Y Roll_13 Part 5V 56 Regular Session, March 30, 1899. The following petitions were referred to the committee on delinquent tax: Petition of Capt. S. Shaw and F. L. Johnson, asking that the taxes on the ferry Nina Dousman be canceled for the year 1897. Petition of Adam Zengel, asking that his taxes on lots 15 and 16, O'Hore's add be canceled for the year 1897. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Henry Schneider and Christ Kleih, asking city to purchase 2 1-2 feet of ground of lots 1 and 2 in Wick's add. Petition of John Specht, manager of steamer Teal, asking for an appropria- tion of $200.00 for operating said steam- er for the coming season. Petition of K. I. Haugen and forty other signatures of citizens of De- corah, Ia., requesting the city of Du- buque to grant the Standard Telephone Co. a franchise. Claim and original notice of Donald E. Spielman by Louis Spielman, claim nn ing $5,000.00 for personal injuries re- ceived by falling into an uncovered sewer at the corner of Bluff and Third streets. The mayor referred the same to the committee of the whole and city attorney. Petition and claim of J. N. Freeman, claiming $2,000.00 as damages for per- sonal injuries received by falling on a defective sidewalk at the northeast corner of 9th and Main streets. Claim and petition was on motion re- ferred to the city attorney. Petition and ordinance of the Ameri- can District Telegraph company by I. F. Benson, asking city to grant them a franchise to erect and maintain its poles and lines in the streets, alleys, and public ways of the city of Dubu- que. Ald. Crawford moved that the record- er be instructed to notify said corh- pany to give four weeks' notice by publication in the official newspaper of the city of Dubuque. Carried. Marshal Morgan had presented com- munication, rules and regulations gov- erning the police force of the city of Dubuque. The communication was read whereupon Ald. Frith moved that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The bids for repairing and taking care of the town clock was presented and on motion of Ald. Frith was or- dered opened. Bids were as follows: A. R. Staufenbeil ...$ 99.90 W. W. Wormood 192.00 Frank Zehetner 100.00 J. P. Buechele & Co. 175.00 On motion the bids were referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Reports of standing committees. Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance committee offered the following recom- mendation and resolution: Your committee on finance respect- fully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treas- urer be and he is hereby instructed to call in the following described improve- ment bonds to -wit: Bonds No. 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 seven years Live per cent, dated Feb. 12, 1893, each $500$ 6,000 Bonds No. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, seven years five per cent, dated June 1, 1895, each $1,000 13,000 Bonds Nos. 57, 58, 59, 60, seven years, 5 per cent, dated July 1, 1895, each $1,0004,000 Bonds No. 88, 89, seven years 5 per cent, dated August 13, 1895, each $1,000 2,000 Bond No. 10, seven years, 5 per cent, dated June 1, 1896 1,000 Bond No. 34, seven years, 5 per cent, dated October 5, 1896 500 Bond No. 40, seven years, 5 per cent, dated November 18, 18961,000 Bonds No. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, seven years, 5 per cent, dated Sept. 2, 1897, each $1,000 5,000 Bond No. 88, seven years, 5 per cent, dated January 1st, 1898750 Bonds Nos. 3, 4 and 5, six years, 5 per cent, dated Oct. 15th, 1898, each $100 300 Total $33,550 And that he be ordered to pay for same out of money in the special im- provement bond fund, and that inter- est on said bonds cease on April 15, 1899. (Signed.) C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, RUDOLPH JONES, Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- commendations and resolution. Car- ried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance committee, presented and had read the following report: Dubuque, Iowa. March lst, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: -Accompanying this, you will find the annual reports of the work done in the various departments of the city government for the past fiscal year. A careful perusal of these is Very important, as they contain a vast store of Information in regard to our municipality, and the manner and methods employed in conducting the eity's business affairs. The past year is the first. to which the laws governing municipalities under special charters, as incorporated in The code of 1897, was tried, to some extent it revolutionized the entire system and traditions in vogue. The success or Regular Session, March 30, 1899. 57 failure of last year's work must be regarded as a test of the new statute, although it must not be forgotten that no law, however good, will in itself pro- duce good results, if those whose duty it is to enforce it, fail to enter into the spirit of it, or, devote more time to the evading of, than to the carrying out of its provisions. Therefore the good results of the last fiscal year were as much due to the diligent and honest efforts of the council to live within the law, as to the law itself. A brief summary of the results of the past year will be well worth your at- tention. A new system was inaugurat- ed which materially effected and re- stricted our legislative department. Previous to this the expenditures of the city had been made with little regard to the income. As a result from year to year a series of unpaid bills had been accumulated to the amount of $350,470.- 52 in the shape of a floating debt. This living beyond its means of the city had continued so long that many believed that the city government could not be run otherwise unless the burdens of taxation were increased, but the facts are that we reduced the tax rate one mill, equivalent to a reduction of the in- come of about $24,000. When the ap- propriations for the coining, now the past fiscal year were limited to $270,- 000.00 it was prophesied by many that it would be absolutely impossible for the city to conduct its affairs and not ex- ceed this amount. The tables given later on, will demonstrate that it act- ually has been done, even for less than the limit of the appropriations. At the end of the fiscal year a somewhat cur- ious state of affairs confronted the council. It had been the custom to pay in the early part of each month the bills contracted for the previous month, thus the bills contracted in February of each year were paid for out of the appro- priation for the succeeding fiscal year; but owing to a court decision stating that each year's expenses must be paid from that year's appropriations the present council was compelled to pay for thirteen months expenditures dur- ing the fiscal year. This ruling in a great measure served to obscure a part of the excellent work done; but with- out considering this the net results are well worthy for the emulation of this council's second year, and that of our successors in office. The bonded debt was reduced by $4,- 518.00 and is now $687,077.16. The float- ing debt, or outstanding warrants, is $46,539.93 less than a year ago: there are in the hands of the treasurer not belonging to any specified fund $61,091.- 75 so that the net floating debt to -day is $242,838.84. The special' bonded assessment debt, owed by abutting property holders is $17,500.00 Less than last year, and will be reduced some $34,000.00 more before the end of March, 1899. Following this you will find a table of last year's appropriations, the amount expended in the last tweve months in- cluding February 1899, the amount sav- ed from the appropriation and the amount paid out for February, 1898. The above table shows a saving f- rom the appropriations for the twelve months expenditures of $26,405.62 and even where the thirteen months are counted in the fiscal year, there is still a saving of $2,226.07. The condition of our street is uni- versally commented upon as being better than they have been in years. The public appear to be well satisfied with the way the city affairs have been conducted. Everything goes to prove that the appropriations were ample last year with a small margin in each one to meet an emergency, if it should arise. The council in increas- ing the appropriations for the present year acted wisely, only in the event that it expend money only when a real necessity therefor exists, and we trust it will keep in mind that no law re- quires it to spend the full limit, and that the less it spends, within the bonds of a wise economy, the more friends it will make among the taxpayers of the city, even if it does occasionally antag- onize some private interests. The coun- cil did its duties well last year, and for the coining year, it should not grow weary of well doing and ever keep a wise economy for its watch word. (Signed.) C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, RUDOLPH JONES, Committee. Mayor Berg ordered the report re- ceived and filed. Appropriations Water Fire Street lighting bond fund General expenses police Engineer Department Board of Health Printing Sewers Bond Department 58 Regular Session, March 30, 1899. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, stated that he had, in part drawn an ordinance, regulating the city officials' salaries and asked for further time to complete said ordi- nance. Mayor Berg granted further time. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, reported that the street committee had made arrange- ments to have the steam roller repaired at an expense of about $90.00. Ald. Jones moved that the action of the street committee be approved. Car- ried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the com- mittee on fire, reported that the fire de- partment needed a pair of horses and moved that the committee on fire he empowered to purchase a pair of hors- es. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. C. Jacobi asking that the assessment for 1898 against her for money and credits amounting to $1,000.00 be canceled, would respectfully recommend that the petition be granted, but that the grant- ing of the said petition be not consid- ered a precedent, and that hereafter all city warrants be assessed the same as other moneys and credits. Ald. Craw- ford moved to adopt the report. Car- ried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully recommend that the resolution of Ald. McLaughlin providing for the ap- pointment of a plumbing inspector, be received and filed. On motion the report was adopted. Also recommend that the assessment of the hotel Julien be fixed at a valua- tion of $75,000 for the years 1898 and 1899. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. In favor of granting the petition of the A. Y. McDonald and Morrison Mfg. Co., asking that the treasurer be in- structed to accept payment on lots 267 to 276, 331 to 340, 393 to 402 East Du- buque addition and improvements there on, also machinery, tools, material and stock used in said plant. The same being in conformity with a resolution adopted by the council July 12th, 1895. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Peter Kiene, J. D. Callahan, T. W. Ruete, Geo. W. Healey and Geo. Fengler a committee appointed by Hyde Clark and Lookout posts, G. A. R., asking that the city appropriate $200 to be used in defraying the expenses that will be incurred in the proper observance of Memorial Day, would respectfully rec- ommend that the petition be granted, and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the above named committee for $200.00. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute that it be laid on the table. His Honor, the mayor, said he was instructed to withdraw said petition; there being no objections the mayor withdrew the petition. Your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Dubuque Water company in re- ply to the notice served by the mayor on the said company February 24th, 1899, would respectfully recommend that the legal phase of the water ques- tion be referred to the city attorney and that he be given full power to take such action as he may think best and that the mayor and city attorney be empowered to engage two (2) attorneys to assist him in the matter. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. City Attorney Duffy of the special committee appointed by the committee of the whole reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, March 30, 1899. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: The special committee appointed by the committee of the whole, at its ses- sion last evening, for the purpose of se- lecting two attorneys to act with the city attorney in the matter of securing municipal ownership of water works re- port as follows: That we have selected as such special attorneys Mr. Alphons Matthews and Mr. J. C. Longueville. They to act until the council sees fit to dispense with their services. The said attorneys state that not knowing how much litigation there will be or how long litigation will continue, they can not fix a fee in full for their services. The terms upon which their services can be procured are set out in the contract filed herewith. We re- commend the approval of the above re- port, and the employment of said at- torneys in accordance with the terms of said contract. C. H. BERG, Mayor. T. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Also offered the following resolution. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the action of the special committee appointed by the committee of the whole at a meet- ing held March 29th, 1899 in selecting Mr. Alphons Matthews and Mr. J. C. Longueville to act in conjunction with the city attorney in the matter of secur- ing to the city of Dubuque the munici- pal ownership of water works, be and is hereby approved, and the mayor is hereby empowered and instructed to sign in behalf of the city of Dubuque the contract hereto attached. Also offered the following agreement: It is hereby agreed by and between Regular Session, March 30, 1899. th.• city of Dubuque, Iowa and Al- phons Matthews and J. C. Longue- ville, that the said Alphons Matthews and J. C. Longueville be and are here- by employed by the said city of Du- buque, as special attorneys to act In conjunction with the city attorney and to perform all necessary legal services in the matter of securing to the city of Dubuque municipal ownership of water works. The said attorneys to act un- til the city council sees fit to dispense with their services. The said attor- neys to be paid a reasonable and fair fee for their services, said fee to be satisfactory to, and to be agreed upon between the said attorneys and said city council, and in case of their failure to agree said fee to be fixed by Hon. Oliver P. Shiras. federal judge, and if he fails to act then by any federal judge i:: Iowa agreed upon between the said city council and the said attorneys. And the said fee is to be paid from time to time until the final termination of their services in the above matter, except the sum of $250.00 to be paid to each of said attorneys after they have entered upon the actual discharge of such c•ervice. By, Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report, resolution and agreement. Aid. Crawford moved to amend the agree- ment, that the compensation of the special attorneys be limited to $500.00 each. City Attorney Duffy addressers the council in favor of the adoption of the report. Ald. Crawford addressed the council in favor of the amendment. Ald. Wales addressed the council in favor of the amendment. Ald. Wales moved as an amendment to the amend- ment that it be limited to the amount of $1,000.00 each. whereupon Ald. Craw- ford accepted the amendment. Assist- ant Attorney Maguire addressed the council in favor of the report, resolu- tion and agreement. Aid. Flynn ad- dressed the council in favor of the adoption of the report. Ald. Flynn moved that the rules he suspended and Mr. Alphons Matthews and J. C. Longueville be allowed to ad- dress the council. Mr. Matthews and Longueville addressed the council. City Attorney Duffy stated, it would. be necessary for the special attorneys to commence work at once in order to get the case ready for the May tarm of court. Mr. Matthews stated that he wa. willing to proceed with the work until such time as the committee of the whole would report, and if they could not then come to an agreement, that he would accept such compensation as the council would name for such ser- vices and retire from the case. Mr. Longueville concurred in the above statement. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re - Port be adopted, except the matter of fixing the compensation, and that it be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. 59 Ald. Frith of the special committee hi relation to Grove street reported as fol- lows: Your special committee Ald. Frith and Jones to whom was referred the petition of Peter Kiene et al asking that Grove street be improved would re- spectfully report that we have been on the ground and find that the city owns all the right of way for said street, ex- cept one corner of lot 3 of 29 Kings add., which abuttt on one side of the street only, and is 60 feet in depth and owned by D. Mueggenberg and that he agrees to deed the said part of lot 3 of 29 to the city for said street free of cost pro- vided the city will not assess him for the improvement of the said street abutting said lot 3 of 29. We therefore recommended that the proposition of Mr. Mueggenberg be accepted and that the city attorney be in- structed to draw up the necessary papers and secure a deed to the above described property and that the said Grove street be graded, curbed, gutter- ed and macadamized. Also reported the following: We the undersigned abutters on Grove street agree that if said Grove street is macadamized, curbed and gut- tered that we will not make any ob- jection to the assessment for doing the work or to any irregularity or illegality of said assessment or levy, and agree to pay said assessment when due. Signed: JACOB NAGEL. MARTIN SCHEIDECKER. WILLIAM KLEIS. PETER KIENE. R. M. KUNZ. MARTIN NAGEL. Ald. Crawford moved that it be re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Hon. R. W. Stewart being present, Mayor Berg granted him permission to address the council. Mr. Stewart addressed the council in the interest of the Standard Telephone company, and presented the publishers' certificate of the publication of one time in each week for four weeks in the Dubuque Globe Journal. Also petition of Jno. T. Hancock & Sons and about sixty other merchants and citizens of Dubuque, asking that a franchise be granted to said Standard Telephone company to establish and operate n exchange in the city of Dubuque. Also read an ordinance entitled an ordinance granting to the Standard Telephone company permission, right and authority to use the public streets and alleys in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of placing posts, poles, with wires and conductors thereon, for the operation and maintenance of a telephone system. Ald. Wales moved that the ordinance, petition of the merchants and citizens of Dubuque and the notice be referred to the committee on ordinances. Car- ried. AM. Crawford moved that Ald-at- / 60 List of Warrants. Large Wales be added to the ordinance committee for this special occasion. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company, Key City Gas com- pany, and all private corporations and firms be charged 5 cents per lineal foot, for the use of the steam roller for roll- ing all trenches, that in the opinion of the street commissioner need rolling, and that he be required to keep a re- cord of all trenches so rolled and to re- port to the council monthly all work done for said companies Ald. Flynn moved to refer the resolu- tion to the ordinance committee. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council adjourn until next Monday evening April 3rd, 1899. Carried. Attest: Recorder Approvea.21. .. . // 187 Mayor CITY RECORDER :OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, March 1st, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1899: Name. For what purpose. Amt. C H Berg, salary mayor $116 65 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer133 35 H B Gniffke, salary clerk hire75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder116 65 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor 100 00 T H Duffy, salary city attorney150 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal83 35 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief100 00 Wm Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 75 00 Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder of- fice 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's of- fice 50 00 Edw C. Blake, city engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, assistant city engineer 91 65 P Cassidy, chainman 40 00 J Boyce, street commissioner 91 65 W Hippman, electrician ... 83 35 Otto Rath, market master 50 00 P Ryan, park custodian 40 00 Gust Wiedner, park custodian 40 00 N Offerman, pound master 45 00 E A Guilbert, health officer 50 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman 50 00 Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 00 L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00 M Eitel, fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman .. 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00 J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 Joe Tschudi, fireman 50 00 Jas Daley. fireman 60 00 Job Barnes, fireman 75 00 T Ryder, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 60 00 W Ducey, fireman 60 CO M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 50 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T Walker, fireman 60 00 G Helmrick, fireman 50 00 J McFarland, fireman 50 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J Fitzpatrich, fireman 50 00 F Murphy, fireman 50 00 W Quinn, fireman 50 00 Jerry Murphy, fireman 60 •30 A McDonald, fireman 75 00 F Ganahl, fireman .. 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 50 00 J Rooney, fireman 39 00 M Burns, fireman 10 80 Chas Kannolt, fireman 6000 Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Wm McBride, fireman 5000 Robt Weston, fireman 50 00 Geo Burke', police 50 00 N Brand, police 50 00 J Carter, police 50 00 J Clune, police 44 55 M Craugh, police 50 00 J Cody, police 50 00 P Dumphey, police 50 00 F Devaney, police .. 42 90 J Fitzpatrick, police 41 25 J Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Hennessey, police 50 00 E Kahn, police 46 20 M Kilty, police 50 00 Jno Loetscher, police 34 65 Jas Lonergan, police 50 00 P McKollins, police 50 00 P McInerney, police .. 50 00 E Moore, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police 46 20 J Murphy, police 50 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 D Norton, police 50 00 M O'Connor, police 50 00 A Pfeffer, police 50 00 P Powers, police 50 00 J Rooney, police 50 00 T Reilly, police .. 50 00 J Raesli, police 50 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T Scherr, police 50 00 P Sutton, police 48 35 T Sweeney, police 50 00 P Sullivan, police 50 00 J J Sullivan, police 46 20 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 J Tierney, police 48 35 Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00 Miss 13 Brennan, police matron30 00 LABOR FOR FIRST HALF OF JAN- LTARY, 1899. Joe Brown, labor 1 25 T Cahill, labor 8 75 J Connelley, labor 1 25 S Dorsey, labor 21 00 R T Eddy, labor 20 00 Wm Flynn, labor .. 1 25 Jno Farley, labor 20 00 Jno Hayes, labor 20 00 List of Warrants. Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00 Matt Klein, labor 12 50 M Lavin, labor 65 M Lonergan, labor 1 25 Robt McGivern, labor 40 00 P Neuman, labor 1 25 Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00 J Raetz, labor 20 00 D Sheehan, labor 1 25 F Zeller, labor 6 00 Chas Botsford, labor on sewers21 00 Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 21 00 P Furey, labor on sewers 16 90 M Flynn, labor on sewers 21 00 J Lowery, labor on sewers 21 00 J McCune, labor on sewers 9 00 J Ryan, labor on sewers 21 00 Chas Hillery, labor on sewers 25 00 J Frith, team 5 00 Jno McCollins, team 1 90 T F Maguire. assistant attorney50 00 Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor75 00 Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for January, 1899 1S 60 Sam Starr, use of horse and bug- gy for January, 1899 10 00 Walton & Bieg, stationery- for city attorney 2 40 Harger & Blish, stationery for as- sessor, $3.50 and street commis- sioner, $6.15 9 65 Jas Beach & Son, soap for city hall 17 85 Palmer. Winall & Co. blank books and stationery 103 50 Union Printing Co, blank station- ery 6 50 Dubuque Water Co, water for city hall. $20.00, and patrol house, $10.00 30 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for city hall and sewer department 70c, C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for October, November and De- cember 9 00 Larry Dailey, hauling ashes from city hal] and cleaning around the market 23 50 Pape & Jacquinot, setting up fountain on Southern avenue16 75 Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co, storm sash for city hall 3 SO J J Jones. repairs at city hall, $20.65 and patrol house, $19.8040 45 D C Stewart, recording plats and deeds ... 4 25 Hayes & Abeln, abstracts of city property 14 00 M Mullen, plumbing at city hall1 40 Pape & Jacquinot, new gas fix- tures for street commissioner's office Linehan & Molo, salt and cement Jas Kelly, time books for road de partment Jno Butt, repairs at Central en- gine house Butt Bros, repairing electrician's wagon Jno Duggan, repairs for fire de- partment Jno Kriebs, repairing harness for fire department Phil Pier, coal for fire depart- ment 113 35 W B Baumgartner, hardware for fire department 4 45 Gerger & Vollenweider, horse shoeing for fire department 14 70 Edw Sloan, horse shoeing for 3 65 7 75 4 50 4 65 4 60 9 40 50 fire department Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for fire department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department, $3.30, and road department, $2.50 5 80 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for fire department, $7.60, and police department, $3.7011 30 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for fire department, $1.40, and police department, $1.60 .. W H Torbert, drugs for fire de- partment Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings Christman & Healey, hardware for fire department G F Thorman, glass and putty for fire department .. . . J & A M Trexler, salt, matches for fire department 9 56 F A Miller. 3 dozen barn brooms for fire department 8 40 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Delhi street engine house 7 00 Jas Levi & Co, pillow cases for fire department 6 30 Dubuque Water Co, 338 hydrants for January, 1899 1408 33 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron's quarters 4 80 Christ Schmitt, supplies for mat - r 's quarters 6 55 Duggan & Kane, bran for patrol house 1 80 Jno E Hartig, repairing locks and keys at city hall 1 80 Iowa Telephone Co, messages for marshal S5 Jno Corbett, sawing wood for patrol house .:6... 1 50 Chas A Heller, 1 cord of wood for patrol house 3 50 F Burns, 5 cords of wood for police department 22 50 Harger & Blish, level books for engineer's department 3 00 J E Hartig, repairing tapes and instruments for engineer's de- partment 1 75 Globe Journal, official printing for January 50 00 The Herald, official printing for January 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for January 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for January ....... 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings, $3.00, and health reports, $3.50 6 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, tacks for health department 30 T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals in January 8 50 Star Electric Co, 333 arc lights for January 1785 50 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 lamps for January 166 67 Key City Gas Co, gas for engine houses 169 35 Jos Herod, jury to assess dam- ages on Washington street ex- tension 2 00 Frank Coates, Jury to assess dam- ages on Washington street ex- tension 2 00 2 9 4 20 6a 18 3 06 22 70 2 06 21 06 1 36 fit List of Warrants. C B Trewin, jury to assess dam- ages on Washington street ex- tension D W Linehan, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension Chris A Voelker, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension Robt Jess, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension Jno Pier, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension ... A A Cullen, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension Chas Reilly, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension .. Chr Jannsen, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension ......... J L Horr, jury to assess damages on Washington street extension 2 00 Peter Oeth. jury to assess damages on Washington street extension 2 00 H B Gniffke, refunding excava- tion permits ... 10 00 H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants 752 14 H B Gniffke, refunding tax $35.36, N. Y. exchange 48c 35 84 H B Gniffke, revenue and post- age stamps 3 70 H B Gniffke, freight $2.54, and ex- press charges 45c 2 99 LABOR FOR FIRST HALF OF FEB- RUARY, 1899. T Cahill, labor 1 25 J Dorsey, labor . 15 00 R T Eddy, labor 20 00 J Farley, labor 20 00 J Hayes. labor 20 00 J Kinsella, labor 20 00 M Klein, labor 12 50 W O'Brien, labor 20 00 M Klein, labor 12 50 Jno Raetz. labor 20 00 Dan Sheehan, labor 1 25 F Zellar, labor 1 90 Chas Botsford, labor on sewers19 50 Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 19 50 P Furey, labor on sewers . 19 50 M Flynn, labor on sewers .. 19 50 Joe Lowery, labor on sewers ... 19 50 Jas Ryan, labor on sewers .... 19 50 Chas Hillery, labor on sewers ... 25 00 Jno Weimer, redemption certifi- cate of tax sale of lot 323 Woodlawn Park add 2 30 Ferguson Supply Co, 1 new drink ing fountain . 65 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for road department 1 Key City Lime Works, 50 loads of covering for road department . 12 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department ... 49 Tom Connolly, repairing chemical engine .. 145 Key City Fire Insurance Co, insur- ance on city property 15 24 Leathers & Trewin, insurance on city property 10 20 Geo Salot, insurance on city property 62 50 F H Weihe & Co, insurance on 2 2 2 2 00 00 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 80 50 65 35 city property 18 10 Hosford & Hoffman, insurance on city property 16 55 C A Voelker, insurance on city property 35 00 C B Scherr, insurance on city property 17 50 F G Brandt, insurance on city property 31 25 Jos Needham, insurance on city property 6 94 C H Reynolds, insurance on city property 31 25 Nic Engel. insurance on city property 19 35 G L Torbert & Son, insurance on city property 48 70 I C Chamberlain, insurance on city property 28 00 Jno H Bradley, insuranue on city property 16 56 Andrew Reilly, insurance on city property 31 55 P Kiene & Son, insurance on city property 12 00 Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur- ance Co, insurance on city property 128 80 Coates & Robinson, insurance on city property 21 79 Margaret Hughes, 30 loads of gravel for road department 4 50 C H Berg. salary mayor ......... 116 70 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer .. 133 30 H B Gniffke, salary clerk hire... 75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder .. 116 70 F B Hoffman, salary auditor ... 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor .... 100 00 T H Duffy, salary city attorney.. 150 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal ... 83 30 Jos Reinfried. salary tire chief .. 100 000 w Fitzpatrick, salary committee clerk 75 00 Wm A Kaep, salary clerk in re- corder's office 50 00 Edw Herron, salary as clerk in treasurer's office 50 00 Edw C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00 E Hyde, salary as assistant en- gineer 91 70 Pat Cassidy, salary as chainman40 00 J Boyce, salary street com- missioner 91 70 Wm Hippman, salary as electric- ian 83 30 Otto Rath, salary as market mas- ter 50 00 P Ryan, salary as park custod- ian Gust Wiedner, salary as park custodian E A Guilbert, salary as health officer .. N Offerman, salary as pound master Mrs H Koenig, salary as jani- tress Sam Starr, salary as sanitary patrolman L Zeidman, salary as sidewalk inspector M Eitel, salary fireman J Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman Jno Flynn, fireman J Wiltse, fireman Geo Beyer, fireman Al Heer, fireman J Tschudi, fireman J Daily, fireman 40 00 40 00 50 00 45 00 20 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 List of Warrants. J Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman M Fahey, fireman T Meehan, fireman F Kenneally, fireman D Ahearn, fireman T Walker, fireman G Helmrich, fireman J McFarland, fireman T Kennedy, fireman J Fitzpatrick, fireman F Murphy, fireman W Quinn, fireman J Murphy, fireman A McDonald, fireman F Ganahl. fireman T Flynn, fireman Geo Gehrke, fireman J Rooney, fireman C Kannolt, fireman Jas Allen, fireman .. 60 00 Robt Weston, fireman 50 00 W McBride, fireman 50 00 Geo Burke], police 50 00 N Brand, police 50 00 J Carter, police 50 00 J Clune, police 50 c0 J Cody, police 50 00 M Craugh, police 43 35 P Dumphy, police 50 00 F Devaney, police 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 J Flynn, police 30 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Hennessey, police 50 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 J Loetscher, police 50 00 J Lonergan. police 50 00 P McCollins, police .. 50 00 P McInerney. police 50 00 Frdw Moore, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police 50 00 J Murphy, police 50 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 D Norton, police 50 00 M O'Connor, police 50 00 Aug Pfeffer, police 50 00 P Powers, police 50 00 J Rooney, police 50 00 T Reilly, police 50 00 J Raesli, police 50 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T. Scherr, "police 50 00 Pat Sutton, police ... 50 00 Pat Sullivan, police 50 00 J J Sullivan, police 50 00 T Sweeney, police 50 00 Jos Tyler, police J Tierney, police Mrs Kate Hibbe, police Miss B Brennan, police matron. 30 00 LABOR FOR LAST HALF OF FEB- RUARY, 1899 S Bastian, labor J Berringer, labor Joe Brown, labor Jno Berry, labor Jno Callahan, labor P Carney, labor M Carmody, labor D Corcoran, labor J Corbett, labor J Connelly, labor M Dunnigan, labor S Dorsey, labor 11 Eddy, labor P Furey, labor W Flynn, labor 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 30 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 matron.. 30 00 65 65 1 90 2 20 1 55 1 25 1.90 3 75 2 80 1 55 05 15 75 20 n0 05 65 C Fischer. labor .. P Fogarty, labor .. P Fenelon, labor J Farley, labor C Gantenbein, labor J Geastand, labor Christ Heck, labor Jno Hayes, labor Phil Kenney, labor H Kehr, labor B Klof, labor J Kraus, labor J Kinsella, labor .. M Klein, labor M Lavin, labor Lonergan, labor J Mullen, labor E Malloy, labor J Malloy, labor J McCormack, labor R McGivern, labor Phil Newman. labor .. . P O'Brien, labor J Otto, labor W O'Brien, labor C H Pierce, labor .. . J Richter, labor D Sheehan, labor .. W Sheridan, labor F Scherr, labor Sam Smith. labor E Saunders, labor J Tweig. labor J Welsh, labor R Burns, teams T Byron, teams IBeektnan, teams Jno Calvert, teams Jos Calvert, teams P Linehan, teams McElrath Teaming Co, teams C McGovern, teams J McCollins, teams 1 .25 E Seeley, teams .. . 1 D Sutherland, teams I qo M Theis, teams _ 50 C Botsford, labor on sewers 16 50 Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 16 50 P Furey, labor on sewers 16 50 M Flynn, labor on sewers 16 50 J Lowery, labor on sewers 16 50 J Ryan, labor on sewers 16 50 C Hillery, labor on sewers 25 00 T F Maguire, salary as assistant attorney 50 00 Gotf Gmehle, salary as assistant assessor 75 00 Jos J Murphy, salary as assist- ant assessor 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners 7 80 Sam Starr, use of horse and bug- gy 1000 Walton & Bieg, stationery 14 65 Jas Kelly, stationery 10 20 Ham & Carver, blank stationery1 75 Hardie & Scharle, blank station- ery 6 00 1 65 2 50 1 90 1 '5 20 00 12 00 65 1 90 20 00 65 95 65 65 20 00 12 50 3 75 1 90 1 90 5 95 1 90 65 40 00 1 25 95 1 90 20 00 1 90 3 75 1 55 1 25 95 65 1 25 1 90 95 1 90 1 90 I 90 G B Grosvenor, blank stationery. Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionery 52 50 Ferd Mertz, repairing vault in recorder's office $2.00, and new keys 70c 2 70 A 11 Staufenbell, care of town clock 37 50 J \V Witmer, drugs, etc 1 40 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks Hayes & Abeln, deeds and ab- stracts for city property 25 00 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at 3 00 64 List of Warrants. city hall 7 45 M Mullen, new gas fixtures city hall 14 00 Phil Pier, coal for First ward scales 3 55 Chas Oswald, flashing roof of city hall 1 75 I C Chamberlain, insurance on Delhi street engine house 19 83 A C Hailer, constructing side- walk on Summitt street 24 90 J P Fenley, constructing approach to ice at Eagle Point ferry 13 90 E L King, painting llth street stairway 3 75 E L King, painting Mrs. Lull's sheds 8 50 E L Ring, painting llth street elevator bridge 2 50 Chas Oswald. stove pipe for street commissioner's offiue 1 05 A A Brown, repairing tools for road department 1 25 F Schloz, repairing tools for road department 1 60 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department 1 6n G F Kleih, hardware 3 45 Dubuque Woodenware Co, lum- ber 6 00 Knapp. Stout & Co Co, lumber 9 C5 Frank Burns, wood for road de- partment 22 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt and .61 for road department 4 30 P Dempsey, sawing wood for road department 2 00 A A Brown, 6 hose spanners for fire department 2 00 American Fire Engine Co, 1 nickel plated oil can for fire department 3 00 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co, sup- plies for fire department 86 50 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, hose for chemical engine 15 53 Christman & Healey, hardware1810 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware 9 15 Phil Pier, coal 44 55 Matt Stafford, hay for fire de- ment $73.45, and police depart- ment $8.15 81 60 Ott, Meuser & Co. shavings 1 50 T W Ruete, drugs 5 40 Key City Gas Co, gas for Delhi street engine house 6 30 Standard Oil Co, oil 13 20 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, packing for fire department 1 25 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 3 55 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing 5 15 Fred Roehl, 1 ax handle 25 W H Torbert, drugs 2 05 Key City Gas Co, coal 8 15 Lembke Bros, repairing harness30 Dubunue Water Co, 338 hydrants for February 1408 33 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for police department 45 J W Wittmer, drugs for police department 1 50 Fred Yanz, sawing wood for police department 3 75 Jno Corbett, sawing wood police department 1 50 Chas Oswald, repairing tin cups and lanterns for police depart- ment 2 30 Ferd Mertz, repairing harness holders for police department . 4 00 Martin Strelau Co, wood for pollee department 20 00 G F Kleih, hardware 4 65 Edw Morgan, telegrams 65 1' Hansen, hay and corn for city pound 2 70 A Y McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co, pipe and hose couplings 3 90 Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for sewer department 4 50 ('has Oswald, one-half dozen lantern globes for sewer de- partment 60 Jno Butt, repairing tools for sewer department 2 55 Excelsior Brass Works, brass hose rings and rubber wash- ers 6 00 Globe Journal, official printing for February 50 00 The Herald, official printing for February 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for February 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for February 60 00 iDubuque Telegraph, index of council proceedings for 1898 86 00 Dubuque Telegraph. weekly coun- cil proceedings. health reports. 9 50 Star Electric Co. 333 arc lights for February ..1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 lamps for February .. 166 67 C A Noyes. stationery for engi- neer's office 1 90 Thos E Frith, removing dead ani- mals for February . 8 50 Jos W Witmer, drugs for health department 1 40 H B Gniffke. refunding excava- tion permits 75 00 H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants 2238 07 H B Gniffke. refunding tax 294 52 H B Gniffke, postage and revenue stamps 13 00 H B Gniffke. freight 91c, and ex- press charges 70c 1 61 P W Crawford. alderman's sal- ary to April 1st, 1899 100 00 Jas T Duggan. alderman's sal- ary to April 1st. 1899 100 00 Jno Flynn, alderman's salary to April 1st, 1899 100 00 E E Frith, alderman's salary to April lst. 1899 .. 100 00 Rudolph Jones, alderman's salary to April 1st, 1899 100 00 P H McLaughlin, alderman's sal- ary to April 1st, 1899 100 00 C E Wales, alderman's salary to April 1st, 1899 100 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Feb- ruary, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Official Notices. 65 NOTICE. Dubuque, March 11, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. March 16th, 1899, for repairing, cleaning and oiling the Town Clock, also for taking care of and winding said clock for one year. Bidders must state the price for re - i -airing, cleaning and oiling and fur- nish all material, Also the price per year for taking care of and furnishing all material that may be required to keep said clock in complete running or - 'ler for one year. Bidders can ascer- tain the needed repairs by calling on Ald.-at-Large Rudolph Jones. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 3-11 to 16th. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To S. J. Goldthorpe. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow and ice from' sidewalks during Jan. 1S99 adopted on the 16th day of Feb. A. D. 1899, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 324, owned by you being sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of March A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount 75c 2-27-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE. All parties who left their tax receipt books with me before Feb. 1st will be charged one per cent a month penalty, if they fail to call and pay for their receipts within forty-eight hours af- ter being notified that they were made out. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. SFECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To J. H. Kleine: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the construction of a six foot sidewalk on the east side of Summitt street, adopted on the 8th day of July, A. D., 1898, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regu- lar meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 4 and 5, in Mat- tox's sub. owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 16th day of February, A. D., 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Amount, $37.18. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS. Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa. To W. J. Knight, Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., St. Joseph's, L. H. Waples, John Hennessy, Robert Jess and Sarah Drummy: You are hereby notified that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the cost of paving Main street from Char- ter street to 17th, street under a reso- lution of the city council of the city of Dubuque adopted December 7, 1891, against your property abutting upon and along said improvement at a ses- sion of the city council of the city of Dubuque to be held on the 13th day of April, 1899. That the said assessment is a reas- sessment of the cost of said improve- ment made for the purpose of correct- ing omissions, irregularities, and ille- galities in the proceedings relative to said improvement. And you are further notified that there is a plat on file in the city record- er's office of said city of Dubuque for public inspection of any person inter- ested, showing the street on which said improvement is made and your lots abutting sub- ject to assessment, with names of owners thereof, and amount to be assessed against each .of said lots for the cost of said improvement accord- ing to its just and true proportion thereof. And that the said session of the city council of the city of Dubuque to be held on the 13th day of April, 1899, is the time fixed within which you must file your objections thereto and to the assessment proposed thereby, in writ- ing, and that at such time fixed after hearing and deciding objections and making necessary corrections, the council shall levy as a special assessment against said abut- ting property its just and true proportion of said cost of said improve- ment according to law and to said plat as corrected. L. M. LANGSTAFF, As City Recorder of the 3-27-3t. City of Dubuque, Ia. NOTICE. Dubuque, March 20th, 1899 .—Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. March 30, 1599, for repairing, cleaning and oiling the Town Clock, also for taking care of and winding said clock for one year. Bidders must state the price for re- pairing, cleaning and oiling and fur- nishing all material that may be requir- ed to keep said clock in complete run- ning order for one year. Bidders can ascertain the needed repairs by calling at the city recorder's office. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorded. 3 -20 -to -30th FiO Official Notices. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Alice Goldthorpe. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks during Jan. 1899 adopted on the 16th day of Feb. A. D. 1899, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 3 City sub 741 owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of March A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount 40 cents. 2-27-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Te S. Sunderhaft. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks during Jan. 1899 adopted on the 16th day of Feb. A. D. 1899, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot W 63 ft. of city lot 643, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of March A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be le- vied. Amount 60 cents. 2-27-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John McDonald. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks during Jan. 1899 adopted on the 16th day of Feb. A. D. 1899, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot S 89 ft lot 2 in H. T. Mc- Nulty's sub owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of March A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount 50 cents . 2-27-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To E. Guthrie. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the cleaning of snow and ice from sidewalk in the month of January, A. D. 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 4 in Kelly's sub, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 9th day of March, A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, 25 cents. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 2-27-10t. City Recorder. Adjourned Regular SeFsion, April 3, 1899. 67 CITY COUNCIL, Regular Adjourned Session April 3, 1899. (Official.) Mayor Berg in the chair. Council met at 8:20 p. m. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. Wales moved that the first ac- tion of the council be on the considera- tion of the report of the committee of the whole, on the matter of compensa- tion of the special attorneys to assist the city attorney in the water works question. Carried. Whereupon City Attorney Duffy read the following: Dubuque, Iowa, April 1, 1899. To Messrs. Alphons Matthews and J. C. Longueville:—The mayor and alder- men of the city of Dubuque offer to engage you in the matter of securing to the city of Dubuque municipal own- ership of water works on the following terms: Each of you to be paid the sum of $250.00 when you enter upon the dis- charge of services in said matter, and in the event the matter goes into the district court of Dubuque county, Iowa, you to be paid the sum of $500.00 each, same to be in full of all services in said matter in district court and in preparation of case or cases prepara- tory to going into the district court, and further in the event that the mat- ter is carried to the supreme court of the State of Iowa each of you to be paid an additional $1,000.00 in full of your services in said matter in the su- preme court. The intention hereof being to pay to each of you the sum of $1,500.00 in full of services in said matter, said sum to be paid in full only in the event that the matter is carried into the supreme court, $250.00 for services preparatory to going into district court, $250.00 ad- ditional for work in district court, $1,- 000.00 additional for work in supreme court. Said respective sums to be paid as above to each of said first above named attorneys. After reading the above proposition Mr. Duffy said that the gentlemen named had stated to him that they would not accept the terms of the proposition, but would consider it if the amounts to be paid in the respective courts be reversed, viz: $1,000.00 in dis- trict court and $500.00 in supreme court. Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Matthews and Mr. Longueville be heard. Carried. Messrs. Matthews and Longueville addressed the council. Mr. Matthews stated a proposition that would be sat- isfactory to him. Aids. Crawford, Wales and Flynn ad- dressed the council. Ald. Wales offered the following pro- position: Retaining fee and preparing for the district court, $250.00. If settled before going into district court, $250.00 extra. If carried through district court and is settled before going to supreme court, $500.00. If carried to supreme court ,$500.00. It being understood that the sum of $1,500.00 is in full for all services in the case including retaining fee or any other fee. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the propo- sition. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan and Wales. To- tal 2. Nays—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Ald. Crawford moved that the council accept the proposition of Mr. Matthews and it be reduced to writins'. Car- ried. The proposition of Mr. Matthews fol- lows: To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Having been em- ployed by the city as assistants to the city attorney in the matter of the mu- nicipal ownership of the Dubuque water works system, we agree to assist the attorney in all proceedings necessary to that end by arbitration in district or supreme courts of Iowa, we to re- ceive as our compensation a retaining fee of $250.00 each and such other com- pensation as the city council of the city of Dubuque shall deem just and rea- sonable, to be paid at such times and in such amounts as the city council deem proper, and we waive the right to sue for such fees. Dated April 3, 1899. (Signed.) ATRHONS MATTHEWS, J. C. LONGUEVILLE. Ald. Crawford moved that said proposition be accepted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Nays—Alda. Duggan and Wales. To- tal 2. City attorney presented and read the following resolution, after which he stated that he had left blank the amount the city was to offer the Water company for the plant. Ald. Flynn moved that $150,000.00 be the amount inserted in resolution. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The resolution follows as amended. Whereas, By an ordinance passed by the city council of the city of Dubuque on Dec. 5, 1870, entitled "an ordinance authorizing S. Chamberlain, et al., to construct, maintain and operate water- works and supply water to the city and :f 68 Adjourned Regular Session, April 3, 1899. citizens of Dubuque, defining their powers and privileges and prescribing their duties;" and, Whereas, Waterworks were estab- lished and operated, and are now own- ed and controlled by the Dubuque Wa- ter company as the successor of said S. Chamberlain, et al., under the ordi- nance aforesaid, and in said orainance it was stipulated and provided that at any time after twenty years upon giv- ing six months' notice the city of Du- buque should have the right to pur- chase from said S. Chamberlain, et al.. all the buildings, machinery. pipes and other property. with all their rights and privileges (but not including any franchise therein granted, or that might be thereafter granted to said parties, which shall not be included in the es- timated value but in the purchase shall revert to the city), at such price as might be agreed upon by the city coun- cil and said parties; and, Whereas. More than sly months aeo. to -wit: On Tuesday, the 23d day of Au- gust, 1898, due and legal notice of the intention of the city of Dubuque to avail itself of the provisions of the said ordinance and to purchase from the Du- buque Water company as the succes- sor and assigns of S. Chamberlain, et al., all the buildings, machinery, pipes and other property, with all the rights and privileges of said Water company (not including the franchise) owned. operated and used in connection with the waterworks. and said notice re- quired the Dubuque Water company to fix a price upon the property therein described and the manner and terms of sale, and said Dubuque Water com- pany has failed and neglected up to the present time to fix a price at which it will sell to the city of Dubuque its property, as provided in said ordinance. Therefore. be It. Resolved, By the city council of the city of. Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company, through its proper of- ficers, be notified that the city of Du- buque, under the ordinance aforesaid. maintains its rights and power to pur- chase so much of the buildings, pipes, machinery and other property of the Dubuque Water company as is con- nected with and necessary to operate the Dubuque waterworks in the sup- plying of the city and citizens of Du- buque with a sufficient supply of pure and wholesome water, and that the city of Dubuque hereby offers and tenders to the Dubuque Water company the sum of $150,000.00 as the purchase price of said property, the same to be con- veyed and transferred to the city of Dubuque, and the purchase price paid at such times as may be hereafter agreed upon; and be it further Resolved, That the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby notified that if it shall not accept said offer of pur- chase by 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, April 8, 1899, or shall fall at or before said time to offer to sell said property to the city of Dubuque at a price which shall be acceptable to the city council of the city of Dubuque, the city of Du- buque will immediately proceed to en- force the purchase clause of said ordi- nance in the manner in said ordinance and by law provided; and be it further Resolved, That notice of the above matters and of the above proposition be given the said Dubuque Water com- pany by the service on a proper officer of said Water company of a duly certi- fied copy of this resolution. Ald. Flynn moved the resolu- tion be adopted as amended. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. City Attorney Duffy presented and read the following resolution: Whereas, Under an ordinance pass- ed December 5th, 1570, the city of Du- buque gave to S. Chamberlain et al., the right to construct, maintain and op- erate waterworks to supply with water the city of Dubuque and its citizens, under certain conditions, as in said or- dinance provided, and Whereas, The Dubuque Water com- pany, a corporation, is the successor of raid S. Chamberlain et al., under the above ordinance and bound by all the conditions, provisions and obligations therein set out, and Whereas, It is provided by said or- dinance that said S. Chamberlain et al.. and their successors, shall supply said city of Dubuque and the citizens thereof with a sufficient supply for all pur- poses of pure and wholesome water, the same to be taken from the mouth of the level in what is known as Bach- elor's Hollow, on mineral lot 203, and !f at any time during the continuance of said franchise the water from said level shall become unwholesome or the quan- tity thereof insufficient to supply the demands of said city, then said parties shall be required to furnish a sufficient supply of pure and wholesome water from the main channel of the Missis- sippi river, north of Seventh street, in the city of Dubuque, and to construct and use for that purpose engines and pumps of a capacity sufficient to force the water through the pipes to any part of the city, and whenever said parties fail to furnish the quantity of pure and wholesome water sufficient to supply the demands of the city and its citizens, or fail to comply with every requirement of this ordinance, then the council may by resolution forfeit the rights hereby granted. The failure to comply with the provisions of the ordi- nance to be determined by a judicial declaration by a court of competent jurisdiction, and Whereas ,said Dubuque Water com- pany, the present owner of said fran- chise, has failed and refused to furnish the said city of Dubuque and its citizens with an ample and sufficient supply of pure and wholesome water, as provided in said ordinance, and the water ob- tained from the mouth of the level on mineral lot 203, has become unwhole- some and the quantity thereof insuffic- ient to supply the demands of said city and said Dubuque Water corn- pany has failed and refused to furnish a sufficient supply of pure and whole- some water from the main channel of the Mississippi river, north of Seventh street, and has failed to comply with the other requirements of said ordi- Adjourr,e 1 'tegnlar Session, April 3, 1899. (59 Hance, and continues to refuse to com- ply therewith, and Whereas, the electors of the city of Dubuque, at the last regular election, have declared in favor of municipal ownership of the water works by which the city of Dubuque and its citizens shall be supplied with a sufficient amount of pure and wholesome water for all purposes at all times, and th said Dubuque Water company, under its charter and ordinance, claims and pretends to have the exclusive right to the use of the streets and alleys for the laying of water pipes in the city of Dubuque, and the exclusive right to maintain and operate water works in the city of Dubuque and supply the city and its citizens with water for a period of 50 years from December 5tH 1870. Therefore, be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the rights and privileges of said Du- buque Water company, a:' the successor of said S. Chamberlain et al., under the ordinance hereinbefore referred to, to operate and maintain a system of water works in the city of Dubuque, be and are hereby forfeited and annulled. Be it further resolved, That the city attorney of the city of Dubuque be in- structed to at once proceed in the dis- trict court to forfeit and annul ail rights and privileges of said Dubuque Water company under the ordinance and in the franchise aforesaid, and that in the sane action, or in such other action as shall be necessary, he proceed to have it judicially determin- ed that the rights, if any, of the Du- buque Water company to maintain and operate a system of water works in the city of Dubuque is not exclusive, and that he be further authorized and em- powered without further instructions from the city council in the name of the city of Dubuque to bring and main- tain all actions necessary to bring about the ownership by the city of Du- buque of the water works system by which the city and its inhabitants shall be supplied with a sufficient quantity of pure and wholesome water for all purposes and at all times, and that he report from time to time to the city council his progress and action under these resolutions. Ald. Duggan moved to adopt the reso- lution. After some discussion, Ald. Crawford moved to lay the resolution on the table. Ald. Crawford's motion was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Wales, and McLaughlin. Total 4. The question recurring on the original motion of Ald. Duggan was then put and carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Wales and McLaughlin. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Assistant City Attorney Maguire ad- dressed the council and stated that it was necessary that the council be pre- pared to appoint two appraisers at a meeting not later than Monday, April 10th, 1899. Md. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee brought up the nat- ter of the Standard Telephone com- pany's ordinance. Ald. Wales moved that a copy of said ordinance be furnished each of the al- dermen and that further action be post- poned until the next meeting of the council. Carried. Mr. McLean, secretary of the Gas company was granted permission to ad- dress the council. Mr. McLean addressed the council in relation to rolling streets that have been torn up for the purpose of laying gas mains. On motion the matter was referred to the street committee. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: Thos. F. Maguire, assistant at- torney, for March ..$ 50 00 G. Gmehle, assistant assessor for March 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, assistant as- sessor 75 00 Otto Rath. board of prisoners for March 4 60 Sam Star, use of horse and buggy for March JO 00 Dubuque Water company, water for city hall 12 22 Phil Pier, coal for city hall 30 15 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil 95 Walton & Bieg, stationery for various offices.. . 5 25 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery for various offices 2 SO Palmer, Winall & Co., blank stationery .. .... .... ; 53 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 2 75 Hussman & Lies, hardware.... 1 35 T. Faherty, repairing First Ward scales.... .... Gus Hall, fitting keys at city hall 3 20 G. F. Kleih, sash cord at city hall...... .... .... .... 95 P. Hughes & Son, matches 2 10 Key City Iron Works, team and dog license tags.. 21 00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service for various offices 54 02 B. D. Lenehan, repair of tools for road department.... ........ 3 15 Jno. Harney, repair of tools for road department.... .... .... 50 Fred Schloz, repair of tools for road department ...... .. .. 90 Jno. Butt, repair of tools for road department Key City Iron Works, repair of steam roller.... .... 13 11 Wm. Marshall, stack varnish for steam roller.... 40 Knapp, Stout & Co., Co., lumber for road department.... ....... 4 20 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road department.... .... ....... 40 05 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, packing for steam roller 4 51 L. Lindenberg, palls for road de- partment.. .... .. 2 25 G. F. Kleih, hardware for road 50 department.... J. F. Ris & Bro., hardware for 2 05 55 70 Adjourned Regular Session, April 3, 1899, road department.. . 1 60 Jno. Duggan, hardware for road department...... .... .... ...... 1 25 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department .... .... ...... 1 60 Pat Hanifan, macadam for road department . .. 160 Wm. Marshall, one new steel shovel for fire department 1 50 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department.... 2 40 Key City Gas Co.., gas for Delhi Street Engine house 6 00 Dubuqe Rubber & Belting Co, hose for fire department 7 20 Phil Pier, coal for fire depart- ment 63 S0 Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber and shavings for fire department10 5'? Knapp, Stout & Co.. Co., lumber for fire department 39 40 Jno. Kriebs. repair of harness for fire department 35 C. E. Wales. team of horses for fire department 325 09 Boston One Price Clothiers, rub- ber coats for fire department71 30 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for fire department 1 15 Jno. Butt, repairs for fire de- partment. 1 35 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for fire department 8 40 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department .... .... 4 30 Matt Stafford, oats for fire de- partment 196 25 Western Electric Co., zincs and coppers for fire department48 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing Central Engine house 3 95 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department. 1 00 J. F. Ris & Bro., hardware for fire d&•parIntent ...... .... 65 G. F. Kleih, hardware for fire department 2 65 Hussman & Lies, hardware for fire department 45 Whitwell & Dalton veterinary services for fire department.... 14 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for various engine houses 24 15 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hy- drants for March 1408 33 Jno. Corbett, sawing wood at pa- trol house .... ...... 75 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for patrol team 5 20 Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary services for patrol team.. .. . 2 15 Gus Holl, keys for police de- partment.. .. ........ 70 Frank Burns, wood for police de- partment...... .... ........ 7 50 Matt Stafford, oats for police de- partment ...... .... ... 67 75 Fred Schloz, repairs at patrol house 40 Palmer, Winall & Co., one new police record • 5 50 Dubuque Water Co., water for patrol house 415 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for sewer department.... .... 1 00 Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for sewer department.... ...... Jas. Sullivan, two pair of rub- ber boots for sewer department F. M. Jaeger, hardware for sewerdepartment .... .... ... . L. Lindenberg, hardware for sewer department .... .... .. Fred Scholz, repair of tools for sewer department Jno. Butt, repair of tools for sewer department.... Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole castings for sewer dept... Globe Journal, official printing for March.... .... The Herald, official printing for March Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for March ...... .... .. Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings...... .... .. Dubuque Telegraph, health re- ports for March.... National Demokrat, official printing for March Catholic Printing Co., six months' printing:... .... .... Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for March 179S 20 Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for March 166 61 Thos. E. Frith, removing dead animals for March 9 50 M. McGovern, two days' labor at city dump 2 59 Jas. Morgan, eight days' labor looking up city tools at $3.00 per day...... .... 24 00 Ald. Wales moved that the bill be received and filed. Carried. Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Ex -Marshal McCann $ 11 50 On motion the bill was referred to the committee on police and light. Frank Burns, cleaning vault at Pacific house, owned by Alex Simplot, 170 cubic feet, at 9c per cubic foot $ 15 30 On motion the bill was referred to the board of health. Mrs. N. Rhomberg to use of lots 26 and 27 in Tivoli addition for storing macadam from January 8th, 1898 to January 8th, 1899$ 6 00 On motion the bill was referred to the street committee. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Below you will find a statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Refund excavation permits $ 45 00 Interest on warrants redeemed5117 96 Refunded tax (soldiers' exemp- tions) 30 80 Refunded water tax 56 Freight charges 1 28 Postage stamps 12 25 Court costs 5 83 Exchange coupons New York 6 94 50 9 00 2 40 2 25 50 5 65 8 50 50 00 50 00 60 00 9 00 3 50 25 00 37 50 Total $5,175 62 Ald. Wales moved that the report he received and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts and the report referred Adjourned Regular SeFsion, April 3, 1899. 71 back to the finance committee. Car- ried. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you my report for the month of March, 1899, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month. •Cash on hand March 1st, 1899 $93,511 46 Receipts from all sources 23,683 73 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed during the month of March $ 4,367 46 Coupons redeemed during the month of March 8,568 92 $12,936 38 Cash on hand April 1st, 1899..$104,258 81 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement bond fund $36,448 52 Leaving a balance to the cred- it of the city $67,510 29 Also report $1,946.65 due city of- ficials for the month of March, 1899. The following is a list showing the amount expended during the fiscal year: Expense $ 75 00 Road 414 75 Sewer 141 25 Total $631 30 Also a list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month amounting to $8,568.92. Respectfully submitted. F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the officers and the r' • port referred back to the finance com- mittee. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfriecl reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The following is the pa.y roll of the fire department for the month of March, 1899: Amount due firemen $1,946 45 The mayor ordered that the report be received and warrants ordereu drawn for the several amounts and the report referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal Morgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The following is the re- port of the police department for the month of March, 1899: Total arrests .i7 Police patrol calls 44 Miles traveled C8 Meals furnished by market master32.1 Lodgers harbored 100 Defective lights Doors found opened Also reports $1,941.70 due the po- licemen for the month of March, 1899. The mayor ordered the report re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts and the report re- ferred back to the committee on police and light. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of March, 1899: Amount due laborers on streets .$373 85 Approved P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Street Committee. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay the laborers and the report referred back to the street committee: Street Commissioner Boyce in charg' of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the last half of March, 1899: Amount due laborers on sewers $150 25 Approved. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee on Sewers. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers and the report referral back to the committee on sewers. City Electrician Hippman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of March, 1899. I find from the re- ports of the police department that the total hours that 100 lamps failed to burn, would equal 5 lamps for one month or $27.00. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and filed and that the recorder be instructed to notify the city auditor to deduct $27.00 from the Star Electric Co.'s bill for the month of March, 1899. The city weighmasters and wood measurers reports for the month of March, 1899, are as follows: Otto Rath, weighmaster city hall.$ 24 90 Thos. Faherty, weighmaster for First ward scales 4 S3 Chas Pitchner, weighmaster for West Dubuque scales 313 Mrs. C. Deckert, weigh master for Rhomberg avenue 3 43 R. F. Curran, wood measurer4 36 On motion the reports were referred to the committee on markets: Sidewalk Inspector Zeidman reported as follows: To the Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —Herewith find treasur- er's receipt for $1.50 collected from var- ious parties for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks as follows: W. S. Wright $ 50 J. R. Guthrie 1 00 Total amount $ 1 50 L. ZIEDMAN, Sidewalk Inspector. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and filed. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented an ordin- ance entitled an ordinance in relation to and fixing the salaries of the city officers of the city of Dubuque. Ald. Wales moved that the street 72 Adjourned Regular :eesion, April 3, 1899. commissioner's salary be fixed at $1,- 200 per annum. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the city marshal's salary be fixed at $1,200 per annum. Carried. Ald. Crawford mo -”ed that the ordin- ance as amende) ar:I read be consider- ed its first reading. Carried by the followirg vr,te: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for the second time. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance be adopted. Carried oy the fol- lowing vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The mayor declared the ordinance passed. The ordinance follows: Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That from and after the 1st day of May, 1899 the annual salary of the city recorder shall be $1,400; that of the city treasurer, including clerk hire, $2,500 and that of the city attor- ney, $1,800 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Section 2. That from and after the lst day of May, 1900 the annual salary of the mayor shall be $1,400; that of the city auditor $1,200; that of the city en- gineer, $1,500; and that of the city mar- shal, $1,200 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Section 3. That from and after th•. 1st day of May 1899, the annual salary of the street commissioner shall be $1,- 200; that of the assistant city engineer, $1,100 and that of the health officer, $600 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Section 4. That from, and after the 1st day of May, 1900, the salary of each of the assistant city assessors shall be $75 per month; that of the sanitary po- licemen, $60 per month, payable month- ly. Section 5. The emoluments of the fore- going named officers shall not be increas ed or diminished during the term for which he shall be elected or appointed, unless the office be abolished. And no person, who shall have resigned or vacated any office shall be eligible to the same during the term for which he was elected or appointed, when, during same term, the emoluments have been increased. Section 6. All ordinances, or parts ordinances inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from, and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Aid. Jones moved that the clerk in the recorder's office be allowed $65.00 per month, commencing May 1, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved to amend, that the salary be fixed at $60.00 per month. The amendment vas carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, McLaughlin and Wales. To- tal 5. Nays—Alds. Frith and Jones. Total 2. Tne motion as amended was then put and carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings, re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Your committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings to whom was referred the bids for taking care of and winding the town clock and also for repairing same, would report that after considering the several bids we would recommend that the contract be given to Frank Zehetner at the price he names, to -wit: $100.00, and would recommend that the city attorney be in structed to draw up the contract in accordance with the bid of Mr. Zehet- ner. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the contract be let to the lowest bidder, Mr. Staufenbeil. Ald. Duggan offered a substitute for the substitute and original motion that the matter be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Ald. Duggan's substitute carried and the mayor declared the matter referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, stated that A. Knapp had 16.6 yards of macadam which had been measured by Street Commissioner Boyce by directions of the committee, v amounting to $8.50, and moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of A. Knapp for that amount, to pay for said ma- cadam. Carried. Ald. Wales moved that the street committee be empowered to buy all the gravel that may be taken out, by exca- vation on the Iot owned by Buettell Bros., between 8th and 9th street on Clay streets. Carried. His Hon., Mayor Berg, stated that the special committee to whom was re - asking a reduction of the assessment on city lot 10 and lot 2, Linheim's add, and lot 1 of 1, Stewart's add, had been, for some reason overlooked. He stated the committee had met and would respectfully report to recommend that the assessment for 1898, on lot 1 of 1 of Stewart's add, be reduced to a valuation of $25.00, and that the assess- Special Session, April 10, 1899. 73 ments on the balance of said real es- tate remain as at present. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port and recommendations. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to improve Grove street from Broadway extension to north line of Jno. King's add No. 2, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said Grove street; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and soerificat+ .ns showing the lo- cation and general nature of such im- provement, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together w;ih the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon pet front foot, and to file such plat, specification and esti- mates in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspapers of the city the notice provided for in section (8) of the ordinance relating to the improvement of streets adopted May 19, 1898, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular session notify the council thereof. in writing with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Crawfori moved to instruct the city engineer to make an estimate of the cost of grading for said improve- ment. Cat rigid. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn until Monday evening, April 10, 1899. Carried. st: . Recorder Approved" 189. Mayor Special Session April .!'; 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. McLaughlIn moved that the council proceedings of Feb. 28th and the month of March, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. Ald. Frith moved the first considera- tion of the council be the Standard Telephone Co's ordinance. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented the or- dinance and moved that it be read for the first time. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford. Duggan, Flynn, Frith. Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read. Ald. Wales moved that $15.00 be stricken out and $12.00 be substituted therefor in section 11 so as it will read, for dwelling houses within a radius of one mile from its central station, the sum of $12.00 per annum. Motion was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Frith and Wales. To- tal 2. Nays — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Jones and McLaughlin. Total J. Hon. R. W. Stewart being present was granted permission to address the council. Aid. Crawford moved that under the rules the ordinance be laid over until the next meeting of the council. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford requested that the communication of the Grand Army of the Republic be taken up. No ob- jections being made the mayor direct- ed the communication be read. Com- munication as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council—Gentlemen: Your honorable body was recently requested to appro- priate $200.00 to defray expenses of Decoration Day: the request met with opposition and was withdrawn. It is our firm belief that those who opposed the request did not fully consider their action and did not realize the effect this refusal had upon the loyal people whom you represent. Decoration Day is the most sacred of our nation's holidays set apart by a grateful government, to give every loyal and liberty -loving being an op- portunity to visit the resting places of this nation's heroic dead, who gave their lives that this nation should live and prosper, and as is the custom to decorate the graves with the emblem of liberty and flowers. and with proper speeches to imbue the minds of old and young with patriotism and to conse- crate and preserve a reverend memory for the fallen heroes, who saved our freedom, our flag and the liberty—all enjoy. Decoration exercises are observed at all cemeteries without distinction and participated in by all loyal people, ages and sexes and of all religious creeds and without regard to politics. Yes, 74 Special Session, April 10, 1899 by all who love liberty and revere the starry flag and its defenders. The money is used to pay for speak- ers, stands, proper decorations, music, drinking water for the public and the necessary vehicles, and is wholly ex- pended for the entertainment of the public. Until last year it was customary in Dubuque for the Grand Army to ap- point committees to solicit the needed funds from our business men, but this having been so often repeated, met with many objections, and therefore the Grand Army thought it proper to ask the city to assume this small ex- pense for the future, believing that the purpose for which the money is asked, will be a guarantee for the unanimous passage of a resolution to grant the same. A resolution granting our re - ,quest, will, and cannot set a precedent upon which organizations of religious, political or of any other nature can base a claim, for concessions to assist them in demonstrations of their own, because there is no parallel to draw. Every man, woman and child is in- vited by our great government to do honor and respect to the memory of those, who alone made it possible for our free government to exist, and they belong to all religious creeds, and are of all classes and denominations whether political or religious and are Americans. And you, the represen- tatives of the loyal, liberty -loving peo- ple of Dubuque, will find it to the credit of the city you represent to as- sume an expense, which is to -day and has been for years assumed by the leading cities in this and other states. Asking your honorable body to act promptly on this matter. Respectfully yours, Finance committee of the Grand Army of Dubuque, Ia. PETER KIENE, GEO. W. HEALEY, T. W. RUETE, J. D. CALLAHAN, GEO. FENGLER. Ald. Duggan addressed the council. Ald. Crawford also addressed the council on the subject. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and some of the members of the G. A. R. be heard. Carried. Ex -Aid. Fengler addressed the coun- cil on the matter. J. D. Callahan also addressed the council. Ald. Crawford then read the report of the committee of the whole as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Peter Kiene, J. D. Callahan, T. W. Ruete, Geo. W. Healey and Geo. Fengler, a committee appointed by Hyde Clark and Lookout Posts of the G. A. R. ask- ing that the city appropriate $200.00 to be used in defraying the expenses that will be incurred in the proper observ- ance of Memorial Day, would respect- fully recommend that the petition be granted, and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the above named committee for $200.00. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port of the committee of the whole. Ald. Wales moved that the city at- torney be requested to give his opinion as to the legality of the appropriation. Motion lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Wales. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Whereupon Ald. Crawford's original motion to adopt the report was carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Nays—Ald. Wales. Declined to vote— Ald. Flynn. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the next consideration of the council be that of the water works question. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that he had re- ceived a communication from the presi- dent (Peter Kiene), of the Water Works company and read the communication. The communication follows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 10,1899. Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor of Dubuque. Dear Sir:—Replying to your notice of April 3, 1899, will state that we will co- operate with the city of Dubuque in the matter of securing appraisers to value the property of the Dubuque Water company on the following conditions: If the city of Dubuque will appoint two (2) first-class, experienced and competent men, men who are thorough- ly conversant with the building, opera- tion and value of water plants, who are dis-interested in the matter and non- residents of the city of Dubuque as ap- praisers, we will select two (2) men of similar character and these four select a fifth appraiser, having similar quali- fications and experience. We would like to have the matter settled as soon as possible so that the present system can be modernized and put in excellent condition either by the city or by ourselves during the present summer. I remain yours, very respectfully, (Signed.) PETER KIENE, President. The mayor stated that he had a fist of names to select the appraisers from. hut would recommend as such apprais- ers on the part of the city Charles P. Chase, of Clinton, Iowa, and D. W. Mead, of Rockford, Ills. Ald. Flynn moved that the council with the attorneys retire to the com- mittee room and the list of names be read and the council select the ap- praisers. Carried. The council and attorney then re- tired to the committee room. The council returned from the com-- Special Session, April 10, 1899. mittee room at 10:40 o'clock p. m. The mayor and all the aldermen present. After calling the council to order, Mayor Berg stated that the council had selected as appraisers for the city es - Governor Horace Boise, of Waterloo, Iowa and ex -Judge J. J. Ney, of Iowa City, Iowa. Ald. Flynn offered the following re- solution: Whereas, by an ordinance passed by the city council of the city of Dubuque on Deccmber 5th, 1870, entitled "An Or- atnance authorizing S. Chamberlain, et al to construct, maintain and oper- ate water works and supply water t) the city and citizens of Dububque de- fining their powers and privileges and prescribing their duties" it was provid- ed among other things that at any time after twenty years upon giving six months' notice the city of Dubuque should have the right to purchase from said S. Chamberlain et al the buildings, machinery, pipes and other property with all their rights and privileges (but not including any franchise herein granted or that may be hereafter grant- ed to said parties which shall not be included in the estimated value but in the purchase shall revert to the city) at such price as may he agreed upon by the city council and said parties. In case of a disagreement the price to be ascertained by five disinterested per- sons, non-residents of the city, two of whom shall be chosen by the city coun- cil and two by said parties and the fifth by the four thus chosen. And Whereas, the Dubuque Water company a corporation has succeeded to all the rights of S. Chamberlain et al and now own and operate the water works in the city of Dubuque under the ordinance and franchise therein granted and subject to all its conditions and more than six months notice has been given by the city of Dubuque to the Dubuque Water company of its in- tention to purchase under the provisions of the ordinance hereinfore referred to and said Dubuque Water company has failed and neglected to fix a price on its said property and has failed and neglected to accept the offer heretofore made by the city of Dubuque and there is a disagreement as to the price of said property as contemplated in said ordi- nance. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 7 of the ordinance hereinbefore re- ferred to, that Horace Boiese, of Water- loo, Iowa, and J. J. Ney, of Iowa City, Iowa, two disinterested, non-residents, of the city of Dubuque be and are here- by appointed by the city council of the city of Dubuque to act in ascertaining and determining the fair price and val- ue of all the buildings, machinery, pipes, and other property of the Du- buque Water company used in the sup- plying of the city of Dubuque and the citizens thereof with water in the man- ner,provided in said ordinance. with alt their rights and privileges, but not in- cluding any franchise granted by the city of Dubuque. And, Be it further resolved that the Dubuque Water company be and are hereby notified of the appointment of the persons hereinbefore named to act in the manner provided in said ordi- nance, and that said Dubuque Water company be and are hereby requested to name and appoint two other disin- terested persons non-residents of the city of Dubuque to act with the two persons chosen and appointed by the city of Dubuque, the four persons, two chosen by the city council of the city of Dubuque and two by the Dubuque Water company, to choose a fifth dis- interested person a non-resident of the city of Dubuque, the five persons thus chosen to ascertain the price to be paid by the city of Dubuque to the Dubuque Water company for the property pro- vided for in said ordinance and which shall he the fair and reasonable value thereof not including any franchise granted by the city of Dubuque. And, Be it further resolved that F. duly certified copy of this resolution be at once served upon the proper officer of the Dubuque Water company, and that if said Dubuque WaterMompany shall fail and neglect to choose two dis- interested persons non-residents of the city to act in ascertaining such price and shall fail and neglect to notify the city of Dubuque in writing of such an- pointment on or before the 13th., day of April, 1899, such failure or refusal shall be considered as a refusal on the part of the Dubuque Water company to carry out the provisions of the said or- dinance and the city attorney of the city of Dubuque shall thereupon im- mediately bring an action in the district court of Dubuque county, Iowa for the May term, 1899 thereof to have such purchase price fixed and determined by judgment and decree of said court. Approved April llth, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor of the city of Dubuque. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the said resolution. Carried by the following vote. Ald. Crawford declined to vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Ald. Wales presented a petition from Julius C. Goodhouse and 48 others, ask- ing that Bluff street extension be wid- ened, continuing the same from where the work on said street was stopped. Ald. Wales moved that the petition he referred to the street committee and the street commissioner with power. Carried. Ald. Crawford stated that Merchant's Lane was in bad condition and needed some repairs, and moved that the mat- ter of putting said street in a passable condition be referred to the street com- 76 Regular Session, April 13, 1899 mittee and street commissioner with power. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved to adjourn to next Thursday evening April 13th, 1899. Carried. hest: /!, ,/. Recorder Approved ...... (...,189. Mayor Regular Session, April 13th, 1899. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. Flynn moved that the water works question, the Standard Tele- phone compai.y's ordinance, the ap- pointment of officers and resolutions he taken up in the above named order. Carried. Mayor Berg presented and read the following communication. Dubuque, Iowa, April 13th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen:—The Dubuque Water com- pany hereby name John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs, Iowa and Benezette Wil- liams of Chicago, Ills., two disinterest- ed persons, non-residents of the city of Dubuque, to act with the parties named by your honorable body, in ascertaining the price of all the property, rights and privileges of the Dubuque Water com- pany. I am, yours respectfully, (Signed.) PETER KIENE President. Ald. Flynn moved that the com- munication be received. Carried. Ald. Flynn stated that he would like to hear from the members of the coun- cil and the attorneys on said question, whereupon City Attorney Duffy and several others addressed the council. Assistant City Attorney Maguire stated that he thought a special com- mittee ought to be appointed to make arrangements for, and to notify the four appraisers that have been appoint- ed of the time of meeting for the ap- pointment of the fifth appraiser, and to attend to all the business Per- taining to such matters. After further discussion participated in by Attorneys Matthews, Longue- ville and Aids. Flynn and McLaughlin, Ald. Flynn moved that the special com- mittee (suggested by Assistant Attor- ney Maguire) consist of Mayor Berg, and the four attorneys, and said com- mittee to confer with the Water com- pany, and to supply everything need- ed and to make all necessary arrange- ments for the meetings of the apprais- ers, etc. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that Chas. P. Chase of Clinton, Iowa be selected as the consulting engineer, and his com- pensation and eneagement to be ar- ranged by the special committee. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford. chairman of the or- dinance committtee presented the Stan- dard Telephone company ordinance. Ald. Wales moved that the ordinance he read the second time. Carried by the following votes: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Duggan, Mc- Laughlin. Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read the second time. Ald. Crawford offered the following amendment: Section 19. The Standard Telephone company shall file with the city recor- der, a written acceptance of this ordi- nance within twenty days after the date of its final passage by the city council. otherwise it shall become null and void. If this ordinance shall be accepted by said Standard Telephone company, within the time soerified, it shall there- upon be published in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph. a newspaper in the city of Dubuque. and shall take effect and be in force from and after the :late of such publication. Ald. Crawford moved that said amendment be adopted as a substitute for section 19 of the original ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan, Mc- Laughlin, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 7. The mayor declared the substitute adopted. Ald. Wales moved that further ac- tion he postponed and the ordinance be referred back to the ordinance com- mittee. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourns, they adjourn until n• xt regular meeting, Thursday, April 20th. 1899, at 8 o'clock u. m. Carried. RE -ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION. No objections being filed to the plat, relative to the re -assessments of the property abutting on Main street, and no person appearing before the council to object to the levy of said re -assess- ments, the following resolution was of- fered by Alderman Flynn. For the purpose of making a reas- sestment as ordered by the city coun- cil, Be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that to pay for the cost of improving Main street from Seventeenth street to Charter street by curbing and paving under resolution adopted December 7th, 1891, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter described abutting on said improvement and subject to assess- ment, for the several amounts set on- posite each of said lots or parcels of Ite,gnlar Session, April 13, 1899. 77 real estate as follows, the same being the just and true proportion of said cost which is by law assessable upon said lots and parcels of real estate, to wit: W. J. Knight, north 2-5 city 469, $680.96. Sisters of Charity, B. V. M. St. Joseph's city, 468, $706.26. L. H. Wapies, city 44, $35.03. L. H. Wapies, city, 45, $378.29. L. H. Wapies, north 1-2 city 47, $99.65. John Hennessy north 43 ft. city 56 $323.18. John Hennessy, south 8.2 ft, 75, city 56, $31.90. John Hennessy, north 12.6 ft. city 57, $48.71. John Hennessy, south 38.8 ft. city 57, $150.70. John Hennessy, north 2.6 ft. city 58, $9.77. John Hennessy, S. M. 21 ft. city 53, $81.74. John Hennessy, south 7.2 city 58, $24.78. John Hennessy, city 59, $135.99. John Hennessy, city 60, $340.46. John Hennessy, city 14, $208.38. Sarah Drummy, north 1-3, city, 66, $83.69. Robert Jess, east 35 ft. city 533, $366.10. John Hennessy, north 28 ft. city 70, $90.77. John Hennessy, city 531, $375.85. John Hennessy, north 1-2 city 532, $80.76. John Hennessy, city 536, $119.17. Ald. Flynn moved that the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Mc- Laughlin, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Crawford moved that the alder- man that have not already the revised ordinances of 1893, be supplied with a copy, on application to the recorder. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council proceed to appoint officers for the ensuing year. Carried. Ald. Jones moved as a substitute to postpone action until next meeting of the council. Substitute lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Ald. McLaughlin nominated Jas. H. Boyce for street commissioner. Ald. Crawford moved that when there was but one candidate for office, he be elected vi-va-voca. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that Jas. H. Boyce be elected by acclamation. Car- ritd. The mayor declared Jas. H. Boyce elected for the ensuing year. Ald. Crawford stated that the assist- ant engineer holds his office during the pleasure of the council. Ald. Flynn nominated Peter Kien for park custodian of Jackson and Flat Iron parks. Ald. Jones nominated Gustave Wied- ner. The mayor appointed Alds. Duggan and Frith as tellers. The ballot was as follows: Gustave Wiedner received three votes, Peter Kien, four votes. Peter Kien having received a major- ity of all votes cast, Mayor Berg de- clared him ;elected park custodian of Jackson and, Flat Iron parks for the ensuing yeitr.f Ald. McLaughlin nominated Thos. Cahill for park custodian of Washing- ton and Phoenix parks. Aid. Crawford nominated Pat Ryan. The ballot was as follows: Thos. Cahill received four votes; Pat Ryan, three. Thos. Cahill having received a ma- jority of all votes cast, Mayor Berg de- clared him elected park custodian of Washington and Phoenix parks for the ensuing year. Ald. Duggan nominated Otto Rath for market master. Ald. Flynn nominated John Mc Don- ald. The ballot was as follows: Otto Rath received five votes; John McDonald. two. Otto Rath having received a majority of all votes cast, Mayor Berg declared him elected market master for the en- suing year. Ald. Duggan nominated Harry Fleck for engineer of steam roller. Ald. Crawford nominated A. R. Stevenson. The ballot was as follows: Harry Fleck received four votes.; A. R. Stevenson, three. Harry Fleek having received a ma- jority of all votes east, Mayor Berg declared him elected engineer of the steam roller for the ensuing year. Ald. Duggan nominated Nick Offer - man for poundmaster, and moved that he be elected by acclamation. Carried. The mayor declared Nick Offerman elected poundmaster for the ensuing year. Ald. McLaughlin nominated Wm. Hippman for city electrician and moved that he be elected by acclamation. Carried. The mayor declared Wm. Hippman elected city electrician for the ensuing year. Ald. Duggan nominated R. F. Cur- ran for woodmeasurer and wharfmas- ter, and moved that he be elected by acclamation. Carried. Mayor Berg declared R. F. Curran elected woodmeasurer and wharfmaster for the ensuing year. The following are the welghmasters elected for the ensuing years: T. Faherty, First ward. Chas. Pitchner, West Dubuque scales. Mrs. Deckert and George Pfiffner for Fifth ward scales. Ald. Duggan nominated R. T. Eddy for sewer foreman. Ald. Crawford nominated Chas. Hil- lery The ballot was as follows: R. T. Edy revived four votes; Chas. Hillery three. '78 Regular Session, April 20, 1899 R. T. Eddy having received a ma- jority of all votes cast, Mayor Berg declared him elected sewer foreman !or the ensuing year. Ald. Flynn nominated Louis Zeid- man fc._ sidewalk in ;vector and moved that he be elected by acclamation. Car- ried. Mayor Berg declared Louis Zeidman elected sidewalk inspector for the en- suing year. The mayor stated that he had com- plaints from parties complaining about having to pay for cleaning alleys, while some of their neighbors were not coni- pelled to pay. He thought that all should pay. Also that a notice had been published, notifying abutters on alleys to clean the same or it would be done by the city and charged to said abutters. On motion the matter was referred ti the street committee and street com- missioner. The mayor also brought up the matter of sprinkling around and abutting city property. On motion further action postponed. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Mks Recorder Approved .. Mayor REGULAR SESSION, ! PRIL 20TH, 1899. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. PETITIONS. Petition of Wm. Kratka, owner of steamer Pauline by Stephen Shaw, ask- ing that he be granted a temporary landing for said steamer, on the south side of the Ice Harbor, beginning at tha north end of the Diamond Jo wharf boat, and extending in a westerly di- rection for a distance of about 150 feet: The mayor referred the petition to the committee on harbors with power. Petition of John McNulty, asking city to purchase his macadam located on Dodge street, above the Gas house. Ald. Crawford moved that the street commissioner be instructed to measure said macadam and report at the next regular session of the council. Car • ried. Petition of J. W. Dolan, asking per- mission to mine underneath city lot, situated on corner of Booth and Dodge streets. Ald. Crawford moved that he be granted a lease to mine underneath said lot and that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the lease. Car- ried. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of Fred Haardt et al re- monstrating against the improvemen1- of Merchants' Lane. Petition of Wm. Hollangel. asking that the curbing abutting his property lot 9 "A" from Couler avenue to While street be reset. Petition of Otto Messner et al, asking for a change of grade of Stafford ave- nue, where it crosses Lincoln avenue, in order that the street in front of their property may be properly drained. Petition of T. M. Cosgrove et al, asking that Grace street be improved from the present westerly terminus of the improved Grace street to East street according to the grade as estab- lished. Petition of John Schloz in relation r constructing a sidewalk abutting his property on Car street. Petition of Peter Zillig et al, asking that the alley between Wood street, and Adair avenue be improved. Petition of Buetell Bros. Co., asking permission to use the space under the sidewalk abutting their new store building on Clay street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Jno. Fogarty et al, asking that a new arc light be put in at the intersection of Rush and Quinn streets, and that the arc light now at the in- tersection of Rush and Villa streets be moved 100 feet south. Petition of Henry Gehrig et al, ask- ing that the ordinance in relation to hotels and restaurants' license be re- pealed. Petition of Jno. A. Meshinger et al, requesting that the sanitary sewer be extended from the intersection of West Third street and Alpine street south a distance of 300 feet to connect with the Third street sewer. Ald. McLaugh- lin moved that the petitions be referred to the committee on sewers. Carried Petition of Jno. Deerey et al, in re- lation to illuminating the Town clock at night, by gas or electricity. Ald. Crawford moved that the petition be referred to Jno. Deerey, T. W. Ruete and Geo. Salot, they investigate the cost and maintenance of construction and report to the council. Carried. Petition of Wm. Ryan, asking to be refunded the sum of $20.00 paid by hirn for team license for the year 1891. Ald. Frith moved that the petition be re- ceived and filed. Carried. The invitation of the Grant Birth- day association of Galena, Ills., re- questing the mayor and city council to attend the seventy-seventh anniversary of the birth of Gen. Ulysess S. Grant, Regular Session, April 20, 1899. 79 to be celebrated at Galena, Isis., Thurs- day, April 27th. 1899 was read. Ald. Crawford moved that the invitation be accepted, and that the mayor and city council attend in a body. Carried. Petition of the Citizens' State Bank. asking to place their assessment on the same basis as that of the other nation- al banks, namely on the 80 per cent, basis instead of the 100 per cent. of its capital stock. Ald. Wales moved that it be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. C. Carter, asking to have her taxes cancelled on lot 5, Sum- mer Hill add. for the year 1898 Petition of Mrs. Mary Flynn, akin that taxes be cancelled on the north 16 feet of lot 81 East Dubuque add. Petition of Jos. Jeoffrey, asking that the taxes on lot 10 Finley, Waples and Burton add., be cancelled for the year 1898. Petition of Wilhelmina Krems, asking that her taxes be cancelled on lot 1 Johnston's sub. Petition of Mary F. Seward. asking that her taxes be remitted for the year t 1898 on the west 30 ft. of lot 6 of sub out lot 703 city. Petition of Mary De Lormier. asking that her taxes be cancelled for the year 1898 on south 16 ft. lot 159 city. Petition of Roger McPoland. asking that his taxes be cancelled for the year 1898 on lot 24 of min. lot 149. Petition of H. Lippstock, asking that his taxes be cancelled for the year 1898 on lot 31 Fengler add. Petition of Mrs. Seeger, asking for a reduction of the taxes on her home- stead. Petition of C. C. Lembke, asking that the assessment against them for moneys and credits be cancelled, and their stock of merchandise be reduced from $4,500.00 to $2.00. On motion it was referred to the equalization com- mittee. Petition of Mrs. Catherine Stafford, asking that her taxes on city warrants be cancelled, also that the taxes of Frank Melville, consisting of $2,500 city warrants be cancelled. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition be referred to the delinquent tax committee and city assessor. Carried. Petition of Michael Adam in relation to erroneous assessment of east 1-4 of south 1-3 of city lot 556. On notion referred to city attorney and city assessor. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on street for the first half of April, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, $2,376.50. Approved. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Street Committee. All. McLaughlin moved that the re- t port be received and warrants ordered drawn and the pay roll be referred back to the street committee. Carried, Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as fol- lows: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the first half of April, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $151. Approved. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Sewer Committee. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn and the pay roll referred back to the sewer committee. Mayor Berg stated that the settle- ment between the city of Dubuque and H. F. C. Schneider, agreed upon Au- gust 4, 1898 for damages to his property on account of the construction of the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, Mr. Schneider had expressed his willing- ness to comply with same. Mr. Schneider being present was granted permission to address the coun- cil. Mr. Schneider being present was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Schneider addressed the council and stated that it required some more filling and when than was done he would accept the $250.00 in full settle- ment of his claim- against the city. Ald. Crawford' moved that the street commissioner be instructed to finish said filling as per agreement. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a pro- file of grade on De Soto Terrace com- mencing at the north side of llth street. thence running 189 feet south. Also on West llth street from De Soto Ter- race to Grove Terrace. Carried. On motion of Ald. Duggan the Stand- ard Telephone company ordinance was taken up. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee reported back the ordinance referred to that committee April 13th, 1899, entitled an ordinance, Granting to the Standard Telephone company permission, right and authori- ty to use the public streets and alleys in the city of Dubuque. Iowa for the purpose of placing post and poles with wire and conductors thereon and for conduits under the surface of the streets and alleys, for the operation and maintenance of a telephone system in the city of Dubuque. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance with the amendments by the committee be adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Avrs-11ds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn. Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The mayor declared the ordinance adopted. Ald. Crawford also presented an or- dinance entitled an ordinance establish- ing the grade of Main street from Seventeenth street to Charter street, and moved that the ordinance be real 80 R gnlar Session, April 20, 1899 for the first time. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for its second reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Crawford moved that the ord- nance be adopted. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Total 7. The mayor declared the ordinance adopted. The ordinance follows: Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That th ,rade of Main street from Seventeenth street to Chai - ter street described as follows: Commencing at the lot line 17th, and Main street, elevation 59.4, thence south to the northwest corner curb of 15th and Main, elevation 57.40, thence' south to the northwest corner curb of 14th and Main, elevation 55.80, thence from the southwest corner curb of 14th and Main, elevation 55.30, thence south to the northwest corner curb of 13th and Main, elevation 52.10, thence south to the southwest corner curb of 13th and Main, elevation 51.40, thence south to the northwest corner curb of 12th and Main, elevation 48.75, thence south to the northwest corner curb of llth and Main, legation 47.60, thence south from theta west corner curb of llth and Main, elevation 47.50, • to the northwest corner curb of 10th and Main, elevation 46.20, thence south to the northwest corner curb of 8th and Main, elevation 48.60, thence south from southwest cor- ner curb of 8th and Main, elevation 48.10, to northwest corner curb of 7th and Main, elevation 46.45, thence south to north-west corner curb of 5th and Main, Allevation 45.65, thence south to to p, Whit 150 feet south of the south cufb line of 4th and Main streets to a break of grade, elevation 48.03, thence 15outh to the northwest corner curb of 2d and Main streets, elevation 37.60, thence south from the southwest cor- ner curb of 2d and Main to the north west corner curb of 1st and Main, ele- vation 21.80, thence from the south curb line of Main and 1st, elevation 20.60, south to the north curb line of Jones and Main streets, elevation 19.20, thence south from the south curb line of Jones and Main streets, elevation19.20 to the north curb line of Dodge and Main streets, elevation 19.35, thence south to the north curb line of Charter and Main streets, elevation 19.37 be and is hereby established as the grade of maid Main street from Seventeenth street to Charter streets. Section 2. This ordinance shall takc effect and be in force from and after the date of its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph news- paper of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Approved April 20th, 1899, C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, i City Recorder. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nr.nce committee to whom had been re- ferred the matter of and contract of M. Tschirgi, Jr., in relation to sewer, lo- cated in alley between Main and Lo- cust streets from First to Eighth street. moved that the contract be approved and the mayor and city recorder be in- structed to complete the contract. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids, Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The contract follows: This agreement made this 26th day of January, 1899, between the city of Du- buque, Iowa and M. Tschirgi, Jr., wit- nesseth that the said M. Tschirgi, Jr., hereby sells, trans- fers and conveys to the city of Dubuque all his rights, title and interest in and to the sewer located in the alley between Main and Locust streets from First to Eighth streets. The said city to operate the same In consideration of the above transfer as a public sewer. the city of Dubuque agrees to pay to the said M. Tschirgi, Jr., one-half of the amount to be collected from abut- ters along the line of said sewer who have not as yet connected with said sewer, a list of said abutters being here- to attached and made a part of this contract. The amount to be paid by the city, only as collected by the city. (Signed.) M. TSCHIRGI JR. Mayor Berg presented and had read notice of suit in the district court, of J. N. Freeman against the city for per- sonal damages of $2,000.00 caused by his falling on the sidewalk at the corner of Main and 9th streets, on or about Feb- ruary 27th, 1899. The mayor referred the notice to the committee of the whole and city attor- ney. Mayor Berg, of the special committee, reported that he had received a com- munication from Charles P. Chase, of Clinton, Iowa, in answer to his of in- quiry as to compensation, etc., for ser- vices as consulting engineer in the ap- praisement of the water works. Ald. Flynn moved that the special committee be continued with power to act. Carried. Mayor Berg, of the board of health,. reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 20th, 1899. To the Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I beg to report that at a meeting of your board of health, held April 13th, 1899, I appointed the fol- lowing named, as members of the board of health for the ensuing year: Health officer, Dr. E. A. Guilbert. I I G„te. rJ Ptgnlsr Session, April 20, 1899. Members from the city council, Aids. McLaughlin and Jones. Citizen member, Mr. George Salot. Adjunct or honorary members, Dr. C. H. Whitwell and Otto Ruete. The two last to serve without com- pensation. The board of health then proceeded to the election of sanitary policeman. On motion Samuel Starr, the pres- ent incumbent, was unanimously elect- ed by the board. I therefore respect- fully recommend the above named ap- pointments to your honorable body for your approval and confirmation. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report and that said appointments be confirmed. Carried. