. .. .. 8 10 Geo. Fischer. laborer .. .. .... 8 10 P. Farrell, laborer.. .. .. ..... 29 05 Wm. Flanagan, laborer.. .. ... 17 90 .T. Fanslow, laborer.. .... ..... 3 40 P. Fanslow. laborer.. .. ...... 35 F. Foltz. laborer.. .. .. .. .... 3 40 J. Flickinger, laborer.. .. .. .. 2 70 Chris, Fischer, Sr., laborer .... 6 10 Jno. Gretti, laborer.. .. ...... 6 10 Joe. Gunzel. laborer.. .. ...... 13 50 Geo. Gow, laborer.. .. .. .... 30 40 Wm. Gow, laborer.. .. .. .. .. 8 10 P. Grew, laborer.. .. .. ....... 29 05 James Gillispie. laborer 17 55 Joseph Ginter, laborer.. .. .... 29 05 C. Grunzig, laborer.. .. .. .... 22 95 J. M. Garrison, laborer.. .. 22 95 P. Gordon, laborer.. .. .. ...... 17 55 Wm. Gross. laborer .. .. ...... 4 05 H. Grade, laborer.. .. .. • 12 85 P. Ginter, laborer.. .. .. ...... 23 65 J. L. Sullivan. laborer.. .. .. 11 50 L. Stein. laborer.. .... .. .... 22 30 P. Smith. laborer.. .. .. .. .... 29 70 Jos. Schmidt, laborer .. ...... 22 95 Wm. Schwaegler. laborer.. .. . 18 90 S. Schneider, laborer. .. .. 3 40 Chas. Schargtez. laborer .. .... 3 75 B. Spilman. laborer .... .. .... 7 45 Geo. Schon, laborer.. .. .. 27 70 M. Specht, laborer 34 50 J. Schroeder, laborer .. .. 22 95 J. Schuderker, laborer.. . . 18 90 Sam Smith, laborer.. .... 9 45 Wm. Spensley, laborer .. .. 28 10 J. Sullivan, laborer.. .. .. .. 19 25 D. Southerland, laborer.. 15 75 11. Slamon, laborer.. .. .. 8 10 J. Suttman. laborer.. .. 1 35 Jos. Seik, laborer.. .. .. 25 00 J. Steffen, laborer.. 31 05 Wm. Sievers. laborer 70 Nic Schroeder, laborer 6 10 Carl Schattler, laborer.. . 14 20 M. Schollard, laborer.. 24 30 M. Sullivan, laborer .... , 18 25 H. Tippe, laborer.. . 8 10 Wm. Travis, laborer.. . 15 20 J. Twigg, laborer.. . 10 80 James Talty, laborer.. . 12 15 L. Trentbein, laborer.. . 13 85 Theo. Thi11, laborer.. . 18 90 W. Tainkham, laborer. . . 10 80 W. C. Taylor, laborer.. 7 45 Geo. Tranp, laborer.. .. .. 4 05 Lit of ltrarrintx. -James Thomas, laborer .. .. .. 9 45 L. Traft, laborer.. .. .. ........ 70 L. Tracke, laborer.. .. , . .. .. 6 10 W. Thompson, laborer.. .. .. .. 8 10 A ,Thompson, laborer. .... .... 5 40 j. Tinkham. laborer.. .. .. .... 5 40 A. Tinkman, laborer .. .. .. .. 5 40 C. Underberg. laborer.. .. .... 11 55 Ernest Vogt. laborer.. .. .... 18 25 •Chas. Vincent, laborer .. ., .. . 2 70 F. Voelscher, laborer.. .. ..... 4 05 J. Vornschlag, laborer.. .. ... 14 20 J. Van Emerson, laborer.. .. .. 5 40 Val Weisheit, laborer .. .. , . .. 3 40 P. Weirich, laborer.. .. ...... 10 15 p. Weitz. laborer 24 65 H. Weidenbecker, laborer.. ... 28 35 P. Wagner. laborer.. .... .... 20 95 Ed. Winkelman. laborer .. .... 5 40 Aug Witte, laborer.. .. ...... 16 90 W. White. laborer.. .. .... ... 18 90 Jno. Walsh, laborer.. .. ...... 13 50 N. Wampack, laborer.. .. 4 05 Ed. Walz, laborer.. .. .. 8 10 Jno. Wolf, laborer.. .. .. 18 25 N. Wagner, laborer.. .... 10 80 •J. Welsh, laborer 4 05 P. Wertin, laborer.. .. 31 05 Vincent Weir. laborer.... .. 1 35 Wm. Warring, laborer.. .. 37 50 •Geo. Wetter, laborer.. .. 2 70 M. J. Williams, laborer.. .. 4 75 Nick Wickham, laborer .. 5 40 •J. Weitz, laborer.. 5 40 Christ Yost, laborer.. .. ...... 2 70 Aug Yoss, laborer.. .. ...... 27 70 Jno. Yann, laborer.. .... 6 10 Jno. Yan, laborer.. .. .. 5 40 Geo. Zumhoff, laborer.. .. .. 36 75 J. Zeidman, laborer.. .. 7 85 W. Zachina, laborer.. .. .. 24 65 Adam Zengel. laborer.. .. 20 95 John Zuber, laborer. .. 6 10 P. Aheran, team .. .. .. ...... 36 00 'Theo. Altman. team.. .. ...... 52 50 Fr. Burns, team .. 24 00 Byrne Bros.. team 15 00 Ike Beekman, team 43 50 C. O. Baker, team.. . ... 48 00 Wm. Dentin, team 12 00 Ewd. Burns, team 3 00 Tim Byron, team .... .. 6 00 Scott Brown. team 6 00 Wm. Casey, team.. .. 27 00 Jos. Costello, team.. .. 15 00 Mrs. B. Costello, team .. .. 19 50 P. Clancy, team.. .. .. 51 00 Thos. Cain. team.. .. .. 21 00 52 50 42 00 49 50 15 00 J. Duggan, team.. .. .. .... 9 00 Jno. Evans, team.. .. .. .. 9 00 T. Elliott, team.. .. . 46 50 J. Dunkley, team.. .. .. 10 50 W. Ellis, team.. .. .. 6 00 N. Frith, team.. .. .. 69 00 P. C. Foley. team ........ .. 15 75 3. Ganagan, team 25 50 J. Geary, team 49 50 T. Crahin, team A. Conrad, team B. Cain. team.. .. Pat. Dolan, team 177 M. Gantenbein, team .. 58 50 J. Gaham, team.. „ . , ....... 6 00 W. C. Green, team 7 50 M. J. Hannon, team.. .. 21 75 J. Healey, team.. .. . . 21 00 W. A. Hammond, team.. .. 40 50 J. Haudenschild, team .. .. .. 21 75 Thos. Heins, team.. .. .. 45 00 B. Harold, team.. .. .. 15 00 J. Hoffmeir, team.. .. .. 7 75 Peter Jarding, team.. .. .. . 69 00 Edw King. team.. .. .. .... 31 50 Thos Kane, team.. .. .. 61 50 M. Kenneally ,team 49 50 P. Kenneally, team.. .. .. ... , 42 00 Jos. Kenneally, team .. .. 4 50 R. J. Love, team.. .. .. 67 50 Wm. Lyons, team.. .. .. 40 50 Jno. Long, team.. 66 00 P. Linehan, team.. .. .... , 51 00 Chris. Leik, team.. .. . . 4 50 J. Murray, team 15 00 F. Mathis, team.. .. .. .. 31 50 J. G. Moore, team.. .. .... 15 00 R. Mathis, team.. .. 33 00 Martin, Strelau Co, team.. .. 15 00 J. McCollins, team.. .. .. , , , 22 50 Jas. McCracken, team.. .. .. 66 00 Jno. McGrath, team.. .. .. 42 00 C. McElrath, team .. .... .. 105 75 Wm. McGrath, team.. ... , 42 00 S. Norton, team .... .. . . ... 42 00 Ed. Norton, team.. .. .. 6 00 T. O'Brien, team.. .. .. 10 50 Jno. Parker, team.. .. .... J Pibtman. team Mrs. Quinlinn, team . 69 00 Edw Ryan, team . 3 00 M Riordan, team . . 15 00 Geo Reynolds, team . 52 50 Aug Roeber, team . 30 00 T Singrin, team . 15 00 Jno Savage, team . 43 50 H Schmidt, team . 60 00 J Sutherland, team . 24 00 D Sutherland. team . 33 00 F Schoenthal, team 12 30 Eli Shaw, team . 1 50 H Strotz, team . 45 00 Edw Seeley, team . 54 00 O Steffen, team 3 00 F Schultz, team 1 50 F Sieg, team . . 6 75 M Tice, team . 69 00 Catherine Tobin, team . 58 50 .Tno Terry, team . 1 00 J Von Hollen, team 48 75 Jesse Venn, team . 28 50 P Vogel, team 10 50 J Williams, team 1239 00 00 Tony Wolfe, team H Weber, team 21 00 F Winters, team . 15 00 L Wellington, beam . . ...... 7 50 Al Wallace, team . 7 50 Jas Jellison, labor . 29 25 Pat McNulty, labor 29 50 Jas O'Brien, labor . 20 25 A J Jaeger, labor . 18 75 Tony Zugenbuehluer, labor .... 5 33 75 5 Sam Elmer, labor . • 21 00 W Dean, labor 12 00 178 I GYZ I:.r Warmittx, Jas Bennett, labor . 34 50 Pat Doyle, labor . 34 50 Ed Daily, labor . 21 00 M Farrell, labor . . 33 75 J Brick. labor . . . 18 75 Phil Doerr, labor . 15 90 Thos Heins, labor 18 00 James Rooney, labor 20 25 Jno O'Brien, labor . . . 33 00 Jas O'Brien, labor . 16 50 Jno Mantel. labor . 17 25 Chas Botsford, labor 31 50 M Lonergan, labor . 30 00 Jno O'Dea, labor .. 30 00 Pat Fury, labor . 17 25 Chas Hillery, labor .. 26 25 J Grab, labor , .. 25 00 Geo Grade, labor . 6 75 Reuben Grimes, labor .. 19 25 J Giessler, labor .. 6 75 J Griffin, labor 14 20 B Glass, labor . 14 20 Jno Glynn, labor 40 00. Pat Gill, labor 1 00 Chrs, Gantenbein, labor . 14 85 Jno Hafey, labor . 19 60 Jos Glass, labor 18 25 Wm Hird, labor 4 05 P Hanafen, labor .. 13 50 Geo. Hillman, laborer ...... 6 10 M Hardie, labor . 1 50 C Heck, labor . 16 90 Geo Heneklein, labor 18 25 N Helger, labor . 14 55 C Homberg, labor . 11 15 F Herzog, labor 22 95 A Hofferman, labor 27 00 J Hogan, labor 22 95 Steve Hansen, labor 10 15 J Hayes, labor . 34 50 T Horn, labor . 3 40 A Henderson, labor . 14 20 H Haas, labor . ... 6 75 A Henesen, labor . 16 20 Gortt Hamaber, labor 4 05 Jas Hutton, labor .. 19 25 D Harmen, labor .. 25 00 J Hanley, labor . 20 95 M Houpes, labor 20 95 Jas Huber, labor 11 50 J Hind, Jr, labor 23 65 J Hind, Sr, labor 53 25 Amb Hird, labor . . 23 65 Cause Hagge, labor . . 14 20 A Johnson, labor . . . 18 60 Geo Jones, labor 9 45 P Jacobe, labor . . . , 26 35 Ellis Joyce, labor. . 11 95 Jessie Jellison, labor . . 50 00 A Jaeger, labor. . 1 35 Wm. Juergens, labor 33 75 Jno Kensella, labor. 50 OJ P Kreamer, labor. . . 6 10 Jno Kerst, labor 16 90 J Kel:y, labor. . . . 18 90 M Kas, labor. . . 22 95 Wm Koehler, labor . 8 10 T Klasky, labor.. 2 70 C Krentz, labor..12 85 C Kirchof, labor 10 15 M Klein, labor 17 25 E S King, labor 10 15 M Kehr, labor . . . . 8 10 J Karsch, labor 12 85. F Krueger, labor 19 25. P Krocheska, labor 11 50 L Knochel, labor 5 40 P Kroski, labor 6 76. F Kruse, labor 4 05 C Kaufman, labor22 95 Jac Krauss. labor 22 30 Geo. Krauss, labor 14 85 H Knass. labor 5 40 Geo Kessler, labor 18 25. A C Knapp, labor 20 95. Phil Kinney, labor 27 35 L Knaps, labor . . . 17 v5 F Kauffman, labor 9 15 Jos Kenzler, labor 13 50 P Kien. labor 49 50 J Kutz, labor 4 05 L Kreps, :abor 2 70 H Krutz, labor 27 70 P Lynch. labor19 60 Geo Lutz. labor 14 85. Wm Lavine, labor 8 10 51 Lilack, labor 3`2 6P H Luck. labor 12 85 H Lembke, labor 26 35 H Luchterhand, labor 4 05. Alois Lange, labor 13 50 Geo. Leidinger, labor 1 35 C Leamon, labor 4 05 A Landy, labor , . 70 M Loes, labor 14 85 Edw Lagen, labor . . . 40 00 Thos Lonergan, labor . . 22 95 P Leidinger.:abor. 4 75 P Levitt. labor 14 85 P Murphy. labor 50 00 .1 Mullen, labor 33 00- R Miller, labor . . . 4 75 T Mulqueeney, labor. . . 28 70 T Murray, labor . . . 21 60 J Maroney. labor 19 95. J Martinett, labor . . . 2S 70 P Murray, labor . . . 18 25 L Maher, labor . . . 22 95 M Mahoney, labor . . 18 25. L Menrisse. labor 15 55 T Meggison, :abor. 22 95 A Manderschert, labor 28 35 Jas Mulkern, labor 7 45. E Meeker, labor 28 35 Jas Meloly, Jr, labor 20 95 Jno Melloy, labor 16 90 M Maher, labor . . . 24 3• 5 P Mahon, labor . , , 25 35 M Murphy, labor 10 50 Jac Muser, labor 16 55 Jas Melloy, Sr, labor 1 0• 5 J Made, labor 1 35 P Marsei:les, labor2 05• P Moran, labor. 20 25 Ed Melloy, labor. 2 7250 0 A McGuan, labor 20 95 P McPoland, labor 14 20 B McCaffrey, labor 18 90 Thos McDonald, labor 8 80 M McMara, labor 26 70 J H McDonald, labor 14 55 D McGinnis, labor 19 60 J McGee, labor. 10 SO Wm McLain, labor 22 30 P McMul:en, labor 19 60 Jas McCormack, labor 24 30 Wm McDermott, labor.. 19 60 J McCarron, labor. 18 25 List of Warranta. B McDonald, labor . . . 21 00 .1 C McDonald, labor 21 00 M McCarten, labor 21 75 P McCarten, labor 18 60 M McCone, labor 25 65 L McEvoy, labor. 25 65 .1 McNulty, labor 22 30 .1 McCaffrey. labor 11 15 .1 McClone, labor 6 75 M Nuten. labor 9 80 .Jno Nutz, labor 13 50 Wm No:and, labor 25 65 Phil Newman, labor 12 85 J Oldsner, labor 3 40 F Oswald, labor 2 70 ,Julius Otto, labor. 1 Chas Otto, labor 6 75 P O'Brien, Sr 2 70 .1 Pilmaier, labor 29 25 A Peter, labor 13 50 Jas Paus, labor 70 N Prosser, labor 10 50 C' Pierce. labor 11 50 N Pitz, labor 3 40 JnoPfeiffer. labor 16 90 Geo Pfeiffer, labor 5 40 Geo Paar, labor 7 40 .Tas Purcell. labor 21 60 James Powers, labor 18 25 D Powers, labor 19 60 P Quinn, Sr, labor 32 50 Wm Quinlan, labor 24 65 M Quinlan. labor 10 15 Chas Reilly, labor 16 90 F. Rilger, labor 18 25 M Reiseck, labor 29 05 F Radloff, labor 7 45 A Rente, labor 22 30 F Remus, labor . . . . 20 95 Geo Rink, labor 8 45 H Rink, labor . . . 2 70 Wm Rehfeld, labor. 1 35 Jac Raesner, labor. 18 25 Ed Rittenberg, labor 5 40 J Ryan, labor 14 20 J Reed, labor 18 60 J Richter, labor . . 10 80 J Ryan, Jr, labor 8 10 F Roein, labor. 13 50 Thos Reilly. labor 35 25 John Raetz, labor 14 85 H Stevens, labor .. 4 05 A R Stevenson, labor . . 75 00 J B Stevens, labor 20 25 P Schiltz, labor .. 23 25 J Steffes, labor 29 05 J Schemmel, labor . 26 40 Geo Sutter, labor . . . 23 65 Aug Schelsky, labor 2 70 Jas Stadl, labor .. 13 50 A Schmidt, labor . . . . 11 50 A Schaetzle, labor . . . 1 35 F Scherr, labor' . . . . 33 00 J Sanders, labor. 19 95 Otto Schlaegel, labor . 16 55 M Shay, labor . . 25 00 S Schaetzle ,labor . 19 65 P Stoffer, labor . . 20 25 N Sweeney, labor . . 13 50 Aug Seik, labor. 6 75 M Flynn, labor 17 25 R McGivern, labor. . 14 25 Ed Capritz, labor . . . 16 50 Thos Bannon, labor. . . 15 75 Fred Schilling, labor . .. 8 25 H Martin, labor 179 Steve Rousch, labor .. 12 50 Wm Terry, labor . , 12 75 F Baltzer, labor . . . 7 50 M Tierney. labor 6 00 Tom Maloney, labor .. 75 A Waller, labor . , . 90 Jno Sprielman, labor 90 A Doerr. expressing. 16 75 «'m Terry, labor . . . 28 00 l` Schil'ing. labor . . . 6 15 Steve Rousch. labor28 00 H Smith. labor . . 43 75 ,J Hillery. labor 28 90 A .faeger, labor . . 21 00 C Sniegelhalter. pmmdmaster . 50 00 M Flynn, labor . . 15 75 Wm Dean. labor . . . 15 75 F Baltzen ,labor. .... . 5 25 T Straney. trimming trees 16 50 M Tierney. trimming trees 15 75 Wm Bennett, trimming trees 15 75 J P Trani, feeding prisoners 37 40 Samuel Starr, sanitary patrol- man . 50 00 A J Kriese, white washing and plastering 14 75 W .1 Knight. expert to Des Moines Hunt case . 22 55 A Jaeger, cleaning around city hall 2 00 Geo Sutter, cleaning around city hall . 70 Jno Steffers. cleaning around city hall . 2 00 .1 Brochtobracb, cleaning around city hall . 2 00 B Hayes, cleaning around city hall . 23 00 Mrs H Koenig, Janitor and scrub bing . 25 00 Mrs A Kien, janitor and scrub- bing . 5 60 Jno Kearns, recording deeds 8 25 Geo Bennett, assistant assessor100 00 Gotlf Gmehle, assistant asses- sor , 100 00 Wm Jellison, sodding park 494 90 Wm Jellison, sodding park 273 10 T L Jess, wharf master . . 30 00 Peter Kien, cleaning around city hall 3 50 Wm Geisheker, rod man 65 00 Tno Farley, rod mon 40 00 .los Murphy, rod man . 22 60 D Sheehan, sewer inspector . 37 50 Jack Zevis, labor in park . 1 35 H Luck, labor in park . 4 05 J Beekman. labor in park . 1 50 A Conzett, labor in park . 2 70 Geo Salot. filling on 4th street extension '75 75 Jno Tibey, filling on 4th street 54 20 extension . P Clancy, filling on 4th street 10 50 extension . Byrne & Saul, filling on 4th 7 75 street extension . . Jno Lagen, filling on 4th street 3 75 extension . R W Kemler, filling on 4th street 1 25 extension Jno McCollins, filling on 4th 4 2., street extension . Wm Mathis, filling on 4th street extension . Jno Spies, labor B Schnee, labor C Schargetz, labor A Kruncker, labor . Ham & Carver. blank station- ery A Y McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co, surveyer's pins . W H Torbert, drugs B Lagen, carriages for Deco- ration Day L Roehl & Co, building stairs city hall Jno Harney, repairing tools . Ryder Bros, bicarbon soda Jas Street, rock furnished city Harger & Blish, stationery Telegraph Printing Co, station- ery 22 75 B D Linehan, repairing tools .. 5 00 Hardie & Scharle, blank books and stationery . 72 00 G B Grosvenor & Co, station- ery, station- ery] Duggan & Kane, soap, matches etc 7 80 Stahl Salter Lubricating Co, axle grease 4 00 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing 21 00 C H Whitwell, veterinary service 27 00 P H Halpin, bran 2 SO E E Frith, removing garbage, etc 214 50 Kenneally & Cain, filing on Rush street. 30 SO Dubuque Linseed Oil Works, oil meal . . . . . . . . 1 50 Phil Pier, coal. 11 90 Grant Galena Co., one 2 -horse cart 5 00 Engler. Frudden Lumber Com- pany, shavings 1 50 Excelsior Brass Works, hose for chemical engine and repairing engine 85 25 Collings & Wilkinson, shoeing horses 12 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., rubber mats. . . .. . ....... 6 00 A Wunder:ich, horse shoeing... 9 75 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for May ....... 500 00 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for May . 500 00 Dubuque Water Co, 321 hydrants for May . . . 337 50 Key City Gas Co, coke and coal. 19 48 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 86 48 E C Blake, improving Wood- worth ave. . 220 00 Bryan & Donahue, sewer in 27th street 115 62 Bryan & Donahue, sewer in 27th street 18 27 John Tibey, improving West 8th street 200 00 .lohn Pickley, improving Liberty street 500 00 John Pickley• Improving Liberty street' . . 500 00 4 00 1 35 13 50 2 05 12 85 2 50 4 40 32 84 12 00 44 30 2 40 30 63 35 70 34 90 John Pickley, improving Liberty street 220 04; Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Chestnut street 270 oU Dubuque Construction Co., tle pipe. 24 23 Peter Horeb, improving Main street 500 Ott Peter Horch, improving Main street 40 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, re- pairs on Jackson street. . .. 40 85 Peter Horch. repairing gutter in 18th street 54 75 Steuek, O'Farrell & Co., im- proving Union avenue 500 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Co., im- proving Union avenue 500 OOE Steuck, O'Farrell & Co., im- proving Union avenue 140 00 O G Kringle, sewer in 5th street 500 044 O G Kringle, sewer in 5th street 240 00 Wm. Dodson, improving Coates avenue 500 00 Wm. Dodson, improving Coates avenue 10 llllf, 47)2"Thos Hassett, filling in Villa st.. 71 Altman & 'Taylor, grading Grand- view avenue . . 78 25 Theo Altman, improving South- ern avenue 500 00 Theo Altman, improving South- ern avenue 300 00 Smith -Perry Printing Co., blank stationery 16 10 Farley. Loetscher Mfg. Co., glass for blue print frames. . 2 35. Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe37 00 N H Schilling, repairing storm water sewer . . . 20 35 Butt Bros., repairs engine 6 90 Butt Bros., repairs engine 30 90 C T Jones, cost in Hunt case35 75 James A Hayes, cost in Hunt case . . . . 136 90 James H Hunt, persona: dam- age 500 0°James H Hunt, persona: dam- age . . . . 500 0• 0 James H Hunt, persona: dam- age 500 00 James H Hunt, persona: dam- age 500 OU .Tames H Hunt, persona: dam- age 500 00 James H Hunt, persona: dam- age 500 0• ') James H Hunt, persona: dam- age . . . . . . . 105 35 - Michael Duggan, damage to prop- erty 300 00 • F Voltz, labor 3 40 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co brass rings 4 0• 0 • I P Schroeder, tile pipe. 9 45 Duggan & Kane, oil, rope, etc4 50 Deitrich Bros., brick 5 00 • W Baumgartner, wrench. 1 35 Reinfried & Jaeger, electrician supplies Key City Gas Co., coal 22 o3 James Levi & Co., matting and matron's supplies Geo F Kleih, cancel punch . . Standard Lumber Co., lumber 60 29 16 90 • 1 20 List of Warrant... 181 Excelsior Brass Works, polish and repairs harness langers.. 3 25 Ferguson Supp:y Co., drinking fountain. 130 00 C H Whitwell, veterinary ser- vice 4 50 C .1 Heller, buttons, badges, and stars 17 (S Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for April 166 67 Star Electric Co., 305 arc lights 500 00 for May Star Electric Co., 305 are lights for May 500 00 Star Electric Co., 305 arc lights 500 00 for May Star Electric Co.. 305 are lights for May 147 00 Key City Gas Co, gas 86 90 Duggan & Kane, supplies for po- lice matron. 10 15 H B Gniffke. excavation. 90 00 H B Gniffke, expressage $6.75, postage. $1.00 7 75 H B Gniffke, interest paid 185 50 Iowa Trust and Savings bank. 500 00 loan.... . Iowa Trust and Savings bank, 500 00 loan.... .. .... ........... Iowa Trust and Savings bank, 500 00 loan.... .. .... ........... Iowa Trust and Savings bank, oa0 00 loan.... .. .. ........ Iowa Trust and Savings bank, loan.... .. ........... 500 00 Iowa Trust and Savings bank, loan. 500 00 Iowa Trust and Savings bank, loan. 500 00 Iowa Trust and Savings bank, loan.... .. .... ........... 500 00 Iowa Trust and Savings bank, loan.... .. .... ........... 500 00 Iowa Trust and Savings bank. . ........... 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 bank loan.. 500 00 loan.... . Second National Second National Second National Second National Second National Second National Second National bank loan.. .. 500 00 Second National bank loan.. .. 500 Second National bank loan.. .. 500 Second National bank loan.. .. 500 Maria Duggan, loan. 500 Maria Duggan, loan. 500 Maria Duggan, loan. 500 Maria Duggan, loan. 500 Maria Duggan, loan .. .. .. 300 Dom. Forrst, loan .. .. .. 200 E. C. Young, loan.. .. .. 445 James Herald, committee on change of grade.. .. .. .... 2 00 James Cushing, committee on change of grade.. .. .. .... 2 00 Jno. Trexler, committee on change of grade.. .. .. .. . 2 00 James Herod, juror opening Mt Carmel ave.. .. .. 4 00 .1. W. Halpin. juror opening Mt. Carmel ave4 0'1 M. Brown, Juror opening Mt. Carmel ave.. .. .... 4 00 M. J. Mulgrew, juror opening Mt Carmel ave .. .. .. .... .. .. 4 00 Robt. Jess, Juror opening Mt. Carmel ave. , . .. ... 4 00 Jas. McDonald Juror opening Mt. Carmel ave .. .. .. .... .. .. 4 00 Jas. Hayes, juror opening Mt. Carmel ave .. .. .. .... .... .. 4 00 Edw. Ryan, juror opening Mt. Carmel ave .. .. .. .... .... .. 4 00 M. Carney, juror opening Mt. Carmel ave.. .. .. .. .... 4 00 Jno. W. Norton, juror opening Carmel ave.. .. .. .. .. 4 00 Thos. Kenneally, juror opening Mt. Carmel aven.. ... .. . 4 00 Christ Janssen, juror opening Mt Carmel ave ........ .... ... 4 00 J. p Quigley, juror opening 26th street.. .. .. .. 2 00 E. O. Duncan, juror opening 26th street.. .. .. .. 2 00 J. W. Coy, juror opening 26th street.. .. ... ............ 2 00 B. Westerkamp, juror opening 26th street. 2 00 Otto Elwanger, juror opening 26th street. 2 00 Christ Janssen, juror opening 26th street. 2 00 A. W. Downer, juror opening 26th street. 2 00 H. Nagelmaker, juror opening 26th street. 2 00 Peter Specht, juror opening 26th street.. .. .. .. 2 00 , James Kane, juror opening 26th street .. .. .. .. 2 00 James McClain, juror opening 26th street .... .. 2 00 Christ A. Voelker, juror opening 26t.1 street..... ... ... ... 2 00 Anton Peter. laborer.. . .. 10 50 The Herald, advertising for April.. ....... . ... .... .. 67 50 The Telegraph, advertising for April.... .. .... ... ... 75 00 The Times, advertising for April 29 15 The Globe -Journal, advertising for April.. 67 50 00 Thos. J. Donahue, extra work on 00 South Dodge street.. .. .. 325 00. 00 Jane .Jones, opening Rose St75 00 00 Frank Menkel, personal damage 50 00 00 Jas. A. Hayes, cost in Menkel 00 case 10 50 00 Jas. Hayes cost in Jane Jones 00 case..... ... ... . 11 65 00 Jas. A. Hayes, cost in Donahue 04) case ...... .. .. ...... .... 75 70 P. Linehan, use horse trimming 22 50 trees.... . Chicago Times -Herald, advertis- case .... .. .. ..... . 75 70 ing for bonds.. .. .. .. 4 60 B. Lagen, use horse trimming trees .... .. .... ......... I Rio Geo. ICu•e, laborer 5 40 G. W. Albert, macadam.. .. 15 97 Jno. Malone, macadam.. 15 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is 1111111111 182 Official Notices. a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1896. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder pro tem. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to July 6th, 1896, at 9:00 a. m. for the improvement of the fol- lowing streets and alleys in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in my office: Fifth avenue from Rhomberg ave- nue to Peosta street: Curbing, 1,200 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,300 square yards. Macadamizing, 1,300 sq yds. Grading cut, 14,500 cu. yds. Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton street: -- Curbing, 4,000 lineal feet. Guttering, 1.800 sq yds. Macadamizing, 5,000 sq yds. Grading cut. 10,250 cu yds. Grading fill, 2.717 cu. yds. Ries street from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue: Curbing, 700 lineal feet. Guttering, 300 sq. yds. Macadamizing, 600 sq. yds. Grading cut, 144 cu. yds. Grading fill. 144 cu. yds. Eagle street and Emsley alley from Middle avenue to Althauser avenue: Curbing. 1.200 lineal feet. Guttering, 500 sq. yds. Macadamizing, 1,100 sq. yds. Grading cut, 3,500 cu. yds. Grading fill. 510 cu. yds. Fifteenth street from alley east of Elm street to Pine street: Curbing. 200 lineal feet. Guttering, 90 sq. yds. Macadamazing, 350 sq. yds. Grading cut, 100 cu. yds. Edison street from Stafford avenue t Althauser avenue: Curbing, 1,300 lineal feet. Guttering, 500 sq yds. Macadamizing, 1,200 sq. yds. Grading cut. 2,476 cu. yds. Ninteenth street from west line of Pine street to east line of East Dubu- que addition: Curbing, 200 lineal feet. Guttering, 100 sq. yds. Macadamizing, 400 sq yds. Grading cut, 150 cu. yds. Grading fill, 150 cu. yds. West Seventeenth street from Clark street to Cox street: Curbing, 2,400 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,100 sq. yds. Macadamizing, 4,200 sq. yds. Grading cut, 12,700 cu. yds. Grading fill, 8,800 cu. yds. Alley between Fourteenth and Fif- teenth streets and Pine and Maple streets: Macadamizing, 600 sq. yds. Grading fill, 200 cu. yds. Grading cut, 15 cu. yds. Alley between Sixteenth and Eigh- teenth streets and Maple and Cedar streets: Macadamizing, 1,200 sq. yds. Grading fill, 1.300 cu. yds. Alley from Seventeeneh street to Eighteenth street between Elm and Pine streets: Macadamizing. 600 sq. yds. Grading fill, 326 cu. qds. Twentysixth street extension from Pine street to Burden avenue: Grading. 1,200 cu. yds. South Main street from Charter St. to Railroad avenue: Grading fill. 12.000 cu. yds. Bidders will be required to furnish bond of $200.00 •guaranteeing that the contract will be entered into if awarded Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on at a ses- sion of the Council to be held July 6th, 1896. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dubuque, Iowa, June 23rd, 1896. 6-23-6t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder, Pro Tem. Special Session, July 23, 1896. 183 SPECIAL SESSION, JULY 23RD, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 2:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to the death of Gen. Geo. W. Jones. Ald. Ryder offered the following res- olution, which was adopted unanimous iv: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in his inscrutable wisdom to sum- mon from the atcive scenes of life our honored and venerable citizen, Gen. George W. Jones; and, Whereas, He spent the greater part of his long and useful life from his early manhood in the service of the public, and has left the impress of his remarkable public record on the whole country; and, Whereas, Few living men can recall such a prominent, honored and var- ied career. A drummer boy in the war of 1812, clerk of the United States district court of the state of Missouri, aid-de-camp in the Blackhawk war, chief justice of tlhe territory of MichI- gan, delegate to congress from the ter- ritory of Wisconsin, delegate to con- gress from the territory of Iowa, sur- veyor general of the territory of Iowa, United States senator from the state of Iowa, and minister to Bogota. A pioneer in the early days of civiliza- tion in the great northwest, he st000d by the cradle of the young state of Iowa and saw it develop from a wilder- ness into one of the most prosperous commonwealths in the union, and with it during his sixty-three years of resi- dence here he has watched our beauti- ful city grow from a straggling fron- tier village to its present importance. He was always recognized as one of our most public spirited citizens, a man of untiring energy, a leader in the furtherance of any enterprise for the good of the city and ever willing to give his time and services to any char- itable movement when called upon to do so he was true to every trust re- posed in him. Therefore, Resolved, That in the death of Gen- eral Jones the city of Dubuque loses one of its best citizens and the nation at large a distinguished and faithful public servant, a man whose sterling integrity commended him in all busi- ness relations, a gentleman of the old school whose friendships knew no change in the shadows of adversity, treatment of all drew about him friend everywhere, who sincerely mourn his death. Be it further Resolved. That a copy of these reso- lutions be spread upon the records of the council and that they be published in the daily newspapers of the city, a copy hereof be given to the family of deceased and that the city council at- tend the funeral In a body. Ald. Berg moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder Pro Tens. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Reso:ved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick stone or ce- ment, he, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: Six feet wide on Seminary street abutting mineral lots 187 and 191, where not already laid at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted July 6th, 1896. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, 7-16-10t. Recorder pro tem. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Monday, July 27th, 1896, for rebuilding wall on West llth street at Grove Terrace in accordance with plans and specifications on file in said office. A bond of $200 will be required with each bid that contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The right to re- ject any and all bids is reserved. W. H. KNOWLTON, 7-21-5t. Attest: T Approved .413 lsm. ...111ai/fa. Regular Session August 3, 1896. OFFICAl.. Council met at 10 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen and McEvoy. Ald. Bonson moved that the minutes be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Chris Smith, meat for matrons room.. .. .. .... .......... ..$ 9 45 A. H. Wagner & Co., repairing chairs .. .. .. .... .. .. . E. Sohollian, half pay on police overcoat .... .. .. .. .. 10 00 Ed. Morgan, three road scrapers10 00 Jos. Trudell, repairing parol wagon .. . .. .. .. 14 20 Key City Gas Co., gas for patrol house.. .. .. . .. .. L. J. Baumhover, gloves for po- lice department .. .. .. .. 5 25 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoe:ng..15 50 Jos. J. Rowan, supplies for mat- ron .. .. ... ... ... . 5 53 Excelsior Brass Works, dog tags ...... .. .. .. .. .. 6 00 Merkes & Hasler, hay.. .. .. 1 00 Chas. Oswald, padlocks.. 1 75 C. J. Heller, police buttons .. 9 50 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- Altman, Dennert, 1 10 4 80 18 40 Fratz and Clark, drugs.. .... 3 55 Peter Klauer, gas stove and pan. 6 40 W. Wilkey, painting .. .. 2 50 Smith -Perry Printing Co., blank stationery . .. .. .. ...... 11 00 Cleaver & MeCarten, repairing fountain .. 1 20 Central Electric Co., wire and 71 13 M. Mullen, plumbing .. 8 30 Paul Becker, labor in park .... 2 70 Geo. Hecklin, labor in park ... 1 05 Paul Schlenker, hardware.. .... 1 10 Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor 100 00 Geo. Bennett assistant assessor 100 00 Sam Starr, sanitary inspector .. 50 00 Harger & Blish, stationary.. .. 7 85 P. Dempsey labor.. .. 1 50 John F. Kearns recording plats. 4 00 B. Hayes, cleaning around city hall.. . 21 25 E. E. Frith, removing garbage. 222 75 Kllwanger Bros, repairing har- ness ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 2 20 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing .. 13 50 John C. Horner, connecting new 40 00 fountains.. . Dubuque Water Co., 323 fire hy- drants.. ...1345 83 Collins and Wilkinson, horse shoeing.. .. .. ...... 11 00 P. H. Halpin, bran.. .... 1 20 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 1 50 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing5 55 Dubuque 011 Tank line, oil 6 00 Jos. Trudell, hose cart .. .. .. , 5 35 Merkes & Hassler, bran.. .. .. , 1 05 McDermott and Gow, plumbing at engine house .. ... 4 55 Tom. Connolly, repairing hose wagons .. .. .. .... .. .. 22 25 Fratz & Clark, drugs .. .. . 2 00 Excelsior Brass Works, repairing engines .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 6 90 Farley & Loetscher Mfg, Co., lumber 1 75 Key City Gas Co., coke .. .. 19 03 Jos. J. Rowan, drapery .. .. 1 45 Chas. Oswald, repairing stoves etc .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 50 F. J. Hilkin & Co., flags .. 2 10 Duggan & Kane, supplies .. .. 5 95 Barnard, Walker & Co., flags and bunting.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 42 P. H. Halpin, brooms .. .. 2 75 Dubuque Telegraph, blank sta- tionary.. .. .. .. .. 5 00 Smith -Perry Printing Co., blank stationary.. .. .. .. .. 6 00 A. F. Jaeger, balor at city hall . 3 00 , J. P. Traut, board of prisoners. 27 80 John Hoffman, watchman at dump 35 00 Helen Koenig, janitor city hall. 20 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, im- proving Union ave.. .. 104 96 Steuck, O'Farrell, & Linehan, grading Union ave.. .. 701 25 Steuck. O'Farrell, & Linehan, grading Sheridan street .. 93 00 Steuck, O'Farrell, & Linehan, grading Hedley Court .. 65 00 Steuck, O'Fa•rell. & Linehan, grading Clinton ave .. .. 118 40 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan im- proving Hedley Court .. .. .. 25 71 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan grading Strauss ave .. .. ... 150 00 Steuek, O'Farrell & Linehan Im- proving Strauss ave.. ... 84 55 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, im- proving Goethe ave .. .. ...1200 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan im- proving Clinton ave .. .. .. 9 34 Steuck O'Farrell & Linehan im- proving Grace street.. ......1150 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, low ering Kniest street 961 30 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, low ering 19th street.. .. .. .. 401 25 Theo. Altman, grading Southern 163 12 Theo. Altman, improving South- ern52 ave.. • •• .'•"••" 452 A. E. Bradley, painting.. .. . Thos. Hassett, filling on Bluff 1 92 street extension ... . W. H. Knowlton, money advanc ed.. 16 92 B. Donahue, constructing side- 32 25 walk.. .. .. .. .. R. E. Lee, constructing side- 92 38 walk.. .. .. .... W. Cook, improving Garfield i ave .. .. .. .. .. 550 00 W. Dodson, improving Freemont 400 00 ave.. .. .. .. .. ........... 1 August 3, 1896 W. Dodson, improving Coates ave 300 00 John Tibey, grading W 8th street. .... .. .. 50 00 John Tiber. improving W. 8th street.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . 189 12 John Tibey. constructing sewer on S. Dodge street .. .. .. 968 50 John Tibey, crossing stone .. 63 40 Peter Horsch. improving Main street.. 86 Peter Horsch, grading Main street.. .. ... ... 144 44 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Hart street.. .. 350 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Chestnut street .. .. . 12 48 Dubuque Construction Co., grad ing Chestnut street.. .. .. 50 26 Blake & Blake, improving Ben- nett street .. .. .. .. 1200 00 John Pickley. improving Leibnetz street . . .. . .. .. 470 72 John Pickley, improving Paul street.. .. 300 00 E. C. Blake, grading Liberty street 1080 00 E. C. Blake, improving Wood- worth street .. .. .. 124 20 P. C. Clancy, grading Wood- worth street .. .. .. .. .. 100 00 McElrath & Co., filling on High Bridge ave .. .. .. . 21 00 McElrath & Co., filling on High Bride ave .. .. .... 22 30 Geo. W. Farley, filling on High Bridge ave.. .. .. .. .. .. . 35 75 Ross McMahon, filling on High Bridge ave 36 00 J. Dunkley, filling on High Bridge ave .. .. 6 05 Thos Kenneally, filling on High Bridge ave.. .. .. g 50 Wm. Gei secker, assistant engi- neer. 05 00 John Farley, rod man 40 00 Joseph Murphy, rod man. . 40 00 McE:cath Teaming Co., sweeping streets 74 10 The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co. $ 50 10 Globe Light and Heat Co 166 67 The following bilis were referred to the street committee: W. B. Baumgartner. B. B. Richards. Duggan & Sullivan. $ 95 5 00 The following bills were referred to the printing committee: The Telegraiph. Globe Journal. The Herald The Times $ 7500 67 50 67 50 29 15 Bill of John Newman & Son of $1.00 was referred to the fire committee. Bill of Central Union Telephone Co. of 15.63 was referred to the committee on electrics construction. Cit McCarten was instruct- ed to co:lect bill of $4.50 from the Ba and Insurance Building Co. for repair- ing at 9th and Main streets. Ald. Ryder arrived at 10:20 a. m. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of Frank Rickour et al for the improvement of Thomas street and Franklin street. Petition of Ellen Quiniivan for work for her team on the streets to apply in part on her special assessment on Grand View avenue. Petition of Wartburg Theological Lutheran seminary protesting against the location of Fremont avenue. Petition of Joseph Roberts to change location of Ida street. Petition of Frank Menzel for the payment of macadam to app:y on his taxes and special assessment. Petition of John Berwanger for trans- fer of special assessment wrongfully as -1 sessed. Petition of A. H. Hemelder et al against payment of special assessment on elley ea.st of Staeord avenue until the same is completed. Petition of Rebecca J. Farley for the repairing of Rebecca street. Petition of Blackwells Durham To- baceo Co. for permission to place signs on street curbs. Petition of C. H. Eighmey et al for the grading of the alley between Main and Locust from 11th1 to 12th streets. Petition of Lizzie A. Bale for the com- pletion of North Main street. Petition of John Gadient for the furbher repair of Coates avenue. Communication of Honora Martin in relation to raising the grade on Elm street between 11th and 15th streets. The following petitions were granted: The petition of J. R. Taylor and F. A. Rumpf for the improvement of Alli- son Place from Delhi street to Colleg3. Petition of Mrs. J. A. Koch for the removal of the old and building of a new summer kitchen at 1095 Clay st. Petition of Dr. M. C. Munsell for the extension of sewer on West 5th street was referred to the committee on sew- ers. Petition of E. H. Sheppley for the payment for a strip of land for street purposes off lot 13 Langworthy's add to the city. was referred to the commit- tee on claims, city attorney and • the mayor. Communication from Mrs. Mary Mee- han in relation to damages was refer- red to the committee on claims and city attorney. Petition of Dubuque Building and Loan Association et al in regard to filling and macadamizing alley from 17th street to 18th street between Maple and Cedar streets was received and filed. Claim of James A. Hayes for interest in the case of Howard was referred to the city attorney. Claim of Michael McMahon for dam- age caused by washout of Curtis street was referred to the committee on claims. August 3, 1896 Assessor Stamm reported that the as- sessment roll for the year 1896 com- pleted and ready for the equalization board. Petition of Andrew Oeth for the re- moval of electrical wire from his house was referred to the committee on elee- trical construction. Petition of R. W. Kemler for rebate of team license was referred to the city marshal and mayor with power. Pttition of Dubuque Cabinet Mak ers' Association for reduction of assess ment for 1896 was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. The claim of the American Fire Er- gine Co. for repairs on engine was refer red to the committee on fire, city at- torney and mayor. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported— Cash on hand last report $21.,133 61 Collections during the month 38,201 79 Total.. .... $59,335 40 Disbursements clueing the month . $43,326 15 Balance cash on hand August 1st.. ...... $16,009 la Also reports $2,096.40 clue city offi- cers for the month of July, 1896. Also submitted list of coupons r -- deemed during the month of July. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers and re- port referred to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,981,- 05 due firemen for the month of Ju:y, 1896, Report approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen, and re- port referred to the fire committe. City Marshal Morgan reported 102 police cases during the month of July, 1896; also reports $22.50 pound recipts and $6.00 police court fees. Also re- ports $2,334.25 due police for the month of July. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay police and report referred to police committee. Street Commissioner Hagerty report- ed $5,266.30 due for labor on streets dur- ing the month of July, 1896. Report approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor, and report referred to the street committee. Sewer Inspector Doerr reported $782,- 97 due for labor on sewer during July, 1896. Report approved, and warrants ordered drawn for labor on sewers, and report referred to sewer committee. City Elect cian Osborne reported $18.90 due fr'6m Star Electric Co. for lights not properly lit durong July, 18:'6. Report approved and auditor instructed to collect the same. Markietmaster Trout reported $9.50 due city for scales' receipts for July, 1896. Received and filed. Woodmeasurer Jess reported 70 cents due city as fees for July, 1896. Re- ceived and filed. The reports of Jos. Stranely and Chas. Pitsohner, city weighers, were received and filed. City Engineer Knowlton submtited G plat showing grade on Pickwick street. On motion it was approved. • City Engineer Knowlton presented plat showing change in Grandview ave- nue which was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Also submitted profile showing change of grade on 26th street, which was adopted. Also submitted plat showing proposed change in Queen street which was adopted. The petition and ordinance of Geo. Dee & Sons was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Ald. Ryder offered the following res- olution which was adop'ed: Whereas, A dispu:e has arisen be- tween Ed. Carney and Mathias Czieck as to the true boundary line of their respective lots on Washington street and, Whereas, Said parties have agreed in writing to abide by the line to be sur- veyed by Mr. W. H. Knowlton, city engineer: therefore be it Resolved, By the city council that said W. H. Knowlton be permitted to make the survey as requested, but not in his capacity of city engineer, but as a private individual. Md. Ryder, chairman of the commit- tee on finance, reported in favor of ap- proving the report of the treasurer for July, 1896, and that warrants be drawn in his favor for money advanced by him: also that Loan warrants be drawn. for the several parties from whom mon ey was 'borrowed and that Ibe report be referred to the finance committee. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn to 7:30 p. m.. Carried. EVENING SESSS,ION. AUGUST 3RD, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Duffy In the chair. Present:-.Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer. Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that, the rules be suspended and parties desiring to be allowed to address .the oouncil in re- gard to the proposed vaoation of part of St. Mary's street. Carried. W. J. Knight on behalf of Archbis- hop Hennessy then addressed the coun- cil protestdng against said proposed vacation. D.. Linehan. on behalf of his clients, also addressed the council, favoring said proposed vacation. Add. Bonson arrived at 8:40 p. m., Ald. Cullen offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed expedient to vacate part of St. MarY's street on the went side thereof, and, Whereas, Notice has been given as required by law for said proposed vaca- tion. Therefore, resolved, That five feet August 3, 1896 be vacated on west s commencing at its intersection with West Third street, thence running in a straight line south to the original line of said street at Sts intersection with Emmett street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adds Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen. MoEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Hurd be allow- ed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Hurd addressed the council ob- jecting to paying special asse:sment for improvement of Clintoi avenue. PETITIONS. Petition of Catherine Walsh, claim- ing damages on account of storm water was referred to the committee on claims. Petition of J. P. Schroeder et al, ask- ing that Clifford street be opened was referred to the street committee. 'Phe bills for filling on 14th street and 4th street •were referred to the street committee. Petition of T. H. Sohilling et al. ask- ing that Angella and Catherine streets be improved ,was read. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. SchI:ling addresed the council in relation to the improvement of said streets. On motion the petition was granted. Petition of the "Model" store, asking for permission to keep hanging sign over sidewalk until August 8th, 1896, was .granted, others to have the same privilige for a like period. Petition of James L. Mullen et al, against proposed vacation of part of St. Mary's street was received and filed The plans for proposed portico in front of Dubuque Opera House were approved. On motion bids were opened and re- ferred to the engineer for computa- tion. ide of said street REPORT OF JURY. Dttbuque, Ia., July 27, '96. To The Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned jury, duly appointed and qualified to assess the damages ;that may be caused by the proposed widening of West 14th street, opening alley west of Booth street, and extension of State street, respectfully report as follows: WEST 14TH STREET. Harvey Fullmer, lot 23, Levin's add, $37.00. Harvey Fuhrer, e 1-2 lot 22, Levin's add, $37.00. Henry Rose, lot 21, Levin's add, $40. Henry Rose, w 1-2 lot 22, Levin's add, $40.00. Fred Mahn Est, lot 20, Levin's add, $35.00. STATE STREET. Peter Eisbach lots 1 and 2, Stewart & Bonson's sub and lot 6 of min lot 62, $200. ALLEY WEST OF BOOTH STREET. Englehart Hemmi, lot 3, O'Neill's sub $100.00. Respectfully submitted, J. HEROD. J. W. COY, JUSTUS BECHTEL, M. J. MULGREW, ROBERT JESS, JAS. KANE, A. VOGLER. JOHN P. PAGE, OTTO ELLWANGER, CHRIST JANSEN, PETER SPECHT, JOS. FECKER. Dubutte, Iowa, July 28, '96. To The Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned jury duly appointed to assess the damages that may be caused by the proposed opening and extension of Elm street and High Bluff street, respectfully re- port as follows: ELM STREET. Arnold Kemps, lot 101, L. H. Lang - worthy's add. $200. John V. Dillon, lot 3 of 103, L. H. Langworthy's add, $20.00. Mary Northrup and Mary Pals, lot 2 of 102, L. H. Langworthy's add, $20.00. Andrew Bitter, lot 3 and lot 5 of 103, L. H. •Langworthy's add. $500.00. John V. Dillon, lot 1 of 103, L. H. Langworbhy's add $19.25. T. J. Feyen, w 45 feet lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's add, $11.25. John Cantelhauer, m 60 ft lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's add, $15.00. Henry Kiebler, e 30 feet lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's add, $7.50. John Kiefer, lot 105, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, $33.75. John Thels, lot 106, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, $33.75. Ellen Bever, clot 2 of 1 of 107, L. H. Langworttly's add, $800.00. HIGtH BLUFF STREET. Wm. Lippstock, lot 38, Fengler's add, $50.00. John Kruse, lot 37, Fengler's $50.00. Fred Hepp, lot 36, Fengler's $50.00. Chas. Kulow, lot 35, Fengler's acid. $50.00. add. add, Respectfully submitted, JOS. HEROD, A. VOGLER, ROBERT JESS. JUSTUS BECHTEL, PETER SPEOHT, JOHN P. PAGE, JAS. KANE, J. W. COY, OTTO ELLWANGER, M. J. MULGREW, JOS. FECKER, CHRIST JANSEN. Ald. Bauer moved that the award of the jury on E•Lm street and High Bluth ;ner:;steSiYr% August 3, 1896 1SSt street be approved, and that the sev- eral amounts be set aside in the treas- ury to be paid the several parties on presentation of the proper deeds, and that said streets be declared public highways. Carried. Abd. Ryder moved that the award of the jury on alley west of Booth street be approved and the amount set aside in the treasury to be paid on presenta- tion of proper deed for same, and that said alley be declared a public %highway. Carried. Col. Henry Rose addressed .:he coan- cil in regard to award on West 14th street. Ald. Bonson moved that the awards of the jury on State st. and West lith street be referred to the committee of the whose. Carried. REPORTS OF CO nMITTEES. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: B. E. Linehan $ 6 00 Hagerty Bros 525 John Harney... 1 90 Peter Horsch 30 00 Wm. Marshal 9 00 Jos. Piltz.... 1 60 Jas. Street 22 00 Geo. W. Farley. . 128 00 McElrath Teaming Co .. 75 30 Lear & Pflffner... 4 00 Fred Spielman 4 00 Theo. Rotterman... 1 50 P. Quinn 13 00 G. F. Kleih 58 72 John Leidenger 7 02 Hussman & Lies. 25 Diamond Jo Line..... 8 22 F. Schloz 34 65 Lagen & Sloan. 2 25 Trenk Wire Works 12 00 1 65 18 31 14 20 50 7 50 2 20 6 20 13 60 1 00 6 00 10 80 4 90 15 50 14 00 13 35 5 16 3 65 90 Dubuque Water Co.... Standard Lumber Co... J. P. Schroeder & Co Duggan & Kane J. M. McKenzie. John Harney. John Butt Wm. Marshal. A. Wunderlich.. Taylor & Becker. Dom. Frank. O. E. Guernsey. trustee. Vogenthaler & Ragatz. F. Sehloz. Alf. Herron Bart E. Linehan.. Bock & Reed .. . Karl Fatka. In favor of receiving and filing the communication of D. Mueggenberg in relation to line of Broadway exten- sion. Also report that a resolution has been passed for the improvement of Queen. street north of Clinton street. In favor receiving and filing the petI- tion of Martin Riede in relation to side- walk on 27th and Jackson streets. In favor of receiving and filing the within petition of Martin Heer, asking that alleys east of Hall street be grad- ed. In favor of instructing the engineer to have sidewalks on northwest corner of 8th and Main streets repaired, as petitioned for by Fred. Weigel Est. In favor of asking for further time on the petition for the improvement of Bluff street extension. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of John McCollins in rela- tion to special assessment for improve- ment of Julien avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Peter Eisbach in relation to extension of State street. Report adverse to petition of Win. Schumm in relation to special tax for repairing sidewalk. In favor of granting the petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al. asking that Merchants lane be extended to Foye street. In favor ofgranting the petition of J. P. Schroeder et al. asking that the alley between Clifford street and Schroeder avenue be improved. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of R. W. Stewart, asking that York street be improved. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of John Thoney et al, asking that Grace street be improved to west line of lot 30 Reche's sub. In favor ofgranting the petition of Nic. Gregory et al asking that a side- walk be laid on the south side of Oak street. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat and plan for the exten- sion of Kniest street to Cedar street. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson moved that the owners of sidewalk on 12th and Main streets be notified to repair same. Carried. Ald. Altman, chairman of the com- mittee on harbors, reported that satis- factory arrangements have been made by Specht Bros. for landing at Eagle Point, and that it is not necessary to have a new dock. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the com- mittee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the following bills: James Kelly & Son. . $ 6 00 Smith -Perry Printing Co. 5 00 Young Bros. 13 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co1 00 Barnard, Walker & Co. 19 50 J. J. Hoar. 7 00 P. H. Halpin. . 5 00 Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the cou'- n favor of $37 80 2 70 5 40 21 00 75 50 rnittee on markets, reported i paying the following bills: J. P: Traut Peter Weist.. Phil Pier B. Hayes M. Loes. John Strotz. Report adopted Ald. Dennert, chairman of the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor paying the following bills: 1JIY llyulcrr' Se88ion, August 3. 1896. John Drehouse. Peter Kiene & Son... Chas Oswald Gus Hall Jas Levi Nessler & Jungk Hussman & Lies. .lape & Jacquinot $30 00 12 UO 4 55 2 35 21 26 3 40 7 40 1 20 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co 40 35 Report adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of supplying water in city hall be re- ferred :ta the committee on public grounds and buildings. Carried. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the com- mittee on fire reported in favor of pay- ing the following bilis: Police Telephone & Signal Co.. .$125 00 Boston One Price Clothiers 35 00 Vogenthaler & Ragatz. ..184 95 Dubuque 011 Tank Line 12 00 Engler-Frudden Lumber Co 2 50 Pat Clancy 2 00 C. H. Whitwell. 12 75 Key CIty Gas Co. •... 47 23 G. F. Kleih 10 A. Wunderlich 7 25 Trenk Wire Works. 6 00 Pursel & Moloney 2 40 M. Igo. 1 u0 Lagen & Sloan... 21 00 Dubuque Water Co .. 30 00 Reinfried & Jaeger. ... 1 10 Report adopted. Ald. Lagen, chairman of the corn- mittee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Dennis Corcoran. $ 70 Pat Hanafen. . . . 70 Anton Schmidt 1 35 Frank Sieg 3 00 Globe Light and Heat Co 166 67 Dubuque Cabinet Makers Assn38 00 Ldgen & Sloan. 4 00 Vogenthaler & Ragatz 79 Duggan & Kane 5 50 Reinfried & Jaeger. 1 10 A. J. Krise . . 7 00 Key City Gas Co. .. 62 75 D. T. Howe.. 1 10 • L. Roehl & Co 39 00 G. F. Kleih. .. 2 20 McCarten Bros • 12 60 Reinfried & Jaeger J. E. Hartig. Karl Fatka Star Electric Co 10 45 11 70 1 40 1652 40 Report adopted • • Ald. Berg, chairman committee, reported in the following bi:ls: Palmer, Winall & Co.. _ C. K. Mathis Bindery. Walton & Bieg The Telegraph ... . German Catholic Printing Hardie & Scharle. . Ham & Carver The Telegraph. The Globe The Times Report adopted Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the de- linquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of al:owing the taxes o of the printing favor of paying $46 75 4 50 40 80 75 00 Co.... 50 00 61 00 10 50 14 25 67 50 29 15 Mary Ballard on lot 2 of min. lot 149 to remain a lien on said property for 1895, and the treasurer instructed not to sell same. In favor of reducing assessment of John F. O'Dea on his home stead to $2.000, for 1895. In favor of allowing the taxes of Hen- rietta Herzog on lot 50 O. Langworthy's sub to remain a lien on said property for 1895, and treasurer instructed not to sell same until fur,her orders :rum the council. In favor of cancelling taxes of Mrs. Michael McMahon for I895. in favor of cancelling taxes of I)ubu- que Casket Co. in personalty and im- provement for 1895, as per agreement. Report adopted. Ald. Altman, chairman of the sewer committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Theo. Schrupp .. .... ...... ..$ 2 65 Duggan Kane .. .. .. .. .. .... 2 50 Kenneally & Kane .. .. .... .. 4 00 Frank Siege .. .. ... .... ...... 6 4 Bock & Reed. 4 25 J. P. Schroeder & Co.. .. .. 18 72 G. F. Kleih.. .. .. 23 18 Vogenthaler & Ragatz 24 00 Hussman & Lies.. .. .. 4 55 Chas. Oswald .. .. .. ...... 9 25 Mullen Bros.. .. .. ... 1 10 Bart E. Linehan 7 28 Frank Dennert.. .. .. .. .. .. 8 00 John Pickley .. ........ .. 17 50 F. Schloz.. .. .. .. .. ....... 24 15 Dietrich Bros. .. .... 7 00 F. A. Frommelt 6 00 Mulgrew & Phillips. 23 30 Also reported in favor of granting petition of James J. Dunn et al., for sanitary sewer in Calidonia Place. Report adopted. Ald. Berg of the board of health, re- ported in favor of notifying ,the I. C. R. R. to connect their vault at their freight depot with the sanitary sewer in 10 days, also that lot 31 E. Lang - worth's add be filled so as to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon. Report adopted. Ald. Dennert, chairman of the electrl cal construction committee reported in favor of paying the following bills: Police Telephone and Signal Co., $20. Central Union Telephone Co., $55.10. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported that they have ex amined and accepted the following streets for special assessment purposes: Garfield avenue from Dock to Reed avenue, Foye street from W. Locust street to alley south of Seminary strEe.. Goethe i avenue from Burden to Wind sor •avenu,e, Grace street from Grand- view avenue to east line of lar s. O'Hare's sub. Coates avenue from Freemont avenue to Cross street. f Clifford street from Seminary street to Napier s.rcet. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson moved that the matter of Griggs be left to street committee with power. Carried. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the commit tee of the whole reported as .follows: In favor of receiving and filing the pe tition of Margt. Alderson protesting against extension of George street. In favor of accepting the award of the jury for the extension of Samuel street, the- the amount.awarderl be F et aide in the treasury to be paid the owners of property on presentation of proper deed for same. and that said Samuel street be declared a public highway. In favor of accepting the award of the jury for the opening of Quinn street. aryl :hat 'he amounts of the award be set aside in the treasury to be paid the eevr:ra: u:artirs cn presentation of proper deeds for same, and that the said Quinn street be declared a public highway. In favor of delaying action on with- in resolution for the improvement cf Alpine street. In favor of receiving and filing peti- tion of John Hickey in relation to spe- cial assessment for improving Gland- view avenue. In favor rt receiving and filing the petition of John Burk in relation of damages on account of the improve- ment of Grandview ave. In favor of receiving anti filing +he petition of Fenelon Place Elevator Co.. et al., objecting to the extension of George street. In favor of approving of the award of the jury for the extension of Malady treet, provided Tim Dillon agrees not to ask for refunding of any money paid by him for the improvement of Grand- view ave. In favor of awarding the contract for the improvement of Eagle street and Emsley alley to John Pickley, he being the lowest bidder. In favor of awarding the contract for the improvement of Edison stret to Wil ber Cook, he being the lowest bidder. Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS. Aid . Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Allison Place, between Delhi and College ave be graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized. in conformity with the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necssary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the , city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing •to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. •I "fluty- .i, 1,!,116. 191 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That High Bluff St, ber,ween Middle and Fengler aves be graded. guttered, curbed and macad- amized. in conformity with the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necssary plans and specifica- tions for said Improvement, and the city recorder directed- to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be clone at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson. Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bauer offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Elm street, bet ween Eagle Point ave and Sanford-st be graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized, in conformity wi h the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necssary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder direcied to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following voter Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. • Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That College ave, bet ween W. 5th andW. 3d street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and .the city recorder directed to give the prop- er' notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the• work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That W. 3d St. bet- ween Alpine and College avenue, he graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordin- August 3, 1896 *ince upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Albre:ht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson. Cullen. Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ronson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the 1 city of Dubuque: That the al- ley between Clifford St and Schroeder ave .and Seninary in l Leil,n`-z St he graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized. in confotm•ty with the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the nec-seary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the gutte-•- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids, Albrecht. Altman, Bane-, Berg. Bonson' Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. RydFr offered the foil•win4: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That W. 7th St. bet- ween Needham Place and Hill St., be graded, guttered, curled and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordin- ance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder direc ed to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutte '- i.ng, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Altman offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sew- er be constructed in Caledonia Place between Hill street and West 8th street and the city engineer is directed to pre- pare the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said work, said sewer to be constructed at the expense of the own- ers of adjacent property in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Albreche, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Denert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or re menet, be, .within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid In conformity with the ordinance in relaetion to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on south side of Oak street between Burns street and Quince street where not already laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brink, stone or cement. be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation o sidewalks as fellows: 12 feet wide on north side of 1st St. between Locust street and Bluff street. 12 feet wide on both sides of 14th St. between Iowa and Clay street where not already laid at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. 'Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing.: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks as follows: Six feet wide on north side of South- ern avenuebetween Rowan street and English Lane. Four feet wide on both sides of Wood- worth street between Leibnitz street. and Seminary street. Four feet wide on both sides of Fuse street between West Locust street and Seminary street. Four feet wide on both sides of Leib- nitz street between Harold street and Abbott street. Four feet wide on both sides of Grace street between Grandview avenue and East street. Four feet wide on north side of Ben- nett street between Grandview avenue and East street. Four feet wide on both sides of Coates avenue between Fremont street and Cross treet. Four feet wide on both sides of Clif- ford street between Napier street and Seminary street. Six feet wide on east side of Wash - 14 ingtonth street between 13th street and street, Six feetwide on south side of 14t11 street betweeaa Washington street. and alley east, Six feet 'wide on east side of Couler avenue between 23d and 26th street. Regnlvir ,CesAuon, August 3, 1896 Six feet wide on both sides of Wast Sth street between Hill street and Wil- son avenue. Six feet wide on both sides of Whae street between Rhomberg avenue and Eagle Point avenue. Six feet wide on both sides of Wi:sin avenue between West Fifth street and Julien avenue. Six feet wide on south side of Dodge street between Vine street and South Dodge street. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adapted by the following vote: Ayes—All. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson. Cullen. Dennert, Lage.n, McEvoy and Ryiler. Nays—None. Ald. Cullen offered the following 'which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engi- neer prepare a plat showing the pro- posed extension of Merchant Lane from Gold to Foye street, showing the quan- tity of land, proposed to be taken, the names of the owners thereof and pro- ceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Alderman Bauer offered, the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the red line on the accompanying profile of 26th street from Jackson street to Pine street be•adopted as the official grade of said street. Alderman Cullen offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the.City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing thereon the strip of land vacated on St. Mary's strict and the dimensions thereof and place the same on file in his office. and that he be instructed to give the contractor to whom the work on said street was let the proper lines to proceed with said work in accordance with said vacation. Alderman Cullen offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Company. and lihe Illinois Central R. R. Company be and are hereby instructed to fill in between their tracks on Iowa street and First street within the next ten (10) days, and if not done the street com- missioner to do the work and charge the same to the said railroad compan- ies. Alderman Dennert offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engi- neer be and is hereby instructed to pre- pare plans and specifications for con- ducting the water fros tt the Fountain at the corner of Rhomberg avenue and Windsor avenue and advertise for bids for doing the work. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow - 1U3 ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the sewer in- spector be and is hereby instructed to enlarge the inlets to the storm water sewer at the intersection of Dodge and South Bluff street, as the present inlets are too sural: to receive the water from South Bluff street. Aid. McEvoy offered the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Iten- ety & McGann and the ,Dtuh. Ile Con- struction company, the contractors to wham the contract for the paving of Clay street were let be allowed the per cent. heal out of the contrac: price of said work, upon the comple:ion by them of the repairs of said street as per the recent resolutions of the council, and the acceptance of sato street as re- paired by the paving cotnmittee. Alderman Ryder offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Du- buque Water Company is hereby or- dered to connect the water pipe in Wi- nona avenue with the West 5::1 street water pipe. Alderman Berg of the board of health offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Illinois Cen tral R. R. Company be and are hereby directed to connect the vaults adja- cent to their freight depot with the sanitary sewer in ten days. as said vault is a nuisance to the public health. Alderman Berg offered the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a suitable catch basin and pipe be put in at Alma and Puckett street down fram said street to Bluff street down an alley be- tween tots of Mrs. Hargus and M. Reb- man. Alderman Berg offered the following which was adopted: Resolution ordering stagnant water lots to be filled. Whereas, The property, lots and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stag- nant water; and Whereas, The owners of said prop-. erty have been notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the follow - in ,described property, lots. and parts of 'tats, vix: 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 300, 301, 30'2, 363, and 364 East Dubuque Addition be filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to pre- vent stagnant water remaining thereon. The work to be completed by August 20th, 1896. The city marshal shall notify the 194 Refillfal' .S'e+si:on, .August 3, 1896 owners of said property of the passage of this resolution in the manner pro- vided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up J raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said prop- erty. . :dermal' Berg offered the following which was adopted: No`.ive in relation to filling lots. To Geo. Eichorn: --You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session. ordering to he filed and raised lots which are at time subject to be covered with stagnant water. which lots are numbered and described as fol- lows: Lot 31 in E. Langworthy's add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire. a: the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be pass- ed, as it is proposed that said fliling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on Sept. 7th. 1896. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im proving Main street from Seminary street to south line of lot 33 L. H. Langworthy's sub by Peter Horsch, con tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby - levied on the several_ lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Special assessments Submitted Aug. 3, 1896. E. L. Clark, L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 22, 29.5 lin ft curbstone at 30, $8.85; 9 sq yds guttering at 30c, $2.70; 33 sq yds macad- amizing at 33c, $10.89. . , . .. $ 22 44 E. L. Clark, L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 23, 47 lin ft curbstone at 30c $14.10; 22.67 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $6.80; 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88 .. .. 43 78 E. L. Clark, L. H. Lang -worthy's sub, n 46 ft lot 25, 46 lin ft curb stone at 30e, $13.80; 15.33 sq yds guttering at 30e, $4.60; 66.44 eq yds macadamizing at 33c, $21.92. E. L. Hancock, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, s 2 ft lot 25, 2 lin ft curbstone at 30c, 60e; .67 sq yds guttering at 30c, 20c; 2.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, 96c.. .. .. .. E. L. Hancock, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, n 46 ft lot 26, 46 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $13.80; 13.33 sq yds guttering at 30e, 40 32 1 76 $4.60; 66.44 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $21.92 .. .. .. .. .. 40 32 H. G. Edgerton, L. H. Lang - i worthy's sub, s 2 ft lot 26, 2 lin ft curbstone at 30c. 60; .66 sq i yds guttering at 30c, 20c; 2.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c; 96c. 1 76 H. G. Edgerton. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 27, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c. $4.80; 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88 42 0S John Cameron, L. H. Lang - worthy's stilt, lot 28. 48 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30e. $4.80: 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33e.$22.88 .. .. .... .. .. 42 OS John Cameron. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub. lot 29. 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4,80: 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $22.88.. .. .. ........ 42 08 John Cameron. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 30, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.80: 39.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $12.98.... .. .. .......... 32.18 E. A. Bale. sub 673, city, lot 1, 41.5 lin ft of curbstone at 30c, $12.45: 14.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.40; 29 sq yds mac.ad- amizing at. 33c, $9.57 26 42 J. V. Rider, sub 674 city, lot 5, 45.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $13.65; 14.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.40; 29 sy yds macad- amizing at 33c, $9.57 27 62 J. V. Rider. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub lot 32, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $14.40; 16 sy yds guttering at 30c, $4.80; 39.33 sq yds macadamising at 33c. $12.98 .. .. .... 22 18 J. V. Rider, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub. lot 33, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.80; 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88 . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..42 08 J. V. Rider, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 34. 47.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.25; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.80; $69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c. $22.88 ....... ... 41 93 G. B. Clark, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 35, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30c, $4.80; 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88. .. .. 42 O8 Fred Luthmers, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 36, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 30e, $4.80; 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88.. .. .. 42 OS 11,10/(f! Sce.ei.nn,August 3, 1896 John Smith, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 1, 48 lin ft curbstone at 30c; $14.40; 16 sq yds guttering at 3Oc, $4.80: 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $22.88... .. .. 42.08 John Smith, L. H. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 24, 105 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $31.50, 35 sq yds guttering at 30c, $10.50; 156 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $51.48 .. .. .. . .. .. ...... 93 18 Adopted by the following vote: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Alderman Boyson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving West 8th street from Hill street to west line of Roger's sub. by John Tibey, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and the sa me is hereby levied on the sev- eral tots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, cit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or panel of real estate hereinafter named, sit- sessmen't submitted Aug. 3, 1896. H. Kavanaugh, lot 2 sub 14 of 703 city, 21.3 lin ft curbing at 30c, $6.39: 9.47 sq yds guttering at 30c $2.84; 14 sq yds macada- mizing at 36c, $5.04 H Kavanaugh, lot 3 sub 14 of 703 city, 6.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $1.95; 2.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, $ .87; 11.55 sq yds macada- ing at 36c, $4 16 Marg. Martin, lot 15 sub of 703 City, 56 lin ft curbing at 30c, $16.80; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.00; 94.75 sq y(}s macada- mizing at 36c, $34.11 A. W. Kemier Est., lot 16 sub of 703 city, 53.4 lin ft curbing at 30c, $16.02; 24.88 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.46; 79.55 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $28.64 M McGrath, lot 17 sub of 703 city, 25.6 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.98; 8.86 sq yds guttering at. 30c, $2.66; 35.47 sq yds macad- amazinz at 36c, $12.77 P Kramer, lot 2, sub 18 of 703 city, 26.6 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.98; 8.86 sq yds guttering at 3Oc, $2.66; 35.47 sq yds macad- amizing at 36c, $12.77 James McCool, lot 1 sub 16 of Kelly's stub, 44 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.20; 14.67 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $4.40; 67.84 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $24.42 W S Dennis, lot 2 sub 16 of Kelly's sub, 55 lin ft curbing at 30c, $16.50; 18.33 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $5.50; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $22 A. W. Kemler Est., lot 17 sub 16 of Kelly's sub, 55 lin ft curbing at 30c, $16.50; 18.33 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $5.50; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $22 Thos Kavanaugh Est., lot 4 sub 18, 19 and 20 Kelly's sub, 29.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, $8.94; 6.66 sq yds curbing at 30e, $2.00; 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $12.00. D. W. Linehan. lot 45 Corriell's sub, 140.7 lin ft curbing at 30c, $42.21; 48.33 sq yds guttering at 30c. $14.50; 297.44 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 36c, $107.07163 D W Linehan, lot 21 Roger's sub, 17.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, $5.34; 8.07 sq yds guttering at 30c, $2.42: 39 sq yds macada- mizing at 36c, $14.04 D W Linehan, lot 22 Roger's sub. 19 lin ft curbing at 30c, $5.70: 6.33 sq yds guttering at 30e, $1.90; 34.76 sq yds macad- amizing at 36c, $12.51 .. John C. Cummings Est., lot 23 Roger's sub. 16 lin ft curbing at 30c. $4.80; 5.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $1.60: 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $9.68... 16 John C. Cummings Est, lot 24 Rog er's sub, 24.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.26; 8.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $2.43; 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $9.68.. Leathers & Trewin, lot 25 Rog - 14 27 er's sub, 24.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.26; 8.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $2.43: 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $9.68.. Wm. Guderian Est. lot 26 Rog - 6 98 er's sub, 24.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.26; 8.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $2.43; 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $9.68.. Adolph Schefile, lot 27 Rog - 58 91 er's sub, 24.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.26; 8.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $2.43; 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c. $9.68.. James Lee, lot 28 Rog- er's sub, 24.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $7.26; 8.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 30e, $2.43; 26.90 sq yds macadamizing at 36c, $9.68.. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-A:d. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Bonson, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Chestnut street from Prairie street to Walnut street by Dubuque Construction Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots 42 02 and parcels of real a estateanhere- inafter d tnamed; for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: 44 00 Special assessment submitted Aug. 3, 1896. 44 00 22 94 78 21 80 20 11 52 12 23 41 08 19 37 19 37 19 37 19 37 19 37 1`. 191 Rev/ olt,..Ses8ion, August 3, 1896 P. W. Crawford, A. McDaniels sub, lot 779, 219.2 lin ft curb- stone at 28c, $61.37; 108 sq yds guttering at 28c, 330.24; 294.66 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, 394.29.. . .. .. .....$185 90 Mary B. Wallace, A. McDaniels' sub, lot 780, 211.6 lin ft curb- stone at 28c, $59.25; 109 sq yds guttering at 28c, $30.52; 294.66 sy yds macadamizing at 32c, 394.29. 184 06 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, meyvov. Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Leibnitz street from Abbott street to Harold street by John Pick - ley, contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is • hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Aug. 3, 1896. Emily Staudenmire, Buseman's sub, lot 22, 71.5 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $24.31; 33.55 sq yds gut- tering at 33c, $11.07: $99.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $33.85 ., . .. $ 69 23 Emily Staudenmire, Bus°man's sub, lot 23, 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $17.00; 22.22, sq yds gut tering at 33c, 37.33: 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, Gus Dietrich, Buseman's sub lot 24. 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 117.00; 22.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 33c, $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $26.44 Gus Dietrich, Buseman's sub lot 25. 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $17.00; 22.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 33c, $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $26.44 . 50 77 John Buettell, Buseman's sub. lot 26, 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 317.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c, $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $26.41 . 50 77 Conrad .Heller, Buseman's su'.,, lot 27, 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $17.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c 37.33; 77.78 s yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, $26..14 , , , 50 77 Henrietta Kitzmann, Buseman's sub, lot 28, 60.5 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $20.57; 28.67 sq yds gut tering at 33c, $9.46. 107.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $36.57 .. 66 John Buettel, Buseman's sub, lot 31, 69,5 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 50 77 323.63; 32.67 sq yds guttering at 33, 310.78; 123.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, $41.86 .... 76 27 John Buettell. Buseman's sub lot 32, 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 317.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c; $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c. 326.41 .. . , , 55 77 Fred Berg. Buseman's sub, lot 33. 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $17.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c; $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 34e. $26.44 .. .... 50 77 Fred Seltrecht, Buseman's sub, lot 34, 206 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $70.04; 91.55 sq yds gutter- ing at 33c. $30.21; 320.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $108.95. 209 20 C. H. Meyer, w 20 46a min lot• 206. 146 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $49.64. 75.78 sq yds gutter ing at 33c. $25.01. 275.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $93.57 . 168 22 J. P. Schroeder, et al, Mechanic's add, lot 122. 140 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $47.60. 65.55 sq yds gut tering at 33c, $21.63. 234.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $79.71. 1-13 94 J. P. Schroeder, et al, Mechanic's add, lot 121. 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c, 317.00. 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 33c, 37.33: 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. 26,44 . .. .. .... .. .. .... .... 50 77 C. A. Voelker. Mechanic's add. lot 120. 50 lin ft curbstone at 34c. 317 .00, 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 33c. $7.33; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. M. J. Smith, Mechanic's add. lot 119. 21 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $7.14; 9.33 sq yds guttering at 33c, $3.08, 32.67 sq yds macad- amizing at 34e. $11.11 .. .... 21 33 . B. Sherr et al, lot 1 Buseman's sub. 61 lin ft curbing at 34c, $20.74: 28.90 sq yds guttering at 33c, $9.54: 84 sq yds macada- mizing at 34c, 828.56 $ 58 84 B. Sherr et al, lot 2 Buseman's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c. $13.60: 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c. $5.87: 62.22 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 B. Sherr et al, lot 3 Buseman's . sub. 40 lits ft curbing at 34c. $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c. $5.87; 62.22 sci yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 B. Sherr et al, lot 4 Buseman's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c, $5.87: 62.22 sn yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 B. Sherr et a', lot 5 Buseman's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c, $5.87: 62.22 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 B. Sherr et al, lot 6 Buseman's 50 77 C C. C. C. C. 60 C. Regular .s'c.!mifm, August 3, 1896. 197 sub. 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 C. B. Sherr et al, lot 7 Buseman's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $21.15 40 f,2 C. B. Sherr et al, lot 8 Buseman's sub, 79 lin ft curbing at 34c, $26.86; 36.90 sq yds guttering at 33c. $12.18; 138.67 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $47.1586 19 Henry Mines, lot 9 Buseman's sub, 59,5 lin ft curbing at 34c, $20.23; 28.22 sq yds guttering at 33c, $9.31; 107.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $36.57 Henry Mines, lot 10 Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c. $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c. $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 Henrietta Kitzmann, lot 11 Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60: 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33e, $5.87: 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15. 40 C2 Mrs. August D:etrick lot 12 Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60: 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15. 40 62 F. Bergman, lot 13, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 31c, $21.15. 40 62 F. Bergman, lot 14, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 A. Hertung, :ot 15, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 40 62 A. Herting, lot 16, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60: 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq Yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 A. Hreting, lot 17, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 A. Ketler, lot 18, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15. A. Ketler, lot 19, Buse - man's sub, 40 lin ft curbing 66 11 40.62 40 62 40 02 at 34c, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 A. Ketler, lot 20, Buse - man's sub. 40 lin ft curbing at 34e, $13.60; 17.78 sq yds guttering at 33c, $5.87; 62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $21.15 H. Buseman, lot 21, Buseman's sub, 46 lin ft curbing at 34c. $15.64; 20.44 sq yds guttering at 33c, $6.75; 71.55 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, $24.33 46 72 John Buettell, lot 94 Mechanic's add, 98 lin ft curbing at 34c, $33.32; 43.55 sq yds guttering at 33c, $14.37; 152.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $51.8399 52 H. Buseman, lot 95 Mechanic's add, 50 lin ft curbing at 346, $17.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c, $7.33; 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c, $26.44 50 77 H. Buseman. lot 9G Mechanic's add, 50 lin ft curbing at 34c, $17.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c, $7.33; 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 34c. $26.44 50 77 H Buseman, w 6 ft of lot 97 Mechanic's add, 6 lin ft curb- ing at 34c, $2.04; 2.67 sq yds gutterings at 33c, $ .88; 9.33 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, 3.17. 6 09 John Vitzthum, e 40 ft w 46 ft of lot 97, Mechanic's add, 38 lin ft curbing at 34c, $12.92; 21.33 sq yds guttering at 33c, $7.04; 96.90 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 34c. $32.95 52 91 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Albrecht, Alman, Bauer. Berg, Bonson. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Bonsoa offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Union avenue from West Lo- cust street to Alta Vista street, by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, contract- ors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of read estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set apposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol:ows: Special as- sessment submitted August 3, 1896. J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 56, 173 lin ft curbing at 28c, $48.44; 115.23 sq yds guttering at 28c, $32.29; 274.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $76.91...$157 64 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 55, 68 lin ft curbing at 28e, $19.04; 45.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $12.69; 90.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28e, $25.38.. 57 11 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 54, 46 lin ft curbing at 28c, $12.88. 30.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.59; 61.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.17.. 38 64 40 62 40 62 198 l,ryttlrn' Se.sxeon, .August 3, 1896 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 53. 46 lin ft curbing at 28c, $12.88, 30.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.59; 61.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $17.1738 64 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 52, 46 lin ft curbing at 28c, $12.88. 30.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.59; 61.33 sq yds macadamizing at 2Sc, $17.1738 61 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 51, 79.5 lin ft curbing at 28c, $22.26; 66 sq yds guttering at 28c, $18.48, 132 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $36.9677 70 John Loringett, Wood's add, lot 72. 60 lin ft curbing at 28c. $16.80; 55.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $15.49; 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $30.9863 27 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 73 Wood's add, 60 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 74 Wood's add, 50 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 2Sc, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lo. 75 \Vo.nri'; add, 50 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 76 Wood's add. 50 lin ft curbing a: 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 2Sc, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 77 Woad's add, 50 lin f; curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $18.6743 00 J. A .Rhomberg, lot 78 Wood's add. 50 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c. $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 79 Wood's add, 50 lin ft curbing at 28e $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 2Sc, $18.6742 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 80 Wood's add. 50 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $18.6742 00 Anton Siege, lot 81 Wood's add. 50 lin ft curbing at 28c $14.00; 33.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.33; 66.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28e, $18.6742 00 .T. A. Rhomberg, lot 81a Wood's add, 125.7 lin ft curbing at 28c, $35.20; 94 sq yds guttering at 28c, $26.32; 188 sq yds macad- amizing at 28c, $52,64 114 16 J. H .Bradley, lot 2 sub 744 city 136.6 lin ft curbing at 28e, $38.25; 98.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $27.63; 197.33 sq yds macadamizing at 2Sc, $55.25121 13 John Buettell, lot 1 sub 8 E1'en Blake's sub 347.5 lin ft curbing at 28c, $97.30; 231.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $64.87; 463.33 sq yds macadamizinz at 28c, $129.7; 291. 90 1'. Hughes, lot 2 sub 2 of 8 Ellen Blake's sub, 33.5 lin ft curb- ing at 28c, $9.38; 15.67 sq yds gutt€Iing a. 28c. $4.39; 41.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c $11.57 25 34 Catharine Rhomberg. Union ave add. lot 12, 76.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $21.42; 35.77 sq yds gut tering at 28:, $10.01; 152.77 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $42.78 .... .... .. .. .. .. 74 21 Catharine Rhomberg. t'nicn ave add, lot 13, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $6.22; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $21.78 .. .... .. .... 42 00 Catharine Rhomberg. Un'o ! ave add, lot 14, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 22 22 sq yds gut tering at 28c. $6.22; 77.78 sq yds macada.niiz:ng at 2a , $21.78 . .. .. .... .......... . 42 00 Catharine Rhomberg, Union ave add. lot 15, 60 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $16.80; 26.67 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $7.47; 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 2Sc $26.13. 50 40 i atharine Rhombez g, Union ave add. lot 16, 56 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $15.68; 24.89 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $6.97; 87.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c $24.39.. .. .. .. ...... 47 04 Catharine Rhomberg. Union ave add, lot 17, 46 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $12.88; 20.44 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $5.72; 71.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $20.03 .. .. .... .. .. 38 63 Catharine Rhomberg. Union ave add. lot 18, 46 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $12.88; 20.44 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $5.72; 71.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28e, $20.03.. .. 38 63 Catharine Rhomberg. Union ave add, lot 19, 46 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $12.88; 20.44 sq yds gut- tering at 28c. $5.72; 71.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $20.03.. .. .. 38 63 Catharine Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 20, 62 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $17.36; 38.91 sq yds gut- tering at 28e, $10.89, 136.12 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $38 11.. .. .. .. .. .. 66 36 Joseph Siege. Woods' add, lot 89, 103.4 lin ft curbstone at 28e, $28.95; 52.44 sq yds guttering at 28c, $14.68; 183.55 sq Yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $51.39 .. 95 02 Joseph Siege, Woods' add, lot 88, 44 lin ft curbstone at 28c, het/lt,//' .\c. .v,n/l, $12 32; 19.55 sq yds guttering at 28c, $5.47; 68.44 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $19.16 36 95 Joseph Siege, Woods' add, lot 87, 48 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $13.44; 21.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $5.97; 74.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c. $20.91 40 32 Joseph Siege, Woods' add, lot 86, 52 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $14.56; 23.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.47; 80.90 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $22.65. 43 68 Joseph Siege, Woods' add, lot 85. 56 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $15.68; 24.90 sq yds guttering at 28c; $6.97; 87.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $24.39. . 47 04 Joseph Siege, Wools' add, lot 84 .64 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $17.92; 28.44 sq yds guttering at 28c, $7.96; 99.55 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c. $27.87 51 75 Joseph Siege. Wools' add, lot 83. 74 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $20.72. 32.90 sq yds guttering at 28c. $9.21, 115.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c. $32.23 .. Anton Siege. Woods' add, lot 82, 76 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 21.28; 33.78 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.46; 118.22 sq yds macadam- izing at 28c. 833.10 Jeff McGrath Est. sub min lot 93h. lot 1. 239 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $66.92: 106.22 sq yds guttering at 2$c, $29.74: 388.90 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $108.89 .. . .. 205 55 Jeff McGrath Est, sub min lot 93b, lot 2. 64 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $17.92; 28.44 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $7.96; 121.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, 433.97 .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 85 Jeff McGrath Est, sub min lot 93a, lot 1. 268 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $75.04; 120 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $33.60; 435.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $121.95 230 59 Adopted by the following vote. Ayes -Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, MrI v; v and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Sheridan street from Grove - land Place to Lawther avenue by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, comracr- ors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, an,l parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the seve- ral amounts set opposite each lot or par cel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Aug 3. 1896. Lawther & Rider, Burden -Law - 62 16 6384 . I ,1!vott 3. 1M96. 199 ther add, lot 46, 121.6 lin ft curbstone 30c, $36.48; 55.55 sq yds guttering at 30c, $16.69; 161.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $48.43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 101 58 G. Burden Est., Burden-Lawther add, lot 29. 120 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $36.00; 53.33 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $16.00; 157.77 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $47.33 ... .. .. ...... 99 33 G. Burden Est.. Burden-Lawiher add, lot 2S. 80.5 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $24.15: 35.55 sq yd guttering at 30c, $10.67; 97.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $29.33.. .. .. .. .. .. 64 15 lot 105, 86.7 lin ft curbstone tt 30c, $26.01: 40 sq yds guttering at 30. $12: 97.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c. $29.33 .. 67 34 Dubuque Building and Loan asso dation. Burden-Lawther add. n 40 ft lot 102. 40 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $12.00; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 30e. $5.33; 48.90 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $14.67... .. 32 00 Math Bohr. Burden-Lawther add, m 40 ft lot 102, 40 lin ft curb- stone at 30c. $12; 17.78 sq yd gut tering at 30c, $5.33: 48.90 sq yds macadamizing at :30c, $14.67... 32 00 Louisa Busch. Burden -Lowther add. s 915 ft lot 102. 107.3 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $32.19; 49 sq yds guttering at 30c. $14.70; 259.90 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $77.97. .. .. .. .... 124 86 Coyle & Ellis. Burden-Lawther add, add, lot 101, 20 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c. $6.00 .. 6 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Albrecht, Altman Berg, Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ronson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Strauss avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue, by Steuek, O'Farrel & Linehan, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. parts of :o'ts, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special as- sessment submitted Aug. 3. 1896. 0. Burden Est.. Burden & Law- ther's add. lot 5. 129.6 lin ft onrbing at 30c, $38.88: 61.33 sq v,tc psutte.ring at 30c, $18.40: 178.67 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $58.96. $116 24 G. Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 6. 130.6 lin ft curbing at 30c, $39.18; 61.33 sq yrls guttering at 30c, $18.40, 178.67 sq yds macadamizing at 200 R ,iril,tr Se88ion, August 3, .1896. 33c, $58.96. 116 54 G. Burden Est.. Burden & Law= ther's add. lot 61, 126.9 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.07: 57.77 sq yds guttering at 30c. $17.33; 186 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $61.38. 116 78 G. Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 66, 126.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, $38.70; 57.77 sq yds guttering at 30c. $17.33: 186 so yds macadamizing at 33c. $61.38. 116 7o G. Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add, Io: 60. 129 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.70; 57.77 sy yds guttering at 30c. $17.33: 186 sq yds macadamizing at at 33c. $61.38 117 41 F.&W.Woodrich, Barden & Law- ther's add, 1o'_ 67. 129.3 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.79: 57.77 sq yds guttering at 30c. $17.33; 186 sq yds macadamizing at 33e, $61.38 117 50 M. W. Van Nest, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 51. 128.8 lin ft curbing at 30c. $38.64: 57.77 yds guttering at 30e. $17.33; 203.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c. $67.06 123 03 Jno. Messink, Burden & Law- ther's a.dd., lot 72. 128.7 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.61; 60 sq yd.s guttering at 30c. $18.00: 192 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $63,36 119 97 G. Eiohhorn, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 78, 106.6 lin ft curbing at 30c, $31.98; 51.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, $15.33; 169.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $55.84 103 15 G. Eichharn, Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 77, 111.5 lin ft •cu:rbing at 30c, $33.45: 53.33 sq yds guttering at 30e. $16.00; 169.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $55.88 . 105 33 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Noes—None. Ald. Bonson offered the fol:owing: Resolved by the City Counoil of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Hedley Court from Strauss avenue to Lawther avenue by Steuek, O'Farrel & Linehan contractors In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lobs, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- enal amounts set opposite eaob lot or parcel of real eabate, as follows: Special assment submitted August 3, 1596: M. W. Van Nest, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 51, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33 . $ 40 00 M. W. Van Nett, Burden & Ija.wther's add, lot 52. 50 lin f:. curbstone a:t 30e, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamising at 30c. $18.33 . $ 90 00 M. W. Van Nest, Burden & Lawther's add, lost 53. 50 li:n ft curbstone at 30c, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds m!acadamdzdn•g et 30c. $18.33. $ 40 00 E. Fatzenstein, i3urden & Lawther's add. :ot 54. 50 ldn ft curbstone at 30c, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering a: 30e. $6.67: 61.11 sq yds maoad_am'.ain•g at 30c. $18.33. . $ 40 00 E. Iiatzensteln. Burden & Lawther's add, got 55„ 51 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.30; 24.44 sq •vda guU:ering at 30c, $7.33: 67.22 sq yds macadamriz- ing alt 30c, $20.17 . . . 42 80 Lawther & Rider, Burden & Lawther's ad, last 47, 50.5 lin ft curbi-Atone at 30t. $15.15; 24.44 sq yds guttering at 30c. $7.33; 67.22 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. $20.17. . 42 66 Jos Baumgartner, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 48. 50 lin ft curbstone at 302, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67: 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33. $ Chas. Radloff, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 49, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67: 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $1.8.33. $ R. Bernhart, Burden & Lawbher'a add, lot 50, 114.4 lin Pt curbstone at 30c, $34.32: 51.55 sq yds guttering at 30c. $15.46; 168.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 30e, $50.63. 100 41 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Boson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, MoEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bannon offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Clinton avenue from Windsor avenue to Queen street, by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan( contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, parts of lots and partes of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Aug. 3, 1896. Nicholas Mettels, Mettels' sub, lot 6, 132.7 lin ft curbing at 30c, $39.81; 59.50 sq yds guttering at 30c, $17.85, 175 sq yds ma- oadamizing at 30c, $52,50 8110 16 Nicholas Mettels, Mettels' sub, lot 24, 131.8 lin ft curbing at 40 00 9000 t< N August 3,1896. 30c, $39.1,4; C9 50 sq yds gut c.- ing at 30c, $17.85; 175 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $52.50... 109 89 Nicholas Met•tels, Mettels' sub, lat 25, 111.3 lin f: curbing at 30c, $33.39; 49.80 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $14.94; 148 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $44.40. 92 73 L. G. Hurd. sub of 5 sub of 11, 12 and 13, sub n e 1-4 sec 13 t 89, n 2 e, lot 5, 109.4 lin ft curb- ing at 30c. $32.82: 49.80 sq yds guttering at 30c, $14.94; 148 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $44.40 . . . . 42 16; Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aid. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson. Cullen. Dennert. Lagen, Mc1vov and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Southern avenue from Rowan St. to west line of lot 10 Southern ave add by Theo. Altman. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same a spe- cial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and oned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assesment submitted Aug 3, 1896. John Kane. Southern ave add, lot 1. 34.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $10.35; 21.33 sq yds gutter ing at 34c. $7.25; 49.78 sq vds macadamizing at 34c, $16.92.$ 34 52 John Kane, Southern ave add. lot 2. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15.15; 33.66 sq yds gutter- ing at 34c, $11.44: 78.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $26.70.. 53 29 John Kane, Southern ave add. lot 3, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, *15.15; 36.40 sq yds gutter- ing at 34c: $12.37: 78.55 sq yds macadmizing at 34c. $26.70 . 54 22 Mike Doyle. Southern ave add, lot 4. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15.15; 33.66 sq vds gutter- ing at 34c. $11.44; 78.55 sq ydi macadamizing at 34c. $26.70.... 53 29 John Yall. Southern ave add lot 5, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 20e. $15.15: 43.66 sq yds gutter- ing at 34c. $11.44: 78.55 sy yds macadamizing at 34c, $?6.70.... 53 29 John Yall• Southern ave add, lot 6. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.15; 33.66 sq yds gutter- ing at 34c. $11.44: 78.55 sy yds macadamizing at 34c. $26.70.... Jas Purcell. Southern ave add. lot 7. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $15.15; 33.66 sq yds gutter- ing at 34e; $11.44: 78.55 sq Yds macadamizing at 31c $21.70.... 53 29 A. Levi Est, Southern ave add. and 1/2 lot 8. 27.7 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $8.31; 19.33 sq Yds 53 29 ":01 guttering at 34c, $6.57; 48.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $16.39.. .. .. .. .. ....... 31 27 D. B. Henderson, Southern ave add, and % lot 8. 13.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $4.17; 9.67 sq yds guttering at 34c, $3.29. 24.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $8.20 15 66 John Sullivan Est. Southern ave add and 14 lot 8, 13.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $4.17; 9.67 sq yds guttering at 34c, •$3.29. 24.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $8.20. 15 66 Mrs. M. Campbell, Southern ave add, lot 9. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.15; 33.36 sq yds gut tering at 34c, $11.44; 78.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $26.70.. . Mrs. M. Campbell, Southern ave add, lot 10, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15.15; 33.36 sq yds gut tering at 34c. $11.44; 78.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c. $26.70.. .. .. .. .... .. 53 29 Louis Norris Rowan's add, lot 1, 6.67 sq yds guttering at 34c. $2.27; $21.11 sq yds macadamiz ing at 34c, $7.18.. .. .. ..... 9 45 John Yall, Southern ave add. lot 15, 214.9 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $6.4.47; 157.22 sq yds guttering at 34c. , $53.45; 337.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $114.62232 54 Theo Altman. min lot 35, 2577 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $77.31; 170.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $58.03; 390.44 sq yds macadam • izing at 34c, 132.75.. .. 268 o9 Frank O'Connor, sub of min lot 21, lot 6. 49.1 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $14.73; 37.33 sq yds gut tering at 34c, $12.69; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 347, 26.44. 53 86 Ross McMahon. sub of min lot 1, 18.7 lin ft curbstone at 34c. $5.61; 12.47 sq yds guttering at 34c, $4.24; 29.10 sq yds macad amizing at 34e, $9.89 .. 19 74 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, eDnnert. Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Rei-.a1ved by the Clilty Oouneil of the Cifty of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvement of Woodworth avenue from Seminary street to Leibnitz street by E. C. Blake. contractor, in front of and ,adjoining 1lhe same, a special tak he and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lobs. and parcels of real essbat•e hereinafter named, situate and owned. and far the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment siibmitted August 3, 1896: 53 29 1 202 Regular Sermon, August 3, 1896. Thleo. Messrin.g, Buseman & Eberl's sub, lot 3, 124 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $37.20; 55.55 sq yds guttering at. 30c. $16.66: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $37.88 . Theo. Messing, Buseman & Eberl's sub, lot 4, 42 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $12.60; 18.67 sq yds guttering at 30e. $5.60; 37.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 34c, $12.69 Theo. Messing, Buseman & Eberl's sub, lot 5, 42 lin ft curbstone •at 30c, $12.60; 18.67 sq yds guatering at 30c, $5.60; 37.33 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $12.69 Anton Eberl, Buseman's sub, lot 6, 48.1 1.in ft curbstone at 30c. $14.43: 23.11 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.93; 55.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 34c, $18.74 ... C. B. Schorr, et al, Buseman's sub, lot 8, 147.6 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $44.28; 66.67 sq Yds guttering at 30c, $20; 142.- 22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $48.35. 112 63 Jones Scherer, Littleton & Saw- yer's add, s 125 ft, lot 19, 122.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $36.75: 55.55 sq yds guttering at 30c, $16.66; 111.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 34c, $37.78. 91 19 Wendelin Leppert, Littleton' & Sarwyer's add, n 126 ft, lat 19. 134.5 lin ft curbsltone at 30c. $40.35: 00.44 sq yds guttering at 30c, $18.13; 129.78 sq yds macadamizing at 34c, $44.12.. 102 60 Henry Mines, Buseman's sub. lot 9, 147.3 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $44.19; 66.67 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $20; 142.22 sq yds macadartninzing alt 34c, 848.35. 112 54 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Adds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonron, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the fo:low- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing an 8 -inch tile ,pipe sewer in Cornell street from West 14th street to May Place, by Dubuque Construction Co., contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, parts of lots and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each :ot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Aug. 3, 1896. D. J. Linehan, Yates & Pick- ett's sub, lot 1 and 2, 10,000 sq ft at 4 mills, $ 40 00 John Harper, Yates & Pickett's sub, s 1-2 of lots 10 and 11, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills 20 00 Hannah Gelling, n 7-2 of lots 10 91 64 30 89 30 89 40 10 and 1 lYates & Pickett's stab, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills 20 00 John Kessler. s 1-2 of :ots 1 and 2. Morgan's sub, 10,970 sq ft at 4 mills 43 88 Sophia Zimmermann, n 1-2 of lot 1 and 2. Morgan's sub, 10970 sq ft at 4 mills . 43 88 H. W. Scott, lot 6 Morgan's sub 2.200 sq ft at 4 mills 8 89 .1. J. Murry, lot 3 sub pt 684 city 1,230 sq ft at 4 mills 4 92 Mike Hardie, lot 4 sub pt 684 city, 580 sq ft at 4 mil:s 2 32 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ronson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing an 8 inch pipe sewer in West 5th street from Bluff street to Sum - Mitt Jtreelt, by 0. G. Kringle, contrac- tor, inn front of and adjoining the same, aspecial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels ,of real estate. hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts .sect opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follws: Special assessment submitted August 3, 1896: D. D. Myers, 'sub out lot 690, city lot 1, 1.120 sq ft sewer at 4 mills .$ 4 48 Con Collins, Corriell's sub, lot 14. 4,180 sq ft sewer at 4 mills 16 72 Con Collins. Corriell's sub, lot 13. 5,000 sq fit sewer at 4 m.... 20 00 Con lOollins, Carriell's sub, lot 12. 5,000 sq fit sewer at 4 m... 20 00 M C. Munsell. Corriell's sub, lot 11, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m ... 2) 00 M. C. Munsell, Corriell's sv*b, lot 10, F.000 sq ft sewer at 4 m .. 24) 00 J. A. }Bamberg, Carriell's sub, dlot 9, 5,000 Esq 'ft sewer at 4 m . 20 00 J. A. Rhamberg, Corriell's sub lot 8, 5,000 sq ft, sewer at 4 m. 20 00 Jacob Michel, Corriell's sub, lot 7. 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m . . 6, 5,000 eq ft sewer at 4 m .... 20 00 Cha:, Mehl, Corriell's sub, lot 5. 5,000 sq ft sewer alt 4 m Chas. Stewart, Corriell's sub, lot 4, 5,000 sq fit sewer at 4 m 20 00 Tim i illon, Corriell's sub, lot 3, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 John McCabe, Carrion's sub, ',at 2, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m . . John McCabe, Corriell's sub, lot 1, 5,000 sq ft sewer at 4 m . . W. S. Dennis, sub of 3 of 720, city, lot 1, 6,500 sq ft sewer at 4 m .. 26 00 Waltters & Dennis, sub of 720, city, lot 4, 7,000 sq ft sewer at 4m..,28 00 P. P. Doherty, sub of 2 of 720, city, lot 5, 4,400 sq ft sewer at 4 m 20 00 2.0 00 20 00 20 00 17 60 /►',v/rtl,rr ,c4eNsi„n, August 3, 1896. Marg. Farrell, sub of 2 of 720. city, lot 4, 4,400 sq ft sewer at 4 m . 17 60 Peter Grist, snub of 2 of 720. city, lot 3, 4,400 sq ft sewer at 4m . . . . . . 1760 G. Cronmiller, sub of 2 of 720, city. lot 2. 4,400 sq ft sewer at 4 m . . 17 60 G. Cronmllier. sub of 2 of 720. city, e 1-4 lot 1, 1,100 sq ft sewer at 4 m . 4 40 E. G. Shankford, sub of 2 of 720. city, w 3-4 lot 1, 3,300 sq ft sewer at 4 m . 13 20 J. D. Sullivan Est, city, lot 614, 9,900 sq ft sewer at 4 m 39 60 A, A. Cooper, city, lot 615, 5,590 sq ft sewer at 4 Da 22 36 A. A. Cooper, city, lot 616, 1,660 sq ft server at 4 m 6 64 A. A. Cooper, city, lot 616a, 2,730 sq ft sewer as 4 m 10 92 A. A. Cooper, city, s 8 ft, Tot 617. 720 sq ft sewer at 4 m 2 88 D. D. Myers, city; n 64 ft. lot 617. 5,500 sq ft sewer at 4 m 22 00 A. A. Cooper lot 691, out lot city e 222 feet, 30,000 sq ft at 4 mills. $120 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 1 sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 2 sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 3. sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq fit. at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 4, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq Pt at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 5. sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 6, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq ftat4mills 1000 A. A. Cooper, lot 7. sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq ff. at 4 mills 10 00 A. A. Cooper, lot. 8, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721 city, 2,500 sq fit at 4 mills A. A. Cooper, lot 9, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city. 1.800 sq ft at 4 mills A. A. Cooper. lot 10, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city. 3,700 sq ft at 4 mills A. A. Cooper, lot 11, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,650 an ft at 4 mills A. A. Cooper, lot 12. sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,100 sq ft at 4 mills A. A. Cooper, lot 13, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city 2,650 sq ft at 4 milts A. A. Cooper, lot 14, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils A. A. Cooper, lot 15, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 10 00 7 20 14 80 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils 9 80 A. A. Cooper, lot 16, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils 9 SO A. A. Cooper. lot 17, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city. 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils • 9 SO A. A. Cooper, :at 1S, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils 9 80 A. A. Cooper, lot 19, sub of 700 and part 691 and 721 city, 2,450 sq f: at 4 milils 9 80 A. A. Cooper, lot 20, sub of 700 and par: 691 and 721 city. 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils 9 80 A. A. Cooper. lot 21, sub of 700 and par` 691 and 721 city. 2,450 sq ft at 4 milils 9 80 John Wa'r-rs Est., lot 2 Mattox such. 14.300 sq ft at 4 mills 57 20 Adapted by the following vote: Ayes -old. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen. Denner,. Lagen, McFvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for con strutting a 12 inch tile pipe sewer in 27th street from alley west of Jackson street to alley east of same, B. Dona- hue contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing the same a special tax be ani is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Aug 3, 1896. Dubuque Malting Co., sub 8 of m lot 322. lot 3, 20,000 sq ft at .004 .. ...80 00 Glab Bros. Davis' Farm add, lot 836, 10,800 sq ft at .004 .. .... 43 20 Nic Glab, Davis' Farm add. lot 307, 6,000 sq ft at .004 24 00 N. W. Kimball, Davis' Farm add, lot 337, 4.800 sq ft at .00419 20 Glab Bros, Davis' Farm add, s 40 ft, lot 335. 7,200 sq ft at . .004 ...... .. .. .. .... 28 80 Mathias Riedi, Glendale add, lot 1, 5.000 sq ft at .004 20 00" Mathias Riedi, Glendale add, lot 2, 5,000 sq ft at .004.. ..20 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, 10 60 Berg, Bonson. Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and 'Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: 8 40 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'rhat to pay for cuu- structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in 10 00 Avon street, by M. Connolly, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on 9 80 the several Lots, parts of lots and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned and for the several ANL 204 A'evxinr+, .1 rry/u.'t 3. 1896. amounts set opposite each :ot or pare of real estate„ as follows: Special as sessment. submitted Aug. 3, 1896. James Wallis, lot 1. M. A. Me - Daniels' sub. 4,700 sq ft at 4 mills Sarah Winall, lot 2 M. A. Me - Daniels' sub, 4700 sq ft at 4 mils S. S. Winall, lot 3, M. A. Mc - Daniels' sub. 4.700 sq ft at 4 mi:ls A. B. Carlin, lot 4. M. A. Mc - Daniels' sub, 4,700 sq ft at 4 mils A. B. Car:in, lot 5. M. A. Mc - Daniels' sub, 4.700 sq ft at 4 mils 18 80 James 't'alli:, lot 6 M 4 Me - Daniels' sub, 4,400 sq ft at 4 mills 17 GO T .J. Levan, lot 7 M \ Mc - Daniels' sub, 4.400 sq ft at 4 mills 17 60 S. S. Winall, lot 8. M. A. Me - Daniels' sub, 4,400 sq ft at 4 mills 17 GO Prank Hi'e•hins, lot 9, M. A. Mc - Daniels' sub, 4,400 sq f: ht 4 mills 17 GO J. C. Joohnsto-i, lot 10, M. A. Mc - Daniels' sub. 4.400 sq ft at 4 mill: 17 GO Ado el by the. following vote: Ayes ---Aid. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, • Berg, Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lager, nyrler. Ald. McEvoy moved that the matter of Dodge street sewer be left to the sewer committee with power. Car- ried. Ald. Dennert moved that the matter of C. M. & St. P. park be referred to the mayor with power. AId. Albrecht mower.' that the ci:y of- fices be closed on Wednesday afternoon on account of the races, Carried, Ald. Dennert moved that the protea' of J. A. Rhomberg against the improve ment of 5th avenue be received and fil- ed. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton reported on ; Ws as follows: Improving alley north of Eagle Point a'venue. E. E. Frith,....., $125 50 Peter Borsch.. .. •123 30 Geo. Taylor.. . . ... 147 00 Steuck & O'Farrell .. •120 80 Steuck & O'Farrell being the lowest bidders. were on motion awarded the contract. Sanitary sewer in Rose street and al- ley west of Center Place, John McCaffrey ..... ... $264 50 Kerwin O'Brien.. .... 238 00 R. T. Eddy.. ..•• 256 00 Geo. Taylor.. .. . 00 Geo. Taylor being the lowest Nailer, r, was on motion awarded the contract. Sanitary sewer in alley between W. 14th and Arlington streets, and Dell and Prairie streets. el 1s '0 18 80 18 80 18 80 R. T. Eddy .. .. .. .... .. .... $812 50 Geo. Taylor ..... ... ... ....... 317 50 Blake & Blake.. .. 487.50 Geo. Taylor being the lowest bidder, was on motion awarded the contract. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Carried. :Vtext : 1 Apprf,red ..11111/,,r. 31Wcial session August 20. 1896. (Official.) Coucil met at 2:45 P. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen, Lagen. McEvoy Ryder. PETITIONS. Petition of John F. Stemm in relation to redemption of lot 3 of min lot 53 granted and the city treasurer ordered to redeem said lot. Petition of Hawkeye Cycle Exhibi- tion Co. in relation to the ordinance of the use of lamp and bells on bicycles be revoked for the 3 days of races, viz: the 55th, 6th and 7th day of September was granted. The petition of A. Nicks et al was granted for sanitary sewer on Broad- way. The petition of John Ernsdorf, Sons &, Co., was granted, and the city en- gineer instructed to give grade for curbing on Jones and Main streets. The petition of W. G. Cox et al ask- ing for a stone crossing on 4th street at the foot of 4th street elevator, was granted. The petition of Wm. Gregory wall granted, asking the abatement of the nuisance at the corner of Grace and Hall streets, and the lots ordered filled Altman, Dennert, The petition of Arnold Kemps et al, SJ)ev i,il A488ion, ,August 20, 1896. 2115 protesting against the award allowed by the Jury on the extension of Elm street was read. Ald Cullen moved to suspend the rules and J. J. McCarthy addressed the coup cil, whereupon Ald. Bauer moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the awards be reconsidered. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the street committee. Petition of M. F. Po •t protesting agains` the construction of sidewalk on Coates ave. The petition of Maria L. Bennet pro testing against laying new sidewalk in front of her property. Petition of August Hantelmann e: al protesting against laving new sidewalk on south side Grace street. • The petition of C. A. Noyes was re- ferred to the committee on sewers, ask ing permission to extend sewer on Chestnut street. The petition ofMary Silzer asking reduction of taxes, was referred to the committee on taxes. Petition of L. G. Hurd et al, asking for a.fire plug near the intersection of Grove and Pearl street, was referred to the committee on fire. The report of Eugene Anderson in re gard to the establishment of center line on Fremont street. was received and filed. Ald. Bonson. chairman of the strut committee. reported in favor of paying all teamsters who have hauled 25 yards or more of filling to 14th street and 4th street as shown in statement. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of finance corn mittee, reported in favor of having warrants drawn for the several amounts of loans for the month of Au- gust, 1896, as shown by statement of Treasurer Gniffke. Report adopted. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. We, the undersigned commissioners, duly appointed and qualified to assess the damages, caused by the change of grade on Jones street and West Main street. respectfully report as follows: Anna M. Bush E 102.10 ft lot 540 city, and E 109.10 ft lot 541. city.. .. .. .. .. .$111 90 Respectfully submitted. JOHN RYDER. JOHN SUTTON, JAMES E. McLAIN. Report confirmed and warrants order ed drawn in favor of Anna M. Brush for amount named, also that warrants be drawn in favor of the commission era for two dollars each and that the contractors be notified to proceed with the work. 0 Communication from Mrs. M. in relation to special assessment14711- r the improvement of Grandview ave also city taxes 1895, was read. ,k1d. Ryder moved that city taxes remain a lien on her property as long as she lives, which was adopted. Communication from the Trades and Labor Congres extending an invitation to the mayor, city council and police and fire department to participate in the annual Labor Day parade. invita- tion accepted and matter referred to the mayor with power. Whereupon the mayor appointed the following com- mittee of arrangements: Alas. Ryder, Dennert and Albrecht. Ald. Lagen moved that the council proceed to appoint a recorder. Ald. Bonson moved as an amend- ment that action on same be postponed until next regular meeting. Pending discussion on the matter, Ald. Cullen moved to proceed to a vote as to whether the council wanted to appoint a recorder. Pending the vote, Ald. Ryder moved that action on same be postponed un- til next meeting and the city attorney instructed to give his written legal opinion in regard to the matter. Carried . Ald. Altman. ena'.rman of the sewer committe, reported that Mr. Taylor had failed to enter into contract for con- struction of sewer in alley west of Cen ter Place. also in alley between W. 14th street and Arlington street, and offered the following resolutions in regard to same, awarding the contract to the next lowest bidders, which was adopt- ed. Resolved, That the contract for con strutting a sanitary sewer on•Rose St., and alley west of Center Place. be awarded to Kerin O'Brien. Resolved. That the contract for con- structine sewer in alley between Arling ton and W. 14th street from Dell to Prairie street be awarded to Blake & Blake. The following bills were allowed: Sam Smith. impounding dogs. $81.50. The Herald, advertising, $67.50. A. Anderson, surveying Fremont ave. $15.00. The bill of John Drehouse of $43.35 for cleaning chimneys was received and filed. Plans and specifications for construct ing sewer in Caladonia Place were ap- proved. RESOLUTIONS. Aid Bonson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city council ac- cept :he proposition of Mr. Griggs for donating to the city of Dubuque a fif- teen foot alley connecting Bennett street and Grace street and the street 44- committe be empowered to negotiate with Mr. Griggs as to the location of said alley, and when all legal transfers are made to improve same as in their I opinion it should be done. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was referred to the street coin August 20, 1896 mittee: Resolved, That the matter of improve went of 5th ave be left to the street committee and that they report next regular session on same. Ald. Ronson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the Cit* Council of the City of Dubuque: That 12th street, between Main and Locust street, be graded, curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder, Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Hall street, between Grace and Delhi street, be graded, guttered, curb- ed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement. and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to bid in the to- tal Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid across Cornell street on north side Of 14th street. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid on the east side of Iowa, street across 13th street. Ald. Dennert offered the following resole t ion : Be it resolved. That the pity engi- neer is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in Broadway and Diagonal street from Couler avenue to BlocklInger Lane. Lost by the fa:lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert and McEvoy, Noes—Alds. Altman. Lagen and Ry- der. Ald. Cullen moved that lase resolu- tion passed by the council in relation to vacation of part of St. Mary's street be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Cullen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a strip of land on the west side of St. Mary's street be vacated as fol- lows: Commencing with five feet in width on the north end of said street, thence running south in a straight line along west side of said street to a point produced by running north line of Em- mett west to established line of St. Mary's street. Ald. Lagen offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a stone crossing be laid across East Fourth street from sidewalk to sidewalk, leading to the entrance of the Fourth Street Elevator. Ald. Ryder moved that matter of sanitary sewer on Broadway be refers- , ed to the sewer committee. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Ryder. Noes—Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagers and McEvoy. Ald. McEvoy offered the following, which was adopted, and mayor directed to notify the water company to proceed with the work at once: Resolved, By the City Council of the Cit' of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Company be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains along Fremont ave- nue from Grandview avenue to the Lutherian College, and that water plugs he located and put in under the super- vision of the fire committee and chief, the City of Dubuque guaranteeing a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of seven per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. Ald. Dennert moved that the Modern Woodmen be allowed to use the 3rd floor of the City Hall for drilling pur- poses, they to pay for the gas. Car- ried. Ald. Bonson moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Af• s : .11I# r trrd liPPnr l r . 31 rigor /l fjic;ictl. Notices. 207 NOTICE. Public notice Is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque held on August 3rd, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delin- quent and subject to collection by dis- tress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE. City Treasurer. For improving Main street from Seminary street to the south line of lot 33 L. H. Langworthy's sub. E. L. Clark, L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 22 $ 22 44 E. L. Clark, L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 23. 43 78 E. L. Clark, L. H. Langworthy's sub, n 46 ft lot 25 40 32 E. L. Hancock, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub. s 2 ft lot 25 1 E. L. Hancock, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub. n 46 ft lot 26 40 H. G. Edgerton, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, s 2 ft lot 26 1 H. G. Edgerton, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, lot 27 42 John Cameron. L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, lot 28 42 Jahn Cameron, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub lot 29 42 John Cameron, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, lot 30 John Cameron, L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, lot 31. R. A. Bale, sub 673 city, lot 1 J. V. Rider, sub 674 city lot 5 J. V. Rider. L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 32 .1. V. Rider. L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 33. J. V. Rider. L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 34 G. B. Clark. L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 35. Fred Luthmers. L. H. Langwor- thy's sub, lot 36 John Smith, L. H. Langworthy's sub, lot 1 John Smith, L. H. Langworthy's Fitb• lot 24 For improving West 8th street to West line of Roger's sub from Hill street: H. Kavanaugh, sub 14 of 703 city lot 2 $ 14 27 H. Kavanaugh, su:b 14 of 703 city lot 3. .. 6 98 Marg. Martin, sub of 703 city, lot 15. A. W. Kemler Est, sub of 703 city, lot 16. 52 M. McGrath, sub of 703 city, lot 17 . . . . . . . . 23 P. Kramer, sub 18 of 703 city, lot 2 .Tames ;McCool, sub 16 of Kelly's sub, lot 1 W. S. Dennis; sub 16 of Kelly's sub, lot 2 76 32 76 08 08 08 42 08 32 18 26 42 27 62 32 18 42 08 41 93 42 08 42 08 42 08 A .W. Kemler Est, sub 16 of Kelly's sub, la 17. 44 00 Thos. Kavanaugh Est., sub 18, 19 and 20, Kelly's sub, lot 422 94 D. W. Linehan, Corrtell's sub, lot 45 163 78 D. W. Linehan, Roger's sub, lot 21 21 80 D. W. Linehan. Roger's sub, lot 22 20 11 John C. Cummings Est, Roger's sub,.lot 22 16 08 .ichn C. Cummings Eat, Roger's sub, lot 24 19 37 Leathers & Trewin, Roger's sub lot 25 19 37 Wm Guderian Est, Roger's sub lot 26 . 19 37 Adolph Schefiie. Roger's sub, lot 27 19 37 James Lee. Roger's sub, lot 2819 37 For improving Leibnitz street from Abbott s`reet to Harold street. Emily Standenmier, Buseman's sub. lot 22 $ 69 23 Emily Standenmier, Buseman's sub, lot 23 50 77 Gus Dietrich, Buseman's sub, lot 24 . . . . . . . . . . 50 77 Gus Dietrich, Buseman's sub, lot 25. 50 77 John Buettell. Buseman's sub lot 26 . 50 77 Conrad Muell r, Buseman's sub, lot 27 . 50 77 Henrietta Kitzmann, Buseman's sub, lot 28 . 66 60 John Buecte:i, Buseman's sub lot 31. 76 27 John Buette'l, Buseman's sub lot 32 . . . . . . . . 50 77 Fred Berg, Buseman's sub, lot 33 50 77 Fred Seltrecht. Buseman's sub, lot 34 209 30 C. H. Meyer. w 20.46 A. min lot lot 206 16S 22 J. P. Schroeder, et al, Mechanic's add, lot 122. J. P. Schroeder, et al, Mechanic's add, lot 121. C. A. Voelker, Mechanic's add, lot 120 M. J. Smith. Mechanic's add, lot 119 93 48 C. 11. Scherr et al, Buseman's sub lot 1 C. 13. Sche: r et a:, Buseman's sub lot 2. C. E. Scharr et al, Buseman's sub lot 3 Scharr et al, Buseman's sub :ot4.. ..... C. B. Scherr et al, I3useman's sub 58 91 __ lo't 5 C. B. Scherr a` ai, Euseman's sub 23 42 44 12 41 41 02 00 lot 6 ('. P.. Scherr e. al, Euseman's sub lot 7 C. B. Scherr et al, Buseman's sub • dot 8 Henry "clines, Buseman's sub, lot 9. Henry Mines, Buseman's sub, lot 10. . . 148 94 50 77 50 77 21 33 58 40 40 84 62 62 40 62 40 62- 40 62. 40 62 86 13 66 11 40 6'22 208 Henrietta Kitzmann, Baseman's sub, lot 11 Mrs. Aug. Dietrich, Baseman's sub, lot 12. F. Bergman, Baseman's sub, lot 13.... F. Bergman, Baseman's sub, lot 1.4 A. Herring, L'uacman's sub, lot 15 A. I-lerang, Baseman's sub, lot 16. A. Hefting, Baseman's sub, lot 17 A. Keller, Buscman's sub, lot 18 A. Kotler Baseman's sub, lot 19 A. Ketler, Baseman's sub, lot 20 H. Buseman, Baseman's sub, lot 21 John Buettell, Mechanic's add, lot 94 99 52 H. Buseman, Mechanic's add, lot 95 50 77 H. Buseman, Mechanic's add, w 96 50 77 H. Buseman, Mechanic's add, w 6 ft of lot 97 6 09 John Vitzthum, e 40 ft w 46 ft of lot 97, Mechanic's add. . 52 31 Improvement of Union Avenue from West Locust street to Alta Vista street. Catharina Rhemberg, Union ave add, lot 12. $ 74 21 Catharina Rhcmberg, Union ave add. lot 13. 42 00 Catharina Phomberg, Union ave add, lot 14 42 00 Catharina Rhumberg, Union ave add, lot 15.... 50 40 Catharina, Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 16 47 04 C:t. hasina Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 17.... 38 63 Catharina Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 18 38 63 Catharina Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 19 38 63 Catharina Rhomberg, Union ave add, lot 20. 66 36 Joser.h Siege, Wood's add, lot 89. .. Joseph Siege, Wood's add, lot 88.• 3695 Joseph Siege, Wood's add, lot 87... 40 32 Joseph Siege. Wood's add, lot 85 47 04 Joseph Siege, Wood's add, lot 86...... Joseph Siege, Wood's add, lot 43 68 Joseph Siege, Wood's add, lot 53 75 83. .. Anton Siege, Wood's """"' • • 62 16 Jeff 1VLGrath Essub. b.dmin lot. 2 63 84 93b, Iot 1.... . Jeff McGrath Est., sub. thin. lot. `05 55 93b, lot 2. Jeff McGrath Est., sub. thin, lot. 59 85 93a, lot 1...... J. A. Rhomberg, Woad's add, lot 30 59 157 64 !l}icial Notices. 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 40 62 46 72 95 02 •J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, :ot 55 57 11 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, :ot 54 38 64 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 53 38 64 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 52 38 64 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 51 77 70 John Loringett, Wood's add, lot 72 63 27 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 73 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg. Wood's add lot 74 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 75 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 76 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 77 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 78 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 79 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add lot 80 42 00 Anton Siege. Wood's add, lot 81 42 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Wood's add, lot 81a 114 16 J. H. Bradley, sub 744 city, lot 2 121 13 John Buettell. sub 8 Ellen Blake's sub, lot 1 291 90 P. Hughes, sub 2 of 8 Ellen Blake's sub, lot 2 25 34 For the improvement of Southern a^enue from Rowan street to west line of lot 10 Southern avenue add: John Kane, Southern avenue add lot 1 . $34 52 John Kane, Southern avenue add lot2 . . 53 29 John Kane, Southern avenue add lot 3 . 54 22 MikeDoyle, Southern avenue add lot 4 . 53 29 John Yall. Southern avenue add, lot 6 . . . 53 29 John Yall, Southern ave acid, lot 5 . 53 29 Jas Pursell, Southern avenue add dot 7 . 53 29 A. Levi Est, South avenue add, and 1-2 lot 8 . 31 27 D B Henderson, South avenue add, and 1-4 lot 8 . 15 66 John Sullivan Est, South avenue add, and 1-4 lot 8 . . 15 66 Mrs. M Campbell, South avenue add, lot 9 . 53 29 Mrs. M Campbell, South avenue add, lot 10 . 53 29 Louis Morris, Rowan's add, lot 1 9 45 John Yell, Southern avenue add, lot 15 . 232 54 Theo Altman, min lot, lot 35 268 09 Frank O'Conner, sub of min lot 21, lot 6 . 53 86 Ross McMahan, sub of main lot 21, lot 1 . . 19 74 For innproving Hedley Court from ?tIir ial Notice8 209 Strauss avenue to Lawther avenue: M W Van Nest, Burden-Lawther add, lot 51 . $40 00 M W Van Nest, Burden-Lawther add. lot 52 . 40 00 M W Van Nest, Burden-Lawther add, lot 53 . 40 00 E Katzenstein, Burden-Lawth- er add, lot 54 E Katzenstein, Burden -La i.'th- er add, lot 55 Lowther & Rider, Burden-Lawt:h er add, lot 47 . Jos Baumgartner, Burden-Lawth er 'add, lot 48 . 40 00 Chas Radloff. Burden-Lawther add• lot 49 . 40 00 R. Be.rnhart, Burden-Lawther add, lot 50 . 100 41 For improving Clinton avenue froth Windsor avenue to Queen street: Nicholas Mettels, Mettels' sub. lot 6. $110 16 Nicholas Mettels,' Mettels' sub, lot 24 . . 109 89 Nicholas Mettels, Mettels' sub, lot 25 92 73 L. G. Hurd, sub of 5 sub of 11. 12 and 13, sub n e 1-4 sect. 13 T89,N2E.lot 5 9216 For improving Woodworth avenue from Seminary street to Leibnitz st: Theo. Messing, Buseman & Eb- $ 91 64 & Eb- 40 00 42 80 42 65 erl's sub, :,ot 3 Theo. Messing, Buseman erl's sub, lot 4. Theo. Messing, Buseman erl's sub, lot 5. Anton Eberl, Buseman & Eberl's sub, lot 6 C. B. Seherr sub, lot 8 Jones Scherer, Littleton & Saw- yer's add s 125 ft lot 19 Wendelin Seppert, Littleton & Sawyer's add, n 126 ft lot 19102 60 Henry Mines, Buseman's sub, lot 9 112 54 For improving Chestnut street from Prairie street to Wa:nut street: P. W. Crawford, A. McDaniel's sub. lot 779 $185 90 Mary B. Wallis, A. MVIcDaniel's sub• lot 780 184 36 For improving Sheridan street from Groveland Place to Lawther avenue: Lawther & Rider, Burden & Law ther's add. lot 46 $401 33 G. Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add. lot 29 99 33 G. Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 28. . Wm. Gross, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 105. Dub. B. & L. Assn, Burden & Lawther's add, n 40 ft lot 102. 32 00 Math. Bohr, Burden & Law•ther•'s a.dd, m 40 ft lot 102 32 90 Louisa Burch, Burden & Law- ther's add, s 91.5 ft lot 102124 36 Coyle & Ellis, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 101. 6 00 For the improving of Strauss avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor ave- nue. & Eb- 30 89 30 89 40 10 et al, Buseman's 112 63 91 19 64 15 67 34 G. Burden Est. Burden & Law - tiler's add, lot 5.... $116 24 G. Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 6. 116 54 G. Burden Est• Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 61 .. 116 78 G. Burden Est. Burden & Law- •ther's add. lot 66. 116 75 G. Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add. lot 60. 117 11 F. & W. Wooirich. Burden & Lowther's add. lot 67 117 50 M. W. Van Neat. Burden & Law- •ther's add• lot 51 123 03 Jne.Messink, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 72 119 97 G. Eichhorn. Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 78. 103 15 G. Eichhorn. Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 77. . . 105 33 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on August 3rd, 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herin af- ter described. and that in case of fail- ure to pay within the time prescribed by the Ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For the oonstruction of a sewer in West 5th street from Bluff to Summit street: 11 D. Myers, sub out lot 690, city, lot 1 . . . . $ 4 48 Con Collins, Corriell's sub, lot 416 72 Can Collins' Corriell's sub, lot 1320 00 Con Collins, Corriell's sub, lot 12. 20 00 M. C. Munsell. CorrIell's sub, lot 11 • . . 20 00 M. C. Munsell, Corriell's sub lot lot 10 . . . c 20 00 J. A. Rhomberg, Corriell's sub, lot 9 . . . 20 00 J. A. R1homberg, Corriell's sub, lot 8 . . . . 20 00 Jacob Michel, Corriell's sub, lot 7 . . . 20 00 Jacob Michel, Corriell's sub, lot 6 . . 20 00 Chas. Mehl, Corriell's sub, lot 5 . . . . . . . . 20 00 Chas. Stewart, Corriell's sub, lot 4 . 20 00 Tim Dillon, Corriell's sub, lot 3 20 00 John McCabe. Corriell's sub, lot 2 . . . 20 00 John McCabe, Corri'ell's sub, lot 1 . 20 00 W. S. Dennis, sub of 3 of 720, city, lot 1 . 26 00 Watters & Dennis, sub of 720, city, lot 4 . 28 00 P. F. Docherty, sub of 2 of 720, city, lot 5 . 17 60 Mang Farrel, sub of 2 of 720, city lot 4 . 17 60 Peter Grist, sub of 2 of 720, city, lot 3 . . . . . . . . . 17 60 MEL 210 Ogeiai Aotices. G. Cronmiller, sub of 2 of 720, city, lot 2 . 17 60 G. Cronmiller, sub of 2 of 720, city, e 1-4. lot 1 . 4 40 E. G. Shankford, sub of 2 of 720, city, w 3-4. lot 1 . 13 20 J. D. Sullivan Est, city, lot 61439 60 A. A. Cooper, city, 1ot 615 22 36 A. A. Cooper, city, lot 616 6 64 A. A. Cooper, city, lot 616a 10 92 A. A. Cooper. city, s 8 ft, lot 6172 88 D. D. Myers, city, n 64 ft, lot 61722 00 A. A. Cooper, out lot city, e 222 ft, lot 691 120 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and in 691 and 721, city, lot 1 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 2 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 3 . 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 4 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 5 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city lot 6 . 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 7 . 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 8 . 10 00 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 'and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 9 . 7 20 A. A. Cooper,. sub of 70 Oand pt 691 and 721, city, lot 10 . 14 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 11 . 10 60 A. A. Cooper, sub of 70 Oand pt 691 and 721, city, lot 12 . 8 40 A. A. Cooper, sub of 70 Oand pt 691 and 721, city, lot 13 . 10 60 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 14 . 9 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 15 . 9 80 A. A. Cooper, :sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 16 . 9 80 A'. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 17 . 9 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 18 9 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 19 . 9 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 20 . 9 80 A. A. Cooper, sub of 700 and pt 691 and 721, city, lot 21 ... John Watters Est, Mattox sti 9 80 dot 2 . 0 For constructing in b7 2h street fronm alley west of Jackson street to alley east of Same: Dubuque Malting Co., sub 8 of 74 lot 322, 1ot 3 .. $80 00 Glab Bros., Davis Farm, lot 336. 43 20 Nic Glab, Davis Farm, lot 307 .. 24 00 N W Kimball, Davis Farm, lot 337. Glab Bros, Davis Farm, s 40' ft, 19 20 lot 335 Mathias Rudi, Glendale add ' ' ' 28 80 lot For constructing a sewer in Cornell street from West 14th street to May Place: D J Lenehan, Yates' & Pickett's sub, lots 1 and 2 . , John Harper, Yates' & Pickett's$40 00 sub, s 1-2 of lots 10 and 11 ..... 20 00 Hannah Gelling, Yates & Pick- ett's sub, n 1-2 of lots 10 and 11. 20 00 John Kessler, Morgan's sub s 1-2 of lots 1 and 2 . Sophia Zimmermann, . • 43 88 sub, n 1-2 of lots 1 and 2. ... s H W•Scott, Morgan's sub, lot 6... 48 880 J J Murray, sub pt 684, city, lot 3, 4 92 Mike Hardie, sub pt 684, city, lot 4 For constructing " " 2 32 street: g sewer in Avon James Wallis, M A McDaniel's sub, lot 1 ...$18 80 Sarah Winall, M A McDaniel's sub. lot 2 .18 80 McDaniel's l3 S Winall, • A. M.i' o. sub, lot 3 . . 18 80 A B Carlin, M A McDaniel's sub, lot 4 . 18 80 A B Carlin. M A McDaniel's sub. lot 5 . 18 80 James Wallis, M A Mo,Daniel's sub, lot 6 . 17 60 T J Levan, M A McDanieil's sub, lot 7 17 60 S S Winall, M A McDaniel's sub, lot 8 . 17 60 Frank Hitchins, M A McDaniel's sub, lot 9 . 17 60 J C Johnston, M A McDaniel's sub, lot 10 . 17 60 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 10, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at mY offtce up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, August 20th, 1896, for im- proving the following streets and alleys according to the plans and specifications now on file in my office: West 7th street from Needham Place to Hill street. Grading, cut 200 cubic yards. Fill, 2,500 cubic yards. Curbing, 600 lineral feet. Guttering, 250 square yards. Telford macadam, 1,000 square yards. Said street to be completed Nov. 10, 1896. West Third street from Alpine stru=t to College avenue. Grading, cut, 800 cubic yards. Fill 1,400 cubic yards. Curbing, 2,400 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,000 square yards. Telford macadam, 3,700 square yards. Said street to be completed October 31, 1896. 26th street from Jackson street to Pine street. Mathias Rudi, Glendale add, Grading, cut 600 cubic lot 20 04 Grading, fill 1,200 cubic yards. . ........... yards. 20 00 Curbing, 30 inch, 1,000 lineal feet. Curbing, 24 inch, 500 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,000 square yards. Telford macadam, 1,500 square yards. Said street to be completed October 15, 1896. High Bluff street from Middle avenue to Fenger avenue. Grading, cut 115 cubic yards. Grading, fill 500 cubic yards. Curbing, 600 lin. ft. Guttering, 300 sq. yds. Telford macadam. 700 sq. yds. Said street to be completed Sept. 30, 1896. Elm street from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street. Grading cut 650 cubic yards. Grading. fill 650 cubic yards. Curbing, 36 inch, 970 lineal feet.. Guttering, 600 square yards. Telford macadam, 1,500 square yards. Said street to be completed Septem- ber 30, 1896. Callege avenue from West Third to West Fifth streets. Grading, cut 1,800 yards. Grading, fill 700 cubic yards. Curbing, 1,200 lineal feet. Guttering, 600 square yards. Telford Macadam, 1,100 square yards. Said street to be completed October 10th. 1896. Allison Place from Delhi street to College avenue. Grading, cut 3,500 cubic yards. Grading, fill none. Curbing, 1,100 linea: feet. Guttering, 500 square yards. Telford macadam, 1.300 square yards. Said street to be completed October 10th, 1896. Alley from Clifford street to Schroe- der avenue, between Seminary street and Leibnitz street. Grading, cut 1.000 cubic yards. Te:ford macadam, 400 square yards. Said alley to be completed October tat. 1896. Bidders must state the price per lin- eal foot for curbing, the price per square Yard for guttering and macadamizing; grading on alley to be bid by the cubic yard. and on streets in total. Bidders must furnish a good and suf- ficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at a session of the city council to be held August 20th, 1896. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the rightto reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-10-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the Oity Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone, or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: L Notices.' 211 12 feet wide on north side of First street between Locust street and Bluff street. 12 feet wide on both sides of 14th street between Iowa street and Clay street. 12 feet wide on both sides of 15th street between Iowa street a.nrl Clay street,where not already laid at the ex- pense of the abutting property. Adopted August 3rd, 1896. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-7-10t. Recorder Pra Tem. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be receiced at this office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Sat- urday, Aug. 15t.h, 1896, for building a retaining wall on the north side of West Seventh street from Hill street to Needham Place in accordance with plans and specifications on file in this office. :\ bond of $200 will be required with each bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. City engineer's office, Aug. luth, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON. 8-10-1Ot. City Engineer. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Counci: of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: 6 feet wide on north side of South- ern avenue between Rowan street and English Lane. 4 feet wide on both sides of Wood- worth street between Leibnitz street and Seminary street. 4 feet. wide on both sides of Foye street between West Locust street and Seminary street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Leibnitz street between Herold street and Ab- bott street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grace street between Grand View avenue and East street. 4 feet wide on north side of Bennett street between Grand View street and East street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Coates street between Fremont street and Cross street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Clifford street between Napier street and Semi- nary street. 6 feet wide on east side of Washing- ton st.rset between 13tu street and 14th street. 6 feet wide on south side of 14th street between Washington street and 212 Oficial Notice,.. alley east. 6 feet wide on eats side of Couler avenue between 23rd street and 26th street. f, feet wide on both sides of White street between Rhomberg avenue and Eagle Point avenue. 6 feet wide on both sides of Wilson avenue between West 5th street and Julien street. 6 feet wide on south side of Dodge Dodge street, where not already laid at street between Vine street and South the expense of abutting property. Adopted August 3rd. 1896. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-7-10t, Recorder Pro Tem. SIDEWAL KNOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That •sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be with- in 10 days of this notice. Constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as foe lows: 6 feet wide on south side of Oak street between Burnes street and Quince street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Adopted August 3rd, 1896. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF. 8-7 -10t. Recorder Pro Tem. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received a: the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia.. up to 4 o'clock p, m., Saturday, Aug. 22nd„ 1896, for constructing si:lewalke of brick, where not already laid as fo:- lows, viz.: 12 feet wide on north side of First street between Locust s:greet and Bluff street. 12 feet wide on both sides of Four teenth street between Iowa street and Clay street, 12 feet wide on both sides of 15t11 street between Iowa street and Clay street. Also for 2 .Inch plank sidewalk, where not already laid, as follows, viz.: 4 feet wide on both sides of Wood- wvonth street between Leibnitz street and Seminary street, 4 feet wide on both sides of Foye street between West Locust street and Seminary street, 4 feet wide on both aides of Leib- nitz street between Harold street and Abbott street, 4 feet wide on both sides of Grace street between Gra.n.dv,iew street and East street. 4 feet wide on street between Grandview E iew sth side reett n and Cross street. • 4 feet wide on both sides of Coates avenue between Fremont street and Cross street. 4 feet wide on bout sides of Clifford street between Napier street and Sem- inary street, 4 feet wide on west side of Allem street be:ween Wes;. Third street and Dodge street, 6 feet wide on east side of Washing ton street between Thirteenth stree and Fourteenth street. 6 Pee; wide on south side of Four teenth street between Wa=hingto street and alley eas , 6 feet wide on east side of Coiner ave- nue between Twenty-hird street and Twenty-sixth stree:. 6 feet wide on both sides of West 8th street beeve:n Hil! street and Wilson avenue. 6 fee: wide an both sides of White street between Rhomberg avenue and Eagle Point avenue. 6 feet wide on both sides of Wilson avenue between West Fifth street and Julien avenue, 6 feet wide on south side of Dodge street between Vine street and South Dodge street. 6 feet •wide on south side of Oak street between Burnes street and Quince street. AI: in accar:ian.e with speclficat:ons on lie in said office. A bons; of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the r'ght to rejer' any and all b.lds, Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 10•b, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON, 8-11-1Ot. City Engineer. A RESOLUTION ORDERING STAG- NANT WATER LOTS TO BE To Poole & Sphe FILLED. t Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stag nant water; and _ Whereas,T he owners of said property have been notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, therefore Be It Resolved, By the city council of the City of Dubuque, that the following described property, and parts of lots, viz: 362, 363 and 364 be filled and raised at the expense of tele owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon The work is to be completed by August 20th, 1896. • The city marshal shall L•otify the owners of said property of the passage of this resolution in the milliner pro- vided by law. In ease of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up et' raise said property, lots and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above spe:'i;let the same will let d..e.c by the city and the costs thereof a., sessed against aa.1 le. a lien upon staid property n `ee Ii icicrl Notices. 