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS. Mayor Berg reported as follows: Dubuque, April 20th, 1899. To the Members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Agreeable to the provis- ions of Section 1056 of the Code of Iowa, of 1897, and the provisions of an ordi- nance adopted by the city council of the city of Dubuque March 17th, 1898, I hereby appoint, subject to the ap- proval of the council, T. H. Duffy, to the office of city at- torney. H. B. Gniffke, to the office of city treasurer. And L. M. Langstaff to the office of city recorder for the team of one year beginning May 1st, 1899, and ending April 30th, 1900. In making these appointments I have been actuated by a desire to show these gentlemen that their services have been appreciated, and that I have full faith in their integrity and ability, and be- lieving that you entertain the same feelings towards them, I respectfully ask that you confirm them. • Respectfully submitted, C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. Flynn moved that the said ap- pointments be confirmed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of health, reported as follows: Dubuque, April 20th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your board of health re- spectfully reports that they advertised for bids for removing garbage and dead animals for the year 1899. Also have advertised for bids for vault cleaning for the ensuing year. We have received and examined the bids and beg to recommend that a con- tract be entered into with T. E. Frith for the removal of garbage and dead animals at the rate of $7.44 per day dur- ing the pleasure of the board of health; also that a contract be entered into with Frank Burns for vault cleaning, at the rate of nine cents per cubic foot below the bluffs and eleven cents per cubic foot on the bluffs. They being the lowest and belt bid- ders, Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report and recommendations. Car- ried. 81 Ald. McLaughlin also reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Tour board of health to whom was referred the claim of Frank Burns for cleaning vault at the Pacific house, Alex Simplot, owner, amount, $15.30, respectfully recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay said amount to Frank Burns, and that the said amount be made a special assess- ment and the assussment be levied against said Pacific house property in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report and recommendations. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the contract be awarded to Byrne Bros. at $250.00 per year for sprinkling around and abutting the city's property for the year 1899. Carried. Ald. Flynn stated that in the finan- cial report for the year ending Feb- ruary 28th, 1898, it showed sprinkling city property $500.00 and that he would like an explanation. Ald. Crawford moved that it be re- ferred to the finance committee for in- vestigation. Carried. City Attorney Duffy wanted to know as to the amount of the bond that would be required for the city attorney. Ald. Crawford moved that the amount of the bond for the city attor- ney, city treasurer and city recorder be fixed the same as that of 1897. Car- ried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until May 4th, 1899. Carried. Attest. NOTICE TO CLEAN ALLEYS. All parties are nereby notified to clean the alleys abutting their premis- es, within five days of this notice. In case of failure so to do the city of Du- buque will clean the same at the ex- pense of the owner or occupants of any building abutting on said alleys. The city will also remove all ashes or debris found on any lane, avenue, alley or oth- er thoroughfare and charge the cost thereof to the owners or occupants of any building abutting thereon. The city will charge seventy-five cents per load for removing said debris. The above notice will be enforced. Per order of the board of health. Dated April 10, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-10-5t. Clerk. V 82 List of Warrants UST OF WARRANTS CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, April 1st, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor. and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March, 1899: Name. For What Purpose. Am't. Frank Hemmelder, personal damages $ 75 00 LABOR FOR FIRST HALF OF MARCH. Jno Albrecht, labor ... 5 00 Joe Broulette, labor 95 S Bastian, labor 1 90 Paul Becker, labor 5 65 Jno Berry, labor 65 Joe Brown, labor 4 40 H Connell, labor 95 P Carney, labor 2 50 Jno Callahan, labor 65 Tom Cahill, labor 1 25 Steve Cain, labor 1 25 M Carmody, labor 95 D Corcoran, labor 7 80 James Conway, labor 1 90 M Dunnigan, labor 95 Steve Dorsey, labor 19 50 R T Eddy, labor 20 00 P Furey, labor 1 25 Matt Fetschle, labor 1 25 P Fogarty, labor 3 15 Chr Frohs, labor 6 25 Pat Fenelon, labor 315 Jno Farley, labor 20 00 Pat Grew, labor 2 50 Joe Geasland, labor 95 Joe Guenther, labor 5 65 Peter Guenther, labor 5 65 Geo Gau, labor 1 90 C Gantenbein, labor 20 00 Jno Hafey, labor 1 25 Thos Hackney, labor .. 1 25 Chr Heck, labor 1 55 Jno Hayes, labor 20 00 Phil Kenney, labor 315 H Kehr, labor 95 Jac Kraus, labor 5 65 B Klof, labor 5 00 Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00 Mat Klein, labor 12 50 M Lavin, labor 5 65 Jno Lipstock, labor .. 95 Herm Lembke, labor 5 00 M Lonergan, labor 4 40 Jno Mullen, labor 2 20 Edw Malloy, labor 1 25 Jas McCormack, labor 1 25 Jno McNulty, labor 65 F McBride, labor 4 70 Phil Newman, labor 1 25 Pat O'Brien, labor .. 1 25 Pat O'Farrell, labor 65 Wm O'Brien, labor •20 00 Jno Parker, labor .. 4 40 Jac Peryon, labor 5 00 C H Pierce, labor 3 75 Joe Rooney, labor 95 Joe Richter, labor 1 90 Fred Radloff, labor 5 00 D Sheehan, labor 190 Wm Sheridan, labor 95 Frank Scherr, labor 1 90 Peter Stoffer, labor 5 65 Sam Smith, labor 2 60 Jno Spear, labor 5 65 Jno Welsh, labor 2 50 Jno Wolf, labor 66 Sam Werb, labor .. 65 I Beekman, teams 1 90 Jno Decker, teams 1 25 M Gantenbein, teams 65 Frank Mathis, teams 1 90 Jno McCollins, teams .. 1 90 Pat O'Meara. teams 2 50 D Sutherland. teams 1 25 Geo Scott, teams 2 50 Chas. Botsford. labor on sewers 19 50 Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 19 50 Pat Furey, labor on sewers 18 75 M Flynn, labor on sewers 19 50 Joe Lowrie, labor on sewers 19 50 Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 19 50 Chas Hillery, labor on sewers 25 00 Phil F Ryder, rip rap for 4th St extension 63 20 Wm Kronfeld, macadam .. 9 50 C H Pierce, macadam ... 16 40 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March, 1899. L.M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. (Official Publication.) An Ordinance establishing the grade of Main street from Seventeenth street to Charter street. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Main street from Seventeenth street to Char- ter street described as follows: Com- mencing at the Lot Line 17t:i.. and Main streets elevation 59.4, thence South to the North West corner curb of 15th., and Main, elevation 57.40, thence South to the North West corner curb of 14th., and Main, elevation 55.80, thence from the South West corner curb of 14th., and Main, elevation 55.30, thence South to the North West corner curb of 13th., and Main, elevation 52.10, thence South to the South West corner curb of 13th., and Main, elevation 51.40, thence South to the North West corner curb 12th., and Main, elevation 48.75, thence South to the North West corner curb of 11th., and Main, elevation 47.60, thence South from the South West corner curb of 11th., and Main elevation 47.50.to the North West corner curb of 10th., and Main, elevation 46.20, thence South to the North West corner curb of 8th., and Main, elevation 48.60, thence South from the South West corner curb of 8 th., and Main, ele- vation 48.10 to the North West corner curb of 7th., and Main, eleva- vation 46.45, thence South to the North West corner curb of 5th., and Main, elevation 45.65, thence South to a point 150 feet South of the South curb line of 4th., and Main streets to a break of grade, elevation 48.03, thence South to the North West corner curb of 2nd., and Main streets, elevation 37.60, thence South from the South West corner curb of 2nd., and Main, to the North West corner curb of lst., and Main elevation, 21.80, thence from the South curb line of Main and lst., elevation 20.60 South to the North curb line of Jones and Main streets, elevation 19.20, thence South frou the South curb line of Jones and Main street, elevation 19.20, to the North curb line of Dodge and Main streets, elevation 19.35, thence Official Notices. 83 South to the North curb line of Char- ter and Main streets, elevation 19.37, be and is hereby established a.s the grade of said Main street from Seven- teenth street to Charter street. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, newspa- per of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Approved April 20th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph newspaper April 21st, 1899. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 5th day of January, 1899, the following special as- sessments were levied on the real es- tate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. REPAIRING SIDEWALKS. Mrs L M Clarke, Blake's add lot 32$ .50 M Burke, add to Stout's Dubuque, lot 4 - .50 N J Kolf, sub 92 of Cox's add, lot 2 1.80 C Jungk, McCraney's lst add, lot 55 .50 F M Robinson Est, Ham's add lot 435 1.15 J A Rhomberg Est, Ham's add lot 397 .50 G G Moser, East Dubuque add, lot 296 .60 Wm Springborn Est, Davis Farm add, lot 232 .65 J Ruegamer, et al, sub min lot 100, n 49 ft, lot 8 .75 Edward McClain, sub 1 of min lot 150, lot 4 .50 Tim Dillon, Stewart's sub, lot 2.50 Henry Herancourt, blk 3, Grand- view park add, lot 16 .95 Wm Guderian Est, Cook's add, n 1-2, lot 35 .60 M Kunkell, McCraney's 1st add, lot 74 .50 W H Salot, Finley's add, lot 4.50 Jas Mullin Est, Finley's add, lot 10 1.30 Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add, lot 13 3.30 Geo Salot, Salot's sub, lot 1 .50 John Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and 77, Union add, lot 2 1.20 Chicago Great Western Ry Co, Sanford sub, lot 61 .50 Peter Mihm, Kings' Grove add, lot 2 .65 C H Jordon, Porter's add, lot 3.90 John Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and 77, Union add, lot 2 .65 Peter Hanson, sub lot 1 of 6 of sub of lots 11, 12 and 13, of N E 1-4 sec 13t, 89 N R, 2e lot 1 .65 John McDonald, McNulty's sub, s 89 ft. lot 2 2.50 Wm Hintrager, Farley's sub, lot 13 .80 Annie M Bush, sub 1, Quigley's sub, lot 1 3.40 Jas Lee, sub 692, city, s 100, lot 4.75 Herman Bishoff, Cooke's add, lot 29 1.15 M Blocklinger, King's 1st add, lot 3 .50 John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot 24 .70 Wm Springborn Est, Davis Farm add, lot 232 .60 Herman J Roesch, et al, Broad- way add, lot 10 C B Miller, Grandview place, lot 6 Henry Herancourt. block 2, Grand view park, lot 16 .50 N H Shilling. sub in 1-3 lot 99, L H Langworthy's add, part east of Elm street, lot 1 .65 L J Duess, sub 741, city, lot 1.65 Wm Springborn Est, Davis' Farm add, lot 231 1.55 M Messerkneckt, E Langworthy's add. lot 51 .80 Cath Winter, Dubuque city, lot 574a .80 John Pier, Dubuque city, lot 5781.15 A Levi Est, Levi's add, lot 16.75 Emerette Randall, sub min lot 39, lot 54 1.15 L G Hurd, sub lot 1 of 5 sub of lots 11, 12 and 13, of n e 1-4 sec 13, T, 89, n r to e, lot 5 .90 Mich Ahern, Dubuque city, lot 575 5.00 Mrs Pat Flynn Est, Dubuque city, lot 576a 3.15 John Hennessy, Dubuque city, lot 726 2.45 Robt Bonson Est, sub 731, Dubu- que city, lot 1 2.20 Mercy Hospital, sub min lot 66, lot 2 2.20 Bridget Redmond, Union add, lot 127 2.00 John Deery, sub min lot 39 5.60 Christina Felter. Davis' Farm add, n 1-2, lot 269 1.70 A F Jaeger Est. Davis Farm add, lot 272 .60 John Dobler, West's add, lot 141.00 R H Thompson, West's add, lot 13. .65 Jas H Hetherington, Sanford's sub, lot 59 .60 45, lot 2 1.55 Con Ryan, Sr, East Dubuque add, lot 114 .90 John Hennessy, Leven's add, lot g 4.35 John Fritpatrick, Est, sub 76 and 77 Union add, lot 2...... 1.00 H Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot 146 3.05 Anna M Bush, sub 1, Quigley's sub, lot 1 1.60 John Babcock, Quigley's sub, lot 5 .90 J M McFadden, sub 1 McNulty's .50 .50 it 84 Official Notices. sub e 1-2, lot 2 1.85 James Rowen, sub 6, 7, 8 and 9, Quigley's sub, Lots 11 to 14 in- clusive 12.00 L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10 1.50 Mary A Kemler, sub 4, Ann O'Hare's sub, lot 2 1.65 Wm Reche Est, Reche's sub, No 2, lot 17 Mercy Hospital. East Dubuque add, S 1-2 lot 60 1.00 Kate Guderian, Cook's add, N 1-2 iot 35 J P Schroeder, Littleton & Saw- yer's add, lot 4 .65 Henry Oser, L H Langworthy's add, lot 84 .80 F M Robison Est. Ham's add, lot 435 1.70 S P Picler. Marsh's add. lot 521.80 Arnold .Cicks. Marsh's add. lot 51.70 Geo Sart. Tivoli add. lot 21 .70 r, M & St P Ry Co. B 8. Railroad add, lot 9 .90 James Rowan, Breakey's add• lot .65 .70 4.50 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance in relation to. and fixing the salaries of the city officers of the city of Dubuque. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That from and after• the 1st day of May. 1899. the annual salary of the city recorder shall be $1.400; that of the city treasurer, including clerk hire, $2,500 and that of the city attor- ney, $1.800 per annum• payable in equal monthly installments. Section 2. That from and after the 1st day of May. 1900 the annual sal::ry of the mayor shall be $1.400: that of the city auditor $1.200: that of the city en- gineer, $1.500: and that of the city mar- shal, $1,200 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Section 3. That from and after the 1st day of May, 1899, the annual salary of the street commissioner shall be $1,- 200: that of the assistant city engineer, $1,100 and that of the health officer, $600 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Section 4. That from and after the 1st day of May, 1900• the salary of each of the assistant city assessors shall be $75 per month; that of the sanitary po- liceman, $60 per month, payable month- ly. Section 5. The emoluments of the foregoing named officers shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall be elected or ap- pointed, unless the office be abolishcci. And no person, who shall have resigned or vacated any office shall be eligible to the same during the term for which he was elected or appointed, when, during same term, the emoluments have been increased. Section 6. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance at•a hereby rcpraled. Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from, and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Passed by the city council of the city of Dubuque. April 3d, 1899. Approved April 4th, 1899. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph newspaper, April 8, 1899. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session cf the city council of the city of Dubuque. held on 16th day of February, 1899. the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herein after described• and that in case of failure to pay the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress Ind sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE. City Treasurer. CLEANING SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALK. W G Cox, sub min lot 90, lot 2 $ 4 00 W G Cox, Levin's add, lot 14 1 00 John S Buettell, Quigley's sub lot 710, lots 4 and 5. ........ .... 30 John Hennessy, A McDaniel's sub lots 820 and 821.. 90 Mary Hansen, A McMcDaniel's sub, W 1-2 lot 814. E 1-2 lot 815.. 25 John Hennessy Levin's add, lot 1 to llinc 3 50 J J Murray, sub 740, city, lot 150 John Flynn, sub 740, city, lot 225 A W Hosford, Cain's ub lot 740 Kate Graham, sub 2 of 667, city lot 3 ... 25 W G Cox. sub min lot 90. lot 33 00 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 16th day of March. 1899. the following special as- sssuients were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. FOR CLEANING SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALK. Alex Sirnplot, city N 21.5 lot 4....$ 25 J Kavanaugh, Est. city S 22 lot 78 25 Ellen B Wood, city S 2-3 lot 112.. 50 John Keenan, city W M 100 lot 608 25 Mary A McPoland, city S 1-2 E 112 lot 608 25 Cath O'Brien, Prospect Hill, lot 11.... 25 Mrs E McIntyre, Prospect Hill, W 22 1-2, lot 5 .• 25 Official Notices. 85 Jas Harris et al, Prospect Hill lot 1 25 D J Hennessy Est, sub 724 city, lot 3 50 A F Fruden, sub 8 min lot 73, lot 1 100 John L Buettell, Narin's add lot 1 50 John L Buettell, Narin's add lot 14 ..... .... 50 J S Stephens, Julia L Lang - worthy's add, lot +22 50 John McDonald, H T McNulty's sub S 89.1 lot 2 50 J M McFadden, sub 1 and 4, Mc- Nulty's sub E 1-2 lot 2.... A W Hosford, Cain's sub lot 7 A W Hosford, Cain's sub lot 12 Alphons Matthews, sub 738 city lot 6 Mary Thomas, sub 738 city lot 7 James Brophy, Farley's ub lot 37 .... 5 Fred Miller Brewing Co, sub 703 city, lot 13 Mary Martin, sub 703 city lot 22.. Mary Muller, sub 703 city lot 21.. E Guthrie, Kelley's sub lot 4 Julia and D Rhomberg, sub 688 city lot 5 25 Fred Miller Brewing Co., city S 62.1 E 43 lot 172 S J Goldthorpe, city lot 324 Kiene and Altman, city lot 283 Jno V Rider et al, city lot 37 H P Bissell Est, city S 86.4 lot 466 James Levi, sub S 1-2 city lot 456 lot 2 40 Kate Graham, sub 2 of 667 city lot 3 Anna B Ryan, city N 1-5 lot 663 H P Bissell Est, city lot 256 B L Richards, city W 52 S 2-5 lot 663 50 Cath Ryan, city M 1-5 lot 663 455 Amelia Hodgdon, A McDaniel's sub lot 769 30 Mary C Meehan, A McDaniel's sub S 1-2 lot 764 25 Universalist church, city lot 63875 S Sunderhoft, city W 63 lot 643.. 50 S Hosford, city lot 656.... 25 G A and S M Provost city lot 65725 Cecelia Levi, city S 75 lot 468a50 John Hennessy, A McDaniel's sub lot 821........ .... 50 Sidonia Hosford et al, A McDan- iel's sub N 88 lot 783 50 J G Bailey, A McDaniel's sub lot 800 .. 40 Alice Goldthorpe, city sub 741 lot 3 40 W G Cox, sub min lot 90 lot 24 00 W G Cox, Levi's add lot 14 35 John Hennessy, Levi add, lots 1 to 11 inclusive 4 00 25 55 25 40 25 75 25 21 25 50 73 75 50 70 25 53 25 NOTICE TO GARBAGE CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day April 20, 1899, for the removal of garbage and dead animals for the sea- son of 1899, in the districts herein below designated, all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the city dump at the foot of Railroad avenue, into the Mississippi river. First District—All territory south of 8th street and Julien avenue. Second District—All territory lying between 8th street and Julien avenue and 17th street and West 17th street. Third District—All territory lying north of 17th street and West 17th street. The party that is awarded the con- tract will be deducted at the rate of three dollars per day, in case of ne- glect or refusal to remove all garbage and dead animals in the respective dis- tricts. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for $25.00 must accompany each bid as a guarantee a contract will be entered if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 14th day of April, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4 -14 -to -20th. City Recorder. NOTICE TO VAULT CLEANERS. Bids will be received by the board of health at the city recorder's office up to 4 o'clock p. m., Thursday, April 20, 1899, for the cleaning of vaults in the city of Dubuque. Bidders must state the price per cu- bic foot below the bluffs and the price per cubic foot on the bluffs. When contract is entered into a good and suf- ficient bond must be furnished that the work will be promptly and well done. Dated April 14, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-14- to 20. J Regular Session, May 4, 1899. 87 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session May 4, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. McLaughlin inoved that the council proceedings for the month of April, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were ordered paid: Thos F Maguire, assistant attor- ney for April $ 50 00 G Gmehle, assistant assessor for April 75 00 Joe J. Murphy, assistant asses- sor April 75 00 Sam Starr, use of horse and bug- gy for April 10 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for April 10 20 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for Feb., March and April9 00 Louis Heeb, cleaning calaboose1 25 R W Pierce, papering and paint- ing police headquarters 44 50 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing fountain and Phoenix park 5 50 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 3 95 Harger & Blish, stationery for city attorney 1 00 Phil Pier, coal for city hall 25 63 Eugene Anderson to services in matter of preparing for trial of Proctor vs. City 30 00 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co, print- ing financial reports 67 98 J C Longueville, retainer in water works cases 250 00 Alphons Matthews, water works cases 250 00 J P Cooke & Co., rubber stamps1 55 Harger & Blish, stationery for various offices 12 25 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber for city scales 5 20 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., one load pine wood at city•hall 2 00 D C Stewart, recording deeds10 50 Smith & Agnew, catching dogs9 00 Christman & Healey, hardware for Washington park .85 Key City Gas Co, gas for city hall 34 50 J M Bradley, maple trees for parks 12 00 E E Frith, 400 lbs of bone fer- tilizer for parks 5 00 P J Seippel, lumber for road de•• partment 39 22 Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for road department43 02 Key City Gas Co, coke for steam roller 9 63 Key City Gas Co, gas for street commissioner office 5 20 Key City Gas Co, removing lamp retainer in post 2nd and Iowa streets 1 00 Jno Leidinger, resetting curb on Eagle Point avenue 10 30 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for road department 3 70 Key City Iron Works, repairing steam roller 91 00 Jno Tibey, stone for crossings14 40 T J Donahue, 1,000 cubic yards of gravel at 35c 350 00 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at steam roller house 5 35 Christman & Healey, hardware for road department 4 50 Hussman & Lies, hardware for road department 12 15 G F Klelh, hardware for road de- partment 4 90 Klauer Mfg Co., repairs at Mrs. Lull's house 2 75 F Schloz & Son, repairing tools for road department .80 Linehan & Molo, white waste for steam roller 2 50 Ed Sloan, horse shoeing for fire department 7 00 Yerger & Vollenweider, horse shoeing for fire department 8 40 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 3 85 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department 4 90 Phil Pier, coal for fire depart- ment 12 50 American Fire Engine Co, 2 new wheels for steamer Stewart92 60 Carr, Ryder, Adams Co, 1 load of pine wood for fire department2 25 Jno Kriebs, repairing harness for fire department 1 20 Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for fire department 4 00 Reinhold Haber, repairs at 9th street engine house 29 40 Knapp, Stout & Co Co, lumber for fire department 4 6S Key City Gas Co, coal for fire de- partment 18 10 Key City Gas Co, gas for various engine houses 83 45 Rumpf-Frudden Lumber 0o, lumber at Central engine house. 3 65 Klauer Mfg Co, repairing fur- nace for Hill St. engine house2 60 Pape & Jacquinot, 1 new horse drinking fountain 64 50 Dubuque Water Co, 338 hydrants for April 1408 33 G F Kleih, hardware for city pound Key City Gas Co, gas for patrol house and police headquarters38 90 North American Telegraph Co, telegrams for police department .70 Larry Dailey, hauling dog .50 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron quarters 1 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms for patrol house G F Kleih, hardware for city pound Ellwanger Bros, repairing har- ness patrol house 1 60 G F Kleih, muzzle for pound 2 90 50 .60 88 Regular Session, May 4, 1899. master's dog Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for sewer department Pape & Jacquinot, pipe for sewer department G F K1eIh, hardware for sewer department J F Ris & Bro, chains and cups for fountains 3 10 F Schloz & Son, repairing tools for sewer department 1 20 Christman & Healey, hardware for sewer department 1 00 Key City Gas Co, gas for en- gineer's office 5 20 Globe -Journal, official printing for April 50 00 The Herald, official printing for April 50 00 National Demokrat, official print ing for April 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for April 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings 6 00 Star Elec Co, 383 arc lights for April 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 lamps for April 166 67 T E Frith, removing garbage in April 29 76 T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals for April 13 00 Dubuque Telegraph, board of health reports for April 3 50 Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for city dump 6 05 Geo Salot, services as member of board of health 21 00 Louis P Heeb, oiling harness at patrol house 1 50 Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill be received and filed. Carried. John Schrup, 16 days as rodman in city engineer's office .. 21 35 Ald. Crawford moved that the bill be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. .35 .70 25 .60 PETITIONS. Petition of Robt. Schoenbeck asking to have the water mains extended along Diagonal street. Ald. Flynn moved that the petition be referred to the com- mittee on fire. Carried. Petition of Nick Mettel et al in rela- tion to dispose of the flow of water from Linwood cemetery, and all land abutting same on the north. Ald. Jones moved that the petition be refer- red to the street committee. Carried. Petition of A. A. Cooper, asking per- mission to replace his fence on a small cow pasture on West Fifth street hill. Ald. McLaughlin moved to have the pe- tition referred to the committee on streets with power. Carried. Petition of Chas. Mitzner, asking for $100.00 damages by water overflowing his property, lot 37 in University Place on West Locust street. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the street committee and street com- missioner with power. Carried. Petition of Rev. P. O'Malley, asking that the grade be established on St. Ambrose street, between Asbury and Arch steets. Ald. Wales moved that the city engineer be instructed to es- tablish the grade as prayed for by said petitioner. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of, Mrs. Margt. Donahue asking to have her taxes cancelled on her homestead, 136 Bluff street for the year 1898. Petition of Clara E. Kress, asking that her taxes be cancelled on N 1-2 of lot 579 Ham's add. for the year 1895, 1696, 1897 and 1898. Petiotion of Nick Grandgenet, asking permission to replace his fence in the rear of his property, abutting lots 78, 79 and 80 in McDaniels Park Hill add. located on the corner of Burlington and Primrose streets. Ald. Crawford moved to refer the petition to the alderman of the 5th ward and Alderman -at -Large Jones. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of the German bank, Du- buque National, First National, German Trust and Saving bank, Iowa Trust and Savings bank, Second National and Citizens' State banks, requesting that the city assessor be instructed to assess all the banks upon a valuation of (80 per cent.) of the capital stock. Petition of Mrs. Mary Rost et al, ask - in r that Adams street be improved. Petition of R. C. Mathis et al, ask- ing that a horse drinking fountain be placed at the intersection of Dodge and Hill streets. Petition of John E. Jansen et al, ask- ing that Reeder street, from Alpine to South Hill street be opened. Communication of H. P. Bissell, ob- jecting to paying special assessment for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks levied March 16th, 1899. On motion the recorder was instructed to look up the matter and report to the council. Communication of John Deerey, ask- ing for further time to report in re- lation to the feasibility and cost of lighting the Town clock at night. Ald. Wales moved that Mr. Deerey be grant- ed further time to report on said mat- ter. Carried. Communication of E. C. Salter, ask- ing city to refund him $1.00 paid for dog license. Ald. Flynn moved that the communication be granted and that a warrant be drawn for that amount. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of April, 1899, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Excavation permits redeemed..$ 105 00 Interest on warrants outstand- Regular Session, May 4, 1899. 89 Ing 1,074 Refunding city bonds, interest Expressage and commission Exchange Telegrams Express charges Postage stamps Court costs Freight charges, fire dept...... Revenue stamps Printing bonds 00 80 00 52 64 6 02 14 65 20 00 80 3 30 50 43 75 Total $1,400 66 Respectfully, HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the ' various amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. Carried. Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you my report for month of April, 1899, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand April 1, 1899....$104,258 81 Receipts from all sources 13,854 35 Total $118,113 16 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants redeemed in April $18,891 54 Coupons redeemed in April 1,577 55 Bonds redeemed in April 14,550 00 $35,019 09 Cash on hand May 1, 1899 $83,094 07 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the Improvement bond fund $23,460 54 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city $59,633 53 Also report that there is due the city officials for the month of April, 1899, $1,946.70. Also the following is a list showing the amount expended in each depart- ment since the beginning of the fiscal year: Expense Road Fire Police Sewerage Printing Engineer Lights Water Interest Board of Health $1804 36 3338 70 2980 15 2207 75 514 15 222 50 256 65 1964 87 1408 33 5072 96 125 50 Total $19,895 92 Also a list of interest coupons re- deemed by me during the past month, amount, $1,577.55. Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and warrants drawn for the vari- ous salaries and the report referred back to the flnance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I respectfully submit my pay roll for the fire department for the month of April, 1899. Amount due firemen, $1,981.50. Respectfully submitted, JOE REINFRIED, Chief. The mayor ordered the report received and warrants drawn for the various amounts to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the committee on flre. Marshal Morgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is the re- port of the police department for the month of April, 1899: Police patrol calls, total, 38. Number of runs by patrol, total, 52. Miles run, 98 5-8. Number of meals furnished, 51. Number of defective lights, 123. Number of lodgers harbored, 219. Poundmaster's receipts, none. Number of doors found open, 23. Residents of Dubuque arrested, 6. Also report that the pay roll for the police department for the month of April, 1899. Amount, $1,941.70. Respectfully submitted, ED. MORGAN, Marshal. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the police and the report referred back to the committee on police and fire. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the CIty of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets from April 15th to April 30th, 1899, inclusive. Amount due laborers, $3,261.50. Respectfully submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the street laborers and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I 'herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the last half of April, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $149.50. Respectfully submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be received and warrants ordered 90 Regular Session, May 4, 1899. drawn to pay labor on sewers and the report referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. City Electrician Hipman reported as fellows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of April, 1899. I find from the re- ports of the police department that the total hours that 123 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 1-2 lamps for one month or $18.90. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be received and filed and the recorder be instructed to notify the city auditor to deduct the amount of $18.90 from the Star Electric Company's bill for the month of April, 1899. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 24th, 1899. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—The annexed petition of Mr. J. W. Dolan was, at the last meet- ing of the council, referred to me wiLn instructions to draft a lease in ac- cordance with the prayer of the peti- tion. Since then my attention has been called to a deed recorded in Book A. A., Page 600, of the records of Dubuque County. This Deed recites that one John Long deeded to Patrick Mallady, "the un- divided 1-2 of the Mineral right in and to Mineral Lot 158." Lot 3 owned by the city of Dubuque and situated at the corner of Dodge and Booth streets is a sub -division of said Mineral Lot 158 and is covered by the deed above referred to. As the city has never purchased the Mineral right from said Patrick Mallady, his heirs, or assigns, it can not legally lease said lot for mining purposes. I therefore return said petition to your honorable body, and would recommend that it be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Duggan moved that the report of the city attorney be adopted. Car- ried. City attorney also reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—The within petition of Michael Adams was referred to me for report. I have examined the matter and found the following facts: That previous to and during the year 1890, William Hintrager was the owner of the East 1-2 of the South 1-3 of City Lot 556. That said lot was filled as pro vided by ordinance and the cost thereof assessed against said William Hin- trager, on October 10th, 1890, and was sold at tax sale for said assessment on June 12th, 1891, to J. J. Bradley. Petitioner states that he is the owner of the West 3-4 of the South 1-3 of said lot, and that Hintrager only owned the East 1-4 of the South 1-3 of said lot and that the assessment is erroneous, and should only have been levied on the east 1-4 of the South 1-3 of said lot. I find as above stated that at time of the assessment, Hintrager was the owner of the East 1-2, and therefore said assessment and the sale thereun- der is regular and legal, and no action is necessary to be taken by the city in this matter. The way the above discrepancy in the title to said property occurred was as follows: After the sale of the said 1-2 of the East 1-2 of the South 1-3 under the said special assessment to Bradley in June 1891, the West 3-4 of said South 1-3 was sold November 6th, 1893, for the taxes of 1892, and by virtue of said sale M. Adams secured a deed to said West 3-4 in 1897. • It would seem from this that he is therefore the owner of said West 3-4, as he got title by virtue of a tax sale subsequent to that of Bradley, and Bradley to protect himself so far as the 1-4 of the South 1-3 of Lot 556 in ques- tion is concerned should have redeemed from said subsequent tax sale under which M. Adams secured title. However this may be, it is a question to be determined by the said respective parties in interest and the city has no concern, and need take no action in the matter. Signed. THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report of the city attorney. Carried. Assistant City Attorney Maguire, who was attending to legal matters of the city during the absence of City Attor- ney Duffy, stated that it would be ad- visable for Dubuque to act in conjunc- tion with the other cities of Iowa, in- terested in the special assessment laws, , and send its representatives to take part in a meeting of the city attorneys called for the purpose of formulating a new special assessment law. Ald. Crawford moved that Assistant City Attorney Maguire be requested to attend said meeting to be held at Des Moines May llth, 1899. Carried. City Engineer Blake presented plat of the proposed extension of Lincoln ave- nue between Jackson and White streets. Also the notices served on abut- ting property holders of the council's intention to extend said street, notify- ing them to appear before the council, or to file their objections in writing with the cityrecorder, so their ob- jections could be presented to the coun- cil at a meeting of the council to be held May 4th, 1899. Ald. Jones moved that the rules be suspended and that anyone present de- siring to address the council on the matter of said extension be heard. Carried. Rev. Henry Lutz addressed the council advocating said extension. Frank Drasda addressed the council in favor of extension. Arnold Nicks addressed the council objecting to said extension. Ald. Crawford moved that the plat and notices be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: Regular Session, May 4, 1899. 91 Dubuque, May 4th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—I herewith present a pro- file of grades on De Soto Terrace and West Eleventh streets, and would rec- ommend that the red line and figures be considered the established grades on said streets. Respectfully submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. On motion the report and profile was referred to the committee of the whole. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, May 4th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—According to instruc- tions from your honorable body, I here- with present an estimate of the grad- ing of Grove street, in King's addition, as follows: Cut 1153 cubic yards, filling 477 cubic yards, cost 1153 cubic yards at 15 cents per yard. Total amount $172.95. Respectfully submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be referred back to the city engineer with instructions that he prepare plan and specifications for doing said work so it can be advertised for bids. Car- ried. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—The bill against Beach and Schmitt, amount $1.55, for mac- adam, referred to me for collection, I beg leave to report that I have col- lected the same and turned over to the city treasurer the sum of $1.55, for which find hereto attached the city treasurer's receipt for the same. ED. MORGAN, Marshal. On motion the report was received and filed. The following weighmasters and wood measurers' reports were referred to the committee on markets: Thos. Faherty, weighmaster 1st ward $ 3 51 Otto Rath, weighmaster city hall 16 50 Chas. Pitschner, weighmaster West Dubuque 1 62 R. F. Curran, city wood meas- urer 2 38 Recorder Langstaff presented print- ed notice of council's intentions to con- struct a sanitary sewer in Cornell street and alley north of Anna Place, from May Place to alley north of Anna Place thence east in said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 sub of lots 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub., properly certified to by publisher. Ald. Crawford presented a resolution to construct said sewer in accordance with said notice. Ald. Wales moved that said matter and resolution lay over, and that As- sistant City Engineer Hyde be instruct- ed to secure the signatures of all the adjacent property owners, waiving their rights to contest the legality of the special assessment for the payment of the construction of said sewer or for any damage that may arise therefrom, and the city attorney be requested to draw up the necessary papers there- for. Carried. City Recorder Langstaff presented pe- tition, ordinance and published notice, (notice properly certified to by the pub- lisher) of application of the American District Telegraph Company, for a franchise authorizing the construction and operation of an American District Telegraph service in the city of Du- buque. Ald. Wales moved that the ordinance and all papers connected therewith be referred to the ordinance committee. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that the bonds of the city officials (elective and appoin- tive) had been referred to Assistant City Attorney Maguire for examination, and he (Maguire) had reported that all the bonds were in legal form and prop- erly executed, that he now was ready to administer to said city officials the oath of their respective offices, for the term of one year, or until their succes- sors were elected, appointed and quali- fied. Then the oath of office was adminis- tere5 to the following named officers: Henry B. Gniffke, city treasurer. L. M. Langstaff, city recorder. James H. Boyce, street commissioner. L. Ziedman, sidewalk commissioner. Otto Rath, market master. The mayor stated that he had prev- iously administered the oath of office to City Attorney Thos. H. Duffy, on the presentation of his bond properly exe- cuted, also that he had administered the oath of office to the weighmasters and park custodians. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets, reported as follows: Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the petition of Buettell Bros, asking permission to build their cellar wall on the curb line, would rec- ommend that said petition be granted. On motion the report was adopted.. Also your committee on streets, to whom was referred the petition of Wm. Hollnagel, asking that the curb be re- set, abutting his property on Eagle Point avenue, would respectfully report that we have made arrangement with Jno. Leidinger to do the work at a price of seven (7) cents a foot, amounting to 147 feet at 7 cent. $10.30. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. McLAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be adopted and the action of the coQl- mittee be approved. Carried. Also your committee on street report that the petition of T. M. Cosgrove et al asking that Grace street be improved from end of present improvement to East street, be referred to the city en- gineer to make an estimate of the cost for doing the grading, and also to as- certain if all the abutters will sign an agreement that they will not make any objection to the assessment for doing the work, and that the city attorney be requested to draw up the necessary pa- 92 Regular Session, May 4, 1899. pers for the abutting property owners to sign. Signed. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITIH, P. H. McLAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on streets report that the petition of Albert Johnson et al., asking that the alley between Wood street and Adair avenue be im- proved, be referred to the city engineer to make an estimate of the cost for doing the grading and also to ascertain if all the abutters will sign an agre;'- ment that they will not make any ob- jection to the assessment for doing th.' work, and will pay said assessment when due, and that the city attorney be requested to draw up the necessary pa- pers for the abutting property owners to sign. (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. E. E. FRITH, Ald. Crawford moved that the report be adopted. Carried. Also your committee on streets re- port that the petition of Otto Meisner, et al., asking for a change of grade of Lincoln avenue at the intersection of Stafford avenue be referred to the city engineer to prepare plans for the better drainage of Lincoln avenue from Humboldt to Stafford avenue. E. E. FRITH, (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the resolution of Ald. Duggan providing for a sidewalk on the south side of South street, would re- commend that the sidewalk be ordered on the north side in place of the south side of said street. (SIgned.) P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee on streets respectful- ly reports that the stone culvert on 7th avenue needs repairs, and we recom- mend that the work be done by contract and that the following resolution be adopted: (SIgned.) P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city en- gineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for re- pairing the stone culvert on 7th avenue and that the city recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port, recommendation and resolution. Carried. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of Rev. P. O'Malley, et al., in relation to the open- ing of Louisa and Willow streets, would respectfully report that the opening of Louisa street will necessitate the pur- chase of a large amount of property, therefore your committee recolnmed that the opening of Louisa street be postponed for this year, and that fur- ther time be granted in which to con- sider the opening of Willow street. (Signed.) P. H. M'LAUGHLIN, P. W. CRAWFORD. E. E. J ?ITH, Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried: Ald. McLaughlin, &•airman of the committee on police and Light reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of Lear &. Pfiffner for shoeing ex -Marshal Mc- Cann's horse, amounting to $11.50. (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. JOHN FLYNN. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on sewers reported as follows: Your committee on sewers respectful- ly report in favor of granting the peti- tion of Jno. Meshinger et al., asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in Alpine street, from West Third street 300 feet south and would recommend the adoption of the following resolu- tion: (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD, JAS. T. DUGGAN, E. E. FRITH, THE RESOLUTION. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed advisable and necessary by the city council of the city of Dubuque to construct a sanitary sewer in Alpine street and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Alpine street as follows to - wit: An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer from W. Third St. to lot line between lots 20 and 21 in Julia L. Langworthy's add; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the locations and general nature of such improve- ment, the kind of materials to be used, and an estimate of the cost thereof, with the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to, or abutting thereon, per front foot, or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the city recorder. That after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be publish- ed in the official newspaper of the city, the notice provided for in section 6 of the ordinance relating to the construc- tion of sewers, adopted May 19, 1898, and after the completion of the pub- lication of such notice, he shall at its Regular Session, May 4, 1899. 93 next regular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report and resolution. Carried. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Ald. McLaughlin, of the board health, offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for cleaning vault at Paciflc house by Frank Burns, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed May 4th, 1899. Alex Simplot, city, lot 530, 170 lin ft at 9c $15.30 Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the rules and regulations governing the police force as submitted by Marshal Morgan would respectfully recommend that the same be referred to the mayor and the committee on po- lice and light. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully recommends that the petition of the Citizens' State bank, asking that its assessment for 1898 be reduced twenty (20) per cent, be received and filed. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of the Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to Whom was referred the report of the committee on public grounds and build- ings in relation to the bids for taking care of and winding the town clock, would respectfully recommend that the contract be given to the lowest bid- der, A. R. Staufenbeil, at a price of $99.90 per year. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Ger- mania Stock Co. in relation to the as- sessment on Germania hall for 1898, would respectfully recommend that the assessed valuation be placed at $10,000 for the year 1898. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the various petitions in relation to the purchase of macadam would respectfully recommend that the following named persons be paid the amounts set opposite their names, the same being in full for all macadam measured by the street com- missioner. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee. Mike Shea, Valley street, 35.7 cu yds at 50c $ 17 85 Jno McGee, Southern avenue, 51.9 cu yds at 50c 25 95 Mike Kane, Southern avenue, 131.5 cu yds at 50c 65 75 James Purcell, Southern avenue, 62.6 cu yds at 50c 31 30 Wm McDermott, Dodge street, 34.4 cu yds at 50c 17 20 Jno Mullen, Hill street, 84.3 cu yds at 50c 42 15 Morris Quinlain, Jr., West Lo- cust street, 16.4 cu yds at 50c8 20 Jeff McGrath, West Locust street, 7 cu yds at 50c 3 50 F McBride and J Parker, West Locust street, 133.6 cu yds at 50c 66 80 J W Parker, West Locust street, 79.5 cu yds at 50c 39 75 Jno Malone, West 17th street, 58.5 cu yds at 50c 29 25 Aug Priebe, Kane street, 11.6 cu yds at 50c 5 80 Key City Lime Works, Valeria street, 107.2 cu yds at 50c 53 60 Wm Schwaegler, Fengler's quar- ry, 36.9 cu yds at 50c 18 45 Joe Gunther, Fengler's quarry, 56.4 cu yds at 50c 28 20 Peter Gunther, Fengler's quarry, 71.7 cu yds at 50c 35 85 Jno Albrecht, Thomas Lane, 24.1 cu yds at 50c 12 05 Val Weishelt, Thomas Lane, 18.6 cu yds at 50c 9 30 Jno Karoh, Thomas Lane, 136 cu yds at 50c 68 00 Jno Spies, Queen street, 58.4 cu yds at 50c 29 20 Welkelmene Krems, 5th avenue, 23.3 cu yds at 11 65 Eugine Rosquin, 25th and Pine streets, 65.4 cu yds at 50c 32 70 Jno McNulty, Dodge street, 16.5 cu yds at 50c Robt Miller, 4th street, at 50c 5 00 Total, 1,331.5 cu yds $665 75 Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the recorder be instructed to give notice by publica- tion, that the city will not buy any macadam, except of those that make application to the city council for a permit to break macadam and permit granted by said council. Carried. 10 cu yds 8 25 r• 94 Regular Session, May 4, 1899 RESOLUTION. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the street commissioner be and is hereby in- structed to notify A. A. Cooper to im- prove or cause to be improved the north side of Jones street opposite the south end of that part of Warren street be- tween First and Jones streets, vacated by the city council April 7, 1898. The contemplated improvement to be on the north side of Jones street, on the old crossing of the vacated Warren street, to be newly curbed, guttered and sidewalked in conformity to the bal- ance of said street. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to improve 5th avenue from Rhomberg avenue to Lake Peos- ta, and it is hereby proposed to grade, gutter and macadamize said 5th ave- nue, therefore; Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications show- ing the location and general nature of such improvements, the kind of ma- terial to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together with the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon pdr front foot, and to file such plat, specification and estimate in the office of the city re- corder; that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city, the notice pro- vided for in section 8 of the ordinance relating to the improvement of streets, adopted May 19, 1898, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall, at its next regular ses- sion notify the council thereof in writ- ing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Nays, none. Ald. Crawford stated that there ought to be some action taken in regards the city engineer's •office and his assist- ants. Ald. Flynn moved that the matter of the city engineer and his assistants be referred to a special committee con- sisting of the mayor and chairman of the street committee (Ald. Crawford) and the two aldermen -at -large, Wales and .Tones. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved to adjourn for two weeks, until May 18, 1899. Car- ried. Attest: i.° Z2u.`. . d .. . Recorder Approved 189. ti r .. Mayor Special Session 10, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present: Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent: Ald. Duggan. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the water works matter and hear the report of the attorneys. Mr. Longueville, one of the special at- torneys, addressed the council, and stated that he thought the matter should be considered in the committee room. Ald. Flynn moved that the council re- tire to the committeee room and hear the report of the attorneys. Carried. The council then retired to the com- mitteee room. On the return of the council to the council room, the mayor called to or- der, and all the members present ex- cept Ald. Duggan. Ald. Crawford moved that the city engineer and assistants be instructed to furnish the attorneys all possible as- sistance and perform all services re- quired by the attorneys in relation to the water works matter.; carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the action of the attorneys be approved and that the committee be continued; carried. Ald. Flynn moved that a warrant for the sum of $200.00 be drawn in favor of the mayor, he to hold such money subject to draft for incidental expenses incurred by the attorneys. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: ...Recorder .. .189. Regular Session, May 18, 1899. 95 Regular Session May 18th, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. PETITIONS. Petition of F. L. Egelhof et al asking that Angella street from West Locust street to Cox street and of Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue, be improved. Ald. Crawford moved that the pray- er of the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of August Stotz et al asking that West 16th street from Cornell to Henion streets be improved and also the laying of water pipes through said street. Ald. Crawford moved that the part referring to improving said street be referred to the committee on streets, and that part referring to extending the water pipes be referred to the com- mittee on fire. Carried. Petition of Jno. Deerey asking for ex- tension of Water mains from Bluff street or from Third street about 100 feet westerly of his lot also the ex- tension of the sewer up said West 3rd street for the purpose of connecting with same. The mayor ordered the petition re- ferred to the committees on fire and sewers. Carried. Petition of Rosa Hines asking city to refund her $2.16 paid for water tax, on account of not being in the fire limits. The mayor ordered the petition re- ferred to the fire committee and city assessor. Petition of Margaret F. Ryan in rela- tion to taking care of water that is be- ing turned down the Bluff in West 4th street. The mayor ordered the petition re- ferred to the street committee. Petition of Chas. Schmidt et al ask- ing for better drainage of the alley be- tween Middle and Fengler avenues and High Bluff street. The mayor ordered the petition re- ferred to the street committee. Petition of John Kapp asking that a suitable grade be established on Willow street, and that said street be put in a passable condition for travel. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the street commit- tee •and said committee be granted further time. Carried. Petition of Michael Mahony asking city to purchase his macadam located on South Locust street. Ald. Crawford moved that the city purchase the macadam and that a war- rant be drawn for one-half the amount, and the balance when all the macadam is delivered`' Carried. Petition of The National Cash. Regis- ter Co., asking that their assessment be corrected for nine (9) mo>ltths, valuaj tion of property $450.00 . instead of twelve (12) months and valuation of property $950.00. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be referred to the board of equal- ization. Carried. Petition and claim of A. R. Stevenson claiming $225.000 due him for wages for the balance of the year, as engineer of the steam roller. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition and claim be received and filed. Carried. Communication of the League of Iowa Municipalities by Geo. W. Brett, vice president, asking that the city be- come a member of said league. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the communication be received and filed. Ald. Wales moved as substitute that the mayor answer the communication. Substitute was adopted. Invitation extended to the Honorable Mayor, C. H. Berg, and city council by the committee of Memorial Day ser- vices to take part in Memorial Day parade May 30, 1899. Ald. Duggan moved to accept the in- vitation and the city council attend in a body. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor be instructed to make all the necessary arrangements. Carried. Also the invitations extended to the police and fire departments of the same committee to assist and take part in the parade on Memorial Day May 30th, 1899. Ald. McLaughlin moved to accept the invitations and the marshal be in- structed to have the police force In line that day, and that the policemen be al- lowed one day extra pay. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin also moved that the fire department likewise take part in the parade on said day. Carried. His Honor, the mayor, presented and ordered read the report of the special committee consisting of Honorable J. Deerey, Geo. Salot and T. W. Ruete in relation to illuminated dials on the town clock. On motion the report was referred to the committee of the whole. City Attoiney Duffy being absent at the last session of the council, when the other city officials were administer- ed the oath of office, and desiring to he sworn in, in open council, his honor, Mayor Berg, then administered the oath of cfiico and declared him duly ap- pointed and qualified to the office of city attorney for the term of one year from the 1st of May, 1898, and un- til his successor was elected and quali- fied. OFFICERS' REPORTS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my , pay roll for labor on streets for the first • half of May, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, 96 Regular Session, May 18, 1899 $1,656.35. Respectfully, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Duggan moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordereddrawn to pay the laborers and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: Tc the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor for grading streets for the first half of May, 1899. Amount due laborers for grading $305.30. Respectfully submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Duggan moved that the pay roll for grading be received and that war- rants be ordered drawn to pay said laborers and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City, Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the first half of May, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $181.25. Ald. Duggan moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the pay roll be referred back to the com- mittee on sewers. Carried. Recorder Langstaff presented pub- lished notice, properly certified to by pub lisher, of the council's intention to con- struct an 8 inch tile pipe sanitary sew- er in Alpine street from West Third street to lot line between lots 20 and 21 in Julia L. Langworthy's add. No one appearing to offer objections or no ob- jections being filed to the construction of said sewer, whereupon Ald Crawford offerd the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe be constructed in Alpine street, from West Third street, to lot line between lots 20 and 21, in Julia L. Langworthy's add according tc the plat of said sewer and the spe- cification prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city re- corder and be it further resolved: That said work shall be completed on or be- fore the 15th day of July, 1899, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent. of the monthly estimates of the engineer will be paid as the work progresses, the balance due to be paid when work is completed and accepted b;,' the city council; and the proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the lst day of June, 1899 and the recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for the proposals, as provided by ordinance. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Approved May 19th, 1899. C. H. Berg, Mayor. Attest L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Recorder Langstaff presented resolu- tion for the construction of a sanitary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe to be construct- ed in Cornell street, from May Place to alley north of Anna Place, thence east in said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 of the sub -division of lots 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub which had been present- ed at the session of the council held May 4, 1899, and action postponed and Assistant City Engineer Hyde instruct- ed to secure the names of the adjacent property owners to sign a waiver of their rights to contest the irregularity or illegality if any should exist to the special assessment for the construction of said sewer. The report of Assistant City Engineer Hyde follows: Dubuque, May 18, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: In compliance with your instructions of May 4, 1899, to procure signatures of adjacent property owners on proposed sewer in Cornell street and alley east of same herewith find sig- natures of all of said property owners. Those not signing the waiver are: Carr, Ryder S. Adams, H. W. Scott, J. J. Dunn, Christ Frederick, Geo. W. Han- cock and Mary Kemler. Those sign- ing the waiver are Emil Felger, Jno. H. Hellman, August Hapelt, Emma Hyde, M. J. McCullough, Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., Geo. Falkenhaimer and Ken- kel. Respectfully, E. S. HYDE, Assistant City Engineer. The notice of publication of the coun- cil's intentions of constructing said sewer had been presented at the meet- ing May 4, 1899. No one having ap- peared to offer objections or no objec- tions having been filed in writing to the construction of said sewer, thereupon Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer of eight (8) inch tile pipe be con- structed in Cornell street from May Place to alley north of Anna Place. thence east in said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 of the sub -division of lots 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub -division, ac- cording to the plat of said sewer and the specifications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder and be it further Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1899, and shall be paid for as fol- lows: 75 per cent of the monthly esti- mates of the engineer will be paid as the work progresses, the balance due to Regular Session, May 18, 1899. 97 be paid when work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council; and the pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 1st day of June, 1899, and the recorder is here- by ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for the proposals, as provided by ordinance. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Approved May 19, 1899. Attest: C. H. BERG, Mayor. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Recorder Langstaff reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The attached card, ad- dressed to the mayor from H. P. Bis- sell, protesting against the payment of special assessment for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalk in the month of January, 1899. Sidewalk around lot 446 city, owned by the Bissell Est., and referred to me to investigate. I beg leave to report that I saw the assess- ment clerk, Mr. Hyde, who said the amount had been turned in to him by John Farley, foreman. I also saw John Farley, foreman, and he said he had cleaned the snow from said sidewalk in front and south side of said lot Jan. 7, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved that the matter be referred to the alderman of the ward in which said sidewalk is located for further investigation. Carried, and so referred to Ald. Flynn. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, May, 18, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: On or about the 18th day of April, 1899, my attention was called to an accident which occurred on Glen Oak avenue between West 3rd and West 5th streets, and I im- mediately, in company with the side- walk commissioner, viewed the prem- ises. At a subsequent time I looked over the place of accident with the chairman of the claim committee. Attached hereto is an instrument which is the result of my efforts in this matter and which I trust will meet with your approval. Respectfully sub- mitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, Notary Public. Agreement follows: This agreement made and entered in- to by and between Mary Frances O'Hara and Charles O'Hara, her hus- band, parties of the first part, and the city of Dubuque, Iowa, parties of the second part. Witnesseth: That the said parties of the flrst part for and in consideration of the sum of $225.00 in hand paid to said Mary Fran- ces O'Hara by said city of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby compromise, settle and receipt in full to the said city of Du- buque Iowa, party of the second part, for any and all claims which they or either of them have, or may hereafter have, against said city of Dubuque, Iowa, on account of injuries received April 16th, 1899, by said Mary Frances O'Hara in falling on a sidewalk on the east side of Glen Oak avenue be- tween West 3d and West 5th streets in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. In consideration of such compromise and settlement on the part of said par- ties of the first part the said city of Dubuque, party of the second part, hereby promise and agree to pay the said Mary Frances O'Hara the sum of $225.00. Signed Mary Francis O'Hara. CHAS. H. O'HARA. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Thos. H. Duffy, its Attorney. City attorney suggested that the re- port be referred to the committee of the whole. On motion it was so refer- red. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, May 18th, 1599. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—Attached hereto is a con tract which I have executed on behalf of the city of Dubuque. I have taken the liberty of anticipat- ing your action because of the fact I deemed it to be the best interest of the city to adjust this matter at an early date. Trusting that you will approve of my action, which had the sanction of the chairman of the claim committee, I am, Respectfully, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney, The agreement follows: Dubuque, May 18th, 1899. This agreement made and entered in- to by and between Caroline Dennert, party of the first part, and the city of Dubuque, Iowa, party of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $75.00 to her in hand paid by the said city of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby compro- mises, settles, and receipts in full to said city of Dubuque, for any and all claims which she now has, or may here- after have against said city of Dubuque on account of injuries received, April 28th, 1899, by her falling on a sidewalk on the south side of Rhomberg avenue between Johnson and Windsor ave- nues in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. In consideration of such compromise and settlement on the part of said Car- oline Dennert the said city of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby promises and agrees to v 98 Regular Session, May 18, 1899. pay to said Caroline Dennert the sum of $75.00. Signed. CAROLINE DENNERT, CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Thos. H. Duffy, its attorney. Ald. Frith moved to refer said report to the committee on claims and city at- torney with power. Carried. City Attorney Duffy made a verbal report of the actions of the city attor- neys at their convention held in Des Moines, of which Assistant Attorney Maguire was the representative of Du- buque. In the opinion of the convention, the present law of Iowa, in relation to street improvements was constitution- al, but would recommend, that adjac- ent property owners be required to sign a waiver of their rights to contest special assessments for such improve- ments. In regard to sidewalks, he would recommend that the council continue to be governed by the present ordinance on that subject. Ald. Frith moved that the bids be op- ened for the repair of the culvert on Lincoln and Seventh avenues. Carried. Bid opened and found as follows: Steuck & Linehan for doing repairs on said culvert as per plans and speci- fications, the sum of $5.00 per lineal foot. No other bids being offered, Ald. Frith moved the contract be awarded to Steuck & Linehan. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee, reported that the or- dinance committee had not considered fully the ordinance granting a fran- chise to the American District Tele- graph company and asked for further time. On motion further time was granted. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on markets, reported as follows: Your committee on markets respect- fully report that we have appointed Mrs. Koenig janitress of the city hall at a salary the same as last year, $20.00 per month. Your committee on markets respect- fully reports that we have instructed the market master to sell all hucksters' stands around the city hall at the lame prices and on the same conditions as last year. Your committee on markets respect- fully reports that the interior of the city hall needs painting, and we would therefore recommend that the commit- tee on markets be instructed to adver- tise for bids and let the contract for painting with one coat the council room, committee room, matrons' room, hallway on first and second floors, stair way from first to second floor, water closets and all offices on first floor and for papering the offices of the mayor and assessor and also for painting the outside of the city hall with two (2) coats of paint. Your committee on markets reports that we have let the contract for clean- ing up around the city market to Larry Daily at a price of $10.00 per month, he to clean up around the city hall only. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Aid. Frith, chairman of the com- mittee on delinquent tax, reported as follows: Your committee on delinquent tax re- spectfully reports in favor of allowing the taxes for the year 1898 to remain a lien on the following described prop- erty and that the treasurer be instruct- ed not to sell the same. Roger McPoland, lot 24 of mineral lot 149. Mrs. W. Krems, lot 1 Johnson's sub. 4 H. Lippstock, lot 31 Fengler's add. Mary F. Seward, west 30 feet of lot 6 ,( of sub of out lot 703, city. Margaret Donahue, south 16 feet of city lot 122. .,atharine Blitch, north half of lot 13, Tivoli addition. Mrs. C. Carter, lot 5, Summer Hill addition. Mary L'eLorimier, south 16 feet of city lot 159. Mrs. Mary Flynn, north 16 feet of ,, lot 81, East Dubuque addition. Joseph Jeoffroy, lot 10, Finley, Wa- pies and Burton's addition. Clara E. Kress, north 1-2 lot 579,E Ham's addition. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also recommend that the petition of Mrs. Seeger asking for a reduction of taxes be referred to the city assessor. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Catharine Stafford and Frank Melville asking that the taxes for 1898 against them for personal prop- erty amounting to $4,500 be canceled, for the reason that we find that the as- sessment was on city warrants. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report on the petition of Adam Zingel asking that the taxes for the year 1897 on lots 15 and 16, O'Hare's sub, be canceled, that we find that the said property has been sold, for taxes of 1897 and therefore recommend that the pe- tition be received and filed. Ald. Wales moved that the petition he referred back to the committee on de'inquent tax. Carried. Your committee on delinquent tax, to whom was referred the petition of Capt. S. Shaw, asking that the taxes on the ferry Nina Dousman for 1897 be can- celed, would report that we find no as- sessment levied against the ferry Nina Dousman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the board of health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your board of health at Regular Session, May 18, 1899. 99 a meeting held May 10th, 1899, had un- der discussion the matter of compen- sation for household effects of L. R. Dunham taken by the health officer and sanitary inspector last winter, and destroyed and sold, on account of said health officer considering said effects a nuisance and a menace to public health, would respectfully recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the board of health fund, in favor of the said Dunham for Thirty ($30.00) Dollars in full compensation for the said house- hold effects. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the warrant be ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Dunham and the amount be de- ducted from the health officer's salary Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Dunham be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Mr. Dunham addressed the council and stated the facts in the case. The mayor stated that the money was turn- ed over to the sheriff, whereupon Ald. McLaughlin's original motion was then put and carried. Also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your board of health held May 10th, 1899, it was ordered that the following resolu- tions for sewer connections be pre- sented to your honorable body with recommendations that they be passed. Resolutions as follows: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Mary A. Coates et al owner of lot 1-2 of M. 1-5 No. 457 city in the city of Dubuque, Ia., be and is hereby required and com- pelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that sub- ject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the prop- erty to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Richard Hinds, owner of lot Und. 1-2 of M. 1-5 of 457, city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Du- buque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolu- tion. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this res- olution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus con- nected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That J. V. and S. P. Rider, owner of lot No. N. 1-2 of M. 1-5 of 431 city in the city of Dubuque Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Du- buque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolu- tion. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolu- tion, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote. Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Mary Kemler owner of lot No. 336 city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make prop- er connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accord- ance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense there- of against the property to be thus con- nected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Ben Scherr, owner of lot No. S. 27.8 ft of 335, city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of no- tice of this resolution. If said con- nection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and con- nections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Conrad Voss /g 100 Regular Session, May 18, 1899. estate, owner of lot No. n 23.6 feet of 335 city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sani- tary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and con- nections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Sarah Stew- art, owner of lot No. 337 city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa be and is hereby re- quired and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Du- buque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus con- nected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Catherine Huber, owner of lot No. n 1-2 of 334 city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 1 10 days from date of the service of no- tice of this resolution. If said connec- tion is not made within the time speci- fied by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Joseph Jaeggi, owner of lot No. 1 of 443 A city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the ser- vice of notice of this resolu- tion. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus con- nected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That F. Allen, owner of lot No. 2 of 443 A city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa be and is here- by required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said con- nection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and con- nections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the proper- ty to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That J. C. Moore, owner of lot No. n 1-5 of 443 city in the city of Dubuque, Iowa be and is here- by required and compelled to make prop er connection with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accord- ance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense there- of against the property to be thus con- nected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Mary L. Thedinga, owner of lot No. n 2-5 of 461 city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with sani- tary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that sub- ject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the prop- erty to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Regular Session, May 18, 1899. 101 Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Hugh Cor - ranee, owner of lot No. n 1-5 of 460 city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connection with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject within 10 days from date of the service of no- tice of this resolution. If said connec- tion is not made within the time speci- fied by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays --None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That St. Mary's church, owner of lot Nos. 484 and 493 city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper con- nections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of no- tice of this resolution. If said con- nection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and con- nections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Ernest Bush estate, owner of lot No. 3 of 443 A city, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby required and compelled to make proper connections with san- tsry sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that sub- ject, within 10 days from date of the service of notice of this resolution. If said connection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the prop- erty to be thus connected with sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole reported as follows: ASSESSMENT OF BANKS. Your committee of the whole to which was referrei the petition of the Na- tional and State banks of the city ask- ing the council to instruct the city as- sessor to fix the assessment of all of said banks ata valuation of eighty per cent (80 per cent) of the face value of their several capital stocks, would res- pectfully report that action by the council such as is desired by the peti- tioners, would at this time, in advance of the return of the assessment rolls by the assessor, be premature and un- warranted by law. The value of the shares of stock in a bank as in any other corporation, is a matter to be ascertained by the assessor from the best information he can ob- tain, and In the opinion of the commit- tee, the council has no legal right to dictate to him, in advance, what valua- tion he shall place on the shares of capital stock in the different banks. He might find stock in some of the banks to be more valuable than in others. When the assessment shall be com- pleted by the assessor, and returned to the council, it will be reviewed by the board of equalization, and the banks as well as all other owners of taxable property, will have the opportunity to appeal from any inequality or injustice they may consider has been done them. The committee therefore recommends that all action on the subject of bank assessments be postponed until the com pletion and return of the city assess- ment for the present year, and that the petition of the banks be referred to the board of equalization when it shall be appointed. Respectfully submitted, P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of the Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the report of the special committee, Aldermen Frith and Jones in relation to the improvement of Grove street would respectfully re- commend the adoption of the report of said committee, and would also recom- mend that the agreement of the abut- ting property owners on said street be made a matter of record. Ald. Craw- ford moved to adopt the report. Car- ried. Agreement follows: We, the undersigned abutters on Grove street agree, that if said Grove street is macadamized, curbed and gut- tered that we will not make any ob- jection to the assessment for doing the work or to any Irregularity or illegal- ity of said assessment or levy, and agree to pay said assessment when due. (Signed:) Jacob Nagel, Martin Scheldecker, William Kleis, Peter Kiene, R. M. Kunz, Martin Nagel. Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports In favor of referring the plat of proposed extension of Lincoln 102 Regular Session, May 18, 1899. avenue from Jackson to White streets to a special committee composed of Aldermen Frith and Jones and His Honor, the Mayor, to ascertain the cost of opening said street. Ald. Craw- ford moved to adopt the report. Car- ried. Also report in favor of referring to the city attorney and committee on ordin- ances the petition of Henry Gehrig et al asking that the ordinance imposing a license upon hotel keepers and restau- rants be repealed. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also recommend the adoption of the profile of grades of DeSota Terrace and \ of West llth street from DeSoto Ter- race to Grove Terrace. Ald. Craw- ford moved to adopt the report. Car- ried. In favor of referring to the street committee the petition of Jno. E. Jan- sen et al asking that Reeder street be opened from Alpine to South Hill streets. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. In favor of referring to the street committee the petition of M. A. Rost et al asking that Adams street be im- proved. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. In favor of receiving and filing the . petition of R. C. Mathis et al, asking that a water fountain be placed at the intersection of Dodge and Hill streets. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Schneider & Kleih asking city to purchase 2 1-2 feet of lots 1 and 2 Wick's addition for sidewalk pur- poses. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Wales stated that the switch re- cently put in near the Diamond house on the Hill Street railway, was causing runaway and trouble generally. Ald. Wales moved that the matter be referred to the street commissioner, and he to confer with the railway company I with a view of having said switch changed to a place less dangerous to the public. Carried. Ald. Flynn inquired about the mat- ter of a proposed ordinance in relation to compensation for the city's steam roller for rolling the streets when torn up by the Gas and Water companies. Ald. Crawford moved that City At- torney Duffy be requested to draft an ordinance, compelling Gas Co., Water Co., and all other companies or indi- viduals that tear up the streets, and do not properly repair such streets af- ter being torn up, then the street com- missioner to make such repairs and charge the same to the parties tearing up such streets. Carried. Ald. Wales announced the death of ex -Alderman A. M. Downer and moved that a committee of three be appoint- ed to draft suitable resolutions on that sad occurance. Carried. Mayor Berg appointed as said com- mittee Ald.-at-Large Wales, Ald. Flynn and Ald..Crawford. Ald. Jones reported that the wood- work of the scales in West Dubuque in bad condition, and needed prompt attention. On motion 'the matter was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Ald' Crawford moved that the street commissioner, city marshal, policemen, sewer foreman, street foremen and sidewalk Inspector be instructed to en- force the ordinance in relation to ob- structions of and throwing in rubish into the streets and alleys, and also to see that all parties tearing up the streets and alleys have permits for the same in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Carried. Ald. Jones stated that the retaining wall on 18th street, near the engine house was in bad condition and liable to collapse. On motion Assistant City Engineer Hyde was instructed to examine said wall and report to the council. Ald. Wales moved that the repairs on the culvert located on Lincoln and Seventh avenues be done under the su- pervision of the Assistant City Engi- neer Hyde. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque, to improve Angella street from Pierce to West Locust street and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said Angella street therefore be it re- solved that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the kind.of material to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof togeth- er with the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be publish- ed in the official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section 8 of the ordinance relating to the improve- ment of streets adopted May 19th, 1899, and after the completion of the publi- cation of such notice, he shall at its next regular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That it is the sense of this council, that if the property List of Warrants. 103 owners abutting on the private al'.ey between Kniest and Johnson avenue and Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, will give the right of way, that the city will declare said alley a public highway and will order same improved. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Jones offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city re- corder be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for laying a new ce- ment sidewalk in Jackson park from Sixteenth and Iowa streets to Fifteenth and Main street and from Sixteenth and Main to Fifteenth and Iowa street. On motion the resolution was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Duggan offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That on and after the first day of June, 1899, all the laborers on streets be paid at the rate of $1.35 per day. Ald. Duggan moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Duggan moved that the council adjourn for two weeks, until June 1st, 1899. Carried. Attest: . Recorder Approve ^ 189 P Cassidy, chainman 40 00 J Boyce, street commissioner 91 G5 W Hippman, electrician 83 "5 Otto Rath, market master 50 00 P Ryan, park custodian 40 00 Gust Wiedner, park custodian 40 00 N Offerman, pound master 45 00 E A Guilbert, health officer 50 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman 50 00 Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 00 L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00 M Eitel, fireman 60 GO J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 OO J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 Joe Tschudi, fireman 50 00 Jas Daley, fireman 60 00 Job Barnes, fireman 75 00 T Ryder, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 60 00 W Ducey, fireman 60 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 50 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T Walker, fireman 60 00 G Helmrick, fireman 50 00 J McFarland. fireman 50 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 F Murphy, fireman '50 00 W Quinn, fireman 50 00 J Murphy, fireman 48 40 A McDonald, fireman 75 00 F Ganahl, fireman 30 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 50 00 J Rooney, fireman .. 41 50 M Burns, sub fireman 19 90 J Jones, sub fireman 51 65 Chas Kannolt, fireman 60 00 Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Wm McBride, fireman .. 50 00 Robt Weston, fireman .... 50 00 Geo Burkel, police 50 00 N Brand, police 50 00 J Carter, police 50 00 J Clune, police 50 00 M Craugh, police 50 30 J Cody, police 50 00 P Dumphey, police 50 00 H Donlan, police 46 70 J Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 J Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Hennessey, police .. 50 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 Jno Loetscher, police 50 00 Jas Lonergan, police 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 P McInerney, police 50 00 E Moore, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police .. 50 00 J Murphy, police 50 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 D Norton, police 50 00 M O'Connor, police 50 00 A Pfeffer, police 50 00 P Powers, police 50 00 J Rooney, police 50 00 T Reilly, police 50 00 J Raesli, police 50 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T Scherr, police 50 00 P Sutton, police 50 00 T Sweeney, police 50 00 P Sullivan, police 50 00 LIST OF WSW' ANT CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, May lst, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of April, 1899: Name. For what purpose. Amt. C H Berg, salary mayor $116 65 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer133 35 H B Gniffke, salary clerk hire75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder116 65 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor 100 00 T H Duffy, salary city attorney150 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal83 35 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief100 00 Wm Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 95 00 Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder of - 50 00 flce Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's of- fice 50 00 Edw C. Blake, city engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, assistant city engineer 91 65 it 104 List of Warrants. J J Sullivan, police 50 00 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 J Tierney, police 50 00 Miss B. Brennan, police matron 30 00 Mrs Kate Hlbbe, police matron30 00 LABOR FOR LAST HALF OF MARCH. Steve Bastian, labor 65 Paul Becker, labor 1 90 P Brandenberger, labor 5 65 Chas Buse, labor 65 Joe Brown, labor 2 50 H Connolly, labor 65 P Carney, labor 6 25 T Cahill, labor 75 M Carmody, labor 65 D Corcoran, labor 65 Jas Connolly, labor 2 50 5 Dorsey, labor 21 00 R T Eddy, labor 20 00 Matt Fetschle, labor 1 90 Jno Fix, labor 5 65 Pat Fenelon, labor 2 50 Jno Farley, labor 20 00 N Frith, labor 25 00 Joe Geasland. labor 65 Geo Gall, labor .... 315 C Gantenhein, labor 20 00 Jno Hayes, labor 20 00 A Hoffman, labor 1 25 P Hevican, labor 1 90 Wm Hennessey, labor 6 25 Jno Jaas, labor 2 50 H Kehr. labor 65 Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00 Matt Klein, labor 12 50 M Lavin, labor 1 25 M Lonergan, labor " 50 Jno Mangner, labor 2 50 Jno Mullen, labor 65 Jno Malloy, labor 5 00 F McBride, labor 65 R McGivern, labor 40 00 Phil Newman, labor 3 15 Pat O'Brien, labor 65 Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00 Jno Parker, labor . 65 C H Pierce, labor 3 15 Sam Radford, labor 65 Geo Rink, labor 5 95 Dan Sheehan, labor 65 Nick Sweeney, labor 65 Sam Smith, labor 3 75 Peter S toffer, 1 abor 65 Jno Schemmel, labor 5 95 Jno Spies, labor 1 25 A R Stevenson, labor 37 50 I. Taylor. labor 8 75 Jno Welsh, labor 95 Steve Casey, labor 1 90 ;cr.o D ecker, labor 1 90 Pat O'Meara, labor 8 75 D Sutherland, teams 1 25 M Theis, teams 2 50 Chas Botsford, labor on sewers21 00 Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 21 00 Pat Furey, labor on sewers 20 25 Morris Flynn, labor on sewers21 00 Joe Lowry, labor on sewers 21 00 Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 21 00 Chas. Hillery, labor on sewers$ 25 00 Gottf. Gmehle, assistant assessor 75 00 Jos J Murphy, asst. assessor 75 00 Wm E Gregory, damages to property 150 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for March Sam Starr, use of horse and 10 00 buggy Walton & Meg, stationery.... 5 25 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery 2 80 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- 5 60 tionery Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 2 75 Thos Faherty, repair 1st ward scales .. .. 2 05 Hussman & Lies, hardware for city hall .. 1 35 Hussman & Lies, hardware for flre department 45 G. F. Kleih, hardware for road department 1 45 P. Hughes & Son, brooms and matches ... 3 10 Key City Iron Works, dog and team license tags21 90 Gust Holl, new keys for city hall, $3.20, and police dept. 70c 3 90 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for city hall 95c, and salt for fire dept,. $1.15 ........ .. .. .. 2 10 Phil Pier, coal for city hall 30 75 Dubuque Water Co, water for city hall .......... .. .. .... 12 20 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service for various departments 64 00 B D Linehan, repairing tools3 15 John Harney, repairing tools50 Fred Schloz, repairing tools for road and sewer departments1 40 John Butt, repairing tools for road and sewer departments6 30 Key City Iron Works, repair of steam roller 13 15 Wm. Marshall, stack varnish.... 40 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 4 20 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber 40 05 Dubuqe Rubber and Belting Co, packing for steam roller. 4 50 L Lindenberg, hardware for road department, $2.25; sewer de- partment, $2.25 .. 4 50 John Duggan, hardware for road department...... .. 1 25 Pat Hanifan„ macadam...... .... 1 60 A C Knapp, macadam.... .. .... 8 30 Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi Street Engine house, $6.00; coke, $2.40. 8 40 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, hose and couplings for fire de- partment 7 20 Wm Marshall, one steel shovel for fire department .. .. 1 50 Phil Pier, coal for fire depart- ment.. 65 30 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber, $8.50; shaving, $2.00 for flre depart- ment ..... .... .. 10 50 Knapp, Stout & Co., Co., lumber. 39 40 John Kriebs, repairing harness, fire department 35 Boston One Price Clothiers, rub- ber coats for flre department.. 71 30 C E Wales, one team of horses for flre department...... 325 00 John Butt, repairs at Ninth Street Engine House 1 35 Iiannolt & Powers, horse shoeing, for fire department, $8.40; po- lice department, $5.20 .... 13 60 4 60 Lift of Warrants. 105 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department, $4.90; road de- partment, $1.60 6 50 M Stafford, oats for fire depart- ment .. 192 25 Western Electric Co., zincs and coppers for fire department48 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing at Cen- tral Engine House .. 3 95 F M Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department, $1.00; sewer department, $2.40... ....... .. .. 3 40 J F Ris & Bro., hardware for fire department, 65c; road depart- ment, $1.60...... .. .... ........ 2 25 G F Kleih, hardware for fire de- part 2 65 Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary services 16 15 Dubuque Water Co., water for fire department 34 15 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants for March 1408 33 John Corbett, sawing wood at patrol house 75 Frank Burns, wood for police de- partment 7 50 iit Stafford, oats for patrol house 67 75 F Schloz, repairs at patrol house 40 Palmer, Winall & Co., one new police record 5 50 Dubuque Water Co., water for patrol house 4 15 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for sewer department 1 00 Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for sewer department.. .. .... 70 Jas M Sullivan, two pairs rubber boots for sewere department9 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole castings for sewer depart- ment .. .. 8 50 Globe Journal, official printing for March 50 00 The Herald, official printing for March 50 00 National Demokrat, official print ing for March .. 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for March 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings.. .. 9 00 Dubuque Telegraph, hea• lth re- ports........ 3 50 Catholic Printing Co, 6 months official printing .... 37 50 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for March 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for March .. 166 67 T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals for March ...... ...... .... 9 50 M McGovern, two days labor at city dump .. ........ .. 2 50 H B Gniffke, refunding excava- tion permits 45 00 H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants 5072 96 H B Gniffke, refunded tax 30 80 H B Gniffke, water tax, 56c; ref and freight charges, $1.28 1 84 H B Gniffke, postage stamps.. 12 25 H B Gniffke, court costs, $5.83; exchange on coupons, $6.9412 77 LABOR FOR FIRST HALF OF APRIL. C Arndt, labor 9 70 E Ainende, labor 7 50 Jno Burns, labor 8 75 Jas Breakey, labor 3 75 W Buckley, labor 10 95 Jos Blochlinger, labor 7 20 F Baltzer, labor 6 90 Paul Becker, labor 11 90 S Bastian, labor 10 00 Jno Brachtobrack, labor 6 25 C Burkhart, labor 5 65 C Buse, labor 6 90 P Brandenberger, labor . 5 00 W Burkhart, labor 1 90 5 65 4 40 5 00 5 00 4 40 7 50 12 50 H Connolly, labor 11 25 Jno Callahan, labor 11 25 W Coughlin, labor 6 90 M Cain, labor 5 65 P Carney, labor 3 15 Jno Corbett, labor 13 45 D Corcoran, labor 11 25 M Crahan, labor 6 25 L Corcoran, labor 5 00 J Costello, labor 5 65 J Casper, labor 5 00 W Carberry, labor 7 50 Jas Connolly, labor 12 50 J Dougherty, labor 3 75 M Dunnigan, labor 6 90 P Dempsey, labor 11 25 S Dorsey, labor 18 00 W Emmert, labor 2 50 J Eagan, labor 10 00 C Ellerman, labor 2 50 J Engels, labor .. 7 50 R Eckelt, labor 4 70 R T Eddy, labor 20 00 P Furey, labor 6 90 Dan Fox, labor 7 50 , M Farrell, labor 4 40 M. Fetschle, labor 11 55 W Flanagan, labor 10 00 Geo Falencer, labor 3 75 P Fitzgerald, labor 7 50 Chr Frohs, labor 7 50 Louis Fenner, labor 5 00 Jno Fix, labor 5 65 3 75 7 56 12 20 20 00 11 25 10 30 9 70 3 75 10 30 5 65 6 90 5 00 9 40 65 6 90 6 25 C Buelow, labor A Boelin, labor H Berry, labor M Beckins, labor C Bremer, labor _Jno Brown, labor Jas Brown. labor Chr Fischer, labor G Fuller, labor P Fenelon, labor Jno Farley, labor P Graw, labor P Greden, labor J Geasiand, labor J Gerst, labor C; Grunzig, labor J Grab, labor J M Garrison, labor F Gallow, labor B Glass, labor P Guenther, labor J Guenther, labor H Gslle, labor 106 List of Warrants. Con Geimer, labor 7 60 C Gantenbein, labor 20 00 Jno Hafey, labor 10 65 T Hackney, labor 8 75 S Henschel, labor 5 00 W HenneberrY, labor 2 50 C Heck, labor 6 90 P Hevlean, labor 12 80 J Hartman, labor 8 45 A Hofferman, labor 5 00 H Hefti, labor 2 50 M Helmer, labor 7 50 A Johnson, labor 11 25 J Hird, labor 20 00 J Hayes. labor 12 75 J Hird, labor 10 50 A Jaeger, labor 5 00 John Jaas, labor 3 45 H Kehr, labor 10 65 P Kenney, labor 11 25 'r Kenneally, labor 10 65 J Kerwin 5 00 J Kiebel, labor 3 75 F Kuntz, labor.. 3 75 J Kelly, labor ...... .. .... .... 10 65 J Kraus.. labor.. ...... .. 8 75 C Koehler, labor 65 W Kroufeld, labor 5 65 F Koffman, labor .......... ...... 5 65 C Krantz, labor .... .. .. 5 R5 J Kintzle, labor 5 65 T Klasco, labor 5 00 C Kupferschmitt, labor 4 40 L Kohn, labor 3 75 J. Karsch, labor 2 50 P Krocheski, labor 7 50 J Kaste, labor 7 50 J Kuntz, labor 7 50 A Knapp, labor.. 7 50 A Knapp, labor 7 50 J Kinsella, labor 20 00 M Klein, labor 12 50 7.1 Lavin, labor 11 55 J Lavin, Sr., labor ...... .... .... 7 50 P. Lynch, labor ........ 7 50 John Lavin, labor 7 50 H Lembke, labor.... .. 65 C Luchterhand, labor 5 00 F Lassance, labor 5 00 C Lierhman, labor ...... 2 50 H Luchterhand, labor 7 50 W Lembke, labor 7 50 F Lillie, labor 4 70 M Lonergan, labor 12 50 P Moran, labor.. 11 25 M Murphy, labor 10 00 Geo Moore, labor 8 75 P Mohan, labor 7 80 Ed Malloy, labor .......... . 8 45 ,T Malloy, labor 11 25 ,l Malone, labor 10 65 T Murray, labor 7 50 T Mulqueeney, labor 11 25 A Manderscheit, labor .. 5 00 H Meggenberg, labor 2 50 E Mueke, labor. ........ 7 50 J Martineck, labor 7 50 J McCormack, labor 11 25 J McNulty, labor 11 25 D McGinnis, labor 5 00 M McKeown, labor........ 5 00 W McLean, labor ........ 4 40 W McDermott, labor 4 40 J McCarron, labor...... .. 5 00 M McMahon, labor ..... ... .... 3 75 J McGee, labor 2 50 J McDonald, labor 12 00 M McNamara. labor 7 50 J McKernan, labor 9 40 P McCarten, labor 10 00 M McGovern, labor 6 90 P McCormack, labor 5 65 P McPoland, labor 1 90 Jas McCracken, labor 65 M Novorten, labor 7 50 S Norton, labor 10 00 P Newman, labor 12 50 P O'Brien, labor 11 25 J O'Dea, labor 6 90 J McDonald, labor 6 25 P O'Farrell, labor 8 75 C Ott, labor ..... ... 3 75 P' Oswald, labor 3 75 W O'Brien. labor... 20 00 Jas. Purcell, labor 5 65 J Powers 5 65 J Pfeiffer, labor 13 75 F Peltz, labor 3 75 J Peryon, labor 5 95 C H Pierce, labor 12 20 W Quinlan, labor .......... 2 50 P Quinn, labor 65 51 Quinlan, labor ........ ........ 7 50 F Rowe, labor 10 95 J Rooney, labor 11 25 M Reiseck, labor..... ....... .. 9 70 J Reed, labor. 9 40 P Reddin, labor 7 50 Geo Rink, labor 5 00 F Renms, labor 2 50 John Raetz, labor 8 25 M Sweeney, labor 11 25 M Shea, labor........ .. 5 65 J Steadman, labor 2 50 M Sullivan, labor .... 1 25 W Sheridan, labor 10 30 51 Schroeder, labor 7 20 J B Stephens, labor.... 6 90 F Scherr, labor .......... 11 55 A Stauer, labor 9 70 L Smith, labor 8 45 Geo. Sutter, labor 7 50 Chris Schell, labor 7 50 Aug Luke, labor .. 6 25 P Stopper, labor 11 90 O Slager, labor ......... .. ... 11 25 Sang Smith, labor .... 9 40 Elmer Smith, labor 3 15 J Schmid, labor 5 00 Dan Sheehan, labor 13 50 R Schull, labor 9 00 J Schammel, labor 5 00 J Seatman, labor. 2 50 J Schauer, labor 5 00 L Smith, labor 7 50 Jas Smith, labor 6 25 J Talty, labor 3 75 Geo Traub, labor 6 90 L Trost, labor 9 05 J Taschner, labor 9 40 J Twieg, labor 5 00 R Turner, labor 5 00 H Tippe, labor 6 90 W Taylor, labor 6 25 L Taylor, labor 13 50 Jno Welsh, labor 11 25 M Wombach, labor 9 70 Jno Walsh, labor .. 5 30 Jno Ward, labor 5 95 L Wachenheim, labor 10 95 Litt of Warrants. 107 Jno Wolff, labor 7 50 3 75 6 25 3 75 6 55 ✓ Weisheit, labor 1 90 E Watts, labor 6 00 H Welger, labor 3 75 Geo Wileman, labor 5 65 R Wiederman, labor 3 75 W Zachina, labor 7 50 F Zershofi, labor 4 70 A Zingel, labor 7 50 Geo Zumhoff, labor 13 50 I Beekman, teams 16 25 E Burns, teams 8 75 Mrs I Brown, teams 15 00 R Burns, teams 8 75 Bent Cain, teams 15 00 S Casey, teams 10 00 Al Conrad, teams 13 75 T Casey, teams 10 00 J Calvert, teams 21 90 J Decker, teams 13 75 T Elliott, teams 8 75 E Frith, teams 13 75 M Gantenbein, teams 15 00 N Gregory, teams 20 65 M Hannon, teams 13 75 W Howard, teams 5 65 H C King, teams 23 75 M Kennelly, teams 15 00 Mike Kennelly, teams 7 50 Jno Long, teams 1125 W Leik, teams 7 50 P Linehan, teams 22 50 J Meyers, teams 5 00 Wm Mohr, teams 20 00 J G Moore, teams 16 90 F Mathis, teams 5 00 C McGovern, teams 12 50 J McGrath, teams 7 50 McElrath Teaming Co, teams3125 J McCollins, teams 26 90 Mrs. Quinlivan, teams 7 50 M Riordan, teams 15 00 Geo Reynolds, teams 15 00 S Snodgrass, teams 5 00 F Schultz, teams 13 75 H Schmitz, teams 10 00 D Sutherland, teams 15 00 F Sieg, teams 7 50 15 00 15 00 7 50 15 00 15 00 8 75 6 25 7 50 J Walsh, teams 10 00 J Williams, teams 7 50 L Wellingtan, teams 7 50 LABOR ON SEWERS. A Wondrashek, labor N Wampach, labor E Winkelman, labor A Witte, labor Geo Scott, teams Edw Seeley, teams J Sigworth, teams J Tobin, teams M Theis, teams O Turner, teams J Venn, teams .1 Von Holland, teams C Botsford, labor E Brunskill, labor Sam Elmer, labor Pat Furey, labor M Flynn, labor J Lowery, labor Jas Ryan, labor Chas Hillery, labor 19 50 9 00 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 25 00 Frank Burns, cleaning vault at Pacific house 15 30 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of April, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. Granting to the Standard Telephone company permission, right, and author- ity to use the public streets and alleys in the city of Dubuque, Iawa, for the purpose of placing posts and poles with wires and conductors thereon and for conduits under the surface of the streets and alleys, for the operation and maintenance of a telephone system in the city of Dubuque. Whereas, the application for the fran- chise granted by this ordinance has been on file in the office of the recorder of said city of Dubuque and pending before the said city council of said city, for more than four weeks, and due notice of said application was publish- ed for four weeks as required by law, and said notice as published duly re- turned to the said office of city record- er; therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1.—That the Standard Telephone Co., is hereby given the right, privilege and authority to construct and main- tain telephone lines and wires including the necessary posts and poles with wires and conductors thereon, upon, along, and over the public streets and alleys of the city of Dubuque, and sub- ways and conduits for wires and con- ductors under the surface of said pub- lic streets and alleys, and to operate in said city a telephone system and ex- change, upon the following terms and conditions: Sec. 2.—All poles shall be neat, symmetrical, and painted, and no elec- trical conductors shall be placed there- on less than twenty feet above the sur- face of the ground. All work of lo- cating and erecting the poles and con- structing subways or conducts, by vir- tue of this ordinance shall be done un- der the direction and supervision of the street committee of the city council, and city electrician; they shall direct the placing of the poles and wires in the streets and alleys of the city, so that the same shall cause as little ob- struction as possible to the public use of said highways. No poles shall be placed upon nor subways constructed under any of the paved or macadam- ized north and south streets of the city where it is practicable to penetrate any district with the telephone system through the alleys; nor on or under any paved or macadamized cross street, except where absolutely necessary for the complete construction of the tele- phone system hereby authorized. 108 Official Notices . Sec. 3.—Whenever it is desired to construct the lines of said company on a street or alley upon which there is already constructed a line of telephone, or telegraph, in order to limit the num- ber of poles to a minimum, permission and authority is hereby granted the said company to occupy, or replace the poles of said line already constructed under such an agreement as may be made by said company with the own- ers thereof, and the street committee and city electrician shall have the power to direct and regulate the plac- ing, installing and insulating of wires, and the joint use of poles, so that the same will be safe from danger to life and property, and so as not to unduly interfere with the use of other wires upon the same street or alley as pro- vided by existing ordinances. Pro- vided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Standard Telephone company from erecting ne- cessary poles of its own, in any street or alley on which the lines of any telegraph or other telephone company have been already constructed, subject to the general regulations specified in this ordinance, in case it shall be un- able to make a reasonable and satisfac- tory agreement with the owner of such line or lines, for the joint use of the poles already erected. Sec. 4.—The maintenance of poles, and wires and conductors shall in all respects be subject to the provisions of the ordinance adopted December 2, 1889, concerning outside construction for electric light and power or other elec- trical purposes, so far as applicable, un- less otherwise herein provided; and the city of Dubuque hereby specially re- serves the right, from time to time, to make such amendments to said ordin- ance as safety to person and property, and the convenience of its citizens shall render necessary and expedient. The posts and poles shall not be set so as to interfere with any gutter -drain, sewer, water pipe,gas pipe that has been heretofore placed by the author- ity of the city council, or any gutter drain or sewer that may hereafter be constructed or placed by authority of the city council, and, in the event of bringing to grade or change of grade, of the paving of any street or alley wherein said poles have been or may hereinafter be placed, the said Standard Telephone company shall at its own cost change said posts and poles, and re -set then -i, if necessary, under the di- rection of the street committee and the city electrician. The company or any citizen affected by the orders or di- rections of such committee and city electrician, may appeal, from any order given by them, to the city council. Sec. 6.—In case of fire the poles, and posts, wires, conductors and cables may be cut and removed by order of of the mayor or the city council of said city or any officer of the fire depart- ment without liability on the part of the city or of the city officers of said city for the repair of the wire so cut. Sec. 6.—The telephone service to be given by the exchange or company herein contemplated shall at all times be first class and reliable in all respects, should the operation of the local ex- change, as distinguished from the long distance system, be voluntarily discon- tinued by the company at any one time for a period of thirty days, this ordin- ance so far only as the local exchange hereby authorized is concerned, shall thereupon become null and void and of no effect, and posts, poles, wires, and other appliances and equipments of said exchange other than used in connection with the long distance part or feature of the business shall be removed from said streets or alleys, upon the order of the city council of said city, pro- vided, however, that the said council shall first give the said company thirty days' notice in writing to resume busi- ness or remove their posts, poles and wires, within the provisions of this sec- tion of the ordinance, and, in the event of the failure or refusal of said com- pany to so resume business or comply with the order and no- tice of the council, the city of Dubuque shall have the right to cause the order herein provided for to be complied with by causing the work to be done at the expense of the com- pany without further notice. Sec. 7.—In consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted the said company shall provide and maintain one cross arm at the top of each pole, and furnish space in the conduits con- structed by virtue of this ordinance, for the free use of the police and fire alarm telegraph systems of the city of Dubu- que. Sec. 8.—The said Standard Telephone company shall replace and properly re- lay any sidewalks and the pavement of any street that may be displaced or dis- turbed by reason of the erection or con- struction of such poles or subways, and upon the failure of said company so to do, or to restore such sidewalk or street to as good condition and repair as pre- vious to the displacement or disturb- ance of the same, after three days' notice in writing shall have been given by the street commissioner, city mar- shal, or city electrician, the city may repair such portion of the sidewalk or street that may have been so disturbed or displaced, and may recover the ex- pense from said company by civil suit or otherwise, and the person acting as street commissioner of the city of Du- buque shall be the judge of the extent and necessity of such repairs. Sec. 9. It is hereby expressly pro- vided as a condition of the grant of 1 4 Official Notices. 109 the rights and privileges conceded to the Standard Telephone company by this ordinance that the city shall have the right and authority at any time af- ter the year 1902 to cause all wires and conductors within that portion of the city of Dubuque hereinafter described, which shall be known as the "Subway District," to be placed and maintained in underground conduits, and may, by resolution of the council, order and di- rect the said telephone company to re- move all wires and conductors within the limits of said Subway district to such underground conduits, and may enforce said requirement by removing all poles, wires and electrical conduc- tors in use by said company, above the surface of the ground from the streets, alleys and public highways within said district; and the city shall have the further right, at its option in case of the wilful failure of said company to comply with said requirement within a reasonable time, to declare a forfeiture of all rights and privileges granted by this ordinance, by resolution of the city council. Provided, however, that if the right and privileges is extended or granted to any other person or corn-. pany to maintain a telephone system .n the city of Dubuque from and after the year 1902, and that such company is not required to place its wires in con- duits under the ground, the city council shall not require the Standard Tele- phone company to place its wires in underground conduits, so long as such other company shall not be required to so place its wires underground. Sec. 10. That portion of the terri- tory of the city of Dubuque included within and bounded by the following streets and alleys shall constitute the subway district referred to in the last preceding section; to -wit. On the north by 17th street; on the east by alley be- tween Clay and White streets, from 17th street to llth street and from 11th street south by Clay street to 1st street; on the south by 1st Street; and on the west by Bluff and West Locust streets from 1st street to 17th street. Sec. 11. The said Standard Tele- phone company shall have the right and authority under the supervision of the street com- mittee and city electrician as here- inbefore provided, to erect and main- tain within said subway district, the posts and poles necessary to support wires extending from the conduits to dwellings, stores and other places of business where telephones may be used, and which may be requisite for the proper connection of the Central Tele- le - phone exchange of said company such dwellings and places of business. And outside of said subway district said Standard Telephone company shall have the right and authority to erect and maintain posts and poles with tha necessary wires and conductors there- on for the operation of a Telephone ex- change. Sec. 12. If said conduits are con- structed as hereinabove provided, where the same are thus placed under the surface of the streets and alleys, no poles or posts shall be maintained ex- cept where necessary for the distribu- tion of electric energy from the under- ground conduits to individual patrons of the company. It is expressly pro- vided that such conduits shall not be laid in any of the main paved streets of said city which run from north to south, where it is practicable to pene- trate the district through alleys, and only upon such cross streets as may be necessary in the conduct of its business. The conduits extendig north and south in the conduit district shall be laid in the alleys. Sec. 13. The work of constructing the underground conduits or subways contemplated by this ordinance shall be so prosecuted as not to interefere with more than two contiguous blocks of any one street or alley at any one time, and all streets and alleys and pave- ments where excavations are made shall be restored to their original con- dition by said company, and where ex- cavations have been made in said streets and alleys the earth and pave- ment shall be replaced to the satis fac- tion of the city council of said city, and 1f said pavements or earth on said streets so excavated is not replaced and put in the same condition as before be • ing excavated, the city council may cause the work to be done and the com • pany shall pay to the city the cost of so doing, provided the city shall make demand upon the company to do or cause the work to be done in manner herein provided, the city council to have sole discretion over and be sole arbiter as to the fact whether the said streets and alleys are in the same condition that they were before the work of ex- cavation was commenced. Sec. 14. It is hereby expressly pro- vided as a part of the consideration for the rights and privileges granted herein, that the charge for telephone service shall never exceed the follow- ing schedule; to -wit: For telephones in business houses and offices within a radius of one mile from its central sta- tion $24.00 per annum and for tele- phones in business houses and offices outside a radius of one mile from its central station, $24.00 per annum and the further sum of 1.00 per annum for each additional mile or fraction of a mile. For dwelling houses within a radius of one mile from its central station the sum of $15.00 per annum, and the same additional charge where distance exceeds one mile as provided for telephones in business houses or offices. Sec. 15. The said Standard Tele- phone Co., its successors and assigns shall not during the term of this ordi- nance charge to its patrons or the pub- lic generally, any rate on its toll lines 110 Official Notices. to exceed the following schedule to - wit: For telephone communications within a distance of fifty miles, the sum of ten (10) cents. For a distance not exceeding seventy five miles, the sum of fifteen cents, for a distance not exceeding one hundred (100) miles, the sum of Twenty (20) Cents. For a dis- tance exceeding one hundred (100) miles the charge to be the same proportion- ately as above provided. Sec. 16. It is hereby expressly stip- ulated that the work of constructing the telephone exchange under this fran- chise shall commence on or before the first day of July, A. D., 1899, and shall be prosecuted and conducted in a busi- nesslike manner, continuously, and without cessation, until there is an ex- change with at least 300 connections in the city of Dubuque, made and in op- eration, and said exchange shall be in operation in the City of Dubuque on or before the first day of January, A. D., 1900. Sec. 17. The said Standard Tele- phone company its successors and as- signs shall pay towards the salary of the city electrician their just propor- tion, exclusive of wires in the conduit system, as provided in chapter 101 of the revised ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1893. Sec. 18. It is hereby understood that the said Standard Telephone Co., its successors and assigns shall not at any time transfer any of the rights and privileges herein granted, to any Tele- phone Company now operating a tele- phone exchange in the City of Dubu- que, or to the successors or assigns of any telephone company now operating a telephone exchange in the city of Dubuque. And the said Standard Tele- phone company shall not at any time transfer the rights and privileges here- in granted, to any persons except a company incorporated to use and ac- cept the conditions and benefits of this franchise. Sec. 19. The said Standard Tele- phone Company shall be entitled to en- joy the rights and privileges hereby granted for the term of Twenty Five years from and after the adoption of this ordinance by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and its publica- tion in the official paper of said City. Sec. 20. The said Standard Telephone company shall furnish free of cost for the use of the City of Dubuque and its officers Twelve (12) Telephones with ex- change service, to be placed where or- dered by the mayor and city council, and shall furnish such other number of Telephones with exchange service as may be ordered by the council for the use of the city and its officers at a cost of one-half (1-2) the rates herein pro- vided. Sec. 21. Said Standard Telephone company its successors or assigns shall be liable to any person or persons in- jured for all damages resulting from the erecting, placing and maintaining such poles and wires under the per- mission given in this ordinance, as well as from the carelessness or misconduct of any agent or employe of said com- pany, in placing and maintaining, or using such poles or wires so placed. And shall also hold said City safe and harmless from any damages and costs, or cause of action, that may accrue againstit, by the reason of placing or maintaining of such poles and wires, and the carelessness or misconduct of the agents or employes of said Com- pany in the conduct of the same; and said Company shall defend all suits brought against said City for damages arising from or caused by placing or maintaining the said poles and wires in the streets and alleys aforesaid. Sec. 22. In the event of said Com- pany, its successors or assigns fail- ing to comply with any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, or violating any of the terms thereof, then it or they shall forfeit to the City of Du- buque all rights and privileges granted by the same. Sec. 23. The Standard Telephone Company shall file with the City Re- corder a written acceptance of this Or- dinance within Twenty days after the date of its final passage by the City Council, otherwise it shall become null and void. If this Ordinance shall be accepted by said Standard Telephone Company within the specified time it shall thereupon be published in the Du- buque Daily Telegraph Newspaper, and take effect and be in force from and af- ter the date of such publication. Approved April 20, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the City of Dubuque. To the Honorable, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—The Standard Telephone Company hereby accepts the franchise granted to it by the City of Dubuque by the ordinance duly adopted by the Council and approved by the mayor on the 20th day of April, A. D., 1899, and hereby accepts the ordinance, in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section 23 thereof, this 27th day of April, A. D., 1899. —Standard Telephone Company, Per Vie, H. Stevens, President. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph the 1st day of May, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY r EWER. To all whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to con- struct an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Cornell street, and alley north of Anna Place; from May Place to al- ley north of Anna Place; thence east in said alley to line be- tween lots 1 and 2 sub of lots 18, 19 and 20 Fairview sub. That a plat of said sanitary sewer is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it is estimated by the city en- gineer that said sanitary sewer will be 350 feet in length and will cost 60 cents per foot including three manholes. Any person having objections to the Official Notices. 111 construction of such sanitary sewer is hereby notified to appear in person be- fore the city council at its session to be held May 4th, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 4th day of May, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 4-21-5t. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Recorder's Office, May llth, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. • m., May 18th, 1899, for doing the repairs on the culvert located on Lincoln and Seventh avenues. • Plans and specifications of said re- pairs are now on file in the office of the City Recorder, showing the kind and extent of the work to be done. A certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each hid as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the rlgh_ to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5 -11 -to 18. City Recorder. NOTICE TU HOUSEHOLDERS, GROCERYMEN, COMMISSIONMEN, STABLEMEN AND ALL DEPOSIT- ORS OF GARBAGE AND OFFAL: You, and each of you are hereby noti- fied that you must provide a covered re- ceptacle for the holding of garbage and all offal, and said receptacle must he conveniently located for the garbage gatherer, so said garbage can be re- moved. The scattering, promiscuously, of gar- bage and offal in the alleys is positively prohibited. Per order of the Board of Health. C. H. BERG, Mayor and President. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-28-15t. Clerk. NOTICE TO EXPRESSMEN. Sealed proposals will be received at the mayor's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday May 13th, 1899, for removal of all garbage, ashes, and debris from city market "around the city hall only". for the season of 1899. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Market Committee. W. F. FITZPATRICK, Clerk. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct an 8 inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Alpine street from West Third street to lot line between lots 20 and 21 in Julia L. Langworthy's add. That a plat of said sanitary server is now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. That it is estimated by the City En- gineer that said sanitary sewer will be 330 feet in length and will cost 65 cents per lineal foot including 2 manholes, making a total cost of $214.50. Any persons having objections to the construction of such sanitary sewer is hereby notified to appear in person be- fore the City Council at its session to be held Thursday evening, May 18th, 1899, or file with the City Recorder any objections in writing on or before the 18th day of May, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-9-5t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO MACADAM BREAKERS. Recorder's Office, May Sth, 1899. At a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held May 4th, 1899, the following order was passed. That all parties desiring to sell mac-. adam to the City, must snake applica- tion to the City Council for a permit to break the same. That hereafter, no macadam will be purchased, by the City, except of those having a permit from the City Council. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-8-15t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received by the committee clerk in the mayor's of- fice up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, May 13th, 1899, for cleaning all offices, hallways, stairways, committee rooms, council chamber and two rooms used by charity organizations in the city hall. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Market Committee. W. FITZPATRICK, Clerk. • Special Session, May 29, 1899. 113 CITY Una. Special Session May 29, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 9:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Absent—Alda. Duggan, Flynn Jones. Total 3. Mayor Berg stated that the special session of the council had been called at the suggestion of the special commit- tee of the city attorneys and the mayor to consider the question of expert testi- mony and the employment of consulting engineers to assist in the appraisement of the water works. After a lengthy discussion Ald. Mc- Laughlin offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a committee consisting of the attorneys and mayor, be and is hereby appointed and such committee is hereby empowered to em- ploy such persons as in their opinion is necessary to furnish the proper expert testimony in matters of appraisment of Dulbuque Water company's property, not to exceed three experts. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Vote resulted as follows: Ayes—Alda. McLaughlin and Wales. Total 2.' Declining to vote—Aids. and Frith. Total 2. Absent—Alds. Duggan, Jones. Total 3. The mayor declared the motion to ad- opt the resolution lost. On motion the council adjourned. and Crawford Flynn and 4 test: of 44, Approve Recorder 189 ..Mayor Regular Session J 'e 1, 1899. ney for May $ 50 00 Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor for May Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor for May Otto Rath, board of prisoners for May G F Kleih, hardware for city hall Peter Ginter, glazing city hall... 3 50 E E Frith, bone fertilizer for parks Christman & Healey, grass seed for parks 12 25 Dubuque Wire Works, wire tree boxes for parks ' 4 45 F Lauser, witness fees, case of Wilberding vs. City 2 70 F Zehetner, dog tags 6 85 Palmer-Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery 34 50 Dubuque Trade Journal, blank stationery 3 65 Lyon -Barnard & Co., stationery 5 00 for various offices Harger & Blish, stationery for 2 00 various offices Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum- ber Co., shingles for city pound 35 75 Christman & Healey, hardware 60 for city hall • • G Hall, sharpening lawn mower 75 I Beekman, hauling at Jackson park D Sutherland, hauling at Wash- ington park . D & J Hoerner, hardware for 95 Jackson park Larry Daily, cleaning around market square Feb., March, 4610 April and May T J Donahue, gravel furnished 147 00 to city Jno Tibet', 300 cub yds of gravel at 35c 105 00 Byrne & Saul, 500 cub yds of 175 00 gravel at 35c Byrne & Saul, paving stone for 36 50 road department Ross McMahon, paving stone for 9 50 road department H Leik, paving stone for road 10 50 department 75 00 75 00 5 20 95 (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alda. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Aid. McLaughlin moved that the council proceedings for the month of May, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS ALLOWED. Thos F Maguire, assistant attor- 6 25 4 55 Pape & Jacquinot, labor and ma- terial and setting up horse drinking fountain 23rd street 20 55 and Couler avenue ............. A Y McDonald and Morrison Mfg. Co. black pipe for foun- tain at 23d street and Couler 9 10 avenue.......................... E J Sdhilling, filling at ¢ 00 ohant's Lane .........•••"•"' J E Hartig, new keys for road 75 department • • • • • "" Palmer-Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for road department... 5 25 Geo Fengler, cement for road de- partment50 ..................... A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for 80 road department ... • • • • • • • Dubuque Water Co., tapping 114 Regular Session, June 1, 1899. mains at 23d street and Couler avenue for horse drinking foun tain Martin & Strelau, coke for steam roller Iowa Iron Works, repairing steam roller 1 65 F Zehetner, repairing steam roller John Newman, 1new wagon for road department 35 00 B D Lenehan, repairing tools for road department 3 35 Bock & heed, repairing tools for road department 85 Jno Butt, repairing tools for road department 4 70 Fred Schloz & Sons, repairing tools for road department 12 70 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for road de- partment 30 65 Knapp -Stout & Co. Co., lumber for road department 12 60 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for road department 32 95 Peter Selppel, lumber for road department 15 40 Ott-Meuse.r & Co., lumber for road department 38 00 F M Jaeger & Co., powder and fuse for road department 3 65 G F Klelh, hardware for road department . 1 25 W B T3aumgartner, hardware for road department 4 80 Hussman & Lies, hardware for road department 95 Ott-Meuser & Co., shavings for fire department 1 50 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire departtnerut 21 40 Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi street engine shouse 2 Eichhorn & Bedhteq, salt for fire department 1 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 4 Martin-Strelau Co., pine wood for fire department 2 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 2 dozen expansion rings for fire department 2 F M Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 2 J W Wittmer, drugs for fire de- partment 31 C J Brown, oil for fire depart- meni 3 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de- partment Wm Marshall, repairing steamer Sol Turck 1 Jno Butt, repairs at 9th street engine house 7 Dubuque Water Co, 338 hydrants for May Western Union Telegraph Co., 'telegrams for police depart - Ment 1 Knapp -Stout & Co. Co. lumber for city pound Martin-Strelau Co., 1 cord maple 2 50 35 65 1 25 29 85 00 55 00 25 85 25 00 20 00 75 wood for police department5 25 Smith & Agnew, catching dogs 9 50 (19) at 50 M Mullen, plumbing at calaboose 3 75 J W Wittmer, drugs for police 105 department Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron's quarters Chas J Oswald, repairing stars for police department Butt Bros, repairing patrol wagon W B Baumgartner, hardware for police department F Schloz & Son, repairing tools for sewer department Jno Butt, repairs for sewer de- partment Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for sew- er department L Lindenberg, hardware for sewer department Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe for sewer department Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, cups and chains f. -Ir fountains A Y McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co. supplies for sewer depart- ment Headford Bros & Hitchins, man- hole castings for sewer de- partment The Herald, official printing for May National Demokrat, printing for May Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for May Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun cil proceedings $3.00 and health reports $3.50 Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for engineer's office Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for May Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for May J W Wittmer, drugs for health department Palmer-Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for health department A Y McDonald Mfg Co, material and labor at city dump Christman & Healey, hardware for nealth department Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at .oity dump E J Carpenter, hauling pipe to city dump T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for month of May Dr J M Boothby to professional services rendered to F G Ga- nahl fireman of the chemical engine 60 00 On motion the bill was referred to the committee of the whole. Lyon & Barnard Co., toilet pa- per, etc., for city hall 6 75 On motion the bill was referred to the committee on markets. 1408 33 2 80 2 80 93 00 45 2 00 10 35 45 2 25 5 60 4 75 3 15 6 00 50 00 25 00 60 00 6 50 7 40 1798 20 166 67 1 00 6 00 34 05 1 30 5 20 75 99 2 30 200 90 Regular Session June 1, 1899. 1.15 PETITIONS. Petition of Capt. R. Kimbel asking that the Eagle Point ferry landing be repaired and put in good passable con- dition as soon as possible. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to a special commit- tee consisting of Aids. Jones, Frith and Wales. Carried. Petition of Iowa Coffin Co. by Peter Klauer, manager, asking to have the sewer extended along their property in order to make connections with same. The mayor ordered the. petition referr- ed to the sewer committee and city en- gineer. Petition of Michael Sullivan asking city to purchase his macadam located on Southern avenue. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the committee of the whole and the street commissioner be instructed to measure the same and re- port to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of Mrs. E. and N. Curran asking that the retaining wall abutting their property located on Oak street be -J replaced. The mayor ordered the pe- tition referred to the street committee. Petition of Joseph Jaeggi et al ask- ing for further time to connect with the sewer. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, and they be granted further time to make said connections. Carried. Petition of J. C. Longueville, Al- phons Matthews, Thos. H. Duffy, T. F. Maguire and Hon. C. H. Berg, mayor, asking that they be authorized to em- ploy on behalf of the city, three (3) ex- pert engineers to assist in the appraise ment of the Water works to t paid not more than Fifty ($50.00) dollars per day and expenses while in the employ of the city. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be granted, and that they be em- powered to secure not to exceed three (3) engineers. Carried. Petition of Jas. E. Knight for Rev. Peter O'Malley et al in relation to es- tablishing a grade on St. Ambrose street from Asbury street to Arch street. Ald. Wales moved that the assistant engineer be instructed to furnish a pro- file of grade of St. Ambrose street, Wil- low il-low street, Asbury and Arch streets. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules and Mr. Jno. Kapp be allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. Mr. Kapp addressed the council in favor of establishing grades on said streets, whereupon Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the matter be re- ferred to the city engineer, and he to give the grades as asked for as soon as possible. Substitute carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith and McLaughlin. To- tal, 5. Nays—Alds. Jones and Wales. To- tal 2. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of the Dubuque Telegraph requesting the council to purchase twenty five (25) copies of the new city directory. Petition of D. H. Slattery et al asking for re-establishing the grade of West Sixteenth street east of Cornell street. Petition of Ludwig Pell asking that Fifth (5th) avenue and waterway be put in proper condition so as to save him from any further damage to his property. Petition of Maurice Flynn et al ask- ing that the men working on sewers employed by the city be paid $1.75 per day instead of $1.50. OFFICERS REPORTS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me dur- ing the month of May, 1899, for which plase order warrants drawn in my favor. Refunding excavation permits ..$ 70 00 Interest on warrants out - 1,366 95 71 2 00 15 25 standing Express charges Postage stamps Exchange New York Expense attorney to Des Moines 15 25 convention Total $1470 16 HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treas. Ald. Wales moved that the treasurer's report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn for the several amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. Carried. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentehefor themonth of ewith submit May, you myy report 1899, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month. Cash on hand May 1st, 1899 ..$83,094 07 Receipts from all sources .... 18,103 19 Total $101,197 26 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants redeemed in the month of May ..$20106 56 Coupons redeemed in 2780 86 the month of May.. Bonds redeemed in 1 the month of May.. 14000 00 $36887 42 Cash on hand June $64309 84 1st, 1899 .. Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement $11848 27 bond fund .. • • • • .. Leaving a balance to the credit $52461 57 of the city .. • • • • • • • • • 116 REgular Session, June 1, 1899. pay -roll for the last halt ,,L May, 1899, for labor on the streets. Amount due laborers on streets, $1,392.05 Also reports that there is due city officials for salaries for the month of May, $1,995.00. Also that the following is a list showing the amount expended in each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year. General expenee fund ... $4665 72 Road 9747 93 Fire 5423 47 Police 4347 25 Sewers 893 45 Printing 407 50 Engineer ... 52110 Gas and light 3929 74 Water 2816 66 Interest 6146 96 Board of health 339 85 Grading 305 30 Total $39544 98 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. Ald. Wales moved that the auditor's report be received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay city officers and the report referred back to the finanoe committee. Carried. Fire .thief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following is the pay- roll of the fire department for the month of May, 1899. Amount due firemen $1,996.40. JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. The mayor ordered that the fire chief's report be received and warrants drawn to pay the firemen for the month of May , 1899 and the report referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following is the report of the police department for the month of May, 1899: Total number of arrests 43 Patrol calls and number of runs47 76% 26 31 31 82 Total miles traveled Meals furnished Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Poundmaster's receipt attached ..9.00 Residents of Dubuque arrested....17 Also reported the pay -roll for the po- lice for the month of May, 1899. Amount $1,964.00. Respectfully submitted, EDW. MORGAN, Marshal. The mayor ordererd that the report be received and that warrants be drawn to pay the police for the month of May and the report referred back to the committee on police and lights. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my Respectfully Submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered the pay -roll re- ceived and that warrants be drawn to pay laborers on streets for the last half of May, 1899, and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayo r and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor for grading streets for the last half of May, 1899. Amount due laborers for grading $407.65. Respectfully Submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered that the pay -roll be received and warrants drawn to pay laborers for grading and the report re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay- roll for labor on sewers for the last half of May, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $184.20. Respectfully Submitted, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered that the pay -roll be received and warrants be drawn to pay laborers on sewers, for the last half of May, 1899, and the report re- ferred back to the committee on sewers. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of May, 1899. I find from the reports of the police department that the total hours that eighty-two lamps failed to burn would equal three lamps for one month or $16.20. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN. The mayor ordered that the report be received and the recorder instructed to notify the auditor to deduct the amount $16.20 from the Star Electric Co.'s bill for the month of May, 1899. The following weighmasters and woodmeasurers' reports were referred to the committee on markets: Otto Rath, weighmaster, city hall, receipts $15.00; Chas. Pitschner, weigh - master, West Dubuque, receipt, $0.51; T. Faherty, weighmaster, First ward, receipt, $2.61; R. F. Curran, wood - measurer, receipt, $1.37. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Regular Session, June 1, 1899. 117 Gentlemen: Herewith find plat of the proposed streets from Lincoln avenue to Emsley's Lane. The shaded part of said plat shows the property to be taken for the streets. Respectfully Submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. City Engineer Blake also presented the return of notices of right of way, served on the owners of the property, through which said proposed streets from Lincoln avenue to Emsley's Lane would run as follows: George Fengler owner of S 1-2, un- divided 1-3 of lot 94 McCraney's first add. John Dietrich owner of E 1-2 of lot 93. and S 1-2 of the undivided 1-3 of lot 94 McCraney's first add. Fred Boetscher owner of N 1-2 of lot 94, McCraneY's first add. J. A. Rhomberg owner of lot 111 Mc- Craney's first add. Joseph Ruegamer owner of S 1-2 of the undivided 1-3 of lot 94 McCraney's first add. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the plat and all papers thereto belonging be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Frith moved that the rules be suspended and that any one present de- siring to address the council be heard. Carried. Henry Schwaegler addressed the council in favor of the improvement. Ald. Frith moved as a substitute to Ald. McLaughlin's motion, that the plat and all papers be referred to a spec- ial committee of three and city attor- ney, and they to ascertain the cost of the right of way and report to the council. The substitute was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total, 4. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total, 3. The mayor appointed Aids. Frith, Flynn and Crawford, with the city at- torney, as members of said special committee. Recorder Langstaff presented pub- lished notice of the city council's in- tention to improve Grove street, from King street to north end of said Grove street, properly certified to by publish- er. No one appearing to offer any ob- jections or, no objections being filed with the city recorder, Ald. Frith of- fered the following resolution: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Grove street from Broadway extension to, the north line of John King's add., No. 2, be graded curbed, guttered and macad- amized according to the plat of said Grove street and the specification pre- pared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it further resolved, that said work shall be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council. The pro- posals for doing such work will be act- ed upon by the city council on the 15th day of June, 1599, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days no- tice by publication, asking for propos- als as provided by ordinance. On motion the resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Crawford moved that the finance committee be instructed to ascertain if street improvement 5 per cent. bonds can be sold at par, or better, in case all adjacent property owners having sign- ed a waiver of their rights to contest the legality of special assessments for such improvements. Carried. The bids for the construction of sew- ers on Alpine and Cornell streets were presented. Ald. Crawford moved that the open- ing of said bids be postponed until after the finance committee reported in ref- erence to the sale of street improve- ment bonds. tarried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, June 1st, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached hereto is a contract which I have this day made on behalf of the city of Dubuque. My act- ion was based on the understanding had with the committee of the whole at its session held May 31st, 1899. Trust- ing that you will approve of the con- tract so made, I am, Respectfully, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Contract follows: Dubuque, Iowa, June lst, 1899. This agreement made and entered in- to by and between J. N. Freeman, party of the first part, and the city of Du- buque, Iowa, party of the second part. Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $125.00, to him in hand paid, by the said city of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby re- ceipts in full, compwmises and settles any and all claims which he now has or may hereafter have against said city of Dubuque, Iowa, on account of injuries received by him on or about the 27th day of February, 1899, in falling on the sidewalk on the north side of Ninth street near Main street in said city of Dubuque. .And the said party of the first part hereby further agrees to dismiss the suit now pending in the district court of Dubuque county, Iowa, said suit be- ing No. 12674 Law. In consideration of such dismissal, compromise and settlement on the part of the said J. N. Freeman the said city of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby promises and agrees to pay to said J. N. Freeman the 118 Regular Session, June 1, 1899. surn of $125.00. Signed J. N. FREEMAN, CITY OF DUBUQUE, By THOS. H DTJFFY, City AttorneY. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report and approve the contract and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of said J. N. Freeman for the amount of $125.00. Carried. City AttorneY Duffy also reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, May 27, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—At a session of your hon- orable body held May 18th, 1899, you in- structed me to draft an ordinance pro- viding a means of reimbursing the city for any cost or expense incurred by it on account of a failure on the part of any person or corporation excavating in the streets and alleys of the city to restore such streets and alleys so ex- cavated in to their original condition. I have given this subject considera- ble thought and study and have con- cluded that there is no need at pres- ent for such an ordinance as the pro- visions of several existing ordinances amply protect the city's interests. Section 5 of Chapter LXXXII of the Revised Ordinances of 1893 of the City of Dubuque—being a part of the fran- chise -contract of the Key City Gas company—provides as follows: "That said Key City Gas company, shall, while excavating or otherwise ob- structing any street, alley or public place in said city for the renewal, ex- tension or repair of any of its pipes, or for any other purpose, keep such ex- cavation or obstruction properly guard- ed and lighted to prevent accident or injury, and restore the same to as good condition as before so obstructed or excavated; and upon the failure so to do, or should said alley, street or public place become out of repair, on account of such repairs made by said company being imperfect and insufficient, then in that case the city of Dubuque may make or complete the same and retain the expense thereby incurred out of any money due or becoming due to said company." You will readily see from the forego- ing that so far as excavations made by the Key City Gas company are con- cerned the city has an adequate rem- edy. Section 2 of Chapter LXXIII of the said revised ordinances of the City of 1893—being a section of the Charter - contract of the Dubuque Water com- pany—provides as follows: "That before commencing work upon any part of any street, alley ,avenue, or any public grounds, they shall give the street commissioner of the city at least three days' notice, and during the progress of the work shall not unneces- sarily obstruct any street, alley, avenue or public grounds and shall complete each part of the work therein as soon as practicable, and restore the same to as good and like condition as before the work was commenced; and upon a fail- ure so to do, or should the same sub- sequently become out of good condi- tion because of imperfect repairs, then and in that case the city may cause the proper repairs to be made, and may re- tain the cost thereof out of any moneys then due or afterwards becoming due to said parties." This section fully protects the city in matter of outlay caused by failure of Dubuque Water company to properly repair streets, etc., after finishing work of excavations. Chapters XXXIV and XXXV of the Revised Ordinances of the city, which relate to Excavations in General tak- en in conjunction with chapter XLI and Section 4 of Chapter XVII fully guar- antee to the city compensation for work done by it in replacing streets and alleys in their original condition after excavations are made and also provide penalties, and manner of en- forcing penalties on persons who fail to replace streets, etc., in their original condition after excavations are made. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Flynn stated that he had a res- olution to offer at the proper time upon the subject of the report; therefore he would move the report be received and filed. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Flynn, chairman of the commit- tee on claims, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—Your committee on claims respectfully report in favor of confirming and approving the contract made on behalf of the city of Dubuque, with Caroline Dennert by the city at- torney and that a warrant be drawn in favor of Caroline Dennert for the sum of $75.00. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. The contract referred to above, ap- pears in council proceedings May 18th, 1899. Page 97. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Your committee on streets, respectfully report in favor of referring to the city engineer the peti- tion of Carl Schmidt, et al, in relation to the condition of alley between Fen- gler and Middle streets and High Bluff street between the said Fengler and Middle streets, to report a plan and estimate of cost of said improvement. P. W. CRAWFORD. On motion the report was adopted. Ald. Crawford also reported as fol- lows: Your committee on streets would re- spectfully recommend the payment of o Regular Session, June 1, 1899. 119 the bill of Mrs. N. Rhomberg for ground rent for macadam amounting to $6.00. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the said Mrs. Rhom- berg for the amount. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on markets, reported as follows: Your committee on markets, to whom was referred the matter of painting the interior and exterior of the city hall, would respectfully report that we have advertised for bids for doing the work, which was received up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. Saturday, May 27th, we herewith submit to the council the bids received, and would recommend that the bids be opened; we also herewith submit spec- ifications showing the amount of work to be done; we also submit for your consideration a communication from M. Czizek in relation to same and his bid for doing the work which was re- ceived on Wednesday, May 31st, at 9 a. m. more than three days after the bids were closed. Mr. M. Czizek being present was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Czizek addressed the council. Ald. Frith moved that the bid of M. Czizek be returned to him, on account of bid not being received in time as per published notice for proposals for bids for said work and that the report of the committee be adopted. Carried. The bids were then opened and found as follows, for painting the exterior and interior of the city hall and for papering the offices of the mayor and assessor: M. H. McCloskey $ 799 00 Peter Ginter 1,115 00 A. E. Bradley, including pencil -1,074 00 ing Gilmore & Co., including pencil -1,098 00 ing Ald. Wales moved that the contract be awarded to M. H. McCloskey. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—Your committee of the whole respectfully recommend, that the bill of John Schrup, for 16 days as help- er in engineer office amounting to $21.33 be allowed. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report and that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay the same. Carried. Ald. Crawford also reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of adopting the report of the special committee, con- sisting of the Hon. John Deery, T. W. Ruete and Geo. Salot in relation to lighting the town clock and also that a contract be made with the Star Electric company and Mr. L. K. Kauffman for illuminating the same. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Report of the special committee fol- lows: To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—The undersigned com- mittee to whom you referred petition for illuminating the city clock, would respectfully state, that after conferr- ing with several skilled persons and considering the several modes and schemes suggested, have come to the conclusion that the mode suggested by Mr. Louis K. Kauffman is preferable, v on the score of economy and as in- volving no changes in the construction of the present dial and requiring no scaffolding. Mr. Kauffman's scheme is experimen- tal, but will in the opinion of your com- mittee give satisfaction at the mini- mum of cost. In brief, he proposes to illuminate the hands of the dial by colored lamps (same colors prescribed by the United States for boats at night, red and green) a thirty two candle incandescent lamp to be fixed in the spade of each hand. The illumination in this way may be done for not exceeding $75.00. Your committee would recommend that a contract be entered into with Mr. Kauffman for the illumination sug- gested by him. Signed. JOHN DEERY, T. W. RUETE, GEO. SALOT, Ald. Crawford also reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of confirming and approving the contract made on behalf of the city with Mary Francis, and Charles O'Hara by the city attorney and that a warrant be drawn in favor of Mary Francis O'Hara for the sum of $225.00. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. The contract referred to above, ap- pears in council recorus of May 18th, 1899, page 97. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Jones offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city en- gineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for building a retaining wall from the present wall on Cornell street to the north line of Pickett street and present same at the next meeting of the coun- cil. Ald. Crawford moved that the reso- lution be referred to the committee on streets. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That from and af- ter the 1st day of June, 1899, the teams \ working for the city be paid at the rate 120 Regular Session, June 1, 1899. of thirty cents per hour, or $2.70 per day, for nine hours' work. Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to improve Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, gutter, curb and ma- cadamize said street; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together with the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the city re- corder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city the notice pro- vided for in section (8) of the ordinance relating to the improvement of streets adopted May 19th, 1899, and after the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular session, notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Aid. Crawford moved to adopt. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 5. Nays—None. Absent—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh- lin. Total 2. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the street commissioner be instructed to keep an account of all rolling of trenches and work done for the water company and gas company and report monthly to the council, ,the amount to be collected from said water company and gas company, the same to be deducted from any money that may be due the said water company or gas company. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso- lution. Ald. Wales moved to amend by ad- ding that the street commissioner be instructed to report to the council all work of like nature, that has been previously done for said companies The amendment was adopted. The resolution as amended was then adopt- ed. Ald. Wales, chairman of the com- mittee appointed to draft resolutions of condolence on the death of ex-Ald. J. M. Downer, reported the following, which was unanimously adopted. It has pleased an all wise and Divine Providence to take from our midst our esteemed friend and fellow citizen ex - Alderman J. M. Downer, and, Whereas, he served for a term of years as a member of the city council, discharging the duties of his official position in a conscientious and im- partial manner with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public. Therefore, be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That we deeply feel in his loss as a neighbor, an advisor and an high-minded and up- right citizen. Be it further resolved: That we ex- tend to his grief-stricken relatives and friends, our deepest sympathy in this, their great sorrow, and especially do we sympathize with the heart -broken wife in her loss of a kind and affection- ate husband and his children in their loss of a devoted and indulgent father. Resolved further, That an engrossed copy of these rsolutions be sent the sorrowing family, and that they be spread upon the minutes of the city council, and also they be published in the city papers. C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, P. W. CRAWFORD. Committee. Ald. Wales presented several resolu- tions for the construction of sidewalks, which were referred to the aldermen of the wards in which the sidewalks are to be constructed as per the rule of the council. Ald. Frith stated that Charles Bots- ford had been discharged from the sewer force and moved that the matter of discharge be referred to the sewer committee for investigation. The mo- tion was lost. Ald. Wales moved that the matter of discharge be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks for months of Jan., Feb., and March, 1899, by city, in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated anu owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed June 1, 1899. I. C. R. R., city, N 20 38 ft, lot $ 90 James Lee, sub 692, city, S 100 ft, lot 4 Mary A. McPoland, city 5 1-2 E 112 ft, lot 608...... .... 75 E H Sheppley, A McDaniels's sub lot 767 ............. 65 Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Nays—None. Absent—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh- lin. 1 35 Regular Session, June 15, 1899. 121 Ald. Crawford moved that the record- er be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of E. O. Duncan, (city assessor) for an amount, that will make his sal- ary from January 1, 1899 to June 1, 1899, equal to his salary previous to January, 1399. Amount $125.00 and that here- after he be placed upon the city pay- roll at the rate of $1500.00 per year un- til further instructions from the coun- cil. Carried. On motion the council adjourned for two weeks, until June 15, 1899. st: Recorder Approved. 18 Mayor a - Regular Session i e 15th, 899. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. m. PETITIONS. Petition and remonstrance of Jno. Hennessey, arch bishop of Dubuque, et al remonstrating and objecting against the proposed grade to be es- tablished on St. Ambrose street. Ald. Wales moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. James E. Knight be permitted to address the council. Car- ried. Mr. Knight addressed the council in favor of granting the petition, and ask- ed that it be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford moved that the mat- ter of grade on said street be referred to the committee of the whole, and that said committee visit the ground at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday, June 16th, 1899. Carried. Petition of Thomas Cahill and Peter Kien, park custodians, asking that their salaries be placed at the old basis of $45.00 per month. The mayor order- ed the petition referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Petition of Peter Kiene asking to va- cate Oak street which runs through his lots 1 to 5 and 11 to 15 all inclusive. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of Albert C. Lantzky asking that the top of West 16th street be not cut down more than 2 1-2 feet. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of M. H. McCloskey asking that he be allowed $250.00 as part pay- ment on his contract for painting city hall. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be granted and a warrant for $250.00 be or- dered drawn to pay the same. Car- ried. Petition of James Evans et al. asking that Muscatine street at the head of Park Hill avenue be graded and re- paired. The mayor ordered the peti- tion referred to the street committee. Petition of Thomas .J. Lonergan ask- ing that the taxes on lot 145 East Du- buque add. be cancelled for the year 1398. The mayor ordered the petition referred to the delinquent tax commit- tee. Petition of Frank Myers, asking city to refund him money paid for team 11- cense for the year 1899. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be received and flied. Carried. Petition of Tom Reilly asking the city to allow him $10.00 per month for increase of salary. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the peti- tion be granted and increase of salary to commence June 1st, 1899. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the following be and is hereby adopted as a permanent rule of the council: All petitions, resolutions or motions asking for, or providing for an increase in the compensation of any officer, or employee of the city whenever present- ed, shall stand referred to the commit- tee of the whole without debate. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. • Nays—.1. Duggan? REPORTS OF/OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: I herewith submit my pay roll for la- bor on streets from June 1st to June 15th, 1899, inclusive. Amount due laborers, $1,743.45. Signed. J. H. BOYCE. Street Commissioner. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts and the pay roll referred back to the commit- tee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for laborers for grading streets from June 1st to June 15th, 1899, inclu- sive. Amount due laborers for grading. $126.00. Signed. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered 12.2 Regular Session, June 15, 1899. drawn for the several amounts and the pay roll referred back to the commit- tee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers from June 1st to June 15th, 1899, inclusive. Amount due laborers on sewers, $160.75. S;gned. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts and the pay roll referred hack to the committee on sewers. Carried. City Attorney Duffy desired to have reported back to the council the re- port of the committee of the whole on the report of the special committee on the illumination of the town clock for instruction as to which of the two propositions of the Star Electric Co. should be inserted in the contract, that he was instructed to draft. Ald. Wales moved that no further expense be incurred in lighting the town clock and that the execution of the contract be postponed for the pres- ent. Carried. City Recorder Langstaff presented the published notice of the council's in- tentions to improve 5th avenue from Rhomberg avenue to lake Peosta, prop- erly certified to by the publisher. Al- so presented a remonstrance of A. Roe- ber, A. L. Rhomberg, executor of estate of J. A. Rhomberg, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. per J. W. Stapleton, superintendent, and Wm. Hintrager, against said improvement. Ald. Jones moved that the rules be suspended and all that desired, be al- lowed to address the council. Car- ried. Louis Trapp and John Jansen ad- dressed the council in favor of said im- provement. The mayor referred the matter and all papers in relation thereto, to the committee of the whole. The recorder also presented publish- ed notice of council's intentions to im- prove Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from An- gella street to Union avenue, properly certified to by the publisher. Also pre- sented a petition from Susan Hune, requesting that her name be erased from the petition asking for said im- provement. Mayor Berg of the finance commit- tee, which committee had been instruc- ted at the council session, June 1st, 1899, to ascertain if the 5 per cent. improve- ment bonds could be sold at par or bet- ter, reported that such bonds if legally and properly issued, and if all the ad- jacent property owners would sign a waiver of their right to contest the le- gality of the special assessment of such improvement, the bonds could be sold at home, for at least at par. Mr. John Bradley, being present, stated that he was authorized by W. L. Bradley that he (W. L. Bradley) would take the bonds for the improvement of Angella street from Pierce to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue. Thereupon, Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque: That Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue be graded, curbed, gut- tered and macadamized according to the plat of said streets and the speci- fications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city re- corder, and be it further Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the f,th day of July, 1899, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for propo- sals as provided by ordinance. Aid. Crawford moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Total7. Ald. Duggan moved that the mayor he requested not to sign any contract for street or sewer improvement for which bonds are to be issued for the payment of the same, until some re- sponsible party had filed a written agreement to buy said bonds. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bids for the construction of sanitary sewers in Cornell street and alley north of Anna Place and sewer in Alpine street from West 3d street to dividing line be- tween lots 20 and 21, Julia Lang - worthy's add. Also the bids for the improvement of Grove street from King street to the north end of said Grove street, be opened. Carried. The bids were then opened and on motion referred to City Engineer Blake for computation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets reported as follows: Your committee on streets respectfully recommends that the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to move the hydrant now at the intersection of 6th street and High Bridge avenue to such a point as .the fire chief and the commit- Regular Session, June 15, 1899. 123 tee on fire shall designate out of the line of travel. Signed. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee on streets respectful- ly reports adverse to the petition of J. E. Jansen et al, asking that Reeder street be opened from Alpine street to South Hill street for the reason that in order to open said street the city would have to purchase a piece of ground on which there is a house, and the necessity for the opening of the street is not so pressing as to justify the council in incurring the expense of purchasing the ground for right of way at the present time. Signed. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of M. A. Rost et. al., asking that Adams street be improved, would recommend that said Adams street be graded, curbed, guttered and macadamized provided that all the abutting property holders will sign an agreement that they will not make any objections to the assess- ment for doing the work or to the regu- larity or legality of said assessment or levy, and agree to pay said assessment when due. Signed. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee on streets would res- pectfully report adverse to the petition of A. A. Cooper for permission to re- place his fence on Cooper and John streets, and would recommend that the marshal be instructed to enforce the orders of the council of August 4th, 1898, in relation to same. Signed. E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the mar- shal be instructed to give A. A. Cooper a reasonable time to remove said fence. Carried. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of Jno. Kapp in relation to Willow street, would re- commend that Williow street from St. Ambrose street to intersection of Rose- dale avenue be graded, curbed, gutter- ed and macadamized, provided all the abutting property holders will sign an agreement that they will not make any objections to the assessment for doing the work, or to the regularity or legality of said assessment or levy and agree to pay said assessment when due. Your committee also recommends that the street commissioner be instructed to spend not to exceed $100.00 in putting Rosedale avenue from Willow street to West Locust street in a passable con- dition. Signed. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on markets, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bill: Lyon & Barnard Co., toilet paper and stationery, $6.75. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report, and that a warrant be ordered drawn for said amount. Carried. Mayor Berg reported that he had ser- ved notices in accordance with instruc- tions of the market committee on all parties having hucksters in front of their premises, ordering them to clean up all refuse and other stuff, left by said hucksters. Ald. Duggan moved that the action of the committee be approved. Carried. Ald. Duggan, chairman of the harbor committee reported that the harbor was so obstructed that the boats could not land. The ordinance in relation to obstructing harbors was read and found that the wharf master had ample power to prevent such obstructions in said harbor. Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit- tee on fire reported as follows: Your committee on fire respect- fully report in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Rosa Hines, ask- ing that the treasurer be instructed to \, refund to her the amount of $2.16 paid by her for water tax, for the reason we find she does not live inside the water limits. Signed. C. E. WALES, R. JONES, J. T. DUGGAN. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, of the Board of Health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:—Gentlemen—Your board of health at a meeting held June 13th, 1899, respectfully recommend that a resolu- tion be passed by your honorable body ordering lot 329 East Dubuque add. fill- ed. Resolution as follows: Whereas, The following described lot or piece of land situated within the limits of the city of Dubuque, to wit: Lot 329 East Dubuque add. owned by A. W. Kemier est., is subject to be cov- ered at all seasons of the year by stag- nant water caused by the accumula- tion on said property of surface water which becomes stagnant, thereby creating a public nuisance which is of- 124 Regular Session, June 15, 1899. Pensive and injurious to the public health and a menace to human life. Therefore be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That it is hereby or- dered and required that said lot or piece of land be within ten days from and after the passage of this resolu- tion be filled up and raised by earth fill- ing to a height sufficient in the judg- ment of the city engineer to prevent stagnant water at any time from stand- ing on said property or any part there- of. Adopted by the following vot.• Yeas.— Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Also your Board of Health would rec- ommend that the property owners on the east side of the alley between Thir- teenth and Fourteenth and Cedar and Maple streets be ordered to construct a ditch, so as to proper- ly drain the lots abutting on said alley. We would further recommend that the police be instructed to arrest any and all parties that throw garbage and other refuse matter, where signs are posted prohibiting the deposit of the same. Ald. McLauhglin moved to adopt the report. Carried. City Engineer Blake to whom was re- ferred for computation the following olds reported as follows: Bids for constructing sanitary sewer in Alpine street from West Third street to dividing line between lots 20.and 21 Julia L. Langworthy add: O. G. Kringle $175.30 Con Ryan 192.70 J. McCaffery 202.50 AId. McLaughlin moved that the con- tract be awarded to O. G. Kringle, he being the lowest bidder and said work to be done under the supervision of the street commissioner. Carried. Also reported on the bids for sanitary sewer in Cornell street, from May Place to alley north of Anna Place, thence east on said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 of the sub. of lots 18, 19 and 20 Fairview sub.. O. G. Kringle, total $244.20 Con Ryan, total .... 368 00 AId. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to O. G. Kringle, he being the lowest bidder, and said work to be done under the supervision of the street commissioner. Carried. Also reported on the bids for improv- ing Grove street from King street to the north end of said Grove street. James Street, total ..............$752 95 Peter Horch, total 802 20 Steuck & Linehan, total.. 808 36 Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to Jas. Street, he being the lowest bidder. Ald. Duggan moved that all bids for fmproving Grove street be rejected. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the Re- eorder be instructed to re -advertise for new bids for improving Grove street. Carried. Ald. Duggan stated that his attention had been called to a wall owned by E. W. Albee on Second street, between Main and Locust streets, which was in a very dangerous condition, and moved that the matter of said wall be referred to the committete on public grounds and buildings and city engineer. Car- ried SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, offered the following: resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque; That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks during April, 1899, by the city of Dubuque, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed June 15th, 1899. Linwood Cemetery Assn., n e 1-4 sec 13, 89, 2, sub 11, 12 and 13 sub, lot 3 . $ 65 Christ Loetscher, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 25 2 30 Emmerette Randall, sub 1 of 55, min lot 39, lot 1 60 A. A. Cooper, the A. A. Cooper Wagon Works block 2 30 Excellsior Brass Works, city, lot 570 4 05 W. Kruse, Hughes' sub, lot 2 65 Chas. Bush, Mt. Pleasant add, E 1-2, lot 30 65 Julia L. Langworthy, Julia L Langworthy add, lot 1 65 E. and H. Callahan, sub 11 Bush's sub and 2 of M. L., 63 and E pt of 69 Union add, lot 1 2 45 Alfred Hobb's Est., Wilson's sub, lot 17 1 25 Julia L. Langworthy, Lois add, lot 1 60 E. C. Winner, Guernsey & Lang- worthy add, lot 6 65 Ed. Langworthy Est., East Du- buque add, lot 180 1 45 Geo. B. Burch ,city, lot 51 2 85 Phil. Jungk, East Dubuque add, lot 46 Mary Flynn, East Dubuque add, n 16, lot 81 Christ. Jungk, McCraney's lst add, lot 55 John Heil, Ham's add, lot 441 1 15 St. Peter Lutheran Church, sub 2 of 2 of 3, L. Kniest's sub, lot 11 45 Eli Cole, city, n m 1-5, lot 4524 80 Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21 4 35 A. Munsell, Hooper's add, lot 341 80 R. M. Kuntz et al, McCraney's 1st add, lot 97 E. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's sub, lot 6 Mrs. M. H. Langton, Pauline Langworthy's sub, lot 9 T. F. O'Connor, Farley's sub, lot 18 Paul Traut Est., Farley's sub, lot 35 80 70 1 40 7 60 75 75 65 55 Regular Session, June 15, 1899. 125 W. G. Cox, min lot 90, lot 2 3 35 C. A. Walter, Davis' Farm add, lot 306 1 05 John Van Dillon, sub 102, L. H Langworthy's add, lot 3 1 60 C. G. W. R. R., sub 1 min lot 363, lot 2 6 95 Wm. Reche Est., Reche's sub No. 2, lot 17 Cath. H. Dodds, Reche's sub No. 2, lot 8 • 1 15 Wm. Peepon, Reche's sub No. 2, lot 11 A. A. Cooper, Grandview avenue add, lot 10 J. U. Sammis, Grandview avenue add, lot 5 .60 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 10, B 3 .65 C. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub, lot 19. .80 John Burton Est, sub 3, min lot 150, lot 2 F. A. Rettenmaier, Glendale add, No. 2, lot 157 .60 Lorenz Eberhardt, Glendale add, No. 2, lot 156 .80 Jno. C. Bobzien, Glendale add, No. 2, lot 155 R. M. Kuntz, Glendale add, No. 1, lot 34 Key City Fire Ins. Co. Glendale add, No. 2, lot 140 A. Nicks, Glendale add, No 2., lot ''77 ...Recorder ,/.. .483.. Mayor .60 .95 216 Mary C. Dunne, Finley add, lot 16 A. P. Gibbs, Wilson's sub, lot 6.75 John Harris Est., sub 9, Collin's sub, lot 2 .90 J. W. Conchar, sub 775, Mc - Daniel's sub, N. 126.6, lot 2 1.65 Fred Rumpf, Grove Terrace sub, lot 1 W. G. Cox, Cox's add, lot 5 .65 .60 .65 .70 1.05 .65 .40 Thos. Connolly, Cox's add, lot 56.. .40 Thos. Paisley, Wm. Blake's add, lot 13 .85 Frank Flynn, Wm. Blake's add, lot 24 2.35 L. .1. Duess, sub 741 city, lot 12.10 John Hennessy, Levans' add. lot 2 .50 Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Wales stated that there had been some sidewalk resolutions referred to the aldermen and stated he was ready to report. Ald. Crawford moved that action on the sidewalk resolutions be postponed until the next session of the council. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn until July 6, 1899. Carried. CITY WFIEpHNTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Iowa, June 1, 1899. 1. the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- =,iete list of all warrents issued by me uuring the month of May, 1899: Name. For What Purpose. Amt. C H Berg, salary mayor $116 65 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer133 30 H B Gniffke, salary clerk hire75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder166 70 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor 100 00 T H Duffy, salary city attorney150 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal83 35 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief100 00 Wm Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 95 00 Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder of- fice • 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's of- fice Edw Morgan ,salary marshal E S Hyde, assistant city engineer P Cassidy, chainman J Boyce, street commissioner W Hippman, electrician Otto Rath, market master P Ryan, park custodian Gust Wiedner, park custodian N Offerman, pound master E A Guilbert, health officer Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman Mrs H Koenig, janitress L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector M Eitel, fireman J Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman Jno Flynn, fireman J Wiltse, fireman Geo Beyer, fireman Al Heer, fireman Joe Tschudi, fireman Jas Daley, fireman Job Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman M Fahey, fireman T Meehan, fireman F Kenneally, fireman D Ahearn, fireman T Walker, fireman G Helmrick, fireman J McFarland, fireman T Kennedy, fireman J Fitzpatrick, fireman F Murphy, fireman W Quinn, fireman J Murphy, fireman • 50 00 83 30 91 70 40 00 91 70 83 30 60 00 40 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 50 00 20 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 126 List of Warrants. A McDonald, fireman 75 00 b' Gana.hl, fireman 45 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 60 00 J Rooney, fireman 50 00 M Burns, sub fireman 19 50 W Keas, sub fireman 1 00 Y Hartman, sub fireman 1 00 Chas Kannolt, fireman 60 00 Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Wm McBride, fireman 50 00 50 00 Robt Weston, fireman 50 00 Geo Burkel, police 50 00 N Brand, police 50 00 J Carter, police 50 00 J Clune, police M Craugh, police 50 00 J Cody, police 50 00 P Dumphey, police 50 00 H Donlan, police 46 70 J Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 J Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 60 00 W Hennessey, police 50 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 Jno Loetscher, police 50 00 Jas Lonergan, police 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 P McInerney, police 50 00 E Moore, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police 50 00 J Murphy, police 50 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 D Norton, police 60 00 M O'Connor, police 50 00 A Pfeffer, police 50 00 P Powers, police ... 50 00 J Rooney, police 50 00 T Reilly, police 50 00 J Raesli, police 50 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T Scherr, police 50 00 P Sutton, police 50 00 T Sweeney, police 50 00 P Sullivan, police 50 00 J J Sullivan, police 50 00 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 J Tierney, police 50 00 Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00 Miss B. Brennan. police matron 30 00 Julius Janes, sub fireman50 00 LAST HALF OF APRIL, 1899. Chas. Ardt, labor $ 4 05 Thos. Adaman, labor...... 4 05 Sam Allen, labor 14 05 Ernest Amenda, labor 4 40 James Beakley, labor 8 15 Rich Burns, labor 5 00 John Burns, labor 65 Joe Blocklinger 6 90 Frank Baltzer, labor 11 90 Paul Becker, labor 8 75 10 95 Steve Bastian, labor 'Wm. Burkhart, labor Carl Burkhart, labor John Brown, labor Paul Brandenburg, labor Chas Busse, labor Andrew Burke, labor Anton Boline, labor Chas. Bremer, labor Chas. Bleucher, labor Mike Beckius, labor Andrew Burke, labor Joe Brown, labor Chas. Blickert, labor Wm. Caughlin, labor 6 90 9 40 7 50 9 70 11 25 1 90 3 75 4 40 6 90 6 90 6 90 15 00 1 90 5 00 Mike Cain, labor Peter Carney, labor Tom Cahill, labor Jerry Cahill, labor John Coyne, labor Mike Coyle, labor John Callahan, labor Hugh Connell, labor Martin Carmody, labor David Crotty, labor Rich Caffery, labor .. John Corbett, labor Matt Crahan, labor Jarties Costello, labor Dennis Corcoran, labor Wm. Carberry, labor James Connelly, labor John Daughtery, labor Ed. Desmond, labor Mike Dunnigan, labor John Driscoll, labor Pat Dempsey, labor Steve Dorsey, labor. Wm. Emmert, labor John Engels, labor Chris. Ellermand, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman Pat Fuery, labor Dan Fox, labor Mike Farrell, labor Mat Fagan, labor .. Wm. Flannagan, labor Geo. Feliner, labor Mat Fetchel, labor .... .... Pat Fitzgerald, labor Graham Fuller, labor Ben Fern, labor John Fluckinger, labor Christ Froes, labor John Fix, labor P. Fasselius, labor Christ Fisher, labor Louis Fenner, labor Pat Fenelon, labor Ew Fitzloff, mason John Farley, foreman N. Frith, stoker ........ Peter Gregory, labor Dedrick Grashawn, labor Joe Gavin, labor John Girst, labor Chas. Grunzig, labor Conrad Geimer, labor Barney Glass, labor Joe Grab, labor J. H. Geary, labor Fl enry Grode, labor Wm Gaul, labor Fred Gallow, labor Joe Gunther, labor.... .. J. M. Garrison, labor C. Gantenbein, labor Tom Hackney, labor .... Steve Henschel, labor John Hackett, labor John Hanley, labor Wm. Hennebery, labor John Heaffy, labor Christ Heck, labor Mike }loupes, labor Pat Hevican, labor 5 65 9 40 10 65 14 40 8 15 5 00 3 75 3 75 12 50 8 75 4 40 7 20' 10 00 8 75 11 90' 6 25 15 00 8 15 9 40' 5 00' 11 90 9 70 18 00 9 40' 5 65 3 75 20 00 6 25• 6 25 6 90 10 65 10 00' 10 30 10 30 6 90' 6 90 7 20' 5 65 8 15 2 50 11 55 3 75• 3 75 15 00 8 00 20 00 50 00 13 75 8 75 1 90' 10 30 8 15 14 05 11 90 815 10 00' 7 50 10 00 3 15 7 50' 6 90 20 00 2 50 6 90 13 15 13 15 6 90 2 50 6 90' 3 75 5 65 James Hayes 15 00 Joe Hartman, labor 5 95 Geo. Hechling, labor 10 30 Ed Harris, labor 10 30 Aug. Haffaman. labor 10 95 List of Warrants. 127 A. Henderson, labor 12 20 IIenry Hefti, labor 2 50 :Mike Hardie, labor 7 50 John Hayes, labor 20 00 Andy Johnson, labor 8 15 'Christ Jost, labor 12 50 John Sass, labor ........ ... 10 65 J. R. Jellison, mason 8 00 Adam Jaeger, labor 10 30 'Tim Kelly, labor 9 40 Phil Kenney, labor.. 1 55 Peter Kreamer, labor 1125 John Kerwin, labor 10 65 Frank Kuntz, labor ....... ... 10 65 Joe Kiebel, labor.... .. .. 10 65 John Kelly, labor 6 55 John Kaste, labor 6 90 .John Kuntz, labor 6 90 Asa Knapp, labor 11 25 Jacob Kraus, labor 8 15 Paul Kroekeski, labor 7 50 Wm. Kronfleldt, labor 9 70 'Chas. Knebel, labor 9 40 Fred Krugar, labor 8 75 'C. Kupferschmidt, labor 1 25 John Karsch, labor 3 75 Louis Korn, labor 1 25 Louis Klask, labor 3 15 Louis Knochel, labor.... 10 65 Theo. Klasko, labor 3 15 Mat Klein, labor 12 50 John Kinsella, labor 20 00 Pat Kenneally, labor 13 35 J. J. Lavery, labor 11 90 Mike Lavin, labor 5 65 Pat Lynch, labor 5 65 John Lavin, Jr., labor........ 5 65 John Lavin, Sr., labor 1 55 Wm. Luke, labor 10 95 Walter Lynch, labor 6 90 Herman Larabee, labor 3 75 Fred Lillie, labor 1 25 H Luchterhand, laborer 8 75 Chas Liehrman, laborer 13 15 Geo Lutz, laborer 3 15 C Luchterhand, laborer 6 25 Frank Lassance, laborer 2 50 M Lonergan, laborer 15 00 Larry Mahar, laborer .. 13 50 John Mullen, laborer .. 12 50 Ed Malloy, laborer 6 90 John Malone, laborer Thos Murray, laborer James Malloy, laborer John Malloy, laborer Thos Mulqueeney, laborer Pat Mohan, laborer Joe Marteneck, laborer Carl Meggenburg, laborer Ernest Micke, laborer H Meggenburg, laborer Chas Mecklinburg, laborer Adam Mandershied, laborer Dennis McGinness, laborer Mike McKeown, laborer John McCarron, laborer Wm McClain, laborer Wm McDermott, laborer Mike McMahon, laborer John McGee, laborer Frank McCann, laborer Jas McCarron, laborer James McDonald, laborer James McCaffery, laborer 8 45 5 95 7 50 6 25 8 15 6 90 14 05 2 50 8 15 2 50 9 40 3 15 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 8 15 9 40 13 15 5 10 12 75 8 75 Anthony McGuan, laborer 10 65 Thos McDonald, laborer 5 00 Matt McNamara, laborer 10 30 Martin McGovern, laborer 8 15 James McKernan, laborer 65 Pat McPoland, laborer 14 05 James McCracken, laborer 14 05 Barney McCormack, laborer 5 65 Felix McBride, laborer 15 00 Robt McGivern, foreman 40 00 John Noonan, laborer 13 15 S Norton, laborer 12 20 Fred Nank, laborer 8 15 Fred Nehls, laborer 8 75 Anton Nick, laborer 1 25 Phil Newman, l4orer 15 00 John O'Dea, laborer 5 00 Pat O'Brien, laborer 2 50 Pat O'Farrell, laborer 7 50 Felix Oswald, laborer 7 60 Julius Otto, laborer 11 25 Chas Ott, laborer 4 40 Wm O'Brien, foreman 20 00 James Purcell, laborer 5 65 James Powers, laborer 6 25 John Pfeiffer, laborer 6 55 Frank Peltz, laborer 10 65 Gahart Parr, laborer 4 40 Jno Parker, laborer 12 80 Jac Peryon, laborer 7 50 C H Pierce, laborer 7 50 Chas Priebe, laborer 8 00 Pat Quinn, laborer 17 25 Wm Quinlan, laborer 9 40 Morris Quinlivan, laborer 8 75 Tom Reilly, laborer 10 65 Frank Raioun, laborer 10 00 Joe Rooney, laborer 5 95 Matt Raiseck, laborer 11 55 Wm Rudolph, laborer 9 05 James Reed, laborer 8 05 Phil Reddin, laborer 815 Chas Reilly, laborer 1 90 John Raetz, laborer 13 50 Fred Remus, laborer 8 15 Fred Radloff, laborer 8 15 Geo Rink, laborer 8 15 J Roggensack, laborer 6 25 Joe Rooney, laborer 5 00 Mike Shea, laborer 5 65 John Steadman, laborer ... 5 00 Mike Sullivan, laborer 10 65 Dan Sheehan, foreman 12 75 Morris Scollard, laborer "' 7 50 15 Wm Sherridan, laborer Jno B Stephens, laborer. 2 50 Wm Spensley, laborer 98 40 5 Tom Smith, laborer .. . Frank Scherr, laborer 10 30 Anton Staner, laborer 4 70 Ernest Smith, laborer 10 95 Christ Schnell, laborer 5 65 Aug Sayke, laborer 5 95 Geo Sutter, laborer 4 40 Peter Stoffer, laborer Sam Smith, laborer 5 00 Elmer Smith, laborer Lew Smith, laborer .............. 6 55 James Smith, laborer 14 05 Sam Sterling, laborer 14 05 Sam Sommers, laborer 6 90 John Shemmel, laborer 10 00 Anton Schmidt, laborer 8 15 8 75 12 80 List of Warrants. Simon Schaetzle, laborer John Seatman, laborer Wm Scharff, laborer Joe Schmid, laborer 13 Schnee, foreman A R Stevenson, engineer James Talty, laborer John Taschner, laborer Henry Tippee• laborer John Tweag, laborer RichTurner, laborer Landon Taylor, foreman John Varlet', laborer John Ward, laborer John Welsh, laborer W J Welsh, laborer W M Welsh, laborer Louis Wachenheim, laborer Anton Wanddreshek, labor John Wolf, labor Richard Weidman, labor Geo. Williams, labor Wm. Wearmouth, labor . Herman Weber, labor Aug. Wittee, labor Ed. Winkleman, labor Wm. Weber, labor Nick Wampack, labor Ed. Welsh, labor Venzel Zachena, labor Adam Zingle, labor Fred Zurshof, labor.... Geo. Zumhoff, labor Ike Beekman, team Rich Burns, team Tim Byron, team Tom Casey, team Steve Casey, team Joe Calvert, team John Calvert, team B. Cain, team P. Clancy, team Nick Dietz, team John Duggan, team Tom Elliott, team .... Ed.. Frith, taem M. Gantenbein, team Nick Greagory, team Peter Horch, team... ...... Tom Heins, team Wm. Howard, team Mike Hannon, team H. C. King, team Mike Kenneally, team Tom Kenneally, team John Long, team Wm. Leik, team Pat Linehan, team Dennis Linehan, team John Meyers, team Ed. Muntz, team Joe. G. Moore, team A. W. Miller, team Frank Mathis, team Chas. McGovern, team Jeff McGrath, team McElrath Teaming Co., team John McCollins, team F. Oldham, team Mrs. Quinlivan, team Mike Riordan, team Sam Snodgrass, team Dillon Southerland, team Henry Schmidt, team Frank Seige, team 10 65 3 75 3 75 65 18 00 75 00 8 15 6 90 2 50 5.65 5 65 17 25 11 90 2 50 8' 15 10 65 10 00 10 65 8 15 440 6 55 2 50 4 05 9 40 2 50 3 75 10 00 8 15 6 90 10 30 6 90 10 00 20 00 2190 13 15 16-25 13 15 18 75 8 75 20 00 16 25 13 75 2 50 15 65 11 25 2315 23 15 5 00 1 25 16 25 23 75 18 75 17 50 16 00 6 25 10 65 13 15 6 25 12 50 20 00 22 50 15 00 25 00 11 25 18 75 21 90 10 00 13 75 10 65 10 00 22 50 22 50 24 40 26 90 Geo. Scott, team 21 26 John Sigworth, team 10 00 P. Shea, team 3 75 Jas. Tobin, team 28 15 Mike Theise, team 17 50 Otto Turner, team 23 75 John Van Holand, team 12 50 Jessie Venn, team 25 00 John Welsh, team 10 65 Less Wellington, team 21 90 John Williams, team 3 75 Chas. Botsford, labor on sewer 18 00 Ed. Brunskill," labor on sewer 18 00 Sam Elmer, labor on sewer 18 00 Pat Furey, labor on sewer 16 50 M. Flynn, labor on sewer 18 00 J. Lowrey, labor on sewer 18 00 Jas. Ryan, labor on sewer 18 00 Chas. Hillery, labor on sewer 25 00 M. Shea, macadam 17 85 Jno. McGee, macadam 25 95 M. Kane, macadam 65 75 Jas. Purcell, macadam 31 30 W. McDermott, macadam 17 20 Jno. Mullen, macadam 42 15 M. Quinlan, Jr., macadam 8 20 Jeff McGrath, macadam 3 50 F. McBride & J. W. Parker, macadam ...... ... ..... ... 66 80 J. W. Parker, macadam 39 75 Jno. Malone, macadam 29 25 Aug. Priebe, macadam 5 80 Key City Lime Wks., macadam 53 60 Wm. Schwaegler, macadam 18 45 Joe Guenther, macadam 28 20 Peter Guenther, macadam 35 85 Jno. Albrecht, macadam 12 05 Val. Weisheirt, macadam.... 9 30 Jno. Karsch, macadam 68 00 Jno. Spies, macadam 29 20 W. Krems, macadam 11 65 Eugene Rasquin, macadam 32 70 Jno. McNulty, macadam .... 8 25 Robt. Miller, macadam 5 00 T. F. Maguire, assistant attorney for April 50 00 G. Gmehle, assistant assessor for April 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for April 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners 10 20 Sam Starr, use of horse and buggy ... ......... .. 10 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lumber for fifth ward scales ... Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., pine wood D. C. Stewart, recording deeds C. H. Berg, incidental expenses in water works cases 200 00 Smith and Agnew, catching dogs 9 00 Key City Gas Co., gas at city hall 34 50 J. M. Bradley, trees for Jackson and Washington parks E. E. Frith, 400 bone fertilizer'ljpr parks Harger & Blish, stationary various offices W. R. Pierce, papering and paint- ing of police headquarters Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall Pape & Jacquinot, reparing fountain, Phoenix park 14 40 Phil Pier, coal at city hall 25 65 5 20 2 00 10 50 12 00 5 00 13 25 44 50 3 95 5 50 List of Warrants. 129 L. Anderson, services in matter of trial, Proctor vs City 30 00 Smith Morgan Printing Co, financial report for 1898 68 00 Louis Heeb, cleaning calaboose 1 25 Key City Gas Co., gas for street commissioner's office and re- moval of lamp post. 6 20 Jno. Leidinger, resetting curb, Eagle Point avenue 10 30 J. P. Cooke & Co., rubber stamps . 1 55 P. J. Seippel, lumber 39 20 Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber 41 95 Key City Iron Works, repair of steam roller 91 00 John Tibey, stone crossing.... 14 40 T J Donahue, 1000 cubic yards of gravel at 35c .... 350 00 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at steam roller house 5 35 Alphons Matthews, retainer in Water works case 250 00 J C Longueville, retainer in Water works case .. 250 00 Christman & Healey, hardware.. 5 35 Hussman & Lies, hardware 12 15 G F Kleih, hardware 4 90 Klauer Mfg. Co., repair of gutter at Mrs. Lull's residence.... 2 75 Fred Schloz & son, repair of tools 80 Linehan & Molo, white waste for steam roller 2 50 Edward Sloan, horse shoeing7 00 Geiger & Vollenweider, horse- ing 8 40 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 3 85 Lagan & Sullivan, horse shoe- ing... .. 4 90 Phil Pier, horse shoeing 12 50 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- partment, $18.12; road depart- ment, $9.63 American Fire Insurance Co., two new hind wheels for en- gine R. W. Stewart. 92 50 Jno. Kriebs, repair harness 1 20 Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., pine 2 wood 25 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings 4 00 Knapp, Stout & Co., Co., lumber4 70 Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber 3 65 Klauer, Mfg. Co., repair furnace Delhi Street Engine House2 60 R. Haber, laying new floor stalls Central Engine House.... 29 40 Pape & Jacquinot, new fountain for horses 64 50 Dubuque Water company, 338 hy- drant for April.... 1408 33 G. F. Kleih, hardware, city pound .. 3 85 Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms and 1 20 oil Larry Daily, hauling dog.... 20 North American Telegraph Co, 70 telegrams Key City Gas Co., gas for police 38 90 department Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma- tron's75 quarters Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for 25 sewer department Christman & Healey, hardware sewer department ... 1 00 G. F. Kleih, hardware for sewer department 60 J. F. Ris Bros., chains and cups for drinking fountains.... .. .. 3 10 Kev City Gas Co., gas for engi- neer's office 5 20 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks for February, March and April 9 00 Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing ex - Marshal McCann's horse.. .. 11 50 Globe Journal, official printing for April 50 00 The Herald, official printing for April 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for April 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for April 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings, $6.00; health re- port, $3.50 9 50 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for April 1798 20 Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for April 166 67 T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals and garbage for April 42 75 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at garbage dump 6 05 H B Gniffke, Ref. Exc. permits105 00 H B Gniffke, interest in warrants outstanding 1074 00 H B Gniffke, interest on bonds46 00 H B Gniffke, expressage, $17 00; commission on bonds, $17 0034 00 H B Gniffke, exchange, $52 64; telegrams, $6 02 58 66 H B Gniffke, express charges, $14 65; postage and revenue 35 15 stamps, $20 50 H B Gniffke, freight charges, $3 30; court costs 80c and print- ing bonds, $43.75 E C Salter, refunded dog license 1 00 LABOR ON STREETS FOR FIRST HALF OF MAY, 1899. Ernest Amenda, labor ...... 13 45 Joe Blocklinger, labor .... 5 30 Frank Baltzer, labor 95 Paul Becker, labor 7 20 Christ Buelow, labor 11 25 Paul Brandenburg, labor • • • • 2 50 12 25 Carl Burkhard, labor ...... • • • • 8 15 Mike Beckius, labor Fred Budde, labor 3 75 Andrew Burke, labor 2 50 Chas. Bluecher, labor 2 50 Chas. Busse, labor 10 00 Joe Brown, labor 15 00 Chas. Blinkert, labor ....... 3 15 J Bottoms, labor ... ... 13 50 John Coyne, labor 1 55 Mike Cain, labor 9 05 Mike Coyle, labor ........ ... 2 80 11 Caffery, labor 4 05 Martin Carmody, labor 96 25 05 John Corbett, labor 3 45 Matt Crahan, labor 15 00 Jas Connelly, labor1 25 D Corcoran, labor 2 50 Ed Desmond, labor Mike Dunnigan, labor ...... .... 4 05 John Driscoll, labor.. 2 00 130 List of Warrants. Steve Dorsey, labor 19 50 Pat Dempsey, laborer 10 95 John Du/bier, laborer 11 25 John Eagen, laborer 3 15 John Engels, laborer 1 25 John Ess, laborer 8 45 Pat Furey, laborer 9 05 Wm Flanagan, laborer 4 40 Christ Froes, laborer 13 15 John Fix, laborer 6 25 Pat Fenlon, laborer 15 00 Ed Fitzloff, laborer 5 00 John Farley, laborer 20 00 Pat Grew, laborer 3 75 John Girst, laborer 3 45 Conrad Geimer, laborer 3 50 Chas Grunzig, laborer 1 55 Joe Grab, laborer . 10 95 Barney Glass, laborer 4 40 John Grunow, laborer 8 15 Peter Gunther, laborer 11 90 Joe Gunther, laborer 11 25 Henry Galle, laborer 6 90 J M Garrison, laborer 11 25 Henry Gallo, laborer 6 90 Geo Gau, laborer . 5 00 C Gantenbein, laborer 20 00 John Heaffey, laborer 8 75 Mike Houps, laborer 5 95 Aug Haffaman, laborer 5 65 Adam Henderson, laborer 9 40 John Hayes, laborer 20 00 Mike Hardie, laborer 15 00 Andy Johnon, laborer 6 25 Crist Jost, laborer 8 15 Aug Jass, laborer 10 95 Adam Jaeger, laborer 9 05 .1 R Jellison, laborer 2 00 Hubert Kehr, laborer 10 30 Peter Kreamer, laborer 6 25 Joe Kiebel, laborer 4 05 Nick Komas, laborer 4 05 Paul Kroekeski, laborer 13 15 Wm Kronfeldt, laborer 65 Chas Knabeln, laborer 65 Joe KIntzel, laborer 11 90 A Kasbauer, laborer 13 00 John Kinsella, laborer 20 00 Pat Kenneally, laborer 20 00 Matt Klein, laborer .. 12 50 John Lavin Sr, laborer 2 20 John Lavin Jr, laborer 1 25 Herman Lembkee, laborer Fred Lillie, laborer 13 15 3 45 Henry Luchterhand, laborer3 75 C Liehrman, laborer 9 05 J Leidinger, laborer 12 00 C Luohterhand, laborer M Lonergan, laborer Geo Moore, laborer Mike Murphy, laborer Pat Mohan, laborer Ed Malloy, laborer Joe Marteneck laborer 6 25 15 00 5 30 3 15 3 15 12 20 3 15 Ernest Micke, laborer 5 95 Chas Mecklenberg, laborer 10 65 A Mandershied, laborer John McGee, laborer Mike McKeown, laborer T I McDonald, laborer Matt McNamara, laborer Pat McPoland, laborer 11 90 10 00 3 75 2 50 8 45 65 James McCracken, laborer B McCormack, laborer Felix McBride, laborer 5 Norton, laborer Fred Nank, laborer Phil Newman, laborer John O'Dea, laborer Pat O'Brien, laborer Julius Otto, laborer Cha.s Otto, laborer Wm O'Brien, laborer James Powers, laborer James Purcell, laborer John Pfeiffer, laborer John Parker, laborer Jacob Peryon, laborer ... Chas Peters, laborer Chas Priebe, laborer Matt Raiseck, laborer Ch'as Reilly, laborer Fred Radloff, laborer Fred Remus, laborer Geo Rink, laborer John Remus, laborer Joe Rooney, laborer Joe Rooney, laborer Dan Sheehan, laborer ... Mike Sullivan, laborer Mike Shea, laborer John B Stevens, laborer Wm Spensley, laborer Tom Smith, laborer Geo Sutter, laborer 1 25 10 00 16 25 1 25 65 15 00 6 55 6 25 5 00 6 00 20 00 905 9 05 12 50 13 45 2 80 4 40 5 00 4 05 7 50 13 15 7 80 10 65 5 00 15 75 1 25 20 50 5 00 3 75 4 05 3 75 3 15 2 20 Aug Soyke, laborer .... 2 20 Frank Scherr, laborer 6 25 Peter Stoffer, llaborer 7 50 Sam Smith, laborer 6 25 John Schemmel, laborer 8 15 Joe Schmidt, laborer 7 80 B Schnee, laborer 16 50 John Spies, laborer 18 00 Wm Sheridan, laborer 20 00 Simon Schaetzle, laborer 5 00 Henry TIppe, laborer 10 30 John Tweag, laborer 65 Richard Turner, laborer .... 10 00 John Ward, laborer 3 15 W J Welsh, laborer 6 90 Louis Wachinhoim, laborer 7 50 Peter Weist, laborer ... 5 00 Aug Wititee, laborer 10 65 Ed Welsh, laborer 8 15 Wm Weber, laborer 9 05 Nick Wampack, laborer 9 70 Venzel Zachena, laborer 5 95 G. Zumhoff, laborer 18 00 Ike Beekman, teams 16 25 Steve Casey, teams 24 40 Thos. Casey, teams 13 75 John Calvert, teams 10 65 John Decker, teams 8 75 Tom Elliott, teams 25 65 Ed. Frith, teams 26 25 M. Gantenbein, teams 25 65 Nick Gregory, teams 12 56 Tom Hines, teams 3 75 Wm. Howard, teams 8 15 Mike Hannon, tea.ms 12 50 H. C. King, teams ..... 22 50 John Long, teams .. 26 90 Pat Linehan, teams A. W. Miller, teams Chas. McGovern, teams 5 65 11 90 1 90 Jeff McGrath, teams R. Oldham, teams F. Oldham, teams Mrs. Quinlivan, teams Mike Riordan, teams Dillon Southerland, teams ...... 22 50 Frank Siege, teams 1 90 Ed. Seeley, teams 20 65 Otto Turner, teams 23 15 M. Theise, teams 26 90 James Tobin, teams 1 25 Jessie Venn, teams 36 90 John VanHoland, teams 2 50 Less Wellington, teams 1 25 Streets for the first half R Burns, laborer Steve Cain, laborer John Daugherty, laborer Mike Farrel, laborer Conrad Geimer, laborer James Hird, laborer John Hanley, laborer Chas. Holmberg, laborer John Kaste, laborer Mat Keafer, laborer Joe Marteneck, laborer Pat Moran, laborer Pat McPoland, laborer Wm. McAvoy, laborer Jas. McCracken, laborer Jas. McCarron, laborer S. Norton, laborer Pat Quinn, laborer Wm. Quinlan, laborer Morris Scollard, laborer John Saunders, laborer Wm. Wearmouth, laborer Bart Cain, teams John Duggan, teams Tom Kenneally, teams Mat Kenneally, teams Mike Riordan, teams ............ 65 Geo. Reynolds, teams 13 15 Jas. Tobin, teams 25 65 John Welsh, teams 25 00 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF MAY, 1899. 18 75 19 50 25 00 19 50 18 00 19 50 19 50 19 60 19 50 2 50 List of Warrants. 131 12 50 20 00 2 50 5 00 1 25 of May, 1899. 6 55 11 90 65 5 00 10 65 19 50 6 25 5 00 12 80 12 80 10 30 6 25 11 25 5 30 11 55 5 30 12 80 15 40 6 25 ........ 6 55 6 25 6 90 11 25 11 25 13 15 10 00 Chas. Botsford, laborer Ed. Brunskill, laborer R. T. Eddy, laborer Sam Elmer, laborer Pat Furey, laborer M. Flynn, laborer Chas. Hillary, laborer Joe Lowrie, laborer James Ryan, laborer Ike Beekman teams I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Recorder's Office, May 20, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, June 1, 1899, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Cornell St. from May place to alley north of Anna place, thence east in said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 of the sub of lots 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub, in accordance to plans and specifications now on file in this office. The work must be completed on or before July 15, 1899, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent of the monthly estimate of the engineer will be paid as the work progresses, the bal- ance due will be paid when work is completed and accepted by the city council. The work will consist of constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Cornell street from May Place to alley north of Anna Place thence east in said alley to line between lots 1 and 2 of sub of lots 18, 19 and 20, Fairview sub, a distance of 260 lineal feet with two manholes. The material used must be of the best quality of salt glazed vitri- fied stoneware sewer pipe, which with all other materials will be subject to approval of the city engineer and sewer committee. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for doing all the work and fur- nishing all the material, do the grading and the back filling and leave the sur- face in a smooth and satisfactory con- dition to the city engineer and sewer committee, also state the price per each manhole. A certified check an some Dubuque bank for $25.00 must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-20-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF SA__. I will sell at public auc,..on to the best bidder for cash on Monday, the 12th day of June, 1899, at 2 o'clock, p. m. at the public pound of the city of Du- buque, on Elm street, between 14th and 15th sts., the following impounded ani- mals, to -wit: One grey horse, 10 years old, weight, 1,000 lbs. Er` MORGAN, City Marshal. Dubuque, June 12th, 1899. NOTICE TO PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS. Sealed proposals will be received by Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick in the mayor's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, May 27th, 1899, for painting the exterior and interior of the city hall and for papering the offices of the mayor and assessor. Specifications of said work are now on file in the office of the mayor, showing the kind and extent of the work to be done. A certified check for $20.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if awarded. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Market Committee. W. F. FITZPATRICK, Clerk of Committee. 132 Official Notices. SPECIAL ASSESMENT NOTICE. To Ell Cole: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- ps.:ring sidewalks during April, 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on sa.d improvement, lot N. M. 1-5 of 452 city, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 15th day of June A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $4.80. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To J. M. Sammis: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalks during April, 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 5 in Grandview add., owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount 60c. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., June 15th, 1899, for improving Grove street from King street to the north end of said Grove street, requiring approxi- mately the following: New curbstone set, 590 lineal feet. Guttering, 262 square yards. Macadamizing, 635 snuare yards. Filling, 447 cubic yards. Cutting, 1,153 Cubic yards. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on Olein the office of the city recorder. Said work to be completed on or be- fore the 15th day of July, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council. The material and labor to be furnished by the contractor. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing, and the price per cubic yard for filling. A certified check for $70.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6-5-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE GROVE STREET. To all Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque, to im- prove Grove street, from King street to the north end of said Grove street. That a plat and specification of said propped improvement is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 590 lineal feet of new curbing, 262 square yards of guttering, 635 square yards of ma- cadamizing, 447 cubic yards of filling and 1,153 cubic yards of cutting, mak- ing a total estimated cost of $530.00 to abutting property owners. Any person having objection to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its session to be held the 1st day of June, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 1st day of June, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 5-22-3t. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. June lst, 1899, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Al- pine street from West 3rd street to di- viding line between lots 20 and 21, Julia L. Langworthy's add, according to the plat of said sewer and the specifica- tions prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city record- er. Said work shall be completed an or before the 15th day of July, 1899, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent of the monthly estimates of the engineer will be paid as the work pro- gresses, the balance due, to be paid when work is completed and accepted by the city council; and the proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the lst day of June, 1899, and the recorder is hereby order- ed to give ten (10) days' notice by publication, asking for the proposals, as provided by ordinance. The work will consist of building an eight (8) inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Alpine street from West 3rd street to dividing line between lots 20 and 21, Julia L. Langworthy's add, a distance of 330 'lineal feet; with two (2) manholes. The material to be used must be of the best quality of salt glazed vitrified stone- ware sewer pipe, which with all other materials will be subject to approval of the city engineer and sewer committee. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for doing all the work and fur- nishing all the material, do the grading and back filling and leave the surface in a smooth and satisfactory condi- tion to the engineer and sewer commit- tee and also state price per each man- hole. [fit • Official Notices. 133 .A. certified check of twenty ($20.00) dollars on some Dubuque bank must .accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-20-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION TO IMPROVE AN- GELLA AND COX STRINCTS. To All Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque, to im- prove Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue. That a plat and specification of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 2150 lineal feet of new curbing, 960 square yards of guttering and 2650 square yards of macadamizing, making a to- tal estimated cost of $2355.00 to abut- ting property owners. Any person having objections to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its session to be held June 15th, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or be- fore the 15th day of June, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6-6-5t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To C. Denlinger: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalks during April, 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 19 in O'Hare's sub., owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 15th day of June, A. D., 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount 80c. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'SIN- TENTION TO IMPROVE FIFTH AVENUE FROM RHOMBERG AVE. TO LAKE PEOSTA. City Recorder's office, May 29th, 1899. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tiflea that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque, to im- prove 5th avenue, from Rhomberg avenue to Lake Peosta. That a plat and specifications of said improvement is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it is estimated by the city engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire 1,200 feet of new curbing, 1,300 square yards stone paving, 1,300 square yards of macadam and 14500 cubic yards of cutting, making a total estimated cost of $1,735.00 to abutting property owners. Any person having objections to said improvement are hereby notified to appear in person before the city council at its session to be held the 15th day of June, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 15th day of June, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 5-29-5t. Regular Session, July 6, 1899. 135 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session July 6th, 1899. (Official. ) Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in .the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Absent—Ald. Wales. • Ald. McLaughlin moved •that the council proceedings for the month of June, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Thos. F. Maguire, asst. atty for June $ 50 00 G. Gmehle, asst. assessor for June 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, asst. assessor for June 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for June 8 00 W. S. MacHarg, expert testi- mony in water works cases741 70 Wynkoop Kierstedt, expert tes- timony in water works cases65G 00 Chas. P. Chase, expert testi- mony in water works cases474 95 Sam G. Artingstall, expert tes- timony in water works cases377 10 Dr. Floyd Davis, expert testi- mony in water works cases350 00 G. Russell Leonard, short hand reporter and typewriting in water works cases 97 00 Hotel Julien, hotel expenses for appraisers and expert testi- mony in water works cases... 236 00 Ald. Crawford moved that all war- rants for water works investigation be drawn on the general expense fund. Carried. Jas. A. Hayes, judgment and court costs in case of M. Mc- Mahon vs. City 2401 76 Jas. A. Hayes, judgment and court costs in case of I. Proc- tor vs. city 784 T. W. Ruete, oil and emery dust for parks 3 G. F. Kleih, hardware for city hall 1 J. Atkins, carpenter work for city hall 14 A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of town clock from Feb. 1st, 1899, to June 18th, 1899 28 W. W. Whelan, sharpening lawn mowers for parks 1 Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co., shingles for city pound Mrs. J. Meehan, cleaning city hall Pape & Jacqulnot, plumbing at city hall C. O. D. laundry, towels and racks for May and June F. A. Miller, brooms for city hall 42 10 25 95 15 217 6 15 3 50 1 50 6 00 2 70 I Manhoff, 50 pounds rags Chas. Botsford, laying carpet mayor's office Louis Heeb, taking up carpet mayor's office Jno. Kleinschmidt, soap and lye Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments Wm. Geisheker, engineer work on case of Ryan vs. City L. R. Kauffman. illuminating and repairing town clock 75 00 Walton & Bieg, stationary 2 05 W. H. Torbert, sample bottles for water analysis in water works case 4 95 Walton & Bieg, stationery for city attorney 6 20 Palmer. Winall & Co., blank stationery 36 50 Andrew Schaetzle, repairing bridge on Center street 25 00 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department 1 60 Jno. Bakey, macadam 10 00 Jno. Malone, macadam 11 00 Robt Miller, macadam 14 00 B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road department 3 30 John Butt, repairing toots for road department 5 85 F. Schloz & San. repairing tools for road department 4 90 Gen. Fengler, rip rap and bluff filling for road department149 00 Hussman & Lies, powder for road department 85 G. F. Kleih, hardware for road department 4 95 Christman & Healey. hardware for road department 17 50 F. M. Jaeger, hardware for road department 1 15 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing drinking fountain at High bridge 2 90 R. T. Eddy, Iron for 23d street fountain 1 25 Hagerty Pros., pine wood for steam roller 3 50 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road department . 49 50 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., pine woad for steam roller 2 25 Harry Fleck, valve for steam roller 90 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 9 15 Jno. Tibey, stone for street crossings, etc 28 50 Jno. Tibey, gravel 50 75 Byrnes & Saul, gravel 148 40 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for fire department 11 20 Aug. Wunderlich, horse shoe- ing for fire department Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoeing for fire department .. 7 20 B Kauffman, hats for fire de- partment 13 85 A. Tredway & Sons, brushes for fire department 9 75 2 00 1 25 1 25 2 40 54 00 13 50 136 Regular Session, July 6, 1899. F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 2 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., hardware for fire department 60 Police Telephone and Signal Co, 14 pair of magnets for flre de- partment Sullivan & Stampfer, sheets and pillow cases for fire depart- ment W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire department T. W. Ruete, drugs for fire de- partment 5 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi street engine house 1 75 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department 10 10 Jno Kriebs, repairing harness for fire department 3 10 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for fire department 2 30 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire department 1 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for various engine houses 40 00 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hy- drants for June 1408 33 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe ing for police department 6 80 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for police department 3 20 Dubuque Water Co., water at patrol house 10 00 P. Hughes & Sons, matches for police department 2 85 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, manhole castings and covers. 24 00 Jno. Mehlhop Son & Co. Co galvanized scoops for sewer department 1 40 Woodruff Bros., 2 pails for sew- er department 40 Etchhorn & Bechtel, oil and brushes for sewer department 1 95 Linehan & Molo, rope and ce- ment for sewer department .... 18 20 Steuck & Linehan, constructing stone sewer on 7th ave 194 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for sewer department 1 50 J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement for sewer department 5 25 P. Cassidy, labor Sunday, June 4th 3 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings, $3.00, and health reports $3.50 6 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for June 60 00 The Herald, official printing for June 50 00 Globe -Journal, official printing for May and June 100 00 National Demokrat, official printing for June 25 00 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for June 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for June ... 166 67 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for month of June 193 45 46 00 16 00 3 00 M. H. McCloskey, painting city hall, balance due 582 85 Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. McCloskey be heard. Carried. Mr. McCloskey addressed the coun- cil. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill be paid except the amount of $10.00. Carried. Louis Heeb, cleaning and oiling har- ness for police department, $1.50. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill be received and filed. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Absent—Ald. Wales. It being a tie vote the mayor voted no. Ald. Jones then moved that the bill be paid. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Nays—Ald. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. Absent—Ald. Wales. It being a tie vote the mayor voted aye and declared the motion carried. E. H. Sheppley, repairing apron on Grove Terrace abutting lot 688, Mc - Daniel's sub, 75c. On motion the bill was referred to the street committee. Linwood cemetery to city of Dubu- que. To 158.40 cub. yds. of ma- cadam at 50c per cub. yard, $79.20. The above amount received by city treasurer with receipt attached. On motion the bill was received and filed. PETITIONS. Petition of F. B. Harriman for Mrs. J. S. Randall asking that the special assessment levied against her property for improving Southern avenue be can- celed. Ald. Crawford moved that the entire matter and all papers be referred to the committee on streets, city engineer and city attorney. Carried. Petition of Philip Kress et al asking that a grade be established on Adams avenue in Ham's add. Ald. Jones moved that the petition be referrred to the city engineer and he be instructed to establish a grade on said avenue. Carried. Petition of Dr. J. W. Heustis asking that the water mains be extended along his property formerly owned and occu- pied by Mrs. Knott being the South 1-2 of lot 3 and 4 in Ellen Corkery's sub. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Ellen Quinlivan ask- ing for remission of taxes and same to be applied to pay her special as- sessment for improving East Grand- view avenue. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- Regular Session, July 6, 1899. 137 tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition and plat of Mrs. Anna M. Bush by J. D. Bush of the subdivision of lots 19, 22, 27 and West 1-2 of 30 of Mt. Pleasant add asking that the same be approved by the council. Ald. Frith moved that the petition and plat be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Telegraph requesting the city through its coun- cil to purchase a liberal supply of new city directories. The mayor ordered the petition referr ed to the committee of the whole. Petition of N. J. Offerman, pound master asking council to allow him $10.00 extra salary for use of horse. On motion the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of J. C. Garland in relation to water running on to his property from the street back of his property be- ing the west 1-2 of lot No. 5 of city out - lot No. 655. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole and the assistant engineer be instructed to make an estimate of the cost for a wall continuing it south. Carried. Petition of Mrs. J. Rickard asking that her taxes be can eled for the year 1898 on lots 84 and 85 Union add. The mayor referrred the petition to the delinquent tax committee. Petition of St. Joseph Mercy hospital by McCarthy and Kenline, its attor- neys, asking that the taxes be canceled on lot No. 7 in Agnes Langworthy's add. The mayor referred the petition to the delinquent tax committee and city assessor. Petition of Jas. Hird and Jas. H. Boyce asking for permission to sink a mining shaft on the north side of Mer- chants' Lane. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be granted. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the city attorney be instructed to draw up an agreement to protect the city from all damages and the shalt to be filled up when through mining. Carried. Petition of Chris Capritz et al ask- ing that Lincoln avenue be ordered im- proved from west line of lot No. 35, McCraney's Eagle Point to west line of C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co.'s right of way. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORTS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of June, 1899, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor.. Excavation permits redeemed .$ 130 00 Interest on warrants outstand- ing 1400 14 Express charges 25 Postage stamps 12 00 Exchange, New York 4 00 $1,546 39 Respectfully, HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and warrants drawn for the various amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you my report for the month of June, 1899, showing receipts and disburse- ments for the month. Cash on hand June lst, 1899...$64,309 84 Receipts from all sources 7,023 92 Disbursments— $71,333 76 Warrants redeemed in June 1899 $17,410 15 Coupons redeemed in June 1899 3,633 41 21,043 56 Cash on hand July lst, 1899. $50,290 20 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement bond fund $13,220 25 Leaving balance to credit of the city $37,069 95 Also reports that there is due city officers for salaries for the month of June, 1899, $2,020.00. Also reports the following list show- ing the amount expended in each de- partment since the beginning of the fiscal year: General expense fund $ 7,093 69 Road 13,805 55 Fire 7,713 82 Police 6,593 45 Sewerage 1,313 23 Printing 542.50 Engineering 807 35 Light 5,894 61 Water 4,224 99 Interest 7,513 91 Board of health 702 63 Grading 840 65 Also a list of coupons re- deemed amount 3,633 41 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay the city officials and the report referr- ed back to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of June, 1899: 138' Regular Session, July 6, 1899. Amount due firemen, $1,959.90. JOE REINFRIED, Chief. The mayor ordered the report received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following is the police report for the month of June, 1899: Total arrests 43 Police patrol calls 52 Residents of Dubuque arrested 17 Doors found open 22 Lodgers harbored 28 Defective Lights 46 Meals furnished by market master40 Cost of food $8 00 Poundmaster's receipt attached $17.50. Also reported that the pay -roll for the police for the month of June, 1899, amounts to $1953.35. Respectfully submitted, Ed MORGAN, Marshal. The mayor ordered the report received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the police and the report referred back to the committee on police nd lights. Street Commissioner iyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the , city of Dubuque: - 1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets from June 15th•to June 30th, 1899, inclusive. Amount due laborers on streets $1,941.45. Respectfully sub- mitted. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered the report received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the laborers on streets and the report re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor in grading streets from June 16th to June 30th, 1899 in- clusive. Amount due laborers for grading $155.20. Respectfully Sub- mitted. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved to receive the re- port and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading and the report referred back to the com- initte on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers from June 15th to June 30th, 1899, inclusive. Amounts due laborers on sewers $162.50. Respectfully submittetd, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered the report received and warrants drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the report referred back to the committee on sewers. Street Commissioner Bctyce reported a.. follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit re- port of rolling done by the steam roller for the Dubuque Water Company and Key City Gas Company for the month of June, 1899. The steam roller worked for the Du- buque Water Company 33 hours, and for the Key City Gas Co. 43 hours, bills for the above work as follows: Dubuque Water Company to the City of Dubuque, Dr. to rolling water trenches on Rhomberg avenue June 0th, 5 hours; 8th, 9 hours; 13th, 4 hours. Total hours, 18. First street alley June 29th, 10 hours; 7th street alley June 30th. 5 hours. Total hours. 33. at $1.50, $49.50. KEY CITY GAS COMPANY. Tc the city of Dubuque, Dr. to rolling gas trenches: June 21st, Julien avenue and Nevada street, 10 hours. June 22. Julien avenue and Delhi street, 10 hours. June 26, Julien avenue and West 14th streeet, 9 hours. June 28, Bluff, W. Locust, Clark and Ellis streeet, 9 hours. Junei30, Ellis, Almond and 13th street 5 hours. Total hours, 43, at $1.50, amount $64.50. Ald. Flynn moved that the report be received and that the Dubuque Water Company and the Key City Gas Com- pany be notified of the amount of said bills in accordance with resolution passed June lst, 1899, in relation to that matter. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 5th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Under your instructions we filed a claim in the receivership of the Dubuque Light and Traction com- pany for special assessments for street improvements and pooportion of elec- trician's salary due from said com- pany as follows: Electrician's salary for Sth street line . On balance of line Accrued salary to date, July 5th, 1899 $ 315 90 1137 90 86 80 Total .. $1540 60 This claim for electrician's salary is based on the ordinance, and the ordin- ance of the 8th street line contains no provision in regard to it. The claim is an account, not a tax, and about one-fourth of it accrued prior to the appointment of the receiver. The claims for the special assess- ments are for the improvement of the following streets in the following amounts: Regular Session, July 6, 1899. 139 Dodge street, levied December 1, 1891, with 6 per cent. interest$ 465 11 South Dodge street, levied De- cember 1, 1891, with 6 per cent. interest .. .. 