21:i Adopted August 3d 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder pro tem. NOTICE TO TEAMSTERS. Marshal's Office, City Hall, Dubuque. Aug. 13, 1896. All teamsters and drivers of ve- hicles are hereby notified not to place or permit to fall from their vehicles, upon any public street or alley, any block of wood, stone or other material without immediately removing said ob- stacle. A failure to comply with thio order will cause the arrest and prose. cution of the offender as provided hp city ordinance. ED. MORGAN. 8-13-10t. City Marshal. NOTICE IN RELATION TO THISTLES Dubuque, Iowa. Aug. 17, '96. To W. H. Merritt: You are 'hereby notified to destroy all Russian or Canadian thistles on und a Of and 1/z min lot 301a in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, between the 25th day of August. 1896, and the 10th day of Sept. 1896, and in case of failure so to do you will be prosecuted in accordance with the laws of Iowa on that subject, and the thistles will be destroyed at your expense. ED. MORGAN, Marshal. By JAMES AGNEW. Deputy. SPECIAL. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To M. J. Smith: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Leibnitz street from Harold street to Abbott street, adopted on the 6th day of July A. D., 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next reg- ular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 119 in Mechanic's add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3d day of August, A. D.. 1896, and show cause, if any you have, why said assesment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, '7-17-10t City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John Sullivan Est 1/4: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the city conn ell of the city of Dubuque for the im- provement of Southern avenue, from Rowan street to west line lot 10 Sou- thern ave add, adopted on the Gth da} of July A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot and 1/4 lot 8 Southern avenue add own ed by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3d day of August A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. 7-17-10l. City Recorder pro tem. NOTICE OF VACATION. Dubuque, Iowa, my 23, 1896. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a resolution va cating part of the west side of St. Mary's street, as follows: Commenc- ing at the intersection of St. Mary's street with W 3rd street a width of 5 feet, thence running south in a dire"• line to the original line of St. Mary's street at its intersection with Emmett street. All persons having objections thereto must file the same in my office on or before Saturday, August 1st, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 7-23-10t. City Recorder pro tem. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Du- buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Sat- urday, August 1st, 1896, for construct- ing pipe sewers as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office: An eight inch ti:e pipe sewer in Rose street and alley west of Center Place. Estimated length 700 lin. feet. Three manholes. • An eight inch tile pipe sewer in alley between West 14th street and Arling- ton street. Estimated length 750 lin. feet. Five manholes. City to furnish all pipe. Bidders to furnish a bond of 8200 with each bid that Contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W.H. KNOWLTON, 7-20-l0t. City Engineer. NOTICE. Dubuque, July 16, 1896. Sealed proposals wi1: be received at my office up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, August 1st, 1896, for fur- nishing No. 1. hay and oats to the city for the term of one year. Said hay and oats to be delivered in such quantities as may he ordered from time to time. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bins. L M. LANGSTAFF. 7-16-14t. Recorder pro tem. NOTICE. Dubuque, July 15. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the under signed commissioners, duly appointed by the city council of the city of Dubu- que to assess the damage that may be 214 . f)fliczal _1 ofif'er. caused by the proposed change of grade of Jones street and West Main street will meet at the city marshal's office on Saturday, August 1st, 1896, for the pur pose of viewing said premises and as- sessing the damages if any that may he caused by said proposed change of grade, JOHN SUTTON. JAMES MCCLAIN, JOHN RYDER, Commissioners. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office. Dubuque, Iowa, July 23. 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Aug. 3, 1896, for the improvement of the fol lowing alley, now on file in my office: Alley north of Eagle Point avenue from Prince street to C. G. W. R. R. Grading, 110 cu yds, cut. Macadamizing, 400 sq yds. Contract to be completed Sept. 15th. , 1896. Bidders will be required to furnish bond of 200 guaranteeing that the con- tract will be entered into if awarded. Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on at a spec- ial session of the council to be' held Aug. 3, 1896. • The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 7-23-10t, L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder Pro tem. NOTICE IN RELATION TO FILLING LOTS. To Poole & Stephens: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that is is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pas; a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: 262. 263, and 264 Eas',. Dubuque add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolutions should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The session of the counei: will commence on August 3rd, 1896. ED. MORGAN, 7-17-2w. City Marshal. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of City Engineer,. Dubuque, To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Main street from Seminary street to south line lot 33 S. H. Langworthy's sub. West 8th street from Hill street ;o west line of Rogers' sub. Woodworth avenue from Seminary street to Lebnizt street. Leibnitz street from Abbott street to Harnold stret. union avenue from West Locust St. to Alta Vista street. Southern avenue from Rowan street to west line lot 10 South ave add. Hedley Court trom Strauss ave to Lawther ave. Sheridan street from Groveland Place to Lawther ave. Strauss ave from Burden ave to Wind sor ave. Clinton ave from Queen street to Windsor ave and to any person or cow pany having any interest in said real estate: Chestnut street from Prairie street to Walnut street. You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets in said city. showing the seve- ral lots or parcels of ground, rebutting on said street, and the tracks of said railway laid thereon subject to special assessment for paving and curbing of said streets and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abut- ting real estate and of said railways. and the amount assessed against each lot, or parcel of ground. and against said railways, for the inspection of any person. firm or company interested in any kind in said real estate, or to said railways, and that such firm, or com- pany having objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city re- corder his or their objection in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque which will meet on the 3rd day of Au- gust, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON, 7-23-10t. City Engineer. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday Au- gust 3rd, 1896, for constructing side- walks of brick, stone or cement, where not already laid, as follows, viz: 12 fee: wide on both .sides of 12th street between Main and Iowa streets. 12 feet wide on 17th and Iowa streets, abutting lot 746 city. Also for two inch plank sidewalk where not already laid. as follows, viz: 4 feet wide on both sides of First avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue. 4 feet wide of bob sides of heed ave- nue between Rhomberg avenue and Liu coin avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of St. Am- '? ;al ..V of ice.. '315 brume street between Willow street and Green street. 6 feet wide on Seminary street abut- tin min. lots 187 and 191. 6 feet wide on south side of West 5th street between Booth street and College avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of A:piue street between West 5th street and Julien avenue. 6 feet wide on north side of West Lo- cust street between Foye street and Hodgdon avenue. 6 feet wide on east side of Ellis street between West Locust street and Dor- gan Place. 6 feet wide on east side of Burch street between West Third street and Fenelon Place. 8 feet wide on south side of West 14th street between Dell street and Prairie street. 12 feet wide on east side of South Locust street between First street and Jones street. All in accordance with specifications mi file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 7-22-10t. City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, .July 22, 1896. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, be, within ten days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as fol:ows: Four feet wide on west side of Alpine street between West Third street and Dodge street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted July 22d, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 7-24-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALK. Notice of Repairs. All parties are hereby notified to re- pair all side walks abutting weir prem - ices forthwith, and in case of failure 'o so do the city of Dubuque will make the necessary repairs and assess the expense of the same to the abutting property. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. r'ity engineers Office, April 13. '96. Du- buque, Iowa. . 4-13-tf Regular S,'N.eion, September 7, 1896 CITY COUNCIL. OFFICIAL. Regular Session, September 7. 1896. Council met at 9 o'clock a. m. ayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Altman Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Lagen, 1cEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Altman moved to adjourn to Sept. 8th at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. Attest. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder pro tem. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSI,1:. SEPT. 8th, 1896. Council met at 9:00 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy and Ryder. The following bills were allowed: Rider Wallis Co.. .. .$ 2 00 G. 13. Grosvenor, office supplies 13 18 Fischer Co, ice .. .. .... .. 3 20 F. E. Joseph, 5 gal napthho- leum .. .. ..... ... ... ...... 10 00 Fred. Donath, 2 doz flags. .... 1 CO G. F. Kleih, tacks, locks, keys, etc.. ... ... 2 85 Mrs. Kien scrubbing city hall2 50 Duggan & Kane, oil, soapine 1 60 Dubuque Water Company, 325 hydrants for August 1 354 16 W. H. Torbert, turpentine 50 Key City Gas Co, coke ... 17 18 Dubuque Oil Tank Line Co .. 6 00 Purcell & Maloney oil and gaso line.. .. .. ... 1 65 Ott, Meuser & Co. lumber and shavings .. .. .. .. .. ...... 9 19 Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart ment.. .. .. .......... .... 4 20 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for fire department.. .. .. .. .... 5 94 Butt Bros., repairs for fire de- partment.. .. .. 1 65 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing . 6 50 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe ing.. .. .... ............. 6 75 Van Valkenburg & McEvoy, oil can.. ...... ... 1 00 P. H. Halpin, 1 barrel salt .... 1 00 J. P. Traut, board of prisoners. 30 20 G. F. Kleih, supplies for city pound 90 Sam Smith, impounding dogs . 42 50 M. Brown and Sons, oats for pat- rol house.. .. .. .. .. 7 13 Matt Loes, labor around city pound and patrol house.. 9 00 Jas. Levi & Co., supplies for matron room.. .. .. .. 3 10 Collings & Wilkinson horse shoe ing . ... .. .. ..... 6 00 W. W. Wormood, 2 pins for mat non.. .. . ........... 4 00 W. W. Wormood, 1 star for park police .. 2 00 Reinlried & Jaeger, % dox police whistles.. .... ... ..... ...... 1 50 217 McElrath Teaming Co. sweeping streets........... •74 10 F. W. Wieland, examining Jas. Gray..... . 10 00 E. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals and garbage .. .. .. 214 50 B. Hayes, clearing around mar- ket.. .... ... ... 20 00 B. Hayes, expressage for city 1 00 Harger & Blish, office supplies 5 75 Geo. W. Schrup, 2 copies of the 26th general assembly .. 1 00 McElrath Teaming Co., hauling sewer pipe .. .. .. .. .... .. 12 00 Sam Starr, sanitary inspector 50 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, janitor c`.ty hall ...... .. .. 20 00 Alf. Dorman, constructing new sidewalks .. .. ...... .. 112 80 Wm .Dodson, improving Free- mont ave.. .. .. .. 800 00 Jno. Pickley, improving Paul street.... .. .... 100 CO P. F. Gutherie. constructing new sidewalks .. .. .. .. .. 47 62 Jno. Pickley, improving 19th stre-t $15 00 Jno. Pickley, improving 15th street .. .. ... .. ... ... ... 100 00 Ross McMahon, filling on South- ern ave... .. ... .... ....... 28 50 Jno. Tibey, new cross walks .. 52 25 Jno. Tibey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge street .1,250 00 Steuck O'Farrel & Co., wall en West llth street. ........ .. 300 00 Geo. W. Farley, Improving alley from 17th to 18th street. .. 130 00 Wilmer Cook. improving alley from 14th to 15th, between, Pine and Maple.... .. .. .. .... 100 00 Geo. W. Farley, improving W. 8th street .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 00 Blake & Blake, Bennett street.. 300 00 Blake & Blake, constructing sew- er from Dell to Prairie St.... 280 00 Wilmer Cook, improving Garfield ave 4 17 Steuck, O'Farrell & Co, improv- ing Queen street.. .. 670 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Co., improv- ing alley from Prince to G. W Ry 58 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Co, improv- ing Grace street.. .. .. . 297 34 Steuck, O'Farrell & Co. improv- ing Goethe ave .. . 131 63 Brown & Brown, improving Foye street .. . .. . 85 78 Steuck, O'Farrell & Co., improv- ing Sheridan street.. .. 39 47 Win. Dodson, imp. Coates ave$ 32 a5 Wilmer Cook, imp. Ries street335 00 Peter llorsch, imp. Hart st 340 00 Peter FIorsch, imp. Clifford st108 25 Bart 17. Linehan, sewer pipe fur- nished city.... .. .. 409 86 Jno Deggendorf, draining water from lots on Bennett street5 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchins„ man- hole castings 331.8 Peter Horsch, grading hart st. 60 00 218 Adjourned Regular Session, September 8, 1896. Burns & Saul, paving and wall in Cooler creek 49 55 Stenck, O'Farrell & Co. grading Goethe avenue.. . 241 67 Brown and Brown, grading Faye street, 56 25 Jno Pickley, grading Paul st36 00 Peter Horsch, grading Clifford avenue . . . . 36 00 Wm. Dodson, grading Coates ave 450 00 Steuck, O'Farrel & Co. grading Grace street... 152 00 Blake & Blake, grading Bennett street 102 50 Bart. E. Linehan, sewer pipe and cement 17 85 Wm. Geiseker, levelman . . 65 00 Jno Farley, chainman. . . 40 00 Jos. Murphy, chainman. . . 40 00 Jno Hillery, sanitary inspector. 38 50 Jno Tibey, filling on High Bridge avenue 19 50 Byrne & Saul, filling on High Bridge avenue. 8 3,) W. E. Hammond, (Using on High Bridge avenue 4 25 Geo. Salot, filling on High Bridge avenue 6 15 Geo. W. Farley, filling on High avenue. 13 0 Ross McMahon, filling on High Bridge avenue. 14 85 P. Clancy, filling on High Bridge avenue 10 50 Thos. Kenneally, filling an High Bridge avenue 21 73 Dub. Const. Co., filling on High Bridge avenue 7 25 J. Harold, fl:ling on High Bridge avenue 3 75 E. J. Evans, filling on High Bridge avenue. 7 00 Emma Stoltz, cleaning Mrs Dnnn's house 3 00 P. H. Halpin, soap and soapine80 Jas A. Hayes, cost in Bush case6 20 Jas. A. Hayes, cost in Reifsteck caee 44 70 Jno. T. Kearns, recording deeds 1 30 M. Schlaegel, witness fees Jno. Maclay, costs in Nelson case 3 25 Alice Winters, witness fees 60 Alf. Austin, witness fees 60 M. Mullen, plumbing city hall14 75 Gus Hall, repairing hose coup- `ings, etc. , Jno. Becker, rock furnished city 73 50 tracks on said street. It Is my concha Butt Bros., repairs street sweeper 6 75 B. Lagen( team and three seat carriage, . 3 00 F. Schloz, repairs tools Park Grocery Co., brooms and 16 45 pails. 1 20 Geo. W. Farley, rock furnished city. . P. Horsch, rock furnished city' 10 00 25 J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement16 17 Win., Marshall, repairs steam roller. B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools8 40 Key City Gas Co., coke.. tools.: 63 82 G. P. Kleih, nails, shovels, etc.. 36 15 J. P. Schroeder & Co„ cement, , . 19 90 Duggan, Sullivan & Co., road scrapers, etc. McElraah Teaming Co., sand..., Collings & 'Wilkinson, horseshoe- ing Chas, Matz, repairing tools..... W. W. Wormood, winding and taking care of town crock.... 13. Lagen, four carriages for La- bor Day M. Adams, lantern globes, oil etc Hussman & Lies, hammers, wheel barrows, etc. Duggan & Kane, rope. oil and candles 1 00 Geo. Fengler, cement, rock and lime 20 75 Geo. Fengler, paving stone and lime 16 60 Dub. Water Co., one length water pipe 12 feet long 6 55 G. F. Kleih, supplies for sewer department. 8 20 Kenneally & Kane. one load rock 1 00 Fred Schloz, repairing too:s far sewer department, 13 85 Bart E. Linehan, cement. 3 00 W. B. Baumgartner, new pick and handle 3u' The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Globe Light and Heat Co $500 01 Kev City Gas Co 156 75 The following was referred to the committee on sewers: Charles Hillery, for labor $3 00 The following was referred to the committee on po:ice: John I"annon, services as special police .$48 33 The following were referred to the committee on public grounds and build- ings: C. O. D. Laundry, laundry for city hall .$13 30 W. B. Baumgartner, lawn mower and repairs 7 15 Hera,ncourt & Whelan Co., re- pairing lawn mower. . 4 00 The following was referred to the committee on markets: L. Daisy, cleaning market and lay- ing water pipe. $ 1 30 Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended, and persons desiring to, be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Mrs. Doe addressed the council in re gard to the drainage of the water on Faye street. Ald. Bonson moved that the matter be referred to the street committee. Carried. Mr. Ferzloff addressed the council in relation to special assessment for the improvement of Elm street from San- ford to 23d street. City Attorney Knight submitted the following in relation to the matter, which was approved and referred to the committee of the whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—In the matter of the pe - '19 Oce 4 Si. 1 00 2 55 72 00 12 00 4 75 3 70 1 ,1(1.1uuri!ne(l Regular Session, September 8, 1896 tition of A. Fitzloff and others ask- ing to be relieved from the payment of part of an assessment against their property for the paving of Elm street which was referred to me I would state that I found the facts in the premises to be as follows: The Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. was granted by ordinance the right of way for two tracks on Elm St. but up to the present time only one track has been laid thereon by that company which track is laid nearer the westerly line of said street than the easterly line thereof. The petitioners own prop- erty abutting on the east side of said street which has been partia'ly im- proved and they have been aesessed for the cost of such improvement. They desire the ccuncil to exempt from the assessment against them the cost of paving a space on said str et sufficient for the Chicago Gr. -at Western Ry. Co. to lay another track thereon according to the franchise g'ven it by the city and they request the city to wait until the Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. lays the track and then levy an asses.- ment against it for the improvement of that portion of the street so occupi- ed by it. In my opinion this cannot be done. Section 10, Chapter 7 of the acts of the Twenty-fifth geneeal assembly ••e- la"ng to paving, curbing and sewering provides as follows: "When any such improvement shall have been completed it shall be the duty of the council to ascertain the cost of the improvement also what per tion of such cost may be by law as- sessable on abutting or adja- cent property and the pro - tion of such cost so asses- sable shall then be assessed as provid- ed by law, or by ordinance of such city upon it:- upon the property fronting or abutting on, or, adjacent to said improvement, whenever any railroad or street rail- way may have been canstruc`ed and shall remain upon any street which the council may direct to be paved at the time when such direction shall he given and when the owner of such railroad or street railway may be bound to pave any portion of said street by law or ordinance of the city, or by virtue of the provisions or conditions of any or- dinance of the city under which said railroad or street railway may have been constructed or may be maintain- ed, and if the owner shall fail or refuse to comply with the order of the coun- cil to do such paving then the portion of the cost of paving such street assess ment upon such railroad or street rail way, shall be ascertained and shall he assessed against such railroad or street railway." It will be seen that the statute only contemplates on assessment aga•nst a railroad or street railway actually con- structed and laid on 'a street it means that there shall be an as- sessment against sueh corporation when the space between the rails of tracks already laid by them on a street as paved or improved and it has no reference to tracks that may be laid in the future, though the corporation has a franchise giving it the right to lay them. It cannot be said that be- cause the Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. has the right to lay two tracks on Elm street and has only one track laid thereon that for the purpose of assess- ment the other track must be treated as laid. For instance could it he maintained in the case of the grant by the council to a street railway company to lay its tracks upon and along Grand view avenue that if the city improved the street during the limitation of the franchise to the company and it had no track thereon it would be liable to an assessment. If as in this case the railway company could be assessed where it had one track laid down and had the r'ght to lay an o'her, under the same reasoning it could be assess• ed where it had a francii-e only, giv- ing it power to lay a track and had in fact no track at all laid on the stre-t and again suppose the railway com- pany never laid the oth7r track for there is not',ing in the fran^hise gr: nt ed it that binds it 'n construct t n o sion that when the Chicago Great West ern railway company lays the second track if it ever does so, an exigency will then arise that you will have to deal with and it cannot well be dealt with before. The petitioners com- plain that if another track is laid on the street it will prevent public tray el thereon. I would suggest that the council consider this matter and see if they cannot make an agreement with the Chicago Great Western railway company wherein they will consent to lay all future tracks, constructed by them on said street to the west of the center line of the street. Respectfully, J. E. KNIGHT, City Attorney. Mr. A:exander addressed the couutii in relation to laying sidewalks en Fre- mont and Coates avenues. Referred to, the street committee with power. PETITIONS. The fallowing petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Chas. Kampmann et al in relation to filling lots in East Dubuque addition. Petition of A. W. Tredway et aI re- monstrating against special assessment for the improvement .of 17th street be- tween Clay and West Locust street. Communication of city engineer in relation to the extension of Kniest street from Garfield avenue to Cedar street. 2:20 Alj'nurne 1 Regular Session, September 8, 1896 The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of E. Collins in relation to condition of sidewalk abutting his prop- erty on Lincoln and 5th avenues. Petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al asking that Clifford street be opened out to Seminary street. Petition of Bernard May et al remon- strating against opening up alley be- tween Rush street and Cleveland ave- nue between Mountain Lane and Union street. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent pax committee: Susana Drees. Sophia Dempsey, Cath- erine E. Welsh, Francis \V. Engels, John Mundt and Alex and Chas. Sim- plot. The following petitions were referred to the market committee: Petition of Fred Michel et al asking that a portion of the Hay Market be cleared for use of farmers. Petition of Mrs. Helen Koenig in re- lation to scrubbing and cleaning city I r, hall. The following petitions were F ed: grant - Communication of John F. Sternal, city assessor, asking that the assess- ment of Chas. Wolf on personalty for 1896 and 1895 be cancelled. Communication of .,ohn F. itemm, city assessor, asking that assessment of Pfiffner & Co. on personalty be can- celled as same is a double assessment. Petition of George Meyer et al asking that the name of Pickwick street be changed to Be:mound avenue. Petition of James F. Hedley et al re- monstrating against construction of sewer in Caledonia Place. Petition of T. H. Schilling et al ask- ing that Catherine and Angella streets be improved was read. On notion the rules were suspended and T. H. Duffy addressed the council in relation to the matter. Ald. Benson moved that the petition be granted. Carried. V Petition of Mrs. Ellen Quinlivan ask- ing that she be given further time to pay her special assessment and interest for the improvement of Grandview ave- nue was granted, and treasurer in- structed not to se:1 her property for the principal or interest until further orders. Petition of Philip Sage asking that a retaining wall be built on Rebecca street was referred to the city engi- neer with power. Plat of proposed alley between Re- becca street and Anna Place was ap- proved. The following petitions were received and filed: Petition of M. F. Kleoberger in re- gard to special assessment. Petition of R. T. Eddy, asking that warrant of $29.39 drawn in favor of Bryan Donahue be cancelled and that said warrant be drawn in his favor. The petitions of John O'Connor, An- was re drew Kirk and Peter Weist asking to be appointed assistant marketmaster.Realm'Petition of Engelhart Hemi remon- strating against award of jury for open- ing al ey west of Booth street in O'Neill's add. Notice of John Drehouse to attach a mechanics lien on city hall. The following registers of election were appointed for the ensuing year: First Ward— First Precinct—Wm. Erwin, James McClain. Second Precinct --Solon Langwort'ry, Peter Callahan. Second Ward— First Precinct—Z. Hoffman, Henry Gehrig. Second Precinct—W. S. Couch, J. P.Quigley. Thud Ward— First Precinct—F. O. Udall. Louis :'rexler. Second Precinct—Wm. Kretschmer, r rank Hoffman. Th `rd Precinct—Adam Doerr, Jr., Leo alen. ourth Ward— First Precinct—Horace Poole, Dan- iel Riordan. Second Precinct—J. W. Coy, Peter Pelf. Third Precinct—Henry Wybrant, J. M. Kcnery. Fifth Ward— First Precinct—E. A. Frenzel, Henry Hartman. Second Precinct—W. E. Puls, Her - /ban Brinl:mann. Third Precinct—Otto F. Hess, Walter Eichhorn. Fourth i rccincl—L. C. Doerfler, Jos- eph Kessler.Plat of proposed vacation of 10 feet on west side of Quenn street north of 2anforcl street was approved. Plat of pra;;esed extension of Mer- chants Lane to Foye street was approv- ed. Plat and r.ght of way notive for pro- posed alley from Mountain Lane to Union street was referred to the street committee. Plat of proposed extension of Queen street front northern terminus to Bur- den avenue was approved. Aid Dennert moved to adjourn to 2:00 p. Carried. Afternoon Session. Council met at 2:15 p. m. Present— A1ds. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert. Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The following bills were ordeded paid: J P Traut, repairing scales $5 00 Chr. Schmitt, meat for police mat- ron 3 45 Duggan & Kane, supplies for po- lice matron 8 75 Petition of Math Reidi. protesting gainst special tax for laying sidewalk ceived and filed. Adjourned Requiem Session, September 8, 1896. 221 REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten re- ' ported cash on hand last re- port . . . . $16 009 15 Collections during the month 43,961 62 Total . . . . $59,970 77 Disbursements during the month . $83,978 95 Balance cash on hand Sept 1..$25,991 82 Also reported $2,112.95 clue city offi- cers forthe month of September, 1896. Also submitted list of coupons re- deemed during the month of August. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers, and re- port referred to the finance commit- tee. City auditor presented his semi an- nually report which was referred to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,953.- 60 due firemen for the month of August, 1896. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay firemen, and report re- ferred to the fire committee. City Marshal Morgan reported 98 po- lice cases during the month of August, 1896: also reportied $16.00 pound re- ceipts: also $2.083.30 due police for the month of August. Report approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. and report referred to the police and light committee. Street Commissioner Hagerty report- ed $7,287.15 due for labor on streets dur- ing August, 1896. Report approved, and warrants ordered drawn to pay for la- bor and report referred to the street committee. Also reported $541.25 due for filling,* done on 14th and 6th street during the month of August, 1896. Warrants were ordered drawn to pay for filling and hereafter all filling be done under the directions of the street committee and the city engineer. Sewer Inspector Doerr reported $1.- 275.10 due for labor on sewer during Au- gust, 1896. Report approved and warrants order ed drawn for labor on sewers, and re port referred to sewer committee. City Electrician Osborne reported $7.- 61 due city from Star Electric Co. for lights not properly lit during August. 1896. City Auditor MoCarten ordered to col lett the same and report approved and ordered filed. Market Master Traut reported $11.55 due city for scales receipts for August, 1896. Received and filed. Wood Measurer Jess reported 75 cents due city as fees for August, 1896. Received and filed. Joseph Straney reported $3.30 due city for First Ward scale receipts. Re- ceived and filed. City Attorney Knight reported in fav- or of paying James A. Hayes, clerk of the district court, $13.79 cost in Howard case. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of approv- ing of the treasurer's report for Aug- ust, 1896, and that warrants be drawn in his favor for money advanced by him. Report adopted. Ald. Ronson, chairman of the ordi- nance committee presented an ordinance entitled an Or- dinance granting to George B. Burch, trustee, the right to maintain and on- erate a factory on part of lot 2 of min- eral lot 106. in the city of Dubuque. which was referred to the committee of the whole. On motion the city attorney was d.- rected to give his legal opinion on the sprinkling ordinance. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the commit- tee on claims. reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of David S. Wilson of $72.00. In favor of paying the bill of Jas. A. Hayes of $28.30, costs in Hunt case against city. In favor of paying bill of .Jas. A. Haves of $4.05, costs in case of Bruns - kill vs. City. In favor of receiving and filing claim of Michael McMahon. In favor of allowing John B. Mc- Gloughlin $20.00 as payment in full for damages on account of storm water overflowing his property. In favor of receiving and filing claim of Catherine Walsh. Also report that the estimate as re- turned by the city engineer for O. G. Kringle for grading streets in Wood - lawn Park add, are in full for all work performed on said street, according to the terms of the contract, and that pay- ment in full has been made in accord- ance with same. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Mrs. Mary Meehan. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of E. H. Sheppley on account of width of Linooln avenue. Also report that we have settled the case of James Gray vs. the City for the sum of two hundred dollars, said plain- tiff, Gray, to pay all costs. We would recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of Melloy and La Vake, attorneys for said Gray for the said sum of two hundred dollars, and that the city at- torney be instructed to procure a re- ceipt in full for said sum from Melloy and La Vake. attorneys for James Gray Report adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and parties desiring to be al- lowed to address the council. Car- ried. Mr. Wright, on behalf of Mr. Heer, ad dressed the council in relation to the improvement of Grace street abutting Mr. Heer's property Also addressed the council in rela- 2'22 Adjourned Reqular 4Se88inu, Ssp'ember 8, 1896. tion to culvert on Coates avenue. Mr. McGrath addressed the council in relation to construction of sewer in Sent inary street, and objected to same at this time. Mr. Beach addressed the council on behalf of the Linwood Cemetery assoc- iation protesting against proposed ex- tension of Queen street to Burden ave- nue, as proposed by the city. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street S committee, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to a prepare a plat of Ida street running through lot 22 in Reche's sub so that said Ida street will be straight or near- ly so. In favor of having the al'ey east of Stafford avenue rolled with the steam roller. Also report that Main street has been repaired as asked for by Lizzie A. Bale. Report adverse to the petition of the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co. asking permission to place advertising signs on the sidewalks. In favor of granting the petition far the improvement of Thomas and Frank lin streets. Report adverse to petition of John Bowanger in regard to assessment for roadway on Kaufmann avenue. In favor of establishing a 20 foot alley through the property of Mr. Griggs. Also report that we cannot find any material damage done by rain on Cross street, as complained of by John Ga•• dient. In favor of receiving and filing the bill of B. B. Richards. In favor of paying Frank Menzel bal ance due for macadam, and engineer directed to return same. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Ellen Quinlivan, asking that her team be given steady work by the city. In favor of receiving and filing the Petition of Honora Marlin in relation to drainage on Elm street between 15th and 16th streets. In favor of having the alley between_ Main and Locust from llth to 12th streets repaired on a uniform grade. In favor of instructing the street coin missioner to fill all holes that he may find on and along Rebecca street. In favor of recei-+ing and filing the claim of Taylor and Becker for extra compensation for grading on Southern avenue, as they have ben paid in full. In favor of granting the petition of August Hantelman, et a1, asking that they be not compolled to lay sidewalk on Grace street west of Gregg's alley. In favor of granting the petition of Marie L. Bennett asking that she h. not compelled to lay sidewalk abutting her property, as the sidewalk now there is in good condition. In favor of granting the petition of M. F. Post, asking that he be not com- pelled to lay sidewalk abutting Lots 35. 36, 37, and 38, Simson'5 add. In favor of receiving and fil'ng the petition of J. P. Schrordcr et al.. ask- ing that Clifford street be opened full width between Seminary street and Leibnitz street. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of the Wartburg Lutheriau eminary in regard to line of Fremont venue. Report adversa to improving 5th ave north of present improvement, as the cost of grading would not justify the city to do said work at present. Also r'port that no'h'ng has bean done towards cutting down Merchant's Lane west of Gold street. Also report that we have examined and accept the following streets and al- leys for special assessment. purposes: Alley north of Eagle Point ave from Prince street to Chicago Great West- ern railway. Alley from 17th to 18th street bet- ween Elm and Pine street. Alley from 14th to 15 th b?tween Pine and Maple streets. W. 8th street from Air Hill street to west line of Roger's sub. Hart street from Couler avenue to Valarie street. Bennett street from Grandview avo to west line of lot 8 O'Hara's sub. Paul street from Seminary to Leib- nitz street. Ries street from Stafford to Windsor avenue. 19th street from Pine street to east line of East Dubuque add. 15th street from alley east of Elm street to Pine street. Also reported in favor of approving of plat of alley in Grigg's sub. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit- tee on fire reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition for the removal of fire plug near the foun- tain on W. 8th street and Julien ave. and Water company instructed to move same wherry directed by the fire com- mittee. Report adverse to the hill of the American Fire Engine company. In favor of allowing hill of John New- man and Son of $1.00. In favor of granting the petition for a fire plug at the intersection of I Pearl street and Grove Terraoe. Report adopted. Ald. L,agen, chairman of the polie and liont committee reported in favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas Co.. $50.10. Star Electric Co., $1,659.40. 1 Globe Light and Heat Co., $166.67. • Report adopted. I Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- An'journor7 Rerptior ,S'eRsion, September 8, 1896. tee on printing reported in favor of paying the following bills: Globe Journal, $67.50. The Herald, $67.50. The Times. $29.15. The Tel( graph. $75.00. Report adopted. Ald. Albrecht, cha'rm:in of th- de- linquent tax committee, reported a follows: In favor of allowing the taxes of \T s. Mary Rubeck to remain a Pen o•t h r property for 1S95, and treasurer In- structed not to sell same. In favor cf allowing the taxes of Mrs. Mary Sitz'r for 181:i. to remain a lien on her property and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Ann McQuade to r.main a lien on her prop- erty for 1895. and treasurer instruc_cd not to sell same. Report adopted. 3aKKr Ald. Altman, chairman of the/ \ om- raittee report d as follows: In favor of granting the petition of C. A. Noyes for permission to extend sewer on Chestnut street and C. A. Noyes to be given credit on same when said sewer is extended. In favor of extending the sanitary sewer on Prospect street one hundred feet north of W. 5th street as asked for by M. C. Munsell. Report adopted. Ald. Berg, of the hoard of health. re- ported in favor of having the vault )f the Fred. K'ein.lohntidt Est.. on n 1-a city lot 495 cleaned as the same is a nuisance. Report adopted. Ald. Bonson. chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: In favor of accepting the award of the Jury for the extension of State street, said award not to be paid before January lst, 1897, and said street to be 50 feet in wid h, instead of 60 feet. Report adopted. Also report in favor of setting aside the award of the jury on the proposed widening of W. 14th street west of Alta Vista street. and that all action heretofore taken in regard to widen- ing said street be rescinded, and that said street be reimproved as originally Laid out. Ald. Berg moved that the rules be suspended and persons desiring to be allowed to address the council on the matter. Carried. P. W. Crawford, Geo. Fengler, and Col. Henry Rose addressed the coun- cil in regard to said street, and urged that the report of the committee be ap proved, in justice to the owners of the property. Ald. Berg moved that the report of the committee be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, 0>3 Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Noes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman and Bonson. Ald. Bonson also reported as fol- lows: In favor of having Ald. Bonson con fer with the owners of property along the proposed extension of Willow street, as to right of way for same. In favor of allowing John Hickey one years' interest on his special tax for the improvement of Grandview ave, the same to apply on his taxes for 1896. In favor of receiving and filing the resolut'on for extension of sewer In al- lay between Rhomberg and Lincoln and 5th and 6th avenue. In favor of allowing Alphonse Mat- thews $150 for services in rase of Morse vs. City of Dubuque, and $150 for ser- vices in case of Spurrell, First National bank. Zugenbuehler, Guthrie and Welsh. vs. City of Dubuque. the above amounts to be in full for all services per formed fnr the city in accordance with a resolution passed by the city council January 7th, 1895. In favor of making arrangements with the owners of property north of the city to provide means of carrying the water from Bee Branch through their property. In favor of awarding the contract for the improvement of West 17th from Clark srreet to Cox street to Stench, O'Farrell and Linehan, but no money to be paid on same until next year. In favor of postponing action on plan showing proposed change in improve- ment of Grandview avenue. Would also recoimmend that the mat- ter of the assessment of the Key City Fire Insurance Co., for the years 1895 and 1896 be referred to the equalization com.mittee to take such action as they may deem proper. Report adopted, Also report adverse to the remon- strance against sanitary sewer in Foye and Seminay street, and report in favor of awarding the contract for the con- struction of said sewer co the lowest bid der. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. McGrath addressed the coun- cil in regard to said sewer and protest- ed against same. Onmotion the report of the commit- tee was not adopted. Fred Weigel also addressed the coun- cil protesting against the paving of 12th street. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on west side of Caledonia Place from Hill street to W. 8th street, by B. Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinfater nam- '''21 Adjourned Regular Session,, September 8, 1896. ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mary A Taken, Kelly's sub, s 1-2, lot 35, 44.5 lin ft sidewalk at 22 1.-2c .$ 10 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 6 foot wide plank sidewalk north side of West 14th street from Walnut street to Cox street, by B. Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate, hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts, set opposite each lot or par cel. of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th. 1896: A Goldthope, sub 74], city, lot 3, 93.5 lineal feet sidewaik at 22 1-2c .$ 21 04 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 6 f: wide plank sidewalk on West 5th and Summitt streets abutting lot 1, Mattox sub, by B. Donahue, contractor, in front of and, adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lots or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896: Mrs Anna Whelan, Mattox sub, lot 1, 192.5 lineal feet sidewalk at 22 1-2c $ 43 31 ,Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Albrecht, Altman, Baucr, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a plank sidewalk, 4 feet wide, on west side of Rebecca street from Thomas street to south end of street by Robt E. Lee, con tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896: Rebecca J. Farley, sub 2 of 18, 19, 20, Fairview sub, lot 1 119 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c ,$ 17 90 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Ronson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing 6 feet wide sidewalk on beth sides et Jackson strut from 19th street to 27th street. by B. Donahue, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax he and is hereby levied on the Fevera1 dots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the s^vera] amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896. Math. Riede, Glendale add. lot 1, 60 lin ft at 22 1-2c.. .. $ 13 50 Math. Riede, Glendale add., lot 2 50 lin ft at 22 1-2c 11 25 L. B Gantz. Glendale add, lot 12, 60 lin ft at 22 1-2c. . 13 50 Klauer K Recker. Davi: Farm add lot 213, 70 lin ft at 22 1-2c15 75 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Altman, Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, MoEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing a 4 ft wide plank sidewaik on the east side of 5th a\•enue from Rhomberg avenue to north end improve ment, by Robert E. lee, contractor, in frrnt 01 and adjoining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, s'tua'e and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es,ate, as follows: Special as- sessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896. Ellen Collins, sub 537 a Ham's add., lot 1, 125 lin ft at 14 5-8c $18 28 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. A:tman, Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow - :n, • Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubitque: That to pay for con. structing 4 ft wide sidewalk on east side of Midd:e avenue from Garfield avenue to High. Bluff' street; by Robt. E. Lee, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment sub- mitted Sept. 7, 1896. Chas Heinze, Wick's add., lot 25, 140 lin ft at 14 5-8c $20 48 Jacob Kuntz Est., sub 6, 8 and north 7 ft of 10 Wick's add., lot .l'ijozert,e'i liegulrtr Session, September 8, 1896. 225 1. 148 :in ft at 14 5-8c 21 35 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. A:tman, Albrecht, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, ^n'1en, Dennert, Lagen, :;Ici'voy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered he follow- ing: Re-olved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing a 4 ft wide sidewalk on both sides of Ru -h street frotp Quince to Villa streets. by Bobt. E. Lee, contrac- tor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots, and par's of lost, anti parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set oppoalte each lot or parte: of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7, 1 S9t;. Wm. Hintrager, union add., lot 190, 75 lin ft at 14 5-8c $10 97 R. Bonson Eat., Union add., lots 210 and 211. 186 lin ft at 14 5-8c 27 20 Adapted by the followleg vote: Ares-Ald A:trnan, Albrecht, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McFvoy and Rvder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing a 4 ft wide sidewalk on both sides of Alpine street from West Third street to Dodge street, by Robert E. Lee, contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and narts of lots. and parte:s of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: c'ne^ial assessment submitted Sept. 7, 1896. Standard Lumber Co.. Guernsey & Langworthy's add., lot 3, 52 lin ft at ,4 5-8c.. .. .. $7 61 F'andard Umber Co, Guernsey & Langworthy's add., lot 4, 52 lin ft a+. 14 5-ec 7 61 Standard Lumber Co., Lois add, lot 6. 52 .in ft a+ 14 5 -Se 7.61 S. M. Langworthy Est., Lois add lot 8, 65 lin ft at 14 5-8c 9 50 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. A:tman. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mct'vn•. and Rvder. Ald. Ronson offered the following: Resolved by the c:ty council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for con strutting 4 foot wide sidewalk on both sides Audubon ave from W 14th street to Dexter ave by Robert E. Lee, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special Ass esmrnt Submitted Sept. 7, 1896. C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 52, 104 lin ft sidewalk at 1.4 5-8c , . , . $ 15 21 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 52, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c.. 7 31. C. A. Voelkur, Woodlawn Park add, lot 53, 51 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c ..........731 C. A. Voelkrr, Woodlawn Park add, lot 55, 60 lin ft s'd-walk at 14 5-8c .. •8 47 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park • add, lot 56. 59 lin ft sidewalk C. A. Voelker, Wcodlawn Park add, lot 57, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c.. ., Iowa M. & B. Loan association, Woodlawn Park add, lot 58, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c .. 7 31 Thos. McDonald, Wcodlawn Park arid, lot 59. 50 lin ft side- walk at 14 5-8c .. .. .. 7 31 Henry Smith, Woodlawn Park add, lot 60, 60 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8e 8 77 Thos McDonald, Woodlawn Park add, lot 61, 59 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5 -Re.. .. ..... 8 63 Martin Fahy. Woodlawn Park add, Int 62, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c . ,. .... 7 31 Thos McDonald. Woodlawn Park add, lot 63, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c , . .... 7 31 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 65, 59 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c .... .. 8 63 C. A. Voelker. Woodlawn Para add, lot 66, 59 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c .. .. .... .. C. A. Voelker. Woodlawn Park add. lot 68, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c .. ... ... 7 31 C. A. Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 69, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c R. Juan, Woodlawn Park add, lot 70, 59 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c C. A. Voelker. Woodlawn Park add, lot 91, 59 lin ft sidewalk at 8 63 7 31 8 63 7 31 8 63 8 63 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, Int 92, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c7 31 Theresa Kempf, Woodlawn Park add, lot 93, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5 -Sc . .. ,. 7 31 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, n %/2 lot 94, 25 lin ft side- walk at 14 5-8c ,. „ .... 3 66 R. G. Rogers, Woodlawn Park add, sl/2 lot 94, 25 lin ft side- walk at 14 5-8c .. .. 3 65 John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park add, lot 95, 59 lin ft side- walk at 14 5 -Sc 8 63 John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park add, lot 96, 59 lin ft side- 22f Adjourned Regular Session, September 8, 1896. walk at 14 5-8c .. 8 63 John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park add, lot 97, 50 lin ft side- walk at 14 5-8c.. .. .. ...... 7 31 S. E Smith, Woodlawn Park add. lot 98, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14 5-8c .. .. .... .. .... 7 31 John Kleinschmidt. Woodlawn Park add, lot 99, 104 ft side- walk at 14 5-8c .. .. .... .... 15 21 Adopted by the folowing vote: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson Cullen, Dennert Lagen, Mc- Evoy, Ryder. Ald. Ronson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvment of Clifford street from Seminary street to Napier street, by Peter Horsch, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate, here- inafter named, situate, and awned, and for the several amounts set oppoaiie each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896: J P Schroeder, sub 108, Mechan- ics add, lot 2, 36 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $10.80; 16.44 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.77; 39.11 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $12 91 $ 28 48 Peter Stouhl, sub 108, Mechan- ic's add, lot 1. 105.5 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $31.65; 54.22 sq yds guttering at 29c, $15.72; 108 sq yds macadamizing at 330, $35.64. 83 01 J J Limbeck, Mechanic's add, s 100 ft, lot 109, 121 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $36.30; 38 sq yds guttering at 29c, $11.02; 63.36 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $20.90 . . . . . , 68 22 Henry Tropf, Mechanic's add, n 50 ft, lot 109, 54.5 lin ft cubstone at 30e, $16.35; 20.33 sq yds guttering at 29c, $5.90; 39.44 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $13.02. 35 27 Joseph Haupert, sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142, L H Lang - worthy's add, and 135, 136, Mechanic's add, s 1-2, lot 2, 41.7 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $12.51; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.83; 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $11 . . 28 34 Susan Dress, sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138,140, 142, L H Langworthy's add and 135 and 136 Mechanic's add, n 1-2, lot 2, 37.8 lin ft of curbstone at 30e, $11.34; 12.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $3.67; 21.11 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $6 97 .Adam Jaeger, sub of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142, L H Lang - worthy's add, lot 1, 79.7 lin ft 21 98 curbstone at 30c, $23.91; 30 sq yds guttering at 29c, $8.70; 53 sq yds macadamizing at 33c $17.49 W Schultz, sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142, L H Lang - worthy's add and 135 and 136, Mechanic's add, lot 1, 78.2 lin ft cubstone at 30c, $23.46; 26 sq yds guttering at 29c, $7.54; 43.- 33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $14.30 45 30 C A Voelker, sub 17, Voelker's add. lot 1, 40.2 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $12.06; 14.33 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.15; 27 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $8.91 25 12 J Haupert, sub 17, Voelker's add, lot 2. 30 lin ft curbing at 30c, $9.00; 10 sq yds guttering at 29c, $2.90; 16.67 sq yds mac- adamizing at 33c, $5.50. 17 40 Theo Klein, Voelker's add, n 40 ft lot 18, 40 lin ft curbing at 30c, $12; 13.33 sq yds guttering 29c, $3.86; 22.22 sq yds macadam- izing at 33c. $7.33 . . . 23 19 Dominick Welu. Voelker's add, s 10 ft, lot 18, 10 lin ft curbing at 30c, $3.00; 3.33 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $.96; 5.55 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $1.83 5 79 Dominick Welt], Voelker's add, n 20 ft, lot 19, 20 lin ft curb- ing at 30e, $6.00; 6.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $1.93; 11.11 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $3.67 11 60 Anton Welu, Voelker's add, s 30 ft, lot 19, 30 lin ft curb- ing at 30e, $9.00; 10 sq yds guttering at 29c, $2.90; 16.67 sq yds macadamizing at 33c, $5.50 17 40 C A Voelker, Voelker's add, lot 21, 73 lin ft curbing at 30c, $21.90; 36.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $10.63; 44.44 sq yds mac adamizing at 33c, $14.66. 47 19 C A Voellter, Voelker's add, lot 22, 118.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $35.55; 53.33 sq yds guttering at 29e, $1.5.46; 120.50 sq yds macadamazing at 33c, $39.76 . 90 77 Adopted by the following vote Ayes-Ald.s Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for tho improvement of Goethe avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue, by Stanek, O'Farrell & Linehan, contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parous of real estate hereinaft r named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each 1)i or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept 7, 1896. 50 10 i Adjourned Regular See8ion, September 8, 1896. Fred Ackerman, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 88, 110 lin ft curbing at 30c, $33.00; 50 sq yds guttering at 30c, $15.00; 146.80 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $44.04. $92 Geo. Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 96, 128.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $38.55; 60 sq yds guttering at 30c, $18.00; 193.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c $57.96 . 114 Geo. Eichharn, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 103, 39.3 lin ft curbing at 30c, $11.79; 20 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.00; 63.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.06 36 85 Dubuque B. & L. Assn., Burden & Lawther's add., lot 104, 60 lin ft curbing at 30e, $18.00; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c $8.00: 73.33 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. $22.00. 48 00 W. Gross, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 105, 87 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $26.10; 41 sq yds gut- tering at 30e, $12.30; 131 sq yds macadamizin.g at 30c, $39.3077 70 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., :ot 28. 69 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $20.70; 33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.90; 108.80 sq yds macadamizing at 30e $32.64. 63 21 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 27, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 26, 50 lin ft curbing at 30e, $15.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $18.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 25, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $18.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 24, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq Yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq vds macadamizing at 30c, $15.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Eat. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 23, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq Yds guttering at 30e, $6.67: 61.11 so yds macad?mizing at 30e, $18.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 22, 50 lin ft curbing at 30e, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33. Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 21, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq Yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 227 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $18.33. 40 00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 20, 59.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $17.85; 26.67 sq 04 yds guttering at 30c, $8.00; 84.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $25.33 51 18 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 17, 130.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $39.15; 59.33 51 sn yds guttering at 30c, $17.80; 174.30 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $52,29. 109 24 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 16, 129.3 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.79; 59.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $17.80 174.30 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $52.29 108 88 W. Lawther, Burden & Lawther's add., lot 37, 60.5 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $18.15; 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30e, $8.00; 84.44 sq yds macadamizinz at 30c, $25.33. 51 48 W. Lawthe”. Burden & Lawther's add., lot 36, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67, 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c $18.31 40 00 W. Lawther, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 35, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.67: 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c $18.33 40 00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 34, 41.4 lin ft curbing at 30c, $12.42; 25.33 sq yds guttering at 30e, $7.60; 61,11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $18.33. 38 35 Geo Burden Eat, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 33, 50 lin ft curbing at 30e, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $18.33. 40.00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 32, 50 :in ft curbing at 30e, $15.00: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33 . . 40 00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 31, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33 . . 40 00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 30, 50 lin ft curbing at 30e, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30e. $18.33 . . 40 00 Geo Burden Est, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 29, 69.2 lin ft 40 00 curbing at 30e, $20.76; 33 sq yds guttering at 30e, $9.90: inR.R0 ,n yds macadamizing at 30e, $32.64. 63 30 Dubuque B. & L. Assn., Burden 22 .11,j9ttrnecl R'qa far Sesseon, Septentocr 8, 18 96. & Lawther's add., 11 40 ft lot 102, 166 lin ft curbing at 30c, $49.80; 77.33 sq yds guttering at 30c, $23.20; 256.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $77 150 00 Coyle & Ellis, Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 97. 129.5 lin ft curbing at 30e, $38.85; 60 sq yds guttering at 30e. $18.00: 193.22 sq yds macada,mizin.g at 30e 96 114 81 F. A. Bisbing. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 87, 111.8 lin ft curbing at 30c. 33.54; 50 sq yds guttering at 30c. $15.00: 146.80 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $44,04 92 58 Adopted by the fol'owing vote: Ayes -Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, j R'+,gnn. C'+,11en llennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for int- B provement of Foye street from W. Lo- cust street to Gold street by Brown & 2 Brown, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. M and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es tate, as follows: Special Assessment Submitted Sept. 7, 1896, ICate Lundbtck, Cox's add, e 24 ft lot 22, 118.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $33.10; 60.90 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $17.05; 124 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $34.72.,$ 84 87 Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add e 32 ft lot 23, 111.3 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 31.16; 68.90 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $19.29; 1 26.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $35.47 . .. .. ........ . 85 92 $10.21 30 63 Jas. Cunningham, Buettell's sub, lot 5, 43 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $12.04; 19.11 sq yds guttering at 28c, $5.35; 31 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, 38.68 26 07 John Blake Est. Ellen Blake's sub, lot 7; 313.2 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $87.70; 145.78 sq yds gut tering at 28c, $40.82; 276.70 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $77.48.. .. ••206 00 Nic Martin. Porter's add, lot 17. ' 90 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $25.20; 40 sq yds guttering at 28c; $11.20: 65 sq yds macadam izing at 28c, $18.20 54 CO ohn W. Bitten, Por'er's add, lot 16, 51 lin ft curbsto:ie at 28c. $14.28; 22.7 s6q yds gutter- ing at 28c, $6.35; 36.80 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $11.3030 93 ridget Bird, Porter's add. s /, lot 15, 25.5 lin ft curbs'one at 8c. $14.28; 22.67 sq yds gutter- ing at 28e. $3.17; 18.40 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $5.15 .. 15 46 ary Mullen, Porter's add, n % lot 15. 25.5 lin ft curbstone at 28, $7.14; 11.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $3.17; 18.40 sq yds macadamizing at 28e. $5.15 .. 15 46 Jerry Anglin, Porter's add, lot 14. 51 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $14.28; 22.67 sq yds guttering at 28c. $6.35: 36.80 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $10.30.. 30 93 John D. Walsh, Porter's sub, lot 13, 51 lin ft curbstone at 28c. $14.28; 22.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.35; 36.80 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $10.30.. 30 93 Pat F. Walsh Est. Porter's add. lot 12, 57.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c $16.10; 28.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $7.90; 44.42 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $12.44.. 36 44 Iowa M. B. & L. Ass'n. Porter's add, lot 11. 4 sq yds guttering at 28 $1.12; 8.67 sq yds macad amizing at 28c. $2.43.. .. .... 3.55 Adopted by the following vote: Alds.-Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Borg, Bonson, Cullen, Denner`, Lagen. McEvoy, Ryder. Ald, Bonson offered the following: esolved by the city council of the of Dubuque: That to pay for im pro of Garfield avenue from k ave to Reed ave by Wilmer Cook, tractor, in frotn of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is here- evied on the several lots, and parts ots, and parc^ls of real estate here - ter named, situate and owned, and the several amounts set opposit> lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- ial Assessment Submitted Sept. 7, 1896. c Altman, McCraney's 1st Dan Norton, Buettell's sub, lot 10, 109.5 lin ft curbstone at 28c $30.66; 69.77 sq yds guttering at 28c, $19.53; 99.44 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $27.84 .... 78 03 J. J. Flynn, Buettell's sub, lot 9. 66.8 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $18.70; 33.77 sq yds guttering at 28c, $9.45; 55.72 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $15.60 Dan Norton, Buettell's sub, lot 43 7 5 8. 68 lin ft curbstone at 28c, 19.04; 33.77 sq yds guttering at 28c. $9.45; 55.72 sq yds ma_ badamizing at 28c, 15.60 .. • . 44 09 Neal Mcpoland. Buvttell's sub lot 7; 54 lin ft curbston- at 28c, $15.12; 29.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.21; 48.50 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28e, $13, 5a 'Louis Burchart, Buettell's sub 36 91 R city pr Doc con the by 1 of 1 inaf for of 6, 50.5 11n ft curbstone at each tering at 2Sc, $6.28; 36.47 sq 28e, $14.14: 22.44 sq yds gut- lows Spec yds macadamizing at 28c, Fran Adjourned Peyular Session, September 8, 1896. ` 29 add, lot 27, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15;22.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $6.67; 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 303, $23.33$ Franc Altman, Mciraney's 1s: add, lot 28, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30e. $15. 22.22 sq vds gutter- ing at 30c, $6.67: 77.78 sq yds sq yds macadam:zi.ng at 39c, $23.33.... .. .... ...... $ Franc Altman, McCrarey's 1st add, lot 29. 51 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15, 22.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 39c. $6.67; 77.7S sq vds macadam'zing a' £0'. $23.33$ Alen Schumacher, McCraney's 1st add, lot 30, 50 lin ft c'bston' at 30e, $15. 22.22 sq yds gutter- ing of 30e. $0.67; 77.78 so yds ma^adam'zIhg at 30' $23 33$ Alen Pchuma^her, McCraney's 1st add. lot 31, 50 lin ft c'bstone at 30c, $15. 22.22 sq vds gutter- ing at 30e $0.67: 77.78 s -t yds maeadimizirg rt :'0c. $23."3$ Allen Schumacher. Mc"'raney's lst add, lot 32. 50 lin ft c'bstone at 30c, $15. 22.22 sq yds gutt°r- ing at 30e. $6.67; 77.78 so yds macadamiz'rg at 30c $23.33$ Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st add, lot 33. 74 lin ft curb- stone at 20c, $22.21; 34.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $10.40; 99.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $29.86 .... .. ..... Wm. Benton. McCraney's 1st add, lot 2. 72 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $21.60; 33.78 sq ycls gutter- ing at 30e, $10.13; 99.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $29.86. . Wm. Benton. McCraney's 1st add, lot 3. 50 lin ft curb=ton, at 30c. $15: 22.22 sq yds'kuttering at 3^c $6.67: 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizirg at 30^. $21.33. Wm. Be^t'n, McCraney's 1st add, lot 5. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c $6.67; 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c $23.'3. Wm. Benton. McCr'ney's 1st add, lot 6. 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c. $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c. $6.67; 77.78 sq yds ma- cada.m4zing at 30e, $21,33. Wm. Benton. McCraney's 1st add, lot 7. 50 lin ft curbstone at, 30c, $15: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c $6.67: 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $23.33. Wm. Benton. McCraney's 1st add lot 8, 52 lin ft curbstone at 30c $15.60;22.22 sn yd guttering at 30c, $6.67; 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $23.33 .. Wm. Benton, Mecraney's 1st add lot 4, 50 lin ft curbstone at 30c, $15; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 77.78 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30e, $23.33. Adopted by the following vote: Alds.-Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, 45 00 McEvoy, Ryder. Aid. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Tont to pay for improvem^nt of Grace street from Grandview avenue to east 45 00 line, lot 8, O'Hare's sub, by Steuck & O'Farrel & Linehan, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and par - 45 01 cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th. 1896:. Grandview Ave M E church, sub 20, Reche's sub, lot 1, 119 lin ft curbing at 30e, $35.70 54.67 sq yds guttering at 30c, $16.40; 45 00 140.10 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $42.03. $ 94 13 Wm Reche's Est, sub 20, Reche's sub. lot 2, 52 lin ft curbing at 30e, $15.60; 23.11 sq yds gutter- ing45 00 at 30e. $6.93; 63.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.06 41 59 Geo Eichh.orn, sub 20, Reche's sub, lot 19, 55.8 lin ft curbing .at 30e, $16.74! 24.80 sq yds gut- tering at 30e, $7.44; 68.20 sq yd.s macadamizing at 30c, $20.46 44 G4 62 46 James E. Durand, Reche's sub, lot 18, 55.8 :in ft curbing at 30c. $16.74; 24.80 sq yds gut- tering at 30e, $7.44; 68.20 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 61 59 $20.46. R Off, Reche's sub, lot 17, 59.4 lin ft curbing at 30c, $17.- 82; 24.80 sq yds guttering at 30c, $7.44; 73.50 sq yds mac - 45 00• adamizing at 30c, $22.05 ... 47 31 M F Kleckberger, Reche's sub, lot 16, 7.78 sq yds guttering at 30e, $2.33; 36.94 sq yds mac adamizing at 30c, $11.08. . 13 41 45 00 J C Roberts, Reche's sub, lot 21, 169 lin ft curbing at 30c, $50.70; 88.90 sq yds guttering at 30e, $26.67; 264.72 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $79.41 156 78 45 00 J C Roberts, Reche's sub, lot 22, 74.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, $22.- 44; 38.90 sq yds guttering at 30c, $11.67; 106.33 sq yds mac adamizing at 30c, $31.90 . . . 66 01 Heer & Kochendorfer, Reche's 45 00 sub, lot 23, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 30e, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33 45 60 T B Cain, Reche's sub, 24, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 45 00 $18.33 . . . . . . . . 40 00 45 00 44 64 40 00 230 A' jourite.•1 Re' Oar Session, September 8, 1s9(;. Heer & Kochendorfer, Reche's sub, lot 25, '50 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, 115.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 118.33 W E Gregory, Reche's sub, lot 26, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 30c, $15.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.67; 61.11. sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.33 Heer & Kochendorfer, Reche's sub, lot 27, 70 lin ft curbing at 30c, x$21; 32.90 sq yds gut- tering at 30e, 19.87; 108.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $32.- 63 Simon Thoni, Reche's sub, lot 28, 70.3 :in ft curbing at 30c, 121.09; 32.90 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $9.87; 87.40 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $26.22 .. 57 18 W G Sweeney's Est, sub 7, O'Hare's sub, lat 4, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80; 20.44 sq yds guttering at 30c, 16.13; 56.- 22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $16.87 . . 36 80 W G Sweeney's Est, sub 7, O'Hare's sub, lot 5, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, 113.80; 20.44 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.13; 56.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $16.87 36 80 W G Sweeney's Est, sub 7, O'Hare's sub. lot 6, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, 113.80; 20.44 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.13; 56.- 22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 116.87 36 80 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub lot 5, 66 lin ft curbing at 30e, $19.80; 37.11 sq yds guttering at 30c, 111.13; 92.90 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c, $27.87. 58 80 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 6, 50 lin ft curbing at 30c, 115.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30e, $6.67; 64.44 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c, 119.33. .. 41 00 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub; lot 7, 45.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.74; 20.40 sq yds guttering at 30c, $G.12; 67.22 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c, $20.17. . 40 03 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 8, 42.8 lin ft curbing at 30c, 112.84; 24.44 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $7.33; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $18.3338 50 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 9, 43 lin ft curbing at 30c, $1.2.90; 24.44 sq yds guttering at 30e, 17.33; 61.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30c, $18.33 . . . 38 56 Mary A Kemler, sub 4, O'Hare's sub, lot 1, 55 lin ft curbing at 30c, $16.50; 24.44 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $7.33; 67.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $20.17... 44 00 Mary A Kemler, sub 4, O'Hare's sub, lot 2, 83 lin ft curbing at 40 00 40 00 63 50 30c, $24.90; 36.90 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $11.07; 101.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $30.43 . . 66 40 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 11, 45.9 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.77; 20.40 sq yds guttering at 30c, 16.12; 56.10 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30c, $16.83 . . 36 72 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10, 45.9 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.77; 20.40 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.12; 56.10 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30c, $16.83. ... 36 72 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 9, 45.9 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.77; 20.40 sq yds guttering at 30c, $6.12; 56.10 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30c, $16.83 . 36 72 M Michels, Hodge's sub, lot 8, 44.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.26; 19.64 sq yds guttering at 30c, 15.89; 54 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c, $16.20 . . 35 35 H R Keagy, Hodges sub, lot 7, 44.2 lin ft curbing at 30c. $13.26; 19.64 sq yds guttering at 30c. $5.89; 54 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c, 116.20 . 35 35 0 Bennett, Hodge's sub, lot 6, 52.2 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.66; 24.10 sq yds guttering at 30c, $7.23; 76.24 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30e, $22.87 . 45 76 Hyacinth Girard, Hodge's sub, lot 5, 121.7 lin ft curbing at 30c, 136.51; 53.33 sq yds glittering at 30c, $16.00; 153 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30e, $45.90 98 41 Adopted by the following vote Ayes-Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Coates avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross street, by Wm. Dodson, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 'Special assessment submitted Sept. 7th, 1896: C A Alexander, sub 3, Bab - cock's add, lot 2, 273 lin ft curb ing at 27c, $73.71; 125.78 sq yds guttering at 27c, $33.96; 332.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $93.08. $200 75 C A Alexander, sub 5, Simpson's add, lot 1, 101 lin ft curbing at 27c, $27.27; 41 sq yds gutter- ing at 27e, $11.07; 119 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $33.32 71 66 T Trieloff, Concord sub, lot 13, 141 lin ft curbing at 27c, $38.07; 66.67 sq yds guttering at 27c, 118; 194.78 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $54.54 . . . 110 G1 el l jrni,,i tl k+;/'i1, p' Session, Septern3er 8, 1898. 231 A Mink, Concord sub, lot 14, 141.5 lin ft curbing at 27c, $38,- 20; 66.67 sq yds guttering at 27c, $18; 194.78 sq yds macad- amizing at 28c, $54.54. . 110 74 Robert Sellers, Simpson's add, lot 9, 106 lin ft curbing at 27c, $28.62;52.44 sq yds guttering at 27c. $14.16; 152.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28e, $12.68 85 46 Joseph Hoerner, Simpson's add, lot 10, 96.