534 72 Windsor avenue, levied August 28, 1893, 6 per cent. interest....1272 12 Main street, levied November 23, 1892, 5 per cent. interest74 90 Iowa street, levied December 23, 1397, 6 per cent. interest 4466 62 Alpine street, levied Dec. 23, 1897, 6 per cent. interest 336 90 City lot 224 for Iowa street with 6 per cent. interest from De- cember 23, 1897 260 66 North 21.3 feet of city lot 22550 15 to notify the city auditor to deduct the amount, $9.45 from the Star Electric company's bill for the month of June, 1899. The following weighmasters and woodmeasurers' receipts for the month of June, 1899, vas referred to the com- mittee on markets. Report follows: Otto Rath, weighmaster. city hall amount $ 16 50 Chas. Pitschner, weighmaster, West Dubuque, amount.... 1 55 T. Faherty, weighmaster, First 3 55 The special assessments with interest amount in total to....$8860 00 Up to date of July 5th, 1899. There was considerable question about the validity of these special as- sessments, and electrician's salary, and after some negotiations with Powers, Lacy and Brown, who represented the receiver, we called the matter up be- fore Hon. O. P. Shiras, in the United States circuit court. and an order was entered by the court directing the re- ceiver to pay all of said special assess- ments and to pay $800.00 in full of said electrician's salary, which order was entered with the concurrence of the at- torneys for the city and the attorneys for the receiver. The total to be paid to the city under such order was $9,666.00, and this amount was on July 5th. 1899, paid to the city treasurer of the city of Du- buque in accordance with said order of the court. The part of the claim not allowed was for electrician's salary in the amount of $740.60, and I would recom- mend that the council order the city auditor to cancel the amount due from the Dubuque Light & Traction com- pany, and the Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway company in the sum of $740.60, which said sum together with the $800.00 paid for electrician's salary represents the full amount due from said companies to the city of Dubuque up to July 5, 1899. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be adopted and the recommendations be carried out. Carried. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defetcive lights for the month of June, 1899. I find from the reports of the police department that the total hours that 46 lamps failed to burn, would equal 1 3-4 lamps for one month or $9.45. Respectfully Submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and filed and instructed the recorder ward, amount Mettle Bros., weighmaster, Cottl- er avenue, amount 2 45 R. F. Curran, city wood measurer amount 71 City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen:—I herewith present my report on the petition of Otto Meissner et al in reference to Lincoln avenue, and beg leave to make the following suggestions. I find a very light grade on said avenue between Stafford and Humboldt avenues, but from Stafford to Windsor the grade is sufficient to carry all the water, without any sedi- ment remaining in the gutters. Would recommend that the gutters be lowered from a point 50 to 60 feet west of Stafford to a point 60 to 75 feet east of Stafford. This will not change the present curb but will increase the grade in the gutter where it crosses Stafford avenue, and will afford an out- let for the water that the residents on said street are complaining of. Respectfully Submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Ald. McLaughlin moved that further action be postponed and the report and petition he referred back to the city engineer for him to report the cost of re- pairs as recommended in said report. Carried. Recorder Langstaff presented the pub- lished notice of the council's intention to inprove Angella street from West Locust street to Pierce street, properly certified to by the publisher. Also re- monstrance of Mrs. John Grill, remon- strating against raid improvement., Ald. Duggan moved that the matter and papers he referred hack to the city engineer and he he instructed to report the cost, to the city, of the grading re- quired. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Nayes—Aids. Crawford and Mc- Laughlin. Total 2 Ald. Wales absent. Ald. Crawford stated that he saw several gentlemen present that were in- terested in the opening of Robison al- ley, and moved that the rules be sus- pended and any one present desiring to address the council on the subject be heard. Carried. Mr. E. FI. Sheppley, Wm. Buckler and Mr. T. Dickson addressed the 140 Regular Session, July 6, 1899. council favoring the opening of said alley. Ald. Crawford stated that he would, at the proper time, offer a resolution on the subject. Ald. Jones moved that under the suspension of the rules any one be al- lowed to address the council. Car- ried. Capt. Kimball, of the Eagle Point ferry, addressed the council, and stated that the city council, some years ago, had limited the charges of ferry - age to one-half of a fair compensation but had appropriated sufficient amount to pay the expense of running said ferry, and asked that the council now appropriate a sufficient amount to pay the expense. Mr. Domnick Rhomberg addressed the council, protesting against filling lot 6 of 7 of mineral lot 79 in accord- ance with a notice served on him or- dering said lot filled to a height suf- ficient to prevent stagnant water from standing thereon. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing resolution: RESOLUTION ORDERING STAG- NANT WATER LOTS TO BE FILLED. Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water; and Whereas, The owners of said prop- erty have been notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, therefore, Be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the follow- ing described property, lots, and parts of Lots, viz: Lot 6 of 7 of mineral lot 79, Dominick Rhomberg, agt., be filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city Engineer, to pt Went stagnant water remaining thereat. The work is to be completed by 20th of July, 1899. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this resolution in the manner pro- vided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof as- sessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith and McLaughlin. Total 6. Nays—Ald. Jones. Absent—Aid. Wales. The mayor declared the resolution adopted. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for thn improvement of Grove street from Broadway extension to north line of John King's add No. 2 be opened. Car- ried. The bid was opened and found as fol- lows: Steuck & Linehan the only bidders. Grading, per cubic yard, 12 1-2c. Curbing, per lineal foot, 35c. Guttering, per square yard, 35c. Macadamizing, per square yard, 40c. Ald. Crawford moved that the con- tract be awarded to Steuck & Linehan, subject to the motion of Ald. Duggan adopted June 15, 1899, in reference to signing contracts. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 6. Ald. Wales absent. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bids for the improvement of Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue be opened. Carried. The bids were opened and found as follows: Con Ryan's bid— Grading, per cub yard $ .15 Curbing, per lineal foot .35 Guttering, per square yard .35 Macadamizing, per square yard.35 Steuck & Linehan's bid.– Grading, per cub yard .26 Curbing, per lineal foot .39 Guttering, per square yard .39 Macadamizing, per square yard.39 Oliver G. Kringle's bid— Grading, per cub yard .20 Curbing, per lineal foot .40 Guttering, per square yard .40 Macadamizing, per sq. yard .50 Ald. McLaughlin moved that the contract be awarded to Con. Ryan he being the lowest bidder. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that further action on the bids be post- poned. Ald. Flynn's substitute was adopted. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Flynn presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the use of fenders on street railway cars operating on the streets of the city of Dubuque and moved that tha ordinance be read for the first time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin, Total 6. Absent—Ald. Wales. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for its second reading. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 6. Absent—Ald. Wales. The ordinance was then read by its title for its second reading. Regular Session, July 6, 1899. 141 Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance be passed. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn. Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Absent Ald. Wales. The mayor declared the ordinance passed. The ordinance follows: Ar. Ordnance to Provide for. the 1':•e of Fenders on Street Railway Cars Op- erating on the Streets of the (City of Dubrque: Ee it Ordained by the City Connct1 of the. City of Dubuque: Section 1. That on and after August 15th, 1899, every person, partnership, co:npan3 or corporation owning c••r op- erating a street railway in the city of Put•urue. Iowa, shall provide the front end of all cars, except trailors, operat- ing' and running upon ani along; the stret.ts of said city, with safe and suit- able, fenders of such size and character a sbail be acceptable to and be ap- ps oN eo by the City Council of the City e 'Dt! uque, Iowa. Section 2. Any person, partnership, company or corporation owning or op- erating a street railway in the City of Dubuque, who shall fail or refuse to comply with section 1 hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars for each day said cars are operated upon and along the streets of said city without fenders as afore- said. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its pub- lication in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph, a newspaper published in said city. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mitte on streets, reported as follows: Your commitete on streets respect- fully recommend the adoption of the resolution of Ald. Jones in relation to the construction of a retaining wall on Cornell street. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, P. H. McLAUGHLIN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mitttee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of whole respectfully recommend the approval of the general plans as adopted by the special com- mittee for the Bee Branch Waterway, and would recommend that the engi- neer in charge, Mr. J. H. Boyce, be in- structed to prepare specifications for doing the work from 16th street to Sanford street. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of D. H. Slattery et al., asking that the grade of West 16th street be re-established respectfully recommend that the peti- tion be granted and that the city en- gineer be instructed to make a survey, plat and profile of the proposed change. The cut on the summit to be about four (4) feet, and not over two (2 1-2) feet in front of the property of Albert Lantzsky. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of M. Flynn et al., asking that the men work- ing on sewers be paid at the rate of $1.75 per day, reports in favor of paying the sewer men at the rate of $1.60 per day, to commence on July 1st, 1899. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully recommend that the petition of Peter Kien and Thomas Cahill, park custodians, asking that they be paid at the rate of $45.00 per month, be received and filed. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report in favor of purchasing the macadam of Mike Sullivan amount- ing to 131 cubic yards, and to be paid for as follows: One-half (1-2) amount- ing to $32.75, at once, and the balance amounting to $32.75, when said macad- am is used. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also in favor of receiving and filing the resolution of Ald. Frith providing for the payment of $2.70 per day to city teamsters. P. W. CRAWFORD. Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recor- der be and is hereby.instructed to is- sue a venire to the city marshal com- manding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, residents of the city of Dubuque, to assess the dam- age, if any, caused by the proposed ex- tension of the alley first north of and Parallel to Julien avenue (commonly known as Robison alley) from Bluff street to Julien avenue, in accordance with the plat of said proposed exten- sion on file in the office of the city en- gineer. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Nayes—Alda. Flynn and Frith. To- tal 2. 142 Regular Session, July 6, 1899. Absent Ald. Wales. The mayor declared the resolution adopted. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Angella street from West Locust street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said streets„ therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the lo- cation and general nature of such im- provement, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost therof together with the amount assesable up- on each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be publish- ed in official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section eight (8) of the ordinance relating to the im- provement of streets adopted May 19th, 1898, and after the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular ses- sion notify the council thereof in writ- ing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. And that all previous resolutions pro- viding for the improvement of said streets be and are hereby rescinded. Ald.Duggan moved that the resolu- tion be referred to the committee of the whole The mayor declared the motion to refer carried. Whereupon Ald. Crawford called for a division. The mayor decided the call fdr a division out of order as he had decided the mo- tion to refer carried. Ald. Crawford appealed from the decision of the chair and called for the yeas and nays. The vote on sustaining the chair was as fol- lows: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Jones. Nays—Ald. Crawford, Frith and Mc- Laughlin. The mayor declared the chair sustan- ed. Ald. Crawford appealed from the de- cision of the chair on the ground that a majority had failed to vote in favor of sustaining his decision. The chair refused to entertain the ap- peal. and declared the motion to refer the resolution carried. Alderman Jones offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to improve Lincoln avenue from west line of lot 35 McCraney's Eagle Point add. to west line of C. M. & St. Paul R. R. right of way and it is hereby proposed to grade, gutter and macadamize said street, therefore Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improve- ment, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together with the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specification and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing said plat in his office the city re- corder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section eight (8) of the ordinance relating to the improvement of streets, adopted May 19th, 1898, and after the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Ald. Duggan moved to refer the reso- lution to the committee of the whole. Vote.resulted as follows: • Ayes--Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. • I)Lacyes—Aids. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Alda Wales absent. It being a tie vote the mayor voted aye and declared the resolution referred to the committee of the whole. • • Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution: De It Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water company is hereby ordered and directed to restore the streets. alleyes and avenues in which it has heretofore laid its pipe to as good condition as said streets, alleys and avenues were in before the said Water company commenced work on saicl streets for the purpose of laying said pipe, according to the provisions of section two (2) of the ordinance con- tinuing the contract between the city aro,. said company. And be it further resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That if said Water company fail to restore the said streets, alleys and avenues as above directed by the lst day of August, 1899, then the street commissioner of the city of Dubuque, is hereby directed to make the proper re- pairs necessary to restore the said streets, alleys, or avenues to the condi- tion they were in before said work was commenced by the said Water company as aforesaid, and to report the cost of so doing to the city council. And Be it further resolved: That the said cost of so restoring said streets, alleys, and avenues by the street commissioner, be deducted and retained out of any moneys due, or hereafter becoming due from the city to the said Dubuque Water company. Be it further resolved: That notice of this resolution be given the Dubuque Water company by service of a copy of same on the president or secretary of said Dubuque Water company, said service to be made by the city marshal. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Regular Session, July 20, 1899. 143 Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 6. Absent Ald. Wales. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Captain Kimbell, owner of the Eagle Point ferry be allowed the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month, commencing July 1st, 1899, until the close of navigation. Ald. Duggan moved that the resolu- tion be received and filed. Vote re- sulted as follows: Yeas—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. Nayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Absent—Ald. Wales. It being a tie vote the mayor voted aye and declared the resolution receiv- ed and filed. Ald. Frith moved that the market master be instructed to furnish ice for use in the city hall and council cham- ber. Ald. Flynn moved to amend by insert- ing purchasing committee in lieu of market master. Carried. The motion as amended was then adopted. Ald. Duggan moved that the council adjourn for two weeks, until July 20th, 1899. Carried. Attest: Approve ,...Recorder ,18 9 A.(t, f .. .. .... Mayor Regular Session, J . y 20th, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—,Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Absent—Ald. Wales. PETITIONS. Petition of Ott, Meuser & Co. in rela- tion to a 60 ft. street on the levee front, said street having been filled up by the S. D. Ryan Packing Co. and asking that the same be opened up as a public thor- oughfare. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be referred to the committee on Harbors. Carried. Petition and claim of Mrs. M. Corbett asking sixty ($60.00) dollars for dam- ages to her property done by the fire department during the fire at John Far- ley's residence. Aid. McLaughlin moved that the pe- tition be referred to the fire committee. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of the Dubuque Star Brewing company by J. H. Rhomberg, et al, asking that Fourth (4th) street exten- sion be improved from White street to the high bridge. Petition of the Dubuque Star Brew- ing company by J. H. Rhomberg, Pres- ident, asking that the levee front be im- proved from Wall street to High Bridg avenue. Petition of Russell & Co., by P. Mc- Cullough, agent, in relation to city pur- chasing a steam roller and offering to pay the expense of any committee the council may send to Massilon, Ohio, to their factory to examine and see their rollers in operation. Petition and claim of E. B. Pieken- brock asking that twenty ($20.00) dol- lars and forty cents he allowed him for damages done by the steam roller, breaking the water tap abutting his homestead in alley between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets and Main and Bluff streets. Petition of Mrs. Michael Ahern asking council to remit the interest of her taxes for street improvements. Petition of the Dubuque High Bridge company, by John Ellwanger, secretary, asking that their taxes for 1898 be can- celed in accordance with the ordinance passed August 2nd, 1886. Petition of Fred Otto, claiming eight inches of ground which was taken by the city the time Troy alley was opened and asking that same be given back to him. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. Jno. F. O'Dea asking that her taxes be canceled on lot No. 4, Fortune's sub., for the year 1898. Petition of Mrs. Catherine Boland asking that her taxes be canceled on N. M. 1-5 of city lot No. 430 for the year 1898. Petition of Elizabeth Herzog asking that her taxes be canceled on the east 50 feet of south 20 feet of lot 2 and the east 50 feet of lots 3, 4 and 5, Frisch's sub., for the year 1898. Petition of James Cazatt asking that his taxes on personal property be can- celed for the year 1898. The mayor re- ferred the petition to the delinquent tax committee and city assessor. Petition of Rev. Peter O'Malley, et al, in relation to re-establishing the grade on St. Ambrose street. Ald. Duggan moved that further ac- tion on the matter be postponed until the return of Ald. Wales. Rev. O'Malley addressed the council, stating that he preferred to await the return of Ald. Wales rather than have the four and one-half (41/2) feet cut. Messrs. Eckstein and Kapp addressed the council on the same subject. Ald. Flynn moved that when the com- mittee of the whole reports, it report in favor of a three (3) feet grade instead of four and one-half (41/z) feet. Car- ried. Father O'Malley stated that the 3 111 R gular Sas ion, July 20, 1899. foot grade would be acceptable to him. OFFICERS' REPORTS. S'reet Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the .City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the first ]kalf of July, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, $1,357.55. —J. H. Boyce, Street Commissioner. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts to pay Laborers on streets and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce repor.ed r.:s follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is the amount due laborers for grading streets for the first half of July, 1899: Amount due laborers for grading, 1188.85. • —J. H. Boyce, Street Commissioner. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts due laborers and the report referred hack to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the first Ulf of July, 1899: Amount due laborers on sewers, $1,65. —J. H. Boyce, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered the pay roll re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts to pay laborers on sewers and the pay roll referred back to the committee on sewers. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Herewith find estimate for lowering the gutter on Lincoln ave- nue, abutting the property of Otto Meissner and others: 220 lineal feet of guttering, equal to 98 square yards of gutter, at 20c $19.60 Grading and resurfacing the street 25.00 Total amount ....... ... ... $44.60 —E. C. Blake, City Enginee. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be received and that the street com- missioner be instructed to make the re- pairs on said Lincoln avenue, in accord- ance with said report. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- Iows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 12, 1899. To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached here is a state- ment of the amount of judgment for costs pending against the city of Du- buque in the supreme court of Iowa in case of Michael McMahon vs. City of Dubuque. I would recommend that you order a warrant drawn for the sum of $34.15 in favor of C. T .Jones, clerk of the su- preme court of Iowa, and that the city treasurer be instructed to forward the amount to said clerk with instructions to properly satisfy the judgment of record. Respectfully submitted, —Thos. H. Duffy. City Attorney. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be adopted and a warrant ordered drawn for said amount and the city treasurer carry out the recommenda- tions. Carried. Sidewalk Commissioner Zeidman re- ported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 20, 1899. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—In April, 1899, I notified Christ. Jungk to lay a new sidewalk abutting lot No. 55 McCraney's add., on Rhomberg avenue. He soon after built a good, new brick walk abutting said lot. In the meantime, though, the city carpenter made repairs on old walk, amounting to $1.40. In consideration of said parties con- structing brick walk as ordered, I would recommend that the repair bill be can- celled, as per resolution attached. Re- spectfully, —L. Zeidman, Sidewalk Commissioner. Resolution follows: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the special as- sessment passed June 15.h, 1899, for re- pair of sidewalk in the month of April, 1899, against lot No. 55, McCraney's add., Christ Jungk, owner, amount $1.40, be eance'led. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report and resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Total 6. Absent. Ald. Wales. Ald. Crawford moved that the bids for building the retaining wall on Pickett street be opened. Carried. The bids were opened and found as follows: John Tibey, bid per cubic yard, $3.40: Steuck & Linehan, bid per cubic yard, $4.00. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the con- tract be awarded to John Tibey, he be- ing the lowest bidder. Carried. His Honor, Mayor Berg, stated that he had not signed the warrant ordered drawn at the last session of the council, in favor of Dr. Floyd Davis for $350 for testimony and analyzing the water in the water level for use of the city at- torneys in the water works case and read a letter from Attorney Matthews. The letter follows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 20, 1899. Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor, Dubuque, Iowa: Dear Sir:—As there appears to be Regular Session, July 20, 1899. 145 some misunderstanding as to the service rendered the city in the water works matter by Dr. Floyd Davis ,and the amount of the bill therefore, it Is due you that I make an explanation. Dur- ing the hearing before the commission- er the attorneys for the city determined that we needed the services of a chem- ist and the duty of securing one was as- signed to me. I concluded to employ Prof. Otto Ruete, of this city, who has studied several years abroad and was eminently qualified for the work. I as- sumed this would be satisfactory to you as a member of the committee. My time was so taken up in the hearing that I was unable to see you or Prof. Ruete until we needed his services soon- er than I anticipated. When I went to employ him I was informed by his father that he was in poor health, and had gone away to recuperate and would not be back in time. We needed the services of a chemist at once. Floyd Davis, of Des Moines, was the best and most available man. I wired him in the name of the city attorney to come here at once. He came here the next morning, was here two days consulting with the attorneys, getting information and samples for the investigation; he returned to Des Moines, where he was engaged in giving testimony one day. In all he gave seven days of his time, paid all of his expenses and it appears to me his bill, $350, is reasonable and ought to be paid. The standard and usual fee for ex- perts of standing is $50 per day. Chem- ists in additions are paid so much for analysis, the usual charge being $25 for each separate analysis. When I talked with Prof. Davis about his charges I told him that the city would pay him the usual and reasonable charge for like services. He made a number of different analysis, which if charged for at the usual rate would make his bill larger than it is. I sug- gested to him that $50 a day was what the council had authorized the com- mittee to pay other experts and I thought it would be more satisfactory to the council if he made his bill in that way. It was so made out and I cer- tified to it as did the other attorneys for the city. I thought at the time that you were fully informed and would cer- ify the bill before it was ordered paid. On learning from you that you had not certified the bill I explained the matter verbally to you and suggested to you that it would he perfectly right to fully inform yourself of the correctness of the bill before approving the payment thereof. It has occurred to me that while it was due to you to have this explanation made, it was also due to Dr. Davis, in order that there might be no suspicion that he is making an unusual or ex- horbitant charge for his services and this is my reason for writing you this letter. I do not deem it expedient to state more fully the value to the city of Dr. Davis' work, but I do say that his ser- vices were of great value in the present controversy and I think that this bill ought to be paid without any further question. Trusting that this sta`ement will aid you in arriving at the same conclusion.. Very truly yours, —Alphonse Matthews. The mayor stated that he was now satisfied that the bill was reasonable and just, and unless there was objec- tion on the part of the council he would sign the warrant for the payment of said bill. No objections were made.. REPORTS OF STANDING COM MITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee, presented an ordi- nance entitled an ordinance; To prevent nuisances from the growth and propo- gation of noxious weeds in the City of Dubuque, and to compel the abatement thereof, and to provide for the levy and collection of a special tax on lots or parcels of land in said city, to defray the cost of removing noxious weeds therefrom, and from the sidewalks of streets in front of the same. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be read for the first time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith. Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 6. Ab- sent, Ald. Wales. The ordinance was then read in full for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules he suspended and the ordinance be read. by its title for its second reading. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 6. Absent. Ald. Wales. The ordinance was then read by its title for its second reading. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be now passed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Total, 6. Absent, Ald. Wales. The mayor declared the ordinance ad- opted. The ordinance follows: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, trustee, tenant. or other person having the control of lots or parcels of real estate in the city of Dubuque, to permit the growth and going to seed on said lots or parcels of real estate, or on the sidewalks in front of the same, of any Russian, or Canada thistle, or thistles of any variety, or any pig weeds, Jimson weeds, smart weeds. dog fennel, wild hemp, wild mustard, cuckle burrs, sand burrs, Burdock or any other kind or species of noxious weeds whatever, and any such owner, agent, trustee, tenant or other persona having the control of any lots or parcels of land in said city who shall permit the growth and going to seed thereon, 146 Regular Session, July 20, 1899. of the noxious weeds hereinbefore de- scribed, or any of them, shall be deemed guilty of committing and maintaining a nuisance, and shall be fined on con- viction thereof, for each and every of- fense, not less than one nor more than twenty dollars, with cost of prosecution. Seclon 2. That the city marshal, street contmisisouer, and other city of- ficers having police power, ar. hereby specially charged with the strict en- forcement of this ordinance. Section 3. That whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the street commissioner that any lot or parcel of land in the City of Dubuque, or the sidewalk of the street or streets im- mediately in front of the same, is either wholly or partially covered by a growth of noxious weeds of the char- acter described in the first section of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of of such officer to immediately notify, in writing, the owner, agent, trustee, ten- ant, or other persons owning, occupy- ing or controlling such lot or parcel of real estate to cu:, or otherwise remove or destroy such noxious weeds within twenty-four hours from the time of the delivery of such written notice, and in case the owner, tenant, agent, or other persons owning, occupying or control- ling such lot or real estate, shall neglect or refuse to comply with the require- ments of such notice, within the time. therein specified, it shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cause such noxious weeds growing on such lot or parcel of real estate, or on the sidewalk immediately fronting the same to be cut or otherwise destroyed at the expense of the City of Dubuque, and to keep an accurate account of the cost of the cut- ting and destruction of the same. Section 4. That whenever noxious weeds growing on any lot or parcel of ground, or on the sidewalk in front of the same, shall be cut or otherwise des- troyed under the direction of the street commissioner in the manner prescribed in the last preceeding section, it shall be the duty of the street commissioner as soon as practicable to make a report to the city council of the cost of the work, showing the date of performance of the same, the description of the real es- tate, together with the name of the owner thereof, and all other things ma- terial to a full understanding of the proceedings taken. The council shall thereupon by resolution levy a special tax upon the said lot, or lots, or parcels of real estate for the amount of the to- tal cost of the cutting or destruction of said weeds, as reported by the street commissioner, which special tax shall be a lien on the property until paid. Said special assessment shall forth- with be placed in the hands of the city treasurer for collection, and shall draw the same interest and be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other city taxes. Section 5. Nothing in the two last proceeding sections shall be construed to require a previous notice to the owner, occupant, or other persons controll- ing real estate, to destroy weeds grow- ing thereon, or on the sidewalk fronting the same prior to the arrest and prose- cution of any person guilty of such nuisance, as provided in the first section of this ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of E. R. Sheppley for repairing apron on Grove Terrace abutting lot 688, McDaniels' sub., 75 cents. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of Jas. Evans, et al, asking that _Muscatine street be graded and repaired, respectfully report in favor of authorizing the street com- missioner to expend the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars in puttingsaid street in passable condition. P. W. Crawford, E. E. Frith, P. H. McLaughlin, Street Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also recommended that the commit- 'ee on paving be instructed to purchase two (2) carloads of good paving brick to be used in repairing the brick paved streets of the city ,and would also rec- ommend that the street commissioner be instructed to put all brick paved streets in good repair. P. W. Crawford, E. E. Frith, P. H. McLaughlin, Street Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re. port. Carried. Also report on the petition of N. Met - tel, et al, in relation to taking care of the water from Linwood cemetery and property north, that it is inexpedient at the present time to attempt to change the waterway in that locality as it would be necessary to go on private property to do so. P. W. Crawford, E. E. Frith, P. H. McLaughlin, Street Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report on the petition of Mrs. E. and N. Curran in relation to retaining wall on Oak street, that we find Oak street in front of their property to be in good repair and we cannot see how the city can do anything, as all the trouble is on private property. P. W. Crawford, E. E. Frith, P. H. McLaughlin, Street Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re. port. Carried. Also report on the petition of August Stoltz, et al, asking that West Sixteenth street be improved from Henion to Cor- nell streets, that it is inexpedient to im- Mr• Regular Session, July 20, 1899. 147 prove said street permanently at the present time, but would recommend that the street commissioner be instructed to put said street in a passable con. dition. P. W. Crawford, E. E. Frith, P. H. McLaughlin, Street Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, of the fire committee, re- ported as follows: Your committee on fire respectfully reports that we have purchased two (2) horses for the fire department and would recommend that warrants be drawn in favor of the following named persons in payment for same: Henry Haggerty ....... ... ... $145.00 Albert Dolan 145.00 Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of health, presented the following resolu- tion: Whereas, Lot No. 6 of No. 7 of mineral lot No. 79 in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, is subject to become, and is at present covered with stagnant water. There- fore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engi- neer of the City of Dubuque be and is hereby directed to fill and raise said lot, by earth filling, to a height sufficient in his judgment to prevent stagnant water at any time from standing on said lot or any part thereof. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 6. Nays, none. Absent, Ald. Wales. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com, mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully report in favor of paying the fol, loving bill: Dr. J. M. Boothby, for professional services rendered to Frank G. Ganahl, $60.00. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of N. J. Offerman ask- ing that he be allowed the sum of $10 per month for keeping a horse. —P. W. Crawford, .Chairman of Committee, Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also recommend that the regular taxes of Mrs. E. Quinlivan on lot No. 1, Quinlivan's sub., and lot No. 2, of Quin- livan's sub. No. 2, be canceled for the year 1898, provided that she pays the interest on the special assessment on or before August 1st, 1899, against said property for the improvement of East Grandview avenue and that she sign an agreement that she will waive any objections to the regularity or legality of said assessment or levy. —P. W. Crawford, Chairman of Com. of the Whole. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report on the petition of the Du- buque Telegraph asking city to purchase a liberal supply of their new city and county directory, in favor of purchas- ing twelve (12) copies for the use of the following departments, to -wit; Mayor's office, engineer's office, record- er's office, treasurer's office, marshal's office, city attorney's office, street com- missioner's office, chairman of the street committee and the four (4) engine houses. —P. W. Crawford, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also recommend the adoption of the profile of grade of St. Ambrose street, submitted by the city engineer ,and showing a cut of three (3) feet on the summit of said street. The red line to he established as the official grade. Your committee also would ask for fur- ther time to report on the grade of Wil- low street. —P. W. Crawford, Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also recommend that the street com- missioner in conjunction with the al- ••derman from the Third ward be and is hereby instructed to so improve the streets hereafter named in such a man- ner that the flow and drainage of storm water in the gutters shall be unob- structed and that the alderman (Flynn) from the Third ward have supervision of the work, to -wit: Jackson street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Washington street, between Seven- teenth and Eighteenth streets. Sixteenth. from White street to the east side of the railroad tracks. —P. W. Crawford, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re. port. Carried. Also report in favor of the adoption of the •resolution of Ald. Jones. offered July 6th, 1899, and referred to the com- mittee of the whole, for the improve- ment of Lincoln avenue from west line of lot No. 35, McCraney's Eagle Point add., to west line of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. company's right of way. —P. W. Crawford, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. The resolution then was read and passed by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith. Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 6. Nays none. Absent, Ald. Wales. Also report in favor of the adoption of the resolution of Ald. Crawford, offered July 6th, 1599, and referred to the com- mittee of the whole, for the improve- ment of Angella street from West Lo- 148 Regular Session, July 20, 1899. cust to Cox streets and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue. —P. W. Crawford, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. The resolution then was read and passed by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5. Nays, Ald. Flynn. Absent, Ald. Wales. Also recommend that the council de- cline to adopt the plat of the subdi- vision of lots 19, 22, 27 and West 1/2 of lot No. 30, Mt. Pleasant add., it being the opinion of your committee that there should he at least one cross street between Julien avenue and West Four- teenth street, and there should be an alley running north and south from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street. Ald. McLaughlin moved as a substi- tute to the report of the committee of the whole that the plat be adopted. Aid. Flynn moved an amendment to the substitute, that the city attorney be instructed to insert a clause that the owners of the Lots in this addition pay for all streets or alleys asked for here- after. The amendment to the substitute was Lost by the following vote: Yeas, Alas. Flynn and Frith. Total, 2. Nays, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Total, 4. Absent, Ald. Wales. The question recurring on the substi- tute of Ald. McLaughlin was adopted by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Craw. • ford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 4. Nays, Alds. Flynn and Frith. Total, 2. Absent. Ald. Wales. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Jackson street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets be remodeled and repaired so that water will not remain on same. Also that the Dubuque Light and Traction company be directed to adjust their tracks to conform to said change, and also put in an iron culvert on the south side of Sixteenth street and Jackson street to carry all water that flows down said side of the street, said work to be done under the supervision of the street commissioner. Resolution adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 6. Absent, Ald. Wales. Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That John Olinger, owner of all the lots in Boulevard ad- dition to the City of Dubuque, be and is hereby directed to within twenty-four hours to cut all the weeds in said addi- tion. In case of neglect, refusal or failure of the said John Olinger to cut or cause to be cut the weeds in said addition within twenty-four hours of the service of this notice, such work shall be clone at the expense of the City of Dubuque and the cost and expense thereof shall be assessed against the property. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu. tion. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following reso. lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the specifica- tions prepared by Engineer Boyce for the construction of an open stone sewer, including bridge abutments, in alley be- tween Sycamore and Cedar streets, from 75 feet south of SIxteenth street to a point 25 feet north of Seventeenth street (Bee Branch) be and are hereby adopted and approved, and the city re- corder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work in accordance with the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total, 5. Nays, Ald. McLaugh- lin. Total, 1. Absent, Ald. Wales. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve High Bridge avenue from Bell street to levee front, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said street; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications, showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together with the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city re- corder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section eight (8) of the ordinance relating to the improve- ment of streets, adopted May 19th, 1898, and after the publication of such no- tice, he shall, at its next regular session, notify the council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve the Levee Front from Wall street to High Bridge avenue, and it is herebyrproposed to grade, curb and pave with brick said Levee Front; therefore. Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improve- ment, the kind of mpterials, to be used and an estimate of 'the cost thereof, together with the amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel of land abutting List of Warrants. 1 1'. thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate In the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section eight (8) of the ordinance relating to the improve- ment of streets, adopted May 19th, 1898, and after the publication of such no. tice, he shall, at its next regular session, notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such no:ice ac- companying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Aid. Jones offered the following res. olntion: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engi- neer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of Seventh avenue from Rhomberg avenue to the end of said street and to present same to the city council at its next meeting. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu. tion. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the action of the council on the resolution of Ald. Frith, providing for the payment of $2.70 per day for city teamsters, offered at the council meeting June 1st, 1399, and referred to the committee of the whole, and reported upon by the committee of the whole July 6th, 1899, be reconsidered. Carried by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Frith and Jones. Total, 4. Nays, Alds. Flynn and McLaughlin. Total, 2. Absent, Ald. Wales. Ald. Duggan moved to adopt the res- olution of Ald. Frith and it to take ef- fect from July 16th to November 16:h, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved to amend the mo- tion of Ald. Duggan by substituting August 1st to September 1st in lieu of July 16th to November 16:h. Ald. Flynn's amendment was carried. The motion as amended was then carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ques- tion of the purchase of another steam roller be referred to the committee of the whole, with power. Carried by the following vote: Ayes Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5. Nays, Ald. Flynn. Total, 1. Absent, Ald. Wales. Ald. Duggan moved that warrants for $100 be ordered drawn for each of the aldermen on salary account. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved to adjourn until Thursday, August 3rd, 1899. Carried. LIST OF WAi SATS • CITY RECORDI:I t'tt OFFICE, Dubuqu,.. I:i.. July 1, 1899. To the Honoral,I. .. -or and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1899: C H Berg, salary mayor 116 70 H 13 Gniffke, salary treasurer 133 30 H 13 Gniffke, salary clerk hire,75 00 1. M Langstaff, salary recorder 116 65 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor 100 00 T H Duffy, salary city attorney150 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal 83 30 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief 100 000 W Fitzpatrick, salary committee clerk 95 00 Win A Kaep, salary clerk in re- corder's office 60 00 Edw Herron, salary as clerk in treasurer's office50 00 Edw C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00 E Hyde, salary as assistant en- gineer 91 70 Pat Cassidy, salary as chainman40 00 J Boyce, salary street com- missioner 100 00 Wm Hippuran, salary as electric- ian 83 35 Otto Rath, salary as market mas- ter Y Cahill, salary as park custod- ian P Kien, salary as park custodian 40 00 officer 50 00 N Offerman, salary as pound master Mrs H Koenig, salary as jani- tress Sam Starr, salary 50 00 40 00 E A Guilbert, salary as health as sanitary patrolman 50 00 L Zeidman, salary as sidewalk inspector M Eitel, salary fireman J Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman Jno Flynn, fireman J Wiltse, fireman Geo Beyer, fireman Al Heer, fireman J Tschudi, fireman J Daily, fireman J Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman M Fahey, fireman .. T Meehan, fireman F Kenneally, fireman D Ahearn, fireman Geo Helmrich, fireman T Walker, fireman J McFarland, fireman T Kennedy, fireman J Fitzpatrick, fireman F Murphy, fireman W Quinn, fireman H Donlan, police J Murphy, fireman A McDonald, fireman F Ganahl, fireman T Flynn, fireman Geo Gehrke, fireman 45 00 20 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 60 00 75 00 30 00 60 00 50 00 150 List of Warrants. J Rooney, fireman 50 00 C Kannolt, fireman 60 00 Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Robt Weston, fireman 50 00 C Clark, sub fireman 33 20 Wm Pelan, sub fireman 5 00 Geo Burkel, police 46 70 Nic Brand, police ... 43 40 Jas Carter, police 60 00 Jas Clune, police 51 65 Jno Cody, police 51 65 M Craugh, police 50 00 H Donlan, police 51 65 P Dumphey, police 51 65 Jno Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Henessey, police 50 00 E Kahn, police 51 65 M Kilty, police 51 65 Jno Loetscher, police 51 65 Jas Lonergan, police 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 P McInerney, police 51 65 Edw Moore, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police 51 65 Jno Murphy, police 51 65 J J Murphy, police 77 50 Dan Norton, police 51 65 M O'Connor, police 51 65 Aug Pfeffer, police 51 65 Pat Powers, police 51 65 T Reilly, police 50 00 Jas Rooney, police 51 65 Jno Raesli, police 51 65 P Scharff, police 60 00 Al T Scherr, police 51 65 P Sutton, police 51 65 P Sullivan, police 51 6.5 Thos Sweeney, police 50 00 Jno J Tierney, police 46 70 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 Mre Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00 Miss 13 Brennan, police matron30 00 TABOR ON STREETS FOR LAST HALF OF MAY, 1899. Ernest Am Ende, labor 2 20 Jno. Burns, labor 9 40 Fred Budde, labor 6 55 Chas. Bluecher, labor 155 Andy Burke, labor 5 00 J Brachtenbach, labor 10 95 John Brown, labor 8 15 Chas Busse, labor 2 50 Joe Brown, labor 16 25 Rich Caffery, labor 10 95 Martin Carmody, labor 10 95 Crahan, Mat Crahan, labor 5 75 Jno Corbett, labor 6 25 Jas Connelly, labor 16 25 Jas Crowfard, labor 1 25 Ed Desmond, labor 7 20 Mike Dunnegan, labor 5 65 Steve Dorsey, labor 19 50 Jno Eagan, labor 5 00 John Ess, labor 7 50 Ben Fern, labor 16 00 Mat Fetschle, labor 10 95 Wm Flanagan, labor 1 90 Pat Fogarty, labor 10 95 Pat Fenelon, labor 16 25 Jno Farley, labor 20 00 H Fleck, labor 75 00 Nelson Frith, labor 50 00 Pat Grew, labor 6 55 Peter Greden, labor 8 45 Conrad Geimer, labor 18 50 Jno. Gerst, labor 2 50 Henry Galle, labor 315 Geo Gau, labor 5 95 Barney Glass, labor 7 20 Joe Grab, labor 8 15 Joe Geisland, labor 3 75 C Gantenbein, labor 20 00 Tom Hackney, labor 10 30 Wm Henneberry, labor 6 25 Jno Hanley, labor 1 25 Crist Heck, labor 10 95 Jake Hanson, labor 13 50 Aug Hoffaman, labor 5 30 A Henderson, labor 4 70 Mike Hardie, labor .. 16 25 Herbert Kehr, labor 11 55 Herbert Kehr, labor 4 00 Peter Kramer, labor 3 45 Nick Komas, labor 7 50 A Kasbauer, labor 1 00 Wm Kronfeld, labor 11 55 Fred Krueger, labor 6 25 Joe Kentzle, labor 1 55 Jacob Kraus, labor 11 90 Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00 Jno Kenneally, labor 20 00 Mat Klein, labor 12 50 Jno Lavin, Sr., labor 6 90 Jno Leidinger, labor 2 00 H Lembkee, labor 5 30 H Luetherhand, labor 5 95 M Lonergan, labor 16 25 Jno Mullen, labor 13 75 Mike Murphy, labor 1 25 Ed Malloy, labor 8 15 Jno Malone, labor 5 00 Adam Mandershied, labor 2 20 Mike McKeown, labor 6 90 Dennis McGuinness, labor 5 30 James McDonald, labor 10 00 Anthony 1VIcGuan, labor 9 40 B McCormack, labor 2 50 Felix McBride, labor 16 25 Robt McGivern, labor 40 00 Phil Newman, labor 16 25 Pat O'Brien, labor 4 05 Chas Otto, labor 65 Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00 John Pfeiffer, labor 7 20 Chas Peters, labor 5 95 Chas Priebe, labor 1 50 Pat Quinn, labor 5 25 Pat Ryan, labor 3 15 Tom Reilley, labor 1 25 Mat Raiseck, labor 8 45 Theo Radman, labor 5 65 Joe Rooney, labor 19 50 Jno Ryan, labor 315 Mike Sullivan, labor 4 70 Mike Shea, labor 2 80 Andy Steiner, labor 30 Dan Sheehan, labor 17 50 Tom Smith, labor 8 15 Tom Spensley, labor 2 50 Geo Sutter, labor 5 95 Frank Sherr, labor 10 95 Jno Spies, labor 1 50 Simon Schaetzle, labor 5 30 Wm Schwagler, labor 12 20 Joe Schmidt, labor 3 75 List of Warrants. 151 Jno Schemmell, • labor 4 70 Sam Smith, labor 4 05 Wm Sheridan, labor 20 00 A A Thompson, labor 4 05 Henry Tippee, labor 6 55 Wm Welsh, labor 7 50 Peter Wiest, labor 10 30 L Wachenheim, labor 1 25 Ed Welsh, labor 6 25 Nick Wampack. labor 5 00 Wm Wearmouth, labor 3 75 Fred Zutnhoff, labor 9 05 Venzel Zachena, labor 2 50 Geo Zumhoff, labor 18 00 Ike Beekman, teams 28 15 Steve Casey, teams 3 75 Jno Calvert, teams 18 75 Joe Calvert, teams 7 50 Jno. Decker, team 18 15 Jno. Evans, team 9 40 Tom Elliott, team 13 75 Ed. Frith, team .... 17 50 M. Gantenbein, team ...... 1 25 Tom Heins, team 8 75 Wm Howard, team 20 00 Jno. Hoffmeir, team 13 75 Mike Hannon, team. 5 65 Jno. Long, team .... 6 90 Pat Linehan, team . 23 15 A. W. Miller, team 1 90 J. G. Moore, team 5 00 Jell McGrath, team 3 15 Jno. McCollins. team 18 15 F. Oldham, team 1 25 Mrs. Quinlivan, team.. 15 65 Geo. Reynolds, team 8 15 Jno. Steiber, team......... 4 40 H Schmidt, team 15 65 Frank Siege, team.... 3 15 D. Southerland, team 1 90 Geo. Scott, team 16 90 Peter Schroeder, team ...... 6 90 Ott Turner, team.... .... .. 5 00 Mike Theise, team 16 25 Jessie Venn, team 11 25 LAPOR IN GRADING STREETS FO THE LAST HALF OF MAY, 1899. Mike Burke, laborer Paul Becker, laborer 11 Steve Bastian, laborer 4 Mike Cain, laborer 5 Wm Carberry, laborer 9 Dennis Corcoran, laborer 1 Pat Dempsey, laborer 9 Mike Farrell, laborer 5 Chas. Grunzig, laborer 9 Jno. Hanley, laborer 2 Jno. Hayes, foreman.... 20 James Hird, foreman 19 Andy Johnson, laborer 9 Asa Knapp, laborer 4 Jno. Kaste, laborer ..... 7 Jno. Lavery, laborer 8 Joe Marteneck, laborer ...... 10 Pat Moran, laborer 6 Pat Mohan, laborer .... .... 2 Pat McPoland, laborer .. 6 Jas. McCracken, laborer.... 12 Jno. McCarron, laborer .... 1 Wm. McClain, laborer • • • • 1 Mat. McNamara, laborer.... 1 Mat McNamara, laborer 2 S. Norton, laborer 6 Jno. Parker, laborer 15 James Parker, laborer 4 Pat Quinn, labore^ 10 50 \V. Quinlan, laborer 2 50 P. Ryan, laborer 1 90 Jas. Reed, laborer 1315 Chas. Reilly, laborer 10 30 Sam. Smith, laborer 8 45 Lew Smith, laborer ... 3 75 Tno. Saunders, laborer...... .... 2 50 M. Shea, laborer 5 00 Peter Stoffer•, laborer 13 45 W. Wearmouth, laborer 9 05 Jno. Walsh, laborer 1 90 B. Cain, team 15 00 M. Kenneal ly , team.... ...... 1 25 Jeff McGrath, team 22 50 Geo. Reynolds, team 2 50 Ed. Seeley, team 14 40 D. Sutherland, team 11 90 F. Sieg, team.. 7 50 Wm. Tuegel 3 95 .Tas. Ryan, laborer 19 50 Jas. Tobin, team 25 65 Jno. Welsh, team 24 40 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR THE LAST HALF OF MAY, 1599. Chas. Botsford, laborer.... 18 75 Ed. 13runskill, laborer 19 50 Sam. Elmer, laborer 19 50 P. T. Eddy, foreman.... 25 00 Pat Furey, laborer 19 50 Morris Flynn, laborer 19 50 Chas. Hillary, laborer 19 50 Joe. Lowrie, laborer.... 19 50 Jas. Ryan, laborer 19 50 Wm. Tuegal, laborer 3 95 Mrs. Caroline Dennert, personal damages by falling on defec- tive sidewalk_ 75 00 J N Freeman, personal damages by falling on defective side- walk 125 00 Mrs N Rhomberg, use of lots for storing macadam 6 00 E O Duncan, back salary from Jan. 1, 1899. to June lst, 1899125 00 1 35 Jno Schrum chairman °:. T F Maguire, assistant city at- torney for May 50 00 Gotf. Gmehle, assistant city as- sessor for May 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, assistant city as- sessor for May 75 00 Otto Rath, hoard of prisoners 5 20 for May Mary Frances O'Hara, personal damages by falling on defec- tive sidewalk Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman 60 00 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery 39 75 Dubuque Trade Journal, blank 3 6., stationary Lyon, Barnard Co., stationery for 5 00 various offices Harger & Blish, stationery for various offices 2 00 Lyon, Barnard Co., stationary Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., shin- gles for city pound 35 75 Larry Daily, cleaning around market square, 4 months 46 10 G. F. Kleih, hardware 2 20 Peter Ginter, glazing at city 3 hall 50 E. E. Frith, bone fertilizer for parks 6 25 152 List of Warrants. Christman & Healey, grass seed for parks 12 85 Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mow- er for parks 75 D. & J. Hoerner, hardware for parks Dubuque Wire Works, wire tree boxes for parks 4 45 Ike Beekman, hauling at Jack- son park 4 55 D. Sutherland, hauling at Wash- ington park 7 50 F. Lanser, witness fees in case of Wilberding vs. City 2' 70 F. Zehetner, dog tags and links 6 85 T. J. Donahue, gravel 147 00 Jno. Tihey, 300 cubic yards of gravel 105 00 Byrne & Saul, 500 cubic yards of gravel 175 00 Byrne & Saul, paving rock 36 50 Ross McMahon, paving rock 9 50 H. Leik, paving rock 10 50 Pape & Jacquinot, material and setting up fountain 23rd and Couler avenue 18 35 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing fountain 6th street 2 20 E. J. SchiPing, filling on Mer- chants' Lane 4 00 Jno. E. Hartig, new keys 75 Geo. Fengler, cement 4 50 Dubuque Water Co., tapping main at 23rd and Couler avenue 2 00 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., pipe for road department, $9.12; and wrenches for sewer department, $3.13 12 25 Martin & Strelau, coke for steam roller 35 65 Martin & Strelau, pine wood for fire department . 2 00 Iowa Iron Works, repairing steam roller 1 65 F. Zehetner, repairing steam roller 1 25 Jno. Newman & Son, 1 new wagon for road department 35 00 Jno. Butt, repairing tools for road, $4.70; and sewer depart- ment, $10.35 15 05 Fred Schloz & Son, repairing tools for road department, $12.70; and sewer department, $2.00 14 70 B. D. Linehan, repairing tools 3 35 Bock & Reed, repairing tools 85 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber for road department 30 65 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for road department .. 32 95 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lum- ber for road department, $12.60; and police department, $2.30 14 90 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road department, $38.00; and shavings for fire department, $1.50 . 39 50 P. J. Seippel, lumber 15 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for road department 3 65 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware 5 25 Hussman & Lies, hardware ..... 95 Key City Gas Co., coke for flre department 21 41p 95 Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi street engine house 2 85 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for fire department, $1.00; and oil for sewer department, 45c .. 1 45 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department, 80c; and fire department, $4.55 5 35 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 2 dozen expansion rings for fire department .. 2 25 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 2 85 J. W. Wittmer, Jr., drugs for fire department 31 25 Chas. J. Brown, oil for fire de- partment • 3 00 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de- partment 29 20 Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer Sol Turck .. 100 Jno. Butt, repairs at 9th street engine house ... 7 75 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants for May 1408 33 Western Union Tel. Co., tele- grams and messages for police department 1 95 Martin & Strelau, wood for police department 5 25 M. Mullen, plumbing in calaboose and matron's quarters 3 75 Smith & Agnew, catching dogs 9 50 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron's quarters 2 80 Chas. Oswald, repairing police stars 2 80 Butt Bros., repairing patrol wagon 93 00 J. W. Wittmer, drugs for police department, $1.05; and health department, $1.00 2 05 L. Lindenberg, hardware for sew- er department 2 55 Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe for sewer department 5 60 Van Valkenburg & McEvoy, cups and chains for fountains 4 75 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole covers 6 00 The Herald, official printing for May 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for May 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for May 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings, $3.00; and health reports, $3.50 6 50 Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for engineer's office 7 40 Star Electric Co., 333 arch lights for May .. 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for May 166 67 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for health department . 6 00 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., new hose, pipe and labor at city dump Christman & Healey, hardware for city dump .. .. 1 30 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city dump 5 20 E. J. Carpenter, hauling at city dump 34 05 75 List of Warrants. 153 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals in May .. 200 88 H. B. Gniffke, refunded exc. per- mits 70 00 H. B. Gniffke, interest on war- rants 1366 95 H. B. Gniffke, express charges, 71c; and postage stamps, $2.00. 2 71 H. 13. Gniffke, N. Y. exchange, $2.31; expense city attorney at Des Moines, $15.25 17 56 LABOR ON STREETS FOR FIRST HALF OF JUNE. F. Arthoffer, labor ......$ 10 50 Ernest Amenda, labor 9 45 John Burns, labor 1 35 S. Bastian, labor 9 45 Paul Becker, labor 6 10 Mike Beckius, labor 8 10 Fred Budde, labor 915 John Bohn, labor .. 9 50 Chas. Busse, labor 8 10 John Brachtenbach, labor .. 6 75 Joe Brown, labor 17 55 Mike Burke, labor 6 75 Martin Carmody, labor 12 85 David Crotty, labor 7 10 Richard Caffrey, labor 7 45 John Corbett, labor 8 80 Mat Crahan, labor 6 75 Dennis Corcoran, labor 15 55 James Connelly, labor 17 55 Mike Dunnigan, labor 14 55 Pat Dempsey, labor 8 10 Steve Dorsey, labor 19 50 John Daugherty, labor 6 75 John Eagan, labor 2 05 Pat Furey, labor 10 80 Ben Fern, labor 23 00 Wm. Flanagan, labor 8 10 Mat Fotschle, labor 6 75 Pat Fogarty, labor 12 15 Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55 John Farley, labor 20 00 Conrad Geimer, labor 23 00 John Girst, labor 8 80 Chas. Grunzig, labor .. 6 75 Joe Geisland, labor 8 25 Joe Given, labor .. 2 70 Geo. Gau, labor 14 20 henry Galle, labor 1 35 13. Glass, labor 10 80 Henry Grode, labor 3 40 J. M. Garrison, labor .. 1 35 Joe Grabb, labor 8 80 C. Gantenbein, labor 20 00 John Hanley, labor 12 15 Mike Houps, labor 10 15 Jake I-Ianson, labor 26 00 Christ Heck, labor 4 05 A. Henderson, labor 14 20 Aug. Haffaman, labor 7 45 M. Hardie, labor 17 55 James Hircl, labor 18 00 John Hayes, labor 20 00 Jess Jellison, labor 5 50 Andy Johnson, labor 5 10 Adam Jaeger, labor 7 10 Aug. Jass, labor 12 15 Hubert Kehr, labor 16 20 Joe Kiebel, labor 8 80 Nick Komas, labor 10 80 Joe KIntzle, labor 10 80 Paul Kroekeski, labor 12 15 Asa Knapp, labor 6 75 John Kinsella, labor 20 00 Pat Kenneally, labor 20 00 Mat Klein, labor ... 12 50 John Leidinger, labor 8 00 L. Loeffelholz, labor 6 45 Herman Lembkee, labor 11 50 M. Lonergan, labor 17 55 John Mullen, labor 7 80 Mike Murphy, labor 2 70 Ed Malloy, labor 5 40 John Malone, labor 8 80 Robt. Mack, labor 6 75 Pat Mohan, labor 8 10 Tom Mulqueeney, labor 8 40 A. Mandersheid, labor 8 10 Joe Marteneck, labor 3 40 Pat Moran. labor 6 75 John McCarron, labor 10 80 John McNulty, labor 1 35 James McDonald, labor 9 15 Anthony McGuan, labor 14 20 Mat McNamara, labor 810 John McGrath, labor 8 80 Felix McBride, labor 7 45 Wm. McClain, labor 5 40 Phil. Newman, labor 17 55 Felix Oswald, labor 8 10 Wm. O'Brien, labor 20 00 James Powers, labor 1 35 John Pfeiffer, labor 3 05 John Parker, labor 18 00 James Parker, labor 15 55 John Parks, labor 6 45 E C Parks. labor 4 05 Wm Quinlan, labor 14 55 Pat Quinn, labor 7 50 Pat Ryan, labor 16 20 Tom Reilly, labor 1215 Mat Raiseck, labor 6 75 James Reed, labor 9 45 Joe Rooney, labor 19 50 Joe Straney, labor 8 45 Dan Sheehan, labor 16 00 Wm Spensley, labor 10 80 J B Stevens, labor 8 80 Frank Scherr, labor 1 35 Peter Stoffer, labor 6 10 Joe Schmid, labor 3 40 John Spies, labor 8 00 Simon Schaetzle, labor 6 45 John Schemmell, labor 12 15 Lew Smith, labor 2 70 Jas Smith, labor 4 75 Sam Smith, labor 6 10 John Saunders, labor 3 40 Wrn Sherridan, labor 20 00 Landon Taylor, labor 8 18 A A Thompson, labor 5 40 Richard Turner, labor 2 70 Peter Wiest, labor 6 75 John Walsh. labor 810 Ed Welsh, labor 5 40 Nick Wampack, labor 8 80 Herman Weber, labor 2 70 Venzel Zachena, labor 8 80 Fred Zurshoff, labor 7 45 Geo Zumhoff, labor 18 00 Ike Beekman, team 23 75 Joe Calvert, team 14 40 13 Cain, team 12 50 John Duggan, team 12 50 John Decker, team 7 50 John Evans, team 25 00 Tom Elliott, team 8 75 151 List of Warrants. Ed Frith, team M Gantenbein, team Wm Howard, team John Huffmire, team Mike Hannon, team Mike Kenneally, team H C King, team John Long, team J G Moore, team A 1V Miller, team Jeff McGrath, team J J MeCollins, team Mrs Quinlivan, team 1-I Schmid, team Frank Seige, team Dillon Sutherland. team J P Schroeder, team ............ 12 50 Jas Tobin, team M "f heise. team Otto Turner, team Jesse Venn, team .. John Van Holland, team LABOR IN GRADING STREETS FOIL THE FIRST HALF OF JUNE 1899. Mike Burke, labor ... 8 10 Mike Cain. labor 9-' 70 John Daugherty, labor 8 10 John Kaste. labor 2 ii) Asa Knapp, labor ... 4 75 Joe Alarteneck, labor 2 i0 Jas lli craeken, labor 2 70 John McCarron, labor 2 i0 Wm McClain, labor . 6 75 S Norton, labor 2 70 Pat Quinn, labor 10 50 Sam Smith, labor 2 700 T.ew Smith, labor 7 47 .1:ones Smith, labor 4 77 John Saunders, labor 9 1 Wm Wearmouth, labor 2 Bart Cain, team 2 50 John Duggan, team 10 00 Mike Kennelly, team 15 00 Geo Reynolds, labor 2 50 Jas Tobin, team 13 75 John Welsh. team 2 50 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JUNE, 1899. Ed Brunskill, labor 19 50 Satre Elmer, labor 19 50 Pat Furey, labor 18 75 M Flynn, labor 19 50 Joe Lowrie, labor 19 50 James Ryan, labor 19 50 Chas Hillary, labor 19 50 11 T Eddy, labor 25 00 Mike Mahony, macadam 53 10 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1599. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. (Official Publication.) An ordinance entitled an ordinance; To prevent nuisances from the growth and propogation of noxious weeds in the City of Dubuque, and to compel the abatement thereof, and to provide for the levy and collection of a special tax on lots or parcels of land in said city, to defray the cost of removing noxious weeds therefrom, and from the side- walks of streets in front of the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, trustee, tenant, or other person having the control of lots or parcels of real estate in the city of Dubuque, to permit the growth and going to seed on said lots or parcels of real estate, or on the sidewalks in front of the same, of any Russian, or Canada thistle, or thistles of any variety, or any pig weeds, Jimson tweeds, smart weeds, dog fennel, wild hemp, wild mustard, cockle burrs, sand burrs, Bur - clock or any other kind olj'species of noxious weeds whatever, and any such owner, agent, trustee, tenant or other persons having the control of any lots or parcels of land in said city who shall permit the growth and going to seed thereon, of the noxious weeds herein- before described, or any of them ,shall be deemed guilty of committing and maintaining a nuisance, and shall be fined on conviction thereof, for each and every offense, not less than one nor more than twenty dollars, with cost of prosecution. Section 2. That the city marshal, street commissioner, and other city of- ficer having police power, are hereby specially charged with the strict en- forcement of this ordinance. Section 3. That whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the street commissioner that any lot or parcel of land in the City of Dubuque, or the sidewalk of the street or streets im- mediately in front of the same, is either wholly or partially covered by a growth of noxious weeds of the char- acter described in the first section of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of such officer to immediately notify, in writing, the owner, agent, trustee, ten- ant, or other persons owning, occupy- ing or controlling such lot or parcel of real estate to cut, or otherwise remove or destroy such noxious weeds within twenty-four hours from the time of the delivery of such written notice, and in case the owner, tenant, agent or other persons owning, .occupying or control- ling such lot or real estate, shall neg- lect or refuse to comply with the re- quirements of such notice, within the time therein specified, it shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cause such noxious weeds growing on such lot or parcel of real estate, or on the sidewalk immediately fronting the same to be cut or otherwise destroyed at the expense of the City of Dubuque, and to keep an accurate account of the cost of the cutting and destruction of the same. Section 4. That whenever noxious weeds growing on any lot or parcel of ground, or on the sidewalk in front of the same, shall be cut or otherwsie des- troyed under the direction of the street commissioner in the manner prescribed Official Notices. 155 in the last preceeding section, it shall be the duty of the street commission- er as soon as practicable to make a report to the city council of the cost of the work, showing the date of the per- formance of the same, the description of the real estate, together with the name of the owner thereof, and all oth- er things material to a full understand- ing of the proceedings taken. The council shall thereupon by resolution levy a special tax upon the said lot, or lots, or parcels of real estate for the amount of the total cost of the cutting or destruction of said weeds, as re- ported by the street commissioner, which special tax shall be a lien on the property until paid. Said special assessment shall forth- with be placed in the hands of the city treasurer for collection, and shall draw the same interest and be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other city taxes. Section 5. Nothing in the two last proceeding sections shall be construed to require a previous notice to the own- er, or occupant, or other persons con- trolling real estate, to destroy weeds growing thereon, or on the sidewalk fronting the same prior to the arrest and prosecution of any person guilty of such nuisance, as provided in the first section of this ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph. Passed by the city council of the city of Dubuque June 20th, 1899. Approved July 24th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, July 27th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to Provide for the Use of Fenders on Street Railway Cars Op- erating on the Streets of the City of Dubuque: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That on and after August 155th, 1899, every person, partnership, company or corporation owning or op- erating a street railway in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, shall provide the front end of all cars, except trailers, operat- ing and running upon and along the streets of said city, with safe and suit- able fenders of such size and character as shall be acceptable to and be ap- proved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. Any person, partnership, company or corporation owning or op- erating a street railway in the city of Dubuque, who shall fail or refuse to comply with section 1 hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars for each day said cars are operated upon and along the streets of said city without fenders as afore- said. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its pub- lication in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph, a newspaper published in said city. Passed by the city council July 6, 1899. Approved July 8, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 15th day of June, 1599, the following special as- sessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. Linwood Cemetery Ass'n, sub 11, 12 and 13, sub NE 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2, lot 3 . $ 65 Christ Loetscher, McCraney's 2d add, lot 25 2 30 Emerette Randall, sub 1 of 55, min lot 39, lot 1 60 A. A. Cooper, The A. A. Cooper Wagon Work's block 2 30 Excelsior Brass Works, city, lot 570 4 05 W. Kruse, Hughe's sub, lot 2 65 Chas. Bush, Mt. Pleasant add, E 1-2 lot 30 65 Julia L. Langworthy, Julia L. Langworthy's add, lot 1 65 E. & H. Callahan, sub 11 Bushe's sub and 2 of min lot 63 and E part of 69 Union add, lot 1 2 45 Alfred Hobb's Est., Wilson's sub, lot 17 1 25 Julia L. Langworthy, Lois add, lot 1 60 E. C. Winner, Guernsey & Lang - worthy's add, lot 6 65 Ed Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 180 1 45 Geo. B. Burch, city, lot 51 2 85 Phil Jungk, East Dubuque add, lot 46 80 Mary Flynn, East Dubuque add, N 16, lot 81 70 Christ Jungk, McCraney's 1st add, lot 55 1 40 John Hell, Ham's add, lot 4411 15 St. Peter's Lutherian church, sub 2 of 2 of 3 L. Kniest's sub, lot 11 45 Eli Cole, city, N M 1-5 lot 452 4 80 158 Official Notices. Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21 A. Munsell, Hooper's add, lot 34 R. M. Kuntz, et al, McCraney's 1st add, lot 97 E. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's sub, lot 6 Mrs. M. H. Langton, Pauline Langworthy's sub, lot 9 T. F. O'Connor, Farley's sub, lot 18 Paul Traut Est., Farley's sub, lot W. G. Cox, min lot 90, lot 2... 3 35 C. A. Walter, Davis Farm add, lot 306 1 05 John Van Dillon, sub 102 L. H Langworthy's add, lot 3 1 60 C. G. W. R. R. sub 1 min lot 363, lot 2 6 95 Wm. Reche Est., Reche's sub No 2, lot 17 60 Cath. H. Dodds, Reche sub, No 2, lot 8 . 1 15 Wm. Peepon, Reche's sub No. 2, lot 11 95 A. A. Cooper, Grandview avenue add, lot 10 60 J. U. Sammis, Grandview avenue add, lot 5 60 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 10 B3 65 C. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub, lot 1980 John Burton Est, sub 3 min lot 150, lot 2 95 F. A. Rettenmaier, Glendale add, No. 2, lot 157 60 Lorenz Eberhardt, Glendale add No. 2, lot 156 80 Jno. C. Bobzien, Glendale add No 2, lot 155 65 R. M. Kuntz, Glendale add No. 1, lot 34 60 Key City Fire Ins. Co., Glendale add, No. 2 lot 140 65 A. Nicks, Glendale add No. 2, lot 216 70 Mary C. Dunnne, Finley add, lot 16 1 05 A. P. Gibbs, Wilson's sub, lot 675 John Harris Est, sub 9 Collin's sub, lot 2 90 J. W. Conchar, sub 775 McDaniel's sub, N 126.6 lot 2 1 65 Fred Rumpf, Grove Terrace sub, lot 1 W. G. Cox, Cox's add, lot 5 40 Thos Paisley, Wm. Blake's add, lot 13 85 Frank Flynn, Wm. Blake's add, lot 24 2 35 L. J. Duess, sub 741 city, lot 12 10 John Hennessy, Levin's add, lot 250 I. C. R. R., city, N 38 ft lot 20 90 James Lee, sub 692, city, S 100 ft lot 4 1 35 E H. Sheppley, A. McDaniel's sub lot 767 65 65 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. July 6th, 1899, for the improvement of Grove street from Broadway Extension to north line of John King's add. No. 2, requiring approximately the following: New curbstone set, 1,000 lineal feet; guttering, 490 square yards; maca- dam, 1320 square yards; filling, 625 cubic yards, cutting, 1950 cubic yards. Contractor to have surplus material. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city recorder. Said work to he completed on or before October 1st, 1899, and shall be paid for when the work is done and accepted by the city council. The material and labor to be furnished by the contractor Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing and the price per cubic yard for cutting and filling. A certified check for $110.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 4-24-10t. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's office Dubuque, Ia., July 17th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 p. m. Thursday, July 20th, 1899, for building a retaining wall on Cornell and Pickett streets, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions prepared by the city engineer and now on file in the office of the city rec- order. The extent of the work is ap- proximately as follows: 50 cubic yards of masonry. The masonry in said wall to be suit- able range work, pitched faced, laid on their natural beds, in the manner of one header to every two (2) stretches. Bidders will state the price per cubic yard for doing said work. The contractor will do the work under the directions of the street committee and city engineer. All surplus material to be placed in the rear of said wall. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for fifteen ($15.00) dollars on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANSTAFF, City Recorder. Notice to Ice Dealers. Sealed propsals will be received by me at the mayor's office up to 4 p. m. Wednesday, July 12th, 1899, for furnish- ing ice for the city. Bidders will state the price per week to furnish ice for 1 water cooler each day and for one waetr cooler in council chamber twice a month. 7-9-4t. W. F. FITZPATRICK, Clerk Purchasing Com't. Official Notices. 157 NOTICE. To Householders, Groceryni n and all Depositors of Garbage. You, and each of you are hereby nota• fied that you must provide a covered receptacle for the holding of garbage and offal, and said receptacle must be, conveniently placed for the garbage gatherer, so said garbage can he re- moved. The scattering promiscuously of gar- bage and offal in the alleys is strictly prohibited. The above applies to commission men and stable men. Per order of the Board of Health. C. H. BERG, Mayor and Chairman of the Board. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6-19-10t. Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. July 6th, 1899, for improving Angella street from Pierce street to Cox street and Cox street from Angela street to Union avenue, requiring approximately the following: New curb stone set, 2,000 lineal feet. Guttering, 900 square yards. Macadamizing, 2,700 square yards. Filling, 5,500 cubic yards. Cutting, 2,500 cubic yards. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Said work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1899, and shall be paid for when the work is completed and accepted by the city council. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing and the price per cubic yard for filling and cutting. A certified check for $125 must ac- company each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated June 24th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6-24-10t City Recorder. ing a total estimate cost of $3188.00 abutting property owners. Any person having objection to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its sessionu to be held on the 6th day of July 1899 or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 6th day of July 1899. Dated June 26, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE OF COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE ANGELLA STREET FROM WEST LOCUST TO PIERCE STREET. To all whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque, to im- prove Angella street from West Locust street to Pierce street: That a plat and specification of said proposed improve - mention is now file in the office of the city recorder. That it is estimated by the city engi- neer that said improvement will require 2,550 lineal feet of new curbstone set; 1,133 square yards of guttering; 7 square yards of macadamizing; mak- 6-26-10t. NOTICE TO MARKETMEN, GROC- ERS AND HUCKSTERS. Section 12 of an ordinance regulating markets and the sale of meats reads as follows: No person shall buy, for the purpose of selling again, any fresh meat, fish, poultry, butter, eggs, vegetables or fruit of any kind in market after 10 o'clock p. m. or before 8 o'clock a. m. of any market day's and any person so offending shall forfeit and pay upon conviction a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense with cost of prosecu- tion. The construction of market days are all days except Sunday. The above will be rigidly enforced. Dated Dubuque this 20th day of July, 1899. OTTO RATH, 7 -20 -St. Market Master. r Regular Session, August 3, 1899. 159 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session August 3, 1899. ^ouncil met at 8:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. .Present Aldermen Crawford, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 6; absent, Aldermen Duggan and Flynn. Alderman McLaughlin moved that the proceedings of the council for the month of July, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. Alderman McLaughlin moved that the bills and pay rolls be the only busi- ness acted upon at this session, and that ._ll other reports, petitions and other matters be referred to the com- mittee of the whole without reading. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: Thos. F. Maguire, assistant at- torney for July $50 00 Gotfried Gmehle, assistant asses- sor for July 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for July 75 00 Geo. Butler, witness fees in case McMahon vs. City 6 65 Matt Florey, witness fees in case 1 35 Wilberding vs. City Trexler Bros., livery hire in water works matter 2 00 Jas. Kelly, stationery for various offices 4 95 Bieg & Rood, stationery for va- rious offices Key 1.ity uas Co., gas city hall.. 34 50 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery.. 56 ..J M. H. McCloskey, painting patrol house 20 00 M. H. McCloskey, papering ma- tron's quarters 10 70 R. Haber, repairing city scales, 4 10 Rhomberg avenue G. F. Kleih, hardware city hall50 M. Mullen, repairing gas jet, city 95 hall Emil J. Schilling, repairing ce- ment driveway at Central en- 15 65 gine house Christman & Healey, new lawn mower and rake 9 00 R. L. Spellenberg, repairing gut- ters and roof at city hall 11 20 R. L. Spellenberg, repairing patrol 1 50 house A. J. Krise, plastering matron's 5 50 quarters.. Jack Becker, repairs at Central 9 30 engine house H. S. Kiley, shingling steam rol- ler house H. S. Kiley, repairs at Fourth street engine house Marty Bros., repairing city scales at West Dubuque.. Mrs. Hensler, scrubbing and 13 cleaning at city hall Chas. J. Oswald, 2 granite water pails and cups, city hall 1 31 80 6 40 34 50 25 90 A. H. MacKenzie, photographs of defective walks 10 00 3. F. Ris & Bro., one-half dozen drinking cups.. . Homan & Roehl, desk for recorder's office Jas. Levi & Co., matting lessor's office Carr, Ryder & door for street office J. W. Wittmer, drugs, hall Martin & Strelan, coke for steam roller 62 60 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 52 35 Key City Gas Co., gas for street commissioner's office 5 20 J. W. Wittmer, oil for steam roller 50 Dubt.que Rubber and Belting Co., packing for steam roller1 40 Bock & Reed, repairing tools for 16 10 road department John Harney, repairing tools for road department.. ... 13. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road department F. Schlott & Son, repairing tools for road department A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department Knapp, Stout & Co., Co. lumber for road department Dubuque Woodenware and Lum- ber Co., lumber for road dept P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de- partment Carr, Ryder & Adams, pine wood for road department W. B. Baumgartner, hardware road department Hussman & Lies, hardware for road department Christman & Healey, hardware for road department.... L. Lindenberg, hardware for road department F. M. Jaeger, hardware for road department.... G. F. Kleih, hardware for department Voggenthaler & Ragatz, for steam roller Voggenthaler & Ragatz, steam roler Wm. Marshall, roller Smedley Steam Pump Works, pairing steam roller Howard Oil and Grease for steam roller Linehan & Molo, white waste steam roller Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, hard - John Becker, stone for crossings.. ware for road department Claus Hagge, 3 loads bluff filling W. J. Brown, trustee, copper wire, etc Police Telephone and Signal Co, 6 00 2 pair chain magnets Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi 1 65 street engine house Key City Gas Co., gas for Central, and chair for as - Adams, screen commissioner's etc., city 60 39 25 13 30 2 05 2 45 65 4 10 20 00 1 80 46 55 40 45 36 70 for 2 00 2 25 1 15 16 50 road packing repairing repairing steam re - Co., oil for 4 80 3 40 3 95 1 80 50,00 2 20 10 00 15 40 2 50 10 40 5 05 45 55 55 160 Regular Session, August 3, 1899. Eighteenth and Fourth streets engine house 78 20 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- partment Byrne Bros., use of horse for fire department 7 50 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs at Fourth and Eighteenth street engine houses . ... 2 75 John Butt, repairs for fire dept.. 5 10 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 3 90 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department 12 90 W. B. Baumgartner, 2 dozen lan- tern globes for fire department. F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department.... . 35 Ott, Meurer & Co., shavings for fire department 3 50 J. W. Wittmer, 50 pounds flax seed for fire department.. . 3 00 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants for July ... $1408 33 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for July 12 20 Noonan Bros., use of carry -all for police patrol services 62 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for police department.. ........ 38 90 J. W. Wittmer, drugs for police department 2 20 Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap and matches for police department45 M. Schmitt, empty cask for sewer department.... .... 1 25 John Butt, repairing tools for sewer department 2 25 Van Valkenburg & McEvoy, 2 doz cups 2 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for en- gineer's office 5 20 Globe Journal, official printing for July 50 00 The Herald, official printing for July 50 00 National Demokrat, official print ing for July 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph. official Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings, $3.00 and health reports $3.50 6 50 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for July 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for July 166 67 T;. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for July 193 44 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for garbage dump 160 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for health department. 5 50 The following bill was referred to the committee on fire: Edw. Sloan, horse shoeing for fire department 10 40 The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron department ' 6 60 P. Hansen, hay for city pound1 90 Chas. J: Oswald, mending stars and cell cups 2 25 The following bill was referred to the committee on sewers: 16 30 1 40 O. G. Kringle estimate on Al- pine sewer 150 00 The following bills were referred to the committee of the whole: Hardie & Scharle to 1-2 printing abstract of testimony in arbi- tration between city of Dubu- que and Dubuque Water Co416 25 David S. Wilson, short hand re- porter in the matter of the arbitration of the Dubuque Water Co. and city of Du- buque 245 50 J. R. Lindsay, services as com- missioner in water works mat- ter 175 80 Hotel Julien, board and room for experts and appraisers in wa- ter works arbitration 52 28 M. Coffee. services as bailiff in matter of arbitration between city of Dubuque and Dubuque Water Co. 30 00 Iowa Iron Works, blue printing plans of water mains and etc. in matter of arbitration be- tween city of Dubuque and Du- buque Water Co 16 78 Byrne Bros. team and 2 -seat used by expert witnesses on behalf of city in viewing real estate preparatory to apprais- ing such real estate in arbitra- tion matter between city of Dubuque and Dubuque Water company 3 00 Witnesses on behalf of the city of Dubuque in the matter of the arbi- tration with the Dubuque Water Co. A. W. Hosford 5 00 Jno. Morrison 5 00 Wm. Luther 5 00 Wm. Quigley 5 00 W. A. Leathers 5 00 C. B. Trewin 5 00 J. F. Hedley 5 00 J. L. Buettell 5 00 Jas. Beach 5 00 W. H Guilford 5 00 Geo. Osborne 10 00 Jno. Spencer, and two assistants 25 00 G. F. Guilbert 10 00 D. W. Rand 10 00 Total $105 00 The following bill was received and flied: Mrs. W. Blaser to services as midwife in case of Mary Bixby No. 549 9th street, July 19th, 1899 5 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on streets: Dubuque Water Co. To City of Dubuque, Dr. Rolling water trenches during the month of July, 1899.. $ 24 00 Key City Gas Co. To City of Dubuque, Dr. Rolling gas trenches during the month of July, 1899 62 25 Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourns it adjourns for one Regular Session, August 3, 1899 161 week, to August 10, 1899. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORTS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:—Gentlemen: Below you will find -,cement of amounts advanced by me during the month of July, 1899, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed ....$ 55 00 Interest on warrants outstand- ing New York Exchange.... .... .... Postage stamps Freight charges 366 00 53 10 75 road dept 2 39 Total . Respectfully, HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treas. Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. Carried. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:—Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you my report for the month of July, 1899, showing the receipts and disbursements: Cash on hand July 1, 1899......$50.290 20 Receipts from all sources 18,114 09 $434 72 $68,404 29 Warrants redeemed in July $22,746.69 Coupons redeemed in July 2,448 75 Bonds redeemed in July 3,000 00 $28,195 44 Cash on hand August 1, 1899.. $40,208 85 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement bond fund $19,725 59 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city $20,483 26 Also report that there is due city of- ficers for salaries for the month of July, 1899, $2,020.00 Also report the following list showing the amount expended in each depart- ment since the beginning of the fiscal year: General expense fund Road fund.... .... Fire fund Police fund Sewerage fund.......... Printing fund.. Engineer's fund Light and gas fund Water fund.... Interest fund Board of Health fund Grading fund Total Also a list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month of July, 1898. Respectfully, F. 13. Hoffman, Auditor. $ 16351 04 17779 50 10331 32 8750 40 1926 08 777 50 1067 05 7859 48 5633 32 8914 05 1009 48 1164 70 $ 81563 92 Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officials and the re - Port referred back to the finance com- mittee. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:—Gentlemen: The following is the pay -roll of the fire department for the month of July, 1899: Amount due firemen, $1,976 45. JOE. REINFRIED, Chief. Ald. Wales moved that the pay -roll he received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil:—Gentlemen: The following shows the police report for the month of July, 1899: Total arrests for the month 77 Police patrol calls for the month77 145% 30 15 30 86 61 $12 20 Miles traveled by patrol Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Meals furnished Cost of food Poundmaster's receipt attached.. 2 00 Also report the pay -roll for the police for the month of July, 1899, amount, $1935.20. Respectfully Submitted, ED. MORGAN, Marshal. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received ano is men warrantsaod dered drawn to pay p report referred back to the committee on police. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque:—Gentle- men: I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor on streets for the last half of July, 1899. Amount due laborers, $1616.55. Respectfully, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the payroll bereceived lnd rtthe payroarrants ll drawn to pay abores and referred back to the street committee. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my payroll for labor in grading streets for the last half of July, 1899. Amount due laborers for grading, $356.65. Respectfully, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading and the 162 Regular Session, August 3, 1899. pay roll referred back to the street committee. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the last half of July, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $186.60. Respectfully, J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. The mayor ordered the pay roll re- ceived and warrants drawn to pay la- borers on sewers and the payroll re- ferred back to the committee on sew- ers. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of July, 1899. I find from the report of the police department that the total hours that 86 lamps failed to burn, would equal 3 1-2 lamps for one month or $18.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. The mayor ordered the report re- ceived and filed and instructed the re- corder to notify the city auditor to deduct the amognt of $18.00 from the Star Electric bill for the month of July, 1899. Ald. McLaughlin moved that war- rants be drawn for $500.00 each in favor of Alphons Mat- thews and J. C. Longueville on account for services as attorneys in the case of arbitration between the city of Dubuque and the Dubuque Water Co. Carried. REPORT OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit- tee on fire, to which committee had been referred the claim of Mrs. M. Corbett for damages to her building, 1536 Washington street, she claiming caused by the fire department on the 1st day of July, 1899, at the time of the fire at the John Farley house, re- commended that the matter be referred to the city attorney to ascertain whether the city was liable or not. Assistant City Attorney Maguire, be- ing present, was asked for an opinion. The assistant attorney stated that the city was not liable for damages of that character. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- corder be instructed to notify Mrs. M. Corbett that the city was not liable for such damages, therefore could not be held responsible for said claim. Carried. Ald. Wales read a petition from the executive committee of the street fair and carnival, (by C. H. Day, secre- tary), asking permission to hold said street fair and carnival on the streets and to have the exclusive right to grant permits for the vending and sale of goods and wares and to col- lect all licenses, fees, etc. during the fair. Ald. Wales moved to refer the peti- tion to the committee of the whole with power. Carried. Ald. Wales also presented and read a petition of Dewitt C. Cram et al pro- testing against the opening of a sa- loon at the westerly corner of West Locust and 17t11 streets, also asking that they be given an opportunity to be heard before the passage of reso- lution by the city council as required by law for the opening of said saloon. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- corder be instructed to notify said petitioners to appear before the city council when application is made for the passage of said resolution to legal- ize the opening of said saloon. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Crawford offered the fol- lowing: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the street com- missioner, city marshal and police, be, and are hereby instructed to enforce the ordinance in reference to noxious weeds vigorously and without discrimi- nation, or respect to persons; and fur- ther, that the policemen be instructed to report to the city marshal all cases of violation of said ordinance that may come under their observation on their respective beats. Alderman Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Alderman Jones offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that Lincoln ave- nue, from west line of lot 35, McCran- ey's Eagle Point addition to the west line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad right of way, be graded, curbed, guttered and macadamized, ac- cording to the plat of said Lincoln ave- nue and the specifications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the of- fice of the city recorder; and be it further resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 20th day of September, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 17th day of August, 1899, and the city re- order is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Alderman Jones moved to adopt. The vote resulted as follows: printing fur July 60 00 Ayes—Aldermen Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total, 3. Alderman Wales declined to vote. Absent—Aldermen Duggan, Flynn and McLaughlin. Total absent, 3. err Regular Session, August 17, 1899. 168 The mayor declared the motion to adopt lost. On motion the council adjourned. Approved ...Recorder "'— 189. Mayor Regular Session, August 17th, 1899. (Official). Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present, Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Mayor Berg stated that there was quite a large committee of the Busi- ness Men's League present, in the in- terest of the street fair and carnival, and if there vas no objections they would be heard. No objections were offered, and the following gentlemen addressed the council in favor of grant- ing the petition of said committee, ask- ing that they be granted permission to grant permits for the vending of goods, for shows of all kinds and col- lect all licenses and permit fees for the same during the street fair and car- nival: John McDonald, James McFadden and Mr. Benson. The petition was then read, where- upon Ald. Wales offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the prayer of the petition of the executive committee of the street fair and carnival be grant- ed on the conditions that the said com- mittee shall not be authorized to erect any booths in front of any property without the consent of the occupant thereof. Mr. C. T. Hancock being present, was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Hancock addressed the council, asking that the city keep the streets well sprinkled during the races and that the police force be increased. Ald. Wales moved that the matter of increasing the police force be referred to the committee of the whole, with power. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street com- missioner be and is hereby directed to have Jackson and White streets and Couler avenue from Eagle Point avenue to the city limits well sprinkled during the week of the races, and to use the city sprinkling wagon for that pur- pose. Mr. Wells Rupert being present, was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Rupert said he was here in the interest of the ordinance that had been petitioned for, asking a reduction of license for hotels, and restaurants, and if no action was to be taken he asked that the city marshal be instructed to make no arrests pending the action of the council on the same. Md. Crawford moved that the mar - shall be instructed not to make any ar- rests of hotel, restaurant, billiard, pool and bowling alley keepers pending the action of the council on the said ordi- nance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 5. Nays—Alds. Duggan and Frith. To- tal, 2. Mr. Schoenbeck and Fred Heer ad- dressed the council, asking that the water mains be extended in Diagonal street. Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution: Be it Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Du- buque Water company be and is here- by instructed to extend its mains in Diagonal street from Couler avenue to Broadway, where not already laid, and that fire plugs be located under the su- pervision of the fire committee and fire chief, the city of Dubuque guarantee- ing to said Dubuque Water company a sum of money sufficient to pay inter- est at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe required to be extended. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that action be postponed on said resolution until the next meeting of the council. Ald. Flynn's substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays — Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total. 3. PETITIONS. Petition of Miss Josephine Wasser et al asking permission to erect frame shed in the rear of her property in al- ley between White and Jackson and 13th and 14th streets. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be granted under supervision of the city marshal and fire chief. Carried. Petition of Mathias Fetschle asking city to allow him some money for per- sonal injuries received while in the em- ploy of the city. On motion the petition was referred to the street committee and street commissioner. Petition of S. B. Lattner asking that the sewer on Rose street be extended to a point 100 feet east, where said Rose street intersects Alta Vista street. On motion the petition was referred 161 Regular Session, August 17, 1899. to the city engineer and sewer commit- tee. Petition of John Jansen et al asking council to investigate their complaint V in relation to the improvement of Fifth avenue in Ham's addition. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the city engineer and he be instructed to prepare plans and spec- ifications and present same to the coun- cil. Messrs. Barry & Duttle addressed the council in favor of the petition. Whereupon Ald. Wales' motion was carried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. J. C. Silzer asking that her taxes be cancelled on w. 1-2 of lot No. 47, Cox's addition for the year 1898. Petition of D. J. Lenehan asking that the taxes of Mrs. Bridget Burke be can- celed on the south 12 feet of lot 10 and the north 15 feet of lot 11 in Levi's add. for the year 1899. Petition of John Schromen asking for extension of time to pay his special as- sessment abutting lot No. 6, Starr's add. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition and communication of E. O. Duncan, city assessor, asking council to order the water tax canceled on lot 2 of min. lot 311 and lot 2 Jansen's sub. Ald. Flynn moved that the petition be granted. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Haney -Campbell Co., by A. C. Johnson, Sec. and Treas., asking that their taxes be remitted according to resolution passed by the city council. Petition of Adam Jaeger asking city to allow him several week's wages for personal injuries received while in the employ of the city. Petition of John Althauser et al in relation to the widening of Althauser avenue from Edison street to Staf- ford avenue. Petition of the Dubuque Light and Traction Co., by W. J. Brown, Mngr., asking for further time to place fen- ders on their cars. Petition of A. A. Cooper asking that Needham Place be extended from Fifth street through to Fenelon Place. Also ask that John street be vacated, and also that portion of Cooper street run- ning west from the proposed extension of Needham Place. CITY OFFICER'S REPORTS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque—Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for la- bor on streets for the first half of Au- gust, 1899. Amount 285.10. due laborers on streets, $1, - Respectfully, JAMES H. BOY CE, Street Commissioner On motion the payroll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on streets and the pay -roll referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following is a state- ment of the amount due laborers for grading streets for the first half of August, 1899. Total amount due laborers $193.70. Respectfully, J. H. BOYCE, Street Con_. On motion the statement was received and warrants ordered lrawn to pay la- borers for grading and the statement referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay- roll for labor on sewers for the first half of August, 1899. Total amount due laborers on sewers, $200.40. On motion the pay -roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the pay -roll re- ferred back to the committee on sew- ers. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorabe Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith present a pro- file of a change of grade on Grove street from Broadway Extension to the south line of said street The broken red line shows the old grade and the frIl red line shows the proposed grade. You will also find that all the property owners have signed for the change of grade on said street As the bonds have been sold and the contractors are anxious to start work, I would recommend that the council take immediate action on this matter. Respectfully Submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Ald. Flynn moved that the report and plat be referred to the street commit- tee, City Attorney Duffy and Mayor Berg. Carried. Sidewalk Commissioner Zeidman re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentle- men—Herewith find treasurer's receipt for $7.20. Amount collected for re- pairing sidewalk for J. E. Fairbank on south side of Ninth street, abutting east 33 1-2 feet of lot 643 city. Respectfully, L ZEIDMAN, Sidewalk Commissioner. On motion the report was ordered re- ceived and filed. Recorder Langstaff presented the published notice of the council's inten- tions to improve High Bridge avenue from Wall street to Levee front, also to avenue to Wall street, properly certified to by the publisher No objection be- Regular Session, August 17, 1899. 16.5 ing filed or no person appearing to of- fer any objections it was ordered that the notices be received and filed. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee presented an ordi- nance to amend Section one (1) and two (2) of chapter twenty-eight (28) of the revised ordinance of 1893, the same be- ing an ordinance entitled an ordinance in relation to licenses of, and regulating innkeepers, runners for hotels, hack - drivers and expressmen, and nlpved that the ordinance be read for the first time. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes.—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent.—Ald. Duggan. The ordinance was then read for the first time Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance be laid over under the rule, and that it be published in the council proceedings. Carried. The ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. To amend section one (1) and two (2) of chapter twenty-eight (28) of the revised ordinances of 1893, the same being an ordinance in relation to license of, and regulating innkeep- ers, runners for hotels, hack drivers, and expressmen. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1.—That section one (1) and two (2) of chapter XXVIII. of the re- vised ordinances of 1893 be and are hereby repealed, and the following enacted in lieu theraof, to NN it: Section 1.—No person shall carry on or pursue the business of an innkeeper without a license therefor under a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. An innkeeper shall be deemed any person who keeps a house of public entertainment, and for a compensation furnishes lodg- ing and provisions, or lodging solely, or both to travelers and other transient persons. The amount required to be paid for each license to carry on the business of an innkeeper for one year shall be fixed and graded as follows: A.—For keepers of taverns or hotels charging more than two dollars per day for meals and average rooms, twenty dollars. and twenty cents ad- ditional for each bed over twenty in number maintained and kept in use for the accommodation of guests. B.—For • keepers . of taverns and hotels charging one dollar and fifty cents per day for meals and average rooms fifteen dollars, and fifteen cents additional for each hod in use for ac- commodation of guests, over twenty in number. C.—For keepers of taverns and ho- tels charging one dollar per day, and less than one dollar and fifty cents per day for meals and average rooms, ten dollars, and ten cents additional for each bed in use for accommodation of guests over twenty in number. D.—For all keepers of taverns and hotels charging less than one dollar per day for meals and average rooms five dollars, and five cents additional for each bed in us: for the accom- modation of guests over twenty in number. E.—For keepers of taverns and ho- tels conducted on the European plan, not furnishing meals or lunches, charg- ing one dollar or more per day for the lodging of one person, ten dollars and twenty cents additional for each bed in use for guests, over twenty in number. F.—For all keepers of taverns or ho- tels on the European plan charging less than one dollar per day for the lodging of one person five dollars and twenty cents additional for each bed in excess of twenty in number kept in use for the accommodation of guests. G.—Any person applyinet for license to carry on the business of an inn- keeper shall be required to make a sworn statement in writing of the amount of his charges for the accom- modation of guests, and the number of beds kept in use for the conduct of his business, to the mayor who shall thereupon fix the amount to be paid by such innkeeper for license for the current year on the basis of such statement, and in accordance with the provisions of this section. It si.all be the duty of the city re- corder to procure and furnish suitable printed blanks for such applications for innkeepers' license, and sworn statement. Section 2.—That from and after the taking effect of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any runner of any ho- tel or tavern to solicit passengers at any railroad depot or steamboat land- ing within said city without first pro- curing a license authorizing him to do so under a penalty of not less than Sive. nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. A.—That for each license for the purpose aforesaid, there shall be charged and collected the sum of five dollars. 'Section 1.—This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubu- que Daily Telegraph newspaper and retractive in its operation and effect to the beginning of the current license year. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that the matron's quarters needed some matting, espe- cially the room they use for an office. Ald. Duggan moved that the purchas- ing committee be instructed to pur- chase the necessary matting. Carried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the cora- V 16G Regular Session, August 17, 1899. mittee on fire, stated that there was a good deal of dissatisfaction and fric- tion in the fire department, and that he did not feel justified in giving the chief any further orders without in- structions from the council. Ald. Duggan moved that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole and that the investigation of the fire department be made a special order of business. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the equalization committee, reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque—Gen- tlemen: Your committee on equaliza- tion, who have had un- der consideration the petitions of honorably discharged Union soldiers asking for exemption of taxes on their homesteads to the amount of $800 as provided by paragraph 7, of section 1304, of the code of Iowa, would re- spectfully recommend that the follow- ing named persons be exempt for the year 1898, to the amount of $800 of their assessment on the following described property, to -wit: Richard M. Turner, lot 518, Ham's add. John Byrnes, lot 10, Cooper & Smith's add. Thos. McMahon, sub. 670 and part 682 lot 5. Stephen Shaw, improvement on lot 13, Jaeger's sub. Alfred A. Thompson, lot 45, Althauser add. Joseph Zugenbuehler, n 1-2 lot 160, Glendale add. George Hartman, lot 42, Dreibilbie's add. August Fleschsig, lot 261 Davis Farm add, and lot 13, Glendale add. Adam Doerr, s m 1-5 lot 494, city. James Evens, lot 1 of mineral lot 354. Theodore Raterman, lots 29, 30 and 31, Stein's add. Of the above the following have paid their taxes for the year 1898, and we would recommend that warrents be or- dered drawn in favor of the following, to -wit: Theodore Raterman, amount, $8.80. Adam Doerr, $8.80. August Fleschsig, $8.80. George Hartman, $7.70. Thos McMahon, $4.40. Also on the petitions of widows of honorably discharged Union soldiers asking for exemption of taxes on their homesteads to the amount of $800, as provided by paragraph 7, of section 1304 of the code of Iowa, would respectfully recommend that the following named persons be exempt for the year 1898, to the amount of $800 of their assess- ment on the following described prop- erty, to -wit: Amelia Hickok, lot 27, Oakland park add. 011ie M. Chatfield, lot 17, Burton & Waple's add. Anna Barry, lot 8, of mineral lot 23. —assessed to John Barry estate. Lucy A. Davis, e 1-2 lot 24, Mt. Pleas- ant add. Maria Puls, sub. 2 sub. 102, L. H. Langworthy's lot 1. (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, JAMES T. DUGGAN, P. W. McLAUGHLIN, JOHN FLYNN. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report of the committee on equaliza- tion. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the following bills in the matter of arbitration between the city of Dubuque and Dubuque Wa- ter Co.: Witnesses on behalf of the city: A. W. Hosford $5.00 Jno. Morrison .. 5.00 Wm. Luther 5.00 Wm. Quigley 5.00 W. A. Leathers 5.00 C. B. Trewin 5.00 J. F. Hedley 5.00 J. L. Buettell 5.00 Jas. Beach 5.00 W. H. Guilford 5.00 Geo. Osborn . 10.00 Jno. Spencer 25.00 G. F. Guilbert 10.00 D. W. Rand 10.00 Total .. $105.00 Hardie & Scherle, printing ab- stract of testimony $416.25 J. R. Lindsay, services as com- missioner 175.80 Iowa Iron Works, blue prints of water mains .. .. 16.78 David S. Wilson, shorthand re- porter .... .. 245.50 Hotel Julien, board and rooms for experts and appraisers.... 38.26 Byrne Bros., livery hire 3.00 M. Coffee, services as bailiff 30.00 Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report of the committee, and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts. Carried. Your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Star Brewery Co. asking that the Levee front be paved with brick, would re- spectfully recommend that it be receiv- ed and filed for the reason that the matter has already been acted upon; we would also recommend that the within agreement be made a matter of record: agreement, as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council —Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners abutting on the Levee front from Wall street to high Bridge avenue, would re- spectfully ask that the Levee front be improved between the above named streets, and we do hereby agree that if the said Levee front is improved by grading, curbing, guttering and macad- amizing, or by brick paving that we will not make any objection to the as - r V _ (" Regular Session, August 17, 1899. 167 sessment for doing the work or to any irregularity or illegality of said assess- ment or levy, and agree to pay said assessment when due. We prefer brick paving. DUBUQUE STAR BREWERY CO., By J. H. RHOMBERG, Pres. Also report in favor of receiv- ing and filing the petition of the Star Brewery Co., asking that High Bridge avenue be im- proved, for the reason that the matter has already been acted upon. Also recommend that the petition of L. O. Gurnee et al asking that an elec- tric light be placed on Fourth and Clay streets be referred to the commit- tee on police and light. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Ald. Flinn moved a substitute that the petition and report be received and filed. On motion Ald. Flynn's substitute was adopted. Aliso recommend that the petition of Robt. Schoenbeck asking that the water mains be extended on Diagonal street be referred to the city attorney. Also recommend that the petition of Dr. J. W. Heustis asking that the wa- ter mains be extended to his property on Grove Terrace be referred to the city attorney. Also recommend that the petition of Fred Otto in relation to 8 inches of ground abutting his property be refer- red to the city engineer, and he to re- port the facts to the council. Also recommend that the petition of Peter Kiene asking that Oak street (now Ruth street) be vacated, be refer- red to the city attorney and city asses- sor to ascertain if all the abutters on said street have signed the petition for said vacation. Also recommend that the quit claim deed from Dietrich Mueggenberg and wife to the city of Dubuque, lot 1 of 3 of 49, in King's add. No. 2, for Grove street, be accepted, and the recorder be instructed to have same recorded and the property declared a public high- way. Also recommend that the invitation from the League of American Munici- palities inviting the mayor and city council to attend their third annual convention, to be held in the city of Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 19th to 22d, inc., be received and the recorder be in- structed to acknowledge the receipt of the same, with the thanks of the coun- cil for the invitation. Also recommend that the invitation from the Business Men's association of Moline, RI., inviting the mayor and city council and city officials to be present in their city during the week of the street fair, to be held in Moline, Ill., Aug. 28th to Sept. 2d, 1899, be accepted and the recorder be instructed to ac- knowledge receipt of same, with thanks of the council for the invitation. Also report in favor of referring the petition of Mrs. Wm. P. Hughes ask- ing that the taxes on part of lot 1, Lin- heim's add. be canceled to the delin- quent tax committee. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Sara b Mahony asking an extension of one (1) year's time to pay special assessment for the improvement • of Seminary street, provided she pays up all interest due on said assessment to the first day of September, 1899. Also report in favor of granting the petition of W. H. Morheiser, asking that the taxes on the B. Cheetam est. sub. 38 Wilson's sub. lot 1 be cancelled for the year 1898. Also recommend that the resolution in relation to sidewalks in Jackson park be referred to a special committee of the two aldermen -at -large and the mayor„ to ascertain the cost of repairing or laying new sidewalks in Jackson and Washington parks. Also recommends that action be post- poned on the petition of Wm. Schaefer et al, asking that the grading of of Merchant's Lane be completed. Also recommend that the matter of E. B. Piekenbrock, asking damages to the amount of $20.40 caused by steam roller breaking water tap be referred to the street commissioner to ascertain the facts and report to the council. Also recommend that action be post- poned for the present on petition of J .C. Garland in relation to the con- dition of the street back of his lot No. 1039 Bluff street, the W. 1-2 of lot 5 out lot 655. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the report of P. J. Cassidy in re- lation to amount collected from the Wagner Water Supply Co. for macadam and brick. Also recommend that the' petition of J. R. Riley, asking damages to amount of 515.00 to his horse and buggy caused by flre horse running away, be received and filed. Also recommend that the petition of C. Disney in relation to special assess - me ' for street improvements be re- ceived and flled, for the reason that the city engineer reports that the assess- ment is correct. Also recommend that the petition of Edward Muntz in relation to team li- cense be received and filed. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. E. Curran in relation to retaining wall on Oak street. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Specht, ask- ing for an appropriation of $200.00 for the steamer Teal. Also recommend that all the weigh - masters and wharfmaster's reports for the month of July be referred to the market committee. Also recommend that the petition of L. Peil et al in relation to condition of waterway abutting his property be received and filed. Ald. Frith moved that it be referred to the city engineer. Carried. Also report on the petition of Schrein- 168 Regular Sesbion, August 17, 1899. er & Stoltz et al, asking that the license on billiard and pool tables be reduced to $5.00 per year, would respectfully recommend that the committee on or- dinances be instructed to draft an or- dinance making the license $5.00 per year on each billiard and pool table. Also recommend that action be in- definitely postponed on the matter of the improvement of Fifth avenue east of Rhomberg avenue. Also report on the petition of the Du- buque High Bridge company and would respectfully recommend that the mayor, auditor, and assessor be instructed to examine the books and records of said company for the purpose of comparing or verifying the statement. Also report on the petition of W. A. Snyder et al ,asking that the sewer on Hill street be extended 80 feet south, would recommend that the work be done providing the abutters will agree to pay for said sewer within thirty days after the work is done. Your committee of the whole further reports that it has authorized the street commissioner to continue the construction of the retaining wall on the east side of Ardmore Terrace to an elevation of four (4) feet higher than it had reached when the committee visited the ground; the work to ba then discontinued until further order of the council. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report of the committee. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred all the bids for the construction of the Bee Branch sewer from/ 6th to 17th streets would respectfully refer the same back to the council without recommendations. P. W. CRAWFORD. Chairman Committee. Whereupon Ald. Jones, chairman of the special committee on Bee Branch sewer reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:— The undersigned appointed by the committee of the whole to secure the right of way for a street and sewer from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street, along the west side of the Chicago and Great Western R. R. right of way respectfully reports that we have secured the right of way 30 feet wide from all the abutters free of cost to the city. City to pay street improvement with the exception of the following named who ask the following amounts: Jno. Uhlrich .. $600.00 Jno. Theis 200.00 Andrew Bitter 350.00 Arnold Kemps will give right of way of from 16 to 18 feet, but if It is neces- sary for the city, to use more ground for said street and sewer, then he will require the city to pay him $400.00 for same. Herewith find plat with dedications written thereon, also the written agreement of Arnold Kemps, and we would respectfully ask that this re- port be adopted and the plat be ap- proved, and the city attorney be in- structed to secure deeds from the different parties in accordance with said agreement. RUDOLPH JONES, E. E. FRITH. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, and Jones. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. Ald. Frith moved that the bids be opened. Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute that the opening of the bids be post- poned until the proper deeds are se- cured and presented to the council. Substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Ald. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Mayor Berg stated that City Marshal Morgan had requested the appointment of one more captain of police. Marshal Morgan being present was asked for his views, and stated the one police captain could not efficiently look after all the large territory in the city. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of the appointment of one more cap- tain of police be referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5. Nays—Alds. Duggan and Wales. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor be authorized to appoint one more cap- tain and such additional policemen as may be required during the week of the races. Carried. Ald. Crawford reported as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the recorder's notice of council's intention to improve Lincoln avenue, would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolu- tion: Be it resolved by the City Council of. the City of Dubuque: That Lincoln avenue, from west line of lot 35, McCraney's Eagle Point add., to west line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company's right of way, be graded, curbed, guttered and macadamized, according to the plat of said Lincoln avenue and the specifica- tions prepared by the city engineer aerl on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said work shall he completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council. The pro- posals for doing such work will be Regular Session, August 17, 1899. 169 acted upon by the council on the 7th day of September, 1899, and the city re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes - Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total, 6. Absent, Aid. McLaughlin. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That the city attorney and the spec- ial assistant city attorneys he, and are hereby directed to take no further ac- tion involving additional expense to the city, in the matter of the Du- buque water works, without the express instructions of the city council to be hereafter given. Ald. Flynn moved that further ac- tion on the resolution be postponed un- til the next session of the council. Car- ried. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing sidewalks for month of May, 1899 by city, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted and passed Aug. 17, 1899. P Eisbach, sub M L 63, lot 4, 35 feet lumber 70c, 1 hour labor 50c $1 20 C Heintz, L H Langworthy's add, lot 147, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50 70 J Jackson St. M E church, Olinger's sub, lot 1, 16 feet lumber 30c, 1 hour labor 50e 80 $idonia Hosford, sub 2 of 1. of 1 Boxleiter's add, lot 1, 62 feet of lumber $1.25, 1 hour labor 50c1 75 Dement & Duncan, Burden-Law- ther add, lot 74, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 Geo. Eichhorn, Burden-Lawther add, lot 78, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 Mercy Hospital, sub M L 66, lot 2, 78 feet of lumber $1.55, 2 hours labor $1.00 2 55 Phil Ryder, sub 14 and 15 Bush's sub, lot 5 44 feet lumber 90c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 40 Emma F. Randall, sub 1 of 55 M L 39, lot 1, 28 feet lumber 55c, 2 hours labor $1.00 1 55 Wm Frommelt, Burden-Lawther add, lot 140, 7 feet lumber 15c, 1 hour labor 50c 65 Fred Ackerman, Burden-Lawther add, lot 88, 38 feet lumber 75c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 25 Barbara Fischer, Burden-Lawther add, lot 90, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 Rider & Lawther, Burden-Lawther add, lot 17, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 Rider & Lawther, Burden-Law- ther add, lot 10, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 Henry Riker, Farley's sub, lot 14, 12 feet lumber 25c, 1 hour labor 50c 75 Christ Loetscher, McCraney's 2d add, lot 24, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 Alfred Rhomberg, McCraney's 1st add, lot 79. 30 feet lumber 60c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 10 Cath Weber, Quigley's sub O. L. 709, lot 3, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 H Roesch, et. al., Broadway add, lot 8, 33 feet lumber 65c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 15 D Muggenburg, sub 3, M L 319, lot 8. 8 feet lumber 15c, 1 hour labor 50c .... 65 Ellen F. Callaghan, South Park Hill add, lot 16. 7 feet lumber 15c. 1 hour labor 50c 65 Maggie Dotey, Reeder Lang - worthy's add. lot 6, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 1, block 3, 40 feet lumber 80c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 30 R and E Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 294, 42 feet lumber 85c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 35 Ryder Bros., city lot 72A, 6 feet of lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 James Forester Est, Mt. Pleasant add, lot 16, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 L. G. Hurd, 1 of 5, sub 11, 12 and 13, sub N. E. 1-4 sect. 13, 89, 2, lot 4, 4 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 P Hansen, 1 of 5, sub 11, 12. and 13, sub N. E. 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2, lot 2, 26 feet lumber 60c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 00 Linwood Cemetery sub 11, 12, 13, sub N E 1-4 sec 13, 89, 2, lot 4, 30 feet lumber 60c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 10 Francis Poole, Glendale add, lot 78, 30 feet lumber 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 85 Peter Oeth, Glendale add, lot 79, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1-2 hour labor 65 25c Rider & Lawther, Burden-Lawther add, lot 9, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour labor 50c 90 C. M & St P Ry Co, min lot 107, 50 feet lumber $1.00, 1 hour labor 1 60 50c Deming & Kiesel, min lot 466, lot 2, 40 feet lumber 80c, 1 hour labor 1 30 500 J Paine, Sanford's sub, lot 6, 45 170 Regular Session, August 21, 1899. feet lumber 90c, 1 hour labor 50c. 1 40 E Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 180, 28 feet lumber 55c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 05 R and E Langworthy, Glendale add, No. 2, lot 221, 24 feet lumber 50c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 00 J McCune, min lot 160, lot 3, 16 feet lumber 30c, 1 hour labor 50c 80 Mary Wilde, sub 1 of 2 of 7 M L 45, lot 2, 37 feet lumber 75c, 1 hour labor 50c 125 Mary C. Meehan, A McDaniel's sub S 1-2 lot 764, 46 feet lumber 90c. 1 hour labor 50c 1 40 Geo Eichhorn, Burden-Lawther add, lot 118, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour labor 50c 60 Geo Eichhorn. Burden & Lawther add. lot 92. 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 F A Bisping, Burden-Lawther add, lot 82 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour labor 50c 70 Geo Burden Est, Burden-Lawther add, lot 79, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour labor 50c 90 James Beach & Sons, city lot 582 17 feet lumber 35c, 1 hour labor 50c 85 Theo Merrett, S M Langworthy's sub, lot 5, 25 feet lumber 50c, 1 hour labor 50 1 00 A A Cooper, city N 1-2 lot 4A, 20 feet lumber 40e, 1 hour labor 50c. 90 J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, lot 6 22 feet lumber 45c, 1 hour labor 50c 95 Ald. Crawford moved the adoption. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. To- tal 6. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Wales moved to adjourn until September 7th, 1899. Ald. Frith moved a substitute that the council adjourn for one week. Substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Nays—Aids. Duggan and Wales. Total 2. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. Attest: Anyy .Recorder Approved^' 189 Regular session, August 24th, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present— Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Alda. Duggan, McLaughlin, and Wales. Total 3. PETITIONS. Petitions and claims of John Thilt- gen, claiming two hundred seventy-one dollars and twenty-five cents ($271.25) for personal damages sustained by rea- son of city fire department horse hav- ing run into him. Ald. Frith moved that the petitions and claims be referred to the commit- tee on claims and city attorney. Car- ried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee. Petition of Eliz Stempfer, asking that the taxes on lot 356 East Dubuque add be cancelled for the year 1898. Petition of Maria Trempler, asking that her taxes be remitted on lot No. 5 in Hughes' sub. of part of min. lot 172 for the years 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898. Invitation of the Trades and Labor Congress, inviting the mayor and city council to attend their twelfth (12th) annual Labor day celebration to be held at Twin Springs, Monday Sept. 4, 1899. Ald. Frith moved that the invitation be accepted. Carried. The recorder stated that there were two (2) resolutions which were present- ed at the last meeting of the council, i Aug. 17, 1899, on which action was post- poned until the next regular meeting of the council. Ald. Flynn moved that the resolution of Ald. Crawford in relation to ad- ditional expense to the city in the mat- ter of the Dubuque Water Works, be postponed until the next regular meet- ing of the council to be held Sept. 7, 1899. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the resolution of Ald. Frith, ordering the extension of water mains in Diagonal street from Couler avenue to Broadway street be read. Carried. The resolution was then read. Whereupon Ald. Frith moved that the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Aids. Duggan, McLaughlin,. and Wales. Total 3. Ald. Crawford stated that O. G. Kringle wished to withdraw his bid for the construction of Bee Branch sewer. Ald. Frith moved that O. G. Kringle he allowed to withdraw his bid. Car- ried. City Attorney Duffy presented plat and deeds of right of way for Bee Branch sewer and extension of Elm street from Eagle Point avenue to San- ford street. Ald. Frith moved that the rules be suspended and parties interested in the 14,7..3 a Regular Session, August 24, 1899. 171 Bee Branch matter be heard. Car- ried Messrs. John Kieffer, Chris. Schmitt, Thos. Feyen and John McCaffrey ad- dressed the council on the matter. Ald. Frith moved that the plat show- ing right of way of Elm street exten- sion and Bee Branch sewer submitted by the engineering department be ap- r, proved. Carried. Ald. Frith also moved that the deeds for right of way purposes be accepted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the several amounts; and the mayor refuse to surrender the warrants until the mortgagee signs the release. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Alds. Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. The mayor asked that the specifica- tions for construction of Bee Branch sewer in alley between Sycamore and Cedar streets, and from 75 feet south of 16th street to 25 feet north of 17th street be read. The recorder read the specifications Whereupon Ald. Frith moved that the bids for constructing Bee Branch sewer be opened. Carried by the following vote: AyeS—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Alda. Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. The bids were as follows: Peter Eisbach, $5.05 per cubic yard. Steuck & Linehan, $4.30 per cubic yard. John Tibey, $4.20 per cubic yard. O'Farrell and Norton, $4.15 per cubic yard. Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to O'Farrell & Norton, they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the contrac- tors be compelled to furnish a bond of seven thousand five hundred dollars, ($7,500.00), for doing said work. Car- ried. • Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Alds. Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the specifica- tions prepared by Engineer Boyce for the construction of the Bee Branch water way between 17th street and C., M. & St. P. R. R. tracks be and are hereby adopted and approved and the city recorder, be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for doing the work in accordance with the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, and Jones. Total 4. Absent—Alds. Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Thursday, Sept. 7th. Carried. est: c RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That E. S. Hyde, assistant engineer, be appointed super- intendent in charge of the Bee Branch work. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the spcifica- tions for the construction of the Bee Branch sewer and water way between the C., M. & St. P. R. R. tracks and Eagle Point avenue be and are hereby adopted and approved, and the city re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work in accordance with the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Approve Recorder 18. Mayor LIST OF W4HANTS. CiTY RECORDER'S O114'10E, Dubuque, Ia. ,Aug. 1, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1899: C H Berg, salary mayor .. 116 70 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer 133 30 H B Gniffke, ass't. treas 75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder116 70 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor125 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal 83 30 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief 100 000 W Fitzpatrick, salary committee clerk 95 00 Wm A Kaep, salary clerk in re- corder's office Edw Herron, salary as clerk in 50 00 treasurer's office Edw C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, salary as assistant en- gineer Pat Cassidy, salary as chainman. 40 00 J Boyce, salary street com- missioner Wm Hippman, salary as electric - 83 30 ian Otto Rath, salary as market mas- ter T Cahill, salary as park custod- ian P Kien, salary as park 91 70 50 00 40 00 172 List of Warrants. custodian E A Guilbert, salary as health officer Sam Starr, salary as sanitary patrolman N Offerman, salary as pound master Mrs H Koenig, salary as jani- tress L Zeidman, salary as sidewalk inspector 50 00 R F Curran, wharf master 20 00 M Eitel, salary fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccinl, fireman 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00 J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 J Tschudi, fireman 50 00 J Daily, fireman 60 00 J Barnes, fireman 75 00 T Ryder, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 60 00 W Ducey, fireman 60 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 60 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 Tom Wacha, fireman 60 00 Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00 J McFarland, fireman 50 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 F Murphy, fireman 50 00 A McDonald, fireman 75 00 J Jones, fireman.... . 50 00 J Murphy, fireman 60 00 F Ganahl, fireman 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 50 00 J Rooney, fireman 16 65 C Kannolt, fireman 60 CO Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Robt Weston, fireman 50 00 Wm McBride, fireman 50 00 C Clark, sub -fireman.... 50 00 Wm Keas, sub -fireman 18 25 Gen Burkel, police...... 50 00 Nic Brandt, police 50 00 Jas Carter, police 50 00 Jas Clune, police 50 00 Jno Cody, police 50 00 M Craugh, police 50 00 P Dumphey, police 50 00 H Donlon, police .. 50 00 Jno Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Henessey, police 60 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 60 00 Jno Loetscher, police 50 00 Jas Lonergan, police 50 00 P McCollins, police 50 00 P Mclnerny, police 50 00 Edw Moore, police 60 00 Jno Murphy, police 50 00 P Mulligan, police 50 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 Dan Norton, police 50 00 M O'Connor, police 50 00 Aug Pfeffer, police 50 00 Pat Powers, police 50 00 T Reilly, police 50 00 Jas. Rooney, police 50 00 Jno Raesli, police 60 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T Scherr, police 50 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 45 00 20 00 P Sutton, police.... 50 00 P Sullivan, police 50 00 J J Sullivan, police 48 35 Thos Sweeney, police 50 00 J J Tierney, police 50 00 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00 Miss B Brennan, police matron30 00 Steve Bastian, laborer.. 14 20 P Becker, laborer 9 45 Tom Beutcher, laborer 5 40 Fred Budde, laborer 8 10 Mike Beckius, laborer 9 80 John Brachtenbach, laborer 10 80 Chas Busse, laborer 13 50 Mike Burke, laborer 2 05 Joe Brown, laborer 17 55 Peter Carney, laborer 6 75 Marlin Carmody, laborer...... 10 80 R Caffery, laborer 18 60 Mat Crahan, laborer 4 05 John Corbett, laborer 11 50 Dennis Corcoran, laborer 7 45 Win Clarke, laborer 13 50 Jas Connelly, laborer........ 17 55 Ed Desmond, laborer 1 35 DI Dunnigan, laborer 10 50 John Dougherty, laborer 4 05 Steve Dorsey, laborer.. 19 50 John Eagan, laborer 5 10 John Ess, laborer 14 85 Pat Furey, laborer 5 40 Ben Fern, laborer 16 00 Mat Fetschle, laborer 10 80 P Fogarty, laborer 6 45 Pat Fenelon, laborer 17 55 John Farley, laborer .. 20 00 H Fleck, laborer 75 00 Nelson Frith, laborer...... 50 00 Pat Grew, laborer.... 8 10 Conrad Geimer, laborer .. 16 00 John Girst, laborer........ 4 05 Chas Grunzig, laborer 2 70 Joe Gavin, laborer 18 25 Barney Glass, laborer 11 85 Joe Gunther, laborer 8 45 Henry Grode, laborer 4 05 Peter Gunther, laborer 4 05 Joe Grabb, laborer 14 20 C Gantenbein, laborer 20 00 Chris. Heck, laborer 3 40 Jake Hanson, laborer 25 50 Mike Houps, laborer 6 45 Pat Havican, laborer 1 35 A Henderson, laborer 11 50 Aug. Haffaman, laborer 12 15 Mike Hardie, laborer 17 55 John Hayes, laborer 20 00 Jess Jellison, laborer 7 00 Andy Johnson, laborer 2 70 Adam Jaeger, laborer 9 45 Aug. Jess, laborer 6 75 Hubert Kohr, laborer.. 18 90 Nick Komas, laborer.. 4 75 Wm Kronfeldt, laborer 14 55 Louis Korn, laborer 4 05 Paul Kroekeski, laborer. 16 20 Fred Krueger, laborer 14 85 Asa Knapp, laborer 1 35 John Kinsella, laborer...... 20 00 Mat Klein, laborer ...... .... 12 50 John Lavin, laborer.... .... 7 45 L Loeffelholtz, laborer.......... 5 40 Herman Lembkee, laborer 15 55 John Leidenger, laborer 15 00 M Lonergan, laborer 17 55 41. • List of Warrants. 173 Mike Murphy, laborer John Mullin, laborer Robert Mack, laborer Ed Malloy, laborer Tom Mulqueeney, laborer Pat Mohan, laborer Ernest Micke, laborer Joe Marteneck, laborer Pat Moran, laborer John McCarron, laborer John McNulty, laborer ZN m McDermott, laborer Dennis McGinness, laborer M Keown, laborer Anthony McGuan, laborer Jas. McDonald, laborer Thos. McDonald, laborer.... John McGrath, laborer.... Mat McNamara, laborer B McCormack, laborer Wm McClain, laborer Icelix McBride, laborer Robt. McGovern, laborer Phil Newman, laborer...... Felix Oswald, laborer Wm O'Brien, laborer John Pfeiffer, laborer G Parr, laborer John Parks, quarryman James Parker, laborer Jot z Parks, laborer Wm Quinlan, laborer Pat Quinn, laborer Pat Ryan, laborer Mat Raiseck, laborer Chas Reilly, laborer Fred Reimus. laborer Tom Reilly, laborer Joe Rooney, laborer Dan Sheehan, laborer John Stevens, laborer Frank Scherr, laborer Geo Sutter, laborer John Spies, laborer Simon Schaetzle, laborer B Schnee, laborer Wm Schwagler, laborer Joe Schmidt, laborer John Schammel, laborer James Smith, laborer John Saunders, laborer Wm. Sheridan, laborer Landon Taylor, laborer Rich Turner, laborer Henry Tippee, laborer John Welsh, laborer.... Wm Welsh, laborer Peter Waist, laborer Ed Welsh, laborer Nick Wampack, laborer Wm Weber, laborer Herman Weber, laborer Venzel Zachena, laborer Geo Zumhoff, laborer Fred Zurshoff, laborer TEAMS FOR LAST HALF OF JUNE. Ike Beekman, team Jos Calvert, team John Calvert, team B Cain, team John Duggan, team Tom Elliott, team Ed Frith, team M Gantenbein, team Thos Hein, team Wm Howard, team Mike Hannon, team 3 75 Mike Kenneally, team7 60 H C King, team 6 25 John Long, team 28 75 Pat Linehan, team 17 50 Joe Moore, team... 6 25 A W Miller, team 6 90 F Mathis, team 2 50 Chas McGovern, team 10 00 Jeff McGrath, team 2125 McElrath Teaming Co 10 00 J J McCollins, team 18 75 Mrs Quinlivan, team 2 50 Henry Schmidt, team 20 00 li'rank Siege, team. 18 75 Geo Scott, team 22 50 Sam Snodgrass, team. 15 00 John Sigworth, team 15 00 Otto Turner, team 2 50 James Tobin, team 7 50 M Theise, team... 31 25 John Van Holand, team 11 25 GRADING STREETS FOR LAST HALF OF JUNE. Wm Carberry, laborer 6 10 Pat Fitzgerald, laborer. 6 10 C Grunzig, laborer 6 10 James Hird, laborer 21 00 Andy Johnson, laborer 4 05 Joe Marteneck, laborer 8 10 James McCracken, laborer 8 10 Pat McPoland, laborer 6 10 Phil Reddin, laborer 10 15 James Smith, laborer 8 10 Sam Smith, laborer 10 15 Peter Stoffer, laborer 6 10 Wm Wearmouth, laborer8 80 Dillon Southerland, teams 21 25 James Tobin. team 25 00 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR LAST HALF OF JUNE. Ed Brunskill, laborer 19 50 Sam Elmer, laborer 19 50 Pat Furey, laborer 19 60 M Flynn, laborer.. .... 19 50 Chas. Hillary, laborer..... • • • • ... 19 50 19 50 Joe Lowrie, laborer James Ryan, laborer 19 50 R T Eddy, laborer 25 00 Jas A Hayes, Judgment and court costs in case of M Mc- Mahon vs City $2401 76 Jas A Hayes, judgment and court costs in case of I Proc- tor vs City 784 42 Thos F Maguire, asst. city atty for June 50 00 G Gmehle, asst. assessor ' for 75 00 June Jos J Murphy, asst. assessor 75 00 for June Otto Rath, board of prisoners 8 00 for June W S MacHarg, expert testimony 741 70 in water works cases WynkooP Kierstedt, expert tes- timony in water works cases656 00 Chas P Chase, expert testimony in water works cases 474 95 Sam G Artingstall, expert testi- mony in water works cases377 10 G Russell Leonard, short hand reporter and typewriting in 97 00 water works cases Hotel Julien, hotel expenses for 174 List of Warrants appraisers and expert testi- mony in water works cases236 00 M H McCloskey, painting city hall, balance due 582 85 T W Ruete, oil and emery Aust for parks 3 10 G F Kleih, hardware for city hall 1 25 J Atkins, carpenter work for city hall 14 95 A R Staufenbeil, taking care of town clock from Feb. 1st, 1899, to June 18th, 1899 28 15 W W Whelan, sharpening lawn mowers for parks 1 25 Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co. shingles for city pound 6 15 Pat Kenneally, laborer.... ...... 20 00 Mrs J Meehan, cleaning city hall 3 50 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 1 50 C 0 D laundry, towels and racks for May and June 6 00 F A Miller, brooms for city hall 2 70 I Manhoff, 50 pounds rags 2 00 Chas Botsford, laying carpet mayor's office 1 25 Louis Heeb, taking up carpet mayor's office 1 25 Jno Kleinschmidt, soap and lye2 40 Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments54 00 Wm Geisheker, engineer work on case of Ryan vs City 13 50 L R Kauffman, illuminating and repairing town clock 75 00 Walton & Bieg, stationery 2 05 W H Torbert, sample bottles for water analysis in water works case Walton & Bieg, stationery for city attorney Palmer, Winall & Co blank sta- tionery Andrew Schaetzle, repairing bridge on Center street........ A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department Jno Bakey, macadam Jno Malone, macadem Robt Miller, macadam B D Lenehan, repairing tools for road department John Butt, repairing tools for road department F Scholz & Son, repairing tools for road department Geo Fengler, rip rap and bluff filling for road department.... Hussman & Lies, powder for road department G. F. Kleih, hardware for road department.. Christman & Healey, hardware for road department F. M. Jaeger, hardware for road department.. Pape & Jacquinot, repairing drinking fountain at High bridge R. T. Eddy, iron for 23d street fountain 4 95 6 20 36 50 25 00 1 60 10 00 11 00 14 00 3 30 5 85 4 90 149 00 85 4 95 17 50 1 15 2 90 1 25 Hagerty Bros., pine wood for steam roller 3 50 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road department 49 50 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., pine wood for steam roller 2 25 Harry Fleck, valve for steam roller 90 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 9 15 Jno. Tibey, stone for street crossings, etc .... 28 50 Jno. Tibey, gravel.. 50 75 Byrnes & Saul, gravel 148 40 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for fire department 11 20 Aug. Wunderlich, horse shoe- ing for fire department 4 70 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoeing for fire department7 20 B Kauffman, hats for fire de - department .. 13 85 A Tredway & Sons, brushes for fire department 9 75 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 2 00 Klauer Mnfg. Co., hardware for fire department .... 60 Police Telephone and Signal Co., 14 pair of magnets for fire de- partment 46 00 Sullivan & Stampfer, sheets and pillow cases for fire depart- ment 16 00 W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire department 3 00 T. W. Ruete, drugs for fire de- partment 5 00 Key City Gas Co. gas for Delhi street engine house 1 75 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department 10 10 Jno. Kriebs, repairing harness for fire department .. 3 10 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- uess for fire department 2 30 Ott, Meuser & Co. shavings for fire department.. 1 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for various engine houses 40 00 Dubuque Water Co., 338 by drants for June 1408 33 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for police department 6 80 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for police department 3 20 Dubuque Water Co., water at patrol house 10 00 P. Hughes & Sons, matches for police department 2 85 Louis Heeb, cleaning and oiling harness for police department1 50 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole castings and covers 24 00 Jno. Mehlhop Son & Co. Co galvanized scoops for sewer department 1 40 Woodruff Bros., 2 pails for sewer department 40 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and brushes for sewer department 1 95 Linehan & Molo, rope and ce- ment for sewer department18 20 Steuck & Linehan, constructing stone sewer on 7th avenue194 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools List of Warrants. 175 for sewer department 1 50 P. Cassidy, labor Sunday, June 4th. .. 3 00 J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement for sewer department 5 25 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceeding, $3.00 and health reports $3.50 6 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for June ...... .... 60 00 The Herald, official printing for June ... 50 00 Globe -Journal, official printing for May and June 100 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for June 25 00 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for June 1798 2 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for June 166 6 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for month of June 193 4 LABOR ON STREETS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JULY, 1899. John Burns, laborer S 4 Joe Blocklinger, laborer 3 4 Paul Becker, laborer 14 8 Tom Butcher, laborer 6 7 Steve Bastian, laborer 4 Mike Beckius, laborer 2 Fred Budde, laborer 6 Chas Busse, laborer 9 John Brachtenbach, laborer 4 Joe Brown, laborer 16 Peter Carney, laborer 1 Mike Cain, laborer 6 Hugh Connell, laborer 2 Richard Caffery, laborer 1 Martin Carmody, laborer 12 Mat Crane, laborer 3 John Corbett, laborer 7 Wm Clark. laborer 5 John Carberry, laborer 3 James Connelly, laborer 16 Ed Desmond, laborer 6 Mike Dunnigan, laborer 8 Peter Dax, laborer 3 Steve Dorsey, laborer 18 James Enright, laborer 5 John Ess, laborer 5 Pat Furey, laborer 16 Pat Fitzgerald, laborer 3 Ben Fern, laborer 20 John Farley, laborer Pat Fenelon, laborer 16 Peter Gregory, laborer 6 John Girst, laborer 1 Joe Geisland, laborer 7 Joe Gavin, laborer 6 Joe Gunther, laborer 7 Peter Gunther, laborer 6 Henry Grode, laborer 1 Geo Gau, laborer 9 Joe Grab, laborer 13 Barney Glass, laborer 13 Chas Grunzig, laborer 1 C Gantenbein, laborer John Heaffey, laborer John Hanley, laborer Mike Houps, laborer Crist Heck, laborer Pat Hevican, laborer A Henderson, laborer 0 5 0 5 75 05 75 45 05 20 35 45 70 35 85 40 45 40 40 20 75 80 05 00 40 10 10 35 50 00 20 45 35 50 75 80 75 35 80 20 50 85 20 00 3 75 7 10 1 35 Aug Hafferman, laborer 10 15 Mike Hardie, laborer 16 20 Jake Hanson, laborer 9 00 John I-Iayes, laborer 20 00 James Hird, laborer 9 00 Jess Jellison, laborer 8 00 Aug Jass, laborer 2 05 .\ndy Johnson, laborer 6 10 Hubert Kehr, laborer 13 85 Nick Kommas, laborer 6 75 Louis Korn, laborer 12 15 Wm Kronfeldt, laborer 6 10 l'aul Krokeski, laborer 10 15 Fred Krueger, laborer 13 50 .' sa Knapp, laborer 12 15 John Kelly. laborer 2 70 .lohn Kinsella, laborer 20 00 Pat Keneally, laborer 20 00 Mat Klein, laborer 12 50 John Lavin, laborer 1 35 I -I Lembke laborer 10 80 M Lonregan, laborer 16 20 Ed Malloy, laborer 5 40 liobt Mack, laborer 8 80 Pat Mohan, laborer 12 50 T ThulqueeneY, laborer 9 80 ,Too Marteneck, laborer •1 35 .Tohn Mullen, laborer 4 05 ;) McGuinness, laborer 2 70 Mike McKeown, laborer 6 75 John McCarron, laborer 610 Mike McMahon, laborer 5 75 Mat McNamara, laborer 9 45 13 McCormack, laborer 5 40 Pat McPoland, laborer 1 35 Jas bIcCracken, laborer 1 35 16 20 Felix McBride, laborer 16 20 Phil Newman, laborer 13 50 Mike O'Meara, laborer • • • • 3 75 Pat O'Brien, laborer 5 Felix Oswald, laborer .......... • 8 28 7 100 Wm O'Brien, laborer.... • • • • .. 0 45 James Purcell, laborer...... • • • • •7 10 Janes Powers, laborer 9 45 John Pfeiffer, laborer 9 45 John Pfeiffer, laborer.. • • • • .... • . 17 80 GParr, laborer...... . • • • • • • • "" John Parker, laborer 7 80 7 150 Pat Quinn, laborer 9 '15 Wm Quinlan, laborer 14 20 Mat Raiseck, laborer 6 10 Fred Remus, laborer 5 75 Geo Rink, laborer 8 10 Chas Reilly, laborer 5 40 Jim Reed, laborer 18 00 Joe Rooney, laborer6 45 Mike Sullivan, laborer 6 45 Mike Shea, laborer 1 35 John B. Stevens, laborer 8 00 Dan Sheehan, laborer 8 80 Wm Spensley, laborer 13 20 Frand Sherr, laborer4 05 Geo. Sutter, laborer.... 8 00 John Spies, laborer ...,.•. Simon Schaetzle, laborer 6 75 B Schnee, laborer 1 60 Wm Schwaegler, laborer 1 35 Peter Stoffer, laborer 1 85 Wm Sheridan, laborer 20 00 Richd Turner, laborer 1 35 Landon Taylor, laborer • • . • 9 45 Wm Welsh, laborer .. , • 5 40 John Welsh, laborer 4 05 Nick Wampack, laborer.... 7 80 6 10 14 85 5 10 176 List of Warrants. Wm Weber, laborer 1 70 Ed Welsh, laborer 70 Richard Wilmer, laborer 4 40 Venzel Zachena, laborer 5 10 Fred Zurshoff, laborer 10 80 Geo Zumhoff, laborer 16 50 Ike Beekman ,teams 16 25 Steve Casey, team 2 50 John Calvert, team 11 25 Joe Calvert, team 3 75 B Cain, team 10 00 John Deckert, team 8 75 Tom Elliott, team 1315 Ed Frith, team 11 25 M Gantenbein, team 5 00 Mike Hannon, team 13 75 Wm Howard, team 26 25 John Long. team 14 40 A W Miller, team 13 15 Frank Mathis, team.. 24 40 John McCollins, team 18 75 Jeff McGrath, team 15 00 McElrath Teaming Co., team26 25 Geo Reynolds, team 11 90 Dillon Southerland, team 15 65 Henry Schmidt. team 27 50 Frank Siege. team.. 21 25 Geo Scott, team 11 25 Ed Seeley, team 11 90 GRADING STREETS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JULY, 1899. Tom Butcher, laborer 8 25 Wm Carberry, laborer 4 05 Wm Clark, laborer 8 25 D Corcoran, laborer ... 8 25 Richard Caffery, laborer 5 75 Pat Fitzgerald, laborer 5 75 Ben Fern, laborer 4 00 Chas Grunzig, laborer 7 10 Joe Geisland, laborer 7 50 Joe Gavin, laborer 7 50 James Hird, laborer .. 9 00 James Harker, laborer 5 40 Andy Johnson, laborer 4 05 John Kelly, laborer 5 75 Nat Mabes, laborer .. 35 Joe Marteneck, laborer 3 05 Pat McPoland, laborer 4 05 Jas McCracken, laborer 3 05 Jas O'Farrell, laborer 15 00 John Parker, laborer 3 00 Phil Redding, laborer 1 35 Sam Smith, laborer 2 70 Peter Stoffer, laborer 7 10 Wm Wearmouth, laborer1 70 JamesTobin, team 18 15 M Theise, team 18 75 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JULY, 1899. Ed Brunskill, laborer Frank DeGeorge, laborer Sam Elmer, laborer Pat Furey, laborer M. Flynn, laborer Chas Hillary, laborer Joe Lowrie, laborer James Ryan, laborer R. T. Eddy, laborer Dr. Floyd. Davies, analyzing water for water works case J M Boothby, professional ser- vices for Fireman Ganahl E. H. Sheppley, repairing apron on Grove Terrace 19 20 9 60 19 20 16 80 19 20 19 20 17 60 19 20 25 00 350 00 60 00 75 H Hagerty, horse for fire dept145 00 Albert Dolan, horse for fire de- partment 145 00 P W Crawford, aldermen salary100 00 Jas T Duggan, aldermen salary100 00 Jno Flynn, aldermen salary100 00 E E Frith, aldermen salary 100 00 H B Gniffke, express charges Rudolph Jones, aldermen salary. 100 00 P H McLaughlin. aldermen sal- ary 100 00 C E Wales, aldermen salary 100 00 H B Gniffke, ref. excavation per- mits .. 130 00 H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants 1400 14 25c and postage stamps, $12.0012 25 H B Gniffke. exchange on N. Y4 00 C T Jones. court costs in ease of McMahon vs. City 34 15 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE HIGH BRIDGE AVENUE. To whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to improve High Bridge avenue from Wall street to the levee front. That a plat and specification of said proposed im- provement is now on file in the office of the city recorder; that it is esti- mated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 1400 lineal feet of new curbing, 622 square yards of guttering, 2,500 square yards of ma- cadam, making a total cost to the abutting property owners of $1634.90. Any person having objections to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear before the city council at its ses- sion to be held August 17, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objec- tions in writing on or before the 17th day of August, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Theo. Merritt: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalk May llth, 1899, a spec- ial assessment will he levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 5, in S. M. Langworthy's sub., owned by you be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 17th day of August, A. D., 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $1.00. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-8-5t. City Recorder. Official Notices. 177 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION TO IMPROVE THE LEVEE FRONT. To whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the city of Dubuque to improve the Levee front, from High Bridge avenue to Wall street. That a plat and specifications of said improvement is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it is esti- mated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 550 lineal feet of new curbing, ,2,200 square yards of brick paving, making a total estimated cost of $3,549.94 to abutting property owners. Any persons having objections to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its session to be held August 17, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 17th day of August, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 8-9-3t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To C. Heintz: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the repairing of sidewalk on the 4th day of May, A. D., 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 147 in L. H. Langworthy's add., own- ed by you being subject to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 17th day of August, A. D., 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-5-5t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. City Recorder's Office, Aug. 21, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, September 7th, 1899, for improving Lincoln avenue from west line of lot 35, McCraney's Eagle Point add., to west line of the C., M. & St. Paul R. R. requiring approximately the following: New curbstone set, 290 lin. teet. Guttering, 230 square yds. Macadamizing, 500 square yds. Earth filling, 755 cub. yds. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city recorder. Said work to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of November. 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing, and the price per cubic yard for filling. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for $60 must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to rejel any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFI; 8-4-10t City Recorder NOTICE. Dubuque, Iowa, July 26, 1899. To Whom It May Concern: You are hereby notified that your City Licenses for the year 1899 are past Cue, and if not paid within five days, I will proceed against you according to law. The following is a list of 11- censes that are past due: Billiard and pool tables. Bowling alleys. Express. Hotels. Restaurants. Teams. EDW. MORGAN, Marshal. 7-27-5t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Jos. McCune. You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for repair- ing sidewalk May 31st, 1899, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 3 of mineral lot No. 160 or Boxleiter's sub, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment, And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the coun- cil to be held on the 17th day of Au- anA. edaidshow assessment anyy h you have,, why should not be levied. Amount, 80c. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 8-5-5t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To E. C. Winner: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubque for re- pairing sidewalk, June 30, 1899, a spe- cial assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 6 in Guern- sey & Langworthy's add, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 24th day of August, A. D., 1899, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, der. Amount, 60c. 8-14-10t. 178 Official Notices. NOTICE OF COUNCIL'S INTENTION. TO IMPROVE LINCOLN AVENUE. To all whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque, to im- prove Lincoln avenue, from West line of lot 35 McCraney's Eagle Point add, to west line of C. M. & St. Paul rail- road. That a plat and specification of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the city recorder. That it .is estimated by the city en- gineer that said improvement will re- quire approximately the following work: New curb stone set, 290 lineal feet. Guttering, 230 square yards. Macadamizing, 500 square yards. Earth filling, 755 cubic yards. Making a total estimated cost of $572.35 to the abutting property own- ers. Any person having objection to said improvement are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its session to be held Thursday, August 3, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before the 3d day of August, 1899. Dated, Dubuque, July 26, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 7-26-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Recorder's office, Dubuque, Iowa, July 24, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thurs- da;, August 3, 1899, for the construction of an open stone sewer, including bridge, abutments in alley between Sycamore and Cedar streets, and from 75 feet south of 16th street to 25 feet north of 17th street. Estimated amount of rock masonary 1,450 cubic yards. Bidders to state the price per cubic yard for masonry. The contractor to do all excavating necessary including removal of present stone cul- verts at 16th and 17th streets. The work to be done in accordance to plans and specifications now on file in the rec- order's office. All the above work to be completed on or before the 20th day o1 September, 1899, and to be subject to the inspection and rejection of the com- mittee on streets and the engineer in charge. A certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 7-24-10t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To John McDonald: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalk June 30, 1899, a special assessment will he levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said '-njrovement, lot No. 2 of sub south 89 feet in H. T. McNulty's sub owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 24th day of August, A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assess'»ent should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Amount, $1.95. 8-14-10t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Mrs. D. Gilliam: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the repaving of sidewalk on the 14th clay of June A. D. 1899, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve- ment, lot 27 in Kelly's sub, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 24th day of August, A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Amount, $1.S0 8-14-10t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To W. J. Morgan, et. al.: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalk June 8th, 1899, a spe- cial assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot No. 6, block No. 6 in Dubuque Harbor Co's add, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. Any you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 24th day of August, A. D. 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $8.00. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-14-10t. City Recorder. Regular Session, September 7, 1899. 17i CITY COUNCIL Regular Session. September 7, 1899. (Official.) • Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. Duggan moved that the council proceedings for the month of August, 1899, be approved as printed. Car- ried. BILLS ALLOWED. Gotf. Gmehlie, asst. assessor for August $ 75.00 Jos. J. Murphy, asst. assessor for August 15 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for August 12 60 D. C. Stewart, recording plats3 75 Smith -Morgan Prt'g. Co., blank stationery 6 00 Harger & Blish, stationery for various offices 6 85 Robt Jungk, repairing fountain 1 50 Jackson park E. J. Schilling, repairing cement sidewalk city hall 11.20 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose clamps Jackson park .75 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for assessor 9 25 Palmer Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery in water works case.75 Jas. Kelly, stationery in water 3 50 works case Homan & Roehl, use of tables in 2 00 water works case Palmer, Winall & Co., printing abstract of testimony in case of 28 50 Wilberding vs. City Palmer, Winall & Co., stationery 2 50 for road department Purington, Pay. Brick Co., pav- ing brick Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 28 roller 50 Wm. DalbkermeYer, repairing horse roller and street sprink- 3.50 ler A. Hein, brick for sewer depart - 12 00 ment B. Lapen, horse hire for carpen- ter wagon Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lumber for road department... 10 60 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for road dept.. 14 45 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for 38 25 road department A. Wunderlich, horde shoeing for 2 00 road department Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for road department 3 95 Hagerty Bros., pine wood for 5 steam roller Jno. Tibey, building retaining wall on Pickett and Cornell 188 streets Dubuque Rubber & Belt4ng Co, hose and couplings for steam 25 02 roller G. Mersch, 168 cubic yds of gravel for road department P. Quinn, paving rock for road department Jno. Becker, rock for road dept B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road department Chas. Matz, repairing tools for road department Jno. Butt, fepairing road department F. Zehetner, repairing steam roller G. F. Kleih, hardware for road department Christman & Healey, hardware for road department Hussman & Liles, hardware for road department Peter Lang, hardware for road department M. Stafford, oats for fire depart- ment F. Zehetner, horse bit for department Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi street engine house Key City Gas Co., coke for flre department Chas. Matz, repairs at 18th street engine house Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for fire department Jno. Kriebs, repairing harness for fire department Linehan & Molo, 2 doz mops for fire department F. A. Miller, 5 doz barn brooms for flre department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 6 doz hose washers for fire de- partment Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 10 doz firemen's buttons 5 00 Christman & Healey, hardware .75 for fire department Dubuque Harness & Saddlery Co., 1 doz whips for fire depart- ment 00 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber for 20 93 fire department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for 3 lire department 00 Yerger & Vollenweider, horse shoeing for fire department9 20 Edw. Sloan, horse shoeing for fire department 10 40 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing 6 90 for fire department Mettel Bros., bran for fire de- partment.65 Alex Hasler, bran for fire de- partment.65 Dubuque Water Co., 338 1403 33 hy- drants for August, 1899 Kaep & Buechele, 20 pair of gloves for police department... 3 00 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for police dept Robt. Jungk, plumbing at patrol house 17 00 M. Stafford, oath for police de- partment Chas. Oswald, mending stars and tools for 8 50 50 40 1 00 4 50 2 10 4 20 16 65 14 10 3 10 5 55 7 80 1 20 332 40 fire .75 1 95 9 88 2 50 .90 2 05 5 00 16 25 3 75 l811 I:egular Session September 7, 1899. cell cups for polio: dept Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron department 6 60 Central Meat Market, supplies for matron department P. Hansen, hay for city pound1 90 Chas Matz, repairing tools for sewer department Mullen Bros., repairing foun- tain at 155th and Elm streets9 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and globes for sewer department1 80 J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement for sewer department Globe -Journal, official printing for August 50 00 The Herald, official printing for August National Demokrat, official print ing for August 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph. official print ing for August 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings for Aug6 00 Dubuque Telegraph, health re- ports for August 3 50 Dubuque Telegraph, 12 new city directories .. 60 00 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for August 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for August 166 67 !hos. E. Frith, removing garb- age and dead animals for Aug, 1899 193 44 M. S. Sughrue, burying diseased 1 00 2 25 2 70 .75 6 00 50 00 meat Noonan Bros., to use of horse for carpenter wagon 15 00 On motion the bill was referred to the street committee. Mullen Bros., plumbing at steam roller house 3 80 On motion the bill was referred to the sewer committee. Gust Holl, 2 new keys for health department .40 On motion the bill was referred to the board of health. Wagner Water Supply Co., To City of Dubuque, Dr. Aug. 29, 1S99, to 800 paving brick at $13.50 $ 10 80 • 29 cub yds of macadam at 50c14 50 $ 25 30 On motion the bill was referred to the city marshal for collection. PETITIONS. Petition of J. Woodrich, asking city to refund him $25.00 paid for butcher's license from April 1st, 1897 to April 1st, I898. Aid. Jones moved to grant the pe- tition and that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay the same. Carried. Petition of W. H. Morhiser, asking that all back taxes on the Benjamin Cheetham est. be ordered cancelled. Ald. McLaughlin moved to grant the prayer ofthe petition. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total C. Nays—Aid. Flynn. Total. 1. Petition of James McEvoy, asking that his taxes be cancelled on lots 5, 6 and 165 Finley's adg. for the year 1898. On motion the petition was referred to the delinquent tax committee. Petition of Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co. et al, in relation to better drainage at the intersection of Ninth and Washington streets. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the city engineer and street committee. Carried. Petition of David Moyes, asking to have the water mains extended from Wood street to Julien avenue and Delhi street west. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the fire committee. Car- ried. Petition of C. H. Fischer et al, asking that the water mains be extended to Broadway extension and adjoining or intersecting Grove street. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition be referred to the fire committe. Car- ried. Petition of Mrs. Sarah M. Donnelly et al, in relation to willow trees over- hanging Chestnut street, and asking that same be trimmed, so as to make both street and sidewalk passable. Ald. Flynn moved that the street commissioner be instructed to notify the property owners to trine their trees. Carried. Petition of the Home Electric Co. by D. D. Myers, president and W. J. Brown, general manager, asking that they be afforded an opportunity to fur- nish at least a portion of the street lights for the city. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of the Home Electric Co., asking for the right of way of certain streets to extend their lines; also ask- ing the council to adopt an ordinance which shall give it the right to con- struct and maintain the extensions des- cribed. Ald. McLaughlan moved that the pe- tition be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition and remonstrance of J. H. Kleine, objecting to the extension of Needham Place, from Fifth street to Fenelon Place. On- motion the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition and remonstrance of C. T. Markle et al, remonstrating against the extension of Needham Place to Fenelon• Place. On motion the petition was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Mrs. Aug. Lange, asking permission to use Wilber Lane for the purpose of moving a large building. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be received and filed. Carried. Petition and claim of Morse Tomlin, claiming five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) damages for false arrest and imprison- ment. Regular Session, September 7, 1899. IRI. Ald. Jones moved that the petition and claim be received and filed. Car- ried. Communication of the Seckner Con- tracting Co., of Chicago, by J. H. Brown, president, making several propositions to the council in relation to constructing new water plant. Ald. Wales moved that the communi- cation be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORTS . City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil—Gentlemen: Below find statement of amounts ad- vanced by me during the month of Au- gust, 1899 for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed...$ 65.00 Interest on warrants outstand- ing...... .... .... 3067.76 Police badges.. 13.75 Freight charges...... 67.72 Postage stamps 12.00 Exchange New York coupons7.19 Refund water tax 2.15 Total $3,235.57 Respectfully, H. B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts, and the report refer- red back to the committee on finance. Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the city of Dubuque: Gentle- men—I herewith submit to you my re- port for the month of August, 1899, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand August 1st, 1899 $40208.85 Receipts from all sources 18683.63 $58892.48 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed for the month of Au- gust . ... ..$18971.82 Coupons redeemed 1525.00 $20496.82 Cash on hand Sept. 1st, 1899 $38395.66 Of the cash on hand there belongs to the improvement bond fund, $21,203.86. Leaving a balance to the credit of the city, $17191.80. Also report that there is due city of- ficers for the month of August, 1899, $2,020.00. The following is a list showing the amount expended in each fund from the beginning of the fiscal year: Expense.... . .... $20,177.17 21,183.79 12,720.52 10,973.00 2,358.58 962.50 1,328.90 9824.35 Road Fire Police Sewerage Printing Engineer Light and gas Water Interest.. . 9,280.0l Board of Health 1,323.53 Grading , . 1,715.06 7041.6i Total ..$ 98,889.09 Also a list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month of August, 1899 Amount $1,525.00. Respectfully F. B. HOFFMANN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officials and the report referred back to the committee on finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the city of Dubuque: Gentle- men—The following is the pay -roll of the fire department for the month of August, 1899: Amount due firemen for the month of August, 1899, $1,978.35. Signed. JOE. REINFRIED, Fire chief. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the pay- roll be referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen—The following is the report of the police department for August, 1899: Total arrests for August .... 73 Police patrol calls 99 Miles traveled.. 168 Attached please find treasurer's re- ceipts for privileges. Amount, $220.00. Also pound master's receipt for $1.00. Amount due police for the month of August, 1899, $2,211.60. Amount due special police during race week, $350.00. Also matron's report for August. Respectfully Submitted, ED. MORGAN, Marshal. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay police and special police. and the report referred back to the committee on police. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen—I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor on streets for the last half of August, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, $1,733.00. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the pay -roll be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn to pay laborers on streets for the last half of August and the pay -roll be referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: 182 • Regular Session, September 7, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen—The following amounts are due for labor for grading streets for the last half of August, 1899. Amount due laborers for grading, $276.20. Respectfully. JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading and the re- port referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:—Gen- tlemen—I herewith submit niy pay -roll for labor on sewers for the last half of August, 1899. Amount due laborers on sewers, $193.80. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pay -roll he received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the pay -roll referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. City Assessor Duncan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen—The assessment roll for 1599, is completed and ready for your equaliza- tion committee. The total amount of real estate is $16,255,53..' Total amount of personality 7.491,872 Grand total . $23,75J,405 Very Respectfully, E. 0. DUNCAN, City Assessor. The report was received and filed, and Mayor Berg appointed the following as members of the equalization board: Ald. Flynn, Third ward, Chairman. Ald. Duggan, First ward. .lid. McLaughlin, Second ward. Aid. Crawford, Fourth ward. Ald. Frith, Fifth ward. City Electrician Hipman reported as fellows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen— I herewith submit my report of de- fective lights for the month of August, 1899. I find from the reports of the police department that the total hours that 38 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 and 1-6 lamp for one month or 16.30. Also find attached treasurer's receipt for $15.85 for battery cleanings. Respectfully Submitted, WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. The report was ordered received and flied and the recorder instructed to notify the city auditor to deduct from :the .. Star Electric company's bill for August, 1899, $6.30. The weighmasters' and wood measur- er's report for the month of August, 1899 was referred to the committee on markets. Reports found as follows: Otto, Rath (City Hall), receipts, 112.75. T. Faherty, First ward, receipts, $4.35. Charles Pitschner, West Dubuque, receipts $2.34. R. F. Curran, wood measurer's re- ceipts, $1.26. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the . Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen—I would respectfully report that I have completed the retaining wall on Ardmore Terrace as per your orders, except for a short distance on either end. If it is the wish of the council to con- tinue the work on the wall it should be ordered at this meeting, so that I can return the derricks as soon as we are through with them. Respectfully Submitted. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Whereupon Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the street com- missioner, under supervision of street committee, is instructed to continue the construction of the retaining wall on Ardmore Terrace, until the rock on the street adjacent to the work shall be used up, and then report to the council. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. —Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Nays—Aids. Flynn, and Wales. Total 2. Recorder Langstaff presented and read published notice of city council's intentions to improve Angella and Cox streets, Angella street from West Lo- cust street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella St. to Union Ave., proper- ly certified to by the publisher. Also read a remonstrance of Susan Hune protesting against the improvement of said streets. Whereupon Ald. Craw- ford offered a resolution ordering said Angella and Cox streets improved, and moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the resolution and remonstrance be referred to fhe city engineer, and that ha' make estimate of the cost of grading said streets, and report same to the council. The substitute was adopted, and the matter so referred. The special committee on water works reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 6th ,1899. To the Honorable Mayor and aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen— During the hearing before the board of arbitration in the matter of securing municpal ownership of the plant of the Dubuque Water company, it became necessary to use the following named Regular -Session, September 7, 1899. 183 gentlemen as witnesses on behalf of the city of Dubuque, and we therefore recommend that warrants be drawn in their favor for the amount set op- posite their names: Dr. E. A. Guilbert. R. T. Eddy Charles Hillery H. B. Gniffke $5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Total $20.00 Respectfully Submitted, C. H. BERG, ALPHONS MATTHEWS, THOS. MAGUIRE, THOS. H. DUFFY, J. C. LONGUEVILLE. Aid. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be adopted' and warrants ordered drawn as recommended. Carried. . Also report as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen— Your committee which had in charge the matter of arranging with the city's arbitrators in matter of controversy between the city of Dubuque and the Dubuque Water company, would re- spectfully report in favor of having warrants drawn by the city of Dubuque in favor of such arbitrators, as fol- lows: Hon.Horace Boles $375.00 Hon. J. J. Ney 375.00 Hon. C. A. Stanton, one-half187.50 Total $937.50 The foregoing amount to be in full of service and expense in matter of above referred to arbitration. Respectfully Submitted, C. H. BERG, THOS. MAGUIRE, THOS. H. DUFFY, ALPHONS MATTHEWS, J. C. LONGUEVILLE. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port and warrants be ordered drawn as recommended. Carried. Also report as follows: THE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—The undersigned com- mittee to whom was referred the mat- ter of procuring municipal ownership of the water works for the city of Du- buque would respectfully report that in accordance with the resolutions of your honorable body a, board of arbi- trators was appointed as follows: By the city—Hon. Horace Boles and John J. Ney. For the company—Benezette Williams and Hon. J. M. Baldwin. These four selected Col. C A Stanton as the fifth arbitrator. The board met in this city on June 19th, 1899, and in accordance with ar- rangements previously made the ses- sions were held in rooms on the seventh floor of the Bank and Insurance build- ing. For further detail of the pro- ceedings of the board we herewith sub- mit a printed copy of the proceedings and testimony taken. After the sub- mission of the case the arbitrators met, and as is well known by reason of its publicity in the local papers and other- wise, the arbitrators were in session two days and failed to agree. The arbitrators selected by the city fixed the total value of the plant when the improvements contracted for were com- pleted at $449,243.50; those selected by the Water company fixed the value at $683,208.91, and Col. Stanton fixed it at $549,958.00. A copy of the proceed- ings of the board of arbitrators while in session is now in the hands of the printer and will be furnished to the council as soon as printed. It is use- less for your committee to go into de- tail as to the witnesses examined, the expenses incurred on behalf of the city and the length of time that the hear- ing occupied, as all these matters are fully represented in the various hills which have been presented to this council , and also in the proceedings which are herewith submitted. The disagreement of the arbitrators leaves the matter in a position where the city may pursue one of two courses. The arbitration having failed it is the opin- ion of the city attorney, and the other counsel engaged in the case, that the city can maintain an action in the dis- trict court of this county to have the assessment made by the court of the value of the water plant, and that af- ter such value has been ascertained by the court that the city may proceed in the same manner to' accept or re-. ject the same as though the valuation had been made by the arbitrators; or the city may again proceed with the same as if no arbitration had been had, (-xcept in the opinion of your commit- tee it is not necessary to serve any further notice. That is that they can again select two appraisers and tender them to the company, and if the com- pany will again join in the proceeding by appointment its two appraisers and these four select a fifth and then pro- ceed in such manner as the parties may agree upon or the appraisers de- termine. The city attorney and other counsel engaged with him in this mat- ter are of the opinion that a proceed- ing in court will be preferable. In the very nature of the case a Large portion of the facts and testimony ne- cessary to establish the value of the plant is in the possession and under the control of the Water company, and during the hearing before the arbitra- tors it was fully demonstrated that the city had no power to compel the production of the books, the testimony of the officers or of any other facts in the possession of the company, and that the company fully exercised its dis- cretion in furnishing such testimony only as it saw fit to do. The result would necessarily be the same before another board of arbitrators. If, how- ever, the matter was before the court the production of all legal testimony could be enforced. that is the company 184 Regular Session, September 7, 1899. could be by process of the court com- pelled to exhibit its books to the city, the officers could be subpoenaed and examined and they would not be per- mitted to refuse to answer any ques- tions legally propounded to them. And in the opinion of the attorneys a hear- ing before the court would be more satisfactory and not near so expensive. But whether further proceedings shall be taken and what the character of those proceedings shall be is a matter which is vested in this council and must be determined by it. If the council shall abide by its former action and not modify or rescind its former action to procure municipal ownership of the water works your committee will proceed as herein in- dicated and commence an action in the district court for the appraisement of the plant. And your committee pledges itself to use every effort and every means within its power to obtain mu- nicipal ownership and to faithfully carry out the wishes of your honorable body. Respectfully submitted, C. H. BERG, THOS. H. DUFFY, ALPHONS MATTHEWS, THOS. F. MAGUIRE, J. C. LONGUEVILLE, Special Committee. J. C. Longueville, one of the special attorneys, was present and by request addressed the council. He said that he had nothing now to offer for the re- port Just read embodied the sentiment of city attorneys. Ald. Wales moved that the report and matter be referred to the commit- tee of the whole, and that a meeting of the committee be called at an early day and the matter be made special. Car- ried. The resolution of Ald. Crawford in relation to additional expense to city in the matter of the Dubuque Water Works offered August 17th and ac- tion postponed was read. Ald. Flynn moved that the resolution be received and flied. Ald. Crawford moved a substitute, that the resolution be referred with the rest of the papers bearing on the subject to the committee of the whole. Substitute lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. The question recurring on the ori- ginal motion to receive and file, was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. The mayor stated that he had asked Col. Lyon, representing the Dubuque Street Railway, to be present, with a hope that the taxes and special as- sessments due from said railway to the city, might be adjusted. Col. Lyon stated that he was quite unwell and did not feel able to discuss the ques- tion and asked for further time, which was granted. The bids for the improvement of Lin- coln avenue from west line of lot 35, McCraney's Eagle Potnt add to west line of C., M. & St. P. Railway right of way was presented. On motion the bids were opened and referred to Assistant City Engineer Hyde for computation. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented an or- dinance entitled an ordinance re-estab- lishing the grade on Grove street, from the north line of mineral lot 317 to Broadway extension and moved that it be read for the first time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn. Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its second reading. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read the sec- ond time. Ald. Crawford moved that the or- dinance be passed. Carried by th- following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn. Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ordinance follows in full: AN ORDINANCE An ordinance reestablishing the grade on Grove street from the north line of mineral lot 317 to Broadway extension. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Grove street in King's addition, from the north line of Mineral lot 317 to Broadway extension, described as fol- lows, commencing at the intersection of Grove street and King street at a point 25 feet south of the north line of King street, elevation 146 86-100. Thence north from said point 125 feet, which is known as station one on the profile of said street, elevation 141. Thence north to Broadway extension, being station 3.05, elevation 122 4-10. From the intersection of Grove and King street south, commencing at a point 25 feet north of the south line of King street elevation 146 86-100, thence south to the south end of Grove street 216 feet, being station 1.91 on the profile of said Grove street elevation 134 feet. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its publication one time in the Du- buque Daily Telegraph newspaper of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Crawford chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your Regular Session, September 7, 1899. 185 committee on streets, to whom was re- ferred the profile of change of grade on Grove street from Broadway extension to end of said street, would respectfully recommend that the said profile be adopted. On motion the report was adopted. Mayor Berg stated that he had re- ceived letters from Senator Allison and Congressman D. B. Henderson in rela- tion to the unexpended appropriation for the ice harbor. On motion the letters (in the hands of the mayor) and the matter was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on sewers, reported as follows: Your committee on sewers respect- fully reports that they have examined the sanitary sewer in Alpine street from West Third street to lot line between lots 20 and 21, Julia L. Langworthy's addition. "0. G. Kringle, contractor," and would recommend that said sewer be accepted and that a special assess- ment be levied against the abutting property, and that the committee on finance be instructed to provide for the issue of bonds to cover the cost of the work. Ald. Crawford .moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report as follows: Your committee on sewers respect- fully report in favor of granting the pe- tition of the Iowa Coffin company ask- ing that a sanitary sewer be extended to their property, provided that all the abutting property holders will sign a stipulation that they will not make any objection to the assessment for doing the work or to any irregularity or ille- gality of said assessment or levy, and agree to pay said assessment when due. We would also recommend the adop- tion of the following resolution. Resolu- tion follows: Whereas. It is deemed advisable and necessary by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct a sanitary sewer in Sixteenth street and it is here- by proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said 16th street as follow, to - wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sewer from alley between Washington and Elm stre" , to a point 284 feet east thereof. Therefore, Resolved, That the city en- !gineer be and is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat and specifications showing the• location and general nature of such improvement, the kind of material to be 'used and an estimate of the cost there- of, with the amount assessable upo>t each lot or parcel of land adjacent to, or abutting thereon per front foot, or square feet in area, and file such plat 'and specifications and estimate in the office of the city recorder. That after the filing of said plat in his office, the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section 6 of the ordinance relating to the construction of sewers, adopted May 19, 1898, and af- ter the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port and resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully report in favor of granting the pe- tition of Haney Campbell company asking that their taxes for the year 1898 be canceled, the same being in ac- cordance with action of the council of August 16, 1895. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car- ried. Also report as follows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully recommend that the mayor be au- thorized to appoint an additional cap- tain of police, and that salary of the police captain be placed at $65 each per month. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Ald. Frith moved to amend by in- serting $75 in lieu of $65. The amend- ment was lost. The original moton was then carried. Also report as follows: Your committee of the whole res- pectfully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Adam Jaeger asking damages caused by being in- jured while working for the city. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried: Also report as follows: Your committee of the whole res- pectfully recommend the adoption of the profile of change of grade on West 16th street, the red line and figures showing the proposed change. We also recommend that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance es- tablishing said grade, and the engineer he instructed to prepare plans and specifications for rebuilding said street to conform with the new grade, and the recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the matter of the govern ment of the fire department, would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following: That hereafter whenever any vacancy shall occur in any of the companies of the city fire department, or wheneverr,.. for any reason, it shall be necessary to appoint an officer or other member of the department, except the chief, it shall be the duty of the chief of the department to propose in writing to the city council some competent and suit- able person, and if the council shall approve the selection of the person so proposed, by the vote a majority of all the aldermen, he shall be held to be duly appointed to the position to be V 186 Regular Session, September 7, 1899 of Quinn street, so as to put the same in' good condition for travel. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted. Resolved by the City council of the city of Dubuque, That a special com- mittee of three be appointed to investi- gate the right of the city in the old bed of Lake Peosta, and of the sloughs and ponds described in the grant of the same by the state of Iowa to the city of Dubuque, and what, if any thing, is necessary to perfect the same; also to inquire into the feasibility of acquiring from private parties the intermediate lands between Lake Peosta and the main channel of the Mississippi river, for park purposes. Mayor Berg appointed the follow- ing as members of said committee: Ald. Crawford, Fourth ward, chair- man. Ald. Flynn, Third ward. Ald. Frith, Fifth ward. Aid. Wales offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That our sincere thanks are hereby extended to the Hon. Horace Boles, Hon. J. J. Ney and Hon. C. A. Stanton for the fair and impartial manner in which they discharged their duties in the matter of arbitration be- tween the city of Dubuque and the Dubuque Water company. Be it further resolved, That a copy of this resolution be mailed to the said honorable gentlemen by the city re- corder. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Bluff street, between 4th and 5th streets, where not already laid, abutting north 64.8 feet city lot 613, A. W. Kemler estate. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Council f the City of Dubuque, That the Levee ront from Wall street to fligh Bridge avenue be graded, curbed and paved with brick 50 feet wide, according to the plat of said levee front and the specifications prepared by the city en- gineer and on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said work shall Le completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council. The pro- posals for doing such work will be act- ed upon by the council on the 21st day of Sept., 1899, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice 1899. filled, and a proper record of the ap- pointment shall be made in the coun- cil proceedings. Members of the fire department so appointed shall hold their positions un- til removed or suspended in the fol- lowing manner: Whenever any officer or member of 1Ire department shall be guilty of dis- obeying or diregarding the orders of a superior officer, insubordination, in- toxication while on duty, habitual drunkenness, disorderly conduct, dis- respect or discourtesy towards officers, quarreling with, or abusive language to other firemen, or any infraction of the rules of the department, or other con- duct subversive of discipline, or tending to cause trouble or ill feeling among the members of the department, the chief shall have power to at once suspend such officer or member from duty, and at the first meeting of the city council thereafter, shall make a written report of his action in the premises stating specifically the facts on which the same was based, and in addition shall recom- mend either the permanent removal of the person suspended, or such other punishment as he shall deem just and commensurate to the offense charged. Such written report shall constitute the charges against the suspended fireman and shall be considered and acted on by the council as soon as practicable, but no officer or other member of the fire department shall be permanently removed, or other penalty imposed, un- less he shall first be given an oppor- tunity to be heard in his defense at some time to be fixed by the council. After such hearing the council may either confirm the recommendations of the chief, or may change or modify the penalty proposed, in such manner as it may deem just, or may restore the suspended fireman to duty without pen- alty, if it shall find the charges not sustained. No member of the fire department suspended by the chief for misconduct as above provided shall draw pay from the city during his suspension, or until restored to duty, except by special or- der of the council. Your committee would further recom- mend that the ordinance committee be instructed to draft an ordinance regu- lating the gov_erynn rt cf. t e fir de- partment. azez • • C-ceaL I RESOLUTIO Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer is hereby instructed to examine the abutments of the 7th street bridge and report condition of same to council. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the street com- missioner, under supervision of the street committee be authorized and in- structed to complete the improvement Regular Session, September 7, 1899. by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas -Alda, Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones; McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That High Bridge avenue from Bell street to the Levee Front be graded, curbed, gutter- ed and macadamized according to the plat of said High Bridge avenue and the specifications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council, The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 21st day of Sept., 1899, and the city record- er is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for pro- posals as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Nays -None. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks fer month of June, 1899, by city, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted and passed Sept. 7th, 1899. J. Paine, Sanford sub, lot 6; 10 ft lumber 20c; 1 hour's labor 50e 70 Herman Mauer, Jr., McCraney's let add, lot 108, 50 ft lumber $1.00; 1 hour's labor 50c 1 50 E. Langworthy Est., East Du- buque add., lot 168, 15 ft lum- ber 30c; 1 hour's labor 500 80 Robert Thompson Est., West's add., lot 12, 35 ft lumber 70c; 1 1 20 hour's labor 50c Joe Reinfrled, Cook's add., n 1-2 lot 62, 15 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's 80 labor 50c Geo. Salot, Cook's add., s • 1-2 lot 61, 15 ft lumber 30; 1 hour's labor 50c Jno. Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77 Union add., lot 2, 12 ft lumber 25c; 1 hour's labor 60c E. Langworthy Est., East Du- buque add., lot 177, 85 ft lumber $1.70; 1 hour's labor 50c Harry Edgerton, Porter's add, lot 5, 8 ft lumber 15c; 1 hour's labor 50c Geo. Salot, E. Langworthy's add., lot 51, 35 ft lumber 70e; . 1 hour's labor 50c T. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Union add.. lot 146, 40 ft lumber 80c; 1 hour's labor 50c Jno. Van Dillon, sub 102, L. H Langworthy's add., lot 3, 24 ft lumber 50e; 1 hour's labor 50c Robert Waller, Waller's sub, lot 1 of 2 of 1, 50 ft lumber $1.00; 1 hour's labor 50c .. First National Bank, Finley's, Waple's & Burton's add., w 1-2 lot 12, 24 ft lumber 60c; 1 hour's labor 50c Mrs. D. Gilliam, Kelley's sub, lot 27, 40 ft lumber SOc; 2 hours' labor $1.00 Bridget Whittemore, Union add, lot 74, 130 ft lumber $2.60; 1 hour's labor 50c Mrs. M. Langton, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub., lot 9, 25 ft lum- ber 50c: 1 hour's labor 50c . E. M. Kringle, sub 7, min lot 79c, lot 6, 52 ft lumber $1.05; 1 hour's labor 60c C. H. Eighmey, sub 2 of 8 min lot 159, s 1-2 lot 1, 25 ft lumber 60c; 1 hour's labor 60c Geo. Salot, Tivoli add., lot 21, 15 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's labor 50c Jno. Palen, sub 146 and 146a, L. H. Langworthy's add., lot 1, 25 ft lumber 50c; 1 hour's labor 50c Nic Glab, Ham's add., lot 261, 10 ft lumber 20c; 1 hour's labor 50c F. M. Robinson Est., Ham's add, lot 435, 22 ft lumber 45c; 1 hour's labor 50e Deming & Kiesel, min lot 466, lot 2, 67 ft lumber $1:35; 1 hour's labor 50c Susan Buehler, Ham's add., lot 269, 10 ft lumber 20c; 1 hour's• labor 500 Chas. Beyer Est., Hamburgh add, lot 6, 75 ft lumber $1.50; 1 hour's labor 60c John L. Buettell, Loetscher & Trueb's sub., lot 6, 22 ft lumber 45c; 1 hour's labor 50c A. Lorenz, sub 688, city, w 27, 9, 100 ft lumber $2.00; 1 hour's labor 50c ino. Babcock, Quigley's sub., lot 5, 16 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's labor 50c S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M Langworthy's sub., lot 9, 25 ft lumber 500; 1 hour's labor 60c. L. G. Hurd, sub 1 of 5 sub 11, 12 and 13, n e t-4 sec 13, 89, 2 lot 3 8 ft lumber 15c; 1 hour's labor 500 80 '75 2 20 65 187 1 2„ 1 3Y• 1 40 1 50 1 04 1 86' 3 10 1 00 1 55 1 00 80 Louis Vogt, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 139, 15 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's labor 50c Linwood Cemetery, sub 11, 12 and 13, n e 1-4 sec 13, 89, 2, lot 3 5 ft lumber 10c; 1 hour's labor 500 . W. G. Cox, min lot 90, lot 2, 1 00 70 95 1 85 70 2 00 95 2 50 80 100 65 80 60 c 18S Regular Session, September 7, 1899 65 ft lumber $1.30; 1 hour's la- bor 50c F. W. Coates, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, lot 39, 118 ft lum- ber $2.35; 2 hours' labor $1.00 Mrs. C. H. Henderson, Ann O'Hare's sub, s 64 n 84, lot 30, 16 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's labor 50c Chas. Bergner, sub min lot 80, lot 4, 40 ft lumber 80c; 1 hour's labor 50c Gilbert Perry Est., Nairn's add, lot 19, 8 ft lumber 15c; 1 hour's labor 50c Isaac Cleminson, sub 32, Wil- son's sub., lot 1, 60 ft lumber $1.20; 1 1-2 hours' labor 75c James M. Sullivan, Wilson's sub, lot 19, 25 ft lumber 50c; 1 hours' labor 50c Sidonia Hosford, sub 2 of 1 of 1 of Boxleiter's add., lot 1, 135 ft lumber $2.70; 2 hours' labor $1.00 T. Dillon, Stewart's sub., lot 4, 15 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's la- bor 50c E. C. Weimer, Guernsey & Langworthy's add, lot 6, 5 ft lumber 10c; 1 hour's labor 50c C., M. & St. P. Ry., East Dubu- que add., lot 246, 40 ft lumber 80c; 1 hour's labor 50c American Linseed Oil Co., city, s 1-2, lot 374, 20 ft lumber 40c; 1 hour's labor 50c W. J. Morgan et al., Dubuque Harbor Co. add., lot 6, block $, 275 ft lumber $5.50; 5 hours' Iabor $2.50 Jos. Reinfried, Marsh's add., lot 37, 35 ft lumber 70c; 1 hour's la- bor 50c Cath. Heeb, Marsh's add., lot 30, 5 ft lumber 10c; 1 hour's labor 50c J. Marshall, Davis' Farm add., lot 1 of 277, 40 ft lumber 80c; 1 hour's labor 50c V. A. Langworthy, East Dubu- que acid., lot 372, 70 ft lumber $1.40; 1 hour's labor 50c .. Reuben Lewis, sub 311, East Du- buque add, lot 1, 55 ft lumber $1.10; 1 hour's labor 50c .... . Chicago Great Western Ry., sub 9, L. Kniest's sub, lot 6, 142 ft lumber $2.85; 2 hours' labor $1.00 R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 247, 80 ft lumber $1.60; 1 hour's labor 50c R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 270. 128 ft lumber $2.55; 1 hour's labor 50c J. H. Shields et al, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, lot 2, sub w 1-2, block 10, 85 ft lumber $1.70; 2 hours' labor $1.00 Ed. Muntz, Dubuque Harbor Co. add, lot 1, sub w 1-2, block 19, 15 ft lumber 30c; 1 hour's labor 50c Geo. W. Kessel, Dubuque Har- bor Co. add, lot 6, sub 1-2, block 1 80 I 19, 13 ft lumber 25c; 1 hour's labor 50c.. . .. 7i R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale 3 35 ; add, lot 271, 170 ft lumber $3.40; 2 hours' labor $1.00 ...... 4 40 R. & E.. Langworthy, Glendale Add, lot 294, 82 ft lumber $1.65; 2 hours' labor $1.00 2 65 First Baptist Church, city, n 1 30 53.5, lot 466, 8 ft lumber 15c; 1 hour's labor 50c 6r Anna Schlenker, Dunn's sub, 65 8, 10 ft lumber 20c; 1 hour's la- bor 50c .. 7( John McDonald, H. T. McNulty's 1 95 , sub, s 89, lot 2, 48 ft lumber 95c; 2 hours' labor $1.00 1 95 80 1 00 3 70 Filed in recorder's office August 3rd, Notices given to marshal Aug. 9th, 1899. Adopted by the fololwing vote: Yeas -Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. SO Nayes-None. Ald. Wales brought up the matter of public parks, and moved that a com- mittee of three be appointed to ascer- 60 tain the cost of Linehan Park addi- tion for public park purpose. Car- ried. 1 3( The mayor appointed the following named as members of said committee: Ald-at-Large Wales, chairman. • Ald. McLaughlin, Second ward. Ald-at-Large Jones. Ald. Frith moved that a committee of threebe appointed to ascertain the cost of the old base ball park for public park purposes. Carried. The mayor appointed the following named as members of said committee: Ald. Frith, Fifth ward, chairman. 60 Ald. Duggan, First ward. Ald. Crawford, Fourth ward. 1h8tur. Ald. Crawford moved that the stree' commissioner be instructed to put all street torn up by the Dubuque Water company and the Key City Gas com- pany, that have not been restored to as good condition as originally by said companies, in good condition, keeping an accurate account of all such work and report to the council. Carried. Ald. Duggan stated the street rail- ways did not keep the streets between their tracks properly filled up and mov- ed that the street commissioner be in- structed to notify said street railway 2 1( companies to have said filling done. Carried. Assistant City Engineer Hyde re - 3 05 ported on the bids for the improve- ment of Lincoln avenue as follows: Steuck & Linehan, total amount, $574.10. 2 70 Peter Horsch, total amount, $623.25. Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to Steuck & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. 8C Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Duggan, 90 8 OC 1 20 1 30 1 9( 1 60 3 85 Regular Session, Septelnber 21,1899. 1st+ Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. On motion the council adjourned fot two weeks until Sept. 21st, 1499. Attest: Recorder /Z4 189 ayor Regular session, Septe er 21, 1899. (OFFICAL.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock Mayor Berg on the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. PETITIONS. Petition of the Dubuque Street Rail- way Co., by Linehan & Molo, asking that they be granted the privlege of ex- tending their street railway system on certain streets. On motion the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Also petition asking that that part of section No. 10 of an ordinance passed by the city council July 15th, 1897, and approved the 29th of said July be re- scinded. Wrereupon Ald. Duggan offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That, that part of Sec. 10 of an ordinance, providing for the extension of the right of the Du- buque Street Railway company to lay tracks and to maintain and overate a street railway over certain streets and public places in the city of Dubuque. Passed by the city council July 15, 1897, and aprpoved th 29th of said July as fol- lows: "And it is hereby expressly agreed and stipulated that said railway com- pany shall not encumber its railway lines or cther property by mortgage or otherwise to a greater amount than three hundred thousand dollars without the express consent and approval of the city council, be and is hereby rescinded. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Petition of the Governor Greys, Com- pany "A" 49th Regiment, Iowa National Guard by their captain, W. H. Thrift, asking city council to lease to them the armory situated in the Central En- gine house, on the same terms and con - p. M. ditions as was leased to the Governor'! Greys Co. "A" First Regiment 1. N, G. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition be referred to the committe of the whole. Captain Thrift being present was granted permission to address the coun- cil. Whereupon Ald. Duggan withdrew his motion and moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the mayor enter into contract with Capt. Thrift subject to the following agreement, that the sisters be allowed to use the Ar- mory for a period of fifteen (15) nights in the month of Nove7mber, 1899, for fair purposes. Carried. Communication of F. D: Stout propos- ing to give to the city of Dubuque for public park purposes the ground known as Nutwood Park. Ald. Crawford moved that the munication be referred to the mittee of the whole. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of M. Scheidecker asking for the use of two (2) feet of sidewalk to build a retaining wall abutting his lots, No. 31 and 32, in King Grove add. Petition of Jacob Nagel in relation to retaining wall on south end of Grove street abutting lot No. 16, in King Grove add. Petition, claim and original notice of Mrs. Margaret Rusch claiming the sum of two thousand dollars (82,000.00), as damages for personal injuries sus- tained by falling on a defective side- walk on the east side of Windsor av- enue. Ald. Flynn and claim be tee on claims ried. Claim and original notice of M. Tschirgi claiming the sum of Four Hundred and Ninety -Nine dollars ($499.00) of the city of Dubuque, bal- ance due him for grading Rush street. On motion the claim and original no- tice were referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Petition of Maurice T. Ahearn ask- ing that his taxes be canceled on the west 117 feet of lot No. 69, in Union ' add, for the year 1898. On motion the petition was referred to the delinquent tax committee. Communication of Hon. J. J. Ney acknowledging the resolution of thanks to Gov. Boles, Major Stanton and him- self passed by the city council Sept. 7th, 1899, was read and follows: Iowa City, Ia., Sept. 14th, 1899.' Capt. L. M. Langstaff, City Recorder, Dubuaue, Iowa.— Dear Sir: Your favor of the 12th Inst. communicating the resolution of thanks to Gov. Boles, Major Stanton, and myself, is at hand. Permit me to say that I am grateful to the members of the city council for this kind ex- iments. It was wlthsireg et on of tthat weheir t observed the di- com- com- moved that the petition referred to the commit - and city attorney. Car- 190 Regular Session, Septeiniter 21, 1899 vergence of the opinions of the ap- praisers, in the water 'works. case, as to the time when the value of the property should be ascertained, whether at the time, . as the compa- ny's appraisers contended, that the ap- praisers viewed the property, in July, or at the time of the expiration of the six months' notice of the eity's inten- tem to purchase, in February or March, as the city's appraisers con- tended. And whether anything should be allowed because of the inefficiency of the old plant, or, 'whether the city should pay the full cost of reproduc- ing the old plant at the present time, regardless of its inefficiency. These were the chief items of difference be- tween the appraisers. And while Ma- jor Stanton took the estimate of the city's experts he allowed the cost of reproduction at the time of viewing the property without deducting anything for inefficiency, and also, allowed the cost of making new improvements as of the time of the taking of the evi- dence instead of at the time that the contracts were made, as we contended, was the proper rule. There was no way to reconcile these differences between the appraisers. The appraises s for the city believed that having allowed the value of the prop- erty at the time of the expiration of the six months' notice, last March, and the cost of completing the new Work projected as of the time of mak- ing of the contracts therefore, and a liberal allowance for the labor and ex- pense of the company in making said contracts, that they would not be jus- tified in trying to reach Major Stan - ton's estimate, which was more than tine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,- 000.00), in excess of the value found by the city's appraisers; and the com- pany's appraisers estimate being more than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (4200,000.00), in excess of the city's appraisers, the difference seemed, and was, in fact, impossible to be recon- ciled. There was no other alternative but to disagree. . Although the appraisers did not .re- main in session long after it was ap- parent that agreement was impossible, our adjournment was not made hasti- ly nor without serious reflection and mature deliberation, and the only doubt that we had in the matter was whether the city council and the peo- ple would fully appreciate the earn- •estnees and deliberation given by us to the work of agreeing. We pursured the only course that .we thought, at the time, we could honorably adopt, .relying alone on our own judgment, and feeling that we alone were respon- sible for our acts. Not knowing, therefore, the opinoins of the council, pr of the people of Dubuque, your res- olution is timely, and I assure you is very much appreciated by your hum- ble servant. Yours very truly, JOHN J. NEY. Communication of the Trades and Labor Congress in relation to muni- cipal ownership of water works was read and follows: Dubuque, Iowa, :Sept. 11, 1899. .. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress at its meeting Sunday afternoon instructed me to for-. ward your honorable body a copy of resolutions passed at that meeting fa- voring municipal ownership of the wa- ter works, as follows: The congress unanimously adopted the following resolutions favoring municipal ownership of water works: As the municipal ownership of wa- ter works is the most important ques- tion now before the people of Dubuque and one in which all citizens should take an active and intelligent interest, the Dubuque Trades and Labor Con- gress desires to put itself on record in a public manner upon this issue, and desires to give some of the many reasons for its position, as follows: Water, like the air we breathe, is supplied by nature and not created by capital or labor, being absolutely neces- sary to life, and should be under the control of the people collectively and not subject to the caprice or avarice of any man or combination of men. The necessary conclusion of this is that the means of utilizing water should he owned and controlled by the whole people. It is hardly necessary to say that if the means of reaching the bounties of nature are owned by indi- viduals or corporations, the bounties, too, are monopolized and the people .are to a certain extent disinherited. Why should the people, the sovereign power, permit any person or combination of persons, however honorable they may be, to acquire or maintain a privilege that carries with it sufficient power to keep them in perpetual bondage. The sequence of these crudely stated fundamental principles are: First -7 he necessaries of life, we mean air and water in this instance, should remain in the sole control of those to whom they are of first and vital importance, and should never be permitted to become subject to specu- lation or profit. Second—If a private ^orporation can run a water works plant with profit, why cannot a public .corporation—the people in their collective capacity—run it with profit and in the interest of the public weal? Third -1f the premise of the case, as stated above, .is correct, is it not the duty of our municipal •government to seek by every legitimate and feasible means to control the supply of water of the city of Dubuque? What this practicable and might be profitable is proven by the success of experiments in this direction now in operation in many cities, not only in this country, but in Europe. The best evidence of the ability of Regular Session, September 21, 1899 the city to acquire and maintain water works, without loss to taxpayers and with profit to the city treasury, is con- tained in the proposition of a respon- sible Orin to construct a water plant here at a cost not to exceed $400,000, and to accept as interest 'upon the same for a term of from one to twenty years, the rental now paid for water plugs for city use. Here is a propo- sition for a 'self-sustaining water sys- . tem, leaving the profit from rentals to private consumers to go to the city in the way of making other improve- ments and reduced the burdens of taxpayers. • For these reasons the Dubuque .Trades and Labor Congress earnestly requests the city council to persevere in its efforts to devise some plan by which the city may directly supply the people with water, without the inter- vention of any individual or corpora- tion: • •Therefore the Trades and Labor Congress without reference to any in- dividual or corporate interests, wishes to go on record as favoring municipal ownership of said water works and res- pectfully petitions the mayor and city council to use their consistent and able efforts in favor of city ownership, and we hereby pledge ourselves, to the best of our ability, to carry out these recommendations. The secretary was instructed to for- ward a copy of the above resolutions to the mayor and council of this city. lioping you will give this matter your earnest attention, I remain, Respectfully yours, W. T. BEALS, Secretary Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress. Ald. Duggan moved that the com- munications be received and made a part of the records of the city coun- cil. Carried. .Petition of John Specht, asking city to make an apppropriation of two hun- dred and fifty dollars ($250.00) to aid in .the maintenance and operation of the steamer Zeal. Ald. Crawford moved that he be al - .owed the sum of one hundred dollars ($140.00) providing he will run said steamer Teal until the close of naviga- tion. Ald. Duggan moved a. substitute that Ole petition be received and filed. Substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. fotaF4.tl' and Nays—.Aids. Crawford, Jones. Total 3. Petition of Peter Delfs et al., asking -that an are •light be placed at the in- tersection of Sheridan street and Law- .ther avenue. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the petition be received and filed: Carried by the following vote: Mc- Laughlin Duggan. Flynn, Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Mayor Berg presented and read let- ters from Hon. Wm. B. Allison, D. B. Henderson and A. Mackenzie, acting chief of engineers, Washington, D. C., in relation to unexpended balance of $4,503.99, from the appropriation made by the river and harbor act of July 5th, 1884, for completing ice harbor at Du- buque, Iowa. On motion said letters were referred to the committee of the whole. ' OFFICER'S REPORTS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and • City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor on streets for the first half of September, 1899. Amount due laborers, $1223.60. Respectfully Submitted. ' JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner Ald. Jones moved that the pay -roll he received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on streets for the first half of September, 1899, and the pay- roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay -roll for labor for grading streets for the first half of September, 1899. Total amount due laborers, $333.35. Respectfully Submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the pay -roll be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Street Cominisisoner Boyce in charge of the sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay -roll for the first half of September, 1899. Amount due laborers, $153.40. Respectfully Submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay -roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay la- borers on sewers and the pay -roll refer- red back to the committe on sewers. The special committee, to whom had been referred the petition of the Du - High Bridge company reported as fol, lows: Dubuque, September, 21, 1899. Yopr Special committee to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque High Bridge company, beg leave to re- port, that we can verify the statement of receipts and disbursements and would pre- sented in their pe be therefore grantede and the taxes oend that f petition the Du- 192 Regular Session, September 21, 1899. buque High Bridge company for year 1898, be cancelled. C. H. BERG, E. O. DUNCAN, , F. B.-HOFFMAN. Special Committee. Aid. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried. ' T, 1 a bide for the imorolgifA.t f High. (';ridge avenue. from Bell street to Levee front and Levee frons from High Bridge avenue to., «Wa11 street. vi\vete intetrgTfi " and on motion were op—Fifer and referred to City Engineer 'Blake for computation., A commit- tee -consisting of J. J. McCarthy, Jas. McFadden and Hugh Corrance, from the executive committee of the street fair and carnival, being present, Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be sus- pended and the gentlemen be heard. Carried. J. J. McCarthy addressed the council, stating that the carnival committee had arranged for an exhibition of street building and asked the co-operation of the council. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- quest be granted, and the matter be re- fered to the street committee with power. Ald. Duggan moved to amend the mo- tion by adding two additional members to the committee, making one from each ward. The amendment was lost by the following vote: Nays—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Ald. Wales declined to vote The original motion was then put and carried. The report of the purchasing commit- tee was read and follows: Your purchasing committee, in ac- cordance with instructions of the com- mittee of the whole, have advertised for bids for furnishing the various de- partments of the city for one year with oats, hay, hard and soft coal, coke and wood. Said bids were received up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday Sept. 21, 1899. We herewith submit to the council, th said bids, (unopened) for your con- sideration. the I C. H. BERG, WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Purchasing Committee. On motion the report was received and the bids opened and computed. Even & Fuchs bid was found the low- est, and follows: No. 1 oats at 35c per bushel for. 35 lbs. No. 1 timothy hay in bales $10.00 per ton. Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to Even & Fuchs. Carried. Ald. erawford moved that all bids for coal, coke and wood be referred' to the purchasing committee with power. Car- ried. REPORT OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Wales of the finance committee reported as follows: Your committee on finance respect- fully recommends the adoption of the following re'olution: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the mayor be and is hereby authorized and required for the purpose of providing for the cost and expense of constructing a sanitary sewer in the following street in the city of Dubuque, to -wit: Alpine street, from West Third street to lot line between lots 20 and 21, in Julia L. Langworthy's addition. To issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted May 19th, 1898, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, a bond to the amount of $175.70, and numbered 9, dated October 2, 1899, payable seven years after date, or at anytime before said date at the option of the city of Dubuque, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, papable semi-annually, both principal and in- terest payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Ia. That when said bond is issued and registered it shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer, to be applied by hint in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted May 19th, 1898, and said com- mittee shall report its doings hereun- der to the city council. Aid. Wales moved to adopt the re- port and resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Wales, of the finance commit- tee, offered and read a resolution in relation to the tax levy for the year 1899. Ald. Crawford moved to refer the resolution to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Wales, of the finance commit- tee, also offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the services of Mr. Alphons Matthews and Mr. J. C. Longueville be dispensed with on this day and that a settlement be made with them for services performed as attorneys in the late arbitration of the city of Dubuque vs. Dubuque Water company. Ald. McLaughlin moved to refer the resolution to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the coni - mittee on fire, reported as follows: Your committee on fire, to whom was referred the petition. of C. H. Fischer, et al., in relation to extension of water mains, respectfully recommend that the Water company be instructed to extend their mains in Broadway exten- sion from Diagonal to Grove street. C. E. WALES, RUDOLPH JONES. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Regular Session, September ::1, ! '1;►. 1`,13 .\I(1. Wales also presented the follow- ing resolution which was adopted: ltesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city re- corder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for veterinary ser- vices (including medicines) for the horses of the fire, police and street de- partments, and all horses owned and used by the city for one year, com- mencing October 1, 1899, and ending October 1, 1900. Aid. McLaughlin of the committee of the whole reported as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the report of C. H. Berg, Thos. 11. Duffy, Alphons Matthews, Thos. F. Maguire and J. C. Longue- ville, special committee on matter of procuring municipal ownership of the water works for the city, respectfully recommend the adoption of the follow- ing resolution: The resolution follows: Whereas, A large majority of the people of the city of Dubuque are in favor of the city owning and operating the water works system, by which the city and its inhabitants can at all times be supplied with pure water in sufficient quantities for all and every purpose, and in deference to such pub- lic sentiment and in accordance with the provisions of the present water company's charter, the city council is attempting to secure the purchase of the present water works system and to have the same operated by the city and in doing so an arbitration was had which resulted in a disagreement, therefore, Be it resolved, That the special com- mittee consisting of the mayor and city's attorneys, to whom we referred the matter of securing municipal ownership of the Dubuque Water works, be authorized and directed to bring any and all suits and to take any and all action necessary, to secure such municipal ownership, and such committee report its action to tha council from time to time. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report and resolution. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, presented and read a minority report on the special committee's report on the matter of procuring municipal ownership of the water works signed P. W. Crawford and Rudolph Jones and moved that the minority report be adopted in lieu of the majority report. Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute that the minority report be laid on the table. The substitute of Ald. Duggan carried by the following voVte- •Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Aids. Crawford and Jones. Total 2. Ald. Frith excused from voting. The question recurring po report the adop- tion of the majority Ald. McLaughlin was carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—.\lds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Crawford and Jones. Total 2. Ald. Frith excused from voting. The motion for the adoption of Ald. McLaughlin's resolution was then put and carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Crawford and Jones. Total 2. Ald. Frith excused from voting. Ald. Duggan moved that the minority report be not published in the council proceedings. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin of the committee of the whole reported as follows: Your committee of the whole res- pectfully recommends that the com- munication of the Seckner Contracting company in relation to the construc- tion of a new water works plant and system be referred to the special com- mittee on water works heretofore ap- pointed by the council, such commit-. tee to investigate and report to the council as to the right of the city to enter into a contract for the putting in of a new water works system to be owned and operated by the city, the cost at which a suitable and efficient system could be built anu put in opera tion and any and all other facts in connection with municipal ownership of water works that may assist the council in determining the advisability of the city building and operating a new water works. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Aid. Wales reported that the First ward scales building was in need of repairs and moved that the matter he referred to Alderman -at -Large Jones to estimate the cost of repairs and report to the council. Carried. Ald. Frith stated that Fifth avenue needed some repairs. Ald. Crawford moved that the mat- ter of repairs on 5th avenue be refer- red to the committee of the whole with power to expend not to exceed $100. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol - low's fot rurp }1gdlight Bridge ave- nttefrom Bell street to levee front: John Tibey, total $2,301.34 Steuck & Linehan, total 2,233.80 Janes Street, total 2,116.24 Peter Horch, total 2,531.00 Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to James Street, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Also reported as follows for paving Levee front_^^ ir' q Rri lee Ave nue o a 1 street: StTt &—Ztirertall, repressed brick, total $3,882.00 Steuck & Linehan, standard brick, total 3,662.00 194 Regular Session, September 21, 1899, 5 Ald. McLaughlip moved that the contract be awarded to Steuck and v ' J Linehan, on repressed brick, they be- `(ing the only bidders. , Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, )Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The list of names for the appoint- ment of register clerks of the different wards of the city was read. Three (3) names for each precinct by each chair- man of the republican and democratic city central committee was presented. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the first named on the democratic list for each precinct be selected. Carried. Ald. Crawford made the same mo- tion for the republican list which was carried. The following named were appointed clerks of registration: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—F. E. O'Laughlin and Robert Pier. Second Precinct—Jas. Hannon and Julius Lippman. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Chas. La Barge and Phil Pier, Jr. Second Precinct—Frank Schaefle and W. H. Baxter. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—P. B. Hoffman and Sam Rice. Second Precinct—Frank Hoffman and Otto Geiger. Third Precinct—Leo Palen and Adam Doerr, Jr. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—J. P. Cooney and W. S. Wood. Second Precinct—Wm. Graham and T. 13. Cain. Third Precinct—J. P. Norton and Henry Wybrant. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Dan Lyons and A. J. H. Tuegel. Second Precinct—Herman Brinkman and Jno. Meyer. Third Precinct—Fred Marguard and Chas. F. Arndt. Fourth Precinct—Frank Mihm and C. B. Scherr. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offeree( the following: Resolved, That the street commis- sioner under the supervision of the street committee be authorized to ex- pend the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in the improvement of Willow street. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque to construct a sanitary sewer in Hill street, and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in the same Hill street as follows, to -wit: An eight (8) inch tile pipe sewer from present terminus of sewer to a point 80 feet south. Therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications show- ing the locations and general nature of such improvement, the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the cost thereof, with the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to, or abutting thereon, per front foot, or square feet in area, and to file such plat. specifications and estimate in the office of the city recor- der. That after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the official newspaper of the city, the notice pro- vided for in section No. 6 of the ordi- nance relating to the construction of sewers, adopted May 19th, 1898, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next reg- ular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Crawford moved that the coun- cil adjourn until October 5th, 1899. Carried. Attest: 4% .1.. Approved .Recorder 189 Mayor Special Session Septeie:er 2Sth, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 9 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg In the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Mayor Berg stated that the object of the special session was to consider the report of the committee of the whole, to whom had been referred the resolu- tion offered by Ald. Wales at the coun- cil session September 21st, 1899, in re- lation to the tax levy for the year 1899, and the consideration of the redemp- tion of street improvement bonds. Ald. Wales, of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: We, your committee of the .whole, to whom was referred the resolution offered Sept. 21st, in rela- tion to the tax levy for the year 1899, respectfully recommend the adoption of the same. 1 Special Session, September 28, 1899. The resolution follows: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the following taxes for the year 1899, for the following purposes, be lev- ied as provided by law, on all taxable property within the limits of said city for the respective number of mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in said city as set out below: General fund, 4 3-10 mills. Bond fund, 2 mills. Fire fund, 1 5-10 mills. Tax for gas and electric light and power, 1 2-10 mills. And be it further resolved, that a tax for water of 1 mill on the dollar of the assessed valuation be levied upon all property benefited by the sup- ply of said water, as determined by ac- tion of the city council. Signed C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, RUDOLPH JONES. Ald. Wales moved the adoption of the report and resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent-Ald. Duggan. Approved Sept. 29th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Wales of the finance commit- tee offered the following resolution: Your committee on finance respect- fully recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city treas- urer be and is hereby instructed to call in the following described im- provement bonds to -wit: Bonds No. 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, and 235 seven years, 5 per cent., dated Feb- ruary lst, 1893, each $500.00-$11,500 00 Bonds No. 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, and 288 seven years, 5 per cent., dated August 1st, 1893, each $500.00 7,000 00 Bonds No. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, seven years, 5 per cent., dat- ed June lst, 1895, each $1,000.00 13,000 00 Bonds No. 88, 89, 90, seven years, 5 per cent., dated Au- gust 13, 1895, each $1,000.00 Bond No. 126, seven years, 5 per cent date Nov. 18th, 1895 Bond No. 11, seven years, 5 per cent., dated June 1st, 1896 Bond No. 35, seven years, 5 per cent., dated October 5th, 1896 Bond No. 41, seven years, 5 per cent., dated November 19A 18th, 1896 1,0110 00 Bond No. 53, seven years, 5 per cent., dated April 1st, 1897 1,000 00 Bonds No. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70, seven years, 5 per cent., Sept. 2nd, 1897, each 91000.00 6,000 00 Total ........ 346,000 00 And that he be ordered to pay for same out of money in the special im- provement bond fund, and that in- terest on said bonds cease on the 5th day of October, 1899. C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, RUDOLPH JONES. Ald. Wales moved the adoption of the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent -Aid. Duggan. Approved Sept. 29th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Wales moved to adjourn. Carried. ...Recorder 3,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 Approved L1r -r ' f 18 LIST OF WARRANTS. Yeyor City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 1, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1899: C. H. Berg, salary mayor 3116 65 H. B. Gniffke, salary treasurer133.35 H B Gniffke, ass't. treas 75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder116 65 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor125 00 Edw Morgan, salary 'Marshal83 35 Jos Reinfrled, salary fire chief100 00 W Fitzpatrick, salary committee clerk Wm A Keep, salary clerk in re- corder's office Edw Herron, salary as clerk in 50 00 treasurer's office Edw C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, salary as assistant en- gineer Pat Cassidy, salary as chainman. 40 00 J Boyce, salary street com- missioner 95 00 1! 11H List of Warrants. Wm Hippman, salary as electric- ian 83 30 Otto Rath, salary as market mas- ter 50 00 T Cahill, salary as park custod- ian 40 00 P Kien, salary as park custodian 40 00 E A Guilbert, salary as health officer ... 50 00 Sam Starr, salary as sanitary patrolman 60 00 N Offerman, salary as pound master 45 00 Mrs H Koenig, salary as jani- tress 20 00 L Zeidman, ,salary as sidewalk inspector 50 00 it F Curran, wharfmaster 20 00 M Eitel, salary fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00 J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 J Tschudi, fireman 50 00 .T Daily, fireman 60 00 J Barnes, fireman 75 00 T Ryder, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 60 00 \V Ducey, fireman 60 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 50 00 C Clark 50 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 Tom Walker, fireman 60 00 43eo Helmrich, fireman 50 00 J McFarland, fireman 50 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 F Murphy, fireman 50 00 A McDonald, fireman 75 00 J Jones, fireman.... .............. 50 00 J Murphy, fireman 60 00 F Ganahl, fireman 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 50 00 W Quinn 16 50 C Hannon, fireman 60 CO Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Robt Weston, fireman 50 0n Wni McBride, fireman + 50 00 Win Keas, sub -fireman 14.95 Gen Burke), police 50 00 Nic Brandt, police 35 50 Jas Carter, police 50 00 Jas Clune, police 50 00 Jno Cody, police 50 00 M Craugh. police ....... 50 00 P Durnphey, police .... ............ 50 00 H Donlon, police 50 00 Jno Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas Flynn, police 50 00 P Hanlon, police 50 00 W Henessey, police 50 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M Kilty, police 50 00 Jno Loetscher, police.:.... 60 00 P McCnllins, police 50 00 P Mclnerny, police. 50 00 Edw Moore, police 60 00 Jno Murphy, police 60 00 P Mulligan, police 60 00 J J Murphy, police 75 00 Dan Norton, police....... 50 00 M O'Connor, police.... 60 00 Aug Pfeffer, police 60 00 Pat Powers, police 60 00 T Reilly, police 60 00 Jas. Rooney, police 50 00 Jno Raesli, police .. 60 00 P Scharff, police 50 00 Al T Scherr, police .. 50 00 P Sutton, police.... 50 00 P Sullivan, police 50 00 J Sullivan, police 50 00 Thos Sweeney, police 50 00 J J Tierney, police 50.00 Jos Tyler, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00 Miss B Brennan, police matron30 00 Earnest Amenda, labor 11.85 Joe Broulette, labor 8 10 Joe Blocklinger. labor 2 70 S. Bastian, labor . 6 75 Paul Becker, labor 10 80 Mike f,eckius, labor 9 45 John Brachtenbach, labor 4 75 Chas. Busse, labor 2 40 Joe Brown, labor 17 55 Mike Cain, labor 8 10 Hugh Connell, labor 10 80 It. conlin, labor 2 70 I;n lin Carmody. labor 9 80 Mat Crahan, labor 8 10 Dave Crotty, labor 70 John Corbett, labor 13 50 Wm. Carberry. labor 6 75 James Connelly, labor 17 55 John Daugherty, labor 9 45 Mike Dunnigan, labor 1 35 Pat Dempsey, labor 16 20 Peter Dax, labor 7 80 Steve Dorsey 19 50 James Enright, labor 10 80 Pat Furey, labor 2 70 Mat Fetschel, labor 12 15 Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55 John Earley, labor 20 00 H. Fleck, labor 75 00 N. Frith, labor 50 00 Peter Gregory, labor 2 70 John Girst, labor 8 10 Joe Gunther, labor 4 75 Geo. Gau, labor 5 40 Joe Grabb, labor .. 6 75 B. Glass, labor 4 05 C. Gantenbein, labor 20 00 John Hanley, labor 4 05 Mike Houps, labor 7 10 Jake Hanson, labor .. 17 00 A. Henderson, labor 8 10 Aug. Haffaman, labor 12 50 M. Hardie, labor 17 55 John Hayes, labor 20 00 Janes Hird, labor 16 50 Aug. Jags, labor 10 80 Adama Jaeger, labor 1 35 Hubert Kehr, labor 17 55 Paul Kroekeski, labor 6 75 Fred Krueger, labor 6 75 Wm. Kronfeldt, labor 7 $u Asa Knapp, labor 1 35 Pat Kenneally, labor 20 00 John Kinsella, labor 20 00 Mat Kline, labor 12 50 John Laughlin, labor 3 05 J. J. Lavery, labor .... 8 10 Mike Lavin, labor 7 10 John Lavin, labor 8 10 H. Lembke, labor 13 50 List of Warrants. M. Lonergan, labor Pat Moran, labor ...... Robt. Mack, labor .... Tom Mulqueeney, labor John Mullen, labor Joe Matteneck, labor John McCarren, labor Mike McMahon, labor Wm. McDermott, labor Dennis McGinness, labor Wm. McClain, labor T. I. McDonald, labor .Anthony McGuan, labor Mat McNamara, labor B. McCormack, labor Jas. McCracken, labor Felix McBride, labor Robt. McGovern, labor Phil. Newman, labor Mike O'Meara, labor .. Pat O'Brien, labor .. Felix Oswald, labor Wm. O'Brien, labor Jas. Purcell, labor Jas. Powers, labor John Pfeiffer, labor Wm. Quinlan, labor Pat. Quinn, labor Joe Rooney, labor Tom Reilly, labor Pat Ryan, labor Mat Raiseck, labor Chas. Reilly, labor J. Reed, labor Geo. Rink, labor Mike Sullivan, labor Mike Shea, labor M. S. Sughrue, labor Dan Sheehan, labor John B. Stevens, labor Geo. Sutter, labor Frank Scherr, labor .. John Spies, labor Wm. Schwagler, labor Wm. Sheridan, labor Landon Taylor, labor Rich Turner, labor Wm. Welsh, labor John Welsh, labor Peter Weist, labor R. Willmon, labor Ed. Welsh, labor Nick Wampack, labor Herman Weber, labor V. Zachena, labor Fred Zurshoff, labor Geo. Zumhoff, labor Ike Beekman, team Joe Calvert, team Tom Casey, team John Calvert, team B. Cain, team John Decker, team Tom Elliott, team Ed. Frith, team John Huffineir, team H. C. King, team Mat Kenneally, team John Long, team A. W. Miller, team Frank Mathis, team Chas. McGovern, team Jeff McGrath, team J. J. McCollins, team Mrs. Quinlivan, team Mike Reiordan, team a -4011e- 17 55 8 10 11 85 8 10 6 40 8 10 2 70 2 70 9 45 8 10 5 40 4 05 7 45 2 70 1 35 8 10 17 55 40 00 17 55 8 10 4 05 1 35 20 00 8 80 5 40 9 45 1 35 12 00 19 50 8 10 13 50 6 75 8 45 4 05 5 40 6 10 2 70 8 10 16 00 7 10 8 10 9 45 14 50 9 45 20 00 6 75 9 45 7 80 2 40 16 90 5 40 11 50 9 45 3 75 10 80 5 40 15 00 17 50 2 50 17 50 7 50 20 00 25 00 20 00 11 90 28 15 17 50 18 75 21 25 7 50 20 00 7 50 20 00 10 65 2 50 1 25 Geo. Reynolds, team Henry Schmidt, team Frank Seige, team Geo. Scott, team Jno. Sigworth, team Ed. Seeley, team Sam Snodgrass, team M. Theise, team Otto Turner, team STREETS FOR LAST HALF JULY, 1899. Thos. Butcher, labor 19 50 Wm. Clark, labor 18 00 Dennis Corcoran, labor 19 1' Rich Caffrey, labor 19 50 Ben Fern, labor 25 50 Nick Fisher, labor 28 7:0 Pat Fitzgerald, labor 1 35 Joe Geisland, labor 18 00 Joe Gavin, labor 19 50 Chas. Grunzig, labor 1 35 Jas. Harker, labor 19 50 John Kelly, labor 2 70 Christ Lorhman, labor 29 40 Joe Marteneck, labor 5 40 Jas. McCleran, labor 7 50 Chas. McDonaugh, labor .. 1 15 Jas. McCracken, labor .. 5 40 Pat. McPoland, labor 4 05 Jas. O'Farrell, labor 32 50 John Parker, labor 16 50 Phil. Reddin, labor 2 70 Peter Stoffer, labor 2 7U Lew Smith, labor 4 U5 Wm. Howard, team 17 50 C. McElrath, team 15 00 10 Dillon Southerland, team 10 00 00 Jas. Tobin, team 20 80 Ed. Brunskill, labor Frank DeGeorge, labor 18 40 20 80 Sam Elmer, labor 19 20 Pat Furey, labor 20 80 M. Flynn, labor 20 80 C. Hillary, labor 0 Joe Lowrie, labor 20 80 20 80 Jas. Ryan, labor 25 80 R. T. Eddy, labor 50 00 T. F. Maguire, asst. atty Gott. Gmehle, asst. assessor 75 00 J. J. Murphy, aest. assessor 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners.... 12 £0 M. Florey, witness fees case o! 1 35 Wilberding vs. City C. Butler, witness case Mc- 6 6v Mahon vs. City Trexler Bros, livery hire in water works case 22 0091 5 Jas Kelly, stationery 7 85 Bieg & Rood, stationery Key City Gas Co., gas for vari- 31 ;4 ous offices Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta56 50 tionery M. H. McCloskey, painting patrol house M. H. McCloskey, papering ma -- 10 30 M. 10 70 s quarters H.M. McCloskey, balance due10 00 painting city hall R. Hager, repairing scales Rhom- } 10 berg avenue Alphonse Matthews, services as special attornei in water works 50) 00 case J. C. Longueville, services as special attorney in water works 85 19 40 15 00 13 75 20 00 20 00 15 00 1 90 1 25 OF 198 List of Warrants. case 500 00 Marty Bros., repairing West Du • - buque scales .. 34 50 H. Kiley, shingling city pound, $31.80, and 4th street engine shed, $6.40 J. Hecker, repairs at 9th street engine house M. Mullen. repairing gas Jet mayor's office E. J. Schilling, repairing drive way at Central engine house15,65 Christman & Healey, new lawn mower rake Christman & Healey, hardware for road department lt. L. Spellenberg, repairing roofs city hall. $11.20, and patrol house. $1.50 A. J. Grine, plastering matron's quarters Mrs. Hensler, cleaning and scrubbing offices 13 25 (:.'has. Oswald, water pails and cups for council chamber . 1 90 A. 11. Mackenzie. photographs of defective Nvalks 10 00 J. F. Itis & ('o., 1-2 dozen driking cups 60 Homan & Itoehl, desk and chair for recorder's office 39 25 Jas. Levi & Co., matting for as- sessor's office 13 30 Carr, Ryder & Adams, screen door for street commissioner2 05 Jos. W. Wittmer, drugs for city hall 2 45 Marlin-Str•clau Co., coke for steam roller 52 60 Key ('ity Gas Co., coke for steam roller 52 35 Key City Gas Co., gas for road department ... 5 20 Bock & Reed, new tools $15.00, and repairing old tools 16 10 Jno. Harney, repairing tools for road department 65 D. B. Lenehan, repairing tools for road department . 410 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for road department 20 00 .A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department 1 80 Kna.pp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber for road department 46 55 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum- ber Co.. lumber for road de- partment 40' 45 P: J. Seippel, lumber for road department 36, 70 Carr. Ryder & Adams Co., wood for steam roller 2 00 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for road department 2 25 Hudxman & Lies, hardware for road department 1 15 L. Lindenberg, hardware for road department 4.80 F. M. Jaeger & (lo:, hardware for road department 3 40 G. F. Klein, hardware for road department 4 45 Duggan. Sullivan & Cote, hard- ware for road department 5 05 38 20 9 30 95 9 00 16 50 12 7Q 5 50 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair- ing steam roller 51 80 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairing steam roller 10 00 Wm. Marshall, repairing steam roller 2 20 Howard Oil and Grease Co., oil for steam roller .. 15 40, Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., packing for steam roller 1 40 Linehan & :Nolo,. white waste for steam roller 2 50 Jno. Becker, rock for street crossings 10 40 C. Hagge. Bluff filling 45 W. J. Brown, copper wire and batteries for electrician 55 55 Police Telegraph & Signal Co., 2 pair chain dropper Magnets6 00 Key ('ity Gas Co.. gas for vari- ous engine houses 79 85 Ney City Gas Co., coke for fire department 16 25 Byrne Bros., use for horse for fire department 7 50 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs at 4th and 18th street engine • houses 2 75 Jno. Butt, repairs at 4th and 18th street engine houses 5 10 A. Wunderlich. horse shoeing for fire department 3 90 Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing for fire deparement 12 90 W. B. Baumgartner, 2 doz lan- tern globes for tire department 1 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 35 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for fire department 3 50 Dubuque Water Co, 388 hydrants for July 1408 33 Noonan Bros., use of carry -all. for police patrol .... 62 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for police department 38 90 J. W. Wittmer, chamois and sponges for police department. 2 20 Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap for po- lice department .. 45 M Schmitt, elnpty cask for sewer department 1 25 Jno. Butt, repairing tools for police department 2 28 Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, 2 dozen cups for fountains 2 00 hey ('ity Gas Co., gas for en- gineer's office 5 20 Globe -Journal, official printing' for July 50' 00 lithe Herald, official printing 50 00 National Demokrat, official print ing for July .. 25 00. Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for July 60 00 Dubuque Telegraph weekly coun- cil proceedings, $3.00: and health reports, $3.50 ... Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for July 1798 20 Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for July , 166. 6.7 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for July193 45. 6 50 List of. W*ttaitte. Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for garbage department 1 60 Palmer, WInall & Co., blank sta- tionery for health department H. B. Gniffke, ref. exc. permits5 H. B. Gniffke, interest on war- rants 36 H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps1 H. B. Gniffke, New York ex- change, 58c; and freight charges $2.39 Earnest Amenda, labor John Burns, labor Paul Becker, labor 1 John Brachtenbock, labor 1 Chas Busse, labor 1 Joe Brown, labor 16 20 Fred Budde, labor 12 50 Mike Beckius, labor 3 40 Peter Carney, labor Mat Crahan, labor Dave Crotty, labor Martin Carmody, labor John Corbett, labor Chas Campman, labor Wm Carberry, labor Jas. Connelly. labor Dennis Corcoran, labor John Daugherty, labor Steve Dorsey, labor Steve Dorsey (Sunday) labor.... Peter Dax, labor Steve Eustice, labor Pat Furey, labor 810 John Flynn, labor 10 15 Pat Fenelon, labor 16 20 John Farley, labor 20 00 John Girst, labor 15 90 John Gearing, labor Joe Grabb, labor Joe Gunther, labor Peter Gunther, labor C. Gantenbein, labor John Hanley, labor John Heafey, labor Chris Heck, labor Mike Hoapes, labor Jake Hanson, labor Aug. Haffaman Mike Hardie, labor Jas Hird, labor John Hayes, labor Aug. Jass, labor Hubert Kehr, labor Fred Krueger, labor Wm. Kronfeldt, labor Asa Knapp, labor John Kinsella, labor Jolla Kinsella, labor Pat Kennally, labor Matt Klein, labor Mike Latin. labor Martin Lonergan, labor Herman Lembitee, labor 74obert Love, labor Pat ,Moran, labor John Malo'e, labor Robert :Week, labor It'obert Mack, labor 'Tom Muloneeney, labot Joe Jlarteneck, labor Ei. Minor, labor Wm. McClain, labor Mike McKeown-, labor John McCarron, labor 19% Anthony McGuan, labor Mat McNamara, labor B. McCormack, labor 5 50 Jas. McCracken, labor 5 00 Pat McPoland, labor Felix McBride, labor 6 00 ! Phil. Newman, labor 0 75 Pat O'Brien, labor 2 06 6 10 9 45 6 45 3 40 12 15 16 20 9 45 Mike O'Mearra, labor 9 45 Felix Oswald, labor 13 85 2 07 Wm. O'Brien, labor 9 45 John Pfeiffer, labor 8 Bo John Pfeiffer, labor 3 20 Chas. Peters, labor 5 90 • \\'m. Quinlan, labor 5 90 Mat Raiseck, labor Phil. Reddin, labor Chas. Reilly, labor Joe Rooney, labor Joe Rooney, labor r;e0. Rink, labor Al. S. Sughrue, labor \\'m. Spensley, labor r;eu. Sutter, labor .John Spies, labor 8 10 frank Scherr, labor 16 20 Dan Sheehan, labor 2 00 Peter Stoffer, labor . 1 35 Lew Smith, labor 18 00 Wm. Sehwagler, labor 2 00 Simon Schaetzle, labor R 8 10 m. Sheridan, labor 2 70 Landon Taylor, labor 14 20 9 80 6 45 10 50 14 55 9 45 20 00 2 70 2 00 1 35 6 75 16 20 4 75 5 10 19 50 2 00 6 75 70 2 70 12 85 14 00 16 20 10 50 7 45 7 45 2 40 ^, 40 20 00 3 40 A. A. Thompson, labor 1 35 John Welsh, labor 7 45 Peter 1,Weist, labor 15 90 John 'Wolf, labor 2. 70 Herman Weber, labor 9 45 Wm. Wearmouth, labor ......... 1 35 11 85 1 35 2 70 15 90 19 50 16 20 70 14 20 4 75 7 45 13 50 9 45 16 20 4 o5 2 70 13 50 16 20 2 70 1 35 15 90 Nick Wampack, labor 9 45 \\"m. 'Weber, labor 12 85 V. Zachena, labor 12 85 Fred Zurshoff, labor 2000 Geo. Zumhoff, labor 7 45 Ike Beekman, labor 6 75 Joe Calvert, labor .. 8 10 John Calvert, labor 1 35 Tom Casey, labor 9 50 John Decker, labor 15 55 -d. Frith, labor .. 16 20 M. Gantenbein, labor 19 50 John Huffineire, labor 20 00 Win. Howard, labor 4 05 M. Hannon, labor 15 55 H. C. King, labor 16 20' Mat Kenneally, labor 13 50 John Long, team .. J. G. Moore, team lg 50 Jeff McGrath. team ......•• 16 20 McElrath Teaming Co., teats7 4.5 17 55 13 50 14 s:, 12 15 25 00 2 70 10 50 13 50 2 25 6 75 2 00 20 00 20 00 12 50 8 10 16 20 9 15 12 40 1 35 7 45 6 75 200 6 10 6 45 5 10 :3 40 8 80 s 10 J. J. McCol}ins, team . Chas. 1ticGovern, team Mrs. Quinlivan, team Geo. Scott, team Otto Turner. team M. Theis, team John Williams. team Tom Butcher. labor.. .. Dennis Corrance, labor Vino. Clark. labor 15 00 Rich Caffery, labor.... .......... 50 M. Hannon, labor 1315 50 Ben Fern, labor Krick Fisher, labor .. ............ . 3 ra 10 Joe GeisTand, labor• • 90., • Joe Gavin. labor .......... • • 11 65 200 Official Notices. las Harker, labor Jake Hanson, labor C. Lohrman. labor JELL McLaren, labor Jas. McCracken, labor Jas. O'Farrell. labor John Parker, labor John Spies, labor 14 25 10 00 3 75 12 00 9 00 26 25 15 00 1 50 Wm. Howard, labor 18 90 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF AUGUST, 1899. Ed. B ru n s ki l 1, labor...... .. 20.80 Sam Elmer, labor 20 80 Frank DeGeorge, labor 20 80 Pat Furey, labor 20 80 Morris Flynn, labor.. ..... 20 80 Chas. Hillery, labor 20 80 Joe Lowrie, labor . d... 20 80 Jas. Ryan, labor 20 80 Dan Sheehan, labor........ 9 00 R. T. Eddy, labor.... 25 00 WITNESS IN WATER CASE IN BE- HALF OF CITY. Jno. Morrison Wm. Luther A. W. Hosford Wm. Quigley W. A. Leathers C. B. Trewin J. F. Healy J. L. Buetell W. H. Guiford ........ .... . Jas. Beach .... Geo. Osborn.. .. .. Jno. Spencer G. F. Guilbert D. W. Rand Hardie & Scharlie, printing ab- stract of testimony in water works case 416 25 J. R. Lindsay, services as com- missioner in Water works case. 175 80 Iowa Iron Works, blue prints of water main in Water works case . 16 80 D. S. Wilson, short hand re- porter in Water works case245 50 Julien House, board and rooms for appraisersin Water works case 38 25 Byrne Bros., livery hire in Water works case 3 00 M. Coffee, services as bailiff in Water works case 30 00 T. Ratterman, refund tax on soldier's claim 8 80 A. Doer, refund tax on soldier's tax 8 80 Aug. Flechsig, refund tax on soldier's claim 8 80 Geo. Hartman, refund tax on soldier's claim 7 70 Thos. McMahon 4 40 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct List of all war- rants issued by me during the month of August, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 25 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement be, within ten days of this notice con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the west side of Bluff street, be- tween Fourth street and Fifth street. abutting N. 64.8 feet city lot 613, A. W. Kemler estate owner, where not already Laid. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 9-15-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Recorder's office, Sept. 11, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Sep- tember 21st, 1899, for the improvement of High Bridge avenue, from Bell street to Reeve street, In accordance with - plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer, and now on file in the office of the city recorder, The extent of the work is as follows: New curbstone set, 1,400 lineal feet; guttering, 622 square yards; macadam- izing, 2,500 square yards; earth filling, 1,500 cubic yards. Said work to be completed on or be- fore the 15th day of November, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for new curbstones set, the price per square yard for guttering and ma- cadamizing and the price per cubic yard for filling. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for $200.00 must accorri- pany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 9-11-10t. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Recorder's office, September 11, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Sep- tember 21st, 1899, for paving with brick. the levee front from High Bridge ave- nue to Wall street, in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city recorder. The es- timated extent of the work is as follows: Paving with brick, with concrete foundation, 2,200 square yards. New curbing, 600 lineal feet. The city reserves the right to require the laborers employed under this con- tact, excepting overseers and skilled men, shall be citizens of Dubuque. The work to be completed on or before November 15th, 1899, and shall be paid for when said work is completed, and accented by the city council. Bidders must state the price per square yard for paving, and the price per lineal foot for new curbing set. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for $350.00 must accompany each bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 9-11-10t. Official Notices, NOTICE TO HAY AND GRAIN DEALERS. Mayor's Office, Sept. 13, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at the mayor's office by Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick up to Thursday, Sept. 21, 1899, at 4 o'clock p. m. to furnish the City fire, police and street departments with No. 1 oats and No. 1 timothy hay for the term of one year from Oct. ,1, 1899. Said oats and hay to be delivered in .such quantities and at such times and places as may be ordered from time to time. The same to be weighed on the city scales at city hall and delivered at the expense of the contractor. The oa,ts to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied with •a certified check for $25 on some Du- buque bank as a. guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C H. BERG, WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Purchasing Committee. 9 -15 -to -21. NOTICE TO WOOD DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the mayor's office by W. F. Fitzpat- rick, committee clerk, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Sept. 21st, 1899, for furnishing No. 1 oak, maple or hick- ory wood for use of the various de- partments of the City of Dubuque for one year from Oct. 1st, 1899. Bidders must state the price per cord for each kind of wood. Bidders to deliver at such times, places and quantities as the city may require, wood to be full four feet in length and first class in all particulars and to be measured by city wood measurer. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check of $15.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the -Tight to re- ,iect any and all bids. C. H. BERG, WM. F. FITZPATRICIi, Purchasing Committee. 9 -15 -to -21. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION 10 IMPROVE ANGELLA AND COX STREETS. ANGELLA STREET FROM WEST LOCUST STREET TO COX STREET AND CO X STREET FROM ANGELLA STREET TO UNION AVENUE. To whom it may concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to im- provex street fromlla AWestnd o Locust t street Angel- l& to Cox street and Cox street from Angel - la to Union avenue. That a plat and specification of said proposed improvement is now on file 201 in the office of the city recorder. • 1 hat it is estimated by the city en- gineer that said improvement will re- quire— New curbstone, set, 3,900 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,700 square yards. Macadamizing, 6,070 square yards. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of 14,694.25. Any persons having objections to said improvements are hereby notified to ap- pear in person before the city council at its session to be held Septemper 7th, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or be- fore September 7th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 8-29-3t. City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance re-establishing the grade on Grove street from the north line of mineral lot 317 to Broadway ex- tension. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Grove street in King's addition, from the north line of Mineral lot 317 to Broad- way extension, described as follows, commencing at the intersection of Grove street and King street at a point 25 feet south of the north line of King street. elevation 146 86-100. Thence north from said point 125 feet, which is known as station one on the profile of said street, elevation 141. Thence north to Broadway extension, being station 3.65, elevation 122 4-10. From the intersection of Grove and King street south, commencing at a point 25 feet north of the south line of King street elevation 146 86-100, thence south to the south end of Grove street 916 feet, being station 1.91 on the profile of said Grove street eleva- tion 134 feet. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph news- paper of the City of Dubuque. Passed by the city council Sept. 7th, 1899. Approved Sept. 8th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph Sept. 16th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE 70 COAL AND COKE DEALERS. Mayor's Office, Sept. 13, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at the mayor's office by W. F. Fitzpat- rick up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Sept. 21, 1899, for furnishing hard and soft coal (Big Muddy or Indiana Black) and coke for the use of the verious departments of he e9r'ity for Bidders onee year from October 1, must state the price per ton for each 202 Official Notices. kind of coal, also the quality of coal. The coal and coke to be delivered in such quantities and `af such places and times as the city may require. The coal and coke to be weighed on the city soales at the clay hall and delivered at the expense of the contractor. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. H. Berg, WM. F. FITZPATRICE, Purchasing Committee. 9 -15 -to -21. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Susan Buehler: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalk on the 29th day of July, A. D., 1899, a special assessment gill be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon aIl lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 269 in Ham's add., owned by you be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 5th day of October, A. D., 1899, and ,how cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, 80 cents. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 9.25-5t. NOTICE TO VETERINARIANS. Recorder's office, Dubuque, Sept. 27th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. in., Thurs- day, Oct. 5th, 1899, for doing the veter- inary work and frunishing medicine for the horses of the fire, police and street departments, and all horses own- ed and used by the city, for the term of one year, commencing October 1st, 1899, and ending October lst, 1900. Bidders must state the price per horse per month for doing such work and furnishing all medicine. The city re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 9 -27 -to -10-4. fl alar Session, October 12, 1899. 213 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, Oct. 12, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present-Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn. and Wales. Absent-Alds. Frith, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Ald. Wales moved that the council proceedings for the month of Septem- ber, 1899, be approved as printed. Car- ried. Alds. Frith and McLaughlin arrived at 8:20 o'clock p. m. BILLS ALLOWED. T. F. Maguire, assistant attorney for August and September....$ 100.00 G. Gmehle, assistant assessor for September.... .... ........ 75.00 J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for September.. 75.00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for September 11.60 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks, for July, August and September 9.00 Chas. J. Oswald, setting up and repairing stoves 32.70 Lyon, Barnard & Co., curtains for street commissioner's of- fice 2.00 M. Mullen, mantels for Welsbach burners at city hall 2.45 Gust. Holl, repair lawn mower at Jackson park 1.50 L. Daily, cleaning around mar- ket square, 3 months 40.00 T. J. Conlin, livery hire in water works matter 31.00 J. C. Longueville, telegrams and expenses in water works' mat- ter.... Bieg & Rood stationery for city attorney.. .. 5.60 Bieg & Rood, stationery for vari- ous offices 2.25 Jas. Kelly, stationery for vari- ous offices Jas. Kelly, stationery for city attorney.... Lyon, Barnard Co., stationery for various offices McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central engine house...... Linehan & Molo, white waste for fire department D. and J. Hoerner, hardware for fire department........ .. . • • • Homan & Roehl, chairs and mat- tress for fire department M. Stafford, hay for fire depart- ment.... Carr, Ryder & Adams, reglazing sash, 9th street engine house Ryder Bros., lye and soda for fire department.... ...... T. Connolly. repairing chemical and hook and ladder truck .. Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire department.... .... Key City Gas Co., gas at Delhi street engine house Jno. Butt, repairs at 9th street 100.82 6.35 3.00 1 40 6.00 21.91 2.30 13.50 262.05 1.95 19.12 66.00 5.00 2.65 engine house 8.15 Whitwell & Dolton, veterinary services fire department 25.92 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 9.20 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for fire department 11.00 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe ing for fire department 4.40 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department .... .... ............ 25.05 Jas. Levi & Co., No. 18 duck- ing for fire department 1.10 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hy- drants for September 1405.33 Iowa Telephone Co,, telephones for various departments.. 54.02 T. J. Conlin, shavings for patrol house 6.00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matrons department 4.10 Jas. Levi & Co., carpet and oil cloth for matron's depart- ment.... .... .... 12.60 Chas. Oswald, repair lanterns and stars for police depart- ment .70 Butt Bros., repairing patrol wa- gon .85 M. Stafford, hay for patrol team 12.40 Whitwell & Dolton, veterinary services for patrol team 4.32 Collings & Wilkinson horse shoe- ing for patrol team 7.00 Globe -Journal, official printing for September.... 50.00 The Herald, official printing for \ September....... Nat'l Demokrat, official printing for September.... 25.00 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing for September.... .... 60.00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly 4 00 council proceedings.... .... . Dubuque Telegraph, health re- ports for September3.50 Gonner Bros. 6 mos. official print 37 50 ing.... Star Electric Co.3 33 arc lights 1798 20 for September Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for September.... .. 166.67 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for Sept 223.20 P. J. Seippel, lumber for road 60.05 department L. H. Langworthy, lumber for 74 40 road department .... .. • • Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 47 68 roller Key City Iron Works, repairing .85 steam roller Wm. Marshall, repairing steam 7.25 Dubuque Rubber & Belt'g Co., .45 packing for steam roller A. E. Bradley, 3 lights and glaz- ing for road department.... A . Wunderlich, horse shoeing 2.40 for road department Jno. Butt, repairing tools for 9.40 road department F. Schloz, repairing tools road department Geo. Bock, repairing tools, road department.... 7.30 3.65 20.1 Regular Session, October 12, 1899. B. D. Lenehan. repairing tools, road department .............. Linehan & Molo, 50 feet of rope for road department.. E. L. King, painting iron railing at llth street elevator Whitwell & Dolton, veterinary services for road department Jno. Becker, rock furnished to city.... .... .... Carr, Ryder & Adams, pine wood for steam roller.... L. Lindenberg, hardware for road department F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for road department.... .... Pape & Jacquinot, repairing Weisbach burners for street commissioner's office F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for sewer department.... .. .D. and J. Hoerner, hardware for sewer department.... .... A. A. Brown, repairing tools for sewer department.. Nicholas Sweeney, working on city dump.... John E. Hartig, keys for sewer men...... ...... John E. Hartig, keys for road department.. Gus. Holl, keys for health de- partment.... Robert Miller, macadam.. .. 11.00 O'Farrell & Norton, estimate Bee Branch sewer 700.00 P. F. Quinn, Jr., 100 feet culvert on Quinn street. 150.00 John Malone, macadam .... 9.50 Mike Sullivan, macadam. 32.75 John Heim, macadam 163.00 Edwin Morgan, money advanced on telegrams 1 20 C. O. D. Laundry, washing blankets for patrol house John Schrupp, rodman for engi- neer.... ... 40.00 Mullen Bros. material and labor on sewers.... • 3.80 Linehan & Molo, material for fire department .... .50 Hardie & Scharlie, type writ- ing paper 2.50 The bill of Steuck & Linehan for improving Lincoln avenue for $508.25 on motion was referred to the committee on streets. The bill of John Maclay for justice fees, for $5.25 was referred to commit- tee on claims. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. J. R. Reily be heard. Carried. Mr. Reily addressed the council in relation to damages to him, caused by a runaway horse belonging to the fire department. Mr. Reily claimed the sum of $15.00 as such damages. Ald. Duggan moved that the matter be referred to the committee on fire for adjustment. Carried. Mr. Jacob Nagle being present was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Nagle addressed the council ob- jecting to the repairing on Grove street 6.60 advocated a retaining wall instead. The natter come up later, under the 2.25 report of the street committee. Mr. Breen was granted permission to address the council. Mr. Breen addressed the council and presented a map of Iowa at the small 2.88 1 price of 98 cents each. No action taken. Ald. Jones arrived at 9:15 o'clock p. m. 6.50 3.00 PETITIONS. 1.50 Ald. Duggan moved that all peti- tions in relation to extension of time 4.80 for payment of special assessment be referred to the finance committee. Car - 18.80 ried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole. 1.50 Petition of James Ronan asking that special assessment for improve - .10 meet of Oak street on lots 27 and 28 Union addition be canceled. 2.55 Petition of Excelsior Brass Works asking that their taxes be cancelled for 4.50 the year 1898. Petition of E. L. Fischer asking that 2.70 the special assessment against his home be cancelled. 1.50 Petition of Bridget Redmond asking .that the special assessment against .25 lots 126 and 127, Union add, be cancell- ed. .40 Petition of Dubuque Street Railway asking that they be refunded the sum of $668.04 with interest the said amount having been charged to them for shoes put under rail in paving of Clay street and paid when paving tax was set- tled. Petition of Dubuque Improvement Co. asking that taxes on their property be cancelled. Petition of Wm. Gross et al asking that an electric light be placed at in - 75 tersection of Sheridan and Lawther avenues. Petition of Wm. L. and John H. Bradley asking that Cox street be im- proved from Union avenue, south to the alley 120 feet north of Angella street. Petition of Dubuque Ore Concentrat- ing Co. asking that they be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years. Petition of Mrs. Mary A. Langworthy asking damages to amount of $4,000.00 for injuries caused by falling on side- walk on Winona avenue August 26th, 1899. Petition of Leo Savory asking dam- ages to amount of $2,000.90 caused by being shot by Police Officer Jas. Car- ter August 28th, 1899. Communication of J. C. Longueville asking that he be allowed $750.00 in addition to the amount already paid him for services in the Water works cases. Communication of Alphons Matthews in relation to compensation for ser- vices rendered in the Water works liti- gation. Petition of S. D. Ryan asking that an electric light be placed on the Levee between Railroad avenue and Charter Regular Session, October 12, 1899. 205 street,. Mr. Ryan being present was granted permission to address the council which he did, advocating the placing of the light. Ald. McLaughlin moved to grant the petition. Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford's motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Noes—Duggan and McLaughlin. The following petitions were referr- ed to the finance committee: Petition of John J. Sheridan asking that he be granted one year further time to pay special assessment against lots 1 to 12, Sheridan's add. Petition of Mrs. A. Drees asking an extension of one year to pay special as- sessment. Petition of Thos. Kenneally. Sr., asking an extension of one year to pay the special assessment on lot 91, Union addition. Petition of Isadore Plainondon asking extension of one year to pay special as- sessment on lot 52, Union addition. Petition of Mrs.. B. L. Whittemore asking for an extension of one year's time to pay special assessment on lots 74 and S3, Union addition. Petition of Schmid Bros. Mfg. Co., asking that their taxes for 1898 and 1899 be cancelled. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Margaret Noonan, asking that the taxes for 1898, on lots 1 of lot 1 out lot 735 and lot 1 of lot 1 of lot 735a be cancelled. Petition of Mrs. H. Beckett asking that the taxes on lot 210, Finley add., be cancelled for the year 1898. Petition of A. Freihoefer, asking that taxes on sub 2 of lot 6 of mineral lot 72, be cancelled for the year 1898. Petition of Marion Donovan, asking that he be granted time to Dec. llth, 1899, to pay taxes for 1898 on lots 4 and 5, Babcock's add. Petition of Maria Maruni asking that the taxes on s 1-2 of lot 347. East Du- buque addition, be ordered cancelled. Petition of A. W. Sears, stating that he would pay the special assessment on n 1-2 of n 1-5 of lot 474 for paving Lo- cust street provided the taxes on his personality for the year, 1897, be can- celled. The following petitions were referred to the equalization committee: Petition of Cleaver & McCarten ask- ing for a reduction of their taxes for the year, 1898. Petition of Mrs. Lizzie Walter "sol- dier's widow, asking that the taxes on her homestead be cancelled to the amount of $800.00 as provided by law. The petition of Herman Kohler, ask ing that the special assessment against his property be cancelled for the rea- son that he claims retaining wall on Seminary street is on his ground was, on motion of Ald. McLaughlin, receiv- ed and filed. The petition of Wenzel Zachina, ask- ing that he be given employment, was referred to Street Commissioner Boyce. The petition of R. E. Butler, ask- ing that Union street be filled between Rush and Cleveland avenue was refer- red to the street committee. The petition of harmony Lodge No. 2 and Julien Lodge No. 12 I. O. O. F. asking that the taxes on the Odd Fel- lows Temple lot, No. 633 city, be can- celed for the year 1898 in accordance with resolution adopted by council of 1892. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was granted. A petition from the city firemen ask- ing for an increase of salary was pre- sented. there being no signatures to it. Ald. Wales moved that the peti- tion be referred back to the firemen. Carried. A petition from Rev. P. O'Malley, asking for the use of the third floor of the city hall to be used for a fair for the benefit of St. Anthony's con- gregation, was presented. The mayor stated that owing to the fact that they wanted to get the hall in shape that he had granted them the use of it. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be received and that the action of the mayor in granting the use of the hall to St. Anthony's congregation be approved. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORT. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of September, 1899, for which please order warrants in my favor. Excavation permits redeemed...$ 60 00 Interest on outstanding war- rants 969 28 Postage stamps 20 00 Court costs on account Dubuque Water Co 2 30. Refund sewer tax 14 25 Express charges 31 $1066 14 I also received money borrowed from the following parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor. Interest 5 per cent. September 2, 1899— German Trust and Savings bank $10,000 00 Second National bank10,000 00 Total $20,000,00 Respectfully HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts and the report refer- red back to the finance committee. • 20(i Regular Session, October 12, 1899. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my report for the month of September, 1899, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month. Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1899$38,395 66 Receipts from all sources 64,319 20 Warrants redeemed • during month. $20,270 72 Coupons redeemed... 7,195 00 27,465 72 $102,714 86 Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1899......$75,249 14 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement bond fund 50,079 99 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city $25,173 15 Also reports that there is due city officers for salaries for the month of Septembr $2,020.00. the following is a list showing the amounts expended in each fund from the beginning of the fiscal year: Expense fund $ 22,740 26 Road fund 24,902 91 Fire fund 15,324 12 Police fund 13,797 70 Sewerage fund 2,775 58 Printing fund 1,147 50 Engineers fund 1,585 60 Light and gas fund 11,789 22 Water fund 8,449 98 Interest fund 12,347 81 Board of Health fund 1,631 48 Grading fund 2,324 60 Total $118,816 76 Also a list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month of September, 1899, amount $7,195.00. Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received, warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers and the report referred back to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of September, 1899: Amount due firemen for the month $1,974 15 JOE REINFRIED, Fire Chief. On motion the report was received, warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen for the month of September and the report referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following shows the police report for the month of September, 1899: Total arrests for the month 50 Police patrol calls 69 Miles traveled by patrol 122 1-4 Residents arrested 14 Doors found open 25 Defective lights 48 Lodgers harbored 36 Meals furnished 58 Cost of meals $11.86 Pound master's receipts $5.00 Also reports amount due police for the month of September, 1899, $2,084.90. Also submitted matrons report for September, 1899. Respectfully submitted, ED. MORGAN, Marshal. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the police for the month of September, 1899, and the report referred back to the committee on police. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for laborers on streets for the last half of September, 1899: Amount due laborers on streets $2067.50 Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on streets and the report re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor for grading streets for the last half of September, 1899: Amount due laborers for grad- ing $521.75 Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report vas received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers, reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for laborers on sewers for the last half of September, 1899: Amount due laborers on sew- ers Respectfully, $156.60 JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was receiv- ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the report re- ferred back to the committee on sew- ers: City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: Regular Session, October 12, 1899. 207 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of September, 1899, I find from the reports of the police department, that the total hours that 48 lamps fail- ed to burn, would equal two lamps for one month or $10.80. Respectfully submitted, WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and ordered filed and the recorder in- structed to notify the city auditor to deduct from the Star Electric Com- pany's bill for the month of Septem- ber, 1899, the amount $10.80. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 3d, 1899 To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Some time ago I was in- structed to attend to matter of having three disinterested persons view the Goldthorpe building located on Sixth street between Main and Locust streets for the purpose of determining what damage had been done to said build- ing by fire. D. W. Rand, B. W. Jones and J. C. Jordan were duly appointed and view- ed the premises and reported that building was damaged to the extent of 50 per cent. Work of reconstruction vas stopped. This board has not yet been paid. I therefore recommend that warrants be drawn in their favor for $5.00 each, this being the amount claimed by them. THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn as recommended. Car- ried. City Marshal Morgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I respectfully report that I have collected the bill referred to me against the Wagner Water com- pany, for brick and macadam amount $25.30 for which please find the city treasurer's receipt for the same. Respectfully, EDW. MORGAN, Marshal. On motion the report was ordered received and filed. City Recorder Langstaff presented and read published notice of the coun- cil's intention to construct an 8 inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in 16th street, from the• alley east of Washington street to the alley east of Elm street, properly certified to by the publisher. Also read a remonstrance from Mich- ael Flynn and James O'Hallorhan pro- testing against the construction of said sewer, for the reason they had already paid for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Washington and Elm streets, but would have no ob- jections to the construction of said proposed sewer, provided the Iowa Casket Co. will agree to pay for the construction for the entire sewer to be constructed. Ald. Crawford moved that the entire matter be referred to a special com- mittee consisting of Alderman Flynn and the two aldermen -at -large, Wales Jones. Carried. The weighmasters and wood measur- ers reports were referred to the com- mittee on markets and found as fol- lows: Otto Rath, city hall, receipts ....$21.90 T. Faherty, 1st ward, receipts. 4.18 Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque, receipts 1.50 R. F. Curran wood measurer 1.44 City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith present an es- timate of the grading required to im- prove Angella street, from West Lo- cust to Cox street and Cox street from Angella to Union avenue. Cut 9,219 cubic yards. Fill 8,698 cubic yards, at the rate of 20 cents per cubic yard, $1,841.80. Retainincr wall between Catherine and West Locust streets, 140 cubic yards, at $2.00 per cubic yard, $280.00. Making a total cost of $2,121.80. Respectfully submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Report laid over for further consid- eration. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 12th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The petition and bill for $20.40 of E. B. Pickenbrock asking damage caused by steam roller break- ing water tap would respectfully re- port that the engineer and stoker of the steam roller, both say they did not know of the existence of said water tap until after it was broken. Accord- ing to their statements, it must have been about three feet from the fence and nearly covered with macadam. Respectfully submitted, JAS. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Crawford+moved that the report of the street commissioner be referred to City Attorney Duffy, to ascertain if the city is legally liable for payment of said claim. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: Dubuque, Oct. 12th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith submit state- ment of labor, use of steam roller and macadam, used in restoring Rhomberg avenue from Kniest street to Schiller avenue, to condition it was before Du- buque Water company laid its water 7111111HA ii 208 Regular Session, October 12, 1899. mains in said portion of Rhomberg avenue. Labor, 82 1-2 days at $1.35 $111.40 Foreman, 10 days, at $1.50 15.00 Team, 13 1-2 days at $2.50 33.75 Team, 2 days at $2.70 ... 5.40 Macadam, 15 cub. yds at 50c 7.50 Balance on steam roller, 15 hours at $1.50 22.50 Total $195.55 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Wales moved that said report of bill, be presented to the Dubuque Wa- ter company for payment. Carried. The bids for the improvement and rebuilding West 16th street, from the summit of Hill street, between Alma and Cornell streets to a point 60 feet west, and east to a point 70 feet from aid summit, were presented. Ald. Crawford moved that the bids e opened. Carried. The bids were opened and read. On motion the bids were referred to ssistant City Engineer Hyde for com- utation. Also the bid for veterinarians was resented, one of the bids not coming n compliance with the advertisement. Ald. Flynn moved that the bids be eturned to the bidders unopened and he recorder instructed to readvertise or bids to be opened at the next ses- on of the council. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that the president Wm. McKinley) of the United States nd his cabinet would be here next onday the 16th inst, and that the ommittee in charge of the reception the distinguished guest, had asked r additional police service. Ald. Crawford moved that the mat - r of additional police be referred to e mayor with power. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT TEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee on street respectful- ly report, that the claim of Noonan Bros. for $15.00, has been examined by th the committee on streets, and payment recommended for amount claimed, the same to be applied on livery license. P. W. CjtAWFORD, P. H. MCLAUGHLIN, E. E. FRITH, Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report of the committee. Carried. .Also, your committee on streets re- spectfully reports, they have examined the improvement on Grove street from Broadway Extension to the north line of John King's add., No. 2, "Steuck and Linehan, contracts " and we rec- ommend that the said street be accept- ed, and that a special assessment be levied against the abutting property, and that the committee on finance b bonds to cover the cost of the work. P. W. CRAWFORD, P. H. McLAUGHLIN, E. E. FRITH, Committee. The bill of Steuck & Linehan, pre- pared by City Engineer Blake, for im- proving above said Grove street fol- lows: Curbing, 1,100 lineal feet @ 35c. $385.00 Guttering, 520 square yards @ 35c 182.00 Macadamizing, 1,370 cubic yards @ 40c . 580.Oa Grading, 2,000 cubic yards @ 12 1-2c 250.00 Total $1397.00 Ald. Crawford moved that the report be adopted and a warrant ordered drawn on the improvement bond fund for the curbing, guttering and mac- adamizing as reported by the engineer. Amount $1147.00 And that a warrant be ordered drawn on the grading fund for $250.00, less $92.00 due city for rolling and mac- adam, which warrant would amount to $158.00. Carried. Also your committee on streets re- spectfully report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of M. Schei- decker asking permission to use two feet of sidewalk on Grove street,. abutting lots No. 31 and 32, King Grove add, to construct a retaining wall thereon. P. W. CRAWFORD, P. H. MCLAUGHLIN, E. E. FRITH, Committee. A1d. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of Ja- cob Nagle, asking that a retaining wall be built at the south end of Grove street, respectfully report in favor of instructing the street cammis'sianer to have the south end of said street rip -rapped sufficiently to prevent cav- ing and washing. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH. Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute e street commissioner be in- structed to build a wall three feet high and to rip-rapp from the top of the wall the balance. The substitute of Ald. Duggan car- ried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee moved that the city treasurer be instructed not to ad- vertise any property for tax sale that has been petitioned for an extension of time to pay said taxes that have not been reported upon by the council. Carried. Mayor Berg reported as follows: To the City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—your Qct. 7, 1899. com- mittee to whom was ureferred with power all bids for furnishing the city' ubuque with hard and soft coal, nstructed to provide for the issue of of D Regular Session, October 12, 1899. 209 coke and wood for one year, respect- fully reports that we have awarded the contracts to the following, they be- ing the lowest bidders: Philip Pier "Big Muddy Lump" Soft Coal from Cartersville, I11., $2.78 per ton; Philip Pier, oak wood $3.90 and maple wood $4.90 per cord; Martin-Strelau Co., hard coal "Scranton" $6.50 per ton; Key City Gas Co., crushed coke $4.60 per ton delivered and $4.25 at gas house. We herewith present the several con- tracts properly executed and would recommend that the same be made a matter of record in the book of con- tracts. Respectfully, C. H. BERG, WM. F. FIIZPATRICK. Purchasing Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that the fire de- partment was in need of 1,500 feet of new hose. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for the amount and kind needed. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the resolution of Ald. Wailes presented Sept. 21, 1899, in relation to services of Alphons Mat- thews and J. C. Longueville in the water works matter. respectfully re- commend the resolution be adopted, that a warrant be ordered drawn in fa- vor of said Alphons Matthews and J. C. Longueville for $250.00 each, the same to be in full payment for services rendered, and that their services be dis- pensed with from and after this date. (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Ald. Duggan moved a substitute, that the services of the two special at- torneys be dispensed with, and the matter of their compensation for past services be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Duggan's substitute was ad- opted. Also, your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Street Railway company asking the right to extend their street car line over certain streets of the city, would respectfully recommend that the said company be granted the right to lay their line and extend their track on the following streets to -wit: On alley between 9th and 10th ave- nues. Rhomberg avenue to Lincoln avenue, and on Lincoln avenue from alley between 9th and 10th avenues to Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. tracks, and 200 feet west on Lincoln avenue from said alley provided that said extension be fully completed and the line in actual operation within one year from date. Your committee report adverse to the request for the remainder of the ex- tensions asked for in said petition. Also recommend that an ordinance be adopted granting the said franchise. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt tha report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Horne Electric company asking the right to extend their street car line on certain streets of the city would res- pectfully recommend that the said company be granted the right to lay and extend their lines and tracks on the following streets, to -wit: On Iowa street from 5th to 4th streets, on 4th street from Iowa street to High Bridge avenue and along High Bridge avenue from 4th street to levee front, also on Asbury street from Delhi street to the city limits; provided that said extension be fully completed and the lines in actual operation within one year from date. Your commit- tee reports adverse to the request for the remainder of the extension asked for in said petition, and recommend that an ordinance be adopted granting those above specified. (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Home Electric company and the Dubuque Street Railway company ask- ing for an extension of time to put fenders on their street cars, respect- fully recommended that the ordinance adopted July 6, 1899, in relation to street car fenders be amended by striking out August 15, 1899, and in- serting April 1, 1900, in lieu thereof as date on which said ordinance take ef- fect. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whole res- pectfully recommend that the street commissioner under the supervision of the street committee be and is hereby instructed to repair and put in goon condition Kauffman and 5th avenues. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole respectfully reports in favor of re- ceiving and filing the petition of John Althauser, et. al. asking the city to condemn nine feet of ground on the east side of Althauser avenue for street purposes. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Cooper asking that Needham Place be extended from 5th street to Fenelon Place and that Cooper and John streets be vacated, respectfully reports that Mr. Cooper asks permission to with- draw said petition and your commit- 210 Regular Session, October 12, 1899. tee recommends that he be permitted to do so. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole re- spectfully reports in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of C. H. Markel et al and J. H. Kleine remon- strating against the extension of Need- ham Place from West 5th street to Fen- lon Place and the vaction of John and Cooper streets. P. W. CRAWFORD. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. The plat of the above proposed ex- tension accompanied the above report and placed on file in the city engineer's office. Ald. Jones moved that the recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for construction of sewer and waterway in Bee Branch in accordance with resolu- tions passed by the city council, Aug. 24, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the matter be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. A.ld. Flynn's substitute was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Duggan, Flynn and Wales. Total 3. Nayes—Aids. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. It being a tie vote the mayor voted aye. and declared the substitute car- ried. Ald. Jones moved that the recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of the Bee Branch water way between 17th street and the C. M. & St. Paul track. The mayor declared the motion out of order. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Duggan offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That, The street corn- / missioner be and is hereby instructed to fill Mount Carmel avenue at the in- tersection of Southern avenue to grade said work, to be done at once. Ald. Crawford moved to refer it to the city engineer to make an estimate of amount of filling required and the probable cost. Carried. Ald. Duggan offered the following re- solution which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque:—That City Engineer Blake and the committee on fire be and are hereby instructed to examine all the fire hydrants now charged to the city and to report to the council all dead and defective ones, and such other information as they may think proper in relation to the same, and that they be empowered to call in any of the sewer men, or other city em- ployes to help them in making the said investigation. Ald. Wales offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor be and is hereby authorized and required to issue improvement bonds to the amount of five hundred and seventy five ($575.) dollars under the provisions of an ordinance adopted by the city council of the city of Dubuque, May 19, 1898, for the purpose of providing funds for the cost and expense of im- proving the following street to -wit: Lincoln avenue, from west line of lot 35 McCraney's Eagle Point addition to the west line of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad right of way. Said bonds to be of the following de- nomination, five bonds of one hundred ($100.) dollars each and one bond of seventy-five ($75) dollars numbered from 22 to 27 inclusive, dated 1899, payable seven years after date, or at any time before seven years, at the option of the city of Dubuque and bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and interest to be payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and properly registered they shall be de- livered to the flnace committee of this council who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of same to the city treasurer and to be applied by him as provided in the ordi- nance adopted by the city council May 19, 1898, said finance committee to report of its doings under thisMresolu- tion to the city council. On motion of Ald. Wales, was adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 6. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Wales offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor be and is hereby authorized and required to issue improvement Bonds to the amount of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars ($1150) under the pro- vision of an ordinance adopted by the city council of the city of Dubuque May 19, 1898, for the purpose of provid- ing funds for the cost and expense of ilnproving the following street to -wit: Grove street from Broadway exten- sion to the north line of John King's addition No. 2. Said bonds to be of the following denomination, eleven (11) bonds of one hundred ($100) dollars each and one* bond of fifty ($50) dollars, numbered from 10 to 21 inclusive, dated 1899, payable seven years after date, or at any time before seven years, at the option of the. city 0? ubuque and bear interest at rate of per cent. per an- num, payable semi-annually, both prin- cipal and interest to be payable at the c.ffice of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and properly registered they shall be de- livered to the finance committee of this council who shall sell the same at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of. same to the city treasurer and to be applied by him as provided in the or Regular Session, October 12, 1899. 211 dirance adopted by ,the city council, Mo; 19, 1898, said finance committee to report of its doings under this resolu- tion t,; the city council. Ald. Wales moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Ayes - Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Absent -Aid. McLaughlin. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing sidewalk • during the month of July, 1899, by City, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Oct. 12th, 1899. Thos. Dunn, Glendale acrd, s 1-2 lot 160, 25 feet lumber 50c, 1 hour's labor 50c $ 1 00 Peter Oeth, Glendale add, lot 79, 17 feet lumber 35c; 1 hour's labor 50c 85 C. A. Walter, Davis' Farm add, lot 306, 55 feet lumber $1.10, 2 hours' labor $1.00 2 10 Aug. Kaiser, Glendale add, lot 5, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour's la- bor 9Ific 90 M. D. Goux, E. Langworthy's add, lot 51, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour's labor 50c 90 J. H. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add, lot 8, sub w 1-2, block 1, 145 feet lumber $2.90, 2 hours' labor Deming & Kiesel, mineral lot 446, lot 2, 25 feet lumber 50c, 2 hours' labor $1.00 1 50 F. Margadant, mineral lot 463, lot 1, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour's labor 50c 90 Louis Witter, Kruse's sub., lot 4, 35 feet lumber 70c, 1 hour's labor 50c John Deery, mineral lot 39, lot 40, 95 feet lumber $1.90, 2 hours' labor $1.00 Dubuque Malting Co., Paul Traut's sub., lot 4, 8 feet lum- ber 15e, 1 hour's labor 50c 65 Sacred Heart Church, Sanford's sub, lot 12, 7 feet lumber 15c, 1 hour's labor 50c E. Schmalz, Davis' Farm add, lot 227, 55 feet lumber $1.10, 2 hours' labor $1.00 John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot 351, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c Mary 3. Wallis and Mary Wil- son, sub 3, mineral lot 150, lot 2, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c E. Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 181, 48 feet lumber 95c, 2 hours' labor $1.00 John Van Dillon Est., 103 L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 1, 50 feet lumber $1.00, 1 hour's labor 3 90 1 20 2 90 65 2 10 70 60 1 95 50c Frank Brede Est., mineral lot 314, lot 5, 57 feet lumber $1.15, 1 hour's labor 50c R. M. Kuntz et al, McCraney's 1st add, lot 97, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c C., M. & St. P. Ry., Railroad add., lot 10, block 8, 10 feet lum- ber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c August E. Girard, Hodge's sub, lot 5, 48 feet lumber 95c, 1 hour's labor 50c Frank Jaeger, sub. 3 of 738, city, lot 1, 7 feet lumber 15c, 1 hour's labor 50c .. Paul Traut Est., Farley's sub, lot 35, 5 feet lumber 1Oc, 1 hour's labor 50c W. G. Cox, Cox's add., lot 54, 25 feet lumber 50c, 1 hour's la- bor 50c Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add., lot 1, block 2, 30 feet lumber 60c, 1 hour's labor 50c . F. W. Altman, Grandview Place, lot 2, 15 feet lumber 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c Jessie Eddy, Grandview Place, lot 3, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c J. Needham, sub, 38 and 39, Quigley's sub., lot 5, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c . R. and E. Langworthy, Glen- dale add., lot 247, 35 feet lum- ber 70c, 1 hour's labor 50c Roman Lorenz, E. Langworthy's add., lot 47, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add, lot 13, 20 feet lumber 40c, 1 hour's labor 50c Albert E. Flick, Dorgan's sub., lot 4, 63 feet lumber $1.25, 1 hour's labor 50c G. Ganahl, Davis' Farm add., lot 285, 15 feet lumber 30c, - hour's labor 50c 1 50 1 65 70 70 1 45 65 60 1 00 1 10 80 70 74 1 20 70, 90 1 75 80 Kiene & Altman, sub. 1, Kiene & Altman's sub., lot 1, 6 feet lum- ber 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c 60, Richard Waller Est... Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add., lot 11, sub. w 1-2, block 1, 56 feet lumber $1.10, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 60 Herman Roesch et al, Broadway add, lot 10, 18 feet lumber 35c, 1 hour's labor 50c 85 P. Kiene, Jr., King's Grove add, lot 24, 16 feet lumber 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c 80 Chicago Great Western Ry., san- ford's add., lot 61, 8 feet lumber 15, 1 hour's labor 50c 65 Fred Grobe, E. Langworthy's add, lot 74, 16 feet lumber 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c 80' Susan Buehler, Ham's add., lot 269, 16 feet lumber 30c,-1 hour's 80 labor 50c J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's add, lot 285, 18 feet lumber 35c, 1 86 hour's labor 50c Mrs. L. M. Post, Hodge's sub., lot 10, 5 feet lumber 10c, 1 hour's '112 List of Warrants. labor 50c Geo. Rieger, Brecht's sub., lot 4, 40 feet lumber 80c, 1 hour's la- bor 50c 1 30 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Jones and Wales. Total, 5. Absent—Alds. Frith and McLaugh- lin. Total, 2. Assistant City Engineer Hyde re- ported on the bids for lowering and rebuilding West 16th from the summit of Hill street between Alma and Cor- nell streets, to a point 60 feet west, and east to a point 70 feet from said summit ,as follows: O'Farrell & Norton, total amount $232.70. Con. Ryan, total amount $477.70. Ald. Frith moved to award the con- tract to O'Farrell & Norton, they be- ing the lowest bidders. Carried. Ald. Crawford stated that the abutt- ments for the 16th street bridge was up and ready for the bridge. After some discussion the matter was post- poned until the next session of the council. Ald. Duggan moved that the coun- cil adjourn until November 2d, 1899. Carried. 60 Attest: O LIST OF WARRANTS. 1897. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Oct, 2, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and amity Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1899: C. H. Berg, salary mayor $116 70 H. B. Gniffke, salary treasurer133 30 Ii B Gniffke, ass't. treas 75 00 L M Langstaff, salary recorder 116 70 T H Duffy, salary attorneq 150 00 F B Hoffman, salary auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, salary assessor125 00 Edw Morgan, salary marshal 83 30 Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief100 00 W Fitzpatrick, salary committee clerk 95 00 Wm A Kaep, salary clerk in re- corder's office 60 00 Edw Herron, salary as clerk in treasurer's office 50 00 Edw C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, salary as assistant en- gineer 91 70 Pat Cassidy, salary as rodmon 40 00 J Boyce, salary street corn- missioner 100 00 Wm Hippman, salary as electric- ian 83 30 Otto Rath, salary as market mas- ter 50 00 T Cahill, salary as park custod- ian 40 00 P Kien, salary as park custodian 40 00 E A Guilbert, salary as health officer 50 00 Sam Starr, salary as sanitary patrolman .. 60 00 N Offerman, salary as pound master 45 CO Mrs H Koenig, salary as Jani- tress 20 00 L Zeidman, salary as sidewalk inspector R F Curran, wharfmaster M Eitel, salary fireman 1 Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman Jno Flynn, fireman J Wiltse, fireman Geo Beyer, fireman Al Heer, fireman J Tschudi, fireman J Daily, fireman J Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman . M Fahey, fireman T Meehan, fireman C Clark D Ahearn, fireman J McFarland, fireman G Helmich, fireman T Walker, fireman T Kennedy, fireman J Fitzpatrick, fireman F Murphy, fireman Wm. Quinn, fireman J Murphy, fireman A McDonald, fireman J Jones, fireman M Bryne, fireman M Kelly, sub fireman F Ganahl, fireman T Flynn, fireman Geo Gehrke, fireman F Kenneally, fireman C. Ingalls, sub fireman C Kannolt, fireman Jas Allen, fireman Wm McBride, fireman Robt Weston, fireman Geo. Burkel, police Nic Brand, police Ben Busse, police . Jas Carter, police Jas. Clune, police M Craugh, police J Cody, police Phil Dumphey, police H Donlin, police Got Gmehle, assistant assessor Jno Fitzpatrick, police Jas Flynn, police P Hanlon, police Win Hennessy, police 50 00 20 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 58 30 50 00 22 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 22 95 9 60 60 00 60 00 43 40 50 00 6 60 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 56 60 58 25 58 25 50 00 58 25 58 25 58 25 58 25 58 25 75 00 58 25 50 00 56 60 58 25 List of Warrants. M Kilty, polite Emil Kahn, police Jno Loetscher, police P McCollins, police P McInerney, police Edw Moore, police P Mulligan, police J J Murphy, police Jno Murphy, police Dan Norton, police M O'Connor, police Aug Pfeffer, police Pat Powers, police Tom Reilly, police Jno Raesli, police Jas Rooney, police P Scharf, police Al T Scherr, police Pat Sutton, police Tom Sweeney, police P Sullivan, police Jno L Sullivan, police Jno Tierney, police Jos Tyler, police Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron Mrs B Brennan, police matron Jno McQuillan, special police Theo Ganahl, special police Wm Hall, special police Jno O'Brien, special police Jno Ford, special police Al Stevenson, special police P F Guthrie, special police Jas Ryan, special police M Coyne, special police Jos Fritschie, special police Wm Jellison, special police Jno Guthrie, special police J C Smith, special police Paul Nowshek, special police Robt Trainor, special police D McGrath, special police P Ahearn, special police P J Reilly, special police P Zillig, special police M Fuss, special police Tom Flanagan, special police Earnest Amend•t, labor Joe Blocklinger, labor Paul Becker, labor Mike Beckius, labor Fred Budde, labor John Brachtenbach, labor Chas Busse, labor Joe Brown, labor Steve Bastian, labor John Callahan, labor M. Carmody, labor Mat Crahan, labor Dave Crotty, labor John Corbett, labor John Cushing, labor Chas. Campman, labor James Connelly, labor John Daugherty, labor M Dunnigan, labor Peter Dax, labor John Dubler, labor Steve Dorsey, labor S 10 John Eagan, labor .......... • • • • 5 40 Steve Eustice, labor John Ess, labor Pat Furey, labor Mat Fagan, labor Wm Flanagan, labor 58 25 50 00 56 60 56 60 56 60 60 00 56 60 87 50 56 60 56 60 56 60 56 60 56 60 70 00 67 95 56 60 58 25 56 60 56 60 58 25 56 60 56 60 56 60 56 60 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 24 00 4 00 18 00 16 00 • 16 00 18 00 16 00 1600 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 14 00 12 00 8 00 7 45 12 85 16 20 6 75 4 75 10 15 10 80 18 90 3 40 5 40 14 85 10 80 6 75 10 50 8 10 4 75 18 90 8 10 10 80 4 05 5 10 21 00 4 75 3 40 1 35 10 15 Mat Fetschle, labor John Flynn, labor Pat Fenelon, labor John Farley, labor H. Fleck, labor N Frith, labor Chas Grunzig, labor Joe Gunther, labor Peter Gunther, labor Geo. Gam, labor John Gearing, labor Barney Glass, labor Joe Grabb, labor ,213 9 45 14 20 18 90 20 00 75 00 50 00 6 75 11 50 10 80 12 85 17 90 18 60 13 20 C Gantenbenin, labor 20 00 John Hanley, labor 6 75 M Hoapes, labor 12 15 Pat Hevican, labor 35 Aug Haffaman, labor 10 80 Mike Hardie, labor 18 25 J A Huffmeier, labor 1 35 James Hird, labor 16 50 John Hayes, labor 20 00 Jess Jellison, labor 4 00 Aug Jass, labor 12 15 Hubert Kohr, labor 10 15 Wm Kronfeldt, labor 13 50 Fred Kruger, labor 16 20 John Kelly, labor 6 75 John Kinsella, labor 20 00 Pat Kenneally, labor 20 00 Mat Klein, labor 12 50 M Lavin, labor 14 85 H Lembkee, labor 15 20 Martin Lonergan, labor 18 90 R J Love, labor 16 50 Pat Moran, labor 810 Robt Mack, labor 510 John Malone, labor 6 75 Tom Mulqueeney, labor 5 75 D Minor, labor 8 80 Marteneck, labor 9 45 John 'McCarron, labor 5 40 Wm McDermott, labor 810 Mike McKeown, labor 6 75 Mat McNamara, labor 9 45 B McCormack, labor 8 10 Pat McPoland, labor 3 40 Felix McBride, labor 18 90 Robt McGivern, labor 40 00 Phil Newman, labor 18 90 Mike O'Meara, labor 5 40 Pat O'Brien, labor 5 40 Felix Oswald, labor 4 05 Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00 John Pfeiffer, labor 9 45 Gahart Parr, labor 4 05 Chas Peters, labor 12 85 Wm Quinlan, labor 10 15 Tom Reilly, labor .. 8 10 Mat Raiseck, labor 12 15 Chas Reilly, labor 11 50 Phil Reddin, labor 4 75 Geo Rink, labor 12 85 J Reed, labor 2 70 21 00 8 10 6 75 4 05 6 10 18 00 11 50 7 10 12 15 Wm Schwaegler, labor 8 45 9 45 Joe Rooney, labor M S Sughrue, labor Mike Shea, labor Wm Spensley, labor J B Stevens, labor Dan Sheehan, labor Frank Scherr, labor Peter Stoffer, labor S Schaetzle, labor Lew Smith, labor 214 List of Warrants. Wm Sherri,:an, labor Rich Turner, labor A A Thompson, labor Landon Taylor, labor John Walsh, labor Peter Weist, labor Anton Wondrachek, labor Nick Wompack, labor Herman Weber, labor Wm Weber, labor Wm Wearmouth, labor Vlanzel Zachena, labor Fred Zurshoff, labor Geo Zumhoff, labor Ike Beekman, labor Joe Calvert, labor Bridget Costello, labor Tom Casey, labor John Calvert, team B Cain, team John Deckert, team Tom Elliott, team Ed Frith, team M Gantenbein, team John Huffmeire, team M Hannon, team H C King, team Pat Linehan, team J G Moore, team Jeff McGrath, team McElrath Teaming Co, team .. J J McCollins, team Robt Oldham, team John Parker, team Geo Reynolds, team Frank Seige, team .. Geo Scott, team Ed Seeley, team Otto Turner, team John Terry, team Max Zogg, team GRADING STREETS FOR LAST HALF OF AUGUST, 1899 Thos Butcher, quarryman 18 40 Richard Caffrey, quarryman 18 40 Dennis Corcoran, quarryman 18 40 T P Dolan, quarryman 3 75 Ben Fern, mason 22 00 Joe Geasland, quarryman 13 90 Joe Gavin, quarryman 1615 Jake Hanson, mason 22 00 Jas McCracken, quarryman 18 40 Jas McLaren, quarryman 14 65 Jas McKernan, quarryman .. 3 00 James O'Farrell, foreman 25 65 4 00 15 40 18 50 10 50 20 00 4 05 70 9 45 9 45 11 50 8 10 8 80 9 45 4 75 10 80 12 85 10 80 21 00 32 40 27 00 5 40 12 15 13 50 13 50 27 70 18 90 2 70 24 30 31 75 10 80 25 65 16 20 12 15 20 95 4 05 16 20 19 60 3 40 10 80 13 50 1 35 6 75 8 80 12 85 2 70 John Parker, quarryman John Parker, quarryman John Spies, Mason Wm Wells, quarryman Wm Howard, team 33 10 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR LAST HALF OF AUGUST, 1899: Ed Brunskill, labor 22 40 Frank DeGeorge, labor 22 40 Sam Elmer, labor 17 60 Pat Furey, labor 22 40 Morris Flynn, labor 22 40 Chas Hillary, labor 22 40 Joe Lowrie, labor 20 80 James Ryan, labor 14 40 Dan Sheehan, labor 4 00 R T Eddy, labor 25 00 J J .,lurphy, assistant assessor 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners 12 60 Horace Boles. appraiser in wa- ter works case 475 00 J J Ney, appraiser in water works case 375 00 C A Stanton, appraiser in wa- ter works case 187 50 Dr E A Guilbert, witness in wa ter works case 5 00 K T Eddy, witness in water works case 5 00 Chas Hillery, witness in water works case 5 00 H B Gniffke, witness in water works case 5 00 Jos Wodrick, refunded butcher's license 25 00 D C Stewart, recording plats and deeds 3 75 Smith, Morgan Printing Co., blank stationary 6 00 E J Schilling, repairing cement walk at city hall 11 20 Robt. Jungk, plumbing at Jack- son park 1 50 Harger & Blish, stationery 6 85 Palmer, Winall & Co., station- ery 9 25 Palmer, Winall & Co, printing testimony Wilberding case 28 50 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery in water works case . 75 Jas Kelly, blank stationery in Homan & Roehl, use of tables in water works case 3 50 water works case.. 2 00 Key City Gas Co, coke for steam roller 50 30 Wm Dalbkermeyer, repairing horse roller . 3 50 B Lagen, use of horse -.,r car- penter wagon 4 00 Rumpf, Frudden Co, lumber 10 60 Ott, Meuser & Co, lumber 38 25 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber 14 45 Ellwanger Bros, repairing har- ness 4 85 Hagerty Bros, pine wood for steam roller 5 25 F Zehneter, repairing same 14 10 Dub Rubber & Belting Co., new hose for steam roller 8 50 Dub Rubber & Belting Co, hose clamps for Jackson park 75 Jno Tibey, constructing retain- ing wall on Pickett st 188 00 G Meisch, 168 cub yds gravel 50 40 P Quinn Sr, rock 1 00 Jno Becker, rock B D Lenehan, repairing tools2 10 Chas Matz, same.......... G F Kleih, 4 20 powder and fuse for road department ...... Jno Butt, repairing tools " " 6 10 16 65 Christman & Healey, hardware road department .. Hussman & Lies, hardware road 5 55 department .. ...... Peter Lang hardware road 80 de- partment 1 20 Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionery road department Purington Pay. Brick Co paving2 50 brick road department. ......... 127 127 40 M tafford oats fire department.. 332 40 M Stafford, oats fire department. 332 40 F Zehetner bridle bit for fire de- partment List of l\Varrants. 215 Key City Gas Co gas for Delhi' street engine house.. Key City Gas Co coke for fire department .. Chas Matz repairs at 18th street engine house.... Jno Kriebs repairing harness for fire department Linehan & ,Molo 2 doz mops for fire department F A Miller, 5 doz barn brooms for flre department ... a 16 25 Bub Rubber & Belting Co, flre- men's buttons $5.00, and hose washers $3.75, total 8 75 Christman & Healey, hardware for flre department 75 Dub Harness & Saddlery Co, hardware for fire department 1 doz whips fire department9 00 Knapp, Stout & Co Co, lumbr for fire department 20 95 Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for fire department 3 00 Yerger & Vollenweider, horse shoeing for flre department9 20 Ed Sloan, horse shoeing for fire department .... 10 40 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 6 90 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department 2 00 Mettel Bros, bran for fire de- partment .. Alex Hasler, bran for fire dept65 Dub Nater Co, 338 hydrants for August .. 1408 33 Keep & Buechle, gloves for police department .. 3 00 Hobt Jungk, plumbing at patrol house .. 17 00 Chas Oswald, repairing stars and cell cups .. 2 25 Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron department 6 60 Central Meat Market, supplies for matron department 2 70 P Hansen, hay for city pound1 90 Ellwanger Bros, repairing har- ness at patrol house 25 A Heim, brick for sewer dept12 00 Chas Matz, repairing tools for sewer department 75 Mullen Bros, repairing fountain 14th and Elm streets9 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and lan- tern globes for sewer dept1 80 J' P Schroeder & Co, Gement for sewer department Globe -Journal, official printing for August, 1899 .... The Herald, official printing for August, 1899 National Demokrat, official print- ing for August, 1899 Dubuque Telegraph,i official printing for August, 1899 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly council proceedings Dubuque 'Telegraph, health re- ports .. Dubuque Telegraph, 12 new city Directories Star Electric Co, 333 arc fights for August 1 798 1 95 9 90 2 60 2 05 5 00 65 6 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 60 00 6 00 3 50 60 00 20 Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 lamps for August 166 67 T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for August193 45 M S Sughrue, burying diseased meat .. 100 H B Gniffke, ref exc permits65 00 H B Guiffke, interest on war- rants .. 3 067 76 H B Gniffke, frt chgs on. paving brick $67.12, and police badges $13.75, total 81 47 H B Gniffke, postage stamps $12.00, and exchange N Y $7.19, total .. .. 19 19 H B Gniffke, ref water tax 2 15 LABOR ON STREETS FOR FIRST HALF OF SEPTEMBER, 1899. Amenda Earnst, labor $4 75 John Burns, labor Joe Blocklinger, labor Joe Bruelette, labor Paul Becker, labor Steve Bastian, labor.. Fred Budde, labor Chas Busse, labor Joe Brown, labor.. Hugh Connoll, labor Jerry Cahill, labor John Callahan, labor Wm Caughlin, labor ,M Carmody, labor M Crahan, labor Chas Campman, labor. John Corbett, labor Wm Carberry, labor Jas Connelly, labor M Dunnigan, labor Steve Dorsey, labor Pat Dempsey, labor John Egan, labor.. Mat Fagan, labor Mat Fetschel, labor John Flynn, labor Pat Fenelon, labor John Farley, labor Peter Gregory, labor Pat Grue, labor Joe Guenther, labor Peter Guenther, labor B Glass, labor Joe Grab, labor C Gantenbein, labor Tom Hackney, labor John Hanley, labor Mike Hoapes, labor Aug Haffaman, labor Mike Hardie, labor John Hayes, labor Jas Hird, labor Andy Johnson, labor Aug Jass, labor John Jehring, labor John Kelly, labor .. Wm Kronfeldt, labor Fred Krueger, labor Pat Kenneally, labor John Kinsella, labor Mat Kline, labor John Lavery, labor John Laughlin, labor M Lavin, labor H Lembke, labor M Lonregan, labor M Murphy, labor Ed Malloy. labor 9 15 13 50 4 05 10 15 10 80 6 75 6 10 16 20 8 10 8 10 8 10 7 45 16 20 10 80 6 10 6 75 4 05 16 20 10 80 18 00 2 70 10 80 8 45 13 50 70 16 20 20 00 4 05 1 35 9 45 8 80 7 45 5 40 20 00 1 35 2 70 2 70 6 10 16 20 20 00 15 00 4 05 6 75 1 35 12 15 8 80 2 05 20 00 20 00 12 50 4 05 2 70 16 20 6 75 16 20 5 40 6 75 216 List of Warrants. Joe Marteneck, labor Tom Mulqueeney, labor .. D Minor, labor 3 40 Wm McClain, labor 10 15 Wm McDermott, labor .. 4 05 Mike McMahon, labor 4 05 Jas McDonald, labor 11 85 Mat McNamara, labor 2 05 Felix McBride, labor 15 55 Phil Newman, labor 16 20 Pat O'Brien, labor 3 40 Wm O'Brien, labor ... 20 00 G Parr, labor 6 Y5 John Pfeiffer, labor 6 75 Wm Quinlan, labor 10 80 Chas Reilly, labor 2 70 Geo Rink, labor 9 45 Joe Rooney, labor 15 00 Nick Sweeney, labor 8 45 Mike Sullivan, labor 6 75 Dan Sheehan, labor 18 00 J B Stevens, labor 10 80 Tom Smith, labor 5 40 Frank Scherr, labor 12 15 Geo Sutter, labor 5 40 Lew Smith, labor 9 45 Peter Stoffer, labor 9 45 Sam Smith, labor 4 05 Wm Schwagleer, labor 8 10 B Schnee, labor 8 10 Simon Schaetzle, labor 6 75 John Schemmel, labor 1 35 Wm Sheridan, labor 20 00 Landon Taylor, labor 9 45 R Turner, labor 3 40 A A Thompson, labor 2 05 John Welsh, labor 6 75 Anton vWondrachek, labor 15 90 Poter Weist, labor 9 45 Wm Wearmouth, labor 5 40 Wm Weber, labor 11 50 Venzel Zacheena, labor 5 40 Geo Zumhoff, labor 10 50 Ike Beekman, team 20 00 Mrs I Brown, team 15 00 Joe Calvert, team 25 00 John Calvert, teeam 22 50 B Cain, team 2 50 John Deckert, team 5 00 Tom Elliott, team o 00 Nick Gregory, team ... 7 50 John Huffmeier, team 3 75 Thos Hinds, team 5 00 Mike Hannon, team 13 75 H C King, team 7 50 Mat Kenneeally, team 16 25 Pat Linehan, team 2 50 Jeff McGrath, team 5 00 J J McCollins, team 2 50 H Schmidt, team 10 00 Frank Seige, team 2 50 Ed Seeley, team 5 00 Sam Snodgrass, team...... 16 25 Jas Tobin, team.... 22 50 John Terry, team 25 00 Otto Turner, team.... .... 22 50 Mrs. Welsh, team 20 65 Frank Winnters, team 2 50 M Zogg team 26 25 Thos. Butcher, quarryman 18 75 John Bohn, mason 10 00 Denis Corcoran, quarryman...... 18 75 Frank Correll, quarryman 2 65 R Caffery, quarryman 10 75 Ben Fern, mason 20 00 12 15 2 70 Joe Gavin, quarryman 16 50 Joe Geisland, quarryman 8 25 Peter Gregory, labor 4 05 Jake Hanson, mason 22 00 Tom Hackney, laborer 4 05 Tom Kenneally, labor 4 60 Robt Love, quarryman 6 00 Jas McCracken, quarryman 18 75 Jas. McKernan, quarryman 18 75 John Nutz, quarryman 11 25 Jas O'Farrel, foreman 2 50 John Parker, quarryman 16 50 John Parker, foreman 3 00 Pat Quinn. laborer 4 05 John Spies, mason 22 00 John Spear, foreman 20 00 Mike Sullivan, labor 4 05 Wm Wells, quarryman.. 12 00 Wm Howard, team 3125 Mike Kenneally, team.... 7 50 Rafe Kenneally, team 7 50 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of City of Dubuque: .Gen- tlemen—I herewith submit my nay roll for labor on sewers for the first half of September, 1899: Ed Brunskill, labor 8 40 Frank DeGeorge, labor.. 8 00 Sam Elmer, labor 19 20 R T Eddy foreman 25 00 Pat Furey labor 19 20 Morris Flynn, labor 19 20 Chas Hillary, labor 19 20 Joe Lowrie, labor 19 20 Jas Ryan, labor. 16 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is:.ued by me during the month of Sep- tember 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SAN- ITARY SEWER ON SIXTEENTH STREET. You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intrIntion of the city council G the city or Dubuque, to con- struct an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in 16th street, from the alley east of Washington street to the alley east of Elm street. That a plat and sp(eifications of said Proposed seg. (r is now on file in the office of t1.•: city rccoder. It is estimated by the city engineer that said sewer will be 284 feet in length and will cost 64 cents per lineal foot including two manholes. Any person having objections to the construction of such sanitary sewer is hereby notified to appear in person be- fore the city council at its session to be held October 5, 1899, or to file with the city recorder their objection in writing on or before the 5th day of October, 1899. .L M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorde.r 9-27-5t. Official Notices. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Recorder's office, Dubuque, Oct. 3, 1899. Notice is hereby given to all concern- ed, that a special assessment will be levied tr pay for constructing an eight - inch tile pipe sewer in Alpine street, from West Third street to lot line be- tween lots 20 and 21, Julia L. Lang- worthy add. Amount $175.77, against the property abutting upon and along said sewer as provided by law, at a session of the council to be held October 19, 1899. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the city recorder's office of said city of Dubuque, showing the street or a part thereof on which said sewer has been constructed and the senerate lots or parcel of ground or specified por- tion thereof. subject to assessment for such improvement; the names of the owners thereof as far as practable and the amount to be assessed against each lot e r parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writing with the city re- corder of the said city of Dubuque, on or before said session of the city coun- cil to be held on the 19th day of Oc- tober. 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the city of Dubuque, 10-3-5t. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Mayor's Office. Dubuque, Oct. 21, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the registers of election duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, will be in attendance at the places hereinbelow mentioned, for the purpose of correcting the registry list of names of such electors as may be entitled to vote at this fall election, to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1899. Said registers will meet at their res- pective places on Thursday and Friday, October 26th and 27th, 1899, at 8 o'clock a. in. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Saturday, November the 4th, 1899, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m. of said day for the purpose of correcting the list and adding thereto such names of voters as may be entitled to vote. Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, November 7th, 1899, (election day) and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and reg- ister only such voters as were absent from the city during the preceeding day s that the board was in session, also such voters as did not become citizens until Monday or Tuesday, November 6th and 7th, 1899. The places of registration in the sev- eral wards and precincts of said city are as follows: FIRST WARD. 'First Precinct—Mrs. Welsh's place 217 corner Bluff and Dodge streets. Second Precinct—No. 188 First street, Robert Jess' place. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth street gine house. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth street engine house. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct--Palen's place, 1810 Couler avenue. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier house. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Kenyon's barber shop, 146 West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmidt's Brewery, Couler avenue. Second Precinct—Henry G. Muller's place, corner Elm street and Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Hess' place, 797 Rhomberg avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's place, corner 23d and Jackson streets. All qualified voters of said city are notified that unless they voted at the last election they must present them- selves at the places and time herein- above mentioned for registration or they will be debarred of the privilege of voting at said election. Witness my hand at Dubuque, Iowa, this 21st day of October, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mal* or. en - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Recorder's office, Dubuque, Sept. 26th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thurs- day, October 5th, 1899, for improving and lowering West Sixteenth street from the summit of the hill. between Alma and Cornell streets, to a point 60 feet west of said summit, and east to a point 70 feet from said summit, requiring approximately the following: Curbstone reset, 180 lineal feet. Guttering 124 square yards. Macadamizing 250 square yards. Cutting 456 cubic yards. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city recorder. The work to be completed on or before the tIr.t clay of November, 1899, to be subject to the inspection and rejection to the street committee and the city en- gineer. Bidders to state the price per lineal feet for curbing reset, the price per square yard for guttering and ma- cadamizing, and the price per cubic yard for cutting. A certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque hank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorie" ti I;cgular S ssion, November 2, 1899 219 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session November 2d, 1899. (Official). Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg In the chair. Present—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Crawford. A1d. McLaughlin moved that the council proceedings for the month of October, 1899, be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: T. F. Maguire, assistant ney Gotf. Gmehle, assistant asses- sor .. 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, assistant as- sessor 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for October 14 60 Palmer Winall & Co., statements of appraisers in water works matter 42 00 Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for various offices 35 75 Harger & Blish, stationery for various offices 7 05 Dubuque .Water Co., water for city hall 20 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap and matches ....... 65 Phil. Pier, wood at city hall 16 75 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware city hall .125 Key City Gas Co., gas at city hall .. 34 60 Dempsey & Garvey, p -nbing at city hall 13 55 Peter Lang, hardware .-ackson park 50 Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber First ward scales 12 13 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 7 85 Key City Gas Co., gas for road department 5 20 Key City Gas Co., coke for road department .. 61 65 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for road department 11 95 Christman & Healey, powder and hardware for road department. 14 80 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for 1 60 attor- $ 50 00 road department Ott, Meus r & Co., lumber for road department Voggenthaler & Ragatz, railing around llth street elevator .. Key City Iron Works, repairing steam roller Wm. Marshall, repairing steam roller Dubuque Rubber and Lelting Co, gaskets for steam roller B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road department 39 85 75 00 21 40 4 70 1 30 4 30 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for road department Chas. Matz, repairing tools for road department Aug. Roeber, rock for road de- partment Harger & Blish, stationery for road department Jno. Malone, macadam for road department Mike Cain, macadam for road department Jno. Whalen, macadam for road department Ross McMahon, macadam for road department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department J. F. Ris & Bro., hardware for fire department 8 85 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de- partment Dempsey & Garvey, plumbing at central engine house 2 80 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., repairing hose for chemical 2 00 Phil. Pier, coal for flre depart- ment 95 05 Key City Gas Co., coke for tire department 10 20 Key City Gas Co., gas for fire department 82 60 Dubuque Water Co , 8 hydrants for October 1 408 33 Jno. Huffmeier, clay for patrol house .. 1 25 Harger & Blish, stationery for police department Key City Gas Co., gas for polis •' department Jno. Jehring, sawing and piling wood for police department 6 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, pails for sewer department .. .... 75 Jas. M. Sullivan, 2 pair rubber boots for sewer department ... 9 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man hole covers for sewer depart- ment Klauer Mfg. Co., drinking cups and chains for sewer depart- ment Globe -Journal, official printing b0 00 for October .................... The Herald, official printing for October Dubuque Telegraph, official print- 60 00 ing for October Natl. Demokrat, official print- ing for October Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights 1 798 20 for October Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for October 166 67 Key City Gas Co., gas for engi- 5 20 12 50 2 60 5 40 70 12 25 21 50 33 70 13 15 18 50 60 8 85 MI 58 28 00 7 05 50 00 neer's office Jno. SchruP, rodman in engi- neer's office T. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals and garbage for October 193 45 O'Farrell & Norton, constructing sewer in alley between Syca- more and Cedar streets (part 40 00 '2120 November 2, 1899 estimate) 1000 00 The bill of Mulgrew & Phillips for filling Water street and Levee 1,400 cubic yards at 14c per yard, $196.00, was, on motion, referred to the committee of the whole. Bill of Linehan & ,Bolo, for fire brick and clay amounting to $28.63, was, on motion, referred to the fire committee. The bill of G. J. Baumgartner, b lick masonwork at central engine house, $112.05 was referred to the committee on fire. PETITIONS. Petition of Jno. Degnan asking for an extension of time to pay his special assessment for improving Oak street. Ald. Duggan moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, provided the interest will be paid up to Novem- ber 6th, 1899. Petition of Dubuqu- Malting Co., claiming the sum of $12.15 as damages to their property being run into by Horse of the city fire department. On motion the petition and claim was referred to the committee on claims. Petition of A. Nicks asking that the city engineer be instructed to re -meas- ure the improvement of Blocklinger Lane and Broadway street, so he can pay his Just assessment. On motion it was referred to the city engineer and he report to the council. Petition of Jacob Gantenbein asking that Barry avenue be repaired so as to keep the water from overflowing his property. On motion the petition was referred to the street committee and they re- port to the council. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. Andrew Henge ask- ing that her taxes be canceled on lot No. 7, Geiger's sub., for the year 1898. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Dawson asking a remission of her taxes on lot 79, Union add., for the year 1898. Petition of Mrs. M. Corbett asking that her taxes be canceled on north 1-2 of lot 115, East Dubuque add., for the year 1898. Petition of Adam Zingel asking that his taxes be canceled on lots 15 and 16, O'Hare's add , for the year 1898. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee of the whole. Petition of Christ. Jungk asking that the water mains be extended through the alley from 16th to 17th street, be- tween Clay and Iowa streets. Petition of Mary C: Blake asking that the special assessments levied against lots 8 and 9 in Porter's add., be canceled. Petition of the firemen employed by the city of Dubuque asking for an in- crease of salary of $10.00 per month. Communication of Marshal Morgan, asking the council to provide for caps and pay half on overcoats for the po- lice department. Petition of M. F. Carey et al asking that the alley between Union street and Mountain Lane in Union add., be vacated. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition be referred to the city- attorney and he to look up the matter and report to the council. Petition of Pat. F. Quinn asking city to purchase his macadam on Quinn street near Valley street, also asking permission to break macadam during the winter. • Ald. Duggan moved that the street commissioner be instructed to meas- urse said macadam. Carried. Also moved that the part of breaking more macadam this winter be referred to the street committee and they to ascer- tain from the street commissioner whether there was any morn macadam needed. Carried. The following petitions were referr- ed to a special committee consisting of Aldermen Flynn, Jones and Duggan. Petition of Fred. Miller Brewing Co., by John Marcan, agent, in relation to extending storm sewer east of Pine and 12th streets and slso the filling of the east line of Pine street. Petition of A. Y. McDonald & Mor- rison Mfg., Co., by Jno. M. McDonald asking that a sewer be extended from Washington street down 13th to Cedar streets. Petition of Albert Leicht asking that the specia! assessment levied against lots 10, 11 and 12 in McCraney's 1st add. be canceled. Ald,, Duggan moved that the petition be received and filed. Carried. Petition of Maurice T. Ahearn asking for an extension of time to pay his special assessment against 117 feet of lot 69 in Union add. Ald. Duggan moved that action be postponed until after the report of the committee on finance. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORT. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: '1'o the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:—Below yraz will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the mjnth of October, 1899, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits $ 55 00 Interest on warrants outstand- i ng Postage stamps Telegrams New York Exchange (bonds) Total 1367 67 10 0t 1 19 16 47 Respectfully, $1450 33 HENRY B. GNTFFKE, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the several amounts, and the report re- ferred back to the finance committee. Regular Session, November 2, 1899 221 City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you my report for the month of October, 1899, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1899$75,249.14 Receipts from all sources 15,812.13 Total $91,061.27 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed in the month of Oct. ..$17,193.19 Coupons redeemed in the month of Oct. .. 3,514.44 Bonds redeemed in the month of Oct .. 34,000.00 $54,707.63 Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1899$36,353.64 Other cash on hand there be- longing to the improvement braid fund 23,262.60 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city $13,091.04 Also report that there is due the city officials for the month of October, 1899, $2,020.00. Also the following is a list showing the amount expended in each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year: General expense fund $24,560 32 Road .. 27,544'66 Fire .. 17,976 14 Police .. 16,106 28 Sewerage 3,014 78 Printing .... 1,370 00 Engineers .... 1.882 25 Light and Gas 13,754 09 \\Ta`er 9,858 31 Interest .. 13,317 09 Boar3 of Health 1,971 28 Grading 3,173 25 Bee Branch 700 00 Total $135,228 45 Also a list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month of October, 1899, amount - $3.514.44. Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, City Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officials and the report referred bock to the finance committee. Fire Chlief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of Oc- tober, 1899: Amount due firemen for the month of October. 1899 $1,971.50 Respectfully. JOE REINFRIED, Chief. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen and the pay roll referred back to the committee on fire. Marshal Morgan reported as fullj,ws: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: The following shows the report of the police department for the month of Oc- tober, 1899: Total arrests 64 Police patrol calls 81 Miles traveled 134 3-8 Found master's receipt attacue9.$2 00 Also reports the pay roll for the po- lice department for the month of Oc- tober. 1899, amount, $2,268.60. Amount due special police carnival week. $160. Also matron's report attached. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay police and the report referred back to the committee on police. City Electrician reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of de- fective lights for the month of Octo- ber, 1899: I find from the report of the police department as well as from my per- sonal observation that the total hours that 133 lamps failed to burn would equal 31-2 lamps for one month, or $18.90. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the city recorder instructed to notify the city auditor to dedu t $18.90 from the Star Electric company's bill for the month of October, 1899. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— ' Gen tlemen:— I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st, 1899 inclusive. Amount due laborers on streets.$3,552.55 Respectfully submitted. JAS. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay la- borers on streets and the pay roll re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen:— I herewith submit my pay roll for la- bor in grading streets from Oct 1st to Oct. 31st, 1899 inclusive: Amount due laborers for grading streets $997.05 Respectfully subitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading streets and the pay Kegular : ession, November 2, 1899 roll referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st, 1899, inclusive: Amount due laborers on sewers .