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $26.05; 48.90 sq yds gutter ing at 27c, $13.20; 127.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $35.59 74 84 Sam Bennett, Simpson's add, lot 11. 101.3 lin ft curbing at 27c. $27.35; 50.93 sq yds gutter- ing at 27e, $13.75; 132.73 sq yds macadamizing at 28r.. $37.1678 26 Lid Emmert. Simpson's add, lot 12, 106.8 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $28.84; 53.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $14.40; 139.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $39.0182 25 Frank Sellers, Simpson's add, lot 13, 106 lin ft curbing at 27c. $28.62; 56.22 sq yus guttering at 27c, $15.18; 147.28 sq yds mac adamizing at 28c, $41.24 . 85 04 Geo A Sturtevant, Simpson's add, lot 14, 121.7 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $32.86; 59.6 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $16.09; 156.56 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $43.84... 92 79 C F McDonald, Simpson's add, lot 15, 136.7 lin ft curbing at 27c, $36.91; 61.56 sq yds guttering at 27c, $16.62; 168.05 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $47.05... 100 58 John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 16, 143.5 lin ft curbing at 27c, $38.75; 68.44 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $18.48; 182.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $50.99 . 108 22 John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 17,148 lin ft curbing at 27c, $39.96; 65.78 sq yds guttering at 27c, $17.76; 180.90 sq yds mac adamizing at 28c, $50.65 . .... 108 37 John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 18. 61 lin ft curbing at 27c, $16.47; 28.90 sq yds guttering at 27c, $7.80; 61.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 28e, $17.11. 41 38 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot 35; 196.4 lin ft curbing at 27c, $53.03; 89.11 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $24.06; 228.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $63.99.. 141 08 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot 36, 172.7 :in ft curbing at 27c, $46.63; 76.75 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $20.72; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10.. 126 45 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot 37, 172.7 lin ft curbing at 27c $46.63; 76.75 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $20.72; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10.. 126 45 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot 38, 172.7 lin ft curbing at 27o $46.63; 76.75 sq yds gutter - Ing at 27c, $20.72; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10.. 126 45 M Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simp son's add, lot 10, 50 lin ft curbing at 27c, $13.50! 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.- 11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. . 36 61 M Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simp- son's add, lot 9, 37.2 lin ft curbing at 27c, $10.04; 27.55 sq yds guttering at 27c, $7.44; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11 . . 34 59 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 8, 42.6 lin ft curbing at 27c, $11.50; 24.90 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.72; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $17.11. . 35 33 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 7, 50 lin ft curbing at 27c, $13.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 36 61 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 6, 50 lin ft curbing at 27c, $13.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 36 61 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 5, 50 lin ft curbing at 27c, $13.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. $17.11. 36 61 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 4, 42 lin ft curbing at 27c, $11.34; 24.90 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.72; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 35 17 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 3, 50 :in ft curbing at 27c, $13.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 36 61 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 2, 50 lin ft curbing at 27c, $13.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 36 61 T Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 1, 59 lin ft curbing at 27c, $15.93; 32.90 sq yds guttering at 27c, $8.88; 83.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $23.27. 48 08 Wm Coate's Est, Simpson's add, lot 42, 172 lin ft curbing at 27c, $46.44; 76.44 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $20.64; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10 . . . . . . . . 126 18 Wm Coates' Est, Simpson's add, lot 43, 159.3 lin ft curbing at 27c, $43.01; 81.78 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $22.08; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, 232 Adjourned Regular Session, S Vela'ier 8, 1896 . $59.10 ' 124 19 Wm Coates' Est, Simpson's add, lot 44, 216 lin ft curbing at 27c, $58.32; 109.33 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $29.52; 283.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $79.39... 167 23 Adopted by the following vote Ayes—Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved, That the special as- sessment against lot 4 sub of part out lot 684, city, Mike Hardie. owner, for sewer in Cornell street, be reduced to 90 cents. Aid. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Angello street, between Wes: Locust street and Cox street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city record- er directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting proper- ty; the grading to be bid in the total. The contractor to have until November let. 1897, to complete the work. No estimates to be returned untill Feb- ruary lst, 1897, or later. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Cox street, between 17th street and Union avenue, be graded, gu:tered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for Bald improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadam- izing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; th grading to be .bid in the total. The eontractors have until November 1st, 1897 to complete the work. No esti- mates to be •until February 1st, 1897 or after. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy, and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Catherine st. between 17th street and north end of Catherine street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing' to be done at the expense of the own- ers of the abutting property; the grad- ing to be bid in total. The contractor to have to Nov. 1st, 1897 to complete the work. No estimates to be returned until Feb. 1st, 1897. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow• ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Thomas and Franklin streets, between Cornell ana Yates streets, be graded, guttered, curh- ed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no:ice for bids and proposals f, r the performance of the work; the poitenng, curbing and macadamizing to oe done at the expense of the o xt_ +,s of abutting property; the grading Lc be bid in the total. Auopted by • the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bau,,r tsonson, ^:+lien, Dennert, Meloy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk two (2) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within ten days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Valley street, between Southern avenue and Wilde street where not already Laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Aibreoht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Logon, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing. Resolved by the City Council of t.ae City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, as follows: 4 fee; wide on both sides of Goethe avenue between Burden avenue and Sheridan street. 4 feet wide on north side of Southern avenue between a and W' 4relgu g7eainie. 4 feet wide on north side of Lawther avenue between Burden avenue and Windsor avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Sheridan A-ljourned Regular SeBeion, September 8, 1896. •233 'street between Goethe avenue and Law- Resolved by the City Council of the then avenue. City of Dubuque: That the mayor is 4 feet wide on west side of Hv hereby authorized and required for the Court between Lowther avenuea and and purpose of Strauss avenue. providing for the cost and expense of improving the following 4 feet wide on south side of Clinton streets and alleys, to -wit: avenue between Queen street and Wind- sor avenue. Fremont avenue Yram North Cas 4 feet wide an east side of Queen cade road to Pacific street..$1500 00 ',Garfield avenue from Dock street street between Sanford street and north to First avenue. 1400 00 RiesWest 8th street from West line of Roger's sub to Air Hill st200 00 and St. Mary's street from Emmett to West 3rd street 600 00 ✓ Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton street 2800 00 Alley from 14th to 15th between Pine and Maple s`reets 200 00 Alley from 17th to 18th between Elm and Pine streets 200 00 ✓Ailey from 16th to 18th between Maple and Cedar streets 200 00 19th street from wes` line of Pine street to east line of East Du- buque add 200 00 Alley north of Eagle Point ave- nue from Prince street to C. G. W. R. R. 200 00 Ries street from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue. . . 400 00 15th street from alley east of Elm to Pine street. 200 00 Edison street from Stafford ave - to Althauser avenue. 800 0l Eagle street and Emsley alley from Middle avenue to Alt- hauser avenue. 800 0.0 West 17th street from Clark street to Cox street 2000 00 To issue under the provision of the ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894, by the city council of the city of Du- buque, bonds to the amount of $12,000 of the denomination of $1,000, each numbered from 22 to 33 inclusive, all da`el September 8th, 1896, payable seven years after date, or at any time before said date. At the option of the city of Dubuque and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually, both principal and interest pay able at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and reg- istered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer to be applied by him in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894 and said coin mittee is to report its doings to the city council. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Be It Resolved, By the city council of ..the city of Dubuque That the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to notify all property owners who permit the caps of water pipes above the side- walk adjoining their premises to place the same under the level of said side. walk, as the same where they so pro. end of street. 4 feet wide on north side of street between Windsor avenue Stafford avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Edison street between Stafford avenue and Alt- hauser avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Fremont avenue between Cascade road and Pa- cific street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Hart street between Couler avenue and Va- leria street. 4 feet wide on east side of Paul street between Seminary street and Leibnitz street. 4 feet wide on both sides of West Sth street between Hill street and Air Hill street. 4 feet wide on north side of Union avenue between We.:t Locust street and Blake street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grand- view avenue between Southern avenue .and east end. 6 feet wide on both sides of Jackson street between 27th street and Peru road. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berb, Benison, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow Ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on west side of West Main street between Main street and Jones street. 12 feet wide on south side of 1th stree3t between Main street and Iowa street. Where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Logen, Alchvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bowan offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city record- er be and is hereby instructed to give the proper notice in regard to the pro- posed vacation of ten (10) feet off the west side of Queen street, north of San- ford street, as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. . 4:derman Ryder offered the following Which was adopted: 234 Adjourned Regular Session, September 8, 1896 ject are dangerous to pedestrians ar d are an obstruction to public travel. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the tax levy on all taxable property within the lim- its of the city of Dubuque for the year 1896 be fixed as follows: Expense, ,6 mills. Special interest, 4 mills. Water, 1 mill. Total, 11 mills. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer. Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ryder offer:d the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the board of supervisors of Dubuque county be in- structed to levy two (2) mills on all taxable property within the limits of the city of Dubuque (Julien townsh'p) for 1896 for bridge purposes, for tie use and benefit of the city of Dubu- que. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds Albrecht, Altman. Bau r, Berg, Bonson. Cu11'n, Denner:, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following: Whereas. The owners of lots 362, 363 and 364 East Dubuque add, have been notified as required by law to fill said lots, so as to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon, and Whereas, The owners of said prop- erty have refused and neglect.d to fill said lots in the time and manner re- quired. therefore Resolved. That the city engineer he and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specificat'ons for filling said lots so as to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon, and advert'se for bids for doing said work, and submit same to the council. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda Albrecht, APm' n. Eauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, I.agen McEvoy and Ryder. Md Berg of the board of health offer- ed the following wh'ch was adopted: To Peter Kiene, et al: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of pubuque to pass a resolution at its nextegular ses slon, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered wth stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as fol- lows: Lots 9 to 14 inclusive and 23 to 26 in elusive in block 20 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's add: You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, 1f any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5th, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: To Key City Cooperage Co: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be fi11Ed and raised lots which are at times subject to be cove r- ed with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as fol- lows: Lot 1 01 12 and 1 of 23 Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's add, block 2S. You are notified to a.prar, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passe d. as it is proposed that said flllirg :•11.111 be at your expense. The next sessicn of the council will commence on Oc.obtr 5th. 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was atlop:ed: To M. Kohn: You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raise lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant es- ter, which lots are numbered and de- scribed as follows: Lot 306 East Dubuque add.! You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should nor be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was adopted• To I. Belsky: You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the CIty of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant wa- ter, which lots are numbered and de- scribed as follows: N 1-2 lot 307, East Dubuque add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the Council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill- ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence October 5th, 1896. Ald. Berg, of the board of health, of- fered the following, which was adopted: To I. Manhoff: You are hereby notified that it is th!e intention of the City Council of the Adjourned Regular Se88ion, City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant wa- ter, which lets are numbered and de- scribed as follows: S 1-2 lot 307, East Dubuque add: You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill - )ng shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5tn, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of heatlh, of- fered the following, which was adopted: To the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co.: You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant wa- ter, which lots are numbered and de- scribed as follows: Lots 13 to 23 inclusive in block 23, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill- ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5th, 1846. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was adopted: To Geo. Klein: You are hereby notified that it is the Intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at tines subject to be covered with stagnant wa- ter, which lots are numbered and de- scribed as follows: N 1-2 of 308, East Dubuque add, You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not he passed, as it is proposed that said till- ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5th, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following, which was adopted: To A. Lewis: You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution et its next regular session. ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant wa- ter, which lots are numbered and des- cribed as follows: South 1-2 of 308, East Dubuque add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill - September 8, 1896. '? 3:, ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council wi:1 commence on October 5th, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: To F. M. Ellis: You and each of yon are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be cover- ed with stagnant water. which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lot 143 Burden's and Lawther's sub. You are notifl=d to appear. is you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, If any you have why said resolution should not be passed. and it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5. 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: To Poole & Stephens: You and each of you are heraby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session. ordering to br filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be cover- ed with stagnant water which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lot 365 Ea=t Dubuque add. You are notified to appear. if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause. If any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the cocncil will commence on October 5. 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopted: To Martin Heer: You and each of you are hereby noti- fled that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be cover- ed with (stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lot 27 in Reches' sub. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not he passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence October 5, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: To F. Lorendolt: You and each of you are hereby noti- fled that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass '2,36 Adpura.ol Regular Ses ion, September 8, 1896. a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be cov- ered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as fol- lows: Lot 142 Burdens and Lawther's add: You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5, 1896. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered the following which was adopt- ed: Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water: and Whereas, The owners of sa'd prop- erty have teen notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, there- fore, Be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque. that the fol- lowing described property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: Lot 31, E. Langworthy's add. be filled and raised at the expenes of the owners, to a height sufficient in the judgment of the city engineer, to M prevent stagnant water roman ng thereon. The work is to be complet- ed by Oct -'--- cost of said improvement to b at the expense of the owners of adja- cent property in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the fo:lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Ronson, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy, and Ryder. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Fremont avenue be- tween Grandview avenue and North Cascade road. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A:ds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Dennert offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved, That the city engi- neer is hereby 'ordered to prepare plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer In Diagonal street and alley in Dumis' add. and in Broadway to south line of lots 9 and 10 King's add., the same to connect with White street opposite Di- agonal street. Adapted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. A:tman, Bauer, Berb, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, cEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Lagen moved to reconsider the above resolution. Lost by the fallowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Berg, Cullen, Lagen and Ryder. Nayes--Aids. Albrecht, Bauer, Bon - son. Dennert and McEvoy. Ald. Ryder moved that West 511' street west of Bluff street and Cornell street be repaired by the street com- missioner. Carried. Aid. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. Hancock allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Hancocx addressed the council in relation to extension of wall on Grove Terrace south, and asked that the engi- neer be instructed to prepare plans for said extension, also prepare plat show- ing widening of lane south of Grove Terrace, and give an approximate esti- mate of the cast of wall, cost of widen- ing said lane. including the improve- ment of said lane. On motion the request was granted. Mr. Hosford addressed the council in regard to the extension of water mains on Fremont avenue' On motion the matter was referred to the mayor with power. Ald. Bonson moved that bids for the imCarrprioed.ent of 12th street be opened. vem Bids were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. folloCitywing:Attorney Knight submitted the To The Honorable Mayor and City Council: The city marshalshall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this resolution in the manner pro- vided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof as- sessed against and be a lien upon said Property. Alderman Cullen offered the follow- inr which was adonted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city record- er be and is hereby instructed to ad- vertise for eoa: and wood for the year vear ending April 1st, 1897. Alderman Cullen offered the follow- ing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city record- er be and is hereby instructed to adver- tise for bids for veterinary surgeon for the horses of the fire and police depart- ments far one year commencing Oct. lst, 1896, and ending October 1st, 1897. in Alderman Altman offered the follow - Resolved by the City Council of the CIty of Dubuque. That a sanitary sew- er be constructed in and along Prospect street from West 511' street north 100 feet, and the city engineer is directed to prepare the necssary plans and spec- ifications for said improvement, the Adjourned Reimlar Session, September 8, 1896. 237 Gentlemen—In response to your re- quest that I give you a written opinion as to the power of the council to fill the vacancy in the city recorder's office caused by the death of Mr. Cooney, I would direct your attention to the fol- lowing provisions of the law in rela- tion to the matter: The charter of the city of Dubuque provides as follows: Section 7. "The city council shall have power and it is hereby made their duty; first., to fill the vacancies which may occur among the officers of the city by appointment. the person so appoint- ed to hold office until the next succeed- ing April election, when the vacancy shall, if an elective office, be filled by election by the people." It is provided in section 729, Mc- Clain's Code of Iowa, as follows: Any member of the city council may be expelled or removed from office by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to the city council, but not a second time for the same cause; any officer appointed by the city council may be ,emoved from office by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to the city council' and provision may be made by ordinance as to mode in which charges shall be preferred and a hear- ing be had; in all cases of vacancies in the city council they shall be filled by special election and in case any office of an elective officer except members of the city council shall become vacant be- fore the regular expiration of the term at the first annual election that occurs elected and qualified and such successor ahall be elected for the unexpired term after the vacancy shall have happened. the city council until a successor is There can be no question but that there is a vacancy in the office of city recorder and that there was no vacan- cy in said office as contemplated by law until Mr. Cooney's death. It will be seen that in a case of this kind the law gives you no option. It requires the council to appoint some one to fill the unexpired part of the term and that is made your imperative duty by both the city charter and state statute. There are other questions in connection there- with that I might discuss at some length but I could not make the mat- ter plainer and I have thought best to confine myself to your reference. Respectfully, J. E. KNIGHT, City Attorney. Ald. Benson offered the following in relation to the above: Wherefore, it being the opinion of the city attorney that we appoint a city re- corder, and as owing to the stringent times it is absolutely necessary that economy be practiced, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we hereby ap- point Capt. • Langstaff to the office of city recorder for the ensuing year. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Berg, Benison and Dennert. Noes—Alda. Bauer, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The vote being a tie, the mayor voted "aye City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for paving 12th street. Kenty & McCann. $1,431 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. 1,470 00 Stenek & OFarrell. 1,710 00 Kenety & McCann being the lowest bidders were on motion awarded the contract. Aid. Bonson moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, Sept. 10th, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. Attest : Approved 189... ..Dfaocr 238 Adjourned Regular Session, September 10, /896. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 10TH, 1896. Council met at 8 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Dennert moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. John PIer be al lowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Pier addressed the council in re- lation to the condition of Seventh street near Clay street. Ald. Lagen moved that the matter be referred to the street committee, pav ing committee and engineer. Carried. Petition of G. B. Blocklinber et al, remonstrating against construction of sanitary sewer on Broadway and Diago- nal street was read. Mr. Blocklinger addressed the coun- cil in regard to the matter. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter he referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Security Building com- pany, asking that the city engineer be directed to give them the grade of the al ley back of their building was granted. Petition of K. Yates et al, asking that West Locust street from 17th street north be re -surfaced was referred to the street committee with power. City Engineer Knowlton presented es timate of cost of extending wall in lane south of Grove Terrace, also plat of widening said lane and estimate of coil' of wall and improving lane. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented communication and plans for the extension of sanitary sew - through Fulton school grounds. Re- ferred to the sewer committee and en- gineer with power. Aid. Lagen moved that the matter of St. Mary street improvement be re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Bill of M. M. McCarten for extra ser- vices was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Bauer offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be built across Couler avenue on the north side of Diagonal street, at the Fulton school house. Ald. Berg offered the following. which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city recorder issue a ventre to the city marshal, commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens of said city, to assess the dam- ages that may be caused by the pro • posed extension of Merchants Lane to Foye street, as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer, and approved by the council. On motion the matter of extension cf water mains on Dodge street was re- ferred to the aldermen of the Firs: ward. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of constructing sewer on Rose street and alley west of Center Place be left to the sewer committee with power. Car- ried. Bids for street improvements were referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Carried. .. Recorder 189.. Muyor SPECIAL SESSION. SEPTEMBER 11, 1896. Council met at 12:15 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds Altman, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to take action in re- lation to St. Mary's street. Ald. Dennert offered the following, resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be instructei to prepare a plat showing the proposed vacation of a strip of land on the west side of St. Mary's street as follows: Commencing with five feet in width on the north end of said street, thence running south in a straight to a point produced by running the north line of Emmett street west to the established line of St. Mary's street, and proceed in accordance with chapter 30 of the revised ordinances of 1893. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn. Special Session, September 16, 1896. • 239 CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL SESSION SEPT. 16, 1896. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy In the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The petition of the Smedley Steam Pump Manufacturing company was re- ferred to the committee on delinquent taxes and Mr. Smedley requested to con- fer with the committee. The petition for Capt. Killeen et al. in relation to the sand bar at the mouth of the ice harbor was referred to the committee on harbors, the Mayor and city attorney. Alderman Bauer offered the follow- ing. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That 27 th street, be- tween Jackson street and C. G. W. Ry. be graded, guttered. curbed and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the City Recorde rdirected to give the prop- er notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expewge of the owners of the abutting property; the grading to be bid in the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy moved that the Du- buque Construction Co. and Steuck & Jae Cunningham, Buettell's sub, lot 5. .. .. ...... 26 07 John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's sub, lot 7.. .... 206 00 Nic Martin, Porter's add, lot 1754 60 O'Farrell be allowed within $50.00 of their contract price for street improve- ments. Carried. Alderman Dennert moved to adjourn. Carried. :tttP. / 0' / Recorder Appr,,v",l 1/ ........1R9.. SPECIAL SESSION SEPT. 21, 1896. Council met at 4:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aldermen. Albrecht, Alt- man, 13auer, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to consider the filling Of 16th street and South Main street. Ald. Bonson meved that all dirt from 17th street be hauled to 4th street ex- tension and the contractor be allowed 12 1-2 cents per cubic yard. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved that the street commissioner have full charge of al: teams hauling fillings on the dumps. Carried. Ald. Dennert moved the adoption of the plans and specifications of sewer on Broadway and Diagonal streets. Vote resulted as follows: Yaes—Ald. Albrecht, Bauer, Bonson and Dennert. Noe:--Alds. Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The vote being a tie, the Mayor voted yea, but therupon withdrew his vote and action postponed upon same until the next regular meeting. Ald. Altman moved that the city pa:, 17 1-2 cents per cubic yard for all filling/ on South Main street. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to approve the plans and specifications for sewer on Prospect street. Carried. Ald. Bonson offered the following which was adopted. Resolved that a stone crossing across Cornell on Picket street be laid. Ald. Bonson moved that the 1st and 5th wards be a:lowed two foremen each and each of the other wards ane, under the supervision of the street commis- sioner. Carried. Ald. Bonson moved that the matter of Cluttering on 15th street be referred to the street committee. Carried. Ald. BonsoVm.veto ad Carried. Attest: (Official.) Special Session Sep ember 25th, 1896. Council met at 4:15 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action on paying J. H. McDonald an estimate for pay ing West Main street. Ald. Cullen moved that the action of the council in ordering a sidewalk latd. on the Fast side of Fremont avenue bo rescinded. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the action of the council ordering a sidewalk on both Ades of Grandview avenue be res- cinded. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved that the action of the council in ordering a sidewalk on Valley street be rescinded. Carried. Petition of P. McCullough, asking that he be allowed to lay 2% inch oak walk on West Main street was granted, under the supervision of the city en. gineer. Ald. McEvoy moved that the samo 210 Spacial, Ssssion, September 25, 1896. privilege be given to the Schrieber, Con char Mfg. Co. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton presented an estimate for $1460 due J. H. Mc- Donald for paving West Main street. Ald. Berg moved that he be allowed •1250. Carried. Bill of Ross McMahon of $140 was read. Ald. Cullen moved that the matter of paying bill of Ross McMahon and balance of estimate of J. H. McDonald be referred to the mayor and finance committe with power. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: Rey, nler 189.. .. Mayor A1pproved. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubu- que, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Wednes day, Sept. 16th, 1896, for constructing pipe as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office. A twelve inch tile pipe sewer from White street to Couler avenue at Diag- onal street. Estimated length, 220 lineal feet. 2 man holes. City to furnish all pipe. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200.00 with each bid that contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 9-11-5t W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Du- buque. Iowa, tip tu 4 o'clock p. m. Sat- urday. Sept. 5th, i896, for constructing pipe sewer as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office: An eight inch tile pipe sewer in Calidonia Place from Hill street to W. 8th street. Estimated length 640 lin. ft. Four manholes. City to furnish all pipe. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with each bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reservers the right to reject any and all bids. 8-24-1Ot, W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Aug. 24, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office tip to 4 o'clock p. M. Sept, 5th, 1696, for curbing and paving the fol- lowing streets with brick, in accord- ance with plans and specifications now on file in my office: Twelfth street from Main street to Lo cust street. Brick paving on macadam groute, 1,200 sq yds. New curbing 500 lineal feet. All of above work to be completed on or before October the 20th, 1896. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for new curbing, the price per sq yd for brick paving on macadam groute foundation. Bidders will be required to furnish a bond of $200 guaranteeing that the con tract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted upon at a session of the council to be held Sept. 7th. 1896. Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-24-10t. Recorder pro tem. SPECIA L ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of Ci'v Engineer, • Dubuque, Iowa. 'ro the owner oe owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting f-arfteld avenue from Dock avenue to Reed avt•nue. Foye street from West Locust street to Gold street Goethe ave- nue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. Grace street from Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8 O'Harc's qab., Clifford street from Seminary street to Na.nier street, and Coates ave- nue from Fremont avenue to Cross street. You are hereby notified that there Is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dnbuntie a flint of said ably, named streets in said city, showing the sev- eral lots and parcels of ground, abutting on said strcets, and the tracks of said railway laid thereon subject to special assessment for paying and curbing of said street and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abut- ting real estate and of said rai:ways, anci the amount assessed against each lot, parcel of ground ,and against said railway, for the inspection of any person, firm or comna.nv interested in any kind of said real estate, or to said railways, and that such firm or com- pany having objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city re- corder his or their objection in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque which wiii meet on the 7th day of September, 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON, 8-24-10t. City Engineer. 1 n • Last of Warrants. LIST OF CIT r WARRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 1, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- oil: Gentlemen:—The fol:owing is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1896: T. T. Duffy, salary . $125 Ou H. B. Gniffke, salary . . . 208 30 L M Langstaff, salary. 116 60 M M McCarten, salary. . . 116 60 Jno F Stemm, salary 125 ,10 Jas E Knight, salary. . . 150 00 Edw Morgan, marshal. . . 1.00 00 Joe Reinfried, chief.* . 100 00 Thos Haggerty, street commis stoner 91 60 Jno O'Connell. com. clerk 83 30 Wm A Keap, c:erk recorder's of- fice . . . 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's office. 50 W H Knowlton, engineer . . 200 Jas Boyce, asst. engineer . 100 E S Hyde, asst. engineer. . . 100 Geo Osborne, electrician . . . 75 Phil Doerr, sewer inspector 75 Jos. P. Trani, marketmaster 50 Chas Burkhart, park cus'odian45 Thal. Calhill, park custodian 45 Dr. S E Lindsay 50 M Fite1, fireman CO Jne Essman, fireman. . . 75 A Duccini, fireman. 50 Jno Flynn, fireman. 60 J Wiltze, firema.n. Edw Keas. fireman Jos Tschudi, fireman. C Oatey, fireman. Job Barnes, fireman. T Ryder, fireman. W Ducey, fireman J Schoenberger, fireman M Fahey, fireman. Thos Meehan. fireman. . . .... . Jas Rooney. fireman. D Ahearn, fireman. T Walker, fireman. W Hippman, fireman. . . .... F Ganahl, fireman Geo Gehrke, fireman. Geo Helmrie.h, fireman Jas McFarland, fireman Jerry Murphy, fireman. . . .. A McDonald. fireman Jne Bauman, fireman . . . . F Fssiman, fireman. Thos Flynn, fireman F Kenneally. fireman Geo Beyer, fireman. Chas Kanno:t, fireman. . . Jas Allen, fireman. Wm McBride, fireman Ro4vt. Weston, fireman. . C Specht, fireman. Jas Agnew, fireman Torn Burke, fireman A Herr, fireman. W Kannolt, fireman B Moss, fireman. Ed Young, fireman . . . J J Murphy, police. 241 Jno Raesle, police.700 Jno Loetscher, police.• 50 00 P McNerney, palace. 50 C/,) Thos Reilly, police 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, police. 50 00 11 Norton, police. 45 05 Jays Flynn, police 50 00 Edw Moore, police. .. 50 00 M Kilty, pa}ice. 50 Ou P Sutton, police . .. .. .. 50 00 M Crau.eh, police 50 00 P Pavers, paliee. 50 00 F Rhomberg, p•alice 50 ('0 .Tas Rooney, police . . 50 00 T Manhor, police 50 00 Jas Lonergan, police. . . 50 00 .Trhn Murphy, police 50 00 Jno Noel, police . . 53 30 Wm Hennessey, police. . . 50 00 Jas Carter, police. 50 00 Peter Scharff, police. . . 50 00 Pat McCaliins, police 50 00 Jos SE -crest. police. 50 00 P Han,;on, police. 63 30 60 Tom Swe?ney, police.. .. $ 50 00 00 Wm. Howard, police .. .. .. 69 00 00 P. Mulligan, police .. .. .. 50 00 00 M. A. O'Connor, police.. .. 50 00 00 Jno. Cody, police . .. .. .. 50 00 00 Jas. L. Clune, police .. .. 50 00 00 Al. T. Sherr, police .. .. .. 50 00 00 Aug. Pfeffer, police .. .. 50 00 00 i Jno. Tierney, police .. .. .. 50 00 00 Henry K. Young, police .. 50 00 00 Albert Messner, police. .. 59 00 00 Geo. Burkel, police.. .. .. 52 40 00 Emil Kahn, police 59 00 J0 Miss B. Brennan, police.. .. 50 O0 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police .. 50 00 Carl Spiegelhalter, impounding50 00 Thos. Jess, expense.. .. 40 00 7.. un Ed. Aheran, labor.. .. .. 16 20 50 00 Jas. Albrecht, labor 14 20 60 00 Jno. Albrecht, labor .. .. 10 15 60 00 Thos. F. Ahearn, labor 14 85 50 OO Matt Ackner .. .. ........ .. 12 50 50 00 A. Alderson, labor 13 50 50 00 Jno. Buechler .. .... . 35 60 00 Wm. Bannan, labor .. .. ..... 3 05 60 00 Pat Bell, labor .. .. .. ........ 33 00 60 00 John Bottoms, labor.. .. ...... 28 00 50 00 Geo. Brochtbrach, labor .... .. 14 55 50 00 Pat Burke. labor .. .. .. ...... 14 20 50 00 Jno. Burk labor 16 90 50 00 Thos Boyce, labor. .. .. .. 14 85 GO 00 Jas. Boyd, labor .. .. .. 14 20 75 00 H. Breman, labor .. ...... 7 45 50 00 Chas. Buse, labor .. .. 12 85 GO 0O Jno. Burns, labor .... .. 14 85 60 00 Wm. Burns labor .. .. 6 75 50 00 Paul Becker, labor .. .. 5 10 50 110 Phil Becker, labor .. .. 8 80 Jas. Brunekill .. , ... 4 75 James Butler, labor .. .. .. .. , 21 00 50 00 Mike Boyle, labor ., 9 45 3 00 Chas. Buddle, labor .. , . .. 1 35 GO 0+) 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 2 50 2 50 4 00 4 00 Wm. Bennett, labor .. .. 12 15 Jno. Betzler, labor .. .. 2 05 Pat Breen, labor 24 60 Joe Blater labor ,. ...... 5 85 Chas. Beyer. labor .. .. 27 00 3 CO Jno Bewer, labor .. .. .. 39 00 75 00 Tony Beyer, labor 10 80 i 242 Li8t of lWalrants. J. Baumgartner, labor .. .. 1 35 Jno. Beoteher, labor .. .. 6 75 H. Brehne, labor .. .. .. 24 00 Wm. Bartling, labor .. .. .. 10 80 Chris. Buse, labor ...... .. 2 70 Richard Burns . .. .. 21 60 Joe Blocher, labor .. .... ....,10 85 C. Clemens, labor .... .... 2 05 Jas. Crawford, labor .. .. .. 50 00 M. Corbett, labor.. .. .. 29 05 Wm. Carten, labor .. .. . 25 50 Jno. Collins, labor .. .. 22 50 Thcs Cole, labor.. .. 11 50 Jno Corcoran, labor .. .. .. 8 10 Matt Crahin, labor 17 90 M. Carmody labor .. .. .. 21 60 D. Corcoran, labor .. .. 16 90 L. Corcoran, labor .. .. 17 55 Fred Conrad, labor .. .. .. 25 50 Jas. Craig, labor 16 20 W. Carberry, labor .. .. 18 90 Jas Connolly, labor.. .. .. 20 90 Jas. Cahill. labor. .. .. .. 16 90 Dick Corrigan, labor.. .. .. 12 85 B. Conlin, labor .. .. ... 13 50 Jerry Cahill, labor .. .. 1.1 50 D. Crotty, labor .. .. .... .. ,11 50 Jno. Callahan, labor .... 1¢ 25 Jno. Corbett. labor 25 65 Lant Cahill, labor .... .. 26 35 M. Collinson. labor .. .. 2 70 Chas. Coppersmith, labor .. , 1 35 F. B. Darling, labor .. 8 10 Jno. Dettman, labor .. .. .. 10 80 Garrett Doyle, labor.. .. .. 3 40 M. Differding, labor .. .. 5 10 P. Dempsey, labor .. 23 50 Jno. Dixon, labor .. „ 2 70 Jac Driscoll, labor .. .. ....... 63 00 P. Defountin, labor .. 8 10 Mart Dumphy, labor .. ., . 14 85 J. H. Emmerson, labor .. . 14 85 Jno. Egan, labor . 17 20 Wm. Erwin, labor.. .. .. .. 16 90 P. Fenlon, labor.. .. .. .. 2 05 Chris Fischer, labor .. .. 10 15 L. Fritz, labor.. .. .. 19 25 M Fagan. labor. 12 50 Wm. Flannagan, labor . 2 70 Jno Fitzpatrick, labor. 6 45 l0 80 3 40 5 40 19 50 1 35 12 15 45 00 14 85 12 15 17 55 12 85 8 10 x 14 55 P Fury, labor . P Fitzgerald, labor . P Fasselins, labor . N Fischer, labor . J. Farrell, labor D Gantenbein, labor P Gill, labor . . Pete Ginter, labor G Gantenbein, labor P Grew, labor G M Garrison, labor Jas Gillispie, labor Jos Ginter, labor . C Grewzig( labor Jos Grabb, labor Geo Gerst, labor . . Jno Greden, labor . H Grode, labor . . P Greden, labor Jno Gerst, labor . Barney Glass, labor . . Jno Glenn, labor 2 70 12 15 70 2 05 5 40 12 15 14 85 10 50 40 00 P Hanafan, labor . 5 40 Geo Greenwald, labor 6 75 Claus Hagge, labor .. , 6 75 D. Heck, labor . 8 D Harman, labor 14 8510 Aug Hofferman, labor 14 85 Jerry Hogan, labor 16 20 Jno Hanley, labor . 14 Jno Hayes, labor . 24 Jim Hunton, labor . 7 H Henkel, labor . . 12 Joe Hoover, labor . . 6 Amhe Hird, labor . 14 Geo Hecklin, labor . 12 N Hilger, labor . 1 Chs. Heck, labor 6 A Henderson, labor . 12 M Haupes, labor . 17 F Herzog, labor . . . 8 L Hein, labor . 2 Jas Hird, labor on bridge 50 Jno Halfey, labor on bridge 10 P Horeb, labor . 13 Jas Hall, labor . 3 .1 Howard, labor . 1 Ellis Joyce, labor . 5 Fred James, labor . . . 2 Andy Johnson, labor . 16 P Jacobi, labor .. 6 Wm Juergens, labor . 14 Jess Jellison, labor on bridge 50 P Joc;«u i, labor .. 7 P Kien, labor . 36 Geo Kinsler, labor . 10 A Knuckey, labor . . 12 Phil Kenney, labor . 24 M Kane, labor . 14 Fred Krueger, labor . 6 Tim Kelley, labor . 16 A Knapp, labor 14 Jno Kelley, labor . . . 11 Wm Krumpfleld, labor . . 6 75 Geo Kistler, labor . 14 55 L Kreps, labor . . . 8 80 Mike Kass, labor . 16 90 Mart Klein, labor . 16 20 Jac Kraus, labor . . 13 20 C Kampman, labor . . . 11 15 Jno Kinsella, labor on bridge 44 10 E S King, labor . 7 45 Jno Kelly, Jr., labor Pat Lynch, labor Pat Leavitt, labor Jno Lavin, labor M Loes, labor H Luck, labor Matt Lillack, labor . . . Jno Leidunger, labor . Peter Leidunger, labor , Chs. Lohman, labor Mike Lavin, labor 85 75 45 85 75 85 15 35 10 15 55 80 70 00 80 50 05 35 40 40 55 45 85 00 80 00 15 15 30 85 75 20 85 50 Edw Lagen, labor on bridge Thos Lonergan, labor . Wm McLaughlin, labor . . J H McDonald, labor B McCormack, labor Larry McEvoy, labor P Murray, labor M Mahoney, labor M McCone, labor Pat Moran, labor . Jno Mullen, labor. 7.IcGuan, labor. 2 70 4 05 16 90 13 20 4 05 14 85 1 35 70 3 40 19 50 5 40 40 00 33 75 6 75 13 50 10 80 33 75 12 50 21 60 21 60 15 55 35 70 19 60 List of Warrants. D Sullivan, labor. Jno Steffen, labor J L Sul:ivan, labor. Peter, Stoffer, labor. S Schaetzler, labor,. Adam Singel, labor Geo Sohon, labor Jno Sullivan, labor. Wm Schwangler, labor. Geo Sutter, labor 1: Schen, labor Otto Sehleagel, labor H Stevens, labor N Schroeder• labor. D Sutherland, labor. S Smith, labor. W H Stevenson, labor .Tno Sehars, labor. Joe Se:k, labor. A. R. Stevenson, labor J F McCone, labor. 10 T Mulquenney, labor. . . 22 ,M Murphy, labor . . 6 Torn Murray, labor q P. Mohan, labor. Thos Q McDonald, labor. . . Jno. McCorron, labor. . . .... M Maher, labor. L Meurisse, labor. M McCarten, labor. Wm McLean, labor. P McPoland, labor. J Maroney, labor. Jos Martinett, labor 'Mhos Meggison ,labor........ D McGuiness, labor......... Jas McCormick, labor. . . . ... Jas McLaughlin, labor. Peter Marseilles, labor. . . . .. M. McNamara, labor B McCaffrey, labor. Jake Miner, labor. Dorman Miner. labor. . . .... James McCarron. labor. . . ... Edw. Ma•loy• labor. P Murphy, labor . J McFarland, labor on bridge Fred Ne.umaster, labor. . . . M. Norverton, labor. . . .... J North, labor Ernest Mecke• labor Jos Tacke, labor. Jno Tasohner. labor. Geo Traub, labor b Theo 'Ph1:1, labor Wm Taylor, labor. 14 Treutlein, labor. Ernst Vogt, labor. Jno Varnsohalk, labor. . ... Frank Vogt, labor.. .. .. Peter Wertin, labor. Casper Winter, labor on bridge M White, labor . Jno Weitz, labor Jno Welsh, labor H Wei'denbaoher, labor. . . ... Pete Wagner, labor. . . .... Jno Wickham, labor. Jno Wouf, labor.. .. .. A Wanderschect, labor .. .. N Wiolohami, labor. Peter Weist, labor. Edw Welsh, labor. Wm Warring labor. J Williams, labor. B Williams, labor. ,Aug. Yoss, labor. J Zeinanek, labor. Geo Zumhoff, labor. F Zinn, labor. Tos Zither, labor. W Zachina, labor. P Ahearn, team P Altman, team Theo Altman, team I Beekman, team. Joe Smith, labor. . Ohris Sunderberg, labor. . .... M Shea, labor M Sullivan, labor Morris Scollard, labor. . . .... N Sweeney, labor. Wm. Spensly, labor Jno Stevens, labor. Jno Savage, labor. Paddy Smith, labor . . . 11 8 16 12 6 15 16 14 2 14 S 22 11. 16 9 15 11 13 14 8 50 2 6 7 6 14 85 6 75 13 50 14 20 10 SO 6 75 8 10 15 30 10 15 85 10 20 85 75 00 20 20 70 55 10 20 50 20 4:; 55 50 Wm Savory, labor. •' 'Pheo Simon, labor Jno Nagle, iThos. A'Hearn . 00 Pat O'Brien 70 N. Offerman 70 F. Oswald 75 Dennis Powers 45 James Powers 80 James Purcell Anton Peter Frank Paley J. Pillmaier Geo. Parr 243 • 2 05 14 85 16 85 18 t,0 9 45 10 80 2 70 16 20 • • ... 14 85 16 20 24 00 1 35 13 50 4 05 10 10 3 40 • . ..... 1. 35 7 45 25 00 75 00 1 35 10 SO 1 35 14 85 20 25 11 15 2 70 18 25 16 90 16 20 14 20 5 40 29 25 6 10 6 10 18 25 30 00 17 55 1 35 14 55 28 50 4 05 14 55 14 85 11 15 10 80 16 20 266.5 2 70 .2 05 1 35 38 60 10 80 6 75 30 00 42 00 28 00 13 50 3 00 .... ........ Jno. Pfeiffer C. Pierce P. Quinn, Sr 3 75 Wm. Quinlan 14 55 M. Quinlan 50 00 Chas. Reilly 15 55 23 65 •••• .......... •••• .......... Tom Reilly A. Renter 6 75 Jno Raetz3 75 20 Jack Raesner 14 12 10 Geo. Rink Fred. Reums 13 50 James Reed 20 25 Mr. Roshiek 7 80 12 50 N. Reisch 13 50 F. Reiger 8 10 F. Steins 39 00 M. Specht 1 35 Jno. Schroeder 1 35 L. Stein 14 85 C 0 Baler. team. 12 15 Alb. Conrad, team. 27 75 T Crahin. labor. 2 05 P Clancy, team. 1 35 B Co,tellow, team 14 20 27 00 24 75 16 50 39 00 13 50 6 75 16 20 17 55 16 90 11 50 27 00 25 65 19 50 15 20 \Vm Casey, team.. y. 4 50 Jno Clancy, team . 1. 50 Jno Dunkley, team 7 50 .Tno Evans, team. 7 50 T Elliott, team 30 00 N Frith, team. 33 00 Jno Geary team.. .. .. 16 50 Jno Hoffmeier, team . . .. .. 39 00 Mrs. Healey, team. .. 33 00 T Heins, team. 26 25 Ben Herald, team.. .. . 36 00 M Hannon, team . 6 00 Haggerty Bros, team. 57 00 Jos Herald, team.. .. 21 00 W J Hammond. team. 6 0a 244 Liee of Wirrctnt8. P Jarding, team. T Kane, team B Kane, team ,• . . H C King, team. .. .. .. Jos Kenneal:y, team .. .. .. . T B Kane, team.. .. .. .. • John Long, team .. .. .. .. Rol.t T,.,vc, team .. .. .. .. P Linehan, team. .. .. .. 9 Jas McCracken, team.. .. .. 37 W McGrath, team .. .. .. 26 .teff McGrath, team.. .. .. 2:3 John McCollins, team.. .. .. 1; John McGrath, team.. . . 21 McElrath Teaming Co...... 25 S Norto te..m Jno Parker, team 48 Mrs Quinlivan, team. 15 Aug. Roeber, team 30 Ewd Ryan, team.. .. 3 Geo Reynolds, team 36 H Smith, team. 37 50 Grin Stevenson, team.. .. • . 56 25 Jno Singrin, team. 45 00 1 dw Seeley, team.. .. .. 33 00 Jno Stmts. team .. .. .. 13 50 Wm kiingrin, tea1a .. .. .. 55 50 Jno Savage, team .. .. .. 15 00 J Southerland, team.. .. 6 00 D Southerland, team. . . 27 7;. Wm Silcrist, team.. .. .. •. 1 50 Jas Tobin, team.. .. .. .. 29 25 M Theis, team▪ 1 50 A Turner, team.. .. .. 12 00 F V. gpl, tesr,,.. .. .. 35 75 Jno Van Holten, team .. .. 4 50 HWeber, team.. .. .. 25 ^.n A Wo.ler, team . .. .. .. . 9 09 J M Williams, team . . 22 50 Jas isennett, sewer labor.. .5 C t ;.s Botsford, :ewer labor.. 40 r.0 Ed Capritz, labor Sam Elmer, labor M Farrell, labor A Jaeger, labor Jas Jelliscn, labor . Mart Lonergan, labor Henry Martin, labor . Pat McNulty, labor . M McOarten, labor . Jno O"Dea, labor . Jno O'Brien, labor Steve Rousch, labor Jas Rooney, labor M Tierney, labor . Wm Terry, labor Tony Zugenbue'hler, labor . Pat Doyle, labor Fred Conrad, labor . . A Kunckey, labor B McCormack, labor . . Henry Smith, labor . Wm ean, laborD M Flynn, labor . . Frank Baltzer, labor . . Fr. Conrad, labor . Jno Dettman, labor . W Eichman, labor . Fred Voelker, labor . . . Jno Steffers, labor Chas. Buce, labor . Jno Albrecht, labor . A Kirk, labor Nick Wagner, labor . A Knuckey, labor 15 00 16 50 13 50 19 50 15 00 3 00 3750 6 00 00 50 25 25 00 00 50 511 00 00 75 00 00 38 25 37 50 38 25 37 50 38 00 38 25 39 75 39 00 10 50 38 25 44 00 38 25 28 50 38 25 37 50 37 50 26 25 4 50 3 00 1 50 47 25 47 25 47 25 47 25 8 75 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 6 75 7 50 7 50 4 50 7 50 Jno Long, labor . Jno Hoffmeier, labor . . . Geo Reynolds, labor . .. Thos. Heins, labor F Bentin, labor M Theis, labor P Altman, labor A Doerr, labor Thos J Cooney, salary c ity recor- der for May . 66 70 Thos .1 Cooney. salary city recor der for June . . . 66 70 Geo Bennett, asst assessor . . 100 00 Gotf Gmehle, asst assessor . 100 00 Saml Starr, sanitary patrolman50 00 Wm Geisheker, rod man . . 65 00 Jno Farley, rod man . 40 00 Jos Murphy, rod man . 40 00 Jno Hillery, labor . 43 75 D Sheehan, labor . 10 50 Miss L M Zillig, type in writing in Scharle case . 7 50 E C Blake, cost in Donahue case 35 00 Jno Hoffman, watchman at dump ' 18 90 C Bay:ess. engraving resolutions Ald. Schulte . . 7 50 Phil Becker, labor in park . . 6 10 Jno Van Hollen, labor in park3 00 P Clancy, filling on High Bridge avenue 21 00 Geo Salot, filling on High Bridge avenue . . • 25 50 Robert Mathis. filling on High Bridge avenue . .. 26 00 Geo Farley, filling on High Bridge avenue 67 00 John McCo:lins, filling on High Bridge avenue . . 10 25 Cleaver & McCarten. filling on High Bridge avenue . 4 50 Peter Jarding, team . ... 23 25 Wm Maybanks, cost in city cases 15 75 T C Murphy, cost in city eases . 19 25 R J Love, pine wood for steam roller . 1 50 McElrath Teaming Co, sweep - E E Frith, removing garbage etc 214 50 ing streets 3 1-2 weeks . • . The Telegraph, advertising for month of May . J C Honer, plumbing in perk M Mullen, plumbing in city hall G Holl, sharpening lawn mower Mrs. C. Deckert, oil . ubDuque Wooden Ware Lumber Co, lumber for park L Roehl & Co, repairs at city hall 8 35 9 00 1 50 60 1 50 3 00 3 00 6 00 19 25 5985 75 00 12 13 20 10 1 85 1 60 27 40 National Demokrat, advertising The Herald, advertising . . . The Globe Journal, advertising. The Times, advertising . . Western Electric Supply Co, tree trimmers Key City Gas Co, gas Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 arc lights in May . 166 67 Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for June . 500 Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for June . . . . 500 00 50 00 67 50 67 50 29 15 4 85 70 35 00 .1 ist of Warrants. Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for June . 500 00 Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for June . 152 40 James A Hayes, judgment favor S E Howard old bond 500 00 James A Hayes, judgment favor S E Howard old bond . . 500 00 James A Hayes, judgment favor E S Howard old band 304 50 James A Hayes, cost in Howard case . 27 80 Jno Bewer, labor . 22 00 H B Gniffke, refund excavation permits . . . . . . . 165 15 H B Gniffke, interest paid on warrants . 500 00 H B Gniffke, interest paid on warrants 500 H. B. Gniffke, interest paid on warrants . 500 H. B. Gniffke, interest paid on warrants .. .. .. ........... 500 H. B. Gniffke, interest paid on warrants.. .. .. 444 H. B. Gniffke. stamps $20.00, Key for fire box 25 20 25 H. B. Gniffke. freight charges $45.39, refunding spec'al tax- es, $5.28.... .. .. .. 50 67 H. B. Gniffke, new hose $110, serving subpoena $1.00 111 00 H. B. Gniffke, refunding tax- es.... .. .. .. .. 37 6.5 00 00 00 72 Theresa McDonald, lean .. .... 150 Tim Shea, loan .. .. .. 200 Martin Carroll, loan .. ..... .. 500 Second National bank. loan ... 501 Second National bank, loan ... 500 Second National bank, loan ... 500 Second National bank, loan ... 500 Second National bank, loan ... 500 Second National hank, loan ... 500 Second National bank, loan ... 500 Second National hank, loan ... 500 Jos. Howard, loan .. ........ .. 500 Jo -1. Howard, loan .. ........ .. 500 Jos. Froward, loan .. ........ .. 500 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan.... 5110 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National hank, loan.... 500 Seoond National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan.... 500 Second National bank, loan .... 500 Geo. Scott, loan 500 Geo. Scott, loan ...... 500 Geo. Scott, loan .. .. 297 F. Oswald, labor 27 Jno. Karsch, labor .. .. 7 Barney Glass, labor .. .. 3 Thos. Boyce, labor .. .. .. 8 Wm. Erwin, labor .. .. .. 4 Henry Brennan ,labor .. Jno. Welsh, labor Wm. Lyon, team .. .. Tom Kane, team .. .. Bart Cain, team .... Jas.".faroney, Iabor .. .. , 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 45 40 10 05 5 10 6 75 9 00 6 00 6 00 3 40 24:5 Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitor .. .. 20 00 Geo. Gan, labor.. .. .. 13 50 Jno. Cororan, labor .. .. 10 80 James Boyd, labor .. .. .. 10 80 Barney McCormack, labor 810 Dubuque Water Co., 323 hy- drants for June .. .. 500 00 Dubuque Water Co., 323 hy- drants for June .. .... 500 00 Dubuque Water company, 323 hydrants for June .. .. 345 83 Jno. Sutherland, team.. 4 50 Mrs. J. H. Emmerson, putting out lanterns .. .. .. 2 00 M. Sullivan, macadam .. . 43 95 Edw Blake, improving Wood- worth ave 230 00 Steuck, O'Farrell and Linehan, repairing Kauffman and 5th ave.. .. .. .. .. .. 500 00 S'euck, O'Farrell and Linehan, repairing Kauffman and 5th ave.. .. .... .. .. .. 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell and Linehan, repairing Kauffman and 5th ave .. .. 482 50 Steuck, O'Farrell. and Linehan repairing Kauffman and 5th Steuck, O'Farrell. and Linehan improving Clinton ave.. .. 300 00 Steuck. O'Farrell, and Linehan improving Hedley Court .. 300 00 Steuck, O'Farrell, and Linehan Improving Sheridan St.. 400 00 Steuck, O'Farrell, and Linehan improving Staruss ave .. 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell. and Linehan improving Strauss ave .. .. 300 00 improving inion ave .. 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell, and Linehan improving Union ave .. .. 430 00 Wm. Dodson, improving Coates ave.. .. .. .. .. .. 500 00 Wm. Dodson, improving Coates ave.. .. .. .. .. .. 500 00 Wm. Dodson, imprav;ng Coates ave .. .. .. .. .. ... 400 00 Jno Pickley, improving Leib- nitz street .... 500 00 Jno Pickley, improving Leib- nitz street.. .. .. .. ......... 50 00 Theo Altman, improving South- ern ave 200 00 Jno. Tibey, repairing wall on Leibnitz street.. .. .. .. .. 222 30 Robt. E. Lee, constructing side walk on Audubon ave .. 275 00 Byron Donahue, constructing sidewalk on West 14th, West 5th and Summitt street 96 00 Geo. W. Farley, stone for 14th street . O. G. Kringle, sewer West 5th street .. 173 50 0. G. Kringle, rolling West 5th street .. 77 35 Dubuque Construction Co., sew- er Cornell stre t .. .... 217 00 Dubuque Cons'ruci Ion Co., roll- ing Cornell street .. .. 21 80 5 00 24(; List of Warrants Brown and Brown, improving Foy street.. .. ., .. .... 500 00 Brown and Brown, improving Foy street.. , . .. .. .. 110 00 Kenineally and Cain, Oiling Oak , street 62 50 Jno. Dunkley, filling Leibnitz street .. .,.. .. .. 18 19 Ross McMahon, retaining wall on St. Mary's street .. .. .... 165 30 Ross McMahon, retaining wall on St. Mary's street.. .. .... 62 50 Peter Horsch, rock for sewer 9th ave and Rhomberg ave.... .. 86 86 Peter Horsch, improving Clifford street .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... 440 00 Jno. Tibey, repairing wall. etc, West 8th street. .. ., .....,. 326 00 Jno. Tibey, repairing 9th ave sewer .. .. .. ... 123 82 Jno. Tibey, cross walk cross stone for May and June .. . 94 00 Perrington Paving Brick Co., brick for Main street .. .. .. 71 25 F. C. Austin, Mfg. Co. wire and hickory for street sweeper .. 27 25 McElrath Teaming Co., hauling brick etc. .. 6 50 T. J. Cooney, salary for May and June and July .. .. ,,., 216 65 G. W. Albert, macadam , . ..... 5 47 Chas. Karsch, macadam . , . , . , 61 95 Jno. Malone, macadam .. ...... 18 45 T. Ratterman, macadam .. , 70 27 I hereby certify that the fo-egoing 's a correct list of all warrants issuers by me during the month of July, 1896, L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder pro tem. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa. Sept. 1st, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1896: T T Duffy, salary $125 00 H B Gniffke, salary . . . 208 35 L M Langstaff, salary . 116 65 M M MoCarten, salary , 116 65 Jno F Stemm, salary , 125 00 Jas E Knight, salary . 150 00 Edw Morgan, salary . 100 00 Jos Reimfried, salary 100 00 Thos Haggerty, salary . 91 65 Jno O'Connell, salary , Wm A Kaep, salary 83 35 50 00 Edw Herron, salary 0 00 W H Knowlton, salary . . . , , 200 00 Jas Royce, salary 100 00 E 8 Hyde, salary , 100 00 Geo Osborn, salary , 75 00 Phi] Doerr, salary . 75 00 Jos Traut, salary . 50 00 Chas Burkhart, park custodian48 00 T Cahill, park custodian . 48 00 Dr. S. S. Lindsay, health officer 50 00 Thos Jess, wharfmaster . 20 00 Jas Daley, fireman Jab Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman W Ducey, fireman 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman M Fahey, fireman . . T Meehan, fireman Jas Rooney, fireman M Eitel. fireman 60 nn 5000 50 00 50 0n 60 00 Jno. Essman, ,flreman.. ......$ 75 Q0 J. Duccnle, fireman .. 50 00 J. Flynn, fireman .. .. .. .. , , CO 01 J. Wiltse, fireman.. .. .... 60 00 J. Tschudi, fireman.. .. .. .. 50 00 Ed. Keas, fireman .. .. . , ... , 50 00 C. Oatey, fireman . , .. . , .. 50 On D. Ahearn, fireman .. .. , .. , 60 00 T. Walker, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 00 W. Hippman, fireman.. .. .. . , 60 00 F. Ganahl,fireman.. .. .. ., 50 00 eo. Gehrke, fireman .. .. .. 50 00 Geo. Helmrich. fireman .. 50 01 Jas. McFarland fireman .. .. . , 50 00 J. Murphy. fireman 50 00 A. McDonald. fireman .. .. 75 00 F. Essman. fireman .. 54 00 T. Flynn fireman .. .. .. 60 00 F. Kenneally, fireman .. .. 50 00 Wm. Beyer, fireman .... .. 50 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 60 00 Jas. Allyn, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 01 Wm. McBride, fireman.. .. 59 00 Robt. Weston, fireman . , 50 00 Jno. Bauman, fireman .. 50 00 Alb. Herr, fireman .. . , .. ... , 29 00 B. Mass. fireman .. .. .. . , .. 37 05 H. Hochensteiner, fireman .. , , 3 00 Wm. McCauley. fireman .. 3 00 J. .T. Murphy police.. .. .. .. 77 50 J. Raesle, police .. .. ...... 77 50 .T. Fitzpatr'ck. police .. , . .... 57 65 Jno Flynn, police.. .. .. ...... 50 00 Wm. HennesFey, police .. .... . 50 00 Wm. Howard. police .. .. .. .. 60 00 M. Kilts. police .. .. .. .. .... 50 00 Ino. Loetscher. police .. .. .... 50 00 Jas. Lonergan. police .. .. .... 50 01 P. McHenry. police .. .. .... 51 65 Ed. Moore, police . , . , , . .... 50 00 J. Manhoff, police .. .. .. .. .. 50 00 Jno. Murphy. police .. .. .. .. . 53 3n Dan Norton, police .. .. ....... 51 65 Jno. No'l. police ............50 00 P. Powers, police . .. .. ...... 50 00 Thos. Rel!1y. police .. .... .... 51 05 F. Rhomberg, police .. .. .. .. 51 65 Jas. Rooney, police .. .. .. .... 50 00 P. Sutton, pollee.. .... ,. .... 51 05 M. Craugh, polio .. .. .. .. . 54 95 Jas. Carter. police .. ... 53 30 P. Hanlon, police .. . .... 50 00 P. McColllns. police .. .. ...... 53 30 P. Feharff, police .. .. .... 53 '0 J. Secrist, pollee .. .. 53 30 T. Sweeney. police . . . . 50 00 f.eo. Burkel. police . J. Cody, police . , Jas. L. Clause. police F. Rahn. poline .. A. Meiuer, police .. . P. 4111ig ,n police. , A. Pfeffer. pollee .. . A. T. Scherr, police Jno. Tierney. police H. K. Young, police .. .. 50 00 50 00 51 05 50 09 • 50 00 .. . 5165 • 50 00 . ,.. 50 01 .... 51 65 ..., 51 65 . List of Warrants. C. Splegelhatter, pound master, 50 00 Jno. Fannon, special pollee .... 6 65 Mrs. K. Hibbe, matron ,. .. . 50 00 Mise. B. F. Brennan, matron .. 50 00 A. Alderson, labor „ .. 16 90 M. T Ahearn, labor .. ., ...... 6 75 M. Ackerer, labor .. .. . , ...... 4 75 Thos. Ahearn, labor .. .. ...... 14 55 M. Albitz, labor .. .. .. ..... 2 70 T. Beyer, labor 12 15 Jas. Butler, labor ...... .. 21 40 R. Burns, labor 11 55 'Wm. Beyer. labor 2 70 Jas. Boyd, labor .. .... ...... 13 85 Thos. Boyce, labor 10 50 Jno. Burke, labor .. .. ...... 7 45 Jno. Burns. labor .. .. 12 50 Chas. Beyer. labor.. .. .. 60 75 H. Brehm, labor 33 00 Pat Bell, labor .. .... 46 50 Tno. Bottome, labor .. .... 30 01 Phil Becker. labor .. .... 16 20 Wm. Bartling, labor 14 20 Chas. Buse, labor .. .. .... 18 25 Paul Becker, labor .. .. .. 6 10 Jno. Burke, labor.... .. .. 1 35 Pat. Burke, labor .. .. .. 6 75 G- o. Brochtobrc ch, labor . , , , 12 15 Pat. Breen, labor .. 17 25 «m Bennett. Sr.. labor 12 15 Jos Blocker. labor. 12 F:; •Tas Brun.,1 ill. labor. 6 75 Val Burns, labor. 4 75 M Beckius, labor 3 40 Jno. Brwon, Libor 2 io H Berry, labor 4 75 Jos. Bade, labor 1 35 .Tno Bewer, le'or steam ro:ler50 00 D Corcoran, labor. 19 95 .T Cahill. labor 8 SO Jno Callahan, labor. 15 'A D Crotty, labor. 12 15 ?no Corbett, labor. 20 fb Jno Corcoran, labor. 19 60 .133 Connolly. labor. 12 50 L. Corcoran labor . . . 12 85 Wm Cunningh:zm, labor. . . 12 .50 B. Conlin, labor. 7 30 D. Carrigan, labor. 9 45 Laut Cahill labor. 14 85 Jas Cahill, labor. 10 80 Fred Conrad, labor. 36 00 Math. Collinson, labor. .. 1 35 J as Craig, labor.. ... .. . 2 70 Wm. Cat berry, labor. 16 90 Math. Carmody, labor.. 15 55 Math. Crahin, :abor. 16 'JO Jno Coyne, labor. 4 05 M. Coyle, labor. 3 -10 C. Callahan, labor. 4 05 Jas Crawford labor bridge 50 00 P Defontin, labor. 12 .;U Jno Doherty, labor. 16 55 Pat Dempsey, labor, 16 90 H. Donnelly, labor, 54 00 Jack DriscoN, labor. 47 35 Jno Dettman, labor. 13 20 Mart. Dumphey, labor. 8 b0 F. Darling, labor. 7 80 M. Differding, labor. 4 '15 Jno Dixon, labor. 10 54) Wm. Erwin, labor.. .. .. 12 85 Jno. Eagan, labor. 16 9J N. Fischer, labor. 18 75 Jas Farrell, labor, Dan Fox, labor. Pat Furey, labor, Christ. Fischer, labor F. Faber, labor. M. Fetschle, labor. M, Fagan, :abor. L. Fritz, labor P. Fitzgerald, labor. P Fasselius labor. Ed Frith, labor. Jno. FPzpatr!ck, labor. .Jno Flynn, labor. Pat Gill, labor Joe Brabb, labor Pat. Grew, labor. 247 4 05 11 bo 16 90 12 16 16 ;0 12 15 8 10 14 S5 2 115 4 75 1 3i 22 9:5 40 00 63 00 19 69 6 45 Jas Gillaspie,labor.... .. 11 85 Geo. Gantenbein, labor .. 16 50 Geo. Gan labor. 15 55 P. Gregory, labor 12 85 P Ginter, labor 12 15 Jos Ginter, labor . 16 20 H Grode, labor 7 80 B Glass, labor . 15 55 P Greden, labor 13 20 Jno Gerst, labor . 13 20 Jos Greenwood, labor .. 2 70 C Grunzig, labor . . 4 75 J M Garrison, labor . . . 2 70 Chr Gantenbein, labor . 4 75 Tom Hack, labor . 11 50 P Horeb, labor . 4 05 Jas Hird, carpenter . 50 00 Amb Hird, labor 14 85 Jno Hafey, labor . 11 50 Jno Hanley, labor . . 12 85 Dan Hickcock, labor 10 80 Jno Hayes, labor 36 75 H Henkel, labor . 9 15 Jno Hilson, labor . 9 15 Jos Huber, labor 5 40 Geo Hecklin, labor ... 15 55 Chr Heck, labor . 12 15 Jno Harmon, labor . . . . 1 35 M Houpes, labor . . . ..... 15 20 Dan Harmon, labor . , 10 15 Aug Hofferman, labor . 12 85 Jerry Hogan, labor . . . 4 05 A Henderson, labor . . , 4 75 Claus Tagge, labor . . , 4 75 Jas Hall, labor . . . 6 10 N Hilger, labor . 1 35 Wm Juergens, labor . .. 18 90 A Johnson, Iabor ... 12 15 P Jacobi, labor . 19 25 Jesse Jellison, carpenter . 50 00 Phil Kenney. labor 19 60 Jno Kelly. labor . 16 90 T Kelly, labor . 13 50 M Kane, labor . 14 65 H Kehr, labor . 9 80 A Knapp, labor . 16 90 P Kien, labor . . . 63 00 F Krueger, labor . 14 20 J Kraus. labor . 21 60 Jno Karsch, labor . 12 85 15 55 22 95 8 10 15 90 4 05 7 10 Jas Kenneally, labor . . 4 75 3 40 Wm Krohnfeld, labor . C Ka'mpman, labor . P Krocheska, labor M Klein, labor .. M Kass, labor E S King, labor Jos Kensler, labor 248 List of Warrants. Jno Kettenhoffer, labor , 2 70 Wm. Spensley, labor. . . • .... 34 ;,; Jno Kinsella. labor . 6 00 D. Sutherland, labor. 13 Td Lagen, driver 40 00 Jos. Stadl, labor. 3 41 ) Aug Lange, labor . 3 00 A. Schmidt, labor, 3 10 • Pat Lynch, labor . 19 60 Jno. Schemmel, labor. . . ..... 3 40 Chr Lohrman, labor 18 75 Jno. Schroeder, labor. g 15 P Leavitt, labor 14 20 A. R. Stevenson, engineer steam M Loes, labor . 6 75 rolloer 75 GU M Lillack, labor . . 5 75 Joe Seik, labor. 25 OU Jac Welte, labor ..............2 05 H. SteV€I.sc,n, laU,r. 2 Try P. Weist, labor.... ... ... ... 16 20 M. Specht, labor 31 9, Jno. Nickham, labor .. .... ... 70 T. 'l'hill, labor. 11 85 Aug. Gass. labor.. .... .. 15 55 Jno. 'Caschmer, labor. 6 1v Jno. Yan, labor .. .. .... .. .. 5 75 los Tacke, labor. 11 Sa Jno .Yan, labor . .. .. • , ...... 3 40 Geo Traub, labl or. 4 15 Geo. zumhoff, labor.. ...... .. 20 75 Jos Tomas, lobar 1 35 Fred. Zerehon, labor .. .. .. .. 12 85 A. F. Thompson, labor 3 )p Jas. Zermanek, labor . . , . , .. 20 25 Jos Vogt, labor. 339 Warring, Libor. 39 0 W. Zachina, labor ...... 12 85 p W rtin labor 43 50 F. Zernon, labor ............4 75 M. White. labor. 11 la P. Altman, team.... .. .. .. . 31 00 Jno. Welsh, labor. 11 15 P. Ahearn. team .. .... ...... 24 00 P. Wagner, labor. ft to R. Burns, Jr., team .. .. ...... 18 00 Edw. Welsh, labor. . . 17 '15 T. Byron, team .. .... ..... 12 75 N Webb. labor. 2 71 C. 0. Baker, team.. .. .. .... 18 00 Jr o. Welsh, labor. 11 1511 Mrs. Costello, team .. .. .. .. 10 50 A. Wauderseheit, labor. . 13 20 T. Crahin, team .. .... ...... . 24 01) Jno. Wolff. labor. 12 85 P. Clancy, team .... .. .... .. 7 5.1 Geo. Whitman. labor. 12 50 Wm. Casey, team .. .. .. ...... 31 50 H. Weiderbacher, labor. . 14 b5 A. Conrad, team .. .. .. ...... 3 00 Geo. Wetter, labor. 4 75 W. Cooke, team .. .. .. .. 3 0) A. Wandrashek, labor. . . 3 40 Jos. Calvert, team .. .. .... 7 50 F. Wolgrin, labor. 3 tcc J. Duggan, Sr., team ........1 50 Jno. Geary, team.. .. .. 20 25 J. Dunkley, team .. .. .. .. .. 13 50 Thos. Green team.. .. .. 4 50 J. Duggan, Jr. 10 50 Thos. Heins, team .. .. , . ? 00 • " •• • Jos. Harold, team 22 5) Thos. Elliott, team.. .. .. .. , . 29 25 • • • • • Wm. Ellis, team ..........23 2.i H.Haggerty, team .. .. .. .... 63 01 M 75 M. Harmon, team .. .. N. Frith, team .. .. 42 • • • • .. 33 00 Eugene Frith, team .. .... .... 27 00 P. Horch, team .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 00 M. Gantenbein, team .. .. .. .. 4 50 Jno.Hofimeier, team ........31 5'' Jas. Graham, team .. .. 12 00 Peter Jarding, team ........34 50 Jno Rae`z, labor . 14 85 Tom. Kane, team .. .... .... .. 14 2 r.eo Rink, labor. 1B g,) P. Kenneally, team . 21 00 Jac. Raesner, labor.12 45 B. Kane, team .. .. .. .. ..... 24 00 N. Reined, labor. 13 20 T. Kenneally, team • ... 21 00 M. Reinhart, labor. 3 40 H. King, team.. .. .. .. .. • .. 7 50 F. Reums, labor. 6 75 P. Linehan, team ...... .... ... 21 75 1•'. R.• eel, lahnr.3 40 Jno Long, team .. .. .. ...... 19 50 Jas Revd Intor. . 15 9U Robt Love, team ..• 21 00 P. Sehlitz, labor. 3 7914,,Wm. Lyons, team .. 7 50 • 11. Schnee, labor 9 09 Robt. Mathis, team .. 10 50 Jos. Smith, labor. 16 JG Jno. Murray, team .. .. .. .... 4 0 Geo. Sutter, labor . 17 55 F. Mathis, team 23 25 Sara .Smith, labor. 18 9,1 Jeff McGrath, team . 21 00 Dan Sheehan, labor. 10 50 Jno. McGrath, team 25 50 M. Sullivan, labor. 4 05 Wm. McGrath, team N. Swetney, labor. 12 1;3 M Scboilard, labor. Jas. '.McCracken, team .. .. .. N. Schroeder, labor. 13 85 Jno. McCollins, team .. .. .. .. 14 85 P. S. Norton, team .. .. . A. Siug1P, labor. 14 55 ""' Paddy Smith, labor. 12 b5 J. Parker, team .. .. .. •. FeLer Scoffer, labor. 10 15 Mrs• Quiniivan, team .. .... .. L. Stein, :abor.14 85 G. Reynolds, team .. .. , , .. . . S Schaetzle, labor. 13 85 Aug. Rober. team 1 51 J. Sit•man, labor. 2 W'; Wm. Reilly, team 4 50 Jno. Steffen, labor. 18 25 M. Riordan team , . ..........15 75 .T. Sullivan, labor. 10 SU J. Singrin team.. .. .. 28 50 M. Shea, labor.. 12 13 E. Sealey, team............24 75 J. 3ummerly, labor. 8 45 J. Savage, team ..............15 00 J. L. Sullivan, labor. 7 45 0. Stevenson, team • , .. 51 00 H. S 1eph e labor 25 850 J. Strolls, team .. . . H. Stephens, :abor. .. ...... 3 0't J. B. Stevens ,labor. 12 80 H. Smith, team ..............45 7:; 15 :.0 W. Singrin, team .. .. .. .. .. 45 0') 31 50 53 25 27 00 19 50 40 50 20 21 26 25 Tivt of Warrants. D. Sutherland, team • .. .. .. ....26 25 F. Siege, team .. .. .. ...... 3 00 Jas.: 'robin, team.. .. .. .. 46 50 M. Theis, team .. .. .. .. 16 50 A. Turner, team .. .. .. .. , , , , 7 50 P. Vogel, team .. .. .. .. 15 00 J. Williams, team .. .. .. 18 00 M. Wagner. team 21 00 Geo. Anderson, labor on sewer . 2 25 J. Bennett, labor on sewer .. 34 50 Chas Botsford, labor on sewer 39 00 Ed. Capritz, l lbor on sewer 21 75 Sam Elmer, labor on sewer 42 50 M. Farrell, labor on sewer 37 15 A. ,Jaeger, labor on sewer 23 25 J. Jellison, labor on sewer .. 42 50 P. Ginter, labor on sewer 6 75 Max ITappner, labor on sewer 3 75 Jno. Hilson, labor on sewer .. . 1 50 M. Lonergan, labor on sewer 14 25 H. Martin, labor on sewer .. 7 50 P. McNulty, labor on sewer . 32 25 Mart McGovern, labor on sever6 75 M. McCarten. tabor on sewer 29 25 Jno. O'Dea, labor on sf wer .. 22 15 Jno. O'2rien. labor on sewer6 00 Steve Rousch, labor on sewer 26 25 Jos. Rooney, labor on sewer.. 15 0'1 Alb. Scherr• labor on sewer 6 75 M: Tierney, labor on sewer 32 95 Wm. Tarry, labor on s-wer 28 50 Jas. Tobin, labor on sewer .. 5 2:5 T. F. Thompson, labor on sewer 3 40 T Zugenbnehler labor on sewer 34 15 C. Lohrman, labor on sewer 16 50 N . Fischer. labor on sewer .... 13 50 F. Baltzer, labor on serer47 25 W. Dean, labor on sewer 47 25 M. Flynn, labor on sewer 21 87 H. Smith, labor on sewer 47 25 J. Parker, labor on sewer .... 1 50 Wm. Casey, labor on sewer .. 1 50 Jno. Long. labor on sewer 17 25 M. Harmon. labor on sewer .... 4 50 P. Altman, labor on sewer .. .. 6 00 Jeff McGrath, labor on sewer .. 1 50 M. Theis labor on sewer .. .. 6 00 P. Jarding, labor on sewer .... 3 00 Jno. Dunkley, labor on sewer . 7 50 Con. Murray, labor on sewer75 A. Doerr, Sr., labor on sewer 15 25 Geo. Bennett, Asst. Asse'sor . 100 00 Gott!. Gmeh'e, Asst. Assessor100 00 J. P. Traut, board of prisoners, June.. .. .. .. .. 37 FO Ed. Morgan, 3 road scrapers10 01 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman. 50 00 Purcell & Maloey, oil for fire de- partment .. Engler, Frudden Lumber Co, say Ings .. 2 50 M. Igo.. .. .. ..... 1 50 P. Clancy, use of team for fire department .. .... .. . • .. .. . . Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for firedepartment.. . .... 21 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware .. 1 10 Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionary.. .. .. .. ..... .. 46 75 C. K. Mathis Bindery, binding finance report . 4 50 2 40 2 00 Hardie and Scharle, printing bonds.. .. Hardie & Scharle, 12 new direc- tories .. .... ..... Walton & Bieg, office supplies Ham & Carver, blank station- ary.. Dubuque Telegraph, blank sta- tion .. ...... Dubuque Telegraph, advertising for June.. .. . 75 00 The Globe, advertising for June. 67 50 The Times, advertising for June.. ... .... 29 15 A. Jaeger, labor on sewers .. 6 00 German Catholic Printing Co. advertising .. 50 00 Star Electric Co, 306 arc Lights for July .. .. .. .... .. ...... 500 00 Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for July .. .. .. .... .. ...... 500 00 Star Electric Co, 306 arc lights for July .. .. .. .... .. ...... 500 00 Star Electric Co. 306 arc lights for July .. 152 40 Globe Light and Heat Co. 100 lamps for June .. .. .. 166 67 Key City Gas Co, gas ...... .. 60 00 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' asso- ciation, supplies for matron.. 38 00 D. T. Howie, rep. tree trimmer 1 10 L. Roehl & Co. new police boxes ...... .. .. .. ...... .. 