$370.80 Respectfully, JAMES H. 1301 -CE, Street Commissioner. O.n motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the pay roll referred back - to the committee on sewers. City Attorney Duffy reported on the petition and claim of E. B. Pieken- brock (administrator) , claiming that steam roller broke the water tap in al- ley in rear of their premises, south middle 1-4 lot 470. Claim $20.40, as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 16th, 1399. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Dubuque:—Gen- tlenren: Reporting on the petition of E. B. Piekenbrock (administrator), state, that there is no legal liability on the part of the city, and further, claim was not filed in time required by the statute, and is not in form required by statute. Respectfully, T. H. D1'FFY, City Attorney. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port of the city attorney be adopted. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Ci:y Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: Herewith find estimate for filling on Mt. Carmel avenue, starting from Southern avenue to a point 550 feet south. This estimate is based on a roadway 16 feet wide on top and to high water nark. The filling required will be 4,583 cubic yards. A stone sewer should he constructed about 6 feet in diameter. for a distance of 50 to 60 feet. If the filling is made of bluff material it could be done for 20 to 25 cents per cubic yard. Respectfully, submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Ald. Wales moved to postpone further action on the report until next spring. Carried. Also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:—Gentlemen: Some time ago a petition of Sarah E. Disney was, referred to me. The peti- tion protests against paying a special assessment for the improvement of Wilde street in front of lot 9 of the subdivision of mineral lot a9. Amount $12.60. I find that tiie strAet in front of this lot was nma:ie on a fill and the curb and gutter has settled, and at present lays in a ditch that has been made by the water, which comes from the west end of the present street. The macadam is still in good condi- tion. I would recommend that the street commissioner be instru^tea to replace or reset the curb and gutter, and leave the assessment stand. Respectfully submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Ald. Duggan moved to adopt the re- port and recommendations. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Zeratnan reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:—Gentlemen: In the special assessment far the re- pair of sidewalk for the month of Au- gust. 1899, and passed by the city council October 12th, 1899, the assess- ments were erroneous against lot 47, E. Langworthy's add.. R. Lorenze, owner, amount 70 cents, and lot 1 of sub. 311, East Dubuque add.. Reuben Lpuis, owner, amount 65 cents, and re- ommend that said special assessments be canceled. Ald. McLaughlin of the street com- mittee offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the special as- sessment for the repair of sidewalks in the month of August, 1899, against lot 47, E. Langworthy's add., R. Lorenze, owner, amount 70 cents, and lot 1 of sub. 311, East Dubuque add.. Reuben Louis, owner, amount 65 cents. be can- celed. The following weighmasters and wood measurers' reports were referred to the committee on markets and found as follows: Amount. Otto Rath, weighmaster city hall.$33.90 Charles Pitschner, weighmaster West Dubuque 2.10 T. Faherty, weighmaster First ward .. 5.37 R. F. Curren, wood measurer 2.80 The bids for 1,500 feet of fire hose were presented, and on motion of Ald. Frith were opened and read. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bids be referred to the fire committee with power. Carried. Also the bids for veterinarian ser- vices were ordered opened and read and found as follows: W. R. Fullarton, for treatment and medicine per horse per month, 75 cents. F. A. Dolton, for treatment and medi- cine per horse per month, 48 cents. Ald. Flynn moved that the contract be awarded to F. A. Dolton, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT TEES. Aid. Wales of the finance committee reported as follows: T,-, the Eton. Mayor .in.l City C,'unc:il of Regular Session, November 2, 1899. 223 the City of Dubuque:—Gentlemen: Your committee on finance respect- fully reports in favor of granting the petition of Thomas Kenneally Sr., ask- ing for one year's further time to pay special assessment against lot 91, Union add.. for the improvement of Cleve- land avenue, provided he pays all in- terest due on said special assessment to Nov. 6th, 1899. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on fiinance re- spectfully report in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. B. L. Whittemore asking one year's further time to pay the special assessment against lots 47 and 83, Union add, for the improve- ment of Cleveland avenue and Holly street, provided she pays all interest due on said special assessments to Nov. 6, 1899. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on finance re- spectfully reports in favor of grant- ing the petition of Mrs. A. Drees ask- ing one year's further time to pay special assessments against outlot 738, lot 1, for the improvement of West 11th street and Grant avenue, pro- vided she pays the special assessment against outlot 738, lot 1, for improve- ment of alley, east of Grant avenue, from Julien avenue to West llth street, and all interest due on said assessments to Nov. 6th. 1899. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on finance re- spectfully reports in favor of granting the petition of John Sheridan asking one year's further time to pay the spe- cial assessment against lots one (1) to twelve (12). Sheridan's add.. for the improvement of Windsor avenue, pro- vided he pays all interest due on said special assessments to Nov. 6, 1896. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on finance to whom was referred the petition of Isa- dore Plamondan asking for further time to pay special assessment, would respectfully recommend that he be given until July 1st, 1900, to pay the special assessment against lot 52, Union add., for the improvement of Oak street provided he pays all interest due on said special assessment to Nov. 6th, 1899. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the petition of Maurice Ahearn asking one year further time to pay special assessment against 117 feet of lot 69, Union add., on which action was postponed until after the report of the finance com- mittee. be allowed one year further time, providing he will pay all interest due on said special assessment to Nov. 6th. 1899. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin of the street com- mittee reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: Your committee on streets respect- fully reports that they have examined the improvements on Lincoln avenue from the west line of lot 35 McCraney's Eagle Point addition to the west line of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway right of way, and we recom- mend that said street be accepted, and that a special assessment be levied against the abutting property to cover, the cost of curbing, guttering and macadamizing, and also recommend that warrant be drawn on the grad- ing fund for the amount of $195.36 for gradng said street, less $32.15 due the city for rolling, and further, that a warrant be drawn on the improve- ment bond fund for $552.20, that be- ing the amount due contractor for guttering, curbing, and ma- cadamizing, said warrants to be drawn in favor of Steuck & Linehan, contrac- tors. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Also your committee on streets re- spectfully recommend that the ma- cadam belonging to J. F. Meukle be accented and that a warrantbe drawn in is favor for the amount, 48 yards at 50 cents per yard, $24.00. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Ald. McLaughlin moved to refer back to the committee on streets. Ald. McLaughlin motion. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on delinquent tax reported as fol- lows: Your committee on delinquent taxes respectfully reports in favor of in- structing the city treasurer not to sell the following described property for the taxes of 1898, but that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property: James McEvoy, lots 5, 6 and 165 Fin- ley's add. Margaret Nunan lots 1 of lot 1 of out lot 735 and lot 1 of lot 1 out lot 735A. Kate Boland N. M. 1-5 of city lot 430. Maurice T. Ahearn West 117 feet lot 69 Union add. Mrs. H. Beckett lot 210 Finley Add. Thos. J. Lonregan lot 145 East Du- buque add. Mrs. J. Rickards, lots 84 and 85 Union add. E. E. FRITH, JOHN FLYNN, JAS. T. DUGGAN, Committee. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee on delinquent tax respectfully report in favor of •r'nting th.- 1.: titian of S"oliln Dempsy November 2, 1899 224 Regular Seseion, asking that the taxes for the years of 1897-1898 and 1899, on lots 2 of 34 and 2 of 35 Levin's add. be cancelled. On motion of Ald. Frith the report wa.s adopted. Also your committee on delinquent taxes respectfully report in favor of granting the following petitions asking that the taxes be cancelled on property described, and time named below: Mrs. M. Ttempler on lot 5 Hughes sub. of part of Mineral lot 172 for the years of 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898. Mnri Maruni on south 1-2 of lot 347 East Dubuque, for the year 1898. Elizabeth Stampfer, on lot 356 East Dubuque add. for the year 1898. Mrs. J. C. Silzer on the west 1-2 of lot 47 Cox's add. for the year 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898. James Cazatt on personal property for the year 1898. Mrs. J. F. O'Dea, lot 4 Fortune's sub. for the year 1898. Mrs. P. Hughes on part lot 1 Len - helm's add. for the year 1898. E. E. FRITH, JOHN FLYNN, JAMES T. DUGGAN, Committee. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Marion Donovan. asking until December 11, 1899, to pay his taxes for 1898 on lots 4 and 5 Babcock's add. Also report in favor of granting the petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospi- tal, asking that the taxes on lot 7 Agnes Langworthy's add. be cancelled for the reason that said lot is used for hospital purposes and is therefore exempt from taxation under the law of Iowa. Also report on the petition of A. W. Sears offering to pay the special as- sessment against his property for the improvement of Locust street, pro- vided the city cancel the assessment of personality for the year 1897, re- spectfully reports that Mr. Sears has paid all special assessments against his property, and we therefore recom- mend that the city treasurer be in- structed to cancel the assessment aginst Mr. Sears for the year 1897 on personality. Also report in favor of referring to the equalization committee the petition of Bridget Burke in relation to taxes. Also respectfully recommend that the petition of Elizabeth Herzog in rela- tion to taxes be referred to the equali- zation committee. Also that the petition of A. Frei.hoefer in relation to taxes be referred to the equalization committee. Also respectfully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Miss Kate Collins in relation to taxes for the reason that the taxes have been Paid. E. E. FRITH, JOHN FLYNN, November 2, 1899. JAS. T. DUGGAN, Committee. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Wales of the committee of the whole reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque:—Gentlemen: Your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the petition of S. D. Ryan and Wm. Gross et al in rela- tion to electric lights, respectfully rec- ommend that the Star Electric compa- ny be instructed to place arc electric lights at the folllowing places, to -wit: One light on Levee between Railroad ave. and Charter street. One light at the intersection of Sher- idan and Lawther avenues. One light at the intersection of Adair avenue and West 14th streets. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the communication of J. C. Longueville and Alphons Matthews in relation to compensation for services in the waiter works liti- gation, respectfully reports in favor of paying Mr. Alphonse Matthews the sum of $1,750.00, and, Mr. J. C. Longue- ville the sum of $1,250.00, less the amounts previously paid them for said service. Amount due Alphonse Matthews.$1,000 Amount due J. C. Longueville.... 500 Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith .moved that warrants be ordered drawn in favor of Alphons Matthews and J. C. Longueville, in ac- cordance with above said report of the committee of the whole. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Ore Concentrating company, asking that taxes be canceled for ten years on plant about to be erected, re- spectfully recommend that action be postponed until said plant has been erected. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whole respectfully report in favor of referring to the city attorney the claim of Leo Savery for $2,000.00, for personal injur- ies caused by being shot by Policeman Carter. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whole re- spectfully reports in favor of referring to the city attorney the claim of Mrs. Mary Langworthy for $4,000.00 for per- sonal injuries caused by falling on side- walk on Winona avenue. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whale re- spectfully reports in favor of receiving and filing the petition of the Excelsior Brass works asking that their taxes be canceled for the year 1898. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. lit pular Ses-iun, November 2, 1899 Also your committee of the while re- spectfully recommends that the city recorder be instructed to notify the Globe Light and Heat company that unless they take steps at once to re- pair their lamps and to give the city better service. that action will be taken to annul their charter. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the matter of ad- vertising for bids for the construction of Bee Branch sewer, respectfully rec- ommend that the recorder be in- structed to advertise for bids in ac- cordance with resolution adopted Au- gust 24, 1899, providing for the con- struction of the Bee Branch water way between 17th street and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway tracks. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Flynn, chairman of the special committee reported as follows: 'To the Honorable Mayor and City City Council of the city of Dubuque: 2°J vor of granting the application of Terrance O'Toole, (a union soldier) asking for an exemption to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed valuation of the sub. 14 and 15 Bush's sub. lot 10, the north 53 feet, for the year 1898, the same being in accordance with para- gfaph 7 of section 1304 of the code of Iowa. He having paid the taxes for 1598, we would recommend that the treasurer be instructed to refund the amount of $4.40. Also reports in favor of granting the application of Lizzie Walters (a sol- dier's widow), asking for exemption to the amount of $800.00, on the assessed valuation of lot 264 East Duhuoue, for the years of 1898 and 1899, the same being in accordance with Paragraph 7, Section 1304 of the code of Iowa. JOHN FLYNN. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- ports of the equalization committee. Ca rried. Ald. Wales moved not to exceed $100 be expended on the repair of Quinn street. Carried. Gentlemen: -Your special committee, Ald. McLaughlin of the street com- Alds. Flynn. Wales and Jones to whom I mittee offered the following special as - was referred the matter of the eon- sessments: struction of a sanitary sewer in 16th street. from the alley east of Wash- ington street to the alley east of Elm street, respectfully report that Mr. Peter Klauer for the Iowa Coffin com- pany agrees to pay for the con.truc- tion of the entire sewer, except that Portion abutting on lot 181 East Du- buque add. We therefore recommend that the said sewer be constructed and that the following resolution be adopt- -ed. Resolved by the city council of the cit • of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer of eight (8) inch tile pipe be con- structed in 16th street. from alley first of Washington street to alley first east of Elm street, according to the plat of said sewer, and the specifica- tion prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it further resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 31st day of December. 1899, and shall be paid for as follow: To be paid when work is completed and accepted by the city council, and the proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 1Gth day of November, 1899, and the recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for the proposals, as provided by ordi- nance. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the report and resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent-Ald. Crrawford. Ald. Flynn, chairman of the equali- zation committee reported as follows: 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Council f the City of Dubuque: •equalization respectfully reports in fa- James Rowb Rowan, u 7. S, 9. Quig- Resolved, By the City Cruncil of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks for month of Au- gust, 1899, by city in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several ljts, and parts of Lots, and parcels of the real estate hereinafter named, owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed Nov. 2d. 1899. Mary Wilde, sub 1 of 2 of 7 of min lot 45, lot 2, 60 ft lumber, $1.20, 1 hour's labor 50c A. W. Kemler Est., Union add, lot 1S2, 10 ft lumber, 20c, 1 hour's labor 50e Alice Garrity, Union add, s 100 n 150, lot 137, 25 ft lumber, 50c, 1 1 hour's labor 50c John Gillespie, Smyth's suo, lot 1, 25 ft lumber, 50c, 1 hour's labor 50c John Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77, Union add, lot 2, 15 ft lum- ber, 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c.... Cath. Bermingham, sub 76 and 77, Union add, lot 1, 55 ft lumber, $1.10, 1 hour's labor 50c Frank H. Weihe, Hodge's sub No. 2, lot 17, 15 ft lumber, 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c John Steadman, sub 1 Quigley's sub. lot 2. 22 ft lumber. 45c. 1 hour's labor 50c Hugh Tatty, sub 2 of min lot 160, lot 1, 128 ft lumber, $2.55, 11-2 hour's labor 75c Frank H. Weihe, Hodge's sub No. 2, lot 30, 8 ft lumber, 15c, 1 Gentlemen: -Your committee on hour's labor sub $1 70 70 1 00 1 00 80 1 60 80 95 3 20 65 22(i Regular Session, November 2, 1899 ley's sub, lot 14, 20 ft lumber, 40c, 1 hour's labor 50c Mrs. L. M. Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10, 5 ft lumber, 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c... A. E. Girard, Hodge's sub, lot 5, 5 ft lumber, lOc, 1 hour's la- bor 50c W. G. Cox, sub mitt lot 90, lot 2, 6 ft lumber 10c, 1 hours labor 50c Standard 011 Co, Dub Har Co's add, lot 1, blk 25, 8 ft lumber, 15c, 1 hour's work 50c Rider n Lawther, Burden's Lawlh'-r add, lot 10, 5 ft lum- ber, 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c Shiras, Van Duzee and Hender- son, West's add 5 3-4, lot 19, 13 ft lumber, 25c, 1 hour's labor 50c ,. Henry J. Oser, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 84, 7 ft lumber, 15c, 1 hour's labor 50c Thos. J. Paisley. Wm. Blake's add, lot 13, 8 ft lumber 15c, 1 hour's labor 51.1c .. James Mullin Est, Finley's add, lot 10, 12 ft lumber, 25c, 1 hour's labor 50e John Hennessy, sub 725 city, lot 1, 28 ft lumber, 55c, 1 hour's labor 50c Robt. Bonson Est, sub 731 city, lot 1, 40 ft lumber, 80c, 1 hour's labor 50c, Mercy Hospital, min lot 66, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c, 1 hour's la- bor 50c .. Robt. Bonson Est, Union add, lot 15, 12 ft lumber, 25c, 1 hour's labor 50c James C. Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot 151, 8 ft lumber 15c, 1 hour's labor 50c... .. T. Dillon, Stewart's sub, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c J. H. Shields , Dub Har Co's add, lot 8, sub w 1-2 blk 1, 53 ft lumber, $1.05, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 55 Rich Wallis Est, Dub Har Co's add, lot 11, sub w 1-2 blk 1, 32 ft lumber, 65c, 1 hour's labor 50c C. H. Eighmey, sub 2 of 8 of min lot 159, s 1-2, lot 1, 20 ft lumber, 40c, 1 hour's labor 50c J. P. Schroeder, Schroeder's add, lot 26, 15 ft lumber 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c Mathews and Barnes, Littleton & Sawyer's add, lot 54, 34 ft lumber 70c, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 20 Theo. Merritt, S. M. Lang - worthy's sub, s 26.6, lot 6, 25 ft lumber 50e, 1 hour's labor 50c . 1 00 G. Becker, sub 3 of min lot 158, lot 1, 8 ft lumber 15, 1 hour's labor 50c Ruben Lewis, sub 311 East Du- buque add, lot 1, 7 ft lumber 15c, 1 hour's labor 50c ........ Jas. Beach & Sons, city, lot 583, G ft lumber 95c; 1 hour's la - 90 60 60 60 65 60 75 65 65 75 1 05 1 30 70 75 65 70 1 15 90 80 65 65 bor 50c F. A. Bisping, Burden-Lawther's add, lot 73, 10 ft lumber 20c, 1 hour's labor 50c 70 Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add, lot 13, 5 ft 'lumber 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c Chicago Great Western Ry., sub 1 of min lot 363, lot 2, 50 ft lumber $1.00, 2 hours' labor $1.00 J. A. Rhomberg Est , Ham's add, lot 291, 5 ft lumber 10c, 1 hour's labor 50c Con Mullen Est., Finley, Wa- ples & Burton's add, lot 11, 24 ft lumber 50c, 1 hour's labor 50c R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale add, No. 3, lot 247, 22 ft lumber 45c, 1 hour's labor 50c 95 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 1, block 4, 16 ft lumber 30c, 1 hour's labor 50c 80 John Steiber, Davis' Farm add, lot 321, 30 ft lumber 60c, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 10 Emma F. Randall, 1 of 55, min lot 39, lot 1, 30 ft lumber 60c, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 10 N. Maybanks Est., Saunder's sub, lot 1, 25 ft lumber 50c, 1 hour's labor 50c 1 00 A. A. Cooper, The A. A. Cooper wagon works block, 13 ft lum- ber 25c, 1 hour's labor 50c 75 J. H. Carroll, city, w 20, lot 533, 12 ft lumber 25c, 1 hour's labor 50c ... 75. John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot 1, 12 ft lumber 25c, 1 hour's labor 50c .. , , 75 . Webster and Horr, E. Lang - worthy's add, lot 1, 5 ft lumber 10c. 1 hour's labor 50c 60 Wnt. Guderian Est., East Du- buque w 1-2, lot 5, 18 ft lumber 35c, 1 hour's labor 50c 85 Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the special assessment. Carried by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6. Absent-Ald. Crawford. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Alpine street, from West Third street to lot line be- tween lots 20 and 21, Julia L. Lang - worthy's add., 0. G. Kringle, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed November 2nd, 1899. Julia L. Langworthy, Zulia L. Langworthy's add, lot 1, 251 ft.$ 77 81 Julia, L. Langworthy, Julia L. 1 46 60 2 00 60 • 1 00 ltomiL•tr Session, November 16, 1899 Langworthy's add, lot 2 28 ft F. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy's add, lot 17, 72 ft J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Lang - worthy's add, lot 18, 72 ft John A. Meshinger, Julia L Langworthy's add, lot 19, 72 ft 22 32 Mary Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's add, lot 20, 72 ft 22 32 Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the special assessment. Carried by the following vote: : Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin an' Wales. Total 6. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. Frith offered the following res- olution, which was adopter: Resolved by the city council of the city bf Dubuque: That the street com- missioner be instructed to measure • e macadam belonging to Fred. Remus on Emsley street in Fengler's stone quar- ry and report the amount to the coun- cil, and that when the warrant is drawn to pay for the same, that it be made out in favor of Mrs. Henry Deck- ert. Mayor Berg stated that they had put on an extra police force Hallowe'en night, but notwithstanding, sidewalks had been torn up and wanted to know what action the council wished to take in the matter. Ald. Duggan moved that the matter be left entirely in the hands of the mayor. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that he had not signed the contract for the improve- ment of High Bridge avenue, for the reason that the filling and general con- dition of the avenue does not justify the letting of the contract. Ald. Wales moved that the action of the mayor be approved. Carried. Ald. Jones stated that the ditch along Lincoln avenue ought to be filled up, so as to turn the water from the street. Ald. Wales moved the matter be re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Wales brought up the matter of drainage on Fifth avenue, and mov- ed that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans to take care of the water. Carried. Ald. Wales moved that a warrant for $100.00 be drawn in favor of each of the aldermen for salary for four months. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council adjourn until November 16th, 1899. Carried. 8 68 22 32 22 32 tits': Wt Z t y , Recorder irX 189/.. Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session Nov. 16th, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford. Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Absent—Aids. Wales and Duggan. PETITIONS. Ald. Crawford moved that all petitons relating to cancellation of taxes be re- ferred to the delinquent tax committee; also petitions relating to assessments be referred to the board of equaliza- tion. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs.Henry Lembeck, N. 32. 4ft. S. 2-5 of W. 1-4 of city lot 500. J. C. Longueville, lots 5 and 6 New - burgh's sub. Petition of Katherine Retalick in relation to her assessment for the year 1S98, was referred to the equalization committee. The following petitions were referred to the _finance committee. Petition of J. H. Faig special assess- ment on tots 6 and Ea situated on Broad- way L'xtension. Petition of John McBride special as- sessment for improving Oak street. Petition of Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co., to reduce the assess- ment of 1899. Petition of Jas. C. Rooney. asking to be re -instated in the fire department. On motion it was referred to the committee on fire. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of F. S. Husted et al, asking that Twenty-sixth (26) street extension be repaired and put in passable condi- tion. Petition of Pat Quinn, Sr., asking city to purchase his macadam located near Forest Lane and Villa street. Communication and deed of Mrs. Caroline Fischer, claiming fifty ($50.00) dollars for parts of lots 13 and 14 Blks in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s add. as condemned by city for street purposes. Proposition of Vogenthaler and Ra- gatz in relation to Iron bridge over new canal at 16th and 17th streets. Petition and claim of Jennie Frantz, claiming one thousand dollars ($1,000) for damages and injuries received by a falling booth on Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. On motion the petition and claim was referred to the committee cf the whole and city attorney. Petition of the Standard Telephone Co., by Victor H. Stevens, asking coun- cil to direct them to proceed with their construction in accordance with its proposition of Nov. 14, 1899, which to 22s Regular Session, November 16, 1899. now made to the city of Dubuque. Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and Messrs. Stewart and Brown be allowed five minutes each to address the council on the matter. Car- ried. Mr. Stewart addressed the council. Mr. Brown and Lenehan also addressed the council. Ald. Flynn moved that the matter be referred to the committee on streets and mayor with power. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that it be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Frith's amendment was then carried. Communication of Dubuque Water Co., by W. W. T3onson, secretary, as fol- lows: To the Moroi' and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The city having elected to purchase the plant of the under- signed at a price to he fixed as pro- vided in Sec. 7 of the Ordinance under which the undersigned exercises its franchises on the streets and public grounds of the city. and the attempt to Ax such mice heretofore made in pur- suance of such election having proved abortive. and the undersigned having waited a sufficient length of time for the city to proceed anew to anpoint persons to represent it in a further attempt to fix such price, and nothing further having been done by the city in that direction, and as the undersigned desires the eity to proceed. without further unneeessary delay, to act on its said election and have such price Axed as aforesaid, therefore, you are hereby notified to designate persons to represent the eity as provided by said Sec. 7 in flying such price. and that the undersigned is ready to designate persons to represent it so doing: and you are further notified that. if within twenty days from the date hereof, you de not do as above required, proceed to carry into effect your election as Aforesaid to purchase the works of the undersigned under said Sec 7, the Rndersigned will assume that the city intends to abandon the election so made by it, and its purpose, as hereto- fore expressed, to take the property of the undersigned as contemplated by said section. Dated Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 15th, 1899. DUBUQUE WATER CO., W. W. Ronson, Sec. Communication of Dubuque Water Co., by Peter Kiene, president as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16. 1899.—To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—In view of the notice served on the city yesterday in Behalf of the Water company, notify- fng the city to proeeed with its e'.ec- tion to take the property of the com- pany, and to appoint persons to repre- sent it in fixing the price to be paid as provided in the water ordinance, it is thought, It will not be considered out of place to state the position of the company in the matter and that, to do so, may lead to a better understanding between the city and the company and to the price to be paid being more speedily agreed upon than otherwise seems likely. As citizens and taxpayers of the city the owners of the Water company see no good to be attained by either party wasting the city's revenue in the pay- ment of lawyers, of expensive experts and of other costs that will necessarily attend adverse proceedings. Neither do they see any benefit, to be gained by wasting the company's revenue in what appears to be unnecessary litigation. The expense of the last attempted ap- praisement, l.. th to the city and the company aggregated about $20,000, with no practical result, save the light that has been thrown by it on the situation. It is assumed that neither party is de- sirous of repeating such an expensive comedy. The only question in differ- ence between the city and the company is as to the value of the property of the company; as to the price the city shall pay for it when it takes it. The city has e'ected to take it in the manner provided in the ordinance, and having so elected, the company believes the city s' 'uld with unnecessary delay, and within a reasonable time, proceed to carry out its election in the manner contemplated in the ordinance. It is now more than three months since the arbitrators adjourned without agree- ing and the company believes the city has had ample time to further pro- ceed with the fixing of the price to be paid. It was in this view that the notice of yesterday was served, call- ing on the city within twenty days to proceed to name its appraisers, and notifying the city if it did not do so the company would regard the election of the city to take its property as aban- doned and would act accordingly. The view of the company is that this mat- ter should not be allowed to remain indefinitely unadjusted, that if the city real'y intends to take the property it should proceed to have the price fixed, as provided in the ordinance, with the proper diligence and without unneces- sary delay; and the company believes that every reasonable man will see the justice of its position in this respect. There ought to be but little difficulty among fair min9e:I men in arriving at the price to be paid for the company's pr3perty. Every day, in ordinary busi- ness life, transactions of much more intricacy and moment are acted upon and effected without expensive litiga- tion and there seems no reason why a similar course should not be effective in the present instance. Perhaps the evidence taken in the arbitration pro- ceedings and which has been published has been read by you and that now, better than before, you have a fuller understanding of the value of the com- pany's property. At all events, the Itegitlar Session, November 16, 1899. 22t company is willing to appoint repre- sentatives to meet you, or such repre- sentatives as you may appoint in your stead, with a view to an honest endea- vor to agree on the price to be paid; and if such a conference be held it is sincerely to be hoped that the result will be the fixing of a price which will be mutually satisfactory. If such a conference be held and an agreement is not reached, or if you deem it unneces- sary to hold such a conference, the company is willing to meet you with a view to the selection of competent men. conversant with the value of such property as that to be valued, who shall be disinterested and wholly be- yond the influence of either party, and who, in and of themselves, without the aid of expensive lawyers, or equally expensive experts and with such other information as they may call for. will be able to say intelligently and hon- estly what price the city shall pay. It is of course understood that, as pro- vided in the ordinance, the price, how- ever fixed, shall be subject to the approval of the city council, and then to the approval of the people at an election to be hell for that purpose, before the city will be bound by it. During the current year, at an expense of about $200,000. in carrying out plans which were approved by all the ex- perts who testified in the arbitration proceedings; as well as those called by the city as those called by the com- pany, we have succeeded in putting the water works system of the city in a first-class condition, with appoint- ments as modern and up to date as any water works system of .any city of our size in this country; and if what we have proposed should result On the city becoming the owner of the plant w•e feel we will be entitled to some credit for inaugurating and per- fecting such a system. In a very short time, when some little details yet to be attended to are carried out, the public will be invited to visit the works and to judge for themselves of what we have done in the improvement of them. The company has not sought litigation. nor does it now seek it; nor does it think litigation necessary; it has simply defended itself as it was obliged to do, and which. of course, it will continue to do. if no other course is left open to it. The com- pany throughout the entire contro- versy has not arbitrarily taken any position, not even as to rates, for you will remember that in March last a communication was addressed to your honorable body by the company in which, speaking with reference to im- provements then being made, the fol- lowing occurs: "When the above im- provements are come' ted should a re- adjustment of the schedule of the water rates named in the charter be desired the Dubuque Water company would be pleased to confer with the city council upon that subject, and no doubt a schedule of rates could be made which would be satisfactory to the company and the public," and from this position the company has not since receded. The company recog- nizes its obligation to the public and that there are three things especially that will more than all others be al- ways demanded from a water cnn- pany, (1) that the quantity of water shall be sufficient, (2) that the qu ility of the water shall be good and whole- some, and (3) that the rates charged shall be reasonable and to meet all of these demands to the fullest satisfac- tion of the public so long as the com- pany remains the owner and operator of its plant has been the moving cause for putting the plant in the splendid modern condition In which it now is. In conclusion let us hope that this communication will be received in the spirit in which it is written. and that it will result in the ending of the pend- irg water works controversy satisfac- torily to all concerned. Truly yours. —Dubuque Water Company. By Peter Iiiene, President. Ald. Flynn moved that both com- munications be referred to the com- mittee of the whole and city attorney. Ald. Crawford moved as a substi- tute that the matter be referred to a special committee consisting of the mayor, Aldermen Wale=, Duggan, Me - Laughlin and Flynn "to confer with the water company and endeavor to agree on a reasonable price at which the water plant can be purchased by the. city." Ald. Crawford's sill- ;titute lost by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford and Jones. To- tal 2. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 5. Ald. Flynn's motion to refer to the committee of the whole and city at- torney was carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Alds. Wales and Duggan arrived at 8:35 o'clock P. m. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Boyce :•eported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor ar,J City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the first half of November, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, $1,- 522.80. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay la- borers on streets and the report re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: v 230 l:egular Session, .November 16, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my Day roll for labor, grading streets for the first half of November, 1899. Amount due laborers for grading streets $2u8.85. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading streets and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of sewers repn•ted as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the erst half of Nov,mber, 1899. Amount clue laborers on sewers $18.1.15. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll for labor on sewers was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay laborers and the pay roll referred back . to the commit- tee on sewers. Mayor Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: At the regular session of the city council held October 12. 1899, the mayor was instructed to is- sue improvement bonds as follows $575.00 for the improvement of Lin- coln avenue and $1,150 for the improve- ment of Grove street. The bonds were issued and sold at par and the money paid to the treas- urer. Very Respectfully, C. H. Berg, Mayor. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report of the mayor. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 13, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: At the October term, 1899, of the supreme court of Iowa an opinion was handed down by that court affirming the decision of the dis- trict court of Dubuque county in the case of Elizabeth Frohs vs. City of Dubuque. Attached hereto marked Exhibit A, is a statement of judgment showing amount due the clerk of the district court; also see Exhibit B. showing amount due clerk of the su- preme court of Iowa. In accordance with said exhibits I would recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of James A. Hayes, clerk of the dis- trict court for the sum of $662.05; and that a warrant be drawn in favor of C. '1. Jones, clerk of the supreme court in the sum of $22.00. After warrants are drawn I shall see to it that the judgments are properly satisfied. Respectfully submitted. THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Aid. McLaughlin moved that the re- port and recommendations of the city attorney be adopted and that warrants be oraered drawn in accordance with the recommendations. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith present a re- port of work done by Steuck & Line- han, contractors, for the curbing and paying with brick, the levee from the west line of High Bridge Avenue to the east line of Wall street, Dubuque Harbor Improvement company's add, as follows: 2,255 5-10 sq. yds. brick paving at $1.65 $3,721 57 510 1-2 lineal feet curbing 214 41 Total amount due $3,935 98 Amount due city for rolling and macadam .... $ 262 27 Balance 3,673 71 Less 5 per cent retained for one year 1s3 68 Total amount due contrac- tore $3,490 03 Respectfully submitted E. C. BLAKE. ' City Engineer. On motion further action postponed until after the report of the committee on paving. The report of City Engineer Blake presented to the council at its regular session October 12th, 1899. in relation to Angella street, was again pres- ented. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion of the abutters of said Angella street be referred to the city engineer, and he ascertain the total number of names of the abutters and how many are in favor of the improvement. Car- ried. A response from the Globe Light and Heat company, to the novice sent them in compliance with the council's in- structions of November 2, 1899, stating they would take immediate steps to put the lamps in first class condition. The award of the jury for opening Robinson alley was presented. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the award of the jury for the extension of Robinson alley from Bluff street to Julien avenue be opened and read. Car- ried. The following is the report of the jury: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: We, the undersigned jurors duly ap- pointed and qualified to assess the damages, if any, caused by the exten- sion of Robinson alley, according to a plat prepared by the city engineer, and V Regular Session, November 16, 1899 2:31 filed March 1, 1899, in the city re- corder's office, find the following amounts as set opposite each name to be the amount of damages sustained by each. Henry F. Rooney Est, lot 9 of out lot 703 $ 250 00 P F. Rooney, lot 10 of out lot 703 1,000 00 be awarded to Jno. B. Miller he being the lowest bidder, and the amount of work, (length of culvert) to be deter- mined by engineer and street com- mittee. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented and read an ordinance accepting the grant of certain lands and real estate, by the state of Iowa, to the city of Dubuque, and dedicating the same as a public park for the use and benefit of said city, and the inhabitants thereof, for- ever. Ald. Crawford moved that the read- ing of the ordinance , just had, be the first reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes —Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. The ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be adopted. Carried by the followin;; vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. The mayor declared the ordinance adopted. The ordinance follows in full: AN ORDINANCE. Accepting the grant of certain lands and real estate by the State of Iowa to the C:t; of Dubuque, and dedicating the same as a public park for the use and benefit of said city, and the inhab- itants thereof forever. Whereas, The State of Iowa by an act of the General Assembly, approv- ed April 4th, 1896, granted and re- leased to the city of Dubuque all the right, title, and interest vested in said state in and to the lands, islands, and in the beds of lakes, sloughs, and ponds of water within so much of sec- tion seventeen (17). and eighteen (18), in township eighty-nine (89) north of range three (3), east of the 5th principal meridian as lieseast o ae the south com- mencing at a point line of said section eighteen (18), in- tersects with the west meandered line of the west shore of Lake Peosta, thence northerly along the meandered line of the west shore of said lake to the north line of sald se t onaeighteen (18). as shown by, and ance with the survey made and recorded by the government of the United States, which said act is now in full force and effect: Therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Jos. Herod, P. G. Altman, Chas. Pape, D. W. Linehan, Jno. Heim, Jac. Zangmeister, Jos. Fecker, Robt. Jess, Jas. Lee, John Eichhorn, M. J. Mul- grew, Chas. Reilly. Ali. Crawford moved that the award of the Jury be approved and that the money be set aside by the treasurer for the payment of the same and the mat- ter be referred to the city attorney to prepare deeds. Ald. Wales moved as an amendment that action be indeflnitely postponed. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Flynn, Frith and Wales. Total 3. Nays—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Ald. Wales then moved that it be referred to the committee of the whole. Las: by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Flynn, Frith and Wales. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Ald. Wales moved to postpone action until the committee of the whole view the grounds. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Flynn, Frith and Wales. Total 3. Nays—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. The question recurring on the ori- ginal motion of Ald. Crawford to adopt the award of the jury was adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Flynn, Frith and Wales. Total 3. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for constructing sanitary sewers in 16th street, stone culvert on 12th and Pine street to Milwaukee tracks be opened. Carried. Bids as follows: Sanitary sewer in 16th street from the alley east of Washington street to the alley east of Elm street: O. G. Kringle, per lineal foot$ .65 O. G. Kringle, manholes ,each24.00 Steuck & Linehan, per lineal foot.39 Steuck & Linehan, manholes, 22.00 each On motion the contract was awarded to Steuck & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. Constructing stone and Pine streets: Peter Eisbach, per lineal foot $1.73 Steuck & Linehan, per lineal foot1.30 1.85 1.15 .98 culvert on 12th John Tibey, per lineal foot G. Mersch, per lineal foot J. B Miller, per lineal foo' Ald. Frith moved that the contract 232 Regular Session, November 16, 1899. Section 1. That said grant by the state of Iowa be, and the same is here- by accepted, and the lands and real estate therein granted and released, as described in said act, and in the fore- going preamble, be, and the same are hereby declared to be the property of the city of Dubuque; and it is hereby made the duty of the mayor to cause the same to be properly entered and scheduled as such, in the appropriate record books of said ciy. Section 2. That all of the said lands and real estate granted as aforesaid by the state of Iowa to the city of Du- buque, together with such other and additional tracts contiguous thereto, within the limits of said section sev- enteeen (17), and eighteen (18), as may be hereafter acquired by the city of Du- buque for park purposes be, and they are hereby dedicated in perpetuity to the public as a park and pleasure re- sort for t! -..e use and benefit of the city V of Dubuque and the inhabitants there- of forever. Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the mayor of said city to see that the rights and interest of the city in said lands and real estate dedicated as aforesaid as a public park are prop- erly guarded, and the property care- fully protected from all injurious or antagonistic interference or encroach- ment. That until otherwise provided, the city marshal and the city officers under him shall have special charge and oversight of said grounds. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted Nov. 16, 1899. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Approved Nov. 17th, 1899. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor be and is hereby instructed to transmit, as soon as practicable to the governor of the state of Iowa a properly certi- fied copy of the ordinance this day adopted, accepting the grant of certain lands by the state of Iowa to the city of Dubuque, and re- questing that a patent may be duly is- sued in the name of the state of Iowa, conveying said lands to the city of Du- buque according to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly, approved April 4th, 1896. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee presented and read an ordinance entitled an ordinance author- izing the Dubuque Street Railway com- pany to construct, maintain and operate in connection with its streat railway lines already in operation an additional track in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's addition, ex- tending from Rhomberg avenue to Lin- coln avenue and thence east on and along Lincoln avenue to the right of way of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Also an additional track on, and along Lincoln avenue ex- tending southwesterly from the said. alley between Ninth and Tenth avenue in Ham's addition to a point two hun- dred feet from said alley. Ald. Crawford moved that the reading of said ordinance just had, be the first reading. Carried by the following. vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Crawford offered the following amendment to the ordinance as report- ed by the committee: Section 4. That as a further con- sideration for, and condition of the grant of additional right of way con- tained in the first section of this or- dinance it is hereby expressly provided and stipulated that said Dubuque Street Railway Company shall in no case make or raise any legal objection to any special assessment made by the city council of the city of Dubuque agc.Inst said company, or its lines of street railway, levied in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa and the Ordinance of the City, for the pur- pose of defraying the cost of paving or macadamizing the portion of any street or highway between the rails and one foot upon either side thereof and in case of double track between the tracks of any line of street railway owned by said Company in the city of Dubuque, and will waive any and all objections on account of any alleged illegality, irregularity, informality, or unconstitutionality of such special as- sessment, and will pay all such special assessments and the installments there of and interest when due in the man- ner provided by the City Ordinances regulating the same. Section 5. That as a further condi- tion of the grant of right of way con- tained in the first section hereof, it is hereby expressly provided that said Street Railway Company shall grant transfer privileges by checks at all junctions and crossings of its own lines, to such passengers as may request the same; said transfer checks to be good for passage from the junction or cross- ing where given on the first connecting car passing in the desired direction, and on no other car. Provided, That the details of effecting and regulating the transfer of passengers from one branch of the line of said railway to another shall be subject to the control of the city council. Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of the amendment. Carried b:' the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. • Ald. Crawford moved that the amend- ment adopted be numbered Section 4 and 6 and Section 4 in the original Regular Session, November 16, 1899 233. -ordinance be numbered Section 6. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for its second reading. •Carried. The ordinance was then read. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be adopted as amended. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The mayor declared the ordinance .adopted as amended. The original ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Dubuque Street Rail- way company to construct, maintain, and operate in connection with its :street railway lines already in opera- tion, an additijnal track in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's addition extending from Rhom- berg avenue to Lincoln avenue, and thence east on and along Linco'n ave- nue to the right of way of the Chi- cago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railway; also, an additional track on and along Lincoln avenue extending southwest- erly from the said alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's addition to a point two hundred feet from said alley. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque. Section 1. That the Dubuque Street Railway company be and is hereby granted the right and authority to construct, maintain and operate in con- nection with its lines of street railway already in operation in the city of Dubuque, the following additional tracks, to -wit. in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's ad- dition, from Rhomberg avenue to Lin- coln avenue. and thence east on and along Lincoln avenue to right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway; also, an additional trck on Lincoln avenue, extending westerly from said alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues to a point on Lin- . colo avenue two hundred feet from said alley. Sec. 2. That the rights and privileges granted in the proceeding sec:ion shall be subject to all the conditions, restric- tions and reservations so far as ap- plicable, contained in the original or- dinance granting a franchise to said company, passed October 4, 1867, and in all subsequent ordinances amending the same, or granting additional rights, privileges, or extensions to said rail- way company; and also to all thear apro- visions and conditions, ap- plicable, of chapters one hundred (100) and one hundred and one (101), of the revised ordinances of 1893 concerning outside constructions for electric light and powa r, and other electrical pur- poses; and providing for compensa- tion of the city el atr' cifoa the d de- signating signating who shall p Sec. 3. That as a further condition of the grant of additional right of way to said railway company, contained in the first section of this ordinance, it is provided that the construction of said extensions of track shall be fully completed, and in operation within one year from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 4. That the said Dubuque Street Railway company shall file with the ally recorder an acceptance in writing of this ordinance within five days af- ter its passage and appr3val by the mayor; otherwise it shall become abso- lutely null and void. If accepted by said company within the time herein specified, it shall thereupon be pub- lished one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, newspaper, awl take effect and be in force from and after such publication. Ald. Crawford, chairman of. the or- dinance committee, presented and read an ordinance entitled an ordinance au- thorizing the Home Electric company to cons:ruct, maintain and operate in connection with its street railway lines already in operation, a single track on Iowa street, from Fifth s:reet to E'ourth street, and thence easterly on an along Fourth street and High Bridge avenue to the levee; also a single track on and along Asbury street front Delhi street westerly to the city limits. Ald. Crawford moved that the read- ing of said ordinance just had be the first reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Alderman Crawford offered the fol- lowing amendments to the ordinance, as reported by the committee, and moved that the same be numbered sec- tions 4, 1, 6, 7 and 8 respectively, and section 4 of the original ordinance be numbered Section Nine (9). Sec. 4. That as a further considera- tion fir, and condition of the grant of additional right of way contained in the first section of this ordinance it is hereby expressly provided and stipu-. lated that said Home Electric com- pany shall in no case make or raise any legal objection to any special as- sessment made by the city council of the city of Dubuque against said com- pany, or its lines of street railway levied in accordance with the provi- sions of the code of Iowa and the or- dinances of the city, for the purpose of defraying the cost of paving or ma- cadarnizing the portion of any street or highway between the rails and one foot upon either side thereof, and in case of double tracks, between the tracks, of any line of street railway awned by said company in the city of Dubuque. and 'vill waive any and all objections on account of any alleged Illegality, irregularity, informaiicy, or uneonstuttonatlty of such special as- 2:34 Regular Session, November 16, 1899 sessment, and will pay all such special assessments, and the installments thereof and ;nterest when due in the manner provided by the city ordin• ances regulating the same. Sec. 5. That as a further condition of the grant of the right of way con- tained in the first section hereof, it is hereby expressly inovided that said Home Electric company shall grant transfer privileges by checks at :ill Junctions and crossings of its own lines of street railway to such passen- gers as may request the same, said transfer checks to be good for passage from the junction or crossings where given on the first connecting car pass- ing in the desired direction and on no other car; provided that the details of effecting and regulating the transfer of passengers from one branch 'of the lines of said railway company to an- other shall be subject to the control of the city council. Sec. b. That as an additional con- sideration for said extension it is hereby further expressly provides that for the benefit of the working people of Dubuque, said railway company, during the entire period of its fran- chise, shall constantly keep on hand at its principal office in Dubuque, half - fare tickets for sale to laborers, me- chanics and workwomen and working girls at the rate of two and one-half cents each, good during the hours from six to seven in the morning, and six to seven in the evening, for passage one way from one extreme point of its line of railway to the other, within the city Limits, with privileges of trans- fer at junctions and crossings. Sec. 7. That it is hereby further agreed and stipulated that said com- pany shall transport free of charge on its cars, as ordinary passengers. all policemen and firemen regularly em- ployed as such by the city of Dubu- que when in the uniform of their res- • pective departments. Sec. 8. That it is expressly stipu- lated and understood that this ordin- ance when accepted by the Home Elec- trict company shall be construed to be a mutual contract between the city of Dubuque and said company, and all its provisions and conditions binding upon both parties. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the amendment. Hon. D. J. Lenehan addressed the council objecting to the amendment. Ald. Wales moved to lay the amend- ment and ordinance over until the next meeting of the council. Ald. Wales' amendment was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Wales. Total, 1. Nayes — Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. 5. Absent—Ald. Duggan. The question recurring on the orig- inal motion of Aid. Crawford to adopt was carried by the following vote: Flynn, Total, Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5. Nayes—Ald. Wales. Total. 1. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. Flynn moved that further action be postpot.;d and It lay over under the rule until the next session of the coun- cil. Carried. The original ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. Authorizing the Home Electric Com- pany to construct, maintain and op- erate, in connection with its street railway lines already in operation, a single track on Iowa street and thence easterly on and along Fourth street, from Fifth street to Fourth street and High Bridge avenue to the Levee; also a single track on and along Asbury street from Delhi street westerly to the city limits. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Hone Electric company, as successor of David H. Og- den and William L. Allen and Thomas O. Swiney, be, and is hereby granted the right and authority to construct, maintain and operate in connection with its lines of street railway already in operation in the city of Dubuque, the fol'.owing additional tracks, to -wit: A single track extension of its present track on Iowa street, from Fifth to Fourth street, and thence on and along Fourth street and High Bridge avenue to the Levee; also a single track extension on and along Asbury street westerly from Delhi street to the city limits. Section 2 That the rights and priv- ileges granted in the preceding section shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions, and reservations, so far as applicable, contained in the origi- nal ordinance adopted March 4th, 1889, in favor of David H. Ogden, and also in the original ordinance adopted Nov. 4th, 1889, in favor of William L. Allen and Thomas O. Swiney, and in all sub- sequent ordinances amending the same or granting additional right or priv- ileges to said David H. Ogden or Wm. L. Allen, and Thomas O. Swiney, or either of them, or their successors; and also to all the provisions and condi- tions so far as applicable of Chapter One Hundred (100), and One Hundred and One (101), of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1893 concerning outside con- structions for electrical purposes, and providing for compensation of the city electrician, and designating who shall pay for the same. Section 3. That as a further condi- tion of the grant of additional right of way to said Home Electric company contained in the first section of this ordinance it is provided that the con- struction of said extensions of tracks shall be fully completed and in opera- tion within one year from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance. Section 4. That the said Home Elec- tric company shall file with the city V Regular Session, November 16, 1899 recorder an acceptance in writing of this ordinance within five days after its passage and approved by the mayor; otherwise it shall become absolutely null and void. If accepted by said com- pany within the time herein specified, it shall thereupon be published one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper, and take effect and be in force from and after such publication. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee on streets respectful- ly recommends that the macadam be- longing to J. F. Meukel be accepted and that a warrant be drawn in his favor for the amount as follows: 43 cubic yards, at 50c $24.00 P. W. CRAWFORD, E. E. FRITH, Street Committeee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the petition of Richard E. Butler asking that Union street, between Rush Street and Cleveland avenue, he filled, reslectful.ly recom- mends that the street comt_.issioner be instructed to spend not to exceed the Fum of twenty-flve dollars ($25.00), in making said street passable. P. W. CRAWFORD, E. FRITH, P. H. McLAIIGHLIN, Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the corn- mitteee on fire, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: G. B. Baumgartner, bri:k ma- son repairs at Central Engine house .... ......$112.05 Linehan & Molo, fire brick and City of Dubuque to construct a sam- clay at Central Engine house 28.65 ' tary sewer in Thirteenth street, and it J. R. Reilly, damages sustained is hereby proposed to construct a san- by runaway of horse of fire I itary sewer in said Thirteenth street, department .... 15.00 as follows, to -wit: A 19 -inch tile Also your committee on fire, to whom pipe sewer from alley first east of was referred with power the bids for Washington street to Ceda- street; 1,500 feet of fire hose, respectfully re- Therefore, Resolved, That the city ports that bits fro.n the following par- engineer be and is hereby directed to ties were received and opened: W. S. prepare a plat and specifications show - Salisbury & Co., Chicago; Penn Rub- ing the location and general nature of berCo,Philadelphia; Gutta Percha Rub- such improvement, the kind of mate- ber Mfg Co, Chicago; Chicago Fire Hose rial to be used, and an estimate of the Co., Chicago; New Jersey Car Spring cost thereof, with the amount assessa- V and Rubber Co.. Chicago; Tate & Co.. ble upon each lot or abutting parcel of land aon, d - Chicago; Boston Woven Hose and Rub- jacent to, or r ber Co., Boston, and the Dubuque Rub- front foot, or square feet in area, and ber and Belting Co., Dubuque. The to file such plat, specifications and es - price ranging from 59 to 90 cents per timate in the office of the city recorder. foot for hose and couplings complete That after the filing of said plat in his f. o. b., Dubuque, and that we have office, the city recorder shall cause to awarded the contract to the Dubuque be published in the official newspaper a proper record be made of the within contract. RUDOLPH JONES, C. E. WALES, JAS. T. DUGGAN, Committee on Fire Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Flynn, chairman of the special committee. reported as follows: Your special committee, Alds. Flynn, Jones and Duggan, to whom was re- ferred the petition of the Fred Miller Brewing Co., asking that the culvert on Twelfth and Pine streets be ex- tended 50 feet east, respectfully reports that in company with the street com- mittee and engineer we have looked the ground over, and would re' ommend that the petition be granted and that the bids for doing the work be opened and the contract awarded Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report on the petition of the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mtg. Co.. asking that a sanitary sewer be con- structed in 13th street from alley first east of . ashington street to Cedar street, respectfully reports that Mr. Morrison, for the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., agrees to pay th^ assessment against lots 136 and 137. East Dub. Add., in addition to the as- sessment against their own property. for the construction of sa`d szw=r. We therefore recommend that Bald sewer be constructed and that tl:e following resolution be adopted: JNO. FLYNN, RUDOLPH JONES, J. T. DUGGAN. Aid. Flynn offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed ne^essary and advisable by the City Council of the Rubber and Belting Co., agents for Eureka Fire Hose Co., of New York, they being the lowest bidder for 1,500 feet of the Light Chester Brand Cot- ton, Rubber Lined Hose at 59 cent. tion of he shall tat he is nexttreguiarssessiontno- tify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompa- nying the same. of the city, the notice provide o section 6, of the ordinance relating to the construction of Fewers, adopted May 19th, 1899, and after the comple- per foot, said hose being guaran for 4 years and to withstand a water pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch. We would also recommend that v v 236 ItTsnlar Session, November 16, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port and resolution. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the paving committee, reported as follows: To the Mayor and City Council: Your committee on paving respect- fully reports that they have examined the improvement "brick paving" of the Ievee front from High Bridge avenue to Wall street. Steuck & Linehan, con- tractors, and we recommend that said street be accepted ani that a special assessment be levied against the abut- ting property to cover the cost of curb- ing and paving, and that the committee on finance be instructed to provide for the issue of bonds to cover the cost of the work, also recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of S:euck & Linehan on the improvement bond fund, when the bonds have been ne- gotiated, for the amount of $3,935.98 that being the amount due for curbing and paving Less $183.68 which amount is 5 per cent to be retained for one year as a guarantee, and we further recommend that the treasurer ba instructed to retain the amount of $262.27 which is due the city for roll- ing and macadam furnished contrac- tors, and we further recommend that the treasurer be instructed that when sail $262.27 is collected that he credit the road fund with the amount. E. E. FRITH. P. H. M'LAUGHLIN, Committee. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following. ia Resolved by the city council of the ity of Dunuque: That the mayor be nd is hereby authorized and required to issue improvement bonds to the amount of three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars ($3.930.00) under the provision of an ordinance adapted Dy the city council of the city of Dubuque May 19th, 1897 for the purpose of pro- viding funds or• the cos: and expense of improving the following street to - wit: ................ The levee front from High Bridge avenue to Wall street. raid bonds to be of •the following denomination: Seven (7) bonds of five hundred dollars ($500) each and one bund of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450) numbered from 28 to 35 'nein- 1 sive, dated Dee. 1st, 1899, payable seven years after date, or at any time be- fore seven years, at the option of the city of Dubuque and bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually, both principal and interest to be payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Du- buque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and properly registered they shall be de- livered to the finance committee of the council who shall sell the same at not. less than par, and pay the pro- ceeds of same to the city treasurer and to be applied by him as provided in the ordinance adopted by the city eouncil May 19, 1898, said finance com- mittee to report its doings under this resolution to the city council. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the report of the committee of the whole be post- poned until the next session of the council. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that Messrs. Bohn toad Keckevoet were present and had asked that the license for the ice har- bor for skating rink pu.poses be the sauce as last year. Ald. Frith moved that the recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the privilege of the use of the ice har- bor for skating rink purposes. Car- ted. A1.1. Wales brought up the matter of Bluff street extension and asked to hear from City Engineer Blake. City Engineer Blake stated that he had prepared a profile and plat of the proposed improvement and can pres- ent the same to the street committee when they have time to consider the same. AId. Wales moved that the street commissioner be instructed to expend $1,000 to make the street passable. Ald. Crawford moved an amend- mert, that further action be postponed until next spring. Ala. Frith moved an amerdment to the amendment, that the ma:ter be re- ferred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford accepted Ald. Frith's amendment. All. Wales moved as a substitute that $1,000.00 be appropriated and ex- pended under the direction of the city engineer. street committee and street commissioner. Carried. Aid. Crawford moved that the city engineer be instructed to notify the contractors (O'Farrell & Norton) to re- move the dirt from the alley, first east of Cornell street, deposited there by themried. from Wes: 16th street. Car - RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: 'That the street com- missioner under the supervision of the street committee, be ins•ructed to build a roadway from Fengler's Landing at Eagle Point, north along the bank of the river abaut 500 feet. The purpose of the road being to enable the farmers from Wisconsin to have a safe land- ing when the river is frozen over. On motion the resolution was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Frith offered the follow reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway com- pany be instructed to within 15 days open up and repair the gutters under tlieir tracks on Lincoln avenue so that the water can drain off said street. AId. Jones offered t:he following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a street 25 feet in width be opened up from Lincoln Special Session, November 27, 1899 !.37 avenue to Emsley Lane, through lots 93 and 94, McCraney's 1st addition and that the same be dedicated a public highway, and that warrants be order- ed drawn in favor of George Fengler, Dietrich Bros. and Joseph Reuge- ineir for the amount of $150.00 each, they being the owners of said prop- erty, and that the city attorney be in- structed to secure deeds to said prop- erty. Ald. Jones moved to aeopt the reso- lution. Aid. Flynn moved to postpone fur- ther action until the special commit- tee reports. Ald. Flynn's motion carried. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn until December 7th, 1899. Carried. At te:; AJ)pf•re( o yr 149 Mclor Special Session, November 27th, 1899. Official. Council met at 8 o'clock P. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Duggan Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent.—Ald. Frith. Mayor Berg stated that the object of the special session was to consider the report of the committee of the whole, to whom had been referred the com- munications of the Dubuque Water company dated Nov. 15th and 16th, and presented to the council at its regular session, Nov. 16th, 1899. • Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen- tlemen:—Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the communica- tions of the Dubuque Water company, one dated Nov. 15th, 1899, and one dated Nov. 16th, 1899, in relation to municipal ownership of the water works, respect- fully recommend the adoption of the at- tached resolutions. The rannm were then read. Dug Aldo Duggmoved that the report of the committee of the whole and the resolutions be adopted. Hon. Robert Bonson, a representative of the Water company being the mayor asked him if he had any thing to say. ;'r. Bonson said -he desired to address sat e ouncil. id waterDubuque Water company as con- Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be templated in section 7 of said Dubuque m. suspended and that Mr. l;onson be heard. Carried. Mr. Bonson addressed the council and asked that the Dubuque Water com- • pany be granted a conference with the city council, with a view of an amicable adjustment and sale of the water plant to the city. Ald. Flynn addressed the council. Ald. Crawford moved a substitute for the report of the committee of the whole, that the request of the Dubuque Water company, asking for a confer- ence between the council and the Du- buque Water company be granted. Attorney Duffy stated that he desired the resolution in reference to the Wa- I ter company's communication of Nov. 15th, adopted. Ald. Crawford withdrew that part of the motion covering the resolution per- taining to the communication of the Water company's of Nov. 15th. 1899, for the purpose of the adoption of the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reso- lution in reference to the communica- tion of the Water company of Nov. 15th, 1899, be adopted. The resolution was then read and adopted. Ald. Crawford renewed his motion (a substitute) that the Water company be granted a conference with the council before ar9 other action is taken. The substitute of Ald. Crawford was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. Nayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Wales. Total 3. It being a tie vote, Mayor Berg voted aye carrying the substitute of Ald. Crawford. The resolution adopted follows: Whereas, the Dubuque Water com- pany has addressed two communica- tions to the mayor and city council of this city, one dated November 15, 1899, and the other dated November 16, 1899, and the city council desires to reply to the same; therefore, be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, in relation to the said communication of November 15, 1899, that the said city council does not at present desire to appoint two arbitra- tors or appraisers for the purpose of fixing the price of the water works and property of the said Dubuque eater company, for the reason that the city believing that it can secure a more cer- tain, equitable, Just. and a less ex- pensive appraisement and ascertain- ment thepricey s ty has thethworks the right to purchasethe water ue and property ofsaid idrDubuq n Waterte company, equested, one attempt at which has prov- ed right tol do so.dhasieving it appl ed to has the legal rict court of Iowa in and for Dubuque county to secure a. determination and ascertainment f i he price ed at t which purchasee city of Dubuque orks and property of the v 238 Special Session, November 27, 1899. Water company's charter. And until it is finally determined in said suit that the city has no right to have such price ascertained and determined by said dis- trict court, the city does not desire to appoint appraisers as requested. And that the city does not intend to abandon its election to purchase the said water works and property of the said Du- buque Water company or its right t') an arbitration fixing the price of said water works and property as provided in said section 7, and will within a reasonable time, if it is finally decided that the city has not the right to have such price determined and ascertained by said district court, appoint apprais- ers to fix such price as requested by said Dubuque Water company, unless the charter and franchise of the said Du- buque Water company is forfeited and annulled in the action now pending in the said district court between the city and said Dubuque Water company brought for that purpose. That until such time the city will proceed with proper diligence with the said suit ask- ing the district court to ascertain and determine such price of said water works and pronerty, and it refers to the petition filed in said suit for a more complete statement of its reasons for acting as above set out. Ald. Flynn moved that further ac- tion on the resolution of the Water company's communication of Nov. 16th, 1899, he postponed for the present. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor he authorized to confer with the Water company and arrange for the time. and when ready, call the meeting. Car- ried. City Attorney Duffy asked that he be empowered to emnloy an expert engi- neer to assist in the trial now pending in the district court between the city f Dubuque and the Dubuque Water company. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the mayor and city attorney be authorized to employ an expert engineer to be 'used (if necessary) in the pending trial of the forfeiture ease. Carried. The mayor called the attention of the council to the odorous and unsanitary condition of the closets in the city hall. On motion the matter was referred to the market committee. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: ` . Lf4 iY1' :" • ecorder Approved. L .-. ... / '— 18 i1 . Mayor LIST OF WARRANTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 1, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1899: C. H. Berg, salary, mayor. $ 116 65 H B Gniffke, treasurer 133 35 H B Gniffke, assist, treasurer75 00 L M Langstaff, recorder 116 65 F B Hoffman, auditor 100 00 E 0 Duncan, assessor . 125 00 T H Duffy, attorney 150 00 Edward Morgan, marshal........ S3 35 Joe Reinfried, fire chief .. 100 00 Wm Fitzpatrick. • om't clerk.. 95 00 Wm A Kaep, clerk, recorder's of- fice 60 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer of- fice.. 50 00 Edw C Blake, engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, asst. engineer 91 65 P Cassidy, chairman 40 00 J Boyce, street commissioner.... 100 00 Win Hippuran, electrician 83 35 Otto Rath, market master 50 00 Thos. Cahill, park custodian40 00 Peter Kien, park custodian 40 00 E A Guilbert, health officer50 00 Sarre Starr, sanitary policeman60 00 Nic Offerman, pound master45 00 11rs 1-1 hueuig, salary as Ja:i- tress 20 00 L Zeidman, salary as sidewalk inspector 50 00 Curran, wharfmaster 20 00 J Daily, fireman 60 00 J Dames, fireman 75 00 T ityder. fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 40 OU W Ducey, fireman 60 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 53 35 C LIar'K 50 00 D A hearn, fireman 60 00 G Helfnich, fireman 60 00 J McFarland, fireman 50 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 F Murphy, fireman 50 00 Wni. Quinn, fireman 50 00 A McDonald, fireman 75 00 M Byrne, fireman .... 50 00 C E Ingalls, sub fireman 16 00 J Jones. firentan 50 00 J Murphy, fireman 60 00 M Eitel, salary fireman .. 60 00 i Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60.00 J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 J Tschudi, fireman 50 00 F t'^nahl, fireman 60 00 T Flynn, fireman 60 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman 45 00 F Kenneally, fireman 4815 W Keas, sub fireman.... 6 65 C Kannolt, fireman 60 CO Jas Allen, fireman 60 00 Wm McBride, fireman 50 00 Robt Weston, fireman C -o Burke, police 54 03 Nic Brand, police Ben Busse, police Jas Carter, police Jas Clure, police John Cody, police Jas Claure, police Phil. Dumphey, police H Donlin, police Jas Flynn, police Jno Fitzpatrick, police Pat Hanlon, police Wm Hennessey, police Emil Kahn, police M Kilty, police J Loetscher, police.. P McCollins, police P McInerney, police Jno Moore, police P Mulligan, police J J Murphy, police Jno Murphy, police Dan Norton, police M O'Connor, police Aug. Pfeffer, police Pat Powers, police. Jas Rooney, police Tom Reilly, police. Jno Raesli, police Peter Scharff, police Pat Sutton, police Al T Scherr. police Pat Sullivan, police 54 95 Tom Sweeney, police 53 30 Jno L Sullivan, police 50 00 Mike Lavin, labor J J Tierney, police 53 30 Tom Lonergan, labor ........... Jos Tyler, police b3 30 Herman Lembkee, labor Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police matron.. 30 00 11 Lonregan, labor Miss B Brennan, police matron.. 30 00 Robt Love, labor ... LABOR ON STREETS FOR LAST PatLarMoran,y lalaborla HALF OF SEPTEMBER, 1899.4 bor 05 Mike Murphy, labor 5 40 Ed Malloy, labor 610 John Malone, labor 810 A Mulholland, labor 16 20 Tom Mulqueeney, labor • 5 10 Joe Marteneck, labor 12 85 Wm McDermott, labor 12 85 Mike McMahon, labor 7 45 Jas McCarron, labor 9 45 John McCarron, labor ... 17 55 Mike McKeown, labor ... • • • 11 85 Jas McDonald, labor 1 35 Matt McNamara, labor 5 '0 B McCormack, labor Felix McBride, labor Robt McGivern, labor Phil Newman, labor Pat O'Brien, labor Jas O'Donnell, labor Felix Oswald, labor Wrn O'Brien, labor John Pfeiffer, labor Wm Quinlan, labor Tom Reilly, labor List of Warrants. 54 95 53 30 53 30 53 30 53 30 53 30 53 30 53 30 50 00 53 30 53 30 Pat Grew, labor John Girst, labor 239 Conrad Geimer, labor Henry Galle,.labor Joe Guenther, labor Peter Guenther, labor Chas Grunzig, labor 13 Glass, labor Joe Grabb, labor C Gantenbein, labor John Hanley, labor 53 D John Heaffy, labor 50 0) Mike Hoapes. labor 53 30 Wm Hoss, labor 1 35 10 15 4 00 11 50 4 05 4 05 3 10 6 75 9 45 20 00 16 90 12 15 to 80 12 85 11 50 10 80 17 55 20 00 19 50 15 00 8.10 10 80 8 10 9 15 8 10 3 40 10 15 8 10 20 00 20 00 12 60 35 7 45 16 90 9 45 16 90 17 65 1 60 10 15 2 70 10 15 14 85 4 75 8 00 16 55 2 70 4 05 4 05 7 45 8 10 8 10 15 55 4 05 7 80 17 55 40 00 17 55 8 10 7 45 7 80 20 00 7 45 15 90 12 85 12 85 11 60 10 15 14 85 19 60 23 50 8 10 11 50 11 50 5 40 10 80 54 93 A Henderson, labor 53 30 Aug Haffman, labor 54 95 60 0) 53 3) 69 35 53 30 Adam Jaeger, labor 54 95 Andy Johnson, labor 53 3) Aug Jass, labor M Hardie, labor John Hayes, labor James Hird, labor Jess Je'lison, labor 54 'I' John Jehring, labor Asa Knapp, labor 5330 John Kelly, labor 64 00 Paul Krokeski, labor 69 35 Fred Krueger, labor 53 3) Pat Kenneally, labor 53 30 John Kinsella, labor 54 95 Mat Klein, labor John Laughlin, labor John Lavery, labor Earnest Amenda, labor John Burns, labor Joe Blocklinger, labor Joe Brulette, labor Paul Becker, labor Steve Bastian, labor J Brachtenbach, labor P Brandenberg, labor Fred Budde, labor ... • Chas Busse, labor Joe Brown. labor Wm Caughlin, labor Hugh Connell, labor Peter Carney, labor Martin Carmody, labor •••••"'• 16 90 Mat Crahan, labor 14 10 80 85 John Corbett, labor 85 Chas Campman, labor 6 6 10 Wrn Carberry, labor .......... • Jas Connelly, labor • • • • • • • • " " • : 17 55 6 20 Mike Dunnigan, labor 116 85 Pat Dempsey, labor Steve Dorsey, lr.bor 19 50 9 45 John Ess, labor. ................ 6 75 Jas Ryan, labor John Ess, labor . • • • • • • • • • • labor Pat Furey. labor ................9 45 Chas Reilly, Matt Fagan, labor . • • • • • • ....... 5 40 15 90 Phile Reddin, labor Mat Fetschle, labor .......... • . • • 16 90 Joe Rooney. labor Wm F Flynn,labor labor • • • •• • • • • .... 6 75 Dan Sheehan. labor John lnn,8 10 M S Sughrue, labor Pat Fitzgeraldd,,labor • • • • • • • • • Smith, labor . labor 17 55 Tom labor Pat Fearl y, """• 20 00 Win Spensley, John Farley, labor ............... labor . • • .. • • • • • • • • labor ........... 75 00 John ur Stevens, Harry Fleck, 50 00 Frank Scherr, labor N Frith, labor • • ........... 240 List of Warrants. Geo Sutter, labor Peter Stoffer, labor Sam Smith, labor Simon Schaetzle, labor John Schammel, labor 13 Schnee, labor Wm Schwaegler, labor Lew Smith, labor John Spies, labor Wm Sherridan, labor Landon Taylor, labor .. John Welsh, labor Peter Waist, labor .. Anton Wondrachek, labor L. Wachinheim, labor 7 45 7 80 18 25 6 75 16 90 8 80 4 05 5 40 12 00 20 00 16 90 8 10 16 90 9 45 8 10 Wm. Weber, labor 4 75 Wm. Wearmouth, labor 13 50 6 75 4 05 7 80 19 50 26 25 26 25 8 15 12 50 27 50 25 65 2 50 27 50 5 00 5 00 John Huffmeier, team 27 50 Mike Hannon, team 21 25 H. C. King, team 31 25 Frank Mathis, team 21 25 Jeff McGrath, team 16 25 Chas. McGivern, team 2 50 J. J. McCollins, team 20 00 Frank Otto, team 16 25 Geo. Reynolds, team 15 00 Henry Smith, team 31 90 Frank Siege, team 23 75 Ed Seeley, team 3125 Sam Snodgrass, team 5 00 Jas Tobin, team 10 00 M. T'heise, team 23 75 John Terry, team 20 00 Otto Turner, tea.m 6 25 Frank Winter, team 15 00 Mrs. Walsh, team 1125 M. Zogg, team 5 00 LABOR GRADING STREETS FOR THE LAST HALF OF SEPT. 1899. Tom Adaman, labor 15 00 Tom Butcher, labor 18 00 John Bohn, labor 28 75 Dennis Corcoran, labor 18 75 R. Caffery, labor 18 75 Frank Correll, labor 18 00 Thos. Callahan, labor 5 40 John Driscoll, team 13 75 Ben Fern, labor 23 00 Conrad Geimer, labor 5 00 Peter Gregory, labor 4 05 Joe Gavin, labor 17 25 Joe Geisland, labor 16 50 Torn Hackney, labor 8 10 Jake Hanson, labor 23 00 Tom Kennelly, labor 18 00 Robt Love, labor 9 00 Jas McCracken, labor 18 00 Jas. McKernan, labor 18 75 Jas McCarron, labor 4 05 John Nutz, labor 18 00 Mike O'Shea, labor 4 05 Herman Weber, labor ✓ enzel Zachena, labor Fred Zurshoff, labor Geo. Zu.mhoff, labor Ike Beekman, team Ed Burns, team Mrs. B. Costello, team John Calvert, team Joe Calvert, team B Cain, team John Deckert, team Tom Elliott, team Ed Frith, team Thos Heins, team Mike Cr Meagher, labor Jas. Purcell, labor John Parker, labor Pat Quinn. labor Mike Sullivan. labor :Vick Sweeney. labor John A. Spear. labor John Speas, labor s 1'J 12 15 18 75 16 20 4 05 8 10 25 00 10 00 Airs. 1. BrJwn, team 13 75 Wm. Howar.l, team .,., 30 00 Alike Kennelly. team 15 00 Rafe Kennelly, team 22 50 Mat Kennelly, team 15 00 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR LAST HALF OF SEPTEMBER, 1899. Ed. Brunskill. labor $ 20 80 Frank DeGorge, labor 13 60 Sam Elmer, labor 20 SO H. rl. Eddy, lab r 25 00 Pat Furey. labor Morris Flynn, labor Chas. Hillary, labor Chas. Hillary. Jr., lab )1. ,. Joe Lowrie, labor Jas. Ryan. labor T F Maguire, asst. atty, for Au- gust and September 100 00 Gotf Gmehle, asst. assessor for September 75 00 J J Murphy, assist. assessor for September .. 75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for September . 11 60 Jas. Kelly, stationery for various offices 6 35 Jas. Kelly, stationery for city at- torney's office 3 00 Bieg & Rood, stationery for city attorney's office ,. 5 60 Bieg & Rood, stationery for var- ious offices , . , 2 25 Hardie & Scharlie, blank station- ery Lyon, Barnard & Co, blank sta- tionery J C Longueviile, telegrams and expenses in Water works case Y J Conlin, livery hire in Water works case. L Daily, cleaning market square, June, July, August and Sept Chas Oswald, repairing and set- ting up stoves... Chas Oswald, repairing police stars M Mullen, mantels for Welsbach burners Gus Holl, repairing lawn mower„ C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks for July, August and Sep- tember C. O. D. Laundry, washing blank- ets for patrol house D W Rand, examining Gold- thorpe building B W Jones, examining Gold- thorpe building 5 00 C H Jordan, examining Gold- thorpe building , . , , 5 00 L H Langworthy, oak lumber for road department,. .. 74 40 P J Seippel, oak lumber for road department 60 05 Key City Iron Works, repairing steam roller 20 20 20 4 19 20 00 80 80 SO 20 SO 2 50 3 40 100 80 31 00 40 00 32 70 70 2 45 1 9') 9 00 75 5 00 85 List of Warrants. 241 Wm Marsall, repairing steam roller Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, packing for steam roller 45 Linehan & Molo, 50 feet rope for road department ...... 2 25 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 47 55 A E Bradley, glazing for road department A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department... ... 2 43 Jno Butt, repairing tools, f:;r road department 9 40 F Schloz, repairing tools for road department ... 7 30 Gus Bock, repairing tools for road department .... .. 3 65 B D Linehan, repairing tools for road department 6 63 E L King, painting railng llth street elevator 6 50 Whitewell & Dalton, veterinary services road department 3 00 Jno Becker, rock for road depart- ment 3 00 Noonan Bros., use of horse for carpenter wagon 15 09 Carr, Ryder & Adams, pinewood for steam roller 1 50 L Lindenberg, new tools road de- partment 4 8 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing city hall 1 51 Jno Heim. macadam .... 163 00 M. Sullivan. macadam.... ....... 32 75 Jno Malone. macadam .. 9 50 Itobt. Miller. macadam 11 00 Jas. Levi & Co.. ducking for fire department. 1 10 Jas Levi & Co.. carpet for ma- tron department 12 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for fire department... 4 Collings & Wilkinson. horse shoe- ing for police department 7 Kannolt & Powers. horse shoeing 11 for fire department A Wunderlich, hors e shoeing - for fire and police departments 9 Jno Butt, repairs at Central c Engine House.......... • •• Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi street engine house Ott• Meuser & Co.. shavings for fire department T Connolly, repair chemical en - 6.6 gine and hose wagon. ••• Ryder Bros.. soda and lye for fire , { department Carr, Ryder & Adams. reglazing 1 sash for fire department Homan & Roehle, mattresses anti chairs for fire department Whitwell & Dalton. veterinary services for fire department25 Whitewell & Dalton. veterinary services for police department M Stafford, hay for fire depart- meet depart - 1 Stafford, hay for police del - 1 ment.. D and J Hoerner, hardware for fire department ........ D and J Hoerfier, new tools for 7 25 sewer department McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central engine house Linehan & Molo, white waste for Central engine house 21 40 Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants for September 1408 33 Butt Bros., repairing patrol wa- 3 00 gon .... .... T J Conlin, shavings for patrol house .. Duggan & Kane, supplies for matron's department.... .. 410 E Morgan, telegrams 1 20 Iowa Telephone Co.. telephones for various offices 54 05 Mullen Bros., plumbing at steam roller house 3 80 Jno E Hartig, new keys for sewer department 1 75 A A Brown, new tools. $3.50; and repair of old tool, $1,03 for sewer department ........ .... 4 50 Globe Journal, official printing for September .... .. 50 00 The Herald, official printing for September 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for September 25 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for September 60 00 Dubuque Tel,g aph, weekly coun- cil proceedings. $3.00: health reports. $3.50 6 50 Gonner Bros., six months official printing 37 50 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights for September 1798 20 Globe Light & Heat Co.. 100 lamps for September.. . 166 67 6) Jno Schrup, rodman for Septem- ber eptem: 40 00 ber...... ............ 40 Nie Sweeney. labor at city 2 70 dump.... 00 T E Frith. removing garbage and 223 20 dead animals 40 O'Farrell & Norton. estimate on 700 00 Bee Branch sewer 20 Pat F Quinn, new Culbert on 168 90 Quinnstreet .... ................ 1 , F M Jaeger Co.. new tools for 18 90 road department 01 H B Gniffke. ref. exchange per- 60 00 nits •• u; H B Gniffke. interest on out- 969 28 standing warrants.... 5 H B Gniffke. postage stamps.... 20 00 H B Gniffke court costs in Water 2 30 0) works care H B Gniffke. refunding sewer tam $14.25: express charges 14 56 11c ........... 115 German Trust and Savings Bank loan $10.000 00 *A Second National Bank. loan.. ..10,000 00 Struck & Linehan. improvement 92 of Grove street from Broadway Exte=nsion to north line of lot 958 00 q :1: .7' No. 21. Jno King's add 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is ist of l 0; n fru, ts issued byl me educt ring the l an month of 2 4) , 1S99. L. M. LANGSTAFF. 3)2 City Recorder. 2 55 6 00 85 6 00 tl 1 242 Official Notices. (Official Publication) AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Dubuque Stree Rail- way company to construct, maintain, and operate in connection with its street railway lines already in opera- tion, an additional track in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's addition extending from Rhom- berg avenue to Lincoln avenue, and thence east on and along Lincoln ave- nue to the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway; also, an additional track on and along Lin- coln avenue extending southwesterly from said alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues, Ham's addition, to a point two hundred feet from said alley. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Dubuque Street Railway company be and is hereby granted the right and authority to construct, maintain and operate in conection with its lines of street rail- way already in operation in the city of Dubuque, the following additional tracks, to -wit, in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues in Ham's ad- dition, from Rhomberg avenue to Lin- • coln avenue, and thence east on and along Lincoln avenues to right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway; also, an additional track on Lincoln avenue extending south- westerly from said alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues to a point cn Lin- coln avenue two hundred feet from said alley. Sec. 2. That the rights and privileges granted in the preceding section shall be subject to al the conditions, restric- tions and reservations so far as appli- cable, contained in the original ordin- ance granting a franchise to said company, passed October 4, 1867, and in all subsequent ordinances amending the same, or granting additional rights, privileges, or extensions to said railway company; and also to all the provisions and conditions. so far as applicable, of chapters one hundred (100) and one hundred and one (101), of the revised ordinances of 1893 concern- ing outside cor structions for electric Light and power, and cher electrical purposes; and as providing for com- pensation for the city electrician and designing who shall pay for the same. Sec. 3. That as a further condition of the grant of additional right of way to said railway company, contained in the first se^tion of this ordinance, it is provided that the construction of said extensions of track shall be fully completed and in operation within one year from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 4. That as a further considera- tion for, and condition, for the grant of additional right of way contained in the first section of this ordinance it is hereby expressly provided and stipu- lated that said Dubuque Street Rail- way company shall in no case make or raise any lega 1 objection to any special assessment made by the city council of the citj of Dubuque against said company, or its lines of street railway, levied in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Iowa and the Ordinance of the City, for the purpose of defraying the cost o, paving or macadamizing the portion of any street or highway between the rails and one foot upon either side thereof and in case of double track, between the tracks, of any line of street railway owned by said company in the city of Dubuque, and will waive one and all objections on account of any a'leged illegality, irregularity, informality, or unconstitutionality of such special as- sessment, and will pay all such special assessment and the installments there- of and interest when du , in the man- ner provided by the city ordinances regulating the same. Sec. 5. That as a further condition of the grant of right of way contained in the first section h. _3f, it is hereby expressly provided that said Street Railway company shall grant transfer privileges by checks at all junctions and crossings of its own lines to such passengers as ma. request the same; said transfer checks to• be good for passage from the junction or crossing where give*, on the first con- necting car passing in the desired direction, and on no other car. Pro- vided, That the details of effecting and regulating the transfer of pas- sengers from one branch of the line of said railway to another shall be sub- ject to the control of the city council. Sec. 6. That said Dubuque Street Railway company shall file with the city recorder an acceptance in w r,ting of this ordinance within five days after its passage and approval by the mayor; otherwise it shall become ab- solutely null and void. If accepted by said company within the time herein specified, it shall thereupon he pub- lished one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, newspaper, and take effect and be in force from and after such publication. Adopted ovember, 16, 1893. Approved November 17th, 1899. C. H. B 'G, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Reorder. ACCEPTANCE. Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1899. We hereby accept the ordinance in re- lation to extension granted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, November 16th, 1899. (Signed.) Dubuque Street Railway Company, By Bart. E. Linehan, President, D. E. Lyon, Secy. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph newspaper, November 24th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Official Notices. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 2nd day of November, 1899, the following spec- ial assessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delin- quent :and subject to collection by dis- tress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, • City Treasurer. REPAIRING SIDEWALK Mary Wilde, sub 1 of 2 of 7 of min lot 45, lot 2 $ 1 70 A. W. Kemler Est., Union add, lot 182 70 Alice Garrity, Union add, s 100 n 150, lot 137 1 00 John Gillespie, Smyth's sub, lot 1. 1 00 John Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77, Union add, lot 2 80 Cith. Bermingham, sub 76 and 77, Union add. lot 1 1 60 Frank H. Weihe, Hodge's sub No. 2. lot 17 80 John Stedman, sub 1, Quigley's gub, lot 2 95 Hugh Talty, sub 2 of min lot 160, lot 1 3 30 Frank H. Weihe, Hodge's sub No. 2. lot 30 65 James Rowan, sub 7, 8, 9, Quig- ley's sub, lot 14 90 Mrs. L. M. Post, Hodge's sub, lot .10 60 A. E. Girard, Hodge's sub, lot 560 W. G. Cox, sub min lot 90, lot 260 Standard Oil Co., Dub Har Co's add, lot 1, blk 25 65 Rider & Lawther, Burden's Law- ther add, lot 10 ..... 60 Shiras, Van Duzee and Hender- son, West's add 5 3-4, lot 19..... 75 Henry J. Oser, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 84 65 Thos. J. Paisley, Wm. Blake's add, lot 13 65 James Mullin Est., Finley's add, lot 10 75 John Hennessy, sub 725 city, lot 1 1 05 Robt Bonson Est, sub 731 city, lot 1 Mercy Hospital, min lot 66, lot 270 Itobt. Benson Est., Union add, lot 15 75 James. C. Fitzpatrick, Union acid, lot 151 T. Dillon, Stewart's sub, lot 270 J. H. Shields, Dub Har Co's ad1, 1 55 lot 8, sub w 1-2 blk 1 Rich Wallis Est, Dub Har Co's add, lot 11, sub w 1-2 blk 1 1 15 C. H. Eighmey, sub 2 of 8 of min lot 159, s 1-2, lot 1 90 J. P. Schroeder, Schroeder's add, 80 lot 26 Matthews & Barnes, Littleton & 1 20 Sawyer's add, lot 54 Theo. Merritt, S. M. Langwor- thy's sub, s 26.6, lot 6 G. Becker, sub 3 of min lot 158, 1 30 65 243 lot 1 Ruben Lewis, sub 311 East Du- buque add, lot 1 61 Jas. Beach & Sons, city, lot 5831 41 F. A. Bisping, Burden-Lawther's add, lot 73 Ellen O'Halloran, Finley s add, lot 13 Chicago Great Western Ry., sub 1 of min lot 363, lot 2 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's add, lot 291 Cin Mullen Est., Finley, Wa- plea & Burton's add, lot 11 1 00 R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale add, No. 3, lot 247 95 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 1, blk 4 81 John Steiber, Davis' Farm add, lot 321 1 10 Emma F. .Randall, 1 of 55, min lot 39, lot 1 1 18 N. Maybanks Est., Saunder s sub, lot 1 . . 100 '' A. A. Cooper, The A. A. Cooper wagon works block 75 J. H. Carroll, city, w 20, lot 53375 John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot 1 • 75 Webster & Horr, E. Langwor-' thy's add, lot 1 .. 60 Wm. Guderian Est., East Du-. huque w 1-2, lot 5 85 " FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWER IN... ALPINE STREET. Julia L. Langworthy, Julia L. Langworthy's add, lot 1 $77 SI Julia L. Langw rthy, Julia L. Langworthy's •add, lot 2 8 68 F. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy's add. lot 17 22 32 J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Lang - worthy's add, lot 18 22 32 John A. Meshinger, Julia L Langworthy's add, lot 1922 32 ' Mary Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's add, lot 20... NOTICaI TO CONTRACTORS. Dubuque, Nov. 14, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to Thursday, 4 o'clock p. m., Nov. 16th, 1899, for building a stone culvert on 12th and Pine street. In accordance with plans and specifi- cations on file in my office. A bond of 10.00 will be required with each bid. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer.. 11-14-to-16-inc. CI 70 60 2 00 60 NOTICE OF SALE. I will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on Saturday, the 4th day of November, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between 14th and 15th streets, the following im- pounded animals, to -wit: One grey mare, 11 years old; one bay horse, 11 years old. EDW. MORGAN, City Marshal. Dubuque, Nov. 4th, 1899. 24.4 Official Notices. NOTICE ICE TO . COIN TRACTORS. Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 6th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. No- vember 16th, 1899, for the construc- tion of Bee Branch Sewer and water way, between 17th street and the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway tracks. Estimated amount of grading, 1.800 cubic yards of cut. Contractor to have surplus. material. Bidders to state the nrice per cubic yard for grading. A berm of at least 10 feet on each side of the creek must be left, upon which • no material can be ;deposited. The city reserves the right to change the form or section of excavated ditch, thereby insreasiug or decreasing the total amount of grading to be done. The work to be done in .accordance with plans and specifications now on file in t.ie office of the city recorder's .office. All the work to be done on or before the 9th day of December, 1.899, and to be subject to the inspection and rejec- tion of the committee on streets and the engineer in charge. A certified check on same Dubuque bank for 150.00 must : accompany eacb. bid.as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if :awarded. The city reserves •the right to reject any and ,all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 11-6 to 11-16 int NOTICE. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 18th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my, olfjce up to 4:.00 o'clock . p. m., No- vember 2nd, 1899, for Fifteen Hun- dred (1,500) feet of two and one-half (2 1-2) inch Double Jacket Cotton FirP Hose. Bidders ,must state the • price per lineal foot for said hose, to he de'ivered F. O. B. in Dubuque. Bids must be accompanied •hy sample of hose • bid on. • The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Nov. 6th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., Nov. 16th, 1899, for theconstruction of an 8 - inch tile pipe sewer, on 16th street, from the alley east of Washington stre.. to the alley east of Elm street, in accordance with plans and specifi- cations prepared by the city engineer ani now on file in the city recorder's office. 1 t is estimated by the city engineer that .said .,sewer will be 284 feet In length with two manholes. The work must be completed on or before .the 31st day of December, 1899, and will be paid .for when ,the work is completed and accepted by the city council. Bidders must state the price per lin- eal foot and the price per each man- hole. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for $25.00 must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract vil1 be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 11-6to11-16inc City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Theo. Meritt: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for re- pairing sidewalk for Aug. 1899, a special assessment will be levied . for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot south 26.6 of No. 6 in S. M. Lang's add., owned by you.be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to apepar at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 2nd day of Nov. A. D., 1899, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment .should not be levied. Arnourt .$1.00. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 10 -91 -to -11-2. NOTICE. The board of equalization have com- pleted the work of equalizing the tax books for the year 1899. A list showing all the ehanges.made by the board will be found at each .of . the following places: City Ha11. Court .House. Post Office. The board willibe in session on Tues- day, November 14th, 1899, at 2 p. m. in the city assessor's•office in the city hall where any person feeling aggrieved by the assessment of his or her real es- tate or personal property, may appear before said hoard and _give reasons why such changes should not,be made. FRANK .B. HOFFMAN. Clerk of Committee. 11 -4 -till 11-14. NOTICE TO VE'i ,I:INARIANS. Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Oct. 18th, 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at ,my office up to 7:30 .o'clock p. m. Thursday, November 2nd, 1/s19, for do- ing the veterinary work and furnish- ing medicine for the horses . of the -fire, police and street departments and all horses owned and used by the city for the term of one year, commencing October 1st, 1899, and ending •October 1st, 1900. Bidders must state the price per horse ,per month for doing such work and furnishing all medicine. The city reserves the right to reject, any .and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder. Official Notices. 245 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. Accepting the grant of certain lands and real estate by the State of Iowa to the C:t: of Dubuque, and dedicating the same as a public park for the use and benefit of said city, and the inhab- itants thereof forever. Whereas, The State of Iowa by an act of the General Assembly, approv- ed April 4th, 1896, granted and re- leased to the city of Dubuque all the right, title, and interest vested in said state in and to the lands, islands, and in the beds of lakes, sloughs, and ponds of water within so much of sec- tion seventeen (17), and eighteen (18), in, township eighty-nine (89) north of range three (3), east of the 5th principal meridian as lies east of a line com- mencing at a point where the south line of said section eighteen (18), in- tersects with the west meandered line of the west shore of Lake Peosta, thence northerly along the meandered line of the west shore of said lake to the north line of said section eighteen (18), as shown by, and in accordance with the survey made and recorded by the government of the United States, which said act. is now in full force and effect; Therefore, Be it .ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, ;Section 1. That said grant by .the state of Iowa be, and the same is here- by accepted, and the landsand real estate therein granted and released, as described, in said, act, and in the fore- going preamble, be, and the same are hereby declared to be the property of the city of Dubuque; and it is hereby made the duty of the mayor to cause the same to be properly entered and scheduled as such, in the appropriate record books of said cloy. Section 2. That all of the said lands and real estate granted as aforesaid by the state of.Iowa to the city of Du- buque, together with such other and additional tracts contiguous thereto, within the limits of said section sev- enteeen (17), and eighteen (18), as may be hereafter acquired by the city of Du- buque for park purposes be, and they are hereby dedicated in perpetuity to the public as a park and pleasure re- sort for the, use and benefit of the city •of Dubuque and the inhabitants there- of forever. Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the mayor of. said city to see that the rights and interest of the city in said lands and real estate ,dedicated as aforesaid as a public park are prop- erly guarded, and .the ,prgperty care- fully, protected from all injurious .or antagonistic interference or encroach- ment. That until otherwise provided, the city marshal and .the city officers under him shall, have. Special charge and oversight .of said grounds. Section 4. That this ordinance .shall take effect Raid be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted Nov. 16th, 1899. Approved Nov. 17th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper Nov. 23d, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 11-23-1t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 17th day of August, 1899, the following special assessments were levied on the real es- tate herein after described,, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent , and subject to ,collection . by distress and sale. HENRY B.; GNIFFKE, City Treasuer. Francis Poole,, Glendale add, lot 78 .. . $ 85 Peter Oeth, Glendale add, lot 79 65 Rider & Law,ther, Burden . and Lawther add,. lot 9 90 C.,, M. & St. P. Ry. Co.,. min lot, lot 107 1 50 Deming &. Kiesel, min jot 466, lot 2 1 30 J. Paine, Sanford's sub, lot 61 40 E. Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 180 1.05 R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale add. No. 2, lot 221 1 00 J. McClune,.min lot 160, lot. 3 80 Mary Wilde, sub 1 of. 2 of 7 min lot 46, lot 2 1 25 Mary C. Meehan, A. McDanlel's sub, s 1-2, lot 764 1,40 Geo. Eichhorn, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 118 60 Geo. Eichhorn, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 92 70 F. A. Bisping, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 82 70 Geo. Burden Est., Burden & Lawther's add, lot 79 90 James Beach & Sons, city, lot 582 85 Theo. Merrett,S. M. Lang - worthy's sub, lot 5 ............ 100 A. A. Cooper, city. n 1-2, lot 4a . 90 J. J. Sheridan. Sheridan's add, lot 6 -95 P. Eisbach, sub min lot 63, lot 41 20 C. Heintz, L. ,H. Langworthy's add, lot 147 70 Jackson St. M. E. church, Olin- ger's. sub, lot 1 .80 Sidonia .Hosford,. sub 2 of 1 of 1 Boxleiter's add, lot 1 1 75 Dement & Duncan, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 74 70 Geo. Eiohhorn,• Burden & Law- ther's add, lot.78 Mercy Hospital, sub min lot .66, 2 lot 2 65 Ph1l Rider, sub ,14 and .15, Bush's 1.40 subb lot 5 Emma. F. Randall, sub 1 of 55, 1 55 Min lot .39,..lot 1 Wm. Frommelt.,Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 140 .. . 246 Official Notices. Fred Ackerman, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 88 Barbara Fischer, Burden & Law- ther's add, lot 90 Rider & Lawther, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 17 Rider & Lawther, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 10 ... Henry Riker, Farley's sub, lot 14 Christ Loetscher, McCraney's 2nd add, lot 24 • • Alfred Rhomberg, McCraney's 1st add, lot 79 Cath. Weber, Quigley's sub, out lot 709, lot 3 H. Roesch et al, Broadway add, lot 8 D. Muggenburg, sub 3 min lot 319, lot 8 ........ Ellen F. Callaghan, South Park Hill add, lot 16 Maggie Doty, Reeder Lang - worthy's add, lot 6 ... Henry Herancourt, Grandview Park add, lot 1, block 3 R. and E. Langworthy, Glen- dale add, lot 294 Ryder Bros., city, lot 72a James Forrester Est., Mt. Pleas- ant add, lot 16 ......... L. G. Hurd, 1 of 5 sub 11, • 12 and 13 sub n e 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2, lot 4 P. Hansen, 1 of 5 sub 11, 12 and 13, sub n e 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2, lot 2 Linwood Cemetery, sub 11, 12 and 13, sub n e 1-4 sect 13, 89, 2, lot 4 1 25 70 60 60 75 70 1 10 70 1 15 6t 6E 60 1 30 1 35 UV 60 60 1 00 1 10 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 7th day of September, 1899, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. J. Paine, Sanford sub, lot 6 $ .70 Herman Mauer, Jr., McCraney's 1st add, lot 108 1.50 E. Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 168 .80 Robert Thompson Est., West's add, lot 12 1.20 Joe Reinfried, Cook's add., n 1-2 lot 52 Geo. Salot, Cook's add, s 1-2 lot 61 Jno. Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77 Union add, lot 2 E. Langworthy Est., East Dubu- que add, lot 177 2 20 Harry Edgerton, Porter's add, lot 5 .65 Geo. Salot, E. Langworthy's add, lot 51 1.20 T. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Union add, lot 146 1.30 Jno. Van Dillon, sub 102, L. H .80 .80 .75 Langworthy's add, lot 3 1.00 Robert Waller, Waller's sub, lot 1 of 2 of 1 1.50 First National bank, Finley's Waple's & Burton's add, w 1-2 lot 12 1.00 Mrs. D. Gilliam, Kelley's sub, lot 27 1.80 Bridget Whittemore, Union add, lot 74 3.10 Mrs. M. Langton, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub, lot 9 1.00 E. M. Kringle, sub 77, min lot 79, lot 6 1.55 C. H. Eighmey, sub 2 of 8 min lot 159, s 1-2 lot 1 1.00 Geo. Salot, Tivoli add., lot 21 .80 Jno. Palen, sub 146 and 146a, L H. Langworthy's add, lot 1 1.00 Nic Glab, Ham's add., lot 261 .70 F. M. Robinson Est., Ham's add, lot 435 .95 Deming & Kiesel, min lot 466, lot 2 1.85 Susan Buehler, Ham's add., lot 269 .70 Chas Beyer Est., Hamburgh add, lot 6 2.00 John L. Buettell, Loetscher & Trueb's sub, lot 6 .95 A. Lorenz, sub 688, city, w 27, lot 9. 