39 00 G. F. Kleih, hardware for po- lice. . . . . . . 2 30 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for police.. .. .. .... .. 4 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 5 50 McCarten Bros, matches, soap, etc . .. ...... ...... .. .. .. 12 60 Reinfri'd & Jaeger, police whist les and nippers .. .. .. .... 11 55 Jno. Hartig, repairing locks, keys, etc .. .. .. .. .. .... 11 70 A. J. Krise, patching and white washing .. .. .. .. .......... 7 00 Carl Fatka, hay and broom for pound.. .. .. .. ........ .... 1 40 Central Union Telephone Co. . 57 10 Theo. Schrup, rubber boots .... 2 65 Chas. Oswald, lanterns and oil can.. .. .. .... .. .... .... 9 25 Duggan & Kane, oil for sewers . 3 00 Mullen Bros, repairing flush tank .. .... ........ ... . 1 10 K^nneally & Kane, rock for fountain .. .. .. .. .. .. • . 4 00 B. E. Linehan, sewer p;pe and 7 28 cement.. F. Siege, rock for fountain .. 6 40 Bock & Reed, repairing sewer 4 25 tubs.. Jno. Pickley, rock for catch ba- 17 50 sin.. J. P. Schroeder, cement.. .... 18 72 F. Schloz, repairing tools for 24 15 sewer.. .. • • • • G. F. Kleih, tools, wheelbar- rows. etc for sewer .... 281$' Dietrich Bros., brick for sewer. 7 00 249 13 00 48 00 40 80 10 50 14 25 250 Liwt of JVa'r2nte. Voggenthaler & Ragatz, man- hole covers, etc. ., ...... .. F. A. Fromelt, two sewer tubs Hussman & Lies, tools, picks, etc, for sewer.. ...... .... Mulgrew & Philips, sewer pipe and cement .. .. .. ...... .. Haggerty 13ros., pine wood for steam roller Jno. Harney, repairing tools .. Jas. Street,rock furnished .. .. P. Horsch, rock furnished .... Wm. Marshall, repairing steam roller .. .. Jos. Pilty, rock furnished .. Geo. W. Farley, rock furnish- McElrath Teaming Co. sand.. Lear & Pfiffner, horse for road. Fred. Spielman, rock furnished. Theo. Ratterman, rock furnish - Pat Quinn, rock furnished .... G. F. Kleih, nails and tools for road.. . Diamond Jo Store, white waste for roller .... . . F. Schloz. repairing tools for road.. .. .. ........ .. .... Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing. Trenk Wire works, repairing street sweeper.. .. ........ .. D. B. Linehan, repairing tools for road Dubuoue Water Co., lead for hand rail. W. 8th street Standard Lumber Co. lumber for road .... J. P. Schroeder & Co. sewer pipe and cement .. ...... J. M McKenzie, repairing street roller .... .. .. .. .. Jno. Butt, repairing tools.. .. A. Wunderlich, repairing horse roller .., ... .. ... .. .... Taylor & Baker, rock furnished. Dom. Frank, rock furnisher .. 0. E. Garnsey, repairing street scraper.. .. .... , Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair- ing steam roller .. .. ....... .Alfred Herron, grading side - B. E. Linehan, cement for road. Bock & Reed, repairing tools Carl Fatka, matches, soap, etc, steam roller .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jas. Kelly & Son, blank station Barnard, Walker & Co., office supplies .... .. Smith, Perry Printing Co, blank stationary .. J. J. Hoare, 4 floor scrubbers . P. H. Halpin, matches, soap, etc.. .. .. .. Phil Pier, ice city hall .. .. .. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co. rubber stamps.. .. Peter Kiene & Son. Insurance on Central engine house .. .. .. 24 79 6 00 4 80 23 30 5 25 4 10 22 00 30 00 22 50 1 60 1 20 4 00 4 00 Nesler & Jungk, plumbing city hall.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... Chas. Oswald, moving stoves, etc, city hal .. .. .. .. .. .... Hussman and Leis, lawn mower, tools for park.. .. .. .. .. .. Gus Hall, repairing tools for park.. .. .. .... .... .. Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing city hall.... .. ...... .... .. Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., new hose for park . Jno. Drehouse. cleaning chim- neys, city hall.. .. .. .. .... 30 00 Jno. Stroltz, hauling at city hall.... .. .. .... .. ...... .. 50 Jas. Levi & Co, matting at city 3 40 4 55 7 40 50 1 20 40 35 hall.. .. .. .... .. 21 26 Police Telephone and Signal Co., Electrician supplies .. . 20 00 H. B. Gniffke, repairing evcava 1 50 tion permits.. .. .. .. .. .. 100 00 13 20 H. B. Gniffke. interest on war- rants .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... 382 44 58 72! H. B. Gniffke, interest on bonds .. .... .. ..... .. .. .. 339 60 8 22 i H. B Gniffke, Ref team license . 10 00 H. B. Gniffke, express charges on bonds.. .. .. .. .. .. 6 08 H. B. Gniffke, commission on sale of bonds.. .. 150 00 12 00 H. B. Gniffke, advertising for 48 45 2 25 6 00 1 65 18 31 14 20 7 50 520 1 00 6 00 10 80 4 90 15 50 13 35 5 16 3 65 90 6 00 19 70 6 00 7 00 5 00 5 40 1 00 12 00 bonds .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 8 SO H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps. 50 Tim Shea, loan .. .. .. .. ...... 300 00 Kittie McDonald, loan.. .. .. .. 500 00 Kittle McDonald, loan.. .. .. .. 500 00 Anna Baynes, loan.. . .. .. .. 500 00 Mary E. McDonald, loan .. .. . 300 00 Chas. Kannolt, loan .. .. . , .. 350 00 Jos. Herod, jury .. ., .. ...... 4 00 A. Vogler, jury.. .. .. .. • • • • 4 00 Robt. Jess, jury .. .. .. .. .. 4 00 J. Bechtel, jury .. .... ...... . 4 00 P. Specht, jury .. .. .. .... .. 4 00 Jno. Page, jury .. .... .. ..... 4 00 Jas. Kane, jury .. .. .. .... 4 00 J. W. Coy, jury .. .... 4 00 0. L1lwanger, jury ...... ... , 4 00 M. J. Mulgrew. jury .... .. .. 4 00 Jas. Fecker, jury .. ,. .. .. .. 4 00 ?no Hntirtan. watchman at dump 35 OC Mrs. H. Koenig, janitor 20 Ou Wm Gelsheker, rodman 65 00 Jno Farley, rodman.. .. .. 40 00 Jos Murphy, rodman. 40 ('u J. P. Traurt, board of prisoners for June. C. H. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices Young Bros., laundry, May B. Hayes, c'eaning around mar- ket house, June. P. Wiest, labor around city hall M. Loes, labor around city hall F. Dennert, drugs F. Dempsey, labor around city hall B. Hayes, cleaning around mar- ket, June McFlrath Teaming Co, sweeping paving ". 0. D. Laundry, waaahiug towels 27 Si; 12 7r) 6 00 21 00 2 70 7a 8 06 1 50 21 0'r 74 .0 6 iii 41118111111 List of Warrants A. Jaeger, labor around city hall 3 00 Paul Becker, assistant park cus- todian. 2 70 D. Corcoran, labor at city hall71; Geo. Hecklin, assistant park cus- todian 1 0:. P. Hanaten, labor at city hall.. 70 F. Slog, labor at city hall 3 00 A. Sohmidt, labor at city hall1 35 P. Clancy, filling 4th street ex- tension. . 21 00 McElrath Team Co.. filling 4th street extension . . . 22 30 Geo. W. Farley, filling 41,h street extension . . . 35 75 Ross McMahon, filling 4th street extension 36 00 J. Dunkley, filling Liebnitz st6 05 Thos Kenneally, filling 4th street extension. . 8 50 W. H. Knowlton, supplies for en- gineer's office . . . . 16 92 Jno. Leidinger, laying gutter7 02 McElrath Teaming Co., sweep- ing brick paving. Mrs Healey. team .. .. .. ... Math. Roshek, labor.. .. .. Jas McKeenan, labor. . . F. Seeman, labor. E. Desmond, labor. R. Weideman, labor. Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma- tron Central Electric Co., supplies far electrician.. 71 13 P. Schlenker, repairs at city hall 1 10 M. Mullen, plumbing at city hall 8 30 Cleaver & McCarten, plumbing on drinking fountain. . . 1 20 Smith -Perry Printing Co., station ary . . . 11 00 Christ. Schmidt, supplies for ma- tron 5 15 P. Klauer, supplies for matron6 40 Fraatz & Clark, drugs for patrol horses. 3 55 Ellwanger Bros., repairs harness for patrol team . 18 40 C. J. Heller, coat and vest buttons for police .. .. .. .. .. 9 50 Chas. Oswald, two padlocks for city pound, 1 Merkes & Hassler, hay for city pound . 1 00 Excelsior Brass Works, 300 dog tags 6 00 Jos. J. Rowan, supplies for ma- tron 5 53 Lear & Pfifgner, horse shoeing police . . 15 50 L. J. Baumhover, gloves for po- lice . . . . . 5 25 Key City Gas Co., gas . . 23 83 Jos Trudell, repairs patrol wa- gon. A. H. Wagner, repairs city hall 14 20 matron 1 74 10 28 50 30 40 4 75 4 75 2 05 i 3 10 1 5951 ,75 Chris. Schmidt, meat for matron Dubuque Telegraph. stationary. 5 00 Smith -Perry Printing Co., sta- tionary . P. H. Halpin, brooms and bran 3 95 Fraatz & Clark, drugs for fire department. . Hanger & Blush, stationary 10 2 30 6 00 2 00 7 85 251 E. Sohollian, half pay for over- coat J. J. Murphy 10 00 Barnard, Walker & Co., decora- tions city hall during Saenger - fest 11 42 F. J. Hilken & Co., decorations city hall during Saengerfest2 10 Chas. Oswald, repairs at city hall and supplies . . . 24 50 Jos. .T. Rowan, crape for Cooney's desk Farley, Farley Mfg. Co., band sawing , , , Excelsior Brass Works, repairs on fire engine Tom Connolly, repairs on fire engine .. .. ..... 6 90 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central engine house.. .. 4 55 Merkes & Hassler, bran for fire department 1 05 Jno. C. Honer, putting up two fountains 40 40 .Tos Trudell, repairs hose cart5 35 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for fire dept. .. .. 6 00 A. Wunderlich, horse -shoeing for fire dept 5 55 Standard Lumber Co., shavings for fire dept. 1 50 Collings & Wilkinson, horse - shoeing for fire dept 11 00 Dubuque, Water Co., water500 00 Dubuque. Water Co., waiter500 00 Dubuque Water Co., water 345 83 Lear & P6ffner, horse -shoeing for fire dept. 13 50 Ellwanger Bros.. repairs harness for fire dept. 2 20 E. E. Frith, removing garbage222 75 .Jno .T. Kearns. recording plats4 00 E. C. Blake, improving Wood- worth street124 20 E. C. Blake, improving Wocd- w orth street .. .... .. .. .. 38 31 E. C. Blake. grading Woodworth street........ .. .. 100 00 Blake & Blake, improving Ben- nett street .... .. .... ...... 500 00 Blake & Brake, improving Ben- nett street .... .. .... ...... 500 00 Blake & Blake, improving Ben- nett street. 200 00 Jno. Pickley, grading Liebnitz street. 500 00 Jno. Pickley, grading Liebnitz street. 500 00 Jno. Pickley, grading Liebnitz 80 00' street. . ,Tno. Pickley, improving Liebnitz street 470 72' Jno. Pickley, improving Llebnitz 188 73 street. ......" 6 60 Jno. Pickley, macadam Jno. Pickley, improving Paul st300 00 Dubuaue Construction Co., grad- ing Chestnut street.... .. . 50 26' Dubuque Construction Co., Im- proving Chestnut street12 48 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Chestnut street 29 46 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving Chestnut street 58 02 Peter Horch, improving Hart st350 00 Peter Horch, grading North Main 1 45 50 6 90 252 List of Warrants. street.. .. 144 44 Peter Hooch, improving North Main street 28 86 Peter Horch, improving North Main street. 57 88 Peter Horch, improving North Main street. . .. .. 114 78 J. Tibey, laying crossings 68 40 J. Tibey, improving West 8th street 189 12 J. Tibey, improving West 8th street... .. .. .. 68 13 J. Tibey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge street500 00 J. Tibey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge stre3t468 50 J. Tibey, grading West Sth et50 00 Wm. Dodson, improving Coates avenue 80 Wm. Dodson, improving Fremont avenue. 400 0 Wilmer Coak, improving Garfield avenue 500 00 R. E. Lee, laying new sidewalk.. 92 38 B. Donahue, laying new sidewalk 32 25 T. Hassett, filling on Bluff street extension. . 1 92 H. E. Bradley, painting and sand- ing rail W. 8th street.... 8 00 Theo Altman, improving South- ern avenue .. .. .. .......... 74 52 Theo Altman, improving South- ern avenue.. .. .. •••.. 81 50 Theo. Altman grading ,Southern avenue . 163 12 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, repairing 19th street 401 :5 Steuck, O'Farre'1 & Linehan, improving Grace street.. . 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Grace street.. . 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Grace street.. . 150 00 Stench, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Goethe avenue.... 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Goethe avenue.... 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Goethe avenue.... 200 90 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Clinton avenue ..... 9 34 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improvinb Clinton avenue .... 32 30 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Clinton avenue.... 63 ,0 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Southern avenue .. 84 55 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Southern avenue .. 91 75 Steucic, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Southern avenue .. 176 40 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Strauss avenue .... .. 150 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Hedley Court.. , Steuck, O'Farrell & 25 71 improving Hedle • CourLinehan, Steuck, O'Farrell 3 & Li ha• 33 49 improving Hedley Court.. .. . Steuck, O'Farrell &66 66 grading Clinton avenue.....Linehan, Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, 118 40 grading Hedley Court.. . 65 00 Steuck, O,'Farrell .& Linehan, grading Sheridan, street ... .-90 00 Steuck, O'Farrell .& Linehan, grading Union avenue.. .. . 500 00 Steuek, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Union avenue 201 25 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Union avenue.. .. 104 96 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Union avenue .. 244 74 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Union avenue .. 484 00 Stenck. O'Farrell & Linehan, lowering Kniest street.. . 500 00 Stenck• O'Farrell & Linehan, lowering Kniest street 461 30 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, lowering Kniest street .. 25 60 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan lowering Kniest stree`. . •12 Se Key City Gas Co.. coal and coke. 37 23 0 Dubuque Water Co.. water 30 00 Bn,ton One Price C1oth•ers, straw (1 hats fire department.... 35 00 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs fire engines 1S4 97, A. Wu•iderli h, Fhneing horses for fire dept 7 25 Trenk Wire Works, wire fence etc 6 00 Dnbugne Oil Tank Line, oil for fire depar'ment .. .. • . 12 00 Chr Janssen, jury . 4 0n improving Kenety & McCann Clay street Kenety & McCann, improving Clay street .. . Wilmer Cook. improving Gar- field avenue G W Albert, macadm Jno Malone, macadam The Herald, advertising from July 1st to August 1st . 67 50 A Anderson, locating center line Fremont avenue .. 15 00 Sam Smith, empounding dogs for July . 81 .,0 Anna M Bush, damage on Jones and Main street . 111 90 Jno Ryder. commissioner on Jones and Main street 2 00 Jno Sutton, commissioner on Jones and Main street . . 2 00 Conrad Beekman, flleing on 14th street . 124 75 Peter Horsch, filling on 14th St85 25 D Sutherland, filling on 14th St 32 25 Jno McGrath, filling on 14th St54 25 Wm McGrath, filling on 14th St12 75 Jno Tibey, filling on 14th St .. 10 75 C McGovern, filling on 14th St . 19 .2' Steuck & O'Farrell and Line- han, filling on 14th street 103 00 Ross McMahon, filling on 14th street 9 75 5 MoElrath, filling on 14th St 8 00 Thos Kenneally, filling on 14th street . 15 00 500 00 500 00 50 00 1' 00 15 00 M Brown & Son, filling on 14th street . . 43 75 Geo Farley, filling on 14th St6 50 J Beekman, filling on 14th St 5 75 Jno Evans, filling on 14th St 10 75 F Mathis, filling on 14th St .. 9 75 John Williams, filling on 14th St 52 75 Mrs W Young, loan , , , , 800, 00 iMrs W Young, loan . 200 00 John Ellwanger, loan John Ellwanger, loan John Ellwanger, loan John Ellwanger, loan John Ellwanger, loan . .John Ellwanger, loan German Trust & Savings loan . . L,.vt of IVrarrant,4. Bank, 253 500 00 NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- 500 00 500 00 TORS. 500 00 500 00 500 00 German Trus( & Savings Bank, loan 500 00 5(1'1 110 German Trust. & Savings Bank, loan German Trust & Savings Bank, loan .. 500 00 First National Bank, loan . 500 00 First National Bank, loan . 500 00 First National Bank, loan . 500 00 First National Bank, loan . 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Second National Bank, loan 500 00 Citizens' State Bank, loan 500 00 Citizens' State Bank, loan 500 00 Citizens' State Bank, loan 500 00 Citizens' State Bank, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 09 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 W L Bradley, loan 500 00 400 00 200 00 500 00 Fred Weigel, loan Fred Weigel, loan Dubuque Construction Co, im- proving Clay from 13th to 18th to Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Dubuque Constructnon Co, im- proving Clay from 13th to 18th to Eagle Point avenue 500 00 Police Telephone and Signal Co, 1 fire alarm box . 125 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder Pro Tem. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia. up to 4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, Sept.' 26th, 1896, for constructing sidewalks of plank, where not already laid as fo'.- lows: viz: 6 feet wide on north side of Southern avenue between Rowan street and Eng- lish Lane. 4 feet wide on both sides of Goeth.P avenue between Burden avenue and Sheridan street. 4 feet. wide on north side of Lawther avenue between Burden avenue and Windsor avenue. 4 feet wide on south side of Strauss avenue between Burden avenue and Windsor avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Sheridan street between Goethe avenue and Law- ther avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Hedley Court between Lawther avenue and Strauss avenue. 4 feet wide on south side of Clinton avenue between Queen street and Wind- sor avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of Queen street between Sanford street and north end. 4 feet wide on north side of Ries street between Windsor avenue and Star ford avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Edison street between Stafford avenue and Alt- hauser avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Fremont avenue between Cascade road and Paci- fic street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Hart street between Cooler avenue and Val- erie street. 4 feet wide on east side of Paul street between Seminary street and Leibnitz street. 4 feet wide on both sides of West 8th street beween Hill street and Air Hill streeet. 4 feet wide on north side of Union avenue between West Locust street and Blake street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grand- view avenue between Southern avenue and east end. 6 feet wide on both sides of Jackson street between 27th street and Peru road. 4 feet wide on south side of Fremont avenue between Grandview avenue and North Cascade road. 2 feet wide on north side of Valley street between Southern avenue and Wilde street. All in aocordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 16th, 1896. 9-16-10t. W. H. KCN yWTEineer. 254 Official Notices. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, hold on the 8th day of Sep- tember, 1896, the following special as• se.ssments were levied on the real :es- tate hereinaftr described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, will become delinquent and sub- jeet to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For constructing sidewalk on Audu bon avenue from West 14th street t) Dexter avenue: C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 52 .$ 15 21 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 53. 7 :11 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add, lot 54. 7 ;;1 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 55. 8 77 C. A. Voellcer, Woodlawn Park add., lot 56 8 63 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 57 7 31 Iowa M. B. & Loan Assn.. Woodlawn Park add, lot 58.. 7 31 Thos. McDonald, Woodlawn Park add., lot 59. 7 31 Henry Smith, Woodlawn Park add., lot 60 8 'rhos. McDonald, Woodlawn Park add., lot 61. 8 or, Martin Fahey, Woodlawn Park add., lot 62. 7 31 Thos. McDonald, Woodlawn Park add., lot 63. 7 31 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 65. 8 63 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 66 8 63 C. A. Voellcer, Woodlawn Park add., lot 68 7 31 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 69 7 31 R. Juen, Woodlawn Park add lot 70 8 63 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., lot 91. 8 63 C. A. Voelker Woodlawn Park add., lot 92 7 31 Theresa Kempf, Woodlawn Park add., lot 93. 7 31 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park add., n 1-2 lot 94. . 3 66 R. G. Rogers, Woodlawn Park add., s 1-2 lot 94. . 3 65 Tulin Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park add., lot 95. . 8 63 John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park add., lot 96. . John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn 8 63 Park add., lot 97. S. E. Smith. Woodlawn Park 7 31 add., lot 98. John Kleinschmidt, W d 7 31 Park add., lot 99. . oodlawn For laying sidewalk on Alpine street: Standard Lumber Co, Guernsey Standard Lumber Co, Guernsey :7 61 Standard Lmber Co., Lois Add., lot 6 7 61 S. M. Langworthy est., Lois add., lot 9 50 For laying sidewalk on Jackson street: Math Riede, Glendale add, lot 1.$13 51; Math. Riede, Glendale add., lot 2 11 26 L. 13. Gantz, Glendale add., lot12 13 30 Klauer & Becker, Davis Farm add lot 213. 15 75 For laying sidewalks on various streets: Chas Heinze, Wick's add, lot 25 $20 48 Jacob Kuntz Est., sub 6. 8 and n 7 feet of 10 Wick's add, lot S21 35 1l:en Collins, sub 537a Ham's add, lot 1. 18 2; Mary A. Taken, Kelly's sub, s 1-2 tot 35 10 00 A. Goldthorpe, sub 741 city, lot 3 21 04 Mrs. Anna Whelan, Mattox sub lot 1.. 43 31 Rel) cra .T. Farley, sub 2 of 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub., lot 117 40 Wm. Ilintra.ger, Union add., lot 190 10 47 R. Bonson est., Union add., lots 210 and 211. 27 20 For the improvement of Clifford street from Napire street to Seminary street. J. P. Schroeder, sub 108 Meehan ics' add, lot 2.. .. $ 28 48 Peter Stohl, sub 108 Mechanics' add, lot 1.. .. .. .. 83 01 J. J. Lumbeck, Mechanics' add, s 100 ft lot 109 6322 Henry Tropf, Mechanics' add, n 50 ft, lot 109 .. , 45 27 Joseph Haupert sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, 135, 136 Mechan- ics' add, s ' lot 2 . .. Susan Dress, sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142 L. H. Lang - worthy's add, 135, 136 Mechan- ics add. n 36, lot 2 .. .. W. Schultz sub of 2 of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142 L. H. Lang - worthy's add, 135, 136 Mechan- ics' add lot 1.. .. . 45 30 Adam Jaeger, sub of 10 of sub 138, 140, 142 L. H. Lang - worthy's add, lot 1 .. .. .. 28 34 21 98 C. A. Voelker, sub 17, Voelker's add, lot 1.. .. .. J. Haupert, sub 17, Voelker's add, lot 2.. .. .. Theo. Klein, Voelker's add, n 40 ft. lot 18 .. 23 19 Dominick Welu, Voelker's add s10 ft lot 18.. .. .. .,. 5 79 Dominick Wein, Voelker's add n 20 ft lot 19 .. . 11 60 Anton Welu, Voelker's add, s 30 ft lot 19 .. 17 40 C. A. Voelker, Voelker's add lot 21.. 47 19 C. A. Voelker, Voelker's add lot 22.... 90 77 For the improvement of Foye street 7 61 from West Locust street to Gold street. Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add, e 24 50 10 25 12 17 40 Official Notices. 255 ft lot 23 •• .. •••• •84 87 Kate Lundbeck Cox's add, e 82 ft lot 23.... 2385 92 Dan Norton, Buettell's sub, lot 10.... .. .....• 78 03 J. J. Flynn, Buettell's sub, lot 9 43 75 Dan Norton, Buettell's sub, lot 8 44 09 Neal McPoland, Buettell's sub, lot 7 ... 36 91 Louis Burchart, Buettell's sub, lot 6 .. .. .. .......... .. .... 30 63 John W. Bitten, Porter's add. lot 16.. .. .. .. .... 30 93 Bridget Bird, Porter's add, s lot 15.. .. ... ..... ... 15 46 Mary Mullen, Porter's add, n lot 15 ... 15 46 Jerry Anglin. Porter's add, lot 14.... ... 30 93 John D. Walsh, Porter's add, lot 13.......................30 93 Pat F Walsh Est, Porter's add, lot 12.... .. ... ... ... .... 36 44 Iowa M. B. & L Ass'n., Porter's add, lot 11 .. .. .... .... 3 65 For the improvement of Grace street from (`Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8. O'Hare's sub: Grandview Ave. M E church, sub 20. Reche's sub. lot 1 .$ 94 13 Wm Reche's Est, sub 20. Reche's sub. lot 2 . 41 59 Geo Eichhorn. Reche's pub, lot 19 . 44 64 James E Durand. Reche's sub, lot 18 . . . . . 44 64 R Off, Reche's sub, lot 17 47 31 M F Kleckberger, Reohe's sub, lot 16 . 13 41 J C Roberts, Reche's sub, lot 21. .15678 J C Roberts. Reche's sub. lot 6 • . 44 00 W G Sweeney's Est, sub 7, O'Hare's sub, lot 4 . . . 36 80 W G Sweeney's Est, sub 7, O'Hare's sub, lot 5 . . . 36 80 W G Sweeney's Est, sub , 7, O'Hare's sub, lot 6 .. 36 Sid J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 5 , . . . 58 80 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 22 , 66 01 Heer & Koohendorfer, Reche's sub, lot 25 . 40 00 T B Cain. Reohe's sub, lot 24 40 00 W E Gregory. Reche's sub. lot 26 40 00 Heer & Kochendorfer. Reche's sub, lot 27 . 63 50 Simon Thoni, Reche's sub, lot 28 57 18 J J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 7 . 40 03 3 J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot g 38 50 3 J Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 9. Mary A Kemler, sub 4, O'Hare's sub, lot 1 Mary A Kemler, sub 4, O'Hare's sub, lot 2 38 56 4400 66 40 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 11 . . 36 72 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10 . 36 72 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub. lot 9... 36 72 M Michels, Hodge's sub, lot 835 35 H R Keagy, Hodge's sub, lot 735 35 0 Bennett, Hodge's sub. lot 6... • 45 76 Hyacinth Girard, Hodge's sub, lots . 98 41 For the improvement of Goethe ave- nue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue: Fred Ackerman, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 88. $92 04 Geo Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 96. 114 51 Geo. Eichhorn, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 103. 36 85 Dubuque B. & L. Assn., Burden & Lawther's add., lot 104 48 00 Wm. Gross, Burden & Lawther's add., lot 105• ...... 77 70 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law - tiler's ad., lot 28. 63 1.4 Geo Burn Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 27. . .. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 26. .. .. 40 30 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 25.. .. .. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 24. . .... 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., :ot 23 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 22.. .. 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 21 40 00 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Laiw- 51 18 ther's add., lot 20 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 17 109 24 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 16. .. W. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 37 W. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 36. W. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 36 Geo Barden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 34.. . Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 33.. . Geo Borden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 32.. . Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add.. lot 32.. Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 31 Geo Burden Est. Burden & Law- 63 40 ther's add., lot 29. . Dubuque B. & L. Assn., Burden & Lawther's add., n 40 ft lot 150 00 102. Coyle & Ellis, Burden & Law- 114 81 ther's add, lotBurden & Law - 7 F. A. Bisbing, 92 58 ther's add., lot 87 For the improvement of Garfield ave- nue from Dock avenue to Reed avenue: Franc Altman, McCraneY's 1st a; 46 UO lot 27 ...... .. .. .......... 108 88 51 48 400 00 40 00 38 35 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 Ofj"coial J voices. Franc Altman, McCraney's 1st add lot 28. 45 00 Franc Altman, McCraney's 1st add lot 29 15 09 Allen Schumacher, McCraney's 1st add., lot 30 45 00 Allen Schumacher, 1st add., :ot 31 Allen Schumacher, 1st add., lot 32. Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st add., lot 33 1Vm. Beutin, McCraney's 1st add lot 2. Wm. Beutin, MeCraney's 1st add. lot 3 45 00 Wm. Beutin, i.ieeraney's 1st addI T lot 4 45 OU Wm. Beutin, '.ltcCraney'.s 1st add. T lot 5 .. .. 45 00 Wnt. Beutin. McCraney's 1st add; T lot 6 45 GO Wni. Beutin, Meeraney's 1st add lot 7 T 4° OO Wm. Beutin, McCraney's 1st add. lot 8 45 60 : T McCraney's McCraney's Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot. Malcolm Post, Simre?n's add, lot Yo 37 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add, lot 126126 4545 45 00 1 M. Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simp son's add, lot 10 36 61 45 00 M. Horst. sub 39, 40 and 41. Simp son's add, lot 9.... •••••. 34 59 62 45 T. Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, T. Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, 61 33 j Simpson's add, lot 8 .. .. 35 33 T. Trieloff. sub 39. 4') and 41, Simpson's add lot 7.. ••. 36 61 . Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 6.. •.. 36 61 . Trieloff, sub 39. 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 6 .. ...... 36 61 . Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 5 .. ...... 36 61 . Trieloff, sub 39. 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 4 ........ 35 17 . Trieloff, sub 39. 40 and 41. Simpson's add, lot 3 . , • . 36 61 . Trieloff. sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add. lot 2 36 61 Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41 Simpson's add lot 1.. .. 48 08 m. Coates' Est, Simp,•on's add, of 42 ..• •126 18 m, Coates' Est, Simpson's add, ot 43.. ... . 124 19 m. Coates' Est, Simpson's add, ot 44. 167 23 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Aug. 24th, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p, m., Sept. 5th, 1896, for the improvement of the fol- lowing streets in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in my of- fice, viz: Hall street from Delhi street to Grace Grading, 1500 yards. Cut, 860 yards. Curbing, 850 lin feet. Guttering, 400 square yards. Telford macadam, 1,000 square yards. Queen street from Clinton avenue to north end of street: Grading cut, 4,500 cubic yards. Curbing, 600 lineal feet. Guttering, 250 square yards. Telford macadam, 700 square yards. 1896Said streets to be completed Sept. 30, NOTICE. Public notice is hereby n that t at the session of the city council ofthe T. city of Dubuque, held on the 8th day of w September, 1896, the following sp-cial 1 assessments were levied on the real es- W tate hereinafter described, and that in 1 case of failure to pay the one seventh IV part within the time prescribed by the 1 ordinance governing same, all will be- come delinquent and subj:ct to collec- tion by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Tr For the improvementCofyCoatesuave- nue from Fremont avenue to Cross street. C. A Alexander, sub 3, Babcock's add, lot 2.. $200 75 C. A. Alexander, sub 5, Simp- son's add, lot 1 .. . . 71 66 T. Trieloff, Concord sub, lot 13. 110 61 A. Mink, Concord sub, lot 14 110 74 Robert Selleds, Simpson's add, lot 9.. Joseph Hoerner Simpson's add, 85 46 lot 10.... Sam Y. Bennett, Simpson's add, ?4 84 lot 11.... Lid Emmert, Simpson's add, lot 78 26 12.... Frank Sellers, Simpson'ss a , . , 82 25 13„ add, lot Geo. A. Sturtevant " 85 04 add, lot 14 .... , Simpson's C. F. McDonald, Simpson's add, 92 79 lot 15.... John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot l 58 John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 16..,, John Gadient; Simpson's•so n' ' • , • 108 22 17 add, lot John ,Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 108 37 18 Malcolm Posts, Simpson's41 38 84... ... . add, lot ................... 141 08 Biddders will be required to furnish a bond of $200 guaranteeing that the contract will be entered into if award- ed. ses- sion oProposalsi the councill be acted beheld Sept. 7th, 1896. Blank bonds will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any•ot all bids. I,. M., LANGSTAFF, 8.24.101. Recorder Pro Tem; Oficial Notices SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICES. To Chas.-Teinge: You are hereby notified that in :a:- cordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the constructing of a sidewalk on the both sides of Middle avenue, from Garfield avenue to High Bluff street, adopted on the third flay of August, A. D. 1896, a special assessment wit: be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 25 in Wick's add. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fled to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 7th day of September. A. 1). 1896, and show rouse if any you have, why said assessmzut should not be levied. To A. Goldthorpe. 363 Alta Vista se: You are hereby notified that in accord ante with a resolution of the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for the con- structing of a sidewalk on the north side of West 14th street, from Walnut street to Cox street, adopted on the :11 day of August. A. D. 1896. a special assessment will be levied for the ex• pence thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all Iota and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 3 of 741 in City owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified Lo ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 7th day of September. A. D. 1S36, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be :evied. To Allen Schumacher: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Garfield avenue, from Dock avenue to Reed avenue, adopted on the 3d day of August, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council. upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 30, 31 and 39 in Mc- Craney's add, owned by you being sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council to be held on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To M. Michels: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the Improvement of Grace street, from Grandview avenue to east line lot 8 O'Hare's sub, adopted on the 3d day of August, A. 11 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council to be held on the 8th day of Septemter, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. To H. R. Keagy: You are hereby notified that in ac - 257 cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Grace street, from Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8 O'Hare's sub. adopted on the 3rd day of August A. D. 1896, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting Jf the city council upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 7 in Hodge's sub, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. To M. F. Kleckberger: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Grace street , from Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8, O'Hare's sub, adopted en the 3rd day of August, A. D. 1896, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 16 in Riches' sub. owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to he held on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1°'6, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be :evied. To C. F McDonald: You are hereby notified that in ac cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Coates avenue from Fremont street to Cross street, adopted on the 3rd day of August, A. D. 1896, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot 15 in Simpson's sum owned by you being subject to sueh special assment. And you are notified to appear at such meeting of the coun- cil, to be held on the 7th day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1896, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment shou:d not be levied. To F. A. Dishing: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the cityofftDubuque he for the improvement ofo om Burden avenue to Windsor ave. adopted on the 3rd of August, A. D. 1896, a spec- ial assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcls of land abutting on said improvement, lot 8? in Burden & Law- ject toer's add such special assessment by you being ndbyou are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 7th day of September, A. D. 1896, and show 258 Ojieial Notices. cause if any you have, why said as - se. sment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-24-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ord- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Goethe avenue between Burden avenue and Sheridan street. 4 feet wide on north side of Lawth avenue between Burden avenue aad Windsor avenue. 4 feet wide on south side of Strauss avenue between Burden avenue and Windsor avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Sheridan street between Goethe avenue and Law- ther avenue. 4 feet wide on west side of Hedley. Court between Lawther avenue and Strauss avenue. 4 feet wide on south side of Clinton avenue between Queen street and Wind- sor avenue. 4 feet wide on east side of Queen street between Sanford street and north 'end. 4 feet wide on north side of Ries street between Windsor avenue and Stat ford avenue. 4 feet wide on both sides of Edison street between Stafford avenue and Alc- hauser avenue. 4 Leet wide on both sides of Fremont avenue between Cascade road and Paci- fic street. 4 Leet wide ok both sides ofI street between Couler avenue and Val- erie street. 4 feet wide on east side of Paul street between Seminary Street and Leibnitz street. 4 feet wide on both sides of West 8th street between Hill street and Air Ilii, street. 4 feet wide on north side of Union avenue between West Locust street and Blake street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grand- view avenue between Southern avenue and east end. 6 feet wide on both sides of Jackson street between 27th street and Peru road. 4 feet wide on south side of Fremont avenue between Grandview avenue and North Cascade road. 2 feet wide on north side of Valley street between Southern avenue anal Wilde street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted September 8th, 1896. 9-15-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. MARSHALS NOTICE. Marshal's Office, City Hall, 6. Notice is hereby given tue, otall' persons owning or having deposited the clocl-s now stored in this office to call for and remove said clocks within five days from date hereof or same will be sold at auction to pay storage. ED. MORGAN, Marshal. NO'T'ICE. Dubuque, Sept. 14, 1896. Sealed proposals will he received at I office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Wed- nesday, Sept. 30th, 1896. for doing the veterinary work of the city for a period of one year from October 1st, 1896. Bidders must state the price per horse per month for doing said work includ- ing all medicines required. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 9-15-2 weeks. City Recorder. Reflector Nexvieen, CITY COUNO . L. REGULAR SESSION OCT. 5TH, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Alds. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that the minutes of Sept. session as printed be approved. Carried. The following claims were allowed: Sam Starr, services as sanitary inspector . $ 50 00 E E Frith, removing garbage 214 50 Patrick O'Toole, for cleaning cellar for Mrs. Dunn . . 3 00 The same to be assessed to the own- er of the property. Geo W Wunderlich, supplies fur nished health officer . .. 8 90 Cleaver & McCarten, repair of hydrants and labor . 3 85 Duggan & Kane, supplies for sewers . 1 35 M Mullen, making water connec tion and repairing fountain . 17 90 Starr Electric Light Co, 308 arc lights for September . 1663 20 Dubuque Telegraph, publishing notices and blank stationary. 118 25 Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionery . . 10 75 Hardie & Scharlie, printing ab- stracts . . 57 50 G A Thormann, supplies for mat ron . . . . .. 7 39 John J Sheridan, lantern for po- lice Globe ight & Heat Co, lighting and care for 100 lamps for Aug 166 67 T W Ruete, supplies for engine houses . 6 35 Lear & Pflffner, horse jhoeing for fire department .. 8 75 A Vogler & Son, supplies and re pairing fire department . 5 70 Merkes & Hasler, supplies for fire department . 2 10 Doc Carmody, veterinary ser- vices . ... 13 00 Harger & Blish, decorations for fire department Labor day... 8 65 Dubuque Water Co, water for engine houses . 40 00 P Clancy, team fire department Labor day . 2 00 Sullivan & Sloan, horse shoeing fire department . 14 00 John Essman, repairing Chemi- cal engine . 1 50 C H Whitwell, services and meds cine for fire department . . 37 25 Dubuque Water Co, 325 hydrants on the street for Sept . 1354 16 J T Daykin, hay for fire depart- ment for Aug and Sept . ... . 87 52 14 Mullen, burners in police head quarters . 4 50 Merkes & Hasler, hay and oats (Ha n 1' 3f/i, JN,l(; 259 for city pound Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for patrol Karl Laska, supplies for police Dr C H Whitwell, services and medicine for patrol horses 9 00 J T Daykin, hay for patrol horses M Brown & Son, oats for patrol horses Thomas Noonan, use of carriage for police John Fannon, claimed $48.33 al- lowed . 20 00 Key City Gas Co, gas for month of August . 56 10 Key City Gas Co, gas for month of September 30 69 The following bills referred to the committee on printing: The Times, publishing notices$ 29 15 Dubuque Telegraph, publishing proceedings . 75 00 The Herald, publishing proceed- ings . 67 50 The Globe. publishing proceed- ings . . . . . . . . . 67 50 The following bill was referred to city attorney: John McClay, justice cost $ 13 75 Ald. Bauer moved that all bilis not passed upon by the various committees be referred to them for their considera- tion. Carried. Ald. Dennert arrived at 10:45 a. m. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee of the whole: Michael Lavin in regard to balance clue on sewer in Washington street be- tween 15th and 17th streets. Timothy Dillon proposition in rela- tion to the extension of Malady street to Grand View avenue. The following petition was referred to the committee on claims: Henry Wilberding in relation to in- juries received by falling on defective sidewalk. The following petition was referred to the equalization committee: Jno. Fuchs in relation to personal taxes for the years 1894 to 1895. The following petition was referred to the committee on electrical construc- tion. T. P. Scharle asking to have tele- phone poles removed from corner of Garfield and Johnson avenues. The following petitions were referred to delinquent tax committee: Mrs. M. M. Noonan, remission of taxes for 1895 and 1896. The Young Men's Christian Assoola tion, cancellation of taxes, of said prop erty, Nor 9th and Iowa streets. M. J. Donovan, asking for further time in relation to special tax, and for taxes for the year 1895. Henrietta Kietzman remission of tax- es for 1895. J. H. Carroll, et al., asking to de - 1 95 8 80 9 50 1 75 8 96 8 35 5 00 260 Regular .1'e sion,, Oerober 5t/r, 1896. duot interest due on special assessment for improvement on lots 9, 10 and 11, Linheim's add. Anna Maul remission of taxes for the year 1895. M. W. Harris canc3ilation of taxes for 1894 and 1895. The following petit'ons were referred to the street committee: Francis Jaeg'r, asking to vacate 4 feet of sidewalk on Queen street. Peter Kiene Jr., asking for further time regarding filling of lots in Dubu- que Harbor Co's. improvement add. Michael Zivack asking to have gutter repaired on Ries street fronting lot No. 1. Wm. Reiman asking. for permission to break macadam. Communication of W. H. Knowlton, city engineer, in regard to preparing plans and sp'ciflcations for Thomas and Franklin streets from Cornell to Yates streets. The following petition was ref ;rred to the street committee with power: Frank Mathis asking the privi'ege to grade one block west on Solon street. The following petitions were ref rred to the committee on sewers: Ewd. S. Hyde, extension of c:ty sew er along Pickett street. Henry G. Mueller in regard to Fewer which connects Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street. The following communication was re ferred to the mayor with power: Communication of American Society muri i at improvements. The following pnitioI was grant,d: Mrs. Frank Ellis asking for further time in relation to filling lots in Bur- den & Lawther's add. Props'tion of the Lehigh Brick Tile Manfg. Co. in relation to paving brick accepted. The following pet'tions were received and filed: H. F. C. Schneider in relation to grade on 11th street between Bluff street and the summit of the hill. Jno. Bell Est., et al protesting against the closing of alley west of Bluff street between 9th and 11th streets. Mrs. Jeff McGrath in relation of building a small wall along the side- walk of her property. Jno. Dettman objecting against va- cating 10 feet on Queen street. Herman Ode, et al objecting aga'nst vacating 10 feet on Que-n s`reet. Mrs. Jeff McGrath, protesting against filling from s:dewalk washing through her property. Micha l Masuen, asking to be refund ed unearned butcher license. Carl Nank, protesting against grade of Eagle street being changed. Robe. E. Ford. asking that he be al- lowed to test the arc electric lights of the city. A:d. Boneon moved to adjourn to o'clock. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alis. Albrecht, Altman, Dauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert. Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and persons desiring to be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Judge Leaehan on behalf of L. Brin J+•. addressed the council in regard to plat of Hodge's sub• No. 2. John Steiner also addressed the coun- cil and objected to the acceptance of said plat. Tt'e following 10114 were allowed: John Pickley, improving 19th .+ street.. .. $ 72 35 J. H. McDonald, improving Done$ street .. .. .. 859 00 P. F Guthrie, constructing side walks .. .. .. .. 100.00 Geo. W. Farley, grading W 8th street .. ... ... 3) 00 Steuck, O'Farrell and Linehan, tetainirg wall W. llth St .. 230 00 John Tibey, constructing sew- er. Dodge St. .. .. ... 645 15 Wilmer Cook. impr:rving alley from 14th to 15th St.. .. 17 10 Geo. W. Farley, improving al- ley from 17th to 18th St 13 37 Alfr:d Dorman. constructing sidewalks .... .. 4195 Blake & Blake. improving Bennett street.... .. .. 54 75 M. Blake, constructing sewer in alley west of Center Place 50 00 Peter Horseb, improving Hart street .. .. .. .. 95 27 rho Pickley, improving 15th St 46 11 Horsetail & Butscher, construct Ing sanitary sewer . .. 60 00 Wilmer Cook, improving alley from 16th to 18th street.. . 260 00 Wilmer Cook, improving Wes street 38 18 P. Clancy, filling High Bridge ave.. .. .. .. ... .. 21 00 Ross McMahon, filling High Bridge ave .. .. ... R. E. Lee,filling High Bridge ave .. ... .. .. .. .. .... Jessie Venn Oiling High Bridg ave.. .. Wm. Geiseker, levelman engin eer'soffice .. .. .. .... .. John Farley, eer's office.. Jos. Murphy, eer's office John Hillery, ers D. Sheehan, rodman engin- rodman engin- inspecting sew - inspecting sew - 14 00 3 25 9 SO 65 00 40 00 40 00 41 10 13 50 Geo. Burden, sewer in Cheat - nut street ...... .. .. .... 145 69 Steuck, O'Farrel & Linehan ,im 1 Regolifr &lsion, October 5th, 1896. provement Queen street Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improvement alley north Eagle Point ave.. .. Wm. Dodson, improving Fre- mont ave .. .. .... John Piokley, improving Paul street . Fred Shriek, stone .. .. .. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co lumber .. . ........ Van Vaikenberg & McEvoy, Henry Kennedy, fixing vault M. Mullen, plumbing .. Heranoonrt and Whelan, shar- pening mothers C. O. D. laundry, towels and L. Daly, hauling pipe .. . .. Globe Light & Hcat Gasoline 11 00 300 00 26 43 1 60 1 05 3 25 3 00 4 20 4 00 13 20 50 lamps .... .. 166 67 J. P. Trout. boarding prisoners 39 40 Harger & Blish, blank station- ary.... .. .. .. .. ........ John Hoffmann, salary for Au- gust and September .. .. .. John Rumple. stove .... .. .. Steuck & O'Farrell, filling .... C. H. Whitewell, veterinary services.. .. Bock & Reed, sharpening tools Sullivan & Sloan, horse shoe- ing.. .. .. .... .. .. McElrath Teaming Co. sweep- ing streets .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Wm. Marshal, repairing steam roller .. .. .. .. B. E. Linehan, cement .. .. • • P. Quinn, Sr., stone .. . • • • • • O. E. Guernsey, trustee, re- pairing roller Jas. Street, stone .. .... .. . McElrath Teaming Co.. sand J. P. Schroeder, cement.. .. Geo. W. Farley, stone .. .. . . Fred. Schultz. stone .. . .. Jessie Jellison, repairing pound 1 93 John Harney, sharpening tools 3 50 B. D. Linehan, sharpening 30 70 00 14 00 9 80 6 00 11 00 5 75 74 10 23 10 43 30 00 10 78 93 20 1 20 19 30 12 00 1 75 Fred Schloz, sharpening tools Key City Gas Co, gas .. .. .. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr M M Walker addressed the council in relation to the Geo. Dee & Son factory. Md. Bonson moved that bids be opened on all stree,s that money does not have to be paid on before Feb. 1, 1897. Carried. Bids for the improvement of 27th street and Queen street were opened and referred to the engineer for com ;/ putat.ion . Ald. Dennert moved that the plans and specifications for sewer in Broad- way and Diagonal streets be approved. Carried. Ald. Altman moved that bids for 13 90 30 30 76 75 261 construction of sewer in Prospect St. be opened. Carried. Bids were opened and re!'erred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Berg moved that bids for im- proving remaining streets be referred to the committee of the whole. Car- ried. Ald. Cullen moved that bids for fuel be opened. Carried. Bids were opened and on motion re- ferred to the committee on supplies. Ald. Ryder moved that bids for ve- terinary surgeon be opened. Car- ried. Ald. Bonson. moved that Dr. White well be awarded the contract at 49 cents per horse, he being the lowest bid der. Carried. Ald. Legen moved that no extra pay be allowed for said work. Carried. Ald. Berg moved to reconsider ac• tion of the council in referring bids for street improvements to the committee of the whole. Carried. A'd. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended and persons desiring to be allowed to address the council. Car- t ied. Mr. Carkeek, John Kavanaugh and John Spear addressed the council in regard to gaining entrance to their property on West 8th street. Ald.:1IeEvoy moved that bids for im- proving Angella street, Cox street, W. 3rd street and Allison Place be opened. and if contracts are awarded no money to be paid on same before Apiil 1897. Carried. Bids were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Ryder moved that bids for im- proving W. 7th street, 26th street, Catherine street, Cox street and Angella street be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Communication of City Marshal Mor- gan, asking that a portable telephone be paced in his office was referred to the committee on police and light. Petition of Ernest Bohn, asking for use of part of the Ice Harbor for shat• Ing rink purposes, was deferred for the present. Petition of Richard Bennett, et al, asking for extension of sewer in West 3rd street from Burch street to Summit street was granted. Petition of Chas. Stillman et al ask- ing that sanitary sewer be constructed in West 5th street from Winona avenue to Nevada avenue. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as follows: Cash on hand last report.... $25,991 S' Collections during month... 32,428 15 Total. $58 419 Si Disbursements during month,$40,537 73 Balance cash on hand $17,S32 21 Also reported $2.126.65 due city offi- cers for the month of September, 1896. 262 Reifithtr Ses.vion, I)Cfn/ , :illi, 1`496. Also submitted list of coupons re- deemed during the month of September. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay officers and report re- ferred to finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,931.- 27 due firemen for the month of Septenl ber, 1896. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay firemen, and report re- ferred to lire committee. City Marsha: Morgan reported 78 po- lice cases during the month of Sep- tember, 1896. Also reports $1.00 fines collected. also $9.00 pound receipts, also $2,197.65 due police for the month of September. Re- port approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay police, and report re- ferred to police and light committee. Street Commissioner Haggerty report ed $4,678.40 due for labor on streets during September, 1896. Report ap- proved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor and report referred to the street committee. Also reports $1,212.29 clue for filling done on 4th, 14th and 16th streets dur- ing the month of September, 1896. Warrants were ordered drawn to pay for filling and report received and fired. Sewer Inspectr Doerr reported $519. 95 due for labor on sewers during Sep- tember, 1896. Report approved and war rants ordered drawn for labor on sew- ers, and report referred to sewer com- mittee. City Electrician Osborne reported *22.30 due city from Star Electric Co. for lights not properly lit during orderedSep- ,City Auditor MeCarten to collect the same and report approved and ordered filed. Market Master Traut reported $19.50 due city for scales receipts for Septegr- ber, 1896. Reports ordered filed. Weighmasters Pitchner, Deckert and Straney's reports received and filed. easurer Jess due city as fees forAugust, reported1896. Re- u port ordered filed. j REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the com- mittee on finance reported in favor of approving the report of the treasurer for September, 1896, and that warrants be drawn as recommended by him. Re- port adopted. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al ask- ing that Clifford street be opened. Your committee report that they have instructed the street commissioner to re -surface West Locust street. Also repsrt that they have instructed the street commissioner to repair the gutter on 7th street from Clay street to alley west. In favor of having sidewalks laid on Coates avenue as o-'-- in relation to drainage on Foye street. In favor or referring the petition of Mrs. Maurice O'Reagan in regard to sidewa:k on Grandview avenue to the aldermen of the First ward. Also report that the sidewalk of Ed. Collins on 5th avenue has been properly laid under the supervision of the city engineer. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of having a jury assess the damages that may be caused by the proposed opening of al- ley between Cleveland avenue and Rash street from Mountain Lane to Union street. Referred back to the street com mittee. Ald. Cu'len, chairman of the market committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Kate Ryan, $13.75. Helen Koenig. $33.75. B. Hayes, $2.2.50. Walter Eichman, $6.00. L. Daly, 80 cents. Also reported that they had appointed Walter Eichman assistant market mis- ter during the winter months. Report adopted. In favor of granting the petition of J. H. Shields et al asking that an electric light he placed on Grandview avente between Herron Place and Rowan st. In favor of granting the petition for electric lights in Woodlawn park add. Also ask for further time on petition for electric light on West 3rd street bet tween James and Hill street. Report adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Globe Journal 167.50. The Herald 167.50. The Times =29.15. The Telegraph $75. Report adopted. Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the delin ent tax committee, reported as fol- ows : except on west end of street,e a du en-nci) anIn na gineer so instructed. In favor of tiling the communication J pro 1 Stl'U In favor of allowing the taxes of Cath. E. Welsh to remain a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Chas, and Alex Simplot ask ing further time to pay city taxes. In favor of receiving and filing the taxes. petition of John Mundt in regard to In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Cath. Schaeffer in relay of to taxes. In favor of allowing the taxes of So- phia Dempsey to remain a nen on her property for 1895, and treasurer instruct ed not to sell same. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Frances Engels in relaiion to taxes. favor of allowing the taxes of Su - Drees to remain a. lien on her perty for 1895, and treasurer m- cted not to sell same. Rey uhr ' .\'e.rriou, Octr)ber 5th, 1496. 7263 In favor of remitting the taxes of the ;Smedley Pump and Manufacturing Co. for a period of: five ;;ears, com.meneieg January 1, 1896, provided however that company shall operate said manufac- tory continuously during said period, barring accidents to machinery, other- wise this agreement to be null and void and al: unpaid taxes to remain a lien on the aropei ly until paid. RFport adopted. Ald. _Annan. Liiairnran Of the ;;ewer committee, reported as follows: Your committee 011 sewers would most respectfully recommend that • he arching of the Dodge street sewer he eontinned as far as the east line of Harrison street, being about 65 feet more. so that traffic can pass over said street. Referred hack to :he sewer comtnitte, . Also reported adverse to bill of Chas. Hiller}. Adopted. A:d. McEvoy, chairman of the paving eommitlee repoeted that they have et- emi•).e1 tit, tn';: k paving on the fol- lowing street: Seventeenth street between Clay and West Locust street. Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets be- tween Main and Locust streets, done by Dubuque Construction Co. Locust street rrom Tenth street to West Lorust street. and Fourth street between Main and White streets, dote by Steuck, O'Farrell & Co. West Main street from Main to Jones streets, done by James McDonald. Report in favor of accepting said add that said contractors be al- lowed payment in accordance with their contracts. Report adopted. Ald. Berg of the board of health re- ported as follows: most respectfully recommend that the vault of Mr. Wunderlich on the premises northeast corner Cooler ave- nue and Rhomberg avenue, be con- demned and abated as a nuisance. Report adopted. Ald. Deunert, chairman of the coin- miltee on electrical construction, re- ported in favor of paying the bills of the Iowa Telephone Co. of 173.48 for tel- ephone rent. Report adopted. Ald. Ronson, ohairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows. In fa % or of referring the plat for 'he e-xtensien car Queen street to the street committee. In favor of paying bill of M. M. Me- Carten of 1100 for making abstract of city indebtedness. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of J. C. Garland, et al. m rela- tion to lane west of Bluff street aid south of lltl: street. In faro, cf receiving and filing the petition of A. W. Tredway et al rc- monst;ating against paying special e.s- sessment for the improvement of 11th reef. In favor of receiving and filing the remonstrance of G. Blocklinger et al protesting against construction of san- itary serer in Broadway and Diagonal sttcet. In favor of granting the petition of Chas. Kampmann et al. for filling lots in East Dubuque addition. In favor of referring the communica- tion of City Engineer Knowlton in re- gard to widening .ane south of Grove Terrace to the mayor and alderman at large. le mild also recommend that the mat- ter of improving Glen Oak avenue be left to teee street committee with pow- er. Aisa would recommend that the mat- ter of the duties of the health officer be referred to the board of health wish power. Report adopted. Would also recommend that Sam. Starr, sanitary inspector, be allowed 850 to help hcf:ay the tout of keeping a horse turtle('' in the performance of 1.:e duties. Ald. Lagen moved as an amendment that he be t,t:owed $5 per month from Sept. 1st, le96. Carried. City Attorney Knight submitted his written opinion in regard to salaries of the board of health, which was re- ferred to u)e committee of the whole. Also, submitted opinion in regard to spritil-lina ordinance, which was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Ronson, chairman of the com- mittee on ordinances presented and read an oidinance, entitled An ordinan..e grant:eg to George B. Burch, trustee, the th,ht to maintain and operate a factory on part of lot 2 of mineral lot 106 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance read by its tit:e and placed on its final passage. tarried. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Noes—None City Attorney Knight presented indem nifying bond of George E Davis in re- gard to retaining wall on Grove Terrane which was approved, and treasurer in- structed to pay said Geo. E. Davis $100.00. The award of the jury for the ex- tension of Merchants Lane from Gold to Foye street was opened and read as follows: Dubuque, Oct. 1, 1896. We, the undersigned, jurors appoint- ed for the purpose of assessing damaees caused by the opening of Merchants Lane from Gold to Foye streets, do hereby award P. Walsh, owner of lot 12 Porter's add., the sum of eighty dol:ars. TIM BYRON, H. H. SMYTH, H. CORRANCE, A. SCHAFFHAUSER. J. H. CARROLL, E. A. FRENZEL, :64 I? r uher Seasi.i)fa, Oetober :it1I, 1806 . CHRIS. CAPRITZ, R. WALTER, M. J. McCtJLLOI'CH, JAMES QUINN. JOS. REUGAMER. M. M. HOFFMANN, quired by law to fill said lbt so as Co- . prevent stagnant water from lying thereon, and, Whereas. The owners of said prop- erty have refused and neglected to fill said lot in the time and manner re- uired therefore That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications to 1111 said lot, so as to prevent stagnant water from ly ing hereon, and advertise for bids for doing said work and submit same to the council immediately. Said work to be done at the expense of the city and when completed to be assessed to the property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Aid. Cullen offered the following_. which was adopted: Be it resodved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the water company be and is hereby instructed to extend its water mains on West Third street from Burch street to Summet street as all of the abutters would like to connect with the same. Ald. Cul:en offered the following, whioh was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the eity recorder be and is hr -;..That by instructed to advertise for bids for the letting of the surface at the ice har- bor for ice skating rink purposes, The city to reserve the right in said adver- tisement to reject all bids less than one hundred dollars. Ald. Cullen offered the following. which was adopted: Resolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That the marshal be and is hereby in- structed to se:1 to the highest bidder the extra horse owned by the city, as they have no work for them. The proceeds to he turned into the city treasury. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement. be, within 20 days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Jones street, between Bluff street and alley between Bluff and Lo - oust street where not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Berg, Bauer, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of 2 -inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, Foreman. q Resolved Ald. Ronson moved that the award of the jury be approved. and treasurer in- structed to set aside the amount for the owner of the property, and that the street be declared a public highway, and that warrants for $2.00 each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Bauer offered Oa following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That George Pflffner be appointed city weigher at 26th street and Couler avenue for the ensuing year. Ald. Berg offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is here- by instructed to prepare a profile and grade of Helena street from Henion street west to end of street and sub- mit the same to the next session of the council. Ald. Bonson offered the following, Be it resolved, That the special as- sessment passed September 7th, 1896, for the improvement of Coates avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross street by Wm. Dodson, contractor, be can- celled. Ald. Bonson offered the following, Be it resolved, That the special as - which was adopted: sessment passed September 7th, 1896, for sidewalk on Audubon avenue by R. E. Lee, contractor, against lot 62. Wood lawn park add, be cancelled. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of .the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi street between Asbury street and city limits. 4 feet wide on west side of English Lane between Southern avenue and Wilde street. 6 feet wide on north side of West 11th street between Walnut street and Prairie street. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albert, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Whereas, The owners of lot 27, Reche's sub, have been notified as re- Regular Semion, October 5th, 189n. 265 constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Southern avenue, between Rowan street and Grandview avenue where not already laid, a:so new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may 1* necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman. Bauer. Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Lagen. McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following. which wa6 adopted: Be it resolved. By the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is here- by instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer from Winona avenue. up West 5th street to Nevada street and nresent the same to the next meeting of the ' itv counci:. Ald. McEvoy offered the following which was adopted. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a stone crossing be built across north Cascade road at Fremont ave. Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance committee. offered the following. which was adopted. Resolved, That the city treasurer is hereby ordered to redeem improvement bonds Nos. 711 to 716 inclusive, darted November 1st, 1894. Ald. Ryder. chairman of the finance committee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby authorised and required for the purpose of providing for the cost and expenses of improving 12th street between Main and Locust street, to is sue bonds under the provisions of the the city council of the city of Dubuque ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894. by to amount of $1400.00 as follows: 'rwo bonds of the denomination of $500.00 each numbered 34 and 35 respectively. one bond of the denomination of $400.00 numbered 36. All dated Oc- tober 5th, 189G; payable seven years af- ter date, or at any time before said date at the ontion of the city of Dubuque. and hearing interest at the rate of five per cent payahlte semi-annually, both Principal and interest payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and registered they shall he delivered to the finance committee who shall sell same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer, to be applied by him in ac- cordance with the provisions of the or- dinance adopted August 9. 1894• and said committee is to report its doings hereunder to the city council. City Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for street improve- ments: 27th street from Jackson street to C. G. W. R. R.: Wm Dodson .. .. .. .. $1170 00 Steuck & O'Farrell .... , , .. 1235 00 John B. Miller .. .. .. .. 1074 00 Dubuque Construction Co. 1001 00 Wilmer Cook .. .. .. 1085 00 Ring & Bander .. .. .. .. 1032 00 Peter Horch .. .. .. .. .. 1050 00 John Pickley .. .. .. .,, 1170 00 On motion the contract was awarded to the Dubuque Construction Co., they being the lowest bidder. College ave from West 5th street to West 3d street. Dubuque Construction Co $1027 00 M. Blake .. .. .. .. 1102 00 Brown & Brown.. .. .. .. 1064 50 On motion the contract was awarded ed to the Dubuque Construction com- pany. they being the lowest bidder. Allison Place from Delhi street to College ave: Brown & Brown .. .. .. .. $1334 00 M. Blake • • • • • • ...... • • 1475 00 Dubuque Construction Co.. .. 1274 00 On motion the contract was award- ed to the Dubuque Construction com- pany, they being the lowest bidder. West 3d street from Alpine street to College ave: M. Blake .. .. .. .. .....$2527 00 Dubuque Construction Co. ... 2236 00 Brown & Brown .. .. , 2335 00 John Tibey .. .. . ...... 2344 00 On motion the contract was award- ed to the Dubuque Construction com- pany, they being the lowest bidder. Queen street from Clinton street to north end of street: Peter Horch $768 00 • . $768 00 Steuck & O'Farrell .. .. . , . On motion the contract was award- ed to Peter Hort, he being the lowest bidder. Constructing sanitary sewer in Pros pest street from 5th street 130 feet north: Dolan & Lockrich, 43c per lin foot. Dan Sheehan, $1.10 per lin foot. 0. G. Kringle. 63c per lin foot. M. Blake, $1.05 per lin foot. Dubuque Construction Co., 63c per lin foot. On motion the contract was awarded to Dolan & Lockrich, they being the lowest bidders. Ald. Bonson moved that the council adjourn to Monday, Oet. 12th, 1896, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. 266 Jeeyufar 12//i, Jij) i ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, O(7T. 12TH. 1896. (Official.) Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert, Dagen, McEvoy and Ryder. PETITIONS. Petition of merchants of the city and farmers of Grant county, Wisconsin, asking the city to assist the owners of Steamer Teal by a cash donation was read. A:d. Ryder moved to refer the peti- tion to the committee of the whole. Ald. Dennert moved as an amend- ment that the city donate $100. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Altman, Bauer, Bonson and Dennert. Noes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Cullen, Dagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The vote recurring on the original motion was carried. Petition of Thos. Finn Est.. in regard to taxes was referred to the delinquent tax committee with power. The following petitions were referr- ed to the sewer committee. Petition of E. C. Blake in relation to grade for sewer in alley between Arling ton and West 14th street. Petition of Jos. Kessler et a:1, remon- strating against construction of sewer in Pickett street. Petition of W. Breitsehut in regard to treatment by a police officer was re- ferred to the committee on claims. Petition of P. Clancy, asking to be al- lowed 17 1-2 cents for yard for hauling cinders on High Bridge avenue, was granted. Petition of John Balch, receiver for the Dubuque Light & Traction Co., in relation to special assessment for street improvements was referred to the may- or, city attorney, treasurer and city engineer. Petition of R. C. Mathis, asking per- mission to move frame barn from West 3rd street to 91 Hill street was referred to the city engineer and marshal with power. Petition of Wm. Schuman, asking that special assessment for repair of side- walk be cancelled was granted. The lease of the Armory to the Gover nor's Greys was read. Ald. Bonson moved that the rules be suspended and that Captain Blocklinger be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Captain Blocklinger then addressed the council in regard to the matter. Ald. Cullen moved that the lease be approved. Ald. McEvoy moved as an amend- ment that it be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Lag - en, MoEvoy and Ryder. Noes --A Ids. Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen and Dennert. The vote being a tie the mayor voted aye. The following bills were allowed: John Degnan, oats $359 85 J H McDonald, improving West Main and Jones street 1350 00 P F Guthrie, constructing side- walks . 72 79 Horsefall & Butcher, construct- ing sewer . 38 00 Bill of J. H. McDonald of $104.01 for extra work on West Main and Jones street was referred to the paving com- mittee. Plat of Hodge's sub No. 2 was pre- sented. On motion the rules were suspended and John Babcock and Mr. Davis ad- dressed the council in relation to said plat. On motion the plat was referred to the committee of the whole. Plat of the proposed change in Ida street was referred to the street com- mittee. Plat of the proposed vaeation of ten feet on west side of Queen street was approved. Plat showing vacation of strip of land on St. Mary's street was approved. On motion bids for construction of sewer in Broadway and Diagonal street were opened and referred to the en- gineer for computation. Ald. Ronson moved that the bid for filling lot in Reche's sub be opened. Carried. The bid was opened, as follows T. 13. Oa.in, 18 cents per yd. Ald. Ronson moved that the contract be awarded T. B. Cain, provided Mr. Heer neglects or refuses to do said work in seven days. Carried. Ald. Bonson, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: I.n favor of awarding the contract for the improvement of 26th street to John B. Miller, also that the contract for the improvement of Angella, Catherine and Cox street be awarded to Con Ryan, .Jr., they being the lowest bidders for doing said work. Also report in favor of rejecting the bids for the improvement of West 7th street; also bids for constructing re- taining wall thereon, and would recom- mend that twenty feet be vacated on the north side of West 7th street from Needham P:ace to Hill street, as by so doing it will avoid the necessity of con- structing a retaining wall thereon. Report adopted. nAld. Lagen, chairman of the com- mittee on police and light, reported in favor of granting the request of City Marshal Morgan, asking that a portable telephone be placed in his office. Re- port adopted. City Engineer Knowlton reported on bids for construction of sewer in Broad Adjourned li eqului' Session, October 12th., 1896. 21;7 way and Diagonal streets as follows: Deggendorf, Dolan and Lock ridge $1203 00 Steuck & O'Farrell . 920 00 Dubuque Construction Co 660 00 Blake & Wake . 1093 00 O G Kringle . 1053 00 Hird & Hird . 1058 00 On motion the contract was awarded to the Dubuque Construction Co., they being the lowest bidders. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a six foot wide sidewa:k on east side it Alpine street by P. F. Guthrie, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same;, a special tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots, parts of lots and par- cels of real estate hereinafter nam?d, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or paresl of raal estate as follows: F. W. Coates, Martin's Dubuque, lot 3, 50 :In ft at 22 17-69c.... $11 12 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—A1d'. Albrecht, Altman, Bau.-r, Berg, Bonson. [:Wilco. Dennert, Lagan McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That to pay for a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on we it side of Reel avenue by P. F. Guthrie, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a speeIa: tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several of real estate, as follows: sessment levied Oct. 5th, 1896. Allen Schumacher, McCraney's lst add, lot 69, 139 :in feet at 14 5-9c. $20 23 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen. Dennert. Lagcn, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Ronson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on the east side of First Avenue by P. F. Guthrie, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby '.evied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named. situate and owned, and for the several amount set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Joseph Ruega.mer, et al, Ham's add. lot ,453, 111.8 lin feet at 14 5-9c . . . $16 27 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—A:ds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonsor offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to ]ray for a four foot wide sidewalk on west side of Clifford street by A:fred Dorman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots and parts of lo`s and, parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite eoeh lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: J J Lunbeck. Mechanics' add, s 100 ft lot 109, 114.5 lin ft side- walk at loc. .. . ......$17 17 Henry Troff, Mechanics, add, n 50 ft lot 109, 52 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.. .. .. s• , ' •• =s 91111 n, of 10 of .111)13S 1.40. 142, L. H. Langworthy's a'ld aid 135 and 136 Mechanics' arid• n lot 2, 37.6 lin ft side- walk at 15c. .......... 