2.50 Jno. Babcock, Quigley's sub, lot 5. .80 S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Langworthy's sub, lot 9 1.00 L. G. Hurd, sub 1 of 5 sub 11, 12 and 13, n e 1-4 sec 13, 89, 2 lot 3.65 Louis Vogt, Burden & Lawther's add, lot 139 .80 Linwood Cemetery, sub 11, 12 and 13, n e 1-4 sec 13, 89, 2, lot 3 .60 W. G. Cox, min, lot 90, lot 2 1.80 F. W. Coates, S. M. Langworthy's add, lot 39 3.35 Mrs. C. H. Henderson, Ann O'Hare's sub, s 64 n 84, lot 30 .80 Chas. Bergner, sub min lot 80, lot 4 1.30 Gilbert Perry Est., Nairn's add, lot 19 .65 Isaac Cleminson, sub 32, Wilson's sub, lot 1 1.95 James M. Sullivan, Wilson's sub, lot 19 1.00 Sidonia Hosford, sub 2 of 1 of 1 of Boxleiter's add., lot 1 3.70 T. Dillon, Stewart's sub, lot 4 .80 E. C. Weimer, Guernsey & Lang - worthy's add, lot 6 .60 C., M. & St. P. Ry., East Dubu- que add, lot 236. 1.30 American Linseed 011 Co., city, s 1-2, lot 374 .90 W. J. Morgan, et al., Dubuque Harbor Co. add, lot 6, block 68.00 Jos. Reinfried, Marsh's add, lot 37. 1.20 Cath. Heeb, Marsh's add, lot 30.60 J. Marshall, Davis' Farm add., lot 1 of 277 1.30 V. A. Langworthy, East Dubuque add., lot 372 1.90 Reuben Lewis, sub 311, East Dubu- que add., lot 1 1.60 Chicago Great Western Ry., sub 9, L. Kniest's sub, lot 6 3.85 R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 247 2 10 R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale Official Notices. 247 add, lot 270 J. H. Shields et al, Dubuque Har- bor Co. add., lot 2, sub w 1-2 block 10 2.70 Ed. Muntz, Dubuque Harbor Co add, lot 1, sub w 1-2, block 19.80 Geo. W. Keisel, Dubuque Harbor Co. add., lot 6, sub 1-2, block 19.75 R. & •E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 271 4.40 R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 294.. 2.65 First Baptist Church, city, n 53.5, lot 466 .60 Anna Schlenker, Dunn's sub, 8.70 John McDonald, H. T. McNulty's sub, s 89, lot 2 1.95 3.05 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 12th day of October, 1899, the following special assessments were levied on the real es- tate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by dlstres and sale. HENRY B City Treasurer. Thos Dunn, Glendale add, S 1-2$100 lot 1€0 Peter Oeth, Glendale add, lot 7985 C A Walter, Davis Farm Add, 2 10 lot 306 Aug Kaiser, Glendale add, lot 5 90 M D Goux, E Langworthy's add, 90 lot 51 J H Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, lot 8, sub W 1-2 block 1 3 90 Deming & Kiesel, min lot 466, lot 2. 1 50 F Margadant, min lot 468, lot 190 Louis' Witter, Kruse's sub, lott 421 20 0 90 John Deery, min lot 39, lot Dubuque Malting Co, Paul Traut's sub. lot 4 .. Sacred Heart church,Sanford's sub, lot 12 E Schmalz Davis 227 John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot 357 Mary B Wallis and Mary Wilson, sub 3 min lot 150, lot 2.. E Langworthy Est., East Dubuque 1 95 add, lot 181 John Van Dillon Est, lot 103 L H 1 50 Langworthy's add, lot 1 Frank Brede Est, min lot 314, lot 5 1 65 R M Kuntz, et al, McCraney's 1st 70 add, lot 97 C, M & St P Ry, Railroad add, lot 70 10, block 8 ••• •••...... sub, lot August E Girard, Hodge'scity, 51 45 Frank Jaeger, sub 3 of 738, 65 lot1 ............................... Paul Traut Est, Farley's sub, lot 60 35 W G Cox, Cox's add, lot 54 1 00 Henry Herancourt, Grandview Farm add, lot 2 10 65 65 Park add, lot 1, block 2 1 10 F W Altman, Grandview Place, lot 2 80 Jessie Eddy, Grandview Place, lot 3 70 J Needham, sub 39 and 38 Quig- ley's sub, lot 5 70 R & E Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 247 1 20 Roman Lorenz, E Langworthy's add, lot 47 70 Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add, lot 13 90 Albert E Flick, Dorgan's sub, lot 4. 1 75 G Ganahl, Davis Farm add, lot 285 Kiene Sr Altman, sub 1, Kiene & Altman's sub, lot 1 Richard Waller Est, Dubuque Har- bor Co's add, lot 11, sub W 1-2 block 1 1 60 Herman Roesch, et al, Broadway add, lot 10 P Kiene, Jr., King Grove add, lot 24 Chicago Great Western Ry, San - ford's add, lot 61 Fred Grobe, E La.ngworthy's lot 74 Susan Buehler; 269 J A Rhomberg Est, Ham's lot 285 Mrs L M Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10. Geo Rieger, Brecht's sub, lot 4 70 60 80 60 add, Hain'f3 ad,d, lot add, 85 80 65 80 80 85 60 1 30 Special Session, .December 4, 1899. 2-19 CITY COUNCIL Special Sessi.n, Dec. 4, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 7:45 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. His Honor, Mayor 13erg, stated as follows: Gentlemen of the Council: This is a meeting called pursuant to your action at the last special ses- sion of the council for the purpose of having a conference with the officers and directors of the Dubuque Water company. Ald. wales moved that the rules be suspended and that the Water com- pany's representatives be heard. Car- ried. Hon. W. J. Knight, a representative of said Water company, addressed the council at some length, in regards to the status of the case and then read the following proposition of the Water company: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen— For the purpose of ending all cantro- troversy with the city as to its pur- chasing the property of the company, and to put an end to useless and ex- pensive litigation, which no matter how far followed cannot result in set- tling the unsettled condition of affairs now existing between the city and the company, and once and for all, to cer- tainly and surely bring this contro- versy to an end, by having a board constituted which cannot fail to fix a price on the company s property at which the city can take it if it so de- termines, and this with the smallest practicable expense both to the city and the company, and so speedily that the matter can be submitted to a vote of the people within a very short time, the Dubuque Water Company offers and proposes to the City of Duburue as follows: First—That each party shall appoint one expert, the two so appointed to constitute a board of appraisers, with full power to fix the price which the city shall pay for all the buildings, ma- chinery, pipes, and other property of the Water company, and all its rights and privileges, as provided in section seven of an ordinance, entitled, "An ordinance authorizing S. Chamberlain and others to construct, maintain and operate water works, and to supply water to the city and citizens of Du- buque, defining their powers and priv- ileges and prescribing their duties," passed December 5, 1870, but not in- cany franchise ord ordinance, to or that companybyby said has since been granted to it, which shall not be considered in the valua- tion to be made by said board. Second—The experts to be thus ap- pointed, to be men of character and standing in their profession, to be wholly disinterested and unbiased be- tween the parties, and no one to be ap- pointed by either party, who, hereto- fore, has had any connection whatever with either party or with the matters in dispute between then. Third—All the evidence that was be- fore the board of appraisers at the last attempted appraisement, together with any ,pinions filed by any of the apraisers on that board, shall be sub- mitted to the board herein contem- plated for such consideration as it deems proper to give then, and each member of said last mentioned board, in discharging his duty thereon, shall have the right to act on his own knowledge and judgment so far as it may avail him. Fourth—The beard herein contem- plated '.- have free access to the com- pany's property and an opportunity to fully examine as to its character and value, and each party to furnish such information as may be requested by said hoard, pertinent to the inquiry, to enable said board to fully and fairly determine as to the value of the prop- erty. Fifth—If any difference should arise regard to any matter necessary to be between the members of the board in determined in arriving at the price to be fixed, or if any question should arise as to what either party should do to aid such board in putting a prop- er value on the property, the board shall submit the matter to Hon. O. P. Shiras, who shall decide and direct, and whose decision shall be final and con- clusive. Sixth—Should there be a difference between the members of the board as to the legal rules to be adopted in de- termining the price to be fixed, the matter shall be by the board submit- ted to the Hon. O. P. Shiras, who shall decide an' direct, and whose decision shall be final and binding on the par- ties. Seventh—The board herein contem- plated may proceed wi..= its investiga- tion and determine thealp kerire ngng oe paid, without any fo f either party, or notice to .either party,. and without the aid of any lawyers on either side. Eighth—All expenses of the inquiry herein contemplated shall be borne equally by the city and the comPany. Ninth—The amount to be paid for the company's property, determined as herein contemplated, shall be consid- ered as a finding and determination provided to of the price to be paid, as section seven of the ordinance afore- mentioned. 250 Special Session, December 4, 1899 Tenth. When the price is fixed as herein contemplated Hon. O. P. Shiras shall direct the form of contract to be drawn up and signed between the city and the company for the payment of the amount fixed and for transfer of the company's property to the city on such payment being made, and his decision relating thereto shall be ac- ceptecl by bo:h parties as final. Eleventh. The amount to be paid determined as herein contemplated, and the contract which shall be drawn, as directed by Han. O. P. Shiras, as aforesaid, shall be accepted both by the company and the city as final and conclusive, and the city council shall approve the amount thus fixed and said contract, and, without delay. submit them to the people for their considera- tion and determination. Twelfth. Hon. O. P. Shiras, in any matter he is called upon to determine as herein contemplated, may, or may not, in his discretion, notify either party of any question submitted to him and hear them before deciding it. 'Thirteenth. If this proposal be ac- cepted by the city, and Hon. O. P. Shiras will consent to act as supreme arbiter, as he is made by this pro- posal. (which it is hoped as a citizen of Dubuque he will do, to end this controversy), the result will necessarily be a settlement of the price the city shall pay for the company's property and the ending of all present subjects of controversy, between the city and the company, ,and 'therefore, it is further proposed that on the .acceptance of this proposition by the city, and on Hon O. P. Shiras consenting to act as supreme arbiter as aforesaid all suits now pend- ing between the company and the city be dismissed. Yours respectfully, DUBUQUE WATER CO., By Peter Kiene, Pres. W. W. Bonson, Secretary. Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 4, 1899. Ald. Duggan arrived at 8 o'clock p. m. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the proposition of the Water company be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Hon. Robert Bonson addressed the council, and extended a cordial invita- • tion to the city council and city officials to visit their Eagle Point pumping sta- tion and water plant tomorrow after- noon, Dec. 5th, 1899, further stating that he had previously invited the council to visit said Eagle Point sta- tion. Mayor Berg in reply stated that the previous invitation was duly appre- ciated but the time was so limited that It was impossible to get the members of the council together. Ald. Frith moved that the council accept the invitation of the Water company to visit Eagle Point, and that they meet at the city hall at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Att*•st !!L. 16'corder Approve . Mayor CITY GOJ1'C!L. Regular Session December 7th, 1899. (Official.) Council met at 7:45 p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and \Vales. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council proceedings for the month of November, 1899, be approved as print- ed. Carried. BILLS ALLOWED. Gotf. Gmehle, assistant assessor for November ... $ 75 00 T. F. Maguire, assistant city at- torney for November 50 00 Jno. Schrup, rodman for Novem- ber 40 00 Martin Strelau Co., coal for city hall 312 95 Lyon, Barnard Co., stationery 1 55 Bieg & Rood, stationery 3 75 Palmer, Winall & Co., printing bonds and blank stationery for. various offices 109 50 Mrs. Mecke, cleaning at city hall C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks for October and No- vember Jno. Jehring, sawing wood at city hall Phil Pier, coal for First ward scales G. F. Kleih, sash cord for city hall Carr, Ryder & Adams, pine wood for city hall .. 5 00 Carr, Ryder & Adams, sash and cord for First ward scales ... 4 00 Robt. Jess, 1 box for coal for First ward scales Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for city hall J. W. Wittmer, supplies and drugs for city hall L. Daily, cleaning market square October and November 20 75 Jac. Sherman, stove and pipe for 3 20 6 00 7 75 3 05 80 1 00 75 4 20 Dz Regular Session December 7, 1899 ,'51 First ward scales Van Valkenburg & McEvoy, re- pairs at First ward scales P. Ginter, painting First ward scales A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at city hall A. R. Staufenbeil taking care and winding town clock from June 1st, 1899, to December 1st, 1899 49 95 J. W. Wittmer, vitrol and drugs 30 12 for fire department W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire 205 department .. Martin Strelau Co., coal for fire department 79 75 Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi 5 40 street engine house Key City Gas Co., coke for fire 18 45 department Doc Carmody, pasturing horses for fire department 11 00 Schreiber, Conchar Co., plating harness snaps for fire depart- 3 00 4 40 I 1 30 12 00 8 10 ment.. .... Knapp, Stout & Co. Co. lumber for fire department F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department Jno. Butt, repairs at central en- gine house Dubuque Rubber and Belting 885 00 Co., 1,500 feet fire hose Even & Fuchs, hay for fire de- partment Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de- partment Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for fire department ........ A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for 4 55 fire department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for 11 00 fire department Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs at Ninth street engine house fire 1 35 Becker Bros., pine 1 50 department Homan & Roehl, mattress and 6 00 quilts for fire department Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants s403 33 for November Dubuque Water Co., 8 hydrants in C., M. & St. P. R. R.200 00 hardware Christman & Healey, 13 40 for road department G. F. Kleih, hardware for road department Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing and steam roller E. L. King, Painting stairway 11th street elevator ' Jno. Butt, repairing tools for road department .. • • • • • • • • • • . Jno. Harney, repairing tools for road department ............... Geo. Bock, repairing tools for road department • • • • • • • • • P. F. Quinn, Jr., macadam for road department • • • • • • • • • • • • Peter Dax, macadam for road department ...........• " " •' Jno. Malone, macadam for road 1 00 70 1 SO department Fred. Remus, macadam for road department Phil. Pier, wood for road de- partment Jno. Tibey, stone for street cross- ings for road department A. Johnson. sawing wood road department Iowa Iron Works, street grates for road department .. ....... P. J. Seippel, :umber for road department.................... Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber for road department Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co., lumb€r for road department Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for road department Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair- ing steam railer Key Clty Gas Co., coke for steam 0 59 roller Carr, Ryder & Adams, pine wood for steam roller Key City Iron Works, repairing steam roller Martin & Strelau, steam roller Linehan & Molo, white waste for steam roller Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for Bee Branch 85 70. Otto Rath, board of prisoners for November, 1899 Phil Pier, wood for police depart- ment F. Oswald, sawing wood for po- lice department Even & Fuchs, hay for patrol house Palmer & Winall, blank station- ery for patrol house Efchhorn & Bechtel, bran for pa- trol house J. W. Wittmer, supplies and drugs for police department Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for police department .... Dub. Rubber and Belting Co., new hose and couplings patrol house F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for sewer department G. F. Kleih, hardware for sewer department • • • • • . Efchhorn & Bechtel, oil for sewer denartment ..... • Linehan & Molo, cement for sew- er department • • • • • • • •' • • Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe 91 88 for sewer departmentfor Jno. Butt; repairing tools 310 sewer department .............. A. A. Brown, repairing tools for 7 70 sewer department ............ Norton & O'Farrell, West 16th mate for lowering 236 47 street ................. Ald. Crawford moved that O'Farrell & Norton be and the balancetoallowed paid when engi n 7 00 22 85 4 40 for 6 50 7 30 5 75 47 30 1 50 5 00 27 70 19 03 43 15 SS 40 7 10 2 00 6 00 2 90 edgings for 20 30 39 40 4 00 12 55 3 00 1 00 10 40 50 15 9 00 11 40 1 25 70 3 95 9 20 6 50 60 80 75 5 25 regular Session, December 7, 1899 neer reports that they have removed the dirt which they dumped in the alley north of West Sixteenth street and east of Cornell street. Carried. Globe -Journal, official printing for November $ 50 00 The Herald, official printing for November National Demokrat, official print- ing for November Dubuque Telegraph, offic'al print- ing for November Dubuque Telegraph weekly council proceedings Dubuque Te'egraph. health re- ports for September and Oc- tober 7 00 Dubuque Daily Telegraph, delin- quent tax list for 1898 153 60 Star Electric Co , 333 arc lights for November 1798 20 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for November 166 67 T. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals and garbage for Novem- ber 193 45 Pahner Winall & Co., blank sta- tionery for health department. 3 00 T. J. Donahue, stone crossing on llth street 19 25 F. M. Jaeger & Co.. powder and fuse for grading department 2 35 O'Farrell & Norton, partial esti- mate on Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th streets 1800 00 Steuck & Linehan, partial esti- mate for grading Bee Branch from 17th street to C., M. & St. P. R. R. tracks 300 00 The following bills were referred to the street committee: Alfred Cartigney, cutting weeds on various streets 35 00 Jno. Tibey, the use of 2 derricks 183 days at $1.00 per day 1S3 00 B. Schnee, macadam 26 65 On motion the bill was referred to the street committee and street com- missioner. The following bills were referred to the committee on fire: G. B. Baumgartner, 2,000 brick delivered at Citral engine house ..........,/. ,F/97.14.. . $ 12fp Dubuque Water Co., 10 drinking fountains for the season of 1899 400 00 Dubuque Water Co., 15 horse drinking fountains for the sea- son of 1899 725.00 Dubuque Water Co., 21 Flush Tanks for the season of 1899525.00 Peter Hansen, hay for city pound 7.35 On motion the bill was referred to the police and light committee. Steuck & Linehan, estimate for constructing sewer in 16th street.... 153.59 Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill be referred to the sewer committee. Carried. Alphons Matthews, moneys ad- vanced and paid expenses in 50 00 25 00 60 00 3 00 water works' litigation... 159.35 Ald. Wales moved that the hill be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. James A. Hayes, judgment and court costs in case of W. A. Leathers vs. City of Dubuque24.65 On motion the bill was referred to the city attorney. Bill of Dubuque Water Co to the City of Dubuque Dr. To labor and rolling trenches in various streets for months of August. September, October, November and December. 1899242.25 Ald. Wales moved that the bill of the Dubuque Nater Co. be given to the marshal for collection, and that no money be paid to the Water Co., until they pay their bills due the city. Car- ried. Bill of the Key city Gas Co. To City of Dubuque Dr. To labor and rolling trenches in various streets for months of August. September, October, November and December, 1899218.00 Ald. Duggan moved that the hill of the Key City Gas. Co., be referred to the marshal for collection. Carried. PETITIONS. Petition and claims of William Dug- gan, claiming $5.000 as damages for personal injuries sustained by driving into an open trench dug by the Key City Gas Co. on Bluff street, between 0th and 7th streets. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the petition and claim be referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Carried. Petition and claim of Harold Cullen, claiming $5.000 as damages for personal injuries sustained by owing thrown from his horse which stumbled over a raised bank on Wood street. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion and claim be referred to the com- mittee on claims and city attorney. Carried. Also notice of attorney's lien of Jas. E. Knight, claiming $1,000 upon any money due or to be paid Harold Cullen by city of Dubuque in settlement of, or after judgement rendered against said city, because of personal injuries sus- tained by Harold Cullen upon Wood street In the city of Dubuque on the 18th of Nov., 1$99. On motion the attorney's lien was re- ferred to the city attorney. Original notice of Mary A. Lang- worthy by her attorneys, Matthews, Lindsay and Frantzen, claiming $4,000 as damages for injuries, sustained by falling on a defective sidewalk on Winona avenue. On rnotion the notice was referred to the city attorney. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Edward Herron, asking that his salary be raised from fifty to sixty dollars per month. P,,.!gular Session, December 7, 1899 Petition of the policemen, asking that their salary be increased from fifty •to sixty dollars per month. Petition of Theo. Scharle et al, asking that two (2) electric arc lights be placed on Kauffman avenue. Petition of Mrs. C. H. Meyer et al, asking that the smokestack of the Du- buque Street Railway company, located on their power house on Couler avenue be removed. Petition of John Leicht asking city to rectify a double assessment levied against his property for improving Garfield avenue. Petition of Mrs. Chas. Beyer, asking city to cancel her taxes on lot No. 6 in Hamhur's add. Ald. \Vales moved that the petition be referred to the committee of the whole and the city treasurer instructed not to sell same. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Sarah Mahony, ask- ing to extend time for payment of the interest on special assessment assessed against lot 1 of sub Mineral lot 193 and lot 1 of sub 2, of Mineral lot No..193 unti'. next June. Petition of board of education by D. D. Myers, president, in relation to er- roneous assessment against lot 313 in Woodlawn park add. ^nd asking that the taxes on said lot be cancelled. On motion the petition was referred to the equalization committee. Petition of Albert Neuman et al, asking that Norton & O'Farrell, contractors, be compelled to remove the dirt they dumped in the alley north of West 16th street and east of Cornell street.as referred On motion the to the city engineer. Petition of Schmid Bros., snanufact- Printing .. uring Co., asking that they be exemptI Grading from taxation for a term of years, and Bee Branch :2J3 City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor ai..1 City Council of the City of Dubuque. • :gentlemen: I herewith submit to You my report for the month of November, 1899, show- ing the receipts and dis'a1Tbsements for the month: Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 18x9..$36,353.64 Receipts from all sources .... 31,280.08 $67,633.72 DISBtiRSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed month of November .. $24,846.84 Coupons redeemed month of November Y , iy- 5.00 $27,121.84 Cash on hand Dec. 1st, 1S99$40,511.88 Of the cash on. hand there be- longing to the improvement bond funi 34,271.11 Leaving a balance to the credit o6,f "_40.77 city of Also reports that there is clue the city officials for the month of Novem- ber. 1899, $2.020.00. The following is a list showing the amounts expended in each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year: General expense fund $29,121.48 33,082.7699 Road "" 20,501.99 Fire .. 18,650.93 Police . • 3,652.53 Sewerage .. .5 ,6 3523 Engineer .. 1 2 ,184.15 Light and Gas 11,266.64 6 VWater266.64 Interest .. 2,274.73 11,8 Board of Health 1,555.00 4,552.36 1,700.00 that the city treasurer be instructed to I Total .. ..$158,946.29 redeemed for $2,275.00. Also a list of coupons cancel their taxes for the years 1897, the month of November, 1898 and 1899. OFFICERS' REPORTS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:: Below you will find statement ntng theof amounts advanced by me month of November, 1899, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed. $100.00 Interest on warrants out- 1,007.77 standing22.00 Postage stamps 3.30 Express charges and exchange Two copies court decisions for city attorney Refund city tax Respectfully, $1,209.07 HENRY B. GNIFF TreasuE, er. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the several s and rt rr- ed back to the l cmmitteee ronoflnance. 1.60 4.40 Respectfully, F. 13. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Icity officials and the report referred back to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfreid reported as fol- lows:l, To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll for the fire department Amount due for the o No- vember, firemen 1899. Nov., 1899. 51.924.95. Respectfully, JOE REINFRIEDChief. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen and the report referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal Morgan reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayer and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: 254 Regular Session, December 7, 1899. The following is the report of the police department for the month of November, 1899: Total arrests . 46 Total police patrol calls 52 Miles traveled by patrol wagon..90 1-2 Poundmaster's receipts, attached $2.00 Poundmaster's receipts for sale of two horses 5.50 Also reports that there is due police- men for the month of November, 1899, $2,029.25. Also the matron's report for the month of November attached. Respectfully submitted, EDWIN MORGAN, Marshal. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay police for the month of November, 1899, and report referred back to the com- mittee on police. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of November, 1599: Amount due laborers on streets for the last of November, 1899, $2,077.15.. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on streets and the report re- ferred back to the committee on streets. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor in grading streets for the last half of November, 1899: Amount due laborers for grading streets, $28.00. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay labors for grading streets and the re- port referred back to the street com- mittee. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers, reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on sewers for the last half of November, 1899. Amount due labor- ers on sewers for the last of Novem- ber, 1899, $180.20. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay la- borers on sewers and the report refer- red back to the committee on sewers. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of November, 1899. I find from the report of the police department that the total hours that 44 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 3-4 lamps for one month or $9.45. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received a.nd filed and the city recorder in- structed to notify the auditor to de- duct from the Star Electric company's bill for the month of November, 1899, the amount of $9.45. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—T'he petitions for grad- ing, curbing, guttering and macadam- izing Angella street from W. Locust street to Cox street and Cox street from Angella street to Union avenue, having been referred to me to examine and report whether the same is signed by a majority of the resident owners of the property abutting or lying along said contemplated improvements. I have to report, that after making a careful examination of such petitions I find that the total number of the own- ers of property abutting on said streets is thirty-nine, of whom thirty-seven have signed petition's for the improve- ment. Respectfully submitted, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. On moton the report was received and filed. Street Commissioner Boyce reported es follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Herewith find treas- urer's receipt for $9.75, amount col- lected for 518 brick and return curb for Dubuque Omnibus company. J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. On motion the report was received and filed. The following weighmasters and wood measurers' receipts were referred to the committee on markets: Otto Rath, city hall receipts $18 15 Mrs. C. Deckert, receipts 5 75 George Pflffner, receipts 8 64 Charles Pitschner, W. Dubuque, receipts Thos. Faherty, First Ward, re- ceipts R. F. Curran, wood measurer, receipts The resolution 1' 3 06 4 22 4 88 of Ald. Jones pres- ented to the council Nov. 16 and ac- tion postponed in relation to opening a 25 foot street from Lincoln avenue to Emsley's La.ne through lots 93 and Regular Session, December 7, 1899 255 94 McCraney's 1st addition, was read. Ald. Jones moved that further action be inde4initely postponed. Carried. The ordinance authorizing the Home council of March 31st, 1890. Also your committee on finance, • to whom was referred the petition of John McBride, asking further time to pay Electric company to construct, main- special assessment for improvement tain and operate, in connection with I of Oak street. respectfully reports in its street railway lines already in op- favor of giving him until July 1st, 1900, eration a single track on Iowa street, to pay said assessment, provided he i- from Fifth street to Fourth street and pays all interest due to January 1st, thence easterly on and along Fourth street and High Bridge avenue to Levee. Also a single track on and along Asbury street from Delhi street westerly to city limits was presented. Ald. McLaughlin moved to refer the ordinance to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the com- I 1900. Signed. C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- ports of the committee. Carried. Also your committee on finance re- spectfully reports adverse to granting the petition of J. H. Faig. asking one vear's further time to pay special as- mittee clerk be instructed to make sessment for improvement of Broad - monthly statements, showing the way extension, for the reason that the amount of money expended and work bonds become due in February. 1900. Signed. C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES. done in each ward, commencing No- vember 1, 1S99. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that a requisition signed by three of the aldermen had been presented to him for his signa- ture for the purchase of 12 smoke pro - J% tectors for the fire department, but not being familiar with smoke protect- ors or their use, asked the council's in- structions on the matter. Al . `Vales moved that the purchase of smoke protectors be postponed for the present. Carried. Bid for the use of the ice harbor Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port of the committee. Ald. Crawford moved a substitute that the report be referred back to the finance committee and city attorney. Ald. Crawford's substitute carried. Also your committee on finance re- spectfully recommends the adoption of the following resolution,•to-wit. Resolved by the Ci.y council of the City of Dubuque: That the city trees - for skating rink purposes was present- urer be and is hereby instructed to ed and on motion were ordered opened. call in the following described improve - The bid was opened and found as fol- ment bonds to-wit: No. S, seven years 5 per 50 00 lows: Ernest Bohn and Jno. Keckevoet g 0 00 ( the only bid) Ald. \Vales moved that the bid of Ernest Bohn and Jno. Keckevoet be accepted. Carried. The bids for the construction of bridges on 16th and 17th streets over Bee Branch sewer was presented. Also a communication of Voggenthaler & Ragatz in relation to said bridges was presented and the communication was read. Ald. Frith moved that action on the bids and communication be post- poned. Carried. STANDING COMMITTEES RE- PORTS. Ald. Wales, of the Finance commit- tee,reported as follows: he Honorable Mayor and City Cent., dated October 15th, 1898. Bonds No. 12 and 13 seven years, 5 per cent., dated June 2000 00 1st, 1896, $1,000 each .. Bond No. 127 seven years 5 per cent., dated Nov. 18th, 1895 .. 1000 00 Bond 1\1). 115, seven years, 5 per 95 .... 1000 00 cent., dated Oct. 1st, Bond No. 91, seven years, 5 per cent., dated August 13th, 1895 ...... ....................... 1000 00 Bond No. 37, seven years, 5 per cent. dated June 1st, 1595 ... 1000 00 275,276, 277, 78 279. Bonds 284 , . 286, 280, 28811,, 282, 283, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, seven years, 5 per cent., dated August 1st, 1893, $500.00 each.. 9500 00 Bonds No. 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 941 242, 243, 244, 246, 246, 247, 1 Council of the City of Dubuque. per cent., Your committee on 24S seven years, 5 Gentleman: dated February 1st, 1893, finance to whom was referred the pe6500 00 --•-are and $500.00 each tion of the Dubuque in anon to taxes, Lumber company respectfully reports in favor of fixing their assessment as follows on lots 1, 2 and S 1-2 3, 19, 29 and S 1-2 oand Eagle Point addition and lots 21, 22 S 1-2 of 23, McCraney's Eagle Point addition and lots 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 372 and for the 5Ham's addition, a and ito cancel $2,180.00 year 9 im- provements and personal taxes for the year, 1899, as per agreement of the 1 Total ..$22050 00 And that he be ordered to pay for same out of money in the special im- provement bond fund, and that inter- est on said bondscease on the 18th day of December, 1899.C H. BERG, C. E. WALES, JOHN FLYNN, Committee on Finance. 256 Regular Session, December 7, 1899, Ald. Wales moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. Approved Dec. 8th, 1899. C. H. BERG, mayor. Attest. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented an ordi- nance to amend Section Twelve (12) of Chapter Twenty Seven (27- of the Re- vised Ordinance of 1893 entitled "An Ordinance in Relation to Licenses," and to reduce the amount required to be paid for licenses for the keeping of billiards, pigeon hole and pool tables from Ten dollars to Five dollars each, per annum. And moved that the or- dinance be read the first time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read the second time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. The ordinance was then read the second time. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 7. The mayor declared the ordinance passed. The ordinance follows: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section Twelve (12) of Chapter Twenty Seven (27) of the Revised Ordinance of 1893, the same being an ordinance entitled "An Ordi- nance in Relation to Licenses," be and is hereby repealed, and the following enacted in lieu thereof, to -wit: Section 12. No person shall keep any billiard table. pigeon hole table, pool table or any table to be used in any game similar thereto, or any bowling or ten pin alley for hire or gain, di- rectly or indirectly received, without a license therefore, under a penalty of Five dollars for each game played thereon, for which pay or gain is re- ceived. A. There shall be taxed and col- lected for a license to keep billiard, pool or pigeon hole tables, and tables used in games, similar thereto, the sum of Five c. ollars for each table per annum, and for a license to keep a Ten pin or bowling alley the sum of Five dollars per annum. B. No keeper of any billiard, pool or pigeon hole table, or any table used in any game similar, or any ten pin, or bowling alley, shall suffer or per- mit any minor or habitual drunkard, to• frequent or loiter about the premises occupied by him, nor sell or deliver to a minor or habitual drunkard, any in- toxicating liquors, or permit or suffer any riotous or disorderly conduct on the premises, under a penalty of not less than Three nor more than Twenty dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. The provisions of this ordin- ance shall be retractive in effect and be applicable from the commencement of the current license year. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force frons and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Dr. Heustis being present. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be sus- pended and that Dr. Heustis be heard. Carriel. Dr. Heustis _addressed the council, asking that the water mains he ex- tended on Grove Terrace or Wilber Lane. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby or- dered to extend a water main from the Intersection of West Eleventh street - and Ardmore Terrace southerly along Ardmore Terrace to Wilber Lane; thence easterly in and along Wilber Lane to South Grove Terrace; thence northerly in South Grove Terrace W. 11th street and Grove Terrace to a con- nection with the present dead end of the water main at the intersection of Grove Terrace and West Twelfth street; with such number of hydrants, and' at such places as the chief of the fire depart- ment may direct; and the city of Du- buque guarantees to said Water com- pany the use of such quantity of water along the line of such extension, as at the rate stipulated by ordinance, will produce a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum on the cost of the pipe required for said extension. Aid. Crawford moved. to adopt the resolution: Ald. Flynn moved a. substitute that the resolution be referred to the city attorney. Ald. Flynn's substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Aids. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Be it Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby ordered to extend its water mains on South Hill street from the present dead end of said main south of West Third street, to Dodge street, thence to connect with the main at 1 tZegular Session, December 7, 1899 the intersection of Dodge and South Hillstreets. And the city of Dubuque hereby guarantees to said Water company the use of such quantity of water along the line of said extension, as, at the rate eitipula,ted by ordinance, shall produce a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of seven per 257 taxes for the year 1898, on lot 79 Union ad %tion be cancelled. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also your committee on delinquent tax respectfully report in favor of re- ceiving and filing the petition of Mrs. Henry Lembeck, asking that the taxes be cancelled on her property. cent per annum on the cost of the pipe Also report in favor of receiving and required for such extension.filing petition of Adam Zingle; asking Said Water company to put in such that the taxes be cancelled on lots 15 numbers of hydrants, and at such I and 16 O'Hare's addition, said lots hav- places as may be directed by the chief , ing been sold at tax sale for 1897 and of fire department. 1598. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the j Signed: resolution. Ald. Flynn moved a substitute that 1 the resolution be referred to the city 1old. Frith moved that the report of attorney. Ald. Flynn's substitute carried by the'committee on delinquent taxes e the following vote: adopted. Carried. Ayes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Ald. Flynn of the equalization board Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque: uali- Gentlemen—Your committee of equali- zation to whom was referred the peti- tion of Cleaver & McCarten, asking for reduction on their assessment for the year 1898, respectfully recommend that V the city treasurer be instructed to re- ceive payment on a valuation of $1,000, the same to he in full for said taxes of 1898. V JAMES. T. DUGGAN, JOHN FLYNN, E. E. FRITH. Nayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith an Jones. Total 3. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on markets, to whom had been re- ferred the unsanitary condition of the closets in the city hall, reported that they had a meeting of the committee on markets and the other members of the committee thought that a thorough cleaning would be sufficient to remove the cause of complaints. Ald. Duggan of the fire department reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your committee on fire to whom was referred the petition of James C. Rooney , asking that he be reinstated in the fire department, would respectfully refer the same back to the council without any recommendation. Ald. Duggan moved to adapt the re- port of the committee oa fire. Car- ried. Ald. Duggan moved that the part of the petition of James C. Rooney asking for an investigation be granted and the petition and matter be referred to the committee of the whole with power. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the commit- tee of the whole meet Monday evening, Dec. 11, 1899, for the investigation of the said J. C. Rooney and the commit- tee clerk be requested to have all the te3timony in the past investigations in said case before the committee. Car- ried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Your committee on de- linquent tax respectfully reports in fa- vor of granting the petition of Mrs. Andrew Henge, asking that the taxes for the year 1898 on lot 7 Geigers addi- tion be cancelled. Also recommend granting the petition of Mrs. M. Dawson, asking that the JOHN FLYNN Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee on equalization to whom was referred the petition of Katherine Retalick in relations to taxes for the year 1898 respectfully recom- mend that the assessment as made for the year 1898 remain JOHN sFLYNN. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. utilization Also your committee on eq to C. J. LLasure in relation totl petitionm was referred the taes of Mary Westphal respectfully recommend that the taxes W assessed against the said Mrs. Mary estphal be allowed to remain as assessed. JOHN FLYNN. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port. Carried Also your committee on equalization respectfully report in favor of grantingg the petition of Mary Kelly asking t the taxes for west feet of lot 2 of sub mineral lot 37 be 88 ancelled. JOHN FLYNN. Ald. Flynn moved the report be adopt- ed. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole reported as fol- lows: Your committee respectfully s s in favor of receiving and filing the reports pe- tition of Bridget Redmond. asking that the special assessment against lots 128 and 127 in Union add. be cancelled. We find that said assessment was regularly v r 2:58 Regular Session, December 7, 1899 made and is legal and can see no reason why it should be cancelled. Ald. Crawford moved t.r adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jas. Ronan asking that the special assessment against lots 21 and 28 Union add. be cancelled, as we find that the same was regurlarly made and the same is legal. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee of the whole re- s`'ectfully recommends that action be indefinitely postponed on the petition of the Horne Electric company asking that it be given a chance to furnish part of the city lighting. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mary C. Blake asking that the special assessment against her property for the improve- ment of Seminary street be cancelled, your committee find that said assess- ment was regularly made, and is legal and we can see no reason why it should be cancelled. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Your committee of the whole repect- fully reports in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. A. Drees, asking for one (1) year extension of time to pay the special assessment against out lot 73S, lot 1 for the improvement of West llth street and Grant avenue, and out lot 738 lot 1 for improvement of alley east of Grant avenue from Julien ave- nue to West llth street. provided she pays all interest due on said assessment to date. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Marshal Morgan in relation to over coats and caps for the police force respectfully recommends that the committee on po- lice and light be instructed to advertise for bids for overcoats and winter caps for the police; the city to pay one-half (1-2) of the cost of the coats, provided the same do not cost over twenty dol- lars ($20.00) each, and the city to pay the full cost of caps. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re - Dort. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the petition be received and filed. Lost by the following vote: Nays.—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Yeas—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, and Wales. Total 3. Whereupon Ald. Crawford's motion to adopt the committee of the whole's re- port was adopted by the fallowing vote: Yeas.—Aids. Crawford, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 4. Nays.--AIds. Duggan, Flynn and Wales. Total 3. Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of referring to the city attorney the petition and claim of Jennie Frantz, asking $1,006 for injuries received by booth falling upon her in front of Sullivan & Stamp- fer's store. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Stand- ard Telephone company in relation to their right to string wires and put in poles along the east side of alley be- tween Main and Iowa street, respectful- ly states that after giving the matter considerable attention, we recommend that the city council decline to take any action on the matter, and the mat- ter be amicably settled. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of the Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully recommends the adoption of the resolution of Ald. Frith, providing for a road way along the bank of the river a.t Eagle Point and not to exceed the sum of twenty-five $25.00 dollars for building said roadway. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole respect- fully reports in favor of receiving and filing the petition of E. L. Fischer asking• that the speci. 1 aasessment against his property be cancelled; for the reason that we find that said as- sessment h legal and that we see no reason why said assessment should be cancelled. • P. W. CRAWFORD. Chairman of Committee. A1d. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Improvement Co. in rela- tion to taxes would respectfully re- port in favor of instructing the treas- urer to cancel the taxes for the years 1896, 1897 and 1898 on their property block 27, Dubuque Harbor Company's addition. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Frith, of the special committee, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City re-Iva:44w S. TNO/iYG Regular Session, December 7, 1899 Council of the City of Dubuque: to meet the said Dubuque Water com- Gentlemen: Your special commit- pany or its representatives, for the tee, Aldermen Frith, Flynn, Crawford purpose • _ placing a price upon, or of and the city attorney, to whom was agreeing .o terms whereby a price may referred the nlat am all matters, in be fixed rpon the water works and relation .o a proposed street from Lincoln avenue to Emsley Lane through lots 93 and 94, McCraney's 1st add, resr•ectfuliy rerorts that they can purchase for $950.00 a fifty foot strip, for street pur')oses through the above na-.lerl lots, and we recommend that the said strip be • urchased and the same : e dedicated a public high- way, and that warrants be ordered drawn in favor of the f.alowing prop- erty owners for the amount set oppo- site their names to -wit: Dietrich Brothers Joseph Iteugewie^ George Fengler Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Ald. Jones mover that the rules he suspended and that Mr. Henry Swaeg- ler be heard. Ald. Jones' motion following vote: Ayes—Alds. Fr'th $650 00 . 150 00 150 00 Ni as lost and Jones. by the Total property of the Dubuque Water corn - ' pony, which the said Dubuque Water company will accept, and which can be submitted to this council and the voters of the city for their determina- tion as to whether or not the city will agree to purchase said water Works and property upon the terms so fixed “r at the price so placer'. upon same. If terms are agreed upon whereby the question of the price may be fixed such terms shall be submitted to the city council for its approval. If said committee can not agree with said water company upon th • terms where- by such price may be fixed, or if the council doe• not approve of such terms then it shall be considered that all of the above proceedings in rela- tion to above matter were had inde- pendent of ordinance fDr the purpose of avoiding expense, and such proceed- ings shall not bo considered a waiver in any way of th- city's right to pro- ceed in the action now pending in the district court of this county to secure an ascertainment of such price, or of its right to ..urchase and to have the price rf said water works fixed as pro- vided in the charter of said water com- pany, or of its right to insist upon a forfeiture of sale water company's charter or franchie. And be it further resolved, that the said Dubuque Water company be noti- fied of the action c` the council in this matter b- service upor. it of a copy of this recolution, and that if it desires to enter into negotiations with said committee, that it notify the city coun- cil through its mayor, and that upon such notification the sal( committee be authorize' to act in said matter, such committee to serve without compensa- tion. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Approved Dec. Sth, 1S99. Attest: C. H. BERG, Mayor. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Ald. Flynn moved that the action of the council at its session December 4th, 1899, in referring the Water com- pany's commulnication of November 16th, 189-1 to the committee of the whole be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved the communica- tion of the Water company of N3v. 16th, 1899, be referred to ospecial ec al committee appointed bybve resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Flynn, offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved by the clty council of the city of Dubuque: That the city at- torney bedry Lnstructed lordinance lookokup andreportonan 2. Nayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan, Flynn, McI_a.ughlin and \Vales. To- tal 5. The question recurring on the origi- nal motion of Ald. Frith was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Frith, Jones and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. Nayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn and Wales. Total 4. Ald. Flynt: moved to refer to the committee of the whole and the com- mittee clerk look up the records in the matter. Carried. RESOLUTION. Ald. Flynn offered the following res- olution: Whereas, the Dubuquo Water com- pany has addressed a communication to the mayor and city council of this city dated Noveml er 16, 1899, and the city council desires to reply to the same: Therefore, be it resolved by the city council of' ch.) city of Dubuque. That the city council also recognizes the inadvisability of continuing ex- pensive litigation, and will take any action within its power to secure to the city ownershipof the he the present waDubuterr works and property ovided same can Water company, P be secured at a fair price. That in order to avoid the litigation "`l now - ending and the cost of future litigation and arbitration, as may oc- cur, the city council in reply to the request in said communication, does hereby appoint C. H. Berg, James Dug- gan, John Flynn, P. McLaughlin,C. EB. Wales, B. W. Lacy, George Shields, M. Burch, James H. J. Mulgrew and A. F. Frudden, they 1-' V 2611 ltenular Session, December 7, 1899 Iution by striking out Eagle Point ave- nue and substituting Garfield avenue. Ald. Flynn's amendment • carried by Carried. the following vote: Frith Ald. Duggan offered the following Ayes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, resolution which was adopted: and Jones. Total 4. Nares—Aids. Crawford, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3. The resolution as amended was then adopted. cay.pr Berg stated that there had been comrtaints about the dirt left by the contractors along Bee Branch sewer near lith street and that It had caused the stoppage of the waterway. Ald. Duggan moved that Assistant City Engineer Hyde be instructed to notify the contractors, O'Farrell and J Norton, .to remove the said dirt and open up the waterway. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the sum of $300.00 he expended on the improve- ment of 5th avenue under the direc- tions of street committee, city engineer and street commissioner. Ald. Crawford moved a substitute that the matter of the improvement of the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of 5th avenue be referred to the commit - the pipe required to be extended. tee of the whole and the committee Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the visit the ground. resolution. Aid. Crawford's substitute was lost Ald. Flynn moved to refer to the by the following vote: city attorney. Teas—Alds. Crawford and McLaugh- Ald. Flynn's motion to refer to city lin. Total 2. attorney carried by the following vote: Nayes--Aids. Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Mc- Jones and Wales. Total 5. Laughlin and Wales. Total 4. Nayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. he and are hereby ordered to clean out and lower the pavement of the culvert or bridge across their tracks across the Couler Creek or Bee Branch in their rail- road yards, to conform to the grade of the Bee Branch sewer. Ald. Frith offered the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the specifica- tions for the construction of the Bee Branch sewer and waterway between the C., M. & St. P. R. R. tracks and Eagle Point avenue, be and are here- by adopted and approved and the city recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work in accordance with the same. Ald. Frith moved to Dation. Ald. McLaughlin moved resolution on the table. Ald. McLaughlin's motion to lay on the table was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 3 . Nayes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Total 4. Ald. Flynn moved to amend the reso- dated Nov. 1896, granting Geo. 13. Burch to maintain and operate a fac- tory on part of lot 2, mineral lot 106. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the street commissioner be and is hereby it-- structed to construct a good heavy rail- ing along both sides of Southern ave- nue, where needed, from Grandview avenue south to the city limits, for the purpose of keeping teams Prom driving into the ditches on either side of said Southern avenue. Alai. Frith offered the following resJ- lution: Resolved by the City Council .of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water company be instructed to extent their water mains in and along North Main street from Seminary street to Leibnitz street; the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at adopt the reso- to lay the The question recurr'n on the ori- ginal motion of me. -was carried by the following vote: Ayes—A1cis. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 5. Nayes—Aids. Crawford and Mc- Laughlin. Total 2. Ald. Wales offered the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Second street, be- tween Locust street and Main street where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the foilowng vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Ald. Wales moved that a special com- mittee of three be appointed to in- vestigate the saw dust nuisance from the sash and door factories. Car, ried. Mayor Berg appointed the following special committee: Ald.-at-Large Wales, Ald.-at-Large Jones, and Ald. McLaughlin of the Seoond ward. Ald. Wales stated that the city had comp to ne-half the filling between the r %. & N. R. R. passenger depot and the I v orn Works, and moved that the / t. & N. R. R. 1t3onlar Session, December 21, 1899 211 company be notified to finish up the balance of the filling. Carried. On motion the council adjourned un- til Dec. 21st, 1899. I: •corder Approve ..Mayor Regular Session Decet (Official). Council met at 8:00 o'clock p. n1• Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alas. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. PETITIONS. Petition of Mrs. Quinlivan asking that her taxes be canceled on her home stead for the year 1S9S. pay roll for labor in grading streets Ald. Duggan moved to grant the pe- for the first half of December, 1899. tition. Carried. Amount due laborers for grading Petition of Mrs. Mary McEvoy asking streets. $251.70. h 1 " Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Frith moved that the pay be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers for grading streets and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge • 21st, 1599. and returns made thereof. Carried. Petition of A. Trilk asking that roadway be constructed on J avenue off of Fifth avenue in Ham's add. On motion the petition was referred to the street committee. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the first half of December, 1899. Amount due laborers on streets, $647.90. Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner. Ald. Duggan moved that the pay roll be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on streets and the pay roll referred back to the com- mittee on streets. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit mY that her taxes be canceled on Nott • of East 1-2 of lot 766 A. McDaniel's sub for the year 1899. On motion the petition was referred to the delinquent tax committee Petition of Schreiber, Conchar, West- phal Co., requesting council to correct erroneous assessment on moneys and • credits for the year 1899. Ald. Duggan moved that the peti- 1 of the sewers, reported as follows. tion be granted and the treasurer in- To the Honorable Mayor and City . strutted to collect the amount as cor- Council of the herty ewith Dubuque: my re Co Carried. Gentlepay roll for laborers on sewers for the Communication as of that E. he Duncan, first half of December, 1899: city assessor, asking • er be instructed to cancel assessedotoys E.aH i $192 Amount due laborers on sewers, credits erroneously assessed . Sheppley. I JAMES H. BOYCE, On motion the request of Mr. Duncan roll was granted. Street Commissioner. Petition of Jno. Jansen et al asking Ald. Frith moved that the pay drawn to pay laborers on sewers and that the water mains be extended on be received and warrants ordered Fifth avenue in Ham's add. the pay roll referred back to the com- Ale. to moved that the petitionato tt a on sewers. Carried. ri referred to the city attorney. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report - Original Fitzpat- ed as follows: Original notice of Bowen g an, noti- To the Honorable Mayor and City rick, attorneys for the Key Gas Council of the City of Dubuque: and the Key City The following is a Dying the city Duggan on Gentlemen: Co. iofn the clerk's of Wm. streets court• le the claiming the office of Five Thous- laboronstreets amount grading for claiming personal during the month of November, 1899: and Dollars ($5,000.00) for . damages sustained by him in driving FIRST WARD. into an excavation made by the said Wm. O'BrienS Key City Gas Co. on Bluff street. ummer Hill, Eng - S St South- Ald. Cra«'ford moved that enotice 1 be referred to the city and attorny the mayor Gase r Co.ested to see re receive legal notice the Key City v IS Dodge e . ern Ave., South Locust St., First St., West Third St •, Bluff St. Extension and clean - 1 262 Regular Session, December 21, 1899. hag various streets ....$544.25 T. Kenneally— Grading Quinn St. and Union Ave 4152.55 • Total First Ward $ 696.80 SECOND WARD. Wm. Sheridan— Repairing Eighth St.. Fene- lon Place, Seventh St., clean- ing and repairing other streets .... $484.25 R. McGivern— Repairing 4th St. dump $ 40.00• Total Second Ward $ 524.25 THIRD WARD. John Farley— Repairing various streets and alleys and cleaning various streets and alleys $522.10 Total Third Ward $ 522.10 FOURTH WARD. John Hayes— Repairing Seminary St. and cleaning and repairing var- ious streets and alleys $240.45 James Hird— Repairing Delhi St., Cherry St:,. Arch St. and Julien Ave' .....................$246.30 John Spear— Grading Ardmore Terrace ....$ 95.50 Total Fourth Ward $ 582.25 FIFTH WARD. C. Gantenbein— Repairing Rhomberg Ave. and cleaning streets ....$467.05 Geo. Zumhoff— Repairing Kauffman Ave., Couler Ave. and cleaning streets $491.25 Total Fif 'i Ward $ 964.30 MISCELLANEOUS. J. H. Boyce— Sweeping brick streets, haul- ing sprinkler and sand, car- penter wagons, steam roller and picking up paper on streets . .$576.50 Total Miscellaneous $ 576.50 Total amount expended .$3,866.00 Respectfully submitted, W. F. FITZPATRICK, Committee Clerk. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be received and filed. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Dec. 8th, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the city of Dubuque:—Gen- tlemen—Acting under your instructions, I prepared and had executed you in- structions conveying to the city the real property shown in the accompany- ing plat as the ground necessary to the extension of Robinson alley. You will observe that warrants should. be drawn in favor of Patrick F. Rooney for $750.00 and in favor of Ann Rooney for $250. Plat referred to, together with deeds, should be filed with the county recorder. Respectfully sub- mitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Mayor Berg reported as follows: To the Honorable members of the city council of the city of Dubuque:— Gentlemen: I desire to report that the warrants have been issued as per the recommendations of the city at- torneys report, and the money paid to the following parties: Patrick F. Rooney ..$750 Mrs. Ann Rooney 250 And warranty deeds from above said parties, also quit claim deed from Mary M. McCarthy (without consideration) are now on file in the office of the city recorder. I respectfully recommend that the plat prepared by the city engineer, showing land taken for use of Robin- son alley, he approved by the council and said Robinson alley be declared a public highway and all obstructions thereon be removed. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the reports of Mayor Berg and City At- torney Duffy and that the recommen- dations be carried out. Carried. The bids for constructing stone arch sewer in Couler Creek, from Milwau- kee tracks to Garfield avenue were presented and on motion of Ald. Frith were ordered opened. Bids as fol- lows: G. Mersch, $4.24 per cubic yard. O. G. Kringle, $4.07 per cubic yard. Byrne & Saul, $3.75 per cubic yard. John Tibey, $3.85 per cubic yard. J. B. Miller, $3.59 per cubic yard. Peter Eisbach, $3.49 per cubic yard. O'Farrell & Norton, $3.15 per cubic yard. Steuck & Linehan, $3.09 per cubic yard. Ald. Frith moved that the contract be awarded to Steuck & Linehan, at $3.09 per cubic yard, they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for the construction of iron bridges over Bee Branch sewer on 16th and 17th streets, be returned to the bidders un- opened. Carried. Recorder Langstaff also presented and read published notice of special assessments properly certified to by the publisher for the improvement of levee front from High Bridge avenue to Wall street. No objections being filed the mayor asked whether there was anyone present objecting to said special assessments, no objections be- ing offered Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the Regular Session, December 21, 1899 City of Dubuque: That to pay for curbing and paving with brick, the levee front from High Bridge avenue to Wall street, by Steuck & Linehan, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as f3llows: pSpecial assessment assed Dec. 21, 1899. Star Brewing Co., block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add, lot 3, 30 lin ft curbstone, $12.60; 111.11 sq yds paving, $153.33.... 195 93 Star Brewing Co.. block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add, lot 4, 23 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 109.11 sy qds paving, $180.03... 190 53 Star Brewing Co , block 3, Du- buque Harbor Inmp. Co.'s add, lot 5. 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91-16 sq yds paving. $150.41.... 160 91 Star Brewin l'3., block 3, Du- buque Harbor Itnp. Co.'s add, lot 6, 25 lin ft curbstone. $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 ... 160 91 Star Brewing Cr.. block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add, lot 7, 2.5 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing Co., block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add, lot 8, 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing Co.. block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add. lot 9, 25 lin ft curbstone $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing Co., block 3, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add, lot 10, 57 lin ft curbstone, $23.94; 209 sq yds paving, $344.85 .... 368 79 C., 13. & N. Railroad Co., tracks, 937 60 144 sq yds paving, $237.60 ...... Star Brewing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 1, 57 lin ft curostone, $23.94; 209 sq yds paving, $344.85. 36S 79 Star Bre«•ing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, 131 2. "3 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41.... 160 91 Star Brewing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 3, 25 lin ft curbstone, 1.; 160 91 $10.50; 9116 sq yds paving, $ Star Brewing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 4, 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 160 91 91.16 sq yds paving, Star Brewing Co., block4 add, Du- buque Harbor Imp. lot 5, 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41.... 160 'Standard Lumber Co., block 4, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 6, 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 .Star Brewing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, submitted and 13t 7, 25 lin ft , nrbst ,ne, $10.7,1,; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot S, 25 lin ft curbstone, 10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving. $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing Co., block 4, Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 9, 25 lin ft curbstone, $10.50; 91.16 sq yds paving, $150.41 .... 160 91 Star Brewing Co.. block 1. Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co's add, lot 10, 16.3 lin ft curbstone, $6.93; 73 sq y Is paving, $12o.15.. 127 38 C., B. & N. block 4, Railroad Co.'s tracks, paving. :;53 12 Al,l Crawford moved to adopt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Tis. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 6. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. Hecorder Langstaff presented and read published notice of special as- sessments properly certified to by the publisher for the improvement of Grove street, from lot 21 John King's 2nd add. to Broadway extension. No objection being filed the mayor asked whether there was anyone present objecting to said special assessment; no objection being offered, Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Coun 1 of the City of Dubuque: That to ,,ly for im- proving Grove street from ,o: 21 Inhn King's second addition to Broadway Extension by Steuck & Linaltan, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parts of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted and passed Dec. 21st, 1899: Jacob Nagle, King's Grove add, lot 16, 29 lin ft curbing, $10.15; 13 sq yds guttering, $4.55; 34.50 sq yds macadamizing $ 28 50 $13.80 Jacob Nagle, King's Grove add, lot 17, 50 lin ft curbing $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 49 71 Martin Nagle, King's Grove add, lot 18, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 02.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; (11.11 s,i yds macadamiz- ing, $21.41 49 71 I1artin Nagle, King's Grove add, lot 19, 70 lin ft curbing, $24.50; 31.00 sq yds guttering, $10.85; 105.70 sq yds macadam- izing, $43.4S 78 83 91 Peter Mihm, King's Grove acid, lot 20, 69 lin ft curbing, $24.15; 30.70 sq yds guttering, $10.74; 107.70 sq yds macadamizing, 77 97 91 $43.05 Peter Mihm, King's Grove add, lot 21, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 264 Regular Sesion, December 21, 1899. ' 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. Peter Mihm, King's Grove add, lot 22, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50: 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. Peter ;Mihm, King's Grove add, lot 23, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. Peter Mihm, King's Grove add, lot 24, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. Peter Mihm, King's Grove add, lot 25, 25.5 lin ft curbing, $8.92; 11.33 sq yds guttering, $3.96; 30.80 sq yds macadamizing, $12.32 Wm. Kleis, King's Grove add, lot 26, 44 lin ft curbing, $15.40; 19.55 sq yds guttering, $6.84; 54.00 sq yds macadamizing, $21.60 Wm. Kleis: King's Grove add, lot 27, 50 lin tt curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. Wm. Iileis, King's Grove add, lot 28, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing. $24.44 .. R. M. Kunz, King's Grove add, lot 29, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamizing, $24.44 .. R. M. Kunz, King's Grove add, lot 30, 69 lin ft curbing, $24.15; 30.70 sq yds guttering, $10.74; 107.70 sq yds macadamizing, $43.08 Martin Scheidecker, King's Grove add, lot 31, 69 lin ft curbing, $24.15; 30.70 sq yds guttering, $10.74; 107.70 sq yds macadam- izing, $43.01 Martin Scheidecker, King's Grove add, lot 32, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing, $24.44 Martin Scheidecker, King's Grove add, lot 33, 50 lin ft curbing, $17.50; 22.22 sq yds guttering, $7.77; 61.11 sq yds macadamiz- ing, $24.44 Martin Scheidecker, King's Grove add, lot 34, 26 lin ft curbing, $9.10; 11.55 sq yds guttering, $4.04; 32.63 sq yds macadamiz- ing, $13.05 City of Dubuque, lot 3 of 29, John King's second add, 97.5 lin ft curbing, $34.12: 45.70 sq yds guttering, $15.99: 123.00 sq yds macadamizing, $49.20 49 71 49 71 49 71 49 71 25 20 43 84 49 71 49 71 49 71 77 97 77 97 49.71 49.71 26 19 99 30 Ald. Crawford moved to adopt: Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Crawford, Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. To- tal, 6. Absent-Ald. McLaughlin. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Wales of the finance committee reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque. Gentlemen -Your committee on fi- nance would respectfully report that we have concluded to refund bonds amounting to $13,500 due January 1st, 1900, and that we have advertised for bids for refunding said bonds which bear interest at 6 per cent. per annum and issue bonds for same amount, bear- ing interest at the rate of 4 per cent. and have received bids as follows: Clinton N. Field & Co., New York. one hundred and nine dollars and one tenth. Citizens State Bank Dubuque, $14,- 467.00. C. H. White & Co., New York, one hundred and five dollars and 5-100. First National Bank Dubuque one per cent. premium. We would recommend that the bid of Clinton N. Field & Co , be accepted a 1 that a contract be entered into with the said Clinton N. Field & Co., for said bonds. C. H. BERG, C. E. WALES, RUDOLPH JONES, JOHN FLYNN, Committee. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re- port. Carried by the following vote: Ayes - Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 6. Absent-Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Wales offered the following reso- lution: A resolution to provide for the issu- ance of refunding bonds of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding and ma- turing bonds of said city and reducing the rate of interest thereon. Whereas, the city of Dubuque, Iowa, is justly and legally indebted on its certain valid outstanding bonds in and for the sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars ($13.500) which outstand ing bonds were heretofore legally is- sued by the said city under a resolu- tion duly and legally passed by the city council, and which outstanding bonds bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum and become due and payable on the first day of January 1900, said outstanding bonds having been issued to refund and pay certain other valid outstanding bonds of said cit;; heretofore issued to pay valid indebtedness of said city, contracted and incurred prior to the adoption of Regular Session, December 21, 1899 the present constitution of the state of Iowa and, Whereas, the said outstanding bonds, which so became due on January 1st, 1900, are in all respects regular, legal pal and interest hereof payable at the and valid and the interest thereon has been regularly paid by the said city This bond is one of a series of 14 during all the time they have been bonds of like tenor and amount, except - so outstanding and ing one for $500 numbered from 36 to Whereas, the said bonds can be re- 49 inclusive and aggregating the sum funded at a lower rate of interest and of $13,500, and is issued by the city of to the advantage of the city and it Dubuque pursuant to the provisions being deemed for the public interest to of Section 905 to 911 inclusive, Chapter refund the same and Twelve, Title Five of the Code of Iowa, Whereas, the city of Dubuque has and in conformity with a resolution of full authority, and power, under the the city council of the said city of Du - laws of the state of Iowa to issue bonds buque, dated, duly passed and approved as hereinafter provided to refund the on the 21st day of December A. D. said outstanding bonds so to become 1599. due, now, therefore, It is hereby recited and certified that Be it resolved by the city council of this series of bonds is issued for the the city of Dubuque, Iowa, with more purpose of refunding other valid bonds than two-thirds of the members of of said city, which become due at the said council concurring in such resolu- date hereof and which were heretofore tion as follows: legally issued for the purpose of fund - Section 1.. That there are hereby au- ing and paying valid indebtedness of thorized and directed to be issued by said city legally incurred before the and in behalf of said city of Dubuque, adoption of the present constitution of its refunding bonds according to and the state of Iowa. of the form hereinafter set out to the It is hereby further certified and re - amount of Thirteen thousand five hun- cited. that this series of bonds and dred dollars ($13,500) under date of Jan- the bonds hereby refunded have been nary 22nd, 1900, in denominations of one issued in strict comnliance with and thousand dollars ($1,000) excepting one in conformity to the laws and consti- bond for $500, numbered consecutively, tution of the state of Iowa and that all each payable twenty years from date, acts, conditions and things required to bearing interest at the rate of four be done precedent to end in the is - per cent. net. annum, payable semi- suance of the bonds have been legally annually on the 2nd day of January and and properly had, done, happened and July during said term, said interest to been performed in regular and due be evidenced by forty coupons number- form as required by law, and that due ed from one to forty inclusive, attach- and legal provisions will be made for ed to each of said bonds, both the in- the assessment levy and collection from terest and Principal of said bonds tobe of therto taxabler property of an nof tsaid city tax on aof a sufficient sum to pay the interest on the said series of bonds as the same becomes due and when necessary to provide for the payment of the prin- cipal thereof at maturity. In testimony whereof the said city of Dubuque by its council has caused this bond to be signed by the Mayor of said city and attested by the Rec- order of said city who is in fact city clerk, and the corporate seal of the said city to be attached hereto, and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be si:ned by the said Mayor and attested by said Recorder and the corporate seal of said city to be attached thereto, all as of date of the 2nd day of January, A. D., 1900. (Seal) 21;7) of January and of July in each year, as evidenced by, and on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both the princi- payable in lawful money of the Un States of America. The said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and at- tested by the recorder of said city un- der its corporate seal and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be sign- ed by the Mayor and attested by the Recorder of said city, with the seal of the city affixed. Section 2. That said bonds shall be substantially in the following form sub- ject to the necessary changes as to numbers, maturities of coupons and other necessary variations therein: UNITED STATESC OFt3A RICA. State of Iowa of Dubuque. City of Dubuque Four per cent. Refunding Bond. No. $1.000. Know all of Dg Dubuque in n by these the state of at the city of Iowa, is justly indebted dae andfor foo value l to received hereby P bearer the principal sum of theef United dollars, lawful money States 1920, er with r interest the donsy of said Januaryy,, sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of four per cent. per annum payable semi-annually on the 2nd day Mayor of the City of Dubuque. Attest. City Recorder of the City of Dubuque. (Form of Coupon) 820.00 The Treasurer of No theof Du- buque, Iowa, will pay to the bearer, Twenty Dollars. on the first day of at the 2 Regular Session, December 21., 1899, in lawful money of the United States, for the semi-annual interest on the said city's refunding bond dated January 2nd, 1900, No. ---. (Seal.) Mayor of the City of Dubuque. Attest. City Recorder of the City of Dubuque. And said bonds and each of them, shall bear, and have printed on the hack thereof a true and complete copy of this resolution, which resolution shall constitute a contract between said city and the holders of said bonds. When said bonds shall have been exe- cuted as aforesaid they shall be de- Iivered to the treasurer of said city. who shall register then as provided by Sec- tion 909 of the Code of Iowa, and he shall certify on the hack of each bond as follows: "This bond duly and properly regist- ered in my office this' day of Treasurer of the city of Dubuque." Section 3. The said bonds shall be exchanged or substituted for the said outstanding six per cent. bonds which become due on January first. 1900. but in no case at less than par value there- of, nor shall the said bonds authorized by this resolution be used for any other purpose than for refunding the said described outstanding six per cent. bonds. Sec. 4. The city council of the city of Dubuque shall each year at the time of levying the city taxes caused to be assessed and levied upon all the property within the said city of Dubuque subject to taxation, a sufficient tax to meet the payment of the interest on the bonds hereby authorized to be issued as said interest from time to time shall become due. Should the city councill fail to make or provide for the levy of a sufficient tax to pay such interest cou- pons or any or either of them, or the payment of the pincipal when it be- comes due and the same shall have been presented to the City Treasurer and payment of any such bond or coupon be refused, the owner thereof may file a transcript of such bonds and coupons or any of them with the auditor of the state of Iowa, and the State board of review of said state may at its regular annual session levy or cause to be levied a tax sufficient to pay such bonds and coupons or either or any of them as authorized by and in accordance with Section 1381 of the Code of Iowa. In such cases made and provided. Ald. Duggan moved to adopt the reso- 1l tion. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Fylnn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 7. Nays.—None. Approved Dec. 21, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor, Attest, L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street committee. reported as follows: The claim of Alfred Cartingy for cutting weeds on Washington and Elm streets and 124 lots abutting same be- tween 23d and 27th streets, has been examined by the committee on streets, and payment recommended for $35.00, the same to be paid from the general fund. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee on Streets. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford. chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Tour committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. C. H. Meyer, et al., in relation to smoke and soot from the smoke stack of the Dubuque Street Railway company's power house respectfully reports that an officer of the said company states to your committee that it will he but a short time until the so-called nuis- ance will be abated. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Chas. Beyer asking that the taxes for 1898 against lot 6 Hamburg add, be caneelrcl, for the rea- son that the city has macadam stored on said lot: P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jno. Leicht in rela- tion to assessments for street improve- ment abutting his property. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car- ried. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of the members of the police department asking for an increase of salary. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Edw. W. Herron asking that his salary be increased from flfty to sixty dollars per month, said in- crease to commence on January 1, 1900. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also recommends that the petition of Christian Jungk, asking that water mains be ordered in alley between Iowa and Clay streets and 16th and 17th streets be referred to the city attor- ney. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Regular Session, December 21, 1899. Also recommend that the street com- missioner be instructed to measure Mr. P. Quinn's, Sr., macadam and report to the council the amount. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Also report in favor of paying the bill of Alphons Matthews, moneys ad- vanced and paid expenses in water works litigation $159.35. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the Star Electric Light Co. be authorized to put in an incandescent electric light in the 11th street arch, at an expense not to exceed $9.00 per year. Carried. Ald. Flynn stated that the roof and gutter on the 9th street engine house needed repairing. Ald. Crawford moved that the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings be authorized to make the necessary repairs. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that he had or- dered the gathering of the garbage stopped on Dec. 10, 1899. Ald. Flynn moved that the owner of the east 40 feet of city lot 84 be grant- ed until April 1, 1900 to lay sidewalk in front of his lot on the south side of Second street, between Locust and Main streets. Carried. Mayor Berg presented a bill of Dr. S. S. Lindsay for professional services rendered to Wm. Quinn, fireman, who was injured by a street car running into the hook and ladder truck ot the fire department amounting to $80.00. Ald. Frith moved that the bill be re- ferred to the committee on fire. Car- ried. ( Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total 5. Nays—Aids. Flynn and Wales. Total 2. Ald. Wales moved that the mayor be authorized to have a policeman sta- tioned at the Grand Opera House dur- ing shows and that no additional policeman be employed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 4. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Mc- Laughlin. Total 3. On motion the council adjourned un- til January 4, 1900. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved by the city council: That City Engineer Blake be and is hereby instructed to make a plat showing all water mains that have been laid on ground, other than streets and alleys give number and description of lots. Plat to be made at once and given to B. W. Lacey, chairman of sub -commit- tee. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Flynn offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the engineer and helper of the steam roller be laid off January 1, 1900, and building closed up. The street commissioner to be in- structed to give them other work when he can use them. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso- lution. Ald. Crawford moved that the reso- lution be referred to the committee of the whole, and they report at the next meeting of the council. Ald. Crawford's motion carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, UST OF CITY ' RRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1st, 1899. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of November, _1899: Name. For What Purpose. Amt. C. H. Berg, salary for mayor $116 70 H. B. Gniffke, salary as treas- urer H. B. Gniffke, salary as assist- 75 00 ant treasurer L. M. Langstaff, salary as re- 1 corder 16 70 F. B. Hoffman, salary as auditor 100 00 E. O. Duncan, salary as assessor 150125 00 00 T. H. Duff, salary as attorney Edw. Morgan, salary as marshal 83 30 Joe Reinfried, salary as fire 100 00 chief Wm. Fitzpatrick, salary as com- mittee clerk Wm. A. Kaep, salary as clerk in 60 00 recorder's office • • Edw. Herron, salary as clerk in 50 00 treasurer's office Edw. C. Blake, salary as engi- 125 00 neer E. S. Hyde, salary as assistant 91 70 engineer 40 70 P. Cassidy, chainman James Boyce, salary as street 00 commissioner 1000 3 30 Wm. Hippman, electrician 83 00 Otto Rath, market master 40 00 T. Cahill, park custodian • • ... 40 00 J. Kien, park custodian 133 30 26ff List of Warrants. E. A. Guilbert, health officer .., 50 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman, 60 00 Nic Offerman, pound master ,. 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00 L. 'Zeidman, sidewalk inspector , 50 00 R. F. Curran, wharf master 20 00 M. Eitel, fireman 60 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 00 J. Flynn, fireman .. . 60 00 J. Wilt: e, fireman 60 00 G. Beyer, firema'. 50 00 A. Ileer, fireman 50 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00 J. Daly, fireman 60 00 J. Barnes, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 60 00 J. Schonbecger, fireman 60 00 W. Ducey, fireman 60 00) M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 T. Mohan, fireman ., , 50 00 C. Clark, fireman 46 50 D. Ahearn, fireman 60 00 G. FIelmich, fireman 60 Oar J. McFarland, fireman 50 00 1). Kennedy, fireman 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 F. Murphy, fireman 50 00 W. Quinn, fireman 50 00 M. Byrne, Dreman 50 00 J. Jones, fireman 50 00 J. Murphy, fireman 60 00 A. :McDonald, firrman 75 00 F. cla.nahl, fireman 60 00 T. Flynn, fireman 60 00 (:. Gherke, fireman 50 00 T. Kenneally, fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 60 00 W. McBride, fireman 50 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 W. Weston, fireman 50 00 G. Burkel, police 56 60 Nic Brand, police 59 90 Ben Busse, police 56 60 M. Craugh, police 54 95 Jas. Carter, police 59 90 Jas. Clune, police 56 60 Jno. Cody, police P. Dumphy, police H. Donlin, police F. Devaney, police Jas. Flynn, police J. Fitzpatrick, police P. Hanlon, police W. Hennessey, Police M. Kilty, police Vmil Kahn, police J. Loetscher, police J. J. Murphy, police Jno. Murphy, police P. McColiins, .police P. McInerney, police Jno. Moore, police P. Muligan, police D. Norton, police M. O'Connor, police Aug. Pfeffer, police P. Powers, police Tom Reilly, police Jas. Rooney, police J. Raesli, police P. Scharff, police Al. T. Scherr, police 56 60 56 60 56 GO 50 00 7.o o0 :,5 20 56 60 58 25 50 00 50 00 56 60 78 00 56 60 59 90 56 60 60 00 56 60 56 60 59 90 59 90 56 60 72 00 56 60 75 85 59 90 54 95 P. Sullivan, police 58 25 P. Sutton, police 56 60 J. L. Sullivan, police 56 60 J. Tierney. police 56 60 J. Tyler, police 56 60 T. Sweeney. police 59 90 Mrs. Kate llibbe, police matron 30 00 Miss 13. Brennan, police matron 30 00 Jno. Devine, special police .,10 00 Paul Nowashek, special police 10 00 J. C. Smith. special police 13 00 1'. Zillig. special police 12 00 Then. Ganahl, special police 13 00 frank Devaney, special police 12 00 I.ABOlt ON S'IRIGETS F1t1)M OCFO- I3ER 1, 1899. TO OCTOBER 31, 1899. Earnest Amenda, labor $ 15 90 John Burns, labor 11 50 ,1-,e Bawl:linger, labor 14 85 Paul Becker, labor 28 70 ,1. Rracirtenbach, labor 15 90 uran.lenberg, labor 12 15 1-'iul Becker, labor 28 70 Fred Buckle, labor 14 85 c'has Buse, labor 17 90 Joe Brecon, Labor 35 10 t:,:eV-e Bastian, labor 28 35 Peter Carney, labor .. 21 60 rVe Cain, labir 1 35 Mil:.- Cain, labor 18 25 Jol::.r Callahan, labor 2 70 Martin Carmody, labor 28 70 Mn Cra-han, labor 9 45 Dace Crotty. labor 7 45 Jahn Corbett, labor 26 00 C. Campmann, labor 13 50 \\"m. Carberry, labor 16 20 J is. Connelly, labor 35 10 Mike Dunnigan, labor 21 95 Pat Dempsey, labor .. 31 40 Steve Dorsey, labor 34 50 J fin Egan, labor 14 S5 Mat Fagan, labor 15 90 Pat Furey, labor 10 80 Mat Fetschel, labor 27 70 Wm. Flanagan, labor 15 90 Yat Fenelon, labor 35 10 John Farley, labor 40 00 IL Feick, engineer 75 00 N. Frith. stoker roller 50 00 John Girsa, labor 14 85 Peter Guenther, labor 6 10 Joe Guenther, labor 17 90 Henry Galle, labor 14 55 Mike Gera, labor 11 15 Geo. Gau, labor 2 70 Joe Grabb, labor 25 65 B. Glass, labor 20 25 Chas Grunzig, labor 1 35 C. Gantenbein, labor 40 00 John Hafey, labor 15 20 John Hanley, labor 12 15 Mike Hoapes, labor 23 25 J. Hanson, labor 2 00 Fred Hardt, labor 9 80 Wm. Hogs, labor 16 90 A. Henderson, labor 16 90 Aug Haffman, labor 23 25 Nick Hermam, labor 2 05 M. Hardie, labor 3510 John Hayes, labor 40 00 Jas. Hird, labor 36 00 Adam Jaeger, labor 9 80 1 L List of Warrants. J. Jellison, labor Andy Johnson, labor „ Aug J.iss, labor Jahn Jearing, labor Peter Jacobs, labor Hubert Kehr, labor Wm. Kronfeld't, labor Fred Krueger, labor Paul Krocheski, labor Asa Knapp, labor John Kelly, labor John Kinsella. labor Pat Kenneally, labor Mat Klein, labor John Lavery. labor John Laughlin, labor Mike Lavin, labor Thos. Loner_gan, labor }I. Lembkee, labor .. Frank Lass'once, labor John Leid1nger, labor 11. Lonregan, labor Mike .Murphy, labor A. 51ullholand, labor Ed. Malloy, labor 1:obt, Mack, labor Tom 3dulqueeney, labor John McCarron, labor Mike 5l Ke,own, labor Wm. McDermott. labor 10 80 Mike 51 Mahan, labor 11 James Mot'arran, labor 14 Janes McDonald, labor 18 B. McCormack, labor 11 Felix McBride, labor 35 Robt 'McGovern. labor 40 Phil Newman, labor 35 Pat O'Brien, Tabor 6 James O'Donnell, labor 5 Felix Oswald, labor 13 Wm. O'Brien, labor 40 Jas. Purcell, labor 16 John Pfeiffer, labor 19 Frank Prestley, labor 2 Wm. Qunlan, labor 23 Tom Reilly, labor 10 Chas. Reilly, lab n' 24 30 Phil Reddin. labor 20 95 Geo. Tienk, labor 15 20 T. Rada.man, labor 11 50 Joe Rooney, labor 39 00 M. S. Sughrue, labor 2 70 Mike Shea, labor 2 70 John Stevens, labor 12 155 Dan Sheehan, labor 33 50 Tom Smith, labor 15 20 Frank Scherr, labor 28 05 Geo. Sutter, tabor Sam Smith, labor Peter Stoffer, labor John Spies, 'labor Simon Schaetzle, labor B. Schnee, labor 13. Sch.nee, labor Wm. Schwagler, labor John Schemmell, labor James Smith, labor Lew Smith Wm. Sheridan, labor Landon Taylor, labor Richard Turner, labor Jahn Welsh, labor Peter Welst, labor .Louis Wachinheim, labor 1 00 9 45 15 55 24 30 2 05 10 80 12 50 John Wolff, labor Anton Wondrachek, labor Wm. Weber, labor Con Welsh, labor Wm. Wearmouth, labor Wenzel Zachena, labor Fred Zurshoff, labor 17 90 Geo. Zumhoff, labor 27 35 Ike Beekman, team 11 85 Ed Burns, team 7 10 40 00 40 00 25 00 9 45 6 75 31 75 27 00 23 30 12 55 R. Burns, team Chas. Cain. team ., Steve Cagey, team Mrs. Costello. team Joe Calvert, team John Calvert, team B. Cain, labor John Evans, team 1 om Elliott, team 1;r1 Frith, team 9 00 Ai, Gil it enbein, team Se 10 Ni, k car -gory, tears 15 20 John Ho(Tinier, team 2 00 •,1'.1 .. Hannon. team 24 30 11. '. 1iin g, term 17 50 J-„hri Long. team 26 70 Pat Unction. team 2 7 Frank Mathis, team 25 00 50 20 90 85 10 00 10 7:) 40 8.5 00 90 95 70 30 15 Jeff McGrtth, team Chas. McGovern, team Carson McElrath, team J. J. McCollins, team Fred ( )ldham, team Goo. Reynold,•. team Henry Schmidt, team Frank Seige, team .. D. Southerland, team Ed Seeley, team Sa.m Sno igrass. team Janes Tobin. team M. Theise, team Johan Terry, team Otto Turner, team Mrs. Welsh. team Frank Winters, team John Williams, team 5 00 51. Zagg, team 22 50 GRADING STREETS FROM OCTO- BER 1. 1S99. TO OCTOBER 31, 1S99, INCLUSIVE. Tom Adaman, labor $ 14 65 Torn Butcher, labor 11 25 John Bohn, labor 36 25 Peter Carney, labor 2 70 Steve Cain, labor. 2 70 -Wm. Caughlin, labor .... 14 20 10 80 Denis Corcoran, labor 12 15 R. Coffery 25 35 Frank Correll, labor 70 This. Callahan, labor 14 85 M. Carnaody, labor 9 15 John Daugherty, labor 11 25 John Driscoll. labor 15 55 Ben Fern, labor 8 45 C. Geimer. labor .. 710 Joe Geisland, labor 6 10 Joe Gavin, labor 'oma Hackney. labor J. Hanson, labor John haste, labor Thos. Kennelly, labor Rob*. Love, labor Robt. Love, labor 2119 13 50 5 40 14 20 9 45 2 70 20 95 22 30 55 25 53 75 40 00 28 15 3 75 10 65 3 75 19 40 25 65 30 65 35 00 39 40 1 25 28 75 31 90 48 75 3S 1 33 15 18 75 10 65 60 00 2,” 15 40 00 44 40 10 00 26 90 24 40 2 50 16 25 20 00 17 50 17 50 32 50 51 90 23 15 11 90 3 15 40 00 32 75 15 90 14 85 10 50 9 15 3 75 12 40 1 35 21 60 10 65 15 00 29 00 24 75 27 00 19 60 23 00 2 70 33 00 3 75 8 45 270 Pat Moran, labor List of Warrants. 18 Joe Marteneck, labor 12 1 33 31 8 25 2 14 32 28 3 14 is 57 1 B. McCormack, labor James McCracken, labor Jas. McKernan, labor John Nutz, labor Mike O'Meargher, labor Jas. Purcell, labor Jas. Powers, labor John Parker, labor Pat Quinn, Sr.. labor Pat Ryan, labor ... Mike Sullivan, labor Nick Sweeney, labor John A. Spear, labor Thos. Smith, labor Dan Sheehan, labor Janes Smith. labor Lew Smith, labor 1 16 10 Wm. Wearmouth, labor 14 Mrs. Ike Brown, team 17 Joe Calvert, 'team 2 Mrs. Castello, team 2 M. Hannon, team 2 Wm. Howard, team 54 Mat Kenneally, team 48 Rafe Kenneally, team 48 Mike Kenneally, team 32 John Long, team 2 Frank Mathis, team 2 Freed Oldham, team 2 James Tobin, team 31 Mike Thelse, team 2 Frank Winters, team 2 Mrs. Welsh, team 25 90 85 35 40 50 65 65 70 20 65 35 40 85 25 1. 90 80 20 50 50 50 50 40 75 75 60 50 50 50 90 50 50 00 LABOR ON SEWERS FROM OCTO- BER 1. 1899, TO OCTOBER 31, 1899, INCLUSIVE. E•d. Brunskill, labor $ 41 60 Sam Elmer, labor 38 40 R. T. Eddy, labor 50 00 Pat Fury, Jr., labor 39 20 Morris Flynn, lalbor 40 00 Chas Hillary, labor 39 20 Joe Lowrie, labor 39 20 James Ryan, labor 41 60 Thos. Young, labor 41 60 T. F. •Maguire, asst. atty 60 00 Gott. Gmehle, asst. assessor 75 00 Jos. J. Murphy, asst. assessor75 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners14 60 Alphons Matthews, balance due waiter works case 1000 00 J. C. Longueville, bal due water works case 500 00 C. E. Wales, salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 Rudolph Jones, salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 Jas. T. Duggan, salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 P. H. McLaughlin, salary quar- terly as alderman 100 00 Jno. Flynn, salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 P. W. Crawford, salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 E. E. Frith, Salary quarterly as alderman 100 00 Palmer, Winall & Co., state- ments for appraisers in water Works ease 42 00 Palmer, Wineall & Co., blank sta- tionery for various offices 35 75. Harger & Blish, stationery for various offices 7 05 Dubuque Walter Co., water for city hall 20 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap and matches 1 40 Phil Pier, wood for police de- partm.enit 16 75 W. B. Baumgartner. hardware1 25• Key City Gas Co., gas for veri- ous offices 34 50 Dempsey & Garvey, plumbing at city hall .. 13 55 Peter Lang, hardware for Jack- son park 50 Rump'f-Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for 1st Street ward scales 12 15 Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at city hall 7 85 Key C"lity Gas Co., gas. $5.20 and coke f,hr road dept. $61.65 66 85 W. B. Baume,+artner. hardware for road department 11 95 Christman & Healey. hardware for road department 14 80 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing for road department 1 60 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road department 39 85 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, railing around 11th street elevator75 00 Key City Iron Works, repairing steam roller 21 40 Wm. Marshall, repairing steam roller .. 4 70 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., gasket for steam roller.... 1 30 B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools for road departmeentt 4 30- Fred PFred Scehloz & Son, repairing tools for road department 12 50 Chas. Matz, repairing tools for road department 2 60 Aug. Roeber, rock for road de- partment 5 40 Harger & Blish, stationery for road department 1 60 John Malone, macadam for road department 12 26 Mike Cain, macadam for road de- partment 21 50 Jno. Whalen, macadam for road departmenit 33 70• Ross McMahon, macadam for road department 13 16 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department 18 50 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing tar fire department 60 J. F. Ris & Bro., hardware for fire department 8 85 Standard 011 Ca., oil for fire de- partment 8 85 Dempsey & Garvey, plumbing at central engine house 2 8o - Phil Pier, coal for fire depart - merit 95 05 Key City Gas Co., gas $82.60, and coke $10.20, for fire depart- ment 92 80 Dubuque Rubber and Belting List of Warrants. —o 1 0 ., repairing Chemical hose2 00 Dubuque Water Ce., 338 hy- drants for October 1408 33 Iiey City Gas., Co., gas far police department 38 90 Jno. Jehring, sawing and piling wood for police department 6 25 Jno. Huffineier, clay far patrol house 1 25 Jas. M. Sullivan, 2 pair rubber boots for sewer department9 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole covers and rims 28 00 Klauer Mnfg.. Co.. drinking cups and chains for fountains 8 05 Globe Journal, official printing for October .. 50 00 7 he Herald, official printing for October 50 00 Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for October 60 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for October 25 00 Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights..1,798 20 Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for Oct.... 166 67 Key City Gas Co., gas for en- gineer's office ... 5 20 John Schrupp, rodman engineer's office 40 00 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for October193 45 O'Farrell and Norton, estimate on Bee Branch sewer 1 000 00 Steuck & Linehan. improvement of Lincoln avenue 553 20 H. B. Gniffke, ref. exc. permits55 00 H. B. Gniffke, interest on war- rants 1 367 67 H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps .. 10 00 H. B. Gniffke, telegrams 1 19 H. B. Gniffke, N. Y. exchange on bonds . .. 16 47 LABOR ON STREETS FOR FIRST HALF OF NOVEMBER, 1899. 1 35 10 SO 6 75 John Burns, laborer Joe Blocklinger, laborer Paul Becker, laborer Paul Braclenberger, laborer ...... 12 15 6 75 1 35 6 10 4 05 16 20 6 75 11 85 9 45 6 75 70 70 12 15 16 20 2 70 9 45 8 10 1 35 16 20 1 35 14 20 9 45 18 00 4 05 4 05 8 10 J. Brachtenbach. laborer .. Fred. Budde, laborer ... Chas. Busse, laborer C. Burkhardt. laborer Joe Brown, laborer Steve Bastain, laborer Mike Cain. laborer John Callahan, laborer Wm. Caughlin, laborer.. Peter Carney, laborer Jerry Cahill, laborer Mat Crahan, laborer Martin Carmody, laborer Dave Crotty, laborer John Corbett, laborer Chas. Campmann, laborer Wm. Carberry, laborer Jas. Connelly, laborer John Daugherty, laborer M. Dunnigan, laborer Pat. Dempsey, laborer Steve Dorsey, laborer John Eagan, laborer Pat. Furey, laborer Mat Fetschel, laborer Wm. Flanagan, laborer Christ. Froes, laborer Pat Fenelon, laborer John Farley, laborer Joe Gavin, laborer John Girst, laborer Geo. Gau, laborer Mike Gira, laborer .... J. M. Garrison, laborer Joe Gunther, laborer John Geary, laborer Peter Gunther, laborer Joe Grab, laborer B. Glass, laborer C. Gantenbein, laborer John Hanley, laborer John Heaffy, laborer Tom Hackney, laborer Fre,l. Hardt, laborer Win. Huss, laborer N. Horman, laborer M. I3ardie, laborer Janes Hird, laborer John Hayes, laborer Jess Jellison, laborer ......... Andy Johnson, laborer Aug. Jass, laborer John Jearing, laborer Peter Jacobs, laborer Hubert Kehr John Kaste, laborer John Kelly, laborer Paul Krookesky, laborer Jacob Kraus, laborer John Kinsella, laborer.. Pat Kenneally, laborer Mat Klein, laborer Mike Lavin, laborer Tom Lonergan, laborer Wm. Luke, laborer Chas. Leirheimer, laborer F. Lassance, laborer Robert Love, laborer H. Lembke, laborer M. Lonergan, laborer Robert Love, laborer Pat Moran, laborer :Wilco '.Iurphy, laborer EC1 Siall.y, laborer Roht i\Iac'k, laborer Tom Mulqueeney, laborer Joe Marteneck, laborer M. McKeown, laborer James McCarron, laborer .. D. McCinness, laborer James McDonnell, laborer Pat McPoland, laborer B. McCormack, laborer Felix McBride, laborer Phil. Newman, laborer Pat O'Brien, laborer Felix Oswald, laborer Wm. O'Brien. labor James Pursell, labor James Powers, labor John Pfeiffer, labor Frank Prestley, labor Tom Reilly, labor James Ryan, labor Jim Reed, labor Chas. Reilley, labor Theo. Radaman, labor Joe Rooney, labor 9 45 4 05 14 85 20 00 2 70 3 40 9 45 7 45 1 35 4 05 4 05 1 35 10 80 16 20 20 00 6 10 11 85 5 40 5 40 7 45 13 50 9 45 15 00 20 00 8 00 8 10 4 05 8 80 13 50 14 85 12 85 7 45 2 05 S 80 20 00 20 00 12 50 17 55 4 75 1 35 8 10 6 75 4 75 5 40 16 20 6 75 1 35 6 40 9 45 9 45 9 45 4 75 8 10 9 45 4 05 9 45 9 45 9 45 16 20 4 00 4 05 5 40 20 00 1 05 11 85 8 10 16 20 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 05 18 00 27.E List of Warrants. Mike Shea, labor 6 75 Dan Sheehan, labor 19 50 N. Sweeney, labor 135 Tom Smith, labor 13 20 John Stevens, labor 1 35 Frank Scherr, labor 11 50 Geo. Sutter, labor ... 2 70 Peter Stoller, labor 2 70 Wm. Sc•hwagler, tabor 3 10 B. Schnee, labor 8 10 Simon Schaetzle, labor ... 6 75 James Smith, labor 4 75 Henry Stevens, labor 4 05 John Schemmell, labor ..... 5 40 Wm. Sheridan, labor 20 00 Landon Taylor, labor 5 40 John Welsh, Bluff street, labor 2 70 John Welsh, W. 5th St., labor 9 45 Peter Wiest, labor 11 85 Anton Wondrachek, labor 9 45 N. Wampack, labor 10 80 Wenzel Zachena, labor 8 80 Geo. Zumhoff, labor 19 50 Ike Beekman, teams 17 50 R. Burns, teams 7 50 Mrs. I. Brown, teams 1 25 Steve Casey, teams 25 00 Albert Conrad, teams 7 50 John Calvert, teams 25 00 Joe Calvert, teams 7 50 Frank Cain, teams 7 50 Pat Clancy, teams 2 50 Tom Elliott, teams 7 50 Ed. Frith, teams 30 00 M. Gentenbein, teams 5 00 Nick Gregory, teams 30 00 John Huffmeir, teams .. 17 50 Tom Hinds, teams 10 00 H. C. King, teams 20 00 John Long, teams 27 50 Frank Mathis, teams 12 50 Jeff. McGrath, teams 12 50 Carson McElrath, teams 10 00 J. J. McCollins, teams 15 00 Fred Oldham, teams 6 25 Geo. Reynolds, teams 12 50 Henry Schmidt, teams 20 00 D. Southerland, teams 15 00 Frank Seige, teams 5 00 Ed. Seeley, teams 15 00 Jas. Tobin, teams 23 75 Mike Thois, teams 17 75 John Terry, teams 17 50 Otto Turner, teams . 8 75 Mrs. Welsh, teams 2 50 John Williams, teams 2 50 M. Zogg, teams 5 00 GRADING STREETS FOR FIRST HAL FOF NOVEMBER, 1899. R. Caffery, laborer $ 9 45 D. Corcoran, laborer 9 45 Steve Cain, laborer 10 80 Wm. Caughlin, laborer 4 05 Pete Carney, laborer 12 85 J. Hanson, laborer 8 00 Tom Kenneally, laborer 14 25 Pat Moran, laborer 3 40 Jas. McKernan, laborer 12 i5 John Parker, laborer 12 15 Jas. Pursell, laborer .. 12 85 Pat. Quinn, laborer .. 12 85 Pat Ryan, laborer . 12 85 John A. Spear, laborer 13 60 Mrs. I. Brown, teams 7 60• Wm Howard, teams 7 50 Rafe Kenneally, teams 23 75 Mat Kenneally, teams 7 60 Jeff McGrath, teams ... 15 00 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR FIRST HALF OF NOVEMBER, 1899. $ 19 20 25 00 17 60 19 20 19 20 17 60 16 80 19 20 19 20 2 50 1 25 4 40 Ed. Brunskill, laborer R. T. Eddy, laborer Pat Furey, Jr., laborer Sam Elmer, laborer M. Flynn, laborer Chas. Hillary, laborer Joe Lowrie, laborer Jas. Ryan, laborer Thos. Young, laborer I. Beekman, teams J. Huffmeir, teams John Long, teams Jas. A. Hayes, judgment and court costs in case of Frohs vs. City 662 05 C. T. Jones, clerk supreme court in case of Frohs vs. City 22 00 J. Reily, personal damages sus- tained by the running away of fire department horse .. 15 00 J. F. Meukle, macadam 24 00. G. B. Baumgartner, brick mason work at Central engine house. 112 05 Linehan & Molo, fire brick and c!ay at Central engine house 28 65 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of No- vember, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. NOTICE '4.O TAILORS. Sealed proposals will be received by W. F. Fitzpatrick, committee clerk, at mayor's office, up to 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday, December 16, 1899, for fur- nishing the policemen of the city of Dubuque with winter overcoats, the said coats to be made of blue Chin- chella, lined with wool; samples of cloth and linings must accompany each bid. Specification relating to buttons to be used, cut of coat and payment for same, etc., on file with the city committee clerk. P. H. M'LAUGHLIN, Chairman Committee on Police. 12-16-99. NOTICE OF SALE OF REFUNDING BONDS. Recorder's office, Dubuque, Iowa, Deo. 12th, 1899.. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Dec. 21st, 1899, for the sale of Dubuque city re- funding bonds, as follows: Bonds in the sum of $13,500 dated January 1st, 1900, and running for the period of twenty (20) years. All of said bonds will draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum pay- able semi-annually. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of the city of Dubuque. 12-12-to-20th-inst. Official Notices. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for curbing and pav- ing with brick Levee Front from High Bridge avenue to Wall street, Steuck & Linehan, contractors, amount of spe- cial assessments, $3,935.97, against the property abutting upon and along said improvement, as provided by law, at a session of the city council to be held on the 21st day of December, 1899. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the city recorder of the city of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said improve- ment has been made, and the separate lots or parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the names of the owners thereof as far as practica- ble and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessments and said plat and schedule, must file his or their objections in writing with the city re- corder of said city of Dubuque on or before said session of the city council to be held on the 21st day of December, 1899, or to appear at said session of the council to show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be lev- ied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 12-13-3t Recorder, City of Dubuque. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. To amend Section Twelve (12) of Chapter Twenty -Seven (27 of the Re- vised Ordinance of 1893 entitled "An Ordinance in Relation to Licenses," and to reduce the amount required to be and for licenses for the keeping of billiards, pigeon hole and pool tables from Ten dollars to Five dollars each, per annum. Be it, ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section Twelve (12) of Chapter Twenety Seven (27) of the Revised Ordinance of 1893, the same being an ordinate entitled "An Ordi- nance in Relation to Licenses," be and is hereby repealed, and the following enacted in lieu thereof, to -wit: Section 12. No person shall keep any billiard table, pigeon hole table, pool table or any table to be used in any game similar thereto, or any bowl- ing or ten pin alley for hire or gain, di- rectly or indirectly received, without a license therefore, under a penalty of Five dollars for each game played thereon, for which pay or gain is re- ceived. A. There shall be taxed and col- lected for a license to keep biliard, pool or pigeon hole tables, tables used in games, similar thereto, the sum of Five dollars for each table per annum, and for a license to keep a Ten pin or bowling alley the sum of Five dollars per annum. B. No keeper of any billiard, pool or pigeon hole table, or any table used in any game similar, or any ten pin, or bowling alley, shall suffer or per- mit any minor or habitual drunkard, to fr ,uent or loiter about the premises occupied by hint, nor sell or deliver to a minor liquors, or permit or suffer any riotous or disorderly conduct on the premises, under a penalty of not less than Three nor more than Twenty dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. The provision of this ordin- ance shall be retroctive in effect and be applicable from the commencement of the current license year. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Passed December 7th, 1899. Approved December 8th, 1899. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph D. 15th, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 12-15-1t. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks as follows: 12 feet wide south side of Second street between Locust and Main street abutting east 40 feet of city lot 84, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted Dec. 7, 1899. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 12-14-10t. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS. Notice is hereby given to all concern- ed, that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the curbing, gutter- ing and macadamizing of Grove street from lot 21, John King's add No. 2. to Broadway extension, Steuck & Line- han, contraotbrs, amount of special as- sessment $1,082.94, against the prop- erty abutting upon and along said im- provement, as provided by law at a session of the council to be held on the 21st day of December, 1899. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the city recorder's office of said city of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said improvement has . been made, and the separate lots or parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the names of the owners 274 Official Notices. thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground which plat and schedule is subject to public inspec- tion. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessments and said plat and schedule must file his or -their objections in writing with the city recorder of said city of Dubuque oil or before said session of the city council to be held on the 21st jay of December. 1899. or t? appear at said session of the council to shoe cause if any y nr have. why said assessment should n t be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder of the City of Dubuque. 12-13-3t. NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:3t o'clock, Thursday, December 7th, 1899, for building two bridges, according to plans and speci- fications on file in my office. A certi- fied check . ut $50.00 will be required with each bid. Bids will be received on both iron and wood structures. E. C. BLAKE, 12-1- 7t. City Engineer. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Recorder's Office, Nov. 27, 1899. Sealed proposals for bids will be re- ceived at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., Dec. 7th, 1899, for the use of the ice harbor for skating rink purposes for the winter of 1899 and 1900. the rink to be managed under the control of the police department. A certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank mus: accompany each bid as a guaratee that a cotract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 11-12 to Dec. 6. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'cock p. m. Dec. 21, 1899, for constructing a stone arch sewer in Couler Creek from the C. M. & St. Paul Railway track to Garfleld avenue, requiring approximately the following: 1,500 cubic yards of masonry. The contractor to do all excavating necessary to do contemplated work, re- store surface of streets to their original condition, including curbing guttering and macadamizing and refill in behind wall to full height of same. Contractor to have surplus material. Ali in accordance with plans and speci- fications now on file in the office of the elity recoraer. All work subject to the inspection and rejection of the street committee and the engineer in charge. All work to be completed on or before May 1. 1900. Bidders to state the price per cubic yard for masonry. A certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque bank roust accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract w111 be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder of City of Dubuque. 12-14-to-21st-inst. NOTICE TO HAT AND ('Al' DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received by W. F. Fitzpatrick. committee clerk, at mayor's office up to 2 o'clock p. in. Saturday. December 16th, 1399, for furnishing the police department of Dubuque with "Chicago Style" police minter caps. Sample of cap required now at office of Committee Clerk Fits • - Patrick. P. H. M'LAUGHLIN, Chairman Committee on Police. 12-16-99. End of Book No. 29 December 21, 1899