5 64 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albreeh`, Altman, Bauer Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the pity of Dubuque That to pay for a 4 frot wide s'dewalk on west side of Woodworth street by Alfred Dorman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amoun's set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol lows: : C. B. Scheer, et al, Busemian's sub, lot 8. 150.5 lin ft sidewalk at 15c. .. .. ....$22 58 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot sidewalk on west side of }bye street by Alfred Dorman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a spe- cial tax be and is hers+by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Blake, est. Ellen Blake's sub. lot 7, 299 lin ft sidewalk at 15c. . . .. ..$44 85 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonsor offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving alley from 14th to 15th streets, between fine street and Maple street, by Wilmer Cook, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral :ots, and parts of lots, and parcels 7 80 268 Ail jmirnacvl Regular 8eesion, Ortooer 121h, 1899. of real estate hereinafternamed, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Carl Fatka, East Dubuque add, lot 257, 70.77 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30e. $21.23; 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $250 $23 73 John Schuler Est., East Dubuque add., lot 258, 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.23, 20 eu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 19 73 James Malloy, East Dubuque add., lot 259, 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.23. 20 en yds grading a 12 1-2c. $2.50 19 73 John Oha'aupke, East Dubuque add., lot 260, 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30e, $17.23, 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 19 73 Nic C1o3s. East Dubuque add., lot 261, 61.88 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. $18.56; 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 21 06 A. Lente, East Dubuque add., lot 282, 61.88 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $18.56; 20 en yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 21 06 August Rohr, East Dubuque add., lot 283. 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.23; 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.5019 73 John Stumpf, East Dubuque add., lot 284. 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.23: 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2e, $2.5019 73 Mary Driscoll, East Dubuque add., lot 285, 57.45 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, 817.23; 20 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 Carl Fatka, Fast Dubuque add., lot 286, 70.77 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. 821.23; 20 eu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.50 23 73 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Altman, Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for in -- proving alley from 17th street to 18th street between Elm street and Pine street, by Geo. W. Farley, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parte:s of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follow:.: Steuck & O'Farrell, East Du- buque add., lot 172, 70.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 821.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5.37 $ 26 57 Steuck & O'Farrell, East. u- buque add., lot 173, 57.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15e, $5 37 22 57 Steuck & O'Farrell, East Du- buque add., lot 174, 57.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 19 73 $17.20. 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5 37 22 57 John Wimmers Est., East Du- buque add., lot 175, 57.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15e, $5.37. 22 57 John Wimmers Est., East Du- buque add., lot 176, 70.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $21.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5.37. 26 57 Sam MoElrath, Fast Dubuque add, w 65 ft lot 227 70.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $21.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5.37. 26 57 Sam McE:rabh, East Dubuque add., w 65 ft lot 228, 57.33 sq yds maca.da.mizing at 30c, $17.20; 35.8 en yds grading at. 15c, $5.37. 22 67 Sam McElrath, East Dubuque add., w 65 ft lot 229, 57.33 sq yds ma.cada.mizing at 30c, $17.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c. $5.37. 22 57 Hammel, Henker & Co. East Du- buque add., lot 230, 57.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5 37 22 257 Hammed, Henker & Co. East Du- buque add., lot 231, 70.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 821.20; 35.8 cu yds grading at 15c, $5.37. . 22 57 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen Lagen, McFvoe and Ryder, Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of tae City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving alley north of Eagle Point avenue from Prince street to Chicago Great Western Railway, by Steuck, O'Farrel & Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev:;ral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: F. A. Jaeger, sub 1 Santord's sub lot 2, 4.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28e, $1.24; 1 cu yd grading at 8c, $0 08; $ 1 32 F. A. Jaeger, Sanford's sub, w 1.6 ft lot 2, 1.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $0.47, 1 eu yd grading at 8c, $0.08 James Levi. Sanford's sub, e 40 ft lot 2, 44.44 sq yds macada- mizing at 28c, $12.44; 6 cu yds grading at 8c, 48c. 12 32 Alex Kemps, Sanfords sub, s 1-2 lot 3, 25.55 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $7.15; 3.5 cu yds grading at 8c, 28c. . 7 43 Malinda Ries, Sanfords sub n 1-2 lot 3, 25.55 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $7.15; 3.5 cu yds 55 1 Adjourns/ Regular Session, October 12th, 1896. 269 grading at 8c, 28c. 7 43 Severin Hug Est., Sanfords sub s 1-2 lot 4, 25.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 28c, $7.15; 3.5 cu yds grading at 8c, 28e . 7 43 Louis Nipp, Sr., Sanfords sub, n 1-2 lot 4. 25.55 sq yds macada- mizing at 28c, $7.15; 3.5 cu yds grading at 8c, 28c. 7 4:1 Geo. Vogel, Sanfords sub, :ot 5 55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, 815.55; 7 cu yds grading at 8c, •56c. 16 11 Geo Maybanks, sub 49 Sanfords sub, lot 1. 102.67 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, 828.75; 13 cu yds grading at 8c. 81.04. 29 73 H. Bergwald, sub 49 Sanford's sub, lot 3, 101.44 sq yds ma- cadamizinig at 28c. $2h.40: 13 cu yds grading at 8c. $1.0429 14 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht. Altman. Bauer, Berg, Ronson. Cullen. Dennert, Lager., McF,voy and Rvde,.. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city counc'I of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Paul street from Seminary street to Leibnitz street by John Pickley, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Oct. 5, 1896. M. Brown Est., Cox's add, lot 108, 132 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $14.88; 60 sq yds guttering at 30c, $18; 171.60 sq yds macad- amizing at 32c, $54.91.. ....$117 79 F. and H. Mindorfer Cox's add, lot 106, 132.3 lin ft curbstone at 34c, $44.98; 60 sq yds of gut- tering at 30c, $18; 171.60 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $54.91.. .. 117 88 Edward A. Leuze, Vcelker's add, lot 31, 120.8 lin ft curb- stone at 34c, $41.07; 54 sq yds guttering at 30, $16.20; 162.50 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, j12 109 27 Cath. Barker, Voelker's add, lot 32, 122.6 lin ft curbstone at 34e, $41.68. 54 sq yds guttering at 30e, $16.20; 162.50 sq yds macadamizing at 320, $52109 88 Adopted by the following vote: Aye —Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, T,agen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city c..nncil of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving 19th street from west line of Pine street to east line of East Du- buque add by John Pickley, contra. tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts yet opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Louis Zeidman, East Dubuque add, lot 12, 121.5 lin ft curb- stone at 30c, $36.45; 116.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $32.57; 192 Fq yds macadamizing at 30c, $57.60. $126 62 Chicago rGeat 'Western Ry, East Dubuque add, lot 13. 48.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $14.53.... 14 53 Ed. Langworthy's Est, East Du- buque add, lot 236, 34.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.40. .. .. Chas Henze, East Dubuqre add, lot 237. 115.3 lin ft curbstone 30c, $34.59, 111.11 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $31.11; 193.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $58 .. .. •••,. 123 70 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving 15th street from alley east of F,Im str-et to Pine street by John Pick - ley, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Iowa Coffin Co., East Dubuque add, lot 186, 13.2 lin ft curb- stone at 321/2c, $4.29; 12.78 sq yds guttering at 28c, $3.58; 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $5.33 .. $13 20 Iowa Coffin Co., East Dubuque add. w 65 ft lot 217, 76 lin ft curbstone at 32%c. $24.70; 37.22 eq yds guttering at 28c, $10.42; 133.33 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c, $40 75 12 Chicago Great Western Ry., East Dubuque add, e 35 ft, rot 217, 11.2 lin ft curbstone at 32%c, $3.64; 7.11 sq yds guttering at 28c $1.99; 23.11 sq yds maca.d- amciz!ng at 30c, $6.93; work on catch basins, $2.50. 15 06 Chicago Great Western Ry. East Dubuque add. e 35 ft lot 216 10 lin ft curbstone at 321e, $3.25; 7.11 sq yds guttering at 28e, $1.99; 23.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 30e, $6.93; work on catch basins, $2.50 .. .... 14 o7 10 40 270 AdjournE'd Regular Se88?On. October 12th, 1896. City of Dubuque. East Dubuque add, w 65 ft lot 216, 76.7 lin ft curbstone at 321/, $24.92; 28.90 sq yds guttering at 28c, $8.09; 137.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $41.33 .... .. .... 74 34 City of Dubuque, East Dubuque add, lot 187, 22.22 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $6.67 .... 6 67 Adopted by the folowing vote: Ayes -Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, l3erg, Bonson. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. A.ld. Bons^n offcred the following: Resolyrd by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im proving W. 8th street from west line Roger's sub to Air Hill by Geo. W. Farley, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the s,me, a special tax be and is hereby levied cn the several lots, and parts of lrts, and rares's of real estate here'nafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo-ite ca^h lot or pareF1 of reel es- tate, as follows: Thrs. Kavanaugh Fst, sub 11. 19 and 20 Kelly's sub, lot 4, 25.2 lin ft curbstone at $0c, $7.56; 11.20 sq yds guttcr'ng at 30c, $3.36; 25.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c. $7.56 ., , 18 48 John Spear, Sub 18, 19, 20, Kelly's sub, cx n 255 ft, lot 3, 35.6 lin ft eurbstcne at 30c. $10.6R, 24.44 sq yds guttering at arc. $7.?3; 55 sq yds macadam- i7ing at Sec $16.50 .. . 34 51 J. Speer. sub 18. 19. 20 Ke'lys sub ex n 25 ft, lot 2. 72.6 lin ft curb stone at 3ec, $21.78; 28.90 sq yds guttering at 30e, $8.67; 65 an yds macadamizing at 30c, 819.50 .. .. .. ........ . 49 95 macadamizing 9 0.m MC . Mary Hedley, Kelly's sub, e 14 lot 43, 57,4 lin ft eurhstone at 30c, $17.22; 29.78 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c. $8.93; 67 so yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $20.1046 25 Wm. Johnsrm Fst, Trellv's sub, e m 14 lot 43, 65 lin ft curbstone at 30e, $19.50; 28.90 sq yds gut- tering at 30c. $8.67; 65 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.5047 67 T. T. Carkeek, Kelly's sull w m 14 lot 43. 13.7 lin ft curbstone at 30e $4.11: 13.47 sq yds gut_ terirg at 30c, $4.04; 15.3 sn yds macadamizing at 30c. $4.59 12 74 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda Albrecht, Altman Bauer, Berg, Boneon. Cullom, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Danson offered the following: Resolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Hart street from Coupler avenue to Valeria street, by Peter Borsch contractor, in. front of and ad.ioining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, sdtuate and awned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Adam Schmddt Est., sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schat- ner's sub, lot 2, 99.5 lin ft curbing at 28c, $27.86; 49.78 sq yds guttering at 28c, $13.94; 99.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $29.86. $ 71 66 John Schroeder, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaff- ner's sub, lot 3. 50 lin fitcurb- ing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30r, $13.33 33 55 Leonard Roelhl, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaff- ner's sub, lot 4, 50 lin ft curb- ing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $13.33 33 55 John Ess, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaff- ner's sub, lot 5. 50 lin ft curb- ing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $13.33 33 55 Joseph Keller, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaff- ner's sub, lot 6. 50 lin ft curb- ing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $13.34 33 55 John Krayer Est, Schaffner's sub, lot 8, 147.2 llin fet curb- ing at 28c, $41.22; 72.55 sq yds guttering at 28c, $20.31; 140.44 sq yds maeadamdzing at 30e, $42.13 103 66 Alois Ullrich, sub 9, Schaffner's sub, lot 1, 50 1ln ft subbing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $6.22; 44.44 se Yds macadlamizing at 30c, $13.33 33 65 P Even, Schaffner's sub, lot 10, 50 lin ft cunbing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds gut` - tering at 2&c, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $13.33. 33 55 Fred Galof, Schaffner's sub, lot 11, 50 lin fit curbing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 28e, $6,22; 44.44 sq yds macadtamIzing at 30c, $13.33 33 55 D C Moore, Schaffner's sub, lot 12, 50 14n ft curbing at 28c, $14.00; 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 28e, $6.22; 44.44 sq yds macadamizing a't 30c, $13.33 33 65 Jos Platz, Schaffner's sub, lot 13, 41.3 lin ft curbing at 28c, $11.56; 22.22 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $6.22. 44.44 sq yds ;Wi,ttrowell le, !Miff • ssion, O tober 121h, 1896. macadamizing at 30c, $13.33 .. Jos Platz, Schaffner's stLb, lot 14, 22.2 lin ft curbing at 28e, $6.22; 12.67 sq yds guttering at 28c, $3.55: 15.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 30c, $4.53 . 14 30 Jacob Marshall, Tivoli add, n 1-2, lot 10, 121.5 lin ft curb- ing at 28c, $34.02; 61 sq yds guttering at 28c, $17.08; 128.- 44 sq yds mtacadamizing at 30c, $38.53. 89 63 Bernard Denkler, Tivoli add, e 1-2, lot 11, 65.4 lin ft curbing at 28c, $18.31; 30 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $8.40; 66.67 sq yds macadamizing art 30c, $20 . 46 71 Wm Kirmse, Tivoli add, w 1-2. lot 11, 57.7 din ft curbing at 28c, $16.16; 31.78 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $8.90; 77.78 sq yds .macadamizing at 30c, $23.33 48 39 Frank D Saharle, Tivoli add, lot 30. 118.5 lin ft curbing at 28c, 833.18: 61.78 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $17.30; 146.55 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 843.66 . 94 14 Dominick Hoffman, Tivoli add, lot 31. 47.5 lin 4t curbing at 28c, $13.30: 22.22 sq yds gut- tering at 28e, $6.22; 52.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $15.67 . . . . 35 19 Dominick Hoffman. Tivoli add, lot 32, 40 :in ft. curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.77 sq yds gutter- ing at 28c, $4.97; 35.65 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 110.66 . . . . . . . 26 83 Dominick Hoffman, sub 33, Ti- voli add, lot 1, 22 11i,n ft curb- ing at 28c. $6.16; 9.78 sq yds guttering at 28c, $2.74; 19.55 sq yds ,macadamnizing alt 30c, $5.86. 14 76 John Buse, sub 2 of 33, Tivoli add, lot 1, 29.5 lin .ft curbing at 28e, $8.26; 13.11 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $3.67; 26.22 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $7.87. 19 80 John Buse, sub 2 of 130, I. H Langworthy's add, lot 2, 6.7 lin .ft curbing at 28c,.$1.87: 2.98 sq yds guttering at 28c, $.83; 5.95 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, 81.78. Chas Buse. sub 2 of 130, L H Langworthy's add, lot 1. 39.9 lin ft curbing at 28c, $11.17; 17.73 sq yds guttering at 28c, 84.96; 35.46 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $10.64 . . . 26 77 Jochum Wieland, sub 130, I. H Langworthy's add. lot 1, 93 lin 'ft curbing at 28c, $26.04; 41.33 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.57; 85.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $25.60. 63 21 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes ---Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, 31 11 4 48 271 McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Ries street from Windsor avenue to Stafford ave- nue by Wilmer Cook, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lobs, and ,parlbs of Lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as fellows: Special assessment submitted Oct. 5, 1896. Mick Zwack, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 1, 30.5 lin ft curbing at 28c, $8.54: 14.67 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $4.10; 28.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $7.96 . .$ 20 60 Mick Zwack, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 2, 40 lin ft curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 8c, $4.98; 35.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 Mick Zwack, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 3, 40 lin ft curbing alt 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 8c, $4.98; 35.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 Cath Lassance, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 4, 40 lin ft curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 8c, $4.98; 35.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 Ernest Dettmann, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 5, 40 .in ft eurbI•ng at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 8c, $4.98; 35.56 sq yds ma'cadlamizing at 28c, $9.95 Wm Mehr•1, sub 4 of Geiger's sub, lot 6, 40 len .ft curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 Sc, $4.98; 36.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 . Wm Walz, sub 4 of Geiger's snub, lot 7, 40 lin ft curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 2 8c, $4.98; 35.56 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 . H pfotzer, sub of 8 and 9 of 4, Geiger's sub, s 50 ft, lot 2, 79.7 din ft curbstone at 28c, $22.31; 40 sq yds guttering at 28c, $11.20: 80 sq yds mmacada,mZz- ing at 28c, $22.40. John Bohn, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 5, 105.5 lin ft curbing at 28e, $29.54; 53.33 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $14.93; 115.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $32.- 35 . . Wm Mehl, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 6, 47 lin lit curbing at 290e, $13.16; 22.22 sq ycls guttering 26 13 26 13 26 13 26 13 26 13 26 13 55 91 76 82 212 Adjourned I?e fnlqr ,Cexlon, ()flaw,. 12t/,, 1S9f; at 28c, $6.22; 53.33 sq yds mac- adamizing at 28c, $14.93 ..... Andrew Henge, stub 3, Geiger's snub, plat 7, 40 11n ft curbing at 28c, $11.20: 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $4.98; 35.55 sq yds madaeamizing at 28c, $9.95 Nic Steffens, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 8, 40 .lin tit curbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $4.98; 35.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $9.95 Jno P Olinger, sub 3, Geiger's wub, dot 9, 40 ;in ftcurbing at 28c, $11.20; 17.78 sq yds gut- tering at 28c, $4.98; 35.55 sq Yds macadamiizIng at 28c, $9.95 . . . . . 26 13 Adam Mueller, snub 3. Geiger's sub, lot 10, 63.4 ]in 11t curbing at 28c. $17.75; 31.11 sq yds gut- tering at 28c. $8.71: 63.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.67 44 13 Adopted by the flodaowing vote: Ayes: Ahus. Alibrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Bennett street from Grandview avenue to west line of lot 8 O'Hare's sub by Blake & Blake, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a spe- cial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposl'e each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Oct. 5, 1896. M Emelia Hodge, Hodge's sub, lot 1, 203.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $59.07; 91.50 sq yds guttering at 29c, $26.53; 256.22 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $81.99 .$167 59 Sarah W. Stewart, Hodge's sub, lot 17, 48.1 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $13.95; 24.10 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $6.99; 70.70 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $22.62 .. . 43 56 $ Sarah W. Stewart, Hodge's sub, lot 16, 44.2 lin ft curbstone atydsgut- ,I' 29c, $12.82; 19.64 sq trlag at 29c, $5.70; 54 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $17.24.. 35 80 ter L. Brin, Jr., Hodge's sub, lot 15 44.2 lin ft curbstone at 29e, $12.82; 19.64 sq yds gutteirng at 29c, $5.70;; 54 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $17.28. 35 80 Mary A. Kepler, Hodge's sub, lot 14, 52.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c; $15.22; 23.33 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $6.67; 64.16 Fq yds macadamizing at 32c, $20.53 . .... .. .. .. 42 51 34 31 26 13 26 13 Mary A. Kemler, Hodge's sub, lot 13, 44.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $12.90; 19.80 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $5.74; 53.49 s.; yds macadamizing at 32c, $17.09.. .. .. .. .. ... 3; 73 Mary A. Kemler, Hodge's sub, lot 12, 40.5 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $11.75; 18 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $5.22; 49.50 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $15.84 ..................32 81 Mary A. Kemler, sub 4, O'Hare's sub, lot 2, 83 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $24.07; 36.90 sq yds gut tering at 29c, $10.70; 101.44 F yds maoadamiz.ng at 32c, $32.46 .... .. .. .. .. ...... 67 23 Mary A Kemler. sub 4. O'Hare's sub, lot 1, 49.8 lin ft curb tone at 29c. $14.44; 26.67 sq yds gut tering at 29c, $7.73; 67.22 sq yds macadamizing at 32, $21.:;1....43 68 J. J. Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 1, 44.3 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $12.85; 24.44 sq yds gu!ter- ing at 29c, $7.09; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 32, $19.55 .. 39 49 J. J. Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 2, 44 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $12.76; 24.44 sq yds guttering at 29c, $7.09; 61.11 sq yds ma- oadamizing at 32e, $19.55 .... 39 40 J. J. Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 3, 50 lin ft urbsto»e nt 29e. $14.50; 22.22 sq yds gut'ering at 29c, 16.44; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadami7ing at 32. $19.55 ....40 49 J. J. Grigg, (Grigg sub, lot 4, 118.4 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 34.34; 58.22 rq yds glittering at 29c. $16.88; 154 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32e, $49.28. .. 100 50 . E. Swne»ney, sub 7 O'Hare's sub, lot 1 46 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 113.34; 20.44 so yds gut tering at 29e, $5.93; 56.22 'q yds macadamiz'ng at 32e, $17.99 ....................37 26 M. E. Sweeney. sub 7 O'Hare's sub. lot 2. 46 tin ft curbstone at 29c, $13.34; 20.44 so yds gut tering at 29c, $5.93: 56.22 sq yds mr cadamizing at 32c, 17.99. .. . 37 26 L. Bennett, sub 7 O'Hqr"'s ub, lot 3. 46 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 13.34; 20.44 sq yds gut ing at 29c, $5.93; 56.22 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $17.99.. 37 26 George Davis, Davis' sub, lot 6, 8.4 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $2.44; 3.73 sq yds guttering at 29c, $1.08; 10.26 sq yds macad- amizing at 32c, $3.28 .. ...... 6 80 Geoge Davis, Davis sub, lot 7. 43.2 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $12.53; 19.20 sq ds guttering at 29c, $5.57; 62.80 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $16.90.... 35 00 George Davis, Davis sub, lot 8, -.1(1..; mole,/ Ileyi/,,,' Session, (Hobe?. 12th., 1896. 273 43.2 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $12.53; 19.20 sq yds guttering at 29c, $5.57; 52.80 sq yds macad amazing at 32c, $16.90 35 00 George Davis, Davis su, , ,uc 9, 43.2 lin ft curb ;t-vne at 29c. 112.53; 19.20 sq yds guttering at 29c, $5.57; 52.80 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32e, $16.90 35 00 J. Bennett, sub 1 of 24, O'Hare's sub, lot 1, 51.9 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $15.05; 23.07 sq yds gut tering at 29e. $6.69; 63.43 sq yd; macadam zing at 32c, $20.30 .. .. .. .... 42 04 Pierce Broell, sub 1 of 24, O'Hare'n sub, lot 2, 43 lin ft curbstone at 29c, 12.47; 19.11 sq yds guttering at 29c. $5.54, 52.55 sq yds macadamizing at 32c: $16.81 .. .. .. .. .. Geo. Conway, sub 24, O'Hare's sub, lot 2. 43 lin ft curbstone at 29c. $12.47; 19.11 sq yds gut tering at 29c, $5.54; 52.55 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $16.81 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Wm. Hintrager, O'Hare's sub, lot 25, 128.8 lin ft curb;tone at 29c, $37.35; 59.11 sq yds gut tering at 29c. $17.14; 179.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $57.49 .. .. . ... .. 111 98 L. Brin, Jr., O'Hare's sub, lot 26, 126.7 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $36.74; 58.22 sq yds gut- tering at 29c. $16.88; 179.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $57.49.. .. .. .. „ .. ...... 111 11 L. Brin, Jr.. O'Hare's sub, lot 27, 138 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $40.02; 61.33 sq yds guttering at 29c, $17.78; 168.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c $53.97.. 111 77 L. Brin, Jr., O'Hare's sub, lot 28, 138 lin ft curbstone at 29e, $40.02; 61.33 sq yds gu'tering at 29e, $17.78; 168.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c $53.97.. 111 77 C W Skemp, O Hare's sub. W. 50 tt, lot 29, 50 lin ft curbstone at 29c, $14.50; 27.22 sq yds gut tering at 29c, $789; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $19.55 .. 41 94 Thomas Hill, O'Hare's sub, ex- cept w 50ft'lot 29, 169.4 14n ft curbstone at 29c, $49.13; 73.33 sq yds guttering at 29c, $21.26; 201.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $64.53 .. .. . ... 134 53 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Albreoht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Hanson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Coates avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross street, by Wm. Dodsc-t, contractor, in front of and adjoining 34 S2 34 82 the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parte: of real estate, as fol- lows. Special assessment submitt»d Oct. 5, 1896: C. A. Alexander, sub 3 Babcock's add., lot 2, 273 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $75.76; 125.78 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $34.90; 332.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $93.08. $203 74 C. A. Alexander, sub 5 Simpson's add., lot 1, 101 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $28.03; 41 sq yds gut- tering at 27 3-4c, $11.38; 119 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $33.32 . 72 73 Theo. Trieloff, Concord sub, lot 13, 141 lin ft curbing at 27 3-te $39.13; 66.67 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $18.50; 194.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $54.54. 112 17 A Mink, Concord sub., lot 14 141.5 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $39.26; 66.67 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $18.50; 194.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $54.54112 30 Robt Sel:ers, Simpson's add. lot 9, 106 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $29.41; 52.44 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $14.55; 152.44 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $42.6886 64 Jos Hoerner, Simpson's add lot 10, 96.5 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $26.77; 48.90 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $13.57; 127.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c $35.59 . . 75 93 Sam Y Bennett, Simpson's add lot 11, 101.3 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $28.11; 50.93 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $14.13; 132.73 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $37.16. 79 40 Lid Emmert, Simpson's add., lot 12, 106.8 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $29.64; 53.33 sq yds gut- tering at 27 3-4c, $14.80; 139.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $39.01 Frank Sellers, Simpson's add, lot 13, 106 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $29.41; 56.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $15.60; 127.28 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $41.24. 86 25 Geo. A. Sturtevant. Simpson's add., lot 14, 121.7 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $33.77; 59.60 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $16.54; 156.FQ sq yds macadamizing at 28e, $43.84. C. F. McDonald, Simpson's add, 10' 15, 136.7 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $37.93: 61.56 sq yds gut- tering at 27 3-4c, $17.0S; 168.05 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $47.05 John Gadient, Simpson's add., lot 16, 143.5 :in ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $39.83; 68.44 sq yds 83 45 94 15 102 06 274 Adjourned Regular Se9Rion, October 12th, 1896. guttering at 27 3-4c, $18.99 182.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $50.99. 109 81. John Gadient, Simpson's add, lot 17, 148 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $41.07; 65.78 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $18.25; 180.90 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $50.65 109 :17 Jdhn Gadient, Simpson's add., lot 18, 61 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $16.93; 28.90 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $8.02; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $17.11. 42 06 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add. lot 36, 196.4 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $54.50; 59.11 sq yds ing at 28c, $17.11 35 03 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 8, 42.6 lin curbing at 27 3-4c, $11.82; 24.90 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c $6.91; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $17.11. . . 35 84 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpsons, add., lot 7, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.17; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $17.11 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 6, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.17; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $17.11 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41 Simpsons add., lot 5, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.17; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $17.11 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 4, 42 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, 11.66; 24.90 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.91; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c, $17.11 35 68 Theo Trieloff, sub, 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 3, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87; 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.17; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28c,17.11. guttering at 27 3-4c, $24.73; 37 15 228.55 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $63.99 143 22 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add. lot 36, 172.7 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $47.92: 76.75 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $21.30; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10. 128 32 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add. lot 37, 172.7 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $47.92; 76.75 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $21.30; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10. 128 32 Malcolm Post, Simpson's add. lot 38, 172.7 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4e, $47.92; 76.75 sq yds glittering at 27 3-4c, $21.30; 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10 128 32 M. Horst, sub 39. 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 10, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c $6.17; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28c, $17.11. 37 15 M. Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 9. 37.2 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, 10.32; 27.55 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c 87.65; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 2, 50 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $13.87: 22.22 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $6.17; 61.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28e. $17.11 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub. 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add., lot 1, 59 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $16.37: 32.90 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c $9.13; 83.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 28e, $23.27. 48 77 Wm. Coates Est., Simpson's add, lot 42, 172 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4c, $47.73: 76.44 sq yds guttering at 27 3-4c, $21.21: 211.08 sq yds macadamizing at 28c, $59.10. 128 01 Wm. Coates Est., Simpson's add., lot 43, 159.3 lin ft ourbing at 27 3-4c, $44.20; 81.78 sq yds glittering at 27 3-4c, $22.69; 211.08 sn yds macadamizing at 28, 1t59.10. 12:, 99 Win. Coates Fit., Simpson's add, Int 44. 216 lin ft curbing at 27 3-4e, $59.94: 109 33 sn yds eu`tering at 27 3-4c, $30.34; 283.55 sn Yds macadamizing at 28e. $79.39. 169 67 Adon'ed by the following vote: Aves-Aids. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Ronson. Cnlleu, Dennert, Lagan, McEvoy and Ryder. Aid, Salter offered the following, whioh was adopted: Wheras: Proper notice has been given as required by law for the pro- posed vaoation of tem (10) feet on the west side of Queen street north of San- ford street, and, Whereas. The eity council deems it expedient to vacate said strip of land, therefore Resolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That ten (10) feet of ground lie and is hereby vacated on the west side of Queen street north of San- ford street, as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. A4d. Benson offered .the following, which was ad opted : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engi- neer be and is hereby d•nstructed to prepare a plat showing the proposed vacation of twenty feet on the nortfh side of west 7t1h street, from Needham Place to Hill street, and proceed in ac- cordance with the ordinance on that suibleidt. Ald. Ryder offered the following, Special ' Session, October 20th, 1896. 275 which a'as adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer be constructed on .the west side of 5th street from Winona avenue to Nevada street, and 'the city engineer di- rected to prepare i/he necessary plans and specifications for doing said work, the cost to be assessed to the owners of adjacent property. Ald. Ryder offered ,the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the Oity Council of the Oity of Dubuque: 'Phial the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby in- structed to extend their water mains on Grandview avenue from South Dodge street to Mt. Cannel avenue and that water plugs he located under the su- pervision of the fire committee and chief, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company a sum of money sufficient .to pap• interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so re- quired to be extended. Ald. Dennert offered the fallowing, which was adopt e: Resolved by the City Council of the (city of Dubuque: 'Pkat the Central Union Telephone company, be instruct- ed to furnish telephones to the chair - mon on electrical construction and chairman of delinquent tax committee at .half rates, as per their contract with the pity. Ald. McEvoy offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved that the city recorder be and is thereby instructed to issue a ven- ire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve free- holders, citizens to assess the damages that may he caused proposed alley from Union avenue to Mountain Lame be- tween Cleveland avenue and Rush street, an Shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Plans and specifications for sanitary sewer In Weet bth between Winona avenue and Nevada Street were ap- proved. Aid. Altman moved to adjourn. Carried. SPECIAL. SESSION OCTOBER 20, 1896. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 4:35 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, L.agen and McEvoy. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to bids for construction of sanitary sewer in West 5th street. Ald. Bauer moved that bids for con- struction of said sewer be opened. Carried. Bids were opened and read as fol- lows: O. G. Kringle, sewer per lin ft 34 cents, manholes each $20. Jahn McCaffrey, sewer per lin ft 27 1 2 cents, manholes each $23.50. Dubuque Construction Co., sewer per lin ft 34 cents, manholes each $23. Chas. Hil:ery & Son, sewer per lin ft 31 cents, manholes each $21. Dorsfall, Butcher & Guthrie, sewer per lin ft 27 cents. manholes each $21. Deggendorf, Dolan. Lockridge & Had, sewer per lin ft 22 1-2 cents, manholes each $22.00. Ald. Dennert moved that the contract be awarded to Deggendorf, Dolan, Lock - ridge & Bird, they being the lowest bid- ders. Carried. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Attest: ... t .Record 7 ppr )n i /89.. Approved fiN ... Muyur . Mayor 27t; (ifir/a/ NOTICE. Public notice is hereby giver. that at the session of the city council or the city of Dubuque, held on the 12th day of October. 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, ano that in case of faiLure to pay one- seventh pant within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B, GNIFFKE, Clty 1'reasu'f r. For improving West Sth street from West line of Roger's sub. to Air Hili street: Thos. Kavanaugh Est., sub 18, 19 and 20, Kelly's sub, :oat 4.418 48 John Spear. sub 18. 19 and 20, Kelly's sub. ex n 25 ft lot 334 51 John Spear. sub 18. 19 and 20, Kelly's sub, ex n 25 ft lot 249 95 Mary Hedley, Keay's sub, e 1-4 lot 43 46 i Wm. Johnson Est., Kelly's 1-4 lot 43 12 74 T T Carkeek, Kelly's sub, w m lot 43 12 71 For improving alley from 14th to 15th streets between Pine and 'carie streets: Carl Fatka, East Dubuque add 1ot 257 $23 73 John Schuler Est.. East Dubuque add., lot 258 19 7:; Jame; Ma:lov, East Dubuque add., lot 259 19 .3 John C'haloupke, East Dubuque add., lot 260. 19 7S Nie Mss, East Dubuque add, lot 261. 21 'r6 A. Leute, East Dubuque add., lot 282 21 06 Aug. Rohr, East Dubuque add., lot 283 19 73 John Stumpf, East Dubuque add, lot 284 19 73 Mary Driscoll. East Dubuque add lot 285 19 73 Carl Fatka, East Dubuque add, lot 286. 23 73 For improving alley north of Eagle Point avenue from Prince street io Chicago and Great Western Ry.: F. A. Jaeger, sub 1 Sanford's sub lot 2. $1 32 F. A. Jaeger, Sangord's sub., w 1.6 ft lot 2.. .. ., 55 James Levi, Sanford's sub., ,a e 40 ft. lot 2 12 92 Alex. Kemps, Sanford's sub, stab s 1-2 lot 3 7 43 Malinda Ries, Sanford's sub, sub n 1-2 lot 3. 7 43 Severin Hug Est., Sanford's ford's sub, s 1-2 lot 4 7 43 Louis Nipp, Sr., Sanford's sub.. n 1-2 lot 4 7 93 George Vogel, Sanford's sub, lot ' 16 11 Cleo Mavhanks, sub 49 Sanford's sub, 101 1 29 79 11. Bergwald, sub 19 Sanford's sub, lot 3 29 4a For improving Paul street from Sem- inary street to Leibnitz street. M Brown Est, Cox's add, lot 108.$117 79 F. and H. Mindorfer, Cox's add, lot 106.. .. 117 89 Edward A. L-ute, Vicelker's add lot 31..••• •. 109 27 Cath Baker, Voelker's add, lot 3l.. 109 88 For improving alley from 17th to 18th street between Elm and Pine streets. Steuck & O'Farrell, East Dubu- que add, lot 172 .. .. $26 57 Steuck & O'Farrell, East Dubu- que add, lot 173 .. .. .. .. • • .... 22 22 57 Steuck & O'Farrell, East Dubu- que, lot 174 22 57 John Wimmers Est, East Dubu- que add, lot 175.. .. .. ... 22 57 John Wimmers Est, East Dubu- que add, lot 176 2S 57 Sam McElrath, East Dubuque add W. 65 ft lot 227.. 26 57 Sam McElrath, East Dubuque add W. 65 ft lot 228 .. .. .... 22 57 Sam McElrath, East Dubuque add W. 65 ft lot 229.. . 22 57 Hamel, Ilenker & Co., East Du- buque add, lot 230 .. 22 57 Hamel, Henker & Co., East Du- buque add, lot 231 .. .. .. 26 57 For improving Ries street from Wind sor avenue to Stafford avenue. Mick Zwaek, sub 4 Geiger's su'), lotl.. $20 60 Mick 'Zack, sub 4 Geiger's sub, lot 2..•• . 26 13 Nick Zwack, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 3. 26 13 Cath Lassance, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 4 .. .. .. . 26 13 Ernest Dettmann, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 5.. .. .. 26 13 WIlhelm Mehrl, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 6.. 26 13 Wm. Walz, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 7..• ••••••26 13 H. Pfotzer, sub of 8 of 9 of 4 Geig ers' sub, s 50 ft lot 2 . 55 91 John Bohn, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 5 .. 76 82 Wm. Mehrl, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 6. .3431. Maleolm Post, Simpson's add lot Andrew Henge, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot? .. ..• .. 26 13 Nie Steffens, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 8 .. ..•• 26 13 Jno. P. Olinger, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 9.. .. •., 26 13 Adam Mueller, sub 3, Geiger's sub, lot 10 .. ., 44 13 For improving Hart street from Caul er avenue to Valaria street: Adam Schmidt Est, sum 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaff- ner's sub, lot 2 . $ 71 66 John Schroeder, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Sehaff- ner's sub, ,:ot 3 . . 33 55 Leonard Roehl, sub 1 and 2 and Oftcia6 1tioffices. s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Schaffner's sub, lot 4 Jahn Ess, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of .:,. 6 and 7, Sdhaffner's lot 5 Joseph Keller, sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 of 5, 6 and 7, Sdhaffner's sub, lot 6 John Krayer Est, Schaffner's stilt, lot 8 . . Alois Ulrich, sub 9, Schaffner's sub, lot 1 . P Even, Schaffner's swb, lot 1033 55 • Fred Galof, Schaffner's sub, lot 11 D C Moore, Schaffner's sub, lot 12 Jos Platz, Schaffner's sub, lot 13. 3111 Jos Platz, Sch'affner's sub, lot 14 ' 14 30 Jacob Marshall, Tivo:i add, n 1-2, lot 10 89 63 Bernard Demker, Tivoli add, e 1-2, lot 11 46 71 Wm Kirmse, Tivoli add, w 1-2, bot 11 48 39 Frank D Schar:e, Tivoli add, lot 30 . 94 14 Dominick Hoffman, Tivoli add, lot 31 . 35 19 Dominick ,Hoffman, Tivoli add, lot 32 . .. 26 8S lot.M Dominick Hoffman, sub 33, Ti- voli add, lot 1 . 14 76 John Buse. sub 2 of 33, Tivoli add, lot 1 . 19 80 John Buse, sub 2 of 130. L H Langworthy's add, lot 2 4 43 Chas Buse, sub 2 of 130, L H Langworthy's add, lot 1 26 77 Jochum Wieland, sub 130, L H T,angworthy's add, lot 1 . . 63 21 For improving 19th street from west line of Pine street to east line of East Dubuque addition: Louis Zeidman, East Dubuque add, lot 12 . $126 62 Chicago Great Western Ry. East Dubuque add, lot 13 . 14 53 Ed Lang:worthy's Est, East Du- buque add, lot 236. 10 40 Chas Henze, East Dubuque add, lot 237. 123 70 For improving Bennett street from Grandview avenue to east line of lot 8 O'Hare's sub: Emelia Hodge, Hodge's sub, lot 1 . , . . . . . . .$167 59 Sarah W. Stewart, Hodge's sub lot 17 43 55 Sarah W. Stewart. Hodge's sub lot 16 . . . . 35 SO L. Min, Jr., Hodge's sub lot 15 35 80 Mary A. Kemier, lfodge's sub, lot 14. 42 51 Mary A. Ker:er, Hodge's sub, lot 13.. .. 35 73 Mary A. Kem:er, Iiodge's sub, 1ot12 Mary A. Kemler, sub 4 O'Hare's sub, list 2. Mary A. Kemler, sub 4 O'Hare's 33 55 33 55 33 55 103 66 33 55 33 55 3355 32 81 67 25 277 sub, lot 1. .1. J. GrKgs Grigg, Griggs ... 39 49 sub, lot 1... ,u9 49 .1. J. Grigg, Grigg's sub., lot 239 40 J. J. Grigg, Grigg's sub, lot 340 49 J. J. Grigg. Grigg's sub, lot 4100 :,0 M. E. Sweeney, sub 7 O'Hare's • stab, lot 1. M. E. Sweeney, •, sub 7 O'Hare's 37 2r, sub lot 2. 37 26 M. L. Bennett, sub 7 O'Hare's sub, :ot 3 37 26 George Davis, Davis sub, lot 6.. 6 80 George Davis, Davis sub, lot 7.. 35 00 George Davis, Davis sub, lot 8.. 35 On George Davis. Davis sub. lot 9.. 35 00 T Bennett. sub 1 of 24 O'Hare's sub lot 1. 42 04 Pierce Brasil, sub 1 of 24 O'Hare's sub. lot 2 34 82 Geo. Conway, sub 24, O'Hare's sub. lot 2 , 34 82 Wm Hiatrager, O'Hare's sub, lot 111 ItS 25 L. llrin, Jr, O'Hare's sun lot 26111 11 L. Brin, .Jr., O'Hare's sub, lot 27111 77 L. Brin..Tr.. O'Hare's sub. lot 28111 7i C. W. Slremp, O'Hare's sub w 50 ft :o. 29 41 94 Thnmaa Hill. O'Rare's sub., ex- cept w 50 f', lot if,. 134 92 For imnrovi,ng Fifteenth from al'e cast of Elm street to Pine street: Iowa Coffin Co., East Dubuque add.. lot 186 $13 20 Iowa Coffin Co.. Facet Dubuque add.. w 65 ft lot 217. 75 12 Ch'^,o Greatwes'ern Ry.. Fast Dubuque arid., e 35 ft lot 21715 06 Chi^ago Greatwesttrn Rr.. last fluhnnue add.. e 35 ft lot 21614 57 Ci'y of Dubuque. Fast Dubuque adrt.. 'i c5 ft lot 216 71 31 City of Dubnmte, East Dubuque lr' 187. 6 67 For improving Coates avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross street. C. A. Alexander, sub 3, Bab - cock's add, lot 2 1203 74 C. A . Alexander, sub 5, Simp son's add, lot 1 .. 72 73 Theo. Trieloff, Concord sub, lot 1311217 A. Mink, Concord sub, Iot 14112 30 Robert Sellers, Simpson's add, lot 9 .... 86 64 Jos. Heorner, S'mpson's add, lot 10 .. .... .. ...... ..... 75 93 Sam. Y. Bennett, Simpson's add 79 40 Sid Emmert, Simpson's add, lot 12.. .,.. ... ... .. 83 45 Frank Sellers, Simpson's add lot 13 86 25 Geo. ASturtevant, Simpson's add, lot 14.. . .. .. 94 15 C. F. McDonald, Simpson's add lot . 102 06 John Gadient, Simrson's ad..... lot 16 .. 109 81 John Gadient, Simpson's add lot 17 109 97 John Gadient, Simpson's add lot 18.. ........ ... ..... .. .... 42 06 '271 Noticeq. Maleoolm Post, Simpson's add lot 35.. .... .. .. ...... 143 22 36 128 32 Maleolm Post, Simpson's add lot 37 128 32 Maleolm Post, Simpson's add let Simpson's add, lot 7 .. .. .. 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, 38.... .. .. .. .. .... ....... 128 32 M. Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 10 .. 37 15 M. Horst, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 9.. .. 35 08 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 8.... . 35 84 Theo Trieloff, sub 39. 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 6 ...... 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 5.. .. 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 4 .. 35 68 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, 1ot 3 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 2.. .. 37 15 Theo Trieloff, sub 39, 40 and 41, Simpson's add, lot 1.. .. ... 48 77 Wm. Coates Est. Simpson's add lot 42 .. ...... .. .... 128 04 Wm. Coates Est. Simpson's add lot 43 .. .. .. .. ... .. .... . 125 99 Wm. Coates Est. Simpson's add lot 44 .. .... .. ... .... ... 169 67 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dulbuque, held on 12th day of October, 1896, the following special as- sessments were levied on the real es- tate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance govern- ing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For Paying plank sidewalk abutting property described as follows: F. W Coates, Martin's Dubuque add, lot 3 . $ 11 12 Allen Schumacher, MoCraney's 1st add, lot 69 . 20 23 Joseph Ruegmer, Ham's add, lot453. 16 27 .1 .1 Lundlbeoker, Mechanic's add, s 100 ft, lot 109. . 17 17 Henry Tropf, Medhanic's add, n 50 ft, lot 109 , 7 80 Susan Dress, stab 2 of 138, 140 and 142, L. H. Langworthy's add and 135 and 136, Mechan- ic's add, n 1-2 lot 2 . 5 64 C B Sdherr et al, Baseman's sub, lot 8 22 58 John Blake Est, Ellen Blake's sub, lot 7 . 44 85 SPECIAI, ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Allen Schumacher: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with a resolution of the' city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for the im- provement of a 4 feet wide sidewalk on west side of Reed avenue adopted on the Sth day of September, A. D. 1896, a spec- ial assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot 67 in McCraney's 1st add. owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 5th day of October, A. D. 1896. and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. 9-18-101 City Recorder. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, Dubuque, ta., up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, Oc•. 3r11, 1896. for constructing sidewalks of brick, where not already laid, as foi lows, viz: 12 feet vide on west side of 'West Main street 'uetween Main street and Jones street. 12 feet tide ca south side of 13th street between Main street and Iowa street. 14 feet wide on rorth side of Fir.,'; street between Lt,cust street and Mel sfteet. 12 feet wide strret between street. 12 feet a ids street Lot ,: e n street. All in accordance with specifica- tions on lite in said office. .A bona of $it,e will be required with eaelt bid. The tc!y reset vet., the right to reject any and al! W. H. KNOWLTON, 9-22-:0t. City Engineer en both sides of 1 4th Iowa street and Clay on both sides of 15th Iowa street and Clay NOTICE IN RELATION TO FILLING LOTS. o F. Lorendolt: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pa a resolution at its next session. order- ing to be tilled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stag- nant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lot 142 Bur- den & Lawther's addition. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire. at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said fill- ing shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will commence on October 5th, 1896. ED. MORGAN, By James Agnew, City Marsha'.. Deputy. des Official Notices. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORt'. Sealed proposals will be received a' the city engineer's office, city of 1)i - Luque. Iowa. up to 4 o'clock p. m. Eat- urdiy. Ott. 3rd, 1896, for constructing pile sewer as follows, according to the plans and ,!'ecifi(a1ions on file in said office: An eight inch (tie pipe sewer in Pros- pect '.' reef frim Nest Fifth street to 101 feet north. 1•:,timated length 130 lineal feet. Cit7 to fu; nish ail pipe. Ridder. 'o furnish a bond of 5200.10 with eleh bid 'Lai contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city re-er\es the right to reject any and all lads. ry. H. KNOWLTON, 9 '-?-10t. City Engineer. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of City Engineer. Dubuque. Iowa. To the owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutt'ng the follow- ing streets and alleys. viz: Reis street from Stafford ave to Wind sor ave. 15th sire t from allay cast of Elm street to Pine street. 19th street from west line Pine street to east line E. Dubuque add. Paul sreet from Seminary street to Leibnitz street. Bennett street from Garfield street to east line of lot 8. O'Hare's sub. Hart street from Cooler ave to Vale - ria street. West 8th ctre,t from Air Hill to west line Rogers' add. Alley from 14th to 15th str, ets bet- ween Pine and Maple street. Alley from 17th to 18th street bet- ween rim and Pine stre°t. Alley north of Eagle point avenue from Pri"e' street to Ch'oagi Crelt Western Ry. You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of sa'd above nam'd streets and alleys in said eity. showing the several lots and parctis et ground abutting on said streets subject to spe- cial assessment for paving and curb'ng of said streets and allays end the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate. and the am- ount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, for the inspection of any person. firm cr eomp'3ny 'ntcrested in any kind of Laid real estate, and that such firm or companv having objec- tion to the special tax proposed to be assees°d as shown by Fa'd plat. may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing at or hefor the next meeting of the rite council of the city of Dubuque which will me t the 5th day of Oet., 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON. 9 -21 -lot. City Enefneer. Dubuque, Tow:i. Sept. 21, 1R96. 271.1 VACATION NO'riuE. Dubuque, Sept. 14th, 1896. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office, a plat show- ing the proposed vacation of 10 feet off the west side of Queen street, north of Sanford street. All persons having objections to said proposed vacation must file their claims for damages in my office on or before October 3rd, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, To Oct. 3rd. City Record: r. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Dubuque, Sept. 14, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, October 3rd, 1896, for furnishing coal and wood to the city up to April 1st. 1897. Bidders must state the price per ton for coal including quality, also the price per cord for number one hard maple wood, last season's cut. Coal and wood to be delivered at such time and places as may be required by the city. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, To Oct. 3rd City Recorder. RIGHT OF WAY NOTICE. To P. H. Murray: You are hereby notified, That a prop- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the vacation of a part of St. Mary's street, in which you claim an interest, as fol- lows: Lots 2 and 3, St. Raphael's add. a plat of which proposed vacation has been filed in the office of the City En- gineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the said city coun- cil to be holden at the city hall of said city. on the 5th day of October, 1896, it will be determined whether said propos ed improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at said session. and show cause, if any you have, why proposed im provement should not 'be made. 9-23-10t. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Dubuque. Sept. 23rd, 1896. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feat wide on west side of West Main street between Main street and Jones street. 12 feet wide on south side of 13th street between Main street and Iowa street, where not already laid at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted September 8th. 1896. 9-15-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 280 Official J'oticeQ. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 22, 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Satur- day, Oct. 3rd, 1896, for improving the following streets, according to plans and specifications now on file in my of- fice: Twenty-seventh street from Jackson street to Chicago Great Western Rail- way: Grading cut, 1,000 cubic yards. New curbstone (30 inch), 1,100 lineal feet. Filling, 200 cubic yards. Guttering, 500 square yards. Telford macadam, 2,000 square yds. Said street to be completed November 15th, 1896. Cox street from West Seventeenth street to Union avenue: New curbing, 1,800 lineal feet. Guttering, 800 square yards. Telford macadam, 2,800 square yards. Said street to be completed Novem- ber 1st, 1897. Catherine street from West Seven- teenth street to north end of street: Grading cut, 5,700 cubic yards. New curbstone, 1,150 lineal feet. Guttering, 500 square yards. Telford macadam, 1,800 square yds. Said street to be completed Novem- ber 1st, 1897. Angella street from West Locus: street to Cox street: Grading cut, 14,200 cubic yards. New curbstone, 3,000 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,300 square yards. Telford macadam, 5,000 square yards. Said street to be completed November 1st. 1897. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing. Grading to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and suf- ficient bond of $200.00 that the contract will be entered into If awarded. Proposals will be anted on at a meet- ing of the council to be held October 5th, 1896. Blanks for bidders will he furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to rejec: any or all bids. 9-22-10t L. M. LANGSTAFF. CIty Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Du- buque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Mon day, Get. 12th, 1896, for constructing pipe sewer as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office: An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Diagonal street, alley in Dennis' sub and in Broadway to south line of lots 9 and 10 King's lst add. Estimated length, 1300 lin ft. 7 manholes. City to furnish all p;pe. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with each bid that contract will be en tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H.KNOWLTO N, 10-6-6t. City Engineer. NOTICE. City Marshal's Office, Dubuque. Iowa, Oct. 6. 1896. Notice is hereby given that I will Fell at public auction in front of the city hall on Saturday, October 10th, 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m. for cash, all extra horses belonging to the city. ED. MORGA... 10-6-4t. City Marshal. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the city en- gineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, Oct. 12th, 1896, for filling lot 27 of Reiche's sub div in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in said office. A bond of $200 will be required with each bid to insure that completion of the contract. W. H. KNOLWTON. 10-7-5t. City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 7, 1896. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this no- tice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks as follows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi street between Asbury street and city limits. 4 feet wide on west side of English Lane between Southern ave and Wilde street. 6 feet wide on north side of W llth street between Walnut street and Prat rie street. 4 fee' wide on south side of Southern ave between Rowan street and Grand- view ave. Adopted October 5th, 1896. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, he, within 20 days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on north side of ,Tones street between Bluff street and alley east. Adopted Oetober 5th, 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 10-8-10t. City Recorder. ' otice.e . 281 NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRAC'T'ORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of ou- huque. Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Mon- day. Oct. 19th, 1896, for constructing pipe sewer as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office. An eight inch pipe sewer in West 5th street from Winona avenue to N'vada street. Estimated length, 1.150 lin. feet. Five manholes. City to furnish all pipe. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200.00 with each bid that contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and a.l bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 10-13-5t. City Engineer. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia., up to 4 o'clock p. m. Oct. 24th, 1896, for constructing sidewalks of plank, where not already laid, as follows: Four feet wide on south side of street between Asbury street and city limits. Four feet wide on west side of Eng- lish Lane between Southern Avenue and Wilde street. Four feet made on south side of Southern aven::e between Rowan street and Grandview avenue. Also brick sidewa:ks as follows, viz: 12 feet wide on north side of Jones street between Bluff street and alley. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 10-13-5t. City Engineer. Regular Se8sion, November 2, 1896. 283 G. Rettenman, lanters and globes .. .. 90 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., hose couplings .... . , .. 4 00 John C. Horner, sup for sewer. 12 30 Frank G. Siege, rock for sewer . 5 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for the city hall .. .... .. ...... 4 00 James Lahey, wood for city CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL SESSION, OCT. 23RD., 1896. (Official.) Council met at 11:10 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Dennert, I.agen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Altman moved that Horsfall & Locqrich be al:owed $35.00 as partial payment for construction of sanitary sewer in Prospect street. Carried. On motion Francis Jaeger was allow- ed to use three feet of sidewalk on Queen street, abutting his property for the purpose of constructing retaining wall. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Car- ried. /Recorder Approved .Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session November 2, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Ryder moved that the minutes of last meetings as printed be approv- ed. Carried. The following claims were allowed: Margaret Murray, typewriting.$ Harger & Blish, office supplies. Palmer, Winall & Co., tax re- cepits and printing .... .... Dubuque Telegraph, stationery.. Union Printing Co., envelops . Tony Zugenbuhler interpreter.. Smith -Perry Printing Co., sta- tionery ... John Maclay, justice cost McElrath Teaming Co., sweep- ing streets .. .. .. .. .. Jos. W. Wittmer, sewer sup- plies .... .. .. .. .. .. Vogenthaler & Ragatz, man- holes.... .. .. ...... .. .. Vogenthaler & Ragatz, man- holes and repairing fountains Dietrick Bras., brick for sewer. G. F. Kleih, suplies for sewer etc.. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... 10 00 7 75 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for market master .. .. ...... .. 40 Phil Pier. Jr, coal for city hall . 157 24 Phil Pier. Jr., ice for city hall 10 00 Phil Pier, Jr., coal No. 4 engine house.. .. .. .. .. ........ 80 93 C'. O. D. laundry, towels and racks city hall .. .. .. ...... 6 00 Chris Schmitt, supplies for mat Ellwanger Bros.. repairs har- ness for patrol .. .. .. .. .... 7 30 Thos. Needham, sawing wood for patrol house .. .. ...... 11 50 Excelsior Brass Works repairs . 19 82 Christman & Healy, repairs for engine house .. .. ........ .. 4 35 R. E. Lee. cement.. .. .. .... 3 25 E. Schollian overcoats for po- lice .... ... ... .... ... ..... 150 00 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for city .... .. .. .. ........ .. 14 25 Hagerty Bros, shavings for pat rol house .. .. .. ...... 10 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron .... .... ..... 6 95 Star Electric Co., arc lights for Oct 1663 20 Brown & Brown, oats for pat- rol.... .. .. .. .. 2 45 John Butt, supplies for fire de- partment.. .. .. .. .. .. 3 65 Gearhart Parr, sawing wood . 3 00 Walter Eichman, assistant mar ket master.. . .. .. .. 35 00 Mrs Ryan & Koeing, scrub hall. 27 50 Wm. Hayes, cleaning around city hall, etc.... .. .. 20 50 Mrs. Koeing, janitor city hall . 20 00 McCarten Bros, supplies for city hall.. .. .. .. .... 9 00 J. 1'. Daykin, hay for fire de - 65 03 6 10 partment ...............62 64 99 75 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 5 50 for street .. .. .. .. ........ 1 45 4 00 Henry Kennedy. 1 day's labor 1 00 at city hall .. .. .... . 2 50 John Legen & Son, supplies for 5 50 park. .. 12 00 James T. Kearns, recording deeds, etc 77 95 Excelsior Brass Works Engine repairs.. . . 30 J. W Wittmer, supplies for fire department 26 85 Dubuque Water Co., water for hydrants.. .. .. 1358 32 62 13 Dubuque Water Co., water C 7 00 M. & St. P. R. R. .. .. 200 00 Key City Gas Co., gas.. .. .. 23 17 7 35 Standard Lumber Co. for Fire 30 5 25 1 50 23 00 r•, 284 Regular Session, Vovember 2, 1896. department.. •.. . 7 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing fire de- partment .. .. . .. .. 23 00 A. Wunderlah, horse shoeing, fire department.. 7 75 G. F. Kleih, supplies fire de- partment.. .. .. .. . 95 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for fire department .. 6 30 Ellwanger Bros, supplies for fire department .. ........ 4 05 Vogenthaler & Ragatz supplies for fire department 2 17 P. H. Halpin supplies for fire department.. .. .. .. .. 1 20 Wm. Jellison trimming trees, Jackson park .. .. .. 82 82 Albert Kannalt, horse shoeing fire department 16 25 McDermott & Gow, supplies for fire department .. .. .. 1 40 Chas. N. Dohs, copying . 10 00 Dubuque Water Co, water pipe . 6 50 Ald. Albrecht arrived at 9:30 a. m. The following claims referred to the street committee: Kenety & McCann .. .. 11080 00 Wilmer Cook.. .. .. .. 675 00 Wilmer Cook .. ... ••80 00 J. H. McDonald .... .. .... 381 29 Blake & Blake.... .. .. 100 00 T. B. Cain.. . . ...... .. 69 81 Bart E. Linehan.. .. .. N. H. Schilling.. .. ,. ' .'.. 108 50 28 50 Headtord Bros. & Hi'tchings .. 10 28 Deggendorf, Dolan, Lockwood, & Hurd.. .. .. ........ . 67 50 Dolan & Lochridge.. .. .. 4 90 P Clancy, et al, fill High Bridge ave.. .. .. .. .. 629 45 M. Blake.. .. •••. 127 00 Dubuque Construction Co. .. . 480 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan .. 855 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan... 1000 00 J. H. McDonald.. •••. 134 15 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan .. 211 50 Wilmer Cook .... .. .... 120 00 'Kenety & McCann.. .. . 121 05 Ross McMahon .. .. .. •••482 67 John Tibey.. .. .. 650 65 John Pickley.. .. .. . 688 00 Wm. Dodson .. ..•• . . 264 89 Geo. W. Farley.. .. .. .. . 652 70 John W. Farley, et al .. .. . 216 25 McElrath Teaming Co. .. •4 20 J. W. Wittmer .. .. .. .. .. 1 50 Christman & Healey .. .. .. 11 20 Standard Lumber Co. .. 3 50 Vogenthaler & Ragatz .. .. .. • 3 50 James Street.. .. ••.... 50 60 G. F. Klett' .. ..... 88 30 Relnfried & Jaeger .. ...... 2 25 Duggan. Sullivan & Cota.. 5 25 Norwegian Plow Co... .. ...... 2 35 John Pickley .. .. .. 16 10 Wm. Marshall .. .. .. ........ 20 78 D. B. Linehan .. .. .. .... .... 20 05 John Butt.. . .. .. 4 60 Kenneally & Cain .. .. •3 00 Hagerty Bros. 75 Geo. W. Farley.. .. .. .... 193 00 J. P. Schroeder & Co. .... .. 5 00 The following claims was referred to the street committee with power: Mulgrew & Mullen .. .. .. .. ..118 Standard Lumber Co. .. . .251 7501 The claim of Hardie & Soharle wa referred to the printing committee. Aid. Albrecht arrived at 10:15 a. m. The following claims referred to com mittee on fire: Dubuque Water Co $518 75 Dubuque Water Co.. .. 400 00 Dubuque Water Co... .. 588 13 The following referred to committee on police and lights. Globe Light and Heat Co 1166 67 Key City Gas Co. .. .. . .... 87 20 Ald. Lagen moved that a guard rail be put on the east side of St. Mary's street. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the resolution of the council ordering a sidewalk on Southern avenue be rescinded. Car- ried. PETITIONS. The following referred to committe on streets with power. Chris A. Voelker et al in relation to stair way from Eagle Point avenue to Napier street. Ross McMahon in relation to filling on north side of Southern ave. The following reterreu to the com- mittee on streets. Peter Jacobs in relation to payment for macadam furnished the city. Mary Mullen in relation to claim against M. Hannan. J. A. Rhomberg, et al, protesting against vacation of part of west 7th street and asking for the improvement of same from Hill street to Needham Place. Del Gagne asking for payment of ma- cadam used by the city, also asking for permission to quarry stone on West 17th street. Theodore Scharle et al, asking for a sidewalk on Kaufmann avenue from Kane street out. Frederick Hol'nagle asking for t'.!e opening of an alley in rear of lot 7 of Kline & Klingenburg sub. Neil McPoland asking the city to take and pay for macadam to apply on special assessment. John Karsch in relation to city ac- cepting his macadam. John Steffes asking for balance due him for macadam furnished the city. The following referred to committee on delinquent tax. Johanna Heins, Mary DeLormier and J. A. Spear in relation to taxes. The petition of John P. Page in re- lation to the assessment for brick pav- ing at the corner of 4th and White streets, referred to the committee on paving. John F. Burns et al., asking for an electric light on Wilson avenue was re- ferred to the committee of police and light. Regular Se.sion, November 2, 1896. Dubuque Improvement company ask ing for exemption of taxes was referred to the committee of the whole. Henry Wilberding in relation to pay- ment of damage, sustained by falling on sidewalk was referred to the com- mittee of the whole and city attorney. Anna M. Bush in relation to side- walk at the northwest corner of Jones and West Main street was referred to the aldermen of the First ward. Communication from the Lobe Res- perator company was reterred to the committee on fire. Alfred Herron, in relation to the en- forcement of the ordinance for the res- traint of stock running at large, re- ferred to city Marshal with power. Leathers & Trewin asking for the es- tablishment of grade on Fenelon Place. Granted. Report of Officers. City Auditor McCarten as follows: Cash on hand last report ...$17,832.24 Collections during the month of October .. .. .. .. ...... 28,788.45 Total .. .. .. .. ..........$46,620.69 Disbursements during the month .. .. .. .... 26,909.28 Balance cash on hand Nov. 1.119.711.41 Also reports $2,129.60 due city offi- cers for the month of October. Also submitted list of coupons re- deemed during the month of October. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay officers and re- port referred to finance committe.'. Fire Chied Reinfried 'reported $1862.65 due fireman for the month of October, 1896. Report approved and warrants order ed drawn to pay firemen and report re- ferred to the fire committee. City Marshal Morgan reported 62 po- lice oases during the month of October 1896 Also reports $2094.90 due police for the month of October. Report ap- proved and warrants ordered drawn to pay police and report referred to police and light committee. Street Commissioner Haggerty report ed $5762.15 due for labor on streets dur ing the month of October, 1896. Re- port approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor and report re- ferred to the street committee. Also reports $2086.00 due for filling on South Main and 16th street. Report approv- ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay for filling and report received and filed. Sewer Inspector Doerr reported $496.90 due for labor on sewers during October, 1896. Report approved and warrants ordered drawn for labor on sewers and report referred to sewer Commitee. City Electrician Osborn reported $23.56 due city from Star Electric Com 285 pany for lights not properly lit during October. City Auditor McCarten or- dered to collect the same and report ap proved and ordered filed Market Master Traut reported $16.50 due city from scales receipts for Octo- ber, 1896. Report ordered filed. Also reported $36.00 due for board of prison- ers. Warrants ordered drawn for same and report ordered filed. Reports of Weighmasters Pitschner, Straney, J. P. Schroeder and Wood Measurer Jess received and filed. 00 motion the rules were suspended and Mr. Schilling addressed the council in regard to grade on Angella street. A.d. Albrecht moved that the city en- gineer be directed to give Mr. Schilling the grade lines abuttting his property on Angella street. Carried. Aid. Ryder moved that the sewer commimtttee examine the sewer on Clark street, and report to the ouncil. Carried. Award of jury on alley between Cleveland avenue and Rush street from Mountain Lane to Union street was opened. We, the undersigned jurors respect- fully report as follows on the damages caused by the opening of alley between Cleveland avenue and Rush street from Mountain Lane to Union street. Wm. Hintrager, lot 190, Union add, $25.00 Bernard May, lot 188, Union add, $50. John Specht, Lots 194 and 195, Union add, $100.00. John Pickup Est, lots 110 and 111, Union add, $100.00. Respectfully submitted. E. C. Brake, Jos. K. Kaufman, H. H. Smyth, John R. Flick, Jas. McClain, H. Nagelmaker, Peter Specht, J. S. Garri- gan, P. H. E. Somerfeld, John C. Butler John Terry, B. Westercamp. Ald. Cullen moved that the award of the jury he approved, and the amount set aside in the treasury, and that said alley be declared a public highway, and that warrants for two dollars each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Car- red. f Reports of Committtees. Ald, Ryder, chairman of the finance committtee, reported in favor of ap- proving of the report of the city treas- urer for October, 1896, and that war- rants be issued in favor of the treasurer for money advanced by him; also that loan warrants be issued for the several amounts borrowed during the month. In favor of paying bill of Iowa Mu- tual Building and Loan Association of $4.00 for typewriting. Report adopted. Ald. Bauer, chairman of the com- mitttee on claims, reported in favor of receiving and filing the communication of W. Breithachut in regard to treat- ment received by him from a police- man. Committee Clerk O'Connell reported as follows for the street committee: In favor of receiving and filing the 286 Regular Session, November 2, 1896. petition of M. Zwack in relation to gut- ter on Ries street. In favor of granting the petition of Jos. Gunther et al. in relation to the manner of improving Eagle street. Also report that the council has al- lowed Francis Jaeger the privilege of using three feet of sidewalk aoutting his property on Queen for the purpose of constructing a retaining wall there- on. Report adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit- tee on supplies, reported that they awarded the contract for fuel as fol- lows: No. 1 Anthacite coal to Phil. PIer, Jr., for $7.65 per ton. No. 1 maple wood to James Lahey for $4.48 1-2 per cord, and have postponed action on bids for soft coal. Report adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the printing commmitttee, reported in favor of pay- ing the following bills: National Demokrat .. t.. ......$50 00 The Times .. .. .. 29.15 The Herald.. .. .. .. 67.50 The Globe Journal 67 50 The Telegraph .. .. .. 75 00 Report adopted. Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the de- linquent tax commmittete, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the taxes of Thos. Finn est to remain a lien on the property until paid, and treasurer in- structed not to sell same. In favor of reducing the assessment of John Fuchs on personalty to $100 for the year 1894 and 1895. . In favor of referring the petition of John Burke for cancellation of interest on special assessment back to the council without action. In favor of cancelling the taxes of the Methodist Episcopal church on the n 66 ft. city lot 467 for 1895, as the same is used for church purposes. In favor of allowing the taxes of Anna Madl on lot 249 Davis Farm addi- tion to remain a lien on said lot for 1895 and treasurer directed not to sell same. In favor of allowing the city taxes of M. Donavan on lot 4, Babcock's add. to remain a lien on said property for 1895, and treasurer instructed not to sell same, and report adverse to balance of petition. In favor of allowing the taxes of Maurice Nunan est to remain a lien on the property for 1895, and treasurer instructed not to sell same. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Henriettta Keitzman in re- lation to taxes for 1895. In favor of cancelling the taxes of the Y. M. C. A. for 1895. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of M. W. Harris in relation to taxes. Report adopted. Ald. Altman, chairman of the sewer commmittteee, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jos. Kessler et al. remon- strating against construction of sani- tary sewer in Pickett street. In favor of grantig the petition of E. E. Hyde, asking for the extension of sanitary sewer in Pickett street. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Henry Mueller in relation to sewer in Kniest street and Eagle Point avenue. Also reported that they had instruct- ed :he sewer inspector to examine san- itary sewer in alley between W. 14th and Arlington streets. ana said sewer inspector reported that the same was in good order. Report adopted. Ald. Berg. of the Board of Health, reported in favor of paying the follow - lowing bills: John Hoffman .. .. .. .... ...... $18.90 John Corbett . . . 70 John Driscoll 70 Wm. Flynn, .. 70 E. E. Frith 222.75 Frank Burns 46.50 Sam Starr 60.00 Reinfried & Jaeger . 1.15 Report adoped. On motion the mattter of garbage dump was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the paving commmittee, reported that they had examined and accepted West Main street, Jones street and Twelfth street paving for special assessment purposes. Report adopted.! Ald. Dennert, chairman of the equali- zaion committee repored that they had completed the examination of the assessment roll for 1896, and would rec- ommend that City Auditor McCarten and ICty Assessor Stemm be allowed $50.00 each for their service on said board. Report adoped. Committee Clerk O'Connell present- ed the report of the committee of the whole as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Timothy Dillon in regard to acceptance of award of the Jury on ex- tension of Malady street. In favor of instructing the engineer to make a survey of Seminary street, abutting the property of Herman Koh- ler, and ascertain exact location of re- taining wall thereon, and report to the council. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Michael Lavin on account of construction of sewer in Washington street. In favor of receiving and flying the communication of the city engineer in relation to the extension of Kniest street sewer. Also report adverse to the acceptance of plat of Hodge's sub. No. 2. Report adopted. On motion bids for use of ice harbor for skating rink purposes were opened and read as follows: John Keckevoet.. .. .. .... $135.00 T. J. O'Donnell $13600 Ernest Bohn 150.00 Ernest Bohn being the highest bi.d- Regular Semion, der, was on motion awarded the privil- eges. Ald. Ryder moved that when the council adjourns it does so to meet again Monday, Nov. 9th, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a stone crossing be laid on the north side of 5th and Bluff street, run- ning east and west at once while the street is being repaired. Ald. Berg offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is here- by instructed to have a stone crossing placed on the north side of Arlington street across Grove street. Ald. Lagen offered the following, which was referred to the committee on police and light with power. Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque: That two arc lights be placed on High Bridge avenue, one between Fourth street the intersection of Sixth street and the other at Sixth and High Bridge avenue. Ald. Alman offered the following: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be constructed in Pickett street from Cor- nell street to the center of lot 2 of 8 of 667 city, and the city engineer be here - plans and specifications for said im- by directed to prepare the necessary provement and submit same to the coup ell, all in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Alda—Albrecht, Altman. Bauer Berg. Culleln, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy, and Ryder. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement. be, within 10 days of this notice. constructed and laid in comformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Southern avenue between Kavan- aughs red gate and Grandview avenu, where not already laid at the expense of abuttting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Alds—Albrecht, Altman. Bauer Berg. Cullen, Dennnert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Resolved by th. City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide. of good two-inch plank, be within 10 days of this notice. constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Southern avenue between Rowan street and Kavanaughs red gate, where notal - ready :aid, at the expense of abutting November 2, 1896. I. 287 property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Bauer Berg,CulIlen, Dennert, t Lagan, McEvoy E oy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy moved that the m:attter of widening and repairing the North Cascade Road be left to the street com- mittteee with power. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton submitted plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in Pickett street, which were ap- proved. Ald. Lagen moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Al .xi: i /;/ Appror• d . . . Recorder .189... i .. Mayor Adjourned Regular Session Nov. 9th, 1896, (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennnert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. PETITIONS. The following petitions were received and filed. Bernard May, in relation to jury's award on lot 188, Union add. Wm. Hintrager in relation to jury's award on lot 190 Union add. Communication of Dubuque Water Co. in relation to water in the Armory was referred to the committee on fire. Petition of Eliza A. Bale in relation to special assessment on North Main street, referred to commmitttee on claims. Petition of Michael Hahoney in rela- lation to pay for macadam used by the city was granted. Communication from Marshal Mor- gan in reference to winter Daps for the police was referred to the committtee on police and light with power. The claim of J. W. Blxbie for con, structing fence on St. Marys street was referred to the street commmittee with power and the committtee to meet at 10 o'clock a. m. Nov. 10th. On motion of Ald. Alman the bids for the construction of a sewer on Pickett street was opened and referred to the city engineer for computation. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Fitzpatrick be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. 288 Adjourned Regular Session, November 9, 186. Mr. Fitzpatrick addressed the coun- cil in regard to the award of the jury for the opening of alley between Cleve- land avenue and Rush street from Mountain Lane to Union street, and ob- jected to the award given Bernard May and Wm. Hintrager. Ald. Dennert moved that the claim of Mr. Forester on account of the wid- ening of Wilber Lane be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald, McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Bush be allow- ed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Bush addressed the council and requested that he be allowed to relay plank sidewalk on West Main street, abutting his property. On motion the request was granted. Ald. Ryder moved that the mayor be authorized to have the sidewalk on Vila street repaired. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton reported 0. G. Kringle as being the lowest bidder 'or cons+ructing sewer o n Pickett street at 8122.50. and on motion he was awarded the contract. Ald. Bonson nfferpd the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pav for a 4 foot wide sidewalk nn south side of Strauss avenue by P. F. Guthrie. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots. and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and own ed, a nd for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows Special asees.=ment submitted Novem ber 2, 1896. Geo Burden Est, Burden -Law - tiler add, lot 5, 126.3 lin ft side walk, at 14.99e . . . $18 93 Geo Burden Est, Burden-Law- ,ther add, lot 66, 110 lin ft side- walk at 14.99e . . . 16 49 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, Mc- Evoy, and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by 'the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide side- walk on both sides of Grace street, by Alfred Dorman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate. hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Novem- ber 2, 1896. W E Gregory, Reche's sub, lot 26, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 15c$ 7 50 Wm Reche's Est, sub 20, Reche's sub, lot 2, 52 lin ft sidewalk at 15c West Dub. M E Church, sub 2, Reche's sub 20, lot 1 82.2 lin ft sidewalk at 15c . .. 12 33 7 80 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of tho city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide sidewalk on north side or Ries street by P. F. Guthrie, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, F1tuate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 2, 1896. Wm. Mehrl, sub 4, Geiger's sub, lot 6. 40.8 lin ft sidewalk at 14.99.... ••••...$ 6 11 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagers, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot sidewalk on west side of Fre- mont avenue from Cascade road to Pacific street, by P. F. Guthrie, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied an the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 2, 1896. Carolina Febrey, sub 64 Simp- son's add, lot 4 281.8 lin ft side walk at 14.99 .. .. .. .. .. $42 24 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide sidewalk on west side of Hedley Court by P. F. Guthrie. contras tor, in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 2, 1896. Lowther & Rider. Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 47, 58.9 lin ft side walk at 14.99. $ 8 83 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas --Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Bonson offered the following: Resolved by the city council the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Leib- --lfljnfrne(l Regular Se8Bion, Novemlier 9, 1896. 289 nitz street from Harold street to Ab- bott street, by Alfred Dorman, contrac• tor, ;in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 2, 1896. John Buettell. Buseman's sub, lot 32, 4S.4 lin ft sidewalk at 15c.. .. .. .. .... ............$ 7 26 H. Baseman. Buseman's sub, lot 21. 46 lin ft sidewalk at 15c .. 6 90 John Buettell. Mechanic's sub, lot 94, 87.7 lin ft sidewalk at 15e 13 15 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonson, Cullen, Dennert. Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 foot wide sidewalk on north side of Lawther avenue from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue. by P. F. Guthrie, contractor. in front of and adjoining the sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several :ots and part= of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite ; each lot or parcel of real estate. as fol- lows: Lawther & Rider. Burden & Lawther's add.. lot 11. 125.5 lin ft at 14.99e. . . $18 81 1 Ww La;wther. Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 38 50.3 :m ft at 14.99c 7 54 Ww Lowther, Burden & Law - titer's add.. lot 39, 50 lin ft at 14.99c 7 50 Ww Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 40, 50 lin ft at 14.99c 7 50 Ww Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 41. 50 lin ft at 14.99 . . . 7 50 Ww Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add., lot 42, 50 lin ft at 14.99 7 50 Lawther & Rider, Burden &. Lawther's add., lot 43, 50 lin ft at 14.99c 7 50 Lawther & Rider. Burden & Lawther's add., lot 44. 50 lin ft at 14.99 7 50 Lawther & Rider. Burden & Lawther's add. lot 46, 59.4 :in ft at 14.99c 8 90 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. Altman. Baler, Berg, Bonson, Cullen Dennert, Lagen, M•cFvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Fremont avenue from North Cascade road to Pacific street, by Wm. Dodson, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par - els of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as fol:ows: Caroline Febrey, sub 64 Simp- son's add., lot 4, 289.7 lin ft curbing at 27c $78.22; 130.70 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $35.62 431.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c, $121.95 .. $235 73 Ind. School District of Dubuque, sub of min lot 141, lot 1. 99.5 lin ft curbing at 27c, $26.86, 50 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $13.62; 131.40 sq yds macada- mizing at 28 1-4c, $37.12 77 60 Caleb Jacobs, sub of min lot 141 :at 2. 93.3 lin ft curbing at at 27c, $26.54: 44 sq yds gut- tering at 27 1-4c. $11.99; 121 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c $34.18 72 71 Caleb Jacobs, sub of min lot 141 lot 3. 72 lin ft curbing at 27c $19.44; 38.22 sq yds guttering c1: 27 1-4c, $16.42; 97.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c, $27.62 . . 57 48 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa, sub of min lot 141, lot 4 330 lin ft curbing at 27c, 889.10: 146.67 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $39.97; 403.33 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 28 1-4c, $113.94 243 01 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa, sub of min lot 140, lot 1 203.2 lin ft curbing at 27c, $54.86; 93 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $25.34; 251.78 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c $71.13 151 33 A. W. Hosford, sub min lot 139 lot 2, 394.5 lin ft curbing at 27c, $106.52; 202.90 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $55.29; 518.22 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c, $146.40. 308 21 James Woodward, sub min lot 139, lot 1, 376.7 lin ft curbing at 27c, $101.71; 184 sq yds gut- tering at 27 1-4c, $50.14; 487.67 sq yds macadamizing at 28 1-4c $137.77 289 62 James Woodward, sub 64 Simp- son's add, lot 3, 320.2 lin ft curbing at 27c, $S6.45; 142.22 sq yds guttering at 27 1-4c, $38.75; 357.44 sq yds macada- mizing at 28 1-4c, $109.45 234 65 Adopted by the following vote: ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Alderman Bonson, chairman of the street committee, reported in favor of paying the following claims: Geo. W. Farley, grading West 8th street. $147 00 Dubuque Construction Co., sew- er in Diagonal street. 480 00 M. -Blake, constructing sewer in 2100 Adjourned Regular Session, November 9, 1896. Rose street. 127 00 Wilmer Cook, improvement of Edison street. 675 00 J. H. McDonald, improvement of West Main street. . . . 381 29 T. B. Cain, filling lot 27 Rechis st 69 S4 Witmer Cook, grading Edison street . 120 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Queen street. . . 1,000 00 N. H. Sohilang, constructing brick sidewalk on West Main st.... 28 50 Bart E. Linehan, sewer pipe... 109 10 Blake & Blake, constructing sew- er in alley from Dell to Prai- rie street 100 00 Wilmer Cook, improvement alley between 18th and Maple st.s.. 80 00 Steuck. OFarre:l & Linehan, im- provement of Queen street. . 855 00 Kenety & McCann, improvement of 12th street. 121 05 Ross McMahon, improvement of `dare's street. 285 72 John Tiber, cross walks. 52 j:;; Ross McMahon. grading St Mary's street. 196 95 John Pickley, grading Eagle st250 00 John Tibey. constructing storm sewn. in Dodge street 598 40 Geo W. Farley, retaining Wail on Rebecca street. . . 20 ;0 Geo. W. Farley. improvement of Wilber Lane 310 00 Geo. W. Farley, grading Wilber Lane 175 00 Wm. Dobson, improvement of Fremont avenue. 34 S9 Wm. Dobson, grading Fremont avenue 230 00 John Pickley, improving Eagle street 438 90 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, street castings. 10 28 J. H. McDanalcl. improving Jones and West Main streets.. 134 15 Deggendorf, Dolan & Lochridge, sewer 1n West 5th street 67 50 Dolan & Lockridge, sewer in Prospect street. 4 90 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs for street roller. 3 50 G. F. Kleih, supplies for street42 95 Reinfried & Jaeger, powder, oil and fuse. 2 25 Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, wheel barrows Norwegian Plow Co., repairing 25 plow 2 35 James Street, filling on streets ems' 50 60 G. F. Kleih, supplies for street45 35 John Pickley, stone on Dock John Pickley, stone on Docke, street 16 10 B. D. Linehan, blacksmithing for street 20 50 John Butt, blacksmithing for street 4 60 Wm. Marshall, repiring steam roller . . . 20 78 Hagerty Bros., pine wood for steam roller Kenneally & Cain, work on Oak street. 3 00 1 75 J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement for street 5 00 Geo. W. Farley, stone for street 193 00 Report adopted. 'Phe claim of Kenety & McCann of $1080.00 for paving 12th street was read, and on motion of Alderman Ryder, it was ordered that full amount be paid less 5 per ce: t. an cost of lolling. The c:aim of J. H. McDonald for improvement of Jones and West Main street was read and on motion of Alt]. McEvoy it was ordered paid less 5 per cent. and cost of rolling. Alderman Bon.,on, chairman of the street committee, reported the com- mittee had examined and accepted the following streets for the purpose of special assessments. viz: Edison street from Stafford avenue to Althauser avenue. Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton street. St Mary's street from West Third to Emmett streets. Wilber Lane from Grove Terrace south to Olive street. Alley from 16th street to 18th street l)".ween Ma.n:e street and Cedar street. Report adopted. Alderman Bonson. chairman of the eammittee of the whole reported in favor of granting the petition of the Dubuque Improvement Co. for the re- misaion of taxes for 10 years, and or- dinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance according to above agree- ment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg. Bonsor. Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. 1=o reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition asking for a sum of money to help defray the expense of the steamer Teal. Report adopted by the fol:owing vote: Ayes ---Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Berg, Cullen, La.gen. McEvoy and Ryder. Noes—Alas, Bauer, Bonson and Den- nert. Ald. Berg, chairman of the board of health. reported as follows, which was adopted: Your committee of the board of hea:t.h would moat respectfully recom- mend that the vaults of D. W. Line- han on South 44 feet lot 86 city, be cleaned in accordance with the ordi- nance on that subject. Would also report that we have pur- chased one Acme Purifier, at a cost of $25.00, for fumigating purposes, and directed the health officer to purchase $5.00 worth of the compound powder that is used in same. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, offered the following which was adopted: Resolvety Treasurer be instructed toathet call in limprovement bonds to the amount of six thousand ($6,000.00) dol:ans, numbered respec- tively, and dated November 1st, 1894, Adjourned Regular Session, November 9, 1896. 291 Special session, Nov. 13, 1896. (Official . ) Council met at 8 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Aids Albrecht, Altman, Bau- er, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagan, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to the salary of the aldermen and sub matted the following in relation to the matter: Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Iowa. Nov, 13, 1896. To the Honorable Members of the City Council: Gentlemen—After mature delibera- tion I have deemed it my duty to with- hold my approval of your action taken at the adjourned session of the council held on the evening of the ninth day of this month ordering warrants to be drawn on the city treasurer for the sal aries of the members of the council for this year, "the same as past year," and by virtue of the power vested in me by law, to submit for your consideration my veto of the same for the following reasons, which I believe, you will find on reflection to be not without weight or merit. 1. It is uncertain what sum should be properly inserted in the warrants, some of the members voting on the mo- tion evidently intending that the sum of $500.00 Should be named in the war- rants, while Mr. Bonson the maker of the motion, declares that he did not intend to name any such sum. It must be apparent that if the motion on which your action was based names no sum, there is no authority given by such motion to the recorder to fill any amount in the warrants. 2. Even though there be no ambi- guity in the motion on which your ac- tion ordering such warrants to be drawn was taken, there are graver rea- sons why you should hesitate and weigh well your action before proceeding fur- ther in a matter of such moment to you as a council and as individuals. It remains yet to be determined by a judicial decision whether the action of the last council in voting to themselves the sum of $500 each as compensation for their services was legally done. If it should be held that the action of that council was illegal, then there would be no justification in law for the old members of the council voting to themselves the sum of $500, and, by so voting, they would place themselves in the same position those members occu- IR9. • pied who were accused of an illegal and criminal act in so voting. Two of the old members have refused the increase for last year and declare such to be their intentions as to the ex tra $200 this year. ..11luyw. I am confident the other members bonds Nos. 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722 and bonds Nos. 1, 2 and 3 dated June 1st, 1896. Ald. Lagen offered the following which was adopted. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city manshal be instructed to notify the cit; weightmasters of city scales that no pons be e weighed on hen or irawagonswith their pto ro duce, etc. City Engineer Knowlton presented plat showing the grade on Angel:a st. which was adopted. Ald. Ryder moved that the engineer be instructed to give the sewer com- mittee a statement of the amount paid Kenety & McCann for sewer on Clark street, also balance due on same. Car- ried. Ald. Ryder moved that the chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings and city recorder be in- structed to purchase new desk for the recorder's office. Carried. Ald. Ronson moved that warrants `re drawn for the salaries of the aldermen as fixed last year. Carried. Alderman McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended and that John Bab- cock be allowed to address the coun- cil. Carried. John Babcock addressed the council in regard to plat of Hodges sub. No. 2. Ald. Ryder moved to reconsider the action of the council in regard to plat of Hodge's sub. No. 2. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Cullen, McEvoy and Ry- der. Noes—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Dennert and Lagen. On motion the matter of retaining wall on West llth street was referred to the committee of the whole. Alderman Bonson moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: d pproved 292 Special Session, November 13, 1896 would pursue the same course if they did not believe they were legally enti- tled to it. It will be remembered that for voting on the 24th day of April, 95. 'to increase their salaries from $300 to $500, cer- tain of the aldermen were indicted at of this year, the alleged offense consist - the January term of the district court ing in a violation of section 5 of our charter by voting on a matter in which they were directly interested. The hearing of the demurrers filed in the case was had before Judge Water- man of Davenport, who, on the llth day of March last. sustained the demur rer, the legal effect of whish, as far as his court was concerned, was in favor of the accused aldermen. Had the case rested here, the action of the council would be open to no further question as to legality. but such is not the fact. The state believed that Judge Water man was in error and took steps to ap peal the ease to t►Ue supreme court. Some misunderstanding occurred among the officials by which the filing of the transcript of the case is the sit- le preme court was delayed. but the trans m cript will be flied at once by the clerk pr of our district court. by the order of the w county attorney, and then the case will m stand for hearing before that body su when the judges are ready to give it at- i It tention. What the outcome of their hearing of ea the ease may be can be determined only by th^ a..a members, may increase the salaries of its successors. I am convinced that on a careful study of the intent of that provision of the charter, it will be construed to mean the whole of the succeeding coon ell not one-half of it; otherwise we would have the anomalous condition of one-half of the council as it now exists being entitled to $500 while the other half would be entitled to only $300.00 while acting on the same committees. and performing the same services. It cannot be that any just law or char ter provision ever intendel suet glaring injustice to the five members who re- ceived but $300 for performing the same duties for which five other members re- ceived $500.00 each. To my mind the plain intention of the charter provision is. that a council now existing may fix the salaries of an entire future council, not a part of it. But be their views and opinions well or ill founded this is certain; it is better to be on the safe side and take no ac- tion in a matter of so much gravity as this while there is any question of its gality. It is our plain duty to keep ore scrupulously within the certain ovisions of law in matters in which e are personally interested than in atters of other kind, to avoid even the spicionof intentional wrong doing. is farthest from my intention or incli tion to reflect in any manner what- er on any action you have taken, for I have full faith in your integrity and bear cheerful testimony to your assi- duous faithful, and conscientious per. formance of all your official duties. I have laid my reason for my pre- sent action before you, possibly more fully than there was need of, but while aiming to guard the interests of the peo ple from a settled sense of duty to them. I am also inspired by a desire to shield the fair name of this council, which I feel has merited and now en- joys the confidence of the people who trusted in them and whose trust I confidently believe will not he inten- tionally ignored. In conclusion allow me to suggest to a way out of the pi..,ent uncertain unsatisfactory situation of the sal ary question until it is permanently settled by judicial adjudication. Order warrants drown for each of you for $300, as has been paid for 15 pre- vious years to last year, with your re- solution so framed that you will be en- titled to draw the extra $200 if the court ah the appeal will be heard shall de that it is legally yours. If the rt should decide otherwise you will ee with me, I know, that it is better that the money shall remain in the city treasury in times like these when it is so badly needed to meet pressing claims n in your pockets to be returned to treasury from which it had been gnding of Judge before them. Ifthe fi Water- man be sustained then the old councilwill be vindicated as far as the charge of criminality goes. and the members of the present council, old and new, will be justified in accepting the amount of $500. If the court should find Judge Waterman to error, then the old mem- ber of the present council who votes himself $500 would expose himself to danger of prosecution just as the mem- bers of the old council did. The impression seems to exist, that whether the old members are entitled to $500 or not. there is no question as to the right of the new members to that you amount. I cannot agree with this view of the and matter the court above houl hold that the old council illegally raised the salary of members from $300 to $500 then $300 is the established salary and the new members who vote themselves $500 are as Liable criminally as the old members who were indicted for the same thing. Furthermore, it does not seem that if coui it be determined that .the sal old members has not been legally in- creased, nevertheless the increase ap- plies to the new members, for the rea- son that the council, while it has not tha the power to increase the salaries of its the Special Se88ion, November 13, 1896. wrongfully drawn. If this method does not meet with your approval and you do not feel in- clined to await the solution of the quest tion by the tribunal before which it is now pending, which I confess may not be a:, speedy as the Importance of the matter renders desirable, then suit may be commenced against the city for the sum of $500.00 by any member of the council before our district court on an agreed statement of facts so that no time be unnescessarily lost after the matter gets before the judge to whose decision It shall be submitted and in this way without much cost, delay or vexation whatever the question may be settled in such a way that each of you will be within the limits of the law in what you do and the people will feel you have tried to have the sanctions of law for what you do. Respectfully, Ald. Berg offered the following: or. 1owngor. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That warrants to the amount of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dol Lars be drawn as part salary for the al- dermen, the balance if any not draw pending the decision of the supreme court. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bau- er, Berg, Bonson, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Cullen moved that the fire chief be allowed to purchase a three horse hitch for hook and ladder truck. Car rled Ald. Ronson moved that. the Fire chief be allowed to go to Chicago to pur chase a three horse hitch that would be suitable. Carried. Aid. McEvoy moved that State street he opened and put in a passable con- dition. Carried. :old. Dennert moved that the matter of new floors in Central Engine house be referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. Carried. The bill of Bowen & Fitzpatrick of ?2.4.99 was read. Ald. Lagen moved that the hill be paid. Ald. Bonson moved .as an amendment that action be postponed until the city attorney reports on same. Carried by the fololwing vote: Ayes—Aids Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen and Dennert. Noes—Alds Altman, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Carried. Approved 293 179.. .Mayor SPECIAL SESSION, NOV. 17, 1896. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in thee hair. Prosent—Ards. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to the issue of improvement bonds. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and that W. H. Duggan and Mr. Simplot be allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Duggan then addressed the coun- cil in regard to the manner in which the contractor on Wilber Lane had damaged the wall of his vault. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter be referred to the street committee and engineer with power to have the con- tractor fix the wall, a:so that the mat- ter of water pipe of Mr. Hancock's on West lith street and Grove Terrace be referred to same committee. Carried. Ald. Lager moved that St. Mary's street abutting the property of Mr. Nichols be repaired so as to prevent water from lying thereon. Carried. Ald. Berg moved that the finance committee be empowered to procure the written legal opinion of Judge Dillon on the proposed issue of $360,000 of re- funding bonds. Carried. Ald. Bauer moved that the matter of " repairing on South Main street be stop- ped, and that further repairing of same be referred to the street committee, en- gineer and stret commissionr with pow- er. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of sweeping paved streets be referred to the street committee with power. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Ryder. chairman of the finance committee, offered the fol:owing whih was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Coun;,il of the City of Dubuque: That the res- olution of the city council passed on the 8th day of September, 1896, directiug and authorizing the mayor to issue im- provement bonds of the city of Dubuque to the amount of $12,000, and which bonds are numbered from No. 22 to 33 inclusive be and is hereby rescinded and the said bonds so authorized under said resolution and numbered as aforesaid, from No. 22 to No. 33 inclusive, are hereby cancelled and annulled. Be it further resolved that it is the intention of the city council to issue instead of the bonds s cancelled and 294 .Special Session, Xovember 17, 1896, annulled. improvement bonds in the sun: of $12,000 to be numbered "rori 37 to 48 inclusive and said bonus to oe of the denomination of $1,000 each, and whereas, bonds issued under said resolution so rescinded and numbered 22, 23 and 24 have heretofore been sold to the Second National bank of the city of Dubuque for $3,000. Therefore be it resolved that the said bonds Nos. 22, 2 3and 24 so issued and sold to said bank be 1((le:_med and the money paid by said bank for said bonds returned co it, and the city auditor be hereby au- thorized to accept said bonds Nos. 22, 23 and 24 as vouchers for said $3,000, paid for them to the Second Natio bank, and the city auditor is hereby structed to transcibe the foregoing res- olution on site oond book of thee ity. Aid. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du'' ,i ;lie. That the mayor is hereby authorized and required for the purpose of providing the followii: streets and alleys in the city of D buque to wit: Fremont al enue from North Cascade Road to Pacific street, $1,500. Garfield avenue from Dock street to First rvenue. $1,450. West 8th street from west line of Rog ers sub to Mr Hill street, $200. Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton street, $2,8x0. Alley from 14th to 15th street between Pine and Maple street, $200. Alley from 17th to 18th street be- tween Elm and Pine street, $200. Alley from 16th to 18th street be- tween Maple and Cedar street, $400. Nineteenth street from west line of Pine street to east line of East Dubu- que add, $200. Alley north of Eagle Point avenue from Prince street to C., G. W. R. R., $200. Ries street from Windsor to Stafford avenue, $400. 15th street from alley east of El street to Pine street, *200, Edison street from Stafford avenue t Althauser avenue, $800. Eagle street and Emsley a:ley fro Middle street to Althauser avenue, $800 West 17th street from Clark street t Cox street, $2,100. To issue under the provision of th ordinance adopted August 9th. 1894, b the City Council of the City of Dubuque bonds to the amount of $11,500 as fol lows: Eleven bonds of the denomination o $1,000, each numbered from 37 to 47 In elusive, and one bond of the denomina tion of $500, numbered 48 all dated November 18th, 1896, payable seven years atter date or at any time before said date at the option of the City of Dubuque, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum paya- ble semi-annually, both principal and Interest payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and reg- istered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the City Treasurer to be applied by him in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopt- ed August 9th. 1894, and said commit- tee is to report its doings hereunder to the City Council. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the mayor is hereby authorized and empowered, for tial the purpose of providing for the cost in_ and expense of improving St. Mary's street from Emmett street to West Third street to issue a bond of the City of Dubuque under the provision of the ordinance adopted August 9th, 1894, by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, to the amount of $500—number- ed 49, dated November 18th, 1896, paya- ble seven years after date, or at any time before said date, at the option of IF. i the City of Dubuque, and bearing Inter- est at the rate of five per cent. per an- num, payable semi-annually, both prin- cipal and interestto be payable at the office of the City Treasurer In the City of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds is issued and regis- tered it shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall sell same at not Iess than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the City Treasurer to be applied by him in accordance with the provis- ions of the ordinance, adopted August 9th, 1894, and said committee is to re- port its doings hereunder to the City Council. Ald. Dennert offered the follow- ing, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the assessment of the Key City Fire Insurance com- pany for 1895 be placed at $16,000—the said amount being recommended by the equalization committee. m Ald. McEvoy offered the follow- ing, which was adopted: o Resolved by the City Council o2 the City of Dubuque, That Railroad avenue m be widened out enough so that two wag- ons can pass in safety. and the engineer o be instructed to have said street wid- ened as soon as possible. e The request of Geo. Richardson and y Mr. Buse for cancellation of special tax for cleaning snow from sidewalks was referred to the street committee. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Carried. Atte Approved.. .. _ 189.. eeorcler • Special SeR8ion, November 24, 1816. SPECIAL SESSION, NOV. 24, 1896. (OFFICIAL. Council met at 8:05 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present: Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen moved that the rules be suspended, and that Mr. C. B. Trewin be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Mr. Trewin then addressed the coun- cil in relation to grading Fenelon Pace. On motion the matter was referred to the street committee with power. Ald. Dennert arrived at 8:15 p. m. PETITIONS. Petition of Geo. A. Pfiffner & Co. et al asking for an electric light to be placed at the corner of 26th and Wash- ington streets was granted. The petition of the Standard Oil Co. et al asking for the improvement of South Main street and railroad avenue was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. The petition of P. C. Foley asking damage for colliding with another team on Railroad avenue was referred to the committee on claims. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Where as, the city of Dubuque has purchased lot 5 of Klingenberg's 3 West Eagle Point sub. assessed to Bertha Beulrsdorf for a street, that the city treasurer be in- structed to tante: the taxes for 1895 against said property, and for the like reasons that he be instructed to can- cel the taxes for 1894 against lots in Dubuque Harbor Improvement com- pany's add. Lots 2 and part of 3 and 4 in Block 3 and parts of lots 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 block 5 and parts of lots 18, 19. 20, 21. 22. 23 and 24 block 6. The same now being the city property. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That Fenelon Place be- tween east side of Prospect Hill add and Elevator house, be graded, guttered curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon the subject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve - meats, and the city recorder directed to give the prover notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work The guttering, curbing, a•nd macadamiz- ing to be done at the expese of the ow - ere of the abutting property, the grading to be bid in the total, referred to the committee on streets. Ald. Berg offered the folowing which was adopted: Whereas, It has been the practice to draw one warrant for $208.35 in pay 295 ment of the salary of the city treasurer, out of which amount he had to pay his assistant, and whereas this method causes inconvenience to said official, misleads the public in regard to the ac- tual salary paid and is at variance with the course followed in similar cases in the other offices, therefore be it Resolved, By the mayor and the city council that hereafter the city auditor be imetructed to have two warrants drawn in favor of said oity treasurer, one of which Is to be for the amount of $133.35 the actual amount of his salary and the other for $75.00 and marked for clerk hire. This method being the same as was always followed with his predecessors. The petition of John Balch, receiver of the Dubuque Light and Traction Co. which was referred to the mayor, city attorney and the city engineer, was re- ported back to the council without ac- tion and on motion it was referred to the committee of the whole. On motion the council adjourned for ten minutes. Council reconvened at 10:45 p. m. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, offered the fololwing: Be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to advertise the following described real estate for sale for the special taxes assessed against it in the Year 1891 for the improvement of Grandview avenue, to -wit: Lot 1 of 20 Recites sub. Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Hodge's sub. The east part of lot 29, Anna O'Hare's sub. The south 106 feet of Anna O'Hare's sub, lot 30. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of sub 38 and 39 of Quigley's sub. Lots 40. 41, 42 of Quig- ley's sub. Lots 1 and 2 of lot 43 of Quigley's sub. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 inclusive, Grand view place. Lot 10 of Whelan's sub. Lot 8 of Whelan's sub. Lots 2 and 3 of Whelan's sub. Lot 1 of 2 of7 of mineral lot 45. Lot 1 of mineral lot 46. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Grand- view add. Lot 19 of O'Hare'ssub. Lot 4 of 1 of mineral lot 150. Lot 7 of mineral lot 158. Lot 3 of Boxleiter's add. Lot 3 of 1 of Boxliter's add. Lot 2 of Boxleiter's add. Lot 1 of 1 of Boxleiter's add. Lot 2 of 1 ofl Box- leiter's add. Lot 1 of 1 of Quigley's sub. Lot 5 of the sub -division of lot 38 and 39 of Quigley's sub. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15 and 16 in block 2 of Grandview park add. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 in block 5 Grand- view park add. Lot 3 of 1 of min lot 150. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas --Alda. Albrecht, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. 296 Special Session, November 27, 1896. On motion Ald. Altman was excused from voting. Ald. Altman moved to adjourn. Car tied. Attest: l Approved ...Mayor Special session Nov. 27th, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. The mayor stated that the object of the .meeting was to take action in re- gard to the cost of obtaining a legal opinion from Judge Dillon on the valid ity of the proposed issue of new refund- ing bonds. Ald. Dennert moved that the mayor and finance committee be authorized to telegraph Judge Dillon andascertainhis fees for giving his legal opinion on the proposed new issue of bonds, and if same does not exceed $800 the commit- tee be authorized to employ him. Car ried . Ald. Dennert moved that the taxes of Mrs. Kallenberger be allowed to re main a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer instructed not to sell Same . Carried. AId. Ryder moved that the mayor be authorized to have such information printed, in regard to the population, manufactures, etc. as may be for the advantage of the city, in the sale of new refunding bonds. Carried. Ald. Dennert moved that a warrant be drawn' in favor of t:enety & Mc- Cann for $90.71, balance due for pav- ing Clay street. Carried. Ald. Albrecht moved to adjourn. Carried. At Approved... 189.. ecorder Special Session Nov. 30th, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alda. Altman, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to take action in re- gard to procuring the opinion of Judge Dillon on the validity of the proposed issue of refunding bonds, as he did not desire to take further action on same without a full concurrance of the coun ciI on the same. Ald. Dennert moved that in view of the cost of obtaining Judge Dillon's opinion on the Proposed issue of new refunding bonds. that the council deems it inadvisable to obtain same. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the street committee be instructed to have the ne cessary filling done on sidewalks on Southern avenue so that the Sidewalks can be laid to grade, also have culvert built, if necessary. to carry the water into the street. Carried. Ald. Berg moved to adjourn. !Tied. est Apprm•r rl. . NOTICE. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 12th. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the poll- ing places for fall a ection to be held November 3rd, 1896, will be in the fol- lowing places; to -wit: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Raferty's Place, South Locust street. Second Precinct—Kavanaugh's build ing on Main between 1st and 2nd. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Court House. Second Precinct -4th street engine house. Recorder "9. ...Mayor THIRD WARD. First Precinct -9th street engine house. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Palen Place. 18th and Couler avenue. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Ryan's Livery. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmid's Brewery. Second Precinct—Hugo Ruh's Place, Rhomberg avenue and Kniest street. Third Precinct—Chris. Caprtiz's Place. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's Place, 23rd and Jackson street. T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. List of Warrants. LIST OF CIT ! WARRANTS Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 1st, 1896. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN—The following is complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1896: Name. For what Amt. purpose T T Duffy salary mayor . $125 00 H. B. Gniffke, salary treasurer 208 30 L. M. Langstaff, salary recorder 116 70 M. M. McCarten eatary auditor 116 70 Jno F Stemm, salary assessor . 150 00 Edw. Morgan. salary marshal100 00 Jos. Reinfried, savary fire chief 100 00 Jno O'Connell. committee clerk 83 30 Wrn. Kaep, clerk reorder's of - office.... 50 00 Ed. Harron clerk treasurer's of- . 50 00 Jas. Agnew. deputy marshal33 35 W. H. Knowlton, engineer 200 0 Jas. Boyce, assistant engineer 100 00 E. S. Hyde assistant engineer.. 100 00 Geo. Osborn, electrician 75 00 Phil. Doerr, sewer inspector75 00 Jos. Traut, marketmaster.. 50 00 Chas Burkhardt, park custodian 46 50 Thos. Cahill, park custodian 46 50 Dr. S. S. Lindsay, health officer 60 00 Thos. Jess, wharfmaster 20 00 M. Eitel, fireman.. .. .. 60 00 Jno. Essman. fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 50 00 J. Flynn. fireman 60 00 J. Wiltse, fireman ... 60 00 Jos. Tsehudi fireman 50 00 Edwin Keas, fireman 46 00 C Oatley, fireman . ... 41 50 Jas. Daley, fireman 60 00 Job. Barnes, fireman 75 00 Tom. Ryder fireman ... 50 00 W. Ducy, fireman 60 00 J. Schuberger, fireman 60 00 M. Fahey. fireman 50 00 T. Meehan, fireman 50 00 Jas. Rooney. fireman 50 00 D. Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T. Walker, fireman 60 00 W. Hippman, fireman 60 00 F. Ganahl, fireman 50 00 13 30 Geo. Gherke, fireman Geo. He:mirch, fireman J. McFarland. fireman J. Murphy, fireman A McDonald, fireman . F. Essman. fireman T. Flynn, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman Geo. Beyer, fireman Chas. Kannolt, fireman Jas. Allen. fireman Wm. McBride, fireman Robt. Weston, fireman Jno. Bauman, fireman Barney Maas, fireman A. Heer, fireman J. J. Murphy, police John Raesle, police J. Fitzpatrick, police Jas. Flynn. police Wm. Hennessy, police 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 37 80 75 00 , 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 Wm. Howard, police M. Kilty, police Jno. Loetscher, police Jas. Lonergan, police P. McNerny, police Edwin Moore, police I. Manhoff, police J. Murphy, police 297 60 00 50 00 23 35 60 00 50 Uu 60 00 50 00 Dan. Norton, police.. , . 50 00 Jno. Noel, police 51 00 P. Powers, police 50. 65 50 00 Thos. Reilly, police 50 00 5'. Rhomberg, police 50 00 J. Rooney. police 60 00 Pat Sutton, police 50 00 M. Craugh. police 50 00 .Tas. Carter, police 46 65 Pt Hnlen, poliace 50 00 Pat. McCollins, police 50 00 Peter Scharff, police 50 00 Thos. Sweeney, police 50 00 Geo. Burke]. police &1 65 Jno. Cody, police 50 00 Jas. L. Clune, police 50 00 E. Kahn, police 50 00 A. Meisner, police 50 00 P. Mulligan, police .... 50 00 M. A. O'Connor police .... 50 00 Aug. Pfeffer, police 50 00 Al. Scherr, police 50 00 ,Tno. Tierney. police 50 00 H K Young, police 50 00 C. Spiegelhalter, poundmaster ...50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police matron 50 00 Mrs. B. Brennan, police matron 50 00 M. Abitz, labor , . , .. 6 75 J. Albrecht, labor 6 75 M. Ahearn, labor 10 15 T. Ahearn, labor 13 50 A. Alderson, labor 14 85 Ed. Ahearn, labor 6 10 Pat. Bel:, labor 40 50 J Bottoms, labor . 25 00 Wm. Breen, labor 10 80 Jas. Bennett. labor 5 40 Chas. Buse, labor 22 66 Phil. Becker, labor 13 50 Chas. Beyer, labor 39 00 Rishard Burns, :abor.. 18 25 Paul Becker, labor 14 20 P . Brien. labor. 17 35 Jno. Brown. labor . . . 4 05 H. Berry. labor 12 15 Jos Blocher, labor. 13 50 Geo. Brenner, labor. 12 15 Tom Boyce, labor. 22 30 .Tas Boyce, labor. 12 15 Jas Blocklinger, labor. 8 10 Jos Beck, labor. 10 15 Val Burns. labor. 8 10 J. Byrnes, labor 12 15 J. Bewer, labor. . 50 00 Gus Brown, labor 11 95 C. Botsford, labor. 1 35 L. Brenner, labor. 4 05 .T. Breitenbach, labor. . 15 55 Jno. Burke, labor. 15 :,5 H. Brennan. labor. 8 10 M. Beckins, labor. 9 45 .T. Brochtobroch,labor. 4 05 M. Burke, labor. 8 10 M. Buckler, labor. 16 50 Jas Butler, :labor. 13 50 H. Beren, labor. 8 10 T. Butcher, labor 3 05 • 298 List of Warrants. T. Beyer, labor 26 35 J. Callahan, labor 18 25 M. Crahin, labor. 14 j5 C. Coppersmith, labor 1 35 L. Corcoran, labor 1, 55 D. Corcoran, labor. 7 SO Jas Cahill, labor . . 13 50 John Connan, labor . 16 20 B. Conlin, :arbor 8 10 J. Coyne, labor 16 20 W. Cunningham. labor 13 50 Jas Connolly, labor. 16 20 M. Connolly, labor. 14 85 M. Cain, labor 16 2(1 Jerry Cahill, labor 14 85 Wm. Crumpwell, labor. . . .... 13 50 Jas Craig, labor 14 85 M. Coyle, labor. 11 85 R. Corrigan, labor 16 2') Jos Clarkson, labor. 9 45 Steve Cain, labor. 2 70 H. Carney, labor 8 10 F. Conrad, labor. 31 50 Jas Crawford. labor 30 00 Fred Cody. labor. 6 45 D. Crotty, labor 16 20 Jno. Corbett. 1 •bor• 21 60 Con Callahan, labor. 10 80 Wm. Carberry. labor. 16 90 Lant Cahill, labor 5 40 Jno. Dittman, labor 15 55 H. Donnelly, labor 51 57 .J. Dougherty, labor 17 55 P. Dempsey, labor 25 63 M. Differding, :abor 14 85 W. Drummond, labor .. 18 90 N. Duttle, labor 13 50 J. Dixon, labor 16 90 M. Dempsey, labor 14 85 P. Defontin, labor J. Driscoll, labor .... .. Chas. Dillon, labor .... Ed. DaleyL, labor B. F. Darling, labor J. Eagan, labor Wm. Erwin, labor Jas. Farrell, labor N. Frith, labor B. Flynn, labor P. Fenton. labor M. Fetschle, labor Dan Fox, labor P. Fasselins, labor L. Fritz, labor M. Fagan, labor C. Fisher, labor Wm. Flanagan, labor H. Fries, labor Ben Fern, labor C. Fischer. Sr .J. Fitzpatrick, labor 0. H. Foster, labor J. Griffen, labor G. Garrett, labor P. Greden, labor C. Grunzig, labor H. Grode. labor B. Glass, labor C. Gantenbein, labor Jos. Greenwood, labor Jos. Ginter, labor Jno. Gerst, labor Geo. Gau, labor Joe Grab, labor P. Gregory, labor Jas. Gillaspie, labor 14 85 J. Glynn, labor 40 00 Pat Gill, labor 42 00 Con. Geimer, labor 70 P. Grew, labor 18 900 J. Gutberlet, labor 9 45 J. Gerst, labor 8 10 A. Hofferman, labor 12 15 A. Henderson, labor 15 55 D. Hannen, labor 10 80 H Henkle. labor . 8 80 G-eo Mincklin, labor 14 Jos Huber, labor 18 9085 Jno Hayes, labor 34 10 Jas Hall, labor 1 35 C Hagge, labor 9 45 J Hafey, labor . ... 18 90 J Hanley. labor 13 50 C Heck, labor . 13 50 A Hochberger, labor . 5 40 H Haas, :abor 10 80 Jos Hocking, labor . . . ...... 17 25 .1 Hogan. labor . . . . 7 80 A Hird, labor . 10 15 J Hird. labor . 50 00 11 50 H Hocke, labor S Henshell, labor Jac Hansen, labor . M Houpes, labor F Hact, labor S Hickcock, labor M Hu:ga, labor Josh Hird. labor A Hart. labor P Hanapen, labor . . P Jacobi. labor J Jellison. labor Wm Juergens, labor 12 15 J Jochum, labor A Jaeger. labor 63 00 J Joyce, labor 2 71) J Karsch, labor P Kinney, labor P Kien, labor . . P Krocheski, labor . F Krueger, labor J Kelly, labor 12 15 9 45 13 50 18 90 8 10 4 05 6 10 7 45 18 90 9 45 9 45 13 50 14 85 39 75 16 90 12 15 8 10 11 50/ 24 30 8 10 7 45 19 25 9 45 9 45 1 35 12 15 9 00 10 15 8 10 8 10 16 55 20 95 18 25 A Knapp, :abor Jos Kinsella, labor F Kermans, labor M Klein, labor J Kraus, labor T Kenneal:y, labor M Kane, labor . Tim Kelly, labor H Kehr, labor Jno Kinsella, labor M Kelly, labor . H Krout, labor . J. S. King, labor M Kascs, labor C Kampman, labor Jas Kelly, labor . M Lange, labor . A Lange, labor . C Lohrman, labor Jno Lavin, labor . M Lilack, labor . Geo Lutz, labor . P Leavitt, labor . H Luck, labor . Ed Lagen, labor . M Lonergan, labor Jno Leieht, labor P Lynch, labor 16 20 7 50 17 55 10 50 11 50 9 45 8 10 2 70 5 40 16 90 50 00 21 60 8 10 2 70 6 10 13 50 22 95 52 50 1 35 14 86 16 55 18 26 15 55 70 11 85 18 90 18 90 8 10 8 10 16 20 23 50 . 4 05 • 11 95 8 10 9 45 16 20 2 70 41 25 36 75 45 75 9 45 2 70 9 45 17 55 13 50 40 00 12 15 14 85 14 20 Li8t of Warrants. T Lonergan, labor . . 34 45 M Loes, labor . . 9 45 C Lange, labor . .7 50 L Meurise, labor . ..... 14 85 E Meeker, labor . . . 23 65 M Murphy, labor . 8 10 I Mu:lqueeney, labor . . 23 65 J Maroney, labor . . . . 10 15 Thos Melloy, labor . . . .. . 16 20 T Meggison, labor . . 15 90 D Miner, labor . . .13 50 J Mullen. labor 18 75 Jas Melloy. Jr., labor . . ..... 1 35 Jos Martinette, labor . .16 90 Ed Melloy. labor . . . ........ . . . 17 25 P Moran, labor. 8 10 1 35 16 20 50 00 12 40 22 95 4 75 10 80 12 15 6 10 23 65 9 45 1 35 8 10 10 50 10 15 15 55 14 85 20 60 13 20 • 15 55 • • 14 85 14 85 20 25 13 50 14 85 70 8 10 15 55 14 85 17 55 31 05 19 60 7 10 12 15 8 10 8 10 4 05 15 90 1 33 10 60 3 75 14 85 6 75 10 80 8 10 5 40 8 10 17 23 18 60 16 55 5 40 • • 810 6 10 4 (5 38 25 16 20 16 20 13 50 17 25 M Maher. labor P Mohan, labor P Murphy, labor Nic Martin, labor Jas Morgan, labor P Mahoney, labor Jno Moran, labor J Miller. labor T Murrey, labor P Murrey, labor M Mahoney, labor T Munsch, labor Jac Meuser• labor M McCarten, labor P McCarten, labor J McMullen. labor J F McCue, labor P McMullen, labor . F McBride, labor . B McCornack, labor Jno McCann, labor . Jas McCann. labor . Wm McDermott, labor . . Wm McLean. labor . Jas McMahon, labor . M McCernon, labor . Jas McCormick, labor , M McNamara, labor . A McGua.n, labor . M McCone, labor . . L McEvoy, labor . •! D. McGuiness, labor. N. McPoland, labor. B. McCaffrey, labor J. McNulty, labor. J. McGee, labor. T. McDonald, labor. James McAlleese, labor. F. McGuiness, labor. P. McNulty, labor. J. McQuiian, labor Jno. Noeih, labor M. Nuten, labor Wm. Noland. labor. P. Nichols, labor. Chas Norton, labor. P. O'Brien, .Tr., labor. . P. O'Toole, labor P. O'Brien, Sr, labor. . N. Offerman, labor. F. Oswald, labor Wm. O'Connell, labor J. O'Halloran, labor. K. O'Brien, labor. J. Pilmaier, labor. Jas. Powers, labor D. Powers, labor .Tas Purcell, labor . G. Parr, labor. 299 Thos Heins, P. Jardin team.. 15 00 g, team . 46 00 F. Jackson team .." H. King, team .... .. ...... 33 00 T. Kane, team .' . • • • 33 00 T. Kenneally, Jr. team . •'• 37 50 Wm. Kiley, team .• ' • . • 37 50 .• • • • 18 00 Pat Kenneall tem .. 15 50 B. Kane, team P. Linehan, team •• 37 50 Win. Lyons, team.. ...• •' 37 50 ' ' ' • 3 00 Jno. Long, team .. '•''.• 45 00 Chris Leik, team Robt Love, team .•• . ' .. • • 36 00 Jno. Murrey, team .. „ .. 9 00 . • 15 00 Robt. Mathis, team ., • • • 16 50 F. Mathis, team •••J. McCollins, team .. 18 00 Jeff McGrath, team.. • • . .. 30 00 Wm. McGrath, team.. ., 36 75 Jas. McCracken, team ........27 00 Jno. McGrath, team.. , C. McGovern, team . • . . ' ' • 17 00 .. ..• • 16 25 C. McElrath, team . • . P. S. Norton, team. . 6 00 • •• •••. 33 00 J. Nagel, team.. ...... 9 00 J. Parker, team .. .. •.... 42 00 Wm. Poden, team ............6 00 Mrs. Quinlivan, team. . 28 50 Geo. Reynolds, team 19 50 Aug. Roeber, team 35 25 J. Strotz, team .. 13 50 J. Singrin, team 45 00 D. Sutherland, team. . . ... 42 00 H. Schmidt team.. .. .. .. . 30 00 O. Stevenson, team . . . 39 00 Ed. Seeley, team . . 33 00 F. Schoenthal, team 6 06 A. Turner, team 9 00 M. Theis, team. 40 50 Cath. Tobin, team 39 75 P. Vogel, team 12 00 J. Williams, team 45 00 H. Weber, team .... 18 00 Geo. Anderson, labor on sewers 38 25 C. Botsford, labor on sewers39 00 J. Burch, labor on sewers 10 P. Boyle, labor on sewers. . 25 15 J. Bennett, labor on sewers. . 1 90 Ed. Capritz, labor on sewers. . . 34 50 F. Conrad, labor on sewers7 50 F. De George, labor on sewers35 60 W. Eichman, labor on sewers39 00 M. Farrell, labor on sewers. 37 50 N. Fischer, labor on sewers. 21 00 P Ginter, labor on sewers 37 90 Jos Ginter, labor on sewers 14 25 J Girl, labor on sewers 13 50 Jno Hilson, labor on sewers 28 50 M Haffner, labor on sewers 22 90 A Hirci, labor on sewers . 12 00 Jas Jellison, labor on sewers 39 90 A Jaeger, labor on sewers 3 00 P Kein, labor on sewers. .. 4 50 M Lavin, labor on sewers . 37 50 M Lonergan, labor on sewers 11 25 Chas Licht, labor on sewers 10 50 Ch. Lohrman, labor on sewers 21 00 M McGovern, labor on sewers 38 50 MMaher, labor on sewers 33 00 M Murphy, labor on sewers . 6 00 P McNulty, labor on sewers 3 00 M McCarten, Sr, labor on sewers 1 50 Jim Nenmesiter, labor on sewers 7 50 300 List of Warrants. W. Quinlavin, labor on sewers . 30 20 Jno O'Dea, labor on sewers . 30 00 F Ruh, Sr, labor on sewers . 36 00 W Quinlan, labor on sewers ... 30 40 F` Ruh, Jr, labor on sewers 26 25 ,Jos Rooney, labore on sewers . 30 00 Steve Rousch, labor on sewers. 3 00 Al Scherr. labor on sewers . 6 75 N Sweeney'. labor on sewers 9 00 .T Spiering, labor on sewers 19 15 T. T. Thompson, labor on sew- ers .. .. .. . .. .. ........ 31 50 M. Tierney, labor on sewers 39 00 Jas. Tobein. labor on sewers .. 37 50 Jos. Tacke, labor on sewers .. 36 00 Wm. Terry, labor on sewers . 3 00 F. Zugenbuehler, labor an sew- ers.. .. .. .. .. .. .......... 30 00 F. Baltzer, labor on sewers 45 50 W. Dean, labor on sewers 45 50 S. Elmer, labor on sewers45 50 H. Schmith, labor on sewers45 50 Theo. Altman, team .. .. .. 15 00 F. Beutin, team.. .. .. 12 00 Al. Conrad team .. .. .. 3 00 Wm. Casey, team .. .. .. 3 00 Jno. Dunkley. team .. .. .. 15 00 P. Horch, team.. .. .. .. 6 00 T. B. Kane, team.. .. .. 3 00 J. McGrath, team ...... 7 5 Jno. Williams, team .. .. 13 50 H. Weber, team.. .... .. 1 50 F Paley, labor . 23 55 C H Pierce, labor . 14 85 Jno Pfeiffer, labor A. Schmidt, labor. 8 8u Jno Schemmel, labor 16 55 Jos Stadl, labor. . 7 45 M. Scol:ard, labor 18 9) N. Sweeney, labor 13 5? D. Sutherland, labor. 22 50 J. Sullivan, labor. 6 75 J. Schroeder, labor. 15 55 D. Sheehan. labor. 3 00 A. R. Stevenson, labor. . 75 00 J. Seik, labor. 25 00 B. Schnee. labor 12 75 Wm. Schmaegler, labor. . . 11 15 N. Schroeder, labor. 14 85 J. Sommerville, labor .. 6 75 Louis Stein, labor .. .. •9 45 M. Shea. labor .. .. .. .. .. 14 S0 M. Sullivan, Jr. water boy .. 7 80 J. Sommerfield, labor .. .... 6 75 S. Sullivan. labor .. .. ••7 45 Wm. Taylor. labor .. .. .. 7 80 Jos. Tacke, labor .. .. .. .. 1 35 Geo. Tract. labor.. .. .. 15 55 A. Thompson, labor . 810 Wm. Ferring, labor.... .. .. 20 95 Theo. Thill. labor .. .. . , .. 22 95 J. Taschner, labor .. .. .. 10 80 Wm. Tinkham .. .. 1 35 Jos Vogt, labor.. .. .. .. .. .... 14 20 F. Voelscher, labor.. .. .. .... 7 0 Ed. Welsh. labor .. .. .. .. 13 50 P. Wagner ... .. .. .. .. .. .... 14 85 Wm. Wentling. labor .. .. .. .. 8 10 R. Weideman, labor .. .. .. .. 6 75 . Welsh, labor .. 23 65 . Wanderscheit, labor .. 14 85 . Weidenbacher, labor .. .. 18 60 ac. Welty, labor .. .. .. 16 20 . Wandrasheck. labor . 14 85 Geo Wetter, labor .... . 2 70 Geo. Wilman.. .. .. . 19 25 M. White. labor .. .. . 12 15 N Wickham, labor . . 6 10 J Wickham, labor , 6 75 P Wertin, labor 42 00 Wm Warring, labor . . ..... 37 50 Jno Wolff, labor 20 25 J J Welty, labor 2 70 Jno Wilson. labor . 6 75 Jno R. Walsh. labor 9 45 P Wiest. labor . 1 35 19 60 enters labor 05 1 60 Jno Yann, labor . . . ... 14 20 Aug Yoss. labor . 15 55 5 40 Geo Zumhoff, labor . 25 50 11 501 30 F Zerchon, labor . . 13 50 12 85 W Zachina, labor . . 14 85 22 65 F Zemon, labor . g 80 29 25 Joe Zamanek, labor . . .. 10 15 36 00 Adam Zingel• labor . 12 15 Peter Altman. teams . 27 00 9 45 J P Quinn, Sr., labor 36 00 A Wm Quinlan, labor . . . .. 70 H M Quinlan. labor 6 75 J Rettenhoffer, labor . 8 10 A Steve Rousch, labor M Reinhart, labor A Reuter. labor Chas Reil:y, labor Jac Raesner, labor Thos Reilly, labor . F Reums, labor N Reisch, labor F Rieger, labor Jas Reed, labor . Geo Rink, labor . Jno Ryan. labor M Reiseck, labor Jno Raetz, labor .. Jno Reischling, labor . Jno Stewart, labor . S Stevenson, labor . S Sschaetzle, labor . P Stoffer• labor Jno Steffes, labor JnoSpahn, labor Wm Spensley, labor. J. Stevens, labor.. Paddy Smith, labor. F. Scherr. labor H. Stevens, labor Jos Stahler, labor. 17 25 4 05 14 20 10 50 17 55 27 00 17 55 4 75 13 85 16 90 16 90 12 85 2565 F` or 16 20 p Ahearn, labor 16 20 p Ahearn, team . 34 50 18 75 R Burns, labor . 7 4:; T Byron, team . 15 00 15 00 6 ekman, team . 33 00 37 5t' Baker, team . 336 0000 F Burns. J. L. Sullivan, labor. . . ... 13 b C o M. Specht, labor. Jos Shmidt, labor. Geo Sutter, labor. M. Sullivan, Sr.. labor. F. Sweederick, labor. 10 50 Sam Smith, labor 8 80 P. Schlitz, labor. 28 9) team . 22 30 Ed w Blake, team 9 ;1 0 20 2' Jas Calvert, team . 12 la Mrs. Costello, team . 31 50 A Courd, team 1 50 Wm Casey, team . 37 50 B Cain, team , 39 00 18 00 List of T Paarant8. Jno Calvert, team . T Crahin, team . ""' P Cain, team .. J Duggan, Jr, team . Jno Dunkley, team . . . J Duggan, Sr., team . P Do:an, team . T Elliott, team . . ""'•' Wm Ellis, team . ... Jno Evans. team . . N Frith, team . . . . E Frith. team . P C Foley, team T Graham, team . . Tom Green, team " .1 Gearey, team Geo Gantenbein, team P Horch. team M Hammon, team H Haggerty, team J Hoffmeier, team Jos Harold, team Wm Hammond, team R Hagerty, team Mrs Healey, team A. Doerr, expressage. Jno. Tibet', filling on 4th street extension .. Byrne & Saul, filling on 4th street extension W. E. Hammond, filling on 4th street extension.. . Geo. Salot, filling on 4th street extension.. Geo. W. Farley. filling on 4th street extension . Ross MoMahon, filling on 4th street extension.. .. P. Clancy filling on 4th street extension .. . Thos. Kenneally, filling on 4th street extension 21 Dubuque Construction Co.. fill- ing on 4th street extension., 7 23 J. Harold, fll:ing on 4th street extension 3 75 E. J. Evans• filling on 4th street extension 9 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, fill- ing 14th street.. .. . 373 25 P. Horsch. filling 14th street138 00 D. Sutherland, filling 14th street.. .... ............ Wm. Geisheker, rodman .Tno. Farley, rodman Joe Murphy, rodman Jaa. Hillerly, inspector on sew- ers.. .. .. .. 38 50 J. P. Trout, requiring scales on Cooler avenue 5 00 Fred Donath, flags for decorat- ing.. .. .. .. .. 1 00 MN. Keen, scrubbing at city hall 2 50 J. P. Traut, feeding prisoners. , 30 20 Matt. Loos. assisting pound - master .... .... 9 00 F. W, Michel. examination of Jas. Gray .. .. .... .......... 10 00 B. Hayes, cleaning around mar- ket., ,. .. .. .. Bart Hayes, expressage Sam Starr, health. patrolman Mrs. H. Koenig, janitor Geo. Gherke, fireman .... 301 6 00 Chas. Oatey, fireman .. 42 00 J. P, Schroeder, cement 6 15 21 00 22 50 G. F. Kleih, hardware road36 36 5 G. F. Kleih, oil, keys &c 15 7 50 ; G. F. Kleih, hardware for sewer 22 502 50 i Reinfried & Jaeger, police 8 20 whistles and sheet steel 7 44 37 50 GeO. Fen ler, rock and lime 37 35 24 00 Feng ler, 00 Duggan & Kane, rope, oil etc4 50 24 00 P H Halpin, salt, soap, etc ..... 1 80 Fred. Schloz, repairng tools for 33 00 road.. 38 25 Fred. Schloz, repairing toots for 46 50 sewer.. 1 50 1 Collings & Wilkinson, horse - 30 00 shoeing for fire and police de - 15 00 partments.. 5 25 I McElrath Teaming11 75 45 00 E4.80 haulm Csand, g seweerr pipe, 36 00 $12,00.. 16 S0 25 50 McElrath Teaming Co., sweep - 9 00 ing streets . 74 10 22 50 B. Lagen,livery hire Labor day, 45 00 $12.00 and street com. ..$3.00 15 00 18 00 Butt Bros. repairing street 15 75 sweeper.. .. .. .. .. 7 40 H. King, team 9 00 19 50 W. W. Wormood, taking care of town clock 72 00 8 30 W. W Woormood, new star and silver pins for matron 6 00 4 25 Kenneal'y & Cain, rock for sewer .. .. .. .. .. 1 00 6 45 W B. Baumgartner, tools 95 Dubuque Water Co., iron water 13 00 pipe.. .. .: .. ....... 6 85 Hussman & Lees, tools. , 3 70 14 85 M. Adams, lantern globes, oil etc.. 4 75 10 50 Chas. Matz, repairing tools for road.. .. 2 55 75 Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, road scrapers.. .. 19 00 Key City Gas Co., coke 63 S2 B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road.. 8 00 Wrn. Marshal, repairing steam roaer.. 8 40 Peter Horch, rock for road25 50 Geo. W. Farley, rock for road30 00 Park Grocery Co., buckets and brooms.. .. 1 20 Jno. Becker, rock for road .. 73 50 Gus Holl, 2 sets of hose coupl- ing for park .. .. .. .. 1 50 Alf. Austin, witness in Peterson case.... .. .. .............. 60 Alice Winders, witness in Peter- son case .. .. .... .......... 60 iI. Schlaegel, witness in Peter- son case 60 Jno. 3laclay, costs in Nelson case .. .. .. .. 3 25 Jas. A. Hayes, costs in Bush case.. .. .. .. 6 20 A. Hayes, costs in Reif- steck case .. .. .. .. 44 70 1I. Mullen, plumbing at city ha'l.. .. .. .. .. 14 75 J. T. Kearns, recording deeds1 50 Mrs. E. Stoltz. cleaning Mrs Dunn's house.. .. , , .. .... 3 00 Rider. Wallis Co., 2 doz. gloves for police.. .. .. 2 00 Fischer & Co., ice from April to 29 70 13 85 30 00 65 00 40 00 40 00 20 00 1 00 50 00 20 00 18 30 302 June city hall.. . F. E. Joseph, Naptholeum Dubuque Water Co., 325 drants for August Dubuque Water Co., 325 drants for August D' • ,,,n 11'a.er Co.. 325 hy- drants 354 16 W H Torbert, drugs . 50 Key City Gas Co.. coke • . 17 18 Dubuque Oil Tank Line Co, oil 6 00 Purcell & Maloney, oil . 1 65 Jno Butt, repairs at central en- gine house 4 20 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 6 50 Van Va:kenberg & McEvoy, iron oil can 100 Sam Smith, impounding dogs for August . 42 60 M Brown & Sons, oats at patrol house ...... 7 13 Jas Levi & Co, supplies for mat- ron 3 10 Trexler Bros, use of saddle horse saengerfest. 2 00 E E Frith. removing dead ani- mals for August . 214 50 Harger & Blish, office supplies .. 5 75 Geo W Schrup, 2 copies 26th Gen eral Assemb:y . . 1 00 Byrne & Saul, paving and wall in Couler creek 49 55 Peter Horch, grading Hart street 60 00 Blake & Blake, grading Bennett street . . 102 50 Blake & Blake, improving Ben- nett street . 300 00 Blake & Blake, constructing sew er in alley from Dell to Prairie street . 280 00 Jno Pickley, improving 15th St100 00 Jno Pickley, improving 19th st150 00 Jno Pickley, improving Paul St 100 00 Jno Pick:ey, grading Paul st 50 00 Wm Dodson. improving Coates avenue 32 66 Wm Dodson, rolling Coates ave. 224 46 Wm Dodson, macadam on Coates avenue . 110 00 Wm Dodson, improving Fremont avenue . 500 00 Wm Dodson. improving Free- mont avenue . . 300 00 Wm Dodson, grading Coates avenue . 450 00 Peter Horch. improving Hart street . 340 00 Peter Horch. improving Clifford street 108 25 ?eter Horch, rolling Clifford street . . 33 94 Peter Horch, macadam on Clif- ford street . 28 20 Brown & Brown, rolling Foye street 55 97 Brown & Brown, macadam on Foye street Wilmer Cook, from 14th to Wilmer Cook, field avenue Wilmer Cook, field avenue Geo W 'Farley, 8th street list of Warrants. .... 3 20 10 00 hy- 500 00 hy- 500 00 10 improving alley 8 45 15th streets 100 00 improving Gar - improving Ries 4 17 improving West 112 20 .. 250 00 Geo W Farley, improving alley from 17th to 18th sts . 130 00 Ross McMahon, filling on South- ern avenue •.. 28 50 Jno Tibey, cross walks in Aug.. 52 25 Jno Tibey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge street .. 500 00 Jno Ti bey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge street . 500 00 Jno Tibey, constructing storm water sewer on Dodge street .250 00 Alf Dorman. constructing new .sidewalks . . . 112 80 P F` Guthrie, constructing new sidewalks . 47 62 Jno Deggendorf, draining water from Bennett street 5 00 Ott Meuser & Co.. lumber and shavings . 9 19 Bart E Linehan. cement and sew er pipe . 20 85 Bart E Linehan, sewer pipe fur- nished the city for August 222 50 Headford Bros & Hitchins, man hole castings, etc 33 28 Brown & Brown, grading Foye street . 56 25 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, im proving Grace street . .. 279 34 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, roll ing Grace street . 122 59 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Queen street . . 170 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan. im proving Goethe avenue . . 131 63 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, im proving Sheridan street . . 39 47 Steuck. O'Farrel & Linehan rolling Goethe avenue . . 184 38 Steuck, O'Farrrell & Linehan, macadam on Goethe avenue . 228 40 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, macadam on Sheridan street . 87 80 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan. improving alley north of E. Pt. avenue 58 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, retaining wall on West 11th street . 300 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan grading Grace street . . . 152 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Goethe avenue . . 241 67 grading Goethe avenue . . The Times, advertising for July 1896. 29 15 The Telegraph, advertising for July, 1896. 75 00 Globe -Journal, advertising for Julv. 1896 . . . 67 50 The Herald, advertising for July 1896. 67 50 Star Electric Co., 308 arc lights for August . 500 00 Star Electric Co., 308 arc lights for August . 500 00 Star Electric Co., 308 arc lights for August . . 500 00 Star Electric Co.. 308 arc lights for August . . . 159 40 Globe, Light & Heat Co, 100 lamas for July . 166 67 Key City Gas Co. gas . . 50 10 Jno Newman & Son. repairing wagon for fire department ... 1 00 List of Warrants. 303 G B Grosvenor Co, office supplies 8 00 Alph Matthews, assisting city attorney . 300 00 Malloy & La Vake, personal dam ages . 200 00 DS Wilson, transcript in case of Guthrie vs City 72 30 Jas A Hayes. witness fees in Brunskill case . 4 05 Jaa A Hayes. witness fees in Jas H Hunt case . . 28 30 .Tno B McLoughlin, damages by overflow of water . 20 00 H B Gniffke. ref. excavation per- mits . 75 00 H B Gniffke. interest . 1658 47 H B Gniffke, commission making loan . 280 00 H B Gniffke. damages to prop- erty . 300 00 H B Gniffke. postage stamps $10.30: rubber stamp 25c 10 55 H B Gniffke, telegrams $2.25; ex- press charges $26.20. 28 45 H B Gniffke. New York ex- change . ... 3 95 T T Deify. loan . 125 00 Ellen Rowan, loan . 500 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan, improving 4th street . .. 200 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Locust street . . . 500 00 Steuck. O'Farrell & Linehan. improving Locust street . . .. 140 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving 17th street .... ...... 150 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving 16th street . 60 00 Dubuque Construction Co., im- proving 15th street 50 00 Chr. Schmitt, supplies for mat- ron . . . . 3 45 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron . 8 75 Fred Menzel & Co, macadam . . 82 20 Jno Malone, macadam . . 15 00 7 H McDonald, improving West Main treet . . . 500 00 J H McDonald, improving West Main street . 500 00 7 H McDonald. improving West Main street . 250 00 T H McDonald. improving West Main street . . 210 00 T H McDonald. improving West Main street 210 00 Ross McMahon. improving St Mary's street . . 140 00 i herein- certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September. 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on 2nd clay of November 1896, the following special assessments were levied on the real es- tate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay the one seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will be - come delinquent and subject to collec- tion by distress and aale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer. For the improvementity of Fremont ave nue from North Cascade road to Pacific s treet. Caroline Febrey, sub 64, Simp- son's add, lot 4 . $235 79 Ind. School Dist., sub min lot 141. lot 1 Caleb Jacobs, sub min lot 141, :ot 2 Caleb .Jacobs, sub min, lot 141, lot 3 Snod of Iowa, sub min lot 141, lot 4 243 01 Snod of Iowa, sub min lot 140, lot 1 A W Hosford, sub min lot 139, .ot .308 21 Jas Woodward, sub min lot 139, lot 1 . 289 62 Jas Woodward. sub 64, Simpson son's add. lot 3 . . 234 65 77 60 72 71 57 48 151 33 NOTICE. Public notice h; hereby given that at at session of the City Council of Dubuque, held on the 2nd day of November, 1896, the follow- ing special assessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failare to pav with- in the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delin- quent and subject to collection by dis- tress and „ale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Cityq Treasurer. For laying sidewalk on south side of cf Lawther avenue from Burden to Windsor avenue. Lawther & Rider. Burden & Law ther's add, lot 11 . $ 18 81 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's. Burden & Lawther's add, lot 38 . 7 54 Wm. T.awther, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 39 . 7 50 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 40 . 7 60 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 41 . 7 50 Wm. Lawther, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 42 . 7 50 Lawther & Rider, Burden & Law ther's add, lot 43 . 7 50 Lawther & Rider, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 44 7 50 Lawther & Rider, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 46 . 8 90 For laying sidewalk on Grace street. W. E. Gregory, Reche's sub, lot 26 $ 7 50 Wm. Reche Est., sub 20, Reche's sub, lot 2 . 7 80 West Dubuque M. E. church, sub 20, Reche's sub, lot 1 . . ... . 12 33 For laying sidewalks on Leibnitz street from Harold';s to Abbott street: John Buettel:, Buseman's sub, 0f cial ltietices. lot 32 . $ 7 26 H. Buseman, Baseman's sub, lot 21.... 690 John Buettell, Mechanic's add, lot 94 . 13 15 For laying sidewalk on South sode of Strauss avenue. Geo Burden Est., Burden & Law ther's add. lct 5 18 93 Geo Burden Est., Burden & Law- ther's add. lot 66 . . 16 49 For laying sidewalk on north side of Ries street. Wm. Mehrl. sub 4 Geiger's sub, loth 611 For laying sidewalk of Hedley Court. Lawther & Rider, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 47 . 8 83 For laying sidewalk on Fremont ave- nue from Cascade Road to Pacific street Caroline Fabrey. sub 64. Simp- son's add, lot 4 . ... 42 24 SIDEWALK RESOLUTION. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalk of good two inch plank within 10 days of this notice. constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wire on north sine of Southern ave between Rowan street and Kav- anaugh's red gate. 4 feet wide on south side of Southern avenue between Kavanaugh's red gate, and Grandview ave where not already laid at the expense of abutting proper- ty. Adopted November 2. 1896. L. M. LANGSTAFF. 11-5-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be recilived at the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia., up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, Nov 16, 1896, for constructing sidewalks of plank, where not already laid, as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on both sides of De:hi street between Asbury street and city limits. 4 feet wide on west side of English Lane between Southern avenue and Wilde street. 4 feet wide on north side of Southern avenue from Rowan street to Kava- naugh's gate. 4 feet wide on south side of Souiii. ern avenue from Kavanaugh's gate to Grandview avenue. 6 feet wide on north aside of West llth street between Walnut street and Prair- le street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required will each bid. The city reserves the right to reject. any and all bids. W. H .KNOWLTON, 4-11-10t. City Engineer.. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office. Dubuque, Ia., up to 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1896, for constructing sidewalks of plank, where not already laid, as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Delhi street between Asbury street and city limits 4 feet wide on Wes: side of English Lane between Southern avenue and Wide street. 4 feet wide on north side of Southern avenue from Rowan street to Kava- naugh's gave. 4 feet wide on sou:h side of South- ern avenue from Kavanaugh's gate to Grandview avenue. 6 fee: wide on north side of West llth street between Walnut street and Prairie streeet. All in accordance wi:h specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right :o reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON. City Engineer. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 7. 1896. Notice is hereby given that the regis- ters of election, duly appointed to regis- ter voters in the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, for the ensuing year, will be in attendance in the places herein below designated for the purpose of register- ing all voters as may be entitled to vote at this fall's election, to be held Novem- ber 3rd, 1896. Said voters will meet at their respec- tive places on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 22nd, 23rd and 24th, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session un- til 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Saturday, October 31st, 1896, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. of said day for the pur pose of correcting the listand adding thereto such as may be entitled to vote: Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, November 3rd, 1896, (elec- tion day) and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and register only such voters as were absent from the city during the preceding days that the board was in session, also such voters, as did not become citizens until Monday or Tuesday, November 2nd and 3rd, 1896. The places of registration in the sev- eral wards and precincts of said city arra as follows: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Raferty's Place. South Locust street. Second Precinct—Montana House. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth street en- gine house. Official Notices, THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth street engine house. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct --Eighteenth street en- gine house. - FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier house. Second Precinct—Western brewery. Third Precinct—Mrs. Hamel's Place. 68 West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precir.et—Schmidt's Brewe Couler avenue. Second Precinct—Mrs. Ernest Mue:- ler's, Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Val, Mackert's, 1327 Lincoln avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's, 23rd and Jackson street. All qualified voters of said city are hereby notified that unless they pre- sent themselves at the places and with- in the time hereinafter mentioned for registration. they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. (Seal.) T. T. D1?FFY. Mayor. NOTICE. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 7. 1896. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Sat- urday, October 31st. 1896, for permis- sion to use the surface of the Ice Har- bor for skating rink purposes. Bidders must state the price in total for the use of the surface of said har- bor for said purpose during the winter months. and no proposal will be ac- cepted for less than one hundred dol- lars. The successful bidder must give a good and sufficient bond that he will comply with all laws and ordinances of the city of Dubuque in maintaining order at said place. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. L. M. LAP'GSTAFF. 10-8-13t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF SALE. I will se:1 az nubile auction to the best bidder for cash. on the 28th day of October. 1896, at 2 o'clock n. m. at the nubile pound of the city of Dubliner., on Elm street between t41h and 16th streets, the following impounded ani- mals. to -wit: One bay horse about ten years old, hind leg part white abm-e the hoofs. ED. MORGAN. City Marshal. 10-24-6t. NOTICE TO CFWFR CON- TRACTORS. Sealed nronosals will be received at the city engineer's office tin to 4 o'clock n. m, Monday. Nov. 9th. 1896. for laying a 20 inch tile nine across West 14th street near Adair street in accordance with nlgns and specifications on file in said office. 305 Estimated length 84 feet. City to furnish all pipe. Bidden to furnish a bond of $100 with each bid that the contract will be entered into if awarded. The city re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 11-3-5t. City Engineer. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed prpsals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, November 9th, 1896, for onstructing pipe sewer as follows, according to the plans and specifications on file in said office. An eight inch pipe sewer in Pickett street from Cornell street to center of lot 2 of 8 of 667 city. Estimated length 225 lin ft. One ma Thole. City to furnish all pipe. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with each bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 11-3-5t, City Engineer. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa. To the owners of the several lots and parcels of ground aabutting the follow- ing streets and alleys, viz: Fremont avenue from North Cascade Road to Pacific street. You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots and parcels of ground abutting on said streets subject to spe- cial assessment for paying and curbing of said trees and alleys and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate. and the aril • Dunt assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. for the inspection of any person, firm or company interested in any kind of said real estate, and that such firm or company having objec- tion to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their abjection in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque which meets on the 2d day of November. 1896. W. H. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance granting to George B. Burch. trustee, the right to maintain and operate a factory on part of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 106 in the city of Dubuque. Iowa. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to George B. Burch trustee, for the Second National Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, to use and occupy Lot 2 of Min- 306 Ofjieial Notice. eral Lot 106 in the City of Dubuque, ac- cording to the plat hereto attached for the period of Twenty Five years, begin- ning on the first day of August, 1896, at an annuel rental of One Dollar per year. Seotion 2. The said George B. Burch, trustee, or his assigns, to operate and maintain on said premises a plant for manufacturing purposes. independent of any other plant or corporation. Section 3. The grantee herein agrees to hold said city of Dubuque harmless from any damage or litigation that may hereafter arise on account of this lease, or on account of the buildings or improvements now upon said premises, or to be placed thereon, and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay the expenses and costs of any and al: public improvements abutting or adjacent to said premises, and all ordinary municipal taxes upon said real estate and improvements thereon the same as if it or they were absolute owners in fee of the same. Provided, however, that in consideration of the premises, said real estate and all ma- chines used in connection therein with said factory, or either of them and all goods manufactured therein shall be exempt from ordinary city taxes for a period of ten years, from the 7th day of April, 1892. Section 4. In case of a failure on the part of said George B.Burch, trustee, to operate said premises during the term of this lease for manufacturing pur- poses for a period of six months said failure so to do shall be deeemed a for- feiture of a1: the rights herein granted, and said property, with a:1 improve- ments there on, shall revert to the city of Dubuque. Section 5. The city. also, reserve.s the right to the natural water way now connected with the stone arch sewer across Garfield avenue and Pine street. It also reserves the right and title to that portion of lot 2 of Mineral Lot 106 fronting on Garfield avenue, on the north side of Lot 11. East Dubuque ad- dition. Section 6. The ordinance passed April 7 1892, and accepted by George Dee on said day, granting certain priv- ileges to George Dee is by the passage of this ordinance repealed and all rights under said ordinance granted to said George Dee, or his assigns, shall re- vert to the city of Dubuque. It being expressly understood that the owner- ship of an buildings on the grounds and real estate described in said ordinance of April 7, 1892, to George Dee is here- by vested in the city of Dubuque. Section 7. This ordinance is to go into effect upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, and its acceptance in writing by George B. Burch. trustee, and its publication in the official papers of the arty and upon the execution of a written waver to the city by George Dee, or his assigns, of all rights granted said George Dee, or his assigns trader the ordinance of April 7, 1892. I, George J3. Burch, trusteee named in the above ordinance, hereby accept all the provisions and conditions of said ordinance and agree to be bound by the same. GEO. 11. BURCH, Trustee. GEO. DEE, By GEO. B. BURCH. Trustee. T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. (Seal.) Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph, Nov, 1896. in consideration of One (1) Dollar in hand paid the passing of an ordinance granting the same property to Geo. B. Burch, trustee, any other valuable con- siderations the receipt of which is here- by acknowledged, I hereby release to the City of Dubuque all right, title. and interest in and to the property granted to us in an ordinance from said City to me under date of April 7th, 1896. Signed in duplicate. GEO. DEE. KATE DEE, GEO. DEE & SONS CO., By GEO. DEE, Pres. KATE DEE, See'y. Regular Session, December 7, 1896. 307 CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR SDSSION DEC., 7, 1896. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 9:35 a. m. Mayor Pro Tena Bonson in t.e chair. Present—A1ds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen and Ryder. Ald. Cullen moved that the matter of approving the minutes of the last meet- ings be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the taxes of Mrs. Mulqueeny for 1895 be left a lien on the property and the city treasurer instructed not to sell same. Carried. Ald. McEvoy arrived at 9:45. The following bias were allowed: Ferdinand Mertz, supplies for city hall .$ 6 10 Walter Eichorn, salary assistant marketmaster . 35 00 Mrs. Koenig, janitor city hall20 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for city hall 1 15 G. F. K:eih, supplies for city hall 6 55 Frank Dennert, glass and paint for city hall . 67 42 Charles Oswald, storing stoves etc 89 90 P. H. Halpin, supplies for mar- ketmaster 4 75 W Hayes, cleaning around market house 20 00 James Lahey, wood for city hall 42 60 E Sprenge:meyer & Co., laundry basket for matron . 1 00 C. 0. D. Laundry, laundry for Oct. and Nov 12 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing and sup- plies . 14 90 Standard Lumber Co., shavings for fire department 5 00 Fischer & Co., coal for fire de- partment 78 60 A Wunderlich, horseshoeing for fire dept 6 75 Peter Klauer, repairs Engine house 17 00 Cleaver & MoCarten, plumbing and fixtures in treasurer's of- fice 19 10 J. E. Moloney, oil and gasoline for fire dept 1 65 Collins & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing fire dept 12 50 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil fire dept. 7 20 J T Daykin, hay for fire dept51 90 P H Halpin, bran for fire dept1 20 Reinfried & Jaeger, coupling wrench 1 25 Otto Meurer & Co., shavings and lumber fire dept...... Jos Reinfried, expenses attend- ing American Association of Fire Engineers at Salt Lake98 00 W H Torbert, supplies for fire dept. Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for 25 45 6 75 fire dept 6 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for city 138 92 Key City Gas Co., coal and sup- plies for fire dept. 28 33 Eichorn & Bechtel, supplies for Health Board. 80 E E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals . 206 25 Frank Dennert, disinfectants and fumigating material for school houses for board of health124 20 Sam'! Starr, salary and use of horse 55 CO J P Shroeder, cement for streets 16 50 Henry Weber, stone for streets 2 50 Hussman & Lies, tools for streets 1 70 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 95 21 Fred Roehl, supplies for street 10 30 T J Donahue, rock for street5 00 P Mohan, macadam. 10 50 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber for streets 30 36 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for streets 29 75 J Geasland, stone for street 23 00 Diamond Jo Line steamers, lum- ber for streets. 75 98 Hussman & Lies, lantern and oil for streets 1 05 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for streets. 23 40 D B Linehan, blacksmithing for streets 22 30 Duggan & Kane, basket and axle grease for street 1 75 F E Joseph, disinfectants. 15 00 Deggendorf, Dolan & Lockridge, sewer in W. 14th street 50 00 Jahn Tibey, crossing walks as per contract. 42 30 Geo W Farley, improvement Grove Terrace 85 12 Peter Horsch, grading Hart st22 94 Dubuque Con struetion Co., im- provement 27th street. 600 00 Deggendorf, Dolan & Lockridge, constructing sewer W. 5th st242 44 Dubuque Construction Co., con- structing sewer in Diagonal st1000 48 John Pickley, improving Eagle street 220 00 John Pickley, grading Leibnitz street 154 G8 E C Blake, grading Woodworth avenue . 41 20 Blake & B:tke, constructing sewer bet. Prairie and Arlington st77 78 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Clinton st. 18 20 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Queen st 80 10 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Union ave 165 58 Steuek, O'Farrell & Linehan, lowering Kniest st. 127 50 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Queen st. 604 68 Brown & Brown, grading Foy st 101 78 0 G Kringle, constructing sewer in Pickett st. 112 60 P J Milligan, laying sidewalk on Ambrose st 9 33 John Pickley, grading 19th st16 50 John Pickley, grading Paul st21 62 308 Regular Seeeion, December 7, 1896 Wm Dobson, grading Fremont avenue 33 28 Wm Dobson, grading Coates ave 173 62 Wilmer Cook, grading RIes st5 G0 Wilmer Cook, improving Edi- son street 126 f8 Wilmer Cook, grading Edison street. 52 16 Wilmer Cook, improving alley bet 16th and 18th st. . . ..... 129 38 Peter Horsch, grading Queen st 233 00 Peter Horsch, grading Clifford street . . . . 104 02 Wm Geisheker, lineman salary 55 00 John Farley, chain and axeman salary . . 40 00 Joseph Murphy, chain and axeman salary . . . . . . . . 9 35 John Hillery, sanitary sewer in- spector 43 75 D Sheehan, sanitary sewer in- spector 7 50 W H Knowlton, expressage paid 1 25 F C Austin Mfg. Co., steel for street sweeper 9 00 Kenety & McCann, constructing sewer in Clark street less $3.00 cost of removing obstruction in sewer 13 55 John T. Kearns, recording plats4 50 George Bennett, labor on tax books . . . 100 00 Wm. Jellison, trimming trees in Phoenix Park . . 17 50 Wm Jellison, trimming trees in Flat Iron Park. 33 00 Wm Jellison, trimming and plant- ing trees in Jackson park52 50 Wm Jellison, trimming and plant- ing trees in Washington park. 124 75 Margaret Murray, typewriting26 50 Chas Oswald, repairing roof cen- tral engine house. 3 95 Metropolitan Electric Co., sup- plies for electrician. . . 4 58 Fred Roehl, supplies far sewer1 GO Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for sewer. 2 :;u Fred Schloz & Son, supplies for sewer 31 80 Hussman & Leis, supplies for park and sewer. 85 M. Wilkey, painting and glazing city hall 131 25 Peter Klauer, sprinkler for park 85 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn desk for recorder's office 49 50 Frank Keachie, repairs 9th st engine house. 187 00 Chas Oswald, supplies for sewer 7 55 Dietrich Bros, brick for sewer 7 00 Duggan & Kane, oil for sewer60 Smeadley Mfg. Co., supplies for sewer 1 00 J P Schroeder & Co, supplies for sewer 12 85 Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma- tron 7 75 P Hansen, hay and grain for pound 2 30 P H Halpin, supplies for ma- tron 3 75 C J Heller, police buttons. . 4 76 Marshal Morgan, telegram and express chargee. 2 90 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for police 2 S5 T J Conlin saddle horses and shavings for police. . . . 9 h;0 El Schollian, two overcoats for police 20 00 J. T. Daykin, hay for police de- partment 6 SO M Mullen, plumbing and repairs city hall. 10 30 Collings & Wilkinsi•n, horse shoe- ing for police dept. . 4 50 James Levi & Co., supplies for matron and police. 40 CO Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for street 12 78 G. F. Kleih, supplies for street 51 15 Fred Schloz & Son, supplies for street 28 50 German Catholic Printing Co., of- ficial publications . . 50 00 C H Whitwell, professional ser- vlee 26 56 Iowa Union Telephone Co., tele- phone in marshal's office 2 65 James Kelly & Son, office sup- plies 14 08 For filling on High Bridge ave286 55 Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe36 70 Mike Corbett, labor on dump35 00 The following bills were referred as follows: To the committee on finance: Dubuque Telegraph. $60 00 To the committee of the whose: Bowen & Fitzpatrick. $ 34 99 P Domenig. 15 00 John Noonan, 2 00 Ed McClean. 15 00 To the committee on streets: John Driscoll . 5 00 Butt Bros 8 65 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan204 00 John Pickley 64 80 Peter Horsch . 80 00 A H Hosford. . 3 00 G F Kleih, 22 40 McElrath Teaming Co. 23 10 To eomimittee on supplies: Bart E Linehan. $ 57 10 G 13 Grosvenor.Co .... 28 35 To committee on markets: W Hayes $ 25 Adam Doerr 3 00 Gerhart Parr 12 Ou To committee on police and light: Globe Light & Heat Co. ...$166 67 Key City Gas Co. 191 50 To committee on printing Globe -Journal $ 67 50 The Times 29 15 Smith -Morgan F(rinting Co30 50 Dubuque Telegraph. . . .. , , , , 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, 5 50 Dubuque Telegraph, 24 00 TheHeraie ld 16 50 67 50 To cimmittee on sewer: Headford Bros & Hitchins $ 21 10 To buildings:lmittee on public grounds and Dubuque Water Co, . $ 12 TO Farley, Loetscher Mfg. Co. 18 GO The bill of Dubuque Construction Regular Session, December 7, 1896. Co ordered received and filed. PETITIONS. The following petitions were refer- red to the street committee: Petition of John L. Buettell et al ask ing for permission to use part of the sidewalk on College avenue for the purpose of building a retaining wall. Petition of T J Hassett asking that the engineer be instructed to measure retaining wall on Vila street, so as to enable him to make an estimate of the amount due hint for quarry rent. Petition of Henry Pfotzer et al ask- ing for damages on account of change of grade on Queen street. Petition of J. R. Joseph et al, remon- strating against paying for the improve- ment of alley from 16th to 18th streets and between Maple and Cedar streets. Petition of Rudolph Bernhard asking that the council employ Mr. Tschirgi to survey his property on Strauss ave- nue and Hedley Court so as to enable him to determine the amount of ground t^kelt by the city. Petition of George Baumgartner et al asking that guard railing be construct- ed on Leibnitz street, where the same is dangerous. Petition of James Brunskill, asking that •the city purchase his macadam. Petition of John Specht, asking that he be allowed $25 for removing barn on alley condemned between Cleveland avenue and Rush street. Petition of Emil Feigner et al asking that a stairway be built in alley run- ning from Alma to Rebecca streets. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg, asking that the city order buildings removed on 17th and Sycamore also on Lynn street. Petition of Charlie Schmidt et al, re- m•onstrating against change of grade on Eagle street. Petition of Sam Smith, asking that he be compensated for grading sidewalk on Alpine street. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg, asking that High Bridge avenue be staked out, so as to enable him to sub -divide his property. The following were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of James Forrester asking that bis special assessment for the im- provement of Wilber Lane be cancelled, as the same is of no benefit to him. Petition of the Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. In relation to taxes. Petition of Excelsior Brass Works in relation to taxes. L Petition of the Adams Co. in relation to taxes. Petition of Haney & Campbell Mfg. Co. in relation to taxes. Petition of J. E. Ryan et al asking ✓that Oak street be extended to Rising avenue. . Petition of J. C. Goodhouse in rela- tion to taxes. Petition of Assessor Stemm, asking that water tax against Dubuque & a Sioux City R. R. for 1895 be cancelled, was granted. 309 Petition of C. H. B000th asking that a warrant for $401.50 be drawn on his filling account to pay his city taxes, as per agreement, was granted. Petition of Dubuque Construction Co. and Jelin B. Miller, asking that they he paid an estimate on their contracts was received and filed. Petition of Rev. Dr. Nicholas M. Stef- fens et al, in regard to condition of Seminary street was read. Ald. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended, and that Mr. Jos. Trueb be allowed to address the council on the matter. Carried. Jas. Trueb addressed the council in regard to the matter. On motion the matter was referred to the street committee and Marshal with power. Petition of Ellen Quinlivan asking that interest on special assessment for improving Grandview avenue was read. Aid. Ryder moved that a warrant for the amount of city taxes paid by her for 1895 be drawn in her favor to apply on the interest for special assessment. Carried. The bid for safe for treasurer was re- ferred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Ald. Ryder read a communication in- quiring as to the manner of receiving bids for refunding bonds. Ald. Dennert moved that the finance committee be instructed to receive only unconditional bids for the new refund- ing bonds. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as follows: Cash on band last report ....$19,711.41 Collections during month .... 31,020.80 Tota' . $50 732 21 Disbursements during the month . 41,387.32 Cash on hand Dec. 1, '96....$ 9,344.89 Also reported $2,116.65 due city of- ficers for the month of November, 1896. Report approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay city officers. City Marshal Morgan reported 80 po- lice cases during November, 1896, also reported $2,078.35 due police for Nov. 1896, also reported $9.00 oollected for pound receipts during November, 1896. Report approved and warrants ord- ered drawn to pay police, and report re- ferred to the committee on police and light. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,880.- 60 due firemen for month of November, 1896. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay firemen. Street Commissioner Hagerty report- ed $5,084.10 due for labor during Nov. 1896. Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay for labor and re- port referred to the street committee. Sewer Inspector Doerr reported $737.- 60 due for labor on sewers during No- vember, 1896. 310 Regular Se88ion; December 7, 1896 Report approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay for labor and re- port referred to the sewer committee. City Electrician Osborn reported $22.- 84 due for rebate from Star Electric Co. Report approved and auditor instruct ed to collect same. The reports of Wood Measurer Jess and City Weighers T. J. Donahue, Jos. Straney and Chas. Pitchner were re- ceived and filed. Market Master Traut reported $11.75 scale receipts during November, 1896. also reporter $45.40 due for boarding prisoners during November, 1896. Report approved and warrant order- ed drawn to pay for board of prison- ers. The bilis for filling on 16th street, South Main street and Railroad avenue, were referred to the street committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the Finance committee, reported in favor of ap- proving of the report of the treasurer for the month of November, 1896 and that he be instructed to collect the ex- press charges and interest over four per cent. from Sept. lst, 1896, to time bonds were taken up by Parson, Leach & Co., and other expenses that may be incurred. Adopted. Ald. Ryder, of the ordinance commit- tee •presented and read for the first time an ordinance, entitled. "An Ordinance granting to the Dubuque Improvement Co., a remission of taxes on block 27, Dubuque Harbor Co's. addition to the city of Dubuque, for a period of ten years." Ald. Dennert moved to amend by fixing the time at five years instead of ten. Lost. The vote recurring on the passage of the ordinance on its first reading was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adds. Albrecht, Altman, Bau- er, Berg, Cullen, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. Noes.—Ald. Dennee't. Ald. Lagen, of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the communication of Mary Mullen in re- gard to claim against a city employee. In favor of receiving and filing the pe tition of Barney May in relation to opening alley between Rush street and Cleveland avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Frank Mathis in regard to grading on Solan street. In favor of the adoption of the red lines and figures as the proposed grades of Helena street and Fenelon Place, as shown on profile. In favor of widening Railroad avenue at its narrowest place near Southern avenue at a Dost not to exceed 12% cts per cubic yard. In favor of receiving and filing the matter of C. T. Hancock's pipe on W. llth street, as the same is a private matter. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Fred. Hollnagel in relation to opening up alley. In favor of deferring action on the petition of J. A. Rhomberg, et al re- monstrating against narrowing W. 7th street, until next year. In favor of approving of plat showing change in line of Ida strtet. In favor of extending Queen street to Burden avenue, as shown on plat, and that same be condemned according to law. In favor of receiving and filing the re monstrance of Geo. Richardson and Mr. Buse against paying special tax for cleaning snow from sidewalks. Also report that wehave accepted the following streets: Fng:e street and Emsley alley. 27th street from Jackson street to C. G. W. R. R. tracks. In favor of paying the following bills: J. W. Wittmer, Jr., $1.50. McElrath Teaming Co., $4.20. Standard Lumber Co., $251.71. Christman & Healey, $11.20. Would recommend that each family be allowed to break 20 yards of macad- am per month, permits to be issued each month by the city engineer to such persons, as are in needy circumstances. All macadam to be broken from rock taken from the streets of the city. No macadam to be purchased outside of that broken by permit. Report adopt- ed. In favor of receiving and filing the bill of James Mullen for constructing guard rail on St. Mary's street. Ald. Cullen moved that Mr. Mullen be allowed the same rate per lineal foot as was paid for balance of guard rail. Carried. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the fire com mittee, reported in favor of paying the bills of the Dubuque Water Co., amounting to $1506.86. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the communication of the Loeb Respirator Co., in regard to purchase of smoke protectors for firemen. Report adopted. Ald. Lagen, chairman of the police and light committee, reported as fol- lows: Schaetzle & Kiefer .... .. $ 61 25 Key City Gas Co.., 86 70 Iowa Telephone Co .. .. .. 2 50 Star Electric Co. 1663 20 Globe Light and Heat Co. 166 67 Also report in favor of granting the petition for an electric tight on Wilson avenue, same to be located under the supervision of the committee on police and light. Also report that we have purchased police caps from Schpetzle & Kiefer at $1.75 per piece, their Daps being the Regular Session, December 7, 1896 best for the price. Report adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of pay- ing the following bilis: Hardie & Scharle .. .. $46 00 The Herald .. .. .. ..67 50 The Times .. .... .......... 29 15 The Telegraph .. .. .. .. 7 5 00 The Globe ...... .. ...... . 67 50 Ham & Carver .... 18 25 Report adopted. Ald. Albrecht, chairman of the de- linquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the taxes of Jo- hanna Heinz to remain alien on her property for 1895, and treasurer not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mar- garet Donahue to remain a lien on her property for 1895 and treasurer not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mary DeLorimier to remain a lien on her property for 1895, and treasurer not to sell same. In favor of receiving and filing the petitions of Mrs. B. Farrell!Ben Cheet- ham Est., J. K. Freiburg and John Spear in relation to taxes. Report adopted. Ald. Altman, chairman of the sewer committee reported in favor of accept- ing sewer of E. C. Blake in alley be- tween West 14th street and Arlington street from Dell to Prairie street, pro- vided the contractor will construct an additional manhole. at his own ex- pense, where directed by the engineer. Report adopted. Ald. Lagen, of the committee of the whole, reported a.s follows: In favor of referring petition of Du- buque Light and Traction Co. in rela- tion to special taxes back to the council Dor final action. In favor of referring the petition of the Standard Oil Co. et al in relation to widening and repairing Railroad ave- nue, to the street committee. In favor of referring the opinion of bhe city attorney in regard to salary of the members of the board of health, back to the council. In favor of referring the opinion of the city attorney in regard to street sprinkling back to the council. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Henry Wilberding in rela- tion to injuries alleged to have been re- ceived by falling on a sidewalk. Would also recommend that the city engineer prepare plans and specifica- tions for a retaining wall on Grove Ter- race, commencing at Mr. Walkers Place. Also report in favor of rejecting the proposition of James Forrester in re- gard to settlement of suit against city, so far as it relates to vacating any part of Olive street, but would recommend that James Forrester be allowed $1,000 in full of all claim on account of widen- ing Wilber Lane. he to pay all court costs. Report adopted. 311 On motion the matter of purchase of supplies for road department were re- ferred to the street committee. Ald. Altman moved that the rules be suspended and that Br. Bohn be allow- ed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Bohn .addressed the council in regard r , ng iinks, and said that all parties running rinks should be compelled to pay a license. On motion the matter was referred to the harbor committee and marshal with power. On motion the m.atter of collecting garbage during the winter months was referred to the board of health with power. Ald. Cullen moved that when the cannel :u- t (Ines so to meat Monday, Dec. 14th, 1896, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the mat- ter of garbage dump be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Bauer offered the following,\ which was adopted: Resolved, My the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city re- corder be instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal, commanding him to summon a jury of twelve free holders, citizens to assess the damage that may be caused by the proposed extension of Queen street as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Berg of the board of health of- fered .the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for clean- ing vault, by Frank Burns, contractor, a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of Iota, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owned by Mary Premmising, lot 62, East Dubuque addition, amount of tax, $46.50. Adopted by .the following vote: Yea—Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for filling Lots to pre- vent stagnant water from standing thereon by T. B. Cain, contractor, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Iota, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 7th, 1896. Herr & Kochendorfer, Reche's sub, lot 27, 388 cu yds filling, at 18c . . .$ 69 84 Adopted by .the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. 312 Regular Session, December 7, 1896. A1d. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council .of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 12 ft wide brick sidewalk on west side of West Main street, by N. H. Schilling, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of fats, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 7th, 1896. D. J. Hennessy, city n 1-2 lot 536. 38 sq yds brick sidewalk, at 75c $ 28 50 Adopted by she following vote: Yeas.—Alds Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy. and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: . Th•at to pay for constructing an 8 inch tile pipe ,sewer in Rose street and alley west of Center Place by M. Blake. contractor. in front of and adjoning the same. a special tax he and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lat or parcel of real estate, as follows: Speclel assessment submitted Dec. 7th, 1896. • Mrs. A Cummings, sub 7 of min lots 87 and 88. fat 1, 20,500 sq ft sewer at 4 mills . $ 82 00 James Jones, sub 12 of E E Jones suh, :o`. 2, 3 000 sq ft sewer at 4 mi'Ls . 12 00 A L Batt, sub 3 of min lot. 87 and 88, lat 4, 14,000 eq ft sewer at 4 mills .. 56 00 A G Wright, sub 3 of min rots 87 and 88, lot 3, 5,600 sq ft sew- er, at 4 m.ills . 22 00 Eliza Stew,a.rt, sub 3 of m lots 87 and 88. lot 2, 4,500 sq ft sewer at4mills . 1800 John Bossard, sub 3 of mein lots 87 and 88, lot 1, 4,500 sq ft sewer at 4 mills . 18 00 E A Gilliam, sub 4 of min lots 87 and 88, lot 2, 2,400 sq ft sewer at 4 mills . 9 60 Jahn Reding, sub 4 of min loss 87 and 88, lot 3, 6,600 sq ft sewer at 4 mills . 26 40 Kate Martin sub 4 of min lots 87 and :, 2,400 sq ft sewer at 4mills. 960 G S Weaver. sub 4 min lots Si and 88, lot 1, 3,300 sq ft sew- er, at 4 mills . 13 20 Academy of Visitation, min lot pt of 86, 10,500 sq ft sewer at 4 mills . 42 00 K P Martin. H T McNulty's sub, lot 15, 3,000 sq fit sewer at 4 mills K P Martin, sub 14, H T Mc- Nulty's sub, lot 1, 3,900 so ft sewer at 4 mills .. . 12 00 15 60 J P Earley, sub 14, H T McNul- ty's sub, lot 2, 1,100 sq ft sew- er at 4 mills . 4 40 Adopted by the following vote Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving 12th St. from Main street to Locust street Ken- ety and McCann, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate 'hereinaLer named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set oppasite each la: or parcel of real estate, e,s follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 7th, 1896. St. Luke M. E. church, city, n 466 ft, loot 467, 125.1 lin ft curb- stone as 27c, $33.78: 307.78 sq yds brick paving at $1.08 $332. 40 . $366 18 Ce•eeaa Levi, c:.ty, s 75 ft, lot 468a. 125.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c. $33.83: 307.78 sq yds brick paving at $1.08, $332.40. 366 23 J P Sot c'ty. s 51 ft, :at 477a., 124.7 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $33.67; 307.78 sq yds brick paving 10 $1.08, 3332.40. 366 07 Fred Weiss, F -t city, n 1-5. lot 478, 125.1 lin ft curbstone at 27c. $33.78: 307.78 sq yds brick paving at $1.08, $332.40. 366 18 ssdopted by the following vote: Ave,—Alda. Albrecht. Altman, Bauer, Berg. Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: taf Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving West Main street from Main street to Jones street by J. H. McDon- ald, contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each bot or pircel of real estate, as fel- lows • Special assessment submitted 7th, 1896. D. J. Hennessy, city, n% lot 536, 31 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $9.92; 68.89 sq yds brick pav- ing at $1.15, $79.22 Cecelia Adams, city, s 3t lot 536, 32 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $10.24; 71.11 sq yds brick pav ing at 81.15, $81.77 .. ...... John Bell Est, city, n % lot 537, 32 tin ft curbstone at 32c, $10.24; 71.11 sq yds brick Cecelia Adams, ci,ty s% lot51.77 •637 32 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $10.24; 71.11, sq yds brick paving at $1.15, 181.77 .. .. Dec. TM 89 14 92 01 92 01 92 01 J?er'gclui' Session, December 7, 1896. 313 / A. M. Bush, city, lot 538, 64 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $20.48; 142.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $163.55 ... 184 03 A M Bush, city, lot 539, 36 lin A. M. ush, city, lot 539, 36 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $11.52; 80 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $92 . . P. McCullough, city, lot 539a, 28 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $8.96; 62.22 sq yds brick pay ing at $1.15, $71.55 .. ••80 51 A. M. Bush. city, e 102a ft lot 5. 403 lin ft curbs one at 32c, $26.56; 180 sq yds brick pav- ing at $1.15, $207 233 56 City of Dubuque, park, 173.5 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, $8.67; 913.11 sq y.ls brick paving at $1.15, $1050.07 . 1058 74 Adopted by the following vote: Aye's—Alas. Albright, Altman, Bau- er, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Jones street from West Main street to east line of I. C. trarks at depot by J. H. McDonald, coctractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows. Special assessment submitted Dec. 7, 1896. A. M. Bush, city, e 102.9 ft, lot 540, 23.7 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $7.58; 94.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $108.35 .. ..$115 93 A. M. Bush. city, e 109.10 ft lot 541, 23.7 lin ft curbstone at 32c, $7.58; 94.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $108.35 115.93 City of Dubuque. park 88.5 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, $4.42; John Ernsdorff & Son, block 11, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, lot 1. 272.78 sq yds brick paving at $1.15. 8313.70.. .. .... 313 70 J. H. Shield, sub 1 sub w1/2 b 10 Dubuque Harbor Co. add and 1/2 lot 1, 14.3 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, 71c; 57.56 sq yds brick naving at $1.15 $60.43 .. 61 14 W. L. Bradley, sub 1 sub w 1/2 b 10, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, and '4, lot 1, 14.2 lin ft curb- stone reset at 5c. 70c; 57.56 sq yds bric'k paving at $1.15, $60.44 .. ... ... ........ 244.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.15. $208.72 . .. .. .. ...... 285 14 Dennis Smith, sub 1 sub w 1/2 b 10, Dubuoue Harb Co. add. lot 49.4 lin ft curbstone reset at 2, 3 lin ft curbvtone at 32c. 96c; 5c, $2.47; 81.70 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $93.95...... 97 38 1. C. R. R. Co., e % block 10, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, 17 lin ft curbstone at 32c $5.44; (redressing) $3.00 116 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, $5.80; 354 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $407.10.. .. .. ., 421 34 103 52 I. C. R. R. Co., e1, block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, 24 lin ft curbstone reset at 5c, $1.20; 344 sq yds brick paving at $1.15 $395.60 396 80 W. L. Bradley, sub w 1/2 block 1 Dubuque Harbor Co. add, and 1/2 lot 17, (driveway) $1.00; 93.40 sq yds brick paving at $1.15 $107.41. 108 41 J. H. Shield, sub w 1/2 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co. add and 1/2 lot 17, (driveway) $1.00; 93.40 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $107.41 .. . 108 41 Dubuque Street Railway Co., 474.33 sq yds brick paving at $1.15, $545.48 .. ••.. 545 43 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Aibrncht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Wilber Lane from Grove Ter- race south to Olive street by Geo. W. Farley contractor, in front of and ad joining the same, a 'special tax be and is herb;; levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herEin;cfter named, situate and o .,ned, art for th Eseveral amounts set owned, and for the 'several amounts set tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 7, 1896. S. Weigle, sub lot 687, city lot 4 150.2 lin ft curbstone at 25c. 837.55; 75 sq yds guttering at 25c, $18.75; 146.7 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $11.01 ....$100 31 James Forrester, Sub lot 687 city, lot 3, 161.8 lin ft curb- stone at 25c. $40.45; 79.4 sq yds guttering at 25c, $19.85; 160 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $48 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 30 Louise Lang, sub 688 and pt 654, city, lot 12, 37.7 lin ft curb- stone at 25c, $9.42; 20 sq yds guttering at 25c, $5.00; 51.5 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $15.45 .. .... .. .. ... ...... 29 87 A. Galliart, Central add, lot 1, 80 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $20; 61 14 37.8 sq yds guttering at 25c, $9.45; 81.7 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $24.51 .. .. ...... 53 96 A. Galliart, Central add, lot 2, 62.5 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $15.62; 27.8 sq yds guttering at 25c, $6.95; 55.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $16.65 .... 39 22 314 Regular Session, December 7, 1896. W. FI. Duggan, Centred add, lot 3, 62.5 lin ft curbstone at 250. $15.62, 27.8 sq yds guttering at 25c, $6.95; 55.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $16.65 .... 39 22 James Lee, Central add, lot 4, 61 lin ft curbstone at 250, $15.25; 27.1 sq yds guttering at 25e, $6.77; 54.2 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $16.26.... 38 28 Jamee Lee, Central add, lot 5, 27.5 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $6.87; 12.4 sq yds guttering at 25c, $3.10; 25 sq yds macadam- izing at 30c, $7.50 .... ...... 17 47 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen McEvoy and Ryder. ,Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Edison street from Stafford avenue to Althauser avenue, by Wilmer Cook, contractor, in front of and adjoin ins the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Chas Otto, A Stines' add, lot 35 137.5 lin ft curbing at 30c $41.25; 77.8 sq yds guttering at 30c, $23.34; 115.1 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $34.53$ 99 12 Frank Menzel, A Stines' add, lot 36, 33.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $10.05; 20.6 sq yds guttetring at 30c, $6.18; 36.6 sq yde macad- amizing at 30c, $10.98 27 21 Frank Menzel, A Stines' add, lot 37, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80, 25.5 sq yds guttering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $10.7432 19 Frank Menzel, A Stines' add., lot 38, 42.5 lin ft curbing at 30c, $12.75; 31.1 sq yds guttering at 30c, $9.33; 35.8 sq yds macad- amizing at 30c, $10.74 32 82 Peter Bensch, A Stines' add, lot 39, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80; ; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $10.74. 32 13 Peter Bensch, A Stines' add, lot 40, 46 lin ft curbing at at 30c, $13.80; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30e, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.74.. 32 19 Peter Bensch, A Stines' add, lot 41, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80; ; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.74.... 32 19 William Weber, A Stines' add, lot 42, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80; ; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.74. 32 13 Henry Mueller, A Stines' add, lot 43, 46 lin ft curbing at 30e, $13.80; ; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.74. 32 19 J & W Althauser, A Stines' add, lot 44, 46 lin ft curbing at 30c, $13.80; ; 25.5 sq yds gut- tering at 30c, $7.65; 35.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $10.74.. 32 19 J & W Althauser, A Stines' add, lot 45, 36 lin ft curbing at 30c $10.80; 19.4 Esq yds guttering at 30c, $5.82; 26.4 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $7.92 24 54 .1 Althauser, Althauser's add, lot 10, 100.3 lin ft curbing at 30c, $30.09; 60.5 sq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $18.15; 81.7 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $24.5172 75 J Althauser, Althauser's add, lot 12, 111 lin ft curbing at 30c, $33.30; 63.9 eq yds gutter- ing at 30c, $19.17; 93.3 aq yds macadamizing at 30c. $27.99.. 80 46 G Gmehle, A Stines' add, lot 46 86 lin ft curbing at 30c, $25.80; 47.8 sq yds guttering at 30c, $14.34; 66.9 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $20.07 60 21 G Gmeh:e, A Stines' add lot 47, 53 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.90; 29.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.82; 41.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $12.36. 37 08 G Gmehle, A Stines' add, lot 48, 53 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.90; 29.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.82; 41.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $12.36. 37 08 G Gmehle, A Stines' add, lot 49, 58 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.90; REGULAR SESSION DEC. 7, 1896 (OFFICIAL.) 29.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.82; 41.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $12.36. 37 08 A Paley, A Stines' add, lot 50, 53 lin it curbing at 30c, $15.90; 29.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.82; 41.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $12.36. 37 08 A Paley, A Stines' add, lot 51, 53 lin ft curbing at 30c, $15.90; 29.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $8.82; 41.2 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $12.36. 37 08 A Paley, A Stines' add, lot 52, 60 lin ft curbing at 30c, $18.00; 34.4 sq yds guttering at 30e, 810.32; 56 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 30c, $16.80. .. 45 12 G Hertner, A Stines' add, lot 53 139 lin ft curbing at 30c, $41,70; 79.4 sq yds guttering at 30c, $23.82; 120.5 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $36.15 101 67 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Regular Session, December 7, 1896. 315 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving St. Mary's street from West Srd street to Emmett skreet, by Ross McMahon, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of. real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for tiie several amounts set opposite each lot ar parcel of rail estate. as follows: P H Murray, St. Raphaei's add, lot 2, 110 lin ft curbing at 29c $31.90; 36 sq yds guttering at 29c, $10.44; 59.53 sq yds macad- amizing at 32e, $19.05 $ 61 3) P H Murray, St. Raphael's add, lot 3, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c $14.50; 16.67 sq yds gutter- ing at 29c, $4.83; 27.22 sq yds macadamizing at 32c $8.7128 01 Mrs. E. Treanor, St. Raphael's add, lot 4, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c, $14.50; 16.67 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $4.83; 2 7.7 8 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $8.89 . 28 22 James Quinn, St. Raphael's add, lot 5, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c $14.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.83; 28.60 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $9.15 28 4a Mrs. E Treanor, St. Raphael's add, lot 6, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c, $14.50; 16.67 sq yds gut- tering at 29c, $4.83; 29.44 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $9.42 28 75 E Corcoran, St. Raphael's add, lot 7, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c, $14.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.83; 30.28 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $9.69 29 02 John Kenna, St. Raphael's add, lot 8, 50 lin ft curbing at 29c, $14.50; 16.67 sq yds guttering at 29c, $4.83; 31.11 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $9.95 29 28 Wm Ducey, St. Raphael's add, lot 9, 48.7 lin ft curbing at 29c $14.12; 17.80 sq yds guttering at 29c, $5.16; 31.94 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 32c, $10.22.. 29 50 P Linehan, St. Raphael's add, n 21 1-2 ft lot 10, 21.5 lin ft curbing at 29c, $6.23; 7.17 sq yds guttering at 29c, $2.09; 14.10 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $4.51 . 12 83 Hanora, Nicol, St. Raphael's add, s 28 1-2 ft lot 10, 21.9 lin ft curbing at 29c, $6.35; 7.30 sq yds guttering at 29c, $2.12; 10.50 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $3.36. 11 83 St. Mary's Academy, city n 1.2 ft lot 602, 17.33 sq yds macada- mizing at 32c, $5.54 5 54 St. Mary's Acadeany, City lot lot 602a, 57.60 sq yds macada- mizing at 32c, $18.43 18 43 St. Mary's Academy, City lot 603, 115.20 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c, $36.86 36 86 St. Raphael's Cathedral, city lot 605, 219.52 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 32c, $70.24 70 24 Bishop's Residence, city lot 606, 109.63 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $35.08.... ... 35 08 Jane Mullen Est, city lot 607a, 124.97 sq yds macadamizing at 32c, $40.00. . . . 40 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Dennert, Cullen, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Lagen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Queen street from Sanford street to Clinton street by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, contractors, in front of and •adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposiite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Dec. 7th, 1896. John Ja1 ring, Sanford's sub, lot 1, 36.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $9.85; 16.60 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $4.48; 51.60 sq yds macadamizing at 21c, $13.- 93 . .. $ 28 26 John Jehring, sub 26 Stafford's sub. lot 66, 20 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $5.40; 9 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $2.43; 24.44 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $6.60 14 43 Geo Ragatz, Stafford'•s add, lot 71, 30 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $8.10; 13.30 sq yds guttering at 27c, $3.59; 36.60 sq yds mac- adamizing at 27c, $9.88 21 57 Geo Ragatz, Stafford's add, lot 39, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds mac- adamizing at 27c, $16.50 36 00 Herman Ohde, Stafford's add, s 1-2 lot 40, 25 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $6.75; 11.10 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $3.00; 30.55 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $8.25 18 00 Mrs. H. Ohde, Stafford's add, n 1-2 lot 40, 25 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $6.75; 11.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $3.00; 30.55 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $8.2518 00 Simon Schaetzle, Stafford's add, lot 41, 51 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.77; 22.70 sq yds gutter ing at 27c, $6.13; 62.33 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.8336 73 John Dettman, sub 42 and 43, Stafford's add, lot 2, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.50. 36 00 Henry Pfotzer. sub 42 and 43, Stafford's add, lot 1, 142.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c. $38.47; 63.30 so yds guttering at 2Rc, 17.09; 174.17 sq yds macad'amiz ing •art 27c, $47.02. 102 58 6 316 Reg It 8e88ion, December 7, 1896. Henry Pfotzer, Stafford's add, lot 44, 51.8 lin tt curbstone at 27c, 813.98 23.10 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.24; 66 sq yds .macadamizing at 273, $17.82 ,. Ed Pfotzer, Stafford's add, lot 45, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.63; 22.40 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.05; 61.72 sq yds mac a.damizing at 27c, $16.66 Ed Pfotzer, Stafford's add, lot 46a, 45.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $12.28; 22 sq yds guttering at 27c, $5.94; 78.83 sq yds mac adamizing at 27c, $21.28 Fred Neubauer, Jr, Stafford's add. lot 46, 44 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $11.88; 21.30 sq yds gut tering at 27c, $5.75; 78.83 ,sq yds macadamizing a.t 27c, 821.- 25 Fre,' Neubauer, Jr, Stafford's add, s 1-2, lot 47, 25.3 lin tt curbstone at 27c, $6.83; 11.25 sq yds guttering at 27c, 83.03; 30. 90 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $8.34 , Nicholas Denell Est, Stafford's add, n 1-2, lot 47, 25.3 :in ft curbstone at 27c, $6.83; 11.25 sq yds guttering at 27c. $3.03: 30.90 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $8.34. , 18 20 Nicholas Denell Est, Stafford's add, s 1-2, loot 48. 25.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, 86.83; 1.1.25 sq yds guttering at 27c, $3.03; 30.- 90 sq yds m:acad.amizing at 27c, $8.34. 18 20 Henry Pfotzer, Stafford's add, n 1-2, lot 48, 25.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, 86.83: 11.25 sq yds gut- tering et 27c. $3.03; 11.25 sq 30.90 sn yds macadamizing at 27c, $8.34 . 18 20 Henry Pfotzer. Stafford's add, lost 49. 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.63; 22.50 so yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.07; 61.72 so vds macadamizing at 27c. $16.66 36 36 Peter Kie,nP, Sr. Stafford's add, tot 50, 70 lin ft curbstone at 27e. $48.90! 32.90 sq vds gut- tering at 27c. 38.88: 109.75 sq Yds macadaamizing at 27e, $29.- 63. 5741 F. and J. Thill, Stafford's add lot 51. 68 8 lin fit curbstone at 27c, $18.57; 32.40 so vds gutter ing at 27c, $8.74: 109.40 sq vds macad,am.azinz at 27c. 829.54 56 85 Ed Pfotzer, Stafford's add, lot 52, 60.3 lin PI- curbstone at 27c, P3.5R: 92 35 Fn vd„ metering at 27c. $6.03; 61.48 so yds mac adamizing at 27e. R16 R0 Fred Billow F1St. Stafford's add. lot 53. 50 3 ii», ft curbstone at 27c, $13.58; 92.35 sq yds gutter- ing at. 27c. $6.03: 61.48 so vds macadamizing at 27c, $16.60 .. 36 21 Chas Billow. Stafford's add. lot 54. 50.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13 i;R: 22.25 sn vds guttering air 27c. 86.03; 61.48 sn yds mac- adamizing at 27e, $16.60 36 21 38 04 36 34 39 50 38 91 18 20 36 21 John Bulow, Jr, Stafford's add, lot 55. 69.3 lin ft curbstone a.t 27c, $18.71; 32.40 sq yds gutter ing at 27c, $8.74; 109.40 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $29.54 56 99 Chas. Stafford, Sr. Staoffrd's add, lot 56, 68.8 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.57; 32.40 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $8.74; 100.40 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, 329.- 54 . 56 85 Chas Stafford, Sr, Stafford's add, lot 57, 50.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.58; 22.35 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $6.03; 61.48 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.- 60. 3621 Chas Stafford, Jr, Stafford's add, lot 58. 50.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.58: 22.35 sq yda gut- tering at 27c, $6.03; 61.48 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.- 60 . 36 21 Chas Stafford, Jr. Stafford's add, lot 59. 50.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.58; 22.36 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $6.03; 61.48 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.- 60 . 36 21 Chas Stafford, Jr, Stafford's add lot 60, 69.8 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.84; 32.90 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $8.88; 109.40 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $29.- 54 . 57 26 Wm. Scharf, Stafford's add, lot 61, 70 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.90; 47.12 sq yds guttering at 27e, $12.72; 95.13 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, 325.7057 32 Wm. Scharf, Stafford's add, lot 62, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 sq yds guttering at 27c, $9.00; 50 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c, $13.50. 36 00 Herman Luchterhand, Stafford's add, s 1-2 lot 63, 25 lin ft curb stone at 27c, $6.75; 16.65 sq yds guttering at 27c, $4.50; 25 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $6.75 . . . . 18 00 M R Stendebech, Stafford's add, n 1-2, lot 63. 25 lIn ft curbstone at 273, $6.75; 16.65 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $4.50: 25 so yds macadamizing at 27c, 36.75. 18 00 E Frizloff, Stafford's add, lot 64. 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 Esa yds guttering at 27c, $9.00: 50 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c. 313.50. 36 00 C Mecklin berg, Stafford's add, lot 65, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 sq yds gutter ing at 27c. $9.00: 50 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, 313.50 36 00 C Mecklinberg, Stafford's add, lot 66. 81.5 1!n ft curbstone at 27e, $22.00: 54.31 an yds gut- tering at 27c. $14.66; 81.50 sq Yds macadamizing at 27e, $22.- 01 58 67 Nicholas Mettel, Mettel's sub. lot 24. 195 lin ft curbstone at 27c. $52.65; 138.01 sq vds guttering at 27c, $37.26; 210.33 sq yds Regular Session, December , 7, 18116. 317 macadamizing at 27c, $56.77 146 68 J A Peryon, Mettel's sub, lot 6, 7.44 sq yds guttering at 27c, $2.01; 17.11 sq yds macadam- izing, at 27c, $4.62. 6 63 Nicholas Mettel, Mettel's sub, :ot 16; 7.44 sq yds guttering at 27c. $2.01; 11.00 sq yds mac- adamizing at 27c, $2.97 . 4 98 Nicholas Mettel, Mettel's sub, lot 23, 61.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $16.55; 49.97 .sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $13.50; 75 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $20.25 50 30 Nicholas Mettel, Mettel's sub, lot 22. 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50: 33.31 sq yds guttering at. 27c, $9.00; 50 sq yds macadam- izing at 27c, $13.50. 36 00 Nicholas Mettel, Mattel's sub, lot 21. 63.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c. $17.14; 42.31 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $11.4.2; 63.50 oq yds macadamizing at 27c, $17- 14 45 70 C H Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 5, 123.2 lin ft curbstone at 27e, $33.26; 87.28 sq yds guttering at 27c. $23.56; 133.00 sq yds macadamizing at 27c. $35.91 92 73 J F Kenkel. Bellevue add, lot 14, 53.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $14.39; 44.49 sq yds guttering at 27e, $12.01; 68.61 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $18.52 44 92 C H Meyer, Bellevue add. lot 15, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.- 50; 33.31 sq yds guttering at 27c. $9.00; 50 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c. $13.50 36 00 7 F Kenkel. Bellevue add. lot 16, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 sq yds guttering at 27c, $9.00; 50 sq yds maead- imizinr: at 27c. $13.50 36 00 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 17, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 sq yds guttering at 27c, $9; 50 sq yds macadam- izing at 27c, $13.50 .. .. .. $ 36 00 J. F. Kenkel, Bellevue add, lot 18. 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 33.31 sq yds guttering at 27c, $9; 50 sq yds macadam- izing at 27c, $13.50.. 36 00 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 19, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c, $16.50 . , .. 36 00 J. F. Kenkel, Bellevue add, lot 20, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27o, $16.50 , . .. 36 00 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 21. 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c, $16.50 .. . C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 23, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- 36 00 amazing at 27c, $16.50 .. .. 36 00 J. F. Kenkel, Bellevue add, lot 24, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c, $16.50 .. . , 36 00 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 25, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.70 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6.13; 62.23 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 27c, $16.83 36 46 J. F. Kenkle Bellevue add, lot 26. 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c. $16.50 .. 36 00 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 27, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macad- amizing at 27c, $16.50 .. .. 36 00 Frank Menzel Bellevue add, lot 28, 130.5 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $35.23; 72.60 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $19.60; 199.60 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $53.89 .. .. .. .. 108 72 Steuck & O'Farrell, Bellevue add, lot 30, 73.8 lin ft curb- stone at 27c, $19.92; 45.90 sq yds guttering at 27c, $12.39; 126.25 sq yds macadamizing at 27c. $34.08 66 39 Steuck & O'Farrell, Bellevue add, lot 31, 100 lin ft curb- s'on•e at 27e. $27.00: 44.46 sq yds guttering at 27c, $12.00; 122.22 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $33 .. .. .. .. .. Steuck & O'Farrell, Bellevue add, lot 32, 50 lin ft curbston at 27ce $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $16.50.. .. .. .. .. 36 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, Bellevue add, lot 33, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $13.50; 22.20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $6; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 270, $16.50 .. . .. .. .. .. 36 00 M R Staudebach, Bellevue add, lot 34. 123 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $33.21; 71 sq yds guttering at 27c, $19.17; 134.11 sq yds macadamizing at 27o, $36.2188.59 J. F. Kenkel, Bellevue add, lot 56, 38.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $10.34; 25.30 sq yds gutter ing at. 27c. $6.83; 38 en vds macadamizing at 27c,$10.2627 43 C. H. Meyer. Bellevue add, lot 57, 40 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $10.80; 26.70 sq yds guttering at 27c, $7.21; 40 so yds ma- cadamizing at 27o, $10.80 28 81 J. F. Kenkel, Bellevue add. lot 58, 40 lin ft curbstone at 27e, $10.80; 26.70 sq yds guttering at 27c. $7.21; 40 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 27c, $10.80 C. H. Meyer, Bellevue add, lot 72 00 28 81 318 Regular Session, December 7, 1896. 59, 40 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $10.80; 26.70 sq yds guttering at 27e, $7.21; 40 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 27c, $10.80 28 81 Fred Rathford, Sr., Stafford's add, lot 67, 70 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.90; 46.70 eq yds guttering at 27c, $12.61; 70 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $18.90.. .. .. .. 50 41 Fred C. Meyer, Stafford's add, lot 68; 70 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.90; 46.70 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $12.61; 70 sq yds macadamizing at 27o, $18.90 50 41 Henry W. Kruse, Stafford's add, lot 69, 70 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $18.90; 46.70 sq yds gut- tering at 27c, $12.61; 70 sq yds macadamizing at 27c, $18.90 50 41 Henry W. Kruse, Stafford's add, lot 70, 30 lin ft curbstone at 27e, $8.10; 20 sq yds guttering at 27c, $5.40; 30 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 27c, $8.10 21 60 Henry W. Krw=e, Sanford's sub, lot 65, 75.3 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $20.33; 42.70 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c. $11.53; 68.53 sq yds macadamizing at 27c. 818.50 . 50 36 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Albrecht. Altman, Bau- er, Berg, Cullen. Dennert, Lagen Mc- Evoy and Ryder. Ald. McEvoy offered the fol:owing: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to nay for im- nroving alley from 16th to 18th streets between Maple street and Cedar street, by Wilmer Cook. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of 'ots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Wm McLaughlin, Sr., East Du- hunue add., w 60 ft lot 315. s7.4 sn vris macadamizing at 30c, 817.22: 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c. 113.75 $30 97 Albert Benda. East Dubuque add s 1-2 lot 314. 28.R sq vds ma- cadamizing at 30c. $8.64: 55 cu vets grading at 12 1-2c, $6.87 15 51 Mc Steffen. Fast Dubuque add, n 1-2.'ot 314. 28.8 so vds ma- cadam?z'.'g at 36c. $8.64: 55 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $6.87 15 51 P Schlosser. East Dubuque add. s 1-2 lot 313, 28.8 sq vds ma- esdamizine at 30,. $8.64: 55 en vds grading at 12 1-2c, $6.87 15 51 Jos Matoons, East Dubuque add, n 1-2 lot 313, 28.8 sq yds ma- Pada.misln_P at 30e. $8.64: 55 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c. $6.87 15 51 Mare Bovie. Ra^t Dubuque add. s 1-2 lot 312. 28.R sq vds ma- cadamizing at 30e. $8.64: 55 cu yds grading at 12 1-2e, $6.87 15 51 I Josenh. Fast Dubuque add, n 1-2 lot 312. 28.8 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30e, *8.64; 66 ou yds grading at 12 1-2c, *6.87 15 51 I Joseph, sub 311 East Dubuque add, lot 2, 1.1 eq yds macad- amizing at 30c, $.33; 2 cu yds grading at 12 1-2, $.25 58 R Lewis, sub 311, East Dubuque add, lot 1, 69.6 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $20.88; 108 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.50 34 38 Henry Stempel, East Dubuque add, lot 356, 57.4 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.22; 110 cu vds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 97 Frank Zeman. East Dubuque add, lot 357, 57.4 Esq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.22; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 97 Jos Matoons, East Dubuque add, lot 358, 57.4 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.22; 110 cu Ads grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 97 Independent School District of Dubuque, East Dubuque add, lot 359, 57.4 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $17.22; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 97 Independent School District of Dubuque, East Dubuque add, lot 360, 70.8 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $21.24; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 34 99 J Kuback. East Dubuque add, s 1-2 lot 310, 44.3 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $13.29; 58.5 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $7.31 20 GO A Hororka, East Dubuque add, n 1-2 lot 310, 31 sq yds maead- amizinz at 30c, $9.30; 58.5 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $7.3116 61 A Diener, East Dubuque add, lot 309, 57.1 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, ..17.13; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 88 A Lewis, East Dubuque add, s 1-2 lot 308, 28.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $8.55; 55 cu yds grading at 12 1-2 c, $6.87 15 42 Geo Klein, East Dubuque add, n 1-2 lot 308, 28.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30e, $8.55; 55 cu yds grading at 12 1-2 c, $6.87. 15 42 F Manho8, Eaat Dubuque add, s 1-2 lot 307, 28.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $8.55; 55 $6u87ds grading at 12 1-2 c, 15 42 I Belsky, East Dubuque add, n 1-2 tot 307, 28.5 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30c, $8.55; 55 ou yds grading at 12 1-2 c, $6.87 M Kohn, East Dubuque add, Iot 306, 57.1 sq yds macada- mizing at 30c, $17.13; 110 cu Yds grading at 12 1-2c, $13.75 30 88 E Penwanecher, East Dubuque add, lot 361, 75.4 sq yds ma - 15 42 Adjourned Regular Seesion, December 17th, 1896. 319 cadamizi.ng at 30c, $22.62; 117 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, 14.6237 24 E Penwanscher, Eest Du- buque add, lot 362, 57.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.13 110 cu yds grading at 112 1-2c,. 13.75. 30 88 Poole & Stephens, East Du- buque add, lot 363, 57.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.13; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, 13.75. 30 88 Poole & Stephens, East Du- buque add, lot 364, 57.1 sq yds macadamiuing at 30c, $17.13; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2c, 13.75. 30 88 A Penwansche, East Du- buque add, lot 365, 57.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $17.13; 110 cu yds grading at 12 1-2, 13.75. . 30 88 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn. Carried. of money borrowed during December, 1896, and recommended that warrants be drawn for same, 1whieh was adopt- ed. PETrrIONS. The following petitions were referred to the street oomMitttee. The petition of William Schwagler, in relation to measurement of macad- am. The petition of Duffy & Maguire, at- torneys or abutters on Catherine, An- gella and Cox street in relation to Im- provement thereof. The petition of John Jhering for dam- age to 'his property caused by the im- provement of Queen street. Petition of Mrs. August Lange, ex- pressive of her dissatisfaction of the improvement of Wilber Lane. The petition of James ,McDonald et al., asking permission. to erect a frame barn, was referred to the committee on fire. The petition of John Hickey for an- nulment of interest on special taxes, was referred to the committtee of the whole. The communication of Dr.. Wieland in regard to comipensation of the mem- bers of the board of .health,and the opin ion of City Attorney Knight in relation thereto. Received and filed The petition of Julius Wiedner in re- lation to a claim against one of the city employes. Received and filed. The petition of Con Ryan, Jr., in An- Approvedre- lation to surplus material on Cox, gel.la and Catherine streets was refer- red to the street committee. The communication from the Dubu- que Light and Traction Co., in relation to special assessment received and flied. The ordinance in relation of exemp- tion of taxes of the Dubuque Improve- ment Co. action was postponed untill the next regular session of the coun- cil. Committee Clerk O'Connell reported for the street committee as follows: In favor .of paying bills for fulling on South Main and 16th street. Mayor Adjourned Regular Session Dee. 17th 1896. (Official.) Council met at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem Bonson in the chair. Present, Alds—A1briCht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bonson, Cullen, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Ryder. The following hills were allowed. Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Sheridan street.. .. ..$10 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grad ing Goeth street.. 35 66 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grad ing Strauss ave . ..... 68 70 Steusk, O'Farrell & Linehan, grad ing Grace street.. ..... 99 16 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan grad ing Headley Court.. ... 36 10 Blake & Blake, grading Bennett street.. .. . .. 88 05 Chas Matz, sharpening tools for street 4 95 Ald. Ryde, rchairman of the finance committee, presented a list of amount Also in favor of advertising for bid's far dynamite, 60 kegs of powder and 1000 feet of fuse, more or less to be delivered in such quantities as may be required. Report adopted. The opinion of City Attorney Knight in regard to a street sprinking or- dinance was referred to a special com- mittee of five appointed by the mayor as follows: Ald. Dennert, Cullen,, Lagen ,Alt- man and Berg. RESOLUTION'S. Ald. Altman offered the following: Resolved, B ythe City Council of the City of Dubuque: That an electric light be placed on the corner of 12th and Clay streets, as the same is 320 Special Se88ion, December 22nd 1896. a .neoess i'ty to the traveling public, which was refired to the ccrmmittee on police and light. Ald. Dennert offered the fallowing: Be It 'Resolved by the City Council of Jthe City of Dubuque: Whereas the iron gas lamiposts distributed about the city have remained for a consider- able length of time unused for the pur- pose of public lighting, and complaint .has been made to the city authorities that by reason of their disuse and be- cause of their dismantled condition they are being used as hitching pasts, ect., and in consequence are obstruct- ing public travel on the streets and sidewalks, therefore be it Resolved, 'That the street committee be authorized to have all sof said lamp- posts removed at the discretion of the street committee, and moved its adop- tion. Ald. Ryder moved as an amendment that the matter be postponed until next .spring. The amendment was carried by the following vote: Yeas—,Aids. AFbrecht, Altman, Berg, Cullen, Lagen and Ryder. Noes—Aldls. Bauer, Dennert and Mc- Evoy. Ald. Lagen offered the following, which was adapted: Be it Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a space of sixty feet of the street in front of places of amusement and entertain- ment, public and private, be kept free from obstruction, and that carriages and conveyances shall not occupy the same only when at the arrival and de- parture of the guests, and it shall be the duty of policeman on such beats to take charge of same, when notified. Ald. Ryder moved that the repairing of steam roller, and employing the en- gineer and helper during the winter be referred to the street committee with power. Carried. Ald. McEvoy ;proved that the matter of draining fountain. on Cleveland ave- nue be referred to the sewer oammittee. Carried. Ald. Lagen moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest; Approved 189.. •SPECIAL SESSION DEC. 22, 1896. (Official.) Council met at 9:115 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Aids. Albrecht, Altman, Bauer, Berg, Bowan, Dennert, McEvoy, and Ryder. The mayor stated the object of the meeting was to take action in regard to filling on Charter and Water streets. A:d. Bonson moved that Mulgrew & Phillips be allowed 14 cents per cubic yard for filling Water street and Levee. Carried. Ald. Ronson offered the following resolution which was adopted: Be It Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque:, That, where- as, the firm of Mulgrew & Phillips own property lying north of Charter street in this city and they are about to erect and .maintain on said property houses and other buildings to be used for the storage of ice and other purposes and to enable such firm to use said property for said business it will be necessary to have Charter street in the vicinity of said property filled, therefore permis- sion and authority is hereby given to said Mulgrew & Phillips to fill said Charter street from the public levee to Water street and when Charter street is so filled said Mulgrew & Phillips are hereby given permission and authority to use and occupy any or all of said street from the public levee to Water street for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon temporary houses for the storage of ,ince and other build- ing to be used for the proper car- rying on of said business, for the pe- riod ,of ten years, and that the ordin- ance committee of the council be and is hereby instructed to draft an ordin- ance and submit the same to the coun- cil at its next regular session grant- ing to Mulgrew & Phillips their suc- cessors and assigns the right to use and occupy Charter street from the public levee to Water street for a period of 10 years from the date said ordinance is passed upon the condition that said Mulgrew & Philips shall proceed at once to fill that part of .Oharter street above named with suitable filling and the said Mulgrew & Phillips their sue- ceesors and assigns are to have the right to remove all buildings erected by them as herein contemplated at the ex- piration of the said ten years and pro- vided further that if at the expiration of the said ten years the city of Du- buque does not renew the grant made in said ordinance it shall pay to said Mul- grew & Phillips their successors and as- signs all filling which they sthe sum of 14 cents hall have ar cubic plat ed in and upon said Charter street and upon the completion of the work of till- ing as herein contemplated the said Mul grew & Philips are to receive from the city of Dubuque the sum of 14 cents per